The aim of the Handbooks in Economics series is to produce Handbooks for various branches of economics, each of which is a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for use by professional researchers and advanced graduate students. Each Handbook provides self-contained surveys of the current state of a branch of economics in the form of chapters prepared by leading specialists on various aspects of this branch of economics. These surveys summarize not only received results but also newer developments, from recent journal articles and discussion papers. Some original material is also included, but the main goal is to provide comprehensive and accessible surveys. The Handbooks are intended to provide not only useful reference volumes for professional collections but also possible supplementary readings for advanced courses for graduate students in economics. KENNETH
We are indebted to the many colleagues who have directly and indirectly contributed to this Handbook. Michael Intriligator was centrally involved in initiating the volume. Our distinguished contributors responded willingly and enthusiastically to our various comments and suggestions and were a pleasure to work with. Colleagues whom we have worked with on a variety of defense economics issues include Jon Cauley, John A.C. Conybeare, Walter Enders, John F. Forbes, Nick Hooper, Harvey Lapan, Dwight Lee, Stephen Martin and James Murdoch. Typing and correcting manuscripts requires care and patience. Roberta Blackburn, Margaret Cafferky, Anne Hrbek, Eileen Mericle and Sue Streeter excelled themselves in producing the final version of the manuscript. Our thanks also to the staff at North-Holland. At a personal level, we owe much to the support of our wives (Winifred and Jeannie) and our children (Cecilia, Lucy, Adam and Tristan) . Keith Hartley's research was supported in part by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Leverhulme Trust. York, England Ames, Iowa May 1 995
Keith Hartley Todd Sandler
University of York TODD SANDLER
Iowa State University
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. A brief history of the field 3. On the nature of defense economics 4. Importance of defense economics today 5 . Organization of the book References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
2 2 3 4 6 7 8 11
Hartley and T Sandler
This chapter defines defense economics and indicates how it differs from other subfields of economics. The nature and topics of defense economics are presented. A brief history of the field is also reviewed. The current importance of defense economics in the post-cold war era is discussed. Finally, the organization of the book and its component chapters are presented.
alliance burden sharing, arms races, arms trade, contract design, conversion, disarmament, discretionary budget, econometrics, externality, game theory, history of defense economics, industrial policies, insurrections, military manpower, Nash equilibrium, procurement, public choice, public goods
Ch. 1: Introduction
1. Introduction
Defense economics applies the tools of economics to the study of defense and defense related issues, including disarmament and peace. When applying these tools, defense economists must tailor economic methods, both theoretical and empirical, to defense issues and policies, while taking account of institutional aspects that characterize the defense sector. For example, the study of procurement practices in the United States must include the relevant participants - the Congress, the defense contractors, and the military - and how they interact and sequence their actions in making equipment choices. Relevant defense issues include an analysis of alliance burden sharing, the impact of contract design on the efficiency of procurement, the study of arms races and stability, the effects of defense expenditure on economic growth and development, the allocative implications of disarmament treaties, the impact of industrial policies on the defense sector, the employment implications of conversion, the study of insurrections and conflict, and policies to regulate the arms trade. The field of defense economics is broad in its scope and intersects with a variety of economic subfields, including public economics, public choice, microeconomics and macroeconomics, regional economics, and international economics. In recent years, defense economics has grown in importance, as documented by the large number of articles in general j ournals, the appearance of numerous books, and the publication of a field j ournal, Defence and Peace Economics (formerly Defence Economics). Contributions in defense economics have made fundamental advances to game theory [e.g., Thomas Schelling ( 1960), The Strategy of Conflict], procurement theory [Cummins ( 1 977), Laffont and Tirole ( 1 9 93), McAfee and McMillan ( 1986), Tirole ( 1986)], and the econometrics of military manpower [Ash, Udis and McNown ( 1983)]. The study of defense economics is of importance to a large audience that includes researchers, teachers, practitioners, taxpayers and students, who are concerned with allocative, distributional, dynamic, and stabilization influences of defense expenditures and policies. Although the share of gross domestic product (GDP) devoted to defense varies greatly among nations, in 1 990 and on average nations devoted approximately five percent of GDP to defense [Hartley et al. ( 1993, p. 1 7)]. However, between 1 989 and the early 1 990s, world military expenditure declined [Deger ( 1 993)]. In many countries, such as the United States, defense expenditure is a sizable share of the discretionary budget of the central government. As a consequence, the study of resource allocation and economic policy is incomplete unless defense issues are analyzed. The Handbook of Defense Economics is intended to take stock of the myriad contributions of the last three and half decades. To accomplish this purpose, we have assembled many of the leading scholars who have authored some of the seminal pieces in the field. The nineteen chapters of the Handbook present the fundamental concepts and analyses in a form that should prove useful to researchers and students. Thus, authors have presented key tools and analyses of the field in a way that emphasizes intuition and significance. Theoretical analysis, econometric techniques, and policy
Hartley and T. Sandler
issues are addressed. The chapters fall into two essential categories: surveys (chapters by Smith, Murdoch, Brito and Intriligator, Enders and Sandler, Ram, Deger and Sen, Rogerson, Warner and Asch, Lichtenberg, Hartley, and Anderton) and conceptual studies (McGuire, Brzoska, Hirshleifer, Grossman, Dunne, Braddon, and Fontanel). Survey chapters present a synthesis, interpretation, and evaluation of the literature for particular subfields of defense economics, whereas the conceptual chapters elucidate the analysis of specific topics. Both types of chapters provide directions for future research. Novel ideas and insights are contained throughout the volume, insofar as authors use their chapters to give an overview and to push the analysis forward. We have provided editorial guidance so that authors wrote chapters that present an up to-date statement of a line of inquiry, while emphasizing some pedagogical tools. As with earlier Handbooks, we intend that the chapters serve researchers and find their way onto student reading lists.
2. A brief history of the field
Significant interest in defense economics as an emerging field coincided with the appearance of three now-classic works in 1 960: Charles J. Hitch and Roland McKean ( 1 960), The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age; Lewis F. Richardson ( 1 960), Arms and Insecurity; and Thomas C. Schelling ( 1 960), The Strategy of Conflict. The pioneering book by Hitch and McKean applied economic concepts of allocative efficiency to the defense sector and inspired researchers for the next generation to investigate defense economic issues. The interest in defense economics blossomed during the Cold War, sparked, in part, by Richardson's ( 1 960) arms race model. A large literature grew that applied economic analysis to the study of arms races and their stability (see the Brito and Intriligator chapter). This theoretical literature was accompanied by a parallel literature that attempted to document the empirical existence of arms races [see, e.g., McGuire (1 977) and Linden ( 1 99 1 )] . Finally, Schelling ( 1 960) introduced game-theoretic notions to the study of conflict and defense. The book served to clarify the meaning of deterrence, compellent threats and promises, and strategic moves. Although Schelling's work did not emphasize formal modelling, many of his ideas have been subsequently formalized with recent advances in game theory - e.g., the notion of a perfect equilibrium in which noncredible threats are culled from feasible equilibria. There were three further pioneering contributions in the 1 960s. A US study by Peck and Scherer ( 1 962) on The Weapons Acquisition Process analyzed the nonmarket characteristics of weapons acquisition, the nature of competition for defense contracts, and the results of weapons programs. A companion volume by Scherer appeared in 1 964: The Weapons Acquisition Process: Economic Incentives. This volume examined the competitive and contractual incentives in US weapons acquisition programs, including a theoretical and empirical analysis of different types of contracts (e.g., fixed price; cost plus). In 1 966, Olson and Zeckhauser applied the theory of public
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goods to the study of burden sharing within military alliances. Subsequent papers analyzed burden sharing, allocative efficiency, and the allies' demand for defense expenditure [see the Murdoch chapter and Sandler ( 1 993)]. During the 1 970s, the literature of defense economics emphasized at least five issues or subfields. First, arms races received much attention with important pieces by Brito ( 1 972) and Intriligator ( 1 97 5) that provided a strategic foundation to the Richardsonian arms race equations. Second, the appearance of Benoit's ( 1 973) book began a controversy over whether military expenditure is growth promoting or growth inhibiting. This controversy continues to the present day (see the chapters by Ram, and Deger and Sen). Third, economists devoted attention to the economics of alternative systems of military recruitment: conscription versus the all-volunteer army (see the Warner and Asch chapter). Fourth, defense economists investigated the defense industries in terms of profitability, procurement practices, conversion impacts, competition, and industrial policies (see the chapters by Dunne, Hartley, Lichtenberg, and Rogerson). Fifth, regional impacts of defense expenditure were studied with a variety of tools (see the Braddon chapter). In the 1 980s and 1 990s, these earlier topics were pursued along with some new ones. Advances in the study of asymmetric information and game theory were applied to the study of incentive contracts and procurement practices, as shown in the Rogerson chapter. Game theory was also used in the study of terrorism and the analysis of negotiation strategy between terrorists and the authorities (see the Enders and Sandler chapter). Modern general equilibrium analysis was employed to examine insurrections and appropriative behavior as highlighted by the Grossman chapter. Game-theoretic concepts and insights drawn from rent-seeking analysis were used by Jack Hirshleifer to theorize about the notion of conflict. Within the last fifteen years, other topics of defense economics included an analysis of defense R&D (the Lichtenberg chapter), arms trade (the Anderton chapter), di sarmament (the Fontanel chapter), and conversion (the Fontanel and Hartley chapters). The modern study of defense economics employs the latest theoretical and empirical tools. Game-theoretic concepts are used in a number of subfields of defense economics, including the study of alliances, arms races, incentive contracting, terrorism, insurrections, and conflict. A crucial game-theoretic notion of equilibrium, which shows up in a number of places in the volume, is that of a Nash equilibrium. If n o player or agent would unilaterally want to change his or her strategic choice, then a Nash equilibrium is achieved. At such an equilibrium, each player is optimizing his or her choice variable(s) subject to the best-response choices of his or her counterpart(s). In dynamic settings where interactions are repeated, a multiplicity of Nash equilibria exist, some of which rely on noncredible threats that may hurt the threateners sufficiently that they are unwilling to carry them out. Refinements to the Nash equilibrium concepts have been developed to remove such noncredible threats and to maintain a greater degree of rationality on behalf of agents. Subgame perfection is but one of many refinements. An equilibrium is subgame perfect if it contains a Nash equilibrium for all component subgames, so that no player would unilaterally
K. Hartley and T. Sandler
want to change his or her strategy at any point in the game. Current analysis of defense economics employs principal-agent analysis, rational expectations, dynamic optimization, and other theoretical advances. Modern defense economics also uses the latest refinements in econometrics. In recent years, time-series analysis and its refinements have figured prominently in de fense economics. For example, the technique of vector autoregressive analysis (VAR), whereby the interrelationships of multiple time series are studied, has been used to analyze terrorism and the impact of defense expenditure on growth and employment. Other time-series techniques - causality tests, intervention analysis, and cointegration tests - have been used throughout defense economics. Military manpower studies have applied the latest techniques of regression analysis to investigate recruitment, retention, military labor supply, and military labor demand. Time-series cross-sectional methods have been recently applied to the growth and defense controversy [Macnair et al. ( 1 995)] . Some of these techniques are more advanced than the data available for satisfactory empirical work. Often sophisticated econometric techniques use available statistics, failing to recognize the limitations of the data arising from its aggregative nature and the use of different definitions of military expenditure (see the Brzoska chapter).
3. On the nature of defense economics
Defense economics is the study of resource allocation, income distribution, economic growth, and stabilization applied to defense-related topics. As such, defense economics involves an investigation of the impact of defense expenditures, both domestically and internationally, on macroeconomic variables such as employment, output, and growth. It also has a microeconomic dimension involving analysis of the defense industrial base, collaborative programs, offsets, the pricing and profitability of military contracts, and the regulation of contractors. Defense economics draws from a variety of economic subfields. In particular, public economics is important, because the provision of defense (security) can be viewed as a public good, whose benefits are nonrival and nonexcludable within a nation and among allies. Another market failure, germane to defense economics, is that of an externality, which arises when the action of one agent influences the well-being of another and no means of compensation exists. For defense economics, the arming of one nation may yield positive (on allies) or negative (on adversaries) externalities on another nation. However, measuring the "output" of defense spending is fraught with difficulties and the problem is often ignored, or assumed away, or presented in generalizations such as security, protection, and deterrence. Industrial organization is another branch of economics that figures crucially in the study of the defense industrial base (the Dunne chapter), procurement (the Rogerson chapter), defense R&D (the Lichtenberg chapter), and industrial policies such as collaboration, licensed production and offsets (the Hartley chapter). Other relevant
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subfields include labor economics, international economics, public choice, economic growth, and macroeconomics. Public choice is particularly appropriate to defense economics, because it focuses on nonmarket decision-making. By modelling the behavior of voters, political parties, governments, bureaucracies, and other interest groups, it provides a framework for analyzing the "military-industrial complex". Defense economics encompasses aspects and topics from peace science and conflict studies. Thus, the economics of disarmament and conversion (the Fontanel and Hartley chapters) are relevant topics. There is no ideological presumption in defense economics; that is, defense economists are not inclined towards military expenditures and armed conflict. They are, instead, concerned with understanding the processes and dynamics of arms expenditures, conflict and its resolution, and any economic aspects associated with the defense sector. Defense economics has a strong policy orientation; analysis is often undertaken to make policy recommendations regarding publicly financed defense outlays. And, in the last resort, economists cannot ignore the opportunities for applying economic theory and empirical techniques to a sector which is a major user of scarce resources and which has the potential to protect or destroy civilization. A further discussion and analysis of the nature and scope of defense economics is taken up in the McGuire chapter. In recent years, the scope of defense economics has expanded to consider a broader range of security matters that include nonmilitary issues such as the protection of the environment from transnational pollution (e.g., ozone shield depletion, global warming, acid rain). We have taken a narrower and more traditional view of defense economics so as to preserve the field 's well-defined identity.
4. Importance of defense economics today
Even though the Cold War has ended and the superpower confrontation has declined greatly, defense economics is still of great importance. ln fact, the events of the late 1980s and early 1 990s may have increased the need and importance of defense economics, especially in regards to resource allocation and the application of economics methods to security-related issues. First, the downsizing of military budgets in the first half of the 1 990s highlights a host of economic challenges. Falling budgets and rising equipment costs will force nations to seek efficiency improvements in the acquisition of weapons and the provision of armed forces. Nations will be more willing to buy available equipment off-the shelf from overseas suppliers rather than paying the price of supporting a national defense industrial base. Within the armed forces, there will be pressures to substitute, say, equipment for manpower, reserves for regulars, women for men, and civilians for military personnel (e.g., via contractorizing activities traditionally undertaken "in house" by the military, such as catering, repair, and maintenance). Unit costs may also be higher on new weapon systems when scale economies are present unless an
K. Hartley and T. Sandler
arms producer is able to resort to foreign sales, which may imply other kinds of risks and costs to the supplier nation. Faced with procurement cuts, defense firms have merged to take advantage of economies of scale and economies of scope. In so doing, national defense industries have become more concentrated and less competitive. This downsizing trend may have bottomed out. In 1 994, the Clinton administration gave an emergency allocation to the military to meet readiness requirements. The Anderton chapter mentions that the arms trade may be on the rise again. Second, the breakup of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has unleashed ethnic conflicts that have erupted into civil war once central power was diminished. In addition, the breakup of the Soviet Union has raised the risk of nuclear weapons getting into the hands of terrorists and the proliferation of nuclear-weapon nations. Third, since these trouble spots can create conflict externalities for neighboring states, the role of peacekeeping forces and their financial support have grown in importance. Fourth, the Gulf War of 1 99 1 points to a source of conflict in the future - that is, wars fought over disputed and/or scarce resources, such as common oil pools. Fifth, recent defense treaties raise a host of allocative concerns as the elimination of weapons creates expenditures on their disposals, environmental cleanup, verification, and the development of alternative classes of weapons. Peace as well as confrontation have their costs. Recent reallocations of resources have had regional and national impacts on employment and output. Sixth, nonconventional conflict in the form of terrorism and insurrections presents exigencies that have allocative and distributional concerns. The provision of defense is still an important activity that requires huge resource allocations to meet a variety of contingencies and uncertainties. Economic aspects of the defense sector continue to be important and to require study. Interest continues to grow in the economics field for applying economic methods to defense issues.
5. Organization of the book
The book contains eighteen additional chapters that include all essential subfields of defense economics. Coverage varies among chapters owing to the background litera ture: some areas (e.g., arms races) have a large literature, while others (insurrections) have a much smaller literature. Chapters 2 (M.C. McGuire) and 3 (M. Brzoska) set the stage for the study of defense economics. McGuire introduces the notion of defense economics, its origin and meaning. In the chapter by Brzoska, the reader learns about the various data sets available to study world military expenditure and their limitations. The next three chapters concern the demand and supply of military expenditure within the nation, among allies, and between adversaries. Chapter 4 (R. Smith) examines the theoretical and empirical issues surrounding the estimation of a nation's demand for military expenditure. In chapter 5 (J.C. Murdoch), the economic theory of alliances is presented, based on the theory of pure and impure public goods. Empirical tests are also reviewed . Chapter 6 (D.L. Brito and M.D. Intriligator) focuses on arms races, beginning with Richardson's ( 1 960) formulation. Dynamic methods and optimization
Ch. 1: Introduction
techniques are used to display a variety of models. This chapter also applies the models and their recent extensions to study nuclear weapon proliferation and other relevant policy issues. Using modem tools from public economics, J. Hirshleifer (chapter 7) presents some theoretical representations to analyze conflict among agents. The modem theories of rent seeking and tournaments are behind some of the models in this provocative presentation. Chapter 8 (H.I. Grossman) focuses on appropriative behavior, whereby a nation's ruler must allocate resources to maintain his or her ability to live off of the population, while elements within the population attempt to capture the ruler's accumulated assets. Tools of general equilibrium are employed. Grossman clearly distinguishes his theoretical paradigms from other treatments of rebellion. In chapter 9, W Enders and T. Sandler present rational-actor models of terrorist behavior based on choice-theoretic and game-theoretic approaches. A host of empirical techniques are displayed for testing the effectiveness of anti-terrorist policies. Chapters 1 0 (R. Ram) and 1 1 (S. Deger and S. Sen) are devoted to investigating the impact of defense expenditure on growth and development, and are motivated, in part, by Benoit's ( 1973) surprising finding that defense was growth-enhancing in some developing countries. In the chapter by Prof. Ram, theoretical and empirical 1 aspects of the Feder-Ram model for analyzing the influence of defense on growth are discussed . The Feder-Ram model has been applied to developed and underdeveloped countries. In the subsequent chapter, Drs. Deger and Sen review the issues surrounding the impacts of defense on developing countries. An emphasis is given to displaying empirical studies of this impact. Defense inputs (capital, labor, and R&D), the defense industry, industrial policies, and the regional impacts of defense spending are the subjects of the chapters 1 2- 17. These chapters are devoted to both demand- and supply-side factors. Modem tools of microeconomic analysis are applied by WP. Rogerson (chapter 1 2) to study the incentive aspects of defense procurement and R&D. This chapter stresses principal agent analysis and game theory, while also reviewing some empirical evidence. Military manpower issues - recruitment, enlistment, retention, the draft versus the all-volunteer army, and other labor supply and demand concerns - are analyzed by J.T. Warner and B. Asch in chapter 1 3 . Theoretical and empirical issues are presented in their survey, but, in keeping with the literature, the emphasis is on empirical techniques and analysis. This study is followed chapter 1 4 (P. Dunne) on the defense industrial base, including discussions of defense equipment markets, the competitiveness of defense industries, and cost considerations in weapons production. A portion of this chapter is concerned with reviewing the definitions of the defense industrial base and military industrial complex.
1 The Feder-Ram model is a supply-side model based on the analysis in Feder ( 1 983), Ram ( 1 986), and Biswas and Ram ( 1 986).
K. Hartley and T Sandler
Prof. Lichtenberg (chapter 1 5) analyzes a host of issues surrounding the economics of defense R&D, including mechanisms designed to encourage firms to pursue defense R&D, the private and social returns from military R&D, and the ability of defense contractors to shift R&D costs from commercial to defense R&D. Social returns to ·defense R&D are investigated with a production function/productivity growth framework. Chapter 1 6 (K. Hartley) carries the analysis of the defense industry further by reviewing industrial policies used in Europe and the United States. Policy options include the use of international collaboration involving the joint development and production of weapons, the implementation of licensed production and co-production between two or more nations, the encouragement of trade flows in weapons sales among allies, and the reliance on offset agreements for purchasing governments to recover some of the purchase price. Conversion issues are also considered as part of industrial adjustment policies. In chapter 1 7 , Dr. Braddon then investigates the regional impact of the defense industries and sector on employment, output, and growth. This chapter presents alternative theoretical tools (i.e., input-output analysis, regional multiplier techniques) and econometric models for identifying regional impacts. Selected case studies are also reviewed. The final two chapters are devoted to peace science aspects of defense economics. Prof. Anderton (chapter 1 8) surveys the cumulative work on the economics of arms trade and concludes that this subfield is "ripe for foundational contributions" that develop a theoretical underpinning for arms trade analysis. Anderton furthers this goal by presenting some theoretical representations concerning the economic aspects of arms trade. This chapter also examines whether arms sales are peace promoting or peace-inhibiting. Furthermore, recent trends in arms trade are indicated. In chapter 19 (J. Fontanel), both the theoretical and empirical economic consequences of disarmament are examined. The influences of disarmament on stability, weapon proliferation, and economic development are also investigated . The chapter concludes by reviewing public policies for conversion. It is our intention that this Handbook will serve as a reference source, a teaching tool, and a stimulant for future research. Certainly, there is no shortage of research opportunities embracing theoretical, empirical, and policy issues. For example, there is a need to monitor the impacts of disarmament at the national, local, and industrial levels and to study conversion to identify the features of successful and failed conversions. Uncertainty means that economists need to focus on the costs and benefits of alternative methods of reconstituting armed forces and national defense industries to meet future emergencies and conflicts (e.g., via reserve forces; dual-use technologies; technology demonstrators). The efficiency with which the military uses its resources remains a vastly under-researched field embracing such issues as budgeting, substitution possibilities, employment contracts, incentives, and performance indicators. Finally, efforts to achieve and maintain a more peaceful world are likely to focus on the United Nations as a peace-making and peace-keeping organization with opportunities for applying economic models of alliances and burden sharing.
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References Ash, C., B. Udis and R.F. McNown, 1 983, Enlistments in the all-volunteer force: A military persounel supply model and its forecasts, American Economic Review 73, 144-155. Benoit, E., 1 973, Defense and economic growth in developing countries (D.C. Heath, Boston, MA). Biswas, B., and R. Ram, 1 986, Military expenditures and economic growth in less developed countries: An augmented model and further evidence, Economic Development and Cultural Change 34, 3 6 1 -372. Brito, D.L., 1 972, A dynamic model of an armament race, International Economic Review 13, 359-375. Cummins, J.M., 1 977, Incentives contracting for national defense: A problem of optimal risk sharing, Bell Journal of Economics 8, 1 68-1 85. Deger, S., 1 993, World military expenditure, in: World armaments and disarmament: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) yearbook 1 993 (SIPRI, Stockholm) 337-397. Feder, G., 1 983, On exports and economic growth, Journal of Development Economics 12, 59-73. Hartley, K., et a!., 1 993, Economic aspects of disarmament: Disarmament as an investment process (United Nations, New York). Hitch, C.J., and R.N. McKean, 1 960, The economics of defense in the nuclear age (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA). Intriligator, M.D., 1 975, Strategic considerations in the Richardson model of arms races, Journal of Political Economy 83, 339-353. Laffont, J.-J., and J. Tirole, 1 993, A theory of incentives in procurement and regulation (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA). Linden, M., 1 991 , The dynamics and the instability of the Middle East military expenditures in years 1 955-1 984, Defence Economics 2, 1 99-208. Macnair, E.S., J.C. Murdoch, C.-R. Pi and T. Sandler, 1 995, Growth and defense: Pooled estimates for the NATO alliance, 1 95 1- 1 988, Southern Economic Journal 61, 846-860. McAfee, R.P., and J. McMillan, 1 986, Incentives in government contracting (University of Toronto Press, Toronto). McGuire, M.C., 1 977, A quantitative study of the strategic arms race in the missile age, Review of Economics and Statistics 59, 328-339. Olson, M., and R. Zeckhauser, 1 966, An economic theory of alliances, Review of Economics and Statistics 48, 266-279. Peck, M.J., and F.M. Scherer, 1 962, The weapons acquisition process (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA). Ram, R., 1 986, Government size and economic growth: A new framework and some evidence from cross-section and time-series data, American Economic Review 76, 1 91 -203. Richardson, L.F., 1 960, Arms and insecurity: A mathematical study of the causes and origins of war (Homewood, Pittsburgh, PA). Sandler, T., 1 993, The economic theory of alliances: A survey, Journal of Conflict Resolution 37, 446-483. Schelling, T.C., 1 960, The strategy of conflict (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA). Scherer, F.M., 1 964, The weapons acquisition process: Economic incentives (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA). Tirole, J., 1 986, Procurement and renegotiation, Journal of Political Economy 94, 235-259.
University of California, Irvine
Abstract Keywords I. Introduction
1 . 1 . What is defense economics? 1 .2. Some examples where economics has made central contributions to security studies 1 .2. 1 . Defense strategy and resource allocations 1 .2.2. Analysis of deterrence 1 .2.3. Economic models of alliances 1 .2.4. National power, economic survival, and international trade 1 .2.5. Arms races and strategic interactions 1 .2.6. Economic ecology and international conflict
2. Interactions between economics and defense 2 . 1 . Levels of interaction 2.2. Historical evolution
3. Themes in the history o f Defense Economics 3 . 1 . World War II 3.2. Early Cold War 3.3. Later Cold War 3.3 . 1 . Alliances, burden sharing, and erosion of US hegemony 3.3.2. Long run sustainability of defense and relative decline of the US 3.3.3. Economic warfare/defense: a game of economic ruin 3.3.4. Economic equity and defense: military manpower and conscription 3.3.5. Defense industry analysis, acquisition and contracting 3.4. Post Cold War 3.4. 1 . The emergence of positive theories of defense 3.4.2. New directions in the normative analysis of defense
4. Agenda for Defense Economics 4 . 1 . Continuing/inherited policy concerns 4.2. Normative issues arising from world economic change and the collapse of Communism
The author thanks the Heinz Chair Endowment for research support.
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and T Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
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M.C. McGuire 4.2. 1 . Economics of transition 4.2.2. New definition of nationaVintemational security 4.2.3. New economic instruments for security 4.2.4. New concepts of alli ances and replacement for bi-polar world hegemony 4.3. Positive analysis of international power equilibria
5. Concluding remark References
34 35 35 36 36 39 39
Defense economics derives from and is embedded in the multi-dimensional array of issues each country must address when providing for its national security. Applying economic concepts and methods, it attempts to evaluate this great diversity of security related questions, and to understand how each country's security interacts and fits in with the security of all nations in the international system. Included in Defense Economics are such overarching questions as: definition of what security actually is; how resource scarcity, distribution, and stage of economic development influences the security obtainable by each nation in the international system; relationships between defense sectors and national economies within and across countries; efficiency in provision of security; incentive structures which promote or resolve conflict; institutional arrangements which promote or retard peace, stability, and equity.
alliances, arms races, arms trade, conflict resolution, defense budgets, deterrence, disarmament, economic development, economic warfare, foreign aid, international conflict, national security, military strategy, nuclear proliferation, peace, war
Ch. 2: Defense Economics and International Security
"National Security, from the point o f view of an economist, may be said to depend on three things: ( 1 ) the quantity of national resources available, now and in the future; (2) the proportion of these resources allocated to national security purposes; and (3 ) the efficiency with which the [Hitch and McKean (1960, p. 4)]. resources so allocated are used."
1 . Introduction
1.1. What is defense economics? The study of war, in all its diverse aspects- avoidance, causes, preparations, initiation, conduct, termination, consequences, etc. - has engaged scholarly energies from every conceivable origin and discipline. Where does economics - economics as concerned with the consequences of resource scarcity, and the necessity to allocate among alternatives- fit in with philosophy, history, biology, psychology, law, political science, mathematics, religion and so on? The family of economic problems studied over the past half-century in the cause of defense and security is indeed dauntingly vast. A partial list of these would include the items in Table 1. Table l Themes in economics of defense and international security Deterrence, war avoi dance, war initiation and termination Strategic interactions, arms races, arms control Alliance formation, resource allocation, and behavior Defense macro-economy interactions during war, peace, disarmament, and conversion Command vs market economies as resources for defense Mobilization, war recovery, and reconstitution of forces Optimization and efficiency in force level and composition Capital-labor utilization: manpower, conscription, and volunteerism Military readiness, strategic materials, and defense industry policy Procurement, acquisition, and defense contract analysis Trade dependence, export control, trade sanctions, and economic warfare Foreign aid, developing economies, and defense in the third world International management of nuclear materials, non-proliferation Extragovernmental threats, terrorism, drugs, refugees, ethnic and religious fanaticisms
Although lengthy, this list provides little clue as to the structure or evolution of "Defense Economics". Some readers approaching this volume might have thought the term meant the study of how to provide and manage military forces efficiently, but it clearly reaches far beyond that important subj ect. Others, while admitting a larger set of topics, may see them as a disjointed set of issues somehow relating to the military
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affairs of a country which happen to have proven of interest to economists. Still other readers may construe the "Defense" in "Defense Economics" exclusively as defense of the West. But that perspective has been overtaken by world events and can no longer be sustained. For purposes of this essay "Defense" must include the many diverse protective and aggressive activities undertaken by nations and their governments to define, advance, and preserve their interests among the tribe of nations. So economics of defense must include the effects of resource scarcity both as placing limits upon such aggressive or protective activities, and as giving rise to them at the same time. Moreover, because nations function within an international system of other states, and numerous other non-governmental actors, the economics of defense must incorporate interactions among the various nation-states all seeking security in the larger regional and international economies of which they form a part. In short, Defense Economics must recognize the impact defense activities impose upon the larger international economy, and the effect of that economy-system upon defense. This is a demanding program, the more so given that problems of defense/security have mutated continuously over recent generations to a degree that in 1995 the meaning of national, international, or global security seems elusive, and the question "defense of whom from whom and what?" more germane. Clearly to produce some integrated idea of what Defense Economics is, requires more than a simple enumeration of topics. 1
1.2. Some examples where economics has made central contributions to security studies For some of the topics in Table 1, economists have provided the central clues which have defined the problem. In other instances the security problem has served as a paradigm context for application of previously known principles. And in still other cases consistent application of economic principles has produced unexpected insight. As examples, I list six cases below, in which economic insights have been crucial in understanding a security or defense phenomenon.
1 For each of these topics the economic way of thinking has proven highly useful and has engaged economists over prolonged periods. Nevertheless, as pointed out by Intriligator ( 1 990) "Defense Economics" or "Economics of International Security" has been slow to develop into a recognized field supported by graduate and undergraduate course curricula, research departments, and specialty research journals. Why this is so may be due to the fact that economists must share the study of Defense Economics with other fields, and may not have a decisive voice in policy determination. Because the rapidly evolving technology is crucial to a country's defense effectiveness, and because political, social, and psychological factors can be so central in defense studies, economists necessarily only contribute a fraction to ongoing policy and academic debates. Another reason may have been a normative quality which has informed defense studies producing political and ideological distinctions among economists. But this normative aspect has diminished rather steadily with the passage of the decades.
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Defense strategy and resource allocations
Application of widely accepted notions of efficiency in resource allocation to problems of national security is perhaps the most widely held and minimalist definition of Defense Economics. The concept of government as a producer of quantifiable (if difficult to measure) outputs which use scarce inputs available at various prices, at one time revolutionary, has become commonplace. The idea of quantifying benefits, valuing resource inputs, incorporating intangibles, and therefore determining cost efficient defenses grew out of earlier operations research efforts - for example in submarine search programs, or bomber target selection criteria [US Strategic Bombing Survey ( 1 945-46), Hitch ( 1 958)]. Subsequently, with the rise of systems analysis in defense, economists would come to argue that "strategy, technology, and economy are not three independent "considerations" . . . but interdependent elements of the same problem. Strategies are ways of using budgets or resources to achieve military objectives. Technology defines the possible strategies . . . The economic problem is to choose that strategy which is most efficient . . . or economical." [Hitch and McKean ( 1 960, p. 3)] Similarly, economics identified the public good nature of defense and, therefore, the requirement for a collective logic of efficient overall provision, which demands that the sum of marginal benefits equal marginal costs at the true optimal amount of defense. Thus defining "MB" as the marginal benefit of defense and "MC" as the marginal cost the formula I: MB MC - in principle - solves the elusive problem of commensurability between dollars and security
Analysis of deterrence
Another important application of the economic way of thinking to defense arose in developing an understanding of deterrence. Two economists stand out for first uncovering how deterrence is a matter of incentives parties impose upon each other by conditioning each others' expectations. These were Schelling and Ellsberg. "Deterrence", as Schelling ( 1960) explained ". . . is concerned with influencing the choices that another party will make . . . by influencing his expectations of how we will behave. It involves confronting him with evidence for believing that our behavior will be determined by his behavior". Before the explosion of game theory into economics at all levels, economists introduced the crucial importance of credibility of a deterrent threat as captured in forward looking anticipation of future incentives 3 and measured by a critical risk [Ellsberg ( 1956)]. To deter an opponent both effectiveness of retaliation and credibility that it will be employed are necessary. The idea of critical 2 The summation is taken over all individuals within "our" group whether they benefit from defense or not, but excludes those outside "our" group who disbenefit, such as the enemy. 3 This work anticipated the forward looking backward induction repeated move equilibria now so commonplace in game theoretic concepts of equilibrium.
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risk can be illustrated using v;n n to denote the utility of country i, under situation m,n. If both countries i and j refrain from attack then m NA, n NA. But if i attacks (m = A) then } may retaliate (n = R) with probability p, or not retaliate (n=NR) with =
probability ( 1- p ). Country j's obj ective should be to make the risk p to i that it, }, will retaliate so great that:
V�A,NA > pV�,R + ( 1 - p) V�,NR·
Ellsberg's required critical risk then i s a value of p that insures that an expected value maximizing country, i, will prefer to refrain from attack. Further analyses of such deterrence incentive structures incorporated asymmetry of information, manipulations of payoffs (and thus meta-games), control of agenda, promises, threats, commitments, and the advantages or disadvantages of a last move into deterrence analysis. The implications of this theory for crisis behavior (e.g. city evacuation in nuclear crisis), and nuclear force design/operation were developed in a literature on efficacy of secure, survivable but expensive weapons, versus cheap vulnerable ones [Kent and Thaler ( 1 989)].
1.2.3. Economic models of alliances A third example in which economics effectively defined a crucial defense problem is the economic theory of alliances. Here Olson and Zeckhauser ( 1966) perceived that the defense provisions of each member of an alliance was really a voluntary contribution to the public consumption good of the group. The implications of this idea swiftly followed; that an alliance will provide its members with an inefficient, suboptimal level of defense. The reason for the inefficiency is that in equilibrium under voluntary provision of a public good 2:: ME > MC; here ME and MC are as defined above and the summation is taken over the alliance group members. Also, it is inferred that larger (richer) members have a tendency to provide disproportionately large shares (necessarily so if preferences and the costs of public good supply are identical among members). An explosion of the literature ensued applying the voluntary public good provision model to military alliances and other international groupings [Sandler and Cauley ( 1975)].
1.2.4. National power, economic survival, and international trade A fourth example of interaction between economics and security originates with the observation that protection of domestic industries against import competition may be justified when a country is subject to a risk of trade interruption. In earlier days of the Cold War such realization produced arguments for strategic material stockpiling, standby production capabilities, and "warm" production base maintenance whether to enhance survival from nuclear attack [Winter ( 1 963)] or preserve a war mobilization [Lincoln ( 1 954)] and fighting capability in less extreme conditions.
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This has been elaborated in more formal insurance models i n recent years by economists concerned with the trade and supply interruption (e.g. oil embargo, or critical material supply disruption) [Mayer ( 1 977), Tolley and Wilman ( 1 978), Srinivasan ( 1 987), McGuire ( 1 990a)] . To understand the general logic of this argument, consider a small country which exports good x, and imports y, at given world prices of Px in terms ofy. When trade is disrupted, this country can and must consume only what it produces; in ordinary times it can export/import. Suppose that the country must choose a single production program both for "war" and "peace" because resources cannot be shifted across industries during war. The chance of "war" or trade disruption is given as Jr. Then for n = 0, the country should choose a program such that its marginal rate of transformation, "MRT", between x andy equals its marginal rate of substitution, "MRS", and both equal PxiPy· If n = 1 then disruption is certain and the country should select (x,y) such that MRS = MRT at autarky along the transformation curve. But if 0 < n < 1 then there is a definite risk of trade disruption, and domestic production should be subsidized but not so much as to support the autarkic maximum. Here the object of an enemy attack and of self defense (or deterrence) may be the economy itself. Recognition that efficacious defense (defined as that which improves the chance of peace at some cost in resources) and trade may be connected, has led to more general explorations of theoretical and empirical relationships between the two [Polachek ( 1 980), McGuire and Shibata ( 1 988), Ihori (1994)], including the prospect that trade dependence may actually increase the risks that trade will be disrupted. 1.2.5.
Arms races and strategic interactions
Another example of the utilization of economics in defense and security studies was the elaboration of L.F. Richardson's ( 1 960) ecological models of arms races a massive literature which includes several important insights from economics. For example it has been shown that the mechanistic reaction curves he derived from postulated differential equation processes among states, could also be derived from economic optimizing behavior of nations, confronted with a missile duel technology [Boulding ( 1 962), McGuire ( 1 965), Brito ( 1 972), Intriligator ( 1 975)]. Thus the broad range of allocations processes, solution concepts and techniques inherent in Coumot, Stackelberg, and other modem models of market organization became available to analyze the strategic interactions among countries, to suggest equilibrium outcomes, and to measure progress toward arms limiting equilibria [Shubik ( 1 987), Fontanel ( 1 994)]. This has generated an extensive empirical literature estimating actual arms interactions between the USA and the Soviet Union [McGuire ( 1977)], between NATO and the Warsaw Pact [Murdoch and Sandler (1 982)], between the Soviet Union and Japan plus the USA [Okamura ( 1 99 1 )], and with respect to regional arms races such as between Israel and its Arab neighbors [McGuire ( 1 982)]. Secondly it has been shown that arms race incentives and processes may be logically linked to a country's motives to begin, conduct, and terminate war; and these in tum derived from the tensions between aggression and deterrence and the payoffs a country
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perceives from such behavior [Brito and lntri1igator ( 1985), Wittman ( 1 99 1 )] . Such models linking arms accumulation processes, with incentives to use armaments also found application in the strategic debates surrounding missile defense and "star wars" programs [Kent ( 1 964), Bailey ( 1 973), McGuire ( 1 987a, 1 992), Schelling (1 967)]. 1.2.6.
Economic ecology and international conflict
Boulding ( 1 962) was among the first to perceive that the population dynamics and survival/extinction mechanisms modeled by earlier ecologists could be applied to international struggle conceived as the result of economic conflicts. Thus Boulding adapted models of price wars and spatial competition to explain equilibrium in the frontier configurations among States or absorption of one nation by another. The notion that the configuration of nation states and national borders was an equilibrium has also been propounded by Thompson ( 1 974) and by Friedman ( 1 977). Insightful extensions to these approaches have been suggested by Hirshleifer ( 1 987, 1 99 1 ) in work which draws on elements from the economics of property rights, and of theft and rent-seeking to build economic-ecologic models of resource allocation between production and war/theft in systems of nations - the economics of "ongoing conflict". As the Cold War terminated, borders dissolved, and ethnic conflicts escalated, the practical significance of this work has increased apace.
2. Interactions between economics and defense
Does this small drawing of examples suggest any structure of interdependence between economics and defense or security beyond naive enumeration? Here one might pursue two approaches, a strictly conceptual or taxonomic, and a historical approach. 2.1.
Levels of interaction
Economics figures in the security nexus at least at these four levels of interdepen dence: (i) Economic management for effectiveness and efficiency in defense, including orchestration of policies deriving from all military and economic policy tools available to the modern State. (ii) The national economy as a source of resource support for security, and a target through which to weaken or to punish enemies. Military capability is only one of many defense instruments supported by economic strength. Other instruments include trade policies, aid programs, financial leverage, debt posture, immigration regulation and leverage, and other economic policy tools of all sorts. (iii) Macro-effects of defense on national economies and interactions among national economies within the international system, including the incidence of defense on economic growth, stability, and prosperity.
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(iv) Economics as an explanation or a source of the security problems of nations: Are the security threats which diverse nations or regions pose for one another based on economic factors? More specifically, are such threats ultimately based on quarrels over property and wealth, and how to acquire or produce it? Historically, American interests certainly included such factors as safety of US citizens and property at home or abroad, discrimination against US exports or financial interests, control over colonies and possessions, together with a generally stable world order, which fostered liberty and free commerce. This level of interdependence between economics and security is premised on the notion that, at bottom, international security concerns the economic incentives nations face to acquire wealth. Preferences, technology, and wealth distribution may be such as to make conquest, colonization, and property seizure most cost effective, or instead may encourage production, savings, investment, and trade. A systemic equilibrium configuration of nations would balance these various forces. 2.2.
Historical evolution
Just as a taxonomic or conceptual approach may impose order on the diversity of topics included in "economics of security" a historical approach can help to identify topics temporarily eclipsed, trends or cycles. More particularly, a historical account will reveal how the focus of Defense Economics has shifted in recent years toward the last two of the foregoing categories. Table 2 (overleaf) presents a summary of the more prominent elements of each of the above categories as they evolved over time. For purposes of exposition recent history is divided into four time periods. The table describes how the economics/security nexus over these periods of time has shifted among categories, and gives selected important issues in the economics of defense at the various periods.
3. Themes in the history of Defense Economics 3.1.
World War II
Defense Economics as a modern study evolved from highly practical problems of assembling and utilizing the human and material resources in the Second World War, that is out of war production, logistics management [Lincoln ( 1 954)] and operations (or operational) research. Having derived from a policy need, Defense Economics, during this period, was primarily normative. The main macro-economic themes of war production, and material management, asked basically how to manage a command economy with tolerable inflation, how most efficiently to cripple an enemy's economy and whether this could be accomplished by military force [see US Strategic Bombing Survey ( 1 945-46)], or whether "economic warfare" could effectively disable an
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22 Table 2 Historical evolution of defense economics Economically efficient defense management
The economy as a resource base for defense
Historical period: World War
Effects of defense on nat'! economies and the int'l system
Economics as an explanation of the need for defense
Examples of defining issues
II and Korea 1942-1953
Logistics management
Economy as a support for military strength
Inflation, debt, and war finance
Control of world's resources
Effectiveness of strategic bombing
Operations research
War mobilization and production
Post-war reconstruction
Territorial integrity
Strategic materials and stockpiling
Disarmament and deflation
World order
Marshall Plan
Manpower management Historical period: early Cold War
Cost effectiveness analysis and program budgeting
The economy an instrument of national security
Sustainability of defense
Recovery from nuclear attack
Strategic interactions, arms race analysis
Trade, aid, development and defense
Effect of defense on investment, growth, stability
Control of world resources
Military/economic aid, alliances, trade control
Military manpower, R&D, weapon procurement
Economic isolation of Eastern Bloc
East vs. West growth
World order, nuclear survival, domino theory
Missile build-up, arms control
Historical period: later Cold War
Burden shares, cost incentives, and alliance efficiency
Economic sanctions and warfare: unfriendly economies as targets
Defense a source of competitive decline
Preserve int'l boundaries
Missile defense
Force readiness and defense industry policy
Economic punishment of East Bloc countries
Defense as a cause of under development
Protect Western economies
Int'l arms trade; non-proliferation terrorism
Defense acquisition and contracting management
Long run competition with USSR
Defense a game of economic ruin
World order, nuclear survival
Missile build-down
continued on next page
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Table 2, continued Economically efficient defense management
The economy as a resource base for defense
Historical period: post Cold War
Effects of defense on nat'! economies and the int'l system
Economics as an explanation of the need for defense
Examples of defining issues
Defense conversion and downsizing
Investment and trade becomes a substitute for war/conquest
Resource allocation in conflict: trade versus conquest
Security a world wide public good
International trade in nuclear materials
Incentives for nations to enrich themselves peacefully
Defense, Form of governance, and economic performance
Equilibrium distribution of property
Role of NGO's in int'l security
Management of non-traditional peacekeeping missions
Management of violent means of property determination
Endogenous alliance formation
Configurations of nation states in int'l system
Manage boundary revisions, contain local conflicts; migrations, human rights, refugees
opponent's economic capacity to wage war [Knorr (1956)] and finally how to convert to peace-economy without deflation. 3.2.
Early Cold War
As the national security problem of the US deepened into the Cold War, the policy requirement mutated from how to win a hot war into how to prevail in a protracted conflict In this environment economics of defense developed along several paths. At the micro-level, operations research led to the development of cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis. The subtleties and paradoxes of deterrence attracted the attention of economists. And increasingly, other policy tools in addition to the military became recognized as instruments to advance national security. Thus, the concept that governments - through effective use of the economy as a policy implement in addition to the military - could induce or sustain a variety of strategic objectives was early established as a doctrine of national security [Knorr ( 1 956), Hirschman ( 1 945)]. The idea that the economy itself is an instrument of defense policy, while economic principles would govern effective organization and application of such instruments, was elaborated during this era. Among the economic instruments for rewarding friends and penalizing enemies for strategic policy purposes one must include: ( 1 ) trade policy in its broadest terms - including strategic export control, boycotts, concessionary terms of trade, quota allocations, economic sanctions [Wan ( 1 961)] ; (2) foreign economic, technical, agricultural and military assistance; (3) foreign intelligence, information,
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propaganda, and cultural outreach. These all came to be instruments directed toward a common goal of US national security, and orchestrated by principles of economic effectiveness and efficiency. The early stages of this period being characterized by an optimism over survival from nuclear attack were marked by numerous economic studies of how to manage after an exchange [Winter ( 1 963)]. Simultaneously, realism over the irreversible growth in weapons inventories and staggering costs of defense prompted intense study of the macro-economic consequences of the Cold War itself [Klein and Mori ( 1 973), Weidenbaum ( 1 974, 1 992), Leontieff and Hoffenberg ( 1 96 1)], and particular focus on the capacities of socialist versus free enterprise capitalist economies to sustain a 39% deflection of GNP into defense indefinitely. Although we now know that the real Socialist System was unable to sustain these costs over more than a generation, the record was by no means obvious in the 1 950's and 60's. Nor are the ultimate costs to the United States obvious - costs which continue to fall due into the present. The central theme of Defense Economics in this period - as in the preceding period - was normative. Nevertheless, with a widening perception of the uses of the economy as an instrument of security, interest in its positive role in the international security system grew apace. The roots of positive economic analysis of defense arise from early ecological modeling of warlike behavior of nations. The game theoretic structure implicit in Richardson models was exploited to yield positive explanation of international conflict as an economic process. Such economists as Schelling ( 1 960), and Boulding ( 1 962) applied these tools to generalized models of international conflict 4. Boulding, for instance, recognized that the sources of conflict, might be based solely on preferences - ethnic or national hatreds, inherited perhaps - or might have their basis in quarrels over ownership or use of property, or markets, resources or other items of economic value. In doing so he anticipated current concerns by a generation. On a less sweeping general level it was recognized that arms accumulations by competing countries might follow a pattern of economic interaction similar to oligopoly and that oligopoly models, therefore, could apply to competitions between attack and defense technologies [Kent ( 1 964), McGuire ( 1967)], and in understanding how deterrence models and arms race models fit together to generate a lesser or greater risk of war itself. 3. 3.
Later Cold War
As the Cold War matured, the range of issues to which economists would address themselves in the name of security continued to increase. Several of these merit
Boulding recognized that the basis for conflict, might be based solely on preferences - ethnic or national hatreds, inherited perhaps, or might have their basis in quarrels over ownership or use of property, or markets, resources or other items of economic value; in doing so he anticipated current concerns by a generation.
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special attention. Although the subjects to follow by no means exhaust the inventory of relevant topics they represent a fair sampling.
3.3. 1 .
Alliances, burden sharing, and erosion of US hegemony
The study of group formation and behavior in defensive alliances drew special attention with the wider appreciation of game theory throughout economics. The agenda setting study of Olson and Zeckhauser ( 1 966) had predicted proportional disparities in the distribution of individual country contributions in favor of the poorer countries in an alliance. With impressive results, this model has been elaborated by many, has been subjected to wide test, and has been extended to the analysis of the voluntary provision of a variety of international public goods (such as foreign aid). Special attention also has been given to the effects of impurity of public goods, or of alliance goods with both a public and a private Goint supply) dimension [Sandler ( 1977), McGuire ( 1 990b)] extending to less formal alliances than NATO or the Warsaw Pact [Dudley (1 979)] and to merging the public consumption good model of alliances with international trade concepts of trading blocks, customs unions, and free trade areas [Wong ( 1 99 1)]. As in the study of arms races, a large policy and empirical literature grew up to estimate the structure of alliance allocative interactions. This literature estimates the effects of impurity of public goods but also attempts to identify alternative allocation processes - whether driven by Nash-Cournot behavior of individual countries or other more cooperative protocols [Denoon ( 1 985), McGuire and Groth (1 985), Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 982, 1984), Murdoch, Sandler and Hansen ( 1 9 9 1 ), Sandler and Murdoch ( 1 990)] . Extensions of the basic model to include impure public goods models of alliance defense provision have been particularly suggestive. "Impurity" may take several forms. One of these is congestion wherein the average cost of providing a unit of public good varies with the size of membership of the alliance and possibly also with the quantity or quality of public defense provided to the group. For example operational coordination requirements or equipment, training, or communication compatibility requirements may increase simply with membership size. In this case, when defense may lie on a spectrum between "public" and "private", one task of empirical economics is to identity its location on that spectrum. Another example of imperfection or impurity of public good may arise when resources allocated to the public good also create a joint private good. Any individual country's contribution to defense against a common threat may simultaneously generate strictly "private" or exclusive benefits for the country making the contribution. Thus forces contributed for defense may serve for internal security needs as well. Still another form of imperfection in the defense public good may arise because the spillovers created by different countries' contributions may not be perfect substitutes for each other. For example, operationally equivalent German and American air wings might not be weighted identically in the defense objective
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function of the British Defence Ministry. In the conventional pure public good case we would write the utility function of any single country, i, as follows: (2) where wi denotes country i's income or wealth, g i denotes its contribution to common defense with unit cost assumed to be constant at $ 1 , and L gi denotes the aggregate provision of defense by all alliance members. Now to incorporate impurity of public good one might write (3) where the congestion effect is introduced as p(n) with "p" being the price or average cost of g, and "n" the number of alliance members; the joint product effect is included as f i (gi), and the differential spillover effect is represented by the parameters Y} to indicate the coefficient i attaches to public good provision by j. Most recent empirical estimates of the original formulation as well as of more complex versions thereof, include Conybeare, Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 994) and references therein. Further comparative static analyses of the properties of equilibrium in the voluntary provision model have produced insights of direct relevance to Defense-Economic issues: most particularly the neutrality of income redistribution among alliance members suggests that an alliance's aggregate expenditure may be independent of the distribution of wealth among its members - thus directly challenging the meaning of "exploitation of the great by the small". Extensions of this theme analyzing the effects of average cost differentials among alliance partners have demonstrated that an alliance partner with higher average costs of contributing will benefit in Nash Cournot equilibrium from displacing supply onto other members of the alliance. The implication that individual countries may gain from being inefficient, high cost providers of defense in an alliance, has caused these effects to be termed "adverse cost control incentives" [Jack ( 1 991)]. 3.3.2.
Long run sustainability of defense and relative decline of the US
Parallel to these academic developments, as the Cold War ground on and Japan and Germany prospered, Defense Economic policy became increasingly concerned about how alliances divide the costs of common defense - the issue of burden sharing and how division of burdens were affected by work force skill/education levels, wage rates, productivity levels, technological sophistication, levels of research and development and other measures of a nation's competitive success. Underlying such concern was awareness that defense shares of Japan and NATO had dramatically lagged
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their economic growth. To what extent was the decline in American competitiveness due to a generation of resource focus on defense? The theoretical possibility that defense deflects technological advance, capital investment, and creative human capital with highest skills for technical innovation away from growth had long interested economists [Weidenbaum ( 1 974, 1 992)]. The proposition that defense deflected and retarded growth of Western economies argued forcefully by Smith ( 1 980), while others prophetically pointed to the still more onerous burden of the Soviet "Empire" [Rowen and Wolf ( 1 990)]. Similarly, development economists were concerned with analyses of Benoit ( 1 978) and such critics as Deger and Smith ( 1 983), Deger ( 1986), or Faini, Annez and Taylor ( 1 984), arguing whether defense efforts retarded development by reducing/deflecting growth inducing investment and skimming off technology and trained manpower to the same effect, or instead stimulated growth via manpower skill acquisition benefits of military experience. During these later stages of the Cold War the reality of US relative decline and loss of competitiveness led to fears of an ultimate eclipse of US geopolitical predominance. Academic analyses bearing on strategic overreach [Olson (1982)] combined with growing realizations of the economic constraint on strategy [Denoon ( 1 985)] led to corresponding defense policy concerns over how a country with declining real wages, having lost its technical preeminence, could over a very long period - possibly a generation - sustain big defense to protect high tech, high wage allies. Had America's comparative advantage in defense turned merely to provision of "cheap" labor? This issue remains of crucial interest to defense economics. 3. 3. 3.
Economic warfare/defense: a game of economic ruin
Such concerns of this late Cold War period about the very long term consequences of high defense regimes were reflected in several analyses such as Wolfson and Farrell (1987), exploring the concept that the East-West struggle had evolved into a game of economic punishment and endurance leading (whether intended or not) to eventual economic ruin. Thus the military instrument itself was analyzed essentially as a method of economic warfare. The mechanism of economic punishment proposed was that self-protection from a military threat forced countries to divert resources from technological advance and investment with inevitable long run destruction of their ability to compete, of their consumption standards, military effectiveness, and finally even the sustainability of regimes. The idea that imposition of economic costs on an adversary might be militarily effective had been the object of economic analysis before. For example, Schelling (1 967) had explored how raising the cost to an adversary of achieving his objectives may be of benefit even when we are indifferent about those objectives per se. If the enemy's demand elasticity structure is such that he will reduce effort directed against an objective we value, then such "a strategy of inflicting cost" can be efficacious. Moreover the idea that one country might use its economy and financial system as instruments of economic war had a significant history from the inter-war period, which
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in turn had formed a foundation for economic theories of trade and of financial warfare. Wan ( 1 96 1 ), using international trade modelling, had developed a subtle and comprehensive analysis of how export/import tariffs-subsidies, as well as State intervention via dumping, boycotts, and embargoes can be used to benefit or harm a "target" nation's economy. This and a small parallel literature on use of financial instruments to harm a target country, form conceptual foundations for a theory of economic sanctions which has received little notice, possibly because repeated analyses of sanctions themselves [Hufbauer and Schott ( 1 985)] has shown them to be frequently ineffective. Arguably, use of the economy as an instrument to drive an adversary to ruin was deliberately and concretely applied in the Reagan Administration with the consequence that the Cold War is now history. History has yet to show however whether strategic competition was a game of ruin for both protagonists. 3. 3.4.
Economic equity and defense: military manpower and conscription
Armies are labor intensive. How to obtain manpower to staff them has been a permanent question throughout history, and economists have been concerned with manpower procurement before World War II. Prominent Cold War studies of efficient and equitable methods for acquiring manpower particularly include Oi ( 1 967) and A. Fisher ( 1 969). Primary issues of concern have included the (a) effects of military manpower acquisition upon the economy, (b) budgetary versus true economic costs of conscription, (c) distributive consequences of conscription and (d) retirement versus retention incentive systems for volunteers. An aftermath of the Vietnam War was to raise acutely the question of equity of conscription. Economics contributed significantly to this issue with the insight that conscription really is the economic equivalent of a special tax upon the draftee. Viewed in these terms, the equity argument against conscription becomes the more convincing, though still to be balanced against arguments that all citizens ought to share equally in risks associated with military service, or that stratification of armed forces by economic or social class is undemocratic and undesirable. In this context, economics made important contributions to the US defense establishment's conversion to volunteer armed forces in the 1 970's, and management of military manpower continues to be an important economic issue [see Olvey, Golden and Kelly ( 1 984)]. 3. 3. 5.
Defense industry analysis, acquisition and contracting
Next to manpower costs, resources required to arm military forces are second. Fifty years of defense procurement (averaging 1 % to 2% of US G.D.P. and directed by policy makers from the top of officialdom) has unsurprisingly created a thriving field for analysis with strong connections to industrial organization. Since early work of Peck and Scherer ( 1 962) and Williamson ( 1 967), this field has focussed on contract incentives, principal agent issues, budgetary and decentralization structures, and research development productivities. Studies in this field, both positive and normative,
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illuminate a variety of issues as to how governments can procure required equipment at satisfactory costs to the society, tolerable profits to the private suppliers, and sufficient incentives to producers. These early efforts have evolved in the context of more general developments in industrial organization emphasizing information asymmetries between the government principal and the contracting firm/agent, the game-theoretic structure of interactions among agencies and firms; and these in tum have led to emphasis on auction and bidding mechanisms, single versus multi-source contract design, and the multi-dimensional nature of government's objective function [see Rogerson (Ch. 12)]. Behind such technical implementation problems lay complex issues of the national need for a self-sufficient defense production base, trade-offs between stockpiling and "warm" production base maintenance, and dependability of foreign suppliers in time of emergency or war. Are governments actually better at forecasting risks of emergency or conflict than are private producers? If the private sector can anticipate probabilistic demands which would arise in time of emergency, war, or limited conflict, would the profit motive lead it to make adequate provision for emergencies? Can one depend only on domestic suppliers in this context or might foreign suppliers - whose "excess windfall" profits could not be expropriated - be more likely to maintain needed "excess" capacities? Further up the chain of reasoning one finds considerations of the types of weapon systems required in an evolving framework of international conflict. Economics has assisted in clarifying this question by applying ideas from production theory to defense provision. Thus, studies of efficient capital-labor utilization undergird the force structures of the larger countries, as does analysis of multi-use versus single use weapons, study of reliability versus replaceability, and the host of issues encompassed under the term "logistics". 3.4.
Post Cold War
The recent upheavals in international politics have again altered/extended the range of topics central to Defense Economics. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union have produced a profound alteration in the rationale for defense, the objects of defense and, therefore, the means to achieve them - an upheaval which has evoked beginnings of a re-examination of the security question from top to bottom. Possibly of still greater significance, however, the end of the Cold War has seen growth in the positive study of defense as an economic endeavor pursued in the name of survival by countries and/or their rulers. Ultimately, as a superior positive understanding of this phenomenon arises, and of the equilibrium system of nations generated by national behaviors, it will shape both the objectives of each country's defense strivings, and the instruments favored to influence results. 3.4. 1.
Th e emergence of positive theories of defense
Perhaps acceleration in study of this intriguing development in Defense Economics was evoked by the fragmentation of the USSR and East Bloc countries. Once national
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borders and the number of countries into which the Soviet Union would divide became a concrete issue, the economic principles for determining the equilibrium and/or optimum of such configurations would become important. Whatever the practical application, a defining element in the post Cold War study of Defense Economics is a new literature which attempts to characterize the configuration of national boundaries as explicable in economic terms, and the result of economic forces. One source for a positive theory returns again to Lanchester ( 1 956)/Richardson ( 1 960) models of ecological struggle and survival as adopted to international behavior. But those more or less mechanistic analyses of international conflict and defense lack micro-foundations for a country's or its ruler's rationale for allocating resources to defense; therefore, they do not exploit the strength of economics in building from individual, self serving, maximizing behavior to systems evolution. The post World War II origins of this literature in positive economics derive foremost from earlier foundations of the economics of property rights and rent seeking, most notably that of Tullock ( 1 974) and followers. If property ownership is prior to production of economic benefit, then property is at risk of expropriation and may be worth protecting from theft. In short, property must be defended in anarchic systems, and defense requires allocations of resources. Thus, the economic concept now emerging as a positive explanation for conflict and security is that ultimately the organization of the world into nation-states is the result of struggle and eventual balance between resources allocated to offense - that is to property right capture, conquest, and control - and resources devoted to defense - that is to protection from, defeat of, or neutralization of the attack. At the margin, mutual neutralization of resource allocations to weapons or systems of conquest and those of defense becomes a necessary characteristic of an equilibrium configuration of nations, each controlling its own territory/property. (Some resource allocations or weapons may serve both offensive and defensive purposes.) At the forefront in analyses of these political economy foundations of the international structure is Hirshleifer in a series of papers [Hirshleifer ( 1 987, 1 99 1 , Ch. 7)]. Inspired by insights from economic ecology and evolutionary game theory, Hirshleifer has postulated economies in which conflict is ongoing, and the opportunity cost of protecting one's production is that one produces less and therefore has less to protect. This work also draws on earlier analyses of Thompson ( 1 974), and Friedman (1 977), as well as Tullock ( 1 974). Of special interest is how defensive and acquisitive resources offset each other when competing for property rights, and how the protocol of play or competition (Cournot behavior, Stackelberg leadership etc.) influence the outcome. Others, including Wittman ( 199 1 ), have begun to model a spatial element in these equilibria, in a fashion related to Boulding's ( 1 962) concept of a country's loss of strength gradient - the postulate that a country's capacity to control others declines with distance from its center of power. 3.4.2. New directions in the normative analysis of defense Ultimately, economics will provide an adequate positive explanation for and shared understanding of how geography, technology, costs, and mechanisms for coalition
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formation, generate opportunities for peaceful enrichment through investment, pro duction and trade, as well as opportunities for acquisition through conquest and expropriation. Such insights, one might expect, will profoundly reshape how individual nations define and pursue their individual security. Already the precursors of such an understanding with their implications for the fragmentation of countries following upon the 1 990's revolution in Eastern Europe have considerably extended the role of economics in security studies. Most notably, new definitions of security are now perceived as appropriate, which emphasize economic security as having merged with territorial security of States, which focus on the economic behavior of states and populations as the source of security threats (migration, pollution and other externalities, resource depletions, restraint of trade), and which regard territorial threats as deriving essentially from economic motives and forces. This development shifts the definition of security away from individual protection from unilateral territorial invasion, and toward universal issues of management of collective risks. In this context, the planet-wide security interest in national border determination, including recognition of what constitutes a country, is seen as having greater weight than before, and the necessarily myopic interests of individual groups less weight. If security is essentially, largely, or in part, perceived to be a world wide collective good issue - which represents an enormous change in perspective - a major share of the burden of national security falls on solutions to the free rider problem. Thus, a critical element in post Cold War security involves alliance formation and the implied collaboration and compromise. Although the essentials of security seem to have become globalized, a residue of old fashioned parochial national security endures. Defense against physical conquest, occupation, or the exaction of tribute, will always be a vital national interest for each individual country and a global vital interest where the boundaries at issue are those of the great powers. The growing conundrum of international security concerns how to conceptualize a large range of frequently collective problems to face the increasingly numerous tribe of nations. While admitting that deforestation, or global warming, refugee migrations, or massive human rights transgressions may be critical international collective problems, are they security problems in the sense of inducing a role for armed forces? Similarly for narcotics trade, terrorism, conventional arms, and large scale ethnic or religiously motivated barbarisms [see Sandler ( 1 992)]. Borders may be violated not only by foreign troops, but no less by pollution, drugs, crime, refugee migrations etc., but does this mean that such invasions have become the modern national security "threats"? The new twist in the challenge to economics posed by such military or social threats is to devise incentive structures which can make domestic production, saving, and foreign trade more advantageous to potential transgressors than efforts toward territorial expansion, or exploitation of externalities. 4. Agenda for Defense Economics
As the range of topics treated in this volume testifies, the tasks for "Defense Economics" are indeed challenging. Economics is summoned to illuminate an ever
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larger range of pressing issues concerning conflict among states, between groups not organized into states, between these two classes, and concerning the preservation and evolution of the security among them. These security problems are increasingly seen as economic in their source, outcomes, and solutions. Moreover, the spectacle of policy makers floundering in "ad hockery", should provide ample incentive to economists to tackle the tough issues. How might we organize these to gain some insight ourselves as to the likely future focus of this field of study? There are, I think, three broad avenues along which Defense Economics will evolve in the future. These may interleave one another but be distinguishable nevertheless. (a) First, is a group of inherited, continuing concerns which have long occupied Defense Economics. Some questions from the earlier repertoire may have lapsed such as how to "prevail" in a thermonuclear war. Many other inherited issues, however, continue as important as ever. (b) Second, is a broad range of new policy issues deriving from the economic and political evolution which produced the end of the Cold War, dissolution of the USSR, and collapse of Communism. (c) And third, is a set of conceptual issues, both positive and normative, concerning the economic incentive structures in the international system and their implications for war, security, and peace. I take these areas up in the order mentioned. 4. 1 .
Continuing/inherited policy concerns
With respect to these issues, "a principal task of defence economics . . . is to develop an analytic framework that takes into account the specialized institutions of the defence sector in order to deal with the standard economic problems of choice, efficiency, and growth in a realistic and policy-relevant manner, while remaining firmly rooted in the intellectual traditions of economics in order to exploit advances made in the larger field" [Reppy ( 1 9 9 1 , p. 270)]. These represent extrapolations of the conventional analyses which has evolved to become defense policy. Some of these may be quite straightforward, others requiring highly innovative new analysis. I will mention only a few from the huge existing menu. Arguably most important of the inherited problems of security concerns nuclear issues, particularly the imperative to preserve nuclear deterrence and avoid nuclear weapons use between or among powers with large weapon inventories and delivery systems. This category encompasses questions of proliferation of nuclear weapons, including disposal of retired weapons and effects of increasing membership in a nuclear club. With respect to the latter how does increased membership influence the likelihood of abstinence from use, stability and dynamics of deterrence, and the opportunities for confrontation and compellence [Schelling ( 1 966), Intriligator and Brito ( 1 98 1 , 1 984)]. Management of nuclear downsizing involves important issues in cost effectiveness and the avoidance of destabilizing incentive structures for use of
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such weapons. Safety within the cone of mutual deterrence [Intriligator ( 1 975)] may involve not merely numbers of weapons (or megatonnage) but also specific sequencing of build down [Kent and Thaler ( 1 989)]. The unavoidable, if regrettable, truth that potential thern1onuclear war is a permanent feature of the landscape of international politics insures the lasting importance of economic analysis of such issues. Included especially are the incentives, costs, and resulting (in)stabilities which arise in control of strategic nuclear defense, particularly avoidance of surprise developments in missile defense ([McGuire (1987a, 1 992)] . The fact that the nuclear threat persists in a more amorphous, less direct and structured, less understood strategic environment of multiple interests and overlapping coalitions, makes this problem more treacherous than ever. Aside from nuclear questions, included in the "inherited" or "continuing" category is a large set of parallel ongoing issues concerning management of technological improvements in defense particularly great power conventional forces. The advance of conventional "smart" weapons technology making "surgical" or "sanitized" warfare closer and closer to reality would demand serious re-examination of conditions for use of force, and the wide array of traditional issues as to efficiency in their provision, including defense procurement and contracting, defense industrial policy and preparedness. Among the more intriguing insights to emerge from current ongoing analyses of these questions are the incentives which countries create for themselves by "conservatively" preparing for the worst. As pointed out by Wolfson ( 1 99 1 ) if readiness causes some of the costs of war to be borne before the decision to go to war, then at the time of decision, the true costs of war will in part be "sunk" and thereby diminish incentives to compromise. Is this an instance of myopia and inconsistency in multi period planning - so prominent a feature of many other areas of multi-period decision analysis? Or is it a case of success in making a commitment by spending in advance to reduce the incentive to abandon the present promise? Perhaps equally arresting and insightful analogues await further study of the interactions between defense and national economies, defense and development, or other traditional subjects. With outbreak of major war between the superpowers now less an imminent threat, and its avoidance less preoccupying, numerous other "traditional" issues will come into stronger focus. For example, the relationships between defense and development, and the closely related questions of the impact of foreign aid on both. This nexus of problems promises to be of greater concern not only because the lapse of the Cold War has re-ordered our priorities as to which questions most deserve energetic study. The end of the Cold War has also produced changes in behavior which tend to elevate the importance of defense in developing countries. Thus, for example, ethnic violence, once suppressed under the monolith regime of East-West rivalry, has come to the fore. Clearer understanding of the effects of defense on the political economy of nation building may derive from new theoretical endeavors which focus on the relationships between defense spending, the form and durability of government, and its allocative behavior [Palda ( 1 993), Grossman ( 1 992)]. These studies - if synthesized with the burgeoning literature which concerns governmental form and development - promise
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significant new insights into the connections between development and defense. Related to the interconnected political economy of development and defense are recent analyses concerning the effects of foreign aid on the incentive structures of democratic versus autocratic regimes which illuminate unexpected relationships between economic or military assistance and regime durability. This approach could be merged with earlier work on aid, defense and development [Dudley ( 1 979), Smith, Humm and Fontanel ( 1 987), McGuire ( 1 9 87b)] to produce better understanding of the Third World as a new active player in the international security drama - no longer a passive stage for great power rivalry as in the Cold War (terminology due to economist Charles Wolf, Jr.). The spread of and potential for ethnic conflict suggests that the literature on development in conflict ridden contexts [Hendry ( 1962), Dacy ( 1 983)] will find renewed application. And though statistical evidence relating defense, development, and growth is ambiguous to muddled, these problems may yield to careful case study. Another of the traditional areas of Defense Economics to carry forward from the earlier era, and be an object of closer study must be the economics of international arms trade and arms transfer. Exponential growth in this sector would insure closer scrutiny [Levine, Sen and Smith ( 1 994)] . Moreover, the arms trade is of special interest for three trends which it embodies. ( 1 ) The increasing relevance of the decisions of non-governmental bodies and organizations to national/international security. Arms suppliers are often private firms, sometimes multinational corporations themselves. (2) The world's growing dependence on international economic integra tion. (3) The augmented arena for external economies/diseconomies as an international free rider issue. 4.2.
Normative issues arising from world economic change and the collapse of Communism
The traditional concerns of Defense Economics - some very few of which have been enumerated above - all must fit in with the exciting if confusing developments following the autumn of 1 989. More than this, the demise of the Cold War has ushered in a new range of normative issues sweeping in their scope with economics at their center. These issues can be usefully organized into several categories. 4. 2. 1.
Economics of transition
The primary security problem generated specifically by the end of the Cold War is that of a successful transition of East Bloc countries toward peaceful and stable growth. Inasmuch as such success is so largely economic, "Defense Economics" has a major input. Here one must include such issues as transition from command to market economies, the management of defense industries in economies under such stressful change, utilization of defense capital, labor, and technologies in economies under transition. Nor, of course, is it solely former Communist states which must manage transitional arms reduction and resource redirection challenges. The economics of
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defense reductions within the US and other NATO countries will continue to attract strong attention from economists [Fontanel ( 1 994), Seiglie (1992)]. 4.2.2.
New definition of national/international security
As the threat to territorial integrity of Great Powers has receded, the issue of what now constitutes security has risen to the fore and particularly whether national security is mostly just economic security plain and simple. Just as lessened threats of territorial war have allowed and encouraged greatly increased interdependence among economies of the world, the ever growing economic linkages make individual countries increasing vulnerable to unanticipated economic crises [Cooper ( 1 9 86)] . Such crises may stem from sudden monetary phenomena, including debt default and liquidity crises, exchange rate or other price catastrophes, or from slowly building decay of competitive institutions. They may originate in natural disasters such as famine, epidemic, overpopulation, or massive human migrations as examples; or from neglect or free riding behavior such as pollution and overexploitation of resources; and they might originate in deliberate economic acts of resource owners, or they might derive from deliberate political acts, possibly unanticipated effects of political realignments. All such interdependencies and their breakdowns will display complex components, such as unexpected institutional failures, technical unknowns, natural physical discontinuities, and/or abrupt divergences in individual human action and collective political behavior. It is not difficult to imagine threats deriving from religious fanaticisms which would combine all these components. Economists will also be alert to the likelihood that the definition of "security" should expand if the costs of controlling undesired developments has declined. That is, whereas it may once have been too expensive to undertake corrections of human rights abuse, excesses of religious fanaticism, or refugee starvation, now with the political costs of corrections diminished, new incentives may arise to include such mishaps under the aegis of security. But then this raises the question of how far to carry such extended definition: all the way to include world poverty, income inequality, health, and environmental safety? Encompassed in this category are crucial new questions of conditions under which conflicts within a country can reach a stage that international intervention is justified, even required; that is, norms for international interference in the "internal" affairs of a country [see Kaysen and Reed ( 1 993)]. Reevaluation of the acceptable limits of national sovereignty will ultimately rest upon economic concepts such as externalities, spillovers, public goods, private property rights, social and individual welfare, free riding, and transactions costs, as well as other criteria in the realm of the political, legal, moral, psychological, and purely pragmatic. 4. 2. 3.
New economic instruments for security
Greater interdependence among world economies implies an increase in the con sequences of economic mishap. Corresponding to the benefits from increased
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specialization and interdependence are increased risk of disruption. Accordingly, an important new goal for Defense Economics will be to further understanding of how economic instruments may be used to deal with such risks. Some of these risks may be common or collective, requiring extensions of models of insurance, and self-protection to the realm of collective action and the relations among states [see for example McGuire and Shibata ( 1 988), Ihori ( 1 994)]. Other types of economic instruments may be employed individually by specific countries or groups of countries and thus be "private" rather than public goods; for example stockpiling policy as an instrument to reduce effects of trade interruptions may be an example of a private response, while contingent agreements for multi-country energy sharing would represent a collective response. The uses of economic sanctions, and all other manner of economic policy instruments to achieve security or other political goals will deserve fresh re-examination. Of special interest here may be analysis of the relative impact of economic rewards versus punishments, the role of credit/debt policies and threat of default, new uses of economic and military aid, trade and factor migration controls broadly conceived. 4.2. 4.
New concepts of alliances and replacement for bi-polar world hegemony
The last sub-category under the umbrella title of "new issues post-Communism" concerns security management in a world of evolving great power coalitions. Can Defense Economics contribute to a resolution of the puzzle over what is to replace bi polar hegemony. Such an endeavor is by no means the exclusive realm of economics, but economists do have a special contribution to make especially insofar as the adhesive to bind alliances together may no longer be simply a common defense against conquest. Instead a complex web of exchanges of all types of property, including goods, services, people, capital, financial promises, physical externalities also binds "allies". These create mutual expectations of self and others, and complex agreements and practices to provide more or less common collective goods adds to the binding force. A major problem for economics is to understand how collective goods such as common defense protection, and individual goods such as benefits from specialization and exchange combine in producing incentives for alliance formation/functioning [see McGuire ( 1 989), Wong ( 1 99 1), Ihori ( 1 993)]. And because management of the free rider problem is so central to "alliance" effectiveness, the economics of voluntary behavior in small groups will itself continue to be central to security questions, and should illuminate such important issues as developing regional alliances, power balances, and conflicts. Such analysis might encompass applications of honest preference revealing techniques and self-enforcing commitment mechanisms to group adhesion in defense environments. 4.3.
Positive analysis of international power equilibria
Although the details of an ultimate positive understanding of defense are far from clear, and even the outlines obscure, one can see various micro-economic elements which
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will have to be integrated into an overall model. These micro-economic elements which must be combined, comprise at least the following: property rights and the underlying appropriability of "production", which is to say the technology of conflict versus peaceful competition; costs of politico-military conquest versus defense; institutions of collaboration and coalition formation; and principles of systems equilibrium. We can briefly describe each of these components in tum to obtain some small idea of how they might fit together. Property rights and appropriability: The centrality of the concept of property, property rights, rent seeking behavior and theft being stipulated, a most important component for positive understanding of Defense Economics concerns when and why one group or country finds it advantageous to conquer or otherwise expropriate the product of another group, and when it finds it more advantageous to save, invest, labor, and trade. In other words what determines the opportunity cost of expropriative activity. Part of the answer to this question will lie in the costs of political or military dominance compared with the costs of defending against such dominance. We will tum to these momentarily, but more fundamental may be the inherent availability or vulnerability of a country 's production to coerced seizure. This should depend upon a country's stage of economic and political development. Natural resources may be easy to seize and expensive to defend, while expropriation of sophisticated, knowledge intensive products far more difficult because their production or delivery requires willing cooperation of a myriad of technical specialists. And not only may technically advanced, highly networked economies be inherently less vulnerable to conquest, the same is likely to be true of politically advanced countries. It is one thing to seize control of a country from a dictator or oligarchy who already had established a system of expropriation from its own population; it is quite another to devise institutions which will effect such expropriations from a free market of a previously competitive population. Costs of conquest versus defense: The economic explanation of international structure centers on the notion that ultimately the organization of the world into nation-states is the result of struggle and eventually a balance between resources allocated to capture and resources devoted to defense. Such mutual neutralization of resource allocations is then a characteristic of an equilibrium configuration of nations. In this environment, the technology of offense versus defense with special reference to scale economies must be highly influential, so a significant part of the problem of understanding the equilibrium in the international system will be to understand those technologies of capture vs. protection. The forces of theft and protection play themselves out over geography, which thus mediates crucial components of the relevant technology. Original analysis of aspects of this geo-technology, are due to Friedman ( 1 977) indicating the effects of distance on market dominance, and by Boulding ( 1 962) of the effects of distance on military power projection as measured by a "loss of strength gradient". At the margin, however, wherever forces compete and the struggle between nations or coalitions is in balance, this will involve a sort of neutralization of defensive and offensive strength.
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Consequently, the geography over which to expect conquest to dominate defense must depend on the relative technical capabilities of the two activities, returns to scale (both geographic scale and resource input scale), resource availabilities of competitors and other factors. Suppose one could measure a country's vulnerability to or risk of being conquered, annexed, colonized, etc. This risk will depend on the weapons and forces threatening such a country and the defensive weapons it commands through resource allocations to defense and protection. Now consider the marginal ratio of defense forces to offensive forces which will just offset or neutralize each other, keeping the defender at the same level of vulnerability. Such a ratio is a measure of the relative efficacy of defense against offense. How does such a ratio depend on the absolute level of risk? Is it also a function of absolute resource levels? How does it depend on geography? Measures of defensive versus offensive effectiveness such as these have been an important element in strategic analysis and operations research analyses of missile duels and missile defense [Bailey ( 1 973)]. But now it appears that similar concepts would seem to have wider application to the entire problem of systems equilibrium of nations. Hirshleifer also has explored these tradeoffs at a theoretical level (Ch. 7 of this volume) and he argues more generally for a redirection of intellectual focus toward conflict ridden processes ("the dark side") throughout economic study. Other economists have delved more specifically into the micro-foundations of allocations between offense (property acquisition or conquest) activities and defensive ones (property protection, offensive weapon defeat). [see Grossman ( 1 99 1), Skaperdas and Syropoulos ( 1 994), and Garfinkel ( 1 990)] . Institutions of collaboration: The flourishing economic theory of games will doubtless be central to an evolving understanding of international security and its political economy. Game theory one might hope would provide insights into whether the system of interacting nations has a "core" and the implications of a positive or negative answer. Such conjectures will certainly build on knowledge which presently is accumulating with respect to how institutions influence warlike proclivities of nations. Evidence is growing as to institutional foundations for a peaceful world; first that the greater the volume of international trade between countries, the less likely are they to have recourse to war to settle disputes [Polachek ( 1 980)]. Second, democratic regimes are less likely to go to war with each other than either autocratic regimes with each other or with democracies. Future empirical and conceptual progress in understanding these issues may help in evaluating the present trend toward increased fragmentation of nation states. Is the monopolistic model of a single world government in effect to be rejected by a competitive system of hundreds and hundreds of countries? Or is an oligopolistic system of countries a possibility? Or consider the economic model of a price leadership in which one or a few big participants in a market interact so as to determine variables which are accepted as parameters by numerous smaller participants. Can this be transplanted into this environment where unlike the concentration of industry example, the goods provided to the market are not private goods but public?
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Princip les of system equilibrium: Thompson ( 1 974) first made a suggestion as to how the incentives which apply to countries individually would fit together in an international security equilibrium. In the tradition of general equilibrium in resource allocations his suggestion has great appeal. Thompson's conjecture was that a distribution of property among states must be such that when each country mounts its optimal defense, any other country after expending the resources necessary to overcome that optimal defense if possible, would find that conquest of the defending country cannot produce a net gain. Such an equilibrium condition would presumably determine the number of competing countries, every country's overall allocation between production and security, and within each country 's security budget its allocation between defense and offense. Further, the effects of technological change, increased wealth, capital and labor accumulation, and population change would seem in principle to be deducible from such condition. Thompson's equilibrium criterion may not be ultimately satisfactory. Possibly explicit inclusion of public good and externality effects would alter equilibria qualitatively. This criterion ignores asymmetries in information, and effects of expectational factors and commitment issues. A full application of the idea should require a multi time period context, and consideration of coalition possibilities, but the object of understanding the system-wide implications of these security and defense strivings will constitute a central goal of future research in Defense Economics. 5. Concluding remark
This essay has briefly surveyed the course of Defense Economics as a field of study in the post World War II era. The field has expanded continuously in the scope of the questions it addresses, in the economic tools employed in its analyses, and in the criteria of intellectual rigor and social usefulness by which it is to be judged. Amidst this surging growth in Defense Economics as a field of study, one trend stands out. Where the focus of study originated in normative concerns for national security within competing power blocks, the field has evolved as one of positive study of the individual elements within the international system, and with normative analysis increasingly reflective of a globalized point of view. References Bailey, M.J., 1 973, Strategic interaction in force structure planning, unpublished Working Paper (Carnegie Mellon University, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Pittsburgh, PA). Benoit, E., 1 978, Growth and defense in developing countries, Economic Development and Cultural Change 26, 271-280. Boulding, K.E., 1962, Conflict and defense: A general theory (Harper and Row, New York). Brito, D.L., 1 972, A dynamic model of an armaments race, International Economic Review 13, 27 1-280. Brito, D.L., and M.D. Intriligator, 1985, Conflict war and redistribution, The American Political Science Review 79, 943-957.
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Bonn International Center for Conversion
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. Concepts and definitions 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.
Functional versus institutional approaches Direct, indirect and intangible costs and benefits Current versus comprehensive accounting Standard definitions
3 . Intertemporal consistency 4. International comparisons 5. Relative measures 6. Data sources 7. International arms transfers 8. Conclusion References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume I, Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V All rights reserved
46 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 54 57 59 63 64 65
M. Brzoska
Military expenditure is difficult to define. Major issues are functional versus institu tional approaches to defense, indirect and intangible costs and benefits and current versus comprehensive accounting. Authoritative institutions have adopted standard definitions but national governments are free to use their own definitions. Specific inflation pressures complicate the creation of real time series of military expenditures. International comparisons are influenced by the choice of exchange rates. For some countries, no credible data are available. Data series on military expenditures and arms transfers must be used with caution as the publishing institutions have only limited resources to deal with the numerous conceptual and practical problems.
arms transfers, conscnptton, costs of wars, data limitations, data sources, deflators, exchange rates, indirect costs, inflation, international comparisons, military aid, military strength, national accounts, opportunity costs, productivity, purchasing power parity, secrecy, social benefits
Ch. 3: 1.
World Military Expenditures
At first glance, military expenditures seem to be a straightforward measure: the costs of maintaining a military establishment in war and peace. But there are a number of conceptual problems with military expenditure data. In addition, data on military expenditures are of unequal quality and availability. Military expenditures are an overburdened concept both in academic analysis and in international politics. Military expenditures are basically an input measure: the aggregation of payments for soldiers and other persons concerned with the regular armed forces of a particular country, for goods purchased by the armed forces, and services bought from civilians, over a period of time, usually a year. Related to other economic aggregates, such as Gross Domestic or National Product (GDP; GNP) or the Central Government Expenditure (CGE) it is a measure of the relative burden of the military sector. The input costs of the military sector can also be thought of as their opportunity costs for expenditures in other, civilian, sectors. Similarly to other government expenditures whose productivity is difficult to measure, military expenditures are often used as an output measure. There is no readily available indicator of military strength, so military expenditures often serve this purpose. Of course, this is highly problematic. Strength is basically a stock measure, dependent on the military equipment available: for an effort to measure military capital see Hildebrandt ( 1 990). Fighting performance in war and the ability to prevent the out break of war are difficult to measure and depend on a number of non-pecuniary factors, such as training, motivation and leadership [Wiberg (1984), Goertz and Diehl ( 1 986)] . The use of military expenditures as a measure of military strength is especially numerous in international comparisons. Some methods have been developed to deal with the major deficiencies, e.g., the "building block" approach used to measure Soviet military expenditures during the Cold War. Another use of military expenditures occurs in military alliances in order to measure the "contribution" of members to the common cause. Again, the nature of military expenditures as an input measure requires interpre tation or corrective calculations, e.g. to deal with voluntary versus draft recruitment. The level and composition of military expenditures are often treated as state secrets, even in states with open political and parliamentary systems. Sizeable portions of the military budget, so called "black programmes" are not open to public scrutiny. The availability of military expenditures is low in states with highly autocratic regimes and in regions in conflict, for instance, the Middle East. Governments in Europe are required to reveal military expenditures to each other though not to the public - in the context of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1 . A number of states report data to the UN on a
1 According to an agreement within the predecessing organization, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Vienna Document 1990 of the Negotiations on Confidence and Security Building Measures convened in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Concluding Document of the Vienna Meeting of the CSCE. article I , paragraphs 14-1 6, reprinted in SIPRI Yearbook ( 1 99 1 , p. 476-477).
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voluntary basis. Comprehensive worldwide statistics of military expenditures are not available from any authoritative source; instead there exists a number of interested institutional bodies that issue series of military expenditures. They are only capable of correcting some of the major deficiencies of military expenditure data.
2. Concepts and definitions
Governments are basically free to define military expenditures according to their own wishes and purposes. The chosen definition is reflected in the national budget or statement of expenditure. Sometimes the liberty to define is used for purposes of deception, or because of specific tradition. But there are serious issues where differing definitions can be justified (see also Table 1 ). Table I Definitions of military expenditures' Possible items of military expenditures
Expenditures for military forces and their support I.
Pay to soldiers, officers
Salaries of technicians, bureaucrats etc. within armed forces or connected to military organization
Medical services, tax benefits, social benefits to above (including relatives)
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.
Pensions Military schools, hospitals etc. Current procurement expenditures on weapons (incl. arms imports) Infrastructure construction, housing etc. Operation and maintenance Procurement of other goods Military research and development
Other expenditures with military/defense/strategic purpose I I.
Stockpiling of strategic goods
12. 13. 14. 15.
Mothballing of weapons, production lines, etc.
1 6.
Arms production subsidies/conversion subsidies Military aid to other countries Contributions to international organizations (military alliances, UN peacekeeping, etc.) Civil defense
Expenditures for past military forces/action 17. Veteran benefits, etc. 18. Service of war debts
Items b in definitions issued by IMF NATO UN
X' X' X X
Ch. 3:
World Military Expenditures
Expenditures on other forces 19.
Border/Customs Guards
Chargeable to other accounts 22.
Humanitarian/disaster relief
UN peacekeeping
Incomes from 24.
Military schools, hospitals, companies
Civilian use of military infrastructure
VIP transport
Sale of patents, know-how
Repayment of production subsidies
Military aid from other countries
Obligations for future spending 30.
Procurements on credit
y y y
y y y
y y
' Sources: Ball ( 1 988, pp. 402-404), UN ( 1 977, 1 98 1 ), NATO DPQ(90)FIN&ECON, Part 1 (reprinted in Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 1 1/7373, 28). b Symbols: X, should be included in military expenditures; -, should not be included in military expenditures; Y, should be budgeted as income. ' If managed and financed by defense organization. d When judged to be trained, equipped and available for military operations. Double-counting has to be considered before aggregations.
2. 1.
Functional versus institutional approaches
Aggregation of expenditures belonging to military functions, such as military deterrence, defense and warfighting, is preferable. But government budgets are predominantly organized along bureaucratic lines. These may not coincide with functional purposes. For instance, paramilitary forces may come under the budget of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, military aid under the budget of Foreign Affairs, and procurement under the budget of special "Ministries of Machinery". Especially for unstable developing countries it may be very misleading to equate military expenditures with the budget of the Ministry of Defense (or War, or the Armed Forces). In such cases expenditures for internal "regime security", for police and paramilitary organizations can be very large [Ball ( 1 988)] . Herrera ( 1 994, p. 42) gives data for the not untypical example of Tunisia. Between 1 985 and 1 99 1 , Ministry of Defense expenditures rose from 1 80 million to 224 million dinars. At the same time, expenditures for "public order and security", mostly contained in the budget of the Ministry of Interior, increased from 1 00 million to 238 million dinars. There are no clear limits to the functions of the military. Is civil defense such a function? Do pensions to veterans belong here? What is the difference between a
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well-armed police force and lightly armed infantry? Is it the function of the military to provide for meteorological services, air traffic control, etc. as is the case in many countries? Is disaster relief something military? Is military aid to distant countries helpful fo� the national military purpose? In a number of countries, the armed forces run enterprises, often to produce weapons, but sometimes also to manufacture or sell civilian goods and services. There is no uniform way in which costs and incomes of such activities are budgeted. In the case of Indonesia, for instance, they seem to be fully outside the official budget [see e.g. Far Eastern Economic Review ( 1 994), June 9, p. 1 2]. A specific problem is presented by armed opposition groups. Their expenditures obviously are not part of the official state budget. Considering that in the early 1 990s more than 40 such groups were active the total expenditures of armed opposition groups may be quite substantive. Unfortunately, there are no data available. 2.2.
Direct, indirect and intangible costs and benefits
Budgets are basically statements of direct costs. Sometimes they include indirect costs, such as destruction during training exercises, when compensation is paid out by military departments. But often the use of civilian infrastructure etc. is not recorded. Environmental impacts of the activities of armed forces are seldom budgeted. Likewise there is often no attribution of costs to civilians even though they use military equipment, personnel or infrastructure. Thus, it is frequent practice that Air Forces provide VIP support out of the military budget. Armed forces are often exempted from indirect taxes and customs duties, sometimes even direct taxes. Different rules exist for the compensation of the armed forces for disaster relief, search and rescue operations, medical treatment and the like. A special case of indirect costs results from the practice of conscription. No country budgets the opportunity cost of using conscripts with low pay instead of professional soldiers. The argument is made frequently in international comparisons of military expenditures, especially for instance by governments within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Just to suggest orders of magnitude: the US government could save up to 25% of its military expenditure if it substituted conscripts for volunteers in the manner the German government does. Conscription, on the other hand, is an indirect cost to the economy since the supply of labor is reduced. The opportunity cost of a conscripted soldier is difficult to measure, especially in economies with high rates of unemployment in the relevant age groups. Another problem is presented by military aid. This can be given directly to the armed forces of another country or channelled through the budget of the recipient country. Practices differ. For instance, German assistance to foreign military forces is budgeted by the Foreign Office but administratively handled by the Ministry of Defense. US security assistance, which comes from the Pentagon's budget, consists of new weapon systems, surplus weapons of the US armed forces, training in the USA and in foreign countries, credits and cash to foreign governments.
Ch. 3: 2.3.
World Military Expenditures
Current versus comprehensive accounting
The functional approach generally excludes the consideration o f pensions, veteran benefits, etc. as well as debts incurred in prior wars. It can be argued that all social benefits should be excluded, as well as payments to children, relatives, etc. In practice, though, military bureaucracies often take care of such social benefits. In the other direction of time, a functional accounting of expenditures extending into the future, such as procurement on credit terms, would imply use of a depreciation stream. In budgetary practice this is not often found. Sometimes, actual expenditures are recorded for the years in which payments of interest and principal occurs. But in many cases debt service for procurement is aggregated with other debt service in a special budget account and not recognizable any more as expenditure connected with military activity. This is one of the reasons why detailed studies of military budgets in countries with resource gaps fail to find much expenditure on weapons [Ball (1984a, 1 98 8)]. Military expenditures are especially difficult to ascertain in times of war. Countries at war are notoriously missing from data series on military expenditures. Also, there are typical costs of wars that are of interest such as destruction of property, loss of lives or loss of output. While not military expenditures proper, they are part of the larger picture of the economic consequences ·of military activity. 2. 4.
Standard definitions
There may be good reasons for national practices of defining and budgeting military expenditures but they make international comparisons very difficult. Nicole Ball, who has made a detailed study of the budgets of a large number of developing countries has reported frequent changes in budgeting practices, so that intertemporal comparisons are also often very difficult [Ball ( 1 984a)]. Standard definitions of military expenditures have been proposed by international organizations involved in data collection (Table 1 ). Three definitions are widely used, namely those by NATO, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations (UN). The NATO definition is first and foremost for internal purposes, but has also been adopted as the basis of other data series, such as those of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (US ACDA). The NATO definition is a fairly comprehensive measure of the financial burden of the operation of armed forces. The IMF definition provides the basis for various data products published by the World Bank (such as World Development Report, World Tables) and the IMF (such as Government Finance Statistics). It is an element in the IMF Government Finance Statistics and therefore less specifically oriented towards military considerations than the NATO definition. The UN definition was developed specifically for the purposes of international comparison. From the 1 970s, UN expert committees have worked on the problem of defining and reporting military expenditure. A detailed reporting scheme distinguishing major components of military expenditures and force groups (a total of 588 data entry
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fields) was developed [UN ( 1 977, 1 98 1)] . The number of countries reporting data slowly increased, numbering close to 40 in the early 1 990s [US ACDA ( 1 993)]. The most detailed data have tended to come from the Western industrialized states for which disaggregated national data are publicly available anyway while only few Eastern or developing countries have reported even aggregate figures. The UN definition is also used in the OSCE framework. The UN definition is the most comprehensive of the definitions. In fact, it is so detailed that a number of governments justifY failure to report with the inability to conform to the UN framework. The differences between the three standard definitions do not look very striking (Ta ble 1 ) . Nevertheless, figures can be quite different in cases where there are large pension payments or "strategic" expenditures. Differences between national and standard definitions can be quite large. German military expenditures for 1 993 according to NATO criteria were put at DM mil lion 63 854 while the German Defense Budget was only DM million 49 602 Official Chinese defense expenditures for 1 993 amounted to 42.5 billion yuan or $7.3 billion. Adding such categories as production subsidies to defense industries and military research and development expenditures on People's Armed Police and militia brings the figure up to something like $34 billion. Pension and demobilization expenditures, which fall under the NATO, but not the IMF definition add another $2 billion or so. In addition, the People's Liberation Army has large incomes from arms sales and commercial enterprises. These may be as high as $9 billion. Most of this income is not budgeted centrally and spent by the unit which generated it [all estimates follow Shambaugh ( 1 994)]. In total, then, Chinese military expenditures following the NATO or UN definitions are something like six times the official figure. In addition to definitional differences, there are outright manipulations of data. It is widely assumed, though seldomly documented, that transactions are made outside of the budget, for instance through special accounts [Brzoska ( 1 982), Ball (1984b), Sen ( 1 992)]. The income for these funds usually comes from the exports of raw materials, as in the cases of Chile (copper) and Iran (oil) in the late 1 970s. Sometimes, budgetary control is in such a bad shape that it is impossible to establish military expenditure data, as was the case in Argentina in the early 1 980s. A World Bank team estimated that official data were underreporting true military expenditures by at least 50% in the 1 970s and early 1 980s [Herrera ( 1 994, p. 25)].
3. Intertemporal consistency
Deflation is a major source of problems with international military expenditure data. There are only a few countries that have specific military price deflators [Skons ( 1 983), 2 Data from NATO Brief, April 1 994, p. 33 and Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Weillbuch 1 994, Bonn 1 994, p. 76. Differences are due to payments from other budgets, such as contributions to the Gulf War, military aid and pensions.
Ch. 3:
World Military Expenditures
UN ( 1 986), Fontanel ( 1 982, 1 986)]. These are regularly larger than comparable civilian deflators. A major problem in the calculation of inflation in the military sector is the correction for increases in product quality. For some purposes, such as opportunity cost measurements, it is not necessary to have specific military deflators. No other country provides as many resources to the calculation of military deflators as the United States, at least if judged by what is known in the public sphere. The Pentagon publishes an annual series containing information on prices for weapons systems under procurement [DoD (annual)]; there are Pentagon aggregate estimates of deflators for weapon categories and force groups and there is a specific deflator for national account purposes, prepared from Pentagon raw data in the US Department of Commerce (monthly). Disaggregated military deflators are also available for a number of European NATO member states [Skons ( 1 983), UN (1 986)] . Two basic methods are used to construct these deflators. One is the use of weighted civilian deflators, such as labor costs, purchases of consumer goods, purchases of investment goods, etc. with weights corresponding to the composition of military expenditures. Another is to record the changes in input costs of specific military items, such as pay for soldiers and weapon systems, and to correct these for increases in productivity and product quality. In both cases, the correction of quality change is a major problem. Reported military deflators are usually larger than GDP or industrial production deflators but this may be due to insufficient calculation of quality improvement [Skons ( 1 983)]. On the other hand, there are some reasons for assuming that military inflation might be above average. For instance, military inputs tend to come overproportionally from sectors with above average inflation, such as high salary groups and high-technology industrial sectors. Also, there is a tendency for "gold-plating" weapons and the arms market is often monopsonistic or, at best, oligopolistic [Albrecht et al. ( 1 979), Albrecht ( 1 982), Smith (1 985)]. The rate of cost increase in reported military deflators - for military expenditures or weapon categories - above civilian inflation is sometimes called the "escalation rate". It is sometimes interpreted as a sign of secular overinflation in the military sector that has to be remedied through above average inflation compensation in military budgets. But it can also be argued that "escalation" reflects product improvement in the military sector above civilian average, otherwise the mix of inputs would not have been chosen [Smith ( 1 985)]. Going back to a well-known study from the early 1 970s comparing both inter- and intra-generational cost rises for a number of weapon systems, a "military escalation" rate of 4.5 per cent per annum is often quoted [US General Accounting Office ( 1 973)]. But given the difficulty of comparing weapons for their quality, any such number is arbitrary. Based on such escalation rates, Norman Augustine, later chairman of Martin Marietta, predicted in the mid 1970s that the entire US defense budget would only buy one ship, one tank and one aircraft by 2054 [Augustine ( 1 975)]. One additional problem with military deflators for weapon systems is that they tend to be distorted by procurement cycles. Unit weapon costs are often higher in
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the early phases of procurement than in later phases. They also tend to vary with the number of items bought in a particular year, because of the high share of fixed costs. For aggregate measures, the usual quality correction problems of deflation arise. The quality of weapon systems of successive generations is notoriously difficult to value. Military deflators are of no relevance when the object is to measure the opportunity cost of military expenditures. Important here are the changes in the price levels of the goods and services foregone because of the allocation of expenditures to the military. Assumptions about the counter-factual have to be made: for instance that, if available for civilian purposes, resources would be spent on consumption, or in the same way as current GDP. In the first case, the consumer price deflator would be the proper one, in the second case, the GDP deflator. Inflation shapes another problem for international comparisons. Many countries have fiscal years that differ from financial years. With high rates of inflation, correct recalculations to a standard time frame, such as the calendar year, depend on some knowledge of the timing of expenditures within a fiscal year.
4 . International comparisons
Military expenditures are mostly expenditures in national currencies, for salaries and operation. Other parts, such as procurement of weapons, often are spent in international currencies, for instance US dollars. Basic data are reported in national budgets in national currencies. For purposes of international comparisons this presents problems of currency conversions. The most frequently used conversion rates for military expenditures - as for all other economic aggregates - are annual average market exchange rates as for instance regularly published in the IMF's International Financial Statistics. They basically reflect the comparative value of international economic transactions, such as trade, services, foreign investment and other capital transfers, but are also influenced by government interference in international transactions, expectations about future levels of interest rates and future political decisions. The more closed an economy, the higher is the probability that domestic prices diverge from international prices calculated with market exchange rates [Kravis et al. ( 1 978)]. For economies with highly regulated foreign exchange markets, market rates are misleading or not even available. This was, for instance, the case in the former socialist countries. For these cases, a wide spectrum of exchange rates can be used, ranging from official rates set by governments to experts' estimates. The latter are also often used to estimate exchange rates of economies with very high rates of inflation. There are various efforts to address some of the problems associated with market exchange rates. For instance, the UN's price adjusted rates of exchange (PARE) and the World Bank Atlas conversion rate are "corrected" market exchange rates. PARE uses a base year, judged to be reflective of relative prices, which is made current with GDP implicit price deflators. For many of the entries in the World Bank Atlas, an
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average of the current rate and two rates using earlier base years is calculated. Neither of these measures solves the structural problems of the comparability of relative price levels. A radical departure from the international transaction approach is the use of Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs). PPPs are usually calculated from the comparison of common baskets of goods and services of pairs of countries with the US dollar as the common currency. The most extensive effort to calculate PPPs for a large number of economies and to estimate real exchange rates for almost all countries has been the International Comparison Project (ICP) based at the University of Pennsylvania [Kravis et al. ( 1 978), Summers and Heston ( 1 988)]. Kravis, Heston, Summer and associates have developed PPPs for GDP and parts of GDP such as government expenditures. PPPs are also used for the World Economic Outlook published j ointly by the IMF and the World Bank, and by the OECD. The use of alternative currency conversion rates produces differing data sets of international military expenditures (Table 2). With exceptions, PPPs tend to value goods and services in poor countries higher than market exchange rates; therefore conversion of military expenditures with PPPs produces larger numbers for such countries [West ( 1 987), Sen ( 1 992)]. A rough estimate is that world military expenditures would be reported at about 1 25 per cent of their current level if converted with PPPs. The maj or increases in numbers are for countries such as India and China with large military expenditures and very low market exchange rates compared with PPPs. Such PPP conversions reflect opportunity cost measures of international military expenditures. For an output oriented measure of military expenditures, specific PPPs for the military sector have to be calculated. Some limited work has been done on specific military PPPs. A group of experts studied the issue in the framework of the UN Reduction of Military Expenditure exercise [UN ( 1 986), Fontanel ( 1 986), Cars and Fontanel ( 1 987)]. Sufficiently detailed data are only available for a few OECD member countries. Since these countries have fairly similar price structures, differences with figures calculated at market exchange rates are not very large [UN ( 1 986, Table 1 2)]. Building on a combination of the strictly military PPPs from the UN expert group and economic PPPs from the ICP project, Heston and Aten ( 1 993) have estimated real military expenditures for a large number of countries (excluding socialist countries). The base year was 1 980 with further estimations up to 1 985. They first estimated the shares of personnel, international procurement (arms imports) and other expenditures from a number of sources. They then applied differing PPPs to these categories. For some procurement items, such as food and construction, civilian PPPs were used. For purchases of military weapons and salaries of personnel specific PPPs based on the UN expert group's work were estimated. Since it makes a large difference whether there is draft or voluntary conscription of what military expenditures buy in terms of output, they estimated full opportunity cost salaries for conscripts. Heston and Aten's military PPP estimates are different from data based on market exchange rates as well as from GDP PPPs (Table 2). One problem with the data is that
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56 Table 2 Comparison of military expenditures using alternative currency conversion methods Expenditures in local currencies Country Currency Amount Algeria Bolivia
m dinars m bolivanos
1 985
Expenditures in million US dollars b WBA RMP ppp PARE 141 1
1 64
m forint m new shekels
508 1
m nairas
1 094
1 008
1 160
m kyats
1 973
699 282
b dollars
Sources: SIPRI (1 989, appendix SA), UN (1 993, Table A2), Heston and Aten ( 1 993, Table 19.2). Abbreviations: MER, Market Exchange Rates [IMF according to UN ( 1 993)]; PPP, Purchasing Power Parities [ICP Project according to UN ( 1 993)]; PARE, Base Year 1 970 absolute pares [UN (1 993)]; WBA, World Bank atlas rates [World Bank according to UN ( 1 993)]; RMP, Real Military Expenditures [Heston and Aten ( 1 993)]; m, million; b, billion; n.a., not available. a
arms imports are a large component of military expenditures in the data Heston and Aten used 3 . Another is the number of data gaps that have to be filled with the help of regressions. Such data gaps are especially large and worrisome in the cases of East European and Middle Eastern countries and China, where more than 40% of global military expenditures occur. Until more data become available, military PPP estimates are not very reliable. Though they were not named this way, PPP type estimates of military expenditures were the predominant method to estimate data for East European socialist countries during the Cold War. The most important of these was the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) "building block method" for the Soviet Union. First, an extensive and labor intensive "count" of all physical items in the Soviet military was made. The physical numbers were than multiplied with prices for equipment and personnel. To these aggregates, cost estimates for other categories, such as research and development and operation and maintenance were added. US prices were used to produce a "dollar" estimate, rouble prices (from a variety of sources, including intelligence) for a "rouble" estimate. The CIA estimates were criticized for a variety of reasons. For instance, the use of either dollar or rouble estimates raises index number problems. Also, dollar and rouble estimates were surprisingly similar, given the large differences in pay for soldiers and workers in the arms industries in the Soviet Union and the USA [Holzman ( 1 982)]. 3 Most of these data are for industrialized countries. An extrapolation of these data to developing
countries is problematic, as Ball (1 984a, 1 988) has demonstrated.
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A number of alternative approaches were proposed and discussed [Jacobsen ( 1 987)]. This is now largely a matter of historical interest, although a lively debate continues [Gonchar ( 1 994)].
5. Relative measures
One way to avoid some of the mentioned problems of intertemporal and international comparisons is to use ratios of military expenditures in relation to other financial aggregates. Unfortunately, new problems arise. However, depending on the purpose for which military expenditure data are to be used, relative measures can be an attractive alternative to military expenditures in local or international currency. The most often used relation is military expenditures as a share of GNP or GDP. It is often called the "military burden measure" because it indicates the importance of the military sector in the spending of the national income. The "military burden" can be calculated without the use of deflators or currency conversion. It makes for easy comparisons between small and large countries as well as between rich and poor countries. As the name suggests, it is most useful for economic purposes. It has little relevance for purposes of measuring relative military strength and the like. The main problem with the "military burden" measure stems from the difficulties in establishing reliable data on national income. Especially in countries without developed markets, be they centrally planned or poor countries, there are large estimation problems. Since defense is a territorial concept, GDP, the production of goods and services in a territory, is preferable as a denominator over GNP, the income of the inhabitants of a territory. Another relative indicator based on a revision of GDP data has been proposed by Lock (1 979). He argued that the "burden measure" was skewed between rich and poor countries since in poor countries a larger share of GDP is subsistence production and can, or at least, should not be used to finance military expenditures. He attempted to calculate military expenditures as a share of Hypothetical Maximum Surplus (HMS). This is defined as national income beyond minimum expenditures necessary to satisfy the population's basic needs. It was calculated by subtracting from GDP the product of the population with the dollar value for the absolute poverty level. For developed countries there is no large difference between the "burden measure" and military expenditures as a share of HMS. For developing countries, especially very poor ones, the HMS based indicator shows much higher values. For Africa in 1 989, for instance, the share of military expenditures in HMS was 50% while it was only 4.4% of GDP [Brzoska ( 1 994b, p. 54)]. There are important conceptual problems with HMS. There is no guarantee that people will receive a minimum income that will cover their basic needs, especially in countries with authoritarian governments. HMS is thus truly hypothetical, though educational in highlighting differences between developing and developed countries. In addition, there are large conceptual and data problems in the calculation of absolute
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poverty levels. There is no regular publication of military expenditures as a share of HMS. There are also relative measures designed to be more reflective of military strength, defense capability and the like. None of these have received much attention. Military expenditures per square kilometer, per kilometer of border line, per inhabitant, etc., can all provide some insight into specific aspects of international comparison, but none are capable of offsetting the basic problems of military expenditures as a measure of military strength mentioned above. Military expenditures as share of GDP may be a good measure of the "burden" for the economy but not of the priority given to the military sector in decision making over the use of available resources. Governments, as providers of resources for the military sector, only command part of the national income. If the purpose is to establish national political priorities, it makes more sense to use government expenditures as the denominator rather than the full national income. The share of military expenditures in government expenditures is a good indicator of the relative importance of the military sector in a given country. In practice, the value of this indicator is limited by conceptual and data problems for government expenditures. There are centralized and decentralized governments, governments that budget most expenditures for health, education and pensions directly and governments that leave such functions to private corporations, lean governments and governments that tax heavily and subsidize heavily, etc. The most often used denominator is the Central Government Expenditure series as provided by the IMF. Obviously, it is skewed in cases of very centralized, or decentralized, governments (compare France and Switzerland in Table 3). Recently, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its Human Development Report has highlighted another indicator, the relationship of military expenditures to expenditures on health and education. The indicator is not new: it can be found in early editions of US ACDA and in Sivard, and can easily be constructed from IMF data [IMF (annual); see also Abdallah ( 1 995)]; in fact, it provides much of the rationale of Sivard's publication 4 . UNDP puts additional emphasis on the indicator by declaring health and education expenditures a measure of priority on "human development". The comparison of military expenditures with human development expenditures was judged to be a good indicator of priorities. Although there are obvious problems with comparisons based on health and education expenditures - the shares of private and government provision differ, labor costs are very sensitive to specific labor supply curves, for instance for doctors and teachers, and the marginal costs of health and education tend to increase with national income - the UNDP data had a remarkable policy impact in the early 1 990s. Together with the burden measure it is, for instance, an important instrument in the discussion about economic aid [Ball ( 1 993)].
4 Sivard was in charge of the US ACDA data in the early 1 970s when it was decided to discontinue the publication of social data.
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Table 3 Military expenditures as share of GOP and Central Government Expenditures (CGE) and in relation to social expenditures' (selected countries, 1 99 1 or latest year available) Country GOP Algeria Bolivia Brazil China Colombia France Hungary Iran Iraq Israel India Nigeria Myanmar (Burma) Soviet Union/Russia Switzerland Uganda USA World average Developed Developing
Military expenditures in relation to (%) Social expenditures CGE
1 .8 2.4 1 .3 3.3 2.6 3.6 2.1 5.7 74.9 8.1 2.7 0.8 5.6 1 0.3 1 .9 2.6 4.9 4.2 4.1 4.5
' Sources: US ACDA ( 1 994), UNDP ( 1 994).
7.7 b 12.8 2.P 17.4 20.5 8.1 4.P 24.9 n.a.
20.5 16.4 2.8 b 1 3.8 43. 1 b 1 9.4 2 1 .8 1 9.6 15.0 14.2 1 8.3 b
11 57 23 1 14 57 29 18 38 27 1 1 06 65 33 222 132 14 18 46 37 33 60
Data for 1 990.
Table 3 illustrates some of the differences between named measures for selected examples. Developing countries generally have higher shares of military expenditures in relation to CGE than developed countries. Part of the difference comes from comparatively low spending on health and education expenditures in developing countries as highlighted by the data in the third column of Table 3. Obviously, the variances in the data series increase with the decreases in the values of the denominators relative to military expenditures. While the general trend in the three series is similar, there are important differences due to country specifics with respect to CGE and social expenditures.
6. Data sources
The general interest in military expenditures data, for whatever purpose, has impelled a number of institutions to publish such data series. Unfortunately, there is a large
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amount of cross citation that is not always recognized by users. It is a time-consuming task to bring available data in line with a chosen definition and to fill in the gaps of poor or missing data. The UN military expenditure data exercise has already been mentioned. Unfortu nately, only a limited number of countries respond to the questionnaires sent out to them annually. There is no check to the data applied by the UN. The data are reported in annual publications by the UN in national currencies. The IMF sends out questionnaires to member countries for the purposes of its various statistical series. Following a review in the early 1 990s, questionnaires are now more specific and detailed. Member countries are under an obligation to provide statistics. The IMF provides governments with its definition of military expenditures but accepts the data sent in as long as it does not expressly conflict with the IMF definition or internal accounting logic. Because of bureaucratic practice in many countries, it is likely that the IMF under-represents expenditures outside of the budget of the Ministries of Defense. The data are published in a number of readily available IMF/World Bank sources, in most detail in the Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY). In 1 993, military expenditure was reported by 94 of the 1 79 IMF member countries. For those countries involved in extended credit programmes, IMF economists usually have a closer look at the statistics, including military expenditure data. Such data, often more conformant to the IMF definition, do not find their way into published statistics if they are not explicitly authorized by national governments. They have been used in an aggregated way in studies by IMF authors, and published in aggregated form in at least one instance in the World Economic Outlook [Arora and Bayoumi ( 1 993)] . In some of its standard series, such as UN National Account Statistics, the UN also publishes data supplied by national authorities. For special publications, such as the UNDP's Human Development Report, data are collected from a variety of sources, including IMF, Sivard and SIPRI. Agencies of the United States government collect, and for some countries of special interest, generate military expenditure data. The data are used for a number of purposes including Congressional requirements to report on countries receiving US aid. Agencies involved include US embassies around the world, the US Agency for International Development (AID) for developing countries, the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for countries such as the former Soviet Union, Russia and China. The data are published in a number of places, such as reports to Congress that are difficult to access. The most useful of the US government's publications is the annual World Miltary Expenditures and Arms Transfers prepared by the US ACDA. It is the most comprehensive of all available data sources. The data presented in this publication come from a number of sources within the US government but also from the IMF [Fei ( 1 979), Ball ( 1988)] . There are some peculiarities. For instance, for a number of countries arms imports, as estimated by US government sources, are added to estimates of military expenditures. Although it is probably true that a large number
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of governments do not record any expenditures on arms imports in official military expenditures, there is a danger of double counting for military aid and a mixture of actual and estimated expenditure [see below; for a similar procedure see Hewitt ( 1 993)] . Also, such procedures are not in line with the NATO definition that is reportedly chosen as the basis. Finally, the criteria for selection of countries for which the procedure is adopted are not clear. US ACDA reports data in current and constant US dollars. The constant dollar series is created by converting national data deflated with a CPI inflation index with market exchange rates for some base year. The current dollar series is calculated by applying the US CPI deflator. National and US deflators are thus mixed for the current dollar senes. At SIPRI information on military expenditures is collected from a large number of publicly available sources, such as newspapers, special military j ournals, government publications and budget data. The preferred definition is a simplified NATO definition but SIPRI only has very limited means to correct national data [Huisken (1973), Blackaby and Ohlson ( 1 9 82), Sen ( 1 992)]. For a number of countries, published IMF data are used, but still data have to be estimated for some countries. Because of misgivings about some of the data, estimation of a figure for the Soviet Union was discontinued in 1 987. The data are presented both in national currencies at current prices and at constant prices, using CPI deflators and market exchange rates. Ruth Sivard has for some time been publishing brochures including military expenditure data. Her data are mostly drawn from other sources, such as published IMF data, SIPRI and US ACDA, but for many countries, including the Soviet Union, estimates are made. Each publication includes aggregate data for a number of years and detailed data in US dollars for one year. The London based International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) presents data on military budgets in its Military Balance. The figures are usually projected budget expenditures for the current fiscal year as reported to the IISS by national governments. There is no effort to bring them to a common definitional standard or to check whether proj ections correspond with actual expenditures. Differences among the sources can be large in individual cases, as shown by a random sample in Table 4. Among the reasons for the differences are deflation methods, the use of currency conversion, the extent of data manipulation to reflect definitions, corrections for differences in fiscal and financial years and others. Rough trends, for instance for regional totals, are similar [Brzoska ( 1 982), Herrera (1994), Happe and Wakeman-Linn ( 1 993 , 1 994)]. But rankings of individual countries, growth rates of military expenditures for individual countries and levels of military expenditures are source dependent. An example is the number for global military expenditures (Table 5). The main reason for the difference between US ACDA and Sivard is the valuations of Soviet/Russian and Chinese military expenditures. US ACDA, based on CIA estimates, puts very high values on these, while Sivard reports very low numbers.
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Table 4 Military expenditures - differences among international sources • (millions constant US dollars of 1 988) Country
1 989 1 991 1989 1991 1 989 1 99 1 1 989 1991 1 989 1 99 1 1 989 1991 1989 1 99 1 1 989 1991 1 989 1 99 1 1 989 1991
1 045 1 1 77 181 1 78
Bolivia China Hungary Israel India Nigeria Myanmar (Burma) Soviet Union/Russia USA Totals, 1 989 Totals, 1 99 1 Number of countries in source
1 989 1 99 1
1 084 644 145 1 03 42 900 43 500 3888 1 1 12 5975 4402 641 2 6129 1 13 215 754 1 129 288 000 221 000 290 938 247 1 97 I 023 445 9 1 5 500 1 22 1 15
n.a. n.a.
1 944 1354 3830 3909 9609 9033 247 275 292 429 n.a. n.a.
290 593 264 383 628 1 89 671 805 Ill
929 734
n.a. n.a.
1 1 84
80 1 03
1 24
n.a. n.a.
1 3 1 40
139 6350 1 6 200 792b 660 4961 ' 4543 d 8500 6970 264 208 325 338 I l l 500 1 14 700 277 898 ' 247 146' 744 628 825 727 1 16 1 03
5630 4302 8353 6 1 00
n.a. n.a.
266 820
n.a. n.a.
78 300
278 440 248 220 496 887 423 456 72 45
295 770 706 088 1 32
Sources: SIPRI ( 1 992), US ACDA ( 1 994), Sivard ( 1 993), IMF GFSY ( 1 994), IISS ( 1991-1 993), Happe and Wakeman-Linn ( 1 994); deflation rate: US ACDA ( 1 994). Abbreviations: US ACDA, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; IISS, International Institute for Strategic Studies; GFSY, International Monetary Fund - Government Finance Statistics Yearbook. b As announced by government. ct Fiscal Year, including US military aid. ' Fiscal Year. ' 1 990 or earlier, as available. a
Table 5 World military expenditures Billion US dollars, 1 987 prices
Data source• Sivard US ACDA SIPRI
1 980
1 989
1 990
1 99 1
549 850 777
690 986
676 960
655 882
Sources: Sivard ( 1 993, p. 42), US ACDA ( 1 994, Table 1 ), SIPRI ( 1 986, p. 23 1). b No world total estimated after 1 986.
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Table 6 World military spending relative to GDP, 1991 • (in percent of GDP, averages over countries in source b) Region/country World total Western industrial countries Eastern Europe Soviet Union/Russia Developing countries Asia Middle East North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Western Hemisphere
4.9 2.7 4.6 1 0.3 5.6 3.4 18.8 4.3 3.3 1 .8
3.3 2.7
4.1 2.4
3.1 2.9
3.4' 3.3 3.8 6.3 2.6 2.4 7.2 2.2d
1 .6
3.8 3.2 1 0.0 3.6 1 .8 1 .6
4.8 3.8 12 4.4 3 .7 2.5
3 .2 2.5 8.4 2.0 2.7 1 .3
' Sources: Arora and B ayoumi ( 1 993), Happe and Wakeman-Linn ( 1 993). Abbreviations: US ACDA, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; !ISS, International Institute for Strategic Studies; GFSY, International Monetary Fund-Government Finance Statistics Yearbook; WEO, International Monetary Fund/World Bank, World Economic Outlook. b Data for WEO are for 1 992. ' Own estimate including Russia. d Africa total.
Large differences are also visible in the data o f military expenditures as share in GDP (Table 6). The relations between the various world regions are similar, though not identical. Available data sources have to be used with great caution. 7. International arms transfers For developing countries, more than half of the value of procurement is the import of weapons and other military goods. As mentioned earlier, the treatment of arms imports in many countries' military expenditures is difficult to track, leading some experts into the practice of adding arms imports to military expenditures [US ACDA, Hewitt ( 1 993)] . Unfortunately, available data on the arms trade are not well suited for such correction of military expenditure data, even in cases where national budgeting practice would allow such adjustment. Available data - from SIPRI, US government and the UN are output oriented. They are constructed with the primary goal of measuring the transfer of military power [Brzoska ( 1 9 8 1 )] . SIPRI researchers collect public information on transfers of maj or weapons 5 and then multiply them with a price (called SIPRI unit -
Aircraft, armored vehicles and artillery, ships, missiles and stand-alone radar and guidance systems.
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value) that is considered to reflect values regardless of whether this price is actually paid or not. The US government collects data on individual arms transfer deals, recording the number of items transferred and prices paid. But if actual prices seem to diverge from imputed values or no money is paid, average prices from similar deals are imputed. The data are regularly published in the reports by US ACDA and the Congressional Research Service [Grimmett (annually)]. At the UN, a voluntary arms transfer register has been in operation since 1 993 . A large percentage of exporters and a fair amount of importers report transfers of maj or weapons. Some cross-checking is therefore possible. No financial data are published [Laurance, Wulf and Wezeman ( 1 993)]. Especially during the Cold War, when large numbers of weapons were transferred for free or at subsidized prices, there were large discrepancies between arms transfer data as published by international sources and what was actually paid for imported weapons. In the case of the Soviet Union, for instance, less than one third of income from arms sales reported in standard sources actually occurred. The rest was delivery on credit terms where repayment was insecure or not expected at all [Brzoska ( 1 983, 1 994a)]. On the other hand, because of the widespread practice of purchasing weapons on credit, a sizeable amount of military induced debt was accumulated in the late 1 970s and 1980s. Debt service on weapomy imported earlier may be higher since the late 1 980s than the cost of current arms transfers [Brzoska ( 1 992)]. These costs are regularly not part of reported military expenditures. If they were included, arms transfer data would be increased by one fourth to one third [Brzoska ( 1 994a)].
8. Conclusion
For academic analysis, military expenditures may be the best indicator of military activity but available data have to be used with a great deal of caution, for instance in regression analysis [Goertz and Diehl (1 986)]. For interpretation of all kinds it has to be taken into account that there is no general agreement on the concept nor its translation into definitions. Data accuracy and validity is not sufficient to support weak statistical results. Exceptions from this statement are only acceptable in the case of OECD countries. The data are good for some countries outside of the OECD, such as India, but very poor for a large number of others. The ready availability of data in some well-known sources should not detract from the numerous data problems. None of the institutions collecting and openly publishing data are able to put much effort into correcting military expenditures data. Compared with the resources available to national or international statistical offices, the labor input is marginal. At SIPRI, Sivard, and US ACDA, timely publication of the series depends on the initiatives of single persons. Unfortunately, the UN has not succeeded in bringing a sufficient number of countries to report detailed data and the IMF does not publish its more standardized series.
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The available data are more suited for trend analysis than for international comparisons. The range of definitions is large, and corrections according to a standard definition are limited. Currency conversion problems are serious. Deflation is another large problem. Above all, for the maj ority of countries, the availability of data remains as the outstanding issue. Military expenditures are still a highly political issue in many countries, although the most controversial case, Soviet military expenditures, has lost its relevance. Many governments continue to treat military expenditures as a national secret even if they do not engage in manipulation of such data. It is to be hoped that the end of the Cold War will allow a continuation of the UN's efforts at reporting military expenditures or another maj or effort by another international organization. The success of the arms transfer register is a good sign. More transparency of military expenditures is also one of the goals of recent activities by donors of development aid [Ball ( 1 993), Kan ( 1 993)] .
References Abdallah, W.K., 1995, GFS Yearbook highlights trends in fiscal balance, military spending, IMF Survey, March 6. Albrecht, U., 1 982, Riistung und Inflation, in: P. Sonntag, ed., Riistung und Okonomie (Haag und Herchen, Frankfurt) 209-236. Albrecht, U., et al., 1 979, A short research guide on arms and armed forces (Croom Helm, London). Arora, V.B., and T. Bayoumi, 1 993, Economic benefits of reducing military expenditure, World Economic Outlook, October, 1 04-1 12. Augustine, N., 1 975, One plane, one tank, one ship: Trend for the future?, Defense Management Journal, April, 34-40. Ball, N., 1 984a, Third world security expenditure: A statistical compendium, FOA Report C 1 0250-MS (F6rsvarets Forskningsanstalt, Stockholm). Ball, N., 1 984b, Measuring Third World security expenditure: A research note, World Development 12, 1 57-164. Ball, N., 1 98 8, Security and economy in the Third World (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ). Ball, N., 1 993, Pressing for reform (Overseas Development Council, Washington, DC). Blackaby, F., and T. Ohlson, 1 982, Military expenditure and the arms trade: Problems of data, Bulletin of Peace Proposals 13, 291-308. Brzoska, M., 1 98 1 , The reporting of military expenditures, Journal of Peace Research 1 8, 373-384. Brzoska, M., 1 982, Arms transfer data sources, Journal of Conflict Resolution 26, 77-108. Brzoska, M., 1 983, The military related debt in Third World countries, Journal of Peace Research 19, 27 1-277. Brzoska, M., 1 992, Military trade, aid and debt, in: G. Lamb and V. Kallab, eds., Military expenditure and economic development. A symposium on research issues (World Bank Discussion Papers 1 85, Washington, DC) 79- 1 1 2. Brzoska, M., 1 994a, The financing factor in military Trade, Defense and Peace Economics 5, 67-80. Brzoska, M., ed., 1994b, Militarisierungs- und Entwicklungsdynamik (Deutsches O bersee-Institut, Hamburg). Cars, H.C., and J. Fontanel, 1 9 87, Military expenditure comparisons, in: C. Schmidt and F. Blackaby, eds., Peace, defense and economic analysis (Macmillan, London) 250-265.
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DoD (US Department of Defense), annual, Programme acquisition costs by weapon system (US Department of Defense, Washington, DC). Fei, E.T., 1 979, Understanding arms transfer and military expenditure data problems, in: S.G. Neumann and R.E. Harkavy, eds., Arms transfers in the modem world (Praeger, New York) 37--46. Fontanel, J., 1 982, La comparaison de depense militaire, Defense Nationale, 38, 1 07-1 2 1 . Fontanel, J., 1 986, A note on the international comparison o f military expenditures, in: C . Schmidt, ed., The economics of military expenditures (Macmillan, London) 29--46. Goertz, G., and P.F. Diehl, 1 986, Measuring military allocations: A comparison of different approaches, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 30, 553-5 8 1 . Gonchar, K., 1 994, Military spending i n the USSR: A reconsideraton, Journal o f Peace Research, 3 1 ,
2 1 9-228. Grimmett, R., annual, Conventional arms transfers to the Third World (Library ofCongress, Congressional Research Service, Washington, DC). Happe, N., and J. Wakeman-Linn, 1 993, Military expenditure and arms Trade: Alternative data sources, Part I, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 1, 3-38. Happe, N., and J. Wakeman-Linn, 1 994, Military expenditure and arms trade: Alternative data sources, Part II, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 2, 1 0-23. Herrera, R., 1994, Statistics on military expenditure in developing countries: Concepts, methodological problems and sources (OECD Development Centre, Paris). Heston, A., and B. Aten, 1993, Real world military expenditures, in: J. Brauer and M. Chatterji, eds., Economic issues of disarmament (New York University Press, New York) 257-287. Hewitt, D.P., 1 993, Military expenditures worldwide: Determinants and trends, Journal of Public Policy
12, 1 05-1 52. Hildebrandt, G.F., 1 990, Services and wealth measures of military capital, Defence Economics 1, 1 59-
1 76. Holzman, F.D., 1 982, Soviet military spending: Assessing the numbers game, International Security 6,
78-1 0 1 . Huisken, R., 1973, The meaning and measurement o f military expenditure (SIPRI Research Report, Stockholm). IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies), annual, Military Balance (IISS, London). IMF (International Monetary Fund), monthly, International financial statistics (IMF, Washington, DC). IMF (International Monetary Fund) GFSY, annual, Government finance statistics yearbook (IMF, Washington, DC). Jacobsen, C.G., ed., 1 987, The Soviet defence enigma. Estimating costs and burdens (Oxford University Press, London). Kan, S., 1 993, Military expenditures by developing countries: Foreign aid policy issues, Report 93-999F (US Library of Congress, Congessional Research Service, Washington, DC). Kravis, LB., et a!., 1 978, International comparisons of real product and purchasing power (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD). Laurance, E.J., H. Wulf and S. Wezeman, 1 993, Arms watch (Oxford University Press, London). Lock, P., 1 979, New international order and armaments, Vierteljahresberichte der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,
77, 14-28. Sen, S., 1 992, Military expenditure data for developing countries: Methods and measurement, in: G. Lamb and V. Kallab, eds., Military expenditure and economic development. A symposium on research issues (World Bank Discussion Papers 1 85, Washington, DC) 1-18. Shambaugh, D., 1 994, World military expenditures, China, in: SIPRI yearbook 1 994, 441--448. SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), annual, SIPRI yearbook (Oxford University Press, London). Sivard, R.L., annual, World military and social expenditures (World Priorities, Leesburg, VA). Skons, E., 1 983, Military prices, in: SIPRI yearbook 1 983 (SIPRI, Stockholm) 1 95-21 1 .
Ch. 3:
World Military Expenditures
Smith, R., 1 985, Defence costs, in: J. Roper, ed., The future of British defence policy (Gower, London) 143-158. Summers, R., and A. Heston, 1 988, A new set of international comparsions of real products and prices: Estimates for 1 30 countries, The Review of Income and Wealth 34, 1-25. UN (United Nations), 1 977, Reduction of military budgets: Measurement and international reporting of military expenditures, Report of the Secretary-General, A/31/222/Rev. l (UN Centre for Disarmament, New York) . U N (United Nations), 1 9 8 1 , Reduction of military budgets. International reporting o f military expenditures, Report of the Secretary-General, A/35/479 (UN Centre for Disarmament, New York). UN (United Nations), 1 986, Reduction of military budgets. Construction of military price indexes and purchasing power parities for comparison of military expenditures, Report of the Secretary-General, A/40/421 (UN Department for Disarmament Affairs, New York). UN (United Nations), 1 993, Trends in international distribution of gross world product (Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Statistical Division, New York, Special Issue of National Accounts Statistics, ST/ESA/STAT/SER.X/ 1 8. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), annual, Human development report (Oxford University Press, London). US ACDA (US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency), annual, World military expenditures and arms transfers (US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC). US Department of Commerce, monthly, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of current business (US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC). US General Accounting Office (GAO), 1 973, Cost growth in major weapon systems (US General Accounting Office, Washington, DC). West, R., 1 987, Improved measures of the defense burden in developing countries, in: S. Deger and R. West, eds., Defense, security and development (Francis Pinter, London) 1 9-48. Wiberg, H., 1 984, Measuring military expenditures: Purposes, methods, sources, Cooperation and Conflict, 1 8, 1 6 1-177. World Bank, annual, World development report (Oxford University Press, London).
Birkbeck College, London
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. The framework 3. Interpretation 4. Theoretical specification 5. Data 6. Econometric issues 7. Some examples 8. Conclusion References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume I, Edited by K. Hartley and T Sandler © 1 995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
70 70 71 71 74 76 78 80 83 84 85
R. Smith
This chapter provides an analytical survey of models explaining the level of military expenditure, emphasizing empirical econometric models based on optimizing behavior. After setting out the standard neo-classical model in which nation states are represented as rational agents maximizing a welfare function depending on security and economic variables subject to a budget constraint, the chapter considers: criticisms of this model, alternative theoretical specifications, data and measurement issues, alternative econometric approaches and reviews selected studies.
demand, military expenditures, econometric methods, optimizing models
Ch. 4:
The Demand for Military Expenditure
1 . Introduction
This chapter provides an analytical survey of the large literature on models which attempt to explain the level of military expenditure. It emphasizes empirical econo metric models based on optimizing behavior, but tries to confront some of the more fundamental methodological issues raised by these models. Section 2 sets out the standard neo-classical model in which nation states are represented as rational agents who maximise a welfare function depending on security and economic variables, subject to a budget constraint which includes military spending, and a function which determines its security in terms of its own and other countries military forces. The state then balances the welfare benefits of extra security derived from military expenditure against its opportunity costs in terms of foregone civilian output, and solves this optimization problem to give a derived demand for military spending. Section 3 considers the fundamental questions about this approach. Firstly, who (median voter or rational state) is maximizing what and why? Secondly, can this model be regarded as a plausible or useful summary of the political and bureaucratic process actually generating military spending. Third, is the fundamental assumption of this framework that military expenditure is motivated by security, rather than domestic political or economic concerns, justified? Section 4 considers the detailed theoretical specification of such models. The issues discussed include the choice of welfare function, budget constraint, and functional forms; the role of prices; the form of any dynamics and the arguments of the security function. These issues are also discussed in the arms-race and alliance chapters. Section 5 examines the data and measurement issues. Section 6 examines alternative econometric approaches used to model military spending. In particular, it contrasts theory based with data based models and single equation with systems estimators. Section 7 reviews selected studies and Section 8 draws some conclusions. Many of the issues discussed in this chapter are also covered in chapter 3 of Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995).
2. The framework
The standard neo-classical model of the demand for military expenditure assumes that there is a national state which maximizes welfare W, which is a function of security S, economic variables such as total consumption C, population N, and other variables, say ZW, which parameterize shifts in the welfare function (e.g. the politics of the party in power). For instance: W = W(S, C,N, ZW).
Population is included because while defense may be a public good, consumption probably is not, so it is per capita consumption that matters for welfare. This
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maximization is subj ect to a budget constraint and a security function. The simplest budget constraint is
Y = pcC + pmM,
where Y is nominal aggregate income and Pm and Pc are the prices of real military spending M and consumption C. Security can be thought of as perceived freedom from threat of attack. Like utility or welfare, security is unobservable to the econometrician and is replaced by some set of quantifiable variables, such as the military forces of the country and other countries, together with other strategic variables, ZS, which parameterize shifts in the security environment S
S(M M 1 , . . , Mn , ZS). ,
Some of the other countries may be allies in which case there is a "spillin" from their expenditure which raises your security, others may be potentially hostile in which case their forces pose a threat to your security. There are a variety of ways that the forces of the allies may be aggregated: for instance total alliance military effectiveness may depend on the sum of the forces; the minimum force (the "weakest link in the chain" determines effectiveness) or the maximum force (the "best shot" determines effectiveness). Conybeare, Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 994) test between alternative models of the aggregation technology. The forces of each country will be determined in a similar way. This j oint determination of the set of forces is the focus of much arms race and alliance literature. Here we will focus on the partial equilibrium determination of one country's forces, given those of the others. This optimization problem is then solved to give a derived demand for the level of military spending: (4) For estimation, this demand function will need to be supplemented by auxiliary assumptions about the appropriate forms of the functions. To be more specific, consider a very simple example in which we ignore N, ZW and ZS and assume that the welfare function is of the Stone-Geary form: W
a log(C) + (1 - a) log(S).
A minimum level of consumption is often allowed for C*, with C - C* appearing instead of C in the welfare function. Let us suppose that the state is not aggressive but faces one threatening neighbor, with military forces M 1 , and neither has allies. Its security is given by: (6) where M* is the forces the country would need to resist an attack by its neighbor. M* is determined partly by fixed elements unrelated to the opponents forces (for instance, if
Ch. 4:
The Demand for Military Expenditure
there are natural strategic defenses {30 would be negative; if surprise attack would give the neighbor an advantage {30 would be positive) and partly by the size of the opponents forces with {3 1 , the Lanchester coefficient, measuring the relative effectiveness of the forces in combat [see, for instance, Anderton ( 1 990)]. Using the budget constraint above, the Lagrangean is then:
L = a log( C) + ( 1 - a) log(M - M*) + A.(Y -Pc C - PmM).
The first order conditions are: I. e.
8L aM
a C = ' p A c
1-a - APm = 0; M - M*
(8) 1-a
+ M* '
8L - = Y -- pc C - pm M = 0. 8A.
(9) ( 1 0)
Eliminating the Lagrange multiplier using ( 1 1) gives the two demand equations of the Linear Expenditure System (LES) M=
Y + a(f3o + f3rMr),
( 1 2)
and ( 1 3) which determine real consumption and military spending as a function of income, prices, preference parameters (a), strategic parameters ({3;) and the other countries military spending. This system satisfies the usual requirements of adding up, homo geneity, symmetry and negativity of the Slutsky matrix. Much of the interest in demand systems has focussed on testing these implications of theory [see, for instance, Chapter 3 of Deaton and Muellbauer ( 1 980)]. Dunne, Pashardes and Smith ( 1 9 84) show that a complete dynamic demand system for four categories of UK government consumption including military spending does satisfy homogeneity and symmetry. However, such testing is quite rare, partly because of the lack of data on military prices. The model can be easily generalized to allow for the more realistic assumption that security depends on stocks of military forces, rather than flows of military
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expenditures. The stock of military forces (equipment plus the human capital embodied in experienced personnel) can be defined as the depreciated sum of past expenditures ( 1 4)
where o is the depreciation rate, a parameter to be estimated. Depreciation here is a peace-time concept, not destruction during war. If there is a similar stock measure for the other country, security is then given by ( 1 5)
where M7 = f3o + f3 I [Mit + ( 1 -- o)Klt-d - ( 1 - o)Kt+
( 1 6)
This gives a demand function M1
( 1 - a)
( ) �
Pm 1
( 1 7)
+ aM ; .
If stocks are not observed, which is the usual case, they can be substituted out using _
Kt -
Mt 1 - c 1 - o)L '
( 1 8)
where L is the lag operator such that Lx1 = x1-1 - Multiplying through by (1-( 1 - o)L) and rearranging gives Mt
af3o o + ( 1 - a)
( ) :!..._
Pm t
+ af31Mu + ( 1 - a) ( 1 - <5) M t-1 -
(�) ], Pm t-1
( 1 9)
which does not include the unobserved stocks, but compared to Equation ( 1 2) intro duces dynamics into the demand equation (lagged values of military expenditure and output are included on the right hand side). The rate of depreciation can be estimated from this equation and one could test whether stocks or expenditures should appear in the security function by testing whether o 1 (i.e. that the coefficient of the difference between lagged military expenditure and income was insignificant). One could also test the theoretical implication that the coefficients of the lagged variables should be equal and opposite. Of course, since this model is very restrictive, rejection of the theoretical restrictions could be a result of various other forms of misspecification. =
3. Interpretation
The framework set out in the previous section has been widely used, but it raises a series of fundamental questions. Military expenditures are chosen by governments in the light of a multitude of specific circumstances and influences. Thus, one
Ch. 4:
The Demand for Military Expenditure
might not expect those choices to satisfy any simple structural relations of the sort set out above. To justify the possibility of such structural explanation requires an argument that governmental choices are constrained in particular ways which limit their potential freedom and make them behave in predictable ways. It also requires that those constraints can be empirically or theoretically identified, allowing us to make conditional predictions of the level of military expenditure. While one can hypothesise a large number of potential sources of such constraints, their plausibility needs to be justified. In addition, the constraints, while real, may not be binding. Clearly, a government cannot spend more on military expenditure than is available to it in real resources from its own economy and abroad. But this is rarely a binding constraint which determines choices. One source of constraint, for democratic governments, is the electorate, and a number of studies [e.g. Dudley and Montmarquette ( 1 98 1)] have interpreted the demand for military expenditure as that of the median voter. If there is an one dimensional issue space (e.g. for the level of military expenditure) in which the amount is determined by a direct vote, then the median voter is decisive. If there are two parties, who compete only along this single dimension and the distribution of preferences is unimodal and symmetric and if each voter votes for the party closest to his or her preferred position, then electoral competition will drive the parties to the position favored by the median voter. To make these, somewhat restrictive, assumptions operational it is also usually assumed that preferences are aligned with income. Then the person with median income determines the level of military spending. While there are some areas where median voter theory probably does have explanatory power (e.g. in Swiss Cantons where direct referenda are common) it seems questionable that it is applicable to the determination of national military expenditures. The issue space in most elections is highly multi-dimensional and the preference distribution is as likely to be bimodal (hawks and doves) as unimodal. Murdoch, Sandler and Hansen ( 1 99 1 ) use military expenditure by NATO allies to test between median voter and oligarchy models. There is also a range of political science literature which examines the role of electoral cycles in influencing the defense budget [see, for instance, the articles in Part I of Mintz (1992)]. Economists have emphasized the constraints on choice imposed by rationality. Given the ends to which action is directed (the welfare function) and the means available (the budget constraint), rationality restricts choice in ways which may make it predictable. Such "rational actor" models of military expenditure are subject to many types of criticism. Governments are not unified rational actors but complex coalitions operating in a political and bureaucratic environment. Inter-service rivalry, lobbying, and class struggle may all play a role in the determination of defense policy. Smith (1 977, 1 978) and Griffin, Wallace and Devine ( 1 982) discuss class interests ; Sandler and Hartley (1 995) review a range of other bureaucratic and interest group models. The choices which arise from such bargaining and log-rolling are unlikely to satisfy rationality requirements. Even if governments could be regarded as individual agents, rational action may not be well defined given the complexity ofthe problems and the constraints
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on information processing capability. In any event, any optimal strategies would be conditional on objectives and opportunities about which the observer is poorly informed, making prediction difficult. For instance, a variety of people have argued that the main factor driving US military expenditure is the need to offset a tendency to stagnation [see, for instance, Cypher ( 1 987), Pivetti ( 1 992) and the response to Pivetti by Smith and Dunne ( 1 994)]. This is essentially a "rational" model of military Keyne sianism, but because the objective function is different from that used in neo-classical, or, for that matter, traditional Marxist models, it has quite different predictions of the determinants of military spending than the model of the previous section. There are also non-optimizing, but structural, models, based on bureaucratic, interest-group, or satisficing behavior. In these, governments are constrained to follow certain types of standard operating procedures or rules of thumb, which introduce a degree of predictability. Many quantitative political science models are of this sort [e.g. Ostrom ( 1 978), Cusack and Ward ( 1 98 1 ), Kamlet and Mowery ( 1 987)] . But these constraints may not apply to military spending directly. For instance, Stoll ( 1 992) argues that the use of weapon counts and simple rules of thumb can account for much of behavior that would not be revealed using optimizing models and total military expenditures. One implication of these models is incrementalism: the main determinant of this years budget is last years budget [e.g. Rattinger ( 1 975)]. However, a range of other models, including optimizing ones discussed below, would also suggest that last years expenditures should be a determinant of this years spending. The literature on organizational reaction models is critically reviewed by Williams and McGinnis ( 1 992a). While it may be plausible to assert that rationality, bureaucracy or political pressures impose constraints which reduce the freedom of choice of governments in setting their military expenditure and thus provide structure and predictability on choices, it is less plausible to assert that these constraints are constant. But variation in the constraints will produce structural instability and loss of predictability. Some of the more general issues involved in the dynamics of arms acquisition are discussed in Gleditsch and Nj0lstad ( 1 990). Given these objections it would be difficult to argue that the demand functions used to explain military expenditure are more than a simple metaphor for a poorly understood process. However, simple metaphors can be useful. Making the theoretical model more formal and explicit ensures logical consistency within the argument, allows interpretation of the parameters, identifies crucial assumptions, and enables the results to be integrated into a wider body of knowledge. Models are deliberately simplified representations of reality designed to provide a framework for thought, within which the data can be organized and the questions of interest posed and this is the way that we will use them in the rest of this chapter. 4. Theoretical specification
Within the optimizing framework, the main issues are the forms chosen for the budget constraint, the welfare function and the security function. A wide variety of forms
Ch. 4:
The Demand for Military Expenditure
have been used. McGuire ( 1 982, 1 987) uses a Stone-Geary objective function to give a Linear Expenditure System (LES) of the sort used in Section 2 and allows for the effect of military aid in the Israeli Budget constraint. Smith ( 1980, 1 987) uses a Constant Elasticity of Substitution welfare function and a Cobb-Douglas security function and estimates the first order condition rather than the demand function. Dunne, Pashardes and Smith ( 1 984) estimate a complete system of equations for the components of government expenditure, use a Deaton-Muellbauer ( 1 980) flexible functional form and write the budget constraint in terms of total government expenditure rather than national income. Okamura ( 1 99 1) uses a generalized indirect translog utility function, which gives the Linear Logarithmic expenditure system, of which the LES is a special case. In addition, there are a large number of different ways of specifying how threats and spillins from allies will impact on your own security and thus your military spending and how decisions are made by groups of allies. For instance, Sandler and Murdoch ( 1 990) test between Nash-Cournot and Lindahl behavior by NATO allies. Probably the most widely applied demand function is that introduced in Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 984, 1 986), who use a general functional form in their theoretical work and a linear (or log-linear) demand function for estimation for groups of allies. They estimate a system of demand equations for the US, the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, West Germany and Italy for 1 96 1-1979, allowing for cross-equation covariances. The equations have the form
M u = a; + {3; Yu + N
Au = L1 A j�
(Yli Y2iDt)A;,t-1 +
+ Eu,
Mit - M u,
(20) (2 1 )
where i s the alliance spillin from the other NATO countries, D i s a dummy that is zero before 1 974 and one after to allow for the shift to flexible response. This is an example of the strategic shift variable, ZS, of Section 1 . Income had a positive effect and the change in doctrine caused a reduction in the spillins, which differed between countries. They also found no significant difference between the equations for Britain and France, a result also found by Smith ( 1 989) with a very different model. Many of the models that have been estimated have been static, though there are many ways that dynamics can be introduced, including setting the model up in terms of stocks as in Section 2. A natural generalization is to allow the agent to maximise a forward looking function, which is the discounted value of expected future welfare
=L ;�o
yjEt[Wt+;(Ct+i, st+i, Nt+i, zwt+i)],
where is the discount factor, and £1 denotes expectations formed at time t. In addition, GDP could be made a function of capital stock, with military expenditure crowding out investment, and thus feeding back on capital stock and output. Such
R. Smith
dynamic features are quite common in theoretical models, [e.g. Levine and Smith ( 1 995)] , but not in applied models. At an informal level, one might expect unconstrained forward-looking optimization, with no costs of adjustment and rational expectations, to suggest that military expenditures should follow a random walk: current military expenditure takes account of the discounted value of anticipated future determinants, thus all that can cause it to change is unanticipated events. Assuming rational expectations, these unanticipated events will be random: unpredictable given the current information set. Of course, the assumption of instantaneous costless adjustment is implausible, given the lags involved in military procurement programs, which can take decades to complete. Forward looking models with costs of adj ustment will lead to dynamic equations of the partial adjustment or error correction forms [see, for instance, Nickell ( 1 985) or Alogoskoufis and Smith ( 1 99 1 )] . Thus, there are a range of theoretical considerations (security depends o n stocks not military spending; bureaucratic incrementalism; adjustment costs are important; and governments are forward looking) that suggest that military expenditure should show quite complex dynamics, even in the absence of full inter-temporal optimization.
5. Data
Estimating a real demand function for defense faces an almost insuperable difficulty: there is virtually no good information on prices. Strictly, most of the estimated equations cited in this survey are not really demand functions since they do not include price as an explanatory variable. Even where there are published price indexes (e.g. the UK and the USA) the practical and conceptual difficulties associated with their construction make them potentially very umeliable. Common assumptions made to avoid having to use prices are either that the relative price of military and civilian goods is constant (in which case the effect is picked up by the intercept in a linear equation) or that price and income elasticities are unity (in which case the share of military expenditure in GDP is the relevant dependent variable). Testing whether these assumptions are adequate would require better data on prices than are now available. Although there is little evidence on the price elasticity of total military spending, components of it are clearly price sensitive. The mix between personnel and equipment, for instance, differs systematically across countries, with high wage countries choosing more capital intensive postures than low wage countries [see Smith, Humm and Fontanel ( 1 987)]. Data on nominal military spending is itself suspect. In many cases, national governments may try to distort the figures for political purposes (usually to un derestimate the total) but even with honest reporting there are major ambiguities. Although NATO definitions are widely used there is no general agreement about the right way to treat: conscripts; paramilitary forces like the French Gendarmerie; pensions; dual-use nuclear and space programmes and various other items. There
Ch. 4:
The Demand for Military Expenditure
are standard international sources for military expenditure data, in particular the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI, and the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, ACDA. But for countries that do not use a standard NATO definition, quite different results can be obtained from the SIPRI and US ACDA figures. Given that total military expenditure is a very heterogenous aggregate, definition makes a lot of difference to explanation as is indicated by the fact that the components, namely spending on equipment and on personnel are determined rather differently. This is a common pattern in studies which disaggregate the total [e.g. Fontanel and Smith ( 1 990) for France]. Soviet military spending presented particular problems. The official Soviet figure was almost certainly too low and it is unclear whether anyone in the Soviet system actually knew the real cost of their military programme. The CIA "building block figure" was also suspect, though there was dispute as to whether it was too high or too low. The CIA aggregated Soviet forces using US prices to obtain a dollar figure (a measure of the physical amount of forces available to the Soviets) and then used an exchange rate to convert it into a rouble figure that could be compared with Soviet output to estimate the defense burden (a measure of the opportunity cost or the economic resources required to maintain the military). The CIA estimate of Soviet military spending as a share of GDP was increased sharply in the mid 1 970s, not because they changed their judgement about Soviet military forces, but because they changed their judgement about the efficiency of Soviet industry and thus the appropriate exchange rate for converting the dollar estimate to roubles. Ostrom and Marra ( 1 986) discuss the issues in more detail. When using the figures for Soviet military spending to model the "threat" and explain NATO military spending, it does not matter what the Soviets actually spent. What matters is what the NATO countries thought Soviet spending was at the time they made their decisions, and this may be more easily measured. Whenever military expenditures are being compared between countries they need to be converted into a common currency. Use of market exchange rates leads to large fluctuations in measured spending unrelated to military realities, so it is common to express the figures in terms of the prices and exchange rate of a single year. The results can be sensitive to the base-year chosen. In principle, purchasing power parity exchange rates could be used, but since we do not have good price indexes for military spending, there is probably no large advantage to this. One advantage of using shares of military expenditure in output is that they can be compared internationally without having to use an exchange rate, but whether they are the appropriate measure depends on the particular theoretical question. A wide variety of different types of data have been used. Although time-series studies for individual countries have been most common, there are also cross-section studies like Dudley and Montmarquette ( 1 9 8 1 ), Tait and Heller (1 982) and Maizels and Nissanke ( 1 986). Cross-sections provide more variation in the independent variable, may provide estimates of long-run effects and allow the effect of variables which are relatively constant for any one country to be investigated. There are also studies using
R. Smith
panel data like Chan, Hsiao and Keng ( 1 982), which have the advantage that they can combine both the cross-section and time-series dimensions of the data. The relative advantages and disadvantages or time-series, cross-section and panel data for military studies are discussed in Smith ( 1 994). The data are undoubtedly poor and within the empirical literature there seem to be two responses to this. Some argue that given the known limitations of the data only the simplest models should be used. Others argue that only the most sophisticated techniques will be able to separate the signal from the background noise that dominates the data. But this dispute raises more general questions of econometric technique, which are discussed in the next section.
