Advances in
Laboratoire Physiologie Cellulaire et Mole´culaire des Plantes, CNRS, Universite´ de Paris, Paris, France
Laboratoire Ge´nome et De´veloppement des Plantes, CNRS IRD UP, Universite´ de Perpignan, Perpignan, France
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´ LIO CE´ZAR DE MATTOS CASCARDO UESC, DCB, Laborato´rio de JU Genoˆmica e Expressa˜o Geˆnica, Rodovia Ilhe´us-Itabuna, Ilhe´us-BA, Brazil ERIKA J. EDWARDS Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA ´ NDIZ Instituto de Biologı´a Molecular y Celular de CRISTINA FERRA Plantas, CSIC-Universidad Polite´cnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain ANTONIO VARGAS DE OLIVEIRA FIGUEIRA Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Avenida Centena´rio, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil CHLOE´ FOURQUIN Instituto de Biologı´a Molecular y Celular de Plantas, CSIC-Universidad Polite´cnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain KARINA PERES GRAMACHO CEPLAC/CEPEC, Cacao Research Center, Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, Itabuna-BA, Brazil MARK GUILTINAN The Department of Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA PAUL A. INGRAM Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA CLAIRE LANAUD Cirad, UMR DAP, Avenue Agropolis TA96/03, Montpellier cedex 5, France JOCELYN E. MALAMY Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA SIELA MAXIMOVA The Department of Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA FABIENNE MICHELI Cirad, UMR DAP, Avenue Agropolis TA96/03, Montpellier cedex 5, France; UESC, DCB, Laborato´rio de Genoˆmica e Expressa˜o Geˆnica, Rodovia Ilhe´us-Itabuna, Ilhe´us-BA, Brazil R. MATTHEW OGBURN Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA NATHANAEL PRUNET Reproduction et De´veloppement des Plantes, UMR 5667, CNRS-INRA-Universite´ de Lyon, Ecole Normale Supe´rieure de Lyon, Lyon Cedex 07, France CHARLIE P. SCUTT Reproduction et De´veloppement des Plantes, UMR 5667, CNRS-INRA-Universite´ de Lyon, Ecole Normale Supe´rieure de Lyon, Lyon Cedex 07, France EVA SUNDBERG Uppsala BioCenter, Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
CHRISTOPHE TREHIN Reproduction et De´veloppement des Plantes, UMR 5667, CNRS-INRA-Universite´ de Lyon, Ecole Normale Supe´rieure de Lyon, Lyon Cedex 07, France AURE´LIE C. M. VIALETTE-GUIRAUD Reproduction et De´veloppement des Plantes, UMR 5667, CNRS-INRA-Universite´ de Lyon, Ecole Normale Supe´rieure de Lyon, Lyon Cedex 07, France MIKE J. WILKINSON Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University Penglais, Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom
CONTENTS OF VOLUMES 35–54 Series Editor (Volumes 35–44) J.A. CALLOW School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Contents of Volume 35 Recent Advances in the Cell Biology of Chlorophyll Catabolism H. THOMAS, H. OUGHAM and S. HORTENSTEINER The Microspore: A Haploid Multipurpose Cell A. TOURAEV, M. PFOSSER and E. HEBERLE-BORS The Seed Oleosins: Structure Properties and Biological Role J. NAPIER, F. BEAUDOIN, A. TATHAM and P. SHEWRY Compartmentation of Proteins in the Protein Storage Vacuole: A Compound Organelle in Plant Cells L. JIANG and J. ROGERS Intraspecific Variation in Seaweeds: The Application of New Tools and Approaches C. MAGGS and R. WATTIER Glucosinolates and Their Degradation Products R. F. MITHEN
Contents of Volume 36 PLANT VIRUS VECTOR INTERACTIONS Edited by R. Plumb Aphids: Non-Persistent Transmission T. P. PIRONE and K. L. PERRY Persistent Transmission of Luteoviruses by Aphids B. REAVY and M. A. MAYO Fungi M. J. ADAMS Whitefly Transmission of Plant Viruses J. K. BROWN and H. CZOSNEK Beetles R. C. GERGERICH Thrips as Vectors of Tospoviruses D. E. ULLMAN, R. MEIDEROS, L. R. CAMPBELL, A. E. WHITFIELD, J. L. SHERWOOD and T. L. GERMAN Virus Transmission by Leafhoppers, Planthoppers and Treehoppers (Auchenorrhyncha, Homoptera) E. AMMAR and L. R. NAULT Nematodes S. A. MacFARLANE, R. NEILSON and D. J. F. BROWN Other Vectors R. T. PLUMB
Contents of Volume 37 ANTHOCYANINS IN LEAVES Edited by K. S. Gould and D. W. Lee Anthocyanins in Leaves and Other Vegetative Organs: An Introduction D. W. LEE and K. S. GOULD Le Rouge et le Noir: Are Anthocyanins Plant Melanins? G. S. TIMMINS, N. M. HOLBROOK and T. S. FEILD Anthocyanins in Leaves: History, Phylogeny and Development D. W. LEE The Final Steps in Anthocyanin Formation: A Story of Modification and Sequestration C. S. WINEFIELD Molecular Genetics and Control of Anthocyanin Expression B. WINKEL-SHIRLEY Differential Expression and Functional Significance of Anthocyanins in Relation to Phasic Development in Hedera helix L. W. P. HACKETT Do Anthocyanins Function as Osmoregulators in Leaf Tissues? L. CHALKER-SCOTT The Role of Anthocyanins for Photosynthesis of Alaskan Arctic Evergreens During Snowmelt S. F. OBERBAUER and G. STARR Anthocyanins in Autumn Leaf Senescence D. W. LEE A Unified Explanation for Anthocyanins in Leaves? K. S. GOULD, S. O. NEILL and T. C. VOGELMANN
Contents of Volume 38 An Epidemiological Framework for Disease Management C. A. GILLIGAN Golgi-independent Trafficking of Macromolecules to the Plant Vacuole D. C. BASSHAM Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase: Structure, Function and Regulation R. P. WALKER and Z.-H. CHEN Developmental Genetics of the Angiosperm Leaf C. A. KIDNER, M. C. P. TIMMERMANS, M. E. BYRNE and R. A. MARTIENSSEN A Model for the Evolution and Genesis of the Pseudotetraploid Arabidopsis thaliana Genome Y. HENRY, A. CHAMPION, I. GY, A. PICAUD, A. LECHARNY and M. KREIS
Contents of Volume 39 Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 1–38
Contents of Volume 40 Starch Synthesis in Cereal Grains K. TOMLINSON and K. DENYER The Hyperaccumulation of Metals by Plants M. R. MACNAIR Plant Chromatin — Learning from Similarities and Differences J. BRZESKI, J. DYCZKOWSKI, S. KACZANOWSKI, P. ZIELENKIEWICZ and A. JERZMANOWSKI
The Interface Between the Cell Cycle and Programmed Cell Death in Higher Plants: From Division unto Death D. FRANCIS The Importance of Extracellular Carbohydrate Production by Marine Epipelic Diatoms G. J. C. UNDERWOOD and D. M. PATERSON Fungal Pathogens of Insects: Cuticle Degrading Enzymes and Toxins A. K. CHARNLEY
Contents of Volume 41 Multiple Responses of Rhizobia to Flavonoids During Legume Root Infection JAMES E. COOPER Investigating and Manipulating Lignin Biosynthesis in the Postgenomic Era CLAIRE HALPIN Application of Thermal Imaging and Infrared Sensing in Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology HAMLYN G. JONES Sequences and Phylogenies of Plant Pararetroviruses, Viruses, and Transposable Elements CELIA HANSEN and J. S. HESLOP-HARRISON
Role of Plasmodesmata Regulation in Plant Development ARNAUD COMPLAINVILLE and MARTIN CRESPI
Contents of Volume 42 Chemical Manipulation of Antioxidant Defences in Plants ROBERT EDWARDS, MELISSA BRAZIER-HICKS, DAVID P. DIXON and IAN CUMMINS The Impact of Molecular Data in Fungal Systematics P. D. BRIDGE, B. M. SPOONER and P. J. ROBERTS Cytoskeletal Regulation of the Plane of Cell Division: An Essential Component of Plant Development and Reproduction HILARY J. ROGERS Nitrogen and Carbon Metabolism in Plastids: Evolution, Integration, and Coordination with Reactions in the Cytosol ALYSON K. TOBIN and CAROLINE G. BOWSHER
Contents of Volume 43 Defensive and Sensory Chemical Ecology of Brown Algae CHARLES D. AMSLER and VICTORIA A. FAIRHEAD Regulation of Carbon and Amino Acid Metabolism: Roles of Sucrose Nonfermenting-1-Related Protein Kinase-1 and General Control Nonderepressible-2-Related Protein Kinase NIGEL G. HALFORD Opportunities for the Control of Brassicaceous Weeds of Cropping Systems Using Mycoherbicides AARON MAXWELL and JOHN K. SCOTT Stress Resistance and Disease Resistance in Seaweeds: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Metabolism MATTHEW J. DRING Nutrient Sensing and Signalling in Plants: Potassium and Phosphorus ANNA AMTMANN, JOHN P. HAMMOND, PATRICK ARMENGAUD and PHILIP J. WHITE
Contents of Volume 44 Angiosperm Floral Evolution: Morphological Developmental Framework PETER K. ENDRESS Recent Developments Regarding the Evolutionary Origin of Flowers MICHAEL W. FROHLICH Duplication, Diversification, and Comparative Genetics of Angiosperm MADS-Box Genes VIVIAN F. IRISH Beyond the ABC-Model: Regulation of Floral Homeotic Genes LAURA M. ZAHN, BAOMIN FENG and HONG MA Missing Links: DNA-Binding and Target Gene Specificity of Floral Homeotic Proteins RAINER MELZER, KERSTIN KAUFMANN ¨ NTER THEIßEN and GU Genetics of Floral Development in Petunia ANNEKE RIJPKEMA, TOM GERATS and MICHIEL VANDENBUSSCHE Flower Development: The Antirrhinum Perspective BRENDAN DAVIES, MARIA CARTOLANO and ZSUZSANNA SCHWARZ-SOMMER Floral Developmental Genetics of Gerbera (Asteraceae) TEEMU H. TEERI, MIKA KOTILAINEN, ANNE UIMARI, SATU RUOKOLAINEN, YAN PENG NG, URSULA MALM, ¨ NEN, SUVI BROHOLM, ROOSA LAITINEN, ¨ LLA EIJA PO PAULA ELOMAA and VICTOR A. ALBERT Gene Duplication and Floral Developmental Genetics of Basal Eudicots ELENA M. KRAMER and ELIZABETH A. ZIMMER
Genetics of Grass Flower Development CLINTON J. WHIPPLE and ROBERT J. SCHMIDT Developmental Gene Evolution and the Origin of Grass Inflorescence Diversity SIMON T. MALCOMBER, JILL C. PRESTON, RENATA REINHEIMER, JESSIE KOSSUTH and ELIZABETH A. KELLOGG Expression of Floral Regulators in Basal Angiosperms and the Origin and Evolution of ABC-Function PAMELA S. SOLTIS, DOUGLAS E. SOLTIS, SANGTAE KIM, ANDRE CHANDERBALI and MATYAS BUZGO The Molecular Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Development: Flowering Time in Arabidopsis thaliana KATHLEEN ENGELMANN and MICHAEL PURUGGANAN A Genomics Approach to the Study of Ancient Polyploidy and Floral Developmental Genetics JAMES H. LEEBENS-MACK, KERR WALL, JILL DUARTE, ZHENGUI ZHENG, DAVID OPPENHEIMER and CLAUDE DEPAMPHILIS Series Editors (Volume 45– ) JEAN-CLAUDE KADER Laboratoire Physiologie Cellulaire et Mole´culaire des Plantes, CNRS, Universite´ de Paris, Paris, France MICHEL DELSENY Laboratoire Ge´nome et De´veloppement des Plantes, CNRS IRD UP, Universite´ de Perpignan, Perpignan, France
Contents of Volume 45 RAPESEED BREEDING History, Origin and Evolution S. K. GUPTA and ADITYA PRATAP
Breeding Methods B. RAI, S. K. GUPTA and ADITYA PRATAP The Chronicles of Oil and Meal Quality Improvement in Oilseed Rape ABHA AGNIHOTRI, DEEPAK PREM and KADAMBARI GUPTA Development and Practical Use of DNA Markers KATARZYNA MIKOLAJCZYK Self-Incompatibility RYO FUJIMOTO and TAKESHI NISHIO Fingerprinting of Oilseed Rape Cultivars ´ ˇ URN and JANA ZˇALUDOVA VLADISLAV C Haploid and Doubled Haploid Technology L. XU, U. NAJEEB, G. X. TANG, H. H. GU, G. Q. ZHANG, Y. HE and W. J. ZHOU Breeding for Apetalous Rape: Inheritance and Yield Physiology LIXI JIANG Breeding Herbicide-Tolerant Oilseed Rape Cultivars PETER B. E. MCVETTY and CARLA D. ZELMER Breeding for Blackleg Resistance: The Biology and Epidemiology W. G. DILANTHA FERNANDO, YU CHEN and KAVEH GHANBARNIA Development of Alloplasmic Rape MICHAL STARZYCKI, ELIGIA STARZYCKI and JAN PSZCZOLA Honeybees and Rapeseed: A Pollinator–Plant Interaction D. P. ABROL
Genetic Variation and Metabolism of Glucosinolates NATALIA BELLOSTAS, ANNE DORTHE SØRENSEN, JENS CHRISTIAN SØRENSEN and HILMER SØRENSEN Mutagenesis: Generation and Evaluation of Induced Mutations SANJAY J. JAMBHULKAR Rapeseed Biotechnology VINITHA CARDOZA and C. NEAL STEWART, JR. Oilseed Rape: Co-existence and Gene Flow from Wild Species RIKKE BAGGER JØRGENSEN Evaluation, Maintenance, and Conservation of Germplasm RANBIR SINGH and S. K. SHARMA Oil Technology ¨ US BERTRAND MATTHA
Aquaporins in Plants: From Molecular Structure to Integrated Functions OLIVIER POSTAIRE, LIONEL VERDOUCQ and CHRISTOPHE MAUREL Iron Dynamics in Plants JEAN-FRANC ¸ OIS BRIAT Plants and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Cues and Communication in the Early Steps of Symbiotic Interactions VIVIENNE GIANINAZZI-PEARSON, NATHALIE SE´JALON-DELMAS, ANDREA GENRE, SYLVAIN JEANDROZ and PAOLA BONFANTE Dynamic Defense of Marine Macroalgae Against Pathogens: From Early Activated to Gene-Regulated Responses AUDREY COSSE, CATHERINE LEBLANC and PHILIPPE POTIN
Contents of Volume 48 Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Vascular Development JAE-HOON JUNG, SANG-GYU KIM, PIL JOON SEO AND CHUNG-MO PARK Clock Control Over Plant Gene Expression ANTOINE BAUDRY AND STEVE KAY Plant Lectins ELS J. M. VAN DAMME, NAUSICAA LANNOO AND WILLY J. PEUMANS Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins MING-DER SHIH, FOLKERT A. HOEKSTRA AND YUE-IE C. HSING
Contents of Volume 49 Phototropism and Gravitropism in Plants MARIA LIA MOLAS AND JOHN Z. KISS
Contents of Volume 50 Aroma Volatiles: Biosynthesis and Mechanisms of Modulation During Fruit Ripening BRUNO G. DEFILIPPI, DANIEL MANRI´QUEZ, ´ LEZ-AGU ¨ ERO KIETSUDA LUENGWILAI AND MAURICIO GONZA Jatropha curcas: A Review NICOLAS CARELS You are What You Eat: Interactions Between Root Parasitic Plants and Their Hosts LOUIS J. IRVING AND DUNCAN D. CAMERON Low Oxygen Signaling and Tolerance in Plants FRANCESCO LICAUSI AND PIERDOMENICO PERATA Roles of Circadian Clock and Histone Methylation in the Control of Floral Repressors RYM FEKIH, RIM NEFISSI, KANA MIYATA, HIROSHI EZURA AND TSUYOSHI MIZOGUCHI
Contents of Volume 51 PAMP-Triggered Basal Immunity in Plants ¨ RNBERGER AND BIRGIT KEMMERLING THORSTEN NU Plant Pathogens as Suppressors of Host Defense ´ TRAUX, ROBERT WILSON JACKSON, JEAN-PIERRE ME ESTHER SCHNETTLER AND ROB W. GOLDBACH From Nonhost Resistance to Lesion-Mimic Mutants: Useful for Studies of Defense Signaling ANDREA LENK AND HANS THORDAL-CHRISTENSEN Action at a Distance: Long-Distance Signals in Induced Resistance MARC J. CHAMPIGNY AND ROBIN K. CAMERON Systemic Acquired Resistance R. HAMMERSCHMIDT Rhizobacteria-Induced Systemic Resistance ¨ FTE DAVID DE VLEESSCHAUWER AND MONICA HO Plant Growth-Promoting Actions of Rhizobacteria STIJN SPAEPEN, JOS VANDERLEYDEN AND YAACOV OKON Interactions Between Nonpathogenic Fungi and Plants M. I. TRILLAS AND G. SEGARRA Priming of Induced Plant Defense Responses UWE CONRATH Transcriptional Regulation of Plant Defense Responses MARCEL C. VAN VERK, CHRISTIANE GATZ AND HUUB J. M. LINTHORST
Unexpected Turns and Twists in Structure/Function of PR-Proteins that Connect Energy Metabolism and Immunity MEENA L. NARASIMHAN, RAY A. BRESSAN, MATILDE PAINO D’URZO, MATTHEW A. JENKS AND TESFAYE MENGISTE Role of Iron in Plant–Microbe Interactions P. LEMANCEAU, D. EXPERT, F. GAYMARD, P. A. H. M. BAKKER AND J.-F. BRIAT Adaptive Defense Responses to Pathogens and Insects LINDA L. WALLING Plant Volatiles in Defence MERIJN R. KANT, PETRA M. BLEEKER, MICHIEL VAN WIJK, ROBERT C. SCHUURINK AND MICHEL A. HARING Ecological Consequences of Plant Defence Signalling MARTIN HEIL AND DALE R. WALTERS
Contents of Volume 52 Oxidation of Proteins in Plants—Mechanisms and Consequences LEE J. SWEETLOVE AND IAN M. MØLLER Reactive Oxygen Species: Regulation of Plant Growth and Development HYUN-SOON KIM, YOON-SIK KIM, KYU-WOONG HAHN, HYOUK JOUNG AND JAE-HEUNG JEON Ultraviolet-B Induced Changes in Gene Expression and Antioxidants in Plants S. B. AGRAWAL, SURUCHI SINGH AND MADHOOLIKA AGRAWAL
Roles of -Glutamyl Transpeptidase and -Glutamyl Cyclotransferase in Glutathione and Glutathione-Conjugate Metabolism in Plants NAOKO OHKAMA-OHTSU, KEIICHI FUKUYAMA AND DAVID J. OLIVER The Redox State, a Referee of the Legume–Rhizobia Symbiotic Game DANIEL MARINO, CHIARA PUCCIARIELLO, ALAIN PUPPO AND PIERRE FRENDO
Optimization of Nutrition in Soilless Systems: A Review ´ NGELES CALATAYUD ELISA GORBE AND A
Contents of Volume 54 Pollen Germination and Tube Growth HUEI-JING WANG, JONG-CHIN HUANG, AND GUANG-YUH JAUH Molecular Mechanisms of Sex Determination in Monoecious and Dioecious Plants GEORGE CHUCK The Evolution of Floral Symmetry HE´LE`NE CITERNE, FLORIAN JABBOUR, SOPHIE NADOT, AND CATHERINE DAMERVAL Protein Turnover in Grass Leaves LOUIS JOHN IRVING, YUJI SUZUKI, HIROYUKI ISHIDA, AND AMANE MAKINO
Carpel Development
*Instituto de Biologı´a Molecular y Celular de Plantas, CSIC-Universidad Polite´cnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain { Reproduction et De´veloppement des Plantes, UMR 5667, CNRS-INRA-Universite´ de Lyon, Ecole Normale Supe´rieure de Lyon, Lyon Cedex 07, France { Uppsala BioCenter, Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. The Carpel and Gynoecium.................................................. B. The Advantage of Having Carpels.......................................... C. The Added Benefits of Carpel Fusion ...................................... II. The Origin of the Carpel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. An ‘‘Abominable Mystery’’ .................................................. B. Hypotheses of Carpel Origin ................................................ C. A Possible Role for the E-function in Carpel Evolution ................ III. The Basic Developmental Plan of Lateral Organs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Leaves and Carpels Share Basic Regulatory Pathways .................. B. Initiation of Lateral Organs at the Flanks of the Shoot Apical Meristem ....................................................... C. Establishment of Boundaries ................................................ D. Regulation of Adaxial–Abaxial Polarity...................................
3 3 3 4 5 5 5 9 10 10 10 13 13
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Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 55 Copyright 2010, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0065-2296/10 $35.00 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2296(10)55001-8
E. Leaf Development ............................................................. F. Leaf Margins ................................................................... The Basic Concepts of the Arabidopsis Gynoecium and Fruit. . . . . . . . . . . . . A. The Arabidopsis Gynoecium ................................................. B. From Leaf to Carpel: The Identity Genes ................................. C. Partitioning the Carpel: Adaxial–Abaxial and Medio-Lateral Patterning .................................................... D. Development of the Carpel Lateral Domains ............................. E. Development of Carpel Marginal Tissues ................................. F. Establishment of Apical–Basal Polarity in the Gynoecium ............. G. Post-Fertilisation Carpel Growth ........................................... Floral Meristem Termination in the Central Zone of the Arabidopsis Gynoecium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. AGAMOUS (AG), the Main Gene Responsible for Carpel Development, Also Plays a Central Role in Floral Meristem Termination ........................................................ B. The B-Class Genes APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI) Promote the Male Developmental Programme and Antagonise FM Termination............................................................... C. CRABS CLAW (CRC) and SPATULA (SPT), Two Genes Involved in Carpel Development, Also Participate to FM Termination ......... D. AG is Required in the Centre of the FM to Trigger FM Termination............................................................... E. To Terminate Stem Cell Maintenance, AG Promotes a Specific Developmental Programme at the Base of the Gynoecium ............. F. Conclusions..................................................................... Carpel Diversification in the Angiosperms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. A Phylogenetic Background ................................................. B. Carpel Morphology and Function in ANA Grade Angiosperms ...... C. The Molecular Control of Carpel Development in the ANA Grade .. D. Carpel Development in Monocots .......................................... E. Carpel Development in Basal Eudicots .................................... F. The Role of Gene Duplications in Core Eudicot Carpel Evolution ... General Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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ABSTRACT The carpel is the female reproductive organ that encloses the ovules in the flowering plants or angiosperms. The origin of the carpel and its subsequent morphological modifications were probably of vital importance to the evolution of the angiosperms, and the carpel is also very important as the precursor organ to the fruit. Here we describe the general attributes of the angiosperm carpel and several hypotheses for its evolutionary origin. As carpels share many developmental processes with leaves, we describe these processes in the leaf, and then detail the regulation of carpel and fruit development in the model angiosperm Arabidopsis thaliana. We also describe the relationship between carpel formation and the arrest of organ proliferation which occurs at the centre of the Arabidopsis floral meristem. We then provide a brief overview of carpel development in angiosperms occupying important phylogenetic
positions, including ANA grade angiosperms, monocots, basal eudicots and core eudicots, focussing on the probable ancestral state of the carpel in each case, and on the available molecular and genetic data. We end with a brief discussion of future research directions relating to carpel and fruit development.
The carpel is the female reproductive organ that encloses the ovules in the flowering plants or angiosperms. By contrast, ovules in the remainder of the seed plants, or gymnosperms, occur as naked structures, often borne in the axils of leaf-like organs such as the cone scales of conifers. Indeed, the terms ‘‘angiosperm’’ and ‘‘gymnosperm’’ describe this difference, as they, respectively, refer to enclosed and naked seeds (from the Greek angeion ¼ vessel, gymnos ¼ naked and sperma ¼ seed). Carpels typically occur in the fourth and innermost whorl of the angiosperm flower, which is termed the gynoecium. These organs may occur separately, in which case the gynoecium is said to be apocarpic, or may be fused together into a gynoecium which is then termed syncarpic. Both individual carpels and syncarpic gynoecia are divided longitudinally into tissues which perform distinct roles in reproduction. Thus, the stigma at the apex of these structures is specialised for the capture and germination of pollen grains, and below this the style conducts pollen tubes to the ovary, which houses the ovules and in which fertilisation takes place.
The carpel is thought to confer a number of major advantages on the flowering plants. Firstly, carpels protect the ovules within them, in part through the expression of genes associated with defence against insects and micro-organisms (Scutt et al., 2003). Secondly, systems have evolved to enable pollen capture and pollen tube guidance in carpel tissues, which may represent considerable improvements over equivalent mechanisms operating in gymnosperms. Thirdly, during the phase of pollen germination and growth, the carpel provides a site for the operation of self- and inter-specific incompatibility mechanisms: self-incompatibility prevents close inbreeding and thereby conserves the capacity for evolutionary change, while inter-specific incompatibility prevents wide hybridisations that may lead to the production of unviable offspring.
Fourthly, carpel tissues undergo developmental changes after fertilisation to form fruits, which protect the developing seeds within them and, at maturity, contribute to the dissemination of these.
More than 80% of the angiosperm species are syncarpic: their carpels are fused into a single female structure in the centre of the flower and this trait has probably arisen over 20 times independently in the angiosperms (Armbruster et al., 2002). Carpel fusion confers numerous advantages on syncarpic species (Armbruster et al., 2002; Endress, 1982), of which one of the most important is the provision of a compitum: a tissue that acts as an interchange between the entire stigmatic surface and the ovary, thus allowing any pollen tube to access any ovule. Another potentially important advantage of syncarpy results from the enhanced competition that this produces between pollen tubes: an effect which may select for vigorous male parents. Syncarpy also allows for the production of larger fruits, with potentially more complex and efficient seed dispersal mechanisms. Finally, a syncarpic gynoecium may require a lesser energy input for cell wall production, compared to an apocarpic gynoecium of similar size. Syncarpy can be divided into two types based on the timing of the fusion event involved: where carpels are fused from the earliest emergence of their primordia, the fusion is termed ‘‘congenital’’, whereas fusion that takes place during development is termed ‘‘post-genital’’. Congenital carpel fusion is the most common type, with post-genital fusion occurring in only a few families (Lolle and Pruitt, 1999). The molecular basis for congential carpel fusion has not been investigated in detail, though a large number of Arabidopsis mutants are known that disrupt congenital carpel fusion (Vialette-Guiraud and Scutt, 2010). Post-genital carpel fusion has been studied most fully in Catharanthus roseus (Apocyneaceae), in which two separate carpel primordia are initiated and then grow until their inner surfaces come into contact (Siegel and Verbeke, 1989; Verbeke, 1992; Walker, 1978). The already differentiated epidermal cells of these surfaces then begin to interlock and re-differentiate into parenchyma by a process which is dependent on diffusible, water-soluble agents produced by the carpels (Siegel and Verbeke, 1989). For all of the reason given above, both the origin of the carpel and the multiple origins of syncarpy were almost certainly the major factors in the evolutionary success of the angiosperms. This group arose from an unknown common ancestor, believed to have lived in the Lower Cretaceous Period, to generate an estimated 300,000 or more species alive today.
This is how Charles Darwin famously referred to the recent apparition and rapid diversification of the angiosperms (see Friedman, 2009). The rapidity of early angiosperm diversification, as suggested by the fossil record, was in contradiction with Darwin’s viewpoint as an evolutionary gradualist, and though this feature of angiosperm evolution may seem less mysterious to present-day biologists, we still lack understanding of many aspects of the origin of the flowering plants. For example, little is currently known of the molecular changes that were responsible for the highly novel anatomical features of the first flowers, including the carpel. Additionally, we lack a clear picture of the non-flowering progenitor of the flowering plants and knowledge of which fossil gymnosperms, such as Corystospermales, Caytoniales, Glossopteridales, Bennettitales or Schmeissneria (Taylor and Taylor, 2009; Wang et al., 2007), might be sister or ancestral to the angiosperms. Further unanswered questions relate to where the flowering plants originated and to the date of this event: though a Lower Cretaceous origin is widely cited, the carpel and other key floral features may have originated earlier than that. Though much further work is thus necessary if we are to piece together the early evolution of the flower and carpel, the current lack of firm evidence has not prevented the construction of numerous hypotheses on this subject, as described below.
A hypothesis proposed by the writer and philosopher Goethe (von Goethe, 1790), and which is now well supported by molecular and genetic evidence (Honma and Goto, 2001), regards all plant lateral organs, including carpels, as variants of a basic leaf-type developmental ground plan. Though the carpel may thus be homologous to leaves, this floral reproductive organ is almost certainly more directly related to the leaf-like structures present in the reproductive axes of the angiosperms’ sister group, the gymnosperms. On this subject, hypotheses for flower origin divide conceptually into two types, depending on whether they regard the carpel as derived by the modification of male or female structures in a presumed gymnosperm-like ancestor. The mostly male theory (MMT; Frohlich, 2003; Frohlich and Parker, 2000) postulates the flower to be mostly derived from the male strobili of a gymnospermlike ancestor. According to this hypothesis (Fig. 1A), the ancestor of the flowering plants would first have generated ectopic ovules on male sporophylls,
6 A
Fig. 1. Hypotheses for the origin of the flower and its carpel. (A) According to the Mostly-Male Theory (Frohlich, 2003), ectopic ovules formed on previously male sporophylls and, in a second step, these sporophylls lost their microsporangia and closed around the ovule to form the carpel. The outer integument of the angiosperm ovule (thick line) was formed from a pre-existing female cupule structure. (B) According to the Out-of-Male hypothesis (Theissen et al., 2002), the basipetal movement of male-determining B-function MADS box gene expression (shaded area) in a male strobilus left female structures at the apex, which later became carpels. (C) According to the Out-of-Female hypothesis (Theissen et al., 2002), the acropetal movement of B-sister MADS box gene expression (shaded area) in a female strobilus left male structures at the base, which later became stamens. Female structures at the apex became carpels. (D) According to the hypothesis of Baum and Hileman (2006), a temporal switch in the regulation by LFY of B- and C-function MADS box genes occurred in an ancestor of the flowering plants. This change generated high concentrations of C-function-rich MADS box complexes at late developmental stages, causing the patterning of the strobilus into apical female and basal male reproductive structures, and these later became carpels and stamens, respectively.
which would thereby have become bisexual. The MMT postulates that ectopic ovules were concentrated on sporophylls near the apex of the strobilus, and that these sporophylls subsequently lost their ability to produce microsporangia, thus becoming functionally female. The MMT goes on to postulate these newly female sporophylls to have closed around the ovules to form the first carpels. In subsequent evolutionary steps, the residual female strobili of these proto-flowering plants would have been lost, leaving only bisexual reproductive axes containing apical carpels and basal microsporophylls (later to become stamens). The MMT is based on evidence from a number of sources, including data linked to LEAFY (LFY), which acts upstream of genes that specify the identities of floral organs in model angiosperms. In certain gymnosperms, a paralogue of LFY termed NEEDLY (NLY) has been shown to be expressed principally in female cones (Mouradov et al., 1998). No direct orthologue of NLY has been found in any angiosperm, suggesting this gene lineage to have been lost from a common ancestor of the living angiosperms, subsequent to the separation of the angiosperm and gymnosperm lineages. The MMT postulates the loss of NLY to have been accompanied by the extensive loss of female-specific developmental programmes, and this loss to have contributed to the origin of the flower. Hence, the MMT regards the carpel as derived from male reproductive organs. The MMT even accounts for the origin of the outer integument of the ovule, which is also specific to the flowering plants, by proposing this to have arisen from a cupule that surrounded the ovules in their presumed gymnosperm-like ancestor. Indeed, the MMT cites Jurassic fossil Corystospermales as having cupules of a type which could have evolved to generate the outer integument. Though the MMT has been a very widely discussed and conceptually useful hypothesis for flower origin, it should be noted that several more recent studies have questioned the sex-specific expression of LFY and NLY in gymnosperms on which the MMT is partly based (Carlsbecker et al., 2004; Dornelas and Rodriguez, 2005; Vazquez-Lobo et al., 2007). Several further hypotheses of flower origin have been proposed, which differ from the MMT in that they postulate the bisexuality of the flower to have arisen by a spatial or temporal change in factors controlling the sex of reproductive organs. Hence, these hypotheses do not, in contrast to the MMT, postulate the extensive loss of female developmental programmes during flowering plant evolution and consequently regard the carpel as homologous to female, rather than male, gymnosperm reproductive structures. The Out-of-Male (OOM) hypothesis (Theissen et al., 2002) proposes the bisexual flower to have evolved by the basipetal movement of the expression of a male-promoting, B-class MADS box gene in a previously male
strobilus, resulting in the production of female structures at the apex (Fig. 1B). A sister hypothesis to the OOM hypothesis, termed the Out-ofFemale (OOF) hypothesis (Theissen et al., 2002), postulates a sex-determining role for B-sister MADS box genes, whose expression is proposed to have moved acropetally in a female strobilus to leave male structures in basal positions (Fig. 1C). In general, therefore, the OOM and OOF hypotheses focus below the level of LFY and NLY in the hierarchical control of gene expression, and postulate a spatial change in MADS box gene expression to form a boundary of B- or B-sister expression in a previously unisexual strobilus, thereby making this bisexual. It should be added that recent functional characterisation of B-sister genes in Arabidopsis has revealed roles in seed pigmentation (Nesi et al., 2002) and outer integument development (de Folter et al., 2006; Prasad et al., 2010), rather than in carpel development per se. However, it cannot be excluded that B-sister genes may have played a role in carpel development in early flowering plants. Baum and Hileman (2006) have formulated a further hypothesis, which will be termed here the BHH, to account for the evolution of the first flowers (Fig. 1D). Similar to the MMT, the BHH proposes a central role for LFY in the origin of the flower, but postulates that the origin of floral bisexuality was caused not by the loss of female-specific developmental programmes but by a temporally generated switch in responses to LFY. According to this hypothesis, LFY protein levels increase with time in the meristems of developing reproductive axes and, at a certain threshold, cause these meristems to switch from the production of (male) microsporophylls to (female) megasporophylls. This hypothesised switch may involve the action of LFY cofactors, such as UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS (UFO) and WUSCHEL (WUS). Whatever the precise mechanism, the BHH proposes that a change occurred during early flower evolution in the relative response to LFY of B- and C-class MADS genes. Accordingly, C-class proteins are proposed to have predominated at the high LFY concentrations encountered at the apex of the strobilus at late developmental stages, resulting in MADS box complexes that were rich in C-class proteins. These proteins would have formed C-rich complexes which would consequentially have specified the development of megasporophylls at the apex of the strobilus. The above hypotheses may, to some extent, be tested. Baum and Hileman (2006), for example, propose a list of predictions of their hypothesis that could be tested in basal angiosperms and gymnosperms. The MMT stands out from the other hypotheses described here in proposing the extensive loss of female developmental programmes during early flower evolution. This prediction might provide a means to eliminate either the MMT or all other current contending hypotheses from consideration. Thus, if the predictions
of the MMT were correct, we would expect to find in gymnosperms numerous classes of genes with female-specific expression patterns, the orthologues of which had been lost from the angiosperms. Gymnosperm genes with malespecific expression patterns should not have been affected in this way. The testing of the MMT by this method has yet to be performed on a large scale. However, one question mark concerning such a test relates to the degree to which male and female developmental programmes in gymnosperms might be based on different sets of genes, rather than on subtle changes to the expression of a common set of genes. If the latter is predominately the case, such a relatively simple method of hypothesis testing may be unavailable. C. A POSSIBLE ROLE FOR THE E-FUNCTION IN CARPEL EVOLUTION
The E-function MADS box genes may have played an important role in the origin of the flower and its carpel. In Arabidopsis, these genes encode the SEPALLATA1-4 (SEP1-4) transcription factors, which are hypothesised to act in quaternary complexes, together with combinations of A-, B- and C-function MADS box proteins, to specify organ identity in each whole of the flower (Honma and Goto, 2001; Pelaz et al., 2000; Theissen and Saedler, 2001). Theissen and Melzer (2007) discuss the possibility that, before the flower, dimers of C-function genes may have specified the development of female reproductive organs, and that the evolution of quaternary MADS box complexes, incorporating both C- and E-function proteins, may have built on this mechanism to generate the carpel. More precisely, the evolution of MADS box quaternary complexes is hypothesised to have caused transcription factor binding to two distinct MADS box binding motifs, termed CArG boxes, in the cis-acting control regions of their target genes. According to this hypothesis, this newly evolved DNA-binding behaviour would have generated the necessary multiplicity of interactions to specify at least three novel organ types in early flowers: carpels, stamens and tepals. SEP genes, encoding the E-function, appear to be specific to the angiosperms (Becker and Theissen, 2003). However, recent evidence suggests that the E-function may not be exclusively associated with the SEP clade: genes of the AGAMOUS-LIKE6 (AGL6) clade have recently been demonstrated to contribute to the E-function in both Petunia (Rijpkema et al., 2009) and Poaceae monocots (Li et al., 2010; Ohmori et al., 2009; Thompson et al., 2009). The AGL6 clade is sister to the SEP clade in angiosperms and is also present in gymnosperms (Becker et al., 2000), thus leaving open the possibility that quaternary MADS box complexes involving AGL6 proteins might also form in gymnosperms. The presence of AGL6 orthologues in gymnosperms tends to suggest the loss of the SEP clade from this group, rather than its
specific origin by duplication in the angiosperms, also casting some doubt on the idea that the genes responsible for the E-function arose specifically with the angiosperms. To resolve the question of the potential contribution of the E-function to the origin of the flower, and therefore of the carpel, attention is now being paid to the formation of higher order complexes of MADS box proteins in both angiosperms and gymnosperms (Melzer et al., 2010).
As mentioned in the previous section, leaves and floral organs most likely have a common evolutionary origin, or as Goethe memorably put it: Alles ist Blatt (All is Leaf; von Goethe, 1790). An increasing amount of evidence suggests that the pathways regulating the basic morphological outline of ancestral leaf-like organs have been recruited to the developmental programmes of both leaves and floral organs, including the carpels, of presentday plants, although in the latter case, these have been slightly modified and positioned downstream of genes determining floral organ identity. For instance, mutations in genes affecting carpel morphogenesis also result in defects in the basic morphogenesis of the leaves. We will start by summarising what is known about the formation and patterning of leaves, in order to be able to use this information as a basis for a discussion of carpel and fruit morphogenesis in later sections. Impressive progress in our understanding of the genetic regulation of leaf initiation and morphogenesis has been made during the last decade, and this has been the subject recently of several in-depth reviews (Aida and Tasaka, 2006; Barkoulas et al., 2007; Bowman and Floyd, 2008; Byrne, 2006; Husbands et al., 2009; Kepinski, 2006; Pulido and Laufs, 2010; Shani et al., 2006), though in contrast to these, we aim only to give an overview of the known regulatory networks.
In this section, we approach the following two basic questions: what regulatory events are required for lateral organ initiation at the peripheral zone (PZ) of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and what are the events leading to
the formation of lateral organ primordia? Before the initiation of lateral organs, the cells of the SAM are maintained in an undifferentiated state by the activity of a number of regulators, including members of the class I KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) and WUSHEL-like homeobox (WOX) transcription factor families (Fig. 2A; Hake et al., 2004; Laux et al., 1996). Cell expansion is strongly correlated with differentiation, and the above-mentioned factors act in part by promoting a high ratio of cell division to cell expansion through the modulation of hormonal balances in the SAM (Jasinski et al., 2005; Yanai et al., 2005). Cell division is stimulated by cytokinin-induced activation of Cyclin D, and high cytokinin levels in the Arabidopsis SAM result, at least in part, from KNOX-induced activation of the cytokinin biosynthesis gene ISOPENTENYL TRANSFERASE7 (IPT7; Yanai et al., 2005). Not only cytokinin synthesis (Kurakawa et al., 2007) but also cytokinin responsiveness is high in the central part in the meristem, and at least two members of the WOX family, WUS and STIMPY/WOX9, appear to stimulate cytokinin signalling in the SAM (Fig. 2A; Gordon et al., 2009; Skylar et al., 2010). Interestingly, recent data suggest that cytokinin stimulates KNOX and WUS/WOX activity, suggesting the presence of a positive feedback loop (Gordon et al., 2009; Kurakawa et al., 2007). At the same time, cell expansion is repressed by keeping the level of the hormone gibberellin low through the KNOX-mediated repression of the gibberellin biosynthesis gene GA20-OXIDASE (ga20ox) and by activation of the GA catabolism gene ga2ox1 (Bolduc and Hake, 2009; Chen et al., 2004; Hay et al., 2002). Lateral organ initiation in the PZ of the SAM requires the silencing of programmes that repress differentiation, such as the KNOX programme, and it has been suggested that the plant hormone auxin plays a major role in this process. Local auxin concentration maxima are formed at organ initiation sites by a directed auxin flux, which results from the action of auxin influx and efflux facilitators (Bainbridge et al., 2008; Heisler et al., 2005; Reinhardt et al., 2000, 2003). In these ‘‘high auxin’’ organ initiation sites, KNOX gene activity is repressed by auxin action itself, as well as by the activity of a transcriptional repressor complex containing the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 proteins, resulting in the induction of leaf formation (Fig. 2A; Guo et al., 2008; Hay et al., 2006; Ikezaki et al., 2010). The AS1/AS2 complex also maintains the silencing of KNOX throughout leaf development via the recruitment of the HIRA (Histone Regulation A) chromatin-remodelling factor to the KNOX gene (Guo et al., 2008; Phelps-Durr et al., 2005). Leaf initiation appears also to be regulated by a SQUAMOSA promoter-binding protein-like 9 (SPL9)-dependent, leaf-derived signal that may act via the modulation of auxin pathways (Wang et al., 2008).
Low auxin Low PIN High CUC High KNOX Boundary High JLO/LOB
Cell cycle arrest
Auxin AS
Auxin GA
Growth Proximal
Fig. 2. Genetic networks controlling plant lateral organ development. (A) Interactions between hormones, transcription factors, and RNAs for lateral organ initiation, boundary formation, and establishment of adaxial–abaxial polarity in the leaf. (B) The establishment of distal–proximal polarity of the leaf.
When a leaf primordium starts to grow, a boundary domain, in which cell expansion is reduced, becomes established to separate it from the neighbouring tissues. So, the next question is: what regulatory pathways position and establish boundaries between the SAM and newly initiated lateral organs? It has been suggested that a signal from the CZ of the meristem participates in the positioning of organ boundaries, and that activities in the meristem and the each new organ together establish the molecular changes required for boundary formation (Rast and Simon, 2008). As soon as one organ primordium has been initiated, a redirection of auxin flux to a new position in the PZ establishes the initiation of the next lateral organ (Heisler et al., 2005). As a consequence, auxin is depleted and changes to gene expression occur in the cell layers surrounding the newly formed primordium, which creates a morphological boundary of distinct cell types with reduced cell division activity that separates the primordium from the rest of the meristem (Fig. 2A; Heisler et al., 2005), as reviewed by Aida and Tasaka (2006). The NAC domain transcription factors CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON (CUC1), CUC2 and CUC3 are expressed in the boundary domain, where their activity contributes to the repression of cell division and expansion (Hibara et al., 2006; Sieber et al., 2007; Vroemen et al., 2003). The expression of the growth inhibiting CUC genes is restricted by members of the miRNA164 family, indicating CUC genes to be central regulators of boundary size (Laufs et al., 2004; Sieber et al., 2007). The JAGGED LATERAL ORGANS (JGL) LBD domain protein is also expressed at the SAM/organ boundary, where it promotes the boundary function by repressing PINFORMED (PIN) activity, potentially resulting in low auxin concentrations at the boundary, and by activating KNOX genes (Borghi et al., 2007; Husbands et al., 2007; Shuai et al., 2002). Recently, the BELL-type protein ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX GENE1 (ATH1) was also suggested to participate in boundary formation in a pathway parallel to that of the CUC proteins (GomezMena and Sablowski, 2008).
Concomitant with the lateral outgrowth of the leaf primordium, a distinct polarity along the adaxial–abaxial axis is established. Anatomical features that optimise the leaf for photosynthesis are formed on the upper or adaxial side, adjacent to the SAM, whereas the lower or abaxial side differentiates to carry out gas exchange (for recent reviews see Chitwood et al., 2007; Husbands
et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2007). Members of the class III homeodomainleucine zipper (HD-ZIPIII) gene family, such as PHABULOSA (PHB), PHAVOLUTA (PHV) and REVOLUTA (REV), are expressed on the adaxial side of leaf primordia, where they play a major role in adaxial tissue specification (Fig. 2A; Emery et al., 2003; McConnell and Barton, 1998; McConnell et al., 2001; Prigge et al., 2005). HD-ZIPIII genes are also expressed in the CZ of the meristem and have been suggested to coordinate communication between the SAM and the adaxial side of organ primordia (McConnell et al., 2001). By contrast, miRNA166 accumulates on the abaxial side of leaf primordial, where it represses the activity of HD-ZIPIII genes via post-transcriptional cleavage and/or chromatin modifications (Alvarez et al., 2006; Bao et al., 2004; Emery et al., 2003; Kidner and Martienssen, 2004; Mallory et al., 2004; Tang et al., 2003; Williams et al., 2005; Zhou et al., 2007). The AS1 and AS2 proteins also support adaxial fate (Fu et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2003). The abaxial side of leaves is specified by another set of regulators, acting antagonistically to the adaxial determinants, suggesting the mutually exclusive and opposing nature of adaxial and abaxial cell fates (Fig. 2A). Transcription factors belonging to the KANADI (KAN) subgroup of the GARP family and the auxin response factors AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3/ETTIN (ARF3/ETT) and ARF4 together specify abaxial identity (Eshed et al., 2001; Kerstetter et al., 2001; Pekker et al., 2005). It has recently been shown that KAN1 directly represses AS2 transcription on the adaxial side of leaves, and other data suggest that KAN genes also act as negative regulators of HD-ZIPIII gene expression (Eshed et al., 2004; Kerstetter et al., 2001; Wu et al., 2008). The activity of ARF3 and ARF4 is restricted to the abaxial side of the leaf primordium by the action of TAS3 encoded ta-siRNAs that accumulate on the adaxial side (Adenot et al., 2006; Fahlgren et al., 2006; Garcia et al., 2006; Hunter et al., 2006; Nogueira et al., 2007; Vazquez et al., 2004; Williams et al., 2005). Further data suggest the genes-encoding YABBY (YAB) transcription factors to act downstream of other polarity determinants, including the KANs and the ARFs, to direct leaf lamina expansion at the adaxial–abaxial boundary (Eshed et al., 2001, 2004; Sawa et al., 1999; Siegfried et al., 1999). The antagonistic activity of the KAN and HD-ZIPIII genes has also been recruited to establish polarity during embryogenesis and vasculature formation, suggesting these to be important general regulators of polarity (Emery et al., 2003; Eshed et al., 2001; Ilegems et al., 2010; Izhaki and Bowman, 2007). One important question that remains to be answered concerns how polarity information is generated to induce the expression of fate-specific regulators. It has been suggested that the establishment of the adaxial–abaxial axis of leaves is dependent on the conversion of positional signals provided by the
SAM, and probably also by other surrounding areas, into the differential expression of the mutually antagonistic transcription factors mentioned above (Fig. 2A). Because the separation of the incipient leaf primordium from the CZ of the SAM through microsurgical sections results in radial abaxialised structures, it appears likely that adaxial identity is specified by a meristem-derived signal, continuously entering the primordium (Reinhardt et al., 2005; Sussex, 1954). However, the nature of this signal is still not known. Because the START domain of HD-ZIPIII proteins appears capable of lipid/sterol binding, this was suggested as the potential target of an unknown SAM-derived lipid/sterol signal (McConnell et al., 2001). Furthermore, as ta-siRNA-ARFs, encoded by TAS3, can move between cells, it has been suggested that these may play a role in SAM-to-primordia signalling (Garcia et al., 2006). However, although the ta-siRNA-ARFs can move from below the SAM into the meristem proper, as well as from the adaxial to the abaxial side of the leaf blade, there is no evidence that these molecules act as messengers from the SAM to leaf primordia (Chitwood et al., 2009). Instead, Chitwood et al. (2009) suggest that a gradient of these small RNAs is formed, which could define the expression boundary of their targets ARF3 and ARF4. A signalling molecule often used for positional information is auxin, and Pekker et al. (2005) have suggested that auxin could act as an abaxially polarising signal, activating ARF3 and ARF4. This is supported by the finding that the auxin influx facilitator AUX1 localises specifically in the abaxial epidermal layer, suggesting that auxin may flow into the abaxial half of the incipient primordium and that an auxin gradient may be established across the primordium (Reinhardt et al., 2003).
Leaf development proceeds through various different steps during which cell proliferation, cell expansion and cell differentiation occur. One major question is: how is this process coordinated? Auxin gradients may contribute to leaf development by coordinating growth, and, for example, the differentiation and patterning of veins. An auxin maximum at the apical tip of the leaf primordium is established through auxin transport early in development (Reinhardt et al., 2003), and is maintained by the induction of auxin biosynthesis at the tip, and later on also in the hydathodes at the margins of the leaf primordium. It has been suggested that this process allows the formation of a distal–proximal auxin gradient (Benkova et al., 2003), which is important for controlled cell division and expansion, and gradients
formed by auxin transport from the leaf tip have been suggested to be important for midvein development (Mattsson et al., 1999; Zgurski et al., 2005). The mechanisms that establish the pattern of differentiation along the distal–proximal axis of the leaf have not yet been determined. It has been shown, however, that cell proliferation and differentiation/expansion occurs along a gradient from the (distal) leaf blade toward the (proximal) petiole, reflected by the gradual move of a front of cell cycle arrest from the tip to the base (Fig. 2B; Donnelly et al., 1999; Nath et al., 2003). Similarly, cell divisions in the mid-region decline slightly ahead of divisions at the leaf margins in a medio-lateral gradient (Byrne, 2005). Thus, it is quite clear that the control of cell division is an integral part of pattern formation, and most likely contributes to the multitude of leaf shapes found in nature. Transcriptional regulators of cell division include: JAGGED (JAG), AINTEGUMENTA (ANT), GRF-INTERACTING FACTORS (GIFS), GROWTH-REGULATING-FACTORS (GRF), PEAPOD (PPD), LEAFY PETIOLE (LEP) and class I TEOSINTE BRANCHED1, CYCLOIDEA, PCF (TCP), all of which promote cell divisions in the leaf (Dinneny et al., 2006; Horiguchi et al., 2005; Hu et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2009; Li et al., 2005; Mizukami and Fischer, 2000; van der Graaff et al., 2000; White, 2006), as reviewed by Anastasiou and Lenhard (2007) and Ingram and Waites (2006). In addition, the final expression patterns of some of these regulators, such as the GRF and TCP genes, appear to be controlled by miRNAs (Palatnik et al., 2003, 2007; Rodriguez et al., 2010). By contrast, growth cessation is promoted by the bHLH protein SPATULA (SPT) and the class II TCP proteins, starting from the tip of the leaf and continuing to the base (Efroni et al., 2008; Ichihashi et al., 2010; Nath et al., 2003; Ori et al., 2007; Palatnik et al., 2003). The distal–proximal polarity of the leaf also results in an asymmetry in the size of the leaf blade. The leaf is wide in its distal region, but at the proximal end, a petiole is formed which has a very narrow blade (Fig. 2B). Two BTB/POZ transcriptional co-activators, BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 (BOP1) and BOP2, repress cell proliferation and growth of the petiole. These regulators are expressed at the base of the developing leaf, where they directly activate AS2 transcription, establishing the conditions for the repression of KNOX gene expression that is necessary to correctly pattern the petiole tissues that form at the proximal end of the leaf (Ha et al., 2003, 2004, 2007; Hepworth et al., 2005; Jun et al., 2010). Furthermore, the BOP genes also negatively affect cell proliferation in the proximal end of the leaf by repressing JAG and NUBBIN (NUB; Norberg et al., 2005).
Controlled cell proliferation and elongation are also required for shaping the leaf margins (Dinneny et al., 2004; Palatnik et al., 2003) and interestingly, auxin appears to play an important role in establishing a part of this growth pattern. Auxin responsiveness is evenly distributed in the leaf margin of simple leaves that lack serrations (i.e. teeth; Aloni et al., 2003), whereas in simple leaf primordia, which will eventually form serrations at their margins, high auxin responsiveness can be detected in one or two marginal epidermal cells before teeth are recognisable, suggesting that auxin localisation play an important role in patterning leaf margins (Kawamura et al., 2010). Furthermore, the depth of the indentation between the teeth of serrated leaves is regulated by the meristem and boundary gene CUC2 (Nikovics et al., 2006), and KNOX meristem genes have also recently been implicated in leaf serration (Kawamura et al., 2010). The process of leaf serration shows many similarities to that of leaflet formation in dissected leaves. For example, leaf dissection in Cardamine hirsuta also relies on the activity of CUC boundary-specifying genes in the area delimiting leaflet primordia and on the activity of KNOX genes at the leaflet initiation position, which cause a delay in cell differentiation relative to cell proliferation. This is followed by the production of auxin maxima at the leaflet tip (Canales et al., 2010; Hay et al., 2006). Interestingly, these modulations of leaf margins clearly provide evidence that processes related to meristem function are also used during lateral organ development.
As described in Sections I and II, the Arabidopsis gynoecium is a complex syncarpic structure, most commonly interpreted as being composed of two congenitally fused carpels. The Arabidospis gynoecium is connected to the base of the flower by a short internode called the gynophore (Fig. 3). Above the gynophore is the ovary which contains between 50 and 80 ovules, and makes up most of the length of the gynoecium. The ovary is divided into two longitudinally by a septum which is formed post-genitally. The two ovary wall regions in the gynoecium are termed the valves and the external part of the septum is termed the replum. At the apical end of the ovary are the style and the stigma. The stigma consists of a single layer of specialised epidermal cells bearing elongated processes termed stigmatic papillae. This surface
18 A
C Stylar fans
2a 1a
O v a r y
Medial veins
Valve margin
Lateral veins Valve Valve margin Replum
Transm. tract Septum
Fig. 3. Structure of the Arabidopsis gynoecium. (A) Scanning electron micrograph of the mature gynoecium at anthesis, artificially coloured to mark different functional domains. (B) The mature gynoecium at anthesis, cleared using chloral hydrate to reveal vascular patterning. Primary and secondary bifurcations of the medial veins are indicated with arrows. (C) Cross section of the ovary at anthesis, artificially coloured to mark different functional domain.
receives pollen grains and permits their germination. Following this, pollen tubes are guided by the transmitting tract present in the style and septum towards the ovules. After fertilization, the ovules develop into seeds and the Arabidopsis gynoecium is transformed into a two-chambered fruit called a silique. This structure opens at maturity to release its seeds along four dehiscence zones which consist of thin regions present at the valve margins on either side of the replum. The lignification of specific cells in these zones contributes to the dehiscence process by providing mechanical tension which stimulates the detachment of the two valves (Balanza et al., 2006). The gynoecial primordium arises in the centre of the floral meristem as a ring of cells enclosing a small depression, and then develops as an openended tube (Stages 6–8 of flower development, according to Smyth et al., 1990). Two opposing meristematic ridges form in the internal medial regions of this cylinder and fuse together to form the septum. Placental tissues, which will give rise to the ovules, develop in the zones where the vertical septum and the gynoecial walls meet. At Stage 9, valve, placenta, septum, style and stigmatic cells begin to differentiate. At Stages 11 and 12, the apical part of the gynoecium closes, the stigmatic papillae complete their development and the style becomes distinct from the ovary. The gynoecium is mature at anthesis (Stage 13), when the flower opens and fertilization can take place. All the tissues required for fruit maturation and dehiscence are already present at this stage, and will complete their development after the fertilisation of the ovules (Bowman et al., 1999; Roeder and Yanofsky, 2005).
