Progress in Mathematics
Victor P. Snaith
Volume 206
Series Editors H. Bass J. Oesterle A. Weinstein
Algebraic K-Groups as Galois Modules
Birkhauser Verlag Base1 Boston Berlin
Author: Victor P. Snaith Faculty of Mathematical Sciences University of Southampton Highfield Southampton, SO 17 1BJ UK e-mail:
[email protected]
Contents ...................................
1 Galois Actions and L-values 1.1 Analytic prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 The Lichtenbaum conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Examples of Galois structure invariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 5 6
Preface . . 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 11R33 (primary); 11MO6, 11R Z , 11R34, 11R65, 11R70, 11S25, 1lS3 1,11S40,12GO5,16G99,16HO5, l9A3 1,19D99, 19F27,20506 (secondary)
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Deutsche Bibliothek Cataloging-in-Publication Data Snaith, Victor P.: Algebraic K-groups as Galois modules /Victor P. Snaith. - Base1 ; Boston ;Berlin Birkhauser, 2002 (Progress in mathematics ;Vol. 206) ISBN 3-7643-67 17-2
ISBN 3-7643-67 17-2 Birkhauser Verlag, Base1 - Boston - Berlin
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use whatsoever, permission from the copyright owner must be obtained. O 2002 Birkhauser Verlag, PO. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Member of the BertelsmannSpringerPublishing Group Printed on acid-free paper produced of chlorine-free pulp. TCF w Printed in Germany ISBN 3-7643-67 17-2
2 K-groups and Class-groups 2.1 Low-dimensional algebraic K-theory . . . . . 2.2 Perfect complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Nearlyperfectcomplexes . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Higher-dimensional algebraic K-theory . . . . 2.5 Describing the class-group by representations
. . . . .
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. . . . . . . . ........ ........ ........ ........
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13 19 26 39 44
3 Higher K-theory of Local Fields 3.1 Local fundamental classes and K-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 The higher K-theory invariants R, (L/K, 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Two-dimensional thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
59 73 77
4 Positive Characteristic 4.1 R1(L/K,2)inthetamecase.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 ~ x t g ~ (F:, ~ ( ,F:,,) ~ / ~ .) . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Connections with motivic complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
83 120 146
Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers 5.1 Positive kt ale cohomology . . . . 5.2 The invariant R,(N/ K, 3) . . . . 5.3 A closer look at RI(L/K, 3) . . . 5.4 Comparing the two definitions . . 5.5 Some calculations . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Lifted Galois invariants . . . . .
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6 The Wiles unit 6.1 The Iwasawa polynomial . . . . . . . . . 6.2 p-adic L-functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Determinants and the Wiles unit . . . . 6.4 Modular forms with coefficients in A[G]
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161 168 180 191 215 2 18
... ... . . . ...
235 240 245 250
7 Annihilators 7.1 KO(Z [GI,Q) and annihilator relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 The radical of the Stickelberger ideal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
261 277 289
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
297 307
Preface This volume began as the last part of a one-term graduate course given at the Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences in the Autumn of 1993. The course was one of four associated with the 1993-94 Fields Institute programme, which I helped to organise, entitled "Artin L-functions" . Published as [132], the final chapter of the course introduced a manner in which to construct class-groupvalued invariants from Galois actions on the algebraic K-groups, in dimensions two and three, of number rings. These invariants were inspired by the analogous Chinburg invariants of [34],which correspond to dimensions zero and one. The classical Chinburg invariants measure the Galois structure of classical objects such as units in rings of algebraic integers. However, at the "Galois Module Structure" workshop in February 1994, discussions about my invariant (a1( L I K ,3) in the notation of Chapter 5) after my lecture revealed that a number of other higher-dimensional cohomological and motivic invariants of a similar nature were beginning to surface in the work of several authors. Encouraged by this trend and convinced that K-theory is the archetypical motivic cohomology theory, I gratefully took the opportunity of collaboration on computing and generalizing these K-theoretic invariants. These generalizations took several forms - local and global, for example - as I followed the prevalent trends in the "Galois Module Structure" part of number theory and arithmetic geometry. This book aims to give the story so far - mainly through the study of Galois invariants attached to algebraic K-groups and &ale cohomology groups. When contemplating a "story-so-far" treatment one is forced to ask whether the story has evolved far enough, or even too far, for such a treatment to be apt. I must confess that this question did cause me some concern. After all, one can easily continue ad nauseam constructing imitations of the classical invariants, ramifying them with intriguing conjectures and partial computations, but how to know whether all this activity will lead somewhere? Finally I salved my conscience by the inclusion of Chapters 6 and 7. For in those chapters, the constructions of the earlier chapters are shown to lead back, not only to a strategy for evaluating all our K-theory Galois module invariants in terms of special values of L-functions, but also to a strategy for attacking the fundamental Coates-Sinnott Conjecture and perhaps even the Brumer Conjecture. Now I shall describe the contents in more detail.
Chapter 1 briefly reviews the properties of Artin L-functions and Artin root numbers. Then the Lichtenbaum conjecture is described, since it represents the first and most basic connection between number theory and Galois actions on K-groups. Finally, we describe without proof some numerical examples of the invariants which are constructed in Chapter 5. Chapter 2 describes the background which we shall need from K-theory and involves two distinct aspects. Since we are concerned with Galois module invariants of higher-dimensional Quillen K-groups, a brief description of their construction and properties is given. However, our Galois structure invariants will lie in absolute or relative KO-groups attached to the integral groupring of the Galois group. Therefore a description is given of the constructions with perfect and nearly perfect complexes which give rise to "Euler characteristics" lying in these K-groups. The chapter concludes with the Hom-descriptions, due to F'rijhlich, of these KO's,which are very important because they allow us to define KO-classesin terms of functions (such as special values of L-functions) on Galois representations. The classical Chinburg invariants ([34], [77]) come in global and local forms, denoted in this book by Ro(L/K, 3) and Ro(L/K, 2), respectively. In Chapter 3 the higher K-theory version of Ro(L/K, 2) is constructed. This uses local fundamental classes for higher-dimensional K-groups of local fields which originated in ([134], [135], [136], [137]) and generalize the local fundamental classes of class field theory [128].The chapter concludes with a description of what happens when one attempts to apply the construction of the local fundamental classes to twodimensional local fields. The invariants, R, (L/ K, 2), usually involve regulators, which can be a troublesome source of calculational errors. However, in characteristic p > 0 there are no regulators. In this case, assuming only tame ramification, we give a computation of Rl(L/K, 2) in Chapter 4. This invariant is constructed using the K2/K3 local fundamental classes. On the other hand, the motivic complex r(2, L) also gives a ~ ( L ) ,when L / K is a Galois extension 2-extension lying in E X ~ & ( ~ , ~ ) ~ ( KK3(L)) of local fields. We conclude Chapter 4 with a comparison of these 2-extensions in characteristic p > 0. Chapter 5 gives the construction of the invariants Rn(L/K, 3) which originated in ([36]; see also [38]) and which generalize R1(L/K, 3) of (11321 Chapter VII). Since the examples featured in $1.3 are R1(L/ K, 3)'s when L is a quaternion extension of the rationals, we give another description of R1(L/K, 3) which is better suited to calculations and describe how the example calculations are made. In addition we describe, in readiness for the material of Chapter 7, how our invariants lift to classes in the relative K-group, Ko(ZIG(L/K)], Q), when L / K is a totally real Galois extension of number fields. Chapter 6 describes the Iwasawa polynomial, giving a functorial version of the treatment in [64]. Under mild hypotheses, the Main Conjecture of Iwasawa theory, as proved in [166], leads to a padically unit-valued function, given by the ratio of the p-adic L-function to the Iwasawa polynomial. This Galois invariant function we call the Wiles Unit. The simplest manner in which to make such functions is
via the determinants of units in the p-adic groupring. The Wiles Unit Conjecture (Conjecture 6.3.4) is presented with some supporting evidence. In particular, this conjecture was formulated because it leads to a calculation of Rn(L/K, 3) with the anticipated answer (see Conjecture 5.2.18). In the section on Hida modular forms with group-ring coefficients, we show how to construct the Galois representation which would be necessary to attack the Wiles Unit Conjecture via generalizations of the techniques of [166]. In Chapter 7 we turn our attention to annihilator ideals. It is shown how chains of annihilator relations can be derived from elements in Ko(ZIG],Q ) and how the lifted invariants of Chapter 5 give annihilator relations which resemble those of the Coates-Sinnott and Brumer Conjectures. In fact, it is shown that the Wiles Unit conjecture implies the Coates-Sinnott conjecture. In addition, it is explained how these constructions might be applied to the (seemingly more difficult) Brumer Conjecture. In the real cyclotomic case we use [27] to circumvent the Wiles Unit Conjecture to give a proof of the original Coates-Sinnott conjecture, at odd primes, concerning annihilators of the &ale cohomology groups which are expected to equal KL,(OL,~)@ Zp. The chapter closes with a proof that the higher Stickelberger ideals and the annihilators of the even dimensional K-groups which are supposedly related by the Coates-Sinnott conjecture, actually have the same radical. I am very grateful to a number of mathematicians for their interest in this material, for their helpful comments and for their explanations of their own relevant results. Here they are in alphabetical order: David Burns introduced me to relative KO and a series of significant invariants lying in them ([22], [23], [24], 1251, [26], [140]) and explained [27] to me; Ted Chinburg spent many hours in collaborative discussions about these Galois module structure invariants, sharing many excellent insights such as the realization that the Wiles Unit Conjecture would evaluate R,(L/K, 3) and, in addition, taught me the results about the radical of the Stickelberger ideals which conclude Chapter 7; Thomas Geisser explained to me his work with Marc Levine 1601; Karl Gruenberg, Juergen Ritter and A1 Weiss explained to me their series ([68], [121], [122]) dealing with lifted invariants and 2-extensions which are related to the Brumer Conjecture by Chapter 7; Lars Hesselholt explained to me his work with Ib Madsen ([73], 1741) and Michael Spiess explained to me how to use ([81], [92], [146]) to give an affirmative answer to Question 4.3.2 for all local fields. Also I had a great deal of help from my collaborators Manfred Kolster and Georges Pappas. Andrew Wiles helped considerably by explaining [166], by discussing approaches to the Wiles Unit Conjecture and by pointing out to me that the results of [I671 may fail when p divides the order of the Galois group. Andrew Sydenham provided me with calculations of Stickelberger elements and long-sufferingly put up with many vague lunch-time conversations about Aadic modular forms. Finally, it was a pleasure to find that my homotopy-theorist's mathematical peregrinations have eventually brought me to a topic which I can discuss with my old friend, John Coates, whose work originally got me interested in algebraic K-theory 30 years ago!
I am also grateful to the sponsors and organizers of the Ferran Sunyer y Balaguera Prize competition, which provided the impetus behind this monograph. The opportunity to write much of this monograph was provided by a visit, sponsored by the Royal Society Joint Projects Scheme, to the Euler Institute in St. Petersburg in September 2000 and I am very grateful to Igor Zhukov for helpful collaboration and hospitality during that visit. Victor Snaith, University of Southampton, December 2000.
Chapter 1 Galois Act ions and L-values The aim of this chapter is to introduce by example the study of the manner in which the Galois structure on various motivic objects from arithmetic influence the special values of associated L-functions. In these examples our motivic object will be Kz of rings of algebraic integers in a Galois extension, whose Galois structure influences the value of the associated Artin L-function at s = -1. Our examples will be a family of totally real number fields given by quaternion extensions of the rationals. We begin by recalling the Artin L-function.
1.1 Analytic prerequisites 1.1.1 Artin L-functions Let us recall the construction and properties of the Artin L-function. For further details the reader is referred to the survey article of Martinet [loll. Let L I K be a Galois extension of number fields and let
be a finite-dimensional complex Galois representation. Let OK denote the ring of algebraic integers of K . If P a OK is a (finite) prime of K let Q denote a choice of a prime of L which divides P. The associated decomposition group of P is defined to be
where K p denotes the local field given by the completion of K in the P-adic topology. Hence Dp 5 G(L/K) is well defined up to conjugation in G(L/K), since G(L/K) acts transitively on the set of primes of L lying over P. The inertia group, Go(LQ/Kp)4 Dp, satisfies
Chapter 1. Galois Actions and L-values
which is the cyclic Galois group of the residue field extension, ~ Q / ~generated p , by the F'robenius automorphism, Fp. Hence Fp is well defined up to multiplication by elements of Go(LQ/Kp) and therefore there is a well-defined automorphism
Q / ~the~Go(LQ/Kp)-fixed ) subspace of V. where Vp = v ~ ~ ( ~denotes The Artin L-function, LK(s,p), is the unique meromorphic function of a complex variable, s, which is given for Re(s) > 1 by the Euler product
1.1. Analytic prerequisites
The Artin conductor of this local Galois representation is defined to be
For an unramified prime n(p, P ) = 0 so that we may define the Artin conductor ideal by the formula
The Artin conductor satisfies the following properties, which are derived from corresponding properties for the function n(p, P ) (c.f. [128], Ch. VI, 52). Here N ( P ) = ( O K / P \ is the absolute norm of P . Note that Fp is characterised (modulo GO(LQ/KP )) by Fp(z)
= z N(P)
(modulo Q)
for all z E OL. The Dedekind zeta function of K is the important case when p = 1, the one-dimensional trivial representation of G(L/K), in 1.1.2 so that
Proposition 1.1.3 The Artin L-function, LK(s,p), is a meromorphic function of the complex variable, s, satisfying the following properties: (i) LK(s, PI @ ~ 2 = ) LK(s, PI)LK(S,~ 2 ) . (ii) If K c L c N is a chain of finite Galois extensions and G(N/K) G(L/K) is the canonical map then
(iii) If F is an intermediate field of L I K and p : G(L/F) representation then
Proposition 1.1.5 The Artin conductor ideal, f (p, L I K ) , satisfies the following properties: (i) f (PI @ P2, L I K ) = f ( ~ 1L, I W f (fa, LIK). (ii) If K C L C N is a chain of finite Galois extensions and G(N/ K) G(L/K) is the canonical map then
(iii) If F is an intermediate field of L I K and p : G(L/F) representation then
GL(W) is a
where D ( F / K ) is the discriminant of the extension, F I K . -4
1.1.6 If dK is the absolute discriminant of K I Q we define
Now write 4
GL(W) is a
1.1.4 The Artin Conductor Let P a OK be a prime of K . The representation, p, of 1.1.2 yields a representation of the decomposition group
T(S) = ~ / ~ r ( ~ / 2 ) where r ( s ) is the classical Gamma function. Define
where v ranges over the Archimedean places of K and T;(s), the local factor at infinity, is defined in the following manner. If v is complex we set
Chapter 1. Galois Actions and L-values
If v is real then choose a place, w of L, lying above v. The order of the decomposition group, D, , is either 1 or 2 and the generator plays the role of the Frobenius automorphism. Write V = V + @ V - where V' is the (f1)-eigenspace for the generator of D,. Finally set
Definition 1.1.7 Define the extended Artin L-function, AK(s,p), by the formula AK (s, P) = A ( P ) ~ ~ ~ ' Y ~ ((s, S )P). LK
1.2. The Lich tenbaum conjecture
1.2 The Lichtenbaurn conjecture 1.2.1 The Lichtenbaum conjecture relates the value of the leading term in the Taylor series for the Dedekind zeta function at a negative integer to the algebraic K-theory of the ring of algebraic integers, by analogy with the analytic class number formula. Let CK (s) denote the Dedekind zeta function of the number field K , as in 5 1.1.1. If r1, 2r2 are the number of distinct real and complex embeddings of K then the analytic class number formula computes the residue at s = 1. It takes the form ([I631 p. 37)
Proposition 1.1.8 The extended Artin L-function, AK(s,p), is a meromorphic function of the complex variable, s, satisfying the following properties: (i) AK(s, ~1 @ ~ 2 =) AK(s, P ~ ) A K ( s ,~ 2 ) (ii) If K C L c N is a chain of finite Galois extensions and G(N/K) G(L/K) is the canonical map then
(iii) If F is an intermediate field of L I K and p : G(L/F) representation then
GL(W) is a
(iv) If j3 denotes the complex conjugation of p then there is a functional equation of the form A K (~ s,P) = WK(P)AK(S,P ) where WK(p) is a complex number of modulus one. Definition 1.1.9 The complex number of absolute value one, WK(p), is called the Artin root number of p. The following properties are immediate from Proposition 1.1.8. Proposition 1.1.10 The Artin root number, WK(p), is a complex number of norm one which satisfies the following properties: (i) WK (pi @ ~ 2 = ) WK ( p 1 ) W (~~ 2 ) . (ii) If K c L C N is a chain of finite Galois extensions and G(N/K) G(L/K) is the canonical map then
(iii) If F is an intermediate field of L / K and p : G(L/F) representation then
where dK is the discriminant of K , TorsH is the torsion subgroup of A and R1(K) is the Dirichlet regulator given by the covolume of the image of Dirichlet's logarithmic map p1 : 0; 4~ ~ l + ~ z - l . To transform this equation to its classical form one observes that Ko(OK) r CC(OK) $ Z and K1(OK) O;(. Applying the functional equation of Proposition 1.1.8(iv), one finds that the leading term at s = 0 in the Taylor series for CK (s), denoted by CK (O)*, is given bv
In higher dimensions the algebraic K-groups Kj(OK) are finitely generated and there is a Bore1 regulator, &(K) E R, associated to K2m-1(OK) ([17], [18], [19], (1161) and KZm(OK)is finite for m 2 1. Conjecture 1.2.2 By analogy with the case m = 1 of 51.2.1 the Lichtenbaum conjecture states that for all integers m 2 2
for some integer
2 0.
When m = 2 and K is totally real the conjecture is true as a consequence the results of Wiles [166]. In this case the regulator is trivial, K3(OK) is a finite group and CK (-1) is a non-zero rational number which satisfies
GL(W) is a
In addition, there are similar conjectures about the leading terms of Artin L-functions which have been studied in special cases. These generalizations are discussed in [go] and [91] (see also $1.3.1) and are usually formulated prime by prime
Chapter 1. Galois Actions and L-values
in terms of &ale cohomology of OK. Let p be a prime. The abiding conjectures in algebraic K-theory predict that K2,-, (OK) @3 Z, and Hita1,(Spec OK; Z,(m)) should essentially coincide for e = 1,2. This conjecture has been proved when p = 2 [I601 (see also [123]). In this setting a typical generalization of the Lichtenbaum conjecture would be the following: fix an odd prime p and let L I K be a totally complex abelian Galois extension with K totally real. Let x be a character of the Galois group G(L/K) - that is, a one-dimensional complex representation - such that ~ ( c = ) (-l)m,where c denotes complex conjugation. View x as a p-adic character, as in [166],and let dx = [Q,[x] : Q,]. Then the relation
1.3. Examples of Galois structure invariants
E t h s e l gelost"'; in fact,
= 1 (modulo 4), i fi p = 3 (modulo 4), fi
& being the positive square root of p. Example 1.3.2 ([37] 52) For each prime p = 3 (modulo 8) we shall now construct a Galois extension N/Q whose group, G(N/Q), is isomorphic to the quaternion group of order eight
Q8 = {x, y ( x2 = y2, xYx-'
follows from the Main Conjecture of Iwasawa theory, proved in [166] (see [go] 54). B means that the orders of the finite groups A and B are divisible by Here A the same power of p and AX denotes the subgroup of A on which the Galois group acts via X.
1.3 Examples of Galois structure invariants 1.3.1 In this section we shall discuss the promised examples in which Galois module structure of K-groups influences special values of L-functions. They should be viewed as part of a general connection between L-values and Galois motivic actions which is complementary to the Lichtenbaum conjecture formulae mentioned at the end of 51.2.2. Although the examples are the result of some difficult calculations, the Galois structurell-value connection which they manifest is a rather humble one. Two possible Galois structures will distinguish between the two possibilities for the image of the odd part of LQ(-1, v) in (Z/4)*, the group of units modulo 4. In defence of such modest examples, I should point out that distinguishing between two possibilities has some respectable precedents in number theory. If p is an odd prime and x : Fj, ---,{f1) is the non-trivial character then the associated quadratic Gauss sum is given by
~ . was sufficiently intrigued and is easily seen to satisfy r2 = ( - l ) ( ~ - l ) / ~Gauss by the problem of deciding between the two possible values of T that, starting in May 1801, hardly a week passed without his thinking hard about the problem. He testifies to this in a letter of September 3, 1805 to his friend Olbers which triumphantly concludes with the words "Wie der Blitz einschlagt, hat sich das
= Y-l).
Set E = ~ ( a4 ), . Since p = 3 (modulo 8), -2 is a norm from Q(fi) may find u, v so that -2 = u2 - v ~If P ~ satisfies .
and we
then N = E ( p ) = Q(&, fi,P) is the required extension. The Galois action is given by 4 4 ) = mJZ+ I), Y(P) = +~fi)lJZ). Also N/Q ramifies only at the primes 2 and p. Example 1.3.3 ((391 52) Let N = ~ ( a , p) denote the quaternion field which was constructed in Example 1.3.2 when p = 3. Hence
Then N/Q is a quaternion extension with Galois action given by the formulae
Let q be any prime satisfying q r 7 or 17 (modulo 24). Then N ( a ) / Q is a Galois extension with group isomorphic to Q8 x 212, where Q8 fixes and acts on = -&. N as before while the remaining generator, T, fixes N and satisfies r(,/ij) Set N, = N ( a ) x 2 ' , the fixed field of x2r. Hence N, = Q(&, B,/ij), N,/Q is ramified only at the primes 2,3, q and G(N,/Q) Z Q8.
As lightning strikes was the puzzle solved!
Chapter 1. Galois Actions and L-values
1.3.4 Now let us consider the Galois module structure invariant
when M / Q is one of the quaternion fields of Examples 1.3.2 and 1.3.3. This invariant was introduced in ([I321 Chapter 7) and generalized in ([36], [38]). We shall return to the general case in Definition 5.2.11 (see also Conjecture 5.2.18). Let S be a finite Galois-invariant set of primes of OM which contains all primes above those which ramify in M/Q. There exists a canonical 2-extension of Z[G(M/Q)]-modules of the form
denotes the ring of S-integers of M and
Here K ~ ~ ( O&! ~Kpd(M) , ~ ) = K3(M)/(K1(M) - K1(M) - K1(M)) denotes the indecomposable K3-group of M . This canonical 2-extension may be represented by a sequence in which A and B are finite, cohomologically trivial Z[G(M/Q)]modules. In this case A and B each have a two-term projective Z [G(M/Q)]-module resolution whose Euler characteristics define classes [A]and [B] in the class-group. The Galois module structure invariant we require is defined by
which is independent of the choice of S. Being isomorphic to the quaternion group of order eight, G(M/Q) has a unique two-dimensional irreducible complex representation, v(M). This is a symplectic representation so that its Artin root number (see Definition 1.1.9) satisfies
In all the quaternion examples, M I Q , of Examples 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 the Artin root number, WQ(u(M)), is trivial ([37] $3; [39] $7). The central conjecture of ([36] p. 1436; [38] p. 321) reduces in this special case to the following: Conjecture 1.3.5 In $1.3.4 when M / Q is one of the quaternion fields of Examples 1.3.2 and 1.3.3
The evidence for this conjecture comes mainly from the fact that similar conjectures were posed for the analogous Galois structure invariants Ro(M/Q, 2) and flo(M/Q, 3) in [34] which have been proved for many quaternion fields ([35] [77l1. The value of 521(MIQ, 3) has been calculated for all the quaternion fields of Examples 1.3.2 and 1.3.3.
1.3. Examples of Galois structure invariants
Theorem 1.3.6 ([37] Theorem 1.1; see also $5.4.5) Let S denote any set of rational primes containing {2,p) with p = 3 (modulo 8) and let N/Q be the associated quaternion extension of Example 1.3.2. Then
where z = LQls(-1,Ind (1)). Here LQjs( s ,p ) denotes the Artin L-function of a representation of G(N/Q) with the Euler factors at 2 and p removed and C = G ( N / Q ( ~ , @ ) ) , the centre of G(N/Q). Also, when the L-value is a nonzero rational number, LQ,S(S,p) denotes its odd-primary part. ) X+ : (Z/8)* (214)" is the The element (-1)(1/4)10g2(Z)is equal to ~ + ( rwhere surjective homomorphism with kernel equal to {f1).
1.3.7 When p = 3,11,19 computer calculations ([37] pp. 27/28; see also [39] $8) yield the following table of values for the L-functions which appear in Theorem 1.3.6. In all these examples we choose S = {2,p) and observe that LQ(-1, v(N)) = L Q , s ( - ~ ,v(N)).
Corollary 1.3.8 ((361 Corollary 1.2) Conjecture 1.3.5 is true for N/Q in Example 1.3.2 when p = 3,11 or 19. In fact, Ol(N/Q, 3) and WQ(v(N)) are both trivial in these cases.
Proof. As mentioned in $1.3.4, WQ(v(N)) = 1 in these examples. On the other hand, calculating modulo 4, using the formula of Theorem 1.3.5 when p = 3 we obtain Cll(N/Q, 3) - 7 1 ~ + ( 1 ) 1 E (Z/4)*. Similarly, when p = 11
and for p = 19
as required.
1.3.9 Now consider the quaternion fields, N,/Q, of Example 1.3.3. From ([39] Proposition 2.4) we have an isomorphism of the form
Chapter 1. Galois Actions and L-values
From the K-theory localisation sequence it was shown in ([39] Corollary 2.5) that
1.3. Examples of Galois structure invariants
1.3.13 Galois actions and L-values Let N,/Q denote the quaternion field of Example 1.3.3 when q = 17 (modulo P) denote the quaternion field which was constructed in 96). Let N = Q(& Example 1.3.2 when p = 3. since WQ(v(N))= WQ(v(N,)) = 1, Conjecture 1.3.5 implies that
where the prime q = 7,17 (modulo 24) of Example 1.3.3 satisfies q2 - 1 = 24+e(2s+ 1) for some integers, e and s. In addition, K2(ON, [l/q])' 8 Z2 is a cohomologically trivial Z [Q8]-module and there are only two possibilities (see [39] 82.6). If x, y E G(N,/Q) are the two generators whose Galois action is described in Examples 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 then either
where Z/25+e is the (unique) cohomologically trivial Z[(y)]-module or the Q8action on Z/25+e @ Z/25+e is given (up to isomorphism) by left multiplication by matrices of the form
ford = 0 or 1. Being cohomologically trivial and finite, K2(ON,[l/q])' defines a class in the class-group. Proposition 1.3.10 ([39] Proposition 2.9) In the notation of 81.3.9 the class
Since N, and N have the same biquadratic subfield there is a common factor, (- l)(lI4) in the formulae of Theorems 1.3.6 and 1.3.11 provided that we use S = {2,3, q) in Theorem 1.3.6. In this case the conjecture would predict that, in (Z/4)*,
Since K2 (ON,)' 8 Z2 is elementary abelian of rank two, Kz(ON,) 8 Z2 has order 21°. By [89],the Birch-Tate conjecture is true for such fields (cf. [37] Proposition 2.3)
and so CNq(-1) = 210u/24 = 26u where u E Q* is a non-zero rational 2-unit. Also
is trivial if and only if the module is induced from Z[(y)]. Theorem 1.3.11 ([39] Theorem 1.1) Let S denote the set of rational primes {2,3, q) with q = 17 (modulo 96) and let Nq/Q be the quaternion extension of Example 1.3.3. Then and, since WQ(v(N,)) = 1, in CC(Z[G(Nq/Q)])% (Z/4)*, where z = i ~ , ~ ( - 1 , 1 n d ~ \ ~ / ~ Here ) ( 1 )LQJ(S, ). p) denotes the Artin L-function of a representation of G(N,/Q) with the Euler factors at 2, 3 and g removed and (x2) = G ( N , / Q ( ~ ~a ,) ) , the centre of G(N,IQ). Also, when the L-value is a non-zero rational number, &(s, p) denotes its odd-primary part. The element (-l)(lI4) 10g2(Z) is equal to x+(z) where X+ : (Z/8)* 4(Z/4)* is the surjective homomorphism with kernel equal to {f1).
Remark 1.3.12 Note that, in the statement of Theorem 1.3.11 we have been forced to restrict from q 7,17 (modulo 24) as in Example 1.3.3 to q 17 (modulo 96). This is done for technical reasons involved in the very computational proof of ([39] Proposition 8.4) - I believe that the formula is valid for all q = 7,17 (modulo 24).
where 0 < a E Q* is a 2-unit. Similarly, by ([37] §5.6),
so that 22 . 7 1 = LQ(-1, v(N)). Now let us calculate LQls(- 1,v(N)) and LQ,s(- 1, v(N,)). At the prime, q, the decomposition subgroup of G(N/Q) is (y) and the inertia subgroup is trivial.
Chapter 1. Galois Actions and L-values
Hence, by ([XI 55.6), if Rob, denotes the Frobenius at p and I, denotes the inertia group L ~ , s ( - l , v(N)) = L ~ ( - l ,~ ( ~np=2,3,q 1 ) det(1 - p(Rob, (v(N)'P)) 0 1+qi = 22 - 71 . (1) . (1) . det 0 1-qi
is of the form 8t 1 since q I 17 (modulo 96). where Similarly, in G(Nq/Q), the decomposition group for q is (y) and the inertia group is (y2). Combining this with the calculations of ([37] 55.6) one sees that
Hence, in (Z/4)*, Conjecture 1.3.5 is true for Nq/Q with q I 17 (modulo 96) if and only if 3 if K2(ON, [l/q])' 8 Z2 is induced from (y), 1 otherwise.
In other words these examples illustrate the manner in which the Galois module structure of the 2-primary part of K2(ONq[l/q])I is expected to determine LQ(- 1,Y (Nq)) (modulo 32). For the sake of comparison with alternative approaches, I believe that the modular forms technique of [50] gives only congruences modulo 16 for these examples.
Chapter 2 K-groups and Class-groups In this chapter we shall recall the salient facts about low-dimensional K-groups and localisation sequence for the integral groupring, Z[G], of a finite group G. This material is recounted just as well, if not better, in many other places. Nonetheless, repeating it here will serve both to remind the reader and also to establish our conventions, particularly with regard to the Hom-descriptions of Theorem 2.5.25, Theorem 2.5.32 and 52.5.34. For further details the reader is referred to ([3], [49], [62], [841, [log], [1171, [124], 11331, [1501, [1551). Later we shall need low-dimensional K-groups of group-rings because these are the groups which contain the Galois module structure invariants we are going to study. On the other hand we shall need the higher-dimensional K-groups of arithmetic-geometric objects as the principal source of motivic Galois modules which possess interesting Galois module structure invariants.
Low-dimensional algebraic K-t heory
Definition 2.1.1 Let C be a small abelian category. For each object, A E obj (C) let [A] denote the isomorphism class of A. Then Ko(C) is defined to be the abelian group generated by the set { [A1 I A E obj (C)1 subject to the relations that [A] = [A'] [A"] whenever there exists a short exact sequence in C of the form
In the group Ko(C) it is easy to see that [0] is the identity element, that [A] = [B] if A B and that [A @ B] = [A] [B].
Example 2.1.2 (i) Now let R be a ring. If P ( R ) denotes the category of finitely generated projective (left) R-modules then Ko(P(R)) is traditionally abbreviated to Ko(R).
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
2.1. Low-dimensional algebraic K- theory
Let G be a finite group. We shall be particularly interested in the case when R = Z[G], the integral group-ring. In this case, if P is a finitely generated, projective Z[G]-module then P @ Q is a finitely generated, free Q[G]-module and the rank of P is the integer defined by the relation
Since a finite module is canonically the sum of its Sylow p-subgroups, there is an isomorphism of the form
rank(P) . IGI = dimq ( P €3 Q).
where Cfin,, is the full subcategory of C whose objects are the finite cohomologically trivial modules of order a power of a prime, p. (iii) Let Clf denote the full subcategory of the category of finitely generated (left) Z[G]-modules whose objects are the locally free modules. Hence a finitely generated Z[G]-module, M, belongs to obj(Clf ) if and only if R @zM is a free R[G]-module for R = Q, the rationals and for R = Z,, the p-adic integers for each prime p. It is a result of Swan [49] that P is a finitely generated projective Z[G]module if and only if it is locally free. This result does not hold if Z is replaced by an arbitrary Dedekind domain. However, in the case of Z[G] we obtain an isomorphism of the form
Hence the rank gives a surjection of the form
The reduced KOof Z[G], K ~ ( Z [ G ] )is, defined to be the kernel of rk so that
Each finitely generated, projective Z[G]-module P has the form P 2 z [ G ] ' ~ ( ~ ) -@' J for some ideal J a Z[G] [3].Therefore every element of K ~ ( Z [ G ]may ) be written in the form [J]- [Z[GI] for some J a Z [GI. This situation is analogous to the case when R = OK, the ring of algebraic integers in a number field. Being a Dedekind domain, every finitely generated rk(P)-1 @Jfor some J a O K [59].Sending projective OK-mOdule,P, satisfies P %' OK P to J defines an isomorphism between K o ( o K ) and CC(OK), the ideal class group given by ideals modulo principal ideals with group multiplication induced by taking the product of ideals [log]. Prompted by the analogy with the case of rings of algebraic integers we shall follow the Galois module structure convention and refer to KO(Z[GI)as the class-group of Z[G], denoted by Cf(Z[G]). In addition, if P is a finitely generated projective Z[G]-module, we shall write [PI E Cf(Z[G]) as an abbreviation for [PI - rk(P) . [Z[G]]E KO(Z[GI). (ii) Let C denote the full subcategory of the category of finitely generated (left) Z[G]-modules whose objects are the cohomologically trivial modules. That is, for M E obj(C) the Tate cohomology groups, I;T'(u; M) ([I321 p. 3), vanish for all integers i and all subgroups, U C G. Any such module, M , has a projective resolution of the form [49]
- [PI],induces an isomorphism and sending [MI to the Euler characteristic, [Po] of the form Ko(C) 5 Ko(Z(G1).
Let Cfin denote the full subcategory of C whose objects are the finite cohomologically trivial modules. For such an M the ranks of Po and Pl are equal. In this case the map, ([MI H [Po]- [PI]), induces a homomorphism of the form
KO(Cfin) 2 B p
Ko(Z[G]) 5 KO(C1f). (iv) If C is the category of finitely generated R-modules then Ko(C) is usually denoted by Go(R) (or Kh(R) in [117]). The forgetful map
is called the Cartan homomorphism. (v) Suppose that R is a Dedekind domain with fraction field F. Let A be an R-algebra. Then an A-module M is called locally free if F @R M is a free F @R Amodule and, for each prime ideal P a R, Rp @R M is a free Rp @R A-module. Here R p denotes the completion of R in the P-adic topology (cf. 52.5.1). Denote by C1,,. fr. the category of finitely generated, locally free A-modules with associated
When R = O K , the ring of algebraic integers of a number field, K , and G is a finite group then an OKIG]-module is locally free if and only if it is projective [149]. Hence there is an isomorphism of the form
This fact will be important in Theorem 2.5.25. The associated class-group is defined by Cf(OK[G]) = K O ( ~ K [ ~ ] ) / ( [ O K [ G I ~ ) , the quotient of Ko(OK[GI) by the infinite cyclic subgroup generated by the class of OKIG]. When OK = Z this class-group is canonically isomorphic to that of Example 2.1.2(i)-(ii) .
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
Definition 2.1.3 Let R be a ring with an identity element and let GLn(R) denote the general linear group of all invertible n x n matrices with entries in R. Let GL(R) = Un GLn(R) denote the infinite general linear group, given by the direct limit of the sequence of inclusions
2.1. Low-dimensional algebraic K-theory
A morphism in Ff from (A, g, B ) to (A', g', B') consists of a pair of (left) R-module B' such that homomorphisms, U A : A --+ A' and U B : B
A sequence 0
where GLk(R) is injected into GLk+1(R) by the map
(A', g', B')
- (A, g, B )
(A", g", B")
is called exact in Ff if both
An elementary matrix is an element e,*,bE GL(R), for distinct integers a, b 2 = 0 for all other pairs 1, satisfying Y,,i = 1 for all 2 , Yalb = E R and (i,j) # (a, b). The subgroup generated by the elementary matrices is denoted by E(R). In fact, E(R) a GL(R) and the Whitehead Lemma ([log] p. 25) states that E(R) = [GL(R),GL(R)], the commutator subgroup of GL(R). Define K1(R) = GL(R)/E(R) = GL(R)"~,
the abelianisation of GL(R). This group was introduced in the work of J.H.C. Whitehead on simple homotopy type and for that reason is sometimes known as the Whitehead group of R. Example 2.1.4 (i) When R is commutative the determinant homomorphism yields a splitting of the form K1(R) SK1(R) CEI R*
R*). where R* denotes the group of units of R and SK1(R) = Ker(det : K1(R) In general SK1(R) is very difficult to compute. However when R is a field it is easy to show that SKI is trivial. Much more difficult is the vanishing, proved in [4], of SK1(OK) for the ring of integers in a number field. (ii) Let G be a finite abelian group. Then Q[G] is isomorphic to a product of fields Q[G] E Fi and, by the previous example,
are exact in the category P ( R ) . The relative K-group Ko(R,f ) is defined to be the abelian group with generators {[A,g,Bl I (A19,B)E obj(Ff)) and the following relations:
(i) [A,g, B] = [A',g', B'] 0
+ [A", g", B"] if there exists an exact sequence
(A', g', B')
+ (A, g, B )
(A", g", B")
and (ii) [A,gh, C] = [A,h, B] [B,g,C].In fact ([I501 Lemma 15.6) every element of Ko(R,f ) has the form [A,g, B].
There exists a homomorphism
defined by d[X] = [Rn,(- . X), Rn] where [XI is represented by a matrix, X E GL,(S). There is also a homomorphism
since K1 commutes with finite products.
given by r [ A ,g, B] = [A] - [B].
Definition 2.1.5 Let f : R S be a homomorphism of rings. Following ([I501 p. 214) let Ff denote the category whose objects are triples (A, g, B) with A, B E obj(P(R)) and g an isomorphism of (left) S-modules of the form
Theorem 2.1.6 ([I 501 Theorem 15.5) Let f : R ---+ S be a homomorphism of rings with identity. Then there is an exact sequence of the form
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
Example 2.1.7 Let G be a finite group. Let R be an integral domain and let f : Z[G] R[G] be the corresponding inclusion of group-rings. Then the exact sequence of Theorem 2.1.6 takes the form
Here, because we are hoping to do arithmetic with these sequences, we have adopted the (arithmetical) notation of [23]and written KO(Z[GI,R) for the relative K-group denoted by Ko(Z[GI,f ) in Definition 2.1.5. Now consider the situation when R = Q , the rational field, which is the case of particular interest to us. Incidentally, in this case the relative K-theory exact sequence is just the low-dimensional end of a localisation sequence (cf. [I171 $5 Theorem 5, [62] p. 233; see also 52.4.6). The categorical construction of the localisation sequence in [I171 shows that there is an isomorphism of the relative K-groups of the form
2.2. Perfect complexes
together with a given isomorphism
Associated to this data is a well-defined element - called a Reidemeister4, Pev]in the following manner. Set Whitehead torsion - of Ko(ZIG],Q), [pod, p o d = e j p % + l and P e V = e j p 2 j . Choose Q[G]-module splittings for the right-hand epimorphisms in each of the short exact sequences:
Using these chosen splittings the rational isomorphism, following composition
4, is
given by the
sending [A, 4, B] to { [A@ Z, ,4, B @ Z,] I p prime ) . Here KO(Z, [GI; Q,) is defined in an analogous manner to KO(Z[G];Q), replacing Z by Z, and Q by Qp.
Example 2.1.8 Constructing elements We shall close this section by giving two constructions of elements in the K-groups of Definitions 2.1.1 and 2.1.5. Let G be a finite group. There is one other important construction of elements in Ko(ZIG]), namely the Euler characteristic of a nearly perfect complex. That construction is rather involved and will be given in Definition 2.3.13. (i) Suppose that X and Y are finitely generated Z[G]-modules and that
(Y, X ) indueis a 2-extension of Z[G]-modules representing an element of ing, via cupproduct, isomorphisms between the Tate cohomology groups H ~ GY) ; and H'+~(G;X ) for all i. Under these circumstances a representative 2-extension may be chosen for which A and B are finitely generated, cohomologically trivial Z[G]-modules. The Euler characteristic of such a 2-extension is defined to be the element [A1 - [Bl E C w w I ) as in Example 2.1.2(ii). This element of the class-group depends only on the class of the 2-extension in the set AutG(Y)\ ~ x t & ](Y, X)/AutG (X) (see Theorem 2.2.5). (ii) Suppose that we have a bounded, perfect cochain complex of Z[G]modules. That is, a bounded cochain complex of finitely generated, projective Z[G]-modules of the form -
The Euler characteristic of the perfect complex is defined to be x(P*) = (-l)j+l [Pi]E K o(Z[G]) so that T , [pod, 4, PeV] = x ( P * ) in the exact sequence of Theorem 2.1.6. 4, Pev]does not depend on the choice of rational splittings The class, [pod, but only on the rational cohomology isomorphism and the quasi-isomorphism class of the chain complex, P* (see Proposition 2.5.35).
Perfect complexes
In this section we shall briefly review the role of perfect chain complexes of Z[G]modules in the construction of elements in the class-group, CL(Z [GI), of the group ring of a finite group G. We have already met a special case in Example 2.1.8(i). The contents of this section will justify the claims made in that example.
Definition 2.2.1 Let G be a finite group. A perfect complex of Z [GI-modules is a cochain complex of Z[G]-module homomorphisms of the form
in which each pi is a finitely generated, projective Z[G]-module.
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
A cohomologically trivial complex is a similar cochain complex in which each Pi is cohomologically trivial (cf. Example 2.1.2 (ii)) . Since projective modules are cohomologically trivial a perfect complex is also a cohornologically trivial complex. A cochain complex is bounded if Pi is zero for all but finitely many values of i. The Euler characteristic of a bounded cohornologically trivial complex, P*, is the element of the class-group defined by
where [Pi]is interpreted as in Example 2.1.2(i)/(ii). A quasi-isomorphism of complexes, {fn : Pn + Qn I n E Z), is a cochain map (that is, dn f n = f n + l . dn : Pn --+ Qn+l for all n) whose induced map on cohomology
2.2. Perfect complexes
Proposition 2.2.4 Let (C*,d) be a bounded, cohomologically trivial complex of Z[G]-modules such that Hi(C*) is a finitely generated Z[G]-module for each integer, i. (i) There exists a quasi-isomorphism, f : P* perfect complex of Z[G]-modules.
C*, in which P* is a bounded
D* is a second quasi-isomorphism, as in (i), from (ii) Suppose that g : Q* a bounded perfect complex to a bounded cohomologically trivial complex with finitely generated cohomology groups. Suppose that pk is a free Z[G]-module unless Qj, Cj, D j are trivial for all j 5 k. Then for any Z[G]-module cochain map, j : C* D*, there exists a cochain map
and a cochain homotopy
is an isomorphism for all n.
such that gkhk
Lemma 2.2.2 Let f : P* 4Q* be a quasi-isomorphism of Z[G]-module complexes. Then the mapping cone complex given by
- j k f k = dsk
+ sk+1d : pk
for all k. Proof. For part (i), suppose that C k = 0 for k > rn and that Cm is non-trivial. Choose a finitely generated projective Z [GI-module, Pm, together with a surjection
is exact. Here
dn(a, b) = (dn-1 ( a ) (-1)" fn(b))dn(b)) for all a E QnWl,b E Pn. The converse is also true.
Since .rr : Cm --,Cm/d(Cm-l) is surjective we may lift f to fm : Pm ---+ Cm such that .rr . fm = j. Now, by induction, suppose that we have constructed Z[G]-module homomorphisms, f j : + C j for j > r where
Proof. The short exact sequence of complexes
yields a long exact cohomology sequence of the form
Therefore H*(C(f )) = 0 and (C( f ), 2) is an exact complex.
Corollary 2.2.3 Let f : P* -+ Q* be a Z[G]-module quasi-isomorphism of bounded, cohomologically trivial complexes. Then
Proof. By Lemma 2.2.2, 0 = x(C(f)) = xn(-l)n([Qn-l]
+ [Pn]) E CL(Z[G]). 0
is a cochain complex of finitely generated, projective Z[G]-modules such that, for all j 2 r, fj(Ker(d : pj 4Pi+')) Cj+l ) Ker(d : Ci fj+l @(Pi))
c d(@)
is an isomorphism for all j 2 r
+ 1. The induction starts with r = m.
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
For the induction step, enlarge Pr by adding a direct summand with trivial differential and amending fr so that
is surjective. Choose a finitely generated, projective Z[G]-module, Pr-l together with a surjection, d : Pr-' 4~ e r ( f , ) .Since d : Cr-' 4 d(Cr-') is surjective and fr(4p;-')) d(Cr-') we may lift frd to fr-' : Pr-' t Cr-' so that dfr-' = frd. Set d : Pr-' 3Pr equal to d followed by the inclusion of ~ e r ( f , ) into P r . This completes the induction step. Using the induction step we may construct a complex of finitely generated, projective Z[G]-modules together with a quasi-isomorphism to C*. However, if Ci = 0 for i < n we may truncate the complex P* to look like
which still maps to C* by a quasi-isomorphism. The exactness of the mapping cone complex, proved in Lemma 2.2.2,
shows that Ker(d) is a finitely generated, torsion-free, cohomologically trivial Z[G]module, which is therefore projective ([49] 11). This establishes part (i). For part (ii) suppose that pk,Qk,C k ,D k are trivial for k > m and that Pm is non-trivial. Then the homomorphisms
2.2. Perfect complexes
Hence hn+'(d(Pn)) C d(Qn) and, since TQ is surjective, we may lift hn+1d to obtain a homomorphism, hk : Pn t Qn such that dhk = hn+'d : Pn t Qn+l. Next we observe that
and so we obtain a homomorphism
For each z E Pn there exists a cocycle, w E Ker(d : Qn 4Qn+l), such that
If Pn is free, let zl,. . . , zt be a free basis. Note that, in the case when Pn is projective but not free, we may choose hn = 0 = s,. For each zi choose wi E Ker(d : Qn t Qn+l) satisfying
Set hn(zi) = hk(zi) - wi E Qn and extend linearly to a homomorphism, h,. Then d(hn(zi)) = d(hk(zi)) - d(wi) = d(hk(zi)) = hn+1(d(zi)) for all i and so dh, = hn+'d, as required. Also
are all isomorphisms. Since TQ : Qm 4Qm/d(Qm-l) is surjective, we may lift
to hm : Pm Qm such that xQhm = g;lj, f,rp. Therefore (gmhm- jmfm)(Pm) d(Dm-l) and, since d: Dm-' td(Dm-') is surjective, we may lift this to a homomorphism, sm : Pm4 Dm-', such that Dm. gmhm - jmfm = dsm : Pm Now we proceed to construct the hk,sk's by induction, starting with k = m. Suppose for all k 2 n 1 we have constructed hk and sk as required. For any z E Pn, hn+l(d(z)) E Qn+l satisfies d(hn+l(d(z))) = hn+2(d(d(z))) = 0 so that hn+' (d(z)) E Ker(d : Q"+' t Q"+~).However, the cohomology class [hn+1(d(z))] E Hn+l (Q*) is zero because
so that we have a homomorphism
which we may lift to a homomorphism, sn : Pn t Dn-' such that gnhn - jnf n sn+1d = dsn, as required. 0 Theorem 2.2.5 Let (C*,d) be a bounded, cohomologically trivial complex of Z[G]-modules such that Hi(C*) is a finitely generated Z[G]-modulefor each integer, i. Suppose, for j = 1,2, that f (j) : P T 4C*
are quasi-isomorphisms in which P T is a bounded perfect complex of Z[G]-modules. Then x(P;*> = x(P,*) E CC(Z[GI).
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
- -
to the original representative of a . Furthermore we may arrange that the induced P1) X , is surjective. This shows that the n-extension map, f : Ker(d : Po
Proof. An elementary complex is a cochain complex of the form
By adding elementary perfect complexes to P; we may construct a bounded, perfect complex P* in which the modules Pn are free for all n 2 No where No is chosen so that Pi = 0 = C j for all j 5 No. Since an elementary perfect complex has trivial Euler characteristic we have x ( P * ) = x(P?). In addition, by extending f (1) by zero on the elementary perfect complexes which have been added we obtain a quasi-isomorphism of the form f : P* C*. Now, setting Q* = P;, D* = C*, j = 1 and g = f (2) in Proposition 2.2.4, we obtain a cochain homomorphism
with f(2)h chain homotopic to f . Hence f(2),h, = f, so that h is a quasiisomorphism and x ( P 3 = x(P*) = x ( G ) E C w w I ) by Corollary 2.2.3.
2.2. Perfect complexes
Definition 2.2.6 Let (C*,d) be a bounded, cohomologically trivial complex of Z[G]modules such that Hi(C*) is a finitely generated Z[G]-module for each integer, i. Then the Euler characteristic, x(C*), of (C*,d) is defined by
where f : P* 4C*, is a quasi-isomorphism in which P* is a bounded perfect complex of Z[G]-modules. This definition is well defined by virtue of Theorem 2.2.5.
Example 2.2.7 (Cf. Example 2.1.8(i)) X) Let X and Y be finitely generated Z[G]-modules and let a E ExtglG1(Y, be an n-extension such that the cupproduct on Tate cohomology
is an isomorphism for all i. Suppose that a is represented by an exact sequence of the form
Choose a projective resolution of Y of the form
and a cochain map from the resolution to the original n-extension which is the identity on Y. This cochain map induces a map from the n-extension
also represents a . The cup-product with a is given by splitting the n-extension up into n short exact sequences and composing the resulting n cohomology coboundary homomorphisms. From this one easily sees that f, is an isomorphism on Hi (H; -) for all i and all H G. Therefore ~ e r ( f C ) Po is a finitely generated, torsion-free, cohomologically trivial Z[G]-module and hence projective [49]. Therefore
is a bounded, cohomologically trivial complex with finitely generated cohomology groups - only two are non-zero and they are isomorphic to X and Y. The Euler characteristic associated to the n-extension, a, is equal to
From Theorem 2.2.5 it is easy to see that this Euler characteristic depends only on the class of a in AutG(Y)\ ExtglGI(Y, X)/AutG(X).
Proposition 2.2.8 Suppose that 0-c;
f -c;
L C ; 4
is a short exact sequence of bounded, cohomologically trivial complexes of Z[G]modules then x ( C 3 + x(C,*) = x(C,*) E C w w l ) . Proof. The mapping cone complex of f (see Lemma 2.2.2) is given by
where d(a, b) = (d(a) (-1)" f (b), d(b)) for all a E c,"-',b E C r . The homomorphisms, {hn-1 : C(f)"-' -+ c;-' I n E Z), given by hn-l(a, b) = g(a) form a quasi-isomorphism of the form h : C (f )* 4 C$. This is by verifying that the identity maps on H*(C;) and H*(C2*) together with fh, send the long exact cohomology sequence for the original short exact sequence isomorphically to that of 0 -+ c;-I c;-I 4 c; 0.
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
Since both C(f)* and C i are bounded, cohomologically trivial Z[G]-module complexes, Theorem 2.2.5 implies that x(C(f )*) = x(Ci). Applying Proposition C; we obtain quasi-isomorphisms from bounded, perfect 2.2.4 to f : C: complexes Pi* (i = 1,2)
together with cochain homomorphism such that f a is chain homotopic to p j . Let s : PT --t c;-' be the cochain homotopy so that pkjk- fkak= dsk sk+1d for all k. The homomorphisms {in-' : C(j)"-' C(f)n-l} given by
form a cochain map since
2.3. Nearly perfect complexes
Definition 2.3.1 A nearly perfect complex of Z[G]-modules is a triple
of the following kind. (a) C* is a bounded, complex of cohomologically trivial Z[G]-modules as in Example 2.1.2(ii).
If some of the Ci are non-zero, we let m (resp. n) be the smallest (resp. largest) integer for which Ci # 0. If all the Ci = 0, let n = -1 and m = 0. Define length(C*) = n - m 1. (b) For each integer i, Li is a torsion-free finitely generated Z[G]-module. Let Hi(C*) be the i-th cohomology group of C*. We require ri to be a Z[G]module isomorphism
(c) For all i, the group Hi(C*),,div is a finitely generated abelian group.
Definition 2.3.2 Two nearly perfect complexes = in(d(u, v)).
The induced map from the long exact cohomology sequences of C(j)* to that of C (f )* shows that they are quasi-isomorphic. Since C(j)* is a bounded, perfect complex we have, by Definition 2.2.6,
are quasi-isomorphic if the following is true: (a) There is an isomorphism between C* and C1* in the derived category of the homotopy category of Z[G]-modules (that is, a cochain map with an inverse cochain map up to chain homotopy). (b) There is a Z[G]-module isomorphism L!, + Li for each i. (c) There is a commutative diagram of isomorphisms
as required.
2.3 Nearly perfect complexes As usual, let G be a finite group. In this section we shall examine a generalization of the Euler characteristic of a bounded, cohomologically trivial complex of Z[G]modules, as promised in Example 2.1.8. If A is an abelian group, let Adiv denote the maximal divisible subgroup of A and set Acodiv= A/Adiv, the codivisible quotient of A.
in which the left vertical isomorphism is induced by (b) and the right one by (a).
Theorem 2.3.3 Suppose (C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) is a nearly perfect complex. (a) One can define an Euler characteristic x(C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) E Ko(ZIG]) which depends only on the quasi-isomorphism class of (C*, {Li)i, { T ~ ) ~ ) .
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
in Go(ZIG]) (cf. Example 2.1.2(iv)) is equal (b) The image of x(C*,{Li)i, to E ( - l ) " ( [ ~ ~ ( ~ * ) r nd i[ vH] O ~ Z ( ,)I). L~, i
(c) Suppose that the cohomology groups Hi(C*) are finitely generated Z[G]modules, so that the Li and ~i are trivial. In this case
2.3. Nearly perfect complexes
the middle column of diagram (3); the homomorphism Homz (Ln, Q ) -+ H n (C*) in this column is the one compatible with the left column and the bottom row. The modules M n and Nn are defined to be the kernels of the vertical homomorphisms, which implies that the columns of (3) are exact, by the long exact cohomology sequence associated to the short exact sequence of column complexes. Applying the functor HornzlGl(-, Zn-') to the middle column of (3) gives a long exact sequence of the form
the Euler characteristic of Definition 2.2.6
Remark 2.3.4 Suppose R is a Dedekind ring and that the fraction field F of R is a number field. One can then replace Z by R and Q/Z by F I R in Definitions 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 and in Theorem 2.3.3. This leads to Euler characteristics in Ko(RIG]) for nearly perfect complexes over R[G]. 2.3.5 The proof of Theorem 2.3.3 will occupy 852.3.5-2.3.20.
We shall define x(C*) by induction on length(C*). Let bi : Ci -,Ci+l denote the i-th boundary map in C*, and let Zi = ker(di) be the i-th cycle group. Thus Zn = Cn, since C* has no terms above degree n. The 2-extension zn-1 4cn-'4Cn 4 Hn(C*) (2) defines a class a = an E E X ~ & ~ ~ ( H ~Zn-I). ( C * ) ,We now use a to construct a ( M ~for, a suitable module, Mn. class in ~ x t k [ ~ ~Zn-l) We have a commutative diagram with short exact rows and columns of the following form:
Lemma 2.3.6 The module M n in (3) is a finitely generated torsion-free Z[G]-module and the boundary map
(4) is an isomorphism.
Proof. Since N n and Homz(Ln, Z) are finitely generated abelian groups, diagram (3) shows M n is also and since Homz(Ln, Q) $ Fn is torsion-free, so is Mn. To analyse (4) we use the spectral sequence HP(G;E x t i (Dl, D2)) => ~ x t $ (? ~~ 1~ , 2 )
for Z[G]-modules Dl and D2. The projective dimension of Z is one ([83] p. 171 and 191). Therefore Ext;(D1, D2) = 0 if q 2 2. (7) If Dl is finitely generated and torsion free, then E x t a ( ~ 1D2) , = 0. If Dl is a finitely generated projective Z[G]-module, then Homz(D1, D2) is a summand of an induced Z[G]-module, so Homz (Dl, D2) is cohomologically trivial. Any Q-vector space is also a cohomologically trivial Z[G]-module. One finds from (6), (7) and the above remarks that if q > 1 then ExtV,[,] (Hom(Ln, Q) $ Fn,2"-' ) = ExtllGl(Hom(Ln, Q), Zn-') $ ExtljGI( F n , Zn-')
and Homz(Mn, 2"-I)). ~ x t ~ ~ ~ 2"-') ~ ( M="H'(G; , To explain this diagram, note first that E x t k ( ~ " ,Z) = 0 since in Definition 2.3.l(b) Ln is a free finitely generated Z-module. Hence the left column is exact. In the bottom row we have identified Hornz (Ln ,Q/Z) with H n (C*)divusing the isomorphism rn of Definition 2.3.l(b). The module Fn is a finitely generated projective Z[G]-module chosen to surject onto Hn(C*)codiv,with Fn = (0) if = 0. We then lift this surjection to obtain a map to Hn(C*) to yield Hn(C*)codiv
The homomorphism
in the long exact sequence (4) is trivial, since its domain is a Q-vector space and, by (9), its range is a group annihilated by the order of G. Thus (4), (9) and (10) establish the isomorphism stated in Lemma 2.3.6. 0
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
2.3. Nearly perfect complexes
Definition 2.3.8 Let
Proof. If m = n then Zn-' = 0. Hence sequence (11) shows Dn-I = Mn. By Lemma 2.3.6, M n is a finitely generated torsion-free Z[G]-module, and D"-' is cohomologically trivial by Proposition 2.3.9. Hence Dn-I = M n must be a finitely generated, projective Z[G]-module. The equality (15) follows from Dn-' = M n , the top row and right column of (3), rankz (Hornz (Ln, Z)) = rankz (Ln) and the 0 fact that finitely generated projective Z[G]-modules are locally free.
be an exact sequence representing the extension class Di=Ci ifi
Lemma 2.3.11 If i < n - 1 then Hi(D*) = Hi(C*) and i f i Finally, there is an exact sequence of the form
Corollary 2.3.7 There is a unique class, P E ~ x t ~ ~ ~Zn-'), ~ ( M which " , maps to the 2extension a E ~ x t &( H~n ( c * ) ,Zn-') of the sequence (2) under the boundary isomorphism of Lemma 2.3.6.
P of Corollary 2.3.7. Let
be the complex such that the boundary Xi : Di Di+' is as follows. If i < n - 2 then Xi is the boundary map bi : Ci + c'+' of C*. If i 2 n - 1, then Xi is the :D ~ ~ Dn-' is -- Cn-2 zero homomorphism. Finally, if i = n - 2 then Zn-' with the inclusion the composition of the boundary map Sn-2 : Cn-2 Zn-' + Dn-' in sequence (11).
Proposition 2.3.9 The Z[G]-module, Dn-l, is cohomologically trivial.
Proof. By Corollary 2.3.7, the cup product of middle column
P with the extension class of the
of (3) is f1 times the class, a, of sequence (2). Therefore splicing together (11) and (12) gives an exact sequence 0 4Zn-'
Homz(Ln, Q ) @ Fn -+ Hn(C*) -+ 0
which has extension class f a . Since Cn-I and Cn in (2) were assumed to be cohomologically trivial Z[G]-modules, cup product with f a induces isomorphisms in Tate cohomology for all integers j and all subgroups r G. Since Homz(Ln, Q) @ Fn in sequence (13) is a cohomologically trivial Z[G]-module, this implies Dn-' in (13) must also 0 be cohomologically trivial. Corollary 2.3.10 Suppose n = m i n equation ( I ) , so that Ci = 0 i f i # n and Cn # 0. Then Di = 0 unless i = n - 1. The module Dn-I = M n is a finitely generated projective Z [GI-module, and
where Cn = Hn(C*).