6. Econometric issues
The quantitative regression approach, like the optimizing approach, is controversial. Among those hostile to such methods, they are widely dismissed as useless or misleading: the work of "analysts preoccupied with technique" who have "shown insufficient regard for the plausibility of the explanations to which their statistical manipulations have led them" [Greenwood ( 1 987) p. 99] . There are various motivations for the statistical manipulations. Some give the models only descriptive status: as convenient atheoretical ways to extrapolate for forecasting purposes or to summarise certain characteristics of the data. Others give the models structural or causal status, in which case the plausibility of the theory is crucial. In the atheoretical approach, Vector Autoregressions (VARs) and tests for Granger ( 1 969) causality have been widely used. For instance Chowdhury ( 1 99 1 ) using time series data for 55 less-developed countries (LDCs) found the share of military expenditures, M, and growth, G, to be independent for 30, interdependent for 3, and with Granger causality going just from M to G in 1 5 and just from G to M in 7. Thus, only a quarter of the 1 1 0 tests reject the null of no association. This is in line with most other studies [e.g. Georgiou and Smith ( 1 983), Dunne and Smith ( 1 990), Payne and Ross (1 992)] which have found no clear pattern of Granger causality between economic variables and military spending. The argument for the atheoretical approach is that because of the complexity of the process, structural or institutional models of the arms race are unlikely to be effective. Williams and McGinnis ( 1 992a,b) make this argument strongly and use atheoretical frequency domain methods to investigate the patterns determining military spending. VARs need not be inherently atheoretical, since they can also be interpreted as the reduced form of traditional structural models or the decision rules resulting from certain optimization processes. The argument against the atheoretical approach is that the theory, to the extent that it provides valid restrictions, increases the efficiency of estimation, allows the coefficients to be interpreted within a wider intellectual and institutional framework, and enables theoretical propositions to be tested. The debate between those who believe that the estimating equation should be determined by a tightly specified theoretical model and
Ch. 4:
The Demandfor Military Expenditure
those who think it should b e determined by the best fit to the data continues. In this context fit means more than R2 : all the statistical assumptions of the model need to be tested. A compromise position is to start from a loose general theoretical specification and allow the data to decide the exact form. The problem with this approach is that since the model was designed to fit the data, the same data cannot be used to test it. These econometric issues are discussed in more detail in Smith ( 1 989), where a general to specific model that passes all the diagnostic tests is developed on UK data and then tested on French data. The reliability of econometric estimates and inferences depend on the validity of the statistical assumptions. These assumptions include a correctly specified linear relationship with constant parameters, exogenous regressors and normally distributed, serially independent, homoskedastic disturbances. Failure of normality, serial independence and homoskedasticity leave OLS estimates unbiased, though not fully efficient, while the reported standard errors and test statistics are wrong, making inference invalid. There are a range of diagnostic tests available to check for failure of these assumptions, though they have not been widely used in this literature. Most of the studies report tests for serial correlation and this seems to be a problem for many of the static models, where it is usually corrected by Cochrane-Orcutt type transformations. However residual serial correlation may be an indication of more fundamental dynamic misspecification. Suppose f3 and x1 are kx 1 vectors and the model is a static equation with serially correlated errors (23) Noting that
and substituting for
Equation (23) can be written
M, = a( l - p) + f3'x, + PYr-! - pf3'xr-! + u,
which is a special case of the dynamic linear regression model (25) subject to the k (common factor) restrictions (26) These restrictions, which are imposed by Cochrane-Orcutt, are rarely tested. If the residual serial correlation is an indicator of dynamic misspecification (the common factor restrictions are not true) Cochrane-Orcutt type estimators will be biased and inconsistent. While static models are implausible in that they imply that short and
R. Smith
82 Table I Autoregressions explaining log of real military expenditure 1 960� 1 985 Quantity
constant lnM(� l )
0.94 (2.02)' 1 .47 (8.59)
Country France
0.47 ( 1 .82)
1 .20 (3.05)
1.19 (6.36)
0.56 (2.78)
0.59 ( 1 .07) 0.84 (3.92)
�0.66 (3.69)
�0.36 ( 1 .92)
0.04 (0.37)
�0.05 (0. 1 9)
t ( x l OO)
0.25 (1 .58)
0.40 ( 1 . 84)
0.55 ( 1 .86)
0.33 (1 .52)
R2 for level of M
R2 for change in M
SC p b
ADF( 1 ) '
0.42 0.51
0.1 1
0.3 1
� 1 .79
�1 .07
' Figures in parentheses are absolute t ratios. b SC p is the p value of the F version of an LM test for first order serial correlation. ' ADF(1) is the Augmented Dickey Fuller Statistic including one lagged change, its critical value �3.59.
long-run effects are the same, they can provide estimates of the long-run effects if the variables are 1( 1 ) (integrated of order one, i.e. stationary after being differenced once) and cointegrated. In fact, both the theory discussed above and the data strongly suggest that the dynamics are important. Table 1 gives estimates of the following simple model for the four largest NATO countries 1 960-- 1 985 (27) The data, which are in 1 980 US $ bn, were taken from Table A7. 1 of Murdoch and Sandler (1 990). In the case of a random walk, p1 = 1 and p2 0; a first order autoregression in the growth rates is the special case where p 1 + p2 1 . In either case there is a unit root in the process. In all four cases, the first order augmented Dickey Fuller statistic, ADF(1 ), does not reject the unit root hypothesis that the series is I( 1). None of the equations shows significant serial correlation and they indicate that at least 89% of the variation in real military expenditure can be explained "atheoretically", purely from univariate dynamics. Of course, this high R2 is misleading as is indicated by the much lower value for the proportion of the change in M explained. In fact, for France and Britain, the hypothesis that real military expenditure is just a random walk with drift, cannot be rejected. Given the importance of both theory and dynamics, integrating the theoretical static and atheoretical dynamic approaches is an important avenue for future research. This is, of course, also a major research agenda in mainstream economics. =
Ch. 4:
The Demand for Military Expenditure
In many cases demand equations for military expenditure have been estimated as components of complete systems. The systems may include the other components of demand in a particular country (as in traditional complete demand systems) or the demand equations for other countries as in alliance or arms race models. As an example, Hilton and Vu ( 1 99 1) estimate a 3 equation demand system for each of a set of NATO allies by Full Information Maximum Likelihood. There are three main reasons for using systems estimators. Firstly, systems allow cross-equation restrictions to be imposed (e.g. symmetry in complete demand system) which increases estimation efficiency and permits hypothesis testing. Secondly, systems can allow for cross equation disturbance covariances, also improving efficiency. Thirdly, systems can allow for simultaneity, where explanatory and dependent variables are j ointly determined; enabling consistent estimates of the structural parameters to be obtained when the system is identified. Simultaneous systems arise in alliance or arms race models when the military expenditures of sets of countries are jointly determined and in macro economic models where the main focus of the exercise is to estimate the economic effects of military spending but equations for military expenditure are included to deal with potential simultaneity biases.
Some examples
One of the most striking features of this literature is its variety. This is well illustrated by the studies in Hartley and Sandler ( 1 990). The authors of this collection were asked to estimate their country's demand for military expenditure, using a standard model in which military expenditure was determined by GDP, the threat, spillins from allies and other variables such as governing party or a change in strategy. Despite being provided with a standard framework, the authors managed to produce a wide range of equations. In many cases the final equation was the result of a specification search. Looney and Mehay ( 1 990) regressed US real defense spending ( 1 965-1 985) on its lagged value, anticipated and unanticipated Soviet defense spending, inflation, deviation from trend in federal revenues, lagged federal deficit, a Vietnam dummy, deviations from trend in other NATO spending and a detente dummy, correcting for AR 1 serial correlation, by Cochrane-Orcutt. In a number of their specifications the coefficient of the lagged dependent variable was very close to unity. Smith ( 1 990) regressed the change in the UK share of military spending ( 1 9491 987) on the change in the US share, the difference between the UK share and the Soviet share in the previous period and dummies for the Korean War, defense reviews, and the NATO 3 % commitment, using OLS. Schmidt, Pilandon and Aben ( 1 990) regressed the SIPRI measure of French defense spending in constant dollars (1 9651 978) on GDP, Soviet military spending, other NATO expenditures, Allied African expenditures correcting for AR2 serial correlation. They also discuss using French measures (which do not correspond to the NATO definition used by SIPRI).
R. Smith
Fritz-ABmus and Zimmermann ( 1 990) regress German defense spending in constant dollars ( 1 961-1 987) on GDP (which had a negative sign), the lagged level in French and other NATO countries defense spending, lagged Soviet defense spending, and a dummy for government composition, where the coefficients of the spillin terms were allowed to shift with the change in NATO strategy in 1 974. Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 990) use a log-log equation to explain real Swedish military expenditure in US dollars (1958- 1 985) by GDP, population, the lagged real military expenditures of Norway, lagged Soviet spending (which was negative but insignificant) and a fiscal dummy; allowing coefficients of the Norwegian spillin terms to shift with the change in NATO strategy. They experimented with a variety of other spillin measures. Deger and Sen ( 1990) estimate equations explaining India and Pakistan's real military spending by their own lagged spending, current or lagged values of the others spending, GDP, arms imports, arms production and the ratio of government spending to output. A priori, it seems unlikely that the structure of the processes generating military expenditure are so different in each of these countries. It seems more likely that the differences are the products of the prior beliefs and the modelling techniques of the authors. Such proliferation of competing models is not uncommon in applied econometrics and there is considerable methodological dispute as to what the appropriate response should be. The issues being very similar to that within the military literature: the relative weight to be given to firm theoretical foundations or an adequate representation of the data.
8. Conclusion
The studies discussed in this chapter indicate that it is possible to achieve equations that explain military expenditure reasonably well in terms of R2 and significant t statistics. However, for integrated time-series subj ect to the danger of spurious regression these may not be very stringent criteria. In a regression with two unrelated integrated series, R2 goes to unity and the t statistics to non-zero values as the sample size increases. This suggests that more demanding statistical criteria are required: tests for cointegration, lack of serial correlation, functional form, normality, and heteroskedasticity are now standard in econometrics packages and may help in distinguishing between models. In addition, tests for structural stability, whether the parameters are constant over time, should also be informative in future work given the large changes in the strategic environment over the last few years. It would also be useful if authors could make their data sets more widely available, so that the performance of different models on the same data could be compared. There is also scope for improving the theory. There are a range of theoretical arms race models which treat countries as strategically interacting, forward-looking agents maximizing inter-temporal welfare functions subject to constraints. However, these have not yet been widely used in empirical work and there is scope to investigate the
Ch. 4: The Demandfor Military Expenditure
empirical implications of such models. Ideally, one would like a generally accepted dynamic inter-temporal optimizing model which nested the variety of theoretical and atheoretical forms for the demand for military expenditure. This model could then be used as a framework to assess the theoretical consistency and statistical adequacy of the competing equations. While this seems unlikely to be achieved, it does provide an interesting research agenda. References Alogoskoufis , G., and R. Smith, 1 99 1 , On error correction models: Specification, interpretation, estimation, Journal of Economic Surveys 5, 97-128. Anderton, C.H., 1 990, The inherent propensity towards peace or war embodied in weaponry, Defence Economics I , 1 97-220. Chan, M.W.L., C. Hsiao and C.W.K. Keng, 1 982, Defence expenditures and economic growth in developing countries: A temporal cross-sectional analysis, in: O.D. Anderson and M.R. Perryman, eds., Applied time series analysis (North-Holland, Amsterdam) 53-64. Chowdhury, A.R., 1 9 9 1 , A causal analysis of defence spending and economic growth, Journal of Conflict Resolution 35, 80-97. Conybeare, J.A.C., J.C. Murdoch and T. Sandler, 1 994, Alternative collective-goods models of military alliances: Theory and empirics, Economic Inquiry 32, 525-542. Cusack, T.R., and M.D. Ward, 1 9 8 1 , Military spending in the United States, Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, Journal of Conflict Resolution 25, 429--469. Cypher, J., 1 987, Military spending, technical change, and economic growth: A disguised form of industrial policy? Journal of Economic Issues 2 1 , 33-59. Deaton, A., and J. Muellbauer, 1 980, Economics and consumer behaviour (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Deger, S., and S. Sen, 1 990, Military security and the economy: defence expenditure in India and Pakistan, in: K. Hartley and T. Sandler, eds., The economics of defence spending: An international survey (Routledge, London) 1 89-227. Dudley, L., and C. Montrnarquette, 1 98 1 , The demand for military expenditures: An international comparison, Public Choice 37, 5-3 1 . Dunne, J.P., and R . Smith, 1 990, Military expenditure and unemployment i n the OECD, Defence Economics 1 , 57-73. Dunne, J.P, P Pashardes and R. Smith, 1 984, Needs, costs and bureaucracy: The allocation of public consumption in the UK, Economic Journal 94, 1 - 1 5. Fontanel, J., and R. Smith, 1 990, The impact of strategy and measurement on models of French military expenditure, Defence Economics I , 261 -273. Fritz-ABmus, D., and K. Zimmermann, 1 990, West German demand for defence spending, in: K. Hartley and T. Sandler, eds., The economics of defence spending: An international survey (Routledge, London)
1 1 8-147. Georgiou, G., and R. Smith, 1 983, Assessing the effect of military expenditure on OECD countries, Arms Control 4, 3-1 5. Gleditsch, N.P, and 0. Njolstad, eds., 1 990, Arms races: Technological and political dynamics (Sage Publications, London). Granger, C. W.J., 1 969, Investigating causal relations by econometric models and cross-spectral models, Econometrica 37, 424--438. Greenwood, D., 1 987, Note on the impact of military expenditure on economic growth and performance, in: C. Schmidt, ed., The economics of military expenditures (Macmillan for the International Economic Association, London) 98-1 03.
R. Smith
Griffin, L.J., M. Wallace and J. Devine, 1 982, The political economy of military spending: Evidence from the United States, Cambridge Journal of Economics 6, 1-14. Hartley, K., and T. Sandler, eds., 1 990, The economics of defence spending: An international survey (Routledge, London). Hilton, B., and A. Vu, 1991, The McGuire model and the economics of the NATO alliance, Defence Economics 2, 105-2 1 . Karnlet, M.S., and D.C. Mowery, 1987, Influences o n Executive and Congressional budgetary priorities 1 955-1 9 8 1 , American Political Science Review, 8 1 , 1 55-178. Levine, P., and R. Smith, 1 995, The arms trade and arms control, Economic Journal 1 05, 471-484. Looney, R.E., and S.L. Mehay, 1 990, United States defence expenditures: trends and analysis, in: K. Hartley and T. Sandler, eds., The economics of defence spending: An international survey (Routledge, London) 13-40. Maizels, A., and M.K. Nissanke, 1986, Determinants of military expenditures in developing countries, World Development 14, 1 125-1 140. McGuire, M.C., 1982, U.S. foreign assistance, Israeli resource allocation, and the arms race in the Middle East, Journal of Conflict Resolution 26, 199-235. McGuire, M.C., 1987, US foreign assistance, Israeli resource allocation and the arms race in the Middle East, in: C. Schmidt, ed., The economics of military expenditures (Macmillan for the International Economic Association, London) 1 97-238. Mintz, A., ed., 1992, The political economy of military spending in the United States (Routledge, London). Murdoch, J.C., and T. Sandler, 1984, Complementarity, free riding and the military expenditure of NATO allies, Journal of Public Economics 25, 83-1 0 1 . Murdoch, J.C., and T. Sandler, 1 986, The political economy o f Scandinavian neutrality, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 88, 583-603. Murdoch, J.C., and T. Sandler, 1 990, Swedish military expenditure and armed neutrality, in: K. Hartley and T. Sandler, eds., The economics of defence spending: An international survey (Routledge, London)
Murdoch, J.C., T. Sandler and L. Hansen, 199 1 , An econometric technique for comparing median voter and oligarchy choice models of collective action: The case of the NATO alliance, Review of Economics and Statistics 63, 624-63 1 . Nickell, S., 1 985, Error Correction, partial adjustment and all that: an expository note, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 47, 1 19-129. Okamura, M., 1991, Estimating the impact of the Soviet Union's threat on the United States-Japan alliance: A demand system approach, Review of Economics and Statistics 73, 200-207. Ostrom Jr, C. W., 1 978, A reactive linkage model of the US defence expenditure policy-making process, American Political Science Review 72, 941-957. Ostrom Jr, C.W., and R.F. Marra, 1 986, US defence spending and the Soviet estimate, American Political Science Review 80, 8 1 9-842. Payne, J.E., and K.L. Ross, 1 992, Defense spending and the macroeconomy, Defence Economics 3,
1 6 1-168. Pivetti, M., 1 992, Military spending as a burden on growth: An "underconsumptionist" critique, Cambridge Journal of Economics 1 6, 373-384. Rattinger, H., 1 975, Armaments detente and bureaucracy: The case of the arms race in Europe, Journal of Conflict Resolution 1 9, 571-595. Sandler, T., and K. Hartley, 1995, The economics of defense (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Sandler, T., and J.C. Murdoch, 1 990, Nash-Cournot or Lindahl behaviour: An empirical test for the NATO allies, Quarterly Journal of Economics 105 , 875-94. Schmidt, C., L. Pilandon and J. Aben, 1 990, Defence spending in France: the price of independence, in: K. Hartley and T. Sandler, eds., The economics of defence spending: An international survey (Routledge, London) 93-1 17.
Ch. 4: The Demandfor Military Expenditure
Smith, R., 1 977, Military expenditure and capitalism, Cambridge Journal of Economics 1, 6 1 -76. Smith, R., 1 978, Military expenditure and capitalism: a reply, Cambridge Journal of Economics 2, 299-304. Smith, R., 1 980, The demand for military expenditure, Economic Journal 90, 8 1 1-820. Smith, R., 1 987, The demand for military expenditure: A correction, Economic Journal 97, 989-90. Smith, R., 1 989, Models of military expenditure, Journal of Applied Econometrics 4, 345-359. Smith, R., 1 990, Defence spending in the United Kingdom, in: K. Hartley and T. Sandler, eds., The economics of defence spending: An international survey (Routledge, London) 76-92. Smith, R., 1 994, Measuring the effects of military spending: Cross-sections or time-series? in: M. Chatterji, H. Jager and A. Rima, eds., The economics of international security (Macmillan, Basingstoke) 232-244. Smith, R., and J.P. Dunne, 1 994, Is military spending a burden? A marxo-marginalist response to Pivetti, Cambridge Journal of Economics 1 8, 5 1 5-521 . Smith, R., A . Humm and J. Fontanel, 1 987, Capital labour substitution in defence provision, in: S . Deger and R. West, eds., Defence, security and development (Frances Pinter, London) 69-80. Stoll, R.J., 1 992, Steaming in the dark? Rules, rivals and the British Navy 1 860-1 9 1 3, Journal of Conflict Resolution 36, 263-283. Tait, A.A., and P.S. Heller, 1 982, International comparisons of government expenditure, Occasional Paper No. 1 0 (International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC). Williams, J.T., and M.D. McGinnis, 1 992a, Expectations and the dynamics of US defense budgets: A critique of organisational reaction models, in: A. Mintz, ed., The political economy of military spending in the United States (Routledge, London) 282-304. Williams, J.T., and M.D. McGinnis, 1 992b, The dimension of superpower rivalry: A dynamic factor analysis, Journal of Conflict Resolution 36, 86-98.
University of Texas at Dallas Contents
Abstract Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical contributions 2. 1 . The pure public good model 2.2. The joint product model 2.3. Other contributions 2.3 . 1 . Technology of supply 2.3.2. The allocation process
3 . Empirical contributions 3 . 1 . Tests based on the pure public good model 3.2. Tests based on the joint product model 3.3. Other empirical contributions
4. Conclusion References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler © 1 995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
90 90 91 91 92 95 98 98 99 1 00 1 00 1 03 1 04 1 06 1 07
J. C. Murdoch
This chapter provides an overview of the main theoretical and empirical findings in the economics of military alliances. The pure public and j oint product models are presented along with the empirical methods used to test them. Issues concerning burden sharing and strategic doctrine in the NATO alliance are discussed. Comparisons between the Nash and Lindahl allocation processes are made by presenting the empirical work that has attempted to distinguish between them. Attention is also given to the median-voter model and to alternative technologies of public good supply.
alliance, best shot, burden sharing, collective action, joint-product model, Lindahl equilibrium, median-voter model, military alliance, NATO, Nash equilibrium, Nash reaction paths, pure public good, strategic doctrine, weakest link
Ch. 5: Military Alliances: Theory and Empirics
1 . Introduction
Since the seminal study of Olson and Zeckhauser ( 1 966), economists and political scientists have applied the tools of public economics to the study of military alliances. In this chapter, a survey of these studies is presented with particular emphasis on the theoretical and empirical behavior of individual nations that belong to a military alliance. By definition, a military alliance is a group of nations that are bound to provide protection to all members from aggression by common enemies [Olson and Zeckhauser ( 1 966)]. From the perspective of the individual ally, the level of protection, which is also called security or deterrence, is a public good. Regardless of whether defense is purely or impurely public, the nonexclusion and nonrivalry properties generate several testable hypotheses about the behavior of the individual allies. The purpose of this chapter is to highlight these hypotheses and indicate the empirical methods used to test them. Much of the literature follows in the tradition of Olson and Zeckhauser ( 1 966) and concerns burden sharing and allocative efficiency. With respect to burden sharing, the discussion begins with an "exploitation hypothesis" [Olson (1 965)], in which the burdens for defending the alliance will be shared unequally, with the large wealthier allies contributing relatively more to the defense. Empirical tests of this hypothesis generally study the association between measures of burden and measures of wealth. While related to burden sharing, the analysis of allocative efficiency generally concerns the behavioral assumptions for the allies. If the allies follow Nash behavior, then we can expect some free riding and a sub-optimal level of provision when compared to the Pareto-optimal standard. Over time, however, the allies may adopt cooperative behavior by, for example, bargaining [Palmer ( 1 990)], and we may see a reduction in free riding and improved allocative efficiency. The empirical tests regarding allocative efficiency depend on measuring the extent of free riding and distinguishing Nash behavior from cooperative behavior. The primary body of this chapter is organized into two sections - theoretical and empirical contributions. Within each of these sections, I address the literature relating to (i) the pure public good model, (ii) the joint product model, and (iii) other perspectives. The final section of the paper offers some summary remarks.
2. Theoretical contributions
There is a close relationship between the theoretical literature addressing military alliances and the private provision of public goods literature [e.g., Warr (1983)]. This relationship is interesting primarily because the origin of some models is unclear. For example, the joint product model appears to have its roots in military alliances. It was then ported to other applications in public sector economics. In this chapter, I am not concerned with these issues and, therefore, attribute the theoretical arguments primarily to the military alliances literature.
92 2. 1.
J. C. Murdoch
The pure public good model n
The pure public good model characterizes the behavior of an ally who belongs to an country alliance. The ith ally is assumed to allocate its national income, between a military activity, and a private nondefense numeraire good, The military activity produces a pure public good for all allies, which I call deterrence, The production relationship is governed by
q; ,
f dq; =f'
d2f dq;2 f" :::;;
where d I > 0 and 0 . Alternative specifications of Equa I tion ( 1 ) are employed in the literature. The most common is to simply set [Sandler ( 1 993)]. The qualitative conclusions of the model are basically unaffected by these restrictions and we maintain Equation ( 1 ) for more generality and to set up the j oint product model. Total deterrence, Z, is nonrival and nonexcludable; thus, all allies receive Z regard less of how much they contribute. The in the basic, pure public good model is additive with unit weights on contributions: =
zi =q;
technology ofpublic supply
This simple aggregation implies perfect substitutability of among allies. As discussed below, this technology may not be appropriate for some alliances. From the ith country's perspective, total deterrence is (3)
zi qi's: z = J
where is the level of deterrence that "spills in" to country i. Using Equations ( 1 )-(3), we can express Z as a function of the (4)
with > 0 and :::;; 0. The budget constraint for ally i is ;
where is the price per unit of the military activity and the price of the numeraire has been normalized to one. The preferences of the ith ally are assumed to be represented by an unspecified agent with a utility function, (6)
where represents (possibly) a vector of exogenous environmental influences that shift the utility function. In many treatments, represents, in part, the military strength
We are implicitly asswning a functional form for the f(-) function such that h(Q') = '£1 ,J(qi).
Ch. 5: Military Alliances: Theory and Empirics
of the alliance's common enemies, referred to as threat. Other influences included in may be the price of oil or periods of time. Rather than denoting the preferences of an agent for the entire nation, the utility function may represent other decision makers. For example, Dudley and Montmarquette ( 1 9 8 1 ) and Murdoch, Sandler and Hansen ( 1 99 1 ) test the median voter hypothesis by redefining Equation (5) to reflect the budget of the median voter. In this case, the optimal choice of the median voter is assumed to be translated into national action. Substituting Equation (4) into (6), we specify the Nash problem for ally i as
max y, ql
Ui(/,J(qi) + h((/),Ei) I f = yi + pqi } . (qh,. qn* )
(yh, . . . ,yM)
such , A Nash equilibrium requires a vector q* = and y* = that Equation (7) is simultaneously satisfied for every ally. The first-order conditions require satisfaction of the budget constraint and _ .
f' MRS;Zy = p ,
where MRSZy denotes the marginal rate of substitution of deterrence for the private good. Equation (8) illustrates that each ally will provide until their marginal valuation of deterrence, weighted by the productivity of in producing deterrence, is equal to the marginal cost of q'". The allocative inefficiency of the Nash equilibrium is evident in Equation (8), since a Pareto optimal level of Z would require that The Nash solution generates a provision level that is less than the f' L; MRSkY Pareto level, because each ally does not consider the marginal valuation of the other allies that its defense provision conveys. At a Nash equilibrium, the first-order conditions of Equation (7) imply a set of "demand" equations for the military activity:
qi qi
(9) illustrating that the demand for military activity depends on the national income, price per unit of activity, the total military activity of a nation's allies, and various shift measures. The demand equations facilitate hypotheses about the relationships between and the exogenous variables. For example, comparative static results suggest a direct relationship between and and an inverse relationship between and assuming that the military activity is a normal good [Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 984)]. Moreover, the comparative static relationship between and is expected to be negative and is called the slope of the "reaction path". Much of what distinguishes the alliance literature concerns this reaction path; i.e., how one ally responds to the actions of the other allies. In contrast, arms-race models concern how an ally responds to the actions of an enemy over time; hence the analysis focuses on in a dynamic model. 2
qi Ji
qi p,
qi Qi, (iJqiJiJQi),
2 Smith's Chapter
4 reviews the alternative empirical forms of equations like (9).
J. C. Murdoch
One way to see the burden sharing and efficiency implications of the pure public good model is to analyze an algebraic example [see Comes and Sandler ( 1 986) and Sandler ( 1 993) for geometric treatments] . Consider a 3-country alliance, where each ally differs only by income; e.g., let / 1 > 12 > /3 . If the utility functions are identical and of the Cobb-Douglas family ( U = y0 Q/3 , Q = q1 + q2 + q3) and f' = 1 , then the demand equations are
ql = a(II/p) - b(l + l),
( l Oa)
l = a(I2/p) - b(ql + q3),
( l Ob)
q3 = a(J3/p) - b(ql + q2 ),
( l Oc)
where a = {31(a + {3), b = a!(a + {3), and is dropped to simplify the presentation. This particular example nicely illustrates the hypothesized relationships between income, price, the spillins and the military activity. Moreover, the parameters of the model are easily identified in an empirical exercise. The Nash equilibrium is the simultaneous solution to the demand equations. In this example, the Nash or "subscription equilibrium" [Warr (1 983)] solution is
ql* = a[I I + b(/ 1 _ 12 _ !3)]/c,
( I I a)
l* = a[I2 + b(/2 - I I - !3)]/c,
( l i b)
q3* = a[/3 + b(/3 _ / 2 _ II )]/c.
( l i e)
In Equations ( 1 1 a)-( 1 1 c), each q i• _:;?: 0 and c = ( I + b - 2b2 )p. An important result of the pure public good model is that the provision level depends on the relative size of income. For example, let ! 1 = 1 00, !2 = 90, !3 = 80 and a = b = 0.5. Additionally, assume that the defense price equals one, giving c = 1 . Then, ally 3 will make a contribution because its income is almost as large as ally 1 and 2. The equilibrium ally provisions are q 1 * = 32.5, q2 * = 22. 5, and q3* = 12. 5 for a total provision level of 67.5. On the other hand, if ! 1 = 1 00, !2 = 60, and !3 = 40, ally 3 will not make a contribution. The equilibrium values are qh = 46.67, q2 * = 6.67, and q3* = 0 for a total provision of 53.33. Bergstrom, Blume and Varian ( 1 986) and Andreoni and McGuire (1 993) discuss more general procedures for identifying the group of contributors when incomes differ. Both numerical examples illustrate the exploitation hypothesis. In the first example, the burdens (calculated as q iJJi) are 0.325, 0.25, and 0. 1 56, respectively for allies 1 , 2 , and 3 . Similarly, i n the second example, the burdens are 0.466, 0.066, and 0.0, respectively. In either case, the larger allies shoulder larger burdens and we see a high correlation between economic size and military burden. The exploitation is more pronounced in the second example where the income differences are greater. This fact is the basis for the interest in the relative income differentials in NATO discussed in Section 3, below [see Olson ( 1 986) and Oneal and Elrod ( 1 989).]
Ch. 5: Military Alliances: Theory and Empirics
The inefficiency of the Nash solution is also readily apparent in these numerical examples. When I 1 = 1 00, 12 = 90 and /3 = 80, the Pareto optimal levels of provision are q 1 = 55 , q2 = 45, and q3 = 35 for a total of 1 3 5 . Alternatively, under the second income distribution, the optimal levels are q 1 = 66.67, q2 = 26.67 and q3 = 6.67 for a total of 1 00 3 . In either case, we see that the Nash levels are less than the Pareto optimal levels. 2. 2.
The joint product model
The pure public good paradigm of Olson and Zeckhauser ( 1 966) is the seminal economic model for understanding military alliances. However, it does not explain certain observable facts. In particular, Russett ( 1 970) noted that by the late 1 960s, the correlation between economic size and defense burden for a sample of NATO allies was essentially insignificant. This fact was counter to the main hypothesis of the pure public good model and contrary to the correlations of just a few years earlier. What could explain this result? A partial answer was proposed by van Ypersele de Strihou ( 1 967), who argued that defense burden sharing must be influenced by the "private benefits" of defense 4 . B y private, h e meant that some defense activities, for example, protection o f colonial interests and drug traffic interdiction, provide benefits to the nation undertaking such activities, but not to the other members of the alliance. The benefits may be purely public to the citizens of the providing nation, but they can be withheld from the citizens of the other nations in the alliance. van Ypersele de Strihou ( 1 967) concluded that the burden sharing is more likely to reflect the benefits-received principle when private benefits are a significant proportion of the defense benefits received by allies. Sandler ( 1 977) extended the analysis by proposing a joint product model, for which the defense activity of an ally jointly produces a vector of outputs that may be purely public (e.g., deterrence), impurely public (e.g., damage limitation), and private (e.g., policing terrorist activities at home). The model is a straightforward extension of the pure public good model and facilitates modelling the complexity of modem military arsenals. A nation like the USA, for example, maintains an arsenal of nuclear and conventional forces that may be used to produce a host of various public and private benefits 5 .
These calculations are very simple, given the assumptions of the example. One way to find the optimal levels is to recognize that the MRSiY = y/Z V i. Because the sum of the MRS's must equal 1 , we can set each equal to l/3. Then, with the three budget constraints, we have six equations in six unknowns. Alternatively, we can recognize that the Pareto optimal level must be 50% of the total income of the group because of homothetic preferences and unit prices, because a = f3. 4 See Knorr ( 1 985), Oneal ( 1 990a,b), Russett ( 1 970), and Sandler ( 1 977). 5 The joint product model has many applications in public economics [See Comes and Sandler ( 1 986, 1994)]. A formal derivation of the primary results of the model as they apply to ally behavior first appeared in Murdoch and Sandler (1 984).
J.C. Murdoch
In the basic j oint product model, the military activity, q i , produces the pure public good (zi ) , as described above, and a private good xi , which enters the ally's utility function. The joint product relationships are ( 1 2, 1 3) while the utility function is ( 1 4) '
where g > 0, g � 0, and/ is as described above. Substituting Equations ( 1 2) and (4) into ( 1 4), we derive the Nash problem for the ith ally as ( 1 5) which is the same as Equation (7) except for the addition of the private defense output, xi . Once again, the Nash equilibrium requires vectors q * and y* such that Equation ( 1 5) is simultaneously satisfied for all allies. The first-order conditions imply that g
MRS�y +f 'MRSh
( 1 6)
Hence, each ally equates the weighted sum of its MRS for the private defense good and the MRS for the public defense good to the price, where the weights are the marginal products of the defense activity in producing the defense outputs. As in the pure public good model, the equilibrium is still suboptimal in a Pareto sense, because each ally only considers its MRSb in the provision decision; Pareto optimality would require a summing over all MRSZy 's. The j oint product model provides a plausible explanation to the phenomenon noted by Russett ( 1 970): if the military activities of individual nations generate more private benefits, then the level of qi must increase to satisfy Equation ( 16), making the burdens more equitably shared. The j oint product model implies a demand equation that appears the same as that implied by the pure public good model. Thus, the first-order conditions of Equation ( 1 5) (by the implicit function theorem) imply ( 1 7) However, the relationship between qi and Qi in Equation ( 1 7) is potentially quite different when compared to the same relationship in Equation (9). Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 984) noted that aqifa(ji may be positive or negative in the j oint product model; a key determinant in signing this derivative is the complementarity of the j oint products. When the j oint products are Hicksian complements, the derivative may be
Ch. 5: Military Alliances: Theory and Empirics
positive - the opposite of the predicted sign in the pure public good model 6. Murdoch and Sandler argued that the different theoretical results have important implications for understanding NATO because the alliance switched from providing protection via a nuclear deterrent (the doctrine of mutually assured destruction) to protection via a doctrine of flexible response. According to the flexible response doctrine, NATO should respond to external threats in a variety of ways; e.g., conventional ground forces, air power, or limited nuclear strikes. Hence, the latter doctrine enhanced the complementarity of the private and public defense goods 7 . The result of this effect, over time, is to generate the more equalized burdens in NATO. Because the reduced-form demand equations (9) and ( 1 7) look identical, it is not obvious how to distinguish between the pure public good model and the joint product model. One means is to simply estimate an equation with data on qi , Ji , p, Q i , and Ei and examine the estimated relationship between qi and Qi . A positive relationship would certainly be evidence against the pure public good model, but a negative sign is not inconsistent with either model. This approach is, consequently, weak because the two models are not measured against each other. Sandler and Murdoch ( 1 990) found that by expressing the demand equations in their "full income" form, a simple nested test could be derived to distinguish between the models. The full income is the sum of an ally's income (Ji) and the value of the spillins (pQi) [Bergstrom, Blume and Varian ( 1 986)]. Adding pQi to each side of Equation (4) we get pi =
( 1 8) Ii + p(l = / + pQi , l in which pqi + p( = pQi . In the full income model, the choice is over/ and Qi , rather than / and qi . The utility function in the pure public good model becomes ( 1 9) Ui (yi ,f(qi) + h(( i), Ei) = Vi (yi , qi , {]i , Ei),
while in the j oint product model we have
Ui (yi , g(Qi - (i) J(Qi - (]i) + h((i), Ei) = Vi ( / , (l , Qi , Ei).
Qi = Qi (Fi ,p, Ei )
(2 1 )
For the pure public good model, the full income demand equation is when Equation ( 1 9) is maximized subject to Equation ( 1 8), while, for the joint product model, the full income demand equation is (22) when Equation (20) is maximized subject to Equation ( 1 8). In both models, a Nash equilibrium requires that Q i = Qi for every i *j. Equations (2 1) and (22) provide a 6 See Comes and Sandler ( 1994) for an extensive treatment of the comparative statics of the joint product model. Also, the neutrality results are quite different in the joint product model, see Sandler ( 1993). 7 This argument is challenged by Oneal and Elrod ( 1 989) and defended by Murdoch and Sandler (1991 ).
J. C. Murdoch
theoretical distinction between the two models that is empirically testable: the joint product model can be estimated and then the significance of the {? effect can be tested. If this effect is restricted to zero, the pure public good model results. 2.3.
Other contributions Technology of supply
2. 3. 1.
Until recently, the theoretical literature assumed a simple summation technology, such as that displayed in Equation (2), for the total supply of the public good 8 . Hirshleifer (1 983) and McGuire (1 990) offer alternative technologies that are particularly relevant to the economics of military alliances. Hirshleifer suggested the "weakest-link" and "best-shot" technologies. Under the weakest-link, Z = min(z 1 , . . , zn ), (23) .
while under the best-shot, Z max(z 1 , . . . , zn ).
(24) The weakest-link supply equation may apply, for example, to an alliance that fortifies a perimeter in order to keep the enemy from breaking through, so that the security of the nations within the perimeter is determined by the strength of the weakest-link nation. The best-shot technology, on the other hand, may apply to an alliance wherein the security is provided by the nuclear deterrent of a single nation, so that the level of provision is determined by the contribution of the strongest nation. For both the best-shot and weakest-link models, the efficiency and burden sharing implications are different when compared to the summation technology. These differences are discussed by Conybeare, Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 994), who derive the demand and efficiency conditions under both the best-shot and weakest-link technologies for a pure public good and j oint product model. An interesting finding is that, in a j oint product model, the demand equations differ depending on the supply technology and the identification of the best shooter or weakest-link. To see this, assume that the supply is weakest-link and that country 1 is the weak-link nation, making the demand for the military activity in 1
ql =
qi qi(Ji,p , qt , Ei).
q i (J I ,p, £ 1 ). For the other allies (j = 2, . . . , n), the demand is =
The demand equations are similar for a best-shot alliance, except for the interpretation of ally 1 . In the best-shot alliance, let ally 1 denote the best shooter; then Equations 8 This section only covers a small subset of the theoretical literature. See Sandler ( 1 993) and Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995) for more exhaustive surveys.
Ch. 5: Military Alliances: Theory and Empirics
(25) and (26) will represent the reduced-form demand equations. The identification of these equations enabled Conybeare, Murdoch and Sandler ( 1994) to devise a testing procedure for identifying the actual supply technology. McGuire ( 1990) offered a generalization of the summation technology. In his model, the aggregation technology is
Q i qi + L w�qi ,
j .c i
where the weights (w�) are all positive. An interesting feature of the model is that the weights reflect the consumer (i.e., receiving nation) and the producer nation. Thus, wi , for example, is the spillover from ally 4 to ally 2. McGuire defines several specific cases with restrictions on Equation (27). He also derives the basic efficiency and burden sharing implications of his model. 2. 3.2.
The allocation process
The pure public and joint product models assume a noncooperative Nash allocation mechanism, which is a natural point of departure for modelling the behavior of agents who contribute to the supply of a public good. However, it is conceivable that a relatively small military alliance will behave cooperatively, especially over time as political pressure to contribute comes to bear on the free riders. Unfortunately, as outside observers, we have no way of knowing the "true" allocation process - we only observe the data generated from the process. McGuire and Groth ( 1985) speculated that the data patterns would be different under a Nash allocation scheme when compared to a Lindahl process. In particular, with unit prices and Cobb-Douglas utility functions, the relationship between wealth and defense expenditures should lie on a ray out of the origin under a Lindahl model. Under the Nash model, in contrast, the relationship should lie on a straight line with a negative y-intercept. McGuire and Groth went on to derive several econometric specifications for testing the underlying allocation process with observed data. Sandler and Murdoch ( 1 990) operationalized the McQuire-Groth approach in order to test the allocation mechanism using NATO data. The essential theoretical contribution of Sandler and Murdoch was to derive reduced-form demand equations under the Lindahl and Nash hypotheses that are comparable empirically. Let e1 denote the Lindahl cost share for ally then
(28) is the ith ally's demand for the total military activity in the alliance. Note that a Lindahl equilibrium requires a set of cost shares that fully finance a level of Q Q * such that Q; Q* The Lindahl Equation (28) differs from the Nash pure public good model, =
J. C. Murdoch
1 00
Equation (2 1), and from the Nash joint product model presented in Equation (22), illustrating that it is theoretically possible to identify the allocation mechanism. 3. Empirical contributions
The earliest empirical studies focused on the relationship between measures of burden and economic size, using cross-sectional data from members of the NATO alliance. These studies sought primarily to investigate the inequality of defense burdens among allies at a particular point in time. In the 1 960s when Olson and Zeckhauser ( 1 966) proposed their theory of alliances, there were too few annual observations to consider a time-series methodology. In the latter half of the 1 970s, however, the empirical methods switched so as to take advantage of the time-series variation in data from the individual NATO allies. The object of the analysis also changed from the burden sharing question to estimating demand equations like those presented in Equations (9), ( 1 7) and (22). This new focus facilitated an investigation into the sharing of the burdens of defense might change as well as several direct tests of the public goods models. There are numerous empirical studies on military alliances [see Sandler (1 993)] and just as many ways to categorize their results. Below, a small subset of the empirical findings are presented that, hopefully, represent the range of empirical issues and methods addressed in this literature. To organize the findings, I have categorized empirical exercises according to their antecedent paradigm, making three subsections tests derived from either the pure public good or the joint product model, and other interesting empirical tests. The scope of the presentation is limited in order to complement other chapters in this volume, especially Chapter 4, by Smith.
3. 1.
Tests based on the pure public good model
Olson and Zeckhauser ( 1966, p. 274) hypothesized that within an alliance and all else equal, larger nations, in terms of economic size, should "devote larger percentages of their national incomes to defense than do the smaller nations." To test this hypothesis, they examined the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between GNP and the defense budget as a percent of GNP in 1 964 for fourteen NATO nations. The null hypothesis of no association was rejected in favor of the hypothesis of positive association. This simple test provided strong evidence to support the pure public good model; i.e., it appeared as though the small NATO allies were able to exploit the larger allies. Interestingly, Olson and Zeckhauser's definition of defense burden (i.e., the percentage of national income devoted to defense) became the definition for future research, and little attention was paid to alternative measures of burden until the 1 980s [Sandler and Forbes ( 1 980)]. 9
de facto
9 Russett ( 1 970) and Oneal and Elrod ( 1 989) noted that the military budgets across nations may not be comparable, owing to the conscription practices of different nations. Oneal and Elrod provide some corrected defense burden measures but they do not affect the basic conclusion of Olson and Zeckhauser.
Ch. 5: Military Alliances: Theory and Empirics
Olson and Zeckhauser were reluctant to take a parametric approach by, for example, regressing national income on defense burden. The primary problem with regression methods is that within an alliance there are typically some very large (USA) and small (Luxembourg) nations, meaning that a fitting technique that weights observations according to squared deviations from the mean, such as ordinary least squares (OLS), gives misleading parameter estimates. OLS gives so much weight to the very large nation that the fitted line is forced through that point regardless of the general pattern of the other data points. Dudley and Montmarquette (1981) circumvented this problem by formulating a median-voter model. Their approach allowed them to pool countries from NATO and other alliances into one cross-sectional sample. To summarize the median-voter model estimated by Dudley and Montmarquette, define the following notation where all expenditures are in real terms 1 0 : military expenditures in nation i, ME; population in nation i,
gross national product in nation i,
sum of the ME; of nation i's allies that are in the sample,
sum of the ME; of nation i's allies that are not in the sample,
auxiliary variables that may shift the relationship. Then, using a Stone-Geary utility function, they derive an empirical approximation to the demand for defense as
ME; -- - f3o + f3 1 N; _
( GNP; ) + f32 ( 1 ) --
+ 3
+ f34E · + t:>
where the f3's are unknown parameters and £; is a random disturbance term. The inverse population measure ( l /N 1 -a) facilitates a test of the publicness of defense in consumption, since as a approaches zero, defense approaches a pure public good in the model 1 1 . Dudley and Montmarquette ( 1981) used data from 3 8 countries and several alliances. The parameters were estimated with data from 1960, 1970, and 1975 using a full information maximum likelihood (FIML) routine. The FIML estimator was necessary because of the simultaneity between the ME; and SPILL; . The results generally supported the pure public good model with the median-voter as the decision maker; i.e., /3 1 was positive and significant, /33 was negative and significant, and a was not significantly different from zero. Moreover, the Stone-Geary utility function setup allowed Dudley and Montmarquette to solve for the underlying parameters of the 10 Some studies presented in this section use gross domestic product (GDP) to measure national income. In those cases, I will use GDP, to denote the variable. 11 The linearity of the form and the test for publicness are artifacts of the Stone-Geary utility function. In ageneral model, it is difficult to identify the a parameter.
J C. Murdoch
1 02
model. They found that defense was a superior good (income elasticity greater than one) and that the elasticity with respect to the tax price of defense was somewhat elastic. As noted in Section 2, the equalizing of the defense burdens in NATO resulted in the formulation of the joint product model. In a series of empirical papers, Oneal ( 1 990a, 1 990b) and Oneal and Elrod ( 1 989) argued that, with respect to NATO, the basic predictions of the pure public good model held true well into the 1980s. Additionally, they argued that the potential for complementarity between the joint products, owing to the doctrine of flexible response, was actually quite limited 1 2 . Thus, NATO even in the 1 980s looked much like a "uniquely privileged group" with the USA shouldering the bulk of the defense for the alliance. There are many dimensions to their argument; however, the essential empirical evidence in its favor is that, after appropriate controls, the estimated relationship between measures of defense burden and measures of economic size is positive and significant. The problem with the simple rank correlations, which, as indicated above, showed that the relationship was not significant after the mid- 1 960s, is that they do not hold the other influences constant. Oneal ( 1 990a) used data from 1 5 NATO countries for the years 1 950-1984 to estimate the following relationship: 2 GDPit MEi (30) f3o + /3 1 + {3 2E it.
= GDP· If
""""' �i
Thus, the economic size variable is stated relative to the total economic size of NATO, where size is gross domestic product (GDP). Oneal includes a measure of Soviet defense burdens, European interdependence, and two dummy variables, one indicating Greece, Turkey, and Portugal and one indicating the other European nations. The parameters are estimated using a pooled, time-series, cross-sectional estimator. The estimate on {3 1 is positive and significant and robust to alternative samples and transformations of the size measure. Okamura (1 991) provided a unique and interesting application of the pure public good model to the USA-Japan alliance. Okamura employed a Linear Logarithmic Expenditure System (LLES) to derive the Nash reaction functions for the USA and Japan. The real defense expenditures of the Soviet Union ( THREAT) entered both reaction functions, while the defense expenditures of the NATO allies, excluding the USA (MEN), entered the US equation. For the USA, the reaction function was ME = PM ( YMo + YM 1 THREAT) +[GDP - P M (YMo + YM 1 THREAT) - Pc(Yco + YCJ THREAT)]
[a 1 + /3 1 ln(PM) + f32 ln(Pc)] + [a! + {3 1 ln(PM) + f32 !n(Pc) - I ] x
(3 1)
(ME; + MEN ) ,
where PM and Pc denote the price deflators of military expenditures and consumption expenditures, respectively, and ME; denotes the military expenditures of Japan. The 12 See Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 9 9 1 ) for critical comments on this point.
Ch. 5: Military Alliances: Theory and Empirics
equation for Japan was similar except that MEN did not enter the model. The parameters of the two-equation system (y's, a's, and /3's) were estimated using the expenditure share equations. The LLES estimates were generally consistent with the pure public good model. Both nations responded positively to GDP and Soviet defense expenditures. The USA responded negatively to Japan's defense expenditures, while Japan responded negatively to the defense spending in the USA. Okamura reported a stable Nash equi librium with the USA spending $ 1 50.79 billion and Japan spending $5 1 .64 billion in 1 982 dollars. Despite the fact that the price term did not perform in the expected fashion in Japan's equation, the study stands out for including measures of the price of defense in the equation.
Tests based on the joint product model
Sandler and Forbes ( 1980) extended the empirical methodology of Olson and Zeckhauser to test the pure public good model and some predictions from the joint product model using data from NATO allies. Their first test was to compute year-by year Kendall rank correlation statistics (r) between GDPi and ME/GDPi . As expected, they found generally significant correlations before 1967 but insignificant correlations afterwards. They then computed the first- and second-order partial r's in an attempt to hold constant the private benefits of defense. In the first-order r, the GDP per capita was held constant, while in the second-order r, both GDP per capita and exposed border were held constant. Even the higher-order statistics were generally insignificant after 1967, suggesting that the pure public good model must be rejected. Sandler and Forbes next looked for evidence in favor of the joint product model. They argued that, under the joint product model, the private benefits of defense should predict the defense burden sharing; i.e., relative economic size is not the only predictor. Thus, they compared the relative defense burdens (ME/ Li MEi) to a private benefit measure, finding that by 1 975 the private benefits did in fact predict the defense burdens better, when compared to 1960. The private benefit measure was an average of the GDP share, the exposed border share, and the population share. It is interesting to note that the questions addressed by Oneal ( l 990a) and Sandler and Forbes are similar. However, the two studies used quite different statistical methods and drew essentially opposite conclusions. As discussed below, the weight of the evidence now favors the conclusions drawn by Sandler and Forbes. Two papers by Murdoch and Sandler (1 982, 1984) changed the empirical methods of alliance studies from cross-sectional to time series and emphasized country-by-country comparisons ofthe "demand for military expenditures". The demand interpretation was derived from the reduced-form demand equation [e.g., Equation (1 7)] . With the price of the military activity set equal to 1 , the military expenditures are the best measure of qi.
J. C. Murdoch
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The Murdoch-Sandler approach involved estimating MEit = /3;o + f3n GDPit + f3i2SPILLit-i
+ f3i3 Eit + Eit
for each i in an alliance. Thus, they generally presented an estimated equation for each ally that was based on the time-series variation in the data. Various measures have been
considered in Eit, including the ratio of the USA's strategic defense force to that of the Soviet Union's, force thinning, the price of oil, a dummy variable for the Viet Nam war, and Soviet defense expenditures. The simultaneity between ME; and SPILL; was addressed by lagging the spillin measure. Murdoch and Sandler ( 1984) found that for some of the NATO allies, the response to spillins (/3i2 ) was positive (5 out of 1 0), while for others it was negative. The negative response is not inconsistent with the pure public good or joint product model. However, the positive responses suggest rejecting the pure public good model. To devise a cleaner test of the joint product model, they argued that the doctrine of flexible response resulted in increased complementarity between the joint products and, therefore, a shift in the /3;2 coefficients toward the positive direction. Their estimates of Equation (32) with a slope-shifter on SPILLit after 1 974 indicated that f3i2 was more positive after the doctrine of flexible response in 7 out of the 1 0 allies in their sample. Hence, the evidence seemed to favor the joint product model. Two other tests of the applicability of the joint product model to the NATO alliance are worthy of mention. The first is by Hansen, Murdoch and Sandler ( 1 990) who disaggregated the military expenditures in NATO into expenditures on conventional forces and strategic forces. This disaggregation allowed them to identify complementarity between conventional forces and substitutability between conventional forces and strategic forces. Thus, free riding in NATO was only possible on the strategic forces provided by the nuclear allies. The second test of the joint product model was the implementation of Equation (22) by Sandler and Murdoch ( 1 990). Using time-series data for NATO allies, they estimated
L MEit
/3;o + f3n (GDPit + SPILLit) + f3i2 SPILLit + f3i3 Eit + Eit.
Note that in Equation (33) the dependent variable is the same for each ally. From Equation (2 1 ), the pure public good model implies f3i2 0. Using data from 1956 to 1 987 and a two-stage least squares estimator, Sandler and Murdoch rejected this restriction for all 1 0 of the allies in their study. These parametric results, coupled with the nonparametric findings by Sandler and Forbes ( 1980), provide convincing evidence in favor of the joint product model. =
Other empirical contributions
In this section, three studies that offer unusually interesting empirical contributions are reviewed. These studies are chosen not so much for their insights into military
Ch. 5: Military Alliances: Theory and Empirics
1 05
alliances, but because they illustrate how the study of military alliances has generated empirical techniques that may be useful for a host of public economic questions. The first study is by Murdoch, Sandler and Hansen ( 1991) who used data on the NATO allies to test between the "oligarchy" and the median-voter model. In the oligarchy model, the budget set constrains the choices of a decision-making body that acts on behalf of the entire nation, while under the median-voter model, the defense allocation decision is made by the median voter; hence, the appropriate budget constraint is that of the median voter's. With the exception of Dudley and Montmarquette (1981 ), most military alliance studies have implicitly or explicitly assumed an oligarchy choice perspective. Murdoch, Sandler and Hansen ( 1 99 1 ) showed that restrictions on MEit = /3;o + f3il
(- )
1 GDPit + {3;3 SPILLit + Eit ff + f3i2 A, 1t L it
are consistent with the oligarchy or median-voter model. Hence, the specification provides an empirical method for discriminating between the two models. In Equation (34), Lit represents the employed labor force, but in another application it could be equal to Nit · For A. = 1 , the specification is consistent with the median-voter model, while for A; = 0 and f3i l 0, the specification is consistent with the oligarchy choice model. Interestingly, these authors found that some of the NATO allies generate median-voter-like data, while others appear to follow the oligarchy choice or neither paradigm. Specifically, the median-voter model could not be rejected for Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, while the oligarchy model fitted the data from West Germany, France, Italy, and the USA. Neither model appeared correct for Canada, Denmark, and Norway. The second study is by Sandler and Murdoch ( 1 990) who tested the Nash allocation mechanism against the Lindahl mechanism, again using data from the NATO allies. The question of which allocation mechanism is an important one because it addresses the efficiency question; i.e., a Lindahl allocation implies Pareto efficiency. The Sandler-Murdoch test requires estimates from four equations for each nation. The first is derived from the Nash j oint product model: =
(35) while the second represents Lindahl � MEit �
MEit {3;o + f3il (GDPit ) + f3i2 .2:.:: ; MEit
+ {3;3 Eit + t:it.
The third and fourth equations are "joint" or combinations of Equations (35) and (36) that serve as auxiliary equations in order to implement the J test developed
1 06
JC. Murdoch
by MacKinnon, White and Davidson (1 983). The J tests computed by Sandler and Murdoch provided some evidence to support the Nash assumption in five of the smaller allies, while the five largest allies could not be classified. Because no support for the Lindahl model was found, the authors suggested that NATO provided a suboptimal level of defense over the time period under investigation. The last study addresses the technology of public supply. Conybeare, Murdoch and Sandler ( 1994) tested the best-shot and weakest-link models in four military alliances - the Triple Alliance (1 880-1914), the Triple Entente ( 1 880-1914), the Warsaw Pact ( 1 963-1987), and NATO ( 1 961-1987). The authors show, assuming the existence of joint products, that the technology of public supply can be empirically determined by a recursive system of equations. They find support for the best-shot technology in the Triple Alliance, limited support for the weakest-link technology in the Triple Entente, and generally inconclusive findings in the Warsaw Pact and NATO.
4. Conclusion
Theoretical research in military alliances closely parallels research in the theory of public goods. For over twenty-five years, economists have made significant contributions to our understanding of military alliances by modelling the behavior of individual allies as rational members of a collective that provides a public good. In addition to insights concerning burden sharing and allocative efficiency, our ability to explain and predict changes in ally behavior has increased over time. Probably the most important theoretical paradigm to date has been the development and application of the joint product model, which repeatedly appears to explain actual data better than the pure public good model. Perhaps the most important empirical development has been the application of annual time-series data to test the theoretical propositions. The gain in flexibility from having individual country data has, unquestionably, led to several creative tests, some of which have been applied to other public good problems. Future research should concentrate in three areas. First, methods must be engineered to test allocative processes other than Nash and Lindahl. One possibility is to extend the hybrid models suggested by McGuire and Groth ( 1 985), so that they could be estimated with time-series data. Alternatively, a repeated game structure might facilitate other allocation mechanisms and provide some structure for modelling actions between alliances. The second area of future research concerns membership size, which, especially with respect to NATO, has been ignored. However, recent political events indicate that NATO will soon need to decide if some of the Eastern European nations should be admitted to the alliance. Lastly, more research must be done on the technology of public supply. The techniques developed by Conybeare, Murdoch and Sandler ( 1994) should be extended to other alliances and supply functions. It may prove particularly fruitful to integrate a geographic approach to the technology of public supply by modelling the spatial interaction between allies.
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References Andreoni, J., and M.C. McGuire, 1 993, IdentifYing the free riders: A simple algorithm for determining who will contribute to a public good, Journal of Public Economics 5 1 , 447-454. Bergstrom, T.C., L. Blume and H. Varian, 1 986, On the private provision of public goods, Journal of Public Economics 29, 25-49. Conybeare, J.A.C., J.C. Murdoch and T. Sandler, 1 994, Alternative collective-goods models of military alliances: Theory and empirics, Economic Inquiry 32, 525-542. Comes, R., and T. Sandler, 1 986, The theory of externalities, public goods, and club goods (Cambridge University Press, New York). Comes, R., and T. Sandler, 1 994, The comparative static properties of the impure public good model, Journal of Public Economics 54, 403-421 . Dudley, L., and C . Montrnarquette, 1 98 1 , The demand for military expenditures: An international comparison, Public Choice 37, 5-3 1 . Hansen, L., J.C. Murdoch and T. Sandler, 1 990, On distinguishing the behavior o fnuclear and non-nuclear allies in NATO, Defence Economics I , 37-56. Hirshleifer, J., 1 983, From weakest-link to best-shot: The voluntary provision of public goods, Public Choice 4 1 , 3 7 1-386. Knorr, K., 1 985, Burden-sharing in NATO: Aspects of U.S. policy, Orbis 29, 5 1 7-36. MacKinnon, J.G., H. White and R. Davidson, 1 983, Tests for model specification in the presence of alternative hypotheses: Some further results, Journal of Econometrics 2 1 , 53-70. McGuire, M.C., ! 990, Mixed public-private benefit and public good supply, with an application to the NATO alliance, Defence Economics I , 17-35. McGuire, M.C., and C.H. Groth Jr, 1 985, A method for identifying the public good allocation process within a group, Quarterly Journal of Economics 1 00, 9 1 5-934. Murdoch, J.C., and T. Sandler, 1 982, A theoretical and empirical analysis of NATO, Journal of Conflict Resolution 26, 237-263. Murdoch, J.C., and T. Sandler, 1 984, Complementarity, free riding, and the military expenditure of NATO allies, Journal of Public Economics 25, 83-1 0 1 . Murdoch, J.C., and T. Sandler, 1 99 1 , NATO burden sharing and the forces o f change: Further observations, International Studies Quarterly 35, 1 09-1 1 4. Murdoch, J.C., T. Sandler and L. Hansen, 1 99 1 , An econometric technique for comparing median voter and oligarchy choice models of collective action: The case of the NATO alliance, Review of Economics and Statistics 73, 624-63 1 . Okamura, M., 1 9 9 1 , Estimating the impact of the Soviet Union's threat on the United States-Japan alliance: A demand system approach, Review of Economics and Statistics 73, 200-207. Olson, M., 1 965, The logic of collective action: Public goods and the theory of groups (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA). Olson, M., 1 986, A theory of the incentives facing political organizations, International Political Science Review 7, 1 65-179. Olson, M., and R. Zeckhauser, 1 966, An economic theory of alliances, Review of Economics and Statistics 48, 266--2 79. Oneal, J.R., 1 990a, Testing the theory of collective action: Defense burdens, 1 950-1984, Journal of Conflict Resolution 34, 426-448. Oneal, J.R., 1990b, The theory of collective action and burden sharing in NATO, International Organization 44, 379-402. Oneal, J.R., and M.A. Elrod, 1 989, NATO burden sharing and the forces of change, International Studies Quarterly 33, 435-456. Palmer, G., 1 990, Corralling the free rider: Deterrence and the Western alliance, International Studies Quarterly 34, 147-164.
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University of California, Los Angeles Contents
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction and overview of arms races, proliferation, and the outbreak of war 2. The Richardson model of the arms race 3. The dynamics of arms accumulation: the rational actor model 4. The dynamics of nuclear war: strategy and outcomes 5. Arms races and stability 6. A general model of an arms race 7. Power, bargaining, and war 8. The role of nuclear weapons 9. Nuclear weapons in a formal model of bargaining 1 0. Nuclear proliferation 1 1 . Proliferation and the probability of war 1 2. The future of the arms race and of proliferation 1 3 . Appendix 13.1. 1 3.2. 1 3.3. 13.4.
Proof of proposition 1 Proof of proposition 2 Proof of proposition 4 Proof of proposition 7
1 10 1 10 111 1 14 1 17 121 1 26 1 28 130 144 146 150 151 1 55 1 60 1 60 160 1 60 161 161
* Our work was supported by the Baker Institute at Rice University, The Center for International and Strategic Affairs at UCLA, the Ford Foundation, The Mershon Center at The Ohio State University, and the National Science Foundation. We would like to thank Radu Filimon, Jonathan Hamilton, Jack Hirshleifer, Steven Slutsky, Erica Worth, and Dina Zinnes for their help over the years. Todd Sandler and Keith Hartley made invaluable contributions as editors to this chapter.
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume I, Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V All rights reserved
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D.L. Brito and M.D. Intriligator
Previous analyses of arms races and proliferation are integrated and extended, building from a treatment of the behavioral foundations of weapons acquisitions to a general theory of arms races, with implications for the role of negotiations, the balance of power, the timing of crises, and nuclear proliferation. Recent developments in economic theory are also applied here to the problems of the arms race, nuclear proliferation, and the outbreak of war, yielding a deeper treatment of these phenomena by directly or indirectly treating asymmetric information in bargaining, repeated games that involve threats, and principal-agent problems in decisions on technology and weapons accumulation. Keywords
accidental nuclear war, arms races, asymmetric information, bargaining, crisis stability, deterrence, equilibrium, nuclear proliferation, nuclear war model, outbreak of war, precommitment, probability of war, repeated games, rational choice models, reaction curves, Richardson model, stability, stock adjustment model, timing of crises, warfighting
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation 1.
Introduction and overview of arms races, proliferation, and the outbreak of war
In the nuclear era the potential implications of arms races and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction for life and death are staggering. Their political implications in terms of power and influence and their economic implications in terms of resources mobilized for weapons production are of overwhelming importance. Nevertheless, arms races have received relatively little attention from social scientists, particularly economists, in recent years. The interpretive guide to the literature on conflict theory in Intriligator ( 1 982), which organizes the literature by eight analytic approaches and eight areas of application, shows that most of the work in this field has been conducted by political scientists and that there tends to be a clustering of work on certain key approaches and models, such as the Richardson model of arms races, neglecting many important areas of potential inquiry and many possible alternative methodologies. While economists did some fundamental and relatively early work on these and related topics, as in Morgenstern ( 1 959), Schelling ( 1960, 1 966), and McGuire ( 1 965), relatively few economists have conducted research in this area. This neglect by economists is both surprising and unfortunate because many of the essential features of arms races, proliferation, and related phenomena, such as arms control and strategic choices in warfare, involve resource allocation, oligopolistic interactions, the production of public goods, bureaucratic and organizational behavior, and externalities, which are subjects of central concern to economists. The purpose of this chapter is to integrate and to extend previous analyses of arms races and proliferation, building from a treatment of the behavioral foundations of weapons acquisition to a general theory of arms races. Some recent developments in economic theory are also applied here to the problems of the arms race, nuclear proliferation, and the outbreak of war. These new approaches yield a deeper treatment of these phenomena by directly or indirectly treating such salient aspects of an arms race as asymmetric information in bargaining, repeated games that involve threats, and principal-agent problems in decisions on technology and weapons accumulation. Various approaches have been used to study arms races, including the Richardson model, as discussed in the next section, and models based on dynamic optimization 1 . Much of the previous theoretical work on the arms race is in the Richardson ( 1 960) tradition, which explains the arms race descriptively and mechanically. The Richardson model uses a coupled pair of differential equations to explain the change in levels of weapons in each of two nations as a function of the weapons held by both sides. More recent work in this area, by contrast, has used rational choice models to explain the arms race in terms of the behavior of decision makers, making use of the postulates of rationality and maximizing behavior. In our prior separate work, for example, in Brito 1 For a survey of the arms race literature see the book edited by Gleditsch and Nj0lstad ( 1 990). See also Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995).
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( 1 972) and in Intriligator ( 1 97 5), we used an optimal control approach of optimization in a dynamic setting to explain choices of arms acquisitions over time. We each obtained a general set of equations describing an arms race of which the Richardson model is one special case. The value of arms in such a framework is a consequence of the behavioral decisions of defense decision makers on both sides in seeking either to deter or to attack the other side. As in the case of general equilibrium theory, a common denominator in much of the literature on arms races is concern over the existence and stability of equilibrium. Equilibrium, in the case of an arms race, as elsewhere, refers to a situation in which there is no change over time in certain variables characterizing the system. From a behavioral standpoint, an equilibrium is a Nash equilibrium in which none of the decision makers has an incentive to change their decisions, given the choices of the other decision makers. In certain cases it is possible to obtain functional dependencies giving the equilibrium levels of weapons on each side as functions of technical and strategic parameters. Another common denominator in much of this chapter is the concept of stability, which is an essential ingredient in any study of arms races and related phenomena. Stability is a concept that occurs in various and often conflicting guises in this chapter. First, there is the conventional notion of the stability of the quantitative arms race, involving determining whether nations will engage in the proverbial behavior of piling arms upon arms or whether this process will stop at some stable equilibrium, as in the Richardson model with certain restrictions on its parameters. Second, there is the stability of the qualitative arms race, involving determining whether nations engage in competitive research and development to acquire a technological advantage. Another concept of stability is that of crisis stability: under what circumstances will a crisis between rival nations, such as the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 between the United States and the Soviet Union, lead not to the outbreak of war but rather to some type of peaceful resolution? This is a fundamental question of international relations that has been only partly answered by political theorists. Some wars have occurred due to irrational behavior, accidents, or imperfections in the process of decision making. In such cases, paradoxically, the stability of the arms race in the conventional sense of low levels of weapon accumulations may be inconsistent with crisis stability. Low levels of weapons accumulations may in some cases even increase the probability of war. All of these aspects of stability must be treated when considering arms races that involve multiple countries and thereby nuclear proliferation, referring to the possibility of their acquiring nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction, and delivery systems 2 . As other nations acquired nuclear weapons, such as the United Kingdom, France, and China, it was necessary to treat them as additional participants. Regional conflicts have also involved the acquisition or potential acquisition of nuclear weapons, including the Arab-Israeli conflict, the conflict between India and Pakistan, 2 For a survey of the proliferation literature see the book edited by Davis and Frankel ( 1 993 ).
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that between Iran and Iraq, that between North and South Korea, and others. The possibility of such nuclear proliferation can imply that the results about equilibrium and the various stability properties of the bipolar arms race may no longer be valid. Most previous work on proliferation has assumed, explicitly or implicitly, that additional nuclear powers would be destabilizing in the sense of increasing the probability of war. By contrast, Waltz (198 1 , 1 983) concluded that more nations with nuclear weapons would reduce the chance of conflict. In lntriligator and Brito (1981) and Brito and Intriligator ( 1983) we analyzed the consequences of additional nuclear weapons states on crisis stability. We concluded that nuclear proliferation may have different qualitative effects on the probability of nuclear war depending on the number of existing nuclear nations and the level of weapons held by the various countries involved. We found that, in certain circumstances, but not universally, in contrast to Waltz, having an additional nuclear power in the system may reduce rather than increase the probability of deliberate nuclear war. This effect occurs when the restraining influence of the additional nuclear weapon state on the prior states with nuclear weapons offsets the destabilizing influence of there being an additional state able to start a nuclear war. However, this whole line of research is open to question since we have been able to show (see below) that qualitative predictions about the change in the probability that individual nations will initiate a nuclear war as the number of nuclear powers increases are not sufficient to make predictions about the change in the aggregate probability of a nuclear war. A third influence that is always destabilizing is that of the potential for accidental nuclear war, implying the value of introducing safeguards against accidental or inadvertent use of nuclear weapons. In the absence of such safeguards in the new nuclear nations, the probability of an accidental nuclear war will increase and, as a result, the aggregate probability of war will likely increase. The explicit treatment of these three different ways in which proliferation may change the probability of war outbreak is more useful in analyzing or formulating policy in this area than either implicitly assuming that proliferation is always destabilizing, as in the traditional approaches, or explicitly assuming that it is always stabilizing, as in the Waltz approach. A fundamental question of international relations that has been only partly answered by political theorists is that of when and under what circumstances conflict between nations leads to the outbreak of war. Some wars have occurred due to irrational behavior, accidents, or imperfections in the process of decision making. Other wars have occurred due to the use of force in an attempt to change the allocation of rights between nations, such as the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and the subsequent Gulf War to restore the previous situation. If countries are in conflict over the rights to an asset, such as land, population, or oil, then war can occur as a result of an attempted redistribution of such rights. Thus, yet another aspect of stability in an arms race is that of a stable distribution of wealth and power. Some of the models that we have developed provide a way of analyzing this type of war. There are three factors that are clearly relevant to the outbreak of war. The first is imperfect information, where the
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relevant decision makers may be uninformed about salient aspects of the problem. The second is the redistribution ofresources, that can act as an equilibrating mechanism and thus reduce the likelihood of war. The third is risk taking, in which nations may engage in a game of brinkmanship in order to gain or to avoid losing resources. The history of war suggests that all three factors have played important and, in some instances, crucial roles in explaining why wars did - or did not - occur. The important idea is that there is a relationship between the distribution of power and the distribution of wealth. Conflict can occur if these two relationships are not in equilibrium. We have studied war outbreak and related topics, such as the influence of an arms race on the likelihood ofwar, using a two-period model in Brito and Intriligator ( 1 985). In the first period the two countries choose between consumption and investment in arms, so this period involves a potential arms race. In the second period, the countries bargain over the reallocation of resources, possibly using force or the threat of force to attain their goals, so this period involves a potential war. Our model builds on recent work on bargaining with asymmetric information and employs some recent developments in models of sequential equilibria. The model implies that if both countries are fully informed as to the parameters of the problem, then there will be no war but rather a voluntary redistribution of resources. If, however, there is a situation of asymmetric information in which one of the countries is informed about all parameters of the problem but the other is not so informed, then war can occur if the uninformed country adopts a strategy in which it precommits itself to a positive probability of war in order to prevent bluffing by the informed country. There would be no conflict if the uninformed country finds it optimal not to attempt to prevent such bluffing or, alternatively, if either country has very few resources and thus chooses not to participate. If each of the countries is fully informed about the characteristics of the other country, then when transfers occur, there is no conflict. There exists an initial distribution of resources that leads to no transfers and the two countries would invest in weapons to deter rather than to engage in a war. A surprising result is that a Nash equilibrium in pure strategies does not exist in the fully informed case. However, a Nash equilibrium in the space of mixed strategies does exist, where some of the realizations of the mixed strategies might lead to a crisis. Deterrence requires the use of mixed strategies, with countries choosing positive probabilities of both a war-deterring strategy and a war-fighting strategy. A model in which nations are rational actors and in which threats and deterrence play a major role in the distribution of resources yields significant insights into why deterrence may fail in the real world. Nations are not single rational actors, however, and rational behavior within a bureaucratic and hierarchical organization may lead to undesired consequences. 2. The Richardson model of the arms race
The Richardson arms race model constitutes one of the best known models of arms race phenomena and, at the same time, one of the most influential formal models
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
in all of the international relations literature 3 . Different types of models have been used in the study of arms races, including descriptive and normative models. The Richardson model is an example of a descriptive model, one with neither an explicit objective nor an assumption of maximizing behavior. Another such descriptive model of an arms race is the stock adjustment model. Both of these models are intended primarily to describe arms race phenomena. Another type of model is the normative model, with an explicit goal and the assumption of maximizing behavior. This type of model is intended to explain the underlying motivations for arms races in terms of goal-directed behavior. One such normative model is the optimal resource allocation model of Brito ( 1972). Another is the differential game model developed by Simaan and Cruz ( 1 975, 1 976), which applies the Nash solution to the basic resource allocation model proposed by Brito. We begin by defining our terms and assumptions. By an arms race we mean the dynamic process of interaction between countries in their acquisitions of weapons. Like Richardson, we treat only two countries, labeled 1 and 2, thus avoiding such issues as proliferation, alliance formation, multicountry stability, etc. From an empirical standpoint, much of the observed interaction in arms races is in fact between two countries or two alliances. In nuclear weapons, there was the US-USSR superpower arms race interaction (or, more broadly, NATO vs. Warsaw Pact) with only relatively insignificant impacts of other nuclear powers. Conventional weapons arms races include the Arab-Israeli arms race, the Iran-Iraq arms race, and many others. We also assume, again as in Richardson, that there is a single homogeneous weapon, where country 1 has w1 weapons and country 2 has w2 weapons. The Richardson model can be extended to the more complex case of several weapons types, but both theoretical and empirical arguments justify this assumption. A model with several types of weapons would considerably complicate the basic theory as it would be necessary to address the problem of portfolio selection. It is important to start with the simpler analysis of a single type of weapon. It is possible, from an empirical standpoint, to aggregate either nuclear weapons or conventional weapons (but not the two together) into an overall measure of military capability. The theory to be developed can be considered applicable to one of these aggregates. The Richardson model is summarized by two differential equations describing the rate of change over time of weapon stocks in each of the two countries. For country 1 , i f w1 (t) i s the stock of weapons at time, then t h = dw 1 /d t i s the rate of change of weapon stocks in country 1 at time t. According to the Richardson model, this change is described as the sum of three separate influences. The first is the defense term, where the accumulation of weapons is influenced positively by the stock of 3
Basic references for the Richardson model are Richardson ( 1 939, 1 9 5 1 , 1 960) and Rapoport ( 1 957, 1 960). Lewis Fry Richardson's seminal work became available in 1 947-1949 in microfilm and was published in book form in 1 960, as Richardson ( 1960). Rapoport ( 1 957, 1 960) provides a review and appreciation of this work. See Intriligator and Brito ( 1 976b) and Isard and Anderton ( 1 985); see Anderton ( 1 985) for an extensive survey and bibliography.
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weapons of the opponent w2, representing the need to defend oneself against the opponent. The second is the fatigue term, where the accumulation of weapons is influenced negatively by one's own stock of weapons, representing the economic and administrative burden of the arms race. The third is the grievance term, representing all other factors influencing the arms race, whether historical, institutional, cultural, or others. In the Richardson model these tetms are independent, additive, and linear, resulting in the two coupled linear differential equations: ( 1) (2) Equation (1) for country 1 determines weapons acquisitions as a function of the constants a 1 , a2, a3, and the weapons stocks in both countries. According to the theory, a 1 and b1 are positive since the two countries are opponents. Also according to the theory, a2 and b2 are positive since maintaining weapons reduces the ability to acquire additional weapons. The grievance terms a3 and b3 can be positive or negative. At an equilibrium point of the dynamic process there is no change in weapon stocks, w1 = 0 and w2 = 0, yielding the reaction functions
Wz = wz =
a2w, - a3 a, b 1 w 1 + b3 bz
for country 1,
for country 2.
These reaction functions, illustrated in Figure 1 , give the number of weapons each country holds as a (linear) function of the number held by the opponent, i.e., how each country reacts to weapons stockpiles of the other for an equilibrium to be attained. If the grievance terms a3 , b3 are positive and the stability condition a2b2 - a 1 b 1 > 0 holds, then an equilibrium exists. This condition guarantees that the reaction functions
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
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will cross and that the resulting equilibrium will be stable. The equilibrium stockpile of weapons for country 1 is then given by
WJ =
a3b2 + a1b3 a2b2 - a 1 b 1 '
and a symmetric equation exists for w2 . If the stocks on both sides exceed the equilibrium then the force of the fatigue terms would offset the defense (and grievance) terms to reduce stocks on both sides to the equilibrium level. If, conversely, the stocks on both sides were below their equilibrium levels then the defense terms would offset the others to raise stocks on both sides. In the case where W J is "too large" and w2 is "too small" relative to the equilibrium, the force of the fatigue term for 1 and that of the defense term for 2 would reduce w 1 and increase w2 , restoring the equilibrium. While the Richardson model is the most influential model of an arms race, it is not the only such model. Another descriptive model is the stock adjustment model, such as those of Boulding ( 1 962), Intriligator ( 1964), and McGuire ( 1 977). Each country determines a desired stock of weapons, WJ and w2, and the rate of change of weapon stocks is assumed to be proportional to the discrepancy between desired and actual weapon stocks, as in the two differential equations:
a4 (ti'J - W I ) , w2 = b4 (w2 - wz ) .
ti�J =
(6) (7)
Thus, each side acquires additional stockpiles in order to overcome a perceived deficiency in its stockpiles of weapons, the deficiency given by the gap between the desired and actual levels of weapons, for example, w 1 - w for country 1 . In general, the desired stocks of weapons depend on the level of weapons in both countries. If, for example, each country desires to have a certain base level of weapons and to match increments of the other side's levels according to a fixed ratio then the desired stocks are linear functions of the levels of weapons held by the other side: (8) (9) where a5 and b5 are the base levels and a6 and b6 are the fixed ratio of increments of one country's stocks relative to those of the opponent's. Inserting these in Equations (6) and (7) yields the Richardson model. Conversely, any Richardson model, as in Equations ( 1) and (2), can be interpreted as a stock adjustment model with the desired stocks linear functions of the weapons held by the opponent. 3. The dynamics of arms accumulation: the rational actor model
Our goal in this section is to explain the arms race in terms of the behavior of decision makers using the postulates of rationality and maximizing behavior. In particular, we
D.L. Brito and M.D. Jntriligator
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derive the dynamics of arms accumulation in a model based on the axioms of rational choice, where it is assumed that each country can be modeled as a single rational actor. There are several schools of thought about the· stability of armament races. One is that arms races must have a stable equilibrium. This result comes either from a static model that treats an arms race as a game similar to "Prisoner's Dilemma" or from a dynamic model such as those of Richardson ( 1960), Saaty ( 1968), and Smoker ( 1 965), which assume the equations of motion. A second school of thought is that arms races are unstable. This theory, often seen in the popular press, holds that, unless some agreement is reached, weapon stocks will increase in an ever-increasing spiral that must ultimately lead to bankruptcy or war. A third view is that a stable equilibrium may exist but that stability may only be a local property. Thus, a large disturbance of the system such as the introduction of a new weapons system may lead to an arms race. Here we will formulate a model that will permit us either to reconcile or to discriminate among these apparently conflicting viewpoints. Again consider a system with two nations. Each nation can use its production for either consumption or investment in its weapons stock. Each nation is trying to maximize a utility function over time whose arguments are consumption and defense. We address three questions: 1 ) Does there exist an equilibrium level of armaments? 2) If such an equilibrium exists, under what conditions will it be stable? 3) Under what conditions will a stable equilibrium occur at zero weapon stocks? We show, under very general assumptions given in Brito ( 1972), that there exists an equilibrium level of armaments. Further, we give some sufficient conditions for the equilibrium to be stable. Finally, we show that in a dynamic economic model total disarmament is unstable except under very special circumstances and that behavior very similar to that of the "Prisoner's Dilemma" game will be observed. We assume that: 1) Welfare in each country can be represented by a strictly concave twice differentiable concave utility function U(c;, D(w;, w1)) where c; is the consumption of the ith country and D(w;, w1) is a public good which will be called defense. We assume that at zero level of consumption the marginal utility of consumption is infinite. 2) The level of defense D(w;, w1) is given by the value function associated with a potential war or conflict that depends on the weapon stocks in each country, where w; is the weapons stock of the ith country. We assume that an increase in the weapons stocks of a country will increase its level of defense and that an increase in the weapons stocks of its rival will decrease its level of defense: 8D; (w;, wJ) ( 1 0) ____:, ____:..:.._ � 0, _
8D; (w;, w1 ) 8wj
( 1 1)
The exact dynamic game that defines the value function will not be specified for the moment, but it suffices to think of this function, associated with the outcome of a potential war, as a primitive construct, such as a production function.
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3) To reduce the dimensionality of the problem we assume that both countries are at an equilibrium capital-labor ratio and that they invest sufficiently to maintain their capital stocks. Further, we assume that the population is constant. The problem of the effect of armaments on growth and vice versa is important, but here we ignore it. Letting Yj(t) be the net national product of the ith country and z;(t) be the expenditure on weapons at time t, the resource constraint is given by ( 1 2) Let b;w; be the resources necessary to maintain and operate weapon stock w;. Then ( 1 3) stating that net investment in weapons is gross expenditure less depreciation and operating expenses. 4) Finally, given the discount rate r;, we assume that at any point in time r, the ith country seeks to maximize welfare given by the present discounted value of utility, J;(r)
U (c;, D; (w;, w1)) dt
( 1 4)
subject to the constraints given by Equations ( 1 2) and ( 1 3 ) and the jth country's reactions. Since this optimization depends only on the initial conditions, we can simplify notation by assuming that r 0. Assume initially that the parties t o an arms race are Coumot-Nash players i n that they are myopic with respect to the behavior of the other party, taking the behavior of the other party as given. We show that the dynamic equations for the arms race are given by general Richardson-type differential equations =
w; R; (w;, w1) , w1 R1 (w;, w1) , =
( 1 5)
( 1 6)
and that this dynamic system has a stable equilibrium at w; and w1. The Coumot Nash assumption of myopic behavior will be relaxed in subsequent sections, however it is useful to explore the implications of such simple strategic behavior. It provides a benchmark against which other strategic assumptions can be j udged. Since the actual mechanism involved in the allocation of resources in the countries involved is a complex combination of political and bureaucratic behavior, there is some virtue in simplicity. The assumption of Coumot-Nash behavior implies that the level of the jth country's weapons stock w1 is constant and parametric to the ith country's optimization. The current value Hamiltonian for the ith country's optimization is given by ( 1 7)
where !;; is the costate variable associated with the ith country's weapon stocks and A; is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the resource constraint. According to
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the Pontryagin Maximum Principle the ith country would choose optimal paths c7(t) and z7(t) (where * denotes the optimal solution) so as to maximize the Hamiltonian at each point in time for the l;7(t) which is the solution to the costate differential equation given below as well as the w7 (t) which is the solution for the state differential equation for the appropriate boundary conditions [Intriligator (1971)]. It follows from the Berge Maximum Theorem and the strict concavity of the Hamiltonian in c; that solution of the optimization c; (!;;, w;, w1 ) and z7 (!;;, w;, w1 ) are both continuous functions of l;; , w;, and w1. The assumption that the utility function is differentiable implies that A.7(l;;, w;, w1) is also continuous. For a given wh the dynamics of the ith country's accumulation of arms is then given by the autonomous (time independent) differential equation system for the state and costate variables
( 1 8) (19) Since the differential equation system is autonomous, Equations ( 1 8) and (19) can be combined to yield a differential equation in phase space, which, together with the boundary conditions, can be integrated with respect to w; to yield the optimal costate
!;7 if>(w7 , wJ)-
Equation (20) can then be substituted into Equation (18), resulting in
(21) and a similar equation can be derived for the jth country:
(22) Together, Equations (2 1) and (22) provide the rolling plan for both countries at time t. Implementation of the plan gives the dynamics of an arms race when the principals behave as Cournot-Nash players. This is a general nonlinear version of Richardson's equations as given by Equations ( 1 5) and (16). Letting w; be the solution of R; (w;, w1 ) = 0, it is clear from Equation (20) that w7 = 0 implies that l;7 = 0 and that from Equation (19),
8U; (c7 , D; (w;, w1 )) 8D; (w;, w1 ) aD;
- (r; + 8;) if>; ( W;, Wj ) . _
This is a standard result in capital theory, stating that the marginal product of capital is equal to the cost of capital. Furthermore, solving the equations for w1 as functions of w1 yields i = 1,2 j
1 , 2,
representing a general non-linear version of the reaction curves of the Richardson model.
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
Proposition 1 .
Given the assumptions we have made, if /5i > 0 then there exists an equilibrium level of armaments, where the equilibrium is characterized by 4
R2('-h , w2) = o.
R 1 (w ! , w2)
We have demonstrated the existence of a resource-constrained equilibrium. The assumption that the utility function satisfies the condition that the marginal utility of zero consumption is infinite implies that this equilibrium is always in the interior of the feasible set. If we assume that /5i 0, then we can still prove that an equilibrium exists if we assume decreasing returns to scale in arms as this would imply that Equation (24) is a contraction mapping, as discussed in Brito ( 1 972).
The dynamics of nuclear war: strategy and outcomes
A criticism that can be lodged against all the models introduced so far is that they treat an arms race from the outside, in terms of a mechanistic model, rather than from the inside, in terms of the decisions of defense planners, as discussed in Intriligator (1967). They all ignore strategic considerations, in particular, the roles of weapons in both deterring and conducting a war. Intriligator ( 1 975) developed a model that took such factors into account, connecting the acquisition of weapons to their use in both peace (deterrence) and war (warfighting). This section connects this model that treats strategic considerations as perceived by defense planners to the arms race. In both country 1 and 2, at any time t, the political authorities will generally require the military authorities to justify their proposed budgets, in particular, any request for an increase in the level of weapons, here called "missiles". They may also question the existing levels of missiles in terms of their danger and/or expense. The military authorities would typically seek to justify both their budgetary requests for missile acquisitions zi(t) and their current inventories of missiles wi (t) in terms of national security considerations by showing their potential for deterrence or warfighting. Both the deterrence and the warfighting roles of weapons can be addressed via considering a hypothetical missile war, such as in war gaming or in computer simulation. The simulation of a missile war can be described by the time paths for missiles in both countries w 1 (r), w2 ( r) and for casualties in both countries x 1 (r), x2 ( r), where is an index of time during the simulated war which starts at the present time t. These time paths can be considered the solutions to the following coupled system of
Proof in Appendix.
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differential equations and the associated boundary conditions at time t for the four state variables w1 , w2, x � . and x2 , which provide a dynamic model representation of the hypothetical or simulated missile war5. (27) (28) (29) (30)
In Equation (27), the stock of country 1 's missiles starts at w1 (t), its current level, and, assuming the hypothetical war begins at time t, the stock declines for two reasons. First, country 1 fires its missiles at the rate v1" so -v1,w1 represents the decline in country 1 missiles due to its own firing decisions. Second, country 1 missiles are destroyed due to country 2's missiles launched against them. Of the v2,w2 missiles launched at time t, as shown in Equation (28), the proportion v2s is launched counterforce against country 1 missiles. Thus, v2, v2sw2 missiles are launched and targeted at country 1 missiles at time r. If each destroys, on average, e2w of country 1 's missiles, then e2w v2, v2sw2 of country 1 missiles are destroyed at time r, as shown in Equation (27). The remaining country 2 missiles launched at time r, given as v2,(1-v2s)w2, are targeted countervalue, at country 1 's cities, and they inflict e2xv2,(1-v2s)w2 casualties in country 1 , as shown in Equation (29), where e2x is the average casualty inflicted per countervalue weapon of country 2. Equations (28) and (30) represent similar processes for country 2. The evolution of the simulated war described by Equations (27) to (30) is determined by the initial weapons stocks; the strategic decisions, over time, of rates of fire and targets; and the technical parameters determining the effectiveness of weapons against enemy weapons and their effectiveness against enemy cities. It should be emphasized that this is a planning model of a hypothetical war, e.g., in a war game or a computer simulation, which can be used by the military authorities to justify current budgetary requests and force levels. In particular, it can be used to justify the force levels and weapons acquisitions needed to deter an actual war. (It should also be emphasized that this differential equation model of a simulated war should not be confused with the earlier differential equation models of an arms race, such as the Richardson model.) Deterrence, in this context, refers primarily to the ability to keep the opponent from initiating a war, so consider what happens in the hypothetical war if the enemy initiates the war at the present time t. The value function of the associated optimization problem can be thought of as the D;(w;, wj) term from the last section. If the planners 5
See Intriligator ( 1967, 1 975), Saaty ( 1 968), Brito and Intriligator ( 1 972-1 974, 1 977), and Intriligator and Brito ( 1 976a). For a related model see Kupperman and Smith (1 972, 1 976).
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in country 1 have the objective function J 1 [w 1 (T), w2(T), x 1 (T), x2(T)] , defined on the terminal stage of a hypothetical war to be maximized, then (3 1) where the choice variables in the maximization are strategic variables, here the rates of fire and the target selection during the war. If the objective of the military authorities in country 1 is to deter country 2 from striking by threatening to inflict upon it an unacceptable level of damage on a potential retaliatory second strike, then they should have enough missiles to inflict at least such a level of casualties. It is then possible to solve for the minimum level of missiles required for country 1 to deter country 2 by inflicting this level of casualties. The result is a linear reaction function, as in the Richardson model, but one which can be solved as an explicit function of certain underlying strategic, technical, timing, and social/psychological factors, such as in the example below. Thus, the Richardson model coefficients in Equations (1) and (2) can be interpreted as consequences of underlying strategic and related factors. In the case of each country acting so as to deter one another, a stable equilibrium for the resulting arms race exists if certain stability conditions are met. To give a numerical example, consider the symmetrical case, where the parameters are the same on both sides and where the maximum rate of fire is 1 0 percent per minute, it takes two weapons to destroy one enemy missile, one missile inflicts 250 000 casualties, the first strike initiation interval is 15 minutes, the second strike retaliation interval is 1 0 minutes, and the minimum number of casualties required for deterring the other side is 40 million. Then the solution for the equilibrium level of weapons held by each side (where the linear reaction functions cross) is 414, that is, with 414 weapons each side has enough to deter the other side. At this level on both sides, either side can absorb the 1 5 minute first strike of the other and still have enough weapons left to inflict the required number of 40 million casualties on the other in the 1 0 minute retaliatory second strike 6 . Geometrically, in the case of the two countries each trying to deter the other, these two reaction curves are shown in Figure 2 as the lines marked "country 1 deters", and the comparable line for country 2, marked "country 2 deters". At points to the right of the a, a, line country 1 has a sufficient number of missiles to deter country 2, while at points above the a2 a2 line country 2 has sufficient missiles to deter country 1 . The two reaction curves intersect at E, which is the equilibrium level of missiles, e.g., 414 on both sides in the above numerical example. The shaded upper cone of mutual deterrence represents the region of mutual deterrence, where each deters the other. As long as the levels of missiles remain in this cone, each side deters the other and the 6 For a discussion of the sensitivity of the equilibrium levels of missiles to changes in the strategic, technical, timing, and social/psychological parameters see Jntriligator (1 975).
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country 2 attacks
country I attacks
situation will be relatively stable against the outbreak of war. Arms control through arms limitations or reductions is feasible as long as the situation remains in the cone of mutual deterrence. Another goal of military authorities could be to avoid a preemptive strike by having enough missiles relative to those on the other side that it will not appear to the other side that an attack could be successfully implemented. If the other side believes that such an attack could be carried out then it might be forced to make its own preemptive strike in order to take advantage of being the first to move, using the element of surprise. If the number of casualties inflicted on country 2 in retaliation for its initiating the war were sufficiently large then country 1 would not fear an attack by country 2 and thus country 2 would avoid a preemptive strike. In Figure 2 the shaded cone of mutual deterrence is included in the area of the larger cone with vertex at E', for which both sides avoid preemption. At points to the right of the line b 1 b 1 country 1 attacks, while at points to the left of the line b2 b2 country 2 attacks. Thus, in the cone with the vertex at E' both sides avoid preemption. This figure also shows the regions of initiation as the lower shaded sawtooth-shaped region in which one side, both, or neither avoids preemption nor deters the other side. For example, in region I 1 country 1 can attack since it has enough missiles to attack country 2, but neither has enough missiles to deter the other. Thus country 1 will be forced to attack or country 2 will be forced to preempt, in either case leading to war. Region I 2 is the obverse case in which either country 2 attacks or country 1 preempts. Region I 12 near the disarmed state, is the most dangerous region of all since each side
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can successfully attack the other, neither can avoid preemption, and neither can deter the other. Each is forced to initiate the war in order to take advantage of striking first. Bilateral disarmament, interpreted geometrically as a movement to the origin in Figure 2, inevitably entails movement through the region of initiation. While the movement to the disarmed state need not necessarily lead to initiation, the movement from the disarmed state may be highly explosive. In such a situation, either country could acquire a small inventory of missiles which could enable it to attack the other with impunity. In fact, the danger of war may be greatest if one side detected that the other was starting to rearm. In such a situation the missile levels move through the regions of initiation in a crisis atmosphere. Figure 2 can also be used to study the effects of the arms race on the outbreak of war 7 . Arms races are, in terms of Figure 2, movements in the weapons plane, representing changes in the weapons levels of both sides. An arms race in the usual sense of increasing levels of weapons on both sides would be represented by a movement up and to the right, while a disarming race would be represented by the reverse type of movement, that is, down and to the left. Other types of races can also be represented, for example, one in which one country is increasing while the other is decreasing its levels of weapons. The shaded areas indicate the likely effect of an arms race on the outbreak of war. For example, a movement from the disarmed state at the origin up into the region of initiation, such as to points in I 1 2 , would represent an arms race that is likely to lead to war. It results in an explosive situation in which neither country can deter and both can preempt. It is precisely this potential arms race that shows the danger of a completely disarmed situation, where rearming in a crisis atmosphere without the stabilizing influence of mutual deterrence could lead to the outbreak of war. Not all arms races, however, lead to the outbreak of war. Consider, for example, an arms race that starts in one of the regions of initiation, say in I 1 • If both countries increase their levels of weapons via an arms race from a point in I 1 to a point in the cone of mutual deterrence then the arms race has the effect of reducing the chance of war by the stabilizing influence of mutual deterrence. In fact, this type of increase may be one interpretation of the United States-Soviet Union nuclear arms race. The late 1950s and early 1 960s were characterized by the instability of relatively low numbers of missiles, which were not sufficient to deter either side. There was, furthermore, asymmetry in the situation in that the United States, country 1 in the diagram, could attack, while the Soviet Union, country 2 in the diagram, could not. Thus, the situation was in region I 1 , one of initiation. The fundamental instability in the situation was shown by repeated crises, culminating in the 1 962 Cuban missile crisis, perhaps the time the world has come closest to nuclear war. In the mid- and late 1960s, however, there was a considerable buildup of Soviet weapons, substantially increasing w2 , and 7 See Intriligator and Brito ( 1 984-1986). See also Huntington (1 958), Gray ( 1 9 7 1 , 1 976), Lambelet
(1 975, 1985), Smith ( 1 980), and Mayer ( 1 986).
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some buildup in US weapons, increasing w1 . The result was that by the 1 970s there was a situation of mutual deterrence, which represented a more stable situation. Thus, the arms race resulted in movement from regions of initiation to those in the cone of mutual deterrence. Such an arms race had the effect of reducing the chance of war. Once mutual deterrence was achieved there were no crises comparable to the Cuban missile crisis or to the other crises of the late 1 950s and early 1 960s. Both sides had become, by necessity, more restrained and less willing to "go to the brink" due to their mutual deterrence relationship. 5. Arms races and stability
The existence of an equilibrium is important, but its implications depend crucially on whether the equilibrium is stable. In this section we will investigate sufficient conditions for an equilibrium to be stable. It is necessary to specify how each of the two countries will react when the weapon stocks are not in equilibrium. The simplest assumption we can make is that of myopic behavior, where each country behaves in a myopic manner, reacting only to the current level of the weapons stock of the opponent and disregarding information about the history of the levels of weapon stocks and the opponent's current rate of investment in weapons. This assumption was used by Richardson and others, and it is similar to the assumption used in the Coumot Nash solution of the duopoly problem. Under this assumption we have the following proposition: Proposition 2. An
equilibrium point of an arms race is stable if each country behaues in a myopically optimal manner.
Proposition 2 can be established by examining the phase diagram in Figure 3 8 . This result, that the equilibrium o f an arms race i s stable i f the countries involved act in a myopic manner, also depends on the assumption made in the model that the utility function is of the form U ( c;, D( w;, w1)) , where c; is the consumption of the ith country and D(w;, w1 ) is the public good, defense. Brito and Intriligator ( 1 987) treat a more general problem using a utility function of the form u(c;, x;, z;) where x; is the level of defense and z; is the investment in weapons as before. If the preferences satisfy the condition that, on an indifference curve, !/x; � > 0, then for a wide range of strategic behavior the resulting equilibrium is unstable. A necessary and sufficient condition for stability is that the elasticity of Z; with respect to x; be less than 1 . Thus, if expenditure on arms enters the utility function, then the problem becomes more complicated. The assumption that both countries behave in a myopic manner makes it very easy to analyze the stability of the equilibrium. This assumption, however, is very unrealistic. 8
The phase diagram is derived in the Appendix.
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Clearly, military expenditures are based not only on the current arms level of the potential enemy, but also on its projected levels. A more realistic assumption is to assume that each country uses information about current arms levels and the rate of change in arms levels to predict future arms levels. This projection, which is revised periodically or continuously, is then used to plan current investment. Thus, the most realistic assumption to make about an arms race is that the participants monitor the behavior of the other parties and thereby learn about their characteristics. Such a formulation was attempted by Brito ( 1972) in an ad hoc fashion. Recent results on rational learning in games by Kalai and Lehrer ( 1993a,b, 1 995) now enable us to address this problem in a very general fashion. The principal change in the model is that the choice set of the players must be discrete. In the context of the arms race, this assumption is, in fact, more realistic than the previous assumption that the choice set is the bounded interval which defines the budget set, given that warships, bombers, and missiles all come in discrete units. Letting 1/(1 + r) be the discount factor and recalling that, without loss of generality, we can choose the planning time as t = 0, the objective function for country i in the discrete case can be written as the sum of discounted expected utility
E(� p1 U; (cit, Xit)) ,
is the level of consumption and xu is the level of defense in country i at where time t, and the expectation is taken with respect to the probability distribution induced by the ith country's predictions of the other country's behavior. The objective function given by Equation (32) is maximized subject to the equation that gives the dynamics of weapons accumulation (33)
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a discrete version of Equation ( 1 3), where Zif is gross expenditures on arms zit in Z;, with Z; a finite set, and 0; is the rate of depreciation or cost of maintaining weapons. The budget set as in Equation ( 1 2), is given by Yu = C;t + zu,
the level of defense associated with weapons accumulation is given as (35) and the ith country's forecast of the jth country's strategies for t as
is given (36)
.. .
where Wjt is a random variable with a probability distribution for t = 1 , 2, , oo, and lu is the information available to the ith country at time t, which is revised by Bayesian updating. The optimal return function can be written V; (w;o, Wjo, l;o)
{ E (�
p1 U; ( cit , Xit)
The solution to the problem is characterized by the choice of weapons stocks by country i at time 1 , given as w71 , and a sequence of contingent plans and forecasts Wif for t 2, 3, . . . , oo and Wjt for t 1 , 2, . . . , oo. The function V;(w;o, Wjo, l;o) in Equation (3 7) is the value function of a dynamic programming problem. From Bellman's Principle of Optimality, =
V;(w;o, Wjo, l;o) = max { U; (c;o, x;o) + p; V; ( wn , Wj i , ln ) } ,
which is the Bellman equation for this dynamic programming problem. The Kalai Lehrer theorem states that if the players use Bayesian updating of their beliefs and certain technical restrictions are satisfied then the game will converge to an equilibrium. 6. A general model of an arms race
Most of the early models of the arms race were heavily influenced by the Richardson model and, as a result, were formulated in continuous time. The goal of most of these models was often a derivation of the Richardson equations from more fundamental principles. Inasmuch as one of the objectives of these studies was an analysis of the stability of the arms race, continuous time models were convenient. The use of
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continuous time models was unfortunate, however, because continuous time makes it very difficult to model other essential features of an arms race, such as learning, strategic behavior, uncertainty, budgetary cycles, and lags in a continuous time model. All of these are important features of an arms race which need to be studied. A general model of an arms race which would encompass the many previous models can be formulated in discrete time. This general model has four components: a technology that describes the economic constraints faced by the country, a defense technology, an information or learning technology, and a choice function that characterizes the choices made by the country, given the technology and information available to them. Again assuming two countries, 1 and 2, at discrete points in time each country faces the economic constraints defined by
Yit = F (cit, zit) ,
Wit+I = Zit + (1 - <\) wu,
as in (12) and (13), where Yu are the resources available, cu is consumption, zu is expenditure on weapon stocks and wit are the weapon stocks for country i at time t. There is a process that produces a public good, which we will refer to as "defense" 9 , given by the function
(41) Equations (39), (40), and (41) define the feasible set for the ith country at time t, which we will denote as Bit. We will also assume that there is a stock of information lit which the ith country uses to predict the jth country's investment in weapons at time t + 1 . This process is given by
(42) where WJt+I is the prediction, which uses information as revised by the process
(43) The assumption is that the ith country updates its information at time t + 1 based on what happened at time t. An example of such a process is Bayesian updating. The last element of the model is a choice function Au that maps feasible sets and predictions into allocations. An example is utility maximization by a rational agent. 9
In the general context x1 could be a vector variable that could be a combination of public goods and bads such as expected casualties, nuclear fallout and other such variables.
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Formally, (44) where the vector variables are defined as
A 1 = ( AA!2tt ) ' Bt = ( BBztlt ) , Ct - ( CC2Jt1 ) ' Wt _- ( WW2it1 ) ' Zt = ( ZZ2itt ) ' and the dynamics of an arms race are described by the mapping (45) The basic question of existence and stability can then be posed as whether there exists some vector w such that goes to w as oo for any given initial conditions. This model is very general. However, if we make assumptions about the continuity of and and the compactness of then it is possible to prove:
A1 Q1 B1, IfA1 and Q1 are continuous functions of w1, the set B1 is compact, and there exists a compact set such that w1 is in for all t, then there exists at least one equilibrium/or the arms race10.
Proposition 3.
This formulation is too general for specific analysis, but it does identify some of the essential elements of the arms race and it does suggest which specific assumptions are critical. The assumptions that the choice function is continuous and that the feasible set is compact are very standard economic assumptions. A fundamental problem, however, lies in the assumption that the learning technology is continuous. It is in this process that strategic behavior is embedded. There is no general consensus in economics about what assumption can be made in this regard, although the recent results in game theory such as those of Kalai and Lehrer discussed above suggest that new developments in theory may lead to significant progress in addressing this critical element in the theory of arms races.
Power, bargaining, and war
If arms races existed in a vacuum, without the possibility of war, they would at best be a form of conspicuous consumption that produced externalities in the form of research 10 The proof of this proposition rests on the fact that we have constructed a mapping from the compact set W to itself. The Berge Maximum Theorem implies that this mapping is upper semicontinuous, so it follows from the Kakutani fixed point theorem that an equilibrium exists.
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
and other technological spillovers and at worst be a form o f economic waste. They would be only of limited interest. Unfortunately, arms races can lead to wars and regime instability. The question then arises as to whether a theory that is premised on rational behavior can address a question such as war. Bueno de Mesquita's ( 1 98 1 ) analysis of the determinants of war is persuasive in arguing that wars are consistent with rational decision making. Of the 58 wars that have been fought since the Congress of Vienna in 1 8 1 5, the initiator won 42 of them. Bueno de Mesquita argued that if wars were nonrational events then there should not be any systematic relationship between the initiator and the victor, with such an event occurring only once every 2500 times. He then computed cost/benefit ratios and found that when wars occur it was usually in the interest of the initiating nation. He did not, however, explain why wars occur. Wars are usually Pareto inferior outcomes of a conflict, in that both parties would be better off if the expected loser compensated the expected victor by means of a transfer of resources without actually going to war. Thus, while the Bueno de Mesquita results demonstrate that wars are usually consistent with rational behavior on the part of the aggressors, his model does not explain why wars actually occur since it does not explain why the loser fought. Wallace ( 1 979, 1 98 1) studied the outbreak of war using data on 99 serious great power disputes occurring since 1 8 1 5 . He was particularly concerned with whether arms races lead to the outbreak of war, and he concluded that conflicts and disputes accompanied by arms races are much more likely to result in war. Of the 26 cases that led to war, 23 involved an arms race, while of the 73 cases in which there was no war, 68 did not involve an arms race. Conversely, of the 28 cases in which there was an arms race, 23 resulted in war, while of the 7 1 cases in which there was no arms race, 68 resulted in no war. In addition, Wallace found that the probability of escalating to war depends on whether the "revisionist" power during the period prior to the crisis wins the arms race. Of the 30 cases in which the revisionist power won, 12 resulted in war, while of the 65 cases in which the revisionist power did not win, 12 resulted in war. These results suggest that there is an asymmetric relationship between the winner of an arms race and the probability that a crisis will escalate to war. Siverson and Tennefoss ( 1983) studied the outbreak of war from 1 8 1 6 to 1 965. They divided conflict situations into three levels: threats, unreciprocated military action, and reciprocated military actions. They divided nations into four categories: allied major powers, unallied major powers, allied minor powers, and unallied minor powers. They found that major powers and allied minor powers seem to be involved in less hostility than unallied minor powers, while conflict between major powers is limited. While the major powers are stronger and hence less likely to be attacked, this explanation is not consistent with the observations that unallied minor powers initiated over 1 9 percent of the conflicts with maj or powers and that there is no case in which an allied minor power initiated a conflict. Smith ( 1980) attempted to identify arms races that are particularly war prone using statistical methods. She estimated the Richardson model and inferred stability from the estimated coefficients. She demonstrated that arms races do not always lead to war
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and showed that the probability of war could be predicted by the coefficients of the Richardson model. She did not explain what factors led to this result, but she noted the importance of risk factors and uncertainties that are not treated in the Richardson model and in subsequent deterministic models. These factors are, however, treated in the model presented below. From this research, a pattern of the following empirical regularities appears to emerge: first, wars are usually consistent with rational decision making on the part of the initiator; second, an arms race is less likely to lead to war if the status quo power "loses" the arms race; third, conflict between major powers is limited and is less likely to escalate into war than conflict between major and minor powers; fourth, major powers and allied minor powers seem to be involved in less hostility than unallied minor powers; and, fifth, unallied minor powers initiated conflicts with major powers, but there is no case where an allied minor power initiated conflict. None of these results is yet definitive; however, they do form a reasonable starting point for a set of stylized facts that should be consistent with or explained by formal models of arms races and the outbreak of war. We now develop such a model. Consider a two-period model in which there are two countries in conflict for the rights to a flow of a single homogeneous good. For example, they may be in contention for a territory that yields a fungible resource, such as oil, or the right to a market that yields income. In the first period this good may be consumed or used to produce weapons, as in the usual guns or butter trade-off This process is irreversible, so weapons cannot be converted back into goods during the second period. In the second period the distribution of the good can be altered either by war or negotiation. The outcome of war depends on the amount of fighting engaged in by either country, which, in turn, is limited by its weapon stocks, as determined by its choices during the first period. War produces an externality which is a public bad and which offsets the utility of consumption in the second period. We assume that the countries are rational and nonaltruistic and that they will choose to fight if the expected value of such a strategy is greater than that of not fighting. If they do not fight then they can negotiate a redistribution of resources in the second period. Each of the countries is informed as to all aspects of the problem other than possibly the way in which the war externality enters into the objective function of the other country. A basic assumption is that of rational agents maximizing utility. This assumption and the use of a two-period model probably bias the model in the direction of no outbreak of war. The assumption of rationality leads agents to adopt a cooperative solution. It is, in fact, very difficult to develop models in which rational agents carry out threats ex-post 1 1 • The assumption of two time periods precludes early belligerent behavior to establish a reputation for toughness. The special assumptions of the model 11 The models lack the property known as "subgame perfection". Games are subgame perfect if the optimal strategy in period I for period 2 play is in fact the optimal strategy in period 2 for period 2 play. See Fudenberg and Tirole ( 1 99 1 ).
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that will be made, specifically that there exists a mechanism for reallocating resources and that war produces a negative externality that affects the countries in different ways, appear to be reasonable ones that are consistent with the reality of conflict between nations. The technical assumptions of differentiability, continuity, and compactness made earlier are standard, and most formal models in international relations make even stronger assumptions in which these properties are implicit. We assume for the two-period model that each country has a utility function of the form
(ciJ , Ci2, � ) = u(ci!, 0) + u (c;2, � ) ,
CiJ x
where is first-period consumption for the ith country, is second-period consumption; is a public bad common to both countries that is produced by war and that reduces utility, such as nuclear fallout or the loss of trade due to wartime disruption of commerce; and n; is a parameter that determines the disutility of war is a strictly concave one such that to the ith country. The utility function, > and is finite 1 3 . Since there is no conflict in the first period and preferences are assumed to be the same in both periods, utility in the first period is given by For simplicity we assume that the decision makers in each country believe that the parameter, n ; , characterizing the other country's disutility of war takes one of two values: a with probability p or f3 with probability 1 p 1 4 . Without loss of generality a < {3, so the disutility of war is greater for an a country than it is for an f3 country as measured by the amount of utility of consumption needed to offset a particular level of the externality. In the first period each country faces a resource constraint of the usual form
8u(cit , x)/8cit 0 8u(O, 0)/8cit u(ci !,O).
u(·12•, ·)
(47) as in Equations (12) or (34), where Y; 1 represents the total goods available to the ith country in the first period, and w; is the ith country's investment in weapons. We assume that total resources Y = Y;1 + lj1 are fixed; thus, Y;1 is sufficient to describe the initial allocation of wealth. 12 This assumption is made so that the game is such that an agent has the option of not participating. The utility level of u(O, 0) can be thought of as the utility of staying home as opposed to engaging in adventures abroad in order to acquire a right to a share of total goods available Y, which, in turn , could be thought of as representing gains from international trade and diplomacy. 13 The assumption that x is public bad common to both countries is made to facilitate the graphical representation of the model. The formal mathematics do not change if we assume that x, is a public bad that is specific to the ith country. 14 This particular basis for uncertainty is not crucial to the properties of the model. For example, we could have modeled the problem as one of uncertainty in the technology of conflict, where the jth agent is uncertain as to the ith agent's effectiveness. What is crucial is that there is uncertainty for the jth agent about the cost and/or outcome of conflict. Also we could have formulated the uncertainty in other ways, for example, a continuous distribution over the parameter n,, reflecting the beliefs of agent j.
DL Brito and M.D. Intriligator
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By the second period, both countries have chosen weapon stocks w; and w1, respectively, and there are then three possibilities. First, both countries could choose to behave passively and preserve the status quo. Second, one country could propose a redistribution agreed to by the second country. Third, one or both countries could propose a redistribution not agreed to by the other side that could lead to conflict and possibly to the outbreak of war. The first stage of the game involves the choice of the weapon stocks W; and w1. These weapon stocks in tum establish the parameters of the second stage of the game. Define as the war allocation the distribution of resources and the externality that results from the maximization of second period utility by the two countries subject to the constraints
(48) (49) V;
� W;,
(50) (5 1)
where V; is the amount of fighting by the ith country, as measured by the amount of weapons each of the countries commits to the war. We assume that committing more weapons shifts the redistribution, as measured in Equation (49) by lJf;(v;, v1), in that country's favor, so that 8 1Jf;(v;, v1)!8v; > 0 and 8 1Jf;(v;, v1)!8v1 < 0. The redistribution function lJf ;( v;, v1) plays a role here similar to that of the threat point in the Nash bargaining problem. The amount of fighting the ith country is able to do is limited by its level of weapons, which was determined, in part, by the initial distribution of resources in the first period and the redistribution is from one to the other so lJf;(v;, v1) - 1Jfj(v1, v;). The war allocation defines the threat point of the second period bargaining game. The properties of this game can be illustrated in Figure 4. In this figure, the vertical axis represents second-period consumption for both countries and the horizontal axis is the level of the externality caused by war. The private consumption of country 1 is measured upwards from point 0, and the private consumption of country 2 is measured downwards from point Y0. Country 1 has indifference curves that slope upward since x is the public bad; similarly, country 2 has indifference curves that slope downwards. If the initial allocation is at point a0, then, in the second period there are two possibilities: the war allocation could either be at a point like a1 or it could be at a point like a2. If the war allocation is a1, both countries prefer the allocation at a0 to the allocation at a1 . If, however, the war allocation is at a point like a2, then country 1 would prefer the allocation at a2 and thus has an incentive to initiate a war. However, both countries would prefer an allocation like a3 that is feasible and dominates a2• Rather than fight, country 2 should rationally negotiate and reach a settlement in the interval [a3 , a4 ], representing the set of points that Pareto dominate a2 for both countries and do not
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
_ _ _
o �------�x�==��-- Figure 4.
involve conflict 15 . If such voluntary transfers are possible and if each party knows the other's preferences, then war is not consistent with rationality since the set of points that Pareto dominate a2 is well defined. We assume that a threat cannot be rationally implemented by a party if it prefers the initial allocation to the threat allocation, and define an allocation to be stable if the initial allocation Pareto dominates the threat allocation. Classical bargaining theory assumes individual rationality, meaning that a rational individual would not agree to an allocation that is dominated by the threat point, and also assumes joint rationality, meaning that two rational individuals would not agree to an allocation if there exists an alternative feasible outcome that will make them both better off. Since any outcome in the interior of the feasible set is Pareto dominated, the final outcome must lie on the boundary of the feasible set and must consist of points that dominate the threat point. Defining N (a3 ) { f;z, l}z l Yi2 ;? a4 , Yo ;? lfz a5 }, this is the set of points that Pareto dominate a3 and represents the negotiation set. There are several solution concepts that assign an allocation in the negotiation set as a function of the threat point 1 6 . For the purpose of this section, however, it is only necessary to assume that the outcome of a negotiation will result in an allocation in the negotiation set. The cooperative allocation in the second period is described as follows: if the conflict allocation is not Pareto dominated by the initial allocation then the second period
15 The standard Nash solution of the bargaining game leaves open the question as to why the threat point is ever implemented given that it is Pareto dominated by the negotiation set. See Nalebuff ( 1 982, 1 984). 16 See Nash (1 950), Kalai and Smorodinsky ( 1 975), and Brito, Buoncristiani and Intriligator ( 1977).
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allocation is given by the outcome of a cooperative game that allocates the surplus. However, if the conflict allocation is Pareto dominated by the initial allocation then the initial allocation is the outcome. With this formulation of the two-period model it is possible to show that there always exists a set of initial allocations of wealth that are stable and that do not lead to war since those initial allocations Pareto dominate any possible war allocation, as in
There exists a set of positive measure, S0, the stable set, in the interval [0, Yo ] such that allocations in S0 will Pareto dominate any allocation that results from war 17. Proposition 4.
In the first period countries can choose two possible strategies for investing in weapons. First, they can adopt a war arms investment strategy in which they invest in weapons as if they planned to engage in fighting in the second period. Second, they can adopt a deterrence arms investment strategy in which they invest in a sufficient level of weapons so as to deter the other country from initiating a war in the second period. In the example illustrated by Figure 4, country l can choose to invest in weapons in the first period so that the resulting allocation is a5 , making it better off since it would then have more first-period consumption and the allocation in the first period would still be ao . If the countries adopt a war arms investment strategy, the ith country chooses w; in the first period and, in the second period, maximizes, by choice of its level of fighting V;, its second period utility, given as:
(52) subject to Equations (48)-(5 1), where it is assumed that v1 is chosen rationally by the jth country in response to the ith country's actions. An alternative to the war arms investment strategy is a deterrence arms investment strategy. Define T; as a voluntary transfer from the ith country to the jth country in the second period. Another way to formulate the problem is for the ith country to maximize total utility of consumption over both periods:
u (ci l , 0) + u (ci2 , 0)
subject to the incentive constraint that the jth country be no worse off after the transfer than the utility level it could have achieved by war, namely
(54) 17 Proof in Appendix.
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Here T; is the transfer in the second period, given w1 as well as the resource constraints for the ith country in both periods:
Yi l Ci! W I 0, liz T; ci2 = 0. -
(55) (56)
The incentive constraint in Equation (54) requires that the ith country define the feasible set of the jth country such that the jth country weakly prefers the nonwar allocation with the transfer to the war allocation 1 8 . The resource constraint in Equation (55) states that the ith country's total resources in the first period are divided between weapons and consumption while that in Equation (56) states that total resources in the second period are divided between consumption and transfers to the jth country. The solution to this problem represents the maximum consumption that the ith country can achieve while still guaranteeing that it would not be optimal for the jth country to engage in war given that it has w1 weapons.
5. If the transfer T; > 0 then an equilibrium level of weapons exists and the allocation that results from the ith country adopting a deterrence arms investment strategy and the jth country adopting a war arms investment strategy is a Nash equilibrium. Proposition
Note that if the ith country adopts a war investment strategy then the solution for the ith country strategy depends on its own parameter, n;, while if it is adopting a deterrence investment strategy, the solution depends on the other country's parameter, n1. This point is important in understanding why deterrence may lead to higher arms levels. If a country believes that the other country is tough, it may feel that it is necessary to invest in high weapon levels in order to deter. If, on the other hand, the ith country is adopting a war investment strategy, then it will choose a level of weapons, and thus a level of fighting, at which the marginal benefits from fighting are equated to the marginal costs of fighting. This apparent anomaly is due to the fact that in the deterrence arms investment strategy the level of arms acquired by the ith country is independent of n; but does depend on ni. Thus, if n1 is much greater than n; then the deterrence arms investment strategy may have an equilibrium with a higher level of arms than the war arms investment strategy.
6. If the transfer T; = 0 and if both countries adopt a deterrence arms investment strategy then the resulting arms investment strategy is not a pure Nash equilibrium.
18 The problem of determining how the surplus created by not fighting is distributed in a bargaining situation is not addressed. For the sake of simplicity, we are assigning the entire surplus to the party making the transfer. Clearly any rule from axiomatic bargaining theory could also be used. See the references in footnote 1 6.
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L-------�xx---::::�--�--�0� Figure 5.
In Figure 5, point a 1 is the allocation associated with the war arms investment strategy for both countries. This is Pareto dominated by a0 so there will not be a war if both sides adopt investment strategies that result in a1 . Each country, however, can unilaterally adopt strategies that result in points like a2 and a3 • These are the allocations that would result if one country adopts the war arms investment strategy and the other adopts a deterrence arms investment strategy. Again, these are Pareto dominated by a0 so there will not be a war, but they are also Pareto dominated by a4 , the allocation that results if both countries adopt the deterrence arms investment strategy, each assuming that the other is using a war arms investment strategy. This point, however, is unstable, since it is Pareto dominated by a5 and a6 , which are the allocations that result if either country adopts a deterrence arms investment strategy, each assuming that the other is using a deterrence arms investment strategy. This process results in a sequence of weapon stocks that converges to the disarmed state, but the allocation associated with this state is not stable since either country would find it advantageous to switch to a war arms investment strategy. The resulting allocation will be a0 which is unstable. A mixed strategy, however, will lead to a Nash equilibrium 1 9. Consider now the asymmetric information case in which only one country knows the utility function of the other. In this case, both informed and uninformed countries maximize expected utility. The informed country has the option of bluffing so as to increase the transfer made to it by the uninformed country. The uninformed country may call the bluff by offering the informed country a choice that involves a nonzero probability of war, a separating equilibrium. Alternatively, it can simply assume that the other country is not bluffing and not run the risk of war, a pooling equilibrium. Whatever equilibrium is chosen depends on the relative wealth of the two countries and the underlying distribution of types. 19 This follows from the standard result that all finite two-person games have an equilibrium in the space of mixed strategies [Nash (1 950)].
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
Figure 6.
Without loss of generality, we assume that thejth country is informed and knows the value of the war aversion parameter, n;, of the ith country. However, n1 is not known to the ith country, which knows only that n1 is a with probability p and f3 with probability 1 -p, where a < /3. In Figure 6, if the strategies of both countries result in a war allocation at a point like a 1 , then a 1 would be preferred to a0 by the jth country if it were of type f3 but not if it were of type a. Thus, it would be efficient for the ith country to make a positive transfer to the jth country if it were of type f3 but not if it were of type a. In general there are two transfer allocations, T;a if the jth country is of type a and T;[J if the jth country is of type f3 that will make the jth country indifferent to the conflict allocation. Further, there is no reason why the transfers cannot be negative, resulting in a transfer from j to i. The uninformed country's problem is to choose both a level of investment in weapons in the first period and a transfer in the second period that will maximize its expected utility, given its prior belief p concerning the informed country's utility function and its wealth lj 1 • If war occurs, the outcome for the jth country is defined as:
(57) so the first period maximization for the jth country if it plans to fight is given by m;x { U J
(lj 1 - Wj , 0)
fj (w; , Wj , n; )
The solution to this problem is
(59) where w1{3(w;) is the choice made by the jth country if it is of type {3. (The choice made by the jth country if it is of type a, w1a , will be defined later.)
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The ith country, knowing that w113(w;) is optimal if the jth country is of type {3, will propose a lottery such that it will give the jth country T;13 with probability 1 - q and fight with probability q if the jth country chooses w113(w;). Alternatively, it can choose T;0 if it is of type a. The lottery is chosen such that for a f3 country,
(60) where for an
a country, (6 1)
If the jth country is of type f3 it will choose the lottery, while if it is of type will optimally choose w10. This is possible because
(62) The expected outcome for the ith country is then given by the compound lottery:
A; =
( 1 - p)
q u Yi2 + lV(w; , w113),
+p u( Yiz - T;a, 0)
D;(w; , w113) n;
( 1 - q)
u(Yi2 - T;13 , 0)
The ith country wants to maximize expected utility, that is, the utility of first-period consumption plus that of the lottery given by Equation (63). Let cp(Y; 1 , n;, a, f3,p) be the value of the solution of the problem (64) subject to the incentive constraints given by Equations (60) and (6 1 ) and the resource constraints given by Equations (55) and (56). This problem can be solved recursively as a dynamic program, where the second-stage problem is given by
V; =
q, Tia,T;·/3
A; + Aa (u( ljz + T;0 , 0) - (q � (w; , w1f3, a) + ( l - q) u( ljz + T;f3, 0)) )
+ Af3 { u( ljz + T;13 , 0) - �(w; , Wif3,
/3)} .
(65) The first-order conditions for the problem are standard, and the process is illustrated in Figure 7. The point a0 is the initial allocation, the point a 1 is the conflict allocation, the point a2 is the allocation that results from the transfer T;13 , and the point a3 is the allocation that results from the transfer T; 0• The ith country chooses T;13 and w; such that if the jth country is of type f3 it is indifferent between the conflict allocation. Note that the jth country is indifferent between a1 and a2 • Thus the ith country picks
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
'La and q such that if the jth country is of type
a it is indifferent between a 4 with with probability (1 q). Then. it is optimal for the jth country probability q and a2 to reveal that it is of type a. An alternative equilibrium that has been treated in the literature on sequential games is a pooling equilibrium, where the ith country will choose a strategy that does not attempt to discriminate between the two types. This will happen if the optimal solution results in q 0. We can characterize the configuration of possible equilibria. The important first-order condition is with respect to q. First, we can use the first-order condition with respect to 'La to solve for Aa in Equation (65), yielding: =
Aa =
&u (Y;z - 'La, 0) /8T;a &u (lJz - T;a , 0) 18T;a '
while the first-order condition with respect to
q is
The first term in Equation (67) is negative since the ith country prefers to make a transfer rather than have a war, while the second term in Equation (67) is positive since the jth country prefers a transfer to having a war if it is of type a, so the term in parenthesis is negative and the multiplier is positive if p > 0. If p = 0 then the second term will be negative. In that case the ith country would choose q = 0, and the equilibrium will be pooling for all Y;1 along the locus of points such that p 0. Ifp = 1
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142 probability of war
p* Figure
then the first-order condition becomes positive as the term that is multiplied by ( 1 - p) drops out and the optimal solution is q = 1 , yielding a "separating equilibrium". The probability of a war for a given distribution of wealth is illustrated in Figure 8 where the probability increases linearly until it reaches some critical level p* and then drops discontinuously to zero. While this result is, to some extent, an artifact of the linearity of the model, wars occur in the model as a result of rational choice and they are associated with uncertainty, as suggested by the earlier cited empirical work on war initiation. Further results are available if we are willing to assume that the ith country is willing to make a transfer to an a country but not to a f3 country. This could be considered as the case in which a status quo power is challenged. It might be willing to make concessions to a strong challenger but not to a weak challenger. For most fixed levels of p
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
the /3-stable set, is one of a pooling equilibrium in which the ith country accumulates weapons. There is a fixed point, however, for the jth country if it is of type /3, so the status quo dominates any conflict allocation for both countries if the jth country is of type /3. Further, since T)a is assumed to be non-negative, the ith country will not attempt to use a separating equilibrium to extract resource from the jth country if it is of type a. At yet higher levels of Y; 1 , the ith country has enough weapons so that it can extract resources from the jth country. Finally, when Y; 1 is large enough, the jth country does not accumulate weapons at all since Yj 1 is so small that the jth country is at a comer solution. Given the structure of this model, in a situation of asymmetric information war can occur under rational choice if the uninformed country adopts a separating equilibrium strategy, in which case it precommits itself to a positive probability of war in order to prevent bluffing by the informed country 20 . However, there would be no war if the uninformed country finds it optimal to adopt a pooling equilibrium strategy, in which it does not attempt to prevent bluffing. This can occur if the distribution of resources is such that it is not in the interest of either country to engage in conflict or if the uninformed country has enough resources to "bribe" the other country via a transfer of part of its wealth. There would also be no war if either country has very few resources. The probability of an actual war outcome is greatest when the uninformed country has sufficient wealth to adopt a separating equilibrium strategy but not sufficient wealth to adopt a pooling equilibrium strategy or when it has sufficient wealth to attempt to extract resources from the other. These results can be used to address the question posed earlier as to whether arms races can lead to the outbreak of war. An arms race that leads to a separating equilibrium, in which threats are part of the process of deterrence, has a positive probability of resulting in war. Other things being equal, such an outcome becomes less likely as the distribution of wealth approaches the stable set or as the probability that the opponent will bluff becomes smaller. In such cases, the uninformed agent would adopt a pooling equilibrium, which does not involve threats. The pooling equilibrium is sometimes characterized by a higher level of weapons than the separating equilibrium. In such cases, arms races that do not lead to war but rather to a situation of deterrence are characterized by higher levels of weapons expenditures than arms races that do lead to war.
20 There is no reason why an aggressor cannot precommit prior to bargaining. Caesar crossed the
Rubicon. In 1 5 1 9, Cortez burned his ships after landing in Mexico prior to attacking the Aztec Empire, precommitting his men to battle. In Shakespeare's play, Henry V, the King threatened Harfleur with a looting army out of his control if they do not yield: "If I began the battery once again, . . . We may as bootless spend our vain command. Upon th' enraged soldiers in their spoil . . . Therefore, you men of Harfleur, Take pity of your town and your people, Whiles yet my soldiers are in my command".
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8. The role of nuclear weapons
One of the major difficulties in using economic analysis in studying nuclear weapons is that there is no well defined or commonly accepted technology of warfare in which nuclear weapons play a role. If viewed from a strictly military viewpoint, nuclear weapons, like crossbows and mounted knights, may be an anomaly, doomed to extinction by advances in technology. To put this argument in historical perspective, some have argued that the doctrine of strategic bombing evolved to justify the existence of an independent Royal Air Force. The doctrine said that air power could be used as a means of direct attack on the enemy state with the object of depriving it of the means or will to continue the war. Attempts to use aircraft as strategic weapons in World War II, however, were expensive and not very effective. It was not surprising, therefore, that in the context of the times the goal of bombing changed from destroying the enemy's ability to fight to destroying the enemy's morale. The result was the attacks on the populations of Hamburg, Dresden, and Tokyo. The decision to use the atomic bomb was in many ways a logical extension of existing practices. The bomb did what was already being done using conventional weapons by both sides in the war. In fact, more people were killed in the firebomb raids on Tokyo than by both atomic bombs. After the war, the scientific and military communities as well as moral and political philosophers pondered the implications of nuclear weapons. It became clear that nuclear weapons were not a very effective means for a nation to use in pursuit of its political and economic objectives, and it became necessary to develop complicated and sophisticated strategic doctrines so as to rationalize these weapons. Ultimately, it was seen by Bernard Brodie and others that the role of nuclear weapons was primarily to deter their use by other nations. However, recent technological developments make it possible to use conventional warheads in a highly effective manner. This capability, based on computer and microelectronic technology, was demonstrated during the Gulf War. The United States experience in this war may foreshadow a new era in which nonnuclear weapons using advanced technologies may become the dominant instruments of power, being both effective and economically and politically inexpensive. The effectiveness of a weapon is proportional to the explosive power and is proportional to the accuracy of the delivery system raised to the third power [Tsipis (1 983)]. Thus, doubling the accuracy of a weapon system reduces the necessary explosive power by a factor of eight. The payload of a B-29 in World War II was twenty tons, with an accuracy of around 2000 yards. A twenty kiloton atomic bomb increased the effectiveness of a B-29 by a factor of about a thousand. If, instead, the accuracy had been improved from 2000 yards to 1 00 yards, then the effectiveness of the B-29 would have improved by a factor of eight thousand. Thus, the increase in the effectiveness of weapons that has resulted from precision guidance is eight to ten times greater than the increase that resulted from the introduction of nuclear weapons. Since non-nuclear precision guided weapons do not have drawbacks in terms
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
1 45
of radiation and collateral damage associated with nuclear weapons, the role of nuclear weapons in future conflicts may be in doubt. This is important because although general deterrence theory is premised on the proposition that outside powers will punish a nuclear aggressor, in practice such actions are very difficult for democracies. It would be very difficult to use nuclear weapons with potential collateral casualties in the tens of thousands or even millions to punish an aggressor. One reason that massive bombing of population centers by the Allied Powers was feasible in World War II, cumulating in the use of the atomic bomb, was that the enemy became identified as Germany and Japan. A distinction was not made between Hitler and the German people or Tojo and the Japanese people. Currently, however, the use of conventional forces against third countries would be politically difficult unless there are clear national interests at stake. As a result, guarantees offered to countries that do not acquire nuclear weapons may not be credible. Developments in precision guided munitions may, however, address the problem of lack of credibility of nonnuclear deterrence. Modern economies are vulnerable to disruptions in fuel, transportation, and communications. Developing economies, inasmuch as they tend to be more centralized, are even more vulnerable. A tragic example was the near paralysis of communications in central Mexico after the 1985 earthquake destroyed the telephone exchange in Mexico City. While cruise missiles were used to attack targets in the Gulf War, a more promising weapon may be a conventionally armed ballistic missile. A conventionally armed ballistic missile that weighs 80 000 pounds and that carries a payload in the neighborhood of 12 000 to 1 8 000 pounds with a range of 1000 miles and an accuracy of 100 meters or less is probably feasible 2 1 . The existence of such a weapon could reduce the temptation of nonnuclear nations to acquire nuclear weapons and threats to use it would be credible. The nuclear weapons program of a country that was tempted to make political use of its nuclear weapons would then be at risk of a nonnuclear first strike, so not acquiring them could well be a more attractive and less expensive alternative. Ballistic missiles also have substantial political and psychological value. Although the German rocket attacks on England did not cause as much actual damage as the Blitz, the blow to British morale was devastating. Being attacked without being able to respond may be psychologically cataclysmic as seen in the Iraqi Scud missile attacks on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Had it not been for the (mis)perceived effectiveness of the Patriot missiles in attacking the Iraqi Scuds, the political damage that these attacks would have inflicted on Israel and the coalition would have been much greater. Thus, such nonnuclear strategic weapons could add to the stability of the international order by reducing the strategic advantages associated with the acquisition of nuclear weapons by potential nuclear powers. 21
This calculation is based on missile parameters published in Jane 's Fighting Ships 1 984-1 985, and New York Times, April 26, 1 986. There are not enough published parameters available to have sufficient bmmdary conditions to solve the orbital equations, so range/payload approximations were computed by assuming conservation of energy of the payload outside the atmosphere.
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·- - - - - - - - . -
�--- " 1 Figure
9. Nuclear weapons in a formal model of bargaining
Conventional weapons and the threat they pose can be used to reallocate resources between countries. This is the standard bargaining problem. An example of the use of conventional weapons in negotiation that satisfies the assumption of joint rationality is shown in Figure I 0. The initial allocation is at the point a0, showing the distribution to each country prior to the conflict. If country I has superiority in conventional weapons, then it has the capacity to force the reallocation given by point a1 , which is the expected outcome of a potential conventional war. The allocation given by a 1 is inside the feasible set because the gains to country I are less than the losses to country 2. This net loss outcome of a potential conventional war reflects the fact that such a war is usually accompanied by destruction of infrastructure and loss of population. There are two ways in which rights to the resource can be reallocated between the two nations: they can go to war or they can bargain. Point a 1 becomes the threat point in a bargaining game if they bargain over the allocation of the resource in the presence of conventional weapons. Since points in the bargaining set dominate the war outcome, both sides, if they are rational, may very well decide to choose to negotiate a solution in the bargaining set, N(a 1 ), rather than fight a war. However, note that country 1 prefers the allocation a 1 to the allocation a0 and would rationally implement the threat. Now consider in this context the introduction of strategic nuclear weapons. By their nature, such weapons can be used to impose a substantial cost on the other side, but not to redistribute by force, as in the case of conventional weapons. This is, of course, a simplification. A country may use nuclear weapons to destroy the conventional forces of the other country and be able to limit externalities so that it may be better off after the use of nuclear weapons. Nevertheless, this simplification is a good first-order approximation. It is unlikely that any new nuclear power, other than perhaps Israel,
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
will have nuclear weapons in sufficient number and sophistication that they will be able to use them effectively in combination with their other forces. Figure 1 0 represents a situation in which country 2 has complete superiority in nuclear weapons over country 1 . Using these weapons, country 2 can impose a large cost on country 1 , but country 2 cannot use these weapons to appropriate resources directly from country 1 . The threat point at a2 thus represents a loss to country 1 without a corresponding gain or loss to country 2. If a2 is the nuclear threat point in a bargaining game then it defines a negotiation set which contains the initial allocation, point a0, as a boundary point. If the nuclear threat point defines a bargaining game then the bargaining solution, as given by the point a2 , may result in a gain to country 2, where the threat by country 2 to use its nuclear weapons is a credible one. The situation changes, however, if both sides have nuclear weapons [Brito and Intriligator ( 1 993)]. Then the threat point defined by the use of nuclear weapons is Pareto dominated by the initial allocation. The fundamental question is whether a threat on the part of one country to inflict a cost on the other country, even at a cost to itself, is credible if it is made worse off by the use of nuclear weapons. Without a credible threat it is hard to imagine that nuclear weapons could be used in an explicit fashion to impose a redistribution over the rights to the resource. Bargaining with threats is a two-stage process. The first stage is explicit bargaining. The second stage, that in which the threat point would be implemented should the bargaining process fail, by contrast, is implicit. The logical difficulty with such games is that they are usually not subgame perfect 22 . In the bargaining process, it may be optimal to threaten to use nuclear weapons should a player's demands not be met. However, it is unlikely that the player will want to implement its threat. One way to address this problem is through a commitment mechanism. If a player can restrict its freedom of action so that it has no alternative but to implement the threat, then the threat becomes credible. Nuclear weapons can be used to deter or to limit the use of conventional forces to reallocate wealth. In Figure 1 1 , country 1 has superiority in conventional forces and can force the allocation in N(at) if nuclear weapons were not used. However, country 2 can force the point a2 using nuclear weapons, so the allocation associated with N(a 1 ) is not contained in the negotiation set N(a2). Although a2 is Pareto dominated by a0 it is not Pareto dominated by points in N(at). Thus, the threat to use nuclear weapons is credible. Even if the credibility of the threat is not as clear, if country 2 can precommit to use nuclear weapons in the event of an attack, then country 1 will be deterred from attacking. Precommitment mechanisms can be subtle. One would be to transfer control of nuclear weapons to battlefield commanders. This creates the possibility that in the "fog of war" such weapons would be used. The aggressor is then forced to try to evaluate the probability that the other side will use its nuclear weapons. Given the 22
See footnote 1 1 .
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1 48
•- - - - - -
Figure I I .
enormous damage nuclear weapons can inflict, their expected loss can be large even though the subjective probability of their use is small. If the nuclear threat is credible the status quo is likely to be stable. Nuclear weapons put the burden of accepting the risk of the threat being implemented on the party that wants to change the status quo. The potential use of nuclear weapons can also change the probability distribution of potential gains and losses from a conventional war so as to reduce its expected gain. In fact, a very small probability of enormous loss due to the use of nuclear weapons can change the expected value of a conventional war from positive to negative. As a result, the presence of nuclear weapons can help to preserve the status quo. This model may characterize both the earlier East-West relationships and the Arab Israeli conflict. In the East-West case, the presence of nuclear weapons may have limited the military initiatives of both sides during the Cold War. For example, the danger of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union may have inhibited the American use of force in Cuba and Vietnam, while the American nuclear umbrella may have inhibited the Soviet use of force in Europe despite the Soviet superiority in conventional forces. More generally, the fact that the United States and the Soviet Union never engaged in a direct conventional war despite global rivalry, recurrent crises, and substantial military machines may be attributed, at least in part, to the presence of nuclear weapons. The analysis of the Arab-Israeli conflict using the model is more complicated, as discussed in Frankel ( 1 9 9 1 ) and Evron ( 1 994). Israel has conventional as well as nuclear superiority in the region. Given the population, size, and wealth of the Arab world, however, the Arab states have the potential of acquiring superiority in conventional forces. The model suggests that Israeli nuclear capability has
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
neutralized this potential, offsetting any possible Arab superiority in conventional weapons. An interpretation of the Camp David agreement that is consistent with this analysis suggests that the agreement may have stemmed, in part, from the recognition of the implications of Israeli access to nuclear weapons by the Egyptians under President Anwar Sadat. President Sadat may have concluded that there was no reason to waste resources trying to gain military superiority over Israel, given that Israeli nuclear capability would have ensured that any triumph would be a Pyrrhic victory. For example, one scenario for the use of Israeli nuclear weapons in the so-called "Samson Option" is an airburst over Lake Nasser creating a wave that would destroy the Aswan High Dam, resulting in a massive flood that would wipe out most of Egyptian civilization [Hersh (199 1)]. An alternative motivation for the acquisition of nuclear weapons is as a means to validate conventional superiority, thereby also preserving the status quo. If a country has both conventional and nuclear superiority then it can use the threat of conventional weapons to achieve the allocation it desires and use its nuclear weapons to validate this reallocation. This threat would deter third parties from intervening in the regional conflict. Suppose, for example, that Iraq had been a nuclear power in 1990. Having taken Kuwait, Iraq would have forced the US and its allies to choose between accepting the new allocation or risking that its threat of using nuclear weapons would be implemented. Nuclear weapons can also be used in what may be called "nonstrategic bargaining". Consider a country bargaining with its neighbors over trade concessions or other forms of aid that is also facing an economic crisis with the potential of generating political instability. An example is Russia, which can invoke the threat point by using the argument in its negotiations that political instability may create the danger that its nuclear weapons may fall into irresponsible hands. Thus, it may be seen as in the interest of its neighbors to make concessions that will reduce this danger. The potential for political instability is itself a form of precommitment mechanism. A nonnuclear power does not have this type of leverage. By changing the threat point in a bargaining game, nuclear weapons can improve the status of a new nuclear nation. Many nations can now develop nuclear weapons. The technology is currently neither new nor secret, and the principal constraint for many of them has been mainly economic, with the cost of acquiring these weapons exceeding any possible benefits that these weapons might produce. These costs are changing, however. One major constraint, that of access to fissile material, including plutonium and highly enriched uranium, would be substantially reduced if only a fraction of the vast stockpile of such material held by the nations of the former Soviet Union were to enter the stream of commerce or if plutonium, there or elsewhere, were diverted from its use as a fuel for power reactors. As the cost of nuclear weapons has fallen, this proposition suggests that, unless new policies increase this cost, there will be new nuclear states in the future, resulting in nuclear proliferation.
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1 50 10.
Nuclear proliferation
The problem of nuclear proliferation continues to haunt the world. It is an old problem, dating back to the first nuclear weapon in 1 945, and it has resurfaced with each subsequent new nuclear power. The post-Cold War problem, however, is different in several respects from the earlier one, making it one of the most important foreign policy issues at the end of the twentieth century. This new problem of proliferation can be interpreted in terms of the basic economic factors of demand and supply. On the demand side, the political or economic value to many nations of possessing nuclear weapons has increased due to changes in the world situation, while, on the supply side, technological and political changes have reduced the cost of acquiring such weapons. A major development changing the value of acquiring nuclear weapons has been the end of the bipolar order, which brought to an end the stability and predictability that bipolarity had imposed on international affairs. Now the situation is more precarious, suggesting the possibility of new threats to security. Economic theory suggests that this additional uncertainty would lead nations to attempt to reduce the risk, making the acquisition of independent nuclear capabilities more attractive. There are also political and economic forces that are making these weapons less expensive to acquire from the viewpoint of the supply side. First, the breakup of the Soviet Union and the subsequent political instability and economic disintegration have created the possibility that part of its enormous stockpile of fissile material could be diverted, and there are persistent reports of fissile material from the former Soviet Union moving to other nations and possibly falling into the hands of potential nuclear powers. In this regard, it should also be recalled that substantial amounts of Western fissile material are unaccounted for, with perhaps some having been diverted to other nations despite various national and international controls on such material. Second, today there is a greater reliance on plutonium in the production of energy in nuclear power plants, especially in breeder reactors. As a result, there has been a move to a global plutonium economy, with the increased transportation of plutonium in international commerce, including large shipments from France to Japan to be used in a breeder reactor. Plutonium can be used to manufacture nuclear weapons, so its greater use nationally and increased shipments internationally make it easier for a potential nuclear power to acquire a key ingredient in nuclear weapons development. Third, the breakup of the Soviet Union has created a pool of scientists, engineers, and technical workers who have lost their j obs or income and are potentially available to assist nations trying to build nuclear weapons. Fourth, technology is evolving in a fashion such that much technology which has legitimate civilian uses can also be used to manufacture nuclear weapons and there is substantial international trade in such dual-purpose systems. Exporters today are typically no longer motivated by military or diplomatic considerations but rather by the desire to earn foreign exchange and to keep production units operating in the absence of domestic sales, especially in the light of the difficulties of converting enterprises and workers from military to civilian production.
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
1 1 . Proliferation and the probability o f war
An important question is the influence of additional nuclear weapons states on the probability of nuclear war. In certain instances it is possible proliferation may reduce rather than increase the probability of nuclear war. Where there are adverse effects on world stability of an additional nuclear nation, these effects may be partly offset by policies and programs which have the effect of reducing the probability of accidental or irrational war. However, we have found that formal propositions about the effect of additional nuclear powers on the probability of a deliberate nuclear war require more than just qualitative assertions about the change in the probability that an individual nation will initiate a nuclear war as the number of nuclear powers increases. Inasmuch as this is beyond the capability of most models in economics and political science, the formal debate on this issue should be viewed with caution. Arguments on the effects of nuclear proliferation have been presented by Gallois ( 1 96 1), Wentz ( 1 968), and Tullock ( 1 974). Gallois argued that additional nuclear weapon states, such as France at the time, would so raise the stakes of a potential conflict that such proliferation would make nations more cautious and thus reduce the probability of nuclear war. Wentz argued that it might be in U S interests to promote selective nuclear proliferation. Tullock treated multicountry situations and argued that the existence of nuclear non-belligerents could reduce the probability of nuclear war. The effect of nuclear proliferation on the probability of nuclear war depends, among other things, on the nature of the new nuclear nation, its regional situation, its specific new capabilities, delivery vehicles, political stability, alliance relationships, and many other factors, but it also depends to a significant degree on the number of existing nuclear nations. There generally are qualitatively different effects of the acquisition by an additional nation of nuclear weapons on the probability of nuclear war, depending on the existing number of nuclear nations. The different qualitative effects of the number of nuclear nations on stability against war outbreak are somewhat similar to .·the different qualitative effects of the number of contending nations on the stability of the international system. The latter issue was considered at first in the context of the question of whether a bipolar or a multipolar world would be more stable. Waltz ( 1 964) argued that added nations would be destabilizing because of loss of predictability, while Deutsch and Singer ( 1 964) argued that added nations are stabilizing because of the greater possibilities for stabilizing interactions. Later authors have attempted to reconcile these disparate views by noting that there may, in fact, be different qualitative effects, depending on the number of nations [Kaplan ( 1 966), Rosecrance (1 966), Morgenthau ( 1 965) and Kahn ( 1 962)] . Similarly, there may be different effects of nuclear proliferation on the probability of war, depending on the number of nuclear nations. Bueno de Mesquita and Riker ( 1 982) used an expected utility model to show that the probability of a nuclear war declines as the number of nuclear nations increases. Consider first the case of the initial nuclear nation. If this nation is engaged in a war it can use its nuclear weapons without fear of retaliation in kind, leading to a high
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probability of their use. In fact, the only time nuclear weapons have been used has been in precisely this situation, by the US against Japan in 1 945. Next consider the case in which there is a nuclear power and a newly emerging nuclear power. This is also a case in which the probability of use would be high since in this situation the existing nuclear power may feel that it has the capability of eliminating a potential rival without fear of retaliation. In fact, there were serious suggestions made during the period of nuclear monopoly by the US from 1 945 to 1 949 that it use its atomic weapons against the Soviet Union to eliminate it as a rival for global power. In 1 948, for example, Bertrand Russell argued for such a preventive war against the Soviet Union in view of the US nuclear monopoly at that time [see Kahn ( 1 962)]. The relatively high probability of war of both the one nuclear nation case and the case of one nuclear nation and an emerging nuclear nations is reduced as the new nuclear nation acquires sufficient nuclear weapons to deter the major nuclear power. With enough nuclear weapons on each side the bipolar world is one of great stability against war outbreak since each nuclear nation deters the other by having enough weapons to inflict unacceptable damage on a retaliatory second strike, as discussed in Section 4. Consider then the situation of two major nuclear powers and one newly emerging nuclear power. There is still the danger of a surgical strike, but, it is less than in the previous case of a newly emerging nuclear power since the existing powers must either act jointly, which is difficult to achieve, or run the risk of retaliation by the other or being weakened vis-a-vis the other in the case of a unilateral action. The resulting uncertainty over the reaction of the other nuclear power will make each hesitant to strike at the newly emerging power. After the third nuclear power has acquired sufficient weapons to deter a strike by one of the first two powers, the probability of war is even further reduced since its presence and capabilities restrain the major powers from initiating a war either against it or against each other. Each power is uncertain of the response of the other, which can either assist the attacked nation or not participate and become the dominant power in the postwar world. As additional nations acquire nuclear weapons it becomes more likely that there will be other nuclear powers prepared to exploit any postwar weakness of the initiating power, further reinforcing general deterrence and thus enhancing stability against war outbreak. The probability of a deliberate initiation of a war thus decreases as the acquisition of nuclear weapons restrains the existing nuclear nations 23 . A key factor in the decision to initiate a nuclear war is the postwar distribution of power. Increasing the number of nuclear nations implies that a nation that initiates a war would be relatively worse off in the postwar environment, both in the case where the other nuclear nations
23 It could be argued that the additional nuclear weapons act as a collective good. See Sandler, Cauley and Forbes ( 1 980) for a discussion of collective goods in alliances.
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are belligerents and in the case where they remain neutral. Increasing the number of nuclear nations also increases the uncertainty as to how other nuclear powers will react during and after a war. As the number of nuclear nations increases there is a rapid increase in the number of potential nations or coalitions with which any initiating nuclear power would have to contend with both during and after a war. As a result the probability of a calculated attack may fall. However, as we will show, a formal proof of this proposition is beyond the scope of existing models. There remains, however, the possibility of an accidental or inadvertent war due to technical mishap or irrational action. This factor plays a relatively more important role as the number of nuclear powers increases for several reasons. First, with greater numbers of nuclear weapons and nuclear nations there is a greater chance of such an accident. Second, the new nuclear powers are likely to be less sophisticated technically and less able to develop adequate safeguards. Third, these nations may have less stable political institutions. Thus, the probability of war eventually increases because of a greater chance of accidental or inadvertent war. Consideration of specific situations has thus suggested that there may be different qualitative effects of a new nuclear nation on the probability of war, depending on the number of nuclear nations. These different effects may be considered the resolution of three influences stemming from the acquisition of nuclear weapons by an additional nation: The first effect is that of a new nuclear nation being an additional potential initiator of a war and a potential target. This effect increases the probability of war, and it is the dominant effect in the case of one or two nuclear nations since the new nuclear nation will generally have a minimal stockpile with no retaliatory capability. The second effoct is that of a new nuclear nation being an additional potential retaliator and/or a nation that could become a dominant power after a war in which it was not a belligerent. This effect decreases the probability of war, and it is likely to offset the first effect for a small number of nuclear nations. The third effect is that of a new nuclear nation increasing the chance of accidental or irrational war. This effect increases the probability of war, and it is likely to become the dominant factor in the case of a large number of nuclear nations, particularly if the probability of war among them by calculation has been reduced because the expected value of initiating a nuclear war becomes small or negative 24 . The chance of war by accident or irrational action is further augmented by the possible acquisition of nuclear weapons by non-industrialized states without effective delivery systems or by subnational groups. An implication of this analysis is that of reorienting policy away from non proliferation per se and toward control over accidental or irrational war. While
Some of the early commentators on this problem, e.g. Schelling ( 1 960), attributed the decline iu the attractiveness of iuitiatiug a nuclear war to uncertainty. Russett ( 1 983) correctly poiuts out that what was really being argued was that the expected utility of a deliberate nuclear attack was decreasiug as the number of nuclear powers iucreased.
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proliferation of nuclear weapons may either increase or decrease the probability of war, control over accidental or irrational war must reduce the chance of war. In fact, many of the problems associated with nuclear proliferation could be overcome by policies and actions, both technical and political, that would reduce the chance of accidental or inadvertent war. The nuclear nations as a group should probably be as concerned about accidental or irrational war than about nuclear proliferation. This policy conclusion is even further strengthened when considering the relative numbers of weapons involved. There can be considerably more value in controlling the accidental or inadvertent detonation of even a few of the thousands of warheads in the current nuclear nations than in preventing the acquisition of a small number of weapons in a new nuclear nation. There may, for example, be merit in the superpowers sharing their technology to control nuclear weapons with the other nuclear nations or even in all existing nuclear nations sharing this technology with all potential nuclear weapons nations. Such policies, which would have the effect of lowering the probability of accidental war, can significantly offset the potentially destabilizing effects of nuclear proliferation. These different qualitative effects of proliferation on the probability of nuclear war can be explained in terms of a simple model. Consider a world of n nuclear nations. Let p;(n) be the probability that the ith nation will initiate a nuclear war, where p;(n) depends on the number of nuclear nations. Define the complementary probability that the ith nation will not initiate a nuclear war as pf(n) = [1 -p;(n)]. We assume that as n increases, each existing nuclear power will find that the payoff for initiating a nuclear war decreases. If the new nuclear power is an ally, then it will have a share in the whatever gains stem from a nuclear war. If it is an opponent or an ally of an opponent, then it will present an additional deterrent threat. If it is neutral, then it can exploit postwar weaknesses. Thus, the probability of initiating a nuclear war by any one nation does not increase and eventually falls as more nations acquire nuclear weapons. Eventually, if n is large enough, p;(n + 1) < p;(n). Finally, assume that the probability that the ith country will start a nuclear war as a result of an accident or other inadvertent behavior is given by 8;. It is reasonable to assume that 8n+i � 8n in that later entrants to the nuclear club are likely to have less sophisticated command and control technology. Let q(n) be the probability of nuclear war, assuming that each nuclear nation can act independently in initiating such a war, and let the complementary probability of no war be qc(n) = [I - q(n)] . Then the probability of no war if n = n1 is
IJ p�(n, ) (1 - 8;) .
If n increases from
n1 + I
we can compute the odds ratio as
qc(n; + 1) IT7�� 1 pf (n , + I) (1 - 8; ) qc (n;) - rr;�, pf(nJ ) ( 1 - 8;) _
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The probability of nuclear war as a result of the acquisition of nuclear weapons by an additional nation will be decreasing if this ratio exceeds unity. Equation (69) can be written as
(70) Here the factor pf(n 1 + 1 ) < 1 represents the increase in the probability of a nuclear war as the result of a new entrant that has the potential of initiating a nuclear conflict. By assumption, p'j(n 1 + 1 ) > p'j(n), so the term in brackets is greater than one. The third factor (1 - E>n, + 1 ) < 1 represents the increase in the danger of an accidental or inadvertent nuclear war as a result of the entry of a new nuclear power. The overall effect of added nuclear nations on the probability of nuclear war is given as the product of three factors in Equation (70). This overall effect can be positive or negative, depending on the relative magnitudes of these three factors. Gallois, Tullock, Wentz, and Waltz concentrate on the first two factors and make the implicit assumption that p;(n) > p;(n + 1) ;;:;: 0 implies that the sequence rr� l pf(n) will converge to 1 , that is to say, that the probability of a deliberate nuclear war will go to zero. Unfortunately, this does not necessarily hold and it is possible to prove:
necessary condition for any model to predict that an increase in the number of nuclear powers will decrease the probability of a deliberate nuclear war is it must be able to predict the cardinality of the terms p'j(n) and p'j(n + 1 )/p'f(n) as n increases 25. Proposition 7. A
Thus, while it may be possible to construct theoretical arguments that imply that 1), it may not be possible to show that the rate at which the term decreases is sufficiently high so that the probability of a deliberate nuclear war will decrease. As long as the economic and political models are only able to establish qualitative results about these terms we cannot make any statements about the change in the probability of deliberate nuclear war as the number of nuclear powers increases. Further, the risk of a nuclear war due to accidents, irrationality, or political instability is likely to be the dominant effect of proliferation, highlighting the importance of actions to reduce such risks.
p;(n) > p;(n +
12. The future of the arms race and of proliferation
This final section considers the future of the arms race and of proliferation, including their implications for stability and for policy [Intriligator and Brito (1990)). The "new" arms races will probably differ from the "old" arms race in several ways. In the past the 25 Proof in Appendix.
