( €I , · · · , €N) W (X I , · · · , X N )X (O"I , · · · , O"N) , where W ( xl , . . . , XN) E £ 2 ( JR3 N ) is a coordinate part, and x( crb · · · , O"N ) is
a spin part of the total wave function. The spin part, in accordance with the tensor product structure V81 0 · · · 0 Vs N , is a finite linear combination of the products Xk1 ( cr1 ) . . . Xk N ( crN) of functions Xk , defined in Section 1.
System of identical particles
The Hamiltonian of the system of N-particles ( without the spin inter action) in the coordinate representation has the form N
HN =
-L i=l
+ 2m · � i L Vi ( x i ) + �
Vik (xi - xk ) ,
l S,i
where the first term is the operator of kinetic energy of the system of N particles, the second term describes the interaction of the particles with the external field, and the last term describes their pair-wise interaction. Note that though the Hamiltonian HN acts only on the coordinate part '111 ( x 1 , . . . , x N ) of the total wave function, the physical properties of the system do depend on the spins of the particles. 3 . 1 . The symmetrization postulate. For the system of N identical par ticles of mass m and spin s the corresponding Hilbert space is N YflN = L 2 ( IR3 ) @ vs®N . (3. 1) The irreducible representation Rs of the Lie group S U ( 2 ) in the vector space Vs naturally defines a representation R� N in �®N , R� N (g) (vl @ · · ® VN ) = Rs (g)vl @ · · · @ Rs (g)v N , g E S U(2) . The corresponding representation p� N of the Lie algebra su(2) is given by ·
p� N (x) (v1 @ . . · @ V N ) =
L VI @ · . . @ Ps (x)vk @ . . @ VN , ·
E su(2) .
The total spin operators 8 = (51 , 52 , S3 ) of the system of N identical par ticles are given by
(3 . 2)
inp� N (Aj ) =
L:: sY) ,
j = 1 , 2, 3.
Here sy) = hs+I ® · · · ® inp8 (Aj ) ® ® hs + I are the spin operators of the k-th particle; they act non-trivially only in the k-th factor of the tensor product V8® N . Representations R� N and p� N are reducible and contain all represen tations Vi with spins l E P�2: 0 such that sN - l are non-negative integers. Indeed, the square 8 2 of the total spin operator has the form 82 = s? + s� + s� = s_ s+ + S3 ( S3 + I) , where S± = S1 ± iS2 and I here is the identity operator in �®N . It is easy to see from (3.2 ) that the eigenvalues of the operator 53 are -nsN, n( -sN + 1) , . . . , n ( s N - 1 ) , nsN. Now by Schur's lemma, restriction of 8 2 to the irreducible representation Vi is n2 l (l + 1 ) times the identity operator in Vi . Since Vi contains a highest weight vector which is annihilated by the · · ·
Spin and Identical Particles IU ,
operator S+ and is an ei genvector of the operator 83 with eigenvalue we N contains all irreducible representations with spins l E concl u de that �® ve inotegers. The problin theem decomposi of determintiionng theV!Z.2:o®Nmulsuch tintoiplthat ithecitiedis rwiectth aresum whinon-negati chofrepresentati ns appear irreduci bleclarepresentati onsenergy wil beleveldisscussed 8 belsystem ow. Itof plNaiysdentia fundamental rol e i n ssi f y i n g the of the c al parti c l e s of spi n There i s al s o a natural acti o n of the symmetri c group Sym on N ele N ments on Jt'N , given by E SymN. The corresponding Hamiltonian inN this case has the form (3.3) HN Li=lN �i Li=l Vext (Xi) + l$i
fi2 = - 2m
c- ( 7f )
7f E
7f E
( - l ) E:(1r) q,
7f .
. .
. . . , �7r- l (N) ) ,
The Symmetrization Postulate . s
System of identical particles
Remark. The symmetrization postulate implies the Pauli exclusion princi
ple, which states that no two fermions can occupy the same state. The Pauli exclusion principle is fundamental for atomic and molecular physics, and for the whole body of chemistry.
For the case of identical particles of spin 0 it follows from the symmetriza tion postulate that the corresponding Hilbert space $�8 ) is the subspace of all totally symmetric functions w ( x 1 , . . . , X N ) in L 2 ( JR3 N ) , and in order to find the energy levels of the system, one needs to solve the Schrodinger equation ( 3 .4)
only in the totally symmetric subspace $�8) of feN . Solutions of the eigen value problem (3.4) that do not belong to this subspace have no physical interpretation. For the spin � particles the situation is different: the symmetry proper ties of the coordinate part of the total wave function depend on the sym metry properties of the corresponding spin part. Consider first the simple example of a system of two electrons. In this case we have the direct sum decomposition of Hilbert spaces, � = £2(8) EB .Yf2(A) , which immediately follows from the representation
( e1 , e2 ) = � ((e1 , 6 ) + (e2 , 6 ) ) + � ( (et , e2 ) - ( e 2 , e1 ) ) . Using the identity w ( x 1 , x 2 )X(0"1 , 0"2) - w ( x 2 , X1)X(0"2 , 0"1 ) = � (\ll ( x 1 , X 2 ) + W ( x 2 , x l ) ) (X(£71 , 0"2 ) - X(£72 , 0"1 ) ) + � (w ( x 1 , X2 ) - w ( x 2 , x l ) ) (X(£71 , 0"2) + X(£72 , 0"1 ) ) , we can represent .Yf2(A) as a direct sum of Hilbert spaces where
.Yf2(A) = So EB S 1 ,
So = (L 2 ( JR3 ) 0 L 2 ( 1R3 ) ) (S) 0 /\ 2 C 2
consists of finite linear combinations of the product functions (e1 , 6) = w ( x 1 , X 2)X(0" 1 , 0"2 ) , where w ( x 1 , X 2 ) E L 2 ( IR.3 ) 0 L 2 ( JR3 ) is symmetric and X(£71 , £72 ) E /\ 2 C 2 is anti-symmetric, and S1 = (L 2 ( 1R3 ) 0 L2 ( JR3 ) ) ( A ) 0 Sym2 C2
Spin and Identical Particles
consists of finite linear combinations of the product functions where w (x 1 , x 2 ) is anti-symmetric and x ( a1 , a2 ) is symmetric. The vector space /\ 2 C 2 is one dimensional and is spanned by the function xoo , which corresponds to the vector )2- (e 1 ® e 2 - e 2 ® e 1 ) E C 2 ® C 2 , and the vector space Sym2 C 2 is three-dimensional and is spanned by the functions x u , X1o , X 1-1 , which correspond to the vectors e 1 ® e 1 , )2- (e 1 ® e 2 + e 2 ® e1 ) , e 2 ® e 2 E C 2 ® C 2 . Comparing the decomposition c 2 ® c 2 = /\2 c2 EB Sym 2 c 2
with the Clebsch-Gordan decomposition V1 ® V1 = Vo EB V1 , 2 2
discussed in Section 3 . 2 of Chapter 3 , we see that 2 /\ 2 C 2 Vo and Sym2 C 2 = V1 . In physics terminology, Vo is the spin singlet space, and V1 is the spin triplet space . We summarize the obtained results in the following statement. =
3 . 1 . For a system of two identical particles of spin ! the total wave function of spin 0 has the form \ll (x 1 , X 2 )Xoo ( a1 , a2 ) , where \ll (x1 , X 2 ) is symmetric and satisfies the Schrodinger equation (3.4) . The total wave function of spin 1 has the form \lf (x1 , x2 ) X1m ( a1 , a2 ) , where m = - 1 , 0, 1 , and \lf ( x 1 , x 2 ) is anti-symmetric and satisfies the Schrodinger equation (3.4 ) .
Remark. The coordinate part "W (x1 , x 2 ) of the total wave function has the
usual probabilistic interpretation. Thus for a simple example of a system of two electrons with Vint ( x) = 0, the coordinate part of the total wave function has the form W ( x 1 , x 2 ) )2- ( ?/11 ( x l ) �h ( x 2 ) ± ?/1 1 ( x 2 ) ?/;2 ( x l ) ) , where ?/11 ( x ) and ?/12 ( x) are two one-electron coordinate wave functions, the plus sign refers to the spin singlet state, and the minus sign refers to the spin triplet state. The corresponding probability density is =
I "W (x 1 , x 2 Wd3x 1 d3 x 2
2 ! ( l?/1 1 (x 1 ) l l ?/12 (x 2 ) l 2 + l?/1 1 (x 2 ) l 2 l ?/12 (x1 ) l 2
±2 Re ( ?/11 ( x 1 ) ?/;2 ( x 2 )?/11 ( x 2 ) ?/12 ( x 1 ) ) ) d3x 1 d3x 2 , where the last term is called the exchange energy. It follows from this formula that when two electrons are in a spin triplet state, there is a zero probability of finding them at the same point x E JR3 . However, when electrons are in a spin singlet state, there is a non-zero probability of finding them at the same point in space, which is due to the exchange energy. 2 This can also be verified directly by checking the action of total spin operators.
System of identical particles
Consider now the system of N particles of spin � . In this case the total wave function (ei , . . . , eN ) E £JA ) satisfies HN
EN and S2 = s ( s + 1),
and describes the bound state with total spin s , where � N s is a non negative integer. It seems natural to assume that if one finds a coordi nate wave function w (xi , , XN) satisfying (3.4) , and a spin wave function x ( aI , , aN) which is the eigenfunction of 82, then the total wave function ( e i , . . . eN ) can be obtained by the anti-symmetrization: . . .
. . .
( e i ' . . . ' eN ) = L ( - l) c(11') w (x 11'(l) l . ' X 11'( N) ) x (a11'(I ) l . . . ' 0'11'( N ) ) · . .
71' E SymN
However, it may happen that for a coordinate wave function \ll (x1 , . , XN) satisfying ( 3.4) , the corresponding total wave function ( ei , . . , eN ) is iden tically zero! The requirement that the total wave function (6 , . . . eN ) is not identically zero determines admissible symmetry properties of the coor dinate wave function w (XI , . . , x N ) , which are described by the irreducible representations of the symmetric group SymN . . .
3.2. Young diagrams and representation theory of SymN . The num
ber of irreducible representations of the symmetric group SymN is the num ber of its conjugacy classes, which in turn is the number of partitions A = (AI , . . . , A n ) of N: N = A I + · · · + A n , where AI 2:: A 2 2:: · · · 2:: An 2:: 1 . De note by Par(N) the set of all partitions of N. To each partition A E Par(N) there is an irreducible representation G >. of SymN , constructed as follows. Let Y>. be the Young diagram associated with A E Par(N) � a collection of N boxes arranged into n left-justified rows, with the first row containing AI boxes, the second row containing A 2 boxes, etc. Thus the diagram
corresponds to the partition 10 = 5 + 3 + 2. A Young tableau A associated with the Young diagram Y>. is an assignment of N integers 1, 2, . , N to the N boxes such that each box gets a different integer; denote by 'I>. the set of all Young tableaux associated with the partition A E Par(N) . A canonical Young tableau A>. E 'I>. is obtained by numbering the boxes consecutively along the rows from left to right. For a Young tableau A E 'I>, , say the canonical one, define two subgroups of SymN : . .
Row(A) = {7r E Sym N : preserves the rows of A} , Col(A) {7r E SymN : 7l' preserves the columns of A} . =
Spin and Identical Particles
Now let Qt. =
RA =
1r ,
and the column anti-symmetrizer CA
1r E Col ( A )
( - 1 )£(7r) 7r .
Define the Young symmetrizer by
ITA = CARA E Qt., and consider the left Symwmodule3 G>.. = Qt. · ITA , and the representation T>.. : SymN ---> End G>., , where Sym N acts by left multiplication. The following result is fundamental. Theorem 3 . 1 . Each T>.. is an irreducible representation of SymN , and rep resentations T>.. and Tf.l- are not isomorphic if A =1- f.l · The dimension of the
representation T>.. is given by the Frobenius formula N! d>., = ! . . . n ! h l
n ui - lj ) ,
ti = Ai + n - i , i = l , . . . , n,
and IT� = d>.,ITA . Every irreducible representation of S ym N is isomorphic to the representation T>.. for some partition A E Par ( N) . Remark. It follows from the representation theory of finite groups that
so that
E Pa ( N )
d>., G>..
(Qt. =
N! =
>.. EP a ( N )
>.. E Par( N )
End G>.. as algebras) ,
d� .
There is another expression for dimensions d>.. as a product over the boxes of the Young diagram Y>.. , given by the so-called hook-length formula. 3 Another choice of a Young tableau
A E 'I>. gives a SymN-module equivalent to G.>. .
System of identical particles
Remark. One can explicitly construct the bases in the subspaces G>. by the
following procedure. Let A be the standard Young tableau for a partition A E Par(N) : a Young tableau with the condition that in each row of Y>. , the numbers in the boxes are strictly increasing from left to right, and in each column - strictly increasing from top to bottom. Let 7f E Sym N be the unique permutation such that A 1T'(A>. ) and put eA = IIAe11' . Then the vectors e A, where A runs through all standard Young tableaux for the partition A, form a basis of G>. . In other words, the basis elements are ob tained by successive symmetrization on the rows of Y>. with a subsequent anti-symmetrization on the columns. =
The partition .A (N) corresponds to the Young diagram with only one row and produces the trivial representation of SymN . The partition .A ( 1 , . . . , 1) corresponds to the transposed Young diagram - a dia gram with only one column - and produces another one-dimensional rep resentation, the alternating representation 7f f--f ( - 1 )c-( 71') . In general, let X = (.A� , . . . , .A�) be the partition conjugated to the partition .A, which is defined by transposing the Young diagram Y>. by interchanging the rows and columns (.A� is the number of terms in the partition .A which are greater than or equal to i ) . Then (3.6) Other partitions correspond to the symmetries of mixed type. The next result will play a crucial role in determining the symmetry properties of coordinate wave functions. =
3 . 2 . The tensor product T>. 0 TJlo contains the trivial represen tation of Sym N if and only if 11 = .A, in which case it has multiplicity one. In terms of a basis { e i } f� 1 in G>. such that the representation T>. is given by orthogonal d>. x d>. matrices t>. (7r)ij ,
T>. ( n' ) e i =
L t>. (7r)jiej ,
j= l
1 , . . . , d>. ,
the one-dimensional subspace of the trivial representation is spanned by the vector I: f�1 e i 0 ei E G >. 0 G >. . Correspondingly, the tensor product T>. 0 TJlo contains the alternating representation of SymN if and only if 11 A', in which case it has multiplicity one. In terms of a basis { ea f�1 in G N such that the representation TN is given by the matrices tN (7r )ij = ( - 1)e(1T')t>. (7r)ij , the one-dimensional subspace of the alternating representation is spanned by the vector I:f� 1 e i 0 e � E G>. 0 GN . =
Problem 3 . 1 . Prove all the statements in this section. (Hint : See the list of references to this chapter) .
Spin and Identical Particles
In addition to the diagonal action of the Lie group SU ( 2 ) in the tensor product (C2 ) 0 N , discussed in Section 3. 1 , there is also a left action of a symmetric group SymN by permuting factors4 : T( 11' ) ( v1 0 · · · 0 VN ) v11'- l (I) 0 · · · 0 v11'-l ( N ) • 11' E SymN. 3.3. Schur-Weyl duality and symmetry of the wave functions.
For every partition A E Par ( N ) denote by II>. the Young symmetrizer corresponding to the canonical Young tableau A>. , and by S>.C2 the image of the operator T(II>. ) in (C2 ) ® N . The subspace S>.C2 is zero-dimensional when the Young diagram Y>. has more than two rows, and is an irreducible U ( 2 ) -module, called the Weyl module , when the Young diagram Y>. has one or two rows. For the partition A = ( N ) the Weyl module S>.C2 Sym N C2 and is isomorphic to the highest weight module V>., N with the dominant weight ( N, 0) , defined in Section 1 .2. For the partition A = (AI , A 2 ) the Weyl module S>.C2 is isomorphic to the highest weight module V>., N with the dominant weight A. Remark. This construction is a special case of the general construction given by H. Weyl, which applies to the symmetric group action in the ten sor product V® N , where V is a finite-dimensional vector space. The Weyl modules S>. V associated with the Young diagram Y>. are zero-dimensional when the number of rows is greater than n = dim V , and are isomorphic to the highest weight modules of GL(V) with the dominant weight A when the number of rows is less than or equal to n. The association V t--t S>. V is called the Schur functor. =
The following result, the Schur- Weyl duality , establishes explicit pairing between irreducible representations of U ( 2 ) and SymN that appear in the decomposition of the representation of SU ( 2 ) x SymN in (C 2 )0 N into the irreducible components. Theorem 3 . 2 ( Schur-Weyl duality ) . There is a direct sum decomposition N into irreducible components of the representation R� x T : lf"2 ) ® N ( \L.
ffi \I7
>.EPar ( N, 2 )
s>. \L. !f"2
10. '
G >. '
where Par ( N, 2 ) is the set of partitions of N with number of terms less than or equal to 2 .
Setting >. 1 = If + s , A2 = � - s ( cf. Section 1 . 2) , from the Frobenius formula we obtain N N (3. 7) . - N d>. = dim G >. N =
) (
4It moves the vector in the i-th place of the tensor product to the 7r( i )-th place.
3. System of identical particles
Now return to the main problem of finding total wave functions satisfying ( 3.5 ) . It follows from the Schur-Weyl duality that there are ( 2 s + 1 ) d>. linear independent spin wave functions xmj ( a1 , . . . , aN) of spin s satisfying S2Xmj = s s + 1)xmj and Sa Xmj = mxmj , ( 3.8 ) where m = - s , - s + 1, . , s - 1 , s and j = 1 , . . . , d>. . Here d>. corresponds to the partition .A = s, If - s ) or .A = N ) for s � ) and is given by ( 3.7 ) . The spin s representation Ps of SU 2 ) acts on the index m of the spin wave function Xmj (al , . . . , aN), and the representation T>. of Sym N acts on the index j . The total wave function has the form
( (If + .
(3. 9)
( ( (
q,m (e l , . . . , eN) = I: wj (x b · · · , xN)Xmj (a b · · · , aN) , j=l
where m = -s, . . . , s. It follows from Proposition 3 . 2 that the total wave function q,m (el , . . . , eN) is totally anti-symmetric if and only if the coordinate wave functions Wj (Xl , . . , xN) transform according to the conjugated representation TN of Sym N , .
(3. 10 ) (P11" W i)( x � , . . . , XN) = 2:::> >- {rr)jiWj (Xl , · · · , x N), j=l
1, . , d). . .
We summarize these results as follows.
Wj (xl, . . . , XN) associated with the total wave function of spin s of a system of N identical particles of spin � are those solutions of the N -particle Schrodinger equation (3.4) that transform according to the representation TN of the symmetric group Sym N , where .A' is a conjugated partition to .A ( If + s, If - s) . The spin wave functions Xmj (a l , . . . , aN) satisfy ( 3.8 ) , and corresponding total wave func tions q,m (eb . . . , eN) are given by (3. 9) . In general, for a given energy level E there are 2s + 1 linearly independent total wave functions of spin s, 0 :::; s :::; If , and s is an integer. Theorem 3.3. Coordinate wave functions
If -
Remark. For the highest value of total spin s = If the coordinate wave function w (xl , . . . ' XN) is totally anti-symmetric. Since (N)' = ( 1 , . ' 1) tJ. Par ( N, 2) when N > 2, coordinate wave function for the case N > 2 is never totally symmetric. .
Using explicit description of the Young symmetrizer in the previous sec tion, we obtain the following result. Corollary 3.4 (V .A. Fock ) . The coordinate wave function
associated with the total wave function of spin following symmetry properties.
W ( x1 , . . . , x N)
is characterized by the
Spin and Identical Particles
(i) w ( x 1 , . . . , X N ) is anti-symmetric with respect to the group of argu ments x1 , . , X k , k If + s . ( ii) 'lt ( x1 , . . . , X N) is anti-symmetric with respect t o the group of argu ments x k + 1 , . . . , x N . (iii) 'lt ( xl , · · · , xN) satisfies k w ( x � , . . . X N ) = L w (x1 , . . . ' Xi- 1 , Xk+b Xi+ I , . ' Xk , Xi , Xk+2 > . . . ' XN ) . .
i= 1
The case of N identical particles of arbitrary spin s is treated similarly. The symmetry properties of coordinate wave functions can be obtained by using Schur-Weyl duality for the action of U(l) X SymN in C1 , where l = 2s + 1 . It has the form ( c1y)9 N = EB s>- c 1 0 c>. , >.EPar(N,l) where Par(N, l) is the set of partitions of N with number of terms less than or equal to l , and S>.
where I · · · I stands for the matrix determinant , satisfy the symmetry properties in Corollary 3.4. 4.
Notes and references
The notion of electron spin is fundamental for the agreement of quantum mechanics with experiments. See [Mes99] for a thorough discussion of the principal evidence supporting the hypothesis of electron spin ( Zeeman effect, Stern-Gerlach exper iment ) . Classic texts [LL58, Foc78] also introduce the concept of spin from a physics perspective. Representation theory of the Lie group SU ( 2 ) - the simplest compact non-abelian Lie group - is discussed in detail in [Vil68] ; for the descrip tion of all irreducible representations of U(n) see [FH91] . Our discussion of the Pauli Hamiltonian in Section 2 . 1 follows [Foc78] ; the case of a particle in a uni form magnetic field in Section 2.2 was first considered by L.D. Landau in 1 930 (see [LL 5 8] ) . Problem 2 . 2 shows that in the presence of a magnetic field the operators
Notes and references
X0 and Y0 ,
associated with coordinates of classical traj ectories of a charged particle,
do not commute and cannot be measured simultaneously. The Pauli wave equation in Section
is non-relativistic, i . e . , it does not t ake
into account the postulates of special relativity. The correct quantum description of the electron in an external electromagnetic field was proposed by Dirac and is given by the Dirac equation; the Pauli wave equation is obtained as its non-relativistic electron and a particle with charge - e
[Foc78] .
The Dirac equation is a single particle equation which describes an -
a p ositron . In order to describe quantum
processes of creation and annihilation of particles, one needs to pass from quantum mechanics to quantum field theory, which deals with systems with infinitely many
degrees of freedom, and we refer to
for an introduction.
The symmetrization postulate, formulated in Section mental principle of quantum mechanics , and we refer to
3. 1 , is [Mes99]
another funda for its physical
motivation. The N-particle S chrodinger equation describes all t he properties of atoms . However, it is almost impossible to solve this equation analytically (for the
potentials in atomic physics) , and even numerically when N >
helium atom ( N
the case of the
illustrates the difficulties of the problem . For this purpose var
ious approximate methods like the one-electron approximation, the Hartree-Fock method and its modifications, have been developed (see details and
for a clear introduction) .
[LL58, Foc78]
for the
correct description of the proper
ties of atoms and an explanation of D . l . Mendeleev 's periodic table of elements, based on these methods , has been a maj or triumph of quantum mechanics. For a detailed account we refer the interested reader to
[LL58, Foc78]
[FY80] .
The N-particle Schrodinger equation, in principle, also describes5 all properties of molecules studied in chemistry. However , this "reductionism" does not work due to the complexity of the quantum N-body problem, and approximate methods like Hartree-Fock approximation play a central role in quantum chemistry. The vector space
describes t he spin degrees of freedom of two elec
trons , and the spin states which are not represented as a tensor product are called
Entangled states are used to describe the Einstein-Po dolski
Rozen paradox, a quantum experiment , which apparently violates the principle of locality (see its description in
[Bel87, Sak94] ) .
The fact that quantum mechan
ics is correct and allows for an accurate description of the microworld is beyond any doubt , and is confirmed by numerous physical experiments. The Einstein Podolski-Rosen paradox is only a "paradox" because classical intuition does not always correspond to the physical reality. Moreover, it follows from the
equalities [Bel87]
that any attempt to turn quantum mechanics into
Bell in
the web site http : I I en . wikipedia . orglwiki iEPR_paradox for further references.
istic theory by introducing the so-called The vector space
IC2 ,
hidden variables
is fallacious ; we refer to
describing the spin degrees of freedom of several
5In this sense, quantum mechanics is a "theory of everything" for chemistry.
Spin and Identical Particles
identical particles of spin � , also plays a fundamental role in quantum computa tion theory. This is a rapidly developing field, and we refer the interested reader to the monograph [KSV02] for the mathematical introduction, and to the web site http : I I en . wikiped i a . orglwikiiQuantum_c omputer for updates on the special ized literature. Another rapidly developing and exciting new application of quantum mechanics is quantum cryptography, reviewed at http : I I en . w ikipedi a . orglwiki I Quantum_crypt ography.
Section 3.2 is a crash course on the representation theory of the symmetric group SymN - a beautiful piece of classical mathematics which has many inter esting applications in modern combinatorics and representation theory. Our goal here was to give a concise and clear presentation of the basic necessary facts, and we refer to the classic text [Wey50] and to [FH91] for detailed accounts of rep resentation theory, and to [ G W9 8] for the Schur-Weyl duality. In Section 3.3 we emphasize the role of Schur-Weyl duality in studying the symmetry properties of coordinate wave functions. Physics textbooks like [LL58] , [Dav76] and [Sak94] carefully treat the basic examples, but are somewhat vague in describing the form of the total wave function of N particles. The monograph [ Fo c 78 ] is very precise in this regard, but in his presentation V.A. Fock is trying to reduce the usage of group theory to a minimum. Our goal in Section 3.3 was to fill this gap and to give a clear description of the symmetry properties of coordinate and spin parts of the total wave function by using the language of representation theory. For the case of N particles of spin � this problem was solved by V.A. Fock in 1940; see [Foc78] , as well as in yet another classic [Wig59] . For more applications of group theory to quantum mechanics we refer to the latter text, and to [Wey50] .
Funct ional Met ho ds
and S upersymmet ry
Pat h Integral Formulation of
Q uantum Mechanics
Feynman path integral
Here we present Feynman's path integral approach to quantum mechanics, which expresses the propagator of a quantum system with the Hamiltonian H - the kernel of the evolution operator U(t) = e - k tH - as a "sum over traj ectories" of the corresponding classical system. 1 . 1 . The fundamental solution of the Schrodinger equation. Recall
( see Section 1.3 of Chapter 2) that in terms of the evolution operator U(t) = e - k t H, the solution 'lj;(t) of the initial value problem for the time-dependent
Schrodinger equation
. d'lj; zndt ( t) = H 'lj; (t), 'lj; (t) l t= O = 'lj;
( 1 .1) (1 .2) is given by 'lj;(t)
U(t)'lj;. For the Hamiltonian operator H
+ V (Q)
of a quantum particle in .!Rn moving in the potential field V ( q ) , the initial value problem (1. 1 ) - ( 1.2) in coordinate representation becomes the following 239
24 0
Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Cauchy problem: 81/J
Ll 'l/J + V (q) 'l/J , = at - 2m 1/J(q, t) i t =O = 1/J (q) , ( 1 .4) where Ll is the Laplace operator on IRn . Under rather general conditions on the potential V(q) ( i.e., when V E L�c (IRn) is bounded from below ) the Cauchy problem ( 1 .3) - ( 1.4) has a fundamental solution: a function K(q, q', t) which satisfies partial differential equation ( 1 .3) with respect to the variable q in the distributional sense ( i.e. , K(q, q' , t) is a weak solution of the Schrodinger equation ) , and the initial condition ( 1 .5) K(q, q1, t) l t = O = 8(q - q ' ) . The solution of the Cauchy problem ( 1 .3 ) - ( 1 .4 ) can be formally written as
( 1 .3)
1/J(q' , t) = { K(q ' , q, t) 'lj; (q)dn q, J.JF.n where the integral is understood in the distributional sense. For 1/J E L 2 (1Rn ) formula ( 1 .6) should be understood as 1/J(q', t) = l.i.m. { (q ' , q, t) 'lj; (q)dnq = l.i.m. { K(q' , q, t) 'lj; (q)dn q, }JF.n R-+oo }lqi5, R K where l.i.m. stands for the limit in the £ 2 -norm. In general, 1/J(q, t) is only a weak solution of the Schrodinger equation (1 .3) , and it is a regular solution when 1/J belongs to the Carding domain Do ( see Problem 1 . 7 in Section 1.3 of Chapter 2) . The fundamental solution K(q, q1, t) is the distributional kernel ( in the sense of the Schwartz kernel theorem ) of the evolution operator U(t). Using the group property U(t + t') = U(t) U(t') , we can rewrite ( 1 . 6 ) in the form ( 1 .6)
r K(q' , t'; q, t)'lj;(q, t)�q, }JRn where K(q', t ' ; q, t) = K(q', q, t' - t) . The function IK(q', t'; q, t ) J 2 has a physical meaning of conditional probability distribution of finding a quan tum particle at a point q' E IRn at time t' provided that it was at the point q E IRn at time t. Remark. In physics terminology, the distributional kernel K(q' , t' ; q , t) of the evolution operator U ( t' - t) is called the complex probability amplitude, or simply the amplitude or propagator. In Dirac's notation, K (q', t'; q, t) = (q', t' l q, t) .
( 1 . 7)
1/J(q ' , t')
Finding the propagator of a given quantum system is a fundamen tal problem of quantum mechanics. When the spectral decomposition of the Hamiltonian operator H is known, the propagator can be obtained in
2 41
1. Feynman path integral
a closed form. Namely, suppose for simplicity that H has a pure point spectrum, i.e. , there is an orthonormal basis of the Hilbert space £ L2 (lRn dn q) consisting of the eigenfunctions { �n ( q ) };;:o= O of H with the eigen values En . We have =
� ( q ) = L Cn �n ( q) , n =O
so that ( U ( t ) � ) ( q)
L e- * EntCn�n (q)
n =O
where the series and integrals converge in the £ 2 -sense. If the change of orders of summation and integration was justified, we could write ( 1 .8)
K ( q' , t; q, t)
L e- * EnT �n (q') �n (q) , n=O
t' - t .
The series (1 .8) converges in the distributional sense, and gives a represen tation of the propagator in terms of the spectral decomposition of H . A similar representation of the propagator exists when the Hamiltonian H has absolutely continuous spectrum. Consider the simplest case of a free quantum particle with the Hamiltonian operator p2 Ho = - . 2m The corresponding Schrodinger equation can be solved by the Fourier method (see Section 2.3 in Chapter 2 ) , and we obtain
� (q1, t1) = l.i.m. ( 2 tr n) � { -
e * (q'p- i:,; T ) ,j; (p , t ) dnp
= l.i.m. }{!Je. n K( q ' , t' ; q, t ) � ( q, t ) dn q , where ( 1 .9 )
K( q' ' t'·' q ' t ) = ( 2trn) n }{!Je.n e k (p(q' - q) - i:,; T) �p '
Using the classical Fresnel integral formula etax dx e sgn(a) ( 1 . 10) - oo
t' - t .
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
and completing the square in ( 1 .9) , we obtain the following expression for the propagator of a free quantum particle: m 2 im ( ' ) 2 K(q 1 t · q t ) -- e 2nr q-q ' (1.11) ' ' ' 2n'ifiT where i 2 e- 4""" and T > 0. n
Formally replacing the actual "physical" time t in the Schrodinger n,2
. a'l/J zn8t = - 2m for a free quantum particle of mass m by the Euclidean time ( or pure imag inary time ) -it, we obtain the heat ( diffusion ) equation
_!_ au
D at
on �n with the diffusion coefficient D = _!!.__ . It is quite remarkable that 2m in agreement with this formal procedure the propagator ( 1 . 1 1 ) for a free quantum particle is obtained from the heat kernel on �n by the analytic continuation T - i T . 1--t
Problem 1 . 1 .
Show that lim
R -> oo
{R sin x2dx
by integrating the function
Problem 1 . 2 . 'l/J (q' , t)
Problem 1 . 3 .
over an appropriate "pizza-sliced" contour.
Show directly that
(e- -ktHo'l/J) (q')
{R cos x 2 dx = �2 {if V2
R->oo Jo
� lrrtn{ e �'{, (q-q' ) 2 'l/J (q) dn q . (�) 2mnt
Give an expression for the propagator when
operator with rapidly decreasing potential, considered in Section
is a Schrodinger
2 in
1 . 2 . Feynman path integral in the phase space. For a general Hamil tonian operator H = Ho + V, where V = V(Q) , there is no simple formula for the propagator K (q1 , t 1 ; q, t) like ( 1 . 1 1 ) . This is because operators Ho and V do not commute, so that e - i t H -1- e - k t Ho e- itV . It was Feynman's fundamental discovery that there i s another represen tation of the propagator for a quantum system in terms of the corresponding classical system. We start by describing Feynman's approach for the case of a quantum particle with one degree of freedom. It is based on the so-called Lie-Kato-Trotter product formula, which allows us to express the exponen tial ei(A+ B ) of two non-commuting self-adjoint operators in terms of the individual exponentials eiA and e i B .
1 . Feynman path integral
(Lie-Kato-Trotter product formula) . Let A and B be self adjoint operators on £ such that A + B is essentially self-adjoint on D (A) n D(B) . Then for 1/J E £,
Theorem 1 . 1
ei ( A + B ) ?/J = n---+ limoo (e * A e * 3 t 1/J.
Proof. We consider only the special case when A and B are bounded op erators, which was already proved by Sophus Lie. Set en = ei ( A+B ) / n and Dn = eiA/ n eiB/n. We have the telescopic sum enn Dnn = enn enn - 1 Dn + enn-1 Dn enn - 2 Dn2 + . . . + Cn Dnn 1 Dnn _
= L_,; """"'
k =O
enn - k -1 ( en
k Dn ) Dn'
and since by the Taylor formula l i en - Dnll :::; c2 for some constant c n we obtain l i e� - D� l l :::; � n This proves the result with convergence in the uniform topology.
0, 0
We will always assume that the Hamiltonian H Ho + V is essen tially self-adjoint on D (Ho) n D (V) , so that the Lie-Kato-Trotter formula is applicable. (According to Theorem 1 . 2 in Section 1 . 1 of Chapter 3 , for the case n 3 we can assume that V V1 + V2 , where V1 E L 2 (ffi.3) and V2 E L00 (ffi.3 ) . ) Applying the Lie-Kato-Trotter formula to A = � Ho and B - � V , we obtain that in the strong operator topology ; i�t i� T e - li T H n---+ limoo ( e - T H0 e - Tt v t , b.. t (1 . 1 2 ) =
= -,
t is where T = t' - t. In the coordinate representation the operator e - TV K a multiplication by e - V ( q ) f:l. t operator, and the distributional kernel of the i�t operator e - T Ho is given by ( 1 . 9 ) , where T is replaced by b.. t . Thus the distributional kernel K ( q1 , q; b.. t ) of the operator e - i�t Ho e - i�t v is given by
K (q' , q; b.. t )
oo * ( ' ( e p ( q - q) - � +V ( q )) f:l.t ) dp. j t. _ 00
Since the kernel of a product of two operators is a composition of corre sponding individual kernels, for the distributional kernel Kn ( q ' , t'; q, t) of i�t i�t the operator (e - T H0 e-TV) n we obtain the following integral representation:
( 1 . 14 )
Kn ( q1 , t' ; q , t ) =
I I kIT� n- 1
K ( qk+l , qk ; b.. t )
n-1 IT dqk , �1
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
where qo = q , qn = q ' . Now replace each factor K ( qk + l , qk ; Llt ) in ( 1 . 14) by its integral representation ( 1 . 13) , where the corresponding variable of inte gration is denoted by Pk , k = 0, . . . , n - 1 . Changing the order of integrations in the resulting (2n - 1 )-fold integral and using ( 1 . 12), we obtain the follow ing remarkable representation of the propagator of a quantum particle as a limit of multiple integrals when the number of integrations goes to infinity: ( 1 . 15) im Kn ( q1 , t' ; q , t ) K(q ' , t' ; q , t ) = nl-+oo n- l . n -l exp L (Pk ( qk+l - qk ) - Hc (PkJ qk ) b.t) = nl�� k =l k=O Ja>.2n - l 2 Here Hc (P, q ) = ; + V ( q ) is the classical Hamiltonian function, and qo = m q , qn = q'. Heuristically, formula ( 1 . 15) admits the following interpretation. To ev. t ( o . ' ery pom P , PI , . . . , Pn -l , q l , . . . , qn -1 ) E T!l) 2n -1 assign a piece-wise lm2 ear path a in the extended phase space JR x IR of the classical particle, defined by the following time slicing procedure . Let t k = t + k b. t and a ( T ) = (p( T ) , q ( T ) , T ) , where - k p( T) = Pk, q (T) = qk + ( T - tk ) k + l k+1 - k ' and T E [t k , tk +l ] , k = 0, . . . , n - 1 . Then for the Riemann integrable potentials V ( q ) we have n -1 ( 1 . 16) L (Pk ( qk + l - qk ) - Hc (Pk , qk ) b.t ) = S (a) + o ( 1 ) , as n __, oo , k=O where
I · · · I {*
} �:� IT d�:d:k .
