asp -
Austrian Frontier Troops 1740
lht' (",,,:,,
• 1 ht, !'.mdur-...
A.fta,r ........ ttng
eon.ve london.
DAVID tfOIllNS trainld . . .
"'I ,til... aoIk or and bleln • CI Ilr In C I n.'N.rc.... lNppine. He ... frequent contributor .. I, I cllNat N.pollCW'ik - . . .,... " and he. written • nun bar of hooks "'ted .. the 1u:,lri" Army and " d ••• Q,a111 Hia pra.tow work for Oaprey mc.fudll W.,1oi 24: A....' , . ' GIw11 aI,IS MId ""...."l' ..... In Unconah N. UK.
• 17bl reRul.lIl/.UIOIl
• n,(, IU'\\ dl"llri(" 1769: INTO THE LINE • 'umlx-rinJ;. uniform, .ind
20 ('qUlplllt'l1l
• F1'11; • Ri\t.'1 hO.UIII('1l
• 1 ht·..
I t'''\..H1t'l
• Ilu\..\.:lI
• Dt.lgoon,
DARKO PAVLOVIC I,.,.. end _orb in ~ . Croatia. A b Inld erchftact, ...... now a fuIl.time IIhtItrator and writ.r. It! , ch'Wne in mHftaria. Oa"'o ... ~ a number 01 II I aka for Oaprey. and has .... written and Ufua;trated tiU" for the Man·at.Arma "It'l on the Auatrlan army oftM , ..... c.nturr.
Men-at-Arms· 413
P 16
Austrian Frontier Troops 1740
David Hollins· Illustrated by Darko Pavlovic e
FinII Pl" hid '" Or.- ~ ., 2005 b¥ """ ., Pi,' ' ... ... , id Hor.IM ~ .. ',. 0 OPH ~td ~yXw" ..., .... "'_. . . . . . . . . ,....~ Y1Q01'
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to thII* Ron en ..., "-got e. , II :h tor u., getleiOlA hoIpd"1y For ' - " ... tor the ptI.... I thouId 10 0rIr1l;.0 Pa"IC"'C'1OQettw' '" two ocNr c:n::._.. VIIldo 8mIrOc lind TOT 711 Are..... tor thew' help AltTWld u:,.....)'
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PSOlrIded "*'l)'''tr: bona kwn the ~ Alfred lIld ~tl--et Un )' fUiillhc,." F,., Mag PIohtzky prOud., IOmC kwn the tnen B' d .. (BA,j, rd Dr Bet CI kn:Iy p:ondcd pc:tur-. from ~ ~ .....um ocDI:bOn
.. &q; r4t.~"
,:tto .... P: 5 • •
Author's Note
n. boo!< 00'0.' many urll
lSI" 114118 701'
bali I aon Few detM ~ ~ be W1dl:ded hire for 'Iton:I Of apcoc. " ;e:. should atto ret. to theM ted n , 101 the beCtc: 00.... Add!h(W'-' t.. pC4'lOd IntormaliOn can be fOlWId 111 W.Aa 299, AustrIan TfOOPiI '792- "r6. It"Id 410. ~.'t0f1" BI'.., TI'OCIPI Ot'gW'IlUtJOn
Edliot ~ W.odrOw
Ot U ,AOILri
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0"" .t1 bJ' The OK P&gIt Cor9\cIe'Y Pt. ' ... aw.. ~ v.;wtd Pt'W'IIlld
07 ClI 01
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A QP c '£!Cog' 4COi'd tor
... lllOQ$l. • •
Artist's Note
I Lbrr
0Lp:... Dhct UK PO
P'ltee In
~ P... IOtrc.
Modec:lo\t. 3. lag:eb 10090.
The ~ .egsM that they CIII'I Cf'It« ,,"0 no COil 'POtlc:te:a
All 0'",.". a c• .1fo4'~
c.e 10 not. that the 0 ' 9 - pWltIi'lgII from wt'lec::h Ihc
book wt:N psee-ed . . tor pnvIitc . . AM i'IP'WetiOtl ClCJP'Y"ghI Whet. s..... tIUnCd by the PI I:; , I.... '" Ci"IqIJil'lCI IhouFd be eddr II a \0:
o , .. once 242'71ond .....t, Uni_=wtr " - ' "11)'''. USA ""~. IS: . . . . ~ P ca
A7 7• • tTW)' c;:oQ.r
wt'Cl7. liql"'PfT*lt r.d dct. 'Ia the reg:'1t' ImpenaI ......tnIn ~tt.,.
eo. 140, WI' "oueho HewIS.....
_O£Pie)V"4' "19com
H,.. 2f'A. UK
All of men Joined the Pandura. Many S,rbe fted the territori. . IOUth 0' the Dan'" Ioe;t in 1731 ~.r the Pe~ of ~ end - Uk' thh father and eon - helped to rep llPUa.t. the Banat. The t,thl'''' damed, "ta1tec1' C,aclfeln.uIN appears among eouthem HunpNn hus. . units of the perlod. Shown In red and trey cloalu ,..pICtJv.ety, both cany okI TYrtlbh weapon.. JnckHtlng Ioft'\8I1 e.libre m~.tt: with •
,.tner rounded butt.
and blrd·pommel Hbree. The onty
0' their .......nc. Is
the red cloth tJed around tM w.a.t. (Engelbrecht, HNM)
, nn FORI' \l \R: 'nllu\\IIlJ; till' 1I1t\U((( ,fuIOltom.lll lC"J{t" of '"it'I1IM in If :\. Iht, Impt.'ti,11 fOUl' ctro\(' 'ht" Tml.\ OUI (('lUr.l! EUlUpt'
C.. .. t.'lllllollh
rn,trlt'd b\
lht· J).Ulll~ l\t'
rl\{'r \,
lht.' Impt'll.tl .HuhOl1tit.·' (t("tu:cI .t pt'nlMnt'nt \lilil,ll
I ht'lt,.
FrOIlUt'r ~(.,m:J)
\, (('111, "hie. h "ulIlel ('\t:lllu.tlh to u'lid from lilt" ,\chi,ulc (O.l,t of 1ll0clc.'rll (.f(Mtl.IIIIIC) lilt" C..lIpdlhld.ll \lount.:ul1 in «('lIu.tl RUlIMIlI.l. II )ldl('1"\ \\ould ,'PP(',U .l' ill e..'){ul.u , \\ ho dc..>u'lolx'ct ·tin A.nF ' ('liule..' \\.u') to uU\('ul('llw rq.~lIne..·IHed .,nllit: ufllw Lurupe..·.m PO\\t."1"""l I ....HCI ••l\.' hug-c..' \C.HII(t' of h,lICh IIMl1pO\\{'r. llw ("r1l:.ttnol Frurul('f'\m('n heCdmt' It'){ul,lI IICH)}> . fOlIlUI1R: 1.1Il(' 1('J.;"lmc..'nl\ (.'p.,blt, of hOlh li~ht .md mOle..- fotnMI \\.uf.tlt, TIlt' \C.llllh-\\( 1e..'1 n ('nd of lilt." 1ilh «('nlun Frnnlie..'1 dc..'fe..'n(t" \\..t, (OIllP0\(.·eI of Ill(' \\ .tI.,\<11I1 .md 1-rw.1I1'L.ldt (.c,:nt·ral( It·, (ell \1 ricl\)" 1n 1iOO, Ihe B.uw, (\;«'10\) of (I(Mllo\ ht'K<-Ul OIJr.1I1i/illS{ tht., 11.ul.l1 (.euer.lln III (OIlJlIIlCIlUIl \\;Ih Iht' \ It'l1IM .,ulhoritie\, thel Ih(> fif'\1 h.tU uf Iht" U'lllU n, hcuh ">1." 01110\ .mel ">lelX'11 hUI Kt'll fit .m\\ h.m i.l) \\ t'U' urJ;".lI1l/t·d mto '{')>.lI.He..· u\il.1Uci FItHlIl('1 cli\lIic 1\, J, pi CK{'dUll' (uplc,'c1 ill the B.UMt follo"'illS{ II' 1c,.'nmquc.."1 111 17tH. rtw pnpulaliol1 of lht' t''''linK \\"lr.,\dll1 .mel ~1I1\Io\(h (.t·ut'l.llc ic," \H'It' tI1o'lh C..uholit. (.1().\ti.11l\, t"(('pt for tht Olthuclu (11Ii'IIo\II' of llw "',('lb,,
c.) lilt' I\.UMI \\.l\ .'ppl() imalt'h (Aqu.llh "x'.h .1I1d (.ro..u, \1>.1I . ~'I h pnpul..lUnl1\ elolllll1..tIc,:d ">1..,,01l1.l .mel Ih(' 8.m.tl, \\hil(' \\"II,'th (R()Inanloln\ ..met Bulgal ) inu('.l\('el Iht'il (' i,t1IlH pupul..llIoll\ III lilt' B.-.1n.U and It:lx:nbu~t.'n. \ H.'nn" \\CHlld ..ll\() (. l..lbli h tolunlt' uf .c..'llI('d (ot'I1IMIII( ,oldl('1 111 ll1(' IMIl..lI. "hil(' olc1t'r (.(:n11..m \(.'ult-mc..'I1l"t in rroll1\\h..mi..1 (I...nowlI ~ 'un ') h.ld \un'\t·cI Ill(' "/(-,( ld ••1 Turli( JX'oplt' rc.·I.lI('(1 In lilt' I hll1J{..u ... n \t..tJ,l'\ ..u . Ie umed lh(>ir f()lnwr rule uf nl.lICIIllK Ilw ll"'\ p..~ \C..' ill lhc..' C"rp•.uhiolll\ hom I iOU. Ihe..- F rOlltit'r IOoL. 11ol1}(' ..,\ 01 prcuc,'c II\(' Ix'lI Ix)pulalt'eI b\ ht'e..- hnlx"lI.d uh)('(I\, \\hu hdel Ihl'lf I.mel in ("I(·nclc..'cI fann"'w..u l hUll\("hold (L.ru)\\n b\ Iht' B.1ILm .lolmc..' of :Jultll fl UI Ih(' Ct'.m.m It'nn lIf1uVcmnmwuoII). in 1('lunl fm pf()\iclll1~ \olcll(>f'\ and mu( h of Ihell t'qUlpmt'nl. I hc..' ( ...·1111.111' \\{'re "'C.'ulc'CIlll \'1I.1~c.: .mel oOl11inollt'd lilt' f(·\\ 10\'11\, pru\idinR il di,prc)I)()r1IU1MI(' numtx'r
TNt Kartttadt DI.tItct p ~ comet ~ or FIhnr1ch) hal • .. •• n IllkI_toth, the kttetim colour ua ad by HIltMbutg tnl ope their monarc-h WM not Hoty Aom8n Emt;l.nw In 1740 45. The .hbootetety d.coreted horN furniture wu typk" of that ,•• d by hun ..,. He w.... the tong coat • • d wtth f\r CWt\IId'I ...
vim '. 'It • aIgn of of'f'Icw atatus. due to tta coat). and un(lImuth it the COf'd-fM""ld Cwj.c. whIc.t"l would a.... d.....IOj:l Into the tight. 6oIman. (EJ'I.ltJrKht. HNM)
RIGHT ThIs Kat1s.- p _ of'ficer WI.,., the aIt~tJvre yoeftow waist ........ both to . . . htl alllglince and to e.ny his aid " ' ",I - • TUrItith pistol and • tong BalkM knife. To allnH'1 hII ,.,. he UMt • 'Splnllh reed' c.ne. Hie Ihof1..- fwo lit.d coet would dlUllop Into the Huuar j:I ......; and note that the booU wee. "Id ,.Iow. wNch WM II I hIo, r 'c I. at that tinu
of ofli«'1 • t"IX'(I~tlh for till' ()Ithodo, (.hli'li~lI1 poputtllon,. ~/l"(kt.'" ,Ih,o 1i\(:cI in 'IIMII \('UI('lIlt'lib ill \(mthO(·~I.\t('11\ II.u,\\ h~UlM. B\ 17RO. th(' hOl1liel l)opul.\IIon of ,u't O\l" ~)()(),()()() \\.l\ plo\idinR 17 intallln I""cR"ilt1('lIh oul of lilt' hnp('rial ~u,m \ tul~tl of 77. ~H ~J() IX'I cent of dlt.~ equl\.llc.:nt (O,l. \hhouRh lh(' It'qUllt:It1('lIt \\~l\ for II1f~Hlln, Cd\'aJn unH~ \\('It~ ..,I\() 1..1I\.t~1 clurin~ ,hl' pc.:I;od, .1\ \\ell a.' a ri\('lboat hdu..tlion, Oln'uh ~l{tmllli'lt"It'd 1)\ lht' Ilofknc.~'I.\l (Il1lfX~ti..tl \\ ..u Council) 11\ "It'I1IM, \\ hu «)IIum'\lol1t'cI ..til 1Il(~ nffkt'J . lht' \hllLln Fronuer K\w.rdecl ,tRain'll lUI ki\h r.ud . 'IIHlAAlms;, ..md lht' pre,ld of plagut.", Ilo"t'\er. lh(--.,c.' \\ild 8.,11...0111 IlTt~uIM" .ll\() (',lOWei a n'pul.J.uOI1 ~ louJ;h lr()()~ \"u'n th("\ ..t ppt'..lrt"{l on lh(' u'nlr.:tI t.urope.Ul ballidieid In tht" m,~01 "ilh Pru i,l - lht' \\~,r 01 lilt" \U\lIi,Hl U CC ~ion (171()....K) and the '-,e\en ye......; \\,11 (17:--XH>:l). TIW\(' 'Cro..lb' C'lllI\.t'd~, \('n uion \\hen lh{'\ I()Olt·d 1"1 e
hu .ltdf ullifOim. \.. hieh bt·(~tm{' the modd fot f.l\huu",hlt: hS(ht r;waln throuRhnut du' rnnllnt~ltl.
The Pendur. \!re..tch ~'UI\(~ in lIlt~ hukt\h ""1I . "hith IMd «mdlld(.~eI ill li:19 \..llh th~ p~( e of 8cIKI ..ulc.', Iht."'(a '",meL, of In< ..,I lJ nOI" flr"lt ..'PIX.'.lI in \.,ri~tliOI1 of ICK •• I (i\ili~m «)\lmtw Illl" he..,dRe..u \hL\ 1l\'Mlh .., n'd .\lllt:Jo (,n1all found ( ..tp). It.·«()rdt.~d .unnl1K tht' \\'.ua.~dmtro()p"~iu 1ill. ()I .1 t.lIler felt heep\ktn lubul.u h.ll. tht~ }oJobuk. TIli ,11 l nllt.·u ,'ppt'.u (,
,he ,h'Rh althouRh ohen 0Rh' bdo\\ ,Il<' ll1lo" \In,' I" lollon l'd ,he Incal O/>a"knJ le~lther fo(m\('al ( Imil.:ar 10 mc)( C.l\III\). Illt~\(· n~.l( Ilt"(t ju l.tbo\e lht' dnkJe, "nh lOllS( It~dlhl·1 lhollK' \(~(tarinK Ihem .1Ioulid lht" colh 0\""('1 thi 1.. \\hll(' ~)('k1 l1.\U.,lh c1t"(Oldlt"<1l11 \~lIiou (olou", n,(~ mOlt' .lfllu nl \\ )1(" the Ilun~ri.m IV-hum,,, c.:alf.lt·lIglh boot..., Ft.",\ 1Ilt.'1I \\01(' 1X".IHt • bUI me t \ported .1 \\ide. thm mnw;(.1( he dllel often pl.tilt-d ielt'leK~. Anlled "llh Tur 1...1\h ml~ lel\ and long I\.,n....m llll\( ..mel, Ire III dbout 1i 12, UIll\t.'1 tlh .lltirt~eI in Iht~ f.ul'loll\ lo(.t1 I ('cI <10.,1.. (lilt' \bbo- \la"ld). lh("\ tna l fC'al 11110 ~,urnpe,m ..,nl1le\ .mel (i\ilidn popul.lliolt\ .tlilt·. \\1't.'11 \\.t1 IX1fdn \\llh Pn~ I.l 111 I i In. llw FI
. 'irregul,lI IiOlcll{'I""i'). Iht"\ i~ling K..111~lach ~Incl
TIlt' t'
(hnclt.'dll'llo llllt,t., cll\lill(t gloup'.
&u1.I1 (;enl'I.,I< 1('\ (20. t 16 IIOOp") phl\ Iht.·
\\.u ...",11II (..ellt'ralo ( ,531 mt'n) \\t'It~ tin,' 1<: (>cm\lblhl\ of Ih(' (nllt'!
,I I A
•,, ,,I I ,,
. . . . '1
(Go.pte), II • Ottocac tOttocac~, III ., OguHn (Ogul,"). rv • Sduin
0Iatrlc-t: V • Warudtn· Kreuz. VI • W~·St GlOrg (both. B.lew..... In OerYNW'l. ~
a;nrlcf: VII • Brod (VIneoYCe). VIII. GrMIiaka (N~isea). IX • P.t......rdein ~
'BcMIi1ci.t.n DI,trlc-t: T (TIter) a.naI DIstrict: X • l,t 8IInaI (Gtina). XI • 2nd Banal (P.trinl.) a.n.t DI,trict: XU • Deutsch· Sanat (P.ncso"a). XIII • W Itach· IIlyrian (K.ran.ebe., Siebenburven DI.rrict: XIV • l,t S~eck"r (C,lk·SuMa). XV • 2nd S~eckler (Kescty·V... metvl, XVI • 1,t Wallach (Orillth), XVII. 2nd Wallach (N.uod)
. ,,
,_'"' . '\ I
e..t ('baMIi In ~k.la): KarlstMIt ontrlct: I • LIcea
"..' .. ,, '\
"I ....,' "f"~ "'Ie "'......... ( . " '.I ~.... •
from 1780, with Grenz.er regimental .,..•• from west to
- "'-.!......" I
,-" . , ......'.....
,\ ....__1,
The complet. MIlitary
", ~
11~"1--'" f" \ "'-~ \.11 '"
' , 1 r' . ~".
