Advances in
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan C HUN C. L IN
University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin E NNIO A RIMONDO
University of Pisa Pisa, Italy
Editorial Board C. J OACHAIN
Université Libre de Bruxelles Brussels, Belgium M. G AVRILA
F.O.M. Insituut voor Atoom- en Molecuulfysica Amsterdam, The Netherlands M. I NOKUTI
Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, Illinois
Founding Editor S IR DAVID BATES
Supplements 1. Atoms in Intense Laser Fields, Mihai Gavrila, Ed. 2. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, Paul R. Berman 3. Cross Section Data, Mitio Inokuti, Ed.
Volume 53
Academic press is an imprint of Elsevier 84 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8RR, UK Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA
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ISBN-13: 978-0-12-003853-4 ISBN-10: 0-12-003853-6 ISSN: 1049-250X
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Contents C ONTRIBUTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P REFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Non-Classical Light from Artificial Atoms Thomas Aichele, Matthias Scholz, Sven Ramelow and Oliver Benson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single Quantum Dots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single-Photon Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Single Photon as Particle and Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Multi-Color Photon Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiplexed Quantum Cryptography on the Single-Photon Level Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Quantum Chaos, Transport, and Control—in Quantum Optics Javier Madroñero, Alexey Ponomarev, André R.R. Carvalho, Sandro Wimberger, Carlos Viviescas, Andrey Kolovsky, Klaus Hornberger, Peter Schlagheck, Andreas Krug and Andreas Buchleitner 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Introduction . . . . . . . Spectral Properties . . . Dynamics and Transport Control through Chaos . Conclusion . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . .
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single Atoms in a MOT . . . . . . . . . . Preparing Single Atoms in a Dipole Trap Quantum State Preparation and Detection Superposition States of Single Atoms . .
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Manipulating Single Atoms Dieter Meschede and Arno Rauschenbeutel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
viii 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Contents Loading Multiple Atoms into the Dipole Trap . . . . . . Realization of a Quantum Register . . . . . . . . . . . . Controlling the Atoms’ Absolute and Relative Positions Towards Entanglement of Neutral Atoms . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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1. General Linear Input–Output Transformation for a Linear Optical Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. The Phase-Insensitive Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. The Multimode Phase Insensitive Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. The Nature of the Ancilla Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. An Optical Amplifier Working at the Quantum Limit . . . . . . . . . . 6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Spatial Imaging with Wavefront Coding and Optical Coherence Tomography Thomas Hellmuth 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enhanced Depth of Focus with Wavefront Coding . . Spatial Imaging with Optical Coherence Tomography Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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The Quantum Properties of Multimode Optical Amplifiers Revisited G. Leuchs, U.L. Andersen and C. Fabre
Quantum Optics of Ultra-Cold Molecules D. Meiser, T. Miyakawa, H. Uys and P. Meystre 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecular Micromaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . Passage Time Statistics of Molecule Formation Counting Statistics of Molecular Fields . . . . Molecules as Probes of Spatial Correlations . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Atom Manipulation in Optical Lattices Georg Raithel and Natalya Morrow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theoretical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Review of One-Dimensional Lattice Configurations for Rubidium Periodic Well-to-Well Tunneling in Gray Lattices . . . . . . . . . Influence of Magnetic Fields on Tunneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sloshing-Type Wave-Packet Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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187 190 196 208 213 219 222 223 223
Femtosecond Laser Interaction with Solid Surfaces: Explosive Ablation and Self-Assembly of Ordered Nanostructures Juergen Reif and Florenta Costache 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secondary Processes: Dissipation and Desorption/Ablation Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Characterization of Single Photons Using Two-Photon Interference T. Legero, T. Wilk, A. Kuhn and G. Rempe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Introduction . . . . . . . . Single-Photon Light Fields Two-Photon Interference . Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . Experiment and Results . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . References . . . . . . . . .
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Fluctuations in Ideal and Interacting Bose–Einstein Condensates: From the Laser Phase Transition Analogy to Squeezed States and Bogoliubov Quasiparticles Vitaly V. Kocharovsky, Vladimir V. Kocharovsky, Martin Holthaus, C.H. Raymond Ooi, Anatoly Svidzinsky, Wolfgang Ketterle and Marlan O. Scully
Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. A. B. C. D. E. F. 10.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . History of the Bose–Einstein Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Canonical versus Canonical Statistics of BEC Fluctuations . . Dynamical Master Equation Approach and Laser Phase-Transition Analogy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quasiparticle Approach and Maxwell’s Demon Ensemble . . . . . . . Why Condensate Fluctuations in the Interacting Bose Gas are Anomalously Large, Non-Gaussian, and Governed by Universal Infrared Singularities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bose’s and Einstein’s Way of Counting Microstates . . . . . . . . . . Analytical Expression for the Mean Number of Condensed Atoms . . Formulas for the Central Moments of Condensate Fluctuations . . . . Analytical Expression for the Variance of Condensate Fluctuations . . Single Mode Coupled to a Reservoir of Oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . The Saddle-Point Method for Condensed Bose Gases . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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LIDAR-Monitoring of the Air with Femtosecond Plasma Channels Ludger Wöste, Steffen Frey and Jean-Pierre Wolf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conventional LIDAR Measurements . . . . . . . . . The Femtosecond-LIDAR Experiment . . . . . . . . Nonlinear Propagation of Ultra-Intense Laser Pulses White Light Femtosecond LIDAR Measurements . Nonlinear Interactions with Aerosols . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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I NDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C ONTENTS OF VOLUMES IN T HIS S ERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the author’s contributions begin.
T HOMAS A ICHELE (1), Nano Optics, Physics Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10117 Berlin, Germany M ATTHIAS S CHOLZ (1), Nano Optics, Physics Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10117 Berlin, Germany S VEN R AMELOW (1), Nano Optics, Physics Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10117 Berlin, Germany O LIVER B ENSON (1), Nano Optics, Physics Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10117 Berlin, Germany JAVIER M ADROÑERO (33), Physik Department, Technische Universität München, JamesFranck-Straße, D-85747 Garching, Germany; Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany A LEXEY P ONOMAREV (33), Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany A NDRÉ R.R. C ARVALHO (33), Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany S ANDRO W IMBERGER (33), Dipartimento di Fisica Enrico Fermi and CNR-INFM, Università di Pisa, Largo Pontecorvo 3, I-56127 Pisa, Italy C ARLOS V IVIESCAS (33), Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany A NDREY KOLOVSKY (33), Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany K LAUS H ORNBERGER (33), Arnold-Sommerfeld-Zentrum für Theoretische Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Theresienstr. 37, D-80333 München, Germany P ETER S CHLAGHECK (33), Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany xi
A NDREAS K RUG (33), Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany A NDREAS B UCHLEITNER (33), Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany D IETER M ESCHEDE (75), Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Bonn, Wegelerstr. 8, D-53115 Bonn, Germany A RNO R AUSCHENBEUTEL (75), Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Bonn, Wegelerstr. 8, D-53115 Bonn, Germany T HOMAS H ELLMUTH (105), Department of Optoelectronics, Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Germany G. L EUCHS (139), Max Planck Research Group of Optics, Information and Photonics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany U.L. A NDERSEN (139), Max Planck Research Group of Optics, Information and Photonics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany C. FABRE (139), Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Université Pierre et Marie Curie et Ecole Normale Supérieure, Place Jussieu, cc74, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France D. M EISER (151), Department of Physics, The University of Arizona, 1118 E. 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705, USA T. M IYAKAWA (151), Department of Physics, The University of Arizona, 1118 E. 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705, USA H. U YS (151), Department of Physics, The University of Arizona, 1118 E. 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705, USA P. M EYSTRE (151), Department of Physics, The University of Arizona, 1118 E. 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705, USA G EORG R AITHEL (187), FOCUS Center, Department of Physics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA NATALYA M ORROW (187), FOCUS Center, Department of Physics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA J UERGEN R EIF (227), Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany BTU/IHP JointLab, Erich-Weinert-Strasse 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany F LORENTA C OSTACHE (227), Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, KonradWachsmann-Allee 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany BTU/IHP JointLab, Erich-WeinertStrasse 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany T. L EGERO (253), Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
T. W ILK (253), Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany A. K UHN (253), Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany G. R EMPE (253), Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany V ITALY V. KOCHAROVSKY (291), Institute for Quantum Studies and Department of Physics, Texas A&M University, TX 77843-4242, USA; Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Science, 600950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia V LADIMIR V. KOCHAROVSKY (291), Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Science, 600950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia M ARTIN H OLTHAUS (291), Institut für Physik, Carl von Ossietzky Universitat, D-2611 Oldenburg, Germany C.H. R AYMOND O OI (291), Institute for Quantum Studies and Department of Physics, Texas A&M University, TX 77843-4242, USA A NATOLY S VIDZINSKY (291), Institute for Quantum Studies and Department of Physics, Texas A&M University, TX 77843-4242, USA W OLFGANG K ETTERLE (291), MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms, and Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA M ARLAN O. S CULLY (291), Institute for Quantum Studies and Department of Physics, Texas A&M University, TX 77843-4242, USA; Princeton Institute for Material Science and Technology, Princeton University, NJ 08544-1009, USA L UDGER W ÖSTE (413), Physics Department, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany S TEFFEN F REY (413), MIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA J EAN -P IERRE W OLF (413), GAP-Biophotonics, University of Geneva, 20, rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
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PREFACE Prof. Herbert Walther is a quantum optics star of galactic magnitude! Experimental physicists admire his ability to conduct experiments previously considered impossible. Theoretical physicists eagerly look forward to the stunning results that come out of his laboratory. His discoveries have brought increasingly new life to both the theoretical and experimental quantum optical physicists. The scientific methods developed in his laboratory have become a mainstay to quantum optics laboratories all over the world. Three qualities of Herbert Walther stand out most clearly: His enormous energy, his unique dedication to science and his special eye for scientific quality. He obviously must subscribe to the German motto: “Die Probleme existieren, um überwunden zu werden” (problems exist to be overcome). This statement holds true not only for scientific matters but also for science policy. Three examples illustrating his qualities offer themselves: In the early 1980s the Max-Planck-Society inherited the Ringberg castle located in the picturesque Bavarian mountains next to Lake Tegernsee. The MaxPlanck Institute for Quantum Optics was one of the first institutes that started using this facility as a retreat to review its progress in the various groups and initiate novel research directions. It was during one of these early meetings when Herbert Walther’s group was discussing the new possibilities in cavity quantum electrodynamics offered by the unique combination of Rydberg atoms and high-Q microwave resonators. Herbert Walther proposed to build a new type of maser driven by a single atom. However, fresh ideas are rarely received with enthusiasm, especially by those who have to transfer the Gedanken experiments into real experiments. It was argued that too many novel techniques, such as, atomic beams and cryogenic equipment, which had only worked separately before, now had to be combined into one single experiment: it was considered impossible to make all these experimental tricks work at the same time. Herbert Walther tried to convince the nay sayers about the feasibility of the experiment—without success. Finally he decided to follow a different route and attract students to do the work. Indeed, several students, starting with Dieter Meschede, Gerhard Rempe, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Georg Raithel, Oliver Benson, and Ben Varcoe, now all faculty members at different scientific institutions, together with other students, postdocs and visitors, planned and implemented today’s famous research line of the micromaser. Second, Herbert Walther is a great institution builder. He was a main driving force responsible for building up the Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics to xvii
one of the top institutions in the field worldwide and in fact a Mecca for many international scientists visiting it religiously. Today it is hard to believe that in the late 1970s the Institute was an institute on probation: The Max-Planck Society had installed a research group in the newly emerged field of laser physics, the so called “Projektgruppe für Laserforschung” (project group for laser research). Herbert Walther was hired as one of the directors. In no time he was able to attract many bright students to his group and bring the high society of laser physics to the project group. Clearly enough, the Max-Planck Society then was given little choice but to found a full fledged Max-Planck Institute. Many years later, Herbert Walther had the unique opportunity to repeat this story of success on a much larger scale: As Vice President of the Max-Planck Society, he was a leading authority while setting up the new institutes in East Germany after reunification. A third example illustrating Herbert Walther’s lack of fear was the hiring of Prof. Theodor Hänsch who had previously turned down several offers from German universities. It seemed to be a hopeless task to lure Hänsch away from Stanford. Nevertheless, Herbert Walther was not afraid to compete. He first arranged a Humboldt prize for Hänsch to get him used again to German life. He then managed to arrange an offer which could not be refused—a chair at the University of Munich together with a directorship at the MPQ. In this way, Herbert Walther achieved the impossible. It is difficult to describe the impact of his works in just a few words. Those of us who have been associated with him consider ourselves very fortunate, having benefited from the relationship in many different ways. Needless to say, Herbert Walther has trained a large number of students and other researchers, many of whom have become authorities in the field. His students and colleagues have won Nobel prizes; few are able to boast this line. But his humbleness and generosity have no bounds and the optical community knows and appreciates all that he has done for it. We hope that some of the many shining aspects of his scientific life are reflected in the present volume. All articles have been written by Herbert Walther’s former students and collaborators, now grown up and dedicated to their own research. But clearly enough, the nucleus of their work lies in Herbert Walther’s laboratory. To our minds, when history is written, then one would find that many of the discoveries made in Herbert Walther’s laboratory will stand out as some of the most fundamental discoveries in the discipline of quantum optics. So with the preceding in mind, appreciation and admiration in our hearts, and a special applause to his endearing spouse Margot, we dedicate this volume to you Herbert. Vielen Dank! Girish Agarwal Gerhard Rempe
Wolfgang Schleich Marlan Scully
NON-CLASSICAL LIGHT FROM ARTIFICIAL ATOMS* THOMAS AICHELE† , MATTHIAS SCHOLZ, SVEN RAMELOW and OLIVER BENSON Nano Optics, Physics Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10117 Berlin, Germany 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Single Quantum Dots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Single-Photon Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Correlation Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Micro-Photoluminescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3. InP Quantum Dots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. A Single Photon as Particle and Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. A Multi-Color Photon Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Multiplexed Quantum Cryptography on the Single-Photon Level 6.1. A Single-Photon Add/Drop Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2. Application to Quantum Key Distribution . . . . . . . . . . 7. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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1. Introduction A photon is the fundamental excitation of the quantized electro-magnetic field. Its introduction helped to get a deeper, yet more intuitive understanding of the phenomenon light. The year 2005 celebrates the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s ingenious explanation of the photoelectric effect using the concept of the photon. Until today, the photon is a workhorse to test the foundation of quantum physics against recurring efforts of a purely classical interpretation of nature [1,2]. More
* We would like to dedicate this article to Prof. Herbert Walther on behalf of his 70th birthday. He pioneered quantum optics with single quantum systems and drew our attention to the beauty of the single photon. The experiment we report in Section 4 of our article was motivated by his wonderful experiments with single ions. † Present address: CEA/Université J. Fourier, Laboratoire Spectrométrie, Grenoble, France.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53001-0
T. Aichele et al.
F IG . 1. Photon number distributions of (a) thermal light, (b) a coherent state, and (c) a single-photon source (with 25% efficiency).
recently, single photons entered the stage to play an important role in the field of quantum information processing. Bennett and Brassard [3] suggested, that data can be transmitted without the possibility of eavesdropping, if information is encoded in the quantum state of single particles (for a review see [4] and references therein). For transmission over large distances, the photon is currently the only reasonable carrier of quantum information. Knill et al. [5] proposed an implementation of all-optical quantum gates for quantum computation using solely linear optics and single-photons which is based on non-deterministically prepared entangled states and quantum teleportation [6]. Single photons have also been discussed as transmitters of quantum information [7] between different knots of stationary, matter-based qubits, such as ions [8–11], atoms [12,13], quantum dots [14,15], and Josephson qubits [16–19]. In spite of their fundamental character, single photons cannot be generated easily by a classical light source. As photons obey Bose–Einstein statistics, classical sources tend to emit photons in bunches. Figure 1 shows probability distributions for various classical and non-classical states of light. Thermal light fields (a), such as light from a bulb, have a smeared distribution with significant probabilities for larger photon numbers. Even laser light (b), which possesses the narrowest classically obtainable photon number distribution, shows Poissonian statistics pn = exp(−μ)μn /n! with average photon number μ. However, for applications in quantum information processing, single-photon operation of the light source is crucial: For photonic quantum gates [5], but also quantum repeaters [20] and quantum teleportation [21], multi-photon states may lead to wrong detection events that cause wrong interpretations of the outcome of a quantum operation. In quantum cryptography, an eavesdropper may split off additional photons to gain partial information. In contrast, an ideal single-photon source has a probability of one to measure exactly one photon at a time (pn = δ1,n ). Such sub-Poissonian distributions— with a width narrower than a Poissonian of the same average photon number— are known to be non-classical and have to be described by means of quantum mechanics. Additionally to the single-particle character, high purity of the spatial
and temporal mode is often required in many applications, for example, Hong– Ou–Mandel-type [22] two-photon interference plays an important role in linear optical quantum gates [5]. For useful operation, highly efficient photon generation and the ability to trigger the emission time are also desirable. Real single-photon sources show various loss mechanisms, like emission into uncontrolled optical modes or absorption, so that a more realistic photon number distribution has a certain zero-photon probability, as the one in Fig. 1(c) [23]. There are many ways to realize single-photon sources. The easiest is to approximate single-photon states by highly attenuated laser pulses: Due to their Poissonian photon number distribution, the multi-photon probability scales linear with the mean photon number, p2 ≈ μp1 /2, which approximates a singlephoton state for μ 1. However, the single-photon probability scales in the same way, p1 ≈ μ for μ 1, which makes this method highly inefficient. Another widely used method to generate single-photon states is spontaneous parametric down-conversion in non-linear crystals. Presently, these sources are the most practical and brightest sources for non-classical light, such as entangled photon pairs [24]. However, due to the stochastic nature of this process, only a limited overall efficiency is offered while an increase of pump power to improve the photon rate leads to an increased probability to generate two-photon pairs. These facts limit the potential of this method for future commercial quantum applications that need high single-photon rates. Another method is to use spontaneous emission from a single quantum emitter. Suppressing non-radiative decay mechanisms, these emitters represent, in principle, single-photon sources with 100% efficiency. To make use of this high efficiency, a strong control of the spatial emission mode is required which sets a technical but no fundamental limit to today’s maximally achievable photon efficiency. The variety of possible quantum emitters offered by nature allows a multitude of realizations. Discrete electronic transitions in atoms were the first to be investigated in 1977 by Kimble et al. [25]. Recent experiments used single atoms [26,27] and single ions [28] coupled to microcavities to exploit effects of cavity quantum electrodynamics. In this way, not only the emission time, but also the spatial and temporal mode of single photons can be controlled. The emission of an isolated single atom is free from additional broadening due to coupling to the environment. Additionally, identical atoms emit identical photons which is a requirement for possible applications in quantum information. Radiative cascades in atoms have also been used for entangled-photon generation [1]. Moreover, the generation of stationary, single- or few-photon Fock-states was demonstrated using Rydberg atoms and superconducting ultra high-Q cavities [29,30]. One drawback of atomic systems is, however, the complexity of today’s atom traps or atomic beam experiments. Transitions in single molecules and single nanocrystals also produce single photons [31–33]. Nanocrystals are semiconductor crystals in the size of a few
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nanometers which are chemically produced as colloids [34]. Similar to quantum dots (see below), nanocrystals show discrete energy levels, in contrast to bulk crystals, leading to single-photon transitions. Molecules and nanocrystals have similar properties with respect to single-photon emission. Both systems can be operated even at room temperature which makes them cheap and easy to handle. Their drawback is their susceptibility for photo-bleaching and blinking [34]. The latter describes the effect of interrupted emission even on large timescales due to the presence of long-lived dark states. However, this problem may be reduced by improved synthesis. In experiments where the single-photon character is the only important property, nitrogen–vacancy defect centers in diamonds are advantageous. These structures show room temperature single-photon emission without optical instabilities, like blinking and bleaching [35,36], but have a broad optical spectrum at room temperature together with comparably long lifetimes (12 ns). This article focuses on single-photon generation using self-assembled single quantum dots. Quantum dots are few-nanometer sized semiconductor structures showing discrete electronic energy levels, in contrast to energy bands in bulk semiconductors.1 Many properties of quantum dots (emission spectrum, electronic structure, etc.) resemble features known from atoms. For this reason quantum dots are also referred to as artificial atoms. To suppress electron–phonon interaction and thermal ionization, quantum dots mostly need to be operated at cryogenic temperatures, but experiments at increasingly higher temperature have also been reported [37,38]. The emission from a quantum dot combines nearly lifetime-limited narrow spectral lines and short transition lifetimes. In contrast to its nanocrystal counterpart, quantum dots are optically very stable. They also offer the possibility of electric excitation [39] and the implementation in integrated photonic structures [40]. Due to the variety of possible materials, quantum dots have shown single-photon emission throughout the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared spectrum. Moreover, it was proposed and demonstrated to use quantum dot multi-photon cascades for the generation of entangled photon pairs [41,42].
2. Single Quantum Dots For the calculation of electronic states in quantum dots (or artificial atoms), several schemes have been used at different levels of sophistication [43]. Figure 2 illustrates the simplest approach which assumes a spherical potential trap for electrons and holes. When the quantum dot is occupied by several quasi-free charge 1 Although colloidal nanocrystals are also quantum dots by this definition, to avoid confusion, here the terminology of quantum dots is used for quantum dot structures grown on semiconductor substrates.
F IG . 2. Excitations in a quantum dot: (a) Exciton formed by an electron–hole pair, (b) biexciton containing two electron–hole pairs, generally with a different energy than the exciton. (c) Schematic term scheme for the exciton and biexciton decay cascade. The two dark excitons are indicated by gray lines. Numbers indicate the electron, hole, and total spin.
F IG . 3. (a) Micro-photoluminescence image of InP quantum dots in GaInP. (b) Spectrum of a single InP/GaInP quantum dot with the spectral lines of exciton and biexciton decay.
carriers (electrons or holes), Coulomb interaction has to be taken into account, as well. While equally charged carriers repel each other, the energy of the system is lowered for an electron–hole pair, and an exciton is formed (Fig. 2(a)). The recombination of the exciton leads to the emission of a single photon. Correspondingly, two electron–hole pairs form a biexciton, but generally with a different energy due to Coulomb interaction (Fig. 2(b)). When decaying, first one electron–hole pair recombines, leading to the emission of a first photon. The remaining exciton in the quantum dot emits a second photon with a different wavelength (Fig. 2(c)). The quantum dot fine structure (see, for example, [44]) reveals a single biexciton ground state and four exciton ground states. Two of them are dark states and participate in neither the biexciton nor the exciton decay. Figure 3 shows a photoluminescence image of an ensemble of InP quantum dots. The image was taken through a bandpass filter to suppress excitation stray light from the optical excitation. The spectrum of a single InP quantum dot with two dominant spectral lines, originating from the exciton and biexciton decay, is displayed in Fig. 3.
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Quantum dot samples can be fabricated by a variety of methods starting from higher dimensional semiconductor heterostructures, like etching pillars in quantum well systems or forming intersections of quantum wells or quantum wires [43]. The growth of nanostructures on patterned substrates, such as grooves or pyramids, led to successful quantum dot formation [45] and single-photon emission [46], as well. These fabrication methods allow a high degree of position control which is advantageous for coupling the quantum dot to microcavities and photonic devices. So-called natural quantum dots [47] are formed by thickness fluctuations mainly of quantum wells, but also in nanotube systems. In this environment, excitons are trapped in broader regions of the quantum well, where the confinement energy is lowered, so that a potential minimum is formed. Such excitons exhibit large oscillator strengths leading to short radiative lifetimes [48] as the lateral size of natural quantum dots is usually much larger than the exciton Bohr radius. The experiments described in this article are performed on self-assembled quantum dots. These quantum dots are fabricated by epitaxial growth of one crystal type on top of another. If the lattice constants differ noticeably, dislocations due to strain are created, and material islands are formed to minimize the strain. A thin layer, which is known as the wetting layer, will remain, covering the substrate completely. This growth mode is called Stranski–Krastanov growth. The wetting layer forms a quantum well which usually shows photoluminescence at energies above the quantum dot emission. There are different epitaxial techniques like Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) or Metal–Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE). The InAs/GaAs material system is by far the most studied of all quantum dot systems. Work on single-photon emission reported to date has predominately been done on InAs dots emitting in the 900–950 nm region [39,49], but also at 1250 nm [50] and 1300 nm [51,52]. Photon correlation measurements at these wavelengths require good infrared single-photon detectors. Single-photon generation on demand at 1300 nm will be very useful for quantum cryptography via optical fibers. Nitride quantum dots (GaN in AlN) emit single photons in the ultraviolet region [53]. II–VI-type quantum dots have the advantage of short lifetimes (∼100 ps compared to ∼1 ns for the previously described III–V systems) which reduces the probability of decoherence during the emission process and enables the generation of single photons on demand with a small time uncertainty [37,54]. This suggests a much higher maximum single-photon emission rate than for III–V dots. This system also shows a larger energy splitting between the exciton and the biexciton than the InAs/GaAs material system, which is useful to achieve a better filtering of the exciton emission, enabling operation at higher temperatures. The refractive index of ZnSe is lower than of GaAs which reduces photon losses due to total internal reflection at the sample surface.
In the experiments reported here, InP dots in a GaInP matrix are used to generate single photons in the 640–690 nm range as well as photon pairs and triplets. In principle, this material system can be used to generate single photons between 620 nm and 750 nm which fits to the maximum efficiency of silicon avalanche photo diodes (over 70% at around 700 nm).
3. Single-Photon Generation 3.1. C ORRELATION M EASUREMENTS The measurement of intensity correlations is a standard method for testing singlephoton emission: The intensity correlation of a light field is detected at two points in time, resulting in the second-order coherence function g (2) (t1 , t2 ). In the case of stationary fields, it has the form g (2) (τ = t1 − t2 ) =
: Iˆ(0)Iˆ(τ ) : , Iˆ(0)2
where : : denotes normal ordering of the operators. This function is proportional to the joint probability of detecting one photon at time t = 0 and another at t = τ . This function has several characteristic properties: As each random process is assumed to become uncorrelated after a sufficiently long timescale, the normalized correlation function tends to a value of unity for large times. It can further be shown [55] that for all classical fields g (2) (0) 1 and g (2) (0) g (2) (τ ) hold. For classical light fields, this prohibits values smaller than unity. The case g (2) (0) > 1 is characteristic for thermal light sources. In this case, the photons are bunched, which means that there is an increased probability to detect a second photon soon after a first one (Fig. 4(a)). For coherent light fields, such as continuous laser light, g (2) (τ ) = 1 for all τ which indicates a Poissonian photon number distribution and photons arriving randomly (Fig. 4(b)). If, however, the probability to detect a second photon soon after a first detection event is reduced compared to an independent process, g (2) (0) < 1 (Fig. 4(c)). This effect is called anti-bunching. As mentioned before, this case is reserved to non-classical states with sub-Poissonian photon statistics. For photon number states |n, with exactly n photons, g (2) (0) = 1 − 1/n and in the special case of a single-photon state (n = 1), g (2) (0) = 0. For statistical mixtures of one- and twophoton states (or more), intermediate values can also be obtained. In the case of a pulsed source, the second-order coherence function possesses a peaked structure. Here, a missing peak at τ = 0 indicates the generation of one and only one photon per pulse (Fig. 4(d)). A straightforward method to measure the second-order coherence function would be to simply note the times of detector clicks and to compute the correlation
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F IG . 4. Top: illustrative distribution of the photon arrival time, bottom: second-order coherence function g (2) (τ ) of (a) a thermal light source (for example, a light bulb), (b) coherent light (laser light), (c) a continuously driven single-photon source, and (d) a pulsed single-photon source.
F IG . 5. (a) Scheme of the Hanbury Brown–Twiss setup. (b) Correlation measurement of a spectral line of a single quantum dot over a timescale that is large compared to the average time between detection events (7.7 µs for the black and 20 µs for the gray curve). The logarithmic scale emphasizes the exponential behavior. The dip at delay time τ = 0 (see zoom in the inset) indicates single-photon emission.
function according to Eq. (1). However, this approach prevents the measurement of timescales shorter than the detector’s dead time (≈50 ns for avalanche photo detector modules [56]). To overcome this problem, a Hanbury Brown– Twiss arrangement is chosen [57] as depicted in Fig. 5(a), consisting of two photo detectors monitoring the two outputs of a 50:50 beam splitter. With this setup, the second detector can be armed right after the detection event of the first. For small count rates, one can neglect the case, where the first detector is already armed while the second one is still dead. Losses, like photons leaving the wrong beam splitter output or undetected photons, simply lead to a global decrease of the measured, non-normalized correlation function.
Technically, it is very difficult to acquire absolute detection times with a resolution in the nanosecond regime. Additionally, the sheer amount of detection events needed to reach a reasonable statistics (107 events are typical for a count rate of 105 s−1 ) makes the computation of the correlation function very time-consuming. Instead, only the time differences between detection events are usually registered and binned together in a histogram. An electronic delay shifts the time origin and enables the observation of asymmetric cross-correlation functions (see Section 5). Using a time-to-amplitude converter, time differences can be measured very precisely. This method has the additional advantage that the measurement can be tracked online. However, the function measured in this way is the waiting time distribution [58] d(t) rather than the second-order correlation function g (2) (t). The function d(t) is defined as: d(t) = (Prob. density to measure a stop event at t after a start event at time 0) × (Prob. that no stop det. occurred before) t (2) = T g (t) + rD 1 − d t dt ,
where the transmission T was introduced to account for possible photon losses and rD describes the detector dark count rate. For large t it follows: t (2) (2) d(t) = T g (t) + rD exp − T g t + rD dt 0
≈ const × e
−(rc +rD )t
The second line indicates that for long time differences, the measured histogram decays exponentially on a timescale given by the detector count rate. Figure 5(b) shows such a large-time measurement of a single-photon source (see also the inset). Only if the average arrival time of the photons t = rc−1 (rc : photon count rate) is much larger than the observed time t between start and stop event, the probability, that no stop detection has occurred before, is approximately 1 and g (2) (t) ≈ d(t).
3.2. M ICRO -P HOTOLUMINESCENCE In order to perform experiments with single quantum dots, several requirements concerning the setup have to be fulfilled: As self-assembled quantum dot samples—even on a so-called low-density sample—have quantum dot densities
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F IG . 6. Basic scheme of a micro-PL setup (FMs: mirrors on flip mounts, DM: dichroic mirror, PH: pinhole, BP: narrow bandpass filter, APDs: avalanche photo detectors).
of 108 . . . 1011 cm−2 , a sufficient spatial resolution is required to select a single quantum dot or at least only as few as possible. At the same time, a high collection efficiency is preferred to gain a maximum amount of photons. These two requirements can be combined by choosing a micro-photoluminescence (PL) setup which is a well-established setup in single molecule spectroscopy. Figure 6 shows the experimental setup. The sample is mounted inside a continuous-flow liquid Helium cryostat which can be cooled down to 4 K. Optical access for the excitation of the sample and collection of the emitted light is provided through a thin glass window. The sample is excited by either a pulsed (Ti:Sapphire, pulse width 400 fs, repetition rate 76 MHz, frequency-doubled to 400 nm) or a continuous wave (Nd:YVO4 , 532 nm) laser. Thus, the excitation is off-resonant and creates charge carriers in the continuum which are subsequently captured by the quantum dot. The laser light is sent into the microscope objective via a dichroic mirror. The microscope system with a numerical aperture of NA = 0.75 has a lateral resolution of 0.5 µm which allows the resolution of individual quantum dots on the sample. The collected PL light is filtered spatially by imaging onto a pinhole in order to block stray and PL light from neighboring sites. Spectral filtering can be performed with a narrow bandpass interference filter. The light transmitted through these filters is directed onto a CCD camera for imaging or to a grating spectrograph for spectral analysis (Fig. 3 shows a corresponding image and spectrum). Finally, a Hanbury Brown–Twiss correlation setup is used to measure the second-order coherence function. It consists of two avalanche photo diodes (APDs) and correlation electronics that collects the time differences between start and stop detector in a histogram. The overall time resolution of the correlation setup is 800 ps.
3.3. I N P Q UANTUM D OTS InP quantum dots grown in a GaInP matrix are a particularly interesting system for generating single photons for free-space experiments as their emission wavelength around 690 nm allows the highest possible detection efficiency of commercial Si APDs. However, they show disadvantages in fiber-coupled applications because their losses in glass fibers are much higher than at infrared wavelengths. On the other hand, infrared photo detection suffers from low efficiency and bad signal-to-noise ratio. Thus, single photons from InP quantum dots are particularly important for free-beam experiments. The sample used in this section was grown by Metal–Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE).2 Figure 7(a) shows the structure of the sample. On a GaAs wafer, a 300 nm thick GaInP layer was deposited, followed by 1.9 mono-layers of InP which form the quantum dots and another 100 nm layer of GaInP. The density of dots emitting around 690 nm was estimated to be about 108 cm−2 by imaging through a narrow bandpass filter. In order to increase light extraction efficiency, a 200 nm thick Al layer was deposited on top of the sample to form a mirror. The sample was then glued upside down with epoxy onto a Si substrate, and the GaAs substrate was removed using a selective wet etch. For the purpose of increasing the light extraction efficiency, the use of a metallic mirror is preferable to a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), as metal mirrors reflect strongly at all angles, resulting in a larger integrated reflectivity if a point-like emitter is assumed. Figure 7(b) shows a spectrum of a single InP quantum dot at 10 K. The lower graph is an unfiltered spectrum. The excitation power density was adjusted to have only one dominant emission line. By measuring the intensity of this spectral line,
F IG . 7. (a) Structure of the InP/GaInP sample. (b) PL spectra taken on a single InP quantum dot at cw excitation and a temperature of 10 K. The bottom spectrum was taken without filtering, the top spectrum through a narrow bandpass filter. An offset was added for separating the graphs. The black line in the inset is a spectrum over a larger wavelength range, the gray line shows the efficiency of the single-photon detectors.
2 This sample was provided by the group of Prof. W. Seifert from Lund University (Sweden).
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F IG . 8. Measurement of the g (2) -function at continuous excitation. The gray curve is the expected correlation function for an ideal single-photon source, but limited time resolution. The right graph is a magnification of the dip in the left plot.
a linear dependency on the excitation power was observed, indicating an exciton transition. Additional emission lines appear with increasing laser power. A spectrum taken over a wider wavelength range is displayed in the inset of Fig. 7(b) and shows that all the emission within a very broad wavelength range originates from the dot under study. The inset also shows the detection efficiency of the APDs with its maximum right at the emission wavelength of the quantum dot. When placing a narrow 1 nm bandpass filter into the beam path, only light from a single transition of this quantum dot is transmitted (upper curve of Fig. 7(b)). Figure 8 shows a correlation function (see Eq. (1)) measured on the exciton spectral line of this dot performed at continuous excitation [59]. The total count rate was 1.1 × 105 counts per second. The dashed gray line in this figure is the calculated correlation function obtained by taking into account the limited time resolution of the Hanbury Brown–Twiss setup. This function is modelled as a convolution of the expected shape of the ideal correlation function g (2) (τ ) = 1 − exp(−γ τ ) and a Gaussian distribution with a width of the system’s time resolution of 800 ps. 1/γ is the timescale of the anti-bunching dip and depends on both the transition lifetime and the excitation timescale. This timescale is used as a fit parameter here. A zoom into the region around the origin of the left graph is given in the right graph of Fig. 8. The excellent agreement between calculations and measurement indicates that the quantum dot device generates single photons and that the minimum dip value of 5% (relative to the value at large time differences) is mostly due to the limited time resolution. The characteristic timescale 1/γ of the anti-bunching dip is fitted to 2.3 ns. The measurement in Fig. 8 is the quantum dot counterpart of first measurements performed with single trapped ions [60]. In Fig. 9, correlation measurements at pulsed excitation are displayed [59]. The total count rate was 4.4 × 104 counts per second for the measurement in Fig. 9(a). It is observed that the peak at zero delay time is vanishing almost completely. This amounts to single-photon generation on demand: Upon each laser pulse creating an exciton, one and only one photon is produced.
F IG . 9. Second-order coherence function measured on a single InP quantum dot at pulsed excitation: (a) at 8 K and (b) between 20 and 50 K.
This measurement is a prerequisite for succeeding single-photon experiments because it proofs single-photon emission and excludes the possibility to observe light from several quantum dots, leading to ensemble averaging of the results. Additionally, for quantum cryptography experiments, only a normalized area of the peak zero delay time clearly below 0.5 ensures secure transmission of the encryption key. The graphs in Fig. 9(b) show measurements at higher temperatures. When increasing the temperature, the emission intensity of the quantum dot decreases which can be attributed to thermal carrier escape. Moreover, broadening of the spectral lines due to phonon interactions [61–63] leads to an increased incoherent background when other spectral lines start to overlap with the filter transmission window. Both of these effects deteriorate the quality of single-photon generation. However, up to 27 K, the peak zero delay time at is still almost completely suppressed. With increasing temperature, this peak slowly starts to grow, but it has a relative area still below 0.5 even at 50 K, indicating that a single quantum dot’s transition still dominates the emission.
4. A Single Photon as Particle and Wave The wave–particle duality lies at the heart of quantum mechanics. With respect to light, the wave-like behavior is perceived as being classical and the particle aspect as being non-classical while for massive microscopic objects, like neutrons and atoms, the opposite holds. The occurrence of an interference pattern is a manifestation of the wave-nature of matter. Already in 1909, soon after the introduction of the concept of light ‘quanta’, Taylor observed experimentally that there is no deviation from the classically predicted interference pattern if a double-slit interference experiment is performed with very weak light, even if the intensity is so small that on average only a single photon is present inside the apparatus [64]. Later, this observation was
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F IG . 10. Experimental setup for the simultaneous Michelson and Hanbury Brown–Twiss experiment.
accounted for by quantum mechanics and was confirmed by more precise experiments [65,66]. There exists an exact correspondence between the interference of the quantum probability amplitudes for each single photon to travel along either path of an interferometer, on the one hand, and the interference of the classical field strengths on the different paths, on the other hand. Therefore, the outcome of any first-order interference experiment can be obtained by describing light as a classical electromagnetic wave, independent of the statistical distribution of the incident photons. In more recent experiments, Grangier et al. [67] performed a series of experiments with single photons from atoms. In a first step, they showed the single-photon character of the atomic emission by observing the corresponding anti-bunched behavior of the intensity correlation function. In a second step, they inserted the photons into a Mach–Zehnder interferometer and observed an interference pattern with varying path difference, a feature that displays the wave nature of light. Braig et al. [68] implemented a similar experiment using a diamond defect center as the emitter and observed single-photon statistics after detecting interference in a Michelson interferometer. In this section, an experiment is described that combines these two experimental techniques in a single step for simultaneous observation of interference and anti-bunching of the quantum dot fluorescence [69]. Therefore, a Michelson interferometer and the Hanbury Brown–Twiss setup were set in series as displayed in Fig. 10. The clicks of the detectors (APDs) can be evaluated in two ways: (I) When looking for coincidences between clicks from start and stop APD, anti-bunching is observed, revealing the particle nature of light. The only effect from the change between constructive and destructive interference on this measurement is an over-
F IG . 11. Measured correlation function and interference pattern, respectively, for a single quantum dot at pulsed excitation ((a) and (b)) and at cw excitation ((c) and (d)).
all change of the coincidence rate, independent of the delay time between start and stop events. Since the latter is short compared to the timescale of the arm length variation in the Michelson interferometer, the non-normalized second-order coherence function changes just by a constant factor. (II) On the other hand, one can count the clicks of either APD while the arm length of the Michelson interferometer is changed. A modulation of the single detector count rate represents interference which directly demonstrates a wave-feature of light. Since the detector produces a classical electrical pulse that can, after detection of a photon, be easily split into two parts, it is also possible to perform these two measurements simultaneously. Figure 11 displays the results of such a combined measurement when exciting a quantum dot with a pulsed ((a) and (b)) and a cw laser ((c) and (d)), respectively. In Figs. 11(a) and (c), the autocorrelation functions of the two measurements are plotted, expressed by the number of coincidences. The non-classical antibunching effect is clearly visible since the number of coincidences exhibits a pronounced minimum at zero delay time. In contrast, Figs. 11(b) and (c) depict the single-detector count rate at an integration time of 10 ms, dependent on the path difference on the interferometer. It shows the expected first-order interference pattern that reveals the wave-like nature of the emitted single-photon radiation. The described combination of the two experimental techniques, Michelson interferometer and Hanbury Brown–Twiss correlation setup, forms an extension to
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the experiments of Grangier et al. [67], as one and the same photon contributes to both the measured interference pattern and the anti-bunched correlation function. In this sense, the described experiment is similar to the classic experiment of Taylor [64] and to the experiments described in Refs. [65,66], but gives an unequivocal evidence of the particle nature of light: Instead of using weak light fields with classical photon number statistics (with a super-Poissonian photon number distribution), the anti-bunching effect shows that the quantum dot photoluminescence represents number states that can only be described within the frame of quantum mechanics. In a similar work, Höffges et al. [70] simultaneously performed heterodyne and photon correlation measurements in the resonance fluorescence of a single ion.
5. A Multi-Color Photon Source The potential of single semiconductor quantum dots as emitters in photonic devices is not only the generation of single photons on demand. Quantum dots are promising candidates for the generation of entangled photon pairs. It was proposed [41] and demonstrated [42] to make use of polarization correlations in the biexciton–exciton cascade. But as will be demonstrated in the next section, even without entanglement formation, multi-photon cascades find applications in quantum communication experiments. Here, intensity cross-correlations between several different quantum dot transitions on the InP quantum dot sample are measured. Similar exciton–biexciton cross-correlation measurements have also been reported on InAs quantum dots [23,71,72] and II–VI quantum dots [73,74]. Such experiments answer several purposes: First, they are an important tool for identifying the nature of the investigated spectral lines, such as resulting from an exciton, biexciton, triexciton, or emerging from the same or different quantum dots. Second, they give information about the different decay and excitation timescales in multi-photon cascades. Finally, polarization resolved cross-correlations form a first step towards the observation of entangled photon pairs. In order to detect correlations between different transitions, a variant of the second-order coherence function is considered. The cross-correlation function is defined in a similar way as in Eq. (1), but with the intensity operators assigned to different field modes α and β: (2)
gαβ (τ ) =
: Iˆα (t)Iˆβ (t + τ ) : . Iα (t)Iβ (t)
In the experiments described here, the two modes represent spectral lines of two quantum dot transitions. In order to distinguish this cross-correlation from
F IG . 12. Modified Hanbury Brown–Twiss setup for cross-correlation experiments. The different colors of the two beams represent two spectral lines selected by the bandpass filters.
the second-order coherence function, the latter is also referred to as the autocorrelation function. The experiment is performed by filtering of the two spectral lines for each photo detector in the Hanbury Brown–Twiss system individually. Here, this was realized by placing narrow bandpass filters directly in front of each APD, as sketched in Fig. 12. In this way, the resulting correlation function will show an asymmetry with respect to the time origin, as start and stop detection events now arise from different processes and a change in sign of the time axis accords with an effective exchange of start and stop detector. To get a first idea about the origin of the distinct spectral lines, their different scaling with the excitation intensity was investigated. Figure 13 shows PL spectra of a quantum dot, taken at various excitation intensities at 8 K. In the following, the reference excitation power density P0 was kept constant at 1 nW/µm2 . The spectral behavior in Fig. 13 is typical in terms of line spacing and power dependence, for an InP dot emitting in this energy range. At low excitation power density, a single sharp emission line at 686.3 nm (1.8155 eV) is present in the spectrum (X1 ). As the excitation power is increased, a second line (X2 ) appears about 0.6 nm (1.5 meV) beside the exciton emission. When further increasing the excitation power, additional lines appear. The integrated photoluminescence intensity of X1 increases linearly with the excitation intensity whereas X2 shows a quadratic dependence. This behavior is a good indication of excitonic and biexcitonic emission, respectively. The lines appearing at high excitation power density, such as X3 , are attributed to a multi-exciton of higher complexity. Especially, X3 is assumed to originate from a triexciton, as will be proven later. For such a complex excitation as the triexciton, it is necessary to invoke additional states to the single-particle ground states of the quantum dot. Figure 14(a) shows two of the possible triexciton decays together with a simplified decay chain of a triexciton in (b). The triexciton X3 recombines to an excited biexciton X2∗ that
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F IG . 13. Power dependent spectroscopy of a single InP quantum dot showing the lines used in the correlation measurements. The excitation intensity is given as a multiple of P0 = 1 nW/µm2 . Lines X1 , X2 , and X3 are assigned to different excitations, as described in the text.
rapidly relaxes to the biexciton ground state X2 which in turn recombines via the exciton X1 to the empty ground state G of the quantum dot [44]. After the different spectral lines have been characterized and pre-identified, additional information can be gained by performing cross-correlation measurements between these emission lines. Figure 15(a) shows the cross-correlations of the exciton and biexciton line of that dot at different cw excitation power densities [75]. A strong asymmetric behavior is observed: At positive times, when the detection of a biexciton photon starts the correlation measurement and the detection of an exciton photon stops it, photon bunching occurs, as here the detection of the starting biexciton photon projects the quantum dot into the exciton state which has now an increased probability of recombining shortly after. On the other hand, if the correlation measurement is started by the exciton photon, which prepares the dot in the ground state, and stopped by the biexciton photon (negative times in Fig. 15(a)), a certain time is needed until the dot is re-excited. In this measurement, effectively the recycling time of the quantum dot is observed which explains the strong anti-bunching for negative times. The population of the biexciton state is dependent on the laser power, and the excitation time decreases when the laser power increases. Similar measurements have also been performed
F IG . 14. Illustration of the multi-exciton cascade in quantum dots. (a) Occupation of electron and hole states in the decay of the triexciton state X3 to the biexciton ground state X2 and to an excited state X2∗ . (b) Decay cascade model used in the discussions and the rate equation approach. Dashed arrows indicate excitation, solid arrows radiative decay, and the open arrow a non-radiative relaxation. The dashed state C symbolizes an effective cut-off state as explained in the text.