Two decades ago, the ABC model was formulated to explain the genetic interactions which lead to floral organ identity (Coen and Meyerowitz, 1991). Since then, extensive research has been carried out that has broadly validated the ABC model and provided evidence for a biochemical model for the action of the A-, B- and C-functions, termed the ‘‘floral quartet model’’ (Krizek and Fletcher, 2005; Theissen and Melzer, 2007). According to this model, a leaf, which corresponds to the ‘‘ground state’’ for lateral organs, can be transformed into a carpel by expressing the C-function MADS box gene AG, and at least one of the three E-function MADS box genes, SEP1-3 (Honma and Goto, 2001). On the contrary, loss-of-function mutations in AG result in homeotic conversions of the carpel into a reiteration of the sequence sepals– petals–petals and the simultaneous loss of function of the redundant SEP genes results in a complete loss of carpel development programmes, transforming carpels into leaves (Ditta et al., 2004; Pelaz et al., 2000). Despite its central role in specifying carpel identity, AG is not unique in providing carpelloid features. In fact, in the double mutant apetala2 (ap2) ag, organs with carpel characteristics still develop in the first whorl of the flower (Bowman, 1991). This observation led to the conclusion that other genes involved in carpel identity were present and were, like AG, negatively regulated by the A-class gene AP2. These factors have been identified as two other highly related and entirely redundant MADS box genes SHATTERPROOF1 (SHP1) and SHP2, which are principally involved in the specification of valve margin identity (Liljegren et al., 2000; see Section IV.D). In the quadruple ap2 ag shp1 shp2 mutant, all carpelloid structures disappear. Other complementary studies have demonstrated that the AG and SHP proteins are extremely similar at a functional level, but play distinct roles during carpel development, mostly due to their different expression patterns (Pinyopich et al., 2001). Two other putative transcription factors required for the development of carpel tissues are encoded by the bHLH gene SPT and the YAB gene CRABS CLAW (CRC), which seem to act downstream of AG/SHP. As in the ap2 ag shp1 shp2 quadruple mutant, the loss of SPT or CRC function in an ap2 ag background results in the loss of all carpelloid features (Alvarez and Smyth, 1999), showing that these two genes are also necessary for carpel development. SPT is widely expressed in both vegetative and reproductive structures throughout development (Heisler et al., 2001), although the main phenotypes associated with spt mutations are developmental defects in most of the marginal tissues of the carpel (Alvarez and Smyth, 1999). CRC is specifically expressed in nectaries and carpels; crc gynoecia are shorter and
wider than wild type and partially unfused at the apex (Bowman and Smyth, 1999). In the crc spt double mutant, the gynoecium is completely unfused and possesses a considerably reduced number of ovules, in addition to much less stigmatic and stylar tissue (Alvarez and Smyth, 1999). Supporting the idea that CRC and SPT mediate the AG/SHP carpel identity function, Alvarez and Smyth (1999) showed that CRC and SPT were also involved in other aspects of AG activity, such as the termination of the floral meristem. Recently, it has been shown that CRC acts in combination with three other genes, REBELOTE (RBL), SQUINT (SQN) and ULTRAPETALA1 (ULT1), to control meristem determinacy (Prunet et al., 2008). Interestingly, DROOPING LEAF (DL), the CRC orthologue from rice (Yamaguchi et al., 2004) and EcCRC, the CRC ortholog from poppy (Orashakova et al., 2009), have both been shown to play a role in the termination of the floral meristem, as discussed further in Section V. Moreover DL, like AG, plays a prominent role in the C-function. What do we know about the chronology and the hierarchy of the molecular events leading to carpel identity? AG and SEP genes are expressed in carpel primordia, even before any morphological sign of differentiation can be observed (Hempel et al., 1997; Savidge et al., 1995; Yanofsky et al., 1990). When the gynoecial primordium begins to form and develop as a cylinder, the expression of AG is uniform throughout this structure. Later however, AG is only expressed in specific cell types within the gynoecium, including the stigmatic papillae and ovules (Bowman et al., 1991a). In the very early stages of floral meristem development, the expression of AG is activated by the joint action of the floral identity regulator LFY and the meristem maintenance factor WUS. Once present, the AG protein acts to down-regulate WUS, leading to a loss of floral meristem activity (Lenhard et al., 2001; Lohmann et al., 2001). It has been shown that the A-function gene AP2 inhibits AG expression in the perianth whorls of the flower (Drews et al., 1991). In 35S:: SEP3 plants, AG is ectopically expressed, suggesting that SEP3 could participate in the early activation of AG (Castillejo et al., 2005). Numerous studies have permitted the identification of many other factors involved in the regulation of AG activity, both at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels (Bao et al., 2004; Chen et al., 1999; Cheng et al., 2003; Das et al., 2009; Franks et al., 2002; Gregis et al., 2006; Krizek et al., 2000; Liu and Meyerowitz, 1995; Sieburth and Meyerowitz, 1997; Yu et al., 2009; see Section V for further details). In early stage of development, SHP1 and SHP2 are widely expressed in the Arabidopsis gynoecium. Later, their expression is restricted to the valve margins, the top of the gynoecium, the placental tissue and the ovules (Flanagan et al., 1996; Savidge et al., 1995). SHP genes seem to act downstream of AG and could therefore represent direct
AG-targets, though as demonstrated by ap2 ag mutants, these genes can also be activated by other factors. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the transcription factors FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL), YAB3 and JAG, also involved in leaf development, jointly activate SHP expression in valve margins (Dinneny et al., 2005; see Section IV.D for further details). Thus, both SHP and AG can be placed at the top of the carpel identity pathway, and could from this position directly or indirectly activate both SPT and CRC. CRC has been identified as a direct target of AG (Gomez-Mena et al., 2005), though less is known about SPT activation. C. PARTITIONING THE CARPEL: ADAXIAL–ABAXIAL AND MEDIO-LATERAL PATTERNING
Once organ identity has been specified, the gynoecial primordium is divided into different domains. In the first stages of development, abaxial–adaxial and medio-lateral patterning are specified, and later, as the primordium forms a cylinder, apical/basal polarity is defined. Abaxial–adaxial polarity refers to the differentiation between the outer (abaxial) and inner (adaxial) domains of the carpel (Fig. 3). These domains are, respectively, equivalent to the lower and upper sides of leaves, and the establishment of adaxial–abaxial polarity involves similar genetic mechanisms to those operating in leaves. Thus, the antagonistic interactions found in leaves between HD-ZIPIII genes, which direct adaxial fate, and KAN/YAB genes, which direct abaxial fate, also exist in the gynoecium (cf. Fig. 4A and B). Indeed, HD-ZIPIII genes are expressed, as would be expected, in the adaxial domain of the carpel. However, inactivation of these genes seems to have a milder effect on carpel than on leaf development, indicating that additional factors involved in promoting adaxial polarity might operate in the gynoecium (Dinneny et al., 2006; McConnell and Barton, 1998). Recently, JAG and NUB have been identified as possible factors in carpel adaxialisation (Dinneny et al., 2006). NUB, unlike JAG, which is expressed in a non-polar manner in all lateral organs, is expressed only in the adaxial zones of leaves, stamens and carpels. Single nub mutants do not present any obvious phenotype, but in the double jag nub mutant, floral organ growth is affected and carpels and stamens are abaxialised. In the abaxial domains of the carpel, as during leaf formation, the KAN genes, the auxin response factors ETT and ARF4 and the YAB genes are all expressed from very early stages of development (Kerstetter et al., 2001; Pekker et al., 2005; Siegfried et al., 1999). These genes are largely redundant in their abaxial activity, as single mutants of most of them only show a very weak adaxialisation phenotype. However, the combination of mutants can lead to severe polarity defects in which the
22 A
STM High auxin RPL CUC KNAT6 Low auxin B
IND High auxin
KNAT2 KNAT6 Low auxin
Fig. 4. Parallelism between genetic networks operating at the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and gynoecium in Arabidopsis. (A) Scheme of the SAM in longitudinal section. Meristem maintenance genes such as STM and RPL are expressed in meristematic cells (blue), antagonistically with AS, YAB, KAN and HD-ZIPIII genes which are expressed in developing leaf primordia (green). Auxin maxima (yellow) preceed the emergence of leaf primordia, and boundary genes CUC and KNAT6 mark the outer boundary of the stem cell pool (pink). (B) Scheme of the Arabidopsis gynoecium in transverse section, indicating genetic pathways that direct medio-lateral patterning. Meristem-associated genes STM, RPL and BP are expressed in the medial region at the replum (blue), antagonistically to the valve-expressed AS, YAB, KAN and HD-ZIPIII genes (green). Boundary genes KNAT2 and KNAT6 are expressed at the valve margins (pink), where dehiscence zone genes SHP and IND also become activated. Auxin maxima occur in the replum, while auxin mimima occur at the valve margins.
gynoecium develops inside-out. Thus, in crc kan1, kan1 kan2 or ett arf4 double mutants, the transmitting tract and ovules form on the exterior of the gynoecium (Eshed et al., 1999; Pekker et al., 2005). Medio-lateral polarity is also specified very early during gynoecium development. The lateral domains of the gynoecium will give rise to the valves, while its medial domains correspond to the fused carpel margins and will develop internally into the placentae, septum, apical style and stigma, and externally into the replum (Fig. 3). Along the medio-lateral axis, two opposite types of tissue develop: in medial zones a new meristem called the medial ridge forms, while lateral domains develop as differentiated tissues. Accordingly, several genes involved in SAM maintenance, such as the class I
KNOX factors and the ‘‘boundary genes’’ CUC1 and CUC2 are specifically expressed in the medial region, where they appear to be required for marginal tissue development. Ishida et al. (2000) analysed the gynoecium of cuc1 cuc2 plants produced from calli, and therefore able to flower (grown from seed, these mutants would not progress beyond the seedling state). Interestingly, these plants showed defects in marginal tissue development and failed to develop a septum. Scofield et al. (2007) used inducible RNAi lines to study the effect of reduced activity of the KNOX I factor SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM) on gynoecium development. In some cases, the floral meristem aborted before forming any carpels, whereas in others a gynoecium was present, but this lacked a septum and showed reduced marginal tissue development, thus forming a completely unfused structure. Conversely, the expression of genes that repress the undifferentiated state, and thus promote the development of lateral primordial, is restricted to the lateral domains of the gynoecium. Thus, YAB genes, JAG/NUB and AS1/2, are specifically expressed in lateral regions of the young gynoecium (Alonso-Cantabrana et al., 2007; Bowman and Smyth, 1999; Dinneny et al., 2006; Siegfried et al., 1999). The genetic networks that maintain SAM and lateral primordium boundaries appear to perform similar functions in medio-lateral patterning of the gynoecium (Alonso-Cantabrana et al., 2007; Dinneny et al., 2005; Ragni et al., 2008). Dinneny et al. (2005) demonstrated JAG, FIL and YAB3 to play a pivotal role in valve development in the gynoecium through the differential activation of valve and valve margin factors in the corresponding regions (Fig. 5). Alonso-Cantabrana et al. (2007) showed that later on in the development of the as1 gynoecium, or in plants over-expressing BP, the replum is expanded and the valves are narrower. These authors concluded that AS1 plays a specific role in promoting valve initiation, and this action is likely to involve the repression of KNOX I and other factors directing replum development. A model was proposed in which both a gradient of FIL/YAB3/ JAG with a lateral maximum, and AS1, are present in the valve, while a KNOX/RPL gradient with a medial maximum is present in the replum. According to this model, the two gradients would have opposite actions and would thus define valve margin development in their region of overlap. Another factor that plays an important role in the patterning of the gynoecium is the phytohormone auxin. It has been proposed that a gradient of auxin established during carpel development controls tissue patterning along the apical–basal axis (Nemhauser et al., 2000). From severe defects in apical– basal tissue distribution in ett mutants, the auxin response factor ETT has been proposed to be the principal integrator of auxin gradient information during apical–basal development in the ovary (Nemhauser et al., 2000). In the same way, it is possible that auxin gradients also play important roles in the
Separation Lignified layer layer
Fig. 5. A genetic model for medio-lateral pattening in the Arabidopsis gynoecium and the differentiation of fruit dehiscence zones.
establishment of abaxial–adaxial and medio-lateral polarity. We mentioned above that ETT and ARF4 were involved in specifying abaxial fate, as seen from the ‘‘inside-out’’ gynoecium phenotype of the ett arf4 double mutant. In addition, the inactivation of YUCCA (YUC) genes, which encode enzymes of the auxin biosynthesis pathway, or PINOID (PID), which encodes a regulator of auxin transport, transforms the gynoecium into a completely radial structure (Bennett et al., 1995; Cheng et al., 2006). Moreover, in plants in which polar auxin transport (PAT) is altered, the replum is expanded and the lateral valves are reduced (Bennett et al., 1995; Nemhauser et al., 2000). Very recently, it has also been demonstrated that a maximum of auxin is present in the replum, whereas a low level of this hormone is present in the valves (Sorefan et al., 2009). Therefore, it seems that auxin, beyond its central role in the establishment of apical–basal polarity in the gynoecium, is also involved in patterning its abaxial–adaxial and medio-lateral axes.
The lateral domains of the gynoecial primordium give rise to the valves, which form the ovary wall, and the valve margins, which form at the valve/ replum borders (Fig. 3). The valve margins later differentiate into the
dehiscence zones, where the Arabidopis fruit opens. AG has been proposed to specify valve identity, based on the phenotype of the ap2 ag double mutant, in which the carpeloid organs present in the first whorl of the flower do not show typical valve cell organisation (Bowman, 1991). Valve margin specification and dehiscence zone formation have been extensively studied over the last few years, and the major factors involved in this process (Fig. 5) have now been identified, as reviewed by Dinneny and Yanofsky (2005), Ferrandiz (2002) and Girin et al. (2009). Unlike AG, the closely related SHP genes direct valve margin identity. In the shp1shp2 double mutant, the dehiscence zone fails to differentiate and the mature fruit does not open (Liljegren et al., 2000). Similar phenotypes are observed in plants in which the INDEHISCENT (IND) or ALCATRAZ (ALC) genes, encoding bHLH transcription factors, have been inactivated (Liljegren et al., 2004; Rajani and Sundaresan, 2001). SHP expression is restricted to the valve margins by the actions of the MADS box gene FRUITFULL (FUL) in the valve and of the homeodomain factor RPL in the replum (Ferrandiz et al., 2000b; Gu et al., 1998; Roeder et al., 2003). Then, in a narrow domain between these tissues, which is composed of three to four cell layers, SHP activates IND and ALC, which are necessary for the formation of the dehiscence zone (Liljegren et al., 2000, 2004; Rajani and Sundaresan, 2001). In ful mutants, SHP, IND and ALC are ectopically expressed in the valves and, as a result, small lignified cells, which are normally specific to the dehiscence zones, develop in these tissues. Consequently, ful fruits do not elongate, but instead break prematurely. In rpl mutants, the replum is reduced in width and the valve margins are expanded, as is expression of the corresponding valve margin genes. Based on genetic analyses, Dinneny et al. (2005) proposed a model in which the cooperative activity of FIL, YAB3 and JAG would activate the transcription of FUL and SHP genes in the valves and valve margins, respectively. According to this model, a high level of FIL/YAB/JAG activity would turn on FUL expression in the valves, while the activation of SHP in the valve margins would require a weaker activity of this same module. This model fits nicely with the observed phenotypes, but whether the activation of FUL and SHP lies in differences in YAB/JAG levels in different domains or in some other type of molecular interaction remains to be seen. In addition, it was shown in the replum that the homeodomain protein RPL represses the activity of the FIL/ YAB/JAG module, therefore preventing SHP activation. Auxin is also involved in the development of the lateral domains of the carpel. Sorefan et al. (2009) recently showed that a local auxin minimum is required for the differentiation of the dehiscence zones in the Arabidopsis fruit. These authors demonstrated that IND is involved in creating this auxin minimum by controlling the direction of auxin transport via PIN relocation.
SPT, which has been proposed to mediate auxin signalling in apical–basal development, is also expressed in the dehiscence zones of the developing fruit (Heisler et al., 2001), where it appears to be regulated by IND (Groszmann et al., 2008). Though SPT expression suggests this factor to play a role in the dehiscence zones, no such function has yet been discovered, raising the possibility of redundancy with other factors.
The carpel marginal tissues derive from the medial region of the gynoecial primordium, localised at the boundary between the two fused carpels (Fig. 3). A meristematic medial ridge of tissues develops along the adaxial side of the gynoecial tube and this gives rise to the placenta, septum, transmitting tract, style and stigma (Bowman et al., 1999). As discussed above, meristem-associated genes are expressed in this region and seem to be involved in early marginal tissue development. Many genes have been shown to play a role in marginal tissue development (Fig. 6). Most of these share functional redundancy, and strong phenotypes in carpel development can thus frequently only be seen in multiple mutants.
Fig. 6. Genetic networks directing marginal tissue differentiation at the apex of the Arabidopsis gynoecium. Black arrows indicate experimentally supported interactions, while grey arrows indicate possible interactions. Boxes indicate putative protein complexes.
Among these genes, ANT, LEUNIG (LUG), SEUSS (SEU) and FIL are the major players in the development of carpel marginal tissues. Whereas the single mutants corresponding to these genes display relatively mild effects on the medial gynoecial domain, the gynoecium of double mutant combinations almost completely lack marginal tissues. In lug mutants, the gynoecium is partially unfused at the apex and also presents defects in septum and ovule development (Chen et al., 2000; Liu and Meyerowitz, 1995). The pistils of ant and seu single mutants present similar, though weaker, defects to those of lug mutants (Franks et al., 2002; Krizek et al., 2000). Strikingly, in the ant lug double mutant, the inner whorl of the flower consists of unfused valves-like structures which have style cells at their tips, but lack placenta, ovule, septum and stigma tissues (Liu et al., 2000). Similar carpel growth defects have been described in lug seu, ant seu, fil ant and fil lug double mutants (Azhakanandam et al., 2008; Chen et al., 1999; Franks et al., 2002; Nole-Wilson and Krizek, 2006). These four genes have been shown to repress AG in the first two whorls of the flower (Chen et al., 1999; Franks et al., 2002; Krizek et al., 2000; Liu and Meyerowitz, 1995). LUG and SEU encode transcriptional co-repressors that can interact to form a regulatory complex (Elliott et al., 1996; Siegfried et al., 1999; Sridhar et al., 2004). From all these information, it has been suggested that ANT, LUG, SEU and FIL form a multimeric complex involved in marginal tissue development in the gynoecium (Azhakanandam et al., 2008; Nole-Wilson and Krizek, 2006). SPT, which has been mentioned above for its role in other aspects of gynoecium morphogenesis, is also a major factor in the formation of carpel marginal tissues. In spt mutants, the stigma and the style are reduced, the septum is distorted and the transmitting tract is not properly formed (Alvarez and Smyth, 1999). As this phenotype can be partially rescued by the chemical inhibition of PAT, it has been proposed that SPT mediates auxin signalling (Heisler et al., 2001). Some other factors have also been specifically related to transmitting tissue development. The three closely related bHLH genes HECATE1 (HEC1), HEC2 and HEC3 have been shown to redundantly specify stigma and transmitting tract development (Gremski et al., 2007). HEC proteins are able to physically interact with SPT in yeast two hybrid assays, so it has been suggested that HEC and SPT function together in this process. Crawford et al. (2007) described the first gene specifically required for Arabidopsis transmitting tract development: NO TRANSMITTING TRACT (NTT ). In ntt mutants, pollen tubes are unable to migrate efficiently due to the lack of transmitting tissues and fertility is consequently much reduced. Another set of factors that promote marginal tissue development in the apical domain of the Arabidopsis gynoecium are the members of the SHI/ STY gene family, which encode zinc-finger transcriptional activators.
STYLISH1 (STY1) is the only such factor showing a phenotype as a single mutant: sty1 presents subtle defects in style development (Kuusk et al., 2002), though this phenotype is gradually enhanced in combination with mutations in further SHI/STY family members. Accordingly, multiple SHI/STY mutants show radically reduced style and stigma tissues, an abnormal septum and an incomplete closure of the gynoecium apex. This phenotype is similar to that observed in lug mutants; moreover, it has been shown that the lug mutation is epistatic over sty1, and that STY expression is reduced in lug mutants. Thus, STY factors may act downstream of LUG to mediate marginal tissue formation (Kuusk et al., 2006). STY1 activity has been linked to auxin as STY1 is a direct activator of YUC4- an auxin biosynthesis gene (Eklund et al., 2010; Sohlberg et al., 2006; see Section IV.F for further details). Recently, the small NGATHA (NGA) gene family, encoding B3domain transcription factors, has been described. The NGA genes are redundantly involved in style development (Alvarez et al., 2009; Trigueros et al., 2009). In the quadruple nga mutant, the style and stigma are completely absent, similar to shi/sty multiple mutants. In addition to showing similar mutant phenotypes, NGA and STY genes share similar expression patterns and it has been shown that YUC2 and YUC4 expression is radically reduced in the nga quadruple mutant. Moreover, simultaneous over-expression of NGA and STY transforms the ovary into style tissue. Accordingly, Trigueros et al. (2009) have suggested that NGA and STY may act cooperatively in style development, at least partially by promoting YUC-mediated auxin biosynthesis in the apical region of the gynoecium. While the precise regulatory hierarchy of NGA and SHI/STY factors has not yet been elucidated, several pieces of evidence point to a positive feedback loop acting between STY and NGA (Alvarez et al., 2009; Trigueros et al., 2009). The SHP genes have been mentioned above for their important role in carpel identity and valve margin differentiation. In addition however, a recent study has indicated that these genes to be also involved in style and stigma development (Colombo et al., 2010). Gynoecia of the ant crc shp1 shp2 quadruple mutant almost completely lack marginal tissues, resembling those of ant lug or fil ant double mutants. Surprisingly however, STY and NGA expression was not reduced in this quadruple mutant, while SHP expression was absent in the apical part of the carpel in nga quadruple mutants, and expanded when NGA genes were over-expressed (Alvarez et al., 2009; Colombo et al., 2010). These data suggest that NGA activity acts upstream of SHP expression in the style. Thus, SHP genes seem to act in a complicated and not fully understood regulatory network that controls most of the events which direct patterning and tissue specification in the gynoecium.
Auxin is clearly one of the major morphogens involved in apical–basal patterning of the gynoecium: mutations in genes such as PIN and PID, which mediate PAT, result in defects in apical–basal patterning, producing enlarged apical and basal regions concomitantly with drastically reduced ovaries (Bennett et al., 1995; Okada et al., 1991). Similar defects are also found in mutants which lack functional auxin response factors MONOPTEROS (MP/ARF5) or ETT/ ARF3 (Przemeck et al., 1996; Sessions and Zambryski, 1995, Sessions et al., 1997). Nemhauser et al. (2000) have accordingly proposed that an auxin gradient spans the gynoecial primordium and controls apical–basal patterning. Their model predicts maximum auxin levels at the apex, which induce the differentiation and proliferation of the stigma and style, and intermediate and low auxin levels lower down the gynocium, which, respectively, specify the development of the ovary and gynophore (Fig. 7). In accordance with this model, the regulators
Auxin gradient
Gynoecium primordia
Mature Gynoecium
Fertilisation ind. dev. switch
Fig. 7. Apical–basal patterning in the Arabidopsis gynoecium. An apical–basal auxin gradient has been suggested to participate in the apical–basal patterning of the gyneocium by positioning the borders between the apical style and stigma, the centrally placed ovary, and the short stem or gynophores at the base. After fertilisation, the ovary continues to elongate.
of auxin biosynthesis SHI/STY and NGA, in addition to their downstream targets, the auxin biosynthesis genes YUC4 and YUC2, have recently been shown to be expressed in the apex of the young gynoecium (Alvarez et al., 2009; Eklund et al., 2010; Kuusk et al., 2002, 2006; Sohlberg et al., 2006; Trigueros et al., 2009) as is also the auxin response reporter construct ProDR5:GFP (Aloni et al., 2003; Benkova et al., 2003). According to this model, auxin is trapped apically at the biosynthesis site under condition in which PAT is reduced, causing shifts in the boundaries between the different tissues which form along the apical–basal axis (Fig. 7). Interestingly, PAT inhibition, as well as over-expression of the auxin biosynthesis activator STY1, can restore style and stigma proliferation in mutant lines including: lug, seu, ant, sty1, spt, crc and jag, which are affected in the development of apical tissues that are derived from marginal regions of the gynoecium. These observations suggest that auxin may act downstream of, or in parallel to, corresponding apical tissue-promoting factors during style and stigma development (Chen et al., 2000; Nemhauser et al., 2000; Sohlberg et al., 2006; Staldal and Sundberg, 2009; Staldal et al., 2008). An exception to this is the nga quadruple mutant, suggesting NGA genes to act not only upstream but also downstream of auxin (Alvarez et al., 2009). The repression of the apical programme in the zone of the gynoecium corresponding to intermediate auxin levels may be required for the specification of the ovary. It has been suggested that ovary size may be controlled via a specific response of ETT/ARF3 to intermediate auxin levels (Heisler et al., 2001; Sessions and Zambryski, 1995; Sessions et al., 1997). As ETT/ARF3 represses the activity of SPT and the HEC genes, which promote stigma, style and transmitting tract differentiation (Alvarez and Smyth, 1999; Gremski et al., 2007; Heisler et al., 2001), ETT activity in the intermediate zone locally represses the apical developmental programme. Gynophore development may be restricted to the basal end of the gynoecium by the activity of the zinc-finger protein KNUCKLES (KNU), via the establishment or maintenance of a tissue boundary at this location (Payne et al., 2004). Though the auxin gradient model can be used to explain apical–basal patterning in the gynoecium, there is at presence no direct evidence of the existence of such a gradient other than the presence of an auxin maximum at the gynoecium apex. Auxin level measurements along the length of the developing gynoecial cylinder have not yet been made, and so the hypothesised intermediate and low auxin levels in the ovary and gynophore have yet to be demonstrated. In addition, it has recently been suggested that the basal end of the gynoecium may be distinguished from the ovary by an opposing cytokinin gradient (Ostergaard, 2009). We also need to know more about how a potential auxin gradient could be interpreted. Lines carrying
mutations in some of the genes involved in the promotion of apical tissues, such as LUG, SEU and STY, are hyper-responsive to the chemical or genetic inhibition of PAT (Pfluger and Zambryski, 2004; Sohlberg et al., 2006; Staldal et al., 2008), as are auxin biosynthesis mutants (yuc1, yuc4) and auxin response mutants (axr1-3, ett/arf3 and tir1) (Cheng et al., 2007, Nemhauser et al., 2000, Staldal et al., 2008), suggesting that this group of genes could promote either auxin gradients or response pathways. Conversely, jag and ant mutants respond to PAT reductions to the same extent as wild type (Staldal and Sundberg, 2009), suggesting that JAG and ANT may not be involved in the establishment or responses to the hypothesised auxin gradient. Interestingly, spt, nga and crc mutants are less sensitive to PAT inhibition (Alvarez et al., 2009; Nemhauser et al., 2000; Staldal et al., 2008), which may suggest that these genes could participate in the modulation of PAT or in the sensing of parts of the auxin gradient. G. POST-FERTILISATION CARPEL GROWTH
Upon fertilisation, gynoecium and ovule developmental programmes are switched to those of fruit and seed development (Fig. 7). In Arabidopsis, fruit development is characterised by a dramatic elongation of the ovary, concomitant with the differentiation of specific tissues along the carpel margins. Unfertilised gynoecia fail to elongate and develop seeds, and will eventually undergo senescence. Interestingly, the switch to fruit development after fertilisation appears to rely on a hormone-induced signal evoked in the fertilised ovules, and some data suggest that auxin signalling participates in this process (Dorcey et al., 2009; Goetz et al., 2006; Vivian-Smith et al., 2001). One piece of evidence supporting this suggestion is that a knockout of the auxin response factor ARF8 gene results in parthenocarpy, or fertilisationindependent fruit development (Goetz et al., 2006; Vivian-Smith et al., 2001). The major external parts of the Arabidopsis ovary comprise the pod walls, the replum, which extends along the length of the fruit, and the carpel margins, which form at the carpel/replum border where fruit opening will occur. During fruit development, the carpel margins differentiate into narrow strips consisting of a separation layer and a lignified layer, both of which contribute to the process of fruit opening (see Section IV.E). The key regulators of valve margin specification have been identified (Ferrandiz et al., 2000a; Liljegren et al., 2004; Roeder et al., 2003), and it was recently shown that a local auxin minimum, generated by the valve margin identity factor IND, is required for separation layer development (Figs. 4 and 5; Sorefan et al., 2009). Thus, both auxin maxima and minima appear to contribute to the activation of specific developmental programmes during fruit development.
V. FLORAL MERISTEM TERMINATION IN THE CENTRAL ZONE OF THE ARABIDOPSIS GYNOECIUM At the time when carpel primordia are initiated, another essential process takes place in the centre of the Arabidopsis flower, in a domain that will later correspond to the base of the gynoecium. Stem cells in this domain, which had previously been maintained within the flower bud, and whose divisions had generated the different floral organs, cease to be maintained as the carpel primordial form. This disruption of stem cell maintenance makes the flower determinate and assures its future fertility by blocking the development of floral organs, in the place of ovules, within the gynoecium.
AG function is not restricted to the control of stamen and carpel identity. It also promotes floral meristem termination (Fig. 8): in strong ag mutants (ag-1 to ag-3), stamens are transformed into petals and carpels are replaced by a new flower bud, which turns into a new, abnormal flower (Bowman et al., 1991b, Yanofsky et al., 1990). Stem cells are thus indefinitely maintained within the FM and allow for the endless production of floral organs. Interestingly, FM termination is the most sensitive role of AG: weaker ag alleles (e.g. ag-4 and AG-Met-205) trigger a strong loss of FM termination, but fewer organ identity defects (Sieburth et al., 1995), while indeterminacy is the first phenotypic flaw associated with reduced levels of AG (Chuang and Meyerowitz, 2000; Mizukami and Ma, 1995). A delay or loss of FM termination has also been observed in various mutant backgrounds or transgenic plants (Alvarez and Smyth, 1999; Bowman et al., 1992; Chen et al., 2004; Clark et al., 1993, 1995; Das et al., 2009; Fletcher, 2001; Jacobsen et al., 1999; Kayes and Clark, 1998; Liu et al., 2010; Maier et al., 2009; Payne et al., 2004; Prunet et al., 2008; Schultz et al., 1991; Sun et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2007). However, unlike AG, none of the genes corresponding to these mutations, with the notable exception of KNU, are strictly required for the arrest of stem cell maintenance within the FM. Moreover, most of these genes appear to act upstream of AG, and thus control FM termination through this factor. For example, mutations to ULT1, CLAVATA1 (CLV1) or PERIANTHIA (PAN) can trigger a defect in AG expression (Clark et al., 1993; Das et al., 2009; Fletcher, 2001; Maier et al., 2009). DICER-LIKE1/CARPEL FACTORY (DCL1/CAF) and HUA
WUS Stamen development
Carpel development
Stem cell maintenance
Fig. 8. Genetic pathways controlling floral meristem (FM) termination. AG is the main switch towards FM termination, but triggers different developmental programmes depending on its protein partners: when AG interacts with B-class proteins AP3 and PI, it promotes stamen development, and without B-class proteins it promotes both carpel development and FM termination. SUP, which excludes B-class gene expression from the fourth whorl, promotes these two latter functions. In whorl 4, AG activates several targets, among which KNU plays a central role in switching off WUS, and thus stem cell termination. CRC and SPT, acting downstream of AG, also contribute stem cell termination, showing this process to involve signalling by the developing carpels to the FM.
ENHANCER1 (HEN1) encode proteins that are required for the proper accumulation of miR172 (Chen et al., 2002; Jacobsen et al., 1999; Park et al., 2002), which promotes AG expression by down-regulating the AG repressor AP2 (Aukerman and Sakai, 2003; Chen et al., 2002, 2004). Other proteins that participate in the control of FM termination control AG expression at the post-transcriptional level: HUA1, HUA2, HEN2 and HEN4 are required for proper splicing of AG pre-mRNA (Cheng et al., 2003), while the interaction of AG with SEP proteins is necessary for AG to perform its function (Ditta et al., 2004; Goto et al., 2001; Pelaz et al., 2001).
The various functions of AG rely on its interactions with different protein partners. In the third whorl, AG participates in a protein complex with AP3 and PISTILLATA (PI) which promotes stamen identity (Fig. 8). AP3 and PI are excluded from the fourth whorl and cannot therefore interact there with AG, and this results in carpel identity and FM termination (Goto et al., 2001; Krizek and Fletcher, 2005; Theissen, 2001; Theissen and Saedler, 2001). Indeed, the loss of function of AP3 or PI results in overdeterminate flowers with stamens transformed into carpels, and a strongly reduced number of floral organs within whorls three and four, compared to wild type (Fig. 8; Bowman et al., 1991b). Overdeterminacy is even more striking in Antirrhinum majus plants which are mutant for DEFICIENS or GLOBOSA: the respective orthologues of AP3 and PI, the flowers of which entirely lack a fourth whorl (Sommer et al., 1990; Trobner et al., 1992). Conversely, the over-expression of AP3 alone (p35S::AP3) or together with PI (p35S::AP3/ PI) and the over-expression of their activator UFO (p35S::UFO), delays FM termination: flowers of p35S::AP3, p35S::AP3/PI and p35S::UFO plants exhibit several extra whorls of stamens, while carpels in these plants are often staminoid or absent (Jack et al., 1994; Krizek and Meyerowitz, 1996; Lee et al., 1997). B-class genes thus appear to antagonise AG’s fourth whorl functions, including the arrest of stem cell maintenance. Plants that are mutant for the C2H2 zinc-finger transcription repressor SUPERMAN (SUP) exhibit a phenotype similar to that of plants overexpressing B-class genes: sup mutant flowers exhibit extra stamens which usually develop at the expense of carpels (Bowman et al., 1992; Schultz et al., 1991), although some alleles also trigger a moderate increase in carpel number (Jacobsen and Meyerowitz, 1997; Rohde et al., 1999). The extra stamens in sup mutants are indeed associated with an expansion of B-class gene expression within the fourth whorl (Bowman et al., 1992; Goto and Meyerowitz, 1994). Two models have been proposed to explain the origin of the extra organs in sup mutant flowers. One of these proposes the expansion of B-class gene expression observed in sup flowers to be responsible for prolonging the developmental state of the FM which normally precedes carpel initiation and stem cell termination. According to this model, SUP thus promotes flower determinacy indirectly (Bowman et al., 1992; Schultz et al., 1991). Conversely, the other alternative model proposes SUP to directly repress cell division within the inner part of the third whorl, in which it is expressed together with B-class genes (Sakai et al., 1995, 2000). According to this second model, extra stamens would then be generated by
increased cell division in the inner part of the third whorl, and the expansion of B-class gene expression would thus be a consequence, rather than a cause, of this increased rate of division. More recently, ectopic expression, using various promoters of SUP and its orthologues in several species, has shown these genes to be able to repress both the expression of B-class genes and cell proliferation (Bereterbide et al., 2001; Hiratsu et al., 2002; Nakagawa et al., 2004; Nandi et al., 2000; Yun et al., 2002). Neither model can thus be excluded so far, though ectopic expression of B-class genes is likely to at least participate in the formation of extra organs in sup mutant flowers, as reviewed in more detail by Prunet et al. (2009). Several pieces of evidence suggest that stamen and carpel identity, as well as FM termination, are very sensitive to the ratio of AG to AP3/PI proteins. Firstly, increased ectopic expression of B-class genes correlates with an increased indeterminacy phenotype, as shown by the greater number of stamens in p35S::AP3, sup-1 and p35S::AP3 sup-1 flowers (Jack et al., 1994) and p35S::AP3, sup-1, p35S::AP3/PI and p35S::AP3/PI sup-1 flowers (Krizek and Meyerowitz, 1996). Similarly, a reduction in the dose or activity of AG strongly enhances the indeterminacy phenotype of sup: ag-1/AG sup-1 and ag-4 sup-1 flowers are fully indeterminate (Prunet et al., 2008; Schultz et al., 1991). Conversely, increased expression of AG within the third whorl, in which AG is normally expressed together with AP3 and PI, is sufficient to trigger a partial transformation of stamens into carpels (Lohmann et al., 2001). Also, stamen identity is less sensitive to a reduced dose of AG than its carpel identity or FM termination (Chuang and Meyerowitz, 2000; Mizukami and Ma, 1995). Given that AG participates in several different transcription factors complexes, together with AP3 and PI in whorl 3 and without them in whorl 4, the importance of the relative dose of AG to AP3/PI hints that B-class genes may oppose AG’s fourth whorl functions, including FM termination, by competing with AG in the formation of these complexes. C. CRABS CLAW (CRC) AND SPATULA (SPT), TWO GENES INVOLVED IN CARPEL DEVELOPMENT, ALSO PARTICIPATE TO FM TERMINATION
AG is not the only gene involved in the female developmental programme to promote FM termination. CRC and, to a lesser extent, SPT encode two other transcription factors that control carpel growth, polarity and congenital fusion, and which also participate in floral determinacy (Fig. 8; Alvarez and Smyth, 1999; Bowman and Smyth, 1999; Heisler et al., 2001). Flowers of crc and spt single mutants are normally determinate, but those of the crc spt double mutants, and more often those of crc AG/ag-1 plants, are indeterminate and possess extra whorls of stamens, and secondary carpels
that developing within the gyoecium (Alvarez and Smyth, 1999). A strong loss of FM termination is also seen when crc is combined with mutations in genes such as ULT1, RBL or SQN, which do not show an extensive indeterminacy phenotype as single mutants (Berardini et al., 2001; Fletcher, 2001; Prunet et al., 2008). Interestingly, in several other angiosperm species, a loss of CRC function is sufficient to cause strong floral indeterminacy (Lee et al., 2005; Nagasawa et al., 2003; Orashakova et al., 2009; Yamaguchi et al., 2004), suggesting that CRC’s ancestral role in FM termination may be more important than its current role in that process in Arabidopsis. AG promotes the expression of CRC and SPT, which occurs through direct transcriptional activation in the case of CRC (Bowman and Smyth, 1999; Gomez-Mena et al., 2005; Heisler et al., 2001). CRC and SPT may thus mediate a proportion AG’s functions in carpel development and flower determinacy. Most genes known to control this latter process act upstream of AG, as described above, but no positive feedback loop between CRC, SPT and AG has yet been shown. Indeed, the function of both CRC and SPT is at least partly independent of AG (Bowman and Smyth, 1999; Heisler et al., 2001). How CRC and SPT influence stem cell termination is thus currently unclear. However, the fact that genes controlling female development other than AG share its role in stem cell termination confirms the close link between these two processes. It is particularly interesting to note that CRC’s role in floral determinacy is non-cell-autonomous: CRC is expressed in the emerging carpel primordial, but not at the base of the gynoecium where indeterminacy phenotypes first become apparent (Bowman and Smyth, 1999). This observation clearly suggests primordia to signal back to the FM to oppose stem cell maintenance. D. AG IS REQUIRED IN THE CENTRE OF THE FM TO TRIGGER FM TERMINATION
AG’s three functions, in stamen and carpel specification and in FM termination, are dose-dependent (Chuang and Meyerowitz, 2000; Mizukami and Ma, 1995), but can also be separated on a spatial basis. pAP3::AG ag-3 plants express functional AG in the third whorl, but not in the fourth, and produce completely indeterminate flowers which lack carpels, but have normal stamens (Jack et al., 1997). AG is therefore required specifically in the fourth whorl to promote carpel development and FM termination. While this phenotype tends to confirm the close association between female development and stem cell termination, these two programmes also can be spatially separated. Indeed, numerous mutants suggest that FM termination requires the expression of AG in an even more restricted domain within the
fourth whorl. In the flowers of clv, ult1 and pan single mutants and of crc sqn and crc ult1 double mutants, stamens and carpels are correctly specified, suggesting that AG is still active within whorls 3 and 4 of their flowers. However, AG fails to terminate stem cell maintenance in these mutants, which all exhibit a delay in or loss of flower determinacy (Clark et al., 1993; Das et al., 2009; Fletcher, 2001; Maier et al., 2009; Prunet et al., 2008). Indeed, depending on allelic strengths, the indeterminacy phenotype of these mutants is associated with a transient or persistent defect in AG transcription in an inner, intercarpellary domain within the fourth whorl (Clark et al., 1993; Das et al., 2009; Fletcher, 2001; Maier et al., 2009; Prunet et al., 2008). Interestingly, a similar defect in AG expression is seen in the flowers of plants over-expressing a modified version of AG’s repressor AP2 which has been made resistant to miR172 (35S::AP2m3): these flowers are fully indeterminate, with numerous supernumerary stamens (Chen et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2007). AG is thus specifically required at the base of the gynoecium to promote FM termination. E. TO TERMINATE STEM CELL MAINTENANCE, AG PROMOTES A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAMME AT THE BASE OF THE GYNOECIUM
The subdomain of whorl 4 at the base of the gynoecium corresponds to the centre of the FM and contains the floral stem cells. AG disrupts the maintenance of these cells by switching off the expression of the stem cell-promoting gene WUS at the moment of emergence of the carpel primordial. Accordingly, WUS mRNA becomes undetectable at Stage 6 (Smyth et al., 1990) of determinate, wild-type flower development (Mayer et al., 1998), but persists until later stages in indeterminate, ag mutant flowers (Lenhard et al., 2001; Lohmann et al., 2001). Such a maintenance of WUS expression beyond Stage 6 has been described in most mutant or transgenic plants with indeterminate flowers (Carles et al., 2004; Das et al., 2009; Maier et al., 2009; Prunet et al., 2008; Schoof et al., 2000; Sun et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2007) and appears both necessary and sufficient to maintain stem cells within the flower, unlike another pro-meristematic gene, STM (Lenhard et al., 2001; Lohmann et al., 2001). AG is required in L2 cells, in which WUS is not expressed, to disrupt stem cell maintenance (Mayer et al., 1998; Sieburth et al., 1998), suggesting that, despite its role as a transcription factor, AG does not directly repress WUS transcription. Indeed, recent data suggest that KNU, a C2H2 zinc-finger protein (Payne et al., 2004), is the main intermediate between AG and WUS (Fig. 8; Sun et al., 2009). Accordingly, AG is required for the expression of KNU, and directly binds to its promoter, and in turn, KNU appears both
necessary and sufficient to turn off the expression of WUS and therefore stem cell maintenance within the flower. Interestingly, KNU expression starts at Stage 6 and then becomes restricted to precisely the domain at the base of the gynoecium in which AG expression is specifically required for FM termination, as described above (Payne et al., 2004; Sun et al., 2009). Later on, KNU expression is also detected in anthers, though it remains very strong at the basis of the gynoecium. The importance of KNU in FM termination, together with its expression pattern, confirms AG to activate a specific developmental programme in the centre of the FM, resulting in the disruption of stem cell maintenance at Stage 6 of flower development. F. CONCLUSIONS
The data discussed above clearly demonstrate FM termination to be closely associated with the development of the gynoecium. FM termination relies on a genetic network centred on AG, which is responsible for both male and female developmental programmes. However, AG is able to promote carpel development and stem cell termination only if the male-promoting B-class genes are excluded from the centre of the flower. The AG-induced disruption of stem cell maintenance mainly depends on a cascade of transcription factors in a subdomain of whorl 4, at the base of the gynoecium: AG activates KNU specifically at this location and KNU in turn switches off the expression of WUS. However, FM termination also involves signals from the developing carpels: another target of AG, CRC, is expressed only in carpel primordia, and not at the base of the gynoecium, but nonetheless participates by an as yet unknown mechanism in FM termination.
To reconstruct the different paths that carpel evolution has taken in distinct angiosperm groups, it is first necessary to gain some insight into phylogenetic relationships within the angiosperms. Several independent studies published around 10 years ago (reviewed by Kuzoff and Gasser, 2000) provided an early outline of angiosperm phylogeny, and this has been expanded and updated ever since by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (Bremer et al., 2009). These phylogenetic studies indicate the angiosperms to form a monophyletic clade in which three extant groups, Amborellales, Nymphaeales and
CARPEL DEVELOPMENT Angiosperms (~300,000)
Or Ze
Core eudicots (~230,000)
Basal eudicots (~4600)
Ceratophyllum (~10)
Monocots (~60,000)
Eumagnoliids (~3450)
Austrobaileyales (~100)
Chloranthaceae (~65)
Nympheales (~100)
Other conifers
Gingko biloba
Gymnosperms (~750)
Amborella trichopoda (1)
ANA grade (~200)
Cr An Pe
Ancestor of core eudicots ~115 MYA
Ancestor of extant gymnosperms ~200 MYA
Ancestor of extant angiosperms ~160 MYA
Ancestor of extant seed plants ~300 MYA
Fig. 9. Seed plant phylogeny. The numbers of species in major clades are given in parentheses, while approximate dates of divergence within the angiosperms, based on a calibration of the molecular clock using fossil data, are estimated from Davies et al. (2004). The positions of some of the taxa referred to in the text are indicated as follows: Am, Amborella trichopoda; An, Antirrhinum majus; Ar, Arabidopsis thaliana; Ca, Cabomba; Cr, Catharanthus roseus; Il, Illicium; Ze, Zea mays; Pe, Petunia hybrida; Or, Oryza sativa.
Austrobaileyales, collectively known as the ANA grade, diverged in a series of basal bifurcations to leave a remaining lineage from which all other extant angiosperms are descended (Fig. 9). Amborellales contains the single species Amborella trichopoda, a shrub endemic to the South Pacific island of New Caledonia. Nymphaeales contains the three families of herbaceous aquatic plants Nymphaeaceae, Cabombaceae, and Hydatellaceae, which include a total of around 100 species and Austrobaileyales contains Austrobaileyaceae, Schisandraceae (incorporating Illiciaceae) and Trimeniaceae, which are composed of a total of around 100 woody species. Following the divergence of the ANA lineages, the remaining angiosperm lineage later diversified to form the five further extant angiosperm groups of: eudicots, monocots,
eumagnoliids, Chloranthanceae and Cerratophyllum. Of these, the eudicots and monocots together account for over 95% of the estimated 300,000 or more extant angiosperm species. The resolution of angiosperm phylogenetic relationships provides an excellent framework to analyse the processes through which carpel development has diversified throughout the flowering plants. However, a further finding of molecular phylogenetic studies provides less encouraging news for the analysis of carpel evolution. To understand how the carpel first appeared, it would be very useful to have available for study one or more living groups whose lineages had diverged from that of the flowering plants shortly before the origin of the carpel. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate the remaining seed plants, or gymnosperms, to form a sister clade to the angiosperms (Fig. 9), meaning that no individual group of living gymnosperms appears to be more closely related to the angiosperms than any other. Molecular clock estimates suggest a date for the divergence of the angiosperm and gymnosperm lineages of around 300 MYA (Goremykin et al., 1997; Savard et al., 1994), whereas the earliest known angiosperm macrofossils date from around 125 MYA (Sun et al., 1998). Thus, the extant flowering plants and gymnosperm lineages may have diverged up to 175 MYA before the origin of the flower and carpel. As will be apparent from Section II, lack of evidence concerning the origin of the angiosperms has not prevented the construction of numerous hypotheses for the evolution of the flower and carpel. However, given the absence of a living, non-flowering, close relative of the flowering plants, it seems likely that a full understanding of the evolutionary origin of these structures will require the inclusion of fossil data. In this respect, further evidence from mesofossils may prove extremely valuable. These are small fossils, of up to a few millimetres in diameter, many of which are ‘‘coalified’’ specimens that appear to have been generated by forest fires. Numerous early angiosperm mesofossils containing considerable anatomical detail have already been discovered (Friis et al., 2001, 2010) raising hopes that further discoveries may provide important new insights into early flower evolution (Frohlich and Chase, 2007). B. CARPEL MORPHOLOGY AND FUNCTION IN ANA GRADE ANGIOSPERMS
Morphological comparisons of the three extant lineages of ANA grade angiosperms (Fig. 9) have enabled a number of conclusions to be made on the likely state of the gynoecium in the last common ancestor of the living flowering plants (Endress, 2001; Endress and Igersheim, 2000). The gynoecium in all extant ANA grade taxa is apocarpic, except Nymphaeaceae, which are syncarpic.
Apocarpy is thus present throughout Amborellales and Austrobaileyales, and is also the basal condition in Nymphaeales, clearly implying this to be an ancestral trait of the living angiosperms. The carpels of apocarpic ANA grade angiosperms are ascidiate (bottle-shaped) rather than plicate (folded), as in many later-diverging groups, implying the carpel to have been ascidiate in early angiosperms. The carpels of many ANA grade species are not only separated from each other (apocarpic) but also incompletely closed by cellular structures at maturity, leaving a secretion-filled aperture or canal through which pollen tubes grow to bring about fertilisation (Fig. 10A). The only exceptions to this are Illicium (Austrobaileyales, Schisandraceae) and Nymphaeales, in which closure of the carpel margins occurs, at least in part, through post-genital cell divisions (Endress and Igersheim, 2000). Thus, comparative analysis of ANA grade species clearly indicates the basal condition of the angiosperms to have been carpels that were closed at the apex by substances secreted from their margins, rather than by post-genital cell division. In some ANA grade angiosperms, the stigmatic surface is covered by multicellular protrusions, rather than by the unicellular papillae present in most later-diverging groups. This is the case in Amborella (Amborellales) and Trimenia (Austrobaileyales), both of which have stigmatic surfaces containing multicellular ridge-like structures, and in Cabombaceae and Hydatellaceae (Nymphaeales), which possess bi- or multicellular stigmatic hairs (Endress, 2005; Endress and Igersheim, 2000; Rudall et al., 2007). However, all other Austrobaileyales and most Nymphaeaceae have stigmatic surfaces covered with unicellular papillae (Endress, 2001). Thus, multicellular protrusions on stigmatic surfaces are present in all three ANA grade lineages, leaving open the possibility that this may represent the ancestral condition in the angiosperms. Self-incompatibility (SI) systems operating between carpel tissues and pollen grains are present in the Austrobaileyales species: Illicium floridanum (Thien et al., 1983), Austrobaileya scandens (Prakash and Alexander, 1984) and Trimenia moorei (Bernhardt et al., 2003). It is not yet clear whether these SI systems are homologous, which would make SI an ancestral feature of Austrobaileyales. Amborella, the only representative of the likely most basally diverging angiosperm lineage Amborellales, avoids inbreeding by dioecy, rather than through an SI mechanism. However, male Amborella flowers contain a structure which may be a relictual gynoecium, and female flowers of this species contain staminodes, or non-functional stamens (Endress, 2001), strongly suggesting Amborella to be descended from a bisexual ancestor. Hydatellaceae (Nymphaeales) are either dioecious or possess bisexual reproductive units that may be derived from unisexual flowers (Rudall et al.,
42 A ANA grade angiosperms
Pl and AP3 (B-) clades A-clade SEP1/2/4 and SEP3 (E-) clades
Amborella trichopoda
Cabomba aquatica
it io st io ca
ANA grade (generalised)
Acorus calamus pa/le
ca Stop
B-function A-function
OsMADS3, OsMADS58, DL (C-function)
OsMADS1 (E-function)
Oryza sativa
Oryza sativa
Basal eudicots
Eschscholzia californica
ca Stop
PI and AP3 (B-function) AP1 and AP2 (A-function)
AG (C-function)
SEP1-4 (E-function)
Arabidopsis thaliana
Arabidopsis thaliana se
ca Stop
GP/FBP1 (B-function)
PMADS3 and FBP6 (C-function)
FBP2, 5 and PhAGL6 (E-function)
Petunia hybrida
Petunia hybrida se
DEF and GLO (B-function) LIP1 and LIP2 (A-function)
FAR and PLE (C-function)
Antirrhinum majus
Antirrhinum majus
Fig. 10. Gynoecium structure and mechanisms specifying carpel development in the angiosperms. (A) Typical gynoecium structures in ANA grade angiosperms are apocarpic, as in Amborella trichopoda and Cabomba aquatica (represented schematically in longitudinal section), with carpels that contain one or a few ovules. A secretion-filled canal leading from the carpel apex to the ovary provides a route for pollen tube growth. C- and E-clade MADS box gene expression
2007), suggesting their possible descent from a monecious ancestor. Most other outbreeding members of the ANA grade are protogynous, while Barclaya and Euryale (Nymphaeceae) are partially cleistogamous and inbreeding (Endress, 2001). Protogyny, and possibly even SI, may thus have been present to promote outbreeding in the last common ancestor of the living angiosperms. By contrast, it seems clear that outbreeding by dioecy and inbreeding mechanisms, which are sporadically present in other ANA groups, have arisen secondarily. Ovules in all ANA grade angiosperms are anatropous, except in Amborella and Barclaya (Nymphaeaceae) which have orthotropous ovules (Endress, 1986; Schneider, 1978). Of these, the Amborella ovule shows a residual curvature near its point of attachment, suggesting a previously anatropous structure (Endress and Igersheim, 2000). Thus, the ovule of the last common ancestor of the extant angiosperms was probably anatropous. Similar comparisons (Endress and Igersheim, 2000) indicate that this ancestral ovule was probably covered by two integuments and crassinucellar (containing a large nucellus tissue). correlates with carpel identity in ANA grade angiosperms, as in core eudicot models. MADS box gene expression is, however, less tightly controlled in ANA grade angiosperms (graded colouring of gene expression boundaries), frequently producing intermediate floral organ types in boundary zones. (B) The basal monocot Acorus calamus (shown in transverse section) has a trimerous, syncarpic gynoecium, which probably represents the pleisomorphic condition in monocots. However, the gynoecium in the model monocot Oryza sativa (rice; shown in longitudinal section), as in other Poaceae, is reduced to a single carpel containing one ovule. Paralogous C-clade MADS box genes show partial sub-functionalisation between the third and fourth whorls of the rice flower: OsMADS3 plays a major role in stamen development, while OsMADS58 functions principally in floral determinacy (thick arrows ¼ major roles; thin arrows ¼ minor roles; ‘‘STOP’’ ¼ floral determinacy function). The YAB gene DL plays a major role in carpel development either directly (solid arrow) or indirectly by limiting the inner boundary of B-function gene expression (dashed arrow). (C) Basal eudicots of Ranunculales include both apocapic and syncarpic taxa, such as Aquilegia (shown in longitudinal section) and Eschscholzia californica (shown in transverse section), respectively, though apocarpy is believed to be the pleisiomorphic condition in eudicots. (D) The last common ancestor of the core eudicots is believed to have possessed a dimerous, syncarpic gynoecium, as is the case in its present-day model plant descendents Arabidopsis thaliana, Petunia hybrida and Antirrhinum majus (all shown in transverse section). However, the dimerous gynoecium of Arabidopsis is divided into two loculi by the secondary development of a false septum, whereas those of Petunia and Antirrhimum are divided by the common wall of their congenitally fused carpels. Carpel and stamen identity, and floral determinism (‘‘STOP’’), are controlled by MADS box C-clade genes, though sub-functionalisation has occurred to differently partition these roles among C-clade paralogues in Arabidopsis (AG), Petunia (PMADS3 and FBP6) and Antirrhinum (FAR and PLE). (ca ¼ carpels; io ¼ intermediate organs; it ¼ inner tepals; ot ¼ outer tepals; pa/le ¼ paleas/lemmas; pe ¼ petals; se ¼ sepals; st ¼ stamens).
Double fertilisation, leading to the production of an embryo and a biparental endosperm, also appears to be a pleisiomorphic feature of the angiosperms. In the majority of flowering plants, the embryo sac arrangement is that of the Polygonum type, which contains seven cells of which the central cell is binucleate (Fahn, 1982). The two nuclei of this central cell combine with one sperm nucleus following fertilisation to generate a triploid endosperm. However, in the ANA grade taxa Nuphar and Trithuria (incorporating Hydatella) of Nymphaeales, and Illicium of Austobaileyales, the embryo sac contains only four cells, including a uninucleate central cell (Friedman, 2008; Williams and Friedman, 2002, 2004). Double fertilisation in these taxa generates an embryo and endosperm which are both diploid. However, the likely most basal ANA grade lineage, Amborellales, does not fit this pattern: the Amborella embryo sac contains eight cells, including a binucleate central cell that produces a triploid endosperm after fertilisation (Friedman, 2006). The Amborella embryo sac arrangement is thus more similar to that of Polygonum and the majority of later-diverging angiosperms than to other members of the ANA grade, though it contains one extra cell in its egg apparatus compared to the Polygonum type. The major difference in embryo sac arrangement between Amborellales and other ANA lineages renders the ancestral state of the embryo sac and endosperm ploidy ambiguous in the extant angiosperms. Interestingly, a perisperm is present in Trithuria, in addition to its diploid endosperm (Friedman, 2008). Similar to the endosperm, the perisperm is an embryo-nourishing tissue, though one which is derived exclusively from maternal cells. The presence of a perisperm is mainly associated with gymnosperms and the occurrence of such a tissue in Trithuria has been suggested to form a link with the hypothesised gymnosperm-like ancestor of the flowering plants (Friedman, 2008). C. THE MOLECULAR CONTROL OF CARPEL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ANA GRADE
Phylogenetic analyses of MADS box genes in ANA grade angiosperms and gymnosperms suggest a duplication event to have taken place in the C-function lineage prior to the last common ancestor of the living flowering plants (Kim et al., 2005). As a result of this duplication, the ancestors of the clade-defining genes AG from A. thaliana, and FLORAL BINDING PROTEIN7 (FBP7) from Petunia hybrida (reviewed by Kramer et al., 2004) were generated, and both of these lineages were thus present in the last common ancestor of the flowering plants. The AG clade contains angiosperm C-function genes, whereas the FBP7 clade contains genes involved in ovule development in diverse later-diverging angiosperm groups (Angenent
et al., 1995; Colombo et al., 1995; Dreni et al., 2007). In addition to the Cand D-clades, two clades of SEP genes, encoding E-function MADS box proteins, have been found in basal angiosperms. The genes SEP1, SEP2 and SEP4 from Arabidopsis appear to be orthologous to one of these ANA grade SEP clades, while SEP3 appears to be orthologous to the other (Zahn et al., 2005). The expression of C-function genes in ANA grade angiosperms is mostly limited to the third and fourth floral whorls, while the SEP-like E-function genes of these species are expressed in all floral organs (Fig. 10A; Kim et al., 2005). These expression patterns closely resemble those of the corresponding genes in Arabidopsis, suggesting important elements of the control of carpel identity to have been conserved in both the Arabidopsis and ANA grade lineages throughout angiosperm evolution. Despite this broad conservation, Kim et al. (2005) noted some expression of C-function genes in the perianth organs of the ANA grade angiosperms Amborella (Amborellales) and Illicium (Austrobaileyales), in contrast to the expression patterns of C-function genes in model eudicots. However, as pointed out by these authors, such imprecise boundaries of gene expression may reflect the gradual transition of floral organ types that is apparent in ANA grade angiosperms, with intermediate organ types often present. The expression patterns of several YAB transcription factors have also been analysed in ANA grade angiosperms. As discussed in Sections III and IV, studies of Arabidopsis indicate YAB factors to participate in the specification of abaxial cellular identity in lateral organs by defining the side of these organs that face away from the developmental axis. The YAB gene AmbCRC (Fourquin et al., 2005), from the ANA grade angiosperm Amborella, shows a similar pattern of expression to that of its Arabidopsis orthologue CRC (Bowman and Smyth, 1999), suggesting these genes to have conserved a common developmental role in abaxial tissue specification in the carpel since the last common ancestor of the flowering plants. INNER NO OUTER (INO) represents a further YAB gene with a very specific role in female reproductive development. In Arabidopsis, INO is specifically expressed in the outer ovule integument and is necessary for the development of this structure (Villanneva et al., 1999). A putative INO orthologue from the ANA grade angiosperm Nymphaea alba is specifically expressed in both ovule integuments and the suspensor (Yamada et al., 2003), suggesting this gene to have functioned in integument development since the last common ancestor of the flowering plants. Thus, the carpel and outer integument, which are both pleisiomorphic features of the angiosperms, may have been associated with the expression of distinct YAB gene lineages throughout flowering plant evolution.
In general, the study of carpel development genes in ANA grade angiosperms has highlighted several instances of the broad conservation of gene function since the common ancestor of the last flowering plants. However, much work remains to be done in this field, as many families of transcription factors, and other regulatory proteins of known importance to carpel development, have yet to be analysed in ANA grade angiosperms. Furthermore, molecular studies of ANA grade angiosperms have, to date, relied principally on expression data to infer gene function. This approach may be tenable in the case of genes with highly characteristic and specific expression patterns, such as the MADS box and YAB genes discussed above. However, further substantial evolutionary-developmental advances in ANA grade angiosperms will surely require the development of methods for the direct study of gene function in these species. D. CARPEL DEVELOPMENT IN MONOCOTS
The monocots form a monophyletic group of angiosperms numbering some 60,000 species. Phylogenetic studies have identified the small genus Acorus as sister to all other monocots, with the moderately large Alismatales as the next-earliest diverging group. Acorus contains a syncarpic gynoecium of three fused carpels (Fig. 10B), and comparison with Alismatales indicates a trimerous syncarpic arrangement to be the probable ancestral condition in the monocots (Igersheim et al., 2001). From similar comparisons, the presence of more than two ovules per carpel can also be concluded as a probable ancestral feature of the monocots. Other characteristics of the gynoecium in the last common ancestor of the monocots are, however, more difficult to infer, partly due to differences between Acorus and other basal monocot lineages. For example, the carpels of Acorus are completely closed by postgenital cell divisions, whereas post-genital fusion is absent or partial in other early-diverging monocots (Igersheim et al., 2001), with the exception of Tofeldiaceae (Alismatales). Similarly, ovules are pendent in Acorus but ascendant in other basal monocot groups, rendering the ancestral state of ovule orientation undetermined in monocots. Most molecular-developmental studies of monocots have, to date, been performed in two models from Poaceae (the grass family): Oryza sativa (rice) and Zea mays (maize). Poaceae are highly derived monocots in which the gynoecium, which contains a single ovule, appears also to have been reduced to a single carpel (discussed by Kellogg, 2001 and Rudall et al., 2005). Phylogenetic analyses of carpel development genes in Poaceae suggest at least one major duplication event to have occurred in the MADS box C-clade, prior to the separation of the rice and maize lineages, with a further additional
duplication in the maize lineage. Accordingly, the rice C-clade gene OsMADS58 is orthologous to ZAG1 in maize, while OsMADS3 from rice is orthologous to both ZMM2 and ZMM23 (Yamaguchi et al., 2006). The inactivation of OsMADS58 in rice leads to defects in carpel development, though it does not completely eliminate carpels (Fig. 10B; Yamaguchi et al., 2006). In addition to abnormal carpels, osmads58 mutants show a reduced level of determinacy in the spikelet (or Poaceae-type flower). Whereas OSMADS58 appears to act mainly in the fourth whorl, the inactivation of its paralogue OsMADS3 has little or no effect on either carpel development or floral determinacy. Instead, stamen development is eliminated in osmads3 mutants (Kang et al., 1998; Yamaguchi et al., 2006). Rice plants in which both OsMADS3 and OsMADS58 have been inactivated produce aberrant carpels similar to those of osmads58 mutants, suggesting OsMADS3 to make no specific contribution to carpel development (Yamaguchi et al., 2006). In maize, zag1 mutants show a defect in floral determinacy, indicating the functional conservation of ZAG1 with its rice orthologue OsMADS58. It appears, therefore, that C-clade MADS box genes in the grass family have undergone significant sub-functionalisation following a monocot-specific gene duplication. The well-known C-clade functions of carpel development, stamen development and floral determinacy are thus shared in rice and maize in a whorl specific manner between two and three C-clade genes, respectively. The functions of a paralogous pair of D-clade MADS box genes, OsMADS13 and OsMADS21, have also been investigated in rice (Dreni et al., 2007). Of these, OsMADS13 is ovule-specifically expressed, and its inactivation accordingly results in the ectopic conversion of ovules into internal carpelloid organs similar to the D-function knockout phenotype observed in Petunia (Angenent et al., 1995; Colombo et al., 1995). OsMADS21, by contrast, appears to make no significant contribution to the D-function and is expressed more widely than its paralogue in female reproductive tissues (Dreni et al., 2007). Carpels are entirely replaced by stamens in rice mutants in which the YAB gene DL has been inactivated (Fig. 10B; Yamaguchi et al., 2004), which also causes the loss of the leaf mid-rib. In agreement with these functions, DL is expressed throughout the carpel anlagen (presumptive primordium), and in leaves, and its orthologues share similar expression patterns in other Poaceae (Ishikawa et al., 2009). It is not yet clear whether carpel development in rice depends on DL expression per se, or whether DL is responsible for preventing B-function gene expression, and thus ectopic stamen development in the fourth floral whorl. DL is the rice orthologue of CRC in Arabidopsis, and its coding sequence, when expressed from the CRC promoter, is able to fully rescue Arabidopsis crc mutants (Fourquin et al., 2007). It therefore seems that the functional differences between DL and CRC may reside principally outside
their coding sequences. DL expression is maintained in the carpels of rice plants in which both OsMADS3 and OsMAD58 have been inactivated (Yamaguchi et al., 2006), demonstrating its action to be independent of these C-clade MADS box genes. This characteristic may represent a further difference between DL in rice and CRC in Arabidopsis, as the latter is known to be a direct target of the C-function transcription factor AG (Gomez-Mena et al., 2005). OsMADS1 from rice corresponds to the LEAFY HULL STERILE1 locus, and groups within the SEP1 clade of E-function MADS box genes which contain the genes SEP1, SEP2 and SEP4 from Arabidopsis (Zahn et al., 2005). Outer whorl floral organs in osmads1 loss-of-function mutants take on a leaf-like appearance, whereas the inner whorl floral organs of these mutants are partially converted to paleas and lemmas, which are normally found in the outer two whorls of the Poaceae spikelet (Agrawal et al., 2005). These results suggest OsMADS1 to contribute to the E-function in rice (Fig. 10B), while the functions of four remaining rice SEP-clade genes, OsMADS5, OsMADS7, OsMADS8 and RMADS217 (Zahn et al., 2005), remain to be determined. Interestingly, the inactivation of AGL6-clade MADS box genes in both rice and maize has also recently been shown to generate E-function-like mutant phenotypes (Li et al., 2010; Ohmori et al., 2009; Thompson et al., 2009). As discussed above, the AGL6 and SEP clades occur in sister positions in MADS box phylogeny and similar SEP-like phenotypes for an AGL6 orthologue have also recently been demonstrated in Petunia (Rijpkema et al., 2009). In general, carpel and ovule development in the highly derived Poaceae monocots seem to depend on the orthologues of regulatory genes that are known to play key roles in these processes in Arabidopsis and other eudicots. However, specific duplications have taken place in several MADS box lineages in Poaceae, including those of the C-, D- and E-functions, in some cases leading to sub-functionalisation events between paralogous genes. The precise limits of this sub-functionalisation have not yet been defined, which might explain the currently unclear contribution made by MADS box genes to the specification of carpel identity in Poaceae models. Further work is also required in other monocot groups, and perhaps particularly in basal monocots, to establish the extent to which conclusions arising from molecular data of Poaceae models can be applied outside this highly derived family. E. CARPEL DEVELOPMENT IN BASAL EUDICOTS
The eudicots form the largest group of angiosperms and are characterised by the single synaptomorphic character of tricolpate pollen (containing three apertures in the pollen wall). Phylogenetic analyses clearly indicate
Ranunculales to be sister to all other eudicots (reviewed by Judd and Olmstead, 2004), and the comparison of this and other basally diverging groups provides insight into the structure of the carpel in the last common ancestor of the eudicots (Endress and Doyle, 2009; Endress and Igersheim, 1999). These comparative studies suggest the gynoecium in the ancestral eudicot to have been apocarpic, and to have contained no extragynoecial compitum: a system that allows for the exchange of pollen tubes between the carpels of an apocarpous gynoecium. Its ovules were probably pendant, though no firm conclusions can be made of the number of ovules in each carpel and on the mechanism of carpel closure (i.e. secretion vs. post-genital cell division) in the last common ancestor of the eudicots. The presumed ancestral features of the ancestral eudicot gynoecium are illustrated by the Ranunculaceae genus Aquilegia (Fig. 10C). Numerous Ranunculales are being developed as molecular-genetic models, though most of the work on these species has so far been focussed on perianth structure, rather than on the gynoecium. An exception to this is Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) of Papaveraceae, though in contrast to the presumed state of the eudicot ancestor, this species possesses a gynoecium of two fused carpels (Fig. 10C). Placentation in Eschscholzia is pariental, with two rows of ovules forming in the single loculus of its syncarpic ovary. Molecular studies of Eschscholzia, with relevance to the gynoecium, have focussed on orthologues of LFY/FLORICAULA (LFY/ FLO) and of CRC, which are, respectively, termed EcFLO and EcCRC. EcFLO expression was found to be absent from the centre of the Eschscholzia floral meristem (Becker et al., 2005), which represents a considerable difference from Arabidopsis, in which LFY expression is required for the expression of the C-function gene AG in the inner floral whorls (Hong et al., 2003). The functional analysis of EcCRC in Eschscholzia (Orashakova et al., 2009), performed using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS; Wege et al., 2007), demonstrates a significant overlap of function of this gene with CRC in Arabidopsis (Alvarez and Smyth, 1999). Accordingly, both CRC and its Eschscholzia orthologue appear to contribute to abaxial tissue identity in the carpel, floral determinacy, and the growth of tissues that develop from the carpel margins. However, unlike its Arabidopsis orthologue, EcCRC appears to have acquired novel functions in placenta development and ovule initiation (Orashakova et al., 2009). Further molecular analyses in basal eudicots have focussed on the MADS box family, and comparison of this family in basal and core (later-diverging) eudicots has provided evidence of numerous duplications in MADS box lineages of relevance to carpel development, as discussed in the section below.