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arms race was dominated by the superpower competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, it was characterized by the use of high technology, and it resulted in the stability of a mutual deterrence regime. Future aims races, by contrast, will proba bly have radically different characteristics, with multiple races among the medium and smaller powers; with these races characterized by the use of medium and low technol ogy; and with potential instabilities becoming manifest in regional conflicts and wars. The superpower arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted from 1 94 7 to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1 99 1 . The United States and Western arms buildup was stimulated in part by the Soviet takeover of Czechoslovakia in 1 948 and its invasions of Hungary in 1 956, of Czechoslovakia in 1 968, and of Afghanistan in 1 979. Of key importance, however, were the 1 949 Soviet first atomic bomb explosion, demonstrating its nuclear capabilities; the 1 953 Moscow flyby of Soviet long-range bombers, showing its delivery capabilities; and the 1 957 Sputnik launch, showing its ICBM capabilities. Each of these demonstrated to the United States its vulnerabilities and led to the mobilization of its political, scientific, and military communities. On the other side, the Soviet and Eastern arms buildup was stimulated in part by the Truman Doctrine in the Balkans in 1 94 7, the formation of NATO in 1 949, and the outbreak of the Korean War in 1 950. Of key importance, however, were the 1 950s buildup of United States bomber capabilities, the 1 962 Cuban missile crisis, and China's first atomic bomb explosion in 1 964. Each demonstrated Soviet vulnerabilities and led to the mobilization of the Soviet political, scientific, and military communities. The result of these events was a change on the part of both superpowers in their perception of the capabilities and the intentions of the potential enemy, leading to an enormous acquisition of arms by both the United States and the Soviet Union. This arms race resulted by the 1 970s in huge and unprecedented arsenals on both sides, of not only strategic long-range capabilities (a frequent measure of armament), but also of other military capabilities - tactical, conventional, chemical, etc. This arms race has been characterized by both a quantitative and a qualitative dimension, as both sides not only added numbers of missiles, warheads, etc., to their arsenals but also used newer technologies for weapons, their means of delivery, and their control. At the same time, as arms buildups were occurring on both sides, steps were taken in the area of arms control. These included the Austrian State Treaty in 1 95 5 and the Antarctica Treaty i n 1 959 t o keep nuclear weapons out of these areas and later agreements to keep nuclear weapons out of the seabeds and space; the Limited Test Ban Treaty in 1 963 to stop atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons and later agreements to limit yields on such tests; the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in 1 968 to prevent nuclear proliferation, with later measures to strengthen the non-proliferation regime; the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT) in 1 972 and 1 979 to limit strategic weapons; the Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM) Treaty in 1 972 to limit such missile deployments; and the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1 987 to eliminate intermediate and shorter-range missiles.
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The result of both these arms deployments and these arms control measures was that, probably by 1 970 and certainly by 1 980, there existed a regime of mutual deterrence, with each side restrained not only from attacking the other but even from seriously provoking the other for fear of the consequences. In that sense, the superpower arms race and the arms control agreements resulted in a more stable world than that of the earlier period. It is not by accident that the later period did not see crises comparable to those of the late 1 950s and early 1 960s, especially the 1 962 Cuban missile crisis. By establishing a mutual deterrence regime, the arms race and arms control jointly contributed to strategic stability. While the superpower arms race has ended with the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, there is a substantial likelihood that other nations will accelerate their arms acquisitions. The result will be a new set of arms races, which are new in terms of the nations involved, in terms of the types of arms acquired, and in terms of their implications for conflict and war. One important set of nations involved in the new arms races is the Soviet successor states, other than Russia, that have nuclear weapons on their soil. While Russia has inherited much of the capabilities and the international status of the Soviet Union, including its permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, the other three former Soviet republics with nuclear weapons on their territory, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus have suddenly been thrust in a new situation. While they have stated that they plan to eliminate these strategic nuclear weapons, there is a strong sentiment, particularly in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, which each have over 1 000 nuclear warheads, to retain at least some of them and to obtain control over them. The issue, in terms of the arms race, is not that of acquiring weapons but rather that of gaining the technical capabilities to use them. This is an important issue, and its resolution will play an influential role in the future of the former Soviet Union and the rest of the world. Another set of nations involved in the new arms races is the smaller nuclear powers of the United Kingdom, France, and China, which are engaged in major deployments and which are upgrading their weapons, both nuclear and conventional. Past acquisitions of weapons by these three nuclear powers have generally been ignored, as analysts and policy-makers had concentrated on the superpower arms race. Past arguments have been that Britain was so closely tied to the United States that it could be treated as a minor addition to the United States capabilities and that French and Chinese capabilities were negligible. Now, however, France and China each have a complete triad of bomber, missile, and submarine based nuclear weapons and they are both improving them and building them to up to higher levels. The result of this arms race is to accelerate the shift to a multipolar world with additional potential initiators of a conflict or a war, shifting coalitions of major nations, an increase in global uncertainty, and thus a more dangerous world than the earlier bipolar one. A third set of nations consists of the potential proliferators, nations with the potential of building nuclear weapons. Apart from the five great power nuclear weapons
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states, only India has detonated a single nuclear device, but it is widely suspected that certain nations have a covert stockpile of untested nuclear weapons. These nations with "bombs in the basement" have followed the alleged Israeli pattern of covert nuclear weapons development, no weapons tests, secret weapons production and stockpiling, and a stated policy of denial or ambiguity. There may, in fact, be several covert nuclear weapons nations today, including possibly Israel, India (which switched to a covert program after its one nuclear test), Pakistan, South Korea, and Taiwan, with South Africa already having admitted to having had a small and unannounced stockpile of nuclear weapons, which have been destroyed. In the future these states may possibly be engaged in a covert nuclear arms race, adding to and modernizing their secret stockpiles. Other nations may follow this route. Meanwhile the other highly industrialized nations, including many in Europe, have the technology and the infrastructure to acquire or to develop nuclear weapons whenever they want in a very short period of time, but they have chosen not to do so. The presence of these nations, including Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Canada, and others has created the potential for a cascading instability if there were indications that any one of these were, in fact, acquiring or developing nuclear weapons. A fourth set of nations consists of the newly industrialized countries. These include South Korea, Taiwan, and Brazil which, in addition to having a nuclear weapons potential, could be building conventional capabilities due to the combination of a perceived security threat from their regional rivals, greater recent capabilities to acquire weapons, the perceived status conveyed by weapons, and the desire to keep the current political and military leaders in power. In fact, the East Asian newly industrialized countries of South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and others, along with China, are currently engaged in some of the largest increases in arms expenditures of any region in the world. Yet another factor affecting nuclear proliferation is the advent of second-tier nuclear supplier states among the newly industrialized countries. These nations were believed to be nuclear importing states at the time of the signing of the NPT in 1 968 but, over time, have become current or potential future nuclear exporting states. Included are Brazil, Argentina, India, and Pakistan, none of which is a participant in the nuclear non-proliferation regime. In addition, Brazil, some other Latin American nations, several central and east European nations, and North Korea have established large arms industries aimed at exporting conventional weapons. Such exports play an important role in earning foreign exchange and thus paying their foreign debt. A fifth set of nations consists of the Third World nations. Civil wars and international wars are being fought in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and elsewhere, and additional such wars may occur in the future. Such wars and the potential for additional wars provide a strong incentive for Third World nations to acquire nuclear weapons as well as other weapons of mass destruction, whether for defensive or offensive purposes. The Iran-Iraq War, the Gulf War, and the wars in Angola and other African nations have provided important lessons for Third World nations,
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showing that wars can occur in these regions. They have demonstrated that these nations will have to rely on their own arms capabilities or imported weapons for defense and that they cannot rely upon external protectors. The likely result will be an acceleration of the arms race in these nations, leading to instabilities in these regions. Finally, there are the non-nation state actors, including various subnational groups of liberation fronts, terrorist organizations, and private armies, as well as various supranational groups of international drug organizations and crime syndicates. These actors will probably play an increasingly important role in seeking and obtaining arms or even manufacturing their own arms to advance their own causes or interests. The new arms races, involving newer nations acquiring conventional weapons, chemical weapons, biological/bacteriological weapons, and covert nuclear weapons, have ominous implications. The "old" arms race of the superpowers, while perhaps a waste of resources, at least had the advantage of contributing to stability through the establishment of a mutual deterrence regime. By contrast, the "new" arms races will probably not have this redeeming feature. The acquisition of weapons, particularly by nations in the Third World, is likely to contribute to the outbreak of war, with such nations acquiring enough weapons to strike their regional rivals but not enough to deter them. Thus, the new arms races could be qualitatively of a different and much more dangerous type than the superpower arms race. Nuclear proliferation, whether overt or covert, could be particularly destabilizing. Nations with nuclear weapons could use nuclear threats or even nuclear strikes in extreme situations, particularly when their survival is at stake. Subnational groups or even terrorist organizations might also acquire nuclear weapons by theft or other means and use nuclear threats or strikes to promote their own goals. The circumstance when nuclear weapons are probably most likely to be used, as already noted, is when one nation in a conflict or war has a nuclear weapons monopoly. Such a situation could occur in several regions of the world as a result of the new arms races and proliferation. Furthermore, with more overt or covert nuclear weapons states there is a growing probability of inadvertent or accidental nuclear war due to human error, technical failure, or terrorist action. In addition to adverse consequences for strategic stability, increasing the chance of conflict or war, the new arms races will have adverse consequences for arms race stability. If one nation were to begin to acquire weapons, that, by itself, would likely incite similar acquisitions by other nations in that region or elsewhere, triggering an arms race. The large number of nations with a nuclear weapons potential suggests that the acquisition of such weapons by one country or by a non-nation actor could trigger the acquisition by others, continuing the historical chain of proliferation from the United States to the Soviet Union to the United Kingdom, France, and China, then to India and to Pakistan then to . . . Thus, while the East-West arms race that had been dominant for over forty years is over, the problem of the arms race and proliferation remain important, with potential adverse consequences for the stability of the international order.
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13. Appendix 13. 1 .
Proof ofproposition
Let Q be the feasible set of weapons stocks for the two countries,
and g(w) be a mapping from the feasible set onto itself. Thus,
(w) ) = ( ggz1 (w) '
where g : Q --+ Q. Using the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem, a fixed point exists if g(w) is continuous, yielding the equilibrium lh , w2 •
13.2. Proof ofproposition 2 Suppose w; > g;(wi) ofEquation (24). If ?;7(w;, wi) is a solution to the differential equa tion for the costate variable given by Equation ( 1 9), then ?;7(w;, w1) < ?;7(g;(w1), w1) implying c7(?;7(w;, w1), w;, w1) > c7(?;7(g;(wi), wi), w;, w1) and thus that w 1 (w;, w1) > 0 if w; > g;(w1). The resulting phase diagram for w 1 and w2 in Figure 3 shows that the equilibrium point is stable.
Proof ofproposition 4
The conditions of the Berge Maximum Theorem are satisfied since w; and w1 are continuous functions of Y; 1 , while ci2 and c12 are continuous functions of w; and w1. It follows that they are continuous functions of Y; 1 . Maximization therefore defines a continuous mapping from first-period allocations to second-period allocations. This mapping is defined on a compact set and thus has a fixed point. At the fixed point, the initial allocation is strictly preferred to the conflict allocation since it avoids the conflict externality without any change in the allocation of the private good. Thus, there exists a neighborhood of the fixed point for which the initial allocation is strictly preferred to the conflict allocation.
Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation 13.4.
Proof ofproposition
To prove that the entry of a new nuclear power will decrease the probability of a deliberate nuclear war it is necessary to show that
which requires information about the magnitude of pf(n + 1 ) and
pf (n + 1 ) pf(n)
-p;) = 1 - p [p2,2! _ p33,! ]
Since p; (n) < 1 , exp (
+·· ·+
[p2�2k! - p�k!2k+ ] + · · · > 1 -p;, I
the terms in brackets are all positive, so
g pf(n) = g ( 1 - p;(n)) � g exp (-p;(n)) n
= exp
(- �n p;(n)) .
Since p;(n) > 0, a sufficient condition for IT:, p'f(n) to be an decreasing function of n is that the series 2:::: , p;(n) diverge as n ---+ oo. The condition p;(n + 1)-p;(n) < 0 is not sufficient. For example the series IT7� 1 i+Jin , satisfies this condition, but will diverge as n ---+ oo.
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Ch. 6: Arms Races and Proliferation
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Intriligator, M.D., and D.L. Brito, 1 986, Arms races and instability, Journal of Strategic Studies 9, 1 1 3-1 3 1 . Intriligator, M.D., and D.L. Brito, 1 990, A possible future for the arms race, in: N.P. Gleditsch and 0. Njolstad, eds., Arms races: Technological and political dynamics (Sage Publications, London) 376-383. Isard, W., and C.H. Anderton, 1 985, Arms race models, a survey and synthesis, Conflict Management and Peace Science 8, 27-98. Kahn, H., 1 962, Thinking about the unthinkable (Horizon Books, New York). Kalai, E., and E. Lehrer, 1 993a, Rational learning leads to Nash equilibrium, Econometrica 6 1 , 1 0 1 91 045. Kalai, E., and E. Lehrer, 1 993b, Subjective equilibrium in repeated games, Econometrica 61, 1 23 1 - 1 240. Kalai, E., and E. Lehrer, 1 995, Subjective games and equilibria, Games and Economic Behavior 8, 1 23-1 63. Kalai, E., and M. Smorodinsky, 1 975, Other solutions to the Nash bargaining problem, Econometrica 43, 5 1 3-5 1 8. Kaplan, M.A., 1 966, Some problems of international systems research: International political communities: An anthology (Doubleday, New York). Kupperman, R., and H. Smith, 1 972, Strategies of mutual deterrence, Science 1 76, 1 8-23. Kupperman, R., and H. Smith, 1 976, Deterrent stability and strategic warfare, in: J.V. Gillespie and D.A. Zinnes, eds., Mathematical systems in international relations research (Praeger, New York) 1 3 9-1 66. Lambelet, J.C., 1 975, Do arms races lead to war? Journal of Peace Research 1 2, 1 23-128. Lambelet, J.C., 1 985, Arms races as good things? in: U. Luterbacher and M.D. Ward, eds., Dynamic models of international conflict (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO) 1 61 - 1 74. Mayer, T., 1 986, Arms races and war initiation: Some alternatives to the Intriligator-Brito model, Journal of Conflict Resolution 30, 3-28. McGuire, M.C., 1 965, Secrecy and the arms race (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA). McGuire, M.C., 1 977, A quantitative study of the strategic arms race in the missile age, Review of Economics and Statistics 59, 328-339. Morgenstern, 0., 1 959, The question of national defense (Random House, New York). Morgenthau, H.J., 1 965, Politics among nations: The struggle for power and peace (Knopf, New York). Nalebuff, B.J., 1 982, Prizes and incentives (Oxford Nuffield College, D.Phil. thesis). Nalebuff, B.J., 1 984, A question of balance (Harvard Institute of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA). Nash, J.F., 1 950, The bargaining problem, Econometrica 1 8, 1 55-162. Rapoport, A., 1 957, Lewis F. Richardson's mathematical theory of war, Journal of Conflict Resolution I , 249-304. Rapoport, A., 1 960, Fights, games, and debates (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI). Richardson, L.F., 1 939, Generalized foreign politics, British Journal of Psychology, Monographs Supplement 23. Richardson, L.F., 1 95 1 , Could an arms race end without fighting? Nature 4274 (September 29). Richardson, L.F., 1 960, Arms and insecurity (Boxwoqd Press, Pittsburgh, PA). Rosecrance, R.N., 1 966, Bipolarity, multipolarity, and the future, Journal of Conflict Resolution 1 0 , 3 1 4-383. Russett, B.M., 1 983, Away from nuclear mythology, in: D.L. Brito, M.D. Intriligator and A.E. Wick, eds., Strategies for managing nuclear proliferation - economic and political issues (Lexington Books, Lexington, MA) 145-155. Saaty, T., 1 968, Mathematical models of arms control and disarmament (John Wiley, New York). Sandler, T., and K. Hartley, 1 995, The economics of defense (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Sandler, T., J. Cauley and J.F. Forbes, 1 980, In defense of collective goods theory of alliances, Journal of Conflict Resolution 24, 537-547. Schelling, T.C., 1 960, The strategy of conflict (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA).
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Schelling, T.C., 1 966, Arms and influence (Yale University Press, New Haven, CT). Simaan, M., and J. Cruz, 1 975, Formulation of Richardson 's model of arms race from a differential game viewpoint, Review of Economic Studies 42, 67-77. Simaan, M., and J. Cruz, 1 976, Equilibrimn concepts for arms race problems, in: J.V Gillespie and D.A. Zinnes, eds., Mathematical systems in international relations research (Praeger, New York)
342-356. Siverson, R., and M. Tennefoss, 1 983, Power, alliances, and international conflict, 1 8 1 5-1 965, American Political Science Review 77, 1057-1 069. Smith, T.C., 1980, Arms race instability and war, Journal of Conflict Resolution 24, 253-284. Smoker, P., 1965, On mathematical models in arms races, Journal of Peace Research 2, 94-95. Tsipis, K., 1 983, Arsenal: Understanding weapons in the nuclear age (Simon and Schuster, New York). Tullock, G., 1 974, The social dilemma (University Publications, Blacksburg, VA). Wallace, M.D., 1979, Arms races and escalation: some new evidence in explaining war, in: J.D. Singer, ed., Explaining war: Selected papers from the Correlates of War project (Sage, Beverly Hills, CA)
240-252. Wallace, M.D., 1 98 1 , New nails in old coffins: the para bellmn hypothesis revisited, Journal of Peace Research 18, 91-96. Waltz, K.N., 1964, The stability of a multipolar world, Daedalus 93, 8 8 1 -909. Waltz, K.N., 1981, The spread of nuclear weapons: more may be better, Adelphi Papers, no. 171 (International Institute for Strategic Studies, London). Waltz, K.N., 1 983, Toward nuclear peace, in: D.L. Brito, M.D. Intriligator and A.E. Wick, eds., Strategies for managing nuclear proliferation - economic and political issues (Lexington Books, Lexington, MA)
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University of California, Los Angeles
Abstract Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Analytic choices in modelling conflict 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6.
3. 4. 5.
Conflict versus settlement: Dichotomy or continuum? Plays, rounds, and moves Binding agreements possible? Limited stakes? Restricted means? Varying the number of contenders Actual versus threatened conflict
Sources of conflict The technology of conflict A first illustrative model - does conflict promote equality? 5 . I . Elements of an economic model of conflict 5.2. Optimization and Coumot equilibrium 5.3. Resource disparities: The paradox of power
5.4. When conflict becomes more decisive
A second illustrative model: armed settlement under threat Concluding remarks References
6. 7.
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume I, Edited by K Hartley and T. Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
166 166 1 67 168 1 68 168 169 169 1 70 171 1 72 1 75 179 1 79 1 80 182 1 83 1 84 1 87 1 88
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J. Hirshleifer
The category of conflict encompasses not only war but also crime, litigation, strikes and lockouts, and redistributive politics. Exchange theory and conflict theory constitute two coequal branches of economic analysis, the first based upon contract and mutual gain, the second upon contest for asymmetric advantage. A number of the analytic options for modelling conflict are reviewed. Preferences, opportunities, and perceptions are shown to determine the choice between conflict and settlement. The technology of conflict as an economic activity is surveyed. Two illustrative models are presented, the first involving actual fighting and the other armed peace.
conflict, settlement, competition, war, redistribution, politics, deterrence, threats, Nash equilibrium, technology of struggle, contests
Ch. 7: 1.
Theorizing about Conflict
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Living beings everywhere compete for the means of existence. Competition takes the more intense form we call conflict when, instead of merely utilizing available resources for productive or consumptive purposes, contenders try to hamper, disable, or destroy rivals. Conflict theory has to deal not only with the standard technology of production, but also with the technology ofstruggle. There is a technology for tilling the land, and quite a different technology for capturing land and defending it. [While I will be using military terms like "capturing" and "fighting", these are to be understood as metaphors. Conflict encompasses not only warfare but also activities that do not necessarily involve physical violence, e.g., litigation. Commercial competition becomes conflict when, instead of merely vying for consumers' favor, firms act to raise rivals' costs or hinder their market access.] Among the different modes of social interaction, economists of course emphasize market exchange. But all exchange, all cooperation, all compromise take place in the shadow of conflict [Cooter, Marks and Mnookin ( 1 982)]. What a nation can achieve by diplomacy depends upon the damage it could inflict should war occur. What a person has to pay for a piece of property depends upon the chances of seizing it without paying. More generally, decision-makers accede to others' wishes to the extent that they fear the consequences of failing to do so. While economists have devoted attention to a number of topics in the conflict domain - among them crime, litigation, strikes and lockouts, rent-seeking, warfare, and redistributive politics - it is remarkable that these literatures within economics have remained almost entirely disjointed. Specialists in one or another of these branches have hardly been cognizant of the logical parallels among them, and even less aware that there are general underlying principles applicable to all conflictual interactions. Imagine that international trade, industrial organization, resource economics, public finance, etc., had all developed as entirely separate fields with no recognition of their intellectual resemblances or of their common foundation in microeconomics. A failing of exactly this type has occurred here. A first aim of conflict analysis is therefore to pro vide an underlying microtheory that would be applicable to all the topical areas of ap plication such as warfare, litigation, etc. More sweepingly, exchange theory and conflict theory constitute two coequal branches of economic analysis: the former based upon two-sided advantage and contract, the latter upon one-sided advantage and struggle. Section 2 below examines some of the analytic distinctions that need to be made in modelling conflict. Section 3 more explicitly addresses the choices between conflict and settlement, while Section 4 surveys the technology of conflict. Sections 5 and 6 describe two illustrative models of conflictual equilibrium, the first involving actual fighting and the other armed peace. Section 7 concludes briefly.
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2. Analytic choices in modelling conflict 2. 1.
Conflict versus settlement: Dichotomy or continuum?
Conflict and settlement are usually interpreted as dichotomous. Rival nations are said to be at war or else at peace; a trade union may call a strike or else sign a collective bargaining contract; a lawsuit may be settled or else litigated in court. Alternatively, we might think in terms of a continuum. Very often what looks like a dichotomous decision on a small time-scale becomes a continuous choice taking a longer time-perspective. A primitive tribe may alternate between peace and war, but over the long term its actions can be interpreted as a steady-state division of its efforts between productive exploitation of its own territory versus appropriative struggles against other tribes. Thinking in dichotomy terms suggests searching for special causes of war. Continuum thinking suggests instead that conflict and settlement are equally normal and coexistent; the analytic question is the balance between the two. In dichotomy models, the guns versus butter decisions on both sides typically determine a yes/no (peace/war) outcome together with an estimate of the respective chances of victory. In continuum models the same choice variables determine the intensity of conflict and the proportionate division of the stakes. An awkward modelling problem arises in dichotomy models: once war has occurred, what next? In such models the advent of war means "the end of history". But wars, not to mention other forms of conflict, only rarely have such drastic consequences. Continuum models, by way of contrast, imply ongoing histories: persisting interactions in which the parties remain balanced between cooperative and conflictual activities. 2.2.
Plays, rounds, and moues
In strategic interactions it is important to distinguish among moues, rounds, and plays of the game. Think of an auction. A play corresponds to sale of a single item in the auction catalog. Within a given play, each round of bidding allows every participant to make an offer. And of course a moue is a single player's bid-or-pass choice. Completion of a play generates payoffs. A multiple-play game therefore entails a series of payoff disbursements. (Successive plays might all possibly have the same payoff structure, as in the repeated Prisoner's Dilemma, but that would be a special case.) Within a given play there may be a succession of rounds, consisting of bargaining or negotiation moves by the players. But moves and rounds do not generate payoffs until the play is completed. Players may move either sequentially or simultaneously. Simultaneity refers to the state of knowledge rather than clock time: a move later in time, but in ignorance of the opponent's choice, is considered simultaneous with the latter. In a sequential move situation, the last-mover necessarily has an informational advantage. But the first-mover's choices can constrain the options available, so whether or not there is
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Conflict
on balance a first-move or last-move advantage (or neither) depends upon the detailed structure of the game [see, e.g., Dixit (1987), Baik and Shogren (1992)]. In some cases the sequence of moves is exogenously determined. In the American political system, for example, only the Congress can initiate legislation, which the President may or may not then veto. But the sequence of moves might also be determined endogenously. One interesting possibility would be a "pre-play" interaction in which the players simultaneously indicate a preference for moving first or last. If these preferences match up, the sequence is determined accordingly. In the event of a mismatch, e.g., if both sides seek to move first, then they must move simultaneously instead 1 . Finally, there has to be a termination rule closing the rounds of negotiations and allowing payoffs to be made. Again there are quite a number of modelling options. There might be a fixed number of rounds (in the simplest case, only a single round) or perhaps bargaining ends at some pre-set hour of the clock. In an auction, rounds of bidding continue until "naturally" terminated when no-one chooses to raise the last bid made. And finally, it may be that certain types of move serve to terminate play. Think of a crisis in which nations are negotiating by successive rounds of threats. This negotiation game terminates, among other ways, whenever some nation chooses to declare war. 2.3.
Binding agreements possible?
Since fighting is essentially always Pareto-inefficient 2 , settlement remains an attractive alternative. But settlement agreements are of no use unless fulfillment can be guaranteed. Binding agreements normally require a third party to serve as enforcer 3 . Absent such an enforcement authority, as for example in territorial struggles among animals or international contentions among major powers, the chances of peace are considerably less. Yet the availability of binding agreements does not suffice to rule out conflict. Litigation remains a big industry even where the judicial system stands ready to enforce negotiated settlements. 2. 4.
Limited stakes? Restricted means?
Conflict may be to the death, or for a narrowly circumscribed prize. The aim of a war may be extermination of the opponent, or a mere border adjustment. Paralleling the 1 Baik and Shogren (1 994) have conducted an experimental investigation of such an "endogenous timing" modeL 2 Though some people may enjoy bar-room brawls for their own sake. 3 As a major exception, the prospect of a continuing mutually advantageous association between the parties does provide a motive for not defecting from a current agreement. But this mutual forbearance is subject to the well-known last-period problem, and even on other grounds tends to be rather fragile. See, e.g., Telser (1 980).
J Hirshleifer
possible limits upon the magnitude of the stakes are restrictions upon the means or instruments of conflict. In both dimensions, the limits may be externally imposed. In litigation, a plaintiff can normally claim reimbursement only for damages actually incurred (limited stakes), and cannot lawfully bribe judge and jurors (restricted means). In electoral struggles, the victorious majority is checked by constitutional protections for the minority (limited stakes), while campaign efforts may be subject to legal restrictions like caps on aggregate expenditures. But sometimes the limitations may be the result of an explicit or implicit agreement among the parties, in which case the constraint is subject to reneging. A contestant dissatisfied by the outcome in a limited conflict may be tempted to escalate to a level where its chances are better [Kahn ( 1 965)]. In the Vietnam war, the US long refrained from bombing North Vietnam, but eventually decided to do so in the hope of forcing a more favorable settlement. (This represented an escalation both of stakes and of means.)
Varying the number of contenders
In traditional microtheory, perfect competition involves many buyers and many sellers. At the opposite extreme is bilateral monopoly: one buyer, one seller. Ordinary monopoly is a one seller/many buyers situation. Then there are duopoly (two sellers, many buyers), monopoly with a fringe of smaller sellers, and other interesting combinations. All of these have analogs in conflict theory. One-on-one warfare corresponds to bilateral monopoly. A tyrant-versus-subjects situation corresponds to ordinary monopoly: while the tyrant's decisions can influence citizens' choices (e.g., whether or not to rebel), no single citizen can expect to influence the overlord's choice - how much he invests in repression. (Yet the citizens are not "price-takers"; there is no exchange in a pure conflict model.) The struggle between Bolsheviks and Czarists in revolutionary Russia - or, to take a more limited conflict, between Republicans and Democrats in the US - are analogs of market duopoly. In such cases the ordinary citizenry correspond to the passive buyers of standard duopoly theory, i.e., they are "non-strategic" players. It may sometimes be useful to think of each side as divided between an activist leader and a passive body of followers. Then there would be two strategic players (the leaders) and two distinct groups of non-strategic players. In wartime, for example, political leaders on each side have to balance between fighting the enemy versus countering internal dissension. With two or more strategic players, alliances become possible [Sandler ( 1 993)]. One major type is an alliance of the strategic against the passive players. It is not too difficult to imagine Republican and Democratic leaders conspiring to pass legislation against the interests of the general citizenry. Or, a leader on one side may "sell out" his non-activist constituency. But more familiarly, alliances are combinations of some strategic players against others. Since an ally today may be an enemy tomorrow, such combinations are often fragile. Alliance games are played not only in warfare and
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Conflict
politics but in all the competitions o f everyday life, e.g., promotion ladders in business hierarchies. 2. 6.
Actual versus threatened conflict
Since all settlement takes place in the shadow of conflict, threats may have a vital role in the preservation of peace. It will be useful to distinguish between "profitable threats" and "unprofitable threats". In either case a threat aims to force the opponent to comply with the threatener's desires. If executing a threat would be profitable for the threatener, in comparison with the status quo, the opponent need have no doubt that it will be carried out. The range of possible profitable threats on each side define the "threat point" of cooperative game theory [Friedman (1 986, p. 1 53 )] . Any achieved agreement has to be Pareto-preferred to the threat point, else one or the other side could issue a profitable threat to go its own way instead. "Unprofitable threats" are more puzzling. Here the threat is to do something to the disadvantage not only of the threatened party but of the threatener as well. The classic example is the MAD ("mutual assured destruction") strategy intended to deter nuclear war. Once a nation has suffered nuclear attack, it might be thought there is little to be gained by retaliating. While unprofitable threats fail the test of sequential rationality, in some circumstances they might have a degree of credibility. To mention just a few: (i) It may be possible to make an irrevocable commitment ("burning your bridges behind you"); (ii) if the present interaction is linked to future possibilities, concern for reputation may make it costly not to retaliate; (iii) a contender may pretend to be, or actually be, sufficiently irrational as to retaliate regardless of profitability considerations. Indeed, any positive perceived probability of such irrationality may suffice to deter attack 4 . I have by no means surveyed the entire range of analytic categories that may be important in designing conflict models 5 . Others that might have been mentioned include: (i) the effects of geography and distance [Boulding ( 1 962, Ch. 1 2)] ; (ii) allowing for economic growth and other changes over time, and the implications thereof for economic warfare and the sustainability of arms races [Wolfson (1 985), and see Chapter 6 of this Handbook] ; (iii) complementarities in production and consumption between the contending parties (which serve to increase the payoff from peaceful settlement); and, a truly huge topic, (iv) the informational assumptions (are both sides fully informed, or perhaps symmetrically though not fully informed, or are there informational asymmetries?).
For a related idea in a more general context, see Kreps et a!. ( 1 982). lntriligator ( 1 982) attempts to provide a systematic survey, though limited to war, threatened war, and preparation for war. 5
J. Hirshleifer
Q ()) E 0 0 I; V>
()) 0::
Q Blue's Income
Figure I a. Large potential settlement region (PSR).
3. Sources of conftict 6
While failure to come to agreement does not necessarily imply actual fighting the parties could simply go their own separate ways - it is certainly a precondition for conflict. Why do parties fail to agree, and how does the conflict option affect the prospects of settlement? I shall consider three interacting determinants: preferences, opportunities, and perceptions. These correspond to traditional issues debated by historians and political scientists as to the causes of war: Is war mainly due to hatred and ingrained pugnacity (preferences)? Or to the prospects for gain at the expense of weaker victims (opportunities)? Or is war mainly due to mistakes in evaluating others' motives and capacities (perceptions) 7? The two panels of Figure 1 illustrate how these elements come together. On axes I 8 and I R representing Blue's income and Red's income, the curve QQ bounds the "settlement opportunity set" - what the parties can j ointly attain by peaceful agreement or compromise. The points P8 and PR indicate, in contrast, the parties' separate perceptions of the income distribution that would result if they fail to agree, i.e., if they come to blows. (P8 and PR correspond to the "threat point" referred to earlier, but note that the parties' estimates thereof may differ.) In each diagram the curve U8 6 This discussion expands upon portions of Hirshleifer ( 1 9 87). 7 While my terminology suggests a dichotomy between conflict and settlement (see Section 2), this is only an expository short-cut. In a continuum model, the chosen intensities of fighting etTorts would similarly be determined by the parties' preferences, opportunities, and perceptions.
Ch. 7:
1 73
Theorizing about Conflict
E 0 u c
=... --- ---�
-- --------
Blue's Income
Figure 1 b. Small potential settlement region (PSR).
is a member ofBlue's family of indifference curves, and similarly for UR. The shaded area in each diagram is the Potential Settlement Region (PSR). Figure l a shows a relatively benign situation. Opportunities: the shape of the QQ boundary indicates that the parties' settlement opportunities are complementary and harmonious: both sides can gain by working together, and the largest aggregate of income is achieved when the parties have relatively equal shares. Preferences: the negatively-sloped indifference curves reveal a degree of benevolence on each side; Blue, for example, regards not only his own income as a good but Red's income as well. Perceptions: the perceived incomes in the event of failure to settle are relatively small, and also agreed (PB and PR coincide). These considerations combine to form a large settlement region PSR, which plausibly implies a high probability of agreement. Figure 1 b shows a less pleasant situation. The settlement opportunities are disharmonious, since relatively equal distributions of income aggregate to a smaller total than unequal distributions. (While ex-post transfers could conceivably share out the aggregate more equally, any such possibilities will already have been incorporated into the shape of the settlement opportunity set bounded by QQ.) Second, the positively-sloped indifference curves indicate malevolent preferences (the other party's income enters utility functions as a bad rather than a good). Third, the two sides have discordant and optimistic perceptions of the outcome from non-settlement; in the event of failure to agree, each believes he will do relatively better. The overall effect is to shrink the Potential Settlement Region, making the prospects for settlement poor. (In fact, worsening on any of the three scores could eliminate the PSR completely.
J. Hirshleifer
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Settlement opportunities a bit more disharmonious, preferences a bit more malevolent, perceptions a bit more divergently optimistic - or some combination of the three would make rational agreement impossible.) Going a bit more deeply, let us start with preferences. Economists have noto riously taken "tastes" as arbitrary data. But preferences, and in particular benev olence or malevolence toward specified others, are not totally incapable of ex planation. As determinant of an individual's willingness to sacrifice for others, evolutionary biologists have emphasized genetic relatedness r - measured by the proportions of shared genes. (For siblings r 112, for half-siblings 1/4, for first cousins 1 /8, etc.) So, it has been said, an individual "should" be willing to sacrifice his life to save 2 siblings, 4 half-siblings, or 8 cousins! More generally, Hamilton's rule [Hamilton ( 1 964)] says that evolution will select for actions such that =
c r, b where b is the <
benefit to recipient, c the cost to donor, and r is degree of relatedness - benefit and cost being scaled in terms of contributions to reproduc tive success (RS) 8 . For interactions within and between small groups, relatedness is indeed an extremely important determinant of conflict or cooperation. Parents notoriously sacrifice more for their own children than for others' offspring. On the negative side, children are much more likely to be abused by a step-parent than by a natural parent [Daly and Wilson ( 1 988, pp. 86-87)]. And indeed, among animals and primitive humans, practically all cooperative association is founded upon the biological family. In large modem economies, on the other hand, biological relatedness is hardly important at all - among other reasons because r falls off very rapidly to negligible values beyond the immediate family. In fact, m modem times relatedness r may play on the whole an anti-social role. Reason: relatedness favors cooperation within but conflict between groups 9 . In any case, while malevolence and benevolence remain important sources of international and other conflicts even in modem times, they stem largely from cultural and ideological factors in ways not yet successfully modelled by social science.
8 An individual's reproductive success (RS) is measured by the number of his/her genes carried by the next generation. Since relatedness r between any two persons is fixed, Hamilton's rule implies that "evolutionary indifference curves" on reproductive success axes have to be straight lines. But straight line indifference curves on RS axes translate to normally convex indifference curves on income axes, given diminishing returns in the connection between income and reproductive success. 9 See Wilson ( 1 978). In evolutionary terms, Hamilton's formula in the simple form above is applicable only where the sum of costs and benefits is unrestricted. If competition constrains their net total, an adjustment is called for. Under sufficiently severe competitive constraints, to maximize reproductive success, an individual "should" help only those more closely related to him than the average in the population and "should" act to hurt all others ! [See Hamilton ( 1 970), Hirshleifer ( 1 978).] -
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Conflict
Turning to opportunities, economists generally postulate settlement opportunity sets with the more "harmonious" shape represented by panel (a) of Figure 1 rather than panel (b). This favorable situation reflects the potential benefits from specialization and joint production, especially as might be arranged through market exchange. But if exchange is not an available option, as when binding agreements are costly or impossible, these benefits may be hard to achieve by peaceful means. At the extreme, joint production might be feasible only if one side submits to a very asymmetrical distribution of the benefits, as under slavery or serfdom. Taking up perceptions, the discussion here deals only with estimates of what might happen in the event of failure to arrive at peaceful settlement, i.e., with the location of the threat point. If these estimates were correct on both sides, and if malevolence were absent, conflict would be Pareto-dominated: a Potential Settlement Region PSR would necessarily exist. Traditional economics tends to minimize the importance of perceptual divergences, among other reasons because incorrect beliefs are normally unprofitable and hence subject to adjustment by experience. In conflict situations as well, contenders do presumably learn from experience. The school of actual struggle teaches parties to readjust their perceptions to more realistic levels. But the same evidence teaching one side to be less confident (for example, a defeat in battle) may well teach the winning side to be more optimistic [Wittman (1979)]. The many long wars reported by history reflect the difficulty of adjusting perceptions to reality. 4. The technology of conflict 1 0
As indicated earlier, a key element of the economics of conflict is choosing a balance between two distinct technologies: the familiar technology of production versus the quite separate technology of conflict and appropriative struggle. In dealing with productive technology, economists do not concern themselves with the design of pipes, girders, beams, engines, or transistors - these matters lie in the province of engineers and technicians. And the proper employment of technology is the task of the businessman. Our job is to analyze what might be called the macro technology of production: are there increasing or decreasing returns to scale, are labor and capital complements or substitutes, and so forth. When it comes to the technology of conflict, the situation is very similar. Guns, bombs, missiles, etc. are designed by technical experts, while their proper employment is the responsibility of military leaders. (And even in non-military conflicts, there are decision-makers with corresponding roles: politicians hire speech-writers and media consultants, litigants hire attorneys.) These practitioners are, in effect, the engineers and entrepreneurs of the conflict industry. The economist's role is not to replace these players, but rather 10
This section is based in part upon Hirshleiter ( 1 994).
J Hirshleifer
to address the macro-technology of conflict. Increasing versus decreasing returns, economies of scale and scope, complementarity of labor and capital are as applicable in the conflict domain as in the productive domain. In analyzing the macro-technology of conflict, one would like to have plausible functional forms analogous to the Cobb-Douglas or CES formulas of production theory. These functions would describe how "inputs" of fighting efforts on the two sides generate "outputs" in the form of victory or defeat, or more generally relative success. Two canonical families of such "Contest Success Functions" have been described [Hirshleifer ( 1 989)]. In the one family, the outcome depends upon the ratio of the fighting efforts, in the other family upon the difforence I I . Specifically, in a two-party contest suppose each side divides its resources R; between productive effort E; and fighting effort F;. For the moment we are considering only how the F I and F2 determine PI and p2 - interpreted here as the proportions of the prize won in a continuum model of conflict I2 . The ratio form of the "Contest Success Function" (CSF) is: PI -
FmI FmI + F2m
P2 -
F2m FmI + F2m
The alternative version, in which success depends upon the fighting efforts, can be written as the logistic functions: PI = 1 + exp[k(F - F )] 2 I
P2 =
difference between the
1 + exp[k(F I - F2 )] "
The parameters m for the ratio form and k for the difference form may be termed "decisiveness coefficients". They represent the degree to which greater fighting effort translates into battle success I J, I 4 . As logically required, PI and p2 sum to unity I 5 . Panel (a) of Figure 2 pictures the ratio version o f the CSF for player 1 , the fighting effort of player 2 being held constant at F 2 = 1 00. As can be seen, after a possible initial range of increasing returns, there are diminishing marginal returns throughout. Panel (b) is a corresponding picture for the difference version. Here there are increasing 1 1 For a somewhat related categorization in terms of logit and probit functions, see Dixit ( 1 987). 1 2 In a dichotomy model, the p, would be interpreted as the respective probabilities of victory. 1 3 It would be possible to generalize these equations in various ways, for example by attaching "combat efficiency coefficients" to the respective fighting efforts F,. 1 4 Skaperdas (1 994) has shown that these ratio and difference forms are the only two possibilities meeting all the plausible criteria appropriate for a Contest Success Function, for example that p 1 be rising with F 1 and falling with F 2 , that p 1 +p2 I and so forth. 1 5 If the p, are interpreted as proportions of the prize, it would be possible to adjust for battle destruction by writing p 1 +p2 + O = I , where O(F 1 , F2 ) is the non-negative fraction of the prize destroyed. Fighting will evidently be less profitable for both sides, the higher is 0. For present purposes, the assumption o 0 will be maintained. =
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Conflict
1 77
1 .0 F
100 -,i
c 0
a Li: �
Q) 0 0 ::J en
· �.:./·· ·······
.. ·· ... ·
m =
1 ---.. .... ..... -,c;---
·· ·.. ·· ·_ ·· · _
_/_,. �/_-_:�·��-�-�· ----------------------
------�- ----
1 00
Fighting Effort Figure 2a. Contest success function - ratio form.
1 .0
1 00 Fighting Effort
Figure 2b. Contest success function - difference form.
returns up to F1 = F2 , and decreasing returns thereafter. This last feature reflects a "stylized fact" of warfare: the great importance of being at least a little bit stronger than the enemy in the field.
J. Hirshleifer
It will be evident from Equation (1) and panel (a) of Figure 2 that, using the ratio version for the CSF, zero conflict effort Fi implies zero success P i· In contrast, from Equation (2) and panel (b) of Figure 2 we see that the difference version of the CSF implies that a player investing zero Fi might still retain some positive fraction Pi of the prize. These considerations help the analyst choose one or the other version in specific applications. In litigation, for example, we would expect the ratio version to be applicable: an aggrieved party who makes no etTort (fails even to file suit) has zero prospect of success, while a respondent who offers no defense must expect an adverse judgment. In military combats the ratio form of the CSF is applicable when clashes take place under theoretically ideal conditions such as a uniform battlefield, full information, and absence of fatigue. In the more realistic case where what Clausewitz called friction [see Rothfels ( 1 943, p. 1 03)] plays a role - where there are sanctuaries and refuges, information is imperfect, and even the victor is subject to disorganization and exhaustion - a non-resisting side need not lose absolutely everything. Despite not yet having a complete model to deal with, some inferences can be drawn intuitively about the implications of conflict technology. When decisiveness is low the parties are more likely to choose peace or, at any rate, to reduce the intensity of struggle. In domestic politics, constitutional protections for minorities reduce the decisiveness of majority supremacy, thus softening the intensity of electoral struggle. If election defeat doesn't entail deprivation of life and property, people need not invest as much effort in political contests. (While often deplored, the low voter turnout in American elections may actually signal a healthy polity.) Economic conflict theory helps explain a major paradox of modern politics. We are so used to seeing wealth redistributed from the rich to the poor that it no longer seems surprising. Yet the half of the population above the median wealth surely has greater political strength than the half below. How can the lower half gain at the expense of the upper half, the weak defeat the strong in the redistributive struggle? The main answer - note that I set aside sheer generosity on the part of the rich - is that the poor have a comparative advantage in conflict as opposed to production. Or looking at it from the other point of view, when it comes to appropriative struggles, the rich constitute an attractive target while the poor do not. In military contests similarly, sometimes the weaker side unexpectedly "wins", at least in the relative sense of improving upon its initial position. The Vietnam War is an evident instance. As will be seen below, this is most likely to occur when the decisiveness of conflict is low. In Vietnam, topography and international relations combined to make for low decisiveness. (US nuclear weapons could of course have been totally decisive, but diplomatic considerations precluded their use.) On the other hand, if the decisiveness parameter is sufficiently high, i.e., if a preponderance of force makes an enormous difference for the outcome, the advantage tilts heavily to the stronger side. This corresponds to a "natural monopoly" in the conflict industry, leading very likely to a struggle to the death - as between Rome and Carthage, or Czarists versus Bolsheviks in revolutionary Russia.
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Conflict
Many other aspects of conflict technology cry out for investigation, most notably perhaps the modelling of offense versus defense 1 6 . But at this point I must break off in order to examine two specific models. 5. A first illustrative model - does conflict promote equality? 17
There is no single best or universal model of conflict, any more than there can be a universal model of an exchange economy - one that would cover perfect competition and monopoly and their various admixtures, one-period and multi-period interactions, production under increasing and decreasing returns, conditions of symmetrical or asymmetrical information, etc. Among the indefinitely large number of modelling choices, the analyst has to select with a view toward the intended application. One conflict model may be appropriate when the parties stand in a relation of equality, another may better illustrate the struggle between inferiors and superiors in a hierarchical situation. The model described below is designed to address the question: does conflict make the rich grow richer and the poor poorer, or the other way about? It shows how, with variation of only a single parameter, conflictual interactions may tend either to mitigate or alternatively to exacerbate any pre-existing condition of inequality. 5. 1.
Elements of an economic model of conflict
All economic models have certain common features. There has to be provision for optimizing decisions on the level of the decision-makers, and a resulting equilibrium when all these decisions interact on the aggregate level. In addition, choices must be subject to some kind of resource constraint. When we consider possible conflictual interactions in addition to the more familiar production and exchange activities, two broad generalizations tend to hold: (i) The resources devoted to productive activity mainly determine the social aggregate of income available, and (ii) the relative commitments to conflictual activity mainly determine how the aggregate income will be distributed between the parties. An equation system reflecting these considerations has four classes of logical elements. First, each side i 1 , 2 must divide its exogenously given resources Ri between productive effort Ei and fighting effort Fi:
Second, the productive technology is summarized by an Aggregate Production Function showing how the productive efforts E 1 and E2 combine to determine 16 Approaches to this deceptively difficult problem have been suggested in various ways by Skogh and Stuart ( 1 982), Powell ( 1 993), and Grossman and Kim ( 1 994). 1 7 This section is adapted from portions of Hirshleifer ( 1 9 9 1 ) .
1 80
J. Hirshleifer
income I - the social total available for division between the two parties. A convenient form for our purposes is:
I = A � r + Er r.
This type of production function is characterized by constant returns to scale and constant elasticity of substitution. Parameter A is a total productivity index: as the overall yields of the resource inputs rise over time, owing to technical progress, A increases. Parameter s is a complementarity index: as nations become more closely and synergistically linked, for example by international trade, s rises 1 8 . The third element is the Contest Success Function (CSF), the ratio form being used here: pm pm 1 2 and (5) P2 PI - F +F - F +F f T f T The CSF summarizes the technology of conflict: the inputs are the fighting efforts F 1 and F2 and the outputs are the distributive shares P t and p2 (where of course Pt + p2 = 1). Finally, there are Income Distribution Equations defining the achieved income levels I t and h : and (6) l2 = p2I. lt = P t l Equations (5) and (6) together imply that all income falls into a common pool available for capture by either side. (More generally, the contenders might also have opportunities for generating invulnerable income, but this consideration is set aside here.) 5.2.
Optimization and Cournot equilibrium
On the assumption that the underlying strategic situation justifies the Coumot solution concept, the Reaction Curves RC 1 and RC2 of Figure 3 illustrate each side's optimal fighting effort given the corresponding choice on the part of the opponent. The Cournot solution occurs at the intersection where each party's decision is a best response to the opponent's action. Decision-maker 1 's optimizing problem can be expressed as
Max ft = pt (F t [ F2 ) · I(Et [ E2 ) subject to E t + Ft = R t . (7) and similarly for side 2. Using Equations (5) and (6), and assuming interior solutions (F; < R;), we can solve for the Reaction Curves RC 1 and RC2 : Ft m(Et + E2 ) F2 m(Et + E2 ) and (8) � � +� � � +� Note that the parameter A of the Aggregate Production Function has cancelled out and does not enter into the Reaction Curve equations at all. Thus, in this
18 Values of s below I have the unacceptable implication that the marginal products of productive input are increasing throughout.
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Conflict
-- \_
1 00 t
_ ___ __ _ __ _ _
Ol c
Ol u:: U)
T :
' i
1 :
i _ ___ _ ___ _ j___
/RC 2
__ __
(!) u U5
1 00
Side 1 's Fighting Effort
Figure 3. Reaction curves - first model.
model an increase in overall economic productivity leaves the proportionate allocation of resources between producing and fighting unchanged. Intuitively, an increase in A raises the marginal profitability of productive activity and of conflictual activity in the same proportion 1 9. There i s n o convenient general analytical solution, but in the symmetrical case where resource endowments are equal (that is, when R 1 = R2 ), for any s the equilibrium is simply:
(9) Thus the fraction of the available resources dissipated in mutually wasteful fighting effort rises for higher values of m; at m = 1, exactly half the resources on each side are so dissipated. Such an equilibrium is illustrated in Figure 3. The inner pair of Reaction Curves RC� and RC� and their intersection correspond to a symmetrical situation with resources (R 1 , R2 ) = (1 00, 100) and parameter values A = s = m = l . From Equation (9), half the endowments on each side are dissipated in conflict: (F" F2 ) (50, 50). The remaining resources are put to productive use: (E 1 , E2 ) = (50, 50). These generate an
1 9 The result would be quite different if the difference version of the CSF, as in Equation (2), had been employed. In that case an overall productivity improvement would redound to the relative benefit of the richer contestant, who can then more easily afford to increase the absolute size of his fighting effort.
J. Hirshleifer
1 82
aggregate income of I = 100, which is then equally divided between the contenders: (h h) = (50, 50). 5.3.
Resource disparities: The paradox ofpower
The paradox ofpower (POP) emerges when a preponderant resource ratio R 1 /R2 > 1 is not reflected in a correspondingly large achieved income ratio / 1 /h. I shall be examining strong versus weak forms of the paradox: - POP (strong form): In mixed conflict-cooperation interactions, the contending parties end up with exactly identical incomes (/ 1 Ih 1) regardless of the initial resource ratio R 1 /R2 • - POP (weak form): In mixed conflict-cooperation interactions, the final distribution of income will have lesser dispersion than the initial distribution of resources. Thus, assuming contender 1 is initially the better-endowed side: 1 < 1 1 /h < R 1 /R2 . Returning to Figure 3, the dashed curves Rq and Rq represent an asymmetrical endowment situation: in comparison with the solid curves RC? and RC�, 1 's resources R 1 have now doubled in size while 2's remain as before. Despite the resource asymmetry, at the intersection of the Rq and RC� curves the fighting efforts F 1 and F 2 though both larger than before - remain equal to one another! It follows, of course, that the richer party must now be devoting absolutely and relatively more resources to productive effort. The equality ofF 1 and F 2 dictates that the final incomes remain equal: (/ 1 , h) = (75, 75). This illustrates the strong form of the paradox of power. An intuitive interpretation is as follows. With an increase in endowment, con tender 1 (he) will surely want to spend more on each of the two types of activity: his E 1 and F 1 will both be greater. Knowing this, side 2 (she) then has both offensive and defensive incentives to shift toward spending more than before on fighting (choosing a larger F 2 ), which necessarily means spending less on production (her E2 must be smaller). The offensive incentive for making F 2 larger is that, E 1 being greater, there is more social income available to be seized. Her defensive incentive is that, the opponent's F 1 being greater, she would have to choose an F2 larger than before even if only to maintain her previous level of income.
Conflict is therefore a relatively more attractive option for the poorer side 20 .
Fighting effort permits you to "tax" the opponent's production, while your own production is "taxed" by his fighting effort. When your rival is richer it becomes relatively more profitable to tax him (to capture part of his larger production) and relatively more burdensome to be taxed by him (to devote effort to production which will be largely captured by him anyway). Thus, rational behavior in a conflict 2° Compare Becker ( 1 983, p. 385): "Politically successful groups tend to be small relative to the size of the groups taxed to pay their subsidies." However, Becker employs an entirely different line of reasoning to arrive at this result.
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Conflict
1 83
§ 1 .0
ti � u..
.. - -
§ 0.5
- - -
------ - -- ----
FI 0
· ·· -
-· -· 4
Resource Ratio
() () :I CJ)
- --
-//_.-/-:_o----_--__ _ .::. �'"'. /_ /_ P_ l
g"l Q)
� ·u; c 2 .£ IJ) c E IJ) u::
- -
Fighting efforts and relative success
-· -- - -
�� :
R /R I
resource ratio varies (s = 1 .25; m =
interaction, under the assumptions here, is for the poorer side to specialize more in fighting, the richer side more in production. However, this qualitative argument supports only the weak form of the paradox of power, whereas the numerical data above illustrated the strong form: incomes on the two sides remained exactly equal despite initial resource disparities. It turns out that the strong form holds only for the limiting case of s = 1 (zero complementarity in production). Figure 4 shows the results of a number of simulations with the decisiveness coefficient set at m = 1 , and assuming positive complementarity (specifically, s = 1 .25), over a range of resource ratios R 1 /R2 • As this resource ratio grows, the richer side's success fraction p 1 does rise, but only quite slowly. The reason: consistent with the preceding discussion, as the resource ratio becoming more favorable the richer side will be devoting relatively less and less effort to fighting - as shown by the rapidly declining FtfRt curve. The opposite of course applies for the poorer side. The effect upon relative incomes is shown in Figure 5, in particular the curve labelled ft//z (m = 1). This curve is rising, but only very slowly in comparison with the resource ratio R 1 /R2 • Hence, the paradox of power continues to hold, but in its weak form. 5.4.
When conflict becomes more decisive
Figure 5 shows also that, even in the weak form, the paradox of power does not always hold. The decisiveness coefficient m in the Contest Success Function is the key. For m = 4, we can see, the income ratio /1//z does ultimately rise faster than the resource ratio R 1 /R2 .
J Hirshleifer
1 84
:;:: 0 !:!:: (!)
E 0 u _f "0 c 0 0 :;:: 0 !:!:: (!)
!::! :::l 0 en
(!) !:!::
1 /1 2 (m=4)
··_ � · ·· •• ·• ··• ·
1 111 2 (m=2)
·· ·· •·
· ··
·. ·· .·
· ..
-- - --
-- --
-- --- -- --
Resource Ratio
-- -
R /R I
Figure 5. Income ratio versus resource ration, as decisiveness parameter varies
(s = 1 .25).
Conclusion: Whether conflict interactions are equalizing or non-equalizing depends upon two countervailing influences. On the one hand the rich can afford to devote more effort to fighting, on the other hand the poor are motivated to fight harder. The balance between the two influences is determined by the decisiveness parameter m. When conflict is only moderately decisive, the second factor overshadows the first, and conflict is equalizing: the eventual achieved income ratio is closer to unity than the initial resource ratio. But when conflict is extremely decisive, the rich can so easily buy a higher success fraction that they find it advantageous to do so: the rich do become richer and the poor poorer. While the analysis needs to be extended beyond the single time-period described here, it is evident that a suggestive basis has been provided for explaining the steepness of the hierarchy gradient in different societies 2 1 .
A second illustrative model: armed settlement under threat
I shall more briefly summarize a second model, aimed at a different question: specifically, can threatened fighting succeed in maintaining peace? Consider two symmetrically situated contenders. As before each side will be choosing a level of fighting effort F;. But here I will be slighting the productive aspect of the interaction between the parties. Instead, I simply assume a fixed prize of value V, 21
See Vehrencamp ( 1 983) for an application to animal dominance hierarchies, and Betzig ( 1 992) for a
somewhat parallel analysis of human societies.
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Coriflict
t 0 :t:: UJ
(J) c
(J) IT: "'
0..1 (J) 1J (75
F* 2
F* 1
Side 1 's Fighting Effort Figure
6. Reaction curves - second model.
to be divided between the two in accordance with the ratio version of the Conflict Success Function (CSF) in Equation (1). Thus, side i will be maximizing: ( 1 0) where c(F;) is the cost function for fighting effort. For utmost simplicity here, let
c(F;) = F;.
The special feature of this threat model is that in the first round the players simultaneously commit to some chosen F;, but currently lay out only some proper fraction y of the cost thereof Thereafter, these commitments are mutually revealed and the players proceed into a second round in which they simultaneously choose whether or not to Attack. Play then ends and payoffs are received. The payoffs, of course, vary depending upon whether there is war or peace. Suppose neither side attacks. Then there is peace and, by assumption, each side receives half the prize ( V/2), i.e., the success fractions are 0.5 each. Furthermore, given peace the contingency requiring additional military expenditures does not obtain, hence only the "down payment" costs yF; are ever incurred. So, peace is very attractive. On the other hand, if either side attacks (or if both do) there is war. The contingent commitments then translate into the full pre-committed expenditures and fighting efforts F;. The success fractions p; are determined as before by the CSF, and the associated incomes I ; are generated in accordance with Equation ( 1 0). Figure 6 illustrates the solution. The dashed Reaction Curves RC1 and RC2 are generally similar to those in Figure 3. They show each side's best fighting response, in the event of war, to the whole range of the opponent's possible F; choices. However, the
J Hirshleifer
1 86 Table l
Second-round payoffs after first-round (Fi, F;) choices
Don't attack
Don't attack
V/2-yFi, V/2-yF2
V/2-Fi, V/2-Fi
V/2-Fi, V/2-Fi
V/2-Fi, V/2-Fi
solid curves picture a new aspect of the situation. Consider contender 1 's solid curve RC� . There will be some critical opponent's F� such that he would be indifferent between an optimal fighting response along his dashed RC1 curve or having made an F 1 = 0 commitment and having peace obtain. Below this critical level, at any F2 < F�, war would be profitable; he would attack even if 2 preferred peace. And conversely, for any F2 greater than F� , he would strictly prefer F 1 = 0 under conditions of peace. The solid curve labelled Rq is the corresponding construction for contender 2. The two solid Rq curves intersect along their respective vertical and horizontal legs, specifically at F 1 Fj and F2 F� . Furthermore, owing to the assumed symmetry, Fj F� . This suggests that the (Fj , FD combination might be the Nash-Cournot equilibrium first-round choices, followed by second-round choices for peace. We are not yet entitled to draw this conclusion, however. We need to know whether the parties' having chosen Fj F� in the first round is indeed consistent with a mutual preference for peace in the second round. However, recalling that war takes place if either side attacks, Table 1 demonstrates that Don 't attack is a (weakly) dominant strategy for both. The crucial point is that, if war occurs after the parties have made symmetrical commitments in the first round, each side would get half the value of the prize less fighting costs - whereas under conditions of peace each still receives half the prize while incurring only the fraction y of the fighting costs. So the equilibrium strategy for contender 1 has the following features: In the first round: choose F 1 = Fj ; In the second round: (i) if contender 2 in her first round had chosen F2 < F� , then Attack; (ii) if contender 2 had chosen F2 )! F� , then Don 't attack. If 2 adopts the corresponding strategy, these are mutually best responses to one another and hence constitute a Nash equilibrium consistent with sequential rationality. Conclusion: First-round choices that adequately and symmetrically prepare for war, can maintain the peace! 22 Implicit in the payoffs of Table 1 is the assumption that the relevant military technology provides no advantage for attacking over defending (or vice versa). Without providing the details here, it is evident that any offensive advantage would raise the attractiveness of Attack in the second round and thus tend to destabilize the
Somewhat analogous results have been obtained, though by quite different techniques, by deterrence
theorists, e.g., Intriligator ( 1 975).
Ch. 7:
Theorizing about Conflict
1 87
equilibrium. A defensive advantage would, correspondingly, make the equilibrium more robust. Turning to a more general issue, it might be asked to what extent this model of maintained peace undercuts all the preceding analysis premised upon the existence of war. If peace is a Nash-Cournot equilibrium, how does war ever come about? This question brings us full circle back to Section 3 . The discussion there indicated that malevolent preferences, disharmonious opportunities, and optimistic perceptions (of the returns from conflict) all tend to reduce the size of the Potential Settlement Region (PSR), or may even eliminate it completely. Applied to the model of this section: - Malevolent preferences: These mean, essentially, that a party would be willing to pay something to reduce the opponent's income. That is not the case in the model here, which presumes neutral preferences. Malevolent preferences would lessen the payoffs (in utility units) of Don 't attack relative to Attack second-round choices, thus, obviously increasing the likelihood that one or both sides would choose Attack instead. - Disharmonious opportunities: When opportunities are harmonious, peaceful payoffs on the two sides are positively correlated. That certainly applies to the model of this section, since peace means that both parties can avoid expending the fraction 1-y of the fighting commitments. Suppose instead that the value of the entire prize had to go entirely to one side or the other - no sharing allowed. If so, opportunities would be much less harmonious, greatly increasing the likelihood of war. - Optimistic perceptions: In the model of this section full information (accurate and agreed perceptions) was assumed. Any optimistic bias as to the outcome of conflict would of course increase the likelihood of Attack We also saw, however, that an offensive advantage in military technology could lead to a kind of warranted optimism about the consequences of initiating conflict. This factor can evidently also destabilize the "armed peace" equilibrium. Thus, this section did not prove there has to be peace, any more than the previous discussions demonstrated the inevitability of war. Before j umping to any such conclusions about the real world, it will always be necessary to take account of the limitations of the model employed. These limitations include not only the assumptions about preferences, opportunities, and perceptions just mentioned above but also the many other specific modelling postulates: e.g., that each side is a unitary actor, that a one-time decision is to be made, etc. Nevertheless, handled with tact and caution, this and others of the theoretical models here described have suggestive implications not only for warfare but for conflict realms such as redistributive politics, animal dominance hierarchies, and family disputes. 7.
Concluding remarks
Conflict theory is not a mere peninsula barely connected to the mainland of economic analysis. Even less is it only an assemblage of loosely similar topics like cnme,
J. Hirshleifer
1 88
strikes and lockouts, and litigation. Rather, I have maintained, microeconomics should be regarded as having two main branches: one dealing with the search for mutual aduantage by means of exchange, the other and relatively neglected branch dealing with the pursuit of one-sided aduantage through conflict. Common to both branches are the standard elements of economic reasoning: ( 1 ) on the level of the decision-maker, optimization subj ect to resource constraint and (2) on the aggregate level, determination of an equilibrium balancing and integrating these separate private decisions. In standard theory, such an equilibrium must (subject to the usual qualifications) satisfy Coase's Theorem. In conflict theory the analogous proposition might be called Machiavelli's Theorem [Hirshleifer ( 1994)] . Coase's Theorem says that, in equilibrium, no-one will ever pass up an opportunity for mutually advantageous exchange; Machiavelli's Theorem says that no-one will ever fail to capitalize on a profitable opportunity to exploit anyone else. Also common to both main branches of economic analysis are the ordinary processes of production, whereby resource inputs are converted to desired goods. Superimposed upon this, conflict theory introduces a technology of combat and struggle. In the latter process, "inputs" consisting of the fighting efforts on all sides generate "outputs" in the form of a final distribution of resources and income. There is one other implication I want to emphasize: the broadened microeconomics that integrates conflict theory and exchange theory is essentially coextensive with social science as a whole! The revolutions and electoral campaigns now studied by political scientists, the resource competitions and mating strategies dealt with by social biologists and anthropologists, crime and social cohesion as investigated by sociologists - none of these topics should be out of bounds for economic analysis. In sum, there really is only one social science. Furthermore, the analytical categories of economics - scarcity, cost, preferences, opportunities, equilibrium, etc., - constitute a universal grammar for dealing with all social processes. Most of the excellent works by biologists, political scientists, anthropologists, etc., cited elsewhere in this chapter illustrate successful use, conscious or unconscious, of these economic techniques. As economists come to appreciate this broadened conception of their mission, we can expect benefits to flow both ways. Not only will we be "exporting" our analytic methods, but insights from other social sciences about the nature of man and of social interactions will help us to better understand even our traditional topics of optimizing behavior and market equilibrium.
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1 992, Of human bonding: Cooperation or exploitation, Social Science Information 4, 61 1-
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1 962, Conflict and defense: A general theory (Harper & Row, New York). 1 982, Bargaining in the shadow of the law, Journal of Legal Studies 1 1 , 225-25 1 . Daly, M., and M . Wilson, 1 988, Homicide (de Gruyter, New York). Dixit, A., 1 987, Strategic behavior in contests, American Economic Review 77, 8 9 1 -898. Friedman, J.W., 1 986, Game theory with applications to economics (Oxford University Press, New
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1 994, Swords or plowshares : A theory of the security of claims to property, 94-1 2 (Brown Univ., Dept. of Economics, Providence, RI). Hamilton, W.D., 1 964, The genetical evolution of social behavior, I , II, Journal of Theoretical Biology 7, 1-52. Hamilton, W.D., 1 970, Selfish and spiteful behaviour in an evolutionary model, Nature 228, 1 2 1 8-1220. Hirshleifer, J., 1 978, Natural economy versus political economy, Journal of Social and Biological Structures I , 3 1 9-337. Hirshleifer, J., 1 987, Conflict and defense, in: J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman, eds., The New Palgrave: A dictionary of economics, Vol. 1 (Macmillan/Stockton, London/New York) 567-570. Hirshleifer, J., 1 989, Conflict and rent-seeking success functions: Ratio vs. difference models of relative success, Public Choice 63, 1 01-1 1 2. Hirshleifer, J., 1 9 9 1 , The paradox of power, Economics and Politics 3, 177-200. Hirshleifer, J., 1 994, The dark side of the force, Economic Inquiry 32, 1-10. Intri1igator, M.D., 1 975, Strategic considerations i n the Richardson model o f arms races, Journal of Political Economy 83, 339-353. Intriligator, M.D., 1 982, Research on conflict theory: Analytic approaches and areas of application, Journal of Conflict Resolution 26, 307-327. Kahn, H., 1 965, On escalation: Metaphors and scenarios (Praeger, New York). Kreps, D.M., P. Milgrom, J. Roberts and R. Wilson, 1 982, Rational cooperation in the finitely repeated Prisoner's Dilemma, Journal of Economic Theory 27, 245-252. Powell, R., 1 993, Guns, butter, and anarchy, American Political Science Review 87, 1 15-1 32. Rothfels, H., 1 943, Clausewitz, in: E. Mead Earle, ed., Makers of modern strategy (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ) 93- 1 1 3 . Sandler, T., 1 993, The economic theory of alliances: A survey, Journal o f Conflict Resolution 37, 446--483. Skaperdas, S., 1 994, Contest success functions, unpublished manuscript. Skogh, G., and C. Stuart, 1 982, A contractarian theory of property rights and crime, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 84, 27--40. Telser, L.G., 1 980, A theory of self-enforcing agreements, Journal of Business 53, 27--44. Vehrencamp, S.L., 1 983, A model for the evolution of despotic versus egalitarian societies, Animal Behavior 3 1 , 667--682. Wilson, E.O., 1 978, Altruism, Harvard Magazine 8 1 , 23-28. Wittman, D., 1 979, How a war ends: A rational model approach, Journal of Conflict Resolution 23, 743-763. Wolfson, M., 1 985, Notes on economic warfare, Conflict Management and Peace Science 8, 1-17. Grossman, H .I., and M. Kim, Working Paper No.
Brown University
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. Analytical framework 2 . 1 . The incumbent ruler 2.2. The potential insurgent leader
3. A formal model of insurrections 3 . 1 . The peasant or worker families 3 .2. An insurrection? 3.3. The deployment of soldiers 3 .4. The ruler's tax policy 3 .5. Income
4. Revolutions 4 . 1 . A revolution? 4.2. The incumbent ruler 4.3. Income and wealth 4.4. Economic welfare
5. Summary References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume I, Edited by K Hartley and T Sandler © /995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
1 92 192 193 1 94 1 94 1 95 196 1 96 197 1 99 202 203 204 204 205 207 208 209 211
1 92
H.!. Grossman
This essay develops an economic theory of insurrections. The decision-making agents in this theory are an incumbent ruler, a potential leader of an insurrection, and a large number of peasant or worker families. The essay distinguishes insurrections that attempt only to appropriate current income from revolutions, which are insurrections that attempt to effect permanent change in the distribution of income through the appropriation of sovereign power. The analysis shows how the technology of insurrection, together with a discount factor, determines whether there is an insurrection, the allocation of resources among productive activities, soldiering, and insurgency, and the probable outcome of an insurrection.
appropriative activities, general equilibrium, income distribution, insurrections, Lenin, property rights, revolutions, sovereign power, tax policy, technology of insurrection
Ch. 8:
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1. Introduction
The term insurrection encompasses any organized use of force to defy the established system of property rights and/or taxation. This essay develops a positive general equilibrium theory of insurrections. A distinguishing feature of this theory is that it treats insurrection and its deterrence or suppression as economic activities that compete with production and consumption for scarce resources. This analysis of insurrections adds to a growing stock of models that analyze conflict over the control of property and income within the framework of general economic equilibrium. The objective of these models is to discover the factors that determine the allocation of resources among productive and appropriative activities as well as the resulting equilibrium distribution of property and income. This research program explicitly recognizes that conflict over the control of property and income has characterized human societies throughout history. Modelling of the allocation of resources among productive and appropriative activities takes economic analysis beyond the traditional problem of understanding the allocation of resources among different productive activities, with claims to property and the income from property assumed to be given and fully secure. The theory developed in this essay builds on the models of conflict and insurrection analyzed in several of my papers - especially Grossman ( 1 99 1 ) and Grossman and Kim ( 1 995) and also Grossman ( 1 992, 1 994, 1 995) and Grossman and Iyigun (1 994). My work in turn has built on the work of others-especially the seminal contribution of Haavelmo ( 1 954, pp. 91-98), who provided a canonical general equilibrium model of the allocation of resources between productive and appropriative activities, as well as important papers by Hirshleifer ( 1 988, 1 99 1 , 1 995) and Skaperdas (1 992). An essential idea in all of this literature is that productive and appropriative activities are competing uses of scarce resources. Importantly, by stressing that insurrection and its suppression reduce productive activity, the models in my previous papers, like the model used in the present essay, go beyond earlier economic models of insurrections, such as the work of Roemer ( 1 985, 1 98 8), Usher and Engineer ( 1 987), and Usher ( 1 989), that consider only distributive consequences of insurrections. This essay also introduces several innovations that attempt to improve on previous work by enriching the modelling of insurrections and by making the analysis more transparent. One innovation is to model explicitly the organization of in surrections by focusing on the role and decisions of a leader, who recruits, compensates, and deploys the insurgents. Another innovation is to allow for the effect of passive support by noncombatants in determining the potential suc cess of insurrections. The essay highlights both of these innovations. This essay also distinguishes between insurrections that attempt only to appropriate current income and revolutions, which are insurrections that attempt to effect perma nent change in the distribution of income through the appropriation of sovereign power.
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2. Analytical framework
A formal economic model of insurrections must identify the decision-making agents in the society, including potential participants in an insurrection, and must specify the obj ectives of these agents, the strategies available to them, and the constraints that they face. These constraints include both the technology of insurrection and the technology of production. The decision-making agents in the theory developed in this essay are an incumbent ruler, a potential leader of an insurrection, and a large number of peasant or worker families. These agents make their decisions sequentially. First, the ruler sets his tax and internal security policies. Next, the potential insurgent leader decides whether or not to organize an insurrection and how many insurgents to recruit. Lastly, the peasant or worker families allocate their time among productive and appropriative activities. They also decide what, if any, passive support to give to an insurrection. 2. 1.
The incumbent ruler
The theory can fit at least two different stories about the nature of the ruler and his clientele. One story is that the ruler acts in the collective interest of the current owners of property, either land or capital, who are a distinct group from the peasants or workers. In this story the peasants or workers own no property. An alternative story is that the ruler acts in the interest of a parasitic ruling class, such as the royal court, the members of a ruling party, or the military elite, as in models of kleptocracy like Grossman and Noh ( 1 990, 1 994). In this story, the peasants or workers, who are not part of the ruling class, supply all of the productive resources. [Grossman and Noh ( 1 994) extend this story to include the provision of productive public services by the ruler.] In both of these stories, the ruler's tax policy determines the income of his clientele, who are either the property owners or the ruling class. An insurrection would attempt to appropriate the income of the ruler's clientele, and, perhaps, also to depose the incumbent ruler in favor of the insurgent leader. The ruler also can act to deter or to suppress insurrectionary activity. The counterinsurgency strategies available to the ruler include both the stick and the carrot. The stick involves the allocation of resources to internal security measures. In formalizing the theory, the model focuses on the deployment of soldiers. The function of the soldiers is to protect the income of the ruler's clientele either by deterring the potential insurgent leader from organizing an insurrection or by counteracting actual insurgents. [Note that the ruler's strategies in this model do not include punishment of insurgents. In practice, individual insurgents often can easily avoid punishment by blending back into the general population and the insurgent leader often can avoid punishment by escaping abroad.] The ruler's soldiers are volunteers recruited from the peasant or worker families. The pay schedule of soldiers must be such as to compensate them for the value of their time in alternative activities.
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The ruler's carrot is more subtle. In my previous models of insurrection, the carrot took the form of policies designed to increase the return to productive activities and, thereby, to increase the alternative cost of appropriative activities. In the theory developed in this essay, however, such policies play no role. The present theory has this feature because it allows the ruler freely to choose the amount of resources to allocate to internal security measures - that is, the number of soldiers to deploy - and because it assumes that the expected outcome of an insurrection is a homogeneous function of the ratio of the number of insurgents to the number of soldiers. Instead, in the present theory, the carrot takes the form, which is arguably more realistic, of a tax and income distribution policy designed to dissuade noncombatants from passively supporting an insurrection - that is, using a famous phrase from counterinsurgency manuals, a policy designed "to win the hearts and minds of the people." The theory emphasizes the deterrent effects of both the ruler's tax policy and his internal security policy on the actions of the potential insurgent leader and his supporters. To highlight these deterrent effects, in formalizing the theory the model assumes that once the ruler has set his tax and internal security policies, these policies cannot be changed. This assumption abstracts from the need for the ruler's policies to be time consistent. [Grossman and Noh ( 1 990, 1 994) develop complementary models that allow for a binding time-consistency constraint on the ruler's policies.]
The potential insurgent leader
As indicated above, the role of the insurgent leader in this theory represents a maj or departure from existing models. In his theory of revolutions, Roemer ( 1 985, 1 988) focused on a revolutionary leader. In Roemer's model, the leader, whose name is Lenin, attracts followers by promising general nonexcludable benefits from the revolution and by using his charisma, together with revolutionary ideology, class identification, and anomie, to overcome the free-rider problem associated with nonexcludable benefits. But, Tullock ( 1 974) argues that in fact the historical Lenin overcame the free rider problem by offering excludable benefits to his active followers. On this view, Lenin's idea of "professional revolutionaries" was an essential part of his revolutionary strategy. Subsequent Leninist revolutionary leaders, like Mao, Ho, and Castro, successfully copied this strategy. Popkin ( 1 988) describes in detail how the Viet Minh used excludable benefits to mobilize the Vietnamese peasants. My previous models of insurrections followed Tullock's lead by assuming, I would argue realistically, that active insurgents can exclude nonparticipants from substantial benefits of an insurrection. [Because social consequences do not preclude private returns as well, we can regard theories that emphasize excludable private benefits as complementary to theories that emphasize nonexcludable social benefit s.] After using the assumption of excludable benefits to avoid the free-rider problem, my previous models went even further and abstracted completely from the insurgent leader. I simply assumed that the active insurgents divide the proceeds from the
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insurrection among themselves proportionally to their individual contributions to the insurrectionary effort. Although this assumption enabled me to develop an integrated analysis of the allocative and distributive consequences of insurrections, my models did not explain how the distribution of the proceeds from the insurrection was enforced. One might say that I simply replaced Roemer's assumption about the charisma of the revolutionary leader with the assumption that insurrections are viable cooperative ventures. In contrast, the theory developed in this essay explicitly considers how insurrections are organized. To do so, the theory focuses on the role of the leader of an insurrection. But, the present theory does not follow Roemer in assuming that the critical contribution of the insurgent leader is his charisma. Rather, the present theory assumes that the insurgent leader's role is to organize the insurrection by recruiting, compensating, and deploying the active insurgents. In other words, the insurgent leader plays the entrepreneurial role that Tullock attributes to the historical Lenin. A potential insurgent leader acts in the interest of a clientele, who are a distinct group from the incumbent ruler's clientele. In practice, an insurgent leader's clientele is likely to include himself and a small circle of either kinsmen or friends. Like the ruler's soldiers, the active insurgents in this model are volunteers, recruited from the peasant or worker families. Their pay schedule also must be such as to compensate them for the value of their time in alternative activities. The next section of the essay considers an insurrection that attempts to appropriate only the current income of the ruler's clientele. In this case, as frequently seems to be the case in real life, the insurgents are indistinguishable from bandits or pirates. A subsequent section shows how we can extend the theory to analyze insurrections whose goal is permanent change - either an alteration of property rights and associated claims to income or the overthrow of the ruling class.
3. A formal model of insurrections
In formalizing the theory, the model assumes, for simplicity, that the incumbent ruler and the potential insurgent leader maximize the expected income or wealth of their respective clienteles and that the peasant or worker families maximize their own expected incomes. This assumption implies that utility is a linear function of realized income and abstracts from risk aversion. 3. 1 .
The peasant or worker families
The formal analysis begins by considering the decisions of the peasant or worker families. The peasant or worker families in this theory can engage in four different activities: market production, soldiering, insurgency, and home production. [We can define home production to include leisure activities by valuing the utility from leisure as part of family income.] The analysis does not distinguish between families in which
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individuals engage in more than one activity and families that assign different family members to different activities. More generally, although we interpret this setup as the usual representative-agent model, one can imagine that actual peasant or worker families allocate positive amounts of time to each of these activities. Market production and home production differ in two related ways. First, labor time allocated to market production is subject to diminishing marginal productivity, perhaps because market production requires combining labor with land or capital that is in fixed quantity, whereas labor time allocated to home production has constant marginal productivity. Second, and more importantly, only market production is subject to the extraction of land or capital rents and/or taxation. The expected income of the representative family, denoted by E, is
E = (1 - t) La + w5S + wJ + yH,
0 < a < 1,
y > O.
In Equation ( 1), L i s time allocated t o market production, L a is market production, t is the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele, S is time allocated to soldiering, w is the expected compensation rate of soldiers, I is time allocated to 5 insurgency, wi is expected compensation rate of insurgents, and H is time allocated to home production. The parameters a and y represent the technologies of market production and home production. The families take as given a and y, which are parameters, t and w , which are set by 5 the ruler, and Wj, which is set by the insurgent leader. The representative family selects nonnegative values for L, S, I, and H to maximize E, subject to L + S + I + H = 1 . This constraint implies that the cost of time allocated to soldiering or insurgency is the market production or home production foregone. The solution to this problem is
[a ] 11(1-a)
L -(1 - t) y either w5 � y
S = 0,
I = 0,
H = 1 -L-S
where the analysis assumes, for simplicity, that the nonnegativity constraint on H is not binding. [For this property to obtain in equilibrium, y must be sufficiently large.] Equation (2) says that time allocated to market production is negatively related to t. Also, the ruler and the potential insurgent leader face perfectly elastic supplies of soldiers and insurgents at expected rates of compensation equal to y. In this model consumable product per family, which equals L a + yH, provides an index of current aggregate economic welfare. Time allocated to either soldering or insurgency can have private value, but it has no social value. 3.2.
An insurrection?
Next, consider the decisions of the potential insurgent leader. In this section, an insurrection would attempt to appropriate only the current income of the ruler's
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clientele. Accordingly, the objective of the potential insurgent leader is to maximize the expected net income of his clientele, denoted by G, where
G = ( 1 - p)tLa - w;!.
In Equation (3 ), tLa is the gross income of the ruler's clientele and 1 p represents the fraction of tLa that the insurgent leader expects to capture. The realized value of this fraction can be either continuously or discretely distributed. For example, this setup allows as one possibility that the insurgent leader captures all of tLa with probability I p and captures none of tL a with probability p. This model also assumes that the only expected cost associated with organizing an insurrection is the expected compensation of insurgents. The expectations I p and p depend on the relative numbers of insurgents and soldiers. Specifically, the technology of insurrection is such that -
I I +x
e :;:: o.
In Equation (4), x measures the strength of an insurrection relative to the ruler's internal security measures. Equation (4) implies that 0 :::;;; p :::;;; I and that p is decreasing in x. The value of x in tum depends on the ratio of the number of insurgents to the number of soldiers and on the value of (), which measures the effectiveness of insurgents relative to soldiers. The determination of 8 is discussed below. As stressed above, the theory developed in this essay focuses on the allocation of resources among productive and appropriate activities and, more specifically, on the factors that determine the allocation of resources to insurrection and to its deterrence and suppression. For these issues, the modelling of the effect of resource allocation decisions on the expected outcome of an insurrection, as exemplified by Equation (4), is critical. But, it is not necessary to be explicit about any noneconomic factors that help to determine the expected outcome of an insurrection. Also, assuming that agents maximize expected income or wealth, it is not necessary to model the random and idiosyncratic events that can cause the actual outcome of an insurrection to differ from the expected outcome. A complementary literature - see, for example, Kuran ( 1 989) analyses the role of social psychology and random events in influencing the outcomes of specific insurrections. Another complementary literature - see, for example, Brito and Intriligator (1 990) - models the dynamics of insurrectionary conflict and considers the role of other resources, such as arms and territorial control, as well as soldiers and insurgents in the technology of insurrections. The potential insurgent leader's problem is to select a nonnegative value for I to maximize G. In solving this problem, the potential insurgent leader takes as given tLa and S, which are determined by the ruler and the peasant or worker families, the expected compensation rate required by insurgents, which implies wi y, the technology of insurrection, given by Equation (4), and the value of fJ. [Note that this =
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model precludes the possibility that the insurgent leader might induce some of the ruler's soldiers to desert.] The solution to this problem is either that G has an interior maximum at a positive value of I that satisfies dG d/
- = &p tLa - y --
. Wlth
(5. 1)
or that G is maximized with dG op (5.2) = - f tLa - y :( 0 and I = 0. d/ o Conditions (5 . 1 ) and (5.2) say that, if the potential insurgent leader chooses a positive value for I that is, if he decides to organize an insurrection - then I is such that the marginal contribution of insurgents to the expected net income of the insurgent leader's clientele equals the expected compensation rate required by insurgents, y. Alternatively, if the potential insurgent leader decides not to organize an insurrection, then at I equal to zero the marginal contribution of insurgents to the expected net income of the potential insurgent leader's clientele would be less than or equal to y. In addition, if l is positive, the compensation schedule for insurgents must be such that whatever the outcome of the insurrection the realized net income of the insurgent leader's clientele is nonnegative. Suppose that the insurgent leader captures all of tL a with probability 1 - p and captures none of tL a with probability p. Then, to satisfy this constraint, as well as the constraint Wi = y, the leader would offer the insurgents compensation at rate y/(1 -p) to be paid if and only if the insurrection succeeds. Substituting for op/81, calculated from Equation (4), conditions (5. 1 ) and (5.2) imply that -
V Tr
{ rw;_� 0
for S ?:- S,
where S = 8tL0/y. In Equation (6), S is the minimum number of soldiers - that is, the minimum allocation by the ruler to internal security measures - necessary to deter the potential insurgent leader from organizing an insurrection. If S < S, then Condition (5. 1) obtains, whereas, if S ?:- S, then Condition (5 .2) obtains. Moreover, if S is less than S, then I depends positively on tL0/y but is a hump-shaped function of S/8.
3.3. The deployment of soldiers Lastly, we analyze the decisions of the ruler. Given the transient goal of a potential insurrection, the obj ective of the ruler in this section is to maximize the expected net income of his clientele, denoted by R, where
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In Equation (7), p represents the fraction of their gross income that the ruler's clientele expects to retain, given the possibility of an insurrection. This model abstracts from the possibility that an insurrection might result in the destruction of some of the income of the ruler's clientele. [See Grossman and Kim ( 1 995) for a more general analysis that allows predatory activity to be destructive.] The ruler's problem is to choose nonnegative values for t and S to maximize R. The ruler takes as given the expected compensation rate required by soldiers, which implies Ws y. In choosing t and S, the ruler takes into account how his policies will affect the decisions of the other agents. Consider the ruler's decision about the number of soldiers to deploy. In choosing S, the incumbent ruler takes into account how this choice will affect the choice of I by the potential insurgent leader. Equation (6) tells us that, if S is less than S, then I is positive, but that, if S is not less than S, then I equals zero. Moreover, with I = 0, p equals unity and Equation (7) implies that R is a decreasing function of S. Assume, for simplicity, that S is small enough that, whether or not the ruler actually chooses S equal to S, the ruler could choose S equal to S without causing the nonnegativity constraint on H to bind. This assumption requires that the ratio 8/y be not too large. It implies that the ruler could deploy enough soldiers to deter an insurrection without driving the expected compensation required by soldiers above y. [Note that this assumption is stronger than the assumption noted above that the nonnegativity constraint on H is not binding in equilibrium.] Given these assumptions, Equation (7) implies either that R interior maximum at a value of S that satisfies
oR = 8p + 8p di tLa - y = 0 as as DI ds or that
R is maximized at S
oR = 8p as as
8p di
ai ds
< S
(8. 1 )
S with
) tLa -
for all s < S.
Conditions (8. 1 ) and (8.2) say that, if the ruler chooses S less than S, then S is such that the marginal contribution of soldiers to the expected net income of the ruler's clientele, where the marginal contribution of soldiers includes both the direct effect of S on p and an indirect effect of S on p via the effect of S on I, equals the expected compensation rate required by soldiers, y. Alternatively, if the ruler chooses S equal to S, then for all values of S less than S the marginal contribution of soldiers to the expected net income of the ruler's clientele exceeds y. In addition, the compensation schedule for soldiers must be such that whatever the outcome of the insurrection the realized net income of the ruler's clientele is nonnegative. Suppose that the insurgent leader captures all of tLa with probability I - p and captures none of tL a with probability p. Then, to satisfy this constraint, as
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well as the constraint w5 = y, the ruler would offer his soldiers compensation at rate yip to be paid if and only if there is not a successful insurrection. Substituting for 8p/8S and ap/81, calculated from Equation (4), and for dl/dS, calculated from Equation (6), Conditions (8. 1) and (8.2) imply that for e > for
(J � !·
Equation (9) says that, if and only if e is not larger than 1/2, then s equals S. In other words, if and only if insurgents would not be too effective against soldiers, then the ruler deploys sufficient soldiers to induce the potential insurgent leader not to organize an insurrection. Equation (9) also says that S is proportionate to tLa I y. In addition, for S = S, the ratio yS!tLa is an increasing function of e, whereas, for S < S, yS!tLa is a decreasing function of e. Thus, the maximum value of yS!tLa is 1/2, which occurs at 0 = l/2. Substituting from Equation (9) into Equation (6), we determine the behavior of the potential insurgent leader taking account of the ruler's internal security measures,
{( O
l tLa 20 20y
for for
( 1 0) ·
Equation ( 1 0) says that, if 0 > l /2, then I is proportionate to tLaly. The maximum value of the ratio yl!tLa is l /4, which obtains at 0 = l . Substituting Equations (9) and ( 1 0) into Equation (4) gives the equilibrium value for p,
(l l)
Equation ( l l ) says that the fraction o f the gross income of the ruler's clientele that the insurgent leader expects to capture, 1 p, depends only on 0, the measure of the effectiveness of insurgents relative to soldiers. If 0 is less than or equal to 112, then there is no insurrection and 1 - p equals zero. Alternatively, if 0 exceeds l /2, then the potential insurgent leader organizes an insurrection and l - p is positive and is an increasing function of e. Note that, although an increase in y would increase the cost of recruiting insurgents, it also would increase the cost of recruiting soldiers. Moreover, because both S and I, as given by Equations (9) and ( 1 0), are proportionate to y, a change in y would not affect either the ratio /IS or the expected compensation bill for soldiers, yS. Similarly, although an increase in tLa would increase the return to recruiting insurgents, it also would increase the return to recruiting soldiers and it also would not affect liS.
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Accordingly, because p is a zero degree homogeneous function of I and S, with I and S chosen, respectively, to maximize the expected net incomes of the insurgent leader's clientele and the ruler's clientele, the equilibrium value of p is independent of both y and tL a . Importantly, the only effect of an change in y on the expected net income of the ruler's clientele would be through the negative effect of y on market production, La, and thereby on ptLa .
3. 4. The ruler 's tax policy To complete the analysis, consider the ruler's choice of t, the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele. In choosing t, the ruler takes into account how this choice will affect the choice of L by the peasant or worker families. The ruler also takes into account the effect of his choice of t on the passive support that an insurrection would receive from noncombatants. The extent of passive support for an insurrection is reflected positively in the value of e, the measure of the effectiveness of insurgents relative to soldiers. The key assumption is that the amount of passive support for an insurrection is inversely related to the ruler's popularity, which, in turn, is an increasing function of t. To make this story operational in a tractable way, the model assumes that e=
exp[¢>(t - z)] >
1 - � exp[¢>(z - t)] �
for t
for t � z,
( 1 2)
where ¢> > 0 and ¢>z � ln 2. In Equation ( 1 2), z and ¢> are the deep parameters of the technology of insurrection. The parameter z, which is the value of t for which 8 equals �, indexes the technology. For any value of t a decrease in z would increase 8 and would represent an unambiguous improvement in the technology of insurrection from the perspective of the potential insurgent leader. The parameter ¢> determines the sensitivity of 8 to the difference between t and z. Equation ( 1 2) implies for t > z for t � z. With the ruler choosing S to maximize R, and given this assumed dependence of e on t, how does R depend on t? Substituting Equations (9) and ( 1 1 ) into Equation (7) gives
48 ( l - O) tLa
� for e � � · for e >
( 1 3)
Equation (13) says that, for all values of 8, R is positively related to tLa and negatively related to 8. For 8 > �, the negative relation between R and 8 obtains because the
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negative effect of e on p outweighs the negative effect of e on S. For e � negative relation between R and e reflects the positive effect of 8 on S. Using Equation (2) to relate La to t , Equation ( 1 3) implies
dR = dt
a t t de La (1 ) 1 - a 1 - t B dt 4e a t t de ( 1 - e) La ( 1 - - - - - - ) 1 - a 1 - t 1 - e dt
for e > for e �
t t
( 1 4)
Then, substituting for de/dt, as calculated from Equation (12), and setting dR/dt equal to zero, we find that the ruler chooses the value of t that satisfies t a ( 1 5) 1 - - - - cpt = O ' 1-a 1 -t Equation ( 1 5) implies that, in equilibrium, the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele is negatively related to the parameters a and cp. In the limit as cp approaches zero, t approaches 1 - a, which is the value of t that maximizes tLa, given the response of the peasant or worker families to t. But, as long as cp is positive, the ruler sets t less than 1 - a in order to dissuade noncombatants from passively supporting an insurrection. More importantly, Equation ( 1 5) implies that if a, cp and z are sufficiently small, then the ruler sets t larger than z, with the result that e is larger than i· In this case, the potential insurgent leader chooses to organize an insurrection and the equilibrium value of p equals 1 12e, which is less than unity. Also, substituting for t from Equation ( 1 5) into Equation ( 1 2) reveals that in this case the equilibrium value of e is negatively related to a and z, and, unless t is much larger than z, is also negatively related to cp. Equation ( 1 5) also implies that, if a, cp and z are sufficiently large, then the ruler does not set t larger than z and, hence, e is not larger than i. In this case, it is not profitable for the potential insurgent leader to organize an insurrection, with the result that the equilibrium value of p equals unity.
3.5. Income Given the equilibrium choices of the peasant or worker families, the potential insurgent leader, and the ruler, we can calculate from Equations ( 1), (3), and (7) that equilibrium expected incomes are as follows:
( 1 6)
E = ( 1 - t) La + y(1 - L), G
1 - � ) ' tL" 2
for t > z for t
( 1 7)
� z,
tLa ( 1 8) R= 4e ' where Equations (2), ( 1 2), and ( 1 5) give L, e, and t. Equations ( 1 6), ( 1 7), and ( 1 8) reveal how total income and its distribution depend on the parameters of the technology
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of insurrection, z and ¢. Recall that the smaller is z, the better is the technology of insurrection and that the larger is ¢ the more sensitive is passive support for an insurrection to the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele. The most interesting implications are the following: First, the expected income of the peasant or worker families is positively related to ¢. This result obtains because the expected income of the peasant or worker families depends negatively on t and the ruler's choice of t, in turn, is negatively related to ¢. Second, the expected income of the ruler's clientele is positively related to z . This result reflects the negative relation between f) and z. Moreover, this result obtains even if there is no insurrection because deterring an insurrection requires the ruler to deploy S soldiers and the smaller is f) the smaller is S. Third, if the potential insurgent leader organizes an insurrection, then the expected income of his clientele is negatively related to z. Finally, aggregating Equations ( 1 6), ( 1 7) and ( 1 8) reveals that, as long as f) is not larger than �, consumable product is positively related to z. [If an insurrection were sufficiently destructive of market production, then consumable product would be positively related to z for all values of t and z.]
4. Revolutions
We have been analyzing an insurrection that attempts only to appropriate the current income of the ruler's clientele, who are either the property owners or the ruling class. In this case, the insurgents were, as noted above, indistinguishable from bandits or pirates. The present section extends the theory to analyze insurrections whose goal is permanent change - either an alteration of property rights and associated claims to income or the overthrow of the ruling class. Because both the establishment of property rights and the collection of taxes are functions of sovereign power, as also noted above, an insurrection that attempts to establish a new system of property rights or to enthrone a new ruling class is also an attempt to appropriate sovereign power. In this case, an insurrection becomes a revolution and the insurgents are revolutionaries, rather than bandits or pirates. 4. 1. A
A potential revolutionary leader wants to appropriate sovereign power and to replace the current incumbent ruler. His objective is to maximize the expected wealth of his clientele. In the example of the Tsar and Lenin, the ruler's clientele includes both owners of property and a parasitic ruling class, and the revolutionary leader's clientele is a clique of ambitious intellectuals. Another historically relevant possibility is that the ruler's clientele is a parasitic ruling class and that the potential revolutionary leader's clientele is the owners of property, or vice versa. In this case, a revolution would involve what the economic historian E.L. Jones ( 1 98 1 , p. 1 32) has described as "a struggle between taxes and rents." In both of these examples, the ruler and the
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revolutionary leader, as Jones puts it, are "fighting . . . for the right to commandeer from the peasantry" (p. 1 28). Assume, for simplicity, that only one potential revolutionary leader exists in each period and that he has only one opportunity to organize a successful revolution on behalf of his clientele. If there is a successful revolution, then the revolutionary leader and his clientele not only capture the current gross income of the incumbent ruler's clientele, but the revolutionary leader also becomes the ruler in the next period. Accordingly, the expected wealth of the current potential revolutionary leader's clientele, denoted by J, is J = ( l - p)(tLa + V) - wJ.
( 1 9)
The new variable V represents the value to the potential revolutionary leader's clientele of having the revolutionary leader become the ruler. It seems reasonable to assume that V is also the value to the incumbent ruler's clientele of having the incumbent remain as the ruler. In other words, V is the present value of the expected net income of the ruler's clientele, whoever the ruler may be, beginning one period hence. Also, 1 - p now represents the probability that there is a successful revolution, with p being the probability that there is not a successful revolution. Note that J differs from G, as given by Equation (3 ), only in that tLa + V replaces tLa . As before, the potential revolutionary leader takes as given tLa , S, Wi = y, the technology of insurrection, and 8. Also, the potential revolutionary leader now takes V as given. He selects a nonnegative value of I to maximize J . The solution to this problem is again given by Equation (6) above, but with tLa + V replacing tLa .
4.2. The incumbent ruler In a revolutionary situation, the objective of the incumbent ruler is to max1m1ze the expected wealth of his clientele. Assume, for simplicity, that, if there were a successful revolution, the incumbent ruler would be permanently removed and, hence, the income of his clientele would be zero forever after. This assumption abstracts from any possibility of a successful counterrevolution. Accordingly, the expected wealth of the incumbent ruler's clientele, denoted by Q, is Q
p(tLa + V) - W8S.
Note that Q differs from R, as given by Equation (7), only in that tLa + V replaces tLa . As before, the incumbent ruler takes W8 = y as given. The incumbent ruler now also takes V as given. He selects nonnegative values for t and S to maximize Q. In choosing t and S, the ruler again takes into account how his policies affect the decisions of the other agents. The solution to this problem for S again satisfies Equation (9) above, but with tLa + V replacing tLa . Consequently, the revolutionary leader's choice of I again
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satisfies Equation (10) above, but with tU + V replacing tLa , and the equilibrium value of p again satisfies Equation ( 1 1). In other words, the probability of a successful revolution depends only on e, the measure of the effectiveness of insurgents relative to soldiers. Moreover, substituting Equations (9) and ( 1 1 ) as amended into Equation (20) gives
tLa + V for e > ! 4e ( l - e)(tLa + V) for e ::;; ! -
(2 1 )
Note that Q , as given by Equation (2 1), differs from R, as given by Equation ( 1 3), only in that tLa + V replaces tLa . Using Equation (2) to relate La to t, Equation (2 1 ) implies
[ (
t tLa + V de e dt 1 a 1-t 4e tLa + V d e a t_ ( l - e) L a l 1 a1 t 1 - e dt l
La l -
[ (
__ _ -
for e >
for e ::;;
Assume, for simplicity, that whoever i s the ruler i n any future period, whether he is the current incumbent ruler, the current potential revolutionary leader, or a future potential revolutionary leader, will face a constant threat of revolution. [This assumption implies that a new potential revolutionary leader is born in each period.] Given this assumption, the present value of the expected net income of the ruler's clientele beginning one period hence, V, equals the expected wealth of the current incumbent ruler's clientele discounted by one period. In other words, we have V = AQ,
0 ::;; A < 1 ,
where A is the one-period discount factor and is common to the clienteles of the incumbent ruler and all potential revolutionary leaders. Substituting Equation (2 1) into Equation (23) gives
{ MU
4e - A A(l - e) tU 1 - A( 1 - e)
for e >
for e ::;;
Substituting for V from Equation (24), Equation (22) becomes
La 4e
t 1 t de e (fdt - 1 - a 1 - t 1 - A/4 a t 1 t de ( l - e) La 1 1 a 1 - t 1 - A(l e) 1 - e dt
- -
for e >
for e ::;;
Ch. 8: Insurrections
Then, substituting for e and d e!dt, as calculated from Equation ( 1 2), and setting dQ!dt equal to zero, we find that the incumbent ruler chooses the value of t that satisfies 1
t_ 1 -a 1-t
_ _ _
1 - A ! exp [¢(z - t)]
Note that, in the limit as A --+ 0, the value of t that satisfies Equation (25) approaches the value of t given by Equation ( 1 5) above. Equation (25) implies that, if there is a potential for revolution, then the chosen value of t is negatively related to the discount factor, A. (The proof of this result involves the assumption that the second-order condition d2 Q/ d t2 < 0 is satisfied.) Thus, the larger is A the greater the range of values for the other parameters for which the incumbent ruler would set t not larger than z and, hence, for which no revolution occurs. Moreover, even if A, a, ¢ and z are sufficiently small that the incumbent ruler sets t larger than z, with the result that a revolution occurs, the larger is A the smaller are the values of t and e and the smaller is the resulting probability that the revolution succeeds. Equation (25) also implies that, if there is a potential for revolution, then the chosen value of t is negatively related to z . These results obtain for the following reason: Equations ( 1 2) and (24) imply that the larger is either A or z the larger is V, and Equation (21 ) implies that the larger is V the larger is the negative effect of e on the expected wealth of the ruler's clientele, Q . Consequently, because e is positively related to t, the larger is either A or z the more reason the ruler has to reduce t, in order to reduce e, and, hence, the smaller is the chosen value of t. Thus, if there is a potential for revolution, because t is negatively related to A and z, the expected income of the peasant or worker families is positively related to A and z, as well as positively related to ¢.
4.3. Income and wealth Given the equilibrium choices of the peasant or worker families, the potential insurgent leader, and the incumbent ruler, we can calculate from Equations ( 1 ), (19), and (20) that the expected income of a peasant or worker family is
E = ( I - t)L0 + y( l - L),
that the expected wealth of the potential revolutionary leader's clientele is for t > for
t :( z,
and that the expected wealth of the incumbent ruler's clientele is Q=
tL0 4e - A '
where Equations (2), ( 1 2), and (25) give L, e and t. Equations (26), (27), and (28) reveal how expected income and wealth depend on the parameters of the technology
H.!. Grossman
of revolution, z and ifJ, and on the discount factor, A. Recall that the smaller is z, the larger is 8 - that is, more effective are insurgents relative to soldiers - and that the larger is ifJ the more sensitive is the incumbent ruler's popularity to t, the fraction of market production taken by the incumbent ruler's clientele. The most interesting implications are the following: First, the expected income of the peasant or worker families is positively related to z, ifJ and A. This result obtains because the expected income of the peasant or worker families depends negatively on t and the ruler's choice of t, in tum, is negatively related to z, ifJ and A. Second, the expected wealth of the ruler's clientele is positively related to z. This result reflects the negative relation between 8 and z. Moreover, this result obtains even if there is no revolution, because deterring a revolution requires the ruler to deploy s soldiers and the smaller is 8 the smaller is s. Third, for the expected wealth of the potential revolutionary leader's clientele to be positive, z must be small enough that the incumbent ruler sets t larger than z. Moreover, for values of z such that the chosen value of t is larger than z, the value of z affects the expected wealth of the revolutionary leader's clientele in three ways. Because the smaller is z the larger is 8 and p, the smaller is z the higher is the probability that the current revolution will succeed, but also the higher is the probability that a subsequent revolution will overthrow the current insurgent leader. The first of these two effects outweighs the second. In addition, because the smaller is z the larger is t and tL the smaller is z the larger is the income of the ruler's clientele that a successful revolution captures. In sum, for values of z such that the chosen value of t is larger than z, the expected wealth the revolutionary leader's clientele is negatively related to z .
4.4. Economic welfare The equilibrium choices of the peasant or worker families, the potential revolutionary leader, and the incumbent ruler imply that consumable product per family is L
yH =
{a L
y( 1 - L) - y(S + I) ,
La + y(1 - L) - yS
for t > z for t
� z,
where, from Equations (6), (9), ( 1 0) as amended, and (24), we calculate that y(S + I) =
1 8
3- -
) -tLa
48 - A '
Ys -
8tLa 1 - A ( l - 8) '
and where L satisfies Equation (2), 8 satisfies Equation ( 1 3), and t satisfies Equation (25). The main effects of the parameters z, ifJ and A on yH are as follows: For t > z and, hence, 8 > �, S + I is positively related to A. For t � z and, hence, 8 � �' S is positively related to A. In other words, the larger is the discount factor, A, the larger is either the number of soldiers and insurgents deployed in a revolution
Ch. 8:
or the number of soldiers necessary to deter a revolution. Thus, the larger is the discount factor - that is, the more value the current incumbent ruler and the potential revolutionary leader attach to being the future ruler - the more resources are allocated either to revolutionary activity and its suppression or to deterrence of revolutionary activity, and the smaller is home production and consumable product. [The negative relation between t and A produces an offsetting effect on La + yH, but, unless ¢ is large, A does not have a large effect on t. Powell ( 1 993) derives a similar result about the positive effect of the discount factor on military expenditures in a model of international appropriative interactions.] For t > z , but
8� t+
the partial derivative of La + yH with respect to
8 is negative. This result obtains because for 8 > i, as long as 8 is not too large, the larger is e the larger is the total number of soldiers and insurgents deployed in a revolution. Also, for t � z and, hence, e � i, the partial derivative of U + yH with respect to 8 again is negative. The result obtains because, for 8 � t, the larger is 8 the larger is the number of soldiers necessary to deter a revolution. Accordingly, because e is negatively related to z, the smaller is z the smaller is consumable product. [The negative relation between t and z reinforces this effect of z on La + yH, but, unless ¢ is large, z does not have a large effect on t.] The partial derivative of U + yH with respect to t, holding 8 fixed, is negative. This result obtains because t acts as a tax on market production that distorts resource allocation. Accordingly, because t is negatively related to ¢, the smaller is ¢ the smaller is total consumable product. [The effect of ¢ on 8 can either offset or reinforce this effect of ¢ on La + yH, but, unless the difference between t and z is large, ¢ does not have a large effect on e.] 5.
This essay has developed an economic theory of insurrections. The decision-making agents in this theory are an incumbent ruler, a potential leader of an insurrection, and a large number of peasant or worker families. The incumbent ruler maximizes the expected income or wealth of his clientele, who can be either the property owners or a ruling class. The potential insurgent leader maximizes the expected income or wealth of his clientele. The incumbent ruler establishes property rights, levies taxes, and acts to deter or to suppress insurrectionary activity. His counterinsurgency strategies include both internal security measures - specifically, the deployment of soldiers and a tax and income-distribution policy designed to dissuade noncombatants from passively supporting an insurrection. Given the incumbent ruler's policies, the potential insurgent leader decides whether or not to organize an insurrection. The role of the insurgent leader in organizing an insurrection is to recruit, compensate, and deploy the insurgents. The peasant or worker families divide their time among market production, soldiering, insurgency, and home production. Market production is subject to the extraction of land or capital rents and/or taxation.
H.!. Grossman
The essay initially considered an insurrection that attempts to appropriate only the current income of the ruler's clientele. In this case, two structural parameters of the technology of revolution are critical. One of these parameters indexes the technology and directly influences the effectiveness of insurgents relative to soldiers. The other parameter determines the sensitivity of the incumbent ruler's popularity, and the resulting passive support for an insurrection, to the fraction of market production taken by the incumbent ruler's clientele. The theory implies that, for the potential insurgent leader in equilibrium to decide to organize an insurrection, two conditions must be satisfied: First, the technology of insurrection must be sufficiently good. Second, passive support for an insurrection must not be too sensitive to the fraction of output taken by the ruler's clientele. The worse is the technology of insurrection and the more sensitive is passive support for an insurrection to the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele, the easier it is for the ruler to deter an insurrection. Moreover, if the potential insurgent leader decides to organize an insurrection, then the fraction of the income of the ruler's clientele that the insurgent leader expects to capture is larger the better is the technology of insurrection and the less sensitive is passive support for a revolution to the fraction of output taken by the ruler's clientele. In addition, the theory has the following implications for the equilibrium con figuration of expected income and for economic welfare: ( 1 ) If the technology of revolution is better, then either the number of soldiers and insurgents deployed in an insurrection or the number of soldiers necessary to deter an insurrection is larger and consumable product, which is an index of current aggregate economic welfare, is smaller. Also, the expected income of the incumbent ruler's clientele is smaller and, if there is an insurrection, the expected income of the insurgent leader's clientele is larger. (2) If passive support for an insurrection is more sensitive to the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele, then the fraction of market production taken by the incumbent ruler's clientele is smaller, the expected income of the representative peasant or worker family is larger, and consumable product is larger. The essay went on to extend the theory to analyze revolutions, which are insurrections whose goal is permanent change - either an alteration of property rights or the overthrow of the ruling class. A revolutionary leader wants to replace the current incumbent ruler. His clientele is an alternative set of property owners or an alternative ruling class. In a theory of revolution, the discount factor, which helps to determine the value that the incumbent ruler and the potential insurgent leader attach to being the future ruler, is an additional important structural parameter. For a potential revolutionary leader to decide to organize a revolution, the discount factor cannot be too large, because the larger the discount factor the more willing is the ruler to forego current income for his clientele in order to deter a revolution. Moreover, if the potential revolutionary leader decides to organize a revolution, then the equilibrium probability that the revolution will succeed is larger the smaller is the discount factor. In addition, if the discount factor is larger, then the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele
Ch. 8: Insurrections
is smaller and the expected income o f the representative peasant or worker family is larger. But, either the number of soldiers and insurgents deployed in a revolution or the number of soldiers necessary to deter a revolution also is larger and consumable product, which is an index of current aggregate economic welfare, is smaller. Also, in a revolution, if the technology of revolution is better, then the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele is larger and the expected income of the representative peasant of worker family is smaller. These results reveal that in equilibrium the likelihood of a successful revolution and the expected income of the representative peasant or worker family are negatively related, but the likelihood of a successful revolution can be either positively or negatively related to an index of current aggregate economic welfare. If either the technology of revolution is better or passive support for a revolution is less sensitive to the fraction of market production taken by the ruler's clientele, then a successful revolution is more likely and both the expected income of the representative peasant or worker family and current aggregate economic welfare are smaller. But, if the discount factor is larger, although the expected income of the representative peasant or worker family is larger, a successful revolution is less likely and current aggregate economic welfare is smaller, because more resources are devoted to either deterring or suppressing a revolution.
References Brito, D.L., and M.D. Intriligator,
1 990, An economic model of guerrilla warfare, International Interactions
1 5, 3 1 9-329. Grossman, H.l.,
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A general equilibrium model of insurrections, American Economic Review
9 1 2-92 1 . Grossman, H.l., Grossman, H . I . ,
1 992, Foreign aid and insurrection, Defence Economics 3 , 275-288. 1 994, Production, appropriation, and land reform, American Economic
705-7 1 2. Grossman, H.I.,
1 995,
Robin Hood and the redistribution of property income, European Journal of
Political Economy, forthcoming.
1 994, Population increase and the end of colonialism, unpublished. 1 995, Swords or plowshares? A theory of the security of claims to property,
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Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming. Grossman, H.l., and S.J. Noh, Economics
1 990,
A theory of kleptocracy with probabilistic survival and reputation,
& Politics 2, 1 5 7-17 1 .
1 994, Proprietary public finance and economic welfare, Journal of Public 53, 1 87-204. Haavelmo, T., 1 954, A study in the theory of economic evolution (North-Holland, Amsterdam). Hirshleifer, J., 1 988, The analytics of continuing conflict, Synthese 76, 201 -233. Hirshleifer, J., 1991, The paradox of power, Economics & Politics 3, 177-200. Hirshleifer, J., 1995, Anarchy and its breakdown, Journal of Political Economy 1 03, 26-52. Jones, E.L., 1 98 1 , The European miracle (Cambridge University Press, New York). Kuran, T., 1 989, Sparks and prairie fires: A theory of unanticipated political revolution, Public Choice 61, 41-74. Grossman, H.I., and S.J. Noh, Economics
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Iowa State University
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. Data and trends 3 . Game theoretic analysis 1 : Treaty formation and negotiations
4. 5. 6. 7.
A Prisoner's Dilemma scenario
3.1. 3.2.
To bargain or not to bargain
7I 7 .2.
The Libyan raid and other retaliations
Game theoretic analysis 2 : Terrorists' choice of targets Further game analyses Choice-theoretic models of terrorism Intervention analysis .
Other interventions: Increased embassy security
8. Vector autoregression models of terrorism 9. Concluding remarks References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler © 1 995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
214 214 215 216 221 221 224 228 233 23 5 237 239 239 24 1 247 247
W. Enders and T. Sandler
This chapter reviews game-theoretic and choice-theoretic depictions of terrorist behavior. A simple game-theoretic framework is presented to ascertain under what circumstances a government would want to precommit itself to a no-negotiation strategy. In another game model, we analyze whether two governments (nations) that are targeted by the same terrorist group would overdeter or underdeter terrorist attacks. Moreover, we demonstrate that piecemeal policy, which allows the governments to share intelligence but not deterrence decisions, can be worse than no coordination. Choice-theoretic models identify substitution and complementarity possibilities among diverse modes of terrorist attacks as terrorists respond optimally to government actions. A host of time-series techniques are used to study the effectiveness of alternative antiterrorism policies. Vector-autoregression intervention procedures are particularly suited. Time-series analyses are also used to identify cycles, trends, and irregular components for forecasting purposes.
antiterrorism policies: embassy security, Libyan retaliatory raid of 1 986, metal detectors; asymmetric information; game theory: dominant strategy, Nash equilibrium, perfect Bayesian equilibrium, Prisoner's Dilemma, signalling game; international terrorism, definition of; rational-actor model; reputation effects; Spanish tourism and terrorism; state-sponsored terrorism; terrorism, definition of; terrorism data: cycles, data sources, ITERATE; trends; terrorist attack modes: assassinations, bombings, hostage taking, skyjackings, threats and hoaxes; time series analysis: ARMA, Granger causality, intervention analysis, spectral analysis, stationarity, VAR; transboundary externality
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
1 . Introduction
Terrorism is an activity that has probably characterized modem civilization from its inception. Nonetheless, terrorism has increased in importance and visibility as a means of conflict during the past quarter century as terrorists have taken advantage of advancements in communication, transportation, and technology to intimidate a global community with threats of violence unless political demands are conceded. As a general concept, we define terrorism as the premeditated use, or threat of use, of extra-normal violence or brutality to obtain a political objective through intimidation or fear directed at a large audience. The presence of a political objective is crucial; thus, threats of violence used to extort money with no underlying political motive do not constitute acts of terrorism. The political objectives of terrorists vary and include the promotion of religious freedoms, economic equality, income redistribution, nationalism, separatism, ideological ends, nihilism, and issue-specific goals. Terrorists often direct their violence and threats towards a vulnerable target group, not immediately involved in the political decision-making process that they seek to influence. Thus, terrorist incidents may injure pedestrians along a crowded marketplace (e.g., Tamil separatists bombings in Sri Lanka) or murder passengers waiting to check in at an airline counter (e.g., armed attacks in the Rome and Vienna airports on December 27, 1 985). When a terrorist incident in one country involves victims, targets, institutions, governments, or citizens of another country, terrorism assumes a transnational char acter. A skyjacking that originates in country A, but that terminates in country B is transnational, as is a kidnapping in country A that places demands on individuals or institutions in another country. If a terrorist group launches its operation from a second country, then the incident is a transnational event. Transnational events are examples of transboundary externalities, since actions conducted in one country may impose uncompensated costs or benefits on the people or property of another country. Since 1 967 and the Arab-Israeli Wars, transnational terrorism has plagued many countries. The end to the cold war and the breakup of the former Soviet Union and other Eastern European states increases the risks of transnational terrorism as regions seek autonomy. Furthermore, the dismantling of the superpowers' nuclear arsenal could place enriched nuclear materials in the hands of terrorists. The study of terrorism in economics is a relatively new endeavor originating with papers by Landes ( 1 978) and Sandler, Tschirhart and Cauley ( 1983). A vast literature on terrorism has been written in political science [see Crenshaw ( 1 992) for recent surveys] and differs in some fundamental ways from the economic approaches reviewed in this chapter. Although both literatures tend to be policy oriented, the economic studies attempt to construct a theoretical model upon which empirical hypotheses are formulated and tested. Many of the economics papers rely on statistical inference, while the bulk of the political science literature depends on informed observation, case studies, institutional details, and taxonomy [examples can be found in Wilkinson and Stewart ( 1 987), and Alexander, Carlton and Wilkinson
W. Enders and T. Sandler
( 1 979)]. These latter exercises are extremely useful and complementary to those in economics. Because the economic papers are interested in predicting behavior, economic studies employ rational-actor representations that depict an individual or collective (e.g., terrorist group or government negotiators) as optimizing some goal, usually that of utility or net benefits, subject to a set of constraints. Game-theoretic models are used when strategic interactions oftwo or more sets of optimizing agents are considered, and each set engages in actions that alter the choices of the other set of agents. The primary purpose of this chapter is to survey the theoretical and empirical approaches used in the economic literature to investigate aspects of terrorism. To date, studies have examined negotiation strategies for managing hostage-taking missions, terrorists' choice of targets, retaliation decisions against state sponsors, the effectiveness of alternative antiterrorist policies, and the process of treaty formation. Essentially, economic studies have evaluated policies directed at thwarting terrorism. Such policies are of two basic types: passive or defensive (e.g., installation of metal detectors at airports, fortification of embassies, institution of stiffer penalties) and active or offensive (e.g., retaliatory raids, preemptive strikes, group infiltration). A secondary purpose is to display some of the theoretical approaches used. A third purpose is to put forward alternative time series methods that can be used in a wide range of defense economics studies to ascertain the effectiveness of government interventions. A particularly useful approach is that of vector-autoregression (VAR) intervention analysis.
2. Data and trends
Economic studies of terrorism have been either purely theoretical [e.g., Selten ( 1 988), Shahin and Islam ( 1 992)] or empirical [e.g., Cauley and Im ( 1 988)]. The latter studies have relied on data sets containing events data in which various aspects of a terrorist incident are recorded. Aspects include the location, the type of incident, the number of victims, the fate of the terrorists, the type of target, negotiations (if any), and so on. Since the late 1 960s, a number of data sets have been compiled concerning transnational terrorism. For domestic terrorism, data sets have been assembled for the United States, Israel, Germany and elsewhere. The most complete data set on transnational terrorism is that of the US State Department [see, e.g., US Department of State ( 1 986, 1 993)]; but, it is not available for researchers. RAND also maintains data on significant transnational terrorist incidents and has made it publicly available in recent years. Edward Mickolus ( 1980, 1982) developed a data set, International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events (ITERATE) for 1 9681 977. This data set was extended to cover 1 97 8-1987 by Mickolus, Sandler, Murdock and Fleming (1989b). More recent updates by Mickolus and Fleming have included 1 988- 1 99 1 . The working definition of transnational terrorism used by ITERATE is the use, or threat of use, of anxiety-inducing extranormal violence for political purposes by any individual or group, whether acting for or in opposition to established
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
governmental authority, when such action is intended to influence the attitudes and behavior of a target group wider than the immediate victims and when, through the nationality or foreign ties of the perpetrators, through its location, through the nature of its institutional or human victims, or through the mechanics of its resolution, its ramifications transcend national boundaries [Mickolus, Sandler and Murdock ( 1 989a, Vol. 1, p. xii)]. The data sets suffer from a number of problems. First, most data sets rely on newspaper accounts and, thus, exclude incidents that are either not newsworthy or not reported. Second, the data sets do not contain much information about the governments' strategies or behavior within an incident. Thus, these sets tend to be more useful for analyzing terrorists' responses rather than government actions. Third, even the best data set has lots of missing values. Researchers must be cautious when using the data sets. ITERATE is, however, especially appropriate for time-series studies owing to the large number of periods included. It is particularly useful for studying how various series respond to government policies. As rational actors, terrorists can be characterized as choosing between illegal and legal activities to promote their political goals. Illegal actions include violence or its threatened use, while legal activities involve running for office or advertising the cause. If legal activities are made expensive by government repression, then a corner solution may result with the terrorists choosing just illegal actions [Lichbach ( 1 987)]. Ironically, repression may work against government's interests in reducing the relative cost of violent dissent. Within the category of illegal terrorist activities, terrorists must allocate resources among alternative modes of attack. As many as 24 separate attack modes have been characterized; these fall into four primary categories: bombings, hostage taking missions, assassinations, and threats and hoaxes. The choice of modes could be modeled in terms of a utility tree, where terrorists first allocate resources between terrorist and nonterrorist activities, and then among alternatives within each class of activities. For terrorist activities, this latter choice is dependent on the shadow prices for each type of action, which, in turn, depends on time, other resource requirements, and risk considerations [Sandler, Tschirhart and Cauley ( 1 983)). Events that are logistically complex (e.g., skyj ackings, kidnappings) and/or more risky have higher per-unit prices. Government policies can alter these prices by making one type of event more difficult than another. Thus, the installation of metal detectors at airports on January 5, 1 973 made skyjackings more difficult. In Figure 1 the number of transnational terrorist events per quarter is displayed for 1 968- 1 99 1 , using the ITERATE data. The lower time-series in this same figure depicts the quarterly totals of bombings, which include explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, mortars, grenades, letter bombs, and car bombs. A number of features of these two time series are worth highlighting. First, the shape of the bombing series is a prime determinant of the appearance of the time series for all events. Bombings are the favorite operating mode of terrorists and account for over half of all incidents. Second, both time series appear to display cycles. Third, a small upward trend may be present in the all-incidents series. Fourth, peaks in both series often correspond to
W. Enders and T Sandler
218 400 ,----
"' ::>
� -E!Ql
1 968
1 976
1 980
All Incidents
1 984
1 988
1 992
- Bombings
All incidents and bombings: Quarterly
1 968-199 1 .
significant international events; the peak in 1 972 came after a war between Israel and its neighbors, while the peak in 1 99 1 coincided with the Gulf War. In Figure 2, the quarterly time series for hostage-taking events - kidnappings, skyjackings, and barricade and hostage taking - is depicted. Hostage events occur much less frequently than bombings, which are logistically less complex and less risky. A comparison of Figures l and 2 suggests that terrorists appear aware of risks and engage in more risky, higher-payoff modes of attacks less often. In a hostage-taking event, the terrorists often make demands of government, business, or family members. These demands involve ransom, the release of prisoners, political concessions, or media exposure. As in the case of two earlier series, cycles appear to characterize the hostage-taking series. Quantification is important if researchers are interested in using time-series properties of terrorism events for forecasting purposes. Given that daily time series have been accumulated for transnational incidents for 24 years, from the start of 1 968 to the end of 1 99 1 (e.g., ITERATE), there is sufficient data to conduct sophisticated time-series studies. Moreover, various time-series techniques [vector autoregression (VAR)] can be combined with intervention analysis, where discrete policy changes are allowed, to investigate policy effectiveness.
Ch. 9:
Terrorism : Theory and Applications
40 ,-------�
1 96B
1 976
1 972
1 9BO
Hostage incidents: Quarterly
1 984
1 9BB
1 992
1 968-199 1 .
Enders, Parise and Sandler ( 1 992a) tested the time series displayed in Figures 1 , 2 as well as those of assassinations and threats and hoaxes for a deterministic trend that takes the general polynomial form: m
z1 =
L i� J
in which z 1 i s the trend, the a;'s are coefficients, and t i s time. These authors found that all time series, except bombings, displayed a significant trend component. In general, a time series can be expressed as the sum of a trend, cyclical, and irregular component. Letting y1 denote any of the incident series, we can write Yt = Zt + Xt + Ut,
where z1 is the trend component, x1 is the cyclical component, and u1 is the irregular component. Each of these components has a unique effect on the time series. The trend component is associated with permanent movements in the observed series and, as opposed to Equation ( 1 ), can be deterministic or stochastic. The existence of trend implies that y1 is nonstationary. For the cyclical component, a sinusoidal or "wavelike" pattern characterizes the time series. Once the trend has been purged, spectral analysis can be used to identify cycles [Gottman ( 1 98 1)]. The Spectral Decomposition Theorem states that the variance of a time series can be broken down into the contributions of statistically independent oscillations of different frequencies. Finally, the irregular component is the result of all other influences of behavior of y1 •
W. Enders and T. Sandler
In general, the three components need to be estimated from the data. First, consider a time series suspected of containing a nonstationary component owing to a stochastic trend. Write the series as �Yt
= + Et,
where E1 is a white noise term. Wheny1 is stationary, the true value of the coefficient {30 will differ from zero and fulfill the stability condition that -2 < {30 < 0. If f3o is exactly zero, then the series has a unit root and is nonstationary. All shocks are then permanent by changing the mean of the series. A unit root process has a stochastic trend; the unconditional variance of such a series is infinite. A modification of (3) allows us to account for the presence of autoregressive (AR) terms, drift, and a deterministic trend. Consider �Yt =
+ + +L n
f3oYt- !
Et ,
where the first right-hand side (RHS) expression is the intercept, the second is the deterministic trend from ( 1 ), the third and fourth are autoregressive components, and the fifth is the irregular component. If, again, y1 is stationary around a deterministic trend, the coefficient {30 will be such that -2 < {30 < 0. When y1 is trend stationary and the order of the polynomial trend has been ascertained, the y1 series can be made stationary by filtering. With ordinary least squares (OLS), y1 can be regressed on z1, and the residuals from the regression will contain only the cyclical and irregular components. Equation (4) can be estimated using OLS, but traditional t-tests are not appropriate to test the null hypothesis that {30 0. To determine whether {y1} contains a stochastic trend, one uses a Dickey-Fuller table for the appropriate confidence interval surrounding {30 [Dickey and Fuller ( 1 979, 1 9 8 1 )] . Enders, Parise and Sandler ( 1 992a) examined the five basic time series of transnational terrorist events for cycles and uncovered the following results 1 : (i) All five series displayed regular cycles. (ii) Logistical complexity was positively associated with the length of the cycles: hostage-taking events and assassinations had cycles of 1 8 quarters, while threats and hoaxes had the shortest cycles of 3.6 quarters. (iii) Bombings were associated with a 7.2 quarter cycle. (iv) The all-events series displayed periodicities of 1 8 and 7.2 quarters. Obviously, the cycle for bombings carried over to the all-events series, since the former composed a large part of the latter series. The cyclical nature of the time series led these authors to conclude that the downturn in transnational terrorist incidents in 1 989 and 1 990 would not foretell a
Somewhat similar results were found in an earlier study by Im, Cauley and Sandler (I 987).
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications Table I Trend estimates for five incident series, 1 968-1 9 9 1
Series All Hostage taking
5 1 .360
1 .796
(3.2 1 )
4.843 (2.75)
0.2972 (3.54)
-0. 1 248
F -statistics b
ADF(4) '
1 1 .50
1 2.06
(-2.24) -0.002 (-2.60) NA
-3 .43
(8.61) Threats & hoaxes
3 .502 ( 1 .62)
-2.838 (- 1 .94)
-2.8 1
(4.57) 0.5036 (7.21 )
-0.0041 (-5.83)
Numbers i n parentheses are /-statistics.
b NA denotes not applicable. ' ADF(4) lists the augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic (with 4 lags) for a null hypothesis that the residual of the filtered series has a unit root. Since the critical value at the 95% significance level is -2.89, we can reject the null of a unit root for all but the threats and hoaxes residual series.
permanent curtailment of transnational terrorism. Figure 1 indicates that a resurgence of terrorist activities followed in 199 1 . In Table 1 , we update the study of trend and stationarity to the 1968- 1991 period. Regressing the y1 series on the polynomial z1 [in Equation (1)] allows us to obtain estimates of a;. For a given series, the degree of the polynomial is obtained once an additional term (i.e., power of the time trend) is statistically insignificant. Only the statistically significant powers of the time trend are reported in Table 1 . Four of the five series have significant trend; the sole exception is the series for bombings. The threats and hoaxes series displays a linear trend, while the all-incidents, hostage-taking, and assassinations series display a quadratic trend. Formal tests using the Dickey-Fuller procedure (with a constant but without a deterministic trend) indicate a rejection of a unit root for four of the series. Nonstationarity characterizes the threats and hoaxes series at the 95% level of significance. 3. Game theoretic analysis 1 : Treaty formation and negotiations 3. 1. A
Prisoner 's Dilemma scenario
Whether one is analyzing the interaction of terrorists and the authorities, or the interaction among different nations' governments faced with a common terrorist threat, game theory is an appropriate tool, because each agent's optimizing choices may be dependent on the choices of its counterparts. We first focus on some strategic choices made by governments confronted by transnational terrorism. In particular, we are
W Enders and T Sandler Nation 2
Nation 1:
Abide Does Not Abide
a c
2,2 5 ,-3
Does Not Abide b
-3,5 0,0
a. Two-Nation Prisoners' Dilemma
Other Four Nations' Strategies 2 Others Abide 1 Other Abides 3 Others Abide 4 0thers Other 4 Nations Abide 1 Does Not Abide 2 Do Not Abide 3 Do Not Abide Do Not Abide
Nation i: Does
Not Abide
b. Five-Nation Prisoners' Dilemma
Figure 3. (a) Two-nation Prisoner's Dilemma; (b) five-nation Prisoner's Dilemma.
interested in a dilemma that treaty formation might pose. For illustration, we consider a two-nation treaty to retaliate against a known sponsor of terrorism. For this case, the associated payoffs often imply a Prisoner's Dilemma. In the top matrix ofFigure 3, a typical scenario is displayed with a 2 x 2 game matrix in normal form, which indicates the players, their strategies, and their payoffs. This matrix refers to a situation in which two nations sign an agreement pledging to punish state sponsors of terrorism. Once the treaty is signed, each nation has two strategies or choices: to abide or not to abide by the agreement. These choices are exercised when a state-sponsored incident occurs that requires a response. The game matrix indicates hypothetical payoffs for four strategy combinations or cells: (i) both nations abide, (ii) nation 1 abides, while nation 2 does not, (iii) nation 2 abides, while nation 1 does not, and (iv) neither nation abides. In the top matrix, the rows indicate the two strategies of nation 1, whereas the columns depict those of nation 2. The first number in each cell is the payoff to nation 1 , while the second is the payoff to nation 2. The payoffs depicted are based on the following scenario: Each nation that abides by the treaty confers benefits of 5 on itself and on the other nation, but at costs of 8 to itself. The costs arise from engaging in the retaliation, while the benefits stem from the deterrence accomplished and the destruction of terrorists ' resources. Benefits have the properties of a public good - i.e., nonrivalry and nonexcludability. If, therefore, both nations abide, then each receives a net benefit of 2 - the difference between benefits of
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
10 ( 2 x 5) minus the private costs of 8. When, however, only one nation abides, the abider receives a net benefit of -3 (= 5 - 8) and the nonabider receives a free ride of 5 in benefit s. Net benefits are 0 when neither abides. The pattern of payoffs that results is a Prisoner's Dilemma. If given the choice between mutual cooperation and mutual defection, the payoffs in the top matrix clearly indicate that mutual cooperation is in everyone's interest - i.e., this strategic combination Pareto dominates mutual defection. A dilemma results, because rational self-interested players are predicted to not abide by the treaty when required. To display the dilemma, we must introduce the concept of a dominant strategy that provides a greater payoff to the player regardless of the other player's action. In the top matrix, not abiding is dominant for nation i, since its payoffs of 5 and 0 exceed the corresponding payoffs of 2 and -3 . As the players exercise their dominant strategies, they both renege on their pledge and end up in cell d. This cell represents a Nash equilibrium, which corresponds to a strategy combination from which neither nation would unilaterally want to alter its strategic choice if given the opportunity. Once at cell d, each nation would lose 3 by acting unilaterally to abide by the treaty. In the bottom matrix of Figure 3, the same scenario is extended to five nations. Each abider to the treaty confers a benefit of 5, from deterrence, to itself and to the other nations in the agreement. As before, a nation pays costs of 8 from carrying out the treaty's conditions. If, say, all five nations abide, each receiues net benefits of 1 7 equal to gross benefits o f 2 5 (5 times the number of abiders) minus costs o f 8 . In the bottom matrix, we list the payoffs to nation i based on its strategy and those of the other four nations. If, for example, nation i and three others abide, then nation i receives a net benefit of 1 2 (= 4 x 5 - 8). The other payoffs are computed in a similar fashion. For nation i, the dominant strategy is to not abide, since the payoffs in the bottom row exceed those in the top row regardless of the other nations' actions. Because all nations view the game as does nation i, none abides when needed. The resulting Nash equilibrium gives each nation a 0 payoff rather than a benefit of 1 7 from mutual cooperation. Lee ( 1 988) and Lee and Sandler ( 1 989) introduced a notion of paid riding when examining whether nations are willing to retaliate against a state sponsor. In Lee (1 988), nations have the option of actually selling or reducing the public good of retaliatory deterrence, provided through the efforts of others, by offering safe havens to terrorists in return for the terrorists' pledge to attack elsewhere. When an agent sells or undoes the deterrence provided by others, the agent is termed a paid rider. In fact, Lee's ( 1 988) analysis is completely consistent with a standard Prisoner's Dilemma representation, because the third strategy of negative deterrence (paid riding) now dominates the other two strategies of abiding or not abiding (zero deterrence). Obvious caveats apply to our one-shot Prisoner's Dilemma analysis. First, the game can be placed in an infinite repeated game framework, where the short-run gains from not abiding in some period must be weighed against the discounted long-run losses stemming from the other nations as they punish the defector's actions. A host of Nash equilibria result that are consistent with individual rational responses [ Sandler ( 1 992, =
W Enders and T. Sandler
pp. 79-89)]; mutual cooperation is among these Nash outcomes. Second, infinitely repeated games must be contrasted with those containing a finite (known) number of periods. For the latter games, backward induction would identify mutual defection as the subgame perfect equilibrium (i.e., the Nash equilibrium for all constituent subgames). Because governments may have known endpoints to their terms (e.g., President Reagan prior to the Irangate scandal), the mutual defection outcome may be expected. Nations have not been consistent in following through with their tough talk regarding terrorism. This failure makes pledges less credible. Third, the underlying game may be something other than the Prisoner's Dilemma. 3.2.
To bargain or not to bargain
Game theory is a particularly appropriate tool for analyzing the interaction between a terrorist group and a targeted government. This interaction may occur during hostage taking missions, because the terrorists often make demands on the government. We briefly sketch a game representation that can be used to examine whether it is in a government's interest to precommit itself to a no-negotiation strategy 2 . From the government's viewpoint, two choices must be examined: the choice of deterrence expenditures, and whether to capitulate or not when hostages are taken. The first choice involves the expense incurred by the authorities to reduce terrorists' logistical success (i.e., their ability to apprehend hostages); the second choice arises once hostages are secured by terrorists. It is conventionally believed that if a government precommits never to capitulate, then potential hostage takers will have nothing to gain from holding hostages. Consequently, no hostages will be taken. This conventional wisdom rests on a number of implicit assumptions: (i) the government's pledge is fully credible to would-be hostage takers; (ii) there is no uncertainty concerning payoffs; (iii) the terrorists' gains from hostage taking only derive from the fulfillment of their demands; and (iv) the government's expenditures on deterrence will stop all attacks. Each of these assumptions may be suspect in practice. For our purposes, we investigate the game in a single period or stage and then suggest a multiperiod extension. There are two agents in the game - the terrorist group and the government; hostages are treated as exogenous agents. In Figure 4, the extensive form for this one-period game is displayed with the payoffs. First the government chooses its expenditures, D, to deter an attack; second, the terrorists decide whether to attack; and third, the government determines whether to capitulate when the terrorists attack successfully. The optimal strategy for each agent depends on its payoffs in each state and the beliefs that it holds as to the likelihood attached to each state. The
This section draws from Lapan and Sandler ( 1 988). For a nongame theory approach to negotiations, see Islam and Shahin ( 1 989) and Shahin and Islam ( 1 992). This latter approach, while interesting, ignores crucial strategic interactions.
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
Government chooses deterrence
Terrorists decide whether to attack -<1�
Game tree - single stage.
logistical success/failure of a terrorist attack depends on nature and the government expenditure on deterrence. The game can end in four outcomes: (i) no attack, (ii) an attack that results in failure, (iii) an attack that succeeds but the negotiations fail, or (iv) an attack and negotiations that succeed. In the game tree, the payoffs are indicated in parentheses, in which the top number is the payoff to the terrorists and the bottom is the cost to the government. If, for example, no attack occurs, the terrorist receives 0 and the government must pay its deterrence costs, D( 6>). On each branch, the likelihood that is attached to a state is given. We first consider the terrorists' options. An unsuccessful attack is assumed to give the terrorists a net cost of -c < 0, whereas a successful attack and successful negotiation is assumed to yield the terrorists a payoff of m > 0. Finally, a successful attack with negotiation failure gives the terrorist m, which might be positive or negative. If the event leads to extensive media exposure for the terrorists' cause, then m can be positive but less than m. The expected payoff, Z, to the terrorists from an attack also depends on the probability 6> that they associate with a logistical failure and the probability, p, that they attach to the government capitulation. From the game tree, we have Z
(1 - 6>)
[pm + (1
- p)m] - Be,
W Enders and T Sandler
, where m > m > -c and m > 0. It is in the terrorists interest to attack provided that expected payoffs are positive, so that c < c*
[(1 - ] EJ)
[pm +
The likelihood of an attack, Q, increases with the perceived probability of success, the perceived probability of capitulation, and the benefit of a successful operation, m. By Equation (6), we see that even a credible policy of precommitment never to negotiate, which implies that p = 0, may be insufficient to deter an attack if the terrorists derive net benefits from logistical success despite negotiation failure, so that m > 0. Additionally, the no-negotiation policy may be insufficient to deter an attack when the costs associated with failure are low or even negative. In fact, a fanatical group may perceive benefits from logistical failure, so that m > -c > 0. Clearly, the conventional wisdom hinges, in part, on a group being solely motivated by concessions. Next, we turn to the government, which expends D in deterrence regardless of the outcome. This expenditure determines, along with nature (chance), the terrorists ' perceived probability of logistical failure. From Figure 4, we see that the government only incurs D if no attack occurs. If an attack occurs and fails, then the government incurs a (� 0) in addition to D; if, however, an attack succeeds then the government incurs an additional cost of h for capitulating and n for not capitulating. These additional costs involve crisis management and political fallout. At this juncture reputation costs are ignored. The government influences the terrorists' perceived failure rate through its expen ditures on deterrence, in which EJ = K(D)
where D(O) = 0, D' > 0, D" > 0. We further assume that the government does not know the resolve of the terrorists so that c � 0 is a random variable with probability density functionf(c). For the government, the likelihood of an attack is prob {c < c*} = Q =
f(c) dc.
By Equation (6), we have that c * and, hence, Q depends on terrorists' beliefs concerning the likelihood of logistical success and government capitulation - i.e., Q = Q(EJ,p). Partial differentiation of Equation (8) gives the following results: increased deterrence reduces the likelihood of an attack, and an increase in p (i.e., the perceived negotiation weakness of the government) encourages terrorist strikes. For simplicity, the two agents are assumed to have identical beliefs of the likelihood of attack.
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
When the decision to capitulate is made ex post, the government would concede whenever n > h, or capitulation is less costly. Following a hostage incident, ex post cost is min(n, h). From an ex ante perspective, the expected cost to the government is
E[TC] = D(8) + Q8a + Q( l - 8) E[min(n,
where n is a random variable with density function g(n), and E[ · ] is the expectations operator. To determine its optimal deterrence, the government chooses 8 to minimize Equation (9). We denote 8* as the argmin E[TC] and TC* as minimized expected cost. Comparative statics applied to the resulting first-order conditions would show that 8* increases as (i) the likelihood of attack goes up, (ii) the expected cost of successful attacks rises, and (iii) the ability to deter attacks increases (i.e., BQ/88 rises). Desirability of precommitment never to negotiate can be examined by comparing the cost associated with such a policy with TC* . Let Q denote the ex ante probability of an attack when precommitment is credible, so that Q = Q( 8, 0). The government's expected cost is then
T C = D(8) + Q 8a + Q(l - 8)E(n),
( 1 0)
where E(n) is the expected cost of a successful attack. If a policy of precommitment eliminates all attacks (i.e., Q = 0 when evaluated at 8*), then precommitment dominates the ex post decision when Equation (9) is compared with ( 1 0). When, however, all attacks are not eliminated, precommitment may prove more costly ex post for those incidents where E(n) > E[min(n, h)] or capitulation is less costly. Credibility is not sufficient to make precommitment the optimizing policy, especially when the cost of holding firm cannot be known in advance. In essence, precommitment can lead to a time consistency problem if the game is extended to multiple periods, since a government may come to regret its pledge to hold firm once the actual cost of doing so is revealed. The analysis can be made more realistic by allowing multiple periods and reputation cost. The latter arises when concessions in one period make the terrorists raise their beliefs about future concessions. As p increases, more hostage taking will occur. Loss of reputation for the government raises the cost associated with capitulating and should curb, but not eliminate, such behavior [see Lapan and Sandler ( 1 988) for further details] . Reputation cost arises because capitulation in any period of a multi period scenario augments the terrorists' perceived likelihood of future capitulations (i.e., Pt+ 1 > p1 if capitulation occurs in period t). An increase in p then augments the likelihood of an attack and, consequently, raises expected cost to the government. With reputation cost (R), the government will negotiate ex post only if n > h + R. Such cost decreases the likelihood of negotiation, but it does not necessarily eliminate the possibility unless h + R exceeds n for all realizations of n. The institution of a constitutional amendment that inhibits capitulation by imposing severe penalties may achieve this result.
W. Enders and T. Sandler
There are a number of aspects of the above representation that require future work. First, the analysis does not contain learning on the part of the two sets of agents. In the case of the terrorists, the model does not explicitly allow the terrorists to alter their beliefs with respect to p, based on the past behavior of the government. The same is true about the government's belief concerning p and other key variables. We return to this problem in Section 5. Second, the model permits an examination of a single incident and its ramification, but does not provide a theory of terrorists' campaigns, where the strategic choice for combining incidents over time is investigated. Third, the intertemporal aspects can be pursued to a greater extent. An optimal control framework, whereby terrorists are concerned about recruitment and resources over time, while the government is concerned about limiting these resources, may be required to study intertemporal aspects. This is an important direction for future work. The random nature of the government cost associated with not capitulating and the randomness of -c are important to the modeling. If all of the payoffs were deterministic, then one need only work backwards to ascertain with certainty whether the government will capitulate or whether the terrorists will attack [see, e.g., Lapan and Sandler ( 1 993) and Selten ( 1 988)]. The appearance of some randomness is crucial to making the problem interesting.
4. Game theoretic analysis 2 : Terrorists' choice of targets
In this section, we set up a simple one-period game in which two governments (targets) must determine deterrence expenditures when confronting the same terrorist group 3 . This exercise allows us to show the presence of a transnational transferable externality between the governments as they decide deterrence expense. Increased deterrence in one nation augments the probability that the attack will be in the other nation. Second best aspects arise when two or more choice variables are considered and cooperation extends to just one. We consider a case where a single terrorist group targets one of two nations, denoted by nation i, i = 1 , 2. When nation i increases its deterrence expenditure, D( B;), the other target (nation}) experiences two "spillovers" or external effects: (i) By increasing the likelihood of terrorist failure, e; , in attacks against nation i, nation i's actions increase the likelihood of attacks, n1, against nation}. (ii) By increasing the likelihood of terrorist failure against nation i, nation i 's actions reduce the expected cost to citizens (or property) of nation} visiting (or present) in nation i. The first externality is negative, while the second is positive. Clearly, the net outcome depends on the relative strengths of the opposing externalities. In a given period, we assume that the terrorist group can attack, at most, one country. Figure 5 depicts the corresponding game tree for a symmetric game in which each
This section draws, in part, from Sandler and Lapan ( 1 988).
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications Governments choose deterrence
��0(\ �0 �or:)l-
> �'
p� � )
( �cD(E\� �
a +
Terrorists decide whether to attack
z 0 )>
-'1ttoC'k l\t, l"J. Ofi01) ' <
<(� 0'
(� +mD(E>,)) (o�,)) ( �cD(e,�) h + 0(0,)
'e �o-
(h+mD(e,)) e
h + D(0,)
Figure 5 . Game tree for symmetric targets.
target experiences a cost, a, from a terrorist failure on its soil and a cost, h, from a terrorist success on its soil. In Figure 5, a denotes the cost to country j of an unsuccessful attack against i, i =F-}, while ii denotes the cost to country j of a successful attack against i, i *). Symmetry, invoked for convenience, ensures that the respective a and ii values are also equal for each target. Reading from top to bottom, the three payoffs at the five end positions of the game indicate the net payoff to the terrorists, the cost to nation 1 , and the cost to nation 2. Subsequently, we will assume full symmetry so that the terrorist group's perceived cost of failure, -c;, and its perceived payoff from success, m;, do not differ between targets. In Figure 5, the two governments simultaneously choose deterrence to thwart attacks, thereby determining the terrorists' perceived probabilities of logistical failure and success, E>; and 1 - E>;, in nation i. Based on their perception of these probabilities and the relevant payoffs, the terrorists then decide whether to attack and, if an attack is launched, which nation to strike. Let b; denote the terrorists' expected net payoff from attacking nation i. From the game tree, we have
b; = - E>;c; + ( 1 - E>;) m;,
i = 1 , 2.
( 1 1)
The decision rule is:
0, b2 < 0 > max[O, b2 ]
max[h , 0 ]
no attack,
attack 1 ,
If nation i is to increase the terrorist failure rate on its soil, the country must increase deterrence expenditures - i.e., n; > 0, where primes denote derivatives. We also assume diminishing returns to effort so that n;' > 0. By Equation (1 1}, we have that increased
W Enders and T. Sandler
defensive measures in country i reduce the expected benefits to terrorists from attacking nation i (i.e., 8bJ88; < 0), but do not affect these benefits from attacking the other country (i.e., 8bJ88; = 0, i ""j). Increased deterrence in country i raises the likelihood that either no attack will occur (n0 ), or that country j (n1) rather than i, will be attacked. We assume that the government is less than perfectly informed concerning the terrorists' values and resources, so that there exists a continuous probability function, nr for attacks in nation i:
( 12) where superscript u denotes uninformed. We assume that
i,j = 1 , 2,
( 1 3)
Equation ( 13) indicates that an increase in the terrorists' perceived probability of failure in nation i decreases the likelihood of attacks there but increases this likelihood of attacks in the other country. Finally, an increase in 8; may increase the likelihood of no attacks, where ng = 1 - ny - Jr� . We next denote the expected cost of an attack to government i as C;(8;, 8j), which includes deterrence cost and expected damages to country i 's interest from attacks on its own soil and elsewhere. Assuming symmetric targets, we define
1(8;) a8; ( 1 - 8;)h, =
/( 8 ;)
v( 81)
expected costs to country i of an attack against i, expected costs to country i of an attack against j.
Thus, the expected cost to government i is i,j
1 , 2,
( 1 4)
where the superscript u has been dropped from the Jrs. For each country, cost involves deterrence expenditures, the expected cost of a domestic attack, and the expected cost of a foreign attack on its interests. As is plausible in many cases, we assume a host country disadvantage so that an attack in country i imposes greater costs on i's interests than on j's interests [i.e., /( 8;) > v( 8;)]. An important exercise is to contrast the cooperative solution, where the governments work in unison to determine deterrence, with the Nash solution, where the governments
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
work independently. If both countries were to cooperate, then they would choose their e;s to minimize aggregate cost:
cT ( e l ' e2 ) D( e l ) D ( 132 )
+ L2 i�l
lf;[/( e;) + v ( 13;)].
( 1 5)
With full symmetry, so that the attack probability functions are also symmetric, it is apparent that er = 132 = 13 * where a cooperative solution ( er' 132) satisfies '
(16) for all nonnegative 13;s. The optimizing 13T satisfies
oCT = D'(e* ) + n1 [/'(13*) + v'(13*)] [l(e*) v(e* )] ae1 An analogous equation holds for acT /8e2. A Nash noncooperative solution can be defined as
[ 8611 + ae12 ] = 0. Olf
( 1 7)
( 1 8) At a Nash equilibrium, each nation has chosen its deterrence to minimize its own cost, given the best-response level of e for its counterpart. The first-order condition for, say, er is
(19) where 8C 1 /86I depends on (eN , eN). A similar expression holds for 8C2/862. A number of diverse scenarios can be depicted depending on our assumptions concerning collateral damage [i.e., the sizes of the v(-)s] or the relationship between v(e) and /(13). First, we suppose that collateral damage is zero, so that
Attacks in nation i are only against nation i's own interests. In this scenario, the only externality that arises is from inducing the terrorists to go elsewhere. By evaluating acT /8131 in Equation ( 1 7) at (eN' eN) that satisfies (19), we have
acT(I3N, eN) an = zceN ) . 2 ae 1 86 1
> o.
Strict convexity of cT ( ) ensures that Equation (20) implies overdeterrence, since e* < eN. This follows because nations do not internalize the negative externality -
W Enders and T. Sandler
associated with the terrorist group going elsewhere. In consequence, each target expends too much effort on deterrence. If, however, an attack against country i imposes equal expected cost on both countries [i.e., u( 8) = l( 8)] , then the Nash equilibrium implies underdeterrence, because collateral protection and the general decrease in the likelihood of attacks are not taken into account [Sandler and Lapan (1988, p. 255)]. Whether noncooperative behavior leads to underdeterrence or overdeterrence hinges on: (i) the relative specificity of the costs of an attack against nation i; (ii) the differential in costs between successful and unsuccessful attacks; and (iii) the perceived responsiveness of the probability of an attack to changes in 8;. In the case of foreign attacks against American interests, underdeterrence is anticipated, because collateral damage on US interests is typically high and changes in 8; abroad have not induced terrorists until very recently to stage events on US soil. This last factor means that the negative externality is almost nil. Failure to account for the positive externality implies underdeterrence. We next demonstrate that parametric changes that would be beneficial in a world of cooperation may be counterproductive in a world of partial cooperation. Suppose that we extend our analysis of cost minimization to a case where each nation chooses two parameters: deterrence expenditure and the sharing of information. As before, deterrence expenditure determines the likelihood of logistical failure in country i. Policy parameter a denotes sharing information concerning the terrorists' preferences for attacking each country. We assume symmetry so that the expected cost to each government is i,j = 1, 2,
where oF/88; > 0, oF/881 > 0, and oF!oa =Fa < 0. The last partial indicates that a is welfare-improving in the sense of reducing costs. A cooperative solution for the G * s, given a and assuming full symmetry (i.e., Gj = e; = 8*), satisfies F , (e* , 8*, a) + F2 (8*, 8*, a) = 0,
where subscripts on F indicate partial derivatives (i.e., 8FI88j = F 1 ). At the cost minimizing solution for the G * s, we have Cj = q = F [E>* (a), G*(a), a].
A comparative static change with respect to a implies
(24) by the envelope theorem. Since Fa < 0, full cooperation for both policy parameters is welfare-improving.
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
For partial cooperation, we examine the Nash equilibrium eN ( a) that solves
i = 1, 2,
which implies
i = 1 , 2.
Using Equation (26), we compute the change in expected cost owing to a change in a, which equals
(27) by Equation (25). Implicit differentiation of Equation (25) gives
i,j = 1 , 2,
which may be positive or negative depending on F;a . If, say, F;a is negative, then deN Ida is positive since (F;; Fu ) > 0 by the second-order conditions. A negative F;a is consistent with reducing a country's own marginal deterrence costs through the gain in information. In consequence, the sign of dCr /da in Equation (27) may be positive, thus indicating increased costs from sharing information when deterrence is decided independently. For this scenario, the increase in information allows a potential target to know better how to make its deterrence divert attacks, thereby leading to a larger negative externality and greater inefficiency. For terrorism, piecemeal policy coordination among governments may be worse than no coordination whatsoever.
Further game analyses
In a recent paper, Lapan and Sandler ( 1 993) extended the terrorism analysis to a setting of incomplete information, in which a signalling equilibrium 4 may allow the government to limit its expected cost from attacks, even though the likelihood of surrender may increase. These authors assumed asymmetric information: The government does not know the strength or the resources of the terrorists, but the terrorists know their own resources and the beliefs of the government 5 . In this scenario, 4
Binmore ( 1 992) contains an excellent discussion of signalling equilibrium.
5 Scott ( 1 989, 1 99 1 ) examined terrorism when the terrorists are uninformed about the type of
government that they confront, but the government is informed. Scott did not consider a signalling equilibrium.