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F IG . 15. Measured cross-correlation functions (a) between the exciton and biexciton line and (b) between the biexciton and triexciton line of the quantum dot that was also used for Fig. 13 at different excitation intensities (P0 = 1 nW/µm2 ). (c) Exciton–biexciton cross-correlations of a second quantum dot.
on another quantum dot (depicted in Fig. 15(c)). While its timescales are similar, it shows a more pronounced bunching peak. In the same way, the cross-correlation of the biexciton emission with the triexciton emission was measured. This is shown in Fig. 15(b). Its behavior is similar to the exciton–biexciton case, but with different timescales apparent. The presence of the combined bunching/anti-bunching shape is a unique hint for observing a decay cascade of two adjacent states. In contrast, the crosscorrelation function of spectral lines of two independent transitions (for example, from two quantum dots) would show no (anti-)correlations, at all. It can be concluded that there is a three-photon cascaded emission from the triexciton via biexciton and exciton to the quantum dot ground state. Together with the infor-
mation of the different scaling of the spectral lines with excitation power, this justifies the previous assignments to these lines. In order to support the interpretation of the obtained correlation data, the photon cascade was analyzed using a common rate model [23,71]. The rate equations correspond to the scheme shown in Fig. 14(b) where only two transition types account for the dynamics of the excitonic states: spontaneous radiative decay and re-excitation at a rate proportional to the excitation power. As the excitation is performed above the quantum dot continuum, the relaxation of the charge carriers into the multi-exciton states, as well as the relaxation of the excited biexciton after the triexciton decay, should also be taken into account. But as this process happens on a much faster timescale (several 10 ps [76]) than the state lifetimes (≈ns), it is neglected in this consideration. The according rate equation ansatz then reads: ⎞ ⎛ γ1 0 0 0 −γE γ2 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ γE −γE − γ1 d ⎟ ⎜ n(t) = ⎜ 0 −γE − γ2 γ3 0 ⎟ n(t) (5) γE ⎠ ⎝ dt −γE − γ3 γC 0 0 γE 0 0 0 γE −γC with n(t) = (nG (t), n1 (t), n2 (t), n3 (t), nC (t)) and γi = τi−1 . Here n1 , n2 , and n3 represent the populations of the exciton, biexciton, and triexciton, respectively, with corresponding decay times τ1 , τ2 , and τ3 . nG is the population of the empty ground state, and τE−1 is the excitation rate. In order to truncate the ladder of states connected by rates in this model, an effective cut-off state with population nC and lifetime τC was introduced. This accounts for population and depopulation of all higher excited states via excitation and radiative decay, respectively. This rate equation can be solved analytically [77]. The general solution is a sum of decaying exponentials with different time constants. The initial conditions are defined by the transition that forms the start event in the Hanbury Brown– Twiss measurement which prepares the quantum dot in the next lower state α, so that nα (0) = 1 and nγ =α (0) = 0. On the other hand, the detection of a photon from the stop transition dictates the shape of the cross-correlation function, as (2) gαβ (t) ∝ nβ (t). Therefore it is clear that the cross-correlation function on the positive and negative side is described by two completely different functions with a possible discontinuity at τ = 0. In the experiment (Fig. 15), this discontinuity is washed out, due to the finite time resolution of the detectors. Because of this smoothing of the experimental data, the minima in the graphs of Fig. 15 are shifted towards the anti-bunching side, as well. The model was used to describe the auto- and cross-correlation data in Figs. 14 and 15. The results are shown as gray lines in these graphs. The lifetimes of exciton, biexciton, and triexciton were taken from independent measurements. The excitation rate was chosen to optimally fit the correlation functions in these figures, but was kept linear to the experimental excitation power P throughout the
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graphs. In this way, apart from the one-time initialization of the experimentally inaccessible values τ3 , τC , and τE , the normalization was the only real fit parameter in all graphs. No vertical offset was used to compensate the lift of the anti-bunching dips. Apparently, the model describes the experimental data very well. Minor deviations can be explained by the long-term variation of the excitation power due to a spatial drift of the sample while taking data or by the presence of additional states neglected in this model.
6. Multiplexed Quantum Cryptography on the Single-Photon Level 6.1. A S INGLE -P HOTON A DD /D ROP F ILTER Among the requirements for single-photon sources, high efficiencies and high emission rates are a major priority in order to raise the statistical significance of experimental outcomes or to enhance the bandwidth for quantum communication protocols. The overall efficiency can be improved by using passive optical elements such as integrated mirrors (compare the InP sample Fig. 7(a)), solid immersion lenses to enhance the optical collection efficiency [78], or by resonant techniques that embed the quantum emitters in microcavities [79,80]. The latter method exploits the Purcell effect [81] in order to enhance the emission rate in a certain well-defined resonant cavity mode. The Purcell effect can also substantially modify the overall spontaneous emission rate. For a single-photon source, which relies on the decay of an excited state, the (modified) spontaneous lifetime determines the maximum photon generation rate. In classical communications, multiplexing is a well-established technique to increase the transmission bandwidth. It is the transmission and retrieval of more than one signal through the same communication link (sketched in Fig. 16). This is usually accomplished by marking each signal with a physical label, such as the wavelength. At the receiver, the signals are identified by using filters tuned to the carrier frequencies [82]. Losses when merging and separating the signals can be compensated by amplification of the classical signal. For single-photon channels,
F IG . 16. Transmission of N optical signals distinguished by their wavelengths through the same fiber using multiplexing.
the no-cloning theorem [83] prevents the amplification of qubit information so that losses have to be kept minimal and effective separation of photons with different wavelengths is required. Moreover, a multi-color single-photon source is needed to provide distinguishable photons. In this section, an interferometric technique is described to perform multiplexing on a single-photon level (see also Ref. [84]). The biexciton–exciton cascade in quantum dots provides an excellent source for the required photon pairs with well-separated energies and strong correlation in the emission time. As a proofof-principle, a quantum key distribution experiment using the BB84 protocol [3] was performed. In order to use several independent qubits in a single communication channel simultaneously, they have to be distinguishable by at least one physical property, and a method is needed to merge and divide them at the sender and receiver side, respectively. For photons, a reasonable choice would be to distinguish them by their wavelength and to use their polarization to encode quantum information. A common way to separate light with different wavelengths uses diffractive or refractive optics. However, these techniques are unfavorable, especially in inhomogeneously broadened systems, like a sample of self-organized quantum dots. Here, the wavelength of the two photons as well as their wavelength difference may vary from dot to dot. When using diffractive and refractive optics, a complete realignment of the beam paths for each individual quantum dot under consideration would be required. Moreover, diffractive optics suffer from losses due to diffraction into different orders. A superior method is to use interferometric techniques, like the one sketched in Fig. 17(a). Two photons with different wavelengths λ and λ + λ enter a Michelson interferometer with variable arm lengths. Retro-reflector prisms are used to obtain a lateral shift between input and output beam. Due to the difference in wavelength, the two photons undergo different interference conditions. As long as the path difference s between the two interferometer arms is significantly smaller than the coherence length scoh , the probability to find a photon (with wavelength λ) at one of the two interferometer output ports is: 1 1 ± cos(2πs/λ). (6) 2 2 The signs + and − correspond to the interferometer output ports labeled as 1 and 2 in Fig. 17, respectively. In order to illustrate how this can be used to separate the two photons, the interference pattern p1 (s) for two different wavelengths is plotted in Fig. 17(b). For s ≈ 0, each wavelength shows the same interference pattern. But for increasing path difference, they run out of phase and at a certain position (indicated by the dotted line in Fig. 17(b)) the two interference patterns are in opposite phase, i.e. each photon interferes constructively at a different output port. p1,2 (s, λ) =
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F IG . 17. Sketch of the experimental setup: (a) Two photons with different energies enter a Michelson interferometer that consists of a 50:50 beam splitter and two retro-reflectors. (b) Scheme of the intensity interference pattern at one interferometer output for two distinct wavelengths versus the path difference between the two interferometer arms. (c) Combining the separated photons: The two interferometer output ports are coupled to an optical fiber each, one of them delayed by half of the excitation laser repetition time, and recombined at a beam splitter, again.
The smallest path difference for which such a wavelength separation occurs is s0 = λ(λ + λ)/(2λ). As long as s0 scoh , such a situation can always be achieved. Note that this condition simply reflects the spectral distinguishability of the two photons which is a general limit for wavelength separation. When s0 is in the order of or bigger than the coherence length, the interference visibility decreases and none or only poor photon separation is performed. In this case, the setup would basically act as a 50:50 beam splitter. It can be seen that such an interferometric technique is highly insensitive to changes in wavelength difference. For example, when changing the quantum emitter or in case of spectral drifts, these effects can be compensated for by correcting the interferometer arm lengths which causes no change in the exiting, final beam direction. Moreover, as long as s0 scoh , the main losses that occur in such a system are caused by partial back-reflections at the interfaces of optical components which can be strongly suppressed by appropriate anti-reflection coatings. Figure 18 shows a set of spectra taken from one interferometer output port. For Fig. 18(a), white light illumination was used, and the path difference was set to s = 40 µm. According to Eq. (6), a sine-like modulation with the period λ = 5.5 nm is observed in the spectrum. Switching to spectra with discrete lines, the full power of this method becomes evident. In the top graph of Fig. 18(b),
F IG . 18. (a) Spectrum of a white light source observed through the Michelson interferometer. (b) Spectrum of a few InP quantum dots through the interferometer. In the top graph, one arm was blocked resulting in the original spectrum. In all five graphs, the intensity axes are equally scaled, for comparison. The numbers indicate three arbitrarily chosen spectral lines whose brightness depends on the path difference in the interferometer.
an unfiltered few-quantum dot spectrum is displayed with several well-separated spectral lines. It was obtained by blocking one interferometer arm. But when unblocking and exposing the lines to interference, it was possible to align the path difference for selectively switching on and off individual lines. This is the case in the lower four graphs, indicated by three arbitrarily selected spectral lines. In the other interferometer output, the opposite picture would be visible. In this way, an inventive spectral switch can also be achieved. In a further step, the setup was expanded by the part sketched in Fig. 17(c). By adjusting the arm length difference in the unblocked Michelson interferometer, a situation was achieved where the exciton and biexciton lines show constructive interference in either output port and destructive in the other. After filtering, these two output beams were coupled into two multi-mode fibers. The different fiber lengths provided a relative delay time of 6.6 ns (half the repetition time of the pulsed Ti:Sa laser). Behind the fibers, the two beams were merged and detected by the Hanbury Brown–Twiss detectors. In this way, the train of exciton photons was shifted in between the biexciton photon train. This enables the simultaneous observation of the two photon sources and leads to a stream of single photons with a doubled repetition rate. Ideally, a second, inverted Michelson arrangement will be used to merge the two beams leaving the fibers. However, for simplicity, a 50:50 beam splitter was used instead. Figure 19(b) shows correlation measurements of the light merged behind the fibers. For comparison, an exciton correlation function is displayed in Fig. 19(a). Both figures exhibit the characteristics of a pulsed single-photon source. While the impinging photons in Fig. 19(a) have a time separation of 13.2 ns determined by the excitation laser repetition rate of 76 MHz, the photon stream in Fig. 19(b) possesses only half the repetition time. Still, clear anti-bunching is visible.
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F IG . 19. Intensity correlation of (a) the exciton spectral line and (b) the multiplexed signal.
The last graph demonstrates how the maximum emission rate of a single-photon source based on spontaneous emission is limited. As the photo detectors cannot distinguish between the energies of the two photons, a similar correlation measurement would have been obtained if photons from two excitonic transitions had been recorded, but at a doubled excitation rate. In both situations, the time period between excitation events approaches the spontaneous lifetime which is in the order of 1 ns for the quantum dot transitions as reflected by the peak widths. Thus, the peaks start to overlap, and the photons cannot be assigned to individual excitation pulses any more which is vital for their use in quantum communications. The result in Fig. 19(b) is already on the onset of this process. However, in the presented kind of experiment, adjacent photons remain distinguishable with respect to their wavelength, and an assignment of each photon to a certain pulse can be preserved. 6.2. A PPLICATION TO Q UANTUM K EY D ISTRIBUTION An important application of single-photon multiplexing is quantum key distribution. In this techniques, single photons (as required by the BB84 protocol [3]) or entangled photon pairs (as used by the Ekert protocol [85]) were used to secretly distribute cryptography keys among distant parties. Eavesdropping is prevented as the no-cloning theorem [83] forbids to copy the quantum states of the distributed photons. A review and detailed discussion is given by Gisin et al. [4]. Long distance experiments have been successfully realized with weak coherent laser pulses [4,86] and down-converted entangled photon pairs [87]. Realizations of the BB84 protocol with single-photon states were performed using diamond defect centers [88] and single quantum dots [89].
F IG . 20. Possible implementations of the multiplexer using the BB84 protocol. In both schemes, the polarization is modulated between rectilinear and circular polarization using the polarizer P with an electro-optic modulator (EOM). Bob’s detection side is realized by another EOM, a polarizing beam splitter (PBS), and detectors (D). ω1 and ω2 indicate the two energies of the photons, and M is the Michelson arrangement. In (a), the two photons are recombined without delay time, in (b), a delay time is introduced, and the two beams are then recombined with a beam splitter BS.
For most protocols, information is stored in the photon’s polarization whereas the exact wavelength is unimportant. Thus, multiplexing—as described previously—can provide an increased communication bandwidth without loss of security. Figure 20(a) shows a possible implementation of interferometric multiplexing in the BB84 protocol. On Alice’s side, a cascaded photon source, such as a single quantum dot, provides two closely emitted single photons with different energies upon each excitation pulse. In a first Michelson interferometer, the two photons are separated. In the same way as in the conventional protocol, polarizers define a fixed polarization3 and electro-optic modulators (EOMs) randomly modulate between (H, V , L, R) polarization for each photon. This destroys any polarization correlation between the two photons, thus providing independent qubits. An inverted Michelson interferometer recombines the two photons in a single channel for transmission. On the other side, Bob uses the same arrangement to separate the photons. A second set of EOMs is used to randomly change the bases. Polarizing beam splitters in combination with two APDs detect the polarization state of each photon. In this way, the transmission rate will be doubled compared to a protocol using only one photon per pulse. To demonstrate this application, a simplified proof-of-principle experiment as sketched in Fig. 20(b) was set up: The excitonic and biexcitonic photons from the 3 For already polarized photons, the polarizers would be ideally aligned for optimum transmission.
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quantum dot single-photon source were separated by a Michelson interferometer, fiber-coupled, and delayed (see also Fig. 17). The photon pulse rate was doubled, but the average photon number per pulse was halved. Deviating from the proposed scheme, Bob’s detection consisted of a second EOM, an analyzing polarizer, and an APD, with the EOM randomly switched between the two bases. Since Bob measures the same state as Alice only in one fourth of the cases, a reduction of the effective count rate of 50% follows, compared to a scheme with two detectors. In this configuration, two-photon events can create a possible insecurity, but in our setup, the collection efficiency is estimated to be p ≈ 10−3 [77]. The probability to collect two adjacent photons is p11 = p 2 ≈ 10−6 and thus much smaller than the probability to collect one photon and loose the next, p10 = p(1 − p) ≈ 10−3 . At higher collection efficiency, the setup in Fig. 20(a) is favored. The transmission distance was 1 m. For exciting the quantum dots, a pulsed diode laser (λ = 635 nm, pulse width 125 ps) with a repetition rate of 10 kHz was used which was adapted to the modulation rate of the EOM drivers. These drivers consist of a digital-to-analog converter steered by a computer card and a subsequent high-voltage amplifier to supply the EOMs with half- and quarter-wave voltages. A rectangular voltage signal acts as a trigger for the laser pulses, the EOM switching, and the detection gate for acquiring Bob’s detection events. The trigger and the detection gate were shifted towards the end of the EOM switching period in order not to affect photon polarization by initial voltage spikes of the EOM driver. The presence of these spikes dictated the maximum modulation rate. The choice of the random bases and data acquisition were controlled by a Labview program. An improved software-based random number generator provided the randomness of the bases. In the images of Fig. 21, the results of a quantum key distribution are visualized. In a first step, Alice and Bob exchanged quantum information resulting in a common sequence of random bits. A series of random number tests checked and confirmed the randomness of the key. This key then encrypted Fig. 21(a) by applying an exclusive-OR (XOR) operation between every bit of image and key. The result is shown in Fig. 21(b) into which the randomness of the key was trans-
F IG . 21. Visualization of the quantum key distribution. After exchanging the key, Alice encrypts image (a), a photography of Berlin’s skyline taken out of our lab window, and sends the encrypted image (b) to Bob. After decryption with his key, he obtains image (c).
ferred. Then, Fig. 21(b) was classically submitted to Bob who decrypted it by applying another XOR operation with his received key, yielding Fig. 21(c). Altogether, the experiment was run with the following parameters: After the electronic gating of Bob’s detector signals, the rate of usefully exchanged photons is found to be 30 s−1 whereas the dark count rate is reduced to 0.75 s−1 . The probability to transmit photons through the two EOMs with crossed polarizations was measured to be 6.8%. After comparing Alice’s and Bob’s keys, an error rate of 5.5% was found. The presence of transmission errors leads to the necessity of error correction. This requires the exchange of redundant data which opens an eavesdropping loophole for gaining partial information of the message. With the experimental parameters, the number of secure bits per pulse is 5 × 10−4 (following Lütkenhaus [90]) which is a typical value for current single-photon quantum cryptography experiments (≈1 × 10−3 secure bits per pulse, see Refs. [88,89]). The Michelson add/drop filter might also find applications in linear optical quantum computation (LOQC). Since gates in LOQC have only limited success probabilities, parallel processing may increase the efficiency of gates or at least improve the statistical significance of a computational result. The method, which was demonstrated here, also allows the spatial separation of two polarization entangled photons (produced, for example, according to the proposal described in [41]) without destroying their entanglement. Thus, they can be subsequently used in a multitude of experiments and applications.
7. Summary In this article, we have described single-photon generation with single InP quantum dots which emit in the visible spectrum around 690 nm. At this wavelength, highest detection efficiencies with Si-based photo detectors are currently available which makes InP quantum dots preferable for free-space quantum optical applications. The single-photon character of this source enables the performance of fundamental quantum optics experiments, where the wave- and particle-aspect of light can be observed simultaneously. We demonstrated single-photon statistics and cross-correlations of various transitions from multi-excitonic states including biexciton and triexciton decays. Multi-photon generation from single quantum dots may find applications in quantum cryptography devices since a higher rate of photons also enhances the maximum transmission rate of the quantum information. Therefore, a method to perform multiplexing was presented, similar to the classical technique, but on the single-photon level. A typical application— the BB84 quantum key distribution protocol—was performed to demonstrate this method. Quantum dot single-photon sources have reached a state where they can be implemented as ready-to-use non-classical light sources in a number of experiments.
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The on-demand character of the emission together with the potential for entangled pair generation will be extremely useful in all-solid-state implementations of quantum information devices. Quantum cryptography and quantum computing, but also interfacing of (small-scale) quantum information systems will be future tasks of ‘quantum photonics’.
8. Acknowledgements We acknowledge W. Seifert for providing the quantum dot sample. We thank V. Zwiller, G. Reinaudi, and J. Persson for valuable assistance. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 296) and European Union (EFRE).
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Germany 2 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany 3 Dipartimento di Fisica Enrico Fermi and CNR-INFM, Università di Pisa, Largo Pontecorvo 3,
I-56127 Pisa, Italy 4 Arnold-Sommerfeld-Zentrum für Theoretische Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,
Theresienstr. 37, D-80333 München, Germany 5 Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Spectral Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Parametric Level Dynamics and Universal Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Spectral Signatures of Mixed, Regular-Chaotic Phase Space Structure . 3. Dynamics and Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Atomic Conductance Fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Web-Assisted Transport in the Kicked Harmonic Oscillator . . . . . . . 3.3. Ericson Fluctuations in Atomic Photo Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . 3.4. Photonic Transport in Chaotic Cavities and Disordered Media . . . . . 3.5. Directed Atomic Transport Due to Interaction-Induced Quantum Chaos 4. Control through Chaos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1. Nondispersive Wave Packets in One Particle Dynamics . . . . . . . . . 4.2. Nondispersive Wave Packets in the Three Body Coulomb Problem . . . 4.3. Quantum Resonances in the Dynamics of Kicked Cold Atoms . . . . . 5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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* We dedicate this paper to Herbert Walther, at the occasion of his 70th anniversary, in reverence to his contributions to the foundations of quantum optics, as well as to identifying the “quantum signatures of chaos” in the lab. Happy birthday! † Present address: Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53002-2
J. Madroñero et al.
Abstract Chaos implies unpredictability, fluctuations, and the need for statistical modelling. Quantum optics has developed into one of the most advanced subdisciplines of modern physics in terms of the control of matter on a microscopic scale, and, in particular, of isolated, single quantum objects. Prima facie, both fields therefore appear rather distant in philosophy and outset. However, as we shall discuss in the present review, chaos, and, more specifically, quantum chaos opens up novel perspectives for our understanding of the dynamics of increasingly complex quantum systems, and of ultimate quantum control by tailoring complexity.
1. Introduction Quantum optics has nowadays largely accomplished its strictly reductionist program of preparing, isolating and manipulating single quantum objects—atoms, ions, molecules, or photons—such as to access the very fundaments of quantum theory, from quantum jumps [2,3] over the measurement process [4] and decoherence [5], to quantum nonlocality and entanglement [6], in the laboratory. The field turns “complex” now, by building up—or “engineering”—complexity from the bottom, with nonlinear Hamiltonian dynamics [7], particle–particle interactions [8,9], disorder [10] or noise [11,12] as essential ingredients. Somewhat unexpectedly, quantum optics therefore makes contact with quantum chaos—the theory of finite size, strongly coupled quantum systems. While for a long time under the suspicion of rather mathematical interest, coming up with “large fluctuations and hazardous speculations”, quantum chaos [1] now finds an ever expanding realm of experimental applications [7,13–30]. In addition, it provides novel tools for the understanding and the robust control [14, 28,29,31,32] of the dynamics of increasingly “complex” quantum systems. In the present review, we recollect some of the generic features encountered within such “chaotic” quantum systems, and spell out their potential for the control of quantum dynamics in light-matter interaction.
2. Spectral Properties There are different ways to approach quantum chaos. Possibly the most suggestive one proceeds along the semiclassical line, juxtaposing classical phase space structures or dynamics on the one side, and the quantum spectral density or wave function evolution in phase space, on the other [33–35]. The specific motivation of this program lies in the intricate nature of the semiclassical limit (“h¯ → 0”,
meaning the vanishing of Planck’s quantum when compared to typical classical actions on macroscopic scales), and, hence, of the emergence of classical from quantum dynamics at sufficiently large actions. This is an extremely attractive approach, with a beautiful mathematical and theoretical machinery, leading to important practical consequences, such as the rather recent semiclassical elucidation of the helium spectrum [36–41]. However, it is—by construction—bound to quantum systems with a well-defined classical counterpart, since it derives quantum features from the backbone of the underlying classical dynamics. While we shall adopt the semiclassical perspective for the motivation or interpretation of some of the results to be discussed in this paper, we will often deal with systems which lack a well-defined classical analog. Therefore, most of our observations will be derived directly from the quantum spectrum of the specific systems under study.
2.1. PARAMETRIC L EVEL DYNAMICS AND U NIVERSAL S TATISTICS On the spectral level, quantum chaos is tantamount to the destruction of good quantum numbers [42,43]. Since the latter express symmetries, or dynamical invariants, of the specific system under study, quantum chaos occurs when these symmetries are destroyed, e.g., by the nonperturbative coupling of initially separable degrees of freedom. If a well-defined classical Hamiltonian dynamics underlies the quantum dynamics, good quantum numbers are inherited from the classical constants of the motion, and their destruction is paralleled by the invasion of classical phase space by chaotic motion. Good quantum numbers can be considered, in a bounded system with a discrete spectrum, as the labels attributed to individual eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Symbolically, we may write for a system with three degrees of freedom: H (λ) |n m(λ) = En(λ) m |n m(λ) .
These labels are good labels in the sense that, if H (λ) depends parametrically on a real scalar λ, the eigenvectors |n m(λ) do not (ex)change their specific character over a finite interval of λ. The corresponding good quantum numbers loose their significance for the identification of individual eigenstates as soon as different eigenstates of H (λ) are strongly mixed by a perturbation which couples at least two of the degrees of freedom represented by the quantum numbers n, , and m, on arbitrarily small intervals of λ—they are “destroyed” by the perturbation-induced coupling. In the jargon of quantum chaos, the parametric evolution of the eigenvalues E (λ) of some Hamiltonian H (λ) parametrized by the real scalar λ is called “regular level dynamics” if completely classifiable by good quantum numbers. “Chaotic” or “irregular level dynamics” (also “level spaghetti”) is encountered
J. Madroñero et al.
when all good quantum numbers are destroyed. Such irregular level dynamics alone is one possible indicator of quantum chaos, without any recourse to some analogous classical dynamics.1 A nice illustration of the transition from regular to irregular level dynamics is provided by the Floquet–Bloch spectrum generated by the Bose–Hubbard Hamiltonian under static tilt, L L L
J † W HB = − aˆ l+1 aˆ l + h.c. + F dl nˆ l + nˆ l (nˆ l − 1). 2 2 l=1
The Hamiltonian is formulated in terms of the creation and annihilation operators aˆ l† and aˆ l of a bosonic atom at the lattice site l, with the associated number operators nˆ l . It describes the dynamics of N ultracold bosonic atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice of length L and lattice constant d. The implicit single band approximation assumes that no excitations to the first conduction band of the lattice can be mediated by the tilt, F d Egap , nor by thermal activation, kT Egap , with Egap the band gap. J and W quantify the strength of the nearest neighbor tunneling coupling J , and of the on-site interaction strength W between the atoms, respectively, which compete with a static forcing of strength F . A suitable gauge transform reestablishes the translational invariance in space apparently broken by the static field term in (2), and additionally introduces an explicit, periodic time dependence with the Bloch period TB = 1/F [44]. The time evolution operator for one Bloch cycle in this time dependent coordinate frame is the Floquet–Bloch operator associated with HB . Figure 1 displays the level dynamics of the one cycle propagator, parametrized by F , for different values of the ratio of tunneling coupling to interaction strength. Clearly, when J and W become comparable, the eigenstates of the Floquet–Bloch operator interact strongly for any value of F , while in the limit W J (and equally so for J W ) individual eigenstates are clearly identifiable over large intervals of F . In this specific model—which is actually realized in laboratory experiments which load Bose Einstein condensates (BEC’s) into periodic optical lattices [8,45]—the transition from regular dynamics to quantum chaos is apparent and unambiguous. Yet, this interacting multiparticle system has no welldefined classical counterpart! Further down in this review (see Section 3.5), we will analyze the dynamical (and experimentally highly relevant) consequences of this transition. At present, it is enough to state that the qualitative transition observed in Fig. 1 is actually qualitatively underpinned by the cumulative spacing
1 The term “dynamics” is motivated by considering the parameter λ as some generalized time, with the eigenvalues E (λ) some generalized particle position evolving under variations of λ.
F IG . 1. Spectrum of the Floquet–Bloch operator generated by HB as defined in (2), as a function of 1/F , for N = 4 particles distributed over a lattice with L = 7 wells (periodic boundary conditions). Only states with quasimomentum κ = 0 are shown, in order to separate different symmetry classes [44]. The particle–particle interaction strength and the tunneling coupling are set equal to W = 0.032, and J = 0.00076 (top) and J = 0.038 (bottom), respectively. As we tune the tunneling coupling to a value comparable to the interaction strength, the “individuality” of the energy levels drowns in an irregular pattern: isolated avoided crossings between different energy levels which can be labeled by the interaction energy between the different particles of a given multiparticle eigenstate in the lattice [44] (for weak tunneling coupling, the distribution of the particles over the lattice characterizes a given eigenstate very well, except for resonant tunneling enhancements at isolated values of F ) are replaced by strongly interacting levels, for arbitrary values of F .
J. Madroñero et al.
F IG . 2. Cumulative level spacing distribution of the Floquet–Bloch operator generated by HB (Eq. (2)), for N = 7 bosonic atoms distributed over a lattice of length L = 9 (periodic boundary conditions), static tilt F = 0.01, tunneling strength J = 0.038, interaction strength W = 0.032 (full line). The statistics is obtained from the unfolded spectrum [43] with the symmetry class defined by quasimomentum κ = 0 [44]. The dashed and dash-dotted line indicate the RMT prediction for Poissonian and Wigner–Dyson statistics, respectively.
I (s) =
P s ds ,
with P (s) the probability distribution of the (normalized and unfolded, see, e.g., [43]) spacings s between adjacent eigenphases of the Floquet–Bloch operator [44]. Inspection of Fig. 2 clearly shows that I (s) (and equally so P (s), but the comparison of I (s) with the random matrix prediction is known to be more reliable, in particular in the vicinity of s = 0) exhibits Poissonian statistics, P (s) = exp(−s), in the regular limit, and Wigner–Dyson statistics, P (s) = πs exp(− π4 s 2 )/2, in the chaotic limit (more precisely, the level spacings faithfully reproduce the COE statistics of random matrices of the circular (C) orthogonal (O) ensemble (E) [46]). Hence, by simply tuning the ratio of J and W , in the perfectly deterministic Hamiltonian (2), we induce a spectral structure which enforces a statistical description if we seek for a robust, quantitative description of the system dynamics. Another example of chaotic level dynamics is shown in Fig. 3, where we display the parametric evolution of the eigenphases of the Floquet operator of the kicked harmonic τ oscillator. The Floquet operator—or one cycle propagator— U = exp(−i 0 H (t ) dt /h¯ ), with τ the kicking period, is generated by the
F IG . 3. Spectrum of the Floquet operator generated by Hkho in (4), as a function of the Lamb–Dicke parameter η, for a fixed phase space structure indicated by the single trajectory runs over 40,000 kicks in the insets (u and v are suitably defined, canonical phase space variables, see [32]). Only eigenphases with an overlap larger than 10−3 with the initial state |ψ0 are represented. Filled circles represent |ψ0 = |0, while dots refer to a displaced vacuum centered at (1.3, 3.0) (top) and (1.2, 2.0) (bottom).
Hamiltonian † Hkho = hν ¯ aˆ aˆ + K
∞ mν † cos η a ˆ + a ˆ δ(t − nτ ). k2 n=0
J. Madroñero et al.
This is a paradigmatic example of a quantum chaotic system which, on the classical level, does not obey the Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser (KAM) theorem (which guarantees stability with respect to small perturbations) [47], due to the degeneracy of the unperturbed spectrum of the harmonic oscillator. In (4), aˆ and aˆ † represent the annihilation and creation operators of the harmonic oscillator modes of the translational degree of freedom (for a particle of mass m), and K measures the strength of the kicking mediated √ by the periodically flashed standing wave potential with wave vector k. η = k h¯ /2mν is the experimentally easily tunable Lamb–Dicke parameter, which essentially measures the ratio of the width of the harmonic oscillator ground state in units of the wave length of the kicking potential. Hkho can be realized in semiconductor heterostructures [48] as well as with cold, harmonically trapped ions, and allows for unlimited, superdiffusive energy growth (i.e., for trapped ions, unlimited heating) under rather precisely defined conditions, as we will see further down in this review. This specific dynamical behavior has once again its root in the largely irregular level dynamics shown in Fig. 3, which is here illustrated for two different ratios q = 2π/τ ν = 5 (top) and q = 6 (bottom) of kicking period τ and oscillator period 1/ν, under variation of η. These two choices correspond to a crystalline and quasicrystal [49] symmetry of the classical phase space structure, as indicated by the classical sample trajectories shown in the corresponding insets. The crystal case still bears some remnants of regularity, with regularly aligned avoided crossings coexisting with apparently randomly distributed anticrossings of variable size. The quasicrystal case, in contrast, exhibits an extremely complicated level structure, with no apparent regularity left. The details and structure of the level dynamics remain to be understood, but part of its peculiarities can already be exploited for novel perspectives of quantum control, as we shall see further down in Section 3.2.
2.2. S PECTRAL S IGNATURES OF M IXED , R EGULAR -C HAOTIC P HASE S PACE S TRUCTURE In quantum systems with a well-defined classical analog which exhibits mixed regular chaotic phase space structure [21,31,36,50–62], the parametric evolution of the eigenenergies does not exhibit an unambiguously “chaotic” structure. Eigenenergies associated with eigenstates that are localized in phase space domains of regular motion are only weakly affected by the adjacent chaotic phase space component and evolve, in general, smoothly under variations of some control parameter λ. Since regular domains of phase space are associated with local dynamical invariants, these states can actually be labeled with good quantum numbers, and undergo, in general, only locally avoided crossings with states living on the chaotic phase space component. Consequently, such states “go straight” in
F IG . 4. Parametric evolution of the spectrum of a microwave driven hydrogen atom, in suitably rescaled energy units, under variation of the driving field amplitude F0 (measured in units of the Coulomb field experienced by the Rydberg electron propagating along an unperturbed Kepler orbit with principal quantum number n0 ) [31]. Two energy levels, which anticross at F0 0.036, clearly “go straight” in this plot, and only weakly interact with the “level spaghetti” background: They represent eigenstates of the atom in the field which are localized on elliptic regions in the classically mixed regular-chaotic phase space, and are therefore shielded against strong interaction with states living in the chaotic phase space component.
the energy level dynamics, with almost constant slope, as displayed in Fig. 4 for the (quasi)energy level associated with a wave packet eigenstate of a microwavedriven Rydberg state of atomic hydrogen (see also Section 4.1 below). In a rather abstract sense, such states can therefore sometimes be attributed solitonic character [63]—they anticross with “chaotic” eigenstates without changing their characteristic features like localization properties, dipole moments, or the like. Conversely, the soliton-like motion under variations of λ can serve as an identifier for eigenstates which are shielded from the irregular part of the spectrum, even in the absence of an unambiguous classical dynamics—examples are found, e.g., in microwave driven Rydberg states of alkali atoms [64], with their nonhydrogenic multielectron core which induces quantum mechanical diffraction effects on top of the semiclassical Rydberg dynamics [57,65].
3. Dynamics and Transport The specific spectral structure of a given quantum system fully determines the associated time evolution. If we initially prepare our system in the state |ψ0 , the
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action of the time evolution operator is given by
exp(−iEn t/h¯ )|En En |ψ0 , U (t)|ψ0 =
where we assume, for simplicity, a discrete spectrum {En } of H . Alternatively, the energies En may be thought of as complex eigenvalues En − iΓn /2 of some effective Hamiltonian, with the decay rates Γn representing, for instance, the nonvanishing coupling to a continuous part of the spectrum [66–69]. In most experiments, some sort of (auto)correlation signal like
ψ0 |φn 2 exp(−iEn t/h¯ ) C(t) = ψ0 |U (t)|ψ0 = n
2 Γn → ψ0 |φn exp(−iEn t/h¯ ) exp − t 2 n
is measured [70,71], which, besides the purely spectral ingredients En and Γn also includes a local “probe” |ψ0 |φn |2 of the spectrum, in the vicinity of the state |ψ0 with which the time evolved wave function is to be correlated. Also ionization or survival probabilities which are often encountered in atomic ionization experiments or in model systems which probe quantum mechanical phase space transport are closely related to such correlation functions, possibly amended by an additional summation over a (discrete or continuous) set of “test functions” |ψ0 [53,72–75].
3.1. ATOMIC C ONDUCTANCE F LUCTUATIONS It is immediately clear from the form of (6) that the dynamics of a chaotic quantum system in the sense of chaotic level dynamics as illustrated in Section 2 will exhibit a sensitive parameter dependence, reflecting the parametric evolution of the spectrum. A nice example is provided by the ionization yield of one electron Rydberg states under microwave driving—which probes the asymptotic electron transport induced by the external perturbation. In such type of experiments [21, 50,76–88], one electron Rydberg states (with excitations to principal quantum numbers around n0 70) are exposed to a microwave field of frequency ω and amplitude F , for an adjustable interaction time t. The experimentally easily accessible ionization yield Pion is formally given [73] by
ψ0 |φj 2 exp(−Γj t). Pion = 1 − (7) j
The sum extends over the complete spectrum of the atom dressed by the field, though weighted by the overlap of the (field free) initial state with the atomic
F IG . 5. Typical distribution of the ionization rates Γj and local weights Wj = |ψ0 |φj |2 entering the expression (7) for the ionization yield Pion of an atomic Rydberg state under electromagnetic driving. In the upper plot, 500 spectra of a one-dimensional model atom initially prepared in the Rydberg state |n0 = 100 are accumulated, for driving field frequencies ω/2π = 13.16 . . . 16.45 GHz, at fixed photonic localization length = 1 (see Eq. (9)). In the lower plot, one single spectrum of the three-dimensional hydrogen atom initially prepared in the state |n0 = 70 0 = 0 m0 = 0, at ω/2π = 35.6 GHz and = 1 is shown. There is no apparent correlation between ionization rates and local weights—which also manifests in the parameter dependence of Pion itself, see Fig. 6.
dressed states for the specific choice of ω and F . Typically, several hundreds to thousands dressed states contribute to the representation of |ψ0 [89,90]. Under changes of ω or F , not only the decay rates Γj of the individual dressed states will fluctuate, but, equally important, the local weights |ψ0 |φj |2 —as a corollary of the destruction of good quantum numbers in the realm of quantum chaos: The characteristic properties of the system eigenstates vary rapidly with the control parameter (here ω or F ), and so does the decomposition of the (parameter-independent) initial state |ψ0 . In general, the fluctuations of decay rates and overlaps are uncorrelated, as illustrated in Fig. 5, for typical driving frequencies and amplitudes, and for a one-dimensional model of the driven atom, as well as for the real, three-dimensional system. While one might believe that these fluctuations average out under the summation in (7), this is actually not the case—Fig. 6 shows the ionization yield of atomic hydrogen, initially prepared in the unperturbed n0 = 100 Rydberg state, under microwave driving with variable frequency. Indeed, Pion fluctuates rapidly with the scaled frequency ω0 = ω × n30 [93] in this plot, at fixed n0 . This is the dynamical manifestation of the sensitive ω0 -dependence of the quantities which determine Pion , according to (7). While this sensitive dependence shows that the mere ionization yield for
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F IG . 6. Ionization yield Pion , Eq. (7), of a one-dimensional Rydberg atom launched in the Rydberg state |n0 = 100, as a function of the scaled driving field frequency ω0 = ω × n30 , at fixed localization length = 1 (see Eq. (9)). The strong fluctuations of the signal under variations of ω0 are characteristic of a strongly localized (in the sense of Anderson [91]) transport process (here on the energy scale, and induced by the external driving) in disordered media [92].
given ω and F does not provide a robust characterization of the electronic transport process induced by the external drive, a statistical analysis allows for some insight: The atomic conductance [94] 2 1 gatom = (8) ψ0 |φj Γj , j
formally equivalent to the time derivative of the ionization yield at t = 0 (with the average spacing between adjacent energy levels), exhibits a log-normal distribution, i.e., ln gatom is normally distributed, when sampled for a fixed photonic localization length [95] 6.66F02 n0 n20 −1 E . = (9) = 1 − 7/3 ω n2c ω0 The latter is a measure of the typical decay length of the electronic population distribution over the near resonantly coupled Rydberg states away from the atomic initial state |ψ0 , and determines the asymptotic continuum transport on average, according to [93]: ln gatom ∼ 1/.
In particular, this proportionality relation together with the lognormal distribution for fixed localization length, which are established in Figs. 7 and 8 for a one-dimensional hydrogen atom (which is a reliable model for the description of real 3D hydrogen under external microwave driving, when initially prepared in
F IG . 7. Average value of the natural logarithm of the atomic conductance g vs. the inverse photonic localization length 1/, for a one-dimensional Rydberg atom initially prepared in the state |n0 with principal quantum number n0 = 40, 60, 70, 90, 100 (from top to bottom). Clearly, the direct proportionality (10) predicted by the Anderson picture is very well satisfied for sufficiently large values of n0 [93].
F IG . 8. Distribution (histograms) of the atomic conductance g of a one-dimensional Rydberg atom [93,94,97], sampled over 500 different spectra with photonic localization length = 0.2, in the frequency range ω0 = 2.0 . . . 2.5, for initial principal quantum number n0 = 40 (left) and n0 = 100 (right). The log-normal fit is excellent for n0 = 100, in perfect quantitative agreement with the Anderson picture. Finite size effects lead to discrepancies between the numerical distribution of ln g and the lognormal fit at lower excitations around n0 = 40.
an extremal parabolic state [96,97]), provide strong quantitative support for the analogy between electronic transport along the energy axis in periodically driven atomic Rydberg states and electronic transport across one-dimensional disordered
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wires [92,94,98–100]: Destructive quantum interference of the many transition amplitudes connecting the initial atomic state to the atomic continuum, in the atomic problem, and the left and the right edge of the disordered wire, in the mesoscopic problem, leads to an exponential suppression of the quantum transport, as opposed to diffusive transport in a classical description. This phenomenon is known as Anderson localization [91,101–104] (also strong localization), and was baptized dynamical localization [17,19,105–115] in the realm of quantum chaos, where dynamical chaos substitutes for disorder.
3.2. W EB -A SSISTED T RANSPORT IN THE K ICKED H ARMONIC O SCILLATOR An alternative scenario for the detection of chaos-induced fluctuations on the level of quantum transport properties is provided by cold, harmonically trapped ions under periodic kicking. We already have seen in Section 2.1 that the energy level dynamics of the kicked harmonic oscillator which is realized in such a setting exhibits many avoided crossings of variable size. Indeed, if we launch a wave packet in the harmonic oscillator ground state and monitor its mean energy as time evolves, the energy growth rate is found to depend sensitively on the precise value of the Lamb–Dicke parameter η, which is easily tuned in state of the art ion trap experiments. Figure 9 shows such behavior, √ for three different values of η, at fixed classical phase space structure (η ∼ h¯ determines the effective size of h¯ with respect to the typical classical action of the harmonic oscillator; also see Fig. 3). Correspondingly, the mean energy extracted by the atoms from the kicking field, after a fixed interaction time, exhibits strong, apparently random fluctuations with the Lamb–Dicke parameter, as illustrated in Fig. 10. Once again, this can be directly associated with the avoided crossings in the energy level diagram in Fig. 3, and is strongly reminiscent of the atomic conductance fluctuations encountered in Fig. 6. Note, however, that the classical phase space structure of the kicked harmonic oscillator is different from the phase space structure of the harmonically driven Rydberg atom, since we are here dealing with a non-KAM system. The signature of this non-KAM structure in the spectral statistics is hitherto unexplored, and represents a formidable challenge, both for random matrix theory, as well as for computational physics. We can nonetheless precisely identify the universal cause of the locally enhanced energy absorption of the trapped ions from the kicking field, by inspection of the eigenstates which undergo the specific avoided crossing, at a given value of η: Fig. 11 shows the Husimi phase space projections [69] of those eigenfunctions which account for the dominant part in the decomposition of the ionic initial state |ψ0 = |0 in the vicinity of η = 0.464 (the associated level anticrossing is shown by the inset in Fig. 9), i.e., at a value where strongly enhanced heating of the ions is observed. While for Lamb–Dicke parameters slightly below and
F IG . 9. Mean energy of the kicked harmonic oscillator, Eq. (4), for crystal symmetry, q = 6, kicking strength K = 2.0, and initial state |ψ0 = |0. Tiny changes of the Lamb–Dicke parameter from η = 0.459 (a) over η = 0.464 (b) to η = 0.469 (c) lead to a locally dramatic enhancement of the energy absorption by the trapped particle from the kicking field, with respect to the classical heating process. This local enhancement can actually be traced back to an avoided crossing of the continuation of the eigenphase associated with |ψ0 in the level dynamics (inset) with a “web-state” (see Fig. 11) reaching far out to high energies in the harmonic oscillator phase space. The above values of η are indicated by the corresponding labels, in the inset. Filled black circles indicate an overlap of more than 1% of the associated eigenstate with the initial state |ψ0 .
F IG . 10. Mean energy (left vertical axis) after 600 (full line) kicks vs. the Lamb–Dicke parameter η. The classical phase space structure is fixed by K = 2.0 and q = 6. Locally strongly enhanced energy absorption can always be traced back to avoided crossings of the initial state with web states, as apparent from the underlaid energy level dynamics (right vertical axis).
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F IG . 11. Husimi representations of the eigenstates associated with the labels a (left column) and c (right column) in the inset of Fig. 9, in the rescaled phase space coordinates v/2η = −60 . . . +60 and u/2η = −60 . . . +60 of the insets of Fig. 3. The top left and bottom right plot represent web states associated with the top left and bottom right branch of the avoided crossing shown in the inset of Fig. 9. At η = 0.464, i.e., at the center of that avoided crossing, they strongly mix with the continuation (bottom left and top right branch of the avoided crossing, and bottom left and top right Husimi representation in the present figure) of |ψ0 , thus giving rise to efficient transport from the trap center to high energy states of the harmonic oscillator, along the stochastic web of the underlying classical phase space flow. Since the avoided crossing of the web state with the localized state occurs at fixed phase space structure, this is a pure quantum tunneling effect, without classical analog.
slightly above this critical value the eigenstate which is strongly localized in the vicinity of the origin of phase space has the largest weight in the initial state decomposition, an eigenstate localized on the stochastic web has equal weight right at η = 0.464. The existence of such web states is a peculiarity of non-KAM systems and is at the very origin of the observed enhanced energy growth, simply since the stochastic web reaches out to infinity, and therefore provides an efficient transport channel to high energy states of the oscillator. Since the avoided crossing which mediates the coupling of the initial state to the web state occurs under changes of the effective value of h¯ (via η), at fixed phase space structure, we have here—much as in the above case of strong localization in the ionization process of periodically driven atoms—a pure quantum effect without classical analog, leading now to a dramatic enhancement of the asymptotic transport, as
compared to the classical dynamics. A closely related phenomenon has been observed in the conductance across semiconductor superlattices, in the presence of a tunable magnetic field [48]. Since there the magnetic field allowed to switch between localized and delocalized (i.e., web-) states, web-states mediate, in some sense, metal-insulator like transitions.