The core eudicots form a monophyletic crown group of eudicots. This group includes the major clades of the rosids, asterids and Caryophyllales, which together account for the majority of extant angiosperm species. Several wellknown molecular-genetic models occur in the core eudicots (Fig. 10D), including A. thaliana (rosids, Brassicales, Brassicaceae), A. majus (asterids, Plantaginales, Plantaginaceae) and P. hybrida (asterids, Solanales, Solanaceae). Comparison of the major clades making up the core eudicots indicates the presence of numerous novel floral features, as compared to the earlier common ancestor of all eudicots. Perhaps, the most notable change in carpel structure between these two successive stages in eudicot evolution was the origin of syncarpy, which appears to be a pleisiomorphic feature of the core eudicots (Armbruster et al., 2002; Endress and Doyle, 2009). Analysis of the Arabidopsis genome sequence has provided evidence of a large-scale duplication event that probably occurred not long before the last common ancestor of the core eudicots (De Bodt et al., 2005). Accordingly, single genes in basal eudicots are frequently found to be orthologous to pairs of genes in core eudicots and this is the case for several classes of MADS box genes that control carpel development. For example, two C-clade lineages are present the core eudicots in place of a single paleoAG lineage in basally diverging eudicots. Thus in Arabidopsis, the euAG clade contains the AG gene itself, while the PLENA (PLE) clade, contains the paralogous genes SHP1 and SHP2, which probably resulted from a further duplication within or near Brassicaceae (Fig. 11). In A. majus, the probable orthologue of AG is termed FARINELLI (FAR), and that of SHP1/2 is the clade-defining gene PLE. Interestingly, the non-orthologous C-clade genes AG and PLE are responsible for specifying the C-function in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum, respectively (Fig. 11; Davies et al., 1999; Kramer et al., 2004). FAR, by contrast, is redundantly involved in stamen development and contributes to pollen fertility. In an example of neo-functionalisation, SHP1 and 2 have acquired a novel role in Arabidopsis fruit development (Liljegren et al., 2000). In P. hybrida, which, as a member of the asterids, is more closely related to Antirrhinum than to Arabidopsis (Fig. 9), a further case of subfunctionalisation is to be found. The Petunia AG orthologue PMADS3 is principally responsible for stamen development (Kapoor et al., 2002), though also plays a redundant role with the PLE orthologue FBP6 in both carpel development and floral determinacy (Kramer et al., 2004). Though sub-functionalisation between the paralogous AG and PLE clades in the Arabidopsis lineage has left AG playing the major C-function role, elegant experiments involving multiple mutants demonstrate the SHP genes
Arabidopsis thaliana PLE sub-clade (SHP1 and SHP2)
AG sub-clade (AG)
Stamen identity
Carpel identity
Stop function
Antirrhinum majus PLE sub-clade (PLE)
AG sub-clade (FAR )
Fruit dehiscence zone development
Pollen fertility
Stamen identity
Carpel identity Stop function
Ovule identity
Funiculus and seed abscission layer development FBP7 sub-clade (STK)
Petunia hybrida
AG sub-clade (PMADS3 )
D PLE sub-clade (FBP6)
Stamen identity
FBP7 sub-clade (not characterised)
Stop function Carpel identity
Phylogeny of C-clade MADS box genes FBP7-clade (D)
AG-clade (C)
PLE-clade (C) Ovule identity FBP7 sub-clade (FBP7 and FBP11)
Pre-angiosperm duplication Core-eudicot duplication
Fig. 11. Fluidity in the functionalisation of C- and D-function MADS box genes in core eudicots. (A–C) Venn diagrams representing the functions of genes from the AG, PLE and FBP7 MADS box clades in three species of core eudicots. Overlapping regions represent functional redundancy between genes in wild-type genetic backgrounds. (D) The sequence of duplications that generated of the eudicot AG, PLE and FBP7 MADS box gene clades.
also to have retained a capacity for C-function activity. Ectopic carpelloid organs are formed in the first floral whorl of Arabidopsis ag mutants, conditionally on the inactivation of AP2, which is known mainly for its contribution to the A-function (Bowman et al., 1991b). This effect is thought to occur because, in wild-type Arabidopsis plants, AP2 is responsible for down-regulating C-clade genes in the outer floral whorls. In the case of ag/ ap2 double mutants, the C-function activity responsible for specifying ectopic carpel development in the first whorl is provided by SHP1 and SHP2, as demonstrated by the complete lack of carpelloid features to be observed in the first whorl organs of quadruple ap2/ag/shp1/shp2 mutants (Pinyopich et al., 2003). These data indicate a subtle effect of functional
overlap between paralogous gene clades, which does not equate to simple genetic redundancy: the SHP genes adopt a novel C-function role in Arabidopsis, conditionally on the inactivation of AP2 and AG. The fluidity of functions among duplicated genes in the core eudicots is further illustrated by an exchange of function between MADS box genes of the C- and D-clades. Two paralogous D-function genes in Petunia, FBP7 and FBP11, are redundantly required for ovule development (Angenent et al., 1995). The Arabidopsis orthologue of these genes, SEEDSTICK (STK), is also involved in ovule development, though STK shares this role redundantly with the C-clade genes SHP1 and SHP2 (Fig. 11). Accordingly, the Arabidopsis stk/shp1/shp2 triple mutant (Pinyopich et al., 2003), like the Petunia fpb7/fpb11 double mutant (Angenent et al., 1995), produces supernumerary carpels in the place of ovules within the gynoecium. In addition to its redundant role in ovule specification, STK plays non-redundant roles in the development of the funiculus and in seed abscission (Pinyopich et al., 2003). The combined C þ D-clade in the eudicots, whose different lineages were separated by duplication events that occurred both before and after the radiation of the angiosperms, therefore represents a complex situation in which diverse evolutionary processes have taken place. Examples can be found in this clade of: the repartition of multiple pre-existing functions between paralogues genes (sub-functionalisation), the generation of novel functions associated with one or both genes of a pair of paralogues (neofunctionalisation), and exchanges in function, both between paralogues and non-paralogous genes (Fig. 11). A further likely consequence of the genome duplication that appears to have occurred at the base of the core eudicots is the generation of a second sub-clade of MADS box genes within the A-clade (Litt and Irish, 2003). The Arabidopsis A-function MADS box gene AP1 plays roles in floral meristem patterning and in the specification of perianth organ identity. However, gene duplications in the core eudicots have provided further A-clade sequences, of which FUL has acquired a role in the patterning of the gynoecium wall in Arabidopsis (Gu et al., 1998). FUL is known to act in a network involving a large number of genes (Liljegren et al., 2004; Roeder et al., 2003), including the MADS box genes SHP1 and SHP2 (Ferrandiz et al., 2000b) that also function redundantly with STK in ovule development. Gene duplication in the MADS box A-clade, followed by neo-functionalisation, has thus resulted in the evolution of novel fruit shattering mechanisms in Brassicaceae. An interesting feature of gene duplication in the A-clade is the evolution of a distinct C-terminal protein motif in AP1, which was apparently produced by a frame-shift that occurred near the 30 -extremity of the AP1 coding sequence in a common ancestor of the core eudicots (Litt and Irish, 2003).
This frame-shift created a farnesylsation site in the encoded protein, which is known from studies of Arabidopsis to be post-translationally modified and required for wild-type AP1 protein activity (Yalovsky et al., 2000). Other frame-shift mutations in duplicated genes are also present in the B- and C-function MADS box clades in the core eudicots (Vandenbussche et al., 2003), though the motifs generated in these cases are distinct from that of the AP1 lineage and do not contain farnesylation sites. The novel C-terminal motifs present in certain lineages within the eudicot A-, B- and C-clades of MADS box genes have been conserved over a long evolutionary timescale, clearly indicating their functional significance. However, it is not known whether the functions of these novel motifs are connected with biochemical processes in common, such as the higher order assembly of MADS box complexes, or the sequestration of transcription factors through membrane attachment (Vandenbussche et al., 2003).
VII. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS In this chapter, our treatment of carpel and gynoecium development has been the most thorough in Arabidopsis, reflecting both our own research interests and the relative wealth of data available in this model species. Until recently, most molecular-genetic studies of gynoecium development have focussed on individual genes and interactions, though the development of large-sale and modelling approaches means that more ambitious goals can now be set. Accordingly, a major challenge for the future will be to construct integrated models of gynoecium development using a system biology approach. A central factor in such an analysis will surely be the hormone auxin. As described in Section IV, we already know that genes involved in auxin synthesis, transport and responsiveness have many important effects on Arabidopsis gynoecium development. A systems biology approach should permit the construction of integrated models of gynoecium development by using a dynamic map of auxin distribution and transport to link together auxin-related genetic elements. Further experimental and modelling approaches can be used to link the many known gynoecium development transcription factors to the proximal causes of development, such as cell division and differentiation. Though much still remains to be done on Arabidopsis carpel development, even more work is required in other species if we are to better understand comparative aspects of carpel development and evolution. Such comparative studies will require in some cases the development of new angiosperm models to fill gaps that currently exist at key phylogenetic positions. The advent of a new generation of sequencing technology (e.g. Eid et al., 2009) is expected to
revolutionise many aspects of evolutionary-developmental biology, and should provide complete genome sequences from species occupying phylogenetic positions of relevance to flower and carpel evolution (Cyranoski, 2010; Soltis et al., 2008). However, attention must also be paid to the development of functional genetics approaches in new plant models, especially if the expected wealth of genome sequence data is to be exploited to its full potential. One aspect of carpel development that has only briefly been touched on in this chapter concerns what becomes of the carpel after fertilisation. Indeed, the greater part of carpel-related biodiversity becomes apparent only at this later stage, as the gynoecium transforms into a fruit (Ostergaard, 2010). Fruits are, of course, plant parts of major economic interest, and the contribution of fruits to seed dispersal by air, wind, water, explosion, mammals, birds, reptiles, insects and so on (Willson and Traveset, 2002) must also represent one of the major reasons why the flowering plants have been so successful. To accomplish their role in seed dispersal, fruits undergo considerable post-fertilisation changes, though many of the mechanisms that bring these about are established at earlier developmental stages. Thus, the basis for fruit development is laid down during the formation of the carpel (Roeder and Yanofsky, 2005; Sorefan et al., 2009) and involves many of the genetic programmes described in Section IV of this chapter. An increasingly important goal of research in this area will be to understand how carpel genetic networks have been modified through evolution to generate the enormous diversity of fruit forms found in nature, and indeed how knowledge of these networks can help us to further modify fruit characteristics to meet our agricultural needs (Doebley et al., 2006; Ostergaard et al., 2006).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our work is supported by: Grant BIO2009-09920 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion and funding from Generalitat Valenciana to C. Ferrandiz; Grants BLAN05-0280-01 and BLAN07-2/185566 from the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche to C. Scutt and C. Trehin, and funding from the Swedish Research Council Formas to E. Sundberg. We also acknowledge a post of Attache´ Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche of the Ecole Normale Supe´rieure de Lyon to N. Prunet, and doctoral thesis funding from the French Ministe`re de l’Enseignement Supe´rieure et de la Recherche to A. Vialette-Guiraud.
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Root System Architecture
Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Intrinsic Determinants of Root System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Primary Root Development .................................................. B. Lateral Root Development ................................................... C. Cell Cycle Regulation .......................................................... III. Environmental Factors That Influence Root System Architecture . . . . . . . . . A. Water Stress ..................................................................... B. Nitrate............................................................................ C. Phosphate........................................................................ IV. Plant Hormones and Carbohydrates: The Bridge Between Intrinsic and Response Pathways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Auxin ............................................................................. B. Cytokinins ....................................................................... C. Abscisic Acid .................................................................... D. Carbohydrates .................................................................. V. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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ABSTRACT Plants develop most organs post-embryonically, which allows the incorporation of environmental information into decisions concerning when and where to produce new organs. This developmental plasticity is evident in the plant root system, which in 1
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Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 55 Copyright 2010, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0065-2296/10 $35.00 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2296(10)55002-X
dicotyledonous plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana is mostly comprised of lateral and adventitious roots that develop along the length of the primary root. The rate of primary root growth and the location, spacing and growth rate of lateral roots are influenced by the availability of environmental cues such as water and nutrients, which can have dramatic effects on the final architecture of the root system. These environmental responses must intersect with the intrinsic developmental programme of the plant, which is responsible for the general formation and maintenance of the root system. The final root system architecture of any plant is then the product of both intrinsic and environmental response pathways. Carbohydrates and plant hormones such as auxin and cytokinins are required for both intrinsic root development and modulating root system architecture in response to different growth conditions, thus facilitating the optimisation of root growth in complex, heterogeneous environments.
I. INTRODUCTION Developmental plasticity can be defined as the integration of environmental information into the developmental programme of an organism (Novoplansky, 2002). Although historically viewed as environmental ‘noise’, which confounded the study of ‘true genetic determinants’ of an organism’s development, developmental plasticity has more recently been recognised as important means for organisms to develop and function in their environments (Sultan, 2000). Such plasticity has been reported for both plants and animals (Sultan, 1995); however, it has been most intensely studied in plants, where it is thought to be of particular importance due to plants’ sessile nature and continued organogenesis throughout life (Bradshaw, 1965). Indeed, while animals seem to organise most developmental information during embryogenesis, which places constraints on developmental plasticity during adult life, plants shed these constraints by forming only a rudimentary body plan during embryogenesis, and using selfrenewing stem cell populations to continuously form all post-embryonic organs. Plant phenotypic responses to different environmental conditions have been observed for some time (Schlichting, 1986). Two examples of such plasticity include: developmental responses to avoid shade (Aphalo et al., 1999) and the alteration of root allocation to varying soil conditions (Bell and Sultan, 1999). These responses may provide advantages to plant survival and reproduction if they allow the optimal positioning of new organs to collect vitally important resources. For instance, by optimizing the growth and location of roots to their environments, plants more efficiently take up essential water and nutrients from the soil, which increases their fitness and reproductive capacity (Bell and Sultan, 1999; Callahan et al., 1997; Fitter and Strickland, 1991; Novoplansky, 2002). Gaining a further understanding of such processes is therefore both intellectually and agronomically important. The plant root system represents a nice model for studying developmental plasticity due to its relatively simple, reiterated structure. The entire plant root
Epidermis Cortex
Pericycle Xylem Phloem
PR Endodermis
Fig. 1. Root system architecture and radial patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. (A) The entire root system consists of the embryonically derived primary root (PR) and lateral roots (LR) that develop from the pericycle layer located within the primary root. (B) A cross section through the primary root shows single epidermal, cortical and endodermal cell layers surrounding a centrally located vascular stele, comprised pericycle, xylem, phloem and provascular cells.
system is comprised of primary, lateral and adventitious roots that contain identical radial tissue organisation (Fig. 1; Schiefelbein and Benfey, 1991). For example, in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, single epidermal, cortical and endodermal cell layers surround a centrally located vascular stele (Fig. 1; Dolan et al., 1993). Changes in root system architecture are then solely caused by differences in the growth and placement of these roots over developmental time rather than by the addition of fundamentally different structures. Since roots are responsible for collecting all of the water and nutrients required for plant survival, it is not surprising that plants alter the spatial and temporal development, or architecture, of their root systems in response to a variety of environmental cues (Hermans et al., 2006; LopezBucio et al., 2003). It should be noted, however, that in addition to these ‘response’ pathways, plants have characteristic blueprints for development, or ‘intrinsic’ developmental pathways, which provide for the fundamental appearance of the organism (Malamy, 2005). In the root system, intrinsic pathways could specify deep or shallow root architectures, for instance, without regard for differences in external cues. The final plant root system architecture then results from the combined actions of intrinsic and response pathways (Malamy, 2005). While there is an ever-increasing body of the literature describing plant root development, including both intrinsic and
response pathways that influence the final root system architecture, much work remains in identifying how these pathways interact to form the final appearance of the root system. This chapter will serve as an introduction to plant root system development and developmental plasticity by describing the intrinsic cellular processes important for forming primary and lateral roots, and summarizing the current knowledge concerning some of the internal and external signals that help shape the architecture of the root system. There exist fundamental differences in the anatomy and development of monocotyledonous versus dicotyledonous root systems. Given that most molecular genetic information regarding root system development has been uncovered in the model dicotyledonous flowering plant A. thaliana; this introduction will primarily focus on root development in Arabidopsis.
Although the bulk of the root system is formed post-embryonically from lateral roots, all of these structures are derived from an internal cell layer of the primary root. In addition, lateral and adventitious roots recapitulate the identical anatomical structure of the primary root, as evidenced by microscopic observation and marker gene expression (Malamy and Benfey, 1997). Thus, understanding the development and maintenance of the primary root is of fundamental importance to understanding root development in general. The primary root is established during embryogenesis, and at its apex resides the root meristem, or stem cell population, which is responsible for continued growth of all root cell types (Jurgens, 2001). At the core of the root meristem is the slowly dividing quiescent centre (QC), which maintains two adjacent layers of rapidly dividing, functional stem cell initials that serve as the source for all cells in the growing root cell files (Jiang and Feldman, 2005; van den Berg et al., 1997). The QC is specified during embryogenesis and maintained postembryonically in Arabidopsis by the combined, parallel actions of the SCARECROW (SCR) and SHORTROOT (SHR) GRAS transcription factors (Helariutta et al., 2000; Nakajima et al., 2001; Sabatini et al., 2003) and the partially redundant PLETHORA1 (PLT1) and PLETHORA2 (PLT2) AP2-domain transcription factors (Aida et al., 2004). In addition, the WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX 5 (WOX5) gene is expressed in the QC from embryogenesis onwards, and is responsible for maintaining the stem
cell identity of the columella initials (Sarkar et al., 2007). The combined functions of these genes and others result in continued growth of the primary root through stem cell division and self-renewal of the initials. As cells exit the stem cell niche, they eventually cease dividing, elongate and differentiate into all root cell types. B. LATERAL ROOT DEVELOPMENT
The majority of the root system is formed post-embryonically and comprised of secondary roots, tertiary roots that grow from secondary roots and so on. All secondary and higher order roots are referred to as lateral roots (Malamy, 2005, 2010), and all lateral roots originate from the internal pericycle layer of the primary root (Fig. 2). At first glance, the pericycle cell A
Cell wall modifying enzymes
1 Pericycle Xylem pole pericycle Lateral root primordium
Epidermis Cortex
Xylem Phloem
Fig. 2. Lateral roots develop from the xylem-pole pericycle. (A) A cartoon of a longitudinal section through the primary root tip outlined by the black box in the plant cartoon to the left. Lateral root initiation (1) occurs solely in the pericycle layer (purple) adjacent to the xylem (orange). As the lateral root primordium (LRP) grows (green) it must push through the overlying cell layers (2) whose cell walls are loosened by cell wall modifying enzymes. Finally, the LRP emerges from the primary root and activates its meristem to become an autonomous lateral root (3). (B) A cartoon of a cross section through the primary root (black bar in A) showing that only the pericycle cells in contact with the xylem are competent to become lateral roots.
layer appears to be radially symmetrical, forming a single concentric cylinder of cells around the vascular stele (Fig. 2). In contrast, the underlying diarch vascular bundle of some dicotyledonous plants (including Arabidopsis) displays bilateral symmetry, with two parallel poles of xylem cells radially perpendicular to two parallel poles of phloem cells (Fig. 2; Dolan et al., 1993). Interestingly, lateral roots only form from the pericycle cells adjacent to the two xylem poles of the vasculature (Fig. 2; Blakely et al., 1982; Dubrovsky et al., 2001; Laskowski et al., 1995). Recent characterisation has demonstrated that, in fact, two distinct pericycle cell populations exist, and are intimately correlated with the diarch developmental patterning of the underlying xylem and phloem cells (Parizot et al., 2008). When vascular patterning is altered in the lonesome highway (lhw) mutant, producing only one xylem pole, only the pericycle cells adjacent to that single pole form lateral roots (Parizot et al., 2008). Intriguingly, lateral root initiation does not require differentiated xylem cells, as the ivad and ahp6 mutants form discontinuous patterns of differentiated xylem, yet still show lateral root formation in its absence (Parizot et al., 2008). These data show that the pericycle is a heterogeneous cell layer determined by the same genetic pathway controlling the diarch organisation of the vasculature, rather than receiving signals from the underlying cells. Further evidence of pericycle cell heterogeneity comes from the observation that cell length is significantly altered in xylem-pole versus phloem-pole pericycle cells in a zone 2–6 mm from the primary root tip, and thus outside the root meristem (Dubrovsky et al., 2000). Specifically, xylem-pole pericycle cells in this zone were substantially shorter (longitudinally) than respective cells in the phloem-pole pericycle (Fig. 2 purple vs. pink). Furthermore, mitotic figures were observed in this zone, along with expression of the mitosisspecific reporter gene pCYCB1;1:GUS (Dubrovsky et al., 2000). Additionally, it was reported that the pericycle cells adjacent to the xylem poles display cytological features similar to meristematic cells (three or more vacuoles and a dense cytoplasm containing numerous electron-dense ribosomes), while those next to the phloem poles have the appearance of more differentiated cells (a single and large central vacuole and fewer ribosomes) (Parizot et al., 2008). These data support the definition of the xylem-pole pericycle cell files as ‘extended meristems’ (Casimiro et al., 2003). Lateral roots initiate from a subset of approximately 12.5% of xylem-pole pericycle cells termed ‘founder cells’, which go on to form lateral root primordia (LRP) (Fig. 2A; Dubrovsky et al., 2000; Laskowski et al., 1995). Until recently, the determination of founder cell identity was poorly understood. Previously, it was observed that pea (Pisum sativum) roots placed at
high temperature blocked visible lateral root formation, which could be restored only in new root tissues after moving plants to the permissive temperature (Gladish and Rost, 1993). This was interpreted as evidence for lateral root founder cell specification exclusively in the primary root meristem. This finding was reiterated in Arabidopsis, where mitotic figures were tallied in the pericycle 2–6 mm from the root tip, and no new mitotic figures were observed in that zone after several days of growth, suggesting founder cell specificity was occurring in the primary root differentiation zone (Dubrovsky et al., 2000). Recent evidence has shown that accumulation of the hormone auxin in specific xylem-pole pericycle cells in a region adjacent to the primary root meristem termed the ‘basal meristem’ is completely correlated with pericycle founder cell specification (Fig. 3), thus providing a molecular marker for this process (De Smet et al., 2007; Dubrovsky et al., 2008). The first physical characteristic of LRP initiation is an asymmetric cell division in three adjacent xylem-pole pericycle cell files, each in contact with the adjacent xylem-pole cell file (Fig. 2A and B; Dubrovsky et al., 2001). Typically, a single pericycle founder cell in each file participates in this division, leading to six shorter cells that expand radially (Dubrovsky et al., 2001). Thereafter, a well-characterised programme of periclinal and anticlinal cell divisions occurs, which has allowed for the classification of LRP into seven discrete stages (stages I–VII) leading to the formation of a mature LRP (Fig. 2A; Malamy and Benfey, 1997). Evidence from enhancer trap expression within the LRP suggests that patterning and cell specification within the primordia occur from the earliest stages through LRP maturation (Malamy and Benfey, 1997). All of the processes described above occur within the primary root. As the LRP grows, it exerts force, and must push through, the overlying endodermal, cortical and epidermal primary root cell layers (Figs. 2A and 3). Eventually, expansion of the basal cells of the LRP is observed concurrent to its penetration of the primary root epidermis; an event termed LRP ‘emergence’ (Fig. 2A; Malamy and Benfey, 1997). Recent work has demonstrated that cell wall modifying enzymes including pectate lyases (PLA1, PLA2) and polygalacturonase (PG) are expressed in the cells overlying LRP, and are likely important for loosening the walls between these cells to allow LRP to pass through (Figs. 2A and 3; Laskowski et al., 2006; Swarup et al., 2008). However, some control mechanism must be in place to keep LRP cells from peeling apart themselves. It has been postulated that newly formed cells contain pectins that are methylated, while older cells overlying LRP have unmethylated pectin in their cell walls. Since PG and the PLAs only act on unmethylated pectin substrates, this would direct cell wall modification to only the older, overlying cells of the LRP (Laskowski et al., 2006; Peret et al., 2009b).
LRP emergence
Cell wall remodeling LAX3 ARF7 ARF19
LRP founder cell specification Meristerm maintenance
Cortex Cytokinins
Phloem Epidermis
Xylem pole pericycle Lateral root primordium
LRP initiation
Fig. 3. Auxin controls primary and lateral root formation and maintenance. A cartoon of a medial longitudinal section through the primary root tip outlined by the black box on the plant cartoon at the left. Primary root: Auxin (red arrows) is delivered to the primary root tip through the phloem, where it is presumably unloaded by PIN1 and loaded into adjacent cells by AUX1, then distributed in a ‘‘fountain’’ pattern by the PIN proteins. The expression of meristem maintenance PLT genes and WOX5 are promoted by auxin, and the PLT proteins promote PIN expression in a feed-forward loop. Cytokinins antagonise auxin by promoting the SHY2 (IAA3) auxin signal repressor which down-regulates some PIN genes. Lateral roots: Auxin accumulation in xylem-pole pericycle cells is sufficient to specify lateral root primordia (LRP) (1). During lateral root initiation (2), auxin degrades the auxin response repressor IAA14 which allows the expression of auxin response factors ARF7 and ARF19 that promote downstream auxin response genes including LBD16 and LBD 29. Cytokinins repress LRP development at a stage before LRP emergence. ARF7 and ARF19 also promote expression of the auxin influx carrier LAX3 in cells overlying the LRP, which increases auxin accumulation in these cells, promoting the expression of cell wall remodelling enzymes that presumably allow for LRP emergence from the primary root (3). Abscisic acid (ABA) blocks LRP emergence. In culture, this could be by altering aerial tissue permeability to sucrose in the culture media which alters lateral root emergence via an unknown mechanism.
Finally, a transition occurs where LRP activate their meristems, becoming autonomous lateral roots (Fig. 2A). This is signified by observed cell divisions at the lateral root apex in emerged LRP (Malamy and Benfey, 1997). Previous experiments described LRP as becoming autonomous at
approximately stages III and V, where supplemental hormone treatment was no longer required for continued LRP maturation (Laskowski et al., 1995). However, these experiments do not demonstrate the formation of an activated meristem per se, but rather that the LRP were capable of going on to form activated meristems. C. CELL CYCLE REGULATION
Both the maintenance of an actively dividing and self-renewing stem cell population in the root meristem, and the controlled programme of cell divisions in the pericycle to form LRP, require carefully regulated cell cycle progression. Arabidopsis contains homologues of the canonical G1, S, G2 and M phase cell cycle regulatory genes (De Veylder et al., 2007; Inze and De Veylder, 2006). Progression through the cell cycle is controlled by the cyclindependent kinases (Verkest et al., 2005). At the transition from G1 to S phase, cyclin-dependent kinase A (CDKA)—D-type cyclin (CycD) complexes phosphorylate the sole identified Arabidopsis retinoblastoma homologue RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED (RBR), which releases repression of the E2F transcription factors that go on to activate S-phase-specific genes (del Pozo et al., 2005; Himanen et al., 2002). As cells progress through the cell cycle, B-type CDKs (CDKB) complex with type-A (CycA) and type-B (CycB) cyclins to promote cell division in M phase (De Veylder et al., 2007, Himanen et al., 2002). In all, 12 different CDKs and 49 different cyclins have been identified in the Arabidopsis genome, and the exact composition of the cyclin–CDK complexes is largely unknown (De Veylder et al., 2007). Mistakes in the cell cycle can be detrimental to the health of the plant. Thus, the activities of the cell cycle control genes are typically modulated by precise transcriptional and protein degradation pathways (Berckmans and De Veylder, 2009). Additional cell cycle regulation is provided by the kip-related proteins (KRPs), which inactivate CDKA/CycD activity, thus preventing cells from proceeding past the G1–S cell cycle checkpoint (del Pozo et al., 2005; Himanen et al., 2002; Verkest et al., 2005). 1. Cell cycle control in the primary root meristem Maintenance of the primary root stem cell niche requires a precise balance of differentiation and cell division for the continued self-renewal of the stem cell population and the division, growth and differentiation of all cell layers in the root. Recent evidence has shown that the RBR gene sits at the centre of a regulatory pathway for primary root stem cell maintenance (Wildwater et al., 2005). Reduction of RBR expression in the root led to an increased number of undifferentiated cell layers in the root stem cell niche. In contrast, over-
expressing RBR resulted in loss of stem cell identity and differentiation of these cells in the root apex. As mentioned above, CycD sits upstream of RBR and deactivates it by phosphorylation. When CycD was over-expressed in wild-type plants, it also led to increased stem cell production in the primary root apex. CycD itself is down-regulated by the KRPs, and over-expression of KRP2 in turn led to loss of stem cell identity in the primary root (Wildwater et al., 2005). Earlier in this chapter, I described that the overlapping activities of PLT1 and PLT2, along with SCR and SHR, were necessary for specification and maintenance of the stem cell niche. Wildwater et al. (2005) demonstrated that the loss of meristem maintenance in scr was due to unrestrained RBR activity, placing SCR upstream of RBR. Reduced RBR expression could not, however, overcome the loss of stem cell maintenance caused by the plt1 plt2 double mutant, indicating that PLETHORA activity is downstream of RBR. Interestingly, there are several E2F, KRP and CycD related genes in the Arabidopsis genome. Thus, the results presented above provide a framework for comparison of the activities of these other genes in regulating cell division and differentiation during root development. 2. Cell cycle control in the LRP LRP formation involves the controlled progression of anti- and periclinal cell divisions and specific cell cycle components have been identified in the regulation of this process (de Jager et al., 2005; De Smet et al., 2006; Himanen et al., 2002; Malamy, 2005; Osmont et al., 2007). A detailed transcriptome study of lateral root initiation using a synchronised population of pericycle cells that were simultaneously activated to form LRP showed that all pericycle cells are initially held at the G1–S checkpoint (Himanen et al., 2002). Consistent with this, the G1–S-specific CycD4;1 and CycD3;1 genes show expression associated with LRP initiation (De Veylder et al., 1999; Himanen et al., 2002). In addition, the G1–S-specific CDKA;1 is constitutively active in the xylem-pole pericycle cells (Himanen et al., 2002). Interestingly, over-expression of CycD3;1 in the pericycle did not lead to an increased number of LRP, showing that it is not sufficient to promote LRP initiation (de Jager et al., 2005). Certain xylem-pole pericycle cells then become competent to progress through the G1–S transition and on to the G2-M checkpoint (Casimiro et al., 2003). This is evidenced by later expression of the G2-M specific genes CycB1;1, CycB1;2, CDKB1;1 and CDKB2;2 in synchronised, initiating cells (Himanen et al., 2002). The CycB1;1 gene had been associated with LRP initiation previously (Doerner et al., 1996); however, ectopic expression of CycB1;1 with the CDKA;1 promoter failed to increase the number of LRP. This result shows that CycB1;1 alone is not sufficient to drive LRP initiation. Intriguingly, it was
found that the CDK inhibitors KRP1 and KRP2 were initially highly expressed in synchronised, initiating pericycle cells and subsequently downregulated within 4 h of lateral root initiation (Himanen et al., 2002). These results were corroborated later in a more extensive microarray study (Himanen et al., 2004). The down-regulation of these cell cycle inhibitors correlated with the progression of initiated pericycle cells through the cell cycle. Furthermore, over-expression of KRP2 resulted in the strong inhibition of LRP initiation. Therefore, a model has been proposed where: (1) KRP2 inhibits progression of xylem-pole pericycle cells through the cell cycle; (2) down-regulation of KRP2 in specific cells within a certain developmental window allows those cells to continue through the cell cycle and (3) other cells retain high KRP2 expression and are not competent to progress through the cell cycle (Casimiro et al., 2003; Himanen et al., 2002). The direct targets of KRP2 remain to be explored in greater detail, and one would propose that direct down-regulation of KRP2 targets would result in decreased LRP initiation, while the over-expression of those targets would overcome the LRP reduction in the KRP2 over-expressing background.
III. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE ROOT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The plant root system is in contact with a variety of abiotic factors, including soil water status and the availability of nutrients, which impact both primary root growth and the formation of lateral roots (Lopez-Bucio et al., 2003; Malamy, 2005, 2010; Nibau et al., 2008; Osmont et al., 2007). These factors are in constant flux, and the ability of a plant to respond to these changes and successfully acquire the water and nutrients it needs has a direct impact on health and reproductive success. This section will illustrate only a selected few examples of how plants alter their root systems in response to the heterogeneous external growth environment, focussing on specific environmental cues where the molecular pathways have been studied in some detail. How these responses are integrated into the intrinsic developmental programme of primary and lateral root growth highlighted above will be covered in the next section. A. WATER STRESS
Drought is the most prevalent abiotic stress negatively impacting crop production worldwide (Sharp et al., 2004). Thus, understanding the mechanisms that control drought tolerance is extremely important, particularly in light of
predictions that water resources will diminish in the future (Malamy, 2010). It has been observed in several plant species that the development of the root system is less inhibited by drought than the shoot system (Sharp et al., 2004). It is believed that the maintenance of root growth under water stress is beneficial for the plant to maintain adequate water supply and cell turgor pressure (Sharp et al., 2004). Indeed, a more extensive root system has been correlated with better leaf survival (Ekanayake et al., 1985), drought resistance (Babu et al., 2003; Champoux et al., 1995; Tuberosa et al., 2002b) and greater grain yield (Babu et al., 2003; Fukai and Cooper, 1995; Tuberosa et al., 2002a) in rice, maize and other important crop plants (Malamy, 2010). There is overwhelming evidence that tolerance to drought stress is controlled by many genes in a quantitative manner, and thus several studies have been performed to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) that are regulating this response (Ashraf, 2010). Interestingly, there have also been reports of a lack of correlation, or even a negative correlation, between root traits and increased grain yield under drought stress in maize and rice (Lafitte and Courtois, 2000). Part of the conundrum could be attributed to drought itself being a complex phenomenon. In fact, from the plant’s perspective, drought consists of several overlapping phenomena such as soil water status, evapotranspiration levels, irradiation levels, soil properties such as hardness, soil nutrient levels and the interaction with pests, pathogens and neighbouring plants (Price et al., 2002). Therefore, identifying a ‘typical’ drought condition for plant screening purposes can be difficult. Also, the different genetic populations used in each study could yield very different results. For example, increased root system size could increase grain yield in some varieties, while it might function at the expense of grain yield in others. To date, most of the molecular players involved in drought responses are unknown, and there is no satisfactory model crop plant system available to study drought stress at the molecular and systems level (Denby and Gehring, 2005). Therefore, efforts turned towards characterizing drought responses in the model plant A. thaliana. Many studies have been conducted on drought tolerance in Arabidopsis, including forward genetic screens and microarray studies (Deyholos, 2009). Unfortunately, very few efforts have been made to characterise the Arabidopsis root system under drought stress conditions. This is mostly due to the fragility of the roots, which makes it difficult to quantify root growth in soil (van der Weele et al., 2000). Therefore, researchers turned to growing Arabidopsis on agar plates supplemented with osmotica such as polyethylene glycol, nitrogen salts or mannitol to simulate water stress (Deak and Malamy, 2005; van der Weele et al., 2000; Xiong et al., 2006). In all cases, it was observed that mild osmotic stress reduced lateral root formation.
Recently, however, work in the Malamy laboratory has changed the interpretation of how lateral root development is affected by osmotic stress imposed in agar plates (MacGregor et al., 2008). It was determined that the osmotic potential of the media is detected by the root system, which then sends a signal to the aerial tissues to reduce their permeability (MacGregor et al., 2008). Aerial tissue permeability and consequent uptake of sucrose from the media are necessary and sufficient for promoting lateral root formation. Lower media osmotic potential leads to reduced aerial tissue uptake of sucrose, and subsequently, reduced lateral root emergence. Therefore, there is currently little evidence that osmotic stress in culture conditions leads to a change in root system development independent of an aerial tissuemediated, sucrose-dependent mechanism. Clearly, root system development is altered in response to drought conditions in model crop species, and there is some indication that increased root system depth and breadth provides an advantage for resisting drought in the field. However, most of the molecular components that modulate these responses have not been identified to date. B. NITRATE
After water, nitrogen is the most limiting factor for plant growth, and this requirement can only be met by the external application of nitrogen fertiliser (Miller and Cramer, 2005). While nitrate concentrations appear to have little effect on primary root growth, lateral root development responds in two distinct manners when exposed to high nitrate. The uniform exposure of the entire root system to high nitrate (> 10 mM) results in a global reduction in lateral root development at the stage after LRP emergence and just prior to lateral root meristem activation (Zhang and Forde, 1998). It has been proposed that nitrate accumulation in the aerial tissues is responsible for this LRP arrest, suggesting that long-distance signals to the root are involved (Zhang et al., 1999). Interestingly, a shift from high to low (< 1 mM) nitrate results in almost immediate resumption of growth of the arrested LRP, suggesting the presence of a specific, nitrate-regulated checkpoint at this stage of LRP development (Zhang et al., 1999). In contrast, when the entire root system is exposed to low nitrate (10 mM) and part of the root system is exposed to a patch of high nitrate concentration (10 mM), there is local proliferation of lateral root development in the patch (Hodge, 2004; Zhang and Forde, 1998). This increased lateral root development does not result from increased LRP initiation, but from increased lateral root growth rate due to higher cell production in the lateral root meristem (Zhang et al., 1999). Furthermore, it has been shown that nitrate itself, and not a downstream assimilation product, stimulates this increased lateral root growth (Zhang et al., 1999).
Two components of the lateral root response to nitrate-rich patches have been identified: the MADS-box transcription factor Arabidopsis NITRATEREGULATED 1 (ANR1) and the DUAL AFFINITY NITRATE TRANSPORTER (NRT1.1). ANR1 is expressed in LRP and lateral and primary root meristems (Remans et al., 2006), and the anr1 mutant shows lack of stimulated lateral root growth in nitrate-rich patches (Zhang and Forde, 1998). NRT1.1 is expressed at primary and lateral root tips (Remans et al., 2006), is induced by nitrate (Munos et al., 2004) and nrt1.1 mutants show lack of lateral root stimulation in response to nitrate patches (Liu et al., 1999). Furthermore, reduced NRT1.1 expression leads to a reduction in ANR1 expression, suggesting that NRT1.1 lies upstream of ANR1 in a nitrate response pathway (Remans et al., 2006). The mechanism by which the NRT1.1 transporter also functions in signalling is not yet understood. Interestingly, there is some data to suggest that high nitrate represses lateral root emergence on agar plates containing sucrose by the reduced permeability of the aerial tissues to sucrose in the growth media, as observed with osmotic stress (MacGregor et al., 2008). It would be interesting to reevaluate the data presented in the above-mentioned sections with this new mechanistic understanding in mind. Admittedly, it would be easy to explain the global repression of lateral root formation based on an aerial tissue permeability model; however, it would be much more difficult to explain local lateral root proliferation in nitrate-rich patches. There have been conflicting results concerning the local response of Arabidopsis lateral roots to nitrate-rich patches (Linkohr et al., 2002), and in light of recent findings, these results are worthy of further investigation. C. PHOSPHATE
Phosphate is an essential plant nutrient that often reacts with other elements in the soil, making it largely unavailable for uptake by the root system (Lopez-Bucio et al., 2002). Plants respond to limiting phosphate availability by altering root architecture to increase soil exploration and uptake capacity. Root developmental changes include: reducing primary root growth, increasing lateral root number and developing lateral roots closer to the primary root tip (Lopez-Bucio et al., 2002). This often comes at the expense of shoot growth, as plants direct carbohydrates to the root system (Hermans et al., 2006), resulting in an increased root:shoot ratio at the lowest phosphate concentrations. Several genes have been identified in molecular pathways that regulate root responses to phosphate. LPR1 was discovered in a QTL screen for loci involved in natural variation of root low phosphate responses in Arabidopsis
(Reymond et al., 2006). The gene underlying the QTL was mapped to a multi-copper oxidase (MCO), and it was shown that MCO activity is required for low phosphate primary root growth arrest, as inhibiting such activity in wild type led to increased primary root growth on low phosphate media (Svistoonoff et al., 2007). Using a genomics approach, the paralogue LPR2 was discovered to play an additive role in reduced primary root growth on low phosphate. LPR1 is expressed in the primary root tip, including the root cap, and the latter was shown to be the important site of low phosphate perception. Importantly, internal phosphate concentrations were not altered in the lpr1 mutant versus wild type, suggesting that another mechanism is responsible for translating the perception of low phosphate into an arrest of primary root growth. Further investigation will be required to determine these signalling networks. In contrast to lpr1, siz1 was discovered by a screen for mutants that were hypersensitive to low phosphate conditions (Miura et al., 2005). In this case, siz1 shows reduced primary root growth, increased lateral root growth, and increased root:shoot ratio compared to wild-type plants on low phosphate media. SIZ1 encodes a putative SUMO E3 ligase, and was shown to sumoylate the MYB transcription factor PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE 1 (PHR1), which regulates the transcription of a number of genes involved in low phosphate responses (Rubio et al., 2001). SIZ1 could potentially interact with a number of additional targets for sumoylation, and further experimentation should help determine these targets. Recently, three components of a signalling module that regulates systemic phosphate homeostasis in Arabidopsis were described (Doerner, 2008). These include: the microRNA399, a phloem-mobile molecule that is strongly upregulated during phosphate-limiting conditions; the E2 ubiquitin conjugaserelated enzyme PHOSPHATE 2 (PHO2), which is expressed in the root and shoot vasculature and contains 50 -untranslated region binding sites for miR399 and the non-coding RNA INDUCED by Pi STARVATION 1 (IPS1), which is expressed in the root vasculature during low phosphate conditions, and contains an imperfectly matching sequence for miR399 binding (Doerner, 2008). Importantly, PHO2 has been shown to repress two phosphate transporters in the root, as pho2 mutants show increased root phosphate transport activity and increased aerial tissue phosphate content (Bari et al., 2006). A model for regulation of this signalling module suggests that on high phosphate conditions, miR399 would be suppressed, and thus PHO2 levels would be high and root phosphate transport low. When external phosphate decreases, miR399 would be up-regulated and translocated to the root, resulting in the degradation of PHO2 and the increased transport of phosphate into the root. It is not clear what the
additional level of regulation imparted by IPS1 involves, although the imperfect miR399 binding site was shown to act as a decoy for miR399 activity (Franco-Zorrilla et al., 2007; Shin et al., 2006). Intriguingly, IPS1 is also a target of SIZ1 via PHR1 (Miura et al., 2005), and miR399 induction is greatly reduced in the phr1 background (Bari et al., 2006), suggesting that this pathway acts downstream of PHR1. Finally, over-expression of PHO2 without the miR399 target sequence leads to a decrease in the repression of primary root growth under low phosphate (Fujii et al., 2005). However, the mechanism of such repression has not been explored, and it would be interesting to see if this is a root autonomous response due to lack of degradation of PHO2 by miR399 in the root. In summary, a number of external cues are experienced by the plant root system, only a few of which have been introduced in this section. Clearly, plants are modulating root architecture in response to different concentrations of these important molecules to increase acquisition or explore for additional resources. While much progress has been made in identifying molecular pathways that facilitate the perception and acquisition of these molecules, or that mediate developmental changes, our understanding is still very limited. Determining how the perception of external resources communicates with the intrinsic developmental programmes governing primary and lateral root growth will greatly enhance our understanding of developmental plasticity in the root system.
IV. PLANT HORMONES AND CARBOHYDRATES: THE BRIDGE BETWEEN INTRINSIC AND RESPONSE PATHWAYS Plant hormone and carbohydrate transport and signalling may very well bridge the divide between the external signals and response pathways, and the intrinsic developmental programme that governs root system development. Here, I will outline how three major hormone pathways and carbohydrate production and transport regulate basic root development, and then provide examples for how these pathways interact with each other and with the perception of environmental signals. A. AUXIN
Auxin is a plant phytohormone involved in practically every dimension of plant development, including responses to light and gravity, organ patterning, vascular development and regulating intrinsic growth and
environmental responses in both shoot and root architecture (Woodward and Bartel, 2005). Within the root system, auxins regulate primary root growth, lateral root initiation and emergence, cell cycle components and the integration of environmental information into these pathways (Benjamins and Scheres, 2008; Malamy, 2010; Teale et al., 2006; Vanneste and Friml, 2009; Vanneste et al., 2005a). Finally, there is a growing body of evidence that illustrates how auxins interact with other plant hormone pathways to regulate and fine-tune root developmental responses (Fukaki and Tasaka, 2009). 1. Primary root development As described earlier, the primary root is patterned during embryogenesis, with the specification of the primary root meristem that contains a stem cell population responsible for all future root cell production. Auxin transport and response pathways are required to specify the root meristem founder cell (hypophysis) in the embryo (Wolters and Jurgens, 2009). This response is mediated by the genes MONOPTEROUS (MP/ARF5), an auxin response factor (ARF) that activates auxin-responsive genes; and BODENLOS (BDL/IAA12), a gene involved in the repression of auxin responsive genes in the absence of auxin. MP activity directs the expression of the auxin efflux protein PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1) in the embryo, which directionally shunts auxin towards the basal half of the embryo, pooling auxin in the future root meristem (Wolters and Jurgens, 2009). The auxin maximum activates the QC specification genes PLT1, PLT2 and WOX5 (described earlier in this chapter), which specify the root stem cell niche in combination with other factors (Fig. 3). In addition, a triple mutant of plt1 plt2 and the homologue plt3 greatly reduces expression of the auxin efflux protein genes PIN1, PIN2, PIN4 and PIN7 (Fig. 3), demonstrating a feedback mechanism where auxin promotes its own transport (Galinha et al., 2007). These results demonstrate the absolute necessity for auxin responses and transport in specifying the primary root stem cell niche and a feedback loop to maintain auxin transport. Auxin distribution in vivo can be indirectly visualised via the auxin reporter construct DR5:GUS. This reporter contains seven copies of an auxin response element that is known to mediate auxin responses in several genes, driving the expression of the -Glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene via a minimal promoter (Sabatini et al., 1999). DR5:GUS was used to demonstrate that an auxin maximum is maintained in the collumella initial cells of the primary root tip, with lower auxin levels observed in adjacent QC and columella root cap cells (Sabatini et al., 1999). Furthermore, chemical disruption of polar auxin transport with the inhibitors tri-iodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) resulted in a shift and
expansion of the auxin maximum, followed by concomitant shifts in cell fate specification and cell division planes indicative of new root meristems (Sabatini et al., 1999). These results confirm that the primary root tip auxin maximum is sufficient to specify the QC and stem cell initials. The auxin maximum and an auxin gradient in the primary root tip are established by polar auxin transport directed by the auxin efflux PINFORMED (PIN) family of proteins (Blilou et al., 2005; Paponov et al., 2005). There are eight PIN genes in Arabidopsis and PIN1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 have been observed in the primary root tip in various overlapping localisation patterns (Blilou et al., 2005). PIN proteins show polar sub-cellular localisation to specific membranes in specific cell types within the root, and recycling on and off of the membrane has been observed for some PIN family members (Blilou et al., 2005; Geldner et al., 2001). The polar localisation of the PINs has been inferred to indicate the direction of auxin flux throughout the root meristem, funnelling auxin down the centre towards the root tip (acropetal) and then back up the sides through the epidermis (basipetal) (Fig. 3, red arrows; Kepinski and Leyser, 2005). The former is important for establishing an auxin maximum at the QC, while the latter is presumed to be important for setting up the zones of elongation and differentiation as cells exit the meristem (reviewed in Kepinski and Leyser, 2005). There is a great deal of functional redundancy and compensatory regulation among the PINs, such that individual pin mutants show very mild phenotypes, whereas combinations of double and triple pin mutants show much more severe developmental defects (Blilou et al., 2005). In the primary root, this leads to severely reduced meristem size and root growth. In addition, loss of function of some PIN genes leads to an up-regulation and altered localisation of other PINs indicating a compensatory mechanism is in place to maintain a functional auxin gradient (Vieten et al., 2005). Furthermore, the PIN genes themselves are up-regulated by auxin, providing evidence of a feed-forward loop believed to stabilise the auxin gradient in the root meristem (Fig. 3). These combined data have recently been incorporated into a computer model for auxin flux in the root tip (Grieneisen et al., 2007) where diffusion and PIN-facilitated auxin transport in and across cells within a structured root layout explains the stable accumulation of auxin in a distal maximum and the formation, maintenance and growth of sharply bounded meristematic and elongation zones. It will be interesting to see how the turnover of auxin affects the establishment of the auxin gradient, as outlined in the above model. Once the meristem is established, very specific concentrations of auxin are required to promote primary root growth. The exogenous application of the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or synthetic auxins 2,4
dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2,4-D) and 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), or the use of auxin transport inhibitors NPA and TIBA, results in concentrationdependent decreases in primary root growth (Rahman et al., 2007). Presumably, this is due to an increased concentration of auxin at the primary root tip and disruption of a functional auxin gradient. Further investigation has shown that exogenously applied IAA, NAA and TIBA reduced primary root growth by reducing the size of the elongation zone at the root tip thus reducing cell length. In contrast, 2,4-D and NPA reduced both cell length and the size of the root meristem, additionally reducing cell production. These results demonstrate the specific mechanisms through which increased auxin concentration or disrupted auxin transport negatively regulate primary root growth (Rahman et al., 2007). As noted above, the PIN auxin efflux proteins have been implicated as auxin-responsive targets mediating this reduced cell elongation and/or proliferation; however, other mechanisms might also be affected. Molecular pathways including a gradient of the PLTs that diminishes with increased distance from the root tip (Galinha et al., 2007), or auxin regulation of the root tip redox balance through interaction with an auxin receptor (De Tullio et al., 2009), have been proposed to regulate meristem size both intrinsically and in response to external cues. Further investigation is needed to fully understand these mechanisms. 2. Lateral root development Auxin transport and signalling are key determinants of lateral root initiation, development and emergence; the application of exogenous auxin increases lateral root formation (Blakely et al., 1982; Casimiro et al., 2001; Torrey, 1950), and exogenous auxin transport inhibitors reduce lateral root development (Benkova et al., 2003; Casimiro et al., 2001; Reed et al., 1998). Auxin is generated in several loci within the plant, including young, developing aerial tissues and primary and lateral root tips (Ljung et al., 2005). A major source of auxin travels from the aerial tissues towards the root apex (acropetally) in the vascular cylinder (Mitchell and Davies, 1975; Reed et al., 1998), mediated by the AUXIN-RESISTANT 1 (AUX1) auxin influx carrier (Fig. 3, red arrows; Marchant et al., 2002). Mutants in aux1 show a reduced number of lateral roots and reduced accumulation of IAA in the primary root (Marchant et al., 2002). A second transport stream shuttles auxin from the root tip back towards the root base (basipetally) (Rashotte et al., 2000) presumably via the PIN auxin efflux proteins, and the AUX1 influx protein (Fig. 3, red arrows; De Smet and Jurgens, 2007). Both auxin transport pathways are important for lateral root development; acropetal movement appears to be required for lateral root emergence (Bhalerao et al., 2002), while basipetal transport is necessary for LRP specification and initiation
(Casimiro et al., 2001). Indeed, recent evidence showed that the alternating specification of pericycle LRP founder cells was correlated with alternating pulses of auxin in a region between the elongation zone and the meristem termed the ‘basal’ meristem (De Smet et al., 2007). Furthermore, the authors showed that this response requires AUX1. Finally, more recent experiments have determined that local accumulation of auxin in the root pericycle cells was necessary and sufficient for LR founder cell specification (Fig. 3; Dubrovsky et al., 2008). These results demonstrate how both acropetal and basipetal auxin transport within the primary root are important for the intrinsic specification of pericycle founder cells to form LRP and for promoting lateral root initiation and emergence. Once auxin is delivered to the right place at the right time, it still must function as a signalling molecule to affect downstream processes. Several classes of genes are quickly up-regulated in the presence of auxin, including the AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (Aux/IAA) family of 28 genes (Abel and Theologis, 1996), and other genes that contain auxin response elements (AuxREs) in their promoters (Himanen et al., 2004; Ulmasov et al., 1995, 1999). AuxREs are binding sites for ARF proteins, which in most cases serve as activators for auxin response gene expression. Interestingly, it has been shown that Aux/IAA proteins bind to ARFs via conserved C-terminal domains, and prevent ARFs from activating their target auxin response genes (Tiwari et al., 2003). Auxin itself regulates transcription of these response genes by promoting interaction between the Aux/IAA proteins and ubiquitin protein ligase SCFTIR1 (Gray et al., 2001), targeting the Aux/ IAA proteins for degradation by the 26S proteasome (Dharmasiri et al., 2005a), and thus liberating the ARFs to activate their target genes. Interestingly, defects in either auxin perception or Aux/IAA degradation inhibit the initiation of lateral roots (Dharmasiri et al., 2005b), and several mutants in the auxin signalling pathway have shown alterations in lateral root formation (Peret et al., 2009a). For instance, gain-of-function mutations in IAA14 (also known as solitary root or slr) that stabilise its interaction with cognate ARFs lead to total repression of lateral root initiation (Fig. 3; Fukaki et al., 2002). ARF7 and ARF19 have been shown to interact with IAA14 in vitro (Fukaki et al., 2005), are expressed in the same root tissues (Okushima et al., 2005), and the double knockout mutant arf7 arf19 shows almost complete reduction in lateral root initiation (Fig. 3; Okushima et al., 2005). ARF7 and ARF19 activate several auxin response genes, including LBD16/ASL18 and LBD29/ASL16, members of the LBD (LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIESDOMAIN)/ASL (AS2-like) family of genes that promote lateral root initiation (Fig. 3; Iwakawa et al., 2002; Shuai et al., 2002). These results show that perception and transmission of the auxin signal are important for directing
the intrinsic specification and initiation of lateral roots. Once the auxin signalling pathways are activated, a similar programme of auxin gradients is established within the lateral root, reminiscent of that described above for primary roots, involving the PIN and AUX1 auxin transport proteins (Benkova et al., 2003). Presumably, the meristem patterning and maintenance genes are also established in lateral roots, though this has not been definitively shown. The above descriptions imply that the cell cycle machinery is coordinated with auxin distribution and signalling, and lateral root initiation; however, very little direct evidence has been presented to address this point. The auxin transport inhibitor NPA blocks all pericycle cells at the G1–S cell cycle checkpoint, and this has been utilised as a tool for synchronising all xylem-pole pericycle cells (Himanen et al., 2002, 2004), proving that auxin transport is necessary for promoting lateral root initiation. In addition, the CDK-inhibitory genes KRP1 and KRP2 were highly expressed in the presence of auxin transport inhibitors, and greatly down-regulated upon auxin stimulation, implicating auxin function in a control point to release cell cycle repression. Subsequent NAA application led to LRP synchronisation. In the solitary root mutant background, which fails to initiate LRP, it was observed that auxin induction of the CDKB2;1, CycA2;4 and CycD3;2 genes was strongly impaired (Vanneste et al., 2005b). This result suggests that auxin may directly control cell cycle progression in LRP via an IAA14regulated pathway. Since cell cycle components are presumed to be under strict transcriptional and/or translational control, it remains to be determined if other cell cycle genes or proteins are regulated by auxin fluxes or downstream components of auxin signalling pathways. There is also evidence for auxin-independent regulation of the cell cycle in xylem-pole pericycle cells. The aberrant lateral root formation 4 (alf4) mutant initiates few if any LRP, even when treated with high concentrations of exogenous IAA, which is reminiscent of the slr phenotype (Celenza et al., 1995). While alf4 plants show normal root CDKA;1 expression, they accumulate higher levels of CDKB;1 transcript in the pericycle and in primary root meristems compared to wild type, while failing to express the mitosisspecific CycB1;1 gene at sites of lateral root initiation (DiDonato et al., 2004). These results suggest that ALF4 is required to maintain the xylempole pericycle in a mitotically active state required for lateral root initiation (DiDonato et al., 2004). Interestingly, over-expression of a downstream ARF did not rescue the alf4 lateral root phenotype, suggesting that ALF4 acts either further downstream or independent of an auxin response (DiDonato et al., 2004). Consistent with a role for ALF4 in lateral root initiation that is independent of auxin signalling, auxin maxima were observed in xylem-pole pericycle cells along the length of the primary root in
both wild-type and alf4 plants (Dubrovsky et al., 2008). In wild-type plants, these pericycle cells eventually formed LRP, while in alf4 plants no LRP were initiated (Dubrovsky et al., 2008). These data show that auxin-induced LRP founder cell specification and ALF4-mediated activation of mitosis to form actively dividing LRP can be developmentally uncoupled. As described earlier, once the cell cycle has been activated, LRP must push through the overlying cell layers as they develop into mature lateral roots. The process of LRP emergence is facilitated by auxin. Auxin accumulation in the cortical and epidermal cell layers overlying LRP presumably up-regulates expression of the high-affinity auxin influx carrier LIKE AUX1 3 (LAX3), through an IAA14 and ARF7 and ARF19- mediated signalling pathways (Fig. 3; Swarup et al., 2008). LAX3 then promotes the further accumulation of auxin in those cell layers, which activates cell wall remodelling enzymes such as pectate lyase (PLA2) and PG (Figs. 2 and 3; Swarup et al., 2008). This is in agreement with previous results, which showed that PG, PLA1 and PLA2 were strongly up-regulated in auxin-treated roots, and that this induction was severely impaired in the solitary root mutant background (Laskowski et al., 2006). Once the LRP has emerged, meristem activation represents a transition from a LRP to an autonomous lateral root. The ABERRANT LATERAL ROOT FORMATION 3 (ALF3) gene appears to be involved in this transition, because alf3 mutants produce a number of LRP along the length of the primary root that arrest after the emergence step (Celenza et al., 1995). Furthermore, alf3 LRP show disorganised cellular patterning and altered distribution along the length of the primary root, with several primordia initiating in close proximity or directly upon one another (Celenza et al., 1995). Interestingly, these lateral root defects can be rescued by the exogenous application of either IAA or the auxin precursor indole (Celenza et al., 1995). These results suggest that auxin is required for LRP meristem activation, and that ALF3 is involved in either the production or transport of auxin or indole into the emerged LRP (Celenza et al., 1995). Finally, while the literature described above nicely illustrates the intrinsic molecular framework established by auxin transport, perception and signalling that is required for primary and lateral root development under ‘standard’ growth conditions, how these pathways are modulated in response to external environmental signals remains mostly unresolved. Zhang et al. (1999) observed that increased nitrate accumulation in the shoot was responsible for modulating LRP arrest in Arabidopsis, suggesting the presence of a long-distance signal. They proposed that this signal could be auxin, because an increase in root auxin was observed upon transferring plants from high to low nitrate conditions, which released the LRP block. To support this idea, maize plants grown on high external nitrate showed decreased primary,
crown and seminal root growth, and a decrease in the auxin concentration of phloem exudates (Tian et al., 2008). Supplementing high-nitrate-grown plants with exogenous NAA or IAA was able to restore normal root growth (Tian et al., 2008). In conflicting reports, auxin transport has either been implicated in, or excluded from, the mechanism of increased lateral root formation in nitrate-rich patches. This was inferred from the results showing that the axr4 mutant, which disrupts AUX1 localisation and displays reduced lateral root initiation, showed either proliferation or lack of proliferation of lateral roots in the nitrate patch (Linkohr et al., 2002; Zhang and Forde, 1998). More recently, the auxin receptor AFB3 has been described in a feed-forward mechanism to regulate both primary and lateral root growth in response to external nitrate (Vidal et al., 2010). In this model, AFB3 is upregulated in the root system by increasing nitrate concentrations, where it acts to repress both primary and lateral root growth through its role in auxin signalling (Vidal et al., 2010). Downstream nitrate metabolites activate the small RNA miR393 in the primary root and pericycle, which targets AFB3 for degradation (Vidal et al., 2010). This would provide an elegant mechanism to fine-tune root system responses to exogenous nitrate, and further work will be required to show both upstream and downstream regulators of this control module. The role of auxin signalling during the phosphate starvation response has received more attention. A model has been proposed where phosphateinduced changes in root system architecture result from an accumulation of auxin at the primary root apex, an increase in accumulation of or sensitivity to auxin in LRP, and a decrease of auxin concentration in the region of the primary root where lateral roots initiate (Nacry et al., 2005). In this study, auxin concentration or sensitivity at the primary and lateral root apices and in LRP was visualised by DR5:GUS expression, and auxin concentration was confirmed by direct measurement of IAA by mass spectrometry (Nacry et al., 2005). Additional evidence that low phosphate media increase auxin concentration or sensitivity within LRP came from observation that low phosphate media could rescue the alf3 arrested LRP phenotype (Nacry et al., 2005). As outlined above, the alf3 mutant forms many short, arrested lateral roots whose growth can be rescued by exogenous auxin application (Celenza et al., 1995), suggesting that auxin also accumulates in LRP during phosphate starvation. Finally, the authors proposed that changes in auxin concentration of phosphate-starved plants were attributed to changes in auxin transport rather than synthesis, as the auxin transport inhibitor TIBA altered the effects of phosphate starvation on changes in root system architecture and local auxin concentration (Nacry et al., 2005). A second study showed that lateral root formation was increased during phosphate starvation due to
an increase in the expression of the auxin receptor component TIR1, which led to increased degradation of Aux/IAA proteins and up-regulation of the auxin response factor ARF19. This is then presumed to lead to up-regulation of ARF19 target genes, resulting in increased lateral root initiation and emergence (Perez-Torres et al., 2008). In a recent update (Perez-Torres et al., 2009), it was shown that the cell cycle genes CDKA, E2Fa, Dp-E2F and CyCD3 were substantially up-regulated in Arabidopsis seedlings by phosphate deficiency. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the expression of these genes to exogenous auxin treatment was higher on low phosphate versus phosphate-replete media, providing a link between auxin sensitivity and increased cell cycle activation. It is proposed that this increased auxin sensitivity of cell cycle regulators, in conjunction with elevated TIR1mediated auxin signalling, results in increased lateral root formation under low phosphate (Perez-Torres et al., 2009). These results agree with those of a third study, which showed that primary root growth of low phosphate-grown plants was more sensitive to externally supplied auxin, while increased lateral root emergence under low phosphate was less sensitive to repression by the auxin transport inhibitor TIBA (Lopez-Bucio et al., 2002). One can speculate that the auxin accumulation proposed in the first model might be causal of the auxin responses in the second and third studies, and this link might be interesting to uncover. The second study concluded that higher DR5:GUS expression was due to increased auxin sensitivity; however, increased DR5: GUS could also be evidence of a higher local concentration of auxin rather than an increased sensitivity to it, and this discrepancy would be interesting to sort out. Relatively little is known about the role of auxin regulation of root system architecture during drought stress. Perhaps, this stems from the lack of a good genetic model system for the study of water limitation, coupled with substantial attention being focussed on the stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA) during this process. In rice, microarray studies have shown that over 100 auxin-inducible genes are also induced by short-term desiccation, suggesting a significant overlap between auxin and desiccation–response pathways (Jain and Khurana, 2009). Tobacco plants grown under moderate and severe water stress showed significant increases in total IAA content in both lower leaves and roots (Havlova et al., 2008). Assigning functional roles in root system development to the genes identified in the microarray study will be important areas of further inquiry. It should be evident that the understanding of pathways that coordinate auxin signalling with environmental inputs is limited and remains an important subject of investigation. It can be speculated that both auxin transport and auxin signalling are important nodes for input from environmental
signals to regulate all aspects of root development, and further experimentation should help unravel this mystery.