1 then Hi(D*) = 0.
Proof. In view of (1I), the exact sequence (16) is
where Bn-' C Zn-I denotes the group of n The rest of the result is clear.
1 boundaries of both C* and D*.
Corollary 2.3.12 Suppose (C*, {Li)i, { T ~ ) is ~ )a nearly perfect complex, as i n Definition 2.3.1. n - 1 , and let L: = 0 i f i > n - 1 . Definer: = ~i : Let L: = Li i f i Homz(Li7Q I Z ) ---,Hi(C*)diV= Hi(D*)diVif i n - 1, and let T: = 0 i f i > n - 1. Then (D*,{L:)i, (7:)) is a nearly perfect complex. If n > m, then
D * : ...-+ 0-Dm has length(D*)
+ o h ...
< n - m < length(C*) = n - m + 1.
Proof. Since M n is finitely generated by Lemma 2.3.6, sequence (16) gives an isomorphism H ~ - (' c * ) ~ ~-5 , H"-'(D*)~~,. The Corollary is now clear from Lemma 2.3.11.
Definition 2.3.13 If length(Co) = n - m 1 = 0, then C* and D* are both the zero complex and we let x(C* {Li}i, {ri)i) = 0. (19) Suppose now that length(Co) = n - m 1 = 1. By Corollary 2.3.10, Dn-' has a class, [Dn-'1 in Ko(ZIG]), so we can let
We now assume by induction that no 2 0 is an integer such that x(C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) has been defined whenever length(Co) = n - m + 1 < no. If length(C*) = no + 1 then, using Corollary 2.3.12, we can define
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
Proposition 2.3.14 The nearly perfect complex (D*,{Li)i, {T:)~) depends on (C*, {Li)i7{ T ~ ) ~ ) , the projective module Fn and the homomorphism X : Fn + Hn(C*) induced by the middle column of diagram (3). The class x(D*,{Li)il {T:)~) (-l)n . [Fn]does not depend on the choice of Fn or X : Fn + Hn(C*). Therefore in Definition 2.3.13, x(C*,{Li)il {ri)i) depends only on the nearly perfect complex (C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) and not on further choices.
2.3.15 Before beginning the proof of Proposition 2.3.14 we observe that the choice of Fn and X : Fn + Hn(C') determines the diagram (3). This fixes the long exact sequence (4) and so, from Corollary 2.3.7 and Definition 2.3.8, we see that (D*, {L!,Ii, {T:)~) is also determined by these choices together with the original nearly perfect complex (C*, {Li)i, {ri)i). If C* has length 0, then x(C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) = 0 SO Proposition 2.3.14 holds. We now assume C* has strictly positive length and that, by induction, Proposition 2.3.14 is true for all nearly perfect complexes of length less than that of C*. In the course of the proof, we will show the following, by induction:
2.3. Nearly perfect complexes
Proof. From diagram (3), we see that there is a homomorphism p : Fn -+ Homz(Ln,Q/Z) such that X = A' +i . p , where i : Homz(Ln, Q/Z) 4 Hn(C*)is the inclusion in the bottom row of (3). Since Fn is projective and the homomorphism 7r : Homz (Ln,Q ) 4 Homz (Ln, Q/Z) in the left column of (3) is surjective, we can lift p to a homomorphism p' : Fn -+ Homz(Ln, Q) such that Let T be the automorphism of Homz(Ln, Q ) $ Fn defined by Define (3)' to be the diagram (3) when A' is used instead of A. Then we see that there is a unique isomorphism from diagram (3) to diagram (3)' which fixes the left and right columns and which is the automorphism T on the module Homz(Ln, Q ) $Fn in the middle of the diagram. This ? induces an automorphism of Hn(C*) and an isomorphism M n 4 MIn from M n to the corresponding module MIn in diagram (3)'. Following through the construction in Definition 2.3.8, we see that there is a commutative diagram
Hypothesis 2.3.16 Suppose (C;, {Ll,i)i, { T ~ , ~and ) ~ (C;, ) {L2,i)i, ( ~ 2 , ~are ) ~near) ly perfect complexes having the following properties.
(a) The length of each of these complexes is less than that of C*. (b) There is a morphism of complexes C; isomorphism.
C; which is a term by term
(c) There are isomorphisms Ll,i 4 L2,i which are compatible with the cohomology isomorphisms Hi(C;) t Hi(C;) induced by the morphism in (b), ' s the ~ 2 , ~ 'Then s. the T ~ , ~and
in which the left vertical homomorphism is the identity map, the right vertical homomorphism is the above isomorphism M n + MIn, and the middle homomorphism is an isomorphism. ) ~ (Dl*, ) {L2,i)il{ T ~ , ~be) ~the ) nearly perfect comLet (D*, {Ll,i)i, { T ~ , ~and plex structures resulting from Definition 2.3.8 when one uses X and A', respectively. Via (25) we get a morphism of complexes D* Dl* which is the identity on all terms except Dn-l, and which is the middle vertical isomorphism of (25) on Dn-l. This morphism induces a commutative diagram
where the two sides of this equality are well defined because, by assumption, Proposition 2.3.14 holds for complexes of length less than that of C*. This induction hypothesis is clearly true if C* has length 1, since then C; and C; have length 0.
Lemma 2.3.17 Let : Fn Hn(C*)c,div be the homomorphism induced by X : Fn + Hn(C*), so that appears in the right column of diagram (3). Suppose A' : Fn + Hn(C*) is another homomorphism such that = $. Then assuming Hypothesis 2.3.16, X and A' lead to the same value for x(C*, {Li)i, {riIi), Therefore x(C', {LiIi, {riIi) depends only on the (surjective) homomorphism X : Fn --+ H n (C*)codiv.
in which the left and right isomorphisms are those induced by T. By construction induces the identity isomorphism of Hence the identity isomorphism Llli 4 L2,i for each i is compatible with D* 4 Dl*, r1,i and T2,i. It follows now from Hypothesis 2.3.16 that
Therefore we get the same value for x(C*, {LiIi, {ri)i) whether we use X or A', which completes the proof of Lemma 2.3.17. 0
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
2.3.18 (Proof of Proposition 2.3.14 and Hypothesis 2.3.16) Let Fr be another choice of a projective Z[G]-module and a surjective homomorphism X1 : Fr + Hn(C*). Since both of the induced homomorphisms ;\ : Fn Hn(C*)codivand $1 : + Hn(C*)codiv are surjective, we can form a pull back square
2.3. Nearly perfect complexes
In view of Definition 2.3.13 and (XI), the expressions for x(C*, {LiIi, {ri)i) which result from using X1 and i,respectively, are
It follows from Lemma 2.3.17 that in order to show X and i1yield the same value for x(C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) we may reduce to the case in which il is the composiFn and i.Since the value of x(C*,{Li)i, {ri)i) does tion of a surjection h : Fr not depend on how i is lifted to A, we can further assume that X1 : Fr 4Hn(C*) is the composition of h and X : Fn 4 Hn(C*). Define (3) to be the diagram (3) which results from using X1 instead of A, and let M r and N r be the modules appearing in (3), at the positions corresponding to Mn and Nn. We have a commutative exact diagram
We will now show that (30) and (31) are equal. Hn-l(D*) which Choose a free module F3 and a G-morphism A3 : F3 induces a surjection F3 --, Hn-l(D*)codiv. We further require F3 = (0) if Hn-l(D*)codiv = 0. We compute (D;, {L:)i, {T:)~) by choosing the projective module F3@ F2together with the homomorphism
which is the identity map on the second summand and X3 on the first. From the diagram of the form (3) which results and from Definitions 2.3.8 and 2.3.13, we see that there is a single nearly perfect complex (D;, {Ly)i, {T:)~) of length less than length(C*) such that
in which the right columns are the right columns of diagrams (3)1 and (3). The middle row of (29) splits because Fn is projective. Hence the top row of (29) are. Thus we have compatible also splits and F2is projective because Fn and isomorphisms N r = Nn @ F2 and M r = M n @ F2. Using the fact that F2 is projective, we see that the construction of Definition 2.3.8 leads to an isomorphism p - 1 N p - 1 @ F2,where D; is the complex which results from using X1 instead 1 of A. The homomorphism D T - ~= Dn-l = Cn-2 4D Y - ~is the composition of 4 D;-l = Dn-l @ Dn-l and the inclusion - F2-which is the identity map onto the first summand of D"-~. If F2 = 0, then X = A1 and there is nothing to prove because of Lemma 2.3.17. So we assume in what follows that F 2 is non-trivial. We see from this description that H"-I(D;) = Hn-I (D*) @ F2 and that the nearly perfect complex structure (DT, {L6)i, {T:)~) of D; is the one which results from (D*, {L',)i, {T:)~) by simply adding the projective module F2to Dn-l.
where F; = D"-~ is projective if length(C*) = 1, and Fi = F3 if length(C*) > 1. Here we may use Hypothesis 2.3.16 to assert that x(D;, {L;)i, {T:)~) has the same value on the right sides of (32) and (33). It follows easily from (32) and (33) that (30) and (31) are equal. The proof of Proposition 2.3.14 will now be complete once we show that our equation (22) of our inductive Hypothesis 2.3.16 holds for nearly perfect complexes (C,", {Ll,i)i, { T ~ , ~and ) ~ )(C;, {L2,i)i, ( ~ 2 , ~of) ~the ) same length as C*. This may x(C;, {Lj,i)i, { ~ j , ~to) ~reduce ) to be proved by using the inductive definition of the case of complexes of length less than that of C*; we will leave the details to 0 the reader. The proof of part(a) of Theorem 2.3.3 is now completed by the following result. Proposition 2.3.19 Suppose that (C*,{Li)i, { ~ i ) i )and (C1*,{L:)i, {r:)i) are quasi-isomorphic in the sense of Definition 2.3.2. Then x(C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) = x(C1*,{L:)i, {r;)i).
Proof. By ([71] §1.3), we can reduce to the case in which there is a morphism of complexes C* C1* which gives rise to the quasi-isomorphism in the derived category which is referred to in Definition 2.3.2(a).
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
A shift by 1 to either the left or the right of the terms of (C*,{Li)', { T ~ ) ~ ) x(C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) by - 1. Thus we can reduce to the case in which at least one of C* or C1* is not the zero complex, C' = Cli = 0 if i < 0, and c'O # 0 or CO # 0. Let n' 2 0 (resp. n 2 0 ) be the largest non-negative integer for which C'" # 0 (resp. Cn # 0 ). Suppose n' > n. We can add a non-zero finitely generated F to confree module F to both Cn and Cn+' = 0 and use the identity map F struct a perfect complex (C;, {Li)i, {ri)$)from (C*,{Li)i1{ri)i) which has length one greater than (C*, {Li)i, {ri)i). Since H~+'(C;) = 0, we can use the trivial free module surjecting onto Hn+' (C; ) to compute x(C;, {Li)i, {ri)i) via the counter) x(C*, {Li)il { ~ i ) i ) In . this part of diagram (3). This leads to x(C,+,{Li)i, { ~ i ) i = way we can increase the length of C* to be able to assume n' = n; the case in which n > n' initially is treated similarly. We will prove Proposition 2.3.19 by induction on n = n'. Suppose n = n' = 0. Then C'O and C0 are the only non-zero terms of C1* and C*, respectively. The C1* must induce an isomorphism C0 = HO(C*) HO(C'*)= morphism C* C/O. Hence the case n = n' = 0 is treated by Hypothesis 2.3.16, which was proved in the course of the proof of Proposition 2.3.14. We now suppose n = n' > 0 and that Proposition 2.3.19 is true for all pairs of complexes which have trivial terms in negative dimension and highest ), terms in dimension less than n. As in the definition of x(C*,{Li)i, { T ~ ) ~we choose a free module Fn together with a morphism Fn Hn(C*) inducing Hn(C*)codiv.We now use the isomorphisms Hn(C*) a surjection Fn Hn(C'*) and Ln + L'" in Definition 2.3.2 to take the diagram (3) used to define x(C*,{Li)i, {ri)i) to the diagram (3)' used to define x(C1*,{L:)i, {T:)~). In particular, we have an induced isomorphism M n + MIn-'. Via Lemma 2.3.6, Corollary 2.3.7 and Definition 2.3.8, this leads to a diagram
in which the right vertical arrow is an isomorphism. The morphism of complexes Dl* C* ---+ C'* together with (34) now gives a morphism of complexes D* which induces cohomology isomorphisms Hi(D*) Hi(D'*) if i # n - 1. When i = n - 1, one has a commutative diagram
2.3. Nearly perfect complexes
morphic in the sense of Definition 2.3.2. Since D* and Dl* have highest non-zero terms in degree less than n = n', the proof of Proposition 2.3.19 now follows by induct ion. 0 2.3.20 (Completion of the proof of Theorem 2.3.3) As noted before, Proposition 2.3.19 shows part (a) of Theorem 2.3.3. We now show parts (b) and (c) of Theorem 2.3.3 by induction on length(C*) = n - rn 1. If length(C*) < 0 then C* is the zero complex and x(C*, {Li)il {ri)i) = 0 by (19).
From diagram (3) we have
Suppose length(C*) = 1. By Corollary 2.3.10, Ci = 0 if i # n, and H n (C*) = Cn # 0. Furthermore, Dn-I = M n is a projective Z[G]-module, and
, {ri)i) has image by (20). Combining (36) and (37) shows x ( ~ *{Li)i, (-I)"-'
. [Mn]+ (-1)" . IFn]= (-1)"
([Hn(C*)codiv]- [Homz(Ln,Z)])
in Go(ZIG]) as asserted in Theorem 2.3.3(b). Suppose Hn(C*) = Cn is finitely generated as a Z[G]-module. Then Ln = 0, and diagram (3) shows [Fn]- [Mn] = [Hn(C*)I = [Cn] in KO(Z [GI) when we identify KO(Z [GI) with the Grothendieck group of all finitely generated cohomologically trivial Z[G]-modules, as in Example 2.1.2(ii). Thus (37) gives x(C*, {Li)i, {ri)i) = (-l)n - [Cn] in this case, which by Schanuel's Lemma [49] is equivalent to the assertion of Theorem 2.3.3 (c). Finally, suppose length(C*) > 1, and let (D*,{Li)i, {T:)~)be a nearly perfect complex of the kind constructed in Corollary 2.3.12. By Definition 2.3.13,
By induction, the image of x(D*, {L:)i, { ~ i ) i )in Go (Z[G]) is
In view of the construction of (D*, {L;)i, {T;)~),this equals (-I)"-' in which the left and right vertical homomorphisms are isomorphisms, so the middle vertical homomorphism is as well. This proves D* 4Dl* is a quasiisomorphism. The diagram (35) also shows that the nearly perfect complex structures on D* and Dl* which are constructed in Corollary 2.3.12 are quasi-iso-
. ([Hn-'
+ xi<,-'
(D*)codiv]- [Homz(Ln-', Z)]) (-1)'
By the exact sequence (16), we have
([H"(C)codiv] - [Homz(L$ ,)I).
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
since M n is finitely generated. Hence, on combining (38), (39) and (40), we see that x(C*,{Li)i, { T ~ ) has ~ ) image in Go(ZIG]) equal to
as asserted in Theorem 2.3.3(b). Suppose now that all the Hi(C*) are finitely generated. Then the groups H ~ ( D * )are as well by Lemmas 2.3.6 and 2.3.1 1. From Definition 2.3.8, the middle column of (3), and the fact that Ln = 0, we conclude that there is an exact sequence Fn -+ Hn(C*) 4 0 0 4 zn-l 4 Dn-l (41)
(Hn(C*),2"-') as the exact sewhich has the same extension class in quence zn-l +cn-l+Cn + Hn(C*) 40. 0 Let Dl* be the complex obtained from D* by putting Fn in the n-th position and using the morphism D ~ - ' -+ Fn of (41). It follows that Dl* is isomorphic in the derived category to C*. Using Proposition 2.2.4 (see also [70] Lemma 111.12.3) and ([lo71 p. 263), we now construct perfect complexes Q* and P* together with quasi-isomorphisms Q* + D* and P* -+ C*. We can furthermore assume that Qi = 0 if i > n - 1, since Di = 0 for such i. Define Q1* to be the complex obtained from Q* by Fn be the adjoining Fn in degree n and by letting the morphism Qn-l Hn-l (D*) one induced by the isomorphism Qn-l/Zn-'(Q*) = Hn-I (Q*) followed by the map H ~ - ~ ( D *=) 4 Fn induced by the boundary map Dn-l + Fn of Dl*.Then Q'* is isomorphic to Dl* in the derived category and hence also to C* and to P * . It follows that
in KO(Z [GI). However, since D* has smaller length than C*, we know by induction on the statement of Theorem 2.3.3(c) that
Now combining (38) with (42) and (43) shows
and this is the assertion of Theorem 2.3.3(c).
2.4. Higher-dimensional algebraic K- theory Question 2.3.21 Suppose that
is a short exact sequence of chain complexes of Z[G]-modules where (C(j)*, perfect complexes, as in Definition 2.3.1, for j = {L(j)i)i, { ~ ( j ) ~are ) ~ nearly ) 1,2,3. Under what conditions do we have additivity of Euler characteristics
in Definition 2.3.13? Certainly this type of additivity holds when each C(j)* is concentrated in dimension zero and C(3)O is finitely generated. This verification is an exercise in the use of the Snake Lemma. Incidentally, one can make one-term nearly perfect complexes in the following manner. Choose a cyclic group, (a) G of order n and let Q/Z&Z be the direct sum, Q/Z @ Z, on which the generator, a, acts by a ( a + Z, m) = ( a m/n Z, m). Now set C0 = I ~ ~ Z ) ( Q / Z ~ Z ) .
2.4 Higher-dimensional algebraic K-theory In this section we shall briefly recall from [I171 the definition of higher-dimensional algebraic K-groups of an exact category. 2.4.1 Categories and their classifying spaces Let C be a small category and denote by NC the simplicia1 set given by the nerve of C. The n-simplices are the composable n-tuples of morphisms in C
The classifying space of C is defined to be the geometrical realisation of NC ([61], [llll, 11271) BC = INCJ. There is a canonical homotopy equivalence of the form B(C x C') [Ill].
BC x BC'
A functor, F : C 4 V, induces a continuous map, BF : BC --, BV between the classifying spaces. Let Z be the ordered set with two elements so that BZ is the closed unit interval, I. Then a natural transformation, 8 : F 4G, gives a functor from C x Z to V, which yields a homotopy between B F and BG. Now suppose that F : C ---,V is a functor and let C1, C2,. . . E Obj(C), Dl, D2,. . . E Obj(V) denote objects. Fixing Dl, denote by D1\F the category of pairs, (C1, fl), with f i E Homp(D1, F(C1)). Also let F - I (Dl) C C denote the subcategory of all objects which map under F to Dl and all morphisms which
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
map to the identity of Dl. The category FP1(Dl) is called the fibre of F over Dl. We say that F makes C into a prefibred category over V if and only if for each object, D l , the functor a : F-'(D~) D1\F,
given by a(C2) = (C2,I)), has a right adjoint, natural isomorphisms of the form
That is, (cf. [70]) there are
for all Cl ,C2 and g. Write P(C2,g) = g*(C2) E O b j ( ~ - l ( D 1 ) ) .Then, for each morphism, g : Dl + Dz, we obtain a functor
2.4. Higher-dimensional algebraic K-theory
Recall that the functor, g*, is a homotopy equivalence if and only if the induced maps on all homotopy groups of the associated classifying spaces are isomorphisms. 2.4.3 Exact categories and their K-groups Consider the following example of an additive category with exact sequences. Let M be an additive full subcategory of an abelian category, C. Suppose that M is closed under extensions, which means that if C E Obj(C) has a subobject, MI E Obj(M), such that M/M1 E Obj(M) Obj(C) then M E Obj(M). Let E denote the class of short exact sequences in C
for which MI, M2,M3 E Obj(M). In this case E satisfies: called base-change by g. The prefibred category, C over V, is called a fibred category h if and only if for each pair of morphisms, Dl 2 D2 -+ D3, in 2) the canonical natural transformation of functors (h*g* H (gh)*) is an isomorphism. There are dual notions of a precofibred category, a cofibred category and cobase-change by 9 (I1171 P. 85). The notions of base-change and cobase-change are important in the descripBV. tion of the homotopy-fibre of the map of classifying spaces, B F : BC E A B , is a fibration [I451 then there exists a Recall that, if N = r-'(b) long exact sequence of homotopy groups of the form
for e E N. In addition, lifting a path in the base, B , yields a homotopy equivalence between the fibres above the two end-points. When trying to realise a fibration in terms of classifying spaces and maps induced by functors the role of path-lifting is played by base-change and cobase change along morphisms. In fact, more precisely one has the following result, which is a special case of ([I171 Theorem B p. 89). Theorem 2.4.2 Let F : C 4V be prefibred (respectively, precofibred) and suppose that every base-change (respectively, cobase-change) functor
is a homotopy equivalence. Then, for any D E Obj(V),
is a fibration. In particular, there is a long exact sequence of homotopy groups of the form
where F ( C ) = D.
(i) Any sequence in M which is isomorphic to a short exact sequence in E is also in I . For any Ml, M2 E Obj(M) the split sequence
is in E. For any short exact sequence in El as above, the morphism a (respectively, b) is a kernel (respectively, cokernel) for b (respectively, a) in M . (ii) Call a morphism in M an admissible monomorphism (respectively, admissible epimorphism) if it appears as an a (respectively, b) in a short exact sequence in I .The class of admissible epimorphisms is closed under composition and under base-change (i.e. pull-back) by arbitrary morphisms of M. Dually, the class of admissible monomorphisms is closed under composition and under cobase-change by arbitrary morphisms of M .
M3 be a morphism in M which has a kernel (in M ) . If (iii) Let b : M2 there exists another morphism, M 4M2 in M, such that the composition M3 is an admissible epimorphism then so is b. Dually for M - - + M2 admissible monomorphisms, a. An exact category is an additive category, M, equipped with a family of short exact sequences, E as above, which satisfy properties (i)-(iii). Members of the family E are called the short exact sequences of M. An exact functor is a functor between exact categories which sends exact sequences to exact sequences. If M is an exact category, the associated category Q M has the same objects but an element of HornQM(MI, M2) is given by the equivalence class of a diagram b in M of the form MI M "t M2 in which b is an admissible epimorphism and a is an admissible monomorphism. Two such diagrams are equivalent if there is an isomorphism from one to the other which is the identity on Ml and M2. If
M2 M' % M3 is an element of HomQM(Mz,M3) then the composition is the element of HornQM(MI, M3) given by the diagram
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
2.4. Higher-dimensional algebraic K-theory
Proof. In Theorem 2.4.6 take S = R - (0) so that F = Rs. The category 'H splits as the product of the subcategories given by P-primary torsion modules, 'Hp, for each prime ideal, P a R. On the other hand, another application of Theorem 2.4.2 using the dkvissage technique of ([I171 55) shows that K,('Hp) Z K, (RI P). 0 The following result is mentioned in [I171 and was proved in [133].
in which the left-hand vertical is an admissible epimorphism and the upper horizontal is an admissible monomorphism, because the square is a pull-back which base-changes the admissible epimorphism, b', and cobase-changes the admissible monomorphism, a.
Definition 2.4.4 Let M be an exact category, as in $2.4.3. Then, for i > 0, the i-th algebraic K-group of M is defined to be the homotopy group ([I171 p. 95)
Proposition 2.4.8 In Corollary 2.4.7, let a, b E F*= F - (0) = K1(F) and let {a, b) E K 2 ( F ) denote the associated Steinberg symbol [109]. Let Pa R be a prime ideal. Then the P-components of the boundary homomorphisms satisfy (i) d(a)p = vp(a) E Ko(R/P) Z and (ii) a({., b)) = ( - l ) v p ( a ) v p ( b )E. ~(RIP)* E' K l ( R / P ) . Here up denotes the P-adic valuation, ?E denotes the image of x E R in R I P and d({a, b)) is called the P-adic tame symbol of a and b. 2.4.9 Suppose that R is a Dedekind domain with fraction field F and that S is a set of prime ideals of R. Then the localisation, Rs, is defined to be the subring of F given by
where O is the zero object of M. When i = 0 there is an isomorphism ([I171 Theorem I p. 94) between this homotopy-theoretic KO( M ) and the group of Definition 2.1.1. In particular, if R is a ring then Ki(R) = .rri+l(BQP(R),Q)agrees with Example 2.1.2 when i = 0. It also agrees with Definition 2.1.3 when i = 1. 2.4.5 Localisation
Let R be a ring and let S R be a multiplicative set of central elements which are not zero-divisors in R. Let 'H denote the exact category of finitely generated R-modules, M , such that the localisation, Ms is zero and the projective dimension of M satisfies projdimR(M) 5 1. The following result is an application of Theorem 2.4.2 to the functor, F : P(R) -+ P(Rs) given by F(M) = R s @ M ~ = Ms. Here Rs denotes the localisation of R given by inverting the elements of S.
Theorem 2.4.6 ([62] p. 233) Let R be a ring and S C R a multiplicative set of central non-zero-divisors. Then, in the notation of $2.4.5, there is a long exact sequence of the form
a R s = {-b E F I b R = Pfl ... P:n, Pi prime ,Pi E S). For example, if S is equal to the set of all primes except one, P, then Rs = R - (R - P)-' is a local ring with maximal ideal given by P . Rs. When R = OK, the ring of algebraic integers in a global field, K , then Rs is called the ring of S-integers of K and denoted by OK,S. In this case there are localisation exact sequences of K-groups analogous to that of Corollary 2.4.7 whose boundary map is given by the formulae of Proposition 2.4.8
2.4.10 K-theory of fields
Corollary 2.4.7 Let R be a Dedekind domain with fraction field F. Then there is an exact sequence of the form
We close this section with a few remarks about the higher algebraic K-theory of fields. Let L be a field. The Milnor K-theory of L was introduced in [I101 and is defined to be the quotient of the graded ring given by the tensor algebra on L* modulo the two-sided ideal generated by elements of the form z 8 (1 - z) for z E L* - (1) = L - { O , l ) . It is a graded ring and the n-dimensional part is denoted
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
by K E ( L ) . By Matsumoto's Theorem [log] K ~ ( L = ) K2(L). For a local field, L, K : (L) is uniquely divisible for n 2 3 [15]. Since K ~ ( L = ) K1(L) = L* and since Quillen K-theory, K,(L), is a graded ) K,(L), which is the identity ring there is a map of graded algebras, K ~ ( L + in dimension one. The cokernel of this map is called indecomposable K-theory, K ? ~ ( L ) .The norm residue gives a map of graded algebras
to the modulo 2 Galois cohomology of L. If L has characteristic zero this map is shown in [I601 to be an isomorphism; this was formerly called the Milnor Conjecture. There are other relations with Galois cohomology. In ([104], [105]) the norm residue symbol is shown to give an isomorphism
if l l n E L. In ([96], [106]) it is shown that there is an isomorphism of the form
2.5. Describing the class-group by represen tations
2.5.3 The completed fields introduced in 52.5.1 are called local fields ([54], [79]).In
a Dedekind domain, such as O K , ideals have a unique primary decomposition. Let p be a rational prime. If P a OK is a prime such that the ideal and pOK = P e Q 1 then KP/Qp and OK/Z/p are for some ideal Q a OK and some integer e finite field extensions and we say that P divides p or that P lies over p. If L I K is a number field extension then to say that one Archimedean prime (or place), L c L, divides another, K c K, means that the two inclusions of K into 2 are equal. If P is a finite prime then the algebraic integers of Kp, OKp, are given by the P-adic completion of OK. By convention, if K is Archimedean we set Ok equal to K.
The adkle ring of a number field K is defined to be the ring given by the restricted product J(W =
Describing the class-group by representations
In 2.5.4 signifies that we take those elements of the topological ring Kp for which almost all entries lie in OK,. The group of idkles is the group of units in J ( K ) ,
{(xp) E J ( K ) I x p when p is a prime different from the characteristic of L. The Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjecture predicts similar results in all dimensions and for local fields these have been proved - in characteristic p > 0 in [60] and in characteristic zero in ([73], [74]).
# 0 and almost everywhere x p E O k p )
where O;, denotes the multiplicative group of units in OKp. The unit idkles is the subgroup
Now let G be a finite group. We may extend the adkles and idkles to the group-rings, OK [GI and K [GI. Define
2.5.1 AdGles and idGles
Let K be an algebraic number field; that is, an extension of the rationals, KIQ, of finite degree. Denote by OK the ring of algebraic integers of K [94]. By a place of K we shall mean an embedding of K as a dense subfield into a complete discrete valuation field, K. For example, K might be isomorphic to R or C , the real or complex numbers, respectively. Embeddings into such fields are called infinite or Archimedean places of K . The finite places of K are comprised of all the non-Archimedean ones and they all come about by choosing a prime ideal, P a OK, and completing K in the P-adic topology. This is the topology in which {x Pn;n 2 0) is a base of neighbourhoods of the element, x, in OK. We denote this field by Kp.
Example 2.5.2 If p is a rational prime then the padic completion of Z, the integers, is given by the inverse limit Zp = lim; Z/(pn) and is called the ring of padic integers. Its field of fractions is given by Qp = Zp[l/p], the field of padic rationals.
Now suppose that E I K is a finite Galois extension with Galois group, G(E/K). In this case G ( E / K ) acts on the set of primes of E and hence acts upon the groups J*(E), U(OE), J*(E[G]) and U(OE [GI). If Q is a prime of E which divides the prime, P, of K then G(EQ/Kp) is isomorphic to a subgroup of G(E/K) which is called a decomposition group for P and depends only on P, up to conjugation in G(E/K). If E is large enough to contain all IG1-th roots of unity we call E a splitting field for G. In this case ([I311 Theorem 4.1.9(i)) there is an isomorphism between representation rings of the form
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
and so G(E/K) acts upon R(G) by the entry-by-entry action on a representation
T :G
Therefore we may consider the group of G(E/K)-equivariant maps 2.5.10
Ho~G(E/K)(R(G), J*(E)) =
2.5. Describing the class-group by representations
Since (Ap) E J*( K [GI) we obtain an ilK-equivariant map, given by 2.5.18 at the primes Q of E which divide P, 2.5.19
ilK= invlim
G(L/K) L / K Galois
where K c / K is a chosen algebraic closure of K . In this case we have
A more extensive reference for the material of this section is (1491 I1 p. 334 et seq.). Let M be a projective OK[GI-module of rank one. By [I491 an OK [GI-module is projective if and only if it is locally free (cf. §2.1.2(v)). This means that M 80, OKp is a free OKp[G]-moduleon one generator, xp, for each prime, P, of K and that M @o, K is a free K[G]-module on one generator, xo. Since K[G] and OKp[GI are subrings of Kp[G] this means that there is a unit, Xp E Kp[G]* which is defined by In fact, Xp will almost always lie in OKp[GI* so that we obtain an idGle (AP) E J*(K[G]).
(R(G),J* (E)).
x'p = upxp for some u p E OK, [GI*
so that we obtain a unit idble 2.5.21
(UP) E ~ ( O [GI) K
and 2.5.19 will be altered by multiplication by 2.5.22
Det(u) E D e t ( U ( 0 [GI)) ~ C Homo, (R(G), J*(E)).
Also there is a diagonal embedding of E* into J * ( E ) which induces an inclusion 2.5.23
2.5.13 OK[GI-modules and determinants
Now let us consider the dependence of 2.5.19 upon the choices of xo and x p in 2.5.14. If we replace x p by another generator, x'p, these choices will be related by an equation 2.5.20
More generally, if L I K is a Galois extension which contains E I K then G(L/K) acts on R(G) and on J * ( E ) , since E / K is Galois and G ( E / K ) is a quotient of G(L/K). Therefore we may pass to the absolute Galois group of K , ilK,which is the topological group defined by
(R(G), E*) C HomoK(R(G),J*(E)).
By a similar argument, changing xo to xb will change Det ((Xp)) by a function which lies in the subgroup of 2.5.23. Therefore we have associated to each locally free OK [GI-module of rank one, M , a well-defined element
The construction of Det[M] extends to locally free modules of any finite rank. If M is a locally-free OK [GI-moduleof rank m one chooses bases and makes a similar construction in which Xp is now an invertible matrix lying in GL,(Kp[G]). This construction yields the following "Hom-description" of the class-group, originally due to Frohlich.
Theorem 2.5.25 ([49] I1 p. 334; [57]) Let C,C(OKIG]) be the class-group of Example 2.1.2(v). With the notation introduced above there is an isomorphism
Now suppose that T is a representation, as in 2.5.9. We may apply T to each
Xp to obtain
Det : CL(OK [GI) 5
where Mn(A) denotes the n x n matrices with entries in A. There is a ring isomorphism of the form
Therefore we obtain an element
Q prime of E
~E Q *
(R(G)7 J* (E)) (R(G),E*) . Det(U(OK [GI))
which sends a locally free module, M , to Det[M] of 2.5.24. 2.5.26 The kernel group, D(OK [GI)
An OK-Order, A in K[G], is a subring containing OK, which is a finitely generated, projective OK-module such that K @o, A = K[G]. Suppose that A is a maximal OK-order of K[G] then we may define the kernel group, D(OKIG]), by
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
where CL(A) is the class-group of A, defined by a Grothendieck group construction analogous to those of Example 2.1.2. The group defined in this manner is independent of the choice of A. There is a Hom-description of this group also. To describe this we need to introduce a subgroup
GLn(E), as in 2.5.19 gives rise to a An irreducible representation, T : G GLn(C), by choosing an embedding of E into complex representation, T : G C . Let H denote the skewfield given by the quaternions. A (left) H-vector space, V, of dimension m over H, may be considered as a 2m-dimensional complex vector space. If GLm(H) is the group of invertible H-linear maps from V to itself then we obtain a map
The representation, T, is called quaternionic or symplectic if T : G GL2,(C) factors through the map, c, of 2.5.29. On the other hand, if T is symplectic then complex conjugation fixes T E R(G) so that, if f E Homo, (R(G),E*) and if K is a subfield of the real numbers then f (T) lies in R for every Archimedean (R(G), E*) prime of E lying over K c R. Therefore it makes sense to define to be
2.5.30 { f E Homo, (R(G),E*) I f (T) is positive, T symplectic ) where, in 2.5.30, "positive" means that f (T) is positive under every Archimedean place of E which lies over a real place of K .
Similarly we may define
Theorem 2.5.32 ([49] I1 p. 334 et seq.; [57]) The isomorphism of 2.5.25 induces an isomorphism Det : D(OKIG]) 4
Homo, ( W ) , ~ ( Q E ) ) [GI)) K ( W ) , 0;) . D ~ ~ ( U ( O
2.5. Describing the class-group by represen tations
where 'H is the category of finite, cohomologically trivial Z[G]-modules. This follows from 52.4.5 together with the result of R.G. Swan ([49] 11) that a finite Z[G]-module is cohomologically trivial if and only if it has a projective resolution of length one. The decomposition of a finite abelian group into the sum of its p-Sylow subgroups yields a functorial decomposition
In the terminology and notation of [I551 we have an isomorphism of the form
since 'H is the category of finitely presented torsion Z[G]-modules. Therefore from ([I551 Theorem 3.3 p. 10) there is a Hom-description of the form
an algebraic closure of the pHere ClQP denotes the absolute Galois group and adic rationals, Qp. Taking the sum over all primes, p, we obtain a Hom-description of the form
where q is an algebraic closure of the rationals. In terms of these Hom-descriptions, the homomorphism
coming from the homomorphism in the long exact sequence of Theorem 2.4.6 composed with the quotient map from KO to the class-group, sends the class of the function, f , *
Remark 2.5.33 For all primes, Q, which do not divide the order of G, O E [GI ~ is a maximal OEQ-Orderin EQ[G].Hence one may rewrite Theorem 2.5.32 as an isomorphism of the following form.
to the class of the same function
Homo, (R(G), J* (Q)) Homo, (R(G), Q*) . Det(U(Z[G])).
In §2.1.8(ii) we showed how to make elements of Ko(ZIG];Q ) of the form [Pod,4, Pev]from a perfect complex of Z[G]-modules of the form 2.5.34 The Hom-description of Ko(ZIG];Q )
In Example 2.1.7 we introduced the relative K-group, Ko(ZIG];Q). Comparing the exact sequences of Theorem 2.1.6 and Theorem 2.4.6 it is clear that there is a canonical isomorphism of the form
together with a given isomorphism
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
4, Pev]is constructed by choosThe Hom-description representative for [pod, ing bases, as in the Hom-description underlying Theorem 2.5.25. For each prime p the module Pi @ Zp is a free Zp[G]-module. Using a choice of Zp[G]-basis,the isomorphism 4 @ 1 : @jP!j+l@Z Qp 2 ejP2j @ Z Qp
2.5. Describing the class-group by representations The rational isomorphism, X : ejF2j@ Q composition
ejF2j+1 @ Q is defined as the
gives rise to a matrix E GLm(Qp[GI)
where m is the Zp[G]-rank of @jP2j+'. Applying the Det-construction of 2.5.19 4, Pev] yields the Hom-representative of [Pod, Under the homomorphism, X , an element Proposition 2.5.35 (See [22] $2) 4, Pev]of §2.1.8(ii) and $2.5.34, does not depend on the The element, [pod, choice of rational splittings but only on the rational cohomology isomorphism, $, and the quasi-isomorphism class of the chain complex, P* Proof. For notational convenience we shall switch to chain complexes. Let G be a finite group and suppose that
is a perfect complex of Z[G]-modules, as in Definition 2.2.1. Suppose that we are given a Q [GI-module isomorphism,
As usual, let Zt = Ker(dt : Ft Ft-') and Bt = dt+l(Ft+l) C Ft denote the Z[G]-modules of t-dimensional cycles and boundaries, respectively. We have short exact sequences of the form
0 ---,Zi 4i Fi -di-,Bi-' with rational splittings
(d2j(Wj),$2j ( ~ 2 j ) E) then to
and then to
and so on. Consider the maps, X and XI, which are constructed using different splitt i n g ~q2k-1 , and qhk-l, respectively, all other splittings being the same. We must j @ Q with examine the matrix, X, representing X-' . X f : ejF2j8 Q 2 @ F2j respect to a Q[G]-basis. It will suffice to show for each representation, X, that d e t ( x ( ~ )= ) 1. Now the change in q2k-1 affects only the part of the composition for X, X f written out above and then only through the change in $2k. In other words, the only part of the composition to change is F 2 k €3 Q (B2k-' @ Z2k) @ Q and the difference in this part is the map, W2k H (0, (q2k-' - ~ & ~ - ~ ) d 2 k ( wNOW ~~)). qik-l)d2k(~2k)) to X-' and (XI)-', each map (0, ( ~ 2 k ~ the inverses, both (r/2k-1 - T&k-l)d2k(~2k) E Z2k Q C F 2 k @ Q. This difference is trivial on 2kcycles and maps every w2k to a 2k-cycle. This implies that the matrix, X, will be upper triangular with ones on the diagonal and so d e t O ( ( ~ )= ) 1. A similar discussion applies to changes in ?72k or pj. Let f : F: ---+ F, be a quasi-isomorphism of perfect Z[G]-module complexes. Then, as in Lemma 2.2.2, the mapping cone complex given by
is exact. Here B(a,b) = (&(a)
+ (-l)"fn(b),
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
for all a E Fn,b E FA-1. Since C(f ), is an exact sequence of finitely generated, projective Z[G]-modules, we may choose a splitting of this complex which is defined over the integers. From the Hom-description such a splitting defines the trivial element of Ko(ZIG],Q). On the other hand, after tensoring with the rationals, another splitting is given by the sum of the rational isomorphism, X for F, , and the inverse of the rational isomorphism corresponding to F:. The previous discussion shows that the function, x H det(x(X)) - d e t ( X ( ~ ' ) ) - l ,also represents the trivial element of Ko(Z[GI,Q). On the other hand it also represents the difference
2.5. Describing the class-group by representations As explained in 52.5.34, the natural forgetful map
may be identified with the natural surjection
We shall need the following result in order to detect classes in TorsKo(z[Q8];Q). Proposition 2.5.37 The natural maps yield an isomorphism of the form
as required. Example 2.5.36 The quaternion group of order eight When G = Q8, the quaternion group of order eight, all the complex representations have rational characters so that the Hom-description of 52.5.34 simplifies to become
Proof. Let 1,XI, ~ To be precise, if
2 ~ , 1 x denote 2
the four one-dimensional representations of Q8.
Q8 = {x, y 1 x2 = y2, y4 = 1,xyx = y) set xl(x) = -1 = x2(y) and xl(y) = 1 = x2(x). Suppose that f : R(Q8) --+ Za is a homomorphism. By inflation f induces a homomorphism on R(Qgb). Since
Since determinantal functions on R(Q8) take values in Z; there is a short exact sequence of the form
Ram this sequence we see that there is an isomorphism of the form
When p is an odd prime then every function in Hom(R(Q8), Z;) is a determinantal function because in this case Zp[Q8] is a maximal order in QP[Q8]Hence, if p is odd, then TorsKO(Z, [Q8];Qp) = 0. Now let us examine the case when p = 2. Let ~ o m + ( ~ ( Q { sf ) ,1)) denote the homomorphisms which are trivial on the unique two-dimensional irreducible complex representation, v. The class-group of Z [Q8],
is trivial there exists a unit, v E z2[Qgb]* such that Det (v) (x)f (x) = f1 for all one-dimensional representations of Q:~. However, there exists a unit, u E Z2[Q81*, which maps to v under the can~nicai~uotient homomorphism. Hence, on R ( Q ~ ) , Det (u)f maps each of 1, XI, ~ 2 ~ , 1 x into 2 {f1). This argument shows that both in H O ~ ( R ( Q Bz;) ~), and in Hom(R(Qs), Za) Det(z2 [Qsl*) Det (Z2[Qgb]* ) elements may be represented by homomorphisms which take 1, XI, ~ 2 ~ ,1 x into 2 {f1). Replacing f by h = f .Det (f (1)g) yields an equivalent homomorphism which satisfies
Choosing g suitably we may assume that h is trivial on all one-dimensional represent ations except perhaps x 1. If a bx cy dxy E Z 2 [ ~ g b ]then *
+ + +
is cyclic of order two. Since Cf(Z[Qs]) = D(Z [Qs]),by Theorem 2.5.32, this group has a Hom-description of the form
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
2.5. Describing the class-group by representations
- d = -b. Hence If 1 = a + b + c + d = a + b - c - d = a - b - c + d t h e n c = f l = l + a + b - 4 b a n d l + a + b = 1 whichimplies that b = O = c = d a n d a = 1. This shows that
Corollary 2.5.39 In the notation used in the proof of Proposition 2.5.37 an isomorphism of the form
is generated by the homomorphism which sends ~1 to minus one and the other one-dimensional representations to one. Now consider the classes of homomorphisms, f : R(Q8) t Z;, in
is given by
4). X[f] = f (1 + X1 + X2 + ~ 1 ~ 2 (modulo )
+ + cy + dxy E z2[Qgb]*.Then, as in the proof of Proposition
Proof. Let a bx 2.5.37, we have
+ + +
which are trivial on all one-dimensional representations. These functions represent all the elements of
+ +
The only determinantal functions which are trivial on all the one-dimensional representations are of the form Det (1 (x2 - l)(a bx cy dxy)). However
+ + +
Det (1 = det
since a 2 b2 - c2 - d2 is a unit in the 2-adic integers. Therefore the homomorphism, A, is well defined. It remains to observe, from the proof of Proposition 2.5.37, that the domain of X is generated by the homomorphism, h, which sends 21 to minus one and the other one-dimensional repreI7 sentations to one. Thus X[h] = -1, which completes the proof.
+ (x2 - l)(a + bx + cy + dxy))(v) 1-2(a+bi) -2(-c+di)
+ +
Det(a bx cy dxy)(l+ X I ~2 ~ 1 x 2 ) = (a+b+c+d)(a-b+c-d)(a+b-c-d)(a-b-c+d) = ((a b)2 - (C d)2)((a - b)2 - (C- d)2) = (a2 b2 - c2 - d2 (2ab - 2cd))(a2 b2 - c2 - d2 - (2ab - 2cd)) = (a2 b2 - c2 - d2)2 (modulo 4) =1 (modulo 4)
-2(c+di) 1-2(a-bi)
2.5.40 A generator for ~ o r s K (z[Qgb]; 0 Q)
Therefore multiplying by determinantal functions of this kind can only change f (v) modulo four. Since the function which is minus one on v and trivial on all the onedimensional representations is a generator for the class-group of Z[Q8]the previous argument shows that TorsKO(Z [Q8];Q) maps onto CC(z[Q8])CB Tors~O (Z [Qgb]; Q) and that the order of TorsKO(Z[Q8]; Q) is at most four, which completes the proof.
+ +
~] If ~g~ is generated by x and y then e = (1 - x y xy)/2 E Q [ Q ~satisfies e2 = I since evaluating all the four one-dimensional representations on e2 gives
0 Therefore the class [Z[Qgb],e, Z[Qgb]]E T O ~ S (Z K~ [Qgb];Q ) is either trivial or of order two since e2 = 1. The Hom-description representative of this element is
Corollary 2.5.38 TorsKo(Z[Z/2];Q)
= 0.
Proof. The discussion in the proof of Proposition 2.5.37 shows that and this is the function is onto. However, a Hom-description generator of Tors&(Z[Z/2 x 2/21; Q ) may be chosen to be trivial on the two one-dimensional representations inflated from 212. Therefore this surjection is also the trivial map. 0
which, by Proposition 2.5.37 (or Corollary 2.5.39), is a function representing a generator. 0
Chapter 2. K-groups and Class-groups
For completeness, we close this section with some facts about Hom-descrip tion representatives in CL(Z[Q8]) = D(Z[Q8]) % (Z/4)* and an algorithm for computing the class of a projective Z[Q8]-module.
Lemma 2.5.41 ([I 551 p. 88) If g E Hom(R(Q8),Za) then the class
corresponding to g in the Hom-description isomorphism
2.5. Describing the class-group by representations
and we may choose a= -
such that {a1
{a1,...,CYk) E M
+ M-,.. . , a k + M-}
is a free Z[Z/2 x Z/2]-basis for M/M-
M+. Now form
There is a k x k matrix, X , with entries in H z , such that
is given by the formula
2.5.42 The class of a projective Z[Q8]-module
It is useful to be able to determine the element of a finitely generated, projective Z[Q8]-module, M , in the class-group. For this there is an invariant, 7, ([I311 55.2.9) which gives an isomorphism
in terms of projective modules. Define M+ and M- by the formulae
and M- = { m M~ 1 x2(m) = -m}. Note that M+ is naturally a module over the ring Z[Q8]/(x2- 1) 2 Z[Z/2 x 2/21 while M- is a module over Z[Q8]/(x2 1) E' H z , the ring of integral quaternions, H z = ~ [ j, i k]/(i2 , = j2 = k2 = -l,ij = k , j k = i, ki = j).
However, over each of these quotient rings a finitely generated, projective module is free. Also, if M is a finitely generated, projective Z [Q8]-modulethen the quotient map M/M- 2 M+ is an isomorphism of Z[Z/2 x Z/2]-modules. Therefore we may take a free Hz-basis
denote the complexification map, where Z [i]denotes the Gaussian integers. Now define q([M]) by the formula
Chapter 3 Higher K-theory of Local Fields
In this chapter we shall examine invariants of the Galois module structure on the higher algebraic K-groups of local fields. These will be constructed by the met hod of Example 2.1.8 (i) as the Euler characteristic of suit able 2-extensions, ) ~ ( K ~for~ ( L ) called the local fundamental classes lying in E X ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ / ~K2rcl(L)) r 2 1, where L/K is a Galois extension with group G(L/K). Actually, when L is a padic local field Kzr+l(L) is not a finitely generated Z[G(L/K)]-module and so one applies the construction of Example 2.1.8(i) to the canonical corresponding element in E X ~ ~ [ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ )K2r+1 ~ ( K(L)/A) ~ , - (where L ) , A is a cohomologically trivial Z [G(L/K)]-submodule chosen so that K2T+1(L)/A is finitely generated. We shall begin with the construction of the local fundamental classes, which generalize the classical fundamental classes of local class field theory ([I281p. 202; see also [I311 Chapter VII, [132] p. 9), which correspond to the case when r = 0.
3.1 Local fundamental classes and K-groups 3.1.1 Suppose that G is a finite group and that
is a 2-extension of Z[G]-modules in which B and C are cohomologically trivial. A) which induces cupproduct isomorSuch a sequence defines [El E ExtglGI(D, phisms in Tate cohomolo&
for all integers, i, and all subgroups, J C G. There are two natural operations associated to a subgroup, J C G. The first - passage to subgroups - is merely to consider the modules as Z[J]-modules. The second - passage to quotient groups - is more complicated and applies to the case of a normal subgroup, J 4 G. In this case, let AJ, A J denote the J-invariants and
Chapter 3. Higher K- theory of Local Fields
J-coinvariants of A, respectively ([I321 p. 3). We have a commutative diagram of Z[G/J]-modules in which the rows and columns are exact and N j denotes the gx, norm, NJ (x)= CgEj
3.1. Local fundamental classes and K-groups
For each integer, s, let K(s) c KO denote the fixed field of sz and set L(s) = K(s)L. Hence G(L(s)/L) Z Zls. For r
2 2, let
The map, iL(st)lL(s): K2r-1(L(~)) K2r-1(L(st)), is injective. This is seen on the p-primary torsion subgroup by means of ([I351 Proposition 2.2(i)) for p-adic fields. In characteristic p there is no p-primary torsion by [60]. By [148],the map on the prime-to-p torsion may be identified with the injective map on K2r-l of the residue fields. For the torsion-free part it suffices to show that ,K ::: (L(s)) @ QP -+ K ~ ; ? ~ ( L ( S @ ~ )Qp ) is injective and this follows from [162]. Therefore we may define -+
resulting in the associated J-invariantlcoinvariant 2-extension
in which the Z[G/J]-modules, B J and C J , are cohomologically trivial. These operations are relevant to the naturality properties of the higher Ktheory local fundamental classes (see Theorem 3.1.20). 3.1.2 Now we shall begin the construction of the local fundamental classes by considering the totally ramified case. Actually, in [I341 and [135] we showed how to construct the canonical, natural 2-extension (depending up to isomorphism upon a choice of a root of unity, Jt) of Theorem 3.1.17 for finite Galois extensions of padic local fields. Furthermore, for K2r,K2r+1 with r 2 2 in this case we needed to assume that the Lichtenbaum-Quillen Conjecture ([I351 p. 326) was true for the mod p algebraic K-theory of p-adic local fields. When [135] was written this was known for 2-adic fields by [160]. For p-adic fields when p is odd the conjecture was proved recently [74]. When L I K is a Galois extension of local fields of characteristic p the Lichtenbaum-Quillen Conjecture is now known to be true by [60], which shows that the K-theory of L has no p-torsion, combined with the results of [148]. These advances made it possible to construct the local fundamental classes associated to the higher K-groups of local fields without any assumptions (for further details, see [134], [135], [136] and [137]). If A is an abelian group, we shall denote by Tors(A) the torsion subgroup of A. Also we set ,A = {a E A I nu = 0), ,-A = Uz'l pmA, A l n = AInA = A@Z/n and Ki(X) will denote the i-dimensional Quillen K-group of the ring or scheme, X . Let L I K be a totally ramified Galois extension of local fields (p-adic or of characteristic p; our construction is not very interesting for Archimdean local fields) with Galois group, G(L/ K ) . Let KO/K denote the maximal unramified extension, obtained by adjoining all roots of unity of order prime to p, and set Lo = KoL. Let F E G(Ko/K) z G(Lo/L) denote the topological generator given by the F'robenius automorphism. Then we have an isomorphism of the form
" "
is isomorphic to ~ 2 , - ( ~ ( sG(L(S)IL)) ) 2 K2,- (L) . This follows by a transfer argument on the uniquely divisible part, from ([I351 Proposition 2.2(ii)) on the padic part in the p-adic case (in characteristic p there is no p-adic part by [60]) and from the exactness of the sequence [I481
on the prime-to-p torsion. For r 2 2, there exist exact sequences of the form ([I351 92)
0 4K2r-1(L) -+ K2r-1(L(s)) '2K(S) -+ Ker(Kzr-2 (L) K ~ ( L~( S -) ) ~~( ~ ( ~ ,O )/~)) whose direct limit yields the following result (cf. [135] Corollary 2.6). Theorem 3.1.3 Let L I K be a totally ramified Galois extension of non-Archimedean local fields with Galois group, G(L/K), as in 53.1.2. Then there is a natural 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form
Furthermore, ,-Kzr-2(L)
is trivial if L has characteristic p > 0.
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields
3.1.4 As in 53.1.2, let L / K be a totally ramified Galois extension of local fields of
residue characteristic p, with Galois group, G(L/K). is equal to the If L is a local field, let denote its residue field. Hence algebraic closure of Fp and ~ 2 ~ - 1 ( Gz) Q/Z(r)[l/p] as a Galois module. Here Q/Z(r) denotes the r-th Tate twist of the roots of unity module. Set
then the localisation sequence shows that the natural map, K2r-1(OLo) K2T-1(LO),is an isomorphism for all r 2 2. By [148], the prime-to-p torsion in K2r-1(OLo) is isomorphic to Q/Z(r)[l/p] via the homomorphism induced by the We have a chain of inclusions of Z[G(L/K)]canonical quotient map, OLo modules Q/Z(r)[l/p] C U G K2r-l(L0)
inducing cohomology isomorphisms for all i H"G(L/K); Q/Z(2)[l/p]) 2 H'(G(L/K); U) 2 A'(G(L/K); Kzr-i (Lo)). In fact, since G(L/K) acts trivially on Q/Z(r)[l/p] these groups are given by H"G(L/K);
Z/[G(L/K) : G1(L/K)] if i is odd, 0 if i is even.
3.1. Local fundamental classes and K-groups
where ( a ) = G(E/W), d = [W : K ] and v = I O K / ~ K I= [TI. Here OK and TK denote the integers and a prime element of K , respectively. Now let us consider the Galois groups which will be involved in the construction. We have a map, given by the restriction of g to W and denoted by (glW), inducing a homomorphism
defined by hl (Fi, z ) = (Fi 1 W) . (z(W)-l . Here, as in 53.1.2, F denotes the F'robenius automorphism. To a pair, (Fi, z) E Ker(hl), we may associate the Galois automorphism of Lo = LKo which is equal to Fi on KO and to z on L. This induces an isomorphism Ker(hl)
5 G(Lo/K).
If d = [W : K] define Fo E G(Lo/K) by (Fo(Ko)= F~and (FOIL)= 1,the identity map. As explained in ([I311 pp. 303-304; [I321 pp. 9-10), there is an isomorphism of K-algebras X : L @K KO @t=l~o
, . . , P a ) and fitting into a given by the formula X(a @ P) = ( F d - l ( ~ ) aFdV2(p)a,. commutative diagram of the form
Here Gi(L/K) denotes the i-th ramification group of L I K so that, in 53.1.2, G(L/K) = Go(L/K) and G1(LIK) is the first wild ramification group. 3.1.5 Galois groups in the general case Let L / K be a Galois extension of local fields of residue characteristic p and Galois group, G(L/K). We shall relax the total ramification condition of 53.1.2. Set W = L n Lo so that W/K is the maximal unramified subextension of L/K. Hence L/W is totally ramified and the sequence
of Theorem 3.1.3 is a 2-extension of Z [G(L/ W)]-modules. We wish to construct a similar 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules, following the method of ([I341 $3) which was in turn an imitation of the fundamental class of local class field theory, as described in ([I311 57.1; [I321 51.2). Notice that G(L/W) = Go(L/K) and G1(L/W) = Gl(L/K), by ([I281 p. 62), so that t = [G(L/W) : G1(L/W)] = [Go(L/K) : Gl(L/K)]. If G(L/E) = G1(LIK) then G(L/K)/G(L/E)
G ( E / K ) = {a, g 1 a - I, gd = ac,gag-1 = a")
where &(xl,. . . ,xd) = (FO(xd),xl,.. . ,xd-1). Since K-theory is additive there is an induced isomorphism
for each s 0. This isomorphism induces a G(L/K)-action on the right-hand group, induced by the Galois action on L. Since the F'robenius acts on the other factor, KO,in the tensor product we may define a Z[G(L/K)]-homomorphism
by the same formula as before. The explicit formula for the group action on these modules is given by the following result, proved in ([I341 Lemma 3.2).
Chapter 3. Higher K- theory of Local Fields
Lemma 3.1.6 Suppose that g E G(L/K) satisfies (gl W) = (FjI W) for some 0 5 j 5 d - 1. K ~ (LO) ~ is-given ~ by Then the action of g on (ul, u2, . . . ,ud) E
Definition 3.1.7 Let U G$=1K2r-1 (LO),by
c K2r-1(Lo) be as in 53.1.2. Define a subgroup, W
Then W C @ $ , ~ 2 , - 1 ( ~ ~is)a Z[G(L/K)]-submodule and the image of 1 - k : K~~-~(L lies O in ) W (cf. [I341 Lemma 3.4). @ t = l K 2 r - i ( ~ -~+) Proposition 3.1.8 (cf. [I 341 Proposition 3.5) In the notation of 53.1.5, for r 2 2 there is a natural 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form
where A denotes the diagonal map and IT is the composition of the map of Theorem 3.1.3 with the addition of coordinates, W -+U. Theorem 3.1.9 With the notation of 53.1.5 the cohomology groups of the Z[G(L/ K)]-module, ~ 2 , - 1 (LO),are given by
~ 2 r 1-(LO))2
if i is odd, if O < i is even, if i = 0.
Here t = [Go(L/K) : G1(L/K)].
3.1. Local fundamental classes and K-groups
Note that the action of G(L/K) on (Q/Z)(r)[l/p] is trivial, since L / K is totally ramified, while the Frobenius, F of 53.1.2, acts like "multiplication" by vr where v = IOL/rLI. As an abelian group X 6 Z is just the direct sum, X @ Z. As a Z [G(L/K)]module the embedding of X is given by sending x E X to (x, 0). If GI (LIK) = G(L/E), as in 53.1.5, the action on (0,l) E X 6 Z will factor through G(L/K)/G(L/E) r G(E/K). Furthermore, if G(E/K) % Z/t with generator, g, then g(0,l) = (&, 1). This action is well defined since gi (0,l) = (itt, 1). Here we have written the group operation in the X-coordinate in additive notation, following [I351 (later, when X is the twisted roots of unity, we shall correct this eccentricity and revert to the multiplicative notation). Similarly we may define a Z [G(L/K)]-module, X 6 Z [1lp],and an extension of the form 0 --+ x X6Z[l/p] 0 Z[l/p]
by setting
the direct limit of iterations of the map sending (z,m) to (z,mvr) where v = IOL/7rLI = L/. This is a Z[G(L/K)]-module, since vr = 1 (modulo t). Proposition 3.1.11 ([I 341 Proposition 3.8) In the notation of 53.1.10, let X be any of the Z[G(L/K)]-modules in the chain
T o ~ s ( K ~ ~ - ~ ([lip] L o )2 ) (Q/Z)(r)[l/p] c U
c K2r--i(L0)-
Then X@Z[l/p] is a cohomologically trivial Z[G(L/K)]-module. 3.1.12 In the situation of 53.1.5 we shall define a Z[G(L/K)]-module
K ~v2~ Proof. The proof follows that of ([I341 Theorem 3.6) with q = ~ O K / I T = replaced by q = vr since the F'robenius acts on (Q/Z)(r)[l/p] by multiplication by vr . 0 3.1.10 Suppose that L/ K is a totally ramified Galois extension of local fields of residue characteristic p with group, G(L/K), and set t = [G(L/K) : GI (LIK)]. Choose a primitive t-th root of unity, &. If X is any Z[G(L/K)]-module containing t(Q/Z)(r)[l/p], depending on the choice of St, we shall define a new module X ~ Z , and an extension of the form
For example, this construction may be applied with X equal to any module in the chain Tors(K2,-1 (Lo)) [llpl (QIZ)(r) [lip] c U c K2T-1 (LO).