3.3. E RICSON F LUCTUATIONS IN ATOMIC P HOTO C ROSS S ECTIONS In the preceding two subsections, we encountered examples of a sensitive dependence of asymptotic transport on some control parameter, typical of quantum chaotic systems, in explicitly time dependent transport processes. As a third example, we now consider the continuum decay of Rydberg electrons induced by static external fields, which can be probed through the photoabsorption cross section for a probe laser beam from the atomic ground state into the Rydberg spectrum. Indeed, an atomic one electron Rydberg system exposed to perpendicularly oriented, static electric and magnetic fields, allows us to realize such a situation: The Hamiltonian reads p2 B B2 2 (11) + Vatom (r) + Lz + x + y 2 + F x, 2 2 8 in atomic units, with F and B the strength of the electric and magnetic field, respectively, and Lz the angular momentum projection on the magnetic field axis. If Vatom (r) is given by the hydrogenic Coulomb potential, the diamagnetic term in (11) is known to induce chaotic motion in the bound space dynamics of the Rydberg electron. For B = 0 the electric field, while leaving the dynamics completely integrable, induces a Stark saddle and, hence, strong coupling of the bound eigenenergies with the continuum part of the spectrum. If both external fields are present, all symmetries of the unperturbed Coulomb problem are destroyed, and one faces a truly three-dimensional problem which exhibits dynamical chaos. In the case of alkali atoms, the additional presence of a multielectron core is not expected to suppress the signature of the classically chaotic Coulomb dynamics, on the spectral level [57,116,117]. Due to the suppression of the ionization threshold by the electric field, the high lying Rydberg states can acquire relatively large autoionization rates Γj , with an average value Γ¯ which can become larger than the mean level spacing of the (quasi)discrete energy levels Ej , i.e., Γ¯ > . In this regime of overlapping resonances, Ericson fluctuations [118–122] are expected in the photoabsorption cross section HExB =
σ (E) =
4π(E − E0 ) |g|T |Ej |2 Im ch¯ Ej − iΓj /2 − E j
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F IG . 12. Distribution of the resonance widths Γj which contribute to the photo cross section σ (E), Eq. (12), in an energy interval which covers the experimentally [27,123] scanned region. The dashed line indicates the average (local) spacing of the resonance states on the energy axis. Approx. 65% of them exhibit overlapping widths, Γj > .
from the atomic ground state |g into the Rydberg regime at energy E: Boundcontinuum transition amplitudes which mediate the decay of individual resonances couple to overlapping intervals of continuum states, and thus may interfere. Consequently, one expects interference structures in the cross section which can no more be attributed to individual resonance eigenstates with a specific width Γj , but are rather due to the interference of several decay channels, and exhibit typical widths smaller than Γ¯ . If a classical analog dynamics is available, these structures are predicted to be correlated on an energy scale which is determined by the dominant Lyapunov exponent of the classically chaotic dynamics, i.e., by the shortest decorrelation time scale of the classical dynamics [120]. Indeed, the transition into the Ericson regime has recently been observed in the photoionization cross section of rubidium Rydberg states in the presence of crossed fields [27,123]. A detailed theoretical analysis of the experimental situation shows that the laboratory results indeed entered the regime of overlapping resonances, and approx. 65% of all resonance eigenstates contributing to the photoabsorption signal have widths which are larger than the mean level spacing . Figure 12 shows the numerically calculated distribution of resonance widths over the energy range probed by the experiment, under precisely equivalent conditions as in the experiment (fixed by the strength of the magnetic and electric fields). Besides the strongly fluctuating background signal, the cross section σ (E) displayed in Fig. 13 also shows some narrow resonances on top, which stem from isolated resonances with Γj < . However, many of the structures with a width smaller than Γ¯ can no more be associated with single isolated resonances, and thus indicate the interference of different decay amplitudes. Thus, we observe the coexistence of individually resolved resonances with Ericson fluctuations. This it is not too surprising, since the original Ericson sce-
F IG . 13. Numerically obtained photo cross section (12) of rubidium Rydberg states in crossed electric and magnetic fields [124], deduced from a parameter free diagonalization of the Hamiltonian (11), using exactly the experimental parameters [27], B = 2.0045 T, F = 22.4 kV/m.
nario was inspired by highly excited compound nuclei with a large number of essentially equally weighted decay channels, while we are here dealing with a low-dimensional atomic decay problem, where different decay channels (e.g., through different angular momentum channels) have certainly different weights and equally different effective bound-continuum coupling constants. Once again, due to the underlying chaotic level structure—here additionally complicated by resonance overlap—the experimentally accessible cross section shows erratic fluctuations, essentially uncorrelated on energy scales which are larger than the inverse of the characteristic life time of the ion–electron compound (which, in a classical picture, is determined by the largest Lyapunov exponent).
3.4. P HOTONIC T RANSPORT IN C HAOTIC C AVITIES AND D ISORDERED M EDIA In the previous section, we showed how the fine interplay between overlapping and isolated resonances determines the nature of the fluctuations in the transport properties of chaotic systems. In this section, we shall consider a novel kind of systems for which this interplay has also a determinative role: random lasers. In contrast to standard lasers, random lasers do not possess mirrors. They are a class of nonlinear amplifiers realized in disordered dielectrics with a fluctuating dielectric constant that varies randomly in space. Light amplification is provided by an active optical medium, while the multiple chaotic scattering of photons in the random medium constitutes the feedback mechanism. Due to multiple scattering, the time spent by the light inside the active medium is enhanced. This, in turn, increases the probability of stimulated emission, making the field amplification efficient. Laser oscillations emerge when the radiation losses are overcome by the light amplification.
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In recent years, several experiments on random lasers (see Ref. [125] for a review) as well as on lasers in chaotic resonators [126,127] have attracted considerable interest in the characterization of the properties of light emitted by these devices. Most striking are the generic signatures of the underlying disorder of the random media in the emission spectra: In samples with a low density of scatterers [128], light is only weakly confined and we expect the resonant modes to overlap. Once the pump energy exceeds the laser threshold, the onset of lasing is signaled by a collapse of the thermal emission spectrum into a single broad peak with a width of a few nanometers at the center of the amplification bandwidth. For samples with a high density of scatterers [128], on the other hand, some wellresolved resonant modes exist. As soon as the laser enters the operation regime above threshold, several very sharp peaks appear, the frequencies (within the amplification bandwidth) and strengths of which fluctuate strongly from sample to sample. The above-mentioned features of the emission spectra cannot be explained by standard laser theory [129–131]. The reasons are twofold: First, in random lasers the spatial structure of the resonant modes as well as their frequencies depend on the statistical properties of the disordered medium. Random lasers, therefore, must be analyzed in an statistical fashion. Second, due to the absence of mirrors, light in random lasers is only weakly confined, giving rise to spectrally overlapping resonances. Recently, based on a field quantization method for open systems with large outcoupling losses [132–134], a quantum theory of random lasing incorporating both effects, random scattering of light and mode overlap, was proposed [135]. For a random laser with an active medium composed of two-levels atoms, the quantum Langevin equations of motion for the field variables are
∗ Hλλ aλ (t) + gλp σ−p (t) + Fλ (t). a˙ λ (t) = −i (13) λ
Here, aλ is the annihilation operator of the field mode λ, and σ−p is the dipole operator of the pth atom. The coupling amplitudes gλp between field and atoms are proportional to the atomic dipole d and to the field amplitude u(r) at the position of the atom, gλp ∝ duλ (r p ). Equation (13) should be complemented with the equations of motion for the atomic operators, which we have omitted as they remain the same as those found in standard laser theory [129]. There are drastic differences between Eq. (13) and the independent-oscillator equations of standard laser theory. They arise from the fact that in order to account for the strong coupling of the field with the outside, all internal modes must now leak into the same external channels, i.e., they are coupled to the same bath. Hence, the internal dynamics of the field is determined by the non-Hermitian operator H, accounting for the system’s losses due to the coupling with the exterior, and coupling the different
modes aλ . Additionally, and consistently with the fluctuation–dissipation theorem, the noise operators Fλ of the different modes are correlated, Fλ† Fλ = δλλ (the expectation value is defined with respect to the state of the bath). The emission properties of random lasers are determined by the complex eigenvalues ωk − iΓk /2, and the nonorthogonal eigenfunctions R(r) of H. Due to the strong correlation among modes, the relation between the mean frequency separation of the real frequencies ωk , and the average decay rate Γ¯ of the modes is of crucial relevance for the emission spectra. In the regime of overlapping resonances, Γ¯ > , typically many broad modes will contribute to the emitted radiation. The resulting spectrum is then a smooth function of the frequency. On the contrary, in the regime of isolated resonances, Γ¯ < , the spectrum consists of a set of sharp peaks located at the resonant frequencies of the system. More striking, however, is the effect of the mode correlations on the coherence time of the random laser emission. For single mode lasing the coherence time δτ is inversely proportional to the laser line width δω. The latter was first calculated for standard lasers by Schawlow and Townes [136], by taking into account the spontaneous emission noise, and was found to decrease for increasing output intensities, δωST ∼ 1/I . In random lasers, however, the noise correlation between different modes leads to an enhancement of the line width. One then has [132] δω = KδωST ,
where K 1 is the so called Petermann factor [137–139]. K can be related to the self-overlap of the nonorthogonal laser mode R(r), and is a measure of the correlations in the system. Hence, the coherence time of a random laser is smaller than the coherence time of a standard laser with the same output intensity. The signatures of the underlying disorder in random lasers are also present in the photon statistics of the emitted light. Though for light propagating in a disordered material the photon statistics below threshold is well understood [140,141], only recently the nonlinear optical regime above threshold has been investigated [142–145]. As an example, we evaluate the mean photocount of the emitted field from a chaotic laser resonator in the regime of single-mode lasing [142]. We consider the coupling of the cavity to the outside to be weak, so that all resonances in the cavity are well defined. In this perturbative limit, the non-Hermitian operator H in Eq. (13) becomes diagonal, and the laser mode a decouples from all other modes. Moreover, since the cavity opening is small, we can replace R(r) by the orthogonal close cavity modes u(r). In chaotic resonators the amplitude u(r) at a point r behaves like a Gaussian random variable, and is uncorrelated with the amplitude at any other point, provided it lies further apart than an optical wave length λ [146,147]. As we shall show, these spatial fluctuations induce strong mode-to-mode fluctuations in the laser emission. In its steady-state, the laser is characterized by three parameters comprising the effects of the active medium on the field: The linear gain A, the nonlinear
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saturation B, and the total loss rate C. The photon number distribution giving the probability to find the laser field at a time t with n photons is [130] Pn = N
(Ans /C)n+ns , (n + ns )!
where the symbol N stands for a normalization constant, and the nonlinear saturation B enters through the so called saturation photon number ns = A/B. When the number of atoms in the active medium is large, A and B are shown to acquire sharp values. C = Γ +κ, on the other hand, is the sum of the photon escape rate Γ due to the cavity opening, and the absorption rate κ accounting for all other loss mechanisms of the radiation inside the resonator. While here κ may be considered fixed, the photon escape rate depends on the resonator mode u. Thus, inasmuch as the resonator mode represents wave chaos, Γ , and therefore C, become random numbers. The distribution P (Γ ) over an ensemble of modes in time-reversal invariant cavities is a well-know result from random-matrix theory [148,149], and is given by the χν2 distribution. Here, ν is an integer, counting the number of escape channels at the opening of the resonator. For the case ν = 1, the corresponding distribution is known as the Porter–Thomas distribution. For a single-mode laser, the mean output intensity is given by I = Γ n, where n is the mean photon number inside the cavity. Over an ensemble of chaotic cavity modes the mean output intensity fluctuates from one mode to the other. Its distribution is given by P (I ) = dΓ P (Γ )δ I − Γ n . (16) Note that the right-hand side involves a twofold average, the quantum optical average with the distribution Pn (represented by the brackets . . .) and the ensemble average over the cavity modes with distribution P (Γ ). We evaluate numerically P (I ). The results for an ensemble of chaotic cavities with one escape channel are plotted in Fig. 14, for two different sets of parameters. In both cases ¯ i.e., they correspond to lasers above threshold in the ensemble averA > C, age. We note that all distributions are strongly non-Gaussian. They are all peaked as I −1/2 at small intensities, and present a second peak for maximal intensity. Furthermore, for one of the parameter sets (dashed lines) the distribution P (I ) displays a shoulder for submaximal I . This last feature is seen to be a signature of spontaneous emission [142]. Thus, for lasers in resonators with irregular shape the chaotic nature of the cavity modes gives rise to fluctuations of the photocount on top of the quantum optical fluctuations known from laser theory. Chaos-induced fluctuations are found when a single-mode photodetection is performed over an ensemble of modes. In recent years, in the light of nonlinear optical effects, the investigation on multiple scattering of photons has received new impetus. A fresh and fertile field for
F IG . 14. Distribution P (I /Imax ) as a function of the dimensionless mean intensity I /Imax , for one escape channel and two sets of parameters. Rates are given in units of A ≡ 1, the nonlinearity is B = 0.005. The solid line corresponds to κ = 0.7, Γ¯ = 0.02; the dashed line to κ = 0.7, Γ¯ = 0.2.
interesting physics is found in this region where nonlinear optics and wave chaos intersect. Random lasers are just one example of the kind of problems encountered there. Other relevant examples constitute studies of coherent backscattering of light by a cloud of cold atoms. In these system, for sufficiently high intensities of the incident light, nonlinearities becomes relevant and a new class of coherent effects are seen to arise [150,151]. In the near future, new questions concerning the consequences of nonlinear effects for the strong localization of light are likely to move into focus.
3.5. D IRECTED ATOMIC T RANSPORT D UE TO I NTERACTION -I NDUCED Q UANTUM C HAOS All the above examples of transport in quantum chaotic systems stem from the realm of one (active) particle dynamics—where we also include the phenomena observed with alkaline atoms, since the multielectron atomic core only induces additional quantum diffraction effects, which can be accounted for on the one particle level. In our last example, we consider now an interacting many-particle problem, which is motivated by recent progress in the manipulation of ultracold atoms loaded into optical lattices, and which establishes, in some sense, the experimentally “controlled” version of multiparticle quantum chaos originally thought of by Bohr [152] and Wigner [153] when they modelled compound nuclear reactions. One of the prominent models to describe the dynamics of matter waves in optical potentials is defined by the Bose–Hubbard Hamiltonian (2) which we already encountered above. Indeed, it can be shown that (2) exhibits Wigner–Dyson statistics in a broad interval of tunneling coupling J and interaction strength W , for
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filling factors n¯ = N/L, N the particle number and L the lattice length, even in the absence of any static forcing, i.e., for F = 0 [154]. Surprisingly, this was realized only recently, despite the fact that (2) is a standard “working horse” for quite a big community—which, however, is mostly interested in ground state properties rather than dynamics. Only recent experiments in quantum optics laboratories [8, 155–160] have triggered enhanced interest in dynamics, and hence in the excitation spectrum of the many-body Hamiltonian. On the dynamical level, the chaotic character of the Bose–Hubbard spectrum induces the rapid decay of single particle Bloch oscillations across a onedimensional lattice, for not too large static forcing (such that the static term in (2) does not dominate the symmetry of the problem) [161,162]. The single particle dynamics can be defined equally well by the reduced single particle wave function of the bosonic ensemble, or by a second, spin-polarized fermionic component loaded into the lattice [163]. We shall here adopt the latter scenario, where noninteracting fermionic atoms interact with a bosonic “bath”. The corresponding two-component Hamiltonian writes HFB = HF + HB + Hint ,
and decomposes into the (single particle) fermionic part L L
JF |l + 1l| + h.c. + F d |lll|, HF = − 2 l=1
the (many particle) bosonic part L L JB † WB aˆ l+1 aˆ l + h.c. + nˆ l (nˆ l − 1), HB = − 2 2 l=1
and a term which mediates the collisional interaction between fermions and bosons, Hint = WFB
nˆ l |ll|.
Here we built in the assumption that only the fermions experience the external static force—this can be arranged by preparing the fermionic and bosonic component in appropriate internal electronic states, which couple differently to external fields. Since in (17) there is a clear separation between “system” (the fermions) and “bath” (the bosons), we can derive a master equation for the time evolution in the fermionic degree of freedom, in Markovian approximation [163]. A crucial ingredient for this derivation is the chaotic level dynamics of the bath degree of freedom, what ensures a broad distribution of frequencies of the bath modes, such
as to act as a Markovian environment, with a rapid decay of the bath correlations, on the relevant time scales of the system dynamics [164]. One ends up with (F ) ∂ρl,m
i (F ) HF (t), ρ (F ) l,m − γ (1 − δl,m )ρl,m , h¯
where ρ is the fermionic one particle density matrix, and the relaxation rate γ is completely determined by the parameters of our original Hamiltonian (17): γ =
2 τ n¯ 2 WFB
2 3n¯ 2 WFB . h¯ JB
(22) h¯ 2 In other words, we can “engineer” incoherent Markovian dynamics in a perfectly Hamiltonian system, (17), by exploiting the chaotic dynamics of one system component. The resulting decay of the fermionic Bloch oscillations is illustrated in Fig. 15, where perfect agreement of the actual decay rate (resulting from an exact numerical propagation of the dynamics generated by (17)) with the analytical expression (22) is observed. The collisional interaction of the fermions with the bosonic bath provides a relaxation mechanism which, in the theory of electronic conductance across a periodic potential, is the necessary ingredient for observing a net current across the lattice [165]. Yet, in Fig. 15 we do not observe any net drift of the electrons. This
F IG . 15. Bloch oscillations of the fermionic mean velocity in the optical lattice, under a static tilt F d = 0.57 × JF , with JF = JB , and WFB = 0.101 × JF , 0.143 × JF , 0.202 × JF (from top to bottom). The bosonic bath, which is the source of the collisionally induced damping of the oscillations, is composed of N = 7 particles, distributed over a lattice of length L = 9. v0 = JF d/h¯ . The typical time scale of the interaction induced decay fits the time scale predicted by Eq. (22) (dash-dotted lines) very well [163].
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is due to the fact that we are here dealing with a perfectly closed system, without attaching any leads—in particular, we are dealing with a finite size bath, which, consequently, has a finite heat capacity. Therefore, the initial state of the bath plays a crucial role for the effective fermionic transport across the optical lattice: If prepared in the thermalized state (as in Fig. 15), with equal population of all energy levels of the bath, no net energy flux can occur from the fermionic into the bosonic degree of freedom, and, hence, no net drift velocity of the fermions can emerge. In contrast, if we prepare the bath in a low temperature state, with only the ground state and few excited states initially populated, the bath can absorb energy from the fermions, via collisions, and the fermionic component acquires a nonvanishing drift—which lasts until the bath is fully thermalized. This is illustrated in Fig. 16, together with the corresponding energy increase of the bath. Figure 17 shows the resulting current (fermionic drift velocity v) ¯ voltage (static tilt F experienced by the fermionic component) characteristics under variations of F , which displays a marked transition from Ohmic behavior (small F ) to negative differential conductance (large F )! Note that such behavior was earlier predicted for semiconductor superlattices [166], on the basis of a semiclassical theory with a phenomenologically determined relaxation rate γ , whereas the present scenario allows for the experimental tuning of the relaxation rate, on the basis of our microscopic theory (with crucial input from the theory of quantum chaos).
F IG . 16. Mean velocity v(t) of the fermionic component (top, solid line) for a low temperature (kB T 2.86 × JB ) bath, under static tilt F d = 0.143 × JF , with WFB = 0.143 × JF , WB /JB = 3/7, JB = JF , N = 7, L = 9. The solid line in the bottom plot shows the associated time evolution of the mean energy EB of the bath. Dashed lines in both plots indicate the result for a thermalized bath (kB T 150 × JB ), when no net energy exchange between the fermions and the bosons is possible. Clearly, only for the low temperature bath do we observe a nonvanishing drift velocity (i.e., a directed current) of the fermions across the lattice.
F IG . 17. Current–voltage (expressed as drift velocity v¯ vs. tilt F d) characteristics for the directed fermionic current across the optical lattice (stars) [163], for the same parameters as in Fig. 16. The continuous line shows the prediction of a phenomenological model of charge transport in semiconductor superlattices [166], with the relaxation rate γ extracted from Eq. (22). A clear transition from Ohmic to negative differential conductance at large tilt potentials is observed.
4. Control through Chaos We have seen in the preceding sections that quantum chaos is tantamount to strong coupling of the various degrees of freedom of a given quantum system, of the destruction of good quantum numbers, and that all this usually leads to large fluctuations of various observables under slight changes of some control parameter, or to decoherence-like reduced dynamics. Though, does quantum chaos provide us with any means not only to describe, but also to control complex quantum systems in a robust way? Indeed, there is a positive response to this question, at least for periodically driven quantum systems with a mixed regular-chaotic structure of the underlying classical dynamics. The phase space of such systems decomposes into domains of regular and of chaotic motion, see Fig. 18, which are associated with elliptic (i.e., stable) and hyperbolic (i.e., unstable) periodic orbits. Elliptic periodic orbits are surrounded by elliptic islands in phase space, which define regions of regular, i.e., integrable classical motion. A classical particle launched within such an island cannot leave it (or, in higher dimensions, only on rather long time scales [167,168]), and the only way for a quantum particle to leave the island is by tunneling. It is rather obvious on semiclassical grounds [169], and has also been realized by approximating the quantum dynamics in elliptic islands by a quantum pendulum [170], that such regular regions in classical phase space lend support for quantum eigenstates localized on top of them, provided the island’s volume
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F IG . 18. Example for the surface of section of the classically mixed regular-chaotic phase space of a periodically driven system in a one-dimensional configuration space—here derived from the equations of motion of a one-dimensional hydrogen atom under periodic electromagnetic driving (in dipole coupling) [31]. The phase space—spanned by the classical action I (measured in units of some reference action n0 ) and the conjugate angle θ —decomposes into essentially three main components: a near-integrable (weakly perturbed) part (for actions below approx. 0.9), a prominent resonance island structure centered around (θ = π, I /n0 = 1.0), and a chaotic region—the complement of near-integrable and island domain.
is large enough to accommodate the typical phase space volume hf (with f the number of degrees of freedom) of a quantum state. Later on it was realized that, in periodically driven systems, these quantum eigenstates faithfully follow the time evolution of the elliptic trajectory they are anchored to [20,171–173], and that their localization properties are preserved by the elliptic island—i.e., by the underlying nonlinearity of the classical dynamics—thus protecting them against the usual dispersion of quantum wave packets in unharmonic systems. Hence, elliptic islands in classical phase space give rise to the emergence of nondispersive wave packets on the quantum level [31]. The only mechanism which limits their life time (as long as incoherent processes can be excluded [31,174,175]) is tunneling from the island into the surrounding chaotic sea, which, however, is strongly suppressed in the semiclassical limit of large classical actions as compared to h¯ [176]. Since elliptic structures in mixed regular chaotic classical dynamics are ubiquitous, so are nondispersive wave packets in the microscopic world. And the classical nonlinear dynamics bears yet another blessing: The KAM theorem guarantees that elliptic islands in classical phase space are extremely robust against perturbations—i.e., for sufficiently small perturbations, an elliptic island is possibly slightly distorted in phase space, though preserves its topology. While KAM might appear of essentially mathematical interest on a first glance, this statement has indeed very far-reaching consequences on the experimental level: Note that it
is very hard to prevent conventional Rydberg wave packets, built, e.g., on a Stark manifold (by exciting a coherent superposition of the Stark levels, with a laser pulse, from the atomic ground state) from dispersion [71]—since any small (uncontrolled) perturbation shifts the Stark levels and thus induces an unharmonicity in the spectrum, leading to dispersion of the wave packet. In contrast, a nondispersive wave packet anchored to an elliptic island in classical phase space is essentially inert against any perturbation which is not strong enough to destroy the island, as a consequence of KAM. In other words, the KAM theorem as one of the fundamental theorems of classical nonlinear dynamics shields nondispersive wave packets against technical noise (alike stray fields, etc.). It is this robustness which allows the experimentalist to realize and manipulate nondispersive wave packets in the laboratory [28], over time scales which exceed “traditional” wave packet dynamics by orders of magnitude!
4.1. N ONDISPERSIVE WAVE PACKETS IN O NE PARTICLE DYNAMICS The simplest realization of nondispersive wave packets is provided by an unharmonic, bounded, one-dimensional system under periodic driving, described by the Hamiltonian Hwp = H0 (z) + λV (z) cos(ωt).
Transformation to the action-angle variables (I, θ ) of H0 allows one to rewrite this as Hwp = H0 (I ) + λ
Vm (I ) cos(mθ − ωt),
where we assumed, for simplicity, that the Fourier amplitudes Vm (I ) are real [31]. Reminding ourselves of θ = Ωt, with Ω the classical roundtrip frequency along the unperturbed trajectory with action I , we immediately realize that choices of the driving frequency ω such that sθ − ωt 0, for some term m = s in the above sum in (24), will lead to a separation of time scales in the time evolution generated by Hwp . While all terms in (24) except the one with m = s will oscillate rapidly, a resonance will occur between the external drive at frequency ω and the unperturbed motion along the trajectory with sΩ(I ) = ω. In other words, proper choice of the driving frequency allows one to selectively address a specific trajectory of the unperturbed dynamics, via this resonance condition. For s = 1, a suitable coordinate transformation, followed by a secular approximation (which averages over the rapidly oscillating terms in (24), at resonance), and a final quadratic expansion around the action of the resonantly driven classical orbit yields a pendulum Hamiltonian, which establishes the backbone of the typical phase space structure of an elliptic island at weak perturbation amplitudes,
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F IG . 19. Typical phase space structure in the vicinity of a resonantly driven trajectory of a bounded, one-dimensional system, in action-angle coordinates I and θ . I is measured in units of some reference action n0 . The external driving frequency is chosen such as to match the unperturbed roundtrip frequency of the trajectory with action I /n0 = 1.0. The consequent separation of time scales in (24) induces an onion-like, elliptic island structure centered around (θ = π, I /n0 = 1.0), already at weak perturbation strengths λ. With increasing λ chaos invades phase space, at the expense of the elliptic island and of near integrable regions at low actions. However, comparison with Fig. 18 also shows that the center of the elliptic island survives (actually to rather large values of λ [31,63]), what is a consequence of the KAM theorem, and identifies elliptic islands as very robust topological structures in classical phase space.
F IG . 20. Electronic density of a nondispersive electronic wave packet in a periodically driven, one-dimensional Rydberg atom. The wave packet starts (at phase ωt = 0 of the driving field) at the outer turning point of the classical eccentricity one orbit, is reflected from the Coulomb singularity at ωt = π , and precisely refocuses at the outer turning point, without dispersion, after one complete field cycle.
displayed in Fig. 19. The KAM theorem essentially guarantees that the core of this structure survives even a considerable increase of λ, whilst all the remaining phase space volume may undergo a dramatic metamorphosis, as evident from a comparison of Figs. 18 and 19. Figure 20 shows the configuration space representation of a nondispersive wave packet launched along the Rydberg orbit with principal quantum number n0 = 60, for the one-dimensional Coulomb problem [20]. This model describes the dynam-
ics of quasi one-dimensional (i.e., extremal parabolic) Rydberg states of atomic hydrogen in a near resonant field reasonably well [96,97]. Such a nondispersive electronic wave packet propagating without dispersion along a highly excited Rydberg orbit has recently been excited and probed in laboratory experiments with lithium atoms [28,29]. In particular, these experiments succeeded to demonstrate the extremely long life time of these objects, by probing the electron’s position on its Rydberg orbit after 15,000 cycles of the driving microwave field. This is equivalent to 15,000 Kepler orbits of the unperturbed Coulomb dynamics, and thus by approximately three orders of magnitude longer than the life time of any Rydberg wave packet so far generated in the laboratory. Furthermore, the experimentally measured life time only gives a lower bound for the wave packet’s endurance, since longer probing times were not possible due to the geometry of the experimental setup. Theory predicts life times of approx. 106 Kepler orbits, at these excitations [31,176].
4.2. N ONDISPERSIVE WAVE PACKETS IN THE T HREE B ODY C OULOMB P ROBLEM The above scenario of nondispersive one particle wave packets can be generalized for the three body Coulomb problem, naturally realized in the helium atom. A very nontrivial complication arises here from the fact that the electron–electron interaction term in the helium Hamiltonian HHe =
p1 2 2 1 p2 2 2 − + + − , 2 2 r1 r2 |r1 − r2 |
generates classically chaotic dynamics even in the absence of any external perturbation [39]. This is nowadays identified as the cause of the failure of the early semiclassical quantum theory to come up with a quantitative description of the helium spectrum [41]. Furthermore, doubly excited states of helium have a finite autoionization probability, again due to the electron–electron interaction [177,178]. Hence, the helium atom itself has to be treated as an open system, and bears some similarity with the crossed fields problem which we discussed in Section 3.3 above. Indeed, Ericson fluctuations are also expected in the photoabsorption cross section of helium [179], for sufficiently high excitations, though the required energy range has not yet been reached in the lab [23]. Thus, since the classical phase space structure of the helium atom is globally chaotic, our above motivation of the typical elliptic island structure on which to build nondispersive wave packets is not straightforward, since there are no global action-angle variables for irregular classical dynamics. However, we can focus on specific regular domains in the classical phase space of the helium
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F IG . 21. Characteristic frozen planet trajectory of the unperturbed three body Coulomb problem. The inner electron precesses on highly eccentric ellipses, with a rapid Kepler oscillation between the inner and the outer turning point. Upon average over the inner electron’s rapid motion, Coulomb attraction due to the screened Coulomb potential of the nucleus and electron–electron repulsion conspire such as to create an adiabatic, shallow binding potential for the outer electron [181]. Consequently, the outer electron is locked upon the precessing motion of the inner electron, leading to a strong correlation of both electrons’ positions.
F IG . 22. Phase space structure for the outer electron of the (collinear) frozen planet configuration [182], in the absence (a) and in the presence (b) of an external, near resonant driving field. If the external field frequency is chosen to match a resonance condition with the unperturbed outer electron’s motion, secondary resonance islands emerge as in (b).
atom, which are elliptic islands themselves.2 These lend support for stable eigenstates of the unperturbed helium atom—the most prominent thereof being the frozen planet configuration [36,180]. Figures 21 and 22 show a typical classical, highly correlated two-electron trajectory, and the phase space structure of the frozen planet configuration, respectively. Given the regular phase space structure with well-defined, stable periodic orbits as shown in Fig. 22, we are back to our original setting: If we apply an external field with a frequency near 2 Indeed, by mapping an f degrees of freedom system on a periodically driven f − 1 degrees of freedom system, where the periodic time dependence of the drive is provided by the periodic time dependence of the remaining degree of freedom, these islands can be made formally equivalent to those considered above [31,47].
F IG . 23. Top: Husimi representation of a nondispersive two-electron wave packet propagating along the collinear frozen planet orbit of the planar helium atom [184], in the phase space coordinates of the outer electron along the quantization axis defined by the linear field polarization vector, for different phases ωt = 0 (left), π/2 (middle), and π (right). Very clearly, the electronic density faithfully traces the resonantly driven frozen planet trajectory, as obvious from a comparison with the classical phase space structure shown below (on identical scales).
resonant with one of the stable periodic orbits of the classical phase space of the unperturbed system, we induce elliptic islands which propagate along the unperturbed trajectory, phase-locked on the period of the drive. Consequently, for sufficiently high excitations, we find nondispersive two-electron wave packets [182,183] propagating along the frozen planet trajectory, as illustrated in Fig. 23 for an excitation to the fifth autoionization channel (in other words, the inner electron is launched along an extremal parabolic orbit with principal quantum number N = 6). Note that a quantum treatment of the planar three body Coulomb problem (an accurate treatment of the fully three-dimensional problem is hitherto out of reach, due to the size of Hilbert space when many angular momenta are coupled by the driving field) predicts life times of approx. 1000 driving field periods (or, due to the resonance condition on drive and unperturbed two-electron orbit, 1000 frozen planet periods) for these wave packet eigenstates [184,185]. This prediction can be expected to be reliable, on the basis of a comparison of typical He autoionization rates in 1D, 2D, and 3D configuration space [186]. The predicted two-electron wave packet’s life times are considerably less than the life times predicted for the one electron problem considered in the previous section, though still much longer than life times of conventional Rydberg wave packets, and thus eligible for applications in coherent control. Recently, the excitation of another type of nondispersive two-electron wave packets has been suggested, with both electrons far from the nucleus [187].
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4.3. Q UANTUM R ESONANCES IN THE DYNAMICS OF K ICKED C OLD ATOMS Nondispersive wave packets as those discussed above are ubiquitous, and can be realized in any driven quantum system with an unharmonic spectrum (the unharmonicity guarantees the selectivity of the addressing of a specific classical trajectory by the near resonant drive) and mixed regular-chaotic phase space [31]. Importantly though, their creation is not necessarily restricted to the realm of semiclassical physics, where h¯ becomes small in comparison to the classical actions of the dynamics. This has been realized recently, in the treatment of quantum resonances [188] and quantum accelerator modes [189] in the translational degree of freedom of periodically kicked cold atoms loaded into one-dimensional optical lattices which are flashed periodically. Such quantum resonances occur due to the close similarity of the kicked atom Hamiltonian HKA
p2 = δ(t − mτ ) − K cos(kx) 2 m=−∞
with the kicked rotor, apart from the different boundary conditions (an infinite periodic lattice in the atomic problem, a circle in the case of the kicked rotor [188]). They are excited by kicking periods τ = 2π, integer, since then the kicks are synchronized with the exact revivals of the free evolution of the rotor dynamics (we omit here the discussion of the specific value of the atomic quasimomentum, which implies further restrictions, though is not indispensable for our present argument), leading to ballistic energy growth, for the appropriately prepared initial quasimomentum state of the atoms [188]. If one considers the quantum dynamics close to the resonance condition, i.e., at τ = 2π+, with a small detuning , it turns out [188,189] that the time evolution generated by the Hamiltonian (26) can be obtained from the formal quantization of some well-defined classical dynamics described by a map, with the detuning taking the role of h¯ ≡ τ (which itself remains constant and can be arbitrarily large!). The quantum accelerator modes are created when an additional static potential (such as provided by gravity) is added to the Hamiltonian of Eq. (26). For appropriate parameters, this Stark field allows the experimentalist to design classical nonlinear-resonance islands (classical in the above sense of taking the role of h) ¯ embedded in a surrounding chaotic sea. These islands support ballistic transport, which—in contrast to the ballistic motion at quantum resonance—is directed due to the destruction of the translational invariance by the Stark field (see the accelerated tail of the atoms’ momentum distribution in Fig. 24). In this generalized classical picture, both quantum resonances and quantum accelerator modes are nothing but quantum eigenstates anchored to elliptic islands in the phase space of that classical map, i.e., a variant of our above nondispersive
F IG . 24. (Courtesy of Gil Summy.) Time dependence (measured by the number of pulses or kicks) of the atomic momentum distribution under periodic kicks along the gravitational field [15], in a reference frame freely falling with the atoms. Besides the bulk of the atomic ensemble, which does not acquire momentum, there is an atomic component which exhibits ballistic acceleration. This is the experimental signature of a quantum accelerator mode.
wave packets. This mode-locking of the external drive to the intrinsic characteristic frequency of the system allows the experimentalist to efficiently transfer large momenta to the atoms. Once again, these modes are robust against perturbations [190], are clearly identifiable in laboratory experiments [14–16], see Fig. 24, and offer a variety of experimental applications, such as for high precision measurements of the gravitational constant [14].
5. Conclusion As quantum optics addresses the dynamics of more and more complex quantum systems, methods imported from quantum chaos provide useful tools for identifying statistically robust quantities for their description, and also to control their time evolution. In this review, we have seen examples for characteristic universal features of chaotic quantum systems on the spectral as well as on the dynamical level, in such different settings like ultracold atoms in periodic optical potentials, excitation and ionization processes of one and two-electron atoms subject to static or oscillating external fields, random laser theory, and cold atoms kicked by standing light fields. The chosen examples are far from exploring all the diversity of current experimental and theoretical activities at the interface of quantum
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optics and chaos—we did not discuss here the recently predicted and observed universal ionization threshold of one electron Rydberg states under microwave driving [84,117], weak and strong localization phenomena in the scattering of photons off clouds of cold (or ultracold) trapped atoms (with close connections to random lasing) [191], nor the complementary scenario of matter wave transport in disordered optical or magnetic potentials [10,115], or the role of incoherent processes which might compete with coherent quantum transport in complex dynamics [12,86,174,175]. Nonetheless, we hope that the examples treated already give a flavor of the potential applications of quantum chaos, from the microscopic modelling of an atomic current across a periodic potential, by using a chaotic bosonic system as a bath which provides the necessary relaxation processes, to nondispersive, one and two-electron wave packets which, due to their extraordinarily long life times and robustness against technical noise (inherited from the KAM theorem), might find applications in robust quantum control schemes or as quantum memory, in the context of quantum information processing. In particular, the analogies between quantum chaos and quantum transport in disordered systems are currently coming into focus, and hold a panoply of intriguing challenging questions, to be tackled in the near future.
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MANIPULATING SINGLE ATOMS DIETER MESCHEDE and ARNO RAUSCHENBEUTEL Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Bonn, Wegelerstr. 8, D-53115 Bonn, Germany
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Single Atoms in a MOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Magneto-Optical Trap for Single Atoms . . . . . . . . 2.2. Dynamics of Single Atoms in a MOT . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Beyond Poissonian Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Preparing Single Atoms in a Dipole Trap . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Quantum State Preparation and Detection . . . . . . . . . . 5. Superposition States of Single Atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Loading Multiple Atoms into the Dipole Trap . . . . . . . . 7. Realization of a Quantum Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Controlling the Atoms’ Absolute and Relative Positions . . . 8.1. An Optical Conveyor Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2. Measuring and Controlling the Atoms’ Positions . . . . 8.3. Two-Dimensional Position Manipulation . . . . . . . . 9. Towards Entanglement of Neutral Atoms . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1. An Optical High-Finesse Resonator for Storing Photons 9.2. A Four-Photon Entanglement Scheme . . . . . . . . . . 9.3. Cold Collisions in Spin-Dependent Potentials . . . . . 10. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Abstract Neutral atoms are interesting candidates for experimentally investigating the transition from well-understood quantum objects to many particle and macroscopic physics. Furthermore, the ability to control neutral atoms at the single atom level opens new routes to applications such as quantum information processing and metrology. We summarize experimental methods and findings in the preparation, detection, and manipulation of trapped individual neutral atoms. The high efficiency and the observed long coherence times of the presented methods are favorable for future applications in quantum information processing. 75
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53003-4
D. Meschede and A. Rauschenbeutel
1. Introduction Neutral atoms have played an outstanding role in our understanding of the microscopic world through quantum physics. Countless details of quantum mechanics have been discovered and experimentally investigated with dilute gases of atoms. With the advent of tunable, narrowband lasers around 1970, it became possible to use laser light as an agent to control not only the internal quantum state of atoms but also the motional degrees of freedom. The first observation of individual atomic particles was successful in 1978 by P. Toschek and collaborators [1]. The experimenters realized essential premises to observe individual Barium ions: A strong electromagnetic radio frequency trap (Paul trap) to store ions in a small volume and for extended periods of time, and an efficient optical detection by resonance fluorescence from a narrowband tunable laser. As a result of this breakthrough, trapped ions became prime objects for studying and illustrating light–matter interactions at the ultimate microscopic level, i.e., single particles interacting with well-controlled light fields. Interesting advances in the 1980s include the observation of quantum jumps [2–4], anti-bunching in resonance fluorescence [5], ion crystals [6,7], and more. A similar degree of control was achieved for neutral atoms beginning in 1994 [8–10]. The origin for this delay with respect to ions is straightforwardly associated with the much weaker trapping forces available for a neutral atomic particle in comparison with a charged particle. Neutral atoms can be localized in space by exerting radiation pressure (magneto-optical trap, MOT), in the effective potential of an optical dipole trap (DT), or by magnetic traps (MT) if the atom carries a permanent magnetic moment. A simple calculation shows that for typical laser beam intensities trapping depths do not exceed 1 K for the MOT, 10 mK for DTs, and 1 K for typical MT designs [11]. Experimental accomplishments in handling microscopic particles since 1980 have led to the demonstration of many quantum processes at an elementary level. Perhaps even more importantly they have initiated new lines of research where the control of atomic systems—and in particular atom–atom interactions—have opened the route to study novel many particle systems. The celebrated realization of Bose–Einstein condensation with neutral atoms in 1995 [12,13] has catapulted experiments with neutral atoms into a central and unique role: they allow the study of many particle systems with tailored interactions in a highly controlled environment. It has already been shown with ultracold samples of atoms containing 10,000s of atoms, that novel quantum states, for instance, induced by quantum phase transitions, can be realized and investigated [14]. A combination of these methods with an experimental access to the atomic constituents at the single particle level promises deep insight into the physics of many particle systems and their application, e.g., in quantum simulation and quantum information processing [15].
It is the aim of this article to describe the state of art in the manipulation of single neutral atoms. It is focused on well-known optical traps for neutral atoms, usually employed for trapping much larger samples of atoms. In an alternative approach, single neutral atoms can be prepared through the interaction with a single mode of a low loss optical resonator which is of relevance for the field of cavity-QED. For more information about this field we refer to [16].
2. Single Atoms in a MOT 2.1. M AGNETO -O PTICAL T RAP FOR S INGLE ATOMS The magneto-optical trap, proposed by J. Dalibard and realized by D. Pritchard and coworkers in 1987 [17], has revolutionized experimental work in atomic and optical physics, because it allows to directly prepare and confine cold, i.e., low velocity atoms from a background gas at room temperature. The MOT relies on spatially modulated, velocity dependent radiation pressure forces exerted by red detuned laser beams in combination with a magnetic quadrupole field. It remains to this day the work horse of physics with cold atoms and serves in nearly all experiments to initially prepare an ensemble of atoms at very low velocities. The MOT capture rate is determined by the gradient of the magnetic quadrupole field, the diameter and the detuning of the trapping laser beams, as well as the partial pressure of the atomic species to be trapped [18]. The loss rate, on the other hand, is determined by collisions with the residual gas and exothermic intra-trap collisions. In a conventional MOT with a quadrupole field gradient of 10 G/cm, cm-wide beams, and a red detuning of the trapping laser beams of about −2γ , where γ is the natural linewidth of the atomic resonance line, typically 109 atoms are captured with characteristic temperatures below 1/2 the Doppler temperature. For Caesium atoms, which are used in the experiments described here, the Doppler temperature is TDopp = h¯ γ /2kB = 125 µK. Single atom preparation and observation in a MOT is achieved by taking several MOT parameters to the limits [8–10]: Since atom capture is mostly determined by the time available for radiation pressure deceleration, the trapping rate is dramatically reduced by small laser beam diameters (≈1 mm) and strong field gradients (up to several 100 G/cm) [19], and of course, very low partial pressure (<10−14 mbar) of the trapped atomic species. Very low residual gas pressure (≈10−11 mbar) also makes storage times of order 1 min and more possible. In our experiment, the magnetic field gradient can be ramped up and down within typically 20–30 ms time scale which allows to actively control trap loading processes (see Section 2.3). Resonance fluorescence is collected from a 2.1% solid angle by a self-made microscope objective with a diffraction limit below 2 µm [20], and recorded with
D. Meschede and A. Rauschenbeutel
F IG . 1. Schematic of experimental setup of the magneto-optical trap. A diffraction limited microscope objective (working distance 36 mm, NA = 0.29) collects fluorescence from a 2.1% solid angle and directs half of the signal towards an intensified CCD camera (ICCD, approx. 10% quantum efficiency at 852 nm, one detected photon generates about 350 counts on the CCD chip). The other half of the fluorescence signal is transmitted by the beamsplitter and focused onto an avalanche photodiode (APD, 50% quantum efficiency). Alternatively, the ICCD can be replaced by a second APD in order to measure photon correlations (see below). The ICCD image shows the fluorescence of a single Caesium atom trapped in the MOT. One pixel corresponds to approximately 1 µm, exposure time is 1 s. Interference and spatial filters (IF, SF) are used to suppress background.
either an intensified CCD camera or with avalanche photodiodes. Spectral as well as spatial filtering helps to suppress stray light and reduces background to typically below 20,000 counts/s while the fluorescence of a single atom contributes typically R = 60,000 counts/s to the fluorescence signal. The “portrait” of a single Caesium atom illuminated with trapping laser beams at the 852 nm D2 line is shown in Fig. 1 for a 1 s exposure time. The rate of photons recorded by the APDs reflects the time evolution of the number of trapped atoms in Fig. 2: Prominent upward steps indicate loading, downward steps disappearance of an individual atom from the trap. Neglecting background, the number of counts is proportional to the atom number N through CT = N · f · T , where f is the fluorescence rate detected from individual atom and T is the integration time of the counter. The width CT of the individual steps in Fig. 2 is dominated, to better than 99%, by shot noise, i.e.,
F IG . 2. Left: Time chart clip of resonance fluorescence from neutral atoms trapped in a MOT. Well-resolved equidistant fluorescence levels (step size f · T , see text) correspond to integer numbers of atoms. Right: Distribution of count rates shows shot noise limited detection, here for an average of about 2 atoms.
√ √ CT CT = Nf T . In order to distinguish N from N + 1 atoms with better than 99% confidence, the step√size f T must be larger than the peak widths by a factor of ≈5, i.e., f T /5 Nf T . Thus the minimal time to detect N atoms with negligible background is T 25N/f , which for f = 6 · 104 results in T N · 400 µs, many orders of magnitude shorter than the storage and hence the processing time, see the next section. For purely random loading and loss processes, the distribution of the occurrences for atom numbers N should exhibit a Poissonian distribution. In reality, deviations are observed as a result of atom–atom interactions as discussed below in more detail. An interesting application of the single atom MOT has been developed by Z. Lu and coworkers [21]: The ATTA method (Atom Trap Trace Analysis) makes use of extreme selectivity of the magneto-optical trap with respect to atom species and spatial detection. The sensitivity of the method for the detection of rare species is essentially limited by the number of atoms that can be sent through the trapping volume only.