• I
• AI
Ilo'kl i{"~liu (milil~lI'\ <mille il) ba~-d III (.IM. \\hlCh ,II\() \":,,",,,'d i.b the clt·J>Ol. 11w'-t" Ir()o~ «()mpli\t.~d I\\() (to,: ll)(' I "Khardakt"l1\oll. \\ ho m.mned Ill(' ~'1le1llR: ol'galliLcd ill l\\() Il'g-im('IILlI of 1\\0 l).ul.lIiOI\') ('.\(11. Ilwir t'pl(,II .,ppt',t1.UlCt' i') "ho\\11 in PI.ltt' A. Fl(uTI the «.'l1u.ll ,lIt',l, ~l
\\ 1111(' the
Fc1ett>.,b., (Fdd\\c'.'bd). I h(' nMIIl contmgt'nt came hOllllh."
l\l"'i\l"' ,11'",1 (IO"iOluoopsJ, ,lhhough t\\o·dtiuh \H'I(' n.'quiled fOI hOHlt', defence, \() ju,t 3,112 inf~uHr, (lnowtl ,t\ I t\\Clul\, tht-° old I hlllJfo-lri~1II \\mel (01 l"l'glll~,r'\) ~mcl ()(i; hussa" \\l'nl il1lo the fi('lei. All d
LEFT The troops from the recently reco".red saavonlan lands we,.. led by their ~I Votvode. (warlord'), who adopted the long fur-lined cNt and IeMlMk. Thl' Hauptmann un, both a yellow wailt. .th and • ,pI1g ot Nk-Ieav. . In hi' headgear to display hi' allegiance, Hi's armament Inc Iud., a long TUrkl.., pl.tol and a yatagh.n knife (w th Its dl'tlncti"e divided, rounded pommel) In hi' . . .h, al well a, two ,m II plltol, In the le.ther pouch on hi, left che.t. His trou..,.. are more TUrk•.., In ,tyIe, (Engelbrecht, HNM)
lht' fed cloak, lheil clOlhill~ \\,llii l\pic"lh \\hilt' him with \\;de ~ll't,\c:~ t'dg:t'd in Il'd ,lOei \\ hilt' t>..'Kh" trOU'K'1 '. I ht'il g:o"lI~klll, fur .mel kit h;lL'~ \\ele 'irnall and folded fI.lt (nlo1n, .ut' still \\(Ull ,od.l\) . 1 he BdlMl prodded 1,916 mcn (10m Ib I hCl~~ rhel (\\ef;tel n) and 1,292 hom the ~I.II()\ Il\l'l (nolthern) .ll eas. \\ hich included 2,3H I mounlt.~cI troop. Ilu' B.tIlal'~ I.lrgc:h St.. rb u oops \\et<.' uniCOI mt'd in gret'll or brown (}l1nja(~ \\orn o\el
blue or 'ed open shi,lS .llld 'he bJ!(!(il" BJll.1I1 lfOUsers. Illc\ pi ('ft.'1 red the C,.,kelh.mbe, oftl~n \\;th a rounded 101>' .md tlwil \hti\1 \;~hl'\ ')(.·em 10 han" been blue or reel \\ilh I('d or \ellm\ lines 1 espectheh running: Ihl oUKh (simtl.\I to Ihe Il.wal il1fanu'"\111an in Plale CI). Theil rlO.Ii...." .lrt· oCl"n sho\\'n in \\hitl' or bl.ltk. "OU\l' \\;lh ,k't'H', \\hlch ha\e multi
RtGHT The W.llach (Rom.nl.n) troops d
even Ie. . uniformity of .ppear.nee. Thl. officer I. we.ring the lower IC.,_ •• uaed by hu..... troopers, and reminiscent 0' the fur edged hat worn by the M-vrarl' AsI.n 'nc.,tors. HI. red GUtUa<: hal pointed gr. .n cuff facing., .nd hi, g ....n trousers .re decorated with ••rty IUt,J• • • rrowheads. The boob would hIIlte been nell/smelt, to .t le••t calf length. The yellow . .ckHeclolh hII•• sc.11oped edge, .nd • roy.l crown In tM etong.ted corner. (Engelbrecht, HNM)
mixed GI(~n/ Il1InK~Hian foret', it \\~lS I('d ~lIld financed b, OherH 'Ien L, \\h~' t',ct'~~C\ \\ould ('nd \\;th cOUlHllaltial in 1711, ILS establi hll1C'IH \\'-" ~1I1 ()Ix'r~t\\achtm('i 1('1 (01 M~or), twO Ilaupunann and K...:'pit~lnle\lllMl1ts, (i\c F;\I1nrichs, ~t QlI~U tt-'lll1cist ~r, an djut3nl, one C:~,holi .md O'l<' Orthodo, 1" ie{·rgl·.llltS). 'he Fourie, and 0 ,",orpo",l. \\;,h 12 mU'iici~1Il ~tI1d 90 men,
THE FIRST REGIMENTS In 1713. ,he Emp,e,s ~I ••ri., 'I herl'\-' pl., l'd ,he admini ''''lion of the Frontici undcl tl1(.' .\tilitar-Dil t'ltol;um (l,lIer Ilofkriegsrat) in Vienna, he••ded b\ Feldm•• r hall I'll nee lIildbllrgh.,usen. \\ho reformed thl' organi7.. .ltiol1. Del)pitt-' IIw Mh.mce to the Danube, the \\'arasclin eli trici \\as let~lined dl\d Ihe thu:c: c:,isting Ct.'neral ie. \\ere grouped into the Cro.llian (~"eral COl1lnMl1d ha~·d.1t gran'! (7....'1gl(~b), ~llthough lhe IJ~U1U\ J{'t.liIWd joint r('~p()n,ibilit' fcu the Banal. In 1717 the Emple~., dC(I{'{'d th.lt t!)(,S(, lroop~ \\('Ie to be ghen the same Sl~llU.,.~ olht'r inr~ulln ~lIld \\(,U.' to be know..'! as Cmll.rtgJlnnJl"or Glen/('1. In ~l[COlddn((' \\;th the ~Ulll\ legulations, their unifonns \\er(' t'XIX'cled to l.lSl lor '" H'"",. TIl(' rll~1 rdel ('n((' to (.1 ('n/el botu.lIions in the '/"'","I,s (om ial ann, list) dales {,om 1711: .md b\ 1715. fOUl K.ulst.~dt regiments are \\earing led (,unj~IC' \\;Ih gn'en f;'lcln~, together \\;th red lrousers - allhough th('\ \\('re IOlllldlh e~t~lbli,ht'd onh in 1716. I::.ach rehrimenl was lO plo\;de fOUl ball..,hem, (l.icc., fidded ~ix), ('~l h m..lde up of four comp.anies. each 210 slfong. L nlil 1753 ('a h regiment \hl~ headed b, its Inhabel (ploprieL.tf\ (olond). IL~ ~td(l compri~d a ObJi~t, an bristl('Uln~lIlt, two Olx'rwO:l(htmei~lel . d Qu~u t('rmei~tt'I, an Audilor, ~t S\'lldiclL~, ~m etjuI~lIll, ., RC'Rimet1L"l Feldschel and ('ighl Cntci feldliCherer (junior surgeons) .•tl'rofo (Pl(l\ost) .lIl1l •• !>lecLeuLnech. (\\. gonmasler). Each compam \\~~ led h\ a II~llIptmann .•m Obel1eutnant, ~1Il nl('r1{'llu'!~mt ..lIld a F~ihnri h; iL'\ :\COs (omptised .l Fdd\\clx'l, ., FiihH'l, a Fourier, eight J\.orporal" Ihl(.'t' 1'l111~I(i~U1\, I\\() Fouri('1 hlille (accountants) and 16 Gefleiu', \\ith 201 G<.'mt'int' (pn\-.He ~oldiel ), ffi(('1 ~lIld :\C()~. togethel \\lIh the musicians, used ,ello\\ as a b~ldge of l~lIlk until the cololll scheme St.'llled down ..Il the end of Ihe \\·~U of u lrian utT<.'ssion:
Licea Ollocac Ogulin zluill
GUicC"lldi Ilellx'r\tein O,lIis Pet~llli
JlIckrl/JlICIIlg> red ,dlu\\ rc"d bright blue blue ,ello\\ blue ,cUm\
dolman mid1;leen b,iglll blue blue red
B, 1751. Li ca h.ld ••dopted mld-green facmgs ...nd 1>1 1757 zluin was u ing: It.'d. D<' pite ,he lIuifol III ~I, Ie h.mges, Ihis colour M'henlC would ~un;\"e IInlll I i69. Th(' uniformll \\t'n,' un hanged, except lhal the Gllnjac de\eloped into Ihe 10ng(.'1 dolman. All the buuons \\ere ,ellm\ melal, Iht" II OUS<.'I~ \H'I t' I{'d, and the headgear \\,1'1) the black felt or 'l)lu"('p~L.in K.-:lll>olk with .1 led 'b.tg'. Equipment was can-jed on ro belts
ofjurh'I',,'ffll'f(IJ.\\ or Ru liiii~lI1l('~llht·I). Otrict'l cuntilHlt'd to \\~al a mOl e e'I>t.'II~l\t' uniform, u'lt.1lh indudillK thl' IO"J.;t:1 fur-lined <0.11 (M'l' 1)I~tu.' A2), ~t (,unjd( (oht'n gtt.·l'n), Kill hUllon" ~tI1d either J. lur Kalpoll or the hl~, l ann\ II ICOI 11('. 'CO, \\OIt'~' c!lt·.apel \e,",'OI1 or the coal, Ihe IOl1g (~,pu'rot'k. and cal nt'
""eh) inlo lh field. dllhoul;h lh" h.ld bel'n l' p.tIldl'd I<> 2.IMIO tIll.nlln b\ 17t I ·111(" COllllllKcllI \\,J.! olcldition,tlh leinforu' full In:nglh. ) th~H III Ii Iq tht· di\u It 1 \\~t organiJ'ed into 1\\0 Rt·Kinlt.'n~, the I t ~tI1d 2nd, noth \\llh Iht· BoUlll ..l' Iheir Inhabe•. l'..."h Iud four b..tuJ.lioll~ m ..,cit, up 01 lour 21(~tronJ{ ~tI1d l\\ol2 .1 dOlh top; but lhe (.lInja \\~" mort' ('XlI,l\olganl, \\llh (1\(' \t'llI(~,l rem of I~ \\hllt" hUllon, ItIlled 1)\ hla llo"!,,.
,.... Impac:t on appe...-.nce, end
this WarMdIn omc.r coutd equatty be. Pandw ... der, .uI . ~ the Ior-g.r COIIt. The onty rNI III IS of . . iJtatUI .,. his f\w K ....."" with the Nt .,..".... ,"to • aimpIe cloth CfU,""" end . . ....J«:h Ffoh>" cane. He Ie probrbo'y not that afftuent. _ he WIll ....
limp" .", • . . " .,., aII
-..HHM) N)(NE The only
p&Ilte that
d.pkta. ap.c
Kaf1at.-ctt District Regiment Ia this Otthodo:a Ctwhtlan Serb from
uece ('land o' tM woffl. Hia entJre unlfOlih .. btOWlll~ except for . . wktr a... whit, Ihkt and the blPc-k dOnN of h.. roundrd KJobulr, both atyt••
Introduced by the "''''''' S.rb ~...tJona. Hia w .. p~a are TUrttWt and hla , . ~ knlf. hH the bird",h..d pommel. l£nge'.... h.. HNM)
FUGHT Dlsc:u••Ion. about I.ht wart.,.. In the 175Oa. and ~ullirludon of the ONf\Zers, ted to the addition grenad* compan-' The. . m.n were to torm a IoIld firing Nne to engtee the enemy line att... the I..... Inf.ntry had dlSl'\lpted tMm. T'he 'beat$kin'. wtdch w. . Inltlalty ma-cM of teh. wa. wom onfy for P8~.", and ,..ptac4td by. KIobfJIr or ...thef K....tt at other times.. Thia Ogulin Regl .......ed'-r d splays the tnMtitlonal rNtc.hai. . on his croubett, and hie tron•• ,...now the urty arrowhead dleor.Uon.. Hlt: Jilek, atill r ...m~ the Quit/«; t••tenlng with simple cont.. (Um"'"
BELOW 8y 1754. th Kartatadt Ogul n infanllyn\lln .. weartng the bask mkt-e.ntury Grenz... uniform. Hie fur KMPllr Of fen IOobutr has • Net bag; the Gu~ .. now fo...... ~ed . . . .hide, with button. Nt in tnr.es. and facing colour c.un. and .ct Und.r ~ the doIrNn has ft¥e row. of buttons and tIMld to overt.ap blk)w the nanow fouHarT'el 0 rtel. H. Mbre .. eam.d on • ~ bett worn 0'Nf' the ban'et aaah, wttl.. his crou belt and cartridge boa: are .~nf army equipment. His CroIltJan.. style tro4.IMrs are not .. tighUy cut . . the HunprI.an patten'l, and he . . .rw bh.,. MeU uncl.r Opan.-en. (Umhey)
171Q. Iht' .'la\()JIi,t DI,tri t h.\d bet'n ()JH'.lI1l/(·cI IIlln three ReKimel1h - Brod and (.r,tdl,l...t plo\ided thret' batt•• llon . \\hlle lht· uudt.·.....u ("nw h Pelt.'n\ drdem fit"lrl("'C1 emh n\C). 1:.•-,< h b..lIt.I!lOI1 h,l\ (ompcxcd of fI\t.- «)Inp..lIliC\, \\hi h \\('n- \ulxil\;dt'(l IUlO foUl rli\;\iol1\ of I to mel1 ..\ 17,l:l ()Ht~1 ,tllOhNI lhe I ewmt'nl..11 comm..u lt",lrt·et ,tround I i . .x ) ..l\ ..I hrO\\ll (,UI1J,lC ,mel \\hllt- trou\t.'f'\ of local manlll.le lUI (' -,is h~ lilt." t.'quipme.-nt ,mel mo\t of Iht, \\t',tpOlln, (' (t'pt lht., muskt"1.
Rellelon divided the C.lhoUc Croats from the Orthodox S,rbe and W.llach, Thl. 1757 lIIusl,.11on by lhe priest, Pf.ner Becher, shows one of his C.thoIk: con.~ua with the light blue facing colour of the Ottocac Regt on hi, priest.. kmg
black frock coat. at coll.r, cuff, shoulder ...m, f.l......r button hoi. ., front cords, and the .xpo-sed lining, Unllk. the Infantry, he a beard and u... a trlcome hat.
(Becher MS, Umhly)
t 73 I bnmglll the "h'"ii'1"ft1J:,.rrhl', the HI.. . t legi I~,ti\(.· n..fon11 of the Frol1tier III til(' MII\tMIt dud "'•• rasdin di~tricts, , "'ilhill e" h Cenel,.I", \\('I{' the Rl·Kim{'nl'). hhich \\ere the .Idmini,)lI,ui\c I:MSi\ of the ~y"tenl - t~'Cli('alh. the troop u~ll.dh fought b\ b,.tL.,li()u~. Ilu' Rt.'gilllent,,1 taJT held both milit....u", ..lid ci\ili.lIl .1lIthorit, f()l lhl'or .lIl·,'. II llll' land ",." c1assed.1S Impetial [A,nl (fclld••1 1.lIld). ht.'ld dilt'Clh b\ the IIlh~.bitdnL'i in'te~.d of formal pa\. In return for c.uh L<:Ilt.'n. the fdllUh IMd lo p,o\;t plol\. fhe \IiIUdlJ;.pt'nlr{'chtt· I(.'qllired Ih.,t 'All able-bodied male IIlI",bit,UlL\ 11.1'(' .UI obliwuion of S{'nicc ,md ••rl' :)ubjeCt 10 mililar\ di'Kiphll{·... the 1.1,," bmd them to drill periods ,md ~I "illing .lCcq>Llnce of the le!e\.ulI OIdel gh('Jl to Ihem b, Iheir ~(.'nior officel': (;.Oll\<'qllculh, .111 IlMI('~ h("(' l'llIercd on their ReKimenl\ muster roll ;.u billh, ~lIld h{'I{' Ii.lhle' rOl \t'n;H' bcth{'eJl 16 ,mel 60 \eaN of dge, IllCM.' pt',&lI11 f,Irm('f'\ \\l'1 (~ e1l\;ded inlo 1\\0 .tpproxim.ul'h eqll.ll group~ - lhe ('llIolkd ,mel tht, \lIIXTHumer.,n: it was the form{'r C~H{'gon hho \\ould ~I'{' hith til{' f1(·lcI ,ln1l', lhe l>ropoJlioJ1 depending on miliwn I {'qUII t'menL~. I he Il'gil1lt'nb IN••illed Iheir preyjou'i four-baualion 0I-gani/4\1ion. ldch (OIllIMn\ h." di\idt'd into four platoons (bigf). Illfce of lhew \\('Ie {onsolicl.u{'d to form di,;,ion~ (/Jl11N). hhich \,('I{' rowl('d on Flolluel dlll\ or supplied the h,t1limc fidd b;'lU.llioll~, hhile lhe fourth compri\{'eI tho't(' fll on" f()I 10c",1 defence. fhi., M tell1 \'~lS extended inlO Ihe 1l~\Ilal .1Ilel 'I.l\olli.m di~lriCl~ in 1769 ~lIlel til(' BalMt in 1i7 , Cte'lling the '"K"-'''".I,' FIC>IIlil'r, but ieocnbllrgen lelained its old Kmllllal, (COlllll\) W~l('m, ~lclmllli'ill'r('d lhlough ilS 0\\1l ClMnC('1"\ (lcgiol",1 offin') in \'ienlla .md lhe IOG,1 ,lUlhoriti{'~. I Ih(' \..lIne lime, the alilhoritie~ hell' tr);ng to impo~ wme sland.udihUiol1 .l( 10\\ the dnll\; this "'as to include a neh uniform fOi lhe F10ruit'I, making allo\hUl ('IS fm local preference for colourful c1olhing. {'\p{' ialh in blue and red. TIle headgeal was nO\\ officialh a t.lIl felt Klobuk, dlthoug-h il\ pool rt' iSl..Ulce to IaIl1 prom pled man~ 10 keep Ihe sh{'ep~kin \t'r ion. I he mall red bag I~ shown 0111\ h~hlh ()\e""n~inK lhc lOp in 1757. Jnd bl 1762 il had di"'ppea,cd. 'ndCnl('alh, Iht· IMir h.lS tied into sideplaiL'i eXlcnding lO the bouom of lhc car. I hc jork, (jae~l'l) rCL..ined its lh,ee In"" of I 110\\ billion and loop,. Thc\e' ja It'lS hel e edKed in \ ellm\ .•md Iheil poinled facing_ here ('dged with.m e.uh \el ion of lhe '}Iungarian lnol' in the ~,me colour, Clldt'l ncalh h.~ lhl' doll1MlI, .Ilso decon't{'d h;lh \elloh bUllon and (01 d'i. TIlt'if long. light llOU\{'''' \\el(' also de oraled "ith a lnol of bl aid on lhc IhiKh. Thl"",' llle~cd inlO lhc ["humm ealf·lcn~lh Ix,ob, "hieh h('J{' of the shortC'r sl\le, I••cling the lai~d and rounded front of the huss,lr t, pt',
RIGHT Another 1757
In'arttl1Wlo8n .. the only dlpk:tJon later than ~ t In the
17408 to ahow addition-' relnfOf"C.ement patches In the reJ~w 'Klng colour on the kn . . . and "bow.. Hi, Klobulc h. . . ~ of oak~Jeav... (hcher MS. Umhey)
FAR RIGHT Thie grenad....