W Enders and T Sandler
first-period attacks of the terrorists may provide information to the government about the type of terrorist group that it confronts. Attacks serve as a signal that the government processes in order to update its posterior beliefs concerning the terrorists' resources. Based on these posterior beliefs, the government decides whether to capitulate or resist. The terrorist group needs to allocate resources between current and future attacks. Current attacks can signal strength and cause the government to concede, but these attacks limit resources for future attacks. Since it is the expected cost of future attacks that matters to the government, the terrorists face a resource allocation dilemma. In Lapan and Sandler (1993), action was sequenced as follows: Nature chooses the resources of the terrorist group, drawn from a distribution that is common knowledge. The terrorists, but not the government, observe the draw. Next, the terrorists decide first-period attacks, which impose costs on the government. Based on these first-period attacks, the government revises its beliefs and decides whether to surrender. If no surrender occurs, then the terrorists choose the level of period-2 attacks based on their remaining resources. These attacks impose further costs on the government. The game ends. The two-period structure is appropriate, since nothing further would be learned in subsequent periods. The authors derived a perfect Bayesian equilibrium that consists of a strategy combination and a set of beliefs such that, at each node, the strategies for the game's remainder are Nash (given beliefs) and the beliefs at each information set are rational, based on the facts revealed thus far in the game. The analysis indicated that regret may characterize the outcome when either a government capitulates to a terrorist group with insufficient resources, or else a government does not capitulate to a group with sufficient resources to induce capitulation under complete information. The government prefers the partial-pooling signalling equilibrium, despite probabilistic regret, over the never-surrender equilibrium, since its expected cost is reduced [see a similar analysis by Overgaard (1 994)]. Much remains to be done in applying game theory to the study of terrorism. First, the rules of the game need to be changed to allow for learning over more than a single period. Without this important extension, the justification of a terrorist campaign over multiple periods cannot be established. To date, both the empirical 6 and theoretical literature have focused on explaining single events and their repercussions. Second, incomplete information should be made two-sided so that both the terrorists and the government must update their priors over time. This extension can also justify the need for more than two periods in the game tree. Third, differential game techniques should be applied so that the accumulation of terrorists' resources over time can be examined under alternative antiterrorism policies. A host of alternative equilibrium concepts and learning paths could be introduced.
6 This empirical literature includes Atkinson, Sandler and Tschirhart (1 987), and Enders , Sandler and
Cauley ( 1 990a, 1 990b )
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6. Choice-theoretic models of terrorism
In the absence of a game-theoretic model, researchers have tended to use a choice theoretic model to analyze various aspects of terrorism. Such models have typically focused on the terrorist who chooses among terrorist and nonterrorist activities subject to resource constraints 7 . Much of this literature has relied on the economics of crime methodology based on a state-preference approach. Landes' ( 1 978) model of skyjackings is an apt example in which a potential hijacker is contemplating the forcible diversion of a commercial aircraft for political purposes. Such purposes could include publicity for a cause, economic freedoms, or political freedom, all of which adds to the individual's welfare in his/her desired destination. Of course, risks must be incurred in carrying out the act. To determine his/her course of action, a potential hijacker must first estimate the expected utility (£ U) from hijacking an aircraft from country i to country }: (29) where: Pa Pc
hijacker's subjective estimate of probability of apprehension; hijacker's estimate of conditional probability of imprisonment, given apprehension; hijacker's wealth from successful hijacking to country }; W1 W; hijacker's wealth in country i; monetary equivalent of a sentence; S C monetary cost associated with apprehension without imprisonment. The three right-hand utility expressions correspond to three possible states or outcomes that include success, apprehension with no conviction, and apprehension with conviction. The hijacker will engage in the incident provided that the expected utility from doing so exceeds the utility, U( W;), from not hijacking the plane. That is, a hijacking takes place when EU > U( W;). Based on this comparison, Landes (1978) specified an offense function, o
O(Pa , Pc , S, c, t),
where overbars indicate average values, and t denotes the average wealth differential between country j and country i. In essence, this function relates the number of hijackings to exogenous variables, some of which can be controlled by the authorities. 7 Sandler, Tschirhart and Cauley ( 1 983), however, modeled both the choices of the terrorists and the
government in an interactive framework, while Enders, Sandler and Parise ( l 992b) modeled the choice of a tourist who faces a risk of terrorism.
W. Enders and T Sandler
Landes (1 978) presented two regressions for US hijackings based upon US Federal Aviation Administration data on skyjackings for 1 96 1-1 976. The first regressed the quarterly total of hijackings on the probability of apprehension, the probability of conviction, sentencing, etc. The second regressed the time interval between hijackings on the same set of variables. Both analyses identified the probability of apprehension and the length of sentence (if convicted) as significant deterrents. For most regression runs, the conditional probability of conviction was almost significant. Landes also estimated that between 4 1 and 50 fewer hijackings took place in the USA from the start of 1 973, following the installment of metal detectors in US airports through the third quarter of 1 976. Other choice-theoretic models of terrorist behavior have employed a household production approach in which terrorists are depicted as rational actors who attempt to maximize a shared goal, subject to a resource constraint. This shared goal may be denoted as utility or expected utility derived from the consumption of basic com modities, produced from terrorist and nonterrorist activities. Basic commodities may include political instability, publicity, an atmosphere of fear, or extortion. Alternative terrorist attack modes are complementary or substitutable provided that they are used to produce the same basic commodities. Substitution possibilities are enhanced when attack modes are logistically similar and yield the same basic commodities in nearly identical proportions. Complementarity results when a combination of attack modes is required to produce one or more basic commodities and, moreover, such a combination enhances the marginal productivity of the constituent modes in producing the basic commodities. For example, threats when combined with actual bombings may create a greater state of fear than either alone. In any period, a resource constraint limits the terrorist group's expenditures among the choices not to exceed its monetary and nonmonetary resource endowments. The expenditures on any activity consist of the product of the activity's per-unit price and the level of the activity. Each terrorist and nonterrorist tactic has a per-unit price that includes the value of time and other resources needed to accomplish the act. Consider the class of terrorist acts. The prices faced by the terrorists for each tactic are determined, in large part, by the government's allocation of resources to thwart various acts of terrorism. If, for instance, the government were to secure its embassies or military bases, then attacks against such facilities would become more costly on a per-unit basis. If, moreover, the government were not at the same time to increase the security for embassy and military personnel when outside their facilities, then attacks directed at these individuals (e.g., assassinations) would become relatively cheaper. The installation of metal detectors in airports would make skyjackings relatively more costly than other kinds of hostage-taking missions such as kidnappings. If a choice-theoretic model of terrorist decisions were to be formulated, then some obvious comparative static results would follow. For example, government policies that increase the relative price of one type of terrorist tactic would cause a terrorist group to substitute out of the now-more-costly tactic into those terrorist and nonterrorist activities whose prices are now relatively less costly. Government interventions that
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raised the price of all terrorist tactics or that reduced terrorists' resources would cause nonterrorist activities to increase relative to terrorist actions. Complementary tactics would respond in a similar fashion to relative price changes, while substitute tactics would respond in an opposing fashion. These propositions have been tested by some of the time-series papers to be described in Sections 7 and 8. To date, empirical applications have been to the choice-theoretical model rather than the game theory representations.
Intervention analysis
A critical response to the rise in skyjackings occurred when the USA began to install metal detectors in all US airports in January 1 973 . Other international authorities followed shortly thereafter. To quantify the effects of installing metal detectors, we employ the basic framework used by Cauley and Im ( 1 988) and Enders, Sandler and Cauley ( 1990a,b). Let (3 1) where p 1 is the intervention (or policy) variable that takes on the value of zero prior to 1973 :1 and unity beginning in 1973 :I; y1 is the number of skyjackings in quarter t; and £1 is a white noise disturbance. For t < 1973 :!, p1 is zero so that the intercept term is a0 and the long-run mean of the series is a0/( 1 - a1). Beginning in 1 973, the intercept jumps to a0 + c (since p1973:1 jumps to unity). Thus, the initial effect of the metal detectors is given by the magnitude of c, whose statistical significance can be tested using a standard t-test. We would conclude that metal detectors reduced the number of skyjacking incidents if c is negative and statistically different from zero. The long-run effect of the intervention is given by c/(1 - a 1 ), equal to the new long run mean (a0 + c)/(1 - al) minus the value of the original mean a0/( 1 - a 1 ). If O < a 1 < 1 , the absolute values o f the magnitude of the impacts are an increasing function of time. As we move further away from the date at which the policy is introduced, the greater is the absolute value of the magnitude of the policy response. There are several important extensions to the intervention example. For example, the model need not be a first-order autoregressive process. A more general autoregressive, moving average (ARMA) intervention model has the form (32) where A(L) and B(L) are polynomials in the lag operator L. Also, the intervention need not jump from zero to unity in 1 973 :I and then remain at unity. With specific reference to skyjackings, there are other forms of the intervention function: (i) Pure Pulse: the values of p1 can be zero for all periods except for one particular period at which p1 = 1 . The pure pulse best characterizes a purely temporary intervention.
W Enders and T Sandler
Table 2 Metal detectors and skyjackings (Quarterly Time Series) Series
Transnational {TS,} US domestic {OS,} Other skyjackings {OSr}
Pre-intervention mean "
3.032 (5.96) 6.70 ( 1 2.02) 6.80 (7.93)
Impact effect
Long-run effecth
0.276 (2. 5 1 )
- 1 .29 (-2.21) -5.62 (-8.73) -3.90 (-3.95)
- 1 .78
0.237 (2. 14)
-5.62 -5 . 1 1
t-statistics are in parentheses.
b The long-run effect is given by: c/(1 -aJJ.
(ii) Gradually changing function: an intervention may not reach its full force immediately. Often, the shape of the intervention function is clear from a priori reasoning. When there is an ambiguity, estimate the plausible alternatives and then use the standard Box-Jenkins model selection criteria to choose the most appropriate model. To illustrate the procedure, we consider the methodology used by Enders, Sandler and Cauley ( 1990b) to measure the effects of metal detectors on US domestic skyjackings {DS1}, transnational skyjackings {TS1} (including those involving the USA), and on all other skyjackings { OS1} . Since there are only 5 years of quarterly data (i.e., 20 observations) for the pre-intervention period, the best-fitting ARIMA model was estimated over the 1973 :I-1 988:IV period. Standard Box-Jenkins model selection criteria (including diagnostic checks of the residuals) resulted in an AR( 1) model for the { TS1} and { OS1 } sequences and a pure noise model (i.e., all autoregressive and moving average coefficients equal to zero) for the {DS1 } sequence. The next step was to estimate the various models over the entire sample period including the effect of the intervention. The installation of metal detectors was tentatively viewed as an immediate and permanent intervention. As shown in Table 2, the installation of metal detectors reduced each of the three types of skyjacking incidents. The most pronounced effect was on US domestic skyjackings, which immediately fell by 5.62 incidents per quarter. All effects on {DS1} were immediate, since the estimate of a 1 is zero. The situation is different for the { TS1} and {OS1} series, because the estimated autoregressive coefficients are different from zero. On impact, transnational skyjackings and other types of skyjacking incidents fell by 1 .29 and 3.9 incidents per quarter. The long-run effects were estimated to be 1 .78 and 5 . 1 1 fewer incidents per quarter, respectively. Diagnostic checking is particularly important since the observations from the pre and post-intervention periods have been merged. A well-estimated intervention model will have three characteristics. First, the estimated coefficients should be of "high quality" in that all coefficients are statistically significant at conventional levels.
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Second, the residuals should approximate white noise. If the residuals are serially correlated, forecasts from the estimated model cannot possibly be making use of all available information. Third, the tentative model should outperform plausible alternatives. In the skyjacking example, a plausible alternative was to model the intervention as a gradually increasing process. This is particularly true since the impact effect was immediate for US domestic flights and convergent for transnational and other domestic flights. The conjecture was that metal detectors were gradually installed in non-US airports and, even when installed, the enforcement was sporadic. As a check, we modeled the intervention as gradually increasing over the year 1973 . Although the coefficients were nearly identical to those reported in Table 2, the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwartz Bayesian Criterion (SBC) were slightly lower (indicating a better fit) using the gradually increasing process. Hence, it is reasonable to conclude that metal detector adoption was more gradual outside of the USA. An important question concerns whether terrorists, when confronted with more secure airports, substituted into other kinds of hostage-taking events. Now let y1 denote the sum of barricade-and-hostage-taking incidents and kidnappings (BHKN). The estimated intervention model for the BHKN series showed an immediate increase of 6.663 incidents per quarter (i.e., c = 6.663) as a result of the introduction of metal detectors in airports. The long-run effect was estimated to be an additional 10.59 incidents per quarter. Hence, the reduction in skyjackings cannot, by itself, serve as a true measure of success for the metal detector technology. 7.1.
Other interventions: Increased embassy security
In October 1976, US embassy security increased drastically. At the same time, improvements in other likely US targets subject to barricade and hostage seizure were undertaken. In this case, y1 represents the quarterly totals of "crimes against US diplomats" (CDA) over the 1 971 :II-1987:IV period and p1 = 0 for all observations prior to 1976:III. The most appropriate intervention model indicated that enhanced embassy security decreased CDA by 1 .94 incidents per quarter; since all autoregressive coefficients equaled zero, the immediate and long-run impacts were identical. In addition, there was evidence of a mild substitution into attacks against non-US diplomats [Enders, Sandler and Cauley ( l 990b, pp. 13-14)] . 7.2.
The Libyan raid and other retaliations
On the morning of April l 5, 1986, US warplanes attacked Libya. The stated reason for the attack was Libya's alleged involvement in the terrorist bombing of the La Belle Discotheque in West Berlin. Since 1 8 of the F- 1 1 1 fighter-bombers were deployed from British bases at Lakenheath and Upper Heyford, England, the UK implicitly assisted in the raid. The remaining US planes were deployed from aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea. Now let y1 denote all transnational terrorist incidents directed
W. Enders and T. Sandler
against the USA and the UK during month t. A plot of the {y1} sequence exhibits a large positive spike immediately after the bombing; the immediate effect seems to be a wave of anti-USA and anti-UK attacks to protest the retaliatory strike. One key issue concerns the permanence of the effects of the raid. We first let p1 = 0 for all t < April 1986 and unity thereafter. Using standard Box-Jenkins model selection criteria, we obtain the following estimates (with !-statistics in parentheses):
Yt = 5.58 0.336yH (5.56)
O. l 23y1-s 2.65p1• (0.84) (3.26)
Note that the coefficient of p1 has a t-statistic of 0.84 that is not significant at the 0.05 level. Alternatively, when p1 is allowed to be 1 only in the month of the attack, we obtain: Yt
3. 79 0.327Yt- l 0 . 1 57Yt-s 38.9Pt · (6.09) (2.59) (5.53)
In comparing the two estimates, it is clear that magnitudes of the autoregressive coefficients are similar. Although Ljung-Box Q-tests indicate that the residuals from both models approximate white noise, the second model is preferable. The coefficient on the pulse term is highly significant and the AIC and SBC both select the second specification. Our conclusion is that the Libyan bombing did not have the desired effect of reducing terrorist attacks against the USA and the UK; instead, the bombing caused an immediate quarterly increase of almost 39 attacks. Subsequently, the number of attacks declined; 0.327 of these attacks are estimated to persist for one period (0.327 x 3 8.9 12.7). Since the autoregressive coefficients imply convergence, the long-run consequences of the raid are estimated to be zero. In a related study, Brophy-Baermann and Conybeare ( 1994) developed a rational expectations model of terrorist attacks. Optimizing terrorists will select a "natural rate" of attacks and only unanticipated retaliations will cause the actual rate to differ from the natural rate. The direct implication is that the retaliating country should follow a flexible, rather than a predictable, retaliation policy. Brophy-Baermann and Conybeare let the {y1} sequence represent transnational terrorist attacks against Israel over the 1 968:I-1989:IV period. Six major Israeli retaliations were selected as the interventions. The authors argued that after the first maj or reprisal in 1 972 (nine Israeli air raids against PLO bases in Syria following Black September's attack on Israeli athletes at the 1 972 Olympic Games) the element of surprise became difficult to maintain. Hence, each intervention was modelled as a pure pulse function. Standard Box-Jenkins techniques indicated that the {y1} sequence is a white-noise process with a constant mean of 2. 1 3 incidents per quarter. It was estimated that the 1 972 retaliation induced an upward shift of 9.39 attacks on impact. The number of additional attacks fell to 0.5 attacks above the natural rate after three quarters. The other five Israeli retaliations were not statistically significant. =
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s. Vector autoregression models of terrorism
An interesting development has been the application of vector autoregression (VAR) analysis to the study of terrorism. When it is not apparent whether a variable is exogenous, a natural extension of intervention analysis is to treat each variable symmetrically. Let the time path of each variable be affected by current and past realizations of itself and the other variables in the system. Consider the simple bivariate system
Yt = b w - b1 2zt + Yl 1Yt- l + 'Y12Zt-1 + Eyt , Zt = bo - b21Yt + Y21Yt-1 + Y22Z1-1 + Ezt ,
(35) (36)
where it is assumed that: (i) both y 1 and z1 are stationary; (ii) Ey1 and Ezt are white noise disturbances with standard deviations of Oy and az, respectively; and (iii) { Ey1 } and { Ezt } are uncorrelated white-noise disturbances. Equations (35)-{36) constitute a first-order VAR, since the longest lag length is unity. The structure of the system incorporates feedback because current realizations of y1 and z1 are allowed to affect one another; however, the model is not in reduced form as each variable has a contemporaneous effect on the other. Fortunately, it is possible to transform the system of equations into the more usable form
Yt = a 1 0 + a uYt- 1 + a l2Zt- l + el t ,
(37) (38)
More compactly, the system of equations can be written as (39) where x1 is the 2 x 1 vector ( y1 , z1)'; A0 is the 2 x 1 vector (a10, a20)'; A 1 is the 2 x 2 matrix with elements au; and e1 is the 2 x 1 vector (e 1 1 , e2 1)'. Note that the
right-hand side of Equation (39) contains only pre-determined variables and that the error terms are serially uncorrelated with constant variance. Hence, each equation in the system can be estimated using OLS. Moreover, OLS estimates are consistent and asymptotically efficient. Even though the errors are correlated across equations, seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) do not add to the efficiency of the estimation procedure, because both regressions have identical right-hand-side variables. A test of causality is whether the lags of one variable enter into the equation for another variable. In terms of Equations (37}-(38), the {y1 } sequence is said to Granger cause the {z1 } sequence if a2 1 is statistically different from zero. Similarly, the {z1 } sequence Granger-causes the {y1 } sequence if a 12 is statistically different from zero.
W Enders and T Sandler
Impulse response analysis allows the researcher to trace out the time path of the various shocks on the variables contained in the VAR system. Write Equations (37) and (38) in matrix form to obtain: +
12 ] ] [Yt] Zt [ awazo [ a11a21 aazz [YtZt--l1 ] [e!t] ezt =
or, (4 1) where y and i are the mean values of {y1 } and {z1 }, respectively. Equation (41) is called a vector moving average (VMA) model in that it expresses all variables in terms of the disturbances. Using the OLS estimate of A a researcher can shock eu and e2 1 by one standard deviation to trace out the effects of each disturbance on the time paths of the {y1} and {z1} sequences. The resulting time paths are called the impulse response functions. With this same methodology, we can decompose the variance of each sequence into the proportion due to each of the shocks. The main limitation of the VAR methodology is that it is not possible to recover (or identify) the pure and shocks without imposing additional restrictions on the parameters of the contemporaneous innovation matrix (i.e., on the values of or A typical decomposition strategy is to use the triangular Choleski decomposition so as to restrict either or to equal zero. As shown in Enders ( 1 995), Granger-causality tests, impulse response analysis, and variance decompositions can be performed in n order multivariate generalizations of Equation (39). Enders and Sandler ( 1 991) used the VAR methodology to estimate the impact of terrorism on tourism in Spain during the period from 1970 to 1988. Most transnational terrorist incidents in Spain during this period are attributed to the Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) and its splinter groups. Because increases in tourism may generate terrorist acts, the VAR methodology was used to examine the reactions of tourists to terrorism and the reactions of terrorists to tourism. For a 24-month forecasting horizon, the variance decompositions were such that each time series explained the preponderance of its own past values. Terrorist incidents explained 8.7% of the forecast error variance of Spain's tourism, while tourism explained only 2.2% of the forecast error variance of terrorist incidents. More important, Granger-causality tests indicated that the effects of terrorism on tourism were significant at the 0.006 level, while the effects of tourism on terrorism were not significant at conventional levels. Thus, causality was unidirectional: terrorism affected tourism but not the reverse. The terrorism series appeared to be autonomous in the sense that neither series significantly explained the forecast error variance of current incidents. This result is consistent with the notion that terrorists randomize their incidents so that any one incident is not predictable on a month-to-month basis.
Eyt Ezt b12 b21
b12 b2 1).
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The impulse response functions were such that after a "typical" terrorist incident, tourism to Spain began to decline in month three. After the sixth month, tourism started to revert to its original level. There did appear to be a rebound in months eight and nine, followed by another drop in tourism in month nine that reached the maximum decline about one year after the original incident. Obviously, some of this pattern was due to the seasonality in the series. However, tourism slowly recovered and generally remained below its pre-incident level for a substantial period of time. Aggregating all 36 monthly impacts, we estimated that the combined effects of a typical transnational terrorist incident in Spain was to decrease the total number of foreign visits by 140 847 people. By comparison, a total of 5 392 000 tourists visited Spain in 1 988 alone. Nelson and Scott ( 1992) used a VAR analysis to examine the interactions between media publicity and terrorist actions. The conventional wisdom is that media coverage of high-profile terrorist incidents induces other terrorist acts. This view would be plausible if the objective function of terrorists included notoriety. If, instead, terrorists are interested in political objectives, publicity alone should not encourage other terrorist acts. Specifically, Nelson and Scott examined the interrelationships between the number of terrorist incidents directed against Israel and the number of column inches devoted to terrorism in the New York Times. Their important finding was that the publicity variable does not Granger-cause terrorism. Enders and Sandler ( 1 993) developed a methodology that incorporates intervention analysis into the VAR framework. Because terrorists must weigh the relative costs and benefits of various modes of attack when designing their campaigns, one should expect that the time series for one mode (or target) of attack may depend not only on the time series for that mode, but also on those of related modes. As such, univariate econometric models [see Landes ( 1 978), Cauley and Im (1 988)], which consider one attack mode at a time, may be misspecified. The interaction among the modes of attack can be written as a straightforward generalization of Equation (3 1 ) : (42) where y1 is the n x 1 vector (yit, Y2t . . . . ,yn1)' with Yit being the number of type i ter rorist incidents occurring during time period t; A0 is an n x 1 matrix with elements consisting of the sum of a constant and three seasonal dummy variables; A(L) is an n x n matrix consisting of polynomials in the lag operator L; and £1 is the n x 1 vector (Eit, E2t. . . . , Ent)' such that l'if is an independent identically distributed random variable and E[E1E;] = r is not necessarily diagonal. In Equation (42), matrices C and p1 are of particular importance for assessing the success of the alternative interventions. Here, Pt is the K x 1 vector (pit, . . . ,px1)', where Pkt is an indicator of whether policy k is in effect at time t. For metal detectors, the policy intervention P it is set equal to zero for all t < January 1973 and equal to unity for all t ?= January 1 973. Each element c;k in the n xK coefficient matrix C measures the direct impact effect of policy intervention Pk on the time series of incident type y;. Even if c;k is equal to zero, it is not possible
W. Enders and T Sandler
to conclude that incident type i is unaffected by policy intervention Pk · When the off-diagonal elements of A(L) are not zero, there are interactions among the various incident types. Thus, policy intervention Pk may have an indirect effect on incident type i through its effects on a related incident type. This observation motivates the need to study terrorist-thwarting interventions in a VAR analysis. The direct effect of an intervention on a particular mode of attack may be zero (i.e., the relevant coefficient in the C matrix may be zero) even though the indirect effects, through the elements of A(L), may be nonzero. It is instructive to use one of the models estimated in Enders and Sandler ( 1 993) as an example. In this model, we distinguished between nonresource using threats and hoaxes and resource-using events. Although costly for gov ernments to police, the former are relatively inexpensive incidents for terrorists to instigate. In addition, the assassination (AS) series was included to ascertain whether the hardening of targets may have led to more killings as officials and others left more-secure grounds. The y1 vector consisted of a 5 x 1 vector of skyjackings (SKY), assassinations (AS), barricade-and-hostage-taking missions and kidnappings (BHKN), threats and hoaxes (THHX), and all other incidents (OT). The policy intervention matrix p1 was the 4x 1 vector consisting of the indicators for the installation of metal detectors (METAL), US embassy fortifications in 1976 and 1 985 (EMB76 and EMB85, respectively), and the Libya raid (LIBYA). An appropriate strategy to estimate the matrices in Equation (42) consists of the following steps: Step 1. Equation (42) was estimated with OLS for lag lengths of eight quarters, four quarters, and two quarters. As described by Enders ( 1 995), lag lengths can be selected using the likelihood ratio test for the block restriction that the degrees of the polynomials in A(L) are all less than or equal to some specified value. Step 2. To ascertain the importance of the interrelationships among the various attack modes, the variance decompositions was obtained. With the use of the lag lengths from Step 1 , the vector moving average (VMA) representation of Equation ( 42) was found and expressed each incident type i as being dependent on the current and past values of all the innovations and interventions. Because a VMA can not be estimated directly, we used the orthogonalized innovations obtained from a Choleski decomposition. When the innovations in the various series are correlated, the ordering of the variables used in the decomposition can be important. In such cases, it is standard to reverse the ordering of the variables used in the initial factorization. Table 3 reproduces a portion of the variance decompositions reported by Enders and Sandler ( 1 993). To conserve space, Table 3 reports only the results for the ordering SKY ___, BHKN ___, AS ___, THHX ___, OT using a 24-quarter forecasting horizon. Although each incident type explains a large portion of its own forecast error variance, there is a complex set of interactions among series. THHX is associated with all of the other series: depending on the ordering, the other four series explain as much as 65% of the forecast error variance of THHX. The ordering is particularly important for the SKY and THHX series; the correlation coefficient between the residuals of the
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications Table 3 Variance decomposition (24-Quarter Forecast Horizon) SKY
(0.726) '
14. 1
(0.279) AS
(0.554) 6.87 (0.235) 8.03
(0. 1 25)
(0.73 1 )
AS 5.54 (0.147)
THHX 2.62 (0.91 5)
1 .20
OT 2.37 (0.706) 1 5.9 (0.242) 1 8.4
(0. 1 59)
1 1 .3
1 0.2
1 0.7 (0.804)
9.47 (0.277)
(0. 170) 69.6 (0.2 1 1 )
The numbers in parentheses are the significance levels for the joint hypothesis that all lagged coefficients of the variable in question can be set equal to zero.
two series in the first ordering is 0.382 implying that SKY and THHX move strongly together. Step 3. The forecasts from an unrestricted VAR are known to suffer from "over parameterization". One way to eliminate the problem is to use the results of the Granger-causality tests as described by Enders and Sandler ( 1993). Reestimating the model after eliminating all insignificant groups of coefficients results in a parsimonious representation of the VAR process. Because the right-hand-side variables were no longer identical in each regression, each was estimated using Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR). The SUR estimates of the coefficients (and their associated t-values) for the C matrix and for the long-run effects are reported in Table 4. Step 4. The SUR estimates of the C and A(L) matrices could be used to show the effectiveness of the various interventions. Each element in C shows only the impact effect of the intervention; the lagged impact and indirect effects are captured by the elements in the A(L) matrices. Because of the complexity of the interactions, the simplest way to demonstrate the short- and long-run policy effects is through the moving average representations [Enders and Sandler ( 1993)]. Diagnostic checking included the use of the Ljung-Box Q-statistic to determine serial correlation in the residuals. Signs of non-stationarity were investigated. The non-stationarity issue is difficult to address in a system of equations with multiple interventions; a variable may appear to be non-stationary owing to the effects of successive interventions. In addition to the standard Dickey-Fuller tests, the Perron (1 989) methodology can be· used to test for a unit root in the presence of structural change.
W Enders and T. Sandler
Table 4 Coefficients and significance levels (/-statistics are in parentheses ) Policies
-14. 1 " (-5.59) 2.5 1 ' ( 1 .83) 0.100 (0.041 ) -4.8 3 (-1 .06)
1 1 .6" (3.74) - 1 .41 (-1 . 1 2) 3.54' (2.21) - 1 .62 (-0.387)
6.58' (2.30) 3.56' ( 1 .89) -0.967 (-0.672) 1 .57 (0.347)
1 .75 (0.579) 8.67" (4.39) -5.3 1 ' (-2.1 1 ) 50.5" (1 0.6)
1 1 .3 ( l . l 5) - 1 8 .6' (- 1 . 89) -2. 8 1 (-0.408) 58.4' (2.59)
-9.5" 1 1 .8" 4.1•
17.8" -21 . 1 # -5.4
Impact effects Metal
Long-run effects Metal -13 .0" EMB76 0.98" EMB85 -0.52" LIBYA'
5.3• -0.20" 5.4" NA
4.1" 8.2" - 1 .7 NA
" Denotes a significant immediate impact at 0.05 level. Denotes a significant immediate impact at 0. 1 0 level. • Denotes a significant long-run impact effect or that the impact effect on an important explanatory variable in the VAR analysis. ' All effects of LIBYA are temporary effects.
significant through its effects
In Table 4, much of the increased terrorism generated by the Libyan raid augmented nomesource-using THHX. Nearly half of the terrorist reaction to the raid took the form of words and not deeds. Terrorists lashed back at the raid with relatively low-cost incidents (THHX and OT) in the hopes of imposing sizable costs on others. The impact and long-run effects of metal detectors on SKY are larger than in the intervention studies. In addition, we now find a larger substitution into BHKN and AS. The long run effect on THHX is estimated to decline by over nine incidents per quarter. Since many THHX involved planes and embassies, which were made more secure by metal detectors, these threats may have declined as they became less credible. Terrorists may have substituted deeds for words owing to metal detectors. Both embassy fortifications had significant impact effects. EMB76 had the imme diate impact of increasing THHX by almost nine incidents per quarter. There is only weak evidence that EMB76 affected the other series: at the 0. 1 0 level for a one-tail test, EMB76 increased SKY and AS, while it decreased OT. The impact and long-run effects of EMB76 on AS are especially interesting, since they suggest that protected individuals were more prone to assassinations when leaving secured grounds. Insofar as THHX require few inputs, these events can increase without necessitating substitution out of other events. EMB85 is estimated to have increased BHKN at the expense of
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
THHX. After the late 1 970s, BHKN consisted almost entirely ofkidnappings; hence, it is not surprising that EMB85 led to substitution into BHKN. On impact, BHKN rose by 3.54 incidents per quarter. In the long run, BHKN gradually increased to 5.4 additional incidents per quarter. 9. Concluding remarks
Economic methods and game theory present appropriate tools to analyze various aspects of terrorist behavior and the formulation of effective antiterrorism policies. Although economic studies do not provide a substitute for policy-relevant political science studies, economic analyses are complementary and introduce a degree of theorizing and empirical quantification that is needed. The recent focus in economics on asymmetric information, where parties are differentially informed, has provided tools (e.g., signalling games) that are especially appropriate to the study of the interface between a government and terrorists, where information is incomplete. Even the standard consumer-theory model yields insights when applied to terrorism - i.e., that antiterrorism policies may, through substitutions and complementarities, lead to unintended outcomes. These outcomes were quantified by the VAR analysis. In the future, dynamic methods can offer insights regarding the evolution of terrorist groups and their campaigns. More advanced VAR analyses can provide future empirical findings. Finally, empirical applications need to be developed for the game analysis. References Alexander, Y., D. Carlton and P. Wilkinson, eds., 1 979, Terrorism: Theory and practice (Westview, Boulder, CO). Atkinson, S.E., T. Sandler and J.T. Tschirhart, 1 987, Terrorism in a bargaining framework, Journal of Law and Economics 30, 1 -2 1 . Binmore, K., 1992, Fun and games (D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA). Brophy-Baermann, B., and J.A.C. Conybeare, 1 994, Retaliating against terrorism: Rational expectations and the optimality of rules versus discretion, American Journal of Political Science 38, 1 96-21 0. Cauley, J., and E.I. lm, 1 988, Intervention policy analysis of skyjackings and other terrorist incidents, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 78, 27-3 1 . Crenshaw, M., 1 992, Current research on terrorism: The academic perspective, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 15, 1-1 1 . Dickey, D., and W Fuller, 1 979, Distribution o f the estimator for autoregressive time series with a unit root, Journal of American Statistical Association 74, 427-43 1 . Dickey, D., and W Fuller, 1 98 1 , The likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series with a unit root, Econometrica 49, 1 057-1072. Enders, W., 1 995, Applied Econometric Time-Series (Wiley, New York). Enders, W., and T. Sandler, 1 99 1 , Causality between transnational terrorism and tourism: The case of Spain, Terrorism 14, 49-58. Enders, W., and T. Sandler, 1 993, The effectiveness of anti-terrorism policies: Vector-autoregression intervention analysis, American Political Science Review 87, 829-844.
W Enders and T. Sandler
Enders, W., T. Sandler and J. Cauley, 1 990a, U.N. conventions, technology and retaliation in the fight against terrorism: An econometric evaluation, Terrorism and Political Violence 2, 83-1 05. Enders, W., T. Sandler and J. Cauley, 1 990b, Assessing the impact of terrorist-thwarting policies: An intervention time series approach, Defence Economics 2, 1 - 1 8 . Enders, W., G.F. Parise and T. Sandler, 1992a, A time-series analysis o f transnational terrorism: Trends and cycles, Defence Economics 3, 305-320. Enders, W., T. Sandler and G.F. Parise, 1 992b, An econometric analysis of the impact of terrorism on tourism, Kyklos 45, 53 1-554. Gottman, J.M., 198 1, Time-series analysis (Cambridge University Press, New York). Im, E.l., J. Cauley and T. Sandler, 1 987, Cycles and substitutions in terrorist activities: A spectral approach, Kyklos 40, 238-255. Islam, M.Q., and W.N. Shahin, 1989, Economic methodology applied to political hostage-taking in light of the Iran-Contra affair, Southern Economic Journal 55, 1 0 1 9-1 024. Landes, W.M., 1 978, An economic study of U.S. aircraft hijackings, 1 961-1976, Journal of Law and Economics 2 1 , 1-3 1 . Lapan, H.E., and T. Sandler, 1 988, To bargain or not t o bargain: That is the question, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 78, 1 6-20. Lapan, H.E., and T. Sandler, 1993, Terrorism and signalling, European Journal of Political Economy 9, 383-397. Lee, D.R., 1 988, Free riding and paid riding in the fight against terrorism, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 78, 22-26. Lee, D.R., and T. Sandler, 1 989, On the optimal retaliation against terrorists: The paid-rider option, Public Choice 61, 141-152. Lichbach, M.l., 1987, Deterrence or escalation in repression and dissent, Journal of Conflict Resolution 3 1 , 266-297. Mickolus, E.F., 1 980, Transnational terrorism: A chronology of events 1 968-1979 (Greenwood Press, Westport, CT). Mickolus, E.F., 1 982, International terrorism: Attributes of terrorist events, 1 968-1977 (ITERATE 2) (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI). Mickolus, E.F., T. Sandler and J.M. Murdock, 1 989a, International terrorism in the 1980s: A chronology of events, Vol. I ( 1 980-1983) and Vol. 2 (1 984-1 987) (Iowa State University, Ames, IA). Mickolus, E.F., T. Sandler, J.M. Murdock and P. Fleming, 1 989b, International terrorism: Attributes of terrorist events 1 978-1987 (ITERATE 3) (Vinyard Software, Inc., Falls Church, VA). Nelson, P.S., and J.L. Scott, 1 992, Terrorism and the media: An empirical analysis, Defence Economics 3, 329-339. Overgaard, P.B., 1 994, Terrorist attacks as a signal of resources, Journal of Conflict Resolution 38, 452-478. Perron, P., 1 989, The great crash, the oil price shock, and the unit root hypothesis, Econometrica 57, 1361-140 1 . Sandler, T. , 1 992, Collective action: Theory and applications (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI). Sandler, T., and H.E. Lapan, 1 988, The calculus of dissent: An analysis of terrorists' choice of targets, Synthese 76, 245-261 . Sandler, T. , J.T. Tschirhart and J. Cauley, 1 983, A theoretical analysis of transnational terrorism, American Political Science Review 77, 36-54. Scott, J.L., 1 989, The role of information in the war on terrorism, unpublished dissertation (University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC). Scott, J.L., 1 9 9 1 , Reputation building in hostage taking incidents, Defence Economics 2, 209-2 1 8 . Selten, R . , 1 988, A simple game model o f kidnappings, in: R . Selten, ed., Models o f strategic rationality (Kluwer Academic Publishing, Boston, MA) 77-93.
Ch. 9:
Terrorism: Theory and Applications
Shahin, W.N., and M.Q. Islam, 1 992, Combating political hostage-taking: An alternative approach, Defence Economics 3, 321--327. US Department of State, 1 986, Patterns of global terrorism (US Department of State, Washington, DC). US Department of State, 1 993, Patterns of global terrorism (US Department of State, Washington, DC). Wilkinson, P., and A.M. Stewart, eds., 1 987, Contemporary research on terrorism (Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen).
Illinois State University
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. A methodological overview of the existing research 2 . 1 . Benoit's work and a list of the variations adopted by other scholars
2.2. Some methodological issues 2.2. 1 . Theoretical foundations for the econometric models used
2.2.2. Exogeneity of the regressors and the possible SEM bias 2.2.3. Cross-section versus individual-country estimates
3. A summary of the evidence from existing studies 4. Some thoughts on future research, and a few notes of caution 5. Concluding remarks References
252 252 253 254 254 258 258 261 264 266 269 271 271
* This work owes much t o the research reported by Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, ch. 8 ) and Macnair et al. ( 1 995). Todd Sandler gave many helpful suggestions at all stages of the project. Keith Hartley provided insightful comments on an earlier version. Research assistance was rendered by Martin Vedder. However, the author alone is responsible for all errors and deficiencies.
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume I, Edited by K. Hartley and T Sandler © 1 995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
R. Ram
This chapter reviews the empirical research on the relation between defense spending and economic growth. A broad flavor of the approaches adopted by different scholars is provided through a list of selected studies on the topic since 1 973 and an outline of the variations over Benoit's original work that have been explored in the literature. A discussion of three major methodological issues is then undertaken. The following section summarizes the main substantive results reported in various studies, and another section contains some thoughts on the future research on the subject. The chapter ends with a few concluding and summarizing observations. Keywords
Defense expenditure, economic growth, military outlays, investment, factor productivity, external effects, Granger causality, regressor exogeneity, fixed-effect modelling, sensitivity analysis, regression diagnostics
Ch. 1 0: Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth
1. Introduction
An assessment of the impact of defense (military) outlays on economic performance is important. Despite the recent slowdown in the rate of increase of defense spending, the level of defense expenditures continues to be high in most parts of the world. For example, the estimate by the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency [US ACDA (1 994, p. 4 7)] indicates that the total world military expenditure exceeded one trillion dollars in 1 99 1 1 . In the developing world, military expenditure constituted about 4.5 percent of GNP and over 1 8 percent of all central government expenditure. In a similar vein, the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP ( 1994, pp. 1 7017 1)] points out that military expenditures in the developing countries, which stood at about 143 percent of their combined education and health expenditures in 1960, were still of the order of 60 percent of their total expenditures in those two categories in 1990-9 1 . Thus military outlays continue to be huge while economic growth is of major concern in almost all countries. Reflecting on the massive use of resources for defense, Sivard ( 1 993, p. 5) wrote, "In a world spending over $600 billion a year on military programs, over 1 billion people lack basic health care, one adult in four is unable to read and write, one-fifth of the world population goes hungry every day". Similarly, she noted, "At a cost of less than half their military expenditures, the developing countries could have a package of basic health services and clinical care that would save 1 0 million lives a year". It is, of course, evident that, although determination of an optimal defense structure is extremely difficult in a complex multicountry international context, military expenditure is usually incurred for external defense, which is an important intrinsic objective. National defense is expected to provide external security, and should thus enhance economic growth in the long run. However, its immediate objective is not directly related to economic growth. Therefore, even if defense spending did have an adverse effect on current economic growth, there is no necessary implication that such expenditures are harmful or too high. The importance of exploring the nexus between defense spending and economic growth arises from two kinds of considerations 2 . First, even if defense outlays are optimal in some sense, it is useful to assess the cost of defense in terms of reduction in current consumption, investment or output growth. It is obvious that military expenditures include many items that necessarily divert scarce resources from current consumption, investment and growth. Second, there are several possible positive external effects of defense 1 These estimates are apparently derived from conversion of local-currency data into US dollars on the basis of market exchange rates. If Purchasing-Power-Parity (PPP) exchange rates were used, the amount for the less-developed countries (LDCs) might be significantly larger. 2 The many possible conceptual linkages between defense outlays and economic performance are discussed at great length in several studies, and it seems needless to repeat these here. Good discussions are provided by Benoit ( 1 973, 1 978), Chan ( 1 985), Deger (1 986b), Grobar and Porter ( 1989), Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, ch. 8), and several other scholars.
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outlays on the rest of the economy, especially in regard to infrastructure, technological progress, and human-capital formation, and it should be useful to investigate how the positive external benefits compare with the cost of diverting resources to uses that cannot contribute directly to current consumption, investment or economic growth. While the question is important, its theoretical formulation and empirical implementation have been difficult and somewhat inconclusive after over 20 years of fairly sustained research. The main objective of this chapter is to provide a broad flavor of the models used, statistical procedures employed, and the results claimed by various researchers. The focus of the paper is empirical. Therefore, the effort is largely directed toward stating the statistical or econometric formats in which the question has been investigated, the conclusions claimed by different researchers, and the major methodological issues that have been raised and may need to be addressed in future research.
2. A methodological overview of the existing research
Table 1 contains a list of the studies that have investigated the relationship between defense expenditure and economic growth since 1 973. Although the list is certainly not exhaustive, it gives a reasonable overview of what has been done and includes most of the approaches that have been used. 2. 1.
Benoit's work and a list of the variations adopted by other scholars
Benoit's ( 1 973, 1978) work provided a strong impetus for most research on the subject during the last two decades. Although his theoretical model ( 1 973, pp. 8-16) tended to emphasize the adverse effects of defense expenditures on growth, the econometric estimates based on a cross-section of 44 less-developed countries (LDCs) for the period 1 950-1965 showed that "countries with a heavy defense burden generally had the most rapid rate of growth, and those with the lowest defense burdens tended to show the lowest growth rates" ( 1 978, p. 271). Even though several possibilities of a spurious relation were explored, he noted persistent evidence of a positive effect of the defense burden on growth, and then tried to rationalize the findings in terms of (i) the possibility that the alternative uses of resources diverted to defense might not be very productive in many LDCs, (ii) total resource-use might increase with a heavier defense burden, and (iii) the military sector may impart several positive externalities to the rest of the economy and these benefits might outweigh the adverse effects. Benoit's empirical results were so unexpected that much of the subsequent research on the subject has been directed toward an assessment of the validity of his results. In addition to a general criticism of his work, many variations over his model, sample and estimation method have been explored. The following list provides a flavor of most of these variations and thus of the broad patterns in the research on the subject.
Ch. I 0: Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth
Table 1 List of selected studies of the defense-growth relationship (arranged in the order of authors' names)" Reference
Main conclusions
Adams, Behrman and Boldin ( 1 9 9 1 )
Feder-type 3-sector model, LDC sample, 1 974-1 986
No effect of defense spending on growth
Alexander ( 1 990)
Feder-type 4-sector model, 9 DCs, 1 974-1 985
No effect of defense spending on growth
Atesoglu and Mueller ( 1 990)
Feder-type 2-sector model, USA, 1 949-1 989
Small positive and significant effect of defense spending on growth
Benoit ( 1 973, 1 978)
Traditional (ad hoc) model, 44 LDCs, 1 950-1965
Positive and significant effect of defense spending on growth
Biswas ( 1 993)
Traditional and Feder-type 2-sector models, 74 LDCs, 1 9 8 1 - 1 989
Positive and significant effect of defense spending on growth
Biswas and Ram ( 1986)
Traditional and Feder-type 2-sector models, 58 LDCs, 1 960-1970 and 1 970-1977
No significant effect of defense spending on growth
Chowdhury ( 1 9 9 1 )
Granger-causality tests, 55 LDCs, time-series data
No causality between ME/GDP and growth in most countries
Deger ( 1 986a,b)
Traditional SEM (3-equation) model, 50 LDCs, 1 965-1973
Positive direct effect of defense spending on growth, but negative indirect and total effects
Deger and Smith ( 1 983)
Traditional SEM (3-equation) model, 50 LDCs, 1 965-1973
Positive direct effect of defense spending on growth, but negative indirect and total effects
Faini, Annez and Taylor ( 1 984)
Demand-side traditional model, 69 countries, 1 952-1970
A generally negative effect of defense spending on growth
Frederiksen and Looney (1 983)
Benoit's sample and model with breakup in subsamples
Defense spending has a positive effect on growth in the group of 24 "resource-abundant" countries, but the effect is negative for the group of 9 "resource-constrained" countries
Huang and Mintz ( 1 990)
Feder-type 3-sector model, USA, 1 952-1 988
No significant overall effect of defense spending on growth
1 3.
Huang and Mintz (1991)
Feder-type 3-sector model, USA, 1 952-1 988
No significant externality or factor-productivity effect of defense spending on growth
Joerding ( 1 986)
Granger-causality tests, 57 LDCs, 1 962-1 977, annual data
Causality runs from growth to defense spending; and there is little evidence of causality from defense spending to growth
Landau ( 1 986)
Traditional models with many variables, 65 LDCs, 1 960-1980
Little effect of defense spending on growth
continued on next page
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Table 1 , continued Reference
Main conclusions
1 6.
Landau (1 993)
Traditional (ad hoc) growth model, 7 1 LDCs, 1 969-1 989, defense variable (ME/GDP) as well as its square used
Defense spending has an initial positive effect on growth, but the effect turns negative at higher levels of the defense burden. No significant effect in a subsample of 4 7 countries
Lebovic and Ishaq ( 1 987)
Traditional 3-equation model like Deger-Smith (1 983), 20 Middle-Eastern LDCs, 1 973-1982
Defense spending has a negative effect on growth
1 8.
Lim ( 1 983)
Harrod-Domar growth model, 54 LDCs, 1 965-1973
Defense spending has a negative effect on growth
Macnair et al. (1 995) Extended Feder-type model, Positive effect of defense spending on 10 NATO allies, 1 951-1 988, growth pooled annual data, spillins from allies included
Mintz and Huang (1 990)
Mintz and Stevenson Feder-type 3-sector model, 1 03 countries, around (1 995) 1 950-1 985
No significant relation between defense spending and growth in most of the individual-country estimates
Mueller and Atesoglu (1 993)
Feder-type model with technical change, USA, 1948-1990
Small positive effect of defense spending on growth
Ram ( 1 994)
Traditional and Feder-type 2-sector models, 71 LDCs, 1 965-1973, 1 973-1 980 and 1 980-1990, considers low and middle-income groups and interperiod pooling with fixed-effect formats
No significant effect of defense spending on growth in Feder-type models in any period, but the parametric structure differs across the periods. In traditional models, one can find positive as well as negative effects of defense spending by using different proxies for defense and in different periods and groups of countries
Rasler and Thompson ( 1 988)
Demand-side investment models, 1 9th and 20th century "systemic leaders"
Some evidence of an adverse effect of defense spending on investment
Scheetz ( 1 9 9 1 )
Deger-type 3-equation model, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, 1 969-1987, time-series/pooled
Defense spending has a negative effect on investment
Smith (1 980)
Defense spending has a negative effect on Keynesian model of investment investment demand, 14 OECD countries, 1 954-73, time-series/pooled
Flexible accelerator investment model, USA
Defense spending lowered investment and thus growth
continued on next page
Ch. 1 0: Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth
Table 1 , continued Reference
Main conclusions
Stewart ( 1 99 1 )
Keynesian demand model, LDCs, simulation-based
Defense spending is conducive to growth, but non-defense spending is even more conducive
28. Ward and Davis ( 1992)
Feder-type 3-sector model, USA, 1 948-1996
Defense spending has a net negative effect on growth, even though the externality effect is positive
29. Ward et a!. ( 1 99 1 )
Feder-type 3-sector model, India, 1 950-1987
Defense spending has a positive effect on growth
' This listing is based largely on the information contained in Table 8.2 of Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995). They provide more information on most studies. Landau ( 1 993, pp. 43-45) gives a review and critique of six "major existing studies". Those six studies are included in this list.
(2) (3) (4)
(5) (6)
Benoit's growth equation has been augmented by the addition of other variable(s). One frequent addition is the growth of labor force (population). Cross-country samples that are broader or narrower than his have been studied. While Benoit's conclusion was based almost entirely on the averaged data for 1 950-1965, quite a few other periods have been studied. Instead of a single-equation framework, simultaneous-equations models (SEMs) have been estimated. The additional equations are typically for investment and defense outlays, which are treated as endogenous. In the SEM context, the "direct" as well as the "total" effect of defense spending on growth can be assessed. Instead of assuming exogeneity (or endogeneity) of the defense variable in the growth equation, direction of Granger causality across the defense and the growth variables has been investigated. While Benoit's growth equation was somewhat ad hoc, efforts have been made to provide a more explicit economic foundation for the growth model. In these cases, proxies other than Benoit's (ratio of defense spending to GNP) for the defense variable have been considered. One possibility is to use the rate of growth of defense spending as the proxy for the defense variable. An explicit consideration is given in some studies to the channels through which defense spending may influence growth. Such channels include the effect of defense outlays on investment, technical change, human-capital formation, public expenditures on health and education, productivity differences between defense and civilian sectors, and unspecified external effects of the defense sector on the rest of the economy. Besides considering the entire set of LDCs, structural variations across some subsets have been examined. In particular, it has been considered whether the structure for "resource-constrained" cases is different from that for "resource-
R. Ram
abundant" countries. Similarly, the position for low-income and middle-income LDCs has been compared. (9) Instead of the usual supply-side modelling in terms of a growth equation, demand-side effects have been estimated, especially in terms of the effect on investment. In some cases, the models include both demand-side and supply-side considerations. ( 1 0) Some scholars have focussed on investigating the relationship in individual countries instead of using the typical cross-section format. ( 1 1) While most studies are based on LDC samples, some scholars have extended the analysis to developed countries (DCs), and have introduced interesting refinements that are made possible by better data availability for the DCs. Although these studies do not directly shed light on the defense-growth nexus in the LDCs, they provide a useful comparative perspective. Of course, as Table 1 would also indicate, the foregoing list does not consist of mutually exclusive categories; some studies have included several variations over Benoit's work. 2.2.
Some methodological issues
While the foregoing list provides a quick view of the general patterns in the defense growth research, there are some methodological issues that need a more detailed discussion because these issues seem to have a significant bearing on the kind of empirical results one gets. Although other aspects might also be considered important by some scholars, the discussion here is limited to three major issues. 2.2. 1 .
Theoretical foundations for the econometric models used
As Table 1 indicates, much of the research in the 1970s and the early 1980s used growth models that were largely ad hoc and lacked a well-defined economic foundation. Although often plausible in a general sense, these models represented a somewhat subjective statistical formulation of the issue and thus were beset with uncertainty about the variables to be included and the proper proxies for these variables. For example, Benoit's ( 1 973, 1 978) format did not include a labor variable, but did include a foreign-aid term, and the proxy for the defense variable was the ratio of military expenditure to GNP. Similarly, Landau ( 1 986) included a large number of variables, and well-defined criteria to determine the econometric formulation seemed lacking. Although models of economic growth derived from simple neoclassical production functions had been used in several types of studies, an explicit modelling of the channels through which the focus variable generated the effect on output or growth was lacking until Feder ( 1 983) suggested an interesting two-sector framework for studying the effect of exports on growth. Adapting Feder's methodology, Biswas and Ram ( 1 986) provided a simple framework that (i) postulated two mechanisms through which the
Ch. 1 0: Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth
defense (military) sector may affect aggregate output and growth, and (ii) starting with simple neoclassical production functions, led to a tractable growth equation whose parameters included the effect of defense outlays on growth. Although details of such models are now well known, it may be useful to recapitulate the basic features of their simple two-sector framework. Assuming that the economy consists of two distinct sectors, that labor (L) and capital (K) are the two conventional inputs, and that the size of the defense sector (M) exerts an "externality" effect on the rest of the economy (C), production functions for the two sectors may be written as C = C(Lc, Kc, M),
(1 ,2)
where subscripts refer to the (exogenous) assignment of inputs to each sector. Treating total inputs of labor and capital as given, and writing total output (Y) as the sum of M and C Y = M + C.
It is further postulated that input productivity in the two sectors is not necessarily identical, and a relative factor-productivity differential of the following type exists
MK �
= l+D
where the subscripts now denote the partial derivatives of M and C with respect to the subscripted input. Equation (4) suggests that labor (and capital) may be relatively more productive in the defense sector than in the civilian sector, and the difference is indicated by the (positive) value of /5 . The model identifies two channels through which defense outlays might have a favorable effect on aggregate output and growth. One would be a positive CM (fJC/fJM), which is the marginal externality effect of defense on the rest of the economy. The other is a positive /5, which implies higher input productivity in the defense sector, and thus an increase in total output for given resources as inputs are shifted to the more productive defense sector. If data on sectoral inputs are available, estimates of CM and 13 can be obtained from growth-rate versions of Equations ( 1) and (2). However, since information on sectoral inputs is scarce for most LDCs, it is necessary to reformulate the model in terms of aggregate inputs. Following Feder ( 1983), Biswas and Ram ( 1 986) indicated that taking the total derivative of Equation (3c) and using the information from Equations (1), (2), (3a), (3b) and (4), one can derive an equation for growth of aggregate output in the following form
I y
Y = f3L + a- +
1 + 13
+ CM
where a dot over the variable denotes its rate of growth (e.g., Y = dY/Y), f3 is an elasticity-type parameter and equals CL(LIY), a is the marginal product of capital in
R. Ram
sector C, and I (dK) denotes aggregate investment. Addition of a constant term (which could reflect neutral technical change) and a stochastic disturbance in Equation (5) yields an econometric specification in which the coefficient of M(MIY) indicates the sum of the externality and the factor-productivity effects of defense on growth. If one wishes to obtain separate estimates of the externality and the factor-productivity effects, assuming that the externality parameter is not CM, but is CM(M!C) and is denoted by 8, Biswas and Ram ( 1 986) state the following reformulation of Equation (5):
I y
Y = f3L + a- +
) ( -o 1+0 -8
.M M - + 8M. '
and it is now possible to obtain separate estimates of the externality effect ( 8) and the factor-productivity difference (o). Although neither (5) nor (6) is really new, the main merit of the framework is that it models two reasonable mechanisms through which the defense sector may affect aggregate output and growth, and leads to the derivation of a tractable specification for a quantitative estimation of these effects. Despite their obvious appeal, such Feder-type models have several shortcomings. For example, there may be high collinearity between the last two terms in Equation (6) and one may not get estimates that are precise enough to provide a good feel for the magnitude of the externality effect and/or the factor-productivity difference. Also, there are some measurement and data problems, and, as in other single-equation models, there may be a "feedback" from the dependent variable to some of the regressors 3 . Perhaps more important, the two-sector modelling might appear too restrictive. As the research by Adams, Behrman and Boldin ( 1 99 1), Alexander ( 1990), and Macnair et al. ( 1995) suggests, exports and government sectors can be reasonable additional candidates for multisectoral modelling. Feder ( 1 986) also outlined a four-sector model in which each of the industrial and nonindustrial sectors was decomposed into the components meant for exports and domestic use. At a simple level inclusion of more than two sectors is relatively straightforward. It can be shown that for j mutually exclusive and exhaustive sectors, if one postulates relative factor-productivity differences between the "base" sector and each of the others, and permits each of the other sectors to exert an externality effect on the base sector, Equation (5) can be written in the following extended form:
Y = f3L + a -y +
� �
l + O;
+ Cy,
) ]
. Y Y; y; ,
where C (which can also be written as Y 1 ) is the output in the base sector, 0; is the relative factor-productivity difference between the base and ith sectors, and Y; denotes 3
In the context of the effect of government "size", Ram ( 1 989) discusses some of the measurement and other potential problems.
Ch. 10:
Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth
output in the ith sector4. Given data on sectoral outputs, estimation of Equation (7) is as easy as estimation of (5), and the total effect of each sector on aggregate output and growth can be assessed. If, however, one wishes to include externality effects across the non-base sectors or to obtain separate estimates for the externality effects and the factor-productivity differences, the problem can become tedious, and the advantage of multisectoral modelling seems uncertain. The research by Alexander ( 1990), who used a four-sector model, illustrates some of these difficulties. First, his model does not include any external effect of defense on exports (or of exports on defense) or of the defense or the export sector on the government sector. Second, the actual government variable used in the analysis includes defense outlays, and the "sectors" do not represent mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories. Therefore, the derivation used was not valid. Third, negative estimates for the marginal product (rate of return) of capital in the base sector indicate low overall credibility of the exercise. Moreover, despite a reasonable sample of about 90 pooled observations, it was difficult to make a clear statement even about the externality effect of defense on the base sector or about the productivity difference between these sectors. In general, it seems that extensions of Feder-type two-sector models to cover three or more sectors should be done cautiously. If appropriate data are available and the sample size is reasonable, specifications like Equation (7) can be used for well-defined and meaningful components of the total output. Such models might be more informative than two-sector formats and could attenuate the problem of omitted variables. However, it seems hazardous to use such multisector models to obtain separate information about the external effects and productivity differences relative to any sector. It is perhaps more useful to focus on judging the sensitivity of the estimates to the inclusion of additional variables than to attempt incorporation of more sectors simply because some other variables may also appear relevant to growth. 2.2.2.
Exogeneity of the regressors and the possible SEM bias
Like ad hoc single-equation growth models, ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimation of the growth equation derived from the two-sector framework used by Biswas and Ram ( 1 986) has a potentially significant econometric weakness. It can be described more or less equivalently in terms of (i) the regressors, especially the investment and the defense variables, not being "exogenous", (ii) there being a "feedback" from output growth to defense and/or investment, (iii) the stochastic error term being correlated with some of the regressors, (iv) lack of "unidirectional causality" from
4 Alexander (1 990), Macnair et al. ( 1 995) and Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, ch. 8) provide derivations for somewhat similar multisector Feder-type models. In particular, Alexander's ( 1 990, p. 44) equation (6) should reduce to (7) of the text if the government sector had no external effects on defense and exports.
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defense (or investment) to the dependent variable, and (v) there being a "simultaneous equations bias" in the OLS estimates 5 If the problem is significant, it can render the OLS estimates biased and inconsistent and their interpretation very difficult. As Joerding ( 1 986) explains, the intuitive basis for the presence of such a problem is easy to perceive. Equation (5) says that a measure of defense outlays affects output growth. However, it is possible that the rate of output growth also affects defense outlays. If that is the case, the defense-variable parameter no longer measures the effect of defense on growth, and one needs a more complete model. In the defense-growth literature, most researchers have made an explicit or implicit assumption that the problem does not significantly affect the OLS estimates. A few studies have, however, suggested procedures for testing the severity of the problem and for handling it. If the problem is significant, the most obvious solution is to use a simultaneous equations model which includes additional equations for the potentially endogenous variables, namely, defense and investment. Deger ( 1 986a,b) and Deger and Smith (1 983) adopted this approach and reported three-stage least-squares (3SLS) estimates of their equations. Such an approach is certainly useful. Besides providing theoretically cleaner (consistent) estimates of the parameters of the growth equation, and thus of the "direct" effect of defense on growth, an important advantage of the procedure is that it enables estimation of the "total" effect of the defense variable on growth. Gregory, Campbell and Cheng ( 1 972) call such total effect of one endogenous variable on another an "intercept multiplier". Some well-known precautions are, however, needed in handling such simultaneous equations models. First, care is needed in specifYing not merely the growth equation but also the equation(s) for defense and/or investment. If there is substantial misspecification in the system, it may contaminate the entire set of estimates, and the situation may be worse in some respects than with the (inconsistent) OLS estimates. Second, if misspecification in the system is suspected, it may be better to use two-stage least-squares (2SLS) estimation, or some other equation-by-equation method, which, although not efficient, may be less contaminated by misspecification than system-wide methods like 3SLS. Third, a comparison of the OLS estimates with those obtained from the SEM methods might indicate the gain from using the SEM procedures. The comparison might be done at an intuitive level. More formally, test procedures like those suggested by Hausman ( 1 978) may be useful. Use of instrumental variables (IVs) is one alternative to specification of an SEM. If good IVs can be found, consistent estimates of the parameters of the growth equation can be obtained in a fairly simple manner. One weakness of the IV procedure is that the selection of the instruments may be somewhat subjective and may influence the resulting estimates. 5 Omission of a relevant variable that is correlated with any of the included variables can also lead to the same kind of weakness in OLS estimates.
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Use of lagged regressors has been suggested by some scholars. Landau's ( 1 993) work provides a recent example of such an approach. However, if, as seems likely, there is high correlation between temporal values of each regressor, use of lagged values may not be a good solution, and some testing may still be appropriate. Instead of employing SEM or IV procedures directly, some scholars prefer that the presence of the problem be first tested. Joerding (1 986) conducted tests of Granger causality between military expenditure and output growth from multiple observations for 57 LDCs, and concluded that the military expenditure variable was unlikely to be exogenous relative to growth. Therefore, OLS estimates of the usual single-equation cross-section growth models with military expenditure as a regressor are probably inconsistent. Chowdhury ( 1 991) conducted similar tests of causality for each of the 55 sample LDCs and found little evidence of unidirectional positive causal flow from defense spending to growth in most cases. Although testing prior to SEM modelling is somewhat natural, and tests of Granger causality can be useful, inferences based on these tests can be problematic, and several notes of caution seem warranted even if one overlooks the inferential uncertainties inherent in such tests 6. First, it is well known that inferences from bivariate causality tests can be quite different from those based on causality tests in a multivariate format 7 . Since the defense variable is seldom used as the only regressor in growth equations, it is not obvious what conclusion should be drawn from bivariate causality tests. Second, choice of the defense variable needs thought. For example, Joerding ( 1986) used the share of defense expenditure in GNP (MIY) as the relevant variable. His test procedure and outcome would, therefore, not apply to Feder-type models used by Biswas and Ram (1 986) and others in which the defense variable enters in a different form. Third, single-country studies seldom contain enough observations to make the procedure reliable. Moreover, even if the inference for a country is reasonable, it would apply only to that country, and it would be difficult to use such results to sizable cross-sections with which most researchers have worked. It seems that regression specification-error tests would be more appropriate than Granger causality tests for judging severity of the SEM-bias in OLS estimates. Although several well known and fairly straightforward specification-error tests are available, these do not seem to have been used in the defense-growth literature. The RESET test proposed by Ramsey ( 1969) and some versions of the tests proposed by Hausman ( 1 978) seem useful for cross-section models. For single-country time-series observations, the omitted-variables version of the differencing test proposed by Plosser, Schwert and
It is now well known that such Granger-causality tests are sensitive to a wide variety of factors, including the sample period, number of observations, data frequency, lag-length choice, structural changes over the period, stationarity of the variables, and cointegration across the variables. For a discussion of some related aspects, see the early work by Jacobs, Leamer and Ward ( 1 979). 7 This aspect has been discussed by Lutkepohl ( 1 982) and others.
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White ( 1982) can be useful 8 . Tests like RESET can be used even when, as in Landau (1 993), lagged regressors are entered in the equation. Moreover, if an SEM-bias is indicated by the tests, careful attention may be given to the remedial steps. If a multi equation model is constructed, each equation may be specified carefully. As already noted, one major advantage of the SEM modelling is that the estimates can provide an indication of both the "direct" and the "total" effect of defense on growth. Apart from the possible inconsistency (and bias) in the OLS estimates, since single-equation models typically assess the impact of defense outlays on growth when investment and labor force (employment) are held constant, they can miss an important part of the story if the defense outlays affect total investment and/or employment. 2.2.3.
Cross-section versus individual-country estimates
Most scholars have used cross-section data for a sizable number of countries to obtain estimates of the effect of defense outlays on economic growth. These models and estimates are subject to the obvious criticism that the implicit restriction of identical parameters for the sample countries is unreasonable, and, therefore, it is difficult to interpret the estimates. Although each parameter estimate in such models may sometimes be interpreted as the average of the corresponding parameters for the sample countries, the objection is technically valid. For example, estimation of Equation (5) from cross-country data implies that the labor-elasticity, marginal product (rate of return) of capital in the civilian sector, marginal external effect of defense on the rest of the economy, and the defense-civilian relative factor-productivity difference are identical across the sample countries. That is obviously a strong assumption. While rate of return to capital might be fairly similar across countries, labor productivity may differ dramatically, especially if the sample includes countries at very different levels of development. However, the situation is not a special feature of the defense-growth studies, and holds for the numerous kinds of models that are estimated from cross-section data. As Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, p. 209) note, while estimation from cross-section models implies fairly stringent parametric restrictions, use of single-country data involves many problems pertaining to the number of observations, consideration of variable-stationarity and generalizability to other contexts. It seems that cross-section and individual-country data may be treated as comple mentary and not as competing alternatives. Reasonable evidence from single-country studies takes time to accumulate. Until such evidence is available, careful use of cross section data can throw light on the important issue concerning the defense-growth relationship. The rigor of the parametric restrictions implied by pure cross-section models can often be softened in several ways. The recent work by Macnair et a!. ( 1 995) indicates 8 See Maddala ( 1 992, pp. 478, 506-5 14) for a good description of these tests. RESET was further explained by Ramsey and Schmidt ( 1 976) also.
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how multiple observations for the sample countries can be used directly, in a pooled cross-section time-series format, to enrich the model and the estimates. Such pooling enabled them to explore several types of cross-country variations in terms of fixed effect and random-effect models. Even if one does not wish to pool annual data, fixed-effect modelling of a simple kind can be done usefully so long as there are cross-section averages for two or three periods. For example, if data are available for a period of 1 0 to 1 5 years for each country, and the information is not considered precise enough to justifY use of annual data, cross-section averages for two or three periods of 5 to 7 years each can be pooled and fixed-effect formats can be used. Such a format can be helpful in capturing country-specific characteristics and in cleaning the parameter estimates. Of course, it would be appropriate to check ·for structural homogeneity across the periods before using the fixed-effect format. If there is evidence of structural variations across the periods, simple dummy variables can be used to take account of these. In terms of the degrees of freedom as well as parametric flexibility, one should be better off with such a modelling than with the usual pure cross section format which typically involves substantial loss of information and parametric stringency. Also, as noted by Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, p. 209), the cross-section format can be used for groups of countries that are similar along some major dimension(s), in which case the assumption of cross-country parametric homogeneity would not be grossly unreasonable. For example, one could use cross-country data for the OECD group. Even in such cases, however, an effort could be made to use the available information more efficiently through fixed-effect models. The question concerning the appropriate sample period may also merit some consideration here. For individual-country studies, the choice is fairly clear. Even when annual data are used, one can seldom get a good sample size. One should, therefore, get observations for as long a period as possible, and try to test and model suspected structural changes through appropriate dummy variables. For cross-section or pooled data, the choice may need some thought. Although annual observations do increase degrees of freedom, there might be a substantial random or cyclical component in the data, and several questions about time-series properties of the variables arise. On the other hand, use of average values for long periods entails loss of information and may restrict the investigation to a pure cross-section format. It may, therefore, be better to adopt a middle path and to use 5-year or 7-year averages and do pooling of a simple kind through a fixed-effect format. In the context of cross-section and pooled time-series observations, military (defense) interaction across countries can be usefully taken into account. As perhaps the only study that properly includes such an interaction in the form of "defense spillins" from allies, the work by Macnair et al. (1 995) provides an interesting approach to this aspect. They permit defense spending by allies to exert an "externality" effect on the country's own defense expenditure and also on its private output, and arrive at a Feder-type term for the spillin variable in the estimated growth equation.
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Although interesting and potentially useful, this possibility needs to be handled with some care. For instance, Landau ( 1 993) makes an attempt to model a somewhat similar phenomenon by including defense spending by the neighboring countries in his growth equation. He uses (p. 2) "military expenditure share (percentage) in GNP" for the country's own defense effort and a similar ratio for the neighbors' defense spending, and finds a large positive effect of the neighbors' defense spending on the country's own growth. However, it seems difficult to interpret the parameter unless, like Macnair et a!. ( 1 995), a more explicit derivation of the growth equation is provided. 3. A summary of the evidence from existing studies
It is difficult to summarize the existing evidence in a compact manner because of the tremendous diversity in the models, variable proxies, samples, periods studied, and estimation methods. One can find almost every type of result in the literature. However, there are some general remarks that can be made on the basis of the picture suggested by the totality of the evidence. To some extent interpretation of such a diverse set of studies is subjective. It is hoped the following observations would provide at least a broad feel for what the available evidence indicates. (1) There is very little evidence of an overall positive effect of defense outlays on growth in a typical case. Benoit's ( 1 973, 1 978) results were apparently unusual ("fragile") and a special feature of his sample, model and the period studied. Of the numerous attempts made during the last about 20 years, there is hardly any that can claim a similar conclusion if the sample, period, model or estimation procedure is altered. In fact, the predominant picture suggested by Table 1 is against the inference of a positive effect of defense on growth. Even in the several studies that used a supply-side framework, it is difficult to find a significant positive effect of defense spending on growth. For example, Biswas's ( 1 993) claim of a positive effect over the period 1981-1989 is inconsistent with Ram's ( 1994) Feder type estimates that show no significant overall effect for almost the same period and sample. Relative to the DCs, while Alexander (1 990) reports an insignificant overall impact of defense spending for nine countries over 1 974-1985, Macnair et a!. (1 995) report a significant positive effect for ten NATO allies during the period 195 1-1988. Although the methodology used by Macnair et a!. ( 1 995) seems much better, the large instability in their labor-parameter estimates makes it difficult to draw clear conclusions. (2) However, it is also difficult to say that the evidence supports the view that defense outlays have an overall negative effect on growth. While several demand-side models do indicate an adverse effect on investment, that is only a partial view. One should add the possible "externality" and the " factor productivity" effects in a Feder-type framework or some other format, and also the possible effect on labor-force (employment). It is true that the estimates reported by Deger ( 1 986a,b) and Deger and Smith (1983) show an overall negative effect; but the inference
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is based on somewhat ad hoc models, and the defense variable is the ratio of defense spending to GNP. It should be interesting to obtain SEM or IV estimates of a model that has a Feder-type defense variable in the growth model, and in which investment and defense outlays and labor-force (employment) are treated as endogenous. (3) Although there are only a few studies that compare estimates for different periods, there seems evidence of structural heterogeneity across the 1 960s, the 1970s and the 1980s. For example, the conventional estimates reported by Biswas and Ram ( 1986, p. 365) show that rate of growth of defense expenditure had a statistically significant effect at least at the 1 0% level during 1 970-1977, but that was not the case in 1 960-1970. Similarly, the MIY variable showed significance for 1 9601970, but not for 1 970-1977. Ram ( 1 994), who used labor-force growth rates (instead of the usual practice of using population as the proxy for labor), notes a huge difference between the labor parameter estimates for 1 965-1 973 and those for 1 973-1 980 and 1 980-1990. (4) Apart from a possibly different structure for the DCs, there seems some parametric heterogeneity across different LDC subgroups. However, the heterogeneity appears to have a variable pattern. While Frederiksen and Looney ( 1 983) found a striking difference between the estimated parameters for the "resource-abundant" and the "resource-constrained" subgroups in Benoit's sample, the difference was apparently specific to that sample, period and model, and it is difficult to find it replicated elsewhere. Ram ( 1 994), who explored parametric variations across low-income and middle-income LDCs at some length, noted varying patterns for different periods and variable proxies for the defense variable. For instance, he notes that if one uses the traditional model with rate of growth of defense spending, during the period 1 980-1990 the low-income subgroup is marked by a strong positive effect while the middle-income group shows an insignificant negative effect. For 1965-1 973 and 1970-1 980, the effect is fairly similar in both subgroups. (5) Different proxies for the defense variable can lead to very different conclusions. Based on Ram ( 1 994), Table 2 provides a flavor of such possibilities 9 . Besides investment and labor variables, the alternative proxies for defense are (i) Feder type composite term [M(MIY)], (ii) M, and (iii) MIY. It is evident that while the Feder-type term shows no significant overall effect of defense, the M version shows a strong positive effect, and the MIY version suggests a significant negative effect. Although a full explanation cannot be pursued within the limits of this paper, it is possible that the Feder-type term reflects the overall effect, the M version indicates the externality effects, and the MIY version reflects the demand-side consequences
9 Although Table 2 estimates are derived from pooled observations for 1 973-1980 and 1 980-1990, Ram (1 994) finds similar patterns in several other samples also.
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Table 2 Estimates of growth models with different proxies for the defense variable, LDC pooled data for 1 9731 980 and 1 980-1 990 ' Estimated coefficient of
Constant term
-0.261 (-0.28)
0.226 (0.86)
0 . 1 37 (4.68)
0 . 1 34 (0.33)
Conventional, with M
-0.501 (-0.56)
0.209 (0.82)
0. 1 37 (4.85)
Conventional, with MIY
0 . 1 22 (0. 13)
0.271 (1 .04)
0 . 1 42 (4.90)
0.071 (3.23) -0.207 (-1 .95)
• Dependent variable is annual rate of growth of real GDP; /-statistics are given in parentheses. Source: Ram ( 1994).
of diversion of resources from other uses. Of course, the suggested interpretation is only a conjecture, and has some obvious limitations. (6) Although some parametric heterogeneity across LDC subgroups seems likely, the evidence in favor of a well-defined nonlinear relation between defense spending and growth appears somewhat tenuous. Deger (1 986b, pp. 203-209) suggests that military outlays have a positive effect at low and high levels, but exert a negative influence at the middle levels. Similarly, Landau (1993, pp. 4-8, 202 1 ) hypothesizes that the combination of the various effects of military spending would produce a quadratic relation between military spending and growth; the initial effect at low levels will be positive, but the effect will tum negative beyond a certain point. However, Ram ( 1 994), who obtained cross-section estimates for several periods with both (MIY) and (MIY)2 terms, indicates that there is little evidence of a significant quadratic relation in most cases. Even in the sample of 52 LDCs for 1965-1 973, which is similar to Deger's (1 986b), he did not discern a significant quadratic pattern 1 0 . Moreover, quite apart from statistical significance, he noted both linear and quadratic terms to be negative for the period 1 973-1 980; for 1965-1973, the linear term was observed to be negative while the quadratic term was positive. (7) Although defense and investment variables can conceptually be regarded as potentially endogenous, appropriate empirical evidence suggesting a significant bias in the OLS estimates seems lacking.
10 These observations refer to Ram's ( 1 994) estimates that are based, as in Deger ( 1 986a,b) and Landau ( 1 993), on models that include MIY as the defense variable. However, the position is similar if the rate of growth of M is used.
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4. Some thoughts on future research, and a few notes of caution
Research on the defense-growth relation during the last two decades has been fruitful in clarifying some of the maj or issues. For instance, it enables one to conclude that evidence is lacking to support the view that defense spending has an overall positive effect on growth. It also permits one to say that the evidence indicating an overall negative effect appears meager. The following are some aspects that seem to have promise in illuminating the defense-growth nexus in future research. (I) Even if it is true that aggregate defense spending neither promotes nor hurts growth, it might be useful, depending on the availability of data, to look at the impact of major components of defense outlays. The growth impacts of different components of defense spending are likely to be different, and the composition of defense expenditure seems to vary substantially across countries. While several different kinds of disaggregation are possible, one broad dichotomy may consist of expenditure on personnel and non-personnel uses. Defense R&D outlays, domestic production of armaments, and arms imports may also merit disaggregated studies. (2) The effect of defense outlays by other countries, whether allies or adversaries, seems to be an interesting aspect that deserves to be included in models of the defense-growth nexus. Macnair et a!. ( 1 995) have provided an example of modelling the effect of allies' spillins. Landau ( 1 993) has shown the possibility of including the neighbors' defense outlays. Modelling for both possibilities, however, may merit further thought. For example, while the Feder-type modelling by Macnair et a!. ( 1 995) is a useful first step, defense outlays by other countries may also affect allocation of resources (e.g., labor and capital) to the country's defense sector. (3) Methodologically, it should be useful to assess the severity of the endogeneity of the defense (and investment) variables before any remedial steps are considered. For individual-country time-series data, the test proposed by Plosser, Schwert and White (1 982) can be used. Alternatively, multivariate Granger causality tests along with tests of cointegration can be explored if there are at least 40 to 50 observations. For cross-section data, specification-error tests like Hausman's ( 1 978) and RESET seem more useful than Granger-causality tests. (4) When appropriate, multi-equation (SEM) modelling may be used more frequently. In such models, while the effect of defense outlays on investment has been given consideration, the possible effect on labor-force (employment) seems to need more attention. Also, in all multiequation models, "direct" as well as the "total" effect of defense expenditure may be assessed. (5) Model specification appears to need more attention than it has received in many studies. Use of ad hoc models is unlikely to be helpful in clarifying issues. Despite their well-known weaknesses, Feder-type models may offer greater potential. It may also be possible to refine such models by permitting other types of sectoral productivity differences. In addition to the refinement of Feder-type
(9) ( 1 0)
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models, further theoretical explorations are needed to identify the channels through which defense spending may affect growth. Moreover, when the theory is ambiguous about the exact specification, some model-choice tests may be conducted. While procedures for choosing between nested models are elementary, Davidson and MacKinnon (1981) have suggested several methods for choosing between nonnested alternatives 1 1 . Sensitivity of the results should be assessed carefully. Levine and Renelt ( 1 992) provide one example of a procedure that can be used to judge the sensitivity of the estimates. In addition to the investigation of structural stability across periods, country samples, and choice of the variables, simple tests for influential observations (outliers) should be helpful. Fairly easy procedures suggested by Belsley, Kuh and Welsch ( 1 980) can enable the investigator to get a good feel for such outliers. Similarly, if a Feder-type model like Equation (6) is used, it is easy to test the severity of the multicollinearity problem by using the Belsley-Kuh-Welsch ( 1 980) methodology. Also, ifheteroscedasticity is indicated or suspected, heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors suggested by White ( 1 980) can mitigate the problem. For multicountry data, pooling of averaged cross-section observations may be considered. While annual data may be used in some cases, 3-, 5- or 7-year averages might be more appropriate in many situations. When two or more averaged cross-sections are pooled, fixed-effect (or random-effect) format may be used along with appropriate dummy variables to allow structural variations across the periods. The end of the Cold War has caused a major reshuffle in international patterns of military power and areas and sources of conflict. As data for the 1 990s become available, it may be useful to assess whether the defense-growth relation for the 1 990s indicates a major structural shift. Such a shift could be induced, for example, by changes in the patterns of military assistance and the sources of military technology and supplies. It seems useful to supplement cross-country estimates with individual-country results. The objective may be to accumulate country-level evidence and to provide a comparative perspective. Closer attention may be given to data sources and data quality. In growth models that include a labor variable, an effort may be made to use information on labor force instead of employing population growth as a proxy for the rate of growth of labor force. Some World Bank publications (e.g., Trends in Developing Economies) now provide information on labor-force growth rates for 1965-1973, 1973- 1980 and the 1980s for many LDCs.
1 1 Maddala (1 992, pp. 490-506, 5 1 4-5 18) provides a neat discussion of several model-choice procedures.
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27 1
(1 1) Greater caution appears to be needed in drawing conclusions from the parameter
estimates. For example, strong conclusions may not be drawn if the effect of defense spending on growth is observed to be positive. It would be appropriate to compare the magnitude of that effect with the likely benefit from alternative uses of the resources allocated to defense, especially from investment in conventional or human capital.
Concluding remarks
This chapter provides a survey of the empirical research on the relation between de fense spending and economic growth. After a selective listing of the studies on the sub ject during the last about 20 years, the discussion focuses on three major methodologi cal issues, namely, theoretical foundations for the estimated specifications, econometric exogeneity of the regressors, and the choice between cross-section and individual country studies. By way of a summary of the substantive results, it is noted that the weight of the evidence suggests neither a positive nor a negative overall effect of defense outlays on growth. While the externality effect might be positive, the demand side (resource diversion) effect may be negative, and the total effect seems marginal in either direction. Some other points include (i) there is evidence of structural hetero geneity across time and space, but its character seems variable, (ii) different proxies for defense can lead to very different results, and (iii) evidence in favor of a statistically significant quadratic relation between defense spending and growth appears weak. In regard to future research, the main suggestions include (i) greater focus on the effects of the major components of defense outlays at a disaggregated level, (ii) inclusion of defense outlays by other countries in the analysis, (iii) increased reliance on tests for regressor exogeneity, use of the SEM methods, and estimation of the total as well as the direct effects of defense spending, (iv) more careful attention to model specification and identification of the channels through which defense spending affects growth, and greater caution in interpreting the estimates, (v) use of the fixed effect or random-effect format for multicountry data, and (vi) assessment of the sensitivity of the estimates to various alternatives (e.g., variables, periods, country clusters, estimation methods), greater attention to regression diagnostics for outliers and multicollinearity, and increased use of heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors in appropriate cases. References Adams, F.G., J.R. Behrman and M. Boldin, 1 99 1 , Government expenditures, defense, and economic growth in the LDCs: A revised perspective, Conflict Management and Peace Science I I , 1 9-35. Alexander, WR.J., 1 990, The impact of defence spending on economic growth: A multi-sectoral approach to defence spending and economic growth with evidence from developed economies, Defence Economics 2, 39-55.
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Atesoglu, H.S., and M.J. Mueller, 1 990, Defence spending and economic growth, Defence Economics 2, 1 9-27. Belsley, D.A., E. Kuh and R.E. Welsch, 1980, Regression diagnostics: Identifying influential data and sources of collinearity (Wiley, New York). Benoit, E., 1973, Defense and economic growth in developing countries (Lexington Books, Lexington, MA). Benoit, E., 1 978, Growth and defense in developing countries, Economic Development and Cultural Change 26, 271-280. Biswas, B., 1 993, Defense spending and economic growth in developing countries, in: J.E. Payne and A.P. Sahu, eds., Defense spending and economic growth (Westview Press, Boulder, CO) 223-235. Biswas, B., and R. Ram, 1 986, Military expenditures and economic growth in less developed countries: An augmented model and further evidence, Economic Development and Cultural Change 34, 361-372. Chan, S., 1 985, The impact of defense spending on economic performance: A survey of evidence and problems, Orbis 29, 403-434. Chowdhury, A.R., 1991, A causal analysis of defense spending and economic growth, Journal of Conflict Resolution 35, 80-97. Davidson, R., and J.G. MacKinnon, 1 9 8 1 , Several tests for model specification in the presence of alternative hypotheses, Econometrica 49, 781-793. Deger, S., 1 986a, Economic development and defense expenditure, Economic Development and Cultural Change 35, 179-196. Deger, S., 1 9 86b, Military expenditure in Third World countries: The economic effects (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London). Deger, S., and R. Smith, 1 983, Military expenditure and growth in less developed countries, Journal of Conflict Resolution 27, 335-353. Faini, R., P. Annez and L. Taylor, 1 984, Defense spending, economic structure, and growth: Evidence among countries and over time, Economic Development and Cultural Change 32, 487-498. Feder, G., 1 983, On exports and economic growth, Journal of Development Economics 12, 59-73. Feder, G., 1 986, Growth in semi-industrial countries: A statistical analysis, in: H .B. Chenery, S. Robinson and M. Syrquin, eds., Industrialization and growth: A comparative study (Oxford University Press, New York) 263-282. Frederiksen, P.C., and R.E. Looney, 1 983, Defense expenditures and economic growth in developing countries, Armed Forces and Society 9, 633-645. Gregory, P.R., J.M. Campbell and B. Cheng, 1 972, A cost-inclusive simultaneous equation model of birth rates, Econometrica 40, 681-687. Grobar, L.M., and R.C. Porter, 1 989, Benoit revisited: Defense spending and economic growth in LDCs, Journal of Conflict Resolution 33, 3 1 8-345. Hausman, J.A., 1 978, Specification tests in econometrics, Econometrica 46, 1251-127 1 . Huang, C., and A . Mintz, 1 990, Ridge regression analysis o f the defence-growth tradeoff i n the United States, Defence Economics 2, 29-37. Huang, C., and A. Mintz, 199 1 , Defense expenditures and economic growth: The externality effect, Defence Economics 3, 35-40. Jacobs, R.L., E.E. Leamer and M.P. Ward, 1 979, Difficulties with testing for causation, Economic Inquiry 17, 401-1 3 . Joerding, W., 1 986, Economic growth and defense spending: Granger causality, Journal o f Development Economics 2 1 , 35-40. Landau, D., 1 986, Government and economic growth in the less developed countries: An empirical study for 1 960-80, Economic Development and Cultural Change 35, 35-75. Landau, D., 1 993, The economic impact of military expenditures, Policy research working paper WPS 1 1 38 (World Bank, Washington, DC). Lebovic, J.H., and A. Ishaq, 1 987, Military burden, security needs, and economic growth in the Middle East, Journal of Conflict Resolution 3 1 , 1 06-138.
Ch. 10:
Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth
Levine, R., and D. Renelt, 1 992, A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions, American Economic Review 82, 942-963. Lim, D., 1 983, Another look at growth and defense in less developed countries, Economic Development and Cultural Change 3 1 , 377-384. Lutkepohl, H., 1 982, Non-causality due to omitted variables, Journal of Econometrics 1 9, 367-378. Macnair, E.S., J.C. Murdoch, C.-R. Pi and T. Sandler, 1 995, Growth and defense: Pooled estimates for the NATO alliance, 195 1-88, Southern Economic Journal 6 1 , 846-860. Maddala, G.S., 1992, Introduction to econometrics, 2nd Ed. (Macmillan Publishing Company, New York). Mintz, A., and C. Huang, 1 990, Defense expenditures, economic growth and the 'peace dividend', American Political Science Review 84, 1 283-1293. Mintz, A., and R.T. Stevenson, 1 995, Defense expenditures, economic growth and the 'peace dividend': A longitudinal analysis of 1 03 countries, Journal of Conflict Resolution 39, 283-305. Mueller, M.J., and H.S. Atesoglu, 1 993, Defense spending, technological change, and economic growth in the United States, Defence Economics 4, 259-269. Plosser, C.!., G.W Schwer! and H. White, 1 982, Differencing as a test of specification, International Economic Review 23, 535-552. Ram, R., 1 989, Government size and economic growth: A new framework and some evidence from cross-section and time-series data: Reply, American Economic Review 79, 281-284. Ram, R., 1 994, Defense expenditures and economic growth: A comparison of three cross-sections, unpublished manuscript (Illinois State University, Normal, IL). Ramsey, J.B., 1 969, Tests for specification errors in classical linear least-squares regression analysis, Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series B 3 1 , 350-3 7 1 . Ramsey, J.B., and P. Schmidt, 1 976, Some further results o n the use o f O L S and BLUS residuals in specification error tests, Journal of the American Statistical Association 7 1 , 389-390. Rasler, K., and W.R. Thompson, 1 988, Defense burdens, capital formation, and economic growth, Journal of Conflict Resolution 32, 6 1 -86. Sandler, T., and K. Hartley, 1 995, The economics of defense (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Scheetz, T., 1 9 9 1 , The macroeconomic impact of defence expenditures: Some econometric evidence for Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Peru, Defence Economics 3, 65-8 1 . Sivard, R.L., 1993, World military and social expenditures 1 993 (World Priorities, Washington, DC). Smith, R., 1 980, Military expenditure and investment in OECD countries, 1 954-73, Journal of Comparative Economics 4, 1 9-32. Stewart, D. B., 1 99 1 , Economic growth and the defense burden in Africa and Latin America: Simulations from a dynamic model, Economic Development and Cultural Change 40, 1 89-207. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), 1 994, Human development report 1994 (Oxford University Press, New York). US ACDA (US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency), 1994, World military expenditures and arms transfers 1 991-1992 (US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC). Ward, M.D., and D.R. Davis, 1 992, Sizing up the peace dividend: Economic growth and military spending in the United States, 1 948-1996, American Political Science Review 86, 748-755. Ward, M.D., D.R. Davis, M. Penubarti, S. Rajmaira and M. Cochran, 1 9 9 1 , Military spending in India Country Survey 1, Defence Economics 3, 41-63. White, H., 1 980, A heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator and a direct test for heteroskedasticity, Econometrica 48, 8 1 7-838. World Bank, various issues, Trends in developing economies (World Bank, Washington, DC).
University of Birmingham
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. Core issues 3. Economic growth, development and defense spending 3 . 1 . Theoretical models 3 . 1 . 1 . Demand and supply factors in growth 3 . 1 .2. The externality model 3 . 1 .3 . Model with defense as a public good 3.2. Empirical models of the impact of military expenditure on growth 3.2. 1 . Empirical models of demand and supply factors 3.2.2. Externalities from defense 3.2.3. Defense and security as a public good
4. Security and development 4.1 . 4.2. 4.3. 4.4.
Nature of the problem Demand for military spending in developing countries Militarization, government legitimacy and military expenditure Socio-political instability
5. Concluding remarks and further research References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume I, Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler © I995 Elsevier Science B. V All rights reserved
276 276 277 278 28 1 28 1 282 284 285 289 290 292 294 296 296 298 300 303 304 305
S. Deger and S. Sen
Military expenditure in developing countries raises complex questions regarding growth, development, security and governance. This chapter provides an analytical survey of the effects and causes of defense spending in developing economies. Using stylized facts, theoretical models and empirical results, it discusses some core aspects of the interrelationship between defense and development. The chapter emphasizes two major issues in the field: economic growth and defense spending; security and development. Although the issues are placed in a broad framework, the focus of the chapter is on economic aspects of the interaction of military expenditures with growth and developmental factors. Keywords
defense economics, economic development, economic growth, theoretical models, empirical models, externalities, public goods, security, human capital, crowding-out
Ch. II: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
1. Introduction
Expenditure on defense and security in developing countries has not been analyzed as an important economic phenomenon by mainstream economists. Compared to the literature on other aspects of government expenditure, such as health, education or public infrastructure, traditionally development economists have been wary in tackling issues of military spending. The companion Handbook of Development Economics rarely mentions military spending. This is surprising if only one compares the resource implications of having a large military sector. Many developing countries spent 3 to 4 per cent of their GDP in the 1980s on the military; allocations of20 to 25 per cent of central government spending went to defense, often far exceeding health and education expenditures. Such large sums of financial (arid physical) resources should have entailed greater attention among economists studying development. Even within the field of defense economics, major attention has traditionally been given to NATO and the former Soviet-bloc countries whenever the economic implications of defense and peace have been formally analyzed. Political scientists have analyzed security, in the context of developing countries, by itself. However, taking security as one of the many public goods that government should provide and modelling these concepts together has been relatively new. The reason for the benign neglect seems to be the inherent complexity of the subject. Indeed, in many respects the analysis of military expenditure in developing countries brings forth into the open, core and fundamental issues of development - growth, governance, security - which are difficult to model and quantifY formally. It is mainly in the last one and half decades that the formal relationship between economic development and military expenditure has been looked at by economists in a structured and formal way using theoretical and econometric models. These models have tried to assess the impact of defense allocations on growth and related economic variables paying proper attention to theory and empirics. The purpose of this chapter is to provide an analytical survey of the literature vis a vis development economics and security. We will utilise stylized facts to model some core aspects of the interrelationship between defense and development. We will also examine the channels that the literature has identified as to how military expenditure in developing countries affects growth, development and security. The chapter will also discuss new channels which could be potentially modelled and show their implications. The chapter is divided into a number of sections. The breakdown of the sections provides a convenient way of organizing ideas but given the complex interrelationships between the issues involved there are some overlaps. Section 2 introduces the core issues. Section 3 considers all the explicit and implicit theoretical models, used to analyze the impact of, and relationship between, military expenditure and growth, and analyses them in terms of three groups based on the central concepts which distinguish them from each other. This section then summarizes specific and core empirical papers which have tried to estimate these theoretical concepts by using data from developing
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countries. Section 4 focuses on the demand for military expenditure in the context of security and development. Defining security in the broadest possible sense, to include external threats, internal threats, socio-political instability, regime survival and political legitimacy of the government and the state, this section deals with the demand for military expenditure within a general framework. Section 5 concludes with suggestions for further research. 2. Core issues
Defense allocations in the Third World rose rapidly in the 1 970s, continued to increase albeit at a slower rate during the first half of the 1 980s and then began to decline. At the end of the Cold War, military spending has continued to fall modestly (except in the Middle East) but there has not been an identifiable peace dividend. Although there are considerable regional variations in military expenditure trends, aggregate movements demonstrate that defense allocations will not show much further downward trend. This is in contrast to NATO and former Soviet-bloc countries where a major structural break seems to have occurred in the 1 990s. Table 1 gives some basic data. Table 1 Developing countries military spending, 1981-1 990 Variable • ME, 1 99 1 constant (billion $)
1981-1 985 average
1 986-1990 average
22 1 .3
ME/GNP (%)
5 .9
ME/CGE (%)
ME per capita, 1991 constant ($)
• Abbreviations: ME, military expenditure; CGE, central government expenditure. Source: World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers 1 99 1 -1 992, 1 994 [US ACDA (annual)].
Military expenditure in developing countries is motivated by the needs of security (both internal and external) and the constraints imposed by economic variables such as low per capita income and severe budgetary deficits. Hence, any analysis and survey of the issues in this area must consider both developmental and security aspects at the same time. An alternative way of looking at the issue is to analyze the causes and effects of defense spending in developing countries. In addition, one can separate the demand and supply effects of the provision of military services and assets; the implicit assumption being that the demand is motivated by security while the supply is related to growth and development. In this chapter we shall consider all three interrelated aspects of looking at the same phenomenon - defense spending in developing countries. There is now a considerable and controversial literature on the causes and effects of military expenditure in developing countries. Analyzing the impact of defense on
Ch. 11: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
development, most of the literature has attempted to quantify the channels through which military spending affects growth rates and to find in aggregate whether the final effect is positive or negative. Clearly, since military burden is the quintessential 'unproductive expenditure' (except as an insurance against war) from a purely economic point of view, it is to be expected a priori that its impact on the growth rate of civilian output would be negative. However, the military also has substantial spin-offs and there is sufficient evidence to show that some positive effects of military expenditure on growth exist. Identifying these channels and conduits is complex but important. The wider issues of development are alsq important and need to be analyzed in the context of military expenditure in developing countries. Hence, related measures of socio-economic development such as standards of living, nutrition and health, quality of life, the nature of government and human rights also need to be studied. The demand for military expenditure ultimately comes from perceived security both external and internal. Hence, the causes of defense spending should be analyzed in terms of social welfare and the importance that society imputes on security in relation to purely economic variables. However, social choices are not done in a vacuum and economic and budgetary constraints are vital in determining the actual or optimum levels of defense spending. It is essential therefore, when looking at the interrelationship between security and development, to see what are the factors, both directly related to security and indirectly related to economic and budgetary constraints, that explain the level and share of defense allocations. The following questions and concepts have repeatedly been highlighted in the economics literature regarding defense spending in developing countries: (1) What are the channels by which military expenditure (as share of GDP or central government expenditure, CGE) affects the rate of economic growth? (2) What is the net impact (positive or negative) of military expenditure on growth? (3) In what way does defense spending affect the broader socio-economic indicators of development as contrasted with the narrower determinants of growth of per capita GDP? (4) How important are internal and external security and threat factors in determining the level and share of military spending? (5) What is the relative importance of economic and non-economic factors in determining the demand for military spending? We identify a number of channels [see also Deger ( 1 986b)] through which military expenditure can influence growth and ultimately economic development. The first is the standard resource allocation channel whereby an increase in military spending simply reduces aggregate investment. The second channel emphasizes aggregate demand creation, through military spending, which may increase capacity utilization; such an increase in the utilization of existing capital stock will raise the rate of profit and hence the growth rate provided this demand creation does not create excessive inflation. The third channel relates to the resource mobilization effect whereby the private sector's consumption propensity rises, and the savings rate declines, as military expenditure reduces government spending on socio-economic and welfare services.
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The fourth channel claims that there may be aggregate crowding-out whereby military spending creates a budget deficit and this reduction in government saving reduces the national savings rate. Fifth, there may be a budgetary crowding-out effect whereby military spending reduces other government spending thus affecting human capital formation (say through health and education) which is increasingly recognized as essential to growth. Sixth, there may be open economy effects whereby a rise in defense spending via military imports may crowd-out civilian imports and reduce foreign saving (or foreign direct investment) entering the country and therefore resulting in a lower growth rate. Seventh, the expansion of the government sector in general, and particularly the military sector, has little measured productivity increases; hence its relative expansion will reduce the growth rate. Eighth, if military spending is accompanied by arms production which requires a heavy industrial base, then an import substituting industrial strategy might well evolve which curtails export promotion as well as sectors such as agriculture; such a strategy has generally been harmful to growth in developing countries. Ninth, there have been many claims that the military has important growth spin-offs and these positive impact effects are essential in evaluating the postulated relationship. These spin-offs or positive externalities include the whole gamut of non-quantifiable factors such as 'modernization' or 'discipline' that militarism can provide to backward societies. Spin-off also includes economic benefits that flow from having a major military sector, particularly if the armed forces are made to work on civilian projects. In addition, for arms-producing countries there can be inter-industrial linkages, utilization of dual-purpose R&D, as well as technological feed-backs from sophisticated arms manufacture. This ninth set of points has been tellingly made by Benoit ( 1 973, 1 978), whose seminal work claimed that military expenditure could increase the growth rate in developing countries when all positive and negative effects are taken together (see Chapter 1 0 by Ram in this Handbook). Critics which have attempted to refute the claim of the Benoit hypothesis range from formal economic modelling [Deger ( 1 986b)] to more descriptive discussion [Ball ( 1 988)]. It is clear that the subject is extremely complex and it is not easy to establish a proper framework let alone give definitive answers. In a sense the problem of military expenditure is interconnected with the problems of underdevelopment per se and it is not clear how to disentangle the various interrelated issues. In addition, general conclusions are often too vague; however, specific country studies are too narrowly focused and time-frame dependent to get any overall policy conclusions for developing countries. The difficulty with the subject is seen clearly from the many contradictory empirical results which have sought to answer some of the questions above. Further, quite a few econometric analyses suffer from the lack of a firm theoretical model particularly in answering question 1 above - and this absence of a well-defined growth model has hampered the task of finding suitable cadet variables to test the competing hypotheses. We believe that exact and explicit answers are not available in general and this is not surprising in such a complex area of development economics. In addition, the focus
Ch. 1 1 : Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
28 1
of the subject matter could be shifted by political, social and cultural factors, as well as regional arms races, so that economic answers are partial in any case. However, the focus of this chapter is purely economic [for a more general view see Deger and Sen ( 1990a)] and it attempts to deal with this complex area of investigation in a systematic way. Innovative and broader developmental issues are analysed in a variety of places: a series of developing country case studies in the book edited by Chan and Mintz (1 992); discussion of sub-Saharan African countries military expenditure in the context of child development [Deger and Sen ( 1 99 1 )] ; and, analysis of militarization, war and famines by Sen (1 992). It should also be stressed that we concentrate in this survey on domestic issues; international aspects of military spending are dealt with by Deger ( 1990) and Deger and Sen ( 1992). 3. Economic growth, development and defense spending
3. 1. Theoretical models To encapsulate the impact effects of military expenditure one requires a specific model of growth in the context of economic development. Since the number of models that can be constructed are very large indeed, and ad hoc extensions abound in the literature, we need to deal with common features and produce a taxonomy. The purpose is to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the theoretical model and to identify the major factors which affect the relationship between military expenditure and growth. There are essentially three sets of features that distinguish the various classes of theoretical models that can be and have been used implicitly to discuss the growth effects of military spending; indeed this classification is suitable for other forms of government expenditures which have potentially growth effects. First, some models have looked at the demand and supply side of capital formation, which leads to growth in the medium term, and investigated the impact of defense allocations. Capital can be defined both in physical terms or made more broad by including human capital. Structural features specific to underdeveloped countries, such as the role of agriculture in development, can be added to these models. The most significant extension would be to use some Keynesian effects and show that growth and capital formation is dependent on aggregate demand. Thus, the usual neoclassical model which ignores demand, and assumes that all output produced would be demanded, may give a partial picture in the context of development. Secondly, there are models which emphasize the externality (positive or negative) that can arise from one sub-sector of the aggregate economy - in our case the defense sector. In addition, factor productivities may be different among sectors affecting the growth of the aggregate economy. Thirdly, some models emphasize the fact that security is a non-excludable and non-rival public good and military expenditure has to be paid for by the civilian sectors. Unlike many other parts of the economy, such as exports or services which also have externalities and exhibit differential factor productivity, defense provision is often a 'pure' public good
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so that distortionary taxation on the civilian economy, required to finance defense activity, will cause the rate of growth to fall. This growth retardation has to be balanced with the growth spin-offs that defense may create. Representative examples of these three types are discussed below. Another fundamental difference is between exogenous and endogenous growth models. In the former, the long-term growth rate is determined exogenously by the rate of growth of labor force and productivity. Military expenditure, indeed any form of government expenditure, has little direct influence on the steady-state behavior of the economy except possibly through relatively small impact on labor productivity. Government policy, in the provision of public goods such as security, is powerless to affect the long-term growth rate. To analyze the growth and developmental effects of defense one must exclusively rely on short-term factors. Under these circumstances, the long-term effects would be small in dimension and it is not surprising that the estimated coefficients would be small and possibly (statistically) insignificant. In endogenous growth models, however, the long-term (steady-state) growth rates are determined by economic features of the growing economy. In particular, government policy has the power to influence the steady-state growth rate. Military expenditure can then be viewed both as part of the wider range of government spending as well as having some special features which can enhance or retard long-term growth. The models discussed in the next sub-sections highlight the 'endogeneity' of growth whenever it enhances our understanding of the complex process of growth in the context of developing countries. 3. 1 . 1 .
Demand and supply factors in growth
A simple growth formulation would include both demand side considerations (as in the Harrodian growth model) and supply side considerations (as in the Solovian growth model). National income equilibrium, specifies the demand side, and requires that:
Y = C + I + G + M + TS, (1) where Y is GDP, C is private sector consumption, G is civilian government expenditure, M is military expenditure demand, I is investment and TS is the trade surplus. Since I =K (an overdot for a variable always represents a time derivative), where K is capital stock and there is no depreciation, Equation ( 1 ) can be re-written as: K
S - G - M - TS
Let the actual capital output ratio KIY Then, K
s - g - m - ts u
, savings S = sY be proportional to GDP. (3)
where s = SIY, g = GIY, m = MIY, ts = TS/Y. The share of military spending in GDP (m = MIY) is often called the military burden. Equation (3) gives the rate of actual capital accumulation in the economy.
Ch. 11: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
The supply side is given by a simple neoclassical production function:
where L is efficiency labor, L E L', L' is physical labor stock or employment, and E is the exogenous efficiency factor given by labor-augmenting technical progress. =
Note a major distinction between actual capital K and utilized capital Ku which is the relevant variable in the production function (4). In developing countries capital is very often underutilized and it is this inefficiency and distortion that often makes observed growth rates low even though saving and investment propensities are high. Assume the relationship between actual and utilized capital is given by Q
Ku = QK
where the utilization ratio Q is expected to nse with aggregate demand economy. Taking growth rates of Equation (4), using (5): Y
Y= - =
(5) m
(where TJK and TJL are the shares of capital and efficiency labor in GDP). y = YIY is the growth rate of the economy. Assume that physical labor stock grows at the natural rate n, efficiency of labor or labor-augmenting technical progress is at rate x. Therefore: L
- = n + x.
Substituting Equations (3) and (7) in (6) we get the rate of growth as: y
y= - =
TJK Q TJK - - + -(s - g - m - ts) + TJL(n + x). u
Clearly, in the long-run steady state, the growth rate of the economy will be determined by n and x. In such exogenous growth models it is futile to expect that military expenditure will have much significant effect on the growth rate except possibly through its impact on the rate of technological progress x. However, on the transitional path to steady state it is clear that military expenditure can have an important impact on the growth rate y. Military expenditure affects directly [see Equation (8)] the growth rate by reducing investment available for capital formation (s - m) and this crowding-out reduces the rate of growth y. Looking at aggregate demand, military spending affects positively the rate of capital or capacity utilization (Q/Q) since it increases the demand for the
S. Deger and S. Sen
national output and therefore increases the rate of growth. Indirectly, the following effects could also be important: the private sector's saving propensity, s; the civilian government budget share, g; the long-term growth. of technical progress enhancing labor productivity, x; the medium-term impact on the capital output ratio, v, which could be raised in arms producing countries; and the trade balance, ts, through its open economy effects. In particular, military sector investment in technology, human capital formation, infrastructure creation on social capital, could influence indirectly the growth rate through the coefficients x and v. Overall, military expenditure is both a vehicle of aggregate demand creation (through Q/Q) and crowding-out (through s - m) ; in addition, there are indirect effects working both ways. The above model, by introducing the capacity utilization ratio, has Keynesian features. A related approach is that of structuralism [Faini, Arnez and Taylor (1 984), Deger and Sen (1990b)] which also emphasizes the demand and supply interrelationship but in the context of two sectors rather than one. These sectors are usually agriculture and industry and the impact effect of defense is studied in a disaggregated framework. This approach highlights the dualism or dichotomy that characterizes the socio-economic structure of developing countries. 3. 1 . 2.
The externality model
The externality model has been extensively used for various sub-sectors of the economy - exports, government, military, financial services - and is a splendid empirical workhorse to investigate the impact of military expenditure on growth. The exposition here is brief since Chapter 10 by Ram of this Handbook is mainly devoted to this model. Consider a two-sector economy, civilian output Q and military output M. There exist two (neoclassical) production functions where the output of Q depends on factor inputs (labor and capital) but also additionally the output of M. In a sense, military production due to spin-offs or externalities could affect civilian output over and above that producible by factor inputs alone. However, the possibility also remains that the externalities are negative and the military drains away the productivity of the civilian sector. We have the two production functions as:
Q = F(Kq, Lq, M),
(9, 1 0)
where Q is the output of the non-military sector, M is the output of the military sector, K and L are capital and labor, and Fm = 8Q/8M denotes the externality, and Y is given by (Q + M). Assume that the marginal productivities of factors across Q and M sectors differ. Then:
- = - =
1 + 0.
(1 1)
Ch. 11: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
Total output in the economy is: Y = Q + M. Taking time derivatives of Equations derive
( 1 2) (9), ( 1 0), ( 1 2), and using Equation ( 1 1), we can ( 1 3)
where ( 1 4) If we take a specific form of the externality as
( 1 5) then Equation ( 1 3) becomes:
i = a (�) +� (�) + C!o - e) (Z) (�) + ez.
( 1 6)
Although this model is elegantly amenable to empirical verification, basic problems of interpretation remain. Since the analysis concentrates on the supply side alone, there is no analysis of demand-side problems which structuralists have emphasized for developing countries. But a more important problem with such a formulation is that it does not take into account the fact that military expenditure is often a public good with a market price of zero and needs to be paid by some form of tax-transfer mechanism. Thus, independent of the technological characteristics of the military production function, its factor payments are made from the civilian sector. One way of doing this is to assume that output M in Equation (10) has price zero and factor payments (rKm + wLm) are paid by a tax revenue emanating from the civilian sector Q. Clearly, all forms of government expenditure can be modelled in this way. The specific nature of the externality is unique to the military since it provides security which may be a necessary pre-condition of growth. However, the provision of security is costly. Such a formulation will be able to answer the basic question as to how the postulated externality will be paid for and what is the net gain or loss for the economy. This is the subject matter of Section 3 . 1 .3 . 3. 1 . 3.
Model with defonse as a public good
In this model we concentrate on the factor payments required for the provision of defense. This brings to the forefront the question as to who pays for defense. The
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balancing of marginal costs and benefits also provides a natural route to the question of optimum military expenditures in developing countries. In what follows we concentrate on economic factors alone and emphasize the rate of growth. This is done to highlight economic issues and make our analysis focus on elemental (but not elementary) issues of the growth-military spending trade-off. Clearly, the security benefits of defense will have to be taken into account in a realistic evaluation. We emphasize costs of defense by looking at its financing through a tax. Since almost all taxes (except a lump sum transfer of resources from Q to M) are distortionary, and current borrowing will have to be paid for by future taxes, we might as well assume a direct proportional tax on Q to pay for the production of M. Implicitly we are also assuming Ricardian equivalence; however, defense spending through debt accumulation could raise the same problems as highlighted in the model that follows. Also, we analyze steady-state equilibrium without going into transitional dynamics to avoid some messy algebra. The model is an adaptation of one of the earliest endogenous growth models by Shell ( 1 966). Consider the civilian output, Q, and the military output, M, both produced by a constant returns to scale production function. K is physical capital, L is efficiency labor consisting of physical labor stock, L', and an efficiency factor, E: ( 1 7, 1 8) Define the level of civilian and military outputs per efficiency unit of labor, M m = - = lm g(km) , L
lm = 1 ,
q and m: ( 1 9,20,2 1 )
where lq = Lq!L, lm = Lm!L are the shares of efficiency labor allocated to the two sectors. The Q sector is taxed at rate T to provide factor incomes for the M sector whose price of output is zero. Thus wage and rental in the Q sector (assumed equal in both sectors) is:
w = (1 r = (1
r)[f(kq) - kq/'(kq)],
- r)f' (kq)
It is clear that the wage rental ratio (23), so that:
(23) w = w!r
is related to
from Equations (22) and
(24) Factor payments in the M sector depend on tax rates and output of Q. Thus: TQ = wLm + rKm
Ch. 11: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
or in per capita terms: (26) If we maximise m = lmg(km), subject to Condition (26), choosing
lm and km , we get: (27)
Assume, for simplicity, that all wages (payments to efficiency labor) are consumed and all rental (capital) income are invested. Then, with c and v as per capital consumption and investment:
w = c,
= v.
The aggregated capital labor ratio is (29) With labor growing at .L
exogenous rate
-=n+E' L
steady-state equilibrium i s given by E
r = n + -. E
(3 1)
In this model, the share of military expenditure in GDP is ml(m + q) = r/( 1 + r). Since r (tax rate or the method of financing military expenditure) is the relevant exogenous variable its variation can be utilized to demonstrate the impact of defense spending on economic variables. The model shows that an increase in r will make kq to decline; so also will c. Thus output in the civilian sector, for a given labor force, will decline. In addition consumption per head will fall. Thus military expenditure (as like all government expenditure) is both civilian-output (per capita) as well as welfare reducing. What about the positive impact of military expenditure through spin-off and externality? In the previous analysis, the rate of growth is exogenously fixed by the growth of efficiency labor. Now consider an endogenous growth version of this model. The central question is whether military expenditure spin-offs, such as those mentioned by Benoit, would increase the rate of growth and through which channels. Take an extreme case where all military expenditure has these spin-offs. In the specific context of a neoclassical growth model, the existence of well-behaved steady state requires that technical progress be labor-augmenting (Harrod neutral). Thus military spending contributes to the growth rate of efficiency labor which produces labor-augmenting
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technical progress. To focus our minds still further assume that labor stock is constant, and therefore n = 0. Define the steady-state growth rate in Equation (30), with n as x = (EIE). In what specific way will military expenditure affect this value of x? Make an additional simplifying assumption (no conclusions depend on these assumption) that all technical progress is caused by military expenditure. This is clearly unrealistic but focuses our mind admirably on the growth effects of the military. The various Benoit effects, plus the role of security in enhancing productivity and assuring adequate returns to new technology, would make military spending growth enhancing. Then, in this extreme theoretical case, the change over time in the efficiency factor E is determined by military spending; alternatively, E = M. Therefore:
L' = 1 = 0,
E E M - = - = - = m. L EL' L
Therefore the steady-state growth rate, using Equations (29)-(32), is given by (33)
x = r = m.
Under our extreme simplifying assumptions, the growth rate of the economy is equal to military expenditure per capita in the steady state. However, military spending has to be financed and is not exogenously determined. Essentially, the crucial exogenous variable is the financing rate or tax rate r. Therefore the impact of m on x can only be determined by analyzing the impact of r on x. We have:
rq = rlqf(kq)·
Hence, taking the derivative of x with respect to tax rate r, and dividing by r: '
.! dx = g_ +f(kq / q + lq!' dkq . dr dr r dr r
The first term is positive but the second two terms are expected to be negative given the signs of dlq/dr and dkq/dr. As r rises, and military forces increase, more physical labor is transferred to the defense sector thus reducing the civilian labor force lq. This effect is weak in developing countries since there is large-scale unemployment. In addition, a rise in efficiency labor, due to the military contributing spin-off effects on the civilian sector, will reduce the capital (efficiency) labor ratio kq . From Equation (35), when r is small the positive first term on the right-hand side dominates and the derivative is positive; the increase in military burden (given by r) raises the growth rate. As r becomes larger, so increasing the size of the military, the second and third term tend to increase in relative size compared to the first, and the negative effects tend to dominate. In a sense there is an optimum tax rate or an optimum military burden ratio below which an increase in defense spending generates
Ch. 1 1: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
enough spin-off to positively influence growth, after which, the disincentive effects of distortionary taxation tends to dominate the positive spin-off and growth rates begin to decline. The positive size effect [first term of Equation (35)] could be large if the country has a defense industrial base where R&D has potential civilian spin-off. Also, conversion of the defense industries, allowing them to produce civilian goods also, would be helpful in adding to the positive effects. However, the nature of the nonlinear relationship between growth and the tax or burden remains independent of the nature of the production technology. 3.2.
Empirical models of the impact of military expenditure on growth
A large number of econometric papers have attempted to test the military expenditure growth relationship. Although many of these have ad hoc specifications, the variables and specifications used have usually implicitly followed the theoretical issues posed in Section 3 . 1 . In addition to the classification posed by the theory the following types of issues have determined the structure of the econometric models: cross-section analysis for a large group of developing countries or time-series analysis for a single country; single-equation reduced-form relationship or simultaneous-equation empirical models utilizing systems estimation such as three-stage least squares; tests of causality whereby data mining is used to find whether defense spending affects growth or whether the data show the opposing causal effect; estimating relationships for large samples or breaking the sample up according to economic and political/structural characteristics. One recurring theme in the econometric literature [Deger ( 1 986b)] is how best to tackle the multiplicity of channels through which defense affects growth and the prob lem of exogeneity, simultaneity and causality that may influence the relationship. The empirical literature, in response to Benoit's claim that defense spending affects growth positively, has generally tended to use single-equation estimates. This creates some problems: the theory specifies a multitude of channels and complex interrelationships which a single equation does not capture; the estimates are a product of undesirable simplification and could potentially leave out some important avenues through which the overall relation works; and, there exists the possibility of specification errors. It may be argued that a single equation with growth rate regressed on the appropriate military variable (such as military expenditure share in GDP or CGE), plus other exogenous variables, is adequate since it provides the reduced form of the appropriate structural form given by a simultaneous-equation model. However, problems will remain. Often, economic variables used as independent regressors (such as the saving rate to explain growth) are also dependent variables (affected by military spending and growth itself) in a more general model. In addition the error terms may be correlated and the growth equation should be j ointly estimated, at least, with the military equation to ensure that the Zellner problem of seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE) does not appear. Wherever data allows, one should use a complex simultaneous equation model with systems estimation methods (such as 3 SLS). Avoidance of simultaneity bias, by using system estimation, is desirable.
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Given these basic preliminary observations on the nature of the econometric analysis, and since the detailed econometric and specification issues are extensively surveyed in Chapters 4 (Smith) and 1 0 (Ram) in this Handbook, we concentrate on the theoretical specifications discussed earlier and see whether the empirical models validate the predictions culled from theory. Another good survey of the empirical response to the 'Benoit bombshell' , that military expenditure increases growth rates and therefore contributes positively to economic development, is given by Grobar and Porter ( 1 989). Their analysis summarizes most of the papers individually according to their date of publications. 3. 2. 1.
Empirical models of demand and supply factors
Since the rate of growth of GDP, the savings or investment rate, the trade balance and military expenditure share in GDP (the military burden) are related with each other, Deger ( 1 985a, 1986a,b), Deger and Sen ( 1 983) and Deger and Smith ( 1 983) construct a simultaneous equation model and estimate the impact of miliary burden on growth through a 3 SLS procedure. The data set for all of these studies is a cross-section of 50 developing countries with each observation being a time-series average for 1 9651 973 . The use of cross-sections of individual country observations over a period of time is expected to capture both short-term and long-term (steady-state) effects. The empirical model is given by the 4-equation SEM
g = a0 + a1 s + a2 m + a3 B + a4 Z1, s = bo + b 1 m + bz g + b3 B + b4Z2 , B = co + c 1 m + czg + c3 Z3 , m = do + d 1 Z4 ,
where g is the growth rate of GDP, s is the saving ratio, m is the share of military expenditure in GDP, B is the trade balance share in GDP, Z; are a set of exogenous variables chosen through data specification, and (a;, b;, c;, d;) is the set of parameters. In particular Z4 depends on strategic, security and wealth variables. These empirical models generally find that the coefficient a2 is positive, showing that the direct spin-offs from the military to civilian growth is beneficial. However, when the direct and indirect effects are taken together, then the impact of m on g is given by:
dg dm
az + a 1 (b 1 + b3 c 1 ) - a3 c 1 - (a ! bz + a 1 b3 c2 + a3 c2 ) ·
This composite term is usually negative; the predominant reason being the empirical negativity of the coefficient b 1 and its large size. The negative response of domestic saving is one regularity that such models usually demonstrate. Military burden almost always reduces the economy's propensity to save. In addition, the trade effects are also
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29 1
negative and there seems to be little technology transfer from abroad via the military sector [Deger and Sen ( 1 985)]. Endogenous growth models recently have emphasized the role of human capital formation which can raise the steady-state rate of growth above that given by the exogenously determined labor-augmenting technical progress factor. Certain aspects of education, human capital and skill formation also have elements of a public good and optimum provision requires governments to supply such goods. In addition, military expenditure often competes directly with social overhead capital (such as education and health spending) within the government budget. Hence Deger ( 1 985b) uses a similar empirical SEM as in Equation set (36), but adds the share of government education expenditure in GDP as an additional j ointly determined endogenous variable. The results are similar: taking direct and indirect effects together, military spending reduces both the growth and education expenditure shares. The great advantage of all these simultaneous-equation models (SEM) is that they specify each individual channel of impact from military expenditure to growth and then identifY whether each separate impact effect is positive or negative. It is therefore possible to quantify as to how military spending affects growth in addition to providing an answer to the standard question as to whether the aggregate effect is positive or negative. Faini, Amez and Taylor ( 1 984) use basic structuralist principles to estimate the impact of military expenditure on growth. Their estimated equation is of the following type. The authors take a series of variables that reflect the concerns of structuralism which emphasizes the disaggregated 'structure' of the economy rather than aggregate growth alone. Let X stand for the share in GDP of a number of disaggregated variables which are in turn investment, imports, industrial production, agricultural output and tax receipts. Then X is postulated, in nonlinear fashion, to depend upon per-capita income (y), population (N), capital inflows (KI) and the military burden (m =MIY). Therefore:
X = a + b1 logy + b2 (logyf + b3 log N + b4(1og Nf + bs KI + b6 m.
Using pooled time-series/cross-section data for a large sample of developing countries, for 1 960-1972, they find that the coefficient for the defense burden b6 is significantly negative when the independent variable X is investment and agriculture share in GDP. Since structuralist theory places great emphasis on agricultural bottlenecks as an impediment to growth, the negative impact of defense on agriculture is harmful for development. The negative impact on investment mirrors the Deger ( 1986a,b) studies which shows a corresponding negative correlation with the savings rate. Stewart ( 1 99 1 ) introduces structural features of developing countries through Keynesian demand effects where aggregate government expenditure and its component parts (including defense) increase demand for the national product which in turn, by more effective utilization of capital and employed labor, creates more growth. This model is also interesting because it uses simulation methods and clarifies explicitly the dynamics involved. The results for Africa and Latin America show that defense
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expenditure does have a net positive effect on economic growth and development through the long-run multipliers. However, the effect of non-defense spending is more conducive to growth so that resource re-allocation from the military to the civilian components of government demand will raise aggregate growth of the economy. Although most of the models in this tradition use cross-section data for representa tive sample of developing countries, they suffer from the standard assumption that the set of countries have common intercepts and share common slope coefficients. They use large data sets and may not be able to answer specific characteristics of individual developing countries. Although the Deger SEM models classify countries by regional dummies, other region-specific characteristics are not easy to incorporate. The use of SEM analysis for individual country studies is to be encouraged. A few case studies for individual countries using time-series data are also available. Scheetz ( 1 99 1 ) estimates a similar model to Equation set (36) for Argentina, Peru, Chile and Paraguay using both a pooled data set as well as individual country studies for 1 969- 1 987. He finds that military expenditure taking both direct and indirect effects together has a negative impact on all three endogenous variables: growth, the saving ratio and the current account of the balance of payments. In addition, the direct spin off, given by coefficient a2, is found to be negative contrary to the cross-sectional results of the various Deger studies. Estimates done by Faini, Amez and Taylor ( 1 984) for India ( 1 950-1972), for the empirical Equation (38) show interesting results. A positive relationship is found for the impact of military burden on investment and industrial production (as a share of GDP). Thus, for India at least, the military seems to have had a positive structural impact on the industrial sector. This could be due to arms production which has had some beneficial spin-off for industrialization. However, their results also show that agriculture is negatively affected by military spending and the potential harmful impact is large. Deger and Sen ( 1 990b) estimate both an arms-race model between India and Pakistan (to endogenise the demand for military expenditure) and a two-equation growth model to estimate the impact effect of defense spending on investment and growth. They find that for India, military expenditure has a small positive effect on growth while for Pakistan a rise in defense budgets has a significantly large negative effect on the growth of GDP. 3.2.2.
Externalities from defense
Empirical and econometric models which estimate military growth relationships using variants of the externality model are now common in the literature and have expanded rapidly in recent years. The Ram chapter ( 1 0) in this Handbook, using data from Table 8.2 in Sandler and Hartley (1 995), mentions six cross-sectional studies for developing countries published between 1 986 and 1 994, where such a formulation is used to get empirical estimates. In addition, Ward et al. ( 1 99 1 ) mentions individual country studies based on time-series data with separate papers for Taiwan, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, South Korea, and India. Biswas and Ram ( 1 986) is the first application to developing countries using cross-sectional data for 58 developing
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economies for the 1 960s and the 1 970s. They use a two-sector model, defense and civilian output, postulating that defense has an externality for the rest of the national economy and is therefore an input (in addition to sector-specific labor and capital) in the production function for civilian GDP. They find no significant (positive or negative) effects of defense expenditure on economic growth. Cross-sectional analysis of the externality model seems to give few definitive answers. One reason for this ambiguity could be due to the essential nonlinearities in the relationship between economic growth and the relevant military variable. The estimate of the size effect of the military, the coefficient [c5/( 1 + c5) - E>] in Equation ( 1 6) is multiplied by the product of the military burden (M/Y) and the growth rate of military expenditure (MIM), making it highly nonlinear. Using linear estimation techniques, such as OLS, could be inappropriate. More generally, the externality parameter e is the coefficient of a specific type of independent variable - the growth rate of military expenditure - which is not expected to be significantly related to output growth. Generally, rapid expansion of the military takes place in response to security threats which would have little to do with basic economic performance. Even if the externality exists, its impact would be observable after a lag which may vary from country to country in the cross-sectional sample. Usual growth theory would suggest that the military burden or share is relevant in influencing growth; this is because military spending is a flow variable similar in dimensionality to GDP and the share of the two variables seems to be the appropriate regressor. Finally, some form of theoretical misspecification is inevitable if the production function includes as inputs both stock variables - labor and capital - as well as flow variables - defense expenditure. The relatively mixed results of the externality model for individual country studies, could also follow from a small variation in the growth variables over time. By doing cross-sectional time-series pooling with error component models which show defense related externality, Macnair, Murdoch, Pi and Sandler ( 1 995) get strongly positive findings for a small cohort of nations within NATO. Applications of similar methods for regional samples of developing countries (South Asia or Pacific Asia) could be a fruitful exercise for future research. The preponderance of known published papers, using externality models, are cross-sectional studies of developing country samples. Ward et a!. ( 1 99 1 ) apply this externality concept using Indian data for 1 960-1 987 and contributes a major time series analysis within this class of models. The strength of the Ward paper is that it takes into account both the nonlinearities as well as the intrinsic dynamics of the theoretical specification. The estimates they provide utilise a nonlinear iterative minimization in the context of continuous time estimation. They use a three-sector model with military spending, civilian government spending and the private sector output. They find that the externality parameter E> is positive for defense spending in India while the differential productivity parameter is negative. In other words, military spending does contribute towards growth but the marginal product of capital and labor is significantly lower than in the non-governmental civilian · economy. The military
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sector uses resources inefficiently but indirectly promotes growth. More research needs to be done using the Ward estimation techniques and certainly for maj or Third World countries like Pakistan and China which have tended to spend a lot on the military in the past claiming that positive externalities do exist. 3.2.3.
Defense and security as a public good
The central idea of this class of models is that security is a public good which may not have a market price. Military force, which provides security, therefore has a price of zero, even though its cost is positive. Hence, its provision and supply require financing by the civilian sector which in turn entails an opportunity cost on the productive economy. The ultimate impact of defense will depend on this cost as balanced at the margin by the various spin-offs that military expenditure can provide. It is quite difficult to empirically estimate such a theoretical model, since the various costs and benefits are implicit, and few economic variables explicitly reflect each of the costs and benefits. The econometric models here are suggestive at best. Barro ( 1 99 1 ) tries to evaluate the impact of government expenditure on growth and postulates that a part of government spending is for consumption services, which enhances social welfare but does not have any measured productivity effects. Those parts of government spending which do have a growth-enhancing impact are public investment in human capital and security-related spending. The latter allows private capital formation to flourish, lessens market distortions and secures property rights - all of which will increase growth. "The idea is that expenditures on education and defense are more like public investment rather than public consumption; in particular these expenditures are likely to affect private-sector productivity or property rights which matter for private investment" [Barro ( 1 99 1 , p. 430)]. He regresses growth of per capita income (in a developing country sample for 1 970-1 985) on public consumption, defined as total government expenditure minus spending on education and defense, and gets a significantly negative coefficient. This gives indirect evidence for the positive growth impact of both education and military by the central government. One of the implications of the public-good model is that there may well be a nonlinear relationship between military spending and growth. Deger ( 1 986b) puts forward a number of ways in which this nonlinearity can be empirically analysed. In particular, it is assumed that the sign (and size) of the coefficient giving the impact effect of defense expenditure on growth may itself be dependent on per capita income. At low per-capita income and extreme underdevelopment, military spending may be growth enhancing since it could be the vehicle of modernization, stability and discipline. At medium per-capita income, the relationship could become negative since the adverse resource effects tend to dominate. At high per-capita income, particularly with spin-offs from the defense industrial base, the impact could become positive. Landau ( 1 993) makes an explicit test of the nonlinearity hypothesis by using military burden and military burden-squared as independent variables explaining growth. Optimum defense spending is assumed to be at a level where growth rate
Ch. 1 1 : Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
is maximized. He used a sample of non-communist developing countries with a population of over 2 million (7 1 countries in all) for the period of 1 969-1 989. He finds that the hypothesized military burden at which the growth rate would be maximized for his sample was above the actual cross-sectional average. Thus, in the relevant range, an increase in military spending would increase growth. An interesting new way of analyzing the growth impact of the military within a public-good framework is to utilise a numerical simulation model, based on a well-specified theoretical framework, and then using individual country data for calibration to trace out the impact effects. This method also allows an investigation into 'optimum' defense expenditure (i.e. at what level of the military burden will social welfare be maximized). Recent research at the OECD Development Centre on military expenditure and growth has investigated the various channels of influence by using an explicit optimizing endogenous growth model which is amenable to simulation. Berthelemy, Herrera and Sen ( 1 995) and Berthelemy and Sen ( 1 995) use data from India and Pakistan to calibrate a numerical simulation model to discuss these issues. The model is fully dynamic and traces the evolution of the endogenous variables such as GDP; consumption; private investment; human capital; central government expenditure allocated between military (to provide security), education (to provide human capital), infrastructure (public investment in physical capital) and government consumption; labor, wage and rental rates - for 1 00 years. Within this hypothetical scenario, for the postulated evolution of the Indian and Pakistani economies, the various financing ratios or tax rates for defense and other government spending are changed and their implications noted. The model is also made more realistic by simultaneously positing an arms race between India, Pakistan and China and looking at joint policy formulation where the government has to consider both security and developmental policies at the same time. It generates optimum ratios of military expenditure to GDP at the steady state (i.e. the level of the military burden that maximizes steady-state social welfare). The model also shows that defense spending can quickly reduce the endogenous rate of growth by re-allocating resources away from the government's attempt to create human capital. In these models, aggregate output depends on physical and human capital. The index of human capital in turn is a function of both skilled and unskilled labor. The stock of human capital formation is acquired by the economy through producing a non-rival public good termed education investment. Therefore, labor productivity could rise with investment in education and the accumulation of skilled labor stock, even if population growth and exogenous technical progress is zero. Thus, the creation of skilled labor increases the endogenously determined rate of growth. Since skilled labor formation is non-rival in use, it has to be financed by taxation on aggregate output. This tax is used to pay both the skilled and unskilled labor utilized to produce the education investment good. Once created, this resource - skills produced through education investment - can be used freely by the output-producing sector since it is non-rival in use. There are six channels through which military expenditure affects the economy, and this model is designed to identify these channels which represent stylized facts.
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First, defense spending can enhance security which in turn increases aggregate social welfare. Second, defense allocations can increase total factor productivity through training military personnel, creating infrastructure, increasing technical progress via military research and development (for developing countries who have a defense industrial base) as well as other spin-offs. Both of these are positive effects. On the negative side, there is a government budgetary constraint and crowding-out. The third channel of interaction is a trade-off between two types of public goods; if military spending is done at the expense of investment in education then skill formation is retarded and the long-term growth rate may be adversely affected. There is a surrogate or 'as if' tax on the marginal product of capital since the loss of skilled factors of production (human capital) also lowers the productivity of physical capital. The fourth channel is when civil government expenditure is reduced to finance additional defense allocation and this could lower society's welfare. Fifthly, if additional defense expenditure is financed through taxation then this could reduce consumption and/or investment affecting welfare or physical capital accumulation. Finally, the military also uses skilled labor (officer corps, or scientists and engineers in defense production) and this represents a loss of human capital to the rest of the economy. It is clear that not all of these factors operate at the same time and for all countries. However, the model should be capable of analyzing their implications. These simulation models are explicitly investigating the alleged trade-offs between military expenditure in central government budgets with two forms of infrastructure broadly defined. This brings into sharper focus what the government can do if it reduces defense allocations and wishes to re-allocate resources for growth. Alternatively, for an efficiently growing economy, it can show where the burden may fall if defense spending is substantially enhanced. The two types of infrastructure are: social infrastructure (embodied in education and skill formation); and economic in frastructure (roads, irrigation, railways etc). A major difference between the two types of infrastructure is that the former can enhance the growth rate endogenously while the latter contributes to the level of output. By focusing on budgetary trade-offs in the provision of three different types of public goods, within the macroeconomic framework, this simulation model goes at the heart of defense-development trade offs. On the other hand, the approach suffers from the following problems: it is country specific; it is based on calibrated data for certain years which may not be representative; and, the time path or evolution of the economy are based on computer simulations and therefore unable to account for uncertainty and exogenous shocks. 4. Security and development 4. 1.
Nature of the problem
The interrelationship between security and development is important in understanding the causes and effects of military spending in developing countries. However, an
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Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
economic analysis of the subject is bound to be partial and will be able to capture only a part of the complexities involved. The political economy of development is increasingly being appreciated by mainstream economists as a maj or way of understanding the nexus between economic and political variables that determine the stages of development. We will attempt here to mention some of these problems that have been highlighted in the context of defense spending. There are essentially three aspects of the interrelationship that we focus on. The first question that arises is how to explain the demand for military expenditure in developing countries and what is the relative importance of economic and political variables in determining demand for security which in turn translates into the amount governments are willing to spend on their defense sectors. The second question relates to the effect of militarization in increasing the level and share of defense budgets. This is reflected in discussions as to whether military governments necessarily spend more on the military or alternatively, would there be a difference in defense allocations between authoritarian and democratic governments. A related issue arises in a somewhat broader framework encompassing governance, security and development. It analyses whether government (or state) legitimacy has an impact on defense budgets and indirectly, whether better governed societies tend to spend less on the military. Clearly, defense spending is most often a direct response to various types of security threats - both internal and external. At the same time, threats pose a direct challenge to legitimacy of governments and ruling elites. Therefore, it is also necessary to look at the problem of legitimacy in relation to the threats posed by external conflict and internal insurrection. The final question looks at growth and development in the context of socio-political instability and tries to relate defense spending to various indicators of instability. Unfortunately, there are few formal models - theoretical or empirical - that satisfactorily deal with these issues from an economics perspective. However, almost all analysts accept that questions and problems of security in developing countries cannot be divorced from developmental failures or successes. In a sense, security allocations take place within very strict economic, budgetary and financial constraints. Attempting to give 'too much' to security will retard development. Allocating 'too little' may allow threats to grow, creating instability or conflict which are debilitating for growth. Development economists are well aware of the 'underdevelopment trap ' whereby a vicious cycle of low development causes low growth which does not allow per-capita income to rise fast enough. Political scientists claim [Rothstein ( 1 987)] that there exists a 'security dilemma' where any government's security spending can pose a threat to a neighboring government involved in an arms race (external threat) or alternatively can pose a threat to domestic elite groups who may wish to oppose the current government in a non-democratic framework. If military expenditure has a negative impact on growth, or even with a positive effect but which is small relative to other forms of government physical and human capital formation, then the poverty trap is exacerbated. At the same time the security dilemma is heightened because the government may feel it essential to protect its legitimate security interests but which
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threatens other's legitimate security interests. There often arises a prisoner's-dilemma game between elite groups as well as adjacent countries participating in an arms race which makes it difficult to reduce military expenditure. 4.2.
Demand for military spending in developing countries
Given the nature of developmental constraints that poor countries face, it is not surprising that pure security considerations cannot explain the demand and volume of military expenditure. Almost all studies conclude that a multi-variable explanation is called for and these variables need to be classified in terms of security, economic and political factors. Descriptive case studies have the luxury of including as many variables and explanatory groups as possible. Since military expenditure determination and security policy is encompassing in nature almost every single facet of economic and foreign policy could have some implications for analyzing the demand for military expenditure. Thomas (1 986) for example fields a host of candidate variables in addition to the usual political and economic ones, such as neighboring countries belligerence, cultural and religious differences, politicians exploiting incipient fears of the population, which explain in some way or the other the trends in Indian military spending. Economists need to be more parsimonious in terms of choice variables. Starting from the early work of Lotz (1 970), four groups of variables have commanded attention in the econometric estimates of the determinants of military expenditure. These can be labelled as: indicators of economic development; budgetary (for the central government) or resource (for the national economy) constraints; political and military influences; and, general structural factors. Four studies done in the 1 980s encapsulate many of the results found elsewhere and these results are reported in Table 2, together with the results from the first seminal paper by Lotz ( 1 970). All these authors claim to have done specification searches, data mining, experimentation with alternative variables and taking recourse to ad hoc methods to find the appropriate independent variables. All the variables included as regressors have strong intuitive plausibility and various diagnostic checks were made to guarantee empirical robustness. The final results reported show non-significant variables also since the respective authors believed that these variables were strong candidates for inclusion in terms of theoretical consideration. For example, Deger (1986b) includes total population because defense is reputed to be a public good and, analytically, should be positively related to the size of the economy that needs to be defended. Maizels and Nissanke ( 1 987) include concentration of FDI investors because this signals an interest by foreign investors to protect their investments and therefore expecting that the host country will have high security through military expenditure. Looking at cross-sectional evidence, it is clear that although political and military influences are quite important, the most crucial and central determinants of military expenditure seem to be budgetary, financial and economic variables and constraints. Once again, in the light of our previous comments, this is not surprising. Given the
Ch. 1 1 : Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
Table 2 Determinants of military expenditure in developing countries: values and signs of regression coefficients, various large cross section studies Variable
Lotz ( 1 970)
Heller and Tait and Heller (1 982) Diamond ( 1 990)
Maizels and Nissanke ( 1 987)
Deger (1 986a)
Economic development factors Per capita income
Urban population share
0.15 -0.22
Open economy index 0.048
0.028 0.33
Urban population growth
Budget andfinancial constraints CGE/GDP
0.08 1
Mineral export share
0.2 1
Growth of foreign exchange
GDP growth rate
Political and military influence War dummy
Oil country dummy
1 1 .35 3 .98
Regime type and use of violence
Arms supplier concentration
Other structural factors Population share under 14 years
Total population
Ratio of FDI to investment
Concentration o f FDI investors
R squared
Sample size
1 00
a n.s., nonsignificanL
centrality of economic development in poor countries, constraints are more important than perceived welfare gains from security. It is interesting to note that the level of economic development, given by the standard measure of per-capita income, seems to have either no effect or contradictory effects on the military burden. This result seems to support the observation that defense spending is, after all, related to security and rich or poor countries may have similar security problems entailing military burdens which are distributed independently of income. Only Deger ( 1 986b) shows a positive and significant relationship for this
Deger and S. Sen
Table 3 Detenninants of military expenditure and its share in GDP: selected countries ' Country
Lag Opposition milex milex
Argentina 0.70
Nondemocratic govt.
2.66 0.41
Arms imports
R squared
0.96 0.73
0. 1 1
0.3 1
' For India and Pakistan the dependent variable is real military expenditure while for the other countries it is military expenditure share in GDP; n.s. stands for nonsignificant. Sources: Deger and Sen ( 1 990b) for India and Pakistan; Scheetz ( 1 9 9 1 ) for Latin-American countries.
variable signifying that defense is a luxury good whose demand increases with income . The issue is important to warrant further research. It has been claimed that the high military share in GDP for the Pacific-Asian countries observed in the 1 980s is due to their relatively high per-capita income among developing countries. Societies (like households) may believe that they need a more sophisticated security system as they grow richer. If defense provision is akin to a luxury good then the coefficient relating per capita income to military burden should be significantly positive. Table 3 gives details of individual country studies which have examined the effects of various economic and security variables on military expenditure. These demand equations also show that GDP or GDP per capita usually tends to have non-significant effects. However, it is important to study the data sets for these individual country studies (particularly to test whether the various series are co-integrated and whether the data shows that a stable long-term relation exists). There seems to be much more scope for further studies in this important area.
4.3. Militarization, government legitimacy and military expenditure Political theory has been concerned with the concept of militarization in developing societies. It is difficult to define this concept precisely and therefore it is not easy to quantifY or produce a suitable measurable index of militarization. Albrecht ( 1 984, p. 3) defines it simply as the "process of enlargement of the military establishment within a society". The earlier, and classic, definition by Vagts ( 1 93 6) is more general : "a dominance of the military over the civilian, an undue preponderance of military demands, and emphasis on military considerations, spirit, ideals, and scale of values in the life of the state" [taken from Albrecht ( 1 984)]. Whatever the specific definition, the trend towards militarization is downward in recent years and
Ch. 11: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries Table 4 Relationship between political regimes and expenditures on the military; various studies Variable
( 1 980)
Zuk and Thompson
( 1986)
( 1 987)
( 1 991)
( 1 982) Time period
1 960-1973
1 967-1976
1 967-1980
1 961-1 982
1 969-1 987
Latin America
Argentina, Chile, Peru, Paraguay
Military/civilian regime
Presence of military in top executive positions
(a) Presence of military in top executive positions (b) Coups
Duration of rule by a single authoritarian regime
Duration of rule by a single authoritarian regime
Military dictator
Dependent variable
(a) ME (b) ME/CGE
(a) Positive (b) None
• Sources: References and Berg and Berg ( 1 991).
both in Latin America and Africa it is increasingly clear that militarization is on the wane. However, it is still important to try to understand the links between military expenditure and militarization. It is not necessarily true that military governments or militarized society spend more on the military. Argentina's military government between 1 976 and 1 983 on average did not spend significantly higher than the civilian Peronist government that ruled between 1 973 and 1 976. During the 1 980s a succession of military governments in Nigeria actually managed to reduce the share of defense in GDP in the context of stringent stabilization programmes. But the question still remains pertinent. Empirical estimates have been made, mostly using data for the 1 960s and 1 970s, as to whether political regimes have a significant influence on defense spending. Table 4 summarizes some of these studies. It is clear from the final row of the Table that military governments (variously defined) do not usually spend less than civilian governments on defense. At best, no significant relationship emerges when military expenditure variables are made dependent on military regimes. In some of the studies, like Scheetz ( 1 99 1 ) for Latin-American countries, there exists a significantly positive relationship between the dummy variable representing military dictatorships and the military burden. The mixed empirical results indicate that it is possible that militarization leads to a propensity towards higher defense spending but which can be moderated or changed by economic constraints. Even dictatorships need to have popular support and often have produced populist governments. Therefore, it is not
S. Deger and S. Sen
Table 5 Ratio of military expenditure to central government expenditure for various groups of countries in the mid- 1 980s (percentage) a
External threats
High legitimacy
Medium legitimacy
Low legitimacy
Mixed threats
1 6.99
Internal threats
1 2.35
The countries are defined in terms of the state of security, threats and legitimacy. Source: Rothstein ( 1 987).
possible to ignore developmental failures which will tend to circumscribe excessive defense budgets. A related question that has been raised by analysts looking at security expenditures in the context of development is whether the legitimacy of the government or ruling elites have an implication for defense spending. Rothstein ( 1 987, p. 1 43) defines this concept in the following way: "Legitimacy relates to whether citizens are loyal and willingly support state policies - whether they accept the authority of the state and believe existing institutions are in some sense appropriate". Legitimate governments do not have to use excessive resources to stay in power and secure submission from the population. This could imply a lower expenditure on the military. Legitimate governments also wish to expand the provision of public goods and publicly funded services; this could be their source of legitimacy. Either way, they will tend to spend less on the military compared to illegitimate governments. At the same time, defense spending will obviously be related to various types of threats - both internal and external - and direct losses in security that arise from such threats. External threats, leading to inter-state conflict, are generally more costly in terms of armaments while internal threats, requiring more policing than the use of the military, will require less spending. Rothstein (1 987) classifies countries according to high, medium and low legitimacy which at the same time face external, internal or mixed (a combination of the two other types) threats. The clustering of countries into these nine possible alternatives is done on the basis of subjective judgements. Table 5 shows the ratio of defense spending to total central government expenditures for these various groups. A pattern arises: the more legitimate a government is the less it spends on the military; the greater the external threat the higher is the defense budget relative to total central government expenditure. These results seem to indicate that stable, democratic (or non-authoritarian) and legitimate governments will tend to have lower military expenditure. It is always true that in the presence of external or inter-state conflicts and wars, defense expenditure will inevitably rise. But under 'normal' circumstances, a benign political regime tends to reduce military expenditure.
Ch. 11: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
4. 4. Socio-political instability There has been a recent upsurge of interest in political and social instability and economic growth [see Alesina and Perotti ( 1 994) for a survey] in the political economy literature. Most of the new studies are quantitative and attempt first, to measure instability, and second, to relate it to growth. There are essentially two ways to measure instability. The first is to construct a single sociopolitical instability index (SPI) that is aggregated (by using the method of principal components [see Hibbs ( 1 973)] from a list of quantifiable variables such as riots, political violence, assassinations and military coups. The SPI is then used as an independent variable to explain economic growth or external debt or investment or inflation. The approach is similar to assessing the economic effects of military expenditure. Hibbs ( 1 973) found little impact of SPI on growth and while later researchers [for example, Venieris and Gupta ( 1 986), Ben Habib and Spiegel ( 1 992)] do find SPI reducing savings or investment, the results are relatively inconclusive. One reason may be the degree of aggregation involved in constructing the SPI. Simpler measures, such as that of Barro ( 1 99 1 ) using the frequency of military coups and the number of political assassinations, have found a negative relationship between sociopolitical instability and growth. The second way of dealing with such instability variables is to concentrate on executive turnovers or government changes. Probit regressions are used to estimate the propensity of the government to change or collapse. The relevant independent variables are political (riots, protests, resignations), economic (low past growth, high inflation), and structural (democracy or authoritarian government, proportion of relevant population voting). The executive change variable is then used as an independent variable and its impact on growth is estimated. Alesina et al. (1 992) show that instability, as measured by more frequent government changes, reduces growth. Although there is still no literature which relates these political economy models of sociopolitical instability and growth with those emanating from the defense and development debate, some close similarities in approach and concept can be found. First, there is the formal mode of analysis. Single-equation estimates are often inconclusive. The reason is that both the instability and the military-expenditure variables are capturing multiple effects and it is not easy to disentangle the various channels. Second, there are problems of reverse causation and therefore simultaneity. Therefore, simultaneous-equation models tend to perform better. Thirdly, an increase in instability can lead to higher military expenditures. This is particularly true where countries already have an existing arms race and hostile neighbors exploit domestic security threats. The Indian sub-continent is a classic example. Fourth, the transition from democratic to militarized societies or vice versa increases the likelihood of greater instability. These are also the periods when military spending tends to accelerate. When the military takes over it has a propensity to increase the defense budget initially and then allow it to fall as control over the country becomes more absolute and its position is more stable. When the military leaves executive positions then civilian governments wish to buy them off with some rewards. Either way, transitional phases often see
S. Deger and S. Sen
higher military expenditure. These are difficult to capture by simply looking at military spending trends in the context of growth within large cross-sectional samples. Using socio-political instability to capture transitional problems and relating it to military spending and growth could be a fruitful extension of the political economy literature as well as adding new insight to the defense-growth relationship.
Concluding remarks and further research
To understand the nature of military expenditure in developing countries one has to go beyond the realm of economics. Military expenditure issues raise passionate discussions about security, legitimacy, governance, all of which are linked with social, cultural and political ethos of the country concerned. In addition, geo-strategic consideration often add a maj or dimension to an already complex situation. But we would argue that it would be unwise to stray far afield from an economic developmental perspective while dealing with defense allocations in less developed countries. Much of the causes and effects of defense spending are related to economic variables and constraints and an economic analysis helps to clarify many of the apparent complexities involved. In particular, the tools of political economy are well-suited for a study of this subj ect. A related question is the use of analytical models. We have argued that it is essential to have a well-defined model which informs the empirics. In a sense, a strong theoretical foundation may be preferable to an excellent but 'atheoretical' representation of the data. The collection of stylized facts; attempts to analytically explain such facts; building relatively simple theoretical constructs before venturing into data; and finally, using well-specified econometric and simulation models; these are the sequential steps that are necessary for this analysis. Given this methodology, the chapter has identified some important future research issues: ( 1 ) The impact of military expenditure on growth should be analyzed within endogenous growth models [Romer ( 1 990), Barro ( 1 991), Easterly and Rebelo ( 1 993)] . In such models military expenditure will generally have a negative impact, if its size tends to be high, even when the spin-offs and externalities in terms of technical progress are substantial. This is because they emphasize the distortionary costs of defense spending which re-allocates resources away, not only from investment (as in standard models) but also from the very sources of endogenous growth, such as human capital. On the other hand, if the military can be utilized to create human capital, as a 'conversion' process of the armed forces would entail, then growth is enhanced. (2) These impact effects should be studied in the context of the role of the government in general so that budgetary trade-offs, whether military spending is a complement or substitute for other types of government spending, can be understood better.
Ch. 1 1: Military Expenditure and Developing Countries
(3) Defense and growth is related to security and development. Therefore, tt ts necessary to put the theoretical models in the broader context of socio-economic development where security, in addition to growth, also adds to social welfare. Optimizing theoretical models [Deger and Sen ( 1 986), Zou ( 1 995)] can give analytical predictions as to how security and economic policies are j ointly determined and these can then be empirically estimated. (4) Econometric models for cross section data sets and samples should be speci fied within a simultaneous equation framework and systems method used for estimation. Wherever possible, tests for exogeneity [Hausman ( 1 978)] should be performed to show that the defense burden is exogenous to growth and the measurement of its impact effect makes sense. These reduce the problem of reverse causation somewhat, which is a perennial problem in the literature. (5) As data sets improve, it is necessary to do more country studies - again with appropriate specification tests regarding the presence of stable relationships between the variables in the long run. (6) A link needs to be established between the defense/growth literature and that pertaining to socio-political instability. Increasingly, developing countries will be more affected by instability, often emanating from their transition from authoritarian to democratic societies. Military expenditure may well rise as a response to such domestic instability if it is fuelled by hostile neighbors. Currently, developing countries may be witnessing: a fall in militarization; a reduction in the influence of authoritarian regimes; an increase in social and political instability; even within the same region, the existence of a bi-modal distribution of growth experience with some countries having very high growth rates while others seeing incomes decline; a fall in military expenditure but not sufficiently high compared to the dramatic change in international relations; and finally, the lack of a peace dividend. These complex and contradictory influences may have to be explained by one unified structure rather than the two separate literatures which have tackled them hitherto.
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407-44. Ben-Habib, J., and M. Spiegel, 1 992, The role of human capital and political instability in economic development (mimeo), Economic Research Report, New York University, 1-22.
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Northwestern University
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. Background 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6.
Introduction Characteristic # 1 : Research and development Characteristic #2: Uncertainty Characteristic #3: Economies of scale in production
Characteristic #4: Government is the sole buyer The program life cycle
2.7. Discussion 2.8. Theory of the internal organization of the firm 2.9. Prizes for innovation 2.10. Inter-linked stages
3 . The simple procurement problem with a single agent 3 . I . Introduction 3.2. The general model 3.3. Pure moral hazard: The model
4. 5. 6. 7.
3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7.
Pure moral hazard: Discussion Pure self selection: The model Pure self selection: Discussion The general model
The simple procurement problem with multiple agents Research and development Multiple periods of production, regulatory lag, and the ratchet effect Incentives within government 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Two-level models
This research was supported by the Smith Richardson Foundation.
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume I, Edited by K. Hartley and r Sandler © 1 995 Elsevier Science B. V All rights reserved
310 310 311 3 12 312 3 12 3 12 313 3 14 316 316 3 17 3 18 318 3 19 3 19 320 3 22 323 325 331 333 333 335 338 339 339 340
W.P. Rogerson 7.3. Three-level models
8. Conclusion References
342 342 343
Economic theorists have devoted considerable attention to analyzing models of closely related incentive contracting problems that arise in the study of public procurement, private procurement, regulation, the theory of the firm, the theory of organizations, and managerial compensation. The purpose of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the incentive models literature as it applies to defense procurement.
defense procurement, contracts, incentives, principal agent models, R&D, economies of scale, innovation, moral hazard, strategic behavior, competition, auctions
Ch. 12: Incentive Models of the Defense Procurement Process
1 . Introduction
Over the past twenty years, economic theorists have become increasingly aware of the fact that many economic problems can be usefully analyzed by explicitly considering the nature of actors' limited information and the role that economic institutions play in shaping outcomes through affecting actors' incentives and strategic behavior. Information economics and game theory have had a maj or impact on economists' view of almost all branches of economics. As part of this over-all ferment of ideas and research, theorists have devoted considerable attention to analyzing incentive contracting problems that arise in the study of public procurement, private procurement, regulation, the theory of the firm, the theory of organizations, and managerial compensation. Many of the same abstract themes and ideas arise in all of these areas and, in fact, many of these abstract topics and themes have become distinct subjects of study themselves. Even the number of theory papers analyzing defense procurement per se is quite large. However, the entire literature analyzing models relevant to defense procurement is many times larger. The purpose of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the incentive models literature that is relevant to defense procurement. Government undeniably faces an incredibly complex and multi-faceted incentive problem in military procurement. Defense firms have private information and not all their actions can be monitored. Huge uncertainties pervade the process and complete long-term contracts are generally impossible to write and difficult to enforce. Much of the procurement process occurs in a situation of bi-lateral monopoly and both sides of the market are wary of making specific investments that will reduce their bargaining power. R&D is a key output of the process and the inherent difficulty of objectively measuring the quality of new ideas adds immeasurably to the incentive problem. Finally, on top of everything else, "government" in reality is not a single rational actor, but is itself a complex hierarchical institution, and incentive problems between actors within government are important in themselves and also impact the way that government is able to interact with defense firms. A number of excellent surveys and overviews exist that are complementary to this one. Less technical discussions of incentive models and their role in explaining defense procurement are contained in Baron ( 1 993), Rogerson ( 1 994) and Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995). Discussions of incentive models more generally, with no particular focus on defense procurement are contained in Baron ( 1 989), Besanko and Sappington (1 987), Caillaud et al. ( 1 988), and Sappington (199 1). A more thorough textbook-like treatment of many of the models discussed in this chapter is contained in Laffont and Tirole ( 1 993). A classic discussion of incentives in procurement that predates the modern incentives literature, and is still well worth reading, is by Scherer (1 964). This chapter will rely on the American procurement system as a source for stylized facts and observations about real behavior. Since the nature of the procurement problem and the procurement system in place is very similar across the United States and most other Western countries, most of the conclusions of this chapter apply equally
WP. Rogerson
well to the procurement systems in other Western countries. However, there are some differences. In general, other countries have smaller domestic markets, and rely to a greater extent on joint ventures with other countries, imports, and international sales. See Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995) for a more complete discussion of other countries' procurement systems and how they compare to the US system. This chapter proceeds as follows. Section 2 provides an economic overview of important features of the procurement problem and the procurement process. Sections 3 and 4 describe models of a stylized one-shot procurement problem that will be called the simple procurement problem (SPP). Section 3 considers the case of a single agent and Section 4 considers the case of multiple agents. Since much of the incentives literature consists of variants of the basic models described in Section 3 these models are discussed in considerable detail . Section 5 considers R&D, and Section 6 considers multiple periods of production. All of the preceding sections focus on the incentive problem between government and defense firms. Section 7 broadens the scope of the analysis to consider incentive problems within government.