(pdq - HcdT )
1 (p(T)q(T) - Hc (P(T) , q (T)) )dT t'
is the action functional of a classical system with the Hamiltonian function Hc (P , q ) (see Section 2.2 in Chapter- 1 ) . This suggests to interpret ( 1 . 15) as a kind of "integral" over the space P ( IR2 ) �'t':t of all paths a ( T ) = (p( T ) , q (T) , T ) in the extended phase space JR2 x IR such that 1 q ( t ) = q and q( t' ) = q', which was used in the formulation of the principle of the least action in the phase space (see Section 2.2 in Chapter 1 ) . Thus we put
( 1 . 1 7)
K(q', t'; q, t )
P(Ja>. 2 )q:e q ,t
e*S(a ) �p�q,
1 Note that there is no condition on the values of p ( r ) at the endpoints.
1 . Feynman path integral
't '
where the "measure" �p�q on P(IR2 ) �;t is given by
o n- 1 q �p � q = nr dp IT dpkd k . .:..� 21r'!i k= l 21r'li
( 1 . 18)
Representati on propagator ofisa thequantum famousparticle. It expresses the prop for the agator K( q' , t ' ; t) as the "weighted sum" over all possible "histories" of - 2 ) ; , where each path has a comtheplexclweiassigchtalexppartiHcS(u)}. le, the paths u P(IR qt On one hand, thi s representati onquantum clearly shows the fundamental di ff erence between cl a ssi c al mechani c s and mechan ices.s,Thus clathessicalcrimechani particles)moves alactiongonclfuncti assicalonaltrajecto riwhereas whicinhinarequantum tmechani ical poicncs,tss theal(extremal of the ( u), ble paths contribute to the com plex probabilicltyearlamply poiitudents K(at theq', t'rel;l q,possi t) . On the other hand, representati o n a ti o n between quantum mechani c s and cltheassiweicalghtsmechani cs in the semi-classical limit 0. Namely, as 0 exp {-k S(u)} become rapidly oscil ating and their contri b uti o ns tolatter happens wil mutual l y cancel, unl e ss the acti o n i s al m ost constant. The nts, whieschofgiavepartithecmajor contrifrombutiiotns toquantum descri This pnear itis ohown,thewhiclcriachssitiwiccalall poibetrajectori l e emerge discussed in detail in Section The Feynman path i n tegral i n the phase space i n not an inte gral in the sense of abstract integration theory, since the formal expression �p �q does not define a measure2 on the path space P( IR2)�; t . Besi des, the frespect unctionalto eanyp{Kmeasure} hasf..t absol u te val u e and cannot be i n tegrabl e wi t h 2 The rig d with the property J.L( P ( JR )� ;r ) orous mathemati c al meani n g of i s the ori g i n al f o rmula expresses e integrals"paradox" as the number ofwhiquantum inchtegrati omechani ns goesthecspropagator tois defiinfininedty.entiasThiarelsliymexpliint ofaclinamulssis thectaliplapparent that terms by It i s not no "intrinsic" definwhiitiocnh ofalso requiinresclathessicspeci al terms, besicedesof thetheso, siapproxi tinmcee there slimcinatigisoprocedure a l choi n of by the Riemann sums. Using the Fresnel i n tegral ( 1 . 10) for the integrati o n over p i n ( 1 . 13), we obtain the following formula for the distributional kernel of the operator Feynman path integral in the
( 1 . 1 7)-( 1 . 18)
phase space
( 1 . 1 7)-( 1 . 1 8)
( 1 . 17)
( 1 . 17) .
S (u)
't '
= oo.
( 1 . 1 7)-( 1 . 18)
( 1 . 1 5) ,
( 1 . 1 7) .
( 1 . 1 7)
( 1 . 1 6)
1 .3.
( 1 . 15) , S( u)
Feynman path integral in the configuration space.
� eH�
e - T Ho e T v : il>t
-V( q )�t}
2 In abstract measure theory the measure is non-negative and countably additive.
Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Repeating the time slicing procedure from the previous section, instead of ( 1 . 15) we now get
K(q1 , t ' ; q, t ) = nl�� Cn��t ) ; ( q'+�� qk ) V(q, ) �� n
( 1 . 19) x
t/ { �� ( exp
Assuming that in IR, where qo
' -
) }IT dq,.
Qk q(tk ) , k 0 , . for some smooth path "f (T) = q(T ) q and Qn = q1, we obtain as =
. . , n,
oo ,
L ( 'Y' ( T))dT = 1 L (q( T) , q(T) ) dT, L ( q , q)
� mq2 - V ( q ) ,
is the action functional of a classical particle of mass m moving in the potential field V( q ) ( see Section 1 . 3 in Chapter 1 ) . This suggests to interpret the limit of multiple integrals ( 1 . 1 9 ) as the Feynman path integral in the configuration space ( 1 . 20)
K ( q' , t'; q, t) =
e i 8b) � q .
P(IR )q�t' q,t
Here P(IR)�:f is the space of smooth parametrized paths 'Y in the configura tion space JR. connecting points q and q1, and the "measure" � q on P(IR)�:f is given by (1.21)
� q = n--+oo lim (
:. ) IJ dqk· 27r � t k =l n
As the Feynman path integral in the phase space, the Feynman path in tegral in the configuration space is not actually an integral in the sense of integration theory, and the correct mathematical meaning of ( 1 . 20)- ( 1 . 2 1 ) is given by ( 1 . 19) . Formula ( 1 .20) expresses the propagator K(q', t'; q, t) as the sum over all histories in the configuration space of classical particle. - paths � ')' E P(IR)�;t , by assigning to each path ')' a complex weight exp U S ('Y ) } .
1. Feynman path integral
Convergence in ( 1 . 19) , as well as in ( 1 . 15), is understood in the distributional sense. In particular, for every 'ljJ E L 2 (IR) ,
( e - i TH 'ljJ) ( q) = nlim ---> oo
��: j exp { � � ( ; ( Qk+�� Qk )
where all integrals are understood as f�oo - in the £ 2 -sense.
( 2 7r:.�t ) �
) } tJ
V(qk ) �� �(qn)
dqk ,
limR---. oo � i � R ' and all limits q
It is said in physics textbooks that the Feynman path integral in the configuration space is obtained from the Feynman path integral in the phase space by evaluating the Fresnel integral over �p,
. t'
e K ft
(1. 22 )
(p¢.- Hc (p,q) )dr�p�q.
Note that the symbol � q has two different meanings: in the left-hand side of (1 .22 ) it is defined by (1. 2 1), whereas in the right-hand side it is defined as a part of ( 1 . 18) . p2
1.4. Several degrees of freedom. H
= 2m + V ( Q)
be the Hamiltonian operator of a quantum particle in ffi.n moving in the potential field V ( q) . As in the case of one degree of freedom, by using the Lie-Kato-Trotter product formula, the propagator K ( q , t'; q, t ) is expressed as a limit of multiple integrals when the number of integrations goes to infinity, '
(1. 23)
2 Here He (p , q) = !!__ + q ) is the classical Hamiltonian function, and Qo = 2m q, Q N = q1 • This representation is symbolized by the Feynman path integral in the phase space .41 = T*ffi.n , e K fo- (vii - Hc (P,q) )dr �p � q (1 .24 ) K ( q', t' ; q , t )
P ( J� ) qq :t' ,t
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
where �P � q
r N �oo
N- 1
dn Po
dnPk dn qk
( 2 7rn)n k=1 ( 27rn)n
and P(.4')�:f is the space of all admissible paths CJ in the extended phase space .4' x � connecting points (q, t) and (q' , t') (see Section 2.2 in Chapter 1). Equivalently, the propagator K ( q' , t'; q, t) can be written as ( 1 .25) X
K(q' , t' ; q, t) =
J { � � ( ; ( k+�� L
(2 : t) 7!' z
' -
nN 2
V (q• )
) } IT At
� q• .
This formula is symbolized by the Feynman path integral in the configura tion space, ( 1 .26)
K(q ' , t ' ; q , t ) =
e k ft
where L(q , q) = !mq 2 - V (q) is the corresponding Lagrangian, �q
= J�oo (
N- 1
IT dn qk , 27l'�� t ) k=1 2
and P(M )�:r is the space of smooth parametrized paths in the configuration space M connecting points q and q' . The precise mathematical meaning of formula ( 1 .26) is the same as of ( 1 .20) . Remark. Formally, definition ( 1 . 2 4 ) of the Feynman path integral in the phase space can be extended to the case (.4', w , He ) , where .4' = T* M and w = dO, the canonical Liouville 1-form on .4' . Namely, one can obtain a distributional kernel K (q' , t'; q , t) by using the same time slicing as in (1.24) and replacing the 1-form pdq by 8, and the volume form dnpk dnqk by an appropriate multiple of the Liouville volume form on .4'. Similarly, repre sentation (1.26) can be formally extended to the case of general Lagrangian system (M, L ) , where the configuration space M is a Riemannian manifold, by using the same time slicing and replacing dnqk by the Riemannian volume form on M. However, in general it is not clear for which unitary operators these Feynman integrals are actual distributional kernels. Moreover, even in the case M = �n with the standard Euclidean metric, representations (1.26) and ( 1 .24) , where He is a Legendre transform of L, do not necessarily agree if L is not of the form "kinetic energy minus potential energy" . However,
Symbols of the evolution operator and path integrals
when L = !9J.L v (x ) i;J.Li; v - V ( x ) (cf. Example 1 . 7 in Section 1 .3 of Chap ter 1 ) , then with appropriately defined time slicing, Feynman path integrals (1.26) and ( 1 . 24) agree, and are equal to the propagator for the Hamiltonian operator 2 H fi L\ + 2 g V. Here L\ 9 is the Laplace operator of the Riemannian metric on M, introduced in Example 2.4 in Section 2 . 4 of Chapter 2.
Formula ( 1 . 24) could serve as a heuristic tool which enables us, in some cases, to quantize the classical Hamiltonian system ( .4, w, He ) · In general this is a rather non-trivial problem, especially when the phase space .4 is a compact manifold. Remark.
Symbols of the evolution operator and path integrals
In Sections 2 . 7 and 3 . 3 of Chapter 2 we introduced Wick, pq- , qp- , and Weyl symbols of operators. For the evolution operator U(T) = e-KTH these symbols can also be represented by Feynman path integrals. Here we consider only the case of one degree of freedom, since generalization to several degrees of freedom is straightforward. 2 . 1 . The pq-symbol. Let F1 (p, q, T) be the pq-symbol of the evolution operator U(T) . Using ( 1 . 15) and formula (3. 18) in Section 3.3 of Chapter 2 - the relation between the pq-symbol of an operator and its distributional kernel - we get
H (p, q , T) = I: K(q - v, T; q, O) eKPvdv
( 2. 1 )
= J��
J J { � k=O L (Pk (qk+l - qk) - Hc (Pk , qk ) L\t ) } IT dp��1:qk , k=1 exp
. n- 1
n- 1
JR2n - 2
where Pn - 1 = p and qo = qn = q. Formula (2. 1 ) can also be obtained from the composition formula for pq-symbols ( see Problem 3.9 in Section 3.4 of Chapter 2) . Indeed, it is sufficient to observe that the pq-symbol of the operator e - --,;:- Ho e- --,;:- V is f (p, q ) = e- --,;:- Hc (p, q) , and to represent the pq-symbol of the operator ( e - --,;:-Ho e - --,;:- V ) n as the multiple integral iLl.t
iLl. t
i Ll. t
i Ll. t
JJR n-2J f(p , qn-I ) f (Pn-2 , qn2
i Ll. t
2) · · ·
f (p2 , q2 ) f (po
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
where qo = q. In the same spirit as ( 1 . 15 ) , formula (2. 1 ) can be written the following Feynman path integral for the pq-symbol: (2 . 2)
F1 (p , q , T )
= J
o(p,q) ( JR2 )
e k S ( a ) �p� q ,
S (a) =
1 pdq - Hc dt , )
(p, q)
where n (p ,q ) (JR2 ) = {a : [O, T] -+ JR2 : a (O) = a(T) = E JR2 } is the space of parametrized loops in the phase space JR2 which start and end at the point (p , q ) . The mathematical meaning of (2.2) is the original formula ( 2 . 1 ) with a special choice of the approximation of S( a ) by Riemann sums. Remark.
2 . 2 . The qp-symbol. Let F (p , q, T) be the qp-symbol of the evolution 2 operator U(T) . In this case instead of formula ( 1 . 12) , convenient for pq symbols, one should consider the equivalent representation (2.3)
The distributional kernel k ( q', q; b. t ) of the operator e - i�t v e by
K ( q', q; b. t) = 2�n
and as in Section 1 . 2 we obtain (2 . 5)
K ( q' , t' ; q, t ) = nl� . n- 1
� Ho is given
i: e * (p(q'-q)-( � +V(q') )�t)dp,
j J k�II K (qk+ , Qk i b.t) �1II dqk n- 1
n- 1
n- 1
J Jexp { � kL=O (Pk (Qk+ 1 - Qk) - Hc (Pk . Qk+ I ) b.t)} �:� II d�:d:k . ···
]R2n - l
Using formula (3.19) in Section 3.3 of Chapter 2 , we get from (2.5) , (2.6) = nl!_.�
J J ]R 2 n-2 · · ·
F2 (p , q, T) = K ( q, T; q + v, O)e*pvdv n- 1 . n- 1 d exp L (Pk (Qk + l - Qk ) - Hc (Pk , Qk +I ) b. t) II k=O k=1
p�-:ndQk ,
where Po = p and qo = Qn = q. Formula (2.6) can also be obtained from the composition formula for qp-symbols ( see Problem 3 . 1 0 in Section 3 .4 of Chapter 2) by observing that the qp-symbol of the operator e - T V e - T Ho is again e - THc (p,q) . In the same spirit as ( 1 . 15) , formula (2.6) can be written iLl.t
i Ll. t
i Ll. t
Symbols of the evolution operator and path integrals
as the following Feynman path integral for the qp-symbol: =
F2 (p, q, T)
( 2.7 )
n (p,qJ (JR2 )
e x S(u) ?Jp?Jq.
This expression looks exactly like ( 2.2 ) , so that the formal path integral rep resentation does not distinguish between pq- and qp-symbols! Of course, the mathematical meaning of ( 2.7 ) is the original formula ( 2 .6 ) , which requires a special choice of the approximation of S(CJ) by Riemann sums, which is different from the one used for the pq-symbol. Problem 2 . 1 . Deduce formula (2.6) from the composition formula for qp-symbols.
Let F (p, q; T) be the Weyl symbol of the evolu tion operator U(T) . It follows from the Weyl inversion formula - formula ( 3.12 ) in Section 3.3 of Chapter 2 - that 2.3. The Weyl symbol.
F (p, q , T)
i: K (q - !v, T; q + !v, O) e xPvdv.
However, for general potentials V ( q ) one cannot perform integration over v by using either ( 1 . 15 ) or ( 2 .5 ) , and we choose another approach. Namely, de note by U ( tl.t ) an operator3 with the Weyl symbol e - K Hc (p , q) l:l.t, and suppose that lim U ( t:J.tt. (2.8) U(T) n->oo =
Using the composition formula for the Weyl symbols, formula ( 3.24 ) in Sec tion 3.3 of Chapter 2, we can express the Weyl symbol as . n- 2 (2 .9) ( 2 L ( (Pk - �k ) (TJk+l - TJk) exp F p , q , T) = nl!_,� k=O
JJR4(n-1)J { * ( ·
n-1 ""' } ) dpkdqkd�k -1d1Jk- 1 , - ( qk - TJk) (�k+l - �k) ) Hc (Pk , qk)tl. t II L..J
1rn k=O k=1 where �o = p, 1Jo = q and �n- 1 Pn - 1 , TJn- 1 qn- 1 · As for formula ( 1 . 1 5 ) , formula ( 2. 9 ) can be written as the following Feynman path integral for the Weyl symbol: ( 2. 10 ) F (p, q, T) =
J eX
3 There is
f0T {2 ( p(t ) - W )) i]( t ) -2 (q(t ) - ry ( t ))�( t )-Hc (p ( t ) ,q( t ))} dt
no easy way to
express it in terms
?Jp ?Jq ?J� ?J1] ,
of e- � Ho and e- � V .
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
where 1M
::u p ::u q
IM(: ::U 1M ::u.., TJ
n- 1 'llm IT dpk dqk d�k- 1 drJk - 1 n --+oo k =1
and "integration" goes over the space of real-valued functions p(t) , q(t) , � (t) , and ry( t) on [ 0 , T] satisfying � ( 0 ) = p, ry( O ) = q and � (T) = p ( T ) , ry (T)
q (T) .
Remark. Expression (2. 10) looks very different from (2.2) and (2.7) . How ever, the variables �(t) and ry (t) appear only linearly in the exponential in (2. 10) , and the integration over them can be performed explicitly. Indeed, using integration by parts ( and ignoring subtleties with the boundary terms ) we can transform the integral over �� to
e ¥- J[ �(t) (q(t) -2iJ(t)) dt �� '
which equals the product of delta-functions J(27](t) - q(t) ) over [0, T] and allows us to replace 27](t) by q(t) in (2. 1 0) . Thus we obtain the formula F (p, q , T) =
e k foT (Pti-Hc (P ,Q )) dt �p � q ,
which looks exactly like (2.2) and (2.7) ! This heuristic argument shows that the Feynman path integral, understood naively, "erases" the difference be tween various symbols of the evolution operator. Of course, one should al ways specify particular finite-dimensional approximation of S ( a ) in order to get correct results. Problem
Find the integral kernel of the operator U(flt) .
Derive formula (2.9) .
2.4. The Wick symbol.
Instead of the variables z and z, used in Section vlfi z and a = vlfi z, n which introduce explicit -dependence in the calculus of Wick symbols. Let H ( a, a ) be the Wick symbol of a Hamiltonian operator H. Here we derive a formula for the Wick symbol U ( a, a; T) of the evolution operator U(T) e- t T H. Denote by U(b.. t ) an operator with the Wick symbol e - k H ( a, a) l:>. t , and as in the previous section, suppose that 2 . 7 of Chapter 2, it is convenient to use variables a
(2. 1 1)
U (T)
U(b.tt . nlim --+oo
Using the formula for the composition of Wick symbols ( see Theorem 2.2 and Problem 2.18 in Section 2.7 of Chapter 2 ) , we get the following expression
Symbols of the evolution operator and path integrals
for the Wick symbol Un (a, a; T) of the operator U( b.. t ) n : ( 2. 12 )
Un (a , a; T)
·· ·
j j exp { � (a(an -l - a) - iH (a , an-l)b..t cn - 1
n-l d2 k n-l + I )ak (ak-1 - ak) - iH (a k , a k_1 )b.. t ) ) } II 1r� , k=l k=l where a o = a . Setting an = a, we can rewrite the sum in ( 2 . 1 2 ) as n L ) a k (a k-l - ak) + a( an - a) - iH (a k. ak-I)b.. t ) , k =l and obtain (2 . 1 3 )
U(a, a ; T) = n�oo lim Un (a, a ; T) n
lim j n--+oo n .
c -1
n-1 d2 a k 1rn . k=1
{ !i1 ( L)ak (ak-1 - ak) + a( an - a) - iH (ak , ak_I ) b..t ) ) } II k=1
As in the previous examples, we can represent formula ( 2 . 13 ) by the following
Feynman path integral for the Wick symbol: (2 . 1 4)
U(a, a; T)
e * f0T ( iaa- H (a, a ))dt + i a( a (T ) - a ) ::ga::ga
n- 1 d2 ::ga::ga = n->oo lim II �k . k=1 1rn
Here integration goes over all complex-valued functions a(t) and a(t) sat isfying boundary conditions a(O) a and a(T) a, and such that a(t) is complex-conjugated to a(t) for 0 < t < T. =
Remark. It should be emphasized that in ( 2 . 14 ) the values a(O) and a ( T ) are not complex-conjugated to the fixed boundary values a (O) = a and a(T) a, but rather are "variables of integration" . This should be compared with formula ( 1.17 ) , where the boundary values for the function q ( r ) are fixed, and the boundary values for the function p ( T ) are free. The difference is that at t = 0 we fix the boundary value of the function a(t) , while at t T we fix the boundary value of another function a(t) . =
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
The Wick symbol U ( a, a ; -i T) of the operator e- � TH can also be represented by
U ( a, a ; - i T)
lim U a, ; i n� oo n ( a - T )
n� oo
j j ·
U ( -i T)
cn - 1
n -1 2
d ak { n1 ( I )ak (ak- 1 - ak) - H (ak , ak_ I ) �t) + a ( an - a) ) } II 7rn k =1
(2 . 1 5)
e - � for ( aa +H ( a,a ) ) dt+�a(a ( T ) - a ) �a �a ,
which is the so-called Euclidean path integral - the Feynman path integral with respect to the Euclidean time, which will be discussed in Section 2.3 of Chapter 6. In particular, if the Hamiltonian H has a pure point spectrum and e - � TH is of trace class, then using the relation between the trace and Wick symbols ( see Problem 2.17 in Section 2.7 of Chapter 2 ) , we obtain from ( 2. 15) Tr
( 2.16 )
e - l TH = 1i
{ aa (OO )I==aa ( T)T) } () (
where now integration goes over all complex-conjugate functions a( t) and a ( t) satisfying periodic boundary conditions a(O) a(T) and a ( O) a (T) , and =
Indeed, it follows from the identity n- 1
( 2 . 1 7) =
L {ak (ak-1 - ak ) + (ak+l - ak)ak } + 2 {a(an -1 - a) + (a 1 - a)a}
1n 1
L iik (ak- 1 - ak) + a(an - 1 - a)
k =1
k =1
that when a and a are variables of integration , one can put a n a and ao = a, which together with an a and ao a imply periodic boundary conditions. Thus n-1 n 2:: ak (ak-1 - ak ) + a(an -1 - a ) = 21 2:: { a k (ak -1 - ak ) + ( ak+1 - ak ) ak } , =
k =1
k =1
Feynman path integral for the harmonic oscillator
which in the limit n -t oo becomes
( - aa + aa ) dt lo due to the periodic boundary conditions. � 2
= -
In the holomorphic representation, the matrix symbol K ( a , a; T) of the evolution operator plays the role of a propagator K ( q', T; q , 0) in the coor dinate representation. Using the relation between matrix and Wick symbols ( see Lemma 2.4 in Section 2 . 7 of Chapter 2 ) , we obtain K (a, a; T)
( 2. 18 )
e k f[ (iaa-H(a, a))dt + ka a ( T) pa,Pa .
Problem 2.4. Find the relation between the Wick symbol of the evolution oper ator and the propagator. (Hint: Use the analog of formula (2.45) in Section 2 . 7 of Chapter 2 . ) 3.
Feynman path integral for the harmonic oscillator
As a first impression, one may think that Feynman path integrals are not very practical. Indeed, they are defined as limits of multiple integrals when the number of integrations goes to infinity, and it seems difficult to evaluate them. In fact, this is not so: Feynman path integrals turned out to be very useful for various computations, and for several important cases they can be evaluated exactly. Here we consider the basic example4 , the Feynman path integral for the harmonic oscillator. 3 . 1 . Gaussian integration. Evaluation of Feynman path integrals sim plifies when corresponding finite-dimensional integrals can be computed ex actly for every n ( or for large enough n ) . This is the case for the important class of Gaussian integrals.
metric n
x n
Lemma 3 . 1
( Gaussian integration ) . Let A be a positive-definite, real sym
matrix. We have
{ e- � ( A q,q)+ (p,q) dn q � e � ( A - lp,p) ' Jdet A Ja n where ( , ) stands for the standard Euclidian inner product in JRn . =
( 3.1)
eiA (e*A)n, and formula ( 1 . 14) gives the same answer
4 The simplest case of a free particle provides a trivial example, since the Lie-Kato-Trotter product formula reduces to every
(1.11) for
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Completing the square we obtain
so by the change of variables q x + A - 1p the integral reduces to the standard Gaussian integral fJRn e - 4 (Ax,x)dn x, which is evaluated by diago nalizing the matrix A and using the one-dimensional Gaussian integral =
_ !2 ax 2 dx =
Formula (3. 1 ) is one of the fundamental mathematical facts which is used in many disciplines, from probability theory to number theory. For applications to quantum mechanics, one needs a version of Lemma 3 . 1 when the decaying exponential factor is replaced by the oscillating exponential factor, as in ( 1 . 10) . Corollary
Let A be a real, non-degenerate symmetric
where the integral is understood in the distributional sense as lim R_, oo � q i.:;; R and v is the number of negative eigenvalues of A .
Formula (3.2) follows from (3. 1 ) by analytic continuation. It also can be proved directly by completing the square, diagonalizing the matrix 0 A, and using the Fresnel integral formula ( 1 . 10) .
There is also a complex version of Gaussian integration, given by the following analog of Lemma 3 . 1 .
Lemma 3 . 2 ( Gaussian integration i n complex domain ) . Let C be a complex matrix such that its Hermitian part ! ( C + C*) is positive-definite. We
n x n
have (3.3)
where ( , ) stands for the standard Hermitian inner product in en , 2 - d 2 z 1 . . . d Zn ·
!T"n n ll.... , an d d 2 z Problem
Prove Lemma 3.2.
Feynman path integral for the harmonic oscillator
3.2. Propagator of the harmonic oscillator. The classical harmonic oscillator with one degree of freedom is described by the Lagrangian function L ( q, rj) = ! m (rj 2 - w 2 q 2 ) . The corresponding Hamiltonian operator for a quantum harmonic oscillator is given by
The following result is an exact computation of the propagator K( q', t'; q, t) for the harmonic oscillator, using the Feynman path integral in configuration space. Proposition 3 . 1 . The Feynman path integral for the harmonic oscillator
is explicitly evaluated as follows: im
e 2ii" Jt
· 2 w 2 q2 ) dT !»q =
where for - = Tv < T < Tv + l =
2 2 m.,... w_-= � e 2 1i s m w T { (q +q' ) cos wT-2qq'} ' : ...,....., 21rifi sin wT
7r(v + 1)
mw --- = _ I!i4 _ rriv -2 e 27ri n sin wT
When T 'TriLl
, v
E N, we have
mw . n 21r l sin wT I
Tv, the right-hand side converges in the distributional sense to 1f i V
e - 2 8( q - q') for even v, and to e - 2 8(q + q1) for odd v .
In this case the ( n - 1 ) -fold integral i n ( 1 . 19) is Gaussian and can be computed exactly using (3.2) . Namely, we have Proof.
n- 1
L) ( qk+l - qk ) 2 - c 2 q� ) = ( An - l q , q ) - 2 (p , q ) + l + q' 2 , k=O where c = w!:l. t, q = (q1 , . . . , qn - d , p = (q, 0, . . . , 0, q') are vectors in lRn - 1 , and An - 1 is the following three-diagonal ( n - 1 ) x ( n - 1) matrix: 0 0 0 2 - c2 - 1 c 2 -1 2 -1 0 0 - 1 2 - c2 0 0 0 An- 1 =
0 0
0 0
0 0
2 - c2 -1
-1 2 - c2
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
2 58
It follows from ( 3.2 ) that
e 2�';;;t { q2 + q' 2 - ( A;;-_: lp,p) }
27riiL�t l det A n - 1 1 where v lln -1 is the number of negative eigenvalues of the matrix An -1 · It is easy to find det An -1 and ( An - I P , p ) . Namely, p ut an det An . Expand ing det An with respect to the last row, we obtain the three-term recurrence =
relation ( 3.5 )
with the initial conditions a- 1 = 0 and ao = Recurrence relation ( 3.5 ) has two linearly independent solutions z n and z- n , where 2 - c:2 = z + z - I , and a solution an satisfying these initial conditions is given by Un =
z n+ 1 z - n -1 z - z- 1 _
From here it is easy to obtain that the eigenvalues of the matrix An are
given by
Ak = z + z- 1 - 2 cos n
Since c: = w:f' we have z = ei0 where
.0 sm
k = 1,
. .
, n.
O (n- 2 ) and
sin wT ( + 0 ( n _1 )) aS n 001 wut and for n large enough the matrix An - 1 has exactly v negative eigenvalues whenever Tv < T < Tv+1 · In order to evaluate the inner product (An-1P, P) we only nee d to know the corner elements of the inverse matrix B A;;-� 1 , which are given by _ Un 2 - sin ( .n - 1 ) 0 ' B1 n - 1 = Bn -11 = 1 = sin-nO B 1 1 Bn -1 n - 1 -. SID 0 sm n 0 Un Un - 1 Thus we get 2 q 2 + q' 2 - (A;;-� 1 p, p) = �O 2 sin � cos ( n (q2 + q' 2 ) - 2 sin 0 qq' . 2 2 sm n Using these formulas and passing to the limit n -+ oo in (3.4) , we obtain the expression for the propagator for the case T i- Tv . The l i mit T Tv is evaluated by using the following standard formula in the theory of sin nO det An - 1 =
- .
i(x-y)2 1ri 1 lim -- e -2t - = e 4 o(x - y ) .
t-+0 v'2irt
Feynman path integral for the harmonic oscillator
Remark. It follows from Proposition 3 . 1 that in the limit w ---+ 0 the prop agator of the harmonic oscillator turns into the propagator ( 1 . 1 1 ) of a free particle.
For even v, special values T are integer multiples of the period 2 7!" w of the harmonic oscillator ( see Section 1 .5 in Chapter 1 ) , so when t' - t = Tv , the extremal connecting q at time t and at time t ' exists i f and only if q' = q. Correspondingly, when t ' - t = Tv for odd v, the extremal connecting q and exists if and only if = - q . For the general case t' - t I- Tv , the extremal connecting q at time t and q' at time t ' exists for all q and q' . The integer v is the Morse index of the trajectory T) - the number of negative eigenvalues of the corresponding Jacobi operator .7 , v
d2 2 dT
mw 2 ,
T :S
t' ,
with Dirichlet boundary conditions ( see Problem 1.7 in Section 1.3 in Chap ter 1) . Problem 3.2. Compute Weyl, pq, and qp-symbols of the evolution operator for the harmonic oscillator by using: ( a) formula ( 3 . 2 ) and p ath integral representations from Section 2; (b) formula (3.6) and formulas (3.12) , (3.18) and (3. 19) in Section 3.3 of Chapter 2. Problem 3.3. Show that the matrix symbol of the evolution oper ator for the harmonic osci ll at or is K(a, a ; T) exp{aae- i w T - �wT} by using: ( a) series ( 1 .8) in holomor p hic representation; ( b ) Lemma 3 . 2 and path integral representation from Section 2; ( c ) formula (3.6) and result of Problem 2.4. =
3.3. Mehler identity.
( 3.6 )
It is instructive to compare the closed expression
K(q', t ' ; q, t) =
mw -_ ___ :-
2/i sm wT { (q2 +q' 2 ) cos wT- 2 q q ' } e�
2ni!t sin wT for the propagator of the harmonic oscillator with the series ( 1 .8) . Putting x= y = q' and using the explicit formula for the normalized eigenfunctions
ffq , ff
1/Jn (q)
- � q2 1 e Hn (x) ;n,;;-:r n y 2 n! ,
corresponding to the eigenvalues En = !tw(n + � ) where Hn (q) are classical Hermite-Tchebyscheff polynomials ( see Section 2.6 in Chapter 2) , we obtain the series
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics =
which converges in the distributional sense. Setting z e- iwT and compar ing with (3.6) , we get the formula 2 x y z - ( x2 + y2 ) z 2 1 2 exp ( 3.7) � � H ( ) H ( ) X Y n LJ 2 n n I n 1 z2 ' Y� .L - z n=O . where z i= ± 1 , and the square root in the right-hand side is understood as in Proposition 3. 1 . When l z l < 1 , formula (3.7) is the classical Mehler identity from the theory of Hermite-Tchebyscheff polynomials. Thus we obtained a distributional form of the Mehler identity for l z l = 1 by computing the propagator of the harmonic oscillator in two different ways. Formula ( 3. 6) shows that the propagator K ( q' , t' ; q, t) is a smooth func tion of q, q' and T t' - t whenever T i= Tv , and it is singular at T Tv. Corresponding eigenvalues of the evolution operator U ( Tv ) are e - 1T"i v ( n+ � ) , so that when v is even we have U ( Tv ) = e- "�.., I, and therefore
i IS ( q - q' ) , + Tv ; q, t) = e T in perfect agreement with Proposition 3. 1 . For odd v using the series ( 1.8 ) we obtain v 00 * HT .., 1T" e e � L ( - 1 ) n Pn , K (q' , t
7r v
n =O
where Pn are projection operators on the eigenspaces C'l/Jn of H . Since Hn ( - q) = ( - I ) n Hn ( q ) , in this case we have
i IS (q + q' ) , + Tv ; q, t) = e- T which again agrees with Proposition 3 . 1 . 7T" l/
K (q' , t
Gaussian path integrals --->
was already mentioned in Section 1 that in the semi-classical limit n 0 the leading contribution to the propagator K ( q , t' ; q, t) is given by the classical trajectory qct (T) . This suggests to represent the paths 1 = q (T) E 't' P (JR )�: t as q ( T ) qc1 ( T) + y ( T ) , where y ( T) - the quantum fluctuation part - satisfies Dirichlet boundary conditions y ( t) y (t' ) 0. It follows from the principle of the least action ( see Section 1 . 2 in Chapter 1) that It
(4. 1)
S ( qcl
+ y)
= Set + �
1 (mii t'
V" (qc i (T) ) y2 ) dT
+ higher order terms in y ,
where Sc1 = S (qc� ) is the classical action. Similarly, for the case of several degrees of freedom, (4.2)
S ( qcl
+ y)
= sci
.J (y ) y dT
+ higher order terms in y ,
26 1
Gaussian path integrals
where .:J is the corresponding Jacobi operator ( see Problem 1 . 7 in Section 1 . 3 of Chapter 1) . It is remarkable that the Gaussian path integral
J {y(t')=O} y(t)=O
over the fluctuating part can be evaluated explicitly in terms of the reg ularized determinant of the second order differential operator .:J. Here we do this calculation for the case of the free particle and harmonic oscillator, and give another interpretation of formulas ( 1 . 1 1 ) and (3.6) for the prop agators. The Gaussian path integral ( 4.3) also plays a fundamental role in the semi-classical asymptotics which we discuss in Section 6. 1 . In general, formula (4.2 ) , with higher order terms in y , and Gaussian integration over �y, constitute a basis for the perturbative expansion of the propagator. 4. 1.
Gaussian path integral for a free particle.
free quantum particle is (4 .4)
K(q', t' ; q, t ) = y �
im(q-q1) 2
The propagator of a
2n T
and the corresponding classical trajectory is
q' - q qci(T) = q + ( T - t) ---r , T t' - t. Using the decomposition q(T) = qc� (T) + y(T) , where y( t ) = y( t' ) = 0, we =
obtain where
S(q) = �
1t' mildT
t' · r q 2l d Sci = 2 jt m c 1
Sc1 + S(y) ,
(q - q')2 =m 2T
Assuming that �q = � y under the "change of variable" q rewrite the Feynman path integral for a free particle as
qcl + y, we can
K(q', t ' ; q, t ) = e K 8cl
{y(t') y(t)=O=O} i
im(q-q' )2
Remarkably, the classical contribution e K 8c i = e 2n T exactly reproduces the exponential factor in the propagator for a free particle. The integral over the fluctuating part - the Gaussian path integral for a free particle - does not depend on q and q1 and, as we know, coincides with the prefactor in (4.4) .