0' the
1It Banal ~ 1757. hu. mCH"e _bonIt. unifonn than hit: Oeutin counterpart, lnetuding I fur burIJdn. HI, FWd dolman .. dlConted, Ak' the JM:Jc., In retlow. but It .. cut equate .t the bottom. The lren.MIe bldge twI, Men ntpI.ced by • full ImpeN' aop.".,M/M, pie•• and hie reef f.c:lnp .... Mgld In renow. HoWI'4'lr, he ie ,WI we..ring Opanke" IhM...... ltIustraqcl in Plele C, the IlSanaI District unHorm . . . much c.101et'' to the H _ U n e .......... _ ....
'..,,0..,' Hungarian knob.,.. • un here on hie tight tro"..rs. The bfue waist aas.h .. deeonted wfth "'~ MrNI. whkh haV'e • bfack de-ue pattem. (UmMy)
mi une uf bra~ ~lIld IH)lHllOUllled \\e~\p()n,. the I i():"') (,I{·It~lcli(·1 p.ult'nl .mel \t~""i()n of LtH.' 1i I Inf.lIlLl' lbno, \..;th bl,)(I(:"\ llle.lliiiurinR :"'.& III .md h(x III I {"IX'( u\ (·h. '\{'I (' joined b\ 1()~. 1700
Ow \o.lhlt.·\
\\c"I(' .1
,mel Ii: p.. ltlc.·rn II.IHlul.. .lnd I i II •.and I i I I hi'" tr Ildllenl\. \';lh btlclt 11le..'.l\UlinJ;' ;2-;~kl11, 111(' httcl le.uht'l \C.lbb..'ucb \\t:It' m()~ll\ carri(·d Oil .t h\l~ 1I t\I(, I('.uht'r \\.ti'l }x."h hiclch"n under tll(' (no\\ ~i\.· t>
/)"PI"/flflln pl•.,(, 'I he 1M!: h••d ,,,,,,,,'d 0 .. Ill(' '>,h,," ".Ioh.. k .L' .1 n ,hot', ,mel IOI1R\\hilt-" \()(k, ("hith \\("(" oftel1 dt:(ol,ut.'d in
led). Tht· It('\\ (,flltd \hi: It'd \\ilh tlw (Ontl.huIlK h.ult-i'.. In tht· clnlm,m «)Iolil. to (t'pl thl' IlulII, "IIU\(.' blm· (.mld IMd \c"lIm\ h,Ult+\. I h(' \I1l1(orm of du.' Banal Regiments. d thild of \,ho\{' to,' \\..t, p.tid b\ tht· .11lIhUlIlI('\. \\.l\ 111 'ni(~ h\ 17:17••thhOURh il chllt'H'd Ilttlt> from tht." 171
'1\ It".
lIllt" (or
Ixuh ReKimt"I1l\. \\hlth
di\tJnJ~lll,Il('d b\
•• ,mall \\ hue buuoll on tlw hJohuL for hi Rt'f("imeut. I he.", Il'l..tint'd du- n'd bo.tS; .l\.1 lIulllt.. 1(1) (OH'I. I he..' etlrl blue..· JI"',e wa t"dRt"d in 'dlm\ "ith leet poilllC'd fu'h. £1w re..'eI doillMIl •.1.11<1 lrO\l\('P\ \\ t'l (' .II\() det ()I .Hed In, dlo\\: lilt.' II.In 0\\ lou I-h.u Idlt"eI <_llnel \\~ blue..' ,nth nMIle..·r \C..,rle..'1 Ix,nel\ I he..·lf Ihlt' .1.I1e1 \(. ..lbh."eI ',{'rt' mounted in iron. nw more..' ..lfllu('111 \\"arasdin regiments. \\ ho ellel nUl 1M\(' to Ix'rlonn Fronut'l KU.lrct elUI' .l.I1d \t~nt.·eI .l.\ .1 H"\t'rH'. U·t.UIWei IIlt'1I KI{"en dolm.uh, but .ldJU\lt"d tht.·il exi'lin~ \\hite..' 17.'")() unifOlm 10 Iht" II\ln~ri,:m p.lllenl (.lltIUHIKh the..·' leldine..·cl the..' I(Hlnd (~·nn.1I1 cull ). Tht" j.l leI '\.l\ .1 Illiclt,I, \\hich ",l\ \imil.u to Iht' J.IC l(' hUI \\Ilh .1 fI.1l coU.u, RH"('1t f.'('in~ cololll on tht' found tufl, \11'-111 tmull.itl....'.11 Iht" bOllom .•lUd PII\fl,,'"I:n1 I.IH' Olt th(' tht' I .tn.lIIJ.;c.'ellI1 J{101l1)\ of one. .\i)()\(.' 1\\0.•Ibo\(.· lhlt.·.... I heil rc..·J{uI.Hiolt he..·.tclJ{e..·.u \\.l\ the..' I ..•)( In hiRh l,rlrnkolrulIl",.l J.Juhlll \\Ith an .tclcllliolMI 1('inIOlU'nWIll ('ndlltH" .tbout
By the time of the 1781 m.nuscrtpt, QIenz.., offlc..,.. hed ~ted
the Olilioan Une uniform. Thia Ottocac Regt
otfkef" Crith\) •••,. • red coat with • w.lstcoat and boN.c.... Nt the blue facing colour, with round blue cuffa topp.d by th,.. button.. His boots .,.. the German high SU.feI .tytet but hh: nboN Is • Hunprfan pattem. The infantryman (lett) has ,..talnld the Ibfbnl Hungan.n .tytoe 0' d,....; hie pointed blue cuff 'acln.I,.. edgld in the Kattstadt
TM AlbertiN ManuKript 0' 1712 ~ . unHonne of the 1754 re'orm.. Tl\4_ $&avon"n ONnZ..... from the arod p.ft) and ~terw.rclein (right) regiment.
both Wlusv.ted WNIing the undecorated Rldee' In chM1l; btue. wfth ita dletJnctfvoe IfNH tumbec:ke at the bottom. Fec~ edtlng end corch
-.hown •• (Mft) .nd " " (right); the PeterwanMin aokU.,. dirt.... f,om the other two S&avonlM regiments onty In wearing the Hungartan aky·blue tn>UNfL TM MS alao ahowt; • O,...dlsu Inf.ntrymen wearing Opanken rather than 1Khlsmen boots••nd pointed cutt. with a -.nail knot above. Only th a arod hu • small b1~wfthln· whit. roundel on hie KJobuk, eN
2('m Ix·I()\\ tht· top (\\Iu( h Clt'l i\l'd (rom lht' l....ilt-el Cl..lckelh.1Ube), ~lllh()lI${h lh("\ IMd .tdupu.'d lht· JJuhul h\ I ih2. llw \\hllt.. lr()u~1"\ \\ilh g-It'(,lllnot\ \\t~rt' fini,ht'd un \\ilh.t \\hlte g-fet'll (,lHld Ilu- .... uthoriu(· no\\ ,uppht-ellht-il mU,lN\. III I i:"li, d .... rl blut' umlollih \\t'n' Pfup0\('d lUI lht' la"onian Regim nlS, \\ho\(' R6
lark" /l/rlnK' & b'" wrr/\ ell blut, \dlo\\ BlOd (,r.:,dl,l.l dk blll(" I('d I(,\t. Peten\.udt'lli blll;lll blm' It'd
dk blllr dk bill(' bllghl bill..
dk blm' It'd
\dIO\\ bill ",110\\ bill.. 1 ('<1 \ ('110\\
Ilu' Sl....\onl.tn\ h.",dt~d lh('11 h(hl\men Ix)Ol\ In .L\ tht, ~ell ,c.tJ"\' W....r lx1fo-Ul in I i.>6, .lhhoURh lht· 17t)~ ilhl.,U.lUOII\ ,hem lht'm all in bool' J$fo-UI1, OuriliR lht- \\J.I nU)\1 "Plx·.lrt-c:1 in lht'lr bnl\\ll II.u~ moruur, ("'(ipeci.lIh .~ tht'll unifolln \\t'rt· t-~ ih onfll'C.-d \\ilh lh of tht, blut.",,«).ouro I")nl \1.111"'1. \11 tht.. 1")t.'t(·n\.lIclel1l flel huv('u hharpshoolef) ompal1it'\ It'L.l.in(''(1 thCI1 0\\11 ullI(unn .md \\('It' .lllC)\\{"d to l~ lhe
RtGHT The Wa,..sdin Regiments
wore. white R&:.ke',
but with Hungart.n~.tyte faclng-
The Banal Obtr1ct .. not reprnented In the 1782 Albertina MS collection, .nd ne4ther .re theM units spaclfically Included In the 1765 pfan.. TMM Illustrationa date from 1785, but the Infantryman (far right) wean the . . tty 17501: uniform Including the Klobuir. The NCO (right) ~n the new 1757 uniform, with. la",. DoppeIMller badge on his headge.r, .nd more elabor.te decoration on hla coat, which Ie f.stened by the "nt three buttons only. Under it the dolman .... only GUn}K-.-tyle short cord., but I. extended to overtap It the bottom. (Umhey)
\\l'apon (",e 'I",,'P' hdow) , whilt, tht· ~CO~ rt.'tailled
f)0IJ/XlI/IIU 00
tIll' ""r-K'!''I'hr.
:>:<'0, IISt'd the lIonlla] di\linClIOn\ or .l lJaublodc Glllt.· ilnd the Caput·
IO( l, the' Feld\\ehel~' \("1 ion Ix.·ing of \up(~rior l"'rnnnplmw Jurll cloth. Alound I ;tH, plain Kol9 t ill~"t .tpJX·ar(·d nt'ar tht· top of the KJobuk..... Ofti(('r, W()t(' .h(· (,erman inf..mu uniform (\tT PI,lIt.' (2) \\lIh Ilung-allan round-topped h( hi,mt't1 Ixx)l"t, mall\ om t'1"'l) preft'ITing tht· (,l\II1U1ldblt· \ dlow-
nlO\{" 100'ulld"
f(·gularil.. . tUOn began.
Ill(' Rt'gil1u".,L\ \\t,'n,' to field three halL-tliou
t'a,h. two of \ix compank .md one of
(un'l>.lnit·\ ht'il1g 210 ~tronR; ,I KI ('n.tdi('r (OI11IXln\ \\." .Ht.I( hl°cl to tilt' l'U'Rt."1 b
I he Il"l{utllion unir()I11l \\.l,til decreed for the \\'arasdin Regiments ill ()oobel 1i6 to .md in the follow inK J.:mu,11\ for thl' Karlstadt Reginlents. O\l'1 timt', .,11 the (;'t"117{'r 1I11iL~ \H'le to be unifulll1ed In the l'xi~ling Ilun~II.,n ~1,le. \\hi h ill luded the Kf>ckd with "'1m pier lace alreach worn b\ til(' \\',11 asdin I (·ginl('nl~. In 1764. the \\.tI.I,din tfOOp' \\(lore the (jl,t to recchc tht, plt·...,(.'d felt A:ajk,tt ht'.Idgeill. which "01\ \\t"athell)l()o( (unlih' Iht· PI(,\;Oll~ Klobuk). 1he K..l.\kt:u \\,l" e\..,e..~"'Mlh .1 10\\ KJobul mC.l\,urinK m (il1n(·.I~t.·d 10 I~l em in (773), but
.1lIH"mcut(,cl h\ .\
A rear view of the new 1785 uniform for the Gradlslul Reglrn4tnt.. The knapuc:k. slung KroSS tM body, I, now made from calf-akin, and the red cto.k
.. roI~ and atrapped aboy. It.. This view ahowa lust how Iltt~ the fa'. . front 0' tM Knlfe« protrudld above the crown.
fal~(' frolll
\\;th .\ bl as
hield. On the..' left 'Iclel. whieh (or the \\·~tl'b
trOll't'l f1~,p. I he hUlton, \\C.'I(' \\Iut(' 11lt.'1~11 f()l IIH' '\1 (~'()I~ R,t'J{iIlWIlI
.md \dhm for Iht" h.lt'lIl'. Iht, Ilul1~.:ln.l11 IJOU.....·I \\('It~ m.tclt· of f('d m~llt'ndl, \in(' Ihe p,t,\;OU\ \\hilt' 1J001't'l qUlcl.h lx'cdm(' ,1...\lu("(I. ~uul \\('fe cle(or.ued \\ilh ttce kllnl 10 Illotlt. h Ih(' huunll t nlnUJ, I h(' U()UIl\ COllllllll('d In \\t'.lr Iht" t lo•• l.. Ill("" \\t'ft" .lITlu'd \\ilh ,I I hIllR.ui.m 1>.1IH:nl thlt" .mel .1 I1HI,l.t~1 \\llh b..I\Clllet. lo(l. <0\('1 ,mel \\hUt' I(',uhel 11UJ{, Ilw 1).l\U1WI \\.1-\ t,lrnt'fl III .1 hl,lt l. It',uhcr (.1 ('IMclit'l \( ,Ibb.u d. \\ hit h I ':pl.t( ("'(I 111(' t'I.,I)()I,lIt'1\ ot"(ordlt"(l local abll,.lItt, h\C.'ru' lound, \\t'It' (,1111("'(1 111,111 ,UlI1I11miunl1 bo ,e fUl lht." I Jilt' lrc)OI:h. on" 9.:xm \\idt' \\hllt'lx,lt, TIl(' .( () e (h,lIlJ{('d Ih(' Inn~(:,,1 ( ...tPUII()(l. fnl ,I Rixl.d .• md ill 1ih 1 il \\.l' \(X'cifit'd th.u Iht· "d(h\t~tx,t. h-II" t'l .uul FUlIri('1 ,hnulcl U'(· lilt· di'linetiu' beuel-qu,llit\ Plilllolpl.1Il.1 Iud' I.Il.t'\\I\t·, lilt' Ft'I(h\t'bc:l ,mel Fflhlct \\()I(' ~"I..t'll' n( ht'lIt'l
Tlte need 'or economiet: prompted a MW regulatloft in
1165, initially tho K'M1...... ,...lmants. Thiti NCO 0' the OguKn ROdc~.
hn a
0' a Aeglmenc. W.,. to "'stead
... the copy the atyte al,.., ~ uMd by the Une and the Warudin regiments. The Ught dolman has been repltced by. simp" Kemltol wllltCOilt 'or NCOs. (IIA)
hdlf·""hh bOl(kr tn III h..l\kcll. Rt~Kimt'lll..\1 dnlllll1u· ..... \\('1('
unifunlwdm ~t '1\1t- c hn\o('l1 In t"tth Rt'Jtimt'llt ••lllhuuKh ~III \o('cm In h,l\(' ,l..tII\ pIUII(,'t'l) (.UII(·cI,tn ,L'(' \\uh il It'.uht"r fo\('r ~md \\UIt.' ,t le~lIht'l ,Ipl(m, hUI hold no unifonll di,ulu lion Offiu'f'\ \\or(' tll«()Illt' h.1l \\llh IMllm\ .,lInpt·d ,ih('r lOp edR'inl(, ~Uld ,t doth c.'p.llIlt'llt, un lht' ,hnulcl('r O\t.'r du.'il (0("11l1ol1l h...uni\C)1 thl·\ \\OIl' " lunK frOlJc (frtxl. coat) \\ilh.1 f.lun~~ololll fI,lI (011,\1. fUn dnd 1l~t\~lIoi'<'ll. 01(' unifolln bUlln", \\t'It' pl'tll1, of );01<1 ()I 'iht'l
thc bl,1( k !\Jobok "ilh ,t H'd
This nl7 Warudin--St QU,..