2. Background 1 2. 1.
The incentive problem between government and defense firms is shaped by four underlying economic characteristics. This section will begin by describing these four characteristics and then go on to discuss some of their consequences for procurement policy. 2.2.
Characteristic #1: Research and development
A defining characteristic of weapons procurement is the constant pursuit of improved performance and capabilities through technological advance. Thus, innovation is at least as important a product of the defense sector as the physical products that embody the new ideas. As will be argued below, innovation is an inherently difficult product to purchase, and this creates the need for providing incentives for innovation. 2.3.
Characteristic #2: Uncertainty
Massive uncertainties permeate the procurement process. Peck and Scherer ( 1 962) and Scherer ( 1 964) distinguish between internal and external uncertainty. Internal uncertainty is uncertainty due to technological unknowns and is especially high in the design phase of a new weapon. However, even after production begins, most
This section draws on Rogerson ( 1 994).
Ch. 12: Incentive Models of the Defense Procurement Process
products continue to evolve i n order t o incorporate new technologies, fix unanticipated problems, etc. Thus, maj or uncertainties about cost and design typically continue into production. External uncertainty is uncertainty in the demand for a weapon due to changes in the external threat, changes in the availability of substitute weapons, or simply changes in Congress's willingness to purchase certain weapons. As events of the early 1 990s make abundantly clear, external uncertainties are also enormous for most weapons systems. A major consequence of these large uncertainties is that the Department of Defense (DoD) typically does not find it feasible or desirable to sign long-term fixed-price production contracts. In the design phase, the ultimate nature of the final weapon is not yet known. Even after production begins, the weapon will continue to evolve in unanticipated ways and DoD's demand will change in unanticipated ways. Thus long term fixed-price contracts for the entire decade or more long production run typical of most weapons systems are thought to be infeasible 2 . DoD's failed attempt to use such contracts in the 1 960s (which was referred to as the total package procurement approach) is generally thought to have conclusively demonstrated the infeasibility of this approach [Burnett and Scherer (1 990, pp. 3 04-305)]. Rather, production contracts are signed for one annual lot of production at a time on an annual basis. In fact, these same uncertainties typically mean that even fixed-price annual contracts are difficult to fully enforce. Unanticipated changes almost always occur and these result in substantial renegotiations during the life of the contract.
Characteristic #3: Economies of scale in production
Within most sectors of the defense industry, there are multiple firms that would be capable ex-ante of designing and producing a given weapons system. Therefore economies of scale do not appear to preclude the existence of multiple competitors at the beginning of a program. Furthermore, design expenditures are relatively small in the early phases of a program, and, given uncertainties at the design stage, it is often sensible to pursue multiple design strategies since it is not clear which will work best. The result is that DoD very typically funds two design approaches through to the stage where prototypes are built. Thus, economies of scale do not preclude the existence of competition through to the end of the design phase. However, production is another matter. Given the relatively small quantities purchased of most weapons systems, it is generally thought to be completely uneconomic to have multiple firms produce the same weapon system. Furthermore, the same reasoning implies that it is uneconomic to have two or three designs enter
2 Note that the possibility of Wlanticipated price inflation is not generally a major problem. This can be, and is, dealt with fairly well through using inflation adjustment formulas based on price indices for various industrial products. It is the fWldarnental uncertainty over the nature of the product and the demand for it that prevents the use of long-term contracts.
W.P. Rogerson
production that are relatively good substitutes for one another, and to buy some of each. Dramatic cost reductions could generally be achieved by purchasing larger quantities of only one design. Therefore, it is generally the case that production of almost all major weapons systems occurs in a sole source environment. Although the existence of mild substitutes may create some competitive pressures in some cases, there will not typically be a close substitute for any major system and thus the effect of competition between substitutes is limited. The maj or implication of this is that prices cannot be competitively determined. As explained above, at the end of the design phase when there is still competition, pervasive uncertainties prevent the signing of a single production contract for the entire production run. Thus the bulk of all production contracts will be negotiated with a sole source. Government's response to this has been to base prices on estimated costs. A fixed price is typically negotiated for each annual production lot. However, the fixed price is determined largely by historic and projected accounting costs, both of which are carefully and meticulously audited. A "profit" term is also added to compensate firms for the cost of capital and risk-bearing [Rogerson ( 1 992c)]. Thus, during the production phase, the sole source producer operates much as does a regulated utility with a fairly similar type of incentive for cost efficiency. If it manages to find a new way to lower its costs, it will keep the benefit for the current production but government will eventually receive the benefit when new prices for future production are negotiated. Even the extent to which annual fixed-price contracts are truly fixed price is open to question. Under the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA), defense contractors must submit detailed "current accurate and complete" cost estimates when they negotiate the price of a contract with DoD. Firms that achieve large unpredicted cost reductions therefore expose themselves to a significant risk of prosecution for failing to reveal all they knew at the time of the negotiation. In this way, TINA converts a fixed-price contract into something more closely resembling a cost-reimbursement contract [Kovacic ( 1 99 1 , Section 3 .2)]. 2.5.
Characteristic #4: Government is the sole buyer
Government is the only possible buyer of most weapons 3 . Furthermore, many of the technologies and skills required to create and produce weapons systems are relatively specific to the weapons industry. The main consequence of this is that it creates a major hold-up problem [Williamson ( 1 985)]. At the R&D phase, firms may worry that if they invest their own funds to create ideas for weapons systems, they will never recover these sunk expenses. At the production phase, firms may worry that they will never recover their investments in physical capital which has little use outside the
3 The government strictly regulates foreign sales so can be viewed as exercising control over these sales as well.
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defense industry. More generally, one o f the main assets o f any defense firm i s its human capital embodied in the knowledge and working relationships of its design team members. Firms may worry that expenditures to create better design teams will never be recovered since there is no good alternative use for this asset. Government has responded to firms' fears to invest in specific assets in three ways. First, it has become a purchaser of the intermediate product "R&D", as well as the final product, "functioning weapons systems". That is, government directly funds a large portion of defense-related R&D. In most purely commercial markets, consumers of course do not purchase R&D. Rather they only purchase final products if they value the results of the R&D as embodied in the product. One reason for this is that the direct purchase of R&D is complicated by difficult incentive problems. Thus, by responding to the hold-up problem and directly funding R&D, government has created a new incentive problem for itself. How can it induce defense firms to perform good R&D? Second, it has become the purchaser of many specific physical assets for defense firms. Physical assets that cannot be easily adapted to other weapons programs are termed "special tools and test equipment" and these are purchased directly by government. Although statistics are very difficult to come by, I am told by informed industry and government sources that the dollar value of such government funded capital is often very large and is comparable to the dollar value of firm funded capital. As well, the government sometimes provides contractual guarantees that capital will be paid for if a program is canceled (e.g., the B l and B2) or literally builds and owns the entire physical plant (e.g., the F 1 6) . However, these latter practices are more rare. Third, through a massive set of regulations and policies, DoD has established an extra-contractual administrative relationship with firms that provides them with a range of guarantees that their specific investments will not be appropriated [Crocker and Reynolds ( 1 993), Goldberg ( 1 976)]. Perhaps the major such regulatory guarantee is the regulatory directive that prices will be cost-based when negotiations occur with a sole source. That is, procurement regulations specifically instruct contracting officers negotiating with a sole source that their j ob is not to obtain the lowest price. Rather, regulations instruct them in great detail how to calculate a fair price based on estimated costs and instruct them to obtain this price. The fair price also includes a "profit" term which is meant to reimburse firms for the cost of capital, the cost of risk-bearing and other economic costs not recognized as costs by the accounting system [Rogerson (1 992c)]. Many of the cost elements that the regulations instruct contracting officers to pay for are likely to be sunk at the time of negotiation. There is a distinct element of reputational enforcement inherent in this relationship. Some of the DoD behavior that provides investment guarantees is simply DoD practice and not mandated by any regulation. Even behavior mandated by regulations cannot be completely relied on because regulations can be changed. Of course, it can be difficult to change regulations, especially when defense firms can directly lobby Congress to intervene, etc. This difficulty in changing regulations works to DoD's advantage in convincing firms that they can rely on the regulations. Nonetheless, there is also an
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element of reputational enforcement. Namely, DoD would often benefit in the short run from reneging on all of its commitments and negotiating the lowest possible prices for the current period's prices. However, in the long ruri, DoD would be harmed because it would no longer be able to convince firms to engage in specific investments. . Thus, it may well be rational for DoD to honor its implicit commitments as codified in its regulations. 2. 6.
The program life cycle
Based on the above discussion, we can view the life cycle of a program as being divided into three phases. First is the design phase, during which multiple firms pursue competing designs. In early portions of the design phase there may be five or more firms; however, by the end of this phase, DoD is usually left with two competing firms, each with its own design. DoD directly funds most of this research through cost reimbursement contracts. However, competition for the production franchise is often intense and thus firms often augment DoD funding with their own private funds. The second phase is the sole source selection phase, in which firms submit prototypes, final design plans, etc. to DoD so it can evaluate the relative merits of the designs. They also typically bid on the next increment of work, which consists of finalizing the design, establishing the production line, and producing the first few items. DoD selects a winner based on its evaluation of the competing designs (their likely performance, production cost, maintainability, etc.) and the bids on the next increment of work. A single winner is chosen because of economies of scale. The third phase is the production phase, during which the winner of the source selection phase produces the product. This phase may last a decade or more. An important point is that almost all of the production contracts are signed in a sole source environment after the winner has been chosen, because of cost uncertainties, demand uncertainties, and the evolving nature of the product. Prices in the production phase are highly cost based. Although production occurs under a series of annually signed fixed-price contracts, each contract's price is largely determined by audited historic and audited projected accounting costs. Furthermore, strict application of TINA probably even makes each annual fixed-price contract more cost-based than a true fixed-price contract. 2. 7.
An interesting perspective on the role of the above four characteristics in generating the regulatory problem of defense procurement can be obtained by considering how the regulatory problem would change if only some were true. In particular, it is illuminating to consider the first two features as one group (R&D is important; large uncertainties) and the second two as a separate group (large economies of scale in production imply the absence of close substitutes; government is sole purchaser). Suppose that only the first group of features was true. This would be an industry where technological advance is rapid and important and where large uncertainties
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exist, especially at the R&D phase. However, government is not the only buyer and economies of scale are not so large as to preclude competition between substitutes. The obvious example of such an industry is the computer industry. Computer procurement works in a completely different fashion than weapons procurement [Kelman ( 1 990)]. The government does not directly buy R&D; rather, it buys final products much as occurs in any normal commercial market. Furthermore, it does not directly fund facilities capital investments. Finally, procurement is usually accomplished through competitive bidding with no element of cost based pricing. Now suppose that only the second group of features was true. This would be an industry where technological advance is not particularly important and thus efficient production is the only real issue. However, there are large economies of scale so there is room in the market for only one firm. This is, of course, the description of a traditional public utility regulation problem. Thus, in some sense, the production phase of a procurement problem can be viewed as a typical public utility problem. What makes defense procurement special, is that each franchise lasts only a decade or so, and firms compete for the franchise by performing R&D. Furthermore, generating the correct amounts of the correct types of R&D is a maj or goal of the regulatory system. 2.8.
Theory of the internal organization of the firm
One feature that distinguishes defense procurement from traditional public utility regulation is that each production program can be viewed as its own franchise and thus ex-ante competitions for each franchise are generally possible. This feature means that the regulatory problem in defense is much more closely related to incentive issues that arise in the theory of the firm than is the standard regulatory problem. In particular, DoD's long-term relational partnerships with suppliers are similar, in some respects, to the type of relationships that large commercial firms such as General Motors, have with their maj or suppliers. Production of major automobile subcomponents or parts often requires specific investments in R&D or physical capital. Production often occurs by a single source. However, the relationship is nested in a larger competitive environment where GM could tum to different subcontractors for future programs if it wished. Thus, just as in defense procurement, sole source relationships with specific investments occur in the context of a larger competitive environment for future programs. One of the major differences between the DoD problem and GM's problem regards the "make versus buy" decision. Many observers believe that government either lacks the ability to take production in-house (due to low civil service pay scales, cumbersome personnel systems, lack of flexibility for decision-making, etc.), or simply does not want to design and produce its own weapons because of an ideological preference for private enterprise 4 . If this is true, then the government's options to make instead 4 The fact that state ownership of defense firms is fairly connnon in Europe perhaps suggests that the latter reason (ideological preference) may be more important than the former (technological infeasibility).
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of buy are much more limited than GM's. This difference is interesting, because, as will be discussed further in the next two sections, a major problem faced by the defense regulatory system is how to provide incentives for R&D. There is some evidence that large commercial firms deal with this problem by moving production in house. Monteverde and Teece (1982) show that large automotive firms are much more likely to produce a component in-house if it involves large amounts of R&D. This suggests that provision of incentives for R&D may be a particularly difficult problem in purchaser/supplier relationships. 2. 9.
Prizes for innovation
A recurring theme in the above discussion is the necessity for providing incentives for innovation. This part will explain how the current system provides these incentives. An important characteristic of the R&D stage is that the output of this stage is inherently difficult or impossible to measure objectively and describe for purposes of contracting. That is, it is essentially impossible to sign explicit incentive contracts at the R&D stage that specify all possible good ideas and the reward that the firm will be paid as a function of which good idea it comes up with. The obvious obj ectively verifiable signal of whether a firm has created a successful new weapons design is whether DoD chooses to purchase it. Thus, a regulatory system could create prizes for innovation by guaranteeing that firms which generate ideas good enough to be adopted by the government will receive prizes in the form of economic profit on the production phase of the system. Furthermore, if profit was awarded approximately as a percentage of cost, this might also tend to award larger prizes to more important innovations, at least in a rough sense. This is, in fact, the approach that DoD appears to follow. The overall result of DoD's regulatory system is that a defense firm selected to be sole source producer of a weapons systems earns economic profit on the production phase of the program and the prospect of earning this sole source profit gives defense firms an incentive to exert their best efforts at the design phase. Two different approaches have been used to empirically estimate the size of this effect. Rogerson ( 1 989, l 99 1 c) uses an event study methodology to estimate the size of the prizes that winners of design contests earn and finds that it is equal to approximately 3.3% to 4.7% of revenues earned in the production phase. Lichtenberg ( 1 988) directly estimates the effect of government business on defense firms' private R&D expenditures and finds that one dollar of production purchases may stimulate 54 cents of such expenditures. 2. 1 0.
Inter-linked stages
An extremely important feature of the procurement process is that firms' behavior is interconnected across the three stages of procurement: design, sole source selection, and production. This means that models of the procurement process which focus on only one of the stages may fail to capture important aspects of the problem. In general,
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one must approach procurement policy b y simultaneously considering behavior and policy options at all three stages. For example, government might choose to influence the overall amount and quality of R&D by varying direct funding at the design phase, by taking steps to change the competitiveness of bidding at the source selection phase, or by changing the profitability allowed during sole source production. Of course, these tools will have different effects on other goals, like efficiency at the production stage. Thus, an optimal policy must be designed by identifying how different combinations of policies at different stages affect all the goals to be achieved. For some important questions, it is necessary to expand the scope of analysis even further, to include multiple programs. This is because economies of scope exist across products [Rogerson ( 1 992a,b)] and because award decisions made today will influence the nature of the industrial structure that exists tomorrow, and thus affect the range of options open to government in the future. Therefore, links between stages of a program and links between programs often have critically important effects, and this must be kept in mind when interpreting the results of models that limit themselves to a single stage of the process or a single program.
3. The simple procurement problem with a single agent 3. 1.
Sections 3 and 4 will consider a particularly simple stylized procurement problem which will be called the simple procurement problem (SPP). In the SPP, a principal (government) must hire an agent (the firm) to produce a single unit of a commodity with well-defined characteristics that can be objectively specified. Government is uncertain about the cost of producing the commodity. Although it cannot predict the eventual cost of production with certainty, it is able to audit and thus measure the ex-post cost of production. Government can sign a contract with a firm that makes government's payment to the firm a function of the measured ex-post cost of production. There are a fixed number of firms, n, capable of producing the commodity. This section will consider the case where n equals one and the next section will consider the case where n is greater than one. The firms may or may not have private information about their likely production costs. Government needs to hire a single firm. Government's goal is to minimize its expected costs of procurement on this procurement considered in isolation. That is, there are no considerations about the effects of this procurement on future procurements for the same or related products. Nor are there any concerns about the effects of the procurement on industry structure or capability. Thus far, most of the major advances in theoretical incentive models that are potentially applicable to procurement have been derived in the context of the SPP. This limits their usefulness to some extent. As argued in the previous section, these models fail to shed light on many of the most interesting questions in defense procurement,
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because a defining feature of the process is that in fact it cannot be viewed as a series of isolated procurements. Individual programs are carried out through a series of interlinked stages and investments made for one program often have spill-over effects on other programs. However, the SPP does capture many important incentive issues in procurement and, in many instances, understanding the SPP is a necessary precursor to understanding more complex issues not captured by this model. 3.2.
The general model
This part will introduce notation to formally describe the general SPP when there is a single firm from which government can purchase the commodity. Then subsequent parts will show how particular models considered in the literature can be viewed as special cases of this general model. Let c denote the cost of production if the principal hires the agent. Although the principal cannot necessarily predict c with certainty, he can measure c after production occurs. Therefore contracts can be signed based on measured production costs. Let p(c) denote a contract. Under the contract p(c), the agent promises to deliver the product to the principal, and the principal promises to pay the agent p(c) if its measured production cost is c. The agent must choose a level of effort, e E [0, oo) if hired by the principal. This effort variable has the property that it both lowers production costs and induces a level of disutility in the agent. The critical assumption (and the reason that effort is distinguished from cost) is that neither the agent's level of effort nor the disutility it induces in the agent can be contracted upon. The most obvious example of such a variable is managerial effort - hence the name. However, this is not the only or necessarily the most important example of an effort variable. It is quite generally the case that accounting measures of cost do not measure all of the relevant opportunity costs to a firm. For example, a firm may have the choice of using its best engineers on a government contract or on a commercial contract. Suppose that the best engineers will achieve extra cost reductions on whatever contract they are used. To the firm, an opportunity cost of using the best engineers on the government contract is the foregone profits that could have been earned on the commercial contract. This cost is not measured by accounting numbers. Therefore it can be modelled as an effort variable. To capture the fact that the relationship between effort and cost may be stochastic and that the agent may be better informed than the principal about this relationship, assume the cost is determined by c = T(e, E, ()),
where t: and () are random variables drawn by nature before the start of the relationship according to the distribution G(t:,()) over [Emin, Emaxl x [()min, ()max ] with density g ( t:, ()). Assume that Fe < 0, so that increased effort decreases cost. Assume
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that re > 0 and r e > 0, so that higher draws of the random variables correspond to "worse" situations in the sense that costs will be higher. The distinction between £ and e concerns their observability. Assume that both actors know the function r and the distribution G. However, neither actor can observe £ and only the agent can observe e. Thus £ represents symmetric uncertainty about costs in the sense that both actors are uncertain about its value. However, e represents asymmetric uncertainty about costs in the sense that only the principal is uncertain about its value. The parameter e will often be referred to as the agent's "type". Higher values of e will be spoken of as being worse types since r e > 0. The agent's income, I, will be given by the price he receives from the principal minus the production cost. Assume that the agent's utility over income, I, and effort, e, is given by the separable function 5
u(l) - ¢(e).
Assume that u(O) 0, ¢(0) = 0, and that the agent's reservation level of utility is zero. This means that the agent is completely indifferent between accepting a cost reimbursement contract and not participating at all 6 . Thus the principal would always have the option of hiring the agent under a cost-reimbursement contract, if he wished. This assumption is not necessary for the results but helps make the model intuitively clear. Assume that the agent evaluates income lotteries by calculating expected utilities and comparing them and that u' > 0 and u" :::::; 0, so that the agent prefers more income to less, and is risk neutral or risk averse. Assume that ¢'(e) > 0 and ¢/'(e) ;;::, 0, so that the agent dislikes effort and the marginal disutility of effort is weakly increasing. Although it is not necessary for the analysis, it will be convenient to assume that the principal is risk neutral and places an infinite value on consuming the good. Thus the principal 's goal is to procure the good at minimum expected cost. The relationship can be viewed as unfolding in three steps. At the first step, nature chooses £ and e. At the second step, the principal offers a contract p(c) to the agent and the agent decides whether or not to accept it. At the third 'step, if the agent has accepted the contract, he chooses an effort level, e, that results in a production cost, c. Government receives the good and pays the firm p(c). With respect to actors' information, assume that both actors know the entire structure of the relationship given by the functions G, r, ¢, and u. Thus the only information asymmetry at the time of contracting is that the agent has observed e and the principal has not. =
5 The separability assumption is basically for expositional convenience. The same basic qualitative insights apply to the nonseparable case, only the analysis is more complicated because the agent's attitudes towards risk and preferences over income are potentially affected by his effort choice. 6 Under a cost reimbursement contract, p( c) = c, so that I always equals zero. The agent will choose the lowest possible effort, i.e., e = 0, under this contract. Thus the agent's expected level of utility equals zero.
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3. 3. Pure moral hazard: The model The pure moral hazard model is created by assuming that there is no asymmetric cost uncertainty. Formally, assume that () assumes some particular value with probability one. Since () does not vary, one can simplify notation by suppressing () entirely. Let G(t:) and g(t:) denote the distribution and density of e, and let T(e, t:) denote the function that determines cost as a function of e and Suppose that the principal offers the agent a cost-reimbursement contract 7 . From the agent's standpoint, there is no benefit from lowering production costs. Therefore, he will reduce his effort to a minimum. Since effort levels cannot be contractually specified, the only way to induce the agent to exert effort to lower costs is to give him a financial incentive to lower costs. That is, the agent must be told that if he succeeds in lowering costs by one dollar, the price that he is paid will not decline by a full dollar. Of course, the extreme case would be to offer the agent a fixed-price contract. In this case, the agent would receive all the benefits from exerting effort, so would have no incentive at all to shirk. However, a fixed-price contract creates another potential problem. Under a fixed-price contract, the agent bears all of the risk of cost overruns and underruns. If the agent is risk averse (recall that, by assumption, the principal is risk neutral), the optimal contract from an insurance perspective would be a cost-reimbursement contract, where the principal bore all the risk. This, then, is the fundamental contracting issue in the pure moral hazard model. From an incentive perspective, the ideal contract is a fixed-price contract. From an insurance perspective, however, this contract places all of the risk on the agent. If the agent is risk neutral, this poses no problem and the optimal contract is a fixed-price contract. However, if the agent is risk averse, the ideal contract from an insurance perspective is a cost-reimbursement contract. Therefore, we cannot simultaneously accomplish both goals of creating ideal incentives and ideal insurance. Not surprisingly, the optimal contract in general turns out to be a cost sharing contract, which tries to achieve an optimal trade-off between the two competing goals. The outlines of a formal analysis to this problem will now be sketched [see Grossman and Hart ( 1 983), Holmstrom ( 1 979), Rogerson (1 985), and Shavell ( 1 979) for more complete treatments] . It turns out that the analysis of this model is somewhat more convenient if we work directly with the distribution of cost induced by effort. Let F(c, e) denote the distribution function of c given that the agent exerts the effort level e. This is defined by
F(c, e) = Pr{T(e, t:) :(
c} .
Letf(c, e) denote the density function. The principal calculates the optimal contract to offer the agent by choosing a contract to minimize his expected payments subject to 7
The term cost-reimbursement contract will be used to describe the contract given by p(c) = c. The term fixed-price contract will be used to describe a contract of the form p(c) = k, where k is a constant.
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the constraint that the agent is willing to accept the contract. In reality, the principal chooses only the contract and predicts the agent's effort choice. However, as is typical in this sort of problem, the simplest way of formally describing the problem is to view the principal as choosing both the contract and effort subject to the extra constraint that the agent is actually willing to choose the effort that the principal specifies. The optimal contract is therefore the solution to the following program: Minimize
p( ), e
J p(c)f(c, e)
subject to :
J u(p(c) - c)f(c, e) ¢(e) e ;n j u(p(c) - c)f(c, e) e de -
E arg ax
de - ¢(e).
(4) (5) (6)
Equation (4) is the principal's payment to the agent. The principal chooses a contract p and effort level e subject to the constraints that the agent receives his reservation level of expected utility [Equation (5)], and that the agent will actually choose the level of effort specified by the principal [Equation (6)]. The standard method of solving this program is to replace constraint (6) by the first-order condition for the agent's effort choice problem,
J u(p(c) - c)fe (c, e)
de - ¢' (e) = 0.
It is straightforward to use control theory to characterize the solution to the resulting program. Readers unfamiliar with control theory can derive the same result using standard Lagrangian techniques by assuming that c takes on n possible values,
{c 1 , . . . , Cn } .
In general the optimal contract is neither a fixed-price contract nor a cost reimbursement contract. Rather, price depends on cost in a complex way.
3. 4. Pure moral hazard: Discussion What light does this model shed on procurement problems and practices? At the level of logical foundations, it obviously makes a significant contribution. It clearly and explicitly describes the basic idea that incentive contracting may involve a trade-off between effort inducement and risk allocation and thus supplies a theory of incentive contracting. In order to be useful for normative or positive analysis, however, a theory of optimal contracts must describe how measurable features of a contract ought to vary with measurable features of the contracting environment. It turns out that this theory has been less successful on this front. Although the problem itself is very simple to state, formal derivation of optimal contracts is
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surprisingly complex and delicate. Furthermore, other than the statement that the optimal contract will, in general, be neither a fixed-price nor a cost-reimbursement contract, almost no general statements can be made. The nature of the optimal contract varies tremendously depending upon the precise functional forms of the utility function and distribution function for For normative purposes, the problem this creates is that the precise nature of the optimal contract is highly dependent on features of the contracting environment that government may be unsure about. For positive purposes, the problem is that the theory does not generate testable predictions. Therefore, it is probably fair to say that the maj or value of this model to date has been to help clarify the underlying incentive issues rather than to explain specific contracting phenomena. In reality, most contracts used by DoD are linear in cost. That is, they are of the form
p = a + {3c,
where a is a positive constant and f3 is a constant between 0 and 1. If f3 equals 0, it is a fixed-price contract. If f3 equals 1, it is a cost-reimbursement contract. If f3 is between 0 and 1, the contract is a cost-sharing contract, and f3 is usually spoken of as the share of the risk borne by DoD. Similarly, ( 1 - {3) is usually spoken of as the share of the risk borne by the firm. It is difficult to find simple examples where the optimal contract in the formal model is linear. This is unfortunate, but not a critical problem. In all likelihood, linear contracts are used because they are simple and information does not exist to support more finely-tuned calculations. By exogenously restricting oneself to linear contracts (or, by restricting oneself to a two-outcome case, where costs can be "low" or "high" 8 ), fairly well-behaved solutions can be calculated. In particular, it is possible to demonstrate a very intuitive result that will be referred to as testable result # 1 (TR # 1 ). Testable Result #1: Suppose that contracts are linear. Then under the optimal contract, the share of risk borne by government, {3, is always between zero and one. The share of risk borne by government grows larger as cost uncertainty increases. Government, does, of course, always choose f3 between zero and one. The interesting question is whether it can be shown that f3 increases with cost uncertainty. Even attempting to relate this simple prediction to real behavior turns out to be problematic. It is a well-accepted stylized fact of the procurement process, that DoD bears successively lower fractions of risk as a program matures. At the early R&D phase, cost-reimbursement contracts are typically used. In development, the firm may accept a small share of the risk. In initial production, the firm will accept a large share of the risk and then, after initial production, fixed-price contracts will typically be used. A natural
In this case, the change in price divided by the change in cost as costs go from low to high can be viewed as the slope, f3.
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hypothesis is that this behavior is explained by the simple moral hazard model. Namely, cost uncertainty declines over the life of the program and this is reflected by decreases in the value of /3. However, there may be another, more important, factor explaining this behavior. In the formal moral hazard model, the product is completely well-defined. Thus the government and the firm are able to sign a contract at the outset that completely specifies the nature of the product that will be delivered in an obj ectively verifiable fashion. The extent to which this assumption is satisfied varies enormously and systematically over the life of a program. In the R&D phase, government may be completely unable to specify many important aspects of what it wants. By the time of the third or fourth aruma! production lot, government may be able to describe quite precisely what it expects. Therefore, government's use of cost type contracts for R&D may be largely due to the fact that no product can be obj ectively defined at the date of contract signing. Fixed-price contracts would simply create an incentive to reduce the quality of the R&D supplied. In summary, in order to argue that the simple moral hazard model explains why f3 varies across a group of contracts, it would be important to be able to control for the extent to which the product can be objectively described at the date of contract signing. This has not been done.
3.5. Pure self selection: The model Economic analyses of defense procurement dating back to Scherer ( 1 964) have emphasized the fact that information about cost is asymmetric at the contracting stage and that this fact plays a key role in shaping the procurement process. That is, at the time of contract signing the firm is often much better informed than government about the likely cost of performing the contract. The pure self selection model focusses attention on this factor by assuming that the only cost uncertainty in the model is asymmetric cost uncertainty. That is, it is assumed that f equals some fixed value with probability one. Since £ is now constant, we can simplify notation by suppressing it entirely. Let G( e) and g( e) denote the distribution and density of e and let F(e, e) denote the function determining cost as a function of e and e. From the agent's perspective, there is no uncertainty in this model. Therefore without loss of generality, assume that u(I) = I. In the pure moral hazard model, the basic contracting issue was the trade-off between effort inducement and risk allocation. In the pure self selection model, the basic contracting issue is different. The principal is constrained to offer a contract that all types will accept 9. One way of doing this is to offer a cost-reimbursement contract. By construction, every type is just willing to accept such a contract; however, the problem
9 If we relaxed this assumption, the same logic applies given whatever fraction of types the principal wishes to attract.
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with this contract is that no effort is induced. Under a cost-reimbursement contract, all types will exert zero effort. The other extreme would be to offer a fixed-price contract. In this case, every type would choose the efficient level of effort. However, the problem with this contract is that, in order to guarantee that every type will accept the contract, the principal must offer a fixed price that is high enough that the highest type, Bmax, (i.e., the highest-cost type), will accept it. Thus all other types are left with a positive surplus. Therefore, a cost-reimbursement contract enables the principal to extract all of the j oint surplus generated by the relationship, but the level of j oint surplus generated is low because no effort is induced. A fixed-price contract generates a high level of joint surplus because effort is induced, but the principal extracts only a small share of the j oint surplus. Therefore, the optimal contract will in general be some form of cost sharing contract that trades off between these two factors. In the pure moral hazard model, the trade-off was between effort inducement (which is best accomplished by a fixed-price contract) and risk allocation (which is best accomplished by a cost-reimbursement contract.) The optimal contract is in general some sort of cost-sharing contract that seeks an optimal compromise between these two competing concerns. In the pure self selection model, rent extraction takes the place of risk allocation. Therefore in both cases, the basic intuition flowing from the models is quite similar. When cost uncertainty is high, government should choose contracts which have government bear more of the risk. In the pure moral hazard model, this is because extra symmetric uncertainty creates greater risk that the principal can more easily bear. In the pure self selection model, this is because extra asymmetric uncertainty makes it harder for the principal to capture rent through offering a fixed price, so cost sharing become more desirable. Although the basic "bottom line" qualitative insight is fairly similar, the method of formal analysis for the pure self selection model is actually quite different. This is because the principal does not know the agent's type. Therefore when the principal considers a contract, he must calculate whether each type will participate and what effort level each type will choose. Thus each type "self selects" into a price/cost pair from the contract. In general, each type will choose a different price/cost pair, and thus keeping track of and analyzing how different types self select creates an extra level of complexity in these models. It turns out that essentially the same mathematical structure applies to self selection models of a wide variety of phenomena, including models of price discrimination and quality choice by a monopolist, models of taxation and its incentive effects, principal agent models where the output of the agent is units of some physical commodity such as wheat, and principal agent models where the output of the agent is units of cost reduction. Of course this last interpretation is the one considered by this chapter. The basic mathematical structure of this model was developed by authors considering other interpretations [Guesnerie and Laffont ( 1 9 84), Mirrlees ( 1 985), Musa and Rosen (1 978), Baron and Myerson (1 982), Sappington ( 1 983)]. Laffont and Tirole ( 1 986) and McAfee and McMillan ( 1 987a) were the first to apply this type of model to the case considered by this chapter.
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The formal analysis of this model will now be outlined. Readers interested in further details should consult the references listed above or Laffont and Tirole ( 1 993) . It is convenient to reformulate the model slightly in order to analyze it. Because the agent faces no uncertainty, the agent can be viewed as choosing c directly instead of choosing effort. Let z(c, e) denote the amount of effort needed to produce cost c when the agent's type is e. (This is simply the inverse of T.) Then define cS(c, 8) to be the disutility of choosing c which is given by
b(c, e) = 1/>(z(c, e)).
Rather than work directly with effort, it is more convenient to simply view the agent as choosing c at a disutility cost of cS(c, e). Thus the effort variable is suppressed entirely 1 0 . Assumptions made previously that effort decreases cost and effort induces disutility cre < 0, ¢' > 0), and that higher values of e mean that costs are higher (r e > 0) immediately imply that disutility both decreases in cost and increases in e, i.e., and
be > 0.
( 1 0)
The regularity assumption will be made that (1 1 ) This means that the marginal disutility from lowering costs becomes greater as e increases. Thus increases in e mean that both the disutility from lowering costs and the marginal disutility from lowering costs increase. This is equivalent to the property that the efficient or first-best cost level increases in e, which is also equivalent to the property that if the agent was given a fixed-price contract, the agent would choose a higher cost if his type was higher. This is of course a very intuitive requirement. We interpret higher values of e as meaning that the type is "worse". The assumption in Equation ( 1 1 ) states that as e becomes higher, we would observe the same contract resulting in higher costs. Therefore, Equation ( 1 1 ) simply formalizes what we intuitively mean by a worse-cost situation, and is a very natural assumption. This is an important point, because the main qualitative results depend on this assumption. For example, if cS was additively separable in c and e, this would imply that all types would choose the same cost. In this case, a fixed-price contract would 10
All of the early analyses of the pure self selection problem followed this practice of suppressing the effort variable. This led to the inaccurate impression that the distinction between the pure moral hazard and pure self selection models is whether an effort variable exists. This is not true. In the pure self selection model, the agent makes a decision that affects his unobservable utility and this can always be thought of as an effort choice. The distinction between the two models is whether the uncertainty over cost is symmetric or asymmetric.
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extract all the rent from every type and this would be the optimal contract for the principal to offer. If Dee < 0, then worse (i.e., higher) types choose higher costs. Thus, offering a price high enough to attract the high types leaves the low types earning rent. Recall from the above discussion of the intuition of the pure self selection problem, that this was the reason that a non-trivial contracting problem exists. One more regularity assumption will be made. For any type 8, the total disutility of the agent is given by the sum of production cost, c, and the disutility of effort, b(c, 8), ( 1 2)
c + b(c, 8). It will be assumed that
( 1 3) and that for every order condition
8 there exists
a unique value of c, cF ( 8), which satisfies the first ( 1 4)
Therefore CF ( 8) is the unique first-best or efficient-cost choice for type e, in the sense that it minimizes total disutility of c. Total differentiation of Equation ( 1 4) yields ( 1 5) By Equations ( 1 1 ) and (1 3), this is positive, i.e., higher types should optimally produce at higher cost. Laffont and Tirole (1 986) consider an example satisfying properties ( 1 0)-( 1 4). The exampie is created by assuming that
T(e, 8) = 8 - e
( 1 6)
and that ¢>(e) is strictly increasing and strictly convex. The agent's type is therefore the value of cost if no effort is exerted. Exertion of effort results in cost reductions below 8. If r is defined by Eqation ( 1 6), then,
b(c, 8) = ¢>(8 - c).
( 1 7)
It is easy to verify that (j satisfies the assumptions stated in Equations ( 1 0)-( 1 4) . The principal's contractual design problem can now b e formally described. Gov ernment considers a contract, p(c). Given this contract, the principal predicts for each type of firm, e, whether that type will participate, and what cost that type will choose to produce at, if it does participate. Among the contracts that cause all types
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to participate 1 1 , the principal picks the one that minimizes his expected cost. Let c(e) denote the cost chosen by type e. Then, formally, the principal can be viewed as solving the following program: Minimize
c( ), p( )
j p(c(e)) g(e) de
subj ect to
c(e) E argmax{p(c) - c - O(c, e)} p(c( e)) - c( e) - 6(c( e), e) ;;,: 0
for every e,
for every e.
( 1 8) ( 1 9) (20)
This problem can be transformed into a well-behaved optimal control problem under various regularity assumptions. The main result is to show that a unique solution c * (e) and p * (e) exists with the following three characteristics: (i) Higher types choose strictly higher costs,
(2 1)
(ii) The lowest type, emin, chooses the first-best cost. All other types choose a cost strictly greater than the first best,
c* ( emin) = CF ( 8min) c*(8) > cF(e) for every 8 E (emin , emaxl
(22) (23)
(iii) The highest type, emax , earns zero expected utility. All other types earn positive expected utility and expected utility is strictly decreasing in type:
u*(emax) = 0,
u* ' (e)
where u* (e) is defined by
u*(e) = p*(c*(e)) - c*(e) - i5(c*(e), e).
None of these characteristics directly describe the nature of p * (c). However, based on these characteristics, it is straightforward to do so. When a type e chooses c, it solves the problem of maximizing
p(c) - c - i5(c, e).
The first-order condition for this problem is
p'(c) - 1 - i5c(c, e) = 0.
By comparing Equations (28) and ( 14), it is immediately apparent that the slope of p(c) at the c chosen by type e is sufficient to tell us whether the cost chosen by type
11 Recall that, to simplify the exposition, it is assumed that the principal places infinite value on the good and therefore definitely wants to consume it. If we relax this assumption, then in general the principal would rationally plan to make offers that would be rejected some of the time. However, nothing significant changes in the analysis.
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p •(c)
8 is less than, equal to, or greater than the first best. In particular, c* ( 8) is greater than the first best iff p' (c* ( 8)) > 0 and equal to the first best iff p' (c* ( 8)) = 0. That is,
(29) Let [cmin• Cmax] be the interval of costs over which p*(c) is defined. The cost Cmin is chosen by type Bmin and the cost Cmax is chosen by Bmax· Then it follows immediately that
p ' (cmin) = 0 p '(c)
for c E (cmin, Cmax l
(30) (3 1 )
That i s , the slope of p(c) equals 0 at Cmin and is strictly positive elsewhere. This is the only property of the function p(c) that fol lows from the general analysis. A fixed-price contract is one where p'(c) is identically equal to zero. Therefore, the general result is that it is optimal for the principal to offer a cost-sharing contract, in the sense that prices increase with cost. Since p*'(c) equals zero at Cmin and is strictly positive for larger values of c, the function p*(c) cannot be globally concave. However, it is possible that it may be globally convex. This possibility is illustrated in Figure 1 . The contract p*(c) is the convex function defined over [cmin• Cmaxl Each type of agent chooses a (p, c) combination off this curve to maximize his expected utility. Utility is increasing in price and decreasing in cost. Let 81 and 82 be two types with 81 < 82 . The best indifference curve which can be achieved by each type is drawn in. The key geometric
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property illustrated by this graph is that higher types have flatter indifference curves 1 2 . This follows from assumption ( 1 1) and is often referred to as the single crossing condition. This property is why higher types locate a tangency at a higher cost. An interesting result of Laffont and Tirole ( 1 986) and McAfee and McMillan (1 987a) is that if p*(c) is convex as drawn, it would be possible to replace the contract p*(c) with a menu of linear contracts. Consider the menu of linear contracts formed by all tangent lines to p* (c) over the interval [Cmin , Cmax l . Suppose the principal initially offered the agent this menu. It is geometrically clear that each type () would choose the tangent line at c* ( fJ) and would then choose the cost c* ( fJ). Thus, the nonlinear contract p* (c) could be implemented by offering a menu of linear contracts. Furthermore, it is straightforward to show that one can add back some symmetric additive noise to the model, E, and the menu of linear contracts continues to be optimal 13 . This result is interesting for three reasons. First, it provides a formal theoretical model consistent with the observation of only linear contracts. Second, it extends the pure self selection model to cases including a symmetric noise term, E. Third, it suggests the general idea that government should structure bargaining so that firms claiming to be lower cost select themselves into contracts where they bear a higher share of the risk. This qualitative insight is potentially quite applicable in a wide variety of situations. It turns out that it is difficult to identify broad classes of cases where p*(c) can be shown to be globally convex. In the case considered by Laffont and Tirole ( 1 986), for example, one must assume that the third derivative of the disutility function is positive in order to guarantee that p* (c) is globally convex [Rogerson ( 1 987)] . However, while this is unfortunate, it is not a "fatal flaw" of the model. In some over-all sense, p* (c) must be "generally convex" in the sense that its slope equals zero at Cmin and is positive elsewhere. Thus in many practical applications, the intuition that lower cost types should self select themselves into contracts where they bear a greater responsibility for cost overruns and underruns may turn out to be correct. More research is required on this point. Another interesting line of research explores how auditing should optimally be used in the pure self selection model [Baron and Besanko ( 1 984)].
3. 6. Pure self selection: Discussion Just as for the pure moral hazard model, the pure self selection model obviously makes a significant contribution at the level of logical foundations. It clearly and 1 2 In Figure 1, I (1 ) is an indifference curve belonging to a low (high) type. The single crossing 1 2 property means that I2 is flatter than I1 at the point where they intersect. If this property holds for all indifference curves, the tangency for type 1 must occur to the left of the tangency for type 2. 1 3 See Rogerson ( 1 987) for a thorough discussion of this geometric interpretation of the menu of linear contracts result.
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explicitly describes the basic idea that incentive contracting may involve a trade-off between effort inducement and rent extraction, and thus supplies a theory of incentive contracting. Unfortunately, the same basic criticism also applies to this model. Namely, the technical analysis is surprisingly delicate and complex, and the general nature of the optimal contract varies tremendously depending upon the precise functional forms one assumes. Just as for the pure moral hazard model, it is possible to derive various versions of TR # 1 . Once again, the problem is that it is difficult to actually test this result. Furthermore, since both theories predict the same result, it does not help distinguish between them. Five additional remarks should be noted about the pure self selection model. First, the basic idea underlying the pure self selection model is more complex and subtle than the basic idea underlying the moral hazard model. Thus, it is probably fair to say that the basic idea was not well understood by economists even on an intuitive basis prior to the creation of the formal models. Second, it may be that the pure self selection model is focussing on the more fundamental or important phenomenon. Asymmetric information at the time of contracting may tum out to be a more important explanation for various contracting practices than risk aversion. If all firms were risk neutral, it is not clear that contracting practices and institutions would necessarily be much different. However, if no firms had private information, there would be clearly be large differences. Third, the "linear menus" result for the pure self selection model possibly creates another testable result which will be called testable result number two (TR #2). Under the optimal menu, higher-type firms select a linear contract with a higher value of f3 and earn lower rents. The term "rent" refers to the agent's total utility including the unobservable part. Therefore, if we observed the same contracting problem played out n times, where nature drew an independent identically distributed (iid) value of e each time, we would observe a negative correlation between f3 and total utility. This is TR #2. Testable Result #2: Firms operating under linear contracts with higher values of f3 should earn lower rents. It is a well-accepted stylized fact that the measured ex-post rate of accounting profit earned by firms on fixed-price contracts is greater than the measure ex-post rate of accounting profit earned by firms on cost-reimbursement contracts. One might interpret this as supporting TR #2; however, this argument is problematic. The model predicts a correlation between unmeasurable total utility, p(c) - c - c5(c, 8), and {3; it does not predict a relationship between measured profit, p(c) - c , and {3. Since the key feature of the model that generates all of the results is that there is unmeasurable utility, abstracting away from this for the purposes of creating testable predictions is clearly inappropriate. This stylized fact is most straightforwardly explained by some sort of risk/expected return relationship. Therefore, although testable results may flow from the linear menus analysis, TR #2 is not such a result.
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Fourth, it may be that the linear menus analysis may help government to create better negotiation strategies with firms by explicitly offering them menu choices [see Reichelstein ( 1 992) for a very interesting analysis along these lines] . Fifth, the SPP proceeds under the relatively artificial bargaining structure that government makes a single take-it-or-leave-it offer. In the moral hazard model, where information is symmetric at the time of contracting, this assumption is no great cause for concern; but, in the pure self selection model, where information is asymmetric, this assumption is much less palatable. Institutions that affect negotiations and the government's ability to commit may play a much more important role in determining contracting outcomes in this case. In support of this point, it is interesting to note that the pure self selection model has had its greatest success in explaining behavior, precisely in situations where commitment is not an issue. This is in models of a monopoly practicing price discrimination in a market with large number of anonymous consumers. A firm facing a large anonymous market of consumers truly does make a take-it-or-leave-it offer when it publishes a price schedule 1 4 .
3. 7. The general model A general model would allow both types of cost uncertainty to exist simultaneously, and would allow the agent to be risk averse. This model would contain elements of both the pure moral hazard and pure self selection model, but has not yet been extensively analyzed [see Baron and Besanko (1 987b, 1 988) and McAfee and McMillan ( 1 986)] . One way that some of these papers make progress is by exogenously restricting themselves to linear contracts and making other simplifying assumptions. This is a good strategy given the complexities of the general model. 4. The simple procurement problem with multiple agents
A natural way to generalize the SPP of the preceding section would be to assume that there are initially n agents capable of producing the commodity, where n is greater than one. The principal only needs to hire one agent. If there is no asymmetric information, nothing fundamental changes. The principal would face n different pure moral hazard problems. He would calculate the optimal contract for each problem and the resulting expected payment. He would then simply choose the agent to minimize his expected wage payment. If there is asymmetric information, however, the introduction of multiple potential agents creates a fundamental change. In this case, the principal can conduct some type of auction in an attempt to extract more rent from the agents. Thus the question of how the principal should design auctions to produce the lowest expected payment arises.
14 The extra structure created by observable demand curves also make the models potentially more empirically relevant.
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The auctions literature has concentrated on the case where it is assumed that the principal does not measure any production costs at all, so only fixed-price contracts are possible. Of course, if there is a single agent this problem is trivial from an analytic point of view 1 5 . The pure self selection literature in a sense creates an interesting problem out of the single-agent case by assuming that some costs can be measured and that an effort variable exists which affects both measurable and unmeasurable cost. This creates a trade-off between rent extraction and effort inducement. When there are multiple agents, a non-trivial problem exists even when costs cannot be measured. There are many different ways to run a fixed-price auction for producing a commodity. Which will minimize the principal's expected procurement cost and why? The auctions literature has been one of the most successful literatures in information economics. A large number of sharp and interesting results have been derived. This literature is too voluminous to attempt to survey here [see the excellent survey by McAfee and McMillan ( 1 987b)] . This literature is mentioned simply to place it in the context of the models described in this chapter. The auctions literature simplifies the SPP by assuming that costs are unobservable so that only fixed-price contracts can be signed. Thus the issue of effort becomes irrelevant and we can simply assume that each agent has an unobservable cost of production drawn from some distribution. Anton and Yao ( 1 989, 1 992) have analyzed a number of models of "share auctions" where two firms bid prices for various shares of the total buy. This is a particularly interesting type of auction from the perspective of defense procurement because it resembles the DoD practice of dual sourcing [Anton and Yao (1 990)]. One of the main insights from these models is that, in a one-period model, it would generally be highly undesirable to conduct a share auction. The principal would almost always be better off by conducting a winner-take-all auction, because it induces more competitive behavior. Therefore, the value of dual sourcing must be that it preserves competition for the future. A number of papers have considered two-agent self selection models where extra structure is added by distinguishing between a low-cost incumbent and a higher-cost potential entrant [Anton and Yao ( 1 987), Demski, Sappington and Spiller ( 1 987), Stole ( 1 994)] . The general flavor of the results is that it may be desirable for government to commit ex-ante to use the potential entrant in circumstances where it would be cheaper to use the incumbent, ex-post. This threat can force the incumbent to bid lower. Recently, a number of papers have begun to generalize the general n-person auction model to consider cases where there is unobservable effort, measurable cost, unmeasurable disutility, and effort affects both measurable cost and unmeasurable disutility [Laffont and Tirole ( 1 9 87), McAfee and McMillan ( 1 987a), Riordan and 15 In the formal model of the previous section, it was assumed that the principal places infinite value on consuming the good. Therefore the principal would offer a fixed price equal to the lowest price the agent would accept with certainty. In a more realistic case where the principal places a finite value on consuming the good, the optimal price would generally be one where the agent refuses the contract with positive probability. Calculation of the optimal price is analytically straightforward.
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Sappington ( 1 987)]. These papers generalize the pure self selection model to the case where there are n agents. The general flavor of the result is that, in cases where it would have been optimal for the principal to offer a menu of linear contracts with a single agent, it is now optimal for the principal to announce a menu of linear contracts and a preference ordering over them, and then to have agents bid a linear contract from the menu. The agent bidding the most preferred linear contract wins the auction. An interesting technical feature of these models is that there is often a sort of "separability" between the effort-inducement problem and the rent-extraction problem. Adding more agents does not change the relationship between type and effort for the winning bidder. It only changes the amount of rent extracted. Another interesting line of research has investigated how government should run auctions where firms bid both price and quality, in situations where quality can vary and some aspects of it can be objectively measured [Che ( 1 993)]. In such cases government announces a "scoring rule" that it uses to compare bids with different prices and qualities.
5. Research and development
As discussed in Section 2, innovation is a major product of the procurement process. Producing innovation quite clearly requires unobservable "effort" on the part of defense firms. Therefore government faces an incentive problem. A natural first approach to modeling this would be to attempt to use the models developed in Sections 3 and 4. In the SPP of Sections 3 and 4, the agent exerted unobservable effort to produce units of "output". We chose to interpret units of output as units of "cost reduction", but the same mathematics would still apply if we chose another interpretation for output. In fact, most of the incentives literature does choose other interpretations. Why then, don't the models of Sections 3 and 4 describe the government's problem of inducing firms to perform R&D? To be more concrete, suppose that the value of consuming a weapons program to government is given by u and the cost of producing the program is given by c . Both of these are affected by R&D work at the design stage. Finding a better design increases u and finding a cheaper way to produce the same design decreases c. The net value or surplus from producing the program is u - c, which I will denote by s. Why can't the models of Sections 3 and 4 be applied by assuming that the agent exerts effort to produce units of s? The answer is that the models of Sections 3 and 4 assume that units of output can be objectively measured for purposes of contracting upon. For the R&D case, this would amount to assuming that government can describe all possible designs in an objectively verifiable fashion, and specify the reward that the firm will be paid depending upon what design it comes up with. Generally speaking this is not possible. There are too many possible designs and no way of objectively measuring their surplus to government. Of course the ex-post cost of production can be measured
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to some extent, and this is one of the factors that determines s. However, so long as the performance of the weapon cannot be completely specified at the beginning of the design phase, attempting to write contracts which rewarded the firm if the ex post production cost turned out to be low would create serious incentive problems. Namely, a firm could always reduce production costs by settling on a design which offered less performance. Therefore, from a modelling standpoint, the distinguishing feature of the R&D phase is that it is a principal agent problem where the agent's output cannot be objectively measured for purposes of contracting upon. Therefore the solution of signing explicit incentive contracts as modelled in Sections 3 and 4 cannot be followed. In purely commercial markets where there are generally fairly large numbers of consumers for a product, incentives for innovation are created by the patent system. A firm which invents a new idea is allowed to be the owner of it for a number of years and charge "whatever the market will bear". Thus the prospect of earning monopoly profit at the production stage gives firms the incentive to innovate. In the case of defense procurement, the policy of telling firms to invest their own money in R&D and then to charge government "whatever the market will bear" would create severe problems. Firms would generally be unwilling to invest in any R&D because there would be no guarantee of recovering any investment at the production stage, due to the hold-up problem. At a minimum, allowing prices at the production stage to be determined by "free and unfettered" bargaining would create enormous uncertainties and bargaining costs. As discussed in Section 2, one of government's main responses to this has been to directly fund a large share of R&D itself. That is, unlike most purely commercial markets, government directly buys the intermediate product R&D, as well as buying the products that incorporate this R&D. However, this does not create any incentives for firms to exert effort at the R&D stage. How does government create incentives for firms to exert effort at the design phase? The method that government appears to use is a "prize" system. Suppose that multiple firms are creating different designs at the R&D phase. Although there is no objectively verifiable signal of the value of s that each firm comes up with, there is an obj ectively verifiable signal of which firm comes up with the highest s. That is, government will choose the design with the highest value of s to enter production. Therefore, government could create incentives for innovation by committing to a set of regulatory institutions that guaranteed that firms which generate ideas good enough to be adopted by government would receive prizes in the form of economic profit on the production phase of the system. Furthermore, if profit was awarded approximately as a percentage of cost, this might also tend to award larger prizes to more important innovations, at least in a rough sense. It appears that government has followed this strategy [see Rogerson ( 1 989, 1 994) for a more extensive discussion] . The basic idea that offering a prize to the winner of a contest will create incentives for contestants to work hard, is simple and clear enough that perhaps no formal modelling is required to elucidate it. However, three more complex and
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subtle issues related to this do require modelling, and have been considered in the incentives literature. First, R&D is not simply a one-shot process where a number of firms simultaneously spend money and then each receives a design. R&D is a sequential process, where one can begin with many possible design approaches and narrow the field gradually as intermediate results become known. Taylor ( 1 995) explicitly analyzes how a prize system should be organized in light of the fact that R&D is sequential. Second, the main focus of the incentives literature has been on the role of asymmetric information at the sole source selection phase in allowing government to make credible commitments to give prizes for innovation. The issue is "How does government credibly commit to award prizes?" Suppose, as was done in Sections 3 and 4, that the principal has all the bargaining power at the source selection phase, in the sense that the principal can make a take-it-or-leave-it offer. If there is no asymmetric information at the source selection phase then, in the absence of any other commitments on the part of the principal, the agents know that they will earn no surplus at the source selection phase regardless of how good their design is. Working backwards, they will therefore have no incentive to perform R&D at the design phase. However, now suppose that there is asymmetric information at the source selection phase. Then agents will expect to earn positive rents at the source selection phase, and in many plausible situations agents will perceive that their expected rents are increasing in R&D effort, so this creates an incentive for R&D. Therefore asymmetric information at the source selection phase may be desirable because it creates a credible commitment on the part of government not to expropriate all the benefits of firms ' R&D. This then suggests that government might be able to influence the amount and quality of R&D that firms perform by committing to institutional procedures that affect its ability to extract rent at the source selection phase. In particular, by committing to procedures that reduce competition or reduce the amount of information that government has available at the source selection phase, it may be that firms' incentives to perform R&D would increase [see Laffont and Tirole ( 1 988b), Piccione and Tan ( 1 993), Riordan and Sappington ( 1 989), Tan ( 1 992), Tirole ( 1 986a), and Sappington ( 1 986) for models that explore aspects of this issue] . The third subject investigated by formal models is the "franchise bidding" aspect of the problem that is created by the fact that multiple firms typically perform R&D and then a sole source is selected for production. For a moment, ignore the effects of source selection procedures and pricing procedures in the sole source phase on firms' incentives to perform R&D this was described above. Even if firms' R&D efforts can be directly controlled by government, the fact that multiple firms bid for the sole source franchise creates some interesting questions. In particular, it is reasonable to expect that much of the profit earned at the sole source production stage will be bid away at the source selection phase. If this is true, there is no reason to necessarily insist on using regulatory institutions at the sole source production stage that extract all the rent at that stage. In particular, one could allow rents to be earned at this stage if this would create some other benefit. Two possible benefits that have -
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been discussed are creating better incentives for the sole source to lower production costs [Riordan ( 1 993), Rogerson ( 1 994)] and creating incentives for more competitive bidding at the source selection phase [Bower and Osband ( 1 99 1)]. Bower and Osband's argument is particularly clever. They build a model where allowing higher profit rates on sole source production contracts actually reduces over-all expected contractor profits and increases government's welfare. The intuition for their result is that the differential subsidization created by profit policy at the sole source phase (higher cost producers receive higher markups) encourages more aggressive competition at the source selection phase. This paper very strikingly illustrates the general idea that the procurement stages are interrelated and that policy instruments applied at one stage may have quite surprising and unintended consequences for behavior at other stages. Many more insights remain to be gleaned from procurement models that explicitly model procurement as occurring over three stages - design, source selection, and production - and consider the interlinkages between stages.
Multiple periods of production, regulatory lag, and the ratchet effect
An important facet of many real procurement situations that the SPP abstracts away from is the fact that DoD often purchases the same product or closely related versions of the same product over a number of years. Because the design continues to evolve in difficult-to-anticipate ways, and because of uncertainty regarding future demand, long term contracts cannot be signed. In such situations, even if the firm is initially better informed than government, we might expect much of the firm's private information to be revealed over time as costs of production for each year are observed. One focus of the theoretical literature has been to highlight the crucial role of commitment ability in such situations. Consider the pure self selection model with a single agent from Section 3 . Now, however, assume that the procurement will occur twice and that the agent's type remains the same over both procurements. Such a model has been considered by Laffont and Tirole ( 1 988a). Let p * (c) denote the optimal contract to offer in the one-period version. It is straightforward to show that, if the principal can make a long-term commitment, the best policy for the principal is to commit to offer p * (c) both times. However, now consider what happens if the principal cannot make a binding commitment to the period-2 contact. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the principal initially promises to offer p * (c) both periods and the agent initially believes him. Then, in period 1 , the agent will choose a cost according to his type as described in Section 3. In particular, the principal will be able to precisely infer the agent's type, since higher types choose strictly higher costs. This means that, at the start of period 2, the principal knows the agent's type. Since the principal now knows the agent's type, he will of course no longer want to offer p * (c). Realizing this at stage 1 , the agent will alter his selection of c to take into account the effects of this on the principal's period-2 choice. Laffont and Tirole ( 1 988a) solve for equilibrium behavior in this model. The general flavor of the results is that the inability to commit
Ch. 12: Incentive Models of the Defense Procurement Process
may make the principal significantly worse off, and that the formal analysis becomes much more complicated than for the one-period case, because the incentive constraints are not as well-behaved. Laffont and Tirole ( 1 990) and Baron and Besanko ( 1 987a) consider the effect of allowing government certain types of commitment ability. In reality, the most overwhelming stylized fact related to the repeat nature of procurement is that a type of simple regulatory lag behavior seems to occur [Rogerson ( 1 994)]. Each annual procurement occurs under a fixed-price procurement and this year's price is determined largely by last year's cost. This creates a distinct incentive for firms to find ways to lower costs. Namely, if they find a way to lower cost, they can "keep" the savings on the current contract. It is not completely clear how to square this observation with the theoretical models described above. Should regulatory lag be modelled as the result of government commitment or is it what we would observe when government can make no commitments? The topic of using formal incentive models to normatively and positively analyze the observed behavior of regulatory lag is an interesting subject for future research.
Incentives within government 16
7.1. Introduction To focus attention on the incentive problem between government and defense firms, the discussion to this point has implicitly viewed government as a single rational actor. But DoD's budget is the size of a small country's GNP and decision making must necessarily be decentralized among thousands of individuals with potentially conflicting obj ectives. The way that government organizes its decision making procedures, and the incentives faced by individual acting in their own self interest, will affect how these decisions are made. Thus, government faces a massive planning, organizational, and incentive problem of its own, independent of any problems it faces with defense firms [Baron ( 1 993), Leitzel ( 1 993)]. Three underlying factors characterize the defense decision-making process. First, since final decision-making authority rests with Congress and the President, there is no single rational actor with well-defined preferences in control of defense procurement. However, this chapter will set aside political aspects of the procurement process [Mayer ( 1 990)], and instead describe the organizational problem that remains even if a single rational principal - call it "Congress" - pursued the goal of adequate defense at minimum cost. Second, the defense decision making process is enormous and complex. This means that Congress must delegate substantial decision-making authority to lower levels. Within DoD, this delegation has taken the form of individual military services 16
This section draws from Rogerson ( 1 994).
WP. Rogerson
essentially choosing their own weapons, while the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Congress play a supervisory role. Third, many aspects of DoD's performance like "preparedness", and whether it was accomplished at minimum cost - are very difficult to measure objectively. In the absence of convenient bottom-line measures of defense performance, it becomes harder to delegate, and more necessary for Congress to control and manage the process. Thus, while the technical complexity and sheer magnitude of the procurement process make delegation of decision-making authority necessary and desirable, the lack of objective overall performance measures limits its value. An analogy to the organizational problem of a profit-maximizing firm is illuminat ing. When a board of directors of a large firm delegates authority to management, it can monitor the results by using (admittedly imperfect) objective performance measures like profits and stock-market value. But there is no analog to profit or stock-market value in the Congress/DoD relationship, which is what makes the delegation problem more difficult.
7.2. Two-level models There are two different types of principal agent models that can be used to capture different aspects of the problem. One type of model is the normal two-level principal agent model where the principal is interpreted as Congress and the agents are interpreted to be the military services or other agencies within DoD. This type of model therefore completely abstracts away from the incentive problem between government and defense firms. One interesting conclusion that has emerged from this type of model is that the military services may derive some of their power to affect policy through strategically controlling program decisions made early in a program's life. A theme of the literature on government decision-making dating back to Niskanen ( 1 97 1 ) is that a goal of government bureaucrats may be to maximize the size of their own budget. It is well-accepted that military services act as though this is one of their primary goals [Fox (1 988), McNaugher ( 1 989), Stubbing (1 986)]. In Niskanen's ( 1 97 1 ) theory, bureaucrats are assumed to be able to maximize their budget by exercising a sort of monopoly power. He assumes that an individual government bureau is the only possible supplier of a particular product and is able to make Congress a take-it-or-leave-it offer. Rather than offer Congress the first-best quantity (where marginal cost equals marginal benefit), the bureau offers Congress the largest quantity that Congress would prefer to having nothing (where total cost equals total benefit). Faced with the offered quantity or nothing, Congress chooses the offered quantity. The bureau then receives a budget sufficient to produce this quantity. A problem with this theory is explaining why bureaucrats have monopoly power. Why can't Congress simply choose the quantity it wants to? In the case of defense procurement, a different, though somewhat related, theory which does not exhibit this problem can be created to explain how bureaucrats are able to increase their budget. The key fact which this theory is based on is that defense programs are executed over
Ch. 12: Incentive Models of the Defense Procurement Process
many years. Congress exercises budget authority and thus decides how many units to purchase each year. However, many relatively complex and technical decisions made early in the program's life affect the marginal benefits and marginal costs that Congress will face when it makes annual quantity decisions. In many cases, these early decisions are delegated to the military services and Congress has a difficult time evaluating the technical merits or consequences of these decisions. This means the military services can strategically manipulate Congress's future decisions through their decisions made early in the program's life which affect future marginal benefits and marginal costs. In this theory, the source of the bureau's power to influence its budget is its informational advantage. Congress can still be viewed as "moving first" or as designing the over-all mechanism that is played. At the outset, Congress has two choices. If it delegates certain decisions to the military, better decisions will be made in a variety of technical dimensions because of the military's greater technical expertise. However, the military may also purposely distort its decisions to alter future marginal benefits and marginal costs of the program and thus manipulate Congress's future decisions over quantities to procure. Congress must weigh the benefits and costs of delegation and then determine how much authority to delegate. Two examples of such decisions will now be described. The first example concerns the trade-off between quality and quantity. Many institutional analyses of defense procurement have argued that the same expenditures would produce a more effective defense if larger numbers of less elaborate and less technically sophisticated weapons were purchased [Gansler ( 1 980, pp. 1 5-2 1), Peck and Scherer ( 1 962, ch. 1 3) , Stubbing ( 1 986, ch. 8)]. This outcome can also be seen as the result of an agency problem between Congress and the military. Rogerson ( 1 990) describes a simple framework where the military chooses the quality of weapons, and then Congress chooses quantity. In this model, the military's goal is to maximize the benefits of military preparedness, while Congress's goal is to maximize the benefits of military preparedness minus the costs. The major result is that when quality and quantity are not good substitutes, that the military will purposely choose a quality higher than the efficient level. The intuition behind this result is that the military can increase military preparedness by purposely increasing quality above the efficient level because this induces a relatively small decrease in Congress's quantity choice. An interesting feature of this model is that the military is assumed to be as good an agent as one could realistically hope for. The military agrees with Congress's definition of military preparedness and makes a good-faith effort to maximize this. If given a fixed budget, the military in this model would always choose quality and quantity to maximize military preparedness. The distortion arises because the military is able to manipulate Congress into increasing the budget by increasing quality. In this model, budget-maximizing behavior on the part of defense bureaucrats is caused by the relatively idealistic goal of maximizing the bureau's production of social benefits. A second example concerns the decision of what scale of production facility to build. In a model related to the above quality vs. quantity model, Rogerson ( 1991 b) shows that the military can induce Congress to increase the quantity purchased of a weapon
W.P. Rogerson
by purposely selecting a production technology of too high a scale. The underlying insight is that higher-scale technologies exhibit higher fixed costs, but lower marginal costs. Thus, so long as Congress does not cancel the program, it will buy more when faced with a higher scale technology. This model explains the well-accepted stylized fact that weapons production systematically occurs in production facilities designed to produce at much higher rates than they are actually operated at [CBO ( 1 987), Gansler (1 989), Rogerson ( l 99 1 a)] .
7.3. Three-level models The other type of model to build is a three-level model with a principal, a supervisor, and an agent. In this model, the principal is interpreted as Congress, the supervisor as the military service, and the agent as the defense contractor. The focus of this type of model is to explicitly analyze the hierarchical nature of control within defense procurement. The study of such models is in its infancy, and a large literature on such models addressing the structure of control and authority in organizations is likely to develop over the next few years. One of the most interesting qualitative insights explored by this literature is the idea that control problems within government may affect the type of incentive arrangements that government is able to offer defense firms. In particular, Congress may limit the type of contractual arrangements that the military services have with defense contractors, because Congress is worried about being strategically manipulated by the military services. Kelman ( 1 990) argues that this explains why Congress delegates so little discretion to DoD officials. Laffont and Tirole ( 1 99 1 ) and Marshall, Meurer and Richard ( 1 994a) have built formal models that exhibit this phenomenon. Marshall, Meurer and Richard ( 1 99 1 , 1 994b) have analyzed models where the bid protest process is modelled as a device to help Congress monitor and control defense bureaucrats. An interesting issue that arises in this type of model, is modelling the possibility of collusion between the supervisor and the agent. See Tirole ( 1 986b) and Campbell ( 1 994) for some approaches to this. Tirole ( 1 986b) calculates the optimal "collusion proof" contract in a model where collusion occurs through legally binding contracts between the supervisor and employee. Campbell ( 1994) expands upon this line of research by modelling collusion as occurring through non-binding agreements.
8. Conclusion
Formal models of incentive contracting have contributed to our understanding of defense procurement by forcing us to think more explicitly (and thus more clearly) about the nature of the incentive and information problems that affect defense procurement. Much of the modelling thus far has been devoted to the necessary first step of considering fairly simple stylized principal agent problems. Research that builds upon these efforts, to develop models with more institutional and empirical content and
Ch. 12: Incentive Models of the Defense Procurement Process
models which capture aspects of the multi-stage nature of defense procurement, will surely yield many new insights over the next decade.
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BETH J. ASCH RAND, Santa Monica,
Contents Abstract Keywords
1 . Introduction l . l . Some definitions 1 .2. Summary statistics
The supply of military manpower 2. 1 . Initial enlistment supply 2. 1 . 1 . Theoretical model of the enlistment process 2 . 1 .2. Empirical models 2. 1 .3 . Empirical estimates 2.2. Retention 2.2. 1 . Theoretical models of retention 2.2.2. Empirical studies
Demand for military manpower 3 . 1 . Framework 3.2. Studies of personnel productivity 3.3. Force mix issues
Global procurement issue: to draft or not to draft?
4. 1 .
Economic theory of the draft
4.2. Other issues
The structure of pay 5 . 1 . Stylized facts about military compensation 5.2. Theory
Force management issues 6. 1 . Women in the military
348 348 349 349 350 352 353 354 355 357 360 360 363 367 367 368 371 373 373 379 380 380 381 386 386
We would like to thank Carl Dahlman, Judy Fernandez, Curt Gilroy, Glenn Gotz, Keith Hartley, Jim
Hosek, Bernie Rostker, and especially Todd Sandler, for comments on previous drafts. Handbook of Defonse Economics, Volume
© 1995 Elsevier Science B. V All
Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler
rights reserved
J. T Warner and B.J. Asch 6.2. Reserve force management issues
7. Civilian returns to military service 8. Summary References
387 390 393 394
The USA and other countries spend a significant portion of their defense budgets on personnel. Effective management of military forces requires an understanding of the economics of military manpower. Over the past three decades economists have produced a substantial body of research about the subject. This chapter distills this literature for a general audience. Topics surveyed include the supply of personnel, personnel productivity and the demand for personnel, procurement by conscription versus voluntary means, the structure of pay, the use of women and reservists, and the civilian return to military training and experience. It also points to directions for future research.
military, manpower, enlistment supply, retention, draft, conscription, volunteer force, military compensation, reserves, military women, military productivity, cost effectiveness and manpower
Ch. 13: 1.
The Economics of Military Manpower
The USA and other countries spend a significant portion of their defense budgets on military manpower and employ large numbers of personnel. In 1 99 1 , for example, the USA spent $84 billion on 1 .9 million active duty military personnel and 1 . 1 million in ready reserve components. It is important that policymakers have an understanding of the economics of military manpower. Effective management of military personnel requires the understanding of a number of questions including the responsiveness of personnel supply to pay and other policy tools, the optimal amount of training, the optimal experience and quality mixes, and the proper mix of pay and other incentives. Because these are all questions in applied labor economics, the study of military manpower should prove interesting to a wider audience than just those responsible for policymaking. Economists have produced a substantial literature about military manpower, but as Sherwin Rosen noted in the 1 986 Handbook of Labor Economics, much of their work is unavailable in the formal literature. The purpose of this chapter is to distill this literature for a general audience. The emphasis is on the USA, but studies based on other countries are selectively cited where appropriate. This survey proceeds as follows. The remainder of this introduction makes some preliminary definitions and presents some summary statistics about the size and composition of military forces in the USA and elsewhere. Section 2 examines the supply of military manpower. Section 3 examines the demand for military manpower by reviewing studies relating the characteristics of the force to measures of productivity. Implications for the optimal experience and quality mixes of the force are considered. Section 4 then reexamines the global manpower procurement issue: should military manpower be procured by a draft or by voluntary means? Section 5 addresses questions about the structure of compensation that are now only beginning to be studied. Section 6 looks at two contemporary force management issues: women in the military, and the management of the reserve forces and their relationship to the active forces. Section 7 examines the civilian return to military training and experience. Finally, Section 8 concludes the chapter.
1. 1. Some definitions The military personnel systems of the USA and its major allies share many common attributes. All countries distinguish between officers and enlisted personnel. Officers are usually college graduates and have leadership and command responsibilities. Enlisted personnel usually have less education and assume the responsibilities of executing the orders of the officer corps. Within each of these designations there is a fixed rank or paygrade structure consisting of between 7 and 1 0 ranks. Rank structures are hierarchical, with large numbers of personnel in low ranks and declining numbers in, and lower rates of promotion to, the upper ranks. In the USA, for example, only about 10 percent of the enlisted forces occupy the top three enlisted ranks and less than 1 5 percent of the officer forces occupy ranks of Lieutenant Colonel and above. There
J. T Warner and B.J. Asch
is a heavy reliance on up-or-out rules to control the rank and experience distribution of the force (especially in the USA) as well as a general lack of lateral entry. Because of the lateral entry constraint, senior personnel must be "grown" from the ranks of junior personnel. In a closed military personnel system, the steady-state distribution of the force (F) and the requirement for new enlistments (E) can be derived as follows. Let c1 be the continuation rate at year of service (YOS) t. Then the survival from the initial entry point to year t is s1 IJ�= l c1 . The total steady-state force is =
+ + + srE = ( + tt=! s1) E.
= E s1 E
· ··
The steady-state enlistment (or accession) requirement is therefore
F l:t= ! St T
Manyears per accession (y) are 1 2::� 1 s1• Obviously, the factors that raise continu ation rates raise y and reduce E. It is important to distinguish between the total force (F) and the ready force (M). Some fraction of force is located in the training establishment and therefore not available for immediate deployment. To illustrate this idea, assume that the entire first year is spent in training and that the trainers have more than one year of experience. Let k denote the required ratio of trainers to trainees. Then the ready force is
M =F-k
(f; )
St E - E
( 1 - k)
f; StE.
M rises with continuation rates and with the number of enlistments, but falls with the required trainer/trainee ratio. The expression for M is easily modified to account for variations in the length of training.
1.2. Summary statistics Table 1 shows the size of the active forces and the reserve force in the USA and its major allies. The USA, Germany, and the UK maintain the largest standing military forces, with the USA by far the largest. Germany and the UK have a somewhat greater reliance on reserve forces than does the US. All countries must enlist large numbers of personnel each year to maintain the force. In Fiscal Year (FY) 1 99 1 , the US active forces accessed 200 000 new enlisted personnel and 20 000 officers. Although with the end of the Cold War force levels are declining in the USA and elsewhere, the USA
Ch. / 3:
The Economics of Military Manpower
Table I Force levels for USA and major allies Country USA Germany UK Canada Australia a
Ground forces
884 287 216 20 29
Naval force
Active total
Air force
558 31 59 12 15
1 944 408 275 78 63
502 90 7 21 19
Reserve force
1 806 697 349 37 29
Numbers given in thousands. Table 2 YOS distribution of US forces, FY 1990a
Air Force
Marine Corps
Enlisted 0-4 5-1 0 1 1-20 21-30
50.2 26.3 2 1 .2 2.3
49.9 27.2 20.3 2.7
35.8 3 1 .3 27.6 5.3
59.3 23.4 1 5.3 1.8
Officers 0-5 6-1 1 12-20 21-30
35.6 29.5 25.1 9.8
45.7 26.7 1 9.5 7.3
30.4 34.4 25.3 9.2
37.5 26.5 28.2 7.5
a YOS, years of service; all values given in percent.
will still have an active force of over 1 .4 million when its drawdown is completed in FY 1 997. Table 2 shows the year of service (YOS) distribution of US enlisted and officer forces at the end of FY 1 990. The table reveals that the bulk of US personnel are found in the low YOS, with the Marine Corps having the largest percentage of inexperienced personnel and the Air Force the smallest. Less than l 0 percent of US forces have more than 20 years of experience. It is evident from the table that retention and the average experience level are higher among officers than enlisted personnel. Not revealed in the data is the substantial increase in the experience of the enlisted forces since the elimination of the US draft in 1 973 . Army enlisted personnel with more than 4 YOS (hereafter denoted "careerists") made up 32.6 percent of the Army enlisted force in FY 1 974. By 1 990 the percentage had grown to 49.8 percent. The Navy careerist percentage rose from 40.4 percent in 1 974 to 50.1 percent in 1 990. In the Air Force the percentage increased from 5 1 .3 percent to 74.2. The Marine Corps careerist growth has been smaller, 32.9 percent to 40.7 percent. The change
J. T. Warner and B.J. Asch
in the officer experience distribution since the end of the draft has been much less dramatic. A maj or theme of the research cited below has been whether these increases in experience have led to a more productive force and a more efficient force.
2. The supply of military manpower
Studies abound of both the decision to join the military (the enlistment decision) and the decision to remain after the expiration of the initial or subsequent terms of service (the reenlistment decision). The decision to enlist or reenlist is conveniently described using standard occupational choice theory [Rosen ( 1 986)]. Suppose that there are two sectors of the economy - the military sector and the civilian sector. Individuals deciding whether to join the military must compare the pay and non-pecuniary benefits available in each sector. Military service is often arduous and involves exposure to risk and loss of life. But military service offers many non-pecuniary advantages over non-military employment - pride of service to one's country, the opportunity for travel, and more stable employment. Assume that individuals are able to weigh the many non-pecuniary aspects of employment in each sector and place an overall value on the non-pecuniaries associated with employment in each sector, rM and re , respectively. Let WM denote the military wage and w e denote the civilian wage. Then the utility ofj oining the military is UM = WM + TM while the utility of remaining in the civilian sector is Ue = W e + Te . Individuals j oin the military only if uM > ue , which implies that WM - we > Te - rM. Simply stated, individuals join only if the pay differential (WM - we ) exceeds their net preference for civilian life, r = re - rM. The distribution of T over the relevant population determines the level of the supply curve for military service and its elasticity with respect to pay. Suppose that rM and re follow a bivariate normal distribution over the eligible population with mean 11 = f.le - f.lM and variance a2 = a� + a� - 2p a ae . A positive value of f.1 indicates that, M on average, the eligible population values the non-pecuniary aspects of civilian life more than the non-pecuniary aspects of military life. The shape of the supply curve is determined by the variance of the net preference factor r, ( a2 ) . Suppose that a2 = 0. Such will be the case if (a) everyone has identical preferences for the two sectors or (b) p = I and aM = ae . If a2 = 0, then everyone has the net preference T equal to f.l, in which case no-one will j oin if wM - we < f.1 or wM < w e + f.l. In this latter formulation, we + f.1 is the individual's opportunity cost of serving in the military, i.e., the wage foregone plus the difference value he or she places on the non-pecuniary aspects of life in the two sectors. The military wage must exceed the civilian wage by the net preference factor before anyone will j oin. But if wM > we + f.1 then everyone will want to join, so that the supply curve is perfectly elastic at wM = we + f.l. In the case of homogeneous preferences the parameter is the compensating wage differential required to make all individuals indifferent between military and civilian service. It follows that the more heterogeneous preferences are (the larger is a2 ) , the less elastic the supply curve will be. Figure I sketches two different supply curves on
Ch. 13:
The Economics of Military Manpower
353 Large cr2
Military Wage
Small cr2
Number of Enlistments
Figure 1 . Enlistment supply curves based on small and large variations in preferences for military service.
the assumption that the net preference factor r is normally distributed. N is the eligible population. When preferences are heterogeneous, only individuals for whom WM - we > r are paid in excess of that required to induce them to join (or stay) and are said to earn economic rents (payments in excess of opportunity cost). The intercept of each supply curve is w e + Tmin , where Tmin is the net preference of the person who is the least averse to military service. If tastes are normally distributed, then the cumulative density function of tastes, and hence the supply curve, will be S-shaped, as illustrated in Figure 1 . When tastes are normal, enlistments are less responsive to pay when pay is very low or very high than when pay is in the middle range of possible values. If, instead, r is uniformly distributed across the population with pdff(r) l l( rmax - Tmin) , then the supply curve will be linear over the range we + Tmin to we + Tmax and a given pay change will have the same effect on enlistments at every point on the supply curve. =
2. 1. Initial enlistment supply The occupational choice framework provides a starting point for thinking about initial enlistment supply, but it needs to be expanded to understand more fully enlistment behavior. The first factor to consider is the role of human capital development in the initial enlistment decision. Individuals may j oin because they want to acquire skills that will be useful to them later. Individuals will be more willing to j oin if the skills are transferable than otherwise. Thus, the supply of potential enlistees depends upon skill transferability such that the supply curve of potential recruits to military skills that provide transferable training will lie to the right of the supply curve to the skills that provide military-specific training. The military will have to offer a higher wage in the latter skills to attract the same number of enlistments. Another human capital factor
J. T. Warner and B.J. Asch
is the availability of educational benefits. In the USA since World War II, individuals who successfully serve for some period of time qualify for post-service educational benefits. A second consideration is that individuals do not make their enlistment decision in a vacuum. The decision to enlist is shaped by environmental influences such as the advice of family and friends and societal attitudes towards military service. Orvis and Gahart ( 1 989) analyzed the Youth Attitude Tracking Survey, a DoD-sponsored survey of US youth, and showed the importance of these "influencers" on youth's intentions to enlist and their subsequent enlistment rates. The third consideration is that the recruiting establishment also affects enlistment outcomes. The military services make a wide range of decisions regarding how to manage recruiting resources, including selecting recruiters, training them, and allocating them to recruiting stations throughout the country and selecting the level and allocation of advertising resources across media type. The services manage recruiters by assigning them quotas for the quantity of enlistments they make and for various enlistment categories (e.g., male versus female). They also generally use incentive plans that reward recruiters for various aspects of their productivity, such as certificates, badges, and improved promotion chances. The US services emphasize the recruitment of "high quality" youth, defined as high school degree graduates who score in the upper half of the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score distribution. During the 1 980s high-quality enlistments averaged about half of total Army, Navy, and Marine Corps enlistments and 7 1 % of Air Force enlistments. There have been significant swings in recruiting of high quality personnel since the beginning of the all-volunteer force (AVF) in 1 973 . Recruiting of high-quality males fell sharply in the late 1 970s but rebounded during the 1 980s. Factors that explain these swings are now considered.
2. 1. 1. Theoretical model of the enlistment process Since high-quality youth have better civilian opportunities, they are more difficult to enlist and so are thought to be supply constrained; consequently, recruiters are given more points and higher quotas for enlisting them rather than the lesser qualified. Because of these incentive and quota systems, recruiters do not passively process enlistments but may respond to enlistments by varying their level of effort and the allocation across enlistment categories. Following Dertouzos ( 1 985), the enlistment process and the role of recruiter effort can be illustrated as in Figure 2. The recruiting production possibility curve (PPC) is given by AA' . This curve shows the feasible combinations of high- (H) and low- (L) quality enlistments that a recruiter can achieve for a given set of economic conditions, recruiting resources, and net tastes for service in the population. The mix of enlistments that the recruiter chooses depends on the shape of the PPC and the incentives he or she faces. Point Q in the diagram is the recruiter's quota for high- and low-quality recruits. If an enlistment determinant such as a recruiting resource is increased, the range of feasible enlistment outcomes increases, and if recruiters continue to supply the
Ch. 13 :
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Figure 2. Recruiting production possibilities curves.
same level of effort, the PPC shifts out to BB' . The increase in potential high-quality enlistments (the desired category of enlistments from the service's perspective) holding the number of low-quality enlistments constant is given by the movement from point Q to point M. However, the movement to M assumes that recruiters maintain effort levels. As Dertouzos ( 1 985) shows, recruiters do not have a strong incentive to overproduce because doing so can result in a higher future quota. If so, recruiters may reduce effort so that the shift in the PPC is smaller, as shown by CC'. If recruiters also have incentives to attain low-quality enlistments, their optimal outcome may therefore be a point like D, representing fewer high-quality enlistments than M. Therefore, studies that fail to account for the role of recruiter incentives will tend to underestimate the actual supply effect, the movement from Q to M.
2.1.2. Empirical models There have been two generations of research on enlistment supply during the all volunteer force (AVF). The first-generation models were reduced-form models that ignored the potentially important role of recruiter behavior [see, e.g., Goldberg ( 1 982), Ash, Udis and McNown ( 1 983), Dale and Gilroy ( 1 985), and Brown ( 1985) and the summary by Nelson ( 1 986)]. The second-generation models recognized that recruiters respond to their incentive plans by varying the intensity and direction of their effort and held recruiter effort constant in their analyses. These studies include Dertouzos (1 985), Daula and Smith ( 1 985), Polich, Dertouzos and Press ( 1 986), and Berner and Daula (1993). First-generation studies typically estimated a model of the form lnH = /3 ln X,
J. T. Warner and B.J. Asch
where H denotes high-quality enlistments and X is a vector of determinants. Since variables were entered logarithmically, parameter estimates were interpreted as supply elasticities. Following Polich, Dertouzos and Press ( 1 986), the second-generation studies recognized that recruiters maximize their utility where their welfare is assumed to depend on the number of enlistments, quotas (Q), and recruiter effort (E). Formally, (2) where QH and QL are the quota for high- and low-quality recruits, respectively. We expect: UE < 0, UQH < 0, UQL > 0, but UH > 0 and UL > 0. Recruiters are constrained in their maximization of U by the variables included in X , the factors determining the PPC in Figure 2. Accounting for recruiter utility maximization and following past literature in specifying functional form, the (structural) enlistment supply equation is specified as ln H
A.ln L + f3ln X + ln E,
where A, is the tradeoff between H and L on the PPC. Although E is unobserved, it is posited that the level of effort depends on how well the recruiter is performing relative to quotas, or ln E
Yz ln
Substituting Equation (4) into Equation (3) gives (5) Since L and H are j ointly determined, Equation (5) can be estimated by a two-step procedure using the following equation for low-quality recruits: (6) Simultaneous estimation of Equations (5) and (6) gives coefficient estimates for Equation (4) which allows identification of the underlying structural parameters in Equation (3). Daula and Smith ( 1 985) take a somewhat different approach in incorporating recruiter incentives. They estimate a switching regression model that recognizes that high-quality enlistments are demand constrained if goals are set too low (e.g., point Q is demand constrained when BB' is the PPC) and are supply constrained when Q is infeasible. When resources are increased, recruiters will move from Q to a point like D in Figure 2 in a demand-constrained environment, but to a point like M in a supply-constrained environment. Thus, the estimated effects of an increase in resources will be smaller than when enlistments are demand constrained. Daula and
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Smith's disequilibrium model yields qualitatively similar results to other studies that incorporate recruiter behavior, as shown below. 2. 1 . 3.
Empirical estimates
Table 3 presents elasticities estimated by studies of US Army enlistments that have controlled for recruiter behavior. [Warner ( 1 990) provides Army estimates similar to those in Table 3 and makes estimates for the other services.] Some of the estimates in Table 3 come from data generated during controlled national experiments. For example, between 1 980 and 1 98 1 , the Educational Assistance Test Program (EATP) was conducted whereby the USA was geographically divided into a control and three test cells for the purposes of estimating the effects of varying the structure of educational benefits on high-quality enlistments [Fernandez ( 1 982)] . 1 Between 1 982 and 1 984, the Enlistment Bonus Test (EBT) was conducted for the Army whereby the level and the distribution of bonuses across terms of service were varied across the control and test cells [Polich, Dertouzos and Press ( 1 986)]. Relative military pay and the civilian unemployment rate are consistently found to influence high-quality enlistments, with relative pay elasticities ranging from about 0. 1 5 to 1 .89, with a central tendency of about 0.5 to 1 .0, and unemployment elasticities ranging from 0.49 to 1 .36. Table 3 also presents estimated elasticities for various recruiting resources. Of these resources, high-quality enlistments are the most sensitive to the number of recruiters - elasticity estimates are on the order of 0.5. On the other hand, studies find much smaller elasticity estimates for national advertising, with a central tendency of around 0.05 to 0. 1 0. Polich, Dertouzos and Press ( 1 986) find that advertising has a depreciation rate of less than 1 00 percent, i.e., the positive effects of more advertising persist for some time even if advertising expenditures fall to their previous level. They estimate that the long-run effect of a change in advertising is about 1 .4 times its initial effect. Studies also find that educational benefits have a greater effect on high-quality enlistments than do enlistment bonuses. The estimates from the EATP indicate that introducing the Army College Fund in 1 982 increased high-quality enlistments by about 9 percent whereas estimates from the EBT indicate that expanding enlistment bonuses increased them by about 5 percent (which translate into elasticity estimates of 0 . 1 7 and 0.7, respectively). Both the Army College Fund and the enlistment bonus programs are targeted toward specific occupations and both programs thus have the potential to channel recruits into hard-to-fill occupations. Although educational
1 The GI Bill was eliminated in 1 977 and replaced with a much less generous program called Veteran's Educational Assistance Plan (VEAP). Poor recruiting in the 1 978-1979 period brought about the EATP experiment. The Army College Fund and the Montgomery GI Bill, an enhancement to the VEAP, were outgrowths of this experiment. Unlike the GI Bill, under these programs new recruits must participate in a contribution plan to be eligible for future benefits.
J. T. Warner and B.J. Asch
358 Table 3 High-quality enlistment supply elasticity estimates M/C
-0.02to 1 1 d
-0.55 g
1 .20
0 . 1 5-0.62
0.48- 1 . 1 5
0 . 1 6-0. 1 7
1 .89
1 .36
0.07 k
Table based on Berner and Daula ( 1 993) Abbreviations: M/C, Relative military to civilian pay; UnEm, Unemployment rate; Recr, Recruiters; Ads, National advertising; Edu, Educational benefits; Bonus, Enlistment bonus; L-Q E, Low-quality enlistments; H-Q G, High-quality goal. b Impressions, not expenditures. ' Study has dummy variables for the availability of various educational benefit programs, but does not estimate an elasticity of supply with respect to educational benefit levels. d Study disaggregates low-quality enlistments into two groups: AFQT category 1-3A, Non-high school graduates, and Other Enlistments (AFQT categories 3B-4). The first estimate shown is for Other Enlistments. ' Pooled sample. a
H-Q Goal 0.41
l '·f
3' 5k
1 m,f
-0.20 to 0.38 d -0.08 to 0 . 1 7 e
1 n,f
Panel data, recruiting battalion by month,
I 0/80-6/84. The results shown do not account
for battalion effects. They do not report their results for the pooled sample. g Civilian pay only, not relative military to civilian pay. h Panel data, Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) by month, 7/8 1-6/84. Data are expressed as difference from corresponding month in base period, 7/8 1-6/82. i Panel data, recruiting battalion by month, I 0/80-9/88. j Panel data, recruiting battalion by quarter, ! 98 1-1 990. k Berner and Daula ( 1 993). Panel data, recruiting battalion by month, 1 0/80-1/90. Results control for endogeneity of goals. e Study has dummy variables for the availability of various benefit programs, but does not estimate an elasticity of supply with respect to bonus benefit levels. m Supply constrained. m Demand constrained.
( I ) Daula and Smith ( 1 985) (2) Polich, Dertouzos and Press (1 986) (3) Goldberg ( 1 9 9 1 )
(4) Kearl, Home and Gilroy ( 1 990) (5) Berner and Daula ( 1 993)
benefits have a larger market expansion effect, evidence suggests that enlistment 2 bonuses are more effective at skill-channeling. 2 Estimates show that enlistments rose by 30-40% in the skills eligible for the enlistment bonus, holding the change in the total enlistments constant [Polich et al. ( 1 986)]. The skill-channeling effect for educational benefits was estimated to be 1 7% [Fernandez (1 982)].
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The Economics of Military Manpower
Table 4 Estimates of the marginal cost of recruiting resources Resource Entry basic pay Enlistment bonus National advertising Recruiters Educational benefits a
Estimated marginal cost ( 1 990 $)
34 800 1 8 600 8 1 00 7300 6900
Estimates based on Polich et al. ( 1986), Asch and Dertouzos ( 1 994), and Asch et al. (1 992).
The coefficient estimates for the high-quality quota and the high-quality/low-quality tradeoff parameter A in the table show the importance of controlling for recruiter behavior. For example, the estimate of A from Polich, Dertouzos and Press ( 1 986) of -0.3 1 implies that high-quality recruits are about 4 times as hard to recruit as low quality ones. Daula and Smith's 1 985 analysis implies a trade-off of about 8-to- l . Thus, if recruiters face insufficient rewards for achieving high-quality recruits (e.g., the point trade-off in the incentive plan is at worst less than 4-to- 1 ), then recruiters will allocate their effort towards achieving low-quality ones. The size and significance of the high-quality quota coefficient estimates also suggest that quotas are one of the primary determinants of high-quality enlistments. Furthermore, the importance of accounting for recruiter behavior is also seen by comparing the supply elasticity estimates when enlistments are demand-constrained versus supply-constrained (the final two rows in Table 3). These estimates are smaller in the demand-constrained environment, as predicted by theory. The interaction between recruiter incentive systems and enlistment quotas is further studied in Asch ( 1 990), Asch and Karoly (1 993), and Berner and Daula (1993). Asch (1990) finds evidence that the structure of the Navy recruiters' incentive plan affected the timing and quality mix of enlistments, while Asch and Karoly ( 1 993) show that the structure of the incentive plan for job counselors affected the number of high quality enlistments and the fill rates of various occupations. Berner and Daula ( 1 993) indicate evidence that recruiting goals are endogenous (e.g., their size is based on past production and supply) so that recruiters who overproduce are penalized with higher quotas. The elasticity estimates in Table 3 provide the means to compute the marginal enlistment cost of various recruiting resources. Estimates from various studies are shown in Table 4. These estimates show the importance of considering both the resource effect (e.g., the elasticities in Table 3) and the policy cost in determining the optimal mix of recruiting resources. Although Table 3 indicates that (relative) military pay has a larger elasticity than advertising, Table 4 indicates that increasing pay is a relatively costly recruiting policy while increasing advertising is not. Raising pay is costly because to attract an additional high-quality recruit DoD must also raise the pay
J T Warner and B.J Asch
of everyone who would have enlisted anyway (i.e., pay rents). Enlistment bonuses are also a relatively costly recruiting resource. Table 4 suggests that recruiters, advertising, and educational benefits are the most cost-effective resources. However, effectiveness is measured in terms of high-quality enlistments. If other criteria for effectiveness were used, such as skill-channeling, a different ordering might result. Withers ( 1 978) estimated enlistment supply models for the UK, Canada, Australia, and the USA for the period 1 967-1973 . Although the shortness of the time period and multicollinearity plagued the analysis for several of the countries studied, he obtained robust estimates for enlistments into the UK Army, with a pay elasticity estimate of 1 .46 and an unemployment elasticity of 0.90. 2.2.
2.2. 1 .
Theoretical models ofretention
The analysis of retention poses a theoretical problem that is generalizable to any labor market setting. Consider an individual at time period t who is considering whether to stay or leave. Suppose that the individual can stay to t + I and then leave, t + 2 and then leave, etc. The theoretical problem is deciding the time horizon that is relevant to retention decision-making. The problem is particularly important in the US military because of the lumpiness of the military income stream - individuals are vested in a sizeable pension only upon completion of20 years of service. The simpler solution was provided by the Annualized Cost of Leaving (ACOL) model [Enns, Nelson and Warner ( 1 984), Warner and Goldberg ( 1 984)]. To illustrate the ACOL approach, suppose that for an individual at year t: ( 1 ) W}" is expected military pay in each future year j, (2) w;t is civilian earnings in future year j if the individual leaves at t, (3) Wfn is civilian earnings in future year j if the individual separates after future year n, (4) Rn is the expected present value at future year n of retired pay and other separation benefits if the individual separates after year n , (5) R1 is the present value at year t of retired pay and other separation benefits if the person leaves now, (6) rm and r0 are the preference factors previously defined, and (7) is the individual's subjective discount rate on future income. Then the present value of the future benefit from staying from period t to period n is: n 00 n m w en + rc wM r Rn + "' }, + .I (7) + "' st,n = "' L..t ( 1 + p)J-t ( 1 + p)n-t L..t ( 1 + p)J-t L..t ( 1 + p)J-t · .J=I+ I ;=t+ I ;=n+ I The value of leaving immediately is: 00
L1 -- "' L..t
we1 +
1'+ p)H . + Rt .
Ch. 13:
The Economics of Military Manpower
The cost of leaving is Ct, n = S1,n - L1, which can be written as: n
=L r +l t
WM j -
j + + p)J-t
Rn + p)n-t - Rt
j, t - j,n ( 1 + p)J-t
1 +p .
The first term accounts for the military-civilian wage differential over the interval from t to n, the second term measures the change in the value of retirement benefits, the third term accounts for the change in civilian opportunities brought about by service from t to n (see Section 7), and the last is the present value of the net preference for civilian life. The individual is presumed to stay if there exists at least one future time horizon over which C1,n is positive. Of course, it could be positive over multiple periods. How to separate stayers from leavers? Saying that the individual stays if there exists at least one future horizon over which C1,n is positive is equivalent to saying that the individual stays if the following is true over at least one future time horizon:
(10) The right-hand side of Equation ( 1 0) is the annualized cost of leaving, At ,n · It is the annuity equivalent of the financial loss the individual experiences by separating now rather than at future period n. The retention criterion is to stay if there exists some future period n such that A1,n exceeds the net preference for civilian life. Thus, an individual leaves only if
Let A; denote the maximum value of the annualized cost of leaving. Then the retention rate is the fraction of personnel for whom r < A ; . The model can b e implemented econometrically as i n Warner and Goldberg (1 984). The retention probability is
< A1
(T-f-1 a
A7 - f.1
) ( =
f.1 1 q> - - + -A 1
a a
where q> denotes the standard normal distribution function and f.1 and a are the mean and standard deviation of the taste distribution, respectively. This model can be estimated by probit analysis with data on individual retention decisions. The reenlistment supply curve has the S-shaped property illustrated in Figure 1 . This simple specification o f the ACOL model does not account for dynamic selection effects. If the distribution of r is normal when individuals are making their first reenlistment decision, it will not be normal among those who in fact reenlist. Those
J T. Warner and B.J Asch
who reenlist form a truncated or censored sample, depending upon whether there were other disturbances to the first-term reenlistment decision. Without unobservable influences to the reenlistment decision other than the taste factor r, an implication of the model is that retention rates should be unity beyond the first decision point as long as A * is increasing, which they are not. A solution is to suppose that r is a permanent (or time-invariant) taste factor, and that other unobservable factors (random disturbances) -- such as whether or not the individual likes his commanding officer, his location of assignment, and a death in the family - affect the retention decision at each point in time. Suppose that £1 is a normally distributed random disturbance factor at time t with mean 0 and standard deviation a,. The probability that the individual stays at the end of any period t is
Since the r:: 's are independent over time, the cumulative probability of retention for t periods is
Individuals with stronger preferences for civilian life have a lower probability of survival than individuals with stronger preferences for military life. The decomposition of errors into permanent and transitory components gives rise to a panel probit model. [See Black, Moffitt and Warner ( 1 990) for more details.] When the permanent factor is not degenerate, conditional retention rates will rise with t as those with a stronger net preference for civilian life leave and those with as stronger taste for military life remain. The panel probit model thus explains the observed tendency for retention rates to rise with YOS. The model also has the feature that retention rates at different terms are not independent of one another. A higher reenlistment bonus at one reenlistment point will serve to retain more individuals on the margin of a retention decision, but these individuals will be less likely to stay at the end of the next term than others who would have stayed without the bonus. (Survival through both terms will increase unless random factors play no role in retention decisions.) Despite its frequent use in empirical studies, the ACOL model has theoretical shortcomings, as Gotz and McCall ( 1 984) and Gotz ( 1 990) have pointed out. Because it is based on a single dominant time horizon, the model is not consistent with fully rational decision-making. If individuals are aware that random factors might cause them to leave at each future point they will be uncertain about the exact separation date. In addition to random disturbances that might induce separation, another source of uncertainty is promotion and the likelihood of being involuntarily separated at some future date if not promoted. Because it is based on a single, dominant time horizon,
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The Economics of Military Manpower
the model may fail to capture important elements of decision-making or adequately predict certain policy changes. Gotz and McCall ( 1 980, 1 984) developed a theoretically more appealing model of the following form. Let i denote an individual's rank and represent the probability of promotion. Assume that promotions occur at the start of a given period after last period's retention decision. Let V denote expected future utility and {3 = 1 1(1 + p), where p is the individual's personal discount rate. Then the model has the following structure:
S;,t = Jr;+l,t+l (w�l,t+l + r + {3V;+1,t+ 1 ) + ( 1 - Jr;+l,t+l ) ( W�+ l + rm + {3 Vi,t+1) , G7,1 = S;,t - L;,t. cfJ;,t = Pr(G7,1 + E;,t 0), V;,t+l = cfJ;,t+l [ni+1,t+2 Si+1,t+2 + ( 1 - Jr;+ l,t+2 ) S;,t+2] + ( 1 - cfJi,t+1 ) L;,t+1· >
( 1 1)
The first equation of ( 1 1 ) says that the value of staying in rank i at the end of period t is a weighted average of utility if promoted and utility if not promoted, with the probability of promotion being the weight. The expected gain from staying (or expected cost of leaving) is the difference between expected utility if the individual stays and the value of leaving immediately (which is now permitted to depend upon rank). The probability of staying is the probability that G71 + E1 is positive. Finally, expected utility in any rank i at the end of period t + 1 is � weighted average of the value of staying and the value of leaving, with the probability of staying supplying the weight. Individuals must begin at the maximum possible YOS (usually, 30) and solve the model recursively to obtain the values of S , V, L, and G * , and cfJ for each possible rank and YOS prior to the maximum YOS. If a rank has a mandatory separation point prior to YOS 30 then cfJ is set to zero and V is set to L at that point. The structure in Equation ( 1 1 ) has an easy interpretation: in making retention decisions, individuals evaluate the payoff to all possible promotion and separation sequences that they might follow and weight those sequence by their probabilities of occurrence, which depend on tastes, the importance of random shocks to retention decisions, and the likelihood of promotion at each rank-YOS point. G7,1 is simply the expected value of all possible future sequences minus the value of immediate separation. Equations for the probability that an individual will remain in service from period 1 to period t (and for cohort survival) can be specified analogously to those for the ACOL model.
2.2.2. Empirical studies Since the start of the AVF, economists have conducted many studies of retention of US military personnel. Some studies have used grouped data, where the unit of observation was the reenlistment rate in a given occupation/YOS cell at a point in time; others have used maximum likelihood logit or probit techniques with data on individuals. Two have estimated trivariate logit models that distinguish between reenlistments (contracts of 3 to 6 years), extensions (contracts of less than 3 years), and separations. Some
J. T.
Warner and B.J. Asch
Table 5 Studies of reenlistment Study
Kleinman and Shughart ( 1 974)• Warner and Goldberg ( 1 984)b
1 966-1967 1 968-1969 1 971-1 972 1 974-1978
Goldberg and Warner ( 1 982) '
1 974-1 980
Hosek and Peterson ( 1 985)d
1 976-19 8 1
Ship maintenance Aviation maintenance Administration Electronics Navy Aviation maintenance Administration Air Force Pooled
1 ,2 1 ,2 1 ,2
2 Cooke, Marcus and Quester ( 1 992) ' Quester and Adedeji ( 1 9 9 1 ) ' Smith, Sylwester and Villa ( 1 9 9 1 ) ' Buddin et al. ( 1 992) g
24 ratings
1 980-1990
Marine Corps Army
1 974-1 983 entrants 1 983-1 989
Infantry Maintenance Administration Pooled
Daula and Moffitt ( 1 99 1 , 1 992) k Gotz and McCall ( 1 984) 1
1 974-1 983 entrants 1 973-1977
Air Force Pilots Nonrated officers
SRBM effect
2.27 2.40 4.24 2. 1 2 2.46
0.02 to 0.025
0.023 0.032
2.44 0.042 1 .89, 2.65 0.022, 0.029 2.38, 2.98 0.034, 0.064 1 .78, 2.50 0.033, 0.065 0.02 (install) 3.8 0.025 (lump-sum) 1 .7 0.024 (install) 0.022 (lump-sum) 1 .64 0.025 (main effect) 0.0 1 1 (sea-intensive) 0.066
2.1 1 ,2 1 ,2 1 ,2
Infantry Comm. & Intel!. Elec. & mech. maint. Air Force Pooled
Electronics Administration Elec. & mech. maint. Infantry
Pay elasticity
1 .29, 0.86 1 .76, 1 . 1 2 1 .90, 1 .76 1 .60g 1 .05 h 1 .8 0 i l . l4i 1 .40h 1 .34 h 0.87 h 1.15 g 1 .02 h 0.7 8 i 0.34i 1.17h 0.50h 1 .3 5 h
1 ,2
YOS 7-8 YOS 6-7
0.8 1 .4
continued on next page
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The Economics of Military Manpower
Table 5, continued Study
1 979-1990 Mackin, Hogan and Mairs ( 1 993)m
Pay elasticity
Infantry officers
YOS 4-10 YOS 4-10
0.9 1 .55
Signal Corps officers
SRBM effect
Grouped data, logit model of reenlistment vs. separation, pay variable is log((M+B)/C).
b Microdata, probit of reenlistment vs. separation, pay variable is ACOL. ' Grouped data, trivariate logit model of reenlistment, extension, and separation, pay variable is ACOL. Grouped data, trivariate logit model of reenlistment, extension, and separation, pay variables are (M/C) ratio and SRBM. ' Microdata, logit model of reenlistment vs. separation, pay variables are (M/C) ratio and SRBM. f Microdata, bivariate probit model of first- and second-term reenlistment vs. separation, pay variable is ACOL. g Microdata, standard model of reenlistment vs. separation, pay variables are (M/C) ratio unadjusted for promotion timing and SRBM. h Microdata, two-equation model of months to E-5 and reenlistment vs. separation, pay variables are (M/C) adjusted for promotion timing and SRBM. ' Microdata, standard model of reenlistment vs. separation, pay variable is ACOL unadjusted for promotion timing. i Microdata, two-equation model of months to E-5 and reenlistment vs. separation, pay variable is ACOL adjusted for promotion timing. k Microdata, panel probit of first- and second-term reenlistment decisions; pay variable is the stochastic cost of leaving. 1 Microdata, panel model of stay-leave decisions in three-year window around end of initial obligation; pay variable is stochastic cost of leaving. Microdata, panel probit of stay-leave decisions in YOS 4-10, pay variable is ACOL. d
studies have taken a "reduced form" approach that includes ratios of military to civilian pay (W M /Wc ) and Selected Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) program variables separately 3 ; others have taken a more structural approach, including bonuses in the calculation of ACOL or some other measure of relative pay. Personal attributes, environmental variables such as the civilian unemployment rate, and controls for military occupation or other in-service effects are sometimes included. Table 5 summarizes the evidence from the more comprehensive studies of reenlistment. The table records the period of observation, service/skill group that
3 The US military services use the SRB to influence reenlistments at the first term (3-6 YOS) and second term (7-10 YOS). The Navy briefly paid third-term bonuses (1 1-14 YOS) in the early to mid- 1 980s. The services set an SRB multiplier (SRBM) for each skill and reenlistment zone that ranges from 0 to 6. Individuals may reenlist for a period of 3 to 6 years and receive a bonus equal to SRBM x monthly basic pay x years of reenlistment. Prior to April 1 979, bonuses were paid in installments on the anniversary dates of the reenlistment. From that time until mid-FY 1 982 they were paid in lump-sum at the time of reenlistment. Since then they have been paid partly in lump-sum and partly in installments.
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is the basis of analysis, term of service, the pay elasticity calculated by the study (%�r/%� WM ), and the estimated effect of a one-level increase in the SRBM. Pay is found to have a significant positive effect on retention. Early studies estimated retention elasticities in excess of 2.0 and SRBM effects of around 0.02-0.03, implying that a one-level increase generates 2-3 more reenlistments per 1 00 eligible. Lump-sum bonuses have a slightly larger impact than installment bonuses. While pay and bonuses generally have a positive impact, elasticities and bonus effects are smaller in skills with the more arduous working conditions (e.g., Army Infantry and Navy sea-going ratings). More recent studies using panel methods estimate somewhat smaller (but still statistically significant) pay elasticities [e.g., Smith, Sylwester and Villa ( 1 9 9 1 )] . Buddin et al. ( 1 992) consider the joint endogeneity o f promotion timing and retention decisions and also find smaller pay elasticities once the endogeneity of promotion is considered. Studies of officer retention estimate somewhat smaller elasticities than those estimated for enlisted personnel [Gotz and McCall ( 1 984), Mackin et al. ( 1 993)]. Gotz and McCall and the two studies by Daula and Moffitt offer the only empirical applications of the dynamic retention approach and each study reports tests that indicate that the model fits the data better than the ACOL model. However, the Daula Moffitt pay elasticity estimates are so at odds with collective results from other studies that they must be considered preliminary at this point. The studies are in agreement about the effects of a number of other factors. Among those at the first decision point, married personnel, black personnel, and female personnel have a higher propensity to reenlist. The higher propensity for married personnel to reenlist is somewhat surprising given the significant negative impact that military assignment and rotation patterns have on the employment and earnings of military wives [Payne, Warner and Little (1 992)], and must reflect the greater value of in-kind and non-pecuniary benefits to married personnel. Studies also agree that the propensity to reenlist is higher among those who initially enlisted for a longer term. But personnel with higher education levels and higher AFQT scores are generally found to have lower propensities to reen list. However, the influence of demographic characteristics diminishes as YOS increases. As expected, higher civilian unemployment is usually found to cause higher reenlistment except when it induces the military to alter retention standards [Smith, Sylwester and Villa ( 1 99 1 )]. There is a negative relationship between the present value at enlistment of educational benefits and the probability of reenlistment [Smith, Sylwester and Villa ( 1 99 1), Hogan, Smith and Sylwester ( 1 99 1), Warner and Solon ( 1 99 1)]. This result is to be expected: higher educational benefits attract personnel who desire to serve for an initial enlistment and then separate to use them. Similarly, higher entry pay and higher bonuses reduce retention at the next decision point because of their role in retaining individuals at the margin [Goldberg and Warner ( 1 982), Warner and Solon ( 1 99 1 )] .
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3. Demand for military manpower
There have been significant variations in the demographic composition and experience distribution of the US armed forces during the AVF era. The question arises, do these factors matter for warfighting capability? This section briefly describes the economic approach to this question and it reviews empirical studies of the relationship between the characteristics of the force and measures of personnel productivity and the implications of these studies for the efficiency of forces with different experience and quality mixes. 3. 1.
In their annual planning process US military planners try to determine in broad terms the forces required to fight and win various kinds of wars and regional conflicts. Desired warfighting capability is then translated into requirements for forces with a given level of readiness (R). Once the desired level of R (denoted R*) is determined, managers at the various levels in the military organization set about to determine the various combinations of ready manpower (M) and equipment (K) that will deliver the desired readiness. That is, they attempt to determine the military production function relating resources (M and K) to readiness (R): R = R(M, K). Once the combinations of M and K that can deliver R* have been determined, managers attempt to determine the most efficient or cost-effective combination and configuration of resources. Given the wide variety of equipment and its complexity, identifying the production function and determining the least-cost input combination is a daunting task for the modern military organization. The rapid pace of technological change further complicates matters. The problem of finding the most cost-effective input combination can be illustrated by supposing we are looking at an infantry company. The company delivers firepower (R) based on the quantity of rifles or other weapons at its disposal (K) and the number of ready personnel (M). Suppose that R can be delivered with different combinations of M and K and that reducing M requires an increase in K in order to maintain a fixed level of R. Then, M and K are substitutes in the delivery of R. We assume that the marginal product of K (MPK = iJR/iJK) and the marginal product of M (M PM = 8R/8M) are both positive. Define the marginal rate of substitution between K and M (MRSK,M) as MPMIMPK. We assume that the substitution of M and K becomes more difficult as the resources are traded off for one another. Thus, the marginal rate of substitution declines as M is increased and K is reduced and vice versa. The cost of a given level of readiness is minimized when the inputs are used in proportions such that MPMIMPK = PMIPK (in the case of fixed input prices) or MPMIMPK = MCMIMCK (where MC denotes marginal cost, in the case in which input prices vary with the quantities of M and K). Input proportions change when the relative marginal cost of manpower changes. Just how much depends on the elasticity of substitution (a KM ) . Intuitively, aKM shows how easily the two inputs may be substituted for one another. Formally, aKM = (%f...K/M)/(%f...MPMIMPK ) . But if input prices are constant and costs are being
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minimized, then PMIPK =MPM!MPK, so that 0KM = (%MIM)/(%MMIPK). In this latter formulation aKM shows how sensitive the input mix is to a given percentage change in the input price ratio. The analysis can be extended to questions involving labor-labor substitution. Suppose that the readiness function is R = R(K, M1 , M2 ), where M 1 and M2 are two distinct types of manpower. Then one can define the marginal rate of substitution between M 1 and M2 as (8R/8M 1 )!(8R/8M2 ) = MP1/MP2 and the partial elasticity of substitution as 021 = (%b..M2/M 1 )/(%f1MP 1 /MP2 )K=K* · In the analysis of labor-labor substitution, categories have been defined on the basis of rank, experience, and quality.
3.2. Studies ofpersonnel productivity We first survey studies of personnel productivity that attempt to estimate marginal productivities of various categories of personnel and (in some cases) derive the partial elasticities of substitution between categories. Categories are variously defined on the basis of experience, rank, and indicators of quality. These studies implicitly hold the equipment stock fixed. Then we briefly consider studies of substitution between equipment and personnel. Holding equipment constant, do personnel have positive marginal productivity? Two studies performed with US Navy data [Horowitz and Sherman ( 1 980), Beland and Quester ( 1 991 )] say yes. Both found that an increase in the manning level relative to the Navy's stated shipboard requirements for personnel improves the relevant performance measure. Better manned ships have lower maintenance downtime (Horowitz and Sherman) and are fully mission-capable a larger fraction of the time (Beland and Quester). These two studies and others cited below also found more experienced or more highly ranking personnel to be more productive than junior personnel. Using data from the 1 975 Enlisted Utilization Survey, a large survey of junior Air Force personnel and their senior enlisted supervisors, Albrecht ( 1 979) provides the most comprehensive analysis of the substitution possibilities between different experience categories of personnel. The purpose of the junior survey was to identify their supervisors and gain some other personal information. Questionnaires were then sent to senior supervisors asking them to rate the individual 's net current contribution to unit production relative to the average specialist with 4 years of experience and also their estimates of the individual's net contribution to unit production one year from now and after 4 years of service. Supervisor responses were merged with personnel records for the junior member and with manning level and other data for the individual's unit. The supervisor's evaluation of each individual was interpreted to be a marginal productivity measure. Data were aggregated by unit and mean productivity was calculated for those with from 0 to y months of experience and y to 48 months; y varied from 8 to 1 5 months for different skills. Albrecht then estimated a two-level CES production function in which in step one ln(MPo-yiMPy_48 ) was regressed on ln(Lo-y1Ly_48 ), where the term in parentheses is the ratio of personnel in the unit with 0-y months of service to personnel with y--48 months. The coefficient on the log-input ratio provides an estimate of the
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elasticity of substitution between personnel in the two categories. Results of the first regression were used to then calculate a weighted mean marginal product of all first term personnel (MPr). In step two, ln(MPr!MPc) was regressed on 1n(Lr1Lc), i.e., the ratio of first-term to career (c) personnel in the unit, to estimate the relative marginal productivity and elasticity of substitution between first-term and career personnel. Since MPc is unobservable it is moved to the right-hand side and treated as an omitted variable, and expressions for the bias in the coefficient on 1n(Lr1Lc) are evaluated. Albrecht analyzed 1 7 Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC). Estimates of substitution elasticities within the first term ranged from 1 . 1 (Materials Facility Specialist) to 9.39 (Ground Radio Repairman), and the estimates were generally large. Elasticities of substitution between first-term and career personnel ranged from 1 .25 (Avionics Systems Specialist) to 8.3 1 (Fuels Specialist), with estimates centering around 4.0. Substitution between different categories of first-termers and between first-termers and careerists is apparently relatively easy. At the margin, careerists were estimated to be from 1 .4 1 to 2.25 times as productive as first-term personnel. The relative marginal productivity of careerists was larger, and the elasticity of substitution between first termers and careerists smaller, the more highly skilled the AFSC. Using a generalized Leontief production function, Marcus ( 1 982) estimated the substitution possibilities between three rank groupings of Navy enlisted aviation maintenance personnel (E l/E3, E4/E6, E7-E9). The output measures consisted of 292 observations on aviation squadron sorties and (alternatively) mission capable rates. Marcus calculated that at the sample means an additional E7-E9 has a "mission capable" marginal product 5 times larger than the marginal product of an E4/E6 and 9 times larger than the marginal product of E l!E3 personnel. The estimates imply that E4/E6 personnel are about twice as productive as E l /E3 personnel, an estimate consistent with Albrecht's. Hammond and Horowitz (1 990, 1 992) studied the relationship between pilot training time and pilot proficiency. Recent flying time and career flying time both have significant positive effects on pilot performance. The elasticity of pilot performance with respect to career hours ranges from about 0.2 to 0.6 depending on the performance measure; the elasticity with respect to recent flying hours hovers around 0.2. Although the authors argued that the results indicate a significant return to experience, especially career flying experience, the results beg the question of whether the officer selection and retention process induces the better pilots to remain in service and continue to fly and the poorer ones to separate or be reassigned early on. Is productivity related to quality measures other than experience? Indirect evidence is provided by studies of first-term enlisted survival and by studies of promotion. High-quality personnel are more likely to complete their initial enlistments [Buddin (1 988), Warner and Solon ( 1 99 1 ), Cooke and Quester (1 992)] . Furthermore, high quality enlistees are promoted faster [Buddin et al. (1 992), Smith, Sylwester and Villa ( 1 99 1 )] . To the extent that the propensity to complete an initial enlistment, or to be promoted, are correlated with contributions to military readiness, high-quality personnel are more productive than low-quality personnel.
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Several studies provide more direct evidence about the quality-productivity relation ship. Horowitz and Sherman ( 1 980) found evidence that ship downtime decreases as the fraction of personnel who are high-school graduates or the mean AFQT score of shipboard personnel increases. Three studies of Army enlisted personnel found AFQT to be a significant predictor ofj ob performance [Scribner et al. ( 1 986), Orvis, Childress and Polich ( 1 992), Fernandez ( 1 992)]. The effect of mental ability on performance seems to be related to the complexity of equipment and the tasks to be performed. Orvis, Childress and Polich found Patriot Missile System operators' performance in air combat simulations to rise sharply with AFQT. This result is consistent with Fernandez ( 1 992). Studying the performance of teams of radio operators in troubleshooting of radio faults, she estimated that a 1 0 point increase in the mean AFQT of the team raises the probability that the team will successfully detect at least three out of six possible faults by 25 percent. Scribner et al. ( 1 986) found weaker, albeit still positive relationships between the AFQT levels of key tank crew members and crew performance on firing ranges. An important issue is the productivity effect of rotation policy. US military personnel move frequently. Since much military output is team-oriented, personnel "turbulence" may adversely affect unit cohesion and reduce performance. Indeed, the evidence suggests that such is the case. Horowitz and Sherman ( 1 980) and Beland and Quester ( 1 99 1 ) both found that Navy productivity is adversely related to crew turnover. In the latter study, the crew turnover rate averaged 1 2 percent per quarter (so that the annual crew turnover rate is almost 50 percent). The elasticity of the mission capable rate with respect to crew turnover is about -0.3 . Furthermore, for two of three ship classes studied, Beland and Quester found that a ship's mission capable rate is related to the length of time the ship 's commanding officer has been aboard ship. Kostiuk and Follmann ( 1 989) find that the productivity of Naval Reserve recruiters doubles in their first 24 months of duty but that productivity falls as recruiters approach the date of rotation to other assignments. Scribner et al. ( 1 986) estimated that doubling the time that a tank commander and his gunner spend in the crew from the average of 7 to 1 4 months would raise the crew's score by about 4 percent. These studies point out the down side of US military rotation policy. Finally, studies of capital-labor substitution are scant. Because of the longevity of much military capital equipment and the fact that the capital-labor ratio can be varied only during the initial equipment procurement stage, in the short run the substitution possibilities are limited. Over the longer run, the substitution possibilities increase as older equipment wears out and newer equipment is purchased. Clark ( 1 978) examines capital-labor substitution in the US Navy surface fleet, estimating a substitution elas ticity over the period 1 956-1972 of 1 . 1 3 for all (existing plus new) capital and 1 . 74 for new capital. Over the period, newer ships were designed specifically to reduce increas ingly relatively more expensive manpower. Ridge and Smith ( 1 99 1 ) use UK time-series data over the period 1 953-1 987 to estimate the aggregate elasticity of substitution between equipment and manpower. Because the share of manpower in total costs was stable over their data period, the elasticity of substitution is estimated to be unity.
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3.3. Force mix issues There has been a substantial increase in the average experience level of the US enlisted forces since the start of the AVF. Furthermore, various quality measures fell during the late 1 970s but have increased steadily since then. Throughout the 1 970s, AVF critics wondered whether a force with sufficient experience and quality to meet readiness objectives could ever be achieved. But average experience and various quality indicators improved throughout the 1 980s such that today some might question whether the experience and quality mixes are in fact too rich. A force with richer experience may be more productive, but it is also more expensive, particularly when expected future retirement liabilities are considered. The question of optimal experience or quality mix is difficult because one must begin at the unit or occupational level and then aggregate. Only a handful of studies have tried to do so. Gotz and Roll ( 1 979) attempted to derive the optimal first-term/career mix in three Army and three Air Force specialties. Each service contained a high-skill, a medium-skill, and a low-skill specialty. They began with force mixes and compensation levels in effect in FY 1 977 and varied the first-term/career mix using supply/pay relationships in the mid-range of those considered in Section 2. Their calculations considered the full range of costs from initial accession to retirement costs and they allowed the total force size to vary to maintain a constant readiness level. Readiness was based on a Cobb-Douglas production function for each specialty, with production function parameters set such that beginning with the observed 1 977 force mix in each skill the model predicted relative careerist marginal productivity consistent with Albrecht ( 1 979) estimates for low, medium, and high Air Force skills. They then derived the optimal aggregate career intensity for each service by weighing the intensities in the three categories by the aggregate proportions of low-, medium-, and high-skill personnel in the given service. Their results are summarized in Table 6. Calculations for the Army indicate that optimal career intensity does indeed rise with skill. (A reversal occurs in their calculations for the Air Force, apparently a result of supply-side considerations.) For comparison, the table shows the aggregate careerist percentages for the Army and Air Force in FY 1 982 and FY 1 990 and the percentages for the one-digit DoD occupation group that contains the skill in question. At an aggregate level, FY 1 982 actual intensities are close to the Gotz-Roll calculations of the optimal force mix, but the FY 1 990 forces had significantly larger careerist percentages. The growth in career content has been particularly large in the Air Force. Whether the 1 990 forces were too senior is not known; much has changed since the Gotz-Roll study. 4 But the Office of the Secretary of Defense was clearly worried, for in FY 1 990 it directed the services to
4 One change is an exogenous rise in desired retention, which reduces (say) the marginal bonus cost of retaining careerists, thereby lowering M CclM CF and increasing the optimal careerist percentage. Shifts in the occupational distribution and skill-using changes in technology could have also increased the optimal career intensity.
J. T
Warner and B.J. Asch
Table 6 Optimal careerist percentages as estimated by Gotz and Roll ( 1 979) Career
Optimal percentage
FY 1982
FY 1 990
50.8 '
Army Infantryman (L)
37. 1 '
Auto repairman (M)
Field radio repairman (H)
53.6 '
47.2 '
Air Force Fuel Specialist (L)
50.1 d
75.5 d
Aircraft maintenance (M)
46. 8 b
72.1 b
Ground radio repairman (H)
50.3 '
' Percentage in DoD Occupation group 0 (Combat Arms).
b Percentage in DoD Occupation group 6 (Mechanical Equipment Repair). ' Percentage in DoD Occupation group I (Electronic Equipment Repair). d Percentage in DoD Occupation group 8 (Supply/Service Handlers).
tighten retention standards for mid-career personnel. The drawdown of the active force initiated in FY 1991 necessitated the development of compensation tools for reducing the career force proportionately to the first-term force. A final comment about career content. Most of the studies have been done in a static framework. Gotz and Stanton ( 1 986) point out that the uncertainty of warfare places a premium on personnel who can perform a variety of functions and adapt quickly to different environments. Because more experienced personnel are more likely to have been cross-trained in different skills and because of their greater variety of experiences, they are more likely to adapt to the exigencies of warfare than junior personnel. Static analyses miss this component of productivity and may therefore understate the value of more experienced personnel. Only Daula and Smith (1992) have attempted to derive the optimal quality mix of personnel. Through the Army College Fund and other mechanisms, the US Army spends a lot to attract high-quality personnel. Is it efficient to do so? Daula and Smith ( 1 992) point out that once equipment is purchased, it is used in fixed proportions with personnel. The gain from high-quality personnel, they argue, comes not from personnel savings but from the reduced expenditures for equipment. They calculated that reducing the fraction of personnel in the Army's tank force who score 50 or above from 65 percent (base case) to 60 percent would save the Army about 5 million dollars per year in personnel costs, but with a lower-quality force the Army would need 1 6 more tanks to deliver the same readiness at the same cost. Improvements in the quality content of the force are more cost-effective the larger are the productivity
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differences between different categories of personnel and the more expensive is the equipment. Once the equipment savings made possible by even tiny differences in the productivity of different quality categories of personnel are considered, the military's emphasis on recruiting and retaining high-quality personnel may be quite justified.
4. Global procurement issue: to draft or not to draft?
Few public policy issues have been as divisive as how to procure military manpower. The debate was particularly vociferous in the US in late 1 960s and early 1 970s. In 1969 President Nixon established the President's Commission on an AU-Volunteer Force, commonly known as the Gates Commission, to study the issue. The commission listed nine arguments against an AVF. 5 Specifically, an AVF would ( 1 ) be too costly; (2) be too inflexible in times of crisis; (3) undermine patriotism by lessening the belief that each citizen has a moral responsibility to serve the country; (4) become an elitist institution that might threaten democratic values; (5) be racially unrepresentative, (6) be a mercenary force; (7) encourage foreign military adventurism; (8) be less effec tive because only low-ability personnel would be attracted to service; and (9) crowd out other defense spending, thereby eroding the quantity and quality of defense. Advocates of a volunteer force, including most economists, countered by arguing that the first criticism was wrong on theoretical grounds, and the other criticisms were weak on empirical grounds. On the cost issue, Milton Friedman, who wrote extensively for the public press on this subject and was himself a member of the Gates Commission, flatly stated in his December 1 9, 1 966 Newsweek column that "the real cost of manning the armed forces now . . . is greater than the cost of manning a volunteer force of the same size because the volunteers would be the men who find military service the most attractive alternative." The report of the Gates Commission paved the way for the abolition of the US draft in 1 973. In addition to Friedman 6 , a number of economists have contributed to the draft-AVF debate [see, e.g., Oi ( 1 967), Altman and Fechter ( 1 967), Hansen and Weisbrod (1 967), Miller ( 1 968), and Fisher (1 969)]. Lee and McKenzie ( 1 992) recently laid out the most cogent framework to date for thinking about the cost issue. This section presents the economic theory of the draft versus AVF using the Lee and McKenzie framework and then it briefly considers some of the other points in the debate.
4. 1. Economic theory of the draft The economic analysis of procurement method starts with the fact that military service imposes on a given service member the opportunity cost we + r. The opportunity cost 5
From the Report of the President�· Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force, pp. 5-17. selection of Friedman's pieces on the draft is provided in Friedman (1 972).
6 A
J. T Warner and B.J. Asch
of providing a force of a given size must be distinguished from the budgetary cost, i.e., the military wage bill that is paid by taxpayers. Analysts of the 1 960s, Friedman included, treated the budgetary cost as a pure transfer from taxpayers and argued that when the military wage is below a soldier's supply price, the soldier is bearing a conscription tax that is a pure transfer to taxpayers. Conversely, the higher pay in a volunteer system was treated as a pure transfer from taxpayers to service members. To develop the cost of either method, assume that the military force F is comprised of first-termers (Ft ) and careerists (F2 ) and that the first-term and career periods are both of length 1 . Let E be the number of enlistments in a given time period and c1 denote the continuation rate at the end of the initial enlistment period. Therefore, in a steady state, F1 = E and F2 = c1E, so that F = E + c1 E = ( l + c1 )E. Assume that the military pays a constant wage WM that is independent of period of service. The wage bill is therefore WM ( l + c1 )E. Consider the supply of personnel to the military. Recall from Section 2. 1 that on the assumption of a uniform distribution of r the supply curve for military service is the linear function E = a' + b' WM , from which we may solve for WM : W M = a + bE. Each point on the supply curve represents the marginal person's opportunity cost of service. Therefore, in a volunteer system the first-period opportunity cost of E enlistees is the area under the supply curve from 0 to E: aE + 0.5bE2 . If the condition WM > W C + T holds at the entry point, then in the absence of changes in military pay or civilian wages and preferences, it will hold at the end of the first term, so that c1 = 1 (all volunteers stay for both periods) and the total force F = 2E. Therefore the opportunity cost of the volunteer force is 2aE + bE2 = aF + 0 .25bF2 . Now consider the opportunity cost of a draft. Assume that a cohort of size N comes of age each period and is at risk of being drafted in that period. But even under a draft there will be V volunteers whose marginal opportunity costs are less than WM . The average opportunity cost of these V volunteers is a + 0.5b V, and their total opportunity cost is a V + 0.5bV2 . Now, if E is the number of required enlistments, the military will have to draft E - V individuals. If E - V individuals are drafted at random from among those with opportunity costs in excess of a + b V, then the average opportunity cost of these individuals will be the mid-point on the supply curve between V and N, or a + 0.5b(N - V). The average first-period opportunity cost of the E enlistments is therefore the weighted average E- V V [a + 0. 5b(N + V)] + E (a + 0.5bV) � and the total first-period opportunity cost of E enlistments is aE + 0. 5b(EN + E V - N V). Since V volunteers stay for the second term with opportunity cost a V + 0.5b V2 , the opportunity cost of the total force can be expressed as aE + 0. 5b(EN + E V - V) + a V + b V2 .
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Using the facts that c 1 is
= VIE and E = F/(1 + c 1 ) , the opportunity cost of the draft force
may be shown that this sum is larger than the opportunity cost of the volunteer force as long as one of the following is true: ( 1 ) c 1 > 0 (the draft cohort contains some volunteers) or (2) F < 2N (not everyone in the population must serve) 7. Since it is usually the case that the military does not need for everyone in the draftable cohorts to serve, and since under the draft the enlistment cohorts contain some volunteers who reenlist, the volunteer system unambiguously has the lower opportunity cost. Since the budgetary cost of a military was treated as a pure transfer from taxpayers to soldiers, the opportunity cost difference was taken to be the social cost of a draft and was almost always positive. Hence the profession's almost unanimous pronouncement that the volunteer system is preferable to a draft. Lee and McKenzie recognized that the military wage bill is not a pure transfer, but itself involves a cost. The reason is simple: when the government raises taxes (or prints money) in order to pay the military wage bill, the higher tax rates will, in general, cause distortions in economic behavior that impose deadweight losses on the economy. Browning ( 1 987), for instance, finds the deadweight loss from income tax distortions to labor supply to be about 30-40 cents per dollar of tax revenue. Thus, a volunteer force, with its higher wage bill, will impose a larger deadweight loss from taxation than a draft force. It is therefore ambiguous whether a draft force has lower cost once the deadweight loss from taxation is considered. The deadweight loss from taxation due to each procurement method is obtained as follows. First, the military wage bill is WM F. But since the marginal supply price is a + bE, the volunteer force wage bill will be (a + bE)F = (a + bF/2)F = aF + 0.5bF2 . Let [3 be the deadweight loss per dollar of tax revenue. Then the deadweight loss arising from this wage bill is (aF + 0.5bF2 ). The deadweight loss from taxation under the draft is WMF. Since wM is fixed under the draft and does not rise with E, the deadweight loss from taxation required to pay the troops does not rise as fast under the draft as under a volunteer force. Consider now training costs. Suppose that under either system training is given in the first period of service and that d is the cost of training a new recruit. Then under a volunteer force the training cost is dE = (d/2)F. Under a draft, the training cost is dE = [d/(1 + CJ)]F. Since c 1 < 1 , training costs under the draft are necessarily higher than training costs in a volunteer force of equal size. 7 With their single-period model, Lee and McKenzie derived the result that either method has the same
opportunity cost if E equals N. Our more general two-period analysis says that even F = 2N (so that everyone in two successive draftable cohorts must serve), the volunteer force will have lower opportunity cost so long as the draft force contains some volunteers (i.e., c 1 > 0).
J. T. Warner and B.J. Asch Total Cost
0 Force Size
Figure 3. Total costs of volunteer and draft forces.
the opportunity cost of The full cost of either procurement method is the sum of the deadweight loss arising from the need to the personnel comprising the force, raise tax dollars to pay the force, and (3) training costs. Collecting the results above, the total cost of a volunteer force is:
TCA = (a(l +f3) +� ) F+0.5b(0. 5 +{3)F2.
The marginal cost of the force under the volunteer system is:
(13) MCA F. TC0= (a+f3W + -+ --F + 2) . 1 + ) F+0. 5b ( --NF+ V, TC0 F=2V c1=1 TCA=TC0. Notice that
is a linear function of M
The total cost of a draft force is: 1 1
(14) 2V,
If the draft force is less than 2 it will be comprised only of volunteers: there is no distinction between the draft and the volunteer force. Therefore, below and There is a discontinuity in at because at this
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point the force begins to be composed of draftees who ( 1) have higher opportunity costs than volunteers and (2) impose higher training costs because of their lower retention. As F increases beyond 2 V, c 1 = VIE = VI(F - V) decreases. Using the fact that beyond 2V, 8c 1 18F = -c 1 /E, the marginal cost of the force under the draft may be shown to be
MCD = a + 0. 5bN + f3 W M + d +
+ c1
( 1 5)
F increases, MCD increases at a decreasing rate and approaches the constant a + 0.5bN + W M + d. Total force costs are plotted in Figure 3. B etween 2V and F* the volunteer force has lower total cost than a draft force. Above F* the draft force has lower total cost. Intuitively, the volunteer system is cheaper below F* (but above 2 V) because below F* the higher opportunity cost of the draft force outweighs the volunteer force's larger loss from taxation. Above F* the situation reverses and the draft becomes As
the cheaper procurement method despite its larger training costs. The crossover point F* is obtained by equating ( 1 3 ) and ( 1 5) and solving for F:
F* = F*
{3(WM - a)(l + c1) + 0.5(d + bN)(l - c,) . 0.5b[(0.25 + {3)( 1 + cJ) - cJ]
( 1 6)
decreases as both {3 and b increase. The former condition says that the draft system dominates at a lower F* the larger is the deadweight loss from taxation. An increase in b signals a less elastic enlistment supply curve, thereby lowering the enlistment level at which the draft becomes cheaper. An increase in a, which signals a reduction in the supply of enlistees, also reduces F*. But a rise in the cost of training (d) signals an increase in F*. Which system t o choose? The answer depends o n the desired force level and how it is determined. If all that matters is force size, then obviously choose the volunteer force if F < F* and draft force if F > F* . But the military is not concerned with forces of equal size so much as forces of equal readiness. There are three reasons to believe that a volunteer force will not need to be as large as a draft force to be equally ready. First, readiness is based on the number of ready personnel (denoted M above), not the total number F. Since the draft force has more personnel in training at any given time, and since some of the training must be provided by more experienced personnel, a draft force will not be as ready as a volunteer force of equal size. Second, to the extent that productivity rises with experience, a volunteer force will not need as many personnel to provide the same readiness. (Indeed, productivity studies reviewed in Section 3.2 above indicate big returns to experience in many military occupations.) Third, volunteers are likely to be more motivated than draftees, also making the volunteer force more productive than a draft force of equal size. (A theory of effort is developed in Section 5.) Importantly, as both forces increase in size, the difference in the average experience level and in personnel turnover also widens. Thus, a proportionate increase in the size of both forces will raise the effectiveness of the
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Value of Margina Contribution to Readiness and Marginal Cost of Force Size
Force Size
Figure 4. Optimal force size under draft and volunteer systems.
volunteer force relative to that of the draft force (i.e., 8R/8FA increases relative to 8R/8F0 as F increases). A second approach to the question of procurement method is to suppose that the military has an exogenous demand for a force with readiness level R*. If FA is the volunteer force and F0 is the draft force that will deliver the readiness level R* (where FA < F0 for the reasons just stated), then the appropriate procurement method depends on a comparison of TCA and TC0 for these two forces. As long as FA
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VMCRA > VMCRn for the three reasons cited above, and the difference between them widens as F increases for the same reasons. For either procurement method, the optimal force size is the one that equates VMCR with the marginal cost of force size. Thus, in Figure 4, FA is the optimal volunteer force and FD is the optimal draft force. Once these optimal size forces are determined, then the optimal procurement method is the one that maximizes the "surplus" from defense, i.e. the difference between the total value of the readiness provided ( VR) and the total cost (TC): S = VR - TC. (VR is the area under the relevant VMCR curve.) Thus, if SA is the surplus from force FA and Sn is the surplus from force Fn, choose the volunteer force if SA > SD · Figure 4 can be used to illustrate this approach. Suppose FA is the optimal volunteer force and F D is the optimal draft force. Then suppose that the volunteer force is expanded from FA to Fn. The change in SA (�SA) is the area A, which is the excess of increase in cost over the value of readiness. Compare this to area D (�Sn) which is the reduction in Sn brought about from reducing the draft force from FD to FA. The volunteer system is the optimal one if SA > Sn. The additional insight that follows from this approach over previous ones is that Sn will rise relative to SA the more elastic are the VMCR curves. That is, the less rapidly the value that the electorate places on additional units of defense readiness declines, the more likely the draft is to be the preferred procurement method. Outward shifts in the VMCR curves brought about by the threat of war mean larger optimal force levels and a higher likelihood that the defense surplus will be maximized through conscription. 4.2.
Other issues
It would take us too far afield to consider all of the issues raised during the US draft de bates. The Lee-McKenzie analysis and our generalization of it serve to make the gen eral point that the volunteer force is not unambiguously superior to a draft, an argument advanced informally by draft advocates such as Kester ( 1 986). The issue is ultimately empirical and hinges on questions about the elasticity of supply, the extent of the exter nal threat, and the productivity differences between volunteer and conscripted forces. The concern of AVF critics was that it would be "too expensive" and that its high cost would induce an underprovision of defense. Although this argument is incorrect if the choice of procurement method and force size are based on full social costs, the argument has some basis if the military behaves as a monopsonist in its choice of force size. It is clear that the military is a monopsonist in the sense that the marginal cost of expanding the force through an increase in pay is in excess of the cost as given by the supply curve (Table 4). If the VMCR curve is not vertical and if calculations of the marginal cost of force size are based on the change in the wage bill that is required to expand force size, and not the supply curve, then under an AVF the military will enlist too few personnel (and pay them too little) 8 . Despite the theoretical possibility 8
Cooper ( 1 975) was the first to analyze the monopsony problem inherent in a volunteer force.
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that the military will hire too few personnel under an AVF, the potential loss from monopsonistic behavior does not appear large [Quester and Nakada ( 1 983)] . The fact that enlistments can be expanded relatively cheaply via tools other than pay (Table 4) diminishes the monopsony problem. Empirically, the stability of total US force size throughout the AVF period suggests that monopsony considerations have not played a large role in the determination of AVF force size. Other fears concerning a volunteer force do not seem to have materialized. It is doubtful that the volunteer force has become an elitist force that has threatened democratic values, that it has become a mercenary force, or that it has promoted adventurism abroad. A concern at the start of the AVF was that readiness would deteriorate because high-quality individuals would not volunteer. But the supply of high-quality recruits has proven sufficiently sensitive to pay, recruiting resources, and other inducements to enlist (and reenlist) that over the 20-year period of the AVF the quality of the entrants has been at least as good, if not better, than quality would have been under a draft. Furthermore, the AVF force has probably been more motivated than draft-era forces were. Whether quality could be maintained without conscription at much higher force levels is another (but now apparently less pressing) matter. The racial composition of the US force is still a contentious political issue; blacks currently make up 23 percent of the enlisted forces and 7 percent of the officer forces. Economists tend to see less problem with the racial composition of the armed forces than others [see, e.g., Tollison ( 1968)] . Finally, it is interesting to note that several US allies ended the draft earlier. The UK ended its draft in 1 957. Australia ended its draft in 1 945, reinstituted it for a time after 1 965, but is now fully volunteer again. Except for the World War II era, Canada has had a volunteer system throughout its history. Only Germany has continued to use a mixed draft-volunteer system up to the present. Conscripts currently make up 43 percent of Germany's active duty force. Perhaps their different choices of manpower procurement method have been guided by the theory developed in Section 4. 1 .
The structure of pay
5. 1. Stylizedfacts about military compensation At first blush, the US military compensation system is a complex patchwork of pays and allowances. But the various items of active duty cash compensation can be conveniently grouped into three categories: (1) basic pay, which varies with rank and YOS, (2) allowances for food and housing, which vary with rank and marital status, and (3) a large number of special pays, such as enlistment and reenlistment bonuses, flight pay, sea pay, hazardous duty pay, and so forth. Basic pay accounts for about 75 percent of US outlays for active duty personnel; allowances account for 1 9 percent. Although there are a large number of special pays and allowances, together they make up only about 6 percent of cash outlays for active duty personnel.
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US military personnel are vested in an immediate annuity after 20 YOS; those who separate prior to YOS 20 receive nothing unless they subsequently participate in the reserves and qualify for a reserve pension beginning at age 60. The total cost of active duty manpower is the sum of active cash pay and an accrual charge for retirement. The retired pay accrual charge is over 40 percent of annual outlays for basic pay and about a quarter of total cost, indicating that the cost of funding the retirement system is substantial. It is interesting to compare US and foreign military compensation systems. Germany, like the US, has a pay and allowance system with distinctions by marital status. But the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, and Australia all have salary systems with no preference given to married personnel. Longevity increases in the US basic pay tables are based on YOS . Longevity increases in the UK, Canadian, and Australian pay tables are based on time in grade (TIG) rather than time in service. The US has no system of explicit occupational pay differentials. Pay varies by occupation only through the application of enlistment and reenlistment bonuses and other pays that depend factors related to occupation (e.g., sea pay). However, the UK has a system of "pay bands" that vary by skill based on comparisons with civilian wages. A comparison of the pay tables of these countries shows striking similarities in the rank structure of pay. The US and its allies also have generally similar retirement systems. All countries delay retirement vesting until at least the mid-career range and provide an immediate lifetime annuity to those who serve long enough to become vested. Preliminary explanations for the commonalities in the rank structure of pay and in the retirement systems are now considered.
5.2. Theory Rosen (1992) identifies two important considerations in structuring pay. In a large, hierarchical organization it is important for the organization to assign the most able personnel to the higher-ranking positions because at the higher levels even small differences in ability can have profound effects on outcomes. Thus, while more able personnel are more productive at all levels, the relative productivity of ability increases with rank. The lack of lateral entry places a constraint on the military's capacity to fill the upper ranks with the most able personnel and suggests that it must access and "sample" a larger number of personnel before identifying those capable of performing the upper-level positions than would private-sector organizations that permit lateral entry. The other important consideration is that personnel must be induced by the structure of incentives to work hard and effectively. Individual effort is costly to monitor, so rewards must be structured to induce effort supply. In the military organization, the reward for effort is promotion. In the junior ranks, promotion is based on individual skill aquisition. But beyond the junior ranks, the promotion system resembles a contest or tournament in which only a fraction of those eligible for promotion are actually selected.
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Rosen only sketched out a model of ability sorting and effort supply in the military organization. Asch and Warner ( l 994a) formalize Rosen's arguments. Their model is briefly summarized here. Suppose that a is an individual ability parameter which is known to the individual but not to the military. Further, suppose that e;,1 denotes the amount of effort that the individual would supply in rank i at time t conditional on the structure of pay, outside opportunities, and preferences. Let Z(e;,1) denote the disutility of effort such that Z ' (e ;,1) > 0 and Z" (e ;,1) > 0. Then at each point in the career an individual with ability parameter a must decide whether to remain in service and how much effort to supply. Likewise, the military must decide whether to retain the individual and whether to promote him or her. The military decides whom to promote by administering an evaluation (E;,1) to everyone in rank i at time t, rank-ordering the evaluations, and promoting some fraction n1,1 . An individual's promotion probability (n;,1) depends on his or her ability and effort and the abilities and efforts of others (a0 and e0, respectively). The military may also use the evaluation to separate those whose evaluation E;,1 falls short of some minimum Ef:t . The model is a generalization of the Gotz-McCall dynamic programming model. It has the following structure: To begin with, the expected value of future utility at the end of period t is
v ;,t = cfJ;,tE(S;,t !G;,t + E;,t
0) + ( l - cfJ;,r ) L;,r,
( 1 7)
cfJ;,r = pr(E'f:t < E;,r ) pr( G7,1 + E;,t > 0) = ciJf.t ciJ7,1, G7,t = ni+l,t+l [Tm + 6;+! + w� l,t+ ! + f3Vi't!,t+! - Z(eit+I )] + ( l - ni+l,t+J ) [ rm + 6; + W�+! + f3 V;,t+, - Z(e;t+J ) ] - L;,1 , L;,r = C;,t + R;,r + Fr , ni+l,t+l - n( a , e;,r, a0i,t> e0i,t> ni+l,t+l ) *
( 1 8)
In words, expected utility V7,1 is a weighted average of the expected return to staying and the return to leaving immediately, where the weight ciJ;,1 is the product of the (independent) probabilities that the military wants to retain the individual ( ciJf,1) and the individual wants to stay (cfJJ1 ). The expected gain to staying G71 is a weighted average of the payoff to achieving next rank in period t + l and the ret�rn to remaining in the current rank. These returns depend on the pecuniary reward associated with the ranks ( WM) and the value of rank-specific non-pecuniaries ( 6). The expected gain to staying G 71 is the expected return to staying minus the return to leaving, which equals the present value of civilian earnings ( C ;,1 ) , vested retired or separation pay (R;,1 ), and the value of non-pecuniaries in the civilian sector ( F1). Individuals desire to stay only if G;,1 + E ;,1 > 0, where E;,1 is the random shock to the retention decision. Individuals with higher permanent tastes for military service ( rm) are more likely to stay. If the individual is at a mandatory separation point in rank, then cfJ;,t = 0 and V7,1 = L;,1•
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The individual's expected future utility at the start of period
rm + W� + f3 V7,1 - Z(ei,t )·
t is: ( 1 9)
The individual supplies effort in t to maximize Equation ( 1 9). Raising effort can raise expected future utility because ( 1 ) effort raises the probability of promotion, which conveys higher monetary and non-monetary rewards, and (2) effort reduces the probability of involuntary separation arising from a failure to meet minimum performance standards. Promotion also pushes further into the future the date at which the individual might be subj ect to a high-year-of-tenure rule. The first-order condition for utility maximization is:
f3tJ>i,t [n� (w� l,t+l - w �+l + <\+ t - <'\ + f3(V7+ t ,t+l - v�t+ t ) ) ] + f3 ifJZ,t [ G �1 tPT,1 + ae¢7,1 ] K - Z '( ei,t) = 0.
The first two expressions in (20) represent the discounted marginal benefit of effort. The last term, Z' (ei,t), is the marginal cost of effort. Individuals supply effort to the point at which marginal benefit equals marginal cost. The first marginal benefit term measures the direct pecuniary and non-pecuniary payoff from effort. It is apparent that the direct benefit of effort increases as the period t + 1 interrank pay spread (W� I ,t+l - W�+ 1) increases and as the difference in the value the individual places on the non-pecunaries associated with the next rank and the current rank ( Cii+l - Cii) · Furthermore, the direct benefit of effort of all differentials beyond period t + 1 are summarized in the term ( V7+ 1 t+l - V71+ 1). The direct benefit of effort is weighted by the probability of staying, such that i�dividuals who are more likely to stay, and thus realize the reward to effort in the current period, have a higher expected reward to effort and will thus work harder. The term n� is the marginal effect of current period effort on the probability of promotion in the next period (i.e., n� = oni+l,t+ t l8ei,t )· The direct benefit of effort is larger the more marginal effort raises the probability of promotion. Asch and Warner (1 994a) show that n� is largest when the expected probability of promotion is 0.5. Marginal effort has little value when the probability of promotion is either very high or very low. They show that n� declines the more important are the idiosyncratic determinants of promotion (i.e., "luck"). Finally, they demonstrate that n� increases with the scale of the contest. The more participants there are in the contest, the larger is the marginal value of effort. Scale matters because the more participants there are, the greater is the chance that the individual can surpass other contestants by supplying more effort. The second term of Equation (20) measures the value that effort has in avoiding separation due to failure to meet minimum performance standards 9 . Since all terms
The term 1/J!, shows the effect of marginal effort on the probability of being allowed to stay; ¢�, is " the effect of a small change in G;_, on the probability of wanting to stay, and K is the effect of marginal effort on the evaluation. See Asch and Warner ( 1994a) for details.
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in this expression are unambiguously positive except for G*, extra effort has value in terms of reducing the threat of involuntary separation except for those who have a very large negative expected gain to staying. For most personnel, minimum performance standards and up-or-out rules are a stimulant to effort. A main implication of the model is that, ceteris paribus, interrank pay differentials should rise as individuals progress through the ranks (i.e., the system should be skewed). Without skewness individuals will reduce effort as they reach the higher ranks because of the effect of declining promotion probabilities on the return to effort. But several factors might explain the observed lack of skewness in the US and foreign systems, including ( 1 ) the greater probability of staying as YOS and rank increase, (2) the value of rank-specific non-pecuniaries increases with rank, (3) the sheer size of the promotion contests. Additionally, an oft-cited factor that reduces the degree of skewness is that military "output" is team-oriented. Team production requires cooperation and not competition, which excessive skewness might promote [Rosen (1 992)] . The lateral entry constraint also serves to reduce skewness. Since about two-thirds of enlistees remain for only one enlistment, their enlistment decisions will be based mostly on entry level pay. The lack of lateral entry means that the military must access enough personnel at the entry level to fill lower-level positions today and higher level positions in the future. Since ability has an increasing effect on performance as individuals progress through the ranks, there must be a sufficient number of high ability personnel in the entry cohort to fill the upper-level positions in the future. But the military cannot just selectively recruit sufficient numbers of high-ability personnel because true ability is unobservable at entry. However, when entry pay is increased, the ability mix improves because higher entry pay attracts more applicants who have observable characteristics that are correlated with ability (education level and AFQT test scores) and the military can and does in fact screen on these characteristics. An implication of this discussion is that many j unior personnel are overpaid due to the lack of lateral entry (i.e., they earn economic rents). The analysis highlights several potential problems with the US military compen sation system. First, for the most part, intragrade pay raises are not performance based, but are provided in a lock-step fashion based on time-in-service. Some use of performance-based intragrade pay should be explored. Second, because longevity increases are based on time in service, early promotions convey only a temporary gain. In fact, slow promotees often earn more upon promotion that those who have held the rank several years. A system based on time in service blunts the advantage to working harder and achieving an early promotion and it is likely to produce a significant amount of adverse selection. A system of longevity increases based on time in grade has been recommended a number of times and the pay tables of a number of other countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia, are based on time in grade. There should be further investigation in the USA of such a system. The US military retirement system has often been criticized for its high cost, its unfairness to those who separate without benefits, and its inflexibility in force
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management. But is it a coincidence that the US and its allies all have retirement systems that postpone retirement to a late date but provide relatively generous benefits to retirees? Asch and Warner argue not. The lateral entry constraint places the military in a much different situation from civilian employers. It must access and train large numbers of entrants before identifying for advancement those who have the talent to perform the higher-level tasks in the organization. It therefore wants to provide incentives for the most talented to stay and seek advancement and for others to leave after they discover that they are unsuitable for the upper level positions. That is, it must provide the proper incentives for personnel to self sort. Delayed vesting of retired pay induces self-sorting because only those who think that they can achieve the requisite rank and longevity will stay early on while others will leave. Deferred retired pay can also motivate work effort, especially when combined with minimum performance standards for retention and up-or-out rules that prevent low-ranking personnel from staying long enough to collect retirement benefits. This discussion begs the question of when vesting should occur. But notice that there is a trade-off between the vesting date and the military's ability to pay new entrants. If the military is to meet a fixed budget constraint, earlier vesting will dissipate its capacity to raise entry pay and attract a higher-quality entry cohort. Contrary to critics of delayed vesting, it is not necessarily unfair to the bulk of entrants who never qualify for retirement benefits because they are generally overpaid as a result of the lateral entry constraint. The question now arises why retirement benefits should be part of the self-sorting mechanism. After all, why not just pay a bonus to all who reach the requisite rank and years of service? The answer has to do with retired pay's role as a separation incentive. At some point the military wants everyone, including the best personnel, to separate, even when they may still be individually very productive. The longer individuals remain in the top positions the slower will be the promotion rates for younger (and potentially equally able) personnel. Unless offset by changes in the structure of pay, reduced promotion opportunities in the junior ranks will discourage work effort in those ranks and will cause those junior personnel with the best external opportunities (i.e., the more able) to leave. Without the proper inducement, the senior personnel may not want to leave voluntarily if their military pay exceeds their best private sector alternatives. Such is especially likely to be the case for those trained in the military specific skills. There is, of course, no reason why the separations required to maintain personnel flows could not be accomplished with other policy tools such as up-or-out rules. However, excessive reliance on involuntary separation to control the experience structure of the force can be bad for morale, impacting on recruiting, retention, and work effort. These adverse effects might require the payment of a "regret premium" to compensate for the prospect of involuntary separation. A relatively generous retirement system for senior personnel may be the only way to quell these problems. Asch and Warner ( 1 994b) evaluate a number of past proposals to overhaul the US military
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retirement system. Considered in the light of the model developed in this section, most would do more harm than good. Finally, note an important implication of Equation (20). Draftees cannot be induced by compensation and personnel policies to supply effort because draftees know that their probability of staying and receiving contingent compensation ( cJ>) is low. This result implies that draft armies will have to devote more resources to direct monitoring and disciplining of draftees, a factor which further reduces the availability of ready personnel. Furthermore, draftees will have to be motivated by penalties for poor performance (e.g., bad conduct discharges).