2.2. DYNAMICS OF S INGLE ATOMS IN A MOT In the MOT, trapped atoms continuously scatter near-resonant light. During these excitation and de-excitation processes, the atoms are optically pumped from one state to another in their multilevel structure. Furthermore, due to the random transfer of momentum in each scattering event, they undergo diffusive motion in the trap volume. Finally, the interaction between atoms in the presence of nearresonant light can induce inelastic collisions causing departure from the trap. Substantial information about all relevant dynamical processes can be retrieved from photon correlations in the resonance fluorescence which are imposed by the
D. Meschede and A. Rauschenbeutel
atomic dynamics. We analyze photon correlations either by the classic configuration introduced by Hanbury Brown and Twiss [22], in order to overcome detector dead times at the shortest nanosecond time scale, or by directly recording photon arrival times with a computer and post-processing. From this data, second order auto- or cross-correlation functions are derived. In the photon language, g (2) (τ ) describes the conditional probability to observe a second photon with a delay τ once a first photon was observed: (2)
gAB (τ ) =
nA (t + τ )nB (t) , nA (t)nB (t)
where . . . denotes time averaging, and A and B symbolize the two quantities correlated with each other. The dynamics of a single (or a few) Caesium atoms trapped in the MOT can be derived from these measurements at all relevant time scales [23]: (a) Rabi-Oscillations. Excitation and de-excitation of electronic atomic transitions occurs at the nanosecond time scale. The corresponding measurement of the auto-correlation function is shown in Fig. 3(a) and shows (after substraction of the background) the famous phenomenon of anti-bunching, i.e., the second order correlation function shows non-classical behavior at τ = 0, g (2) (0) = 0 [5,24]. Damping of the Rabi oscillations occurs at the 30 ns free space lifetime of the excited Caesium 6P level. The data also show that with increasing number of atoms the rate of stochastic coincidences rapidly increases: Anti-bunching can be observed at the level of a single or very few atoms only. (b) Optical Pumping. It is known that optical pumping of multi-level atoms plays a central role for the realization of sub-Doppler temperatures in MOTs and optical molasses [25,26]. The single atom MOT has allowed to directly observe (2) optical pumping by measuring, e.g., the cross-correlation glr (τ ) for left- and right-hand circularly polarized fluorescent light, see Fig. 3(b): Observation of a lefthanded photon projects the atom into a strongly oriented quantum state from which the observation of right-handed photons is significantly reduced. Atomic motion through the spatially varying polarization of the near-resonant trapping light field induces optical pumping and causes this orientation to relax. From the data one can estimate that it takes several microseconds for an atom to travel a distance of λ/2, i.e., the length over which typical polarization variations occur. (c) Diffusive dynamics. If one half of the image of the trapping volume is blocked, the intensity measured at the detector indicates the presence of the atom in the open or in the obstructed half of the trapping volume: If an atom is detected in the visible part of the MOT, it will stay there and continue to radiate into the detector until it vanishes into the oblique part by diffusion. Fig. 3(c) shows this effect in the intensity autocorrelation measurement of a single atom moving about in a MOT. A diffusion model agrees well with the observations, showing that the so-called position relaxation time is of the order of 1 ms, as directly seen from the
F IG . 3. Time domain measurements of atomic dynamics in a MOT by photon correlations (a)–(c) and direct observation (d). See text for details.
experimental data. The average kinetic energy and hence the diffusion constant of the atom is controlled by the detuning of the trapping laser beams. (d) Cold collisions. The time chart of Fig. 3(d) shows the slow load and loss dynamics at the seconds to minutes time scale similar to the one which has already been presented in Fig. 2. One of the most interesting properties is the observation of two-atom losses (arrows), which occur much more frequently than what can be expected if one assumes Poissonian-distributed, i.e., independent, one-atom losses [27]. The analysis of the occurrence of such two-atom losses reveals that their rate is proportional to N (N − 1), where N is the total number of atoms trapped in the MOT. Its origin thus clearly stems from a two-body process. A detailed examination shows that inelastic collisions which are induced by the trapping laser light, so-called radiative escape processes [28], are the dominant mechanism for these two-atom losses. This experiment shows that atom–atom interactions can be observed at the level of only two atoms.
2.3. B EYOND P OISSONIAN L OADING Stochastic loading of the MOT is acceptable for applications with very small numbers of atoms. For instance, if MOT parameters are such that on average a single
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atom populates the trap, Poissonian statistics predicts about 37% probability of single atom events. For many experiments, implementation of control loops does not offer a significant advantage in this case. Some of the most interesting future routes of research with neutral atoms systems, however, will be directed towards small (“mesoscopic”) systems of neutral atoms with controlled interactions. In experiments it will thus be essential to load an exactly known number of, e.g., 5–20 atoms in a much shorter time than offered by stochastic fluctuations of the atom number. In the MOT the random loading process can be manipulated by controlling the magnetic field gradient, the trapping laser beam properties, or the flux of atoms entering the trap volume. Several strategies for controlling the exact number of trapped atoms have already been investigated or are currently studied: In the experiment by Schlosser et al. [29] an optical trap providing very strong confinement was superposed with the MOT (see also Section 3). Light assisted atom–atom interaction prevents presence of more than one atom in the trap which thus fluctuates between 0 and 1 atom occupation numbers only. Suppression of two-atom occupation of a purely magnetic trap was also observed by Willems et al. [30]. An active feedback scheme for a single Cr atom MOT has been introduced by McClelland and coworkers [31]: If the trap is empty, rapid loading (≈5 ms) is achieved by directing the flux from a source of Cr atoms through light forces into the MOT volume. Using the MOT fluorescence as the indicator loading is terminated when a single atom is detected in the trap, and it is dumped if the trap contains more than one atom. An average single atom occupation probability exceeding 98% has been demonstrated in this experiment. The authors estimate that such a device may deliver individual atoms up to a rate of about 10 kHz. In our laboratory, we have begun to explore a loading scheme, where we rapidly load a preset mean number of atoms into our MOT by temporarily lowering its magnetic field gradient. After this forced loading, the magnetic field gradient is ramped up again and the actual number of trapped atoms is determined by analyzing the level of fluorescence with a software discriminator [32]. As a result of this analysis, the atoms are either loaded into an optical dipole trap for further experiments, see Section 6, or, in case the MOT does not store the desired atom number, the atoms are discarded and the forced loading of the MOT is repeated.
3. Preparing Single Atoms in a Dipole Trap While the MOT is an excellent device for the preparation of an exactly known number of neutral atoms, it relies on spontaneous scattering of near-resonant laser light which is highly dissipative and makes precise quantum state control of the trapped atoms impossible. We have found in our experiments that preparation of
F IG . 4. Scheme of the experimental set-up. See text for details.
a sample of an exactly known number (1–30) of atoms in a MOT and subsequent transfer to an optical dipole trap (DT) makes a very efficient instrument for experiments investigating quantum control of small ensembles of neutral atoms. A very tightly confining dipole trap for similar objectives was demonstrated by Schlosser et al. [29]. In our experiment (Fig. 4), the DT is generated by a focused and far off resonant Nd:YAG or Yb:YAG laser beam at λ = 1.06 µm and 1.03 µm, respectively. The laser beam is split into two arms and can be used in a single beam configuration (traveling wave), or in a configuration of two counterpropagating beams (standing wave). We routinely reach transfer efficiencies from the MOT into the DT and vice versa in excess of 99% [33]. The dipole trap provides an approximately conservative, harmonic potential with bound oscillator quantum states for the neutral atoms. Focusing of the trapping laser beam power of several Watts to a 10–30 µm waist provides strong confinement of the atom in the transverse direction, and application of a standing wave with 0.5 µm modulation period exerts even stronger forces in the longitudinal direction. The dipole trap provides a typical potential depth of order UTrap /k ≈ 1 mK. After transfer from the MOT, we measure temperatures of 50–70 µK, significantly below the 125 µK Doppler temperature for Caesium atoms [34]. Sub-Doppler cooling is enhanced during transfer from the MOT into the dipole trap since the atomic transition frequencies are light shifted towards higher frequencies and hence the cooling lasers are effectively further red detuned.
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F IG . 5. Left: ICCD-image of atomic fluorescence in the optical dipole trap under continuous illumination with molasses beams, exposure time 0.5 s. In the horizontal direction, the width of the fluorescent spot is determined by the resolution of our imaging system. In the vertical direction the spot shows the extension of atomic trajectories corresponding to a temperature of about 50–70 µK in the trap of depth 1 mK. Right: Characteristic parameters of the dipole trap. Shaded areas schematically indicate MOT and molasses laser beams.
We have also realized a method to continuously illuminate an atom in the dipole trap with an optical molasses and to observe its presence through fluorescence detection. The laser cooling provided by the molasses in this case balances the heating forces. In Fig. 5 we show an ICCD image of a trapped atom as well as characteristic parameters of the dipole trap.
4. Quantum State Preparation and Detection Neutral atoms are considered to be one of several interesting routes towards the implementation of quantum information processing. Fundamental information processing operations such as the famous quantum CNOT gate must be realized through physical interaction of the qubits [35]. For neutral atoms, several concepts, including photon exchange mediated by cavity-QED [36–38], or cold collisions [39,40] have been proposed. Each of these concepts relies on tight control of the quantum evolution of atomic qubits which already poses important experimental challenges. In our experiments, hyperfine ground states of the Caesium atom are employed as qubits, the elementary units of quantum information storage. It is well known from the Caesium atomic clock that the microwave transition operated at νhfs = 9.2 GHz between the long lived |F = 4 and |F = 3 hyperfine states provides
efficient means of internal quantum state manipulation. It is thus expected that specific hyperfine states of the Caesium atom are excellent candidates to serve as qubit states with, e.g., |0 = |F = 4 and |1 = |F = 3. The first step in these applications is to prepare and detect (“write” and “read”) arbitrary quantum state into Caesium prepared in the DT. During the transfer from the MOT into the dipole trap, an atom is normally prepared in the |F = 4 state. This is achieved by switching off the MOT cooling laser, near resonant with the |F = 4 → |F = 5 transition, a few milliseconds before switching off the MOT repumping laser, resonant with the |F = 3 → |F = 4 transition. After this transfer, we can populate the |F = 4, mF = 0 magnetic substate using resonant optical pumping on the |F = 4 → |F = 4 and |F = 3 → |F = 4 transition of the λ = 852 nm D2-line multiplet for about 5 ms with linear π-polarized light. In the mF = 0 states, the influence of ambient magnetic field fluctuations is strongly suppressed, a favorable condition for the observation of long dephasing times described in Section 5. On the other hand, using circular σ − -polarized light, atoms can be pumped to the |F = 4, mF = −4 state. This state allows fine tuning of its energy level by external magnetic fields which is essential for position selective addressing and the implementation of a neutral atom quantum register (see Section 7). Finally, an initial pure |F = 3 quantum state can be prepared by switching off the MOT repumping laser about 10 ms before switching off the MOT cooling laser. In this way, the |F = 4 state is depleted while transferring the atom from the MOT into the DT. In our trap, residual light scattering of the DT lasers causes relaxation of the hyperfine state populations of the |F = 3 and |F = 4 Caesium ground states at a time scale of several seconds or more, depending on the trapping laser intensity. For unambiguous detection of the hyperfine state of the trapped atoms, we currently use a destructive “push-out” method [41], which discriminates the F = 3 and F = 4 levels with excellent contrast of better than 1:200 (Fig. 6). Discrimination is realized by ejecting atoms from the trap if and only if they are in the F = 4 state and by monitoring the presence or absence of the atom after this procedure. For this purpose, a saturating laser beam resonant with the F = 4 → F = 5 cycling transition is applied transversely to the dipole trap axis. When the trap depth is lowered to approximately 0.12 mK, atoms in F = 4 are pushed out in less than 1 ms by scattering on average 35 photons. Atoms in the |F = 3 state are not affected by the push-out laser. In the last step, the remaining atoms are either detected at a given dipole trap site by imaging with the ICCD camera, or by observing their fluorescence after recapture in the MOT. A fluorescing site indicates projection to the F = 3 quantum state, an empty site that was occupied before is equivalent to projection to the F = 4 quantum state.
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F IG . 6. Detecting the quantum state of a single neutral atom. Upper trace: An atom is prepared in the MOT and transferred to the dipole trap in state |F = 4. A resonant push-out laser removes the atom from the trap. When the MOT lasers are switched on again, stray light is observed only. Lower trace: In the dipole trap, the atom is transferred to the dipole trap in state |F = 3. The push-out laser is invisible for an atom in |F = 3. After switching on the MOT lasers the 1 atom fluorescence level is recovered. See text for details on atom state preparation.
5. Superposition States of Single Atoms The two hyperfine states form a pseudo spin-1/2 system, which can be manipulated by spin rotations, induced by shining in microwave radiation resonant with the atomic clock transition. For instance, spin-flips are caused by so-called π π π-pulses (|0 → |1, |1 → −|0), where for a given magnetic field amplitude B⊥ and transition moment μ the microwave pulse duration τ is defined by Ωτ = (μB⊥ /h¯ )τ = π. We have found that in our geometrically complex apparatus, the power of our 33 dBm microwave source is most efficiently directed at the experimental region with a simple open ended waveguide. We find a minimal pulse length of 16 µs for a π-pulse. Arbitrary quantum state superpositions cos(Ωτ/2)|0 + eiφ sin(Ωτ/2)|1 can be generated by varying the pulse area Ωτ and phase φ, and a π/2-pulse generates superpositions with even contributions of the two quantum eigenstates. Future applications of the trapped atom quantum states as qubits depend crucially on the question whether coupling to the environment (“decoherence”) or to technical imperfections and noise (“dephasing”) can be suppressed to such a degree that coherent quantum evolution is preserved at all relevant time scales.
Promisingly long coherence time in dipole traps have been first observed by Davidson et al. [42]. In the Bloch vector model, the longitudinal and transversal relaxation time constants T1 and T2 , are introduced phenomenologically. T1 describes the relaxation of the population difference of the two quantum states to their thermal equilibrium, T2 the relaxation of the phase coherence between the two spin states. While spontaneous decay is completely negligible, the hyperfine state of the Caesium atom can be changed by spontaneous Raman scattering. In our current setup, we measure typically T1 3 s [33]. With the exception of the trap life time of order 1 min this time is longer than all other relaxation times. It can be further increased by reducing the trapping laser power. Several mechanisms contribute to transversal relaxation described by the time constant T2 . Here, we distinguish reversible contributions with time constant T2∗ arising from inhomogeneities of the measured ensemble, and irreversible contributions (T2 ), which affect the ensemble homogeneously. The total transversal relaxation time constant is thus composed of two different time constants with T2−1 = T2∗ −1 + T2 −1 . Using Ramsey’s method of separated oscillatory fields [43] we have experimentally determined the atomic coherence properties with regard to dephasing in the dipole trap [44]. A detailed analysis can be found in [41]. Figure 7 shows an example of Ramsey spectroscopy, i.e., the evolution of the mF = 0 hyperfine state under the action of two π/2 microwave pulses as a function of the delay time between the pulses. If the microwave is resonant with the hyperfine transition, one expects perfect transfer from one to the other hyperfine state. The “Ramsey-fringes” observed here result from a small, intentional detun-
F IG . 7. Population oscillation showing hyperfine coherences of optically trapped Caesium atoms: Dephasing Ramsey fringes and spin echo signal. The |F = 3, mF = 0 state is coupled to the |F = 4, mF = 0 state by 9.2 GHz microwaves. The solid line corresponds to a theoretical prediction based on the thermal energy distribution of the atoms in the dipole trap only. For details see [41,44].
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ing from perfect resonance. The initially observed coherent oscillation collapses after a dephasing time T2∗ ≈ T2 , where longer dephasing times are observed for more shallow dipole potentials. This dephasing is caused by the thermal distribution of atomic motional states in the dipole trap which causes an inhomogeneous distribution of light shifts: “Cold” atoms with low kinetic energy near the potential minimum, or intensity maximum of the dipole trap experience on average stronger light shifts than “hot” atoms with larger kinetic energy. The phase evolution of the internal atomic quantum state depends on the external, motional degrees of freedom since binding forces are caused by the light shift of the internal energy levels. Since the two hyperfine states F = 3 and F = 4 experience a small but significant relative light shift of order νhfs /νD2 = η 10−4 , the phase evolution of any superposition state is affected by this difference and causes dephasing depending on the trajectory of the atom in the trap. In a semiclassical model, we have assumed that the free precession phase accumulated by an atomic superposition state between the two π/2-pulses depends on the average differential light shift only and calculated the thermal ensemble average yielding the solid line in Fig. 7. A quantum mechanical density matrix calculation of the same observable reproduces this result within a few percent. The deviation can be attributed to the occurrence of small oscillator quantum numbers nosc 7 in the stiff direction of the trap. We find that the envelope of the collapse of the initial oscillation corresponds to the Fourier transform of the thermal oscillator state distribution [41]. It is known that a “spin-echo” can be induced by application of a rephasing pulse [45]. Application of a π-pulse at time Tπ induces an echo of the Ramsey signal with a maximum amplitude at time 2Tπ . The revival of the oscillation is also shown in Fig. 7. We have measured a 1/e decay time T2 0.15 s for the revival amplitude. We have experimentally analyzed in detail the origin of this irreversible decay. We have found that currently the dominating sources of decoherence are the lack of beam pointing stability as well as intensity fluctuations of the trapping laser beams, while other effects such as magnetic field fluctuations and heating are negligible [41]. All relevant relaxation and dephasing times are recapitulated in Table I. Since no fundamental source of decoherence has been found which could not be reduced by technical measures, it should be possible to further increase the time span of coherent quantum evolution of the trapped atoms. Alternatively, we have also employed resonant two-photon Raman transitions in order to introduce pseudo-spin rotations. In Fig. 8 we show a measurement of population oscillations (Rabi oscillations) between the F = 4 and F = 3 Caesium hyperfine ground states [46]. Efficient two-photon Rabi rotations are already achieved with relatively low power levels below 1 mW in each laser beam, e.g., in Fig. 8 the two-photon Rabi frequency exceeds 10 kHz. It is routine today to use focused Raman laser beams in order to address an individual particle out
Table I Measured hyperfine relaxation times of atoms in our dipole trap Trelax
Umax /k (mK)
0, −4
8.6 s
0.1 0.04 0.1
0 0 −4
3 ms 19 ms 270 µs
thermal motion, scalar light shift thermal motion, scalar light shift thermal motion, vector light shift
0.1 0.04 0.1
0 0 −4
34 ms 150 ms 2 ms
600 µs
beam pointing instability beam pointing instability without gradient: thermal motion, vector light shift with gradient: thermal motion, inhomogeneous magnetic field
Limiting mechanism
spontaneous Raman scattering
F IG . 8. Population (Rabi) oscillation showing hyperfine coherences of optically trapped Caesium atoms induced by resonant two-photon Raman transitions [46]. On the left side, details of the Caesium quantum states involved and the power levels of the Raman laser beams are given.
of a string of trapped ions [47] and to induce quantum coherences. This method, which has significantly contributed to the first successful operations of fundamental quantum gates with in these systems [48,49], is straightforwardly transferred to systems of neutral atoms. However, in Section 7 we will show that, with neutral atoms, a gradient method providing spatial resolution via spectral resolution can be applied which eliminates the need for focused laser beams.
6. Loading Multiple Atoms into the Dipole Trap When atoms are transferred from the MOT into the dipole trap, they are distributed randomly across a 10 µm stretch of the standing wave, corresponding to
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F IG . 9. (a) After the transfer from the MOT, the atoms are trapped in the potential wells of the standing wave dipole trap at random positions. The spatial period of the schematic potential wells is stretched for illustration purposes. (b) Fluorescence image of five optically resolved atoms in the standing wave dipole trap (trap axis is horizontal) after the 1D expansion detailed in the text. Integration time is 0.5 s.
about 20 antinodes or potential wells. With 5 atoms, the average separation is only 2 µm, too small to be optically resolved by our imaging system. In order to improve the addressability, we have adopted a modified transfer procedure: After the transfer from the MOT into the standing wave dipole trap, formed by the two counterpropagating laser beams, we switch off one of the two beams within 1 ms. The potential of the resulting running wave dipole trap, created by one focussed laser beam, has Lorentzian shape with a FWHM of about 1 mm in the longitudinal direction. We let the atoms expand longitudinally for 1 ms such that they occupy a length of ≈100 µm. Then, we switch the second trapping laser beam on again within 1 ms, so that the atoms are “arrested” by the standing wave micropotentials at the position they have reached during the expansion. Exposure to the optical molasses warrants low temperatures of the trapped atoms. The 5 fluorescent spots in Fig. 9 correspond to a single atom each, spread out across 50 µm in this case with easily resolvable spatial separations. As has been pointed out in Section 2.3, we have recently started to operate a feedback scheme for loading a preset number of atoms into our DT. For this, the MOT is rapidly loaded with a selectable mean number of atoms, which are only transferred into the DT if the desired number of atoms is detected in the MOT. This is particularly useful if one seeks to carry out experiments with a larger number (>3) of atoms. In this case, loading the DT with a Poissonian distributed number of atoms and postselection of the events with the desired atom number dramatically increases data acquisition time. First results obtained with this scheme are presented in Fig. 10: Part (a) shows the accumulated unconditional MOT fluorescence histogram for a large number of MOT loading cycles with a mean atom number of about 3. Part (b), on the other hand, corresponds to those events, where three atoms have been detected in the MOT, loaded into the DT, and retransferred into the MOT. The resulting conditional histogram clearly shows that we manage to controllably load three atoms into the DT with a good efficiency. In the course of these experiments, we have also found that single atom
F IG . 10. Selectively loading 3 atoms. (a) Binned fluorescence signal detected by the APD after a large number of MOT loading processes. Part (b) contains all events, where three atoms were detected by the feedback loop. These atoms were then transferred into the DT and back into the MOT, see text for details.
occupation of the 1D lattice sites is generally preferred over multiple occupation favoring a regular, non-Poissonian distribution of the atoms. Details will be published in [32].
7. Realization of a Quantum Register A quantum register consists of a well-known number of qubits that can be individually addressed and coherently manipulated. Our quantum register is composed of a string of neutral atoms, provided by the procedures described in the previous sections, which can be selectively prepared in arbitrary quantum states. In ion traps selective addressing is achieved by means of focused Raman laser beams [47]. As discussed in Section 5, we have shown that Raman pulses can
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F IG . 11. Sequence of operations to generate and detect a |01010 quantum register state in a string of five atoms. The whole sequence lasts 1.5 s.
be used to create coherent superpositions of hyperfine states of the atoms trapped in our experiment [46]. However, in the experiments presented here, we use an alternative technique where we apply microwave radiation which is made resonant with an atom at a selected site only by means of magnetic field gradients. In this method, spatial selectivity is indeed realized in the same way as in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [50]. We can currently operate our register in the following way [51], see Fig. 11: We load between 2 and 10 atoms into our dipole trap. We then take a camera picture and determine the positions of all atoms with sub-micrometer precision. In the next step all atoms are optically pumped into the same |F = 4, mF = −4 quantum state as described in Section 4 to initialize the register. Individual addressing is now realized by tuning the microwave frequency to the exact transition frequency corresponding to the known individual atomic sites where the relationship is controlled by an external B-field gradient of B 0.15 µT/µm along the DT axis. The atomic resonance frequency is shifted by the linear Zeeman effect according to ν = νhfs + 24.5 kHz/µT, and we find a spatial frequency shift of dν/dz = 3.7 kHz/µm. We also apply a homogeneous magnetic field of about 0.4 mT in order to provide guiding for the angular momenta and to reduce the influence of transversal magnetic field gradients. In Fig. 11 we show the result of two selective inversion operations (π-pulses) carried out with a string of five atoms stored in our dipole trap array. We have furthermore measured the resolution of the magnetic field gradient method. Figure 12 shows the result for the longest pulses applied (83 µs FWHM). The solid line is obtained from a numerical solution of the Bloch equations and reproduces the measurement very well. The spatial resolution is limited by the
F IG . 12. Measured spatial resolution of the addressing scheme. The data were obtained by deliberately addressing positions offset from the actual atom site. For each point approximately 40 single atom events were analyzed. The Gaussian microwave π -pulse has a FWHM length of 83 µs.
Fourier width of the microwave pulse. Our method clearly demonstrates that we can address atoms for separations exceeding 2.5 µm (i.e., atoms are separated by about 5 empty sites). The resolution of the magnetic method in our current set-up is thus comparable to addressing by optical focusing. Neighboring atoms experience of course a phase shift due to non-resonant interaction with the microwave radiation. However, this phase shift is known and can be taken into account in further operations. We have furthermore explored the coherence properties of atoms, now in the magnetically most sensitive mF = −4 states instead of the mF = 0 states. The results are displayed in Table I of Section 5. It is not surprising that dephasing times are much shorter in this case and are indeed dominated by fluctuations and inhomogeneities of the magnetic field. However, they are already now much larger than simple operation times for, e.g., π-pulses and technical improvements will further enhance the time available for coherent evolution. The method described requires very precise timing of the microwave pulses in order to guarantee a precise control of the evolution from one quantum state to another. As an alternative, we have also applied quantum state control by means of rapid adiabatic passage [52]: In this case, the frequency of an intense microwave pulse is swept through resonance thereby transforming an initial into a final eigenstate of the system, in our case realized for the |F = 4 and |F = 3 hyperfine ground states. In a gradient magnetic field we have analyzed the transfer probability as a function of the resonance position of the sweep center frequency with respect to the trapped atom for a fixed sweep width. The result in Fig. 13 shows the expected flat top profile indicating the reduced sensitivity to the precise setting of the center frequency and the sweep width [53]. The width of the edges which drop to zero within 3 µm is a measure of the spatial resolution of this method and comparable to the resonant addressing scheme described above.
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F IG . 13. Position-dependent adiabatic population transfer of individual atoms in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. The graph shows the population transfer as a function of the position offset x along the trap axis. Each data point is obtained from about 40 single atom measurements. The solid line is a theoretical fit [53].
Summarizing, in this section we have demonstrated procedures to experimentally realize both write and read operations at the level of a single neutral atom. We have demonstrated individual addressing of the atoms within a string of stored atoms with excellent resolution, and we are able to prepare arbitrary quantum superpositions on an individual atomic, or qubit site. In conclusion we have demonstrated the operation of a neutral atom quantum register, including the application of spin rotations, i.e., Hadamard gates in the language of quantum information processing.
8. Controlling the Atoms’ Absolute and Relative Positions Considering the ratio between the experimentally measured 2.5 µm addressing resolution presented above and the 1 mm Rayleigh zone of our standing wave DT, our neutral atom quantum register could in principle operate on more than 100 individually addressable qubits. Methods for the regularization of the distribution of atoms by controlling their absolute positions in the trap must be realized, however, in order to manage larger quantum registers. Tight position control is furthermore essential to realize the necessary controlled atom–atom interaction. In optical cavity QED, for example, this interaction is mediated by the field of an ultrahigh finesse Fabry–Perot resonator [36,54]. The field mode sustained by such a resonator has a typical transverse dimension of 10 µm so that the atom pair will have to be placed into this mode with a submicrometer precision while the
distance between the atoms has to be controlled at the same level. We have demonstrated such a submicrometer position control for individual neutral atoms [55].
8.1. A N O PTICAL C ONVEYOR B ELT The position of the trapped atoms along the DT axis can be conveniently manipulated by introducing a relative detuning between the two counter-propagating dipole trap laser beams. A detuning by ν causes the standing wave pattern to move in the laboratory frame with a speed νλDT /2, where λDT is the wavelength of the DT laser. As a result, the trapping potential moves along the DT axis and thereby transports the atoms [56–58]. In the experiment, the relative detuning between the DT beams can be easily set with radiofrequency precision by acousto-optic modulators (AOMs, Fig. 4). They are placed in each beam and are driven by a phase-synchronous digital dual-frequency synthesizer. A phase slip of one cycle between the two trapping laser beams corresponds to a transportation distance of λDT /2. We can realize typical accelerations of a = 10,000 m/s2 and hence accelerate the atoms to velocities of up to 5 m/s (limited by the 10 MHz bandwidth of the AOMs) in half a millisecond. Thus, for typical parameters, a 1 mm transport takes about 1 ms. At the same time, the displacement of the atoms is controlled with a precision better than the dipole trap laser wavelength since this scheme allows us to control the relative phase of the two trapping laser beams to a fraction of a radian. Using continuous illumination, we have imaged the controlled motion of one and the same or several atoms (Fig. 14) transported by the conveyor belt [58] with observation times exceeding one minute. Recently, it was shown that optical dipole traps similarly to our arrangement can be used to transport neutral atoms into high finesse resonators for cavity-QED experiments with very good precision [59,60].
8.2. M EASURING AND C ONTROLLING THE ATOMS ’ P OSITIONS If one wants to take ultimate advantage of the optical conveyor belt transport above in order to place atoms at a predetermined position, the atoms’ initial position along the dipole trap axis has to be known with the highest possible precision, ideally better than the distance between two adjacent potential wells. This can be achieved by recording and analyzing an ICCD fluorescence image of the trapped atoms. We have shown that by fitting the corresponding fluorescence peaks with a Gaussian, the atoms’ position can be determined with a ±150 nm precision from an ICCD image with 1 s exposure time [55].
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F IG . 14. Transport of 3 atoms by an optical conveyor belt: Snapshots of the movie published in [58]. In the first image, 3 atoms are stored in the MOT from where they are loaded into the conveyor belt formed by two counterpropagating laser beams. The frequency difference of the laser beams is controlled with two AOMs driven by a phase-coherent RF-source. At 40 s and 65 s the direction of transport is reversed. The atoms are lost from the conveyor belt by random collisions with thermal residual gas.
Furthermore, we have demonstrated that by means of our optical conveyor belt technique, we can place an atom at a predetermined position along the dipole trap axis with a ±300 nm accuracy. Such a position control sequence is exemplified in
F IG . 15. Active position control. (a) After transferring a single atom from the MOT into the dipole trap its initial position is determined from an ICCD image and its distance with respect to the target position is calculated. (b) The atom is then transported to the target position and its final position is again measured from an ICCD image.
Fig. 15. After loading one atom from the MOT into the dipole trap, its position has a ±5 µm uncertainty, corresponding to the diameter of the MOT. We determine the atom’s initial position from a first ICCD fluorescence image and calculate its distance L from the desired target position. The atom is then transported to this target position and the success of the operation is verified by means of a second ICCD image. In order to measure the distance between two simultaneously trapped atoms, we determine their individual positions as above. From one such measurement with √ 1 s integration time, their distance can thus be inferred with a precision of 2 × 150 nm. This precision can even be further increased by taking more than one image of the atom pair and by averaging over the measurements obtained from these images. Now, since the atoms are trapped inside a periodic potential, their distance d should be an integer multiple of the standing wave period: d = nλDT /2; see Fig. 9(a). This periodicity is clearly visible in Fig. 16, where the cumulative distribution of atomic separations is given when averaging over more
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F IG . 16. Cumulative distribution of separations between simultaneously trapped atoms inside the standing wave potential. The discreteness of the atomic separations due to the standing wave potential is clearly visible.
than 10 distance measurements for each atom pair. The resolution of this distance measurement scheme is ±36 nm, much smaller than the standing wave period. We directly infer this value from the width of the vertical steps in Fig. 16. This result shows that we can determine the exact number of potential wells separating the simultaneously trapped atoms [55].
8.3. T WO -D IMENSIONAL P OSITION M ANIPULATION A single standing wave optical dipole trap allows to shift the position of a string of trapped atoms as a whole in one dimension along the dipole trap axis using the optical conveyor belt technique presented above. If one seeks to prepare strings with a well-defined spacing or to rearrange the order of a string of trapped atoms, however, a two-dimensional manipulation of the atomic positions is required. For this reason, we have set up a second standing wave dipole trap, perpendicular to the first one, which acts as optical tweezers and which allows us to extract atoms out of a string and to reinsert them at another predefined position. Figure 17 shows a first preliminary result towards this atom sorting and distance control scheme [61]. We start with a string of three randomly spaced atoms which has been loaded from the MOT into the horizontal (conveyor belt) dipole trap. In Fig. 17(a), the string has already been shifted such that the rightmost atom is placed at the position of the vertical (optical tweezers) dipole trap. This atom is then extracted with the vertical dipole trap and, after shifting the remaining two atoms along the horizontal dipole trap, we place it 15 µm to the left of the initially leftmost atom of the string; see Figs. 17(b)–(d). Repeating this procedure a second time, we prepare a string of three equidistantly spaced atoms, where the order of
F IG . 17. Rearranging a string of three atoms using two perpendicular standing wave dipole traps. See text for details.
the string has been modified according to (1, 2, 3) → (3, 1, 2) → (2, 3, 1); see Figs. 17(e)–(h).
9. Towards Entanglement of Neutral Atoms There is a plentitude of proposals of how to implement a two-qubit quantum gate with neutral atoms which suggest the coherent photon exchange of two atoms inside a high-finesse optical resonator [36,54,59,62]. The experimental challenges for their realization are quite demanding. Although there has been a number of successes in optical cavity-QED research recently, including the transport of atoms into a cavity [59,60], trapping of single atoms inside a cavity [63], single photon generation [64,65], feedback control of the atomic motion in a cavity [66,67], and cooling of atoms inside a cavity [68–70], the realization of a two-qubit quantum gate with ground state atoms remains to be shown.
9.1. A N O PTICAL H IGH -F INESSE R ESONATOR FOR S TORING P HOTONS Our goal is the deterministic placement of two atoms inside an optical high-finesse resonator. For this purpose, we have already set up and stabilized a suitable res-
D. Meschede and A. Rauschenbeutel
onator [71]. We plan to transport atoms from the MOT, which is a few millimeters away from the cavity, into the cavity mode using our optical conveyor belt. Employing the imaging techniques and the image analysis presented above, we were recently able to control the position of the trapped atoms along the trap axis with a precision of ±300 nm [55]. This should allow us to reliably place the atoms into the center of the cavity mode, which has a diameter of 10 µm. Since the microwave-induced one-qubit operations on the quantum register demonstrated in Section 7 do not require optical access to the trapped atoms, they can even take place inside the cavity.
9.2. A F OUR -P HOTON E NTANGLEMENT S CHEME One of the most promising schemes to create entanglement between two atoms in optical cavity QED was proposed by L. You et al. [54] and is the basis for the realization of a quantum phase gate [72]. It relies on the coherent energy exchange between two atoms stimulated by a four-photon Raman process involving the cavity mode and an auxiliary laser field. We have determined optimized theoretical parameters and calculated the expected fidelity according to this proposal for our particular experimental conditions. With a maximum fidelity of F = 85%, which can be expected from this calculation. The demonstration of entanglement and the implementation of a quantum gate thus seems feasible with our experimental apparatus.
9.3. C OLD C OLLISIONS IN S PIN -D EPENDENT P OTENTIALS We plan to investigate small strings of collisionally interacting neutral atoms for applications in quantum information processing. The atoms are stored, one by one, in a standing wave dipole trap and the interaction between the atoms, necessary for the implementation of quantum gates, will be realized through controlled cold collisions [39,40] which have been demonstrated with large sample of ultracold atoms already but without addressability of the individual atomic qubit [15]. For this purpose, we will employ the technique of spin dependent transport [39,40] at the level of individual atoms. This technique will allows us to “manually” split the wave functions of the trapped atoms in a deterministic and fully controlled single atom Stern–Gerlach experiment, where the dipole trap provides the effective magnetic field. By recombining the atomic wave function, we will then realize a single atom interferometer and directly measure the coherence properties of the splitting process. A sequence of splitting operations, carried out on a single atom, will result in a quantum analogue of the Galton board, where the atom carries out a quantum walk. Such quantum walks have recently been proposed as an alternative approach to quantum computing [73]. Our ultimate goal
is the implementation of fundamental quantum gates using controlled cold collisions within a register of 2–10 trapped neutral atoms. A parallel application of such quantum gates should then open the route towards the preparation of small cluster states [74] consisting of up to 10 individually addressable qubits.
10. Conclusions In this overview, we have presented experimental techniques and results concerning the preparation and manipulation of single or a few optically trapped neutral Caesium atoms. We have shown that a specially designed magneto-optical trap (MOT) can store a countable number of atoms. Information about the dynamics of these atoms inside the MOT can be gained at all relevant timescales by analyzing photon correlation in their resonance fluorescence. Furthermore, using active feedback schemes, the Poissonian fluctuations of the number of atoms in the MOT can be overcome, making such a MOT a highly deterministic source of an exactly known number of cold atoms. For coherent manipulation, we transfer the atoms with a high efficiency from the dissipative MOT into the conservative potential of a standing wave dipole trap (DT). The quantum state of atoms stored in this DT can be reliably prepared and detected at the level of single atoms. We have examined the coherence properties of the atoms in the DT and identified the dephasing mechanisms in this system. The experimentally measured long coherence times show that the atomic hyperfine ground states are well suited for encoding and processing coherent information. A string of such trapped Caesium atoms has thus been used to realize a quantum register, where individual atoms were addressed with microwave pulses in combination with a magnetic field gradient. Using this method, we have demonstrated all basic register operations: initialization, selective addressing, coherent manipulation, and state-selective detection of the individual atomic states. We have furthermore demonstrated a high level of control of the atoms’ external degrees of freedom. Our DT can be operated as an “optical conveyor belt” that allows to move the atoms with submicrometer precision along the DT. In addition, we have measured the absolute and relative positions of the atoms along the dipole trap with a submicrometer accuracy. This high resolution allows us to measure the exact number of potential wells separating simultaneously trapped atoms in our 532 nm-period standing wave potential and to transport an atom to a predetermined position with a suboptical wavelength precision. Finally, using a second dipole trap operated as optical tweezers, we have obtained first results towards an active control of the atoms’ relative positions within the string. This will allow us to prepare strings with a preset interatomic spacing and to rearrange the order of atoms within the string at will.
D. Meschede and A. Rauschenbeutel
The presented techniques are compatible with the requirements of cavity QED and controlled cold collision experiments. In our laboratory, we now actively work towards the implementation of such experiments in order to realize quantum logic operations with neutral ground state atoms.
11. Acknowledgements We wish to thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, INTAS, and the European Commission for continued support. Furthermore, we are indebted to numerous enthusiastic coworkers and students at the Diplom- and doctoral level who have participated in this research: W. Alt, K. Dästner, I. Dotsenko, L. Förster, D. Frese, V. Gomer, D. Haubrich, M. Khudaverdyan, S. Knappe, S. Kuhr, Y. Miroshnychenko, S. Reick, U. Reiter, W. Rosenfeld, H. Schadwinkel, D. Schrader, F. Strauch, B. Ueberholz, and R. Wynands.
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1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Enhanced Depth of Focus with Wavefront Coding . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Abbe’s Theory of the Microscope and Wavefront Coding . . 2.2. Partial Coherent Illumination and Wavefront Coding . . . . 2.3. Wavefront Coding with Variable Phase Plates . . . . . . . . 3. Spatial Imaging with Optical Coherence Tomography . . . . . . 3.1. Time Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (TDOCT) . . 3.2. Linear Optical Coherence Tomography (LOCT) . . . . . . . 3.3. Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SDOCT) 4. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Abstract With wavefront coding the wavefront in the pupil plane of an optical imaging system is modified by introducing a phasemask. The resulting image intensity distribution is processed with an inverse digital filter providing an image of the object with enhanced depth of focus. Optical coherence tomography provides three-dimensional information about the object. The depth resolution is only determined by the coherence length of the light source. New applications and methods based on these techniques are presented.
∗ I am very pleased to dedicate this review article to Prof. Herbert Walther. I have learnt from him how to get an understanding of complicated phenomena both in quantum and in classical optics in terms of simple pictures and key experiments. Happy birthday.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53004-6
T. Hellmuth
1. Introduction It is easy to measure the height of an object with a microscope by focusing first onto the top plane and then onto the bottom plane of the object and measuring the displacement of the probe stage. However, it is more difficult to find the position of best focus the smaller the numerical aperture of the objective is because of its large depth of focus. Furthermore, due to the low numerical aperture lateral resolution is also low. Thus, high depth of focus seems to be associated with low lateral resolution and low depth resolution. In fact, according to linear optical system theory first established by Ernst Abbe in 1881 with his theory of the microscope depth resolution is directly related to lateral resolution of the optical system [4]. For a diffraction limited optical system both depth of focus DOF = λ/NA2 and lateral resolution limit dmin = λ/2NA are determined by the numerical aperture NA of the objective and the wavelength λ. Many optical systems are intrinsically characterized by a large depth of focus. For example, in ophthalmoscopy the optically usable pupil diameter of the eye is only two millimeters. With dilation of the pupil higher pupil diameters are possible. But due to the optical aberrations of the eye the dilated pupil diameter cannot be fully utilized for imaging the fundus. With the normal eye length of 24 millimeters and the mean refractive index of the aqueous and vitreous humor of n = 1.34 the effective numerical aperture of fundus imaging systems is practically limited to NA = 0.06 with λ = 0.55 µm giving a depth of focus of 0.15 mm and a lateral resolution limit of 5 µm. Although lateral resolution fulfills most diagnostic needs depth of focus of 0.15 mm forbids resolution of the microscopically thin layer structures of the retina with classical optical sectioning techniques like confocal imaging. Similar restrictions of the numerical aperture of imaging systems limit also depth resolution in industrial metrology. The working distance has to be large to avoid collisions and the aperture angle of the optical system has to be small to fit into narrow apertures. On the other hand surface structures of workpieces have to be measured within the manufacturing process with resolutions in the order of microns. In other applications like image processing large numerical apertures are needed to get enough light to the CCD-target. The prize to pay is small depth of focus. As a consequence the position of the object has to be controlled by complex autofocus systems. These practical examples show that the complementarity of depth of focus versus lateral resolution on one side and the complementarity of depth of focus versus depth resolution on the other severely limit the performance of optical systems in many situations.
Within the last 15 years two new approaches have been brought up which have in common to provide high depth of focus without restricting either lateral resolution or depth resolution. An optical imaging technique with both enhanced depth of focus and high lateral resolution was first invented by Dowski et al. in 1995 using wavefront coding [1–3]. With this approach the optical transfer function of an imaging system is modified at the pupil plane. An inverse digital filter is applied to the image to restore an image with high depth of focus and almost no loss of lateral resolution. Optical coherence tomography invented by Fujimoto et al. in 1991 is an imaging technique providing both high depth of focus and high depth resolution [8]. This method makes use of short coherence interferometry where depth resolution is no longer limited by the numerical aperture of the optical system but by the coherence length of the light source. Both wavefront coding and optical coherence tomography essentially depend on the coherence properties of the illumination. Wavefront coding only works with illumination characterized by a low degree of spatial coherence whereas optical coherence tomography is based on the low temporal coherence of the light source. In the following sections various new applications and extensions of the two methods are discussed which have been developed and investigated at Aalen University of Applied Sciences.
2. Enhanced Depth of Focus with Wavefront Coding Wavefront coding is a technique which provides high depth of focus without loss of lateral resolution. A cubic phaseplate (Fig. 1) is located at the exit pupil of the optical system. The phaseplate is a transparent plate with one flat surface on one side and a cubic surface on the other. The surface sag of the cubic surface can be described by the sag function h(x, y) = α(x 3 +y 3 ). The parameter α determines the “strength” of the phaseplate. Because the phaseplate modifies the wavefront Φ(x, y) in the exit pupil the optical transfer function OTF of the optical system is modified. The OTF is the autocorrelation function of the pupil function p(x, y) [6]: p(x, y) = t (x, y)e−iΦ(x,y) ,
OTF = p(x, y) ⊗ p(x, y)
with “⊗” symbolizing the correlation operation. It is t (x, y) the stop function which is 1 within the stop aperture and 0 outside. The modulation transfer function MTF = |OTF| describes the image contrast as a function of the spatial frequency of a periodic object.
T. Hellmuth
F IG . 1. Measured surface of cubic phaseplate.
The cubic phaseplate reduces the image contrast but does not reduce the bandwidth of the optical system. In addition, with the cubic phaseplate in place the OTF and the MTF do not change significantly when the object is defocused over many depths of focus of the optical system. Because the OTF is invariant over a large depth of field it is possible to apply an inverse filter OTF−1 to the Fourier transform of the acquired image with the phaseplate in place to get an unblurred image with a large depth of focus. Figure 2 shows the MTF of a focused diffraction limited optical system with and without phaseplate. Below the respective MTFs are shown for the defocused object. Whereas the bandwidth of the MTF dramatically shrinks when the optical system without phaseplate is defocused both the shape and the bandwidth of the MTF of the optical system with cubic phaseplate remain constant. In addition the MTF of the defocused optical system without phaseplate is zero for certain spatial frequencies, in other words, these frequencies are not transmitted to the image at all. Figure 3 shows the point spread function (PSF) of the optical system with the cubic phaseplate in place. The PSF is related to the OTF by the Fourier transform OTF = FT{PSF}. The PSF can be measured by using a transilluminated pinhole as an object and registering the image with a CCD camera. Figure 4 (left) shows the blurred image of a defocused barcode pattern. The cubic phaseplate is not inserted. Figure 4 (right) shows the inversely filtered image when the cubic phaseplate is inserted. This image is Fourier transformed to get the spatial frequency spectrum. The complex spectrum function is inversely filtered by the inverse optical transfer function OTF−1 = 1/FT{PSF} of the optical system with the cubic phaseplate in place. Finally the inversely filtered spectrum is multiplied by the focused optical transfer function of the optical system with-
F IG . 2. Ideal MTF of a focused diffraction limited system (top left). MTF of the same optical system with phaseplate in place (top right). MTF of defocused optical system without phaseplate (bottom left). MTF of defocused optical system with phaseplate (bottom right).
out phaseplate OTFideal . The restored image is received by the inverse Fourier transform imagerestored = FT−1 FT{image} · OTF−1 · OTFideal . (3) Because the OTF of the optical system with cubic phaseplate does not significantly change over a large depth of field the inverse filter is able to restore the unblurred image even if the object is defocused. A typical application shows Fig. 5. A barcode reading system needs a high aperture to receive enough light from the object. Barcode readers are mainly used
T. Hellmuth
F IG . 3. Point spread function of the optical system with cubic phaseplate. It is registered with a CCD target. The object is a transilluminated pinhole with a diameter considerably smaller than the resolution of the objective.