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
262 A
more conceptual way to interpret this result is the following. Let
_!!_ dT ' be the second order differential operator on the interval [t, t'] with Dirich let boundary conditions y(t) = y (t') = 0. The operator A is self-adjoint on L 2 (t, t') . For any real-valued, absolutely continuous function y(T) satis fying Dirichlet boundary conditions and y, iJ E L 2 (t, t') , we have by using integration by parts D
( Ay , y) = -
' ijy dT t' y2 dT. t 1 =1
The "integrand" in the fluctuation factor
e �� Jt iidr �y J {y(t')=O}
is the exponent of the quadratic form of the operator A, and in accordance with the finite-dimensional formula (3. 1) it is natural to expect that this Gaussian path integral is proportional to ( det A ) - 2 . Of course, the problem here is to understand what we mean by a determinant of a differential op erator. Clearly, it should be defined by some regularization of the divergent infinite product A n , where A n are non-zero eigenvalues of A. The most natural and useful regularization is given by the so-called operator zeta-function. Namely, let A be a non-negative self-adjoint operator in the Hilbert space £ with pure point spectrum 0 :S A 1 :S A 2 :S . . . , such that for some a > 0 the operator ( A + I) -a is of trace class. Then the zeta function (A ( s) of the operator A is defined for Re s > a by the following absolutely convergent series: 1
fl�= l
(A ( s ) = L A s . A >O n 1
If (A ( s ) admits a meromorphic continuation to a larger domain contain ing the point s 0 and is regular at s = 0, then we define a regularized determinant of A by ( 4.5 ) (0) det ' A = exp =
{ - dJ: }·
Here the prime on the symbol det indicates that zero eigenvalues are ex cluded from the definition of an operator zeta-function. In the special case when 0 is not the eigenvalue of A, it is customary to denote the regularized
Gaussian path integrals
determinant of A by det A . We will also write det A = II' A n , I
..\n> O
where the prime indicates that the infinite product is regularized by the operator zeta-function. We have (cA( s ) = C 8 (A( s ) for c > 0, so that det ' cA = c<"A ( O ) det ' A, which shows that (A (O) plays the role of "regularized scaling dimension" of the Hilbert space £ ( with respect to the operator A) . When dime £ = n < oo and A > 0, then (A ( 0 ) = n and (� ( 0 ) log AI + · · · + log A n , and we recover the usual definition of det A. This basic outline works for the general case of elliptic operators on a compact manifold M. In quantum mechanics, only determinants of differen tial operators on one-dimensional5 manifolds M [t, t' ] or M = 8 1 appear. Their systematic study will be presented in Section 5 , while here we con sider the simplest case of the second derivative operator A = - D 2 associated with a free particle. The corresponding eigenvalues of A are A n = ; 2 , n 1 , 2 , . . . , and we have for the operator zeta-function =
(A (s) =
( )
( : ) 28 ( ( 2s) ,
where (( s ) is the Riemann zeta-function. Using classical formulas ( ( 0 ) = - ! and (' ( 0 ) = - ! log 27r, we obtain ( 4.6 ) (A ( O) = - !2 and (� ( 0 ) = - log T - log 27r = - log 2T. Thus for the operator A = -D 2 on the interval [t, t'] with Dirichlet boundary conditions we have det A = 2T. (4.7) The formula im rt' ·2d e 2ii Jt Y T cpy = 27rifiT {y(t')=O} y(t)= O agrees with our interpretation that the Gaussian path integral is proportiona! to ( det A)- 2 . The coefficient of proportionality cm ,n = J7£ is determined by comparison with the actual propagator for a free particle. Remark. In Section 3.1 of Chapter 6 we will prove that for Gaussian Wiener integrals the corresponding constant is � · 7T
� - -
5 Higher-dimensional manifolds are used in quantum field theory.
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Problem 4. 1 . Show that the propagator of a particle in a constant uniform field f is given by the following formula: K(
tl · ,
rrn 21> { v� e
(Hint: Use Lagrangian function L
m(q:;:q'J2 + fT(q+q' ) - 11�;:
�mq2 + fq.)
It is re markable that the same interpretation ( with the same constant Cm ,n) holds for the harmonic oscillator. Namely, according to Proposition 3.1 we have e �� It (q 2 -w2q2)dr r;;, q K ( q ' t ; q, t ) = 4 . 2 . Gaussian path integral for the harmonic oscillator.
� wT exp { 2 nism� wT ( ( q2 + ql 2 ) cos wT - 2qql ) } . 2 1r2.;sm w
Now solving classical equations of motion with the boundary conditions
q ( t) = q and q ( t 1 ) = q1 , we readily compute that for T i= Tv , m t' w (( q2 + q1 2 ) cos wT - 2qq1) , f (q�1 - w 2q�1)dr = s� Sc 1 = 2 lt 2 m wT so that e t 5c1 is exactly the exponential factor in the propagator. For the
fluctuating factor - the Gaussian path integral for the harmonic oscillator - we have
J { y(t' ) =O }
�� It (ii - w 2y2 ) dr 9y =
V 1ri n det Aw '
y(t)=O - D 2 - w2 is the second order differential operator on the
where Aw interval [t, t 1] with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Thus to justify, in this case, the interpretation of the fluctuating factor in terms of the regularized 2 sin wT when T -=/= Tv . determinant, we need to show that det Aw = w At a heuristic level, this can be done by the following beautiful com putation, which goes back to Euler. Namely, the eigenvalues of Aw are 2 - w2 ( 0 is not an eigenvalue for Aw since T -=/= Tv) , and An ( w) = we have sin wT w2T2 det Aw A n (w) = . 1r 2 n 2 wT det Ao n=l An (O) n=l Since det A0 = 2T, we get the result! For the rigorous derivation , it is more convenient to consider the positive-definite operator Aiw , where w > 0, in stead of the operator Aw . =
IT ( 1
Gaussian path integrals
Aiw = -D2 + w2 be the second order differential operator on the interval [t, t '] with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Then
Lemma 4. 1 . Let
sinh wT det A iw = 2 w Denoting (iw ( 8 ) = (A ;w ( s) , we have for Re 8 ---
(iw ( S )
1 r = r(8) lo 0
where rJ (x) = I: n EZ e - 1r n2 x inversion formula
00 2X
2 2
= v'x rJ (x) , x > O,
- -- +
.a v
dx s - !2 x
Tr 8 - ! ) T n2 T2 s - !2 dx = - 2w1 2 s + 2 J7rw2 s- 1 �(8) + J?rr ( 8) Jro e -w x � e - -x - x --;;0
( 4 .8 )
--;;- 2 w 2s ' T2 is the Jacobi theta series. Using the Jacobi
(�) we get the following representation: oo 1 1 T - w x ( T2 ) ) e -., iw 2w 2 8 2 for ( 8 ) (s
e-W 2:::: e _ rrT2 X XS d: n=1 r oo e -W 2 X f) ( 7r X ) x 8 dX oo
( )
Tr(8 - ! ) 2T 00 nT s - 2 1 "" = - -- + K 1 (2wnT) ' + 2w 2 s 2 fow 2s-1 r(8) J7rr (8) � w s- 2
where Ks (x)
du = 21 00 e - 2x (u+u - 1 ) U5 u
1 0
x > 0,
is Macdonald's K-function ( modified Bessel function of the second kind ) . Since K5 ( x ) = O(e- x ) as x ----; oo , uniformly in s E CC on compact subsets, it follows from representation (4.8) and the Weierstrass M-test that (iw ( 8 ) admits meromorphic continuation to the entire 8-plane with simple poles at 8 E - ! + Z:::: o · Since lim5___. o 8r (8) = 1 , we obtain (iw (O) = - ! . Using classical formulas (4 . 9 ) 1r e - x K!2 (x) K_ !2 (x) = {if 2 v� and r ( ! ) = J?r, we obtain from ( 4.8) , =
d(iw ( ) d8 0
log w - wT +
� e - 2nwT f n= 1 n
log w - wT - log(1 - e - 2wT ) ,
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quant um Mechanics
266 so that
det Atw .
d(iw ds
( O) } - 2 sinhw wT _
Corollary 4 . 1 . Let Bw = - D 2 + iwD be the second order differential opera tor on the interval [t, t'] with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Then det B2w =
det Aw .
Proof. The substitution y( T) e iw r f ( T ) transforms the eigenvalue problem 0 B2w Y = A.y to the eigenvalue problem Awf = A. f . =
Let I be the identity operator in L2 (t, t') . In addition to the regular ized determinant det ' A of the differential operator A = - D 2 , it is possible to define the so-called characteristic determinant of A - an entire func tion det ( A - >.. I ) on the complex A.-plane, whose only simple zeros are the eigenvalues A.n Indeed, for Re ( >.. 1 - >.. ) > 0 consider the zeta-function =
1 � - log(>.n - >.) ' LJ e s s ( A. >.. n=l n n=l where we are using the principal branch of the logarithm. As before, (A-u( s ) is absolutely convergent for Re s > ! , admits a meromorphic continuation to the complex s-plane, and is regular at s 0 . Thus for Re ( >.. 1 - >.. ) > 0 we define
( 4 . 10)
<:,I'A -AI ( s )
det ( A - >..J )
� LJ
IT' ( >..n - >.. ) n
A -AI 0) exp - 8(as ( ,
which is a holomorphic function of >.. . Now suppose that det ( A - >..I ) is already defined for Re ( >.. N - >.. ) > 0 and is holomorphic. To extend it to the domain Re ( >.. N +l - >.. ) > 0, we set N det ( A - >.. I ) = IT ( >.. k - >.. ) IT' ( >..n - >.. , n = N +l k=l where the regularized product is defined by the "truncated" zeta-function
+ (A -AI ( s ) ( N l)
( 4. 1 1)
A. n= N+l ( n
1 _
>.. ) s
Gaussian path integrals
It requires to prove that (���i) s ) admits a meromorphic continuation to the complex s-plane and is regular at s = 0. This is done by using the representation s dx 1 (1 - ..\x .a s dx I' ( N+ l ) - 1 r�:> -..\x,a S ) 2r ( s ) Jl e V N+ l ( X ) X -;- + 2 r ( s lo e V N+l ( X ) X -;- ' where
'>A- ..\! (
{} N+l (x)
{} ( x ) - 2 L e - ..\nx - 1 . n= l
Since Re ( A n - A ) > 0 for all n > N, the first integral i n this formula is absolutely convergent for all s E C and represents a holomorphic function. Using the Jacobi inversion formula and expanding e-..\ x , e - ..\1 x , , e- ..\N x into power series in x , we conclude, just as before, that the second integral admits a meromorphic continuation to the s-plane with simple poles at s E - � + Z;:: o . Since for M > N . . .
An - A) =
(A n - A) , ( A k - A) l k=N+l n =M+
det(A - AI) is well defined, and is an entire function of A with simple zeros at A = An · To obtain a closed ( and simple ) formula for det ( A - A I ) , observe that for Re ( A l - A ) > 0 it follows from ( 4 . 10) that a(A-..\I
� 1 � (An - A)s +l .
This series is absolutely convergent for Re s > - � , so that for Re ( Al - A ) > 0 we have d ()2 1 = log det ( A - A I ) ( 4 . 12) dA A _ An · By analytic continuation, formula ( 4 . 1 2) is valid for all A "/= A n · Since 2 , we have An 00
= asaA (A- ..\r (O ) �
= L n= l A A n -
so that
cot ..J>...r - 2A , 2 v" A
c sin det ( A - AI ) =
and comparison between formula det(A + w2 I) det Aiw and Lemma gives c = 2 . Thus we have proved the following result.
4. 1
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Lemma 4 . 2 . The characteristic determinant det ( A - ).. ! ) of the operator A = - D 2 on the interval [t , t'] with Dirichlet boundary conditions is well defined, and is an entire function of >.. . It is given explicitly by
det ( A - ).. J ) = det A
IT ( 1 - �) n= l An
2 sin vfA T . vfA
Problem 4 . 2 . Prove the Jacobi inversion formula. (Hint: Use the Poisson sum00
mation formula
Y (IR) and
L f (n ) = � L ] ( 21rn ) ,
n= - oo
n = - oo
j is the Fourier transform of f.)
Problem 4.3. Prove formula (4.9) . Problem 4.4. Let L
m ( ±2
i2 )
y- x 2c (x y )
be the Lagr angian of a classical particle moving in the constant uniform magnetic field B (0, 0, B ) . Show that the propagator of the corresponding quantum particle in Section 2.4 of Chapter 2) is given by (see Example =
2 .3 ( m ) � wT exp im2 { (z - z1 ) 2 w cot wT [( x - x1) 2 K ( 1 , t1 t ) fi T = 21rinT sin wT +(y - y1)2] 2w(xy1 - yx1 ) } · r
(Hint: Use Corollary 4. 1 . ) 5.
Regularized determinants o f differential operators
Here we study the characteristic determinant det ( A Liouville operator A = -D 2 + u(x) ,
>.. I )
of the Sturm
d dx '
on the interval [0, T] with Dirichlet or periodic boundary conditions, and its generalizations to the matrix case. 5 . 1 . Dirichlet boundary conditions. Suppose that u(x) E C1 ( [0, T] , JR) . The operator A is self-adjoint on L2 (0, T) with domain D ( A ) = {y (x) E W 2 ' 2 (0 , T ) : y (O)
y (T)
where W 2, 2 (0, T) is the Sobolev space. It has a pure point spectrum with simple eigenvalues ).. 1 < ).. 2 < · · · < < · · · , accumulating to oo. Moreover , as n -> oo , 1 {T (5. 1) u(x)dx . where c
Regularized determinants of differential operators
Consider first the case A > 0. Putting
't? A ( t )
we have for Re > � '
L e - An t ,
n I
s 1 roo d (A ( s ) = f ( s ) lo 1JA(t ) t 8 tt
( 5.3 )
dt . s dt + 1 r I 't? A ( t ) t s t ) A (t t 1J t f ( s ) lo f(s ) }I roo
Since 't? A ( t ) O(e- .X. 1 t ) as t oo , the first integral in (5.3) converges absolutely for all E C and represents an entire function. Using asymptotics ( 5.1 ) and the Jacobi inversion formula we get as t ---> 0, =
't? A (t ) = � e-ct where
( ( ;; ) - 1 ) '!?
( 5.4 )
( 1 + O (t) )
1 = --
2 fo '
- "2
+ ao
+ JA (t ) ,
ao = - 2
and JA ( t ) = 0( vt) . Thus for the second integral in ( 5.3 ) we have a 1 dt 1 rI 1 rI ao d 1JA ( t W tt = Jo 1JA (t ) t s t '
( s - !)r( s ) + sf ( s ) + f ( s )
f ( s ) Jo
so that it admits a meromorphic continuation to the half-plane Re > and is regular at = 0. Therefore we can define
det A =
n I
d exp - (A
ds ( 0 )
Now repeating verbatim the arguments in the proof of Lemma 4.2, we see that for Re ( A. N - A. ) > the truncated zeta-function (;t-.!i) (s) admits a meromorphic continuation to Re s > - � , and is regular at = 0. Defining the regularized product Jl�= N +1 ( A n - A. ) by the same formula 4. 1 1 ) , we see that
det (A - A. I )
N IT (A. k - A. ) ITI
(A.n - A.)
n= N +I k= I is an entire function of A. with simple zeros at A n· To remove the assumption A > 0, replace A by A = A + ( a - A. I )J > 0, where a > 0. Then6 det ( A - A.I ) det ( A - ( A. + AI - a ) I ) , =
6 The definition of det'
does not depend on the choice of a > 0 .
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
2 70 and d et ' A
det A
if 0 is not an eigenvalue of A, 1 I lim.>.- o _A- det ( A + .A ) if 0 is an eigenvalue of A.
Let Y l (x, .A ) be the solution of the second order differential equation ( 5.5 ) -y " + u (x) y = .Ay on [0, T] , satisfying initial conditions ( 5.6 ) Y l ( 0, .A ) = 0, y � ( 0, .A ) 1 . It is known that for every 0 ::S x ::S T, the solution Y l ( x , .A ) is an entire function of of order ! and as oo , =
( 5. 7 )
Y l ( x , .A )
+ 0 (I.AI-le/ Re -/.\/ x )
The entire function d ( .A ) Yl (T, .A ) has simple zeros at the eigenvalues A n of the operator A, and has the following Hadamard product representation: .A ( 5.8 ) d ( .A ) = c x' II .A n A #O =
(1 - ) .
1 if 0 is an eigenvalue of A, and 8 = 0 otherwise. Theorem 5 . 1 . The characteristic determinant det ( A - .AI ) is given by the
Here c is a constant,
simple formula
det ( A - .A I )
2d ( .A ) .
( �) An '
det ( A - .AI ) ( -.A ) 6 II 1 det ' A = .An# O
which fixes the constant in ( 5.8 ) as c = ! ( - 1 l det ' A. Proof.
Since both functions are entire, it is sufficient to prove the equality ( det A - .A I ) = 2 d ( .A ) for Re ( .A1 - .A ) > 0. In this case, using dt 1 �' ':.A .>.I ( s ) __ r>e' Tr e - (A - .>.I) tt s
for Re s
f ( s ) Jo
! and differentiating under the integral sign we get 1_ r= � A- ) - (A-.>.I)t t s dt, S a.A ( .>.J ( - f ( s ) lo Tr e _
5. Regularized determinants of differential operators which is now absolutely convergent for Re s respect to s at s = 0, we obtain
- ! . Differentiating with
�i ( 0) = r)Q Tr e- (A ->..I )t dt = Tr ( A .X I) - 1 8s8.X '> A - >..I It follows from (5. 1 ) that the operator R>.. (A - .XI) - 1 - the resolvent of A - is of trace class. Thus all our manipulations are justified and we arrive at the following very useful formula:
d log det(A - .XI) d.X
= - Tr R>.. , which generalizes the familiar property of finite-dimensional determinants. To compute the trace in (5.9) , we use the representation of R>.. for .X of. An as an integral operator with the continuous kernel R>.. (x, �) (cf. formula (2.2 1 ) i n Section 2 . 2 o f Chapter 3) . Namely, let y2 ( x, .X ) b e another solution o f (5.5) with boundary conditions Y2 ( T, .X) 0 and y� ( T, .X) = 1 , so that W ( y1 , Y2 ) (.X) = Y� (x, .X) y2 (x , .X) - Y1 (x , .X ) y� (x, .X) = - d ( .X ) . Using the method of variation of parameters, for the solution of the inho mogeneous equation -y" + u (x) y = .Xy + f (x) , A of. A n , satisfying Dirichlet boundary conditions we get = T R>.. , �)f 0 d� (5.9)
y (x)
if X � � '
(5 . 1 0)
if X � � -
Since R>.. is a trace class operator on £ 2 ( 0, T) with the integral kernel R>.. ( x, �) , which is a continuous function on [0, T] x [0 , T] , its operator trace equals the "matrix trace" , Tr R>.. = T R>.. (x, x)dx = Y (x .X) y2 (x, .X) dx . d .X) T 1 ,
t lo
We evaluate the last integral by the same computation used in the proof of Proposition 2 . 1 in Section 2 . 1 of Chapter 3 . Namely, put iJ( x , .X) = (x, .X) , and consider the following pair of equations: -iJ� + u (x) y 1 = .X i;1 + Y1 , -y� + u(x) y2 = AY2 ·
Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Multiplying the first equation by y2 (x , .X ) , the second equation by iJ1 (x, .X) and subtracting, we obtain (" ' Y1Y2 = Y1 Y2 - Y1 Y2 = W Y1 , Y2 ) , •
· II
so that
(5. 1 1) This formula is valid for any two solutions of the differential equation (5.5). Using boundary conditions for the solutions Y 1 and y2 , we finally get
loT Y1 (x, .X)y2 (x, .X)dx
(5. 12)
= iJ 1 (T, .X ) .
Thus we have proved that for Re ( .X 1 - .X ) > 0 , d (5. 13) Tr R>. = - .X log d(.X) , d which implies that
(5. 1 4 )
det(A - .X I) = C d( .X )
(5. 15)
for all A E C and some constant C. It follows from ( 5. 7) that
+ oo.
Thus in order to determine the constant C in (5. 1 4) , it is sufficient to com pute the asymptotics of det(A + J.Ll) as J-L +oo. We have ___.
- 1 roo UA ( t ) e -j.Lt t s dt + 1 r 1 UA ( t ) e -J.Lt t s dt · '> A +J.Ll ( s ) T r(s) }1 t r(s) lo The first integral is an entire function of s whose derivative at s = 0 expo nentially decays as J-L + oo . For the second integral we have 1 1 1 1 dt dt rJA ( t) e - J.Lt t s rJ A ( t)e-J.Lt t s = r ( s) 0 t r(s) 0 t 1 dt 1 { e -J.Lt t s · + + T r(s) }0 vt .a
-- 1
-- 1 ( a-� ao )
Since JA ( t) = 0( vt) as t 0, the first integral is absolutely convergent for Re s > - � and its derivative at s = 0 is O (J-L- � ) as J-L +oo. For the ___.
5. Regularized determinants of differential operators
remaining integral we have
r�s) l (":Ji ao) e -"' t' �t = "-;(.� -' (r(s - � ) - f e -'t•- l �t ) t + a�(s�s ( r ( s ) - 100 e-t t s � ) . +
It is elementary to show that the s-derivative of this integral at s = 0 has asymptotics -2y'1ra_ ! fo - ao log J-L + 0(e - �LI 2 ) as J-l -t + oo . Using ( 5.4 ) we finally obtain 2
as J-l
det(A + J-LI) = -t
efoT ( fo
1 + O (J-L- 2 )
+oo, and comparison with ( 5.15 ) gives C = 2 .
Remark. When zero is not an eigenvalue of A, its inverse A - 1 is a trace
class operator and
det(A - >.. I ) = detp ( I _ >..A _ 1 ) det A where detp is the Fredholm determinant.
Remark. In Section 6.1 we will use Theorem 5.1 for evaluating the fluc tuating factor in the semi-classical asymptotics of the propagator, and in Section 3. 1 of Chapter 6 - for evaluating Gaussian Wiener integrals.
A similar result holds for the matrix-valued Sturm-Liouville operator with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Namely, let U(x ) = { uij (x) }i,j = 1 be a C 1 -function on [0, T] which takes values in real, symmetric n x n matrices, and consider A = - D 2 In + U(x) , where In is the n x n identity matrix. The differential operator A with Dirich let boundary conditions is self-adjoint on the Hilbert space L 2 ( [0, T] , en ) of e n -valued functions, and has a pure point spectrum accumulating to oo. Its regularized determinant det' A and characteristic determinant det (A - >.. I ) , where I is the identity operator in L 2 ( [ 0 , T] , en ) , are defined as in the n = 1 case. Let Y(x, >.. ) be the solution of the differential equation -Y" + U (x)Y = >.. Y satisfying initial conditions Y(O, >.. ) = 0, Y ' (O, >.. ) = In , and put D(>.. ) = det Y (T, >.. ) . The entire function D(>.. ) has properties sim ilar to that of d(>.. ) , and the following analog of Theorem 5.1 holds.
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Proposition 5 . 1 . The characteristic determinant det(A the formula
>..I ) is given by
det(A - >.. I ) = 2 n D(>.. ) . Moreover,
( �)
det(A - >.. I ) = ( - >.. ) 8 IT 1 det' A >-n #O
o is the multiplicity of the eigenvalue ).. = 0. Problem 5 . 1 (Gelfand-Levitan trace identity) . Prove that � ( \ \ ( o ) c) )d u ( O) + u(T) ( where
n= l
_2_ 1T 2T
(":; ) 2 and C = � faT u ( x )dx .
u X
5 . 2 . Periodic boundary conditions. As in the previous section, we as sume that u ( x ) E C 1 ( [0, T] , �) . The Sturm-Liouville operator A -D 2 + u ( x ) with periodic boundary conditions is self-adjoint on £2 ( 0, T) with the domain D ( A ) { y ( x ) E W 2 • 2 (0, T ) : y (O ) = y (T) and y' (O ) y' (T ) } . It has a pure point spectrum with the eigenvalues < A 2 n - l :S A 2 n < · · · >.. o < >.. 1 :S >.. 2 < accumulating to oo . Moreover, as n ---+ oo , 4 7r2n2 (5. 16) A 2 n-l = --y;2 + c + O ( n -2 ) , =
where c is the same as i n (5. 1 ) . Replacing, i f necessary, A by A - (>.. o + a )I with a > 0, we can always assume that >.. o > 0, and define 00
n =O Using asymptotics (5. 16) , we get that as t ---+ 0, t ( 1 + O(t) ) = '19A (t) = e- ct79
(� )
a1 + O (Ji) ,
where a _ � = as in (5 . 4) , but ao 0. This allows us to define the 2 regularized determinant det' A and the characteristic determinant det(A >.. ! ) exactly as in the previous section. Since ao = 0, we now get as J.L ---+ + oo det ( A + J.LI ) = e foT 1 + O (J.L - ! ) (5 . 1 7) =
5. Regularized determinants of differential operators
( see the end of the proof of Theorem 5 . 1 ) . Here we denote 7 by Yl (x, .\) and y2 (x, .\) solutions of the Sturm-Liouville equation ( 5.5 ) satisfying initial conditions Yl (O , .\) = 1 , Yi (O, .\) = 0 and Y2 (0, .\) = 0, y� (O , .\) = 1 . Solutions Y l and Y2 are linearly independent for all A and the matrix Y ( X , .\ )
-( _
Y l (x , .\) Y2 (x , .\) Yi ( X , A ) y� ( X , A )
satisfies the initial condition Y ( O , .\) = !2 , where h is the 2 x 2 identity matrix, and has the property det Y(x, .\) = 1 . For fixed x the matrix Y (x, .\) is an entire matrix-valued function of ,\ having the following asymptotics as .\ --+
oo :
( 5.18 )
Y (x, .\)
� sin
cos vf\x
vf\ sin �x
cos �x
+ O ( l .\ 1 - l e i Re y';\lx ) )
By definition, the monodromy matrix of the periodic Sturm-Liouville problem is the matrix T (.\) = Y(T, .\) . The monodromy matrix satisfies det T (.\) = 1 and is an entire matrix-valued function. The following result is the analog of Theorem 5.1 for the periodic boundary conditions . Theorem 5 . 2 . One has det (A - .\I) = -det 2 (T( .\ ) - !2 ) = Y I (T, .\) + y� (T, .\) - 2 , where det 2 is the determinant of a 2
2 matrix. Moreover,
- ,\ 6 det ( A -; .\I) = ( ) IT 1 � , An det A An.,.-0 where { An }�= O are the eigenvalues of A, and 0 the eigenvalue A = 0 . _J_
2 is a multiplicity of
Proof. The proof follows closely the proof of Theorem 5.1, and we will assume that A > 0. First, in exact analogy with (5.9) we obtain that for .\ i= A n , d d.\ log det ( A - .\J) = - Tr R.>- ,
where R.>- = ( A - .\I) - l . To get a closed expression for the integral kernel R(x, �) of the operator R.>- , we use the same variation of parameters method as in the previous section, but now for periodic boundary conditions. As a 7 There should
no confusion with the notation in the previous section.
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
result, we obtain that the symmetric, continuous kernel R>. ( x , e) is given for X :S e by the formula R>. ( x, e)
(Yl (x , -\ ) , y2 (x , -\ ) ) ( T( -\ ) - I2 ) -1 T( -\ )
= -Tr 2 { (T (-\ ) - I2 ) - 1 T (-\) Z (x, e; -\ ) } , where Tr 2 in the last formula is the matrix trace and z ( x , e ·' -\ ) = Y l (x , -\ )y2 (e , -\ ) Y2 (x , -\)y2 (e, -y1 (x , -\ ) yl (e , -\ ) -y2 (x , -\ ) y1 (e, -\ ) ·
As in the proof of Theorem 5 . 1 , we need to compute J0T Z(x , x ; -\ ) dx . It readily follows from formula ( 5 . 1 1 ) and the definition of the monodromy matrix that Therefore
d d� log det(A - -\I ) = Tr 2 (T( -\ ) - I2 ) - 1 d T( -\ ) = d� log det 2 ( T (-\) h ) -\ and det ( A - ,\I ) C det ( T( -\ ) - I2 ) . To determine the constant C we set A = -p, ---> +oo and compare asymptotics ( 5. 17) with the asymptotics
- ,
2 - Tr T(- p, ) = 2 - 2 cosh foT ( 1 + O(p,- 2 ) ) = - e foT ( 1 + O(p,- � ) ) , 0 which follows from (5 . 1 8) . Thus C = - 1 . Remark. In Section 3.2 of Chapter 6 we will use Theorem 5.2 for calculating Gaussian Wiener integrals over the loop spaces. det2 (T(-p,) - I2)
In the special case u( x )
0, we have
Yl (x, -\ ) = cos �x and Y2 (x , -\ ) =
so that
:;x ,
�T ·
det (- D 2 ,\I ) = 2 ( cos �T - 1 ) = -4 sin2 Setting A = -w 2 < 0, for the operator A iw = -D 2 + w 2 we get T . h2 w 2' det A iw = 4 sm ( 5 . 20) ( 5 . 1 9)
and also
(5 . 2 1 )
det' Ao =
det ( A - I ) -\ - >.->Olim A
lim w-->0
det' Aiw w2
T2 .
Regularized determinants of differential operators
Remark. Using that the spectrum of Aiw consists of double eigenvalues >-n (w) =
c;nr, n = 1 , 2 , , and of the simple eigenvalue we can derive formulas (5.20)-(5.2 1 ) directly, as was done in Section 4.2 for Dirichlet boundary conditions. There is also an analog of the heuristic computation in Section 4.2: 2 4 oo oo det Aw ) IJ IJ 2 ( 1 + 4 n = smh -2 . ' (0) = det'A = w An . . .
w2 ,
A n (w) 2
n= l
w 2 T2
7r 2
n= l
similar result holds for the general second order differential operator A = -D 2 + v (x)D + u ( x ) on the interval [0, T] with periodic boundary con ditions. Namely, repeating the proof of Theorem 5.2, we have the following Theorem 5 . 3 . For the differential operator A = -D 2 + v (x)D + u ( x ) one has det(A - >. I) = e � f[ v ( x) dx det2 ( T ( >. ) - h ) A
e � J[ v (x)dx -
(Yl (T, >. ) + y; (T, >.)
where solutions Y 1 , 2 ( x , >.) and the monodromy matrix the same formulas as for the case v (x)
e g v (x) dx ) ,
T ( >. )
are defined by
In particular, the following result will be used in Section 2.2 of Chapter
8. Corollary 5.4.
det' ( D 2 + wD) = -
2T .
smh - . 2
Proof. The proof is an elementary computation, using Theorem 5.3, an explicit form of the solutions Y 1 , 2 ( x , >.) , and the formula 2 1.1m det ( D + w D - >. I ) . O det ( D 2 + w D) , >.-+0 '
+ w D on [0, T] with periodic bound 2 + iw ary conditions has simple eigenvalues A n ( a ) = = - oo , , oo , we can also repeat the heuristic computation in Section w 2 T2 det' ( D2 + w D ) _!._ sinh wT . = + = 47r2n2 wT det ' ( D 2 ) n= l Remark. S i nce the operator . . .
- D2
IJoo (1
( 2;n )
( 2;n ) , n 4.2:
A similar result holds for the matrix-valued Sturm-Liouville operator with periodic boundary conditions. Namely, let U (x) {uij (x)}f,j = l be a C 1 -function on [0 , T] which takes values in real , symmetric x matrices, and consider A = D 2 In + U(x) . =
n n
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
The differential operator A with periodic boundary conditions is self-adjoint on the Hilbert space of en -valued functions, and has a pure point spectrum accumulating to oo. Its regularized determinant det' A and characteristic determinant det ( A - ).. I ) , where I is the identity operator in are defined as in the n = 1 case. Let ).. and Y2 (x , ).. be the solutions of the differential equation = + satisfying, respectively, the initial conditions and ).. ) = The monodromy matrix is defined as the following 2n x 2n block matrix: ).. ) Y2 (T, ).. T ( ).. ) ).. ) Y� (T, ).. ) and is a matrix-valued entire function. The analog of Theorem 5 . 2 is the following statement.
£2([0, T], en )
£2 ( [0 , T], en ) ,
Y1 (x, )
-Y" U(x)Y )..Y Yi.(O , ).. ) = In , Y{ ( O , ).. ) = 0 ¥2(0, 0 , Y; (o, ).. ) = In . T().. ) )) (YY1 ((TT, - { , _
Proposition 5 . 2 . The characteristic determinant is given by the formula
det ( A - ).. I ) =
( -l ) ndet2n (T().. ) - hn ) ,
where det 2n is the determinant of a 2n
2n matrix, and
( 1 �) An , where 8 is the multiplicity of the eigenvalue ).. = 0. det ( A ; ).. I ) det A
( - ).. ) 0
IT -J.
Problem 5 . 2 . Prove Theorem 5.3.
Problem 5.3. Derive Corollary 5.4.
Here we continue to assume C1([0 , T], JR) , and consider the first order differential operator A = D + u( x) on the interval [ 0 , T] with periodic boundary conditions y ( O ) = y(T). The 5.3. First order differential operators.
that u (x)
y' + u (x) y ).. y has an explicit solution y (x) = e .\x f;' u (r) dr , which is periodic if and only if ).. = where =
An ,
and uo =
1 { T u ( x ) dx . T Jo
Thus the spectrum of the operator A coincides with the spectrum of the operator Ao = D + uo .
2 79
5. Regularized determinants of differential operators Proposition 5.3. For u0
> 0,
det(D + u(x) ) and det ' D = T for uo Proof.
1 - e -uoT ,
The zeta-function of the operator A with uo > 0 is given by the
(A (s ) = L ,\8 , n =- oo n 1
where A;;-8 = e-s log >- n with the principal branch of the logarithm. This series is absolutely convergent for Re s > 1 . Introducing the Hurwitz zeta-function ((s, a) =
� (n + a)s '
where Re a > 0 and Re s > 1 , we can rewrite (A (s) as
( 211") -s (e-2 ( (s, a ) + e2 ((s, rr i s
rr i s
1 uoT . , a = 1 - -- t. ug It is well known that the Hurwitz zeta-function admits a meromorphic con tinuation to the whole s-plane with single simple pole at s 1 with residue 1, and 1 1 8( ((O, a) = 2 - a, !:l (O, a) = log r (a) - - log 21r.
(A (s )
a) ) +
Using the classical formula r ( 1 + z ) r ( 1 - z)
we obtain
. -
Sin 1fZ
d(A ( 0) = log lr (a) l 2 - log u0 T + uo T ds uo T � - log( e � 2 -e 2 )+ =
2 -2-,
so that det (D + u(x) ) = 1 - e- uo T . Finally, (v (s ) = limu0_. o ((A (s ) and we get det' (D + uo ) . det ' D = lim =T +0
- u0 8 ) , 0
Remark. For uo < 0 one should use the branch of the logarithm with the cut along the positive semi-axis, and the above arguments give
det(D + u(x)) = 1 - e uoT.
Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Remark. One can also consider the operator A = D + u ( x ) on the inter val [0, T] with anti-periodic boundary conditions y ( O ) = -y (T) . The corre sponding eigenvalues are ,
1ri ( 2n + 1 ) T
, n E Z,
and the passage from periodic to anti-periodic boundary conditions amounts to replacing uo by uo + � . It follows from Proposition 5.3 that for uo > 0, det ( D + u ( x ) ) = 1 + e - uoT .
Remark. Proposition 5 . 3 is very useful for calculating Gaussian path in tegrals in the holomorphic representation, discussed in Section 2. 4 . As an example, consider the harmonic oscillator with the Wick symbol H(a, a ) = w(aa + ! n) . Formula (2. 16) expresses the trace Tr e- k TH as a path integral in the holomorphic representation. On the other hand , using the explicit form of the eigenvalues En = w n ( n + ! ) , we immediately get
Comparing with (2. 16) , we obtain that
( 5. 22)
f {ii(O)=ii(T)} a(O)=a(T)
1 det ( D + ) ,
e- k foT (iiit+waa) dt 91a91 a =
which should be considered as a special analog of the finite-dimensional Gaussian integration in the complex domain - formula (3.3) . Problem 5.4. Give a direct proof of formula (5.22) . 6.
Semi-classical asymptotics -
Here we consider the semi classical asymptotics the asymptotics of the propagator8 Kn( q ', t'; q , t) as n 0. We compare the heuristic method, based on the Feynman path integral representation ( 1 .26) , with the rigorous analysis, based on the short-wave asymptotics, derived in Section 6. 1 of Chapter 3. -
8 Here the dependence on the Planck constant
is introduced explicitly.
6. Semi-classical asymptotics
6 . 1 . Using the Feynman path integral. Start with the Lagrangian L(q, q) = � mq2 V(q) for a classical particle with one degree of freedom. The propagator Kn(q', t ' ; q, t) is given by the Feynman path integral (1.20) , and we will formally apply the stationary phase method to investigate its behavior as n - 0. As in Section 4, we assume that there is a unique classical trajectory Qc! ( T ) connecting points q and q1 at times t and t' , set q (r) = qc� (r) + y (r) , and consider the expansion (4. 1 ) , i.e. ,
where u(r)
Sc1 + � m
� V" ( qc� (r)) and Sc1 =
1t' (i/ - u (r) y2 ) dr
+ O( y 3 ) ,
1t' ( �mq;1 - V(qc� ) ) dr = S (q' , t' ; q , t) .