As an abelian group this module is simply the direct sum
The summand, @ $ 1 ~ 2 r - 1 ( ~ o has ) , the Z[G(L/K)]-module structure described in 83.1.5 and Lemma 3.1.6. Thus g E G(L/K) lifts to (F, F ) E G(Lo/K) and acts like g(a1, . . . ,ad) = (F(a2),F(aa), . . . , ad), (~(ai))). Any element, h E G(L/W), acts component-by-component as h(al , . . . ,ad) = @(a11, . . - ,h(ad)).
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields Consider the Z [G(L/K)]-submodule, (Q/z) (r) [lM contained in @f=l K2r- (LO).
Since L/W is totally ramified, G(L/W) acts trivially on this submodule. Hence G(L/K) acts through the quotient, G(W/K) = (g), with
3.1. Local fundamental classes and K-groups 3.1.14 Now consider the Z[G(L/ K)]-submodule, W c K2,- 1(LO), of Definition 3.1.7. Since (Q/Z)(r)[l/p] c U we have ( Q / ~ ) ( r ) [ l / p ]C W. Also G(L/W) acts component-by-component on W so that W (@:=;'K~~-I (Lo)) @U as a Z[G(L/W)]-module. Therefore, by the cohomology isomorphisms of s3.1.4, the inclusion induces a cohomology isomorphism of the following form
) )(qa2, gas,. . . ,qad, ql-dal) g(a1,. . . ,ad) = (F(a2), . . . ,F(ad), ~ & ' ~ ( a l = where q = vr and v = IOK/rK I. An arbitrary element of the Z[G(L/K)]-module InfG(L/K)IndG(W/K) G(WjK) (1) ((Q/Z)(r)[l/~l)
Comparison of cohomology spectral sequences implies that the natural map
hastheformz= l@bd+g@bd-l+...+gd-l@bl andg(z)= l @ b l + g @ b d + . . . + gd-l @ b2. Hence, if we write z = (bl, . . . ,bd), then g(z) = (b2, bg, . . . ,bd, bl). Define an isomorphism
by 4(al, . . . , ad) = (ql-d a1,q2-da2,. . . ,q-l ad- l , ad). This is an isomorphism of Z [G(L/ K)]-modules, since
a ) ) = g ( ~ l - ~ aq2-da2,. l, . . ,q-lad-1, ad) = (q2-da2,q3-da3,. . . ,ad, ql-dal). We have an isomorphism of Z[G(L/K)]-modules
is also an isomorphism. Define
w by the pushout diagram
( ( a.
so that we immediately obtain the following result from Proposition 3.1.13.
where G(L/ W) acts trivially on (QIZ) (r) [lip]. Hence we may form the following push-out diagram, which defines the module 62,~ 2 , - 1(LO). G(L/K) &l(Q/z)(r)[l/~I IndG(L/w)( ( Q / z ) ( r ) [ l / ~ I ) @ElK2r-1 (LO)
Proposition 3.1.15 The Z[G(L/K)]-module, W, of 53.1.I4 is cohomologically trivial. 3.1.16 On (Q/Z)(r)[l/p] Fo acts by multiplication by qd where q = vr, v = ~ O K / T KHence, ~. if ai E (Q/Z)(r)[l/p], then
Now consider the isomorphism of 53.1.12 Proposition 3.1.13 The Z[G(L/K)]-module, ial.
~ 2 ~ (LO), - 1 of
53.1.12 is cohomologically trivwhere, on the right, G(L/W) acts trivially on (Q/Z)(r) [llp] and
Proof. Since the upper horizontal homomorphism induces isomorphisms in cohomology so does the lower. Therefore the result follows from Proposition 3.1.11. 0
$(al, . . . ,ad) = (ql-d a l , q2-daz, . . . ,q-lad-1, ad) =
C gi 8 q-'ad-i. i=O
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory o f Local Fields
fi translates to $fiq5-l,
which is given by
3.1. Local fundamental classes and K-groups
Proof. We have merely to evaluate the kernel and cokernel of the map
where k was defined in 53.1.16. However, as abelian groups there are isomorphisms of the form
w w @ (@f=lz[l/p]).
Furthermore the resulting map on the quotients of these direct sums by the submodules given by the first summands has the form
by the formula (b E (Q/Z)(r) [llp], m E Z[l/p])
and is given by
If u E Z satisfies uv 1 (modulo t) then 9-'agi(O, 1) = aui( 0 , l ) = (ui&, 1) E (QlZ) (r) [llp]6 Z [l/p], writing the first coordinate additively, as usual. Here a and g are as in 53.1.5. Then F is a Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphism since
If (ml,. . . ,md) E Ker(X) then ml = vr-lmd,m2 = vr-lml,. . . and m d ( l v('-')~) = 0 SO that X is injective. Also we can solve the equation X(ml, . . . ,md) = (xl, . . . ,xd) by choosing xd, X I , . . . ,xd-2 successively but the equations are consistent if and only if
Therefore, if 7r2 is defined to depend only on the coordinates in the second summand and to be given by
while a(fi(g% (0, I)))
= a(gG1 8
(0, vr-l)) (0, Vr-1) 8 (vr-lui-l St, vr-l)
= 92-1 8 a"'
= gi-l
and these are equal since vr-lui-l
= quui-l
r qui (modulo t). Also
then Ker(.rr2)= Im(X), which proves the exactness of the sequence once we recall from [I151 that
Also, as Galois modules, we have
while g(P(gi 8 (0,l))) = g(gi-I 8 (0, vr-I)) = g' 8 (0, vr-I).
Theorem 3.1.17 In the notation of 53.1.5 and 53.1.16, there is a 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]modules of the form
Note that the right-hand module is isomorphic to T o ~ s ( K ~ , - ~ ( L ) ) .
Therefore it remains to verify that G(L/K)
- 1) 2 K2r-3(OL/~L) acts on z / ( v ( ~ - ' ) ~
via the quotient to G(W/K) whose generator acts by "multiplication" by vr-l, K ~ ~ - ~ ( Land o ) W. where v = IOK/nKI. Certainly, G(L/E) acts trivially on
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields
Also the action by a E G(E/W) is trivial on the second coordinates in the direct sums. Finally the generator, g E G(W/K), acts via
3.1. Local fundamental classes and K-groups
Following the argument of ([I341 Theorem 4.6) establishes the passage-toquotients part of the following result and the passage-to-subgroups is relatively straightforward. Theorem 3.1.20 Let L I K be a Galois extension of local fields with residue characteristic p and group7 G(LIK). (i) If G(L/M) a G ( L / K ) is a normal subgroup then the G(L/M)-invariant/coinvariant sequence of 53.1.2 associated to the fundamental 2-extension of Theorem 3.1.17
so that g acts on z/(vd - 1) by multiplication by vr-l, as required.
3.1.18 Properties of the local fundamental class We sketch the important properties on the canoncial2-extensions of Theorem 3.1.17. The proofs are simple adaptations of those to be found in ([I341 $4). Let us consider the effect of replacing tt by t,b,with HCF(b,t) = 1, in the construction of the 2-extension of Theorem 3.1.17. Although the class of the 2-extension in EX~~~~(~~~)~(TO~ K2r-1(L)) S ( K ~ ~may - ~ possibly ( L ) ) ,depend on the choice of &, the following result shows that the isomorphism class, which lies in the quotient
by the action of
&. [I341 $4.1)
is independent of the choice of
Proposition 3.1.19 (cf. In the notation of Theorem 3.1.17 and 53.1.18 there is a commutative diagram of Z[G(L/K)]-isomorphisms of the form
is isomorphic to the fundamental 2-extension associated to M I K
(ii) If G(L/E) G(L/K), the restriction to G(L/E) of the canonical 2-extension of Theorem 3.1.17 associated to L I K is isomorphic to the canonical 2-extension associated to L I E . (Here by an "isomorphism" of 2-extensions we mean a map which is an isomorphism on the ends, rather than being the identity map, as in an equivalence of 2-extensions.) Example 3.1.21 The local fundamental classes in characteristic p Let L I K be a Galois extension of local fields of residue characteristic p and Galois group, G(L/K). As in $3.1.5, set W = L n Lo so that W/K is the maximal unramified subextension of L I K . Hence L I W is totally ramified, K = Fv W = L = Fvd.In fact, there are isomorphisms of the form K g Fv((X)), the field of fractions of Fv[[XI],and W = F w d ((X)) C L = FVd((Y)) for some X, Y. Therefore we may choose g E G(L/K) of order d which maps to the Frobenius automorphism in G(EIK). For each positive integer, m, set L(m) = FvdmL so that L(m) = F V d m and there is an extension of the form
in which the g's may be chosen to satisfy rm(g) = g. The kernel of r,, G(L(m)/L), is isomorphic to G(FVdm/Fvd)which is cyclic of order m generated by gd. If Lo is the maximal unramified extension of L, as in $3.1.2, then Lo/K is equal to the limit of the extensions, L(m)/ K. in which the upper sequence is that of Theorem 3.1. I 7 defined using tt while the lower sequence is that defined using [,b. There is a similar isomorphism of 2-extensions of Theorem 3.1.17 corresponding to diflerent choices of the generators, a and g, of G(E/K) in 531.5.
For r 2 1, K2r(L(m)) and K2,+1(L(m)) have no ptorsion [60] and so the results of [148] imply that the tame symbol
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields
3.2. The higher K-theory invariants 0, (LIK, 2)
and the map induced by the inclusion of the field of constants
each have uniquely divisible kernel and cokernel. Since G(L/K) is finite we have canonical cohomology isomorphisms, for r 2 1,
mur) F ( ~ '@ (q, m)) = &' 8 whose class in E X ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ( ~ ) ~F:dm(,+l,) ~ ) ~ ( F corresponds :,,., under the isomorphism of 53.1.21 to the K2r/K2r+l local fundamental class of Theorem 3.1.17. Proof. Part (i) is similar to Proposition 3.1.11. As mentioned in 53.1.21, the module ~ n d z [ $ $ { ~ )(pm[ l l p ] 6 z ) is a submod-
for all i
> 0 and
Incidentally, for any one-dimensional local field, L, the indecomposable Kgroup K ~ ( L [80] ) differs fiom Kj(L) only by uniquely divisible groups when j 3 by [15]. Now we shall use these observations to simplify considerably the construction of the local K-theory fundamental classes in the characteristic p case. First we need a little notation. Let p,[l/p] denote the group of roots of unity of order prime to p. This group is Q/Z[l/p] written multipPcatively. Let p, [llp]6zdenote the Z[G(L/W)]module given by the direct sum of p,[l/p] with the integers where G(L/W) acts trivially on p,[l/p]. Suppose that [G(L/W) : G1(LIW)] = t, as in 53.1.5, then t divides vd - 1 and so is prime to p. We let G(L/W) act on p, [l/p]6Z via the quotient map to G(L/W)/Gl(L/W) 2 Z/t = (a) where a ( 1 , l ) = (St, 1) for some primitive t-th root of unity, St E p, [llp]. Note that, since Z is written additively, the first coordinate of ( 1 , l ) is the trivial element of p, [lip] while the second coordinate is the integer, 1. Hence we have the induced Z [G(L(m)/ K)]-module, G(LIW) ( p m [ l / p ] 6 ~ )This . is a submodule of the module appearing in the IndG(L(m)/K) bottom left corner of the diagrams of 53.1.12 and 53.1.14, the only difference being that Z[l/p] has been replaced by the integers, Z.
Theorem 3.1.22 Let L(m)/K be as in 53.1.21. Then (i) IndG(L(m)/K)(p, [11p]6z) is a cohomologically trivial Z[G(L(m)/K)]G(L/W) module and (ii) there is a 2-extension of Z[G(L(m)/K)]-modules of the form
ule of both @%,K~(LO) and W. Furthermore the homomorphism
restricts to the homomorphism 1 - F where F is defined by the formula of Theorem 3.1.20. Hence we obtain a homomorphism of 2-extensions of Z[G(L(m)/K)]modules. It is straightforward to verify that this homomorphism induces (up to a 0 sign) the canonical maps of 53.1.21 between the modules at the two ends.
Remark 3.1.23 In 54 we shall use the economical form of the K-theory local fundamental class in characteristic p > 0 to calculate the associated Euler characteristics lying in KO (z[G(L/ K)]) when r = 1. The advantage of being in the positive characteristic situation is that one does not have to evaluate a regulator as in the characteristic zero case (see Theorem 4.1.24 and Theorem 3.2.2).
3.2 The higher K-theory invariants Rs(L/K,2) 3.2.1 Let L / K be a Galois extension of number fields. The second Chinburg invariant (Qo(L/K,2) in our notation) is constructed from a projective Z[G(L/K)]module, X, and the classical fundamental classes of local class field theory (see [I311 Chapter 7). In a similar manner, one may use the fundamental classes of Theorem 3.1.17 in place of the classical one to construct Galois module structure invariants %-1(LIK, 2) E CC(Z[G(L/K)]) lying in the class-group of Z[G(L/K)]. These invariants measure the Galois module structure of algebraic K-groups in dimensions 2r - 1 and 2r - 2 and are expected to be connected with the values of the L-functions at s = 1 - r (or, equivalently, s = r). This expectation is based upon clues such as the appearance of these special L-function values in the examples of ([I311 Theorem 7.4.60; [I321 57.2; [36], [381, [1381, [1391). In the construction of the original Chinburg invariant in ([I311 57.2) - denoted there by R(L/K, 2) rather than Ro(L/K, 2)) - one chooses a locally free, hence projective, module X in the following manner. For each finite prime, P 4 OK, choose a prime lying over it, Q a OL. Therefore the decomposition group of Q is isomorphic to G ( L Q / K p ) We . shall say that P
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields
is tame if LQ/Kp is tamely ramified (i.e. G1(LQ/KP) = (1)) and that P is wild otherwise. By a theorem of E. Noether, if P is tame then OLQ is a free OKp[G(LQ/Kp)]-module of rank one. Therefore we may choose an adkle
(the product being taken over finite primes of K with Q being the chosen prime over P ) such that a p E OLQ,KP[G(LQ/Kp)]ap = LQ for each P and (i) OKp[G(LQ/Kp)]ap= OLQfor each tame P. (ii) There are isomorphisms of the form
(i) (ii)
The target group, K:;? (LQ), is a finitely generated Zp[G(LQ/Kp)]-module and 4zr-1 induces an isomorphism in padic cohomology [162].In addition, we have
induced by reduction modulo r ~ ,where , OLQ/(rLQ)is the residue field of LQ. The map
induces isomorphisms in Tate cohomology in all dimensions [148]. Hence, pushing out via (42r-l, / 1 ~ ~ -we ~ )obtain 7 a canonical 2-extension of the form
in which A and B may be chosen to be cohomologically trivial, with B finitely generated over Z[G(LQ/Kp)] and the padic part of A finitely generated over z~[G(L~/K~)lNext we choose our favourite regulator. A regulator is a Galois-equivariant isomorphism of the form
so that
3.2. The higher K-theory invariants R,(L/K, 2)
nRlpLR for each P and OKp[G(L/K)]ap '- nRlp OL, for each tame P.
Kp[G(L/K)]ap 2
We shall abbreviate OK, [G(LQ/Kp)]ap to XQ and set X = OK [G(L/K)]a. This is to be interpreted as meaning that X is the intersection of L with the product of its P-completions, Xp, where both are considered as subgroups of the adkles. Hence X is a locally free OKIG(L/K)]-module whose P-completion is
where p is the residue characteristic. There are many to choose from and several are described in ([I341 55), which may be derived (sometimes a little work is needed) from ([ill, [I317 [I617 [461, [511, [551, [661, 1671, [731, [go], [991, [loo], [1411, [143], [162]). For example, we shall settle for the regulator given by the syntomic Chern classes. More precisely, we have canonical isomorphisms, given by &ale and syntomic Chern classes, of the form
Xp = OKp[G(L/K)]ap = Ind G(LQIKp) G(L/K) ( X ~ ) ' In addition, we shall assume henceforth (replacing X by m X for a suitable integer, m E Z, if necessary) that the Q-adic exponential defines an isomorphism
for all wild LQ/Kp. This assumption is only needed in the construction of the invariant flo(L/K, 2). Since X is locally free, it is cohomologically trivial and so also is XQ for each Q. Hence X defines a class, [XI E CL(Z[G(L/ K)]). From Theorem 3.1.17 we have a canonical class in
From the isomorphism K2,.-1 (LQ) 2 K2r-1 (OLq) we have a canonical map
such that, if LQ/Q, is unramified, K:;~~(LQ)/Tors is identified with the ring of integers, OLQc LQ for almost all p (there are errors in the formulae [go] and[91] but the calculations are correct for almost all primes.) Let X denote the finitely generated, locally free Z,[G(L/K)]-module introduced previously, as used in the construction of the second Chinburg invariant, flo(L/K, 2), ([I311 $7.2). By construction, XQ C OLQ with equality if L / K is tamely ramified a t Q Q OL. We may assume that XQ has been lifted to a padic lattice XQ K;:~~(LQ)
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields
mapping isomorphically to XQ C OhQ under the syntomic regulator map. Dividing out by XQ yields a 2-extension of Z[G(LQ/Kp)]-modulesof the form in which the two middle modules are finitely generated and cohomologically trivial Z[G(LQ/Kp)]-modules. Hence we may define an Euler characteristic
In the sum Q is a chosen prime over P a OK. As explained in ([I341 $5), only finitely many of the local invariants in the sum are non-zero (at least, this is true for the syntomic regulator) and a,-l(L/K, 2) is independent of all choices involved in the construction. The properties of these invariants are summarised in the following result, whose proof is analogous to that of ([I341 Theorem 5.3), which is the special case when r = 2.
Theorem 3.2.2 Let L I K be a Galois extension of number fields. Then, for r formal expression of $ 3.2.1
> 2,
in the
(the sum is over P 4 OK) the terms, CIr-l(LQ/Kp,XQ), are zero for almost all p when LQ/Qp is unramified. I n fact, the class-group element defined by this expression is independent of the choices of X and of all the choices involved i n the construction of the local fundamental 2-extensions associated to the {LQ/Kp). I n addition, (LIK, 2) satisfies the following naturality properties with respect to an inclusion of a subgroup, G(L/N) C G(L/K): (i) the induced map
3.3. Two-dimensional thoughts
Two-dimensional thoughts
3.3.1 K-theory of two-dimensional local fields In this section we shall take a brief look at what happens when we apply the method of $3.1 for the construction of higher K-theory local fundamental classes to the case of two-dimensional local fields. Recall that the method consisted of manufacturing a 2-extension of Galois modules (Theorem 3.1.3) and then modifying the modules in order to kill their cohomology. Accordingly, here we are going to calculate the corresponding cohomology groups to be killed in the two-dimensional case. Let FIE be a finite Galois extension of two-dimensional local fields of characteristic zero with Galois group, G(F/E), whose residue field extension is a totally ramified Galois extension, L I K , of one-dimensional local fields. There are two cases.
Case A: char(K) = 0 In this case ([54] p. 257) F = L((X)) and E = K((Y)), where L I K is a Galois extension of p-adic local fields, so that the elements of L((X)) are formal series, C,",aiX" with ai E L. Case B: char(K) = p In this case ([54] p. 257) we shall only consider the situation1 F = L1{{X)) and E = K1{{Y)), where L I K is a Galois extension of p-adic local fields and the residue fields of K1, L1 are K, L, respectively. 3.3.2 Let Fo = U(HCF(p,l)=lF ( b ) where 6 is a primitive 1-th root of unity (Fa is called F p u r in ([54] p. 259)). Hence KOn L = K and Eo n F = E . Let L(s) be as in $3.1.2. In Case A we have F = L((X)) and F(s) = L(s)((X)) and we have
where DF and DF(s) are uniquely divisible ([I51 p. 415). Hence, by an argument with the transfer, the map
and (ii) if G(L/N) a G(L/K) the induced map satisfies
lnfLIN( a 4 (LIK, 2)) = ar-1(NIK, 2).
is an isomorphism from DF to D:((;(~)'~). On the other summands the map is the sum of the natural maps on K2(L) and K1(L) r L* so that
lThe general case occurs when F and E are finite extensions of the fields considered here.
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields
78 and
3.3. Two-dimensional thoughts and
lim Coker(K2(F) 4K ~ ( F ( s ) ) ~ ( ~ ( ' )=/ ~0.) ) S
Therefore (cf. Theorem 3.1.3) we have a 2-extension K ~ ~ ( F4 ) K;"~(Fo) 5u
but, since Mo = Lo((Y)) and vF(Y) = el, the map between these groups is an isomorophism of the uniquely divisible parts, the identity on K2(LO)and the el-th power map on K1(Lo) E L;. Hence
Therefore, in order to imitate the method of 53.1, we would need to know about the Tate cohomology groups H* (G(F/E); K?d (Fo)) and H* (G(F/ E); U) . In this section we shall only analyse the first of these.
Theorem 3.3.3 In Case A there are isomorphisms: pel (KO)@ Z / r Hi(G(F/E); K;"~(F~))E
if i is odd, if i > 0 is even, if i = 0.
Note that, as G(F/M) acts trivially, these are also Tor(Z/el, K ? ~ ( L o ) ) and Kpd(Lo) 8 Z/el, respectively. Therefore
Hs(G(L/K);pe,(Lo)) if t is odd, HS(G(L/K);L6/(L;)e1) if t > 0 is even.
Here vF(Y) = el and r = [Go(L/K) : G1(L/K)]. 3.3.4 This result will be proved in the course of the subsequent discussion. We may replace Fo by Lo since the cokernel of the injection
is uniquely divisible ([106]; see also [BO]), since Lo is the subfield of constants. If M = L((Y)) then there is an embedding
given by sending g to g (X)/X. Therefore we have a spectral sequence of the form
in which E,SytS Hs(G(L/K); Ht(G(F/M); K3(Lo))) when s t > 0. When s = 0 = t these two groups differ by a uniquely divisible group and E:" = EL0. Since G(F/M) acts trivially on K3(Lo),
Hs(G(L/K); K3(Lo)) r
Z/r 0
if s is odd, if s > 0 is even.
Note also that H*(G(L/K); Lz) = 0 when L I K is totally ramified so that the sequence
2't-1 E Ellt if t is odd and s > 0. implies that ) H 2(G(F/E); K F d (Fo)) from Next we calculate H1 (G(F/E); K ? ~ ( F ~ ) and the exact sequence of [80]. The first group is isomorphic to the kernel of the map
This homomorphism is an isomorphism on the uniquely divisible part, a surjection with kernel Z l r on the K2-part and the el-th power of the inclusion on the K1part. Hence H'(G(F/E); K ~ ~ ( F o ) )pel (KO)@ Z/r
as expected. Of course, HO (G(F/E); K p d(Fo)) K ? ~ (Eo), by [106]. Therefore we have, for s t = 2, an exact sequence
Also we have an exact sequence [80]
The edge-homomorphism, i, is induced by the natural map.
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields
However, we also have a commutative diagram, in which 'FI temporarily denotes H1(G(L/K); L ; / ~ e l(LO)),
3.3. Two-dimensional thoughts
where DF and DF(s) are uniquely divisible and denotes the residue field of L. Therefore K2(F) -+ K ~ ( F ( s ) ) ~ ( ~ ( ' ) / ~ ) is an isomorphism on the uniquely divisible part and on the K2 part, which is zero, and on the K1 part. Hence we have an exact sequence of the form
What is HS(G(F/E);K ~ ~ ( F ~ ) ) ? This time F = L{{X)), E = K{{Y)), M = L{{Y)) and we have an inclusion G(F/M) Z/el
We have
since L; is a cohomologically trivial Z[G(L/K)]-module, so d2 must map onto E,2y1,by counting, since E:" is a finite group. If d2 : E:j2 E:" is surjective E :~~ ~ + ~for~all~ s~2 -0,~t 2 1 and, if s > 0 this must then so is d2 : E : ~ ~ H1(G(L/K); pel(Lo)) so that the be an isomorphism, by counting. Also E:" diagram, in which 7-l' temporarily denotes H1(G(L/K); pel (Lo)), +
a cyclic group of order prime to p. If we ignore the group E:.' = EzO,the spectral sequence again has the form
and, since G(F/M) again acts trivially on K3(Lo),
" HS(G(L/K);K3(Lo)) "
Z/r 0
if s is odd, if s > 0 is even.
However, this time we have
shows that E:!' is indeed the kernel of i. By periodicity of period two in t and s we find that ( Ker(d2) if s = 0, t > 0 even, Ey if s = 0, t odd, E;lt = Ei70 if s > 0, t = 0,
since p does not divide el. Therefore, since for t 2 1 odd, s > 0 we have an s+2,t-1 2 E;", these groups are zero when t is even and therefore isomorphism, E2 when t is odd also. We are left with only E;" which is Z/r or zero for s > 0 and
otherwise. ( 0 This completes the calculation, since we have an isomorphism
e l
) if t is odd, if t is even.
Arguing as before yields: given by multiplying by the class of 1 E K,*/(K,*)el g H2(G(F/E); KPd(Fo)). 3.3.5 Case B: In this case F = L{{X)) and from ([I51 p. 415)
Theorem 3.3.6 In Case B pel (Ko)@ Z/r H'(G(F/E); KPd(FO))E
if i is odd, if 2 > 0 is even, 2f 2 = 0.
Chapter 3. Higher K-theory of Local Fields
Question 3.3.7 Does there exist a canonical distinguished triangle of Galois modules of the form K?~(Fo) f-t X + Cf K?~(FO)[1]
is which f induces an isomorphism in Tate cohomology for all H C G(F/E) in all dimensions? /~]. In the case of one-dimensional local fields Cf was K ? ~ ( L ~ ) @ Z [ ~Given X in the two-dimensional case one could attempt to build a fundamental class by using f to kill the cohomology of ~p~(Fo), following the procedure of 53.1.
Chapter 4 Positive Characteristic 4.1 R1(L/K,2) in the tame case 4.1.1 In this chapter we shall be concerned with the fundamental classes of Theorem 3.1.17 and Example 3.1.21 associated to K2 and K3 of a local field in characteristic p > 0. We are going to calculate the Euler characteristic, in the sense of Example 2.1.8, of the 2-extension described in Theorem 3.1.22. For the calculations of this section we shall make things easier for ourselves by considering the tamely ramified case. These calculations are rather long and clumsy, so I shall begin with an outline of contents of this section. In ([34] and [I311 557.1.40-7.1.56) homological data is given which is used to calculate the Euler characteristic of the classical (Ko/K1) local fundamental class in the tamely ramified case. This is reproduced, for the characteristic p case, in $54.1.3-4.1.6. This is modified in 554.1.7-4.1.9 to give a surjection, gp : ~ ( 2 ) K3(Fvd),whose kernel is a finitely generated, projective Z[G(L/K)]-module representing minus the required K2/K3-Euler characteristic. In 54.1.11 we construct a free submodule, W C_ Ker(g4), which permits us to find a simpler representative for the Euler characteristic in Proposition 4.1.12. In $54.1.13-4.1.15 we analyse the module structure of the representative in order to give a further simplification of the form
in Lemma 4.1.16. In 54.1.17 we construct another free submodule, W' Ker(g4 I X(2) 8 Qo) and use it in $54.1.18-4.1.22 to construct a surjection from a free module
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
so that we are reduced to finding the class in the class-group of the module Ker(p). In 54.1.23 we accomplish this by constructing a filtration of the form A c B c Ker(p). The results of all this computation are recapitulated in Theorem 4.1.24, which identifies a finitely generated projective Z[G(L/K)]-module representing the Euler characteristic of the K2/K3 local fundamental class of Theorem 3.1.22 in the tamely ramified case. Theorem 4.1.24 is rephrased in terms of the Homdescription of the class-group (see Theorem 2.5.25) in 54.1.25. Finally, in 54.1.26 we verify that the Hom-description representative is independent of the choice of "Frobenius", g E G(L/K). In Theorem 4.1.27 we give the Hom-description of the global Galois module structure invariant, R1 ( E I F ,2), in the tamely ramified case in characteristic p. This invariant is the characteristic p version of the invariant introduced in 3.2.1. Now we can begin. The first part of this section is inspired by (and amounts to a simpler alternative to) (1341 Lemma 6.3 p. 370). Suppose we are in the tame situation. That is, L / K is a tamely ramified Galois extension of local fields (of any characteristic for the moment) with Galois group G(L/K) of the following form:
4.1. R1(LIK, 2) in the tame case
IndG(L(l)/K) G(L/W) ( ~ m [ l / p ] & Zof) Theorem3.1.22, since a E G(L/W) acts triviallyon the roots of unity. The reason for distinguishing Ind(1) and Ind(2) is that they sit in different 2-extensions, which we shall now describe. The local Ko/K1 fundamental class which is used in [34] is due to J.-P. Serre (see also [I311 Chapter 7). It is a 2extension of Galois modules and (see [132]) is filtered by the usual filtration of the multiplicative group of a local field so as to remain exact at each level. In particular, in the tame case, we may truncate Serre's fundamental class at level one to give a 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form
where ~ ( ga' (7, m)) = g'-l @ (av,m). Now let us consider the K2/K3 fundamental class of Theorem 3.1.22. In this case, recalling the isomorphism of Galois modules
G(L/K) = (a, g I gd = ac, a' = 1, gag-1 = a") where v = IKI, the order of the residue field, K,of K . Here, if W/K is the maximal -unramified subextension then G(L/W) = (a) and the image of g in G(L/K) is the Frobenius automorphism. Note that, as in ([34] p. 369), we may arrange that c is a divisor of r. When char(K) = p > 0 we may arrange that c = r, since K Fv((X)) and L is a Kummer extension of L(") = FVd((X)). Henceforth, therefore, we shall assume that char(K) Galois group is given by the semi-direct product
Hence r = [Go(L/K) : G1(LIK)] = [G(L/W) : G1(L/W)] is the index which appears (denoted by t there) in Example 3.1.21 and Theorem 3.1.22. Set q = v2 and let w be an integer satisfying the congruence vw = 1 (modulo (qd - I ) ~ )Here . we have erred on the side of caution, in order to have ample congruences later. In particular, we observe that vw = 1 (modulo (vd - I ) ~ ) . Let Q/Z(i) denote the i-th Tate twist of the roots of unity, which we shall write as a multiplicative abelian group. For i = 1,2, set
where the action of a E G(L/W) on Q/Z(i)[l/p]6Z is trivial on the first factor and is given by a(1,l) = (&, 1) on the second factor. Here we have identified Q/Z(l)[l/p] and Q/Z(2)[l/p] as groups, choosing once and for all a primitive r-th root of unity, &. These Z[G(L/K)]-modules are both equal to the module,
the 2-extension takes the form
where F(g% (q, m)) = g'-l
> 0 and that the
G(L/K) = (a,g 1 gd = a T = 1, gag-1 = a V )= (9) CK (a).
a (a(, mu).
We give the following verification for completeness although the part concerning F may be extracted from 53.1.16. Lemma 4.1.2 The maps F and F are both Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphisms.
Proof. Since gag-' = av we have gaUWg-' = augi. Therefore one finds that
= aUWv = aUand
so gbw'i =
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.1. R1(L/ K , 2) in the tame case With this notation we define
a(P(g28 ((a, m))) = as"'
8 ((av,m)
- gi-law"il
= gi-l 8
8 ((aV,m) ((avCw'-l, m)
= 92-1 8
( ( I ) v y - ' ,m)
= F(gi 8 ( ( a [ ~ ~m)) ', = F ( g % w h ((a, = F(ag% ((a,
Of course, f4 will be induced by of the diagram.
once we have verified the commutativity
Lemma 4.1.4 The diagram of 54.1.5 is commutative. Proof. Since the augmentation of 9% ((I),m) E 1nd(l) is equal to m, the right hand square clearly commutes. Note that if z E F:d then z o z" is the Frobenius automorphism with inverse given by z I+ zw. Hence [,wd-' = C. Similarly yWV= y since v u 1 (modulo (vd - 1)r). For the middle square we have
as required. 4.1.3 We now construct an explicit commutative diagram of Z[G(L/K)]-modules which is essentially equivalent to that of ([34] Lemma 6.3 p. 370):
Here X(2) = ker(S2), 61 is the augmentation and 62(~2)= (a - l)zo, 62(z1) = (9-I - l)zo. To define f2, f3, f4 we need another element, y E Q/Z(l) [llp], which we shall choose in the same manner as 1341. We begin by considering Q/Z(l)[l/p] as a subgroup of the multiplicative group of the maximal unramified extension of L. If nL is a prime of L such that
then we choose y to satisfy yvd-' = &- SO that y is a primitive (vd - 1)r-th root of unity.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.1. R1(L/K,2) in the tame case
Next set Then f4(x) E F;, x Z has an image in 1;d(l) of the form (. . .:,::c( which has second coordinate equal to 4(1) so that
and so f 4 is surjective. 4.1.6 The kernel of
Wv - yrwdv- yrv.
d- 1
as required, since yrwd-I = yrw Next we have
Now we describe ker(f4) G X(2). m2z2 E ker(f4) then 0 = Suppose that, for mi E Z[G(L/K)], mlzl G(LIK)(Z) f3(mlzl +m2z2) E 1nd(l) has second coordinate equal to mlgd-' E IndG(,lw) so that, by ([34] 56.6), ml = m3(a - 1) for some m3. Also, in Z [G(L/K)], we have so that we set
= (9-'
+ a + . . . + av-')
1) E Z[G(L/K)].
Then 0 = 62 (ml a
+m m )
= m3 (a =
while f2(62(22)) = f2((a - 1)zo) = agd-' 8 (1,l) - gd-I - gd-lawd-l
(since vw
s (I, I)
€3 ( L l ) -gd-'
8 (1,l)
= 1 (modulo r))
so that ms f
+ ma annihilates a
1)62(21) m262 (22) (m3(a - l)(g-I - 1) m2(a - l))zo
1 in Z[G(L/K)] and, by ([34] 56.6),
Thus we have shown that which is the form of an arbitrary element in ker(f4) G X(2). Now let us calculate f 4 on (a - l)zl - fz2 and y = (1 a We have
+ + . . . + ar-')z2.
as required. 4.1.5 Surjectivity of
f3((a - l)2l - f 22) f4
Recall that the inclusion homomorphism, 4 : M 4~ n d g ( ~is) given , by g @H g-'m. If y = (1 a . . . ar-')z2 E X(2) then $(m) =
+ + +
= (a-
l)(g-' 8 ( y r , l ) 18(yw,o) + g @ (ym2,0) (yrwd-l7 0)) - f (x:~: gi @ (yWi,0))
+ gd-3
(yrwd-27 0)
(I, 1) - f gi 8 (yWi,0))) = (9-'av - 9-') 8 ( 1 , l ) - (g-'(1 a . . . aV-') - l)(x:~: gi 8 (ywi,0)) = (a - 1)(g-' 8
= g-'
s (C,0) - XI;:'
= 9-' 8 (er-vrwd-l,
However, yr is a primitive (vd - 1)-th root of unity so that f4(y) = yr generates Fit,.
+ ...
= g-' 8
+ + +
s (yVwi,0) + x :
((crywd-')", 0)
which is trivial because ywd-' = C1.
g' €3 ( y ' , 0)
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.1. R1(LIK, 2) in the tame case If i = 1,2,..., d - 1 we have z o ~ gEi A o , and ~
On the other hand f3(y) = q!(yr) has annihilator equal to (g - v) but
so that ker( f4) is equal to the free Z[G(L/K)]- module with basis element t = (a - l)zl - f z2, which is the same result as ([34] Lemma 6.8). = (F
4.1.7 The tame diagram for K2/K3 Temporarily set G = G(W/K) = (g) 2 Z/d so that, by ([I311 Proposition 7.1.36), 0 4Q1 = Z[G]
(v-9) +
Qo = Z[G] 5 FZd t O
is an exact sequence of z[G]-modules with = gi(x) = xu' for some choice of generator, x E F:,. Set Aij = Pi @ Q j with the diagonal G(L/K)-action, where Pi = Z[G(L/K)](21, z2) and P o = Z[G(L/K)](20). We wish to construct a commutative diagram of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form
1 @ (1, vi), -
as required. Next we look at zl €3 gi, z2 @ gi E For 1 5 i 5 d - 1 we have
For 1 5 i 5 d define
93(a @ gi) =
When i = d we have
zfZ2 gi-l €3 (1, v ~ + ' - ~ ) ,otherwise,
where 6 E Q/Z satisfies 61-w2d = &.. Recall that we have chosen w so that qw2 = v2w2 = vw = 1 (modulo (qd - 1)r) so that 6"" = 6. Hence dg2(zo €3 gi) = d ( 1 €3 (1, vi)) = xu' = e(zo €3 gi).
On the other hand, if 1 5 i 5 d - 1,
l)gs(zo €3 g".
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.1. R1(L/K, 2) in the tame case
Hence, by Examples 2.1.8 and 2.2.7 (bearing in mind that Ker(g4) is in an even dimension), the Euler characteristic of the 2-extension is equal to
because the Ai,j's are free. Proposition 4.1.9 The homomorphism, g4, is surjective in 54.1.7. as required. Finally, for 1 5 i 5 d, we have
Proof. Suppose that we have a resolution of free Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form 6
...such that b3(P2) = X(2)
P2'P12P0AZ-40 PI. Then, in the notation of $4.1.7,
A2,o @ A1,l @ A0,2
A1,o @ A0,l
is exact in the middle and so while
since A0,2 = 0. Also
as required.
Generators of the Z[G(L/K)]-module, X(2), are given by the elements t = (a - l)zl - f z2, y = (1 a . . . a'-')z2 and x = (1 g-l . . . + gl-d)zl + (a-l . . . a-")z2 of 54.1.5. This is seen by observing that all these elements are in X(2), that Z[G(L/ K ) ](t) = ker(f4) and that f4(y),f4(x) generate F:, x Z, by 54.1.5. Now we have
Lemma 4.1.8 (341 Suppose that g4 is surjective in the diagram of $4.1.7. Then Ker(g4) is a finitely generated projective Z[G(L/K)]-module and the Euler characteristic of Example 2.1.8(i) and Example 2.2.7 associated to the lower 2-extension in the diagram is equal to - [Ker(g4)1E C w w ( L I K ) I ) . Proof. If g4 is surjective then, since g4 induces isomorphisms on all Tate cohomology groups, its kernel is a finitely generated, cohomologically trivial, torsion-free Z[G(L/K)]-module. Hence it is projective. Therefore
so that, for 1 5 i 5 d,
is a perfect complex which is quasi-isomorphic to
+ + +
Note that, since 6 is a primitive r(v2d - 1)-th root of unity, (6 )V i + d is a primitive (v2d - 1)-th root of unity and hence generates K3(Fvd). Therefore g4 is 0 surjective, as required.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.1.10 Some elements in Ker(g4) We are now going to find elements ~ 1 ~ 1. .,,.zl,d, z2,1,. . . ,z2,d which will generate a free Z[G(L/K)]-submodule of Ker(g4). We calculate
4.1. R1(LIK, 2) in the tame case
For i = d,
Next we show that g4(68 1- 18 6)(z18 gi) = 0 for all 1 5 i 5 d. This can be seen by noting that g3(6 8 1 - 18 6)(zl 8 lies in c Iid(2)
and that F - 1 is injective on this subgroup whereas so that, for 1 5 i 5 d,
For l < i < d - l ,
Alternatively this can be seen by direct calculation as follows:
Therefore, if i = 1,2,. . . ,d - 2 then
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
96 and
4.1. R1(LIK, 2) in the tame case
) K3(Fud)),since where a d = ((vd - 1)/r)vwSd.Therefore 22.d E Ker(g4 : ~ ( 2 4 is trivial. g4(Z2,d)= ~ ( v d - 1 ) u - r u 2 d ( ( u d - 1 ) / r ) ~ ~ 2 d , Proposition 4.1.1 1 The Z [G(L/K)]-submodule
is free. a,,jz,,j = 0 for some a , , E Z[G(L/K)] then, considering Proof. If C,=,,,, the Pl 8 Qo-component and recalling that y = (1 a . . . a'-')z2,
+ + +
If i = d we obtain
in Pl 8 Qo. Since
is an injective Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphism, we see that al,j = 0 for all 1 5 j 5 d. Also, if ul@u2 E Pl@Qo then (a-l)(ul@u2) = ((a-l)ul)@u2 so that (a - 1)z2,j= 0 for all 1 5 j 5 d. Therefore, for each j, a 2 j = (1 + a . . .a'-')~;,~ for some a;, E Z[g]/(gd - 1). Hence we have
= tr Now we have PZd-'
that Notice that, in Z[g]/(gd - 1)
In Po 8 Q1 @ PI €3 Qo we define elements This means that
) K3(Fvd)). Since for 1 5 i 5 d - 1. All these elements lie in Ker(g4 : ~ ( 2 4 we~ set ) g3(6(~2)@ gd - 22 €3 (V- g)gd) = 6(vd-1)vand g4(g @ 1) = ( 6 ' ) ~ ~
Therefore, in the free z [g]/ (gd - 1)-module given by Z [g]/(gd - 1) 8 z [g]/ (gd - 1) with the diagonal action, we have
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Equating coefficientsof basis elements (18gj,1 5 j 5 d) we find, in Z[g]/(gd - I), that
4.1. Cll (LIK, 2) in the tame case
Since {zo 8 g j I 1
< j 5 d) is a free Z[G(L/K)]-basis for Po8 Q1, we must have
Hence Since vdwZd > 1 we have a;,d = 0 and therefore 0 = a;,d-l required.
a;,l, as
Proposition 4.1.12 In the notation of Lemma 4.1.8, Proposition 4.1.9(proof) and Proposition 4.1.11, W g 4 I X(2) 8 Qo) n (X(2) 8 Qo) is a finitely generated, cohomologically trivial Z [G(L/K)]-module and
If these equations hold then Proof. Fkom the proof of Proposition 4.1.9 we know that
Therefore, by construction of the generators, z l , ~. ,. . ,z2,d of W one sees easily that ~ ( 2 =) (6 8 l)(A2,0) (6 8 1 - 1 8 6)(Ai,i) = X(2) 8 Qo W. Therefore, by the Second Isomorphism Theorem,
Ker(g4) - Kerb4 I X(2) 8 Qo) W n (X(2) 8 Qo) and the result follows, by Proposition 4.1.11. N
4.1.13 The submodule W n (X(2) 8 Qo)
Next we must determine the submodule W n(X(2) 8Qo) C Pl 8Qo. In order that Cc=l,l, lsjsd ar,jzc,j E PI 8 QO we must have, in PO8 Q1,
This immense expression will lie in X(2) 8Qo. This is seen by observing that PO) and therefore X(2) 8 Qo = ker(6 8 1 : PI 8 Qo X(2) = ker(6 : Pl
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Po@ Qo). However, the equations guarantee that this expression, which equals
4.1. R1 (L/K, 2) in the tame case
Proposition 4.1.14 The Z[G(L/K)]-module, W f l (X(2) 8 Qo) of 54.1.13 is generated by the elements
lies in PI 8 Qo and therefore so does
The differential, d, on (PI8 Qo) $ (Po8Q1) is equal to 6 8 1 on the first summand so that
as required.
Solutions to the equations may be found by assigning al,d, a2,1, a2,2, . . . , a2,d-1 arbitrarily in Z[G(L/K)] and, since g-d = a-", choosing a2,d to satisfy
Since ag-' = g-lav we have agj-d = gj-davd-3 SO that we require
ad =
((vd - ~ ) / T ) v was~ in ~ ,54.1.10.
4.1.15 Now we shall work to derive an easier representation of the module of Proposition 4.1.12. Since X(2) is generated as a Z[G(L/K)]-module by the elements t = (a - 1)zl - (9-'(l + a . . . a"-') - l ) t 2 , . . . g'-d)zl (a-' a-2 . . . a-')z2, x = (1 g-' y = (1 a . . . ar-')z2
+ + + + + +
+ + + +
+ +
it is not difficult to see that X(2) @ Qo c Pl 8 Qo is generated by
t 8 1 y @ (vd - l ) ~ ~ ~ / r , for which the general solution is
t O g , t 8 g 2,..., t 8 g d - l , x @ ( v - g ) g , x @ (v - g ) g 2 , . . . , x8(v-g)gd-', -g)g2,...,y@(v-g)gd-l, ~ @ @ - 9 ) 9 , ~( v@ ( x - y ) @ g and y 8 g .
for any 0 E z[g]/(gd - 1) 1 Z[G(L/K)](l + a + ... +ar-'). Hence we can list the generators for W f~(X(2) 8 Qo) by setting each of al,d, a2,1, a2,2,. . . ,a2,d-1, equal to one and the rest to zero in the previous immense expression. The result is as follows:
These elements have been chosen so that all except y 8 g are in ker(g4 : X(2) 8 Qo --t K3(Fvd) F : , ) . Fkom the exact sequence of zlg]/(gd - 1)-modules
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
one easily sees that ker(g41X(2) @ Qo) is generated by
4.1. R1(LIK, 2) in the tame case
However, the analysis of 54.1.13 shows that the interesection in the denominator is / (1)g(y@ ~ (v - g +rad)). the direct sum of a free module with the submodule ~ [ ~ ] Note that X(y @ (v - g Tad)) = y @ (v - g rad). Hence we have established the following result.
Lemma 4.1.16 In Proposition 4.1.12
Define an isomorphism isomorphism
-extended by linearity. Here b = 1,2, h E G(L/K) by X(hzb@gi) = hzb@ r(h)-lgi, and T : G(L/K) 4G(L/K) Z/d is given by r(asgu) = gu. Thus X transports the diagonal Z[G(L/K)]-action to the left-hand factor action, which is easier to work with. Now let us apply A to the list of generators for ker(g4 1 X(2)@Qo).We obtain
kerb4 I X(2) 8 Qo) [Kerbdl = [ Kerb4 I X(2) @ Qo)1 = [ n (X(2) @ Qo) z[gIl(gd - l)(y (v - g rad))
Proposition 4.1.17 The Z[G(L/K)]-submodule, W'
c ker(g4 I
X(2) @ Qo) given by
is free. Proof. Suppose that {aiE Z[G(L/K)] I 0
< i 5 d - 1) satisfy
We first apply X of 54.1.15 to transport this relation into the module with the left-factor action. The relation transforms to give
+ ad-lg-l(l+ a + . . . + a"-l)z2
(gd-l - I).
Next we compare coefficients (in the left-factor) of the various powers of g to obtain:
By Proposition 4.1.12, we wish to determine the class in the class-group of the module
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Considering the coefficients of zl we see that ai(a - 1) = 0 for each i and therefore ai = Pi(1 a ... a'-') for 0 5 i 5 d - 1 and Pi E Z[g]/(gd - 1). Substituting these values we obtain
+ + +
4.1. R1(L/K, 2) in the tame case
Next we compare coefficients (in the left-factor) of the various powers of g to obtain:
Therefore Considering the coefficients of zl we obtain
- 1 ) b y = 0. Hence Po = 0 which and po((vd - l)wZd 1)y = b u d y or (vd I7 implies that Pi = 0 for all 0 5 i 5 d - 1, as required.
4.1.18 Consider the generators (x - y) 8 g = (1 +g-l . . +gl-d)zl @ g and the (z - y) 8 (v - g)gi's. Since gi-'((x - y) 8 g) = (x - y) @ gi we see that all these elements may be generated from (x - y) 8 1 = g-l((x - y) 8 g). Also, from the equation
so that one sees that (x - y) 8 1 generates a free Z[G(L/K)]-submodule ker(g4) of rank one. For W' as in Proposition 4.1.17, consider the intersection
A relation of the form The general solution to these equations is transforms under X to give
a0 E
Z [ G ( L / K ) ]and a:
Z [ g ] / ( g d- 1 ) for 1 5 j 5 d - 1.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
From these equations, equating coefficients o f 2 2 , we obtain:
+ +
and 0 = a',(l + a +
0 = ao(-(9-'(l + a . . . a"-') - 1 ) ) +ao((vd - l ) ~ ~ ~ / +r a) ( l. . . ar-') +aog-' ( 1 a . . . + a"-')
+(aog-'(l+a+. . .+av-')+a',(l+a+.
. .+ar-'))g-'(l+a+
0 = a&-,(1
. . . +av-')
+(aog-2(l+a+. . .+avZ-' ) + a ; ( l + a + . . .+ar-'))g-'(l+a+. -(aog-'(1 + a . . . +av-') +a',(l+a . . . ar-'))g-'(1 a . . . a"-'),
+ a + . . . + a"-')
+ a + . .. + a ~ ~ - ~ - ' ) + ~ & -+ ~ a( + l . . . + a'-'))g-'(1 + a + . . . + a"-'). Simplifying we obtain:
+ . . . + a'-').
. .+av-')
Proposition 4.1.19 ( i ) In Proposition 4.1.17
as a left Z[G(L/K)]-submodule. (ii) A n isomorphism of left Z [ G ( L / K )-modules ]
is given by sending z to z ( a - 1). (iii) There are isomorphisms of left Z [ G ( L / K )-modules ] -
+(aog'-d(l+a+. . .+avd-'- ')+a&-l(l+a+. . .+ar-'))g-'(l+a+. -(aog2-d(l
- a&-2g-'v(l+
+ + +
0 = ( a o g l - d ( l + a + . . . + avd-'-1) +a&-'(1 a . . . a'-'))(-(9-'(1
+ + +
+ a + . . . + a'-')
Since we can solve all these equations i f and only i f a0 E Z [ G ( L / K )(]a - 1) we have shown the first part o f the following:
-a09 -'(I + a . . . +av-'), O = (aog-2(l a + . . . + av2-1 ) +";(I + a + .. . +ar-'))(-(9-'(1 + a + . .. +av-')
+ +
... +ar-')
+ +
+ + - ( ~ ~ g l - ~ (a l++. . . + avd-'-1) +a&-,(l + a + . . . + a'-'))gp'(l + a + . . . + av-l), 0 = (aog-'(1 + a + . . . +av-') +a',(l + a + . . . + a'-'))(-(9-' ( 1 + a + . . . + a"-') - 1 ) ) +
4.1. ill( L I K ,2) in the tame case
. .+av-') ( i v ) In positive dimensions the cohomology of Z [ G ( L / K ) ] ( a 1)2 is given by
H ~ ( G ( L / KZ) [; G ( L / K ) ] ( a I ) ~r )
Z/r 0
if i > 0, odd, if i > 0, even.
Proof. Part (i) was established during the discussion o f 54.1.18. T h e map in part (ii) is clearly surjective. O n the other hand, i f x = z ( a - 1) and x ( a - 1) = 0 then x = u ( 1 + a . . . ar-') so that
+ +
and so x = 0. Part (iii) is clear and part ( i v ) follows from the isomorphisms
H"G(L/K); z [ G ( L / K ) ] / ( z [ G ( Z / R )2 ] )H*' ) ( G ( L / K )z; [ G ( Z / X ) ] ) 2 Hz+' ( G ( L / K ) ;~ n d ~ ~ ' ~ ) ( l ) ) 2
( ( a ) ;Z ) .
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.1. Ql (LIK, 2) in the tame case
4.1.20 Next we wish to calculate which elements of the submodule generated by {y 8 (v - g)gi} and (v2 - g)(y 8 g) lie in Z[G(L/K)] ((x - y) 8 1) W'. Suppose that wo, wl , . . . , wd-1 E Z[g]/(gd - 1) and that
The equations have become: As before, we compare coefficients (in the left-factor) of the various powers of g to obtain:
Since there are no zl's appearing in y, by considering the coefficients of zl, we obtain the same relations as before, namely:
Hence Z[G(L/K)]((x- y) 8 1) W' contains, by setting in turn each one of a o , a',,. . . equal to one and the rest equal to zero, ~~ l ) / r ) y 8 1) = ((vd - 1)( w -~l)/r)y ~ 8 1, A-'(((vd - I ) ( w A-l(y 8 g - g-lvy 8 g2) = y 8 g - g-ly 8 vg, A-l(y 8 g2 - g-lvy 8 g3) = y 8 g2 - g-ly C3 vg2,
where a 0 E Z[G(L/K)] and a: E z[g]/(gd - 1) for 1 5 j 5 d - 1. Comparing the coefficients of
Next we want to know, in
and simplifying as before we obtain: how much of the submodule generated by y 8 (v - g)gi (1 5 i < d - 1) and (v2 g)(y 8 1) is generated by the elements listed above. We shall do this calculation, showing that everything may be generated in this manner, after applying X to
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
get into the left-factor-only action. Hence we are considering which z[g]/(gd - 1)submodule of
4.1. R1(LIK, 2) in the tame case
4.1.22 Lemma 4.1.21 implies that we have a surjection, given by adding the factors in Z[G(L/K)]((x- y) 8 1) W', of the form
is generated by Also the domain of p is free, by $4.1.18. In addition, by Proposition 4.l.l9(i), we have an exact sequence of the form Firstly we observe that On the one hand this leads to the relation
in CL(Z[G(L/K)]) and on the other it will enable us to find a filtration of the form
which will lead to an explicit description of Ker(p) (see Theorem 4.1.24). However we can also generate ((vd - 1 ) ( -~ 1)/r) ~ ~ (v2 - g)y 8 1 and, since HCF(vd-l, ((vd - I ) ( w ~ -~ l ) / r ) ) = 1 we may generate (v2 - g)y (8 1. Next, for any 1 5 i 5 d - 1 we have
4.1.23 Next we need to know the kernel of the surjection, 3. That is, in the leftfactor-only action, we want all the sets of integers, no, n l , . . . ,nd-1, solving the equation A-1 ( ~ f znigi i y QD (v - g v (vd - 1 ) ~ ~ ~ ) )
This equation is the same as that solved in 54.1.20 with
Hence we have generated everything we wished to, which proves the following result.
Lemma 4.1.21 In Proposition 4.1.17, the canonical homomorphism Z[G(L/K)]((x - y) is surjective.
1) W' 4
kerb4 I X(2) @ Qo) Z[9l/(gd - 1)(Y8(v-g+v(vd - 1)w2d))
From $4.1.20, we must have the equations:
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.1. f l l (LIK, 2) in the tame case
These equations give all the ak's in terms of the nj7s.The only restriction comes from the first equation, when rewritten as
so that
~ see that p divides Temporarily writing p = (vd - 1 ) ( -~1 ) l~r we
These relations in turn imply that Hence we have integers, nb, n;, . . . such that
for some a 0 and a;. The equation we started with also leads to the following equation:
For this we must have the following equations, in Z[G(L/K)] (z2),
If these conditions are fulfilled then
Notice that ~~~v~~= l + s ( ~ ~ ~ - SO l )that r p = ((vd-l)/r)(~2d-~2dv2d++s(v2d1)r) = ((vd- 1 ) j r )(ST(vZd- 1) and therefore we may choose nb, n; , . . . ,nb-I arbitrarily and thence determine no, n l , . . . ,nd-1 and subsequently a0 and a;. As we successively set equal to one each of nb, n; , . . . ,n&-, and set the rest equal to zero in d-1
C nig" i=O
€3 (v
+ v(vd - 1
) ~ ~ ~ )
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.1. R1(LIK, 2) in the tame case
we obtain the following generators (in the left-factor-only action) for the image in ker(g4 I X(2) 8 Qo) of the homomorphism from Z[G(L/K)]((x - y) 8 1) @ W' which adds the two coordinates:
With these equations satisfied, we are considering an element of ~ ~ where p = (vd - 1 ) ( -~1)lr. Now we have to unravel what is the relation of these elements to the righthand side of the equation:
given by
Hence Z E Ker(p) because the sum of its two coordinates in Z[G(L/K)]((x y) 8 1) W' is equal to A-l(+Ny 8 (v - g v(vd - 1 ) ~ ~ ~ ) . We may filter Ker(p) by
with A % Z[G(L/K)](a - 1)2 2 Z[G(L/K)](a - 1) given by the kernel of the map which adds the two coordinates, in Z[G(L/K)]((x - y) 8 1) W',
When nb = 1 and ni = 0 = . . . = n&-l then
and Ker(p)/B % K3(Fvd) generated by A-'(&fi 8 (v - g v(vd - 1 ) ~ ~ ~ ) Multiplying by (v2 - g) and observing that (v2 - g ) N = (v2d- l)g we find that ~ ) generates , BIA. (v2 - g)Z maps to X-'(pgy 8 (v - g v(vd - l ) ~ ~which By the calculation made earlier in this section, we have the relation
say. Then, from our equations,
= a o ( a - I),
ao((vd -
l ) / r )y = a ~ p = N(v(vd - 1)(w2d - 1)y
+ vd-I (v2 - g)y),
= -Ny
aiy so that a:(l + a + .
. . +ar-')
= -N(1+
a + . . . +ar-').
so that, if nb = 1 and ni = 0 = . . . = n&-l, we have (from the same calculation made earlier in this section) a0y = Nvry - vd-'gy SO we choose
When nb = 1 and ni = 0 = . . . = n&-l then the corresponding equation is x-'(-N =
+ v(vd - 1 ) ~ ~ ~ ) ) - y) 8 1) + ao(t €3 1 + y €3 (vd - l)wZd/r)+ x;~; ai(t 8 gi) €3 (v - g
Since nb = 1 and n', = 0 = . . . = ni-l, we know that Z generated Ker(p)/A as a Z[G(L/K)]/((a - 1))-module and that (v2 - g)Z generates BIA.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Next we need to find out what which submodule of A is generated by (a 1)(v2- g)Z. In terms of the (p, a o , a:)-coordinates the middle coordinate (which determines the other two) for these elements is given by
4.1. R1(LIK, 2) in the tame case
Proof. The discussion of 54.1.23 proves (ii) and then part (iii) follows from Lemma 4.1.8, Proposition 4.1.9 and Proposition 4.1.12. For part (i) we need only show that Ker(p) is cohomologically trivial, being clearly finitely generated and torsion-free. It is implicit in the definition of the Euler characteristic of a local fundamental class that any one of its representing modules will be cohomologically trivial. An alternative way to see this is to observe that HCF(v, r ) = 1 so that the left vertical homomorphism in the pushout diagram induces an isomorphism on 0 H*(G(L/K); -), by Proposition 4.1.19(iv). 4.1.25 The Hom-description representative
in Z[G(L/K)](a - 1). Similarly
by @(I) = a 0 then @((a- 1)) = (a - l ) a o = (a - I)(-vd-lg) E A. This discussion establishes the following result:
We conclude this section by computing the representative for [Ker(p)] E CL(Z [G(L/K)]) in the Hom-description of the class-group (see Theorem 2.5.25). Since v is a unit in the rationals and in Z, for all primes, p, except for the residue characteristic we may take a 0 8 1 as a basis element for Ker(p) 8 A when A = Q or Z, when v is not a power of p. This means that the Hom-description representative is trivial for all primes except the residue characteristic. The same is true for the residue characteristic if d = 1. If p is the residue characteristic we need a basis element for Ker(p) 8 Z,. Choose P, E Ker(p) 8 Zp to be the image of
Theorem 4.1.24 Let L / K be a tamely ramified Galois extension of local fields in characteristic p > 0 with group
Then the image of ,Bp under the quotient map
(a - l ) a o = (a - l)(-vd-'9)
This means that if we define a homomorphism of left Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form @ : Z[G(L/K)] Ker(p)
G(L/K) = (a,g 1 gd = a r = 1, gag-1 = a v ) = ( g ) cx (a) as in $4.1.1. Then (i) the Z[GL/K)]-module, Ker(p) of $4.1.22, is finitely generated and projective, (ii) there is a pushout diagram of left Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the following form: Z[G(L/K)l (a - 1)
is equal to the generator, 1. On the other hand, in the bottom left of the pushout,
+ ) +~(a ~- ~ ) ~ ~ - ' ( - v ~ - ' g )
~ l ) ~ ~ - -~ l() aao (a - l)vd-lPp = (a - 1 ) ~(a = (a - 1
e avd - 1 (modulo p)
1 (modulo p)
so that (a - ~ ) " ~ - ' p ,generates Z,[G(L/K)](a where v = [?TI, (iii) the Euler characteristic of the local fundamental class of Theorem 3.1.22
1) in the bottom left and so
When tensored with Qp, PP is equal in the top right Q,[G(L/K)] to 1 (a l ) g - ' ~ l - ~while the rational basis is 1 in the top right. In other words, (1 (a - l)g-lvl-d)(ao 8 1) = Pp and so the component at primes above p of the Hom-description representative for [Ker(p)] is equal to
for any Galois extension, N / Q p , containing all [L : K]-th roots of unity.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
118 Note that this means that
4.1. R1(LI K, 2) in the tame case
The determinant of this matrix is equal to
is the component at primes above p of the Hom-description representative for the Euler characteristic of Theorem 4.1.24. 4.1.26 Independence of the choice of Frobenius
Suppose that p is an irreducible representation of G(L/K) = {a, g I a' = 1 = gd , gag-1
which is equal to = a").