F IG . 4. Image of defocused barcode. Objective without cubic phaseplate (left). Inversely filtered image of defocused barcode. Objective with cubic phaseplate (right).
in logistic applications, for example, to identify pieces of luggage on conveyor belts in airports. Due to the high aperture which is necessary to accept enough light within a short image acquisition time the depth of focus of an ordinary camera becomes too small compared to the variable object distances one has to cope with. Fast autofocus systems have to track the barcode. An alternative is depth of focus enhancement with cameras equipped with cubic phaseplates. The theory of wavefront coding can be explained in terms of ambiguity functions [2]. Although this approach is very useful for the optimization and the design of cubic phaseplates it is of a more formal nature. Therefore, in the following section the theory shall be explained in terms of Abbe’s theory of the microscope.
F IG . 5. Barcode reading system for luggage identification.
2.1. A BBE ’ S T HEORY OF THE M ICROSCOPE AND WAVEFRONT C ODING Abbe’s theory of the microscope is originally based on coherent illumination (Fig. 6) [11]. The light from a point light source is collimated by the condenser lens illuminating a diffraction grating. The diffraction orders are plane waves propagating into different directions which are focused into the back focal plane of the microscope objective where the aperture stop of the objective is located. The tube lens collimates again the various diffraction orders to bring them to interference at the image plane where a CCD may be located. The cubic phaseplate is inserted at the exit pupil of the objective which is in this case the aperture stop plane. However, the cubic phaseplate would not have much influence on the imaging properties of the system in this coherent illumination case. It would only cause a shift of the interference pattern in the image plane because the phaseplate thickness is different at the locations where the diffraction orders are focused. In order to understand the behavior of an optical system with a cubic phaseplate it is necessary to take the partial coherence properties of the illumination into account. Instead of a point light source the light source is now extended. The various diffraction orders of the grating object generate images of the light source in the back focal plane of the objective (Fig. 7). The light field illuminating the object is no longer a coherent wave but has to be described by a spatial coherence function G(x, y) in the object plane [36]. According to the van Zittert–Zernike theorem this coherence function can be calculated as the Fourier transform of the intensity distribution of the light source located in the front focal plane of the condenser
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F IG . 6. Microscope setup with coherent illumination. The object is a diffraction grating located in the front focal plane of the objective. The diffraction orders are focused into the back focal plane (aperture plane) of the objective. The tube lens collimates the waves emanating from the foci. The plane waves interfere at the image plane generating the image of the grating object.
F IG . 7. Partial coherent illumination. The extended light source is imaged into the back focal plane of the objective. Each diffraction order generates an image of the light source in the objective aperture plane.
lens. The coherence function G(x, y) is modulated by the amplitude object transmission function Fobj (x, y). The objective lens generates the Fourier transform of the coherence function multiplied by the transmission function of the objective in the back focal plane of the objective lens. The final image is generated in the image plane with the tubelens by a further Fourier transform. If the shape of the incoherent light source can be described by f (r) = 1 within a circle of radius 1 and f (r) = 0 outside of the circle the coherence function of the illuminating light field in the object plane can be described by the shift invariant function G(x, y) = J1 (r)/r (J1 (r) is the respective Bessel function of first order and r is the radial variable). This is the same function which describes the amplitude of a focused laser beam with a diameter equal to the source diameter of the incoherent light source (Fig. 8). The diffraction grating splits the focused laser beam into various diffraction orders which are collimated by the objective
F IG . 8. Laserscanning microscope. The object is shifted laterally (object scan). The diffraction orders interfere within the aperture. A detector (not shown) integrates the light within the aperture. The detector signal is recorded as a function of the scan position.
lens into parallel light bundles laterally shifted relative to each other proportional to the spatial frequency of the grating object. The first orders interfere with the zeroth order in the overlapping areas indicated as interference domains in Fig. 8. When the object is laterally shifted (object scan) the phase of the first diffraction orders are shifted relative to the phase of the zeroth order according to the shift theorem of Fourier transform theory. The detector (not shown in Fig. 8) integrates the energy across the whole aperture. The detector signal is recorded as a function of the scan position. The modulation contrast of the detector signal decreases with increasing grating constant because the area of the interference zone decreases. The MTF describes the contrast as a function of the spatial frequency ν. The MTF is proportional to the area of the interference zone. It is given by the formula [6] ν ν 2 2 1 − (ν/νmax ) , arccos − MTF(ν) = π νmax νmax where νmax = 2NA/λ is the resolution limit which is reached when the zeroth and first order do not overlap any more, in other words, the OTF is the autocorrelation function of the pupil function (see Eq. (2)). If the object is defocused the first diffraction orders constitute plane waves which are tilted relative to the plane wave of the zeroth order. Within the interference zones interference fringes appear. Their fringe density increases with increasing defocus. When the object is shifted in the lateral direction (scan) the
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F IG . 9. Wavefront W (x) across the pupil with defocus without phasemask (top, left), focused with phasemask (center, left) and with defocus and phasemask (bottom, left). Modulation frequency f (x) of the interference pattern within the interference zone corresponding to the diagrams on the left. It is f (x) the second derivative of W (x). On the right: Corresponding interference patterns within the interference zone.
phase of the interference pattern changes but not the fringe density. The modulation contrast of the resulting signal decreases with defocus because the detector integrates across the aperture. Figure 9 (first row, second diagram) shows the frequency of the interference fringes across the interference zone. The spatial modulation frequency of the interferogram f (x) is constant but increases with increasing defocus. Instead of the plane waves of the diffraction orders of a grating object the image generation process can be also discussed in terms of the spherical wave emanating from a point object. In the focused case the spherical wave is transformed into a plane wave by the objective lens and becomes a spherical wave in the defocused case. In the approximation of paraxial optics the spherical wave can be approximated by a paraboloid which is a parabola W (x) ∼ x 2 in one dimension (Fig. 9, first row, left diagram). The spatial modulation frequency of the interferogram f (x) is related to the wavefront W (x) by f (x) ∼ d 2 W (x)/dx 2 . If a cubic phaseplate is located at the aperture plane the wavefront W (x) is a cubic function (Fig. 9, second row, left diagram). The second derivative is a linear function (Fig. 9, second row, central diagram). That means that the modulation frequency of the interference fringes within the interference zone between the ze-
roth and first order is described by a linear chirp function. The zero crossing of f (x) in Fig. 9 indicates the area where the interference pattern is not modulated. The integrating detector averages the intensity across the interference zone. However, the averaged energy across the aperture is stronger modulated compared to the case without cubic phaseplate because of the broad zone where the fringe density is low. The broad dark zone in Fig. 9 (second row, right diagram) contributes much to the modulation contrast. It oscillates between bright and dark when the object is scanned. The dense interference fringes do not contribute to image contrast because they are averaged out. The dark zone is laterally shifted when the object is defocused but does not change in size. Thus, the MTF is insensitive to defocus. Of course, the contrast of the detector signal modulation finally vanishes when the defocus is so high that the zero crossing leaves the interference zone.
2.2. PARTIAL C OHERENT I LLUMINATION AND WAVEFRONT C ODING The qualitative description of wavefront coding in terms of Abbe’s theory as shown in the last section can be described quantitatively with Hopkins’ theory of partial coherent imaging [5]. The Fourier transform (object spectrum) of the object transmission function Fobj (x, y) is F˜obj (f, g) =
Fobj (x, y)ei2π(f x+gy) dx dy
with f and g as the spatial object frequency in the x- and y-direction, respectively. The image intensity distribution spectrum with partial coherent illumination is J˜image (f, g) =
T˜ f + f, g + g, f , g
∗ × F˜obj f + f, g + g F˜obj f , g df dg
with the bilinear transfer function T˜
f0 , g0 ; f0 , g0
J˜cond f¯, g¯ K˜ f¯ + f0 , g¯ + g0
× K˜ ∗ f¯ + f0 , g¯ + g0 d f¯ d g. ¯
˜ g) the It is J˜cond (f, g) the circular pupil function of the condenser. It is K(f, complex pupil function of the objective. It is ˜ K(f, g) = t (f, g) exp iΦ(f, g) (7)
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with the wavefront function Φ and the transmission function t of the objective aperture which is zero outside the objective aperture and 1 inside. For onedimensional objects (e.g. edge) we get g = g = 0. Thus, the bilinear transfer function in Eq. (6) becomes T˜ f + f, 0, f , 0 = T˜ f, f +∞
J˜cond f¯, g¯ K˜ f¯ + f + f, g¯ K˜ ∗ f¯ + f , g¯ d f¯ d g. ¯
−∞ ∗ (f , 0) = F˜ ∗ (f ) we finally get Setting F˜obj (f + f, 0) = F˜obj (f + f ) and F˜obj obj for the image spectrum in Eq. (5), +∞ ∗ T˜ f, f F˜obj f + f F˜obj f df . J˜image (f ) = (9) −∞
The intensity distribution of the image is then +∞ J x = J˜image (f )e−i2πf x df.
Figure 10 shows the inversely filtered intensity distribution of the image of a bar pattern illuminated with partial coherent light in comparison with the simulation [16]. The inverse filter function is derived from the pointspread function of a pinhole object. The degree of coherence of the illumination does not influence the PSF. However, the imaging of the bar pattern is significantly influenced. Therefore, the inverse filter based on the PSF cannot compensate the image artefacts
F IG . 10. The circular condenser aperture is smaller than the quadratic objective aperture (partial coherent illumination). The inversely filtered image (with phaseplate) shows typical fringes both in experiment and simulation which are due to the high degree of spatial coherence of illumination.
introduced by the coherence properties of the illumination. As a consequence the inversely filtered image exhibits artefacts both in the experiment and the simulation (edge fringes) as shown in Fig. 10.
2.3. WAVEFRONT C ODING WITH VARIABLE P HASE P LATES So far the effect of cubic phasemasks with fixed strength parameter α has been discussed. A large value of the parameter α is associated with a large depth of focus but also with several drawbacks. With a strong phaseplate the OTF decreases. Thus the inverse filter becomes strong at higher frequencies where the signal is noisy. As a consequence the inverse filtered image shows a high noise level. Therefore, the strength of the cubic phaseplate should be chosen only as high as it is necessary. A phaseplate with variable parameter α which can be adapted to the required depth of focus is an alternative [15]. Figure 11 shows the setup of a variable phaseplate system. It consists of two phaseplates. Phaseplate 1 has a convex surface which can be described by the surface function f (x, y) = κ x 4 + y 4 (11) (the bottom side is flat). Phaseplate 2 has a concave surface which can be described by the surface function g(x, y) = −κ x 4 + y 4 . (12) Both phaseplates can be shifted relative to each other by the displacement parameter in the diagonal direction (45◦ to the x-axis). As a result one obtains an
F IG . 11. Variable phaseplate system with surface functions f (x, y) = ±κ(x 4 + y 4 ). The displacement generates an effective optical performance of the system equivalent to the performance of a cubic phasemask.
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effective wavefront Φ(x, y), Φ(x, y) ∼ f (x − , y − ) + g(x + , y + ) = 8κ x 3 + y 3 + 8κ3 (x + y)
corresponding to the wavefront produced by a phaseplate with an effective cubic parameter α = 8κ which can be adjusted by appropriately setting the displacement parameter . The “linear” term in Eq. (13) (x + y) leads only to a displacement of the image which can be easily compensated by digital processing. An alternative setup of a variable phaseplate system shows Fig. 12. It consists of 4 phaseplates with “cylinder-like” surfaces. Phaseplate 1 and 2 can be shifted in the x-direction (perpendicular to the optical axis) in opposite directions. Thus, phaseplate 1 is shifted by − and phaseplate 2 by +. Phaseplate 1 has a convex surface on one side and a flat surface on the other. The convex surface can be described by f1 (x, y) = κ · x 4 .
Phaseplate 2 has a concave surface which can be described by f2 (x, y) = −κ · x 4 .
Phaseplate 3 and 4 can be shifted along the y-axis. Phaseplate 3 has a convex surface on one side and a flat surface on the other. The convex surface can be described by f3 (x, y) = κ · y 4 .
Phaseplate 4 has a concave surface which can be described by f4 (x, y) = −κ · y 4 .
F IG . 12. Variable phaseplate system with cylinder like surface function f (x, y) = ±κx 4 and ±κy 4 , respectively.
When the phaseplates are shifted by one obtains an effective wavefront Φ(x, y), Φ(x, y) ∼ f1 (x − , y) + f2 (x + , y) + f3 (x, y − ) + f4 (x, y + ) ∼ 8κ x 3 + y 3 + 83 κ(x + y). (18) With α = 8κ the strength of the cubic phaseplate can be adjusted via the shift parameter . Again, the linear term x + y only causes a slight image shift. This system consisting of 4 elements is more complicated than the two part solution described above. However, it is easier to manufacture cylinder like surfaces than free-form surfaces required in the two part solution. The phase plates discussed above are not rotational symmetric. Classical grinding and polishing processes which are used for spherical glass surfaces cannot be used. At the Center of Optical Technology at Aalen University of Applied Science optical surfaces of arbitrary shape can be polished with a polishing robot (Fig. 13) [17]. Figure 14 shows the interferometer measurements of the convex
F IG . 13. Polishing robot.
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F IG . 14. Interferometer measurement of the concave surface κ(x 4 + y 4 ) and its convex counterpart.
and concave surface of the (x 4 + y 4 )-phaseplate in glass. Similar results are obtained by making phaseplates in PMMA with a diamond turning machine.
3. Spatial Imaging with Optical Coherence Tomography Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive imaging technique providing subsurface imaging of biological tissue with micrometer-scale resolution. OCT was first used for imaging of the retina [8,9,21] and is now applied to a variety of medical fields to gain morphological [23,24,26,38,41] and functional data [27]. All OCT sensors either work in the time or Fourier domain. In the time domain the depth gating of the sample is achieved by using a low coherence light source, a Michelson interferometer setup and a reference optical delay line. An OCT image (B-scan) is built up of several scans of the optical delay line in the reference arm (A-scans) [32]. In the Fourier domain depth information of the sample is obtained by investigating the spectrum of the interferometer output [33] or by using a tunable laser and a single photodiode as sensor [34,35]. We have investigated a third approach [10,12,13]. It is an OCT-sensor without using a variable reference optical delay line, a spectrometer or a tunable laser. The main item of the interferometer is a two-pinhole device built of two monomode fibers aligned in parallel. Light emerging from these two fibers interferes on a linear CCD-array similar to Young’s two-pinhole experiment. For this reason the setup is called linear OCT sensor (LOCT). Depth gating is achieved by detecting the interference signal on the CCD-array. Different positions of the interference signal on the CCD-array correspond to different depths inside the sample. Therefore a complete A-scan can be derived from a single readout of the CCD-array. 3.1. T IME D OMAIN O PTICAL C OHERENCE T OMOGRAPHY (TDOCT) Figure 15 shows the classical setup of a time domain optical coherence tomograph. The light source is a superluminescent diode with a short coherence length
F IG . 15. Time domain OCT.
F IG . 16. Linear OCT interference signal.
in the order of 10 µm. Because the light from a SLD is diffraction limited like laser light it can be focused into a monomode fiberoptic interferometer with high efficiency. The interferometer consists of a 3 dB coupler splitting the incoming light from the SLD into a reference path and a probe path. The light of the reference arm is reflected back by a retroreflecting prism into the fiber. The prism is mounted on an electromechanical scanner (galvoscanner) moving the prism back and forth. The light of the probe arm hits the sample which may be a multilayer structure as, for example, the different tissue layers of the retina of a patient’s eye. The light reflected from an individual layer interferes with the light from the reference arm only if the arm length of the reference arm corresponds to the distance between the probe arm fiber exit and the respective layer of the sample. Because of the moving retroreflecting prism the interference signal occurs as a burst (Fig. 16). The signal can be also recorded with a demodulating logarithmic amplifier providing the envelope function of the interference signal. Another option is to calculate the envelope function of the interferogram with the Hilbert
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transform [25]. The analog OCT-signal in Fig. 16 can be regarded as the real part of an analytical function h+ (t) = hRe (t) + i · hIm (t). The imaginary part hIm (t) is related to the real part by the Hilbert transform 1 hIm (t) = π
+∞ −∞
hRe (t ) dt . t − t
The envelope function of the interference signal is f (t) = h2Re + h2Im as shown in Fig. 17. The OCT signal can be interpreted as the optical echo from the object. It is analogous to the A-scan signal in ultrasound imaging. However, the resolution of OCT is better than ultrasound by at least a factor 10. If the light beam is focused onto the object and scanned laterally the subsequent A-scans can be arranged to a B-scan map which displays a tomographic view of the object. Figure 18 shows a cross-sectional view of the fundus of an eye [31]. The signal intensity is shown in false color contrast.
F IG . 17. Envelope of OCT signal calculated from signal shown in Fig. 16 with Hilbert transform.
F IG . 18. OCT tomogram from retina.
We have studied various applications and new methods based on OCT at Aalen University of Applied Sciences which shall be discussed in the following sections. 3.1.1. Determination of Blood Oxygenization with OCT The main application of OCT is the tomographic imaging of the retinal layers of the human eye for diagnostic purposes. But this provides only morphologic information. Many diseases of the retina occur before any morphologic changes are observable. As an example glaucoma is usually detected by perimetry where the visual function of the retina is registered. Another age related disease of the macular region of the fundus is macular degeneration. Treatment with lasers is difficult and can only retard the progression of the disease. Both glaucoma and macular degeneration are supposed to be related to metabolic and blood supply disorders of the fundus which can only be understood if functional imaging techniques are available which can identify changes of concentration of metabolic substances like oxygen, glucose or cholesterol concentrations. Whereas it is difficult to identify glucose and cholesterol spectra without fluorescent markers oxygenization of the red blood cells can be detected by measuring the blood spectrum. Figure 19 shows schematically the absorption coefficients of oxygenized hemoglobin (HbO2 ) and deoxygenized hemoglobin (Hb) (see also [18]). The crossover of the two spectra is the isobestic point. Its wavelength is around 800 nm. Figure 20 shows the OCT signal for two wavelengths (680 nm and 815 nm) from oxygenized and deoxygenized blood pumped through a transparent tube [40]. The light from two OCT interferometers equipped with a 680 nm SLD and a 815 nm SLD, respectively, is combined with a dichroic mirror. The two wavelength beams are collinear to collect the OCT signal simultaneously from the
F IG . 19. Absorption coefficient of oxygenized (HbO2 ) and deoxygenized (Hb) blood.
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F IG . 20. In vitro measurement of OCT signal with 680 nm and 815 nm for oxygenized and deoxygenized blood.
F IG . 21. In vivo OCT tomograms of the retina.
same object point. It can be seen from Fig. 20 that the OCT signals from the deoxygenized blood probe and the oxygenized blood probe exhibit the same signal strength at 815 nm because this wavelength is near the isobestic point of the blood spectrum. At 680 nm the OCT signal from the oxygenized blood probe is higher than the signal from the deoxygenized blood in agreement with Fig. 19. It can also be seen that the penetration of the SLD light into the blood sample is higher for the longer wavelength 815 nm. This is because the backscattering cross-section of the blood cells is lower at 815 nm than at 680 nm. Figure 21 shows an in vivo OCT measurement of the retina of a human eye at 815 nm and 680 nm [40]. The OCT beam is scanned across a vein and an artery
of the retinal bloodvessel system. It can be seen that the OCT signals at 815 nm from the artery and the vein do not differ significantly in comparison to the OCT signals at 680 nm which show a much smaller signal from the vein. This is in agreement with the spectral properties of HbO2 and Hb shown in Fig. 19. 3.1.2. Bloodflow Measurement and OCT The blood supply of the retina consists of two separate vascular systems. The choroid provides the blood supply for the outer one half of the sensory retina. The choroid consists of a dense network of capillaries. It is supplied from the posterior ciliary artery. The inner portion of the retina is supplied by the branches of the central retinal artery which enters the eye at the nerve head (blind spot). These two blood supply systems are independent. Both circulations must be intact to maintain retinal function. Laser Doppler velocimetry is a technique which allows to measure the blood flow at the fundus of the eye in vivo [19,20,27]. A laser goes through one half of the eye pupil (Fig. 22). The angle of incidence of the laser at the fundus is proportional to the lateral offset of the laser at the pupil. Due to the finite angle of incidence there is a finite component of the k-vector of the laser parallel to the fundus. The laser light is scattered at the moving blood cells. Thus, the frequency of the reflected k-vector component parallel to the fundus is shifted due to the Doppler effect. The frequency shift is ν = ν0 · v/c, where ν0 is the nominal frequency of the laser, v is the velocity of the blood cells and c is the speed of light. But the same k-vector component is also scattered at the retinal tissue which is at rest. The light backscattered from the retina passes the pupil and is finally detected with a photodiode. The light scattered at the moving blood cells and at
F IG . 22. Setup for laser Doppler velocimetry of the retinal blood flow.
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F IG . 23. OCT-signal from the retina (A-scan).
the stationary tissue interferes at the detector. Because of the Doppler shift of the light scattered at the moving blood cells the interference signal is modulated with the Doppler shift frequency ν which is in the range of some kHz depending on the angle of incidence at the fundus and on the bloodflow velocity. The strength of the Doppler signal is proportional to the density of the blood cells at the laser focus on the retina. Therefore the product of the strength and the frequency shift of the Doppler signal is proportional to the blood flow [19]. However, this technique measures the integral bloodflow of both the choroidal circulation (supplied by the posterior ciliary artery) and the inner retinal circulation (supplied by the central retinal artery). OCT is a technique which can differentiate between the two circulation systems because the various parts of the OCT signal from the retina can be attributed to the various retinal layers. The OCT beam is coupled into the pupil in the same decentered way as the laser beam with laser Doppler velocimetry. The OCT signal is shown in Fig. 23. The first peak originates from the retinal sheet nurtured by the ciliary artery the second from the choroid. The two signal peaks are Fourier transformed separately to provide the Fourier spectra of the two signals shown in Fig. 24 [40]. The choroidal signal frequency is shifted by 8 kHz relative to the signal frequency from a stationary mirror as a reference object. The retinal signal frequency is shifted by 5 kHz. Taking the angle of incidence of the OCT beam at the fundus into account a bloodflow velocity of 4 cm/s can be estimated from the Doppler shift of the choroidal signal and 2.5 cm/s for the retinal bloodflow.
F IG . 24. OCT Doppler velocimetry of the retinal blood flow (in vivo). Both the spectra of the choroidal signal and of the retinal signal are shifted relative to the stationary mirror signal. The choroidal spectrum is shifted more than the retinal spectrum indicating a higher bloodflow velocity in the choroidal tissue. It can also be seen that both the retinal and the choroidal spectrum is broader than the mirror spectrum which is caused by the velocity distribution of the blood cells.
3.1.3. Eye Length Measurement with OCT Short coherence length interferometry can be used to measure the length of the human eye which is an important parameter for cataract surgery [22]. There, it is necessary to select the correct intraocular lens before removing the eye lens. The eye length has to be measured through the turbid eye lens in a contactless mode. The method described in [22] brings the reflex from the cornea and the retina to interference by sending the light from the eye into a Michelson interferometer with different arm lengths. The length difference is chosen so that it corresponds to the optical length of the eye bringing the corneal reflex and the retinal reflex to interference. The length difference of the interferometer is mechanically varied until the interference between the retinal reflex and the corneal reflex occurs. We have investigated an alternative approach making use of a time domain OCT setup as shown in Fig. 25 [14]. Of course the range for the movement of the retroreflector in the TDOCT interferometer described above would be too long to cover the whole eye length in a short time. Short acquisition time is necessary to avoid artefacts due to the saccadic eye movements. Another problem is the dispersion of the aqueous and vitreous humor of the eye causing a spreading of the interferogram and thus a reduction of the signal to noise ratio. In the setup of Fig. 25 the retroreflector is scanned periodically in the range of 2 mm. In addition a PMMA rod with an optical length corresponding to the optical length of the standard human eye is periodically flipped in and out (as shown in Fig. 25) of the reference path of the OCT interferometer. With the rod flipped
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F IG . 25. Setup of OCT interferometer for eye length measurement.
F IG . 26. OCT signal for eye length measurement. The corneal reflex consists of the front reflex (left diagram, left peak) and the reflex at the rear side of the cornea (left diagram, right peak). The fundus reflex consists of the signal scattered by the retinal nerve fiber layer (right diagram, left peak) and by the choroid (right diagram, right peak).
out the signal from the cornea (corneal reflex) is recorded (Fig. 26, left diagram). With the rod flipped in the fundus reflex is recorded (Fig. 26, right diagram). The corneal reflex consists of two peaks. The first peak corresponds to the reflection at the front surface of the cornea the other to the reflection at the interface surface between cornea and the anterior chamber of the eye. The retinal reflex also consists of two peaks. One is the reflex from the nerve fiber layer in front of
the receptor layer the other is generated by the choroid tissue behind the receptor layer providing the blood supply for the retina. For the eye length measurement the distance between the front corneal reflex and the receptor layer is relevant as shown in Fig. 26. Due to the similar dispersion properties of the PMMA rod the dispersion of the aqueous and vitreous humor is compensated. The optical eye length can be determined with an accuracy of 20 microns which corresponds to an error in refractive power of the optical system of the eye of less than 0.05 D. The residual uncertainty of the eyelength measurement is due to the variability of the dispersion of the aqueous and vitreous humor because the measurement wavelength is 830 nm but the wavelength of the visible spectrum is around 550 nm. The clinical practice, however, shows that these uncertainties are negligible. 3.1.4. OCT in Optical Manufacturing Within the last 15 years computer numerical controlled (CNC) machines have completely changed optical manufacturing. In particular the manufacturing of aspheres has become an interesting alternative to spherical lenses both under cost and functional aspects. Aspheric surfaces provide additional degrees of freedom in lens design where several spherical surfaces would be necessary. Therefore, aspheres permit lighter and smaller objectives for projection systems, sensors or photographic systems. Aspheres are manufactured in three steps. First, the grinding machine has to shape the lens with an accuracy of 1 µm. In a second step the lens is polished. The polishing process smoothes the surface. In a third step the polished surface is measured interferometrically with an accuracy in the order of 10 nm. Deviations of the surface from the nominal design data are locally corrected in the polishing process. For that purpose a polishing robot is used to guide the polishing tool directly to the zone of the aspheric surface which is to be corrected. The grinding of the lens is the most crucial step in the whole process because no measurement feedback permits inline corrections. Because the surface of the lens is not reflecting standard interferometric techniques cannot be applied. Geometrical optical techniques as used in autofocus sensors are not applicable because they need large numerical apertures and small working distances. Depth resolution of an OCT sensor depends only on the coherence length of the light source. Therefore, an objective with low numerical aperture and long working distance can be used. Figure 27 shows the experimental setup [30]. It consists of a fiber optic TDOCT-setup as described above. The objective in the probe arm is fixed to the tool mount (not shown) which is moved across the surface of the object which is to be measured. When the tool is moved the fiber is bent causing an index change in the fiber. The OCT signal is shifted due to the index change in the order of several tens of microns corrupting the measurement results. Therefore, a reference mirror is installed which is also fixed to the tool mount of the grinding machine. This reference signal is shifted in the same way as the probe signal
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F IG . 27. Setup of OCT interferometer for aspheric profile measurement in grinding machine.
induced by the bending fiber. The movement of the probe signal relative to this reference signal finally provides the information about the surface topography when the objective is moved across the asphere by the CNC grinding machine. Figure 28 shows the profile of a grinded plane surface derived from the peak positions of the OCT signals. The result is compared with the measurement of the surface with a ultraprecision tactile mechanical measurement machine (Zeiss UPMC). The signal noise of the OCT-measurement is primarily due to the surface roughness. The lateral resolution of the OCT-measurement is in the order of 100 micron (SLD-focus) whereas the lateral resolution of the tactile measurement machine is limited by the probe ball with a diameter of about 2 mm which is scanned across the surface. The working distance between the objective and the surface is 10 mm. Because of the scattering properties of the rough surface the OCT signal can be registered also from tilted surfaces with a tilt angle up to 20 degrees.
3.2. L INEAR O PTICAL C OHERENCE T OMOGRAPHY (LOCT) Time domain OCT uses a galvoscanner as a moving device for the retroreflector. Mechanical devices are limited in their frequency bandwidth thus limiting the image acquisition speed. Another important drawback is the limited lifetime
F IG . 28. Profile measurement of a grinded plane surface derived from the peak positions of the OCT signals. The result is compared with the reference measurement of the surface with a ultraprecision tactile mechanical measurement machine (Zeiss UPMC).
F IG . 29. Linear optical coherence tomograph.
of electromechanical parts. An alternative approach comprises an interferometric setup shown in Fig. 29 [12,13].
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F IG . 30. The position of the interferogram on the CCD-line depends on the pathlength difference.
Again a superluminescent diode is used as low coherence source. The light passes a first coupler with a splitting ratio of 90:10. In order to improve the sensitivity of the setup, 90% of the light is directed to the sample arm, while 10% of the light is routed to the reference arm. Additional 50:50 couplers are placed in the sample and reference arm, respectively. In each interferometer arm, the light passes the two 50:50 couplers. The reference beam is reflected from a reference mirror whereas the sample beam is reflected from the sample that is to be imaged. The position of the reference mirror is fixed, no optical delay line scanning is needed. The backreflected light from the reference mirror and the sample again passes the 50:50 couplers and is then routed to a fiber two-pinhole device. The distance between the two fibers can be varied between 250 µm and 8 mm. Outside the two fibers, the light propagates in a solid angle determined by the numerical aperture of the monomode fibers (NA = 0.11). A linear CCD-array is located in a distance of 25 cm from the two fibers and is illuminated with the light from the two fibers. An efficient illumination of the CCD-array is achieved by using a cylindrical lens optics. Therefore the circular light cone emerging from each fiber is transformed into two overlapping lines at the position of the CCD-array, collinear with the active area. The signal processing is done using a bandpass filter, a logarithmic amplifier, a demodulator, an AD-converter and a computer. Figure 30 shows how the position of the interference structure on the CCD-line depends on the path length difference of the probe arm and the reference arm of the interferometer. If these path lengths are equal the interference pattern is
located at the center of the CCD line. Then the path lengths between the two fiber outputs are equal. If the probe arm length differs from the reference arm length by the interference pattern appears on the CCD line where the distance between the maximum of the interference pattern and fiber output A differs from the corresponding distance to fiber output B by . It can be shown that the theoretical limit of the signal to noise ratio is equivalent to that of TDOCT [10]. Another special aspect of LOCT is that the fringe oscillation frequency can be set independently from the image acquisition time and the wavelength by choosing an appropriate separation of the two fiber outputs A and B.
3.3. S PECTRAL D OMAIN O PTICAL C OHERENCE T OMOGRAPHY (SDOCT) Besides TDOCT and LOCT a third method has become an interesting alternative which is known as spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) [22, 33,37]. The principle is shown in Fig. 31. The light from the superluminescent diode is split into two beams by a beamsplitter (or a 3dB-coupler). The reference beam is reflected from the reference mirror. The probe beam is reflected from the sample. The two reflected beams are superimposed and hit a diffraction grating. The dispersed beam is finally focused onto a CCD-line. The registered spectrum represents basically the spectrum of the light source. However, the spectrum is modulated due to the interference of the probe beam and the reference beam (Fig. 32) [39]. The modulation frequency is proportional to the armlength difference of the reference arm and the probearm. Computing the Fourier trans-
F IG . 31. Spectral domain optical coherence tomograph.
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F IG . 32. Modulated spectrum of SLD.
F IG . 33. Fourier transform of signal in Fig. 32. The position of the peak depends on the armlength difference of the interferometer.
form finally provides the signal (Fig. 33). The signal is equivalent to the signal of TDOCT or LOCT. The position of the peak depends on the armlength difference and thus on the position of the sample object. However, as it will be shown in the next section the SDOCT signal is superior to the TDOCT and LOCT signal concerning the signal to noise ratio. 3.3.1. Comparison of Noise in Spectral Domain OCT and Time Domain OCT In [28,29] TDOCT and SDOCT are compared in respect of their noise performance. It is shown that if photon shot noise is the relevant noise source SDOCT is superior to TDOCT and LOCT. The following simulation shall illustrate this remarkable result. The results can also be directly applied to the noise analysis of line spectrometers and Fourier transform spectrometers because of their analogy to SDOCT and TDOCT. Only if amplifier noise is the dominant noise source line
F IG . 34. Comparison of Poissonian noise in spectral domain OCT and time domain OCT.
spectrometers and Fourier transform spectrometers are equivalent regarding noise performance. In the following simple model it is assumed that the SDOCT signal is generated on a CCD line with 512 pixels with 50 photons per pixel on the average. The whole photon budget is therefore 25,600 photons. The modulated spectrometer signal is given by fm = A · sin2 (2πνs m) with m = −N/2 . . . + N/2. The simulated signal is shown in Fig. 34 (top left) with νs = 0.4, the number of pixels N = 512 and A = 100. The values fm exhibit Poissonian noise generated by a standard Poissonian noise generation algorithm [7]. The Fourier transform of fm is given by the N values f˜n =
e−i2πnm fm
with n = −N/2 . . . + N/2. The SDOCT-Signal is then given by the N values 2 +N/2
2 e−i2πnm fm sn = f˜n = −N/2
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as shown in Fig. 34 (bottom, left). For comparison the corresponding TDOCTsignal is given by the N values 1 2 1 + e−(m/b) sin(2πνt m) 2 shown in Fig. 34 (top, right) with νt = 0.2 and the coherence length of the light source b = 20. Also Poissonian noise is introduced. The mean photon budget is as in the SDOCT case 25,600. The envelope function can be calculated with the Hilbert transform (Fig. 34 bottom, right). Comparing the SDOCT and TDOCT signal it is obvious that the signal to noise ratio is better for SDOCT than for TDOCT although the same number of signal photons has been taken for the simulation. tm = A
4. Conclusion Both wavefront coding and optical coherence tomography are commercially used techniques. Although in principle many fields of applications are open to these methods wavefront coding is mainly used for specific sensor applications like barcode readers. OCT is used mainly in ophthalmology. The limiting factors for wavefront coding are mainly artefacts introduced by the inverse filtering. Thus, this technique is not yet found in the field of high quality imaging techniques like microscopy and digital photography although first commercial trials have been undertaken in microscopy. Because of the low manufacturing costs of the phaseplates and the progress in the field of fast signal and image processing many new applications in medium quality photography (e.g. mobile phone cameras or surveillance cameras) and in sensor technology can be expected. The limiting factor in OCT is mainly the coherence length and the brightness of the light source. It has been proven in various applications that high resolution OCT tomograms can be obtained by using femtosecond lasers, rapidly swept tunable laser sources [42] or supercontinuum laser sources generated with femtosecond laser pulses in photonic crystals [43]. As soon as these light sources are available at low cost in high quantities OCT will have a great future not only in ophthalmology as today but also in such important fields of medical applications like endoscopy.
5. Acknowledgements The projects have been supported by the “Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg” and “Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung”. We gratefully appreciate
valuable discussions and cooperation with Dr. C. Hauger and Dr. H. Gross (both Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen).
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THE QUANTUM PROPERTIES OF MULTIMODE OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS REVISITED G. LEUCHS1,* , U.L. ANDERSEN1 and C. FABRE2 1 Max Planck Research Group of Optics, Information and Photonics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany 2 Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Université Pierre et Marie Curie et Ecole Normale Supérieure,
Place Jussieu, cc74, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
General Linear Input–Output Transformation for a Linear Optical Device The Phase-Insensitive Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Multimode Phase Insensitive Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Nature of the Ancilla Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An Optical Amplifier Working at the Quantum Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Abstract There are a number of physically different realizations of an optical amplifier and yet they all share the same fundamental quantum limit as far as their noise characteristics are concerned. We review the underlying mathematical formalism without the restriction of a minimum number of modes being involved, its physical implications and relate it to the phenomenological models for the various amplifiers.
The study of optical amplifiers and their properties started with the invention of the maser and the laser, based on stimulated emission [1–5]. These first optical amplifiers belong to the class of phase insensitive amplifiers. Modern semiconductor optical amplifiers, and especially the Erbium doped fiber amplifiers which are widely used in telecommunications [6], belong to the same category [7,8]. There is a second class of optical amplifiers which are based on non-linear optical processes such as stimulated Brillouin, Rayleigh or Raman processes [9] or three* E-mail:
[email protected].
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53005-8
G. Leuchs et al.
and four-wave mixing [10,11], which are also, in most cases, phase-insensitive. However, there are some configurations where the amplification depends on the phase of the input signal. The degenerate parametric amplifier, or the parametric amplifier with the input signal is injected on both the signal and idler modes, are examples of such phase-sensitive amplifiers [12]. In the simplest case, well below saturation, all these amplifiers are linear devices, i.e. the field operators describing the output beams are linear combinations of the field operators at the input side. Nevertheless, these seemingly simple mathematical relations allow for a fairly complex scenario as described in the papers on the quantum behavior of linear amplifiers by Haus and Mullen [13] and by Caves [14]. All the properties including the quantum aspects can be traced back to these linear field operator transformations. We will discuss these relations in a general framework, with the possibility of involving many modes in the device. Next we will treat the amplifier more phenomenologically and identify the experimental nature of the modes the existence of which is required by the unitarity of the field operators. To some extent the different types of amplifiers can be related to the different types of attenuators. In a recent demonstration of quantum cloning with continuous variables, the essential ingredient was an optical amplifier working at the quantum limit [15]. This amplifier does not use any non-linear optical process nor stimulated emission but just linear optical elements, detectors, modulators and electronic feed-forward circuits. The amplifier set-up with its modular structure makes it easy to identify the various origins of the noise figure of the optical amplifier and to compare it with the general performance limitation.
1. General Linear Input–Output Transformation for a Linear Optical Device Let us consider a linear optical device, which can be an amplifier, an attenuator or a quantum gate. From a basic point of view it is well known that there can be no such device which transforms an input field described by the field operator aˆ to an output field described by a field operator aˆ = β aˆ with |β| = 1. This would violate the requirement that all free space field operators fulfill the bosonic commutation relation a, ˆ aˆ † = aˆ , aˆ † = 1. (1) The conservation of such a commutation relation leaves two possibilities: • The device is single mode, but of the form aˆ → aˆ = β1 aˆ + β2 aˆ †
with |β1 |2 − |β2 |2 = 1.
• The device is multimode and couples N > 1 input modes to N output modes. We will first consider here the simplest and basic case of a two mode device, and call bˆ the annihilation operator of this second, “ancilla”, mode. The most general transformation fulfilling the requirement (1) is the two-mode Bogoliubov transformation [16] a, ˆ bˆ → aˆ = β1 aˆ + β2 aˆ † + γ1 bˆ + γ2 bˆ †
|β1 |2 − |β2 |2 + |γ1 |2 − |γ2 |2 = 1.
The terms proportional to β2 and γ2 correspond to “spontaneous emission” processes, where photons are produced at the output even in absence of any photon in the corresponding input mode. In the first, single mode case, the device is necessarily phase-sensitive: it multiplies the input mean field by a factor which depends on the quadrature Xˆ φ = eiφ aˆ + e−iφ aˆ † of the input signal. When the input is a coherent or vacuum state, the output is a squeezed state [17]. Although being formally a linear process, the phase sensitive amplifier associated with the squeezing operation is an intrinsically non-linear process and requires an optically non-linear interaction [17]. In the two-mode case, relation (4) leads to phase insensitivity of a new type which is present even if β2 = 0. In this latter case, |γ1 |2 − |γ2 |2 = 1 − |β1 |2 .
The device is an amplifier when |β1 | > 1, and an attenuator when |β1 | < 1. Relation (6) implies that at least γ2 must be different from zero in the amplifier case, and that at least γ1 must be different from zero in the attenuator case. But in the general case both coefficients are different from zero and mode aˆ may, e.g., be coupled to a squeezed vacuum. Attenuation and amplification are merely two limiting cases.
2. The Phase-Insensitive Amplifier The general phase insensitive amplifier of energy gain G > 1 contains an unknown mixture of γ1 and γ2 . It is characterized by the transformation √ a, ˆ bˆ → aˆ = G aˆ + g1 bˆ + g2 eiα bˆ † , (7)
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√ where all quantities G, g1 , g2 and α are real. The phase factors of β1 = G ˆ The term ‘phase and γ1 have been included in the annihilation operators aˆ and b. insensitive’ relates to the fact that with β2 = 0 the amplification of the mean values of the quadrature components is phase insensitive which still leaves room for phase sensitive noise. Relation (4) implies that g1 and g2 have to fulfill the condition g22 − g12 = G − 1.
The quantum statistical properties of this amplifier can be described by the moments of the field quadratures. An important scenario is the case where the input mode aˆ is in a coherent state |α and mode bˆ is in the vacuum state |0 which we will write as |α, 0. The input signal is a modulation at a given frequency of the amplitude or the phase of the input wave, or more generally of any quadrature Xˆ φ = eiφ aˆ + e−iφ aˆ † of the input signal. The second moment of this quadrature at the output of the device is 2 δ Xˆ φ = G + g12 + g22 + 2g1 g2 cos(α + 2φ). (9) Let us recall that the variance for any quadrature of a coherent state is 1 with the present notations. Using relation (8), this gives the following value for the noise figure F , which is in the present case the output noise δ Xˆ φ 2 divided by the gain g + g12 + G − 1 cos(α − 2φ) 1 1 . F = 2 − + 2g1 (10) G G In the usual parametric amplifier case, the ancilla mode is the idler mode and g1 = 0. The noise figure reduces to [13,14] 1 (11) , G and in the limit of large gain we recover the familiar result F = 2, well known as the 3 dB quantum limit of the phase insensitive optical amplifier. One notices that when g1 = 0 the noise of the amplifier, and therefore its noise figure, is phase sensitive, whereas the gain for the mean value is phase insensitive. Its minimum value is obtained for φ = π−α 2 , g1 − g12 + G − 1 1 Fmin = 2 − + 2g1 G G G−1 1 g1 =2− −2 (12) . G g + g2 + G − 1 G F =2−
√ An interesting limiting case is when g1 G, for which, according to (12), Fmin is getting close to 1. One has in this case a two-mode noiseless amplifier.
A possible implementation is to use a regular non-degenerate parametric amplifier and to insert a perfect squeezer at the input of the idler mode. This configuration has been experimentally studied in [18]. So far we discussed the case where either the signal mode or the ancilla mode are supposed to be unique in the amplification or attenuation process. We will consider in the following sections the possibility of linear coupling between multiple modes.
3. The Multimode Phase Insensitive Amplifier Another important class of optical amplifiers is the multi-mode amplifier, that is likely to amplify simultaneously several orthogonal modes, for example, image amplifiers [19–21]. For the simplicity of the discussion, we will take here the simple example of a two-mode phase insensitive amplifier having the same gain for any combination of the two modes aˆ 1 and aˆ 2 . As in the single mode case, reˆ Let us first assume lation (1) requires the existence of at least one ancilla mode b. that there is only one such mode. We can then write aˆ 1 , aˆ 2 , bˆ → aˆ 1 = β aˆ 1 + γ1 bˆ + γˆ2 bˆ † , aˆ 2 = β aˆ 2 + γ1 bˆ + γˆ2 bˆ †
and using the commutators of the various field operators 2 2 |γ2 |2 − |γ1 |2 = γ2 − γ1 = |β|2 − 1, γ2 γ2 ∗ − γ1 γ1 ∗ = 0.
A straightforward derivation shows that the relations (14) cannot be simultaneously fulfilled, so that a second ancilla mode is needed. The demonstration can easily be extended to the N -mode amplifier. The conclusion of this simple but general reasoning is that one needs at least as many ancilla modes as there are input signal modes in a multimode amplifier. In the two-mode amplifier, calling bˆ1 and bˆ2 these two required modes, and in the simple case where only creation operators for the ancilla modes are involved in the input-output relation, one has aˆ 1 , aˆ 2 , bˆ → aˆ 1 = β aˆ 1 + γ11 bˆ1† + γ12 bˆ2† , aˆ 2 = β aˆ 2 + γ21 bˆ1† + γ22 bˆ2† ,
and |γ11 |2 + |γ12 |2 = |γ21 |2 + |γ22 |2 = |β|2 − 1, ∗ ∗ + γ12 γ22 = 0, γ11 γ21
G. Leuchs et al.
which correspond to a unitary transformation in the two-mode ancillary space: γ11 = |β|2 − 1 cos θ eiψ , γ12 = |β|2 − 1 sin θ e−iψ , = − |β|2 − 1 sin θ eiψ , γ21 γ22 = |β|2 − 1 cos θ e−iψ , (17) where θ and ψ are arbitrary angles. If one performs the inverse of this transformation on the two-mode signal space, the gain will not be changed for the two new modes, as the gain matrix is proportional to the identity, and the ancilla terms will be diagonalized, a single ancilla mode being associated to each amplified signal mode: the only possible configuration for a two-mode amplifier is therefore two independent single mode amplifiers with identical gains. As a result the noise figure will be the same as in the single mode case, and independent of the combinations of input modes used as a signal. These conclusions are no longer valid in the more complicated case where the gain is different for the two amplified modes.
4. The Nature of the Ancilla Modes If one now turns to physical implementations of the optical amplifier one might ask the question: what is the additional mode bˆ which is so essential in the mathematical description of the amplifier? In the case of the parametric amplifier the answer is straightforward. Mode bˆ is the idler mode which has to be in the vacuum state for the standard phase insensitive amplifier (Fig. 1). Next one asks the same question for the prototype of all amplifiers, the medium with population inversion which gives rise to amplification by stimulated emission. Here the identification of mode bˆ is not straightforward. There are many
F IG . 1. Sketch of a parametric amplifier. The pump is taken to be a classical field and the paraˆ metric amplifier couples mode aˆ and b.
F IG . 2. Panel (a) shows the signal field mode amplified by the medium and two of the N − 1 vacuum modes scattering into the signal mode. Panel (b) represents a formal sketch of the situation. and β In the text two (N × N ) matrices are used, β+mn couples aˆ n† to aˆ m mm couples aˆ n to aˆ m .
more than just two modes which one has to consider. A related multi-mode formalism is used to describe multiple scattering in inhomogeneous media [22]. All but the signal mode are taken to be in the vacuum state. Each of these vacuum modes may couple into the signal mode (or any other vacuum mode) by scattering off one of the inverted molecules in the medium via spontaneous emission (Fig. 2a). The linear coupling of the N input modes to the N output modes is described by an N × N matrix aˆ m = βmm aˆ m +
βmn aˆ n + β+mn aˆ †n
n =m
with |βmm |2 +
n =m
|βmn |2 −
n =m
|β+mn |2 = 1.