Infantryman Is Mown "' hh: HIHnmotthN, which InitJatty comprised • bf.Kk Roclf JKket with plain tumbKks•• KIt..." with the lac. d~tion ('wftlch w••• boIl hed In 1773), ~r-blue Hungarbln trou. .,.., .nd .tMtrt
.t,.lght-topped nch~ boota In the new .tyte. (Umheyl
him.' (,lllid. lilt' hlut: II1Inl{~,n.1Il IIOll~1"'\ '\('Ie.." de or..llt'cI ,\,tl1 \ellm.. knot'.•mel Ihc.~ \\01 t' I hi,nu'n h(Hn\ nlt" Cultd ()\('J('c1 the old IhIllKMI.U1 \",\1 I hdl. "hith ('"l111ed lht' Ihn' III the n \.. (,n'IMdier .tbh.ucl. I h('11 ~H'IMdl("l'\ \\()It" f('11 hJ.~ "ilh hra~ pl.He. and a hlu(' h•." t"d~('(1 III \.. hilt'. rill' ofli(('" "Ult' du~ ll1W unifunll ol tlw 11\('11. ('x«:pt th.u tht,\ I N.UlWd th(' mOl to t· pt'u t\t· fUT ~tlpJ.l. ~"Old, ch;«()I.uinll .met Kill hUIlOn\. It'Uh \H'I(~ (uiKil1.llh ••lIo("lIt,·d 101 ('\('n \('\{'IIIl1("Il. hut ill lihllh~' \H'I(' ('lIl.u'R(·d In I.Il.-C.' U'll \olclu.', . Lith l.ldt~{·m{·III\('hah CU.'ln KI0Up') \\ ••\ .lll(K.Heel.1 r,MJir\\r/(C)()J..POI ••mel ~'(ond man d A-(KIiKt\fh,n me ~ tin. The new Districts
The Banal of Temes\ r h.ld unl{lIldlh Ix'en orr-dnl/c'd
tour (_tpII..mle (e ..tpL-uncle ), \\hi(h l..ut~r ..,b\(ulx'd the 11)("1 (\\e tc.~nl) ..md \I.uo (n()nll(~rll) .Ut'..L'. Onh f('(o\eled from furlC'\ ill Iii ,Iht.' \\holt.' I>ro\lnn' h.,d b('(-'n cI('\ ..~ L.,u.'d b\ tht, It'U'llI \\ ..1I ••mel til(' \()Uth in p..lIlicul..l f nt't~cl{'cl U1l{t'IH 1('\{'uh.'mt'lIl. On tht, rnodt"l of tht, .Hlcit'nt Rom.Hl ((llollln. ..tftt'r lhe "K.~\t'n ",n ('ncl<"cl Il'lilt."d \olelier\ \\("f(' \t'm to J{'o,ettlt' In
I it) I Ilw\ lIluiJ.lh forlHed IcK ....1 «)Inp..ulIt'" \\ hlc h in I i6:J \\('f(~ eon"'olld.u(·d into tht· Dt.·ut\{ hb•.lIldler \n\lt'dlul1~'hh, «,e111lan ll..lIl ..tl \<'tllt~r \tililld). It~n \(;..U '" I..Ut'r lh \ art','
DeUI chh..Ul.l1I (h('
CTt'l1l1t-'J,timt'l1l ("0.12). For lilt., tkt' of t'COllom\ Ihe\ I t't.lll1t'd thell old (~'IIIl.l1l l.illt' UllifOl Ill', .., p,tttt'l n COllflllllt'd in
I illX, \\h('11 llw\ \\('1(' ..,!located d.lIl br()\\11 cufh hut 110 Olh('1 lacillJ.,~, Jnd \\hiu; IlU:ldl bUIIOI1', 1 ht., unifonn mcluctcd .1111(Omt" hat \\ilh.\ hlacl \\()()I IIbholl «Kl..tdt.'.•l "hilt' blillun and btl l I"""p. \ \\hiu' (r('l1n ..m Illllie. lilled in \\hite II1dtt.'I1_'1. h ..td ,hclI"t (.".tln t\le tdih. flilh. fl ..u (oll..u .md l\.l\ ..,r()i~'n I,'pt-I\, TIlt" \\hUt-' (,enndll "-lmi",1 h.ld ,hI' Icml;l'l ,1..;", ,1l'l'\M .lIld p()dl'~ . I hI' hl.ll I.. hm".dl.llr-lilkd I1I'CI..,lOcl.. h.ld d br;c, hu{Llt~. I ht, "hilt' trOll't'l did ..tdupt tht, I hlllK.l1 i.l1l kllots .md "lIcit, tripe in the facinJ.; coioul. (,t'llIMn hllcllt"d ,hex'\ \\{'It" \\onl ";th o\('r·LII<.·(' J.fo-\H(,r\, .\.0 tht'\ h ..,d no 1..\ \1 lr..tdilion lilt' \(~UI('1 did not \\{~..U tht' ft~d .t( l p..\C l \\ l.t 10 lx' tilt' nt'" (.llf-Ic.uht·r I i6i paut"nl, rt'placin~ tht.' prt,\,o,,\ pl..l ill lealht.·....md doth \('",ion.... The \(,ll>l>,1Icl hdt \\.1.' the' nt.'\\ \\hit(· 1c.'..Hhel i"lIe \\ilh " bl <.l"" hu( llt'eI ('('I1t1 ..tl dill, ~I ht., (',"tt'1I1 p ..lIl of tht" F.-onllt.'1 ,U(',\ h.,d .,1 nrlxd nl.lll\ '>elh (nr IIhrian) anel ROlllanian
\I ,111M h',lIl (01 \1.1< h) Ollh'KI"x Ch,i,u,,,,, ,,, "" ,Il<' I i:l'I 1"'",,' "f Bel~raclt"_ Tht' 1.. ",<1('\ ItHl...thOI1 (oll1wclm Ii 11 \\.t... fOlIn •• li/t.'ellll 1i:ll a.! lht" 8..lIlatt'l l .. lI1dmili/, of l.h()() nH.~n III 'i (omp.lIIit·. It·-.uJ.m);(·cI III 1;62 to (It',lIt' Ihl('(' comp.,nit (inc.'g-ul,tr l>illlcl... ) IOI.lUinK :U~()(). In 1iii I il h"eaml" lh" lU)'1i.ch-Banatisch Grenzregimenl, "d"pun!; 'he la\CUlI,lll uuifonn \'Ilh briJ.tht blll(~ (,It inWt .mel \\hilt· hUllUl1\ I\,() hl! .....'r (Omp.lllit· of H() IIwn (~ i'It'd blidh Utllil li6Q. In lii:l. llw IMIIle.' (h.lllJ{(·d In \",lll.\( h·1I1\1 i'C. h(', (.n.'IUI ('~IIll('1lI ( '0,1 :~). Ill(" ( ..lfJ)alhlolll \lnulll,ull forrru..' d.l h.Hllt'l .uuund 'h(' '4ll1lht'11l A
of iebenbllrgen (II ;tn" h .mi.,). l nclc.'1 dl1 (·u nile froln \'it'ruM thrnuRh .1 ~()\t·nl(>r. lht· "holt· PIO\lIlU' t· l'lt'd 111 d
dnd t"a'tenl
paramlht.U',,\ 'l.lIt', .1hhouJ,th Ihi\ rt.'mot(' .an".l Ie, "RllIh "'n!foll"d I" ,I", Ilol\.ri",~",lI.
Aa the 1717 army unlfonn. were IMIopted, the H.uImonhlt' w..
uI".11y • cheoapef' "' ICWk Th.. 1717 Ucu Aegt aokU w ••,.. the black ICMnIaoI and ne'tltt betta. but h h •• dg.. the nhalrolYube.... regutatlon white trou..,.. were cheap« than the HungM1an blue. but lncIuct.d the knot decoration in the 'acing coktur,
Of lurlie \locl, ,I,,· '>,,'cll"r 1''''''1'11' h,1l1 lx-('II mo\t'd ('.l t\\.trel, to A'U.H d tilt" "lI,lWKI( C..up,uhi.1Il 1''' \t" in th l:Jth (l'lItlin I h(,\ h~1Ct ah ()Ibt-d IlulIH.tli,tII cuhun', \\(·.lrillA' .1 dolman .mel pc.,(j \t- \\;Ih .a I hlll~ari.lll \\.li,t·I('n~th hlft, [\t'n \\ h('n not moullu-d lht'ir I...( hi'lnt.'1l boot rarr-it"d 'pm. In tontr<.lt, th(- \l.u h (\\ho \\(-1{' pOOl tro()p\), hMt .1 mort' B.lIl.m Jppc.'ar .11lt (', pi ('{t'n IIlK ICHlRt'l, \\ lett It"t'\ t~d ,hllt\, baR~ UOU\(-I .md \m.,11 ("'1)\, nlC li"l dt"ig-11 (01 unifOl 01' cI.Ut' hom I i62 .1I1e1 \\.l\ .a (Ol)\ of Ihe:- ~la\()Illo\n uniform, ('xu'pt th.lI Ih(" 1.,((, 011 lhe:- d.lI l blut., .J.at l(' \\.l' in the IlunJpli.lIl '1\ 1('
(".... 1'1",,·
11u- I l'J.;'imCnl\
111 1iii I
()Ilh (01I11.\lh l'\l,abli,hl'rl
""\1"111 11Ih «\il <'''''1,''0
and \1.lIo .\1.1I1\0' \tuh/ - ',n1.111 d"II1f1') .mel I~>th (ll ....'"mel ,lIId l'h,,,he'h '>luhl) ""I('
popul"1<'(\ h' til<' '>,,·,ll'·I; 'hI' lIi'h (lIum"eI,·, J\nnutnt - 'fOUIU\', FOK;'I\.l\<.'1 ~Iuhl), .md I ilh ("-010 'f .mel 80boL'('1 "-nIBil,lI, Ri\uit/l'1 .a"d Bell"!;O"". 'uhl,,) "1"11" \l,lCh.rI,,· 1ili2.!.., l,' ouh had 10 lx' .ldju led to ill( ludl' lhl" \11\,,11 lUI 111>.;'1( l fNJuilt"d 10 (r('.u(- till' lib) Rocld. hut thl' lin if 01111 for Ih(' '\\"lIdeh and olh('r (,It'I1/ 'Oldiel locau'clilwi c" \\.l onh 1 eHlIl~tll'd ill I ih4i Tn)()I" \\en' I"u(~d b\ lhl' dlllh()liUt \\lth.l Illll lei .mel "mmUllIuon .l u"qllired, hut til(' It".llh('n\orl.. \\.l ollh 10 be" i ,ut'
I h,' S,,·, 1I,', \\cr<' ,h llIlRUi I",d b, bORh, rcd f,lcinA fOf Iht" ht RCWlIlt'lit ,md ulphur \c""lIo\\ 1.I(IIlR .lIld 1"w'R lor II", 2ud. Thc \I •• II.l(h Rt'j{imt'nh \\01(' light ~H"\ I_,elt.·b, di'lillK'-lI~h('d Il\ ~1C."(·n (.tt.inK .Hut 1.I(iIiK fm lh~ 1\1 Rt'Wnwlll .mel hriJ;:lu Il"d fm Ill(' 2nd. Th feld\\(·bt"l • •.and fllhlt", \\on' ht'Ut.'1 (llMllt' uniform" .md IIlU"lI< i.m 'Met lht· ;>'\,lllm,' n('\, ,huul
1.\( Ill}.;.
d(.·( n~(--d in
17f . TIl(' bl." K IlIldlic.11 I h.,Kohauhc \\.1' I ' -H: III IH~h (2.tx-m ",hont'l ,h.m a hll~lr ",h,d.,n). TIl(" ldc.'pl.ul! "c.~le '0 h,m~ \0 lha, du" lnout"C1 ptllt t'neled in IlIw with ,he' houOIn of lh (~ar", hu' ,Il ,h(' l)Old., th(' h.aif \,,1.\ "Onl lIl.l lon~ h.IfJJhound \,;,11 h1.1( l l11...tt·ri,11. nw j.l It't \\,L! m"lde of \t'1"'\ eLul hum,. lo( ,II maten,,1, UII in Ihe (.c..'mlan 1\ Ie ,mel \'Onl buttoned lip. II \'.l'" 11m lined, .md ".~ \t·tult'(l "ith pl..lll1, fI,ll \('lIm\ hultun\. The le,ulu'r 11("( k",'ot l ",l'" '\('ClIll--<1 \,;,11 " hI a..'' ' bulton, ,mel had a "llItl' IitH.'n \trip Oil Ihl' top ('dJ.;t·, nlt' Lt'ibel \\.U\tHMt 11",<1(" of I()(,II m,H('li"lm .Ull\\ ",,\1<-.
eo.t wa. atweya an ob8tadt1 to introducing new uniforms. and
."WI the orficJal army Schemeth acknow1adgld thla ....,Ity In 1770. Ihowlng QreN.eR ~ . . thl. Szluin Regt Infantryman atlll in the earty 17808 uniform. The new unHorm Net off1ca.ttr abofIsMd the red elNk. but this thkk. ~t.k::.eI Item remefned in use,
"uh ,null \(·II()\\ bunoll and linen IlIlm~. 1 he U()U~',"" "l'l(' lilc.',,;\(' of "hi\(~ m.ll(,n,ll. cut in the Ilull~dn,m Ie; lht· 10\\("1 \('nl' \\('I(~ \('flltCel \\llh hool", ,1Il' "ere allocated the Roqudm III dl(> tL\ual • lit ,1I1el J)('ppt'r' t\'111; hut man\ " n." a /Ar ,in,.;-lt'·bu.'.l'lt"(l J,ru',u oal m.t(lt~ of hl,ulloc.d m.llt>naJ III t.lw lI1le t,le.
1769: INTO THE LINE In I i6~_, ,1\ I)'U t of lilt" 't.lnd,ll dll.allon of lht· .11 111\, tht"' (,reru ReKilllt'nl1 \\('rc.' .Idclt'cI to Ilw (.inc.', t,lllll";- the nUlllbel IR.- 60-i6. The\ \H.'n' OlK<mi/t'dlile I hlURari,m dhhou~h rt"l.linin$; the.' lhlee ball"liou , , h("\ \\t'n' In( 1t'41"'ln$;h e'pt'( tt'd to IX' I form both (.int' .mel light t,Hk.\ for tilt' fit'lel .U 111\; tht' iii I 1\\0 b,Ut,IIi()II'~ of {'a( h I c.'~irnelH \\ould KO (() \\.ll, \\hilt, tht, third h.ltl.lliol1 fOlI1Wel lilt' I(·\(.'r\t', ,lIlel .lll additiollal L.mclt Dt'f('lhIOn\ OI\i'lUn o( t\,O (omp,mlt' \\.1\ formed for loc.lI ddenct'. Ilwil 'l.Ulcltrcl Ullifol1ll \\.\' 1,\ut'(l to lh(" (,It'nl('1"\ (10m lib9 - .\ (,('lll1.m l-t'ldmc)Ilt\ll «()mpli"'IIl~.1 \\ hlle \il1g-lt'-bl e~ t("Ct Roc l \\ith f,1CIIlK ('olour" on tilt' f1J' ('ollal, tUlllh,t( l., ,111<1 round (Un. tORt,tht'1 \\ith ,\ L(~il>c.·1. 11l(' ""-t! It"u Ix'(,u1lt' Iht· Ofliti.ll h(~.l
lilt' K1obulr.. 01 l"l(h•• lnh~llIht· "ith ,. \t~110\\ to It·\t',lltlH.> b1.I.\( l mt.',l",uliIlH 12un \\ide..· 2101\ hi~h ~H lilt' h,_1< l ",lnplUH to 1~k IJI althe front, \\hl h "~L\ f~Im("d Oil Ih('I<.'fl hip tl\ .1.),,:xln ",llrl~. 111.1 pCK It.'1 011 Iht· h 0111 p.lI1t'1ll1t.>~l,uriI1K ~h ...·)( III I U:H. Ill, t."\t'l"\ \('(uncl I1MII t Mnt."(1 ~\ /LltJllu~ «.unp ~L"t·). 1"0 ",horl ",U~Ip'" \t·c lItt"(1 Ilw dn•• l Oil IUp, ~l' J.llt.·mp~ LO impt)\(' the R,oqudOl h~Id lx'('11 ,lb~",elolI('d, \11 IIw hc'll' .mel lrall\ \\t"l(" Ill~,clt· of "hll('I('~Idl('r,,;,h lI1("lo.II hue. lJ( ."1 theN> l(~illlt'lIl\ "hiclt IMd nut •• 11 ('.I d L.A.'ibt>1 ~lI1d "hitt.· lrOU!K>"_ lilt' t h,Ul~t' \\(01(' olcl('I('cI to bt- introduced ~r.l(llI~.lh, J.llcmins.; tilt' \\J.ll~\t h rt.'J,timt.·nh tilne to e dMIlJ.;e th('lr KH'\ j .•( IN\ for hl.lcl. In 177'2 (I i7. Iur SIt"h(·nbllrKe..'n), Ihe bl.t k J,t( It't \\,~ I(.. pl~'H'd b\ ~I brO\\l' j.l( It,t fUI tlw I tUl",nuHUUI. TIlt" I 7tl9 re~lll~uion IMci \l..ltt'd Ih.lI ,.11 till' I t·~illl(.'nh \\()lIld II Icrappnli (molCldef-n'd) f~'till),T\. but III 1)c.>u·mh(·1 .1 nt.·\\ f.u.lIl~ tOIUlIr ioC:helUt' \\.t", dt.'(Ieed ~l' follO\\ . rontinu{"C1
lanng ttl/mit
JYgrmn'l (:r()~Ui,lll
(.enel,ll (.oIllI1Mnd -
1\..t11~I ..Idl
I)I\U i( I:
IR60 I ;".1 IR61 0111)(.,( IR6201\'1lhn
\lokI \lokI 01.1111\'"
" hll('
IRt-i3 ",Iuin
" hilt·
Croatian (,<,'nt.'I.ll (:ol1ll1Ml1d IRhl \\-,uo:\\Clin-h,H'lll
IRf,;; \I.lI.,,,,hn-SI
\ <"I Im\
\\,u.I-,c:11I1 I)i",ulo: CI al)ol ('cl C1 •• l.. Il·d
I,IHmi,l Di lrit t
IR61i Gr."h,Ll IR6i RT()(\
1!:rn tl,lm (p•• lt, d, /1/1
\dlem "hite..'
\ ('lIm\
IRlf.l I I R.1I1.,1 (RiO 2nd 1\'111.,1
cannllU'··1 t.'cI (annin("'1 e..°d
\dlm\ \\ hiu'
B..mat 01 triet: IR i I DellI h-R.ln.1t
d,u l hrO\\11
IRi2111ni h-B.tIlal
" hilt'
rO"te'-1 (oct rO\("-1 t.°cl
\dlm\ \\ hll('
popl~'I1{1 t.·t'l'
popl.II~1 ('t'n
\\ hilt.·
Di In I:
It"henburKen DI\uifl:
IRH hI S/ee~ler IRil2nd le(~kr IRn I I \1 ••II..h IRi6 2nd Il'allaeh
• •
• • •• • • •
The ImpeNl authoritiee remained hopeful of
.tand.rdldng a German Infantry uniform, Inc:tud ng round cuffe.