Cytokinins are mobile phytohormones involved in several plant developmental processes including leaf senescence, apical dominance, phyllotaxis, nutritional signalling and root production (Hirose et al., 2008). The main naturally occurring cytokinins are trans-zeatin (tZ) and N6-(2-isopentenyl) adenine (iP), produced by phosphate-isopentenyltransferase (IPT). Cytokinins were formerly considered hormones produced exclusively in roots and transported to shoots, but the presence of seven different IPTs throughout the plant largely dispels this notion (Argueso et al., 2009). Interestingly, single and double loss-of-function ipt mutants show no phenotype, but higher order mutants display a reduction in shoot development and an overall increase in primary and lateral root growth (Miyawaki et al., 2006). Similar phenotypes were observed when the cytokinin degrading enzyme CYTOKININ OXIDASE/DEHYDROGENASE (CKX) was over-expressed, reducing internal cytokinin concentrations (Werner et al., 2003). Cytokinins can also be inactivated by conjugation to carbohydrates such as glucose, and over-expression of a cytokinin glucosyltransferase also mimicked the cytokinin deficient phenotype (Pineda Rodo´ et al., 2008). The application of exogenous cytokinins, not surprisingly, reduces primary root growth and lateral root initiation (Fig. 3), and increases shoot development. These results show that cytokinins are necessary and sufficient for repressing primary and lateral root development, and increasing shoot development. Cytokinins are perceived by three Arabidopsis HYBRID SENSOR KINASEs (AHKs), AHK2, 3 and 4/CRE/WOL (Argueso et al., 2009). In contrast to a reduction of internal cytokinin concentration, which increases primary and lateral root formation, when all three receptors are knocked out, plants are very small and root development is abolished (Riefler et al., 2006). It has subsequently been established that downstream cytokinin response regulators (ARRs) are necessary for patterning the primary root stem cell niche during embryonic development (Muller and Sheen, 2008). Other ARRs have also been implicated in root development, including ARR 1 and 2, which show strong root expression (Sakai et al., 2001). When either ARR1 (Fig. 3) or ARR2 is over-expressed, they reduce primary root growth, while loss-of-function arr1 shows increased root development (Sakai et al., 2001). These results show that cytokinin perception is important for both specification and maintenance of primary and lateral root growth.
Upon closer examination, it was observed that the effects of cytokinins on primary root growth occur mainly in the root meristem. Particularly, internal reduction of cytokinins by CKX over-expression leads to increased primary root growth due to an increased number of dividing cells in the meristem (Werner et al., 2003). Not surprisingly, exogenous application of cytokinins reduces the meristem cell number, which leads to a smaller overall root meristem (Fig. 3; Dello Ioio et al., 2007). Three mutants in cytokinin perception or signalling also show alterations in primary root meristem size: stp1 has reduced meristem size due to reduced cell divisions, and STP1 expression is downregulated by cytokinins (Beemster and Baskin, 2000); and ahk3 and arr12 phenocopy cytokinin biosynthesis mutants, showing expanded meristems and longer roots (Dello Ioio et al., 2008). Since the other two cytokinin receptors show negligible alterations in the root meristem, and AHK3 is expressed in the primary root meristem transition zone, AHK3 is suggested to be the most important cytokinin receptor in the root system (Dello Ioio et al., 2008). Finally, depleting endogenous cytokinin levels stimulates lateral root development due to an increase in lateral root initiation and elongation (Laplaze et al., 2007; Werner et al., 2003). Exogenously applied cytokinins appear to block lateral root initiation but not emergence (Fig. 3), as lateral roots with activated meristems are not inhibited by cytokinins (Laplaze et al., 2007). Cytokinins have been implicated in facilitating the communication of external signal perception into distinct morphological changes. The cytokinin biosynthesis gene IPT3 is up-regulated by nitrate, and there is a great reduction in cytokinin accumulation in response to nitrate in an ipt3 mutant background (Takei et al., 2004). IPT3 expression is also induced by increasing external sulphate and phosphate concentrations (Hirose et al., 2008). Intriguingly, while transporters such as NRT2.1 (nitrate transporter) and PHT1;1 (phosphate transporter) are up-regulated by alterations in external nitrate and phosphate sources, respectively, cytokinins counter this increase by decreasing the expression of these genes, suggesting a role for cytokinins in feedback regulation (Hirose et al., 2008). Cytokinins can also repress the up-regulation of low phosphate response genes such as IPS1, At4, AtPT1 and AtACP5, suggesting that cytokinins may play a broad role in a response to low phosphate (Martin et al., 2000). Cytokinins may also directly regulate the cell cycle. It has been shown that the G1–S checkpoint gene CycD3 is directly up-regulated by cytokinin in certain tissues and in cultured cells. However, it is not clear if this mechanism functions in roots, and it would be interesting to investigate a role for cytokinins in directly impacting the cell cycle checkpoint in pericycle LRP initiation. Finally, recent evidence suggests convergence of the cytokinin and auxin signalling pathways on controlling meristem size in Arabidopsis.
In researching downstream targets of the cytokinin response regulator ARR1, it was discovered that the Aux/IAA gene SHY2 was directly induced by cytokinins in the stele (Fig. 3; Taniguchi et al., 2007). SHY2 is analogous to IAA3 and is involved in negatively regulating auxin signalling. The authors discovered that shy2 loss-of-function mutants showed expansion of the primary root meristem, while shy2-D gain-of-function mutants had reduced mersitems. Furthermore, it was shown that SHY2 negatively regulates auxin transport via repession of the PIN auxin efflux carriers (Fig. 3). Thus, auxin and cytokinins converge on SHY2 to jointly regulate meristem division versus differentiation (Fig. 3). Other researchers have shown indirect evidence for auxin–cytokinin crosstalk. By taking advantage of in vivo deuterium labelling and mass spectrometry, it was shown that auxin treatment of Arabidopsis seedlings resulted in a significant reduction of internal cytokinins within 6 h of application (Nordstrom et al., 2004). This reduction was compromised in the auxin insensitive mutants axr1 and axr4, suggesting that auxin transport and perception are required. In the reciprocal experiment, cytokinin treatment caused a reduction in auxin production only after 48 h of treatment. This provides evidence for a very rapid effect of auxin on the reduction of internal cytokinins, while the exact mechanisms involved in this process remain mysterious. Finally, more direct proof for crosstalk between cytokinin and auxin pathways was demonstrated by the exogenous or endogenous manipulation of cytokinin concentrations and visualisation of the PIN proteins at primary root tips. It was observed that increased cytokinins reduced PIN1:GFP and PIN4:GFP signals (Fig. 3), while reduced cytokinin led to increased PIN signals (Ruzicka et al., 2009). In contrast, PIN7:GFP was increased by cytokinin application. The authors were further able to show that these PIN alterations depended on cytokinin signalling, thereby demonstrating a role for cytokinin signalling in altering the levels of auxin efflux proteins in the root meristem. Future work should determine if this is attributed to a transcriptional difference in PIN expression, or modulation of PIN cycling to and from the membrane. C. ABSCISIC ACID
ABA plays a major role in plant stress responses (Zeevaart and Creelman, 1988). For instance, one universally established response of plants to drought conditions is the increased internal concentration of ABA (Tuberosa et al., 2002b). ABA promotes the expression of protective genes, reduces stomatal conductance and increases the root-to-shoot ratio by maintaining root cell elongation (Sharp et al., 2004; Tuberosa et al., 2002b). It has long been proposed that ABA is generated in the roots and transported to shoots
during drought and salt stress, but this is largely unproven (Christmann et al., 2005). Recent development of a sensitive ABA reporter system has shown that low levels of ABA are present in several plant tissues, including the leaf vasculature, shoot apical meristem, guard cells, root meristem and columella (Christmann et al., 2005). When water stress was applied to the roots, ABA production increased in the shoots, but not in roots. This result suggests that contrary to previous speculation, large amounts of ABA are not transported from roots to shoots, but signalling is taking place to induce ABA production at a distance (Christmann et al., 2005). Indeed, a more recent study showed that in grafting experiments, only shoot-derived ABA was required for promoting stomatal closure in the aerial tissues (Christmann et al., 2007). A role for the low-level production of ABA in roots under normal growth conditions is not yet fully appreciated. ABA activity during normal development has been postulated for some time, and localisation to the root tip could suggest a function in meristem maintenance or external signal perception. Once ABA concentrations have increased, they have been shown to have mixed effects on primary and lateral root growth. For instance, in tomato, external ABA applied to cultured roots led first to a reduction in lateral root emergence, followed by reduced LRP initiation at higher concentrations (Hooker and Thorpe, 1998). In a confusing result, primary root growth was reduced by external ABA, but also by external application of the ABA biosynthesis inhibitor fluridone (Hooker and Thorpe, 1998). This may indicate that there is a difference between externally supplied and internally generated ABA pools. Indeed, Sharp and colleagues postulated that this was the case, because several studies have shown that an internal increase in ABA production is correlated with increased primary root growth in other plant species (Sharp et al., 2004). The mechanisms involved in regulating these differential responses are not known. Work in Arabidopsis has suggested a role for exogenously applied ABA in blocking lateral root emergence just before meristem activation (Fig. 3), which can be reversed by moving plants to media that no longer contain ABA (De Smet et al., 2003). This observed developmental block at the emergence step was resistant to externally applied auxin, and not affected by known ABA insensitive mutants abi1, abi2 and abi3, indicating that a novel ABA pathway may be involved in this process. Intriguingly, our laboratory has observed that ABA is involved in the modulation of aerial tissue permeability to sucrose in the culture media, such that the ABA biosynthesis mutants aba2-1 and aba3-1 show increased aerial tissue sucrose uptake (Fig. 3; MacGregor et al., 2008). This is important because we showed that sucrose at the aerial tissues is necessary and sufficient for increased lateral root formation under certain culture conditions. It would
be interesting to re-investigate the effects of ABA on lateral root formation in light of our new understanding, which might indicate both direct and indirect roles for ABA on lateral root formation in culture. D. CARBOHYDRATES
Root system architecture is closely related to root carbon status. For instance, defoliating wheat plants leads to a rapid decrease in root sugar content and primary and lateral root elongation rate (Bingham et al., 1996). Furthermore, higher light intensities or CO2 levels and higher root hexose concentrations are correlated with increased primary and lateral root growth (Freixes et al., 2002; Muller et al., 1998; Walton et al., 2007). Mutations in invertases, which are responsible for cleaving sucrose into fructose and glucose in sink tissues, show reduced primary root growth and reduced repression of lateral root growth on osmotic stress media (Barratt et al., 2009; Jia et al., 2008; Qi et al., 2007; Sergeeva et al., 2006). Carbohydrates are synthesised in photosynthetic (source) aerial tissues and translocated to nonphotosynthetic (sink) tissues such as roots to be metabolised for sustained growth, or to be stored for later use (Rolland et al., 2006). In many plants, sucrose is the main form of transported carbohydrate (Lalonde et al., 2004), and its movement from source to sink tissues is facilitated by specific cells of the plant vasculature called the phloem. In source leaves, Arabidopsis primarily loads sucrose into the phloem by sucrose-Hþ co-transporters such as SUC2 (Sauer, 2007). Mutations in SUC2 lead to sucrose accumulation in aerial tissues, failure to transport sucrose to roots and reduced primary root growth and small plant stature (Gottwald et al., 2000). These defects can be rescued by growing plants on exogenously supplied sucrose (Gottwald et al., 2000). Similar results have been observed in maize mutants that fail to load sucrose into the phloem in source tissues (Ma et al., 2009; Slewinski et al., 2009). In total, these results demonstrate that the long-distance transport of sucrose and local root sugar concentrations are important regulators of root development. Sugars are not only important as energy sources but can also act as signalling molecules; the upstream regulators of sugar production and transport as well as the downstream targets of sugar perception and signalling have been reviewed in detail elsewhere (Gibson, 2004; Hammond and White, 2008; Rolland et al., 2006; Rook and Bevan, 2003; Rook et al., 2006). However, briefly, the HEXOKINASE1 (HXK1) gene plays an important role in both glucose sensing and signalling (reviewed in Rolland et al., 2006). While most studies with the HXK1 mutant allele gin2 have been focussed on understanding the molecular mechanisms of glucose signalling,
there have been few experiments that investigate a role for HXK signalling in the regulation of root system development. One study showed the existence of both HXK-dependent and independent mechanisms in the regulation of glucose-induced primary and lateral root development (Mishra et al., 2009). Primary and lateral root growth were promoted by increasing amounts of glucose in both wild-type and gin2 plants, demonstrating that plants can respond to glucose in the absence of HXK function. However, the responses in gin2 were less robust than wild type, suggesting that HXK signalling is partially responsible for glucose-induced root growth (Mishra et al., 2009). Other work has demonstrated that HXK signalling is important for auxininduced lateral root formation, as this response was significantly impaired in gin2 plants (Karve and Moore, 2009). Once again, the fact that gin2 plants responded at all signifies the presence of redundant or residual HXK function in these plants, or the presence of HXK-independent mechanisms partially controlling auxin-induced lateral root formation. MacGregor et al. (2008) determined that the exogenous application of metabolisable sugars, and not sugar analogues that are only capable of signalling, was sufficient to promote lateral root formation in culture. Lateral root formation was also promoted when metabolisable sugars were added to the aerial tissues of the hexokinase mutant gin2, with compromised glucose signalling, suggesting that sugar metabolism and not signalling is important for regulating root growth (MacGregor et al., 2008). Hexokinase-independent pathways for sugar signalling also exist (reviewed in Rolland et al., 2006), however their involvement in the modification of the root system has not yet been described. With this limited data, we can tentatively conclude that both sugar metabolism and sugar signalling appear to be important for the regulation of root growth. There is considerable overlap between molecular pathways that are regulated by ABA and those regulated by sugars. Several mutant screens to identify sugar signalling components have identified mutant alleles of ABA biosynthesis or signalling genes, suggesting intimate and overlapping functions of these two pathways (Gibson, 2004). However, there is limited information with regard to the coordination of sugar and ABA signalling pathways in the control of root system architecture. Experimental evidence has shown that glucose regulates the expression of ABA biosynthesis and signalling genes (Leon and Sheen, 2003). In support of this, the Arabidopsis neutral invertase mutant Atcyt-inv1 shows decreased endogenous glucose and increased lateral root emergence compared to wild type, and this phenotype is reversed by the addition of either exogenous ABA or glucose (Qi et al., 2007). This suggests that either reduced glucose or reduced ABA is responsible for increased lateral root emergence. Unfortunately, endogenous ABA
levels were not measured in this study. A similar result was reported in rice, where the mutant srt5 displays a short root phenotype that can be rescued by exogenously supplied sucrose, glucose, fructose and ABA, but not glucose analogues (Yao et al., 2004). This suggests that decreased sugar metabolism and not signalling are responsible for the mutant phenotype. Exogenous ABA application resulted in increased sucrose concentration in mutant but not wild-type roots. These results provide evidence for an interaction between sugar and ABA pathways to control root development. Finally, several studies have looked into a role for sugar transport or signalling in modulating root system architecture in response to changes in external cues. It has been proposed that shoot-derived sucrose is involved in the systemic regulation of plant phosphate starvation responses (reviewed in Hammond and White, 2008). Increased lateral root formation under reduced phosphate conditions at least partially requires sucrose (Jain et al., 2007; Karthikeyan et al., 2007). In addition, there is some evidence that sucrose makes lateral root growth more sensitive to auxin during phosphate-limiting conditions (Jain et al., 2007). In contrast, sucrose appears to play no role in regulating the reduction in primary root growth that plants exhibit when grown on low phosphate (Jain et al., 2007; Karthikeyan et al., 2007). It has been reported that phosphate-starved plants increase phloem transport of sucrose to the root system, which may be required as the root system explores for additional resources (Hermans et al., 2006). Plants typically up-regulate acid phosphatase activity during phosphate starvation, and the mutant pho3 demonstrated a reduced capacity for such activity (Zakhleniuk et al., 2001). Interestingly, the mutation in PHO3 mapped to the sucrose transporter SUC2, showing that some phosphate responses require the proper loading and transport of sucrose in the phloem (Zakhleniuk et al., 2001). These combined results demonstrate that sucrose is involved in several aspects of the plant phosphate response.
V. CONCLUSIONS The work summarised on the preceding pages demonstrates that: (1) there are complex and well-defined intrinsic developmental programmes involved in faithfully regulating the development of primary and lateral roots; (2) external environmental signals have a large impact on root system architecture; (3) hormone signalling pathways play both intrinsic and response roles in modulating primary and lateral root development and (4) both the local and long-distance transport of molecules such as sucrose and hormones are important for coordinating intrinsic root development and response to
external cues. While our knowledge of the intrinsic regulators of root system development is steadily increasing, our knowledge of how environmental signals such as drought stress interact with intrinsic pathways to modulate root system architecture is still rudimentary.
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Functional Genomics of Cacao
*Cirad, UMR DAP, Avenue Agropolis TA96/03, Montpellier cedex 5, France { UESC, DCB, Laboratrio de Genoˆmica e Expressa˜o Geˆnica, Rodovia Ilhe´us-Itabuna, Ilhe´us-BA, Brazil { The Department of Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA } CEPLAC/CEPEC, Cacao Research Center, Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, Itabuna-BA, Brazil ¶ Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University Penglais, Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom k Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Avenida Centena´rio, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Molecular Resources for Genomics Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. EST Resources ............................................................... B. Genome Sequencing Projects .............................................. C. BAC Library Resources ....................................................
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Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 55 Copyright 2010, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0065-2296/10 $35.00 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2296(10)55003-1
III. Genomics of Cacao Under Natural Conditions, Submitted to Mechanical Wounding or Challenged with Elicitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV. Omics of the Cacao–M. perniciosa Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Genomics of M. perniciosa ................................................. B. Genomics of the Cacao–M. perniciosa Interaction ..................... C. Proteomics of Cacao and M. perniciosa.................................. V. Genomics of the Cacao–Phytophthora Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Phytophtora NEP1 Orthologues and Their Effects on Cacao ........ B. Genes Differentially Expressed During the Cacao–Phytophthora Interaction .................................................................... VI. Cacao Gene Expression Under Other Biotic and Abiotic Conditions. . . . A. Genomics of Cacao–Endophytic Interaction............................ B. Endophytic Colonisation of Cacao and Drought ...................... C. Regulation of PA Biosynthesis in Cacao ................................ VII. Gene Expression Related to Cacao Quality Flavour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII. In Vitro Culture and Genetic Transformation, and Their Applications in Functional Genomics Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Genetic Transformation of Cacao ........................................ B. RNA Interference in Cacao................................................ C. Model Plant Systems for Acceleration of Cacao Functional Genomics Studies............................................................ D. Characterisation of Leafy Cotyledon1-Like During Embryogenesis in Cacao.......................................................................... IX. Epigenetics and Regulation of the Cacao Genome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X. Molecular Genetic Studies of Important Cacao Traits as Support for Genomic Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Plant Genetic Resources.................................................... B. Molecular Markers .......................................................... C. Genetic Maps for QTLs and Association Studies ...................... XI. Bioinformatic Resources for Cacao Functional Genomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII. Cacao Genetics Research Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIII. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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ABSTRACT Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is one of the main tropical crops worldwide. It is cultivated primarily to provide cacao liquor, butter, and powder for the chocolate industry, essentially due to its flavour properties. Unfortunately, destructive and newly encountered diseases have frequently been the major factors that limit cacao production in nearly all producing countries. The primary challenge is to develop improved cacao tree cultivars with durable and sustainable resistance to these diseases that at the same time have high bean quality for chocolate production. To achieve this goal, the use of functional genomics can be a key step to speed the development of such cultivars. During the last 10 years various functional genomics and some proteomic projects have been initiated, including expressed sequence tag and BAC libraries construction, cacao genome sequencing, expression studies of cacao tissues challenged with the main pathogens (Moniliophthora perniciosa, Phytophthora spp.) or subjected to other stress conditions (e.g. drought), and expression studies related to cacao quality flavour. Various others tools such as cacao in vitro culture, plant
transformation or bioinformatics were developed to attend the necessity of cacao studies. Functional genomics research associated with genetics (molecular markers, maps and QTLs) will help to select new cacao varieties with agronomic characteristics demanded by farmers.
I. INTRODUCTION Theobroma cacao L. (cacao), a member of the Malvaceae sensu lato (Alverson et al., 1999), occurs naturally in Neotropical lowland rainforests as a small under-storey tree. The genus Theobroma contains 22 species classified into 6 sections, most native to the upper Amazon region in South America (Cuatrecasas, 1964), whereas only T. cacao and T. grandiflorum (cupuassu) are explored commercially on a large scale. T. cacao is preferentially outcrossing, diploid (2n ¼ 2x ¼ 20) and has a genome which was first estimated at 0.43 pg or 0.415 109 bp (Figueira et al., 1992) and at 0.40 pg or 0.388 109 bp (Lanaud et al., 1992). More recent evaluations inside T. cacao sp. indicated a range of genome size variations from 411 to 494 Mbp (Lanaud et al., in preparation). From the Amazon, cacao was initially introduced by ancient people into Meso-America (Motamayor et al., 2002), while after the Spanish Conquest, the species was spread to the Caribbean, West Africa and Southeast Asia. The traditional classification of cacao assumes three major groups with distinct historical, commercial and morphological features: the Forastero or the Amazon group, the ancient cultivar Criollo (‘native’), and the Trinitario (from Trinidad) group; presumably derived from crossings between the Forastero and Criollo types (Motamayor et al., 2002, 2003). Forastero genotypes are traditionally cultivated in Brazil and West African countries, and represent most of the commercial production of cacao. Criollos were originally cultivated in small areas of Central and northern South America (Wood and Lass, 1985). Cacao produces fruits (pods) along the trunk and branches (Fig. 1A) that contain an average of 20–40 seeds (also known as cocoa beans) embedded in sweet, mucilaginous pulp (Fig. 1H). Cacao beans are usually commercialised after a preliminary on-farm processing, which includes fermentation and drying (Figueira, 2008; Fig. 1I–K). Cacao butter and solids, including cacao powder and liquor, are the main products extracted from fermented and dried seeds, providing major raw materials for the chocolate, confectionary, cosmetic or pharmaceutical industries. Economically, cacao is considered as one of the main tropical crops worldwide, with a total bean production of 4,012,310 tonnes in 2007 (FAO, 2009). The fermentation step is necessary for full development of chocolate/cocoa flavour and aroma after roasting. The flavour precursors derive from enzymatic reactions
Fig. 1. From the cacao tree to chocolate. (A) Cacao tree with pods. (B) Flower cushion. (C) Cacao flower. Real size: 1 cm. (D) Forastero pods. (E) Cherels. Real size: 5 cm. (F) and (G) Criollo pods. (H) Cacao beans and pulp inside of pod. (I) Fermentation boxes. (J) Cacao bean dryer (barcasse type). (K) Fermented and dried cacao beans. (L) Cacao bean conditioning in bags. (M) Chocolate powders. (N) Chocolate bite. Photographic credits: (A), (C) and (K): Didier Cle´ment#Cirad; (B) and (H): Claire Lanaud#Cirad; (D), (F), (G), (J), (L) and (N):; (E): Laurence Alemanno#Cirad; (I): Emile Cros#Cirad; (M): Barry Callebaut, (D) R. From Micheli (2009).
involving hydrolysis of storage proteins (mainly vicilins), sugars, anthocyanins, purine alkaloids, and oxidation and condensation of polyphenols. The three main groups of cacao are distinguishable by the pod morphology (Fig. 1D–G). The Criollo group produces large pods with rough husk (Fig. 1F and G), containing white or violet cotyledons. Criollo is one of the two cacao varieties providing fine chocolate flavour highly sought for by chocolate
manufacturers. Criollo is considered as a grand cru of chocolate such as in wine classification. The culture of Criollo represents an important economic niche for several countries like Venezuela, which has established the development of Criollo cultivation as a priority. However, Criollo is susceptible to many fungi diseases and insect attacks, and through time, its aromatic qualities have been diluted, because of various crossings with genotypes of various genetic origins, leading to hybrids with higher disease resistance (Motamayor et al., 2003). The current challenge is to cultivate high productive and resistant hybrid Criollo varieties, maintaining the original aromatic qualities. Forastero produces pods with highly variable shapes and number and size of seeds, which are generally violet (Rosa´rio et al., 1978; Fig. 1D). Within Forastero, considered as the group with the highest genetic diversity and better agronomic quality than Criollo, there is an Amelonado variety (oval pod with smooth bark; Fig. 1D) named cacao Comun da Bahia and cultivated in large areas in Brazil. Catongo is an albino mutant, from the Forastero group, with white staminodes and seeds that has originated from Bahia (Brazil) (Marita et al., 2001). Trinitario is a group with characteristics depending on the repartition and effects of alleles from the two founding groups (Forastero and Criollo). During the colonial period, most of the cacaos introduced in Africa and Asia were originated from Venezuela, Trinidad and Brazil (Wood, 1991), and corresponded, respectively, to Criollo, Trinitario and Amelonado cultivars. Destructive and newly encountered diseases have frequently been the major factors that limit cacao production in nearly all producing countries (Bowers et al., 2001). Besides fluctuations in production, important disease outbreaks have eliminated or strongly limited cacao cultivation in many tropical regions throughout the world. Cacao diseases represent an important factor in the economy of this crop, not only due to crop losses but also due to the high cost of control practices. Cacao trunk, branch, foliage, roots and pods may be affected by diseases. Cacao diseases are caused mainly by fungi (oomycetes such as Phytophthora spp., ascomycetes such as Ceratocystis cacaofunesta and basidiomycetes such as Moniliophthora roreri Cif. & Par and Moniliophthora perniciosa (Stahel) Aime & Phillips-Mora, among others); a single virus disease is known (cocoa swollen shoot virus, CSSV) with occurrence restricted to West Africa. Cacao is not affected by any serious bacterial disease. Cacao stems are also attacked by pests such as mirids (Sahlbergella singularis) or pod borer (Conopomorpha crammerella). On a global scale, pod diseases cause the greatest losses. Species of Moniliophthora and Phytophthora can reduce yields by up to 80–90% in some regions, resulting in abandonment of many production areas around the world.
Phytophthora pod rot has been the primary fungal disease affecting global cacao production since the 1920s, causing pod losses in the order of 30% of the world production (Pereira et al., 1996). A high variability for resistance to Phytophthora pod rot has been described (Iwaro et al., 2006; Lawrence, 1978; Luz et al., 1996). Limited to South America and the Caribbean, witches’ broom disease, caused by M. perniciosa, is a severe constraint to cacao production and it has been responsible for the collapse of the cacao industry in Surinam (1900s), Trinidad, Ecuador (1920s), and more recently, in Brazil (1990s). Breeding for resistance started in the 1930s in Trinidad and Scavina 6 (SCA6), a Forastero from Upper Amazon (Peru) has been widely deployed in many programs as one major source of resistance. Genomic regions associated with M. perniciosa resistance (quantitative trait loci—QTLs) have also been identified (Brown et al., 2005; Faleiro et al., 2006; Queiroz et al., 2003). However, this resistance has been often overcome, posing a continuous demand for novel sources (Albuquerque et al., 2010). Frosty pod disease caused by M. roreri occurs in most producing countries in the Americas (Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Mexico). Losses inflicted by frosty pod can be as high as 90% (Barros, 1977). Sources of resistance to frosty pod have been found (e.g. UF 273 cacao genotype) and QTLs for resistance have been identified (Brown et al., 2007), and it appears that the disease co-evolved with cacao in some regions of Colombia (Phillips-Mora et al., 2007). Fortunately, to date, the major devastating cacao pathogens have a restricted distribution. Phytophthora palmivora has a pantropical distribution, while P. megakarya, the most aggressive species, is confined to several countries of West Africa, and P. capsici occurs only in South and Central America and the Caribbean (Brasier and Griffin, 1979). There are two other Phytophthora species: P. heveae causing pod rot in Malaysia (Turner, 1968) and Mexico (LozanoTrevino and Romero-Cova, 1974) and P. megasperma Drechsler in Venezuela (Reyes et al., 1972). Another species, P. citrophthora, has been identified in Bahia, Brazil. P. citrophthora is more virulent on unwounded, detached pods than P. palmivora or P. capsici (Lawrence, 1978). The CSSV virus is confined to West Africa. M. roreri and M. perniciosa occur only in the Americas. Unfortunately, the various methods of disease control (chemical, biological, cultural) available to farmers are difficult to be applied for significantly reducing losses, either because of limited effectiveness or high cost. Thus, there is an urgent demand for the development of improved cultivars with durable and sustainable resistance to these diseases. Resistance is the method of choice as it is both economically and environmentally safe. The use of molecular biology can be a key step to speed up the development of resistant cultivars.
The advent of genome sequencing has revolutionised the biology field, leading to a paradigm change in the way to conduct science. The advent of genome sequencing in the 1990s has been quickly followed by technological innovations, collectively known as Omics, which allow large-scale analysis of biomolecules present in the cell, including mRNA (transcriptomics), proteins (proteomics) and metabolites (metabolomics). Omics appeared as fundamental approaches in the post-genomic era to amplify the knowledge of biological processes at organism level by determining gene–protein– metabolite correlations. Genomics, defined as sequences and entire genome studies, is the most mature Omics. Transcriptomics research gives information about both presence and abundance of transcripts, highlighting the active genes of the cell. Macro- and micro-arrays (Hardiman, 2004) represent the approaches mostly used in a large variety of organisms. Even if these studies give crucial information related to cell expression stage, they do not evidence the various levels of post-transcriptional control (Mata et al., 2005). Proteomics research aims to identify and quantify the protein level in the cell based on two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis and mass spectroscopy (Patterson and Aebersold, 2003). Described in this review are various cacao functional genomic and some proteomic initiatives that have emerged during last 10 years.
Genes potentially associated with resistance and/or defence response have been sought from expressed sequence tag (EST) collections, derived from unchallenged leaves and seeds (Jones et al., 2002; see Section III), from leaves treated with response elicitors such as ethylene, methyl jasmonate, and the fungal necrosis and ethylene inducing protein 1 (NEP1) (Verica et al., 2004; Bailey et al., 2005a,b; see Section III). Full-length cDNA and subtractive and suppressive hybridisation (SSH) libraries were also obtained from distinct cacao accessions infected by M. perniciosa. The studied accessions were TSH1188 (derived from SCA6) and CAB 214 as M. perniciosa as resistant, and Catongo and ICS 39 as susceptible (Gesteira et al., 2007; Leal et al., 2007). The work of Gesteira et al. (2007) and Leal et al. (2007) included the first efforts in sequencing of the expressed genome in response to M. perniciosa infection (see Section IV.B). More recently, an international
collaboration was established to develop a large EST genomic resource from a wide range of cacao organs (flowers, leaves, roots, meristems, embryos) during normal plant development or submitted to biotic and abiotic stresses (Argout et al., 2008). For this study, 56 cDNA libraries (full-length and SSH) were constructed from two main genotypes representing mainly three contrasting genetic origins: ICS1 (a hybrid between Criollo and Forastero from Lower Amazon of Brazil) and SCA6 (a Forastero from Upper Amazon of Peru). A few other genotypes belonging to various genetic origins and characterised by specific resistance or quality traits were also included. Twenty five libraries corresponding to tissues subjected to different biotic stresses were obtained: pods inoculated with P. palmivora, P. megakarya, M. perniciosa and M. roreri; leaves inoculated with P. palmivora and P. megakarya; stems inoculated with M. perniciosa and C. cacaofunesta; and stems attacked by mirids. Two libraries corresponding to cacao tissues submitted to drought stress, and 11 corresponded to seed development and fermentation stages, were also obtained. The sequencing was conducted using Sanger methodology. A total of 149,650 valid ESTs were generated corresponding to 48,594 unigenes (12,692 contigs and 35,902 singletons). A total of 29,849 unigenes (61.4%) shared significant homology with public sequences from other species. Surprisingly, although the evolutionary distance between Vitis vinifera and cacao was higher than between Arabidopsis and cacao (Zhu et al., 2007), more similarities between the cacao sequences and V. vinifera ones were identified than between cacao and Arabidopsis. Indeed, among the 25,049 cacao sequences (56%) presenting at least one significant hit with an Arabidopsis or V. vinifera sequence, 18,643 cacao sequences showed similarity with V. vinifera, while only 6406 with Arabidopsis, in spite of fewer sequences from V. vinifera than from Arabidopsis present in the non-redundant database used for the analysis. One explanation suggested by the authors was the fact that V. vinifera and cacao are both ‘tree crops’. The large amount of hits (8605) found with Populus trichocarpa, another tree crop (despite the small number of nonredundant proteins available for this species) also supports this hypothesis. The Argout et al. (2008) initiative also provided an important resource to study plant–pathogen interactions by identifying 1001 sequences classified as ‘response to stress’ with AmiGO browser, or similar to known proteins involved in resistance or defence mechanisms such as Leucine Repeat Region-Nucleotide-Binding Site (LRR-NBS), chitinase, serine–threonine kinase or pathogenesis-related (PR) protein. Similarly, a large representation of genes potentially involved in the different metabolic pathways related to cacao qualities (flavonoids, terpenes, purines, fat and sugars) was observed in this collection. Because of theimportance of flavonoids and terpenes in cacao
flavours, and the presence, in this cacao EST collection, of all the genes encoding the enzymes known to be involved in the flavonoids and terpenes pathways, these two metabolic pathways were more precisely analysed using micro-arrays (see Section VII). The different public EST sets contribute, in complementary ways (genotypes and methods used to obtain the libraries), to increase the genomic resources necessary to understand the cacao molecular biology, to develop genetic approaches and functional studies related to important agronomic or economic traits. Large-scale expression study using macro- and/or micro-arrays—generally associated to real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) validation—constitute the first step towards functional genomics. One of the approaches consists on developing thematic arrays containing selected genes related to a given biological process such as resistance/defence mechanisms (see Sections IV.B and V.B), gene regulation (see Section IV.B), or cacao flavour (see Section VII). These EST sets also constitute a valuable resource to provide genetic markers (simple sequence repeats (SSRs), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) defined in genes (see Section X.B). B. GENOME SEQUENCING PROJECTS
Two genome sequencing projects are currently underway and will be the basis for new functional genomic studies. One of them, coordinated by the Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le De´veloppement (Cirad, France) team, is focused on a Criollo variety (Lanaud, 2009; Lanaud et al., 2008). The Criollo variety has been chosen because of its aromatic qualities. The pure and homozygous Criollo material is rarely available. However, some clones were collected in Belize (Mooleedhar et al., 1995) and are available in the International Collection of Cacao Research Unit (CRU, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; see Section X.A). The sequencing strategy proposed by the Cirad consortium relies on a whole-genome shotgun approach of the ‘B97-61/B2’ Criollo genotype, combining Sanger BAC End Sequencing (BES) with 454 Roche and Solexa nuclear sequencing. A high-density genetic map will allow anchoring the scaffolds produced. The second genome sequencing project is coordinated by a MARS/United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) team and aims to sequence the genome of a Forastero cultivated genotype (‘Matina 1-6’), originated from Brazil (Motamayor et al., 2009). This genotype is the second ancestor of the Trinitario trees (hybrid between Criollo and Forastero) (Motamayor et al., 2002, 2003), widely cultivated worldwide. The chosen genotype is also nearly completely homozygous. The sequencing strategy relies also on a
whole-genome shotgun approach, combining Sanger BES with 454 Roche and Solexa nuclear sequencing. A physical map based on three new BAC libraries (see Section II.C) and on a genetic map will allow to ordinate and orientate the scaffolds produced. The availability of the cacao genome sequence will accelerate the discovery of candidate genes underlying the QTL identified in previous genetic studies and in relation to functional genomics. The genome sequencing of both contrasting Criollo and Forastero genotypes, originated from distinct genetic groups, will allow to produce a wide SNP resource useful for all genetic and genomics studies. C. BAC LIBRARY RESOURCES
Initially, two cacao Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) libraries were constructed. A first library was obtained from SCA6 and contains approximately 11 genome equivalents, with an average insert size of 120 kb (Cle´ment et al., 2004). A second BAC library was created in the frame of collaboration between the USDA Subtropical Horticultural Research Station (Miami, Florida, USA) and the Clemson BAC Resource Center (University of Clemson, South Carolina, USA), which also distributes this resource (http://www. This library obtained from ‘LCT-EEN37’ genotype, collected in Ecuador, represents approximately 11 genome equivalents with an average insert size of 120 kb. Other BAC libraries were recently constructed to support the two genome sequencing projects under progress (see Section II.B). For this purpose, a Criollo genotype from Belize (‘B97-61’) and a Forastero (‘Matina 1-6’) from lower Amazon were used. The clones from the three BAC libraries constructed with the ‘Matina 1-6’ clone have been fingerprinted to establish a cacao physical map (Motamayor et al., 2009).
III. GENOMICS OF CACAO UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS, SUBMITTED TO MECHANICAL WOUNDING OR CHALLENGED WITH ELICITORS Jones et al. (2002) undertook a cacao gene-discovery programme and demonstrated its use in gene-expression arrays. Sequencing and assembling bean and leaf cDNA library inserts produced a unigene set of 1380 members, whose 75% were annotated. This study was the first to identify the types of gene expressed in cacao seeds and leaves, and to analyse gene expression in these organs from five cacao varieties using micro-arrays.
Verica et al. (2004) employed SSH libraries, macroarray hybridisation analysis, high-throughput DNA sequencing and bioinformatics to identify cacao genes induced by signalling molecules such as salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and ethylene, known to induce resistance to disease in other plant species. A unigene set of 1256 members, including 330 members representing genes induced during the defence response, was identified. In a subsequent work, Bailey et al. (2005b) characterised the responses of cacao to wounding and to a treatment by ethylene and methyl jasmonate. The authors reviewed the effects of jasmonate and ethylene, which are able to induce signal transduction pathways leading to resistance to plant–pathogens and insects. On the other hand, wounding itself can induce the formation of jasmonate and ethylene. The gene expression was analysed by Northern blot in response to the three treatments (wounding, jasmonate and ethylene) applied at different stages of leaf development of cacao seedlings. Differential expression was observed for putative genes encoding a DNA-binding protein (TcWRKY-1), a protein regulating cell division (TcORFX-1), a type III peroxidase (TcPer-1), a endo-1,4-beta-glucanase (TcGlu-1), a class VII chitinase (TcChiB), a caffeine synthase (TcCaf-1) and a light harvesting complex protein (TcLhca-1). The induction of gene expression varies according to the genes considered and according to the delay after wounding or ethylene/ methyl jasmonate treatment. TcWRKY-1 and TcORFX-1 are rapidly induced, and expressed 15 min after the beginning of the wounding treatment. There was evidence of genetic crosstalk between the actions of ethylene and methyl jasmonate on gene expression in cacao leaves, with both synergistic and antagonistic interactions.
Due to the impact of the introduction of the witches’ broom disease in southern Bahia, Brazil and the limited biological knowledge of the pathogen, a full genome sequencing project of M. perniciosa, involving several Brazilian institutions ( was initiated in 2000 (Mondego et al., 2008). The pathogen contains a 28-Mbp genome organised in 8 chromosomes, with around 8000 genes predicted. The analysis allowed a general overview of the M. perniciosa genome, and highlighted a number of important genes involved in stress adaptation and plant necrosis induction (two of the steps necessary for the life cycle of a hemibiotrophic fungus), and
genes associated with traits that may play a role in pathogenesis mechanisms (Mondego et al., 2008). Other complementary M. perniciosa genomic information previously available included: (i) analysis of the M. perniciosa karyotype (Rincones et al., 2003); (ii) analysis of genetic and chromosomal variation among 38 isolates of biotype-C, -S and -L, sampled from various regions of Brazil and Ecuador (Rincones et al., 2006); (iii) molecular epidemiological studies revealing that the fungus may be adapted to and overcome SCA6 resistance (Gramacho et al, 2008; Pires, 2003) and (iv) sequence of the mitochondria M. perniciosa genome (Formighieri et al., 2008). In parallel, a comparative transcription analysis between biotrophic and saprophytic M. perniciosa phases was conducted (Rincones et al., 2008). Genes specific to each life-stage were identified (e.g. oxaloacetate acetylhydrolase in biotrophic phase), as well as putative virulence genes (e.g. glucuronyl hydrolase; putative chitinase) and transposons (induced in the biotrophic phase), which suggested that the activation of the different types of transposable elements may be regulated through the fungal life cycle (Rincones et al., 2008). A non-normalised cDNA library from various fruiting stages of M. perniciosa was constructed and analysed to elucidate gene function and regulation associated with basidiocarp formation and development (Pires et al., 2009). A macroarray prepared with 192 selected clones from this library was hybridised with two RNA pools from mycelium at distinct basidiocarp formation phases. It was observed that genes coding for hydrophobin, glucose transporter, Rho-GEF, Rheb, extensin precursor and cytochrome p450 monooxygenase were up-regulated in primordial phases of development, while others, such as calmodulin, lanosterol 14 alpha demethylase and PIM1 were down-regulated. The macroarray data were validated by RT-qPCR. Glucose transporter gene expression increased in mycelium after water stress, coinciding with a decrease of adenylate cyclase gene transcription, suggesting that nutrient uptake may be an important signal to trigger fruiting in this fungus (Pires et al., 2009). Based on these genomic data, some genes were chosen for further functional analyses, including two genes encoding NEP (MpNEP1 and MpNEP2), identified in the genome, as well as in the cacao–M. perniciosa interaction library in the case of MpNEP2 (Gesteira et al., 2007). MpNEP1 and MpNEP2 proteins, expressed in the bacterial system, purified and infiltrated in tobacco leaves or in cacao meristems, produced a localised necrosis and induced ethylene production (Garcia et al., 2007). Ethylene production has been associated with hypertrophy (Orchard et al., 1994), chlorophyll degradation, and petiole, leaf and stem epinasty (Woodrow et al., 1989); all symptoms observed during the infection of cacao by M. perniciosa (Scarpari et al., 2005; Silva et al., 2002). MpNEP1 and MpNEP2 transcription analysis
indicated that MpNEP2 was mainly expressed in biotrophic mycelium, whereas MpNEP1 was expressed in biotrophic as well as saprotrophic mycelium (Garcia et al., 2007). These gene products, in particular from MpNEP2, may act as elicitor of necrosis observed in cacao during infection (Ceita et al., 2007). Another family of possible elicitors expressed by M. perniciosa was described by Zaparoli et al. (2009): at least five sequences encoding putative proteins similar to cerato-platanin (CP)-like proteins were identified in the fungal genome. The MpCP1 gene was expressed in vitro and the corresponding protein showed ability in inducing necrosis in tobacco and cacao leaves. Transcription analysis ex planta showed that MpCP1 was more expressed in monokaryotic mycelium than in dikaryotic one and that the provoked necrosis was different from the one caused by MpNEPs. Moreover, a mixture of MpCP1 with MpNEP2 led to a synergistic necrosis effect, highly similar to the one occurring in naturally infected plants (Zaparoli et al., 2009). Functional analysis of potentially pathogenesis-associated genes may be facilitated by gene silencing using dsRNA. Transfection of an in vitro synthesised gfpdsRNA successfully silenced a reporter gfp gene, stably introduced into the M. perniciosa genome (Caribe´ dos Santos et al., 2009). Similarly, the endogenous genes coding for hydrophobins and a peroxiredoxin were also silenced by transfection with specific dsRNA, indicating that this method can be used to assess gene function in this pathogen (Caribe´ dos Santos et al., 2009). Genomic studies and gene identification from M. perniciosa may be also used for a further understanding of fungal life cycle and/or for biotechnological applications. Souza et al. (2009) identified and characterised, from basidiocarp and second mycelium stages of M. perniciosa, the first class III chitin synthase, which may play an important role in basidioma formation. DNA and RNA polymerases of M. perniciosa mitochondrial plasmid were completely sequenced and their structural models were carried out by comparative homology approach (Andrade et al., 2009). Because plasmid insertions into host mitochondrial genomes are probably associated with modifications in host generation time, which can be involved in fungal aging, such polymerases can be used as new targets for drugs against mitochondrial activity of fungi (Andrade et al., 2009). In the same way, biochemical analysis, modelling and crystal structure of M. perniciosa acyl-coA binding protein (ACBP) may help to understand M. perniciosa cell organisation (Monzani et al., 2010). In other organisms, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ACBP is a critical protein involved in growth and changes in vacuoles and plasma membrane, vesicular trafficking, organelle biogenesis and membrane assembly, among other.
The genomics of the cacao–M. perniciosa interaction has been investigated using two types of libraries; full-length cDNA (Gesteira et al., 2007) and SSH (Leal Jr et al., 2007). Gesteira et al. (2007) developed two meristems cDNA libraries, both inoculated with M. perniciosa, one from resistant cacao genotype TSH1188 (RT library), another from the susceptible genotype Catongo (SP library). A total of 6884 ESTs were obtained, corresponding to 2926 nonredundant sequences (2585 singletons plus 341 contigs). The redundancy of the RT and SP libraries was low, while their specificity was high when compared with other cacao cDNA libraries previously published (Jones et al., 2002; Verica et al., 2004; see Section III). Sequence analysis allowed the assignment of a putative functional category for 54% of sequences. Despite the overall similar distribution of the sequences in functional categories between the two libraries, qualitative differences were observed. The TSH1188 unigene presented a high amount of potential resistance genes (e.g. PR proteins), while the Catongo unigene presented numerous genes related to programmed cell death (PCD). Leal et al. (2007) constructed two SSH libraries from inoculated meristems collected from the resistant CAB 214 accession and the susceptible ICS39, subtracting common transcripts in both directions: 104 and 187 unique sequences were obtained, respectively, from each of these two libraries. Twenty three genes related to resistance or defence mechanisms were analysed for subsequent validation by RT-qPCR. From the 23 transcripts, 21 were induced in the resistant genotype CAB. From these, 14 were present at both early accumulation stage (48–72 h after inoculation—hai) and late accumulation stage (120–240 hai). Seven transcripts (short vegetative phase, two peroxidases, caffeine synthase, anthocyanin reductase, leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase, cytochrome oxidase P450 and EIG7) appeared only at early accumulation stage. More generally, most of the 23 genes seemed to be up-regulated by pathogen inoculation in the evaluated genotypes, but differed for induction kinetics. The resistant CAB displayed a stronger induction at 48 and 72 hai for some of the genes evaluated, while in the susceptible ICS 39, a peak of transcript accumulation occurred only later (at 120 and/or 240 hai). Qualitative differences for specific transcripts between two resistant genotypes tested (CAB 214 and CAB 208) were also observed. From the 23 genes evaluated, only 16 were induced in the susceptible genotype, while 21 were induced in the resistant one (Leal et al., 2007). The results obtained with cacao meristems infected by M. perniciosa were compared with those obtained with healthy plants (leaves and beans; Jones et al., 2002) or plants treated with plant defence inducers (Verica et al., 2004).
The full-length cDNA libraries, as well as the SSH, showed specific sequences related to M. perniciosa infection, which did not match to sequences from the libraries published by Verica et al. (2004) and Jones et al. (2002). The RT library showed 34.2% and 38.6% of sequences different from plants treated with defence inducers and healthy leaves and beans, respectively. According to Leal et al. (2007), from the 127 sequences compared with the cacao genes available in databank, 51 presented positive matches, and from these 36 were different from the library of induced defence genes (Verica et al., 2004); 25 were different from the leaf and seed EST library (Jones et al., 2002), whereas 41 were different from both libraries. In cacao–M. perniciosa interaction studies, special emphasis was given to cDNA sequences related to resistance and to necrosis, and death of infected tissues as probable components of the defence and susceptibility reactions occurring in cacao after infection by M. perniciosa. The search for resistance gene candidates identified sequences implicated in pathogen detection (e.g. Cf9 protein, receptor kinase, RGC2), signal transduction (e.g. MAP kinase, calmodulin-binding protein), regulation events (e.g. transcription factors— TFs), and defence (e.g. peroxidase). In particular, Lopes et al. (2010) focussed on cacao TFs by developing a macroarray with 88 TF cDNA from interaction libraries (Gesteira et al., 2007). Seventy-two TFs were found differentially expressed between the susceptible (Catongo) and resistant (TSH1188) genotypes and/or during the disease time course—from 24 hai to 30 days after infection (dai). Most of the TFs differentially expressed belonged to bZIP, MYB and WRKY families, and presented opposite expression patterns in susceptible and resistant cacao–M. perniciosa interactions. The results of the macroarray were confirmed by RT-qPCR for bZIP and WRKY TFs (Lopes et al., 2010). On the other hand, SVP (short vegetative phase), which shared similarity with a Populus tomentosa MAD-Box transcription factor, was up-regulated in resistant CAB plants (Leal et al., 2007). The presence of apoptosis and oxidative burst-related genes (apoptosis inhibitor, senescence-associated protein, genes related to oxidative burst) in the SP inoculated library (Gesteira et al., 2007) strengthens the hypothesis that the susceptible cacao–M. perniciosa interaction involves in PCD, initially occurring in the plant as a defence mechanism, which then is diverted by the fungus for its own profit, allowing its sporulation and further propagation (Ceita et al., 2007). It has been shown that oxalate oxidase and ascorbate peroxidase genes, which were present in the SP library, participated in the compatible interaction (Ceita et al., 2007; Gesteira et al., 2007). But other plant genes are under investigation, which may contribute to understand the mechanisms of fungus transition from the biotrophic to the necrotrophic
phase, and to relate them with biochemical changes occurring in the green broom (Scarpari et al., 2005), or to in vitro observations (Meinhardt et al., 2006). Other genes related to PCD were also found in cacao–M. perniciosa libraries, such as those encoding a protease, in particular plant vacuolar protease, metallothionein and ankyrin-repeat protein (Gesteira et al., 2007). TcPR10 gene was identified in the SP library and shown to be differentially expressed at 60 dai in the susceptible interaction by in silico analysis (Gesteira et al., 2007). The TcPR10 protein was over-expressed in heterologous system and its activity tested under various conditions: it has an in vitro and in vivo ribonucleasic activity against fungal and plant RNA, as well as an antifungal activity against M. perniciosa (Pungartnik et al., 2009). Because TcPR10 was highly expressed in susceptible plants at 60 dai, the corresponding protein may be involved in acting directly on the pathogen, which might have become intracellular as an ultimate attempt to impede fungal development. On the other hand, because TcPR10 was demonstrated to have a RNase activity against plant RNA, it may directly participate in PCD, degrading plant RNA, thus allowing necrosis and death and thereby supporting fungal phase transition and basidiocarp production (Pungartnik et al., 2009). Genes involved in biosynthesis pathways of molecules, such as purine alkaloids and tannins, were also found among unigenes from interaction libraries, such as caffeine synthase, caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase, chalcone syntase, flavonol synthase and flavanone-3-hydroxylase. The presence of these transcripts might be associated with changes in the content of caffeine/theobromine and tannins, being higher in infected plant than in non-infected, as observed by Scarpari et al. (2005). A good candidate gene could be caffeine synthase that was induced early in the resistant CAB 214 genotype, compared to later up-regulation in the susceptible genotype. Caffeine was accumulated during the cacao–M. perniciosa interaction (Aneja and Gianfagna, 2001; Scarpari et al., 2005) and was demonstrated to have in vitro activity against the pathogen (Aneja and Gianfagna, 2001). A negative relationship between caffeine content and resistance against diseases has been described in Coffea arabica (Guerreiro Filho and Mazzafera, 2000, 2003), but this association could not be demonstrated in cacao, because only plants with symptoms were analysed (Aneja and Gianfagna, 2001; Scarpari et al., 2005). The increase in caffeine might have resulted in response to biotic or abiotic stresses (Guerreiro Filho and Mazzafera, 2000). Induction of caffeine synthetase by elicitors, such as benzothiadiazole or methyl jasmonate, suggested that different forms of this enzyme might occur in cacao (Aneja and Gianfagna, 2001; Bailey et al., 2005b). An alternative function of this putative caffeine synthetase could include methyl transferase
activity resulting in synthesis of methyl salicylate or methyl jasmonate, which could participate in plant defence responses. Genomic studies have identified several candidate genes for cacao resistance to M. perniciosa. Functional studies of these genes and in planta analysis become a natural sequence for understanding the complex mechanisms leading to plant resistance. Cacao transformation process and in planta analysis are discussed in Section VIII. ESTs are also a good source of polymorphic markers (such as SSRs and SNPs) for genetic studies. Several SSR and SNP markers were identified from cacao–M. perniciosa ESTs (Gesteira et al., 2007; Karina P. Gramacho, unpublished results). These results are presented in Section X.B. C. PROTEOMICS OF CACAO AND M. PERNICIOSA
In parallel to genomic studies, some proteomic analyses have been conducted to investigate the cacao–M. perniciosa interaction. As observed during nucleic acids isolation (Gesteira et al., 2003), cacao tissues contain very high amount of polyphenols and polysaccharides (Figueira et al., 1994) that are not easily removed by conventional extraction procedures. For these reasons, it was first necessary to establish reliable methods for cacao protein extraction and purification from tissues. Similar problems have been faced for quality analysis of cacao seeds (A. Possignolo and collaborators, unpublished results). Three protocols were developed: one for apoplastic washing fluid extraction and two for protein extraction (under denaturing and non denaturing conditions) (Pirovani et al., 2008). On the other hand, the secretome of M. perniciosa cultivated on different mediums was analysed (Alvim et al., 2009), evidencing quantitative and qualitative relationships between secreted proteins and their activity, and the hyphal morphology of M. perniciosa. It appeared that the carbon source-dependent energy metabolism of M. perniciosa results in physiological alterations in protein expression and secretion, which may affect not only M. perniciosa growth, but also its ability to express pathogenicity proteins (Alvim et al., 2009).
V. GENOMICS OF THE CACAO–PHYTOPHTHORA INTERACTION Black pod, caused by several species of Phytophthora, is one of the most important diseases affecting cacao and is responsible for important yield losses. Between 15% and 80% of losses could be observed depending on the Phytophthora species, with P. megakarya, being the most aggressive.