Force management issues
6. 1. Women in the military With the exception of nursing positions, the military has traditionally been a male organization. As women's role in society at large has been transformed over the last few decades, the question arises of whether the role of women in the military should more closely mirror the greater role of women in the civilian sector, and specifically whether all military positions, including combat ones, should be open to women. Binkin and Bach (1977) discuss the economics of sex integration into the armed forces. The question they pose is: what mix of military men and women can meet US national security needs at the lowest cost? Adressing this question requires information on the differential costs and effects associated with different mixes of men and women and of filling a given position with a man versus a women. Under the cost category, information is needed on the differential recruitment, training, retention, and separation (including retirement) costs. There may also be adjustment costs, such as those associated with changing facilities to accommodate women. The costs associated with military benefits, including medical costs, housing costs, and the cost of dependents may also differ depending on the mix of men and women. Are men and women equally productive? Those who oppose women serving in some military positions argue that women lack men's upper body strength and therefore could not perform equally as men in some j obs. Some also argue that because of pregnancy, women are less likely to be deployable and thus, units which have a greater mix of women are less ready. Still others argue that women would adversely affect unit cohesion, and that they are more likely to be emotionally strained by the rigors of combat. Studies of the relative costs and effectiveness of women versus men in the military generally focus on variables that are amenable to analysis, such as enlistment, attrition, and retention behavior. On these important dimensions, past studies indicate that the behaviors of women and men are often similar and respond to many of the same factors. Hosek and Peterson (1 990) use a choice-based sample to estimate a logit model of the individual enlistment decisions of young men and of women and find
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that for most variables, the coefficient estimates are statistically equivalent for men and women. They use individual rather than aggregate level data since in the aggregate, women are demand constrained - more want to enlist in a given year than the services demand at the prevailing level of compensation. While they find that female and male enlisted supply generally depend on similar factors in similar ways, they do find that the intercept is smaller for women - reflecting the demand constraint - and that immediate marriage plans are a greater deterrent to women's enlistment. Overall first-term attrition rates are higher for women than for men [Buddin ( 1 988)], but there are differences among the services. Attrition rates are higher for Navy women than Navy men during the early months of terms of service, but the rates converge over time [Fletcher et al. ( 1 994)]. Attrition rates for men and women in the Army also converge over time, if attrition due to pregnancy is excluded [Martin ( 1 994)]. But when attrition due to pregnancy is included, the rates do not converge. Retention behavior is similar for men and women [Quester ( 1 988)] . When retention differs, women in fact have somewhat higher first-term retention and slightly higher long-term retention rates than men [Quester ( 1 988), Shiells and McMahon ( 1 993)]. The evidence on sex differences in productivity is spotty. The services presented evidence before the 1 992 President's Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces that women are less effective on two counts. First, service data suggested that women have lower deployment rates than men and that lower deployment rates detract from unit readiness. Second, evidence was presented purporting to show that women are at a disadvantage in performing military j obs requiring physical strength. Yet, the greater reliance on technical skills and the reduced reliance on physical strength over the last few decades among many military j obs, especially in the Air Force and Marine Corps, weakens the physical strength argument against the employment of women in the military. Furthermore, as noted by Fletcher et al. ( 1 994), other physical attributes such as compact body type that are important for military j obs that are limited by space (such as in ships, submarines, and aircraft) favor women over men. For the many reasons discussed earlier, the services stress the recruitment of high quality personnel. Because of demand limitations the fraction of women who are high quality exceeds the male high-quality fraction. During the 1 980s, about half of male enlistees were in the high-quality category whereas over 60 percent of female enlistees were. The relevant comparisons are not between high-quality female enlistees and high quality male enlistees, but between high-quality female and low-quality male enlistees. Along many dimensions, the women may be the more productive group.
6.2. Reserve force management issues Several characteristics of reserve service distinguish it from active service. First, only a small fraction of reservists work full-time; during peacetime most reservists are civilians. Consequently, reserve units must draw personnel from local labor markets. Second, unlike the active components where most individuals who enlist have no
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prior military experience, about half of all reserve enlistees do [Marquis and Kirby ( 1 989a)] . Prior service personnel are generally recruited to fill the mid-career and senior positions whereas non-prior service personnel generally fill junior positions initially. Third, since reservists are primarily civilians and cannot be relocated to meet service demands in any location, skill matching is important; reserve personnel of the appropriate skill type must be recruited and retained to meet the occupation mix of the reserve units in the local area. Finally, there is no clear-cut reenlistment point in the reserves. Although reservists sign enlistment contracts, the timing of separations from the reserves bears little relation to the formal contract expiration dates. Thus, there is little practical distinction between continuation and reenlistment in the reserves. Several studies have estimated enlistment supply of non-prior service and of prior service personnel to the reserve components. Generally these studies find that the same factors affect reserve as active duty enlistment supply and in very similar ways. For non-prior service personnel, Tan ( 1 99 1 ) finds pay elasticities between 0.43 and 0.67, unemployment rate elasticities between 0.25 and 0.45, and recruiter elasticities between 0.4 and 1 .0. He also finds evidence of a negative tradeoff between non prior service and prior service recruits; as recruiters allocate their effort towards prior service recruits, non-prior service enlistments fall. Studying prior service enlistments into the Naval Reserve, Kostiuk and Grogan ( 1 987) estimate a pay elasticity of 0.82 and a recruiter elasticity of 0.50. Marquis and Kirby ( 1 989a) find a pay elasticity of 1 . 1 7 for prior service personnel affiliating with the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard. A unique set of factors that are hypothesized to affect reserve but not active duty supply are employer attitudes and policies towards reservists. Evidence from Grissmer, Kirby and Sze ( 1 992b) suggests that reserve service imposes a cost on reservists in terms of conflicts with their primary employers, especially among those working in small firms. However, family/spousal attitudes toward reserve service had a larger effect on reservists' reenlistment decisions than did perceived civilian supervisor attitudes. It has also been argued that reserve duty differs from other secondary j obs because military service is national service and involves the risk of mobilization and the possibility of family hardships, financial loss, and injury. Mehay ( 1 99 1 ) finds evidence indicating that several of the determinants of secondary j ob participation differ for reservists and civilians but that individuals do appear to choose to moonlight (regardless of whether it is in the reserves or in the civilian sector) based on relative compensation and local labor market conditions. Asch ( 1 993) expands the moonlighting model to explicitly incorporate the risk of mobilization for reservists, and Grissmer, Kirby, Sze and Adamson (1 992a) examine the options for offering insurance protection against losses incurred during mobilization. The model of the decision to stay in the reserves is fundamentally similar to the stay-leave decision in the active components. Evidence on reserve attrition indicates that the factors that are important in explaining active attrition also tend to be important in explaining reserve attrition. For both prior service and non-
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prior service personnel, higher reserve pay and higher education levels are usually associated with lower attrition, as is greater aptitude [Kostiuk and Follmann ( 1 988), Marquis and Kirby ( 1 989b), Grissmer and Kirby ( 1 988)] . These studies provide mixed results on attrition of women and nonwhites compared with males and whites. One issue of concern has been high attrition among non-prior service reserve personnel. Grissmer and Kirby ( 1 988) find attrition rates of 35 to 40 percent two years after entry. High attrition rates are costly because of the substantial training investment made by the military, and the relative short time non-prior service individuals have been in service relative to prior service who entered the reserves at the same time. But Kirby and Grissmer ( 1 993) show that reserve attrition is not excessive because a significant fraction of those who leave the reserves later rejoin or, alternatively, join the active force. Although reserve attrition is high, only one-third to one-half of the losses are to civilian life. The rest join the active force (about 25 percent of reserve separations) or later rejoin a reserve component. When attrition is defined as separation to civilian life, Kirby and Grissmer find that reserve attrition rates are often lower than they are for comparable non-prior service personnel in the active force. Another issue of concern is the skill qualification levels of reservists. Individuals who are not skill qualified are not deployable which, in turns, adversely affects reserve unit readiness. Some evidence indicates that personnel in the reserve components are often less skill qualified than their active duty counterparts [Grissmer et al. ( 1 994)] . Among enlisted personnel, the skill qualification level among Naval Reserve personnel is 1 3 percentage points lower than that of active Navy enlisted personnel. This figure is 1 0-13 percentage points for the two Army reserve components. One reason for the lower skill qualification level in the reserves is that most prior service accesssions require retraining; they do not enter the skills that were trained in while they were on active duty. Less than one half of prior service personnel match their active and reserve jobs when they affiliate with the reserves. The match rate is higher for the Naval Reserves (70 percent) than for the Army National Guard, where the match rate is less than one-third (Grissmer et al. 1 994). These figures imply that the training cost saving associated with employing prior service over non-prior service personnel is less than is generally believed. Another reason for lower skill qualification levels in the reserves is the significant amount of personnel turnover in reserve units. The Air reserve components have the greatest stability - about 70 percent of the positions are filled by the same enlisted personnel over an 1 8-month period. But the Army reserve components have stability rates of only 45 to 50 percent and the Naval Reserve has the lowest rate, one-third. Eighty percent of this turnover is due to switching units within local areas rather than geographic relocation [Buddin and Grissmer ( 1 994)] . The cause of this turbulence appears to be due to individuals' desires to change j obs or to seek promotion opportunities. The aggregate costs or benefits of this turnover remains an open question.
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The overriding issue is the structure and the appropriate mix of active and reserve forces 1 0 . The US Congress has generally favored a greater reliance on the reserves than the services have. At issue is the substitutability of reserve and active forces and their relative cost. The ease of substitution depends on the speed with which reserve forces can be mobilized and on the relative unit readiness of the reserve and active forces. Some reserve force components are virtually perfect substitutes for their active force counterparts and have the advantage of lower peacetime costs. Examples are Air National Guard and medical units. But anecdotal evidence indicates that in direct combat units the reserve forces require a long lead time for mobilization and are not as combat-ready as the active forces 1 1 . One of the key force mix questions is whether a given active/reserve mix that meets national security goals is sustainable. Analyses of alternative mixes assume that reserve readiness can be maintained regardless of the mix. However, a constraint on the degree to which the active force can be reduced and the reserves increased is the supply of active veterans to the reserves. As the active force gets smaller, the flow of veterans to the reserve forces falls. This constraint is important because of the contribution of prior service personnel to reserve readiness. While direct evidence on the relative contributions of prior service versus non-prior service personnel is scarce, there is an important difference between them that affects readiness, and that is cumulative military experience. Grissmer et al. ( 1 994) shows that among personnel in similar paygrades, non-prior service personnel have about half the military experience of prior service personnel. Debate over the constitution of the active and reserve forces will no doubt continue. More research is needed to understand better the productivity differences between prior service and non-prior service personnel in each of the reserve components.
Civilian returns to military service
The military has long been viewed as a good training ground for the nation 's youth, and the military can have a significant impact on the general society given the thousands of individuals who enter and leave service each year. From an academic perspective, it is interesting to know whether the training and experience acquired in service have a payoff once individuals separate. It is also important from a policy perspective, since the design of an effective compensation system depends on how military service impacts future civilian alternatives.
10 A recent Congressionally mandated study addresses this issue in great detail. The discussion in the text draws heavily from the study's final report [National Defense Research Institute { 1 992)] as well as from Grissmer et a!. ( 1 994). 11 Some Army Reserve armor units activated early in the Gulf crisis were not ready for overseas deployment even after months of training at the National Training Center in California.
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Underlying the returns-to-service literature are the human capital hypothesis and the screening hypothesis. According to the human capital hypothesis, once individuals leave military service their earnings relative to nonveterans will depend on the amount of military training and experience received and their transferability to the civilian sector. For the same amount of training and experience, veterans' civilian earnings will be less than the earnings of comparable non-veterans if all or part of that training and experience is not transferable, because those who directly entered the civilian labor market accumulated civilian human capital while those who entered the military did not. Some types of military training and experience are more transferable than others. According to the screening hypothesis, even if military training does not provide skills that can be used in the civilian sector, military service may still give a positive (negative) return if civilian employers view military service as evidence of desirable (undesirable) work qualities that are inherent to those who serve. Thus, military experience may serve as a signal of the innate characteristics of those who enter the military [DeTray ( 1 982)]. Evidence of a positive or negative return to service is thus consistent with both the human capital hypothesis and the screening hypothesis. However, from the standpoint of addressing the question of what roles the military might play in, say, developing youth, knowing which hypothesis is the correct one is crucial because they yield different policy prescriptions. The general approach to estimating whether there is a veteran's premium in the civilian labor market is to estimate an equation of the form ln W = i5 V + X/3 + E,
(2 1)
where W is the individual's civilian wage, V represents veteran's status, X is a vector of other individual characteristics, E is a random error term, and i5 and f3 are parameters to be estimated. The parameter represents the veteran's premium (if it is positive) or penalty (if it is negative). Studies that apply ordinary least squares (OLS) to Equation (2 1 ) generally find that World War II veterans earn a premium [Fredland and Little ( 1 980), Rosen and Taubman ( 1 982)] but that Vietnam-era veterans suffer a penalty [Rosen and Taubman (1 982), Berger and Hirsch (1 983)] . Furthermore, there is some evidence that the veteran premium is larger for non-whites and for the less educated 1 2 A problem for all of these studies is the failure to control for sample selection bias. Sample selection bias occurs when the unobservable factors that determine earnings (e) are correlated with veteran's status ( V). Such will be the case if individuals are not randomly assigned to the veteran and non-veteran groups. Non-random assignment can occur two ways: ( 1 ) those who enter military service are not a random sample of 12 Xie (1 992), for example, tracks earnings of synthetic cohorts of veterans in the March Current Population Survey of each year from 1 964-1 984. Among white veterans, he finds negligible earnings differences between veterans and non-veterans once a host of other factors are controlled for. But black veterans earn 6% more than non-veterans.
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all qualified youth and (2) those who leave military service are not a random sample of all enlistees. In fact, considerable evidence indicates that the decision to enter or separate from service is not random. The correlation between E and V can be positive or negative, depending on the circumstances. Given that the military screens potential entrants and tends to reject those with lower aptitude and physical exam scores, it could be that V and E are positively correlated since those who score low are likely to be low earners as well. In this case, OLS estimates of 0 will be biased upward. But the correlation could be negative if the more able find enlistment unattractive (as during the early AVF period) or if they are successful in avoiding the draft (as may have been the case during the Vietnam era). Sample selection bias can also arise if the decision to leave the military is not random. The bias could be negative if up-or-out rules force the separation of less able personnel (while the more able stay), but it could also be positive if those with the best civilian alternatives are the ones who actually separate. Only five studies have attempted to correct for selectivity bias: Angrist and Krueger ( 1 994), Angrist ( 1 989, 1 990), Gilroy et a!. ( 1 992), and Bryant et a!. ( 1 993). The latter two employ Heckman's two step method of correcting for sample selection bias [Heckman ( 1 979)] . Angrist's various studies use a simpler instrumental variables technique: find a variable correlated with veteran's status (V) but not the unobservable determinants of earnings (E) and use it as an instrument for V. He takes advantage of the lottery nature of the draft, which randomly assigned youth into draft status based on birth date to form an instrument for V. Analysis of results based on simple OLS with those based on instrumental variables techniques find that estimates based on OLS are inconsistent whereas those based on the instrumental variables method are not. Angrist (1 989) finds a penalty of28 to 35 percent for white Vietnam-era veterans and a premium (that is only marginally significant) of between 20 to 40 percent for black veterans. Using alternative data sources, Angrist ( 1 990) arrives at qualitatively similar results. Angrist and Krueger (1 994) restudy the earnings of World War II veterans. Using an instrument for veteran status based on birth year and month, they estimate a wage penalty of 6.4 percent using the instrumental variable method but a 7.8 percent premium using OLS. Specification tests indicate that the negative estimates based on the instrumental variable technique are consistent while the OLS estimates are not. The two studies of AVF veterans find mixed results. Gilroy et a!. ( 1 992) find that white veterans initially earn less upon leaving service but then earn more relative to a comparable group of nonveterans who entered the civilian market upon leaving high school. Over an 8-year time horizon, the premium for non-Hispanic whites is estimated to be about 5 percent. But they find a zero returns for blacks and for Hispanics. Bryant et a!. ( 1 993) also focus on AVF veterans. Contrary to Gilroy et a!. and more consistent with the various Angrist studies, they estimate a veteran wage penalty of between 1 and 8 percent. The wage penalty is estimated to be greater for whites than for nonwhites. The bulk of the veterans in these studies served for relatively short periods. Thus studies that contrast veteran and non-veteran earnings tell little about how longer periods of service affect future civilian earnings capacity compared with civilian
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experience. And since none of these studies controlled for military occupation, they tell nothing about whether post-service earnings depend upon the type of training. One such study that addresses these questions is Borjas and Welch (1 986), who studied the earnings of military retirees who were surveyed in the 1 977 Defense Retiree Survey along with a matched sample of veterans from the March 1 977 Current Population Survey (and who presumably served for relatively short periods) 13 . Over the span of the second-career, officer retirees who work year-round earn 1 4 percent less than their veteran counterparts and enlisted retirees earn 20 percent less. Enlisted personnel in the Combat Arms skills lost an additional 13 percent. Goldberg and Warner ( 1 987) found similar patterns studying the Social Security earnings over the period 1 972-1 977 of a large sample of enlisted personnel that separated in FY 1 97 1 . For three occupation categories that appear a priori to provide transferable training (e.g., Electronics Equipment Repair), the authors could not reject the hypothesis that additional military experience adds as much as civilian experience to future civilian earnings. In these skills, military and civilian experience appear to be perfect substitutes. But other skills do not appear a priori to provide as much transferable training (e.g., Combat Arms), as a year of military experience was found to add less to subsequent civilian earnings than a year of civilian experience. Over a 20-year career, the earnings loss is about 20 percent in the non-transferable skills. To summarize, the bulk of evidence fails to support a finding that military service conveys a post-service return that is in excess of the return from civilian experience. Collectively, the studies suggest that for short periods of service the return to military service is roughly comparable to the return to civilian experience. In fact, that those who enter for one term of military service do not suffer a large loss should be considered a positive result, for it suggests that military service is a legitimate avenue for the acquisition of human capital. But those individuals who serve for longer periods in non-transferable skills do suffer a loss of earning power, a fact that must be considered in the design of the military compensation system.
8. Summary
It is evident from this survey that over the past two decades economists have contributed a substantial body of literature on the economics of military manpower. For the USA at least, supply relationships and the relationships between experience and productivity are now reasonably well understood. Future research should focus on the relationship between productivity and incentives and how effectively military personnel systems sort personnel into their most suitable positions. The bulk of research has focused on the USA. But pay and personnel practices do vary across
13 Comparing retirees with (short-service) veterans should eliminate some of the entry-level selection bias since all entrants met initial screens.
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countries. Whether differences in practices generate differences in outcomes would be a particularly fruitful avenue of future work. As militaries in the US and elsewhere accumulate more data about the effectiveness of women and reservists, economists will no doubt play a role in the analysis and interpretation of those data. Finally, this survey has said little about the military downsizings now underway in the USA and elsewhere. It is too early to tell what effects they will have on various measures of effectiveness and how military organizational structures might be modified to minimize their impact. But the downsizings, which generate exogenous changes in force size and force structure, will create numerous opportunities to better understand the economics of military manpower.
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University ofLeeds
Contents Abstract Keywords
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Introduction Defining the defense industrial base The defense equipment market The military industrial complex The structure and evolution of the DIB Efficiency and economic effects Developments in the DIB
8.. Conclusions
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and r Sandler © 1 995 Elsevier Science B. V All rights reserved
400 400 401 402 406 409 411 422 424 426 427
J.P. Dunne
This chapter provides a survey of research on the defense industrial base (DIB) focusing on the advanced industrial capitalist economies. It starts by looking at the problems of definition and measurement and how these have been dealt with in practice. This is followed by an overview of the nature of the defense equipment market and the concept of the military industrial complex. An analysis of the evolution and the structure of the DIB is then presented and the evidence on the efficiency of the DIB and its economic effects are reviewed. Finally, the restructuring of the DIB that has taken place since the end of the Cold War and the likely future developments are discussed.
Defense industrial base (DIB), military industrial complex, defense equipment, efficiency, economic effects, restructuring
Ch. 1 4:
The Defense Industrial Base
1. Introduction
This chapter will consider the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), a concept which has common usage in debates over the economics of military spending, but, as shall be seen, a rather ephemeral character. It is generally accepted that many of the maj or economies have a national DIB in the sense that they have a sector or groups of industries that are dependent to some degree on defense spending and upon which the state is dependent for some degree of self sufficiency in the production of the means of defense and war. The major companies in the DIB are often easily identifiable, but trying to analyse the full extent of the DIB leads to considerable conceptual and practical problems. This is evident in the variety of theoretical and empirical analyses of the DIB and the way they differ in their assessment of its scope, role, and importance. While many studies focus on the purely functional role of the DIB, its efficiency in producing military related products and the importance and affordability of self sufficiency, others stress more general aspects of the DIB. They see the DIB companies not simply as passive suppliers of weapons systems but as active participants in the determination of the level of defense spending, as an important part of a set of vested interests which make up the " Military Industrial Complex" (MIC). In this way the DIB can have influence and effect well beyond that of providing the means for defense of the realm. Both the MIC and the DIB have their roots in the mechanization of weaponry and war towards the end of the last century, but an important spur to their development has been the Cold War and the unprecedentedly high peacetime military spending associated with it. With the end of the Cold War the military industries are facing declining demands for their products in increasingly competitive markets. This has led to a profound restructuring and downsizing of the companies and changes in the relations between the companies and the government. The trends towards collaboration and internationalization of defense companies may mean that the idea of a national defense industrial base may soon be irrelevant (see Chapter 16 of this Handbook). Understanding the nature of the DIB and the transformations it is undergoing is an important task. The DIB is an important part of many advanced economies, and if not handled properly downsizing can cause economic problems, which can fuel opposition to further disarmament. Companies can also respond to reduced domestic demand by exporting arms to volatile areas and the internationalization of the DIB reduces the control national governments have over it. Such developments present clear dangers to world peace and could prevent the move to a post-Cold War environment with reduced military burdens. The rest of this chapter will attempt to provide an understanding of the nature and extent of the DIB and the developments taking place in it. To this end Section 2 considers the not inconsiderable problems of trying to define the DIB. This is followed by a discussion of the problems of the nature of the defense equipment market in which the DIB operates. When the DIB is not simply treated as a passive actor in
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the dynamics of defense policy making, the interaction with the rest of society and the proactive activities of vested interests have to be considered: the DIB becomes the Military Industrial Complex. This is discussed in Section 5, followed by an analysis of the evolution and structure of the DIB in Section 6. Section 7 then considers the issues surrounding the efficiency and economic impact of the DIB, and Section 8 outlines the developments that have been taking place with the restructuring at the end of the Cold War. Finally Section 9 presents some conclusions. 2. Defining the defense industrial base
At a superficial level the idea of a Defense Industrial Base is fairly straightforward. It constitutes those companies which provide defense and defense related equipment to the defense ministry. But if we try to operationalise this definition there are many problems. Defining the defense industry itself is not straightforward, as the range of products involved can be very wide. Weapons differ greatly, from large technologically advanced and expensive weapons systems to inexpensive small arms, and there are numerous other more general commodities consumed by the military. One useful way of classifying the DIB products is to consider their relation to military action or warfare. There are: (i) Lethal large or small weapons systems. (ii) Non-lethal but strategic products (e.g. vehicles and fuel). (iii) Other products consumed by the military (e.g. food and clothing). It is important to recognize that this hierarchy does not necessarily reflect importance to the military or to the production of security. Most weapons systems could not operate without the strategic products, fuel and transport, and soldiers could not survive without food. The companies that make up the DIB will also differ, both in the degree of their dependence on military production and in their importance to the DIB. There is no reason why these two should be positively related. Some large diversified companies may only consider their DIB activities as marginal but may be vital producers of particular weapons systems, while some smaller companies may be wholly dependent on military related orders but not important suppliers. We could classify companies by the following taxonomy: Dependence on DIB Importance to DIB
Low The closer a company is to the top left hand comer the stronger its claim to DIB membership. Companies would range from the high dependence high importance ones
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(e.g. VSEL in the UK, Northrop in the USA, GIAT in France), through low dependence high importance (e.g. GEC in the UK, McDonnell Douglas in the USA, Daimler Benz in Germany), through the high dependence but relatively low importance (sub contractors who make very specific but relatively easily sourced components for the main contractors), through to the companies which make relatively low importance products, such as paper towels, and have little dependence on the military. Of course the importance of a product to the military may not necessarily be reflected in its monetary value. Some researchers have focused upon the technological aspects of the DIB. Walker et al. ( 1 988) and Schofield ( 1 993) suggest that it is important to recognize that the prime defense contractors are systems manufacturers integrating a variety of subsystems into a complete final product. There is then a hierarchy of products from systems to low level components which have different generic and specific characteristics and a decreasing differentiation between military and civil products. Indeed, many of the low level technologies are "dual use". The hierarchy they suggest ts: Military strategies and concepts (high level planning) (i) (ii) Integrated weapon and information systems (e.g. national early warning sys tems) (iii) Maj or weapon platforms and communication systems (e.g. aircraft, battleships, etc.) (iv) Complete weapon and communications component parts (e.g. torpedoes) (v) Sub-systems (e.g. gyroscopes) (vi) Sub-assemblies (e.g. sights, fuses) (vii) Components (e.g. integrated circuits) (viii) Materials (e.g. semi-conductors). These categories range from the high unit cost, complex systemic integration products, with long product life, at the top to low unit cost mass produced products at the bottom. At any level the characteristics of products will also differ depending on whether they are custom made or standard. This taxonomy is useful in highlighting the difference in civil and military products and so suggesting what constitutes the core of the DIB, but as with the other taxonomies, it does not say where to draw the line in defining the DIB. Even if we were clear on what constituted the DIB there are problems involved in measuring it. A direct measure of the DIB companies will tend to understate its importance as there are many sub-contractors who are dependent to different degrees on military-related orders but through the intermediary of other contractors. Indeed, some firms will not know they are part of the DIB if they are making intermediate products or components (e.g. ball bearings). There are also important distributional issues as many defense producers provide the main industrial presence in outlying regions. The definition of what constitutes military production is not always straightforward and can differ across countries. The production and export of weapon components (e.g.
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the UK-Iraqi supergun affair), anti-insurrection and riot control equipment, razor wire and torture and other such equipment will not necessarily be classified as military. Such problems are being exacerbated by the tendency for governments to put considerable emphasis on the development of dual use technologies, which blur the military-civil distinction. It is also not uncommon for defense related work to be found under civil headings. Walker ( 1 988) suggested that the UK dependence on military production tends to be considerably underestimated, particularly in the electronics industry. Given all of these problems, how the DIB is defined in any particular study is likely to depend on the questions being asked, how the information is to be used, and the resources available. If the concern is the capability of the UK to produce the range of military equipment necessary for super power status then the major defense producers need to be considered. If concern is with both the production of weapons and the protection of strategically important aspects of the economy we would include many more. Indeed, in the interest of maintaining a credible defense of its neutrality Sweden had a policy of maintaining a strong domestic production capability in all strategic industries: this even included the clothing industry [Thorsson ( 1 984)]. When the definition of the DIB is this wide its maintenance can look remarkably like a form of industrial planning. So far we have focused on the domestic industry, but it is also possible to see foreign suppliers as part of the DIB. To illustrate this Hartley ( 1 99 1 ) suggests two extreme definitions of the DIB at the opposite ends of the policy spectrum. The "free market" definition of the DIB, which would include only those UK companies which have a comparative advantage, and a "fortress Britain" approach in which all aspects of military capability are included. In the free market case the government would simply take the best deal and if UK companies happened to provide it all well and good. In between these extremes lie the other definitions such as all firms receiving MoD contracts, or a minimum core of national assets, with some level of self sufficiency. There has been considerable debate over the importance of self sufficiency in arms production. The security advantages are presented as the ability to produce in house all advanced means of warfare and to be able to increase production quickly in times of crisis and war. For example, Gansler ( 1 980) argued that the problems of the DIB in the USA were the result of a failure to recognize the need for proactive policies by government. He made the point that the defense market operated far from a competitive ideal and attempts to use free market policies piecemeal in individual cases and sectors had led to "second best" problems, making the DIB inefficient in the production of defense materiel and unresponsive in terms of production speed up to meet an emergency. With the increasing sophistication and costs of advanced weaponry, however, maintaining a national capability across the whole range of weapons does not come cheap. It is also not clear that it is an advantage or a realistic option. As Hartley et al. (1 987) argue self sufficiency may not be important for the UK given the degree of collaboration already underway and the likely nature of future conflicts. Also, a complete national DIB in any country is still likely to require imports of components.
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Even the USA is now dependent on Japanese components for the production of advanced weapons systems. This is underlined by Ratner and Thomas ( 1 990) who argue that rather than dichotomizing the imports/self sufficiency arguments planners should look at the vulnerability of different products to disruption (e.g. some are made by safe countries, as Canada is for the USA, some are easily substituted). It should be possible to specify scenarios, work out the risks involved, and design an optimal procurement policy which minimizes supply disruptions and does not simply reject the possibility of imports. A failure to recognize this has tended to lead governments to see "defense industry deficiencies" and to be biased towards subsidizing relatively inefficient domestic companies when safe alternatives were available. It is also important to recognize that the DIB has tended to fulfil a role beyond providing the means of warfare. During the Cold War the main justification used for maintaining an increasingly expensive DIB was the security from the Soviet threat. However, arguments that the DIB provided skilled employment and technological progress through spin-off were also given considerable weight. The arguments that the DIB simply crowded-out private sector investment and employment were generally ignored. Certainly the DIB had an important role in government industrial and technology policy (especially in the USA, France and the UK) whether explicit or implicit. These factors mean that any evaluation of the role and nature of the DIB has to be more wide ranging than merely a consideration of self sufficiency. In the post-Cold War period the emphasis has in fact shifted from arguments that it is necessary to maintain complete production facilities to the possibility of maintaining strategic autonomy through maintaining the technological capability to produce advanced weapons systems. This can be through encouraging the development of "dual use" technologies, which are intended to allow the defense contractors to diversify into civil markets and make them less dependent on defense procurement, but still maintain weapons production capabilities. But dual use technologies may simply saddle companies with restrictions which make them less competitive in the civil market and increase their problems of adjusting to cuts in procurement. In addition, there are alternatives. Technological capability can be maintained through licensing, collaboration and j oint ventures and it is to these last two options that many maj or defense contractors have been turning [see Coopey et al. ( 1 994)]. The problems of defining the DIB inevitably lead to problems of measurement. These are compounded by the secrecy surrounding the information on defense companies in many countries. This secrecy may be the result of government sensitivity or firm sensitivity. In companies that are not solely defense producers it is often difficult to get a breakdown of the defense and civil work and its contribution to profits, etc. This can be because of the difficulty of accounting j oint costs, but even in companies where defense divisions are kept separate any cross subsidization of civil production by lucrative defense contracts is likely to be hidden. It is also difficult to obtain data on the employment and skill composition of the labor force, especially on the employment of qualified scientists and engineers because of the secrecy surrounding research [Buck
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et al. ( 1 993)]. In the USA the private defense firms are legally required to provide information and the government has made relatively explicit use of the defense sector as a tool of industrial policy, meaning that more information is available than in other countries [Cypher ( 1 987)]. In contrast, in the UK public ownership (pre- 1 977) and generally secrecy has limited the information available. However, privatization, take over bids, and recent changes in contractual arrangements have made the defense sector more transparent [Dunne and Smith ( 1 992)] . To measure the full extent of the DIB in terms of employment would require identifying all firms involved in defense production, including the supply chain of sub contractors. This is difficult because it can be difficult to identify the proportion of the workforce involved in defense work, even in the prime contractors, and the problem becomes worse when firms are involved in the production of dual use technologies. In addition, defense production will have an induced multiplier effect on local economies through consumption of the workers and this is difficult to identify [Paukert and Richards ( 1 99 1 ) provides contributions which cover these issues; see also Chapter 1 7 o f this Handbook and Dunne ( 1 986)]. Overall, it would appear that the DIB is not a simple well defined and easily measured concept. In practice the definition of the DIB used in a particular study is likely to be dependent on the questions being asked and the likely use of the information, while data and resource availability are likely to determine the scope of measurement. With any definition of the DIB, however, there are characteristics of the market for defense equipment which make it different from most civil markets. The next section considers these characteristics.
3. The defense equipment market
The determining feature of the defense market is the monopsonistic role of the government. In such a situation the government is the prime moving force in determining both the demand side of the market and much of the supply side, though the final form of the DIB is also historically contingent. The government can influence the size of the industry, its structure, entry and exit, prices and profits, efficiency, ownership and level of technology. Its decisions on what to buy, where to buy it, how to buy it, and the importance of wider policy objectives will be paramount, while its policies of protection, support, financial assistance, infrastructural and capital investment, education, and ideology will also be important. Of course, in principle the DIB companies although tied to government procurement also have the option of exporting but in practice this is normally regulated by the government [Smith ( 1 990)]. As we shall see it was the high military expenditures post-World War II which encouraged corporate involvement in lucrative defense orders, while the high R&D expenditures influenced the structure and performance of the companies. The high R&D costs in turn influenced the trend in costs, making them higher than civil costs
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and the nature of production, small batch, technologically advanced and concerned with performance rather than cost minimization, limited the extent of economies of scale and learning that could be achieved. All of these factors influenced the size and structure of the DIB and how it developed over the post- 1 945 period [Baack and Ray ( 1 985)]. While other large companies are similar in structure the products they produce and the sub-systems they integrate will have a different technological forms and requirements embodied in them. The further one moves up the hierarchy the more different the civil and military products and production processes will be, meaning that the nature of capital equipment, labor skills, and the organization of production become increasingly specific to the sector [Hooper and Buck ( 1 99 1)]. This still leaves the problem that many important defense companies have large civil operations but evidence suggests that the different requirements of the defense market and the particular social relations of production they engender have led companies to keep their defense divisions very separate from their civil divisions [see Maddock ( 1 983), Southwood ( 1 99 1 )]. The general characteristics of defense production which result from the monopson istic structure of the market are: (i) An emphasis on performance of high technology weaponry rather than on cost [Kaldor ( 1 99 1)). (ii) Risk borne by government who often finance R&D and in some cases provide investment in capital and infrastructure. (iii) Elaborate rules and regulations on contracts. This is necessary in the absence of any form of competitive market and to assure public accountability [Peck and Scherer ( 1 962)]. (iv) Close relations between contractors, procurement executive and military. The "revolving door" is common, which sees military and civil servants moving to defense contractors they had dealings with and defense contractors moving into the bureaucracy. (v) Outside of the USA many companies will be national monopolies or close to it, meaning that any introduction of competition will need to be in the form of foreign firms. This can be implicit rather than explicit, by creating contestable markets with potential competition from abroad, although there may be problems of proving this a credible threat [Baumol et al. ( 1 9 82)) . These characteristics will tend to favor those firms who specialise in defense work. They will know their way around the red tape and will have the contacts. They will become experts at getting money out of government, rather than being successful in commercial markets. The companies seek involvement in the development programs for technologically advanced weapons systems as the best means of obtaining the subsequent production contracts. This can lead to 'buy ins', where firms understate risk or cost to win initial contracts, making up the losses later. In addition, past programs have seen 'gold plating' where the military continually ask for extras or continuous technological improvements over the contract period. This allows
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renegotiation of contracts or additional payments, usually to the advantage of the contractor [Laffont and Tirole ( 1 993) provide a theoretical overview of many of these issues]. As a result of the structure of the market there are both barriers to entry and barriers to exit, which have led, until recently, to the DIB showing remarkably stability in terms of its composition of main contractors [see Gansler ( 1 980)]. These barriers can be categorized as market, technological and procedural. The barriers to entry are: (i) Market. The marketing of military products is different to commercial products as personal contacts and networking are likely to be more important than general advertising. Market demand for arms is also limited by the government and is likely to be inelastic. This means that entrants cannot rely on an expansion of the market to accommodate them, as prices are reduced, but are likely to have to fight against and replace incumbents. There is also likely to be considerable brand loyalty given the nature of the products. Customers may require compatibility with previously purchased weapons systems, or may provide follow-on orders from previous contracts. (ii) Technological. The nature of defense production promotes a concern for technical characteristics and so proven capability is important to the buyer and difficult for potential entrants to prove. Many projects will need to be taken through the development stage to production and this will require a highly skilled workforce and expensive specialized capital equipment. Management styles will also need to be different to civil production. (iii) Procedural. Political considerations are likely to influence the winning of large contracts, and personal contacts that are built up over time are likely to be important. It is likely that mastering the detailed procedural regulations and accounting practices that have been developed will be difficult for the newcomer. In addition, larger contractors may not play by the rules (e.g. they may "buy in", putting in very low bids at the beginning of the contract in the expectation of either being able to make money later when the inevitable specification changes are requested or by winning future contracts). Also new firms need security clearance and this can be expensive and time consuming to obtain. These barriers will effect both defense sub-contractors trying to move to the top league and other large civil contractors trying to break in. There have been some attempts to break these barriers in the USA and the UK by changing contractual arrangements, paying competing firms to produce prototypes before deciding on the winner, and by allowing foreign competition. In fact the threat of outside competition is usually intended to create contestable markets and make domestic suppliers more efficient, rather than to replace them. This does require that the threats are credible to prevent complacency. This policy was seen clearly in the UK where the government did open up the defense markets as part of the policy of reform. Foreign suppliers replaced UK contractors in, for example, the cancellation of Nimrod and the purchase of US AWACS.
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The barriers to exit are: ( 1 ) Market. The marketing of civil products and the need to compete on price make the civil market place very different to the world of defense companies. Defense contracts can be safe and profitable and often long term commitments. The market is cyclical and even in lean spells it may be worth staying in the market in the expectation of better times, particularly as the government is still likely to bail out maj or contractors in trouble. In addition, even when there are cuts in domestic sales governments are happy to provide assistance for foreign sales (including providing contacts, VIP visitors, export credits and assistance in the country), and these can be lucrative. (2) Technological. Government defense R&D sponsorship is valuable to companies and not something they would want to lose, with some firms using government owned plant and equipment. In addition, the specialist skills and capital equipment are difficult (or impossible) to convert to civil production. The management techniques required in civil production are also very different and the emphasis on quality regardless of cost rather than quantity and low cost may be difficult to alter. (3) Procedural. Maj or defense contractors have become successful at handling the complex procedures and getting money out of government. Having developed these skills they will not want to give them up. In addition, some firms may also fight to stay in a declining defense market because they have a sense of duty to the nation, in producing the means of defense, rather than for commercial motives. These factors mean that not only has it been difficult for companies to enter into the defense sector to produce weapons systems, or to upgrade from sub-contractor status, but also that it is difficult for the defense companies to leave the industry [Gansler ( 1 980, 1 989)] . 4. The military industrial complex
So far we have discussed the DIB as a passive component of national security policy, molded by government policy. In doing so we are implicitly arguing that national governments make decisions about the need for defensive and offensive capabilities, decide the best way to achieve these in terms of force structures and weapons procurement, and then decide on the form of DIB best suited to achieving these ends. This can be seen in the literature both on input budgeting and program or output budgeting, where the problem is seen as finding the most efficient means of producing particular outcomes, taking a national security perspective [see Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995), Rogerson ( 1 994), and Chapter 1 2 of this Handbook on procurement for a discussion of these issues] . In many ways this reflects the neo-classical approach to military expenditure which is based upon the notion of a state with a well defined social welfare function, reflecting some form of social democratic consensus, recognizing some well defined national interest, and threatened by some real or apparent potential enemy. In this approach the
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DIB would simply be determined as the most efficient way of producing the optimal level of security. The problem with this perspective is that the size and importance of the DIB within many countries, particularly the USA, has inevitably led to it linking into other parts of society and the economy. Once we move beyond seeing the DIB as a passive capability to provide weapons systems and recognize the fact that it may have proactive tendencies (rent seeking and trying to capture the regulators) these linkages become important. More recent neo-classical literature has addressed these problems and attempted to integrate political factors, such as bargaining and interest groups, that determine sources of weapons and levels of protection [e.g. Grossman and Helpman ( 1 994)]. But this still represents a partial analysis focusing on particular aspects of the problem. It does not address the complex dialectical interaction between the demand side and the supply side in which both will influence each other and set the parameters for decision making and the outcome will be a complex dynamic process, which can be both contradictory and conftictual. More general analyses locate the DIB firmly within the context of the wider military industrial complex (MIC). This term was introduced by Dwight Eisenhower, an ex military Republican President of the USA. He was concerned that coalitions of vested interests within the state and industry could lead to decisions being made which were in the interest of the coalition members and not necessarily in the interests of national security. These coalitions could include some members of the armed services, of the civilian defense bureaucracy, of the legislature, of the arms manufacturers and of their workers. From the point of view of someone like Eisenhower this was a case where the interests of capitalism [discussed in Smith ( 1 977)] might diverge from the interests of capitalist defense firms. Indeed, Schwarz ( 1 990) in a detailed historical analysis of the development of the MIC uses the term 'military industrial congressional complex' to emphasize the importance of political linkages. In addition, Schwarz points out that the development of the MIC in the USA was linked to the New Deal economists and their attempts to introduce economic planning. Following Smith ( 1 977) we can characterise this approach as the liberal or institutional approach. It hinges on the nature of a 'military industrial complex' composed of conflicting interest groups and institutional linkages. The MIC becomes a self generating structure (agency) which embodies the interests of various groups in society. The strength of the vested interests and their competition for resources, leads to internal pressures for military spending, with external threats providing the justification. For this approach there is a national interest but it is distorted by vested interests. The MIC imposes a burden on the rest of society and has adverse effects on the civilian sector. It crowds out civilian resources, and the companies involved develop a culture which leads to inefficiency and waste and an increasing reliance on defense contracts as they become less able to compete in the civilian market [see Melman ( 1 970, 1 97 1 , 1 985) and Dumas ( 1 986)). The theoretical underpinnings of this work were originally based on C. Wright Mills' 1956 analysis of the power elite, but there are also variants which follow a Weberian
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focus on the role of bureaucracy and the work of Galbraith on coalitions [see Slater and Nardin ( 1 973) and Moskos ( 1 972)] . There is also a considerable amount of work undertaken from a Marxist perspective. While this approach is often typified as a focus on ruling class concept of the MIC [see Brunton (1988)] it is much richer and more varied than this suggests. The role of military expenditure in the development of capitalism is seen as much wider and more pervasive than in the institutional approach, but with the military industrial complex constrained by the laws of motion of the capitalist system. Within the Marxist approach there are a number of strands which tend to differ in their treatment of crisis and in the extent to which they see military expenditure as necessary for capital accumulation [see Dunne ( 1 990)] . The underconsumptionist approach developed from the work of Baran and Sweezy (1 966) sees military spending as important in preventing realization crises as it allows the absorption of surplus without increasing wages, unlike other forms of government spending, and so maintains profits. In this way the MIC provides a valuable service to maintaining capitalism. A similar perspective, but one which focuses on the tendency for capitalist economies to overproduce, is the permanent arms economy [Kidron ( 1 968)] . In this theory military expenditure is wasteful and pushing resources into it prevents overheating. Thus the inefficiencies of the MIC and the DIB can be seen as positive factors and the development of the MIC and the DIB play a positive role in capitalist development [see Howard and King ( 1 992)]. Empirical work, starting with Smith ( 1 977) has, however, failed to find support for the underconsumptionist approach and its prediction of a positive economic effect of military spending. Pivetti (1 992) and Smith and Dunne ( 1 994) provide recent contributions to the debate. There is no clear conceptualization of the MIC. Indeed, the concept appears to be most of value as a descriptive rather than an analytical concept [see Fine (1993)]. This has led some researchers to emphasize the changing nature of the MIC and the need to focus on its dynamics at an empirical level. Smith and Smith ( 1983) argue that the MIC should be seen as a coalition of interests and that the focus should be on the structural pairings that have developed between particular sections of private industry and particular parts of the military which have inevitably led to mutual interests. In contrast, Brunton ( 1 988) argues that the MIC should be seen as an evolving system of institutions rather than focusing on individual components. There clearly is a set of vested interests which influence policy on military spending - a MIC - in the same way as there are vested interests that influence policy decisions in health and education and other such areas. There is no conceptual difference between the MIC and other industrial complexes, but there are important differences in detail, in particular in the way the DIB operates, and it is to these we now tum. 5. The structure and evolution of the DIB
The DIB has been in existence at least since the end of the 1 9th century. It was the result of the rise of capitalist industry which revolutionized weapons technology, with
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mass production and mechanization. At this time, the arms industry was markedly international in orientation and was dominated by a handful of large companies all of whom did well in the rearmament for the First World War. At the end of the war the companies formed cartels to carve up the international market in the face of slack demand. This continued until the 1 93 0s when governments in the maj or powers became more inward looking and made conscious efforts to build up indigenous arms production capabilities. In the UK and the USA this took the form of direct government involvement in a set of core industries, with the institutions of the New Deal playing a maj or role in US war mobilization [Schwarz (1 990)]. The Second World War then saw the capitalist economies militarized to an unprecedented degree and the DIB in its "national" form was established [Lovering ( 1 990, 1 993)]. With the end of World War II there was a massive reconversion of plants back to civil production, but the new technologies developed during the war suggested the need for new specialized industries. In particular, the importance of air power in the war had spurred technological developments which, in the post- 1 945 period, suggested the need for both civilian and military developments in the aircraft industry. There was a growing civil market and a large scale development of j et propelled fighters and it became necessary for the state to involve itself to maintain and develop capabilities [Edgerton (199 1)]. The devastation of World War II (after the war, of the advanced economies only the USA, the UK and Sweden had their defense industries largely intact) and the onset of the East-West confrontation underlined the need for the development of national capabilities in arms research, development and production. This led to considerable turbulence in the defense industries, especially in the USA [see Reppy ( 1 993), Gansler ( 1 980)] with the entry of new firms ready to develop and produce the new weapons of the missile age. In the 1 960s things settled down, although the speed of technological development continued and there was a shift towards computer-related technologies and a growth in the ability of prime contractors to internalise technological change. Rather than new entrants, large contractors internalized technological developments and developed ever closer links with the military. R&D complexes, funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) were formed in the USA. The barriers to entry increased, with increasingly complex procurement regulations and accounting procedures, while the barriers to exit were increased by the same factors. As a result the list of maj or defense contractors varied surprisingly little since the 1 960s until the recent restructuring. There were certainly some mergers and exits but much less than among non-defense contractors. There was less turbulence and more government involvement in other countries, particularly the UK, mainly because of the smaller size of their markets, but a similar pattern over time was apparent. This changed in the UK in the 1 980s with the privatization of the main defense contractors and then the introduction of competition policy in the mid- 1 980s. The thawing out and end of the Cold War also saw a final end to the stability of the defense industry. Cuts in procurement expenditures and changes in government policy have led to a marked restructuring which we will consider in more detail later [Wulf ( 1 993c)].
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413 Table I NATO's defense budgets •
Defense as percentage of GDP Average, 1 992
1 985- 1 989 Belgium Canada Denmark France Germany Greece Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Turkey UK USA NATO Europe NATO total
2.9 2.1 2.1 3.8 3.0 6.2 2.3 1.1 2.9 3.2 3.2 2.2 3.3 4.6 6.3 3.3 4.7
• Source: NATO. b Equipment expenditures include R&D.
% equipment expenditures b i n defense Average, 1 992
1 985- 1 989 1 .9 1 .9 2.0 3.4 2.2 5.6 2.0 1 .2 2.5 3.4 3.0 1 .6 3.9 3.8 5.2 2.7 3.7
12.1 1 9.7 1 4.0 n.a. '
19.6 1 8.2 19.7 3.5 1 9 .8 2 1 .7 7.6 n.a.
1 8.2 24.8 25.6
8.2 1 8.6 1 7.8 n.a.
1 3.3 23.4 1 5.0 4.6 14.2 24.4 2.2 1 0.9 24.8 18.1 22.9
' n.a.: not available.
On the demand side the USA is clearly dominant, both in terms of the size of its domestic market and the level of its military expenditure. As Table 1 shows the USA has by far the highest defense expenditure as a share of GDP in NATO, with the European military economy dominated by France, Germany and the UK, who spend almost 70 percent of the total for all European NATO countries. As far as the DIB is concerned the maj or concern is the trends in procurement expenditure, and again the USA is dominant: indeed it spends more than twice as much on the procurement of major weapons systems as all European NATO countries put together, including France. Also, while the real military expenditures in France and Germany were of similar magnitudes to the UK, the UK had much the highest procurement expenditure. The pattern over time shows a general, more pronounced, increase in the early 1 980s and a general decline in expenditure in the late 1 980s. This shrinkage in demand was combined with a declining and increasingly competitive international arms market (see Chapter 1 8 of this Handbook). An important aspect of military spending is Government funded defense R&D, and as Table 2 shows this is rather irregularly distributed among the six largest R&D spenders in the OECD. In 1 990 the USA was, and continues to be, by far the largest
J.P. Dunne Table 2 Research and Development•
Military R&D in
R&D expenditure (millions of £)
Percentage of total government R&D 62.6
3 145
1 3.5
2 1 83
R&D as percentage of GDP
1 967
1 975
1 985
1 988
1 990
Defense R&D USA
1 .0 1
0.5 1
Industry financed R&D USA
1 .0 1
1 .0 1
1 .35
1 .38
1 . 12
1 .84
1 .95
1 . 12
1 .58
1 .78
1 .00
1 .06
• Source: OECD and UK Government Statistics.
spender on military R&D. It allocates some 1 3 percent of its defense budget to R&D, a figure which reflects a growth of 80 percent between 1 980 and 1 990, mainly due to the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Despite some cuts in the late 1 980s the US defense R&D still remains high, four times as high as the total for the other countries in 1 990. At the other extreme, Japan has by far the smallest allocation of R&D resources to defense, which is not surprising given its commitment to limiting its military spending to less than 1 percent of GDP. In 1 990 just over 5 percent of government R&D spending was military related in Japan, representing only 0.02 percent of GDP. However, Japan and to a lesser extent Germany do pay for R&D via licensed production of US equipment (e.g. the F l 5 fighter).
Ch. 14:
The Defense Industrial Base
The UK, France, and Germany all spent about the same amount on defense in absolute terms, but the expenditure patterns for R&D are very different. The share of GDP devoted to R&D was considerably higher in Germany, but the share of defense R&D was considerably lower than in both France and the UK. Only 1 3 . 5 percent of government R&D was defense related in Germany, while the figures for the UK and France were 44 percent and 40 percent, respectively (there are suggestions that some defense R&D work is hidden under other categories in Germany). In addition, in the UK and France nuclear R&D is an important element of the high military R&D expenditure. Between 1 967 and 1 988 there is some evidence of a slight increase in industry financed R&D as a share of GDP in most countries. In the late 1 980s there does seem to have been a decline in defense R&D as a share of GDP allocated to R&D, but rather less than expected given the cuts in spending. There is also some evidence that, while the Cold War arms race may be over, the dynamic of weapons development may be continuing [see PRODEM ( 1 993)]. In 1 988 SIPRI started to collect information on the world's 1 00 largest firms. Until then there were no consistent data sources on the international DIB, only collections of case studies of particular countries [e.g. Ball and Leitenberg ( 1 983)]. While these were valuable, the creation of a consistent data source allows a better investigation of the changing structure of the DIB. Using this source, Table 3 shows the top 1 00 defense companies in 1 99 1 , by country, and gives their value of arms sales, arms sales as a share of total sales, and employment in 1 99 1 . Some care must be taken in interpreting the data as there are problems of reliability: some companies report defense related work while for others it has had to be estimated. One striking feature of this list is the degree to which the large defense firms have maintained their dominance. The maj or contractors are generally the same companies who would have been in the top twenty 1 0 or 20 years ago. It is also noticeable that the European national champions are quite small relative to their American competitors: in 1 988 the combined arms sales of the 1 00 top European companies was about the same as the those of the top 1 0 US companies. In world terms in 1 9 9 1 the largest European contractor, BAe, ranked 7th. There have been a number of changes since 1 99 1 , through merger and takeover in the USA and Europe, but the general picture remains the same. The general expectation is that the market will soon comprise a few large players and a periphery of specialist niche producers. As Table 4 shows, the US and Western European companies dominate the top 1 00 list, with the US companies producing 6 1 % of the total arms sales and the European ones 33%. After the USA, the UK has the largest number of contractors in the top 1 00, but France has the highest arms sales; together they make up 6 1 % o f non-US OECD sales. The increasing involvement o f Japanese companies i n arms production is evident, with them accounting for over 3% of OECD arms sales, the same as Italy. The DIB contractors tend to be concentrated in the aerospace, electronics, ordnance, and shipbuilding industries. Table 5 shows that in the European countries with the largest defense sectors, the largest shares in military procurement expenditure tend to
J. P. Dunn e
416 Table 3
I 00 Largest arms producers in 1991 : by country'
Ran P
Arms sales (million US$)
Arms sales as percentage of total
1 09 123
USA 1 0 200
General Dynamics
80 600
General Motors
756 000
McDonnell Douglas
7 1300
Hughes Elec (GM)
93 000
General Electric
6 1 20
284 000
5 100
36 200
5 1 00
71 600
5 1 00
! 59 100 60 500
Martin Marietta
Rockwell Internat
87 000
United Techno!
1 8 5 1 00
Litton Industries
3 1 50
52 300
23 600
7 1 300
22 000
Westinghouse E
1 13 664
89 000
Newport News (Tenneco)
1 00
28 1 00 41 000
Pratt & Whitney (UT)
2 1 00
Texas Instruments
1 950
62 939
1 800
34 600
1 800
52 000
1 750
60 300
1 550
1 8622
1 300
373 8 1 5
1 200
175 000
1 200
1 10 000
1 170
23 150
1 1 10
1 4 500
Alliant Tech Systems
1 100
Allied Signal
1 1 00
98 300
Aerojet (Gencorp)
1 090
30 700
Bath Iron Works
1 0 000
1 1 500
Science Applicat Inti
1 00
1 3 100
continued on next page
Ch. 14:
The Defense Industrial Base
Table 3, continued b Rank
Arms sales (million US$)
Arms sales as percentage of total
Computer Sciences
26 500
15 700
72 73
17 324
102 000
3 1 7 1 00
Avondale Industries
29 400
AVCO {Textron)
Esco Electronics
58 1 82
Penn Central
1 2 1 00
1 4 400
UK 3
British Aerospace
123 200
1 04 995
Rolls Royce
1 680
57 1 00
VSEL Consortium
1 00
13 028
Smiths Industries
1 2 1 00
Lucas Industries
54 900
Westland group
Thorn EMI
53 757 3 5 384
Racal Electronics
Devonport Management
1 00
1 1 460
Hawker Siddley
40 500
Dowty Group
1 3 000
France 10
Thomson SA
105 000
l Os
Thomson CSF
37 1 0
30 000
43 287
Dassault Aviation
1 870
1 1 914
CEA Industrie
37 300
1 320
GIAT Industries
31 61
27 236
1 7 000
continued on next page
JP. Dunne
Table 3, continued Rank b
Arms sales (million US$)
Arms sales as percentage of total
l l OO
2 1 3 1 00
Matra Groupe
1 050
2 1 334
Matra Defense
13 816
SAGEM Groupe
! 5 076
379 252
Germany 15
Daimler Benz
1 6s
DASA (Daimler Benz)
56 465
1 540
20 730 402000
Telefunken S (DASA)
1 5 529
Bremer Vulkan
15 021
1 3 661
148 557
17 052
Systemtechuik N (BV)
Blohm & Voss (Thyssen)
125 1 8 8
Krauss-Maffei (Mann . . . )
1 000
Italy 19
368 267
Alenia (IRl)
2 1 40
30 099
35 489
1 140
287 957
Oto Melara (EFIM)
2 149
Fincantieri (IRI)
1 9 750
Agusta (EFIM)
Japan 22
Mitsubishi HI
Kawasaki HI
1 050
Mitsubishi Electric
1 68 000
continued on next page
Ch. 14:
The Defense Industrial Base
Table 3, continued Rank b
Arms sales (million US$)
Arms sales as percentage of total
17 100
Israel 34
Israel Aircraft Ind.
Israel Military Ind.
5 1 00
Spain 35
INI (Spain)
1 330
142 295
1 1 20
173 000
35 000
India 45
Ordnance Factories
Hindustan Aeronautics
Sweden 54
14 508
Swedish Ordnance-Bofors (Celsius/Nobel)
29 329
Canada 61
CAE Industries
1 0 000
26 692
20 000
1 170
1 9 138
South Africa 64
Arms cor
Switzerland 42
Eidgen. Riistung. Switz
Netherlands 83s
Hollandse Signaal (Thomson-CSF) (Netherlands)
a Source: SIPRI Yearbook ( 1 993).
b s means fully owned subsidiaries. These are included in the figure for the parent company but the rank indicates where the company would have been if it was independent.
go to the aerospace and electronics sectors. As the second part of the table shows the aerospace industry is, apart from the small and highly specialized munitions sector, the most dependent on arms production, while the electronics sector has a much larger customer base. A similar pattern is observed in the USA. There have been numerous case studies of defense intensive sectors, which have provided a range of information
JP. Dunne
420 Table 4 Regional/national shares for I 00 largest arms producers 1 9 9 1 a #
47 40 7 6 1 00
USA Western European OECD Other OECD Developing countries Total
(billion US$)
Arms sales Percentage of total
1 08.9 58.6 6.7 4.6 1 78.8
60.9 32.8 3.8 2.5 100.0
Breakdown of OECD #
13 11 8 5 3 2 2 2
Country (billion US$) UK France FRO Japan Italy Switzerland Sweden Canada Spain
1 8.4 2 1 .4 8.7 5.5 5.6 1 .9 1 .4 1 .2 1 .3
Arms sales
Percentage of total 1 0.3 1 1 .9 4.9 3.1 3.1 1 .0 0.8 0.7 0.8
a Source: SIPRl Yearbook ( 1993).
on the character and development ofthe DIB. The studies by Wulf(1 993b) and Brzoska and Lock ( 1 992) are recent examples. There are still problems in interpreting the figures in Table 5, however, as they tell us little about the importance of defense production to the individual firms. In addition, it is extremely difficult to get information on the sub-contractors who supply the main contractors even in the USA. As a result, most studies simply state how important they are and then move on. One exception is Hartley and Hooper ( 1 990) which, in a study of Vickers, provides evidence on the supply chain for the UK's Challenger 2 tank. Countries with large defense sectors differ in a number of ways, both in the structure of the DIB and its links with the state and the military. A maj or factor is the ownership of the contractors. In the USA all of the companies have remained in private hands; in the UK they have recently (early 1980s) been privatized and in France they are mainly state-owned. However, what this implies is not clear. Ownership does matter, in that it confers specific property rights, but the mere fact that one of the companies was nationalized and one privatized, does not distinguish these two companies. It is not state or private ownership itself that is important, but the character of the ownership, the constraints and the policies followed. The monopsonistic character of the defense market and the inherent strategic and technological uncertainty about needs, costs and
Ch. 14:
The Defense Industrial Base Table 5 Percentage shares of military production and procurement•
Ship building
Machinery Electronics Munitions, Transportation weapons
A. Share of industrial sectors in military procurement expenditure Germany (1 987-1990)
1 7. 5
n.a. b
UK ( 1987-1 988)
3 1 .0
France ( 1 986-1 988)
1 0.0
Belgium (1 986-1987)
1 0.0
8.0 n.a.
7.5 n.a.
B. Share of military production in total industrial production 1986-1990 Germany
1 00
• Source: Wulf ( 1 993a).
b n.a.: not available.
performance raise moral hazard problems, as we saw in the discussion of the MIC. The actors in the DIB can use this fundamental uncertainty to capture and exploit government purchasing in their own interest. The question is whether such exploitation is minimized by having the companies private at arms length, where the government has no responsibility for their profitability, production and employment, and thus is less open to lobbying and leverage; or whether such exploitation is minimized by having the companies owned by the state where the Government can directly control them to stop such exploitation. If one believes that the exploitation is a direct result of a capitalist firm's drive for profits, then public ownership appears more attractive; however, if one allows for a more general concept of surplus or rents which can be extracted by state employees, this is not the case. Nationalized arms firms tend to be as expansionist and acquisitive as private ones. Within a state the transfers of surplus tend to be less obvious: it can be difficult to identify the true cost of military activity. Within a market the transfers are somewhat more transparent [see Dunne and Smith ( 1 992)]. Irrespective of the form of ownership the government can determine the forms of contractual arrangements with the DIB. During the Cold War the structure of these relations across the maj or producers were remarkably similar, but recent developments have seen changes taking place, particularly in the USA and UK, with the introduction of competition and new forms of contracts [see Chapters 1 2 and 1 6 of this Handbook] . While the role of the government will clearly structure the form of the DIB in any particular country, the final outcome will depend upon other social, economic and political factors. These will include the nature of the firms, the nature of management
J.P. Dunne
and workers, the nature and strength of government, the role of the industry in government policy, the relative success of the DIB, attitudes to foreign competition, the existence or not of nuclear capability, and the nature and extent of R&D and its diffusion. The studies by Wulf ( 1 993a) and Brzoska and Lock ( 1 992) provide some country comparisons. In our discussion of the DIB we have focused on the NATO economies and have ignored what was the largest DIB in the world, that of the former Soviet Union. This is partly because of the very different nature of the Soviet DIB, the paucity of high quality and believable studies, the problems of interpreting the information available, and the profound restructuring that has taken place since the end of the Cold War. Cooper ( 1 99 1 , 1 993) provides a comprehensive analysis. In addition, we have not really dealt with the fact that many developing countries have developed the capability of producing weapons. These 'third tier' producers [Krause ( 1 992)] show some similarities to the DIBs in the advanced economies but also differences [see Brauer ( 1 99 1 ) and the collection in the volume edited by Katz ( 1 986)]. Having provided an overview of the evolution and structure of the international DIB, focusing on the NATO and OECD economies, we can see that, while retaining some common features, DIBs can differ in form, content and behavior across countries. We now move on to consider the debate over the efficiency of DIBs and the effects of maintaining a DIB on the rest of the economy.
Efficiency and economic effects
There has been considerable debate on the effect of the DIB on economic performance, usually as part of the debate on the economic effects of the MIC. As we have seen, most of the theoretical approaches tend to see the MIC as generating pressures for an increased military burden independent of any threat. The characteristics of the DIB that have developed over the post- 1 945 period have provided a client industry for the procurement executive but the DIB is also an active participant in this process. The economic effects of this will depend upon whether or not the MIC and the DIB are a force for economic growth or economic decline. It is worth pointing out that there are different issues involved in evaluating the DIB. The aims of the government are likely to be to provide weapons and other material to deter aggression and provide security and to maintain the capability. Any attempt to achieve more value for money may be at the expense of this capability. In addition, there may be a trade-off between the benefits of security and any negative economic effects on the rest of the economy. Military spending may be necessary but economically costly. The contradictions an;; clear: if the military causes economic decline it is also likely to undermine the ability to recreate the security. The issue of hegemony and the potentially contradictory role of the military has been the subject of considerable debate [Dunne ( 1 990), Kennedy ( 1 987)].
Ch. 14:
The Defense Industrial Base
As we saw in Section 2 there is also considerable debate over the benefits of a DIB in terms of self sufficiency and foreign sourcing. There is some evidence from EU countries that opening up defense markets to foreign competition could lead to cost savings of about 25% on defense equipment purchases [Hartley and Cox ( 1 995)] . The arguments that the DIB has a positive effect on economic growth point to the spin-off from technology, the provision of j obs, in particular highly skilled ones, and the externality effects through linkages with the rest of the economy. The DIB is also seen to have provided a form of industrial planning in some countries, particularly the USA, which has benefited the whole of industry [Cypher ( 1 987)]. In addition, the underconsumptionist and permanent arms economy approaches, discussed above, see military production as allowing underconsumption or overaccumulation crises to be averted. In contrast, the arguments that the DIB has a negative effect point to the increasing paucity of spin-off and the increase of spin-in. The DIB is seen as an industrial structure protected from the ravages of competition that has developed to be expert at getting money and making profits from government and not at producing low cost products for a competitive market. As a result it has developed into an inefficient producer and has had a damaging impact on the rest of industry. It has crowded out resources, both investment and human capital, has reduced civil technological development, and has had externality effects on other companies. It has reduced industrial efficiency and international competitiveness. Melman ( 1 985) argues that taking up lucrative military contracts weakens a firm's ability to behave as a proper capitalist firm. They do not have to reduce costs and strive instead to increase subsidies and maximise costs to push up the money they get from the government. Inefficiency thus becomes profitable and endemic, and bad habits spread from the defense divisions to the rest of companies and to the rest of the economy. The development of an MIC reinforces the creation of state capitalist system which leads to reduced international competitiveness. Much of the empirical support for spin-off relies on anecdotal evidence, and this has generally been refuted by recent studies which have shown more concern for the problems of civil R&D in the UK [ACOST ( 1 989)]. Attempts at more formal empirical analysis have failed to find supporting evidence [e.g., see Buck et al. ( 1 993) for the UK and Chakrabarti et al. ( 1 992) for the USA]. Another possible source of spin-off is the mobility of scientists and engineers from military to civilian industry [Lerner (1 992) finds evidence of spillover for the USA]. It is most likely that the role of R&D is historically specific. During wars it is likely to provide innovations, and certainly post-World War II there were a number of important civilian innovations that came from defense, such as transistors, semiconductors and computing (though one can never say what the opportunity cost was). In general, however, it has been the countries with limited military R&D that have advanced faster, economically and technologically. Indeed, it would appear that civilian technology is increasingly leading military technology, with "spin-in" becoming increasingly important. Many advanced weapons systems are relying on
J.P Dunne
civil production for advanced components. There are some exceptions, such as stealth technology, but the dominant trend is towards a dependence on civil innovation, or at least a limiting of freedom to pursue technologies where there is no civil connection [see Markusen and Yudken ( 1 992)] . In addition to the descriptive, historical and qualitative analyses of the DIB there have been some more theoretical and quantitative economic studies in the industrial economics literature mainly based within the neo-classical paradigm. The structure conduct-performance paradigm provided an understanding of industrial performance depending on structural factors reflected in the size distribution of firms and entry conditions. Industries could be evaluated on the basis of their distance from the competitive ideal through the analysis of these factors. A classic study is by Peck and Scherer ( 1 962). More recent developments moved away from the competition monopoly dichotomy and focused on the oligopolistic nature of most markets, using game theoretic and principal agent models to analyse industries and introducing concepts of contestable markets, with the focus on threat rather than actual competition determining market structure [Baumol et al. ( 1 982)] and transaction cost models of firms [Laffont and Tirole ( 1 993)] . Empirical studies of industrial structure and performance have focused on areas where adequate data are available. Employment equations have been estimated for defense firms, normally derived from neo-classical production functions and compared with results from civil firms. These studies provide some evidence of labor hoarding by defense companies and inelastic responses to factor prices and cuts in demand [see Hartley and Lynk (1 983) and Lynk and Hartley ( 1 985) for the UK]. In a similar manner the relative profitability of defense firms has been analysed, either by market based analysis or the estimation of profit functions (with all the attendant measurement problems). Studies have suggested that competition reduces profitability and that wars can lead to higher profits [Dunne ( 1 993 ) Hartley and Watt ( 1 98 1 )] . Evidence also suggests that the financial performance of defense companies has been better than that of comparable large corporations. According to Trevino and Higgs ( 1 992) the top US defense firms outperformed the market by a huge margin 1 970-1 989, though the post-Cold War period has seen much harder times [see also Dunne ( 1 993), Stigler and Friedland ( 1 97 1 ), Bohi (1 973), and Kaun ( 1 990)] . Overall, the evidence is mixed but it certainly does not support the view that an emphasis on developing and maintaining a DIB provides economic benefits. Instead, it suggests that there are likely to be clear economic costs, as well as the direct resource costs. With the end of the Cold War even the security benefits of maintaining a comprehensive DIB are being brought into question and the resulting cuts in military expenditure have already precipitated marked changes in the DIB. ,
Developments in the DIB
With the end of the Cold War the international DIB is undergoing a profound restructuring. In addition to the cuts in procurement expenditure, the drive of
Ch. 14:
The Defense Industrial Base
technology towards more complex and expensive systems has challenged the ability of national economies to support major players. While the changing relation between military and civilian technology has led to new competition from civil producers, there is limited regulation of the arms producers internationally and the trend is towards a reduced role for the state in many countries. Although arms production is not covered by the Treaty of Rome, these developments are underpinned in the EC by the Independent European Policy Group (IEPG) Action Plan announced in 1 986, which is intended to remove the protectionist policies in national arms markets. It is not intended to create a free market, but to allow "balanced" access to markets. This has spurred the restructuring of the industry in Europe [see Brzoska and Lock ( 1 992)]. More recent developments have seen the IEPG being absorbed into the Western European Union (WEU) as the institutional architecture of Europe continues to evolve and it attempts to develop an alternative security agenda. The developments in the international arms market have led to increasing concentra tion and a marked restructuring. In Europe there has recently been a growth of cross border mergers and international takeovers in response to the increasing uncertainties of the market and partly in response to the Single European Market. The international arms market has become increasingly competitive with an increase in intermediate producers and some switch in patterns of demand away from high technological equipment. In addition, as former Warsaw Pact countries have tried to sell weapons for hard currency, often at bargain prices, they have squeezed out less sophisticated weapons. This excess supply and 'cascadence' of CFE Treaty limited items has increased pressures in the arms market in particular for marginal and intermediate producers [Dunne ( 1994), Krause ( 1992)]. A further development has been the growth of cross share ownership and the creation of new companies by the defense giants to integrate production and research and development. There are clear trends towards the formation of transnational defense companies, as Far East Asian companies become involved [see Walker and Willett (1993)]. Internationalization in these forms and in terms of licensed production, j oint ventures, collaboration and mergers, is increasing in all military industrial sectors. It is most advanced in the electronics and aerospace sectors, for both military and civil production, with other sectors, military vehicle and warship production, being more mixed but nevertheless increasingly moving towards internationalization in the face of overcapacity [see Chapter 1 6 of this Handbook, and Skons ( 1 993)]. This globalization of the arms producers could mark a significant change from the Cold War DIB, based mainly upon large national defense producers owned or controlled by the nation states and dependent upon them for much of their sales. The changes taking place seem to be a move back to the pre-Second World War industrial structure, where the large private arms producers had considerable autonomy and little national allegiance [Lovering (1993)]. The changes should not be overstated: there still remains considerable national regulation of defense firms, indeed there has even been the prevention of takeovers.
J.P. Dunne
But there are changes taking place and they clearly have important implications for the regulation and control of the arms market. As regards future prospects, the differing economic situations and the differing forms of defense industrial base within the main producers mean that the effects of the cuts and restructuring are likely to differ across countries. There is also considerable uncertainty about the future. The process of continued cuts in military spending by the maj or powers is looking to have ended, with pressures in the USA from the Republican Congress to maintain or increase it. Nevertheless, the changed international environment makes a return to Cold War expenditure unlikely to say the least, and the economic situation of potential arms importers suggests a relatively stagnant market for exports. The World Bank and IMF are pushing for reduced military burdens in debtor countries, and many countries have reduced their orders of equipment from the industrialized countries. It is likely that these trends will continue. Indeed, it is also likely that the market will become increasingly competitive, as former WTO countries fall back on arms exports in desperation, and intermediate producers develop their facilities. This means that there is probably still some way to go in the restructuring of the DIB. The size of the US market and the resulting cost advantages may cushion many of the blows to the defense contractors, but there is still likely to be further concentration. Within Europe, Germany is likely to suffer least, given its strong industrial and technological capacity, while France is likely to retain a high level of government involvement to maintain its industry [see Walker and Willett (1 993)]. The UK is the most vulnerable DIB, with a weak technological and industrial base and government policies biased towards introducing competition [see Dunne and Smith ( 1 992)]. Also, British companies tend to be poorly placed for change relative to their main competitors. For example, DASA is very strong in civil markets compared to BAe, and Thomson CSF is stronger than GEC in civil electronics. [Renner (1 992), Wulf (1 993a) and Brzoska and Lock ( 1 992) provide detailed country studies].
8. Conclusions
This chapter has endeavored to provide an overview of the issues and research on the defense industrial base. It has shown the real problems of actually defining the defense industry and the DIB. Problems that should be taken seriously when undertaking applied work. The definition of the DIB needs to be chosen to suit the empirical analysis being undertaken and the practical problems of data availability. The defense industry is seen to be very different from the civil sector, mainly because of the monopsonistic role of the government, the emphasis on developing a national DIB, and the Cold War. While there are clear policy issue to deal with, such as determining the costs and benefits of the DIB and how to get best value for money, it is important to see the DIB within the context of a wider and more pervasive MIC. The scale and scope of the MIC and the influence the social, economic and political structures borne
Ch. 14:
The Defense Industrial Base
of the Cold War arms race have to be recognized, as does the complex interaction of the demand and supply sides of the defense sector over time and their feedback on one another. The only way to understand this process is through careful empirical work on the development of the MIC, a task that is clearly of importance given the restructuring of the DIB taking place in the mid- 1 990s. While there are signs that the path of military spending reductions is no longer declining as rapidly it is still likely that there will be further cuts and most certainly the defense industry will become increasingly competitive. There is bound to be further restructuring with budget pressures to collaborate and to buy off-the-shelf weapons. It seems sensible for countries to consider what the nature and structure of the international DIB should be and not to leave it to the firms to restructure away from national and international control. What is needed is more detailed empirical research on the impact of disarmament on the DIB, taking advantage of the considerable cross country experience since the end of the Cold War. This will allow governments to plan further cuts to overcome economic costs and to gain from them. The evidence certainly suggests that military spending is an economic burden and that in the long run there can be benefits, but there are likely to be problems of structural adjustment. Policies are needed to aid structural adjustment, reallocate resources, retrain skilled workers and reorient science and technology away from the military. Disarmament needs to be treated as an investment process and policies for conversion developed to achieve the illusory 'peace dividend' [Chapter 1 9 of this Handbook, Hartley ( 1 993), Dunne and Willett (1 992)]. Central to this process will be a thorough understanding of the DIB and the changes it is undergoing.
References ACOST, 1 989, Defence research and development: A national resource (Advisory Council on Science and Technology, HMSO, London). Baack, B., and E. Ray, 1 985, The political economy of the origins of the military industrial economy in the United States, Journal of Economic History 45, 369-75. Ball, N., and M. Leitenberg, 1 983, The structure of the defense industry: An international survey (Croom Helm, London). Baran, P., and P.M. Sweezy, 1 966, Monopoly Capital (Monthly Review Press, London). Baurnol, W., J. Panzar and R. Willig, 1 982, Contestable markets and the theory of industry structure (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, CA). Bohi, D.R., 1 973, Profit performance in the defense industry, Journal of Political Economy 8 I, 72 I -728. Brauer, J., 1 99 1 , Arms production in developing nations: The relation to industrial structure, industrial diversification and human capital formation, Defence Economics 2, 1 65-1 75. Brunton, B.G., 1 988, Institutional origins of the military industrial complex, Journal of Economic Issues
22, 599-606. Brzoska, M., and P. Lock, eds., 1 992, Restructuring of arms production in Western Europe (Oxford University Press, Oxford). Buck, D., K. Hartley and N. Hooper, 1 993, Defence research and development, crowding-out and the peace dividend. Defence Economics 4, 1 83-2 12.
J.P. Dunne
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Ch. 14:
The Defense Industrial Base
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Columbia University Graduate School of Business and National Bureau of Economic Research
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. Design competitions 2 . 1 . How much private investment in defense R&D?
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Independent R&D subsidies The profitability of defense (R&D and other) contracts The impact of defense and other R&D on productivity growth The effect of defense R&D on nondefense R&D investment How do Government decision-makers respond to cost information yielded by defense R&D? 8. Are defense R&D programs dynamically optimal? 9. Conclusions References
Handbook of Defense Economics. Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V All rights reserved
432 432 433 434 436 437 441 444 448 450 453 455 456
. F R. Lichtenberg
This chapter examines a number of aspects of defense R&D, including: mechanisms design competitions, and independent R&D subsidies - used by the US government to encourage firms to invest their own funds in defense R&D; theory and evidence concerning both the private and social benefits of, or returns to, R&D conducted by defense contractors; the effect of defense R&D on nondefense R&D investment; the response of government decision-makers to cost information yielded by defense R&D; and the dynamic optimality of R&D proj ects.
research and development, procurement, design competitions, innovation, productivity, profitability, government expenditure, R&D subsidies, weapons acquisition, defense policy
Ch. 15:
Economics of Defense R&D Table I Defense R&D expenditure ' in 1991 of G-7 countries b
Defense R&D
Total R&D
1 23 61 30 21 16
Japan Germany France U.K. Italy Canada
2 4 3 0 0
Defense R&D as % of total R&D
26.8 1 .6 6.7 1 9.0 1 8.8 0.0 0.0
Defense R&D as % of GNP
0.7 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.0
' Billions of 1 987 dollars. b Source: Science and Engineering Indicators [National Science Board ( 1 993)], pp. 375-376.
1. Introduction
It is the government's role to promote investment in research and development (R&D) that yields innovations in the production of public goods, such as armaments for national defense and equipment for space exploration. As Table 1 indicates, it is estimated that in 1 99 1 , the G-7 nations collectively spent $43 billion (in 1 987 dollars) on defense R&D. (This figure may significantly understate the true amount because, as we argue below, only R&D that is directly funded by the government is officially classified as defense R&D, whereas a substantial amount of "privately-funded" R&D may also be defense-related.) About three-fourths of total estimated defense R&D was conducted by the United States; for this reason, and also because more is known about defense R&D conducted in the US, we will devote most of our discussion to US military R&D. This chapter will examine a number of aspects of defense R&D. Sections 2 and 3 describe two mechanisms - design competitions, and independent R&D subsidies used by the US government to encourage firms to invest their own funds in defense R&D. The next two sections discuss theory and evidence concerning both the private and social benefits of, or returns to, R&D conducted by defense contractors. In Section 4 we argue that the private returns, or profitability, of defense R&D may depend on contractors' ability to shift costs from commercial to government R&D. A production function/productivity growth framework for assessing the social returns to defense R&D is presented in Section 5. The effect of defense R&D on nondefense R&D investment is examined in Section 6. The question, how do government decision-makers respond to cost information yielded by defense R&D?, is pursued in Section 7. Section 8 investigates whether independent R&D projects conducted by defense contractors are dynamically optimal, in the sense defined by Grossman and Shapiro (1 986). The chapter's conclusions are summarized in Section 9.
F.R. Lichtenberg
2. Design competitions
In addition to the two obvious institutional arrangements the US government 1 uses to call forth defense R&D investment - performing R&D in government laboratories, and contracting with private firms and nonprofit organizations (such as universities) to perform R&D - there is a third and quantitatively important method by which the government promotes R&D investment relevant to the provision of social goods: awarding major contracts by a method of acquisition known as "procurement by design and technical competition". In essence, this method consists in the government's simply revealing its demand for certain types of technological innovations, and encouraging private firms to sponsor the necessary R&D, the costs of which the sponsor will recover from profits on the sale of the product. Edwin Mansfield ( 1971) has observed that before World War II, the government tended to issue relatively few R&D contracts to industry or universities. If the government wanted private firms to perform defense related R&D, it would encourage them to finance it on their own. Since the beginning of World War II, the real value of government R&D contracts has increased very rapidly, and contracting has apparently become the most important of the three methods used by the government to promote R&D investment related to social goods. But the government continues to induce a considerable amount of privately financed, federal mission-oriented R&D expenditure by sponsoring design competitions. A design and technical competition (henceforth abbreviated "design competition") begins "officially" when a federal agency (such as the Department of Defense) issues a formal Request for Proposals, which is often 1 1 00 to 2500 pages long. Three or four firms typically submit proposals (which may range from 23 000 to 38 000 pages in length) in response to requests issued by the Defense Department, which then begins an elaborate review process. The firm that submits the proposal receiving the highest "score" 2 is generally selected as the contractor, and is essentially guaranteed (unless Congress decides to cancel the project) to be awarded a sequence of contracts for R&D, production, spare parts, maintenance, training, and so forth, over a number of years. (The extent of competition beyond the design stage - e.g. prototype competition, competition for production and maintenance - appears to be quite limited.) The contracts that are initially awarded to the successful firm are officially designated as "competitive" contracts. But most of the revenue that the firm will receive by virtue of having won the competition will come from subsequent, "follow-on" contracts, which are officially designated as "noncompetitive" contracts. In fiscal year 1984, for example, the value of noncompetitive follow-on contracts after design competition 1 Other countries with major defense industrial bases follow a similar system, but they often lack alternative domestic suppliers; hence foreign bids (e.g. in the aerospace industry) are necessary to avoid a domestic monopoly. 2 Projected price (or life-cycle cost) is only one of many factors affecting the total score, and has a small impact on the award of the initial contract. As discussed in Section 7, however, revisions in cost estimates appear to affect significantly the government's ultimate demand.
Ch. 15: Economics of Defense R&D
was 2.72 times as large as the value of competitive contracts associated with these competitions. Because the winner of the design competition is virtually assured of eventually being awarded the relatively large follow-on contracts, it is often suggested that contractors are willing to incur losses (by "buying in", or submitting bids below anticipated costs) on the initial competitive contracts. I think that it is natural to pose the question of why the government does promote mission-oriented R&D by sponsoring design competitions, in addition to doing so by directly contracting with firms to perform R&D. Perhaps the most compelling possible explanations are based on imperfect information considerations. A design competition appears to be an almost perfect example of a contest, in the sense defined by Barry Nalebuff and Joseph Stiglitz ( 1 983 ) and others. In a contest, or competitive compensation scheme, the individual's reward or compensation (for example, whether he is awarded a contract) is determined only by his rank vis-a-vis his competitors, rather than by his "individualistic" output (or marginal product), as is the case in the classical model of pure price competition. These authors have shown that when the principal (in our case, the government) cannot directly and costlessly observe the level of input (effort) of the agents (contractors), rewards based on relative output are superior to payments based on individualistic output. They argue that competitive compensation schemes have ". . . greater-flexibility and greater adaptability to change in the environment than do other forms of compensation" (p. 4 1 ), so that contest may be preferred when the risk associated with common environmental variables (for example, the difficulty of achieving technical progress in a given area) is large. Moreover, "the use of a contest as an incentive device can induce agents to abandon their natural risk aversion and adopt "riskier" and more profitable production techniques" (p. 23). Inability of the principal to monitor the (relative) ability, or productivity, of various agents, is a second type of imperfect information which may render competitive compensation schemes optimal. Suppose that both government contracts and potential contractors are heterogeneous, in the sense that one firm is more qualified to perform a given contract that other firms, but the government is uncertain about the identity of the most qualified supplier. A number of theoretical models of markets characterized by this kind of imperfect information show that it is equilibrium behavior for sellers to invest in acquiring, and for buyers to rely on, signals of quality and ability. It may be useful to interpret design competitions as signaling phenomena, in which the signal of contractor ability that the government relies on is the score on the technical proposal. Factors other than imperfect information about contractor effort and/or ability may account for the existence of design competitions. For example, judging from periodic congressional hearings and reports on the subject [see, for example, US Congress ( 1 969)], there is strong congressional demand for competition in procurement, perhaps because Congress believes that competitive procurement promotes economic efficiency or fairness. The passage of the Competition in Contracting Act also reflects this demand.
FR. Lichtenberg
2. 1. How much private investment in defense R&D? There are two types of evidence (aside from case studies and anecdotal evidence concerning company proposal efforts related to specific design competitions) con cerning the amount of private investment in defense R&D. The first is provided by F.M. Scherer's (1984) analysis of "linked" R&D and patent data of the largest R&D performing companies. Scherer attempted to classify each of about 1 5 000 US patents (obtained by 443 companies between June 1976 and March 1977) by "industry of use", that is, to identify the sector(s) of the economy in which (most intensive) use of the invention was anticipated. Two of the industries of use defined by Scherer were "defense and space operations" and "government, except postal and defense". He estimated the value of company-sponsored R&D "used" by these sectors to be $ 1 206.3 million and $378.7 million, 1 1 .3 and 3.6 percent, respectively, of the total amount of company-funded R&D ($ 10.64 billion) attributed to these companies. Thus, according to Scherer's methodology, the federal government is the primary beneficiary of about 1 5 percent of company-sponsored industrial R&D expenditure. The second is Lichtenberg's (1988) econometric study of the private R&D investment response to government procurement in general, and design competitions in particular. The basic strategy was to estimate, using longitudinal firm-level data, regressions of private R&D expenditure on three variables: the value of the firm's competitive contracts, of its noncompetitive contracts, and of its nongovernmental sales. (The sum of these three variables is total sales.) The coefficient of the first variable was the primary concern; the other two variables were included mainly to "control" for their influence and to provide benchmarks against which to measure the effect of competitive procurement. Variants of the model were estimated on annual 1979-1984 panel data for 169 industrial firms. A maj or defense buildup occurred during this period: the value of federal contracts more than doubled, whereas total sales . increased by only about 35 percent. The estimates implied that a $ 1 increase in government sales tends to induce a 9.3 cent increase in private R&D while a $ 1 increase in nongovernment sales induces only a 1 . 7 cent private R&D increase. These estimates enabled calculation of the fraction IJI of the total induced increase in private R&D induced by the increase in government procurement during the period. The point estimate (standard error) of IJI was 0.528 (0.050). The point estimate implies that slightly over half of the total induced increase in private R&D between 1979 and 1 984 was induced by the increase in government sales; the limits of the 0.95 confidence interval on this share are 0.430 and 0.626. The estimates also suggested that a $ 1 increase in competitive procurement induces a 54 cent increase in private R&D expenditure. As noted earlier, the prospect of substantial future noncompetitive follow-on contracts awarded to the winner of the design competition makes firms willing to make R&D investments which are large, relative to the value of the initial competitive contracts. The coefficient on
Ch. 15: Economics of Defense R&D
noncompetitive contracts was negative but insignificant, suggesting that the entire stimulus to private R&D from government procurement comes from competitive acquisition. The remainder of the empirical analysis was devoted to extending and amplifying the major finding that a considerable quantity (and share) of private R&D investment is induced by competitive procurement. The estimates indicated that most of the long run response of private R&D to competitive procurement is a response to future procurement. They also suggested that competitive contracts (whether or not for R&D) have a large positive effect on private R&D, noncompetitive R&D contracts have an even larger negative ("crowding-out") effect, and other noncompetitive procurement has essentially no effect. The award of noncompetitive R&D contracts signals the end of the design and technical competition. At this stage of the procurement cycle, there are incentives for firms to reduce private R&D. Losers of the competition reduce spending because the prize is no longer at stake; the winner reduces spending because the government is now willing to directly sponsor the R&D via contracting. A $1 increase in noncompetitive R&D procurement tends to reduce private R&D by more than $2. Noncompetitive non-R&D has essentially no effect on private R&D investment. In contrast to previous studies of the effect of government R&D on private R&D, which did not control for non-R&D procurement and which did not distinguish competitive from noncompetitive procurement, Lichtenberg found that the net effect of R&D procurement on private R&D is negative. But non-R&D procurement, which is about five times as large, has a stimulatory effect, so the net effect of procurement in general is positive and quantitatively important. The government therefore appears to play a larger role in determining the allocation of the nation's scientific and technical resources, hence the rate and direction of technical progress, than is perhaps generally recognized.
3. Independent R&D subsidies
The Department of Defense (DoD) encourages private military R&D not only by awarding prizes in design competitions, but also by subsidizing expenditures dedicated towards winning the prizes. In other words, DoD promotes this contractor activity both by creating returns to it and by reducing the (private marginal) costs of it. The DoD policy that provides a subsidy to private military R&D is its policy regarding so-called "independent" R&D. Independent R&D (IR&D) is contractor initiated and directed technical effort that is not sponsored by, or required in performance of a contract or grant. The contractor selects the projects that comprise its IR&D program. The DoD and its contractors consider independent, or non-contract, R&D to be "company-funded", and it is reported as such in financial statements and official government R&D statistics. But under the Defense Procurement Regulations some of the costs of IR&D are "allowable", i.e., they can be included as indirect
FR. Lichtenberg
costs (overhead) in contractors' DoD contracts. Each year, ceilings on the amount of allowable IR&D costs are negotiated in advance by the DoD and each of its maj or contractors. The existence of a subsidy to private military R&D is due to the way in which these ceilings are negotiated or determined. To develop a model of DoD's policy of allowable-cost determination, we adopt the following notation: C
ceiling on allowable costs,
X = total costs incurred, R = costs recovered from DoD, S = total sales of the contractor, D = DoD sales of the contractor. R, the amount of costs recovered from DoD, is determined by the following formula D . R = S mm (X, C) .
Cost recovered i s the fraction o f firm sales accounted for by sales t o DoD times either costs incurred or the ceiling, whichever is lower. In practice, X ;? C in the case of all firms. The maximum value of the ratio CIX = 1 ; the mean and median values are 0.823 and 0.872, respectively. Hence min(X, C) = C. Let us define e = DIS as the DoD share of sales; we shall treat this fraction as a parameter. Then Equation (1) reduces to R=
If the firm has pure cost-plus contracts with the government, then its private cost P of conducting a level of investment S is
P = X - R = X - ec,
and the marginal rate of subsidy (MRS) to contractor IR&D expenditure is dR MRS = - = dX
dC dX "
The marginal private cost of investment, which is generally hypothesized to determine the equilibrium rate of investment, is 1 MRS. The marginal rate of subsidy, hence marginal private cost, depends on the derivative dC/dX. The value of this derivative is an empirical matter. The ceiling C is set in an agreement negotiated by the firm and DoD prior to the investment of funds. One might, therefore, regard C as preqetermined, i.e. independent of the realized expenditure X. In this case, dC/dX = 0, and IR&D reimbursement has -
Ch. 15: Economics of Defense R&D
no effect on the marginal private cost of investment; it reduces only total costs, like a lump-sum payment. But the proposition that C does not depend on X, if it is true at all, is probably true only in the short run. Winston ( 1985, p. 22) maintained that "the accepted ceilings are set at a fraction of the contractor's anticipated IR&D expenditures that are deemed to meet the PMR [potential military relevance] criterion and to be of value to DoD". This hypothesis can be represented as follows:
cit = ax�,
where Cit denotes the ceiling negotiated for firm i in period t, X� denotes anticipated expenditure during the period, and 0 < a < 1 . The contractor announces his anticipated expenditure in the course of his negotiations with the government, but unfortunately we do not observe the announced value. Therefore, in order to make the model operational we need to specify a relationship between the unobservable XA and actual (current and/or lagged) expenditure X. Lichtenberg ( 1 990) pursued two alternative approaches, one based on "rational", the other on "adaptive", expectations (or anticipations); we describe here only the second approach, in which xt is assumed to be forecast by a distributed lag function of past actual expenditures, with geometrically declining lag coefficients:
X� = F (Xi,t-1 + HXi,t-2 + H2X i,t-3 + · · ) .
The following equation can be derived from Equations
Cit = {3Xi,t-1 + HCi,t-1 ,
(5) and (6): (7)
where {3 = a· r. In this model there is a distinction between the short-run and (long-run) steady-state derivatives of C with respect to X; these are {3 and {3/(1 -H), respectively. The steady state is reached when Cit = Ci,t-1 · It is interesting to note that an alternative "structural" model for determining C can generate a similar (although restricted) reduced-form equation. Suppose that the change in a firm's negotiated ceiling is proportional to the degree of "excess demand" for IR&D funds, as measured by the difference between lagged costs incurred and the lagged ceiling:
cit - ci,t-1 = f3 (xi,t-1 - ci,t-1 ) .
Such a ceiling-adjustment process would be in keeping with that old saw about the politics of the budgetary process, that the more a department (or organization) exceeds its budget the more its budget will be increased (and that a department risks having its budget cut by not spending up to the limit). Adding Ci,t- 1 to both sides,
Ct = {3Xi,t-1 + (1 - {3) Ci,t-1· In Equation (9) the coefficients on X i,t- l case in Equation
and Ci,t-l sum to 1 , whereas, this is not the This restriction can be tested by estimating both equations.
FR. Lichtenberg
Lichtenberg ( 1990) estimated these equations using cross-sectional data for about IR&D sponsoring organizations. To attenuate heteroskedasticity, and because negotiations may focus on percentage rather than absolute changes, he estimated logarithmic versions of the equations, i.e. C and X were defined as logarithms of the respective variables. In this case {3 and {3/( 1 -H) are, respectively, the short-run and (long-run) steady-state elasticities of C with respect to S. The (long-run) steady-state derivative of C with respect to X is
( �)
- 1_ _H
and the (long-run) steady-state marginal rate of subsidy (from Equation MRSLR
D {3 C S 1 -HX
= - -- - .
( 1 0)
(4)) is (11)
This expression was evaluated at the sample aggregate values of D , S , C and X to obtain an "average" estimate of the (long-run) steady-state marginal rate of subsidy. The DCAA reports data on expenditures, ceilings, and reimbursements pertaining to another type of technical effort related to IR&D: the preparation of bids and proposals (B&P). The reasoning that led to the specification of Equations (7) and (9) applies as well to B&P as it does to IR&D expenditure. The disturbances of the IR&D and B&P equations are likely to be correlated, in part because there is some fungibility of expenditures between the two categories. More efficient parameter estimates could therefore be obtained by estimating the IR&D and B&P equations jointly, using Zellner's seemingly unrelated regressions Goint generalized least-squares) technique. This procedure also enabled testing the hypothesis that the parameters of Equation (7), hence MRSLR , are the same for B&P as they are for IR&D. Joint generalized least-squares estimates of the parameter {3 (the coefficient on X1_1 ) in both equations were positive and significantly different from zero. Thus, conditional on the lagged ceiling, the higher was lagged expenditure, the higher the current ceiling. The hypothesis that {3 + H = 1, which is implied by the model (8), was decisively rejected in the case of IR&D but was not rej ected (at the 0. 1 level) in the case of B&P. The cross-model residual correlation was -0.093, suggesting that there is some substitution between IR&D and B&P ceilings and/or expenditure. The estimates implied that the governrnent pays 4 1 .3% of the marginal cost of IR&D and B&P expense. This is slightly (although significantly) less than the average subsidy rate of 47.4%. The marginal rates of subsidy to IR&D and B&P appear to be quite high. The R&D Tax Credit created by the 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act provides a benchmark against which we can compare this subsidy. The provisions of the credit allowed firms to deduct from their tax liability an amount equal to 25% of their R&D spending above a certain base-period amount. But due to certain technical features of the credit particularly the way in which the base-period amount was calculated - the effective
Ch. 15: Economics of Defense R&D
rate of subsidy it provided was much lower than 25%; Baily and Chakrabarti ( 1 988, p. 1 19) estimate that the effective rate of subsidy was 7-8%. Moreover, the credit was only temporary - it was originally due to expire at the end of 1 985 after four and a half years. In contrast, DoD's IR&D policy has remained essentially unchanged since 1 970, and predecessor policies can be traced back to the 1 930's. The above estimates were derived on the basis of particular assumptions about (1) the relationship between the ceiling Cu and anticipated expenditures X�, and (2) the relationship between X� and actual expenditure, but further analysis and calculations suggested that the estimates were not very sensitive to minor changes in model specification. While these estimates revealed the magnitude of the subsidy to private military R&D, they do not reveal how much (additional) R&D is undertaken due to the existence of the subsidy. To determine this with any precision, we would need to know the price elasticity of supply of R&D, a parameter about which little is known. But the existence of the subsidy is no doubt partly responsible for the fact that the marginal private R&D intensity of government (primarily defense) sales is much higher than the R&D intensity of non-government sales - 9.3% as opposed to 1 .7%. Why does the government provide a subsidy for private military R&D, in addition to establishing prizes for innovation? Presumably if the subsidy were abolished the government could continue to induce the same amount of private R&D investment by increasing the value of the prizes. The answer may be that the cost to the government of promoting a given level of investment may be lower with a combination of prizes and subsidies than it would be with prizes alone. By providing a subsidy the government in effect shares with the contractor the risk of investment; the agency theory literature suggests that such risk sharing is often optimal from the principal's (government's) point of view. Given that the government wants to provide a subsidy, why does it not do so explicitly by announcing "we'll pay 40% of your independent R&D expense, with no ceiling", rather than by imposing ceilings that are in reality influenced by past expenditures? It is not possible to offer a definitive answer to this question, but two factors may account for the institutional arrangements we have described. First, while the major objective of IR&D policy is to strengthen the defense technology base by promoting private military R&D investment, for political reasons the DoD may need at least to appear to be "controlling costs" by imposing ceilings. Secondly, the government is interested not only in encouraging private innovation but also in transferring technologies and knowledge developed in the course of independent R&D to government officials. The negotiation of ceilings provides the government with the opportunity to monitor contractor activity, thereby facilitating technology transfer.
The profitability of defense (R&D and other) contracts
Having described some of the mechanisms by which the government induces firms to invest in defense R&D, we turn to a discussion of the private and social returns to
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this investment. First we consider the issue of the private returns, or profitability, of defense contracts 3 . The Department of Defense (DoD) has periodically conducted comprehensive studies of defense contractor profitability. The most recent of these studies was the Defense Financial and Investment Review (DFAIR) completed in June 1 985 [DoD (1 985)] . With regard to profitability, the primary goal of DFAIR was to compare "profits realized on negotiated defense contracts with the profits realized on comparable commercial work" (V-26). To accomplish this, DoD asked its contractors to "isolate the profits achieved on negotiated defense contracts [by] segregat[ing] and report[ing] operating results of various categories ofbusiness conducted within individual business segments" (V-26) 4 . DFAIR's overall conclusion was that the "profitability of defense contracts has not been unreasonable" (IX-3). DFAIR also performed a much more cursory comparison "of profitability for DoD business to profitability for commercial business within the same business segments" during the period 1 977-1983 (V-43). The estimate of this difference for all product groups combined was about 8 percentage points. It was argued, however, that this difference in average profitability was entirely attributable to a single product group aircraft - for which the differential was 14 percentage points. But research by Rogerson ( 1992), Thomas and Tung ( 1 992), and Lichtenberg ( 1 992a), imply that such comparisons of the profitability of defense contracts to the profitability of commercial work may not tell us much about the true profitability of defense contracting. This is because most (about 3/4, on average) of the sales of government contractors are to commercial (non-government) customers, and government contractors appear to be able to shift some of the overhead and pension costs of their commercial operations to the government. Rogerson ( 1992) argues that the methods used by defense firms for calculating the cost of products - in particular, the allocation of overhead in proportion to directly charged labor use - enables firms to shift overhead from commercial to defense business. Under this overhead allocation scheme, by incurring an additional dollar of direct government costs, the firm's government revenue will increase by more than $ 1 - perhaps by as much as $ 1 .20--$ 1 .40 - since the share of overhead reimbursed by the government increases. Rogerson argues that the overhead allocation rule provides firms with the incentive to "under-capitalize production of products with cost-sensitive revenues [e.g., defense items] and over-capitalize production of products with cost insensitive revenues [e.g., commercial items]".
3 We will discuss theory and evidence concerning the profitability o f defense contracts i n general, not just defense R&D contracts. We are not aware of any empirical studies of defense R&D in particular; moreover, distinguishing between the profitabilty of defense R&D and non-R&D contracts is probably even difficult in principle. 4 Since a significant fraction of costs and assets are joint between government and commercial work, the validity of these "segregations" is questionable.
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Thomas and Tung ( 1 992) argue that government contractors are able to reduce their cost of doing nongovernment business by overfunding pension plans when employees work on defense contracts (these contributions are reimbursed by the government) and withdrawing excess pension assets when employees work on commercial business. Evidence suggests that DoD faces considerable difficulty in reclaiming its share of any overfunding. Although, in principle, regulatory authorities such as the Defense Contract Audit Agency could prevent this cost-shifting, they may focus their limited resources on more obvious abuses, such as the inclusion of nonexistent costs or costs that clearly belong to commercial activities. One could tell several (we believe reasonable) stories why the government might allow defense contractors to earn a higher rate of return on their assets than other firms earn. First, the government may wish to attract a "queue" of potential suppliers 5 . Second, potential suppliers may be heterogeneous with respect to the quality of goods and services they provide, and quality is not observable ex ante by the government. A number of models [see, for example, Stiglitz and Weiss ( 1 98 1)] imply that under these conditions the equilibrium price will be above the market-clearing price: the government will find it optimal to pay a price above contractors' reservation price (and allow firms to earn higher returns than they could elsewhere). When evaluating the relative profitability of government contractors we need to distinguish between three different profitability concepts: n 1 = profitability of government business done by government contractors; n2 = profitability of commercial business done by government contractors; and n3 = profitability of commercial business done by non-government contractors. By shifting costs, contractors may earn above-normal returns on commercial work, and normal returns on government business. In this case, (n 1 -n2 ) is clearly a downward-biased estimate of the "effect of government contracting on profitability". We need to know, not only whether n1 > n2 (and n1 > n3 ) , but also whether n2 > n3 . Unfortunately, this question was not directly examined by DFAIR or by previous DoD studies. Lichtenberg (1992a) tried to make inferences about the difference between the profitability of commercial work performed by contractors and that performed by other firms, using Compustat Industry Segment on over 9000 industry segments, 8% of which were government contractors. He was able to measure only the overall profitability of the firms in his sample, but since about 80% of contractor assets are employed in commercial operations, overall contractor profitability is predominantly determined by the profitability of their commercial business. The measure of profitability he used was return on assets: the ratio of operating profit (loss) to identifiable assets. He estimated variants of the following equation: PROFIT;1 = a; + Dt + f3GOVPOSit + uit, 5 This situation is analagous to the classic two-sector labor market model of a developing economy formulated by Todaro ( 1 969). There, urban employers offer an above-market-clearing wage and attract a queue of (unemployed) rural workers.
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where PROFIT;1 denotes the profitability of segment i in year t (t = 1984, . . . , 1989); GOVPOS = I if the segment had positive government sales, and zero otherwise; and a; and 01 are fixed firm- and year-effects, respectively. In this model, f3 may be interpreted as the (population) mean profitability of defense contractors minus the mean profitability of other segments, and an estimate of f3 can be used to assess the magnitude and significance of the profitability differential. All of the estimates of f3 were positive and extremely significant, providing strong support for the hypothesis that the profitability of government contractors is substantially higher than the profitability of other segments. The estimates indicated that the mean profitability of segments that do any business with the government is 3 .0 to 3 .6 percentage points higher than that of segments with no government sales, whose mean return on assets is about 4.4%. Hence the profit rate of contractors is 68 to 82% higher than that of other segments. Other estimates implied that a 50 percentage-point increase in the ratio of government sales to total sales (GOVSHR) will increase return on assets by 4.5 percentage points - from 4.4% to 8.9%. These findings presumably did not surprise most DoD contract officers: survey evidence reported in DFAIR indicates that twice as many of these officers agreed with the statement, "the profits earned by defense contractors are too high" as disagreed with it. Lichtenberg ( 1992a) further showed that although, in theory, asset mismeasurement could bias upward his estimates of the government/nongovernment profitability differential, a limited attempt to correct for such mismeasurement produced no evidence that this was the case. He also presented evidence that highly government oriented segments are significantly less capital-intensive than less government-oriented segments and noncontractors (controlling for industry). A speculative interpretation of the findings of this and the previous sections is that DoD wants to provide generous subsidies and profits to contractors, but does not wish to appear to be doing so to members of Congress and the public. 5. The impact of defense and other R&D on productivity growth
This section sketches a theoretical framework for assessing the rate of return to investment in R&D in general, and defense R&D in particular, and surveys some of the empirical evidence that has been developed using this framework. The basic model that has been most widely used to assess econometrically the economic impact of R&D investment is a production function generalized to include the stock of ''knowledge capital" as a factor of production:
Y(t) F (K(t), L(t), Z(t)) , =
( 1 2)
where Y, real output; K, physical capital service flow (usually assumed to be proportional to the capital stock); L, real labor input (e.g. hours worked 6); and Z, 6 For simplicity, we ignore issues related to "labor quality" or human capital.
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knowledge capital. Just as fixed capital is a distributed lag function of investment in plant and equipment (INV), knowledge capital is a distributed lag function of R&D investment (RD). Assuming geometric depreciation,
K(t) = �; ( I - OK) ; INV(t - i),
Z(t) = �; ( 1 - ozi RD(t - i).
(1 2a)
Let us assume that the production function ( 1 2) is Cobb-Douglas, and that there are constant returns to scale with respect to the conventional inputs K and L: ( 1 3) Knowledge capital is assumed to be a pure public good, whereas physical capital is a "congestible" good. Therefore to double output we need double only the quantities of the conventional inputs. {3 is the elasticity of output with respect to the stock of knowledge capital, and is the key parameter for measuring the impact of R&D or knowledge capital. Taking logarithms and differentiating with respect to time, Y'
aK' + ( 1 - a) L' + {3Z',
( 1 4)
where a prime after a variable denotes its growth rate, e.g. Y' = (d in Y)!dt. From Equation ( 1 4), the rate of labor productivity growth ( Y'-L') is determined by the rate of physical capital deepening (K'-L') and by the growth rate of the knowledge capital stock (Z'): Y' - L' = a (K' - L')
( 1 5)
Z' also influences the growth rate of total factor productivity (TFP). TFP is defined as the ratio of output to an index of conventional inputs: TFP
y =: Kav-a ·
Hence TFP'
Y' - [aK'
( 1 - a) L') = {3Z'.
( 1 6)
Equation ( 1 6) implies that the growth rate of total factor productivity is equal to the growth rate of the knowledge capital stock times the elasticity of output with respect to knowledge capital. The objective is to estimate {3. Suppose that we have time-series data on Y, L, K, and RD. (As we will discuss below, there may be serious problems with accurately measuring some of these variables, particularly Y.) To calculate TFP', we require an estimate of a, and to calculate Z', we require an estimate of Oz. Most analysts have been willing to assume that the conventional factors are paid the value of their marginal products, and therefore that a may be set equal to capital's share
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in total production cost (or national income), SK 7 . Then TFP' can be estimated by TFP' = Y' - (sKK' (1 - sK)L'). Getting a reliable estimate of Dz is more difficult. One feasible approach is (i) to calculate the Z series using the accumulation Equation ( 12a) under alternative assumed values of this parameter; (ii) to estimate Equation ( 1 6) using these different series; and (iii) to select the Dz value which provides the best fit of the TFP growth Equation ( 1 6). Griliches and Lichtenberg ( 1984) took this approach using industry level data for US manufacturing, and found that Dz = 0 provided the best fit. If we are willing to assume that Dz = 0, i.e., that knowledge capital does not depreciate, then Equation ( 1 6) can be re-expressed in an even simpler form. RD dY � dZ dY dZ TFP' = ( 1 7) = =Q ' dZ Y Z dZ Y Y where Q = (dYIdZ) = the marginal product of knowledge capital. Since the rate of depreciation is zero, the net change in the knowledge capital stock (dZ) is equal to gross R&D investment (RD). Equation ( 1 7) says that the rate of TFP growth (output growth controlling for the growth in conventional inputs) equals the ratio of R&D investment to output times the marginal product of knowledge capital. Under our assumptions, Q may also be interpreted as the rate of return to investment in R&D. Suppose that a firm spends an extra dollar on R&D this year. Since knowledge capital does not depreciate, its stock will be $ 1 higher in every future year. If the marginal product of knowledge capital is Q, its output (revenues) will be $n in every future year. Hence, Q is the rate of return on R&D investment. Because the labor and capital engaged in R&D are usually already included in the conventional input measures L and K - that is, they are "double-counted" - Q represents the excess rate of return to R&D investment - the additional return received for employing these factors in R&D, rather than in ordinary production. Equation ( 1 7) embodies the implicit assumption that the rates of return to different types of R&D (e.g., defense and non-defense) are equal. To estimate the rate of return to defense R&D performed in industry, and test the null hypothesis that it is equal to the rate of return to non-defense R&D, we need to disaggregate R&D and generalize the model as follows: RD 1 RD TFP1 = Qi y + Qo yo ( 1 8) or ( 1 9) where RD 1 denotes defense R&D; RD0 ( = RD-RD 1 ) denotes non-defense R&D; and rd; = (RD;IY), i = 0, 1 . Equation ( 1 9) has been estimated on data at a number of levels 7
Paul Romer (1 986) has argued that the elasticity of aggregate output with respect to physical capital substantially exceeds capital's share in national income (about 30%), and that there are increasing returns with respect to conventional inputs. However Mankiw, David Romer and Wei! ( 1 992) have argued that the apparently high capital elasticity disappears when human capital is accmmted for.
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of aggregation - national, industry, firm and line of business - for a large variety of sectors and samples. Due to data limitations, in many cases government-funded R&D is used as a proxy for defense R&D, and privately-funded R&D is used as a proxy for non-defense R&D. Lichtenberg and Siegel ( 1991) obtained the following estimates of a firm-level regression of productivity growth on federally-funded (FRD/Y) and company-funded R&D intensity (CRD/Y): TFP* '
const. 0.03(FRD/Y) + 0.35(CRD/Y), (0.8) (13.1)
where the figures in parentheses are t-stattsttcs. The estimated rate of return to company-funded R&D was positive and highly significant, but they were unable to reject the null hypothesis that the return to federally-funded R&D performed in industry is zero. Further analysis suggested that the impact of federally-funded R&D on productivity growth was highest among small firms, although even for them the impact was not statistically significant 8 . Lichtenberg ( l 992b) estimated a somewhat different but related model using cross sectional country-level data. His estimates also implied a decisive rejection of the hypothesis that the rate of return to government-funded R&D is equal to the return to privately-funded R&D, and inability to reject the hypothesis that the return to government R&D is zero. The apparently low social rate of return to government-funded R&D should be interpreted with caution. It does not necessarily imply that government R&D does not contribute to social welfare. A substantial fraction of government-sponsored R&D is devoted to the production of intangible goods, such as national defense and health, or the reduction of "bads", such as destruction of the environment, whose value is reflected imperfectly, at best, in national accounts data. Suppose that social welfare depends on two things - national security, and everything else (or guns and butter) and that the usual static tradeoff between the two (along the production possibilities frontier) applies. Suppose further that the production of butter, but not of guns, is included in GNP. The greater the fraction of R&D and other investment a society devotes to gun rather than butter production, the lower its measured growth rate will be. Under this view, the negative coefficient on government R&D-intensity merely reflects the existence of the static tradeoff between measured output (butter) and unmeasured output (guns). Even if the negative sign of this coefficient is not surprising, however, its magnitude is of interest, since it indicates the opportunity cost (in terms of conventionally-measured output) of government-funded research. It is sometimes hypothesized that this opportunity cost is substantially reduced by pervasive spillovers from government research to the private sector. Since these 8
In contrast, the returns to company-funded R&D were statistically significantly higher for large firms.
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estimates of the coefficient on government R&D should be interpreted as the opportunity cost of government R&D net of spillovers, it appears that, even net of these spillovers, the opportunity cost to the private sector of government research is substantial. The difference between the estimated returns to company and federal R&D may be overestimated due to (more severe) problems associated with measuring, and adjusting price indexes for, quality change in military industries. However there is evidence from case studies that the return to US-government-sponsored civilian R&D programs has also been very low. According to Cohen and Noll ( 1 99 1 , p. 365), only one of six major federal R&D commercialization programs (evaluated using retrospective benefit-cost analysis) achieved its objectives and can be regarded as worth the effort, and that program was killed.
The effect of defense R&D on nondefense R&D investment
The evidence surveyed in the previous section suggests that, holding nondefonse R&D constant, government-funded defense R&D has essentially no effect on
productivity growth. But, in principle, defense R&D could have a nonnegligible (positive or negative) indirect impact on productivity growth by affecting the quantity of nondefense R&D investment. Suppose nondefense R&D responds to the level of defense R&D according to the formula
rdo = 6rd1
+ u.
Then the total derivative of TFP' with respect to rd 1 is Q 1 r5Q0, which depends on the returns to nondefense R&D and on the response of rd0 to rd 1 , as well as on the returns to defense R&D. If, as the econometric evidence suggests, Q 1 = 0, defense R&D could exert a negative effect on the growth rate of productivity if it tends to depress or "crowd out" nondefense R&D expenditure. There have been a number of empirical studies of the effect of government (primarily defense) R&D expenditure on private R&D. Edwin Mansfield and Lome Switzer ( 1 984) simply asked a sample of industrial R&D officials how company expenditures would respond to specified, hypothetical changes in federal R&D support. On the basis of their survey, these authors concluded that changes in federal support tend to induce changes in the same direction in company spending, although some of their findings seemed to suggest that crowding out may in fact occur. Most other studies have been econometric analyses of the statistical relationship between company and federal R&D expenditure in either the aggregate time-series, industry-level cross sectional, or firm-level cross sectional dimension. With the exceptions of Jeffrey Carmichael (1981) and Neil Kay ( 1 979), most early analysts obtained estimates of r5 that were positive and significantly different from zero. In particular, using linear specifications of the relationship between company R&D
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expenditure and contract R&D expenditure, David Levy and Nestor Terleckyj ( 1983) obtained estimates around 0.27 from aggregate times-series regressions, Richard Levin ( 1 980) obtained a similar estimate from industry cross-sectional data, and John Scott (1984) reported estimates around 0.07 from the Federal Trade Commission Line of Business ("below" firm-level) data. These investigators seemed to interpret their results as offering at least tentative support for the hypothesis that federal support of R&D performed by industry stimulates company R&D activity. But Lichtenberg ( 1 9 84) argued that errors in the specification of the company-federal R&D relationship, and/or errors in the measurement of real R&D activity by source of financing, which these studies may have committed probably resulted in estimates of (i that were substantially upward biased. He identified two potential sources of bias - failure to allow for "fixed (industry- or firm-) effects", and erroneous "deflation" of both types of R&D expenditure - and proposed and implemented appropriate, albeit perhaps partial, remedies. Using firm-level panel data on R&D expenditure, and industry-level panel data on both R&D expenditure and employment, he was able to investigate the issues of lags, fixed effects, and deflation bias in the analysis of the government/private R&D relationship. Lichtenberg (1984) began by estimating industry-level regressions of the change in company-funded R&D expenditure on the change in federal R&D expenditure, both deflated by the GNP deflator. The expenditure regressions were estimated on annual data for twelve manufacturing industries over the period 1 963-1 979. The coefficient on federal R&D was positive but insignificant in equations that included industry and/or year effects. Since one might reasonably hypothesize that private R&D responds with a lag (of greater than a year) to changes in government R&D expenditures, he re estimated the models with two lagged values of the federal R&D variable included; the (sum of) the government R&D coefficient(s) was again positive but insignificant. Indeed, the hypothesis that contract R&D expenditure stimulates company-funded research appeared to be undermined rather than strengthened by allowing for lagged effects. Lichtenberg also estimated similarly specified models using data on employment of R&D scientists and engineers, rather than R&D expenditure, by source of funding; due to the difficulty of properly deflating R&D expenditures, these employment data may serve as a better index of real R&D input than inaccurately deflated cost series. These estimates implied a strong, negative contemporaneous effect of federally-funded on company-supported R&D employment. When lagged values of federal R&D were included, some estimates implied essentially no, or perhaps a weakly positive, net effect of federal R&D, but other (less restrictive) models indicated a negative long-run impact: a federally funded increase of 1 00 R&D scientists and engineers this year will result in a reduction of company-sponsored employment of 39 within the year, essentially no change next year, and an increase of 7 in two years. The third and last type of data Lichtenberg analyzed was longitudinal, firm-level data on R&D expenditures as a fraction of sales. He performed regressions of the ratio of company R&D to sales on the ratio of federal R&D to sales, for the years 1 967, 1972, and 1 977, and corresponding regressions involving changes in these variables
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during the periods spanned by these years. Estimating models in both level and first difference form reveals the importance of allowing for fixed effects in the analysis of R&D performance. In the 1967 and 1 972 cross-sectional regressions, the coefficient on federal R&D/sales was positive and significant, indicating that firms which do more con tract R&D tend to perform more own-financed R&D. It is rather surprising that the coefficient in the 1 977 equation was negative, as well as larger in magnitude and more significant than the 1967 and 1 972 coefficients. Only Carmichael had found negative and significant cross-sectional coefficients on contract R&D, and his estimates were smaller (of the order -0.08). But coefficient estimates in the first-difference form of the model for 1 967-1 972, 1 972-1 977, and 1 967-1977 were all negative and highly significant. The point estimate of -0.26 for the ten-year interval as a whole is similar in magnitude to the coefficients in the industry-level R&D employment regressions reported above. Thus improved measurement of, and specification of the relationship between, company and federal R&D yielded evidence that was quite inconsistent with the hypothesis that defense R&D investment tends to stimulate nondefense or civilian R&D. But even these tests are not entirely conclusive, because the distinction between government and private R&D is not the same as the distinction between defense and civilian R&D, and because the defense/civilian R&D relationship may be characterized by very long lags.
How do Government decision-makers respond to cost information yielded by defense R&D'?
A "maj or thesis" of Peck and Scherer's ( 1962) seminal monograph on defense procurement was that "there is uniqueness in both the magnitude and the diverse sources of uncertainty in weapons acquisition" (p. 1 7). They defined two broad classes of uncertainties: internal and external. The extent of internal (and possible also of external) uncertainty about a weapon system is greatest at the beginning of its "life cycle". As resources are devoted to the system's research and development, information about the true cost of acquiring the system is generated, and the degree of technological uncertainty is reduced. How do defense decision-makers - the people in the Pentagon and Congress who make decisions about the allocation of defense resources - respond to the arrival of new information concerning the cost of weapons acquisition? Because in most economic settings, it is inefficient not to change behavior in response to new information, this question relates to the degree of efficiency of defense procurement, an issue of considerable concern to policy-makers and the public. In other words, how elastic is the government's demand for individual weapon systems? When the govermnent's estimate of the cost of acquiring a given weapon changes as a consequence of data generated in the course of R&D, how much (if
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at all) does the desired "buy" (quantity) change? An important determinant of the elasticity of demand for a specific weapon is the degree of substitutability between it and other weapons actually or potentially being acquired. Scherer ( 1 964, pp. 54-53) suggests that even systems that have no obvious technical or operational substitutes are "threatened" by rival systems in the bureaucratic competition for budgetary support. In the early 1 960's, for example, (offensive) Polaris missiles and the Nike Zeus ballistic missile defense programs were regarded by top Defense Department (DoD) officials as substitutes, in effect. Early in a program's life cycle, there is often intense competition among a few potential suppliers to develop and produce the weapon. But once the design and technical competition is over, the system is likely to be produced on a sole-source basis. The winning contractor then enjoys a monopoly with respect to the supply of the system. The extent of the contractor's market power, and his ability to earn monopoly profits, are inversely related to the elasticity of the government's demand. The higher the demand elasticity, the lower the price the contractor will seek to set and the lower his profit. It may also be the case that the higher the demand elasticity, the lower the optimal level of government expenditure to monitor and regulate the costs and profits of defense contractors. One research strategy for determining the demand elasticity is to examine empir ically the relationship between revisions in cost estimates and revisions in quantity estimates across the population of major weapon systems. The revisions are from original or "baseline" estimates (made around the start of full-scale development) to "current" estimates (made at a subsequent date). Lichtenberg (1989a) formulated a simple model of revisions in weapons system quantity and cost estimates. He postulated that at any given time in the life cycle of a weapons system, the Pentagon has estimates of (the slopes and intercepts of) both the marginal cost schedule (the supply curve) and the marginal benefit schedule (the demand curve) of the system 9 . In particular, the Pentagon has such estimates at two times: the date at which full-scale development begins (time 0), and at a later date (time t). (Estimates made at time 0 are referred to as "baseline estimates".) Assume that the supply and demand schedules are log-linear. The baseline schedules may be written: ln MC = <50 - a ln Q, ln MB = <90 - (3-1 ln Q,
(2 1) (22)
where MC denotes marginal cost, MB denotes marginal benefit, Q denotes quantity, and (3 is the elasticity of demand 1 0 . For simplicity, he also assumed that the baseline 9 Marginal cost consists primarily of production costs, since development costs are essentially fixed indeed "sunk" - costs: they are independent of quantity purchased. 1 0 Because the cost of developing and producing high-technology equipment is subject to considerable uncertainty, a disturbance term should be added to equation (21 ); it is suppressed here for simplicity.
FR. Lichtenberg
quantity chosen by the government is the one satisfying the equality between lnMC and lnMB: E>o - Do . ln MC = ln MB =? In Qo = [3-l _a
In order for Q0 to be an equilibrium quantity, it must be the case that {3- 1 > a: the demand curve must be more negatively sloped than the supply curve. Because, as we shall see below, weapons systems typically exhibit decreasing marginal costs, the condition is not a trivial one. As time passes following the start of full-scale development, decision-makers will revise their estimates of the supply and/or demand schedules. Information generated during the course of development about the cost or difficulty of acquiring the system would result in supply-curve revisions. Changes in the actual or perceived nature of the "threat" from enemy forces, and revisions in supply-curve estimates of other (complementary or substitute) systems under development would result in demand curve revisions. We represent the Pentagon's estimates of the supply and demand curves at time t (t > 0) as follows: ln MC
D1 - a ln Q,
ln MB = E>1 - {3- 1 In Q.
(24) (25)
Lichtenberg assumed that only the intercepts, and not the slopes, of the supply and demand curves are subject to revision; data limitations would not allow him to identify changes in the slopes. Equilibrium quantity at time t therefore satisfies: (26) The revision in equilibrium quantity between time 0 and time t can be calculated by subtracting Equation (23) from Equation (26): (27) The log-change in quantity is due to both supply- and demand-curve revisions, each divided by the difference between the slopes of the curves. Equation (27), along with the baseline supply curve (2 1), can under certain assumptions provide a basis for estimating the parameters a and {3. Lichtenberg had data from the Selected Acquisition Reports, for 84 major weapons systems, on the quantity- and supply-shift variables ln(Q1/Q0) and (C51-C50). Unfortunately, he lacked data on the demand shift ( E>1- E>0). But suppose, as seems reasonable, that demand shifts are uncorrelated with supply
Ch. 15: Economics of Defense R&D
shifts across weapons systems. Moreover, assume that a and {3 do not vary across weapons systems. Then the regression equation,
where the i subscript denotes weapon system i and is a disturbance term, will yield a consistent estimate of the nonlinear function of the parameters -({3-1-at 1 . Of course, neither a nor {3 can be separately identified from this equation alone, but the available data permitted him to estimate another equation which identified a. By simultaneously estimating the system of two equations, he was able to identify both parameters. His empirical results may be summarized as follows. When the data were standardized by program base year - in effect comparing a program only with those other programs entering full-scale development at about the same time - there was a significant negative correlation between quantity and cost changes. The estimated elasticity of demand was 0.55, and was significantly different from both zero and unity. This suggests that the government's demand for specific weapons is inelastic, but not perfectly inelastic. The estimates also imply that weapons acquisition is characterized by increasing returns: the mean and median values of the elasticity of total cost with respect to quantity were 0.78 and 0.72, respectively. Further analysis revealed that the negative correlation between quantity and cost revisions - hence the nonzero demand elasticity - was entirely attributable to one component of cost revisions: those associated with changes in the acquisition schedule 1 1 . The elasticity of quantity with respect to schedule-related cost increases is about twice as great as the elasticity with respect to cost increases generally. In principle, it is possible that schedule-related cost increases are due to demand-induced stretch-outs of programs rather than supply-related, or technological, shocks. But it is not clear on theoretical grounds that unobserved demand shocks could account for the correlations he observed, and the demand-shock interpretation was also not supported by one econometric attempt to correct for it. 8. Are defense R&D programs dynamically optimal?
Grossman and Shapiro ( 1986) studied the optimal pattern of outlays for a single firm pursuing an R&D program over time. Treating dynamic R&D investment as an optimal control problem facing a single firm, they characterized the profile of R&D expenditure as a single R&D project progresses. In this section, we briefly review the assumptions and implications of their model and report an analysis of data contained in the Defense 11 As Hartley and Tisdell ( 19 8 1 , p. 355) have observed, system modifications are another important source of cost escalation.
FR. Lichtenberg
Technical Information Center's IR&D data bank to determine whether they are broadly consistent with the theory. Grossman and Shapiro assume that a finn seeks a prize of size W and that to obtain this prize it must "travel" a distance L. The instantaneous rate of advance is determined by the rate of R&D expenditure. There are decreasing returns to effort at any point in time, given that some progress is being made, but there may be a fixed start-up cost at any moment. The firm's problem is to choose expenditures at every point in time up to some terminal date to maximize the present discounted value of net profits, subject to the constraint that total progress attained at the termination date be sufficient to complete the project. The major implication of the model is that it generally is not optimal for a finn to devote a constant level of resources to its research program, even if the relationship between effort and progress is unchanging. Rather, the finn should vary its R&D expenditure directly with the current expected value of the project. In many circumstances, this value will increase as the finn achieves progress. "Circumstances" refers to whether or not there is uncertainty about the "difficulty" of the project (i.e., the distance to be traveled) or about the relationship between effort (expenditure) and progress. They show that if neither type of uncertainty is present (the deterministic case), it is optimal to increase effort over time as the proj ect nears completion, in part because discounted R&D costs can be decreased for any given duration of the project by shifting expenditures from early to later stages. If there is only uncertainty concerning the relationship between effort and progress, a monotonously increasing effort profile remains optimal. If there is uncertainty about the difficulty of the project, the optimal pattern of investment depends on the hazard rate function. If this function is everywhere nondecreasing - i.e., if whenever success is not realized, researchers become more optimistic that a breakthrough is imminent - the optimal program again involves rising R&D outlays over time. If, alternatively, the finn learns that the project is more difficult than was originally believed, it may be optimal to reduce the scale of the R&D program, or even to abandon it entirely. Grossman and Shapiro argue that the deterministic case applies more closely to development projects than to pure research programs. Hence, their model implies that development projects should exhibit increasing effort profiles, whereas projects subject to greater uncertainty as to their difficulty (such as basic research projects) would not necessarily do so, and might be expected to exhibit flatter (or even negatively sloped) profiles. Some of the assumptions ofthe model are highly unrealistic, and one might therefore not expect actual data to be consistent with the theory. First, the model omits all R&D rivalry, i.e., strategic interaction among firms. Also, the assumption that the progress function is stationary over time may be more reasonable in some contexts than in others. It may be easier to make progress once some initial groundwork has been laid, though the groundwork itself cannot be rushed due to diminishing returns to more effort on this "subproject". This case would tend to reinforce the Grossman Shapiro results. But it may also be easy to make progress early on, due to a long list
Ch. 15: Economics of Defense R&D
of "easy ideas to try". Then progress may slow once the difficult stage of the program is reached. Despite the possible lack of realism of the assumptions, it is of interest to assess the degree of consistency of the theory with the data. Lichtenberg ( 1989b) used data on over 9000 Independent R&D projects to test the hypothesis that the rate of investment in a project tends to increase as the project approaches completion. He computed, for each continuing project, the ratio (denoted R) of expected investment in the next year to average investment to date. To guard against the influence of a relatively small number of observations with very large values of R (some of which may have been outliers), he excluded from his sample observations with values of R greater than 4; his hypothesis tests are therefore likely to be conservative. The mean value of R for all projects was 1 .30 and highly significantly different from 1 ; the median was also greater than 1 ( 1 . 14), albeit smaller than the mean. This is consistent with the general implication that the rate of investment increases as the project approaches completion. But the data were not consistent with the implication that R should be lower in the case of projects involving greater uncertainty about the difficulty of completion. Mean and median values of R were essentially the same for basic research projects as they were for applied research and development; Lichtenberg (1 989b) presented evidence that the latter two categories are subject to less uncertainty than the former. He also used the IR&D data bank to develop some stylized facts about R&D in vestment at the project level. These are: (1) Research projects (both basic and applied) are longer and less intense than development projects; (2) the elasticity of cumulative investment with respect to project duration is greater than 1 for research projects and less than one for development projects; (3) the distributions of duration, average investment, and cumulative investment are highly skewed; (4) the shape of the duration distribution is close to lognormal, indicating that the conditional probability of project completion initially rises and then declines; (5) the degree of uncertainty about the project completion date is greater for basic research and concept formulation projects than it is for applied research and development projects. 9. Conclusions
The major conclusions of this chapter may be summarized as follows: (1) Direct R&D contracting is not the only way in which the government induces private firms to invest in defense R&D; it also does so by sponsoring design competitions and providing subsidies to "independent" R&D. (2) A considerable quantity (and share) of private R&D investment is induced by competitive defense procurement. (3) The effective rate of subsidy to independent R&D exceeds 40% - much higher than the apparent (nominal) subsidy or the subsidy to other R&D. (4) The profitability of government contractors is 68 to 82% higher than the profitability of other producers; this is consistent with the hypothesis that the former are able to shift costs from their
F.R. Lichtenberg
commercial operations to the government. ( 5) Both micro and aggregate estimates of the (social) "rate of return" to investment in government-funded (largely defense related) R&D - or its impact on productivity growth - are insignificantly different from zero, and are much smaller than estimates of the return to privately-funded R&D. (6) The best available evidence does not support the hypothesis that defense R&D tends to stimulate civilian R&D, and thereby has an indirect positive effect on productivity growth. (7) In two respects, the conduct of defense R&D and procurement appears to be "efficient" (or at least fails to be grossly inefficient). First, defense decision makers do seem to respond to the arrival of new information about the cost of weapons acquisition yielded by R&D: the elasticity of demand for weapons is significantly greater than zero (it is about 0.55). (8) Second, most independent R&D projects appear to be "dynamically optimal": the rate of investment increases as the project approaches completion.
References Baily, M., and A.K. Chakrabarti, 1 988, Innovation and the productivity crisis (The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC). Carmichael, J., 1 98 1 , The effects of mission-oriented public R&D spending on private industry, Journal of Finance 36, 617-627. Cohen, L., and R. Noll, 1991, The technology pork barrel (The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC). DoD (US Department of Defense), 1 985, Defense financial and investment review (Department of Defense, Washington, DC). Griliches, Z., and F.R. Lichtenberg, 1 984, R&D and productivity at the industry level: Is there still a relationship?, in: Z. Griliches, ed., R&D, patents, and productivity (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL) 465-496. Grossman, G.M., and C. Shapiro, 1 986, Optimal dynamic R&D programs, Rand Journal of Economics 1 7, 5 8 1 -593. Hartley, K., and C. Tisdell, 1 98 1 , Micro-economic policy (Wiley, New York). Kay, N., 1979, The innovative firm: A behavioral theory of corporate R&D (St. Martin's Press, New York). Levin, R., 1 980, Toward an empirical model of Schumpeterian competition, unpublished paper (Yale University, May). Levy, D., and N. Terleckyj, 1 983, Effects of government R&D on private R&D and productivity: A macroeconomic analysis, Bell Journal of Economics 14, 55 1-56 1 . Lichtenberg, F.R., 1 984, The relationship between federal contract R&D and company R&D, American Economic Review 74, 73-78. Lichtenberg, F.R., 1 988, The private R&D investment response to federal design and technical competitions, American Economic Review 78, 550-559. Lichtenberg, F.R., 1 989a, How elastic is the government's demand for weapons?, Journal of Public Economics 40, 57-78. Lichtenberg, F.R., 1 989b, !R&D project data and theories of R&D investment, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 13, 27 1 -282. Lichtenberg, F.R., 1 990, U.S. government subsidies to private military R&D: The Defense Department's independent R&D policy, Defense Economics 1 , 149-1 58.
Ch. 15: Economics of Defense R&D
Lichtenberg, F.R., 1 992a, A perspective on accounting for defense contracts, The Accounting Review
67, 741-752. Lichtenberg, F.R., 1 992b, R&D investment and international productivity differences, in: H. Siebert, ed., Economic growth in the world economy (J.C.B. Mohr, Tiibingen, Germany) 89-1 10. Lichtenberg, F.R., and D. Siegel, 1 99 1 , The impact of R&D investment on productivity: New evidence using linked R&D-LRD data, Economic Inquiry 29, 203-228. Mankiw, N.G., D. Romer and D. Wei!, 1 992, A contribution to the empirics of economic growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics 1 07, 407-437. Mansfield, E., 1971, Technological change (WW Norton, New York). Mansfield, E., and L. Switzer, 1 984, Effects of federal support on company-financed R&D: The case of energy, Management Science 30, 562-57 1 . Nalebuff, B.J., and J. Stiglitz, 1 983, Prizes and incentives: Towards a general theory of compensation and competition, Bell Journal of Economics 14, 2 1-43. National Science Board, 1 993, Science and engineering indicators � 1 993 (US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC). Peck, M.J., and F.M. Scherer, 1 962, The weapons acquisition process: An economic analysis (Harvard Business School, Boston, MA). Rogerson, WP. , 1 992, Overhead allocation and incentives for cost minimization in defense procurement, The Accounting Review 67, 671 ---6 90. Romer, P.M., 1 986, Crazy explanations for the productivity slowdown, NBER Macroeconomics Annual
2, 1 63-202. Scherer, F.M., 1 964, The weapons acquisition process: Economic incentives (Harvard Business School, Boston, MA). Scherer, F.M., 1 984, Using linked patent and R&D data to measure interindustry technology flows, in: Z. Griliches, ed., R&D, patents, and productivity (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL)
41 7-46 1 .
Scott, J. , 1984, Firm versus industry variability i n R&D intensity, in: Z. Griliches, ed., R&D, patents, and productivity (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL) 233-245. Stiglitz, J., and A. Weiss, 1 9 8 1 , Credit rationing in markets with imperfect information, American Economic Review 7 1 , 393-409. Thomas, J., and S. Tung, 1 992, Incentives under cost-reimbursement: Pension costs for defense contractors, The Accounting Review 67, 69 1 -7 1 1 . Todaro, M., 1 969, A model of labor migration and urban unemployment in the less developed countries, American Economic Review 59, 138-48. US Congress, 1 969, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary: Competition in defense procurement, hearings before the subcommittee on antitrust and monopoly (US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC). Winston, J., 1 985, Defense-related research and development in industry, Congressional Research Service Report No. 85-205 S, 1 8 October 1 985.
University of York
Abstract Keywords Introduction 2. The stylized facts and the policy problem 3. The economics of standardization 4. Taxonomy: project appraisal and procurement options 5. International collaboration
5.1. 5.2.
6. 7. 8. 9.
Collaboration: a public choice analysis Empirical results
Licensed and co-production Offsets The military production function: internal efficiency Conversion 9. I . 9.2.
Direct conversion Re-allocating resources
and public policy
I 0. Conclusion: a research agenda References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and T Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
460 460 461 461 465 471 473 475 477 479 481 483 484 485 486 487 487
K. Hartley
Voluntary military alliances, such as NATO, are often criticized for failing to exploit the opportunities for equipment standardization and free trade. However, nationalism means that governments adopt a variety of industrial policies for purchasing defense equipment, leading to departures from the competitive free trade model. Different procurement policies offer varying combinations of military and national economic benefits. Work sharing can be achieved through international collaboration, licensed production and offsets. Policies designed to improve efficiency in equipment procurement also affect the military production function. Job losses associated with the closure of military bases and defense plants raise issues of conversion. Keywords
Collaboration, conversion, cost-benefit analysis, licensed and co-production, market failure, military production functions, NATO free trade area, offsets, procurement options, public choice, specialization, standardization, strategic trade theory
Ch. 16: industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
1. Introduction
The supply side of military alliances is an under-researched field (see Chapter 5 of this Handbook). Critics of voluntary military alliances, such as NATO, stress their inefficiencies in the provision of both defense equipment and armed forces. They point to the wasteful duplication of costly research and development (R&D) programs for defense equipment and small national orders so that there is a failure to exploit the available economies of long production runs. Similarly, amongst armed forces there seems to be wasteful duplication as each member state of the alliance provides its own defense ministry, army, navy and air force, their associated training and support facilities and the necessary infrastructure of military bases and communications networks. On this basis, it seems that voluntary military alliances "fail" to exploit the available opportunities for international specialization based on comparative advantage and the associated potential for exploiting the resource savings from decreasing cost industries. These issues will become even more important in an era of falling defense budgets. Whilst many of the examples in this Chapter are based on NATO experience, the general supply-side principles apply to any military alliance. The Chapter starts by outlining the policy problem and considers the economics of standardization; it then presents a taxonomy of equipment procurement options, each of which is analyzed using a cost-benefit framework. Consideration is also given to internal efficiency issues in the armed forces and their implications for the military production function. Inevitably, policies aimed at improving efficiency involve winners and losers. Some groups will be made worse-off as reflected in the closure of defense plants and military bases. A final section focuses on conversion issues. 2. The stylized facts and the policy problem
Military alliances often focus on burden sharing as reflected in each member state's share of GNP devoted to defense. Such ratios are misleading since they measure inputs and not the output of defense, so that they provide no indication of the efficiency of military effort. At the same time, the rising costs of weapons and, at the margin, a greater preference for civil and social welfare expenditures (e.g., roads, hospitals, schools) has meant that in a period of comparative peace members of a military alliance will be under continued domestic electoral pressures to reduce defense budgets. In these circumstances, a military alliance is likely to place much greater emphasis on methods of increasing the efficiency of existing (and falling) levels of defense spending. A whole new jargon has emerged with objectives expressed in such terms as standardization, inter-operability, rationalization, managed competition, two-way streets, collaboration, co-production and offsets. For NATO, the policy problem was seen to be a failure of the allies to agree on common tactics, common training, common weapons and international specialization resulting in a waste of resources and adverse effects on military effectiveness (e.g.,
K. Hartley
an excessive fragmentation of NATO defense procurement markets). As a result, NATO was believed to be an inefficient organization in both its weapons markets and its armed forces. Equipment is not standardized nor inter-operable, whilst weapons production is "unco-ordinated" with "wasteful duplication" of costly programs. Standardization is advocated as the preferred solution with this policy objective embracing "commonality" in tactics, weapons, training and logistics. Attractive though it might seem, such "commonality" or standardization has major policy implications for each member of a voluntary club. To replace "wasteful duplication" in R&D and production requires nations with different preferences (and their governments seeking re-election) to agree on which weapons to buy, how and from whom. Inevitably, efforts to create a NATO free trade area in weapons will involve gainers and losers with no guarantees that the losers will be compensated. Similarly, nations in a voluntary military alliance will be reluctant to sacrifice the independence and guaranteed protection offered by their own national army, navy and air force for the dependence and interdependence associated with the international specialization of armed forces. Such international specialization based on comparative advantage might require, say, Germany to specialize in providing armored forces for the collective defense of the alliance, with France providing air defense, Turkey supplying infantry forces, the UK providing naval forces and the USA offering communications, early warning and the strategic nuclear umbrella. The gains from sacrificing nationalism and independence are believed to be substantial. One of the pioneering efforts in the field estimated annual waste in NATO at some $ 1 1 billion [I 975 prices: Callaghan ( 1 975)]. This estimate rather cavalierly assumed that waste comprised all European defense R&D expenditure together with 1 0% of US procurement, 25% of European procurement, I 0% of direct American annual NATO cost and I5% of European general purpose force expenditures. The preferred solution was a North Atlantic Common Defense Market characterized by international specialization based on comparative advantage, with Europe and the USA each developing, producing, supporting and providing the other with the equipment it is best able to make. The result was expected to be the end of "wasteful duplication" and the creation of long production runs leading to lower unit costs of standardized and inter-operable equipment, with a "two-way street" in military trade between Europe and the USA. In addition to the economic benefits, standardization was expected to increase NATO military effectiveness from 30-50% for most units to as much as 300% for certain tactical air units [Callaghan ( 1 975, p. I l l)]. The case for a NATO Common Defense Market or Free Trade Area appears impressive. The performance of defense industries in any military alliance is increasingly important in an era of expensive equipment, rising weapons costs and falling defense budgets. Indeed, cuts in military spending will force procurement agencies and the armed forces to change their traditional purchasing policies in order to seek cheaper methods of acquiring weapons (e.g., by buying off-the-shelf). Table I gives examples of the high costs of modern defense equipment. Not only is equipment expensive but cost trends are upwards reflecting improvements in quality
Ch. 16:
Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
Table l Unit procurement costs " US equipment
Average rn1it cost (million $, 1 995 prices)
Army 19
Comanche helicopter Advanced field artillery system
Navy b 5675
Nuclear aircraft carrier New attack submarine
1 700
Aegis destroyer or successor
F/A-18E/F (fighter aircraft)
Air Force b F22 (fighter aircraft)
C I 7 (transport aircraft)
260 45
F l 6 replacement (strike aircraft) Rates of cost escalation: UK and US procurement
Cost escalation' (% pa)
Fighter aircraft
Guided missiles
1 0.5
' Sources: CBO (I 994), Pugh (1 993). b Average unit cost for Navy and Air Force equipment is mid-point of low and high cost figures. ' Cost escalation refers to unit production costs adjusted for inflation and differences in production quantities.
and performance. New military equipment costs in real terms (unit for unit) far more than the old items which it replaces: typically such cost increases average about 10% per annum resulting in a doubling in cost every 7.25 years [Pugh (1993)]. The changing ratio of unit costs to defense budgets means that such cost increases affect the numerical strengths of armed forces, with consequent effects upon suppliers (i.e., economics as the ultimate arms controller). It also means that policies to improve the efficiency of procurement only buy a brief respite once for all time. With cost increases of 1 0% per annum, cost reductions of some 20% (e.g., as have resulted from greater competition) achieve relief from cost escalation for about 2 years [Pugh ( 1993)]. Such cost trends have led some commentators to make long-run forecasts of a one-ship navy and a one-aircraft air force [Starship Enterprise: Kirkpatrick and Pugh ( 1983)].
K. Hartley
464 Table 2a Duplication Equipment
Number of types Europe '
Tanks Armored combat vehicles
3 5
Fighter-bomber aircraft
Ground-attack-trainer aircraft
Anti-tank helicopter
• Europe
EC plus EFTA.
Table 2b Output of combat aircraft' Country
Orders for national forces
Total orders
France Mirage 2000
UK Hawk Sea Harrier
Sweden Gripen
International collaboration AMX (Italy-Brazil)
1 92
Alpha Jet (France-Germany)
Tornado (UK-Germany-Italy)
EF 2000 (UK-Germany-ltaly-Spain)
Harrier AV8B (UK-USA)
1 1 03
1 25 1
>979 442
F22 •
Source: Jane's (1 994).
Inefficiency in NATO weapons markets is reflected in the "wasteful duplication" of costly R&D programs and relatively short production runs. The stylized facts are given in Tables 2a,b which show two distinctive features. First, the proliferation of different
Ch. I 6: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
types of defense equipment in NATO and especially within Europe (Table 2a). For example, NATOs Rapid Reaction Corps is expected to fight together with six kinds of helicopter, ten different makes of vehicles, seven kinds of anti-tank weapons and four different communications systems [Beard ( 1 993)]. Second, the major differences in the scale of output between the USA and individual European nations (Table 2b). Whilst the examples of scale differences in Table 2b are for aircraft, the same point applies for a whole variety of equipment, including main battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, missiles, helicopters and warships. For example, between 1 979 and 199 1 , the US forces purchased almost 7800 M-1 tanks compared with the UK where the Army bought 426 Challenger I tanks. 3. The economics of standardization
The simple economic case for standardization and free trade in defense equipment markets is shown in Figure 1 . Consider two nations, with nation A operating initially on the long-run average cost curve LAC 1 purchasing Q2 at a unit cost of C 1 ; whilst nation B on a lower long-run average cost curve purchases Q 1 at a unit cost of C2. In each nation, decreasing costs show that a greater output leads to cost savings. However, if both nations combined their orders (Q 1 + Q2 = Q3) and purchased common equipment from the lowest cost supplier (nation B), then the total output of Q3 would be provided at a unit cost of C0. As a result of both standardization and free trade, nation A saves C 1 - Co and nation B saves C2 - C0. In addition to reductions in unit productions costs, there will be further savings from reduced duplication in R&D (e.g., one R&D program rather than two). If standardization is as beneficial as claimed, why has it not occurred? Are there some obvious market failures preventing worthwhile international transactions or are the existing arrangements optimal once it is recognized that all policies and exchange Average Cost
- · - -
' '
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
LAC1 (A) - - - -
LACo (B)
--�----------�--�----------� 01
Figure I . Standardization and free trade.
K. Hartley
involve costs? In fact, governments themselves are often a major barrier to free trade in defense equipment and hence the source of market failure. Governments can ensure that their national defense markets are characterized by entry barriers, preferential purchasing and restrictions on the transfer of technology so that anti competitive behavior results from the demand side of the market. Such policies reflect a traditional desire for independence and security of supply which necessitates protection of a nation's defense industrial base (DIB). Also, nations might dislike the expected outcome of free trade within a military alliance. In NATO, for example, it is predicted that a free trade area will result in the USA specializing in high technology defense equipment with Europe confined to "metal bashing" and having to accept a reduction in the size of its "key" technology industries such as aerospace. National governments can always justify support for their DIB by pointing to its apparent industrial and economic benefits in the form of protecting jobs, supporting high technology and spin-off and contributing to the balance of payments (see Chapter 14 of this Handbook). These apparent benefits are attractive to vote maximizing governments, but they should be seen as claims made by governments rather than economic statements about the social benefits of import replacement. Governments are entitled to believe that imports are "bad" and that exports are "good". However, if economists accept that the international division of labor and international trade are welfare enhancing, it follows that both exports and imports are welfare enhancing: imports create jobs by freeing resources for more productive alternative uses elsewhere in the economy. Indeed, in defense markets governments are often influenced by claims about technology and as a result ignore the opportunity cost question: would the resources currently allocated to the DIB make a greater contribution to technology, jobs, the balance of payments and ultimately GDP (economic welfare) if they were used elsewhere in the economy? There are circumstances in which state intervention in defense markets can be justified. One set of circumstances arises from market failures in the form of public goods, external economies and social benefits, including failures in R&D markets [Arrow ( 1962), Demsetz ( 1 969)]. Strategic trade policy provides a further case for state intervention. It arises where international trade is characterized by strategic rivalry between a small number of giant firms or "national champions" of different countries, or indirectly between governments acting on their behalf. In such markets, an established firm might try to create strategic entry barriers to maintain and enhance its market power. However, by using subsidies, governments have the potential to influence exit and entry decisions in oligopoly industries, thereby shifting rents between countries. The aerospace industry is often suggested as strategic in a theoretical sense in that it generates "excess rents" and subsidies can be used for "rent-snatching" (e.g., Airbus representing Europe's efforts to achieve a share of those rents [Pomfret ( 1 991), Tyson ( 1 992)]). A simple example is presented in Figure 2 which displays two game matrices in normal form showing super-normal profits and losses. Assume that Lockheed is established in the world military transport aircraft market with its Hercules aircraft.
Ch. 16: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
467 (b) With Subsidies to FLA
(a) No Subsidy
European FLA
European FLA
Produce Lockheed Hercules
Produce Don't Produce
-1 0,-1 0 0, 1 25
Don't Produce 1 25,0
Lockheed Hercules
-1 0,40
Don't Produce 1 25,0
Don't 0• 1 75 0•0 t----t----1 Produce L----L----J
Figure 2. Successful intervention. (a) No subsidy; (b) With subsidies to FLA.