According to the stationary phase method ( see Section 2.3 in Chapter 2) , the leading contribution to the Feynman integral (1.20) as n - 0 comes from a critical point of the action functional - the classical trajectory Qcl ( T ) . Thus we obtain as n - 0, Kn ( q ', t'; q, t)
(6 . 1 )
e Ksci
e ��
Jt (iP-u(T)y2)dT �y
{ y(y(t')t) =O=O } = V7ri li :et A exp { * S (q', t' ; q, t) } .
Here A is the corresponding Jacobi operator - a second order differential operator -D2 - u(r) on the interval [t, t'] with Dirichlet boundary condi tions. ( We are assuming that the potential V (q) is sufficiently smooth so that u (r) E C1 ( [t, t'] ) .) Formula ( 6. 1 ) is a remarkably simple expression which shows a deep relation between semi-classical asymptotics of a quantum me chanical propagator and classical motion. Remark. When u ( T ) =
.2_ V" ( Qc! ( T ) ) , the regularized determinant of the m differential operator A = -D2 - u(r) on the interval [t, t'J with Dirichlet boundary conditions can be expressed entirely in terms of the classical tra jectory Qcl ( r ) . Namely, differentiating Newton's equation mij V ' (q) , (6.2) with respect to T, we find that the function T ) = iJ.c1 ( T ) satisfies the differ ential equation Ay = 0. When y (t) = 4ct (t) = 0, the function9 = -
Yl ( T ) = yy((r)t )
9 Here we assume that y(t) "I 0, so that V' (q) "I 0.
Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
satisfies initial condition (5.6) ( where the interval [0 , T] is replaced by the interval [t, t'] ) . According to Theorem 5 . 1 , we have in this case, (t ) det A = 2 YI ( t') = - 2 m qcl ' . (6 . 3) V' ( q )
In order to find the solution YI ( r ) of the differential equation Ay = 0 for the case y(t) =f. 0, observe that the Wronskian y1y - YYI of its two solutions is constant on [t, t'] . Using (5.6) we get Y I Y - YY l y(t) , and solving this differential equation we obtain =
YI (r) = y(r)y(t) Thus we get the formula
det A = 2y(t) y (t')
lr yt(s)
1 t l y �) 2
y(r) = qc� (r) ,
which expresses the fluctuating factor in the semi-classical asymptotics of the propagator in terms of the classical motion. Similarly, for the case of n degrees of freedom, when L = ! mq 2 - V(q) , and V (q) E C3 (lRn , JR ) , we obtain ffi 1 e ifi S(q ,t ,q, t ) Kfi(q', t'; q, t) � . (6.5) 7r t li v'det A as 1i --t 0, where A = -D2 - U(r) and n 82 V 82 V . U(r) � (qc�(r) ) = � (qc�(r)) q� u qJ uq i,j=l
( )�
Let Kfi ( q , q', t) be the fundamental solution of the Schrodinger equation - the solution of the Cauchy problem ( 1 .3) and ( 1.5 ) . Since Kfi(q' , t' ; q, t) = Kn, ( q' , q, T) , where T t' -t, we need to find the asymptotics of a fundamental solution Kfi(q, q' , T) as li --t 0. The solution of this problem can be divided into two parts. 1. Find the short-wave asymptotics - asymptotics as !i --t 0 of the solution '1/Jn,(q, T) of the Cauchy problem for the Schrodinger equa tion 6 . 2 . Rigorous derivation.
. 8'1/J t !iat
li2 82'1/J 8q 2
= - 2m
with the initial condition '1/J fi (q, t ) l t =O =
V (q )
cp (q ) e * s (q) '
6. Semi-classical asymptotics
where s(q) , rp(q) E C00 (1R., JR.) , and the amplitude rp(q) has compact support. Using the representation 5(q - qo ) =
100 e H (q-qo ) d�,
21r n _ 00 where
Kn ( Q , qo , T) = 2 1r n
( 6.6 )
100oo '1/Jn (Q, T; �) d�. -
Let 'Y(t; q, �) be the classical trajectory - the solution of Newton's equation ( 6 . 2 ) with the initial conditions "f(O; q, 0
( 6.7 )
q and "f(O; q, O
As in Section 2.3 of Chapter 1 , here we assume that the mapping q Q "f( T ; q, � ) is a diffeomorphism, and denote by q q (�, Q) the corresponding inverse function, "f( T ; q(�, Q) , �) Q. (6 . 8) The asymptotics of '1/J n ( Q, T ; 0 as n 0 is given by formula ( 6 . 1 3 ) in Section 6. 1 of Chapter 3, where p(q) = �' so that the characteristic ending at Q has the initial momentum � and the initial coordinate q = q(�, Q) . Substituting this expression into ( 6.6 ) , we obtain m
Kn ( Q , qo ; T) x
1 00
I a'Y
2 7r1 n - oorp(q(�, Q) ) 8q ( T ; q(�, Q ) , �)
{ * (S( Q, q(�, Q) ;
T) + � (q(�, Q) - qo ) ) d�.
To apply the stationary phase method to this integral, we need to find the critical points of the function S( Q , q(�, Q) ; T) + � (q(�, Q) - qo ) . Using the formula
a8sq (Q , q ; T) = -p
Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
which follows from P roposition 2.2 in Section 2.3 of Chapter 1 , we obtain
a a� (S(Q, q( � , Q) ; T) + � (q (�, Q ) - qo)) aq aq = -� a� ( �, Q ) + q( � , Q ) - qo + � a� (�, Q) = q (�, Q) - qo, so that a single critical point �o is determined from the equation q (�o, Q ) = qo . The prefactor in the stationary phase method is given by -2
which can be simplified using
a, a, aq a� + aq a�
which follows from (6.8) . Thus the final expression for the semi-classical asymptotics is
Kn( Q , qo; T) �
(6 . 9 )
a, � a (T; qo, �o) � 1
, . e n s(Q , qo ·T) i
It is remarkable that formula (6.9) , after the identification Q q' and qo = q, coincides with formula (6. 1 ) ! Indeed, they have exactly the same ex =
ponential factors, and equality of the corresponding prefactors follows from the following result. Lemma 6 . 1 . Let r (t; q , �) be the classical trajectory with the initial condi
tions ( 6. 7) . Then (6. 10)
A is the differential operator -D 2 u(t ) on the interval V" ( r ( t q , 0 ) . Dirichlet boundary conditions, and u(t ) = m where
[0, T] with
Proof. Differentiating equation (6.2) with respect to �, we obtain that
y (t) =
(t ;
so that Ay get
q, �) satisfies the differential equation mjj = -V" (r(t, q , e) ) y , 0.
Differentiating initial conditions (6.7) with respect to �, we
y(O ) = 0 and y. so that by Theorem 5 . 1 , det A = 2my (T) .
= -,
7. Notes and references
Remark. One can get another remarkable formula for the prefactor in rep
resentation (6.9) . Namely, differentiating we get =
where "f(T; classical action (6.11)
�! Q, q ; T) (
()28 {}� 8q8Q -8Q '
- � with respect to
q, �). Thus (6.9) can be rewritten entirely in terms of the
Kn ( Q , qo ; T) "' � ��� (Q , qo ; T ) I l e i S(Q,qo ;T)
Remark. When assumptions in Section 2.3 of Chapter 1 are not satisfied, there are several characteristics connecting points and and the situa tion becomes more complicated. In this case we have
Kn ( Q, qo , T ) � � .J2;Ji I 8� J
( T ; qo, �j) � -
c . ·T) i rr i e n S (Q ,qo ,.,; , - 2 tt] ,
where �j is the initial momentum, and /1-j is the Morse index of the charac teristic "f (t ; qo , �j ) ( see Section 6.1 in Chapter 3 ) . The case of n degrees of freedom is considered similarly. Using short wave asymptotics (6. 14) in Section 6.1 of Chapter 3, we obtain as fi --t 0, 1
Kn(Q, qo, T ) (27rifi) - � l det ( �� (qo, eo) ) � - 2 e * S(Q,qo ; T) , where Q = 'Y(t, qo, eo). Using the equation ae = ()28 = { ()28 } n 8Q -8q8Q - 8qi 8Qj i ,j =l ' ( 6 . 1 2)
(6. 1 2 )
can be rewritten as
l det (a�;Q ( Q ,q0; T) ) I 2
Kn (Q, qo ; T) (2 7ri n) - � 828 is known as the van Vleck determinant. Here det q �
{} {}Q
e * S (Q,qo ;T ) .
Problem 6 . 1 . Justify all comput at ions in this section. 7.
Notes and references
The path integral approach to quantum mechanics was developed by Feynman in his 1942 Princeton thesis, and was published in [Fey48] . In addition to the classic text [FH65] - the best introduction to Feynman path integrals in configuration space, written from a physics perspective - we also refer the reader to a modern
5. Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
textbook [DROl] . The Feynman path integral in the phase space was introduced by Feynman [Fey51] in 1951 and by Tobocman [Tob56] in 1956. Nowadays it is a very useful method in quantum field theory ( see, e.g. , Faddeev's Les Houches lectures [Fad76] and the monograph [FS91] ) . Our derivation of the Feynman path integral in Section 1 is standard and follows monograph [RS75] , which also contains a complete proof of the Kato-Lie-Trotter formula. As we mentioned in Section 1 , this approach establishes only the L 2 -convergence of finite-dimensional approximations like ( 1 . 15) and ( 1 . 23) to the propagator. We refer the reader to the paper [Fuj80] for the proof of the convergence in other topologies on functional spaces, and to the monograph [AHK76] for the rigorous definition of Feynman path integrals as infinite-dimensional Fresnel integrals. In Section 2 we follow the outline in [Ber71a] and [Fad76, FS91 ] , and rig orously derive formulas (2. 1 ) and (2.6) for the pq and qp-symbols of the evolution operator by using explicit relations between the symbols and the propagator. How ever, corresponding formulas (2.9) and (2.13) for the Weyl and Wick symbols of the evolution operator were derived only heuristically. As was already emphasized in [Ber71a] , in this case one needs to justify formulas (2.8) and (2. 1 1 ) . This non trivial problem was only recently solved in [Dyn98] for a large class of symbols, and we refer to this paper for further details and references. However, following [Fad76 , FS91] , we carefully treat boundary conditions for the Wick symbol, deriv ing the correct expression (2. 14) (as opposed to the formula in [Ber71a] ) . Material in Section 3 is standard, and in our exposition we made a special emphasis on the details of computation related to the Morse index. The formula for the propagator of the harmonic oscillator in Proposition 3 . 1 is called the Feynman-Souriau formula in [DROl] . The relation between formula (3.6) for the propagator of the harmonic oscillator and the Mehler identity for Hermite-Tchebyscheff polynomials, was stated in [F H 65] . For the answer to Problem 3 . 2 we refer the reader to [Ber71a] (after correcting the typos ) , and for the elegant heuristic solution of Problem 3.3 - to [FS91] . Besides having a conceptual meaning, the path integral formalism is a very convenient computational tool, since it allows us to use, albeit at a heuristic level, such methods of finite-dimensional integration as change of variables, integration by parts, and stationary phase approximation. There is a vast literature devoted to the applications of Feynman path integration in quantum physics. We only mention a perturbative expansion of the propagator using Feynman diagrams [FH65] , which is nowadays the main computational method in quantum mechanics and quan tum field theory ( see also lectures [Kaz99] for the rigorous treatment of a finite dimensional example ) . For more applications see [DROl] , and references therein. The idea of computing Gaussian path integrals by evaluating separately the classical contribution and the fluctuation factor goes back to [FH65) , and Problems 4 . 1 and 4.4 are taken from this source. In Section 4 we emphasized the role of the
Notes and references
zeta-function regularized determinants of differential operators, by considering the simplest example of the operator A D2 . We refer the reader to the textbook [Apo76] for the basic properties of the Riemann zeta-function. Our proof of Lemma 4. 1 can be considered as a simplified one-dimensional analog of the derivation of the first Kronecker limit formula given in [Lan87] . For the case of Laplace operators on compact Riemannian manifolds, the definition {4.5) of a regularized determinant det ' A ( under the name analytic torsion) was given in [RS71] , and the operator zeta-function (A (s) was introduced in [MP49] . A similar notion of a perturbation determinant goes back to M.G. Krein [Kre62] ; according to Problem 2.6 in Section 2.2 of Chapter 3, the transition coefficient a ( J>.') is the perturbation determinant of H - >.. ! , where H is a one-dimensional Schrodinger operator. We also note that regularized determinants of differential operators have been extensively used in quantum field theory. The corresponding definition was given by V.A. Fock in 1937 and J . Schwinger in 195 1 , and is similar to (4.5) . It is currently known [IZ80] as the Fock-Schwinger proper time method. =
In general, the proof of meromorphic continuation of the zeta-function (A ( s) of an elliptic operator A, and its regularity at s = 0, uses the theory of complex powers A-s , developed in [See67] ( or the short-time asymptotics t ---> 0 of Tr e-A t the trace of a heat kernel of A - when A is non-negative [Gil95] ) . In Section 5 we are using an elementary approach to the short-time asymptotics of the heat kernel, which is based on the large n asymptotics of the eigenvalues of the corresponding boundary value Sturm-Liouville problems. The monograph [LS91] contains all the facts used in Sections 5.1 and 5 . 2 . The coefficients a _ 2� and a0 in formula (5 .4) , and in their analogs for the periodic case, are called Seeley coefficients. Our proof of the key relation (5.13) and its analog for the periodic case uses Wronskian identities (5. 1 1 ) , and goes back to the papers [Fad57, BF60] on the trace identities for one dimensional Schrodinger operators { see also Problem 2.6 in Section 2.2 of Chapter 3) . The theorem that "the operator trace is equal to the matrix trace" , used in Sections 5 . 1 and 5.2, as well as the properties of the Fredholm determinant, can be found in the classic monograph [GK69] . Problem 5. 1 - the Gelfand-Levitan trace identity - is taken from the paper [G L 5 3 ] ( see also [Dik58] for its generalization) . Properties of the Hurwitz zeta-function, used in Section 5.3, are proved in [Apo76] . For the general approach to characteristic determinants of the n-th order differential operators on the interval with matrix coefficients and Dirichlet or periodic boundary conditions, we refer to [BFK9 1 , BFK95] . -
Our exposition in Section 6 follows [GS77] , with simplifications arising from considering the case of one degree of freedom. Lemma 6 . 1 establishes the equivalence between the heuristic approach in Section 6. 1 using path integrals, and the rigorous approach in Section 6.2 using short-wave asymptotics. We refer to [GS77] and [MF81] for the details. Also, see [Fo c 78] for the relation between the van Vleck determinant and canonical transformation in classical mechanics, and [DROl] for the examples.
Int egration in Funct ional S paces
In the previous chapter we studied the propagator K (q ', t; q , 0) - the in tegral kernel of the evolution operator U ( t ) = - by using its repre sentation by the Feynman path integral. Here we replace the physical time t by t he Euclidean time - i t , and study the integral kernel of the semigroup for t > 0 by using its representation by the Wiener integral.
e-K tH
e-k tH 1.
Gaussian measures
Here we consider the simplest example of Gaussian measures, which are nat urally defined for finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional vector spaces, and are used in many areas of analysis and probability theory. The basic re sult of the Gaussian integration - the Wick theorem - is the main tool of the perturbation expansion in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, conveniently expressed through Feynman diagrams. ric n x
Let A be a positive-definite, real symmet n matrix. A basic formula of Gaussian integration is
1 . 1 . Finite-dimensional case.
( see Lemma 3.1 in Section 3 . 1 of Chapter 5) . The corresponding Gaussian measure associated with the matrix A is a probability measure JJA on ffi.n , -
6. Integration in Functional Spaces
defined by df-LA(q) =
( 1 2) .
The measure /-LA is a mean-zero probability measure on with the co vari ance G ng measure identity matrix - the A When A In the correspondi i s denoted by As follows from Lemma 3 . 1 in Section 3. 1 of Chapter { e(p,q) dJ-LA(q) = e �(Gp,p), }JRn and by analytic continuation, { ei (p,q)dJ-LA(q) lim }{l ii :<SR ei (p,q)dJ-LA(q) e-�(Gp,p). q The function (21r) - � e- � ( Gp,p) is a Fourier transform of the measure f-LA. (Wick theorem). {}JRn (vi, q) (vN, q)dJ-LA(q) = { L(Gv O, ip Vi2 ) (GviN-P ViN ) , NN ( N N) , N} . ( 1 . 3 ) the directional derivative along the vector v !Rn Appl y i n g to the differential operator n L Vk 8 V 8p k=l 8pk (differentiation under the integral sign is clearly legitimate), we obtain ( 1 . 5) Setting here p 0 we get !Rn
-l .
n x n
f-L n .
( 1 .3)
( 1 .4)
R---> oo
Theorem 1 . 1 ·
is odd, is even,
where the sum goes over all possible pairings (ii , i2 ) , . . . , i partitions in pairs of the set { 1 , 2 , . . . Proof.
v =
- =
{ (v , q)dJ-LA(q) = 0,
while applying to (1. 5 ) another and setting p afterwards, we obtain 8v'
{ (v, q)(v', q)dJ-LA(q) (Gv, v').
( 1 .6)
ToVI, get, VtheN andgeneralset presul= O.t , we differentiate ( 1 .3) N times along the vectors .
Gaussian measures
Problem 1 . 1 . Let vi , Wj E �n be such that (Avi , wj ) 0, i, j = l , . . . , N , and let F and H be bounded measurable functions on � N . Show that the fun ctions f ( q ) F( (v1 , q ) , . . . , (v N , q) ) and h (q ) H ( ( w 1 , q ) , . . . , ( wN , q ) ) satisfy =
Ln J ( q ) h(q)df.tA (q) Ln J ( q)df.tA (q) Ln h (q)df.tA (q) .
of let
Infinite-dimensional case. Let 1/ = JR = be the Cartesian product countably many copies of lR equipped with the Tychonoff topology, and .Yt'
f2 (!!.)
fJ, =
{ x, );:;,
� oo} x) <
be the real Hilbert space with the scalar product (x, y ) = 2:� 1 XiYi · In particular, the Hilbert space £ contains all elements of finite support: the elements x E 1/ such that Xi = 0 for sufficiently large i. The Gaussian measure p, on 1/ is defined by the direct product of the Gaussian measures /l,l , fJ, =
/l, l X /l,l X · · · X /l,l X
· · · .
More precisely, the measure p, is defined as follows. Let � be the set of cylindrical subsets of 1/ : C E ct' if C p;; 1 ( E1 x x En ) for some n , n where Pn 1/ IR is the projection on the Cartesian product of the first n factors, and E1 , . . . , En are Borel subsets of R Then we set p, ( C) P, 1 ( EI ) . . - P,I (En ) , and extend p, to the whole O"-algebra generated by ct' by using the Kolmogo roff extension theorem. In particular, if F(x) j (x 1 , . . , xn) , where f is a bounded measurable function on IRn , then :
{ fdp,n . ft'{ Fdp, Jwrn
( 1 . 7)
Equivalently, the Gaussian measure p, is characterized by the following prop erty. Lemma 1 . 1 . The measure p, is a unique probability measure on
for all v E
with finite support,
e i ( v , x ) dp, ( x)
such that
e - 4 1 1vl l 2 .
The proof immediately follows from ( 1 .4), since measures P,n are D uniquely determined by their Fourier transforms. Remark. The Gaussian measure p, can be heuristically represented by Proof.
dp, = ( 2 7r ) -= e- 4 1 1 x ll 2 IT dxi . i= l
6. Integration in Functional Spaces
Here the "divergent to 0" product ( 27r ) - oo e - � ll x ll 2 " compensates the "diver gent to oo" product rr � l dxi . Now for a = {ai } E 1/ let £::.
1/ :
f=l a7x7 < t
The following result is a version of Kolmogoroff's celebrated 0-1 law in probability theory. Proposition 1 . 1 .
if a tf_ £ , if a E £.
In particular, f.L(£) Proof.
Let X a be the characteristic function of the set £::.
1/ ,
Xa (x) = lim lim exp -E2 � � a7x7 . c-+O n-+oo i=l Twice applying the dominated convergence theorem, we get
a7x7 df.Ln (x) f.L(Yt::. ) = f xadf.L = lim lim f exp -E:2 J'f/ c-+0 n-+oo }[in . t=l
m IT ( 1 + c 2 af) -1 1 2 , lim li-+oo = c-+0 n i=l and the product f1� 1 (1 + c 2 a; ) is convergent if and only if a E £. Remark.
For v E £ let v( n ) = (vl , . . . , vn , O, O, . . . ) . It follows from ( 1 .6 )
v ( n) ' X ) 2 df.L ( X ) = ll v ( n )
1 2'
so that the sequence of functions Fn ( x) = ( v< n ) , x) , x E 1/ , is a Cauchy sequence in L 2 (1/, df.L) , and it converges in L2 to the function F(x) . Abusing notation, we write F (x) = (v, x) E L2 (1/, dp,) . Thus though p,(£) = 0, Lemma 1 . 1 and, consequently, Wick's theorem, hold for v E £.
Problem 1 . 2 . Prove that there is no probability measure f.L on £ such that f.L(C ) f.Ln (E ) for every cylindrical subset C p:;;, 1 (E) of £, where Pn : £ ---+ IRn is the natural projection, and E is a Borel subset of IRn . However, show that there exists a finitely-additive, non-negative function v on cylindrical subsets of £ satisfying this property. =
Problem 1 .3. Show that the formula
v({x E
j/ :
where kh = (kak, kf3k ) for h j/ such that v (£') = 1 . 2.
Wiener measure and Wiener integral
E h, .
. , Xn
n E In }) = IJ J..l l ( kh ) , k =l
(ak , f3k ) � JR, defines a probability measure
Wiener measure and Wiener integral
2 . 1 . Definition of the Wiener measure. Here we define the probability measure on the space C.C = C ( [O, oo ) , JRn ; 0) of parametrized continuous paths in JRn starting at the origin, called the Wiener measure. It is related to
the Brownian motion: the diffusion process in JRn with diffusion coefficient D > 0, which is described by the probability density n (q - q ')2 (2 . 1 ) P(q', q ; t) ( 47r D t ) - z e- 4 Dt that a particle with initial certainty of being at point q E JRn is diffused in time t to point q' E JRn . It will be convenient to compactify JRn by adding a point at infinity, Jin JRn U {oo } -:::::: sn . Let =
be the Cartesian product of copies of JRn parametrized by lR� o · Equipped with the Tychonoff topology, n is a compact topological space - the space of all parametrized paths in Jin . For every partition t m {0 � t 1 � · · · � tm } and every F E C (in x · · · x in ) , define
We denote by Cfin (r!) the subspace of C(f!) spanned by the functions
l (
{ . . . { F (q 1 , . . . , qm)P(qm , qm- 1 ; tm - tm- 1 ) . . . }Rn }Rn n · · · P ( q1 , 0; t1 )d q1 . . . dn qm.
It follows from the semi-group property
{ P(q', q1 ; t ' - t1 )P(q1 , q ; h }'B.n
t) �q1 = P(q', q; t' - t )
6. Integration in Functional Spaces
(also called Kolmogoroff's equation in probability theory) that the functional l is well defined. The functional l is positive: l (
The subspace Cfin (D) separates points in n and 1 E Cfin (D) , so that by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem Cfin ( n) is dense in C ( n) . Now the functional l has a unique extension to a continuous positive linear functional on C(D) with norm 1, and by the Riesz-Markoff theorem, there exists a unique regular Borel measure f.-L w on n with J-Lw (D) = 1 such that l (
The measure f.-Lw is called the Wiener measure. The integral over the Wiener measure is called the Wiener integral. Remark. The Riesz-Markoff theorem provides a natural way of defining
measures in various problems of functional analysis. In general, it ensures the existence of a Baire measure - a measure defined on the 0'-algebra of Baire sets. However, for compact spaces a Baire measure has a unique extension to a regular Borel measure - a measure defined on the 0'-algebra generated by all open subsets. A Borel measure p, is regular, if for every Borel set E � n, p,
(E )
inf p, ( U ) , E � U , U is open, sup p,(K) , K � E, K is compact and Borel.
The space n is "so large" that its 0'-algebras of Baire and Borel sets are different . Proposition 2 . 1 . The Wiener measure f.-Lw is supported on continuous paths starting at the origin, i. e., J-L w (�) = 1 .
Replacing the probability density P(q1 , 0 ; t 1 ) by P ( q1 , qo ; t 1 ) in defini tion ( 2.2) , for a fixed qo E IRn we obtain a Wiener measure p, q0 , which is supported on the space �qo = C ( [O, oo ) , 1Rn ; qo ) of continuous paths in IRn that start at Qo . Remark. The support of the Wiener measure f.-Lw can be characterized more precisely as follows. For 0 < a ::::; 1 let Da be the subspace of n of Holder continuous paths of order a :
= {� E n :
sup l l r (t) - ;a(t' ) l l
t , t ' ;:: o
It - t I
oo} .
Wiener measure and Wiener integral
{ 1 ' ifif � � It seems natural to define Wiener measure by the following con struction. Set for simplicity 1, and for every partition define the measure of a cylin and intervals J.lw ( Oo )
Remark. ·
= (a1 , f3I ) , . . . , (am , f3m ) ,
t m = {0 ::; t1 ::;
· · ::; tm }
drical set
Ct b by the formula =
(2.3) J.L (Ct ) =
n : a l < I' ( h) < f3I , . . . , am < l' ( tm ) < f3m }
1{31 1f3m 01
P ( qm , Qm- l ; tm - t m- l ) . . . P ( ql , O; tl ) dql · · · dQm ·
By the Kolmogoroff extension theorem and the semi-group property, J.l ex tends to a measure on the o--algebra generated by the cylindrical subsets of 0, which we continue to denote by J.l · However, the set 'if! of continuous paths starting at 0 turns out to be non-measurable! Specifically, one can show that 0 and J.l * ( 'if! ) = J.l * ('if!) where J.l * ( E ) and J.l* (E) denote, respectively, the inner and outer measures of the subset E � 0 . To remedy this situation, one should from the beginning define cylindrical sets Ct as consisting of continuous paths only, and define J.l( Ct) by the same formula as above. Then the measure J.l extends to a o- algebra generated by cylindrical subsets of 'if!, and coincides with the Wiener measure J.lw . Remark. The same formula ( 2.3) can be used to define the Wiener measure on the space C ( [O, 1r] , IR; 0 ) of continuous functions on the interval [0, 1r] which vanish at t = 0; in this case tm is a partition of [0, 1r] . This is the classical definition of the Wiener measure given by Wiener himself.
The following result will be used for representing the integral kernel of the one-parameter semigroup e- k t H for t > 0 by the Wiener integral. Proposition 2 . 2 . Let the real-valued function V E C ( !Rn ) be bounded below. Then for every t 2: 0 the function :Ft 'if! IR, defined by :
:Ft b) = e - J� V ('"y( T))dT ,
is integrable with respect to the Wiener measure, and
lim r . . . r exp :Ft dj.Lw = N-oo hn hn
{- t k= l
V (qk) �t
. . . P(q1 , 0 ; �t ) dnql · · · dnqN ,
�t =
P(qN , QN- 1 ; � t) . . .
t N
296 Proof. For
6. Integration in Functional Spaces 1
t r V (T (tk ) ) �t , lo V (T ( T) ) dT = Nlim -+oo k = l
where tk = k�t. Since by definition every function L:f= l V (T(t k ) ) �t is measurable with respect to the Wiener measure on '#?, the function Ft is measurable as a point-wise limit of a sequence of measurable functions. The function Ft is bounded and, therefore, is integrable on '#? with respect to the Wiener measure. Finally, by the dominated convergence theorem, ( Ft dp,w = Nlim ( exp -+oo lee lee and the result follows from (2.2).
{- t k= l
V (T (tk ) ) � t dp,w (T) ,
Remark. Note the limit in Proposition 2.2 exists because the function Ft
is integrable, and not the other way around. This is similar to an elementary calculus argument that the limit
(1 + !2 +
lim n -+oo exists because the integral
· · ·
!_ n
- log ) n
is convergent. Here [x] stands for the largest integer not greater than x. Problem 2 . 1 . Prove all statements about the support of Wiener measure. subsets of 'f? by formula (2.3) .
Problem 2 . 2 . Construct the Wiener measure by defining it on the cylindrical P,w on C ( [O, 1r] , JR.; 0) for D � actually coincides with the measure v defined in Problem 1 .3. (Hint: Show that the mapping 1(t) t-> 1(t) - 1(0) establishes the isomorphism between the space of C ( [O, 1r] , JR.) of functions orthogonal to 1 and C( [O, 1r] , JR.; 0) , and use the Fourier sine coefficients for the embedding C ( [O, 1r] , JR.) '----> 1/.)
Problem 2 . 3. Prove that the Wiener measure
2.2. Conditional Wiener measure and Feynman-Kac formula. Let fl q , q'
in : 1 (t)
Q , / (t ' ) =
q' }
be the space of all parametrized paths in in which start at q E !Rn at time t and end at q ' E !Rn at t' , and let 'ffq , q' be the corresponding subspace of continuous paths. The conditional Wiener measure P, q , q' on fl q, q' is defined
2 97
Wiener measure and Wiener integral
similarly. We replace a positive linear functional l on C ( O) by a positive linear functional lq,q' on C (Oq,q' ) , which for 'P E Cfin (Oq,q' ) is defined by
lq,q' ('P) = { . . . { F (qi . . . . , qm)P(q', qm ; t' - tm) . . . }R,n }P.,n · P(ql , q; t1 - t)cJ:Iq1 . . . dnqm, where t � t1 � · · · � tm � t' and 'P (;) = F( ; (t l ) , . . . , ; (tm)) . Then ·
zq , q' ( 'P ) = r 'P dpq,q' . lnq , q'
As in the case of the Wiener measure J.lw , the conditional Wiener measure J.lq,q' is supported on continuous paths and J.lq,q' ('"t'q ,q' )
P(q', q; t' - t ) . p2
H = Ho + V = 2 + V ( Q ) m 2 be the Schrodinger operator on L (IR.n, dn q) with continuous, real-valued and bounded below potential V(q). Denote by Ln(q ' , t'; q, t ) , t' > t, the t 1-t heat kernel - the integral kernel of the diffusion operator e - -��- H . Here is the main result of this section. Theorem 2 . 1 (Feynman-Kac formula) .
Ln(q' , t'; q, t) = r�
J'ifq ,q'
e - x ft V(-y(T) ) d'T dpq,q' (;) , t'
where /-lq,q' is the conditional Wiener measure. Proof. We have by the Lie-Kato-Trotter product formula e- � TH
lim ( e - t;,t Ho e - t;,t v ) N ,
T t = ' b.. N
where T t ' - t . Let L<,{'> ( q ' , t ' ; q, t) be the integral kernel of the operator ( e- �t Ho e - t;,t v ) N. Computing it as in Section 1 . 3 of Chapter 5 , and using the definition of the conditional Wiener measure we obtain =
Evaluating the limit N pletes the proof.
by the dominated convergence theorem com
6. Integration in Functional Spaces
Using the conditional Wiener measure it is easy to define a measure p,�op on the space
.C = ')' E
in :
')' (t) = ')' (t' )
of free parametrized loops in in . Namely, the space .C is a disjoint union over q E in of the spaces O q , q of the parametrized loops based at q E in . By definition, a function
Corollary 2 . 2 .
Tr e- iH =
k foT V ( 'y(t))dt dp, �op ( r ) ·
Proof. The heat kernel Ln(q', T; q, O ) - the integral kernel of the trace class operator e - t H - is a continuous function of q and q', so that by the theorem2 that "the operator trace equals the matrix trace" , used in Sections 5. 1-5.2 of Chapter 5, we get
Tr e - f H =
; q, ) nq }JR.n Ln(q, T O d .
The result now follows from the Feynman-Kac formula and equation (2.4) .
Remark. The Wiener measure on the loop space .C = {r E
C( [O, T] , IR) : r ( O ) in terms of the Fourier coefficients
r (t) = can be expressed as follows:
dp, �op =
� en e ----r , LJ n= - oo 27rint
J2;T fi (7r;T) (27rn) 2e dco
1 This i s the case when V ( q ) 2 See Section of Chapter 5 for
= r( T ) }
� (27r n )2 1 cn l 2
as q oo "fast enough" , i.e. , V ( q) the reference. ......
d2cn .
Cll q J1 2 .
2. Wiener measure and Wiener integral
In particular,
l f('Y) df.l�0P('Y) J ; i: (lo f (x , 'YO ) df.l�0P('Yo ) ) dx. =
Here C o is the space of loops 'Yo with co 0, and £ lR x C o according to the decomposition 1 = x + 'Yo , where I� ro ( t ) dt 0 so that x = co ( r ) . Problem 2 .4.
D educe from the Feynman-Kac formula t hat for every 1/J
(e- k T(Ho+V)1/J ) (q)
Problem 2.3.) 2.3.
2 . 5 . Prove formula
1/J(! ( t) ) e- k g V ( -y ( t)) dt dJ..L q (i) .
and deduce
from it .
( Hint:
E L 2 (1Rn) ,
Use Problem
Relation between Wiener and Feynman integrals. It is very
instructive to compare Feynman and Wiener integrals. Heuristically, the conditional Wiener measure can be written as (2.7)
where (2 .8)
N.-oo ( 27r�f1t )
= lim
N N-1
IT dnqk ·
k =l
Of course, neither the "measure" �l'iq exists: the infinite product (2.8) is divergent, nor the trajectory 1 = q ( r) is, in general, differentiable: the integral It q 2 dr is divergent. However, due to the presence of a negative sign in the exponential, we have the indeterminate form "infinity over infinity" , and the resulting expression (2.7) can be given a precise meaning as the Wiener measure. The corresponding "measure" for the Feynman path integral is obtained by replacing n by in in (2. 7)-(2 . 8) , and the exponential factor no longer compensates for the divergence of �il'iq , since it is a complex num ber of modulus 1 for a differentiable trajectory, and has no meaning for a non-differentiable one. However, as we have seen in Sections 1 .3-1 .4 of Chapter 5, the Feynman path integral allows us to represent the propagator of a quantum particle in a profound way, which shows a deep relation between quantum and classical mechanics. Namely, Kn(q' , t' ; q, t)
J {q(t')=q'} q(t )=q
= It L(q, q ) dr is the action functional evaluated on a trajectory = q(r) , and L(q, q) = � m q2 - V (q ) is the corresponding Lagrangian
where S ( r )
6. Integration in Functional Spaces
function. One also can formally rewrite the Wiener integral for the integral kernel Ln( q ' , t' ; q, t) - the Feynman-Kac formula - in a similar form, Ln(q' , t ' ; q , t) =
J q'} { q(q(t')= t) =q
where E( q , q) = !mq 2 + V( q ) is the energy function. However, in this representation we no longer see the presence of the corresponding action functional, and connection with the classical mechanics is lost. The precise relation between Wiener and Feynman integrals for a quan tum particle is the following. As in the case of the Feynman-Kac formula, suppose that the real-valued potential V( q ) E C(JRn ) is bounded below. Us ing the Lie-Kato-Trotter formula, it is easy to show that the heat kernel Ln(q', t' ; q , t) , defined for n > 0, admits an analytic continuation into the half-plane Re n > 0. Then (2.9) Kn ( q', t' ; q, t) = lim Li !i+E: ( q ' , t ' ; q , t) . E:--+0+
Remark. Let f be a smooth bounded function on lR such that f'(x) = O ( l x l - 1 ) as l x l ---+ oo . The Gaussian integral f�oo f(x)e- x 2 dx is absolutely
convergent, whereas the integral J� f(x) eix2 dx is only conditionally con 00 vergent. The formula 00 f(x)e(i-E:)x 2 dx f (x)eix2 dx = lim
1 00
1 oo -
E:--+ 0 + - oo
interprets it as the limit c ---+ 0 of an integral with respect to the complex valued Gaussian measure e 0 to define a complex-valued Wiener measure by the same formula (2.2). However, a theorem of Cameron states that the linear functional l , defined by an analog of ( 2. 2) for Re D > 0, is no longer bounded on Cfin ( n ) , so that this approach does not work. Problem 2 . 6 . Let l be the functional on Cfin (O) defined by (2.2) where P(q' , q, t) is given by (2. 1 ) with Re D � 0. (i) Prove that when Re D sup
t �O,FEC(R)
{ l l ( cp ) l : I I 'P I I oo
1 , cp ( 'y ) = F ( 'y (t) ) }
(ii) Prove that when Re D > 0 , _ ) { l l ( cp) l : I I 'P I I oo t,. ,FEC(R"' sup
1 , cp('y )
F('y (t l ) ,
= oo .