The search for a sustainable Phytophthora resistance is one of the major goals of most breeding programmes around the world. Until now, cacao resistance to Phytophthora spp. has been described as a quantitative resistance and ‘race nonspecific’-like type (Cilas and Despreaux, 2004). A recent meta-QTL analysis has identified a large number of genomic regions involved in Phytophthora resistance (Lanaud et al., 2009). This situation offers the possibility to improve the cacao resistance durability by a possible accumulation of many different resistance genes located in different chromosome regions using marker assisted selection (MAS). However, the molecular basis of this resistance is poorly understood and functional genomics studies are being carried out to improve our knowledge of the molecular processes involved in the cacao–Phytophthora interaction. A. PHYTOPHTORA NEP1 ORTHOLOGUES AND THEIR EFFECTS ON CACAO
Phytophthora species produce a protein that has a similar sequence to the NEP1 of Fusarium oxysporium. Multiple copies of NEP1 orthologues have been identified in a P. megakarya strain and in four other Phytophthora species (P. citrophthora, P. capsici, P. palmivora and P. sojae) (Bae et al., 2005). From the nine different NEP1 orthologues from P. megakarya identified by Bae et al. (2005), six were expressed in mycelium and in zoosporeinfected cacao leaf tissue. Sequence analysis revealed that six NEP1 orthologues were organised in two clusters of three orthologues each in the P. megakarya genome. The existence of a NEP1 multigene family in Phytophthora species suggests that this gene could have an important function in microbial biology. Bailey et al. (2005a) compared the effect of the NEP1 protein and cacao infection by P. megakarya on the expression of 10 cacao genes involved in defence, gene regulation, cell wall development or energy production. Seven of the 10 genes studied were responsive to the infection of cacao leaf disc by P. megakarya; the main expression variation occurring between 24 and 48 hai, period which corresponded to the beginning of tissue necrosis. Five of the six genes that were responsive to NEP1 were also responsive to infection by P. megakarya: TcWRKY-1 involved in gene regulation; TcPer-1 and TcGlu1,3 involved in defence mechanisms, and TcLhca-1 and TcrbcS involved in energy production. Unfortunately, these genes are not directly involved in plant defence, but are related to cellular effects, such as membrane damage, altered chloroplast functions and reduced energy and carbohydrate production. The data indicate that the constitutive defence mechanisms used by cacao leaves differ according to the developmental stage. The proteins produced from NEP1 and its orthologues in Phytophthora spp. have similar activities in a broad range of dicot species (Qutob et al.,
2002), and the response of cacao to NEP1 mimics in some ways the response of cacao to infection by P. megakarya in a susceptible interaction. B. GENES DIFFERENTIALLY EXPRESSED DURING THE CACAO– PHYTOPHTHORA INTERACTION
A set of genes known to play a crucial role in plant–pathogen resistance and defence mechanisms (De Young and Innes, 2006; Mishra et al., 2006; Walters et al., 2007; Wrbel-Kwiatkowska et al., 2004) was selected from Argout et al. (2008) libraries (development libraries or libraries produced from cacao tissues infected by pathogens; see Section II.A), and used for developing macro- and micro-arrays. Genes similar to LRR-NBS (8 contigs and 32 singletons), chitinase (19 contigs and 37 singletons), 1-3 beta-glucanase (5 contigs and 7 singletons) and PR protein (24 contigs and 24 singletons) were identified. Other sequences involved in regulation of pathogen-induced genes like TFs (6 contigs and 7 singletons), in signal transduction like MAPkinase (5 contigs and 3 singletons), and in PCD (13 contigs and 20 singletons) were also identified. This tool is presently being used to study cacao–Phytophthora spp. interactions (Argout et al., 2008; Legavre et al., 2006). For macroarray analysis, 90 genes were selected and amplified using specific primers (Legavre et al., 2006). Leaves were collected on resistant and susceptible cacao genotypes from a progeny segregating for Phytophthora resistance and inoculated by P. megakarya strains. Samples were collected from 1 hai to 7 dai for probe preparation and macroarray hybridisations. Confirmation of genes differentially expressed between susceptible and resistant cacao clones was conducted by RT-qPCR. Twelve genes appeared differentially expressed between resistant and susceptible plants. The genes up-regulated in resistant clones were similar to those involved in classical model of signal transduction, including: (i) gene defence response like protein kinase (early expressed, i.e. 2 hai) and (ii) transcriptional regulator, PR proteins (PR-1, PR-5), chitinase and protease inhibitors (expressed 24 hai) (Legavre et al., 2009). In susceptible cacao clones, Legavre et al. (2006) observed an over-expression of a glucanase inhibitor protein (GIP), known to be secreted by Phytophthora (Rose et al., 2002), and to specifically inhibit the endoglucanase activity of the plant host. GIP activity may represent a defence mechanism used by the pathogen to suppress a plant defence response, and it could be also involved in the cacao–Phythophthora interaction. Several genes differentially expressed in this study are in common with those identified by Verica et al. (2004) on leaves treated with artificial inducers, such as protein kinase and DNAK-type molecular chaperone precursor.
In their native areas, many endophytic fungi are associated with cacao and among them many species of Trichoderma (Holmes et al., 2004; Samuels et al., 2000). These Trichoderma species inhabit different plant tissues, including roots, trunks, stems, leaves and pods. Trichoderma species have the potential to control plant or specifically cacao diseases (Bastos, 1996; Harman et al., 2004; Samuels et al., 2000). Bailey et al. (2006) analysed fungal and plant gene expression during the colonisation of cacao seedlings by isolates of four Trichoderma species. Differential display analysis was carried out using total RNA from cacao seedlings individually colonised by Trichoderma isolates. One hundred and sixty-four EST clones were selected, sequenced and analysed for their putative function. A putative function or conserved domain was identified for 59 ESTs, including 39 more probable plant genes and 16 more probable fungal genes. These genes plus additional ESTs identified from previous studies of cacao stress responses (Bailey et al., 2005a,b) were included in a macroarray and used to analyse gene expression in cacao tissues colonised by Trichoderma strains. The differential expression of some genes was then validated by RT-qPCR. Several cacao ESTs induced during colonisation by Trichoderma isolate shared homology with genes known to respond to abiotic and biotic stresses. In particular plant diseases: (i) ornithine decarboxylase, involved in polyamine (PA) biosynthesis (see Section VI.C) (Walters, 2000; Yoo et al., 2004); (ii) zinc finger proteins (Kim et al., 2004) and (iii) glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-like proteins known to play a broad role in protecting cells from oxidative injury by detoxifying compounds that would otherwise damage plant cells (Dixon et al., 2002). Trichoderma stromaticum is a mycoparasite of the cacao witches’ broom pathogen, M. perniciosa. This beneficial fungus is being used in Bahia, Brazil, to control the witches’ broom disease under field conditions. De Souza et al. (2008) studied the effect of an endophytic colonisation of cacao plants by T. stromaticum on genes involved in defence and plant growth. The data indicated that the activity of T. stromaticum in the biocontrol of M. perniciosa did not promote plant growth, nor induced resistance against M. perniciosa on seedlings that had been treated 30 days prior to inoculation with the pathogen. These results were confirmed by Northern blot, where the fungus was unable to alter the expression of selected genes involved in: (i) plant defence, such as ChiB, encoding a putative class VII chitinase, Glu-1, encoding a putative endo-1,4-beta-glucanase, and Caf-1, encoding a putative
caffeine synthase; (ii) genes involved in growth regulation, such as Per-1 encoding an apoplastic quiacol peroxidase and (iii) genes involved in energy production, such as TcORFX-1 (fw2.2-like) and TcLhca-1 (photosystem I 24 kDa protein). B. ENDOPHYTIC COLONISATION OF CACAO AND DROUGHT
Bailey et al. (2006) also identified another class of protein, potentially involved in drought stress, repressed during the cacao endophyte colonisation. This class of protein is closely related to the major intrinsic protein (MIP) superfamily, also called aquaporins, which work as membrane channels that selectively transport water, small neutral molecules and ions out of and between cells. The repression of MIP gene expression in drought stress may reduce membrane water permeability and stimulate water conservation during periods of drought (Smart et al., 2001). Enhanced drought tolerance is commonly associated with endophyte-colonised grasses (Schardl et al., 2004), and it could help cacao cultivation during drought seasons. Bae et al. (2009) characterised the effect of endophytic colonisation by T. hamatum (isolate DIS 219b) on the responses of cacao to drought. Changes of transcript levels were monitored during drought treatment in leaves and roots of cacao seedlings. The ESTs analysed were chosen based on their relatedness to orthologues in other plants with characterised involvement in various biological processes, including drought. The altered expression of 19 ESTs (7 in leaves and 17 in roots, with some overlap) by drought was detected using RT-qPCR. Roots tended to respond earlier to drought than leaves, with the drought-induced changes in expression of 7 ESTs. The majority of the drought-responsive ESTs (16 of 19) were identified in previous studies, characterising the responses of cacao to other biotic and abiotic stresses (Bailey et al., 2006; Verica et al., 2004). Several enzymes involved in signal transduction, transcription and post-transcriptional regulation or in the production of osmoprotectants and/or regulatory metabolites were identified: (i) trehalose-6-phosphatase, which confers drought tolerance to microorganisms and various higher plants (Garg et al., 2002); (ii) sorbitol transporter, important in stress tolerance; (iii) osmotin-like protein, commonly associated with tolerance to osmotic stress and in plant defence (D’Angeli and Altamura, 2007) and (iv) alkaline/neutral invertases, participating in the hydrolysis of sucrose and providing a source of carbon for the biosynthesis of other osmoprotective substances. Colonisation of cacao seedlings with T. hamatum delayed the drought-altered expression of all 7 ESTs responsive to drought in leaves by 3 days, but had less influence on the expression pattern of the drought-responsive ESTs in roots. T. hamatum
colonisation had minimal direct influence on the expression of droughtresponsive ESTs in 32-day-old seedlings. By contrast, the colonisation of 9-day-old seedlings altered expression of drought-responsive ESTs, sometimes in patterns opposite of that observed in response to drought. The transcript level of TcRbcS (putative Rubisco small subunit) declined from 74% at 10 days post-watering in non-colonised seedlings, compared with a decline of only 39% in colonised seedlings, suggesting drought-induced changes in net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were delayed in T. hamatum-colonised seedlings. Colonisation of cacao seedlings resulted in a delay in many aspects of the drought response. It was proposed that this effect is mediated through enhanced root growth, resulting in an improved water status, allowing cacao seedlings to tolerate drought stress (Bae et al., 2009). C. REGULATION OF PA BIOSYNTHESIS IN CACAO
PAs have been associated with response to drought and many other biotic and abiotic stresses in plants, in addition to their roles in physiological and developmental processes. The most common PAs in higher plants are putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm). In higher plants, there are two pathways for PA biosynthesis (Illingworth et al., 2003): (i) Put synthesis from ornithine by ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and (ii) Put synthesis from arginine by arginine decarboxylase (ADC). Spd and Spm are synthesised by either spermidine synthase (SPDS) or spermine synthase (SPMS) from Put and decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine, which donates the aminopropyl groups. A full-length ODC (TcODC) was cloned from cacao and its expression together with four other ESTs associated with PA biosynthesis, ADC (TcADC), SAMDC (TcSAMDC), SPDS (TcSPDS) and SPMS (TcSPMS) were studied by Bae et al. (2008) after drought treatment and other stresses made on cacao leaves, including wounding, Phytophthora inoculations and F. oxysporum NEP1 treatment. Expression analysis using RT-qPCR results showed that the PA biosynthesis genes were expressed in all plant tissues examined. Expression of TcODC, TcADC and TcSAMDC was induced with the onset of drought. Elevated levels of Put, Spd and Spm were detected in cacao leaves 13 days after the onset of drought. Genes encoding putative ODC, ADC and SAMDC were also responsive to mechanical wounding, infection by P. megakarya and NEP1 treatment. TcODC was induced approximately 100-fold by NEP1 and P. megakarya, and it was constitutively expressed at much lower levels than TcADC, TcSAMDC, TcSPDS and TcSPMS. In comparison, genes encoding SPDS and SPMS were induced 3.5-fold after 24 h treatment with P. megakarya. The results indicated that TcODC, TcADC and TcSAMDC are co-regulated by both abiotic and biotic
stresses. The stresses responsible for the induction of TcODC, TcADC and TcSAMDC may share signal transduction pathways, and/or the stress induced signal induction pathways may converge at these three genes, leading to their coordinated induction. According to Bae et al. (2008), it is possible that alteration of PA levels in cacao will result in enhancing the tolerance of cacao to multiple stresses, including drought and disease, therefore, it may be possible to improve tolerance of cacao to stresses by modifying PA production in cacao through plant breeding or genetic engineering.
VII. GENE EXPRESSION RELATED TO CACAO QUALITY FLAVOUR Flavour is among the main criterion of quality for chocolate manufacturers. Flavour components not only depend strongly on conditions of post-harvest processing (environmental effects, storage, fermentation, drying, roasting) (Chanliau and Cros, 1996) but also depend strongly on the genetic origin, regardless of post-harvest processing conditions (Clapperton et al., 1994). Only a small number of studies are related to gene expression regarding biochemical compounds involved in cacao quality; they are related to gene expression of linalool synthase and other genes involved in terpen synthesis during seed development and fermentation (Sabau et al., 2006a,b). Linalool is known as a major constituent of floral scent of many species. It has been detected in larger amounts among ‘Nacional’ varieties rather than in other cacao varieties and therefore, it may be involved in the floral notes that characterise chocolate made from the Nacional cultivars (Chanliau, 1998). Linalool is an acyclic monoterpene alcohol and linalool synthase catalyses the formation of S-linalool from the monoterpene precursor geranyl diphosphate. A cacao cDNA homologous to Arabidopsis linalool synthase (TcLIS) was identified in a cDNA library constructed from the testa of fermented seeds from the ‘ICS1’ and ‘Nacional’ genotypes (Argout et al., 2008; Sabau et al., 2006a,b). Sabau et al. (2006a,b) analysed by RT-qPCR the expression of linalool synthase in the testa and cotyledons of ‘ICS1’ and ‘Nacional’ seeds collected at various stages of development (18–27 weeks), and during the first 4 days of fermentation. For both cacao genotypes, the relative expression of TcLIS increased in the cotyledons during the fermentation steps. An increase of TcLIS expression was observed until the 47 h of fermentation, at a temperature of 44 8C in ‘ICS1’. This expression decreased afterwards during fermentation, probably due to RNA degradation under elevated temperature. During the first 48 h of fermentation, higher expression of TcLIS was also observed: (i) in the testa of fermented seeds compared to unfermented
ones and (ii) in the testa of fermented seeds compared the cotyledons. In the following 48 h, the TcLIS expression increased in the cotyledons, but decreased in the testa. In seeds from ‘Nacional’, the TcLIS activity was constant in both cotyledons and testa during the first 96 h of fermentation, and the TcLIS expression was always higher in the testa than in the cotyledons. According to Sabau et al. (2006a,b), the increase in the linalool synthase expression observed during the fermentation steps could be a response of cacao seeds to stresses induced by the fermentation, involving yeasts and bacteria. Indeed, terpenes are recognised as plant defence responses towards aggressions (Schnee et al., 2002). Preliminary analyses were also carried out with a micro-array to study the expression of other genes involved in the terpene and polyphenol pathways during seed development and fermentation (Sabau et al., 2009). This microarray was constructed from Argout et al. (2008) libraries and contains a set of genes potentially related to cacao quality. Eight hundred and sixty-five oligonucleotides were designed from genes encoding enzymes from 10 metabolic pathways potentially involved in cacao quality, and related to several biochemical compounds synthesis (polyphenol, fat, sugar, pectin, terpenes and purines). This set was completed with oligonucleotides corresponding to 715 unique sequences of TFs and about 450 P450 cytochrome homologues.
One of the major tools available for functional analysis of genes and proteins is genetic transformation. The ability to isolate, modify and reintroduce genes of interest to plants allows the systematic dissection of gene and protein structure/ functional relationships and provides a means to assess the activity of a gene product within a living cell. A genetic transformation system for cacao has been developed in the Guiltinan lab (Antunez de Mayolo et al., 2003; Maximova et al., 2003, 2006, 2008b). Transformation of cacao, regeneration of plantlets and their subsequent analysis require about 6 months from construct to small plantlet. Although the frequencies are low compared to other species, which increases the time and cost to produce sufficient numbers of independent transformation events, the transformation system is reproducible and has resulted in the accumulation of multiple transgenic lines carrying reporter genes and genes potentially important in disease resistance.
The system is based on somatic embryogenesis as an in vitro plant regeneration system. A pipeline of primary somatic embryo cultures is developed by initiating new cultures every 2 weeks with immature floral explants of the SCA6 variety by published methods (Li et al., 1998; Maximova et al., 2002, 2005, 2008a; Traore and Guiltinan, 2006; Traore et al., 2003). Good results were also obtained using petal explants from other cacao genotypes such as TSH565 and TSH1188 (Silva et al., 2008). Cotyledons excised from primary somatic embryos are used as explants for co-cultivation with Agrobacterium harbouring binary plasmids containing a green fluorescence protein (GFP) gene, a kanamycin resistance gene and the gene under investigation. After several days of co-cultivation of Agrobacterium and primary somatic embryo cotyledons, the explants are washed free of Agrobacterium then plated on selection medium with antibiotics to eliminate growth of the bacteria and select for transgenic cells. Explants are cultured on somatic embryo induction media for several days then transferred to embryo development media containing geneticin as a positive selection for transgenic plant cells as described by Maximova et al. (2003). Secondary embryogenesis is induced and embryos begin to develop over the next few months of culture in the dark. While geneticin is used as a lethal selection against non-transformed cells, it is thought to also inhibit regeneration so antibiotic concentration is kept at a minimal level. Therefore, GFP is used as a visible selection marker, by screening cultures using a fluorescence stereo microscope. Transgenic embryos are identified by visual screening using a stereo fluorescence microscope, removed to selection free media and cultured to the plantlet stage. Several months later, plantlets will be acclimated then grown to maturity. Using this method, between 1 and 10 transgenic plants are routinely obtained for each transformation attempt. Using fluorescence imaging techniques, images of transgenic cacao plant tissues were obtained, demonstrating the stable expression of the GFP transgene in plants grown in a greenhouse for many years, and the sexual transmission of the GFP gene to seeds developing from the plants (Fig. 2). Silva et al. (2009) evaluated the effect of PAs and -lactam antibiotics on somatic embryogenesis, hygromycin as selective agent, and different factors affecting uidA gene transfer of genotype TSH 565. It was demonstrated that the PAs Put, Spd and Spm significantly improved secondary somatic embryogenesis in cacao without Agrobacterium infection. Although no transgenic plants were produced as a result of this study, the results indicated that the -lactam antibiotics timentin and meropenem, used for Agrobacterium tumefaciens counter-selection, had a non-detrimental effect on secondary somatic embryogenesis, whereas the commonly used -lactam cefotaxime inhibited it. Hygromycin showed a strong inhibitory effect on secondary somatic embryogenesis of cacao (Silva et al., 2009).
Fig. 2. Transgenic cacao flower, pod and seeds visualised by fluorescence imaging. Left; transgenic flower (centre) from a mature GFP expressing cacao plant. Nontransgenic flowers (outer circle) do not fluoresce but are slightly illuminated with light from the transgenic flower. Centre: transgenic cacao fruit expressing GFP; right: seeds from transgenic pod segregating for GFP and anthocyanins. Left petri dish contains transgenic seeds, upper group of seeds contain anthocyanins, lower group does not thus GFP emission is much brighter. Right petri dish, seeds from which the GFP transgene has segregated away are barely visible as they are only illuminated in light from transgenic seeds on the left (photo credit, Guiltinan laboratory).
To date, only a single manuscript has been published that has utilised transgenic cacao for the functional analysis of a gene (Maximova et al., 2006). In this study, a gene encoding the antifungal protein chitinase was isolated from cacao and modified for high-level constitutive expression throughout the plant. Chitinase activity levels were measured using an in vitro fluorometric assay. The transgene was expressed at varying levels in the different transgenic lines with up to a sixfold increase of endochitinase activity compared to non-transgenic and transgenic control plants. The in vivo antifungal activity of the transgene against the foliar pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was evaluated using a cacao leaf disc bioassay. The assay demonstrated that the TcChi1 transgenic cacao leaves significantly inhibited the growth of the fungus and the development of leaf necrosis compared to controls when leaves were wound inoculated with 5000 spores. These results demonstrated the utility of the cacao transformation system as a tool for gene functional analysis and the potential utility of the cacao chitinase gene for increasing fungal pathogen resistance in cacao. This capability will allow the functional testing of candidate genes for various traits identified in QTL mapping and other genomics projects such as genes controlling disease resistance, seed quality traits and other genes of interest. Although this method could also be used to develop plants for commercial production with enhanced resistance and other valuable traits, consumer resistance to genetically modified organisms has precluded the commercialisation of such plants for the time being. For safety considerations, all transgenic plants are maintained in secure greenhouses in a non-producing country. No transgenic cacao plants have been released into any fields.
RNA interference (RNAi) or post-transcriptional gene silencing is used to manipulate gene expression experimentally and to screen gene function on a whole-genome scale. RNAi is a conserved eukaryotic pathway in which double-stranded RNA triggers destruction of homologous target RNA via production of short-interfering RNA (siRNA) (Eamens et al., 2008). In plants, at least some case of RNA silencing can spread systemically (Voinnet, 2008). Because they provide a rapid, versatile and convenient way for achieving a very high level of gene expression in a distinct and defined zone of leaf, Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression systems have been useful for inducing silencing processes and for dissecting systemic silencing signal (Bendahmane et al., 2000; Maimbo et al., 2007). The feasibility of an agroinfiltration approach for inducing RNA silencing systemic signal production in cacao was tested by Andrieu et al. (2006). This approach could be further used as a tool for large-scale discovery and validation of gene function. Based on the Nicotiana benthamiana agroinfiltration method, an efficient and reproducible technique for transient expression of T-DNA vectors was developed in cacao leaves. Using gene specific tag from phytoen desaturase gene (pds) and efflux carrier pin-formed gene (pin1), the feasibility of an agroinfiltration method for inducing gene-silencing processes in a defined zone of leaf was demonstrated (Andrieu et al., 2010). The diagnostic presence of siRNA was monitored by Northern blot. siRNA amplification was demonstrated for the two genes in the cacao plants, indicating that the RNAi mechanism was initiated in planta. However, the RNAi spreading throughout the whole cacao plant still remains under study.
While considerable progress has been made in the field of cacao functional genomics, progress has been limited by a number of contributing factors including: large plant size, long generation time, lack of genomic resources, such as mutant collections and full genome sequence, difficult transformation system and a high degree of heterozygosity in most accessions. Conversely, several plant species have been extensively developed as model plant species such as Arabidopsis, tomato, rice, maize, cotton, medicago and others. These species all have the following common attributes which contribute to their usefulness for genomics research; small size, rapid
life cycle, relative ease of transformation, genome sequence determined or in progress, large mutant collections and availability of homozygous lines. So far only tomato has been confirmed to be a host of M. perniciosa. In Bahia (Brazil), natural infection of M. perniciosa has been observed on tomato, pepper and egg plants. One strategy to accelerate cacao genomics research is to make use of the model plant systems to provide information and test systems useful for cacao research. This approach is known as translational biology. The mouse model is analogous to this for the translational biology of vertebrates as applied to human biological and medical research. Model systems can be used to: (i) isolate genes in the target species based on sequence similarity with the model species genes; (ii) test gene function by introduction of target genes into model plants; (iii) compare developmental pathways and signal transduction mechanisms which may be conserved between the target species and the model plant and (iv) provide a test system for interactions with plant–pathogens and other biotic and abiotic factors of interest. One example of a translation biology approach with cacao is in the study of the genes involved in proanthocyanidin (ProA) biosynthesis. The flavonoids catechin and epicatechin, and their polymerised oligomers, the ProAs, accumulate to levels of approximately 10% of the total weight of dry cacao seeds. These compounds have been associated with human health benefits and also play important roles in pest and disease defence throughout the plant. To dissect the genetic basis of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway in cacao, three genes encoding key ProA synthesis enzymes were isolated: anthocyanidin synthase (ANS), anthocyanidin reductase (ANR) and leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR) (Liu and Guiltinan, in preparation). This was done by using gene sequence information from Arabidopsis to design PCR primers, which were used to amplify the genes from cacao. To test the function of the putative cacao genes, they were transferred into transgenic Arabidopsis plants and their functions assayed. For example, constitutive over-expression of TcANR in an Arabidopsis mutant lacking ProA synthesis complemented the ProA deficient phenotype in seeds (Fig. 3). Using similar strategies, transgenic over-expression of TcANS in tobacco resulted in increased content of both anthocyanin and ProAs in flower petals. Constitutive over-expression of TcANS in an Arabidopsis ldox mutant complemented its ProA deficient phenotype in seeds. Transgenic tobacco over-expression of TcLAR resulted in decreased amounts of anthocyanins and increased ProAs. Overexpressing TcLAR in Arabidopsis ldox mutant also resulted in elevated synthesis of catechin and epicatechin. The results confirmed the in vivo enzymatic activities of cacao ANS and ANR that were predicted
Immature seeds
Mature seeds DMACA stained
ban (ANR null)
CaMV35S:TcL ar ::ban
Fig. 3. Functional analysis of the cacao lecuoanthocyanidin reductase gene (TcLar) in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Left: immature seeds in developing of wild-type (Col-0) Arabidopsis siliques are clear, because they lack anthocyanins. The banyuls (ban) mutant of Arabidopsis lacks a functional ANR gene which is necessary for the production of proanthocyanidins (ProAs). This results in a shift in metabolic flux to the production of anthocyanin, and thus the wine colour of the developing seeds. Introduction of the TcLAR gene restores PS biosynthesis, diverting metabolism away from anthocyanins resulting in the wild-type, clear seed phenotype. Seeds depicted in the right panels demonstrate the presence of ProAs in Col-0 and transgenic ban mutant seeds containing TcLAR. DMACA stains ProAs dark purple, enhancing the differences in appearance of the seeds. These results demonstrate the ability of the cacao LAR protein to function in the ProA biosynthetic pathway as predicted based on its sequence identity to genes from other species (Liu and Guiltinan, in preparation).
based on sequence homology to previously characterised enzymes from other species. The Guiltinan laboratory has used similar approaches with a number of other cacao genes, including genes involved in the defence response pathway. Another use of model plant systems is the use of information about plant development and anatomy to infer new knowledge regarding similar processes in cacao. For example, Swanson et al. (2008) examined the development of cacao flowers and compared this with that of Arabidopsis. Using morphometric and comparative anatomy approaches, this report demonstrated that the stages of development are nearly identical in the two species with the significant difference of speed; the process is much slower in cacao; approximately 30 days as opposed to 14 days in Arabidopsis. This information was used to derive a hypothesis regarding the precise timing and localisation of a MADS box transcription factor LEAFY that is known to regulate flower development in Arabidopsis. Swanson et al. (2006) demonstrated the
precisely predicted expression pattern of LEAFY in cacao using in situ hybridisation. From this analysis, it appears clear that the main mechanisms and developmental programmes regulating flower development are highly conserved between cacao and Arabidopsis. Thus, it is reasonable to extrapolate the detailed information on these processes from Arabidopsis to cacao. Another application of translational biology is in the study of plant– pathogen interactions. In this example, tomato was used as a model plant species to study interactions with the devastating witches’ broom disease of cacao (Marelli et al., 2009) which is caused by the C-biotype of M. perniciosa. While this disease is of major economic importance, the pathogenicity mechanisms and plant responses underlying the disease are difficult to study given the cacao tree’s long life cycle and the limited availability of genetic and genomic resources for this system. The S-biotype of M. perniciosa infects solanaceous hosts, particularly pepper (Capsicum annuum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). These species are much more amenable for performing studies of mechanisms underpinning host–pathogen interactions as compared to cacao. A comparative analysis demonstrated that disease progression in tomato infected with the S-biotype is similar to that described for cacao infected with the C-biotype. The major symptoms observed in both systems are swelling of the infected shoots and activation and proliferation of axillary meristems. Cellular changes observed in infected tissues correspond to an increase in cell size and numbers of xylem vessels and phloem parenchyma along the infected stem. The tomato model system was further utilised to search for disease resistance genes (Marelli and Guiltinan, in preparation). As an alternative cacao host, the tomato plant (S. lycopersicum var. ‘Microtom’ and ‘Santa Clara’), showed susceptibility to the strains of the S-biotype, from Solanum paniculatum (strain 73-6-01), but not to C-biotype strains of M. perniciosa. Comparatively, the tomato’s wild relative, Solanum habrochaites, was highly resistant to the disease when exposed to the same strain of M. perniciosa. One hundred near isogenic lines of tomato containing chromosomal sections of the genome of S. habrochaites in an Solanum lycopersicum background provided specimens to identify genome regions of S. habrochaites that could be responsible for the observed resistance to M. perniciosa. A strong QTL for resistance on the short arm of chromosome 1 was detected for disease severity (P < 0.05), shoot diameter (P < 0.001), and shoot fresh and dry weight (P < 0.0001). That genomic area is known to contain a cluster of genes for resistance against the pathogen Cladosporium fulvum. In the future, these resistance genes could be identified in tomato and homologous genes isolated from cacao. It is possible that similar resistance genes exist in cacao
and these could be targeted for breeding programmes or used in biotechnology approaches for enhanced resistance to witches’ broom. D. CHARACTERISATION OF LEAFY COTYLEDON1-LIKE DURING EMBRYOGENESIS IN CACAO
Cacao can be propagated by somatic embryogenesis, and it is possible to produce somatic embryos and plantlets from a large number of genotypes (Maximova et al., 2002). However, the efficiency of the process is not sufficient for a scaling-up step. Moreover, many genotypes remain recalcitrant to somatic embryogenesis (Figueira and Alemanno, 2004). Information has become available about genes involved in the early and late phases of embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Among them, the leafy cotyledon genes, isolated from loss-of-function mutants in Arabidopsis have a central regulator role in both the early and late phases of embryogenesis, with several functions such as maintaining suspensor cell identity, specification of cotyledon identity, desiccation tolerance, synthesis and accumulation of storage reserves, and inhibition of germination (Harada, 2001). Given the recalcitrance of cacao in somatic embryogenesis, Alemanno et al. (2008) isolated leafy cotyledon gene homologues in cacao (TcL1L) and characterised their structure and function in zygotic and somatic embryos at various stages of development, and in vegetative organs and tissues. TcL1L is a homologue of AtL1L which encodes a 213-amino acid polypeptide with sequence similarity to the HAP3 subunit of the CCAAT binding transcription factor, also called CBF or NF-Y (Lotan et al., 1998). Alemanno et al. (2008) determined the localisation of TcL1L RNAs in zygotic and somatic embryos at different stages by in situ hybridisation. During zygotic embryogenesis, L1L RNA was detected in all tissues and cells of the globular embryos and young cotyledonary stages. During the embryo growth phase, the gene was expressed everywhere, but more in meristematic cells of root and shoot apex. When the embryo had reached its final size, but was still immature, the TcLIL expression drastically decreased and was restricted to the meristematic cells of the shoot and root apex. The expression variation through somatic embryo growth was similar to the one observed in zygotic embryos, even if the intensity was lower in somatic embryos as compared to zygotic ones at equivalent stages. In non-embryogenic primary calli obtained from staminodes, the TcLIL expression was detected in some rare zones of internal meristematic tissue. The results observed by in situ hybridisation were confirmed by RT-qPCR. To assess the functionality of the cacao L1L gene, the Arabidopsis lec1 mutant was transformed by the TcLIL gene. Expression of TcL1L was able to complement most of the morphological defects of lec1At
embryos suggesting a similarity of function in zygotic embryogenesis. These results strongly support a role for TcL1L in cacao embryogenesis similar to the one of L1L in Arabidopsis. The authors concluded that an over-expression of this gene in cacao would be interesting to look for in order to improve cacao somatic embryogenesis.
IX. EPIGENETICS AND REGULATION OF THE CACAO GENOME The term epigenetics is generally used to describe changes to phenotype or to gene expression that arise from mechanisms other than variation in the underlying DNA code. The collective epigenetic control of gene regulation allows plants to exert plasticity in form and function, and therefore, provides the capacity respond to the changing growing environment. This flexibility is essential for sessile organisms like plants since they must endure rather than avoid stochastic and periodic challenges (such as short periods of water shortage or exposure to disease epidemics) that are overlaid onto regular climatic cycles imposed on daily, seasonal and in the case of perennials, yearly time frames. However, plasticity in the response of breeding lines to variations in the growing environment (so-called Genotype Environment [G E] effects) can have a confounding effect on the selection process, and impels breeders of all crops to conduct field trials over several sites and years to mitigate against the effect. Indeed, much of modern agricultural practice, particularly in an arable context, seeks to homogenise growing conditions such that the effects of crop plasticity are minimised. However, this approach is not possible for long-lived perennial crops such as cacao that are predominantly cultivated by small-holder farms and are exposed to a far wider range of growing conditions than their arable counterparts. In these and similar crops, it follows that there is a greater need to develop an understanding of the epigenetic control mechanisms giving rise to phenotypic and physiological plasticity. Several active systems of epigenetic control have been described in plants, most notably histone modifications (Sridhar et al., 2007; Zilberman et al., 2008), the action of small interfering RNAs and DNA methylation (Henderson and Jacobsen, 2007). Of these, it is only DNA methylation that can be heritable between seminal generations and where greatest interest has resided for crop application. There are several ways in which the study of epigenetics can yield tangible benefits for the productivity of a crop. Perhaps, the simplest and most direct of these relate to the characterisation of unwanted epigenetic changes arising from in vitro culture. Such changes commonly
correlate with somaclonal variants arising from in vitro culture (Kaeppler et al., 2000). Perhaps, the most celebrated example of this in a tropical perennial crop comes from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Development of a high-throughput system of somatic embryogenesis in this crop led to commercial-scale application of the protocol in Malaysia for the vegetative multiplication of elite clones and their transfer into plantations (Corley et al., 1986). Whilst vegetative growth characteristics of the regenerants from in vitro culture appear normal, around 5% of plants developed abnormal flowers in which stamen primordia were converted into carpel-like tissues (Jaligot et al., 2004). This condition, known as mantled fruit, only becomes apparent during flowering (2–3 years after germination) when it prevents harvestable yield in all affected individuals. Matthes et al. (2001) investigated the mechanisms giving rise to the phenomenon using conventional Amplified Fragment-Length Polymorphism (AFLP) (using methylation-insensitive restriction enzymes), but also with a technique known as methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism or MSAP analysis, that uses methylation sensitive restriction enzymes that target the same DNA sequence recognition motif (isochizomers). They found no consistent differences in AFLP profiles generated with insensitive restriction enzymes, implying a lack of genetic differentiation between phenotypically normal and abnormal palms. In contrast, there was genome-wide demethylation in the mantelled forms from the MSAP results, with 0.3% of the amplicons generated by the methylation sensitive HpaIII proving to be polymorphic between forms. Isolation of nine of these markers and their use as Southern probes indicated that all derived single-copy sequences. Later, Jaligot and colleagues (2004) made a concerted effort to identify a universal epigenetic marker associated with the mantelled phenotype by isolating discriminatory products between ‘mantelled regenerants’ and the source ortet plants using 64 MSAP primer combinations. The authors noted that none of the 23 candidate epigenetic marks isolated could discriminate between phenotypes in genotypes other than the ortet-regenerant pairing from which they were isolated. They also reported that CCGG methylation contexts were notably less affected by the genome-wide demethylation associated with in vitro culture. This finding has resonance with more fundamental studies on the mechanisms creating and maintaining DNA methylation. Cytosine methylation in the CpG context appears to be the only form of methylation that can be inherited between generations in plants (Mathieu et al., 2007; Saze et al., 2003) and is maintained by a collection of DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs). Changes to the methylation status of specific CpG sites can be associated with changed expression and can result in disrupted phenotype such as a change of floral symmetry in Linaria vulgaris and with increased stamen number in Arabidopsis (Cubas et al., 1999;
Jacobsen and Meyerowitz, 1997). It is perhaps for this reason that much of the efforts to relate methylation changes to phenotype have focussed on changes to the methylation status of crops in this context. In many ways, the story of somatic embryogenesis in cacao has mirrored that seen in oil palm. Cacao is a recalcitrant species in tissue culture and somatic embryogenesis systems initially proved to be highly problematic. However, the development of systems based on the use of immature floral tissues as explants (Alemanno et al., 1996; Li et al., 1998; Lopezbaez et al., 1993; Maximova et al., 2002) eventually allowed the creation of efficient transformation protocols (Antunez de Mayolo et al., 2003; Maximova et al., 2003; Perry et al., 2000; Silva et al., 2009), new methods for cryopreserving cacao genotypes (Fang et al., 2004) and even a novel system for the removal of viral infection (Quainoo et al., 2008). In all cases, the economic utility of the systems created could be compromised by excessive genetic or epigenetic change occurring prior to plant regeneration. Maximova et al. (2008) surveyed for phenotypic abnormalities arising from such perturbations by studying six agronomic traits in somatic embryogenesis regenerants from nine ortets grown under field conditions. They found no significant differences between the somatic embryo-derived trees as a whole and isogenic cuttings derived from the same trees, implying that obvious epigenetic abnormalities such as the mantelled inflorescences of oil palm do not appear in cacao following somatic embryogenesis. This important work highlighted the commercial potential of the technique for large-scale multiplication of stocks and possibly for germ plasm storage. The work further served to limit concerns about the appearance of aberrant cacao plants from somatic embryogenesis to cryptic changes, at least for the protocol employed in the study. There are nevertheless some grounds for questioning whether there are always such high levels of genetic and epigenetic fidelity among regenerants. For example, Rodriguez-Lopez et al. (2004) surveyed for slippage mutations among 233 cacao regenerants of somatic embryogenesis using mapped microsatellites (Lanaud et al., 1999b; Risterucci et al., 2000) and found evidence of fixed or chimeric de novo mutations in 33% of the regenerants studied. Similar rates of substitution mutations (2.8 10 3 substitutions/ base screened) were similarly reported in 26% (of 114) cacao regenerants studied by Rodriguez-Lopez et al. (2010a). Furthermore, the first direct comparison of genetic and epigenetic change arising from somatic embryogenesis produced some rather surprising results (Rodrı´guez-Lopez et al., 2010b). As expected, the 15 microsatellite markers used proved to be highly conserved among leaves taken from source trees, with only a single slippage mutation being noted in one marker from one leaf of one tree. In common with previous studies, genetic variation among somatic embryogenesis
regenerants was again high, with at least one slippage being detected in 35% of regenerants. Interestingly, the frequency of genetic variation initially seemed to increase in frequency with time in callus culture but then to decline. Epigenetic profiling by multivariate analysis of MSAP results revealed clear differences between leaf and staminode tissues (used as an explant source material) on the source trees. The study reported that leaves taken from regenerant plants occupied an intermediate position between those occupied between the explant tissue (staminodes) and the leaves of the source tree. Curiously, various statistical analyses applied to these profiles revealed that leaf profiles of late-emerging regenerants were far closer to those of the parental leaves than those from the earlier regenerants. Thus, the authors appeared to have shown that, counter-intuitively, the late regenerants are both genetically and epigenetically closer to the original source trees than those arising early from culture. By implication, this finding suggested that mutation and epigenetic divergence do not simply accumulate during callus culture. The authors hypothesised that the results could be most plausibly explained if, after an initial period when mutations increase with time in culture, increasing metabolic loads in mutant and epimutant cell lineages meant that they progressively lose their totipotency. In this way, only those lineages that remain free of mutations and epimutations retain the capacity to produce late somatic embryos. As a consequence, late-forming regenerants tended to contain fewer genetic and epigenetic abnormalities. If confirmed, these results would seem to imply scope for subtle changes in culture protocols could have a profound effect on the genetic and epigenetic integrity of the regenerated plants they produce. Moreover, it may ultimately prove possible to use a combination of genetic and epigenetic profiling in this way to optimise in vitro protocols to minimise the incidence of somaclonal variation. A key limitation of MSAP-based epigenetic profiling such as those described above arises from the anonymous nature of the amplicons generated by the technique. This means that it can be difficult to uncover causal relationships between epigenetic change and associated changes to gene expression or to phenotype. One way to circumvent this difficulty is to seek to exploit existing knowledge of gene pathways that control traits of general agronomic importance using the model plant Arabidopsis. Tricker et al. (2008) used this strategy to exploit the apparently conserved nature of genetic control of stomatal density to investigate epigenetic control of plasticity in Arabidopsis in their response to changes in relative humidity. Water use efficiency (WUE) denotes the physiological balance between the photosynthetic assimilation of carbon from carbon dioxide and the loss of water through transpiration, largely through the stomatal pores. As a feature, WUE has huge importance since it can restrict crop productivity and
influence the distribution, fitness and ecological range of both wild and cultivated species. The development of stomata is under control of a wellcharacterised gene pathway (Pilliterri et al., 2007) and is itself determined by WUE (Lake and Woodward, 2008). Thus, plants appear to be able to maintain plasticity in their capacity to moderate stomatal density during subsequent leaf growth in response to changes in water availability. Tricker and colleagues (2008) first sought to investigate whether this plasticity was mediated by epigenetic control in Arabidopsis, with an ultimate aim of studying the phenomenon in cacao. The team focussed their efforts on screening for the impact of environmental change in the methylation status and expression of genes implicated in the stomatal development pathway. Change in stomatal density was induced in four replicated experiments of cv. ‘Landsberg erecta’ by lowering the relative humidity from 65% in the control sets to 45% in the treated samples. As expected, stomatal density fell under the low relative humidity conditions, as did dry weight and seed set. Methyl capture of genomic DNA followed by qPCR using primers targeting all genes in the stomatal development pathway revealed that methylation status of two genes in the pathway (SPEECHLESS and FAMA) was markedly more methylated under low relative humidity. High resolution melting analysis of the same loci following bisulphite treatment appeared to confirm the finding. Thus, it appeared that the reduction in stomatal frequency was negatively correlated with the increased methylation of the two genes marking the start (SPEECHLESS) and end (FAMA) of the gene pathway controlling stomatal development. The group is currently exploring expression of these genes, with the expectation that, in common with many other systems, expression of both SPEECHLESS and FAMA will be markedly reduced by the induction of de novo methylation by low relative humidity conditions. They are also studying the inheritance of methylation patterns and phenotypic response to the same stress in the seminal generations. In the longer term, there is ambition to transfer the results to cacao. As part of this effort, they have now isolated putative homologues of both SPEECHLESS and FAMA, along with genes implicated in the initiation and maintenance of methylation (sequence homologues of the methyl S-transferase genes MET1 and DRM1/ 2 responsible for maintenance and de novo methylation of CpG sites in Arabidopsis). They have also confirmed that at least some cacao plants respond in a similar manner to reduced relative humidity as Arabidopsis, implying similar mechanisms may be in operation. In the longer term, the planned provision of a complete genome sequence for cacao will facilitate comprehensive screening of the genome for base-pair resolution of methylation in the face of various environmental stresses that evoke plastic responses such as that described above. This provision will undoubtedly open the way
for developing a fuller understanding of plasticity and will ultimately help optimise agronomic practices to minimise adverse plastic responses that impinge on harvestable yield. As yet, however, agricultural epigenetics should be regarded as an emergent field but one likely to yield greatest benefits for perennial crops such as cacao.
X. MOLECULAR GENETIC STUDIES OF IMPORTANT CACAO TRAITS AS SUPPORT FOR GENOMIC STUDIES Selection of improved cacao clones for resistance and/or bean quality is the main goal of all genomic and genetic studies presently conducted. The combination of functional genomics and genetic approaches will facilitate the identification of candidate genes underlying QTLs, and the further exploitation of genetic resources for cacao breeding. Over the last 20 years, a large number of molecular genetic markers were developed and used for genetic studies of cacao useful traits. These studies will be the basis to discover the genes underlying trait variation. A. PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES
Each national institution has mostly its own collection of genetic resources used for breeding programmes. However, two international collections, with plant material available for all research community, exist. The largest one, the International Cocoa Genebank, is located at Cocoa Research Unit (CRU, University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago). This collection comprises more than 2000 accessions from all genetic groups, and particularly Forastero accessions collected in the Upper-Amazon regions of Peru and Ecuador. The second international collection is located in the Centro Agronmico Tropical de Investigacin y Ensen˜anza (CATIE, Costa Rica) and comprises 1107 accessions from different genetic origins, but is richer in Criollo and Trinitario types. Other collections are available in Brazil. The Comissa˜o Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC) has two important cacao germ plasm collections, one established at the Estac¸a˜o de Recursos Gene´ticos Jose´ Haroldo (ERJOH), at Marituba, Para´ state, and the other established at the Cocoa Research Center—CEPEC in Itabuna, Bahia. The former, currently, holds 1800 Forastero accessions (denominated Cacao of the Brazilian Amazon—CAB), of which 940 were of clonal origin and 877 are families derived from open-pollinated seedlings, representing 36 river basins of the 186 Brazilian Amazon basins (Almeida et al., 1995; Bartley, 2005). The second one holds 1300 accessions of several genetic groups
including accessions of more than 20 countries, origin centre, farms and breeding selection. Others important collections are located in Ecuador and Peru. Ecuador’s collection is considered as a very important one because the amount of the genetic diversity it contains; it holds mainly Forastero and ‘Nacional’ populations.
Genomic markers were the first ones produced and among them Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) was first used to establish genetic maps and detect QTLs in cacao (Crouzillat et al., 1996; Lanaud et al., 1995). However, with the development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, other types of markers, such as microsatellites or SSRs, have been produced and extensively used in further cacao genetic studies (Brown et al., 2005; Lanaud et al., 1999a,b; Pugh et al., 2004; Risterucci et al., 2000). The high level of polymorphism of SSR markers allowed their mapping in most of the studied progenies, and consequently enabled map and QTL comparisons between the many genetic maps produced. In the last years, most of the markers developed for cacao were defined in genes to facilitate the identification of candidate genes involved in trait elaboration. Two main strategies were adopted for this goal: production of markers (i) from defence gene analogues isolated using degenerated primers and (ii) from EST libraries. In the first strategy, resistance and defence gene analogue (RGA/ DGA) sequences were isolated in cacao using a PCR approach with degenerate primers designed from conserved domains of plant resistance and defence genes identified in other species. Such degenerate primers were defined in the nucleotide-binding site (NBS) motif present in a number of resistance genes such as in: (i) the tobacco N gene (Kuhn et al., 2003, 2006; Lanaud et al., 2004); (ii) the subdomains of plant serine–threonine kinases like Pto tomato gene and (iii) conserved domains of two defence gene families: class 2 and five PR proteins (1-3 glucanase and thaumatin genes; Lanaud et al., 2004). In all, 6 and 16 RGA/ DGA were mapped by Kuhn et al. (2003) and Lanaud et al. (2004), respectively. Several co-localisations were observed between RGAs, DGAs and QTLs for resistance to Phytophthora detected in several progenies, particularly on chromosome 4, where a cluster of Pto-like sequences and four QTLs for resistance to Phytophthora have been identified. WRKY genes—which are responsible for the regulation of plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses—were also isolated by Borrone et al. (2004) using degenerate PCR primers designed in the conserved DNA-binding domain and other conserved motifs of the studied genes. Four individual WRKY fragments have been mapped by these authors.
From 3487 ESTs developed by Gesteira et al. (2007), 505 EST-SSRs were identified, with three types of motifs: dinucleotides (72.1%), trinucleotides (27.3%) and tetranucleotides (0.6%) (Lima et al., 2008, 2010). A high frequency of SSRs was found at the 50 untranslated region (UTR) and in the Open Reading Frame (ORF) (about 27%), while a low frequency (about 8%) was observed at the 30 UTR. The difference of SSR numbers between the two UTR regions may be related to a longer 50 UTR sequence due to the directional sequencing made from the 50 end for all the ESTs in order to avoid the polyA tail sequencing (Gesteira et al., 2007). In these conditions, the 50 UTR was systematically sequenced, while the 30 UTR was either partially or not sequenced, depending of the ORF length and sequencing capacities. Fortynine EST-SSR primers were designed and evaluated in 21 cacao accessions presenting different resistance levels to witches’ broom disease, with 12 revealing polymorphism with a total of 47 alleles, and an average of 3.9 alleles per locus. Among the 12 polymorphic EST-SSR markers, two were mapped on the Sca6 ICS1 F2 population, reference for witches’ broom disease resistance (Lima et al., 2010). In parallel, the EST collection produced by Argout et al. (2008) provided a larger number of genetic markers found in genes. A total of 2252 SSRs were identified in 2164 unigenes. Dimers and trimers were the most common types and represented 94.2% of SSRs found in unigenes. The poly(AG)n and poly(AAG)n groups were the most abundant motifs in cacao unigenes. A first subset of 314 EST-SSR displaying a similarity with known function genes was screened for its polymorphism on 8 contrasting genotypes, revealing 174 polymorphic SSR, and among them, 115 which could be mapped in the reference map (Lanaud et al., 2006; Fouet et al., in preparation). Dinucleotide repeat loci revealed more polymorphisms (78%) among cacao genotypes compared to those revealed by trinucleotide repeat loci (58%). The polymorphism of SSRs loci differs according to the different gene regions: the protein-coding sequences (CDS) region is the least polymorphic, with 54% of polymorphic loci, compared with non-coding untranslated 50 UTR regions (69%) and 30 UTR regions (82%) (Fouet et al., in preparation). In this study, the 50 UTR region is less polymorphic than the 30 UTR region. This result is in agreement with a better conservation of the coding sequences and the presence of important regions involved in the regulation of gene expression in the 50 UTR that needs to be more conserved. These results differ from Lima et al. (2008) due to the method used for sequencing. Diversity in these EST-SSRs sequences is thought to have significant impact on gene function and regulation (Young et al., 2000). Variation in the length of SSR motifs in non-coding sequences of genes (i.e. promoters, UTRs and introns) may affect the process of transcription and translation through slippage, gene silencing and pre-mRNA splicing as has been
observed for many human diseases disorders (Kim et al., 2001). EST-SSRs cacao markers, particularly those based on such non-coding untranslated 50 UTR regions could be useful as ‘functional genetic markers’ for various diversity and association mapping studies. SNP markers were more recently defined in cacao. Using 153 resistancerelated sequences from ESTs libraries related to witches’ broom disease resistance (Gesteira et al., 2007), Lima et al. (2009) detected, by in silico analysis, 71 putative SNPs, which remain to be validated. Forty-four per cent of the putative SNPs were found in ORFs, and 32% at the 50 UTR; 42% and 34% of these SNPs were synonymous and non-synonymous, respectively. A large number of SNPs was also identified in the Argout et al. (2008) EST collection. In order to avoid contigs containing paralogues, contigs including 4–100 sequences were selected and allowed to define 5246 SNP in 2012 contigs. Transitions (A/T–G/C) represented 54.2% of the SNPs found, transversions 32.1% and InDels 13.7% (Argout et al., 2008). A panel of 1536 SNP was selected in genes having similarity with known function genes. Based on the Illumina Golden Gate technology, they were used to genotype several mapping and diversity populations (Allegre et al., in preparation). Kuhn et al. (2009) identified SNPs from leaf transcriptome isolated from 20 cacao genotypes from the various genetic groups defined by Motamayor et al. (2008). cDNAs were sequenced using the 454 roche and Illumina GAII (Solexa) technologies. A pool of 285,000 putative SNP was identified with the goal to establish a 30K Illumina Infinium chip. C. GENETIC MAPS FOR QTLS AND ASSOCIATION STUDIES
The first genetic maps were established by Lanaud et al. (1995) and Crouzillat et al. (1996). The map established by Lanaud et al. (1995) was based on an F1 progeny resulting from a cross between two heterozygous cacao genotypes: an Upper-Amazon Forastero (‘UPA 402’) and a Trinitario (‘UF 676’): this ‘reference’ map was successively enriched by all new markers produced (Pugh et al., 2004; Risterucci et al., 2000). More recently, 450 SNP markers were added to this reference map (Allegre et al., (in preparation)). Several other maps dedicated to QTLs analyses were established from various progenies listed in Lanaud et al. (2009). Some consensus maps have been established by Brown et al. (2007) and Lanaud et al. (2008) to be able to carry out meta-QTL analyses. The number of markers and size of these consensus maps were, respectively, 291 markers for 782.6 cM and 676 markers for 807.3 cM. QTLs and association studies are an anchoring step to carry out MAS, as well as to identify the genes underlying the trait variation, to clone them and
to study their allelic diversity in genetic resources. In cacao, numerous QTLs or association studies have been carried out to study the genetic bases of useful traits. A large number of them were related to disease resistance, particularly resistance to: (i) black pod (Flament et al., 2000; Lanaud et al., 2004a; Motilal et al., 2000; Risterucci et al., 2003); (ii) witches’ broom disease (Albuquerque and Figueira, 2004; Brown et al., 2005; Faleiro et al., 2006; Figueira et al., 2006; Queiroz et al., 2003) and (iii) frosty pod (Brown et al., 2007). QTL analyses were also carried out to study yield factors, seed and fruit traits, quality traits and other morphological or biochemical traits (Cle´ment et al, 2003a,b; Crouzillat et al., 1996, 2000a,b, 2003; Lanaud et al., 1999a,b, 2003, 2004b; N’Goran et al., 2000). Several statistical methods have been described to identify QTLs (Jansen, 1996). Most of the QTLs are generally detected from controlled crosses and characterised by their map position, their contribution in trait variation (R2), their LOD score and confidence interval (CI). The detected QTLs depend on the diversity of the two parents at the origin of the progenies. In cacao, numerous QTL studies have been carried out from controlled crosses to investigate the genetic bases of useful traits. More recently, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are increasingly being used to study complex trait genetic bases. GWAS allow the detection of a wider diversity of QTLs in a same population. First developed in human genetics to identify genes involved in diseases, its efficiency has been proven in plants, and particularly in cacao, in order to detect genome regions involved in trait variations (Marcano et al., 2007; Pugh, 2005; Schnell et al., 2005). Association mapping studies could be carried out in populations with a large genetic base, which could correspond to wild or cultivated populations, or to germ plasm collections. The number of recombinations following the first population ancestors crosses is influencing the power of resolution of marker/trait association and could reduce the CI of QTL detection. This method is particularly useful for cacao studies for which large controlled progenies are not always available; indeed, recent hybrid populations are generally planted for cultivation and can be the basis for such GWAS studies which are a good complement of classic QTL analyses. In total, about 300 QTLs or marker/trait associations were detected for the various traits (Lanaud et al., 2009). However, QTL mapping or association studies experiments are generally totally heterogeneous, involving different types of populations (F1, F2 and back crosses), variable sample sizes, parents of diverse genetic origins, and under various environmental conditions, different methods of trait evaluation and even different markers to establish genetic maps. A comparative QTL mapping is a difficult but a necessary challenge to synthesize all QTL information for
cacao improvement using MAS strategies as well as to establish links with functional genomics. Until now, bioinformatic tools, integrated in the CocoaGenDB database (Ruiz et al., 2003; Argout et al., 2006; see Section X) allowed to compare part of the QTLs detected in different maps, using CMAP, a web-based tool that allows users to view comparisons of genetic and physical maps (http://gmod. This comparison was based on the common markers between maps allows for the alignment of the homologous groups and their corresponding QTLs. Several approaches have been developed more recently for the comparison and integration of multiple QTL mapping experiments, after the establishment of a consensus map. A meta-analysis approach, developed by Goffinet and Gerber (2000) and carried out with the ‘Biomercator’ software (Arcade et al., 2004), allows using the existing published QTL information (location, R2, CI) to determine the most probable real number of QTLs, their position and new CI. Such analyses were made recently by Lanaud et al. (2009) to investigate the genetic bases of disease resistance traits for which 76 QTLs were detected in 16 different experiments located in various countries. The advantages of this meta-analysis strategy is not only to localise all markers and QTLs in a single figure representing the linkage groups but also to synthesise all the information related to a cluster of QTL by identifying consensus QTLs. Moreover, there was a twofold reduction in average CI observed when compared with the CI of individual QTLs (Lanaud et al., 2009). For some traits, like Phytophthora resistance, for which a large body of QTL information exists, this meta-analysis has highlighted genome ‘hot spot’ where QTLs detected in different studies are localised in same genome region. At least eight genomic regions appeared clearly involved in Phytophthora resistance. Some hot spots corresponded to QTLs related to resistance to different species of Phytophthora or even different diseases, suggesting common resistance mechanisms. Such meta-analyses were also carried out for other cacao traits of interest as seed and fruit traits, and developmental traits that also highlighted hot spots gathering QTLs for the same trait identified in very different experiments (Lanaud, unpublished data). The QTLs distribution is not homogenous along the genome and between the chromosomes. It varies from 1.1 QTL/10 cM to 8.74 QTL/cM according to the chromosomes. The detection of QTLs depends on the presence of heterozygous loci at the QTL level, allowing the segregation of markers and phenotypic traits in the progeny. The lower density of QTL present in some chromosome regions could be explained by a lower gene heterozygosity in these genome regions or by a difference in gene space distribution along the genome (Lanaud, unpublished data). A comparative QTL and candidate
gene mapping are among the first step towards the discovery of genes underlying trait variations. An increased precision of QTL location, provided by such a meta-analysis, will facilitate the establishment of these links between genetic and genomic approaches. In a second step, a refined QTL localisation provided by association studies (or fine mapping) will be necessary before validating candidate gene involvement in a studied trait. Such a fine mapping approach is presently conducted for the positional cloning of a major QTL involved in witches’ broom resistance (Cle´ment et al., 2006).
XI. BIOINFORMATIC RESOURCES FOR CACAO FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS Cacao molecular and phenotypic data are stored in several open access databases: –
The International Cocoa Germ Plasm Database (ICGD), which was developed by the University of Reading (, provides phenotypic information on cacao germ plasm. It comprises around 14,127 different entries with detailed information on genetic and geographic origins, history of collection expeditions, morphology, pest, disease and stress reactions, quality and agronomic characteristics and anatomical data. – TropGENE-DB, which was developed by Ruiz et al. (2004), is organised on a crop basis with presently ten modules (cacao, banana, coconut, coffee, oil palm, rice, rubber tree, sorghum and sugarcane). TropGENE-DB is based on the RDMS MySQL software. The most common data stored in TropGENE-DB are genetic and physical maps, marker information, QTL, sequence data and molecular data on genetic resources. To display genetic or physical maps, the TropGENE-DB system uses CMAP; a web-based map viewer from the GMOD consortium, which operates on relational databases. A development that allows the use of CMAP to display maps from data in TropGENE-DB has been carried out with the Perl language. It is planned to add a link with Gbrowse, the genome browser of the GMOD consortium. TropGENEDB model flexibility allows adding new types of data such as ESTs, BAC libraries, SNPs as they become available. Presently, the cacao module comprises around 500 clones with their genotypes at various markers (RFLP, AFLP, microsatellites, isozymes, etc.), 7 genetic maps and their corresponding detected QTLs, and information on the markers themselves. – CocoaGenDB, which is a Web portal combining molecular genetic information contained in TropGENE-DB with phenotypic data contained
in ICGD. It has been developed through a collaborative project involving Cirad (France), University of Reading (School of Plants Sciences, UK) and USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). CocoaGenDB is available through the internet at the URL A userfriendly and intuitive web consultation interface allows the performance of complex queries combining genetic and phenotypic information and clone genealogy. This new database is specifically designed to allow endusers (breeders or molecular geneticists) to best exploit genetic information available on cacao germ plasm (Argout et al., 2006). – ESTtik (Expressed Sequence Tag Treatment and Investigation Kit), which is a specific tool constructed to manage and store cDNA sequences (Argout et al., 2008). ESTtik is an information system that contains a pipeline for processing, a database and a web site publically available ( for querying data. The ESTtik pipeline program is a set of Perl packages which contain a main program related to nine modules in charge of completing different processing. The pipeline executes a series of programs to assess quality of nucleotides from chromatograms, then edits, and assembles the input DNA sequence information into a non-redundant data set. Then microsatellites are searched for in the unigene. It is used as input for an annotation against public databases including an extraction of Gene Ontology terms. All the results produced by automatic processing are finally stored into XML files. The information collected from individual program modules of the pipeline is stored into a MySQL database. The database model was specially designed using the UML technology to fit data. To visualise Blast results, database records can be accessed using seven query pages combining PerlCGI, HTML, Javascript and Flash technologies.
XII. CACAO GENETICS RESEARCH COMMUNITY The cacao research community is widely dispersed worldwide. However, many cacao researchers collaborate on large number of projects involving genomics and plant breeding. To foster these interactions, the International Group for Genetic Improvement of Cocoa (INGENIC) was created in 1994 to promote the exchange of information and international collaboration on cacao genetics and improvement of cacao planting materials. The membership currently includes approximately 248 members, representing 35 developing and developed countries around the world. Members of Ingenic share research progress through publication of a Newsletter and in workshops held every 3 years. Informal communications are facilitated using a listserve email forum. The
newsletter, proceedings of the workshops and instructions for joining INGENIC can be found on the group web site (
XIII. CONCLUSION T. cacao has been neglected for a long time due to its tropical nature and long generation period, with a few number of research teams involved in its study. Nevertheless, cacao is an important commodity which represents a large source of income for more than 20 million people in Africa, Asia, South America and many developing countries. Approximately 90% of the production, mainly from the Ivory Cost, Ghana and Indonesia, are exported as beans or semi-manufactured cacao products to Europe and the USA. Currently, farmers have to face numerous cacao diseases and potentially plant biotechnology and publically available molecular resources could improve the actual farmer scenario. Particularly, cacao genome sequencing, associated with integrated genomic and genetic studies, could certainly accelerate the understanding of the main cacao useful traits (resistance, quality) and breeding.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank C. Hamelin and J. C. Breitler for supplementary information provided on bioinformatics databases and RNA interference experiments.