By Clifford theory, the restriction of p to (a) is the direct sum of conjugates of a one-dimensional representation, 4 : (a) --+ C * ,
where t is the smallest positive integer such that (gt)*(4) = 4. Of course, t divides d. The representation, 4 extends to a homomorphism, $ : (a, gt) --+ C * ,given by G(L/K)(4). the formula $(aUgtw)= #(aU) and p = Ind(a,g.,
This expression is independent of the choice of the "F'robenius automorphism". For if we change the generator, g, to aig of order d then we must have 1 = (a")d = a ' ( ~ ~ - ' ) / ( " - ~ which ) means that i must be a multiple of H C F ( r , v-1) since a has order r which divides vd - 1. Set z = HCF(r, v - 1) temporarily. S u p pose that a new choice of F'robenius is given by aizg then the 1+(a- 1)(aizg)-lvl-d acts on p by
~ the basis for Now we shall calculate the matrix of 1 (a - l ) g - l ~ l -using p given by 1 8 1,g-' 8 1 , . . . ,gl-t 8 1. We have
and the resulting determinant is equal to
+(a)izv' = 4(a)~ H C F ( T , V - ~ ) ( V ~ -l)/(v-1)
1 7
since 4(a)"' = $(a). Hence the t x t matrix of 1 + (a - l ) g - l ~ ' - ~on p is given by
Theorem 4.1.27 Suppose that EIF is a Galois extension of global fields i n characteristic p > 0. Then, by analogy with 53.2.1, define a Galois module structure invariant by the formula
where R1(G(EQ/Fp), 2) E CL(Z[G(EQ/Fp)]) is the Euler characteristic of the K2/K3 local fundamental class of Theorem 3.1.22.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
When E/F is tamely ramified then the Hom-description representative of R1(E/F, 2) is trivial except at places above p. At places above p the representative is given by sending x E R(G(E/F)) to
We have canonical cohomology isomorphisms (see Example 3.1.21)
for all i where the product is taken over those primes of P
with u p = IOF/PI and d
> 0 and
OF for which
2 2 i n the notation of 54.1.1.
Proof. This follows from the definition of Rl ( E lF, 2) together with the fact that the homomorphism
In this section we are going to calculate this Ext-group and analyse those elements which possess a class-group-valued Euler characteristic in the sense of Example 2.1.8. The key to making these computations is the reduction to the tamely ramified case for which we shall retain the notation of 54.1.1. That is, if L / K is a tamely ramified then G(L/K) = (a,g 1 gd = a' = 1, gag-1 = av) = (g) cx ( a ) .
corresponds in the Hom-description to the map induced by restriction of represen0 tations to the decomposition group.
Remark 4.1.28 In Theorem 4.2.19, in the tamely ramified case, we shall show that very often the elements of ~ x t & ~ ( ~ Fv2d) ~ ~ which ) ~ (induce ~ ~ cup-product d , isomorphisms on Tate cohomology all have the same Euler characteristic in CJmG(L/K)I ) The obstructions to promoting our calculations from the tame case to the general case are discussed in 54.2.20.
where G(L/W) = ( a ) . Proposition 4.2.2 Let L / K be a tamely ramified Galois extension of local fields i n characteristic p > 0, as i n 54.2.1. (i) For each i 2 1 there is an exact sequence of the form
v2 -g
~ 2 i - 1(G(L/ K); K3 (Fvd))
H2'(G(L/K); lnd:YiK)(z))
"Z / r
(ii) For each i 2 1 there is an exact sequence of the form 4.2.1 As in Example 3.1.21, let L I K be a Galois extension of local fields of residue characteristic p and Galois group, G(L/K). As in $3.1.5, set W = L n Lo so that
W/K is the maximal unramified subextension of L/K. Hence L/W is totally ram= Z= F v d and K F v((X)), W = F v d ((X)) C L = Fvd((Y)) ified, K = F,, for some X, Y. Choose g E G(L/K) of order d which maps to the Fkobenius au-tomorphism in G(L/K). For each positive integer, m, set L(m) = F v d m L so that L(m) = F v d m and there is an extension of the form
in which the g's may be chosen to satisfy 7rm (g) = g. The kernel of T,, G(L(m)/L), is isomorphic to G(FVdm/FVd)which is cyclic of order m generated by gd. If Lo is the maximal unramified extension of L, as in $3.1.2, then Lo/ K is equal to the limit of the extensions, L(m)/K. Set [Go(L/K) : Gl(L/K)] = [G(L/W) : G1(LIW)] = r , as in 54.1.1, then r divides vd - 1 and so is prime to p. Hence r is the index which appears (denote by t there) in Example 3.1.21 and Theorem 3.1.22.
(iii) I n (i) and (ii) g, equals multiplication by vi on HZi(G(L/K);~nd:Y'~)(z)). Proof. The first sequence comes from the exact sequence
and the second comes from 0
z[g]/(gd - 1)
In part (iii) we claim that
Ind(a) G ( L I K ) ( ~i ) (Fwd)*4 0.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
This can be seen when i = 1 by considering the 5-term exact sequence ([I301 p. 43) associated to the group extension Z/r
(a) 4G(L/K) ---,(g) 2 Zld.
As a Z[(g)]-module consider M = (Fvd)* and M = K3(Fvd) 2 (Fv2d)*,which, by Hilbert's Theorem 90, both have trivial Tate cohomology in all dimensions. Therefore the 5-term exact sequence becomes
) NOWwe shall compute F:,,). In the tamely ramified case, we have a short exact sequence of left Z [G(L/K)]modules given by 4.2.4 Computing ExtZ[G(L/K)](Ftd,
where a E G(L/K) acts trivially. This results in a long exact sequence
However, g acts as the v-th power map on (a) 2 Z/r and on (Fwd)*while it acts as the v2-th power map on (Fv2d)*.Since HCF(v, r ) = 1, this proves the result for the case i = 1. For general i we first observe that the spectral sequence
Also, since r divides v2d - 1 and a acts trivially on F:,,, we have
has E;" = 0 = E;" for all s > 0. Therefore the edge homomorphism, which may be identified with the canonical restriction map,
for all i
2 1.
If we use, as in 54.1.7, is surjective. Multiplication by any element, z, mapping to a generator induces a periodicity isomorphism as a free Z[G(L/K)]-resolution then the inclusion
for all n 1. However g, (z U w) from the case i = 1.
(vz) U g,(w) so that the result follows for all i
Remark 4.2.3 Observe that Proposition 4.2.2 yields exact Tate cohomology sequences of the form
) that, in order to induces X2. This inclusion also induces X(2) @ Qo c ~ ( 2 so evaluate X2 ([g4])we must first evaluate g4 on the generators of X(2) @ Qo, t @ gi, y @ gi and x @ gi (1 5 i 5 d). These values are given by
g4(x 8 gi) = g4(y @ gi) = 6
for 1 5 i 5 d. Also the cohomological change of rings isomorphism is induced by the isomorphism which is consistent with the isomorphisms for all i
since H C F ( r , v2 - vi+') = H C F ( r , 1 - vi-l) = HCF(r, v - vi).
which sends h to its restriction to t @ 1, y 8 1 and x @ 1. There is a commutative diagram, induced by a chain equivalence of free Z[(a)]-module resolutions, of the form
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic Theorem 4.2.5 Let L / K be any Galois extension of local fields in characteristic p $4.2.1. Then there is an isomorphism of the form
+ + +
given by &(l) = 1, Rl(1) = 22. Therefore L(1 a . . . a'-') = y and so in H O ~ ~ ~ ( , ) ~ a( Z .( .~. a'-'), F:,,) X2([94]) is represented by the map which sends the generators, 1 a . . . a'-', to g4(y 8 1) = P",which is a generator Z/r is a generator and so X2 of F:,, . This implies that X2([g4])E Hi((a);F:,,) is surjective. Next we need to know the homomorphism g* on H1((a);F:,,). Our model for ~ ' ( ( a )F:,,) ; is Hornz[(.)] (I(a),F:,,) where I G denotes the augmentation ideal of Z[G]. This description comes from the projective resolution
+ + + + + +
> 0, as in
Proof. We begin by showing that the short exact sequence of $4.2.4 splits in the tame case. Since X2([g4])E ZIT is a generator, it suffices to show that
extends to a Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphism
Define f to be trivial on zo 8 g%nd zl 8 gi and set f (z2 8 gi) = 6rvi+dfor all 1 5 i d. Then
since Z [(a)](a - 1) = ker (E)= I(a)
is zero. To deduce the effect of (- .g) on H1 we begin by observing that the self-map, denoted by (- - g) 8 (- - g), of Po8 QO= Z[G(L/ K)] @ z[g]/(gd- 1) which is given by sending x 8 gi to xg 8 gif satisfies (- . g) (E8 1) = (E8 1)(- . g) @ (- . g). Hence we may use this map - diagonal right multiplication by g on Po @ Qo - as the start of a chain map of the free resolution of Qo covering (- . g). The change of rings isomorphism in dimension one is induced by the isomorphism
Also, if 15 i 5 d - 1,
which sends f to (x I+ f (x 8 1)). Hence g*(f) is sent to (x I+ f (xg 8 g) = g(f (g-'q 8 1)) = f (g-'xg 8 1 ) ~The ~ . map induced by the inclusion of Z[(a)] into Z[G(L/K)] also induces an isomorphism on cohomology so that the effect of a map, h, given by h(a - 1) = u to ( l ( a sends ), g* on H ~ m ~ [ ( ~ ) ~F:,,) which is trivial, as is g4(t €3 gi)r. When i = d Hence g* = v and (v - g)* = 0 on H' ((a); F:,, ). Therefore, in the tamely ramified case, we have a short exact sequence of the form
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Clearly f ((6 @ 1 - 1@ 6)(zl 8 gi)) and g4((68 1 - 1 @ d)(zl 8 9'))' are both trivial. Finally, if 1 5 i 5 d - 1,
is equivalent to one in which C and D are finite of order prime to p. Since G(L/M) is a pgroup we obtain a 2-extension of Z[G(M/K)]-modules
where ~ ~ (denotes ~ 1the G(L/M)-fixed ~ ) points of X. These two constructions define inverse isomorphisms of ~ x t ~ - ~ r o u ~ s . which is trivial, as is g4((68 1 - 1 @ 6)(z28 9'))' in this case. When i = d
4.2.7 For each positive integer, m
2 1, set L,
= F,dmL, as in $4.2.1, so that
and there is an extension of the form
which completes the proof in the tame case. Now let L/K be any Galois extension of local fields in characteristic p > 0 with Galois group, G(L/K). Let G1(L/K) c G(L/K) denote the first wild ramification group ([I281 p. 62), which is a finite pgroup. If M is the fixed field of G1(L/K) = G(L/M) then M / K is the maximal tamely ramified subextension. Since = M = Fwd,we have shown that
in which T, (a) = a and r,(g) = g. The kernel of T,, G(Lm/L), is isomorphic to G(Fvdm/Fvd) which is cyclic of order m generated by gd. Therefore Lm/K is a tamely ramified extension which is just L I K when m = 1 and the limit of of the extensions L,/L is equal to the maximal unramified extension, Lo/L. Applying Theorem 4.2.5 to L(m)/K we find that
which is independent of m. The cohomology spectral sequence Hence it suffices to show that the natural map induces an isomorphism of the form
is an isomorphism. However, for F = M, L we have spectral sequences of the form
) isomorphism for all s, t. and the natural map, E ~ ~ ~ ( M / K ) E ~ ~ ~ ( L /isKan This last isomorphism follows from the Serre spectral sequence since
Remark 4.2.6 In terms of 2-extensions the isomorphism
EX~;[G(M/K)] (~:d F:2d)
-% EX~;[G(L/K)] (:'d,
has Ei7' = 0 for all t > 0, since Ht(G(L,/L); F:,,) H0(G(Lm/L); F:dm) = F t d . Therefore we have proved the following result:
0 for all t
> 0 and
Theorem 4.2.8 The edge homomorphism in the Serre spectral sequence of $4.2.7 yields an isomorphism of the form
for all m 2 1. There is a similar isomorphism of the form F:2d)
is given in the following manner. Any 2-extension of Z [G(M/K)]-modules Proposition 4.2.9 The natural map yields an isomorphism
is also a 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules, by inflation. On the other hand, any 2 -extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Proof. This is clear when t = 0, since each cohomology group in the direct limit is isomorphic to F: mapped isomorphically to itself under the inclusion, i : F:,, 4 Ftdms. Now consider the case when t > 0. There is an extension of the form
and the natural maps are given by the compositions
Furthermore, since Lms/Lm is unramified,
Next we are going to calculate the effect of cup-products with elements of ~ x t & ~ (F:, ( ~ ,F:,,) / ~ ) on ~ Tate cohomology. We shall need the following simple result. Lemma 4.2.11 Suppose that
To see that each of these compositions is an isomorphism, consider the spectral sequences:
E , Y ~ =~ H ~ ( G ( L , / K ) ;f f W ( { i )F;j , ) ) J H
~ (G(L,/K); + ~ F:,,), = Hv ( G ( L m / K )Hw ; (G(Lms/Lm);F : d m ) ) JHV+w(G(LmS/K); 11 v w ( E 2 ' -Hv(G(Lm/K);HW(G(Lms/Lm);F&)) H v f w( G ( L m s / ~ ) ; ~ : d m . ) . (E1)>' and (El):' (E"):' are both the identity map. On E2-terms, E;.' However, the edge homomorphisms of E,")" and (E");," are both isomorphisms. Also
This means that (E');.' r (E')%'. This is seen by considering the first r for is non-zero and observing that this implies which d, : (E'):-'~w+r-l -4 d, : ( ~ ~ ~ ) ; - r , w += r -0l 4 is non-zero also. Hence we have edge homomorphisms
H V ( G ( L m / K )Ft,,) ; Hv(G(Lms/K);F : d m )
is a commutative diagram of Z[G]-modulehomomorphisms in which each row and column is short exact. Suppose also that the middle row is split exact. Then for all i the composition
is equal to (-1) times the composition
5 Ez', (E')zo7
Proof. Suppose that k2 : C2 4B2 and l 2 : B2 morphisms such that
HV(G(Lms/K ) ;FEdrns) 5 (E")zO which commute with the natural maps and the result follows.
A2 are Z[G]-module homo-
Remark 4.2.10 Usually a homomorphism such as K2(Lm) 4K2(Lm,) would have a non-trivial kernel, but not here. This is because a transfer argument shows that the map is injective on the uniquely divisible part (if it exists) and the tame symbol [log] maps
Define X = P2 - k2 : C2 ---,B3. Then j3 P2 . k2 - yl = y2 . j2 . k2 . yl = y2 . yl = 0 and so we may define p : C1 4A3 by i3 . p = P2 . k2 - 71. In this case j3 X = j3 - P2 k2 = 7 2 j2 162 = 7 2 and i s - p = P2 - k2 ' 7 1 = X . 7 1 from which we obtain a homomorphism of short exact sequences. Therefore the composition
are isomorphisms modulo uniquely divisible subgroups.
is equal to the coboundary of the bottom short exact row in the diagram.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Define $ = 12. : B1 A2. To show that a 2 . $ = p .jl it suffices to verify - $ = 23 . p - j l . However that i 3 - a 2
Proof. Consider the following commutative diagram of Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphisms.
as required. Also $ , il = l2 . P1 . il = 12 . i2 . a1 = a l . These relations yield a homomorphism of short exact sequences showing that the composition
is equal to the coboundary associated to the upper row of the diagram, which 0 completes the proof. 4.2.12 Cup-products with 2-extensions
By Theorem 4.2.5, we have a split short exact sequence
both extreme groups being isomorphic to Z l r . Since Xz([g4])generates the rightF:,, as one generator of hand group we may take the class of g4 : ~ ( 2 ) order r. The cupproduct with [g4] is an isomorphism. In fact, since [g4] is by definition represented by the K2/K3 local fundamental class, this cup-product is the canonical isomorphism. For the other generator we shall take the image under X1 of any generator, [h] E H1((a);Ft,,) 2 Zlr.
Proposition 4.2.13 In the notation of $4.2.12, if [l] = Xl[h] then
is zero if i is even and if i is odd is given by multiplication by a.(r/HCF(r, vi-l 1)) . (vd - l ) / r ) for some integer, a . In particular, cup-product with [l] is zero if r2 divides vd - 1.
Here Pi = Z[G(L/K)]( a , 22) 0Qo, A P = Z[G(L/K)](20) 8 QOand X(2) = Ker(d2) in the notation of $4.1.3. In this diagram the two middle horizontal short exact sequences are split and the Pi, Py's are projective modules. The diagram has vertical columns given by 2-extensions and the central 2-extension is made from the other columns by the familiar inductive construct ion of homological algebra. In particular, we may apply Lemma 4.2.11 twice to show that the coboundary of the bottom row followed by cupproduct by the left-hand 2-extension is equal to cupproduct by the right-hand 2-extension followed by the coboundary of the top ~ ~as before, then this means that the compositions row. If Qo = z [ ~ ] / -( I),
are equal. We begin by noting that it is sufficient to prove the result for ordinary group cohomology in dimensions greater than zero where it coincides with Tate cohomology.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
If [h] is represented by a cocycle, h : P: 3F:,,, then F:,, whose restriction to Ker(Pl) satisfies
is represented by
1 :~ ( 2 )
where h' is an extension of h. For z E H 2 i ( G ( ~ / ~F:,)) ; the cup-pduct, [1]U z E fIZif(G(L/K); F:2d) is equal to the image under 1, of the cupproduct, [l'] z E H ~ ' + ~ ( G ( L / K~) ;( 2 ) )associated , with the 2-extension given by the right-hand column in the diagram. However, by Proposition 4.2.2(proof), there exists w E HZi(G(L/K); Qo) mapping to z. Therefore [l'] Uz is equal to the image of [l"] Uw, where [I"] is the 2-extension given by the middle column. Hence we must show that
This is true because the finitely generated free module, ~ n( 1d1 ~ ( ~ / ~for ) (some N ) N so that
Pi @ Pi', has the form
Note also that Ker(a3) and ~ ( 2 are ) canonical submodules of Y. Furthermore the map from the middle row to the bottom row induces isomorphisms on Hi(G(L/K); -) for all i > 1 since Hj(G(L/K); Pi') = 0 for j 1. We have homomorphisms h, h', 1 on Pl,P: @ Pi' and ~ ( 2 )respectively. , Also : P: -+Ker(a3) 3I?:,,. These homomorphisms enable h factorises as h = &.a2 us to construct a Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphism
Now consider the commutative diagram . if (z,py) E Y c Ker(P3) $ Pi' we may extending h on Ker(u3) and 1 on ~ ( 2 )For choose (pf,p") E P; @ P;' such that P3(p1,p") = z. Therefore py -p" E ~ ( 2 c) PT and we define F(z,p;) = h'(p',pM) l(p',' -pU) E F:2d.
This is well defined because if (q', q") is another pre-image of z then
This shows that the following three compositions are equal
from which we form a short exact sequence
The left and right projections from Ker(P3) @ Pi' map Y to Ker(a3) and ~ ( 2 )respectively, , which yields a commutative diagram of short exact sequences of the following form.
Take u E H2i-1(G(L/K) ;F:, ) and apply the coboundary of the bottom row of the main diagram to obtain 6(u) E HZi(G(L/K);Qo) and then apply another coboundary to obtain u' = 6(6(u)) E HZi+l(G(L/K); Ker(a3). By Lemma 4.2.11, -u' is equal, ul, to the image of u under the composition
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Applying h: we obtain
is a free Z[G(L/K)]-module resolution and consider a cocycle homomorphism
However, in the composition
fi(y) 8 9 ' E I[G(L/K)] ~ Q then o fi(y) = g(fi-l(gP1y) and f is If f(y) = uniquely determined by the Z [(a)]-module homomorphism, Rzi+l I[G(L/ K ) ] given by y H fO(y).This recipe induces the isomorphism
H~"' (G(L/K); Ker(a3)) E H~"+'((a);I[G(L/K)]). the first map injects Tors(Z/r, Z/HCF(r, vi-l - I)) into Z/r and h: is divisible by (vd - 1)/r, as will be shown in Lemma 4.2.14. Hence the cupproduct with [I] will be divisible by r if r2 divides vd - 1 which ensures the triviality of the cup-product
Therefore, h, ( [f ] ) E H2i+1 ((a); F:,, ) is represented by the Z[(a)]-module homomorphism, y H h( fo(y) @ 1). On the other hand
Lemma 4.2.14 (Evaluation of h:) In the situation of Proposition .4.2.13 h: is divisible by (vd - l ) / r .
However, fi(y) = gi(fo(g-i y))
Proof. We wish to determine (up to units will suffice) the map induced on
We begin by describing Ker(a3). If
is as in 54.1.7, we can tensor with the torsion-free module Qo to obtain the start of a free Z[G(L/ K)]-resolution of Qo
a 2
= 62 8 1 and as = 61 8 1. Hence
where I[G(L/K)] denotes the augmentation ideal. The last isomorphism sends (91 - 1) €3 gi E I[G(L/K)] 8 Qo to gi 8 g-j(gl - 1) E I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ( I [ G (for L/K)]) 91 E G(L/K). Hence h((gl - 1) 8 gj) = gjh(g-j(gl - 1) 8 1) and h is defined completely by the Z[(a)]-module homomorphism
(g')* (y H h(fo(y) @ 1)). Since g* acts on H1((a); F:,,) which is plication by v we have
This shows that the image of a generator under the composition
H 1 ( G ( ~ / K )~; e r ( u 3 ) E ) Z/r H1((a);F:2d)
% H'(G(L/K);
E Z/HCF(r, v - 1)
is divisible by (vd - 1)/ (v - I). From the spectral sequence one sees easily that the second map is injective so that in Z/HCF(r, v - I), for some integer a,
However, (v - l ) / H C F ( r , v - 1) is a unit modulo r so that h, (1) is a multiple of as claimed in Proposition 4.2.13. Finally we want to get from i = 1 to the general case. We observe that the iterated cupproduct with the element of Proposition 4.2.2(proof), z E H2(G(L/K); Z) which restricts to a generator of H2((a);Z), yields an isomorphism H1(G(L/K); Ker(a3)) r H 2 i + 1 ( G ( L / ~ )Ker(a3)) ; so that
given by (gl - 1) +I h((gl - 1) 8 1). One such homomorphism, h, is given by h((ai - 1)€3 1) = 5; while h((gtai - 1)8 1) = 1 for all t # 0. Now suppose that
like multi-
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
is divisible by
. HCF(~,V'-' HCF(~,U-1) ' ) for all i. The homomorphism
sends a generator to a multiple of r / H C F ( r , vi-l a multiple of
- 1)
and this Ext-group is computed via the resolution of left modules
which then maps via h, to
as required.
Corollary 4.2.15 In 84.2.12, suppose that b, c E Z l r . Then, if r2 divides vd - 1,
and h corresponds to the left Z[G(L/K)]-modulehomomorphism, h : Q1 4F:, , given by h(1) = Cr E FEZ,.Now X1 is the coboundary in the long exact sequence to obtained by applying EX^&^(^^^)^ (-,
To calculate the coboundary we must first build a commutative diagram of Z[G(L/K)]-resolutions of the following form.
and is an isomorphism if and only if b E (Z/r)*. 4.2.16 The other Euler characteristics
In Theorem 4.2.5 I proved that there is an isomorphism of the form
As in 54.2.12, we may assume that the generator of the second summand is given by the canonical fundamental class and the first summand is the image of
If r2 divides (vd - 1) Corollary 4.2.15 implies that the cup-product, (Al [h]U -) , is zero for all h's. Suppose that [h] E H1((a); F:,,) is a generator and that the cupproduct by Xl[h] is zero on cohomology. Then, for b E (Z/r)* and c E Z/r we would like to calculate the class-groupvalued Euler characteristic of Example 2.1.8 associated to b[g4]+ ~~1[h] E EX~:[G(L/K)](~:d F:2d ). We begin with [h] E H 1((a);F:,,) of the projective resolution
by h : QI
" Z l r , a generator, represented in terms
Next we want to define Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphisms D, E and
so that C, D, E comprise the start of a projective resolution of Z[g]/(gd- 1) fitting into the middle of the above commutative diagram. Recall that Q2 = 0 = A0,2. Define E : QO @ (Po @ Qo) z[g]l(gd - 1)
by E(1,O) = v - g, E(zo g g i ) = gi (0 5 i
< d - I).
This homomorphism makes the diagram commute because
is given by h(1) = Cr E F:,,.
gi (x) = xu' = a(zo g g') where
is defined in 84.1.7.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic so we must have
Next we must define the homomorphism
+...+a + l ) ( a - 1 ) where, as in 54.1.1, w is an integer satisfying the congruence vw = 1 (modulo
D : G ~ ~ ( P ~ ~ Q ~ ) ~ ( P ~ ~ Q ~ ) - - , & ~ ~ ( P ~ ~ Q ~ ~) and on Q1 = Z [ G ( L /K ) ] we must have
(qd -
( - 1) a = gi(aWi- 1) = gi (a ~ ' - l+ a ~ ' - 2
I ) ~ Therefore . we set
D(a,O,O) = ( a . ( a - l),O) E Go@ (Po 8 Qo). The elements (0,z1 8 gi, 0 ) , 0,zz 8 gi, 0 ) and (0,O,zo 8 g i ) have images in On Alll = Pl 8 Q1 we have d(z2 8 gi) = ( - 2 2 8 ( v - g)gi,g-'(zo 8 9''')
equal, respectively, to
- 20
8 gi) E Al,o @ A o , ~
Hence if we set ( a - 1)(zo 8 g i ) E Ker(E), g-' (zo 8 gi+l ) - zo 8 gi E Ker(E) and we must have
zo 8 ( v - g)gi.
0 = D(C(z2 8 gi)) = ( V ( a - 1) - g-lgi+l
The last element does not lie in Ker(E) but (-gi, zo 8 ( v - g ) g i ) E Ker(E)
+ gi, -((g-l
1)zo)8 (V
- g)gi
+g-yzo 8 ( v - g)gi+l) - zo 8 ( v - 9)gi) = ( V ( a- l ) , O ) .
so that we define D by the formulae:
Therefore we set
We also need to define C and on G2 = Z [ G ( L / K ) we ] are obliged to set
= O! Since Q2 = 0 we do not have to define C on Now to represent X1 [h]where h : G1 F:,, is characterised by h(1) = &. -+ First we extend h to A : G1 @ Alfo @ as i ( l , a , p ) = &. for all ( a ,p) E Allo@ AOfl. Then we calculate the composition
On A2,0 = P2 8 Qo we may define For u E Z [ G ( L / K ) ]this satisfies
A(c(u, since D = d 8 1 on Pl @ Q oso that DC = 0 on P2 @Qo. On A1,l = PI 8 Q 1 we have d(z1 @ gi) = (-zl 8 ( v - g)gi, ( a - l)(zo @ gi)) E Ai,o @ no,, Hence if we set
0 = D(C(z1 8 gi)) = ( W ( a - 1) - ( a - l ) g i ,-(a - l ) z o8 (v - g)gi
+ ( a - l)(zo€3 ( v - g)gi)
+ . . . + a'-'))
which is trivial. The composition
is also trivial and so is
we must have
0,O))= A ( u ( l + a
~ ( c 0, ( oz2 ,8 9")). However
= u([F),
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
140 The composition
factorises through the quotient map Q1 @ Al,0 @ Ao,1 Al,0 @ Ao,1 to give a C O C ~ h C ~: Al,o @ Ao.1 -4 which represents Xl [h]. Explicitly
Lemma 4.2.17 (c. f. Proposition 4.1.11) In the notation of 54.1.16 suppose that ij4 = 94 + c . h. Then the Z[G(L/K)]submodule
is free. while h(0, z l 8 gi) = (, for 0 5 i 5 d
- I.
firthermore, being a cocycle, h induces
ae,jzE,j= 0 for some a , , E Z[G(L/K)] then, considering Proof. If C,=,,,, the Pl 8 Qo-component and recalling that y = (1 a . . . ar-')z2,
+ + +
On (6 8 1)(A2,0)= X(2) 8 Qo h is trivial. Also h(6 8 1- 18 6)(z2 8 gi) = 0 while h(6 @ 1 - 1 8 6)(zl 8 gi) = tTfor 0 5 i 5 d - 1. This means that, if 94 is as in s4.1.7 then the "sum" in Pl 8 Qo. Since is surjective because
is surjective. Since we are assuming that 94 c . h induces cup-product isomorphisms in Tate cohomology, the Euler characteristic associated to the class [g4] c . Xl [h] is represented by the projective module which is the kernel of g4. Let us remind ourselves how the Euler characteristic of [g4]was computed. In Ker(g4) a free submodule
is an injective Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphism, we see that a l , j = 0 for all 1 5 j 5 d. The relation therefore reduces to
was constructed (see Propositions 4.1.11 and 4.1.12) which satisfied
which implies that each a2,j = 0 by the argument of Proposition 4.1.11.
4.2.18 Lemma 4.2.17 implies that the Euler characteristic of [g4]+ Xl [h] is represented by the class of the module
Ker(34) -
(Ker(g4) 1 X(2) 8 Qo) (Ker(g4) I X(2) 8 Qo) wn(Ker(G4) I X(2) 8 QO) W n ( ~ e r ( ~ I4~) ( 28) Q ~ )
X -
In this case the Euler characteristic is represented by the class of the module
Since h(6 8 1 - 1 8 6)(z2 8 gi) = 0 the formulae of 54.1.10 show that . . . ,Z2,d E Ker(g4). Since the formulae are about to become rather complicated let us simplify mattehrs by considering henceforth only the example in which c = 1; that is, g4 = 94 h. In this case we find that e4(zl,i) = JT = ij4(A(y 8 1)) = g4(A(y 8 1)) for some integer A = a(v2d-- 1) with HCF(a, r ) = 1 and 6"' = &. E FEZ,.Therefore we may define elements, Zlji,&,i E Ker(g4) by the formulae
Next, imitating 54.1.13, we must determine the submodule W ~ ( X ( ~ ) ~ GQ O ) PI 8 Q o . In order that C,=1,2, l,j5da,,jZ,,j E PI 8 Q o we must have, in P o 8 Q 1 ,
for 1 5 i 5 d and zl,i,
as in Proposition 4.1.11.
Since {zo 8 g j I 1 5 j 5 d ) is a free Z[G(L/K)]-basis for Po8 Q1, we must have
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
A similar argument holds when
for any c. Hence we have proved the following result. Theorem 4.2.19 As in $4.2.7, let L I K be a tamely ramified Galois extension of local fields in characteristic p > 0. In the notation of $4.2.18, if r divides (v2d- 1)/(v2- 1) and r2 divides vd - 1 then, in the class-group CL(Z[G(L/K)]), the Euler characteristics of all the elements If these equations hold then, since (a - 1)y = 0, with b E (Z/r)* are defined and coincide. By Corollary 4.2.15, these are all the elements of E~~;[G(L/K)] (F:d, F:2d) which possess an Euler characteristic defined in CL(Z[G(L/K)]). Proof. The preceding discussion shows that
if r divides (v2d - 1))/v2 - 1). Since g4 equal g4 on X(2) €3 Qo, this proves the first part for all values of c when b 1 (modulo r). However every element possessing an Euler characteristic has the form b([g4] (clb) . Al [h]) where b E (Z/r)*. Since we may find a unit, b' E Z / ( V -~ 1) ~ which equals b (modulo r) there is an isomorphism of FE2, given by the b'-th power map, whose induces map on ~ x t ; [ ~(F:,( ~ ~ ~ sends ) ~ [g4] (c/b). A1 [h] to b. [gal c -A 1 [h]).Being induced by an automorphism of F:,,, this map does not alter the Euler characteristic.
+a2,d-1(~2 €3 (21 - g)gd-l) +a2,d(z2 €3 (2, - g) Y €3 ad) A ~ l , d g - ~ (€3y 1). As in 54.1.13, this immense expression will lie in X(2) €3 Qo. This expression differs from that of 54.1.13 by the addition of the terms
which is an element of X(2) 8 Qo mapping under
This element will be trivial if r divides (v2d - 1))/v2 - 1).
4.2.20 Let L I K be any Galois extension of local fields in characteristic p > 0, as in $4.2.1. Then, from Theorem 4.2.19, one might expect that all the Euler characteristics, ~ ( z E) CL(Z [G(L/K)]) , associated to elements
coincide. In the tamely ramified case one might attempt to prove this by descent from L(m)/K satisfying the conditions of Theorem 4.2.19. I shall now explain why this does not work - the constructions are worth noting since they will be used later (see 54.3.6 et seq). Notice that if the condition that r = [Go(L/K) : G1(L/K)] divides (v2d- 1)/(v2 - 1) and r2 divides vd - lis not satisfied by L / K then it will be satisfied by L(m)/K providing F V d m is chosen to contain a primitive rt-th root of unity for t >> 0. Fix such an m.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
FEZ,) suppose that we can construct a comFor any z E mutative diagram of 2-extensions of Z [G(L(m)/K)]-modules of the form
There is a canonical quotient chain map onto the coinvariant complex
If = Ker(dO) then Y G ( L ( ~ ) / L =) Ker(dO : ( P ~ ) G ( L ( ~ ) / L ) ( P ~ ) ~ ( ~ ( m ) / ~ ) ) Since the coinvariant sequence is a Z[G(L/K)]-module resolution, the Zextension, z, is constructed by a push-out via a homomorphism, f : YG(L(m)/L) FEZd. Since the norm from F:,,, to F;,, is surjective and P2 is projective, the composition
in which all the modules in the lower 2-extension are cohomologically trivial Z [G(L(m)/ L)]-modules, the vertical maps are inclusions and the upper 2-extension represents z, when considered as a 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules. Assume the existence of such a diagram. If W is a Z[G(L(m)/ K)]-module which is cohomologically trivial as a Z[G(L(m)/L)]-module then the composition of maps induced by inflation and inclusion
is an isomorphism for all i spectral sequence
> 0, because it
is the edge homomorphism of the
lifts to f :Y
1 : P2 F:,,,
F&,,. Unfortunately, may be chosen to factorise through if and only if z lies in the image of the homomorphism
which sends a 2-extension to its G(L(m)/L)-coinvariants. If such an pushing out the 2-extension
f exists then
by f yields the lower 2-extension in the diagram, whose 2-extension of G(L(m)/L)invariants is isomorphic to z, since the norm gives an isomorphism between the associated G(L (m)/ L)-invariants and G(L (m)/ L)-coinvariants 2-extensions. The G(L(m)/ L)-coinvariants homomorphism is equal to the composition
~ 2 " =' ~Hs(G(L/K); H ~ ( G ( L ( ~ ) / LW)) ) ; + H s + t ( G ( ~ ( m ) / ~W) ); Since the cup-product with a 2-extension is equal to the composition of the two cohomological coboundary maps obtained by splitting the 2-extension into two short exact sequences, the commutative diagram identifies cupproduct with z in the upper row on G(L/K)-cohomology with cup-product with the class of the lower 2-extension, z' say, on G(L(m)/K)-cohomology. Hence z possesses an Euler characteristic, ~ ( zE) CL(Z[G(L/K)]),if and only if z' possesses one also. In fact, ) [ A ~ ( ~ ( ~-) [/ B~ ~) (] ~ ( ~ )where / ~ ) ]A, and B can ~ ( 2 ' )= [A] - [B] and ~ ( z = be assumed to be cohomologically trivial Z [G(L(m) / K)]-modules. However, the canonical homomorphism from CL(Z[G(L(m)/K)]) to CL(Z [G(L/K)]) is induced by sending a cohomologically trivial module to its G(L(m)/L)-fked points. Hence proves that ~ ( z is ~ ( z ' )maps to ~ ( z ) which , ) independent of z since ~ ( z ' )is independent of z'. Now let us consider for which z's the above construction will work. To construct the commutative diagram we begin with a projective Z[G(L(m)/K)]-module of F:, d do . .. A Pl +Po LF
Since all the modules are cohomologically trivial as Z[G(L(m)/L)]-modules, this resolution remains exact upon taking either G(L(m)/ L)-invariants or coinvariants.
The fact that N* is an isomorphism is an easy change-of-rings argument. The homomorphism induced by N, between the split short exact sequences of $4.2.4
for u = m and u = 1 is an isomorphism on the right-hand Z/r but zero on the left-hand one! This means that the image of the G(L(m)/L)-coinvariants homomorphism consists only of multiples of the canonical fundamental class of Theorem 3.1.22. The hope of reducing the general case, L I K , to the case of its maximal tamely ramified subextension, M I K , runs into the further difficulty that the inflation homomorphism (see Example 2.1.8 (ii))
defined because G(L/M) is a p-group, does not extend to the class-groups. Since F;, has order prime to p the Euler characteristics of the Zextensions of this ,, Ko(Cf i n , q , ~ ( L I but ~ ) ) emulating the section can be lifted to lie in @, ,rime , + calculations of Theorem 4.1.24 in this lifted context seems to be very difficult.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.3 Connections with motivic complexes 4.3.1 Background and motivation Let X be a regular Noetherian scheme [70].In what follows we shall not need such generality because we shall only be interested in the case X = Spec(L), the spectrum of a field. In ([6],[97],[98])the existence is conjectured of complexes of sheaves on X , {I'(n, X)}n>o, satisfying a range of axioms. The complex r ( n , X ) is known as the motivic-co~omologycomplex of weight n and its hypercohomology is called motivic cohomology. In [6] these are sheaves for the Zariski cohomology. However, being interested in Galois coverings, we shall describe only the axioms for the &ale site, following ([97],[98]). , = G,[-11. (0) r(0, X) = Z, ~ ' ( lX)
(1) For n 2 1, I'(n, X ) is acyclic outside the interval [I,n]. (2) If a, assigns to an &ale sheaf the associated Zariski sheaf then
(3) Let q be a positive integer prime to all residue characteristics of X . Then, in the derived category, there exists a diistinguished triangle of the form
(4) There are pairings of the form
4.3. Connections with motivic complexes
action by the absolute Galois group of L, RL. The weight two motivic complex on Spec(L) is constructed in [97] as the direct limit over Galois extensions L c E c LSePof natural exact sequence of the form
Here L"P is a fixed separable extension of L. Here K ~ ; ~ ( Edenotes ) the indecomposable K-group in dimension three ([96], [lO6]).In other words, r(2, L) denotes a complex of continuous RL-modules whereas r ( 2 , L) denotes a complex of abelian groups whose construction is given in $4.3.4. We shall be interested in the complexes at the finite level; that is, in the complexes I'(2, L) as modules over the finite Galois groups, G(L/K), rather than the Galois modules over RL. Our interest arises from the fact that, if L I K is a finite Galois extension with Galois group G(L/K), then this sequence is a 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules representing an element
similar to that of Theorem 3.1.7 (when r = 2). In fact, when L I K is a Galois extension of local fields it is known that K ~ ; ~ ( L=) K3(L) [15] so that the 22 K3(L)). In Tate cohomology there is an extension [r(2,L)] E EX^;[^(^,^)] ( ~(L), associated family of cup-product homomorphisms of the form ([r(2, L)]
satisfying the usual properties. Here 8 denotes the tensor product in the derived category. (5) The cohomology sheaves HFli(X; I' (n, X ) ) are isomorphic to the &ale sheaves, up to torsion involving primes, p 5 n - 1. Here gr," denotes the associated graded of the K-theory presheaf. (6) The Zariski sheaf Rna,I'(n, X ) is isomorphic to the sheaf of Milnor K-groups, K ~ ( x ) (c.f. [110]). -7L
: H~(G(LIK);K2(L)) +
(G(L/K); K?~(L)).
In the case of Theorem 3.1.7 the corresponding cupproducts are isomorphism in all dimensions. These similarities suggest the following question. Question 4.3.2 In 4.3.1, if L I K is a Galois extension of local fields, is
In ([97] [98])a candidate for the motivic-cohomology complex of weight 2 was constructed and many of the axioms verified. In particular, we shall need the fact that r(2, X), satisfies the axioms (save possibly for questions of 2-torsion) when X = Spec(L), the spectrum of a field L. In the notation of [97] we write
Consider the case when X = Spec(L). In this case an &ale sheaf on X is equivalent to a Galois module; that is, an abelian group equipped with a continuous
an isomorphism for all z? The main result of this section (Theorem 4.3.7; see Theorem 4.3.6 for the tamely ramified case), giving partial evidence for an affirmative answer, is this cupproduct yields an isomorphism of the form
when L I K is any Galois extension of local fields in characteristic p > 0. In fact, we shall prove that this cupproduct coincides with the cup-product by the K2 - K3 local fundamental class. By other methods Michael Spiess has recently shown that Question 4.3.2 has an affirmative answer for all local fields (see Remark 4.3.8(ii)).
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.3.3 By contrast with the local fundamental classes, the motivic cohomology com-
plexes I'(n,X ) are far from unique. They live in the derived category, where they are difficult to identify [lo]. Therefore this section should be thought of as a first attempt towards a characterisation by adding some Galois descent properties to axioms (0)-(6). Also the higher K-theory local fundamental classes, by analogy with the global case ([36] [38] [37] [39]), are expected to be connected to special values of L-functions via their Chinburg invariants ([I341 [136]) and so are the motivic complexes [6] so it is reasonable to attempt to compare the two. Here is an outline of the section. In 54.3.4 we recall an explicit construction of the weight two motivic cohomology complex of a field, L. Our construction is equivalent to that of [97] although we have based it on the localisation sequence of Theorem 2.4.6 so as to be able to compute the coboundaries more easily. In 54.3.5 we shall use the results of Theorem 3.1.22, Theorem 4.2.8 and Proposition 4.2.9 in the tamely ramified case to compare the cupproduct with the fundamental class for L with that for the separable closure, Lo, doing the same for r ( 2 , L) and proving that the two cupproducts coincide for Lo. This will answer Question 4.3.2 in the tamely ramified case (Theorem 4.3.5). The unique p-divisibility of K2(L) and K3(L) for a local field of characteristic p makes it easy to reduce Question 4.3.2 from the general case to the tamely ramified case, which is accomplished in Theorem 4.2.6. 4.3.4 The construction of I'(2, L)
4.3. Connections with motivic complexes
We may describe this sequence more explicitly, replacing the localisation sequence of the triad, X,Z,%, with the localisation sequence of L[T]s;'. It is straightforward to verify that the sequence we are about to construct is isomorphic to r(2, L) of [w]. The long exact localisation sequence of L[T]S;'- splits, yielding isomorphisms of the form
in which TI is induced by setting T equal to zero and 7r2 is the coboundary of the (split) localisation sequence. Now consider the long exact K-theory sequence of the pair, ( X - Yb, 2 ) ,
in which A is induced by the canonical ring homomorphism. There is an isomorphism of the form
in which X1 is induced by setting T equal to zero and Az by setting T equal to one. Hence A2 induces an isomorphism of the form
In [97] (see also [98]) Lichtenbaum constructs the motivic complex, I'(2, L), for a field L by taking a finite set of elements Therefore 6 induces an injection of and taking the direct limit of the b's of the long exact algebraic K-theory sequence which, in the limit over b, becomes the injection where X = Spec(L[T]), Z = Spec(L[T]/(T(T- 1))) and (b = {bi, . . . ,bn)) Yb = S P ~ C ( L [ T ] / ((T ~Z~ bi))). One has an isomorphism of the form Kn(X, Z) 2 Kn+i(L) and if we set
then X - &- = S ~ ~ C ( L [ T ] S LIn~ )[97] . it is shown that im(1im- (b4&)G K3(L) b
consists precisely of the decomposable elements (i.e. the iterated cup-products of elements in K1(L) % L*. In low dimensions there results a functorial exact sequence of the form
Hence the long exact sequence of ( X - Yb, - 2 ) yields the following exact sequence in low dimensions
Dividing out by the left-hand summand, K2(L) in the third and fourth groups and taking the limit over b yields the sequence r(2, L). The motivic cohomology complex r(1, L) is equivalent to a short exact sequence of the form
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
of ([97]Proposition 2.4). As in the construction of r(2,L) in '$4.3.4this sequence is made by taking b = {bl, . . . ,b, E L* - {I)), considering the localisation sequence in low dimensions and taking a direct limit. This time we have an isomorphism of the form ( ~ 1 , ~:2K~(L[T]S;~) ) KI(L) @ (@bitbKo(L)) such that the limit over b satisfies
4.3. Connections with motivic complexes -
L = F v d and K E Fv((X)), W = F v d ((X)) C L = Fvd((Y)) for some X, Y. For each positive integer, m I, set L(m) = F w d m L so that L(m) = F V d m and there is an extension of the form
Here G(Lm/K) = (a,g
Here a basis element in the projective line minus three points, [a,b] E PL {0,1, oo), corresponds to T - (alb) E K1(L(T)) E L(T)*. The homomorphism 4 corresponds to evaluation at T = 1 so that we have
g(Cni [ai,bi])
(1 - (ai/bi))"' E L*.
When X = Spec(L) axiom (4) of '$4.3.1 follows from the pairing of the localisation sequence with K,(L). This gives rise to an important commutative diagram of the form W L * , L*)
L* €4 ClJ (L)
L* €4 C1,2(L)
I gdm = 1 = ar,
gag-1 = a")
and r m ( a ) = a, ~ , ( g ) = g. The kernel of xm, G(Lm/L), is isomorphic to G(FVdm/Fvd)which is cyclic of order m generated by gd. If Lo is the maximal unramified extension of L then Lo/K is equal to the limit of the extensions, L,/K. The remainder of this section is devoted to showing that the cup-product with r(2, L) in Question 4.3.2 is an isomorphism when L I K is a tamely ramified extension in characteristic p > 0. For each m dividing m' we have a canonical commutative diagram of 2extensions
184 -
L* €4 L*
In addition, since Lmt/Lm is unramified, the right-hand vertical map composed with the tame symbol, SLmtof Example 3.1.21, is equal to the tame symbol, S L ~ , followed by the inclusion of FEdminto FEdm,.Similarly the left-hand vertical map fits into a commutative diagram with the canonical maps K3(Fvdm)4K3(Lm) and K3(Fvdmt)--+K3(Lmt) of Example 3.1.21. Therefore, by Theorem 4.2.8 and Proposition 4.2.9, the cupproduct (given by the composition of two coboundaries) This implies that the cupproduct, p ~ in, the diagram is an isomorphism. In $4 it will be convenient to replace p~ and 1@I 4 in the previous diagram by their compositions with the isomorphism 1 8 t where t is the automorphism of Z[Pi - {O, 1,co)] induced by t[a, b] = [b - a, b] on the projective line. In this case (1 8 4 - t ) ( z @I [a, b]) = z @ (alb).
may be identified with the direct limit over m of the cup-products by the 2extensions corresponding to Lm lim + H~(G(L,/K); K2(Lm)) 4lim + H'+~(G(L,/K); K3(Lm)). m
4.3.5 The cup-product in the tame case
We resume the notation of 54.2.1 so that L / K is a Galois extension of local fields of residue characteristic p and Galois group, G(L/K) with W/K the maximal unramified subextension of LIK. Hence L I W is totally ramified, = F,, W =
This, in turn, may be identified with lim + H"G(L,/K); m
FEdm)4 lim + H'+~(G(L,/K); K3(F,dm)). m
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
Let Lo = Urn Lm denote the maximal unramified extension of L. Hence Ki (Lo) E lim; Ki (L,). Consider the 2-extension of Z [G(Lo/K)]-modules obtained by taking the limit over m
The cupproduct with the class of this 2-extension
is equal to the direct limit of the cup-products associated to the Lm's. This is the cupproduct which we shall show to be an isomorphism for all i > 0 (equivalently, for all i in Tate cohomology). For this we shall need some homomorphisms which relate this 2-extensions to those of Theorem 3.1.22. , a generator, For each m in some cofinal set of integers we choose xm E Fzdm (vd"' - l)/(vdm -1) such that xm = x,, whenever mlm'. Hence we have a summand, Vdm- 1 ), of L k 8 C1,2(Lm). Furthermore, if mlm', there is a L k 8 Z{xm, x;, . . . ,xm commutative diagram of natural maps of the following form.
4.3. Connections with motivic complexes
. is accomplished in the Here we have chosen the prime, TL to lie in ~ ( 9 )This , have the form Fv((Z)) for some following manner. The local field, ~ ( g ) must prime Z because the residue field is isomorphic to the field of constants in a local is equal to field of characteristic p > 0. Hence the ramification index of L ( ~ ) / K r = [ ~ ( g :) K]. Since the ramification degree of L / K is also r, Z must be a prime in L, too. Note that p2 does not seem to be available if L ~ / U ; _ is replaced by L k . In addition, we have Z[G(Lm/K)]-modulehomomorphism of the form
given by p1 (gi 8 ((E, t)) = (EVirr; 8 (U[X:-~] - [xg])
is given by F(gi 8 ((E, t)) = gi-l 8 ((EV2, tu) then F is a homomorphism of Z[G(Lm/K)]-modulesand we have a commutative diagram of the following form
because We may define an isomorphism of Z[G(Lm/K)]-modulesof the form
by p2(gi 8 ( E , t)) = t V ' ~ 8;X [I: for 0 j i < dm - 1. Here ((E, t) E FEdmx Z. This is equivariant because
The composition
LE ( O L/(TL))* ~ 2 F:dm and so factorises sends z 8 [a, p] to ( ~ / P ) ~ (z)z-vLm("~p) through a homomorphism of the form
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
4.3. Connections with motivic complexes
The composition
sends 9% (E, s) to Ev'a: 8 [ x i ] and thence to x i s = gyxft), which is surjective. Taking the direct limit over m
may be identified by means of the natural isomorphisms of Theorem 4.2.8 and Proposition 4.2.9. Now we must work backwards towards the cupproduct induced by the 2extension, r ( 2 , L). We have a commutative diagram of Z [G(Lm/ K)]-module homomorphisms
and F commutes with the limit to give
This homomorphism is the limit of the homomorphism in the middle of the canonical 2-extension of Theorem 3.1.22(ii). Write FVdfor the algebraic closure of Fvd. Therefore, in the limit, we obtain a 2-extension of ZIG(Lo/K)]-modules of the form ~3(F~dm + ) ~ n d E y " ~ ) ( [~l ,/ p ] & ~ )
in which the middle two modules are cohomologically trivial. Therefore the c u p product in Tate cohomology
is an isomorphism for all i. The commutative diagram of 2-extensions
in which Iid(2) = 1nd:yiK)
( Q / z ( ~ )[lip]$z)
shows that the cupproduct isomorphisms
in which amis an isomorphism and lim; XLm 8 Z[1/2] and q5Lm are isomorphisms modulo Q-vector spaces. The lower part of the diagram commutes by virtue of Axiom 4 of g4.3.1 and is derived in ([97] Remark 2.6). In the upper part the middle and left-hand squares clearly commute, since the upward verticals are induced by the quotient map, L& + L&/ULm. The composition
where sLrnis the tame symbol of Example 3.1.21, annihilates Uim @ Z{xm, . . .} and so induces Dm to make the right upper square commute. Note that the top sequence is not exact but, by the discussion of 54.3.5, after taking the direct limit over m it becomes exact and may be identified with the limit over m of the 2extension of Theorem 3.1.22. Now consider the following commutative diagram in which the horizontal homomorphisms are the cupproducts by the above Zextensions taken to the limit over m.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic H'(G(Lo/K);
L X -
f i e 2 ( G ( L 0 / ~ ) ;T O ~ ( L ~ / UF;,,)) ~,, A
lim; (Pm ) *
4.3. Connections with motivic complexes
which may be identified with the isomorphism given by the cup-product with the K2/K3 local fundamental class for L / K of Theorem 3.1.22
Proof. Let L / K be any Galois extension of local fields in characteristic p > 0 with Galois group, G(L/K). Let G1(L/K) c G(L/K) denote the first wild ramification group ([I281 p. 62), which is a finite pgroup. If M is the fixed field of Gl(L/K) = G(L/M) then M / K is the maximal tamely ramified subextension. We shall apply Theorem 4.3.6 to M / K in order to prove the result for L/K. Consider the following commutative diagram in which the rows are 2-extensions of Z[G(L/K)-modules. K3(M)
The upper two cupproducts are isomorphisms on Tate cohomology for all i so that lim; (P,), is also an isomorphism. On the other hand, lim; (ALm). 8 Z [1/2] is an isomorphism. Also the composition of $L, with the tame symbol, bLm, is equal to Pm. Since b ~ , induces an isomorphism on cohomology so does lim+-($Lm),. This implies that 0 8 Z [1/2] is an isomorphism for all i and, by Theorem 4.2.8 and Proposition 4.2.9, the cupproduct
is also an isomorphism for all i. In fact, this discussion establishes the following result:
Theorem 4.3.6 Let L I K be a tamely ramified extension of local fields i n characteristic p, as i n $4.2.1. Then, under the canonical isomorphisms of $4.2.1, the cup-product of Question 4.3.2 is an isomorphism for all i
The upper two rows are given by r ( 2 , M ) and r ( 2 , L). The lower row is the 2extension obtained from r(2, L) by localising to invert p. Since K2(L) and K3(L) are uniquely p-divisible [60] localisation leaves these modules unchanged. These are all 2-extensions of Z[G(L/K)]-modules and the maps are Z[G(L/K)]-module homomorphisms. However the action on the top row factorises through the canonical quotient, G(L/K) --, G(L/K)/G(L/M) Z G(M/K). Therefore we obtain a commutative diagram of the following form, in which AG denotes the subgroup of G-invariants elements of A. It is a diagram of 2-extensions because taking G(L/M)fixed points is exact on pdivisible Z[G(L/K)]-modules.
which coincides with the isomorphism given by the cup-product with the KzlK3 local fundamental class for L I K of Theorem 3.1.22
Theorem 4.3.7 Let L / K be any Galois extension of local fields in characteristic p. Then the cup-product of Question 4.3.2 is an isomorphism for all i
Unique p-divisibility of K2(M),K2(L),K3(M), K3(L) implies, by a transfer argument, that the left-hand and right-hand vertical maps are isomorphisms. Hence, by Theorem 4.3.6, the cupproduct
is an isomorphism for all i.
Chapter 4. Positive Characteristic
For j = 2,3 the Serre spectral sequence shows that Hs(G(L/K); Kj(L)) S H~(G(M/K);K , ( L ) ~ ( ~ / ~since ) ) , Ht(G(L/M); Kj(L))) = 0 for t > 0. This isomorphism is given by the following canonical composition
This shows that, in the three-row diagram, the cup-product on A* (G(M/ K); -) by the 2-extension on the top row may be identified with the cup-product in H*(G(L/K); -) by the 2-extension on the bottom row and hence also on the middle row, which establishes the first part of the result. To compare the cupproducts one uses the canonical isomorphisms, for j = 2,3 and s > 0, H'(G(L/K),
Hs(G(L/K), K j (L)) Hs(G(M/K), K j (M)) 2 Hs(G(M/K), K~( M ) ) %
together with the second part of Theorem 4.3.6 and the fact that the residue fields of L and M are equal. 0
Remark 4.3.8 (i) There is a more sophisticated manner in which to approach Theorem 4.3.6. For any regular noetherian ring Lichtenbaum constructs [97] a natural complex of groups 0 0 +C2,1(A) '3C2,2(A) generalizing the case when A is a field (see 54.3.4). One may sheafify this complex to obtain a complex of sheaves on any Grothendieck site. On the Zariski site one obtains X H I',,,(2, X ) and on the &ale site one obtains X H r(2, X), as in $4.3.1. One may obtain a complex of sheaves on the Zariski site by X H ~ < ~ R a * r X ( 2) ., Here a, is the functor which associates with every sheaf on the &ale site is reX ) an injective resolution striction to the Zariski site. Then T < ~ R ~ , I ' ( ~ ,takes of aJ(2, X ) and truncates the resuiting complex of Zariski sheaves, replacing each sheaf in dimension strictly greater than two by zero ([98] pp. 37-38). In ([98] Proposition 3.1) it is shown that the Zariski complexes, X H r,,,(2, X ) and X ~ < ~ R a * r (X), 2 , are isomorphic up to 2-primary torsion. When X = Spec(L) is the spectrum of a field the sheafification in the Zariski topology just yields the complex r(2, L) so that one may prove Theorems 4.3.6 and 4.3.7 by showing that ~
4.3. Connections with motivic complexes
while T < ~ R ~ * IX' () ~satisfies Galois descent for subfields of a separable closure , ) is easily describeable "at the top" (one just sets X = Spec(LseP)), of ~ ( m and fitting together the complexes coming from Theorem 3.1.22 to give the complex for Spec(LSep)is rather delicate. If this could be done, the comparison of complexes would presumably not be too difficult. This would prove that the Euler characteristics of these complexes are equal in CC(Z[1/2][G(L/K)]) - a result which follows from Theorem 4.2.19 in the majority of cases. It should not be too hard to make the comparison described above and to fill in the details which I have sketched, but for our purposes here it would require the development of too much technical machinery. Finally, in view of the connections of the local fundamental classes arising from the study of the Galois module structure of the K-groups of one-dimensional local fields and the motivic complex, r(2, L), it would be very interesting to be more ambitious and attempt to study the same questions for higher dimensional local fields in terms of the motivic complexes of ([161];see also [56]). (ii) In Theorem 4.3.7 we gave an affirmative answer to Question 4.3.2, after inverting 2, by showing that in characteristic p > 0 the cupproduct with I'(2, L) coincides with the cupproduct by the K2 - K3 local fundamental class. Recently Michael Spiess showed me another way to show that the answer to Question 4.3.2 is affirmative for any local field, without inverting 2. His method is very elegant [I471 and uses results from ([81], [92], [146]).
Chapter 5 Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers In this chapter we shall examine invariants of the Galois module structure on the higher-dimensional algebraic K-groups of rings of algebraic integers in number fields. Special cases of these invariants were given in 551.3.4-1.3.13. The material of this chapter originated in ([I321 Chapter VII) where generalizations of the Chinburg invariant, flo(L/K, 3) of [34] were constructed using algebraic K-groups of integers in dimensions two and three. Independently, Pappas (unpublished) had noticed the same construction. In [I321 it was shown, in the totally real case, that the image of this new invariant in the kernel group, D(Z[G(L/K)]) of 52.5.26, is represented in the Hom-description of Theorem 2.5.32 by the value of the Artin L-function at s = -1. The examples described in $51.3.4-1.3.13 provide further evidence to connect the invariant, R,(L/K, 3) constructed from K-groups in dimesions 2r and 2r 1, with behaviour of the Artin L-series at (or near) s = -r. To be honest, above dimension four the constructions of this chapter are made using &ale cohomology sequences which are conjectured by Lichtenbaum-Quillen to be close approximations to K-theory. At the moment only the 2-adic part of the Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjecture is known as a consequence of [I601 (see [123]). The construction is really a cohomological one, using a modification of the totally positive Galois cohomology of ([I081 Chapter 2 $2; see also [80] p. 76, [69]),which can also be applied to cohomological motives with Galois actions (see [24] and PSI ).