There is no incentive for the Europeans to enter the market with their rival Future Large Aircraft (FLA) without a subsidy, because entry would involve losses (-1 0). A commitment by the European governments to pay the subsidy changes the pay offs and makes production a dominant strategy. With a subsidy (50), the Europeans are better off producing than not producing, whatever Lockheed does, so that they will enter the market. As a result, Lockheed will lose money and will exit if it has no access to a subsidy. At the same time, the Europeans achieve rents of 1 75 for a subsidy of 50. However, intervention through subsidies will not always pay off and there are examples of costly failures. Indeed, public choice analysis predicts government failure, whilst Austrian economics stresses the role of uncertainty and the impossibility of making accurate predictions about the unknown and unknowable future [Mueller ( 1 989)]. The potential losers from a free trade area will seek to oppose change and lobby for compensatory policies. As a result, there is often an emphasis on managed (fair) competition, balanced trade and transitional measures. These policies involve departures from the principles of a competitive free trade area as national defense ministries seek to "manage competition" so as to minimize the costs imposed on the losers. For example, efforts will be made to ensure that the opening-up of national defense markets occurs slowly over a number of years allowing time for adjustment. Similarly, an emphasis on "balanced" international trade in defense equipment can be used to protect national defense industries. However, such balance is likely to be achieved at a price of departing from principles of specialization by comparative advantage and seeking "balance" in a specific product group, namely, defense equipment as distinct from an overall balance across all international transactions. A free trade area is one possible solution for weapons procurement in a military alliance. However, this is not the only possibility: there are at least three alternative scenarios each of which needs to be specified more clearly. Indeed, rarely are efforts made to operationalize any of these scenarios. First, a competitive free trade area could be created whereby each member state would open up its national defense market, allowing firms from other member states to bid for its national defense contracts. In NATO, such a free trade area could be created for the whole military alliance; or, it could apply to a sub-set of member states, namely, European countries and the Single European Market. Furthermore, such a free trade area could apply to all defense
K. Hartley Table 3 Alternative alliance scenarios
Liberalized competitive market: Extent of market Alliance-wide World-wide
National procurement by national defense ministries
Centralized procurement agency replacing national defense ministries
Twin track (a) competition (b) collaboration
equipment or there could be limited liberalization under which certain equipments would be excluded (e.g., nuclear systems). Second, the alliance could create a single centralized procurement agency which would replace national defense ministries and would purchase common, standardized equipment for all alliance forces. Third, there is the twin track scenario comprising a mixture of competition and collaboration. Competition would apply to small and medium-sized equipment (e.g., ammunition, small arms, small-medium sized missiles) where purchasing would be undertaken by national defense ministries. Large equipment projects would be undertaken on a collaborative basis with work allocated by either juste retour or by competition (e.g., combat aircraft, large missiles, nuclear systems [Moravcsik ( 1990), Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995)]). For each scenario, competition could be restricted to firms from member states of the alliance or their markets could be opened-up to firms from the rest of the world (i.e., outside the alliance), as shown in Table 3 . Of the various options, the creation of a centralized procurement agency purchasing common equipment offers the greatest potential cost savings but, politically, it is the most difficult to implement. Whichever scenario is preferred, it has to be recognized that purchasing defense equipment is a complex process involving a variety of choices under uncertainty. Decisions are required on what to buy, whether to buy on a national or a collaborative basis, at which stage in the project's life cycle the equipment is to be selected, who to buy from and how to buy. In other words, choices are required on the type of equipment to be purchased, the role of competition and the extent of the market in the selection process, the choice of contractor and the type of contract. Table 4 presents a taxonomy which identifies and classifies the variety of arrangements for both purchasing and supplying defense equipment of which alliance defense industrial policies form a sub set. Broadly, there are two extremes, namely, national independence whereby a nation acting alone might buy all its defense equipment from its domestic DIB; alternatively, it could import all its defense equipment by buying off-the-shelf from overseas suppliers. Between these extreme policies, there are a variety of intermediate policies such as international collaboration, the licensed or co-production of a foreign design or imports
Ch. 16: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector Table 4 Procurement options Choices [
Choice of buyer (A) National procurement' (B) Joint Procurement b
What to buy: peiformance features
When to select in project life cycle 3 5 7
4 6 8
(i) Competitive procurement: open versus selective
(ii) Non competitive: direct negotiation
13 15
14 16
17 19
18 20
21 23 25
22 24 26
27 29 31 33
28 30 32 34
37 39
38 40
(i) Design stage (ii) Development - prototype stage (iii) Production stage
III. Role of competition and extent of market
(iii) Market open to a. National firms only b . Suppliers in alliance member states c. Firms in other regions d. The world
IV Choice of contract (i) Fixed price (ii) Target cost - incentive type (iii) Cost-plus
V Supply-side: industrial organization (i) Single producer (ii) Licensed coproduction (iii) Offsets (work sharing) (iv) Collaboration-consortia
VI. Location of supplier (i) National (ii) Overseas a. Alliance b. Rest of world
' One alliance nation. b Two or more alliance nations including centralized procurement.
of foreign equipment with some form of offset or work-sharing arrangement for the domestic industry of the importing nations. Table 4 can be used to classify the three alliance defense industrial policies (as shown in Table 3). National procurement by national defense ministries in a liberalized
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competitive market would be represented by A, I 1 , II 3 or 5 or 7, III 9, 1 5 or 1 9, IV 2 1 , V 27 or 33, VI 35 or 37 or 39. This scenario involves one alliance nation buying its defense equipment on a competitive fixed price contract with competition restricted to firms in alliance member states or open to the world. Supply could be from a single producer or a consortium located within the nation or overseas. In contrast, a centralized procurement agency buying equipment for all alliance members on a competitive fixed price basis would be represented: B I 2, II 4 or 6 or 8, III 1 0, 1 6 or 20, IV 22, V 28 or 34, VI 36 or 38 or 40. Whilst the various alliance defense industrial policies appear to offer substantial cost savings, their assumptions need to be specified. Only then is it possible to assess their implications and their likelihood of success (and the reasons for departing from "first best" solutions for such regimes as managed competition). For each scenario it is assumed that: (i) The national or centralized procurement agency acts as a competitive buyer with no work sharing or juste retour constraints and the centralized procurement agency can make and enforce its equipment choices. For example, the agency would need an agreed set of rules for making procurement choices (e.g., unanimity or majority voting). (ii) Firms are awarded competitively-determined fixed price contracts for develop ment and production work. (iii) There are clearly specified requirements for defense equipment applicable to all bidders. (iv) Suppliers receive no preferential treatment from their national governments (e.g., subsidies; indirect support such as for civil R&D with possible military applications). In other words, there needs to be non-discriminatory purchasing and a level playing field. The problems of creating a competitive free trade area in a military alliance (e.g. NATO or the Single European Market) cannot be exaggerated. Within a liberalized market with procurement by national defense ministries, problems arise in enforcing the procedures for market openness and in preventing anti-competitive behavior by national governments. Defense equipment purchases can always be rationalized on grounds of 'national security' . And whichever the scenario, there will always be pressures from producers to restrict the market to firms from alliance member states, with the potential for cartelization and lack of contestability. Indeed, the history of trade policy shows how hard it is to defeat the power of producer lobbies. There will also be pressure from the military-industrial complex favoring 'fair and managed' competition with cost based contracts awarded on a juste retour basis. Inevitably, the long-run trend towards a smaller number of larger defense contractors will lead to departures from the competitive model and the creation of oligopolies and monopolies where there are opportunities for cartels and collusive tendering. Scenarios which create and protect alliance monopolies so as to obtain economies of scale and avoid the wasteful duplication of costly R&D will allow firms to charge monopoly prices as well as pursue a quiet life leading to dynamic costs rather
Ch. 16: industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
than benefits - all of which will reduce the estimated savings from achieving less duplication in R&D! Here, contestability of alliance defense markets is crucial to firm behavior and performance. Contestability can be achieved in a variety of ways through, for example, opening-up the alliance market to firms from the rest of the world; or by offering sub-contract work to the losing firm in a major competition; or by recognizing that for some equipments, it is possible that the rivals who lose a maj or contract might be able to re-enter the market at some future date. Or, with a centralized procurement agency, competing development teams might be maintained by covering the cost of developing cheap competing prototypes. However, where there is an alliance monopoly supplier, the centralized procurement agency might have to maintain competition by funding an overseas rival development program (i.e. in a non-member state), although this might not be politically acceptable. Moreover, unless the centralized procurement agency is prepared to award the contract to an overseas firm from outside the alliance, the alliance monopolist will not take the threat of rivalry seriously; and if the contract is awarded overseas, the alliance monopolist might exit from the industry! In such a situation, the alliance monopolist might have to be subject to regulatory requirements (e.g. profit controls) and will behave like any firm subject to regulation.
Taxonomy: project appraisal and procurement options
Purchasing defense equipment requires nations to make difficult choices in a world of uncertainty (e.g. over time horizons of up to 40 years). Where a country is a member of an alliance, such choices might be made on an individual national basis or collectively whereby all members agree on the type of equipment to be purchased. Cost-benefit analysis provides a framework for the economic evaluation of alternative equipment. In principle, this requires an analysis of the costs of the various rival equipments, their performance in relation to the national or alliance defense requirement and any wider industrial or economic benefits. For each alternative defense equipment (e.g. rival tanks or ships or combat aircraft), a cost-benefit analysis requires the following: (i) The estimated lifo-cycle costs of the alternatives. Acquisition prices represent only part of life-cycle costs: these are the true total costs of a project which need to be expressed in terms of present values. Cost estimates for equipment under development and not yet in-service can also be umeliable and for such equipment, this umeliability is even greater for cost estimates for in-service support, operations and maintenance. Nor should cost figures be compared on a per unit basis only: for example, combat aircraft differ in their performance so that the relevant basis for any comparison is the total cost of the fleet required to meet an operational requirement. (ii) The military features and strategic implications of the alternatives. This requires an analysis of the performance, numbers required to meet the operational requirement, and delivery schedules. The alternatives might differ in their contributions to alliance
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standardization and inter-operability, to international collaboration and to maintaining the national defense industrial base. iii. National economic benefits. Equipment procurement choices involve wider economic benefits in the form of their impact on jobs, technology and the balance of payments. Employment impacts involve numbers of jobs and their skill content; technology includes any spin-offs to the rest of the economy; and the balance of payments embraces exports and import-saving. In some cases, efforts are made to include Treasury or Exchequer impacts as reflected in tax receipts and any expenditure on unemployment and social welfare payments (e.g. following the cancellation of a project). However, the inclusion of Exchequer impacts is controversial. It raises issues of transfer payments versus the resource costs of the unemployed in periods of large scale unemployment; the role, if any, of shadow pricing; and the extent to which local labor markets act as efficient clearing mechanisms (see Chapter 1 7 of this Handbook). Not all costs and benefits will be quantifiable: there will be some intangibles which need to be brought to the attention of decision-makers (e.g. the security offered by a national defense industrial base). Even where variables can be quantified, they might be subject to risk and uncertainty, and government as the final decision-maker might attach different valuations to those recommended by economists. For example, a Defense Ministry might focus on defense criteria only, namely, costs, performance, delivery and the risks attached to the various competing proposals, so ignoring any wider industrial and economic benefits. On the other hand, when governments have to approve an equipment purchase, their final decision might be determined by wider economic benefits, such as jobs impacts in marginal constituencies and, ultimately, the desire for re-election. Whether or not it is a member of an alliance, a nation has a variety of industrial policy options for purchasing defense equipment. Each option offers the purchasing nation a different degree of industrial involvement or work sharing in the development and/or production of the system being acquired. The options also have different implications for costs, program risks, control over equipment specifications, as well as wider industrial and economic benefits for the purchasing nation [Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, Chapter 9)). Typically, governments prefer the indigenous development and production of defense equipment. Domestic sourcing enables governments to claim that their policies generate new technologies (which might spill-over into civil industry), provide jobs, improve the balance of payment and the security of supply. However, the costs of an independent DIB and the lack of a suitable technological capability often restrict purchasers of defense equipment to sharing the production work associated with equipment they wish to buy, rather than undertaking indigenous development or a collaborative project, where both development and production work are shared. Whichever procurement policy is adopted, care is needed to distinguish between the economic welfare implications of international trade and the beliefs, myths and special pleading which national producer groups will use to influence equipment choices and which governments will use to 'rationalize' their decisions. A taxonomy of various work-sharing arrangements is shown in Table 5. For example, importing involves
Ch. 16: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
Table 5 Work sharing Policy
Sharing arrangements Selected defense equipment b Other defense equipment b D P S D P S a
National-domestic procurement (DIB)
( 1 00%)
( 1 00%)
( 1 00%)
International collaboration
V (S%) ' v (S%)
v (S%)
V (S%)
v (S%)
Civil goods and services
Licensed production; coproduction Offsets direct indirect Importing
v (S%) X
v (S%)
v (S%)
.J, work share; x , no work share. D, development; P, production; S, support work. ' S%, sharing rate between partner nations, where S < 1 00%.
no work sharing on the contract, whereas purchasing from the national DIB offers 100% work on development, production and support for the program. Offsets can involve direct work sharing on the selected equipment or indirect involvement through other defense projects or civil goods and services (e.g. tourism). 5. International collaboration
International collaboration or joint ventures can be viewed as clubs involving two or more nations sharing the total development and production costs and work on defense equipment projects. Europe has considerable experience of such collaboration, especially in aerospace projects (aircraft, helicopters, engines and missiles). Examples include the British-French Jaguar strike aircraft; the UK-Germany-Italy Tornado combat aircraft, and the 4-nation Eurofighter 2000 air superiority fighter aircraft [Draper ( 1 990), Hartley ( 1983), Matthews ( 1992)]. The stylized facts of international collaboration in aerospace can be summarized as follows: (i) During the 1 960s, international collaboration in aerospace was largely intra European. (ii) During the 1 970s, there was an increase in the proportion of collaborative projects with a non-European partner. (iii) Both the number and percentage of all projects which were collaborative was higher in the 1 980s than in the 1960s. In other words, there has been a movement away from national projects towards collaboration.
K. Hartley Table 6 Cost savings from collaboration ' R&D costs (£m)
Production order
Unit production cost (£m)
Total production cost (£m)
Total program cost (£m)
Independence Nation A Nation B
1000 1000
200 200
20 20
4000 4000
5000 5000
1000 1000
18 2
7200 800
8200 1 800
International collaboration Nations A&B: equal sharing Savings from collaboration
• For collaborative production a 90% unit production cost curve is used, showing a I 0% reduction in unit costs for a doubling in cumulative output.
(iv) Between the 1 960s and 1980s, there was an upward trend in the mean number of partner nations per collaborative project. (v) The larger European economies, namely, France, Germany and the UK, have been most active in collaborative projects, usually collaborating with each other. (vi) The limited population of collaborative projects has involved different partner nations, various organizational arrangements and a heterogeneous set of projects (e.g. combat and trainer aircraft, helicopters, missile and aero-engines) . (vii) Collaboration is not restricted to aerospace: a wide variety of military equipment has been developed and produced collaboratively [e.g. electronics based projects such as airborne and naval radar: Hartley and Martin ( 1 993a)] . European collaboration is believed to offer a variety of economic, industrial, military and political benefits. In theory, there are cost savings in both R&D and production. Members of the collaborative club can share the costs and risks of costly R&D programs, and by combining their national orders they can achieve the economies of scale and learning from a longer production run. In this ideal case, the partner nations obtain cheaper equipment and avoid the 'wasteful duplication' of costly R&D work associated with competing national programs. An example is shown in Table 6 where two-nation collaboration offers cost savings of 1 8%. There are also possible industrial benefits, especially in costly high technology industries such as aerospace where collaboration creates larger European groups able to compete with the USA. Further benefits arise from greater equipment standardization between NATO members as well as demonstrating a European commitment to the cohesion and credibility of the NATO alliance [HCP 247 ( 1 99 1 ), Pugh (1 986)]. Collaboration, however, has its costs leading to departures from the 'ideal model' . Governments are involved in a set o f choices about the type of equipment to be purchased, with which partner nations, with which firms, how to organize the joint venture, and the criteria for sharing the total work on the program. These
Ch. 16: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
choices will be made in the political market place of governments, voters, political parties, bureaucracies and producer groups within the partner nations: such market arrangements provide opportunities for inefficiency in collaborative ventures.
5. 1. Collaboration: a public choice analysis The typical election arrangements mean that voters are unable to express their preferences between alternative procurement policies (e.g. nationalism, buy abroad, joint projects or licensed production); nor are they provided with information on the costs and benefits of different policies because of the alleged need to 'protect national security'. As a result, a government has discretion in interpreting the 'national interest' and it will be influenced by the views of specialists in the form of bureaucracies and interest groups of contractors and scientists. A defense ministry and the armed forces aiming to maximize their budget and the opportunities for power, prestige and personal satisfaction, will stress and exaggerate the apparently attractive cost savings from international collaboration and its major social benefits through supporting jobs, the balance of payments and promoting high technology. Bureaucrats will welcome the opportunities for regular international travel and the prestige involved in negotiating an international treaty, protecting the national interest, allocating contracts and 'policing' the program. They have an incentive to negotiate international contracts which make it costly for any partner nation to withdraw unilaterally, and to devise a set of monitoring arrangements which maximize their involvement in project decision-making (e.g. under the guise of public accountability and protecting the national taxpayer). Some of these activities represent bureaucratic behavior as 'on-the-job' leisure disguised as 'output' [Peacock ( 1 992)]. The case for collaboration will be supported by producer groups of management and unions seeking new contracts, and by the scientific lobby with its desire to expand the frontiers of knowledge - all at the taxpayers expense. As a result, the armed forces, bureaucracies, contractors and scientists within each partner nation will insist upon imposing their requirements, ideas and technical aspirations. Bargaining is inevitable. At the start of the program, each partner nation's armed forces will insist upon their operational requirements; firms will compete for project leadership; and each country's scientists will demand to be involved in the most exciting technical advances. International rivalry will dominate the early stages of negotiations, as each national interest group submits its claims, uses its bargaining skills, exaggerates its orders and threatens to withdraw (it resembles collective bargaining between employers and trade unions). Inevitably, any international agreement will be a compromise between the maximum bids of each partner and the minimum terms required to persuade it to join and remain a member of the club. Such compromises are likely to reflect bargaining behavior rather than efficiency criteria: behavior within committees will determine outcomes rather than commercial considerations of efficiency and profitability. Each partner will demand a 'fair' share of both development and production work, including an involvement in all aspects of high technology. For example, on aircraft development,
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each partner will demand a share of high technology work on the airframe, engine, avionics and equipment. In its desire to obtain a preferred part of the project, a nation might be willing to sacrifice to its partners a maj or share in a less preferred part of the program, or even offer compensation in other unrelated policy areas (e.g. support in a vital vote on EU agricultural or regional policy). As a result, work is allocated on the basis of political and equity (juste retour) rather than efficiency criteria. Collaborative projects once started are difficult to stop. International collusion replaces rivalry, and national governments will be confronted by a combined interest group of scientists, producers and bureaucrats in the partner nations. Such international groups of experts are likely to be influential in persuading vote-conscious governments of the technological, military, diplomatic and other social benefits of continuing with a collaborative venture. Their views on technology and estimates of development costs and time-scales are likely to be decisive although optimistic; and the costs of optimism are borne by each nation's numerous tax-payers. As a result, budget-sensitive bureaucracies in partner nations, supported by scientists and defense contractors, will tend to exaggerate the social benefits and cost savings of joint programs in order to persuade vote-conscious governments to undertake and continue the work. European collaborative ventures will also be attractive to governments seeking re election. Partner governments can be seen to be promoting European unity, avoiding dependence on US technology and weapons, and obtaining wider economic benefits (the military-industrial-political complex). A public choice analysis predicts that j oint European ventures will depart from the ideal model and will be characterized by inefficiency. The political market place and the associated bargaining process creates constraints on the choice of the most efficient organizational arrangements and contractors. On collaborative aerospace ventures, inefficiency is reflected in: (a) The administrative and organizational costs resulting from excessive gov ernment bureaucracy and duplicate organizations for procurement and supply. For example, the most efficient organization for managing a project might require a prime contractor-supplier relationship, but such an arrangement might be unacceptable to two equal partner nations and their prime contractors. Governments are also likely to select the major contractors on political, rather than commercial, criteria (e.g. awarding work to marginal constituencies and to their national champions). (b) Work sharing. Typically, some high technology development work has to be allocated to a partner country lacking the necessary technical knowledge and expertise. For example, a nation might join the club as a means of entering a new field of high technology. (c) The duplication of R&D and production work with each partner requiring a flight testing centre and a final assembly line. (d) Each nation requiring modifications on its military projects. Compared with the ideal model, this will raise R&D costs and possibly reduce the scale economies from a long run of one type, as well as reducing standardization.
Ch. 16: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
(e) Delays due to design by committee using unanimity rules and pursuing 'over elaborate' specifications reflecting the technical aspirations of the military and scientists in each partner nation. Delays also result from frequent meetings and paperwork, the need to consult all the partner nations before a decision can be taken, and the slow decision-making process by 'over-involved' governments. Further problems arise from differences in language, culture, national pride, and managerial philosophy and practices. As a result, there are transaction costs of creating new international organizations and doing business with strangers selected on political criteria. (f) The substantial costs of controlling joint programs. They require a complex set of international transactions and contracts between governments and firms, embracing high technology projects which cannot be clearly-defined ex ante. The resulting contracts are costly to monitor and cancel. For example, on the Concorde project it was stated that ". . . the inherent difficulty of the multiplicity of contracts, the number of interested parties and the participation of two sovereign states . . . meant that the project had acquired a life of its own and was out of control" [HCP 265 (198 1)]. Some of the early experience with collaboration provided lessons which were applied to subsequent joint ventures.
5.2. Empirical results The various benefits, costs and inefficiencies of collaboration can be formulated into a set of testable hypotheses about the impact of collaboration on costs and development times. Evidence from an international survey shows that compared with national ventures, there was considerable support for the hypotheses that joint European programs involved [Hartley (1995)]: (i) Higher total R&D costs, varying between an extra 5% to an additional 50% with a median cost penalty of 1 0-25%. (ii) Lower unit production costs, with cost savings varying between 10% and 25%, with a median saving of 20%. This result was completely contrary to UK experi ence which suggests that on collaborative production work, the expected scale and learning economies are not achieved: unit production costs are either unchanged by collaboration or might even be higher than for a national equivalent [Hartley and Martin ( 1 993b), HCP 247 ( 1 991)]. (iii) Longer development times, ranging from an extra I 0% to 1 00% and a median of an additional 20% (representing an extra 2 to 9 years in development times). The international questionnaire survey found a variety of reasons for collaboration inefficiencies. They included compromises, overlap, cross-checking and duplication, the time needed to reach agreements, work-sharing arrangements, bureaucracy, cultural differences, national rivalry, frequent specification changes, the number of partners, and the sheer complexity of some joint programs. Indeed, one respondent carefully explained that longer development periods often reflected the complexity of the program and not its joint nature. In principle, some of these hypotheses can be tested
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statistically. For example, a model of development time of the following form can be estimated:
T(C, Z, N),
total development time, C project development cost, Z a vector of characteristics of the defense equipment (e.g. aircraft speed, weight, range, etc) N = number of partner nations. =
Inevitably, empirical work on development time scales and other hypotheses about collaboration is limited by the lack of data. For defense equipment, there are problems in obtaining reliable data on development costs both in total and on an annual expenditure basis. Similarly, data on cost penalties are not publicly available: hence the need for interview-questionnaire surveys [Hartley ( 1 983, 1995)] . Empirical work is further complicated because of a limited and heterogeneous population of collaborative defense projects involving different partner nations and different organizational arrangements. Finally, there are problems with the counter-factual: what would have happened in the absence of a collaborative venture? Estimation of Equation (1) provided only limited support for the hypothesis that collaborative projects take longer to develop than national ventures. For a sample of military aircraft, collaboration appeared to add an extra seven months from the first flight of the prototype to delivery for every partner nation involved in the program, with this period increasing to fourteen months for combat aircraft. However, for the total development period from start to delivery for both military aircraft and helicopters, collaboration generally had no statistically significant effect. As an exception, one equation suggested an extra thirteen months for a two-partner program [compare the questionnaire survey results: Hartley and Martin ( 1993b)]. How might collaboration be improved to avoid its worst features and inefficiencies? There are at least three guidelines for government policy towards improving the efficiency of international collaboration: Rule I: allocate both development and production work on the basis of competition, with nations specializing according to their comparative advantage. Rule II: there needs to be a prime contractor subject to contractual incentives and penalties, which place it at risk (i.e. via competitively-determined fixed price contracts). Rule III: the principle of compensation. Adequate arrangements are needed to compensate the losers from policies designed to improve efficiency. Such compensation need not be organized within the program: it could involve offsets from other defense projects or more general assistance in the form of regional aid and manpower policies (e.g. retraining, mobility). •
Ch. 16: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
6 . Licensed and co-production
When buying foreign defense equipment, the importing nation often demands some form of compensatory or 'offsetting' economic activity for its domestic industry. One solution is for the importing nation to undertake the domestic production of the foreign-designed equipment (see Table 5). Production sharing can be achieved through licensed or co-production. Licensed production occurs where the purchaser obtains a share of the production work for its own order and, sometimes, for any exports to third parties. The license may cover the manufacture of the entire item, or specified parts, or only final assembly. Both the UK (Westland) and Italy (Agusta) have frequently purchased licenses to produce American-designed helicopters. Japan has licensed produced a range of US combat aircraft (e.g. F4, F15) and is co-developing a version of the US F 1 6 aircraft [Chinworth ( 1 992)]. A similar arrangement is co-production, where the nation buying foreign equipment is given a share in the manufacturing work for its own order, the supplying nation's order and orders from third parties. For example, the General Dynamics F 1 6 European co-production contract in 1 975 was based originally on sharing the manufacture of a 998 aircraft program. The European consortium (Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway), which ordered 348 aircraft, was originally allocated work on ten percent of the initial US order (650 aircraft), forty percent of their own order and fifteen percent of export sales to other countries. Exports were estimated at 500 units and the achievement of this figure gave the Europeans manufacturing business to the value of 80 percent of their total order, namely, 279 aircraft [Hartley (1 983)] . Licensed and co-production offer a variety of military, budgetary, industrial and wider economic benefits. Purchasing existing equipment avoids the risks of failure; it provides operational equipment in an acceptable time scale; and it contributes to military standardization. Manufacturing under license also saves substantial R&D resources which would be required for an independent national venture. Furthermore, licensed and co-production provide support for a nation's DIB; they offer some technology transfer (e.g. in management and production); and contribute to employment and balance of payments objectives (via import savings). There is however, little quantitative evidence on the magnitude of these benefits: a deficiency which suggests the need for good economic case studies. For example, a study of Japanese experience with licensed production of US aircraft estimated that Japanese work content varied from 85% of the F 1 04 to 90% of the F4 and 70% of the F l 5 [Chinworth ( 1 992)]. The claimed benefits of licensed and co-production are not free gifts: there are usually cost penalties compared with buying directly off-the-shelf from the original manufacturer. These cost penalties have been estimated at up to 50%, with a typical cost penalty of 1 0-15% [Chinworth ( 1992), Hartley ( 1 995)] . On the American European co-production of the F16 it was estimated that the Europeans incurred a 34% cost penalty compared with buying the aircraft directly from General Dynamics
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Unit Cost
: ::.:� Ac1 I I
Co o 1 - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
L---�---�--� 0 0 0
Figure 3. Economics of licensed production.
[Rich et al. (198 1)]. Such cost penalties reflect entry or start-up costs for the licensed producer (e.g. production investment in tooling), the costs of transferring technology (e.g. drawings, etc.), relatively short production runs and work starting at the top of the learning curve. An example is shown in Figure 3, where a nation undertakes the licensed production of OQ 1 , which is equal to Q2 - Q3 • Assuming that the licensed producer and the original manufacturer operate on the same unit cost curve (AC0) then licensed production of OQ 1 results in a unit cost of C 1 compared with a direct buy which increases output of the main manufacturer from Q2 to Q3 and results in unit costs of C0. More likely, the licensed producer will operate on a higher unit cost curve (ACI) so that the unit cost of OQ 1 is even higher, at C2. In an interesting exception, a Rand study of Japanese experience with the licensed production of the US F l 04 aircraft estimated that the unit costs of the Japanese aircraft were about 1 0% less than the price it would have paid for US produced aircraft: a result which reflected the transfer of learning technology from Lockheed and lower Japanese labor costs [Hall and Johnson (1967)]. There are further costs of licensed production in the form of time scales and restricted access to key equipment technologies. Japanese experience with the licensed production of the US F 1 5 aircraft provides useful case study evidence [Chinworth (1 992)]. On the F15, the time scale between signing the agreement and the first delivery of Japanese-built F 1 5 aircraft was 5.5 years. However, this time scale needs to be compared with the likely delivery schedule if the aircraft had been purchased directly from the USA. In addition, US companies used 'black boxes' to protect their key technologies and design capabilities. As a result, equipment failures involving 'black box' technologies meant that the equipment had to be returned to the USA for repair by US firms. Inevitably, repairs and servicing in the USA were time-consuming, so reducing the operational effectiveness of the Japanese-built F 1 5s and showing the limitations of licensed production in contributing to an independent DIB. Indeed, Japanese experience with F l 5 repairs and servicing, parts supplies, technology transfer
Ch. 1 6: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
and pricing further contributed towards the country's desire to create an independent aircraft industry [Chinworth (1992)].
Governments are often unwilling to pay the (sometimes considerable) premium for licensed production. Nevertheless, governments and interest groups believe that industrial benefits are desirable and this has led to the development of offsets as a further variant within the work-sharing taxonomy. Typically, an offset occurs when the foreign supplier places work to an agreed value with firms in the buying country, over and above what it would have bought in the absence of the offset. Defining offsets is difficult because different countries have different criteria for assessing whether a particular transaction is eligible towards an offset obligation. One distinction which is sometimes made is between direct and indirect offset. Direct offsets involve goods and services for the equipment which the purchaser is buying. For example, if the UK buys an American aircraft and the landing gear for those aircraft came from a UK supplier then this would be a direct offset. Indirect offsets involve goods and services unrelated to the purchase of the specific foreign defense equipment. For example, the sale of American F 1 8 aircraft to Spain allowed aid to Spanish tourism to count as part of the offset agreement. Indirect offsets can include foreign investment and counter trade transactions such as barter, counter-purchase and buy-back [Marin and Schnitzer ( 1994), Martin and Hartley ( 1995), Udis and Maskus ( 199 1); see also Table 5]. In addition to the distinction between direct and indirect offsets, there are cases where the offset may be unrelated to the purchase of goods. If the industrial base in the country purchasing the equipment is relatively small and underdeveloped, there may be few goods that can be purchased and thus inward investment might constitute the major component of any offset [e.g. as in the Al Yamamah sale of military aircraft by British Aerospace to Saudi Arabia: Martin ( 1 995)]. Offsets are a growing feature of the international trade in defense equipment, particularly aerospace equipment, and this is a field which is relatively unexplored by economists. Offsets impose conditions on the foreign seller of defense equipment enabling the purchasing government to recover or offset some or all of its purchase price [Udis and Maskus ( 1 99 1)]. Offset schemes are usually designed to achieve a relocation of economic activity from the country of the equipment supplier to the purchasing nation. Such relocation resembles trade diversion and has been criticized by economists as welfare reducing. For the seller, offsets reflect the desire of profit seeking firms for 'doing business' with governments: they can be regarded as part of the sales package and as an alternative to price discounts. For the supplying nation, there are concerns about the impact of offsets on its defense industries, especially suppliers, on employment and on technology transfer to potential rivals. For the buying nation, offsets appear to provide industrial benefits in the form of jobs, technology transfer, support for the defense industrial base and foreign currency savings [Hall and
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Markowski (1 994), OMB ( 1 987)]. But appearances can be deceptive. Many of these alleged benefits are attractive to vote-sensitive governments and such claims need to be subject to careful and critical evaluation. There might be alternative and cheaper methods of achieving these objectives. Offsets need not necessarily be inefficient and welfare-reducing. In some circum stances, offsets might contribute to efficiency improvements if they remove non-tariff barriers and lead prime contractors to search for, and to discover, more efficient sub contractors located overseas (i.e. by extending market information and knowledge, and removing entry barriers to the use of foreign sub-contractors). Alternatively, defense offsets can be viewed as a sub-set of the price-quality-quantity trade-offs which characterize negotiations surrounding complex transactions. In a world of imperfect markets, oligopoly rents, complex transactions and asymmetrical information, offsets might enhance the welfare of the purchaser (e.g. a single contract with an offset might economize on transaction costs compared with a contract for defense equipment and a variety of separate contracts for the 'benefits' supplied under the offset). On the other hand, some forms of mandatory offset obligations may inhibit the buyer's flexibility in negotiating advantageous deals and so result in inefficient procurement [Hall and Markowski ( 1 994)]. Clearly, in competitive bidding for foreign defense contracts, overseas firms have every incentive to offer an attractive offset package as part of their bid: maximizing offsets becomes part of the competitive process, with firms seeking new and ingenious methods of satisfying their contractual obligations. They might, for example, use specialist agencies, such as banks, as well as their suppliers to achieve their offset targets; and they will try to claim as much business as possible as offset. At the same time, vote-sensitive governments have every inducement to claim the maximum size of offset deal so that they can justify the import of defense equipment in terms of protecting the national defense industry, jobs and technology. There are, however, worries about the real benefits of offsets. Reservations have been expressed about the following issues [Martin and Hartley ( 1 995)] : (i) New work. There are concerns about the extent to which offset business represents genuinely new work which would not otherwise have been obtained without the offset agreement. For example, on the UK purchase of American Boeing AWACS aircraft, the UK negotiated an impressive 1 30% offset agreement (i.e. offsets to 1 30% of the value of the UK order). However, critics have suggested that, typically, genuinely new business might be 25-50% of the total offset. (ii) Civil work. On the UK purchase of AWACS, Boeing was allowed to count its purchases of Rolls-Royce civil aero-engines for its commercial aircraft as part of the offset obligation. This was criticized for allowing civil aerospace work to count against a defense offset commitment; and because the arrangement was generous to Boeing, representing more than 50% of Boeing's total offset commitment. In fact, Rolls-Royce aero-engines would have been purchased irrespective of the offset agreement: hence they were not new work resulting from the offset obligation [HCP 286 (1 989)] .
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(iii) High technology work. Whilst offsets can appear to offer substantial work shares, it is unlikely that they will provide much high technology work. This is because offsets are for the purchase of existing defense equipment where all the major development work has been completed. Moreover, the original manufacturer will wish to maintain its property rights in valuable technologies. 8. The military production function: internal efficiency
Equipment forms a major input into the military production function. The result of combining equipment with military personnel and other inputs (e.g. land) is the production of military outputs in the form of national protection, security and peace. The policies used to purchase defense equipment have major implications for its unit costs and hence affordability from a fixed defense budget. Purchasing from a high cost national DIB means less equipment for the nation's armed forces raising questions about whether policy is aiming to protect the DIB or the nation's citizens. Once equipment is acquired, military commanders have to determine its most efficient use. In theory, this is a simple optimization problem which in the private sector would be 'solved' by profit conscious firms in competitive markets seeking to minimize costs. Such firms would have an incentive to substitute cheaper for more expensive factor inputs which would be reflected in substitutions between different equipments and between equipment and personnel (e.g. quality versus quantity of defense equipment; air systems replacing land forces). However, incentives to make such substitutions are usually absent in military 'firms': the lack of competition and the nature of employment contracts for military personnel means that there are no strong pressures and incentives for individuals and groups to minimize costs [Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, p. 1 57)]. On the contrary, each service will seek to protect its budget and maintain its traditional monopoly property rights (i.e. over air, land and sea), so reducing the opportunities for efficient substitution between the armed forces. Efficient substitution is also unlikely within each of the armed forces. Commanders of army, navy and air forces bases will be concerned with promotion opportunities which are usually related to military rather than economic performance. Indeed, military commanders seeking power and prestige will aim to maximize the size of their bases. As a result, they have every incentive to 'hoard' equipment and personnel, as well as accommodation and real estate for training purposes. Bases located in valuable city center sites or close to national capitals are especially attractive. The continued retention of such bases will be rationalized and justified on military criteria, such as the need for valuable training areas or proximity to the national defense ministry: in reality, bases in attractive locations confer non-military benefits (e.g. proximity to cultural and leisure facilities in a nation's capital; the opportunities for using training areas for leisure pursuits). It is feasible to construct institutional and budgetary arrangements which would provide military commanders and their units with efficiency incentives. Within the
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army, navy and air force, various military bases could be required to bid competitively for the provision of contractually agreed services for a fixed budget. For example, air force bases could compete for providing an agreed number of combat aircraft patrols per annum; and army units could compete to offer combat ready infantry units available for rapid deployment anywhere in the world. Military commanders and their units would have every incentive to economize on factor inputs. Once they have been allocated defense equipment (e.g. combat aircraft; tanks, etc.), they would have incentives to operate the equipment efficiently. They might substitute civilians for military personnel to maintain, service and repair the equipment: for example, repair and maintenance work could be 'contractorized' and undertaken by private firms (e.g. civilian garages repairing military vehicles). Similarly, there would be incentives to economize on spares acquisition and to substitute training simulators where these are cheaper than 'real' training which uses expensive equipment and large acres of ground. The aim of the scheme would be to provide military commanders with opportunities and incentives for entrepreneurship.
9. Conversion
Policies to improve the efficiency of procurement and the internal efficiency of the armed forces will mean a reduced demand for resources in the military-industrial sector. Some defense firms will lose from these changes with the inevitable job losses and plant closures. Military establishments will also be affected as the armed forces declare personnel redundant and close their bases. Where defense plants and military bases are major employers in a town or region, their closure has significant adverse impacts on the prosperity of local economies [see Chapter 1 7 of this Handbook and EC ( 1 992)]. Faced with plant and base closures and associated job losses, all societies and different types of economies have to consider how best to transfer resources from the military to the civilian sector. Two broad solutions are possible. First, efforts can be made to utilize existing defense establishments and their workforce to produce civil goods and services rather than defense equipment. This is the classic direct conversion of swords to ploughshares, tanks to tractors, aircraft carriers to oil tankers and bomber aircraft to civil airliners. Second, the closure of defense plants and bases might be accepted, with the focus on re-allocating the resources released to other civil firms, industries and regions in the economy. Both solutions raise questions about the appropriate role and extent of state intervention in the adjustment process. For direct conversion, state intervention might operate through a state conversion or diversification agency. For assisting resource re-allocation, state intervention might take the form of general manpower policies (e.g. retraining; mobility; information and careers advice).
Ch. 16: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
9. 1. Direct conversion Direct conversion appears attractive. If successful, it utilizes extstmg and valuable human and physical capital so appearing to avoid the costs, upheaval and 'wastes' associated with plant closure and redundancies. However, such direct conversion often fails to occur simply because of the costs required to exit defense markets and to enter new civilian markets. Some of these costs reflect the demand- and supply side characteristics of defense contractors. On the demand side, some defense firms are highly dependent on military sales to a single government customer, operating in a protected market with support for 'national champions' resulting in a 'cosy relationship' between contractors and the Defense Ministry [a culture of dependency: Melman ( 1 97 1)]. On the supply side, a defense firm's assets might be highly specific to defense, with little if any alternative use value. Examples include some defense technologies such as stealth and armor and the specialist defense plants needed to construct nuclear-powered submarines and inter-continental ballistic missiles [Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, p. 293), Dumas ( 1 977, 1986)]. Further understanding of the problems of direct conversion can be obtained by using a taxonomy which focuses on the following economic characteristics for such converston: (i) The type of economy, namely, market, centrally-planned or transitional economy with a further distinction between developed and developing nations [UN ( 1 993)]. (ii) The ownership of defense plants, either publicly or privately owned [Ott and Hartley ( 1 99 1)]. (iii) The distinction between defense plants and military bases. In market economies, military bases usually have to change ownership to enter civilian markets (e.g. military air bases can be converted to civil airports, although there are examples of the joint uses of such bases). (iv) The extent to which a defense company is involved in one or all of the following activities: R&D, production, repair and maintenance. Direct conversion at each of these stages could involve different problems reflecting differences in demand requirements and asset specificity. For example, military R&D is characterized by secrecy and highly specialized military requirements with an emphasis on performance rather than costs: such features are less marketable in the civil sector [Nadal ( 1994), UN ( 1 993)]. In market economies, the direct conversion of specialist defense plants is not costless and instantaneous. There will be costs involved in re-equipping defense plants for civil production and in retraining managers, scientists and workers. It will also take time to change the culture of an organization from defense dependency to an enterprise culture: typically, an adjustment period of up to five years might be needed. Further costs will arise in searching for, and entering, new civil markets; and crucially, there is a need to discover civil markets which are expected to be profitable after bearing the costs of conversion and entry. Not surprisingly, faced with such adjustment costs,
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some specialist defense firms have decided to seek new military markets at home and overseas, to lay-off labor or close plants, or to diversify by acquiring new civil business. Adjustment will differ between the short and long run. In the short run, a defense firm's adjustment will be constrained by fixities and contractual commitments, so that variable labor without long-term contracts is most likely to bear any immediate adjustment costs. In the long run, all factors can be varied and the most efficient adjustments can be made [Hooper and Hartley ( 1 993)]. Conversion in some of the transitional economies such as Russia is occurring at the same time as the economy is changing from a centrally planned to a market economy. One of these tasks is difficult enough: to undertake both simultaneously represents a major challenge [UN ( 1 993), Wiseman (1 991)] . Conversion in Russia and the Ukraine has some further distinctive features. First, the magnitude of the adjustment problem. In 1992, employment in the military-industrial complex in the Russian Federation totalled some 5.4 million people equivalent to 7.4% of total employment, with examples of regions where over 40% of employment was defense related and some cities which were 'closed communities' wholly dependent on defense work [e.g. Zhukovsky, a city of 1 00 000 people, was the center of Russian aviation R&D: OECD (1995)]. The Ukraine was confronted with a similar massive conversion challenge. In the past, 700 industrial enterprises accounting for 1 8% of industrial production and 1 .2 million workers were dependent on defense orders; by 1 994, there were no orders! Second, Russian experience distinguishes between bureaucratic and technocratic conversion. The bureaucratic type involved top officials determining the output of civil goods using the old management systems and directives to produce TV sets, fridges, radios, cameras and washing machines, regardless of production costs. Technocratic conversion involved restructuring from below with the focus on purely technological criteria rather than the needs of the economy or on market research. Technocratic conversion was more successful than the bureaucratic type but it postponed 'greater conversion'. At the same time, the public was deceived as its political leaders, in attempting to preserve the existing structure, passed off small changes as major steps towards demilitarization. Conversion decisions were made by engineers rather than businessmen and economic planners and as a result many large defense production plants made poor choices and took on unrealistic or wasteful programs [Bougrov ( 1 994)].
9.2. Re-allocating resources and public policy Re-allocating resources from the military-industrial complex to the civil sector involves adjustment costs and takes time [UN ( 1 993)]. Much depends on the transferability of human and physical resources and how well and how quickly economies can adjust to change. For example, some of the skills of redundant military personnel and redundant defense workers might be highly specific with value only to the defense sector (e.g. missile operatives; nuclear weapons scientists). Other military skills might be general with value to large numbers of civil firms (e.g. air
Ch. 1 6: Industrial Policies in the Defense Sector
traffic controllers; computer skills; drivers; electronic and electrical repair specialists). Ultimately, though, the operation of the labor market is a major determinant of the efficiency of the adjustment process in any economy. How well and how quickly do labor markets work and clear? Similar questions need to be asked about the operation of other factor markets (capital, land, raw materials, energy). State intervention might then be rationalized on grounds of market failure, although public-choice analysis recognizes the possibility of government failure! One further issue has to be addressed, namely, is defense 'different' so that it qualifies for 'special' public policies favoring defense firms and redundant defense workers? Those who claim that defense is 'different and special' point to the importance, role and responsibility of government in determining the size and location of the military-industrial complex; the need to compensate the potential losers from change so as to minimize the barriers to change; and the fact that disarmament contributes to peace. Critics of this view claim that defense is not different and should be treated like any other declining industry in the civil sector; and that defense workers have been rewarded for the risks and uncertainties of employment in the industry. This is not to suggest that general economy-wide compensation policies should not be available for assisting industrial, employment and regional adjustment (e.g. via regional and manpower policies and income-deficiency payments). However, the question of whether defense is 'different and special' is likely to be the focus of myths, emotion and special pleading by interest groups likely to lose from policies aimed at improving efficiency in the military-industrial complex. Economists have to subject such special pleading to economic analysis, empirical evidence and critical evaluation. They need to identify the economic logic of any policy proposals for favorable assistance to defense industries, distinguishing between efficiency and equity issues. 1 0.
Conclusion: a research agenda
There is no shortage of research questions. There are extensive opportumtJes for applying public choice models (e.g. to analyze collaboration and the military production function). Much more reliable quantitative evidence is needed on the costs and benefits of different procurement policies. What are the cost and time penalties of collaboration, licensed and co-production; how valuable is equipment standardization and inter-operability; should wider industrial and economic benefits enter into equipment procurement choices; and what is the 'best' way of organizing and managing collaborative projects? What are the lessons from successful and failed conversions of defense plants and military bases in both market and transitional economies? Contrary to the prevailing fashion in economics, answers to many of these questions require the use of good quality case studies. References Arrow, K.J., 1 962, Economic welfare and the allocation of resources for invention, in: D. Lamberton, ed., \ 97 1 , The economics of information and knowledge (Penguin, London).
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Beard, R., 1 993, NATO armaments co-operation in the 1 990s, NATO Review 4 1 (2) (NATO, Brussels) 23-28. Bougrov, E., 1 994, Conversion in transitional economies: The case of the former USSR and Russia, Defence and Peace Economics 5, 1 53-166. Callaghan Jr, T.A., 1 975, US-European economic co-operation in military and civil technology (Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, September). CBO (US Congressional Budget Office), 1 994, The cost of the Administrations plans for the Army, Navy and Air Force through the year 20 1 0 (Congressional Budget Office, US Congress, Washington, DC, November). Chinworth, M., 1 992, Inside Japan's defense (Brassey's, Washington, DC). Demsetz, H., 1969, Information and efficiency: another viewpoint, Journal of Law and Economics 12, 1-22. Draper, A., 1 990, European defence equipment collaboration (RUSI/Macmillan, London). Dumas, L.J., 1 977, Economic conversion, productive efficiency and social welfare, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 4, 567-596. Dumas, L.J., 1 986, The overburdened economy (University of California Press, London). EC, 1 992, The economic and social impact of reductions in defense spending and military forces on the regions of the Commllllity (EC DGXVI, Brussels). Hall, G.R., and R.E. Johnson, 1 967, Aircraft production and procurement strategy (Rand, Santa Monica, CA). Hall, P., and S. Markowski, 1 994, On the normality and abnormality of offset obligations, Defence and Peace Economics 5, 1 73-1 88. Hartley, K., 1 983, NATO arms co-operation (Allen & Unwin, London). Hartley, K., 1 995, The analysis of the costs of non-Europe, in: K. Hartley and A. Cox, eds., The costs of non-Europe in defence procurement (Main Report, Part B: European Commission, Brussels). Hartley, K., and S. Martin, 1 993a, The political economy of international collaboration, in: R. Coopey, M. Uttley and G. Spinardi, eds., Defence science and technology (Harwood, Reading). Hartley, K., and S. Martin, 1993b, Evaluating collaborative programmes, Defence Economics 4, 1 95211. HCP 247, 1 99 1 , Ministry of Defence: Collaborative projects (National Audit Office, HMSO, London). HCP 265, 1 98 1 , Concorde (Second report from the Industry and Trade Committee, HMSO, London). HCP 286, 1 989, The working of the AWACS offset agreement (Defence Committee, House of Commons, HMSO, London). Hooper, N., and K. Hartley, 1 993, UK defence contractors adjusting to change, centre for defence economics research monograph series, Vol. 3 (University of York, England). Jane's, 1 994, Jane's all the world's aircraft 1 994-1 995 (Jane's Information Group, London). Kirkpatrick, D.L.l., and P. Pugh, 1 983, Towards the Starship Enterprise: Are the current trends in defence unit costs inexorable? Aerospace, May. Marin, D., and M. Schnitzer, 1 994, Tying trade flows: A theory of cotllltertrade, Discussion Paper 946 (Centre for Economic Policy Research, London). Martin, S., 1 995, The economics of offsets: Issues, policies and prospects (Harwood, Reading). Martin, S., and K. Hartley, 1 995, UK firms experience and perceptions of defence offsets: survey results, Defence and Peace Economics 6, forthcoming. Matthews, R., 1 992, European armament collaboration (Harwood, Reading). Melman, S., 1 97 1 , ed., The war economy of the United States: Readings on military industry and economy (St. Martins Press, New York). Moravcsik, A., 1 990, Defence co-operation: The European armaments industry at the crossroads, Survival XXXII, 65-85. Mueller, D.C., 1 989, Public choice II (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Nadal, A.E., 1 994, Military R&D: The economic implications of disarmament and conversion, Defence and Peace Economics 5, 1 3 1-1 5 1 .
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OECD, 1 995, The OECD observer 1 92, February, March (OECD, Paris) 39-43. OMB (US Office of Management and Budget), 1 987, Impact of offsets in defense-related exports (Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC). Ott, A., and K. Hartley, eds., 1 99 1 , Privatization and economic efficiency (Elgar, Aldershot). Peacock, A.T., 1 992, Public choice analysis in historical perspective (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Pomfret, R., 1 99 1 , The new trade theories, rent-snatching and jet aircraft, The World Economy 14, 269-277. Pugh, P., 1986, The cost of sea power (Conway, London). Pugh, P., 1 993, The procurement nexus, Defence Economics 4, 1 79-194. Rich, M., W. Stanley, J. Birkler and M.I. Hesse, 1 9 8 1 , Multi-national co-production of military aerospace systems (Rand, Santa Monica, CA). Sandler, T., and K. Hartley, 1 995, The economics of defense (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Tyson, L., 1 992, Industrial policy and trade management in the commercial aircraft industry, in: Who's Bashing Whom? Trade Conflict in High Technology Industries (Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC). Udis, B., and K.E. Maskus, 1 99 1 , Offsets as industrial policy: lessons from aerospace, Defence Economics 2, 1 5 1-164. UN (United Nations), 1 993, The economic aspects of disarmament: Disarmament as an investment process (United Nations, New York). Wiseman, J., 1 9 9 1 , Privatization in the command economy, in: A. Ott and K. Hartley, eds., Privatization and economic efficiency (Elgar, Aldershot).
University of the West of England
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. Data problems 3. Theoretical approaches for evaluating regional impacts 3 . 1 . Economic base models and regional multipliers 3 .2. Regional defense expenditure and local labor markets 3 .3. Input-output analysis
3.4. Regional econometric models
4. The regional distribution of defense expenditure 5. Selected case studies 6. Policy implications 7. Conclusions References
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and T. Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V All rights reserved
492 492 493 494 495 495 498 499 502 506 513 515 518 5 19
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This chapter examines the current state of knowledge regarding the economic impact of defense expenditure at the level of the regional economy from a global perspective. Appropriate theoretical and analytical approaches are identified and selected case studies reviewed. The regional concentration of defense expenditure is explored using a variety of indicators and perceived differences in the economic impact of defense industry decline and military base contraction and closure are evaluated. The chapter considers relevant labor market issues and examines the different impacts to be expected in developing countries. Policy implications are explored in the context of the post-Cold War environment confronting the defense sector. Keywords
regional multiplier, regional models, supplier network, military bases, labor market, adaptive capacity, regional policy
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
1. Introduction
For many regions of the world, particularly in the advanced industrial nations, economic prosperity has depended historically upon defense-related industrial pro duction and/or military base-related activities, especially in periods when the adverse effects of national and international economic recession would have otherwise eroded the buoyancy of the local economy. In the 1 990's, however, the vulnerability of many defense-dependent regional economies to deep and sustained reductions in defense expenditure has become a prominent economic and political issue. Sharply declining national defense budgets, impacting upon almost all significant military goods producers and military infrastructures, have posed a serious threat to short-term regional prosperity and, in some cases, even to long-term regional and sub-regional economic viability. While similar or more extreme reductions in defense budgets have been experienced over the last 50 years (e.g. after World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam), on those occasions, the continual presence and rapid escalation of the Cold War super-power arms race made a cyclical resurgence in defense budgets inevitable [Grawe ( 1 99 1)]. Few analysts now anticipate such a cyclical recovery in defense expenditure in the future. Consequently, the effects of permanently lower levels of defense spending on the regional industrial and technological base and on the local communities, companies and workers that it supports is likely to be profound. Furthermore, the revision of military strategies following the end of the Cold War has initiated a new phase of military base closures and realignments by most of the major powers with significant regional consequences. In particular, base closures by both the USA [US General Accounting Office ( 1 99 1)] and the former Soviet Union will have the greatest impact within Europe [Sharp ( 1 990)] . The nations within the European Union most vulnerable to US military withdrawal are Germany, the UK and Italy. The case of Germany best illustrates the regional economic significance for a nation acting as host to large numbers of foreign troops stationed within its territory. During the 1980's, some 400 000 NATO troops and their families were stationed in West Germany, generating significant expenditure of DM 2 1 billion (mainly in specific regions) with direct and indirect employment effects of some 230 000 jobs. Similarly, in 1 988, some 425 000 Soviet troops were stationed in East Germany. However, the regional and national income and employment effects in this case were negligible as these troops were strictly isolated from local communities and almost all civilian posts were filled by Soviet citizens. In total, estimates suggest that the impact on demand levels from the Soviet forces amounted to no more than 4.5 billion marks in 1 989 or about 1 % of industrial output [Maneval ( 1 993)]. The scale of regional impact associated with the withdrawal of such foreign troops can be extremely significant, depending upon the specific economic condition of the host region at the time of withdrawal. Current estimates suggest that, together with planned manpower reductions in the Bundeswehr, NATO and Soviet troop withdrawals have combined to reduce the number of soldiers and their families stationed within
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Germany by some 850 000 over a period of just four years. Such rapid manpower reductions and associated multiplier consequences can generate serious regional consequences as, for example, in the Mainz region where, in the 1 980's, some 5700 people were employed in a US Army repair facility. By 1 994, over half of these j obs had been lost and recent developments suggest that the remainder may be at risk [Lock and Vob ( 1994)]. Taking an international perspective, this chapter first identifies and evaluates relevant analytical techniques employed to assess the regional impact of defense expenditure, reviewing evidence from a number of important studies, and then explores the regional distribution of that expenditure globally. Similarities and differences between the regional economic and labor market impacts associated with the defense industry and its supply chain and those associated with military bases and establishments are considered, along with particular issues confronting developing countries. The chapter concludes with an assessment of policy implications at the regional level. 2. Data problems
The precise geographical incidence of defense expenditure (defined to include spending on military personnel and bases; defense equipment supplied by the entire defense industrial base; and other relevant spending: e.g. works, maintenance, etc.) is extremely difficult to estimate and compare empirically for several reasons. First, the quantity, quality and level of disaggregation of both national and regional defense expenditure varies greatly in availability, accuracy and comparability. Secondly, government statistics relating to the distribution of defense procurement expenditure usually indicate only the region (or city) in which recipient firms have headquarters or principal locations, neglecting the regional impact of second and third stage procurement through sub-contracting and supply chains. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that major defense companies tend to operate in more than one region and in more than one industry, while frequently themselves being just one division of a national or international conglomerate engaged in many other non-defense activities. Data problems in this area of analysis are complicated further by the national secu rity requirements surrounding defense activities (particularly constraining information concerning industrial enterprise and military base location) and by differing views as to precisely which industries are contained within the "defense" sector. Furthermore, both final demand and intermediate products in the defense sector tend to be highly specific and do not always fit neatly into standard industrial categories. Accurate evaluation of the industrial and regional impact of defense expenditure, then, requires a particularly detailed level of data disaggregation to capture fully the real effects. A further problem relates to the selection of appropriate indicators to best reflect the economic significance of defense activity at the regional level. These could include actual or estimated numbers in defense employment within a region; the share of total regional employment emanating from the regional defense sector; the value of regional
Ch. 1 7:
Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
output or income generated by regional defense activities; the share of total regional output or income emanating from regional defense business; the value of defense prime contracts awarded to a region, adjusted for supply chain leakages and so on. No single indicator, however, is likely to be suitable for the international comparison of regional defense-dependence. Even within a single nation, different indicators may be relevant since the regional economic significance of a particular kind of defense-dependence will be a function of that region's unique dimensions and characteristics as well as the economic condition and policy approach of the nation of which it is a part.
3. Theoretical approaches for evaluating regional impacts
The assessment of the regional impact of defense expenditure has conventionally been undertaken through the application of economic base models, regional multiplier esti mates, the regional application of input-output analysis and through the development of more complex econometric models. Defense expenditure received by one specific region is essentially income which will, in turn, encourage other economic activities and generate additional income flows in the local economy. Regional impacts will comprise the direct effects of prime contracts awarded to companies in the region (or direct expenditure on military establishments located there); the indirect effects from resulting supply and sub-contracting business generated; and the induced effects from consequent changes in regional consumption and related investment activity. In practice, the actual impact of variations in defense expenditure within a region (and between regions) will depend upon what form the expenditure change takes and the economic structure and industrial inter-relationships of the region concerned. 3. 1.
Economic base models and regional multipliers
These models seek to identify what proportion of regional output or employment is dependent upon external and internal markets. That proportion of regional economic activity driven by external markets is seen as the basic and essential requirement for regional prosperity. Non-basic economic activity with an entirely local focus is seen as being dependent upon this external stimulus. Consequently, the capacity of a specific region to maintain and expand prosperity and employment will depend upon the basic/non-basic activity ratio which can be utilized, in turn, to derive a simple regional multiplier. Separating the regional economy into its two components: (1) where Et is the total regional income or employment; En, non-basic sector income or employment within region; Eb, basic sector income or employment within region.
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With z as the ratio of non-basic to total employment, this implies that: (2) If demand now increases for basic goods such as defense production in a region, the resulting change in basic employment will lead to a change in non-basic and total employment. Substituting Equation (1) into (2) gives: and :
E = --Eb n 1 -z '
from which the multiplier can be derived as 1/(1-z). The value of economic base multipliers, however, in evaluating the regional impact of exogenous economic change is constrained by two important problems. First, localized (non-basic) economic activity may be affected by factors other than total regional income, implying that the proportionality assumption incorporated above cannot be sustained. However, assuming time-series or cross-section data exists for total regional income or employment (£1) and for income or employment generated by the basic sector (Eb), regional multiplier estimates can be obtained by regressing E1 on Eb. Second, the basic sector of a regional economy is likely to comprise a set of individual industries with significantly different import propensities and labor force socio economic characteristics. As a result, regional economic consequences emanating from changes in export demand will depend upon the specific industry or industries affected, a problem which can be overcome by calculating a set of basic industry-specific regional multipliers. The regional economic impact of military base contraction and closure will depend on several factors. These include the nature and size of a base scheduled for contraction or closure and the relevant closure timetable; the density of bases and the proportion closing within a specific region; base proximity to rural and urban communities and their capacity for economic regeneration; and the potential for retaining part of the operational functions of a base after closure in the form of a "contractorized enclave". It will also include employment of local civilians on the base; demand for housing for service personnel and their dependents; demand by military and civilian staff for local services and utilities; demand for local businesses to service the base and the business rates and taxes payable to local authorities [Braddon et a!. ( 1 99 1)]. In terms of local economic impact, the incomes and expenditure of military base personnel and their families should be particularly significant since salaries in the armed forces tend to be on a par with or considerably higher than for equivalent employees elsewhere in the public sector. However, military bases tend to be relatively closed economies with many goods and services provided and consumed internally, thereby diminishing the economic stimulus on the local or regional community by generating multiplier consequences significantly lower than for a comparable loss of civilian jobs. The regional multiplier effects of military base operations can also be affected by the age profile of employees. Where a base contains a large number of
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure Table I Multiplier estimates for defense-related regional activities Study
Weiss and Gooding
1 968
naval shipyard
1 .55
air base
1 .35
1 99 1
Employment multiplier
1 .78
defense industry
0.83 1 .0-2.0
defense industry
defense industry
1 .33 2.1
1 991
defense industry
1 992
1 .96
defense electronics
1 .27
1 992
USAF air base
1 .15
aircraft factory
1 .5
younger service personnel, the marginal propensity to consume locally (and therefore the multiplier effect) is likely to be above average. Regional multipliers in defense-dependent regions can also be derived by modifying the Kahn/Keynes employment-income multiplier process. At the regional level, withdrawals from the flow of income are likely to be significant through high import propensities, depending on the degree to which the regional defense industry supply chain extends beyond regional borders. Table 1 shows the range of regional multiplier estimates for defense expenditure generated by a number of studies. The differences in multiplier estimates observed in Table 1 can be attributed to the unique characteristics of each region, its location and the precise form defense expenditure takes. Where a region is closely inter-linked with other regions, the multiplier effect is likely to be reduced. Where defense companies or military bases have a high degree of self-sufficiency, the multiplier effect will similarly diminish. Multipliers estimated for defense activities in rural areas will differ from those in urban areas where the effects of more advanced infrastructure, high-technology industry, sophisticated services provision and a more flexible labor market will be likely to exert a significant effect. However, recent research focusing upon the supply chain of a major defense prime contractor in the highly defense-dependent South West region of the UK [Braddon et al. (1 992)] suggested that conventional approaches to the evaluation of multiplier impacts may fail to capture adequately the fundamental changes taking place within the defense industry supply chain as it adjusts to the new business conditions of the 1990's. The research confirmed that the defense industry regional supply matrix includes a much wider range of business activity than is commonly supposed, implying significantly
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greater regional economic impact from defense expenditure variations than might normally have been expected. Again, the extent of regional inter-dependencies in the defense supply industry appears much greater than previously imagined. Companies were identified in different tiers of the network supplying not only one or more defense prime contractors directly but also other companies located in different tiers of the network (including their own) and, through them, indirectly supplying other prime contractors. Examples were found of companies within the region acting as first tier suppliers for one customer; second tier suppliers for another; and, simultaneously, as suppliers to several other sub-contractors and other suppliers in the same or separate product groups. In many cases, the companies themselves were unaware of the final destination of their output, exacerbating the problem of identifying and measuring both the content and extent of the regional defense industrial base and the regional impact associated with variations in the level and content of defense procurement expenditure. At the same time, however, the intensification of competitive pressures has fractured established regional buyer-seller relationships in the defense industry with prime contractors seeking to maintain their competitive edge in world markets by retaining only the most efficient and flexible suppliers, drawn from an increasingly wide geographic area. In general, most studies of conventional regional multipliers in the defense sector have derived estimates for defense employment of between one and two, indicating that for each direct job in defense, up to one additional job will be indirectly supported by related economic activity elsewhere in the regional economy, excluding induced multiplier effects. Conflicting evidence questions the employment-creating capacity of defense expenditure compared with other forms of government expenditure [Hartley and Hooper (1 993), Smith ( 1 99 1)]. 3.2.
Regional defense expenditure and local labor markets
At a time when, almost universally, defense expenditure is declining in arms-producing nations, the capacity of a particular region to absorb adverse impacts upon employment and income will depend largely on the flexibility and responsiveness of the local and national labor markets and the potential for new injections of alternative economic activity at the regional level. Initial labor market impacts may include job-shedding as part of the planned rationalization of prime defense contractors and of small and medium sized enterprises in the defense sector; together with unplanned and sudden job-shedding by companies located in the lower tiers and levels of the defense industry supply chain, unaware of the degree to which their business is defense-dependent. Further job-shedding in non defense sectors of the economy will then occur as the regional multiplier consequences of reduced demand impact upon local business. Where defense industrial companies or military bases actually close, the labor market impact is unlikely to be restricted to a neat set of geographical boundaries but will extend across local government areas with variable severity, depending
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
on the geographic distribution of defense suppliers, military bases and associated establishments and their suppliers. Some regions which have high concentrations of both defense supply companies and military bases are likely to experience regional "clustering" effects and, in the absence of compensating employment gains in other sectors following a sustained reduction in defense expenditure, their economic base could be severely eroded. The capacity of the regional labor market to respond to reductions in defense spending will be affected significantly by the mobility of displaced labor and the evolving skill profile required in any regeneration of the regional economy. There is likely to be a significant difference here between the regional impact of defense expenditure reductions which affect employment in defense industry and that in military bases and establishments. While the extent and duration of both forms of unemployment will depend upon the absorptive capacity of the local economy and the flexibility of the local labor market, redundant personnel in the armed forces are likely to be more geographically mobile, tending to move away from their place of discharge (perhaps returning to their home town, seeking new employment). With the exception of some highly-qualified defense scientists and technicians, however, unemployed defense industry workers are likely to remain in the same location, seeking alternative employment while effectively swamping the local labor market with similar skill and experience profiles. The issue of labor mobility, therefore, adds a further dimension to the variation in regional multiplier estimates in the defense sector.
3.3. Input-output analysis Another prominent type of empirical model employed to estimate the regional economic impact of a change in defense expenditure has been input-output analysis [Richardson (1 985), Miller and Blair ( 1985)]. Devised initially by Leontieff (195 1) with important developments introduced by Isard (1960) and Isard and Langford ( 197 1 ), input-output analysis is particularly appropriate to the study of the effects of demand-driven changes in the regional economy since it focuses specifically upon the inter-dependencies that bind together separate sectors of the regional economy. Such inter-relationships have been categorized as backward and forward linkages with the former relating to input provision and the latter to output utilization [Hirschman (1958)]. Backward linkages in one particular sector are induced by additional final demand for the output of that sector and, while the effects may spread widely throughout the economy, the original demand increase is said to emanate from the sector of origin. On the other hand, linkage effects could be calculated with respect to the sector of destination. Key sectors of the economy will exhibit varying degrees of linkage with, by definition, primary production having virtually no backward linkage but significant forward linkage, while manufacturing offers the possibility of significant backward linkages. In general, the nearer a sector is to production for final demand, the greater the scope for backward linkage. Within a region's industrial and consumer sector, these linkages depend upon the structure and scope of the input and component
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chain stretching from regional suppliers to their prime contractor customers and other consumers. Three variants of the input-output approach are appropriate for economic impact analysis and, suitably adapted, may be employed for regional evaluation and estimation. The open comparative static input-output model employs standard input-output tables, supplemented with average labor coefficients for relevant industries, to determine the employment effects of defense expenditure. Closed static models can be used to estimate the multiplier consequences of defense expenditure by incorporating a private consumption sector in the model. Finally, dynamic models supplement input output analysis with econometric equations, designed to estimate demand, both factor and final, with the additional attribute that they can be extended to incorporate the important effects of changing technology. Overall, closed static models will generate higher values than open static models, through the incorporation of full multiplier consequences. The results estimated by static and by dynamic models will differ since the former employ average coefficients while the latter employ marginal coefficients and incorporate more extensive feedback effects. The input-output approach begins with the assumption that the output of any good or service in an economy is either utilized for final consumption by households, government or exports or is employed as an input in the production of goods and services within that economy (including itself). For any regional economy, then, each output can be represented by a production function equation where output equals final consumption plus the sum of all its uses as inputs in producing the output activity of that region. To avoid excessive complexity, input-output models are usually constructed on the basis of three key assumptions. Each industry is assumed to produce a single homogenous product or two or more fixed-proportion joint products. Furthermore, each industry is assumed to employ a fixed combination of relevant factors of production or inputs in producing its output. Constant returns to scale are assumed to apply throughout the model. To produce each unit of the jth product, then, will take a 11 amount of the first required input, a21 of the second input and, in an n industry economy, ani of the nth input. The term a lJ denotes the input coefficient. For this n industry economy, input coefficients are conventionally arranged in a matrix A = au as indicated below: I II III
al l a2 1 a3 1
GJ2 a22 a32
GJ3 a23 a33
Gin Gzn a3n
In this matrix, the amount required from each input industry to produce a unit of output of another industry (or of itself) is indicated by column data. In addition to an n industry formulation, an input-output model may contain an open sector (often
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
the household sector) which generates a final demand exogenously and provides labor inputs not supplied by the n industries. This element of non-input demand means that the sum of elements in each column of the input matrix A must now be less than one in order to satisfy this additional demand. Thus:
L aiJ < 1
j = 1, 2, . . . , n.
Since the value of output generated by an industry must be matched by receipts accruing to all relevant factors of production employed in its production, the amount by which a column's aggregate value is below 1 must equal the payment to the open sector input. That is, the value of the primary input required to produce one unit of the 1th commodity will be Overall, for an industry to produce output that will both meet the input requirements of n industries as well as the final demand of the open sector, its level of output (x 1 ) must satisfy the following equation:
(5) or: (6) where final demand for output is shown by d 1 and input demand for the jth industry is represented by a11x1. In matrix form, this gives:
((1 -au) -a21
-a 12 ( 1 - an)
-an i
or (1-A)x = d, where x = the variable vector and d = the final (constant) demand vector. represents the technology matrix (T); therefore Tx = d. As long as The matrix T is nonsingular, the inverse r- 1 allows a unique solution to the equation as below: X = r- 1 d = ( 1 - At 1 d.
Where the exogenous sector of the open input-output model is absorbed into the system or treated as another industry, the model becomes closed. Final demand and primary inputs are excluded and replaced by the input requirements and output of the newly conceived industry. All goods are now considered to be intermediate goods with everything being produced to meet the input requirements of n + 1 industries in the new model. As a result, each column sum in input matrix A must now be exactly
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equal to
1 - alJ - a21 - a31 - . . . an1;
where subscript
0 denotes the "newly
conceived" industry. In a closed model, there will be no unique "correct" output mix. Output levels
x1 . . . Xn can be determined in proportion to each other but their absolute
levels cannot be fixed without imposing additional restrictions on the model [Chiang
( 1 984)]. At the regional level, input-output models are conceptually similar to national models. Within a region, each industry will be related to other industries in that region and to elements of final demand. Regional models usually take one of two forms: a "square" version structurally similar to national input-output models with a highly aggregated final demand sector; and a "dog leg" variant in which the final demand sector is more disaggregated. In this latter category, extra-regional trade is often disaggregated by industry and, with this "foreign trade" sector precisely specified, the "dog leg" variant can be an extremely effective tool for the structural analysis of a regional economy [Glickman
( 1 977)].
More sophisticated inter-regional models are required to capture the regional flows of output that occur in many industries and are particularly relevant to the defense sector with its regional supply and sub-contracting networks. Adding a spatial dimension to regional input-output analysis requires the addition of subscripts to coefficients to denote the origin and the destination of such regional transfers. Thus,
,X; =
L L rsXik +r Y;, s=i k=I
i, k =
1 , 2, . . . , m,
= 1 , 2, . . .
, n.
The inter-regional system can then be specified as:
,X; =
L L rsaik rXk rXi s=I k=I
,X; is the total output of industry i in region r; rsXik denotes the movement of output of industry i in region r to industry k in region s ; , Y; is final demand for output o f industry i i n region r; rsaik is the production coefficient specifying the amount of i needed to purchase one unit of
for units of
i moved from region r to region s.
Dynamic input-output models, both national and regional, require the addition of some level of econometric modelling, usually employing time-series and various regression analysis techniques. This allows the construction of a regional model which is intrinsically more flexible than static input-output models, being less constrained by particular theories of regional structure or excessively inhibiting assumptions.
3.4. Regional econometric models In recent years, a number of national econometric models designed to explore the impact of defense expenditure on the economy have been constructed with regional
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
forecasting capabilities. Specific regional economic models, some of which explicitly contain categories of defense expenditure, have been developed principally in the United States since 1965 and have evolved over time in terms of increasing levels of sophistication. Table 2 summarizes some of the most prominent of these national and regional input-output and econometric models. In the initial regional econometric modelling literature, a "satellite" type of model was employed, drawing heavily upon national econometric models. Such models focused attention at the regional level on the application of the Keynesian income expenditure approach where initial changes are attributable to an increase in aggregate demand, in tum facilitating supply-side response in regions where excess capacity already exists. In these models, regional economic activity is disaggregated into its component parts, each key economic activity being modelled separately (e.g. investment determinants, employment and output). Estimated relationships take the form of forecasting equations which establish a "best fit" association between variables. Disaggregation and modelling allows the impact of an exogenous shock to the region's economy to be traced and measured more precisely. Models of this kind comprise a large number of interdependent equations in which each variable determined by the model is a function of other specified endogenous variables, exogenous variables and an error term. Each equation, then, takes the form: Xit
= j(Xjt,Ykt, et),
( 1 0)
where xit is the endogenous variable i in period t; x11 is the endogenous variable j in period t ; Ykt is the exogenous variable k in period t; and e1 is the error term in period t. In such a model, the determination of xit by another variable determined elsewhere in the model, such as x11 , gives it simultaneity and allows variables to interact as they would in the real world. In recent years, regional econometric models have been extended to include the role of exports in regional growth; the effects of differences in regional and national labor costs; distributed lag formulations; extra-regional demand variations; and neo-classical supply-side modelling. Regional input-output and/or econometric models require detailed disaggregated regionally-focused data that are rarely available. As a result, many applications of the input-output and other modelling techniques at the regional level have had to employ adjusted inter-industry coefficients derived from national input-output tables. For a variety of reasons, national input-output tables contain significantly more sectors than their regional counterparts. Where econometric models at the regional level are constructed on the basis of national models, this "top down" approach implies little scope for regional effects to feed through and influence the national outcome. On the other hand, a "bottom up" approach in which regional variables are determined independently and then aggregated, while it prevents regional diversity being ignored, requires detailed, complex and frequently repeated survey work in order to capture the unique dynamism of the regional economy [Ball ( 1 993)].
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Table 2 Examples of national and regional models of defense expenditure impact with regional and/or sub regional forecasting capabilities National models
Canada [Center for Studies in Defense Resources Management (1983)] Comprises (i) a comparative static input-{)utput model to explore the impact of current defense expenditure; (ii) a neo-classical comparative static input-{)utput model to examine effects of marginal changes in defense expenditure and (iii) CANDIDE, a dynamic input-output model used to explore the impact of long term changes in defense expenditure. Industrial employment impact examined through both open and closed input--output models covering 1 9 1 industries. Contains regional model which revealed high defense dependence of Pacific provinces. France [Ministere de Ia Defense (1984)] Comprises AVATAR, a comparative static input-{)utput model developed to assess the average effects of defense expenditure on employment and PROPAGE, a dynamic model, designed to capture the effects of increasing defense expenditure over time. Again, the models reveal the concentration of French defense expenditure both in terms of industries and regions. West Germany [Filip-Kohn (1980)] Employs 1 972 and 1 976 input--output accounts with 34 production sectors, six final demand vectors and three primary demand vectors and utilizes average employment/output ratios to estimate defense related employment levels. Industrial employment associated with defense is found to be concentrated in relatively few regional industries (motor vehicles, electrical equipment, precision optics, metal manufacture, etc.). United Kingdom [Dunne and Smith (1984)] Utilized the Institute for Employment Research version of the Cambridge Growth Project Model (Warwick University), a dynamic input-{)utput model with an econometric equation system. The model is disaggregated to 40 industries, 49 categories of consumption, five categories of government current expenditure and four categories of capital expenditure. The model's estimates indicate the degree of concentration of UK defense expenditure in certain key industries and sub-regions. United States [DoD (1980)] Employs the DEIMS model (Defense Economic Impact Modelling System), a 400 industry dynamic input-{)utput model incorporated in an econometric model, developed by Data Resources Inc., the model includes a "Defense Translator" which allows for the different composition of weapons systems compared to other products. Within the DEIMS system, a regional model enables state-level projections of defense expenditure impact to be made. Regional models
Michigan [Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics (1965)] A basic econometric model with OLS regression equations employed to predict regional variables such as employment, personal income, change in government, State purchases, retail sales, labor force and net migration). Depended heavily upon national variables. California [Burton and Dyckman (1965)] A model comprising 1 7 9 OLS regression equations which predicted personal income, wage and non wage income, employment in over 50 industries, taxes, etc. 2 1 national variables taken as exogenous, including several categories of Department of Defense expenditure. North East Corridor [Crow (1973)] A large regional econometric model comprising 50 stochastic equations and covering 1 0 states (from New Hampshire in the North to Virginia in the South and included the District of Columbia), divided into 3 sub-regions. Predicted general economic activity in the region and focused in particular upon gross output originating in the region, employment, wages for nine sectors, consumption, investment, state and
continued on next page
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
Table 2, continued local expenditure, non-wage income and net migration. This model utilized both pooled cross-section and time series data.
Pennsylvania [Klein and Gliclanan (1975)] A large econometric model with 92 equations (60 stochastic), employing time series data and logarithmic functions. Predicted output, employment, agricultural production, wage and non-wage incomes, consumption, government revenue, labor force and demographic change and retail sales. Output and employment sectors were disaggregated into nine economic sectors with both national and local variables determining the estimates derived.
References Dunne ( 1 9 9 1 )
Glickman ( 1 977)
Where regional tables are derived from national input-output tables, a national transactions matrix of dimension N is taken and condensed to create a regional coefficient matrix of dimension R < N and is then adjusted with the use of location quotients. These are derived, in turn, from national and regional employment figures. For a given industrial sector, the location quotient is the ratio between the regional and national share of output or employment. As an example, if the manufacturing sector of a region employed 25% of total regional employment compared with a national figure of 50%, the location quotient would be one-half, implying that manufacturing is significantly under-represented in that regional economy. Applying location quotients to national data allows for the derivation of a new matrix of input coefficients which should better reflect regional employment and output patterns. However, the use of general location quotients of this kind (usually for large industrial sub-groups such as manufacturing) presumes that the difference between national and regional coefficients remains the same whichever manufacturing sector is being considered. This will be a significant problem for regions which, historically, may have concentrated on supplying the requirements of one or two specialized manufacturing sectors (e.g. defense and aerospace). Recently, this conventional approach has been criticized and an innovative, alternative approach proposed which has potential for improving the reliability of intra-regional coefficients and, thus, for regional multiplier estimates generated in future studies [Flegg et al. ( 1994)]. Output and employment in the defense sector do not fall neatly into standard industrial classifications and the definition of what constitutes a "defense supply industry" at the regional level will therefore determine what is included in the relevant regional model. Considerable effort has gone into improving the availability and accuracy of regional statistics [in particular, through survey-based approaches: e.g. McGregor and McNicoll ( 1 992)] but, nonetheless, this lacuna in the data available inhibits derivation of more reliable estimates. A range of other problems can also be anticipated in the design, conduct and interpretation of regional models and their estimates. First, data are often available only on an annual basis, thereby yielding relatively few observations
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to include in the model. Since there are few time series of any length in regional data, models are often rather limited in terms of the variables they can include, implying relatively simple models based upon sets of bivariate equations and effectively reducing the degrees of freedom. Furthermore, econometric estimates of employment-elasticity with respect to changes in defense expenditure can be affected by internal corporate decisions regarding the retention of key personnel. Attempts by defense companies to protect their interests when defense expenditure declines may lead some companies to effectively stockpile skilled labor (for example, design teams) in the hope of improving business conditions in the future. Existing labor will then be under-utilized for a period, reducing the marginal requirements when demand conditions improve and introducing estimation errors into the results of dynamic models. Again, the process by which changes in defense expenditure are translated into employment impacts can be an important source of error. It is usual to multiply the output generated by defense expenditure by appropriate output/employment ratios for the industry concerned. However, the ratio for military production in such an industry may be very different to that for civil production, especially in an industry where military production has historically taken place in the less competitive, cost-plus environment. Large divergences may occur, therefore culminating in estimation errors. Furthermore, all such models simplify reality and tend to ignore critical distinctive economic, political, and social aspects of a particular region which may have significant implications for the accuracy of the estimates generated. Nevertheless, input-output and econometric models still offer the most appropriate and effective approaches to the evaluation of regional impacts and continue to be refined over time, enhancing their predictive performance [Groenwold, Hagger and Madden ( 1 987), Jensen, West and Hewings ( 1 988), Cole ( 1989) and Hsiao and Mountain ( 1994)]. 4. The regional distribution of defense expenditure
For reasons of history, military strategic requirements and economic policy, defense expenditure within nations tends to be unevenly distributed spatially and exerts a powerful influence in the geographic reconstruction of nations over time [Markusen and Yudken ( 1 992), Lovering ( 1 99 1)]. Table 3 provides a provisional guide to the principal centers of defense production across a wide range of nations, both developed and underdeveloped. However, limited information on the precise location of defense production activities means that Table 3 is at best impressionistic and by no means comprehensive. It does, nevertheless, highlight many significant areas of defense related economic activity on a world-wide basis and confirms the view that defense spending has an intensely regional focus. In the United States, for example, more than half of all prime defense contracts allocated in the late 1980's were concentrated in six states while in the former Soviet Union, more than half of all defense enterprises were located in five of the twenty maj or economic regions. Similarly, in the United Kingdom, almost two-thirds of defense industry employment is located in three out of eleven regions, while in Italy about 80%
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
Table 3 Indicative national regions of defense production • Country
Buenos Aires, Borghi, Cordoba
Sydney, Victoria, Canberra, New South Wales
Liebnitz, Gunskirchen, Graz, Steyr, Rustdorf
Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rosario
Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia
Santiago, El Bosque, Valparaiso, Punta Arenas
Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Wuki, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, parts of Hunan, Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi
Czechoslovakia (former)
Prague, Otrokovice, Kunovice, Pardubice, Brno, Letnany, Narodni Podnik
Cairo, Helwan, Heliopolis
Riihimaki, Helsinki, Halli, Lapua, Tampere
Bretagne, Aquitaine, Provence-Alpes-Cote d' Azur, Centre, Lirnousin, Midi-Pyrenees, Ile-de-France, Basse-Normandie, Haute Normandie
East Germany (former)
Magdeburg, Schonebeck-a/d-Elbe, Sachsen
West Germany (former)
Bremen, Oberbayern
Sterea Ellada
Budapest, Veszprem, Csepel, Szigethzlem
Bangalore, Kanpur, Jabalpur, Kirkee, Khamaria, Jubbulpore, Varangoan, Hyderabad, Calcutta, Bombay, Ranchi, Nagpur, Kavadigida, Ghaziabad, Pune, Kukatpally
Jakarta, Bandung, Pindad, Surabaya, Serpong
Tel Aviv, Haifa, Tikva, Ashdod, Yahud, Ashkelon, Kinyat Shimona, Karmiel, Jerusalem, Beersheva, Galilee, Dirnona
Liguria, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia
Tokyo, Asahi, Nagoya, Amagasaki, Totsuka, Kobe, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Shimonaseki, Tamaro, Fijinaguta
South Korea
Seoul, Gyenriggido, Kyoriggi-Do
Mexico City
New Zealand
Auckland, Hamilton
Boshni State
Raufoss, Oslo, Kongsberg, Nesbru
Karnra, Chaklala, Risalpur, Dhamial, Wah, Islamabad, Taxile, Karachi
Lima, Callao, Chimbote, Iquitos
continued on next page
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Table 3 , continued Country
Warsaw, Swidnik, Wroclaw, Labedy Mielic, Zelcz, Bielskio-Biala, Lodz, Kalisz, Rzeszow, Starzchowice
Lisboa e Vale do Tejo
Bucharest, Bacau, Craiova, Brasov
Central, Urals, Volga
Saudi Arabia
Paya Lebar, Julan Boon Lay, Jurong Town
South Africa
Pretoria, Johannesburg, Transvaal, Cape Town
Eskilistuna, Linki:iping, Stockholm, Bofors, Jarfalla, Ormskoldskvik, Malmo, Norsborg, Lindingo, Gi:iteborg, Spanga
Zurich, Berne, Lausanne, Lucerne, Emmen, Altemheim, Altdorf, Thun, Arbon, Kreuzlingen
Taichung, Taipei, Kang-Shan, Tso-Ying, Ma-Kung, Kao-Hsing
Ankara, Kurumu
United Kingdom
Cumbria, Essex, Lancashire, Cornwall, Devon, Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Hampshire
United States
California, Virginia, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, North Carolina, Ohio, New Jersey
Yugoslavia (former)
Belgrade, Mostad, Pancevo, Konjic, Titovo, Uzice
• Information derived from Jane's Weapons Systems ( 1 980- 1 990); various trade publications.
is located in just five regions out of twenty [Paukert and Richards ( 1 99 1)]. Tables 4-8 provide more specific information indicating the regional economic impact of defense expenditure for different countries. For the USA, the availability of quality data on the regional distribution of defense expenditure by state enables regional defense-dependency to be explored using a variety of measures. State rankings in Table 4a,b reveal the extent to which defense expenditure impacts upon different States. If regional defense-dependence is measured by the share of total Department of Defense (DoD) purchases received, California, Virginia and Texas are the most dependent states. Using an employment share indicator, however, the District of Columbia, Alaska and Hawaii appear most defense dependent with California falling to 7th place in the rankings. Using other indicators such as the number of active duty military personnel located in a specific region or state, California regains its predominant position in terms of defense-dependence.
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
Table 4 USA: most defense-dependent states by various indicators' 4a. State share of 1 992 purchases by US Department of Defense % State
4b. Defense-related employment as percentage of 1 992 State employment State % Distr. of Columbia
1 8.2
1 2.7
1 0.4
Maryland/New York
1 8.0
California/New Mexico
Washington/North Carolina
New Jersey
Kosiak and Bitzinger ( 1 993)
Table 5 Regional employment in the Russian military-industrial complex Region
Northwest (II) Urals (VIII)
Military industrial employment ( x 1 000)
% of total employment'
1 1 1 6.4
Udmart ASSR
1 67.7
Volga-Vyatka (IV)
45 1 . 1
Volga (VI) Saratov Oblast Central (III) Western Siberia (IX)
2 1 2. 1
1 2 1 1 .4
Novosibirsk Oblast
Central Chernozem (V)
Far East (XI)
1 78.3
Kaliningrad Oblast ( 120)
1 8.9
1 5.0
Eastern Siberia (X)
1 67.5
1 3.9
North Caucasus (VII)
255 . 1
1 3 .7
North (I) Russian Federation
541 6.8
' World Bank ( 1 992).
Table 5 illustrates the degree of regional concentration of defense employment in the Russian military-industrial complex. Very heavy employment dependence is observed
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in the Urals, Volga, and Central regions. Cooper ( 1 991) identified 7 60 significant defense facilities within the former USSR, including production enterprises, science production associations, research institutes, design organizations and military-related "closed" towns. Of this total, some 75% are located within Russian territory, a further 14.5% in the Ukraine, and the remainder distributed across the other republics . Newer "electronics-related" production facilities tend to be less regionally concentrated than the more traditional defense industries. The immense significance of military production for some regions is evident in, for example, Udmurtiya, where it apparently contributes 85% of total industrial output, some 60% of total employment and dominates economic activity in all the most important towns, namely Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Sarapul and Glazov. In the most comprehensive study of its kind the regional significance of defense expenditure across the European Community (EC) was estimated employing a "threshold" indicator of twice the European average for the share of the regional labor force directly employed in defense [Commission of the European Communities ( 1 992)]. Applying this indicator to specific regions of the EC, 1 9 regions were found to be especially dependent on defense industrial activity and a further 3 1 regions were identified as particularly dependent upon military base activity. Table 6 summarizes the findings for European Union regional concentration by defense employment share. Table 6 reveals that the European Community contained several regions in which defense industries were extremely significant contributors to employment, for example, Cumbria in the UK and Bretagne and Acquitaine in France. Again, Table 6 identifies some regions of the European Union as especially dependent on the military base sector for employment, including exceptional dependence in parts of Greece (Voreio Aigaio, Notio Aigaio, Kriti); Spain (Ceuta y Melilla); and Portugal (Acores). Finally, a few regions (such as Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire in the UK and Friuli in Italy) exhibit significant dependence for employment on both elements of defense sector activity, making them potentially very vulnerable to deep and sustained cuts in defense expenditure. Information relating to the regional distribution of defense activities across Eastern Europe is only now becoming available in the more liberal post-Cold War environment. Table 7 provides limited information on regional centers of defense activity for some of the countries of Eastern Europe. Tables 4 to 7 provide an approximate guide to the regional distribution of defense expenditure for most of the major arms-producing nations which, together, constitute over 90% of global aggregate production. However, about 40 other industrial and developing nations now have defense industries of their own, each with specific regional location and consequent economic impact. Data availability for these nations, primarily developing countries, regarding regional distribution of defense expenditure is extremely limited and precludes precise regional data tabulation. Nevertheless, Third World countries represent an important emerging force in global arms production. At the start of this decade, 36 non-communist Third World countries were engaged in arms production, about twice the number producing arms in the 1 970's and
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
Table 6 Regional defense-dependence within the European Communities ' : by employment sector Country
Region Defense industries only
Employment shares (%) Military only Total defense related
Voreio Aigaio
Ceuta y Melilla
1 1 .82
1 1 .82
Notio Aigaio
1 1 .27
1 1 .27
1 0.61
1 .65
1 0.57
Dytiki Makedonia
1 0.39
1 0.46
Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki
1 0.06
1 0. 1 1
Hampshire, Isle of Wight
Cornwall, Devon
1 .55
North Yorkshire
6.0 1
2.5 1
Provence-Alpes--cote d' Azur
Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire
1 .26
5.48 5.17
' Commission of the European Communities ( 1992).
approximately two and a half times the number in the 1960's [Singh ( 1989)]. In the late 1980's, 30 developing countries were engaged in small arms and ammunition production, 22 in small naval craft construction, eight in fighter aircraft (usually under license), 1 1 in other aircraft work, 1 2 in guided missiles, 1 0 in military avionics and electronics, 14 in large naval ships, and 5 in submarine and tank production [Wulf (1987)]. Elsewhere in this book, Ram (Chapter 1 0) and Deger and Sen (Chapter 1 1) explore in detail the theme of military expenditure and the developing countries. The regional implications of such expenditure in the Third World context, however, needs to be briefly considered here. Brauer (1991) identifies the most significant arms producers in the Third World (in terms of the advanced nature and scale of their production) as being, in rank order,
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512 Table 7 Defense-related employment in Poland and the Czech Republics• Region
Poland Mid East: Niewiadow, Pionki, Radom, Swidnik Skarzysko-Kamienna,
Employment in defense-related activities (%)
40. 1
Starachowice, Krasnik, Warsaw
South East: Tarnow, Rzeszow, Mielec, Jaslo, Nowa, Deba, Stalowa Wola Mid South: Krupski-Mlyn, Gliwice, Bienin Stary
40.4 4.0
Czech Republics Central Slovakia
1 7.4
• Data compiled from background papers presented at the NATO defense conversion seminar on Central and Eastern Europe, 1 992, Brussels.
Israel, India, Brazil, Yugoslavia, South Africa, Argentina, Taiwan and South Korea. Most of these countries have a significant industrial base, infrastructure and labor force skill profile appropriate for the development of a defense manufacturing capability. Critical technical linkages between the arms production sector and specific industries such as iron and steel, metal products, machinery, electrical products, shipbuilding and repair, and motor vehicles exist in these more industrially-advanced developing countries. In theory, the spin-off effects on other industries - and thus on the rest of the economy - should be considerable. Such a regional transmission effect has, however, been called into question [Deger and Sen ( 1 986)]. For the other significant arms producers in the Third World where production is more limited in quantity and level of sophistication (for example, the Philippines, Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, North Korea, Pakistan, Singapore and others) the regional economic implications of defense expenditure are likely to be significantly different. In some of these countries, regional concentrations of arms production may dwarf other forms of local economic activity, considerably intensifYing the exposure of the regional economy to variations in defense budgets with serious implications for regional economic viability. With relatively weak industrial infrastructures in many of these nations, the development of indigenous arms producing industries is likely to develop as a high-technology capital intensive industrial enclave in a region and nation which is capital-poor and labor intensive. In such an economic system, the potential for scale economies will be limited with very few beneficial spillover effects for local or national civil industry. Arms production in the Third World depends to a significant degree on licenses and technology imports from major arms-producing nations (especially the USA,
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
UK, France and Germany), reducing the capacity for such developing countries to secure industrial and technological self-sufficiency and reduce import-dependence. If powerful backward linkages could be observed in the defense sector, the impact upon developing countries of a sizeable indigenous arms industry could be beneficial. However, production runs in defense manufacturing tend to be relatively short-term, rendering the development of symbiotic input industries uneconomic. Again, the input requirements of the arms industries are for high-technology, high quality products at variance with those required for consumer products in the developing countries. These perceived national drawbacks of expanding defense production in the Third World are likely to be even more significant in regions where such economic activity is concentrated. 5. Selected case studies
In recent years, the case study literature exploring the regional impact of defense expenditure has expanded considerably. Table 8 summarizes and reviews some of the most important of these case studies. The Washington State study, summarized in Table 8, provides a good illustration of a regional impact analysis. The defense sector has been a crucial element of the Washington State regional economy for decades with large military installations as well as significant contributions from the aerospace, shipbuilding and nuclear weapon production industries. As well as the key findings, noted in Table 8, this study also provides important information on the dynamism of regional economies in response to changes in defense expenditure flows. Findings revealed that, in 1982, the Washington economy received $ 1 143 m. from military and civilian personnel payrolls and a further $3361 m. in purchases from the private sector (where the principal recipients were aerospace, shipbuilding and construction industries.) As a result, some 6.3% of all jobs in the Washington economy in 1 982 (excluding military personnel) depended upon military expenditure, many in the service and distribution sectors. By 1 987, regional income from Department of Defense contracts and installation expenditure had increased by some $800 m. in real terms. The ranking of principal industrial sectors benefitting from this increased expenditure had changed over the five year period with shipbuilding falling from second to fourth place behind aerospace, other services, and electrical machinery. This additional real expenditure generated an extra 39 600 jobs in the private sector of the region, together with 6500 active duty and DoD civilian jobs. Excluding active duty jobs, military expenditure by 1987 accounted for 7.3% of total regional employment, indicating the important role of the defense sector as a source of employment growth. In general, case studies provide valuable information on the defense-dependency of specific regions and can highlight the degree to which income and employment, as well as other important regional economic indicators such as local tax receipts and various components of consumers' expenditure are influenced by defense-related
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514 Table 8 Selected regional case studies of defense expenditure impacts
Warf and Cox (I989): Prime Defense Contracts in the New York Region The analysis focused on defense firms receiving DoD contracts over $25 000 in 1 985 and estimated impact on the New York Metropolitan Region and 3 sub-regions [New York City (NYC); New York suburbs (NYS) and Northern New Jersey (NNJ)]. Study used an 89 sector input-Dutput model. Estimated 76 000 jobs in region attributable to defense receipts in 1 985 with 40 000 jobs lost due to associated additional tax burden. Fifteen of the 89 industrial sectors experienced declining output, while 48 of 53 manufacturing industries experienced increasing output. At the sub-regional level, NYS received one-half of all contracts value and paid least additional taxes, yet employment and income gains low due to aerospace/electronics activity with high capital intensity and significant regional "leakages". NYC receive9 only one-half defense receipts ofNYS, yet gained 1 0 000 jobs due to labor intensity of business activities.
Hughes et a/. (I99I): Defense and Washington State Utilized data from the 1 982 Washington input-Dutput model with 5 1 industrial sectors and six final demand vectors. The employment impact of a 1 0% cut in the defense expenditure component of final demand was estimated implying a total loss of 1 6 500 jobs in the region compared with, for example, 23 600 lost jobs for a similar reduction in state exports. Again, an increase in defense expenditure of $ 1 00 m. would have created an estimated 1 536 jobs in the private sector compared with 2600 jobs for a similar increase in state exports. In this case, however, an additional 2179 jobs in military bases and establishments would have been created.
Bischak and Oden (I99I): Regional Impact of the INF Treaty Considered the regional implications of a Treaty designed to eliminate two classes of nuclear weapons, employing a comparative static input-Dutput model (utilizing the Department of Commerce's RIMS II regional multipliers). The cancellation of the Ground Launched Cruise Missile was estimated to reduce output in the five most dependent states by $ 1 1 4.6 m. with a loss of 1 370 jobs. Most severely affected was California losing over $ 1 27 m. in income and experiencing employment Joss of 1435 jobs, annually. In Florida, the annual estimates were over $43 m. and 6 1 5 lost jobs, respectively. In Michigan, $ 1 1 m. of output would be lost annually and also 143 jobs. The elimination of the Pershing II missile, similarly, would cost Florida $50.9 m. and 7 1 6 jobs annually, while Ohio would suffer an output loss of $37 m. and 428 lost jobs annually.
Huck (199I): Regional Economic Dependence on Defense Expenditure in Munich This study offers tentative estimates of the regional impact of defense expenditure, constrained by severe data limitations in former West Germany. Taking a "bottom up" approach to the impact estimation process, the study concluded that 8% of manufacturing employment and 1 1% of metalworking industry employment was defense-dependent in 1 986. At a more disaggregated level, estimates suggest that while 58% of employment in aerospace industries was defense-dependent, other key sectors were much less reliant (for example, precision instruments 8%; electronics 6%; and vehicle manufacture 4%). Overall, the study concluded that while the manufacturing base of the Munich area was defense-dependent, this was largely attributable to the aerospace industry.
Battistelli (1991): Occupational Defense-Dependence in the Rome Region Surveys for this study of defense-dependent occupational groups in 1 987 identified 52 small, medium and large defense companies (principally engaged in electronics production) in the region, employing about 1 2 000 workers with a further 2000 jobs in sub-contractors also defense-dependent. This amounted to about 8% of all industrial employment in the Rome region. Among the principal findings relating to occupational issues were a below average share of women workers; a high proportion of university graduates; a high proportion of technical/professional staff; an above average concentration of R&D activities and employment; and an above average share of salaried employees compared with other regional industries.
continued on next page
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
Table 8 , continued
Office ofEconomic Adjustment (1986): Regional Impact of Stapleton Homeport Examined the regional economic significance of a new military facility (Stapleton Homeport Naval Base, New York City). The study estimated that regional economic activity would increase by some $597 m. during the construction phase with an increase in employment of 8690 person-years. When fully operational, additional annual economic activity was estimated at $228 m. with additional employment of 4530 military and 309 1 civilian jobs in the region. Over 1 800 indirect and induced jobs were expected to be created in the private sector as a result and business income was expected to increase by $82 m. in the construction phase and $25 m. when operationaL New York City was estimated to gain $2.1 m. in City taxes with additional municipal outlays of $327 000.
Bishop (1992): Devonport Dockyard and Naval Base, UK This study examined the regional economic impact of a major Dockyard and associated naval base in a peripheral sub-region of the UK (the counties of Devon and Cornwall). The Devonport complex was estimated to generate £52 1 m. of annual income for the sub-region or 5% of annual total income. Directly and indirectly, 29 900 jobs were supported by the Dockyard complex, of which some 6900 jobs depended upon local expenditure by base and Dockyard facility employees. In the event of closure of the Dockyard and simultaneous base run-down, it was estimated that the sub-region would lose 3.7% of its income and some 22 600 jobs with a potential increase in the regional unemployment rate to 20%.
activities. However, where such studies are conducted on the basis of industrial surveys, problems are encountered in identifying precisely what is defense-related activity at the regional level; in separating defense from non-defense production at the corporate level; and, consequently, in ensuring that the results reflect genuine defense dependency. Where case studies employ input-output or other forms of econometric models, the limitations of such models (discussed previously) have to be borne in mind. It is the "uniqueness" of regions that constrains the applicability of regional case studies in drawing lessons from the experience of defense contraction. Findings relevant to one particular case study will not necessarily be appropriate for a different region, even where the type of industrial change is similar. Regions will differ in economic structure and infrastructure, in social composition and economic prosperity, in industrial and skill specialization and, of greatest importance, in adaptive capacity [Cheshire ( 1990)] and ability to respond to appropriate policy stimuli. Consequently, each case will be different. Case studies certainly provide a useful learning exercise about the range of impacts to be expected at the regional level as defense budgets contract but cannot be expected to generate outcomes that are universally relevant.
Policy implications
Two basic questions lie at the heart of the policy debate regarding declining defense expenditure. First, is the scale of the problem sufficient to warrant specific policy design and implementation or can the interplay of market forces deal effectively with the process of economic regeneration? Second, what policy measures are available and
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what is their actual or potential efficacy in resolving the adverse economic impacts of the defense contraction problem? Most analysts anticipate that the scale of the problem at the macroeconomic level will be relatively modest (with the exception of the former Soviet Union where reductions in military expenditure, combined with dramatic macro- and micro-economic reforms are likely to generate massive economic disequilibrium and instability). In the case of the European Community, the effects of even a 50% reduction in defense expenditure, spread over several years, have been projected to affect the macroeconomy by less than I % annually [Hartley and Hooper ( 1 99 1 )] . For the United States it has been estimated that, incorporating the 1 993 Clinton defense expenditure plans, defense cuts from 1 986 to 1 998 would affect US GDP by no more than 3.3% over a period of 12 years. The regional concentration of defense expenditure, however, highlighted in this chapter, suggests that local economic impact - in certain instances - considerably exceed national impacts. Yet, US estimates suggest that even in the most defense-dependent states, the employment impact should not exceed 1% of the employed labor force on current defense expenditure plans [Defense Budget Project ( 1 993)]. However, the implication is not that these regional impacts are inconsequential but that they are "manageable" with appropriate policy action by government. Experience of rapid decline in other important industrial sectors in recent years confirms the need for appropriate policy action to facilitate economic adjustment to declining defense expenditure, particularly at the regional level. Several traditional heavy industries (for example, steel, coal and shipbuilding), especially those located within the European Union, have experienced dramatic contraction over a ·relatively short period of time, generating significant adverse regional economic consequences. Across the European Union, the industrial, social and economic impact has been felt most significantly in the regions of North and East France, the Ruhr and Saar regions of Germany, South and East Belgium and in the UK in the regions of West and Central Scotland, the South West, North and North West of England and in Northern Ireland [Hitiris ( 1988)]. Despite relatively expansionary economic conditions and the emergence of new growth sectors at the national level, market adjustment failed to correct the adverse economic conditions experienced in these regions, since new industrial activity tended to occur in growth centers well away from the deprived areas. Unaided by national or local government policy, markets proved ineffective at coping adequately with the speed and scale of industrial change and the constraints of wage inflexibility in an increasingly competitive market environment. As a result, policy intervention was necessary to facilitate the process of economic regeneration at the regional level. Measures employed to ease regional problems have included the selective allocation of regional development grants (such as the European Regional Development Grant), allocated on the basis of perceived national economic strength or weakness as well as the scale of the expected industrial change; financial and technical support from government for training, retraining and employment initiatives; measures designed to
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
encourage land re-use and development; and more specific policies at the regional level focusing upon technology, the environment, industrial expansion and social issues. Some of these policy approaches may be relevant to meet the requirements of regions adversely affected by defense contraction but will require flexibility in application. For example, large numbers of military personnel with specific attributes (mainly male, young and well-disciplined with focused skills) are likely to become redundant in relatively remote regions. At the same time, Defense Ministries in most countries are likely to release large amounts of land for alternative use as their military exercise and associated training requirements diminish over time. Conventional regional policies will need refinement if such problems are to be effectively resolved. The key to dynamic economic regeneration appears to lie in enhancing the adaptive capacity of disadvantaged regions and a combination of supply-side reforms, together with suitably targeted regional measures, seem to offer the best strategic response. However, the design and implementation of such a response at the national level has been both piecemeal and minimal. Across Europe, to varying degrees, national governments have shown little concern with the need to facilitate regional economic regeneration to counteract the impact of declining defense budgets. Within Europe, it has been left to the European Commission to develop and implement a limited policy response under the KONVER I and II strategy. The Commission offers limited funding for regions where defense cuts have created severe problems on a competitive, selective basis. KONVER supported projects in the UK include the identification and upgrading of defense sector skills; employer subsidies to recruit redundant defense workers; the creation of technology revival centers; and new employment opportunity programs for redundant defense workers. Most of these KONVER initiatives commenced operation in 1993 and it is too early to judge their effectiveness. Almost all represent initiatives to help the regional economy achieve a relatively smooth adjustment to the new business environment. In the United States, concern at the potential economic damage that defense cuts might inflict at the regional level has produced a modest degree of national policy response in the 1990's, building upon earlier initiatives. In the 199 1 Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bill additional government support was committed for regional communities adversely affected by defense cuts. The Bill offered $200 m. of aid for defense conversion initiatives, specifically targeted at the community level. Under the provisions of the Act, the Department of Defense provides some $ 1 50 m. directly to the Department of Labor to help fund the Job Training Partnership programmes, while a further $50 m. is allocated to the Department of Commerce for allocation through the Economic Development Administration in the form of planning grants to facilitate economic recovery strategies. In addition, further financial support at the regional level is provided through the Office for Economic Adjustment in the form of nominal grants to states or communities adversely affected by defense contract cancellation or military base run-down or closure. In conclusion, it remains the case that most forms of regional policy assistance, both for defense-dependent and other regions, is reactive, offering limited support after the
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adverse effects of industrial change have been experienced. Analysts in the United states have concluded that more pro-active policies need to be developed to ensure that regions retain at least part of their economic core. The most effective means of addressing this policy requirement may be to design industrial and competition policy in such a way that no region again becomes over-dependent on a single industry, such as defense, in the future. 7. Conclusions
If effective policies are to be designed to facilitate regional economic regeneration following defense expenditure contraction, wider understanding of the scale of regional defense-dependence, the specific nature of the regional problems associated with defense expenditure contraction, and the most effective methods of enhancing regional adaptive capacity will be essential pre-requisites. While this chapter has explored the current state of knowledge regarding these issues, it is clear that such knowledge is fairly limited and that a research agenda remains to be addressed. There are three areas where more extensive research is required. First, there remains an urgent need to improve the measurement and availability of detailed, disaggregated regional data both for the defense sector and for a regional economy as a whole. Second, from the viewpoint of relevant economic theory, there is considerable scope for refining and developing regional models of defense expenditure impact. With improved data accuracy and availability at the regional level, this could include the incorporation of greater disaggregation of regional industries (and particularly those industries where defense and non-defense activities are conducted simultaneously); as well as the possible construction of a "defense composite" indicator, drawing together all industrial and military base related economic activity in a region as a specified variable for inclusion in such models. Given the increasing globalization of industry, the evolution of post-Fordist production paradigms and their application to the defense sector, and the remarkable changes currently taking place within defense industry supply networks, the export sector and inter-regional trade elements of regional economic models need considerable refinement. Finally, there is considerable scope for researching different aspects of the policy debate. On the one hand, recognizing advances made in recent years in this area, further research is still needed into the transmission process by which cuts in defense expenditure impact upon the regional economy, especially in local labor markets. The tracking of redundant defense industry workers and their military personnel counterparts as they seek alternative employment would provide relevant data to better inform policy makers. As noted in this chapter, a considerable range of research surveys, econometric studies and broader investigations over the last decade have added an immense amount to our understanding of the regional impact of defense expenditure. However, such progress in our knowledge has raised important questions as well as partial answers and the analyst is left with many fruitful areas to explore
Ch. 1 7: Regional Impact of Defense Expenditure
at a time when international developments make such study at the regional level increasingly relevant. References ADCC, 1 992, The impact of reduced military spending on local economic activity: A case for European Community assistance (Association of County Councils, Association of District Councils and Association of Metropolitan Councils, London). Aztec Training and Enterprise Council, 1 992, Changing the future (Aztec, London). Ball, D.N.F., 1 993, Regional econometric modelling in the UK - a review, Regional Studies 27, 777-782. Battistelli, F., 1 99 1 , Regional and occupational dependence on defense contracting in the Rome area, in: L. Paukert and P.J. Richards, eds., Defense expenditure, industrial conversion and local employment (International Labor Office, Geneva) 7 1-98. Bischak, G., and M. Oden, 1 99 1 , The INF Treaty and the United States experience: The industrial, economic and employment impact, in: L. Paukert and P.J. Richards, eds., Defense expenditure, industrial conversion and local employment (International Labor Office, Geneva) 1 23-1 52. Bishop, P., 1 992, The impact of Devonport Dockyard/naval base on the economy of Devon and Cornwall (South West Economic Research Center, Polytechnic South West, Plymouth). Braddon, D., P. Dowdall and A. Kendry, 1 99 1 , The economic consequences of the closure of a military base (Research Unit in Defense Economics, Bristol Polytechnic). Braddon, D., P. Dowdall, A. Kendry and S. Reay, 1 992, Defense procurement and the defense industry supply chain (Research Unit in Defense Economics, Bristol Polytechnic). Brauer, J., 1 99 1 , Arms production in developing nations: The relation to industrial structure, industrial diversification and human capital formation, Defense Economics 2, 1 65-1 75. Burton, R., and J. Dyckman, 1 965, A quarterly economic forecasting model for the state of California (Center for Planning and Development, Research Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California, Berkeley, CA). Center for Studies in Defense Resources Management, 1 983, The economic impact of Canadian defense expenditure (The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston). Cheshire, P.C., 1 990, Explaining the recent performance of the European Community and major urban regions, Urban Studies 27, 307-329. Chiang, A.C., 1 984, Fundamental methods of mathematical economics, 3rd edition (McGraw Hill, New York). Cole, S., 1 989, Expenditure lags in impact analysis, Regional Studies 23, I 05- 1 1 6. Commission of the European Communities, 1 992, The economic and social impact of reductions in defense spending and military forces on the regions of the Community (Commission of the European Communities, Brussels). Cooper, J., 1 9 9 1 , The Soviet defense industry and conversion: The regional dimension, in: L. Paukert and P.J. Richards, eds., Defense expenditure, industrial conversion and local employment (International Labor Office, Geneva) 1 57-176. Crow, R.T., 1 973, A nationally liuked regional econometric model, Journal of Regional Science 1 3 , 187-204. Defense Budget Project, 1 993, Defense-related economic adjustment and federal policy (Washing ton, DC). Deger, S., and S. Sen, 1 986, Defense industrialisation, technology transfer and choice of techniques in LDC's, in: S. Borner, ed., Structural change, economic interdependence and world development (Macmillan, London). Demilitarised, 1 99 1 , Diversification ofthe European military industry (Lancashire Enterprises, Preston). DoD (US Department of Defense), annual, Defense Economic Impact Modelling System annual forecasts (Department of Defense, Washington, DC).
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College of the Holy Cross
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. The structure of the international arms market 2 . 1 . Arms imports 2.2. Arms exports 2.3. Structural change: end of the Cold War
3. Causes of arms trade 3 . 1 . Economic causes 3 . 1 . 1 . Supply and demand model 3 . 1 .2. Neoclassical trade model 3 . 1 .3. Trade models with economies of scale and learning economies 3 . 1 .4. Imperfect competition and trade 3 .2. Domestic political economy 3 .2. 1 . Defense industrial base 3.2.2. Employment 3.3. Economic and political synthesis
4. Arms trade and conflict 4 . 1 . Theoretical models of arms trade and conflict 4.2. Empirical studies 4.3. Case studies
5. Arms trade and foreign policy influence 5. 1 . Sislin's theory of arms influence success
5.2. Determinants of arms influence success 5 .3. Recipient influence
6. Concluding comments References
524 524 525 527 527 529 531 534 535 535 536 539 541 543 543 544 546 547 548 550 553 554 555 556 558 558 559
* I am grateful to Todd Sandler for comments and encouragement on earlier drafts of this chapter, Roxane Anderton and Joseph Smaldone for extensive bibliographic help, and Daniel Gallik for valuable assistance with the arms trade data.
Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 1, Edited by K. Hartley and T Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
C.H. Anderton
The end of the Cold War has increased the relative importance of economic causes and consequences of arms transfers. Unfortunately, there is surprisingly little theoretical and empirical development of the economics of arms trade, making it a sub-field of defense economics ripe for foundational contributions. We offer some preliminary steps in this direction by applying simple international trade models to the arms trade. Fields other than economics have made major contributions to our understanding of arms transfers. We review the sub-literature on arms transfers and foreign policy leverage as well as the sub-literature on the relationship between arms trade and war. The central problem of the arms trade literature, for both economists and geopolitical scientists, is how to go beyond the proliferation of (albeit useful) policy position articles, to a more solid base of theoretical and empirical models. A new theoretical synthesis of economics and geopolitics would represent a major breakthrough, but the development of the economics of arms trade must move beyond its incipient stages for this synthesis to occur. Ultimately, it would be desirable to see theoretical and empirical work on the arms trade, narrow the range of outcomes which are regarded as plausible. Keywords
alliances, arms export restraint, arms trade, arms transfers, COCOM, conflict, Cold War, co-production, defense industrial base, defense industry, economic causes, economies of scale, employment, foreign policy influence, geopolitics, imperfect competition, information systems, intra-industry trade, learning economies, preemption, trade theory
Ch. 18:
Economics of Arms Trade
1. Introduction
Weapons have been traded across national and territorial borders throughout human history. In the last one hundred years, the arms trade passed through six major phases, the historical attributes of which are summarized by Gerner ( 1 983, p. 7) in Table 1 below. To the six phases identified by Gerner, we must now add a seventh: the post Cold War arms trade. The end of the Cold War ushered in a dramatic structural change to the international arms market. For the first time in half a century, arms transfers are no longer viewed through the prism of superpower politics; economics now plays a central role in understanding the motivations and consequences of arms transfers. Of course, politics still matters in understanding the weapons trade; not only the politics of defense firms lobbying government officials to promote weapons exports (which can be viewed as "economic" under the rubric of public choice), but the geopolitics of transfers, i.e., nations using weapons sales as instruments of foreign policy in the international system. The usual starting point in the literature is that the arms trade is a geopolitical phenomenon, subject to domestic political variables, occurring interdependently with other segments of the international system [Pierre (1 982), Catrina ( 1988), Harkavy ( 1 975)]. One of the weaknesses of the geopolitical arms trade paradigm was that until the 1970s, it was essentially non-explanatory. The literature was dominated by three types of studies: descriptive compilations of data, case studies, and j ournalistic accounts, often condemnatory [Gerner ( 1 983, p. 1 8)]. While many of the studies provided useful information about arms transfers in specific cases, in general, there was little systematic development of a theoretical structure and therefore little cumulative effort. There were some important exceptions to the atheoretical, non-cumulative approach. Some works in the 1 970s were conducive to a cumulative effort: e.g., Leiss (1 970), Leiss et al. ( 1970), SIPRI ( 1 971), Stanley and Pearton ( 1972), and Harkavy ( 1 975). Although Harkavy ( 1 994, p. 12) sees his theoretical approach falling into disuse, his international systems approach is considered by some to be a methodological landmark in arms trade research [see, e.g., Laurance ( 1 992, p. 12); Gerner ( 1 983, pp. 1 9-20)]. According to Laurance ( 1 992, p. 1 2), Harkavy linked the arms trade to the larger international system and focused on system change, thus providing a methodological approach that can be used to explain further shifts in the system. A few other theoretical and empirical works focused on specific issues like the relationship between arms transfers and war [e.g., Milstein ( 1 972)] and were conducive to a cumulative effort. A second weakness of the geopolitical paradigm is its failure to promote a systematic empirical and theoretical treatment of the economics of arms trade. Economists have not adequately filled the gap. There are a few studies on the arms trade by economists, e.g., the economic impacts of arms trade [Grobar et al. ( 1 990), Bajusz and Louscher ( 1 988)], fungibility of military and civilian aid [Frey ( 1975), Ferejohn ( 1 976), McGuire (1987)], motives for arms transfers [Smith et al. ( 1 985), Levine et al. ( 1994)], and a review of the arms trade literature [Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995, ch. 1 0)]. These works are exceptions to the general rule that economists have not seriously examined the arms
u. N 0\
Table 1 Historical attributes of the arms trade" Purposes
private profit
public opinion neutral, uninformed
strong opinions against; conventions to study and limit
US a major governmental supplier
same + foreign policy
public generally supportive
predominantly governmental, some private
US, France, Britain, USSR
same + selected third same world allies
same + Italy, Germany, others
same + third world, esp. Middle East
foreign policy + economics
Cold War period
very high
40+ nations, dominated by US, UK, France, USSR
everywhere, particularly third world
economics + foreign policy
renewed public concern, N-S issues important
Historical period
Private vs. governmental
French, German, US, Western Europe and their colonies UK manufacturers
lower than during private with WWI government controls
private and governmental
1 945-1950s
1960-1973 1 973-1980s
Cold War period
' Source: Gerner ( 1 983).
n ::J::
:... ;,
� ;,
Ch. 18: Economics of Arms Trade
trade. This is unfortunate because economists have much to offer in understanding the causes and consequences of arms transfers. A large body of international trade theory remains untapped. Even during the Cold War, non-economists cited the importance, albeit secondary, of economic motivations for arms transfers [e.g., Stanley and Pearton ( 1972, ch. 6); Pierre ( 1982, p. 24); Ferrari et a!. (1987, pp. 63-66)] . With the end of the Cold War there has been an increase in the relative importance of economic causes and consequences of arms transfers. This chapter is about the economics of arms trade. Our aim is to review the half dozen or so major topics in arms trade research, but with a hefty bias toward economic aspects of the trade. Despite our emphasis on the economics of arms trade, our intention is not to discount geopolitics; it is crucial for understanding arms transfers. The relative research gaps in the arms trade literature, however, lie more in economics than geopolitics. In Section 2 we describe the major trends in the international arms market over the past twenty years. The primary economic impacts of the end of the Cold War on the arms market are woven throughout our data analysis in Section 2. In Section 3 we explore the causes of arms trade, primarily in the context of international trade theory. In Sections 4 and 5 we move to empirical and theoretical studies of selected geopolitical topics. The relationship between arms trade and conflict is explored in Section 4. In Section 5 we cover the relationship between arms trade and foreign policy leverage. Concluding comments are offered in Section 6. 2. The structure of the international arms market
The decline of the Cold War led to a precipitous drop in the world arms trade. Figure 1 shows the trend in arms deliveries in constant 1 993 dollars over the 1983-1 993 period. The real volume of weapons trade reached a peak in 1984, fell for two years, rose in 1987, then declined by over two-thirds up to 1993 . World arms sales agreements also declined substantially from a peak of $69.8 billion in 1985 to $3 8.0 billion in 1993 in nominal terms [US ACDA (1 993/94)]. From 1 992 to 1 993, however, arms sales agreements rose in nominal terms from $28.7 billion to $3 8.0 billion [US ACDA (1 993/94)]. Since arms sales agreements reflect probable future arms sales deliveries, the recent increases may signify that the volume of world arms trade has bottomed out and may start increasing. The major source of the increase in arms export agreements from 1992 to 1993 was the United States, whose nominal export agreements more than doubled from $ 1 3.5 billion in 1 992 to $28.3 billion in 1 993. 2. 1.
Arms imports
The decline in the volume of world arms trade over the last ten years is reflected in regional breakdowns. Arms imports fell in both the developed and developing countries. Real developing country arms imports fell from a peak of $60.8 billion
C.H. Anderton 80 70 60 50
billions of 1 99 3 4 0 do llars
30 20
0 �---+----�--� C') co m
LO co m
<.0 co m
1' co m
m co m
co co m
0 m m
m m
N m m
Year Figure 1 . World arms trade, 1 983-1993 [US ACDA ( 1993/94)].
35 30 25
Billions of 1 993 2 0 dollars 1 5
C') co m
v co m
LO co
<.0 co m
r-co m
co co
0 m m
m co
m 0>
C\1 m m
Middle East
East Asia
South Asia
C') m
Year 1 2
10 8
Billions of 1 993 dollars
6 4
2 0
C') co m
v co m
LO co m
<.0 co m
1'co m
co CXl
0> CXl 0>
0 0> 0>
C') 0> 0>
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
North America
Central America Carribien
---k--- South America L---------- �
Figure 2. Arms imports by selected region, 1 983-1 993 [US ACDA ( 1993/94)].
1 984 to $1 7.2 billion in 1 993 while real developed country imports fell from a peak of $16.4 billion in 1 986 to $4.8 billion in 1993 [US ACDA ( 1993/94)]. Figure 2 shows real arms imports by selected region over the 1983-1 993 period. From 1 990 to 1 993, dramatic reductions occurred in the weapons imports of all regions. m
Ch. 18: Economics of Arms Trade Table 2 Arms import share by selected region a, 1 973, 1 983, 1 993 (in percent) Region
1 973
1 983
1 993
Middle East
Europe, All
Western Europe
1 5.9
Eastern Europe
1 0.2
1 2.4 2.1
East Asia
South Asia
1 4.2
1 .3
3 .0
3 .7
1 .0
Central America & Caribbean
3 .4
a Source: US ACDA ( 1 984, 1 993/94).
In addition to dramatic declines in the arms imports of regions, there have been significant changes in the distribution of arms imports. Table 2 shows regional arms import shares, comparing 1 973, 1 983, and 1 993. The Middle East has dramatically increased its import share from 28.4% in 1 973 to 42.6% in 1 993 . Europe is the second largest region in import share even though it has declined from 26.0% in 1 973 to 20.8% in 1 993 . East Asia had a decline in import share from 3 1 . 1 % in 1 973 to 9.6% in 1 983 (due, primarily, to the end of Vietnam hostilities). Since 1 983, East Asia's import share has risen to 12.4%. Africa has significantly decreased its share of weapons imports since 1 983, from 1 4.2% to 1 .3% in 1 993. In 1 97 1 , South Vietnam, West Germany, Egypt, Iran and North Vietnam had the highest arms import shares, primarily reflecting the geopolitical rivalry between the USA and USSR. By 1 98 1 , the top four importers were from the Middle East: Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Syria. By 1 99 1 , Saudi Arabia held the dominant share of the world's arms imports, followed by Afghanistan, the USA and Iran. It is likely that Iraq would have been the second largest arms importer in 1 99 1 , but for the Gulf War embargo.
2.2. Arms exports The dramatic reductions in arms imports, of course, are reflected in the arms export data. Real developed country arms exports fell from a peak of $66.7 billion in 1 987 to $20.2 billion in 1 993 while real developing country arms exports fell from a peak of $ 1 0.5 billion in 1 984 to $ 1 .8 billion in 1 993 [US ACDA (1993/94)]. Developed countries continued to be the major exporters of weapons, providing more than 90% of world arms exports in 1983 and 1 993.
C.H. Anderton 35 30
Billions of 1 993 2 0 d o l lars 15
---o--- Western Europe
---+--- North America
Eastern Europe
� East Asia C') co "'
"'" co "'
lO co "'
"' co Ol
r-... co m
co co m
0> co cn
0 "' m
0> m
C\1 0> m
C') 0> m
-----..-- Middle East
Figure 3. Arms exports by selected region, 1 983-1993 [US ACDA ( 1993/94)].
Table 3 Arms export share by selected region", 1 973, 1 983, 1 993 (in percent) Region
1 973
1 983
1 993
Middle East
1 .0
Europe, All
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
1 2.8
East Asia
1 .9
South Asia
North America
South America
' Source: US ACDA ( 1 984, 1 993/94).
Figure 3 shows real arms exports by selected region over the 1983-1 993 period. Beginning in the late 1980s, significant reductions took place in the arms exports of all regions. Arms export market share by major region is shown in Table 3 . Europe and North America dominated the arms export market in 1983 and 1 993, accounting for greater than 90% of export market share. The market share of Eastern Europe declined dramatically between 1983 and 1993, due primarily to the breakup of the Soviet bloc. The market shares of the four major arms exporters from 1 983-1 993 are shown in Figure 4. The decline in market share in the USSR/CIS is dramatic. Many believe that the CIS's loss of market share is due to the relatively poor performance of Soviet weapons in the Gulf War and buyer perceptions that the CIS cannot provide adequate after-sales services for weapons given its recent political turmoil. In 1993, two developing countries were among the top ten weapons exporters: China and Israel [US ACDA ( 1993/94)]. With roughly $950 million in arms exports in 1 993 (4.3% of market share), China has emerged as one of the top five or six weapons
Ch. 18: Economics ofArms Trade
53 1
50 40
--•-- U n ited States
--D-- Soviet Union/C I S
Q) a..
--- U nited Kingdom
1 0 0
� France (') co "'
v co
10 co
r-. co
co co
"' co
"' "'
"' "'
"' "'
(') "' "'
Figure 4. Arms export market share, 1 983-1993 [US ACDA ( 1 993/94)].
exporters in the world. Although Israel is in the top ten of weapons exporters, its market share was less than one percent. Another perspective on the arms trade is to consider the types of weapons transferred. Table 4 shows the supplies of major weapons to developing countries broken down by major weapons category and selected suppliers over the 1 99 1-1993 period. The Soviet Union/Russia and the United States dominated the delivery of major weapons systems to developing countries over this period. France had a substantial presence in land armaments and missile exports to developing countries. China was a major deliverer of land armaments, especially artillery, and supersonic aircraft.
2.3. Structural change: end of the Cold War We can gain insight into the structural changes emerging in the international arms market by considering the four major arms trade submarkets identified by Catrina ( 1 988, p. 42): industrial supplier and industrial recipient (submarket 1), industrial supplier and developing recipient (submarket 2), developing supplier and developing recipient (submarket 3) and developing supplier and industrial recipient (submarket 4). According to Catrina, the highest volume of arms trade occurs in submarket 2, followed by submarkets 1, 3 and 4. The highest level of arms trade sophistication (i.e., technology) occurs in submarket 1 followed by submarkets 2, 4 and 3 . Catrina's volume o f trade rankings are borne out by SIPRI data for the 1 9881 992 period [see SIPRI Yearbook ( 1 993, p. 444)]. His descriptive analysis of the levels of weapons technology occurring in the four submarkets is persuasive. Submarket 1 is dominated by highly sophisticated arms transfers among industrialized countries which are often allies. The second submarket generally varies widely in technological sophistication, but some highly sophisticated weapons pull up the average, e.g., F- 14s, F- 1 5s, F- 16s, MIG-23s, MIG-25s, MIG-27s, MIG-29s, Mirage 2000s, Tornados and AWACs [Catrina ( 1 988, p. 43)]. The fourth submarket (ranked third in sophistication) is a recent phenomenon in the arms market. Catrina ( 1988, p. 44) provides two examples of somewhat sophisticated weapons transfers from
C.H. Anderton
Table 4 Number of arms delivered, cumulative 1 99 1-1993, by selected supplier, all developing cmmtry recipients, and major weapon type " USSR/ Russia
Weapon type
Land armaments
Armored personnel carriers and armored cars
380 1 300
Naval craft Major surface vessels
Other surface vessels
4 2
Missile attack boats
A ircraft Combat - supersonic
Helicopters Other aircraft
Combat - subsonic 1 10
1 30
20 60
10 30
1 00
Missiles Surface-to-air
• Source: US ACDA ( 1 993/94).
developing to industrial countries: Brazil's T-27 trainer aircraft sale to the United Kingdom and Israel's lease of Kfir aircraft to the USA. The third submarket (ranked fourth in sophistication) has long been characterized by retransferred weapons of relatively low sophistication. More recently, indigenous production and export of fairly sophisticated arms from developing countries to other developing countries has emerged as an important, though hardly dominant feature of the overall arms market. For example, Brazil exported no weapons until 1975 [US ACDA ( 1 97 1-1980, p. 83)]. Brazil has emerged as one of the top ten exporters of major conventional weapons to developing countries. Over the 1 988-1992 period, Brazil was the ninth leading major conventional weapons exporter to the developing world [SIPRI Yearbook ( 1 993, p. 444)]. Developing nations received 99% of Brazil's major conventional exports over that period. The end of the Cold War implies far more than a relative shift in the weights attached to economic and political motivations for arms transfers. The nature of the international arms market has fundamentally changed along a number of dimensions that will re shape the arms trade in the four submarkets. The dramatic reduction of superpower competition in various regions has led to the virtual elimination of arms aid by the
Ch. 18: Economics of Arms Trade
USA and Russia [Johnson ( 1994, p. 1 1 1)]. Recipients must now pay full price for their weapons systems and they have become choosier consumers. Developing countries cannot afford the most expensive weapons systems, but instead have increased their demand for upgrades. Industrial nations are demanding the best that money can buy not only technologically sophisticated weaponry and upgrades but also guarantees of effective after-sales service, training, and access to reliable spare parts. It is likely that the average sophistication in each of the four arms trade submarkets will rise as arms producers and governments compete to bolster sales in a leaner world market. The reduction of superpower competition has also led to lower military budgets in many regions of the world. Cuts in military procurement tend to increase the unit costs of weapons production. Many nations look to weapons exports to increase production runs, lower unit costs and maintain defense industrial bases. But all nations cannot be successful in increasing weapons exports in a declining market. Competitive pressures will force some nations to cancel indigenous weapons programs and rely more on imports. Some nations will be forced to specialize in a narrower range of weapons exports (e.g., Israel in aircraft and missile defense, Germany and Sweden in naval systems). A few nations may establish niches in high technology systems for customers that most Western nations would not supply (e.g., Russia, China, North Korea to customers like Iran, Syria, Libya, Iraq). The competitive international arms market will hurt the ability of France, the United Kingdom and the United States to sell a broad range of weapons systems. It is likely that only the United States and possibly a revitalized Russia will be able to maintain a defense industrial base over the full range of advanced weapons systems. One response of defense firms facing more stringent competitive pressures is to merge or form alliances with other defense firms, domestic and foreign [see SIPRI Yearbook ( 1 993, p. 434 and p. 441) for US arms industry mergers and joint ventures in 1 992 and Skons and Wulf (1 994, p. 5 1 ) for international projects of the Russian military aerospace industry in 1 992 and 1 993]. Global partnerships among defense firms allows them to share the expense of research and development of new weapons systems. For sophisticated weapons, the research and development costs are often too much for one firm to bear alone. Mergers and alliances also enhance the ability of the defense firms to market weapons systems in their partners' countries. The post-Cold War international environment is also testing old alliance patterns between nations, leading to the emergence of new alliances, formal and informal. The changing world order is characterized by a greater presence of multilateral peace keeping and humanitarian aid operations. The use of coalition forces in places like Iraq, Somalia and former Yugoslavia imply further development of inter-operable forces between nations. A partnership between defense firms in various countries can be better positioned to meet this new demand than a single defense firm. New security-sharing arrangements based on multilateral approaches, when combined with declining defense budgets and political pressure from defense workers and firms to maintain production, leads to further demands for co-developed and co-produced weapons systems and ·
C.H. Anderton
various payments restrictions (e.g., offsets, barter, debt reduction) rather than outright imports. The new arms trade environment emerging from the remnants of the Cold War also has important implications for arms trade restraint. During the Cold War, the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM) was formed by the United Sates and other Western nations to keep defense-related products and computer technology from the Eastern Bloc nations. Today, Western nations are encouraging economic development of their former adversaries and COCOM has been dissolved. This will lead to sophisticated technology transfers from West to East (and some from East to West) which could ultimately improve the defense industrial bases and sophistication of weapons exports from Eastern nations. Russia may be relatively uninterested in arms export restraint in light of its dwindling market share and its suffering defense industrial base. Although the end of the Cold War led to an initial optimism regarding arms export restraint, there are potent economic and political forces creating skepticism about future prospects for restraining the arms trade [Moodie ( 1994)]. While the new market will be characterized by a lower quantity of arms sales, the quality of the arms transfers will continue an upward trend which was empirically observed by Baugh and Squires (1983a). Carns ( 1994) considers the possibility that revolutionary changes in the technology of war may lead to a fundamental transformation of the international arms trade, perhaps as significant (or more so), than the structural shock associated with the end of the Cold War. The new technology of war could be more information-intensive than previously imagined, relying on advanced sensors, communications, data processing, long-range precision guided weapons and advanced simulation techniques. If this view is correct, dual-use equipment could become central to military capability. While specialized defense hardware would remain an important component of military capability, dual-use equipment could become a dominant feature of the arms trade. As a result, it would become more difficult to track and control the trade in military related equipment. Even the traditional arms trade data generated by US ACDA and SIPRI might have to be re-thought in order to more fully incorporate the transfer of information systems and technology [Carns ( 1 994, p. 1 74)] . 3. Causes o f arms trade
Bajusz and Louscher ( 1 988, pp. 1 3-15) identify the following causes of arms trade: maintenance of indigenous defense industries, economies of scale, R&D cost savings, defense industry employment, increased trade balance, access to hard currency, foreign policy influence over recipients, maintenance of local power balances, promotion of internal security of recipients, stronger allies, and inter-operability of weapons between allies. While it is fairly easy to list causes of the arms trade, it is much more difficult to develop theoretical and empirical frameworks which discern the relative importance of causal variables in an economic and political context. There has been relatively little
Ch. 18: Economics ofArms Trade
systematic cumulative theoretical and empirical work on the causes and consequences of arms trade. Indeed, some scholars believe that such work may not even be possible: "The subject [of arms transfers] is quite probably of a complexity well beyond the level where one might contemplate tight causal models, and explicitly set forth formal relationships between sets of dependent and independent variables." [Neuman and Harkavy ( 1 979, p. 3 15)]. While the Neuman and Harkavy position might be true for some segments of the arms trade, it is unlikely to be true generally. Our failure to date to develop explicit sets of formal relationships between dependent and independent variables in the arms trade is due primarily to a lack of trying. For example, when considering the economic causes of the arms trade, a large body of international trade theory remains untapped. This is unfortunate given the variety of models applicable to the arms trade and the insights which can be gleaned from applications of international trade theory. 3. 1.
Economic causes
Traditional international trade theory through the late 1 970s was a "powerful monolithic structure in which all issues were analyzed using variants of a single model." [Krugman ( 1 989, p. 1 214)]. The new literature of the last fifteen years has broken the grip of a single international trade model by emphasizing economies of scale and imperfect competition. Increasingly, international trade is a field where many models are taught and research is an eclectic mix of theories. 3. 1. 1.
Supply and demand model
Assume that conditions are met for a perfectly competitive international arms market between two countries: Rongovia and Mendac [see Alexander et al. ( 1 9 8 1 , p. 23)]. The market in linear form is: Rongovia: Mendac:
ao - a ,P , w:r = Co - c,Pm , =
w� = bo + b,r,
W'; = do + d,Pm ,
where W�, W�, W:J , W� are the domestic demand and supply of weapons with respective superscripts for Rongovia and Mendac, pr and pm are the domestic prices of weapons in Rongovia and Mendac, and the other terms are parameters where ao, co, b, , d, > 0, a, , c, ;? 0, and bo , do � O . Assume that Rongovia's autarky price is lower than Mendac's. The export supply and import demand schedules are respectively: ES ID
W� - W� = (bo - ao) + (b, + ai )P,
W:J - W'; = (co - do) - (c, + d,)P ,
C.H. Anderton
where P is the world price of weapons. The equilibrium free trade world price, P*, and weapons trade volume, W*, are:
- do - bo_+ ao) .Cc - --,- ' .(a,._o_+_b=-_+_ d! ) 1 1 c 1 + -= W * (bo - ao) + (b 1 + a ! )? * .
The arms trade volume is determined by the variables which define the domestic demands and supplies of the two countries. Domestic demand for a country is defined by: ( I ) the strength and stability of its perceived external and internal threats; (2) plans for military action; (3) national income; (4) supply of foreign exchange (if importing); and ( 5) supply of substitutes for countering perceived threats or carrying out military action, e.g., the strength and reliability of allies [Alexander et al. ( 1 9 8 1 , pp. 7-8)] . Domestic supply for a country is defined by: ( 1 ) price of resources, (2) technology, and (3) price of alternative goods which could be produced. Even the simple supply and demand model challenges conventional wisdom in the arms trade literature. For example, some arms trade scholars take a condemnatory "merchants of death" view of the arms trade [e.g., Engelbrecht and Hanighen ( 1 934)]. These scholars implicitly or explicitly assume a positive relationship between the volume of arms trade and the volume of arms in the international system. Since a nation's international arms transactions and indigenous arms production are jointly determined economic activities, a positive relationship between the volume of arms trade and volume of arms in the international system does not necessarily hold. For example, an increase in Rongovia's domestic demand reduces the volume of arms trade but increases indigenous weapons production in each country leading to more weapons in the system. Alexander et al. ( 1 98 1 , pp. 1 2-13) find empirical evidence of this for the United States during the primary Vietnam buildup years 1966-1968: as US domestic demand for weapons rose, US weapons production increased while its weapons exports decreased. Obversely, a fall in Rongovia's domestic demand increases the volume of arms trade but lowers indigenous weapons production in each country, leading to less weapons in the system. 3. 1 . 2.
Neoclassical trade model
Figure 5 illustrates a free trade equilibrium between Rongovia and Mendac where (PwiPrY\ terms-of-trade price of weapons relative to food; cPwiPr)R , (PwiPr)M, autarky relative prices in Rongovia and Mendac; R*, M*, autarky points of Rongovia and Mendac; Rp, M p, production points of Rongovia and Mendac with trade; Rc, Mc , consumption points of Rongovia and Mendac with trade. Rongovia has a comparative advantage in weapons and Mendac in food. Rongovia exports A-B weapons and imports C-B food; Mendac is the other side of the trade. The volume of weapons trade and the relative price of weapons are determined by the three key variables of the neoclassical model: tastes, production technology,
Ch. 18: Economics ofArms Trade
� ( Pw/Pf)t t-----. Food
Weapons Rongovia
Figure 5. Neoclassical trade model.
and resource endowments. Tastes depend on perceived external and internal threats, reliability and strength of allies, and plans for military action. In the Heckscher-Ohlin model, production technology and tastes are assumed to be identical between nations. Differences in factor endowments between nations explains the volume and terms of trade. For example, if weapons production is capital-intensive and Rongovia is capital abundant, the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem predicts that Rongovia will export weapons. The Stolper-Samuelson theorem relates international trade and real factor rewards. According to the Stolper-Samuelson theorem, the factor used intensively in the rising price industry has an increase in real rewards. The opening of trade between Rongovia and Mendac causes the relative price of weapons to rise in Rongovia and fall in Mendac. Assuming that weapons are capital-intensive, real returns to capital owners rise in Rongovia and fall in Mendac. A short-run variation of the neoclassical model, the specific factors model, assumes that one or more factors are specific to an industry while one or more other factors are mobile between industries within each country. For example, Rongovia might have capital specific to weapons production, capital specific to food production, and labor which is mobile between food and weapons. Starting from a free trade equilibrium in Rongovia, a shift in tastes away from weapons would cause the real rewards of weapons capital to decline and the real rewards of food capital to increase. There is an ambiguous effect on the real returns to labor. Figure 5 holds constant the other countries that influence the tastes of Rongovia and Mendac (e.g., enemies and allies). These countries could be built into an extended general equilibrium framework where arms race and alliance impacts are endogenous. For example, Jones ( 1988) examines the impact of alliance formation on the arms trade. In Figure 6 assume that Rongovia and Mendac are identical in every respect, have homothetic preferences, and are "small", i.e., price takers on the world market. (Pw!Pr)11 is the world relative price of weapons and PPFR and PPFM are the production
C.H Anderton Food
Weapons Mendac
Figure 6. Trade creation impact of alliance formation.
possibility frontiers of Rongovia and Mendac, respectively. Prior to alliance formation the countries produce and consume at R*, M * under free trade. Since the world price is the same as the autarky prices of both countries in this particular example, there is no trade. This special case allows Jones to isolate the pure impacts of alliance formation on trade in the small country case. When Rongovia and Mendac form an alliance the spill-over effects shift the consumption possibilities for both countries out to CPFR and CPF M. Since world price is given, production remains at R* and M * , but excess supplies of defense goods emerge in each country. Rongovia exports R* A of defense goods and imports AB in food from the rest of the world (i.e., nonallies). A similar opportunity exists for Mendac (not shown). Rongovia's consumption at Rc is made up of OFR of food, F RB of domestically produced weapons which were not exported, and ERe of implicit provision of weapons spilling over from the alliance with Mendac. The alliance has created weapons exports as well as trade in food. If Rongovia and Mendac were "large", either individually or jointly, the new weapons exports resulting from their alliance would lower the relative world price of weapons. World production of weapons would fall with the lower price. Many other variations of the Jones model are possible [see Jones ( 1988, pp. 1 33-1 38)]. The neoclassical model highlights the general equilibrium nature of arms trade. The arms trade is co-determined with weapons and non-weapons production and trade and factor markets in both countries. The interdependence of these markets are significantly influenced by alliances and arms races. The neoclassical model predicts that a country will trade with other countries that are different from itself in factor endowments, production technology or tastes. For example, from 1981-1 991 the United States exported $3.6 billion of arms to Latin America while Latin America exported essentially zero weapons to the United States [US ACDA ( 199 1/92, p. 138)]. Focusing on purely economic motivations, the Heckscher-Ohlin theory offers a possible explanation of the "North-South" trade in weapons between the USA and Latin America: the capital abundant US exports
Ch. 18: Economics ofArms Trade
capital-intensive weapons to labor abundant Latin America in return for labor-intensive civilian goods. The Heckscher-Ohlin prediction of US-Latin weapons trade seems plausible, but even if it received empirical support it would not be general because much of the weapons trade occurs between countries which are similar in relative factor endowments, production technologies and tastes. For example, from 1 987-199 1 the United States exported $2.8 billion in weapons to West Germany and imported $ 1 . 1 billion in weapons from West Germany [US ACDA ( 1 99 1 /92, p. 1 32, 1 34)]. This is intra-industry trade, i.e., two-way trade of differentiated products within a broad product group. The Intra-Industry Trade Index (liT) can be used to gauge country i's intra-industry trade in arms: UTiarms = 1
IExports�rms - Imports�rms l Exports�rms + Imports�rms _
If liT = 0, then intra-industry trade is not present. If liT = 1 , then a nation's exports and imports of weapons are equal implying the highest degree of intra industry trade. Some intra-industry trade indexes for selected countries based on 1 9871991 US ACDA data are as follows: United States = 0.30, United Kingdom = 0.25, Brazil = 0.66, Columbia = O, Greece = 0.05, Switzerland = 0.76. The indices imply that intra-industry weapons trade is prevalent in the world economy. 3. 1. 3.
Trade models with economies of scale and learning economies
Arms trade scholars believe that some weapons production processes are characterized by economies of scale. Given fixed input prices, economies of scale lead to lower unit costs when output levels are increased. This is shown by the average cost (AC) curve in Figure 7. Figure 7 shows why economies of scale can be such a powerful motivation for weapons exports. Let Dd represent a perfectly inelastic domestic demand curve for $
unit costs
ac = 1
r-------�--�=-�-- AC
fighters Figure 7. Economics of scale motivation for weapons exports.
C.H. Anderton
fighter aircraft. PI is the "controlled price" set by the government buyer of fighters. The weapons producer is capturing revenues (P! f 1 ) just equal to total costs (total costs include normal profits). If the weapons producer increases its production to f2 it will reap lower unit costs due to economies of scale (ac1 to ac2). This will improve the cost competitiveness of the weapons producer, enhancing its ability to export weapons. In the figure, weapons exports equal f2 -f 1 . If P'2 is the price of fighters on the world market and the government lowers the price it pays for domestic needs to P2_ , both the government and the weapons producer gain from weapons exports. The government's "defense burden" for fighters falls from P! f 1 to P'2 f 1 - The weapons producer receives "above normal" profits equal to (P'2 ·h ) - (a'2 ·/2). Using a cross-sectional pooled times series analysis, Snider (1987) found that arms exports significantly lowered the defense burdens of Great Britain, France and West Germany. The average yearly procurement savings from arms exports for each country ranged from $844 million to about $ 1 billion. See also Kolodziej ( 1987) for a discussion of the perceived procurement benefits to industrialized and developing countries from arms exports. If economies of scale were fully exploited in the global economy, each country would specialize in producing a limited range of weapons systems. For example, Germany might specialize in naval systems and Israel in aircraft and missile defense. If each country produces only a subset of the weapons systems, then weapons are produced more efficiently than if each country tried to produce everything for itself. The result would be greater production of each weapon system in the world economy. The specialized economies would then trade with each other to consume the full range of weapons. Hartley ( 1987, pp. 297-298) estimated that NATO weapons standardization policies, which led to economies of scale and gains from trade, likely reduced unit costs by at least 20%. Further savings were available through the elimination of duplicate R&D and from economies in life-cycle costs [Hartley (1987, p. 298)]. Of course, weapons are not the same as civilian goods. For security or domestic political reasons, most nations restrict weapons exports or produce a wider subset of weapons than suggested by a free trade economies of scale model. For example, the USA accepted scale economy sacrifices to maintain production sources for its Sidewinder, Maverick, and Sparrow missiles and for Los Angeles and Trident submarines [Scherer and Ross ( 1990, p. 529)]. This allowed the USA to have a substantial and diverse industrial base in these weapons systems as well as a capacity to maintain competitive bidding over the weapons. Despite many examples of unspecialization in weapons production throughout the world, economies of scale provides a strong motivation for specialization and trade in weapons. Learning economies (also known as dynamic increasing returns or dynamic scale economies) are present when unit costs fall with cumulative production over time, rather than with the current rate of production [Krugman and Obstfeld (1 994, p. 144)]. If a nation has extensive experience in an industry, it may have lower unit costs than an inexperienced nation even if the inexperienced country's learning curve is
Ch. 18:
Economics ofA rms Trade
lower because of lower input prices. Dynamic scale economies can thus "lock in" an initial advantage or head start in an industry [Krugman and Obstfeld ( 1 994, p. 144)]. Weapons exports can be an effective mechanism for a nation to accumulate experience in weapons production, garnering lower unit costs through learning effects. The lower unit costs, as with economies of scale, imply the two-fold benefit to the weapons exporter: (1) lower defense burden for the domestic country's weapons acquisition and (2) lower unit costs which further enhances weapons export competitiveness.
3.1.4. Imperfect competition and trade Economies of scale, learning economies and intra-industry trade of differentiated weapons generally imply imperfectly competitive market structures: monopolistic com petition, oligopoly or monopoly. In imperfectly competitive markets for differentiated weapons systems, a nation that produces a wide variety of weapons will not reap the scale advantages that could be gained from larger production runs over a narrower range of weapons. On the other hand, a nation that pursues large production runs over a narrow range of weapons gains the scale advantages but has a limited variety of weapons. Weapons trading improves the scale/variety tradeoff for nations. Krugman and Obstfeld ( 1994) develop a monopolistic competition model of trade that is applicable to the international arms market. Assume that there are n symmetric weapons firms, i.e., the demand and cost functions are identical for all firms, even though they are producing and selling somewhat differentiated products. The average cost of each firm depends on the size of the market and the number of firms in the industry: (7) where AC, average cost of weapons production; F, fixed cost; S, total weapons sales of the industry (in physical units); c, firm's marginal cost. Equation 7 implies that average costs are higher the more firms there are in the industry (since with more firms, each produces less). The upward-sloping relationship between n and the average cost is the CC schedule in Figure 8. Krugman and Obstfeld also derive a relationship between the number of firms in the industry and the price charged by each firm: (8) where P, price charged by each firm; b, parameter measuring the sensitivity of each firm's market share to the price it charges. Equation 8 implies that the more firms there are in the industry, the lower the price each firm will charge. The downward-sloping relationship between P and n in Figure 8 is the PP curve.
C.H Anderton
Price, P c
c n2
Number of firms, n
Figure 8. Monopolistic competition model of weapons trade.
Figure 8 is a monopolistically competitive model of production, consumption and trade. The equilibrium number of firms is n* and the equilibrium price charged by each firm is P*. P* AC* reflects the long-run zero-profit equilibrium. Trades in differentiated weapons (not shown) are the differences between each firm's total weapons sales and its weapons sales to its home country. The integrated market of Figure 8 supports more firms, each producing at a larger scale and selling at a lower price, than national markets alone [Krugman and Obstfeld (1 994, p. 128)]. The end of the Cold War led to a decline in the quantity of weapons demanded in the world market. This led to decreases in total weapons sales S (see Figure I ) that shifts the CC curve to the left in Figure 8 . The "shakeout" in the world defense industry causes n to fall from n*to n2 . The surviving firms each produce smaller weapons quantities at higher prices, even though overall demands for weapons have fallen. The new long-run equilibrium of P AC occurs at higher price P2 because lower production runs raise average costs. In the high technology weapons markets (e.g., fighters, missiles, submarines), small group oligopoly is more applicable than large-group monopolistic competition. With oligopoly comes the potential for collusion and strategic behavior. Firms can raise profits through explicit or tacit collusion. Co-production or co-development weapons agreements are often driven by political considerations, but they also may be motivated by gains from collusion. Strategic behavior, i.e., actions that affect the behavior of competitors in desirable ways, might lead firms to accept lower profits to deter entry of a rival or governments to subsidize its weapons manufacturers to shift profits and unit cost competitiveness from foreign to domestic firms. Figure 9 provides a typology of the arms trade in terms of weapons type, trade theory, submarkets, and number of suppliers. =
Ch. 18: Economics ofArms Trade
Few Suppliers
'" . . . " , I
Oligopoly Trade
S hort-range missiles, sophisticated
aircraft, ABMs,
PGMs, aircraft carriers, sophisticated submarines, stealth technology, sophisticated helicopters
Monopolistic Competition Trade Theories
Slow fighter aircraft, transport aircraft, detection All
large des-toyers, submarines. frigates, transport
Competitive Market
helicopters, tanks, howitzers, night vision technology
Trade Theories
Mortars, rilles, machine guns, grenades, jeeps, trucks, Many suppliers
technologies, military communications systems,
• •
supply & demand
neoclassical model
ammunition, minelayers and minesweepers, patrol boats, gun boats, light helicopters, simple communications and detection systems, simple aircraft
Figure 9. Typology of the weapons trade.
3.2. Domestic political economy 3.2. 1. Defense industrial base Many governments view the maintenance of a defense industrial base (DIB) as essential to national security. In the event of war or in negotiations where war is a possible outcome, a nation with a strong DIB can deter a rival or improve a negotiated settlement. The DIB argument can enhance or contract the arms trade depending on its impact on trade policy and the nation's position in the arms market. For example, Rongovia might subsidize its machine gun production and move from an importer to an exporter of machine guns. Alternatively, Rongovia might subsidize its machine gun production, import less, but remain a machine gun importer. If economies of scale are widespread throughout weapons industries of the world, then government efforts to maintain defense industrial bases over many weapons systems might actually shrink the weapons trade and reduce the number of weapons in the international system. Indigenous procurement and subsidization of production lines for many weapons systems may not reap the gains from economies of scale that subsidization or even laissez faire of a few lines would. The result is production of many weapons systems in many countries, missing out on large production gains from specialization and economies of scale. This is shown in Figure 10. Assume average costs are the same in Germany and Israel for each weapons system. Assume Germany specializes in ships, spends P� ·S 1 on ships, and then exports half of its ships for half of Israel's missiles. Israel produces M 1 missiles, exporting half
C.H. Anderton
missi les
Figure 10. Costs of maintaining defense industrial base.
to Germany. Now, suppose Germany subsidizes its missile production and Israel its ship production to have a defense industrial base in each system. Assume that trade ceases and each country produces 52 , M2 for its own needs. Germany and Israel spend (P� ·52 ) + (P2 ·M2 ) for weapons which is higher than what they used to spend, (P� ·5 1 ) and (P"{'·M 1 ), respectively (we assume that P� ·52 Pl ·5 1 and P'f·M2 = P"{'·M 1 ). The difference between the old and the new weapons expenditure levels represents the subsidy to maintain defense industrial capacity in both goods. In spite of greater spending for weapons by both countries, the arms trade has ceased and the volume of weapons in the system has declined (252 < 5 1 ; 2M2 < M 1 ). Of course, it is ultimately an empirical question whether the subsidy effect, which tends to increase weapons production, is outweighed by the unspecialization effect, which tends to diminish weapons production. =
Associated with a decline in demand for defense goods is a decline in employment in the defense industry. Weapons exports are often cited as a mechanism to maintain employment in the defense industrial sector in the face of declining domestic demand for weapons. Table 5 presents selected empirical studies of economic impacts of arms trade. While the three studies highlighted in the table consider a broad range of economic variables affected by the arms trade (e.g., jobs, inflation, exchange rates, etc.), employment is a focal point of the studies. In each case, significant j ob displacement occurs from arms export restraints. Job displacement occurs not only directly in defense manufacturing, but indirectly in other sectors via multiplier effects [as in CBO ( 1976) and Bajusz and Louscher ( 1 988)] and inter-sectoral linkages [as in Grobar et al. ( 1990)]. One of the weaknesses of the multiplier analyses of CBO ( 1 976) and Bajusz and Louscher ( 1988) is that they are partial approaches. The employment displacements that occur in these frameworks ignore the employment replacements that can occur in other sectors of the economy through the release of resources from defense production. The advantage of the Grobar et al. ( 1 990) model is that it considers how other
Table 5 Summary of selected empirical studies of economic impacts of arms trade Authors
Economic impacts on/from
Theoretical approach
Empirical model(s)
Sectoral trade,
Michigan model of
Stern and
employment and other
World Production
economic variables in
and Trade
( 1 990)
selected industrialized
Unilateral US Embargo in US: displaces 140 000 jobs, mostly in transport equip. and elec.
Time Arms trade data period source(s) US ACDA,
. machinery, terms of trade improves 0.06%, $ depreciates 0.5%, prices up selected 0.5%.
in other nations: displaces from 300 jobs in N. Zealand to 27 000 jobs in
and developing
countries/US unilateral
Greece; varied but negligible impacts on terms of trade, exch. rates,
and multilateral arms
t>l " Cl "' Cl
� :>..
Multilateral Embargo in US: displaces 1 1 8 000 jobs but job creation occurs in many sectors;
negligible impact on terms of trade, exch. rates, prices
in other nations: some sizable job losses (e.g., 1 53 000 in S . Korea,
141 000 in India, 140 000 in Brazil); negligible impacts on terms of
trade, exch. rates, prices except for Israel, S. Korea and Yugoslavia Bajusz and
US macroeconomy,
Restraint in US sales of advanced weapons to Middle East leads to
aerospace sector,
employment and
national income losses between $8.54 and $28.36 billion and job
( 1 988)
Fort Worth
income multipliers
displacement between 270 000 and 886 000 man-years over 1 4 year
FY1 977-
economy/restrictions of
period; restraint in US sales of combat aircraft to Middle East leads to
US arms sales to the
direct losses of up to $ 1 3 . 5 1 billion in income and 473 000 man-years of
Middle East
employment in aerospace industry over 14 year period; restraint of sale of 40 F- 1 6s to Jordan in 1985 leads to employment displacement of 8200 man-years in Fort Worth
CBO ( 1 976) US macroeconomy/ban on foreign military sales
Keynesian multi-sector model
DRl and Wharton econometric models
Elimination of $8.2 billion in FMS in 1977 leads, by 1 9 8 1 , to nominal GNP decline of $20 billion and loss of 350 000 jobs; rise in
FY 1 9 8 1
unemployment rate by 0.3 percentage points; lower price level, interest rates, personel income, corporate profits, and net exports
V> .j:>. V>
C.H. Anderton
sectors of the economy can expand with a decline in weapons production and exports. Grobar et al. found that a unilateral US embargo on exports and imports of military goods led to significant net employment declines in the US transport equipment and electrical machinery sectors. Roughly two dozen other sectors of the US economy, however, experienced net employment increases from the unilateral US embargo. Broadly similar results were obtained for the USA under a multilateral arms export restraint system.