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The Ecological Water-Use Strategies of Succulent Plants
*Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. The Diversity and Distribution of Succulent Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Diversity of Succulent Life Forms and Associated Functional Syndromes ......................................................... B. Common Anatomical and Structural Features of Water Storage Tissue ................................................................ C. Phylogenetic Diversity ......................................................... D. Geographical Distributions ................................................... III. Ecological Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Drought Avoidance ............................................................ B. Salinity Tolerance .............................................................. IV. New Challenges for Succulence Research: Understanding Variation and Placing Succulence in an Evolutionary Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Succulence is not a Binary Trait ............................................. B. ‘‘What is Succulence?’’ Revisited............................................. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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ABSTRACT Plants with pronounced succulent tissues present considerable morphological and phylogenetic diversity. One way to make sense of this diversity is to recognise the common elements comprising ecological strategies shared by diverse taxa and forms. 1
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Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 55 Copyright 2010, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0065-2296/10 $35.00 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2296(10)55004-3
We review two broad plant ecological strategies often accompanied by pronounced tissue succulence, drought avoidance and salt tolerance, and identify common elements and variations within each. Drought-avoiding succulence typically involves high-capacitance water storage tissues, which buffer the transpiration stream and extend carbon uptake during drought. In contrast, water storage in salt-tolerant succulence is thought to be largely a by-product of massive ionic accumulation in vacuoles, and we show preliminary results indicating that succulence in halophytes is not closely linked to tissue capacitance. We review the relationship between crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis and succulence, identifying putative anatomical features that may explain the frequent association of these two traits. Furthermore, although a high adaptive value of CAM has been proposed for halophytes, it is infrequent in these plants, possibly because of conflict between malate and salt storage functions in vacuoles. This may explain the surprising rarity of evolutionary transitions between drought-avoiding and halophytic succulence. We also discuss the exceptional case of the Aizoaceae, a mostly drought-avoiding group that appears to have evolved a high degree of salt tolerance, possibly multiple times. Finally, we discuss the need for a widely applicable method of quantifying succulence as a continuous trait.
I. INTRODUCTION There is not amongst the strange and admirable plants of the world any one, that giveth more cause of marvell, or more mooveth the minde to honor and laud the Creator, then this plant, which is called of the Indians in their mother toong Vragua, which is as much to say, a torch, taper, or waxe candle, whereupon it hath been called in Latine of those that understoode the Indian toong, Cereus, or a torch. Gerard’s Herbal (1597), cited in Rowley, 1997 For centuries, plants with pronounced succulence have piqued the interest of botanists and plant collectors the world over with their bizarre and unusual forms. More than just botanical oddities, however, the strange morphologies of highly succulent plants underlie their specialisation to environmentally stressful conditions. The strong morphological and ecophysiological convergence among many disparate lineages with succulent tissues (Eggli and Nyffeler, 2009) provides researchers with unparalleled evolutionary replication of the adaptive experiment (Pagel, 1994). An examination of succulence thus presents an excellent opportunity to identify adaptive links between morphology, physiology, and ecology. In this review, we examine the ecological strategies associated with different kinds of succulence, synthesising the current state of research in this field and outlining promising avenues for future investigation.
Fig. 1. Diversity of life forms in succulent plants. (A) Lobivia formosa (Cactaceae, Caryophyllales), San Juan, Argentina. (B) Anacampseros sp. (Anacampserotaceae, Caryophyllales), Cederberg, Western Cape, South Africa. (C) Tylecodon reticulatus (Crassulaceae, Saxifragales), Knersvlakte, Western Cape, South Africa. (D) Beaucarnea gracilis (Ruscaceae, Asparagales) Oaxaca, Mexico. (E) Puna clavarioides (Cactaceae, Caryophyllales), San Juan, Argentina. (F) Halophytum ameghinoi (Halophytaceae, Caryophyllales), San Juan, Argentina.
But first, what is succulence, exactly? In a morphological sense, plants are called ‘‘succulent’’ when they have specialised water-storing tissues resulting in a swollen appearance of the leaves, stems, roots, or of some combination of these organs (Fig. 1). Such taxa often have unusual growth forms; many
are leafless and have transferred photosynthetic function to the stem (Fig. 1A), some are geophytic and maintain most of their tissue underground (Fig. 1E), while others are trees maintaining water stores in enormous swollen trunks (Fig. 1F). Early descriptions of succulent plants focused primarily on their odd morphologies (Rowley, 1997), and to this day almost anyone who knows even a little about plants will immediately recognise a cactus or an aloe as a succulent simply based on its unusual morphological gestalt. However, while taxa such as cacti and aloes are obvious examples of plants with pronounced succulence, there is clearly a continuum of variation in land plants spanning a spectrum of tissue water storage ability. It is therefore not entirely correct to refer to taxa as ‘‘succulent’’ or otherwise because this implies a binary state where none exists. While we use the term ‘‘succulent plant’’ in this review, we do so with the caveat that this is a convenience to avoid the occasional verbal awkwardness of the more semantically correct terminology: ‘‘plants with pronounced succulence’’, ‘‘highly succulent plants’’, or referring only to succulence, the trait. While succulence is commonly and intuitively defined on a morphological basis, a less prominent, though important, viewpoint treats it as primarily an ecophysiological phenomenon. In this view, succulence is seen in terms of its effect on the plant’s ability to function and survive in its particular habitat, most prominently as a component of water-use strategy. Although even some of the earliest attempts to define succulence recognised the ability of these plants to withstand desiccation (Rowley, 1997), only relatively recently has research begun to identify the ecophysiological traits associated with a succulent morphology. This functional perspective has provided two important, and seemingly contradictory, observations: while there is great morphological and phylogenetic diversity among highly succulent plants, there is also often broad convergence in water-use strategies among morphologically dissimilar taxa; at the same time, many succulent taxa that may look very similar morphologically in fact make their living in extremely different ways. This review will focus on the ecological water-use strategies of succulent plants, defining and detailing two principal functional strategies that accompany succulence: drought avoidance and salinity tolerance. Many of the functionally oriented definitions of succulence that have been offered (summarised in Eggli and Nyffeler, 2009) focus almost exclusively on drought-avoiding plants, perhaps because they include nearly all of the horticulturally popular taxa, or perhaps simply because these taxa are so diverse. We argue that salt-tolerant succulents represent an alternative and equally important means of utilising tissue water storage in ecological adaptation. And, as we highlight, there are some fascinating exceptions that are
not unambiguously assignable to either strategy, but instead seem to incorporate functional attributes from each. In addition to water-use strategies, we also review and discuss aspects of carbon uptake and radiation budgets particular to succulent plants. Before discussing in more detail the ecophysiology of succulence, however, we offer a brief overview of the different succulent growth forms, the general anatomical features common to succulents, the taxonomic distribution of the major succulent lineages, and their geographical distribution.
Succulence manifests in a bewildering array of forms. Any organ of the plant body may be specialised for tissue water storage, whether leaves, stems, or roots. In some cases, more than one organ on a single plant is quite succulent (e.g. stems and leaves in Tylecodon reticulatus (Fig. 1C), stems and roots in Puna clavarioides (Fig. 1E), leaves and roots in Grahamia bracteata). Furthermore, pronounced succulence is not limited to any particular life form; annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, and trees may all feature significant water storage tissues. Possession of highly succulent organs may impose particular biomechanical constraints, which underlies some of the bizarre forms seen in highly succulent taxa, for example, the frequency of stem succulents, compact rosettes, or sprawling, succulent-leaved herbs (e.g. Lampranthus maximiliani; Fig. 4C). In the bulk of succulent taxa, water is stored either in or immediately adjacent to photosynthetic tissues, indicating an intimate relationship between succulence and daily carbon uptake and growth. These species are commonly referred to as ‘‘leaf succulents’’ or ‘‘stem succulents’’, depending on the storage tissue. Taxa with this tissue arrangement encompass an incredible diversity in life forms, from arborescent cacti to epiphytic orchids to ‘‘living stones’’ (e.g. Lithops, Conophytum (Aizoaceae)). Leaves may be entirely absent or early caducous in development, as in many Cactaceae, or they may be the primary succulent organ of the plant, as in Crassulaceae, Agavaceae, Asphodeloideae, and most Aizoaceae. In some cases, succulent leaves are deciduous in response to drought or seasonality, although most commonly they are retained on the plant (von Willert et al., 1992). Interestingly, most taxa in which photosynthetic and water storage tissues are closely
associated also either use some form of CAM photosynthesis (Section III.A.3) or are members of lineages in which crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) occurs (Sayed, 2001). Furthermore, these taxa share broad features of their water relations. They tend to maintain comparatively high water potentials even during drought and they often use their water stores to buffer and extend photosynthesis on both a diurnal and seasonal basis. These features are remarkably consistent across a broad range of life forms, representing multiple evolutionary origins of this particular ecological syndrome. Many other highly succulent taxa store water and starch in a separate part of the plant from the photosynthetic tissue, usually a non-photosynthetic stem or some combination of stem and root tissues. Because the term ‘‘caudex’’ is a non-specific term referring to any part of the root-shoot axis, the term ‘‘caudiciform’’ is an acceptable generic term to refer to plants with such a morphology, whether they are trees, shrubs, vines, or geophytes (Rowley, 1987). Again, taxa with this combination of traits do not represent a phylogenetic grouping. In these species, water is most commonly stored in a matrix of parenchymatous wood (Chapotin et al., 2006c; Hearn, 2009; Olson, 2003), although it may also be stored in primary cortical or pith tissues (Mauseth, 2004). Leaves are most commonly seasonally- or drought-deciduous, and as such are rarely very xeromorphic or succulent. These plants generally use the C3 pathway, with only a few exceptions in which the caudiciform habit evolved within a CAM lineage (e.g. Tylecodon (Crassulaceae; Fig. 1C)). Succulent halophytic plants stand distinctly apart from the more ‘‘typical’’ succulents discussed above. Morphologically, they encompass a small subset of the diversity of succulents in general. Halophytic succulents are commonly many-branched woody shrubs with succulent leaves (Suaeda, Allenrolfia) or herbaceous annuals or perennials with succulent leaves (Halophytum (Fig. 1F), Limonium) or with articulated, fused leaf–stem segments (e.g. Salicornia, Sarcocornia; Fig. 4E). These species accumulate salts intra-cellularly, and water storage is thought to function as a mechanism to reduce salt concentrations within cells. As such, the degree of succulence tends to be positively correlated with the concentration of salts in the soil or with the age of the leaf (Waisel, 1972). Succulent halophytes generally have deep roots, and do not typically exhibit water storage in root tissue. They can be separated into hygrohalophytes, those growing in inundated conditions, and xerohalophytes, which grow in arid conditions. CAM is rarely used by succulent halophytes, but C4 photosynthesis has evolved a number of times in the halophytic Chenopodioideae (Kadereit et al., 2003). Of course, many exceptional taxa blur the lines between the distinct syndromes described above. For example, several geophytic species have succulent, CAM-using shoots that die back seasonally (e.g. Talinum caffrum,
P. clavarioides). Similarly, many Aizoaceae are succulent, salt-tolerant CAM plants (e.g. Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, the CAM ‘‘model organism’’). Thus, while it is tempting to delineate broad categories of succulent syndromes, there are natural and important gradients between them. B. COMMON ANATOMICAL AND STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF WATER STORAGE TISSUE
Succulence begins at the cellular level. The development of a large central vacuole, capable of storing water and other substances, was an early and important event in land plant evolution (Becker, 2007), facilitating water homeostasis and buffering the plant from the vagaries of a spatiotemporally unpredictable external water supply (Larcher, 2006). The cells of highly succulent tissues have taken this water-storing capacity to an extreme, with greatly enlarged vacuoles that occupy 90% or more of the cell volume (Gibson, 1982; von Willert et al., 1992). In many taxa, apoplastic mucilage (Nobel et al., 1992a; Ogburn and Edwards, 2009) or pectic compounds (Carlquist, 1957; Morse, 1990; Robichaux and Morse, 1990) may also contribute significantly to water storage (Section III.A.1), although such compounds are not a necessary component of succulence, and many highly succulent taxa lack them entirely (e.g. Ferocactus acanthodes: Nobel et al., 1992a; Aizoaceae: von Willert et al., 1992). It is noteworthy that, while succulence at the cellular level usually scales up to a succulent appearance at the tissue or organ level, this is not always the case. For example, although the epiphyte Tillandsia usneoides (‘‘Spanish moss’’, Bromeliaceae) has parenchyma cells with large vacuoles, the highly reduced plant body is composed of relatively few cells and therefore lacks the appearance of a typical ‘‘succulent plant’’ (Kluge and Ting, 1978). The wateruse strategy of T. usneoides, however, has much in common with a cactus. From a gross morphological perspective, T. usneoides would not usually be considered ‘‘succulent’’, but from the ecophysiological point of view it is. Among different taxa, succulent organs that appear outwardly similar can in fact store water in different tissues. For example, in cacti with tuberous roots, water is stored in wood tissues, either in expanded rays, axial parenchyma, or in non-fibrous wide-band tracheid wood (Stone-Palmquist and Mauseth, 2002) (Fig. 2A). In contrast, the closely related G. bracteata (Anacampserotaceae) stores water in expanded root cortical tissues (Fig. 2B; see Eggli and Nyffeler, 2009 for numerous other examples of variation in stem and root storage tissues among similar-looking taxa). Storage tissues also differ in the degree of within-tissue differentiation. Tissues may be undifferentiated, such that cells perform both photosynthetic
A Ph VC X Cl
C Ph X
Fig. 2. Variable location of water storage in organs with similar outward morphology. (A) Pereskia horrida, water and starch are largely stored in parenchymatous, low vessel density xylem. Note idioblastic sclereids in phloem. (B) Grahamia bracteata, water and starch are stored in primary cortex. Ph, phloem; VC, vascular cambium; X, xylem; Cl, vessel cluster; C, cortex.
and water storage functions (‘‘all-cell succulence’’, von Willert et al., 1992). Examples of taxa with all-cell succulent leaves include Mesembryanthemum spp. (Fig. 4F), Prenia sladeniana (von Willert et al., 1992), and Pereskiopsis gatesii (Fig. 3A). All-cell succulence contrasts with tissues in which specialised, achlorophyllous water storage cells are adjacent to, but clearly differentiated from, the photosynthetic cells. This is referred to as ‘‘partial succulence’’ (von Willert et al., 1992) or ‘‘storage succulence’’ (Eggli and Nyffeler, 2009). Examples include the leaves of Aloe spp. (Fig. 4G), Gasteria spp., and many Peperomia spp. (Fig. 3B). In some cases, such as Senecio, the storage cells (or ‘‘hydrenchyma’’) occur in the central core of the leaf (Kluge and Ting, 1978), while in others, such as many Aizoaceae and Peperomia spp., storage is in the epidermis or other peripheral cells (Kaul, 1977; von Willert et al., 1992). Storage succulence is also common in cacti and other
Fig. 3. Tissue differentiation in succulent leaves. (A) All-cell succulence in Pereskiopsis gatesii. Chloroplasts are more plentiful in the adaxial mesophyll layers, but are abundant throughout the entire leaf. (B) Storage succulence in Peperomia sp. The water-storing multiple epidermis is above, mesophyll is below. Note collapsing walls of storage cells. Hydr, storage hydrenchyma; Chl, chlorenchyma.
taxa with succulent, photosynthetic stems (Mauseth, 1995, 2004; Sajeva and Mauseth, 1991). Halophytic succulents, such as Chenopodioideae and Zygophyllaceae, may also have zones of large, achlorophyllous cells in leaves (Carolin, 1975; Gibson, 1982; Kadereit et al., 2003; Kluge and Ting, 1978). Other features that reduce water loss to the environment, such as a thick cuticle (Gibson, 1982) and low stomatal densities (Gibson and Nobel, 1986; von Willert et al., 1992) are common in succulent photosynthetic organs. Stomata are frequently distributed on both abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces of bifacial succulent leaves (amphistomaty) or around the entire leaf surface in the case of terete leaves; both conditions may optimise gas exchange and photosynthetic rates by reducing the diffusion path of CO2 to the chloroplast (Parkhurst, 1978). Concomitantly, mesophyll tissues are usually not strongly differentiated into palisade and spongy layers (Gibson, 1982; Nelson and Sage, 2008; Nelson et al., 2005).
Cycadales Ginkgo Pinales Gnetaceae Amborella Nymphaeaceae Austrobaileyales Chloranthaceae Magnoliales Laurales Canellales Piperales Acorus Alismatales Petrosaviales Dioscoreales Pandanales Liliales Asparagales Arecales Poales Commelinales Zingiberales Ceratophyllum Ranunculales Proteales Trochodendraceae Buxales Gunnerales Dilleniaceae Santalales Berberidopsidales Caryophyllales Cornales Ericales Gentianales Lamiales Solanales Aquifoliales Asterales Escallonia Bruniales Apiales Dipsacales Saxifragales Vitaceae Zygophyllales Celestrales Oxalidales Malpighiales Fabales Rosales Cucurbitales Fagales Geraniales Myrtales Crossosomatales Picramniaceae Sapindales Huerteales Malvales Brassicales
Leaf/photosynthetic stem succulence Caudiciform succulence Halophytic succulence
Fig. 4. Phylogenetic occurrence of succulence in major lineages of seed plants. Each coloured branch represents the evolution of succulence within that lineage, but does not imply that all members are highly succulent. (A) Peperomia sp. (Piperales), (B) Dioscorea elephantipes (Dioscoreales), (C) Lampranthus maximiliani (Aizoaceae; Caryophyllales), (D) Adansonia sp., young individual (Malvales), (E) Sarcocornia utahensis (Chenopodioideae; Caryophyllales), (F) Mesembryanthemum sp. (Aizoaceae; Caryophyllales), (G) Aloe falcata (Asparagales) and (H) Moringa sp. (Brassicales).
Succulent taxa frequently have somewhat mesomorphic wood, with low vessel density and relatively long, wide vessel elements with wide lateral pits (Carlquist, 2009; Gibson, 1973; Olson, 2005). Short, barrel-shaped tracheids (i.e. imperforate tracheary elements, cf. vessel elements) with helical secondary thickenings, termed wide-band tracheids or vascular tracheids, have been described from the wood of many cacti, Anacampseros spp., and from the leaves of numerous Ruschioideae (Aizoaceae) (Mauseth et al., 1995). These tracheids may function to prevent cell collapse during desiccation (Landrum, 2006); however, this adaptive hypothesis has been questioned by Gibson (1977), who suggested their formation may simply be a function of increased hormonal diffusion through relatively non-lignified wood. Stem succulent taxa with large stems also commonly feature supplemental vascular strands in cortex and/or pith. Such vascular strands occurring outside of the normal vascular cylinder are hypothesised to have facilitated the evolution of more extensive water storage in these tissues (Carlquist, 2001; Hearn, 2009; Mauseth, 1993). C. PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY
In his posthumously published classification Historiae plantarum universalis (1619), Swiss botanist Johann Bauhin grouped a number of unusual plants together as the Succulentae, on the basis of being ‘‘herbae crassifolia et succulentae’’ (‘‘thick-leaved and juicy herbs’’, cited in Rowley, 1976). This group included taxa such as Portulaca, Aloe, and Crassula, among others, and represents the first recorded reference to succulent plants as a group. With the maturation of biological classification systems and the concomitant emphasis on discovering ‘‘natural’’ groups, the Succulentae fell out of favour (Rowley, 1976); it has long been clear that plants with significant water storage tissues are not necessarily close relatives, nor are they even concentrated within a particular branch of the plant phylogeny (Stevens, 2001 onwards; Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) III, 2009). Pronounced succulence has evolved multiple times in a wide array of lineages, although primarily within the angiosperms (Fig. 4). Because tissue succulence represents a continuum and any cut-off point between ‘‘succulent’’ and ‘‘non-succulent’’ is largely arbitrary, we include this cladogram mainly to point out the more prominent succulent lineages and to underscore the wide phylogenetic range in which extreme succulence has evolved in seed plants. Examples of highly succulent lineages can be found among all of the major angiosperm clades: rosids, asterids, Caryophyllales, monocots, and magnoliids. Among the gymnosperms, the cycads, with their so-called manoxylic wood (Gifford and
Foster, 1989) could be considered succulent in some sense, although we are not aware of any functional studies that have focused on water-use strategies in these plants. There are some fleshy-leaved epiphytic ferns (e.g. Pyrrosia longifolia, Drymoglossum piloselloides) that use CAM and are ecologically similar to drought-avoiding succulent epiphytes (Wong and Hew, 1976). Among the most prominent and well-known angiosperm lineages to have evolved leaf or stem succulence include: Cactaceae, Didiereaceae, and Aizoaceae (Caryophyllales), Orchidaceae, Agavaceae, and Xanthorrhoeaceae s.1. (particularly Aloe and related taxa) (Asparagales), Bromeliaceae (Poales), Euphorbiaceae and Clusiaceae (Malpighiales), Crassulaceae (Saxifragales), Senecioneae (Asterales), and Peperomia (Piperales). The caudiciform habit has evolved in the Malvales, Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbitales), Passifloraceae (Malpighiales), Apocynaceae (Gentianales), Burseraceae and Anacardiaceae (Sapindales), Fouquieriaceae (Ericales), and Ruscaceae (Asparagales), as well as within many of the aforementioned lineages (Crassulaceae, Peperomia). The Chenopodioideae subclade of Amaranthaceae (Caryophyllales) is the most prominent halophytic lineage. Other succulent halophytes include members of Lycium (Solanaceae: Solanales), Iva (Asteraceae: Asterales), many Zygophyllaceae (Zygophyllales), and Limonium (Plumbaginaceae: Caryophyllales). In addition to these examples of ‘‘obligate’’ halophytes, there are a number of taxa that are reported to be salt tolerant but that are able to grow in non-saline soils as well, including many Aizoaceae. D. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTIONS
Availability of water and soil salinity are the two predominant factors determining the distributions of most succulent taxa. Drought-avoiding succulents are prominent components of water-limited environments of the world. These include semi-arid (150–400 mm precipitation per year) and arid (70–150 mm precipitation per year) environments, as well as xeric microhabitats within tropical rainforests (i.e. the epiphytic niche). While we typically think of succulence as a characteristic trait of deserts, it is in reality largely lacking in plants of extremely xeric environments, and is more commonly found in semi-deserts or semi-arid scrub (Schmida, 1985). In particular, the length of time between precipitation events appears to be limiting to highly succulent plants, which need to refill water stores periodically for this strategy to function (von Willert et al., 1992). Succulent taxa tend to diminish in abundance along gradients of increasing dry season length according to growth form; stem and root succulents are reported to persist longer along such a gradient than do leaf succulents (von Willert et al., 1992). Thus although it is tempting to think of succulence as some kind of ‘‘ultimate
adaptation’’ to drought because succulent plants are prominent and so obviously specialised in semi-arid and arid environments, this notion is not borne out by their distributional patterns. However, some succulent taxa, such as the cactus Copiapoa of the Atacama Desert, are able to persist in spite of extremely low rainfall by using the runoff from nightly fog as a source of precipitation (Mooney et al., 1977). This adaptation is reported from succulent dwarf shrubs of the Namib Desert as well, which similarly receives significant precipitation in the form of fog (von Willert et al., 1992). Highly succulent taxa are also limited by low temperatures and are therefore rare in large regions of the temperate zone, primarily due to frost during the growing season (von Willert et al., 1992; Werger, 1983). Because of their high tissue water potentials, drought-avoiding succulents often show little freezing point depression, making them more vulnerable to tissue freezing during cold periods (Nobel, 1982). Some taxa are able to withstand cold through supercooling or extra-cellular ice crystal formation (Goldstein and Nobel, 1991), but the rarity of perennial succulents in regions with very low winter temperatures shows that this is uncommon. The major arid regions of the world are caused by three primary factors: subtropical atmospheric high-pressure zones (Hadley cells), rain shadow effects, and on large landmasses, distance from the ocean (Schmida, 1985). These generate the world’s main arid regions: the North American Great Basin, the Atacama, Monte, and Patagonian Deserts of South America, the Namib and Kalahari Deserts in southern African, the Saharan Desert in northern Africa, the Irano-Turanian region of central Asia, the Thar Desert of India, and the Australian deserts (Schmida, 1985). Of these arid regions, succulent taxa are well represented in a few key zones. Foremost among these is the winter-rainfall Succulent Karoo (Milton et al., 1997), which is part of the highly diverse Cape Floristic Region of South Africa. Aizoaceae and Crassulaceae are the most prominent succulent groups of the Succulent Karoo, with additional representation from Asteraceae, Xanthorrhoeaceae s.l., Portulacaceae, and Euphorbiaceae (von Willert et al., 1992). Many caudiciform taxa occur here as well, including Cyphostemma (Vitaceae) and Pachypodium (Apocynaceae). This region has been noted for high turnover at small spatial scales of closely related and presumably ecologically similar species (Werger, 1983). The New World deserts and semi-deserts are home to the Cactaceae, which reach high levels of diversity and endemism in the southwestern United States to central Mexican deserts, the southwestern Andean region of Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia (Olson and Dinerstein, 2002; Ortega-Baes and Godı´nez-Alvarez, 2006), and a third major centre of diversity in the caatinga and campo rupestre habitats of eastern Brazil (Barthlott and Hunt, 1993).
Agavaceae are also an exclusively New World taxon, and are a prominent component of its desert floras, especially of North America (Verhoek, 1993). Madagascar features succulent shrublands dominated by Didiereaceae and Euphorbia. It also features many caudiciform succulents such as the baobabs, Adansonia spp. (Fig. 4D), Pachypodium, and Moringaceae (Fig. 4H). Australia is not generally known for its high diversity of succulent taxa, although there are a number of Aizoaceae distributed there, as well as Parakeelya (Montiaceae). Succulence in the Irano-Turanian region of central Asia is mainly represented by halophytic taxa of the Chenopodioideae and Zygophyllaceae, where both groups find their highest worldwide diversity (Schmida, 1985). Succulent Chenopodioideae also have a centre of diversity in the Great Basin region of North America. Likewise, northern Africa is rich in Chenopodioideae but is largely lacking in drought-tolerant succulent taxa. An exception is the presence of many Euphorbia species near the Atlantic Ocean in the Macaronesian flora (Le Houe´rou, 1986). Two of the major succulent epiphytic lineages, Bromeliaceae and Peperomia, are primarily Neotropical, while Orchidaceae are distributed throughout tropical forests of both the Neotropics and Paleotropics (Stevens, 2001 onwards).
III. ECOLOGICAL STRATEGIES Most succulents apparently use stored water to avoid the development of low water potentials in their photosynthetic tissues; however, much of the important research in this area has focused on just a handful of specific taxa. We predict that deliberately increasing the phylogenetic diversity of taxa chosen for ecophysiological studies will identify entirely new and unexpected variations on the canon. We highlight one such recent surprise, emerging from innovative work on the pachycaulescent baobab trees of Madagascar. A. DROUGHT AVOIDANCE
1. Water relations All plants growing in water-limited conditions have to persist through periods of drought in one way or another. Characterisation by different authors of the various strategies to do so has resulted in a profusion of jargon, with distinct terms describing related but slightly different aspects of a droughtcoping strategy (reviewed in Eggli and Nyffeler, 2009). For the sake of simplicity, we adhere to the classical spectrum of ‘‘drought tolerance’’ to ‘‘drought avoidance’’ in considering these strategies. These terms relate directly to the experience of cells and tissues, primarily at the site of
photosynthesis, during drought periods. Thus, while persistence of a plant in arid or otherwise water-limited environments is commonly conceived of as requiring drought tolerance, at the cellular level drought may be largely avoided. Drought-avoiding succulents, with their considerable water stores, are able to do just that. This can be best illustrated in relation to some of the other water-use strategies of plants in arid habitats. Relatively non-succulent plants in water-limited environments exhibit the full range of tolerance to avoidance strategies. Poikilohydric, or desiccationtolerant, plants represent an extreme of drought tolerance. These plants, which include many mosses, Selaginella spp., and some ferns, do not strongly regulate cellular water content, instead gaining and losing water readily with fluctuations in the environment (Proctor and Tuba, 2002). Thus they may become almost completely dehydrated during times of drought, shutting down all metabolic processes until water becomes available again (Proctor and Tuba, 2002). Seed plants have lost this ability for the most part, with a few interesting exceptions (e.g. Myrothamnus: Moore et al., 2007). Other taxa, especially many vascular plants, tolerate low water potentials at the cellular level but unlike poikilohydric plants do not desiccate entirely. These drought tolerators include desert and chaparral evergreens such as Ceanothus, which are capable of operating with extremely low leaf and xylem water potentials (e.g. Ceanothus gregii, in which leaf water potentials <6.5 MPa have been reported) (Ackerly, 2004; Poole and Miller, 1975; Smith et al., 1997). Desert ephemerals present an example of drought avoidance, carrying out very rapid life cycles, from germination to reproduction, during a brief window of permissive conditions. There are thought to be trade-offs between the traits promoting such rapid growth and reproduction and traits related to tolerance of water and heat stress commonly experienced by desert plants (Smith et al., 1997). For example, many desert ephemerals have very high stomatal conductance, which enables rapid growth but can be maladaptive in dry conditions. While some ephemerals show a small degree of xerophytic adaptation, in general they are not able to tolerate drought well. Differences in the responsiveness of seeds to precipitation events have been shown to be a function of rainfall reliability; in areas with consistent seasonal rains, germination is more responsive, while plants from areas with unpredictable precipitation have higher innate dormancy (Freas and Kemp, 1983). Drought avoidance occurs in woody perennials as well; phreatophytes such as Prosopis glandulosa and Populus spp. have deep root systems that can tap into moister soil horizons or substantial water tables at lower levels in the soil, thus avoiding drought conditions to some extent (Smith et al., 1997). Other perennials, such as the shrub Encelia farinosa, are droughtdeciduous, facultatively excising leaves during unfavourable periods. Both
phreatophytes and drought-deciduous perennials often exhibit some degree of morphological or physiological xerophytic adaptations in leaves and stems, which may negatively correlate with the reliability of the water source (Nilsen et al., 1983; Villagra and Roig Jun˜ent, 1997). In contrast to these strategies, which either involve tolerating high levels of cellular desiccation and low water potentials (poikilohydric taxa, evergreen shrubs) or avoiding unfavourable periods through dormancy (spring ephemerals, drought-deciduous shrubs), succulence generally confers an ability to able to avoid drought at the cellular level while still maintaining metabolic activity. Taxa with succulent photosynthetic tissues have been demonstrated to maintain relatively high water potentials, often higher than 1.0 MPa, even when precipitation is scarce for long periods of time (Martin, 1994; Nobel, 1988; Pimienta-Barrios et al., 2002; von Willert et al., 1992). The general mechanism by which succulents avoid drought at the cellular level is best reflected in the ecophysiological trait hydraulic capacitance (C), the change in volume of a cell or tissue per unit change in water potential (C): C ¼ DV =DC: Capacitance is a property closely related to cell wall elasticity. Succulent cells or tissues, such as specialised hydrenchyma cells, tend to have high values of C (Table I), and will take up or lose large volumes of water for a given change in C relative to cells or tissues with lower values of C. Capacitance may be defined using the absolute volume change for an entire organ (absolute capacitance, CT, units mL MPa 1). It is often more useful, however, to use relative volume (V/V) instead, which allows direct comparison of capacitance in tissues of different sizes or volumes (units MPa 1) (Holbrook and Sinclair, 1992; Morse, 1990). Cell volumetric modulus of elasticity (e) is closely related to the inverse of capacitance. Because it is strictly a property of cell walls, it is measured using the change in turgor pressure rather than total change in water potential: e ¼ DCp =ðDV =V Þ: e provides an estimate of cell wall stiffness, with higher values of e indicating more rigid cell walls. Both C and e are commonly determined using pressure–volume curves, also called water potential isotherms (Box 1). From these equations we can see that tissues with a low e (i.e. less rigid cell walls) and a high initial C maintain higher turgor pressure as relative water content (RWC) decreases (cf. the curve for the succulent-leaved Anacampseros lanceolata relative to the curve for the thin-leaved Mirabilis nyctaginea in Box 1). This ability to maintain turgor during tissue desiccation is one factor explaining the tendency of succulents to have relatively high tissue
TABLE I Capacitance, Volumetric Modulus of Elasticity and Succulence Index Values for a Range of Taxa
Taxon Sabal palmetto
Relative capacitance (MPa 1)
e (MPa)
Method used
Pressure bomb
Holbrook and Sinclair (1992)
Hemizonia luzulifolia
Leaf Low polysaccharide Leaf
Morse (1990)
Ferocactus acanthodes Polypodium phyllitidis Limeum africanum
Stem Leaf Leaf
0.11 0.14 0.16
Polypodium crassifolium Mollugo verticillata
Thermocouple psychrometer Pressure bomb Psychrometer Thermocouple psychrometer Psychrometer
Mirabilis nyctaginea
Thermocouple psychrometer Thermocouple psychrometer Thermocouple psychrometer Thermocouple psychrometer Thermocouple psychrometer Thermocouple psychrometer Psychrometer
Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Andrade and Nobel (1997)
Lycium californicum
Arthrocnemum subterminalis Talinum triangulare
Leaf þ stem
Suaeda taxifolia
Rhipsalis baccifera
Hunt and Nobel (1987) Andrade and Nobel (1997) Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Andrade and Nobel (1997)
Table I
Taxon Epiphyllum phyllanthus
Relative capacitance (MPa 1)
(continued )
e (MPa)
Method used
Stem High polysaccharide Leaf
Andrade and Nobel (1997)
Morse (1990)
Argyroxiphium grayanum Portulaca oleracea
Ferocactus acanthodes Opuntia acanthocarpa Opuntia basilaris Sabal palmetto
Stem Stem Stem Stem
0.81 0.96 1.04 1.07
Anacampseros lanceolata Echinocereus engelmannii Opuntia ficus-indica
Thermocouple psychrometer Thermocouple psychrometer Thermocouple psychrometer Psychrometer Psychrometer Psychrometer Vapor pressure osmometer Thermocouple psychrometer Psychrometer
Goldstein et al. (1991)
Goldstein et al. (1991)
Goldstein et al. (1991)
Goldstein et al. (1991)
Hemizonia luzulifolia
Opuntia ficus-indica Opuntia ficus-indica Opuntia ficus-indica
Stem chlorenchyma (droughted) Stem chlorenchyma (well-watered) Stem hydrenchyma (droughted) Stem hydrenchyma (well-watered)
Robichaux and Morse (1990) Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Nobel et al. (1992a) Nobel et al. (1992a) Nobel et al. (1992a) Holbrook and Sinclair (1992) Ogburn and Edwards (unpublished data) Nobel et al. (1992a)
Box 1
Plant Water Relations and Pressure–Volume Curves
Water potential (C), a measure of the free energy of water, is one of the central concepts of plant water relations. It is important for two primary reasons: firstly, water spontaneously moves from adjacent regions of high to low C, and gradients in C throughout the plant provide the driving force for the path of water along the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. Secondly, C decreases as plant tissues desiccate, so measuring C also provides a general indicator of tissue water status. C in plants is primarily determined by two components: osmotic potential (C), a negative quantity determined by solute concentration, and turgor pressure potential (Cp), determined by the positive pressure of the cell wall on the protoplast: C ¼ Cp þ Cp : In fully hydrated tissues, these quantities are balanced and tissue C is at or near zero (with the exception of halophytes, which have very low values of C even when fully hydrated, and thus may never reach total C of zero). As tissues dehydrate, C and Cp both drop as water content decreases; C because of increasing solute concentration, and Cp because turgor pressure becomes less. Periodically measuring C during tissue dehydration and graphing it as a function of RWC (RWC ¼ V/V) produces a characteristic curve known as a pressure–volume curve (P–V curve) (Tyree and Hammel, 1972), as depicted in the figure. The utility of P–V curves is that they allow calculation of C and Cp, as well as many other useful water relations parameters, from measurements of C alone. On the left side of the curve, both the components of total C are decreasing. When Cp reaches zero, the curve undergoes an inflexion, and any subsequent decrease in C is due to solely to decreasing C. The RWC where this inflexion occurs indicates the turgor loss point for the tissue, and the slopes on either side of it allow the individual components of C to be separated out. The slope of the right side of the curve may be extrapolated to the intercept to estimate C, and by extension Cp, for any value of RWC. Specific hydraulic capacitance, C ¼ (V/V)/C, can also be derived from the curve, using RWC in place of V/V. In the figure, A. lanceolata has a higher C because its RWC decreases more for a given change in C. Therefore, a gentler negative slope in the first part of the curve indicates higher capacitance. Note that capacitance increases substantially after the turgor loss point. The volumetric elastic modulus,* e ¼ Cp/(V/V), is (continued) * e is also commonly referred to as the bulk modulus of elasticity. We follow the recommended terminology of Cosgrove (1988) to avoid confusion about the strict biomechanical implications of that term (Wu et al., 1985).
Box 1
(continued )
closely related to C, and is a measure of cell wall stiffness. Cells with low e, as in succulent tissues, better maintain turgor pressure as water volume is lost (in biomechanical terms, they are more compliant). Therefore, low e tissues have higher water potentials for a given amount of tissue desiccation. This explains at least part of the driving force for water movement between chlorenchyma and hydrenchyma tissues in drying tissues (see text). 25 Anacampseros lanceolata Mirabilis nyctaginea Lycium californicum
1/Ψ (MPa−1)
0 100
60 40 Relative water content (%)
water potentials, even when droughted. Although we typically think that the most important feature in succulent plants is their ability to store and maintain large amounts of water, the capacitance relationship indicates, somewhat paradoxically, that their ability to lose relatively large volumes of water while maintaining high water potentials is also crucially important. The modulus of elasticity has important implications for the movement of water between neighbouring tissues as well. As described above, tissues within water-storing leaves and stems are commonly divided into largecelled, achlorophyllous hydrenchyma and smaller-celled chlorenchyma. A number of authors have noted a tendency for hydrenchyma cells to buckle during desiccation and for chlorenchyma cells to stay hydrated at their expense. If hydrenchyma tissues have cell walls with lower values of e, they will better maintain turgor, and hence higher water potentials, when compared with stiffer chlorenchyma cells for a given amount of drying across all tissues. This differential decrease in water potentials provides a driving force for water flow from hydrenchyma to chlorenchyma, buffering the water
status of photosynthetically active tissue. Note that this process is entirely passive, requiring no expenditure of energy. Barcikowski and Nobel (1984) documented the phenomenon of preferential hydration of chlorenchyma at the expense of hydrenchyma in Carnegiea gigantea, F. acanthodes, and Opuntia basilaris, although they did not directly measure C or e. At least some of this movement was due to differential osmotic adjustment, in which solutes were actively removed from the hydrenchyma, increasing its water potential relative to the chlorenchyma and thus providing at least part of the gradient for water flow. However, they also noted turgor loss at a lower RWC in hydrenchyma tissues, indicative of lower e. Similar patterns of water movement from hydrenchyma to chlorenchyma during desiccation have been documented in Peperomia magnoliaefolia (Schmidt and Kaiser, 1987) and Hylocereus undatus (Nobel, 2006; see Fig. 3B for an example of this phenomenon in a different species of Peperomia). Goldstein et al. (1991) directly measured e for both tissue types in Opuntia ficus-indica, confirming a lower elastic modulus (i.e. higher elasticity) of hydrenchyma cell walls (Table I). They also directly measured cell wall thickness, which was roughly two times higher in chlorenchyma than hydrenchyma. Many taxa further enhance their water storage capacity with apoplastically stored polysaccharides in the form of mucilage arabinogalactans or pectic gel. These complex polysaccharides are widespread in succulent taxa, and have been shown in cacti and the Madiinae clade of Asteraceae to have very high water capacitance and to increase relative capacitance at the tissue level (Goldstein et al., 1991; Morse, 1990; Nobel et al., 1992a; Robichaux and Morse, 1990). Because of their high capacitance, these apoplastic polysaccharides release large volumes of water to nearby cells with only small decreases in water potential. The capacitance values of polysaccharides are so high, however, that they lose the bulk of their stored water at potentials higher than are normally achieved in tissues, even under well-hydrated conditions (e.g. > 70% of water lost at 0.2 MPa; Nobel et al., 1992a). Such high capacitance calls into question their utility as water stores. In isolating tissue mucilage from cacti, Nobel et al. (1992a) recovered low-molecular weight solutes in the mucilage matrix and hypothesised that these solutes may reduce mucilage capacitance, thus providing a mechanism for the plant to regulate its water-release properties with varying hydration status. They were able to demonstrate this effect by measuring pressure–volume curves of mucilage with varying concentrations of solutes added. Apoplastic polysaccharides thus represent another means of storing water that can be made readily available when required, although it is not common to all
succulent tissues and is even absent from many cacti (e.g. F. acanthodes; Nobel et al., 1992a). At the whole-plant level, capacitance relates directly to the buffering of water flow through the plant by storage tissues. The time constant: t ¼ CR describes the kinetics of water movement from storage tissues into the main hydraulic path (i.e. the xylem) for a given water potential gradient between them, where C is capacitance of the storage tissue, R is the path resistance between the storage tissue and xylem, and t is the time for the water potential of the storage component to change to within 1/e (37%) of its final average value (Nobel, 2005). In taxa with very low values of t, the hydraulic path is not well buffered and therefore stomatal control is very important in avoiding extremely low xylem water potentials and the concomitant risk of hydraulic failure. The time lag associated with higher values of t signifies a buffering effect on the transpirational stream, allowing taxa to maintain gas exchange for longer periods, whether over periods of hours or days, even when soil water potentials decrease significantly because of drought. Nobel and Jordan (1983) tested the correspondence of this model of transpiration stream buffering with measurements of water relations parameters from three desert plants: the drought-deciduous shrub E. farinosa, the C4 grass Hilaria rigida, and the rosette CAM shrub Agave deserti. They found that relative capacitance varied only 1.9-fold between the three species, but on an area basis capacitance in A. deserti was 240 times higher than in H. rigida and 40 times higher than in E. farinosa, demonstrating that in these taxa the actual amount of water stored is more important than capacitance as a cell or tissue property. While measurements of leaf t were much higher in A. deserti, calculations of R (¼ t/C) indicated that leaf R in A. deserti is much lower, indicating that the path for stored water has much lower resistance in the highly succulent plant. Transpirational buffering has been demonstrated to extend stomatal conductance and photosynthesis over a period of days in the face of soil water potential deficits in A. deserti (8 days: Nobel, 1976), F. acanthodes (40 days: Nobel, 1977), O. ficus-indica (20 days: Acevedo et al., 1983), various epiphytic Orchidaceae (> 20 days: Sinclair, 1983), and Bromeliaceae (Tillandsia schiedeana, 34 days: Martin and Adams, 1987; Martin, 1994). Data from herbaceous succulent taxa are more sparse, although many studies demonstrate a continuation of gas exchange and photosynthesis after short drought periods (e.g. Sedum, 3 days: Gravatt and Martin, 1992). The inducible CAMidling species (see Section III.A.3 for a description of CAM photosynthesis and its variants) Phemeranthus calycinus is more conservative, displaying
rapid stomatal closure in response to drought (Martin et al., 1988). This conservative behaviour may be linked to the lower absolute capacitance of a physically smaller plant, or lower relative capacitance of its tissues, or to its usage of a CAM variant rather than the full CAM pathway. More data are needed for a number of major CAM-succulent taxa, including Aizoaceae, Crassulaceae, and Alooideae. While we can generalise that most drought-avoiding succulents follow a similar water-use strategy, using stored water to buffer tissue water potentials, it is noteworthy that some succulent groups have lower water potentials even when fully hydrated, particularly many Aizoaceae (von Willert et al., 1992). We will return to this phenomenon in the section below on CAM, salinity, and succulence (Section III.B). Clearly, capacitance is a powerful trait regulating many aspects of the water relations and, by extension, the growth and survival of succulent plants. Both relative and absolute capacitance capture important information about the water relations of plants, and are meaningful quantifications of succulence. Unfortunately, few direct measurements of C or e exist for plants with succulent tissues. a. Roots: The better half? Shallow, broad rooting systems are a commonly observed feature in cacti, agaves, and most other succulent taxa (Cannon, 1911; Nobel, 1988; von Willert et al., 1992). Such root systems take advantage of brief precipitation events that wet the upper soil layers but do not percolate into deeper soil horizons, and therefore are likely to be adaptive in habitats where rains tend to be short in duration. Nobel and Sanderson (1984) have demonstrated the ability of roots of F. acanthodes and A. deserti to respond very rapidly to precipitation events. Within hours of rewetting droughted soil, rapidly growing, thin-cell-walled new lateral roots, the so-called ‘‘rain roots’’, begin to grow from older established roots in both taxa. Despite the rapid growth of lateral roots, most of the initial water uptake in A. deserti within the first day or so is done by the older roots, which are able to respond to soil moisture within a few hours. Newly grown lateral roots begin water uptake at around 24 h, increasing their conductance gradually and doubling total conductance within about 4 days (Nobel and Sanderson, 1984). Lateral roots usually die back when soils dry again and must represent a considerable carbon expenditure given their short lifespan. The ability to rapidly grow lateral roots is common in other cacti and agaves (Nobel, 1988) and we have observed them emerging on plants of Talinum paniculatum and T. triangulare soaked in water over the course of a few days. The disadvantage of a shallow rooting strategy is that upper soil horizons tend to dry out more quickly than deeper ones. Without access to deeper soil
horizons, a mechanism to cope with extended periods of low soil water potential is needed. In non-succulent perennial taxa, shallow rooting systems have typically been associated with a pronounced drought tolerance strategy (Ackerly, 2004). As noted previously, the shallow-rooted California chaparral evergreens Arctostaphylos glauca and C. gregii have been observed to tolerate extremely low leaf water potentials during dry periods (<6.5 MPa; Poole and Miller, 1975). In a study comparing different sprouting strategies among Rhamnaceae species of the California chaparral, the shallow-rooted non-fire-sprouting species showed the highest resistance to xylem cavitation (C50 8 MPa; Pratt et al., 2007). Without high-capacitance water storage tissues, the water potential in these shallow-rooted plants apparently rises and falls synchronously with soil water availability. In contrast, we have seen that the high-capacitance water stores of succulent plants buffer the tissue water potentials of stems or leaves, keeping them at high water potentials largely independent of soil water availability. However, because water spontaneously moves down gradients in potential, plants with high tissue water potentials will rapidly lose stored water unless they also have mechanisms to prevent excessive water loss to the environment. The need for a thick cuticle or periderm and low stomatal densities is immediately clear, but water will also passively re-enter soil from the roots when soil water potentials drop below those of the plant (Caldwell et al., 1998). This is expected to be especially problematic in arid regions, where soil water potentials can become extremely low between precipitation events (e.g. 8 to 9 MPa at a depth of 100 cm in the Richtersveld of South Africa, <9.0 MPa in the root vicinity of A. deserti and F. acanthodes; Nobel, 1976, 1977; von Willert et al., 1992). Roots of A. deserti and F. acanthodes have been demonstrated to act as rectifiers, that is the root hydraulic conductivity is positively related to soil wetness, with much higher conductivity when the soil is wet than when it is dry (Nobel and Sanderson, 1984). This variation in conductivity explains why succulent plants do not simply lose all of their water when soil water potentials decrease. North and Nobel (1991) documented a number of anatomical changes in drying roots of A. deserti that could contribute to decreased conductivity in dry soils: embolisms in root xylem, opening of airfilled lacunae in the root cortex, and partial suberisation of root endodermis. These changes were partially reversible in newer nodal (‘‘established’’) roots, but less so in lateral (‘‘rain’’) roots. However, the majority of the changes to root conductivity are attributable to reversible embolisms in the tracheary elements (both vessel elements and tracheids) at the root–stem junction (Ewers et al., 1992). Decreasing conductivity of the soil itself with drying also strongly limits water loss from roots (Nobel and Cui, 1992).
Other highly succulent taxa of arid regions must possess similar rectifier-like root mechanisms because they could not persist without them. How similar these are to those observed in A. deserti and F. acanthodes is unknown. b. Caudiciform trees: An exceptionally different way to use stored water? A number of authors have been hesitant to consider taxa in which the succulent tissue is separated from the photosynthetic tissue as ‘‘true’’ succulents, often excluding them from definitions of the term (Ihlenfeldt, 1985). It has long been acknowledged that there are some clear differences: most of the caudiciform succulent taxa use the C3 pathway, and they are usually deciduous, which is relatively uncommon among succulents. However, like other succulent taxa, they have large stores of water and are distributed in arid environments. Given how common the buffering of transpiration flow appears to be in high-capacitance succulent CAM plants, it is reasonable to assume that caudiciform succulents must rely on water stores to support extended diurnal periods of gas exchange in a similar way. In fact, research on ‘‘typical’’ trees, such as conifers (Tyree and Yang, 1990; Waring and Running, 1978) as well as hardwoods (Goldstein et al., 1998), has shown that many of these taxa buffer diurnal transpiration with sapwood-stored water, lending credence to the hypothesis that wood water storage might have evolved to enhance these capabilities. Groundbreaking research on seasonally deciduous baobab trees (Adansonia) of Madagascar (Fig. 4D) indicates that this may not be true in all cases, or potentially any case. In a recent series of papers, Chapotin et al. have demonstrated that, despite having large trunks with highly parenchymatous, waterstoring wood, Adansonia do not use stem water stores to support extended diurnal stomatal opening. Instead, measurements of diurnal stomatal conductance in Adansonia za and Adansonia rubrostipa during the rainy season peaked between 8 and 10 am, and steadily decreased throughout the day (Chapotin et al., 2006a). Furthermore, xylem sap flow showed no time lag between the daily commencement and cessation of flow between the base and crown of trees, as would be expected if stored water were buffering xylem flow (Chapotin et al., 2006a). Leaf water potential remained high (>0.5 MPa), however, this may be explained by the combination of high leaf-specific conductance (KL) (i.e., total hydraulic conductance/leaf area) and conservative stomatal behaviour. The authors did demonstrate a role for stem water stores in flushing new leaves weeks before the onset of the rainy season, with a concomitant decrease in stem volume of up to 12% (Chapotin et al., 2006b). Ultimately, they hypothesised that stem water is largely unavailable to the transpiration stream because, despite having high stem capacitance, the storage resistance to water movement is quite large, causing the time constant t, a function of both
capacitance and resistance, to have an effect on a seasonal, rather than a diurnal scale. Because leaf flush happened over a course of days or weeks, these water stores would presumably be accessible at that longer time scale. This demonstrates that midrange values of t may be important in other succulent plants relying on diurnal transpirational buffering; if t is too low, buffering is not significant, either because capacitance is low (i.e. there is not enough stored water) or because resistance is low (i.e. the stored water is used up too quickly). Conversely, high t as a result of high resistance indicates that water is inaccessible at the appropriate time scale for daily buffering of transpiration. The hypothesis of seasonal rather than diurnal water use in Adansonia is supported by xylem anatomy: older xylem vessels become rapidly occluded by tyloses (i.e. walls from neighbouring parenchyma cells that bubble into the vessel and prevent it from functioning to conduct water). Functional vessels are only located in a narrow ring just interior to the vascular cambium (Chapotin et al., 2006c), indicating that stored water from the core of the stem must traverse a long and highly resistant pathway through the symplast to reach the functional part of the xylem. Consistent with the hypothesis of a large t was the observation of a long-term, gradual flux in stem volume in the weeks immediately before and after commencement of the rainy season (Chapotin et al., 2006a). This flux was largely unaffected by daily water deficits at the level of the leaves. They also found evidence that turgor pressure is playing a major biomechanical role in the massive, weak-wooded trunks of baobabs (Chapotin et al., 2006c). If this is the case, there would be strong selective pressure to maintain turgor in stem parenchyma, placing an upper limit on fluxes in stem water content. It is unknown how general these surprising results are in other highly succulent deciduous trees or shrubs. This strategy seems to spring at least partially from uncommon features of the xylem of Adansonia. Anatomically, other succulent-stemmed taxa, such as the bottle tree Dendrosicyos socotrana or the various vines and shrubs of Adenia, have functional xylem strands dispersed through a matrix of water storage parenchyma (Hearn, 2009; Olson, 2003), which would likely have lower path resistances and therefore lower values of t. Whether the proposed biomechanical function of stored water operates in other caudiciform trees remains to be tested. 2. Gas exchange: Is succulence a requirement for CAM? CAM is a photosynthetic mode common in drought-avoiding succulent plants, as well as in some aquatic plants that experience severe diurnal reductions in CO2 availability (Keeley and Rundel, 2003). CAM is essentially an elaboration of the standard C3 photosynthetic pathway. In CAM photosynthesis, stomatal behaviour reverses; atmospheric CO2 is fixed at night and
stomata are closed during the day. The initial CO2 fixation is performed by the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase. CO2 is fixed into 4carbon compounds, primarily malate, and stored in vacuoles as an acid. During the day, the 4-carbon acids are shuttled to the chloroplast where they are decarboxylated. The released CO2 is refixed by Rubisco and incorporated into the Calvin cycle, which then proceeds as in the C3 cycle. CAM significantly increases water-use efficiency (WUE; the ratio of carbon fixed to water lost through transpiration) relative to the C3 and C4 photosynthetic modes because nocturnal evaporative demand is lower while the CO2 gradient remains largely unchanged. CAM is a very flexible photosynthetic system in terms of both degree of expression and variations on the photosynthetic pathway. While some taxa, such as the core cacti, are considered obligate CAM plants, many taxa exhibit facultative CAM in response to drought, switching back to C3 when the stressor is removed (Kluge and Ting, 1978). In other species, CAM is irreversibly induced by drought or salt stress, or simply as a function of ontogeny. Furthermore, a number of ‘‘CAM-like’’ behaviours have been identified. In CAM-cycling, stomatal opening is diurnal as in C3, but PEP carboxylase scavenges respiratory CO2 during the night, helping to maintain a positive carbon budget. In CAM-idling, often induced by extreme drought, stomata remain completely closed, and respiratory CO2 is recycled via the CAM pathway, allowing the plant to maintain basic metabolic function (and possibly mitigate damage to the photosynthetic apparatus) while minimising water loss. There is no question that CAM and pronounced succulence are highly correlated (Sayed, 2001). CAM requires a large vacuole and thus some degree of succulence, at least at the cellular level (Kluge and Ting, 1978). The question remains, however, whether the correlation of CAM with morphological succulence is because some structural component of one facilitates subsequent evolution of the other, or whether they co-occur simply because of similar selection pressures (i.e. they both evolve independently in response to water-limitation). Nelson et al. (2005) examined a number of leaf anatomical traits, including cell size, mesophyll thickness, area of inter-cellular air space (IAS), and the ratio of mesophyll surface to IAS (Lmes/IAS), in a range of C3, C4, and CAM taxa. They found that cell size and mesophyll thickness were higher in CAM taxa as a group, while IAS and Lmes/IAS were lower, confirming that CAM species as a whole tend to have thicker leaves with larger, more tightly packed cells. Within CAM taxa, however, there was no clear relationship between cell size and IAS or Lmes/IAS; both IAS and Lmes/IAS were generally low while cell sizes varied extensively, including the range of cell sizes in C3
and C4 taxa. These results indicate that tightness of cell packing is constrained in CAM taxa, while cell size is not. Tight cell packing reduces internal conductance (gi) to CO2, affecting rates of both CO2 influx and efflux. The authors argue that the reduction of CO2 efflux, especially during diurnal decarboxylation of malate and re-fixation of CO2 into the C3 cycle, provides a large benefit in carbon gain for CAM species. While low gi also impacts nocturnal carbon fixation, they argue that its impact is less because this step is generally limited by PEP carboxylase activity, not atmospheric CO2. A subsequent study in a group of taxa representing a range of CAM expression supported the importance of these leaf anatomical traits, confirming a negative correlation of both IAS and Lmes/IAS with the proportion of nocturnal CO2 fixation (Nelson and Sage, 2008). A number of studies have also shown a positive relationship between CAM photosynthesis and plant water uptake from the soil. Nocturnally accumulated malate functions as a solute in vacuoles of the chlorenchyma, reducing osmotic potential and providing a stronger driving gradient for soil water uptake. This effect has been demonstrated in Kalanchoe daigremontana (Smith and Lu¨ttge, 1985), Stoeberia beetzii (von Willert et al., 1992), Clusia minor (Herrera et al., 2008), and Senecio medley-woodii (Ruess and Eller, 1985), although malate fluctuations are relatively unimportant in driving soil water uptake in Agave deserti (Smith et al., 1987; Tissue et al., 1991). As malate is consumed during the day and osmotic potential becomes higher again, the water so gained becomes thermodynamically more available to the tissues (Lu¨ttge, 2004). While it is commonly stated that CAM is adaptive in increasing the WUE of succulent plants in water-limited environments, few examples exist comparing the water relations of CAM and C3 succulents under drought conditions. Eller and Ferrari (1997) compared the daily course of CO2 exchange and WUE for two leaf succulents with similar growth form: Cotyledon orbiculata, which uses the CAM pathway, and Othonna opima, which uses C3. The response of these taxa was measured during a bergwind period, a sustained hot, dry wind (temperatures > 40 8C) that occurs in the Namib Desert. They emphasised the finding that WUE values were nearly equivalent in these two taxa. a. CAM and productivity. CAM is usually considered to be a way of flexibly dealing with stress rather than as a way of maximising growth, based on many assumptions about the trade-offs between stress tolerance and growth or competitive ability (Lu¨ttge, 2004). CAM and succulence have both been invoked as imposing inherent limitations on growth rates in taxa with these traits, either due to limitation by vacuole space for malate storage (Winter and Smith, 1996), because of a less favourable stoichiometry of ATP use per carbon gain in CAM (Lu¨ttge, 2004), because of unfavourable ratios
of photosynthetic assimilatory tissues to non-productive achlorophyllous water storage tissues in many succulent plants (von Willert et al., 1992) or because of limitation on carbon dioxide diffusion rates across low-density stomata and within assimilatory tissues (Borland et al., 2009). Nobel et al. (1992b) have demonstrated, however, that low growth rates and productivities are not intrinsic to CAM or succulence, but are more likely a function of the stressful environments in which they grow. Grown under optimal light and water conditions, productivities for agaves and opuntias can exceed those of most plants recorded (Borland et al., 2009; Nobel et al., 1992b). These high growth rates are attributed to a reduction of photorespiration in the CAM pathway via the high internal CO2 concentrations that occur during daytime decarboxylation when stomata are closed, as well as to the high investment in aboveground biomass in these plants. 3. Radiation factors: It’s getting hot (and bright) in here All plants must optimise their exposure to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; wavelengths 400–700 nm). If PAR is low, carbon uptake and growth are limited, while too much PAR may damage the photosynthetic apparatus. At the same time, plants must also minimise exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation, which are additional components of global solar radiation and may damage or overheat tissues when received in excess. Because many succulents grow in open, high-irradiance environments of the tropics and subtropics, the ability to modulate the amount and type of light they receive is expected to be an important adaptive trait (Eller et al., 1983). There are three possible outcomes for incoming solar radiation when it reaches the plant surface: it may be reflected at the cuticle or at any point within the plant, it may be absorbed, or it may be transmitted through the plant’s tissues. Highly succulent photosynthetic organs, with their thicker tissues and lower surface area-to-volume ratios, inherently have different optical properties than do planar, bifacial photosynthetic organs, especially with regard to absorption and transmittance. For example, stem succulents such as cacti and many euphorbias have essentially zero transmittance to light (Gates et al., 1965), therefore any mitigation of irradiance available to these taxa will involve only reflectance, absorption, or some morphological response reducing the angle of incidence. The vertical photosynthetic surfaces of many cacti greatly reduce the incident radiation received (Nobel, 1988), a phenomenon also seen in the vertical leaves of many other succulent taxa (Eller et al., 1983; von Willert et al., 1992). Although many succulent taxa also feature highly reflective epidermal features, such as wax blooms or trichomes (e.g. Dudleya brittonii; Mulroy, 1979), these are less common than might be expected, and reflectances of many succulent arid-environment taxa
are comparable with the range found in other plants (Eller et al., 1983; Sinclair and Thomas, 1970). Many taxa also have other shading structures (e.g. axillary scales that cover distal leaves in Anacampseros sect. Avonia) that presumably filter harmful light wavelengths (von Willert et al., 1992), although the effect of these structures has not been closely investigated. Many non-succulent plants use short-term adjustments to leaf orientation, such as solar tracking or leaf folding, to optimise their exposure to light. This strategy is not usually possible over the short term in most stem- or leaf-succulent taxa: stems clearly are not sufficiently mobile and succulent leaves typically lack petioles, limiting the range of possible short-term adjustment. Longer-term adjustments in orientation do occur, however, for example in many columnar stem succulents that bend in the direction of the Sun’s path across the sky, or in Aloe dichotoma, in which newly formed leaves are initially oriented vertically and become more horizontal during ontogeny (von Willert et al., 1992). Unlike solar tracking in leaves of non-succulents, these responses appear to reduce the degree of light received. Eller et al. (1983) compared spectral properties of leaves from an assemblage of sympatric species of the Richtersveld of South Africa with a range of leaf shape and tissue succulence. They demonstrated that absorption of PAR is not correlated with succulence, and in fact the highest absorptivity values for PAR were found in taxa with the thinnest leaves. Higher infrared absorption was significantly correlated with leaf succulence, however, although the investigators did not determine which tissue of the leaf was absorbing this energy. The possibility exists that it was absorbed in a way that minimised the potential for tissue damage, for example by the cuticle or epidermis, although it seems likely a result of absorption by stored water. The high absorption of these wavelengths is likely to result in a higher heat load on succulent leaves. In the columnar cactus C. gigantea, the cuticle, epidermis, and collenchymatous hypodermis as a unit serve to absorb nearly all ultraviolet light incident on the plant (Darling, 1989). These tissues also significantly reduced PAR reception by the stem chlorenchyma, transmitting roughly 64% of PAR. The chlorenchyma was highly absorptive of PAR and highly reflective of the large amount of infrared radiation that passed readily through the hypodermis. Therefore, in C. gigantea protection of the chlorenchyma from ultraviolet damage by the epidermis and hypodermis appears to come with a slight cost to PAR reception. This may actually be adaptive if ambient PAR levels are too high. Nobel (1983) investigated the effects of spines on the absorption of PAR and on stem temperature in two cactus species, Opuntia bigelovii and F. acanthodes. Spines significantly reduced the amount of PAR reaching the photosynthetic stem surface, by 32% in O. bigelovii and 78% in
F. acanthodes. Periodic removal of spines on O. bigelovii increased stem volume considerably, by approximately 60% over a span of 2.5 years. Combined with their vertical orientation, the shading by spines causes these cacti to be highly PAR-limited under normal growing conditions. Darling (1989) noted that, with the reduction of PAR caused by the epidermal and hypodermal layers, the amount of PAR reaching the chlorenchyma of cactus stems may paradoxically be more characteristic of shade plants. Nobel (1983) suggested that the role of spine shading in reducing stem temperatures is relatively low (see below), and therefore the adaptive value of spines must lie primarily in herbivory defence. Succulent plants often grow in environments where they must tolerate extremes of temperature, especially high temperatures. Typically, heat may be lost from the plant through transpiration, convective heat loss at the boundary layer, and through long-wave emission. However, many features of succulent plants are expected to negatively impact their ability to reduce heat load. For example, reduced or no daytime stomatal conductance in plants using CAM reduces their ability to dissipate heat through transpiration, and even when stomata are open, succulent taxa tend to have lower transpiration rates relative to other plants. Furthermore, the low surface area-to-volume ratios of succulent organs tend to reduce the boundary layer on which convection may act, as well as the surface from which long-wave radiation may be emitted. These effects should be more serious with increasing plant size because for a given shape, the surface area-to-volume ratio decreases with increasing size. Small succulent plants, on the other hand, track soil surface temperatures more closely (Nobel, 1989; Nobel and Zutta, 2007). In the same study examining the effect of spines on light interception discussed above, Nobel (1983) also demonstrated that spines in F. acanthodes and O. bigelovii also had a moderating effect on daily temperature fluxes. Shading effects during the day resulted in lower daily maxima, while longwave absorption increased nocturnal temperatures. In Mammillaria dioica, apical trichomes were demonstrated to have a similar protective effect on the apical meristem (Gibson and Nobel, 1986). Moderating effects such as these may serve to extend the northern and southern range limits of these species, although their contribution to mitigating the effect of high temperatures appears to be relatively small (Nobel, 1983). While the ability to tolerate high temperatures appears to be a common correlate of tissue succulence, the question remains how closely to their maximum thermal thresholds these taxa are operating, and to what extent future climate change may threaten to push species past these thresholds. Musil et al. (2005) examined this question by testing the effect of experimentally raised ambient temperatures on quartz field succulents growing in the
Knersvlakte area of the southern Namib Desert. Experimental plots were passively heated with open-topped clear acrylic chambers, increasing ambient temperatures an average of 5.5 8C over the summer of 2002–2003, corresponding to one Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climatic projection for this area for the year 2080. Mortality increased two- to fivefold, impacting dwarf succulents such as Argyroderma and Conophytum most strongly. While this experiment was problematic in that elevated temperatures were applied rapidly, allowing little chance for plants to acclimate, these results may give some indication of the upper thermal tolerances for these succulents. Foden et al. (2007) have presented evidence that the contraction at the northern range edge of A. dichotoma may similarly be attributed to exceeding of thermal tolerance limits due to climate change. This conclusion is strengthened by the negative correlation of altitude with mortality in populations at the northern limit of the range. B. SALINITY TOLERANCE
1. Water relations Succulence is a common feature of plants growing in saline soils. Although they may often look quite similar to drought-avoiding succulents, halophytic succulents use water in very different ways. To better understand the water use of halophytic succulents, we first outline some of the challenges that growing in salinity poses for plants. Saline soils present plants with two distinct stress factors specific to this environment: osmotic stress due to low soil water potential and ionic stress from the uptake of cytotoxic salts, especially Naþ and Cl, into cells (Munns and Tester, 2008). Osmotic stress has traditionally been considered a form of drought, even for plants growing in inundated conditions (Waisel, 1972). One possible solution to the problem of osmotic stress is to take up and store the salts that are readily available in the soil, thereby decreasing tissue water potentials and maintaining the water potential gradient necessary for continued transpiration. However, Naþ and Cl, the most common solutes in saline soils, are cytotoxic at high concentrations, interfering with enzyme function and generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) that may damage cell membranes (Zhu, 2001). For non-halophytic taxa (so-called ‘‘glycophytes’’) unable to efficiently sequester cytotoxic ions, ionic stress can eventually lead to cell damage and faster leaf senescence (Munns and Tester, 2008). The dual stressors, osmotic and ionic, thus represent the ‘‘horns of a dilemma’’ for glycophytes not specialised to these conditions, and the degree to which one or the other is tolerated varies according to the individual species, as well as the duration and intensity of the salinity stress (Munns and Tester, 2008).