( )m D
· ·
I I , ')'( t m ) ) } = Re D
Gaussian Wiener integrals
3. Gaussian Wiener integrals
In Section 4 of Chapter 5 we evaluated Gaussian Feynman integrals in terms of the egularized determinants of corresponding differential operators. Here we consider the same problem for Gaussian Wiener integrals. r
3 . 1 . Dirichlet boundary conditions. Let A = - D 2 + u(t) ,
dt ' where u E C 1 ( [0, T] ) , be the Sturm-Liouville operator on the interval [0, T] with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The following result is fundamental. Theorem 3 . 1 . Suppose that u(t) 2: 0 . Then
{ e - ?,; It u(t)y 2 (t)dt dJ.Lo ,o (Y) �. v� lcco o Proof. Using Proposition 2.2 and finite-dimensional Gaussi an integration formula ( 1 . 1 ) , we get =
}cc, {
m e - U. Ji u(t)y2 (t)dt dJ.Lo ' o (Y) = lim n--> oo 2n1iilt
{- ,;: � 2
( (Yk+l . llm
- Y• ) 2 + u( t k ) ( l> t
)�J...J JR n - 1
)'vi) } g
2n1iilt det An- 1
the proof of Proposition 3 . 1 i n Section 3 . 2 of Chapter 5) . Here Yo T 0, t k = k .6. t , .6.t = , and ( cf.
An- 1
-1 0
-1 a2 -1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
an- 2 -1
a n-1
n 1, . . . , n - 1. Let Yl ) be ilt times the where a k = 2 + u(tk) (.6.t) 2 , k principal minor of order k - 1 of the matrix An- I corresponding to its upper-left corner, so that y�n) = t::..t det An - 1 · The sequence Yln) satisfies the initial conditions =
6. Integration in Functional Spaces
and expanding the order k determinant Yk�1 with respect to the last row, we obtain the recurrence relation ( n) )(A ( n) ( n) (n ) Yk+1 + Yk-1 - 2 Yk = u ( t k u. t ) 2 Yk ' k 3, . , n - 1 . Since lim u (t k ) = u(t) when lim t k = t, k =
k ,n-+ oo
it follows from the method of finite-differences for solving initial value prob lem for ordinary differential equations that lim
k ,n-+ oo Y
y (t) ,
where y (t) is the solution of the differential equation -y" + u(t)y
with the initial conditions
y(O) = lim y�n ) = 0, n-+ oo
(n ) (n ) Y 3 y' (O) = lim - Y2 n-+oo �t
Using Theorem 5 . 1 in Section 5 . 1 of Chapter 5, we finally obtain 1 lim �t det An - 1 lim y�n ) = y(T ) - det' A . D n-+ oo n-+oo 2 Remark. The same computation also works for Feynman path integrals, and gives a rigorous proof of the formula =
J {y(T)=O}
�';: g (J? -u( t )y2)dt �
J?Tin det A '
where A = -D 2 u (t) is a positive-definite operator (see Section 6. 1 of Chapter 5 ) . In particular, the coefficient Cm, n from Section 4 of Chapter 5 is indeed equal to � · -
= - D 2 + u(t ) , where u E 1 C ( [0, T] ) , be the Sturm-Liouville operator on the interval [0, T] with peri odic boundary conditions. Here we prove the following analog of Theorem 3. 1 .
3 . 2 . Periodic boundary conditions. Let A
Theorem 3.2. Suppose that u (t) > 0 . Then
� e - ;>;. J;{ u (t)y2(t)dt dJ.Lt;top (y)
1 )det A ' where .C is the space of free loops in lR parametrized by the interval [0, T] .
Gaussian Wiener integrals
Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 3. 1 , we have
r e - ¥k I[ u(t)y2 (t)dt dp,�op ( y )
{- :. � z
m � nlim -+oo 2 7rnb.. t
( (Yk+l - Yk ) 2 + u ( t , ) ( l> t ) 2 yn 1 -->oo ydet An following n x n matrix: -1 -1 0 0 1 0 0 a1 0 0 - 1 a2
J J ...
} tJ
= nlim
Here Yo
Yn and An is the ao -1 0
An =
0 -1
0 0
0 0
an -2
an - 1 where a k = 2 + u ( t k ) ( b.. t ) 2 , k 0, 1 , . . . , n - l . We compute det An by the following elegant argument . First, note that the real >. is an eigenvalue of An if only if the difference equation (3 . 1) - (Yk + l + Yk- 1 - 2 yk ) + u ( tk ) (b.. t ) 2 Yk = >.yk , k = 0, . . . , n - 1 , with initial conditions y_ 1 and y0 has a "periodic solution" - a solution { yk }k l satisfying Yn - 1 = Y-1 and Yn = YO · For given >. denote by Vk1 ) (>.) and vk2) (>.) solutions of (3. 1 ) with the corresponding initial conditions v�i (>.) 1 , va1) (>.) = 0 and v�i (>.) = 0, va2) (>.) = 1 , and put =
(>.) v�2� 1 (>.) n (>.) - v�1�1 � l ) v (>.) v�2 ) (>.) _
It is easy to show that the discrete analog of the Wronskian Vk� 1 ( >.)vk2 ) (>.) 1 Vk ) (>.)vk� 1 (>.) does not depend on k, so that det Tn (>.) 1. Since every solution Yk of the initial value problem for (3. 1 ) is a linear combination of the solutions Vk1) (>.) and vk2) (>.) , we have =
From here we conclude that >. is an eigenvalue of the matrix An if and only if det(Tn (>.) - /2 ) = 0, and the multiplicity of >. is the multiplicity of a root of this algebraic equation. Since v��l (>.) = O(.xn - 1 ) , v�2) (>.) = ( - >.) n + O ( .xn - 1 ) as ). oo , �
6. Integration in Functional Spaces
we obtain det(An - >.. In ) = - det (Tn ( >.. ) -
I2 ) = v�� l (>..) + v�2) (>.. ) - 2.1 i\ It remains to compute limn -. oo det(An - >.. In ) · Denote by y >.. ) and of the difference equation) (3.1) with yi2\ >.. ) , correspondingly,�1ftwo solutions ) 1 9f b b the initial conditions y (>.. ) = Y (>.. ) = 1 and y (>.. ) = 0, Y 2 (>.. ) = !:l t . We have Vkl) (>.. ) = Yil ) (>.. ) - �t Yi2) (>.. ) and vi2 ) (>.. ) = �t Yi2) (>.. ) , so that (2) (>.. ) (2) (>.. ) � � Y n �:n-l 2. det(An - >.. In ) = y l (>.. ) + (3.2) Now it follows from the method of finite differences that i1) (>..) = y1 (t, >..) , lim yi2) (>..) = y2 (t , >.. ) lim (3.3) y k,n -.oo k , n-.oo as limk , n-. oo t k = t, where Y 1, 2 (t, >.. ) are two solutions of the differential equa tion -y" + u (t) y = >..y with the initial conditions Yl (0, >.. ) = y� (0, >.. ) = 0 and Y2 (0, >.. ) = 0, (3.2) - (3 . 3) and Theorem 5.2 in Section 5.2 of Chap yter� ( O5,, >..we) finallyUsing obtain lim det ( A n - >.. In ) = Yl( T, >.. ) + y�( T, >.. ) - 2 det(A - >.. I ) . n->oo Example Corollary 2.2 and Theorem 3.2 can be used to compute � Tr e-* TH for the harmonic oscillator H = 2m ( P2 + m2w2Q2 ) . We have -
= 1.
1 Tr e _ln TH - �:::: 7= :;:::
where Aw = -D 2 + (3 . 4)
- Jdet Aiw ' and by formula (5.20) in Section 5.2 of Chapter 5,
Tr e-* TH =
2 sinh wT
Of course, since the eigenvalues are En = !iw(n + ! ) , we can get the same result by using geometric series
Similar results hold for the general second order differential operator A = - D2 + + on the interval [0, T] with periodic boundary conditions.
v(t) D u(t)
Notes and references
Theorem 3.3. Suppose that det A > 0, where A =
r e - ¥k J[ (v(t)y(t)y(t) +u(t)y2 (t)) dt dp}(:,op ( y )
- D 2 + v (t)D + u (t) .
v'det A . Example 3.2. Let A = -D 2 + wD. It follows from Theorem 3.3 and (2.6) that for E > 0 1 r e- ¥k J[ (wy(t)y(t) +cy 2 (t) ) dtdp,�op ( y ) Jdet ( A + c l ) lc
v 27r 100 = �l nT
- oo
e - ".;'[ cx2 dx r e- ¥fi g (wyo (t)yo (t) +cy5 (t)) dt dp,�op ( yo )
e- � f0T (wilo (t)yo (t) +cy5 (t ) ) dt dp,�op ( yo ) , =
where we have used the decomposition y (t) = x + yo (t) , J{ yo (t)dt 0 . Here £o is the subset of the free loop space £ which consists of loops with zero constant term in the Fourier series expansion. Using Corollary 5.4 in Section 5.2 of Chapter 5, we obtain
rle e - ¥k foT wyo (t)yo (t) dt dp,�op ( Yo ) = lim JdetT( A..fi+ c:I) o E:--+0
(3. 5 )
sin "f We will use this result in Section 2.2 of Chapter 8. �
Problem 3 . 1 . Derive formula (3.4) using (2.5) .
Problem 3 . 2 . Prove Theorem 3.3. 4.
Notes and references
There is a vast literature on Wiener integration theory and Brownian motion, and here we present, in a succinct form, only the very basic facts . Material in Sec tion 1 is standard, and our exposition follows the exercise section in (Rab95] . For necessary facts from probability theory, including Kolmogoroff ' s extension theo rem and an introduction to the stochastic processes, we refer to the classic treatise [Loe77, Loe78] and recent text [Kho07] . In particular, the statement J..L ( Yt') 0 in Proposition 1 . 1 follows from the strong law of large numbers. =
Th elegant construction of the Wiener measure in Section 2 belongs to E. Nel son [Nel64] , and our exposition, including the proof of the Feynman-Kac formula, follows [RS75] . We refer the reader to Ito-McKean's classic monograph [IM74] for the construction of the Wiener measure from the probability theory point of view; along this way Problems 2 . 1 and 2.2 get solutions. The classic book [Kac59]
6. Integration in Functional Spaces
and lectures [Kac80] by M . Kac are another excellent source of information on Wiener integration and its applications in different areas of mathematics. The re lation between Wiener and Feynman path integrals in Section 2.3 belongs to E. Nelson [Nel64] . Problem 2.6 is taken from R.H. Cameron's paper [Cam63] ( see also [RS75] ) ; this result shows that there is no complex-valued analog of Wiener measure associated with the complex diffusion coefficient with Re D > 0 ( as op posed to the statement made in [GY56] ) . Theorems proved in Section 3 serve as a rigorous foundation for our discussion of the Gaussian Feynman path integrals in Section 4 of Chapter 5. Our proof of Theorem 3. 1 in Section 3 . 1 , which uses the method of finite differences, follows the outline in [GY56] which attributed it to [Mon52] . The proof of Theorem 3 2 in Section 3.2 seems to be new. .
The Euclidean quantum mechanics, obtained by replacing the physical time t by the Euclidean ( or imaginary) time -it, is ultimately related to the theory of stochastic processes. It can be formulated by a set of axioms of the one-dimensional Euclidean quantum field theory, and we refer the interested reader to [Str05] for the detailed discussion.
Fermion S ystems
Canonical anticommutation relations
1 . 1 . Motivation. In Sections 2.6 and 2.7 of Chapter 2 we have shown that the Hilbert space £ -:::: L 2 ( JR, dq ) of a one-dimensional quantum particle can be described in terms of the creation and annihilation operators. Namely, the operators 1 1 1 . a* = -- (Q - iP) and a = 1M ( Q + z P) v 2/i J2n satisfy the canonical commutation relation
[a, a*] = I
on W 2 • 2 (JR) n W 2 • 2 (JR) , and the vectors
(a* ) k
Jkf 7f;o , k = 0, 1 , 2, . . . ,
where 7j;0 (q) = (7rn) - 4 e- 2 h q2 E £ satisfies a 'lj;0 0, form an orthonormal basis for £. The corresponding operator N = a*a is self-adjoint and has an integer spectrum, 1
N'lj;k = k 'lj;k , k = 0, 1 , 2 , . . . .
Similarly, for several degrees of freedom £ -:::: L 2 ( :1Rn , dn q) , the creation and annihilation operators are given by 1 and a k = 1M ( Q k + z. Pk) , k = 1 , . . . , n , v 2 /i 1 Here
in comparison with Section
of Chapter
2 we put
w =
7. Fermion Systems
and satisfy canonical commutation relations ( 1 . 2) [a k , at] = [ a k , a i ] = 0 and [a k , ai] = Okzl , n
k, l = 1 , . . . , n .
The ground state, the vector 'lj;0 ( q ) = (7rn) - 4 e- 2n q E £, has the property a k'l/Jo = 0, k = 1 , . . . , n , and the vectors ( a i ) k l . . . ( a� ) kn = '1/Jo , k 1 , , kn = 0, 1 , 2 , . . . , 1 1 'l/Jk1 , ... ,kn Jk 1 · · · · kn · form an orthonormal basis for £. The operator N = L�=l aka k is self adjoint and has an integer spectrum: N 'l/Jk 1 , . . . ,kn = ( k1 + · · · + kn ) 'l/Jkl , ... ,kn ' and the Hilbert space .Yt' decomposes into the direct sum of invariant sub spaces ·
( 1 .3)
k =O
- the eigenspaces for the operator N. However spin operators, introduced in Chapter 4, satisfy algebraic re lations of different type. Namely, consider the operators a± = � S± = � (81 ± iS2 ) , where 81 and 82 are spin operators of a quantum particle of spin ! (see Section 1 . 1 of Chapter 4) . Using the explicit representation of spin operators by Pauli matrices, we get
The operators a± are nilpotent, ai = 0, and satisfy the anticommutation relation (]'+(]'- + 0'- G'+ = h , where h is the identity operator in C 2 . Introducing the notion of an anti commutator of two operators, [A, B] + = AB + BA, we see that the operators a a_ and a * = a+ satisfy canonical anticom mutation relations [a , a] + = [a* , a* ] + = 0 and [a , a*] + = h . The vector eo ( � ) has the property ae o = 0 , and together with the vector a * e o = ( fi ) they form an orthonormal basis of C 2 . The matrix =
N = a* a = ! (a3 + h ) =
(� �)
1 . Canonical anticommutation relations
has eigenvectors eo and a"eo with eigenvalues 0 and 1 . Thus in complete analogy with the previous discussion, we say that a and a* are fermion creation and annihi lation operators for the case of one degree of freedom. The Hilbert space of a Fermi particle is .Yt' = C 2 , and the vector e0 is the ground state. It is straightforward to generalize this construction to the case of several degrees of freedom. Namely, canonical anticommutation relations have the form ( 1 . 4) [ak , azl+ = [a'k , aiJ+ = 0 and [ a k , alJ + = 8kzl, k, l = 1 , . . . , n , where I is the identity operator, and creation operators aj are adjoint to annihilation operators aj in the fermion Hilbert space .Yt'F . Canoni cal anticommutation relations ( 1 .4 ) can be realized in the Hilbert space .Yt'F = (C 2 ) 18m = C 2 n as follows: (1 .5) a k = "-v-' 0"3 ® · · · ® 0"3 ® a ® h ® · · · ® /2 , k-1 a'k = � ® a* ® /2 ® · · · ® h , ( 1 .6) k-1 k = 1 , . . . , n. The ground state, the vector '1/Jo = eo ® · · · ® eo E .Yt'F , satisfies ak'l/Jo = 0, k = 1 , . . . , n , ( 1 . 7) and the vectors k (1 .8) 'l/Jk1 , ... ,kn = ( a i ) 1 . . . ( a�) kn 'l/Jo , k 1 , . . . , kn = 0, 1 , form an orthonormal basis for .Yt'F . The operator n N = l: a'kak k=1 is self-adjoint and has an integer spectrum: N'lj;k1 , . .. ,kn = ( k1 + · · · + kn ) 'l/Jk 1 , . . . ,kn ' and the Hilbert space .Yt'F decomposes into the direct sum of invariant sub spaces ( 1 . 9)
- the eigenspaces of N. Remark. The fermion Hilbert space .Yt'F is isomorphic to the spin part of the Hilbert space of n quantum particles of spin � , discussed in Section 3. 1 of Chapter 4. The corresponding fermion creation and annihilation operators can also be used for describing spin degrees of freedom. The fundamental importance of the fermion and boson Hilbert spaces - .Yt'F = ( C 2 )®n and
7. Fermion Systems
L 2 (1Rn , dn q ) - manifests itself in quantum field theory, which for mally corresponds to the case n oo , and describes quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. Yl'B
in the fermion Hilbert space Yt'p is irreducible: every operator in Yt'p , which commutes with all creation and annihilation operators a k and a k , is a mul tiple of the identity operator.
Lemma 1 . 1 . Realization ( 1 .5) -( 1 .6) of canonical anticommutation relations
Proof. It is sufficient to show that if {0} -=/= V � Yt'p is an invariant subspace for all operators a k and a k , then V = Yt'p . Indeed, every non-zero 'ljJ E V can be written in the form 'ljJ = L Ckl , ... ,kn 'l/Jkl , . .. , kn ' k1 , ... , kn=O,l and let Ck1 , ... , kn 'l/Jk 1 , . .. , k n be any of its non-zero components with maximal degree k 1 + + kn . Using canonical anticommutation relations and ( 1 .7) , we obtain . J, _j_ a nkn . . . a k1 1 .1,'P - CtpQ , c- C k , ... ,k n r 0 , so that '1/Jo E V. Applying creation operators to '1/Jo , we get V Yt'p. 0 ·
fermion Hilbert space Yt'p is analogous to the representation by the occupa tion numbers of canonical commutation relations, discussed in Section 2. 7 of Chapter 2 , and is called representation by the occupation numbers for fermions. It should be emphasized that the algebraic structure of the for mer relations allows their realization in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, while the algebraic structure of the latter relations warrants the infinite dimensional Hilbert space. Remark. The realization of canonical anticommutation relations in the
Analogously to (1 . 1 ) , coordinate and momentum operators for fermions are defined by
f§_ ( ak + ak ) ,
Pk = -i ( a k - a k ) , k 1 , . . . , n . As follows from ( 1 .4) , they satisfy the following anticommutation relations: ( 1 . 1 1 ) [Qk , Q zl + = [Pk , Pz] + Mkz l and [Pk , Qzl + = 0 , k, l 1 , . . . , n - a fermion analog of Heisenberg commutations relations, introduced in Section 2 . 1 of Chapter 2. The following result is a fermion analog of the Stone-von Neumann theorem from Section 3 . 1 of Chapter 2 . ( 1 . 10 )
Theorem 1 . 1 . Every irreducible finite-dimensional representation of canon
ical anticommutation relations is unitarily equivalent to the representation by occupation numbers in the fermion Hilbert space Yt'p .
Canonical anticommutation relations
Proof. Let V be the Hilbert space which realizes the irreducible represen tation of canonical anticommutation relations ( 1 .4) . First of all, there is t.po E V, III.Po ll = 1, such that a 1 t.po = · · · = an t.po = 0 . Indeed, choose any non-zero t.p E V; if a1t.p =I 0, replace it by the vector a 1t.p, which obviously satisfies a1 (a1t.p1 ) = 0. If a2 (a1t.p) =I 0, replace it by a2a1t.p, which is annihilated by a 1 and a2 , etc. In finitely many steps we arrive at a non-zero vector rj; annihilated by the operators a 1 , . . . , an , and <po = r{;/ l l r!; l l · Now consider the subspace Vo of V, spanned by the vectors k (a�) kn t.po , k 1 , . . . , kn = 0, 1. I.Pk 1 , .. . ,kn = ( a i ) 1 It follows from ( 1 .4) that Vo is an invariant subspace for all operators ak and a"k , so that Vo = V. Since operators a"k and ak are adjoint with respect to the inner product in V, it is easy to see, again using canonical anticommuta tion relations ( 1 .4) , that vectors t.p k1 , ,kn form an orthonormal basis for V. The mapping V 3 t.pk 1 , . .. , kn 'l/Jk 1 , ... , kn E £p establishes the Hilbert space D isomorphism V £p . •
of the k-th particle in the system of n spin � particles (see Section 3 . 1 of Chapter 4) in terms of fermion creation and annihilation operators in £F .
Problem 1 . 1 . Express the spin operators
1 . 2 . Clifford algebras. We have seen in Section 2 . 1 of Chapter 2 that the Heisenberg Lie algebra is the fundamental mathematical structure as sociated with canonical commutation relations. Similarly, the fundamental mathematical structure associated with the canonical anticommutation re lations is Clifford algebra. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over the field k of character istic zero, and let Q V k be a symmetric non-degenerate quadratic form on V, i.e. , Q( v) = (v, v), v E V, where V ®k V k is a symmet ric non-degenerate bilinear form. The pair ( V, Q ) is called quadratic vector space. :
Definition. A Clifford algebra C(V, Q ) = C(V) associated with a quadratic vector space ( V, Q ) is a k-algebra generated by the vector space V with relations v2 = Q(v) · 1 , v E V.
Equivalently, Clifford algebra is defined as a quotient algebra C(V) = T ( V ) / J, where J is a two-sided ideal in the tensor algebra T(V) of V, generated by the elements u ® v + v ® u - 2 (u, v) 1 for all u, v E V, and 1 is the unit ·
Fermion Systems
in T ( V ) . In terms of a basis {ei } f= l of V, the Clifford algebra C (V) is a k-algebra with the generators e 1 , . . . , e n , satisfying the relations [ei , ej ] + = ei ej + ejei = 2 1P (ei , ej ) · 1 , i, j = 1 , , n . When k = C ( or any algebraically closed field of characteristic zero ) , there al ways exists an orthonormal basis for V a basis { ei } Z: 1 such that IP ( ei , e k) = 6ik · In this case for every dimension n there is one ( up to an isomorphism ) Clifford algebra Cn with generators e 1 , . . , e n and relations eiej + ejei = 26ij · 1 , i, k = 1 , . . . , n . Remark. If k = JR, there exist non-negative integers p + q = n and an isomorphism V � JRn such that Q ( x ) = x � + · · · + x; - x;+l - · x�, x E JRn . This classifies Clifford algebras over JR. Definition. A left module S for a Clifford algebra C ( V ) is a finite-dimensional k-vector space S with the linear map p : C ( V ) 0 S S such that p ( a b 0 s) = p ( a 0 p ( b 0 s) ) for all a , b E C (V ) and s E S. . . .
The fermion Hilbert space £F, introduced in the previous section, is an irreducible C2 n -module. Indeed, it follows from canonical anticommutation relations ( 1.4) that self-adjoint operators (1.12) 'Y2 k-1 ak + ak , (1.13) 'Y2 k = - i ( a k - ak ) , k = 1 , . , n , satisfy the relations 'YJ..L 'Yv + 'Yv 'YJ..L = 26J.Lvi, f..L , 1/ 1, . , 2n, (1.1 4 ) where I is the identity operator in £F . We define the action of the Clifford algebra C2 n on £F by setting p ( 1) = I and p ( e J.L ) 'YJ.L , J..L = 1 , . . . , 2n, and extending it to a C-algebra homomorphism p : C2n End ( £F ) . Rela tions ( 1 . 14) show that the map p admits such an extension. Proposition 1 . 1 . The homomorphism p : C2 n End ( £F ) is a C-algebra isomorphism. =
. .
1.1 that the representation p is irreducible: every operator in £F which commutes with all elements of the C-algebra p( C2n ) is a multiple of the identity operator. Then by Wedderburn's theorem p ( C2 n ) End ( £F ) , and since dim C2n = 2 2 n dim End ( £F ) , the map p is D an isomorphism.
Proof. It follows from Lemma
1 . Canonical anticommutation relations
Remark. The structure of a Clifford algebra with an odd number of gen erators is different. Thus the mapping p ( e k ) = (1k , where (1k , k = 1 , 2 , 3, are Pauli matrices ( see Section 1 of Chapter 4) , defines an irreducible represen tation of C3 in J'f'F = C 2 . However, in this case C3 � End ( C 2 ) 0 C [c-] , where c = ie 1 e e3 and satisfies c- 2 = 1 . 2
We define the chirality operator by r = e1r i N , where N = l::j=1 aj aj . Since the operator N has an integral spectrum, r 2 = I. Moreover, we have ( 1 . 15) [r, 111]+ = o , J..L = 1, . . . , 2n. Indeed, as follows from ( 1 .4 ) , N aj = aj ( N + I) and N aj = aj ( N - I ) , so that e1ri N aj aj e1ri ( N+ I) = -aj e1ri N and e1riN aj = aj e1ri( N -I) = - aj e 1ri N . Thus r anticommutes with all aj , aj , and hence with all 1w Since r 2 = I, the operators 1 P± = are orthogonal projection operators and we have a decomposition £'F = £'j EB £j; into the subspaces of positive and negative chirality spinors. It follows from ( 1 . 15) that =
2u ± r )
Also, smce . e 7ria*aj ;
I - 2 aj* aJ = -Z/2 . j - 1 /2j , we have r
( - i t'Yl . . . /2n · Remark. When n = 2 , 4 x 4 matrices /I . /2 , /3, /4 are celebrated Dirac gamma matrices ( for the Euclidean metric on �4) , and r /5 · =
Problem 1 . 2 . Show that the definition of a Clifford algebra C(V) is compatible with the field change: if k c K is a field extension and VK = K 0k vk , then =
K 0k C(Vk ) ·
C0 c C I c c en C ( V) be the natural filtration Clifford algebra C ( V) , where cr is spanned by the elements V I . . . Vs , s � r.
Problem 1 . 3 . Let
of a Let
C(VK )
cgr (V)
EB c k ;c k - I
k=I be the associated graded algebra. Show that the skew-symmetrizer map VI
Vr r--->
� r.
a ESymr
( -l)" (a) Va(I)
· ·
Va ( r)
7. Fermion Systems
establishes a Z-graded algebra isomorphism A• (V) exterior algebra of V.
cgr (V) , where A• (v) is the
Problem 1 . 4 . Formulate and prove the analog of Proposition 1 . 1 for Clifford algebras with an odd number of generators. 2.
Grassmann algebras -
Grassmann algebras algebras with anticommuting generators - are nec essary for the semi-classical description of fermions. The corresponding math ematical definition is the following. Definition. A Grassmann algebra with n generators is a ((>algebra Grn with the generators 01 , . . . , On satisfying the relations eiej + ej ei = o , i , j 1 , . . . , n . =
In particular, these relations imply that generators of a Grassmann al gebra are nilpotent: e� = · · = e� = 0. Equivalently, Grn C ( 01 , . . , On) / J - a quotient of a free C-algebra C ( 01 , . . . , On ) , generated by 8 1 , . . . , On , by the two-sided ideal J generated by the elements eiej + ejei , i , j 1 , . ' n . Remark. It follows from ( 1 . 1 1 ) that in the semi-classical limit n 0 fermion operators Pk and Q k , k = 1 , , 2n, satisfy the defining relations of Grassmann algebra Gr2n · Comparison with the polynomial algebra C[x1 , . , Xn ] = C ( x 1 , . , Xn ) / 1 - a quotient of a free C-algebra C ( x 1 , . , Xn ) by the two-sided ideal generated by the elements XiXj - Xj Xi , i , j = 1 , , n shows that the Grassmann algebra Grn can also be considered as a polynomia l algebra in anticommut ing variables 8 1 , . . . , On . In what follows we will always use Roman letters for commuting variables and Greek letters for anticommuting variables, so that Grn = C [01 , . . . , On ] · Needless to say, the polynomial algebra C [x 1 . . . , xn ] is isomorphic to the symmetric algebra of the vector space spanned by x 1 , . , Xn , and the Grass mann algebra C [ 01 , . . . , On ] is isomorphic to the exterior algebra A• v of the vector space V C01 EB EB COn with the basis 81 , . . . , On . The Grassmann algebra Grn is a complex vector space of dimension 2n and is Z-graded: it admits a decomposition n (2. 1 ) Grn = ffi Gr� ·
. . .
. .
. .
. . .
k =O
. .
Grassmann algebras
into homogeneous components Gr� of degree k and dimension (�) , k = 0, . , n , where Gr� = C · l . Namely, denote by I I the degree of homogeneous elements in the Grassmann algebra, l ad = k for a E Gr� . Then multiplication in Grn satisfies Gr� Gr� c Gr�+ l , where Gr�+l 0 if k + l > n, and is graded-commutative:
( 2.2 )
for homogenous elements a, {3 E Grn . The elements of the Grassmann alge bra Grn of even degree are called even elements, and those of odd degree odd elements. 2 . 1 . Realization of canonical anticommutation relat ions. The Grass mann algebra provides us with the explicit representation of canonical anti commutation relations by multiplication and differentiation operators, which is analogous to the holomorphic representation for canonical commutation relations (see Section 2.7 of Chapter 2 ) . Namely, let Oi
f) (} f) i
be left partial differentiation operators, defined on homogeneous monomials by
(}il . . . (}ik
where {}i t denotes the omission of the factor (}i t . The differentiation operators are of degree - 1 and satisfy the graded Leibniz rule,
Remark. One can also introduce right partial differentiation operators by
( ei1 . . . eik ) & . = L..,. ( - 1 ) et =l
l which satisfy the following graded Leibniz rule:
(a{J) � = a f) (}i
({3�) f)(}i
8iiA1 . . . eiz . . . eik ,
+ ( - 1) 1131
(a� ) {3. f) ()i
To distinguish between the left and right partial derivatives of f E Grn , we f and f . will denote them, respectively, by
f) i
f) i
7. Fermion Systems
As a complex vector space, Grassmann algebra Grn carries a standard in ner product defined by the property that homogeneous monomials fh 1 ei" , for all 1 :s; i 1 < < ik :s; n, form an orthonormal basis, •
(2 . 3)
By checking on homogeneous monomials, it is elementary to verify that where Bi are left-multiplication by ei operators in Grn , so that {h = a; . It is also easy to verify that the operators Bi and Oi satisfy the anticommutation relations
where I is an identity operator in Grn . Thus we have the following result. Proposition 2 . 1 . The assignment
establishes an isomorphism Jlt'p ':::::' Grn between the fermion Hilbert space of identical particles, and the vector space of the Grassmann algebra with n generators. It preserves decompositions (1.9) and (2. 1 ) and has the property that
= 1, . . . , n .
Using Proposition 2 . 1 , it is also very easy to verify that the represen tation of canonical anticommutation relations in the fermion Hilbert space Jlt'p is irre �ucible. Indeed, suppose that B E End ( Grn ) commutes with all operators ()i and fA . Then 8i (B ( 1 ) )
B(8i ( 1 ) )
1, . . . , n.
The only solution of the equations or f = = 8n f 0 is f c · 1, so that B ( 1 ) = c · 1 . Since B commutes with all creation operators i}i , we obtain B = cl. ·
Remark. We will show in Section 2 . 3 that by using the notion of Berezin
integral, the inner product (2.3) in Grn can be written in a form (2. 1 1 ) , which i s similar t o the definition of the inner product in the holomorphic representation, given by formula (2.52) in Section 2. 7 of Chapter 2 .
2. Grassmann algebras
2 . 2 . Differential forms. An algebra of differential forms in anticommut ing variables fh , . . . , On is a C-algebra n� with odd generators 01 , . . . , On and even generators d01 , . . . , dOn satisfying relations Oi · dOj
dOj · Oi ,
1 , . . . , n. Equivalently, n� is a symmetric tensor product over C of Grassmann alge bra Gr n and polynomial algebra C [d01 , . . . , dOn ] , and every w E n� can be uniquely written as (2 .4)
L fk (d01 ) k1 ·
i, j
· (dOn ) kn ,
fk E
Grn ,
where k ( k1 , . . . , kn ) is a multi-index and fk 0 for all k, except finitely many. By definition, the degree J wk l of a homogeneous component wk fk (d01 ) k 1 • · • (dOn ) kn E D� is l fk J , the degree of fk E Grn . Remark. It is instructive to compare the algebra n� with the algebra of polynomial differential forms on en . On the one hand, n� is an infinite dimensional algebra in commuting variables d(}1 , . . . , dOn with coefficients in a finite-dimensional algebra Grassmann algebra C [ 0 1 , . . . , On ] · On the other hand, the algebra of differential forms i n commuti ng variables x 1 , . . . , Xn is a finite-dimensional algebra in anticommuting variables dx1 , . . . , dx n with coefficients in an infinite-dimensional polynomial algebra C [x1 , . . . , x n ] · =
The analog of the exterior ( de Rham ) differential on the algebra n� is the mapping d : n� n� ' defined by -t
k ft dOi (d01 ) k 1 �� i
k=O =l
(dOn ) kn ,
E Grn ,
where w is given by (2.4) . It can also be written as d = 2::::: � 1 dOiai , where it is understood that 8i (d0j ) = 0 for all i , j 1, . . . , n . =
Lemma 2 . 1 . The exterior differential d on n� satisfies the graded Leibniz
dw1 w2 + ( - 1 ) l w1 l w1 dw2 , and is nilpotent, d2 = 0 .
for homogeneous W I ,
Proof. The graded Leibniz rule for d follows from the corresponding prop erty of partial differentiation operators ai . The property d2 0 follows from the commutativity of "differentials" d(}i and anticommutativity of the partial derivatives ai . D =
The next result is an analog of the Poincare lemma for differential forms in anticommuting variables.
7. Fermion Systems
Lemma 2.2. Suppose that w is 'TJ E il� such that w d'TJ. =
D efinition. A 2-form
E n� is closed, dw = 0 . Then w is exact: there
w E n�,
(2.5) =
is called a symplectic form on a Grassmann algebra if it is closed, dw 0, and is non-degenerate: the n x n symmetric matrix {w ij }�j=l is invertible in Grn . In particular, the 2-form w with constant coefficients wij E C is al ways closed, and w is symplectic if and only if the matrix { wij}� =l is non j degenerate. Since every quadratic form over C can be written as a sum of squares, we can always assume that generators 01 , , On are chosen such that the symplectic form w with constant coefficients has a canonical form n (2.6) w = ! L dei dei . . . .
i =l
With every symplectic form (2.5) there is an associated Poisson bracket on Grassmann algebra, defined by
where { Wij }i, =l is the inverse matrix to { w ij }i, =l , and we are using no tation for thej left and right partial differentiationj operators, introduced in the previous section. The following result - an analog of Theorem 2.9 in Section 2.4 of Chapter 1 is fundamental for formulating Hamiltonian me chanics for the systems with anticommuting variables, which we will discuss in Chapter 8. -
Proposition 2 . 2 . Suppose that all coefficients
form w are even. Then the Poisson bracket map
wij of a closed symplectic
{ , } : Grn X Grn ---) Grn
satisfies the following properties. (i) (Graded skew-symmetry)
{!, g}
= -
( -1 ) 1f l l9l {g , !} .
(ii) (Graded Leibniz rule)
{ fg , h } = f{g , h } + ( - 1 ) 1 fl lglg{ f, h }.
31 9
Grassmann algebras
( iii ) (Graded Jacobi identity) {!, {g, h } } + ( - 1 ) 1 / l ( lg l + l h l ) {g, {h, ! } }
( - 1 ) 1 hl ( l/ l +lgl ) {h, { f, g } }
for all J , g, h E Grn . Proof. Part ( i ) follows from (2.2) , the property
a - ( - ) 1 11 a ao/ 1 aoi ' j and the condition that coefficients wi are even. The graded Leibniz rule follows from the corresponding property of right partial differentiation op erators. The graded Jacobi identity for the Poisson bracket =
which corresponds to the canonical symplectic form (2.6) , can be verified by a direct computation. The proof of a general case is left to the reader. D Problem 2 . 1 . Complete the proof of Lemma 2. 1 . Problem 2 . 2 . Prove Lemma 2.2. Problem 2.3. Complete the proof of Proposition 2.2. 2.3. Berezin integral. There is a principal difference between differential forms in commuting and in anticommuting variables. The former can be differentiated and integrated, and the differential and integral are related by the Stokes ' formula. However, the latter can only be differentiated. Still, there is an analog of the integration over anticommuting variables. Definition. The integral on a Grassmann algebra Grn with an ordered set of generators 0 1 , . . . , On (Berezin integral) is a linear functional B : Grn
It is traditional to write the Berezin integral in the form
B( f )
J j(8) d01 . . dOn .
where 8 (0 1 , . . . , On ) , as if f j(01 , . . . , On ) was actually a "function of anticommuting variables" . It follows from the definition of partial differen tiation operators that a a j(8)d01 . . . dOn = . aon . . ao 1 J , =
320 which implies
Fermion Systems
I {)�/ ((})dOl . . . dOn = 0.