In tM 17708. Th.. officer of tM W.,.atd n-$I oeo.,. A."t (le1lJ hn .....
aero•• tM
feclng-eofour walatcNt. but Ihould be w. .rtng the h6gh aa;n\8n boot. uHd by Une otflc,.,.., (Umhey)
Illl' in,u uc.lion I ...· quil inK \\hllC.' 1101"('" 'l't'll" W h,l\(' heen l.lIKC.'h IR"IlOf(.'d ,\\ Impl.U'lIf•• 1. \() III 17 I .\ 11C.',\ Ilou\('r '\(ht'l1u.' ,,,.e olCloplc.'cI: the ~,II'I.,dl .m III pt.'.ut'timt.·' (\t't" uuckl Pl.ut.' ~:\), I ht' ( ..lmp..,iKu ""I ..tti . h'\fJ>\h(x)l('1 . ",hn \\t°l(' .ul11('d ",nh the (..lmou~ Ooppel tUll doubl h.:urdl(·d \H"'IX)!". \\ith OIl(" liUt'd abo\(" ont' \mooth-bore b..un'l, Onh ~,~)()() \\t."rt.' t"\('1 nuclt." .\I1cl lCm ..ud, tilt" ('nel of Iht' period th \ \\crt.It'pl.ut'c1 \\ith IIUt' ,mel (,Ublll(' . hom Iht'" ,t..u t, Iht, 'dile.· )Idie", .tdoplt'd Ih(' full I hm){'.ulJn 1\lt' \\ith tht' B.i1t.Antdllen dnd Idee.' on the
pointed (ufh, to~ethet \\ith ~l M\L.t:U, ~h,IIP h()()tt.~1 (indllcllllJ{ lIu.~ 'C(h) (,Iflied thl·il I)0PIX·!\lllll \H,-,tpOn ,tt "dc)\\II\\.ucI \I,lIlt on thl'lI riJo;hl ,de,lIu.' bdnd\ ploulidinJ,t hom it\ Ix·t1,11 hl,t(L. b~IK, \\hllh ~tl ) carriNt JmmUllitioll, tool\ ,lIul ,'Ul ~()Iit,\ nu.· b... tL..t.lion \\(.~n.' t"quippc.'cI \\ith Ipcll J.,.Tl.m, ,mel I,Ut'l, hJ,tht \t'l IOn of tht, Ljlu-' :lpdr battalion guns, \0 tht'" h,t<1 10 pl()\;dl' tlwil o\\n Jrulle" cr("\\ , tot..., UIIlK J I:~ men pt'l U'KII1lt'nt, I Ill' artilkn 111(.'11 \\t·ll' di tinKlIi,hed in the 1m(' \\J\ .L\ lIu.' ~h,lIv,hn()lt.'1 , \\Hh lilt.' Jddiunn u( th(' hra.\, fUll/nit""""" w (m.uth f.l\(.') on tht, (IO\. h('h ~\.\ .1 h•• dKl~ of lllt'il \I.ttll . 1 ht·\ ,tl\l) (."Iied ,1 pi\wl in ,. hrm\1t h.·..lIht·1 hol\lt.'I. 1I pt"nd('rl on d I.:"KIII \\ide: \\hilt: Ie.Uht'l (IC),\ hdl. Ihc.· Ix·ci•• li t Kunnt'l"" equlpme:11I \\~\.\ C.lIl ied 011 tlu.' riKlu hll). I h(' .lllthorilit, t.' pt'c l('d ,In i\\lIt'd 1I11ifUl III to 1,1'1 for 'I \t',,,, ,mel plo\idt'd 1(·pl~tCl.'mC'lIh (01 ollh ol1t.... thilc1 of ,I lInilt'\t" 1\\0 \(',ll . ~I hi, onh ~ '3 t'lh~tle-d Ih(' tick of uniforlUu\ \\uhin ('\('n J (OIl1IMIl\, ," 1\ appalt'nt hom a nOt(' b\ 11.1lIptmal1l1 I im l'nt lui of til(' ~/llIil1 Kt'KIIHl'nl dated I Ooobe, I i6 i· 'f i t LK'plo\1l1t'11L Ollt....lhll d c)f lht"' cClmp.un III tilt' Clld un Ifc)l1l1, \\ h Il h \hi.' pi 0\lded I" Ihe .tllthoriu( 111 176.'): (til L. him' (.lII1J..l(' Ud( Ll') \\llh I t'(l fadnh'" f(~t doll1ldll ~\Ild uou I • h...\.,L.t·u \\ilhcult h.td~t" 1m (,llrtd. ''x-cond Oeplc)\mt'llI: 011 llurd III lh(' 11(*\\ 1Il1lfonn. \\hl h \\.l! plu\lded I" th ..ll1lhoriuc: in 17tlh: d:uL. hlul' Jlun ..ali.tII R(J(L. \\ilh r('(1 I.lcin , hl1lllJ( and buucm 1(0»'; \\hitl." (o('l1n~U1 I\..lmi.\()1, blut" IluIlR.ui.:1Il trou~ I \\;lh red denll.uion, h...l.\L.c.'u \\ilh h•• d~t·. ",hu' \\.u\1 hdl 10 replau' th.. C.lInd.
Th" contemporary lIIultnttion by Kuhnet In 1711 Ihowa • group of ONnzer a"",nd • tiN, probably on outpoet duty. TMy .....pparentty ....ring the Hausmontur wtth KIobuIr and Jkhlsmen. Tho.. wtth u"'" .... carrying okt.r ~em. wtth ......rd. (not uNCI on the officilll 1715 penem). Howel-.r, they do .. em to tMve eomethlng ,... mbltng the ....ulatJon k.nap. .clt, worn on the hlp flOin e wfde c.ro. .bltL (HNM)
This illustration from the
Cronac:. Rovattl,
Mod.,.., Iqly, shows •
Sharpshooter Doppe/.tutz
with h •
In 17M. wearing
. , approaJfNltion or the otrlctal 1783 uniform, His ii1an tunlc is undone below the third button - a ~spread aign 0' NCO rank aero.. the arm)' - to Ihow hi, white le/bel waistCOllt. HI, Klobulr Is decorated with the 2,km ring In button colour uMd to d ,tlngulsh NCO. In the
hus. .,.. and arenz.e,.., (UmMy)
'I hllcl I)t'plu\l1uol1l: ()Ilt~·thllcl in the 1I~U1~m()lHUI. \\hich the\ 1" ()\ ide f 10m tht'ir 0\\ 11 I t'\()Ur(('~, ..•mel the\ \\;11 lx' rt'-ulllfomu'd b\ Ihe .lUt hOI i Iit" i II I 7H9: \\ h i1(" J~lC.l..t 1\ It' Ro<. l.. \\ i Ih ~ing-Ie 10\\ of bUllon S ~U1d d~lrt.. blut, f.lflll~, \\hllt' (,('rnMI1 h...,mi\()l, \\hile long II'Oll~('~, Klohul.., ""bit., \\~Ii.,t Ix·lt, , II' I 7691ht' (.It·llJill\lx'l..IUI, "~II n.lIon Si~l..o\;c~, nOle(1 thallhel(' \\~ • 110 (OI1~I.,«.'lln 111 tht, \\t'.l»onn 1101 Icalll('n\()rt... ~tI1d Ihat Ihe legimelltJ \hollld,u It'.1.'t lx' ('(llIippt'd \\;Ih tht'lx''l1 of \\hal"~ Ilot It"quired b\ the mht'l Lint' I (,,,,rllllt'litJ. In 179 the (,1 ('n/('I \\t'rt' rt'lUo\t'd flom the ljllt' ~md I"('dt'~ignau:d :\~'ti()l1.ll (,I('nl Rt'Killlt·III.,. "hhou~h tht, onh dhlngt' 111 lInifollll \\<.1.' th(.j,ICl..('t, "hith .ldOph:d tilt, nt'\\ 179 c1t·"Iign. fhow mt'll \\('~,rinK Klobll~ lel.lIned them, ~lIId I1MII\ "Itill h.ld
I).mclur ('oIllIMnie\ C'lrried TlIIl..l~h"'l\I ~ hOi t'I~,il "dllctud~; mO\llMd flaK' di,pl.:ninK the .1I111\ of Ill(' to\\I1\ "hidl financed thenl, Itx.tl lO\\ n~ \\ ho't' Ilungal i~11l I n~UI rt'( 1I0n\ (feuct.,1 Icvi('\) Iht'\ .1ufr{IHented. 01 the Emperor eh.lrlt.·., \"1 \t,ulCl~" d, "hid, tompri~l"d ..\ [)oppe-Iadlel (Impt'li.,1 t'.Ifr{lt') in gold 011 a red 01 gll't.'n backfr{r(ml1d. ~ lht., CICIl/t"1 Rt'gimell~ W('le fonned tht,\ .ttIO(lled lhe \('110\\ 1715 p.tttern ,,;th lhe
hl.1(1. I)"JlI>dddk.
r\'lug ,he Illlpendl ,h.eld .md t.·dgt'd in hl.tet.. r('d \('lIm\ \\hile: n.\mc~, \\ hit h 111t'~l'UI t.'d I. III x I. I melt e~. fhe ')(.'nior (ol11pal1\ (dl.-it'd ~l \\hite Ixibfahne dio;;pla\;ng tht., \f.,dolln" and (,hi i.,t Oil lhe ObH'1 " Flom 17...)("), t-.."h b<:tlt~,lion c.urit'd lWO \ello\\ OldilMrf"luu'n, t',n'pt Ihe fil t bJ.lWJiOIl, \\hich (anied .1 \\ hitt., L(.'ibfahne .mel olle Ordill,uh,hm.'. \\1)('11 lhe Sidx'nburg('n I ('gimenlS \\el (' fOITnt'cI in 1762 lht.'11 n.lR' .ll~() e..,rried the pro\iutiaJ anll.~ in til(' Im\{'r (onwr of lhe fh, ,\hilt" lhe am,.1 h~,d lhe CIC).lli~m ~1I11' in cadl lo\\(:'r conlcr, Thc p"llenti \\("1 t' 'lIl)\{'quenlh "Ilt'l ed under the 1769 and 17HO 1 t.'gul~'ti()n,; but hri\ (~n tht' role of lhese II oop , It is lInlil..('h llMt ~Ul\ \\('1 (" anied in the flcld.
River boatmen nl(' (('IHr..,1 Flonlier ran ~,lollg the great ~\\t.' and D.lIIutx· I iH'r\: \() in 1761 .1 'ipeciali t hrhmlfntn, 01 Ii\el hoatmt'U hau.•.lIion of lhree compani('~ \\~" [01 !1led 011 filel (nm thern 'rbia, \\here those ri\{'~ lIleel) , al>\olbing lhe former Thei~ Mea. frtmt,,,uM II /"" JJJ
SLAVIC IRREGULARS, 17400 1: p~. Kart tadt C,,..tcy 2: MIljor of Pandun
'" Sort>
'"-G""" •
SlAIIONIAN I FANTRY. 17400 1: GrenadIer. Trenck" Freikorps 2: Infantryman. Trenek" F,.korps 3: EnMgn. 51.von,.n Infantry
THE FIRST REGULATED UNIFORMS 1: Infantryman, Banal Generaley. 1748 2; Infantryman, Ogulln Reg\. Karlstadt a.n.rak:y, '757
3; Infantryman, Pet.,-w rdein Regt. $lavonia o.strict••arty 17501
2 3
THE LATER SEVEN YEARS' WAR. C.1760-63 1; Infantryman, Sz.1u.n Re;t, Kartst8dt O.".,eky
omc.r, W.,...on-.KNuz: R.",...,t
K~ of •
S.lbenbufgln revirnent 2
tntWlt'" R~t 70 (2. o..n.t), c.1170 2: Infan~. IRn (1. Sleek"", 17eo. 3, Art>llooymon. IR 87 _ . 17700
VARIATIONS ON THE 1769 U IFORM 1: W."ch infantt)'rMn of. 51 I glnburg,en reg.mant, 1718 2: Infantryman. Oeutsch-Ban8t Veteran Company, 1781 3: Sharpshooter. 1Re3 (51:......,). 1'1'7Oe
FRONTIER HUSSARS 1: NCO. K _ ~ ~ 17_ 2: GteN. Husar tI'ODoI*. 17.
'" 0fIlc:«. Szoe_ Hvo- R49t.
SPECIALIST UNITS 1: Trooper, Wall.eh Dragoon Regt. c.17ee 2: Har.mb..... s.re...ner lCoutS, 17eos 3: Tachaik"ten river boatman. 17801
3 2
It \\~~ c:xpitl101.11" t\\'() FoUl i{'N hl"H/f'l1 {jlll1iOl (It~, l ... ), {'is;ht (,ell ('lit' ,Incl an ('qll~11 Illlmbt'r 01 I itul.lilt' (.dll'llt' (clt'pUl\ (OIPOl~lh). t\\O limm('tleule ..met four h~lHd,m{'I1, ph.... 2:m nwn. The"e comp..l nie, palloll('d Ih,' I i\ ('I~ in li${hlh·.llm{'d "h.lIIO\\ draughl \t,.' ~b lnown ~"hd,~,il.t flurll,h: kmkll - ·IO\\lI1J.;: bu.u·) pa\\l'led b\ 'klil, ,mel ';I\\t..'t·P\. I hl·'t· r..U1Rt.·d in ,ill' hom Ihl' 21m (.~Ull I hail•• to lhe ,mall 10m II.llb- I\( h... l,l; up 10 :x) h(Ml"l \\fHllci Ix' In \\.lnime ~r\;(('...,Ithough t'.lch COmIMU\ m,lIl11{'d JlI"'l 1111 ('t' \t'\~'Il; III PC:(lCl'limc. £.J.(h \\iL' n)mm~mdl'd In ~U1 offi(('1 \\Ilh ~U1 , ( () hc,·lm,m.J.II, " dnllnmel. lwO bC)\\"Imt'n "nelup to ~tl (),tf"lmt'n. I Itt'\ \\ {'I t' ,lI meel with up 10 ,i liJ.;:hl lii\\i\t'!-moull1ed Run.., fo")ln 17 2 Iht' r haili\leu .luh'lllt'nied thc P0I11ollit.·r\ ,md ht'lpt'd \\ilh Ii'll' Ilionlt'l l ..tlllhrfl(J..('u (,mall bridgc,'\) in \\~II Limt'. nlt' troup' haelto liiupph th('II' 0\\11 "Ihl e.'\ J.ud 1110\1 of Ihe.'11 lit. 111t'il iruti,II unitorm \\.l'.l COp\ of Ih.lt of Ihl' Pelt'f\\,lIdt.'1lI (.I(·IIIt'1 (Mo t'l''I.uc' 113). I I'll' bl~l(l or (t,,~ blo"n (.unj~'( \\." (ul in CC,'IU"''' iutllHl,", f, \\{'It' carlic,'d on \\hit"-' lc:,uht'l 'U-':Ip'. n1(' liiimiial I tm,montur ",Ll; oft"" "OIn in ""rtll11(·. I hi, compl i\t.'d J. I\..lohu1.., blacl (,unJ.1e m~Iclt, (10m local nMI('11ot1 .Ind ",( eel I('cl, blu(' dolnMn, hluc,' 1I0U"A'1 , rt'd \\.Ii'l ",,,h, It',lIht'l Op.lIllt>n ,hot', and "frJh,," (O\CI hot·, to PIOI"-'(l ~'g-"i",t \\,Ut'l d.lI1MKt·). I ht' ,HllhOliLi(~, pro,idcd the dUB t IlW\lel, 1'.'~lthe.'1 Ix.'lL"l ,mel <1111111\: ,mel hom 17 :l lh('\ pro"icl('cI 11l1' \\holt, unifOl In e,a'pl 101 Ul'ldef\H?iU and hot',. Th(' limmt'I1{'Hl(~ \\c,·rt· al'lO ght'n thlel' foragt· COlI' (nl.lcle.· hom old unifol111'), the long .'X{' wnh .. ('O\t'r, ,mel ,I It'.ulwr ,'pl'on, 1"0 eniliure t;.OlllC unifOl mit, the J.uthOl iIi,"
lIpplied abolll 100 each of
Mod.. of • HalO. ,,",../b rtv.~t now
In the
Army MUNum, VIenna. A amIIll 10m long '1ft. . . powered by 1 e Nramen .nd Nil., It w•• . ~ with two 3pdr gUM. The ler,... t O.-nz·1Ic,..,b we... 24m tong with 30 NBmen and 11 addltlonal crew, aiii ..d with Ill... wive' gun•• The .heUow dra\t9ht wa•••.."t1.1 on the broad Balkan rivers whk:h marked the central Frontier,
",1>".,. Ill'"'''' loc'
co\ers and (ill lridge OOxe3 hom old ,tod,,_,. foOl w.utinw 'it'niet', the b.,udlion \\~ i~sllcd \\;lh c()()l..in~ poL~. The \768 7l1"hlllkll/mgrtl h,.• 1 5 I Lbth bra~ mOll nl,,~l {"ill hi n(', \\,I~ J. ,hOt 1('1 '('I ion of lilt, 17fJ7 muSlCI and \\.\.l; inllodll cd bet"eCll I if>!! ,md 1iiO. rllt" fJ.rtridgt· bo (~ \\(.'rc' of the l;lllall('r infantl'"\ :'\CO'l;
p..Utt"lll, I he.' Iit". Porl/m",., IIIUI /\f/uuknJm ,d)Ie.', \\hich \he carried ill .\ hl,td•. It',uht'l (.HollolClu'l ".thh.1Icl hom dlt., \\hltc.' \\ou,1 bell. had a Wkm lOIl~ e.uf\t:d hlolth' lun \\idt·; .tlol1R Jtion of Il' re.tr e\L.UlU.II, "ith a (onu'r tfl'nw-hen('r cm th gt4\nl. 11,(, Itmm('t1('Ult' onh clint·u..od In t.trnl"s.;.t mAli hand .LX(" "1th .t C..II1\.~ «)\('(-
TN Grenzer artIiUe,.,men lntrod~ 5n 171. to man the Ught battalion gune onty differed from tM Infantry by their CroN befl mIItche... and epec""a'" cuff lacing. Thle 17" lIIuatratlon ahows the gunner In the 1713 Hungan.n·atyte uniform, In his rtght hand he carrin a Iinstock ~unt.n.tocIr Of Ucht.,,: hla 1774 Nbre fa a copy of the 171. Infantry weapon but with
a Ma'*"er hUt.