If m is the signal mode then |βmm |2 = G and n =m |β+mn |2 − n =m |βmn |2 = G − 1. Under these conditions the noise figure for the stimulated emission ampli-
G. Leuchs et al.
fier is F =1+
1 ∗ ∗ βmn β+mn + βmn β+mn + |βmn |2 + |β+mn |2 . G
n =m
In the case of the ideal amplifier (i.e. βmn = 0 if m = n), the formula reduces to 1 1 |β+mn |2 = 2 − , F =1+ (21) G G n =m
and with the sum rule (19) we retrieve the familiar results for the single mode case (11). This shows that a multimode manifold of vacuum modes effectively has the same impact as the one vacuum mode in the single mode case. The quantum limit of the ideal amplifier results from the admixture of the creation operator of ˆ which is actually the linear combination one “super” vacuum mode b, ˆn n =m βmn a . bˆ = (22) 2 n =m |βmn | In the case of the stimulated emission amplifier, the aˆ n modes being the plane wave modes in which spontaneous photons are likely to be emitted. For a single
F IG . 3. Sketch of a 2 × 2 beam splitter (a) and a lossy element (b) such as a neutral density filter in which case the loss channels n are absorbed inside the medium (not shown).
atom or molecule of the amplifying medium this super mode bˆ is nothing but the dipole wave which is emitted by the atom or which couples best to the atom [23, 24]. The discussion also shows that confining the amplifying medium, e.g., to the core of a photonic crystal fiber [25] will reduce the number of modes but will not affect the quantum noise limit of the amplifier. It is worth noting that the amplifier and the phenomenological description above can be mapped to the familiar case of an optical attenuator. It is immediately clear that the single mode case, i.e. the counterpart to the parametric amplifier, is the ubiquitous beam splitter. The stimulated emission amplifier however resembles a neutral density attenuator where the light is also coupled to many modes (see Fig. 3). Again with a similar line of arguments these many modes can be treated effectively as one mode for the purpose of noise consideration.
5. An Optical Amplifier Working at the Quantum Limit In a recent experiment it was shown that an optical amplifier working at the quantum limit can be demonstrated using just linear optical elements, detectors, an amplifying electronic circuit and optical modulators for amplitude and phase [15]. The scheme, which is an extension of the intensity modulation amplifier [26], is sketched in Fig. 4. The signal input field is split at the first beam splitter and mixed with the auxiliary mode v1 . The split off part is measured according to the scheme of Arthur and Kelly [27] where x and p denote the amplitude and phase quadratures of the field measured for example with a local oscillator (not shown). The detected signals are amplified and fed forward to an amplitude and a phase modulator. If the amplification factor λ is chosen properly in dependence on the splitting ratio of
F IG . 4. Sketch of optical amplification with beam splitters, detectors and modulators. The detector signals have to be amplified and fed forward to the detector (see [15]).
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the first beam splitter, then the input v1 does not influence the noise characteristics of the amplifier. Note that this is a universal scheme. For a theoretical quantum treatment of the electro-optic feed forward see [28–30]. In the spirit of the above discussion this amplifier can be described with the single additional mode which is readily identified with the vacuum input field v2 .
6. Conclusion We have discussed the fundamental noise limit of optical amplification in which many modes are involved, either for the input signal or for the ancilla modes. We have considered various physical implementations: the parametric amplifier, the stimulated emission amplifier and the quantum electro-optic feedforward amplifier. Other amplifiers such as a Raman amplifier [31,32] can be discussed following the same arguments. Quantum noise considerations are relevant, e.g., to optical communication [33,34]. The main point here was to physically identify the ancillary field modes required for the mathematical description.
7. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
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QUANTUM OPTICS OF ULTRA-COLD MOLECULES D. MEISER, T. MIYAKAWA, H. UYS and P. MEYSTRE Department of Physics, The University of Arizona, 1118 E. 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705, USA
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Molecular Micromaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Passage Time Statistics of Molecule Formation 4. Counting Statistics of Molecular Fields . . . . 4.1. BEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2. Normal Fermi Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3. Fermi Gas with Superfluid Component . . 5. Molecules as Probes of Spatial Correlations . . 5.1. Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2. BEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3. Normal Fermi Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4. BCS State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Abstract Quantum optics has been a major driving force behind the rapid experimental developments that have led from the first laser cooling schemes to the Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) of dilute atomic and molecular gases. Not only has it provided experimentalists with the necessary tools to create ultra-cold atomic systems, but it has also provided theorists with a formalism and framework to describe them: many effects now being studied in quantum-degenerate atomic and molecular systems find a very natural explanation in a quantum optics picture. This article briefly reviews three such examples that find their direct inspiration in the trailblazing work carried out over the years by Herbert Walther, one of the true giants of that field. Specifically, we use an analogy with the micromaser to analyze ultra-cold molecules in a double-well potential; study the formation and dissociation dynamics of molecules using the passage time statistics familiar from superradiance and superfluorescence studies; and show how molecules can be used to probe higher-order correlations in ultra-cold atomic gases, in particular bunching and antibunching. 151
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53006-X
D. Meiser et al.
1. Introduction Quantum optics plays a central role in the physics of quantum-degenerate atoms and molecules. Laser light and its coherent and incoherent interactions with atoms are ubiquitous in these experiments, and the tools that have culminated in the achievement of Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) (Anderson et al., 1995; Bradley et al., 1995; Davis et al., 1995) were first studied and understood in quantum optics. Indeed, the deep connection between quantum optics and cold atom physics was realized well before the first experimental realizations of BEC, both at the experimental and theoretical levels. On the theory side, there are (at least) two important reasons why quantum optics methods are well suited for the study of cold atoms systems. First, bosonic fields have direct analogs in electromagnetic fields, which have been extensively studied in quantum optics. Second, for fermions the Pauli Exclusion Principle restricts the occupation of a given mode to zero or one, and these two states—mode occupied or empty—can often be mapped onto a two-level system, as we shall see. As a result, many situations familiar from quantum optics are also found in coldatom systems, including matter–wave interference (Andrews et al., 1997), atom lasers and matter–wave amplifiers (Inouye et al., 1999b; Ketterle and Miesner, 1997; Kozuma et al., 1999; Law and Bigelow, 1998) matter–wave beam splitters (Burgbacher and Audretsch, 1999) four-wave mixing (Christ et al., 2003; Lenz et al., 1993; Meiser et al., 2005a; Miyakawa et al., 2003; Moore et al., 1999; Rojo et al., 1999; Search et al., 2002b), and Dicke superradiance (Inouye et al., 1999a; Moore and Meystre, 1999), to name a few. At the same time the physics of ultra-cold atoms is much richer than its quantum-optical counterpart since atoms can be either fermions (DeMarco and Jin, 1998, 1999; Hadzibabic et al., 2003) or bosons and have a rich internal structure. In addition, the interaction between atoms can be tuned relatively easily on fast time scales using for instance Feshbach resonances (Duine and Stoof, 2004; Dürr et al., 2004; Inouye et al., 1998, 2004; Stan et al., 2004; Timmermans et al., 1999) or two-photon Raman transitions (Theis et al., 2004; Wynar et al., 2000). Indeed, some of the most exciting recent developments in the physics of ultra-cold atoms are related to the coherent coupling of atoms to ultra-cold molecules by means of Feshbach resonances (Dürr et al., 2004; Regal et al., 2003), and photo-association (Kerman et al., 2004; Wynar et al., 2000). Both bosons and fermions have been successfully converted into molecules. In both cases BEC of molecules has been observed (Donley et al., 2002; Greiner et al., 2003; Jochim et al., 2003; Zwierlein et al., 2003), and the longstanding question of the BEC-BCS crossover is being investigated experimentally and theoretically in those systems (Bartenstein et al., 2004; Holland et al., 2001; Ohashi and Griffin, 2002; Regal et al., 2004; Timmermans et al., 2001; Zwierlein
et al., 2004). Other developments with close connections with quantum optics include the trapping of atoms in optical lattices (Greiner et al., 2002a, 2002b; Jaksch et al., 1998), which play a role closely related to a high-Q resonator in cavity QED (Search et al., 2004; Walther, 1992) and leads in addition to fascinating connections with condensed matter physics and quantum information science. With so many close connections between the physics of quantum-degenerate atomic and molecular systems and quantum optics, it is natural and wise to go back to the masters of that field to find inspiration and guidance, and this is why Herbert Walther’s intellectual imprint remains so important. This brief review illustrates this point with three examples. Section 2 shows that the conversion of pairs of fermions into molecules in a double-well potential can be described by a generalized Jaynes–Cummings model. Using this equivalence, we show that the dynamics of the molecular field at each site can be mapped to that of a micromaser, one of Herbert Walther’s most remarkable contributions (Meschede et al., 1985). Section 3 further expands on the mapping of ultra-cold fermion pairs onto two-level atoms to study the role of fluctuations in the association and dissociation rates of ultra-cold molecules. We show that this system is closely related to Dicke superradiance, and with this analogy as a guide, we discuss how the passage time fluctuations depend sensitively on the initial state of the system. In a third example, inspired by Herbert Walther’s work on photon statistics and antibunching (Brattke et al., 2001; Krause et al., 1989; Rempe et al., 1990; Rempe and Walther, 1990) Section 4 analyzes how the statistics of their constituent atoms affects the counting statistics of molecules formed by photo-association. We compare the three cases where the molecules are formed from a BEC, an ultra-cold Fermi gas and a Fermi system with a superfluid component. The concept of quantum coherence developed by R.J. Glauber and exploited in many situations by H. Walther and his coworkers, in particular in their studies of resonance fluorescence, are now applied to characterizing the statistical properties of the coupled atom–molecule system. Finally, Section 5 further elaborates on these ideas to probe spatial correlations and coherent properties of atomic samples, and we find that the momentum distribution of the molecules contains detailed information about the second-order correlations of the initial atomic gas.
2. Molecular Micromaser Ultra-cold atoms and molecules trapped in optical lattices provide an exciting new tool to study a variety of physics problems. In particular, they provide remarkable connections with the condensed matter of strongly correlated systems and with quantum information science, a very well controlled environment to study processes such as photo-association (Ryu et al., 2005), and, from a pointof-view more directly related to quantum optics, can be thought of as matter–
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wave analog of photons trapped in high-Q cavities. In particular, the high degree of real-time control of the system parameters offers the opportunity to directly experimentally study some of the long-standing questions of condensed matter physics, such as the ground state structure of certain models and many-body dynamic properties (Jaksch and Zoller, 2005). The coherent formation of molecules in an optical lattice via either Feshbach resonances and two-photon Raman photo-association has been studied both theoretically (Jaksch et al., 2002; Damski et al., 2003; Esslinger and Molmer, 2003; Molmer, 2003; Moore and Sadeghpour, 2003) and experimentally (Köhl et al., 2005; Rom et al., 2004; Ryu et al., 2005; Stöferle et al., 2005). In particular, the experiment of Ref. (Ryu et al., 2005) observed reversible and coherent Rabi oscillations in a gas of coupled atoms and molecules. The idea of the molecular micromaser (Search et al., 2003) relies on the observation that, as a consequence of Fermi statistics, the photo-association of fermionic atoms into bosonic molecules can be mapped onto a generalized Jaynes– Cummings model. This analogy allows one to immediately translate many of the results that have been obtained for the Jaynes–Cummings model to atom– molecule systems. In addition, the molecular system possesses several properties that have no counterpart in the quantum optics analog, giving rise to interesting generalizations of the original micromaser problem (Filipowicz et al., 1986; Guzman et al., 1989; Meschede et al., 1985; Rempe et al., 1990). One of these new features is the inter-site tunneling of atoms and molecules between adjacent lattice sites, leading to a system that can be thought of as an array of molecular micromasers (Search et al., 2004). To see how this works, rather than treating a full lattice potential we consider the dynamics of the molecular field in the simpler model of a coupled atom–molecule system in a double-well potential. We first show that inter-well tunneling enhances number fluctuations and eliminates trapping states in a manner similar to thermal fluctuations. We also examine the buildup of the relative phase between the two molecular states localized at the two wells due to the combined effect of inter-well tunneling and two-body collisions. We identify three regimes, characterized by different orders of magnitude of the ratio of the twobody collision strength to the inter-well tunneling coupling. The crossover of the non-equilibrium steady state from a phase-coherent regime to a phase-incoherent regime is closely related to the phase locking of condensates in Josephson-type configurations (Leggett, 2001), while we consider an open quantum system with incoherent pump and molecular loss which results in a dissipative steady state.
2.1. M ODEL We consider a mixture of two hyperfine spin states |σ =↑, ↓ of fermionic atoms of mass mf trapped in a double-well potential at temperature T = 0, which can be
coherently combined into bosonic molecules of mass mb via two-photon Raman photo-association. If the band-gap of the lattice potential is much larger than any other energy scale in the system, the fermions and molecules occupy only the lowest energy level of each well and the number of fermions of a given spin state is at most one in each well. In the tight binding approximation, the effective Hamiltonian describing the coupled atom–molecule system is
Hˆ 0i + Hˆ I i + Hˆ T , Hˆ = (1) i=l,r
where 1 Hˆ 0i = h(ω ¯ b + δ)nˆ i + h¯ ωf (nˆ ↑i + nˆ ↓i ) + h¯ Ub nˆ i (nˆ i − 1) 2 n ˆ n ˆ + h¯ Ux nˆ i (nˆ ↑i + nˆ ↓i ) + hU ¯ f ↑i ↓i , Hˆ I i = hχ(t) bˆi† cˆ↑i cˆ↓i + H.c., ¯ † † cˆ↑r + cˆ↓l cˆ↓r + H.c. Hˆ T = −h¯ Jb bˆl† bˆr − h¯ Jf cˆ↑l
(2) (3) (4)
Here cˆσ i and bˆi , i = l, r, are the annihilation operators of fermionic atoms and bosonic molecules in the left (l) and right (r) wells, respectively. The corresponding number operators nˆ i = bˆi† bˆi and nˆ σ i = cˆσ† i cˆσ i have eigenvalues ni and nσ i , respectively, and hω ¯ b and h¯ ωf are the energies of the molecules and atoms in the isolated wells. The terms proportional to Ub , Ux , and Uf in Hˆ 0i describe on-site two-body interactions between molecules, between atoms and molecules, and between atoms, respectively. The interaction Hamiltonian Hˆ I i describes the conversion of atoms into molecules via two-photon Raman photo-association. The photo-association coupling constant χ(t) is proportional to the far off-resonant two-photon Rabi frequency associated with two nearly co-propagating lasers (Heinzen et al., 2000), and δ is the two-photon detuning between the lasers and the energy difference of the atom pairs and the molecules. The tunneling between two wells is described by the parameters Jb and Jf in the tunneling Hamiltonian Hˆ T . The molecular field is “pumped” by a train of short photo-association pulses of duration τ , separated by long intervals T τ during which the molecules are subject only to two-body collisions and quantum tunneling between the potential wells, as well as to losses due mainly to three-body collisions and collisional relaxation to low-lying vibrational states. In the absence of inter-well tunneling, this separation of time scales leads to a situation very similar to that encountered in the description of traditional micromasers, with the transit of individual two-level atoms through the micromaser cavity replaced by the train of photo-association pulses.
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The dynamics of the molecular field in the double-well system is governed by the following four mechanisms: (i) Coherent pumping by injection of pairs of fermionic atoms inside the double-well. This process is the analog of the injection of two-level atoms into a micromaser cavity. The injection of pairs of fermionic atoms into the doublewell potential can be accomplished, e.g., by Raman transfer of atoms from an untrapped internal state (Jaksch et al., 1998; Mandel et al., 2004). This results in the pumping of fermions into the double well at a rate Γ (Search et al., 2002a). We assume that for times T Γ −1 , a pair of fermions has been transferred to the two wells with unit probability, that is, the state of the trapped fermions in well i is † † cˆ↑i |0. |ei = cˆ↓i
(ii) Molecular damping, which is the analog of cavity damping. During the time intervals T when the photo-association lasers are off, the molecular field decays at rate γ (Search et al., 2003). The decay of the molecules is due to Rayleigh scattering from the intermediate molecular excited state, three-body inelastic collisions between a molecule and two fermions, and collisional relaxation from a vibrationally excited molecular state to deeply bound states. These loss mechanisms can be modeled by a master equation (see, e.g., Meystre and Sargent III, 1999; Miyakawa et al., 2004; Scully and Zubairy, 1997). (iii) The application of a train of photo-association pulses. This mechanism is formally analogous to the Jaynes–Cummings interaction between the single-mode field and a sequence of two-level atoms traveling through the microwave cavity in the conventional micromaser. As already mentioned, we assume that these are square pulses of duration τ and period T + τ , with τ much shorter than all other −1 , γ −1 . This assumption is essential if we are time scales in this model, τ Jb,f to neglect damping and tunneling while the photo-association fields are on. The change in the molecular field resulting from atom–molecule conversion is given by Fi (τ )ρˆb ≡ Tra Ui (τ )ρˆab (t)Ui† (τ ) , (6) where ρˆab is the total density operator of the atom–molecule system and Tra [ ] denotes the trace over the atomic variables, Ui (τ ) = exp (−i hˆ i τ/h¯ ) being the evolution operator for a single-well Hamiltonian, hˆ i = Hˆ 0i + Hˆ I i . The key observation that allows us here and below to build a bridge from the cold atoms and molecular system to quantum optics systems is that by means of the mapping (Anderson, 1958) σˆ −i = c↑i c↓i ,
† † σˆ +i = c↓i c↑i , † † c↑i + c↓i c↓i − 1, σˆ zi = c↑i
the atomic degrees of freedom take the form of a fictitious two-level system. The operators σˆ +i , σˆ −i , and σˆ zi can be interpreted as the raising and lowering operators of the fictitious two-level atom and the population difference, respectively. The single-well Hamiltonian takes the form hˆ i = h¯ (ωb + Ux ) nˆ i + h¯ (ωf + Ux nˆ i )σˆ zi h¯ + h¯ χ(t)bˆi† σˆ −i + χ ∗ (t)bˆi σˆ +i + Ub nˆ i (nˆ i − 1), (8) 2 where we have dropped constant terms and we have redefined ωb and ωf according to ωb + δ → ωb and ωf + Uf /2 → ωf . The Hamiltonian hˆ i is Jaynes–Cummings-like, and for χ = const, the resulting dynamics can be determined within the two-state manifolds of each well {|ei , ni , |gi , ni + 1} by a simple extension of the familiar solution to the Jaynes– Cummings model. Within each manifold the system undergoes Rabi oscillations. Since tunneling is neglected during the photo-association steps, the two wells are independent of each other and identical to each other. The resultant molecular gain is then modeled by independent coarse-grained equations of motion for the reduced density matrices of each molecular mode. (iv) The unitary time evolution of the molecular field under the influence of two-body collisions and quantum tunneling, a process absent in conventional micromasers. During the intervals T it is governed by i ∂ ρˆb = − Hˆ b , ρˆb , (9) ∂t h¯ where the Hamiltonian Ub Hˆ b = −h¯ Jb bˆl† bˆr + bˆr† bˆl + h¯ (10) (nˆ l − nˆ r )2 4 contains tunneling and collisions. In Eq. (10), we have neglected terms that are functions only of Nˆ = nˆ l + nˆ r , a step justified as long as the initial density matrix is diagonal in the total number of molecules in the two wells. Combining the coherent and incoherent processes (i) to (iv), we obtain the full evolution of the molecular field
1 i ∂ ρˆb Fi (τ ) − Ii ρˆb − [Hb , ρˆb ], Li ρˆb + = (11) ∂t T h¯ l,r l,r where ρˆb is the reduced density matrix of the molecules. The initial condition for the molecules is taken to be the vacuum state. Because the molecular pumping and decay is the same in both wells, the density matrix ρ remains diagonal in the
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total number of molecules in the two wells for all times. This is a generalization of the micromaser result that the photon density matrix will remain diagonal if it is initially diagonal in a number state basis (Filipowicz et al., 1986).
2.2. R ESULTS The master equation describing the molecular micromaser dynamics contains six independent parameters: the number of photo-association √ cycles per lifetime of the molecule, Nex = 1/γ T ; the “pump parameter” Θ = Nex |χ|τ ; the two-body collision strength and tunneling coupling strength per decay rate, ub = Ub /γ and tJ = Jb /γ ; and finally, the detuning parameter η = (2ωf − ωb )/2|χ| and the nonlinear detuning parameter β ≡ (2Ux − Ub )/2|χ|. In our model, the atomic and molecular level separations in the wells are required to be much larger than the relevant interaction energies, h¯ ωb Ub nˆ i nˆ i − 1 , |χ| nˆ i , (12) nˆ i being the average number of molecules in well i. A comparison with actual experimental parameters (Greiner et al., 2002a; Jaksch et al., 1998; Miyakawa et al., 2004) shows that these conditions are satisfied as long as the number of molecules does not exceed 10. In addition, the neglect of inter-well tunneling and damping effects during the photo-association pulses requires that τ Jb−1 , γ −1 .
This condition is satisfied in typical experiments. In the remainder of this section, we discuss the dynamics of the molecular field obtained by direct numerical integration of the master equation with a Runge– Kutta algorithm until a dissipative steady state is reached. For simplicity, we confine our discussion to exact resonance only, η = β = 0, and a fixed value of Nex = 10. 2.2.1. Single-Well Molecular Statistics We first discuss the statistics of a single-well molecular mode, which is given by tracing over the full density matrix with respect to degrees of freedom of the other localized mode as ρ(nl , nr ; nl , nr ). P (nl{r} ) = Trr{l} ρ(nl , nr ; ml , mr ) = (14) nr{l}
We note that off-diagonal elements of the density matrix for a single well are zero. Since the initial state of the molecules in each well is the same, i.e. the vacuum state, and Hˆ b is invariant with respect to the interchange l ↔ r, the molecule statistics for left and right wells are identical, P (nl ) = P (nr ) ≡ P (n).
F IG . 1. nˆ i versus Θ/π for ub = 0 and Nex = 10, and for (a) tJ = 0 and (b) tJ = 5.
Figure 1 shows the steady-state average number nˆ i plotted as a function of the pump parameter Θ for ub = 0, Nex = 10. In the absence of inter-well tunneling, corresponding to Fig. 1(a), the result reproduces that of conventional micromasers, with a “lasing” threshold behavior at around Θ ≈ 1 and an abrupt jump to a higher mean occupation at about the first transition point, Θ 2π. The former effect is not affected by the tunneling coupling as shown in Fig. 1(b). However, the latter abrupt jump disappears in the presence of inter-well tunneling. This is because the coupling to the other well leads to fluctuations in the number of molecules in each well and has an effect similar to thermal fluctuations in the traditional micromaser theory. The enhancement of fluctuations can also be seen in Fig. 2 where the Mandel Q-parameter Q=
nˆ 2i − nˆ i 2 −1 nˆ i
is plotted as a function of Θ. It is known that in the usual micromaser the sharp resonance-like dips in nˆ i and Q are attributable to trapping states, which√are characterized by a sharp photon number. For the specific value of Θ = 5 π, as shown in Fig. 3(a), the number probability does not reach beyond number state |ni = 1 in the case of tJ = 0. As shown in Fig. 3(b), the tunneling coupling makes possible transitions into higher number states and eliminates the trapping state in a manner similar to thermal fluctuations in the conventional micro maser.
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F IG . 2. Q parameter versus Θ/π for ub = 0 and Nex = 10, and for (a, solid line) tJ = 0 and (b, dashed line) tJ = 5.
F IG . 3. Molecular number statistics P (ni ) for Θ = and (b) tJ = 5.
5 π , ub = 0 and Nex , and for (a) tJ = 0
2.2.2. Phase Coherence between Two Micromasers with Tunneling Coupling So far we have discussed the single-well molecule statistics and how it is affected by inter-well tunneling. Now we turn to a more detailed discussion of the phase coherence between the two localized modes. It is very useful to divide the parameter space of the ratio of the two-body collision strength to the inter-well tunneling coupling into three regimes (Leggett, 2001): “Rabi-regime” (ub /tJ Nˆ −1 ); “Josephson-regime” (Nˆ −1 ub /tJ Nˆ ); and “Fockregime” (Nˆ ub /tJ ); where Nˆ denotes the average total molecule number. The analysis of the relative coherence of the molecular fields in the two wells is most conveniently discussed in terms of the angular momentum representation Jˆ+ = Jˆx + i Jˆy = bˆl† bˆr , Jˆ− = Jˆx − i Jˆy = bˆr† bˆl , 1 Jˆz = bˆl† bˆl − bˆr† bˆr , 2 Nˆ Nˆ 2 ˆ +1 . J = 2 2
The symmetry of the density matrix with respect to the two wells furthermore implies that Jˆz = Jˆy = 0. The first-order coherence between the molecular fields in the left and right potential wells is then given by Jˆx . Figure 4 shows the normalized steady-state first-order coherence Jˆx /nˆ j as a function of ub /tJ for Θ = π and tJ = 2.5. Jˆx is suppressed in both the Rabi and Fock regimes and has an extremum at |ub |/tJ ∼ 0.6. In the Fock regime, |ub |/tJ Nˆ ∼ 10, the
F IG . 4. Jˆx /nj versus ub /tJ for Θ = π and tJ = 2.5.
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non-linearity in Hˆ b dominates and reduces the coherence between the localized states of each well. We note that the average occupation numbers for each well are relatively unaffected by ub /tJ , with nˆ j = Nˆ /2 = 4.78–4.87 for |ub |/tJ = 102 –10−2.5 . The reason why the first-order coherence is suppressed in the weak coupling limit, ub = 0, can be understood as follows. The expectation value Jˆx corˆ responds to √ the difference in occupation numbers √ between the in-phase, bs = ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ (bl + br )/ 2, and out-of-phase, ba = (bl − br )/ 2, states of the localized states of each well, Jˆx = bˆs† bˆs − bˆa† bˆa . Since the bandwidth of the photo-association pulse is larger than their energy splitting, 1/τ Jb , those states are equally populated, resulting in Jˆx = 0 for ub = 0. Thus, the origin of the mutual coherence between two molecular modes is due solely to two-body collisions. Furthermore, we remark that a semiclassical treatment results in Jˆx = 0 for all times and all values of ub /tJ (Miyakawa et al., 2004). Hence, we conclude that the build-up of Jˆx is a purely quantum-mechanical effect due to quantum fluctuations. The phase distribution of the two wells can be studied using the Pegg– Barnett phase states (Barnett and Pegg, 1990; Javanainen and Ivanov, 1999; Luis and Sanchez-Soto, 1993; Pegg and Barnett, 1988). Since the density matrix is diagonal in the total number of molecules it is sufficient to consider the relative phase. Figure 5 shows the time evolution of the relative phase distribution in three different regimes: (a) Rabi, ub /tJ = 0.0032, (b) Josephson, ub /tJ = 0.5623, and (c) Fock ub /tJ = 56.23, for Θ = π, tJ = 2.5. Since the vacuum state is taken as the initial state, the relative phase at t = 0 is randomly distributed, P (φn ) = const. In the Rabi regime, corresponding to Fig. 5(a), bimodal phase distribution with peaks around both 0 and ±π builds up in the characteristic time γ −1 needed to reach a steady state (Filipowicz et al., 1986). In the Josephson regime, the relative phase locks around 0 (±π), for repulsive (attractive) two-body interactions, see Fig. 5(b). In contrast to these two regimes, in the Fock regime the relative phase distribution becomes almost random for all times, and the localized modes in the two wells evolve independently of each other.
F IG . 5. Time evolution of P (φn ) for Θ = π , tJ = 2.5 and for (a) ub /tJ = 0.0032, (b) ub /tJ = 0.5623, (c) ub /tJ = 56.23.
The three regimes of phase distributions correspond to different orders of magnitude of the ratio ub /tJ . The crossover of the non-equilibrium steady state from a phase-coherent regime to the random-phase situation is reminiscent of the superfluid-Mott insulator phase transition for the ground state of an optical lattice (Fisher et al., 1989; Jaksch et al., 1998). Since we consider just two sites, however, there is no sharp transition between these regimes.
3. Passage Time Statistics of Molecule Formation We now turn to a second-example that illustrates the understanding of the dynamics of quantum-degenerate atomic and molecular systems that can be gained from quantum optics analogies. Here, we consider the first stages of coherent molecular formation via photo-association. Since in such experiments the molecular field is typically in a vacuum initially, it is to be intuitively expected that the initial stages of molecule formation will be strongly governed by quantum noise, hence subject to large fluctuations. One important way to characterize these fluctuations is in terms of the so-called passage time, which is the time it takes to produce, or dissociate, a predetermined number of molecules. Quantum noise results in fluctuations in that time, whose probability distribution can therefore be used to probe the fluctuations in the formation dynamics. Because of the analogy between pairs of fermionic atoms and two-level systems that we already exploited in the discussion of the molecular micromaser, one can expect that the problem at hand is somewhat analogous to spontaneous radiation from a sample of two-level atoms, the well-know problem of superradiance. In this section we show that this is indeed the case, and use this analogy to study the passage time statistics of molecular formation from fermionic atoms. We consider again a quantum-degenerate gas of fermionic atoms of mass mf and spin σ =↑, ↓, coupled coherently to bosonic molecules of mass mb = 2mf and zero momentum via photo-association. Neglecting collisions between fermions and assuming that for short enough times the molecules occupy a single-mode of the bosonic field, this system can be described by the boson–fermion model Hamiltonian
1 † † H = cˆk↑ + cˆ−k↓ cˆ−k↓ h¯ ωk cˆk↑ 2 k
† † † bˆ † cˆk↑ cˆ−k↓ + bˆ cˆ−k↑ , cˆk↓ + hω (16) ¯ b bˆ bˆ + h¯ χ k
bˆ † , bˆ
are molecular bosonic creation and annihilation operators and where † , cˆkσ are fermionic creation and annihilation operators describing atoms of cˆkσ momentum hk ¯ and spin σ . The first and second terms in Eq. (16) describe the
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kinetic energy h¯ ωk /2 = h¯ 2 k 2 /(2mf ) of the atoms and the detuning energy of the molecules respectively, and the third term describes the photo-association of pairs of atoms of opposite momentum into molecules. Introducing the pseudo-spin operators (Anderson, 1958) analogous to Eq. (7), 1 † † cˆ−k↓ − 1 , cˆ cˆk↑ + cˆ−k↓ 2 k↑ † † = (σˆ k− )† = cˆ−k↓ cˆk↑ ,
σˆ kz = σˆ k+
the Hamiltonian (16) becomes, within an unimportant constant (Barankov and Levitov, 2004; Meiser and Meystre, 2005),
bˆ † σˆ k− + bˆ σˆ k+ . h¯ ωk σˆ kz + h¯ ωb bˆ † bˆ + hχ H = (18) ¯ k
This Hamiltonian is known in quantum optics as the inhomogeneously broadened (or non-degenerate) Tavis–Cummings model (Tavis and Cummings, 1968). It describes the coupling of an ensemble of two-level atoms to a single-mode electromagnetic field. Hence the mapping (17) establishes the formal analogy between the problem at hand and Dicke superradiance, with the caveat that we are dealing with a single bosonic mode (Andreev et al., 2004; Barankov and Levitov, 2004; Javanainen et al., 2004; Meiser and Meystre, 2005; Miyakawa and Meystre, 2005; Pazy et al., 2005). Instead of real two-level atoms, pairs of fermionic atoms are now described as effective two-level systems whose ground state corresponds to the absence of a pair, |gk = |0k↑ , 0−k↓ and the excited state to a pair of atoms of opposite momenta, |ek = |1k↑ , 1−k↓ , in close analogy to the treatment of the atoms in the previous section. The initial condition consists of the molecular field in the vacuum state and a filled Fermi sea of atoms σˆ k+ |0,
|F =
k|kF |
where kF is the Fermi momentum. As such, the problem at hand is in direct analogy to the traditional superradiance problem where one starts from an ensemble of excited two-state atoms, as expected from our previous comments. Later on we will also consider an initial state containing only molecules and no atoms. This is an important extension of the traditional Dicke superradiance system, where the two-level atoms are coupled to all modes of the photon vacuum a situation, thereby precluding the possibility of an initial state containing a single, macroscopically occupied photon mode unless the system us prepared in a high-Q cavity. We assume from now on that the inhomogeneous broadening due to the spread in atomic kinetic energies can be ignored. This so-called degenerate approximation is justified provided that the kinetic energies are small compared to the
atom–molecule coupling energy, β = F /(h¯ χ) 1, where F is the Fermi energy. It is the analog of the homogeneous broadening limit of quantum optics, and of the Raman–Nath approximation in atomic diffraction. A comparison with typical experimental parameters (Heinzen et al., 2000) shows that the degenerate approximation is justified if the number of atoms does not exceed ∼102 –103 (Uys et al., 2005). Limiting thus our considerations to small atomic samples, we approximate all ωk ’s by ωF and introduce the collective pseudo-spin operators
Sˆz = (20) σˆ kz , Sˆ ± = σˆ k± , k
obtaining the standard Tavis–Cummings Hamiltonian (Miyakawa and Meystre, 2005; Tavis and Cummings, 1968) H = h¯ ωF Sˆz + h¯ ωb bˆ † bˆ + h¯ χ bˆ Sˆ + + bˆ † Sˆ − . (21) 2
This Hamiltonian conserves the total spin operator Sˆ . The total number of atoms is twice the total spin and hence is also a conserved quantity. Sˆz measures the difference in the numbers of atom pairs and molecules. Equation (21) can be diagonalized numerically with reasonable computation times even for relatively large numbers of atoms. One can, however, gain significant intuitive insight in the underlying dynamics by finding operator equations of motion and then treating the short-time molecular population semiclassically, nˆ b → nb . To this end we introduce the “joint coherence” operators Tˆx = bˆ Sˆ + + bˆ † Sˆ − /2, Tˆy = bˆ Sˆ + − bˆ † Sˆ − /2i, (22) and find the Heisenberg equations of motion n˙ˆ b = −2χ Tˆy , T˙ˆ x = δ Tˆy , T˙ˆ y = −δ Tˆx − χ 2Sˆz nˆ b + Sˆ + Sˆ − ,
(23) (24) (25)
where δ = ωb − ωF , so that 2χ Tˆx + δ nˆ b is a constant of motion. In the following, we confine our discussion to the case of δ = 0 for simplicity. We thus neglect the contribution of Tˆx in Eq. (25). In order to better understand the short time dynamics we reexpress Sˆ + Sˆ − as Sˆ + Sˆ − = −nˆ 2b + (2S − 1)nˆ b + N. This shows that the operator Sˆ + Sˆ −
is non-vanishing when the molecular field is in a vacuum and hence can be interpreted as a noise operator. Indeed Eqs. (23)–(25)
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F IG . 6. Short-time dynamics of nˆ b . From left to right, the curves give the linearized solution (28) and the full quantum results for N = 500, N = 250, and N = 100, respectively. Figure taken from Ref. (Uys et al., 2005).
show that the buildup of the molecular field is triggered only by noise if nˆ b = 0 initially. By keeping only the lowest-order terms in nˆ b we can eliminate Tˆy to obtain the differential equation n¨ˆ b ≈ 2N χ 2 (2nˆ b + 1) which, for our initial state, may be solved to yield √ nˆ b (t) ≈ sinh2 χ N t .
Figure 6 compares the average molecule number nˆ b obtained this way, with the full quantum solution obtained by direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian (21) for various values of N . The semiclassical approach agrees within 5% of the full quantum solution until about 20% of the population of atom pairs has been converted into molecules in all cases. Next we turn to the passage time statistics. In Fig. 7 we show (solid line) the distribution of times required to produce a normalized molecule number nref b /N = 0.05 from a sample initially containing N = 500 pairs of atomic fermions, as found by direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian (21). This distribution differs sharply from its counterpart for the reverse process of photodissociation from a molecular condensate into fermionic atom pairs, which is plotted as the dashed line in Fig. 7. In contrast to photo-association, this latter process suffers significantly reduced fluctuations. To understand the physical mechanism leading to this reduction in fluctuations we again turn to our short time semi-classical model. Within this approximation, the Heisenberg equations of motion (23)–(24) can be recast in the form of a Newtonian equation (Miyakawa and Meystre, 2005) d 2 nb dU (nb ) =− , dnb dt 2
F IG . 7. Passage time distribution for converting 5% of the initial population consisting of only atoms (molecules) into molecules (atoms) for N = 500. For initially all atoms: solid line, for initially all molecules: dashed line.
F IG . 8. Effective potential for a system with N 1. The circle (square) corresponds to an initial state with all fermionic atoms (molecules). The part of the potential for nb < 0 is unphysical. Figure taken from Ref. (Uys et al., 2005).
where the cubic effective potential U (nb ) is plotted in Fig. 8. (Note we have now kept all orders in nb .) In case the system is initially composed solely of fermionic atoms, nb (0) = 0, the initial state is dynamically unstable, with fluctuations having a large impact on the build-up of nb . In contrast, when it consists initially solely of molecules, nb = N , the initial state is far from the point of unstable equilibrium, and nb simply “rolls down” the potential in a manner largely insensitive to quantum fluctuations. This is a consequence of the fact that the bosonic initial state provides a mean field that is more amenable to a classical description. Hence, while the early stages of molecular dimer formation from fermionic atoms are characterized by large fluctuations in formation times that reflect the quantum fluctuations in the initial atomic state, the reverse process of dissociation of a condensate of molecular dimers is largely deterministic. The diminished fluctuations
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in this reversed process is peculiar to the atom–molecule system and not normally considered in the quantum optics analog of Dicke superradiance.
4. Counting Statistics of Molecular Fields An important quantum mechanical characteristic of a quantum field is its counting (or number) statistics. In this section we show how the similarity of the coherent molecule formation with quantum optical sum-frequency generation can be used to determine the counting statistics of the molecular field. In particular we show how the counting statistics depends on the statistics of the atoms from which the molecules are formed. Besides being interesting in its own right, such an analysis is crucial for an understanding of several recent experiments that used a “projection” onto molecules to detect BCS superfluidity in fermionic systems (Regal et al., 2004; Zwierlein et al., 2004). Our work shows that the statistical properties of the resulting molecular field indeed reflect properties of the initial atomic state and are a sensitive probe for superfluidity. As before, we restrict our discussion to a simple model in which all the molecules are generated in a single mode. We use time dependent perturbation theory to calculate the number of molecules formed after some time t, n(t), as well as the equal-time second-order correlation function g (2) (t, t). We also integrate the Schrödinger equation numerically for small numbers of atoms, which allows us to calculate the complete counting statistics Pn .
4.1. BEC Consider first a cloud of weakly interacting bosons well below the condensation temperature Tc . It is a good approximation to assume that all atoms are in the condensate, described by the condensate wave function ψ0 (x). The coupled system of atoms and molecules is described by the effective two-mode Hamiltonian (Anglin and Vardi, 2001; Javanainen and Mackie, 1999) † 2 †2 Hˆ BEC = h¯ δ bˆ † bˆ + hχ (30) ¯ bˆ cˆ + bˆ cˆ , ˆ bˆ † and c, ˆ cˆ† are the bosonic annihilation and creation operators for the where b, molecules and for the atoms in the condensate, respectively, δ is the detuning between the molecular and atomic level, and h¯ χ is the effective coupling constant. Typical experiments start out with all atoms in the condensate and no molecules, corresponding to the initial state, cˆ†Na |0, |ψ(t = 0) = √ Na !
F IG . 9. Number statistics of molecules formed from a BEC with Nmax = 30 and δ = 0.
where Na = 2Nmax is the number of atoms, Nmax is the maximum possible number of molecules and |0 is the vacuum of both molecules and atoms. We can numerically solve the Schrödinger equation for this problem in a number basis and from that solution we can determine the molecule statistics Pn (t). The results of such a simulation are illustrated in Fig. 9, which shows Pn (t) for 30 initial atom pairs and δ = 0. Starting in the state with zero molecules, a wave-packetlike structure forms and propagates in the direction of increasing n. Near Nmax the molecules begin to dissociate back into atom pairs. We can gain some analytical insight into the short-time dynamics of molecule formation by using first-order perturbation theory (Kozierowski and Tana´s, 1977; Mandel, 1982). We find for the mean molecule number n(t) = (χt)2 2Nmax (2Nmax − 1) + O (χt)2 (32) and for the second factorial moment −2 2 . + O Nmax g (2) (t1 , t2 ) = 1 − Nmax
For Nmax large enough we have g (2) (t1 , t2 ) → 1, the value characteristic of a Glauber coherent field. From g (2) and n(t) we also find the relative width of the
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molecule number distribution as (nˆ − n)2 = g (2) + n−1 − 1. n
It approaches n−1/2 in the limit of large Nmax , typical of a Poisson distribution. This confirms that for short enough times, the molecular field is coherent in the sense of quantum optics.
4.2. N ORMAL F ERMI G AS We now turn to the case of photo-association from two different species of noninteracting ultra-cold fermions. The two species are again denoted by spin up and down. At T = 0, the atoms fill a Fermi sea up to an energy μ. Weak repulsive interactions give rise only to minor quantitative modifications that we ignore. We refer to this system of non-interacting Fermions as a normal Fermi gas (NFG) (Landau et al., 1980). As before we assume that atom pairs are coupled only to a single mode of the molecular field, which we assume to have zero momentum for simplicity. Then, using the mapping to pseudo spins Eq. (17) we find that the system is again described by the inhomogeneously broadened Tavis–Cummings Hamiltonian Eq. (18). However, in contrast to the previous case, we do not assume that the fermionic energies are approximately degenerate, in order to be able compare the results to the BCS case, where the kinetic energies are essential. Figure 10 shows the molecule statistics obtained this way. The result is clearly both qualitatively and quantitatively very different from the case of molecule formation from an atomic BEC. From the Tavis–Cummings model analogy we expect that for short times the statistics of the molecular field should be chaotic, or “thermal”, much like those of a single-mode chaotic light field. This is because each individual atom pair “emits” a molecule independently and without any phase relation with other pairs. That this is the case is illustrated in the inset of Fig. 10, which fits the molecule statistics at selected short times with chaotic distributions of the form e−n/n Pn,thermal = −n/n . ne
The increasing ‘pseudo-temperature’ n corresponds to the growing average number of molecules as a function of time. As before we determine the short-time properties of the molecular field in firstorder perturbation theory. We find for the mean number of molecules n(t) = (χt)2 2Na .
F IG . 10. Number statistics of molecules formed from a normal Fermi gas. This simulation is for Na = 20 atoms, the detuning is δ = 0, the Fermi energy is μ = 0.1h¯ χ and the momentum of the ith pair is |ki | = (i − 1)2kF /(Na /2 − 1). The inset shows fits of the number statistics to thermal distributions for various times as marked by the thick lines in the main figure.
It is proportional to Na , in contrast to the BEC result, where n was proportional to Na2 , see Eq. (32). This is another manifestation of the independence of all the atom pairs from each other: While in the BEC case the molecule production is a collective effect with contributions from all possible atom pairs adding constructively, there is no such collective enhancement in the case of Fermions. Each atom can pair up with only one other atom to form a molecule. For the second factorial moment we find 1 g (2) (t1 , t2 ) = 2 1 − (37) 2Na which is close to two, typical of a chaotic or thermal field.
4.3. F ERMI G AS WITH S UPERFLUID C OMPONENT Unlike repulsive interactions, attractive interactions between fermions have a profound impact on molecule formation. It is known that such interactions give rise
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F IG . 11. Number statistics of molecules formed from a Fermi gas with pairing correlations. For this simulation the detuning is δ = 0, the Fermi energy is μ = 0.1g and the background scattering strength is V = 0.03χ resulting in Na ≈ 9.4 atoms and a gap of ≈ 0.15χ. The momenta of the atom pairs are distributed as before in the normal Fermi gas case.
to a Cooper instability that leads to pairing and drastically changes the qualitative properties of the atomic system. The BCS reduced Hamiltonian is essentially the inhomogeneously broadened Tavis–Cummings Hamiltonian (18) with an additional term accounting for the attractive interactions between atoms (Kittel, 1987),
σˆ k+ σˆ k− . (38) bˆ † σˆ k− + bˆ σˆ k+ − V h¯ ωk σˆ kz + h¯ ωb bˆ † bˆ + hχ H = ¯ k
The approximate mean-field ground state |BCS is found by minimizing Hˆ BCS − ˆ in the standard way. The dynamics is then obtained by numerically inteμN grating the Schrödinger equation with |BCS as the initial atomic state and the molecular field in the vacuum state. Figure 11 shows the resulting molecule statistics for V = 0.03h¯ χ, which corresponds to a gap of = 0.15h¯ χ for the system at hand. Clearly, the molecule production is much more efficient than it was in the case of a normal Fermi gas. The molecules are produced at a higher rate and the maximum number of molecules is larger. The evolution of the number statistics is reminiscent of the BEC
case. This also shows that the qualitative differences seen between the normal Fermi gas and a BEC in the previous section cannot be attributed to inhomogeneous broadening and the resulting dephasing alone but are instead a result of the different coherence properties of the atoms. The short-time dynamics is again obtained in first-order perturbation theory, which gives now 2 n(t) ≈ (χt)2 (39) + Na . V In addition to the term proportional to Na representing the incoherent contribution from the individual atom pairs that was already present in the normal Fermi gas, there is now an additional contribution proportional to (/V )2 . Since (/V ) can be interpreted as the number of Cooper pairs in the quantum-degenerate Fermi gas, this term can be understood as resulting from the coherent conversion of Cooper pairs into molecules in a collective fashion similar to the BEC case. The coherent contribution results naturally from the non-linear coupling of the atomic field to the molecular field. This non-linear coupling links higher-order correlations of the molecular field to lower-order correlations of the atomic field. For the parameters of Fig. 11 /V ≈ 6.5 so that the coherent contribution from the Cooper pairs clearly dominates over the incoherent contribution from the unpaired fermions. Note that no signature of that term can be found in the momentum distribution of the atoms themselves. Their momentum distribution is very similar to that of a normal Fermi gas. The short-time value of g (2) (t1 , t2 ), shown in Fig. 12, decreases from the value of Eq. (37) for a normal Fermi gas at = 0 down to one as increases, underlining the transition from incoherent to coherent molecule production.