This leads to the following integration by parts formula for the Berezin integral: for homogeneous f, g E Grn . Remark. The Berezin integral is not an integral in the sense of integration theory. It is defined as a linear functional on a Grassmann algebra Grn and it depends on the ordering of the generators 01 , . . . , On of Grn , which is symbolized by d01 . . . dOn. For each u E Symn ,
I f(9)d01 . . . dOn = (
- 1 ) e(u)
I f(9)d0u(l) . . . dOu(n) '
where c ( u ) is the parity of a permutation u .
Using the embeddings Gr k C Grn for k :S n, physicists usually de fine the Berezin integral as a "repeated integral" starting from the following "one-dimensional integrals" : Remark.
I dOi = 0, I Oi dOi
1 , . . . ' n.
of variables for Berezin integral ) . Let 01 , . . . , On and 0� , . . . , On be two sets of generators of the Grassmann algebra Grn , related by Oi L:j= 1 aij Bj , where the n x n matrix A = { aij }f.j =l is non-degenerate. � emm� 2.3 ( Change =
I f(8)d01 . . dOn = de� A I j(O)d01 . . . dOn, .
where ](8) = f(9) = f( L:j=1 a 1j ej , . . . , L:j=1 a nj Bj ) · Proof.
By multi-linear algebra, j1 2 ···n = f 1 2 ··· n det A.
According to the lemma, the "density" d0 1 . . . dOn has the trans formation law Remark.
(2 . 8 )
under the change of variables Oi L:j=1 aij ej . This differs from the usual change of variables formula for the Lebesgue integral =
r f(x l , . . . ' Xn)dx l . . . dxn = I det A I r ] (yl , . . . , Yn)dy1 . . . dyn , }Rn }Rn
Grassmann algebras =
or dx 1 . . . dx n I det A l dY1 . . . dyn , where Xi I:j=1 aij Yj · Of course, the Berezin integral is rather a multiple derivative than an integral with respect to a measure, which explains this profound difference. =
Let A { aij }i,j=l be an n x n skew-symmetric matrix. For even n = 2m its Pfaffian Pf(A) is defined by =
2::: ( - 1 ) c (a) aa(l)a(2) . · aa (n - l)a(n ) ' m ! m aESymn where c ( O" ) i s the parity of a permutation O". By definition, Pf(A) n is odd. Pf( A )
0 when
Proposition 2 . 3 ( Gaussian integration for anticommuting variables ) . Let A = { aij } i,j =l be an n x n skew-symmetric matrix. Then
j exp { ! _t
�,J = l
aij O/)j d81 . . . dOn
( ii ) For any non-degenerate n
Pf ( A) .
n matrix C Pf(CACt ) = Pf(A) det C.
( iii )
Pf(A) 2
det A.
(i ) obviously holds for odd n since the integrand is an even element of Grn . By the definition of the Pfaffian, we get for n 2m, Proof. Part
m 1 Pf( A) 81 . . . On , j aij (Ji(J 2::: m ! 2 m i ,j=l and expanding the exponent into power series, we obtain
j exp { ! _t
� ,J = l
aij (Ji(Jj
d81 . . . dOn
Pf( A )
81 . . . On dB1 . . . dOn = Pf( A ) .
Part ( ii ) follows from part ( i ) and Lemma 2.3. Part ( iii ) is a classical result, which can be proved by the Berezin integral as follows. Suppose first that A is real-valued. There exists an orthogonal matrix C with determinant 1 such that 0 0 0 AI 0 0 - AI 0 CAC - 1 =
0 0
0 0
0 Am -Am 0
Fermion Systems
is a block-diagonal matrix. Using part (ii) with this matrix C, we obtain Pf(A )
J e>.1 01 02 +···+>.m02m-l02m d01 . . . d02
m = A I . . . Am ,
so that Pf(A) 2 = det A. This relation holds for complex-valued A, since both sides are polynomials in variables aij , 1 ::; i < j ::; n, which coincide for real 0 Uij .
For a Grassmann algebra Gr2 n = C[01 , . . . , On , 01 , . . . , On ] with 2n gen erators denote by J dOdiJ J d0 1 d01 . . . dOn dOn the corresponding Berezin integral, =
J J (O, O-) dOdO- = 8f)0n 80f)n . . . 8f)01 80f)1
Lemma 2.4. For any n x n matrix A = {aij } r,j = 1 ,
Proof. It follows from the definition of a matrix determinant that
( 2.10 )
Definition. An involution on a Grassmann algebra Grn over C is a complex
anti-linear mapping Grn g* f* for all J, g E Grn .
Grn satisfying (!* ) * = f and (fg)* =
The Grassmann algebra C[01 , . . . , On , 01 , . . . , Bn ] has a natural involution defined on generators by (BI ) * = 01 , ( 01 ) * 01 , . . . ' (On )* = On , ( On ) * = On . In particular, for n = (O f ) L =
we have n
f( O ) * = f ( O ) = L The next lemma expresses the inner product on the Grassmann algebra Grn , introduced in Section 2. 1 , in terms of the Berezin integral.
2. Grassmann algebras
Lemma 2 . 5 . The standard inner product (2 . 3 ) on the Grassmann alge
bra Grn C[B1 , . . . , Bn] is given by the following Berezin integral over the Grassmann algebra Gr 2 n C [ B1 , . . , Bn, iJ1 , . . . , iJn ] : =
(2 . 1 1 ) Proof. Put /I (O) = Bi1 Oi"' and /2 (0) = Bj 1 Bjz · It is clear that the integral ( 2 . 1 1 ) is 0, unless k = l and it JI , . . . , i k = Jk , in which case we •
IJ . ( Utl
ll .
Ll .
Utk ' Utl
Ll .
e J J !11 . . . BniJn . . . jjl d(JdiJ j Btjjl . . . Bn iJn dOdiJ ll .
Ut l
IJ . i'i. Utk Utk
Ut l
-(01fh +··+OnOn) d(} d(}-
The following result was already stated in Section 2 . 1 . Lemma 2 . 5 allows us to prove it in a way that is reminiscent of a holomorphic representation (see Section 2.7 of Chapter 2 ) .
8i and ei , i = 1 , . . . , n, are adjoint with respect to the inner product on Grn . Proof. Using Lemma 2.5, formulas 8d (0) 0, Oi e - 8 8 iJie-09, and the integration by parts formula, we obtain Corollary 2 . 1 . The operators
( 8dt , h )
= =
J 8d1 ( 0) /2 (O)e- 88dOdiJ ( j JI (O)h[ii) iJi e- 8odOdiJ j fi (O)Bd2 (0)e- 89dOdiJ - - l ) l h l + lh l
= - ( - l ) l h l + l fz l =
(/I , &i /2 ) ,
since the last integral and (/I , &i h ) are both 0 unless I !I I + I h i is odd. Problem 2.4. Evaluate the Berezin integral
ry1 ,
j exp { � t,Jt= l aiJ fMJi + kt= l rJkfh } del . . . dOn ,
, 'r/n
are Grassmann variables.
Problem 2 . 5 . Prove formula (2. 10) .
3 24 Problem 2 . 6 . Prove that
J f (O)e- 69 d8d0
Fermion Systems
f (O)
- the constant term of expansion of f (O) into the sum of monomials in C [B1 , . . . , Bn] ·
3 . Graded linear algebra 3. 1 . Graded vector spaces and superalgebras. The notions of gra
ded vector spaces and superalgebras, introduced in this section, allow us to consider commuting and anticommuting variables on the same footing.
7l/ 27l graded vector space
(graded vector space for brevity, or super vector space) over C is a vector space W with a decomposition Definition. A
W = W0 EB W1
into even and odd subspaces. The elements in W0 U W1 \ {0} are called homogeneous and the parity is a map I · I : W0 U W 1 \ {0} {0, 1 } such that l w l = 0 for w E W0 and l w l = 1 for w E W1 . -t
We reserve the notation V for ordinary ( even ) vector spaces, denoting graded vector spaces by W. If W is finite-dimensional, we define graded dimension as a pair ( dim W0 , dim W1 ) , usually denoted by no ln1 , where i ni = dim w ' i 0, 1 . When W0 CP and W1 (:Q ' the corresponding graded vector space W is denoted by CP i q . A fermion Hilbert space £p is a graded vector space with the even and odd subspaces given by decomposition ( 1 .9) : £; = EB £k , £) = EB .Yfk . =
k even
k odd
The graded dimension of £p is 2 n-l 12 n-l.
Direct sums and tensor products of graded vector spaces are defined in the same way as for ordinary vector spaces. For the direct sums the homogeneous subspaces are defined by ( W1
W2 ) k
Wf EB W�,
and for the tensor products they are defined as (W1 0 W2 ) k =
i +j= k
wt 0 w4 ,
0, 1 ,
k = o, 1 .
The difference between ordinary and graded vector spaces becomes trans parent in the definition of the corresponding tensor categories. Namely, the associativity morphism C wl w2 w : 3
wl 0 ( W2 0 W3 )
(Wl 0 W2 ) 0 w3
3. Graded linear algebra
for graded vector spaces is defined by the same formula Cw1 w2 w3 (W I 0 ( w2 0 w3) ) = ( wi 0 w2 ) 0 W3
as in the case of ordinary vector spaces, whereas the commutativity mor phism O'wl w2 : WI 0 w2 - w2 0 WI
is defined for the homogeneous elements by
2 O'w1 w2 ( W I 0 W2 ) = ( - l ) lwl l l w 1 w2 0 W I . algebra T(W) of a graded vector space W is
The tensor defined using the associativity morphism. However the exterior algebra A •w and symmetric algebra Sym ( W ) of W are defined as quotient algebras of T(W) by using the commutativity morphism. Namely, Sym ( W ) = T(W)/I, where I is the two-sided ideal in T(W) generated by W I 0 w2 - O' (w2 0 W I ) , WI , W2 E W , and A• (w) = T(W) / J, where J is the two-sided ideal in T(W) generated by W I 0 w2 + O' (w2 0 WI ) , O'W,W is the commutativity morphism. w 1 , w2 E W . Here Definition. Let W = W0 EB W I be a graded vector space. A parity-reversed vector space IIW is a graded vector space with ( IIW) 0 = W I and (IIW) I wo . 0' =
It immediately follows from the definitions that for even vector space V Sym ( IIV ) = A• (v) and A • ( rr V ) = Sym ( V ) . (3. 1 ) Definition. A superalgebra over C is a graded vector space A = A 0 EB A I with a C-algebra structure such that 1 E A 0 and A0 · A0 c A 0 , A0 · Ai c A 1 , A 1 · A1 c A0 •
superalgebra A is a commutative superalgebra if a · b = ( - l ) lal lbl b · a for homogeneous elements a, b E A. An even superalgebra A is just an ordinary C-algebra. Definition. A left ( super ) module for a superalgebra A is a graded vector space M with the linear map A 0 M 3 a 0 m t-t a · m E M such that I a m l = ( l a l + lm l ) mod 2 for homogeneous a E A and m E M, and a b · m = a · ( b · m ) for all a , b E A and m E M. ·
Fermion Systems
Problem 3 . 1 . Let u E Symn - Show that the isomorphism W1 0 0 Wn � W.,.- 1 {1) 0 · · · 0 Wo- - l ( n) , · ·
induced by the commutativity morphism of graded vector spaces, is well defined does not depend on the representation of u as a product of transpositions in Symn .
Problem 3 . 2 . Show that for a graded vector space W the algebras Sym (W) and A • (W) are superalgebras. 3.2. Examples of superalgebras. Example 3 . 1 (Tensor algebra) . The tensor algebra 00
E£) v 0 k , V 0 = c · 1 , k=O of an even vector space V is a superalgebra. The multiplication is given by the tensor product, and even and odd subspaces - by EB v®k, T(V) l = EB v®k . T ( V) o k k odd Example 3.2 (Symmetric algebra). The symmetric algebra Sym(V) of an even vector space V is a commutative algebra. A choice of a basis x 1 , . . . , X n of V establishes the isomorphism Sym(V) C [x1 , . . . , X n ] - a polynomial algebra in commuting variables x 1 , . . . , Xn · Example 3.3 (Exterior algebra) . The exterior algebra A• v of an even vec tor space V is a commutative superalgebra, with multiplication given by the wedge product; the even and odd subspaces are images of the corresponding subspaces of T(V) under the surjective mapping T(V) A • v = T(V)j J, where J is the two-sided ideal in T ( V) , generated by the elements uQS>v + vQS>u, u, v E V. According to (3. 1 ) , A • (V) = Sym(IIV) . The choice of a basis fh , . . . , On of the odd vector space IIV establishes the isomorphism A• (v) c:::: C [01 , . . . , Bn l · Here C [01 , . . . , On ] is the Grassmann algebra - a polynomial algebra in anticommuting variables 0 1 , . . . , On . Example 3.4 (Algebra of differential forms) . Let M be an n-dimensional manifold. The graded algebra A• (M) of smooth differential forms on M is a commutative superalgebra. Example 3.5 (Clifford algebra) . The Clifford algebra C(V) of a quadratic vector space (V, Q) is a superalgebra, with the multiplication and grading descending from the tensor algebra T(V) under the surjective mapping T(V) A · v T(V) 1 J, T ( V)
Graded linear algebra
where now J is the two-sided ideal in T ( V ) , generated by the elements E V. The natural map V C ( V ) is injective, and V is identified with its image in C ( V ) The elements of V are odd in C(V) . The fermion Hilbert space J"t'F is a left supermodule for C2n , and the ((>algebra isomorphism p : C2 n � End ( Jlt'p ) ( see Proposition 1 . 1 ) is an isomorphism of superalgebras. Example 3 . 6 ( Graded matrix algebra ) . Let W be a graded vector space. The vector space End ( W ) of all endomorphisms of W is a graded vector space: the even subspace consists of all endomorphisms which preserve the grading in W, and the odd subspace consists of those which reverse the grading. The vector space End ( W ) is a superalgebra with the product given by the composition of endomorphisms, and W is a module for End ( W ) . When W = CPiq, the superalgebra End ( W ) is usually denoted by Mat (p l q ) . Its elements can be conveniently represented by 2 x 2 block matrices
u 0 v + v 0 u - 2(u, v ) · 1 , u, v
An A12 A= A 21 A 2 2 , where An , A 12 , A 21 , and A22 are, respectively, matrices of orders p x p, p x q,
q x p, and q x q . The even and odd elements of Mat (p l q ) are, respectively, block-diagonal and anti-diagonal matrices ( A0 1 A� 2 ) and ( A� 1 A0 2 ) Example 3 . 7 ( Lie superalgebra ) . A graded vector space g is called a Lie superalgebra ( or, super Lie algebra) if it carries a Lie superbracket - a linear mapping [ , ] g 0 g � g satisfying the following properties. ( i ) ( Super skew-symmetry ) •
[x , y] - ( - 1)1x ii Y I [y , x] for homogeneous x, y E g . =
( ii ) ( Super Jacobi identity )
[x, [y, z]] + ( - 1) 1xi( I YI+Izl) [y, [z, x]] + ( - 1) 1zl(lxi+IYD [z, [x, y]] = 0 for homogeneous x, y, z E g . According to Proposition 2.2, a Grassmann algebra Grn with a Poisson bracket (2. 7) is a Lie superalgebra. Corresponding to classical simple Lie algebras there are associated Lie superalgebras. Problem 3.3. Verify all the statements in this section.
Problem 3.4. Show that a superalgebra A carries with a Lie superbracket defined by for homogeneous
[a, b] = ab - ( - l ) l a l l bl ba
Lie superalgebra structure
7. Fermion Systems
3.3. Supertrace and Berezinian. Let A = A0 EB A 1 be a commutative superalgebra. We have the following general notion of a graded matrix alge bra. Definition. A graded matrix algebra with coefficients in A is a superalgebra Mat A (P i q) of 2 x 2 block-matrices
where A n A1 2 , A 2 1 , and A 22 are, respectively, matrices of orders p x p, p x q, q x p, and q x q with elements in A. The element A E M atA (P iq) is even if corresponding matrices A n and A22 consist of even elements of A, and matrices A1 2 and A 2 1 consist of odd elements of A. The element A E Mat A (P i q) is odd if matrices An and A 22 consist of odd elements of A, and A1 2 and A21 consist of even elements of A. The graded vector space MatA(P iq) is a superalgebra with the product given by the matrix multiplication. The algebra Mat (plq) in Example 3.6 corresponds to the case A = C; another interesting example is when A is a Grassmann algebra. It is quite remarkable that such basic notions of linear algebra as trace and determinant admit non-trivial generalizations for graded matrix alge bras.
Definition. A supertrace on a graded matrix algebra is a linear mapping Trs : Mat A (P i q) --+ A, defined by Trs A = Tr An - ( - l) IA I Tr A22 ,
A = (��� ���) E MatA(P iq) ,
where Tr is the ordinary matrix trace. Proposition 3 . 1 (The cyclic property of the supertrace) . We
Tr8 A B = ( - l) IA!IBI Trs B A ,
A, B E M at A (P i q).
check only the case when both 2 x 2 block-matrices A and B are even elements of Mat A (P i q) . Other cases are treated similarly and are left to the reader. We have, using the cyclic property of the trace, Proof.
Trs AB = Tr(A n B n + A 1 2 B2 1 ) - Tr(A 2 1 B 1 2 + A 22 B22 ) = Tr (Bn An - B21 A 1 2 ) - Tr( -B1 2 A 21 + B2 2 A 2 2 ) =
Trs B A. 0
The superalgebra End(£F) corresponds to the case A C and is iso morphic to Mat(2 n -l 1 2 n - 1 ) . The supertace on End(Yf'F) is given by Trs A = Tr An - Tr A22 = Tr Af , A E End(Yf'F ) , (3.2)
3. Graded linear algebra
where r is the chirality operator (see Section 1 .2 ) . It has the following 2 X 2 block-matrix form:
(� ��) ,
where stands for the identity operator in ..Yt'J and £) . It is a non-trivial problem to define a superdeterminant a natural analog of the determinant for graded matrix algebras, which is multiplicative and generalizes the rule det e A = e Tr A . The corresponding notion, which is defined only for invertible A E MatA (Pi q ) , was introduced by F.A. Berezin. It is now commonly called Berezinian and is denoted by Ber( A) . A Consider first the case of even diagonal A ( J 1 A� 2 ) The relation
Ber( e A)
defines the Berezinian by Ber( A)
det Au det A 2i .
Thus in this case the even q x q matrix A22 is necessarily invertible, i.e. , det A 2 2 is an invertible element of the commutative algebra A0, so that the inverse matrix A2i exists . Now consider the general even A E MatA (P i q) , and suppose that A 22 is invertible. It is easy to verify the following analog of the Gauss decomposition: 0 Au A 1 2 = A 1 2A2:f An - A12A2:f A2 1 0 0 0 A2 1 A2 2 A22 A2:f A2 1 where and Iq are, respectively p x p and q x q identity matrices. This justifies the following definition.
) (lp lq ) (
) ( lp lq) '
Definition. Let A E MatA (Piq) be even and such that the corresponding even q x q matrix A 2 2 is invertible. Then the Berezinian (superdeterminant)
of A is given by
Assuming that the p x p matrix Au is invertible, we get the decompo sition A1 A i 12 = A2 A 1 l A A A A � 1 i 1 22 ' i1 which suggests that al so Ber( A) = det Au det (A 22 - A 21 A i/ A 1 2) - 1 .
(1�� 1��) ( : �J (
It i s
a fundamental fact that for even invertible A formulas for the Berezinian coincide.
J (� �: )
MatA(Pi q) these two
7. Fermion Systems
Theorem 3 . 1 . Let
(An AA2212 ) A2 1
be an even element of MatA (P i q ) Then
(i) A is invertible if and only if the matrices An and A22 are invertible. (ii) For invertible A, Ber( A ) is an invertible element of A0 satisfying Ber(A) = det(An - A1 2 A2l A 2 1 ) det A 2l = det An det(A 22 - A21 A ii1 A12 ) - 1 and
(iii) If even A, B
Ber(A- 1 ) = Ber(A) -1 . MatA(Pi q ) are invertible, then Ber( A B) = Ber(A)Ber(B) .
Problem 3.5. Complete the proof of Proposition 3 . 1 . Problem 3.6. Prove Theorem 3 . 1 . 4.
Path integrals for anticommuting variables
4 . 1 . Wick and matrix symbols. Here we describe the calculus of Wick
and matrix symbols of operators in the fermion Hilbert space Jf'p , which is analogous to the treatment of Wick and matrix symbols in the holomorphic representation in Section 2. 7 of Chapter 2. As well as in the bosonic case, it is a tradition to work in anti-holomorphic representation by using Jf'p = C [01 , , On] as the fermion Hilbert space with the annihilation and creation operators
and a *k = {)Ok ' The inner product (2. 1 1 ) takes the form
(4 . 1 )
k = 1,
, n.
(4.2) and the monomials parametrized by subsets I = {i1 , . . . , i k } � { 1 , . . . , n } , form an orthonormal basis in Jf'p .
Path integrals for anticommuting variables
Definition. A matrix symbol of an operator A : Y't} A(O, 9) E qol, . . . ' Bn, el, . . . ' BnJ , defined by
A(O, 9)
£F is an element
= :l: )A !J , !I)fr(O)!J(O) I,J
= 'l.'.) A !J , !I) oil I,J
. . . oikeJl . . . ej 1 ·
Here summation goes over all subsets I { i 1 , . . . , i k } and J = {j1 , . . . , jz } of the set { 1 , . . . , n } , and as in Section 2.3, we denote by f (O ) a natural involution on the Grassmann algebra qo� , . . . , Bn, 81 , . . . , Bn J , =
According to Proposition 1 . 1, C2 n � End ( £F ) , so that every operator : £F __. £F can be uniquely represented in a Wick normal form as follows: A
L Ku a;1 • • • a;"' aj1 • • • aj1 • I, J
Definition. A Wick symbol of an operator A A(O , 9 ) E qol , . . . ' Bn , el , . . . ' BnJ , defined by A( 0 , 9)
: £F
£F is an element
'L: Ku Bi1 . . . BikeJ1 . . . Bj1 • I,J
Remark. The definition of matrix and Wick symbols in the fermion case
repeats verbatim the corresponding definition for the bosonic case in Sec tion 2.7 of Chapter 2. Note, however, that in the fermion case the product ejl . . . e)l in the definition of the matrix symbol has reverse ordering, as is required by the inner product (4.2) in C[B1 , . . . , On ] · To matrix and Wick symbols A(O, 9 ) and A(O , 9 ) of an operator A one canonically associates elements A(O , o ) , A(O , o ) and A(a , 9) , A ( a, 9 ) in the larger Grassmann algebra
C [o , a , 9, OJ
C [o: 1 , . . . , o:n , & 1 , . . . , &n , 8 1 , . . . , BnBI , . . . , BnJ ,
by replacing, correspondingly, Bi by O:i and Bi by &i . The incomplete Berezin integral J dada on qo , a, 9, OJ is defined by 8 8 8 8 � � j, f E C [o , a , 9, 0] , f d a da = UO:n UO:n UO:l U0:1 and has the property
(4 .3)
!:) -
j h (9 , O)g(a, a) dada
!:) -
h(9, 0)
j g(a,
a ) dada .
7. Fermion Systems
We will also use the incomplete Berezin integral J d0d9, defined by
8 8 8 8 8(}n 8Bn . . . 8(} 1 801 f , f E C[o:, a , 9, 8] . As follows from the proof of Corollary 2.1,
f d9d9 =
(aich)he-9 0 d0d9
- ( - 1 ) 1fi i + Ihl
h (a d2)e-90d0d9 ,
where operators a'k and ak are given by (4. 1 ) , and JI , h E C [o:, a, 9 , 0] . The next result shows that the matrix symb ol of an operator A in .Y6, whi ch is just a 2 n x 2 n matrix, can be considered as an integral kernel in anticommuting variables! Lemma 4 . 1 . Let A( O , 9) be the matrix symbol of an operator A in ,Yep .
Then for every f ( 0)
( 4.5 )
,Yep ,
( A f) (O) =
A ( 8 , o:) f (a) e - c.: a do: da .
Proof. It is sufficient to verify ( 4.5 ) fo r f = fK , where K { 1 , . . . , n}. Using ( 4.3 ) and Lemma 2.5, we get
j A (O, o:) fK (a) e - c.:ado:da
= =
L ( A !J, !I )fi (O) I, J
L (A fK , !I ) JI ( O )
= { k1 , . . . , km}
j fJ (a)fK (a) e -c.:ado:da =
(A fK ) (0) .
Next, we introduce Grassmann analogs of the coherent states ( see Sec tion 2.7 of C hapter 2 ) . Put 4>a(O) = e0a = L fi (O) fi (a) and <1> a( 9 ) e - Ba L fi (a) fi (O) . =
As in the bosonic case, elements 4>a , a E C[ o:, a , 9, OJ satisfy
( 4.6 )
ak4>a and aka = -aka,
k = 1, . . . , n.
It is very easy to express the matrix symbol of an operator in terms of the coherent states. Lemma 4.2. Let A( a, o:) be the matrix symbol of an operator
A in .Yep .
Path integrals for anticommuting variables
Proof. The proof is a straightforward computation (cf. the proof of Lemma
2.4 in Section 2.7 of Chapter 2) :
A ( a, a )
L (A!J, fi) fi ( a)!J ( a) I,J
L (A !J !J ( a) , fi ( a)fi) = (Aa, �a ) · I,J
The next result is an exact analog of Lemma 2.4 in Section 2. 7 of Chapter
Lemma 4.3. The matrix and Wick symbols of an operator A in &p are
related by
A( a, a ) = e6a A( a , a) . Moreover, A( a, 0) = e 68 A( a, 0) and A(O, a) = e 8a A( 8 a ) . ,
Proof. As follows from the definition of coherent states, ( a , � a ) = e6a .
Now representing the operator A in a Wick normal form and using properties (4.4) and (4.6) , we obtain
(Aa, �a) = L Ku(a;1 =
aj a , � a)
aj1 a, ai k . ai1 �a) I,J "" ( - 1 ) kl Ku(ah . . aj1a, ai k ai 1 a) = L.,. =
L( - l ) kl+kKu(aj1
L (-l)k1Kuaj1 I,J
. . .
aj1 Ci:i 1 . Ci:ik (a, �a) •
= A( a , a ) ( a �a) e 6a A( a , a ) . The same computation, after replacing a by o , or � a by �o , proves the 0 remaining two formulas. Thus we have shown that 2 n x 2 n matrices - operators in the fermion Hilbert space &p can be considered as integral operators in anticom muting variables with the integral kernels given by matrix or Wick symbols. The next result is an exact analog of Theorem 2.2 in Section 2. 7 of Chapter 2, and establishes the calculus of symbols for operators in &p . ,
Theorem 4. 1 . Let A 1 and A2 be operators in &p with matrix symbols
A1 (0, 0) and A2 (0, 0) and Wick symbols A 1 (0, 0 ) and A 2 ( 0, 0 ) . Then the following formulas hold.
Fermion Systems
(i) The matrix and Wick symbols of the operator A = A 1 A2 are given by A(O, 8)
A ( O, 8) =
j j
A 1 (0, a)A 2 (a, 8)e-aa d a da, A 1 (0, a )A2 (a , 8)e- (ii- a)(fJ- a ) da da .
( ii ) The trace and supertrace of an operator A in £F are given by Th A
Th8 A =
j 8)e-288diid8, j J A(iJ, 8)e-88d8diJ J A(iJ, 8)d8diJ. A (ii , 8) e-88dO d8
A (ii,
Proof. Part ( i ) for matrix symbols is proved by the following straightfor
ward computation:
A 1 (0, a )A 2 (a , 8)e-aada da
L L ( A dJ , fi) ( A2 !L , fK ) I,J K,L
fi (ii) !J (a) fK (a) h ( O ) e -aadada
= L (AdJ , Jr) (A2 !L , h ) !I ( O) h (ii ) I , J, L
= =
I, J,L
( A2 h , h) (!J , A i fr ) JI ( O ) h ( O )
L ( A2 fL , Ai !I ) !I (O) fL ( O ) I,L
L ( AlA2h , fi ) !I ( ii) h ( O ) I,L
= A(ii , 8) .
The corresponding formula for the Wick symbols now follows from Lemma 4.3. The proof of part ( ii ) is also straightforward. We have
A ( 0 , 8) e - 88dOd8
L ( A!J , !I ) I,J
A ( O , 8)e -88d8diJ = =
fr ( O ) !J (O) e -88diid8
fi (ii) JJ (ii) e -98d8diJ
L ( AJI , fr ) = Th A . I
L ( A!J , fr ) I,J
L ( - I ) I I I ( A fr , JI ) = 'frs A , I
Path integrals for anticommuting variables
where I I I denotes the cardinality of the subset I � { 1 , . . . , n} . Corresponding formulas for the Wick symbol follow from Lemma 4.3. 0
Problem 4 . 1 . Verify directly all results in this section for the simplest case of one degree of freedom, when £F C 2 . =
Problem 4.2. Show that the Wick symbol of the product
A = At . . . A 1
is given
by !-1
A (O,
0) = I · · · I At (O, O:t - 1 ) . . . A 1 ( 6: 1 , 0) exp { L O:k (ak - 1 - o:k ) k= 1
O(o: t - 1 -
do: 1 d6: 1 . . . do: t - 1 d6: t - 1
where o: 0
0 and A k ( O, 0) are the Wick symbols of the operators Ak · Problem 4.3. Prove that the Wick symb ol r (O , 0) of the chirality operator r is - 88
4.2. Path integral for the evolution operator. Let H be
a Hamilton ian of a system of n fermions - an operator in J't'p with the Wick symbol H(iJ, 0) . Here we express the Wick symbol U(iJ, 0; T) of the evolution op erator U(T) = e - iTH by using the path integral over Grassmann variables. Our exposition will be parallel to that in Section 2.4 of Chapter 5, with ob vious simplification due to the fact that fermion Hilbert space Jlt'p is finite dimensional. Namely, the following elementary result replaces assumption (2. 1 1 ) , made in Section 2.4 of Chapter 5.
Lemma 4.4. Let U(fl t ) be the operator with the Wick symbol
Then U(T)
lim U(flt)N,
N -+oo
where flt
e- i H(ii,e)t:.t.
T . N
= I - iii flt - U (tlt) is a polynomial in flt with Grassmann algebra coefficients, which starts with the term (flt) 2 . It is easy to see that I I R(flt) ll � c(tltf for some c > 0, and Proof. The Wick symbol of the operator R(tlt)
U(T) = lim (I - iH tlt) N = lim (U(tlt) + R(flt) ) N = lim U(flt) N. N-+oo
Using the formula for the composition of Wick symbols ( see Theorem 4.1 and Problem 4.2 ) , we can represent the Wick symbol UN ( iJ, 0; T ) of the operator U(b. t ) N as an (N - 1 ) -fold Berezin integral. Namely, consider the anticommuting variables ak { a l , . . . , a k } , iik = { al , . . . , ak } , k = 1 , . . . , N - 1 - generators of the Grassmann algebra with involution - and =
Fermion Systems
denote a k o. k = 2:: ?=1 a i a i , etc. Then N exp :�:::) a k (o.k- 1 - O.k ) + iJ (o. N - 9) UN (iJ, 9 ; T) =
J J { k=l ·
-iH(a.k , o.k-d�t)
} II do.kdo.k , k= 1
where o. o = 9, and we put O N = iJ . It follows from Lemma 4.4 that U( iJ, 9 ; T) = lim UN ( 8 , 9 ; T)
lim N-+oo
J J ·
{ L:) o. k ( o.k - 1 - o.k ) + B ( o.N - 9) - iH(ak , o.k - 1 ) � t ) } II do. k da k . k=l
This formula looks exactly the same as the corresponding formula (2. 13) for the Wick symbol of the evolution operator in Section 2.4 of Chapter 5! Accordingly, we interpret the limit N oo as the following Feynman path integral for Grassmann variables ( or Grassmann path integral) : -
U ( iJ, 9 ; T)
{ &(a(0T)J) ==ii8 }
ei J� (i&a- H (& ,a))dt+ ii ( a ( T) - 8) � o. �O. .
Here the "integration" goes over all functions o.(t) , a (t ) with anticommut ing values2 on the interval [0, T] , satisfying boundary conditions o.(O) = 9, a ( T ) 8 , and =
As in Section 2.4 of Chapter 5, for 0 < t < T variables a ( t ) are conjugated to o. ( t ) with respect to the Grassmann algebra involution, while 0. (0) and o.(T) - also variables of integration - are not conjugated to the boundary values o. (O) = 9, a(T) = iJ . Remark. It should be emphasized that the only rigorous meaning of the Grassmann path integral ( 4.8) is the limit of multiple Berezin integrals in
(4.7) . However, as we have seen already in Chapter 5, it is very useful to pretend that the path integral has an independent definition, and formally work with it as if it was an actual integral. 2 For every 0 � t � T t here is a 1 (t) , . . . ' a n (t) , a 1 (t) , . . . ' a n (t) .
copy of the independent
Grassmann algebra
with generators
Path integrals for anticommuting variables
Using Theorem 4.1 , it is easy to express the supertrace of the evolution operator U(T ) - an operator in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space Jf'F as a Grassmann path integral. We have
Tr8 e - iTH = N� lim uN ( 8 , 8; T ) d8d8 = lim · · · exp { iJ ( a ( T ) - 8 ) N� oo oo N N- 1 + Z:::: Ui: k ( o: k - 1 - a k ) - iH(a k, a k - 1)Llt) } IT da k dii k d8d8 k =1 k =1 ei for (iaa- H (a , o:)) dt � a � a { O:o:(O)=o:( ( O) = a(T) } T)
- a Grassmann path integral with periodic boundary conditions. Here pe riodic boundary conditions emerge from ao = 8 and ii N = 8 in the same way as in Section 2.4 of Chapter 5. Namely, since 8 and 8 are now variables of integration, the identity (2 . 1 7) in Section 2.4 of Chapter 5, which is valid in the case of anticommuting variables as well, ensures that ON = 8 and iio = 8. Denoting by A the corresponding "Grassmann loop space" - the space of all functions with anticommuting values a(t) and a(t) conjugated with respect to the Grassmann algebra involution and satisfying periodic boundary conditions a(O) = a (T) and a(O) = a (T) - we can rewrite the previous formula as Trs
J ei ft (iaa-H(a,o:))dt �a �ii . A
Replacing the physical time t by the Euclidean time - it and T by -iT, we get the Grassmann integral representation for the Wick symbol of the operator U( -iT) e -TH , =
U(8, 8; -iT) =
and for the supertrace, (4.9)
e - TH
f { O:(o:(0)=8 T)=iJ }
i e - foT (aa+H (a,o:))dt �a �ii .
Problem 4.4. Express the matrix symbol of the evolution operator as the Grass mann path integral. Problem 4.5. Show that
I {a(O)=-a(T)} a(O)=-a(T)
Fermion Systems
- the Grassmann path integral with anti-periodic boundary conditions.
4.3. Gaussian path integrals over Grassmann variables. For sim plicity, here we consider only the case n 1 . As in Section 5.3 of Chapter 5, for u(t) E C1 ( [0 , T] , JR) we put d 1 T uo = J{ u(t) dt and D = dt ' T o and consider on the interval [0, T] the first-order differential operator D + u (t) with periodic boundary conditions. The following result evaluates the simplest Gaussian path integral for Grassmann variables. =
Theorem 4 . 2 . We have
i e - f[(iicHu(t)O:a:)dt g&a!?&a
det ( D + u(t) )
1 - e - uo T.
Proof. Using Lemma 2.4, we get
= Nlim -+oo
j j ...