\., \\t·1I .l
tht' II.tlt'I\tocl... -(,0 ,tdOpled Ihe POluonier ih e.·1 ('elKillR to tht, "'-l,I..t·lI .•mel FdchH·bt.'I, h..td unifm m, or Prim.tpl.lIla m,Il'"",I; h.orpm"I, h,ocl h,11l ;1"'I,·ell(illl(. \11 'CO, h"eI leather 1(1'''e "10m lht' o("4\lIon of the.· b.IU.1liol1, of1i el \\c)I('.t pl.lin liJ.;ln blu(' unifc)l m \\111. rt.,cI cufh .mel \t'llo\\ buuon" bUI .tdopted lI"'t of the POl1lUllit.,J', .tdetin~ It>d n,t\."ol\e.'n ("ide.' I.tpd,), \\.li\1 O.ll £lnd (011,11, \\IHle tilt' hl1l1on (h,lUge.'d to "ht.'1 .mel Iht~ UOU\('I Ix'Clmt· d.uk('r blu('- "ollm\lnK tht' .1I 111\ ,('fur m', Ihe.~ 1771 H",;lIl,ttion I{"quircd .1 hat of bI.I(I.. It'lt \\llh ,iht'l t'd);inR, Iht' lI\lMI bl.lck (o(lo..tdt., .md 11ol1rO\\ iher \{'clIIlI1R \U.lp. 111(' IrKlu hhlt' j.,(I..t'l \\ilh cufl, oll,1t and IininK of H'd tllolu'I1,tl ".l\ (til In (~'f1n.tIl '1\1t." Jnd \\~ \\oru \\llh .t hl.\(I.. nt'(l.\UKI.. \\ilh hl.\ lot hut ll(' 11u- "'-uni...ul (ur in \('ni<.t.', •.IclU••lh OJ, Leibel) ".t, hri~ht It'd \\ith \\hilt" hUllon,. Tlu-il KH.·. .U(Odl \\.t: .tl\() in IiKht blut': the.· Ilull~,'1 i.tIl II OU!K·..... \\tol t' d('( UI.llt~d \\11h 'Iher Io.nOl\, ollthouRh in \t'ni( (~ .t (.c.'111lotn '1\lc \\.1.\ \\url1 \\llh Iht, IOIlK bO(ll\. Their "'tblt: \\Clc." br.l mOlll1tt'd \\11h ..1 Kold pOllqx'(', .1 "hlle leather '\\orel belt "';lh Rill buc 1..1('••lI1d .t /Adlmu/, \\.11\1 ,\h (t"xcepl for tht" JX'riod 1790-9 \\ hen Ihi' \\ol' not In .1l1m U\(') In 17iO ,I n('\\ ~1\I..t'tt \\.t i ~ut.'el, \\ilh .t hiJ;he.·r 210n flCmt to .tUOI11I1lCKI.Ut' .t br.", Doppd.lcllel \\ith (10 M'd ,mcho~ .1nd (unlll 1773) \(,ll1op(:d \\hitt' t.'dglllK \1 tht' ball.tlion\ 1('quC\I. in 177~ Iht> IIMI('I i.11 \\,l\ (h.II1R(·cl flOl11 (.UI1).t( 10 tll.tlu\(,d h\ Ihe roniolliei ,\\ hit h \\,1\ mUle (hll,thl(~ fm hCMI \\U11o.0 I he lallt'I', unifoll1l \\ib .tdoptt:d. (Ompri'lllR.1 ~l,lt'II,.t IiJ.;hl hlll(' I htnlr--lIi..m IIlf.mln Rofal material \('(UI ('d b, corcL\ and \\ith rlilDI ()Ide.'n'd dl m\, a hl.t( 10. 11('( I..Moe l, \\ hilt.' IlullKari,ln trOllSt~N, \\ith lint'n o\{'rall, ,lnd ,t (I\ih,m 0\('1 ('(>.II. The Ser••• aner
\he.td\ t' 1 linK 111 1i~.' .~ .1 milildn pnli e unil in the Lj("(d, the Sert" \dnt'r (from L,uin 'lira/nil, 'tt'nt d"dle"') \\("1(' pro\ldc;d b\ mor .t.fllu('·1lI f.1I11ilit. ...\ftt·r.t hort mi \Ion to \lol1t('nt.·Rro lInd('r YliU \0\;< h and di uiblllt"d in I i , 11.("\ \\t'I(' t· p..mdt"<1 \\ith Bo,ui.1n rdllRt'
This 1 aoo lIIultreUon by BltokeQ ~ . the family o' • Ucca AI. The f.thefo (tef't) wea,.. • red cap ~ Op,nken tfrlCUlaa. wtth • plain red ... ~ .... Gurtlltc over his whft. dothlng. •
Dim""" 1802-..03 lur.,,, notH that this styte was wom ~ .... throughovt the -.atem Frontiler, atthough the wider ....v .. • um to ~..... IIoMf.an origin, also .un on the W\wmMr
Freikorpa. 1710, Illultrltfon, (Me MAA 2M) show the blue fiekl uniform w th bleck or brown tn.r boots. The s. net"St Of'1gJnIIlly Bosnian refuge •• hom the TUrttfsh w.... do not .um to have •• rved outsleN' the Batk.anL (HNM)
JmonK lht~ K.,rl~t~,dl .mel B~"htl Rt'gil11t'l\l\ in ~()(klJong Ullib. It'd h\ their ~C (known b\ Ihe old Il~lll.:lI1 litlt.· of 11.".lInh.~\) .md undt'l ahe elir('cuon of (·..tell Rt'Wlllenl'~ comnldnel, Tht'StoIe anel"" diel nol \\t·~tr~, uniform hUI IN..tint'eI lr..tditiolhtllo(.l1 C()\IUme••tlthou~h Ihe ci\ili.Ul \\hitt, \\.l.\ t' (h.m~t,cl for a mOH,' pr.tCu{.II mid-blue. nu' I()()\(' hirt \\t~lt" \\orn 0IX'n unde..'1 the..' Abb.:,·\t.llllt'l. In ponr '\l'a.'her 'hC\ al ) \\01(' blue or re..~eI (.un"u . the 'CO \(' Ion heinJ,t det"oratecl wilh ,ih('1 1111St' dnd bllllnn\ In \Ul11ll1t'rLllUe..· IhM \\OI (' the traeliuon.l1 mall red \hau(', \\hl' (di'b.lIldt"d in 18(1).
FRONTIER CAVALRY \lLh()lI~h Iht.' Illotll1 It.'qllll('I1WTU Oil
tilt.' h()lcll~1 \\.l' fm mf,mln. Lh(~ Illthrul." mounl('d unlb \\('1(' dt.'"iJ.,rll,ucci hu 11 m til(' 1."(' 1i 1( _ ~I\c'.' hu~ ~u (Ol11p.UlIC, t .. l< h of I()() l11('n \\('Il' ,Idd('d to Ihe J\..u I'Lldt n"Wm('n~ in 17 n. t' p.mcl(.'d ((I (,oi "-111 mille.' foll()\\'I1~ \t',U TIll' I1lUIIllU.'d l(1{inwm\ ,1.<.111 \\.l: 1Il.,d(' up of ,m Ohn"ltlt.'lIll1,UlI • .111 Obri'(\\,I(hIIlU'i... t('1 (m,ljofl,.1 QU.lI 1c.'I111('"I(.'I,.lIl \elJuLml,.l P.tult,. (lC.~llll' dnlln 1II('r),.I 1,llhfeld\\('lx'l ('lo(·nim \(.', T(,.lIll-m.ljUl). Ihl('(' l nlt.'1 f('lcL"ttlll'r (,u!ltCUlt,), four ~.Ihll(·n· uLJ('r ( Icldl('1 ) ,md lou I ~.lhnt·l1\(hllll("(lt, ( mult ). 1 It It CUI1lp..Ul\ (It,IIf~IIMellon) \"l' It'd 1)\ .l RlIlIIl('I'It'1 (C,tpLlin). ,J Lt'UUMIlI .md .l (.o111l'l. \\1Ih d \\.l( hUII('I'h:1 {<,,,.lIn fd(h\(')x'il. d fnUl (~I (,\«(UunL.ml) • •1 I rOmp('lt'l .mel fuur NUVUI.ll,rill' \\.lI,l lin 1)""1(1 .II...n I.li"'t,cl Ii\{' (UlIlp.mlt.' , hm the~ \\(.'1(' Icelu(c'.'clw (\HI in lil~l In 17~H) Illl' R..tn.. 1 (onl\(.'<1 Il 0\\111(' 'unt.'nl 01 «()fnp.ulI('" Il\ 1i 17 l.t\nnlol flt~I(lt~d l\\() I("KII1U'Uh. t',H h (U1npri 1IlJ{
tc."U (ump,.nlt·' nf ~I() 11l('n. It.'chu(·<1 (0 (JIl(' 1('Kil1lt"nl in 17~1:~. ~(rt'nKlh, \\('f('
...... MW of • hua'Mf' NCO from the K8rtstedt Dhttk:t In the
174Oa. ahowlnt the W\kn8I _In ...dety worn by NCO. and
ome.n - here.
Although cut In the . . me styte • • In
omcen. hie 'one coat ..
prob.b."y lined onty with woot ,.ther tn.n fur. As • m Imber of • Ngullteet ..",it. he hu hia red ..ddleck>th edgld In renow and buttng the Imperiel ~'-dIet' In black. His ..boN .ppe.,s to hive the Balkin blrd.h..d
(&;e._h~ HH"l)
I ('
17h.~) .•mel
.,11 '"( h lmiL'
\\t~1 t.'
I i7.·
I Ill' IIOUIX'I"\ \\t'lt.' p,lId ~)JIl(' mon('\ 100\,IICI"l Ih(' m.linlt.'Il.mu' uf tlu'ir unilOlm"l, .mel Ihe B.t1H1\ p.lln fm lhc.' B.\l1o\1 unilUll1l, but oth("n\I\t~ tlw\ h.tel 10 .lIl1I .mel (~qlllp them\('h('''l .l\ \\(,11 .t"l plo\idinK their 0\\1\ hUl~'''l. I ht, P.mdlll Ullih \H~IC.' p,tllh I1WUlllt,cI ml.uun, hUI Iht, f(',,1 \\Uf(' lilt' ('.lI h Illl\ 1I \1\ 1(', Ilu'" IU'.t;.'R, or Ihe fell (.,.ld.. t'lh.tlIlx', \\ hie. h \\.1\ e. he.lpt'l .mel nWIt' (U1UloH.thlt" 111 \UI1l 111 e.' I, Ke.'eI 01 hlo\\tl (,UII;.Ie. \\("1(' RI.ldu.,lh 1e.'pl.1H'd 1)\ lIu.' IOIlRt"1 dolmJII, \\hlth e.O\('I<,·d lh<.'lnp"l bUI \\.~ "lull f.l'lt'I1e.'d h\ (()Ich. \ ,hOllt'l \t'I"\IOI1 of Ih(' um ('f' IUI1K (CMl \\.l' clt'"\('lupin~ 11110 Ill(" Ix'Ii,\t.·, \\llh.1 bl.ld. het"(>\lin 01 hll t"dRin~ dnd (Old decur.uum, .lhhoURh I1MI1' pre.·(t·rre.'d Ihe.' \hb..I-\1.1111<'1, I he.' n'd 01 \dhm \\,11\1 I\h (n\('It.~d Ihe.' hu If \\.1I IIx'h. \\ hldl \UPI)()I I('cl txuh \( dhb.u eI .mel lhl t.'Lhdlt'. I ht' ("afh Ibn'l.l he h()le.' ,1 \.Hie.'I\ of "mhol" incluclinR Imp('IMI ciph('1"\ dnd Ihe.' 111I1lR.ui,m ,.nlh, but 110m Ii'·) Iht.' (Icuh CC)\C,'I \\.l' III Ilw 1I1.1In lllllfonn (olum \\ith .1 bl.l(l ('l11bl()l(It"I('d l)oPI)d.ull('1. lilt" Ie.~d nf RH'('11 liRhl Irou'\C.'", \\lIh 1111(>1(' \dlcm lnol', t' 1('ndt'01 alt' dec()I,ulon \\.l\ .telol>led from I;:; I. .tlthollKh tow.lIl\l.ldt cmh .,dupl('d il in 17,· , Ill(' hR'lu hl()\\,t (ur ....'Ip.'1. had .\ louK led b.1J; .. ltd \t.'lIc", (on:t"l. Ilu' dolman h.ut Ii\(' 10\\ 01 bUlW""I. .:lIlei pUIIH(-"(1 (III" or f.lCIIlK Coluur edRt"({ III lac(' \\lllt a d('( ()I ,ILI\(' lno(. nlC JX'li '\\,l\ \\0111 un
• The•• G~M h .......,.. 1782, w.er the ,tIlndaird uniform, lnctuding the roundel ornament
.t the r'OfoU'dH front t. .
0' the
boots. TM WarNelln booplr (left), aI' "' red, hal: white IKe
knots .11 0•• his doImM c.uffa;
the e.n.l tnl 0PIr (right), In dartl; bfue ~ Met peH.... hn aimilal' dlcor1Ition on the pel1 . . .1........ The GDrl-' ...... h ...ls high. .Ithough they .,.. not .twaya lined up, Sabretaseheoe ..,.. •• red w th • black OopfJeladl., Met y.How croW... 8p8rt from the blu. "nifo"..ed K8rtatadt Hu....... whkh UMd •
blue sabretuche cMcor1lted with • yeUow -.gle, 'The W.,..adln trooper Is ahawn with .n Ironmounted sab,.. .net K8bb8rd. while the K.r1,taclt .net a.n.1 units uNCI br.... (AlbertiN)
the left ,Imulder Oil .1 1M colour «)Id: .md the ""i\1 "" h \\." H·pl.IH·d In Ill<' ('llnd, \\ilh \111.,11 b..,rrt'l! 111 .l (onlra..litinR colenlr Tht' tiRhl IIOU\('I' hMt \Imple L.nou n( 1.&«' (O!OUf nu' lbfC't.~ ht· \\.l' of dollll.1I1
rololll. ""h " I)oppd"dl", 101>ped I hi"llllc.'n bOOL\
1.lc" colour (1,1.1( I< f", Bollloll). 111 l'Oulldt-dJ.;t-c:1
l1.1d a
nMII foundel in
colour IUglmml
"-III ,.1<1t \I.tr.M1II
d"Imnll .P'/II blur blllr n.'d It'
lart & but/oIU (;url,1 wbrr mou"h \("110\\ I " hilt' br; 'cllm\ • \, hlle I roll red "hile
.. 1~l\0I11~1
red 'cllo\\
L nclt'r Ihe 1;6-1 1t."$;utuiUl", the 1,I\0l1i,lIl .and \\.lr..b(~round , ..l urid't' box '....b (OH'led in 'ello\\ It·.lIlu-r. TIle lound ponm..U1u.·..IU ' .. .1-\ d ..u k gleen. I he ~ullhoritie upplied thr 1e.llhel ,,,,I.. Ihrt't' p.l<,ddler\olh dt'wl.Hed "'lh.1 bl.tel< Ooppeladl", "t ea h corn('l. ,md ,I hl..1( k ~h('{'p,km "-Iddl(~ fO\t'1 t'dgt'd in ~ ('110'''' FiH' H',\I 1,llel. III 1769. the "utholili{'~ pl..lIl1H.·d ..t ,iuRI,· M..md ..udiled uniform for ,III fom 1t:'gilllt'IIL', Initi..,lh .., ~It'e1-glet'n I>di S(' \\ith ,dim.. buuon' \\ ..~ ordt'lt'd, blilthi' ''',l' lepldc{'d the: follo\\ing 'cal b, d ..lI'ker gr ..c !t··~H·(·n '''llh ,.. hitt' bUllon,. In J, IItO\{' 10 nuke tht" unifonn cheaper. tht· doillun ,md Gllnd '\(·Ic..· .1bol"hed and lepldced b, J, d ..lrk green L..elbcl \\ith pcKkt·b, ..md \I(·t·,( cnding in curT \\;lh t\\O \Cam bUll n\ The ,....u\tIx·1t \\d.! rct..unt·d ...I nc\\ r<"d \.:Ibrct.. he bore the Imperi.tl cipher in \dlo\\, ~I he uou"'t.·~ \\crc..· maddcl-lcd \\Ilh the Imperi.,1 \ cliO'.. bl.tek knotS..\ pl..tIl to i !'rIue Ihe ne\\ \\hite IH~ If loal in 17iU \\ ..b c..U1ccl!ed. ,mel tht" (,u.·nlef 1I1l1~ \\ere gi,en the IIlfdntn Roquelof. ahhouKh of dO..ll izt' The h ..u l contmu(·d to Ix- \\0111 III th &Ilwtn f.>Shion. ,,'th Idrlorl,,<. I h" II..l ulimonwf (ompli"it'd .\ bl.., l ja ket made of Gunjd material. but lit lilt· th(' IX'Ii~' ..mel ,.. ith KH.'en edging t\\O f1nKe~' \\;de. Thill \\ .. s \\0111 wilh ., ,hOIl \\hitt' u·ibet \.. ith ,lee\es .. md pocleu. \\hite 1I0UllefS .Hld TMIII,men bootll. ~(.(), \\()I(' K..:,lp~'l...s unlll 1771, ,.. hen the~ ,.. ere ghL'1l I h,lkolMubt'n, hut 'H'le olherwi~e disullgui\ht."d b, th'lI 11 .."ellilo l (all('\ ..mel H'lIm.. bl..,cl wool ,X)I tt'pc:.'( (callleIlMi, for Feldwelx-b, \\II( • unilol1ll.\ \\('ft' IIMdc..· of Prim..'pl1.11a materi..ll). The liil leg-ulation (Of offiu'r'\ reqUlferl them 10 ch,:mge to il felt l' .ll.oh.llIOC me.mlring 2:\. m hil;h. t'dgt'd .11 the top "i!h " 3.3rm iht'l txmd tn di'pld\ tht'lf ranl, H>KNher \\;th d green plume and ,.. hile ord:. \t the..' ffont ..1 trdp of "J,l-I...l g iher br..ud rJIl from Ihe t p to the iher bUllon ,.. hl(h ~Cllled the Knld·J,lound-hl..t l III r~Ut·.