3.3. Economic and political synthesis Levine, Sen and Smith (1 994) have developed a model of the international arms market that synthesizes two major motivations of arms transfers: ( 1 ) economic benefits and (2) security repercussions of recipient behavior. The model describes an arms market consisting of a set of similar competing suppliers, who have both economic and security objectives, selling to a single generic recipient. The total amount of weapons supplied to the recipient, Q1, and the end-of-period aggregate stock of weapons held by the recipient, St+ i , are defined by: (9, 1 0) Qt = Qit + qif , sl+, = ( I - d)St + Qt , where: Q;1, amount of weapons supplied by all countries other than i; qit , amount of weapons supplied by country i; d, depreciation rate. The recipient's demand schedule for weapons is: (1 1) where P i s the price of weapons. Supplier i's single-period objective function, U it , is made up of profits from the arms sales, nit , and security repercussions, V(S1), which is a function of the stock of arms held by the recipient: ( 1 2) U;t = nit + V(St), where ( 1 3, 1 4) nit = P(Qt)qit - cq;t , with c being the supplier's average and marginal cost and Equation 14 being a quadratic security function. The parameters g and e in Equation 14 represent various security aspects of arms transfers. Two are the straightforward cases of sales to allies (g > 0, e � 0) and adversaries (g < 0, e :( 0). Sales to allies increase a supplier's security while sales to adversaries reduce security. In two other cases, the short-run and long-run effects of arms transfers differ. In the "legitimate security limits" case (g > 0, e < 0), arms transfers increase security up to a point, but beyond that point reduce security. In the "potentially cooptive" case (g < 0, e > 0), transfers reduce security in the short run, but in the longer run the supplier can coopt the recipient thus increasing security. In a dynamic version of the model, the authors derive the following propositions (among others):
Ch. 1 8: Economics ofArms Trade
( 1 ) If the recipient is an ally or is sufficiently capable of being coopted, the total volume of arms sales exceeds the pure profit maximizing level. (2) If the recipient is an adversary or represents a "legitimate security limit", the total volume of arms sales is below the pure profit maximizing level. (3) Greater competition in the arms market (i.e., greater number of suppliers) increases the total volume of arms sales. (4) If the recipient is an ally or is sufficiently capable of being coopted and the suppliers can credibly pre-commit to future deliveries of weapons and spare parts, then the effect of forward-looking behavior by the recipient is to import a greater volume of weapons. If the suppliers lack a reputation for pre-commitment, then the effect of forward-looking behavior by the recipient is to import less weapons. The Levine, Sen and Smith model not only treats the commercial and security motives for arms exports, it also highlights the likely lobbying strategies of arms manufacturers. Weapons manufacturers have a profit incentive to counteract arms export restraints. If the recipient is questionable from a security point of view (as in the "legitimate security limit" case), arms manufacturers would tend to discount security considerations and highlight the economic benefits of arms exports. On the other hand, when security is promoted by weapons sales (as in the allies case), arms manufacturers would highlight the importance of security considerations in arms sales. An extension of the Levine et al. model could be the development of an analytical framework for how the supplier's objective function is a product of the domestic political process. 4. Arms trade and conflict
SIPRI ( 1 9 7 1 , p. 73) states that "perhaps the most important question about arms supplies [is] . . . what effect they have on the development of wars - on the likelihood of wars breaking out, on the course of wars and on their general severity". The "destabilizing school" generally believes that arms transfers promote conflict by exacerbating regional or international tensions, strengthening the clout of the military, and providing the tools to carry out a greater level of conflict. The "stabilizing school" generally believes that arms transfers can restrain conflict by restoring a balance of power in unstable regions. Connections between arms trade and conflict, however, are not easy to make. Arms transfers can increase or decrease the likelihood of inter-state war or internal conflict depending upon a variety of intervening variables: conflict setting (i.e., intensity of rivalry, issues at stake, history, geography), types and quantities of weapons transfers, existing weapons stocks, goals and perceptions of political leaders, commitments of allies, and prospects of foreign intervention. In many cases there will be too many intervening variables to establish causality between arms trade and conflict. But, if the word "causal" is used in the weaker sense of Dessler ( 1 99 1 , p. 347) t o mean "an insufficient but necessary part o f an unnecessary but sufficient condition", then what we would really mean when we use the word causal is whether arms transfers promote or restrain conflict [Kinsella ( 1994, p. 20)].
C.H. Anderton
The relationship between arms transfers and the outbreak and longevity of wars is similar to the question of the relationship between arms rivalry and war. Since arms transfers are part of the material of arms racing (along with the rivals' indigenous weapons production), understanding the impact of arms rivalry on the probability and severity of war would help us understand connections between arms transfers and war. The literature, however, is ambiguous on the relationship between arms races and war (see chapter 6 of the Handbook). The necessary research directions on the relationship between arms trade and conflict are theoretical and empirical. Can arms trade scholars sort out the set of variables and conditions under which arms transfers promote and restrain conflict? Relatively little systematic theoretical and empirical work has been directed to this question, although useful case study research and anecdotal evidence abounds.
4. 1. Theoretical models of arms trade and conflict Figure 1 1 shows attack and defend regions in a rivalry between J and L. The weapons stocks of the two nations, WJ and WL, are measured on the axes. If the weapons vector is in region 1 , mutual security exists, i.e., neither party can successfully initiate attack against the other. If the weapons vector is in region 2J or 2L, then respectively, J and L could attack the other and win the war. The slopes and positions of the attack/defend lines can be derived from the Lanchester war model [Anderton ( 1 990)]. A variety of variables affecting the course of war - quality of weapons, terrain, defense production capacity, perceptions of decision makers, resource constraints - can be embodied in the attack!defend lines depending on the variant of the Lanchester model chosen [Anderton ( 1 992, 1 993)]. Even the simple model of Figure 1 1 illustrates the ambiguity in the relationship between arms trade and conflict. Suppose the weapons vector is at point A. Based on the technical specifications of the Lanchester model, L could attack and defeat J. Some policy makers might conclude that the regional imbalance in weapons between J and L might lead to aggression by L. A third nation, say K, could move the weapons vector from A to B by exporting weapons to J under the pretext that a regional weapons balance would reduce the possibility of war. This stabilizing view of weapons exports underlies the arguments of some US officials for allowing US weapons exports to Bosnia in its conflict with the Serbs. It could be argued, however, that the weapons export illustrated in Figure 1 1 increases the likelihood or intensity of war. Party L might perceive the arms exports to J as eliminating L's advantage or eventually moving to a point where J could attack L. L might initiate war (i.e., preempt) or prosecute an existing war more fervently before it loses its dominance or becomes vulnerable. In this case, the weapons exports to J serve as a catalyst for war. The preemption motive for war based on arms transfers is cited as a possibility in Pakistan's 1 965 attack on India [Gerner ( 1983, pp. 20-21 )] and Israel's 1 956 attack on Egypt [Becker ( 1977, p. 4)]. Critics of US arms export restraints on Bosnia claim that months of speculation about whether the restraints
Ch. 18: Economics ofArms Trade
J can attack
L can attack
Figure 1 1 . War creation and war diminishing aspects of arms trade.
would be lifted gives the Serbs an incentive to be extra aggressive to gain territory before their weapons advantages are diminished. The Wittman ( 1 979) model can be used to evaluate theoretically the promotion or restraining influence of arms transfers on war initiation and termination. The variables in a model of possible war between J and L are (for i =J,L): P;w, country i's subjective probability of winning the war; u:, country i's utility function; s, settlement outcome (e.g., amount of territory gained or lost); s;, unconditional surrender by i; u;(w), i's expected utility of initiating or continuing a war; Ui(s), i's expected utility of settlement or not initiating a war. Figure 1 2 shows two cases: ( 1 ) the feasibility of peace between J and L and (2) necessary conditions for war initiation or continuation. If J receives expected utility Uj(w) =A? from initiating or continuing a war, J will only accept a settlement that gives it at least as much utility as A?. Settlements to the left of A; give J more utility than Uj(w). L will only agree to a settlement if it is to the right of B;. The area of overlap between points to the left of A; and points to the right of B; indicate the feasibility of a negotiated settlement. On the other hand, if Uj(w) = A j is J's expected utility from initiating or continuing a war, the gap between A;' and B; implies that a peaceful settlement is not feasible. In this case, necessary conditions are met for war initiation or war continuation. In Figure 12, suppose Uj(w) =A? and peaceful settlement holds. If L receives new weapons imports and J does not, it could create the necessary conditions for war initiation. Since L has additional weapons and J does not, L 's expected utility from war would rise while J's would fall. If L's expected utility rises sufficiently more than J's expected utility falls, the settlement region could vanish, possibly giving way to war initiation. Alternatively, the settlement region might not vanish but it would move in L's favor as L's new source of weapons gives it greater relative negotiating power. In Figure 12, suppose Uj(w) = Aj and J and L are at war. Suppose L receives new weapons imports. If L's expected utility rises by a sufficiently smaller amount than J's expected utility falls, a settlement region could emerge. US exports of Stinger missiles
C.H. Anderton
550 u ti I ity
settlement region
settlements favorable to L settlements favorable to J
Figure 12. Peace and war in the Wittman model.
in the 1 980s to the Mujahadeen may have dramatically reduced the Soviet Union's expected utility from continuing the war, thus contributing to their withdrawal. The Wittman model seems inherently ambiguous on the relationship between arms trade and conflict initiation or termination. Only if the weapons trade has a sufficiently asymmetric impact on expected utilities of war for the two parties will a peaceful settlement shift to war or a war settlement shift to peace. Where the Wittman model is unambiguous is on the effects of weapons trades on the relative negotiating powers of the conflicting parties.
4.2. Empirical studies Table 6 summarizes selected empirical studies of the relationships between arms trade and conflict. Relative to the arms race modeling literature where over one hundred empirical studies can be found, the arms trade/conflict empirical literature is quite sparse. The majority of the studies cited in Table 6 indicate that arms trading promotes conflict, but there are enough exceptions to suggest that the relationships between arms trade and conflict are not amenable to general statements. The results vary quite widely depending on the nations, data sets, empirical models, and time frames of the studies. Some of the ambiguity of the arms trade/conflict relationship, which is borne out in the theoretical models, is prevalent in the empirical literature as well. The necessary empirical research directions on the arms trade/conflict relationship are two-fold. First, some of the new empirical work should draw upon existing studies and data sets in order to develop a cumulative effort. Second and perhaps more importantly, empirical research should, if possible, identify the conditions under which arms transfers seem to promote conflict in some situations but not in others.
Table 6 Summary of selected empirical studies of arms trade and conflict Conclusions
Conflict data source(s)
Arms suppliers
Arms recipients
Arms trade/conflict Empirical model setting
Impacts of arms
of all
African nations
transfers on
regression and duration, casualties and refugees of 1993) and SIPRI
Sub-Saharan regional
wars and major
( 1 995)
Arms transfers correlate with wars and internal conflicts
Sivard ( 1 987,
Arms trade data Time
Yearbook ( 1 992)
�· � �
duration! casualties, refugees US, USSR
c ;: c
terms of occurrence,
internal conflicts in
( 1 994)
(arms transfers/GNP) significantly
Numerous; see
1 963-1980
related with coups and nearly
SIPRI data scaled
Israel, Egypt,
Impact of US and
Vector auto-
USSR transfers, more than US
USSR transfers on
transfers, acerbated Middle East
Arab/Israeli conflict
rivalry; USSR transfers, more than US transfers, encouraged
compensatory transfers by the other Maniruzza-
80 developing
Impact of transfers on Logistic
of all
coups and length of
( 1 992)
military rule in
developing countries
significant with length of military
( 1 992, fn. I I ,
p. 736)
87 developing
Relationship between
( 1 988)
of all
arms imports as
Military aid hinders the restoration Small and Singer (1 982) of peace. There is a positive, but
fraction of GNP and
insignificant, relationship between
inter-state war
arms imports and war outbreak NATO aircraft and WTO tank
Starr and Most
Baugh and
Impact of transfers on Step-wise
war outbreaks and
transfers occur contemporaneously ( 1 980); Majeski
by sophistication
country war
impact of war
with wars; NATO aircraft transfers and Jones ( 1 98 1 )
and firepower
outbreaks on transfers
( 1 983a,b) Schrodt
Selected nations Correlation of
( 1 983)
of all
in Arabian Sea
area and Middle cooperation/conflict East
transfers with
occur prior to wars Rank
Transfers correlate strongly with
conflict/cooperation; transfers seem
to cause behavior rather than vice versa
continued on next page
lJ> lJ>
V\ V\ N
Table 6, continued Arms recipients
Arms suppliers
87 developing
Correlation of
( 1 983)
of all
transfers with conflict. correlation
not linked causally; variations in
Extent to which
the two occur simultaneously. For a
Arms trade/conflict Empirical setting model Rank test
Conflict data source(s)
In most cases, conflict and transfers WEIS
Arms trade data Time source(s) period US ACDA
1 967-1976
Bendix Corp. and
small subset of countries, arms
transfers cause conflict
imports precede conflict Bobrow
5 "great
15 Asian nations Impact of military
et al. ( 1 975) powers"
assistance on recipient, multiple political strife and
foreign policy
Milstein ( 1972)
Selected Middle Impact of US/USSR East nations
aid on Aarab/Israeli
correlated with domestic conflict in
recipient nations in most cases; a
Handbook of
US House Foreign Affairs Committee
few cases have robust correlations, Political and
Bivariate and
economic and military multivariate violence
Military assistance not significantly
but in both directions. Military
Social Indicators
assistance correlated to increased
II, Banks ( 1 97 1 )
international cooperation in
recipient nations in 6 of 7 cases of
robust results
Violent behavior between Israeli
Milstein's index
US House
and Arabs is dominated by
based on Middle
unresolved conflict issues;
East Journal
US/USSR aid and trade have little
impact on Arab/Israeli violence
The Nrn> York
Eco. Hearings,
Times Index
Muller ( 1 967)
Committee, US Congress Joint
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Ch. 18:
Economics of Anns Trade
4.3. Case studies The arms trade literature is replete with useful qualitative studies on the relationship between arms trade and conflict. An early example is Kemp's ( 1970) study of the correlations between arms trade and Third World conflict between 1 945 and 1 970, with an emphasis on the 1 960s. During this period, many Third World conflicts took place and "nearly all the weapons used in these conflicts . . . originated from the factories of the industrial powers." [Kemp ( 1970, p. 5)]. Nevertheless, Kemp maintains that "it cannot be argued from this evidence alone that arms cause or contribute to conflict." [Kemp (1 970, p. 9)]. The relationships between arms supplies, conflict and Third World stability are exceedingly complex. Kemp's paper is designed to cull out general principles about arms transfers, military requirements, and conflict in the Third World and then apply these principles on a regional case-by-case basis. A summary of Kemp's principles is that in evaluating the impacts of arms transfers on Third World conflict, it is important to estimate the effectiveness of the weapons transferred. Effectiveness is a multi-dimensional variable depending on military environments, technical specifications of weapons and political factors. "Only if it is possible to apply qualitative criteria based on some measure of a weapon's "effectiveness" can one argue that the transfer of some types of weapons would introduce more destabilizing factors in the Third World security environments than the transfer of others." [Kemp ( 1970, p. 22)]. Kemp recognizes that it is difficult if not impossible to label weapons as "offensive" or "defensive" based on technical specifications alone, but this does not mean that no judgment can be made. "When making a qualitative distinction between various classes of weapons, it is essential to be more precise about the various types of military, geographical, and technical environments that exist, or are believed to exist, in various areas of the Third World." [Kemp ( 1 970, p. 26)]. Kemp undertakes a region-by-region analysis of the impacts of arms trade and arms trade control on Third World environments in terms of peace and security in those areas. Kemp (1 970, p. 70) reaches the following conclusions: ". . . it has been suggested that the arms trade to the Third World is neither "good" nor "bad", that certain types of arms transfers can both serve and harm the interests of suppliers and recipients and, more particularly, that there is no a priori truth that predetermines that arms transfers inevitably contribute to the outbreak of conflict." Figure 1 1 above illustrates how the arms trade might restrain or promote conflict. The direction of causality is from arms trade to conflict. Neuman ( 1986) considers how conflict, by fueling the demand for weapons, can cause more arms trade. She investigates the impacts of war on arms transfers for eight less developed country wars - five conventional inter-state wars and three insurgencies. Neuman finds that for most warring states, the dollar value of arms imports escalated during conflict, but the contributions of the USSR and, particularly, the USA declined, with other suppliers moving in to meet the demand. Neuman ( 1 986, p. 92) concludes that both superpowers showed concern about escalating Third World conflicts with arms exports,
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and exercised restraint, particularly during the early stages of war or until a political or strategic advantage emerged. Harkavy ( 1987) also considers the interrelationships between arms trade and on going conflict. He lays out the myriad dimensions of the subject and creates a preliminary classification of cases of arms resupply during conflict. Harkavy believes that there has been so little systematic treatment of the subject that it is premature to venture generalizations or describe causal interrelationships. Pearson et al. (1 992) analyzed the effects of arms transfers on ten inter-state wars, reaching the following general conclusions: (1) Arms transfers are a factor in decisions to go to war because of considerations of military superiority, perceptions of changes in the balance of power, and interest in establishing links with supporting states. (2) Supplying states have little leverage in conditioning or even determining the outcome of hostilities. (3) Arms transfers generally prolonged and escalated wars, resulting in more suffering and destruction. (4) Arms embargoes, whether partial or total, in and of themselves had little chance of compelling warring parties to stop wars or come to the negotiating table. They did serve to contain the actual fighting. (5) The two superpowers were more prone to use arms transfers as a means to influence warring parties than were other suppliers. During wars the superpowers' share in deliveries generally declined. Consistent with the theme of ambiguity in some of the theoretical and empirical literature described above, Pearson et al. ( 1 992, p. 399) conclude: Arms transfers have both precipitant and deterrent effects on armed conflicts; they are also a factor in the conduct and the cessation of wars. Often heard categorical statements - either that arms transfers are inherently conflict enhancing or that, properly managed, they are a trustworthy instrument for stability - ignore the complex record. Despite the obvious relevance of these factors, the literature contains little systematic evidence of the actual effects of arms transfers on conflicts.
5. Arms trade and foreign policy influence
Arms suppliers often use their weapons exports to create foreign policy influence over arms recipients. For example, Snider ( 1 978) found empirical evidence that, under certain conditions, some weapons exporters gained influence over several Middle Eastern countries through arms transfers. Roeder ( 1985) found that Soviet economic and military aid to Third World countries from 1 960--1 980 increased the recipient's trade dependence on the Soviet Union, which in turn induced political compliance. Case studies of the US-Israeli relationship, e.g., Nachmias ( 1 988), Pollock ( 1 982), and Wheelock (1978) found that the USA sometimes used its weapons exports
Ch. 18: Economics of Arms Trade Table 7 Frequency of US arms influence attempts by administration Administration
1 950-1992
Average attempts per year
Truman ( 1 950-1 952)
Eisenhower ( 1 953-1 960)
Kennedy ( 1 961-1963)
Johnson ( 1 964-1 968)
Nixon ( 1 969-1 974)
Ford ( 1 975-1976) Carter ( 1 977-1 980)
8.5 1 0.5
Reagan ( 1 98 1-1 988)
Bush ( 1 989-1992)
Total ( 1 950-1 992)
Source: Sis1in ( 1 993, p. 1 59).
to influence Israel. Table 7 shows the frequency of 1 9 1 arms influence attempts by US Presidential Administration. Although arms influence attempts are widespread, they are successful only part of the time. For example, Snider ( 1 978, p. 262) says that his relationships do not always hold and Gelb ( 1 976/77) shows examples of both US successes and failures in arms influence. Although these studies and others identify both successes and failures in arms influence attempts, they fail to solve the key puzzle: why are such practices successful only part of the time? Answering this question requires that the context of arms trade influence attempts be thoroughly examined. "The key question then becomes: What environmental, contextual, or intervening variables involved in the influence attempt are important in determining success?" [Sislin ( 1 993, p. 4)] .
5. 1. Sislin s theory of arms influence success Sislin (1993) makes a major contribution toward identifying the determinants of arms influence successes by offering a theory of arms as influence. He considers two decision-makers: recipient and supplier that are assumed to behave as unitary actors [for caveats see Sislin ( 1 993, pp. 47-48)]. Stage 1 has the recipient engaged in some behavior which the supplier does not approve of. In Stage 2, the supplier decides to manipulate arms exports to alter the behavior of the recipient. Finally, in Stage 3, the recipient decides how to respond to the supplier's influence attempt. Although Sislin did not present his three-stage theory mathematically, it can be done as follows: Stage 1
V 5 (c) V5 (nc), where V5(c) is the value to the supplier of compliance by the recipient; V5(nc) is the >
value to the supplier of non-compliance by the recipient.
C.H. Anderton
Condition 15 is necessary for an arms influence attempt, but it is not sufficient. "It is possible, and frequently the case, that the costs of the influence technique, . . . , would be so high as to lower the benefit the supplier receives from compliance to the point where more value could be obtained by simply doing nothing." [Sislin ( 1 993, p. 47)] . Stage 2 (Supplier Decision Calculus)
E [ V5 ] = P0 V 5 (c) + ( 1 - Pc) V5 (nc) - C5 (i) > V5 (nc)
where E[V5] is the expected value to the supplier of an arms influence attempt; P0, probability of recipient compliance as perceived by the supplier; C5(i), cost of influence attempt as perceived by the supplier. Ignoring risk preference, condition 16 is sufficient for an arms influence attempt. A variety of arms influence techniques might satisfy condition 1 6 [see Sislin ( 1 993, pp. 5 1-54)]. Assuming that only Pc and cs are functions of the arms influence attempt, the supplier chooses an arms influence instrument to maximize E[V5]. Stage 3 (Recipient's Decision Calculus)
vr(c) > vr(nc) - PiCr(i),
( 1 7)
where vr(c) is the value to the recipient of compliance; vr(nc), value to the recipient of non-compliance; C(i), costs to the recipient of arms influence instrument; Pi, probability that costs of arms instrument will actually be incurred. Ignoring risk preference, condition ( 1 7) is sufficient for the recipient to comply with the arms influence attempt.
5.2. Determinants of arms influence success What are the key determinants under which Equations ( 1 6) and ( 1 7) would hold, giving rise to arms influence success? Sislin ( 1 993) addresses this question for the United States based on his data set of 80 successful influences out of 1 9 1 attempts over the 1 950-1992 period. Table 8 lists the variables that Sislin identifies as possible determinants of arms influence success. Using a winnowing procedure on multivariate logit analysis, Sislin identifies the core determinants of arms influence success. He finds six variables that seem to play a significant role in the probability of successful influence: sanction type, policy, regime, hegemony, supplier arms, and alternate supplier. Sislin's ( 1 993, p. 1 87) general conclusion is: "Influence attempts are more likely to succeed when (1) sanctions are positive (reward or promise) rather than negative; (2) the focus of the attempt is to alter the recipient's foreign rather than domestic policy; (3) the recipient is a civilian regime, not a military one; (4) the United States was more powerful in the world system; (5) the recipient receives more of its arms from the United States; and (6) the recipient has less alternative suppliers available to it." Sislin's research implies that arms influence success is not determined by one or two key variables, but by a set of variables which defines the context for a high probability
Ch. 18: Economics of Arms Trade Table 8 Possible determinants of arms influence success
I. Characteristics of influence attempt
2 3
Sanction type - supplier's sanction is positive or negative
Goal - supplier's goal is deterrence or compellence Policy - supplier is attempting to alter recipient's foreigr. policy or domestic policy
II. Characteristics of recipient
A. Political 4
Regime - recipient state ruled by military elites or civilian elites Recipient cohesion - recipient elites are cohesive or fragmented
B. Military 6 Conflict - recipient engaged in international conflict or not 7
Security - recipient feels secure or insecure
Civil strife - recipient leaders face domestic conflict or domestic tranquility
C. Economic 9 Resource - recipient's resource base I0 Indigenous arms - recipient's level of indigenous arms production III. Characteristics of interaction between recipient and supplier
11 12
Trade - degree o f economic interaction between supplier and recipient
Precedent - outcome o f previous influence attempt (if any)
Supplier arms - degree of dependence of recipient on supplier's arms
IV. Characteristics of supplier 14
Supplier cohesion - supplier elites are cohesive o r fragmented
Presidential style - active-positive US presidents versus other types
V. System characteristics
Hegemony - trend o f US hegemony
Cooperation - degree o f friendliness o r hostility between the U S and USSR
Alternate supplier - number of alternative arms suppliers available to the recipient
• Source: Sislin ( 1 993, pp. 1 08-1 09).
of arms influence success. Altering any one of the variables in the set has only a small impact on the probability of arms influence success. Sislin's results challenge some of the conventional wisdom in the arms influence literature. For example, the recipient's level of indigenous arms production is sometimes cited as a variable which diminishes a recipient's vulnerability to arms influence. Sislin finds that indigenous arms production is not a significant determinant of arms influence success or failure. Another example is the belief by some analysts that a nation involved in conflict is more likely to be influenced through weapons restraints. Sislin, however, finds that this variable is generally insignificant.
C.H. Anderton
5.3. Recipient influence Sislin ( 1993, pp. 1 96-200) identifies directions for future research: (1) test other suppliers, (2) consider other forms of influence attempts, (3) test the robustness of his work, and (4) comparative analyses of arms influence with other forms of influence. One direction of research that Sislin did not mention is recipient influence. The literature on arms influence generally presumes that the supplier has the leverage to initiate an arms influence attempt. Although the presence of alternative suppliers might diminish the recipient's vulnerability to the arms influence attempt, the action is still from the supplier to the recipient. It is possible, however, that the consumer of weapons could exercise foreign policy influence over the supplier. The economic perspective reminds us that a market is made up of two sides. Under conditions of pure competition or bilateral monopoly (or bilateral oligopoly, etc.), each side of the market might lack a clear path for creating arms influence. Other market structures (e.g., monopsony, oligopsony) might allow the buyer to levy influence on the seller. The arms trade literature to date, theoretically and empirically, has not investigated arms trade influence from the buyer to the seller. This part of the spectrum could be relevant in the immediate post-Cold War era which is often characterized as a "buyer's market". Nykvist ( 1 995) has undertaken theoretical and case study research on arms trade foreign policy leverage from the buyer's side.
Concluding comments
The international arms market experienced a dramatic structural change with the end of the Cold War. Economics has risen in importance, relative to geopolitics, in understanding the motivations and consequences of the arms trade. Nevertheless, there is surprisingly little theoretical and empirical development of the economics of arms trade. Almost the whole body of international trade theory remains untapped. It seems reasonable to conclude that the economics of arms trade is essentially an unexplored sub-field of defense economics, ripe for foundational theoretical and empirical contributions. Fields other than economics have contributed much to our understanding of arms transfers. A myriad of useful case studies exist, offering important insights and data on the geopolitics of the arms trade. Empirical sub-literatures on foreign policy leverage and the relationship between arms trade and conflict are now in place beckoning researchers to further develop these sub-fields. The international systems model of Harkavy ( 1 975), Laurance ( 1992) and others is a useful theoretical and applied approach for understanding the geopolitics of arms transfers. Catrina ( 1994) identifies many arms trade research directions, including some on the economics of arms trade. At this point, the central problem of the arms trade literature, for both economists and geopolitical scientists, is how to go beyond the proliferation of policy position articles and descriptive studies (which are useful and important in their own right), to
Ch. 18: Economics ofArms Trade
a more solid base of theoretical and empirical models. A new theoretical synthesis of economics and geopolitics would represent a major breakthrough. The development of the economics of arms trade must move beyond its incipient stages for this synthesis to occur, but it seems that Levine, Sen and Smith ( 1994) have already taken steps in this direction. Ultimately, it would be desirable to see theoretical and empirical work on the arms trade narrow the range of outcomes which are regarded as plausible.
References Alexander, A.J., W.P. Butz and M. Mihalka, 1 9 8 1 , Modelling the production and international trade of arms: An economic framework for analyzing policy alternatives (The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA). Anderton, C.H., 1 990, The inherent propensity toward peace or war embodied in weaponry, Defence Economics 1 , 1 97-2 1 8. Anderton, C.H., 1 992, Toward a mathematical theory of the offensive/defensive balance, International Studies Quarterly 36, 75-100. Anderton, C.H., 1 993, Arms race modeling and economic growth, in: J.E. Payne and A.P. Sahu, eds., Defense spending and economic growth (Westview Press, Boulder, CO) 55-82. Bajusz, W.D., and D.J. Louscher, 1 988, Arms sales and the U.S. economy: The impact of restricting military exports (Westview Press, Boulder, CO). Banks, A., 1 97 1 , Cross-polity time-series data (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA). Baugh, W., and M. Squires, 1 983a, Arms transfers and the onset of war part 1: Scalogram analysis of transfer patterns, International Interactions 1 0, 39-63. Baugh, W., and M. Squires, 1 983b, Arms transfers and the onset of war part II: Wars in Third World states, International Interactions 10, 129-141 . Becker, A.S., 1 977, Arms transfers, great power intervention, and settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict (The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA). Bobrow, D.B., P.T. Hopmann, R.W. Benjamin and D.A. Sylvan, 1 975, The impact of foreign assistance on national development and international conflict, Journal of Peace Science 1 , 39-60. Carus, W.S., 1 994, Military technology and the arms trade: Changes and their impact, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 535, 1 63-174. Catrina, C., 1 988, Arms transfers and dependence (Taylor & Francis, New York). Catrina, C., 1 994, Main directions of research in the arms trade, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 535, 1 90-205 . CBO (US Congressional Budget Office), 1 976, The effect of foreign military sales on the U.S. economy (Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC). Dessler, D., 1 99 1 , Beyond correlations: Toward a causal theory of war, International Studies Quarterly 35, 337-355. Engelbrecht, H.C., and F. C. Hanighen, 1 934, Merchants of death: A study of the international armament industry (Dodd, Mead, New York). Ferejohn, J., 1 976, On the effects of aid to nations in an arms race, in: D.A. Zinnes and J.V. Gillespie, eds., Mathematical models in international relations research (Praeger, New York) 21 8-25 1 . Ferrari, P.L., J.W. Knopf and R.L. Madrid, 1 987, U.S. arms exports: Policies and contractors (Investor Responsibility Research Center, Washington, DC). Frey, B.S., 1 975, Weapon exports and aid to developing countries, Journal of Peace Science 1 , 1 1 7-126. Gelb, L., 1 976/77, Arms sales, Foreign policy 25, 3-23. Gerner, D., 1 983, Arms transfers to the Third World: Research on patterns, causes and effects, International Interactions 1 0 , 5-73.
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Grobar, L.M., E.M. Stern and A.V. Deardorff, 1 990, The economic effects of international trade in armaments in the major western industrialized and developing countries, Defence Economics 1 , 97-120. Harkavy, R.E., 1 975, The arms trade and international systems (Ballinger, Cambridge, MA). Harkavy, R.E., 1 987, Arms resupply during conflict: A framework for analysis, in: C. Schmidt, ed., The economics of military expenditures (MacMillan, London) 1 4 1-17 5. Harkavy, R.E., 1 994, The changing international system and the arms trade, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 535, 1 1-28. Hartley, K., 1 987, Efficiency, industry and alternative weapons procurement policies, in: C. Schmidt, ed., The economics of military expenditures (MacMillan, London) 283-300. Johnson, J., 1 994, Financing the arms trade, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 535, 1 10-1 2 1 . Jones, P.R., 1 988, Defense alliances and international trade, Journal of Conflict Resolution 32, 1 23-40. Kemp, G., 1 970, Arms traffic and Third World conflicts, International Conciliation 577, 1-77. Kiefer, D., 1 988, Interstate wars in the Third World: A Markov approach, Conflict Management and Peace Science 10, 2 1 -36. Kinsella, D., 1 994, The impact of superpower arms transfers on conflict in the Middle East, Defence and Peace Economics 5, 1 9-36. Kolodziej, E.A., 1 987, Re-evaluating economic and technological variables to explain global arms production and sales, in: C. Schmidt, ed., The economics of military expenditures (MacMillan, London) 304-335. Krugman, P., 1 989, Industrial organization and trade, in: R. Schmalensee and R. Willig, eds., Handbook of industrial organization, Vol. 2 (North-Holland, Amsterdam) 1 179-1223. Krugman, P., and M. Obstfeld, 1 994, International economics: Theory and policy, 3rd edition (Harper Collins, New York). Laurance, E.J., 1 992, The international arms trade (Lexington Books, Lexington, MA). Leiss, A.C., 1 970, Changing patterns of arms transfers: Implications for arms transfer policies (Center for International Studies, MIT, Cambridge, MA). Leiss, A.C., G. Kemp, J.H. Hoagland, J.S. Refson and H.E. Fischer, 1 970, Arms transfers to less developed countries (Center for International Studies, MIT, Cambridge, MA). Levine, P., S. Sen and R. Smith, 1 994, A model of the international arms market, Defence and Peace Economics 5, 1-1 8. Majeski, S., and D. Jones, 1981, Arms race modeling: Causality analysis and model specification, Journal of Conflict Resolution 25, 259-288. Maniruzzaman, T., 1 992, Arms transfers, military coups, and military rule in developing states, Journal of Conflict Resolution 36, 733-755. McGuire, M.C., 1987, US foreign assistance, Israeli resource allocation and the arms race in the Middle East: An analysis of three interdependent resource allocation processes, in: C. Schmidt, ed., The economics of military expenditures (MacMillan, London) 1 97-238. Milstein, J.S., 1 972, American and Soviet influence, balance of power, and Arab-Israeli violence, in: B.M. Russett, ed., Peace, war, and numbers (Sage, Beverly Hiils, CA) 1 39-166. Moodie, M., 1 994, Constraining conventional arms transfers, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 535, 1 3 1-145. Muller, J., 1 967, The foreign aid programs of the Soviet bloc and Communist China (Walker, New York). Nachmias, N., 1 988, Transfer of arms, leverage, and peace in the Middle East (Greenwood Press, New York). Neuman, S.G ., 1 986, The arms trade in recent wars: The role of the superpowers, Journal of International Affairs 40, 77-1 00. Neuman, S.G., and R.E. Harkavy, 1 979, Arms transfers in the modem world (Praeger, New York).
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Nykvist, K., 1 995, A nontraditional approach to arms trade foreign policy leverage, Department of Economics Honors Thesis ( Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA). Pearson, F.S., M. Brzoska and C. Crantz, 1 992, The effects of arms transfers on wars and peace negotiations, in: SIPRI yearbook 1 992: World armaments and disarmament (Oxford University Press, New York) 399-4 1 5 . Pierre, A.J., 1 982, The global politics o f arms sales (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ). Pollock, D., 1 982, The politics of pressure (Greenwood Press, Westport, CT). Roeder, P., 1 985, The ties that bind: Aid, trade, and political compliance in Soviet-Third World relations, International Studies Quarterly 29, 1 9 1-2 1 6. Sandler, T., and K. Hartley, 1 995, The economics of defense (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Scherer, F.M., and D. Ross, 1 990, Industrial market structure and economic performance, third edition (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA). Schrodt, P., 1 983, Arms transfers and international behavior in the Arabian Sea area, International Interactions 1 0, 101-127. Sherwin, R., 1 983, Controlling instability and conflict through arms transfers : Testing a policy assumption, International Interactions 1 0, 65-99. SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), 1 97 1 , The arms trade with the Third World (Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm). SIPRI Yearbook, annual, SIPRI yearbook: World armaments and disarmament (Oxford University Press, New York). Sislin, J., 1 993, Arms as influence: The elusive link between military assistance and political compliance, Ph.D. Thesis (Department of Political Science, Indiana University). Sivard, R.L., 1 987, World military and social expenditures, 1 9 87-1 988 (World Priorities, Washington, DC). Sivard, R.L., 1 993, World military and social expenditures, 1 993 (World Priorities, Washington, DC). Skons, E., and H. Wulf, 1 994, The internationalization of the arms industry, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 535, 43-57. Smaldone, J., and R. Anderton, 1 995, Arms transfers and regional conflicts in Africa, mimeograph. Small, M., and J.D. Singer, 1 982, Resort to arms: International and civil wars, 1 8 1 6-1 980 (Sage, Beverly Hills, CA). Smith, R., A. Hurnm and J. Fontanel, 1 985, The economics of exporting arms, Journal of Peace Research
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Universite Pierre Mendes France de Grenoble
Abstract Keywords 1 . Introduction 2. Economic definitions of disarmament 2 . 1 . Disarmament via physical reductions and a ban or limitation on forces 2.2. Military expenditure reduction 2.3. Thoroughgoing disarmament
3. Theoretical economic analysis of disarmament 3 . 1 . The peace dividend approach 3.2. Disarmament as an investment 3.3. Development as the main factor of disarmament 3.4. Disarmament/armament
elements of a national strategy
4. Empirical analysis of disarmament 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4.
The United States France United Kingdom Simulations for developing countries
5 . Disarmament for development 5. L The nature of the transfers
5.2. The economic effect of a disarmament for development process
6. The role of public policy 7. Conclusion References
Handbook of Defense Economics. Volume 1, Edited by K Hartley and T. Sandler © 1995 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reserved
564 564 565 565 566 566 567 569 570 571 572 572 575 576 578 578 579 580 580 581 583 585 585
J Fontanel
The economics of disarmament is a new discipline. It involves analyses on the economic causes of the arms race, the definitions of disarmament and the economic determinants and military expenditure. Simultaneously, disarmament is considered as an obstacle to economic development, a peace dividend or an investment. The construction of economic models of disarmament produces some controversial results. Questions arise concerning the economic effects of a reduction in military expenditure on growth, employment, inflation, budget deficits, the costs of conversion or the dual use of military products, capital capacity and R&D. Long term disarmament needs a development process and an adequate public policy. Keywords
disarmament, military expenditure (ME), conversion, arms industry, peace dividend, disarmament for development, national security, investment, growth, econometric models
Ch. 1 9: Economics of Disarmament
1. Introduction
Economists have not derived any real inspiration from disarmament for four main reasons. First, they have attempted to establish scientific regularities, they are involved with optimization problems in a peaceful paradigm and usually they are not interested in the multidisciplinary analysis of the real constraints of power, risks and conflicts. Second, if the reduction of military expenditure (ME) is seen as an instrumental variable that may modify the conditions of economic growth, economic factors condition the disarmament process. Third, public interest in security questions is variable reflecting the course of conflicts. Fourth, the defense budget is often analyzed as an unproductive expenditure and it seems to be economically uninteresting; moreover, the theory of public expenditures has been neglected for much of the history of economic thought [Goodwin ( 1991)]. However, states have to protect their wealth. The basis of conflict and war exists in the contexts of the struggle for power and of religious and ideological convictions. It can reflect a struggle for resources or economic competition. In peacetime, governments have to take into account the balance that must be maintained between impoverishing military expenditure and a necessary level of national security. There is a choice to be made between today's and tomorrow's security and the state must settle on the "razor edge" of spending, choosing just the amount needed to give itself military protection in the short term without threatening the increase in wealth needed to maintain the defense effort. There are three main reasons for disarmament. First, the reduction of "excess" armaments is based on the definition of excessive stocks of weapons [Fontanel (1991)]. Second, disarmament can be imposed by disastrous national economic conditions (the "guns or butter" dilemma). Third, the goal of disarmament is to reduce the risk of armed conflict, that is to increase security. In this context, the economic aspects are of secondary importance. Disarmament may develop the idea of establishing a lasting peace able to overcome the ideological, political and religious differences that may lead to wars. This chapter deals with (i) the economic definitions of disarmament; (ii) the theo retical economic analysis of disarmament; (iii) the empirical analysis of disarmament; (iv) disarmament for development and (v) the role of public policy. 2. Economic definitions of disarmament
A disarmament process leads to a modification of a nation's military strategies. There are many forms of disarmament, such as reduction of military expenditure, reduction or destruction of stocks of specific weapons, a ban or limitation on the production of some types of military equipment, reduction in the numbers of military personnel in their geographical location, limitations on arms transfers, control of defense R&D, and the monitoring and verification process [Sandler and Hartley ( 1 995)]. There are
J. Fontanel
three main forms of disarmament, namely destruction and reduction of military forces, reduction of military expenditure, and "thoroughgoing" disarmament.
2. 1. Disarmament via physical reductions and a ban or limitation on forces The superpowers might find an acceptable level of weaponry which they believe ensures their security. Disarmament is then a way of reducing the stockpile of destructive power. Defense spending in an arms race can be analysed by the Prisoner's Dilemma problem of game theory (but it is often difficult to know who are the players, what is the mutual information and what are the nation's preferences?). Classical arms control is useful to decide a lower level of defense spending for each nation, with the same national security, with a strong verification regime [Schelling ( 1966)]. The destruction of military stocks is a costly business and its initial effect is an increase of the economic burden of defense [Fontanel and Ward ( 1 993)]. Bischak and Oden ( 1 989), attempting to compare the reduction of military purchases, operational and maintenance costs and personnel costs with the financial commitments occasioned by the destruction of arms and the verification of the INF Treaty, estimated that the overall reduction of ME for the USA were equal to $ 1 .5 billion for 1 988-2000. Unclassified assessments by the Russian military estimate that implementing START would cost Russia 90 to 95 billion rubles, equivalent to $6 million (1 992 prices). Ukraine has requested $2.8 billion to ship nuclear arms to Russia for dismantling [Renner ( 1 994)]. Annual funding for the US Army's Chemical Material Destruction Agency has risen from $200 million in the late 1980s to $500 million in 1 994. The US Army demilitarized 300 000 tons of ammunition during 1 990-1 995, at a cost of $300 million, when Congressional appropriations to procure new ammunition add up to $6.6 billion. In Europe, conversion funding by government is marginal ($320 million for Italy, $ 1 60 million for France, but German expenditures are greater: $7.6 billion of grants and credits available to facilitate the pullout of ex-Soviet troops). Without reductions of military outlays, quantitative limits to armaments must focus on currently developed weapon systems, and may release resources to develop new and destabilizing weapon systems that are not covered by any treaty and which involve a redesign of strategic doctrine, at greater costs. It is certainly useful to control R&D and to establish reductions of most weapons systems. However, it should be recognized that below certain thresholds physical weapons stockpiles have little utility, either in battle or in preventing it. Under the Ricardian theory of international trade, the government normally seeks to keep those arms of which it has the greatest comparative advantage or opts for the agreement that is most costly in economic terms to its potential adversary.
2.2. Military expenditure reduction For a long time, Soviet leaders felt that attaining a "superpower" status required a large military and were convinced that the free world would not be able to preserve
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its standard of living and its military advantage. At the same time, the US government felt that pressure on the Soviet Union's military would bring about a final blow to the Soviet economy. These considerations brought about a "rational" arms race only when security has been defined as a zero-sum game. The dynamics of military expenditure progressively undermined the economic basis of the great powers. Military spending provides evidence of the price that is collectively attached to security, but the economic factors are not likely to be the best source of reliable indicators of security. This arises because some types of delivery vehicles (e.g. nuclear missiles) are clearly more effective than conventional weapons, and at a relatively low cost in terms of the strategic, military and political advantages. Moreover, relations of strength are often expressed in terms of thresholds and an equal reduction of ME for each state does not necessarily result in the former balance of forces being maintained. Disarmament by reduction of defense budgets implies that the structure of expenditure has to be taken into consideration. Cuts in defense spending reduce the demand for manpower and capital in the military sector (armed forces and defense industries). Costs of conversion can be very important and last a long time for groups, regions and industries [UNIDIR ( 1 993)]. A disarmament predicated on the notion of cost-savings will also have as a primary goal the increased efficiency of reduced expenditures. Military-industrial institutions will try to find ways, by giving greater attention to waste, fraud, and mis management, to produce the same level of weapon stocks with a reduced budget and to exploit economies of scale in order to reduce unit costs or to attempt to produce "better" weaponry. In responding to cost-saving measures, governments will tend to specialize their defenses in areas in which they may have the greatest economic advantage. Reduction of military expenditure must be analyzed in opportunity cost terms. A disarmament predicated on responding to an economic crisis, may well lead towards a less stable and more dangerous global environment. Simply constraining the flow of resources for military purposes will be insufficient to ensure a disarmament that increases global security. 2.3.
Thoroughgoing disarmament
Thoroughgoing disarmament appears when military expenditure becomes more of an endogenous variable than a true instrumental variable of the government. It may have several causes - economic, political, strategic and even ideological. Economic competition involves cost reductions, better information on the basic rules of defense, the search for international co-operation, some opening up of the market to foreign companies, privatization of state undertakings, limited industrial policy by the state, and the search for economies of scale. The pursuit of a new international co-operation over armaments is almost invariably dictated by the reduction of unit costs of weapons which have become very expensive. When it works properly, which is rarely the case, this international co-operation leads a more equitable calculation of the expenditure to be collectively undertaken [Fontanel and Smith ( 1 990)]. Under these conditions the
J. Fontanel Table I Some econometric results
Partial economic endogenous variables
Civil budget of state
Fontanel (1 980), Gyimah-Brempong ( 1 992)
Bureaucratic procedures in the allocation of military resources
Fontanel and Smith ( 1 990), Looney ( 1 988, 1 989), Byers and Peel ( 1 989)
Availability of public funds
Hewitt ( 1 9 9 1 )
Per capita income
Lotz ( 1 970), Fontanel and Smith ( 1990)
Material well-being of citizens and social spending
Hewitt ( 1 9 9 1 )
Economic cyclical movement
Griffin, Wallace and Devine ( 1 982), Smith and Smith ( 1983)
Inertial economic effect
Correa and Ji-Won Kim ( 1 992)
Deger and Smith ( 1 983), Looney ( 1 989)
Military industrial complex
Galbraith ( 1 972), Melman ( 1 974)
National arms production
Looney ( 1989)
Other partial endogenous variables Militarization of the society
Maizels and Nissanke ( 1 987), Thee ( 1 982), Whynes ( 1 979)
Power struggle or imagined threats of the ruling class
Looney ( 1989), Griffin, Wallace, Devine ( 1982)
National security, wars and arms race
Adams and Gold ( 1 987), Byers and Peel ( 1 989), Hewitt ( 1991 ), Brito and Intriligator ( 1 987)
Lotz ( 1 970)
Arms race strategies
Correa and Ji-Won Kim ( 1 992), Fontanel and Smith ( 1 990), Rajmaira and Ward ( 1 99 1 )
Ideological priorities of government
Thee ( 1 982), Hewitt ( 1 9 9 1 )
Political situation (monarchy, dictatorship, . . . )
Hewitt ( 1 99 1 ), Nincic and Cusack ( 1 979), Grindle ( 1986), Kende ( 1 980)
Geographical variables
Hewitt ( 1 99 1 )
defense sector loses its priorities and is then regarded as a burden. It has been stated that national security can no longer be analysed in purely military terms: economic security must also be taken into account. There is considerable econometric research into the analysis of the economic foundations of ME (Table 1). The results obtained have not always been either coherent or generalizable. However that may be, current economic analysis is still failing to produce decisive results in this field. Military expenditure, an economic variable which is partly endogenous and partly exogenous, is limited by the available resources, although national security implies costs that are often determined by other than economic considerations (e.g. threat or probability of conflicts). Econometric methods established several economic, political and geographical determinants of
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military expenditure, which reduce the exogenous character of a disarmament process. Disarmament is not only a public decision and, without reference to an internal and external situation, it depends on economic and social variables which modify its content and its importance [Fontanel ( 1995)] . 3. Theoretical economic analysis of disarmament
The history of economic thought on defense and development is very controversial. In a world of sovereign states the security of nations is both a priority and a constraint that economists have not always viewed in the same way. Disarmament has been analyzed as (i) an obstacle to economic and power development; (ii) a positive economic effect; (iii) a process which has some contradictions with economic systems such as socialism and capitalism and (iv) a complex process producing various economic results, depending on geographical, political and economic situations (Table 2). The history of economic thought is instructive in this context [Fontanel ( 1994, 1 995)]. There are four main economic analyses of disarmament: the peace dividend ap proach, disarmament as an investment, development as the main factor of disarmament, and armament/disarmament as elements of a national strategy. Table 2 History of economic thought and disarmament Main analyses
Disarmament as an obstacle to development Good relationship between armament and development.
Armament is a stimulus for production, innovation and employment in capitalist countries.
Rae ( 1834), Mandel ( 1 975), Attali ( 1 978)
Economic development makes international antagonism inevitable. Laissez-faire leads to the domination of the strongest and military forces ensure the sovereignty of states threatened by less developed countries. Underdevelopment is a product of development of the great powers and disarmament is an element of game theory in international relations.
Seligman ( 1 91 5), Emmanuel ( 1 969), Freyssinet (1 966), List ( 1 840), Veblen ( 1 9 17), Brewer and Shubik (1 979), J.S. Mill ( 1 824)
The power of the Prince is the main economic objective.
War is a solution to excessive population growth.
Malthus ( 1 826), Bouthoul
( 1 96 1 ) The threat of war is essential in keeping anti-social trends under control.
J.S. Mill ( 1 824), Galbraith
( 1 972)
Disarmament as a positive economic effect Military expenditures are not productive. War and its preparation are explicit variables of the monopoly spirit. Laissez-faire produces development and development produces disarmament.
A. Smith ( 1 776), J.B. Say ( 1 803), Ricardo ( 1 8 1 7)
Military expenditures reduce the competitiveness of a nation. Disarmament produces "peace dividends".
Melman ( 1 974), Nef ( 1 949)
Continued on next page
J Fontanel Table 2, continued
Main analyses
Disarmament as an investment process.
UNIDIR ( 1 993)
Military force is a means to deter agression, but it increases the likelihood of wars. A negotiated disarmament is needed to avoid wars.
Richardson ( 1 960) Brito and lntriligator ( 1 987) ,
Disarmament and economic systems Wars are conditioned by antagonist social relations. Disarmament is desirable only with socialism.
Marx ( 1 8 67), Engels ( 1 878)
Military investment is a catalyst of primitive accumulation and an instrument of colonial domination.
Luxemburg ( 1 9 1 3)
The capitalist exploitation of the world and imperialism need an armament process.
Lenin ( 1 9 1 7), Hilferding (1 9 1 0)
Military expenditure exerts a positive influence on profits, capitalist technology and demand for labor. It serves to absorb the economic surplus of monopoly capitalism.
Baran and Sweezy ( 1 966), Kidron ( 1 970)
Disarmament is impossible with colonialism.
G. Frank ( 1 972)
Disarmament is impossible with imperialism.
Boukharine ( 1 9 1 5)
The complex relations between disarmament and development Military preparedness is necessary as a national insurance policy. Costs of defense are tolerable so long as combat does not disrupt the civilian sector.
Pigou ( 1 92 1 ), Giffen ( 1 872)
Military expenditure is a public good, which is not the best solution for a deficit spending policy.
Keynes ( 1 940), Samuelson ( 1964)
War is tending to disappear with the industrial class and the elimination of pauperism. Disarmament is an effect of development.
Proudhon ( 1 8 6 1 ), Fourier ( 1 848), Saint-Simon ( 1 8 1 9)
3. 1. The peace dividend approach Disarmament is likely to contribute to peace and the reduction of military expenditure makes a contribution to the peace dividend. Resources released from defense become available for alternative use, such as social, health, education, environment or other economic uses [UN ( 1 983), Klein ( 1 990), Eisner (1993)]. The "peace dividend" must be a simple reallocation of public expenditure from defense to other budget headings, or a rather good substitutability between defense and other economic activities [UNIDIR (1 984)]. With disarmament, there is the release and reallocation of resources from military to civilian uses, which is likely to have favorable effects on growth and international trade [UN ( 1 989)]. There are two main myths surrounding the peace dividend [UNIDIR ( 1 993)] : it is reputed to be large and immediate and to be able to solve the main social and economic
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Economics of Disarmament
problems of a nation. According to Kennedy ( 1 988), military superpowers devote a large share of the nation's economic power to unproductive military expenditure and they take the risk of eroding their national economic competitiveness. The economic effects of disarmament are transmitted through four main channels, namely the possible increase of investment [Smith ( 1980)]; substitution effects for the work force [Richards ( 1 99 1)]; reduction in the application of a military technology that has less respect for the economic rules of profitability [UN ( 1989)]; and limitation of public effective demand [Melman ( 1974)]. The positive effects of disarmament have often been high-lighted but it does not necessarily produce the cumulative effects that are a feature of economic development. Besides, it is paradoxical to note that economists have sometimes explained the growth of Germany and Japan between 1 930 and 1 940 by investment in armaments while explaining the economic miracle of the same two countries since 1 945 by the weakness of their military expenditure. It has to be conceded that there are far more essential arguments to account for these two periods. According to Deger (1986), a percentage point reduction in military expenditure increases economic growth by a third of a percentage point and completely eliminates the external capital requirements of the least advanced countries. The competitiveness of the economy is increased and the deficit on the trade balance is reduced. There is evidence that some exporting activities are impoverishing, notably when payment conditions become difficult or even impossible, and when the largely subsidized arms industry is persuaded to sell at a loss to the community [Smith, Humm and Fontanel ( 1 985), Chesnais ( 1990)]. But expectations of a peace dividend must be challenged, because econometric analyses seem relatively incapable of providing indisputable information on the existence of the negative or positive relationship under consideration. Moreover, the peace dividend alone is not able to solve all the world's problems, and major reallocations of resources involve costs and take time.
3.2. Disarmament as an investment Peace dividends are likely to be small in the short-term; they are mainly affected by the adjustment costs associated with the reallocation of resources from military to civilian uses in order to obtain long-term benefits. They have to solve the problem of unemployment and all investments are not successful. In some cases, society's rate of return from disarmament will be low or even negative [Intriligator ( 1 994)]. In the opinion of Alexander ( 1 990), the shift into non-defense products will generally be unsuccessful because of mismatches between defense and civilian experiences, skills and technologies, but primarily because the culture and management of the defense industry militate against civilian success. In the end, the task is not converting the defense industry from military to commercial markets but changing the industry. Diversification reduces the company's dependence on defense by acquisition or organic growth of non-defense operations. There are various kinds of diversifications, mainly in production (dual technologies or military specialization
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for market needs), in markets (exports and new buyers), in regions (relocation of installations and markets), in portfolios (financial operations involving the purchase and sale of companies) and in the negotiation of stable and lasting agreements with other companies. Innovative uses of military resources do not assure success in the new market. Complete adjustment may require the mobility of both labor and capital. Public policies are needed such as low-interest loans to industry or aid to R&D, exports, unemployment, retraining and regional development policies. Institutional culture is highly resistant to change. Good management of disarmament has positive long-term effects on civilian R&D, on the real productivity of national economies, and on confidence in international trading relations that cannot be quantified by econometric studies. According to the experts of UNIDIR (United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research) [UNIDIR ( 1 993)], disarmament has maj or economic consequences involv ing costs as well as benefits, and its economic dividends are likely to be small in the short-term. But, in the long-term, disarmament can produce significant benefits through the production of civil goods and services as resources are reallocated to the civilian sector (the peace dividend). Disarmament is like an investment process involving short term costs and long-run benefits. Disarmament can be an worthwhile investment for economic development, ceteris paribus, if the countries feel that their national security is not threatened by the process [Hartley ( 1993)] .
3.3. Development as the main factor of disarmament Advocates of the New Economic Order see disarmament more as a consequence of development. For Russett (1982), the long term burden of US military spending helps to explain the decline of US productivity relative to Japan. The Cold War left a legacy of significant debt, both internal and external, as well as an under capitalized and declining infrastructure, each due in part to the costs of maintaining the liberal structure of the international system [Goldstein ( 1988)]. The provision of public goods requires devoting considerable resources to military and foreign affairs resulting in inadequate investment [Kennedy ( 1 988)]. The World Bank has adopted the position that high levels of ME are detrimental to industrialization, at least at the level of opportunity costs and now low levels of military outlays are required by the recipients of development aid. It established that for Japan, the economic miracle has been created, in large part, by avoiding high levels of ME/GDP and concentrating on national economic policies, but Japan obtained free US protection. Ward and Davis (1 990) found evidence of a significant negative trade-off between ME and economic growth. The long-term impact of such significant trade-offs between defense effort and investment is thought to be reduced economic growth and national well-being.
3.4. Disarmament/armament as elements of a national strategy Colonial wars are historically seen as basic, although not exclusive causes of under development [Fontanel (1 990)]. They promoted export products to the detriment of the
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crops that provided food for the population, and they had the effect of stimulating the mining industry and destroying local craft industries, the economy being developed in a disjointed way, entirely geared to the economy of the colonial power. These relationships remain unchanged. Major international economic negotiations provide reminders of the existence of relations of conflict and the importance of the status of a nuclear power. The threat of armed force is always a decisive factor in the spread of the dominant modes of production and in the maintenance of existing powers. Moreover, the major economic powers use military and non-military aid to maintain their political, economic, ideological and even moral influence. Western technology is strongly influenced by the militarization of the advanced economies, which is still dominant in contemporary economic development despite the examples of Germany and Japan, where the contrary holds. Under these conditions, disarmament definitely does modifY relationships of strength, and this is also reflected in the economic sphere. Economic war fulfills all the classical functions of war. The economy has become an instrument of power often applied to relations of conflict between states [Fontanel (1 994)]. War must be understood as the projection of national power through means that are political and economic as well as military [Wolfson and Farrell ( 1987)]. Insecurity is dependent on the arms race, on inequality, international domination, and even social exploitation. Indirect strategies of dissuasion, economic forms of retaliation, embargoes and boycotts are all powerful weapons with economic and political effects dependent on defense measures, international expressions of solidarity and the potential for substitution [Baldwin ( 1 985)]. All the dimensions of social life have to be taken into consideration in international strategy. Direct (military) strategy being difficult by the strength of nuclear forces, states are led to follow a strategy of "indirect manoeuvreing". The idea is to sell only those products that would not improve the economic growth of the country receiving them more than that of the country selling them. In other words, unequal exchange is something to be demanded and sought. There are many differences of opinion as to the usefulness of these measures. Some authors are of the opinion that the grain embargo did not adversely affect the Soviet economy, but American governments have calculated differently. The defense of the industrial base undertaken by the Pentagon has proved to be extremely costly and has gradually eroded the competitiveness of the American economy. This policy was initially based on three essential principles: that the USA is an economic leader and can therefore control advanced technology; that the exports concerned are not overly important for the American economy and the cost of such controls would be relatively slight; lastly, that dual-purpose technologies are relatively few in number and can readily be isolated. There are many indirect strategies which can be pursued by nations: (a) Impoverishment resulting from the strain of preparing for war is often presented as one of the basic reasons for the collapse of the Soviet economy. An arms race reduces the development potential of states, but the poorest are the most rapidly impoverished, with the result that the might of the richest countries is increased [Brito and Intriligator (1 987)].
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(b) The strategy for effecting the break tries to create economic problems in the rival country so as to increase its political and social difficulties. An embargo is an instrument of deterrence capable of changing the behavior of a potential enemy, but it is a weapon that is dangerous to the user, because prolonged interruption of trade flows may lead to a permanent loss of outlets and illegal trading (black markets). The economic weapon enables a country to dominate another country through the exercise of the power conferred by the exercise of a monopoly over the supply of goods and services vital to the country's survival. The USA often uses food as a weapon against developing countries [Strange (1985)]. (c) The aim of a containment strategy is to develop ties of economic interdependence capable of ensuring peace; commercial ties had a moderating role on ideologies. The impact of this strategy cannot really be measured [Tinbergen (1993)]. For Kennedy ( 1988), the history of the rise and later fall of the leading countries in the Great Power system shows a very significant correlation over the longer term between production and revenue-raising capacities on the one hand and military strength on the other. Ward, Davis and Lofdahl ( 1994) found that after 1945, Japan's defense policy was shaped with a variety of non-military goals in mind. They demonstrate that Japanese defense spending was driven by macroeconomic goals as well as the desire for political and economic co-operation with the USA, and they identified two main effects: (i) Size effects convey the contribution of the overall spending levels to national product. In this way, government purchases may contribute to national productivity by increasing the volume of activity. (ii) Externalities through spill-over contributions. Government spending (an inter mediate, not final demand) on education may contribute to the efficiency and productivity of non-governmental sectors, by an indirect effect upon the technical skills of the labor force. The defense-growth trade-offs in the USA and Japan change in character and dimension, sometimes rather quickly. Ward, Davis and Lofdahl (1994) built an economic model of the defense-growth trade-off. The estimating equation is: DY
- = a- + b- + + qM
-qM +
--1 --1 DM s
+ qN
DN s
dM d( 1 + M)
) DM ( -- +
-qN +
dN ) DN -1 d Y_I +
+ e,
where Y is national income, I is national investment, L is labor, M is military spending, N is non-military state spending, q is the externality and d is the factor productivity differential. Size effects convey the contribution of the spending levels to national product and the externalities are the spin-off contributions. The USA emerges as a society in which there has been a recent growing linkage between non-military spending and economic productivity. When the central government purchases defense goods, the
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volume effect appears to be negative, while the spin-offs are positive but declining. Government spending for non-defense programs does not contribute to economic growth. Disarmament is unlikely to bring about an aggregate downturn in the economy though local dislocations are already evident in some communities. This result suggests that disarmament will generate greater positive short-run size-effects on the aggregate economy for the USA, and not for Japan, but there is no evidence that higher ME is likely to be deleterious to the Japanese economy. For Japan, government spending does not contribute positively to the volume aspects of economic output in the way it does in USA and this is true for defense as well as non-defense government spending, but spin-off effects of ME are strong and growing for the Japanese economy. This finding contradicts Kennedy's hypotheses. The size impacts were negative over the entire period and the externalities have been positive and growing for about a century. 4. Empirical analysis of disarmament
All the methods in general use in economic analysis may be applied to the economics of disarmament. No economic situation is ever repeated in exactly the same form and the experimental approach is practically impossible in economics. Under these conditions the methods of analysis most employed are deductive analysis based on postulates (e.g. see Table 2), empirical simulation models, evaluations of reduced forms, input-output models, computational general equilibrium models and historical studies (which can provide useful knowledge about past disarmament such as World Wars I and II, the Korean and the Vietnam Wars) and monographic studies (such as regional or sectoral case studies which are very useful for the understanding of firm behavior). The information from statistical methods [Atesoglu and Mueller(l 990)] must be interpreted and there is often a confusion of simple correlations with causation. Econometric analysis in which chronological series of data are used lay the emphasis on short-term effects, since all the information considered relates to the recent past. Input-output analyses are mainly interested in the technological structures and inter industry relationships in the economy [Leontieff and Duchin ( 1 983)]. They are very useful for the measure of the direct or indirect changes in output, employment or capital utilization induced by a change in the structure of the demand of final goods. These analyses require detailed data on the actual technological structures of military and civilian productions. The validity of a model cannot be restricted to the truth of the hypotheses, but must also be dependent on the capacity of the system as set out to predict the behavior of the real system, even if, in some instances, the cause and effect relationships or simultaneous relationships misrepresent or simplify the reality. Models have to be evaluated in terms of how well they communicate and the quality of the information created in relation to the objectives laid down at the time of construction. The economist has therefore to consider which variables should be accepted, the level of their aggregation, the relationships being tested and the basic aims of the study.
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Nevertheless, this methodology is not without its shortcomings, prominent among which are the dubious significance of the results obtained, equation misspecifications [Kirby and Hooper ( 1 99 1 )], the excessive generalization of the results [Hebert ( 1 993)], the obvious risk that the relationships will be unstable and the low degree of relevance as a tool in economic decision-making [Dunne and Smith ( 1990a,b)]. Whereas a number of economic models have been constructed to analyze the impact of increased ME there are few formal analyses of the economic effects of disarmament. But, in econometric modelling it is assumed that the response to an increase or decrease is symmetric; this may not be appropriate when considering a large reduction of ME. It is interesting to analyze some studies of the American, French and British economies. ,
4. 1. The United States Paul Kennedy (1 988) formulated the hypothesis that the decline of the American economy could be due to the high level of ME Under those conditions, peace dividends from disarmament could appear as much in favor of social programmes as of national productivity. The reduction of defense expenditure did further the competitiveness of enterprises, since the technological spin-off from the military sector was considered to be inefficient and costly [Melman ( 1 974)]. With the available scientific tools, econometric analysis does not provide irrefutable proof of a negative relationship between capital formation and ME, and the productiv ity problems of American industry cannot be ascribed to the defense effort alone [Gold and Adams (1990)]. Kinsella ( 1 990) indicated by the use of an autoregression vector that no substantial causal relationship existed between ME and prices, unemployment and the interest rate. A direct positive relationship (without a time lag and causal relationship) did exist between ME and national output, but only for monthly or quarterly information, notably when the economy was in crisis and thus was under the effect of the Keynesian multiplier. Huang and Mintz ( 1990) confirmed this analysis. Atesoglu and Mueller (1 990) showed that there was a positive relationship between ME and economic growth but that the multiplier was very small. They used for each regression equation the Cochran-Orcutt iterative procedure assuming first order autocorrelation of the disturbance terms since the ordinary least squares estimates indicated the possibility of autocorrelation. With the growth in real input GQR, the investment ratio (of real gross fixed investment to the real GNP) IQ, the growth in employment LRG, the growth in real defense spending DGR, then: .
QGR = -0.078 + 0.551IQ + 0.965LGR + 0.062.DGR with ( 1 .59) ( 1 .75) (3.35) (2.47)
= 0.399 (2.47)
period: 1949-1989, R2 = 0.720, SE = O.O l 5, D\V = 2.058. A change in defense spending has positive and significant effects on the growth rate of the economy and both defense effects (the change in the rate of defense spending and the relative size of the defense sector) are individually significant. A study by
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Ward and Davis ( 1 990) revealed the existence of contradictory effects, the result of which was dependent both on the magnitude of defense expenditure in the US economy and on the importance of the military effort in the US budget. The relative weight of ME in the national economy is a burden for the economy, whereas public non-ME tends to have a positive effect. It must be pointed out that the state often has to be responsible for activities (justice, freedom, democracy) that are not very productive but are necessary for society as a whole, and that cannot be handed over to the private sector for economic considerations of profitability or the principle of public service. Ward and Davis concluded that the global effect of American ME during the period 1 952-1988 had been very slightly positive, but that its contribution to national productivity had declined, in contrast to that of governmental civilian expenditure. Furthermore, Aschauer ( 1 989) was of the opinion that whereas expenditure on the state infrastructure had very positive effects on growth, the same could not be said of military capital expenditure. Klein ( 1 990, 1 993) thought that the effect of disarmament on the American economy was bound to be positive. Because there is a crowding-out effect between ME and investment, the production of civilian capital goods will be very useful when it takes the place of military production, because the former creates new income flows, whereas the latter is used to destroy without any economic return. Thus, a motorway will still have utility far beyond the expenditure period and will further the expression of other utilities. With disarmament, the government ought simultaneously to pursue a policy of compensatory public expenditure or a reduction of the budget deficit. In the medium term, lower interest rates will lead to more investment (for the LINK model a 3 percent reduction in ME, accompanied by a more flexible monetary policy would produce a reduction of 2 percent in interest rates), and that situation will favor both international trade and a reduction of the public deficit. For Olszewski, Payne and Ross ( 1 993 ), there is a cointegrating relationship between real MEs, real output and the real dollar-mark exchange rate. ME cannot significantly affect the real dollar exchange rate value in the long run. For Eisner ( 1 993), ME exerts undoubted inflationary pressures, because the economy provides salaries without a flow of goods being produced in exchange. The result of disarmament should therefore be an increased propensity for investment. By using two time periods and two macroeconomic and industrial models, Thomas, Stekler and Glass ( 1 99 1 ) concluded that reducing the level of US defense expenditure will reduce real output, price level, and employment, with an attenuation of the effects after five years. With a constant reduction, changing the composition of the cuts had a small but perceptible effect. For Hormats (1 992), the so-called "peace dividend", which is not real money, will be insufficient by itself to cure the structural ills afflicting the US economy (budget and commercial deficits, insufficient investment, inadequate national savings and deficient training methods). It is preferable to create incentives for savings, investment and education, and to invest a few thousand million dollars more to help former socialist nations to consolidate democratic and market reforms.
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4.2. France A very simple model focusing on chronological series ( 1950-1 980) showed that progressive disarmament had a weak positive effect on the GDP of France [Fontanel ( 1 980)]. This impact was due mainly to a reduction of the inflationary tensions to which the armament effort gives rise and to the appreciable increase in national investment. Above all, this analysis took into consideration the dual nature of ME: as public expenditure it exerts important effects on global demand, capable of exerting Keynesian multiplier effects; as ME in the strict sense it must be analyzed in comparison with other forms of public and private expenditure. Under these conditions ME has quite high opportunity costs, notably because it reduces investment. Disarmament improves economic growth very quickly, because it reduces inflation and competitiveness. With a model of the input-output type, Aben ( 1 98 1 ) analyzed the effects of a 40 percent reduction of ME on the main sectors of the economy and on employment. It concluded that a reduction without a substitution of civilian expenditure for ME led to an appreciable decline in national production (34 percent for the armaments sector, shipbuilding and aeronautics) and a loss of 400 000 jobs; when military expenditure is substituted for public civilian expenditure, none of the possibilities for the conversion of defense activity made it possible to avoid a worsening of the employment situation in the short term (a loss of some 140 000 to 2 13 000 jobs). However, very few economic activities subjected to such a reduction of their outputs would emerge with such a satisfactory result. More recently, Aben and Daures ( 1 993) used an input-output model to describe the economic consequences of a transfer of the budget from the defense sector to education. Based on a Parliamentary hypothesis of growth, their simulations confirmed, on strict economic grounds, that it is better to have chalk rather than guns, except if chalk really means education equipment.
4.3. United Kingdom Dunne and Smith ( 1 984) are of the opmwn that disarmament is more of an opportunity than an economic problem. Using the Cambridge Growth Project model, they made several simulations of the economic impact of disarmament in Great Britain. With compensation, disarmament produced a slight improvement in the balance of payments, a limitation of inflationary pressures, the creation of new jobs connected with the labor-intensive nature of the defense expenditure relative to the civilian governmental expenditure, and additional growth. Without compensation, there are reductions in GDP, a fall of the price index, and a worsening of the jobs situation. This situation was brought about more by the deflationary policy than by the actual reduction of ME The structural changes were, however, mainly of a microeconomic and sectoral order and highly heterogeneous. These results are in line with the historical experience of the United Kingdom [Smith and Smith ( 1 983)] and with studies that stress the effects of substitution of military R&D to the detriment of civilian products .
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Table 3 Cuts in UK defense spending: simulation results with and without compensation 1 993
Variables Consumers' expenditure Government consumption Investment Exports (G&S) Imports GOP at factor cost
1 996
0.22 -0.21
-0.3 1
1 .73
- 1 .97
- 1 .87
-12.13 -3.64
1 .58
- 1 .77
0.1 0
1 .84
Balance of payments
- 1 .36
Percentage difference from base. Source: Barker, Dunne and Smith ( 1 9 9 1 ).
[Hartley ( 1 993)], poor use of military technology [Maddock ( 1 983)], and the crowding out effects of investment [Smith ( 1980)]. Barker, Dunne and Smith ( 1 99 1 ) used a multi-sectoral macro-economic model to evaluate the impact of cutting UK defense spending. The scenario under consideration was one of a reduction in ME, with real cuts of 8.5% a year (starting in 1 993), with UK ME reduced to around 2% of GDP by the year 2000. It assumes that the cuts fall broadly proportionately on the major components and that the current balance between personnel, equipment and other spending is maintained. Without compensation, disarmament produces adverse economic results at the beginning; but a reduction in ME to one-half of its 1 992 level by the year 2000, with the released "peace dividend" allocated to other government current and capital expenditures, would lead to a reduction in unemployment of 0.52 million and an increase in GDP factor costs above base by 1 .84% (Table 3). The transmission mechanism is thus likely to depend on the macro-economic policy adopted. Questions arise as to how UK companies are responding to present reductions in ME and how they are likely to respond to future changes. There is a new, more commercial procurement regime, with increased competition, the use of fixed price contracts and a greater willingness to import. The consequence has been massive restructuring in the UK defense industries and a prompt diversification. Such problems of transition may not be as difficult as in the past, as the restructuring of the UK armaments industry is already taking place because of the present reduction in defense spending.
4.4. Simulations for developing countries For Linden (1 992), a two-sector growth model is derived to indicate the effects of the military burden and government expenditure on the growth of GNP in selected Middle Eastern countries ( 1 974-1 985). A four equations simultaneous model (growth rate,
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defense burden, skilled labor rate and investment rate) of Gyimah-Brempong (1 989) is used to investigate the relations between defense outlays and economic growth and their channels in less-developed countries (LDCs). Defense burdens affect economic growth directly through providing an increased supply of skilled labor and decreased investment. For African countries, there is a trade-off between a high defense burden and economic growth. With a simple neoclassical formulation of economic growth to account for the role of military exports in economic productivity, Ward (1990) showed that for India, only the military aspects of government spending appear to generate short-term economic productivity gains. Since these are a small part of the government budget, the overall impact of government spending is likely to be slightly negative. There are negative externalities for military spending when examined separately from its marginal productivity for civilian production and separated from size effects of the overall governmental budget. The relative marginal productivity of military and non military spending in both Brazil and India is also negative. There is strong cross sectional evidence that increased defense expenditures actually serve to retard the rate of resource creation, compounding the negative effect of defense expenditures on growth and development [Deger and Smith ( 1 983)] . The potential benefits of security expenditure that lie in the possibility of modernization are indisputable, but the negative impact on savings and investment that seem to result from higher levels of defense spending are such that an alternative means of acquiring the modernizing results could be more beneficial to the economy. The conclusion is that military spending has negative consequences for economic growth when compared to alternative potential allocations. The application of simulations based on the reduction of ME involves the hypothesis that the effects on the national economy of an increase or a decrease in the economic effort of defense will be inverse but similar. Now, it is probable that threshold effects will emerge to render such a generalization questionable. 5. Disarmament for development
Disarmament and development are two essential objectives of our time and the problem is to know whether it is desirable that they should be linked. French governments have frequently called for the establishment of an international fund of disarmament for development that would enable the amounts saved on arms to be used to develop productive activities that would speed up economic development and aid arrangements to the developing countries [Fontanel (1 986), UNIDIR ( 1987)].
5. 1. The nature of the transfers International aid effects are interesting to analyze. The question is differently analyzed when the military effort is accompanied by assistance from a developed country. Aid
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linked to disarmament should normally have the same effects as existing traditional forms of aid, except perhaps at the level of the size of transfer, which may exceed the threshold above which the solidarity accorded has significant economic effects. It should, however, be noted that the confiscation of the savings by a social grouping that decides to devote it to unproductive uses such as exports of capital or imports of luxury goods, is not favorable to economic development. A transfer makes economic sense only if it finds expression in a highly productive activity and not by aggravating inflationary trends owing to the appearance of demonstration effects. A resource transfer may also be the occasion of new markets for the developed countries and new dependence for the poor countries [Lebovic ( 1 988)]. The developing countries must therefore avoid the transfers being impoverishing, when it reintroduces unequal trade flows or transfers in kind which competes directly with the national activities of the recipient and which bears the stamp of a culture and the dominant values of the society in which it was created. Aid from developed countries may lead to distorted development. Some forms of transfers prove ultimately to be costly, notably in operating costs, and political constraints are rarely absent from such an undertaking by rich countries. Aid to developing countries may be devoted to prestige expenditure and to the increasing of social inequalities. The main aim of disarmament for development must be to narrow the disparities in growth. 5.2.
The economic effoct of a disarmament for development process
Reduction of ME has been simulated in several models of the world economy built for international organizations [UN, UNITAD (UN Institute for Trade and Development), OECD and IMF) or for OECD countries with the three-equation model of Cappelen, Gleditsch and Bjerkholt ( 1 984). For the UN model of Leontieff and Duchin (1 983), the transfer of resources to poor countries furthers their economic development. Ongoing disarmament would have a positive effect for all the regions of the world and the transfers of resources would appreciably increase consumption and the per capita GDP of the arid countries of Africa, and the low-income countries of Asia and tropical Africa. However spectacular these results may seem to be for the sparsely populated underdeveloped countries, they are not very significant statistically. Thus, an annual reduction of ME by 1 .2 percent between 1 980 and the year 2000 would further the economic growth of almost all coun tries: 1 percent for Japan, 1 .5 percent for North America, 3 percent for Europe, 1 0 per cent for the planned-economy countries of Asia, 20 percent for the low-income Asian countries and tropical Africa, over a period of 20 years. It may be noted that aid for de velopment appreciably improves the situation of the poorest countries. The econometric results obtained do not seem to be very significant. They give only a very global idea of the economic impact of disarmament. The model of Leontieff and Duchin ( 1 983) is not very adequate as an indicator of the ways in which the groups of countries under consideration were growing in 1990. For example, the excellent results foreseen for the planned-economy countries are very wide of the mark, because the formalized system
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had to use optimistic figures (based on bureaucratic planned prices) supplied by the socialist governments, and it was scarcely possible to analyze the latent political and economic crisis of the Eastern countries on the basis of the raw official data. The UNITAD world model simultaneously examines an initial disarmament sce nario which is not accompanied by an international redistribution of the amounts saved, while a second scenario studies a policy based on the satisfaction of basic needs. Whereas the reduction of ME depresses demand and causes an increase in unemployment in the short term, its spin-off is expressed in the longer term in the growth of the developing countries by an increase in demand for the most developed regions of LDCs, mainly when the policy is based on basic needs. These effects will be strengthened by measures for the easing of trade and currency restrictions, but the gains may rapidly become losses if there is an increase either in interest rates or in the amount of the annual repayments of the debt burden of LDCs. Disarmament may relax some economic constraints but it cannot resolve all the problems of the developing countries. Even on the most satisfactory hypothesis, the real per capita consumption in Africa south of the Sahara will continue to worsen because the population is growing at too fast a rate, and because of the endemic weakness of agricultural production. The LINK model [Klein ( 1 990)] shows that a 1 0 percent reduction of ME accompanied by an improvement in international assistance (0.7 percent of the GNP of the developed countries) is capable, in the best case, of a transfer relating exclusively to capital goods, of leading to a 1 .7 percent growth of the GNP in the developing countries and an 0.2 percent growth in the developed countries. For this transfer to be positive for all parties (donors and recipients), 60 percent of the aid must be spent on capital goods [Klein ( 1 990)]. The MULTIMOD model of the IMF ( 1 993) considered the long term benefits of a 20% homogenous reduction of ME, international arms transfers and military aid. It calculates these benefits, for the long run, to be more than 10 000 billions of constant ( 1 992) US dollars. For the first year, there is a decline of 6 billion US dollars of the GDP of developed countries, but during the second year, with the reductions of interest rates and public · outlays and the increases of private consumption and investment, the effects will become positive. For the eleventh year, there will be 60 billion US dollars of benefits for developed countries and 1 1 .5 billion US dollars for LDCs. The indebted countries will obtain the best results with the interest rate reduction and the increased exports. This model is interesting and positive, but it does not introduce economic policies, the effects of disarmament on regions, sectors and enterprises or the conversion problems. The model of Cappelen, Gleditsch and Bjerkholt ( 1 984) developed a theoretical model, consisting of three equations, which was tested empirically for seventeen OECD countries in the period 1 960-198 1 . This study suggests a negative relationship between economic growth and defense spending and does several simulations of the world model. Without transfers, the developed countries are the main beneficiaries of ongoing disarmament. With significant international aid the gap between rich and poor countries tends to narrow. Maneval, Rautsola, Wiegert ( 1 99 1 ) tested a slightly modified
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Economics of Disarmament
model with a different kind of estimation for the four main neutral European nations, which appeared to be rather homogenous in regard of this study (populations, standard of living, annual per capita incomes, politically stable). They used the OLS-estimation for structural equations (unmodified single equations and additionally the best-fitting lag-versions). If GDP is the growth rate of gross domestic product; MANU, the growth rate of manufacturing output; MIL%, defense spending relative to GDP; INV%, investments relative to GDP; u, the stochastic terms in the individual equations; X%, exports relative to GDP; and DGC%, defense spending relative to government consumption, then: GDP1 = ao + a1 MANU1 + a2INV%1 + a3MIL%1 + uu,
+ b3MIL%1 + u21,
INV%1 = co + CJ GDP1 + c2 DGC%1 + c3MIL %1 + u31•
MANU, = bo + b 1 INV%1 + b2X%1
The main finding was that defense spending had a positive effect on manufacturing output, but a negative effect on investment; also that the net effect on economic growth was, when significant, negative for the whole sample, but it varied from country to country. Disarmament cannot be confined to quantitative choices on the limitation of ME. It calls for a range of decisions on political priorities, the international economic order, the nature of development, the rate and direction of technological progress that could be developed in a less militarized society, the management of the natural environment, and the reallocation and redistribution of economic resources. Disarmament that failed to take into account the insecurity constituted by economic arms would not be very durable. Furthermore, foreign aid is often part of a package with military aid. Disarmament must take account of economic weapons.
The role of public policy
Conversion is defined broadly as a new allocation of resources from the military sector to civilian uses. It is the process of deploying the resources released by military activi ties in favor of civilian sectors, in a continuous macro-economic process depending on the proper functioning of labor and capital markets. Technological conversion could take place as an acceleration of the spin-off mechanisms, but a British report concluded that less than 20 percent of the UK military R&D had civil spin-offs [Hartley ( 1 993)]. Defense firms have difficulty in transition because their "core competencies" are derived from defense production and are unsuited to civilian activities [Cronberg and Hansen ( 1 992)]. The military-industrial complex requires a dichotomy between civil and military production (length of the product cycles, importance of weapons performance, radical innovations and planned obsolescence). The economic policy of the government needs to help the enterprises to solve these problems.
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Defense managers have a lack of skills in the civil sector (e.g. the importance of effective advertising campaigns, the public acceptance of the new product line and the prices for the penetration of a new market), because in the military market they have mainly to know the administrative rules, to develop good working relationships with key procurement government personnel, and to lobby politicians [Dumas ( 1 982)] . Military enterprises respond to disarmament in six main ways: (i) by developing weapons exports, (ii) by the restructuring of companies, implying a reduction in production volume by laying-off workers and selling or closing plants, (iii) by developing dual technologies, (iv) by specialization, narrowing the range of products manufactured and identifying niches with high profit potential, (v) by diversification, with the production of civil and military products, (vi) by complete conversion, based on a transfer of activity away from the military to the civilian sector. There are a variety of policy options, which are summarized in Table 4. Table 4 Policy options Type of policy
Manpower policy
Training Retraining of managers and workers Job information Labor mobility Early retirement Retooling old plants and equipments Investing in new plants and equipments Producing new consumer goods Use of scientists and engineers New civil research and development programmes, e.g. energy; environment; space exploration Location of industry policy Building airports, roads and expanding telecommunications
Capital policy
Science and technology policy
National regional policy Social infrastructure policy Industry policy
State conversion agency Aggregate demand policy International trade policy Income deficiency payments International action
Source: UNIDIR ( 1 993).
Subsidies to civil research and development Subsidies to labor and/or capital Government contracts for civil goods Aiming to assist the conversion of defense plants to civil markets Using government expenditure to avoid recessions Support for exports and import saving Aimed at compensating the losers from disarmament: e.g., unemployment pay and redundancy pay (social safety net) Role for international agencies in disseminating information and experience on adjustment
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There are some economic principles for disarmament which are important to follow [UNIDIR ( 1 993), Fontanel ( 1 993)). These principles are: (i) reductions of ME should be gradual and predictable, allowing for smooth economic and social adj ustments; (ii) a distinction must be made between stock conversion and expenditure flow diversion; (iii) public policies must assist change and resource allocation in order to minimize the costs of disarmament; (iv) joint conversion project should be an important aspect of international economic co-operation; the management of conversion is difficult and sometimes it is better simply to abandon specialist defense plants; (v) disarmament requires control of military technology, especially in military research and development, and control of arms transfers; (vi) industrialized countries might use some of the benefits of disarmament to assist developing countries.
7. Conclusion
The economics of disarmament is a new discipline. Much work, involving multi disciplinary analysis, is needed to explain the causes of war, the arms race and disarmament models (arms limitations, disarmament, conversion); the definition and the intertemporal and international comparisons of military expenditure; the analysis of the determinants of military expenditure; the economic effects of the arms trade and of international aid; the economical and political role of military alliances (international public goods); the micro-economics of demand and supply (defense markets, public procurement, defense industries and regions, research and development, military manpower, the employment in defense industries); and the cost of civil defense. Questions arise concerning the costs and policies of conversion, the dual use of military products, the substitutability of military and civilian research and development, the effects of disarmament on capital capacity, the systemic and military transitions for the former Soviet Union, the relevance of the various models for the economic analysis of disarmament, the costs of wars, the economic effects of arms exports on growth, employment or technology. This agenda is not exhaustive of the variety of research questions on the economic aspects of disarmament. However, economists have to remember that the main dividend of disarmament is peace itself and that disarmament without development is not synonymous to durable peace [Fontanel and Ward ( 1 993)].
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Abdallah, WK. 58 Aben, J. 578 Aben, J., see Schmidt, C. 83 ACOST 423 Adams, F.G. 255, 260 Adams, G. 568 Adams, G., see Gold, D. 576 Adamson, D., see Grissmer, D. 388 ADCC 497 Adedeji, A., see Quester, A. 364 Albrecht, M. 368, 3 7 1 Albrecht, U . 5 3 , 300 Alesina, A. 303 Alexander, A.J. 535, 536 Alexander, WR.J. 255, 260, 261 , 266, 571 Alexander, Y. 215 Alogoskoufis, G. 78 Altman, S. 373 Anderton, C.H. 73, 1 1 5, 548 Anderton, C.H., see Isard, W 1 1 5 Anderton, R., see Smaldone, J. 551 Andreoni, J. 94 Andrisani, P., see Gilroy, C. 392 Angrist, J. 392 Annez, P., see Faini, R. 27, 255, 284, 291 , 292 Anton, J.J. 334 Arora, V.B. 60, 63 Arrow, K.J. 466 Asch, B. 359, 382, 383, 385, 388 Aschauer, D. 577 Ash, C. 3, 355 Aten, B., see Heston, A. 55, 56 Atesoglu, H.S. 255, 575, 576 Atesoglu, H.S., see Mueller, M.J. 256 Atkinson, S.E. 234 Attali, J. 569 Augustine, N. 53 Aztec Training and Enterprise Council 497 Baack, B. 407 Bach, S., see Binkin, M . 386 Baik, K.H. 1 69 Bailey, M.J. 20, 38 Baily, M. 441 Bajusz, WD. 525, 534, 544, 545 Baldwin, D.A. 573 Baldwin, R., see Scribner, B. 370 Ball, D.N.F. 503 Ball, N. 49, 5 1 , 52, 56, 58, 60, 65, 280, 4 1 5
Banks, A . 552 Baran, P. 41 1 , 570 Barker, T. 579 Baron, D.P. 3 1 1 , 326, 3 3 1 , 333, 339 Barro, R. 294, 303, 304 Battistelli, F. 5 1 4 Baugh, W 534, 5 5 1 Baumol, W 407, 424 Bayoumi, T., see Arora, V.B. 60, 63 Beard, R. 465 Becker, A.S. 548 Becker, G.S. 1 82 Behrman, J.R., see Adams, F.G. 255, 260 Beland, R. 368, 370 Belsley, D.A. 270 Ben-Habib, J. 303 Benjamin, R.W, see Bobrow, D.B. 552 Benoit, E. 5, 9, 27, 253-255, 258, 266, 280 Berg, A. 301 Berg, E., see Berg, A. 301 Berger, M. 391 Bergstrom, T.C. 94, 97 Berner, K. 355, 358, 359 Berthelemy, J.-C. 295 Besanko, D.E. 3 1 1 Besanko, D.E., see Baron, D.P. 3 3 1 , 333, 339 Betzig, L. 1 84 Binkin, M. 386 Binmore, K. 233 Birkler, J., see Rich, M. 480 Bischak, G. 5 14, 566 Bishop, P. 5 1 5 Biswas, B . 9 , 255, 258-261 , 263, 266, 267, 292 Bitzinger, R.A., see Kosiak, S. 509 Bjerkholt, 0., see Cappelen, A. 5 8 1 , 582 Black, M. 362 Blackaby, F. 6 1 Blair, R., see Miller, R . 499 Blume, L., see Bergstrom, T.C. 94, 97 Bobrow, D.B. 552 Bohi, D.R. 424 Boldin, M., see Adams, F.G. 255, 260 Borjas, G. 393 Bougrov, E. 486 Boukharine, N. 570 Boulding, K.E. 1 9, 20, 24, 30, 37, 1 17, 1 7 1 Bouthoul, G. 569 Bower, A.G. 338
Author Index
Braddon, D. 496, 497 Brauer, 1. 422, 5 1 1 Brewer, G . 569 Brito, D.L. 5, 1 9, 20, 1
Chowdhury, A.R.
1 1 , 1 13-1 1 5 , 1 1 8, 1 2 1 , 1 22, 1 26, 1 27, 1 35, 147, 1 98, 568, 570, 573 Brito, D.L., see Intriligator, M.D. 32, 1 1 3, 1 15, 1 22, 125, 1 55 Brophy-Baermann, B. 240 Brown, C. 355 Browning, E. 375 Brunton, B.G. 4 1 1 Bryant, R. 392 Brzoska, M . 52, 57, 6 1 , 63, 64, 420, 422, 425, 426 Brzoska, M ., see Pearson, F.S. 554 Buck, D. 405, 423 Buck, D., see Hooper, N. 407 Buddin, R. 364, 366, 369, 387, 389 Buddin, R., see Grissmer, D. 389, 390 Bueno de Mesquita, B. 131, 151 Buoncristiani, A.M., see Brito, D.L. 1 35 Burnett, W.B. 3 1 3 Burton, R . 504 Butz, W.P., see Alexander, A.l 535, 536 Byers, J.D. 568 Caillaud, B. 3 1 1 Callaghan Jr, T.A. Campbell, Colin
462 342
Campbell, J.M., see Gregory, P.R. 262 Cappelen, A. 5 8 1 , 582 Carlton, D., see Alexander, Y. 2 1 5 Carmichael, 1 . 448 Cars, H.C. 55 Carus, W.S. 534 525, 53 1 , 558 Catrina, C.
Cauley, 1. Cauley, l, Cauley, l, Cauley,
Chakrabarti, A.K., see Baily, M. Chan, M.W.L. 80 Chan, S. 253, 281 Cheng, B.,
see Gregory,
Brophy-Baermann, B.
Cooper, J. Cooper, R. Coopey, R. Cooter, R.
364, 369 422, 5 1 0 35, 379 405 1 67 94, 95, 97 568
Comes, R. Correa, H. Cox, A., see Hartley, K. 423 Cox, J.C., see Warf, B. 5 14 Crantz, C., see Pearson, F.S. 554 Crenshaw, M . 2 1 5 Crocker, KJ. 3 1 5 Cronberg, T. 583 Crow, R.T. 504 115 Cruz, J., see Simaan, M. Cummins, J.M. 3 Cusack, T.R. 76 Cusack, T.R., see Nincic, M. 568 Cypher, J. 76, 406, 423
359, 364, 372 355, 358, 359 578
Davidson, R., see MacKinnon, J.G. Davis, D.R., see Ward, M.D. 257,
1 06 292, 293,
572, 574, 577 Davis, Z.S. 1 12 Daymont, T., see Gilroy, C. 392 Deardorff, A.V, see Grobar, L.M.
525, 544,
Center for Studies in Defense Resources Management 504 Chakrabarti, A.K. 423
Che, Y.-K.
26, 72, 98, 99, 1 06
Davidson, R.
see Enders, W. 234, 237-239 see Im, E.L 220 l, see Sandler, T. 1 8, 1 52, 2 1 5, 217,
463, 544, 545
5 1 0, 5 1 1 Conybeare, J.A.C. Conybeare, J.A.C.,
Dacy, D.C. 34 Dale, C . 355 Daly, M . 1 74 Daula, T. 355, 356, 358, Daula, T., see Berner, K. Daures, N., see Aben, J.
2 1 6, 237, 243
CBO ( US Congressional Budget Office)
80, 255, 263
Clark, R. 370 Cochran, M., see Ward, M.D. 257, 292, 293 Cohen, L. 448 Cole, S. 506 Commission of the European Communities
Cheshire, P.C . 5 1 5 Chesnais, F. 571 Chiang, A . C . 502 Childress, M., see Orvis, B. Chinworth, M. 479-481
Deaton, A. 73, 77 Defense Budget Project 5 1 6 Deger, S . 3 , 27, 84, 253, 255,
256, 262, 266, 268, 279-28 1 , 284, 289-292, 294, 298-300, 305, 5 1 2, 568, 571 , 580 Demilitarised 497 Demsetz, H. 466 Demski, J.S. 334 Denoon, D.B.H. 25, 27 Dertouzos, J. 354, 355 Dertouzos, 1., see Asch, B. 359 Dertouzos, l, see Polich, M. 355-359 Dessler, D. 547
Author Index DeTray, D. 391 Deutsch, K. W. 151 Devine, J., see Griffin, L.J. 7 5, 568 Diamond, J., see Heller, P.S. 299 Dickey, D. 220 Diehl, P.F., see Goertz, G. 47, 64 Dixit, A. 1 69, 176 DoD (US Department of Defense) 53, 442, 504 Dowdall, P., see Braddon, D. 496, 497 Draper, A. 473 Duchin, F., see Leontieff, W. 575, 5 8 1 Dudley, L. 2 5 , 34, 7 5 , 7 9 , 9 3 , 1 0 1 , 1 0 5 Dumas, L.J. 410, 4 8 5 , 584 Dunne, J.P. 73, 77, 80, 406, 4 1 1 , 421 , 422, 424-427, 504, 505, 576, 578 Dunne, J.P., see Barker, T. 579 Dunne, J.P., see Smith, R. 76, 4 1 1 Dyckman, J., see Burton, R . 504 Easterly, W. 304 EC 484 Edgerton, D. 412 Eisner, R. 570, 577 Elliott, M.V., see Flegg, A.T. 505 Ellsberg, D. 1 7 Elrod, M.A., see Oneal, J.R. 94, 97, 100, 1 02 Emmanuel, A. 569 Enders, W. 2 1 9, 220, 234, 235, 237-239, 242-245 Engelbrecht, H.C. 536 Engels, F. 570 Engineer, M., see Usher, D. 1 93 Enns, J. 360 Evron, Y. 148 Faini, R. 27, 255, 284, 29 1 , 292 Farrell, J.P., see Wolfson, M. 27, 573 Fechter, A., see Altman, S. 373 Feder, G. 9, 258-260 Fei, E.T. 60 Ferejohn, J. 525 Fernandez, J. 370 Fernandez, R. 357, 358 Ferrari, P.L. 527 Filip-Kohn, R. 504 Fine, B. 4 1 1 Fischer, H.E., see Leiss, A.C. 525 Fisher, A. 28, 373 Flegg, A.T. 505 Fleming, P., see Mickolus, E.F. 2 1 6 Fletcher, J . 387 Follrnann, D., see Kostiuk, P. 370, 389 Fontanel, J. 1 9, 35, 53, 55, 79, 565-569, 572, 573, 578, 580, 585 Fontanel, J., see Cars, H.C. 55 Fontanel, J., see Smith, R. 34, 78, 525, 571
593 Forbes, J.F., see Sandler, T. 100, 1 03, 1 04, 1 52 Fourier, C. 570 Fox, J.R. 340 Frank, G. 570 Frankel, B. 148 Frankel, B., see Davis, Z.S. 1 12 Frederiksen, P.C. 255, 267 Fredland, J. 391 Frey, B.S. 525 Freyssinet, J. 569 Friedland, C., see Stigler, G.J. 424 Friedman, D. 20, 30, 37 Friedman, J.W. 1 7 1 Friedman, M. 373 Fritz-AJ3mus, D. 84 Fudenberg, D. 1 32 Fuller, W., see Dickey, D. 220 Gahart, M., see Orvis, B. 354 Galbraith, J.K. 568, 569 Gallois, P. 1 5 1 Gansler, J.S. 341 , 342, 404, 408, 409, 412 Garfinkel, M. 3 8 Gelb, L. 555 Georgiou, G. 80 Gerner, D. 525, 526, 548 Giffen 570 Gilroy, C. 392 Gilroy, C., see Dale, C. 355 Gilroy, C., see Kearl, E. 358 Glass, W., see Thomas, R.W. 577 Gleditsch, N.P. 76, 1 1 1 Gleditsch, N.P., see Cappelen, A. 5 8 1 , 582 Glickman, N.J. 502, 505 Glickman, N.J., see Klein, L.R. 505 Glismann, H.M., see Chakrabarti, A.K. 423 Goertz, G. 47, 64 Gold, D. 576 Gold, D., see Adams, G. 568 Goldberg, L. 355, 358 Goldberg, M. 364, 366, 393 Goldberg, M., see Warner, J. 360, 36 1 , 364 Goldberg, V.P. 3 1 5 Golden, J., see Olvey, L.D. 28 Goldstein, J. 572 Gonchar, K. 57 Gooding, E., see Weiss, S. 497 Goodwin, C.D. 565 Gottman, J.M. 2 1 9 Gotz, G . 362-364, 366, 3 7 1 , 372 Graham, M., see Walker, W. 403 Granger, C.W.J. 80 Grawe, O.R. 493 Gray, C. 1 25 Greenwood, D. 80 Gregory, P.R. 262 Griffin, L.J. 75, 568
594 Griliches, Z. 446 Grimmett, R. 64 Grindle, M.S. 301, 568 Grissmer, D. 388-390 Grissmer, D., see Buddin, R. 389 Grissmer, D., see Kirby, S. 389 Grobar, L.M. 253, 290, 525, 544, 545 Groenwold, N. 506 Grogan, J., see Kostiuk, P. 388 Grossman, G.M. 410, 433, 453 Grossman, H.I. 33, 38, 179, 1 93-195, 200 Grossman, S.J. 322 Groth Jr, C.H., see McGuire, M.C. 25, 99, 1 06 Guesnerie, R. 326 Guesnerie, R., see Caillaud, B. 3 1 1 Gupta, D., see Venieris, Y. 303 Gyimah-Brempong, K. 568, 580 Haavelmo, T. 1 93 Hagger, A.J., see Groenwold, N. 506 Hall, G.R. 480 Hall, P. 4 8 1 , 482 Hamilton, W.D. 174 Hammond, C. 369 Hanighen, F.C., see Engelbrecht, H.C. 536 Hanley, J., see Buddin, R. 364, 366, 369 Hansen, K.H., see Cronberg, T. 583 Hansen, L. 1 04, 373 Hansen, L., see Murdoch, J.C. 25, 75, 93, 105 Happe, N. 61-63 Harbor, B., see Walker, W. 403 Harkavy, R.E. 525, 554, 558 Harkavy, R.E., see Neuman, S.G. 535 Hart, O.D., see Grossman, S.J. 322 Hartley, K. 3, 83, 404, 420, 423, 424, 427, 453, 473, 474, 477-479, 498, 5 1 6, 540, 572, 579, 583 Hartley, K., see Buck, D. 405, 423 Hartley, K., see Hooper, N. 486 Hartley, K., see Lynk, E. 424 Hartley, K., see Martin, S. 48 1 , 482 Hartley, K., see Ott, A. 485 Hartley, K., see Sandler, T. 75, 98, 1 1 1 , 25 1 , 253, 257, 261, 264, 265, 292, 3 1 1 , 3 12, 409, 468, 472, 483, 485, 525, 565 Hausman, J.A. 262, 263, 269, 305 HCP 247 474, 477 HCP 265 477 HCP 286 482 Hebert, J.P. 576 Heckman, J. 392 Heller, P.S. 299 Heller, P.S., see Tait, A.A. 79, 299 Helpman, E., see Grossman, G.M. 4 1 0 Hendry, J.B. 34 Herrera, R. 49, 52, 61 Herrera, R., see Berthelemy, J.-C. 295
Author Index Hersh, S.M. 149 Hesse, M.I., see Rich, M. 480 Heston, A. 55, 56 Heston, A., see Summers, R. 55 Hewings, G.J.D., see Jensen, R.C. 506 Hewitt, D.P. 61, 63, 568 Hibbs, D. 303 Higgs, R., see Trevino, R. 424 Hildebrandt, G.F. 47 Hilferding, R. 570 Hilton, B. 83 Hirsch, B., see Berger, M. 3 9 1 Hirschman, A.O. 2 3 , 499 Hirshleifer, J. 20, 30, 98, 1 72, 174-176, 1 79, 1 88, 1 93 Hitch, C.J. 4, 1 5 , 17 Hitiris, T. 516 Hoagland, J.H., see Leiss, A.C. 525 Hoffenberg, M., see Leontieff, W. 24 Hogan, P. 366 Hogan, P., see Mackin, P. 365, 366 Holland, D., see Hughes, D. 5 1 4 Holmstrom, B . 322 Holzman, F.D. 56 Hooper, N. 407, 486 Hooper, N., see Buck, D. 405, 423 Hooper, N., see Hartley, K. 420, 498, 5 1 6 Hooper, N., see Kirby, S. 576 Hopmann, P.T., see Bobrow, D.B. 552 Hormats, R.D. 577 Hom, E.-J., see Chakrabarti, A.K. 423 Home, D., see Kearl, E. 358 Horowitz, S. 368, 370 Horowitz, S., see Hanunond, C. 369 Hosek, J. 364, 386 Hosek, J., see Asch, B. 359 Howard, M.C. 4 1 1 Hsiao, C . 506 Hsiao, C., see Chan, M.W.L. 80 Huang, C. 255, 576 Huang, C., see Mintz, A. 256 Huck, B.J. 5 1 4 Hufbauer, G . 28 Hughes, D. 5 1 4 Huisken, R . 6 1 Humm, A . , see Smith, R. 34, 78, 525, 571 Huntington, S. 1 25 Hussain, F., see Hartley, K. 404 IFO 497 Ihori, T. 19, 36 !ISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies) 62 Im, E.I. 220 Im, E.I., see Cauley, J. 2 16, 237, 243 IMF (International Monetary Fund) 58, 582 IMF (International Monetary Fund) GFSY 62
Author Index Intriligator, M.D. 5, 1 6, 1 9, 32, 33, 1 1 1-1 1 3 , 1 1 5, 1 1 7, 1 20-1 23, 125, 1 55, 1 7 1 , 1 86, 571 Intri1igator, M.D., see Brito, D.L. 20, 1 1 3, 1 14, 1 22, 1 26, 135, 147, 1 98, 568, 570, 573 Isard, W. 1 1 5, 499 Ishaq, A., see Lebovic, 1H. 256 Islam, M.Q. 224 Islam, M.Q., see Shahin, W.N. 2 1 6, 224 Iyigun, M., see Grossman, H.L 1 93 Jack, B. 26 Jacobs, R.L. 263 Jacobsen, C.G. 57 Jane's 464 Jensen, R.C. 506 Joerding, W. 255, 262, 263 Johnson, J. 533 Johnson, R.E., see Hall, G.R. 480 Jones, D., see Majeski, S. 5 5 1 Jones, E.L. 204 Jones, P.R. 537, 538 Kahn, H. 1 5 1 , 1 52, 1 70 Kalai, E. 1 27, 135 Kaldor, M. 407 Kamlet, M.S. 76 Kan, S. 65 Kaplan, M.A. 1 5 1 Karoly, L., see Asch, B . 359 Katz, 1E. 422 Kaun, D.E. 424 Kawata, J., see Grissmer, D. 389, 390 Kay, N. 448 Kaysen, C. 35 Kearl, E. 358 Kelly, R., see Olvey, L.D. 28 Kelman, S. 3 1 7, 342 Kemp, G. 553 Kemp, G., see Leiss, A.C. 525 Kende, L 568 Kendry, A., see Braddon, D. 496, 497 Keng, C.WK., see Chan, M.W.L. 80 Kenned� P 422, 57 1 , 572, 574, 576 Kent, G.A. 1 8, 20, 24, 33 Kester, 1 379 Keynes, 1M. 570 Kidron, M. 4 1 1 , 570 Kiefer, D. 551 Kim, Ji-Won, see Correa, H. 568 Kim, M., see Grossman, H.L 1 79, 1 93, 200 King, 1, see Howard, M.C. 41 1 Kinsella, D. 547, 5 5 1 , 576 Kirby, S. 389, 576 Kirby, S., see Grissmer, D. 388-390 Kirby, S., see Marquis, S. 388, 389 Kirkpatrick, D.LL 463
Klein, L.R. 24, 505, 570, 577, 582 Kleinman, S. 364 Knopf, 1W, see Ferrari, P.L. 527 Knorr, K. 23, 95 Kolodziej , E.A. 540 Kosiak, S. 509 Kostiuk, P. 370, 388, 389 Kovacic, WE. 314 Krause, K. 422, 425 Kravis, LB. 54, 55 Kreps, D.M. 1 7 1 Krueger, A., see Angrist, 1 392 Krugman, P. 535, 540-542 Kuh, E., see Belsley, D.A. 270 Kupperman, R. 1 22 Kuran, T. 1 98 Laffont, 1-1 3, 3 1 1 , 326-328, 33 1 , 334, 337-339, 342, 408, 424 Laffont, 1-1, see Guesnerie, R. 326 Lambelet, 1C. 1 25 Lanchester, F.W. 30 Landau, D. 255-258, 263, 264, 266, 268, 269, 294 Landes, WM. 2 1 5, 235, 236, 243 Langford, T.W., see Isard, W. 499 Lapan, H.E. 224, 227, 228, 233, 234 Lapan, H.E., see Sandler, T. 228, 232 Laurance, EJ. 64, 525, 558 Leamer, E.E., see Jacobs, R.L. 263 Lebovic, 1H. 256, 5 8 1 Lee, D.R. 223, 373 Lehrer, E., see Kalai, E. 1 27 Leiss, A.C. 525 Leitenberg, M., see Ball, N. 4 1 5 Leitzel, 1 339 Lenin 570 Leontieff, W 24, 499, 575, 581 Lerner, 1 423 Levin, R. 449 Levine, P. 34, 78, 525, 546, 559 Levine, R. 270 Levy, D. 449 Levy, D., see Buddin, R. 364, 366, 369 Lichbach, M.L 2 1 7 Lichtenberg, F.R. 3 1 8, 436, 439, 440, 442-444, 447, 449, 45 1 , 455 Lichtenberg, F.R., see Griliches, Z. 446 Lim, D. 256 Lincoln, G.A. 1 8, 21 Linden, M. 4, 579 List, F. 569 Little, R., see Fredland, 1 391 Little, R., see Payne, D. 366 Lock, P. 57, 494 Lock, P., see Brzoska, M. 420, 422, 425, 426 Lofdahl, C.L, see Ward, M.D. 574
596 Looney, R.E. 83, 3 0 1 , 568 Looney, R.E., see Frederiksen, P.C. 255, 267 Lotz, J.R. 298, 299, 568 Louscher, DJ., see Bajusz, W.O. 525, 534, 544, 545 Lovering, J. 412, 425, 506 Lutkepohl, H. 263 Luxemburg, R. 570 Lynk, E. 424 Lynk, E., see Hartley, K. 424 Mackin, P. 365, 366 MacKinnon, J.G. 1 06 MacKinnon, J.G., see Davidson, R. 270 Macnair, E.S. 6, 2 5 1 , 256, 260, 261 , 264�266, 269, 293 Maddala, G.S. 264, 270 Madden, J.R., see Groenwo1d, N. 506 Maddock, L 407, 579 Madrid, R.L., see Ferrari, P.L. 527 Mairs, L., see Mackin, P. 365, 366 Maizels, A. 79, 298, 299, 568 Majeski, S. 5 5 1 Malthus, R . 569 Mandel, E. 569 Maneval, H. 493, 582 Maniruzzaman, T. 5 5 1 Mankiw, N.G. 446 Mansfield, E. 434, 448 Marcus, A. 369 Marcus, A., see Cooke, T. 364 Marin, D. 48 1 Markowski, S., see Hall, P. 4 8 1 , 482 Marks, S., see Cooter, R. 1 67 Markusen, A. 424, 506 Marquis, S. 388, 389 Marra, R.E, see Ostrom Jr, C.W. 79 Marshall, R.C. 342 Martin, S. 48 1 , 482 Martin, S., see Hartley, K. 474, 477, 478 Martin, T. 387 Marx, K. 570 Maskus, K.E., see Udis, B. 48 1 Matthews, R. 473 Mayer, K.R. 339 Mayer, T. 1 25 Mayer, W. 1 9 McAfee, R.P. 3 , 326, 3 3 1 , 333, 334 McCall, J., see Gotz, G. 362�364, 366 McGinnis, M.D., see Williams, J.T. 76, 80 McGregor, P.G. 505 McGuire, M.C. 4, 1 9, 20, 24, 25, 33, 34, 36, 77, 98, 99, 106, 1 1 1 , 1 17, 525 McGuire, M.C., see Andreoni, J. 94 McKean, R.N., see Hitch, CJ. 4, 1 5, 1 7 McKenzie, R., see Lee, D.R. 373
Author Index McMahon, J., see Fletcher, 1. 387 McMahon, J., see Shiells, M. 387 McMillan, J., see McAfee, R.P. 3 , 326, 33 1 , 333, 334 McNaugher, T.L. 340 McNicoll, L H., see McGregor, P.G. 505 McNown, R.E, see Ash, C. 3, 355 Mehay, S.L. 388 Mehay, S.L., see Looney, R.E. 83 Melman, S. 4 1 0, 423, 485, 568, 569, 5 7 1 , 576 Meurer, MJ., see Marshall, R.C. 342 Mickolus, E.E 2 1 6, 2 1 7 Mihalka, M . , see Alexander, AJ. 535, 536 Milgram, P., see Kreps, D.M. 1 7 1 Mill, J.S. 569 Miller, J. 373 Miller, R. 499 Mills, CW 4 1 0 Milstein, J.S. 525, 552 Ministere de Ia Defense 504 Mintz, A. 75, 256 Mintz, A., see Chan, S. 281 Mintz, A., see Huang, C. 255, 576 Mirrlees, 1. 326 Mnookin, R., see Cooter, R. 1 67 Moffitt, R., see Black, M. 362 Moffitt, R., see Daula, T. 364 Monteverde, K. 3 1 8 Montmarquette, C., see Dudley, L . 75, 79, 93, 1 0 1 , 1 05 Moodie, M. 534 Moravcsik, A. 468 Morgenstern, 0. 1 1 1 Morgenthau, H.J. 1 5 1 Mori, K., see Klein, L.R. 24 Moskos Jr, C.C. 4 1 1 Most, B.A., see Starr, H . 5 5 1 Mountain, D.C., see Hsiao, C . 506 Mowery, D.C., see Kamlet, M.S. 76 Muellbauer, J., see Deaton, A. 73, 77 Mueller, D.C. 467 Mueller, M.J. 256 Mueller, MJ., see Atesoglu, H.S. 255, 575, 576 Muller, 1. 552 Murdoch, J.C. 1 9, 25, 75, 77, 82, 84, 93, 95�97, 1 02�1 05 Murdoch, J.C., see Conybeare, J.A.C. 26, 72, 98, 99, 1 06 Murdoch, J.C., see Hansen, L. 1 04 Murdoch, J.C., see Macnair, E.S. 6, 25 1 , 256, 260, 261, 264�266, 269, 293 Murdoch, J.C., see Sandler, T. 25, 77, 97, 99, 1 04, 1 05 Murdock, J.M., see Mickolus, E.F. 2 1 6, 2 1 7 Musa, M. 326 Myerson, R.B., see Baron, D.P. 326
Author Index Nachmias, N. 554 Nadal, A.E. 485 Nakada, M., see Quester, A. 380 Nalebuff, B.J. 135, 435 Nardin, T., see Slater, J. 4 1 1 Nash, J.F. 135, 1 38 National Defense Research Institute 390 National Science Board 433 Nef, U. 569 Nelson, G. 355 Nelson, G., see Enns, J. 360 Nelson, P.S. 243 Neuman, S.G. 535, 553 Nickell, S. 78 Nincic, M. 568 Niskanen, W.A. 340 Nissanke, M.K., see Maizels, A. 79, 298, 299, 568 Njolstad, 0., see Gleditsch, N.P. 76, I l l Noh, S.J., see Grossman, H.I. 1 94, 1 95 Noll, R., see Cohen, L. 448 Nykvist, K. 558 Obstfeld, M., see Krugman, P. 540-542 Oden, M., see Bischak, G. 5 1 4, 566 OECD 486 Office of Economic Adjustment 5 1 5 Ohlson, T., see Blackaby, F. 6 1 Oi, W. 2 8 , 373 Okamura, M. 1 9, 77, 1 02 Olson, M. 4, 18, 25, 27, 9 1 , 94, 95, 1 00 Olszewski, E.A. 577 Olvey, L.D. 28 OMB (US Office of Management and Budget) 482 Oneal, J.R. 94, 97, 1 00, 1 02, 1 03 Orvis, B. 354, 370 Osband, K., see Bower, A.G. 338 Ostrom Jr, C.W. 76, 79 Ott, A. 485 Overgaard, P.B. 234 Ozier, S., see Alesina, A. 303 Palda, F. 33 Palmer, G. 91 Panzar, J., see Baumol, W. 407, 424 Parise, G.F., see Enders, W. 2 1 9, 220, 235 Pashardes, P., see Dunne, J.P. 73, 77 Paukert, L. 406, 508 Payne, D. 366 Payne, J.E. 80 Payne, J.E., see Olszewski, E.A. 577 Peacock, A.T. 475 Pearson, F.S. 554 Pearton, M., see Stanley, J. 525, 527 Peck, M.J. 4, 28, 3 1 2, 341, 407, 424, 450 Peel, D.A., see Byers, J.D. 568
597 Penubarti, M., see Ward, M.D. 257, 292, 293 Perotti, R., see Alesina, A. 303 Perron, P. 245 Peterson, C., see Hosek, J. 364, 386 Phillips, R., see Gilroy, C. 392 Phillips, R., see Scribner, B. 370 Pi, C.-R., see Macnair, E.S. 6, 25 1 , 256, 260, 261 , 264-266, 269, 293 Piccione, M. 337 Pierre, A.J. 525, 527 Pigou, A.C. 570 Pilandon, L., see Schmidt, C. 83 Pivetti, M. 76, 4 1 1 Plosser, C.!. 263, 269 Polachek, S.W. 1 9, 38 Polich, M. 355-359 Polich, M., see Orvis, B. 370 Pollock, D. 554 Pomfret, R. 466 Popkin, S.L. 1 9 5 Porter, R.C., see Grobar, L . M . 253, 290 Powell, R. 1 79, 209 Press, J., see Polich, M. 355-359 PRODEM 4 1 5 Proudhon, J.J. 570 Pugh, P. 463, 474 Pugh, P., see Kirkpatrick, D.L.l. 463 Quester, Quester, Quester, Quester,
A. 364, 380, 387 A., see Beland, R. 368, 370 A., see Cooke, T. 364, 369 A., see Fletcher, J. 387
Rae, J. 569 Rajmaira, S. 568 Rajmaira, S., see Ward, M.D. 257, 292, 293 Ram, R. 9, 256, 260, 266-268 Ram, R., see Biswas, B. 9, 255, 258-261 , 263, 267, 292 Ramsey, J.B. 263, 264 Rapoport, A. 1 1 5 Rasler, K. 256 Ratner, J. 405 Rattinger, H. 76 Rautsola, P., see Maneval, H . 582 Ravenhill, J. 3 0 1 Ray, E., see Baack, B. 407 Reay, S., see Braddon, D. 497 Rebelo, S., see Easterly, W. 304 Reed, L.W., see Kaysen, C. 35 Refson, J.S., see Leiss, A.C. 525 Reichelstein, S. 333 Renelt, D., see Levine, R. 270 Renner, M. 426, 566 Report of the President's Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force 373 Reppy, J. 32, 4 1 2
598 Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics 504 Rey, P., see Caillaud, B. 3 1 1 Reynolds, K.J., see Crocker, K.J. 3 1 5 Ricardo, D . 569 Rich, M. 480 Richard, J.-F., see Marshall, R.C. 342 Richards, P.J. 571 Richards, P.J., see Paukert, L. 406, 508 Richardson, H.W. 499 Richardson, L.F. 4, 8, 19, 30, 1 1 1 , 1 1 5, 1 1 8, 570 Ridge, M. 370 Riker, W., see Bueno de Mesquita, B. 1 5 1 Riordan, M.H. 334, 337, 338 Roberts, J., see Kreps, D.M. 171 Roeder, P. 554 Roemer, J.E. 193, 1 95 Rogerson, W.P. 3 1 1 , 3 1 2, 3 14, 3 15, 3 1 8, 3 1 9, 322, 3 3 1 , 336, 338, 339, 341, 342, 409, 442 Roll, R., see Gotz, G. 371 , 372 Romer, D., see Mankiw, N.G. 446 Romer, P.M. 304, 446 Rosecrance, R.N. 1 5 1 Rosen, S. 349, 352, 3 8 1 , 384, 391 Rosen, S., see Musa, M. 326 Ross, D., see Scherer, F.M. 540 Ross, K.L., see Olszewski, E.A. 577 Ross, K.L., see Payne, J.E. 80 Rostker, B., see Asch, B. 359 Rothfels, H. 178 Rothstein, R.L. 297, 302 Roubini, N., see Alesina, A. 303 Rowen, H. 27 Russett, B.M. 95, 96, 100, 153, 572 Saaty, T. 1 1 8, 122 Saint-Simon 570 Sarnaranayake, V., see Bryant, R. 392 Samuelson, P. 570 Sandler, T. 5, 1 8, 25, 3 1 , 75, 77, 92, 94, 95, 97-1 00, 1 03-105, 1 1 1 , 1 52, 170, 2 1 5 , 217, 223, 228, 232, 235, 251, 253, 257, 26 1 , 264, 265, 292, 3 1 1 , 3 1 2, 409, 468, 472, 483, 485, 525, 565 Sandler, T., see Atkinson, S.E. 234 Sandler, T., see Conybeare, J.A.C. 26, 72, 98, 99, 106 Sandler, T., see Comes, R. 94, 95, 97 Sandler, T., see Enders, W. 2 1 9, 220, 234, 235, 237-239, 242-245 Sandler, T., see Hansen, L. 1 04 Sandler, T., see Hartley, K. 83 Sandler, T., see lm, E.I. 220 Sandler, T., see Lapan, H.E. 224, 227, 228, 233, 234
Author Index Sandler, T., see Lee, D.R. 223 Sandler, T., see Macnair, E.S. 6, 25 1 , 256, 260, 261 , 264-266, 269, 293 Sandler, T., see Mickolus, E.F. 2 1 6, 2 1 7 Sandler, T., see Murdoch, J.C. 1 9, 25, 75, 77, 82, 84, 93, 95-97, 1 02-1 05 Sappington, D.E.M. 3 1 1 , 326, 337 Sappington, D.E.M., see Besanko, D.E. 3 1 1 Sappington, D.E.M., see Demski, J.S. 334 Sappington, D.E.M., see Riordan, M.H. 334, 337 Say, J.B. 569 Scheetz, T. 256, 292, 300, 301 Schelling, T.C. 3, 4, 1 7, 20, 24, 27, 32, 1 1 1 , 1 53, 566 Scherer, F.M. 4, 3 1 1 , 3 12, 325, 436, 45 1 , 540 Scherer, F.M., see Burnett, W.B. 3 1 3 Scherer, F.M., see Peck, M.J. 4 , 28, 3 1 2, 341 , 407, 424, 450 Schmidt, C. 83 Schmidt, P., see Ramsey, J.B. 264 Schnitzer, M., see Marin, D. 48 1 Schofield, S. 403 Schott, J., see Hufbauer, G. 28 Schrodt, P. 5 5 1 Schwarz, J.A. 410, 4 1 2 Schwert, G.W., see Plosser, C.I. 263, 269 Scott, J. 449 Scott, J.L. 233 Scott, J.L., see Nelson, P.S. 243 Scribner, B. 370 Seiglie, C. 35 Seligman, E.R. 569 Selten, R. 2 1 6, 228 Sen, A. 281 Sen, S. 52, 55, 61 Sen, S., see Berthelemy, J.-C. 295 Sen, S., see Deger, S. 84, 2 8 1 , 284, 290-292, 300, 305, 5 1 2 Sen, S., see Levine, P. 34, 525, 546, 559 Shahin, W.N. 2 1 6, 224 Shahin, W.N., see Islam, M.Q. 224 Shambaugh, D. 52 Shapiro, C., see Grossman, G.M. 433, 453 Sharp, J. 493 Shaven, s. 322 Shell, K. 286 Sherman, A., see Horowitz, S. 368, 370 Sherwin, R. 552 Shibata, H., see McGuire, M.C. 1 9, 36 Shiells, M. 387 Shogren, J.F., see Baik, K.H. 1 69 Shubik, M. 1 9 Shubik, M., see Brewer, G . 569 Shughart, W., see Kleinman, S. 364 Siegel, D., see Lichtenberg, F.R. 447 Simaan, M. 1 15
Author Index Singer, J.D., see Deutsch, K.W. 1 5 1 Singer, J.D., see Small, M. 5 5 1 Singh, B. 5 1 1 SIPRI (Stockhohn International Peace Research Institute) 56, 62, 525, 547 SIPRI Yearbook 4 1 9, 420, 5 3 1 -533, 551 Sislin, J. 555-558 Sivard, R.L. 62, 253, 5 5 1 Siverson, R . 1 3 1 Skaperdas, S. 38, 176, 193 Skogh, G. 1 79 Skons, E. 52, 53, 425, 533 Slater, J. 41 1 Smaldone, J. 551 Small, M. 551 Smith, A. 569 Smith, D. 364, 366, 369, 4 1 1 , 568, 578 Smith, D., see Daula, T. 355, 356, 358, 359, 372 Smith, D., see Hogan, P. 366 Smith, D., see Scribner, B. 370 Smith, H., see Kupperrnan, R. 1 22 Smith, R. 27, 34, 53, 75-78, 80, 8 1 , 83, 256, 406, 4 1 0, 4 1 1 , 498, 525, 57 1 , 579 Smith, R., see Alogoskoufis, G. 78 Smith, R., see Barker, T. 579 Smith, R., see Deger, S. 27, 255, 256, 262, 266, 290, 568, 580 Smith, R., see Dunne, J.P. 73, 77, 80, 406, 421 , 426, 504, 576, 578 Smith, R., see Fontanel, J. 79, 567, 568 Smith, R., see Georgiou, G. 80 Smith, R., see Hartley, K. 404 Smith, R., see Levine, P. 34, 78, 525, 546, 559 Smith, R., see Ridge, M. 370 Smith, R., see Smith, D. 4 1 1 , 568, 578 Smith, T.C. 125, 1 3 1 Smoker, P. 1 1 8 Smorodinsky, M., see Kalai, E. 135 Snider, L. 540, 554, 555 Sollinger, J., see Grissmer, D. 389, 390 Solon, G., see Warner, J. 366, 369 Southwood, P. 407 Spiegel, M., see Ben-Habib, J. 303 Spiller, P.T., see Demski, J.S. 334 Spinardi, G., see Coopey, R. 405 Squires, M., see Baugh, W. 534, 551 Srinivasan, T.N. 1 9 Stanley, J . 525, 527 Stanley, W., see Rich, M. 480 Stanton, R., see Gotz, G. 372 Starr, H. 5 5 1 Stekler, H.O., see Thomas, R.W. 577 Stem, E.M., see Grobar, L.M. 525, 544, 545 Stevenson, R.T., see Mintz, A. 256 Stewart, A.M., see Wilkinson, P. 2 1 5 Stewart, D.B. 257, 291
599 Stigler, G .J. 424 Stiglitz, J. 443 Stiglitz, J., see Nalebuff, B.J. 435 Stole, L. 334 Stoll, R.J. 76 Strange, S. 574 Stuart, C., see Skogh, G. 1 79 Stubbing, R.A. 340, 341 Summers, R. 55 Swage!, P., see Alesina, A. 303 Sweezy, P.M., see Baran, P. 4 1 1 , 570 Switzer, L., see Mansfield, E. 448 Sylvan, D.A., see Bobrow, D.B. 552 Sylwester, S., see Hogan, P. 366 Sylwester, S., see Smith, D. 364, 366, 369 Syropoulos, C., see Skaperdas, S. 38 Sze, M., see Grissmer, D. 388 Tait, A.A. 79, 299 Tan, G. 337 Tan, G., see Piccione, M. 337 Tan, H. 388 Taubman, P., see Rosen, S. 391 Taylor, C.R. 337 Taylor, L., see Faini, R. 27, 255, 284, 291, 292 Teece, D.J., see Monteverde, K. 3 1 8 Telser, L.G. 1 69 Tennefoss, M., see Siverson, R. 1 3 1 Terleckyj, N., see Levy, D. 449 Thaler, D.E., see Kent, G.A. 1 8, 33 Thee, M. 568 Thomas, C., see Ratner, J. 405 Thomas, J. 442, 443 Thomas, R.G. 298 Thomas, R.W. 577 Thompson, E.A. 20, 30, 39 Thompson, W.R., see Rasler, K. 256 Thompson, W.R., see Zuk, G. 301 Thorsson, I. 404 Tinbergen, J. 574 Tirole, J. 3, 337, 342 Tirole, J., see Caillaud, B. 3 1 1 Tirole, J., see Fudenberg, D. 132 Tirole, J., see Laffont, J.-J. 3, 3 1 1 , 326-328, 3 3 1 , 334, 337-339, 342, 408, 424 Tisdell, C., see Hartley, K. 453 Todaro, M. 443 Tolley, G. 1 9 Tollison, R . 380 Trevino, R. 424 Tschirhart, J.T., see Atkinson, S.E. 234 Tschirhart, J.T., see Sandler, T. 2 1 5, 2 1 7, 235 Tsipis, K. 144 Tullock, G. 30, 1 5 1 , 195 Tung, S., see Thomas, J. 442, 443 Tyson, L. 466
Author Index
600 Udis, B. 481 Udis, B., see Ash, C. 3, 355 UN (United Nations) 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 485, 486, 570, 571 UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) 59, 253 UNIDIR (UN Institute for Disarmament Research) 567, 570, 572, 580, 584, 585 US ACDA (US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency) 52, 59, 62, 253, 278, 527-532, 538, 539 US Congress 435 US Department of Commerce 53 US Department of State 2 1 6 US General Accounting Office (GAO) 5 3 , 493 US Strategic Bombing Survey 1 7, 2 1 Usher, D . 1 93 Uttley, M., see Coopey, R. 405 van Ypersele de Strihou, 1. 95 Varian, H., see Bergstrom, T.C. 94, 97 Veblen, T. 569 Vehrencamp, S.L. 1 84 Venieris, Y. 303 Villa, C., see Smith, D. 364, 366, 369 Vob, W., see Lock, P. 494 Vu, A., see Hilton, B. 83 Wakeman-Linn, J., see Happe, N. 6 1 -63 Waldman, D., see Buddin, R. 364, 366, 369 Walker, W. 403, 404, 425, 426 Wallace, M., see Griffin, L.J. 75, 568 Wallace, M.D. 1 3 1 Waltz, K.N. 1 13, 1 5 1 Wan, H.Y. 23, 28 Wandschneider, P., see Hughes, D. 5 1 4 Ward, M.D. 257, 292, 293, 572, 574, 577, 580 Ward, M.D., see Cusack, T.R. 76 Ward, M.D., see Fontanel, 1. 566, 585 Ward, M.D., see Rajmaira, S. 568 Ward, M.P., see Jacobs, R.L. 263 Warf, B. 5 1 4 Warner, 1. 357, 360, 3 6 1 , 364, 366, 369 Warner, J., see Asch, B. 382, 383, 385 Warner, J., see Black, M. 362 Warner, 1., see Enns, 1. 360 Warner, J., see Goldberg, M. 364, 366, 393 Warner, 1., see Payne, D. 366 Warr, P.G. 9 1 , 94 Watt, P., see Hartley, K. 424 Webber, C.D., see Flegg, A.T. 505 Weidenbaum, M. 24, 27
Wei!, D., see Maukiw, N.G. 446 Weisbrod, B., see Hansen, L. 373 Weiss, A., see Stiglitz, 1. 443 Weiss, S. 497 Welch, F., see Borjas, G. 393 Welsch, R.E., see Belsley, D.A. 270 Wentz, WB. 1 5 1 West, G.R., see Jensen, R.C. 506 West, R. 55 Wezeman, S., see Laurance, E.J. 64 Wheelock, T. 554 White, H. 270 White, H., see MacKinnon, J.G. 106 White, H., see Plosser, C.!. 263, 269 Whynes, D.K. 568 Wiberg, H. 47 Wiegert, R., see Maneval, H. 582 Wilhite, A., see Bryant, R. 392 Wilkinson, P. 2 1 5 Wilkinson, P., see Alexander, Y. 2 1 5 Willett, S . , see Dunne, J.P. 427 Willett, S., see Walker, W. 425, 426 Williams, J.T. 7 6, 80 Williamson, O.E. 28, 3 14 Williamson, S., see Grissmer, D. 389, 390 Willig, R., see Baumol, W. 407, 424 Wilman, J., see Tolley, G. 1 9 Wilson, E.O. 1 74 Wilson, M., see Daly, M. 1 74 Wilson, R., see Kreps, D.M. 1 7 1 Winston, J . 439 Winter Jr, S. 18, 24 Wiseman, J. 486 Withers, G. 360 Wittman, D. 20, 30, 1 75, 549 Wolf Jr, C., see Rowen, H. 27 Wolfson, M. 27, 33, 1 7 1 , 573 Wong, K. 25, 36 World Bauk 5 1 , 270, 509 Wulf, H. 4 1 2, 420-422, 426, 5 1 1 Wulf, H., see Laurance, E.J. 64 Wulf, H., see Ski:ins, E. 533 Xie, Y.
Yao, D.A., see Anton, J.J. 334 Yudken, J., see Markusen, A. 424, 506 Zeckhauser, R., see Olson, M. 4, 1 8, 25, 9 1 , 95, 1 00 Zimmermann, K., see Fritz-AJ3mus, D. 84 Zou, H.F. 305 Zuk, G. 301
accidental nuclear war 1 13, 1 54, 1 55, 1 59 active forces 350, 351 adaptive capacity 5 1 5, 5 1 7, 5 1 8 adjustment costs 486, 571 aerospace 481 Africa 582 agency problem 341 aircraft industry 412 all-volunteer force, see AVF alliances 1 8, 22, 25, 26, 36, 89-106, 461 , 462, 466-472, 474, 533, 538 burden sharing 3, 5, 1 0, 26, 9 1 , 94-100, 1 06 empirical studies 1 00 oligarchy model of 1 05 technology of supply 98, 1 06 American procurement system 3 1 1 antiterrorism policies 234, 247 embassy security 236, 239 Libyan retaliatory raid of 1 986 239, 244, 246 metal detectors 2 1 6, 217, 236-239, 243, 244, 246 appropriative activities 1 93-1 9 5 arms control 566 treaties 1 56 arms exports 529-5 3 1 restraints 534, 544-548 arms imports 527-529 arms industry 571, 579 arms races 3-5, 8, 1 5, 19, 22, 25, 109-159, 292 alliance models of 93 and bankruptcy 1 1 8 and bargaining I l l , 1 14, 1 30, 1 34, 135, 1 37, 143, 146, 147, 149 and equilibrium 1 1 2-1 14, 1 1 6-1 1 9, 1 2 1 , 1 23, 1 26, 128, 1 30, 1 37, 1 38, 1 4 1 , 143 and optimal paths 120 and rational learning in games 1 27 and stability 1 12, 1 1 3, 1 1 5, 1 1 6, 1 1 8, 1 23, 1 26-128, 130, 1 3 1 , 1 45, 1 50-1 52, 1 55, 1 57, 1 59 and war 1 1 8 general model of 1 28-1 30 rational choice models I l l , 1 1 8, 142, 143 reaction curves 1 20, 123 arms trade 3, 5, 8, 1 0, 22, 34, 523-559 and conflict, empirical studies of 5 5 1 , 552
and foreign policy 554-558 and imperfect competition 535 causes of 534-547 economic causes 535 data on 63, 64 empirical studies of 545 historical attributes of 526 neoclassical trade model of 536, 537 typology of 543 arms transfers 525, 527, 5 3 1 , 532, 534, 535, 546-551, 553, 554, 558 economic causes of 527, 535 asymmetric information 1 1 1 , 1 14, 1 38, 143, 337 auctions 333-335 AVF (all-volunteer force) 354, 355, 363, 367, 3 7 1 , 373, 379, 380, 392 bargaining, see under arms races best shot 98, 1 06 Bosnia 548 budget-maximizing behavior 34 1 budgeting 1 0, 5 1 burden sharing, see under alliances bureaucrats 340 case studies 292, 298, 487, 5 1 3-5 1 5 co-production 542 coalitions 36, 3 7 COCOM (Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls) 534 Cold War 18, 20, 24, 26-34, 47, 64, 1 57, 270, 278, 350, 401 , 402, 405, 4 12, 415, 42 1 , 422, 424-427, 493, 525-527, 531-534, 542, 558, 572 collaboration 38, 461 , 464, 468, 469, 472-475, 477, 478, 487 collective action 89-106 collusion 342 commitment ability 338 comparative advantage 461, 462, 467, 478, 566 compensation 478 competition 1 67, 1 70, 1 7 1 , 174, 179, 1 88, 3 1 3 , 3 14, 3 1 6, 3 17, 334, 337, 338, 42 1 , 426, 434, 435, 468, 471 , 579 imperfect 535, 541 Competition in Contracting Act 435 cone of mutual deterrence 1 24, 1 25
602 conflict 1 65-1 88, 527, 547, 548, 5 5 1 , 552, 557, 558 and alliances 1 70 and binding agreements 169 and equality 1 79 and escalation 1 70 and limited stakes 169 and plays 168 and settlement 169, 1 70 models of 1 7 1 , 179 reaction curves 1 8 5 sources of 172-175 teclmology of 1 75, 1 79 conscription 28, 50, 55, 379, 380 see also draft Contest Success Function, see CSF contestability 471 contests 178 contracting 28 contractorization 484 contracts 3 1 1 , 3 1 3, 3 14, 3 1 6, 3 1 8, 320, 323, 324, 326, 328, 3 3 1 , 336, 338, 342 contract design 3, 5 cost-plus 438 cost-reimbursement 3 14, 3 1 6, 321-326, 332 cost-sharing 324 fixed-price 3 1 3, 3 14, 3 1 6, 322, 324, 326, 327, 330, 332, 334, 339 linear 324, 3 3 1 , 333, 335 conversion 3, 5, 7, 1 0, 304, 427, 461 , 484, 485, 487, 5 1 7, 566, 567, 578, 582-585 Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls, see COCOM cost-effectiveness analysis 23 cost effectiveness and manpower 360, 367, 372 cost escalation 463 cost of defense 253 cost overruns 3 3 1 cost-plus contracts, see under contracts cost-reimbursement contracts, see under contracts cost-benefit analysis 23, 461, 471 costs of wars 5 1 country data 264-266, 269, 290 country studies 300, 305 crisis stability ! 1 3 cross-section data 264-266, 269, 290 crowding-out 280, 283, 284, 296, 577, 579 CSF (Contest Success Function) 176-178 culture of dependency 485 data 505, 506, 5 1 8, 575, 582 international comparisons 47, 50, 5 1 , 54, 57, 65 limitations 47, 48, 50-52, 55, 57, 58, 63, 64 problems 494, 495
Subject Index sources 47, 49, 5 1 , 53, 54, 58, 59, 63 deadweight loss 375-377 defense budget 1 7, 39 equipment 40 1 , 402, 404, 406, 413, 423, 426 industry 534, 542, 544 policy 437, 438 procurement, see under procurement defense economics 6, 7, 1 5 defense expenditure, see ME defense industrial base, see DIB defense R&D, see under R&D deflators 52-54, 57, 61 delays 477 demand for defense 69-85 demand functions Cobb-Douglas 77, 94 Constant Elasticity 77 Linear Expenditure System 77 Murdoch-Sandler 77 Stone-Geary 77 Department of Defense, see DoD design competitions 433-437, 45 1 , 455 determinants of arms influence success 556, 557 deterrence 1 5, 1 7-1 9, 23, 24, 32, 33, 1 14, 1 2 1- 1 23, 1 25, 1 26, 1 36-1 38, 143, 145, 1 52, 1 56, 1 57, 1 59, 1 7 1 , 1 86 development times 477, 478 DIB (defense industrial base) 399-427, 472, 479, 480, 533, 534, 540, 543, 544 and government 406 benefits of 423 definitions of 402-406 entry barriers 408 exit barriers 409 in terms of employment 406, 534, 544, 545 disarmament 3, 5, 7, 1 0, 1 5, 22, 23, 563-585 and history of economic thought 565, 569, 570 and role of public policy 565, 583-585 definitions of 565-569 econometric results 568 empirical analysis of 565, 575-580 for development 565, 580-583 theoretical analysis of 565, 569-575 disarming race 1 25 discretionary budget 3 diversification 571 DoD (US Department of Defense) 3 1 33 1 8, 324, 334, 338-340, 342, 437-439, 441-444, 451 downsizing 7, 8, 40 I draft 349, 3 5 1 , 352, 373-377, 392 see also conscription dual-use equipment 534
Subject Index dual-use technologies 405, 406 dummy variables 265 EC regions 51 0 econometrics 3, 6 methods 7 1 , 80, 8 1 , 84 models 258, 568, 5 7 1 , 575, 576 results 568 economic development 27, 33, 34 military outlays 253, 257, 259, 261 , 262,
264, 266-269, 271 relation with growth 281 relation with military spending 298 relation with security 294, 296 economic effects 422 economic growth 2 5 1 -27 1 , 565, 570-583, 585 externality model 284, 285 models of 258 relation with development 281 relation with military expenditure 289 economic principles 1 6 economic regeneration 5 17, 5 1 8 economic sanctions 23, 28, 36 economic warfare 1 5, 21, 22, 27 economics of security 2 1 economics o f transition 34, 35 economies of learning, see under learning economies of scale 8, 3 1 3 , 3 14, 3 1 6, 3 17, 534,
535, 539-541 , 543, 567 economies of scope 8, 3 1 9 efficiency 1 5, 1 7 , 401 , 402, 406, 422, 423 effort 320, 323, 335, 336, 3 8 1 , 382 Egypt 548 elasticity 453, 456 electronics industry 404 embargo 574 enlistment decision 352 supply 353, 355, 356, 358, 360, 377, '388 entry 384 entry barriers, see under DIB equilibrium criterion 39 escalation rate 53 ethnic conflict 34 European Union 5 1 6 exchange rates 54-56, 6 1 exit barriers, see under DIB exogenous and endogenous growth models
282 exploitation hypothesis 94 external effects 253, 257, 26 1 , 264 externalities 6, 8, 292-294, 304, 574, 580 transboundary 228 factor productivity 255, 259-26 1 , 264, 266 fixed-effect modelling 256, 265, 270, 271 fixed-price contracts, see under contracts force mix 371-373
603 foreign aid 1 5 , 25, 33, 34 foreign policy influence 525, 527, 534, 554 France 578 free rider 3 1 , 34, 36, I 04 free trade 536-538, 540 free trade area 467, 468 game theory 3-5, 9, 17, 38, 216 dominant strategy 223 Nash equilibrium 5, 93, 94, 96, 97, 1 03,
1 06, 1 12, 1 86, 223, 23 1-233 Nash reaction paths 93 Nash---Cournot behavior 25 Nash---Cournot equilibrium 26, 1 86, 1 87 perfect Bayesian equilibrium 234 Prisoner's Dilemma 22 1 , 223, 224, 566 repeated games 1 1 1 signalling game 233, 234, 247 geopolitics 525, 527, 558, 559 Germany 493, 5 7 1 , 573 gold plating 407 governance 277 government expenditure 448, 449, 451 Granger causality, see under time-series analysis Gulf War 8 high technology 483 hijacking, see skyjackings under terrorist attack modes history of defense economics 4 history of economic thought, see under disarmament hold-up problem 3 14, 3 1 5 , 336 human capital 280, 28 1 , 284, 291 , 294-297,
304, 353, 3 9 1 , 393 IEPG (Independent European Policy Group)
425 5 1 , 426, 582 see also author index imperfect competition, see under competition imperfect information 435 impulse response functions 242 incentives 3 1 1 , 3 1 2, 3 14, 3 1 5, 3 1 7-3 1 9, 322-326, 332, 335-339, 342, 484 income distribution 1 93, 1 95, 203, 209 Independent European Policy Group, see IEPG India 548 indigenous arms production 412 indirect costs 50 industrial policies 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 inflation 53, 54, 61 information systems 534 innovation 3 1 2, 3 1 8, 335-338, 433, 434, 441 input-{)utput analysis 495, 499-502, 575, 578 IMF (International Monetary Fund)
Subject Index
604 insurrections 3, 5, 8, 9, 1 9 1 -2 1 1 and free-rider problem 1 95 and internal security measures 1 94 and resource allocation 1 98 and ruler's tax policy 202 economic theory of 209 general equilibrium theory of 1 9 1 -2 1 1 technology of 1 94, 1 98, 202, 204, 205, 2 1 0 international aid 580-582 international conflict 20, 29, 30 International Monetary Fund, see IMF international terrorism, definition of 2 1 6 intra-industry trade 539, 541 investment 253, 256, 257, 260-262, 264, 266-269, 27 1 , 569-572, 574, 576-580, 582, 583 Israel 548 Japan 57 1-575 job shedding 498 joint-product model 9 1 , 92, 95-100, 102-106 juste retour 468, 476 knowledge capital KONVER 5 1 7
labor market 487, 494, 497-499, 5 1 8 1 00 largest firms 41 5-420 learning 480 economies of 474, 539-541 legitimate governments 302 Lenin 195, 1 96, 204 licensed and co-production 468, 473, 475, 479, 480, 487 life cycle 3 1 6, 450, 451 Lindahl equilibrium 99, 105, 106 LINK 582 local economic impacts 496 Machiavelli's Theorem 1 88 manpower elasticity estimates 358, 366, 388 marginal cost 451 market failure 465, 466, 487 ME (military expenditure) 45-65, 74-76, 7880, 83, 84, 251-27 1 , 565-572, 575-582, 585 alternative units 57 and development 279 and economic growth 279 as share of GDP 58, 59 as share of government expenditures 58, 59 as share of human development expenditures 58 CIA estimates of 56, 79 comparison 56 data 78-80 definitions of 47, 48, 5 1 , 52 employment impacts of 506
estimates of 55, 56, 6 1 , 79 examples of 83 HMS measure of 57 IISS estimates of 6 1 IMF data 60 in developing countries 275-305 determinants of 299 median-voter models of 75 military burden measure of 57 neoclassical model of 71 optimizing models of 7 1 , 76, 80, 85 political science models of 76 PPP estimates of 55, 56, 79 SIPRI estimates of 61 UN data 60 US ACDA data 60 median-voter model 93, 1 0 1 , 1 05 militarization 300-302 military aid 48-50, 52, 6 1 , 62 military alliances, see alliances military bases 493-499, 5 1 0, 5 1 4, 517, 5 1 8 military compensation 380, 3 8 1 , 384 military expenditure, see ME military forces, stocks and flows of 73 military governments 30 I military industrial complex 401 , 402, 409-41 1 military manpower 3, 6, 9, 347-394 military production function 46 1 , 483, 487 military productivity 349, 367, 368 military rotation policy 370 military strategy 17, 27 military strength 47, 57, 58 military women 349, 386 monopolistic competition 542 monopoly 451, 47 1 , 483, 541 monopsony 380 moral hazard 322-333 self-selection models 325-333 multipliers 292, 578 Nash equilibrium, see under game theory Nash reaction paths, see under game theory Nash-Cournot behavior, see under game theory Nash-Cournot equilibrium, see under game theory national accounts 53, 60 national economic benefits 472 national monopolies 407 national security 1 7, 22-24, 3 1 , 35, 565, 566, 568, 572 NATO 1 9, 5 1 , 94, 95, 97, 99-106, 1 56, 266, 277, 278, 4 1 3, 461 , 462, 464-467, 470, 474, 540 flexible response 97 NATO free trade area 462 New Economic Order 572 non-pecuniary aspects 352
Subject Index nuclear proliferation 1 5, 22, 32, 1 1 1-1 1 3 , 149- 1 5 1 , 1 54-156, 1 5 8 , 1 5 9 nuclear war model 1 1 3, 1 2 1 , 146 nuclear weapons 144-- 1 49 number of arms delivered 532 occupational choice 353 offense versus defense 179 offsets 461 , 469, 473, 478' 48 1 oligopoly 54 1 , 542 oligopoly models 24 operations research 2 1 -23 opportunity costs 30, 47, 50, 53-55, 373-377 , 447, 567, 578 outbreak of war 1 1 1-1 14, 124, 1 25, 1 3 1 , 1 32, 134, 143, 1 5 1 , 1 56, 1 5 9 ownership 420, 421 Pakistan 548 paradox of power, see POP peace 8, 1 5 , 19, 32, 549 peace dividend 427, 569-572, 576, 577, 579 peace sc1ence 1 0 pensions 360 policy options 584 politics 167, 1 7 1 , 178, 1 87 pooling equilibrium 1 4 1 , 143 POP (paradox of power) 1 82, 1 83 Potential Settlement Region, see PSR PPP (Purchasing Power Parities) 55, 56 precomm1tment 1 14, 1 43, 147, 149 preemption 548 pr�ncipal agent models 3 1 9, 320, 340 Pr: so� er's Dilemma, see under game theory . pnvat1zat10n 406, 412, 420 prizes for innovation 336, 337, 441 probability of war 1 1 3, 1 14, 1 32, 142, 143 , 1 5 1- 1 54 due to imperfect information 1 1 3 due to redistribution of resources 1 1 4 due to risk taking 1 14 procurement 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 434-437 , 450 , 455 , 456 defense procurement 309-343 options 461, 468, 469, 471 productivity 47, 53, 433, 435, 444, 445 , 447 , 448, 456 profitability 433, 44 1-444, 455 property rights 20, 37, 1 93 , 1 96, 204, 209, 210 PSR (Potential Settlement Region) 173 , 175 , 1 87 public choice 3, 7, 467, 475, 476, 487, 525 public economics 9 public goods 5, 6, 8, 17, 1 8 , 23 , 25 , 281 , 294-296, 298, 433 pure 9 1 , 92, 94-104, 106
605 public policy 10, 572, 583 public utility regulation problem 3 1 7 Purchasing Power Parities, see ppp rational-actor model 2 1 6, 236 R&D (research and development) 3 1 1 , 3 1 2, 3 1 4-3 19, 324, 325, 335-338, 406, 407, 409, 412-4 1 5 , 422, 423, 43 1-456, 566, 572, 578, 583 defense 10 demand elasticity 45 1 453 456 private and social benefits of 433 subsidies 433 , 437, 455 recruiter incentives 3 56 recruiting 354, 355, 359 redistribution 1 67, 1 78, 187 redundant personnel 499 reenlistment 364, 365 decision 352 regional econometric models 502-506 reg!onal impact of defense spending I 0 reg10nal models 502, 504, 505, 5 1 8 regional multiplier 495-499 505 5 1 4 ' regional policies 494, 5 1 5, S I S regression diagnostics 27 1 regressor exogeneity 261 regulation 471 rent seeking 9, 20, 30 rents 332, 337, 353 reputation 226, 227 research and development, see R&D research opportunities 1 0 reserve forces 349-3 5 1 , 3 8 1 , 388-390 resource allocation 17 restructuring 401, 402, 412, 422, 424-427 retention 3 5 1 , 360-363, 366, 372, 377, 382 , 385-387 retirement benefits 361 , 385 systems 381 revolutions 1 93, 195, 204, 2 1 0 Richardson model I l l , 1 12, 1 14-1 1 7, 1 20, 122, 1 23, 1 28, 1 3 1 see also arms races defense term 1 1 5 fatigue term 1 1 6 grievance term 1 1 6 sanctions 5 56 screening hypothesis 3 91 secrecy 47, 65 security definition of 35 equilibrium 39 selectivity bias 392 self-selection models, see under moral hazard SEM (simultaneous-equations models) 255, 262, 269, 290, 291
Subject Index
606 sensitivity analysis 261 , 270, 271 settlement 167, 1 68, 171-173, 1 75, 1 84 simultaneous-equations models, see SEM Single European Market 425, 470 SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) 5 1
see also author index social benefits 48, 5 1 Socialist System 24 sociopolitical instability index, see SPI sovereign power 1 93, 204 Soviet bloc 277, 278 Soviet Union 8, 1 9, 29, 5 1 6 military spending 79 Spanish tourism and terrorism 242, 243 specialization 461 , 462, 467 SPI (sociopolitical instability index) 303, 304 spin-offs 280, 287, 294, 296, 304, 423, 583 stability, see under arms races standardization 461 , 462, 465, 472, 474, 476, 479, 487 Star Wars 20 stock adjustment model 1 1 5, 1 17 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, see SIPRI strategic behavior 3 1 1 , 341 , 342, 542 strategic competition 28 strategic doctrine 97, I 02, I 04 strategic interactions 1 9 strategic trade theory 466 structure-conduct-performance paradigm 424 subsidy 437-441, 467, 544 substitution 367-370, 390 supplier network 498, 502, 5 1 8 supply chain 497 systems analysis 1 7 tax policy 1 94, 1 95, 202 team production 384 technical progress 288 technology of struggle 167, 1 88 terrorism and paid riding 223 cycles 2 17-220 data sources 2 1 6 definition of 2 1 5 ITERATE (International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events) 2 1 6-2 1 8 state-sponsored 2 1 6, 222 trends 2 1 6 terrorist attack modes 2 1 5, 217, 2 1 8 assassinations 2 1 7 , 244-246 bombings 217 hostage taking 217, 2 1 8, 244-246 skyjackings 2 1 7, 2 1 8, 235-239, 244-246 threats and hoaxes 217, 244-246 terrorists ' choice between legal and illegal activities 217
terrorists' net payoff 229 threats 169, 1 7 1 time-series analysis 2 1 6-21 8 ARMA (autoregressive moving average) 237 Granger causality 80, 241 -243, 245, 255, 257, 263, 269 intervention analysis 2 1 6, 2 1 8, 237 spectral analysis 2 1 9 stationarity 22 1 , 245 timing of crises 123 trade theory 527, 535, 542, 558 training 349, 350, 353, 369, 377, 386, 389-391 , 393 costs 375-377, 389 transaction costs 482 transboundary externalities, see under externalities transitional economies 486 typology of arms trade 543 UK 578, 579 UN 47, 5 1 U N Institute for Trade and Development, see UNITAD uncertainty 3 12, 3 1 3, 450, 454, 455, 467 unequal exchange 573 UNIDIR, see author index unit costs 533 procurement 463 production 477 UNITAD (UN Institute for Trade and Development) 582 United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, see US ACDA in author index US ACDA, see author index USA 576, 577 VAR (vector autoregression) 6, 80, 2 1 6, 2 1 8, 241-244 vector autoregression, see VAR Vietnam War 28 volunteer force 373-380 1 5, 1 8-24, 29, 32, 33, 35, 38, 122, 125, 1 67-169, 1 7 1 , 1 85-187 causes of 130, 1 3 1 , 172 war arms investment strategy 136-138 warfighting 121 Warsaw Pact 19 weakest link 98, I 06 weapon stock 1 1 9 weapons acquisition 28, 450, 453, 456 work sharing 472, 473, 476 world arms trade 527-529 World Bank 426, 572 war
see also author index zero-sum game