Halophytes are plants with specialisations for long-term uptake and storage (or excretion) of salts without significant damage to metabolic functions (Flowers, 1985), and they are typically characterised by slight increases in growth rate at low to moderate soil salinities (Munns and Tester, 2008). A number of traits have been identified that underlie the ability of halophytes to persist in saline habitats. They possess mechanisms to accumulate and store cytotoxic salts in vacuoles, and are able to synthesise organic solutes such as proline, glycine betaine, and sucrose, which are maintained in the cytosol and keep its osmotic potential similar to that of the storage vacuoles. They efficiently filter excess inorganic ions at the level of roots (Scholander et al., 1962), and they modulate osmotic potential, maintaining a constant water potential gradient with the soil. Tissue succulence is common in certain halophytic taxa, especially Chenopodioideae and Zygophyllaceae, and is usually explained in terms of maintaining stored salt at subtoxic concentrations. Moderate increases in soil salinity are associated with increased tissue succulence in both halophytes and non-halophytes alike (Fig. 5; Longstreth and Nobel, 1979; PoljakoffMayber, 1975; Waisel, 1972) although succulence has been observed to decrease at very high salinities (Khan et al., 2000). Most work in halophyte biology has focused on the mechanics of salt tolerance and sequestration at the cellular level, with an eye towards manipulating the genetic systems of crop plants to better tolerate salinity (Munns and Tester, 2008). Compared with drought-avoiding succulents, relatively little work has been done on the ecophysiology of non-cultivated halophytes, succulent or otherwise, with perhaps the exception of M. crystallinum (Winter and Gademann, 1991). M. crystallinum is probably quite atypical as a halophyte, however, using CAM photosynthesis and having evolved
Fig. 5. Plastic increase in succulence in a non-halophyte, Cistanthe grandiflora. (A) Individual from a population growing approximately 30 km inland of Los Vilos, Chile. (B) Individual from a population growing along the beach a few kilometres north of Los Vilos.
within a lineage of non-halophytic succulents (Section II.C). We have very little understanding of the role the succulent habit plays a in the overall life of halophytic plants. Research to date does not support the notion that succulence per se has a large effect on plant water relations or carbon gain and seems instead to exist as a mechanism to maintain accumulated salts at a lower concentration within tissues. Basic research on the ecophysiology of these plants is needed. If the water stored in halophytes is not functioning to buffer the plant from the effects of drought, it is possible that succulent halophytic plants will tend to have lower values of tissue capacitance (C), even in taxa with considerably succulent tissues. Low C results in a more rapid drop in turgor pressure and hence water potential for a given amount of water lost through transpiration, a trait that would be expected to be adaptive in the low water potential soils in which halophytes grow. This would allow halophytes to rapidly generate the water potential gradients needed to maintain the transpiration stream according to the water potential of the surrounding soil. Few data on capacitance or elastic modulus exist for halophytic plants. Youngman and Heckathorn (1992) used pressure–volume curves to compare e of whole shoots for erect and prostrate forms of the succulent-leaved annual Suaeda calceoliformis. They found very high values (> 8 MPa) that increased when plants were grown in higher salinities, an observation that is consistent with studies demonstrating growth of thicker cell walls in higher salinities in other succulent halophytic taxa (Hajibagheri et al., 1983). e was higher for all treatments in the prostrate form. While the stems of this species are somewhat succulent and herbaceous, however, the main succulent tissue is in the leaves. Therefore, these values of e are not direct measures for the primary succulent tissues. We obtained pressure–volume curves for succulent leaves of two halophytic taxa, Suaeda taxifolia and Lycium californicum, and for fused leaf–stem segments of Arthrocnemum subterminalis. Capacitance values were very low and elastic modulus values were high compared with leaves of similar morphology from CAM-succulent taxa (Table I), supporting the hypothesis that stored water in halophytic taxa functions in a different manner from the succulence of drought-avoiding species. Although they may look quite similar, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that drought-avoiding and halophytic succulents use water in very different ways. 2. Succulence, CAM, and salinity: Why so uncommon? Plants growing in saline soils deal with many of the same problems of maintaining tissue water status as do arid-adapted plants. Even plants living in inundated conditions are still effectively experiencing drought because of
extremely low soil water potentials. For this reason, it has been hypothesised that mechanisms increasing WUE such as CAM might be adaptive for salttolerating or salt-excluding plants as much as for plants of arid or other water-limited habitats (Lu¨ttge, 2004). Furthermore, the enlarged salt storing vacuoles of many halophytes could potentially be a preadaptation for CAM function. Contrary to this prediction, there appears to be relatively little overlap between CAM lineages and halophytic lineages, and even fewer examples of halophytic species using CAM (Aronson, 1989; Lu¨ttge, 2004); instead, the C4 pathway, which increases WUE to a lesser degree than CAM, is relatively common in halophytes (Chenopodioideae: Kadereit et al., 2003; Zygophyllum simplex; Spartina, Chamaesyce). One noteworthy exception to this trend is the CAM model species M. crystallinum, which is commonly touted as a facultative halophyte (Aronson, 1989; Lu¨ttge, 2004; Winter and Gademann, 1991). A possible explanation for the rarity of CAM in halophytic plants is a conflict between salt and malic acid storage functions in the vacuoles. In halophytes, sequestering of cytotoxic salts in vacuoles is a static process, and stored ions are not typically removed again, while malate storage in CAM is a dynamic process requiring fluxes across vacuole membranes on a daily basis (Epimashko et al., 2004). Observations of the direct suppression of CAM photosynthesis by salinity in a number of Cactaceae support this hypothesis. While some Cactaceae and other CAM succulents grow in salinised soils, studies have demonstrated that they use a combination of salt exclusion at the roots and seasonal avoidance, through down-regulation of metabolic activity during periods of lower precipitation and higher salinity (Nobel et al., 1984). At higher salinities where some degree of salt uptake is unavoidable, these studies also specifically detected negative correlations of CAM function with chlorenchyma Naþ content (Lu¨ttge, 2004; Nerd et al., 1991; Nobel, 1988; Nobel et al., 1984). In an experiment examining the effects of salinity and drought on succulence and CAM expression in the herb T. paniculatum (Talinaceae), we observed a similar pattern consistent with suppression of CAM induction by salt (Fig. 6). T. paniculatum normally uses the C3 pathway for carbon uptake, but switches to CAM-cycling under moderate drought stress (Guralnick and Jackson, 2001). The treatment group receiving water once weekly underwent CAM-cycling as indicated by increased levels of nocturnal malate accumulation (Fig. 6). The group receiving 0.3 M NaCl with the same watering schedule had significantly reduced levels of titratable acidity, indicating a reduced degree of CAM-cycling in salt-treated plants. Well-watered controls showed no significant acid fluxes throughout the night.
Control Drought Drought + salt
Acid accumulation (mmol mm−1)
0.021 0.019 0.017 0.015 0.013 0.011 0.009 0.007 0.005 16
22 24 26 Time (hour of day)
Fig. 6. Nocturnal acid accumulations in droughted treatment groups of Talinum paniculatum. The ‘‘control’’ treatment received 10 mL water once per day; the ‘‘drought’’ treatment received 10 mL water once per week; the ‘‘drought þ salt’’ treatment received 10 mL 0.3 M NaCl once per week. No nocturnal stomatal conductance was observed in any of the treatment groups.
The discovery of separate salt and C4 storage vacuoles, sometimes occurring within a single cell, in the CAM halophyte M. crystallinum is consistent with this hypothesis of vacuole conflict (Epimashko et al., 2004). It is notable in this regard that many Aizoaceae of the winter-rainfall region of South Africa often have significantly lower water potentials than have been reported for other CAM succulents (von Willert et al., 1992), a pattern hinting that multiple storage vacuoles could be a more widespread trait within Aizoaceae. According to von Willert et al. (1992), there is variation within the Aizoaceae of the Richtersveld between all-cell and storage succulence. They note that osmotic potential of the cell sap tends to be lower in those taxa with all-cell succulence (>3.5 MPa vs. >1.6 MPa in storage succulent taxa), although unfortunately they do not identify the species individually. Regardless, these differences may point to different water-use and growth strategies between the two tissue succulence types. Von Willert et al. (1992) hypothesise that the all-cell succulent taxa of Aizoaceae use sequestered salts to maximise turgor pressure in growing cells, thereby increasing growth rates. The observation that all of the annual succulents of this area have all-cell succulence is consistent with this hypothesis. Although we have discussed above how CAM is not limiting to growth per se when certain taxa are grown under
permissive conditions, the observation that succulent CAM taxa in their natural habitats have generally low growth rates is still valid. Could the evolution of salt storage vacuoles in a CAM lineage have provided a mechanism for more rapid growth in normally slow-growing CAM plants? It is noteworthy that many other succulent annuals (e.g. Portulaca, Zygophyllum) are also reported as being salt-tolerant (Aronson, 1989). Portulaca is an especially interesting case because it has evolved within a lineage, the Portulacineae, that typically expresses an array of CAM-like behaviours (Guralnick and Jackson, 2001), while Portulaca itself has evolved C4 photosynthesis (Guralnick and Jackson, 2001; Koch and Kennedy, 1980). The relationship between CAM, salt uptake, and growth rates warrants further examination in the Aizoaceae. Preferably, this problem would be examined in a phylogenetic comparative context, determining the evolutionary sequence of leaf succulence types, salinity tolerance, CAM expression, and the occurrence of multiple vacuole types within the clade.
IV. NEW CHALLENGES FOR SUCCULENCE RESEARCH: UNDERSTANDING VARIATION AND PLACING SUCCULENCE IN AN EVOLUTIONARY CONTEXT Biologists studying the ecophysiology of succulence have the benefit of standing on the shoulders of giants; a few pioneering researchers have outlined and thoroughly answered many of the basic questions pertaining to the features of succulence as an ecological strategy (Gibson and Nobel, 1986; Lu¨ttge, 2004; Mauseth, 2006; Nobel, 1988; von Willert et al., 1992; Winter and Smith, 1996). The taxonomic focus of this work has understandably been fairly narrow, aiming to thoroughly study the whole-organism biology of a few representative species. One needed goal for the future is to apply this ecophysiological point of view to better understand variation among a broader range of succulent taxa. For example, although the water-use and photosynthetic strategies of plants using full CAM are well documented, more work is needed on the response to drought and carbon uptake in C3 succulents, as well as the many taxa showing weak CAM. Initial work on these taxa shows that they may be more conservative in their water use (Eller and Ferrari, 1997; Martin et al., 1988), but more research is needed to test the generality of this pattern. The ecophysiology of the morphologically diverse caudiciform taxa is also understudied. Do the distinctive seasonal water-use strategy and biomechanical constraints found in Adansonia (Chapotin et al., 2006a,b,c) apply to other caudiciform bottle trees such as Moringa and
Dendrosicyos? What about less ‘‘exaggerated’’ seasonally deciduous trees, such as Pittocaulon, which exhibit many features of wood succulence, although with overall lower total water storage (Olson, 2005)? How is water used in smaller shrubby or vining caudiciforms such as Adenia, which have relaxed biomechanical support requirements? Because these caudiciform taxa are generally united by periodic deciduousness of leaves or shoots, it seems likely that water and starch stores will generally support flushing of photosynthetic organs. The question of how frequently water stored in the caudex also supports photosynthetic gas exchange, as is common in other drought-avoiding succulents, remains unanswered. We strongly suspect that there is much variation on these themes still awaiting discovery. We also understand relatively little about the evolution of succulence in a phylogenetic comparative context. Comparative studies traditionally approach the question of evolution from a reductionist, trait-focused perspective. However, complex, functionally integrated syndromes of traits such as succulence are best understood and thought of using a whole-plant approach, that is considering the interdependence of morphology and ecophysiology in the context of the entire organism. This perspective has been applied recently to advance our understanding of the evolution of the early angiosperm niche (Feild and Arens, 2007). This whole-plant approach can serve as a guide for comparative studies examining the evolution of syndromes such as succulence as well. For example, Edwards and Donoghue (2006) demonstrated how many of the aspects of the water-use strategy exhibited by the succulent ‘‘core cacti’’ (e.g. high tissue water potentials, shallow roots, rapid response to rainfall events, and highly responsive stomatal behaviour) are also present in the leafy, non-stem-succulent Pereskia species which form a paraphyletic grade at the base of the group. This suite of traits contrasts strongly with the water relations of most other dry forest trees and shrubs growing sympatrically with Pereskia and implies that the basic ecophysiological features of the cactus succulent strategy were more or less in place early in cactus evolution. This study demonstrated how the water-use strategy of Cactaceae apparently preceded many of the morphological specialisations of the more integrated condition of the leafless, highly succulent core cacti. It is also worth pondering whether particular growth forms in non-succulent ancestors are more likely to evolve succulent water storage tissues through some form of preadaptation. For example, Olson (2003) has suggested the presence of extensive ray and axial conjunctive parenchyma in stems of many lianas, which is thought to buffer them from torsion, may have facilitated the evolution of the caudiciform habit in taxa such as Dendrosicyos (Cucurbitaceae), Cyphostemma (Vitaceae), and Adenia (Passifloraceae).
In considering the evolution of succulence, the wide taxonomic distribution of the succulence syndrome has interesting implications and also raises a few questions. For example, in contrast to a trait such as the ability of plant roots to host nitrogen-fixing bacteria, of which there are multiple origins but which are restricted to one subclade of the rosids (Doyle, 1998), the phylogenetic pattern of succulence suggests that many angiosperm lineages could evolve increased succulence under the right conditions. The fact that water storage tissues occur in practically any plant organ further argues against significant developmental constraints in the evolution of highly succulent tissues for the general seed plant body plan. However, some taxa that are diverse and widespread in water-limited environments where succulence is quite favourable, such as Fabaceae and Poaceae, mostly lack succulent representatives and instead are largely drought tolerant. As certain lineages tend to specialize in one strategy or the other, it suggests to us a complex phenotypic landscape where drought tolerance is relatively inaccessible to a drought avoiding plant, and vice versa. A high degree of trait integration essentially establishes a ‘burden’ (sensu Riedl, 1978; Ogburn and Edwards, 2009) that may constrain subsequent evolutionary options open to that lineage. A. SUCCULENCE IS NOT A BINARY TRAIT
Exploring these sorts of evolutionary questions first requires an acceptable metric of succulence. A quantitative means of describing this trait would also allow better understanding of its correlation with other functional traits, for example WUE or carbon uptake. For drought-avoiding succulents, relative and absolute capacitance are the most relevant traits in this regard, but the methods available to obtain pressure–volume curves from succulent organs needed to calculate these quantities are time consuming and require specialised equipment. A number of metrics to quantify succulence have been developed (Delf, 1912; von Willert et al., 1990; Walter, 1926), but none of these to date have seen wide application. Delf (1912) defined degree of succulence, S, as: S ¼ saturating water content ðgÞ=surface area ðdm2 Þ: S captures the water content for a given amount of surface area. Because more highly succulent organs have a lower surface area for a given volume than for less succulent ones, their S values are higher. Later, Walter (1926) defined succulence in terms of surface expansion: Surface expansion ¼ surface area cm2 =fresh weight ðgÞ: Von Willert et al. (1992) have defined a succulence quotient (SQ) in terms of carbon expenditure:
Water content at full hydration ðgÞ=tissue dry mass ash mass ðgÞ: A rapidly obtained, ecophysiologically meaningful measure of succulence would be useful in comparing the trait across large numbers of taxa, for example in phylogenetically based comparative studies of evolutionary trait correlations. We are approaching this problem with the goal of linking such a succulence metric with measures of capacitance obtained with pressure– volume curves. Our metric, the succulence index (SI) is a simplified version of the SQ of von Willert et al. (1992): SI ¼ Water content at full hydration ðgÞ=tissue dry mass ðgÞ: We present here capacitance and SI data for numerous taxa, primarily from the clade Portulacineae, which includes the succulent groups Cactaceae, Didiereaceae, and Anacampserotaceae, and on a few exemplars of halophytic succulence (L. californicum, A. subterminalis, and S. taxifolia). Table I lists previously published values of capacitance in a variety of taxa, as well as some of our initial findings in the clade Portulacineae. It is noteworthy that in most cases, SI correlates well with capacitance, except in the halophytic taxa.
As the SI and capacitance data show, similar forms of morphological succulence can underlie very different water-use strategies. This returns us to our original question: ‘‘what is succulence?’’ Although many previous definitions of succulence have emphasised drought avoidance at the expense of salinity tolerance (Eggli and Nyffeler, 2009; von Willert et al., 1992), common sense tells us that it is reasonable to accept a morphological gestalt as a criterion for designating a plant as ‘‘succulent’’ without being overly preoccupied with the underlying ecophysiology. In field situations, one may sometimes encounter both drought-avoiding and halophytic succulents side-by-side with no better way to discern their water-use strategy than by tasting the cell sap. Furthermore, as we have seen in Aizoaceae, some taxa seem to blend the two strategies. We would argue that in a very general way, succulence is a morphological condition arising from the storage of water in tissues for whatever purpose. In this sense, the gestalt approach of the past several centuries is still relevant, though we emphasise that there are really no natural boundaries that would permit any valid ‘‘succulent’’ versus ‘‘nonsucculent’’ category. Wide adoption of a quantitative measure of succulence will surely facilitate a deeper understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of this trait, and its complex and varied relationships to other aspects of organismal structure and function.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank J. T. Columbus for providing plant materials of Californian halophytes, and P.-A. Christin, M. Arakaki, K. Schmandt, S. Schmerler and R. Helm for comments that improved the manuscript.
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Numbers in bold refer to pages on which full references are listed.
A Abe, K., 48, 55 Abel, S., 94, 106 Acevedo, E., 200, 219 Ackerly, D.D., 193, 202, 219 Adams, W.W. III., 200, 222 Adenot, X., 14, 55 Aebersold, R.H., 125, 173 Aggrawal, P., 104, 112 Agrawal, G., 48, 55 Aida, M., 10, 13, 17, 23, 55, 62–63, 66, 78, 92, 106–107 Ailhas, J., 3, 69 Aime, M.C., 124, 173 Aitken, W.M., 123, 171 Alard, P., 85, 95, 110 Albersheim, P., 137, 174 Albert, V.A., 54, 70 Albrecht, C., 13, 72 Albuquerque, P.S.B., 124–125, 132–133, 159, 163, 167, 170–171 Alemanno, L., 131, 133, 143, 149, 152, 163, 165–167, 171–172 Alexander, A.L., 14, 60 Alexander, J.H., 41, 68 Allainguillaume, J., 152, 174 Allaway, D., 125, 128, 132–133, 169 Allegra, C., 158, 169 Alle`gre, M., 126–127, 137, 141–142, 157– 158, 162, 164, 170 Allen, E., 14, 16–17, 60, 67 Almeida, C.M.V.C., 155, 164 Almeida, O.C., 130, 175 Aloni, R., 17, 30, 55 Alonso-Cantabrana, H., 23, 55 Alonso, J.M., 14, 68, 94, 113 Altamura, M.M., 139, 167 Altman, N., 54, 70 Alvarez-Buylla, E.R., 7, 33, 67, 71 Alvarez, J.P., 14–16, 18–22, 24, 26–30–32, 35, 49, 55–57, 59, 67 Alvarez, M., 159, 166 Alverson, W.S., 121, 164 Alvim, F.C., 135, 143, 152, 164, 173, 175 Amasino, R., 78, 106 Ambrose, B.A., 8, 68 Amsellem, Z., 14, 16, 55, 67
Anastasiou, E., 16, 55 Anderson, J.E., 193, 224 Andrade, B.S., 131, 164 Andrade, J.L., 185, 195–196, 199–200, 203, 219–221, 223 Andrieu, A., 145, 164 Aneja, M., 134, 164 Angenent, G.C., 8, 21, 35–36, 44–45, 47–48, 52, 55, 58, 61, 66 An, G.H., 45, 47–48, 59, 63, 73 Anhert, D., 124, 159, 174 Ante, S.J., 93, 113 Antunez de Mayolo, G., 125, 129, 134, 138, 142–143, 152, 164–165, 172 Aoki, K., 100, 115 Aoyama, T., 99–101, 108, 114–115 Aphalo, P.J., 76, 106 Arau´jo, I.S., 124, 159, 167 Araus, V., 97, 116 Arbuckle, E., 95, 108 Arcade, A., 160, 164 Arens, N.C., 216, 220 Argout, X., 126–127, 136–137, 141–142, 157–160, 162, 164, 170, 175 Argueso, C.T., 99, 106 Arima, K., 94, 113 Armas, E.D., 130, 167 Armbruster, W.S., 4, 50, 55 Aronson, J.A., 213, 215, 219 Ashraf, M., 86, 106 Astorga, C., 159, 171 Astot, C., 101, 112 Atkinson, A., 19–20, 26–27, 30, 35–36, 57, 62 Audenaert, D., 81, 107 Aukerman, M.J., 33, 55 Aung, K., 90, 109 Azevedo, R.A., 130, 134, 172, 174 Azhakanandam, S., 27, 55 Azmi, A., 97, 112 Azuma, H., 41, 56 B Babu, R.C., 86, 106 Badilla, I., 200, 219 Bae, H., 125, 136, 138–141, 164–165, 167
Baek, D., 89–90, 112 Baena-Gonzalez, E., 103, 114, 140 Bahler, J., 125, 171 Bailey, B.A., 123, 125, 129, 132–134, 136–141, 164–165, 167, 176 Bainbridge, K., 11, 55 Baker, R.F., 103, 111 Balanza, V., 18, 55 Ballare, C.L., 76, 106 Ball, E., 213, 223 Ballestrini, C., 206, 221 Ballinger, T., 150, 177 Baltensperger, K., 15, 68 Banerjee, A.K., 11, 32–33, 37, 57 Bannigan, A., 93, 113 Bao, F., 27, 55 Bao, N., 14–15, 66 Bao, X.Z., 14, 20, 56 Barau, J.G., 130, 174 Barcikowski, W., 199, 219 Bari, R., 89–90, 106 Barkoulas, M., 10–11, 17, 56–57, 62 Barlow, P.W., 87, 96, 117 Barraclough, T.G., 39, 58 Barratt, D.H., 103, 106 Barriga, J.P., 155, 164 Barros, E.G., 124, 159, 174 Barros, O., 124, 165 Bartel, B., 91, 117 Bartel, D.P., 14, 65, 71 Barthlott, W., 191, 219 Bartley, B.G.D., 155, 165 Bartling, L., 9, 48, 71 Barton, M.K., 14–15, 21, 65–66 Baskar, R., 8, 58 Baskin, T.I., 86, 93, 100, 106, 113, 116 Bastos, C.N., 138, 165, 175 Baulcombe, D.C., 145, 165 Baumann, E., 9, 19, 51–52, 67 Baum, D.A., 6, 8, 56–57, 121, 164 Baum, S.F., 14, 18, 21–23, 26–27, 36, 59–60, 64, 70 Baurens, F.C., 151, 168 Baybayan, P., 53, 59 Bayer, C., 121, 164 Bayer, E., 11, 55 Bayle, V., 80, 113 Bechtold, N., 91–92, 114 Becker, A., 6–9, 20, 36, 49, 56, 67, 71–72 Becker, B., 185, 219 Beeckman, T., 80–81, 83–85, 91–96, 102, 107–108, 110, 113, 116 Beemster, G.T., 95, 100, 106, 116 Beis, D., 78, 91–92, 106, 114 Bellato, M., 134, 172 Bell, C.J., 29, 67 Bell, D.L., 76, 106 Bell, E. M., 13, 62 Belles-Boix, E., 23, 68
Beltran, J.P., 34, 70 BeMiller, J.N., 135, 167 Bendahmane, A., 145, 165 Benfey, P.N., 77–78, 81–82, 91–92, 110–112, 114 Benjamins, R., 91–92, 106, 116 Benkova, E., 15, 30, 56, 81, 92–96, 100–101, 106, 108, 111, 113–116 Bennett, A.B., 127–128, 139, 172, 176 Bennett, M.J., 11, 15, 55, 68, 80–81, 84–85, 93–94, 96, 106–107, 112–113 Bennett, S.R.M., 24, 29, 56 Bentsink, L., 103, 114 Berardini, T.Z., 36, 56 Berckmans, B., 83, 106 Bereterbide, A., 35, 56 Berger, J., 11, 64 Berleth, T., 16, 29, 65, 68 Berne-Dedieu, A., 47, 60 Bernhardt, P., 41, 56 Berthouly, M., 152, 163 Bettman, B., 53, 59 Betzner, A.S., 27, 59 Beule, T., 151, 168 Bevan, M.W., 103, 114 Bezerra, J.L., 130, 138, 168, 175 Bhalerao, R.P., 80, 84–85, 93–94, 106–107, 112 Bibillo, A., 53, 59 Bies, D., 54, 67 Biller, S., 81, 96, 111 Billotte, N., 151, 168 Bingham, I.J., 103, 107 Bittencourt, L., 130–131, 167–168 Bjornson, K., 53, 59 Blackwood, J.M., 103, 107 Blakely, L.M., 80, 93, 107 Blakely, R.M., 80 Blakeslee, J.J., 105, 110 Blancaflor, E.B., 93, 113 Blanchet, A., 89, 115 Blazquez, M.A., 31, 59 Blein, T., 17, 66 Blilou, I., 78, 83–84, 91–92, 106–107, 109, 113, 116 Blum, E., 14, 16, 55, 59, 67 Boccara, M., 127, 136, 141–142, 158–160, 170, 175 Boerjan, W., 34, 68 Bogenschutz, N.L., 154, 173 Bohnert, A., 20, 37, 65 Bohnert, H.J., 85–86, 101–102, 115 Boisbouvier, J., 16, 67 Bolduc, N., 11, 56 Bollman, K., 14, 21, 36, 56, 64 Bollon, H., 152, 171 Bolokoski, D.A., 16, 73 Bomblies, K., 14, 21, 64 Bond, W.J., 210, 220
AUTHOR INDEX Bonetta, D., 16, 59 Bonke, M., 80, 113 Borghi, L., 13, 56 Borland, A.M., 207, 219 Borrone, J.W., 124, 156, 159, 165 Borsch, T., 184, 187, 213, 221 Bossinger, G., 24, 29, 56 Bouche, N., 14, 55 Boucheron-Dubuisson, E., 80, 113 Boucheron, E., 83–85, 95, 110 Bouet, A., 152, 156, 159, 169 Boult, E., 159, 169 Bousquet, J., 40, 69 Boutet, S., 14, 55 Bowers, H.J., 123, 165 Bowers, J.H., 125, 136, 138, 164–165 Bowman, J.L., 10, 14–15, 18–23, 25–32, 34–37, 45, 50–51, 55–57, 59–61, 63–66, 68, 70, 73 Bracha, K., 53, 72 Bradshaw, A.D., 76, 107 Brady, S.R., 93, 113 Brambilla, V., 28, 58 Brand, A., 16, 67 Brand, L., 14, 63 Brandt, W.F., 193, 222 Brasier, C.M., 124, 165 Braun, D.M., 103, 111, 115 Bravo, H.S., 152, 174 Breitler, J.C., 145, 164 Bremer, B., 38, 57 Bremer, K., 38, 57 Brendel, M., 130, 134–135, 164, 173 Brentani, H.P., 130, 174 Bressan, R.A., 89–90, 112, 150, 176 Briggs, B.G., 46, 69 Brinckmann, E., 183, 185–187, 190–191, 194, 201–202, 206–208, 214–215, 217–218, 220, 225 Broadhvest, J., 45, 72 Brottier, P., 156, 158, 173 Brown, J.S., 124, 156, 158–159, 165, 167, 169, 172, 175 Brown, S., 160, 175 Brugier, N., 99, 113 Brugnerotto, M.I.B., 124, 171 Bruhl, J., 41, 56 Bucheli, P., 159, 166 Buker, S., 95, 108 Bureau, M., 13, 56 Burssens, S., 84, 108 Busch, M.A., 20, 35, 37, 49, 62, 65 Busscher, M., 8, 44, 47, 52, 55, 58 Butler, D.R., 124, 168 Buzgo, M., 44–46, 63–64 Bylstra, Y.H., 19, 26–27, 30, 35–36, 62 Byrne, M.E., 10, 14–15, 57, 61
C Cabigliera, M., 159, 166 Caboche, M., 8, 66 Cabrera, O.G., 131, 177 ˇ aikovski, M., 151, 171 C Cairns, J.E., 86, 113 Caldwell, M.M., 202, 219 Callahan, H.S., 76, 107 Calvo, V., 100, 111 Cameron, K.D., 139, 176 Campilho, A., 83–84, 116 Canales, C., 17, 57 Canivenc, G., 97, 112 Cannon, W.A., 201, 219 Caporali, E., 28, 58 Carazzolle, M.F., 129–130, 167, 172, 174 Carbonell, J., 31, 59 Carels, N., 125, 130, 132–135, 157–158, 167–168, 170 Caribe´ dos Santos, A.C., 131, 165 Carles, C.C., 14, 37, 57, 72 Carlquist, S.J., 185, 189, 219 Carlsbecker, A., 7, 57, 71 Carlson, J.E., 54, 70, 125, 129, 132–133, 137, 139, 147, 176 Carolin, R.C., 187, 219 Carpenter, R., 16, 66 Carpita, N.C., 105, 110 Carraro, D.M., 129–130, 172, 174 Carrer, H., 129–130, 172 Carrier, D., 81, 96, 115 Carrington, J.C., 14–17, 57, 60, 67 Carvalho, H.A.S., 135, 173 Casamitjana-Martinez, E., 100, 108 Cascardo, J.C.M., 125–126, 130–135, 137, 141–143, 152, 157–158, 162, 164–165, 168, 170–173, 175–176 Casero, P.J., 80, 84–85, 93–94, 107, 112 Casimiro, I., 80–81, 84–85, 93–94, 96, 100, 107, 111–113, 115 Castera, S., 35, 56 Castillejo, C., 20, 57 Cavelier, J., 185, 196, 199–200, 203, 221, 223 Cazettes, C., 88, 112 Ceita, G.O., 130–131, 133, 165–168 Celenza, J.L., Jr, 81, 93–97, 107–108, 111 Celis, A., 203, 221 Cervantes-Martinez, C., 124, 158–159, 165, 175 Chamarerk, V., 86, 106 Chambrier, P., 47, 60 Champoux, M.C., 86, 107 Chan, A., 94, 113 Chang, C., 94, 113 Chan, J., 141, 166 Chanliau, S., 141, 166 Chapelin, M., 159, 169
Chapotin, S.M., 184, 203–204, 215, 219 Charcosset, A., 160, 164 Chardon, F., 160, 164 Chase, M.W., 38–40, 57–58, 60, 69, 126, 177 Chatterjee, J., 83–84, 116 Chaudhury, A., 31, 72 Cheah, S.C., 151, 171 Chen, C.B., 27, 30, 57 Chen, F., 97, 115 Cheng, Y.F., 24, 31, 57 Cheng, Y.L., 20, 33, 37, 57 Chen, H., 11, 32–33, 37, 57 Chen, J.C., 36, 64 Chen, Q.Y., 20, 27, 57 Chen, R., 90, 115 Chen, X.M., 20, 32–33, 37, 57, 67, 73 Chen, Z.D., 126, 177 Chet, I., 138, 168 Chezhian, P., 86, 106 Chickarmane, V.S., 11, 61 Chiou, T.J., 90, 103, 109 Chitwood, D.H., 10, 13–15, 57, 62, 66 Choi, I., 138–139, 165 Choi, Y.D., 139, 168 Chory, J., 11, 70 Chriqui, D., 80, 85, 95, 110, 113 Christensen, S.K., 28, 30, 71 Christensen, T., 20, 27, 57 Christmann, A., 102, 107 Chuang, C.F., 32, 35–36, 57 Chua, N.H., 16, 62 Chu, J., 103, 113 Cidade, L.C., 143, 152, 175 Cierlik, I., 28, 30, 59 Cilas, C., 136, 156, 159, 166–167, 169 Clapperton, J.F., 141, 159, 166, 169 Clark, S.E., 14, 32, 37, 58, 63, 68 Cle´ment, D., 127–128, 136, 156–161, 166–167, 169–170, 173, 175 Coates, J.C., 85, 112 Coen, E.S., 16, 19, 58, 66, 151, 166 Cohen, A.R., 16, 67 Colangelo, L., 158, 169 Coleman-Derr, D., 150, 177 Collier, S.A., 14–15, 61 Collin, H.A., 130, 173 Collins, G., 11, 61 Colombo, L., 20, 28, 45, 47, 58–59, 61 Colombo, M., 28, 58 Colon-Carmona, A., 16, 65, 80–81, 108 Conlan, R.S., 27, 70 Conran, J.G., 41, 69 Conti, S., 86, 101, 115 Cooper, M., 86, 109 Corley, R.H.V., 151, 166 Coruzzi, G.M., 97, 116 Cosgrove, D.J., 197, 220 Costa, G.G., 129–131, 172, 174, 176 Costa, J.C., 138, 175
Costa, M.G.C., 143, 152, 175 Costa, M.M.R., 21, 36, 48, 61 Costantino, P., 100, 108 Cotomacci, C., 129–130, 167, 172 Courtois, B., 86, 111, 159–162, 164, 171, 175 Craft, J., 11, 63 Cramer, M., 87, 112 Crane, P.R., 40, 60 Crawford, B.C.W., 16, 27, 58, 66 Creelman, R.A., 101, 117 Creff, A., 89, 115 Crete, P., 14, 71 Cros, E., 141–142, 159, 166, 169, 171, 175 Crouzillat, D., 156, 158–159, 166 Cruz-Ramirez, A., 77, 85, 98, 111, 113 Cryer, N., 153–154, 176 Cuatrecasas, J., 121, 166 Cubas, P., 151, 166 Cui, J.Z., 5, 72 Cui, M., 202, 223 Cunha, A.F., 129–130, 172 Cunniff, J., 46, 69 Cyranoski, D., 54, 58 Czech, B., 11, 72 D Dagert, M., 171 Daher, R.T., 124, 159, 174 Dai, X.H., 24, 31, 57 D’Angeli, S., 139, 167 Darling, M.S., 208–209, 220 Darvill, A.G., 137, 174 da Silva, A.C., 125, 130, 132–135, 157–158, 168 da Silva, C., 126, 137, 141–142, 157–158, 162, 164, 170, 175 da Silva e Mota, J.W., 158, 172 Das, P., 11, 13, 20, 32, 37, 58, 62 Datt Pant, B., 90, 106 Davey, M.R., 152, 173 Davies, B., 50, 58 Davies, P.J., 93, 112 Davies, T.J., 39, 58 Davis, B.G., 138, 167 Davis, J.I., 41, 69 Davis, S.D., 202, 224 Dawson, T.E., 202, 219 Deak, K.I., 86–88, 102, 104, 108, 111 de Almeida Engler, J., 83–85, 95, 108, 110 de Almeida, L.C.C., 124, 173 Dean, W.R.J., 191, 222 Debeaujon, I., 8, 66 De Beck, L., 34, 68 Deberdt, P., 137, 170 Debernardi, J.M., 16, 68 Debevec, E.M., 4, 50, 55 De Bodt, S., 50, 58 Dedieu, A., 20, 32, 37, 58
AUTHOR INDEX Dedieu, F., 145, 164 de Folter, S., 8, 21, 36, 48, 58, 61 Degenhardr, J., 142, 175 de Jager, S.M., 84, 107 de la Luz Gutierrez-Nava, M., 14, 62 de La Pena, A., 100, 112 Deletrez, C., 156, 158, 173 Delf, E.M., 217, 220 Dello Ioio, R., 100, 108 del Pozo, J.C., 83, 100, 108, 112 Demar, M., 32, 37, 65 de Mattos Cascardo, J.C., 119–163 Deme´trio, C.G.B., 124, 163 Demura, T., 14, 73 Denby, K., 86, 108 Den Dulk-Ras, A., 16, 71 Dengler, N.G., 16, 59 Dengler, R.E., 16, 59 de Oliveira, B.V., 130, 174 de Oliveira Figueira, A.V., 119–163 de Pamphilis, C.W., 45, 48, 54, 70, 73 Derbyshire, P., 103, 106 De Rybel, B., 81, 95–96, 107, 113, 116 De Smet, I., 80–81, 84, 91, 93–96, 102, 107, 113, 115–116 Desnos, T., 89, 114–115 De Souza, J.T., 138, 167 Despe´ux, D., 159, 167 Despre´aux, D., 136, 156, 159, 166, 169 De Tullio, M.C., 93, 107 De Veylder, L., 83–84, 106, 108, 110, 116 Devic, M., 149, 163 de Vries, S.C., 13, 72 Dewitte, W., 23, 69, 84, 107 Deyholos, M.K., 86, 108 De Young, B.J., 137, 167 Dezulian, T., 16, 67 Dharmasiri, N., 94, 108 Dharmasiri, S., 94, 98, 108, 113 Dhooge, S., 93–94, 107 Dias, C.V., 131, 133, 165, 171 Diatloff, E., 88, 113 DiDonato, R.J., 95, 108 Digiampietri, L., 130, 167 Dilcher, D.L., 40, 70, 126, 177 Dinerstein, E., 191, 223 Dinh, T.T., 32, 37, 73 Dinneny, J.R., 16–17, 21, 23, 25, 58 Di Stilio, V.S., 44, 50, 64 Ditta, G.S., 9, 19–20, 25, 27, 30, 33, 50–52, 58, 61–62, 65, 67 Dixon, D.P., 138, 167 Dobra, J., 98, 109 Dobrev, P.I., 98, 109 Doebley, J.F., 54, 58 Doerner, P.W., 16, 65, 80–81, 84, 89, 108 Dolan, L., 77, 80, 108 Dolezal, K., 11, 73, 101, 112 Dong, A.W., 14, 72
Donnelly, P.M., 16, 59 Donoghue, M.J., 216, 220 Dons, H.J.M., 44–45, 47, 52, 55, 58 Dorcey, E., 31, 59 Dornelas, M.C., 7, 59 Dos Santos, R., 161, 166 Douet, V., 14, 63 Doumas, P., 97, 112 Doyle, J.A., 49–50, 59 Doyle, J.J., 217, 220 Dreni, L., 45, 47, 59 Drews, G.N., 14, 20–23, 27, 32, 37, 56–57, 59, 68, 70, 73 Duan, S.Y., 5, 72 Duarte, A.A., 131, 164 Dubrovsky, J.G., 80–81, 94, 96, 108 Ducamp, M., 137, 159, 169–170, 174 Duclercq, J., 101, 114 Dumas, C., 3, 45, 60, 69 Duperray, C., 121, 169 Durham, M., 80, 107 Dvorak, S.K., 14, 60 E Eamens, A., 148, 167 Eaton, L., 158, 169 Ecker, J.R., 14, 68, 94, 113 Edwards, E.J., 179–218, 220, 223 Edwards, R., 138, 167 Efroni, I., 16, 28, 30–31, 55, 59, 67 Eggli, U., 180, 182, 185–186, 192, 218, 220 Ehrismann, J.S., 94, 108 Eid, J., 53, 59 Ekanayake, I.J., 86, 109 Eklof, J., 93, 106, 112 Eklund, D.M., 28, 30–31, 59, 64, 70 Eller, B.M., 183, 185–187, 190–191, 194, 201–202, 206–208, 214–215, 217–218, 220, 224–225 Elliott, K., 140, 168 Elliott, R.C., 27, 59 Elmayan, T., 14, 55 Emery, J.F., 14–15, 59, 66 Endress, P.K., 4, 40–41, 43–46, 49–50, 59, 63–64 Engels, M., 159, 171 Engler, G., 84, 108 Englund, M., 7, 57 Engstrom, P., 7, 57, 71 Epimashko, S., 213–214, 220 Erbe, E.F., 138, 167 Eriksson, C., 28, 30, 59 Escobar, F., 124, 174 Eshed, H.Y., 19, 25, 50, 65 Eshed, Y., 14–16, 18, 20–23, 26–28, 30–32, 35–37, 55, 57, 59–60, 66–68, 70 Eskes, A.B., 124, 152, 156, 159, 168–169, 171
Estelle, M., 93–94, 98, 108–109, 111, 113 Estrela, R. C., 129–130, 172 Etzioni, A., 16, 67 Evans, H.C., 138, 168 Evans, T.A., 80, 107 Evert, R.F., 103, 109 Ewers, F.W., 202, 220, 224 Ezcurra, I., 28, 30, 59 F Fahlgren, N., 14, 60 Fahn, A., 44, 60 Faleiro, F.G., 124, 159, 167 Falque, M., 152, 156, 158–160, 164, 169 Fang, J.Y., 152, 167 Fargeas, D., 159, 169–170 Farrant, J.M., 193, 222 Fay, M., 38, 57 Fehr, A., 53, 59 Feild, T.S., 216, 220 Feil, R., 103, 106 Feldman, L.J., 20, 23–24, 29–31, 62, 66, 78, 93, 107, 110 Feldmann, K.A., 20, 29–30, 32, 69, 73 Ferrandiz, C., 18, 23, 25, 28, 30–31, 52, 55, 60–61, 68, 71 Ferrario, S., 35, 66 Ferrari, S., 206, 215, 220 Ferreira, C.F., 124, 135, 159, 167–168 Ferreira, F.J., 99, 106 Ferriere, N., 143, 149, 152, 171–172 Figueira, A.V.O., 121, 124–125, 130, 132–133, 135, 149, 159, 163, 167, 170, 174 Filleur, S., 88, 113 Findlay, K., 103, 106 Fink, G.R., 95, 97, 107–108 Fischer, R.L., 16–17, 58, 66 Fischer-Schliebs, E., 213–214, 220 Fisher, R.L., 149, 171 Fitter, A.H., 76, 88, 97, 109, 111 Fizames, C., 88, 112 Flament, M.H., 152, 156, 158–159, 167, 169, 174 Flanagan, C.A., 20, 60 Fletcher, J.C., 14, 16, 19, 32, 34, 36–37, 57, 60–61, 63–64, 72 Flowers, T.J., 211–212, 220–221 Floyd, S.K., 10, 14, 56, 59–60 Foden, W., 210, 220 Fogliani, B., 45, 60 Ford, C., 160, 175 Forde, B.G., 87–89, 96–97, 113, 117 Formighieri, E.F., 129–130, 167, 172, 174 Fornara, F., 45, 47, 59 Fornari, M., 45, 47, 59 Foster, A.S., 189–190, 220
Fouet, O., 126–128, 136–137, 141–142, 156–160, 162, 164, 166, 170–171, 173, 175 Fourquin, C., 3, 45, 47, 60, 69 Fowler, B., 7, 66 Fowler, R.L., 123, 174 Fox, G.L., 34–35, 63 Foyer, C.H., 102, 107 Franco-Zorrilla, J.M., 90, 109 Franken, J., 8, 44–45, 47, 52, 55, 58 Franks, R.G., 14, 20, 27, 55–56, 60, 65 Freas, K.E., 193, 220 Freitag, H., 184, 187, 213, 221 Freixes, S., 103, 109 Frenz, M., 15, 68 Frey, N.F., 81, 107 Fridborg, I., 28, 30, 64 Friedman, W.E., 5, 44, 60, 72 Friis, E.M., 40, 60 Friml, J., 15, 24, 30–31, 52, 54, 56, 68, 70, 78, 81, 91–94, 96, 101, 107–109, 114, 116 Fritz, P.J., 156, 158–159, 166 Frohlich, M.W., 5–6, 40, 60 Frommer, W.B., 103, 111 Fujii, H., 90, 109 Fukai, S., 86, 109 Fukaki, H., 78, 91, 94–95, 109–110, 116 Furutani, M., 13, 62 Furuya, M., 3, 69 Fu, Y.L., 14, 60 G Gademann, R., 211, 213, 225 Gaiotto, F.A., 157–158, 170 Galinha, C., 10, 17, 56–57, 78, 91, 93, 106, 109 Galvan-Ampudia, C.S., 24, 31, 52, 54, 70 Ganesh, S.K., 86, 106 Garcia, D., 14–15, 61 Garcia, J.A., 90, 109 Garcı´a-Moya, E., 207, 223 Garcia, O., 130–131, 167–168 Garey, W., 211, 224 Garg, A.K., 139, 168 Garrity, D.P., 86, 109 Gasciolli, V., 14, 55, 71 Gasser, C.S., 38, 45, 64, 72 Gates, D.M., 207, 220 Gaude, T., 3, 69 Gaudinova, A., 98, 109 Gaut, B.S., 54, 58 Gaymard, F., 88, 112 Gehring, C., 86, 108 Geldner, N., 92, 109 Geng, B.Y., 5, 72 Genschik, P., 83, 116 Gerats, T., 9, 48, 53, 68, 71
AUTHOR INDEX Gerber, S., 160, 168 Gerentes, D., 27, 59 Gershenzon, J., 142, 175 Gesteira, A.S., 125, 130–135, 157–158, 165–168, 170–171, 173 Gheyselinck, J., 13, 69 Gianfagna, T., 134, 164 Gibbings, G., 153–154, 176 Gibbs, D.J., 85, 112 Gibson, A.C., 185, 187, 189, 209, 215, 220 Gibson, S.I., 103–104, 109 Gifford, E.M., 189–190, 220 Gijzen, M., 136–137, 174 Gilmour, D.M., 125, 128, 132–133, 169 Girin, T., 24–25, 31, 52, 54, 61, 70 Giuliani, M.M., 86, 115 Gladish, D.K., 81, 109 Glassick, T., 7, 66 Glaszmann, J.C., 128, 159, 166, 171 Glebov, O., 158, 169 Gleissberg, S., 16, 49, 56, 62, 72 Godı´nez-Alvarez, H., 191, 223 Goeschl, J.D., 197, 225 Go´es-Neto, A., 130–131, 164, 167, 173, 176 Goetz, M., 31, 61 Goffinet, B., 160, 168 Gojon, A., 88, 112–113 Golberg, R.B., 149, 171 Goldsbrough, P., 121, 167 Goldshmidt, A., 14, 16, 28, 30–31, 55, 59 Goldstein, G., 191, 196, 199, 203, 220–221 Golgotiu, K.A., 202, 224 Gomes, D.S., 135, 173 Gomez-Mena, C., 13, 21, 36, 48, 61 Gonzalez, D., 27, 70 Gonza´lez del Castillo-Aranda, M.E., 194, 224 Gonzalez, V., 171 Gordon, S.P., 11, 61 Goremykin, V.V., 40, 61 Goto, K., 5, 9, 14, 19, 33–34, 61–62, 69 Gottwald, J.R., 103, 109 Graham, N., 80, 84–85, 93–94, 100, 107, 111 Gramacho, K.P., 119–163, 164–166, 168, 170–171, 173 Gravatt, D.A., 200, 221 Gray, J., 53, 59 Gray, W.M., 94, 109 Green, P.J., 97, 116 Gregis, V., 20, 61 Gremski, K., 25, 27, 30–31, 52, 61, 65 Grieneisen, V.A., 92, 109 Griffin, M.J., 124, 165 Griffith, G.W., 130, 174 Griffiths, H., 86, 113, 207, 219 Grigg, S.P., 10, 56 Grill, E., 102, 107 Grisafi, P.L., 95, 97, 107–108 Grivet, L., 152, 156, 158–159, 169, 174 Grodzinski, B., 130, 176
Grossniklaus, U., 8, 58 Groszmann, M., 26, 61 Gruissem, W., 53, 72, 83–84, 95, 116 Grunau, C., 34, 68 Guerreiro Filho, O., 134, 168 Guilfoyle, T.J., 91–92, 94, 114–116 Guilleminot, J., 149, 163 Guiltinan, M.J., 119–163, 164–165, 170–172, 176 Guimara˜es, C.T., 124, 159, 167, 174 Guimil, S., 25, 31, 52, 65 Gulmon, S.L., 191, 222 Gunl, M., 23, 68 Guo, M.J., 11, 13, 57, 61 Gu, Q., 25, 31, 52, 60–61 Guralnick, L.J., 213, 215, 221 Gutierrez, C., 83, 108 Gutierrez, R.A., 16, 65, 97, 116 Guyomarc’h, S., 11, 55 H Habben, J.E., 99, 113 Ha, C.M., 16, 61, 63 Hadingham, S.A., 103, 114 Hadley, P., 152–154, 160, 167, 175–176 Haecker, A., 37, 65, 69 Hagen, G., 94, 115–116 Haiminen, N., 158, 169 Haine, S.C., 99, 113 Hajibagheri, M.A., 212, 221 Hake, S., 9, 11, 48, 56, 61, 71 Hall, D.H., 9, 48, 71 Hall, J.L., 212, 221 Hamaguchi, L., 49, 62 Ham, B.K., 138, 176 Hamdorf, B., 7, 66 Ham, K.-S., 137, 174 Hammel, H.T., 197, 211, 224–225 Hammond, J.P., 77, 88, 103, 105, 109–110 Hamon, P., 121, 169 Hanfrey, K., 140, 168 Hannah, L., 210, 220 Hannapel, D.J., 11, 32–33, 37, 57 Hansmann, S., 40, 61 Harada, J.J., 149, 168, 171 Hardiman, G., 125, 168 Hardtke, C.S., 29, 68, 84–85, 113 Hardwick, K., 130, 173 Harman, G.E., 138, 168 Harris, C., 125, 128, 132–133, 169 Harrison, M.J., 90, 115 Hartwell, J., 207, 219 Hasebe, M., 94, 110 Hasegawa, P.M., 89–90, 112, 150, 176 Haseloff, J., 80, 113 Hashimoto, T., 79, 114 Haubeiss, S., 32, 37, 65 Haughn, G.W., 16, 32, 34–35, 62, 69
Hauser, B.A., 44–45, 64, 72 Hauser, M.T., 78, 110 Havlova, M., 98, 109 Hawker, N.P., 14, 59 Hay, A., 11, 17, 62–63 Hayashi, H., 99–100, 110 Hearn, D.J., 184, 189, 204, 221 Heath, M., 121, 123, 127, 156, 169, 172 Hebbar, K.P., 123, 138, 165, 175 Heckathorn, S.A., 212, 225 Hedden, P., 11, 62–63 Heidstra, R., 78–79, 83–84, 91–92, 100, 106–109, 114, 116 Heisler, M.G.B., 11, 13, 19, 26–27, 30, 35–36, 62 Hejlek, L.G., 85–86, 101–102, 115 Helariutta, Y., 78, 80, 110, 113 Held, M.A., 105, 110 Hemmingsen, E., 211, 224 Hempel, F.D., 20, 62 Henderson, I.R., 150, 168 Hendriks, G., 78, 116 Henikoff, S., 150, 177 Hepworth, S.R., 16, 62 Hermans, C., 77, 88, 105, 110 Hernandez-Abreu, E., 88, 98, 111 Hernould, M., 35, 56 Herrera, A., 206, 221 Herrera-Estrella, L., 77, 85, 88, 98, 111, 113 Herrera-Rodriguez, M.B., 100, 111 Heuer, S., 213, 223 Hew, C.S., 190, 225 Hibara, K., 13, 62 Higley, M., 201, 215, 222 Hikichi, Y., 145, 171 Hilbert, J.L., 14, 71 Hileman, L.C., 6, 8, 56 Himanen, K., 83–85, 91, 94–95, 110, 116 Hirabayashi, C., 47, 63 Hirano, H.Y., 36, 47–48, 63, 66, 73 Hiratsu, K., 28, 30, 35, 59, 62 Hirayama, T., 100, 115 Hirochika, H., 9, 47–48, 55, 66, 73 Hirose, N., 99–100, 110 Hobbie, L., 94, 108 Hobe, M., 20, 35, 37, 65 Hodge, A., 87, 110 Hoffman, M.T., 210, 220 Hoffmann, T., 102, 107 Hofhuis, H., 91, 109 Hogeweg, P., 92, 109 Holbrook, N.M., 184, 194–196, 203–204, 215, 219, 221 Holmes, K.A., 138–139, 165, 168 Holmlund, M., 16, 66 Holtan, H., 11, 62 Hong, F.X., 11, 70 Hong, J.K., 138, 169 Hong, R.L., 20, 32, 35, 37, 49, 62, 65