The R"1.~I("("n p('h~, \\hi(h \\,b \\orn bultuned up, had ,t re..'d IinlilK and \\.~ e..'dg:{'d in rlelx'<,' \\o.b in the rq,rutltiol1 gold btl(~ ""p<'d ,i1~. bUI \\;Ih • bulbous ~1I01 ill place of the flat one, \.. hieh me<-bufe..'d III \..iU1 iL\ low('!" f1il1J;l'. The 'iC'"J.bbard tetarned the old (,rell/e, "Ie: of bl.lCk Rf1tenliburg le..l lh('I, it W..b doubled o\er 011 tht, 'K.'am and .1 \",1\'\ ~ih{'r cord ran dO\\1'1 the oute, "ide, Th{' "".lht-belt \.. ~~ M'(uf(:d b\ .111 lip. lilt" I eel leatlu'r lhretaschc hM' ,I o\el of red material ~llld hung Oil 12.2 m ~Iinh'"': iu., uPlx'r edg<.· \\~l\, uimmlod in n'd 1{·~,th{'I. the edRed in "he,. n,e malll edging d('col"ation \\.b iher (ord , and ill dl(' «'l1tr<.' \\'O.l\, .1 ~iIH" hnperi.ll (iphe..'" \..; th .1 Cro\..11. \ .. hich W~Lli mixed gold sihel and lined ill scade!. 1 he hei!;ht from the cen1ral POlllt \"'L~ 37cm. the \\idlh 23.&m aClfK.ti the top .md 31,7cm acr s the bottom. omce~' KloH'\ \\l'fl' ,hamoi, 1('~Hhel. I heir hof'le fllll1iture \...15 polisht.'d
When r11IHd In 1712 the Szeclder Hu...... adopted. ....rtatlon of tM uniform of the P.lallne Hu....... whtch .Iso ratsed In Sleb.nburgen. Thl. omc.r w d.rk blue dolman .nd pel decor.ted In gokl, red trou nd • blue/gokl w.tst ..$h, H • C.,clc.,n-ube wa• • ft4JkI ....rakm of the more .apen...... fur /tC.,,,.Ic, The red Nddlec:loth I. decor8lted In gokl, with • Dopptt/ad,., displaying the Siebenburgen coat of arms In .ach corner. l&')
r ..tU·I('..l1lu'r \\,lh u'II()\\ \folcl.llI 1()\t'Ut~' on lht.' fmt'!u:ad. 11cI III .1 lonR \('I~IO" III I i51. It Iud .k 3.2m ~hafl, a pointed iron h{",ld me'l\lIlil1K 31.fxm, ..md ..I 13.&m \hot.', • ht, lance pt'nnanl mt'a"llIt'eI i9<111 , [)iou, ,mt! \\ .. L~ m,,
Transylvania In SIt'lx'lIbufJ;t'n, lilt' ~/t>e llt'l l.li\t~cI Illdl 0\\ n hl~Ir I t'giml'l1t in ) i62 (1(~gUl..lli/Ccl ,l\ Ihl' 11th 111I\..\,11 in li9 ), in four 1 ()..nl..lll ~u"droll~ ("..I h \ut>-cll\iclt'eI inlo 1\\0 (OIUIMlIit, . Ollh h ..,1( ,\('rc required lor pt'aU'Ul1ll' \(.'n;u', .,lIo( ..tlecl to \\ ..ll( hUlg the le\ passes, The\ \\ere It'(rllitl'd fl()I11 PI ()I(.'\t.lllt ~/t'(ld, .mel \OIH(' ~'XOIH from lhe Alal"o~1 ..md F0R'Il'o\('r Di\lI i l\ pili' lhe I hll1\.ldel' KOl11iL.\(, togcthel \\;lh O"hodo' \ l.u h from the 11.1I Ollh/t'( Lt'l ..mel CLi~lt'l , whit>, I heil initi.II UllilOlI11 \\," (Ollfilmcd in 1i()R, aside rroll''! the 1t'J>I..IU'IIlc:.'nl of the K.:111>"1. h\ it r'\('hakoh.lubc:." .md .1 trOU\l'l colour dMlIgt' hom rt'd lO eI.ul. hi lit', '1 hl' l\ch.tloIMlIbe.' \\ ..~ or the YITIl' \Ill' .l~ Ihe ~/('(llt'l (.1 t'n/(" inf..uHn IMIlt'rn - jU\1 I .5 III r,-"hel th,m lhe 21 (11'1 r('gutlr hu\..".Ir \t\ 1(' - '\ ith d I ecl wool 2. inn rOllndel in 'he c('nll e \l'clIIl'd wilh d bl ..L" huttoll dlld it hl.lel "lIl,II) ("I(>nding lO Ihe top, '1 he mell \\("It' (~'ple\~h 101 hldelt'n 10 Il.-l.li'l tlll'il K.:llp"h 01 ')<.'11 Ih{'Ill .• he luil \\." \\()I11 ill tht, inf,mlr'\ \t\k. Iht' (till hl\l(' p{'Ir,~(' \\,1.' \('n \hOlI hut n"'ele 10 fil comfOlL.lbh, t'clg('d ill hldcl. ~h{'{'p')llll ,mel lill('d in \\ hUt' malcli,,1. I ht, \\001 edging 10 lht, cll' o"ui\{' (lin \{'nl \\.l\ Ux m high. I ht' 1X'li~{' '\.'-5 \t' ul('d \\lIh ,I I()\\ of Illmg.lri..m buuoll\ ..mcl (,omh"'L'\.,e1 ('uher ,ide, hnled b\ It'd «()Ich. l.llt, tht' O1ht'l (.rt'lll hu\..\o.u'S, lht,\ diclnol \\(",iU the \\"i l \o.L\h. 111t> 2.:lm "lUI ,\.l\ u\ed .,~ a neck.,tc.xl.. I he d ..lrl. blue ,Il't'\l'd K.,mi~1 \\,I~ worn ill 1'1,1«" of ..I dolm.. m, \\ilh linMIl br..L\.li bunon'), and \\.\'t IOI1K (,Ilough 10 (}\('" the ')hill. fhe cl ..11 k blue Ilull!f1rian 1I0US{"1 IMd I t.'d lllOl\ ..Ind 'lcI{,,, ..ipe~. ". he wielt"-\kliled cloak \\<\5 '\ hite in the n('\\ rt'Ruldl hUlisal \1\le. I he lOp'; of lht.' bl.lell' hi men boots \\('re lined ill \ello\\, ,mel lhe\ Iud 111I1lK'-ui"n pUl. fhe regiments used lltt.' \t.md,lId i\!tllt, led "brt,t..~ hl~, ..lIld lhe pollepee \\, of JUt htcnleclC'l. Thl' m(~11 hMI to 'llpph mOltt ur lhl'ir ()\\n uniform, but the ..111 t hod I it'\ pi ()\ ieit'd 11.(' ( ,II hi 11(', l\\() pi \tol' .Ind " br,_~ s--mou n ted ll<:Ibre. rhl' (.11 bilH.' .lI1d hl..lcl le.ltht'l .ImllHlIlilion ho' ,\el e C.ll ried 01'1 \\ hite le.\lhel (1'0 ~ Ix-IL'. • h(' hOl"\t, '1II111lUI (> \\.1, the sallie ..lit the regular hU"~lI' p.nter", hili the S/t.'cUer did not U"t(.' 'K h.,braqut.'\. jU\1 " pl"ill 1",III1('r o;.,ddk W\('r.
In 1769 Lht· bUlton, \\('n' h~U1~ed b.u l to \\ hltt" \\ hllt~ Iht~ tOld, .md lnOL~ on til(.' unifonn \\('1 c.~ IU)\\ of ImlX'l i.tl \('110'\ hl.lt 1.., --I ht' undonn \\~ a mi of Lheir old '1\ It· .md the n{*\\ 1('W-11.u IMtle..'rn - Iht~\ \till \\01'(' dR' h..:musol rather ahan .t dolman .md h.ld no \\.11 t l.\h. fh(' \\.t hlme.:l\l('1 .mel I-\t.md.uteulllhlt'l ('t.tnd,\rel tx'.u('r) \\01(' h..:1I(Xl11. their JX"h...~ "('It'liued in fox·ful, .md lht.·\ t.urit'd tht' \palll\rh R"hr r p,lIu,h reed') canc. I hc 1< "Of (' the T hal..oh.111he and c.lrrit'd tht., IIdlcl""ck, Thc 1.1Ild.lId beh wH'r<'d \\;th Lht' blur fafil1R (oloUl ,md gold \\.t\,\ \tripe in Lhe nm m,II hU"'~lI p.uteln. Oftiu'r'\ Initl,llh \\01 t..' tht' 'kU1W unifOl m. c1ifTt'l t'llll.II('
Dragoons In 17{;3, tht' \\'.tll,lCh rt'gimt'Ub III It"lx'nhlll);t'n e't.1bh\hc.·c1 ,I (.It'l1l l)lOIg0011 Rt.'gimcnt (011"1() ),.IU)\\I1.l.' the \\.III.lllt'.1 (on t 'Ion all()\\iug Iht' use of IO{.l1 mau.'li.lh flom lihl (.()I\\(.'qut.·l1th, in 17b7 the uni(onn \\~lS redt' iWleci. fhe felt h..l,lt'u "ilh it, br..~ ~ pl.lt(, \\.~ ret.1illt'd, but tht" \t.U1d4Ud clJ,lRoon·paw:rn J,It),.t't \\oJ. no\\ olloc,tl ddr),. bl 0" J1 Ill.uerial \\;th m.III \('110\\ bUlIon" (.lnl1int~-1t'eI (.It inK' .ulCl (ollar; U \\~ cut a liule \hont.'r, and I.Itlt.'d ,houldcr ,U.IP\. 11.(' bl•• l n('cl.\uKl \\as securcd b\ .1 bl.~ but lit-. lilt' UOII\('I , do.,l .lnel \1.011 l\..all1lwl \\t.'re nude..' of IOf.11 \\hit(' nMt,'1 i•• 1. I ht., ~lIl1i"l()1 h.,d POt le~ ..ll1d ~mdll H'lIm\ bUUOIl', but the UOU~'I \\t'f(' or IlunWtri..m hll~t1 p,ulern wilh cal mlllt'-1 cd kilO.., .md \11 ip(" I h(·\<." ell agooll\ ,II\() .Idoptt'd tht.' TM'hi~lIlt'n ht:)()(, \\ilh f,UlIlillt'·Ie..'d top edging. ,md IlungaJi.m ~PUf'\. II.I h\briet dld~()()n hu U \1\1(· Il1corpnr.lt('c1 .1 ,wndJ.rcl r('ct ybrt·t.l.\(ht" IC>Kt'lher \\11h tht, Itn(' \\t·.tpon dnel hON' IUnlitlile ~ the ~7eckl{'r Illl~tJ , ..l nd.1 h.lbl.lee, "hilt, lh(' Io\.orpur.d u cI tht' \\onl
Hunan atandard, dating from the lat. 17.-0.; the obwen.
d1.pla')os. crowned Menurlng aac.m • 56cm, it . . . c.iil.d on •
me.aurtng 2."'" Including the ftniaiL 'The field Is mld-green, richly tt.conted with d..-k., green foliage _net d.~lIed In sllv.r .net gok:I threM; the cent,..1 CIIrtOUChe ahows _ ctoudac.pe .nd moun~ln. behind troph-' of Mm• •net ~n .~rd •. A aimll......mple In the Croatian H tOf'iCll;t Museum in hn _ Qrk., ....n
fringe. 'The huaNf'W .,..d the
new knperW t7". (8AJ
ion. ,]nd tht'il C..lIle, IMd.\ btl(~ 'lI,lp .. lll.,uh(;d. I ht, dnll11IUt'I WOft' ·'i\\.lllo\\" nt' L\' .H lilt, ,houl(i(of'. I ht' ,,-,ddl..· W..L'i tht· Ilung;:u ian B()(~. bUl the\ u':I(;d ..I o"Mldkdolh in f .. ulllil1{.... I{·d. On o;;('I,,\;ce, olli e" WOfe tlw K..:L'~t'tl .mel .., '111..\ltel \{'I,inn of lht.' II ()()IX'I\ unif0l1ll, \\ilh gold cI{'(OI,'UOII on llH.'ir U()U,t'l . ~llll'n," \\.t, fmtht'l '1.lIICI."di/....llioll in li69, when Ihe bull01l11 \\("'fe ch.ln~('el to the ChCdpt.... \\ hilt, l11('t.\1. \\ hilt, bOlh thl' h.lhr aqut" ..l nel facil1~ b<.'callll' Illaddel·reel 10 Ill.Hch lilt' 'i.:lbrt.'t.&h..,. Offict,~ \\(;rt· no\\ 10 \\eoll tht." ,i1H'I"t'dKt'd lIifOIlU:, d.lr~ bill..' j,lflt'l. n",dder-n.. d regular Hr.st, ""i\l(o.ll.~. ,mel ,iht'l-d"'(OI.llt·c1 "hitt' UOu,('N, Ie ill: lInli~('h tlMt lh("\(· dMI1K('ll: C.tlllt· min lIq'•• l\ th(' m'" ".l' elillib.mded III I i71.
SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY nu' Illain booL,., in EIIJ;Ii'h .In' lht' 1(:'(t'11l I{t·IH,"t.11 ,unt'Y': Dufh. JI"
Am,.\ IIf .lIl1n" I linn" (, p 1990), ,lIld 11111ll/"'"1 IIf lI"r (2000), "hiell (o\er lht· 1 th (('ullIn """" tOKt'lht'l wilh ROIhel1burg. JIll" ,\t'"lal) lJ<ml,.,./11 Croollflli.fO-1 81 (1%6). Tlw Iluin Gt'nn,t11 'OUI( t', ,Ill': BIt-( "\\(,"ru I, 'l IIi(OI1Ilt'1l U nel \lI,nl~llIl 'I{ dt"r o,t. (,rt'n/U1-IPlx'l\ I i ·lO-()lJ·. ill /)" AK .1I1Itlfl'W""'" -IJnlmK':II ,11,-,.,. (NII/(ht, (197:~) \',,";cl'l, \/)f(lftlK",II/(ht, dn .1"ltlflrK1i "'" (I 75), "hieh ill IlIdl'
legimellt.,1 Illllit,u hl,lorle\ The ,mnll,lI , IIn""lll, ,lIId \l're'ck, (;",11,,111' d" kk II.,IIrl/lfl,ht (\'01 5), del.lil tht· I(·J.,rlnl('l1t\ ,mel lheil Of1iCi.ll o;;t, Ie..., Othel mfol nMIIOI1
The ,1,.11 H",o!1C". (>11"""'(/111,11, f.rlif/lll:*nrg f/ U(~I i4 I, "n"" III/In Jo ,/11, .mel A·n~t ~Il du' ha,,;.ij~Hrh, Rl't'O/ullOIl Oolkuc·l. •1I111/"K'"pll" dn kllk lill-lIl/~ blll"km IIl1d Ilfll/d/n'"U'lIjjm A)e:\lch. I),t jrnu·,II'ghJ ,\U//I!OOI, (1lI\ d", 1..1")(1".,, d". lmg"nsrhm Km", lin mlm \(111, ,lin' Io.'nrg (\111' dc', "'ic·g,,"ch;,~. I 9) \'it'IlIM .\lIm ~llI':l(.'lIm \t'fit,\ ,\ll1nn rhnnw - JJnlw~:m (..nrhuhl' tin Ill'mt"Y'" ,I".". /.nt ""-,incH. J)" KK .'"lIUu}.,,,YIlU :w bnjuhnwJ[ In ,hrn (;nlhithlt III J)" AK ,\/tI,l" r).,'""", - IJnI/ll~';1I ,I.,.,.,. (;"'(/II,IIu ( 1973) NSlhng, I)" "/lX,I", (1956) l'rc'I<.do\'l, h. 1Jr< Io.',,"m (,,.,11'-" (1970) 01.1 ctions The AIIx'rtin.\ .lIlel llild.\I(hl\ (Ollt'(liol1' 111 \ 1('I1IM (Ol1tall1 l11all\ offi(i.ll 11I1I lI.'liol1 . I ht· 1I1IIIK
fanl<:L'i\ e!em('IH). I ht· \1 Ill\ \h"t'um in Vien".I,md Cro,lli..lIl Iii tOI ical \Iu') um in l ....lRTt"I> h,l\{' imt'rt"lI"K (Ollt'Clio"'. nu:re i\ a famouli wt"O '('aN thi' ("('nl h..~ be..·(·11 (dd>latt·cl \\1th .111 ,lUl1l1,,1 Ili'tori he' I-lt'ilichuc',L,plelc ..lCro s th(' '1I1ll11l{'1. \\;Ih a I>!." nellck der P.1I1c1ur \()I \\'"ld1llul"llchen featll1inl{ abolll 300 inll.lhit.:l11~ ..1I1d, O\t'l one \\l't"l..t·ud.
A1: Pindur. Karlstadt Gener.lcy R. .ed on the EngeIb<ec:nt
exaggerated HIS )8Ck.t has teature. ot a tJghter Hunganan dolman and • sllte...' ."s ~ . but his trouslrs are an earty vers.on ot the later Croatian b..... styte. whch was onty baggy to the knee. bIoIow _ they _a bed and bght« The boots are Hunganan r _ . 82: Intantryman, Trenck's Fr.lkorps Ba.ed on a contemporaty pocture poonted by DaVId Menor on the Ausman Nathotland. (BaIgoum) on 1748. •• oofd.... has a Cuckel/lauba WIth a blue 'laJl' H.. more Hunganan. Innuenced styte Indudes a dolman With potnted cuffs. and
If toons. thos IS the typocal of • Pandur The red hooded _ was S4lCUAId WIth
bone « metal buttons. but when worn ~ e1', by • metal clip. Underneath he wears the BaJkan GunJac. a short. thck jaCkal WIth yellow CObu/doia. _ or _ n (see MAA 410 lor further del.. I.) The small drum was 56cm htgh. but Wldef. HIS sabre IS a TurkJsh _ . wf1l<:h was more CU!VOd than lhe Hunganan.tyIe and. at 762cm long. short", on the bIede Atty postols ~. zielke and .,.,) and yar.ghan ktwM e u."ally nc:hty decotlted WIth 1tIYer. brass or ...en gold OffIC*S and NCOs 11oo earned TUl1<Jsh sabres In front of han .. a 'momong .IN· of the type manufactured on 1685 lor local and held on the Graz dopot. _ they had equopped Iocll .... on the Tur10sh W8lS
.: SLAYONIAN INFANTRY, 1740. 81: Grenadier, Tranck's Frelkorps Tho. oofd...... 11oo based on Engelbfechf. plates HIS aword II popuiatty known as a 'PandIK sable'. but .. SImply a Hunganan _ WIth a tumed-up croosguatd and a Tur10sh kMab.1a bw'd·s·head pornmet The scabbard tS flfUhed WI won cross-blndongs and a _ _ om Acroes hos baICk he c:an- a TLWIosh muskat Uke many of the -'Y Pandurs. he ¥lIltS a tall t ~ cap wh.ch may have bien decorated. although EngeIbtechI'. oIIustralJonS are cIeer1y A Pand.... female camp follow .... Her white bfovse hH the wide Batkain ....v•• and, Nke her h.. clKarl, wa. usually cMcoratecl and MCured with I""" and red ribbon•• She aleo wea,.. a typJeal Balkan fuf'o or wool-IIMd Jong coat. thown a. III,....,. Her btu. KIr1 Is covered by a whit. apron. Hole the ~ tailed hilt. with a red ,..,bon tie and a IIIHit of ...... ~bf'Kht. HN
hght'" Hunganan llOU~ decorated WIth the lltTOWhead SUljas rather than knots He II eatI)'1ng a t 722 pan",n musket These troops would Iat« form the regular onfantty regoment 1R53
B3: Ensign, Siavonian Infantry He IS canyong a ChaI100 VI tIag w,th the Impoonal eagle beanng the Hunganan anns. and edged WI the ImpoonaI flames The EngeIbfechl oIIustralJonS _ _tontly show a Klobuk ~ dyed YINow. With a cnss-cross pattern and the ImpanaJ FeIdz..chen (flOkl badge) of oak·leaves .... a IU"",, orrlC«. he has a dolman )3Cket emutabng the hussar u",torm Wtth Its tur homo and po.nted yellow cuffs. H locally produced sabfo IS earned on a red leather scIbbatd; h•• 1722 pan",n musket has no bayonet C: THE FIRST REGULATED UNIFORMS C1: Infantryman, Banal Gen.raley, 1748 Also be.ed on a 1748 paonbng by DaVId Menor. thos man has a fur ~ ~adge ... that has almost lost traObonai 'bag'. now reduced to a red doth top HIS JOCket II a plain Gur\« WIth r..... '0'" of 12 wMo motaI buttons (Menor'. ongonaJ •• exaggerated). linked by black CO
Reg..-ts. although WIth men decOfObOn and bde wlldoleather cross bolt. which supports 0 plain black leather """"""'bOn pouch w'th ron buckloo Hoe red cloak oe slung ""er loft shoulde< and sacured uOOor hos nghl annpol woth 0 somple narrow leather strap. He carnes most of his weapons ., • narrow scattet and bIuo GiJrtai $I saoh. which has lUSt four boi 'eIS There .. one Tcriosh postol. and 0 ylJraghan 10 w,th 0 plain bone hancJe iIf'1 • lCabbaro WIth • broad won ltvoat HIS musket IS alSO TUI10sh A second. Ausman 1744 panern postol .. camod '" 0 pouch. ~ through tho blown leather nng from tho bolt ""er Ill. ng/1t shoulde<. HIS .PandIK sabia' scabbard has cross·blndongs and 0 square metal end Tho sock Ionongs I!lSldo hos Opanklltl shoos ate sca/1et - tho Banal facong colour H,. trousa<s ate Hunganan '" cut. rather than tho Ioosor Croallan .tyIe.