J[ ( O: a+u(t) O:a: )dt �a�a
e�f:= 1 ( O: k (a:k-1 - a: k) - u(tk) O: ka:k-l�t)
II dak da k N
k =l
det A N . = Nlim -+oo Here ao = a N , iio = li N , tk = k t:l t , and A N is the following N x N matrix: bN 1 0 0 0 bl 1 0 0 0 b 1 0 0 2 0 AN = 1 0 0 0 0 bN - 1 1 0 0 0 where bk = - 1 + u(tk ) t:lt. We have N N det A N = 1 - ( - 1 ) N II bk 1 - II ( 1 - u(tk ) tlt ) , k =l
so that
k =l
lim det AN = 1 - e - faT u(t)dt 1 - e - uoT . Using Proposition 5.3 in Section 5.3 of Chapter 5 completes the proof. =
Example 4. 1 ( The fermion harmonic oscillator ) . The fermion analog of the
harmonic oscillator is the Hamiltonian H = �w(a*a - aa* ) = w ( a*a - �I) = w(N - � 1 ) ,
Path integrals for anticommuting variables
where a * and a are creation and annihilation operators in the one fermion Hilbert space Yt'p = C2 ( see Section 1 . 1 ) . The Wick symbol H is H(a, a) = w ( aa - ! ) . Now using ( 4.9 ) and Theorem 4.2, we obtain wT
e -TH =
e - J[ ( a( HH( a ,o:)) dt q& a q& fi
rT - · + - ) e - J o ( o:o: w o:o: dt q& a q& fi
wT wT e T (1 - e - wT ) = 2 sinh - . 2 A Of course, the same result can be obtained directly since e- TH is just a wT wT 2 x 2 matrix with eigenvalues e T and e - 2 which correspond, respectively, =
to the eigenspaces £fl and £j . Thus wT
_ wT
. wT 2 smh - . 2 Remark. We have the following analog of formula (2.6) of Chapter 6 for Tr 5 e - T H
e 2 -e
path integrals over Grassmann variables: (4. 10)
f ( a , fi) q& a q& fi = a (t ) =
J (io
() + f3 (t ) and
f (/3, 0; iJ , O) q&{3 q&j3 dOdO,
f3(t ) dt
and Ao is the space of Grassmann loops {3 (t) , lJ (t) with zero constant term. Example 4 . 2 . Using formula (4. 10) and Theorem 4 .2, we get
det ( D + w ) e -w T99 d() d0
so that
e - f[ (a( Hw ao: )dt q& a q& fi
{ e - J[ CN3+w/3{3)dt q&{3q&j3 = wT { e - f[ ( /3i3+w/3{3) dt �f3 �iJ , lAo
{ e - for /3/3dt q&(3 q&j3 1Ao Equivalently,
det ( D + w ) wT
= lim w -->0
1 - e - wT wT
f e - f[ /3/3dt �/3 �!3 _!_ det' D, T lAo where det ' D = T ( see Proposition 5.3 in Section 5 . 3 of Chapter 5). Intro ducing =
(4. 1 1 )
({3( t ) + {3 (t) ) , 02 (t) = i-/2 ( /3( t ) - /3(t) ) , J2 so that Bj (t) = Oj (t) , j = 1 , 2 , we can rewrite (4. 1 1 ) as f e - ! J[ (o181 +92B2 )dt �e1 q&e = _!_ det ' D 1 . 0 1 (t) =
Fermion Systems
Since Pf ' ( D ) = v'det ' = VT, we have 1 ( e - � faT 80dt fi)() Pf ' ( D ) = 1 . ( 4 . 12) jAo (IR) yT Here the domain of integration Ao (IR) consists of all functions O ( t) with values in the Grassmann algebra over IR, which have zero constant term and satisfy periodic boundary conditions 0(0) = O(T) . We will use formulas (4. 10) and (4. 12) in Section 2.2 of Chapter 8.
_ _
Problem 4.6. Show that e J { 0:(0) =-&(T) }
- g (aa+u(t)&a)dt � a � ii
1 +
e - uoT
a(O) = - a( T )
- the regularized determinant of the operator D + u ( t) on [0, T] with anti-periodic boundary conditions.
P roblem 4. 7. For the fermion harmonic oscillator verify that Tr e - T H
directly, and also by using results of Problems 4.5 and 4.6. ()
2 cosh wi
f3N and L:; �= l f3k = 0.)
Problem 4.8. Prove formula (4. 10) . (Hint: Follow the proof of Theorem 4.2, and use the decomposition ak
f3k , where /3o
Problem 4.9. Give a direct proof of formula (4. 12) . 5.
Notes and references
Canonical anticommutation relations, discussed in Section 1, were introduced by P. Jordan and E. Wigner in 1928 [JW28] . We refer the reader to F.A . Berezin ' s clas sical monograph [Ber66] for a comprehensive mathematical treatment of canonical commutation and anticommutation relations. Though (Ber66] is mainly devoted to quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom, which are studied by quantum field theory, it also discusses the simpler case of finitely many degrees of freedom. A self-contained mathematical introduction to Clifford algebras, their rep resentations, and other topics can be found in (Var04] and references therein. The fundamental idea that systems with Grassmann variables appear as a semi-classical limit of fermions was formulated by 1.1. Martin in 1 959 (Mar59b, Mar59a] . In dependently, F.A. Berezin in (Ber61] introduced Grassmann variables for rigorous mathematical description of the second quantization for fermion systems by using generating functionals for vectors and operators. Material in Section 2 - differen tial and integral calculus on the Grassmann algebra - belongs to F.A. Berezin, and our exposition follows (Ber66J and [Ber87] . The superalgebra - graded lin ear algebra - which we very briefly describe in Section 3, was also discovered and developed by F.A. Berezin [Ber87] . The references [Man97] , [Fre99J , and [DM99] provide the reader with a more abstract mathematical treatment, while lecture notes [Var04J supplement the category theory approach of [DM99] with
5. Notes and references
motivation from physics. We refer to [Ber61 , Ber66] for the general discussion of the path integral over Grassmann variables, and of the matrix and Wick symbols of operators in the fermion Hilbert space. In Section 4 we follow the elegant exposition in [FS91] ; as in Section 2.4 of Chapter 5, we carefully treat boundary conditions for Grassmann path integrals for the Wick symbols ( as opposed to the formulas [Ber71a] ) .
S upersymmet ry
The coordinate vector space V = JRn has a natural structure of a smooth manifold, which to every open subset U � JRn assigns a commutative JR algebra C00 (U) of all smooth functions on U. The assignment for all open U � JRn defines a sheaf of commutative JR-algebras ( commutative rings ) on a topological space JRn , and turns it into a ringed space. Every smooth n-dimensional manifold M is a ringed space - a topological space with a sheaf of commutative rings, which is locally isomorphic to the ringed space JRn . It is easy to see that this definition is equivalent to the standard one, defined by gluing coordinate charts. The notion of a supermanifold generalizes this idea by using local models associated with graded vector spaces. Namely, let W = JRPi q be the coordinate graded vector space of dimension p!q over R The following definition formalizes the intuitive idea that odd coordinates on W are anticommuting. Definition. A supermanifold JRP i q is a topological space JRP with a sheaf of commutative JR-superalgebras ( supercommutative rings ) over JR, called the
structure sheaf, defined by the assignment
for all open U � JRP , where C00 (U) [0 1 , . . . , Oq] is a Grassmann algebra with generators 01 , . . . , ()Q over the commutative ring C00 ( U) .
344 Remark. Elements of
c oo ( U ) [ 0 1 ,
L !Ifl' I
. . . , Oq]
= t9 i 1
have the form eik and !I E C00 ( U )
for I = { i 1 , . . . , ik} C { 1 , . . . , q}, and are called functions on a supermanifold JR?.Pi q over U. Thus JR?.Pi q is a coordinate space with even coordinates x = (x 1 , . . . , xP) and odd coordinates 8 = (0 1 , . . . , Oq ) , and we will write f E C00 (U) [Bl , . . . , B q ] as f ( x, 8) . logical space X with a sheaf 0x of supercommutative rings over the structure sheaf, which is locally isomorphic to JR?.P i q .
Definition. A supermanifold of dimension p l q is a pair (X, Ox ) - a topo
Supermanifolds form a category: a morphism between supermanifolds (X, Ox ) and (Y, Oy) is a continuous map r.p : X ----? Y, together with a sheaf map rp * : Oy Ox over rp, a collection of homomorphisms of supercom mutative rings over IR?., 'P v : Oy (V) ----? Ox (r.p - 1 (V) ) , V � Y open, which commute with restriction maps of the sheaves. To every vector bundle E of rank q over an ordinary p-dimensional man ifold M there is an associated supermanifold IIE of dimension plq, defined by reversing parity in the fibers of E. Namely, for every open U <:::; M let C00 ( U, E) be the space of all smooth sections of E over U . It is a free C 00 ( U) module generated by q sections 0 1 , . . , eq . Consider them as generators of the Grassmann algebra (this explains using Greek letters) , and define the structure sheaf of IIE by the assignment U C00 ( U) [t91 , . . , Oq] . It can be shown that every supermanifold is isomorphic (non-canonically) to IIE for some vector bundle E over M. Remark. Supermanifolds have many more morphisms than vector bundles, since one is allowed to mix even and odd variables. Thus for the superman ifold IR?. 1 1 2 with even coordinate x and odd coordinates 0 1 , 02 the mapping ----?
r.p (x) = x + B 1 B 2 ,
r.p ( O i ) = Bi ,
i = 1 , 2,
is an isomorphism of IR?. 1 12 , but it is not induced by an isomorphism of a trivial rank 2 vector bundle over R Using these definitions, one can develop differential geometry of super manifolds and the corresponding theory of integration, which is quite similar to that for ordinary manifolds (see Section 7 for the references) . Here we will only consider the simplest example of supermanifolds IIT M, where M is an ordinary manifold. It is quite remarkable that the basic notions of differential geometry on a manifold M can be formulated in terms of the supermanifold IITM.
Equivariant cohomology and localization
Namely, let A• ( M ) be a commutative superalgebra of smooth differential forms on the n-dimensional manifold M, and let C00 (ITTM) be a commu tative superalgebra of global sections of the structure sheaf of IT TM - the superalgebra of functions on a supermanifold ITT M. The isomorphism allows us to interpret differential forms on M as functions on ITT M. Indeed, to every Wp E AP (M) , given in local coordinates on U c M by
we assign wp (x, 0)
It trivially follows from the definition of differential form and of ITT M th at under a change of coordinates ai 1 . . . iv ( x) transform like coefficients of differ ential forms, and e1 ' . . . ' e n transform like components of tangent vectors, so that wp (x, 0) is a well-defined function on the supermanifold TITM. Cor respondingly, the de Rham differential d gives rise to an odd vector field <5 on IIT M , n k f) <5 = L e fJ k ' x k =l with the property that <5 2 = 0. Finally, the supermanifold TITM carries a canonical volume form dxdO dx 1 . . . dxn de1 . . . den , which is well de fined due to the opposite change of variables formulas for the ordinary and Berezin's integrals ( see Section 2.3 of Chapter 7) . The integration of a top differential form over M reduces to the integration of a corresponding func tion over TITM with respect to the canonical volume form, =
r Wn ( x, O)dxdO. JMr Wn lrrrM =
in the mathematics literature , in order to emphas i ze the opposite change of variables formulas for the ordinary and Berezin's in tegrals, the volume form on the supermanifold IITM is denoted by dxdo-1 .
Remark. Sometimes
Problem 1 . 1 . Prove all statements in this section. 2.
Equivariant cohomology and localization
2 . 1 . Finite-dimensional case. Let M be a compact orientable n-dimen sional manifold with the circle action - an action of abelian group U( l ) =
8. Supersymmetry
8 1 - and let V E Vect ( M ) be the vector field corresponding to this action, V(f) ( x) = d f( eit x) , x E M. dt t=O Consider the linear operator
where iv is the inner product operator with V. Using the identification A• ( M ) ::: C00 (ITTM ) , in local coordinates x = ( x 1 , . . . , xn ) on U C M we can represent D by n n a a a tt D = "where V vi-L o vtt (2. 1) 2: L...J afJtt ' axtt tt= l axtt tt = l It follows from the Cartan formula ( see Chapter 1 ) , or directly from (2 . 1 ) , that D2 = -£v , where £v is a Lie derivative. Thus D is a differential on the subcomplex A• ( M ) 8 1 of 8 1 -invariant differential forms on M. The cohomology of this complex is an equivariant cohomology in the Cartan formulation. Since d and iv have, respectively, degrees 1 and - 1, equivariantly closed forms on M necessarily have several components. Namely, the equation Do: = 0 for o: = z=;= O o:p E A• ( M ) is equivalent to the following system of equations: do:p ivo:p+ 2 , p = 0, , n - 2, and do:n-1 0.
Let Mv be a zero locus of the vector field V the set of fixed points of the circle action. We have the following fundamental property of equiv ariantly closed differential forms. -
Lemma 2 . 1 . An equivariantly closed differential form an a compact mani fold M is equivariantly exact on M \ Mv . Proof. Let o: E A• ( M ) be such that Do: = 0. We want to find a differential form A on M \ Mv such that o: = DA on M \ Mv . Suppose there is a form � on M \ Mv , with components of odd degrees, satisfying D� = 1 . Setting A = � 1\ o: we get DA = Dt;, 1\ o: - 1;, 1\ Do: = o:. To construct such a form 1;,, choose an 8 1 -invariant Riemannian metric g on M, and denote by f3 E A 1 ( M ) the 1-form on M dual to the vector field V with respect to the Riemannian metric, f3 = (V, ) . Since the metric g is 8 1 -invariant, £vg = 0 and, therefore, £vf3 = 0. We have D/3 = K + n , where K - II V II 2 and n d/3. ·
Equivariant cohomology and localization
Since K E A0 (M) does not vanish on M \ Mv , .
;(l + K-1n)-1 = ; 2)-1)i�:, is a well-defined form on M \ Mv satisfying De 1. e = f3(Df3) - 1 =
[�] ,
Corollary 2 . 1 . The top component of an equivariantly closed form on M
is exact on M \ Mv .
Remark. In local coordinates x = (xl , . . . , x n ) on M the Riemannian met ric g has the form 1 ds 2 = 9f.L vdxf-Ldx v , and equation Cvg = 0 - the condition
that V is a Killing vector field with respect to the metric g - can be written as (2. 2)
Here \1 f.L is a covariant derivative with respect to the vector field !:l . For uxf.L the 1-form {3 = 9f.Lvv v dxf.L we also have f.L v v D{3 = -gf.L vv v + wf.Lvdxf.L A dx , where wf.Lv = 9v>.. \1 f.Lv>.. . (2.3) By (2 .2) , the n x n matrix w (x) = {wf.Lv (x) }� , v= l is skew-symmetric. For even n 2l, orientation on M allows us to define Pf ( w ( x ) ) as the prod uct -\1 . . . At of above-diagonal elements in the canonical form2 of a skew symmetric matrix w (x) ( see Section 2 .3 of Chapter 7 ) . Correspondingly, 1 Pf (w ) ( x ) ( det g ( x ) ) - 2 does not depend on a choice of local coordinates, and defines a function on M . For every x E M there is also a linear mapping Lx : TxM - TxM, defined by LxW = (\lw V) (x), where \lw is a covariant derivative with respect to W E Tx M . Since det Lx det g ( x ) = Pf ( w ( x ) ) 2 , we define P f (w ( x ) ) y'det Lx (2.4 ) y'det g ( x ) For x E Mv the mapping Lx does not depend on the choice of an 8 1 -invariant avf.L . . �v ( x ) metnc. g, and 1s. g1ven by t he matnx . a
According to Lemma 2 . 1 , the integral JM a of an equivariantly closed differential form a localizes on the zero locus Mv . A quantitative result is given by the following statement. Proposition 2 . 1 . Suppose that D a = 0 on M. Then for every 8 1 -invariant {3 E A 1 (M) the integral JM a etDf3 does not depend on t . 1
We are assuming the summation over repeated indices. 2 0btained by using orthogonal transformation with determinant
Proof. Denote this integral by Z (t ) . We have
{ D ( f3a etDf3 ) + { f3D ( a etDf3 ) = 0 , }M }M where the first integral is zero by Stokes' theorem, and the second integral is zero by the conditions Da 0 and D2 f3 = 0. 0
dZ = f aDf3etDf3 dt }M
This result is usually used to evaluate Z( O ) JM a by computing the asymptotics of Z(t) as t -+ oo . For a suitably chosen 1-form f3 the leading contribution is given by the integral over a tubular neighborhood of the zero locus of the component K ( Df3)o E A0 ( M) , which can be computed in the closed form as t -+ oo. The simplest case of a localization phenomenon is when the circle action on M has only isolated fixed points, i.e. , when Mv is a finite set and Lx is non-degenerate for x E Mv . In particular, in this case n is even. =
Theorem 2 . 2 (Berline-Vergne localization theorem) . Let
M be a compact oriented 2l-dimensional manifold with a circle action which has only isolated fixed points. Then for every equivariantly closed form a E A• (M) , r a = ( 2 7r ) 2:..: ao ( x ) . }M xE M )det Lx
Proof. Let f3 be the 1-form introduced in the proof of Lemma 2 . 1 , so that = in local coordinates n 1\ dxv . Using Proposition 2. 1 and the =
identification A• ( M)
r J
d/3 WJ.Lv dxJ.L
C00 (ITTM ) , we get
lim a ( x , O ) e - t91-L v ( ;v) v �-' ( ;v) v v ( x)+tw,.,v( x ) ei'(JV l oo M t-t rrrM We have in the distributional sense,
a =
l jdet g (x ) e -tg�-'v (x)v�' (x)vv (x) (�) t-+oo lim
dxdO .
8 (V(x ) )
- the main formula of the method of steepest descent ( cf. the method of stationary phase in Section 2 . 3 of Chapter 2) - and 1 e tw/-L v (:!! ) (}f.' (}V = 8 ( 0 ) (2.6) lim (2 t )- l Pf ( w ( ) ) t-t oo - the main formula of Gaussian integration over Grassmann variables (see Proposition 2.3 in Section 2.3 of Chapter 7) . Since ao (x ) = a ( , 0) , we obtain the result by using formulas (2.5)-(2.6), (2.4) , and 1 8(V( ) ) = L 0 Xi) · x ; E Mv I det Lx'
Prove formulas (2.2)-(2.4) .
1 8 (x -
Equivariant cohomology and localization
Problem 2 . 2 . Prove formulas (2.5)-(2.6) and complete the proof of Theorem 2.2. 2.2. Infinite-dimensional case. An important class of infinite-dimen
sional manifolds is given by the loop spaces. Let M be a compact orientable n-dimensional manifold and let .C(M)
000(81 , M) ,
where 8 1 = IR/Z, be its free loop space. The loop space C(M) is an infinite dimensional Frechet manifold, and the tangent space T-y.C(M) to .C(M) at a point 'Y E C( M) is T-yC(M)
f(S1 , 1* (TM) ) - the vector space of smooth vector fields V = { v ( t ) E T1( t ) M, 0 � t � 1 } along the loop 'Y in M . The loop space M) has a canonical circle action given by the action =
of 8 1 on itself by rotations. The vector field corresponding to this action is 1 - the velocity vector field 1( t ) along the loop "( in M. The fixed points of the action are constant loops, so that .C(M)"t M. The vector field 1 on .C( M) - a generator of the circle action on C( M) is analogous to t he vector field V on M, considered in the previous section . As in the finite-dimensional case, denote by D d - i"t the equivariant differential on the complex A• (C(M) )81 of equivariant differential forms on .CM. Using the identification A• (.C(M) ) � ( IIT .C ( M)) , we have the following infinite-dimensional analog of representation (2. 1 ) : =
1 1 (otL (t) 0:�t) - xtL (t) 0:�t)) dt,
Here we are using functional derivatives ( as in calculus of variations ) , local coordinates x = ( x 1 , . . . , x n ) on M, and associated standard coordinates in T-y(t) M and II 1 ( t ) M , so that i'( t) (x 1 (t) , . . . , xn (t) ) E T-y ( t ) M and 8(t) . . . , on ( t) ) E IIT1( t ) M . As in the finite-dimensional case, =
T t (0 1 ( ),
D = - Jo 2
(xtL (t) oxtL t () .
+ OtL (t)
o()tL (t) ) dt
= - .C"t .
To define the infinite-dimensional analog of a 1-form {3, we choose a Rie mannian metric 9tLv dxtLdx v on M and consider an 81-invariant Riemannian metric on M) , obtained by the integration of g along a loop3 ,
(V1 , V2 )-y
3 Here and in what follows by the Riemannian metric g .
1 1 (v1 (t) , v2 (t) ) dt , (v1 ( t ) , v2 ( t ) )
V1 , V2 E T-yC(M) .
always stands for the inner product in T"Y (t) M given
35 0
8. Supersymmetry
The 1-form /3 on £(M) is dual to the vector field 't with respect to the Riemannian metric on .C (M) , and is given by the following function on IIT£(M) :
!3( !, e ) =
(2 . 9)
1 1 (-Y (t) , 9 (t) ) dt = 11 gttv (T (t) ) x1-L (t) Ol/ (t)dt .
Lemma 2 . 2 . The 1 -form /3 on .C(M) is 8 1 invariant, and the function D/3 = -28 on IIT£(M) is given by
8( 1 , 0)
(2. 10)
1 l 2 lor ( II'"Y(t) ll 2 + (O (t) , \1 -y(t ) O ( t ) ) ) dt,
where \1 -y is a covariant derivative along r . The first term in -28 is an analog of the function K in the finite-dimensional case, and the second term is an analog of the 2 -fo rm n . Proof. The 1-form f3 is 8 1 -invariant by definition. We have D/3 = d/3 - i -y /3,
where the second term, a function - i -y/3 on IIT£(M) , clearly gives the first term in (2. 10) . Now using that in the distributional sense 0
-- x tL (t) = oPtt o(t - s)
Ox P (s)
and we compute
d d 0 . -xtL (t) = oPtt _ o (t - s) = -oPtt _ o( t - s) , ds dt Ox P (s) the term d/3 as follows:
d{3 ( r , O) =
1 1 1 1 (JP (s) ox:(s) (9ttv (x (t) )xtL (t) ) Ov (t) dsdt
11 11 ( 0
&g d (J P (s) �xtL (t) o (t - s) - o Ptt gtt v - O (t - s ) e v (t) dsdt ax P ds
fo1 (gttv ( x (t) ) Ott ( t ) ev ( t) + 0:;; ( x (t) ) xtL (t) OP ( t) Ov (t) ) dt.
It follows from the definition of Christoffel's symbols (see Example 1 . 7 in Section 1 . 3 of Chapter 1) and anticommutativity of (Jtt that 09tt v j.k Eip EI V (2. 1 1 ) - 9tt v r l/>. X A ntt na X £l ux P
and we obtain dj3 ( r , 0)
1 1 gttv (x ( t ) ) (iJtt (t) + r�).. (x (t) ) xa (t) e).. (t) ) ev (t) dt
(\1 "y(t ) (J (t) , 9 (t) ) dt.
Equivariant cohomology and localization
As in Chapter 6, one can develop the integration theory on C(M) with respect to the Wiener measure associated with a Riemannian metric on M by using the corresponding heat kernel4 . One can also integrate differen tial forms over C(M) , provided that C(M) is orientable. As in the finite dimensional case, the latter is defined by the condition that the structure group of an C(SO(n) )-bundle C(FM) C (M) , where FM M is the frame bundle, reduces to the connected component of the identity. It follows from the transgression homomorphism ----t
that the image of the second Stiefel-Whitney class of M is the obstruction to orientability of C(M) . In particular, if M is a spin manifold, then C (M) is orientable, and if M is simply connected, then this is also a necessary condition. In what follows we will not attempt to develop the integration theory on C(M) , and will formulate and "prove" the infinite-dimensional version of the general Berline-Vergne localization theorem at a heuristic level only. The key observation, by Lemma 2.2, is that the differential form e -8 on C (M) is equivariantly closed, therefore the functional integral f.c(M) e-8 localizes reduces to the finite-dimensional integral over C (M)"r = M, the zero locus of the vector field � . To give the quantitative formulation of this result, recall the notion of the A-genus. Namely, the A-genus of a Riemannian manifold ( M, g) is a differential form A(M) , defined as follows. Let R E A2 (M, s o (TM ) ) be the Riemannian curvature of M, and let eJ.L be a local orthonormal frame of TM. Put
( sin��/2 )
A ( M) = j (R) - � = det
( sin� �;2 )
and let j (R)
/ be an even degree differential form on M. It does not depend on the choice of a local orthonormal frame of T M, and the A-genus of the manifold M is defined by5 /
E A• (M) .
It is a closed differential form, whose cohomology class does not depend on the choice of a Riemannian metric on M. 4In Chapter 6 we considered the case of M JR_n with the standard Euclidean metric. 5This is the geometer's definition of the A-genus; in topology one replaces R by (27ri) - 1 R. =
8. Supersymmetry
Remark. In local coordinates on 1 - 2 RJ.LVpq
where RJ.L
X o- ,
is the Riemann curvature tensor.
Theorem 2 . 3 . Let
loop space
dP d
M be a compact orientable manifold such that the free
.C(M) is orientable. Then
r e -S (2 7ri ) - � r A ( M ) . jL(M) jM Proof. The proof is at a heuristic level of rigor. The integral =
e -S e -S('"Y,B) � x �(} jL(M) lrrrL(M) localizes at the zero locus = M, so it is sufficient to integrate over a small tubular neighborhood of in For this aim, consider Riemann normal coordinates of the normal bundle N M) to M at a point E ITTx0 M , given by E Tx 0 M and = E satisfying =
.C(M),y ITTM ITT.C(M). (ITT ITT y(t) (y1 (t), . . . , yn(t)) (xo, Bo) rJ(t) (77 1 (t), . . . , 77n (t)) ITTx0M, 11 yJ.L(t)dt = 0 and 1 1 71J.L(t)dt 0, 1 , Coordinates (Ey(t),ErJ(t)), where real E: is sufficiently small, correspond to a point (expx 0 (Ey(t)), P(e, t ) (Bo+rJ(t))), in the normal bundle N(ITTM) , where expx0 is the exponential map, and P(e,t) is a parallel transport in ITTM from xo along the path expx0(sy(t)) as s changes from 0 to E:. Since we are integrating over an arbitrarily small tubular neighborhood of ITT M in ITT .C( M), it is sufficient to expand S (!, B) up to terms of second order in local coordinates (y( t ) rJ(t)). Since in Riemann normal coordinates around xo on M ar ea or �a 9J.Lv ( x ) 8/J-v + 0 ( I l x 11 2 ) and RJ.Lvpa ( xo) = uxJ.L uxv we readily obtain that at (xo, Bo) ITTx0 M S('y, B) So(xo, Bo; y, rJ) + higher order terms in yJ.L(t), 77J.L(t), =
. . .
, n.
� - �- ,
where (2. 12)
Equivariant cohomology and localization
Now us ing property (2.6) in Section 2.2 of Chapter 6 (where m
1 and
T = 1 ) , formula ( 4. 1 0 ) in Section 4.3 of Chapter 7, and performing Gaussian
integration, we get
{ e -So(xo,Oo;y,Tf) !»y!»'f/ dx o d8o ( 2n ) - � { Jrr.TM jN(ITT M) = (27r ) - � r det 1 ( D 2 8J.Lll - RJ.Lv ( x o, Bo )D) - � dxod8o , lrrrM where we have also used formula (4. 12) in Section 4.3 of Chapter 7. Since R {RJ.Lv } �,11= 1 is a skew-symmetric matrix with even matrix elements, there is an orthogonal matrix C of determinant 1 such that
{ e- S Jc(M)
c"Rc- 1 =
0 r1
r1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
m = 2. n
0 rm -rm 0
It is easy to see that second order matrix differential operators -D2 J2 +
(� �r) D
- D 2 J2 +
( -�r �) D, i
where h is the 2 x 2 identity matrix, have the same spectrum. Using formula (3.5) in Section 3.2 of Chapter 6 with w = ±i rk , we get
det ( -D2 8J.L11 - RJ.LvD)
g det ( -D2 h + (r0k I
= =
IT det1 ( -D 2 - irk D ) det1 ( -D2 + irkD)
IT ( sin rk /2 ) 2
rk /2
( ) s i� R/ 2 R/2
j (iR) .
Therefore, using the identification C00 (IIT M) :::: A• (M) we finally obtain
e -8 = (2 n ) - � f j (iR(x , B) ) - � dxd8 lrrrM 0 = (2 n i ) - � A(M) . M Remark. Using formulas (2.6) in Section 2 . 2 of Chapter 6 and (4. 1 0 ) in Section 4.3 of Chapter 7, we see that the same result holds for the space f
8. Supersymmetry
£1 (M)
of loops on M parametrized by the interval I = [0, T] , 2 e - � J[ ( ll"'r( t) 1 1 +(6(t) ,V'"r(t) 6 (t)) )dt�x �8
1rrT£:.1(M) Problem 2.3. Problem 2.4. P roblem 2.5.
= (27ri ) - � r A ( M) . JM
Derive formula (2.8) . Derive formulas (2 . 1 1 ) and (2 . 12 ) .
Justify the arguments in the "proof" of Theorem 2.3. (Hint: See the references in Section 7. )
3 . Classical mechanics on supermanifolds
As was mentioned in Chapter 4, spin is a pure quantum notion which has no classical analog, and the same applies to fermion systems, considered in Chapter 7. However, one can formally consider particles with anticommuting coordinates and formulate classical mechanics on supermanifolds. Though such systems have no physical interpretation6 , their formal quantization yields fermion systems. This allows us to interpret particles with odd degrees of freedom as semi-classical limit of fermions. 3 . 1 . Functions with anticommuting values. Any smooth map f : M -t N of smooth manifolds M and N gives rise to a Frechet algebra homomor
f * : C 00 (N)
C00 (M) ,
where f* ( r.p ) r.p f for r.p homomorphism F : C00 (N) C00 (M) is of this form for some smooth map o
E c oo ( N) . Conversely, any Frechet algebra
By definition, a map ( morphism ) between supermanifolds X and Y is a homomorphism of superalgebras where C00 (X) and C00 (Y) are commutative superalgebras of global sections of corresponding structure sheaves Ox and Oy ( see Section 1 ) . We will denote by Map ( X, Y ) the space of all maps between supermanifolds X and Y. The simplest cases are the following. 1 . X = JR0 1 1 - odd one-dimensional supermanifold, and Y = M an ordinary ( even ) manifold. 2. X = JR. ( or 8 1 and I = [t0 , t 1 ] ) - even one-dimensional manifold, and Y JR.01 n - odd n-dimensional coordinate vector space. =
6 Classical mechanics, which describes physical phenomena at the macroscopic level, neces sarily uses commuting coordinates.
Classical mechanics on supermanifolds -+
In the first case every homomorphism of superalgebras F : C00 (M) JR[e] has the form F (
· · · =
. .
7 Geometrically this corresponds to the family of spaces parametrized by W .
8. Supersymmetry
Remark. One can also define functions on the space M ap ( I, JR01 n ) - the functionals ·Of functions with anticommuting values (J k (t) . Thus for the sim
plest example of the quadratic functional
· i.tl
S(O) = !:. O (t) B(t) dt, 2 to
where we put
8( 0)
n =
1 and 01 ( t)
O( t ) , using (3. 1 )-(3.2) we obtain
!:._2 { t1 (a k (t) az (t) - ak (t) az ( t ) ) dt r-,kr/ E 1R['TJ 1 , . . . , 'TJ N ] . ito
Here the factor i = A ensures that i'T]k 'TJl are real Grassmann elements, i.e. , i'T] k 'T] l = -i'T]l 'T] k i'T] k 'TJ l . In general, the space of "functions" on Map( I, JR01 n ) is A• (Map(J, JR.n ) * ) 0 W, where M ap ( J , JR.n ) * is the ( topological ) dual to the vector space M ap ( I, JR.n ) , and W is a Grassmann algebra with infinitely many generators. =
Vector fields with anticommuting values are naturally associated with the path space of a smooth manifold M . Namely, let P1 (M)
= {'y : I � M} ,
where I [t o , h] , be the space of smooth parametrized paths in M. Con sider the supermanifold ITTM ( see Section 1 ) , and for every 'Y E P1(M) let 'Y* (ITTM) be the pullback bundle over I . By definition, a vector field with anticommuting values (} ( t ) is a section of 'Y* (ITTM) over I. In local coordinates x = (x1 , . . . , x n ) , =
O (t)
= ()�L (t) "il' E ITT-y ( t) M. ux�L
Thus ITTP1 (M)
{ ('Y, 0 )
Problem 3 . 1 . Show that S functional given by (3.3) .
: 'Y E P1 (M) , (} E f( J , 'Y * (ITTM ) ) } . A• (Map(J, JR) * )
0 W,
where S is the quadratic
3 . 2 . Classical systems. Here we consider the basic examples of classical
systems on supermanifolds.
Example 3 . 1 ( Free classical particle of spin ! ) . The configuration space is the supermanifold ITTJR3 � JR313 - the tangent bundle to JR 3 with reversed parity of the fibers, with even and odd coordinates x = (x1 , x2 , x 3 ) and 8 = ( B 1 , (} 2 , B3 ) . The action functional S : ITTP1 (JR.3 ) � W, where W is
3. Classical mechanics on supermanifolds
some auxiliary Grassmann algebra, is defined by
ltl to1t} 1 = to
S(x (t) , 9 ( t ) ) =
L (x (t) , x (t) , 9 (t) ) dt
2 ( mx + i99) dt ,
L(x (t) , x (t) , 9(t))
. 1 2 ( mx 2 (t) + i9(t ) 9 (t) )
is the Lagrangian function, which is real-valued since i9 (t) iJ (t)
= - iiJ(t)9 (t) = i 9 (t)iJ (t) .
As in Section 1 . 2 of Chapter 1, we readily derive classical equations of motion as the following Euler-Lagrange equations: = 0 and iJ ( t ) = 0. Canonically conjugated momenta8 are defined by x (t)
L i = BB k = mx· k and 1r k = B8Ok L = - 2 0 k , k = 1 , 2, 3, x and the Hamiltonian function H is given by the Legendre transformation,
H = px + 01r - L =
p2 2m
- .
In agreement with classical equations of motion iJ (t) = 0, the Hamiltonian H does not depend on the odd variables. The phase space is a supermanifold JR.613 with real coordinates p, x , 9 and the symplectic form i w = dp A d x - 2 d 9 d 9 . In accordance with Section 2.2 of Chapter 7, Poisson brackets between the odd variables are given by (3.5) Poisson brackets satisfy the following involution property: We will see in Section 5 that quantization of this system describes the free quantum particle of spin � . 8 Here the indices are raised
the standard Euclidean metric on
JR 3 .
8. Supersymmetry
Example 3.2 ( Classical spin
� particle in constant magnetic field ) . This system is described by the configuration space �313 with real coordinates x, 8 and Lagrangian function 1 L = 2 ( mx (t) + i8(t)8(t) - i (B x 8)8) .
The corresponding phase space and symplectic form are the same as in the previous example, and the Hamiltonian function is (3.7)
!!.__ + !_ (B X 8)8. 0
2m 2 We will see in Section 5 that quantization of the Hamiltonian (3.7) yields the Pauli Hamiltonian. Example 3.3 ( Free particle on �n l n ) . Generalizing Example 3.1 , consider the configuration space ITT�n � �n l n the tangent bundle to �n with re -
versed parity of the fibers, with even and odd real coordinates x and 8 = ( 0 1 , . . , on ) . The Lagrangian function 1 L ( x ( t) , x ( t) , 8 ( t)) = 2 ( mi;J.Li;J.t + i() J.L()J.L ) (3.8)
( x 1 , . . . , xn )
yields the same Euler-Lagrange equations as in Example 3 . 1 , x
0 and iJ
The corresponding phase space i s a supermanifold �2n l n with real coordi nates x , 8 and the symplectic form
w =
and the Hamiltonian function is
dx - 2 d8d8,
H = -.
2m Example 3.4 ( Free particle on IT TM) . Let ( M, g) be a Riemannian mani fold with Riemannian metric 9J.L v dxJ.Ldx v . Similar to the construction in Sec tion 2.2, we consider the phase space ITTM with the Lagrangian function L
� (1 1 ± 1 2 + i (8,
\7 a:8) ) ,
where \7 a: is a covariant derivative along the path x(t) ( which is also cus tomarily denoted by D / Dt) , and 8 (t) E ITTxM. The corresponding action functional is defined by
� itortl (11±1 1 2 + i (8,
\7 a: 8) )dt,
or in local coordinates x
( x 1 , . . . , xn )
on M,
ne v ) D dt = 21 1t1 9J.Lv (x (t) ) (i:;J.Li:;v + OJ.L t
1t1 to
9J.Lv (x (t) ) ( i:: J.L i:; v + OJ.L(]V + r�p (x (t) ) x >-OJ.LOP) dt.