5.1 Positive Btale cohomology Let S be a finite set of places of a number field N which contains the set S, of infinite places of N. Denote the ring of S-integers of N by ON,S. In this section we fix a rational prime I , and we let X1 = Spec(O~,s[l/l]). Let A be a subring of finite index in the integral closure of Z1 in a finite extension of Q1(we shall use only the case A = Z 1 ,but for other applications it may be useful to allow more general A). Let M be the maximal ideal of A. For m 2 1
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
let Am be the ring AIMm. If F is an &ale sheaf on X1, set F, = EVES, iVli:F where i, : Spec(N,) + X is the natural morphism and Nu is the completion of N at v. Let H;(F) = H i ( x ~F; ) .
Lemma 5.1.1 Suppose that F is a twisted constant constructible sheaf of Am-modules o n Xl. The morphism of sheaves F + F, on Xl is injective. Let F+ be the cokernel of this morphism, so that there is an exact sequence
of sheaves of Am-modules. Then H;(F+) is finite for all i , and H;(F+) = 0 if i $ {O, 1). W e will call Hf(F+) the ith positive Dale cohomology group of F. If F is a fiat sheaf of Am-modules, then so is F+. Proof. We first compute the stalks of F, F,
5.1. Positive &talecohomology The long exact cohomology sequence of
We shall use results of [I691 and [I081 to analyse (4). Let Gs, be the Galois group over N of the maximal extension Ns, of N which is unramified outside S and the primes above 1. The action of Gal(Ns/N) on M factors through Gs, . By ([I691 Proposition 3.3.1; see also [I081 Proposition II.2.9), restriction from XI to the generic point of XI induces isomorphisms H:(F) = Hj (Xl; F ) = H i (Gs, ; M ) for all j. Consider now
and F+ at each geometric point
u, : Z -+ Xl of X1. Let M be the Gal(Ns/N)-module defined by the restriction of
F to the generic point of N . Then M is finite, since F is constructible (cf. [107] p. 156, Ex. V. 1.3). Since F is twisted constant, there exist commutative diagrams -
For v E S, let Gv c Gs, be the decomposition group of a (complex) place of Ns, over v. Since i,, is exact ([lo71 Proposition 11.3.14(a)),
for all j. In this way we find that restriction from X1 to the generic point of X1 induces a commutative diagram in which U + X is &ale, U is connected and one-dimensional, and FIU is constant. Then F ( U ) is the abelian group M , while
where the last inner sum on the right is over the places w over v in the function field T of U. Taking the limit over diagrams of (2) now shows the following. Let Ns be a separable closure of N. Let % be an extension to Ns of the discrete valuation defined by x on N , and let IFc Gal(NS/N) be the inertia group of %. We can take the fields T above to run through a cofinal set of subfields of (Ns)'~.The natural morphism of sheaves F + F, then gives on stalks the diagonal homomorphism
in which the vertical arrows are isomorphisms and in which the top row results from restriction from Gs, to the GumSince we noted earlier that M is finite, (4) and (5) imply that HfiF+) is finite for all i. By ([I691 Corollary to Theorem 2.6), the top row of (5) is an isomorphism if i 2 3. Hence (5) shows that b(i) in (4) is an isomorphism for i 2 3. Since (2.4) is exact, this shows H;(F+) = 0 if i 3 and that there is an exact sequence
By ([lo81 Corollary I.4.16), the map completes the proof. where the sum on the right is over the extensions w' of v to an absolute value on (Ns)'z. We see from this that (3) is injective with cokernel (F+),. If F is a flat sheaf of Am-modules, then M is a flat Am-module, and (3) shows (F+)F is as well. By ([I071 p. 80), an &ale sheaf of Am-modules is flat if and only if its stalks are flat, so F+ is a flat sheaf if F is.
in (6) is surjective, so Hf(F+) = 0, which
Remark 5.1.2 In view of ( 5 ) , the long exact cohomology sequence (4) can be written as
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
By comparison, the compact cohomology groups H: (X; F ) and H i (Xl;F ) of ([I081 Proposition 11.2.3) lie in exact sequences
where H"Xl;F) = H;(F), H"Nv; M ) = HYG,; M ) if v is infinite, and Hi(Nv;M ) is local Galois cohomology for finite v. The positive Galois cohomology groups H ~ ( NM) ; defined in ([I081 Chapter 2, 52; see also [80] p. 76) lie in an exact sequence
. . . + H ~ ( GM) ~ ; -+
$ H ~ G , ;M)
H;+~(N; M)
H * ~ ( G ~M) ;
. ..
(10) where GN = Gal(NSeP/N) for a fixed separable closure NSeP of N . Since Hi(Gs,; M ) = H;(F), we see from (7) and (10) that H'(F+) results ": ( N ; M) by Gs, . from replacing GN in the definition of H
5.1. Positive &ale cohomology
be a complex of injective sheaves of Am-modules on to F+.Then
x which is quasi-isomorphic
is a complex of Am-modules and the action of G on X1 makes this a complex of Rm-modules which is isomorphic to Hi (F+) in Dm. Let j : Spec(K) -+ Y be the natural morphism and fix a separable closure KseP of K containing N. For each Rm-module M , let MS be the inflation of M from G to Gal(KSeP/K),so that M s is a Am[Gal(KSep/K)]-module.Viewing M S as a sheaf on the &ale topology of Spec(K), we have an &ale sheaf j, (Ms) on x . Since XI is an &ale G-cover of the functor which sends M to j,(MS) is an exact fully faithful functor from the category of Rm-modules to that of &ale sheaves of Am-modules on Y. Furthermore, if J is any &ale sheaf of Am-modules on I'(Xl, J) is an Rm-module and Horny,(j, (Ms),J ) = Hornnm(M, r(X1,J)). It follows that if J is injective, then I'(X1, J ) is an injective Rm-module. In particular, the terms of (13) are injective Rm-modules. Define Ml = ker(r(X1,11) -+ I'(X1, 12)). By Lemma 5.1.1, Hi(F+) = 0 if i 2 2. Thus (14) r(X1, 10) -+ Ml
is isomorphic to H i (F+) in Dm and
We now make the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 5.1.3 The ring A is a discrete valuation ring and N is the top field of a finite Galois extension N I K of number fields with group G = Gal(N/K). We suppose the finite set S of places of N is stable under the action of G and contains all of the places of N which ramify over K . We also suppose that the sheaf F on Xl is the restriction of a flat constructible locally constant sheaf of Am-modules on = Spec(K fl ONjs[l/l]),which we will also denote by F.
Proposition 5.1.4 Under Hypothesis 5.1.3, X1 = Spec(ONls[l/l]) is an &taleG-cover of = S p e ~ ( K f l O[ill]). ~ , ~ Define R m = Am[GI and let H i ( F ) = Ho(Xl;F ) be the e'tale hypercohomology of F in the derived category, Dm, of the homotopy category of complexes of Rm-modules which are bounded below. Then there is a complex
of finitely generated projective Rm-modules which is isomorphic to H i (F+) in Dm, where Qi is the degree i term of Q'. Proof. Let
Ie:Io +Il -+I2 -+I3-+...
is exact. We wish to show that MI is a cohornologically trivial G-module. An injective R m = Am[G]-module M is cohornologically trivial, since we can split the inclusion of such M into the induced G-module M @A, R m and induced G-modules are cohomologically trivial. Hence (15) gives a resolution of Ml by cohornologically trivial G-modules. Therefore for each subgroup H of G, the cohomology groups of the complex
give the H-cohomology groups of MI. However, since X1 -+ is an &tale G~ l / H , Ij). Hence the ith cohomology group of (16) equals cover, I'(Xl, I ~ =)r ( X H i ( x 1/H; F+)and this is 0 if i 2 2 by Lemma 5.1.1. Thus (16) has trivial cohomology in dimensions greater than one and we conclude that MI is a cohornologically trivial G-module. This proves that Hi(F+) is isomorphic in the derived category of Rm-modules to the complex (14) of cohornologically trivial G-modules. We have assumed that F is a flat constructible sheaf of Am-modules and so F+ is also, by Lemma 5.1.1. Since the cohomology groups of F+ are finite and vanish in dimensions greater than 1, the argument of ([I071 Corollary VI.8.10) shows that Hi(F+) is isomorphic in 27, to a complex
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
in which all of the Qi are finitely generated flat A,-modules and Qi is a projective 72,-module if i # -1. Since we have also shown H i ( F + ) isomorphic in 'Dm to a bounded complex of cohomologically trivial G-modules, the module Q-1 must be cohomologically trivial as a G-module. To complete the proof, it will suffice to show that Q-1 is a projective 72,-module. Let us first show that if H is a subgroup of G, then QIfi is a free A,-module. Since X1 + & is an &ale G-cover, we have an equality of functors r(X1/H, *) = r(X1,*)H. Therefore r ( H , H0(Xr;F+)) = H0(X1/H;F+), where r ( H , *) denotes group hypercohomology with respect to H . Because the Qi are cohomologically trivial, the complex
Q E ~ 0: +
is isomorphic to r ( H , H0(Xl;F+)) in the derived category DL of the homotopy is a flat A,-module category of complexes of A,-modules. If i # -1 then because Qi is a projective 72,-module. Again using ([lo71 Corollary VI.8. lo), we see that Ho(X1/H;F+) is isomorphic in 'DL to a perfect complex of A,-modules, since Hi(Xl/H; F+) = 0 if i > 1. Thus Qffl must have finite tor-dimension as a Am-module. Since Q H ~is a finitely generated A,-module, we can find a finite resolution O + M ~ + M ~ - ~ + . . . + M ~ + Q ~ + O (18)
of ~ f by f , finitely generated flat Am-modules. Since A, is a local ring, ([I071 Theorem 1.2.9) shows that each of the M iare finitely generated free modules. We assumed in Hypothesis 5.1.3 that A is a discrete valuation ring, where Am = A I M m when M is the maximal ideal of A. Thus using the structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain we can split the sequence (18). This proves Q H ~is a free A,-module. Let M, be the unique prime ideal of A,. Since Q-1 is a free A,-module, ([I291 Lemma 21 $14.4) shows that Q-1 is a projective 72,-module if and only if Q-l/M, is a projective R m / M m = k(M)[G]-module. By (1421 Corollary 1.1), to prove the latter statement, it suffices to do so whenever G is replaced by one of its 1-Sylow subgroups. Thus we can reduce to the case in which G is a finite 1-group. Since Q-1 is cohomologically trivial, the trace element in the group ring of . have G induces an isomorphism between Ho(G; Q-1) and HO(G; Q- 1) = Q G ~We shown Q C ~is free as a A,-module, so we can pick a set of elements {qjIj in Q-1 whose images in Ho(G;Q-1) = Q-~/Q!T form a basis over A, for Ho(G;Q-l), where IG is the augmentation ideal in Z[G]. As in ([I281 Lemma 5 sIX.4) we now define an exact sequence
5.1. Positive &ale cohomology
we get a surjection 0 = Ho(G;IC) + Ho(G;K/1) = 0. However, we reduced to the case in which G is an 1-group. Hence ([I281 Lemma 4, sIX.4) shows XI1 = {O), so IC = (0) and Q-1 is isomorphic to the free 72,-module L. This completes the 0 proof of Proposition 5.1.4. Remark 5.1.5 In the proof of Proposition 5.1.4 the assumption that A is a discrete valuation ring was used to show that Q-1 is a free A, = AIMm-module because it is finitely generated and of finite tor-dimension. Suppose we assumed only that A is of finite index in a discrete valuation ring. Then flat finitely generated A,modules are free. The argument used to prove that (18) splits would go though if one assumes Am is an injective A,-module. By ([95] Lemma III.8.3), A; = HomZ(Am,Q/Z) is an injective A,-module and this module has the same order as A, since A, is finite. Thus it would suffice for A; to be a cyclic A,-module. This is always the case, for example, if m = 1. Definition 5.1.6 An &ale A-sheaf on Xl is a projective system F = {Fm), of sheaves such that Fmis a sheaf of A,-modules and the given map Fm+1+ Fm is isomorphic to the canonical map + Fm+1 @ A ~ + ,A,. Write F+ for the We say F is constructible (smooth or flat) if each projective system {(F,)+),. F, is a constructible (twisted constant constructible or flat, respectively) sheaf of A,-modules. Proposition 5.1.7 Suppose that A and S satisfy Hypothesis 5.1.3 and that F = {Fm), is a flat ' be the derived category smooth sheaf of A-modules on & = Spec(K nO N , S ) .Let D of the homotopy category of complexes of A[G]-modules which are bounded below. Define H i ( F ) = H'(X1; F ) to be the &talehypercohomology in 'D of the restriction of F to X1. Then there is a complex
of finitely generated projective A[G]-modules which is isomorphic to Hi (F+) in Dm, where Pi is the degree i term of Po. Proof. Write H i ((Fm)+)for a choice of three-term complex Q' with the properties stated in Proposition 5.1.4 for the sheaf (Fm)+.We will show that the Hi((Fm)+) can be chosen in such a way that there are maps
inducing isomorphisms in which L is a free 72,-module on a basis whose elements map bijectively to the {qj)j and in which IC is the kernel of the resulting surjective 72,-module homomorphism. By construction, Ho(G;L) -+ Ho(G;Q-1) is an isomorphism, so the long exact group homology sequence of (19) shows that Ho(G; IC) = HI (G; Q- 1). However, Q-l is cohomologically trivial, so Ho(G;IC) = 0. Since IC + IC/1 is surjective,
for all m. Then as in ([I071 p. 265), Hi(F+) = lim; H;((Fm)+) will be a complex of the form (20).
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
The construction of (21) is the same as that of ([I071 p. 264-265) with the following changes. The morphism, $, in ([I071 Lemma VI.8.17) will not in general be a quasi-isomorphism. In the statement of ([I071 Lemma 8.18) one replaces the ring A by the ring Am+1[GI and one replaces A. by Am[G]. If T' is a perfect Am[GI = T' @A,+~ Am complex of Am+l[GI-modules, the complex T' @Am+l is a perfect complex of Am[G]-modules. By ([I291 §14.4), if 4 : Tl + T2 is a homomorphism between projective Am[G]-modules,there is a homomorphism 4' : Ti Ti between projective Am+l[G]-modules such that 4 = 4' @ ~ , + , [ ~ l Am[G], which implies in particular that Ti = T: @Am+, Am[GI. The argument of ([lo71 0 Lemma VI.8.18) now applies to construct (21), as required. -+
Corollary 5.1.8 With the notation of Proposition 5.1.7, the two term complex
is isomorphic to H'(F+) in 2) and the terms of M e are finitely generated A[G]modules of finite projective dimension.
The invariant Rn(N/K,3)
5.2.1 In this section we shall use the results of the previous section to construct an element
fL(NIK13) E C ~ ( Z [ G ( N / K ) lc ) Ko~~~~(N/K)I) for any Galois extension of number fields, N / K , with Galois group G(N/K) for any integer, n 2 1. The construction imitates that of the original third Chinburg invariant, R(N/K, 3) henceforth denoted by Ro(N/ K, 3) for consistency [34]. The material of this section originates from ([36], [38]) to which the reader can refer for further details. Let S be a finite G(N/K)-stable set of places of N which contains the set S, of infinite places and all places which ramify over K. Resuming the notation of the previous section, the ring of S-integers of N is denoted ONls. If X is a set on which G(N/K) acts and R is a ring, the free R-module with basis X , DivR(X) = R(X) is an R[G(N/K)]-module. Set Yzn+l = Divz(S,) if n is even and let Y2n+1 be the cokernel of the natural homomorphism Divz(S,) + Divz(C,) if n is odd, where C, is the set of infinite embeddings. For each rational prime 1, set Xl = Spec(ONls[l/1]).Let A = Z1 and let 6 = {&,,}, be a smooth flat Z1-sheaf on Xl, where fi,, is a flat locally constant constructible sheaf of Zl/lm-modules. We set (4)- =
i,.i:fi vES,
where i, : Spec(N,)
5.2. The invariant R, (NIK, 3)
is the natural morphism and N, is the completion of N at v. The sheaf (Fl)+ = limh(F1,,)+ lies in an exact sequence of Z1-sheaves
formed by the inverse limit of the sequences (1) of Lemma 5.1.1. Let Hi ( f i ) = Hi (X1; f i ) . If F = {&)l is a collection of sheaves & as above, Hi(&). For r 2 0, define Z(r) = one for each rational prime 1, define H k ( F ) = {Z,(r)},, Z(r), = {Z~(T),}I and Z(r)+ = {Zl(r)+}r. Define Z(r) = Zl(r) and z =~(0). Let Hi(Zl (r)+) = He(X1;Zl (r)+) be the hypercohomology of Zl (r)+ in the derived category Dl of the homotopy category of complexes of Z1[G(N/K)]modules. By Corollary 5.1.8, there is a two-term complex M e : Ml + M; concentrated in degrees 0 and 1 whose terms are finitely generated Z1[G(N/K)]modules of finite projective dimension such that there is an isomorphism $ : M' + H' (Zl (r)+) in Dl. The choice of $ gives rise to an exact sequence
& (H) ( z l (r)+ ), H; (z1(r)+)) is independent whose extension class E~E ~ x t [G(NIK)I of the choice of $. Since the terms of M' are cohomologically trivial for G(N/K), cup-product with El induces an isomorphism in Tate cohomology
for all subgroups result.
C G(N/K)
and all integers j. Therefore we have the following
Proposition 5.2.2 In 55.2.1, the cup-product with
induces isomorphisms in Tate cohomology of the form for all integers j and all subgroups r
Lemma 5.2.3 Let G, denote the decomposition group of a place, v, of N and let SR be the set of real places of N. Then there are natural isomorphisms of the form
Here Z/2(SR), which we shall sometimes denote by DivZ12(SR), is the Z/2-vector space with basis SR.
Chapter 5. Higher K-t heory of Algebraic Integers
5.2. The invariant C!,(N/K,
Proof. For all i there is a natural isomorphism
Theorem 5.2.5 ([I 421,[I 431,[5l],[82]) Suppose r > 1. Define K2r-i = K2r-i(ON,S) for i = 1,2. There are Chern character homomorphisms chi : KzPi + H&(Z(r)) such that ker(chi) is finite and ~ h i ( K ~ , -@z ~ ) z has finite two-power order index in H&(Z(r)).
from which the i = 0 case is clear. For v E S, the group Gv is trivial unless v lies in the set, SR,of real places of N , in which case Gv has order two and non-trivial element equal to complex conjugation at v. Therefore we must compute
Proof. Let 1 be a prime. Define N' = N and S' = S if 1 is odd or if flE ON,S. Otherwise, let N' = N ( m ) and let S' be the set of primes over S in N'. It is shown in [51] (see also [82] and [52]) that for i E {1,2), there is a Chern character homomorphism
+ Hi(GV;Z/2"(r)) Hi(GV;~ ( r )=) Hz(Gv;Z2(r)) = lim
when i > 0 and v E SR. Choose j E {- 1,O) with j = i mod 2. Cup-product with a power of a generator of H2(GV;Z) induces an isomorphism H~(G,;Z/2m (r)) = H i (G,; Z/2"(r)) Z/2m-1(r). Suppose j = 0 which is compatible with the projection Z/2m(r) so that i is even. Then H'(G,; Z/2"(r)) is identified with the order two quotient group (resp. subgroup) of Z/2"(r) if r is even (resp. odd). This shows that for rn > 1, the homomorphism HO(G,; Z/2m(r)) Z Z/2 HO(G~;Z/2m-1 (r)) N Z/2 is an isomorphism if and only if r is even. Thus if i > 0 is even and v E SR,we find Hi(Gv;Z2(r)) = Z/2 if r is even and Hi(Gv;Z2(r)) = 0 if r is odd. Suppose now that j = -1, so that i > 0 is odd. In this case H-'(G,; Z/2m(r)) is identified with the order two quotient group (resp subgroup) of Z/2"(r) if r is odd (resp. even). Repeating the above argument completes the proof of Lemma 5.2.3.
which induces a surjection
Corollary 5.2.4 Let di : H&(Z(r)) H&(Z(r),) denote the natural map. and suppose r The cohomology of the exact sequence
be the homomorphism induced by the inclusion ON,s ONl,sl [l/l]. The natural S p e ~ ( O ~ , ~ [ lis/ lhtale, ] ) since in all cases, N' can ~l morphism S p e c ( O ~ l ,[l/l]) ramify over N only over 1. Therefore we have a corestriction map
> 0.
Define : Kzr-i + H; (Zl (r)) to be = cr0 ohl and let chi = By ([17], [18], [19] and [143]), K2r-i(ON,s) ( resp. Hi(Zl(r)) ) is finitely generated over Z (resp. Z1) and the rank tr,i of K2r-i(ON,S) over Z equals the rank of Hj(Zl(r)) over Z1. Suppose 1 # 2, then localization sequence (Corollary 2.4.7) and the calculation of the K-groups of finite fields [I151show that the natural map, hl, induces an isomorphism
yields two canonical exact sequences:
and 0
A choice of an isomorphism r
module isomorphism of the form
ker(d2) + 0.
Since 1 # 2 we have N' = N . Since induces a surjection on tensoring with Z1 and cl is the identity map, we conclude that chill induces a surjection on tensoring with Z1. Therefore
~ ( r of) Z-modules determines a Z[G(N/K)]-
where Y2r+l is the permutation module defined in 55.2.1. Via T and the natural injection Z z we may view Y2,+l as a Z[G(N/K)]-submodule of H&(z(T),).
Since tr,i is the rank of H;(Z1(r)) over Z1, we see ker(chi,1) is finite, so ker(chi) is finite. Since H;(Za(r)) is finitely generated over Z2, it will now suffice to show that induces a surjection
Chapter 5. Higher K- theory of Algebraic Integers
If i = 2, [17] shows tr,2 = 0 so that chi,2g Z Q 2 is trivially an isomorphism. Suppose now that i = 1. By [I431 the inclusion ON,S + N induces an isomorphism @ Q . By [18] the inclusion N N' identifies K ~ ~ - ~ ( @OZ ~Q , ~ K2r-1(N) ) K2r-1(N) @z Q with (K2r-1(N') @z Q ) ~ ( ~ ' /The ~ ) results . [51] cited in the induces , N , a G(Nf/N)-equivariant first part of the proof imply that for all 1, C ~ ~ , ~ surjection
5.2. The invariant R, (N/K, 3)
Proof. By the Snake Lemma [95], multiplication by a non-zero rn E Z defines an isomorphism of Z/Z. Hence Z/Z is a rational vector space, so that (5) is clear. ~ z A, ~ z @z If A and B are finitely generated Z[G]-modules, then H O(Z @ B ) = z @zHomz(A, B). Hence, since z is flat over Z, we have
The isomorphism (6) follows from these facts and the finiteness of the groups E X ~ ' , [ ~ ~N (M ) for , i > 0 results from the spectral sequence This implies that ( ( c h l , z , ~oh~)(K2r-l)) l @Z Q 2 is equal to the Q 2 vector space W = H1(Spec(ON~,s~ [1/2]);~ 2 ( r ) ) ~ ( ~The ' / ~restriction ). map
E;*q= HP(G; Exti(M, N ) )
Ext$Zl (M, N )
so that (7) follows from (6). has image in W and the composition of restriction with the corestriction map c2 [l/2]);Q2(r)) is multiplication by [N' : N]. Hence c2 maps W onto H1(Spec(O~,s and we conclude that chil2BZQ2 = (c2 o c ~ ~ oh2) , ~ @Z , ~Q2I is surjective, which 0 completes the proof.
is finite. There is a unique G-submodule K&-l
Corollary 5.2.6 If r > 1 the Z[G(N/K)]-module H k ( Z ( r ) + ) is finite.
c H&(z(r)) containing
chl (K2r-1) = ~ h( K l ~T--~(~N,S))
Proof. The groups K2r-2(ON,S) and K2r-2 (ON',st) are finitely generated [116] and hence finite, by ([17], [18], [19]). Hence H$(Z(r)) is finite by Theorem 5.2.5. Thus ker(d2) is finite, and coker(dl) is finite by Lemma 5.2.3. Therefore the exact 0 sequence (4) shows that H&(Z(r)+) is finite also. In defining (NIK, 3) we shall use H k (Z(r)+) as a substitute for K2r-2(ON,S) (see Proposition 5.2.10). The objective of the following series of lemmas is to manufacture a substitute for K2r- 1 ON,^). Lemma 5.2.7 Let G be a finite group. For all Z[G]-modules, M , the inclusion of Z into induces an exact sequence
Lemma 5.2.8 By Theorem 5.2.5, the Z[G(N/K)]-module
for which the natural inclusions
The module K&.-,
is finitely generated over Z and lies in an exact sequence
The inclusion K;r-l
induces an isomorphism in which M @z (z/z) is a rational vector space. Suppose M and N are finitely generated Z[G]-modules. Then the natural map
z = f&(z(r)).
Proof. By (5) of Lemma 5.2.7, we have an exact sequence is an isomorphism for all i. If i > 0, these groups are finite, and we have an induced isomorphism
in which the right term is a rational vector space. By Theorem 5.2.5, we also have an exact sequence
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
Proposition 5.2.9 Choose an isomorphism T : z ~ ( r of) Z-modules. Then there is a finitely + )which there is a commutative diagenerated submodule K;,-, of ~ k ( ~ ( r )for gram
in which T is finite. This sequence defines an extension class
Since T is finite, T 5.2.7 shows
5.2. The invariant R, (N/ K, 3)
T Bz Z. Thus, since K2r-1 is finitely generated, Lemma
so there is a Z[G(N/K)]-module, K&.-l, the form
with the following properties. (i) The rows of (14) are exact, and bottom row of (14) is sequence (3) of Corollary 5.2.4, where dl : H&(Z(r)) Hk(Z(r),) is the natural map. (ii) The left vertical arrow of (14) is the inclusion induced by T and defined in Corollary 5.2.4. The module K&.-l nker(dl) in the upper right corner of (14) has finite index in K&-l and is commensurable to
Thus e is the image of a class in
fitting into a diagram with exact rows of
The left vertical arrow in this diagram is injective and arises fiom the inclusion Z L) Z. The right vertical arrow is the identity map. Hence the middle vertical arrow is injective by the Snake Lemma, so we may view K&.-, as a Z[G(N/K)]submodule of H&(Z(r)). Clearly K;,-, is finitely generated over Z, since Kzr-1 and T are, and top row of (13) implies (9) and (10). Since z is flat over Z and T is finite, tensoring the top row of (13) with z over Z shows that K&-, @z z = H&(Z(r)). It remains to show that if ~ z # , - , is another Z[G(N/K)]-submodule of H & ( z ( ~ ) )with the properties stated in Lemma 5.2.8 then K$-, = KirYl. Suppose t E K.$-~. Then there is an element ti E Kgr-, such that t and ti have the same image in T = H&(Z(r))/(chl(~~,-1) @Z z). Thus ti - t E chl(K2,-1) @Z Z. However, we have assumed that the inclusions K&-, H& (Z(r)) and K;rH&( ~ ( r ) induce ) isomorphisms
Because T is finite, this implies IT1 . (t - ti) E c ~ ~ ( K ~ ~ - ~ ) . ) Thus ti - t E chl(K2r-l) @Z z has image of finite order in ( ~ h l ( K 2 ~ - 1@Z z)/ chi ( ~ 2 , - l ) . However, Lemma 5.2.7 shows (chi (K2r-l) @Z z)/ chi ( ~ 2 ~ - isl ) a rational vector space. Thus, in fact, ti - t E chi (K2r-l) and it follows that # 0 K2r-1 c K;,-,. By symmetry, K,",-, = K&-, .
(iii) If we tensor the top row of (14) with z over Z, the natural homomorphism from the resulting exact sequence to the bottom row of (14) is an isomorphism on all terms of the sequence. is another submodule of H k ( Z ( r ) + ) for which there is Finally, suppose that K:r-l a diagram (14) satisfying properties (i)-(iii). Then there is a Z[G(N/K)]-module isomorphism from K;,-, to K:r-l which fixes both Y27-+1 and K&-, n ker(dl) . Proof. The exact sequence
(Z(r),)). The in (3) defines an extension class el E EX^; [G(N / K,l (ker(dl ) , submodule K;,.-, c H&(Z(r)) constructed in Lemma 5.2.8 is finitely generated and K&-, @z z = H& (Z(r)). Lemma 5.2.3 shows dl has finite image. It follows that (ker(dl) n K&-,) @z z = ker(dl) and that ker(dl) n KirPl has finite index in K&-, . The module K;r-l is finitely generated over Z, since Y2r+1 and K&-l are. Corollary 5.2.4 shows that Hk (Z(r),) = Y2r+1@Z z via the isomorphism T . Since Y2r+1 is finitely generated, Lemma 5.2.7 now gives
The fact that el is the image of a class in the far right group in (15) implies there is a Z[G(N/K)]-module K;,-, for which there is a diagram of the form (14). Since the right and left vertical homomorphisms in (14) are injective, the middle one must be as well so that we may view K;r-l as a submodule of H;(Z(~)+).
Chapter 5. Higher K- t heory of Algebraic Integers
Statements (i) and (ii) of Proposition 5.2.9 follow from the above construction and Lemma 5.2.8. Part (iii) is implied by the fact that the extension classes of the top and bottom rows of (14) are identified under the isomorphisms in (15). Finally the assertions at the end of the statement of Proposition 5.2.9 about other possible for K;,-l follow from the fact that diagram (14) and the isomorchoices K:,-, 0 phisms in (15) fix the extension class of the top row of (14). Proposition 5.2.10 Define Kh,-2 = H&(Z(r)+) and let K;,-, be as in Proposition 5.2.9. Via Corollary 5.2.7 and Proposition 5.2.9 there is an isomorphism K;,-i @z Z Z Hk1(Z(r)+) for i E {1,2). Let E be the class in
defined in Proposition 5.2.2. Let E' be the class in which maps to E under the isomorphism
ti^^(^^^)^ (K;,-~,
5.2. The invariant fl,(N/K, 3)
5.2.13 The image of fl,(N/K, 3) in Go(ZIG(N/K)])
Recall from $5.2.1 the module Y2,+1, which appears in Proposition 5.2.9. Namely, Y2,+, = Divz(S,) if n is even and Y2,+, is the cokernel of the natural homomorphism Divz(S,) -+ Divz(C,) if n is odd. For n 2 1 it can be shown, using the results of [17],that the element fln (N/K)~"'"" = (K2n+l (ON))- (K2, (ON)) - (fin+,) E GO(Z[G(N/K)]) has finite order (cf. [38] §I). One might ask the following: Question 5.2.14 Let N / K be a Galois extension of number fields with group G(N/K). Is 0 = C~,(N/K)~"'"" E Go(ZIG(N/K)]) for n 2 l ?
The calculation of R,(N/K, 3) in Ko(ZIG(N/K)]) is related to Question 5.2.14 in the following manner. From (16), taking n = r - 1 as usual, the image of (N/ K, 3) in Go(Z[G(N/ K)]) is equal to [K;,- ,]- [K;,-,]. The LichtenbaumQuillen conjecture (see [142])states that ker(chi) and
provided by (7) of Lemma 5.2.7. Then E' is represented by an exact sequence
in which A, and B, are finitely generated Z[G(N/ K)]-modules of finite projective dimension (i. e. cohomologically trivial Z [G(N/K)]-modules).
have 2-primary order for i = 1,2. This discussion, together with the results of ([96], [105], [106], [154]) on K2 and K3 of fields, yields the following result.
Proof. Recall from Proposition 5.2.2 that the cup-product with E induces isomor+H L~ (Z(r)+)) in Tate cohomology for all phisms H~(I';H&(Z(r)+)) + ~ j (I'; integers j and all subgroups I' C G(N/K). Since the isomorphism (6) of Lemma 5.2.7 respects cupproducts, we find that cupproduct with E' induces an isomor+ H ~ + ~ ( IKi,-l) '; for all j and I'. One can now construct phism H~(I';K;,-,) (16) in the manner used to construct the four term S-unit sequence of ([I521 511.5).
Proposition 5.2.15 ([38] 5 V) The image of fl,(N/K, 3) in Go(ZIG]) is the class R,(N/K)~"'"" of if n = 1 and if n > 1 there diflerence has 2-primary order provided that the LichtenbaumQuillen conjecture is true.
0 Definition 5.2.11 For n = r
Definition 5.2.16 The Cassou-Noguks-Frohlich class, WNIK Let N/K be a Galois extension of number fields and let
1 2 1, define fln(N/K,3) by the formula
where A, and B, are the cohomologically trivial Z [G(N/ K)]-modules of Proposition 5.2.10.
be a finite-dimensional, complex Galois representation. Let WK(p) be the complex number, on the unit circle, given by the Artin root number of Definition 1.1.9. By Proposition 1.1.10(i),
The following result is proved in ([38] 5IV; cf. [34] and [I321 Chapter 7). Theorem 5.2.12 For n 2 1, the class R,(N/K, 3) of Definition 5.2.11 depends only on N/K. In particular, it is independent of the choice of an exact sequence (16), the choice of T and K;,-, in Proposition 5.2.9 and the choice of S.
is a homomorphism on the additive group of the representation ring (cf. $2.5.8) of G(N/K). Representing p by a homomorphism into GL,(C) and taking its complex conjugate yields a representation, p. Furthermore, if p = p then WK(p) E {f1)
Chapter 5. Higher K- theory of Algebraic Integers
5.2. The invariant R, (NIK, 3)
([loll,[l53]). The fixed subgroup of R(G(N/ K ) ) under complex conjugation is generated by the complexifications of real or symplectic representations - these types of complex representation will be called orthogonal or symplectic, respectively - and WK(p) = 1 if p is an orthogonal representation ([58],[130]p. 289, (3.9)(proof),[I531 p. 130). In terms of these invariants of analytic origin we may define a class
in the definition of WAIK (p), . The resulting class is equal to one at all finite places and is totally positive on symplectic representations at all real infinite places. By ([I551 p. 9; see also [35] p. 19 (2.6.1)(proof)) h is a determinant and represents the trivial element in the Hom-description of CL(Z[G(N/K)]). Hence WNIK may also be represented by WLIK . h-'. However, when p is irreducible and symplectic,
by means of the Hom-description of Theorem 2.5.25. Let E / Q be a large Galois extension of the rational numbers, as in 52.5.8. The absolute Galois group, RQ of 52.5.11, acts transitively on the infinite places of E. Let v, denote one of these places. Define a homomorphism
([34] p. 327) so that the a-' (urn)-component of this representative for WLIK is independent of a and hence does not depend on the choice of v,. 0 Now we may state what is expected of Rn(N/K, 3) and present some of the evidence.
Conjecture 5.2.18 For any Galois extension of number fields, N/K, and any n by the following formula for the v-th coordinate of WAIK(p), where p is any irreducible represent at ion: I 1
if v is finite, if p is not symplectic, ifpsymplectic, v=a-'(v,),
By construction, Whl (p) is RQ-equivariant and therefore represents a class, WvK, in CL(Z[G(N/K)]). However, we must show that the construction of WLIK is independent of the choice of v,. In the tamely ramified case it is possible to define WLIK without making a choice of v, and it was in this form that the construction of WNIK was introduced in [30]. The general definition originates in ([34]; see also [35] p. 18).
Proposition 5.2.17 choice of v,.
The class, WNIK, of Definition 5.2.16 is independent of the
Proof. If p is a representation of G(N/K) then, for each prime P a OK with Q a OL above it, we may form the Artin conductor ideal ([loll p. 14; see also 51.1.4)
f (p, N/K)(. absolute norm, N f (p) = (OK/ the positive square-root of N f (p). We may define
As for the image of such a relation when mapped to Go(ZIG(N/K)]), it is an (unpublished) result of Queyrut that the image of WNIK is trivial. Hence, by ~ 2-primary Proposition 5.2.15, Conjecture 5.2.18 would suggest R, (N/ K ) ~ " ' "has order in Go(ZIG(N/K)]),which is at least consistent with the (expected) affirmative answer to Question 5.2.14. Actually more is true. In the special examples of Theorems 1.3.6 and 1.3.11, Conjecture 5.2.18 is precisely Conjecture 1.3.5 so that it is true in the cases of Corollary 1.3.8. F'urthermore, in ([38] SVI) we showed how a version of the Lichtenbaum-Gross conjecture (see Conjecture 1.2.2) about L*(-n, p) - the leading term of the Taylor series for the Artin L-function of p at s = n for n 2 1 implies the congruence R,(N/K, 3)
modulo D(Z[G(N/K)])
where D(Z[G(N/K)])is the kernel subgroup of 52.5.26. In ([38] SVII) we constructed the analogue of R,(N/K, 3) for a Galois extension of global function fields in characteristic p > 0 and proved that
in those circumstances, using the cohomological interpretation of L-functions. Notice that WNIK = 0 whenever G(N/K) has no irreducible symplectic representations. This happens, for example, when [N : K ] is odd or G(N/K) is abelian. In particular, if K = Q and N = Q(tm), the cyclotomic field, Conjecture 5.2.18 predicts that Rn(Q(tm)/Q, 3) = 0. Similar remarks apply to all abelian extensions, LIQ. Any such extension embeds into some Q (em)/Q and the invariant, R,(N/K, 3), satisfies Galois descent so that the truth of the conjecture for Q ( t m ) / Q implies it for the subextension, L/Q. In ([25], [26]) the construction
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
of fln(N/K, 3) is generalized to cohomological motives with Galois actions ([25] Theorem 3.2; [26] Theorem 4.1; see also [27] Theorem 3.1 where Rn (NIK, 3) is denoted by fln(N/K)). Furthermore it is shown in [27] that the motivic cyclotomic invariant vanishes away from p = 2. In other words we have the following result:
Theorem 5.2.19 ([27]; see also 5 5.6.13) Let L/Q be an abelian extension of number fields. Then, for each n 2 1,
5.3. A closer look a t fll (LIK, 3)
Q"P 4 Proof. For part (i), assigning to g E RQ the embedding (w,)g : L QseP defines a bijection between embeddings of L and flL\RQ. The set of embeddings, {(w,)g, (w,)gc), corresponds to an Archimedean place of L, since the completions of (w,)g and (w,)gc coincide. Hence assigning the double coset RLg(c) to this Archimedean place defines a bijection between RL\RQ/(c) and S,(L). For part (ii), if (w,)g is a complex place then gcg-l does not belong to RL and RL n (gcg-l) = (1). If (w,)g is real then flL n (gcg-') = (gcg-l) is of order two. 0 Part (iii) is clear. Lemma 5.3.4 In the notation of 55.3.1, suppose that M is a Z[G(E/Q)]-module.
5.3 A closer look at R1( L I K ,3)
(i) There is a double coset isomorphism of Z[G(E/L)]-modules of the form In this section we shall give an (arguably) more explicit and elementary construction of R1(L/K, 3) than that of Definition 5.2.11, which has proved useful for computational purposes (see [37], [39]). In 55.4 we shall outline a proof that the construction we are about to give does indeed yield 521(LIK, 3). 5.3.1 Double cosets and Archimedean places Let L I K be a Galois extension of number fields and let E / Q be a large Galois extension of number fields such that L C E and E is totally complex. Let c denote complex conjugation. Let RL denote the absolute Galois group, RL = G(QSeP/L),where QSePis a separable closure of Q , the rationals. Let w, : L ---,E ---+ QseP be a fixed embedding which restricts to a real E(~) (Q~~P)(~). embedding, v, : K
- -
Proposition 5.3.2 In the notation of 55.3.1, there is an isomorphism of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form RQ Kind (Ind(,) ( 3 ( Q ~ ~ ~@ w ) e) s m ~ (L ~)~Fd(~w)
(ii) Also, taking G(E/L)-&ed points, there is an isomorphism of Z[G(L/K)]modules -1 * M G(~/L)n(gcg-') @ ~ E G ( E / L ) \ G ( E / Q ) / ( )~ )( ( ( ~)) G(E/Q)(M))G(E/L). 5 (Indm, Here, if G(E/L) f l (gcg-') = (gcg-'), (g-')*(M) denotes M with a new action whereby gcg-' acts on m to send it to c(m). If G(E/L) n (gcg-l) is trivial then (g-')*(M) is M and the action is, of course, trivial. Proof. In part (i) the isomorphism is given by the well-known Double Coset isomorphism (see [I311 Theorem 1.2.40, for example) which sends
where L, is the completion of L at the Archimedean place, w. G ( E / Q ) ( ~Hence ). generators of the G(E/L)g(c)-component of to ug @(c) m E Ind(c) the G(E/L)-fixed points are given by
Lemma 5.3.3 In the notation of 55.3.1: (i) There is a bijection between the set of double cosets, RL\RQ/(c), and the set of Archimedean places of L, S,(L). (ii) The intersection, flL n (gcg-l), is trivial if (w,)g order two if (w,)g is real.
is a complex place and has
(iii) In the first case of part (ii), if (v,)g is a real place of K then gcg-' E flK and its image in G(L/K) fl~1S-l~is the decomposition group, Hg = ~~~(woo)91K(voo)g).
where rn E sponds to
In ~ n d ; ; ~ / ~ ) ( Msuch ) a generator corre-
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
It remains to verify that this yields an isomorphism of Z[G(L/K)]-modules as claimed in part (ii). We may lift y E G(L/K) 2 G(E/K)/G(E/L) to y E G ( E / K ) ) ) @(c) m sends it to and then the action of y on ~ u E G ( E / L ) / ( G ( E / L ) n ( g c g - lug
5.3. A closer look a t R1(LIK, 3)
Proof. Setting M = K p d ( E ) and taking the limit over E I Q we obtain a short exact sequence of continuous RQ-modules of the form
Applying H*(L;-) to this short exact sequence yields, in dimensions 0 and 1, the following Zextension since G(E/L) a G(E/K). Therefore the element m E ((9-')* ( ~ ) ) ~ ( ~ / ~ ) " ( g ~ g - ' ) is mapped by y to m E ( ( g - ' ) * ( ~ ) ) ~ ( ~ / ~ ) " ( y g ~ g - ~ yas- ~required. ), 0 5.3.5 Proof of Proposition 5.3.2
in )Lemma 5.3.4 and passing to the limit over E / Q we Setting M = K ~ ~ ( E obtain an isomorphism of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form
where Lw is the completion of L at the Archimedean place, w. Here we have used the isomorphism,
together with Lemma 5.3.3(iii).
KFd(LW)+ ( K ~ ~ ( Q ~ ~-+ ~ )K;+ (L). ) ~ L
KFd(L) +
Here we have used Proposition 5.3.2 to identify the second module and the coho0 mological isomorphisms of $5.3.6 to complete the proof.
Remark 5.3.8 (i) As explained in [80], in Proposition 5.3.7 (KFd(QSep)+)"~is a cohomolog(L) K P d(L,), ically trivial Z[G(L/K)]-module. However the module, ewes, is cohomologially trivial if and only if L I K is unramified at infinity. This is one of the reasons for all the modifications which are to follow. A further reason for needing to modify the 2-extension of Proposition 5.3.7 is that the Ka (L) is not finitely generated and so we shall replace it below by Ka (OLls). (ii) Notice that, by $5.3.5, as RL-modules,
5.3.6 Towards the 2-extension
Let M be a Z[G(E/Q)]-module. Define an injective Z[G(E/Q)]-homomorphism 4 : M -+~ n d : ; ~ ~ ~ ) ( M Z[G(E/Q)] ) @ Z I ( ~ )M I
" xhEG(EIQ)l(c) h h-'(m). Set M+
by 4(m) = @(c) = coker(4) so that there is a short exact sequence of Z[G(E/Q)]-modules of the form
At several points in this section we shall make crucial use of the deep results of ([96], [104], [105], [106]) concerning the connection between algebraic K-groups of fields and cohomology as well as their consequences derived in [SO].The reader is referred to ([63] $18) for a description and comparison of the different approaches to these results. In particular we shall need the following canonical isomorphisms: ~ P d ( ~ s e p ) R r .Kind 3 (L) ([961,[1061), H1(L; ~ p ~ ( Q S e p% ) )K2(L), H1(Lw;K P d ( L ~ p ) ) K2(Lw). [80]
Proposition 5.3.7 In the notation of $5.3.6, there is a 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the fom
Kpd(L) -+ @ w E s , ( L ) ~ p d ( ~ w ) (K~~(Q"'P)+)"L
Here, as in Definite'on 5.2.11, Ki(L) = ker(K2(L) --,@wES,(L)K2(Lw)).
in the notation of $5.2.1. Proposition 5.3.9 Let S be a finite G(L/K)-stable set of places of L containing S,(L) and all places which ramify over K such as, for example, the set S of $5.2.1. Then the natural homomorphisms
K; ( O L , ~ )
Kh(L) and K ~ ~ ( o 5 ~ ,K~ ~) ~ ( L )
induce an isomorphism of the form
@wES,(L)K2(Lw), is surjective onto the Proof. The homomorphism, K2(OLjs) torsion (with uniquely divisible cokernel) so that, from the long exact localisation sequence for K-groups (see Corollary 2.4.7), we obtain a short exact localisation sequence of the form
However, if R a OK is unramified in L / K then
Chapter 5. Higher K- theory of Algebraic Integers
5.3. A closer look a t R1 (L/ K, 3)
for some Poa OL lying over R. In addition, since Lpo/KR is unramified, there is a Z[G(Lp,, /KR)]-resOhtiOn ([I311 $7.3.39)
The lower row of the following commutative diagram is the 2-extension whose Euler characteristic will define R1(L/K, 3) E CC(Z[G(L/K)]) in general.
> 1.
Proposition 5.3.13 With the notation of Corollary 5.3.10 and Lemma 5.3.12, there exists a canonical commutative diagram of 2-extensions of Z[G(L/K)]-modules in which @, K?~(L,) and C @ T2 are cohomologically trivial and $( o L , s ) is a finitely generated extension of K;(OL,s).
Therefore EX^&^(^^^^^ (@pBS,p f i n i t e (OL/P)*,M) = 0 for all M and all i The result follows easily from the long exact sequence of Ext-groups.
Corollary 5.3.10 Pulling back the 2-extension of Proposition 5.3.9 via the homomorphism, K;(OL,s) --+ Ki(L), yields a 2-extension of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form
in which C is cohomologically trivial. Proof. It suffices to notice that, by Remark 5.3.8(i), C is the pull-back of a cohomologically trivial module via a homomorphism which induces isomorphisms on 0 all Tate cohomology groups. 5.3.11 Modification for ramification at infinity When L / K is unramified at infinity then @wEs,(L) K?~(L,) is also cohomologically trivial and in this case Rl(L/K7 3) E CL(Z[G(L/K)]) was defined in ([I321 Chapter 7) to be equal to the Euler characteristic, in the sense of Example 2.1.8(i), of a representative of this 2-extension in which the central modules are finitely generated and cohomologically trivial. From the localisation sequence it is straightforward to show that the resulting Euler characteristic is independent of S ([I311 87.1.3). We shall now describe how to modify this 2-extension in the case of ramification at infinity. Let Sk ( K ) denote the set of real places of K which become complex in L. For each v E S k ( K ) , choose w = w(v) to be a place of L over v with decomposition group, Gw = G(Lw(v)/Ku)= (1, T,} of order two. The short exact sequence
, shows that there exists a unique element of order two, (-I), E K ~ ~ ( L , )which is fixed by 7,. Define a Z[Gw]-module, K ~ ( L , ) , in the following manner. The underlying abelian group of K ~ ; ~ ( L , )is K3(Lw)@ Z. If we denote by a 6 b the element of K?~(L,) corresponding to a @ b E K ~ ~ ( L ,@) Z then the action of T, on K ~ ~ ( L ,is) given by r,(a&b) = (rW(a). (-l)L)6b. The following result is straightforward.
Lemma 5.3.12 In the notation of §5.3.11,I?:Fd(~,) is a cohomologically trivial Gw-module.
Proof. The proof of the proposition will consist of the construction of a sequence of diagrams (1)-(5). The required 2-extension will be found as the middle row of diagram (5). Consider once more the 2-extension of Z [G(L/K)]-modules
Suppose that v E S k ( K ) and w = w(v), as in $5.3.11. Since (1 T,)((-I),) = 0, (1 +~,)(6((-1),)) = 0 in C. Therefore, because C is cohomologically trivial, there is an a, E C such that (1 - ~,)(a,) = 6((-l),). We now construct a commutative diagram of Z[G,]-modules of the form
with the following properties. The vertical columns are short exact and the terms of the second column map surjectively onto those of the third column. The morphisms C --+ C $ Z[Gw] and C $ Z[Gw] ---,Z[Gw]in the middle column are defined by (c c c @ 0) and (c @ a I+ a), respectively. The morphism gW : Kgd(&,,) = K ? ~ ( L ~ ) ~ Z C @ Z[GJ is defined by b(a60) = 6(a) @ 0 and 6i0@1) = a, @ (1 7,). The module K i ( O ~ , s ) wis defined to be the cokernel of 6,, while Zw,- is the Gw-module with underlying abelian group Z on which T, acts by multiplication by -1. To check that one has a commutative diagram in (1) it suffices to check that
Chapter 5. Higher K- t heory of Algebraic Integers
5.3. A closer look a t Cll (LIK, 3)
is a commutative square of Z[G,]-module homomorphisms. This follows from the formulae (1 - T,)(o&) = (-i),@o E K p d ( ~ , ) and
whose columns are short exact and in which the terms of the second column map surjectively onto those of the third. We now identify
It will be convenient to define versions of the diagram (1) when w = w(v) and v is an arbitrary infinite place of F for which purpose we must pause in order to introduce some temporary notation.
Definition 5.3.14 Let S1(K) denote the set of complex places of K and let S2(K) denote the set of real places of K which do not ramify in L. Thus S,(K) is the disjoint union, S1(K) U S2(K) U Sk (K). Suppose v E S,(K) and w = w(v), as in $5.3.11. Set I?Fd(~,) = K P ~ ( L , ) if v E S1(K) U S2(K). Let TI,, = Z if v E S k ( K ) and let TI,, = 0 otherwise. Define T2,, = Z[G,] if v E S&(K) U S1(K) and T2,, = 0 otherwise. Finally, let T3,, = Zw,- if v E S k ( K ) , T3,, = 0 if v E S2(K) and T3,, = Z[G,] if v E S1(K).
Using (4) to push-out the 2-extension of Corollary 5.3.10 yields a diagram of the following form in which the columns are short exact and the rows are exact 2extensions.
5.3.15 The proof of Proposition 5.3.13 continued
For all infinite places v of K and w = w(v), we now have a commutative diagram of Z [G,]-modules
0 For i = 1,2,3 one has
where the sum is over the infinite places v of K . The module K;(OL,S) is defined to be the cokernel of 8. Since (L,(,)) and T2,, are cohomologically trivial Z [G,(,)]-modules, the modules $, I?Pd(~,) and C $ T2 in the middle row of (5) are cohomologically trivial Z[G(L/K)]-modules, which completes the proof of Proposition 5.3.13.
of the following kind. The vertical sequences are short exact. If v E S&(K) then (3) is diagram (1). If v E Sl(K) U S2(K) then G, and TI,, are trivial and (3) is obtained from the 2-extension of (1) by push-out via the inclusion morphism, C -+c = C @ T2,,, where T2,, = T3,, in this case. Once again the maps from the middle to the right-hand column are all surjective. Inducing up from Gw to G(L/K) and using the fact that C and K;(OL,S) are Z[G(L/ K)]-modules, we may use (3) to construct a diagram
5.3.16 Since K ~ ~ ( and L ) K ~ ( o L , ~are ) finitely generated Z[G(L/K)]-modules, we may construct a commutative diagram representing an equivalence of 2-extensions
K ~ ~ ( L )
O L , S )
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
in which A1 and B1 are finitely generated, cohomologically trivial Z [G(L/K)]modules. Theorem 5.3.17 (i) For Al and B1 as in diagram (6) of § 5.3.16, temporarily write R(L/ K ) for the the Euler characteristic, [Al] - [B1] E Ko(ZIG(L/K)]). Then
5.3. A closer look at R1(LIK, 3)
commutes, where the morphisms are described in the following manner. The left vertical morphism is the identity. The bottom row is the morphism defined in the middle row of (1). Thus 8,(a60) = 6(a) @ 0 and 8,(061) = a, @ (1 7,). The morphism bw in the top row of (7) is defined in the same way as 8, except that a, is replaced by a', in the definition. The commutativity of (7) follows from
(ii) Also R(L/K) depends only on the extension L I K . I n particular, R(L/K) does not depend on the choice of places S i n 55.3.6, on the w(v) chosen for v E S,(K), on the a,(,) E C for v E S k ( K ) used to construct the diagrams (2) and (5) or on the choice of a top row of diagram (6). Proof. For part (i), it is clear that [All - [B1] E Ko(ZIG(L/K)]) and, by definition, CL(Z[G(L/K)]) is equal to the kernel of the rank homomorphism,
Firstly we remark that the rank of T3,,(,) over Z is 1 if w(v) is complex and is 0 if w(v) is real. Let r2(L) be the number of complex places of L. Since K4(OLVs)is finite, T3 and K ~ ( o L , ~both ) have rank r2(L) over Z. By a result of Borel, K ~ ~ ( L ) also has rank r2(L) and the exactness of the first row of (6) shows R(L/K) has rank 0 and therefore lies in CL(Z[G(L/K)]) c Ko(ZIG(L/K)]). For part (ii), we now consider, in reverse order, the dependence of R(L/K) upon the choices listed in the statement of Theorem 5.3.17. It is well known that if the bottom row of (6) is fixed and the top row is changed, the class [Al]- [B1] in Ko(ZIG(L/K)]) is unaltered (see [I321 Proposition 2.2.2 p. 47, for example). Suppose now that we fix S and the choice of the w(v) for v an infinite place of K . We must show that R(L/K) does not depend on the choice of the elements a,(,) E C for v E S k ( K ) which were used in the construction of (2) and (5). Fix v E S k ( K ) and let w = w(v). Suppose a', is another element of C which satisfies the defining condition for a,, namely that (1 - r W ) a w= (1 - r,)a', = 6(-I), C where, as in $5.3.11, T, E Gw is complex conjugation at w and 6 : K r d ( L w ) is the homomorphism in the 2-extension of 55.3.15. Then (1 - rW)(aw- a:) = 0 and, since C is cohomologically trivial, there is an element, y, E C, such that (I+T,)~, = a, -a',. Define a Z[G,]-automorphism r, : C@Z[G,] C@Z[G,] by n,(c @ 0) = c @ 0 and rw(O @ 1) = y, @ 1. We claim that the diagram
For all infinite places v of K we now have a diagram of Z[G,(,)]-modules
which specialises to (7) if v E S k ( K ) and in which the vertical homomorphisms are the identity otherwise. Fitting together the inductions of these diagrams from G,(,) to G(L/K) yields a commutative diagram
in which the top row is the sequence resulting from using a:(,) instead of a,(,) for v E S k ( K ) . All of the vertical morphisms in (9) are Z[G(L/K)]-isomorphisms. Suppose now that we use the top row of (9) to compute fl(L/K). Thus we choose a diagram
in which A', and Bi are finitely generated and cohomologically trivial Z[G(L/K)]modules. Composing the vertical morphisms in (10) with the vertical isomorphisms in (9) gives a diagram of the form (6). This shows that we can take the top rows of
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
(6) and (10) to be the same sequence. We conclude that R(E/F) does not depend on the choice of the a,(,) for v E S&(K). We must now show that R(L/K) does not depend on the choice of the w(v) for v an infinite place of F . Suppose v is fixed, a E G and that aw(v) = w(v)' is another place of L over v. If v E S k ( K ) , let a,(,)l = act,(,) in C. Via the ~ ~ )with @Iwf (L,I ), the choice of w(v) identification of 1 n d ~ ~ (L,(,)) (together with a,(,) if v E S&(K)) leads to a diagram (5) which is isomorphic to the one resulting from the choice of w(v)' (together with a',(,) if v E S k ( K ) ) . Thus the invariant, R(L/K), is independent of the choice of the w(v), since we have already shown it is independent of the choice of the a,(,) for v E S&(K). The last point is to check that R(L/K) is independent of the choice of the G(L/K)-stable set of places S of L which contains the ramified primes of L. The argument for this uses the localisation sequence (see Corollary 2.4.7) and is given 0 in ([I321 57. I), so the proof of Theorem 5.3.17 is complete.
Corollary 5.3.18 In Theorem 5.3.17, if L I K is unramijied at infinity then R(L/K) is equal to the Euler characteristic of the 2-extension of Corollam~5.3.10
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
5.4 Comparing the two definitions 5.4.1 Let L I K be a Galois extension of number fields with group, G(L/K). As in $5.3.1, let E I Q be a large Galois extension of number fields such that L C E and E is totally complex. Let c denote complex conjugation. Let M be a Z [G(E/Q)]module and consider the short exact sequence
where 4 is as in 55.3.6. The resulting G(E/L)-cohomology sequence yields a 2extension of the form
) (M))). where Ker(4,) = ker(H1(G(E/L); M ) + H1(G(E/L); IndG(E/Q)
Let {BiG(E/Q), di) denote the bar resolution of G(E/Q) ([I321 p. 1) so that BiG(E/Q) is the free Z [G(E/Q)]-moduleon i-tuples of elements of G(E/Q). Define a homomorphism
Proof. By construction, we may choose a commutative diagram of Zextensions of the form Kpd(L)
* B2
K ~ L , s )
in which Al, B1, A2, B2 are finitely generated, cohomologically trivial Z[G(L/K)]modules with A1, Bl as in diagram (6). The homomorphism, i, is the injection of diagram (5). Hence the cokernel of i is equal to T3, which is free in the absence of ramification at infinity. Hence there is an exact sequence of the form
Therefore, in CL(Z[G(L/K)]), we have
for h' E G(E/Q). This is well defined since the formula selects either h = h' or h = h'c and h' C3 mht = h'c 8 mhlCif and only if mhlC= cmhf so that h1c(mhlC)= hlc(~mh= / ) hl(mhf). If v E G(E/K),
so that Xo is a Z[G(E/K)]-homomorphism. Define A1 : M+ -+ Hom(BlG(E/Q), M ) by, 9, h' E G(E/Q),
as required.
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
Next we consider the map induced by X1 on the cokernel of isomorphic to
which is
The homomorphism, dl, induces
and we observe that
We have a commutative diagram of the following form.
so that the cokernel of
maps to
) by ~ h E G ( E I Q ) /h( c8(c) ) mh. Therefore, if Let z E ( M + ) ~ ( ~be/ ~represented g E G(E/L), there exists f (g) E M such that g(z) - z = $(f (g)). This means that in which T is the canonical surjection and dt; is induced by the bar-resolution differential. The commutativity of this diagram follows from the formulae so that f (g) = h(m,-lh) - h(mh) for all h. The coboundary map
is given in terms of the bar resolution for G(E/L) by 6(z) = [f],the class of the l-cocycle, f . On the other hand, we have a composition
and the resulting isomorphism, p :
5 Ker(dG), is given by
(m I+ (g I+
m ) )for g E G(E/Q), if we identify BoG(E/Q) with Z[G(E/Q)]. Furthermore, if m E MG(E/L),the formulae
in which the second map is induced by the inclusion, G(E/L) image of z under this composite is
G(E/Q). The
Since f(g) = g(m1) - g(m,) the sum of 6(z) and Xl(z) is ([g] I+ g(ml) - ml) which is the coboundary of ml E M. Hence
shows that Xo induces the identity map between ~
(and~Ker(dG) 1 2 ~ ~ )~ ( ~ 1 ~ ) .