C2: Infantryman. Ogulln Regiment, Karlstadt Glneralcy. 1757 ThIs soId« IS based on • 1757 ustr tJOf"l by Detacr•.
lhough tho un,fOfm had nol raaJly changed SlIlCe tho oat1y 17505 Tho KJobuk has retalned tho red bag H.. haw .. drawn back ",to ZopI ponyIaII. He .. weanng 0 plain black leather nockstock. """'" tho dolman has no col'l' HIS outer coat .. now 0 RtJckai. although thos ooIy doft_ lrom the JM:J<e .., having adcMlI()NII d I corabOn and the bottom port of tho coat hlMng small. plain tumbac Tho red cloak • reWed and earned the CJPPOI'te way up from the regulatJOO 1764 method He would aloo cany Ills other luI '" 0 plain knapsack. The prevtOUS watS1 sash of the 1740s has bIen
replaced '" tho regular unlfOfm by tho batraIIod GiJrtai. probably .t around tho same t,me as tho Banal man '" C 1. Tho trousers ate 01 Hunganan .tyIe w,th an oat1y fOfm of tho thtgh knot. becofTw1g more ..Pborate than the aMp II .., Plato B Thta man aloo has tho addobOnal ...nfoo:ong matonal on Ills elbows and " ' - which .. prevalent '" tho 17405 Engelbrecht poc1lKOS HIS 1745 pattern musket was tho rot Austnan modll to use an won ranvod. and meastnd l5Ocm. WIth no bayonet. C3: Infantryman, Pe.erwardeln Regiment,
518vonla District, •• rly 1750. He ~ Ills Hausman"" folloW1ng tho "'troductlOn 01 tho brown matenal IOf Front.... --'1C4I. although tho flCkot .. Sbl • bas.c Gttn,ac WIth a low StandIng collar. and onty the cuffs are faced HIS trousets are In the baggIer Croatl3n .tyIe. toed below lho """ WIth tllln leather stnps. FOf Front.... _ troops WOfO brown Opank.... shoos As thoy did not use the waist sh or Gurtei. the sabre. whtch lS of IocaJ manufaetUte. was camod frOfn 0 plain brown leather waist ~t resembling the hussar styte. All hiS other eqUIpment W camed If'l a SUTlpIe calf -ston knapsack on a narrow brown leather strap. WIth the cloak roI\ed above D: THE LATER SEVEN YEARS' WAR,
e.neO-e3 01: Infantryman, Szluln Regiment, Karlstadt Generalcy Reflectang the habitual po.erty of the FrontJer. this SO'dI"'S .......form tS not as e1aborat SYggBlted by the 1762 A1bor1Jna Manuscnpt poc1lKOO H,. black fur KaJpak has tho same red top and 0 crowned brass shtoId HIS outer taCket. which was worn open. IS a fastened by yeAow loops Tho ''llht dolman was 0 fashton .t.tamont and rather Imj)(8Ct1C8J WIth 8 narrow hussar·s~ sash. At the waist, the nght sode panel pa..... across tho left sode dl8l/Ofl8lly. There were 16 buttons In each vertICal rtYW. but the tewest two wero covOtOMl by tho saoh Tho .kick. would overhang rt by an InCh (2.6cm) " fastoned Hos hossa<••tyIe t1OUS8fS have very long loops w,th small knots t tho bottOfn. tho decoratIOn bllng further to the Stde than for hussars HIS pack .. macIo of oft·wIllto cloth. A ylJtl{/han .. camod '" Its scobb."; onsode tho waost saoh. Tho Grenzer ",fantty usuaJIy operated aJongsodo hussars. and man has acqu_ 0 Iato 17th C8ntlKy III r sabAI w,th 0 _ lip than nonnaJ: was us. 'aDy earned a teather' scabb8td WIth wavy metal dSCOfatl()O and brass mountJngs H 1745 patt~ musket has tho shton 1748 thr..-edgod bayonet. which measured JUSt 37cm long 02: Officer, Warasdln·Kreuz Regiment Grwlz.. lC*S w... now YtIIYlg the ..... Infantry lnfonn of • flat-fronted tneome. GIIIII8f'l tlnC.-ld htgh boots HIs rank IS sognfoed by plain gold lace around tho top edge of Ills hat. If'l place of Its bAack ribbon cockade thrs exampkt has • Of IIII and wholO _ . Tho tunIC .. fastoned Ill...., style. WIth ton buttons to toke the gokt oon:fs. The Of 88n cuffs have ttvee gold buttono _ along tho top edge. WIth an oxtondod buttoU1ole ruwq down from IIOh. tits stwt has '1 I' j cuffs. and the gIo.l. are of ct\amod: leathlr. lJnder the tunIC 15 a
",.. Wanscfln frontier eo'dler . . . . ~ Pandur dothlng Inc.... dIng the "" doak and apa""", MOl.. His drvm • painted in the Imllirial yeltowlb&ack. (EhglltM'echt, HH
dolman. wIloch IS sognofocanUy shorter than the _coot worn by C.'itarl offic«'S. but shows his rank by Its go6d edgIlng The t>oo,oI,j sash has a .....,.. leathor anvnurotJon pooch. edged In gokt WI a ~ I '1* t.jge, As for HungaNn officer.s. the tt'OlolS. knots In~' , gok:t Ifl the SWTllllr Styte• ..-.d Iw toMs,.. boots are dyed )Blow The Lcca ICW 1'1 the 8aJtz... ManuIa1pt .. shown 1\ dyed ) trOW T.sc:::hIsnwJ. AA .-my ~ s 'tYOUd CllITY can I II..., 1801 Md ~ iC8iS lINd )II now-brown SJ»IWCh RoIr (Spenesh reecn. which was of tt"lglf thickness and mlnlLAd from the grou1d to the Ie)'", lit doll i WI button (U1der the w.at sash). WIth a bone knob at the top and no cord. 03: Korpor.1 of • Siebenburgen regiment Although the Transytvang the regomental button colour. a pcalIy placed toghtenong hool<s t the bottom of the leg could be lNldone to enable the ttous I rs to be put on over the teet. Howeot«. he es s weanng the 1768 rwguIatJon 185cm altO us I d by the Szeclder Hussars, tM was 2 6cm tower than the NgUIar hussar pattern. He canul the 1754 pattern musket. blacked by the unrt. whlIch mBF ...nd lSlem, the 1767 bIyoneC: had an addI~ hook to s I CIA Jt to the musket
On the front line with bolt'l R"nl8 end TU....,.. S~~burgen"'nsurrectJonor feudal mllltl8 provided tb Pendu". who In 17.1 fOfiiled the Bethlen Regt (let.r IR52). Th.,. wore. blue OUo}K with red 'Kines and decoratlon over red Hungarian trouM" end TKhlMMn boots. TN local adoption 0' Hungarian .tyI•• included the . .bret. .che and the tal.... IC/obull. (E_......h~ HNM)
E3: Artillerymen. IR 87 (Brodl. 1770. Thts regtmental gutV'IeI"'S urwforrn was an ttempt to copy both his .,fantry comradll and the fWgIl ••r artkymen. SChemahS IllustratIOns 'rom the 17701 show the Hausmontur brown matertal used to make the J8Cket. as b Itng mont ~ ., the fJe6d H te sta us dIsp6ayed by Hunganan-styfe cuffs lJkewose. the regan Vlach regoments 's weanng hIS HaIsmontIX HIS Tschelcoheube os decorated WIth a spng of f~. Hos haw IS on the style of the rTIId--c«ttury. WIth t'ftO kwlg SldelOCkS' the attema Zopi
ponytail was worn to w..st length by the regulars Hos Ioghl grey (wo/fsgfBu) jacl<et os a modof""'bOn of the J«:ka. short'" than the new L.Jne W1fantry Rock. It do II InClude the same t co'" and left shoUd. strap. The leather nee _ IS S4ICUnId I the back by a brass button. but .. ~ mont comf"".bIe by Ie .... edgong To .... the coal burden on the Grenzers the MIthon peiliwtted UOUSlrsl'T\8de of whensI1ah w..st belt In the backg'ound os a Tscherdak w.'ohIOW8f. usually wit of limber with a straw-thatched roof It had an obeervauon gaJ1ery whooh facad CNer lhe ""'" 0< moun no. supported on wooden posts There was no ace us t ground level: a door on the upper _ was reached by a tadd. that could be fted up on the ... ent of trouble
F2: Intant,.-yman. Oeutach·8anat Veteran Company, 17&a 1'hts comperry was W'IltJalty fOfiiled W'I 1765 from retlfed
soldon ThW 1768 "",form compnsed IIsenlJalty the . palt"'" ""'form. but was cJearty on the German style With round cuffs. sheBI. gartlfS and brMchM - probabty mostty Items trom thW old lM"WfOf1T'lS. as the cuffs W" InI te w,th two small buttons al(ll'lg the seem. The tncorne dated from the 1750&. although It did not otfo...,. reQUII'e the black s 1tatWl\l molanal al(ll'lg the top edge. F3: Sharpshooter. IR63 ISzluln). 1770a One of hII Reg.ment's 256 Sharpshooters. wet.no the o oaal '769 whot "",form wrth HungarIan knots on the fac:ong colour and Hunganan shoes. The Kaden had a ~ falSe front rneasoong 16.2cm x 15.8cm. to eooommodate the 10.5cm brass plale of the tmpenal c:oph8f. "'" I dlstonelJon these t sokhn Yt'Of8 potnted Hunganan cuffs ~th the 8Itentarzen and scalloped lace; the front of the headgear WIS so edged on lace. The _ (hook lance). 2.53m long and weoghong 2kg. was used 10 eady the welPO". not to e I weeght. It denvee from the lances I ~ed on the $pIrlIsch Rat'" defences lsee WatnO< 24. Plale B). _ the St lppofbng hook fOf a musket was 0t"IgIlfl8Ity IJila<*j If'l • hole dnIed Ihrough the wood The he'd was fi ed on by two langels. one was extWlded.1lnd three square fl)S!lIldded. to take the 'It I gMt of the heevMW 5,6kg oapp.tstutz MIT<" I (reduced to 5.25kg on the 1795 - . by radu,,"IIg the metalwork. although stronger locks w"'e edded). The weapon was unl'S"" In havwlg two 'over-Ilnd--ondei' bal• . both 65cm tong, the I'PJ*' b ling nfled wrth sr•• : oroovl. fof Iongw range use and the "'... smooth for ordonaIy musketJy. although both could be fired together on en ~ . In place of the cartndge box. the gwy shoaube WIth wholt co"i!. although suspended on ttvee buttons. the shako was 21cm A wounded Kartatadt Grenzef" of the Ogulin Regl. c.1712, from I mu'" lit khlou Haln'ekI In Stvrla. Austria; other p,l1U ~ O*isIUI Grenz... ~ vaillys. The of'ficef'a .... illustrated In German Line unffonna, with frodl; co-ta opln to show the ton••, ICMnIsoI walateotlt. and • Q~1:Ik8 otnc.r •••,.. the n.w •• nice straw-yellow breeches VMd
by Ollihan eavaky. (Umhey1
hogh end the plume 37 cenbmelJ I , The _ • worn on a Zopf at the back - the S*dltccks have bien abc*Ihed The black _ _oc:k was 10.5cm hogh end the sIwt could not be tun abcJWt The m8II"I weapon was the lance, but he hal the I9't 1741 paltam NCO sabre. - . wooghed 1.1 kg. th a blade nan long end 35cm wide, shatponed at the __ to 25cm; the extent of the curve w 4 8clIi. Of up to 10 per cent ~ was e:amed on a leather sca_ suspended lrom a hussar watStbeit•• short vert.M:tIJ strap sewn on to thra supportad the scabbard by a hook ttvough the rotSt scabbard mg A cartndgo box was camad on a pIaln wMa 8cm sIong over the left shoulder 01 the Laobal The law troopers who had Clllbri. c.ned them on. shOlJlder bett fN« the Pi' IS. Hcs sabnttasc:he IS the st.andiW'd 1769 pan.-n. Th". undOfIllS woo a AHJS4ld on 1794 to equop the ~ Freokorpa C8Vaky ur'l they were dI:Ibended ., 1801. The old aar-.c B. equ.pped boIh tIw _ end the Freokorpa cavMy G3: Officer, Szeckler Hus.ar Regiment, 1790 Thos off_ dosplays the rare Leopold II (1790-92) sabte tache. decorated W'l sWer. lJk' an hvssar otfteerS until 1798. he wears the flK KaJpak and his ullIform IS decorated wIth the usual dlSllncttOf'1S. In ~tv8f to fonow the troopers' wrute buttons and lace. As In the other Grenzer Hussar units. ttt.s dlstn;tJOn extended to other Itema of oHcer's equ.pment The KaJpak cools are whota, Iv, pall... IS Ionad "'th wMa fox 'scruff' fur, and hd trovslrs are decorated til . . . ., Under PI' IS' IS the plain KJurwsoI warstcoat Howt!'Wer. hoo off_', ""'""'" of the 1775 paltam sabre • mountad on .... as IS the scabberd HIS cane IS • '5panI:sh reed' WIth • yeuowlblack COfd lrom the nattan,d metal loop The Hunganan rsc/l<SmOn boots are adoad t the top on _ ,
Hl: Trooper, Wallach Dragoon Regiment, c.1768 He WOll>lS the """ad h<>ssar/,hgoon unofoon of 1767, made from k>caI matanals The rtfMty ontroducad cavMy felt Kaslth lIS short lJIl'9lt cola< had lost the """l' regUatlOfl shoUdatslrap. and lhe KwrwsoI ....Ic:oat was abandonad The _'101. was 8Il1O of dragoon styta. rdldlig the strargI1t Pan Kh sword The hmY perl 01 the "..bill rcIl.JdId whit trot IS B s.-ld de I' ~ tog«t. b' E Tsc::tIIsnMn boots
edged., the f8CI1IQ <X*>II of awli.... Nd. He • • t'J«i 'Mth. 1685 ""s'Ch. wn.en had ., won gnp end ., 89c:m bflde 11 • piIw'l bfade: Il'Ot'l--mounted acabbefd. a 1744 pattern 48,5cm long blass-mo<.ll'ltad pIStol; end hoo 1744 carbIna, hanging from lIS aoss ~ No 125cm, thos weapon .... a short... """"'" of the 1744/45 musket, rt had no bayonet
H2: Har.mb••••• S.r•••• n.r .couts, 1790. Thos NCO leadong a company attached to a Grenz... uno' wears W1f"lt. eqUIpment. With. fur Idged red cap (retnIn,IC4tf1t of the &arty hl'SSar headgear of • CW\tuy Nf1«). The twown
coat worn over tllS blue costume has some
An Ottocee Re9t otrloer of atIIft (fWd) ,..,. In the 1765 Ynitorm. Hia F,«1re .. 'Ked on the round cvf'ft: Met the 8awM'o'ain Und,me.th he was,. the KMrWoI, which w. . in the facing co4ow ~ dlCOf'llted wfth two 5.km pie'" gotd atrlp ... following the ~mental button cotour. He w..... the go6d ep,u'ett on hh right ahoulder. Mthough this WId IlboIbhed In 17.7. HIt; h8ir .. dr•••• d in akte clM1e .., ll.... the . . . 8nd • bound ponytail .....chIng to the waist.. ~
decorateon. The avilWl toose ended sln.'11 and baggy trousers have be.n constderabty reduced, IllustratIOnS from the 17905 show Se<essaner waanng long blown boots and the practICal wide _ w ~ SO adoptad by soma Grenz... onlantry. He camaa both a long yataghan and a ~ knola of the Balkan type. H3: rlchaikl.tan rlYer boatman, 1780, ThIS gunboat aewlT'lWl'h BE' the 1764 Lnform. The hI s1gs' was the Kaskett. the bin Gc.qIc. laced red. was worn buttOlMKI up so the dc* did not show The trous B S .... of Cro8bIn styte, bl ng tJght bl'>w the knee to aVOId srwggng. but are decOf'ated onty With tacang-eolou" knots The boabt*"s cIottwlg was cut kX sfJty, _peer••,. 8tOl.I'ld the shoUdars. SO that they could 'NOlI< more . Twenty 1759 pattarn Trombon, (bIundertlusses) 'ssued to 'he Tsch8lklstan for use on " . . patrols; 1112an long. the 25mm bote expanded to 4&rvn on the honzontal a' the muzzle. HIS sabte • the 1764 brass-mo<.ll'l'ad " an pattam.
.... ,
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R lated Title 0, 1m
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U Ir;an
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luWi.n Spe ialist r,oops of the, apolL'Onic W rs
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F,e-denc\. the Great', .Inn) {II (.a,.I,y
I 85512 160 2
\len-al- rm,
Irc-dem\. the ("eat', Inm' (2) Infant"
f,edenc\. the G,e.I',
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of the, 'apolrollie I ars (2) (.a\Olry
(.1) pc... iali I Troops
512 II S ,\
\fen-Jt- rm\
Peter the (,re.I', Irm, (I) Infantry
I 5512 3411 6
Peter the G,eat's
I 5H2 41S 6
\fen-at· ,m
1 he lu,t,ian \rm,' 1740-lIO (I) C.,.lry
1he IU'lrianlrmv• 1740-lIO {21Inf.nt"•
I 85 .12 527 6
The \ustri.n
1114176664 \
rm~ (2)
1740-lIO r.ll SpecialISt T,
\u\trian Commander of the, 'apoleonic \ us
1792 181S 1 IlSH2 742 2
\ amo,
\U~lrian (.rcnadl(~rs
I 84176 ,11102
I ano ,
Ru soan GrenadIers and Infantry 1799·1815
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Hunga,;an Hu,sa, 1756-1815
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355. u trian Fronti r
The unIforms. equIpment hIstory and organIzatIon
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Troop 1740-9 u tria' Balkan (r ntier - th di puted borderland bet" Europe and th Tur
d (nded on the I th
century by a umqu
o( hard commUnitl
who" re
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ISBN 1-14176-701-'