5. Molecules as Probes of Spatial Correlations The single-mode description of the molecular field of the previous section results in the loss of all information about the spatial structure of the atomic state. In this final section we adopt a complementary view and study the coupled atom– molecule system including all modes of the molecular and atomic field so as to resolve their spatial structure. This problem is too complex to admit an exact solution, hence we rely entirely on perturbation theory. One of the motivations for such studies are the on-going experimental efforts to study the so-called BEC-BCS crossover. A difficulty of these studies has been that they necessitate the measurement of higher-order correlations of the atomic system. While the momentum distribution of a gas of bosons provides a clear signature of the presence of a Bose–Einstein condensate, the Cooper pairing between fermionic atoms in a BCS state hardly changes the momentum distribution
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F IG . 12. g (2) (0+ , 0+ ) as a function of the gap parameter . (Figure taken from Ref. (Meiser and Meystre, 2005).)
or spatial profile as compared to a normal Fermi gas. This poses a significant experimental challenge, since the primary techniques for probing the state of an ultra-cold gas are either optical absorption or phase contrast imaging, which directly measure the spatial density or momentum distribution following ballistic expansion of the gas. In the strongly interacting regime very close to the Feshbach resonance, evidence for fermionic superfluidity was obtained by projecting the atom pairs onto a molecular state by a rapid sweep through the resonance (Regal et al., 2004; Zwierlein et al., 2004). More direct evidence of the gap in the excitation spectra due to pairing was obtained by rf spectroscopy (Chin et al., 2004) and by measurements of the collective excitation frequencies (Bartenstein et al., 2004; Kinast et al., 2004). Finally, the superfluidity of ultra-cold fermions in the strongly interacting regime has recently been impressively demonstrated via the generation of atomic vortices (Zwierlein et al., 2005). Still, the detection of fermionic superfluidity in the weakly interacting BCS regime remains a challenge. The direct detection of Cooper pairing requires the measurement of second-order or higher atomic correlation functions. Several researchers have proposed and implemented schemes that allow one to measure
higher-order correlations (Altman et al., 2004; Bach and Rza˙zewski, 2004; Burt et al., 1997; Cacciapuoti et al., 2003; Hellweg et al., 2003; Regal et al., 2004) but those methods are still very difficult to realize experimentally. While the measurement of higher-order correlations is challenging already for bosons, the theory of these correlations has been established a long time ago by Glauber for photons (Glauber, 1963a, 1963b; Naraschewski and Glauber, 1999). For fermions however, despite some efforts (Cahill and Glauber, 1999) a satisfactory coherence theory is still missing. From the previous section we know that one can circumvent these difficulties by making use of the non-linear coupling of atoms to a molecular field. The non-linearity of the coupling links first-order correlations of the molecules to second-order correlations of the atoms. Furthermore the molecules are always bosonic so that the well-known coherence theory for bosonic fields can be used to characterize them. Considering a simplified model with only one molecular mode, it was found that the molecules created that way can indeed be used as a diagnostic tool for second-order correlations of the original atomic field. We consider the limiting case of strong atom–molecule coupling as compared to the relevant atomic energies. The molecule formation from a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) serves as a reference system. There we can rather easily study the contributions to the molecular signal from the condensed fraction as well as from thermal and quantum fluctuations above the condensate. The cases of a normal Fermi gas and a BCS superfluid Fermi system are then compared with it. We show that the molecule formation from a normal Fermi gas and from the unpaired fraction of atoms in a BCS state has very similar properties to those of the molecule formation from the non-condensed atoms in the BEC case. The state of the molecular field formed from the pairing field in the BCS state on the other hand is similar to that resulting from the condensed fraction in the BEC case. The qualitative information gained by the analogies with the BEC case help us gain a physical understanding of the molecule formation in the BCS case where direct calculations are difficult and not nearly as transparent.
5.1. M ODEL We consider again the three cases where the atoms are bosonic and initially form a BEC, or consist of two species of ultra-cold fermions (labeled again by σ =↑, ↓), with or without superfluid component. In the following we describe explicitly the situation for fermions, the bosonic case being obtained from it by omitting the spin indices and by replacing the Fermi field operators by bosonic field operators. Since we are primarily interested in how much can be learned about the secondorder correlations of the initial atomic cloud from the final molecular state, we keep the physics of the atoms themselves as well as the coupling to the molecular field as simple as possible. The coupled fermion–molecule system can
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be described by the Hamiltonian (Chiofalo et al., 2002; Holland et al., 2001; Timmermans et al., 1999) Hˆ =
ωk k,σ
† cˆkσ + cˆkσ
ωk aˆ k† aˆ k + V −1/2
k1 ,k2 ,σ
U0 cˆk†1 +q↑ cˆk†2 −q↓ cˆk2 ↓ cˆk1 ↑ 2V q,k1 ,k2 † + hg a ˆ c ˆ c ˆ + H.c. . ¯ q q/2+k↓ q/2−k↑
U˜ tr (k2 − k1 )cˆk†2 σ cˆk1 σ
The kinetic energies ωk are defined as before, V is the quantization volume, U˜ tr (k) = V −1/2 V d 3 xe−ikx Utr (x) is the Fourier transform of the trapping potential Utr (r) and U0 = 4π h¯ 2 a/mf is the background scattering strength with a the background scattering length. The coupling constant g between atoms and molecules is, up to dimensions, equal to χ of the previous sections. We assume that the trapping potential and background scattering are relevant only for the preparation of the initial state before the coupling to the molecules is switched on at t = 0 and can √ be neglected in the calculation of the subsequent dynamics. This is justified if h¯ g N U0 n, h¯ ωi , where n is the atomic density, N the number of atoms, and ωi are the oscillator frequencies of the atoms in the potential Utr (r) that is assumed to be harmonic. Experimentally, the interaction between the atoms can effectively be switched off by ramping the magnetic field to a position where the scattering length is zero, so that this assumption is fulfilled. Regarding the strength of the coupling constant g, two cases are possible: √ h¯ g N can be much larger or much smaller than the characteristic kinetic energies involved. For fermions the terms broad and narrow resonance have been coined for the two cases, respectively, and we will use these for bosons as well. Both situations can be realized experimentally, and they give rise to different effects. For strong coupling the conversion process needs not satisfy energy conservation because of the energy time uncertainty relation. For weak coupling energy conservation is enforced. This energy selectivity can be useful in certain situations because it allows one to resolve additional structures in the atomic state. The analysis of this case is fairly technical, however. Therefore we only consider the case of strong coupling and refer the interested reader to (Meiser et al., 2005b) for details of the calculations and the case of weak coupling. First-order time-dependent perturbation theory requires that the state of the atoms does not change significantly and consequently, only a small fraction of the atoms are converted into molecules. It is reasonable to assume that this is true for short interaction times or weak enough coupling. Apart from making the system tractable by analytic methods there is also a deeper reason why the coupling
should be weak: Since we ultimately wish to get information about the atomic state, it should not be modified too much by the measurement itself, i.e. the coupling to the molecular field. Our treatment therefore follows the same spirit as Glauber’s original theory of photon detection, where it is assumed that the light– matter coupling is weak enough that the detector photocurrent can be calculated using Fermi’s Golden rule.
5.2. BEC We consider first the case where the initial atomic state is a BEC in a spherically symmetric harmonic trap. We assume that the temperature is well below the BEC transition temperature and that the interactions between the atoms are not too strong. Then the atomic system is described by the field operator ˆ ˆ ψ(x) = ψ0 (x)cˆ + δ ψ(x),
where ψ0 (x) is the condensate wave function and cˆ is the annihilation operator for an atom in the condensate. In accordance with the assumption of low temperatures and weak interactions we do not distinguish between the total number of atoms ˆ and the number of atoms in the condensate. The fluctuations δ ψ(x) are small and those with wavelengths much less than RTF will be treated in the local density approximation while those with wavelengths comparable to RTF can be neglected (Bergeman et al., 2000; Hutchinson and Zaremba, 1997; Reidl et al., 1999). We are interested in the momentum distribution of the molecules n(p, t) = bˆp† (t)bˆp (t) (42) which for short times, t, can be calculated using perturbation theory. In the broad resonance limit we ignore the kinetic energies and find 2 nBEC (p, t) = (gt)2 N (N − 1)V ψ˜ 02 (p) 3 d x † 2 + (gt) 4N (43) δ cˆp (x)δ cˆp (x) , V where the expectation value in the last term includes a√thermal average. From this expression we see that our approach is justified if ( N gt)2 1 because for such times the initial atomic state can be assumed to remain undepleted. The first term in Eq. (43) is the contribution from condensed atoms and the second term comes from uncondensed atoms above the condensate. The contribution from the condensate can be evaluated in closed form in the Thomas–Fermi approximation for a spherical trap. The contribution from the thermal atoms can be calculated using the local density approximation. The details of this calculation can be found in Ref. (Meiser et al., 2005b).
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F IG . 13. Momentum distribution of molecules formed from a BEC (dashed line) with a = 0.1aosc and T = 0.1Tc and a BCS type state with kF a = 0.5 and aosc = 5kF−1 (0) (solid line), both for N = 105 atoms. The BCS curve has been scaled up by a factor of 20 for easier comparison. The inset shows the noise contribution for BEC (dashed) and BCS (solid) case. The latter is simply the momentum distribution of molecules formed from a normal Fermi gas. The local density approximation treatment of the noise contribution in the BEC case is not valid for momenta smaller than 2π/ξ (indicated by the dotted line in the inset). Note that the coherent contribution is larger than the noise contribution by five orders of magnitude in the BEC case and three orders of magnitude in the BCS case.
The momentum distribution (43) is illustrated in Fig. 13. The contribution from the condensate is a collective effect, as indicated by its quadratic scaling with the atom number. It clearly dominates over the incoherent contribution from the fluctuations, which is proportional to the number of atoms and only visible in the inset. The momentum width of the contribution from the condensate is roughly h¯ 2π/RTF which is much narrower than the contribution from the fluctuations, whose momentum distribution has a typical width of h/ξ ¯ , where ξ = (8πan)−1/2 is the healing length. This is a case where coherence properties of the atoms can be read off the momentum distribution of the molecules: The narrow momentum distribution of the molecules is only possible if the atoms were coherent over distances ∼RTF . At this point this is a fairly trivial observation and the same information could have been gained by looking directly at the momentum distribution of the atoms, which is after all how Bose–Einstein condensation was detected already in the very first experiments (Anderson et al., 1995; Bradley et al., 1995;
Davis et al., 1995). Still we mention it because it will be very interesting (indeed interesting enough to motivate this whole work!) to contrast this situation to the BCS case below. Using the same approximation scheme we can calculate the second-order correlation. If we neglect fluctuations we find 6 (44) + O N −2 . N For N → ∞ this is very close to 1, which is characteristic of a coherent state. This result implies that the number fluctuations of the molecules are very nearly Poissonian. The fluctuations lead to a larger value of g (2) , making the molecular field partially coherent, but their effect is only of order O(N −1 ). (2) gBEC (p1 , t1 ; p2 , t2 ) = 1 −
5.3. N ORMAL F ERMI G AS We treat the gas in the local density approximation where the atoms locally fill a Fermi sea cˆk† |0
|NFG =
with local Fermi momentum hk ¯ F (x) and |0 being the atomic vacuum. It is related to the local density of the atoms in the usual way (Butts and Rokshar, 1997; Landau et al., 1980). The momentum distribution and second-order correlation function are readily found in perturbation theory. The momentum distribution is shown in the inset in Fig. 13. The total number of molecules scales only linear with the number of atoms, meaning that, in contrast to the BEC case, the molecule formation is non-collective. Each atom pair is converted into a molecule independently of all the others and there is no collective enhancement. Furthermore the momentum distribution of the atoms is much wider than in the BEC case. It’s width is of 1/3 the order of hn ¯ 0 indicating that the atoms are correlated only over distances comparable to the inter atomic distance. Similarly, we find for the local value of g (2) at position x, 1 (2) (2) , gloc (p, x, t) ≡ gloc (p, t; p, t, x) = 2 1 − (46) Neff (p, x) where Neff is the number of atoms that are allowed to form a molecule on the basis of momentum conservation. For large Neff g (2) approaches 2 which is characteristic of a thermal field. Indeed, using the analogy with an ensemble of two-level atoms coupled to every mode of the molecular field provided by the Tavis– Cummings model, it is easy to see that the entire counting statistics is thermal.
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5.4. BCS S TATE Let us finally consider a system of fermions with attractive interactions, U0 < 0, at temperatures well below the BCS critical temperature. It is well known that for these temperatures the attractive interactions give rise to correlations between pairs of atoms in time reversed states known as Cooper pairs. We assume that the spherically symmetric trapping potential is sufficiently slowly varying that the gas can be treated in the local density approximation. More quantitatively, the local density approximation is valid if the size of the Cooper pairs, given by the correlation length λ(r) = vF (r)/π(r), is much smaller than the oscillator length for the trap. Here, vF (r) is the velocity of atoms at the Fermi surface and (r) is the pairing field at distance r from the origin, which we take at the center of the trap. Loosely speaking, in the local density approximation the ground state of the atoms is determined by repeating the variational BCS-calculation of the previous section in a small volume at every position x. A thorough discussion of this calculation can be found in Ref. (Houbiers et al., 1997). We find the momentum distribution of the molecules from the BCS-type state by repeating the calculation done in the case of a normal Fermi gas. For the BCS wave function, the relevant atomic expectation values factorize into normal and anomalous correlations. The normal terms are proportional to densities and are already present in the case of a normal Fermi gas while the anomalous contributions are proportional to the gap parameter. The momentum distribution of the molecules becomes 2 2 nBCS (p, t) ≈ (gt) cˆp/2+k,↓ cˆp/2−k,↑ + nNFG (p, t). (47) k
The first term is easily shown to be proportional to the square of the Fourier transform of the gap parameter. Since the gap parameter is slowly varying over the size of the atomic cloud, this contribution has a width of the order of h/R ¯ TF , in complete analogy with the BEC case above. The total number of atoms in the first contribution is proportional to the square of the number of Cooper pairs, which is a macroscopic fraction of the total atom number well below the BCS transition temperature. That means that this contribution is a collective effect. The second term is the wide and incoherent non-collective contribution already present in the case of a normal Fermi gas. It is very similar to the thermal noise in the BEC case as far as its coherence properties are concerned. For weak interactions such that the coherent contribution is small compared to the incoherent contribution, the second-order correlations are close to those of a normal Fermi gas given by Eq. (46), g (2) (p, x, t) ≈ 2. However, in the strongly
interacting regime, kF |a| ∼ 1, and large N , the coherent contribution from the paired atoms dominates over the incoherent contribution from unpaired atoms. In this limit one finds that the second-order correlation is close to that of the BEC, g (2) (p, x, t) ≈ 1. The physical reason for this is that at the level of even-order correlations the pairing field behaves just like the mean field of the condensate. This is clear from the factorization property of the atomic correlation functions in terms of the normal component of the density and the anomalous density contribution due to the mean field. In this case, the leading-order terms in N are given by the anomalous averages. To summarize, molecules produced from an atomic BEC show a rather narrow momentum distribution that is comparable to the zero-point momentum width of the BEC from which they are formed. The molecule production is a collective effect with contributions from all atom pairs adding up constructively, as indicated by the quadratic scaling of the number of molecules with the number of atoms. Each mode of the resulting molecular field is to a very good approximation coherent (up to terms of order O(1/N )). The effects of noise, both due to finite temperatures and to vacuum fluctuations, are of relative order O(1/N ). They slightly increase the g (2) and cause the molecular field in each momentum state to be only partially coherent. In contrast, the momentum distribution of molecules formed from a normal Fermi gas is much broader with a typical width given by the Fermi momentum of the initial atomic cloud, i.e. the atoms are only correlated over an interatomic distance. The molecule production is not collective as the number of molecules only scales like the number of atoms rather than the square. In this case, the secondorder correlations of the molecules exhibit super-Poissonian fluctuations, and the molecules are well characterized by a thermal field. The case where molecules are produced from paired atoms in a BCS-like state shares many properties with the BEC case: The molecule formation rate is collective, their momentum distribution is very narrow, corresponding to a coherence length of order RTF , and the molecular field is essentially coherent. The noncollective contribution from unpaired atoms has a momentum distribution very similar to that of the thermal fluctuations in the BEC case.
6. Conclusion In this paper we have used three examples to illustrate the profound impact of quantum optics paradigms, tools and techniques, on the study of low-density, quantum-degenerate atomic and molecular systems. There is little doubt that the remarkably fast progress witnessed by that field results in no little part from the experimental and theoretical methods developed in quantum optics over the last decades. It is therefore fitting, on the occasion of Herbert Walther’s seventieth
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birthday, to reflect on the profound impact of the field that he has helped invent, and where he has been and remains so influential, on some of the most exciting developments in AMO science.
7. Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by the US Office of Naval Research, by the National Science Foundation, by the US Army Research Office, and by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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ATOM MANIPULATION IN OPTICAL LATTICES* GEORG RAITHEL and NATALYA MORROW FOCUS Center, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Theoretical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Light Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Atom-Field Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Quantum Monte-Carlo Wave-Function Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Review of One-Dimensional Lattice Configurations for Rubidium . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Red-Detuned Lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. “Gray” Lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3. Magnetic-Field-Induced Lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4. Related Laser-Cooling Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Periodic Well-to-Well Tunneling in Gray Lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1. Experimental and Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2. Analysis Based on Band-Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Influence of Magnetic Fields on Tunneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1. Motivation and Experimental Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2. Interpretation of the Results Based on Two Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Sloshing-Type Wave-Packet Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1. Wave-Packets Localized in Single Lattice Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2. Experimental Study of Sloshing-Type Motion in a Magnetized Gray Lattice 7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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1. Introduction Optical lattices are periodic light-shift potentials for cold atoms created by the interference of multiple laser beams. Atoms can be laser-cooled and localized in the
* This chapter has been prepared in dedication to Professor Herbert Walther and his 70th birthday. His vision and excellence as an experimental physicist has lead to many discoveries in atomic physics and quantum optics, and has inspired our research in many ways.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53007-1
G. Raithel and N. Morrow
sub-micrometer-sized potential wells of optical lattices, leading to exciting possibilities in fundamental studies of quantum mechanics and applications of quantum theory. The field has been reviewed by Jessen and Deutsch (1996). The localization of atoms in lattice wells has initially been shown through spectroscopic studies by Verkerk et al. (1992) and Jessen et al. (1992). Due to the flexibilities in the choice of atomic transitions, the number of lattice laser beams, their angles, intensities and detunings, a wide variety of lattice geometries and potentials can be realized, as shown in a systematic manner by Petsas et al. (1994). Applications of optical lattices are many-fold. In many laboratories, optical lattices are employed to laser-cool atoms and to localize and store these atoms in microscopic wells. Optical lattices have been utilized in a wide range of experiments on transient phenomena, including experiments on Landau–Zener tunneling (Niu et al., 1996), Bloch oscillations (Dahan et al., 1996), Wannier–Stark states (Wilkinson et al., 1996), wave-packet revivals (Raithel et al., 1998), and tunneling in nearresonant lattices (Dutta et al., 1999) and far-off-resonant lattices (Haycock et al., 2000). A recent account of applications of optical lattices in atom lithography is provided by Bradley et al. (1999). Optical lattices have further been proposed as platforms for quantum information processing by Brennen et al. (1999) and Jaksch et al. (1999). The dynamics of quantum gases in optical lattices has become a field of high interest. This area and some of its implications on quantum information processing have recently been reviewed by Bloch (2004). In this chapter, we focus on applications of optical lattices on the field of wavepacket preparation and manipulation. In all experimental schemes presented, the lattices are used two-fold, namely as an initialization tool to prepare suitable initial states of the quantum system, and as a platform on which the actual wavepacket experiments are performed. Therefore, the utilized lattices provide fast and robust laser-cooling of cold atoms into the lowest few quantum states of the lattice, and the decoherence rate of the trapped atoms caused by the fluorescence of the atoms in the lattice light is sufficiently low that coherent wave-packet motion can be observed over a number of periods of the motion. In the presented work, we deal with two types of wave-packet motion. In one type, referred to as sloshing-type motion, wave-packets oscillate back and forth in individual lattice wells. This type of oscillation has been observed by Kozuma et al. (1996) and Raithel et al. (1998) using a photon-exchange method. The sloshing-type motion occurs within the spatial range of a single lattice well, with vanishing coupling between neighboring wells, on a length scale of a few tenths of the laser wavelength used to form the lattice. The motion can be excited by a sudden small displacement of the laser-cooled and localized atoms from the minima of the lattice wells or, equivalently, a sudden displacement of the lattice underneath the atoms. In a simplified harmonic model of the lattice wells and under the assumption that the atoms are initially in the lattice ground state, this procedure corresponds to the generation of coherent wave-packet states by a shift operation.
The sloshing-type wave-packet oscillation that ensues after the shift operation can be measured in a non-destructive manner, revealing the lattice oscillation frequency, the anharmonicity of the lattice potential and decoherence rates (Raithel et al., 1998). Also, measurements on the wave-packet motion can be employed to apply real-time feedback onto the wave-packet motion, allowing one to study feedback-controlled cold-atom systems (Morrow et al., 2002). The investigations dealing with sloshing-type wave-packet motion require lattices that support at least three to four bound states of the center-of-mass motion in lattice wells. Further, in order to be able to observe the wave-packet motion, the anharmonicity of the wells should be sufficiently low to avoid wave-packet dispersion during the first couple of oscillation periods. Also, the fluorescence-induced decoherence rate should be much less than the oscillation frequency. These requirements are satisfied by a quite large class of lattices. The second type of wave-packet motion we discuss in this chapter is periodic well-to-well tunneling. Tunneling measurements have, for instance, been used by Dutta et al. (1999) to investigate gauge potentials that were predicted by Dum and Olshanii (1996). In this chapter, we present measurements on the influence of magnetic-field-induced level shifts on the tunneling behavior. For several reasons, the observation of tunneling is considerably more demanding than the study of wave-packets evolving in single wells. The tunneling frequency of heavy atoms such as rubidium tends to be very low, as can be seen both by simple estimates of tunneling frequencies using approximate Gamow factors as well as by accurate band-structure calculations. Tunneling frequencies of at least 103 s−1 are required so that the tunneling can be observed on an experimentally feasible time scale. Further, the lattice must provide efficient laser-cooling, because cooling is required to initialize the atoms in the lattice before the tunneling is measured. Also, during the tunneling process the fluorescence-induced decoherence rate must be lower than the tunneling rate. Among the lattice types we consider in this chapter, only gray optical lattices, discussed in Section 3.2, satisfy all three conditions. In Section 2 we describe the theoretical methods that we use to evaluate lattice types with regard to their suitability for wave-packet experiments. These methods are also used to model experimental data in detail and to obtain physical insight. In Section 3 we provide an overview over the lattice types that are, in principle, at our disposal. There, we compare the laser-cooling performance of the lattice types and discuss their suitability for wave-packet and tunneling experiments. This section of the chapter can serve as a guide of how to select an optical-lattice type for a wave-packet or tunneling experiment. In Section 4 we then describe experiments on well-to-well tunneling of atoms in a one-dimensional gray optical lattice. In Section 5 we investigate the modifications in tunneling behavior that result from the addition of weak magnetic fields to the lattice. It is discussed how magnetic fields in the range of a few tens of milli-Gauss can be used to tune the system through several tunneling resonances. We also find that somewhat stronger mag-
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netic fields in the range of 100 mG suppress tunneling and induce more tightly bound levels in a subset of lattice wells. Consequently, as shown in Section 6, magnetic fields can be used to enable sloshing-type wave-packet motion in gray optical lattices. The presented results are summarized and future prospects are discussed in the conclusion (Section 7).
2. Theoretical Considerations 2.1. L IGHT F IELDS In this chapter, we are concerned with one-dimensional lattice structures formed by pairs of counter-propagating laser beams with wave-vectors kL = ±(2π/λ)ez , where we use ex , ey and ez for the Cartesian unit vectors. The electric field can be written in the form E(Z, t) = exp(−iωt) e+ A++ exp(ikL Z) + A+− exp(−ikZL ) + e− A−+ exp(ikL Z) + A−− exp(−ikL Z) + c.c. (1) √ with spherical unit vectors e± = ∓(ex ± iey )/ 2, atomic center-of-mass coordinate Z, and c.c. referring to the complex conjugate. The field amplitudes A carry two superscript indices, namely a first one identifying the circular-polarization component, and a second one for propagation direction. Throughout most of this chapter, we consider counter-propagating fields with orthogonal polarizations, E(Z, t) = E0 [ex cos(kL Z − ωt) + ey sin(−kL Z − ωt)], where E0 denotes the electric-field amplitude of a single beam. For this field, it is seen that √ √ A++ = −E0 / 2 2 , (2) A+− = A−+ = A−− = E0 / 2 2 . This field generates the most widely known type of sub-Doppler laser cooling, “Sisyphus cooling”, which was experimentally observed by Lett et al. (1988) and by Shevy et al. (1989), and explained by Dalibard and Cohen-Tannoudji (1989) and further analyzed in detail by Finkelstein et al. (1992) and Guo and Berman (1993). Another case of interest is that of two counter-propagating circularly polarized beams with helicities that are the same in a fixed (beamindependent) frame. Such beams form a standing wave of circular polarization (e.g., A++ = A+− = E0 /2 and A−+ = A−− = 0). In combination with a transverse static magnetic field, this field can generate magnetic-field-induced laser-cooling (Sheehy et al., 1990) and localization of atoms in a lattice structure. Counter-propagating circularly polarized beams with helicities that are opposite in a fixed (beam-independent) frame form a light-field with spatially rotating linear polarization (e.g., A++ = A−− = E0 /2 and A−+ = A+− = 0). This
field does not produce modulated lattice potentials or intensities, but is characterized by a linear-polarization vector whose tip outlines the shape of a corkscrew. The corkscrew configuration generates sub-Doppler laser cooling (Dalibard and Cohen-Tannoudji, 1989) and, under certain conditions, velocity-selective coherent population trapping (Aspect et al., 1988).
2.2. ATOM -F IELD I NTERACTION In the following, we review the methods that we use throughout this chapter in order to model optical lattices. In the electric-dipole approximation, the atomˆ where the electric-dipole operator D ˆ = −|e|(−ˆr+ e− − field interaction is −ED, √ √ rˆ− e+ + rˆz ez ). The operators rˆ+ = −(xˆ +i y)/ ˆ 2 and rˆ− = (xˆ −i y)/ ˆ 2 and rˆz act on the internal (electronic) degree of freedom. Using the orthogonality relations e+ e+ = e− e− = 0, e+ e− = e− e+ = −1, and noting that e∗+ = −e− and e∗− = −e+ , the atom-field interaction at a center-of-mass location Z is ˆ = |e| exp(−iωt) rˆ+ A++ exp(ikL Z) + A+− exp(−ikL Z) −ED + rˆ− A−+ exp(ikL Z) + A−− exp(−ikL Z) + h.c., (3) where h.c. is the Hermitian conjugate. Using the excited-state and ground-state wave-functions |ψe and |ψg , the Schrödinger equation reads hΓ ¯ ˆ ih¯ ∂t |ψe = −ED|ψg + h¯ ω0 − i |ψe , 2 ˆ e , ih¯ ∂t |ψg = −ED|ψ (4) where h¯ ω0 is the energy of the excited state, and the term −i h¯2Γ accounts for the decay of the excited state (Γ is the excited-state decay rate). Note that this term represents a weak anti-Hermitian contribution in the effective Hamiltonian, causing the norm of the wave-function to decay. The norm decay reflects the spontaneous emission associated with the probability of finding the atom in the excited state. |ψe and |ψg are spinor wave-functions that have 2F + 1 and 2F + 1 magnetic sublevels, where F and F denote the respective excited-state and ground-state angular momenta. To transform into a rotating frame, we use new wave-functions |Ψe = exp(iωt)|ψe and |Ψg = |ψg . After making the rotating-wave approximation, in which terms ∝ exp(±i2ωt) are neglected, the transformed Schrödinger equation reads ih¯ ∂t |Ψe = |e| rˆ+ A++ exp(ikL Z) + A+− exp(−ikL Z) + rˆ− A−+ exp(ikL Z) + A−− exp(−ikL Z) |Ψg
G. Raithel and N. Morrow h¯ Γ − hδ |Ψe , ¯ +i 2 ih¯ ∂t |Ψg = |e| −ˆr− A++∗ exp(−ikL Z) + A+−∗ exp(ikL Z) − rˆ+ A−+∗ exp(−ikZ) + A−−∗ exp(ikZ) |Ψe ,
where the laser-atom detuning δ = ω − ω0 . Also, note that rˆ− is the Hermitian conjugate of −ˆr+ . Usually, the excited-state part of the wave-function reaches a quasi-steady-state as the atom moves (slowly) through the lattice. In this case, the excited state can be adiabatically eliminated by setting ∂t |Ψe = 0. We can then express |Ψe in terms of |Ψg and insert the result in the lower part of the Schrödinger equation (5). We obtain ih¯ ∂t |Ψg = Vˆ (Z)|Ψg
with an effective Hamiltonian Vˆ (Z). For the case of counter-propagating beams with orthogonal polarizations, which we are mostly interested in, it is Vˆ (Z) =
−e2 E02 rˆ+ rˆ− cos2 (kL Z) + rˆ− rˆ+ sin2 (kL Z) 2(h¯ δ + ih¯ Γ /2) 2 2 − rˆ+ sin(kL Z) cos(kL Z) . + i rˆ−
Considering the center-of-mass position Z a fixed classical parameter, Vˆ (Z) can be evaluated in the internal ground-state Hilbert space {|g, F, m | m = −F, −F + 1, . . . , F }. Thereby, the internal-state operators rˆ+ and rˆ− occur in products that couple a ground-state vector into an excited-state one and back into the ground state. All non-zero matrix elements of the operator rˆ+ are of the type e, F , m = m + 1|ˆr+ |g, F, m or g, F, m|ˆr+ |e, F , m = m − 1, with the exited-state Hilbert space being {|e, F , m | m = −F , −F + 1, . . . , F }. The matrix elements of rˆ+ and rˆ− are products of a radial matrix element and a Clebsch–Gordan coefficient. The Clebsch–Gordan coefficients can be calculated for all hyperfine transitions of interest and normalized such that the “cycling transition” |g, F, m = F ↔ |e, F = F + 1, m = F + 1 has a Clebsch– Gordan coefficient of one. They can then be arranged in matrices that represent operators cˆ+ and cˆ− which essentially are the same as the rˆ+ and rˆ− except that the radial matrix element has been factored out. We also reverse the sign of cˆ+ (meaning that cˆ+ and cˆ− are the Hermitian conjugate of each other). This procedure allows one to write Vˆ (Z) in the convenient form Vˆ (Z) =
hΩ ¯ 12 cˆ+ cˆ− cos2 (kL Z) + cˆ− cˆ+ sin2 (kL Z) 2(δ + iΓ /2) 2 2 + i cˆ+ sin(kL Z) cos(kL Z) , − cˆ−
ATOM MANIPULATION IN OPTICAL LATTICES 193 where the Rabi frequency Ω1 = Γ 2II1sat . There, I1 is the single-beam intensity and Isat the saturation intensity of the transition |g, F, m = F ↔ |e, F = F + 1, m = F + 1. For 87 Rb, which we use in the experiments described in Sections 4–6, Isat = 1.6 mW/cm2 and F = 2. As before, the internalstate operators cˆ+ and cˆ− occur in products that couple a ground-state vector into an excited-state one and back into the ground state. Further, cˆ+ (cˆ− ) always increases (decreases) the magnetic quantum number. Therefore, the terms in Eq. (8) involving cˆ+ cˆ− and cˆ− cˆ+ yield contributions that are diagonal in the basis {|g, F, m | m = −F, . . . , F } and can be regarded as the primary light-shift ef2 and cˆ2 produce fect of the lattice on the atomic m-levels. The terms involving cˆ+ − contributions on the second off-diagonal that can be interpreted as stimulated Raman transitions driven by the lattice beams that cause mixing between states the m-values of which differ by 2. Finally, recalling that cˆ+ and cˆ− are Hermitian conjugates of one another, it is also seen that the effective Hamiltonian Vˆ (Z) is Hermitian for the case Γ = 0 (as required). Since in alkali atoms typically more than one excited-state hyperfine level F are important, we usually sum the Hamiltonian Vˆ (Z) over the relevant values of F . Thereby, for different F different values of δ apply, given by the laser frequency and the hyperfine splittings of the utilized transition. Also, the Clebsch– Gordan coefficients entering into the cˆ+ and cˆ− are different for different F . The effect of a small magnetic field B can also be included by adding a term Pˆg gF μB Fˆ · B to Eq. (8), where gF is the ground-state g-factor, μB the Bohr magneton, Fˆ the angular-momentum vector operator, and Pˆg a projector on the ground-state manifold. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Vˆ (Z) yield the adiabatic lattice potentials Vα (Z), plotted frequently in this chapter, and adiabatic internal states Ψα (Z) of the lattice (the label α = 1, 2, . . . , 2F + 1). In a classical description of the center-of-mass motion, the atoms move on these lattice potentials under d the influence of an AC electric-dipole force given by the gradient dZ Vα (Z). Thereby, the internal state of the atom adiabatically follows the internal-state vector Ψα (Z). This notion can be used to qualitatively explain atom motion in optical lattices, but it does not apply in spatial regions where the adiabatic potentials Vα (Z) are not well separated and exhibit narrow anti-crossings. At narrow anti-crossings between Vα (Z), the lattice-light-induced Raman coupling between different m-levels is quite inefficient, and atoms traveling through the anti-crossing region tend to move on the so-called diabatic potentials, Vm (Z) = g, F, m|Vˆ (Z)|g, F, m (i.e. the diagonal components of the Hamiltonian Vˆ (Z) in Eq. (8) in m-state representation). In this situation, atoms undergo Landau– Zener transitions between different adiabatic potentials. It is fairly straightforward to obtain the band structure and the Bloch states of the lattices. We quantize the center-of-mass motion by considering the variable Z
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in Eq. (8) an operator acting on center-of-mass momentum states. Noting that Eq. (8) only couples momentum states that differ by multiples of 2kL , a product Hilbert space that is well suited to represent the atom-field interaction in Eq. (8) with center-of-mass quantization is {|g, F, m | m = −F, −F + 1, . . . , F } ⊗ {|(2n + q)kL | n = 0, ±1, ±2 . . .}. There, the momentum states |(2n + q)kL include a fixed quasimomentum q restricted to a range −1 q 1. The atom-field interaction potential Eq. (8), with Z taken as an operator, is the potential part Hˆ pot of the full Hamiltonian. The kinetic-energy term is Hˆ kin = ¯ 2 (2n + q)2 kL2 /(2M)]|m, (2n + q)kL m, (2n + q)kL |, where M is the m,n [h atom mass and an abbreviated notation for the product states of internal and external degrees of freedom is used. We represent Hˆ = Hˆ pot + Hˆ kin in the above product Hilbert space, diagonalize the resultant matrix, and sort the real parts of the eigenvalues. Note that q is held fixed in any given diagonalization. The band structure of lattice is then obtained by plotting the lowest eigenvalue vs q, the second-lowest eigenvalue vs q, and so on. Following an analogous procedure, the decay rates of the Bloch states, given by twice the imaginary parts of the energy eigenvalues, can be plotted. Numerous examples of band structures and corresponding decay-rate plots are shown in Section 3 of this chapter. If desired, the band-structure calculation also yields the periodic Bloch functions of the lat (q,k) (q,k) tice, Z|Ψ (q,k) = exp(iqZ) n,m cn,m exp(i2nkL Z)|m, where the cn,m are the Fourier coefficients of the Bloch function and k is a band label. Note that these functions are spinor functions, as we sum over the magnetic quantum number m.
2.3. Q UANTUM M ONTE -C ARLO WAVE -F UNCTION S IMULATIONS The atom dynamics in optical lattices can be simulated using the quantum MonteCarlo wave-function method (QMCWF), which was introduced by Dalibard et al. (1992) and used by Marte et al. (1993) to model laser cooling. The simulations employ a fully quantum-mechanical description of the internal and center-of-mass degrees of freedom of the atoms. We employ QMCWF to gain insight into the laser-cooling dynamics, wave-packet evolution and coherence decay times. The simulations also allow us to determine the spatial and momentum distributions of the atoms, including the degree to which the atoms become localized in the wells of the optical-lattice potentials. We have found that the QMCWF simulations provide perfect modeling for our lattice experiments. In the QMCWF method, the evolution of the density matrix describing the atoms in the lattice is obtained by forming averages over N quantum trajectories |Ψi (t), each of which is a realization of a single-atom wave-function evolution: ρ(t) ˆ =
N 1 |Ψi (t)Ψi (t)| . N Ψi (t)||Ψi (t) i=1
Averages are taken over ensembles of typically N = 104 to N = 105 quantum trajectories. We usually do not store the full density matrix but only the expectation values of observables of interest vs time, such as kinetic energy, degree of localization in the wells, average momentum and average magnetization, position and momentum distributions, etc. Each quantum trajectory |Ψi (t) consists of periods of deterministic Hamiltonian wave-function evolution, connected by discrete quantum jumps. The Hamiltonian evolution is governed by an effective Hamiltonian Hˆ = Hˆ kin + Hˆ pot with kinetic and potential operators as explained in Section 2.2. The effective Hamiltonian describes the coherent interaction between atoms and light fields, as well as wave-function damping caused by photon scattering. The damping is implemented by the imaginary part in the energy denominator of Eq. (8), which leads to a gradual decay of the wave-function norm. The quantum trajectories are represented in the basis {|m, (2n + q)kL | m = −F, −F + 1, . . . , F and n = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . ± nmax }, where nmax determines the cutoff value of the momentum states included in the simulation. The range of momentum states that becomes populated depends on the lattice parameters. Therefore, we choose from cutoff numbers nmax = 16, 32 or 64, dependent on the physical situation. The continuous quasimomentum q, which satisfies −1 < q < 1, does not change during the Hamiltonian portions of the wave-function evolution, as can be seen by inspection of Eq. (8). The Hamiltonian evolution is carried out numerically in discrete time steps. We use a split-operator method (Kosloff, 1988; Leforestier et al., 1991), in which the kinetic-energy operator, which is diagonal in the momentum basis, is applied in the momentum basis, while the atom-field interaction, which is diagonal in position, is applied in a position basis. Thus, at each time step of the integration the quantum trajectory is transformed back and forth between position and momentum representations using fast Fourier transformations. Consequently, both the position and the momentum probability distributions of the quantum trajectory |Ψ can be obtained without numerical overhead at any time of the wave-function evolution. The periods of Hamiltonian evolution are interrupted by discrete, instantaneous quantum jumps, which simulate the effect of the spontaneous scattering of lattice photons, and polarization- and direction-sensitive photon detection. A quantum jump is invoked when the norm of a quantum trajectory, which continuously decays during the Hamiltonian portions of the evolution, drops below a random number that is picked at the beginning of each time segment of Hamiltonian evolution. The time instants and effects of the quantum jumps are governed by quantum-mechanical probability laws. In each quantum jump, random numbers are drawn to select the type of transition and the direction of the spontaneously emitted photon. In each quantum jump, the quasimomentum value can change by any value −1 < q < 1. The applied value of q follows from a random number and the radiation pattern that corresponds to the type of scattered photon. In each
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jump, the wave-function is modified in a well-defined manner, determined by the wave-function prior to the jump, the rules of quantum measurement, and several random numbers. After quantum jumps, the quantum trajectory |Ψ is normalized and entered into the next segment of Hamiltonian evolution. We have found that a considerable degree of detail in the QMCWF is required in order to reproduce experimental data. Our QMCWF take all groundand excited-state hyperfine levels of the system into account. This implies that leak transitions and the effect of a re-pumping laser, which is usually required in the experiments, are fully taken into account in the QMCWF. Magnetic fields, gravity, and additional laser beams that are used to optically pump the atoms in certain lattices (see Section 4) can also be included in the simulations.
3. Review of One-Dimensional Lattice Configurations for Rubidium In this chapter, we are concerned with one-dimensional lattice structures of rubidium (transition wavelengths λ = 795 nm for the D1-line 5S1/2 ↔ 5P1/2 and λ = 780 nm for the D2-line 5S1/2 ↔ 5P3/2 ). We concentrate on 87 Rb, which has ground-state hyperfine components F = 1 and F = 2. The lattices are mostly but not always operated on the F = 2 level. In the presented calculations, all coupled hyperfine levels of the excited states are taken into account. The results translate to many atomic species with similar hyperfine structure and transition linewidths. Since the lattices are to be used to both cool the atoms and to perform wavepacket and tunneling experiments on them, two figures of merits exist: • Cooling time scale. Since we use one-dimensional lattices, spatial diffusion transverse to the lattice-beam directions causes the atoms to escape the atomfield interaction region, which is defined by the diameter of the laser beams. Typically, the atoms remain in the atom-field interaction region for 1–2 milliseconds. Therefore, the lattice type selected for each experiment needs to cool and localize the atoms in the lattice wells within about 1 ms. Since generally the time scale of laser cooling is given by the photon scattering rate, we seek configurations that yield high initial photon scattering rates. • Low steady-state temperature and long coherence time. These conditions, which are a pre-requisite for wave-packet and tunneling experiments, are primarily achieved by choosing configurations in which the photon scattering rate converges towards small values once most of the atom cooling has occurred. One may also exploit coherence preservation due to the Lamb–Dicke effect (Dicke, 1953). In the following, we use potential and band-structure calculations as well as quantum Monte-Carlo simulations in order to evaluate various one-dimensional lattice
configurations with regard to their atom-cooling speed, steady-state temperature, degree of atom localization, and steady-state photon scattering rate. Also, the well-to-well tunneling rates of atoms cooled deeply into the lattices are estimated based on Gamow factors and derived from the band structure of the lattices.
3.1. R ED -D ETUNED L ATTICES The most common type of sub-Doppler Sisyphus cooling occurs in counterpropagating fields of orthogonal polarization, referred to as “lin-perp-lin” configuration (Dalibard and Cohen-Tannoudji, 1989). We first consider a lattice that is red-detuned with respect to a closed transition of the type F ↔ F + 1, such as the 87 Rb 5S1/2 F = 2 ↔ 5P3/2 F = 3 transition. This field is equivalent to two circularly polarized standing waves of opposite helicity and a λ/4 spatial displacement. In Fig. 1 we show simulation results for a red-detuned lattice on the 87 Rb 5S1/2 F = 2 ↔ 5P3/2 F = 3 transition obtained from 104 quantum trajectories. The single-beam intensity is I1 = 10 mW/cm2 and the laser detuning −6Γ relative to the utilized atomic transition (upper-state decay rate Γ = 2π ×6 MHz). Figure 1(a) shows the adiabatic potentials Vα (Z) of the lattice in units of the recoil energy, ERec = h¯ 2 kL2 /(2M) (for the 87 Rb D1-transition, ERec = h × 3.77 kHz). The lowest adiabatic potential is of particular interest, because atoms brought into the lattice become rapidly optically pumped onto that potential. The minima of the lowest adiabatic potential correspond to locations of maximal intensity of the circularly polarized standing-wave components of the lattice field. Since each standing wave has a λ/2 period, and since the two standing waves are shifted relative to each other by λ/4, the field maxima have λ/4 separation and alternating σ + and σ − -polarizations. At the σ + -maxima, the internal atomic state |Ψα=1 associated with the lowest adiabatic potential Vα=1 is practically identical with |F = 2, m = 2, and at the σ − -maxima it is |F = 2, m = −2. Since the σ ± transitions 5S1/2 |F = 2, m = ±2 ↔ 5P3/2 |F = 3, m = ±3 have the largest Clebsch–Gordan coefficient (namely 1), the value of Vα=1 at the field maxima is maximal and negative. The band structure, displayed in Fig. 1(b), shows that under the conditions of Fig. 1 the lowest adiabatic potential supports about five tightly bound oscillatory states. For energies above the maxima of the lowest adiabatic potential, the band structure is quite complicated, because bands associated with multiple potentials begin to overlap and mix. Considering the lowest five tightly bound bands in Fig. 1(b), it is noted that the separation between adjacent bands decreases with increasing energy. This trend reflects the anharmonicity of the lowest adiabatic potential. The potential anharmonicity causes wave-packet dispersion, as has been observed in breathing-mode (Raithel et al., 1997) and sloshing-type wave-packets (Raithel et al., 1998).
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F IG . 1. Simulation of laser cooling in a red-detuned optical lattice of rubidium (detailed parame2 /(2M) vs position. ters provided in text). (a) Adiabatic potentials Vα in recoil energies ERec = h¯ 2 kL (b) Band structure Ek vs quasimomentum q. (c) Kinetic energy of cooled atoms vs time t. (d) Degree of atom localization in the wells, as defined in text, vs time t. (e) Single-atom fluorescence rate vs time t. The exponential fits (dashed lines) in panels (c)–(e) yield the rates at which the respective quantities approach a steady-state.