We will see in the next section that this system describes a supersymmetric particle on a Riemannian manifold. Problem 3.2. Develop Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for classical m e chanics on supermanifolds.
Problem 3.3. Prove formula (3.6) . Problem 3.4. Show that Euler-Lagrange equations for the system with La grangian (3.9) are
-0 g>,"" Dt 2 R >. p"" v x P()l-'()"' and D()J.L Dt - equations for a spinning particle in a gravitational field. Di;J.L
Problem 3.5. Describe the phase space and find the Hamiltonian function for Example
The Lagrangian system considered in Example 3.3 in the previous section possesses remarkable symmetries. 4. 1 . Total angular momentum. First of all, the Lagrangian (3.8) is obvi ously invariant with respect to the action of the orthogonal group G = SO ( n ) L ( g · x , g · 9) = L ( x , 9) ,
(4. 1 )
g E G.
The corresponding conserved quantity - the Noether charge J E g* - the dual space to the Lie algebra g = s o ( n ) , can be obtained as follows ( cf. the proof of Theorem 1.3 in Section 1 .4 of Chapter 1 ) . Consider an infinitesimal change o f even and odd coordinates x (t ) B (t) = 9 ( t) + o 9 ( t) x (t) x (t) + ox (t) , 9 (t) and using iJ o9 - <59 iJ, compute <5L L ( x + <5x , 9 + <59) - L (x, 0) up to the second order terms in ox and <59,
= mx <5x + 2,i ( oO 0. 0 o9. ) <5x m : (x o x ) + � (<50 iJ - iJ <50) + � :t ( O o O ) t =
- mx
-mx <5 x
+ m d (x ox ) + i<59 iJ + t
d i d (0 <50) . 2 t
8. Supersymmetry
Thus on the solutions of Euler-Lagrange equations
0, iJ
= 0 we have
8L = :t (mx 8x + �0 8e) . Now using (4. 1 ) with g = ew, where = {un � , v =l is a skew- symmetric matrix, we see that 8£ = 0 for 8xll = cu�xv and 8()11 = w� e v . Choosing u
the standard basis in the space of skew-symmetric n x n matrices, we obtain that components (4.2)
are integrals of motion:
!!._ JillJ 0 on solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equations. In particular, for n 123 M l ie2 e3 , 11 12 : = 13 1 M2 i 03 ei , J3 := 1 12 M 3 i Oi e 2 ,
= 3 we get
where M 1 , M2 , M 3 are components of the angular momentum M of a parti cle in JR3 ( see Section 1 .4 in Chapter 1 ) . We will see in the next section that after quantization the vector J ( J1 , J2 , J3) becomes the total angular momentum operator of a quantum particle of spin � in JR3 . Remark. In fact, the Lagrangian (3.8) is invariant under the action of G x G on JRn l n , so that both the angular momentum ( xllx v - xvxll) in !Rn and the "Grassmann angular momentum" -iOPOv in JR0In are conserved. =
4.2. Supersymmetry transformation. It is quite remarkable that in ad dition to the symmetries discussed in the previous section, the Lagrangian (3.8) is also invariant under special transformations on ]Rnln that mix even and odd coordinates. Namely, let (r(t) , O(t)) E ITTPI (!Rn ) , where O (t) E ITT"YPI (!Rn) is a section over [to , t1] of the pull-back by 1 of the tangent bundle of T!Rn with reverse parity of the fibers, 8
O (t)
011 (t) -;;u xll
IIT"Y(t) M.
Consider the following infinitesimal change of coordinates which mixes even and odd variables: O (t) + 8t:O(t) , (4.3) x (t) x (t) + 8t:x (t) and O (t) where (4.4) 8t:x (t) i c O ( t ) E T:�:(t)IRn and 8t:O (t) -mcx (t) E IIT:�:(t) !Rn , and E is an odd real element. Then for �----+
we obtain ocL
= mx Ogx + 2, ( oc O 0 + 0 oc O) = imx eiJ -
im .
� (ex iJ + 0 ex)
2 (x e + e
ime !!._ (}
(} x"" )
( x) .
2 dt
Thus for periodic boundary conditions the action functional S('Y, 0)
L(!(t) , O(t) ) dt
is invariant under the change of coordinates (4.3) ,
= 0 for all periodic ('Y, 0) E IITPr (lRn) . The infinitesimal transformation ( 4.3) is called the supersymmetry transfor Og S('Y, 0)
Remark. We emphasize that invariance of the action under the supersym metry transformations holds for all (l (t) , O ( t ) ) with periodic boundary con
ditions, and not only on equations of motion! Introducing the quantity
= iOp iOJ.LpJ.L , called the generator of supersymmetry ( or the supercharge) , we can summa rize the above computation as Q
imO x
oc L
(4. 5)
� dQ _ 2 dt
Another remarkable property is that the Lagrangian L can be recovered from the supercharge Q. Namely, the simple computation (} ocQ m( oc x + 0 Ogx) me( -mx2 - iO iJ) =
( 4.6) Using (3.5) we obtain (4 . 7 )
{Q, Q}
= -
2 mi H ,
which shows that the Hamiltonian H can also be recovered from the super charge Q.
8. Supersymmetry
Remark. Geometrically, supersymmetry transformation is just an equivari ant differential on the space .C 1 (JRn ) of free loops on JRn parametrized by the interval I = [t o , t 1] , considered in Section 2 . 2 ( for the interval [0, 1] ) . Namely, set m = 1 and consider the Wick rotation t �---+ - it to the Euclidean time, so that the sypersymmetry transformation (4.3)-(4.4) becomes
= -id: (t) . Now we immediately see that formulas ( 4 . 8) can be written as <>c:x ( t) iE:Dx (t) and <>c:O(t) = iE: DO (t) , where D is the equivariant differential (2.7) , <>c: O (t)
<>c:x (t) = idJ (t) ,
1:1 (
e JL (t) <5x
�(t) - xtL (t ) <58�(t) ) dt ,
which satisfies D2 = -.C-y . The corresponding Euclidean supercharge Q co incides with the function (3 on ITT.C (JRn ) , given by formula (2.9) , so that Q = {t1 OJL (t) xtL ( t ) dt , lto where we are using the standard Euclidean metric on ]Rn . It follows from Lemma 2 . 2 that DQ
= -
r� (x ( t ) x (t) + O (t) O ( t) ) dt
- 2 S (x ( t ) , O (t) ) ,
where now S stands for the Euclidean action. The invariance of the action S under the supersymmetry transformation is the property that S is equi variantly closed, DS = 0. Problem 4. 1 . Verify that [be1 , be2 ] = 2 ic1 c 2 ! ,
where c1 , c2 are o dd variables, and deduce from it formula (4 . 7) .
4.3. Supersymmetric particle on a Riemannian manifold. The clas sical system with Lagrangian ( 3 . 9 ) , considered in Example 3.4 in Section 3.2, describes a supersymmetric particle on a Riemannian manifold ( M, g) . Namely, for ( 'y, 8 ) E ITTP1 (M) define the supersymmetry transformation x (t) �---+ x (t) + <>c:x (t) and O (t) �---+ O (t) + <>c:O (t) , in local coordinantes x (t) and O (t) , by the same formula (4.4 ) , <>c:x (t) = icO (t)
IT T, ( t ) M,
<>c: O (t) = -mE:x (t)
E ITT,(t ) M,
is an odd real element.
Lemma 4 . 1 . Supersymmetry transformation (4.9) does not depend on the
choice of local coordinates.
Proof. Let x = ( x 1 , . . . , xn) be another local coordinates on M, xJ.L f J.L (x) , J.t 1, . . . , n . Along the path 1 = x (t) , . a a fJ.L (x (t) ) x v (t) and 8 (t) = O J.L ( t) - , iP (t) = a xJ.L ax v =
afJ.L a2fJ.L bE OJ.L (t) = - (x (t) ) JEe v (t) + ) bcXa (t)ev (t) a x v ax a (x(t) ax v afJ.L a2fJ.L = -mE - (x (t) ) x v (t) + iE x (t ) ) ea (t)ev (t) ax v ax v a xa ( = - md : J.L ( t ) ,
since OJ.L (t) anticommute.
As in the previous section, we define the supercharge Q by Q (t) = im (x(t) , 8 (t) ) . The main result of this section is the following statement . Proposition 4. 1 . Under the supersymmetry transformation ( 4.9) , (4. 10)
where (4. 1 1 )
is the Lagrangian of a free particle o n ITT M . Also dQ . 6E L = � 2 dt
(4. 12)
Proof. The derivation of (4. 10) is a straightforward computation using for mula (2. 1 1 ) . Formula (4. 12) is proved by another computation, similar to 0 the one used to prove ( 4.5) in the previous section. Corollary 4 . 1 . The action functional
S (J, 0 )
t1 L (r (t) , 8 (t) ) dt
is invariant under the supersymmetry transformations, 6E S(J, 0 ) 0 for all periodic ( !, 0) E ITTP1 (M) . =
8. Supersymmetry
Remark. As for the example of a free particle on !Rnln, considered in Sec tion 4.2, the Euclidean version of the sypersymmetry transformation (4.9) corresponds to the equivariant differential (2. 7) on the space .C1 (M) of free loops on M parametrized by the interval I = [to , t1] . The corresponding Euclidean supercharge Q (for m = 1 ) coincides with the function f3 on IIT.C1 (M) given by formula (2.9), and Proposition 4. 1 reduces to the state ments that DQ = -28 and DS 0, where S is the Euclidean action, proved in Lemma 2 . 2 . =
Problem 4 . 2 . Prove all the formulas i n this section. Problem 4.3 (Superfield formalism) . For ('Y, B)
field by X ( t ) x ( t) + ryO ( t ) , where f) f) ry - . Show that D= ary at =
E TITM define the super is an auxiliary Grassmann variable, and let
j g,.v (X(t))X(t) D (X) (t) dtdry = - 10 ( 1 1 ± 11 2 + (0 , '1-rO) ) dt
- twice the Euclidean act i o n of a supersymmetric particle ifold M. 5.
a Riemannian man
Quantum mechanics on supermanifolds
Here we describe quantum systems which correspond to classical systems in Section 3.2. According to the correspondence principle (see Section 2 of Chapter 2) , for quantization of even coordinates we replace Poisson brackets { , } by i [ , ] , where i = A and [ , ] is the commutator9 . For quantization of odd coordinates, in accordance with Section 1 of Chapter 7, we replace corresponding Poisson brackets by i [ , ] + , where [ , l + is the anticommutator.
Example 5 . 1 (Quantum particle of spin � ) . The corresponding phase space is a supermanifold JR6 1 3 with even coordinates p (pl , P2 , P3 ) and x 0 (x1 , x2 , x3 ) , and odd coordinates1 () = (611 , 612 , 613 ) , with canonical Poisson brackets =
{Pt-t , x v } = 8t-tv
{ 61J.L , 61v } = i8J.Lv ,
J.L , V = 1 , 2 , 3.
Quantum operators P = (PI , P2 , P3) and Q = (Q 1 , Q2, Q3) , which corre spond to canonical coordinates p and x, satisfy Heisenberg commutation relations (see Section 2 . 1 of Chapter 2 ) , while operators E> = ( 8 1 , 82 , 83 ) , which correspond to the anticommuting coordinates () , satisfy the following anticommutation relations: (5. 1 ) 9 Here we put n 1 . 1 0 Here it is convenient to lower all indices by the standard Euclidean metric on =
JR3 .
5. Quantum mechanics on supermanifolds
Since operators J2 8JL define a representation of a Clifford algebra C3 , the only irreducible realization of (5. 1 ) is given by (5.2)
e Jl
f-L. =
V2 a-Jl , 1
1 , 2, 3,
where a-Jl are Pauli matrices (see Section 1 . 1 o f Chapter 4) . Thus the Hilbert space of the system is .Yt' L2 (IR3 ) @ C2 - the Hilbert space of a quantum particle of spin � - and the Hamiltonian operator is p2 H = -. 2m Using (5.2) and the multiplication table of Pauli matrices, we obtain the following form for quantum Noether integrals of motion (4. 2) : =
J = M + S, where M is the angular momentum operator (see Section 3.1 of Chapter 3) , and S = � a . Thus J is the total angular momentum operator of a quantum spin � particle (see Section 1 . 2 of Chapter 4) . Example 5.2 (Quantum spin � particle in constant magnetic field) . The Hilbert space is the same as in the previous example, while the Hamiltonian operator which corresponds to (3. 7) takes the form P2 P2 B·a i - -- · = + ( x 2 2m 2 B E> ) E> 2m Thus operator H is the Pauli Hamiltonian with total magnetic moment f-L. = � (see Section 2 . 1 of Chapter 4) . Example 5.3 (Supersymmetric quantum particle on JRn ) . The phase space is a supermanifold IR2 n f n with even coordinates p = (P I , . . . , Pn ) and x = ( x 1 , . . . , X n ) , and odd coordinates 9 = Uh , . . . , Bn) , with canonical Poisson brackets
{pJl , x v } = OJlv
{ BJl , Bv } = i OJlv ,
f-L., V = 1, . . . , n .
Quantum operators P = (P1 , . . . , Pn ) and Q = (Q1 , . . . , Q n ) , which corre spond to canonical coordinates p and x, satisfy Heisenberg commutation relations, and operators (8 1 , . . . , 8 n ) , which correspond to the anti E> commuting coordinates 9, satisfy the following anticommutation relations: =
(5 .3)
The operators V2 8 Jl define a representation of a Clifford algebra Cn . When n is even, the only irreducible realization of (5.3) is e Jl
J2"�Jl • 1
8. Supersymmetry
where /p are operators in Y't'p = (C2)® d , d = � , given by formulas ( 1 . 12) ( 1 . 13) in Section 1.2 of Chapter 7. For odd n , operators 1 act in (C 2 )®d, where d = [�] ( see Problem 1 . 4 in Section 1 . 2 of Chapter 7) . In both cases, the Hilbert space of the system is Y't' = L2 (IR.n) ® Y't'p = L2 (IR.n) ® C2d , the Hamiltonian operator is given by
2m ' and quantum N oether integrals of motion are
lpv = QpPv - Q vPp - i8p8v ·
Quantization of the supercharge gives the operator . i 1 8 1 Q = t8pPJ.L = rn /pPJ.L = rn /p � = rn fJ, ( 5 .4) v2 v2 v 2 uxJ.L where 8 iJ = !p 8xJ.L is the Dirac operator on IR_n . The Dirac operator is skew-adjoint in Y't', =
-<J. is even, decomposition Y't'p = £/ (j*
When n EB Y't'F- into the subspaces of positive and negative chirality spinors ( see Section 1 . 2 of Chapter 7) gives decomposition Y't'
Y't'+ EB Y'f'_ ,
where Y't'± = L2 ( IR.n )
® Y't'l ,
and using that lp ( Y't'/ ) = Y't'F- ( see Section 1 . 2 of Chapter 7) , we can represent the Dirac operator in the following 2 x 2 block-matrix form:
Here the operator [J + have
[Q, Q] +
£_ is called the chiral Dirac operator. We
2 Q2
so that 2mH is the Dirac Laplacian -<J 2 . In matrix form, 2m H =
((j�(j+ 0
0 (j+(j�
Example 5 . 4 ( Supersymmetric quantum particle on Riemannian mani fold ) . We have seen in Example 2.4 in Section 2.4 of Chapter 2 that though for a free quantum particle on a Riemannian manifold ( M, g) it is not pos sible to construct operators P and Q which correspond to standard local coordinates (p , x ) on T* M , the Hamiltonian operator H is well defined as the Laplace-Beltrami operator of the Riemannian metric. It is remarkable
5. Quantum mechanics on supermanifolds
that consistent quantization of a supersymmetric particle requires M to be a spin manifold, and for even n dim M the corresponding supercharge operator Q coincides with the Dirac operator! Namely, let Spin(n) be the spin group: connected, simply connected Lie group which is a double cover of SO (n) . The oriented Riemannian manifold ( M, g) of dimension n is said to have a spin structure (and is called a spin manifold) if the bundle SO ( M) of oriented orthonormal frames over M principal SO (n)-bundle - can be extended to the principal Spin(n)-bundle Spin(M) . This is equivalent to the condition that for some open covering M U a EA ua transition functions ta{3 : ua n u{3 -t S O ( n) of a tangent bun dle TM can be lifted to the transition functions Taf3 : Ua n u{3 -t Spin (n) ; taf3 p( Taf3 ) , where p : Spin(n) -t S O (n) is the canonical projection. The manifold M is a spin manifold if and only if its second Stieffel-Whitney class w2 E H2 (M, Z2) vanishes; in this case different spin structures are parametrized by H1 (M, Z2) c:= Hom(1r 1 (M) , Z2 ) , where 1r1 (M) is the fun damental group of M . For even n = 2d, the irreducible representation p of the Clifford algebra Cn in Yf'p c:= C2d (see Section 1 . 2 of Chapter 7) defines unitary representation R of the spin group Spin(n) in Yf'p , which commutes with the parity operator r. By definition, the spinor bundle S on an even dimensional spin manifold M is a Hermitian vector bundle associated with the principal Spin(n)-bundle Spin(M) by the unitary representation R. In other words, s is a complex vector bundle with the transition functions R( Ta(3) : Ua n u{3 -t U(2d) , where U(2d) is the group of unitary 2 d X 2d matrices. Decomposition of vector spaces Yf'p = Yf'/ EB Yf'j; defines the decomposition s = s+ EB S=
of the spinor bundle s into the bundles s+ and s_ of positive and negative chirality spinors. The Dirac operator � : C00 ( M, S) -t C00 (M, S) of the even-dimensional spin manifold M is defined as follows. Let '\75 be the connection on the spinor bundle S induced by the Levi-Civita connection in the tangent bundle T M . Then i n the coordinate chart c M with local coordinates x (x 1 , . . . , x n ) we have
where V'� is the covariant derivative with respect to the vector field over U, and 'YJ.L (x) are endomorphisms of the spinor bundle S over U satisfying (5.6) where I is the identity endomorphism. It is easy to show that there is an open covering M U a EA Ua such that 'YJ.L ( x) exist over each Ua, and that local
8. Supersymmetry
expressions (5.5) give rise to a globally defined operator (J : C00 (M, S) C00 (M, S) . Equivalently, if � E C00 (M, S) is given by � = {�a}aEA, �a Ua � £F , where ea = R( Taj3) ej3 on Ua n Uf3, then
where f/Ja is given by (5.5) for U = Ua . We also have f/J : C00 ( M S±) � C00 (M, S=F) .
The Hermitian metric II l is in the spinor bundle S and the Riemannian metric g on M allow us to define the Hilbert space £ of square integrable global sections of S, £= e
f (M, S)
: iiell 2
JM ll� (x) ll1 dJ-L (x ) }· <
Initially defined on C00 (M, S) , the Dirac operator extends to the skew adjoint operator in £, which we continue to denote by f/J. As in the previous example, using the Hilbert space decomposition £ = £+ EEl £_ , we can represent the Dirac operator in the following 2 x 2 block-matrix form:
where f/J + : £+
£_ is the chiral Dirac operator on a spin manifold M.
Remark. The Dirac operator from the previous example is the Dirac op erator on the spin manifold JRn with the standard Euclidean metric; the corresponding spinor bundle is a trivial Hermitian vector bundle JRn x £F .
The space of states of a quantum supersymmetric particle on a spin manifold (M, g ) is the Hilbert space £ of square-integrable sections of the spinor bundle S over M. The corresponding supercharge operator Q and Hamiltonian operator H are given by the same formulas as in the previous example, and [Q, Q] + = 2Q 2 = f/J2 = - 2mH. The operator 2 mH
-- (f/J: f/J+ 0
is the Dirac Laplacian on a spin manifold M. Problem 5 . 1 .
Identify t he spin group Spin (n) a s a subgroup in the group of
invertible elements of the
Problem 5.2.
Prove relations ( 5 . 7) .
Cn .
6. Atiyah-Singer index formula 6.
Atiyah- Singer index formula
Let M be an even-dimensional, oriented, compact spin manifold with the Riemannian metric g . Operators $:$+ and $+$: are , respectively, self adjoint on Hilbert spaces £+ and £_ , and have pure point spectra consist ing of non-negative eigenvalues of finite multiplicity with the only accumula tion point at oo . In particular, complex vector spaces ker $:$ + ker $ + and ker $+$: = ker $: are finite-dimensional, and we define the index ind $+ of the chiral Dirac operator $+ by =
ind $+
dim ker $+ - dim ker $ : .
We have the following basic result .
Theorem 6 . 1 (McKean-Singer) . For every T > 0, 2 Tr e- T� � �+ Tr e - T� + � � . ind $ + = Tr8 eT� -
On the other hand, we have seen in Example 5 .4 in the last section that 2 -$ = 2H, where H is the Hamiltonian operator of free supersymmetric particle of mass m = 1 on the spin manifold M. Thus for every T > 0, ind $+ Tr8 e - 2TH . =
In Section 2.2 of Chapter 6 and in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of Chapter 7 we developed a formalism for expressing traces and supertraces of the evolution operator in Euclidean time by path integrals. Using these results, we can, at a physical level of rigor, represent the supertrace Tr 8 e- 2 TH by the path integral (6 . 1 ) Here
1 { 2T
SE ( r, O ) = 2 lo ( 111' 1 1 2 + (O (t) , \1-yO (t) ) )dt
is the Euclidean action of a supersymmetric particle on a Riemannian man ifold M, obtained from the Lagrangian function (4. 1 1 ) by replacing time t by the Euclidean time -it, and £1 (M) is the space of free loops on M parametrized by the interval [0, 2T] . When11 2T = 1 , the integral in (6. 1 ) coincides with integral f.c(M) e-8 , considered i n Section 2.2. Using Theorem 2.3, we obtain ind $+
Tr8 e- H
(2 7ri) - �
JM A(M) ,
which is the celebrated Atiyah-Singer formula for the index of the Dirac operator on a spin manifold! 1 1 According
to a remark in Section 2 . 2 , the same result holds for every T > 0 .
8. Supersymmetry
Remark. Integrating over Grassmann variables in (6. 1 ) , we obtain
Tr 8
{ Pf ( V'-y ) dJLw , j.C ( M )
where dp,w is the Wiener measure on the loop space C(M ) associated with the Riemannian metric g on M. It can be shown that when M is a spin manifold, the Pfaffian Pf (V' -y) of a covariant derivative operator along r E C ( M ) is a well-defined function on C(M) . Thus formula (6.2) , as opposed to the local computation in the derivation of Theorem 2.3, captures global properties of the manifold M. Problem 6.1. Prove the McKean-Singer theorem. Problem 6.2. "Derive" formula (6. 1 ) . (Hint: See the references in the next sec
tion. ) 7.
Notes and references
The goal of Section 1, besides giving a definition of a supermanifold, was to intro duce the isomorphism A• (M) :::: C00 (IITM) , emphasized by E. Witten [Wit82a, Wit82b] , and commonly used in the physics literature. For a systematic introduc tion to supermanifolds, we refer to the classic texts [Kos77, Ber87] , as well as to the modern sources [Man97, DM99, Var04] and references therein. A detailed exposition of equivariant cohomology and localization in the finite-dimensional case can be found in the monograph [BGV04] ; our proof of the Berline-Vergne local ization theorem in Section 2 . 1 follows [SzaOO] . Our presentation of the infinite dimensional case, based on [BT9 5 , SzaOO] , is at a physical level of rigor. Theorem 2 . 3 was originally formulated by E. Witten in his famous path integral derivation of the Atiyah-Singer formula for the index of the Dirac operator. Witten's original ap proach was lucidly presented by Atiyah [Ati85] . Our exposition follows [Wit99b] , with special attention to constant factors; see also [AG83, Alv95] , as well as [BT9 5 , SzaOO] . For a detailed explanation of the functor of points and a discussion of classical mechanics on supermanifolds, see [Fre99] ; our examples of classical systems are taken from [Alv95J . Supersymmetry introduced in Sections 4.2-4. 3 is called N � supersymmetry and is obtained as a reduction of N 1 supersymmetry; see lectures [Alv95 , DF99b, Fre99, Wit99a, Wit99b] and [CFKS08] for more details and references. In particular, [Fre99 , Wit99a] describe useful superfield formalism for producing supersymmetric Lagrangians, sketched in Problem 4.3 in Section 4.3. Material in Section 5 is based on [Alv95] ; we refer the reader to the monograph [BGV04] for the invariant definition of Dirac operators on spin manifolds and related topics. =
It should be emphasized that our derivation of the Atiyah-Singer formula in Sec tion 6 is purely heuristic. Rigorous justification of this approach using Ito-Malliavin
Notes and references
stochastic calculus was made by J.-M. Bismut [Bis84a, Bis84b, Bis85) ; it turns out that formula (6.2) in Section 6 requires an extra factor: the exponential of the integral along the path of a multiple of a scalar curvature. When T --+ 0, this rig orous formula for the index coincides with the heuristic expression (6.2) . Still, the integration of a differential form of "top degree" over the loop space in [Bis85] remains formal, and is a challenging open problem. Finally, we refer the interested reader to [ASW90] for a path integral derivation of the H. Weyl character formula, and to [Wit99b] for the treatment of the Dirac operator on the loop space.
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Index *-product,
action classical, 35, 208, 260 functional, 5 abbreviated, 35 algebra of classical observables, 38, 46 angular momentum conservation of, 20 internal, 2 1 7 operator, 1 8 1 , 2 1 7 vector, 2 0 , 180 angular velocity, 13 anti-holomorphic representation, asymptotics semi -classical, 206, 280 short-wave, 206 Berezin integral, 3 1 9 incomplete, 331 Berezinian, 329 Born -von Neumann formula, bosons, 220
canonical anticommutation relations, 308 commutation relations, 104, 1 1 0, 307 coordinates, 44 transformation, 39 free, 42 generating function of, 41 chirality operator, 313 classical trajectory, 4 Clebsch-Gordan decomposition, 184 Clifford algebra, 3 1 1
completeness relation, 1 6 5 , 187 complex probability amplitude, configuration space, 4 extended, 1 8 conservation law, 1 5 coordinate operator, 8 1 , 86 for fermions, 310 representation, 86 coordinates even, 344 normal, 1 2 odd, 344 correspondence principle, 80 Coulomb potential, 193 problem, 193 Darboux' theorem, 44 deformation quantization, 143 degrees of freedom, 4 internal, 2 1 7 determinant characteristic, 266 Fredholm, 273 regularized, 262 van Vleck, 285 Dirac bra and ket vectors , 9 1 gamma matrices, 3 1 3 Laplacian, 366, 368 operator chiral, 366, 368 on !Rn , 366 on a spin manifold, 367 Dirac-von Neumann axioms , 73
distribution function, 67
on Grassmann algebra, 321 measure
joint , 91
finite-dimensional, 289 energy, 15
infinite-dimensional, 2 9 1
centrifugal, 2 3
path integral, 2 6 1
conservation of, 1 6
for a free particle , 2 6 1
effective potential, 2 3
for Grassmann variables , 338
kinetic , 1 0 potential, 1 0 total , 1 7 equations
for the harmonic oscillator, 264 Wiener integral for Dirichlet boundary conditions, 301 for periodic boundary conditions, 302
geodesic, 13 of motion, 4, 6, 7 of a rigid body, 1 3
quantum, 7 5 Euclidean p a t h integral, 2 5 4
generalized accelerations , 4
coordinates, 4 cyclic, 22
forces, 1 9
Euler 's equations, 1 4
momenta, 1 9
Euler- Lagrange equations , 7 , 28
velocities , 4
evolution operator in classical mechanics, 52 in quantum mechanics, 76 expectation value of classical observables, 58 of quantum observables, 67 extremals, 5 central field of, 35
graded dimension, 324 matrix algebra, 327, 328 vector space, 324 Grassmann algebra, 3 1 4 inner product , 3 1 6 , 322 with involution, 322 path integral, 336
fermions , 220 Feynman path integral for Grassmann variables, 336 for t he pq-symbol , 250 for the qp-symbol, 2 5 1 for t h e harmonic oscillator, 257 for the Weyl symbol, 2 5 1
Hamilton's canonical equations , 29
for classical observables, 38, 46 picture , 59 , 75 principle, 5
for t h e Wick symbol, 2 5 3
Hamilton- J acobi equation, 36 , 205, 207
in t h e configuration space , 246 , 248
in the phase space, 245, 247 Feynman-Kac formula, 297 first variation with fixed ends, 8 with free ends, 8
action , 48
function, 2 8 , 45 operator, 75 of N particles ,
of a complex atom, 1 00 of a Newtonian particle, 98
force, 1 0 conservative, 1 0 Fourier transform, 9 1 frame of reference, 8 inertial ,
phase flow, 3 1 , 45 . system, 45 vector field, 3 1 , 45 harmonic oscillator
Fresnel integral , 24 1 , 245, 247
classical , 1 2 , 2 1
fundamental solution, 240
quantum, 1 0 3 , 109 fermion, 338
Galilean group ,
transformation , 9
algebra, 8 2 , 3 1 1 commutation relations, 8 1 , 82
Galileo's relativity principle , 9
equation of motion, 76
Gato derivat ive , 7
group, 83
picture, 75
integral, 255 in complex domain, 256
uncertainty relations , 74 Hilbert space, 63
boson , 3 09 fermion , 309 holomorphic representation, 1 1 3 index of a chiral Dirac operator, 369 inertia principal axes of, 1 4 principal moments of, 14 tensor, 14 integral first, 1 5 Noether, 1 7 o f motion, 1 5 , 3 9 quantum, 78 Jacobi inversion formula, 26 5 operator, 1 5 , 259, 2 6 1 , 281 theta series, 265 Jost solutions, 1 5 6 Kepler's first law, 24 problem, 24 second law, 23 third law, 24 kinetic energy operator , 149 Lagrangian, 4 function, 4 submanifold, 33, 43 subspace, 86, 89 system, 4 closed, 9 non-degenerate, 26 Laplace-Runge-Lenz operator, 1 99 vector, 2 5 , 50, 199 Legendre transform, 28 Levi-Civita connection, 13 Liouville 's canonical 1-form, 28 equation , 6 0 picture , 60 , 77 theorem, 33 volume form, 33 Lippman-Schwinger equation, 187 localization theorem Berline-Vergne, 348 for the free loop space ; 352 Lorentz force, 12 mass, 9 reduced, 22 total , 22
Maupertuis' principle, 34 measurement in classical mechanics, 56 in quantum mechanics, 67 momentum, 1 9 conservation of, 19 operator, 81, 88 for fermions, 3 1 0 representation, 89 monodromy matrix, 275 , 2 78 Morse index, 2 08 , 259 motion finite, 2 1 infinite, 2 1 Newton's equations, 10 law of gravitation, 1 1 law o f inertia, 9 third law, 1 0 Newton-Laplace principle, 4 Noether t heorem with symmetries, 48 Noether's theorem , 17 observables classical, 38 quantum, 6 6 complete system of, 9 0 simultaneously measured, 73 operator adjoint , 63 annihilation, 109, 307 fermion , 309 closed, 63 compact, 6 4 creation, 1 0 9 , 307 fermion, 309 differential first-order, 278 essentially self-adjoint , 64 Hilbert- Schmidt , 65 matrix-valued Sturm-Liouville with Dirichlet boundary conditions, 273
with periodic boundary conditions, 277 of trace class , 64 self-adj oint , 64 Sturm-Liouville , 2 6 8 with Dirichlet boundary conditions, 268
with periodic boundary conditions , 2 74 symmetric, 6 3 , 64 operator symbol pq, 135 qp, 135 matrix, 116
for fermions, 331 Weyl, 132 Wick, 1 14 for fermions, 331 orthogonality relation,
pq, qp,
rules of Bohr-Wilson-Sommerfeld,
213 168, 187
particle( s), 4 charged, in electromagnetic field, free, 9 on Riemannian manifold, 1 2 in a potential field, 1 1 interacting, 1 0 quantum free, 93 Pauli exclusion principle, 227 Hamiltonian, 222, 365 matrices, 2 1 8 wave equation, 222 Pfaffian, 32 1 phase shift, 191 phase space, 28, 45 extended, 33 Planck constant, 76 Poincare-Cartan form, 33 Poisson action, 48 algebra, 39 bracket, 46, 52 canonical, 39 on Grassmann algebra, 318 manifold, 51 non-degenerate, 53 structure, 5 1 tensor, 5 2 theorem, 4 7 potential effective, 189 long-range, 190 repulsive, 191 short-range, 190 potential energy operator, 149 potential field, 11 central, 1 1 principle o f the least action in the configuration space, 5 in the phase space, 33 projection-valued measure, 68, 72 resolution of the identity, 68 propagator, 240, 245 of a free quantum particle, 242 propogator for the harmonic oscillator, 257 quantization,
135 135
Weyl, 132 quantum bracket, quantum number azimuthal, 192 magnetic, 192 principal, 192 radial, 192
reflection coefficient, 173 regular set, 63 regularized product, 263, 266 representation by occupation numbers, for fermions, 310 resolvent operator, 63 rigid body, 1 3 ringed space, 343 scattering amplitude, 187 matrix, 1 73 operator, 1 72 , 187 solutions, 1 72 theory non-stationary, 172 stationary, 172 Schrodinger equation of motion, 77 radial, 189 stationary, 79 time-dependent, 78 operator, 99, 149 of a charged particle, 101 of a complex atom, 100, 151 of a harmonic oscillator, 103 of a hydrogen atom, 100, 1 5 1 one-dimensional, 1 5 5 radial, 189 picture, 77 representation, 89 for n degrees of freedom, 91 Schur-Weyl duality, 232 Sommerfeld's radiation conditions, 1 86 space of states classical, 58 quantum, 66 spectral theorem, 68 spectrum, 63 absolutely continuous, 86, 93, 96, 153 essential, 152 joint, 73 point, 63, 1 05 singular, 153
spin, 2 1 7 manifold, 367 operators, 218 singlet space, 228 structure, 367 total, 218 triplet space, 228 standard coordinates on r• M, 27 on TM , 6 state, 4 bound, 79 ground, 107, 308 , 309 stationary, 78 states coherent, 1 14 for fermions, 332 in classical mechanics, 58 mixed, 58 pure, 58 in quantum mechanics, 66 mixed, 67 pure, 66 superalgebra, 325 commutative, 325 Lie, 327 supercharge, 361 supermanifold, 344 functions on, 344 supersymmetry generator, 361 supersymmetry transformation, 361 supertrace, 328 symmetrization postulate, 226 symmetry, 17 group, 17, 48 infinitesimal, 17 symplectic form, 42 canonical, 32 on Grassmann algebra, 318 manifold, 42 vector field, 46 system closed, 4 quantum, 66 composite, 66 systems on supermanifolds classical, 356 quantum, 364 time Euclidean, 242 physical, 9, 242 slicing, 244 trace of operator, 65
transition coefficients, 159 transmission coefficient , 1 73 transport equation, 207 turning point, 2 1 , 210 variance, 74 variation infinitesimal, 5 with fixed ends, 5 virial theorem in classical mechanics, 1 1 i n quantum mechanics, 154 wave operators, 170 plane, 174 scattering, 173 stationary, 187 wave function, 88 total, 224 coordinate part of, 224 spin part of, 224 Weyl inversion formula, 129 module, 232 quantization, 132 relations, 84, 1 1 8 transform, 1 1 9, 1 24 Wick normal form, 1 1 4 for fermions, 3 3 1 theorem, 290 Wiener integral, 294 measure conditional, 296 on C ( [O, oo) , JRn ; O) , 294 on C ( [O, oo) , JRn ; qo ) , 294 on the free loop space, 298 WKB method, 209 wave function, 210 Young diagram, 229 symmetrizer, 230 tableau, 229 canonical, 229 zeta-function Hurwitz, 279 operator, 262 Riemann, 263
Titles in This Series 95 L e o n A . Takhtajan, Quantum mechanics for mathematicians, 2008 94 James E . Humphreys, Representations of semisimple Lie algebras in the BGG category 0, 2008 93 Peter W. Michor , Topics in differential geometry, 2008 92 I . Martin Isaacs, Finite group theory, 2008 91 Louis Halle Rowen, Graduate algebra: Noncommutative view , 2008 90 Larry J. Gerstein, Basic quadratic forms, 2008 89 Anthony Bonato , A course on t he web graph , 2008 88 87
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