Therefore we have proved the following result:
Chapter 5. Higher K- theory of Algebraic Integers
Theorem 5.4.2 In the notation of $5.4.1, the homomorphisms Xo and X1 induce a commutative diagram of 2-extensions of Z[G(L/K)]-modules
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
5.4.4 We shall need the case in which M = Kpd(E) in Theorem 5.4.2. More precisely, let Rr,(G(E/L), K p d ( ~ )=) HomG(EIL)(BsG(E/Q), K p d ( ~ )and ) let )) the limit of R r , (G(E/L), K p d (E)) taken over Galois Rl?, (L, KPd ( Q ~ ~ Pdenote extensions, Q c E c QSeP.We have a chain complex
From Theorem 5.4.2 we obtain a quasi-isomorphism between the 2-extension of Proposition 5.3.7 where (H')' = k e r ( ~(G(E/L); ' M ) -+ H1(G(E/L); ~ n d Z i ~ / ~ ) ( M ) ) ) . Lemma 5.4.3 Let M be a finitely generated Z[G(L/K)]-module. Then, in $5.4.1, the Z[G(L/K)]-module, HomG(EIL)(BsG(E/Q), M ) is cohomologically trivial.
Proof. There is a finitely generated, free abelian group, X , such that
so that this module is an induced module of the form Indz[E;;;(~om(~, M)), which is cohomologically trivial. This is seen as follows: Let V be any G(E/Q)-module and let J G(E/Q) be a subgroup. Then Hom(Z[G(E/Q)], V) is a Z[J]-module with action given by j(f)(u) = j(f(j-lu)). Hence, if d = [G(E/Q) : J] and zl,.. . , x d are coset representatives for J\G(E/Q) then Hom(Z[G(E/Q)], V) is the "free" module on d copies of V where an element, w, belonging to the i-th copy corresponds to the function given by w ifs=i, f ( 4 = 0 otherwise.
and K p d (L)
RTO (L, K F d ( V p ) )
(where Ker(d;)' is the inverse image of Kh(L)) using the natural identification of Kh (L) with ~ e r ((L; ~ Qsep) ' (L; 1nd7; (Kpd( Q ~ ~ P ) ) )
of ([80] 55). In fact, this quasi-isomorphism is almost an equivalence of 2-extensions, being the identity on Kpd(L) and minus the identity on Ki(L). Now that we have the Zextension of Proposition 5.3.7 described in terms of Rr*(L,K $ ~ ( Q ' ~ ~we ) ) may use the short exact sequence
to relate it to the 2-extension coming from RI',(-) applied to the mapping cone of Z/lrn(2) ---, @w€s,(~)iw,*i;(zll~(2)) and thence to that coming from Rr,(-) applied to the mapping cone of
Hence Hom(Z[G(E/Q)], V)
8: 1nd&)(v)
and H s ( J ; Hom(Z[G(E/Q)], V)) = 0 if s > 0. From the spectral sequence associated to Q c K c F c L c E, with L I F Galois,
we see that
~ , d =. ~0 unless t = 0 and then
which is zero unless s = 0.
which is the 2-extension of Proposition 5.2.10. This comparison is carefully carried out in ([40] 54) and leads to the following result. Theorem 5.4.5 Let L / K be a Galois extension of number fields. Then the set, S, of places of L may be chosen so that there is a natural commutative diagram of 2-extensions of Z[G(L/K)]-modules of the form
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
such that (i)
is the surjection of $1, with kernel $wGS,(~)Z,
and 7i2 are surjective and the isomorphism, TS, is given by f1 on each Sylow p-subgroup of the finite group, K i (OLjs),
(iii) the upper 2-extension defines the class
whose Euler characteristic is equal to
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
5.4.7 For the moment let us consider the special case in which the Galois extension of number fields, L I K , has the form E I Q with E totally complex. Temporarily write G = G(E/Q). In this case, if we glue the diagram of Theorem 5.4.5 to diagram (6) of $5.3.15 we obtain a diagram of the following type in which the horizontal rows are z-extensions in which All B1, A2,B2 are finitely generated, cohomologically trivial Z[G]-modules and the extreme vertical columns are short exact sequences. In our arithmetical situation the upper 2-extension will be the upper 2-extension of Theorem 5.4.5 and the lower 2-extension will be the lower 2extension of §5.3.15(6) so that [A1]- [Bl] = R1(E/Q, 3) and [A21- [B2] = R(E/Q)
(iv) the lower 2-extension is that of Corollary 5.3.10, as used in the construction of the invariant R(L/K) of Theorem 5.3.17. We are going to use Theorem 5.4.5 to show that R1(L/K,3) = R(L/K) E CL(Z[G(L/K)]). Before proceeding to the proof we record the following corollary, which is the totally real case of this comparison. Corollary 5.4.6 If L I K is totally real then the invariant, R1(L/K,3) E CC(Z[G(L/K)]), of Definition 5.2.11 is equal to the Euler characteristic, R(L/K) , of Theorem 5.3.17. Proof. F!rom the commutative diagram of Theorem 5.4.5 we may obtain a commutative diagram of equivalent 2-extensions in which the modules
In this diagram
E* =
are replaced by finitely generated, cohomologically trivial modules
~ n d z(z*) ,
where H I , . . . ,H, are distinct subgroups of order two, each of whose generators acts by f1 on a copy of the integers denoted by Z*. In the arithmetical situation the Hi's will be the decomposition groups of the infinite places of E . The exact Mayer-Vietoris sequence resulting from this diagram defines a 3~ ],E+), whose Euler characteristic is equal to extension, in ~ x t &(E-
repectively. This modified diagram gives rise to an exact sequence of the form
Since @wEs,(L)Z is a free module in the totally real case, in CC(Z[G(L/K)]) we obtain the equation
and the result follows from Corollary 5.3.18.
Therefore, in the arithmetical situation, we wish to show that this element is zero. With this in mind, for the rest of this section we shall study the (equivalent) process of producing Euler characteristics in the class-group from elements of
with the objective of proving that they often vanish. Our main result (Theorem 5.4.20 and Corollary 5.4.21) shows that, if NGHi is the normaliser of Hiin G , the
Chapter 5. Higher K- theory of Algebraic Integers
Euler characteristics which arise lie in the subgroup generated by the images of compositions of the form
As explained in Theorem 5.4.22, this suffices to show that the difference of Euler characteristics vanishes in the arithmetical setting (see Example 5.4.11) in which G = G(E/Q) is the Galois group of a number field extension in which E is totally complex. Heuristically, this is because ("in the limit") NGHi = Hi in this case and CC(Z[H]) = 0 when (HI = 2. 5.4.8 The Hecke algebras
Let R be a commutative ring with identity and let G be a finite group. Suppose that T={ri € G ; l < i < r }
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
(2, j, 2)-component equals to p(i, j, z) E R. Therefore we may consider p(i, j, -) as a function from G to R with the property that, in the case of s&(G),
p is characterised, as a homomorphism, by the fact that it respectively. Hence v E 1nd$, (R*) (9 E G, v E R) to sends g
Proposition 5.4.9 ~ n d g(R*)). , In fact, The subgroup, s&(G), is a subring of EndRlGl p = {p(i,j, 2)) and A = {X(s,t ,w)} is given by (g E G, v E R) the product of -
is a set of distinct elements of order two and set Hi = (Ti), the subgroup of order two generated by Ti. Let R* be a copy of R on which Ti acts by f1, respectively. Then there are isomorphisms, for 1 i , j < r ,
) the induced RIG]-module, R[G] @H R*. The second isomorwhere I n d g ( ~ + is phism is induced by the Double Coset isomorphism ([I311 Theorem 1.2.40)
the sum being taken only over pairs of double cosets, HizHj and HjwHk such that HiyHk = Hi.ZwHk. Proof. The homomorphism corresponding to p sends g @H, v to
under which a @H,nzHjZ-l b on the right corresponds to az 8~~b on the left. Inside the Hecke algebra
which is sent by
as required.
let s&(G) correspond to the subgroup of summands for which Hi = zHjz-'. Hence, additively, if we write J K to indicate conjugacy,
Henceforth we shall identify HomR(R*, R*) with R by the isomorphism which sends f to f (1). Write p = {p(i,j, z) E R) E s&(G) for the element whose
Example 5.4.10 Let G = Q8 = {x, y1x2 = y2, x4 = 1, xyx-l = y-l) denote the quaternion group of order eight. Then H I = (x2) is the unique subgroup of Z/2 x 212 consisting of the order two, which is central. Let V = Q8/(x2) p images of 1,x, y, xy. Then Si,(,,)(Q8) Y R[V], the isomorphism being to send p(1,1, Z)Z,where we have identified (x2)\Q8/(x2) = Q8/(x2) with V. to Similarly, S&,) (Q8) S Hz, the integral quaternions.
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
Example 5.4.11 The arithmetical situation Let L/K be a Galois extension of number fields and let E I Q be a large Galois extension of number fields such that L c E and E is totally complex. Let c denote complex conjugation. Let flL denote the absolute Galois group, flL = G(QSeP/L), where QSePis a separable closure of Q , the rationals. Let v, : L ---t E 4 Qsep E ( ~4 ) be a fixed embedding which restricts to a real embedding, w, : K (Q"P)('). Assigning to g E flQ the embedding (v,)g : L % QseP & Q " P defines a bijection between embeddings of L and flL\flQ. The set of embeddings, {(v,)g, (v,)gc), corresponds to an Archimedean place of L, since the completions of of (v,)g and (v,)gc coincide. Hence assigning the double coset flLg(c) to this Archimedean place defines a bijection between flL\flQ/(c) and C, (L), the set of Archimedean places of L. If (v,)g is a complex place then gcg-l does not belong to flL and flL n (gcg-l) = (1). If (v,)g is real then flL n (gcg-l) = (gcg-l) is of order two. In the first case, if (w,)g is a real place of K then gcg-l E flK and its image in G(L/K) 2 flK/flL is the decomposition group, Hg = G(L(,,)g/K(wmlg). i 5 r), the set of Taking G = G(L/K) and 7 = {Hi = (gicg;l); 1 non-trivial decomposition groups at infinity, gives the example which is our main motivation for the study of the class-group invariant which we shall introduce in 55.4.13.
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
Unravelling the chain of isomorphisms it is not hard to see that the isomorphism H~, 212 ~ x t i p ~ (E+) ~ - , @H~-H, @ ~ E H , \ G /H,=ZH,Z-1 N@ ; = l ~ 2 ( ~ E+) i; sends a 1-extension of Z[G]-modules
to the element whose i-th coordinate is the image of the generator of H1(Hi; Z- ) N 212 under the composition
Here the first map is induced by the Hi-map, Z- + ~nd;, (z-), given by sending 1 to 1 @ H ~1 and the second map is the coboundary associated to the long exact cohomology sequence
5.4.12 Some homological algebra
Let R, G and Hi (1 5 i r ) be as in 55.4.7 and let R* denote the R[Hi]module upon which ri acts as multiplication by f1. Let ER,*denote the R[G] module given by ~ n d g(R*). , Taking R = Z or Z2, the integers or the 2-adic integers, we have a chain of isomorphisms of the form
If 4 = @H,-H, e Z E H r \ ~ /H~=,H,,-L ~,, 6(i,j,z) lies in E X ~ & ~ ~ (E+) E - , then X E s&(G) gives an endomorphism of H2(Hi; E+) which we shall now evaluate. The Z [Hi]-resolution
shows that the cohomology group is computed from the complex
and that 6 is represented by
where 6(i, j, z) E Z now denotes any lifting of 6(i, j, z) E 212. This element is mapped by to
where we have abbreviated the isomorphic rings, s&(G),
both to Sz/2,7(G).
Let us also abbreviate Ez,&to E+. Then we have the following diagram of isomorphisms.
so that A, (4) =
- 4 (modulo
where the product is that of SZp7(G).
Chapter 5. Higher K-t heory of Algebraic Integers
Z/2 with SzI2,7(G), as in $5.4.12, 5.4.13 Identify @ H ~ @ ~ zHE H ~ ,\~/Hj, * multiplicative group of units. We may define a map and denote by S z I 2 , ~ ( G )the to the class-group of the integral group-ring of G
by the following procedure. Let & E SZI2,7(G)denote the element for which 6(i,j, z) = 0 except for 1 5 i = j 5 r and z = 1 E G when 6(i,i, 1) = 1. Given p to p' E s&(G) Y EndZlGl (E+) another element, p E Sz/2,7(G)*,we may lift and then we may Torm E ~ x t i [ G p -E+). ,
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
which factors through the quotient by Sz,7(G)* to give
Proof. The canonical 1-extension
represents the class
This 1-extension only depends upon p E Sz12,7(G)*. Also, since p E SZ12,7(G)*, E+ kill be injective, since it is a n isomorphism the homomorphism p' : E+ when reduced moduio 2. The 1-extension, EL(&), is constructed by a push-out diagram of the form
Also & is the identity element of the ring SZI2,7(G). The Hi-cohomology coboundary associated to the 1-extension
may, by naturality, be computed by composing
, 2 B:=~Z[G]. The upper l-extension is constructed where E = @=:, ~ n d z(z[H,]) by applying indg, (-) to the canonical 1-extension of Z[Hi]-modules
and summing over i = 1,.. . ,r . Therefore
is a finitely generated Z [GI-module. p E SZ12,7 (G)* the map -* p' is an isomorphism on the Z/2-vector space, Since H* (J; E+) (Tate cohomology), for all J G. Hence Y (p) is a finitely generated, torsion-free, cohomologically trivial Z[G]-moduleand is therefore projective, defining a class - [WIIE C w w I ) = ~G(z[GI) [Y(&I - rank(Y(p)) in the class-group of the integral groupring (c.f. Example 2.1.2; see also [49]II) Set @(el= [y(&I- rank(Y(&) IW11 E C W W I ) . Proposition 5.4.14 The map, $, of $5.4.13 is a homomorphism
for i = 1,. . . , r with the coboundary associated to the canonical 1-extension. corresponds to Therefore, by the discussion of $5.4.12, the Y (p)-extension P' (&I) = p ' & = 14 E Sz/2,7(G)* C SZ/2,7(G). -*
Now suppose that we have p, A E SZp7(G)*. We may lift these elements to p', A' E S i T 7 ( ~ respectively. ), I ~ ~ C ( Z [ G since ] ) , E is free, -
since Coker(JL)2 Coker(p1)is a finite group which is also a cohomologically trivial z [GI-module: Therefore the short exact sequence
shows that, in CL(Z[G]),
as required. Finally, if p E SZI2,7(G)*is in the image of s&(G)* then p' may be chosen to be a z[G]-module isomorphism in which case Y(p) 0 - 2 E and ?(p) - = 0.
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
Now we shall develop another description of $. Let us begin with two examples. Example 5.4.15 Consider the Example 5.4.10, where G the centre, (x2). In this case
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
5.4.17 Our first observation is that 7 is the disjoint union of G-conjugacy classes, Is, and that, in these circumstances, there is an isomorphism of the form
Qs and 7 consists of In addition, the homomorphism, $, of Proposition 5.4.14 is evidently equal to the sum of the $'s for each of the factors. Therefore we shall henceforth restrict 15 i r } where r = [G : NGH] is ourselves to the case when 7 = {gi~gzr'; the index of the normaliser of H in G and gl, . . . ,g, are coset representatives for G/NGH. Write T for the generator of H .
In fact, the homomorphism $ is an isomorphism. In order to see this, using the results about the Hom-description of $(p) which are explained in $5.4.23, we need only show that $(I + x y) is non-trivial. However the determinant of
Next we observe that zgj~g;lz-l = g i ~ g Z r 1if and only if gZr1zgjE NGH.
is trivial on all the non-trivial irreducible representations of Q8 while being equal to 3 (modulo 4) on the trivial one-dimensional representation. This is the Homdescription of a representative of the non-trivial element of CC(Z[Q8]). Example 5.4.16 The following discussion applies to any G with a normal subgroup, (T) a G, of order two. In this case
On the other hand,
g i ~ g z r ' ~ g j=~gg i ~;gl z r ' w g j ~ g ; l ifandonlyif g;lz-'zugj
Therefore there is an obvious isomorphism of abelian groups of the form
If we endow the right-hand side with the multiplication given on generators by and the homomorphism
may be identified, as we shall prove below, with the Mayer-Vietoris homomorphisms of the type studied in ([49] I1 p. 273). If p E Z/2[G/(r)]* lifts to p' E Z2[GI(T)]* then the Hom-description of $(p) sends an irreducible representation, p, to the identity at all places if p does not factor through G/(T) - that is, if p(r) = -1. If p(r) = 1 then p factorises through p' on G/(r). In this case p is sent to 1 at all places except above 2 where it goes to Det(pl)(p) E (Z2 8 OE)*where E I Q is a Galois extension containing all the (GI-th roots of unity. Hence the image of $ lies in D(Z[G]) CC(Z [GI). When G = Q2n, the generalized quaternion group of order 2n, then
and $ is surjective (c.f. [49] I1 p. 273). Later in this section we shall see that Example 5.4.16 is typical.
and zero in all other cases one sees easily that this becomes an isomorphism of rings. Furthermore it is clear that the right-hand side is isomorphism to the ~ (fl)))"p, of r x r matrices with entries in the quotient, ring, M r ( R [ N G H ] / ( R[NGH]/(r - (f1)), of the group-ring of NGH with coefficients in R and the opposite multiplication. Therefore we have proved the following result. Proposition 5.4.18 In the notation of 55.4.8 and $5.4.17, there is an isomorphism of rings
where AOP denotes the opposite ring of the ring A. 5.4.19 Next consider the pull-back diagram
z [HI
'z +
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
Proof. Firstly, we must find an alternative description of the Z[G]-module, Y(p), of 55.4.13 which is more obviously related to the boundary homomorphism, 6.Consider the following commutative diagram of Z[G]-modules in which the right-hand square is a pull-back which defines X (p) -.
which induces up to yield the pull-back square Z[NGH]/(7 - 1) z [NGH] +
from which we may obtain a K-theory Mayer-Vietoris sequence by the method described in ([log] $3)
. . K ~ ( Z [ N G H ] / ( T 1)) (3 Ki(Z[NGH]/(7- I)) K I ( Z / ~ [ N G H ] / (T 1)) 2 Ko(ZINGH]) . ...
If MG is a maximal Z-order in Q[G] let D(Z[G]) denote the kernel of the canonical map of class-groups, CL(Z[GJ) +CL(MG). The definition of D(Z[G]) is independent of choice of maximal order. When we tensor the second Cartesian square with the rationals the bottom right corner vanishes. Therefore the maximal order of Q[NGH] is isomorphic to the direct sum of the maximal orders in Z[NGH]/(7 f 1). Therefore we have an inclusion
In the pull-back square defining X(p) we have identified E* @ Z/2 by the isomorphism induced by the unique identification of Z* @ Z/2 so that p may be interpreted as an isomorphism of Z[G]-modules in the bottom right-had corner. Therefore X(p) consists of pairs, (e+, e-) E E+ x E-, mapping to the same element in E + 212. Hence ker(X(p) E-) consists of all pairs, (e+,O), in which e+ is divisible by 2. heref fore both rows of the diagram are short exact sequences. In fact, the two row is equivalent to the 1-extension which defines Y(p) and therefore there is an isomorphism of Z[G]-modules of the form
This is because 6(x) must vanish under the map
To see this it suffices to calculate all the compositions of $5.4.12
but the corresponding map on the K-theory of maximal orders is an isomorphism. Note also that the canonical homomorphism l d E G , : KCI(Z[NGH])
where 6 is the coboundary associated to the upper row of the diagram. We must show that this family of homomorphisms is induced by composition with p, in the sense of s5.4.12. However there are canonical isomorphisms of the form
~~~E,,(D(z[NGH]) D(Z[G]). By Proposition 5.4.18, a unit
defines a class
since K1(A) is defined to be the abelianisation of the infinite general linear group of A. The second isomorphism is induced by Morita equivalence (see [119]).
Theorem 5.4.20 If p E SZJ2,7(G)*then, when 7 = { g i ~ g c l1; 5 i 5 r ) and r = [G : NGH] as in $5.4.17,
in terms of which the family of coboundary compositions for the exact sequence
is induced by composition with the identity map. Therefore the family of coboundary compositions for the exact sequence of the lower row is induced by composition p and consequently the same is true for the upper row. with Next we consider the (left) Z[G]-modules, E + = 1ndzHgr1(Z*). These modules are isomorphic, respectively, to @;=l 1 n d E ( ~ * )by means of the homo) morphism which sends g @g*Hg;l v E ~nd:,~;l(~*) to ggi @H v E 1 n d z ( ~ +in the i-th summand. The isomorphism of MT(Z[NGH]/(s- (&I)))" with s&(G) sends the elementary matrix, e$ (A E Z, z E N c H ) to p = {p(s, t ,w)} whose only non-zero coordinate is given by p(i, j, gizg;') = A. This elementary matrix acts by
208 sending g ggiHg;i v to ggizg;l
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers @giHg;i
v. Translated under these isomorphisms,
e$ acts on ggi @H v in the i-th coordinate by sending it to ggiz @H v in the j-th coordinate. Hence there are (left) Z[G]-module isomorphisms of the form
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
Theorem 5.4.22 (see also [do]) Let L I K be any Galois extension of number fields. Then
where R1(L/K, 3) is the invariant of Definition 5.2.11 and R(L/K) is the Euler characteristic of Theorem 5.3.17. 1 n d 2 (z*), respectively. where the (left) Z[NGH]-modules,EL are equal to @L1 The elements of these modules are considered as r-tuple row vectors with entries in l n d F H ( z * ) upon which an element of s&(G), considered as an r x r matrix via Proposition 5.4.18, acts via right matrix multiplication. The action of Z[NGH] is by means of left multiplication on each coordinate. Acting via right multiplication as described above, a unit
p : EL defines a (left) Z/2[NcH]/H-automorphism,defines a class
5 EL 8 212 which
By definition of the coboundary, 6, in the K-theory Mayer-Vietoris sequence ([log] $3) a(l.1) = [ X 1 ( ~ )El KO(Z[NGHI) where X1(p) is defined by a pull-back in the same manner as X(p) but with - = G and ~ * - r e ~ l a c e dby NGH and EL. From the preceding discussi& X(p) ~ n d E ~ , ( ~ l ( so ~ )that ) , in CL(Z[G]) c K o ( Z M )
Proof. From the discussion of 55.4.7, which explained how, if E is a totally complex field, to write R1(E/Q, 3) - R(E/Q) as an Euler characteristic of an element of
of the type we have been studying. From this we shall explain how to prove that R1(EIQ) = R1( E I Q , 3) when E is totally complex - equality in the general case following at once, by naturality. The idea is that, in the limit, NG(EIQ)(c)/(c) is trivial and so Corollary 5.4.21 should yield the result. Unfortunately, for each E / Q , the quotient, NG(E/Q)(c)/ (c), may be non-trivial. Therefore we have to proceed slightly differently. Suppose E / Q and M / Q are two totally complex Galois extensions with E M and Galois groups
Each of the Zextensions of Z [G(M/Q)]-modules, defining
is natural with respect to passage to quotients. This sort of naturality means, for example, that if X1 +Al 4B1 --,Yl is the 2-extension which defines R1(M/Q) then the associated 2-extension of Z[G(E/Q)]-modules
as required. 0 The following result is immediate from the discussion concerning the subgroup, D(Z[G]) , together with the fact that the class-group of the group-ring of the group of order two is trivial.
corollary 5.4.21 For any G and 7 the homomorphism of Proposition 5.4.14
defines R1(E/Q). In fact, the diagram of 55.4.7 involving these 2-extensions is natural in this sense, with respect to passage to quotient groups. The diagram of $5.4.7 relating the 2-extensions for R(M/Q) and R1(MIQ, 3) defined an element
where IMis the set of all conjugates of complex conjugation, c, in G(M/Q). Naturality implies that these elements fit together to define takes values in the subgroup D(Z[G]) of Theorem 2.5.32. Furthermore, if the NGH = H for each H E 7 then
is trivial.
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers Returning to Q
c E G M , the canonical homomorphism
is induced by considering an element of
as lifting to a Z[G(M/Q)]-endomorphism of E+ and sending it to the reduction , modulo 2 of the induced Z[G(E/Q)]-module endomorphism of E ? ( ~ ' ~ )considered as an element of SZ12,7E(G(E/Q)). Let G(M/E) = ($1,. . . , x r ) and let G(E/Q) = {y',cC,.. . ,yLcc; 6 = 0,1), where c denotes complex conjugation. Lifting each yi to yj E G(M/Q) we may set
TM= {(xiYjcy;'x~')
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
However, a general Galois extension, L I K , may be embedded in one of the form E I Q in which E is totally complex and E I L is Galois. Each of the invariants is natural in the sense that R(E/Q) and R1( E I Q , 3) map to R(L/K) and R1( L /K, 3), respectively, under the homomorphism
which completes the proof.
5.4.23 Representing $ in the Horn-description In the construction of $5.4.13 suppose that p E SZ/2,T(G)*and that p' E S z , ~ ( G )is a lifting of p. If R = Zl, the 1-adic i%egers for an odd prime or R = Q , the rationals, then the canonical 1-extension of R[G]-modules
I 1 < i 5 r, 1 5 j < s).
Hence TMis the set of all conjugates of (c) in G(M/Q). By Proposition 5.4.18, we have an isomorphism of the form
is split. Hence there are isomorphisms
Set H i , = (xiy j q T 'x: ') so that associated pairs of suffices, (i, j ) , index the rows and columns of these matrices. With this notation, the canonical homomorphism of Hecke algebras, induced by passing to G(M/E)-fixed points, corresponds to the the ring homomorphism
Hence we may choose the R[G]-basis for E @ R given by the elements {vi 11 i 5 r) where
which sends the ((i,j ) , (il ,jl))-th entry to the (j,jl)-th entry by the map induced G(E/Q) (see 55.4.24). by .;lr : G(M/Q) However, the inverse limit
is trivial. For if not then the compositum of all the M(') would be a real closed field, F, and F / F would ~ be a non-trivial Galois extension. However, real closed fields do not have any non-trivial Galois automorphisms (c.f. [95] pp. 392-398), since the roots in F of a minimum polynomial over F~ are ordered and the automorphism must preserve the ordering. Therefore, for any given E I Q there exists M such that the image of the homomorphism
lies in the subring of "constants", M, (Z/2)Op. The images under $ of 55.4.13 of such elements are trivial in the class-group of the groupring. Therefore Rl(E/Q) = Rl(E/Q, 3), as claimed.
Next we must consider Y(p) @ Z2 as a Z2[GI-module. Firstly, we observe that p E Sz12,~(G)*. For we the image of the lifting, p' E SZ;T(G), lies in S z 2 , ~ ( G )if* can find &, E Szt7(G) such that
for some m 2 1. Hence
and so we may find a 2-adically convergent sequence, An E Sz17(G), whose limit, X E S z 2 , ~ ( Gsatisfies ) p' . A = &, the identity of Sz2,T(G). Consider the following commutative diagram of 1-extensions of Z2[GI-modules.
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
5.4. Comparing the two definitions
where diag(l + 71,. . . , 1 + 7,) is the map which sends vi to (1
The (i,j)-th entry of X;'
+ ~ i ) v i E) E+ and
is equal to
which in turn is equal to
are a Z2[G]-modulebasis for
and p' is 2-adically invertible while the ((1 @ H ~(1 ri))} generate E+ @ Z2. Hence - @ Z2, and therefore wl, . . . , w, wl, . . . ,w, generate the free Z2[G]-module, Y(p) must be a Z2[G]-module basis. With these bases the recipe for the Hom-description of $(p) - involves finding an r x r matrix, X2 E GL2(Q2[G]),such that
The first expression is derived by noting that diag(1 71,. . . , 1 7,) sends vi to +) is mapped by g to the 1 @Hi (1 + 7,) which is the generator of ~ n d g , ( ~ which sum of the z @ H ~~ ( ij,, ~ ) ( 1 +rj) = z(1+ rj) @jyj u(i,j, Z) but TiZ = ZTj. By definition of the Hom-description, the representative of $(p) is given by the iddic-valued function on the (complex) representation ring of G:R(G), which sends x to Det(X2)(x) = det(x(X2)) at the primes above 2 and to 1 everywhere else. In the spirit of Proposition 5.4.18 we may interpret the Hom-description of $(k) in terms of M,(Z2 [NGH/H]) when
The element, (pl)-' E s$~,,(G)*, has (i, j)-th entry equal to . to a matrix where z E N ~ ~ ItHcorresponds
It will be more convenient to describe the inverse of X2. - @ Q2 we have In Y (p)
so that
Hence Therefore
C, Q(i, j,gizg;l)
whose (i,j)-th entry is Cz4'(i, j, z)z where Q1(i,j, z) = g(i, j, g(i)zg;l). The matrix in M, (Z2[NGHI) whose (i, j)-th entry is CzQ1(i,j, z)z(l r ) is well defined and corresponds to (PI)-ldiag(1 7-1,. . . , 1 + 7,). Since the homo~orphisms
corresponds to restriction of representations under the Hom-description we see that, for x E R(G), Also, if X is an irreducible representation of NGH then X(r) = f1. If X(r) = -1 then Det(I, - ( 4- Ir)(1+r)/2)(X) = 1 while if X(T) = 1 then Det(Ir - ( 4 - &)(I + r)/2) (A) = ~ e q-4(A). ) Since 4 corresponds to (PI)-' we see that $(p) - isthe image under 1ndLI! of the element of CL(Z[NcH]) whose Hom-description is trivial away from primes above 2 and there is given on irreducibles, X E R(NGH), by Det (p') (A) if A(r) = 1 and is trivial otherwise, where p' E Si2,,(G) is interpreted as asan element of GL,(Z2 [NGHIHI).
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
5.4.24 Passing to quotients The following discussion is necessary to complete the details of the proof of Theorem 5.4.22. Suppose E / Q and M / Q are two totally complex Galois extensions with E M and Galois groups
Let G(M/E) = (21,. . . ,x,) and let G(E/Q) = {yic', . . . ,ylc'; E = 0,1), where c denotes complex conjugation. Lifting each y: to y j E G(M/Q) we may set
Hence TMis the set of all conjugates of (c) in G(M/Q). We wish to consider the isomorphism
5.5. Some calculations
The element of Si,TM (G(M/Q)) given by n in the ((i,j ) , (21,jl), z)-summand corresponds in Mrs (Z [NG(MIQ) (c)/(c)]) to
in the ((i, j ) , (21,j1))-th entry. The endomorphism induced on fixed points corresponds to n(y;-'r(z) y;, ) E Z [NG(EIQ) (c)/ (c)] in the (j, jl )-entry. Therefore the map induced by passing to G(M/E)-fixed points is given by the ring homomorphism M S ( ~ [ ~ G ( E( /CQ) /)( C ) I ) ~ ~ M r s ( Z [ N ~ ( ~(C)/(C)~)O~ /~)
which sends the ((i, j), (il, jl))-th entry to the (j,jl)-th entry by the map induced by r : G(MIQ) G(EIQ).
5.5 Some calculations In this section we shall explain how to prove the formulae of Theorem 1.3.6 and Theorem 1.3.11 for Ql(L/K, 3) in the case of some families of quaternion fields. We shall see that Iwasawa theory plays a crucial role in these calculations, which presages further connections with Iwasawa theory and the results of [I661 which we shall encounter in 56.
Set H i , = ( X ~ Y ~ C YI~) .; Then
is a sub-algebra of ~ i , j (z)). E ~ ~ G ( M($22 / Q ) l n dG(M/Q)
From 55.4.8, the element given by an integer, n, in the ((i,j), (il ,jl ), z)-summand corresponds to the endomorphism which is zero except for sending g 8~~ - 1E G(M/Q) (z). ~ nHi,j d ~ ( ~ / ~to)g(@H,~,,, Z ) n E IndH,l,jl -
G ( M / Q ) ( ~induces ) a Any Z [G(M/Q)]-module endomorphism of @i,j IndHi Z[G(E/Q)]-module endomorphism of the fixed points
5.5.1 The quaternion extensions came in two families NIQ's (see Example 1.3.2) and N,/Q's (see Example 1.3.3). The calculation for the second family is similar to that for the first except that the 2-primary part becomes more complicated. Therefore we shall merely describe the calculation of
Also there is an isomorphism of Z[G(E/Q)]-modules of the form
for the family of Example 1.3.2 and Theorem 1.3.6. In this case the biquadratic subfield of N is E = Q(& Jij) where p is a prime satisfying p = 3 (modulo 8). The only primes to ramify are 2 and p with only one prime of N above each, P2 and Pp respectively, so that we shall choose S = {P2,Pp). The localisation sequence of Theorem 2.4.6 yields a short exact sequence of the form
By Corollary 5.3.18 and Corollary 5.4.6 we must evaluate the Euler characteristic of a 2-extension of finite groups where H: = T ( H , , ~ ) . Therefore the image of n in the ((i, j), (21, jl), 2)-summand induces a map which sends ~ ( g@H; ) 1 to
having A, B cohomologically trivial and which is equivalent to the 2-extension of Corollary 5.3.10
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
If x, y E Q8 denote the generators of Example 1.3.2, write ( ~ / 2 ~ ) for ) , the cyclic group of order 2k on which y acts trivially and x acts like multiplication by m. One finds that the Sylow 2-subgroup of K; (ON,s) is isomorphic to (Z/8)3. By ([96], [106]), the Sylow 2-subgroup of KFd(ONjs)is isomorphic to (Z/16)9. Hence the 2-primary part of the 2-extension has the form
5.5. Some calculations
In order to evaluate the Euler characteristic of the odd primary part of the 2-extension defining R1(NIQ, 3) we shall use the following result. Proposition 5.5.4 ([I311 Theorem 5.2.23; (351, $4.3.6, p. 44; [I321 Lemma 6.3.7; [I 551 p. 88) Let X be a finite group of odd order with a Q8-action then
where A', B' are finite, cohomologically trivial 2-groups. The Euler characteristic of such a 2-extension may be computed by means of the following result.
is given by
Proposition 5.5.2 ([37] Corollary 4.6) Suppose that we have a 2-extension of Z[Qs]-modules of the form
where X* = {z E xlx2(z) = fz) and 0 5 (JIX-I) is the positive square root of the cardinality of X-. Alternatively, if z E Z, (-1)(1/4)'0g2(lX+I) E (Z/4)* is equal to x+(z) where X+ : (Z/8)* --+ (Z/4)* is the surjective homomorphism with kernel equal to { f1).
which possesses an Euler characteristic, as in Example 2.1.8. Choose any element, y E B', which maps to a generator of (Z/8)3. Hence there exist elements b, b' E A' mapping to (x - 3)y and (y - 1)y respectively. Form
5.5.5 Proof of Theorem 1.3.6
xs = (xy - xy3)b
+ (y + y2 - 3xy - 3xy2)b' E A'
and $6 =
The class, R1 (NIQ, 3), is defined as the Euler characteristic of a 2-extension of the form
(xy2 - xy3)b - (y3
+ 3xy2)b' E A'.
where S is the set of primes of N over {2,p) and A, B are finite groups. The Euler characteristic is the sum of that of the 2-primary part - non-trivial by Proposition 5.4.4 - and that of the odd primary part, which we shall denote by
In fact xs,x6 lie in (Z/16)9 and are units (modulo 16). Forthermore, there exists an integer, z, such that Since all these groups are finite and of odd order (and hence cohomologically trivial) we have The value of z (modulo 4) is independent of the choices and depends only on the equivalence class of the 2-extension. The Euler characteristic, [A'] - [B'] of Theorem 2.2.5, is non-trivial if and only if z = 0 , l (modulo 4).
[A"] - [B"]
[ e d ( ~ N , S )-] [ ~ ~ ( O N , S E) ' CL(Z[QB]) ] (z/4)*.
Now we shall apply the results of [I661 (cf. [I321 $7.2) t o calculate
Using this criterion on the original 2-extension of Corollary 5.3.10 one may prove the following result.
[A"] - [B"] E CL(Z [Q8])2 (Z/4)*.
Proposition 5.5.3 ([37] Proposition 5.3) Let N/Q be one of the quaternion extensions of Example 1.3.2 and, as in $5.4.1, let 0 --t (Z/l6)g -+ A' d B' -+(Z/8)3 ---t 0
Let X I , ~2 : (x2) + {f1) be given by x1(x2) = 1 and X2(x2)= -1. Let S' denote the primes of E = N ( X ~ )over 2 and p. Then, if X is a finite Q8-group of odd order and if X' denotes the A-eigenspace of X, we have X+ = XX1, X- = XX2. Therefore, by the odd primary part of the Birch-Tate conjecture proved in [166],
be a 2- extension representing the 2-primary part of the 2-extension defining Rl(N/Q, 3). Then [A'] - [B'] = -1
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
where C = {2,p} and i is as in Theorem 1.3.6, the odd primary part of the rational number given by the value of the L-function. Therefore we find that
Next we must decide the positive square root of 1 {k2(ONjs)' - k p d ( ~ ~ , s )1. } This time, by [166],we have
5.6. Lifted Galois invariants
defines an canonical element of ti^^(^^^)^ (K; (ONYs), (N)) possessing an Euler characteristic in the sense of Example 2.1.8(i) equal to R1(N/K, 3). In fact, this 2-extension is canonical because it came from the truncation of a canonical long exact cohomology sequence. In addition, both K;(ONTs) and K p d ( N ) are finite when N is totally real. Therefore we may choose an equivalent 2-extension of the form K ~ ~ ( O N+ , ~A) 5 B --,K;(ON,S) in which A, B are finite and cohomologically trivial. The complex
is well defined up to quasi-isomorphism.
where v(N) is the unique 2-dimensional irreducible representation of Q8.Since the Artin root number satisfies WQ(v(N)) = 1 [XI,the sign of i Q J ( - l , v(N)) is 0 positive, which completes the calculation.
Definition 5.6.2 Suppose that N I K is a Galois extension of totally real number fields. In the notation of $5.6.1 let d
F,: O-,FkAFk-l
A . . . L F o h O
be a perfect chain complex of Z[G(N/K)]-modules which is quasi-isomorphic to
5.6 Lifted Galois invariants 5.6.1 In this section we shall use study the lifting of the invariant
(with B in degree zero). Since the homology groups of F, are finite, we may apply the construction of Example 2.1.8(ii) to produce a rational isomorphism
in the localisation sequence of Example 2.1.7 and Theorem 2.4.6 and a class, [@j F2j,X, ejFzj+l] E Ko(Z [G(N/K)], Q) satisfying
That is, for any Galois extension of number fields, N/K, with Galois group G(N/K) we would like to define an element
such that T ( ~ ~ ( N / 3)) K , = Rl(N/K, 3). Most of what we have to say in this section extends to the lifting of the invariants, R, (NIK, 3), of Definition 5.2.11 (cf. Remark 7.2.11(iv)). On the other hand, it is only in the totally real case when n = 1 that I have any explicit calculations to offer, so we shall start with that. Suppose that N/K is a Galois extension of totally real number fields. Then, by Corollary 5.4.6, the 2-extension of Corollary 5.3.10
Define Al (N/ K, 3) = [@jF2j,X , @j F2j+l], which is well defined by Proposition 2.5.35. This means that, because the 2-extension of $5.6.1 is natural with respect to passage to subgroups and quotient groups the same it true for A1 (NIK, 3). It should be noted that h1(NIK, 3), as I have defined it, depends on the set of primes S. I imagine that it is not too difficult to modify this lifted invariant so as to be independent of S. After all the lifted invariants of ([23], [68], [121]) are independent of S. However, I am concerned here to give a few worked examples for which purpose being independent of S will not be crucial. Example 5.6.3 Suppose that N/K is equal to the quaternion extension, N,/Q of Example 1.3.3. Here q is either a prime satisfying q = 17 (modulo 96) or q = 0, meaning No = N = ~ ( a , P) of Example 1.3.3. These fields all have E = ~ ( 4 , as their biquadratic subfield and f11(Nq/Q,3) was calculated in Theorem 1.3.6 and Theorem 1.3.11 (see also 95.5.5).
Chapter 5. Higher K-t heory of Algebraic Integers
As explained in Example 2.5.36, there are isomorphisms
This means that, with the exception of the valuation component at each prime for the 2-dimensional irreducible representation of G(Nq/Q) E! Qg, we can determine A 1 ( ~ , / 3) ~ ,by calculating &(E/Q, 3) (see Remark 5.6.11).
Example 5.6.4 We wish to compute the possibilities for f i l ( E / ~3) , where G(E/Q) = (x, y ( x2 = y2,xy = YX) 2 ~g~ acts according to the formulae
f i=-
y ( h ) = fi and y(&) = -&.
Write 212: for the cyclic group, Z I T , on which G(E/Q) acts via x(m) = am and y(m) = m. Then we have an isomorphism
where L I E is a Galois extension; this group is independent of L provided that L S )2/48 as is seen in the following contains enough roots of unity. In fact, K ~ ~ ( E = e2"/" then for any prime, p > 3, Q(& ) / Q and E / Q are linearly manner. Let disjoint so that we may find a Galois automorphism fixing E and sending tpn @tpn to any power prime to p. This shows that the only torsion in K ~ ~ ( Emust ) be 2-primary or 3-primary. From [37] we know that E is the biquadratic subfield of N Z2 ) z Z/16 on which the lifts of x a quaternion field, NIQ, for which K ~ ~ ( @ and y from G(E/Q) N Qgb to Qs act as multiplication by 9 and 1, respectively. This is fixed by x2 E Qg SO that
5.6. Lifted Galois invariants
Therefore, if
then Ki(OE) N Z/3 because the image of the map to the real places is an abelian elementary 2-group of rank four. P3) where Pj is the unique prime of OE above j = 2,3. From Let S = {P2, the localisation sequence one finds [37] that
) Incidentally, the action of G(E/Q) on the 3-torsion of K i ( O E , ~must be nontrivial. This is because, by naturality of the 2-extension under passage to quotients, the 2-group Ki(Z[1/2,1/3]) is equal to the G(E/Q)-coinvariants of Ki(OE,s). In fact, K; (OF) is trivial for F = ~ ( a )~ , ( a and ) of order three for F = Q(&). The same is true for the 3-torsion in K;(OF,sl) where S' consists of the two primes above 2 and 3. However, there is an isomorphism of the form
Therefore we must have
in order to have the correct c&nvariants. Here (Z/3),,b means 213 on which x and y both act as multiplication by a and b, respectively. Next we observe that
= Q @ t3.Also there exist Clearly K p d (E) contains 3-torsion, since $' @ Galois automorphisms fixing E and sending t3n to (&n)1+3s for any integer, s. This raises &n @ t3n to the (1 3 ~ ) ~ - power th so that varying s shows there is no higher 3-primary torsion in Kpd(E). The preceding discussion also shows that the G(E/Q)-action on & B 53 is trivial.
Now let OE denote the ring of algebraic integers of E. By the Birch-Tate conjecture, which holds for E [37]
Proof. Consider the following commutative diagram of Z[G(E/Q)]-module homomorphisms.
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
Set Z = 5X - Y . Then f induces a homomorphism, f ' , from Ker(d) to ( Z / l 6 ) 9 satisfying f (ao,2)= f ' ( X ) ,f ( a l y l )= f ' ( Y ), whose kernel we wish to find. Certainly Z [ G ( E / Q ) ] ( Z ) Ker(fl : Ker(d) ( Z / l 6 ) 9 ) .If ( a bx cy d x y ) Z = 0 then the coefficient of al,o shows that 0 = ( y - l ) ( a bx cy dxy) and so a = b, c = d. The coefficient of ao,l then implies that
Now suppose that
+ +
+ +
+ +
Next we need a resolution of (Z/3)-1,1- and the key to this is the well-known resolution of (213) using Swan modules [131]: 0
Z [ G ( E / Q ) ](5) (3,1+ x
+ y + x y ) --. (Z/3)1,1
+ +
Z [ G ( E / Q ) ](5) (3,l- x
- xy)
- (z/3)-1,1
Since ( 1 - x ) ( l + y)(3 - ( 1 - x ) ( l + y ) ) = ( 3 - 4 ) ( 1 - x ) ( l + Y ) = - ( I - x ) ( l + Y ) and (1-(1-x)(l+y))(3-(1-x)(l+y)) = 3 - ( 1 - ~ ) ( 1 + ~ ) + ( 1 - ~ ) ( l += Y3), we see that ( 3 , 1 - x y - x y ) = Z [ G ( E / Q ) ] ( S- ( 1 - x ) ( l + Y ) ) . In other words, we have a resolution of the form
where the right-hand homomorphism sends 1 to 1 (modulo 3).
for some y E
+ y)(u + v x ) and
so that O = -16+1Ou+v-3u,
Therefore y = ( 1
+ y))b2 + ybl
whose solution is u = 3, v = -5. Hence
The Swan module, (3,1+ x y x y ) , is the free module on 3 - ( 1 x ) ( 1 y) since ( 1 x ) ( 1 y)(3 - ( 1 x ) ( 1 y ) ) = ( 3 - 4 ) ( 1 + x ) ( l Y ) = - ( I x ) ( l + Y ) and ( 1 - ( 1 + x ) ( l + y ) ) ( 3- ( 1 + x ) ( l +y ) ) = 3 - ( 1 + x ) ( l + y) (1 + x ) ( l + Y ) = 3. Similarly we have a resolution of the form
where d(bl) = Z and whose non-zero homology is Ho = ( Z / 8 ) 3 ,H1 = ( Z / l 6 ) 9 @ (213) Since the (Z/3)-1,1-factor is generated by 16X we need a homomorphism
of the form d(b2) = 16X and d ( c ) = ( 1 - ( 1 - x ) ( l Z [ G ( E / Q ) ]To . give a complex y must satisfy
which is the form of an arbitary element. Then adding (u+vx+wy + z x y ) Z gives an element of the form (a' blx)X E Ker ( d ) Ker ( f ') and we must have a' 9b1 = 0 (modulo 16). Therefore this element has the form (bl(x-9)+16t)X. Now (x-3)X = ( x - 3)(y 1 )= ~ -(y ~ l ) Y~ so that ~ ( y l ) Z = ( y 1)5X - ( y l ) Y = 10X ( x - 3 ) X = ( x 7 ) X = ( x - 9 16)X and therefore (7 - x ) ( y l ) Z = 48X. Hence, modulo Z [ G ( E / Q ) ] ( Z )the , action of x on 16X is given by x ( l 6 X ) ( x - 3 ) ( 1 6 X )= - ( y 1)(16Y)= - ( y 1)16(5X - Z ) r -160X r -16X so that
So far, then, we have a perfect complex of the form
+ + + + + +
which implies that a = c = 0 and so Z [ G ( E / Q ) ] ( Zis) free of rank one. Also this free submodule has finite index in Ker(f I ) .
5.6. Lifted Galois invariants
To recap, our perfect complex is
with ao,o in degree zero. Writing Fi for the domain of di we must next calculate the rational isomorphism x : (Fo C ~ Q ) @ ( F ~@ Q ) 5 ( ~@ iQ ) @ ( F ~ B Q )
where qi : Bi C3 Q Fi+l C3 Q is a rational splitting of di+1. We may choose rlo(ao,o) = - ( ( x + 3)/8)ai,o since then dl (qo(ao,o))= - ( ( x - 3 ) ( x 3)/8)ao,o=
Chapter 5. Higher K- theory of Algebraic Integers
) finite index in Ker(dl) and ao,o Since the free submodule Z [ G ( E / Q ) ] ( Z has d2(bl) = Z , we may set q1( 2 )= bl. Then, since 48X = (7 - x ) ( l + y ) Z we ] 4B2 is an have q1( l 6 X ) = ( ( 7 - x ) ( l y)/3)bl. Finally, ds : Z [ G ( E / Q ) (c) isomorphism so that we set q2 = dd,- . Now we can calculate the matrix for
, ~- () ( x + 3)/8)al,o.Secondly X(b1) = d2(bl) = Z = 5(y+ l)ao,lFirstly X ( U ~ = ( y - l)al,o ( x - 3)ao,l and X(b2) = 16X qz(b2 - q l ( 1 6 X ) ) = 16(y l)ao,l+ d ~(b2 l - ( ( 7- X ) ( 1 y ) / 3 )61). NOWd(c) = ( 1 - ( 1 - X ) ( 1 ~ ) ) b 2 ( 1 Y )( 3 - 5x)bi and (1- (1- x ) ( l + ~ ) ) ( - ( ( 7 4 ( 1 + 9113) = (-1/3)((7 - ~ ) ( 1 Y ) - (7 - x ) ( 1 - x ) ( 1 + Y ) ~ ) = (-1/3)((7 - ~ ) ( 1 + 9 ) - (7 - x - 72 1)2(1+ Y ) ) = (-1/3)(1+ y)(7 - x - 16 162)
= (1
+ y)(3 - 5 4
+ +
so that d;'(b2 - ((7 - $ ) ( I + y)/3)bl) = ( 1 - ( 1 - x ) ( l Y))-'c = ( ( 3- ( 1 - x ) ( l y))/3)c. Therefore the matrix of X is given by
5.6. Lifted Galois invariants
( Z / l 6 ) 9 ) . If we wish to find. Certainly Z I G ( E / Q ) ] ( Z 1 ) Ker(fl : Ker(d) ( a bx cy dxy)Z1 = 0 then the coefficient of al,o shows that 0 = ( y - 1)( a bx cy dxy ) and so a = b, c = d. The coefficient of ao,1 then implies that
+ + + + +
which implies that a = c = 0 and so Z [ G ( E / Q )(]2 1 ) is free of rank one. Also this free submodule has finite index in Ker(f i ) . Now suppose that
+ + +
which is the form of an arbitary element. Then subtracting ( u v x wy zxy)Z1 gives an element of the form (a' blx)X E Ker ( d ) r) Ker (f i ) and we must have a' 9b' EE 0 (modulo 16). Therefore this element has the form (b' ( x - 9 ) + 16t)X. Now ( x - 3 ) X = ( ~ - 3 ) ( y + l ) a = ~ ,-~( y + l ) Y so that ( y + l ) Z 1 = (y+1)3X+(y+ l)Y = 6 X - ( x - 3 ) X = -(x-9)X and therefore (9+x)(y+l)Z1 = 8 0 X . Therefore, , action of x on 16X is given by x ( 1 6 X ) = ( x - 3 ) ( 1 6 X ) modulo Z I V ] ( Z 1 ) the -(y 1)(16Y)= ( y 1)16(3X - Z 1 ) = 96X = 16X so that
Next we need a resolution of (Z/5)-1,1- and again the key to this is the well-known resolution of (Z/5)1,1using Swan modules: Hence
+ + +
The Swan module, ( 5 , l x y x y ) , is the free module on 5 - ( 1 x ) ( l y) since ( l + x ) ( l + y)(5- ( l + x ) ( l + y ) ) = ( 5 - 4 ) ( 1 + x ) ( l + y) = ( l + x ) ( l + y ) and ( 1 ( l + x ) ( l + y))(5 - ( 1 + x ) ( l + y ) ) = 5 - ( 1 + % ) ( I y) ( 1 + x ) ( l + Y ) = 5. Similarly we have a resolution of the form
+ +
0 If X I( x ) = -1, x1( 9 ) = 1, x2( x ) = 1, x2( 9 ) = -1, for the corresponding Homdescription representative in K o ( Z I G ( E / Q ) ]Q, ) , we shall need the following table of values:
(5) ( 5 , l - x +y - xy)
Since (1-x)(l+y)(5-(1-x)(l+y)) = ( 5 - 4 ) ( 1 - x ) ( l + y ) = ( 1 - x ) ( l + y ) and ( 1 ( 1 - x ) ( l + y))(5 - ( 1 - x ) ( 1 + y ) ) = 5 - ( 1 - x ) ( l + y) ( 1 - x ) ( l + Y ) = 5, we see that ( 5 , l - x + y - x y ) = Z [ V ] ( 5 - ( 1 - x ) ( l + y)). In other words, we have a resolution of the form
where the right-hand homomorphism sends 1 to 1 (modulo 5). So far, then, we have a perfect complex of the form 5.6.8 Case B Set 21 = 3X Y = 8 X - Z . Then f induces a homomorphism, f i , from ~ ) f i ( Y ) , whose kernel Ker(d) to (Z/16)9 satisfying fl(a0,z) = f i ( X ) ,f ~ ( a l , =
Chapter 5. Higher K- theory o f Algebraic Integers
where d(bl) = 2 1 and whose non-zero homology is Ho = ( Z / 8 ) 3 ,H1 = ( Z / 1 6 ) 9@ (Z/5)-1,1. Since the (Z/5)-1,1-factoris generated by 16X we need a homomorphism
of the form d(b2) = 16X and d(c) = ( 1 ( 1 - x ) ( l y1 E Z [ G ( E / Q ) ] To . give a complex yl must satisfy
Therefore yl = ( 1
+ y))b2 + yl bl
5.6. Lifted Galois invariants
Now we can calculate the matrix for
+ y ) ( u + v x ) and
+ + +
0 = (Y 1)(-32x 48 6 ( u v x ) - ( u v x ) ( x - 3 ) ) = ( y + I)(-32x+48+6u+6vx - u x - v + 3 u + 3 v x )
3)/8)allo.Secondly X l ( b l ) = d2(bl) = Z1 = 3 ( y + Firstly Xl(ao,o) = - ( ( x l)ao,l ( y - l)al,o - ( x - 3)a0,l and Xl(b2) = 16X 72(b2 - ql(16-X))= 16(y l)ao,l dg1(b2 - ( ( 9 x ) ( 1 y)/5)bl). Now d(c) = ( 1 ( 1 - x ) ( l + y))b2 ( 1 y)(5 - 3x)bl and
for some
+ y)/5)bl) = ( 1 + ( 1 - x ) ( 1 + y))-'c.
so that dgl (b2 - ( ( 9 x ) ( 1 matrix of X 1 is given by
+ + +
Therefore the
so that 0=48+6u-v+3u,
whose solution is u = 5, v = -3. Hence
and if X I ( x ) = - 1, ( y ) = 1, x2( x ) = 1, x2( y) = - 1, for the corresponding Homdescription representative in K O( Z [ G ( E / Q ) ]Q, ) , we shall need the following table of values:
To recap, our perfect complex is
with ao,o in degree zero. Writing Fi for the domain of di we must next calculate the rational isomorphism
xi: (
F O @ Q ) @ ( F ~ @ Q ) ~ ( ~ ~ ~ Q ) @ ( F ~ ~ Q )
given by xl (WO7 ~
2 =) (70( W O )
+ d2 (wa),72(w2 - ql (d2( w 2 ) ) ) )
where % : Bi 8 Q + Fi+1 @ Q is a rational splitting of di+l. We may choose ~ o ( a o , o= ) -((a: 3)/8)a1,0since then dl ( ~ ) o ( ~ o , o=) )- ( ( x - 3 ) ( x 3)/8)a0,0= a o , ~ .Since the free submodule Z I G ( E / Q ) ] ( Z 1 )has finite index in Ker(dl) and d2 ( b l ) = 2 1 , we may set 71( 2 1 ) = bl . Then, since ( 9 x ) ( y l ) Z 1 = 80X we have q l ( 1 6 X ) = ( ( 9 x ) ( 1 y)/5)bl. Finally, ds : Z [ V ] ( c )--,Bg is an isomorphism so that we set 7 2 = d; l .
Theorem 5.6.9 Let E / Q be as i n Example 5.6.4 and let S be the set of two primes of E dividing 2 and 3. Then the 2-primarg part of the 2-extension
used to define A 1 ( ~ / ~ ,i 3n )Definrtion 5.6.2 is represented by a 2-extension of the form d 04 A ---t B ---+ 0
Chapter 5. Higher K- theory of Algebraic Integers
5.6. Lifted Galois invariants
Corollary 5.6.10 Let E I Q be as in Example 5.6.4 and let S be the set of two primes of E dividing 2 and 3. Then, in the Hom-description of Example 2.5.37
fitting into a 2-extension of the form
corresponding (only) to Case B in Remark 5.6.6. Proof. Suppose that, as in Proposition 5.5.2,
represents the 2-primary part of the canonical 2-extension of Z[Q8]-modulesused in the definition of 01(No/Q, 3) in Definition 5.6.2. By Proposition 5.5.3 we know that the Euler characteristic of this 2-extension is the non-trivial element of CL(Z[Q8]). By Proposition 5.5.2 this means that if y E B' maps to a generator of (Z/8)3 and b, b' E A' map to (x - 3)y, (y - l)y, respectively, then
lie in (Z/l6)9. Furthermore they are units (modulo 16) which satisfy
for some z = 0 , l (modulo 4). In fact, in [37], it is shown that z = 0. By naturality under passage to quotients of these 2-extensions, the Z [G(E/Q)]module 2-extension in the statement of the theorem is obtained by glueing together the the G(No/E)-invariant sequence
the class 61(E/Q, 3) corresponds to (0, { fP}, prime ) where p # 2,3 and f2, f3 are given by the following table.
is trivial when
Proof. Theorem 5.6.9 together with the calculation of 55.6.8 shows that the 2primary part of the 2-extension used to define ~ ( E I Q 3) , gives rise to an element whose Hom-representative, g, is given by g(1) = -4, g(xl) = - 112,g(x2) = - 1 = g(x1x2). By Corollary 2.5.40, the component of [g] in TorsKo(ZIG(E/Q)], Q ) E {f1) is equal to g ( l X I + ~2 x1x2) = ( - I ) ~ ,which is trivial. The contribution to the function fp is the p-adic valuation of g, which is trivial for odd primes and at 2 is given by 1 H 2,xl H -1,xa O , X ~ XH~ 0. The 2-extension used to define al(EIQ, 3) also has a 3-primary part which, by Example 5.6.4 has the form
Since G(E/Q) is a 2-group this 2-extension must be trivial. Hence A" + B" must be quasi-isomorphic to the sum of a resolution for (Z/3)-1,-1 ending in dimension zero and a resolution for (z/3)1,1 ending in dimension one. From Example 5.6.7 such resolutions are given by
to the G(No/E)-coinvariant sequence
by the norm isomorphisms, z H (1 x2)z, in the middle. Therefore, in the Z[G(E/Q)]-module 2-extension, if y E B maps to a generator of (Z/8)3 and b, b' E A map to (x - 3)y, (y - l)y, respectively, then
where the right-hand homomorphisms send 1 to 1 (modulo 3). The rational isomorphism corresponding to this has determinant lie in (Z/l6)9. Furthermore they are units (modulo 16) which satisfy Z5 = -Z6 (modulo 16). In the Zextensions of 55.6.7 and 55.6.8 we may choose y = ao,o, b = al,O, b' = ao.1. Then Z5 = (l+y-3x-3xy)ao,l = (1-3x)X and 5 6 = x(1-y)al,o( y + 3 x ) ~= ~ ,-xY ~ -X. In both Case A and Case B, Z5 = f ((1 -3x)X) = fi((l 3x)X) = -26 = 6 (modulo 16). However, in Case A, Z6 = f (-xY- X ) = -46 = 2 (modulo 16) and (-1) . 2 is not congruent to 6 (modulo 16). On the other hand, in Case B, 56 = f (-XY - X ) = 26 r -6 (modulo 16). 0
which correspond in the Hom-description to the function, g', given by Again the component of [g'] in TorsKo(ZIG(E/Q)], Q ) is trivial and the contribution to the f,'s is trivial except at 3 where we obtain 1 H 1,x1 H 0, x2 H 0, ~ 1 x I+2 -1, which completes the proof. 0
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
Remark 5.6.11 As explained in Example 5.6.3, there is an isomorphism of the form
By naturality, fil (Nq/Q,3) will correspond to the element having first component trivial, second component equal to the formula of Theorem 1.3.11 and the function, f,, at the prime p in the last component will be given on the one2 the formulae of Corollary 5.6.10. dimensional representations 1,XI, ~ 2 ~ , 1 x by There remains the problem of determining f,(v), where v is the two-dimensional irreducible of G(Nq/Q) g Qs. The conjectures of [23] contain a prediction for these values.