Honma, T., 5, 9, 19, 62, 99, 114 Hooker, T.S., 102, 110 Hooper, S., 158, 169 Hooykaas, P.J.J., 16, 71 Hora, B.T. Jr., 133, 171 Horiguchi, G., 16–17, 62–63 Horton, P., 86, 113 Howell, C.R., 138, 168 Howell, M.D., 14–15, 57, 60 Hoyer, M.T., 171 Huang, C.Y., 88, 111 Huang, H., 14, 27, 30, 57, 60, 72 Huang, J., 32, 65 Huang, J.C.O.T.N., 86, 107 Huang, T.B., 14, 72 Hue, I., 34, 71 Hughes, B., 94, 113 Hughes, G., 210, 220 Huijser, P., 34, 70–71 Hull, A.K., 93, 111 Hunt, D.R., 191, 219 Hunt, E.R., 195, 221 Hunter, C., 14, 62 Husbands, A.Y., 10, 13, 62 Huson, D., 16, 67 Huttner, E., 27, 59 Hu, Y.X., 16, 20, 44–45, 60, 62, 64 Hwang, B.K., 138, 169 I Ibarra-Laclette, E., 98, 113 Ichihashi, Y., 16, 62 Ichii, Masahiko, 105, 117 Igersheim, A., 40–41, 43, 46, 49, 59, 63 Iglesias, J., 89, 100, 112, 114 Ihlenfeldt, H.-D., 183, 185–187, 190–191, 194, 201–203, 206–208, 214–215, 217–218, 221, 225 Iida, R., 95, 116 Ikezaki, M., 11, 63, 94, 110 Ilegems, M., 14, 63 Illingworth, C., 140, 168 Immink, R.G.H., 8, 58 Ingram, G.C., 16, 63 Ingram, P.A., 75–106, 87–88, 102, 104, 111 Innes, R.W., 137, 167 Inze, D., 81, 83–85, 91, 93–95, 102, 107–108, 110, 116 Irish, V.F., 52, 65 Isaac, S., 130, 173 Ishida, T., 17, 23, 63, 66 Ishikawa, M., 47, 63 Ito, M., 45, 73 Ito, T., 20, 32, 37–38, 58, 70 Ivanchenko, M.G., 81, 94, 96, 108 Iwakawa, H., 94, 110 Iwaro, A.D., 124, 168 Izhaki, A., 14, 59–60, 63
AUTHOR INDEX J Jacchia, S., 45, 47, 59 Jackson, M.D., 213, 215, 221 Jackson, P., 203, 221 Jack, T., 32, 34–36, 56, 63 Jacobsen, A.L., 202, 224 Jacobsen, S.E., 32–34, 63, 69, 150, 152, 168 Jain, A., 105, 110 Jain, M., 98, 110 Jaligot, E., 151, 168 Janick, J., 121, 135, 167 Janmaat, K., 77, 80, 108 Jansen, R.C., 159, 168 Jaramillo, M.A., 44, 50, 64 Jarrell, W.M., 194, 222 Jasinski, S., 11, 63 Jeanneau, M., 141–142, 157, 170, 175 Jenkins, G.I., 8, 66 Jennings, A., 87, 96, 117 Jeon, J.S., 47, 63 Jetty, S.S.A., 127, 158, 170 Jeyaprakash, P., 86, 106 Jia, D.X., 33, 37, 57 Jia, L., 103, 110 Jiang, C.Z., 36, 64 Jiang, K., 78, 93, 107, 110 Jiao, J., 130, 176 Jia, R.D., 9, 48, 65 Jimenez, J.C., 141–142, 175 Jin, J.B., 89–90, 112 Joets, J., 160, 164 Johanson, U., 7, 57 Johnson, S.D., 30–32, 37–38, 61, 67 Jond, C., 8, 66 Jones, C.A., 125, 128, 132–133, 169 Jones, H.G., 86, 113 Jones, P.G., 125, 128, 132–133, 169 Jones-Rhoades, M.W., 14, 65 Jordan, P.W., 200, 223 Jorgensen, J.E., 84, 108 Juarez, M.T., 14, 66 Judd, W.S., 49, 63 Jung, H.W., 138, 169 Jung, J., 78, 110 Jun, J.H., 16, 61, 63 Jurgens, G., 11, 15, 20, 30, 37, 56, 64–65, 69, 78, 91–94, 106–110, 116 K Kadereit, G., 184, 187, 213, 221 Kaeppler, H., 151, 169 Kaeppler, S.M., 151, 169 Kaiser, W.M., 199, 224 Kajstura, T., 81, 96, 111 Kakimoto, T., 99, 112 Kaleme, P., 210, 220 Kamada-Nobusada, T., 99–100, 110 Kamoun, S., 136–137, 174
Kanaya, E., 14, 69 Kang, H.G., 47, 63 Kang, S., 148, 171 Kanguka, K., 145, 165 Kapoor, A., 150, 176 Kapoor, M., 50, 63 Karadi, A., 213, 222 Karim, M.R., 13, 62 Karp, A., 151, 171 Karthikeyan, A.S., 89–90, 105, 110, 112 Karve, A., 104, 110 Kater, M.M., 20, 28, 45, 47, 58–59, 61 Kato, M., 45, 73 Kato, N., 20, 33, 57 Kato, T., 99, 112, 114 Kaul, R.B., 186, 221 Kaur, H., 11, 62 Kawamura, E., 17, 63 Kawasaki, S., 36, 47, 73 Kayes, J.M., 32, 63 Ke´be´, I., 156, 159, 167, 169 Keck, E., 50, 58 Keegan, H.J., 207, 220 Keeley, J.E., 204, 221 Keller, B., 16, 71 Kellogg, E.A., 46, 64, 69 Kempin, S.A., 25, 31, 52, 54, 65, 67 Kemp, P.R., 193, 220 Kennedy, R.A., 215, 221 Kepczynska, E., 137, 176 Kepinski, S., 10, 64, 92, 94, 109, 111 Kerstetter, R.A., 14, 21, 64, 72 Keurentjes, J.J., 103, 114 Khan, K.M., 211, 221 Khanna, K., 32, 65 Khurana, J.P., 98, 110 Kiba, A., 145, 171 Kidner, C.A., 14, 64 Kieber, J.J., 99, 106 Kim, B.C., 16, 61 Kim, G.P., 158, 169 Kim, G.T., 16, 61–62 Kimizu, M., 9, 48, 66 Kim, J.H., 16, 64 Kim, J.-K., 139, 168 Kim, K.J., 138, 176 Kim, M.S., 139–141, 164–165 Kim, S.H., 44–45, 48, 54, 64, 70, 73, 138–141, 164–165, 169 Kim, Y.J., 32, 37, 73 King, W., 158, 169 Kirchner, C., 6–8, 71 Klee, H.J., 54, 67 Klink, V.P., 27, 65 Kluge, M., 185–187, 205, 221 Kobayashi, A., 35, 66 Kobayashi, K., 11, 64 Kochian, L.V., 139, 168 Koch, K., 215, 221
Koczan, J.M., 86, 117 Koetje, E., 45, 47, 58 Koh, J., 44–45, 64 Ko, J.H., 16, 64 Kojima, M., 11, 63–64 Kojima, S., 11, 63, 94, 110 Ko¨llner, T.G., 142, 175 Koltunow, A.M., 30–32, 37–38, 61, 67, 72 Komaki, M.K., 29, 67 Kong, H.Z., 9, 45, 48, 65, 73, 126, 177 Koornneef, M., 103, 114 Koo, Y.D., 89–90, 112 Korthout, H., 83–84, 116 Kowalczyk, M., 28, 30–31, 70 Kramer, E.M., 44, 50, 64 Krizek, B.A., 19–20, 27, 34–35, 64, 66, 69 Krol, C., 124, 158–159, 165 Krysan, P.J., 103, 109 Kubo, M., 14, 73 Kudrna, D., 127, 158, 170 Kuhlemeier, C., 11, 15, 55, 68 Kuhn, D.N., 124, 126–128, 137, 141–142, 156–159, 162, 164–165, 169, 172 Kuiper, M., 83, 116 Kuno, N., 3, 69 Kurakawa, T., 11, 64 Kurepin, L.V., 103, 116 Kuroha, T., 99–100, 110 Kuromori, T., 100, 115 Kushalappa, K., 35, 66 Kuusk, S., 28, 30–31, 64, 70 Kuzoff, R.K., 38, 64 Kwaaitaal, M., 13, 72 Kwong, R.W., 149, 171 Kyozuka, J., 11, 33–34, 61, 64 L Labourdette, A., 160, 164 Lacerda, G., 131, 177 Lachenaud, P., 158, 172 Lafitte, H.R., 86, 111 Lagercrantz, U., 28, 30–31, 70 Lagoda, P.J.L., 152, 156, 159, 161, 169, 175 Lake, J.A., 154, 169 Lalonde, S., 103, 111 Lamb, C., 84, 108 Lam, M., 41, 56 Lanaud, C., 119–163, 164, 166–167, 169–175 Landherr, L.L., 45, 48, 73 Landi, P., 86, 101, 115 Landrum, J.V., 189, 221–222 Lange, M., 20, 36, 49, 67 Lange, S., 20, 36, 49, 67 Langhans, M., 17, 30, 55 Laplaze, L., 80–81, 96, 100, 107, 111, 113 Larcher, W., 185, 221 Larrieu, A., 94, 113 Lartaud, M., 160–161, 175
Lary, D., 140–141, 164–165 Laskowski, M.J., 80–81, 83, 96, 111 Lass, R.A., 121, 176 Laucou, V., 99–100, 116 Laufs, P., 10, 13, 17, 64, 66, 68 Laurent, V., 156, 158, 169 Lauressergues, D., 14 Laux, T., 11, 20, 37, 64–65, 69, 79, 114 Law, L.H., 151, 166 Lawrence, J.S., 124, 170 Laxmi, A., 104, 112 Leal, G.A. Jr., 125, 130, 132–133, 159, 167, 170, 174 Lechner, E., 94, 108 Le Cunff, L., 128, 166 Leebens-Mack, J.H., 45, 48, 54, 70, 73 Lee, B.H., 16, 64 Lee, C.H., 151, 166 Lee, D.Y., 47–48, 73 Lee-Ho, E., 103, 116 Lee, I., 34–35, 64, 73 Lee, J.Y., 36, 64 Lee, S.C., 16, 47, 63–64, 138, 169 Lee, Y., 16, 64 Legavre, T., 126–127, 136–137, 141–142, 157–160, 162, 164, 170, 175 Le Houe´rou, H.N., 192, 221 Lejay, L., 88, 112 Lemainque, A., 157, 170 Lenhard, M., 16, 20, 37, 55, 65, 69, 79, 114 Leon, P., 104, 111 Lepers, C., 14, 71 Lepetit, M., 88, 112 Lepiniec, L., 8, 66 Lerceteau, E., 156, 158–159, 166 Lertpiriyapong, K., 37, 57 Lescure, B., 84, 108 Leuchtmann, A., 139, 175 Levesque, M.P., 81, 96, 115 Levin, J.Z., 14, 20, 27, 56, 60 Leyser, H.M., 88, 97, 111 Leyser, O., 91–92, 94, 109, 111, 114 Leyva, A., 89–90, 100, 109, 112, 114 Liang, W.Q., 9, 48, 65 Libus, J., 98, 109 Li, C.X., 16, 65 Li, H.F., 9, 48, 65 Li, J., 103, 110, 113 Li, J.H., 126, 177 Li, J.J., 20, 33, 57, 67 Liljegren, S.J., 19, 24–25, 31, 50–52, 54, 60, 65, 67, 70 Lima, L.S., 157–158, 170 Lim, D.H.K., 141, 166 Lindsey, G.G., 193, 222 Ling, Q.H., 14, 60 Linhares, F.S., 89, 100, 108, 114 Linkohr, B.I., 88, 97, 111 Lin, S.I., 90, 109
AUTHOR INDEX Linstead, P., 77, 80, 108 Lin, W.C., 14, 65, 72 Li, P., 40, 69 Litt, A., 52, 65 Liu, J., 33, 37, 56–57, 97, 115 Liu, K.H., 88, 111 Liu, X.D., 32, 65 Liu, Z.B., 94, 116 Liu, Z.C., 14, 20, 27, 60, 65, 70 Livingstone, D., 127–128, 158, 169, 172 Li, X., 16, 62 Li, Y., 103, 114 Li, Z., 143, 152, 170 Ljung, K., 24, 30–31, 52, 54, 70, 93, 95, 106, 111, 116 Lloyd, J.C., 105, 117 Lock, T.C., 142, 172 Loguercio, L.L., 124, 159, 174 Lohmann, J.U., 20, 32, 35, 37, 65 Lolle, S.J., 4, 65 Long, J.A., 11, 13, 28, 30, 62, 64 Longstreth, D.J., 211, 222 Lonnig, W.E., 34, 70–71 Loor, R., 158, 172 Loor Solorzano, R.G., 141–142, 157, 170, 175 Lopes, M.A., 133, 171 Lopes, U.V., 124, 130, 156–159, 161, 165–170 Lopezbaez, O., 152, 171 Lopez-Bucio, J., 88, 98, 111, 113 Lopez-Bucio, L., 77, 85, 111 Lopez-Matas, M.A., 83, 108 Lopez, P.A., 121, 127, 172 Lopez, U.V., 124, 171 Lo, R., 149, 171 Lorenc-Kukula, K., 137, 176 Lorieux, M., 159, 173 Lotan, T., 149, 171 Loudet, O., 89, 114 Lowe, K.C., 152, 173 Lozano-Trevino, Z.E., 124, 171 Lu, C., 97, 116 Lui, A., 94, 113 Luijten, M., 79, 91, 109, 114 Lumsden, R.D., 123, 138, 165, 175 Lunn, J., 103, 106 Luo, M., 31, 72 Luong, K., 53, 59 Luschnig, C., 92, 116 Lu¨ttge, U., 206, 213–215, 220, 222–224 Luz, E.D.M.N., 124, 130, 163, 171, 175 Lyle, J., 53 Lyon, G., 137, 176 M Maccaferri, M., 86, 101, 115 Maceˆdo, J.N.A., 125, 130–135, 157–158, 165–168
Macfarlane, T.D., 41, 69 MacGregor, D.R., 87–88, 102, 104, 111 Machado, P.F.R., 155, 164 Machado, R., 135, 173 Machida, C., 11, 63, 94, 110 Machida, Y., 11, 16, 61, 63, 94, 110 Macias, A., 20, 27, 64 Mackill, D.J., 86, 107 Madi, S., 14, 66 Maekawa, M., 11, 64 Maere, S., 50, 58 Maes, L., 91, 100, 111, 116 Maes, S., 83, 116 Magnani, E., 11, 62 Ma, H., 20, 32, 35–36, 44–45, 48, 54, 60, 64, 66, 70, 73 Maharaj, W., 127, 172 Maier, A.T., 32, 37, 65 Maimbo, M., 145, 171 Main, D., 127–128, 172 Malamy, J.E., 75–106, 108, 111, 114 Malbeck, J., 98–99, 109, 113 Mallory, A.C., 14, 65, 71 Mandel, M.A., 20, 62 Mandel, T., 11, 15, 55, 68 Manes, C.L., 83, 116 Manevski, A., 84, 108 Mangin, B., 160, 164 Mao, C., 103, 110 Mao, G., 86, 117 Marcano, M., 159, 171 Marchant, A., 93–94, 106–107, 111 Marcheselli, R., 28, 58 Maree, A.F., 92, 109 Marelli, J.P., 142, 144, 148, 171–172 Marguerat, S., 125, 171 Mariano, A.C., 130–131, 133, 165–168 Maria, S., 7, 66 Mariconti, L., 83–84, 116 Marita, J.M., 123, 171 Martienssen, R.A., 14–15, 25, 31, 52, 60–61, 64 Martin, A.C., 89, 100, 112, 114 Martin, C.E., 194, 200–201, 215, 221–222 Martinez-Laborda, A., 23, 55 Martin, R.C., 99, 113 Martin, W.F., 40, 61 Masajo, T.M., 86, 109 Masuda, H., 94, 109 Mata, J., 125, 171 Mateos, I., 90, 109 Mathieu, O., 151, 171 Matsui, K., 35, 62 Matsumoto-Kitano, M., 99, 112 Matsuoka, M., 36, 47, 73 Matthes, M., 151, 171 Mattos, E.M., 135, 164 Mattsson, J., 16, 29, 65, 68 Maughan, S., 84, 107
Maule, A.J., 103, 106 Mauseth, J.D., 184–185, 187, 189, 215, 222, 224–225 Maximova, S.N., 119–163, 164–165, 170–172, 176 Ma, Y., 103, 111 Mayama, T., 50, 63 Mayer, K.F.X., 11, 37, 64–65, 69 Mayer, M.J., 140, 168 Mayer, U., 32, 34, 56 May, G., 127–128, 158, 169, 172 Mayolo, G.A., 125, 136, 138, 165 Mazotti, G.D., 130, 174 Mazzafera, P., 130–131, 133–134, 165–166, 168, 175 McColl, A., 29–30, 69 McConnell, J.R., 14–15, 21, 65–66 McCouch, S.R., 86, 107 McKim, S., 16, 62 Mecchia, M.A., 16, 68 Meckel, T., 213–214, 220 Medrano, F.J., 130–131, 167–168, 177 Medrano, L.J., 34, 69 Meeley, R., 103, 115 Meerow, A.W., 156, 159, 169, 175 Meinhardt, L.W., 130–131, 133–134, 165–166, 172, 174–175 Meinzer, F.C., 203, 221 Meirelles, F.V., 131, 172 Meister, R.J., 45, 72 Mele, G., 11, 62 Melnick, R., 139–140, 165 Melo, F.A., 131, 172 Melo, S.A., 134, 173 Melzer, R., 9–10, 19, 66, 71 Me´nard, B., 159, 166 Menda, N., 16, 67 Messing, J., 33, 67 Meyer, B., 9, 56 Meyerowitz, E., 36, 63 Meyerowitz, E.M., 11, 13, 18–21, 27, 32–35, 37, 51, 56–59, 61–65, 69–70, 73, 152, 168 Meyerowitz, E.N., 34, 69 Meylan-Bettex, M., 14, 63 Mica, E., 11, 72 Michael, A.J., 140, 168 Michaud, M., 40, 69 Michaux-Ferriere, N., 152, 163 Michel, D., 137, 170 Micheli, F., 119–163, 165–168, 170–173 Michniewicz, M., 15, 30, 56, 93, 106 Midgley, G.F., 209–210, 220, 222 Mi, G., 97, 115 Miller, A., 87, 112 Miller, C., 142–143, 152, 172 Miller, P.C., 193, 202, 224 Milton, S.J., 191, 222 Miranda, V.R.M., 124, 159, 174
Mishra, B.S., 104, 112 Mishra, N.S., 137, 172 Mitchell, E.K., 93, 112 Miura, K., 89–90, 112 Miyao, A., 9, 47–48, 55, 66, 73 Miyashima, S., 79, 114 Miyawaki, K., 99, 112 Miyoshi, M., 36, 66 Mizrahi, Y., 213, 222 Mizukami, Y., 16, 32, 35–36, 66 Mok, D.W., 99, 113 Mok, M.C., 99, 113 Mondego, J.M., 129–130, 172, 174 Monson, R.K., 193, 224 Monteiro, W.R., 161, 166 Montgomery, T.A., 14–15, 57, 60 Montoro, P., 149, 163 Monzani, P.S., 131, 172 Mooleedhar, V., 127, 172 Mooney, H.A., 191, 222 Moore, B.D., 104, 110 Moore, J.P., 193, 222 Mora, A., 159, 166 Morales, S., 159, 171 Mordhorst, A.P., 13, 72 Moreira, M.A., 124, 159, 174 Morel, P., 20, 32, 35–37, 68 Moreno, A., 121, 127, 172 Morera, J., 156, 158–159, 166 Morin, H., 13, 17, 64, 66 Morita, E.H., 14, 69 Morita, M.T., 100, 108 Morse, S.R., 185, 194–196, 199, 222, 224 Moskal, W.A., 139, 176 Motamayor, J.C., 121, 123–124, 127–128, 156, 158–159, 165–166, 169, 172 Motilal, L.A., 159, 169, 173 Motte, P., 34, 50, 58, 71 Motyka, V., 98–100, 109, 116 Moubayidin, L., 100, 108 Mounier, E., 88, 113 Mouradov, A., 7, 66 Mouras, A., 35, 56 Mo, X., 103, 113 Muday, G.K., 93, 113 Muller, A., 102, 107 Muller, B., 97, 99, 103, 112 Mulroy, T.W., 207, 222 Muniz-Sobrinho, J.S., 130, 173 Munns, R., 210–211, 222 Munos, S., 88, 112 Munster, T., 6–8, 71 Murai, K., 47, 63 Murfett, J., 91–92, 114 Murphy, A.S., 105, 110 Murphy, C.A., 138, 167 Murphy, L., 7, 66 Murray, J.A.H., 23, 69, 84, 107 Mushika, J., 105, 117
AUTHOR INDEX Musil, C.F., 209, 222 Myrenas, M., 28, 30–31, 70 N Nacry, P., 88, 97, 112–113 Nagasawa, N., 36, 47, 66, 73 Nagato, Y., 9, 11, 36, 47–48, 64, 66, 73 Nakagawa, H., 35, 66 Nakajima, K., 78–79, 110, 112, 114 Nakamura, K., 100, 108, 156, 169 Nakao, Y., 94, 109 Nam, H.G., 16, 61 Nandi, A.K., 35, 66 Napsucialy-Mendivil, S., 81, 94, 96, 108 Narasimham, G., 156, 169 Natarajan, S.S., 140–141, 164–165 Nath, U., 16, 66 Naudts, M., 81, 91, 95, 107, 116 Navarrete-Gomez, M., 18, 28, 30, 55, 71 Nawy, T., 78, 112 Negrutiu, I., 20, 32, 35–37, 68 Nelson, E.A., 187, 205–206, 222 Nemhauser, J.L., 23–24, 29–31, 66, 69 Nerd, A., 213, 222 Nesi, N., 8, 66 Neto, A.D., 161, 166 Newton, A., 137, 176 Ng, K.H., 32, 37–38, 70 N’Goran, J., 159, 166, 169 N’Goran, J.A.K., 152, 156–159, 167, 169–170, 173–174 N’Goran, J.K.A., 156, 159, 169 Nguyen, B.D., 86, 106 Nguyen, D., 94, 113 Nguyen, H.T., 85–86, 101–102, 106, 115 Nibau, C., 85, 112 Nielsen, E., 81, 96, 115 Niemenak, N., 149, 163 Nienhuis, J., 123, 171 Nieto-Jacobo, M.F., 88, 98, 111 Nikovics, K., 17, 66 Nilsen, E.T., 194, 222 Nilsson, O., 16, 34, 64, 66 Nobel, P.S., 185, 187, 191, 194–196, 199–202, 206–209, 211, 213, 215, 219–225 Nogueira, F.T.S., 13–14, 57, 66 Noh, Y.S., 78, 106 Nole-Wilson, S., 27, 55, 66 Norbaek, R., 101, 112 Norberg, M., 16, 66 Nordstrom, A., 101, 112 Normanly, J., 93, 111 North, G.B., 202, 220, 223 Novais, R., 158, 170 Novak, O., 99, 114 Novoplansky, A., 76, 112 Noyer, J.L., 159, 173 Nusbaum, H.C., 80, 83, 111
Nussaume, L., 78, 89, 106, 114–115 Nyasse, S., 159, 169 Nyffeler, R., 121, 164, 180, 182, 185–186, 192, 218, 220 O Oakes, M.P., 27, 59 O’Brien, H., 127, 172 Ochando, I., 23, 55 Offringa, R., 24, 31, 52, 54, 70, 100, 111 Ogburn, R.M., 179–218, 223 Ogihara, Y., 47, 63 Ohme-Takagi, M., 28, 30, 35, 59, 62 Ohmori, S., 9, 48, 66 Ohmori, Y., 47, 63 Ohnishi, K., 145, 171 Ohno, C., 11, 13, 61–62 Oh, S.H., 36, 64 Ohta, M., 35, 62 Ohto, M., 149, 171 Oka, A., 99, 101, 114–115 Okada, K., 14, 29, 67, 69 Okushima, Y., 94, 109, 113 Okuyama, Y., 50, 63 Olano, C.T., 159, 175 Oliva, G., 131, 172 Oliveira, B.M., 131, 176 Olmstead, R.G., 49, 63 Olson, D.M., 191, 223 Olson, J.M., 99, 113 Olson, M.E., 184, 189, 204, 216, 223 Onodera, C., 94, 113 Onouchi, H., 94, 110 Orain, R., 160, 175 Orashakova, S., 20, 36, 49, 67 Orchard, J., 130, 173 Ori, N., 10–11, 16, 67, 69, 73 Ortega-Baes, P., 191, 223 Ortiz, C.F., 121, 127, 172 Osei, J., 156, 158–159, 166 Osmont, K.S., 14, 72, 84–85, 113 Ostergaard, L., 24–25, 30–31, 52, 54, 61, 65, 67, 70 Oszmianski, J., 137, 176 O’Toole, J.C., 86, 109 Otsuga, D., 14, 20–21, 23, 27, 57, 68, 70 Otto, G., 53, 59 Ouwerkerk, P.B.F., 45, 47, 59 Overvoorde, P.J., 94, 113 Owen, H.A., 32, 65 Owens, T.G., 139, 168 P Paek, K.H., 138, 176 Pagel, M.D., 180, 224 Paicu, T., 26, 61 Paik, S.M., 158, 169
Paim, C.A., 124, 171 Pak, J.H., 16, 64 Palatnik, J.F., 16–17, 67–68 Palchamy, A., 86, 106 Palme, K., 78, 91–92, 107, 109, 113, 115 Palmer, J.D., 54, 70 Pape, H., 34, 70 Paponov, I.A., 78, 91–92, 107, 113, 115 Parcy, F., 20, 35, 37, 65 Pardo-Schultheiss, R.A., 138, 175 Parizot, B., 80, 100, 111, 113 Parizzi, L.P., 129–130, 172 Park, C.J., 138, 176 Parker, D.S., 5, 60 Parkhurst, D.F., 187, 224 Park, W., 33, 67 Parr, A., 158, 169 Parry, G., 81, 96–97, 115–116 Pascholatti, S.F., 124, 163 Paszkowski, J., 151, 171, 175 Patibanda, V., 20, 73 Patterson, S.D., 125, 173 Paulin, D., 137, 145, 159, 164, 169–170, 174 Pautot, V., 23, 68 Payne, T., 30, 32, 37–38, 67 Paz-Ares, J., 89–90, 100, 109, 112, 114 Peaucelle, A., 13, 17, 64, 66 Pechter, P., 93, 113 Pedersen, K.R., 40, 60 Peer, W.A., 105, 110 Pekker, I., 14–16, 21–22, 55, 67 Pelaz, S., 9, 19–20, 28, 30, 33, 57–58, 67, 71 Peluso, P., 53, 59 Perea, J.V., 14, 59 Pereira, G.A.G., 125, 130–135, 157–158, 165–166, 168, 172–177 Pereira, H.M., 131, 172 Pereira, J.F., 130, 174 Pereira, J.L., 124, 173 Pereira, M.G., 124, 159, 167, 174 Peret, B., 81, 94, 96, 113, 115 Perez-Amador, M.A., 31, 59 Perez, P., 27, 59 Perez-Perez, J.M., 83–84, 116 Perez-Torres, C.A., 98, 113 Perilli, S., 100, 108 Perrucho, T., 123, 174 Perry, M.D., 152, 173 Pervent, M., 88, 113 Pesce, E.R., 15, 68 Pe´tiard, V., 152, 156, 158–159, 166, 171 Petithuguenin, P., 159–160, 169, 175 Petrasek, J., 101, 114 Pfluger, J., 31, 67 Phelps-Durr, T.L., 11, 67 Phillips, A., 11, 62–63 Phillips-Mora, W., 124, 158–159, 165, 173 Phillips, P.J., 159, 166 Phillips, W., 156, 158–159, 166, 171
Piazza, P., 11, 63 Pickett, F.B., 32, 34–35, 69 Pieretti, I., 152, 156, 158–159, 167, 169–170, 173–174 Piffanelli, P., 128, 166 Pigliucci, M., 76, 107 Pike, M., 103, 106 Pilliterri, L.J., 154, 173 Pi, L.M., 14, 72 Pimienta-Barrios, E., 194, 224 Pineda Rodo´, A., 99, 113 Pinero, D., 7, 71 Pinto, L.R.M., 124, 171 Pinyopich, A., 19, 33, 51–52, 58, 67 Pires, A.B.L., 130, 173 Pires, J.L., 123–124, 130, 157–159, 161, 163, 166–168, 170–171, 173 Pirovani, C.P., 131, 135, 164–165, 173, 176 Pishak, S., 142–144, 152, 164, 172 Plavskin, Y., 10, 13, 62 Plemons, B.J., 189, 222 Poethig, R.S., 14, 21, 36, 56, 62, 64, 72 Poethig, S.R., 77, 80, 108, 113 Poling, M.D., 105, 110 Poljakoff-Mayber, A., 211, 224 Pomella, A.W.V., 130, 134–135, 138, 167, 173–175 Poole, D.K., 193, 202, 224 Poroyko, V., 85–86, 101–102, 115 Portillo Pa´ez, E., 159, 171 Porto, R.F., 130, 173 Potuschak, T., 16, 65 Power, E.J., 124, 158–159, 165 Power, J.B., 152, 173 Prakash, N., 41, 68 Prasad, K., 8, 35, 66, 68 Pratt, R.B., 202, 224 Price, A.H., 86, 113 Prigge, M.J., 14, 68 Proctor, M.C.F., 193, 224 Prost, V., 20, 27, 64 Pruitt, R.E., 4, 65 Prunet, N., 20, 32, 35–37, 68 Prusty, R., 81, 96, 111 Przemeck, G.K.H., 29, 68 Puga, M.I., 90, 109 Pugh, T., 156, 158–159, 171, 173 Pulido, A., 10, 68 Pungartnik, C., 131, 134–135, 164–165, 173 Putterill, J., 18, 26, 57 Q Qiu, Y.L., 126, 177 Qi, X., 103–104, 113 Quach, H., 94, 113 Quainoo, A.K., 152, 174 Queiroz, M.V., 130, 174 Queiroz, V.T., 124, 159, 167, 174
AUTHOR INDEX Querci, M., 145, 165 Quero, E., 207, 223 Qutob, D., 136–137, 174 R Raboin, L.M., 160–161, 175 Raghothama, K.G., 89–90, 105, 110, 112 Ragni, L., 23, 68 Rahman, A., 93, 113 Raines, C.A., 105, 117 Rajagopalan, R., 14, 71 Rajani, S., 25, 68 Ramirez, J., 11, 62 Ramirez, L., 34, 71 Ramirez-Parra, E., 83, 108 Rank, D., 53, 59 Rankin, D., 125, 128, 132–133, 169 Ranwala, A.P., 139, 168 Rashotte, A.M., 93, 113 Rast, M. I., 13, 68 Razanameharizaka, J.H., 184, 203–204, 215, 219 Rebolo, A., 210, 220 Reddy, G.V., 11, 13, 62 Reed, R.C., 93, 113 Reid, David M., 103, 116 Reinders, J., 151, 171 Reinhardt, D., 11, 15, 68 Reinhart, B.J., 14, 65, 71 Remans, T., 88, 113 Remizowa, M.V., 41, 69 Retzel, E.R., 125, 128, 132–133, 169 Reville, K., 37, 57 Reyes, D.K., 25, 31, 52, 65 Reyes, E.H., 124, 174 Reyes, L.C., 124, 174 Reymond, M., 89, 114–115 Reynaga-Pena, C.G., 13, 69, 94, 115 Reynolds, L., 20, 27, 57 Rhee, Y., 151, 169 Ricaud, L., 80, 89, 113, 115 Richards, J.H., 202, 219 Riechmann, J.L., 13, 69 Riedl, R., 217, 224 Riefler, M., 99, 114 Rieu, I., 11, 63 Rigoreau, M., 159, 166 Rigoutsos, I., 127–128, 158, 169, 172 Rijpkema, A.S., 9, 48, 68 Rincones, J., 129–131, 134, 167–168, 172, 174 Rio, M., 149, 163 Riper, K.V., 157, 177 Ripoll, J.J., 23, 55 Risterucci, A.-M., 121, 123, 126–128, 136– 137, 141–142, 152, 156–160, 162, 164, 166–167, 169–175 Rival, A., 151, 168 Roberts, D.P., 138–139, 165
Roberts, K., 77, 80, 108 Robichaux, R.H., 185, 196, 199, 224 Robles, P., 19, 24, 31, 33, 52, 54, 58, 70 Rodriguez, A.P.M., 7, 59 Rodriguez-Concepcion, M., 53, 72 Rodriguez, H., 156, 158–159, 166 Rodriguez-Lopez, C.M., 152, 174 Rodriguez, R.E., 16, 67–68 Roeder, A.H.K., 18, 25, 31, 52, 54, 65, 68 Roe, J.L., 29–30, 69 Rohde, A., 34, 68 Roig Jun˜ent, F.A., 194, 225 Rolland, F., 103–104, 114 Romera-Branchat, M., 20, 57 Romero-Cova, S., 124, 171 Ronning, C., 156, 158–159, 166 Rook, F., 103, 114 Rosa´rio, M., 123, 174 Rose, J.K.C., 137, 174 Rosenquist, E., 160, 162, 164, 175 Rosenthal, A., 34, 68 Rossignol, M., 97, 112 Rost, T.L., 80–81, 108–109 Rouard, M., 160–162, 164, 175 Rounsley, S.D., 20, 69 Rouse, D., 94, 109 Rowley, G.D., 180, 182, 184, 189, 224 Royaert, S., 127–128, 172 Rubio-Somoza, I., 90, 109 Rubio, V., 89, 100, 112, 114 Rudall, P.J., 41, 46, 69 Ruess, B.R., 206, 224 Ruiz, E., 128, 166 Ruiz, M., 127, 158, 160–162, 164, 170, 175 Rundel, P.W., 194, 204, 221–222 Running, M.P., 32–33, 37, 58, 63, 70 Running, S.W., 203, 225 Rus, A., 89–90, 112 Ruzicka, K., 101, 114 S Sabatini, S., 78, 91–92, 100, 108, 114 Sabau, X., 126, 128, 137, 141–142, 157–158, 162, 164, 166, 170, 175 Sabha, M., 130, 174 Sablowski, R., 11, 13, 21, 36, 48, 61, 73 Sadasivam, S., 86, 106 Saedler, H., 6–9, 34, 50, 56, 58, 70–71 Sage, R.F., 187, 205–206, 222 Sage, T.L., 41, 56, 187, 205, 222 Sajeva, M., 187, 224 Sakai, H., 9, 32–34, 36, 48, 55–56, 66, 69, 71, 99, 114 Sakakibara, H., 11, 63–64, 99–100, 110, 115 Sales, J.C., 123, 174 Salvi, S., 86, 101, 115 Samach, A., 11, 73 Samuels, G.J., 138–139, 165, 168, 175
Sanchez-Calderon, L., 88, 98, 111 Sandberg, G., 11, 28, 30–31, 70, 73, 80, 84–85, 93–94, 99, 101, 106–107, 111–112 Sanderson, J., 201–202, 223 Sanguineti, M.C., 86, 101, 115 Sanier, C., 149, 163 Sanogo, S., 123, 165 Sano, Y., 36, 66 Santos, G.C., 133, 171 Santos, R., 161, 166 Santos, S.C., 131, 165 Santos, S.M., 124, 173 Santos, T.B., 131, 133, 165–166 Sardinha-Pinto, N., 130, 167 Sarkar, A.K., 79, 114 Sarkarung, S., 86, 106–107 Sasaki, N., 101, 115 Sasky, C., 127–128, 172 Satoh, H., 36, 66 Sato, S., 28, 30, 71, 99, 112, 114 Sauer, M., 15, 30, 56, 81, 93–94, 96, 106, 108 Sauer, N., 103, 114 Savard, L., 40, 69 Savidge, B., 19–20, 25, 50–52, 65, 67, 69 Savolainen, V., 39, 58 Sawa, S., 14, 69 Sayed, O.H., 184, 205, 224 Saze, H., 151, 175 Scacchi, E., 100, 108 Scarpari, L.M., 130, 134, 174–175 Schardl, C.L., 139, 175 Scheffler, B., 127–128, 172 Scheible, W.R., 90, 106 Scheid, O.M., 151, 175 Scheres, B., 77–80, 83–84, 91–92, 106–109, 114, 116 Schiavinato, M.A., 130–131, 134, 167–168, 175 Schiefelbein, J.W., 77, 114 Schleter, J.C., 207, 220 Schlichting, C.D., 76, 107, 114 Schmida, A., 190–192, 224 Schmidt, J.E., 199, 224 Schmidt, R., 9, 48, 71 Schmiedel, U., 209, 222 Schmulling, T., 99–100, 114, 116 Schnee, C., 142, 175 Schneider, E.L., 43, 69 Schneitz, K., 45, 72 Schnell, R.J., 124, 127–128, 156, 158–159, 165–167, 169, 172, 175 Scholander, P.F., 211, 224 Scholz, A., 49, 72 Schommer, C., 16–17, 67–68 Schoof, H., 37, 65, 69 Schriefer, A., 131, 176 Schroers, H.-J., 138, 168 Schulte, P.J., 206, 224
Schultz, E.A., 16, 32, 34–35, 69, 73 Schuster, I., 124–125, 130, 132–135, 157–159, 168, 174 Schwab, R., 11, 16–17, 67, 72 Schwalm, K., 17, 30, 55 Schwarz-Sommer, Z., 34, 50, 58, 70–71 Scofield, S., 23, 69, 84, 107 Scopel, A.L., 76, 106 Scutt, C.P., 3–4, 45, 47, 60, 69, 71 Seifertova, D., 15, 30, 56, 93, 106 Selbach-Schnadelbach, A., 131, 176 Semiarti, E., 94, 110 Sena, G., 78, 110, 112 Sena, J.A.L., 131, 165 Sergeeva, L.I., 103, 114 Sessa, A., 20, 61 Sessions, A., 29–30, 69 Sessions, R.A., 29–30, 69 Shani, E., 10–11, 69, 73 Shanmugasundaram, P., 86, 106 Sharifi, M.R., 194, 222 Sharkhuu, A., 89–90, 112 Sharma, R., 16, 73 Sharpe, P.J.H., 197, 225 Sharp, R.E., 85–86, 101–102, 115–116 Shchennikova, A.V., 8, 58 Sheen, J., 99, 103–104, 111–112, 114 Sheets, J., 95, 108 Shimo, H., 130, 167 Shimura, Y., 29, 67 Shin, H.S., 90, 115 Shinozaki, K., 100, 115 Shishkova, S., 81, 94, 96, 108 Shleizer, S., 16, 67 Showalter, A.M., 211, 221 Shuai, B., 13–14, 62, 65, 69, 94, 115 Sibout, R., 84–85, 113 Sicher, R.C. Jr., 139–141, 164–165 Sidibe´ Bocs, S., 127, 158, 170 Sieber, P., 11, 13, 62, 69 Sieburth, L.E., 20, 32, 36–37, 63, 70 Siegel, B.A., 4, 70 Siegfried, K.R., 14, 21, 23, 27, 70 Signora, L., 102, 107 Sigoillot-Claude, C., 89, 115 Silva, A.C., 134, 173 Silva, D.C., 130–131, 133, 165–166, 173 Silva, F.C.O., 155, 164 Silva, M.M., 130, 173 Silva, S.D.V.M., 124, 130, 163, 171, 175 Silva, T.E.R., 143, 152, 175 Simaskova, M., 101, 114 Simon, R., 13, 20, 35, 37, 56, 65, 68 Simon, S., 101, 114 Simpson, C., 103, 106 Simpson, J., 88, 98, 111 Sinclair, R., 200, 208, 224 Sinclair, T.R., 194–196, 221 Singh, M., 104, 112
AUTHOR INDEX Singh, R., 151, 171 Skylar, A., 11, 70 Slewinski, T.L., 103, 111, 115 Sloan, D.B., 154, 173 Sloan, J.S., 157, 177 Smart, L.B., 139, 176 Smathajitt, C., 151, 171 Smets, R., 99–100, 116 Smith, A.M., 103, 106 Smith, B.D., 54, 58 Smith, H.M.S., 11, 13, 20, 61–62, 73 Smith, J.A.C., 206–207, 215, 219, 224–225 Smith, N.A., 148, 167 Smith, S.D., 193, 224 Smyth, D.R., 18–20, 23–24, 26–27, 29–30, 32, 34–37, 45, 49, 51, 55–56, 59, 61–62, 70 Sohlberg, J.J., 28, 30–31, 64, 70 Soh, M.S., 16, 61 Sohn, K.H., 138, 169 Sokoloff, D.D., 41, 69 Solano, R., 89, 100, 112, 114 Soltis, D.E., 38–39, 44–45, 48, 54, 57–58, 64, 70, 73 Soltis, P., 38, 57 Soltis, P.S., 39, 44–45, 48, 54, 64, 70, 73 Soma, T., 94, 110 Sommer, H., 34, 50, 58, 70–71 Song, R.T., 33, 67 Sorefan, K., 24–25, 31, 52, 54, 61, 70 Sounigo, O., 137, 159, 169–170, 173 Souza, C.S., 131, 176 Souza Filho, G.A., 124, 159, 167 Spence, R.D., 197, 225 Sperry, J.S., 202, 224 Spiering, M.J., 139, 175 Spollen, W.G., 85–86, 101–102, 115–116 Springer, G.K., 85–86, 101–102, 115 Springer, P.S., 13–14, 62, 65, 69, 72, 94, 115 Sridhar, V.V., 27, 70, 150, 176 Staldal, V., 28, 30–31, 59, 70 Stanley, K., 81, 96, 111 Starzycki, M., 137, 176 Stehling-Sun, S., 32, 37, 65 Steppuhn, J., 84, 108 Steudle, E., 102, 107 Stevenson, D.W., 41, 69 Stevenson, E.A., 103, 107 Stevens, P.F., 38, 57, 189, 192, 225 Stewart, A.J., 8, 66 Stieger, P.A., 14–15, 63, 68 Stierhof, Y.D., 92, 109 Stitt, M., 90, 106 Stone-Palmquist, M.E., 185, 225 Storchova, H., 98, 109 Stosser, M., 103, 112 Strauss, S.H., 40, 69 Strem, M.D., 125, 129, 132–134, 136–141, 164–165, 176
Strickland, T.R., 76, 109 Strnad, M., 99, 114 Stuppy, W., 46, 69 Sugita, M., 9, 48, 66 Sulaman, W., 93, 113 Sultan, S.E., 76, 106, 115 Sun, B., 32, 37–38, 70 Sundaresan, V., 25, 68 Sundberg, E., 28, 30–31, 59, 64, 70 Sundstrom, J. F., 28, 30, 59 Sun, G., 40, 70 Sung, Z.R., 16, 29, 65, 68 Sun, H., 36, 56 Sun, Y., 14, 72 Surendrarao, A., 27, 70 Surujdeo-Maharaj, S., 127, 136–137, 158–160, 170 Sussex, I.M., 15, 71, 80, 83, 111 Sussman, M.R., 103, 109 Svistoonoff, S., 89, 114–115 Swanson, J.-D., 147, 176 Swarup, K., 81, 96, 115 Swarup, R., 11, 55, 81, 93–94, 96, 100, 107, 111, 113, 115 Szopa, J., 137, 176 T Tabata, S., 99, 112, 114 Tahi, M., 127, 156, 158–159, 169–170 Takada, S., 13, 23, 62–63 Takatsuji, H., 35, 50, 63, 66 Takei, K., 99–100, 110, 115 Taketa, S., 105, 117 Tameda, S., 94, 109 Tanaka, W., 47, 63 Tanaka, Y., 50, 63 Tandre, K., 7, 57 Tang, G.L., 14, 65, 71 Taniguchi, M., 100–101, 108, 115 Taoka, K.I., 13, 62 Tapia-Lopez, R., 33, 67 Taranto, A.G., 131, 164, 176 Tardieu, F., 103, 112 Tarkowska, D., 99, 101, 112 Tarkowski, P., 11, 73, 99, 101, 112 Tasaka, M., 10, 13, 23, 55, 62–63, 91, 94–95, 109, 116 Taylor, E.L., 5, 71 Taylor, R.A., 14, 21, 64 Taylor, T.N., 5, 71 Teale, W.D., 91–92, 113, 115 Teasdale, R.D., 7, 66 Teichmann, T., 15, 30, 56, 93, 106 Teplova, I., 102, 107 Tester, M., 210–211, 222 Tetsumura, T., 81, 107 Tezara, W., 206, 221 Theissen, G., 6–10, 19, 34, 53, 56, 66, 71
Thelander, M., 28, 30, 59 Theologis, A., 94, 106, 109 The´venin, J.M., 159, 169, 173 Thiel, G., 213–214, 220 Thien, L.B., 41, 56, 71 Thierry, A.M., 20, 32, 35–37, 68 Thomas, D.A., 208, 224 Thomas, J., 11, 61, 67 Thomas, S.E., 138–139, 165, 168 Thompson, B.E., 9, 48, 71 Thorpe, T.A., 102, 110 Thuiller, W., 210, 220 Tian, Q., 97, 115 Tiburcio, R.A., 130–131, 167–168, 177 Tillard, P., 88, 112–113 Timmermans, M.C.P., 10–11, 13–15, 57b 61–62, 66–67 Ting, I.P., 185–187, 205, 221 Tissue, D.T., 206, 225 Titapiwatanakun, B., 105, 110 Tiwari, S.B., 94, 115 Tobar, J., 95, 108 Tobon, E., 8, 68 Todesco, M., 90, 109 Toledo-Ortiz, G., 53, 72 Tooley, P.W., 136, 164 Torii, K.U., 154, 173 Torrey, J.G., 93, 115 Totong, R., 95, 108 Traas, J., 13, 15, 20, 32, 37, 58, 64, 68 Traore, A., 143, 149, 152, 170–172, 176 Traveset, A., 54, 72 Trebar, M., 92, 113 Trehin, C., 20, 32, 35–37, 68 Tricker, P., 153–154, 176 Trigueros, M., 18, 28, 30, 55, 71 Trobner, W., 34, 71 Tsay, Y.F., 88, 111 Tsiantis, M., 10–11, 17, 56–57, 61, 63 Tsuchimoto, S., 50, 63 Tsuda, S., 50, 63 Tsuge, T., 101, 115 Tsujita, M.J., 130, 176 Tsukaya, H., 16–17, 59, 61–63, 94, 110 Tuba, Z., 193, 224 Tuberosa, R., 86, 101, 115 Tucker, W.Q.J., 27, 59 Turnbull, C.J., 160, 162, 164, 175 Turner, P.D., 124, 176 Tuteja, N., 137, 172 Tuteja, R., 137, 172 Tyree, M.T., 197, 203, 225 U Uchida, E., 9, 48, 66 Uchida, K., 3, 69 Ueda, J., 29, 67 Ueda, N., 11, 64, 100, 115
Ueno, Y., 11, 16, 61, 63, 94, 110 Uetanabaro, A.P., 131, 176 Ullrich, C.I., 17, 30, 55 Ulmasov, T., 94, 116 Underhill, L.G., 210, 220 Ungar, I.A., 211, 221 Uozomi, Y., 189, 222 Urbez, C., 31, 59 Uyttewaal, M., 14, 63 V Vahab, P., 11, 67 Valle, R.R., 131, 165 Valli, A., 90, 109 Valsecchi, I., 28, 30, 59 van den Berg, C., 78, 116 Vandenbussche, M., 9, 48, 53, 68, 71 Van de Peer, Y., 50, 53, 58, 71 van der Graaff, E., 16, 71 van der Plas, L.H., 103, 114 Van Der Schueren, E., 83, 116 van der Weele, C.M., 86, 116 Vandijken, A., 44, 47, 52, 55 Van Isterdael, G., 95, 116 Vankova, R., 98–99, 109, 113 Van Montagu, M.C., 34, 68, 84–85, 95, 101, 108, 110, 114 Vanneste, S., 81, 83–85, 91–92, 95–96, 100, 107, 110–111, 115–116 Van Onckelen, H., 97, 99–100, 112, 116 Vantunen, A.J., 44–45, 47, 52, 55, 58 Vanwent, J.L., 44–45, 47, 52, 55, 58 Varadarajan, D.K., 105, 110 Vaucheret, H., 14, 55, 71 Vazquez, F., 14, 71 Vazquez-Lobo, A., 7, 71 Vera, A., 23, 55 Verbeke, J.A., 4, 70–71 Verbruggen, N., 77, 88, 105, 110 Vercruysse, S., 83, 85, 95, 110, 116 Verdeil, J.L., 149, 163 Vergara-Silva, F., 7, 71 Verhoek, S., 192, 225 Verica, J.A., 125–126, 129, 132–133, 136– 139, 141–142, 144, 157–158, 162, 164–165, 172, 176 Verkest, A., 83, 116 Vernoux, T., 20, 32, 37, 58 Vialette-Guiraud, A.C., 4, 71 Vidal, B.C., 130, 174 Vidal, E.A., 97, 116 Vidal, R.O., 129–130, 172 Vieira, A.M.C., 124, 163 Vieten, A., 92, 116 Vijayraghavan, U., 35, 66 Vilas-Boas, L.A., 130, 174 Villagra, P.E., 194, 225 Villanneva, J.M., 45, 72
AUTHOR INDEX Villela-Dias, C., 130, 173 Vinauger-Douard, M., 3, 45, 47, 60, 69 Vincent, C., 151, 166 Vincentz, M., 131, 135, 164–165 Vincker, P., 141–142, 175 Virginia, R.A., 194, 222 Visser, R., 127–128, 172 Viterbo, A., 138, 168 Vivian-Smith, A., 31, 61, 72 Vlok, J.H.J., 191, 222 Voinnet, O., 145, 176 von Goethe, J.W., 5, 10, 72 Vonk, J., 103, 114 von Willert, D.J., 183, 185–187, 190–191, 194, 201–202, 206–208, 214–215, 217–218, 220, 225 Vreugdenhil, D., 103, 114 Vroemen, C.W., 13, 72 Vuylsteke, M., 85, 95, 110 W Wade, L.J., 86, 106 Waisel, Y., 184, 210–211, 225 Waites, R., 16, 63 Walker, D.B., 4, 72, 156, 158–159, 166 Wall, P.K., 54, 70 Walsh, R., 19, 26–27, 30, 35–36, 62 Walter, H., 217, 225 Walters, D.R., 137–138, 176 Walton, L.J., 103, 116 Walton, N.J., 140, 168 Wang, C.X., 20, 27, 60 Wang, G., 86, 107 Wang, H., 14, 60 Wang, J.W., 11, 72 Wang, M.-B., 148, 167 Wang, R.G., 86, 117 Wang, S.P., 27, 30, 57 Wang, W.M., 20, 33, 56–57 Wang, W.-Z., 201, 215, 222 Wang, X., 5, 72 Wang, Y.Q., 10, 32, 65–66 Waring, R.H., 203, 225 Warthmann, N., 16, 67 Watanabe, K., 14, 69 Waterhouse, P.M., 148, 167 Wege, S., 20, 36, 49, 67, 72 Weidner, V.R., 207, 220 Weigel, D., 11, 16–17, 20–21, 23, 28, 30, 32, 34–35, 37, 49, 58, 62, 64–65, 67–68, 70–73, 90, 109 Weijers, D., 94, 100, 108, 111 Weiler, E.W., 102, 107 Weisbeek, P., 78, 91–92, 114, 116 Weising, K., 184, 187, 213, 221 Weisser, P.J., 191, 222 Wellmer, F., 13, 20, 32, 37, 58, 69
Wellner, N., 103, 106 Werger, M.J.A., 183, 185–187, 190–191, 194, 201–202, 206–208, 214–215, 217–218, 225 Werner, T., 99–100, 116 West, M.A.L., 149, 171 Weston, P., 41, 56 Wetten, A.C., 152, 167, 174 Whipple, C., 9, 48, 71 White, D.A., 41, 71 White, D.W.R., 16, 72 White, P.J., 77, 88, 103, 105, 109–110 Whitlock, B.A., 121, 164 Wieand, H.S., 158, 169 Wildwater, M., 78, 83–84, 92, 107, 114, 116 Wilkinson, M., 153–154, 176 Wilkinson, M.D., 160, 175 Wilkinson, M.J., 119–163, 173–174 Willemsen, V., 77–78, 80, 91–92, 106–109, 116 Williams, J.H., 44, 72, 158, 169 Williams, L., 14, 72 Williams, M.E., 80, 83, 111 Williamson, L.C., 88, 97, 111 Willmann, M.R., 14, 62 Willson, M.F., 4, 50, 54, 55, 72 Wincker, P., 126, 137, 141–142, 157–158, 162, 164, 170 Wing, R.A., 54, 70, 127, 158, 170 Winter, K.U., 6–9, 56, 71, 206, 211, 213, 215, 225 Wipf, D., 103, 111 Wisman, E., 9, 19, 51–52, 67 Wisniewska, J., 92, 116 Wisser, R.J., 156, 169 Wolfe, D.S., 34, 64 Wolkenfelt, H., 91–92, 114 Wollmann, H., 16, 32, 37, 65, 67 Wolmark, N., 158, 169 Wolters, H., 91, 116 Wong, C.Y., 151, 166 Wong, S.C., 190, 225 Wood, G.A.R., 121, 123, 176 Woodrow, L., 130, 176 Woodward, A.W., 91, 117 Woodward, F.I., 154, 169 Woolley, L., 11, 63 Wro´bel-Kwiatkowska, M., 137, 176 Wu, G., 14, 62, 72 Wu, H.-I., 197, 225 Wu, P., 103, 110, 113 Wu, R.J., 139, 168 Wu, S., 103, 113 Wu, X.L., 11, 16–17, 67, 70 Wu, Y., 103, 110 Wu, Z., 103, 110, 113 Wysocka-Diller, J., 78, 110
X Xie, O., 16, 62 Xie, Z.X., 32, 65 Xiong, L., 86, 117 Xu, B., 14, 60 Xu, J., 78, 92, 107, 109 Xu, L., 14, 60, 72 Xu, Y., 14, 72 Xu, Y.F., 32, 37–38, 70 Xu, Y.Q., 14, 72 Y Yadegari, R., 17, 58 Yakir, D., 206, 225 Yalovsky, S., 53, 72 Yamada, M.M., 93–94, 108, 111, 124, 159, 161, 166–167 Yamada, T., 45, 73 Yamagishi, K., 149, 171 Yamaguchi, T., 36, 47–48, 63, 73 Yamaya, T., 100, 115 Yamazaki, M., 48, 55 Yanai, O., 10–11, 16, 67, 69, 73 Yang, L., 14, 60, 72 Yang, S., 203, 225 Yang, Y., 81, 96, 115 Yanofsky, M.F., 9, 16–21, 23–25, 27–28, 30–33, 50–52, 54, 58, 60–62, 65, 67–71, 73 Yao, S.-G., 105, 117 Yatsu, L.Y., 41, 71 Yeaton, R.I., 191, 222 Yee, K.M., 149, 171 Yeung, E.C., 103, 116 Ye, Z.H., 14, 73 Yin, C.S., 9, 48, 65 Yokoi, S., 89–90, 112 Yoo, T.H., 138, 176 Yoshida, H., 9, 48, 66 Yoshikawa, M., 14, 62 Yoshioka, H., 145, 171 Young, A., 142–144, 149, 152, 171–172 Young, E.T., 157, 177 Young, J.C., 103, 109 Youngman, A.L., 212, 225
You, R., 84, 108 Yow, S.T.K., 141, 166 Yu, L.F., 20, 73 Yun, D.J., 89–90, 112 Yun, J.Y., 35, 73 Z Zahn, L.M., 45, 48, 73 Zaidan, H.A., 157–158, 170 Zakhleniuk, O.V., 105, 117 Zambryski, P., 31, 67 Zambryski, P.C., 20, 23–24, 29–31, 62, 66, 69 Zamir, D., 16, 67 Zamore, P.D., 14, 65, 71 Zapparoli, G., 130–131, 167–168, 177 Zazimalova, E., 101, 114 Zeevaart, J.A.D., 101, 117 Zethof, J., 9, 48, 68 Zgurski, J.M., 16, 73 Zhang, B., 103, 110 Zhang, D.B., 9, 48, 65 Zhang, F., 97, 115 Zhang, H., 80, 84–85, 87–89, 96–97, 102, 107, 117 Zhang, K.L., 150, 176 Zhang, X.W., 8, 68 Zhang, Y.L., 16, 62 Zhao, D.Z., 32, 65 Zhao, L., 32, 37, 73 Zhao, Y.D., 24, 31, 57 Zheng, S. L., 40, 70 Zhong, R.Q., 14, 73 Zhou, G.K., 14, 73 Zhou, T., 150, 176 Zhou, Z. K., 40, 70 Zhu, J.J., 150, 176 Zhu, J.K., 90, 109, 150, 176 Zhu, J.-K., 210, 225 Zhu, X.Y., 126, 177 Zilberman, D., 150, 177 Zong, J., 9, 48, 65 Zuccolo, A., 54, 70 Zutta, B.R., 209, 223
A Arabidopsis gynoecium and fruit apical-basal polarity, 29–31 carpel identity, 20 carpel marginal tissues development, 26–28 carpel partitioning, 21–26 floral meristem termination agamous (AG), 32–33 B-class genes apetala3 (AP3) and pistillata (PI), 34–35 crabs claw (CRC) and spatula (SPT), 35–36 dose-dependent, 36–37 stem cell maintenance, 37–38 floral organ identity, genetic interaction, 19–21 lateral domains, 24–26 post-fertilisation carpel growth, 31 putative transcription factors, 19 structure, 17–18 Auxin abscisic acid, 101–103 carbohydrates, 103–105 cytokinins, 99–101 lateral root development accumulation, 96 cell cycle machinery, 95 downstream nitrate metabolites, 97 drought stress, 98 feed-forward mechanism, 97 gain-of-function mutations, 94 gradients, 95 growth conditions, 96 high-nitrate supplementation, 97 pericycle LRP, 94 phosphate starvation response, 97 signalling molecule, 94 transport and signaling, 93 up regulation, ARF, 98 xylem-pole pericycle cells, 95 primary root development embryogenesis, 91 gradient, 92 PIN genes, 92–93 polar auxin transport, 91–92 response factor, 91 Auxin response factor (ARF), 91
B Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), 128 C Cacao gene expression endophytic colonization, 139–140 endophytic interaction, 138–139 in vitro culture and genetic transformation genetic transformation, 142–144 leafy cotyledons characterization, 149–150 model plant systems, 145–149 RNA interference, 145 PA biosynthesis regulation, 140–141 quality flavour, 141–142 Carpel development advantage, 3–4 Arabidopsis gynoecium and fruit (see Arabidopsis gynoecium and fruit) benefits, 4 diversification in angiosperms (see Carpel diversification) gynoecium, 3 lateral organs adaxial-abaxial polarity regulation, 13–15 boundary establishment, 13 lateral domains, 24–25 leaf development, 15–16 leaf margins, 17 leaves, 10 shoot apical meristem, 10–12 origin angiosperm diversification, 5 E-function, carpel evolution, 9–10 hypotheses (see Carpel hypothesis) Carpel diversification basal eudicots, 48–49 development in moncots, 46–49 gene duplication, 50–53 molecular control, 44–46 morphology and function ANA grade angiosperm, 40–41 apocarpy, 41 double fertilization, 44 orthotropous ovules, 43
Carpel diversification (cont.)
self-incompatibility system, 41 structure and mechanism, gynoecium, 42 phylogenetic background, 38–40 Carpel hypothesis flower origin, 5 MMT (see Mostly-male theory) Carpel partitioning boundary genes, 23 genetic network, 22 gynoecial primordium, 21 medio-lateral polarity, 22 phytohormone auxin, 23 polar auxin transport, 24 Cell cycle regulation LRP, 84–85 primary root meristem, 83–84 Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), 184 D Drought avoidance gas exchange, 204–207 radiation factors, 207–210 water relations apoplasticity, 199 broad shallow root system, 201 caudiciform trees, 203–204 cell volumetric modulus of elasticity, 194 cellular desiccation, 194 desert ephemerals, 193 ecophysiological trait hydraulic capacitance, 194 preferential hydration, 199 pressure-volume curves, 197–198 rectifiers, 202 taxa range, 195–196 thick cuticle/periderm, 202 tolerance to avoidance strategy, 192–193 transpirational buffering, 200 water movement kinetics, 200 woody perennials, 193–194 F Functional genomics, Cacao cacao-phytophthora interaction gene expression, 137 phytophtora nep1 orthologues, 136–137 resistance, 136 Criollo group, 122–123 destructive encountered disease, 123 disease control methods, 124 fermentation and drying, 121 gene expression (see Cacao gene expression)
molecular genetic study bioinformatic resources, 161–162 epigenetics and regulation, 151–155 genetic maps, 158–161 molecular markers, 156–158 plant genetic resources, 155–156 molecular resources Arabidopsis, 126 BAC library, 128 biotic stresses, 126 expressed sequence tag (EST), 125 sequencing projects, 127–128 vitis vinifera, 126 natural conditions, 128–129 OMICS, 125 cacao-M. perniciosa interaction, 132–135 M. perniciosa interactions, 129–131 proteomics, 135 phytophthora, 124 proteomics, 125 research community, 162–163 L Lateral root development activated meristems, 83 asymmetric cell division, 81 auxins controls, 82 founder cells, 80 LRP, 80–81 mitotic figures, 81 pericycle cell heterogeneity, 80 xylem-pole pericycle, 79 xylem-pole vs. phloem-pole, 80 Lateral root primordia (LRP), 80–81 M Model plant systems, 145–149 Molecular markers, 156–158 Mostly-male theory (MMT), 5–6 flower bisexuality, 7 gymnosperm genes, 9 LFY and NLY, 7 MADS genes, 8 OOM hypothesis, 7–8 O Out-of-female (OOM) hypothesis, 8 Out-of-Male (OOM) hypothesis, 7–8 R Root system architecture Arabidopsis thaliana, 77 developmental plasticity, 76 environmental factors
SUBJECT INDEX auxin (see Auxin) nitrate, 87–88 phosphate, 88–90 water stress, 85–87 intrinsic cellular process, 78 intrinsic determinants cell cycle regulation, 83–85 lateral root development (see Lateral root development) primary root development, 78–79 phenotypic responses, 76–77 S Salinity tolerance water relations aizoaceae, 214–215 arid-adapted plants, 212–213 capacitance/elastic modulus, 212 malate storage, 213 noctural acid accumulation, 213–214 osmotic stress, 210 pressure-volume curves, 212 salt tolerance, 211 soil salinity, 211 Shoot apical meristem genetic networks, 12 KNOX programme, 11
peripheral zone (PZ), 10 transcription factor, 11 Succulent plants, water use strategy definition, 182 diversity and distribution achlorophyllous, 186 CAM photosynthesis, 184 caudiciform, 184 cellular structures, 185 geographical distributions, 190–192 halophytic, 184 leaf and stem, 183 phylogenetic diversity, 189–190 phylogenetic occurrence, 188 stomata, 187 tissue differentiation, 185–186 vessel density, 189 ecological strategy drought avoidance (see Drought avoidance) salinity tolerance, 210–215 life form diversity, 181 variation axial conjunctive parenchyma, 216 caudiciform taxa, 216 core cacti, 216 hydration/tissue dry mass, 218 nitrogen-fixing bacteria, 217 relative and absolute capacitance, 217