5.6.12 Lifting R1(N/ K, 3) in general Now let us turn to the problem of constructing fil(N/K, 3) for an arbitrary Galois extension of number fields. Definition 5.6.2 accomplishes this in the totally real case. Since R1(N/ K , 3) is natural with respect passage to subgroups and quotient groups, it will suffice to consider the special case in which the Galois extension of number fields, N/K, has the form E / Q with E totally complex. As explained in 55.4.7, if we glue the diagram of Theorem 5.4.5 to diagram (6) of 55.3.15 we obtain a commutative diagram of the form E+
5.6. Lifted Galois invariants
that [Al] - [B1] = [A2]- [B2]= R1(EIQ, 3), by Theorem 5.4.22. In this diagram E* = ~ n d z ( ~ ' ~ ) where ( ~ + )H is the decomposition group one of the infinite places of E, whose generator acts by f1 on a copy of the integers denoted by Z*. There are two (equivalent) ways in which we can construct &(E/Q, 3), one based on the upper and one on the lower 2-extension in the diagram. Consider first the lower Zextension. Since K;(OE,s) is finite we have a rational isomorphism of the form K;(oE,~) @ Q g Q[G(E/Q)] @z[H~Z-. On the other hand, the Bore1 regulator ([17], [18], [19]) gives an isomorphism of real representations of the form (E) @ R R[G(E/Q)] @z[H~Z- , which implies that there is a rational isomorphism of the form K P d(E)@J Q Q [G(E/Q)]@zl,q Z- . This rational isomorphism is not unique and a choice must be made - a similar situation occurs in the construction of the Stark regulator (see [152]).Having made this choice we have a Q[G(E/Q)]-module isomorphism
between the odd and even-dimensional homology of the chain complex
Choosing a quasi-isomorphic perfect chain complex of Z[G(E/Q)]-modules of the form d d d F*: 0 4 F k A F k - 1 A . . . L F o 4 0 and applying the construction of Example 2.1.8(ii), using the chosen rational homology isomorphism, yields the required lifting, fil (E/Q, 3) E KO(Z[G(E/Q)],Q ) , mapping, under T ,to Rl(E/Q, 3) E Ko(Z[G(E/Q)]). The second approach uses a Q[G(E/Q)]-module isomorphism of the form
The left-hand vertical exact sequence in the diagram shows that such an isomorphism exists, since rationally the left and right ends of the 2-extension must differ by a multiple of the regular representation and the right-hand end is a finite group. Hence we may choose free Z[G(E/Q)]-submodule of finite index in KPd(OEls)', call it L, and form the Zextension
in which the horizontal rows are Zextensions in which A1, B1, A2, B2 are finitely generated, cohomologically trivial Z[G(E/Q)]-modules and the extreme vertical columns are short exact sequences. The upper 2-extension is the upper 2-extension of Theorem 5.4.5 and the lower Zextension is the lower 2-extension of §5.3.15(6) so
This extension has finite groups at the ends and finitely generated, cohomologically trivial modules in the middle. Hence we may apply the construction of Definition 5.6.2 to this 2-extension to define fi1 (E/Q, 3). Different choices of the lattice, L, are afforded by different regulators (see [7], [8], [13], [go], [112], [118], [141], [143], [l44]). The connection between the two constructions of R1(EIQ, 3) come from the fact that the map of L @ Q onto K F ~ ( E )IXI Q yields an isomorphism to Q[G(E/Q)] @qH]Z- E K p d ( ~@) Q.
Chapter 5. Higher K-theory of Algebraic Integers
As it stands, there are too many choices in the constructions discussed here. One might improve on the second one by choosing L to minimise the index, [E+ : E+ L]. I would not be surprised if this minimal value turned out to be 21G(EIQ)1/2.
5.6.13 Abelian extensions Let E / Q be an abelian Galois extension of number fields with E totally complex, as in 55.6.12, and let
be the associated 2-extension of Z [G(E/Q)]-modules, as in Proposition 5.2.10. In this situation there is a canonical lattice, LE C K4r-l, generated by Beilinson's cyclotomic elements ([9], [78], [go], [91], [112]). This lattice is constructed first for some cyclotomic field, Q(c,), containing E and then we set
Using this lattice, as in 55.6.12, we may construct a lifted invariant for each r
such that X(~~,-I)(E/Q,3)) = fir-l(E/Q, 3) E Ko(Z[G(E/Q]). These lifted invariants are closely related to those constructed in [22], inspired by work of Bloch and Kato ([14], [85], [86], [87]). Generally the the latter invariants lie in Ko(ZIG(N/K)],R) but in the case of abelian fields they lie in KO(Z[G(E/Q)],Q). Using ([53], [86], [159], [166]) this invariant is evaluated in [27], as mentioned in Conjecture 5.2.18 (see also Remark 7.2.11(iv)).
Chapter 6 The Wiles unit In this chapter I want to introduce a conjecture (Conjecture 6.3.4) whose cryptic form would be: "The Wiles Unit is a determinant". The "Wiles Unit" unit is the p-adic unit-valued function on Galois represent at ions given (approximately) by the ratio of the p-adic L-function to the Iwasawa polynomial. The values of this function are p-adic units by the main result of [166]. In 86.1 I give a functorial treatment of the material of [64], which results in Iwasawa polynomials even in the non-abelian case. In 56.2 we shall recall the definition of the p-adic L-function. In 56.3 we examine what determinantal functions are and how to detect them when the Galois group is an elementary abelian pgroup. Then, having set up the background material, we state the conjecture and accompany it with some preliminary evidence in its favour.
6.1 The Iwasawa polynomial 6.1.1 In this section we shall define the Iwasawa polynomial, h,(T), of a p-adic Galois representation, p, and we shall derive for it all the formal properties (twisting by characters of type W, invariance under inflation and induction) which are enjoyed by the p-adic L-function (see $6.2.2). This will be used in 56.2.4 to derive (Theorem 6.2.5) the existence of the Wiles Unit polynomial for an arbitrary Galois representation of totally real number fields from the results of [166],which establish the existence for one-dimensional representations of type S. Let EIF be a Galois extension of totally real number fields with Galois group, G(E/F). Let p be a prime and let Zp denote the padic integers. Let qpbe an algebraic closure of Qp, the p-adics. Let F,/F be the cyclotomic Zp-extension so that r = G(F,/F) Zp and we choose, once and for all, a topological generator, y, for r. Let X E I F denote the Galois group, G(L/EF,), where LIEF, is the maximal abelian pro-p extension in which only primes over p ramify. Hence X E I F is a module over the completed (with respect to the profinite topology on the Galois
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
6.1. The Iwasawa polynomial
group) group-ring , Zp[G(EF,/F)], where g E G(EF,/F) acts on x E XEIF by g(z) = gx3-' for any lifting of g to an F-automorphism, 3, of L. Now let OK denote the ring of integers in a padic local field, K c Suppose that U is an OKIG(EF,/F)]-module which is free of finite rank as an OK-module. A primary source of such U's, by inflation, is the set of OK[G(E/F)]lattices of finite rank. Let
denote the set of OK-module homomorphisms, U -+ XEIF @z, OK, endowed with the (left) OK [G(EF,/F)]-module structure given by h(f)(u) = h(f (h-'(u))) for h E G ( E F , / F ) . Since XEIF is a Noetherian OKIG(EF,/F)]-module so is Hom(U, XE/F @z, OK). The subgroup of G(EF,/F,)-fixed points of Hom(U,XEIF@ZpOK), written
is a Noetherian, torsion module over OK[r] E C)K[[T]]if T 1 acts like y E G(EF,/F)/G(EF,/F,) E r. The %-vector space, V E / ~= XEIF @zPQp, is finite-dimensional and so is
Therefore the characteristic polynomial, det(tI - ((y - 1) -)), of y - 1 acting on IEIF(U) @zPqpis a monk polynomial with coefficients in OK. This characteristic polynomial clearly depends only on the qp-representation
In fact, A(f ) = f (1) is such an isomorphism, since g(X(f)) = f (g(1)) = f (q(1)) = $Wf (1) = $(l)X(f ). This means that hp(T) defined in $6.1.1 coincides with the hp(T) (or, equivalently, with h$(T)) of ([64] $1). In the terminology of [64] a character of type W is a one-dimensional representation of the form
In (1641 Proposition 3) the process of twisting representations by characters of type W to obtain representations of type S is studied in relation to its effect on
Hence we set
(T). Example 6.1.2 Suppose that that E n F, = F and that p is one-dimensional, coming from a homomorphism of the form p : G(E/F) + 0;. We have a commutative diagram (top of next page) of canonical maps of Galois groups.
Let y' E G(EF,/E) denote the unique element which satisfies a1(i(y')) = y Qz. Then $ is a one-dimensional representation and set $ = p - a : G(EF, I F ) of type S in the terminology of [64]. That is, the fixed field of the kernel of $ is linearly disjoint from F, and $ annihilates some lift of y (for example, 7'). There is an isomorphism of OK[I?]-modulesof the form
The following result describes the effect of twisting by characters of type W in general. Proposition 6.1.3 Let
be a one-dimensional representation of type W in the terminology of (641. Then, in the notation of $6.1.1, if pp' is of type S
Proof. Let U(p) and U(ppl) be the modules associated with p and pp' respecis given by lifting y to tively. The action of y E r on f E IEIF(U(p)) @ox
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
E G(EFw/F), and conjugating y( f ) ( - ) = yl(f ((7')-'(-)))). If we identify the vector spaces, U(ppl) @oK qpand U(p) @oK Qp, then the action of y' on the former is equal to p1(y') = p(y) (these are equal because pp' is of type S) times the action of y' on the latter. Therefore, if A is a matrix which describes the action of y on IEIF (u(p)) @oK with respect to some choice of basis, then p(y)-' A is the corresponding matrix on IEIF(U(ppl))80, Qp. Computing characteristic polynomials of y - 1, we obtain
h,,, (T) = det (T + 1 - p(y)-lA) = ~ ( y ) det - ~( ~ ( y(1 ) T ) - A) = ~ ( y ) det - ~((p(y)(1 T ) - 1) - A
+ +
Proposition 6.1.5 Let N / F be an intermediate extension of EIF and let U be an O K [G(EFw/N)]module which is free of finite rank as an O K -module. Then there is an isomorphism of OK[r]-modulesof the form
where Ind denotes induction. Here G(Nw/N) has been identified with G(F,/N F'w) G I'.
Proof. We have F C N n Fw N C E and G ( N n F w / F ) E Z/pm, generated by y, since it is a finite quotient of Z,. Therefore 1,y , . . . ,ypm-' constitute a set of representatives of the double cosets
+ 1)
= ~ ( r ) - ~ h ~ ( p ( r >T()l+ I),
as required.
6.1. The Iwasawa polynomial
Proposition 6.1.4 Let N / F be an intermediate Galois extension of E/F and let U be an OK[G(NFwIF)]-module which is free of finite rank as an O K -module. Then there is a n isomorphism of r-representations of the form
By the Double Coset Formula [131], I O K [G(EFwIFw)]-module to
(U) is equal as an
where (y-')*(U) is equal to a copy of U on which yigy-i acts as g does on U. Hence where Inf denotes inflation. $ ~ we ~ have an isomorProof. Since G(EFw/NFw) acts trivially on l n f z { ~ c m(U), phism G ( E F IF) Ho~G(EF,/F,) (InfG(NFz/F)(U) @OK Q p , VEJF) G(EFmINFC.3) HOm~(~~m (" /@OK ~ , )Qp9 'E/F >. 00
However the natural map, XEIF
It is sufficient to prove the proposition in the two special cases (a) N nFw = F and (b) N c Fwbecause then we have a chain of isomorphisms of the following form:
XNIF, induces an isomorphism
where (A)G denotes the coinvariants of G acting on A. Also the norm, N(u) = CgEG(EF,/NF,) g(v), induces an isomorphism
In case (a) we have m = 0 and Nw = NFw so that ENw = EFw and XEIF = XEIN. Hence, in this case,
Since a lifting of y E I' to G(EF,/F) maps to a lifting of y to G(NFw/F), it is clear that the resulting isomorphism commutes with the r-action, as required.
as required.
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
6.2. p-adic L-functions
such that, except for s = 0 when p is trivial,
for s E Z,. Here since (N)F, = F, . However, 1, y, . . . , ypm-l are also coset representatives for r/G(F,/N) and it is easy to see that
H P W=
1, if p is type W, otherwise.
Also, as explained in [120], if p' is of type W then
If .;rr E Z,[p] is a uniformiser then, by the Weierstrass Preparation Theorem, we may write Gp(T) uniquely in the form
p-adic L-functions
6.2.1 Let E/F and OK be as in $6.1.1. Let p be an odd prime. Let p be a onedimensional qp-representation which is realised over OK. That is, OK = U is an OKIG(EF,/F)]-module associated to p : G(E/F) 4$ as in 56.1.1. The existence of the p-adic L-function, L,(s, p), was first shown by Deligne and Ribet [50] (see also [2] [31] [I141 [120]). Let S, denote the set of all primes of F, P a OF, above p and let a : Q, 3 C be a fixed isomorphism. Thus a(p . w-") is a one-dimensional complex Galois representation of F, where w : G(F(p,)/F) -+ p,-1 C Z; denotes the Teichmiiller character, pn denoting the n-th roots of unity. The function, L,(s, p) , is characterised as the unique continuous %-valued function of s E Z, - (1) (even continuous at s = 1 if p is non-trivial) such that
for all integers n 1. Here LF,sp (1 - n, -) denotes the Artin L-function associated to F after the removal of the Euler factors attached the primes in S,. Let F' = F(pp) so that Fk contains all p-primary roots of unity. The action of r = G(F,/F) S G(F&/F1) on an arbitrary p-primary root of unity, 5, is given Z;, determined by the formula, g(5) = 549) for all by a h~momor~hism, n : I' g E r. Set u = r ( y ) E Z; so that u EE 1 (modulo pm) if ppm c F'. Let Z,[p] denotes the Zp-algebra generated by the character-values of p. If p is one-dimensional, as above, there exists a power series
where GZ(T) is a distinguished polynomial and Up(T) is a unit in the power series ring, Z,[p][[T]]. A distinguished polynomial is a monic polynomial all of whose non-leading coefficients lie in TZ, [p]. If p is one-dimensional and of type S then it is shown in ([I661 Theorem 1.3) that the polynomial, hp(T), of 56.1.1 satisfies
Since any one-dimensional representation may be written as the product of one of type S with one of type W, the previous discussion together with Proposition 6.1.3 shows that the above relation holds for all one-dimensional p (the factor p ( ~ ) - ~ being subsumed into the unit, Up(T)). 6.2.2 In the following it will be wise to keep track of the identity of the base-field, F, in G(E/F). Accordingly, we shall temporarily elaborate upon the notation of 56.2.1 and write LPvF(1- s,p), 6~ : G(F,/F) 4Z;, y~ E G(F,/F) and U F = IEF(YF)for Lp(l - S, p), K , and u, respectively. When F C_ N C_ E we choose [NnFm:F] , identifying G(N,/N) with a subgroup of I' as in Proposition YN = YF 6.1.5. Now let p be an arbitrary finite-dimensional qp-representation of G(E/F). For such p the additivity and the invariance under inflation and induction of the Artin L-function (see 51.1.3) imply that
for the appropriate p, pl, p2 and F & N C E.
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
6.2. p-adic L-functions
Let chari(t) denote the characteristic polynomial
By Brauer's Induction Theorem there exist integers, ni, and one-dimensional representations of subgroups, pi : G(E/Ni) Q; such that
in the representation ring of G(E/F). In fact, there is a canonical form for this induction formula which we may use if need be ([I311 Theorem 2.3.9) in which each pair, (G(E/Ni), pi), is unique up to G(E/F)-conjugacy. Note that some of the ni's may be negative integers. Therefore we obtain
where y is the image of y E relation
in G ( ( E n F,)/F)
2 Z/pm. Hence we have the
However, using the base 1 8 1, y 8 1 , . ...y[NanFoo:F]-l 8 1 for the module IndG((EnFm)/F) G((EnF,)/(N,nF,)) (Pi)) One sees that
where r(pi) E Zp[pi] is a uniformiser. The following result is mentioned, without proof, in ([64] p. 82):
Proposition 6.2.3 If p is irreducible and dimqp (p) 2 2 in § 6.2.2 then
Proof. The appearance in the denominator of the formula for L P ,(1~ - s, p) of q; is of Hp, (u&,- 1) with Hp,(T) non-trivial occurs only when pi : G(E/Ni) type W. This is equivalent to the restriction,
being trivial. Since G ( E / E n F,) a G ( E / F ) we may apply the operation of taking G ( E / E n F,)-coinvariants (which are isomorphic to the G ( E / E n F,)-fixed points) to both sides of the equation for p (see [I311 Exercises 2.5.13-2.5.15). The G(E/E n F,)-fixed points of p form a subrepresentation which must either be trivial or all of p, since p is irreducible. However, if p were trivial on G ( E / E n F,) it would factorise through the cyclic quotient, G ( E n F,/F), and would therefore be one-dimensional. Therefore we have the relation
, Moreover, yF[NinFW:F]= y ~ and
UF [NanFw:F1= UN*
so that the relation becomes
so that
H P i ( ~ %-,
as required. 6.2.4 Now let us examine the product
where Pi on G(E/(Ni n F,)) = G ( E / E n F,))G(E/Ni) is given by Pi(xy) = pi(y) for x E G ( E / E n F,)) and y E G(E/Ni). These representations are all inflated from the cyclic quotient group, G ( E nF,/F) 2 Z/pm so that in the representation ring of G(E n F,/F) we have the relation
of 56.2.2 when p is an arbitrary finite-dimensional Qp-representation of G(E/F). Recall from 56.1.1 that
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
arguing as in the proof of Proposition 6.2.3.
n F,)
and G(Ni,, INi), Proposition 6.1.5 implies that
6.3.1 Let p be an odd prime. If G is a finite group as in $2.5.8, let R(G) denote the complex representation ring of G. Let N/Qp be a Galois extension containing ) value all the /GI-th roots of unity. If x E R(G) and g E G we denote by ~ ( g the of the character function of x on g. We say that x 0 (modulo pt) if ~ ( g E) ptON for all g E G. The absolute Galois group of Qp7RQp, acts on R(G) as in $2.5.10. The action is characterised by the formula w(x)(g) = w(x(g)) for all w E RQp, x E R(G) and g E G. This makes sense because ~ ( g E) N. Hence we may consider the group of Rqp-equivariant homomorphisms from R(G) to ON, HomoQp(R(G), ON). Define a subgroup Gong, (G) C HomoQp(R(G), ON). by
Congp(G) = { f Let RQp denote the absolute Galois group, G(Q~IQ,). Then RQp acts on R(G(E/F)), the ring of Qp-representations of G(E/F). If w E RQp it is easy to see that hp(T) E OKIT] satisfies h,(,)(T) = w(hp(T)) so that hp(T) E Zp[p][T], where Zp[p] is as in 86.2.1. Also Lp(l - n, w(p)) = w(Lp(l - n,p)) for all integers n 2 2. This is seen for one-dimensional p by writing the Artin L-function in the form (c.f. [166] (1.2) p. 493) LF (1 - n, p) = p(0)C~ (0.1 - n) u€G(EKer(p)IF) and observing that the partial zeta functions, CF(o, 1-n), are rational numbers. For an arbitrary p one uses Brauer's Induction Theorem and the inductivity properties of the L-function to reduce to the one-dimensional case (for a similar, but more complicated, calculation see [I321 pp. 28-30). To recapitulate:
Theorem 6.2.5 Let EIF be a Galois extension of totally real number fields with Galois group, G(E/F), and let p be an odd prime. Let p be a finite-dimensional, irreducible Qprepresentation of G(E/F). Let hp(T) E Zp[p][T]be the characteristic polynomial defined in $6.1.I. Then there exists a unique unit power series
such that the p-adic L-function of p satisfies, for all s E Zp (except s = 0 if p is trivial) n(p)~(~)h,( ul)Up(uS ~ - 1) Lp(1 - s. P) = HP(us - 1) where Hp(T) = p(y)(l T) - 1 if p is of type W and Hp(T) = 1 otherwise. Also n(p) E Zp [p] is a uniformiser and u E ZG is as in 36.2.1. 9
6.3 Determinants and the Wiles unit
where U(pi) is the underlying G(E/Ni)-modules of pi. Hence
Identifying G(F, /Ni
6.3. Determinants and the Wiles unit
I f (x) E p
x = 0 (modulo pt)}.
t + l if~ ~
Define Qp{G} to be the Qp-vector space on the conjugacy classes of elements of G. There is a canonical map of vector spaces, c : Qp[G] 4Qp{G}, sending g to its conjugacy class. Write peZp{G} for c(peZP[G])for e 2 0. There is an isomorphism ([I311 54.5.14 p. 141; [I321 $3.1.4 p. 69)
for Xg E Qp7 E G and x E R(G). given by +(Cg€G &s)(x) = CgEGX~X(S) Consider the group, HornnQp(R(G), O;), of Rqp-equivariant homomorphism from R(G) to the units in the integers of N. There is a homomorphism
characterised by the formula
GL,ON where u = CgEG Xgg is a for all representations of the form p : G unit in Z, [GI. ~ h e - & ~ of e Det is called the subgroup of determinantal homomorphisms. Let +P : R(G) R(G) denote the p t h Adams operation, characterised by +(x) (g) = ~ ( g p )If. u E Zp[GI* then Det (u)(+p (x) - px) E 1 ON c 0; for all x E R(G) ([I311 $4.3.10 p. 121; [132] $3.1.1 p. 66). Hence
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
6.3. Determinants and the Wiles unit
Hence we have shown that $ induces an isomorphism
The resulting homomorphism
is called the group-ring logarithm, originally constructed in a different manner by R. Oliver and M. J. Taylor, independently. Now let us specialise to the case when G is a p-group. Then ([113]; 11551; see also [I321 p. 92) there is an exact sequence of the form
The result follows by substituting Cong,(G) into the exact sequence of ([I321 83.3.21 p. 93). 0 6.3.3 The Wiles Unit Conjecture
We return now to the situation of Theorem 6.2.5. Let n 2 2 be an integer and let EIF be a Galois extension of totally real number fields with Galois group G(E/F). In the notation of Theorem 6.2.5 and 56.3.1, we have the function
The homomorphism, WG, is due to R. Oliver and is described ([I551 p. 62). as the composition of l / p times the abelianisation map with the projection where, if p = Xi nipi E R(G(E/ F ) ) and the pi's are Qp-representations, Here I G " ~a Z, [Gab]denotes the augmentation ideal and the final isomorphism 9:' E Gab. sends the coset of Ciai(gi - 1) (ai E Z,, gi E G ~ to~the) element, In general, by ([I321883.3.8-3.3.9) +(pZ,{G)) is only a subgroup of Cong,(G) but when G Z Z/p the $(pZ,{Z/p)) = Cong,(Z/p).
Theorem 6.3.2 Let p be an odd prime and let G be an elementary abelian p-group (i.e. of exponent p). Then there is an exact sequence of the form
The remainder of this section will be devoted to a discussion of the following:
Conjecture 6.3.4 For each n 2 2, there exists a unit an,^/^ E Zp[G(E/F)]* such that D ~ ~ ( % , E / F ) ( P=) Up(un - 1)) for all p E R(G(E/F)). 6.3.5 Evidence for Conjecture 6.3.4
where p(pm) denotes the group of p-primary roots of unity of N. Proof. This is a consequence of the discussion of ([I321 53.3). If C C G is a cyclic subgroup, which is of order p by hypothesis, define 8 c E R(C) to be the unique element satisfying €lc(l) = 0 and €lc(g) = p for non-trivial g E 6. If f E HornnQp(R(G), ON) define fc E HornnQp(R(C),ON) by
Here NGC denotes the normaliser of C in G. If ic denotes the inclusion of C into G then l ~ l - ' ( i c ) *( f c ) E HomnQP(R(G), ON) f=
(i) Connections with R, (LIK, 3) If L / K is a Galois extension of number fields with group G(L/K), in Definition 5.2.11, we defined a K-theory Galois module structure invariant R,(L/K, 3) E CL(Z[G(L/K)]) for all m 2 1. By analogy with the abiding conjectures concerning the classical Chinburg invariant, Ro(LIK, 3), Conjecture 5.2.18 predicts that
where WLI is the Cassou-Nogubs-Fkohlich class of Definition 5.2.16. This conjecture is supported by the calculations of 55.5.5 (see Corollary 1.3.8). It is also supported by the calculations of [38] in the case of function fields in characteristic p. Conjecture 6.3.4 arose out of the following approach to the proof that WLIK = R, (L/ K, 3). Consider the Hom-description isomorphism, of Theorem
C cyclic
where (ic), is the natural map induced by ic. However, by ([I321 53.3.6 p. 84), if f E Cong,(G) then fc E [GI-l fc E Cong,(C). Since each C has order p, by ([I321 53.3.8 p. 86), $(pZp{C)) = Cong,(C). By (11321 $3.3.1 p. 81), (ic), maps $(pZ,{C)) to $CICpZp{G)) so that any f E CmgP(G) lies in $(pZp{G)).
Det : C.C(Z[G])5
HomoQ(R(G), J* (M)) HomoQ(R(G), M*) . Det(U(Z[G])) '
in which J*(M) denotes the group of idbles of a suitably large Galois extension, M/Q, and U(Z[G]) denotes the unit idbles of the integral groupring of G.
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
Now suppose that EIF is a Galois extension of totally real number fields, as in Conjecture 6.3.4. For the moment, suppose further that G ( E / F ) is abelian and that the Iwasawa p-invariant (p(p) of Theorem 6.2.5) is zero for all Galois representations p (as is widely believed). Then, using Iwasawa theory and the results of [5], one may imitate the proof in the function field case [38] to show that the padic coordinate, for p odd, of a Hom-description representative of Qn-l(E/F, 3) is essentially given by the function (p I+ hp(un - I)-') of 56.1.1, when p is not of type W [41]. Suppose that EIF is linearly disjoint from the cyclotomic Zp-extension of F, so that there are no one-dimensional representations of type W. hen, if Conjecture 6.3.4 were true and r 2 2, another Hom-desription representative for R,-l(E/F, 3) Lp(l - r, ~ ) - l )in each padic coordinate, for p an odd would be given by (p prime. Since r 2 2, one can further (this is the significance of the word "essentially" in the previous paragraph) change this Hom-representative to (p I+ LF(l -r, p)-l) in each odd-primary coordinate. This function lies in HornnQ(R(G), M*), which is sufficient to imply that
foralln=r-121. (ii) The abelian case of degree prime to p. where - When G(E/F) is abelian Theorem 6.2.5 implies that Up(un- 1)) E Zp is the integral closure of Zp in an algebraic closure of Qp. which implies that there exists a unit, Q,,E/F, in the maximal Zp-order of Qp[G(E/F)] such that
for all p E R(G(E/F)). Further more, if p does not divide [E : F] then this maximal order is equal to Zp[G(E/F)], so that Conjecture 6.3.4 is true in this simple case. We close this section with an equivalent formulation of Conjecture 6.3.4 in another simple case. Theorem 6.3.6 Let p be an odd prime and let EIF be a Galois extension of totally real number fields whose Galois group G(E/F) is an elementary abelian p-group (i.e. an abelian - I), when group of exponent p). For each n 2 2, let f (p) = log, U(~p(p)-pp)(un defined. Then Conjecture 6.3.4 implies that
6.3. Determinants and the Wiles unit
Conversely, if the above two conditions hold and G(E/F) is an elementary abelian p-group, then there exists a unit, (Y,,E/F E Zp[G(E/F)]*, and a homomorphism, h E HornnQp(R(G(E/F)), p(pm)), such that
for all p E R(G(E/F)). Proof. If (p I+ u(llp(p)-pp)(un - 1)) is equal to D e t ( ( ~ , , ~ then / ~ ) it satisfies the determinantal congruences by ([I311 54.3.37; [132] 53.1.12 p. 73). In this case composition with the padic logarithm gives a function
By Theorem 6.3.2, we must characterise when this function vanishes under wG$-l : Congp(G(E/F)) 4G(E/F)'~. However, by naturality of Up(T), this will h a p pen if and only if the vanishing is true when E/F is replaced by the intermediate abelian extension, M / F corresponding to the abelian quotient G(E/F)'~ E G(M/F). Since G(E/F) has exponent p, G(M/F) is also an elementary abelian pgroup. Therefore G(M/F) is faithfully detected by all the quotient maps, G(M/F) ---,Z/p. Hence, by naturality again, wG$-l(f) vanishes if and only if it does so in the case when G(E/F) % Z/p. Now we shall calculate wZlp$-l ( f ) for f E Congp(Z/p), assuming that [E : F] = p. To accomplish this we must recall the formula for 4 = $-' from ([I321 p. 80). Let g be a generator of the cyclic group of order p and let x be the ) e x p ( 2 ~ i l p )= tP. Then faithful one-dimensional representation given by ~ ( g = the elements of R(Z/p) 8 C which are dual to the powers of g are
for 0 5 s 5 p - 1, since P- 1
c(~-') = P-' Then, by ([I321 p. 80),
x : G(E/F)
C x(g"i-s) i=o
whenever p E 0 (modulo P ~ ) ,as in 56.3.1. Furthermore, when [E : F] = p, f (p) is defined and satisfies
for all faithful
1 ifj=s,
) = { 0 otherwise.
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit However
6.4. Modular forms with coefficients in A [GI
Presumably the last step is particularly difficult for modular forms with coefficients in group-rings, since it may well involve, by analogy with [33] necessary for [166], the study of Hilbert-Blumenthal moduli spaces with G-actions. In this section we do the first step, which is the simplest. 6.4.1 Brauer-Nesbitt results Let K be a field of characteristic p > 0. We have in mind K = F, ((X)), the local field given by the field of fractions of OK = F,[[X]]. In this section we shall be particularly interested in the case of continuous modular representations of the form
which means a GL2(F, ((X)))-conjugacy class of homomorphisms Therefore we have
This completes the proof in one direction. Conversely the discussion shows E Zp[G(E/F)]*, that if the two conditions hold then there exists a unit, a n , ~ / F such that
Therefore Det(an,EIF)(+Pp - p p ) / u + ~ ~ - , ~( u1)) ~ is a pprimary root of unity which is congruent to 1 modulo p (cf. [I311 54.5.31). Since G(E/F) has exponent p, +P(p) = dim(p) and therefore D e t ( a , , ~ / ~ ) ( p ) / U ~-( u ~ is equal to Det(an,EIF)(dim(p))/Udi,(p)(un - 1)) times a p-primary root of unity which is congruent to 1 modulo p. On the other hand, setting p = 1 we set that Det(an,E/F)(l)/Ul (un is also a p-primary root of unity which is congruent to 1modulo p, since)l@ (' -p = 1- p. Since Det (an$/ F) (l)/Ul (un - 1))is congruent to 1 modulo p then it must also be a p-primary root of unity, which completes the proof. 0
Modular forms with coefficients in A[G]
In this section we consider a strategy for proving Conjecture 6.3.4. As explained in §6.3.5(ii) the technique used in [166], which uses the connection between Hida modular forms and Galois representations, one character at a time, proves that the Wiles Unit corresponds to the determinantal function made from a unit in a maximal Zp-order of Qp[G(E/F)]. Therefore one way to try to prove that this function is the determinant of a unit in Zp[G(E/F)]* would be to use as input to the arguments of [I661 Hida modular forms with coefficients in A[G(E/F)] rather than in A. Such a strategy would have three steps. The correspondence between modular forms and Galois representions, the analysis of the Galois lattices coming form the representations and the construction of the requisite modular forms.
continuous with respect to the XF,[[X]]-adic topology. Here RQ is the absolute Galois group of the rationals. Let us recall some classical results. Theorem 6.4.2 ([20] p. 560; [48] 5 30.16) Let M, N be finitely generated K[G]-modules. Suppose that there exists an extension field, L / K , such that (i) L is a splitting field for G (2.e. for each finitely generated irreducible K[G]module, 2, HornKpl(Z,Z) K ) and (ii) if V is a finitely generated, completely reducible K [GI-module (i.e. a sum of K[G]-irreducibles) then V @K L is a finitely generated, completely reducible L[G]-module. Then M and N have the same decomposition factors if and only if (counting multiplicities) they have the same characteristic roots for each g E G. Proof. We replace each of M and N by the direct sum of their composition factors. This preserves the characteristic polynomial of each g E G on M and N while replacing them by completely reducible modules. Pair off as many irreducible summands of M and N as possible. The complementary summands are two completely reducible K [GI-modules, M' and N', with the same characteristic roots (counting multiplicities) for each g E G, but they have no common irreducible summand. We must show that M' = N' = 0. If not, set MI' = M BK L, N" = N BK L, which are two completely reducible L [GI-modules, by the hypothesis on L. Let Vl, . . . ,V, be a complete set of finitely generated, irreducible L [GImodules. Then, by Theorem 6.4.3 below, the character functions {xi),given by (g H trace(gl&)), are linearly independent over L.
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit If we write M" =
xi mil/, and N" xjnjV, with mi, n j =
Z we have
for all g E G. By linear independence this means that m j = n j E L for each j. In other words, m j n j (modulo p) for each j. However, M" and N" have no irreducible summands in common because if so then
would be non-zero. Hence p divides both m j and n j for each j, since one of m j and n j is zero. Now set Mu' = (mi/p) l/, and N"' = C ( n jlp) 5. i
The characteristic polynomials of MI' and N" are just the p t h powers of those for Mu' and Nu'. Since the p t h power is a field homomorphism Mu' and Nu' must have (counting multiplicities) the same characteristic values for each g E G. Proceeding by induction we find that pr divides mi for all r , which implies 0 that each mi = 0 and similarly each n j = 0.
Theorem 6.4.3 ([48] $30.12) Let 21,. . . ,Zt be a complete set of K[G]-irreducibles - K being a splitting field for G, with char(K) = p. Set Xi = Trace(&). The {A1,. . . ,At) are linearly independent over K .
6.4. Modular forms with coefficients in A[G] Proof. We are going to assume that HornK Suppose that for all g E G
(Mi, Mi) % K
K . Write M = @Mi then we have K [GI ---+ End K (M)
by sending a E K [GI to (m I+ aem). In fact, this map sends K[G] to n;=, Mi since g(Mi) C Mi. If A = image(K[G])c Mi then each Mi must be an irreducible A-module. By ([48] Exercise $25.4) this means that Rad(A) . M = 0. This is because Rad(A) - Mi Mi is a K[G]-submodule so that either Rad(A).Mi = 0 or Rad(A).Mi = Mi. In the latter case we shall have Rad(A)" .Mi = Mi for all m 2 0. However, Rad(A) acts on Mi through Md,(K) so that there exists an m such that Rad(A)" has zero image in Mdi(K) which implies that Mi = Rad(Am). Mi = 0. On the other hand A = image(K [GI) c n;=l Mi so that A acts faithfully on M so RadA = 0. Hence A is semisimple. But for a semi-simple A to act faithfully on a finite sum of pairwise non-isomorphic A-modules, M = ei Mi means that MI, . . . ,Mr must be a complete set of irreducible A-modules. Then the simple components of d are the EndK(Mi) so that
Now choose X, E EndK (M) and a E d mapping to (0,0, . . . ,0, X,, 0 . . . ,0) E EndK(Mi). Then
Recall that being a splitting field means that Now, if we choose X, to have only one non-zero entry, (Xs)n,b,then A:, varying X, shows that A:, = 0 for all a, b, s. for i = 1,. . . ,t. Using this we shall prove the following result, which implies Theorem 6.4.3.
Theorem 6.4.4 ([48] 527.8) Let K be a splitting field for G and MI, . . . ,Mr be a set of pairwise nonisomorphic K[G]-irreducibles of dimensions dl,. . . ,dT. Let the corresponding matrix homomorphisms be pi : G -+ GLd, (K). Then the functions {(pi)u,v : G are linearly independent over K.
= 0 and
6.4.5 We are still in char(K) = p > 0 and we shall suppose that K is a local field. If Z is a K[G]-module and dimK(Z) = 1 then
so that D Z K, the scalars. ( z= , 1. For we If dimK(z) = 2 and is irreducible then dim^ H o m ~ [ ~ ]Z) have 2 M2(K). K D = HornK[q(Z,Z) H O ~(Z,Z) Also D is a division algebra - for if 0 # f E D then 0 # f ( 2 ) G Z is a submodule so that f ( 2 ) = Z and f is an isomorphism of K[G]-modules, which means that f - l E D. Now either D 2 K or dimK D = 4, by ([I191 Theorem 13.7 p. 142) -
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
this is where K local is used. If dimK D = 4 then we would have D = M2(K), which is not a division algebra. This discussion shows that if Z is 2-dimensional continuous K[RQ]-repr€!sentation and irreducible then it is determined by its trace - using (staightforward modifications of) the previous results.
6.4. Modular forms with coefficients in A[G]
In Z[x] we have an identity of the form
and replacing x by xpn-I we find that
6.4.6 Some well-known pull-back diagrams
Let p be a prime and let n 2 1 be an integer. The integral groupring of the cyclic group of order pn is isomorphic to z[x]/(xP" - 1). If @, (x) denotes the n-th cyclotomic polynomial
then Z[x]/(@, (x)) is isomorphic to Z[tpn], the ring of integers in the cyclotomic field Q(tPn) where J, denotes a primitive m-th root of unity. We have a commutative digram of homomorphisms of commutative rings if the following form.
To prove exactness at the left-hand group, suppose that a = g(x) +Z[x] (xpn1) maps to zero in the middle direct sum. Then g(x) E ( a n(x)) r)(xpn-I - 1) a Z [XI n-1 . However, xpn - 1 = (xP - l)@,(x) SO that pg(x) E z[x](x~"- 1). This means that p a is zero in a torsion-free and so 0 = a E A[x]/(xP" - I), as required. Exactness at the right-hand group is clear, from the surjectivity of the righthand vertical homomorphism in the diagram. Now for exactness in the centre. Suppose that ( 8 , ~ E) z[x]/(xpn-' - 1) @ Z[tPn] maps to zero in Z/p. By the 'surjectivity of the upper horizontal homomorphism in the diagram we may assume that = 0, by subtracting the image of a suitable element of z[x]/(x~"- 1). Therefore y = p6 for some 6 E Z[J,n] = Z[x]/(@,(x)). If d(x) E Z[x] is a polynomial which maps to 6 then the coset d(x)(xpn-' - 1)f (x) z[x](xpn - 1) maps to zero in z[x]/(xpn-I - 1) and to 0 pd(x) Z [XI / ( a n (x)) = y E Z [Jpn 1, as required.
If A is a commutative ring which is torsion-free as an abelian group we define by the tensor product
Corollary 6.4.8 Let O denote the ring of integers in a p-adic local field. Then there is a pull-back diagram of groups of the following form.
The following result is well known.
Lemma 6.4.7 Let A be a commutative ring which is torsion-free as an abelian group. Tensoring the diagram of 56.4.6 with A yields a pull-back diagram of the following form.
6.4.9 Theorems of Carayol and Serre
Let A be the integers of a local field with maximal ideal M a A and residue field F = AIM. For example, A = Z/p[[X]], M = XA and F = Z/p. Let R be an A-algebra. For example, R = A[G] and G = RQ. An n-dimensional A-representation of R is the GLnA-conjugacy class of an A-algebra homomorphism of the form
Proof. We have to show that
is a short exact sequence, the homomorphisms being the sum and difference of the appropriate homomorphisms in the commutative diagram. Since tensoring with A is exact it suffices to prove this in the case when A = Z, the integers.
where MnA denotes the n x n matrices with entries in A. When G = RQ we require that p be continuous with respect to the profinite topology on G and the M-adic topology on MnA.The residual representation of such a representation is the canonical composition
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
6.4. Modular forms with coefficients in A [GI
When R = A[RQ] we obtain Galois representations but only considered up to GLnA-conjugacy rather than up to GLnK-conjugacy, where K is the field of fractions of A. The following result is crucial.
Then both J and J' are two-sided ideals of MnA. Also the image of I? in (MnA)/J x (MnA)/J1is the graph of an isomorphism of algebras of the form
Theorem 6.4.10 ([29] p. 215) Suppose that
~ 1 7 :~R 2
are two n-dimensional A-representations of R having the same trace function. Then, if the residual representation of pl is absolutely irreducible, there exists X E GLnA such that ~1 = xp2X-l : R MnA. Proof. We begin by appealing to Brauer-Nesbitt theory to establish that the residual representations are equivalent (compare what follows with the proof of Theorem 6.4.2). For this it suffices to extend scalars to an algebraic closure of F ([48] §29.7), which preserves irreducibility, by definition of absolutely irreducibility. In characteristic zero the trace function is well known to determine the equivalence class of the representation. In characteristic p we use the linear independence of the traces of distinct irreducible representations ([48] $27.8; see Theorem 6.4.4). One considers the decomposition of the semisimplification of the residual representation of pa into the direct sum of irreducibles and shows that the multiplicities of the irreducibles appearing in the similar semisimplification for pl appear with multiplicity congruent to 1 (modulo p) and the rest appear with multiplicity congruent to 0 (modulo p). Since they have the same dimension these congruences show that they are equivalent. Serre's Proof. If B is a commutative ring with identity then all two-sided ideals of MnB have the form MnI for some ideal, I a B. Furthermore, if B is a local ring then all automorphisms of MnB are of the form (Y t+ XYX-l) for some X E GLnA. These results hold for Azumaya algebras in general ([88]I11 Corollary 5.2 and IV Corollary 1.3). Now consider the homomorphism
whose image is a subalgebra which will be denoted by I?. A result of Burnside ([48] 827.4) states that the residual representation of pl is surjective, because it is completely reducible. Since the residual representation of p;! is equivalent to that of pl, it is also surjective. By Nakayama's Lemma each of pl and pz are also surjective. Therefore the subalgebra, r MnA x MnA, maps surjectively onto each factor. Set
n x {o) ~and ~ ' =~r n { 0~}x M,A.
is identified as the set of pairs = { ( x , ~ 'E )
MnA) x MnA I L(X J ) = X'
+ J').
Suppose now that J = M n I and J' = MnI1 then we must have I = I' since they are the annihilator ideals of the isomorphic A-modules (MnA)/J and (MnA)/J1. Furthermore, if I = A then r = MnA x MnA. In I # A we may view L as an isomorphism of the algebra, Mn(A/I). Therefore there exists x E GLn(A/I) which may be lifted to X E GLnA such that
r = {(x,xl) E MnA) x MnA I x = XX'X-~(modulo I)). For all (x, x') E I? we have trace(x) = trace(xl). If y E I then
so that i = 0. Therefore I = I'
(0). This means that
which proves that pl = Xp2X-l.
Carayol's Proof. This uses the hypothesis that A is complete and proceeds by inductionon s for B = AIM". Burnside's result about the surjectivity of the residual representation is crucial. In addition, if A is a hensel local ring for which B r ( F ) = 0 and p is a representation into a semilocal extension of A, then Carayol shows that the representation actually is defined over A - providing all the components have trace functions with values in A, that the residual traces are all equal and that one residual representation is absolutely irreducible. Definition 6.4.11 A[G]-adze modular forms Let p be a prime, usually odd. Let OK denote the ring of integers in a as in (Hida p. 195 et seq). Let local field, KIQ,. Fix an embedding Q c w : (ZIP)* -+ denote the Teichmiiller character. Set A = OK[[XI]. Following ([75] p. 195) a p-adic analytic family of character $ = wa is a set of modular forms { f k ) E M such that
(Al) f k E M ~ ( ~ o ( $Pu) -, ~ ) , (A2) the q-series of f k has the form - a(n, fk)qn with a(n, f k ) E Q for all n, (A3) there exists a power series, A(n, X ) E OK[[X]]for each n 2 0, such that a(n, k) = A(n, uk - 1) for all k 2 M where u = 1+ p.
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit If (A1)-(A3) hold then we say that the formal q-expansion for { f k ) g M
, for all but is the q-expansion in OK[q] of a modular form in M k(ro(p), ? , b ~ - ~OK) finitely many k 2 M. Now let G be a finite abelian group - we are particularly interested in the case when G is a pgroup. By a A[G]-adic form of character $ = wa we shall mean
Suppose that the residual representation corresponding by ([75] 5 7.5) to E'(f )
is absolutely irreducible. Then there exists a continuous Galois representation of the form
is a A-adic form of character $ = wa if
such that for every character, X : G
6.4. Modular forms with coefficients in A[G]
is an OK [X][[X]]-adicmodular form of character $ = wa. Examples of this type of modular form may be constructed by the method of ([75] p. 197). We shall say that F ( X , q) is a simultaneous eigenform of all the Hecke operators if, for all padic characters A, X(F(X, q)) is an OK[A] [[XI]-adic Hida modular form which is a simultaneous eigenform of all the Hecke operators in the sense of ([75] p. 195). From these modular forms one can construct Galois representations. The following result is not the most general, but it is typical. To state the result, recall the continuous character
given by "((1 + P ) ~ )= (1 X)s. If x E Z;, set (x) = w(x)-'x E 1 +pZp where -+ F; c Z; is the Teichmuller character (see [75] p. 229).
w : Z;
Theorem 6.4.12 Let G be a finite abelian p-group. Let f be a p-adic Hida modular form of character x with coeficients in Z,[[X]][G] which is a simultaneous eigenform of all the Heclce operators. Suppose that ~ ' ( f )is the p-adic modular form with coeficients in Z/p corresponding to the reduction (modulo the maximal ideal) homomorphism,
which is unmmified outside p. Also, for each p-adic character, X : G + and for each prime q diflerent from p the image of the characteristic polynomial under the homomorphism induced by X satisfies
Here T(q) is the eigenvalue of the corresponding Heclce operator and ~ ( ( q ) ) is as in s6.4.11. In addition, T(f ) is unique up to conjugation by elements of GL2(Z, [[XI][GI). Proof. Firstly we observe that Z,[[X]][G] is a local ring with maximal ideal M = (p, IG, X ) Q Z, [[XI][GI and residue field Zip. When G = Z/pn we proceed by induction on n using Corollary 6.4.8. For example, when n = 1, we have two padic characters of Z/p, the trivial one E and 4 : Z/p + Z,[[,]*, which sends a generator to [,. Hence ([75] Theorem 1 p. 228) gives us two continuous representations
Furthermore, by Cebotarev7sDensity Theorem, the residual representations of T(E(f )) and ~ ( 4f )) ( into GL2(Fp[[X]])have the same characteristic polynomial. Therefore, by Theorem 6.4.10, there exists U E GL2(F,[[X]]) which conjugates one residual representation into the other, say U(T(E(f ) ) modulo p)U-l = (T($( f)) modulo p) as Galois representations into GL2(Fp[[X]]).We lift U to U' E GL2 (Z, [[XI]) and then U'T(E(f ))U1-l and .rr(4(f )) would be two continuous Galois representations into GL2 (Z, [[XI]) and GL2(Z, [I, [[XI]), reducing to the same modulo p. By Corollary 6.4.8, this gives a unique representation of the form
as required. The case of G = Z/pn is proved in a similar manner. In general, if G = Z/pm x GI we have a pull-back square of the form
Chapter 6. The Wiles unit
By induction we obtain continuous Galois representations
Chapter 7 Annihilators
which are equivalent when composed with the homomorphisms to
Therefore there exists X E GL2(Z/p[[X]][G1])such that 7r2 E XnlX-l (modulo p). Lift X to x E GL2(Zp[[X]][Z/prn-1 x GI] and replace nl by XT~X-'. This X ~ ~ X -and ' 7r2 fit together to give a continuous homomorphism into the pullback, GL2(Z, [[XI][GI), with the required properties. 0
Remark 6.4.13 Let F be a totally real number field. Theorem 6.4.12 (and its generalization to give representations of flF) is a simple application of Carayol's Theorem (Theorem 6.4.10) once one has the the existence of Galois representations into GL2(Zp[[X]])attached to A-adic Hida modular forms (i.e. the case when G = (1)). When F = Q, the rationals, this is provided by ([75] Theorem 1 p. 228). The result may appear, at first sight, only to assert the existence of a representation into GL2 of the quotient field, Z,((X)), but the continuity guarantees that the representation may be realised in GL2(Z, [[XI]). For a general totally real F the required input has been proved under very general conditions (see [76], [28], [I561, [157], [158], [l64], [165], [l68]).
In this chapter we shall relate the higher-dimensional K-theory Galois module structure invariants, R, ( N /K, 3), to relations between annihilator ideals of Kgroups and of &ale cohomology groups. The constructions are very simple and work particularly well when the K-groups are finite. In 57.1 we show how to obtain a chain of annihilator ideal relations from a class in KO(Z[G],Q). In §§7.2.1-7.2.6 we recall Stickelberger's Theorem and the conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott. These conjectures concern annihilator relations similar to those derived in Theorem 7.1.11. Then we examine what happens when we use the lifted classes, A, ( N / K ,3), which were introduced in Definition 5.6.2, as the ingredients for Theorem 7.1.11. In particular, we explain how to derive the Coates-Sinnott Conjecture from the Wiles Unit Conjecture of 56.3.4. We also offer some remarks about the Brumer Conjecture and about the generalization of the Coates-Sinnott Conjecture to the case when the K-groups are finitely generated but not finite. Finally, in Theorem 7.3.2 we prove that the radical of the annihilator of K;,-, is equal to the radical of the appropriate higher Stickelberger ideal, under mild assumptions.
7.1 KO(Z [GI, Q ) and annihilator relations 7.1.1 Let G be a finite group. Suppose that
is a perfect complex of Z[G]-modules, as in Definition 2.2.1, having all its homology groups finite. In $57.1.12-7.1.20 we shall briefly discuss a slightly more general situation but for the applications of this chapter the preceding case will suffice. As usual, let Zt = Ker(dt : Ft --,Ft-1) and Bt = dt+l(Ft+l) C Ft denote the Z[G]-modules of t-dimensional cycles and boundaries, respectively. We have short exact sequences of the form
Chapter 7. Annihilators
0 + Bi+1
and we may choose splittings of the form
splits. Therefore we have
qi : Bi
Fi+l€3 Q
such that
7.1.4 Now let us specialise to the case when G is abelian. In this case we are going to modify the isomorphism X to make it integral. Returning to Example 7.1.2, Lemma 7.1.3 implies that, for i 2 1, the short exact sequence
Applying (- 8 Q ) we obtain isomorphisms
qi : Bi €3 Q
7.1. Ko(Z[GI,Q ) and annihilator relations
for i 2 1 and q5i : Bi
(di+l 8 l)qi = 1 : Bi 8 Q Bi 8 Q . Then we form an isomorphism, as in Example 2.1.8(ii),
--+ Zi
for i 2 2 without tensoring with the rationals. Since Ho(F,) is finite the inclusion map, 4 0 : Bo isomorphism
given by the composition @j(&j
Q ) @ (B2j-1 €3 Q )
e j ( B 2 j 8 Q ) @ (Z2j-1 8 Q )
Zo = Fo gives a rational
characterised by (60 8 l ) ( x 8 a ) = x 8 a for all x E Bo, a E Q . We also have qo : Bo 8 Q Fl €3 Q such that (dl 8 1) . qo = 1 on Bo 8 Q . Define
@jF2j-1 €3 Q. Example 7.1.2 Suppose that Hi(F*) = 0 except for H1(F,) and Ho(F,). Then
4i : Bi for i
> 2 and we have
and 0 --+
Hence defining q is equivalent to defining qo. Also
because, if x E Fo and n x E Bo, then
4 d l ( F l ) = Bo of Zo = Fo
Lemma 7.1.3 Suppose, as in Example 7.1.2, that Hi (F,) = 0 except for H1(F,) and Ho(F,). Then the Z[G]-module, Bm, is finitely generated and projective for all m 2 1.
Proof. Since each Ft is torsion free and finitely generated so is the submodule, Bt. Therefore, by a result of Swan, it suffices to show that the Tate cohomology G and all i. For rn 1 we have short groups, & ( J ; B t ) vanish for all t 1, J exact sequences of the form
(dl €3 1) . q ( x 8 a ) = (dl 8 1) . q ( n x €3 an-') = (dl 8 1) - q . ($0 8 l ) ( n x 8 an-') = (dl €3 1) . qo( n x 8 an-') = n x 8 an- l By definition, X(Fo €3 Q ) C Fl €3 Q c ejF2j-l 8 Q and X restricted to Fo 8 Q is equal to q. If t E Z[G] and tHo(F,) = 0 we want q(tFo) G Fl. If t is a unit in Q[G] this is easily accomplished. For each free generator, x E Fo, we have t x = d l ( w ) and so we may define q ( z ) = t-lw. Since G is abelian, multiplication by t is a Z[G]-module homomorphism and in this case the map
together with an isomorphism would have determinant equal to By downward induction, using the long exact Tate cohomology sequences, we see that Bk-l, Bk-2,. . . ,B2,B1 are all cohomologically trivial. 0
det((t . -) : Z[G] ---+ z[G])~ where d = rankzp1Fo.
Chapter 7. Annihilators
7.1. Ko(Z[GI,Q ) and annihilator relations
Suppose that (w1,0,0,. . .) = x - ( T @ l @...)(wo,w2,. . .) with wi E Ker(d1) C Fl. This implies that wl = q ( ~ ( w o ) ) d2(w2). Applying dl we obtain
We may form the composition
Out next result will show that X (T @ 1 @ 1@ . . .) maps ejF2jto @jF2j+1. It will be useful to have the explicit formula for X on (wo,w2, . . .) E ejF2j, namely
Hence wl Lemma 7.1.5 Let G be any finite group. Let F, be the perfect complex of 5 7.1.1 and suppose that Ho(F,) and H1(F,) are its only non-zero homology groups. Suppose that we have a Z[G]-module homomorphism
d2(F2), as required.
7.1.7 Now suppose that G is abelian. Then we may take determinants. Let p be a prime. Although the Fi's are not free Z[G]-modules, we may choose a Z,[G]-basis for the Fi@ Zp7sand write the map, X . (T @ 1 @ . . .), as a square matrix with entries in Z,[G]. Similarly we may form the determinant det ( X . (5? @ 1$ . . .)) = det (x) det (F) E Z, [GI n Q, [GI*
T : Fo --+ Fo which is a rational isomorphism and such that q ( T ( ~ o ) ) Fl C Fl @ Q, where q is as i n $7.1.4. Then the map, X . ( p $ 1 @ . . .$1) restricts to yield an injective Z[G]-module homomorphism of the form
= d2 (w2) E
where det (x) ,det (p) = det (T $ 1@ . . .) E Q, [GI* . As explained in 52.5.34, the Horn-description representative for the element, F2j,X, @jF2j+l] E KO(Z [GI,Q), is the idklic-valued function whose p-component sends a one-dimensional representation, X, to x(det(X)). This representing function is unique up to multiplication by functions whose p-component has the form (x I+ ~ ( a , ) )for some a, E Z, [GI* . This proves the following result. [@
Proof. The injectivity follows from the fact that X and T are rational isomorphisms. For the rest it suffices to verify that X . ( p $ 1@ . . . @ l)(F2,) C ejF21-1 for each s 0. If s = 0 this is assured by the previous observation that X equals q on Fo. For s 2 1, $2j 72j- 1 is an isomorphism between Z2j @ B2j- and F2j. Then 4 2 j is the identity isomorphism between Baj and Z2j while 42j-1 is the in1. Finally q2j maps Bzj to F2jwhile $ J ~ ~ - maps Zzjclusion of B2j- into to F 2 j - i by the inclusion map. From these observations one readily sees that the 0 result holds for F2, when s 2 1.
Proposition 7.1.8 let G be a finite abelian group and p a prime. Then, in 5 7.1.7, the element
Lemma 7.1.6 I n the situation of Lemma 7.1.5 the kernel of the canonical homomorphism
depends only on the class [$jF2j,X, ejF2j+1]E Ko(ZIG],Q). In fact, it depends only on the p-component of
is contained i n d2(F2).
If R is a ring and M a (left) R-module, write annR(M) for the annihilator (left) ideal annR(M) = { r E R 1 r . m = 0 for all m E M ) .
Proof. From the formula of $7.1.4 we have
Corollary 7.1.9 A s in $ 7.1.7, let G be a finite abelian group and p a prime. Then
Chapter 7. Annihilators
Proof. It is well known that
This is because, if we choose bases and think of X multiplication by its matrix,
7.1. KO(Z [GI,Q ) and annihilator relations
By the Horn-description of $2.5.34, [ejF2j7 X, ejF2j+l] = [Fo CB Bi, Y, Fl], providing that Y is defined using the same splitting, q : Fo --+ Fl, as X . Now set F0 = Hom(Fo,Z), F1 = Hom(Fl, Z) and F2 = Hom(B1, Z) and consider the cochain complex ( F @ 1 @ . . .) in terms of From the universal coefficient formula the cohomology groups of this cochain complex vanish except for
then multiplication by the scalar, det(X. (5?@1@ . . .)), is equal to the composition ( 2 . -) - (adj( 2 ) . -), where adj ( 2 ) is the adjugate matrix of Z. Hence for w E Z [GI we have det(X . ( F e 1@ . . .))w= 2 . (adj(Z) w)) E I m ( Z - -). Therefore det(X) det(F) = det(X . ( p @ 1@ . . .)) belongs to the annihilator
and H ~ ( F * )Z EX~'(H~(F,),Z) 2 Hom(Hl(F,), Q/Z). Theorem 7.1.11 Let G be a finite abelian group and p a prime. Suppose that
Since tensoring with Z, is exact, Lemma 7.1.6 implies that this last Z,[G]module has H1(F,) @Z, = (Ker(dl) €3 Zp)/d2(F2€3 Z,) as a quotient, which implies the result. 0 7.1.10 Dualisation Recall from Proposition 2.5.35 that the class,
is a perfect complex Z[G]-modules, as in Definition 2.2.1, having Hi(F,) finite for i = 0 , l and zero otherwise. Let [CBjF2jlX, ~ B j F ~ j E + ~KO(ZIG], l Q). be as in Proposition 7.1.8. Then, if ti E Qp [GI* annz, [GI (Hi (F*) €3 Zp),
det (X)(-')'~Y~"E annZ, pl(Hjijci, (F,) @ Z,) a Z, [GI is independent of the choices of rational spittings used to construct X and depends only on the quasi-isomorphism class of the complex, F,. Hence we may replace F, by the quasi-isomorphic truncated complex
which is perfect by Lemma 7.1.3. This may also be seen directly. If we choose the same rational splittings as in 57.1.4, we obtain two isomorphisms
and X = (Y $ 1 $ 1@ . . .)(I $ Z-l). Hence for each prime p, det (X) = det (Y) det (z)-' E Qp [GI* . However, the splittings used to define Z are all integral and so det(Z) E Zp[G]*.Therefore
for i = 0 , l . Here mp,i is the minimal number of generators required for the Zp[G]module Hi(F,) @ Z, and j(1) = 0, j(0) = 1. In fact, this annihilator relation remains true for all ti E annzppl(Hi(F,)8 ZP). Proof. If ti E annz,[~l(Hi (F,) €3 Z,) but is not a unit in Qp[GI* we may find a large multiple, n, of IHo(F,) I IH1(F,) I so that n ti E Qp[GI*.If n is larger enough to ensure integrality the result for t~~"ollows from the that for (n ti)mp*i,by the binomial theorem. Henceforth we assume that ti E Q, [GI* . The part of the statement concerning to E Qp [GI*r) a n n z , ~ (Hi ~ ] (F*) €3 Z,), but with rank Fo instead of mp,o, would follow from Proposition 7.1.9 when we set !5 equal to multiplication by to on Fo€3 Z,, as in $7.1.4 (after tensoring with Z,). To obtain the better estimate, by the p-adic version of Proposition 2.5.35, we may replace F, €3 Z, by a quasi-isomorphic bounded complex of Z,[G]-modules, P, with Pj = 0 for j < 0 and rankzp[Gl(Po)= mp,o. We shall obtain the statement concerning tl by dualisation. Firstly, by the discussion of $7.1.10, we may replace F, by the perfect complex
which is perfect by Lemma 7.1.3. and so we may replace F, by the three-term complex, as claimed.
'It can be shown, in fact, that det(~)(')~t,'>' lies in the fitting ideal of Hj(i)(F.) @ Zp.
Chapter 7. Annihilators
7.1. KO(Z[GI,Q) and annihilator relations
Recall that we have a family of Z[G]-module homomorphisms
As in $7.1.10, set F0= Hom(Fo,Z), F1 = Hom(F1, Z) and F~= Hom(B1, Z) and consider the cochain complex
From the universal coefficient formula the cohomology groups of this cochain complex vanish except for which are split short exact for i In order to apply the first part to this perfect complex we first observe that, after tensoring with Q,, the matrix of the dual of Y, in $7.1.10, with respect to the dual Z,[G]-basis is equal to r(Ytr) where T is the automorphism of the groupring induced by sending each element of G to its inverse, T ( C ng.g) ~ ~= CgEG ~ ng and Ytr is the transpose of Y. Hence, if t E Qp [GI* annzPlGl (H2(F, ) 8 Z,),
2 1 with splittings
Bi for i 1. For the remaining two dimensions we so that di+l - qi = 1 : Bi have short exact sequences of the form
(H' (F.) 8 Z,) det ( r ( ~ ~ ' ) ) - ' t ~ pEJannzPlGl
a Zp[G]
Of course, using F*, we would only get this relation with m,,l replaced by rankzplGl(F2)but this can be improved to mp,l as we did for m,,~. However, the action of G on Hom(Hi (F*), Q/Z) is given by g(f ) = f (g-' .-) which may identified with G acting on Hi (F, ) with the new action, g ( z ) = ~ ( g.)z . This means that ~ ( a n n z[G] , (HYF*) 8 Zp)) = annz, (GI(Hi (F*) 8 Zp). Since det(r(Ytr)) = det(r(Y)) differs from r(det(X)) by a unit in the p-adic group ring, we may apply T to the previous relation to obtain
where tl = ~ ( t ) .
together with rational splittings
and po : Ho(F*) 8 Q
such that pl . = 1, po . TO = 1. Then, as in Example 2.1.8(ii), we form
given by the composition
7.1.12 Incorporating a regulator Suppose now that we have a chain complex of finitely generated, projective Z [GI-modules
for which all homology groups are trivial except for Ho(F,) and HI (F,). Of course, these are finitely generated Z[G]-modules and now we shall study the case where they are not finite. In fact, we shall suppose that we have a Z[G]-module homomorphism R : Ho(F*) --,H1 (F*) Therefore we obtain a K-theory class is an isomorphism. This isomorphism will be referred to as a regu2ator.
[@jFzj,X,@jFzj+l] E Ko(z[G],Q).
Chapter 7. Annihilators Now let us calculate X. If wo E Fo= Zo c Fo@I Q is mapped via X to
7.1. KO(Z [GI,Q ) and annihilator relations lands in
then to
$j F 2 j - i .
Hence we have a Z [GI-module homomorphism of the form
Suppose that wl E Ker(dl) and that (WO- ~o(no(ufo)), R(ro(wo))) E (Bo $ HI(F,))
pi ( R ( T ~ ( w ~ ) )E) () B @ ~ zl) (WO- PO(~O(WO)),
then to Then
and finally to and applying dl yields For j 2 1 and
2 E jF2j- no
tensoring with the rationals - we have w2j sent
0 = f(w0) - po(ro(~(w0))) since Irn($i)
Ker(dl). Therefore
(w2j - r / 2 j - - l ( d 2 j ( ~ ~ j ) ) , d 2 j ( ~ ~ jE) )Z2j @ B2j-1 then to
or, equivalently,
then to
If the homology class [wl] = [wl
+ d2(w2)]E H1(F*) has finite order then
( d 2 j ( w ~ j ) , q 2 j ( 4 % ~( ~?fij-i(d2j(w2j))))) 2~ E F 2 j - 1 @ F2j+i. Next, since Fo is projective, there exists a Z[G]-module homomorphism
which implies that 0 = ~ ( r (T(w0))) o E H1 (F*) @ Q
so that
such that rl R = Rro. Notice that, if wo E Fo8 Q, then ~ ( w o) $1 (pi (R(ro(wo)))) E B1
wi = d 2 ( ~ 2 )E Zi @ Q. Hence we have proved the following analogue of Lemma 7.1.6: Q
because this element belongs to Z1 @I Q , by definition, but in H1(F,) @I Q
Now consider the analogue of Lemma 7.1.6 in the case with non-trivial regulator. Suppose that we have a Z[G]-module homomorphism
such that the image of
Lemma 7.1.13 In the circumstances of 8 7.1.12, let T Ker(dl) C Ker(dl) denote the Z[G]submodule consisting of those elements whose homology classes have finite order in H1(F,). Then the kernel of the canonical homomorphism
is contained in d2(F2). 7.1.14 Finding F in the regulator case If w2i E F2ithen we have
Chapter 7. Annihilators
272 and our first step will be to replace X by
x given by
7.1. KO(Z [GI,Q ) and annihilator relations Corollary 7.1.17 In 57.1.14
x *)2( ann(TorsH1 (F,)). a n n ( ~ o r s ~ ~ ( ~ . ) det ) ' ~( ~ ~~) 7.1.18 The dualisation of the regulator case We now attempt the dualisation (in the sense of $7.1.10) of the non-trivial regulator case of 57.1.12. Suppose, as in $7.1.12, that we have a chain complex of finitely generated, projective Z [GI-modules
Lemma 7.1.15 In $7.1.14
8 : @ j J'2j
8 Q4@ j F2j+l8 Q
is an isomorphism. Proof We have only to show that Fl-coordinate gives
x is one-one. If (wo,w2, . . .) E ~
e r ( then ~ ) the for which all homology groups are trivial except for Ho(F,) and Hl (F,). Of course, these are finitely generated Z[G]-modules. Suppose that we have a non-trivial Z[G]module homomorphism R : Ho(F*) --+ Hi(F*)
Applying dl we obtain Therefore
O = ~ ( w o ) d 2 ( ~ 2E) Fi 8 Q.
Applying .rrl we obtain
such that
R 8 1 : Ho(F*) 8 Q -+ Hi(F*) 8 Q is an isomorphism - the regulator. Write Fi = Hom(Fi, Z) with the left Z[G]-module structure given by
Therefore .rro(wo) = 0 E Ho(F,) @ Q because R is an isomorphism. Since wo - po(7ro(wo))= 0 we find that wo = 0 and
Then we may form the dual cochain complex which implies that 0 = w;! = . . ., since X is an isomorphism. Proposition 7.1.16 Let t E ann(TorsHo(F,)) and let
: Fo
Fo be multiplication by t. Then
R o m the universal coefficient formula ([I451 p. 243) the cohomology groups of this cochain fit into short exact sequences of Z[G]-modules of the form
Since Hi(F,) = 0 for i # O , 1 we have Proof. We may arrange that qo maps tx into Fl for all x E Fo whose class in Ho(F,) is torsion. If (wo,w2, . . .) E $j F2jthen all coordinates in two, w2, . . .) E $j F2j+18Q are integral, except possibly the Fl-coordinate which is given by qo (two - po(ro (two)))
+ two) + d2(wz).
This element lies in Fl if and only if qo(two - po(.rro(two)))does. However, wo PO(TO(wo)) E Fomaps to a torsion class in Ho(F,) so that qo(two - po(TO(two))) E Fl, as required. 0
E Hom(Ho(F,),
~ x t l ( ~ o r s ~ Z) ~ (---, ~ , H'(F*) ), ~ x t l ( ~ o r(F,), s ~ 1Z)
Z), Hom(H1(F,), Z)
0 = Hq(F*) for q 2 3. Also there is an isomorphism of Z[G]-modules of the form
Chapter 7. Annihilators
and then to
as mentioned in 57.1.10. In addition, the regulator induces
such that
R* 8 1 : H ~ ( F *8) Q
and then to HO(F*)
is an isomorphism. Write Bi C Zi C Fi for the coboundaries and cocycles in F * . For i short exact sequence
is split by qi+1 : Be' the rationals, we have
is split by 72 : B 2 8 Q
7.1. Ko(Z[GI,Q) and annihilator relations
An element w2 E F2 8 Q is mapped first to
2 2 the
Fi so that d:+, - qi+l = 1. Also, after tensoring with and then
F1 8 Q with da .72 = 1 and
If j 2 2 an element ~
is split by 71 : B 1 @ Q F0 8 Q with d; 71 = 1. In addition the short exact sequences 0 -+B~ z2Z H ~ ( F *-+) 0
become, upon rationalisation, an isomorphism
Ej F2j 8 Q is mapped first to
then to
and then
and a short exact sequence
split by pl : H 1 ( F * )8 Q --+ Z 1 8 Q so that . pl = 1 . Now let us calculate a formula for the isomorphism
associated to these splittings. We wish to calculate X(wo, w2, w4, . . .) where w2j E F2j €3 Q. An element wo E F0 8 Q is mapped first to
Then define T : F2 4F2 to be multiplication by t on the summand Z2 and the identity on the summand B 3 . This ensures that ( X - T)( F 2 )c F1 c F 1 @ Q. The map X : @ j ~ 2 €3j Q [email protected]+l @ Q
Chapter 7. Annihilators
7.2. Conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott induces a Z[G]-module homomorphism of the form
is given explicitly by
det(~*)(R*)-': HO(F*)---+
H1(F*) tors^' (F*)
and hence a Z[G]-module homomorphism This formula has all the coordinates integral when (wo,w2,. . .) E ejF2jwith the possible exception of pl((R*)-'(wo - ql (dT(wo))))E F18 Q.
Lemma 7.1.19 Any Z[G]-module homomorphism
det(R*)(R*)-l .rr : Z0
H O ( F * )+
(F*) T o r s ~(F*) l
in which .rr sends a cocycle to its cohomology class. Also, since
given by the formula
is split as a sequence of abelian groups, we may choose ql so JGl(wo- ql (d: ( ~ 0 ) E) Z0 for all wo E F O .Therefore we have a Z[G]-module homomorphism
Q' : F0IG l ( l - ~ l d ; )
with Q : FO-+Z1 and Q
+ dT injective, induces a rational isomorphism
HI(F*) TO~SH'(F*) '
Finally, since F0is projective and Z1 surjects canonically onto TorsHL(F.), we may lift this composition to obtain a suitable Q - but only if we can ensure that no non-zero y E B1 satisfies Q(ql (y)) = -y. This is because, to show that Q dT is injective, we may work rationally and in this case any z E F08 Q may be written as z = w ql(y) for y E B1 8 Q and w E Z0 8 Q . If 0 = Q(z) d;(z) then Qf(w) = Q'(z) = 0 in H1 F* 8 Q , which implies that w = 0. Therefore we are reduced to the condition 0 = Q(ql (9))) dT(ql(y)) = Q(ql (y))) y.
and a Z[G]-module homomorphism
Proof. We have discussed the integrality in $7.1.18 so we have only to prove that X is injective. However, if X(wo,w2, . . .) is trivial then Q(wo) d; (wo)+rn(+;' (w2q3(d$(w2)))) = 0 E F1 and applying da yields w2 = q3(d;(w2)) and Q(wo) d;(wo) = 0 E F1 and the result follows easily.
7.1.20 Construction of a Q for Lemma 7.1.19 The following construction is rather unsatisfactory but it will have to serve pro tem. We have an integral Z [GI-module homomorphism R* :
H1(F*) TorsH1(F*)
between finitely generated, torsion free abelian groups. This map is a rational isomorphism and det(R*)(R*)-l : H'(F*) €31Q
(F*) @Q ~ o r s(F* ~ )l
We can overcome this problem by multiplying by IGI a second time and then lifting IGI times H~(F*) z0 HO(F*) T o r s ~(F*) l
- -
to a Z[G]-module homomorphism of the form Z0 Z1. In particular cases we might conceivably do better!
Conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott
7.2.1 Stickelberger elements In this section we are going to recall some conjectures concerning annihilator ideals which appear in [21], [44] and [167]. Suppose that L I K is a Galois extension of number fields with G(L/K) abelian. Suppose also that K is totally real and that L is totally real or is a CM field; that is, L is a totally imaginary quadratic extension of a totally real field (see [I631 p. 38). Let S be a finite set of primes of
Chapter 7. Annihilators
OK including those which ramify in LIK. The reciprocity map of class field theory sends the class of a proper ideal, A a O K , to its Artin symbol (A, LIK) E G(L/K). To this data is associated the partial zeta function which is defined for complex numbers, s , having R e ( s ) > 1 by CK,S(S,S ) =
7.2. Conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott
7.2.4 Theorem 7.2.2 and Conjecture 7.2.3 are part of a larger picture, which involves a generalization of the roots of unity module, p(L). Let L be a number field and let p(E) denote the group of roots of unity in a Galois extension, El L. Then
NA-". prime
to S
Here g E G(L/K) and the sum is over all ideals coprime to all primes in S. These functions have a meromorphic continuation to the whole complex plane and at s = 0 the corresponding Stickelberger element is defined to be
is a cyclic group. Each element of G(E/L) acts on p(E)@"through the canonical projection to the abelian quotient, G(L(p(E))/L) . Furthermore we can identify P ( E ) @with ~ p(E) as a group in such a way that the action of g E G(L(p(E))/L) translates to the canonical action of gn on p(E). Hence g E G(L(p(E))/L) acts trivially on p(E)@" if and only if the order of g in G(L(p(E))/L) divides n. In other words the cyclic group
More generally, set has order wn(L) of ([43] p. 293), which is the largest integer m such that G(L(pm)/L) has exponent dividing n. Here pm denotes the group of m-th roots of unity. If x is a one-dimensional representation of G(L/K) (for example, a padic character x : G(L/K) + then (cf. $6.2.1)
The following integrality result gives the first connection between Stickelberger elements and annihilators. When K = Q this was proved in [93],for K real quadratic in [45] and in general in [31], [50]. Theorem 7.2.2 (See Proposition 7.3.11) Let L/K be an abelian Galois extension of number fields, as in $7.2.1, then
Here p(L) denotes the Z[G(L/K)]-module given by the roots of unity in L. The ideal, Il (LIK, S ) , is called the (Jirst) Stickelberger ideal. Coqjecture 7.2.3 The Brumer Conjecture goes further than the mere integrality statement of Theorem 7.2.2 to predict more about the Stickelberger ideal. Namely it states that
( ~ / ~ ) of E providing, for examClearly the group ( p ( ~ ) @ ~ )is~independent ple, that E contains a primitive wn(L) -th root of unity. Proposition 7.2.5 Let L I K be an abelian extension of number fields with Galois group, G(L/K). Let wn(L) be as in $7.2.4 and let SK be a finite set of primes of K containing all Archimedean primes, all primes which ramify in L I K and all primes which divide wn(L). Then: (i) For all Galois extensions, EIL, containing a primitive wn(L)-th root of unity ( p ( ~ ) @ ~ )is~a (cyclic ~ / ~group ) of order wn(L). (ii) If (P,LIK) E G(L/K) denotes the Artin symbol of P 6SK then
(iii) The annihilator ideal, annzrG(L~K)l((p(~)@n)G(E~L)) a Z[G(L/K)], is given by
Proof. Part (i) was established in $7.2.4. Part (ii) is proved in ([43] Lemma 2.3). Part (iii) is proved from (ii) by the argument of ([I511 p. 82). 0 When K = Q this is Stickelberger's Theorem ([43] p. 298; [163] p. 94). Since the class-group is finite one may study this conjecture prime by prime. In [167], using the results of [166],Brumer's Conjecture concerning the annihilator of CC(OL)8 Z, is proved (under mild assumptions) when p does not divide [L : K]. In fact, more is claimed in [I671 but not proved. As we shall explain in 57.3.1, the results of [I671 do imply the equality of the radicals of these ideals.
Conjecture 7.2.6 The following conjecture was introduced in [44] (see also [I], [47]).Let LIQ be a totally real, abelian Galois extension with conductor f . Then, if S, is just the set of infinite primes, we have
Chapter 7. Annihilators
and for each integer, b coprime to f , by ([44] Theorem 1.2)
The conjecture of [44] predicts that the image of Sn(b) in Z[G(L/Q)] lies in ~ ~ ~ Z ~ G ( L / Q ) ] ( Kfor~ each ~ ( OnL ) )1. It should be sufficient to treat the case when L is the totally real subfield of Q(p ), since the K-groups, K2n(OL),should satisfy Galois codescent in this situation. More precisely, if S is a finite, Galois invariant set of primes of the totally real subfield, Q(pf)+, then one expects an isomorphism of the form
7.2. Conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott
Example 7.2.7 (Stickelberger Examples) Consider the Galois extensions, F = Q(&) C E = Q(&, p) C N = E(P) of Example 1.3.2, where p = 3 (modulo 8) is a prime and PC= ( ( f i ) / ( u v f i ) ) . ( a ( l a ) ) . We are going to consider the cases when p = 3,11,19. The Galois group of N I F is cyclic of order four, generated by y such that y(P) = P((u v f i ) / a ) . Let S = {P2, Pp}where P, a OF denotes the prime above q. Hence we have, in Q[(y)],
~ , by Galois invariance, we may write 6N/F,S(1)= Since [F,S(Y,- 1) = [ ~ , s ( y-I), a b(y y3) cy2 with a, b, c E Q. Let x : (y) -+C* be the character given by ~ ( y= ) Then x ~ ( @ N / F , ~ = ( ~LFjS(-1, )) x - ~ )for a = 0,1,2,3. Therefore
+ + +
where S is the set of primes below those of S and AG = A @Z(G] Z denotes the G-coinvariants of A. In [44] this conjecture is proved when n = 1 when b is coprime to the order of K2(OL). In this case, by [96] and [106], K ~ ~ ( L % )( p ( ~ ) @ ' ~ ) ~ ( ~ / ~ ) of 57.2.4 and, by Proposition 7.2.5, the image of (b2 - (b,Q(pf)/Q)) lies in ~ ~ ~ z [ G ( L(K?d(L)). /Q)] Therefore, Conjecture 7.2.3 and Conjecture 7.2.6 could both be subsumed into a conjecture that for each integer, n 2 0, and each abelian extension of number fields, L I K , with K totally real
There are two important things to note. Firstly, K2n(OL) is finite for n > 0 and it is expected that ~orsK?,"+,(L) is isomorphic to the module ( p ( ~ ) @ ' ~ + ' ) of ~ (57.2.4. ~ / ~ )Secondly, I have not included the integer, wn+' (K), in the conjecture, even though it appears in the conjecture of [44], which only refers to the case K = Q. In fact, suppose that S is as in 57.2.1 and S1 is the set of primes of L above those in S. Then, if n > 0, one expects (for example, see Theorem 7.2.9) that
This is consistent with the changing of S. If we add one more prime, P a OK to S to give S' then, because P is unramified in L I K ,
Let Si be the set of primes of L above those of S'. There is a short exact localisation sequence of the form
F ) I ,the Now LF,s(-1, 1) = (p2 - 1)[~(-1) = (p2 - ~ ) I K ~ ( O F ) I / I K ~ ~ (since Birch-Tate conjecture holds for these fields [37]. Also K2(OF) is an elementary abelian 2-group of rank two while IK$~(F)/ = 48 so that LF,s(-l, 1) = 4(p2 1)/48 = (p2 - 1)/12. Similarly,
from the table in 51.3.7. Case (i): p = 3: , = 8 / L ~ , ~ ( -1) l , = 12 and In this case we have LFYs(-1, 1) = 213, L F , ~ ( - ~x2) LFls(-1, X) = 284 by 51.3.7 so that a = 1/4(2/3 12 568) = 1/4(580 213) = 1742112 = 87116, b = 1/4(2/3 - 12) = -34112 = -1716 and c = 1/4(2/3 12 - 568) = 1/4(2/3 - 556) = -1666112 = -83316. Therefore, when p = 3, @N/F,s(2) = 87116 - 17/6(y y3) - 833/6y2. On the other hand K ~ ~ ( N 2 () p ( ~ ) @ ~ )of~7.2.4 ( ~ is / ~isomorphic ) to 2/48 with trivial y-action. Since cN(-1) = 24 - 712, I K 2 ( O ~ )= I 48 - 24.712 = 28 - 3 .712. Since the 3-torsion in K2(OE) has order three with y acting like -1 the same is true for K2(ON). The 2-primary torsion is an elementary abelian 2-group [37].
+ +
The F'robenius element, Frobp, acts on @ Q ~ Q , ,prime , ~ ~ p K 2 (OLIQ) ~ - 1 preserving each factor and 1 - N P n F'robpl annihilates each factor, by [115]. Hence the conjecture for S would imply it for S'.
Chapter 7. Annihilators Now let us examine what the conjecture predicts. Since y - 1 annihilates
K F(N) ~ we calculate (
1/6(871y - 17(y2 1) - 833/6y3 -871 17(y y3) 833y2) = 1/6(888(y - 1) 816y2(1 - y)) = (y - 1)(148 - 136y2).
109 @ 2 / 3 . 11 . 109 by switching the factors and changing one sign then this is annihilated because 7516 6872 = 14388 = 22 - 3- 11.109. Therefore, when p = 11, the conjecture predicts that
+ + +
This element of Z[(y)] certainly annihilates the 2- and 3-torsion of K2(ON),since the coefficients are even and -24 = 0 (module 3). If the 71-primary torsion were cyclic then y (which has to act non-trivially to ensure that the coinvariants, K2(OE), has no 71-torsion) must act on 2/712 like -1. This refutes the conjecture, since (-2)(12) is not trivial modulo 712. On the other hand, if the 71-primary torsion is elementary abelian we can have y act on 2/71 @ 2/71 by switching factors and changing one sign. This satisfies y2 = - 1, which is consistent with the conjecture since 148 - l36(- 1)) = 0 (modulo 71)! Therefore, when p = 3, the conjecture predicts that
with the Galois action described above. Case (ii): p = 11: In this case we have LF,s(-l, 1) = 10, LFls(-1, X2) = 120 . 7 - 23 . 3-'/10 = 4 - 7 . 23 = 644 and LF,s(-l,x) = 4 . 3 . 11 . 109 = 14388 by $1.3.7 so that a = 1/4(10 + 644 + 28776) = 1471512, b = 1/4(10 - 644) = -31712 and c = 1/4(10+644-28776) = -1406112. Therefore, when p = 11, @NIF,S(2)= 1471512317/2(y y3) - 14061/2y2. As before K ~ ~ ( Nis ) isomorphic to 2/48 with trivial y-action. Since CN(-1) = 24 3 - 112. log2. 7 - 23, I K ~ ( O ~= ) I28. 32 7 - 112 - 23. log2. Since the 3-torsion in K2(OE) has order three with y acting like -1. The 2-primary torsion is an elementary abelian %-group[37]. The action must be non-trivial on 11- and 109-primary torsion. Now to what the conjecture predicts. Since y - 1 annihilates K ~ ~ ( N we) calculate
(3 - 1)QNlF,,(2)
7.2. Conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott
+ 1) - 1406lY3 -14715 + 317(y + y3) + 1406lY2) = 1/2(15032(y - 1) + 13744y2(1- y))
= 1/2(14715y - 317(y2
= (y - 1)(7516 - 6872y2).
This element of Z[(y)] certainly annihilates the 2-torsion of K2(ON), since the coefficients are even. If y2 acts trivially on the 7- and 23-torsion then they are annihilated because 7516 - 6872 = 644 = 4 - 7 23 and if y acts on 213 . 11 .
with the Galois action described above. Case (iii): p = 19: In this case we have LFYs(-1, 1) = 30, L F , ~ ( - x2) ~ , = 360.19.41 - 3-I -30-I = 22 . 19 41 = 3116 and LFTs(-1,~) = 22 . 32 1993 = 71748 by $1.3.7 so that a = 1/4(30 3116 143496) = 7332112, b = 1/4(30 - 3116) = -154312 and c = 1/4(30 3116 - 143496) = -7017512. Therefore, when p = 19, @NIF,S(2)= 7332112 - 1543/2(y y3) - 70175/2y2. As before K F ~ ( N )is isomorphic to 2/48 with trivial y-action. Since CN(-1) = Z4 - 34 . 1993~- 3-I . 19 . 41, IK2(ON)I = 28 . 34 . 19 - 41 . 1993~.The 2-primary torsion again has index 2 and the action must be non-trivial on 109primary torsion. Now to what the conjecture predicts. Since y - 1 annihilates K F ~ ( N )we calculate
+ +
+ +
(9 - 1)@N/F,S(2) = 1/2(733212/- 1543(y2 1) - 7 0 1 7 5 ~ ~ -73321 1543(y y3) 70175y2) = 1/2(74864(y - 1) 68632y2(1- y)) = (y - 1)(37432 - 34316y2).
+ +
This element of Z[(y)] certainly annihilates the 2-torsion of K 2 ( o N ) , since the coefficients are even. If the 3-primary and 1993-primary torsion is (H9@2/1993)@ (Hg@ 2/1993), with Hg of order nine, on which y acts by switching the factors and changing one sign then this is annihilated because 37432 34316 = 22 . 32 . 1993. If y2 acts trivially on the 19- and 41-torsion then they are annihilated because 37432 - 34316 = 22 - 1 9 -41. Therefore, when p = 19, the conjecture predicts that
with the Galois action described above. The predicted Galois actions in Cases (i)-(iii) seem to be consistent with the cardinalities of the odd-primary eigen-groups which are given by ([I661 Thereom 1.5) and, interestingly, they are also consistent with leaving out the factor, w,+l (K), in the conjecture, even though it appears in the conjecture of [44]. In each of the Cases (i)-(iii) Kh(ON) K2(ON)[1/2] and, if S1 consists of the two primes of N above those of S, we have an isomorphism of the form Kh(ONlsl) E K 2 ( O ~ ) [ 1 / 2@] 218 where y acts trivially on 218. Therefore, when p = 3 , l l or 19, (y - 1)eNIF,S(2) E a n n z [ ( v ) l ( K ~ ( O ~ , s This , ) ) . means that the final version of Conjecture 7.2.6 is true for these examples.
284 7.2.8
Chapter 7. Annihilators
Al (L/ K, 3) and annihilator relations Now we shall apply Theorem 7.1.11 to the element
of Definition 5.6.2 in the case when L I K is a totally real extension of number fields with G(L/K) abelian. In this case the non-zero homology groups of F, are both finite, being given by
where the last module is as in Proposition 7.2.5. Here S is a finite Galois invariant set of primes of L containing all those above primes which ramify in LIK. Applying Theorem 7.1.11 to the complex F, and the rational isomorphism X we obtain a chain of annihilator relations of the form
7.2. Conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott
with Br in dimension zero. Choosing a rational isomorphism, X,, we may construct an element
3)), = Rr-!(L/K, 3) E CL(Z[G(L/K)]) (cf. 55.6.1). such that n ( A r - l ( ~ / ~ Applying Theorem 7.1.11 to Rr-l(L/K, 3) for r = 2,3,4, . . ., as we did in the case r = 2, we obtain the following result.
Theorem 7.2.9 Let L / K is a totally real extension of number fields with G(L/K) abelian and suppose that r 2 2. I n the notation of $7.2.8, if
then, for each prime p,
Here m,,o is the minimal number of generators of Ki(OL,s)@ Z,. Note that mp,l = 1 because K p d ( ~is) a cyclic group. Now suppose that r 2 2 and consider the 2-extension of finitely generated Z[G(L/K)]-modules Proposition 5.2.10(16)
Here m,,o is the minimal number of generators of the Z[G(L/K)]-module KirF2@ Z, and K; = K4(OL,s). 7.2.10 Annihilators and the Wiles Unit
The group, K;T-2, is finite and is expected to be a good approximation to KiT-2(OL,s). Also there is a short exact sequence of the form
by Proposition 5.2.9. However, if r is even then Y2r+1 = ZISoo] is a free module and if r is odd Y2r+l = 0 ([38] Lemma 6.19) so that in all cases we have a canonical isomorphism of the form
In fact, the corresponding 2-extension is represented by
Now choose a bounded perfect complex, F,, which is quasi-isomorphic to the complex
- explanation and speculation Let L / K be a totally real extension of number fields with G(L/K) abelian. I shall conclude this chapter by giving a speculative explanation to account for the truth of Conjecture 7.2.6. In fact, we shall study a close approximation to Conjecture 7.2.6. Firstly, from the localisation sequence of 52.4.9 K2r-2 (OL) is a Z [G(L/K)]-submoduleof K2r-2 ( O L , ~for ) any finite, Galois-invariant set of primes of L, S. Hence the annihilator of K2r-2(OL) is contained in that of K2r-2(OL,S). Secondly, the image of K2r-2(OL,S)in @VES,K2r-2(Lv)is equal to the F2-vector space on S,, the infinite places of L. Hence we may as well study the annihilator of Kir-2(OL,s) = K ~ T ( K ~ , . - ~ ( 4 O ~@vES,K2r-2(Lv). ,~) Furthermore the Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjecture predicts that KiT_,(OLjs) is very closely approximated by Kirh2 of Proposition 5.2.10 and Definition 5.2.11 ([160];see also [123]). Note that Kir-, depends on a finite, Galois invariant set of primes, S, containing all finite primes lying over those which ramify in L/K. Now we turn our attention to the connection between the Wiles Unit of Conjecture 6.3.4 and Theorem 7.2.9. Let p be an odd prime. Suppose, as is widely believed, that the Iwasawa pinvariant (p(p) of Theorem 6.2.5) is zero for all Galois representations p (cf. [53]). Suppose also the L I K is linearly disjoint from the cyclotomic Z,-extension of K , so that there are no characters of Type W on G ( L / K ) .Then, as mentioned in 56.3.5, using Iwasawa theory and the results of [5], one may imitate
Chapter 7. Annihilators
the proof in the function field case 1381 to show that the p-adic coordinate of a Hom-description representative of (LIK, 3) in Theorem 2.5.25 is essentially given by the function ( p I-+ hF(ur - I))-' of $6.1.1 1411. The proof of [41] seems to generalize to show that this same function is a Hom-description representative of A,(LIK, 3) E Ko(ZIG(L/K)],Q) in $2.5.34. Let us assume this to be true - this is where the speculation comes in! To continue, making these assumptions, if we define Hr E Qp[G(L/K)]*by
for all characters,
x : G(L/K) +
7.2. Conjectures of Brumer, Coates and Sinnott
which we would get if we applied the discussion of $7.2.10 to a lifting of R, (LIK, 3) to an element - as yet we have no canonical definition to off (see $5.6.12) ~ , ( L / K ,3) E Ko(ZIG(L/K)],Q ) in the case when K2,+1(OL) is not finite. In this case there would be non-trivial regulators and the annihilator relations, which are not as good in the presence of regulators, would involve the annihilators of the torsion subgroups. In 11221 a 2-extension of finitely generated Z[G(L/K)]-modules is constructed which has cohomologically trivial modules in the middle and for which the torsion subgroups of the ends are CC(OL) and p(L). Applying the discussion analogous to that of $7.2.10 - with the estimates from the non-trivial regulator case ( $ - would give annihilator relations of the type predicted by the Brumer conjecture (Conjecture 7.2.3). (iii) Galois descent for the Stickelberger ideals: In their study of the Brumer conjecture and the Stickelberger ideals
If, in addition, the Wiles Unit Conjecture (Conjecture 6.3.4) is true then
= LK,SU ~ ~ , ~ s, ~ (1 - r, X-I). As a consequence of Theorem since x ( @ ~S,(r)) 7.2.9 we then obtain annihilator relations of the form
Ths is reassuringly similar to the Coates-Sinnott Conjecture and Conjecture 7.2.6.
Remark 7.2.11 (i) Euler factors: As explained in the discussion of Conjecture 7.2.6, the addition of the primes Spchanges the L-function, L ~ , s (-l n, X) to the p-adic L-function by multiplying by the Euler factors corresponding to the primes above p and changes BLIK,s(n). For example, if a prime P of K above p has trivial inertia group then this prime contributes a factor equal to (1 - NP"-' .F'robpl) E Q,[G(L/K)]* and we have
On the other hand the extra group which this prime introduces to K;" is the sum of K2n-l(OL/Q) @ Zp over primes Q dividing P (see Conjecture 7.2.6). This additional module is annihilated by the (1 - NP"-' . F'rob~') so that the truth of our annihilator conjectures for S imply them for S U{P). (ii) The Brumer Conjecture and the presence of non-trivial regulators: In $ (particularly Corollary 7.1.17) we examined the type of annihilator relations
Hayes, Popescu and Sands ([72],[125],[126])have shown that Il(LIK, S ) is natural with respect to change of fields. The discussion of 87.2.10 would predict this, in the following sense. Define the higher Stickelberger ideals, In(L/K, S) a Z[G(L/K)], by the formulae
If L I K is totally real and if we are in the dimensions of Theorem 7.2.9 then the Wiles Unit Conjecture of $6.3.4 together with the discussion of $7.2.10 relates Ir(L/K, S ) to the 2-extension of Proposition 5.2.10(16). This 2-extension is natural in the sense of $3.1.1 (cf. Theorem 3.1.20; 1341, [I311 Chapter VII). In particular, the 2-extension satisfies Galois descent and so Conjecture 6.3.4 would imply the same for Ir(L/K, S ) when L I K is an abelian Galois extension of totally number fields and r 2.
(iv) Abelian fields: There is one case in which we can show that, for r even, r 2 2 and p an odd prime,
without assumng the truth of the Wiles Unit Conjecture (Conjecture 6.3.4). This is the case when K = Q so that L I Q is a totally real, abelian Galois extension of number fields. In fact, it suffices to take L = Q(Cm)+, the real subfield of a cyclotomic field. In this case each of Kir-1/Y2,+1 and K;r-2 are finite and YZr+' is free (cf. Proposition 5.2.9 and $5.2.13) so that we have a lifted invariant
whose Hom-description representative is det(X,).
Chapter 7. Annihilators
On the other hand, the "equivariant Tamagawa number" invariant of L/Q, constructed in ([22], [23]), also lies in this group. As mentioned in $5.6.12, these invariants are very closely related and the calculations of [27], which describe the invariant of [22] in terms of equivariant Stickelberger elements, can be used to give ~, a similar description for A r - l ( ~ / 3). (v) Function fields: We may also apply these results in the case of function fields. Suppose that N/K is a finite Galois extension of global function fields with abelian Galois group G(N/ K ) and let p = char(N) . Let S be a finite, non-empty set of primes of K , including all those primes which ramify in N I K . Let St denote the set of primes of N lying over those of S. Let be the ring of St-integers of N; that is, the elements of N which are regular away from S'. Then W = S p e ~ ( O ~ , ~ t ) is a smooth affine curve over Fp. Let 1 be a prime different from p. If denotes an algebraic closure of Q1 and x : G(L/K) 4 is a one-dimensional 1-adic representation we denote by LKIS(t,X) denote the Artin L-function ([I071 p. 293; see also [loll) with the Euler factors associated to primes of S removed. In the notation of [I071 LK(t, X) would be denoted by L(W, X, t). Under these circumstances, for each integer n 2 2, there exists a (unique) Stickelberger element Q N / K , s ( ~E) Q1 [G(NIK)I* such that = L ~ , ~-( n, l X-l) x(@N/K,s(~)) for all one-dimensional 1-adic representations, x (see [38] Proposition 7.13). For i = 0 , l and n 2 1 we have &ale cohomology groups ([38] $7)
Hit (w; Ql/Zl (n
+ I)) " Hi:'
(w; Zl (n
+ 1))
where W = Spec(ONlsl).Each of these finite groups is a Z1 [G(N/K)]-module. Suppose that E/ K is a Galois extension containing N and having plw (E), the group of I-primary roots of unity in E, very large. Then
which is a cyclic group. (Htt ) l (W; QrlZr (n As in the number field case the annihilator, annz, [ G ( N / ~ 1))) is well known, being computed as in ([43] Lemma 2.3; [I521 p. 82).
Theorem 7.2.12 Suppose that N/K is a finite Galois extension of global function fields with as in abelian Galois group, G(N/K). If n 2 1 with 1 and W = Spec(O~~s1) !j 7.2.11(v) then
7.3. The radical of the Stickelberger ideal
where m is the minimum number of generators for the Z1[G(N/K)]-module,
Proof. In ([38] Proposition 7.7) it is shown that there exists a bounded, perfect cochain complex of Z1[G(N/K)]-modules of the form
together with a Z1[G(N/K)]-module automorphism, a : M* + M*, such that for each j the homomorphism 1 - a : M j + M j is injective with finite cokernel. In addition, the mapping cone, C* = Cone(1 - a ) has trivial cohomology with the exception of H i (C*) r Hit (X; Ql/Zl (n 1)) for i = 0 , l . The complex C* gives
In fact the truncated complex, D*, given by D j = C j for j 5 0, D1 = Ker(d : C1 + C2) and D j = 0 for j 2 defines the same element. Now setting Fl-j = D j and applying the I-adic version of Theorem 7.1.11 to F, yields
where [@j F2j,X, @j F2j+l] is the element of KO(Zl [GI,Q1) given by the construction of $7.1.1. However, for the cochain complex C* it is shown in ([38] Proposition 7.17) that this element satisfies x(det(X)) = LK,S(-n, x-l)-l for all onedimensional 1-adic representations, X. Hence
as required.
7.3 The radical of the Stickelberger ideal 7.3.1 As in Conjecture 7.2.6, let L I K be a Galois extension of totally real number fields with abelian Galois group, G(L/K) and let r 2 be an even integer. As in $7.2.4, let w,(L) be the largest integer m such that, if pm is the group of mth roots of unity in LSeP,then Gal(L(pm)/L) has exponenent dividing r. As in Proposition 7.2.5, let SK be a finite set of places of K containing all archimedean places, all primes ramifying in L I K and all primes dividing w,(L). Let S be the set of places p ]in ), of L over SK. Let p be an odd rational prime and set Xp = S p e ~ ( O ~ , ~ [ l /as $5.1.1, where OL,s is the ring of S-integers of L. Since L is totally real, p > 2 and r 2 2 Lemma 5.2.3, Corollary 5.2.4 and ([38] Lemma 6.19) imply that H'+' (X,; Zp(r)) = Hi(X,; Zp(r)+ ) for i = 0,1, where
Chapter 7. Annihilators
the &ale pro-sheaf Zp(r)+ is defined in $5.2.1. These same references also show that the above cohomology groups are finite G-modules and that H1(Xp; Zp(r)) is naturally isomorphic to (p(~)@r)Ga'(E/L) of $7.2.4. By a result of Siegel, as in Conjecture 7.2.6, there exists a unique element $, 8LlK,s(r) E Q[G(L/K)] such that for all padic characters, x : G(L/K) 4
where, as in $7.2.10, the right-hand side is the Artin L-function of X-l with the Euler factors associated to the primes in S removed. Note that since x is associated to an abelian extension L I K of totally real fields, Ls(-n, X) = 0 if n > 0 is even. For i = 1,2, consider the annihilators, annZp[G(LIK)l(H2(Xp;Zp(r))). Let K, be the cyclotomic Zp extension of K , as in 56.1.1. It is well known (see Theorem 7.2.2 and Proposition 7.3.11) that for p odd, the results of [50] imply that @L/K,S(~ - ~) ~ ~ Z ~ ~ G( ~( 'L( x/ pKZp(r))) ;) ] c Zp[G(L/K)] provided that L n K, = K. Incidentally, it is expected that this is also true without the assumption that L n K, = K . The Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjecture predicts an isomorphism between
7.3. The radical of the Stickelberger ideal
Lemma 7.3.4 Let S be the set of all prime ideals of Z[G] which contain I in 5 7.3.3. Then each prime in S is maximal and
Proof, Sending a E Z[G] to the product over elements of M of copies of M embeds ZI [G]/I into a finite product of copies of M , since M is finite. Therefore ZI [G]/I is finite and so is each Z[G]/P for P E S. Therefore any such P contains a prime number, p. As Z[G] is a finitely generated abelian group, this forces Z[G]/P to be a finite integral domain and hence a field. Therefore P is maximal. Since the commutative ring, z[G]/&, has no nilpotent elements the intersection of all the prime ideals of z [GI /J?is {0), which completes the proof.
Lemma 7.3.5 Suppose that P is a maximal ideal of Z[G] in Lemma 7.3.4. Then there is a Q;, of order prime to p such rational prime p and a p-adic character, x : G that is not a unit}. P = {a E Z[G] I z ( a ) E Here
H"xP; Zp(r)) and
zpis the integral closure of Zp in qpand g(CgeGng . g) = CgEG ngx(g).
K2, ( O L , ~@) Zp for i = 1,2
so that, combining this with the Conjecture 7.2.6 would imply that
The following is the main result of this section. If I a Zp[G(L/K)] recall that the radical of I is defined to be equal to = {z E Zp[G(L/K)] 1 zm E I forsomern>l). Theorem 7.3.2 Let p be an odd prime and L n K,
= K,
as in 5 7.3.1, then
7.3.3 Identifying radicals The proof of Theorem 7.3.2 will take the form of a discussion occupying the remainder of this section. We begin with some results which are useful in identifying radicals. Suppose that G is a finite abelian group and that M is a finite (M). (left) Z[G]-module. Let I c Z[G] be the annihilator,ideal of M , I = annZrGl
Proof, Let G denote the Pontryagin dual of G so that G is the Pontryagin dual of G. The absolute representation ring R(G) = RTi(d) = K ~ ( ~ [ Gis] the ) Z-algebra generated by G and is thus isomorphic to Z[G]. Let [ be a root of unity of order equal to IG(, the order of G, and set A = ZK]. The ring A @z R(G) is finite over R(G). Therefore, by ([94] Proposition 1.9) every prime ideal of Re is the intersection of Re with a prime ideal of A@zR e . The result now follows from the description of the prime ideals of A @z Re given in ([I291 Proposition 30). 0 Definition 7.3.6 Let P, p and x be as in Lemma 7.3.5 and let ZP[x] be the ring generated over Zp by the values of x (cf. $6.2.1). Let Tx be a rank one ZP[x]. L is a Z[G]-module. module having an action of g E G given by ~ ( g )Suppose Then ZP[x]@Z L becomes a Z[G]-module via the action, g ( a @ z) = a @ g(z). Define L(x) = Homzp~xl (T,, ZP[x]@z L). Then L(x) is a Z,[G]-module via the action of G on Tx and on ZP(x) @z L, by g(f) = ~ ( (g-l f - -). As usual, L~ and LG are, respectively, the invariants and co-invariants of the G-action on L. Lemma 7.3.7 Suppose that M is a finite simple Z[G]-module and that P , p, x are as in Lemma 7.3.5.~fM ( x ) ~= 0 or M ( x ) ~= 0 then Hi(G; M(x)) = Hi(G; M(x)) = 0 for all integers i. Proof. If p M = 0 then M(x) = 0 so we may suppose pM # 0. Then M is inflated from a simple Z/p[G/Gp]-module, where Gp is the pSylow subgroup of G. Since
Chapter 7. Annihilators
Z/p[G/G,] is semi-simple, we have M ( x ) ~= 0 if and only if M(x)G = 0 and so we may assume that M (x) = M ( x ) = ~ 0. Let L* be a resolution by projective Z/p[G,]-module of the one-dimensional module, Zip, with trivial G-action. Since Gp is also quotient of G, we can view L* as a projective resolution of Z/p as a Z/p[G]-module. Since M ( x ) ~= M(x)G = 0, we find that the G-invariants of the terms of the complex HomZlp(L*,M(x)) and the G-coinvariants of the terms of the complex L* BZ/, M(x) are trivial. Thus = Hi (G; M(x)) = 0 for all integers i, as required. H ~ ( GM(x)) ; 0
Lemma 7.3.8 Let M be a finite Z[G]-module. Suppose P is a maximal ideal of Z[G] and that p and x are as in Lemma 7.3.5 and Definition 7.3.6. Then the localisation, Mp, of M at P is a Z,[X] -module, as are M (X)G and M(x)G. If L is a finite Z, [XI module, let l,(L) be the length of a composition series for L as a Zp[x]-module. Also P 2x G and l,(MP) l,(M(x)c) with equalities if p JIG/, M ( x ) = ~ 0 or M ( x ) = ~ 0.
Proof. By Lemma 7.3.5, the algebra map Z[G] -+ Z,[X] associated to x induces a ring homomorphism, Z[G]p Zp [XI having dense image in the p-adic topology of Z,[X]. Since Mp is a finite Z[G]p- module, we may view Mp as a Zp[x]-module. Since the action of G on Z,[X] was defined to be trivial, Definition 7.3.6 shows ~ also Z, [XI-modules. that M (X)Gand M ( x ) are For the length relations, we suppose first that M is a simple Z[G]-module. Then M is isomorphic to ZIG]/P1 for some maximal ideal P' a Z[G]. Then we have stated equalities between lengths, by the description of such P' in Lemma 7.3.5. Now suppose that M has a composition series of length n > 1 and that the result holds for modules of length strictly less than n. There is an exact sequence of the form 0 4M' M ---+ M/M1 --+0 in which M' is a simple Z[G]-module and M/M1 has length n - 1. We have exact sequences 0 4(M1)p 4Mp 4(M/M1)p ---,0 and o M ' ( x ) ~ M ( X ) ~ ( M / M ' ) ( ~ ) ~ H ~ ( GM'(x)). , These sequences and the induct ion hypothesis immediately give the bound , equality, by induction, if p does not divide [GI, since lX(Mp) Z , ( M ( X ) ~ )with then H1(G; M1(x)) = 0. Suppose now that M ( x ) ~= 0. Then it must be the case that M ' ( x ) ~= 0, so by Lemma 7.3.7 H 1(G; M1(x)) = 0. Thus the exact sequences show that ( M / M ' ) ( x ) ~= 0 together with the induction hypothesis imply that Mp = 0. Note that the bound 1, (Mp) 2 1, ((M( x ) ) ~ also ) shows in this case that M(x)G = 0. The proof that Mp = 0 when M(x)G = 0 is similar. 0
- -
7.3. The radical of the Stickelberger ideal
Corollary 7.3.9 With the notation of Lemma 7.3.8, let Gp be the p-Sylow subgroup of G. Let P M N= MGp. Then M' and MI' are Z[G/G,]-modules. The image, M' = M ~ and PI, of P in Z[G/G,] is a maximal ideal. Also the vanishing of any one of Mp, M.& or M& implies the vanishing of the other two.
Proof. Since the character x associated to P in Lemma 7.3.5 has order prime to p, it is trivial on G,. Thus P' is the prime ideal of Z[G/Gp] associated to the ~ P , 7.3.8 character X' of GIG, induced by X. Since M ( x ) ~= M ' ( ~ ) ~ / Lemma shows that Mp = 0 if and only if Mh1 = 0. The equivalence of Mp = 0 and 0 M$, = 0 is proved similarly. 7.3.10 A result of Deligne and Ribet [50] As in 57.3.1, assume that p is an odd prime and that L n K, = K where K, is the cyclotomic Z,-extension of K . Our next objective is to prove the following result, mentioned in 57.3.1. Proposition 7.3.1 1 In 57.3.10
Proof. Let L' be the totally real subfield L(/A,)+ of the CM field obtained by adjoining the pth roots of unity to K . Then L' n K, = K since [L' : L] divides p - 1. As in ([I661 52), the Galois group G(L',/K) is a product
The associated completed group ring is Z,[[G(L;/K)]] E R[[T]] where R = Z, [G(L1/K)] and a (fixed choice of a) topological generator, y E G(K,/ K ) 2 Z,, is sent to 1 T (see 56.1.1). Rm where II is the set of We have an isomorphism of the form R = maximal ideals of R and R, is the completion of R at m. The characters $ of G(Lf/K) associated to m E II are the restrictions to G(Lf/K) of the compositions R -+ Qn for some Zp-algebra homomorphism from R, to qp. Among these $ there is a unique ~ ( ~ , / Q , ) - c o n j u ~ aclass c ~ of characters of order prime to p. These are called the basic characters of m in ([I661 52). Let e+ : RRm-+ Zp[$] be the natural algebra map associated to a p-adic character $ of G(L1/K). Setting Zp[[TI]between formal e+ (T) = T extends e+ to an algebra map e+ : &[[TI] power series rings. The p-adic L-function L,,s(l -n, $) has the property (cf. 56.2.1) that Lp,S(l - n,$) = LK,Su S, (1 - 72, ' $ w - ~ )
- a,
for n 1 1. Here w : G(K(&)/K) + ,up-I C Z; is the Teichmiiller character. As in ([I661 p. 494), define u E Z; by requiring y(C) = C" for all p-power roots of unity C, where y is the chosen topological generator of G(K,/K). Here one lifts
Chapter 7. Annihilators
y to G(K(ppOO/K)= G(K(pp)/K) x G(K,/K) by requiring the projection of y to G(K(pp)/K) to be trivial. The results of [50] have the following consequences (see [I661 52; see also $6.2.1). If there is non-trivial basic character associated to m then there is a power series G,,s(T) E &[[TI] such that
7.3. The radical o f the Stickelberger ideal
The image of T(C) in (1 pZp)* is the projection of N C E 23; to the second factor under the canonical isomorphism Z;j = p(Z;j) x (1 + pZp)*. Using this we find Hmlc(ur - 1) = 1 - (C, L'IK) . T(C)'. Observe now that if $ = X .w' then e (
H( U- 1 ) = 1 - x((C, L' / K ) . W' ((C, L1/K)) . T(C)' = 1 - x((C, L'IK)) . NC'.
for all $ belonging to m. Suppose now that the only basic character associated to m is trivial. Pick an ideal c of K prime to S and p, and let a, be the image in G(K,/K) of c under the Artin homomorphism. Let H,,,(T) be the power series corresponding to 1 - a, E Zp[[G(L/,/K)]]. Then there is a power series Gm,c,~ (T)E Rm [[TI]such that
Since K C L C L', we have a natural surjection G(L1/K) + G(L/K) inducing a surjection of algebras, n : R = ZP[G(L1/K)]+ Zp[G(L/K)]. Define a twist r, : R -P Zp[G] by r,(h) = wr(h) . n(h) for h E G(L1/K) and extending to R by Z,-linearity. Then rr is a homomorphism of algebras. If x is a character of G(L/K), we can regard x also as a character of G(Lf/K) by inflation. The previous relation implies, for all a E R,
for all $ belonging to m. Recall that Q(L/K, S,r ) E Q[G(L/K)] was defined by the requirement that ~ ( @ ~ / ~ ,= ~ LK,s(l ( r ) ) - r,x-l) for all characters x of G = G(L/K). Define 0' = Q(L/K, S U Sp,r ) , Since S contained all the primes of K which ramify in L, each prime P of K over p is unramified in L. For all characters x of G(L/K) one has
We are now in a position to complete the proof of Proposition 7.3.11. Define a E R by specifying its R,-component, a,, in the following manner. Define G m , s ( ~ r- 1) . (1 - (C,L1/K) - w((C, L1/K))-' . NC') if m has trivial basic character Grn,s(ur - 1) otherwise.
Suppose x and $ are characters of G(L/K) and G(Lf/K), respectively, satisfying $ = x - w', as before. If m has a non-trivial basic character and $ belongs to m, then
It follows that Q' = Q(r) .
(1 - ( P , L/K)-'NP'-').
If m has trivial basic character and $ belongs to m, then
Since r > 1, the product over P in the formula for 0' is a unit in Z,[G]. Hence to prove Proposition 7.3.11, Proposition 7.2.5 shows it will suffice to prove that Q' . (1 - (C, L / K ) - ~. NCr)
c Zp[G(L/K)]
for all primes C of K not in Sp. If m has a non-trivial basic character, then Hmlc(uS- 1) = 1 by definition. If m has trivial basic character, then Hm,C(T)equals the power series, introduced earlier, corresponding to 1 - ac = 1 - (C, L I K ) in &[[TI]. Now
Define p E Zp[G(L/K)]by P = T ( T , ( ~ ) where, ) as in the proof of Theorem 7.1.11, T is the automorphism of Zp[G(L/K)] induced by sending each element of G(L/K) to its inverse. Then we find, for all characters x of G(L/K), that
It follows that where T(C) E G(K,/K) is defined in the following manner. Restriction of Galois automorphisms induces an injection G(K,/K) c G(Q,/Q) and we have a natural isomorphism between G(Q,/Q) and the multiplicative subgroup l+pZp c Z;.
completes the proof of Proposition 7.3.11.
Chapter 7. Annihilators
7.3.12 Proof of Theorem 7.3.2 In view of Lemma 7.3.5, to prove Theorem 7.3.2 it will suffice to show, if p is an odd prime and P is a prime ideal of Z[G(L/K)] containing p, then P contains QL/K,S(r). a n n Z p [ G ( L I K ) I(X,; ( ~ l Zp(r))) if and only if it contains ~ ~ ~ z , [ G ( L( /HKZ(XP; ) ] Zp(r))). As before, let Gp be the p-Sylow subgroup of G(L/K). For i = 1,2, let J:,,, for be the image of annZ,rG(LIK)l (H"Xp; Zp(r))) in Z[G(L/K)/Gp] and let p'b; the image of P . Let J::,,, be the ideal of Z[G(L/K)/Gp] which results on replacing L / K in the definition of J:,r,pby L'IK, where L' = L ~ P . By the definition of QLIK,S(r)and the invariance of Artin Efunctions under inflation of characters (see Proposition 1.1.8), the image Q'(r) of OLIK,S(r) in Q[G/Gp] is the element which results from replacing L / K in the definition of QLIK,S(r)by L1/K, where L' = L ~ P . Proposition 7.2.5 shows that J;,,, = J;:r,p. Lemma 7.3.5 shows that P is the unique prime of Z[G(L/K)] lying over the image, PI, of P in Z[G(L/K)/Gp] so that P contains @ L I K , s ( r ) . a n n z p [ ~ ((H1 ~ / ~( x) P ] ;Zp(r))) if and only if p' contains Q'(r)Jt',r,p. It follows from 1381 Lemma 6.20) that the covariants H2(Xp;Zp(r))c, are isomorphic as a Z[G(L/K)/Gp]-module to the corresponding cohomology group when L / K is replaced by L1/K. Thus Lemma 7.3.8 and Corollary 7.3.9 imply Zp(r))) if and only if P' contains J;,,,. that P contains annZplG(LlK)1(H2(Xp; Combining this with the above remarks allows us to replace L I K by L'/K and thus reduce to the case where p is prime to the order of G(L/K). In this case, Theorem 7.3.2 follows from Lemma 7.3.8 and the expression for the ideal of Z[X] generated by Ls(l - r, X ) given in ([38] Proposition 6.15, eq. 6.32) when x is a character of G(L1/K). 0
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Index abelian category 13, 41 abelianisation 16 absolute discriminant 3 absolute Galois group 46 absolute norm 2, 178 Adams operation 245 additive full subcategory 41 adhle ring 45 adjugate matrix 266 admissible epimorphism 41 admissible monomorphism 41 algebraic integer 44, 45 algebraic number field 44 analytic class number formula 5 Archimdean local field 60 Archimedean place 3, 44, 179 Artin conductor 3, 178 Artin L-function 1, 240 Artin root number 4, 8, 177, 218 Artin symbol 279 Azumaya algebra 256 base-change 40 Bore1 regulator 233 bounded complex 18 Brauer's Induction Theorem 242 Brauer-Nesbitt 251 Brumer Conjecture 278 Carayol's Theorem 255 Cartan homomorphism 15 category 13 Cebotarev's Density Theorem 259 classifying space 40 CM field 277, 293
Coates-Sinnott Conjecture 279 cobase-change 40 cocycle 23 codivisible quotient 26 cofibred category 40 cohomologically trivial 15, 20, 49 coinvariants 280 commutative 16 complete discrete valuation field 44 completion 15, 181 complexification 57 cupproduct 25 cyclotomic polynomial 254 decomposition group 1, 4, 45, 120, 169 Dedekind domain 42 Dedekind ring 28 Dedekind zeta function 2 derived category 146 determinant 16 determinantal functions 52, 245 Dirichlet regulator 5 discriminant 3, 5 distinguished triangle 82 division algebra 253 eigenspace 4 elementary abelian p-group 246 elementary complex 24 elementary matrix 16 &ale Chern class 75 6tale hypercohomology 164 &ale sheaf 162 &ale site 158
Index Euler characteristic 14, 19, 20, 24, 59, 73 Euler product 2 exact category 39, 42 exact functor 41 extended Artin L-function 4 fibration 40 fibre 40 fibred category 40 finitely generated projective 13 finite place 44 flat 173 fraction field 42 Frobenius automorphism 2, 63, 71, 119 full subcategory 14 functional equation 4 functor 39, 158 Galois representation 1 Gamma function 3 Gaussian integers 57 general linear group 16 geometrical realisation 39 global field 43 Grot hendieck group 37 Grothendieck site 158 groupring logarithm 246 Hecke algebra 198 hensel local ring 257 Hilbert's "Theorem 90" 122 homotopy equivalence 39 homotopy-fibre 40 hypercohomology 167 ideal class group 14 idkles 45, 247 indecomposable K-theory 44, 72, 147 inertia group 1 integral groupring 14 integral quaternions 56 inverse limit 44
kernel group 47, 161 K-theory presheaf 146 Kummer extension 84 A[G]-adic modular forms 257 Lichtenbaum-Quillen Conjecture 60 local factor at infinity 3 local fields 45 local fundamental class 59 localisation 292 locally free 15, 46 mapping cone 20, 25, 51 maximal divisible subgroup 26 maximal ideal 43 maximal order 47 maximal unramified extension 60 maximal unramified subextension 62, 71, 120, 150 meromorphic 2 Milnor Conjecture 44 Milnor K-group 146 Morita equivalence 206 motivic cohomology 146 n-extension 24 natural transformation 39 nearly perfect complex 18, 27 nerve 39 Noether E. 74 norm residue symbol 44 order 47 orthogonal representation 178 p-adic integers 44 P-adic topology 15, 44 perfect complex 19, 49, 164 place 44, 168 prefibred category 40 precofibred category 40 principal ideal domain 166 profinite 255 projective dimension 42
Index pull-back 42 pushout diagram 116 quasi-isomorphism 20, 21, 50 quaternionic 48 radical 261, 290 rank 14 regular noetherian ring 158 regulator 73, 75, 233, 268 Reidemeister-Whitehead torsion 19 relative K-group 17 representation ring 45, 177 residue characteristic 62 residue field extension 2 right adjoint 40 Schanuel's Lemma 37 scheme 146 Second Isomorphism Theorem 98 separable extension 147 Serre spectral sequence 127 short exact sequence 13 simplicia1 set 39 Snake Lemma 173 splitting field 45, 251 Stark regulator 233 Steinberg symbol 43 Stickelberger ideal 278 Stickelberger's Theorem 278 Sylow subgroup 49, 216 symplectic 48 symplect ic represent at ion 8, 178 syntomic Chern class 75 syntomic regulator 76 tame symbol 128 Tate cohomology 14, 24 Teichmiiller character 257, 258 tor-dimension 166 totally complex 6 totally ramified extension 60 totally real 5 2-extension 18
uniquely divisible 72 unit idkles 45 unramified prime 3 valuation 44 Whitehead Lemma 16 wild ramification group 62, 126 Wiles Unit Conjecture 247 Zariski cohomology 146 Zariski site 158 zero-divisor 42 zero object 42