Under the absence of decoherence, atoms prepared in the tightly bound bands would tunnel between neighboring wells at rates given by the width of the bands, which increases with increasing excitation energy in the lattice wells. For the lowest band in Fig. 1(b), the width and thus the well-to-well tunneling rate νT amount to only 3 s−1 . (This bandwidth cannot be resolved on the scale of Fig. 1(b), but is evident from the numerical data used for the figure.) This tunneling rate is in qualitative agreement with a basic estimate Ωosc exp(−2G), 2π ! b 2M G= Vα=1 (Z) − E1 dZ, h¯ 2
νT ≈
where Ω2πosc is the center-of-mass oscillation frequency of the atoms in the wells (≈140 kHz in Fig. 1), G is the Gamow factor, E1 is the average energy of the lowest lattice band (≈−390 ERec in Fig. 1), Vα=1 (Z) is the lowest adiabatic potential, and the locations a and b denote the left and right boundaries of the tunneling barrier (i.e. a pair of locations where Vα=1 (Z) = E1 ). While the integral in Eq. (10) could be easily calculated numerically, a brief survey of Fig. 1(a) allows us to quickly estimate the integral by ∼100 ERec × 0.1λ, leading to νT ∼ 1 s−1 . This qualitative value agrees well with the exact value obtained from the band structure calculation. The laser-cooling performance and other properties of the lattice are studied using QMCWF simulations. Atoms are entered into the simulation with a Gaussian velocity distribution that corresponds to an average kinetic energy of 100 ERec . Due to Sisyphus cooling, the atoms become cooled into the lowest few oscillatory levels of the wells. As seen in Fig. 1(c), most of the cooling occurs within about 100 µs, and a steady-state energy of about 30 ERec is reached. Comparing this value with the band structure in Fig. 1(b), and noting that in view of the virial theorem the total energy relative to the potential minimum is about twice the kinetic energy, it is seen that in steady-state the laser-cooled atoms mostly reside in the lowest two or three tightly-bound vibrational states of the lowest adiabatic potential. The degree of localization of the atoms in the lattice reaches Z = Ψ |(Z − Z0 )2 |Ψ ≈ λ/18, where Z0 is the location of the nearest potential minimum (see Fig. 1(d)). The laser-cooling and localization dynamics in reddetuned optical lattices has been studied in detail by Raithel et al. (1997). There, it has been found that the laser-cooling and localization rates are about the same, as is evident in Figs. 1(c) and (d), and are proportional to the fluorescence rate of the atoms in the lattice field. For the parameters of Fig. 1, the cooling rate equals about 1/30 of the single-atom fluorescence rate. This ratio is fairly typical for laser-cooling in one-dimensional red-detuned lattices. While red-detuned lattices exhibit good initial laser-cooling performance and a high degree of atom localization in the lattice wells, the steady-state kinetic energy does not reach very low values because the atoms settle at locations of maximal light scattering rate, as can be seen in Fig. 1(e). Comparing Figs. 1(c) and (e) it is actually noticed that the degree to which the photon scattering has approached its steady-state value reflects on the progress in cooling. The photon scattering rate reaches a steady-state value of about 1.4 × 106 s−1 . This value is close to the value one can calculate for atoms at the maxima of the two circular 2I1 /Isat = 1.6×106 s−1 . This standing waves the lattice is composed of, γ = Γ2 1+4(δ/Γ )2 fluorescence rate exceeds the tunneling rate on the lowest band, which is 3 s−1 , by about six orders of magnitude. The disparity between fluorescence-induced coherence decay rate and tunneling rate renders red-detuned lattices unsuitable
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for experiments on well-to-well tunneling (and similar experiments that would require long wave-packet coherence times). We add that red-detuned optical lattices are still suitable to study wavepackets that are confined to single lattice wells, which have length scales smaller than λ. Single-well wave-packets include sloshing-type wave-packets, observed by Kozuma et al. (1996) and Raithel et al. (1998), and breathing-mode wavepackets (Raithel et al., 1997). In such cases, the decay rate of coherences between the lowest few oscillatory states can be considerably less than the photon scattering rate due to the Lamb–Dicke effect (Dicke, 1953). A reasonable estimate is that the coherence decay rate is reduced relative to the photon scattering rate by a fac= kL2 Z 2 , where Ωosc /2π is tor of order of the Lamb–Dicke factor, η2 = h¯EΩRec osc the sloshing frequency of the atoms in the wells. This reduction factor is of order 0.1 for the parameters in Fig. 1.
3.2. “G RAY ” L ATTICES Efficient laser cooling occurs on the blue-detuned side of F ↔ F = F resonances, as predicted by Guo and Berman (1993) and Grynberg and Courtois (1994), and observed by Hemmerich et al. (1995). To evaluate the suitability of blue-detuned lattices for tunneling and other wave-packet experiments, we first consider the case of a lin-perp-lin lattice with single-beam intensity I1 = 10 mW/cm2 that is blue-detuned by 6Γ with respect to the F = 2 ↔ F = 2 component of the 87 Rb D2-line. The potential diagram of this lattice, shown in Fig. 2(a), exhibits a lowest adiabatic potential that is quite shallow and fairly well separated from the higher-lying potentials. The lowest adiabatic potential would be identical zero if the only relevant transition were the F = 2 ↔ F = 2 transition, because an F ↔ F = F transition always has one dark state (i.e. a state with zero light shift and fluorescence rate) regardless of the light polarization. The negative light shift and the small modulation of the lowest adiabatic potential seen in Fig. 2(a) result from residual interactions on the F = 2 ↔ F = 3 transition, which is blue-shifted by 45Γ relative to the F = 2 ↔ F = 2 transition, and the F = 2 ↔ F = 1 transition, which is red-shifted by 26Γ relative to the F = 2 ↔ F = 2 transition. As in the case discussed in Section 3.1, in the present case the atoms are also rapidly optically pumped onto the lowest adiabatic potential and subsequently cooled via Sisyphus cooling. The cooling and localization performance are displayed in Figs. 2(d) and (e), respectively. The achieved steady-state temperature is considerably lower than that of the example considered in Section 3.1, while the achieved degree of localization is somewhat less (λ/14 here vs λ/18 above). Also, both the cooling and localization rates are about half of those in Section 3.1. The diminished degree of steady-state localization obviously is a result of the larger
F IG . 2. Simulation of laser cooling in a blue-detuned optical lattice of 87 Rb on the D2-line (detailed parameters provided in text). (a) Adiabatic potentials Vα vs position. (b) Band structure Ek vs quasimomentum q. (c) Fluorescence-induced decay rates γk of the lattice bands. (d) Kinetic energy of cooled atoms vs time t. (e) Degree of atom localization in the wells vs time t. (f) Single-atom fluorescence rate vs time t. The exponential fits (dashed lines) in panels (d)–(f) yield the rates at which the respective quantities approach a steady-state.
size of the localized quantum states supported by the lowest potential in Fig. 2(a), which is shallower than the one in Fig. 1(a). The reduced temperature and cooling rates are both a consequence of the low photon scattering rate (compare Fig. 1(e) with Fig. 2(f)). In the present case, the fluorescence rate strongly decreases vs time, because in the process of laser cooling atoms accumulate in the lowest few bands supported by the lowest adiabatic potential. These bands have very low fluorescence-induced decay rates because they inherit the “almost” dark character of the internal adiabatic states |Ψα=1 (Z) associated with the lowest adiabatic potential. The very low steady-state fluorescence rate, evident from Fig. 2(f), has given rise to the term “gray optical lattice” used for lattices that are blue-detuned with respect to F ↔ F = F transitions. The low temperatures and fluorescence rates afforded by the gray lattice are achieved on the expense of reduced cooling and localization rates. The gray lattice in Fig. 2 cools about half as fast as the red-detuned lattice in Fig. 1.
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The band structure, displayed in Fig. 2(b), reveals two tightly bound bands. The lack of a larger number of tightly bound states renders this type of lattice unsuitable for single-well wave-packet experiments. The lowest band has a width of about 103 s−1 , meaning that the well-to-well tunneling rate of atoms prepared in that band is about 103 s−1 . This value is in qualitative agreement with estimates that can be made based on Eq. (10). The decay rates of the Bloch states, shown in Fig. 2(c), are of order forty times as large as the tunneling rate associated with the lowest band. While this factor is much smaller than the corresponding factor for the red-detuned lattice studied in Section 3.1, which was of order 106 , it is not low enough for experiments on well-to-well tunneling. An improved version of a gray lattice can be realized by elimination of the main source of fluorescence of atoms localized on the lowest adiabatic potential. These atoms are in internal states |m = +F near the maxima of the σ + -polarized standing-wave component of the lattice field, and |m = −F near the maxima of the σ − -component. Therefore, the residual fluorescence of the Bloch states in the lowest few bands of Fig. 2(c) mostly occurs via off-resonant excitation into sub-states of the 5P3/2 F = 3 hyperfine level. This level can be eliminated by using the D1-line—which only has F = 1 and F = 2 hyperfine components— instead of the D2-line. Further, the F = 1 and F = 2 components of the D1-line are separated by 138Γ , which is much larger than the corresponding separation in the D2-line. Thus, in D1-lattices there is less perturbation due to the F = 1 component. These advantages lead to lower residual fluorescence rates and lower temperatures. In Fig. 3 we show simulation results for a lin-perp-lin lattice of 87 Rb with single-beam intensity I1 = 10 mW/cm2 that is blue-detuned by 6Γ with respect to the F = 2 ↔ F = 2 component of the D1-line. To allow for a direct comparison of Fig. 3 with Fig. 2, in the respective simulations we have used the same wavelength (λ = 780 nm). The lowest adiabatic potential of the D1 optical lattice (see Fig. 3(a)) is considerably shallower than that of the D2-lattice. Also, in the D1-lattice all potentials are positive. These differences reflect the absence of the F = 3 hyperfine component in the D1-lattice. The small residual modulation of the lowest adiabatic potential in the D1 lattice is caused by off-resonant interaction with the F = 1 hyperfine component. The lower temperatures and fluorescence rates afforded by the D1 gray lattice, evident from Figs. 3(d) and (f), are achieved on the expense of reduced cooling and localization rates. The D1 gray lattice cools about half as fast as the D2 gray lattice. Nevertheless, the cooling rate of the D1 gray lattice is still high enough to allow for comfortable cooling under typical experimental conditions. The band structure of the D1 gray lattice (Fig. 3(b)) exhibits only one tightly bound band. Due to the shallow potential barrier on the lowest adiabatic potential, the width of the lowest band and the well-to-well tunneling rate are fairly high (7 × 103 s−1 ). Further, the fluorescence rate of the Bloch states in the lowest
F IG . 3. Simulation of laser cooling in a blue-detuned optical lattice of 87 Rb on the D1-line. (a) Adiabatic potentials Vα vs position. (b) Band structure Ek vs quasimomentum q. (c) Fluorescence-induced decay rates γk of the lattice bands. (d) Kinetic energy of cooled atoms vs time t. (e) Degree of atom localization in the wells vs time t. (f) Single-atom fluorescence rate vs time t. The exponential fits (dashed lines) in panels (d)–(f) yield the rates at which the respective quantities approach a steady-state.
band, shown in Fig. 3(c), is only of order 103 s−1 , entailing two important conclusions. First, most of the residual steady-state scattering seen in Fig. 3(f) is caused by a small percentage of atoms that are not laser-cooled into the lowest band of the lattice. Second, for the atoms that are cooled into the lowest band the tunneling rate is of order seven times higher than the fluorescence rate. Thus, the D1 gray optical lattice is suited to perform both efficient laser cooling and to observe coherent well-to-well tunneling over multiple periods. No other type of lattices we have studied offers this combination of possibilities. Gray lattices can also be realized on the lower ground-state hyperfine component of alkali atoms (F = 1 for 87 Rb). We have observed cooling (experimentally and in simulations) on lin-perp-lin lattices of 87 Rb that are blue-detuned by amounts of order 5Γ with respect to the F = 1 ↔ F = 1 component of the D1-line. Since those lattices require a re-pumper laser tuned to the F = 2 ↔ F = 1 or 2 transition, some care needs to be taken to avoid the trap-
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ping of atoms in F = 2 states that are dark with regard to the re-pumping laser. While this issue is solvable, the observed cooling performance of gray lattices on the lower ground-state hyperfine component is not as good as on the upper one.
3.3. M AGNETIC -F IELD -I NDUCED L ATTICES There exist some less known types of laser cooling in lattices that are quite robust. Some of these are reviewed in this subsection. We consider a standing wave of well-defined helicity driving an atom bluedetuned from an F ↔ F = F transition. The lattice potentials produced by this field are curves ∝ cos2 (2kL Z), with proportionality constants given by squares of Clebsch–Gordan coefficients. For an isolated F ↔ F = F transition, i.e. if there are no other coupled hyperfine levels, one of the potentials that correspond to the outmost m-sublevels is identical zero, reflecting the presence of an exact dark state. If there is a perturbing excited-state hyperfine level F = F + 1, the lowest potential exhibits some added spatially modulated light shift. The internalstate wave-functions associated with the lattice potentials are equivalent to the |m-states, since the circularly polarized standing wave does not couple different |m-states. If a weak transverse magnetic field B pointing in x-direction is added, the degeneracy of the lattice potentials near the nodes of the light field becomes lifted, as seen in Fig. 4(a), and the internal states associated with the potentials become coherent mixtures of different |m-states. Obviously, at the exact nodes of the field the adiabatic states are given by the eigenstates |mx of the x-component of angular momentum, Fˆx , rotated by π/2 about the y-axes into the z-direction. Laser-cooling results from a Sisyphus-type mechanism that involves optical pumping from the higher onto the lowest adiabatic potential near the maxima of the adiabatic potentials, where the field intensity is maximum, and non-adiabatic transitions of atoms from the lowest potential back onto higher adiabatic potentials in the node region of the laser field. Since the non-adiabatic mixing near the field nodes is instrumental in closing the Sisyphus-type cooling cycle, the cooling only works with a transverse magnetic field present. Therefore, this type of cooling is known as magnetic-field-induced laser cooling (MILC, see (Sheehy et al., 1990)). The efficiency of this cooling can be optimized by tuning the strength of the transverse magnetic field, and it is fairly easy to achieve steady-state temperatures and laser-cooling rates that closely rival those achieved with the previously discussed cooling methods (see Figs. 4(d) and (f)). For the case of the D2-MILC-lattice studied in Fig. 4, the off-resonant interaction with the excitedstate hyperfine level F = 3, which is 45Γ above the F = 2 level, causes the lowest adiabatic potential to exhibit a moderately deep potential well. This well leads to considerable accumulation of atoms in the region near the field maxima,
F IG . 4. Simulation of magnetic-field-induced laser cooling in a blue-detuned optical lattice of 87 Rb on the D2-line. The single-beam lattice intensity is I = 10 mW/cm2 and the laser detuning 1 4Γ relative to the F = 2 ↔ F = 2 transition. A transverse magnetic field of 0.1 Gauss is applied.
(a) Adiabatic potentials Vα vs position. (b) Band structure Ek vs quasimomentum q. (c) Fluorescence-induced decay rates γk of the lowest ten lattice bands. (d) Kinetic energy of cooled atoms vs time t. (e) Steady-state spatial distribution of the atoms in the five m-levels. (f) Single-atom fluorescence rate vs time t. The exponential fits (dashed lines) in panels (d) and (f) yield the rates at which the respective quantities approach a steady-state.
as can be seen in Fig. 4(e). MILC-type lattices are somewhat reminiscent of gray lattices, because the fluorescence rate drops as the cooling progresses (compare Figs. 4(d) and (f)). The residual photon scattering rate is limited by the magneticfield-induced mixing into non-dark m-states and off-resonant excitation into the F = 3 hyperfine level. For the lowest few bands, the fluorescence rate has values around 50 × 103 s−1 (see Fig. 4(c)), which exceeds the width of the lowest band by many orders of magnitude. In fact, since in the MILC-type lattice the wellto-well separation is λ/2, as opposed to λ/4 in Figs. 1–3, the tunneling rates in MILC-type lattices are extremely small (only about 0.5 s−1 in the case of Fig. 4). Therefore, MILC-type lattices are not suited for tunneling experiments. As an aside, it is noted that the issue of how to measure coherent tunneling in MILC-type lattices, even if it were present, would impose further problems, because atoms in neighboring wells cannot be distinguished by their magnetic moments.
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The number of tightly bound levels in Fig. 4(b) is only about two, rendering MILC-type lattices rather unsuitable for wave-packet experiments in single wells. In calculations and experiments not presented, we have also investigated cases of MILC-type lattices on the D1-transition of rubidium. We have found no significant difference between MILC-type lattices on the D1- and the D2-transitions.
3.4. R ELATED L ASER -C OOLING M ETHODS 3.4.1. “Corkscrew” Cooling The last configuration we consider consists of two counter-propagating laser beams of opposite helicity (in a fixed frame), which produce a light-field of position-independent intensity and spatially rotating and temporally fixed linear polarization. Due to this polarization geometry, laser-cooling in this configuration (Dalibard and Cohen-Tannoudji, 1989) has been dubbed “corkscrew cooling”. Since in the corkscrew field geometry there are no spatially dependent light-shift potentials, this geometry is not suited for wave-packet and tunneling experiments. As shown in Fig. 5(a) for the case I1 = 10 mW/cm2 and laser detuning δ = −6Γ relative to the F = 2 ↔ F = 3-component of the 87 Rb D2-line, corkscrew laser-cooling performs not quite as well as cooling in comparable red-detuned lin-perp-lin lattices (see Fig. 1). For the case in Fig. 5(a), the fluorescence rate is about 400 × 103 s−1 and does not significantly depend on time. 3.4.2. Velocity-Selective Coherent Population Trapping We have found that optical lattices that exhibit dark or nearly dark states generally exhibit some degree of velocity-selective coherent population trapping (VSCPT), which was first observed by Aspect et al. (1988) in the cooling of metastable helium. VSCPT refers to optical pumping into coherent superpositions of entangled states of the internal and external degrees of freedom of the trapped atoms that exhibit particularly low fluorescence rates. Atoms tend to accumulate in such states. In our one-dimensional lattice geometry, coherently coupled states have center-of-mass momenta that differ by integer multiples of 2kL . Even the lin-perp-lin D1-gray lattice studied in detail in Section 3.2 and Fig. 3, the cooling is a combination of Sisyphus cooling and VSCPT, as evidenced by the presence of separated peaks of the momentum distribution at integer multiples of 2kL (see Fig. 5(b)). These separated peaks indicate that atoms tend accumulate in certain Bloch states that are particularly long-lived. The accumulation of atoms in selected Bloch states implies some amount of well-to-well coherence, as has been observed elsewhere (Teo et al., 2002). Signs of VSCPT are further observed on the blue side of F ↔ F = F transitions in corkscrew field configurations produced by counter-propagating circularly polarized beams with opposite helicity (in a fixed frame). An example is shown in Fig. 5(c), where I1 = 4 mW/cm2
F IG . 5. (a) “Corkscrew cooling” for a field that is red-detuned relative to the F = 2 ↔ F = 3 component of the 87 Rb D2-line. The plot shows average energy vs time (solid) and an exponential fit (dashed). (b)–(f) Indications of velocity-selective coherent population trapping in the momentum distributions for various field configurations explained in the text.
and the field is detuned by 3Γ relative to the F = 2 ↔ F = 2 component of the 87 Rb D1-line. VSCPT in fairly clean form occurs if the field has a corkscrew polarization configuration, is weak, and is on-resonant with an F = 1 ↔ F = 1 or F = 0 transition so that other types of laser cooling are absent. The case in Fig. 5(d), which is for I1 = 0.2 mW/cm2 and zero detuning relative to the F = 1 ↔ F = 1 component of the 87 Rb D1-line, exhibits very clear VSCPT momentum peaks at ±h¯ kL , as is typical for VSCPT (Aspect et al., 1988). Measurements on VSCPT of rubidium on the F = 1 ↔ F = 1 component of the D1-line have been performed by Esslinger et al. (1996). On the same transition of the D2-line, the VSCPT is less pronounced due to off-resonant fluorescence on the F = 2 ↔ F = 3 transition (see Fig. 5(e); lattice intensity and detuning same as in Fig. 5(d)). The additional fluorescence causes increased coherence loss and therefore washes out the VSCPT momentum peaks. Finally, three-component
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VSCPT occurs on F = 2 ↔ F = 2-transitions, as evident in Fig. 5(f) (lattice intensity and detuning same as in Fig. 5(d)). There, the three peaks at momentum values 0 and ±2kL reflect the accumulation of atoms in a gray, coherent superposition of the three states |m = −2, k = −2kL , |m = 0, k = 0 and |m = 2, k = 2kL . Various related configurations that lead to VSCPT have been discussed in detail by Aspect et al. (1989) and Papoff et al. (1992).
4. Periodic Well-to-Well Tunneling in Gray Lattices In the following, we discuss experiments on periodic well-to-well tunneling of 87 Rb atoms in optical lattices that exhibit efficient sub-Doppler laser cooling. From Section 3 it is concluded that within this class of lattices only gray optical lattices on the D1-line are a reasonable choice to conduct tunneling experiments, because these are the only lattice type that combines a relatively large tunneling frequency (of order 104 s−1 ) with a decoherence rate low enough for the tunneling to become observable.
4.1. E XPERIMENTAL AND S IMULATION R ESULTS In each cycle of our experiment (Dutta et al., 1999), 87 Rb atoms are collected for 14 ms in a standard vapor-cell magneto-optic trap (MOT). After switching off the MOT magnetic field, the atomic cloud is further cooled for about 1 ms in a threedimensional corkscrew optical molasses. The atoms are then loaded into the onedimensional gray optical lattice formed by two counter-propagating laser beams with orthogonal linear polarizations (lin-perp-lin lattice). As in Fig. 3, the lattice is blue-detuned by δ = 6Γ from the D1 F = 2 to F = 2 hyperfine component (λ = 795 nm). A re-pumping laser tuned to the transition F = 1 → F = 2 is required to re-pump atoms scattered into the F = 1 ground-state hyperfine level back into the F = 2-level the lattice is operating on. It takes ∼1 ms to cool most atoms into the lowest potential Vα=1 (Z). We have seen in our QMCWF simulations that at single-beam intensities around I1 = 5 mW/cm2 60% of the atoms are prepared in the lowest band of the lattice. Atoms in wells with predominantly σ + - (σ − -) polarized light are predominantly in the |m = 2 (|m = −2) state. In order to ensure that the σ + - and σ − -wells of the lattice are equally deep, great care has been taken to reduce environmental magnetic fields to values of order 1 mG or less. To initiate observable tunneling between the σ + - and σ − -wells of the lattice, the atom distribution needs to be initialized such that atoms are present in only one type of wells. The initialization is accomplished as follows. The re-pumping laser is turned off, and a σ + -polarized laser, which is co-linear with the lattice
beams and resonant with the D2 F = 2 → F = 2 transition, is turned on for 15 µs (intensity ∼0.1 mW/cm2 ). This laser pulse removes most atoms from the σ − -lattice wells by optical pumping into the F = 1 ground state, whereas the atoms in the σ + -wells mostly survive. The intensity and duration of this initialization laser is adjusted such that about half the atoms are removed from the lattice. The removed atoms remain inactive for the remainder of the tunneling experiment. Coherent well-to-well tunneling of the atoms left over in the lattice commences at the end of the initialization pulse. A tunneling event from a σ + -well into a σ − -well is associated with an exchange of 4h¯ angular momentum between the atom and the lattice field, amounting to an exchange of two photon pairs between the σ + - and σ − -components of the lattice beams. All ∼106 atoms in the lattice tunnel in phase, because their wave-functions were prepared identically by the initialization laser. While the photon exchange rate caused by a single tunneling atom would not be detectable, the exchange rate caused by the whole atomic sample is substantial. We can measure the tunneling current by separating the lattice beams after their interaction with the atoms into their σ -polarized components, and measuring the difference of the powers of the σ + - and σ − -components. The power exchange between the components can be described as Pσ = N
hc d m, λ dt
where N is the number of atoms, and dtd m is the rate of change of the average magnetic quantum number. Based on the measured tunneling period and the known atom number, the maximum tunneling-induced power exchange can be estimated to be of order 10−3 to 10−4 of the incident power. The tunneling-induced power exchanges observed in the experiment are of that order of magnitude. It is noted that the periodic tunneling current is measured in real-time and that the measurement is non-destructive. A single experimental cycle yields the timedependence of the tunneling current over the whole time interval of interest, which is of order one millisecond. Since it is possible to observe the tunneling signal on an oscilloscope without data averaging, experimental parameters such as background magnetic fields and lattice-beam alignments can be optimized quite easily. Averages over of order 1000 realizations, which take less than a minute to accumulate, yield noise-free measurements of the tunneling current. In Fig. 6, left panel, a set of experimental data taken at different lattice intensities is shown. The curves exhibit oscillations with a period of 150 to 200 µs; these oscillations reflect the periodic tunneling current of atoms trapped in the lowest band of the optical lattice. As estimated in Section 3.2, the coherence of the tunneling lasts quite long: the tunneling signal is noticeable over at least five tunneling periods. At intensities above ≈5 mW/cm2 , a higher-frequency periodic contribution to the tunneling current is observed. To show this more clearly, the
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F IG . 6. Experimental (left) and simulated (right) periodic well-to-well tunneling currents in a gray lin-perp-lin optical lattice. The curves are shifted vertically by amounts proportional to the respective single-beam intensities I1 . In the experiment, I1 is varied up to 15.5 mW/cm2 , and in the QMCWF simulations up to 15 mW/cm2 . (Reprinted with permission from (Dutta et al., 1999).)
F IG . 7. Theoretical (a) and experimental (b) result for the tunneling current at I1 = 10 mW/cm2 . The derivative of the magnetic-dipole autocorrelation function (c), d/dτ ψ|Fˆz (t + τ )Fˆz (t)|ψ, exhibits a time-dependence similar to that of curves (a) and (b). (Reprinted with permission from (Dutta et al., 1999).)
data taken at 10 mW/cm2 are displayed in more detail in Fig. 7, curve (b). The higher-frequency oscillations, the maxima of which are highlighted in Fig. 7 by vertical lines, are due to tunneling on the first excited lattice band. This band has
a larger width than the lowest band, resulting in faster tunneling oscillations. We simulated the experiment using QMCWF simulations, shown in the right panel of Fig. 6 and in Fig. 7, curve (a). The agreement between theory and experiment in both the long-period and short-period oscillations is excellent. The tunneling should also be visible in the autocorrelation function of the z-component of the magnetic-dipole, Fˆz . At integer multiples of the tunneling period, atoms should mostly reside in the type of wells they resided in initially, and the magnetic-dipole correlation should be positive. Conversely, at half-integer multiples of the tunneling time the atoms should mostly reside in the opposite type of wells, leading to negative values of the magnetic-dipole correlation function. Very importantly, this correlation should even exist if the atoms were not initialized in one type of wells. The QMCWF method allows the computation of two-time correlation functions, as explained by Marte et al. (1993). Our result for the parameters of Fig. 7, shown in curve (c) of the figure, confirms our expectation: the time derivative dτd ψ|Fˆz (t + τ )Fˆz (t)|ψ is very similar to the actual tunneling current. Note, however, an important difference: the tunneling current, shown in curves (a) and (b) of Fig. 7, reveals tunneling oscillations only after suitable initialization of the atoms in one type of wells, while curve (c) is obtained by simulating the evolution of quantum trajectories under steady-state conditions, i.e. without any initialization procedure. 4.2. A NALYSIS BASED ON BAND -S TRUCTURE In the following, we analyze the described experiment using the band structure of the system. In the initialization process, most atoms are removed from one type of wells. Without loss of generality we may assume that the atoms remaining in the lattice are located in the σ + -wells (see Fig. 8). Also, most of the observed signal is due to atoms in the lowest pair of bands. Inspecting the eigenfunctions associated with the band structure plotted in Fig. 8, it is found that the Bloch states for q = 0 in the lowest two bands approximately are |1 ≈ −1 − sin(2kL Z) |m = −2 + 1 − sin(2kL Z) |m = 2, |2 ≈ 1 + sin(2kL Z) |m = −2 + 1 − sin(2kL Z) |m = 2 (12) with respective energies of E1 = 3.76 ERec and E2 = 5.54 ERec . The initialization process amounts to the generation of a symmetric superposition of Bloch states, √1 (|1 + |2) ∝ (1 − sin(2kL Z))|m = 2, corresponding to the localiza2
tion of most atoms in the σ + -wells (dashed curve in Fig. 8(b)). The time-evolved state, √1 (exp(− iEh¯1 t )|1 + exp(− iEh¯2 t )|2), is identical with the initial state—up 2
h . This to an irrelevant global phase—for times that are integer multiples of E2 −E 1 value is the well-to-well tunneling period. At half-integer multiples of the tunneling period, the wave-function is ∝(|1 − |2) = (1 + sin(2kL Z))|m = −2,
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F IG . 8. (a) Lowest four lattice bands for I1 = 10 mW/cm2 and detuning 6Γ . The initialization procedure applied in the experiment amounts to the preparation of symmetric superpositions of Bloch states from the lowest band pair, as indicated by the black circles for the case q = 0. (b) Lowest adiabatic potential Vα=1 (Z) (solid line, left axis) and approximate spatial probability distributions of the atoms in state |m = 2 immediately after the initialization (dashed line, right axis) and in state |m = −2 half a tunneling period later (dotted line).
corresponding to a localization of most atoms in the σ − -wells (dotted curve in Fig. 8(b)). The described situation obviously parallels that of periodic tunneling in a double-well potential, but there are some differences. The above description in terms of Bloch functions properly accounts for the periodicity of the superposition state: in the Bloch-state description, a delocalized atom does not tunnel between individual wells, but tunnels back and forth between all σ + -wells of the lattice and all σ − -wells of the lattice. Consequently, there is no directionality in the tunneling process (as opposed to the case of a double-well potential). Further, since the quasimomentum q is quite randomly distributed, the tunneling period h E2 −E1 is not fixed but follows a quite random probability distribution. Inspecting the band structure in Fig. 8(a) it becomes obvious that the tunneling period vs q exhibits a broad minimum for q = 0. Therefore, the tunneling signals produced by a fairly large group of atoms with q ∼ 0 will add up, while atoms with quasimomenta very different from zero will produce tunneling signals that tend to cancel each other. The experimentally observed tunneling signal should therefore equal h E2 −E1 evaluated at q = 0. Detailed numerical modeling confirms this assessment for all lattice intensities we have studied (Dutta et al., 1999). For the specific case h = 150 µs. of Fig. 8, the tunneling period is expected to be TT = ERec (5.54−3.76) This value is experimentally observed (see Fig. 7, where the lattice parameters are the same as in Fig. 8).
In the following, we comment on the dependence of the tunneling period on the lattice intensity. As observed in Fig. 6, the tunneling period exhibits a broad minimum around I1 ∼ 5 mW/cm2 . While this behavior accords with predictions based on the band structure and QMCWF simulations, it evades an immediate explanation based on the adiabatic potentials of the system. The lowest adiabatic light-shift potential Vα=1 (Z) continuously decreases with decreasing intensity. As a result, one would expect the tunneling time to continuously decrease with decreasing intensity. Such a trend is observed experimentally in the range I1 > 5 mW/cm2 . However, in the range I1 < 5 mW/cm2 the experimental observation contradicts the expected trend. The discrepancy can be partially attributed to the presence of a gauge potential that needs to be added to the lowest adiabatic potential in order to improve the description of the tunneling behavior. The gauge potential, predicted to occur in light-shift potentials by Dum and Olshanii (1996) and observed by Dutta et al. (1999), is d2 Gα=1 (Z) = − h¯ 2 /2M Ψα=1 (Z) 2 Ψα=1 (Z) , (13) dZ where |Ψα=1 (Z) is the position-dependent internal state associated with the lowest adiabatic potential. The potential Gα=1 (Z) is always positive and is, in the present case, intensity-independent and peaks at the maxima of the lowest adiabatic potential Vα=1 (Z). Adopting the notion that the sum potential Vα=1 (Z) + Gα=1 (Z) determines the tunneling time, the gauge potential increases the tunneling time and improves the agreement between the observed tunneling time and the tunneling time one may estimate based on a simple potential picture. However, the addition of an intensity-independent potential Gα=1 (Z) to Vα=1 (Z) cannot explain why at the lowest intensities in Fig. 6 the tunneling time increases with decreasing intensity. It turns out that in this low-intensity domain the notion that the wave-function adiabatically evolves (and tunnels) on a single potential breaks down. The underlying reason for this breakdown is that the Born–Oppenheimer approximation separating the dynamics of internal and external degrees of freedom fails. A more detailed discussion of this effect can be found in (Dutta and Raithel, 2000).
5. Influence of Magnetic Fields on Tunneling 5.1. M OTIVATION AND E XPERIMENTAL O BSERVATIONS In Section 4 we have studied well-to-well tunneling for the case of zero applied magnetic field. In that case, the σ + - and σ − -wells of the lattice are identical, and the tightly bound states in them are degenerate with each other. This symmetry can be lifted by the application of a magnetic field parallel to the lattice-beam
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F IG . 9. (a) Lowest adiabatic potential (left) and band structure (right) of a gray lin-perp-lin optical lattice with single-beam intensity I1 = 11 mW/cm2 and detuning 6.3Γ with respect to the 5S1/2 , F = 2 → 5P1/2 , F = 2 component of the 87 Rb D1-line for B = 0 mG. (b) Same as (a), except that a longitudinal magnetic field B = 12 mG is applied. The arrows in the band structures indicate the coherences that dominate the experimentally observed well-to-well tunneling signals, shown below in Fig. 10.
directions, B . In this section, we study the effect of such longitudinal magnetic fields on the tunneling dynamics. In Fig. 9 we show the influence of a weak longitudinal magnetic field on the lowest adiabatic potential and the band structure of a typical gray lattice. The single-beam lattice intensity is I1 = 11 mW/cm2 and the detuning 6.3Γ with respect to the 5S1/2 , F = 2 → 5P1/2 , F = 2 component of the 87 Rb D1-line. Panel (a) shows a situation similar to that in Fig. 8. In panel (b), a magnetic field B = 12 mG parallel to the quantization axis of the lattice is added. This field can be accounted for in Eq. (8) and in QMCWF simulations by adding a positionindependent term m gF μB B m|mm| to the atom-field interaction, where the g-factor gF = 1/2 for 5S1/2 , F = 2 of 87 Rb. According to the predominant magnetic states in the σ + - and σ − -wells of the lattice, indicated in the left panels of Fig. 9, the longitudinal magnetic field lowers the σ − -wells (left well) by an energy of h × 1.4 kHz = 0.386 ERec per mG and raises the σ + -wells (right well) by the same amount. Due to these shifts, clearly seen in the left panel in Fig. 9(b), the localized states in the two types of wells are tuned out of resonance with each other. Using selected magnetic-field values, higher-lying states in the
down-shifting type of wells can be brought into resonance with lower-lying states in the up-shifting wells. In Fig. 9(b), for instance, the lowest (and only) state in the up-shifted well is resonant with the first excited state in the down-shifted well. These resonances manifest themselves in the tunneling behavior of the system. In order to measure the dependence of the tunneling frequency on B , we apply a variable, well-defined (to within 1 mG) magnetic field parallel to the lattice laser beams using a set of Helmholtz coils. Atoms are laser-cooled into the slightly magnetized lattice using the same procedure as described in Section 4. In order to observe the well-to-well tunneling, the atoms are initialized into one set of wells via application of a 10 µs long σ -polarized pulse resonant with the 5S1/2 , F = 2 → 5P3/2 , F = 2 transition. This pulse selectively removes atoms from one type of lattice wells into the 5S1/2 , F = 1 level and thereby initializes the remaining atoms in the other type of wells. At the end of the initialization pulse the remaining atoms begin to tunnel in-phase between the wells. The tunneling current is measured non-destructively and in real-time by detecting the power exchange between the σ + - and σ − -polarized components of the lattice beams after their interaction with the atom cloud. Figure 10(a) shows the tunneling current measured for the indicated values of the applied magnetic field B . The signals are approximately symmetric about the value B = 0, and the tunneling frequency generally increases with |B |. The experimental data are compared with corresponding results of QMCWF simulations, shown in Fig. 10(b). We observe satisfactory agreement between experiment and simulations. The simulations show more high-frequency modulations than the experimental data; this difference may be attributed to the limited bandwidth of the photodiode detector used in the experiment. Also, the simulated data are more asymmetric about B = 0 than the experiment. In this regard, it is noted that a certain degree of asymmetry is to be expected, because the polarization of the initialization pulse is kept fixed. Consequently, for one field polarity the deeper wells are depleted of atoms during the initialization, while for the other polarity the less deep wells are depleted. This asymmetry in the initialization sequence causes some differences between tunneling signals observed for magnetic fields B of equal magnitude but opposite polarity. The tunneling frequencies νT of the experimental data in Fig. 10 have been determined graphically and are represented as a function of B in Fig. 11. As expected from the picture presented in Fig. 9, the tunneling frequency is symmetric in B (even though the underlying measured tunneling-current curves are not entirely symmetric in B ). The tunneling frequency generally increases with the magnitude of B . However, at values B = ±12 mG secondary minima are observed. This behavior can be qualitatively explained by considering a double-well potential with two bound states in each of the wells. In the following, we first discuss such a simplified double-well model that largely reproduces Fig. 11. We then turn to a more rigorous analysis based on the band structure of the lattice.
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F IG . 10. (a) Tunneling currents measured for the indicated values of the longitudinal magnetic field B and lattice parameters as in Fig. 9. (b) Corresponding results obtained from QMCWF simulations.
F IG . 11. Tunneling frequencies νT vs applied longitudinal magnetic field B obtained from the experimental data in Fig. 10(a).
5.2. I NTERPRETATION OF THE R ESULTS BASED ON T WO M ODELS In a simplified double-well picture, the situation of Fig. 9 can be described by localized ground and excited states |0L and |1L in the left well of a double-well potential, and two analogous states |0R and |1R in the right well. The tunnelinginduced coupling between the ground states, |0L and |0R , is denoted c00 , and that between the excited states c11 . The off-resonant couplings between |0L and |1R and |1L and |0R are both c01 . The band structure in Fig. 9 suggests the use of the following values for the coupling constants: c00 = h × 3 kHz, c11 = h × 12 kHz, and c01 = h × 7 kHz. The magnetic-field-free energies of the localized ground (excited) states are estimated as 0.5h × fosc and 1.5h × fosc with an oscillation frequency fosc = 35 kHz. In analogy with the situation in Fig. 9, the effect of a magnetic field B is that the states in the left well are down-shifted by d × B with d = 1.4 kHz per mG, while the states in the right well are upshifted by that same amount. The corresponding Hamiltonian, represented in the basis {|0L , |0R , |1L , |1R }, ⎛ 1f − d × B ⎞ c 0 c ⎜ Hˆ = ⎜ ⎝
2 osc
00 1f + d × B osc 2
3f 2 osc − d × B
c11 3f + d × B osc 2
⎟ ⎟ (14) ⎠
has eigenvalues vs B as shown in Fig. 12(a). The lowest tunneling frequencies in this system are given by the energy differences between the lowest two of
F IG . 12. (a) Energy levels of the double-well model system discussed in the text vs B . The two arrows identify the energy differences that correspond to the lowest tunneling frequencies of the system. (b) Lowest tunneling frequencies as indicated in (a) vs B .
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F IG . 13. Frequencies of the coherences between the lowest band pair at q = 0 (squares) and between the first- and second-excited band at q = ±1 (triangles) vs magnetic field B . The frequencies are determined as shown by the arrows in Fig. 9.
eigenvalues and the next-higher pair of eigenvalues, as indicated by the two arrows in Fig. 12(a). Plotting these two tunneling frequencies vs B and assuming that the lower one will be dominant in an experimental observation of the tunneling, we obtain a plot that closely resembles the actual experimental observation in the lattice (compare Fig. 11 with Fig. 12(b)). For a more rigorous description using the band structure of the system, we first recall that the experimentally observed tunneling signal is due to coherences between neighboring bands, which are generated by application of the initialization pulse. Since the atoms in the lattice follow a fairly random distribution in quasimomentum q, the coherences that produce observable effects will come from regions in the band structure where the energy difference between neighboring bands is stationary in q. The coherences at q-values as identified by the arrows in Fig. 9 are likely to produce a signal, because their frequencies exhibit a broad maximum as a function of quasimomentum q. Plotting the frequency difference between the lowest band pair at q = 0 and between the first- and second-excited band at q = ±1 vs B , we obtain the curves shown in Fig. 13. The lower envelope of these curves, identified by the filled symbols, agrees well with the experimentally obtained result shown in Fig. 11. The findings obtained in this section lead to the following summarizing assessment. For B = 0, the atoms tunnel resonantly on the lowest band between the σ + - and σ − -wells of the lattice. In the range 0 < |B | < 6 mG the tunneling frequency increases, because the tunneling becomes increasingly offresonant with increasing |B |. The observed tunneling frequency has a maximum at |B | ≈ 6 mG, because at this field value the tunneling between the ground
bands associated with the σ + - and σ − -wells is off-resonant by about the same amount as tunneling from the ground band of the up-shifted wells into the first excited band of the down-shifted wells. Around |B | ≈ 12 mG the tunneling frequency has as shallow secondary minimum because at that field value the tunneling from the ground band of the up-shifted wells into the first excited band of the down-shifted wells is resonant. The observed dependence of the tunneling frequency on B therefore reflects the passage of the system through a couple of tunneling resonance. At each resonance, a minimum of the tunneling frequency occurs.
6. Sloshing-Type Wave-Packet Motion 6.1. WAVE -PACKETS L OCALIZED IN S INGLE L ATTICE W ELLS So far, we have studied well-to-well tunneling in gray lattices initiated by an initialization laser pulse that removes atoms from one type of wells. In the following, we will be interested in wave-packets evolving in single wells of the lattice, with negligible tunneling-induced well-to-well coupling. An optical lattice must have at least a couple of tightly bound bands so that meaningful wave-packets in single wells can be formed. Lattices of the red-detuned type discussed in Section 3.1 usually are deep enough to support a number of tightly bound states that is sufficient for the excitation of single-well wave-packets. In contrast, gray lattices in a vanishing magnetic field support only one tightly bound band and will therefore not allow one to form superposition states in single wells (see Sections 3.2 and 4). This situation changes when a longitudinal magnetic field of order B ∼ 100 mG is added, because one type of lattice wells is deepened by the magnetic field, while the other type of wells essentially disappears. For sufficiently large B , the deepened wells support a sufficient number of tightly bound bands to form wavepackets in single wells. In this section, we will consider atomic center-of-mass wave-packets that are excited by a sudden displacement of the lattice, which causes a subsequent sloshing-type wave-packet motion that takes place in single lattice wells (Raithel et al., 1998). In particular, we will be interested in the role of the longitudinal magnetic field B in enabling the formation of these sloshing-type wave-packets. It is noted that, while we refer to the sloshing-type atomic states as wavepackets, these are not pure quantum states but are more properly described by a time-dependent density operator. The atoms are initially prepared by laser cooling in an incoherent, quasithermal density operator ρˆ0 with most population residing in the lowest oscillatory states of the lattice wells. The wave-packet initialization, which is implemented via a lattice shift, amounts to a certain excitation of higher-lying oscillatory states. The lattice-shift-induced excitation is an entirely
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coherent process. In a harmonic approximation of the lattice wells, the excitation is described by the application of the usual shift operator Dα = exp(αa † − α ∗ a) on ρˆ0 , yielding the density operator after the shift, ρˆ = Dα ρˆ0 Dα† .
There, a and a † are the lowering and raising operators, the complex number α is the shift parameter, and |α|2 is an approximate measure for how high up the harmonic energy ladder the state is shifted. After the shift is applied to the lattice, fluorescence of the atoms and the associated laser cooling cause damping of the sinusoidal oscillation, Tr[ρ(t)Z]. ˆ In the experiment, damping can be directly observed as a decay of a sinusoidal signal. The experimentally measured signal decay is not only due to coherence decay but, in large parts, also due to the anharmonicity of the lattice wells (i.e. the harmonic-oscillator formalism can merely serve to provide a qualitative discussion). In this context, we also re-iterate that QMCWF simulations one may perform in order to model optical-lattice experiments are entirely accurate in that they yield an approximation to the evolution of a density operator (as opposed to the evolution of a single wave-function). Keeping these clarifications in mind, we will continue to use the term “wave-packets” for the states discussed this section.
6.2. E XPERIMENTAL S TUDY OF S LOSHING -T YPE M OTION IN A M AGNETIZED G RAY L ATTICE In order to experimentally initiate sloshing-type motion, we apply a voltage change to a phase modulator positioned in one of the lattice beams after a steadystate of laser-cooling is achieved. The resultant sudden shift in lattice position, amounting to 0.1λ, initializes the center-of-mass wave-packet motion on the lowest adiabatic potential. To measure the subsequently occurring sloshing-type wave-packet motion, the lattice beams are directed onto photodiodes after they have interacted with the atomic cloud. The power difference signal P (t) between the photodiodes is then measured. The average electric-dipole force acting on the atoms is related to the measured power exchange P (t) via P (t) = N cF ,
where F is the electric-dipole force averaged over the ensemble of N atoms (Raithel et al., 1998). In Fig. 14(a), sloshing-type wave-packet oscillations measured for the indicated values of B are represented. The utilized lattice is a gray optical lattice with single-beam intensity I1 = 11 mW/cm2 and a detuning of +6.3Γ relative to the F = 2 ↔ F = 2 component of the 87 Rb D1-line (same as in Section 5). As evident in Fig. 14(a), there are two regimes of the sloshing-type motion. In
F IG . 14. (a) Wave-packet oscillations for the indicated values of B . (b) Wave-packet oscillations for low B -values varied in small steps of 1.2 mG. (c) Frequency νslosh of the wave-packet oscillations obtained from the experimental data (squares) and from the geometry of the adiabatic potentials (triangles). The experimental uncertainty νslosh = 15%.
a low-magnetic-field regime, |B | < 10 mG, there is no clear signature of a sloshing-mode wave-packet oscillation. There are, however, some reproducible low-amplitude higher-frequency structures that were also observed in QMCWF simulations (not shown here). The absence of sloshing oscillations in the lowmagnetic-field regime, |B | < 10 mG, can be attributed to two factors. First, the lattice wells are not deep enough to support more than one tightly bound state. Therefore, it is not possible to form wave-packet states that oscillate in individual wells. Second, in shallow lattices such as gray lattices the sloshing-type motion competes with rapid tunneling between neighboring wells. Tunneling leads to a rapid spread of wave-packets over multiple lattice wells. The dipole force F averaged over spread-out wave-packets will always be near zero, as the averaging will extend over regions of both polarities of the force. Therefore, in the lowmagnetic-field regime any net sloshing-type wave-packet signal that might still
G. Raithel and N. Morrow
appear will be very weak and it will reflect a complicated superposition of effects caused by both tunneling and sloshing-type dynamics. This is demonstrated in the detailed plot in Fig. 14(b). With increasing magnetic field, the σ + - and σ − -wells of the lattice become increasingly asymmetric, leading to a suppression of well-to-well tunneling on the lowest tightly bound bands and to the appearance of more and more tightly bound bands in the deepening wells. Therefore, for large enough |B | we expect to observe the signatures of well-defined sloshing-mode oscillations. Fig. 14(a) shows that the high-magnetic field regime in which the gray lattice supports sloshingmode oscillations approximately is |B | > 20 mG. As expected in this regime, the frequency of the sloshing-mode oscillations is dependent on the shape of the lowest adiabatic potential near its minima. In Fig. 14(c), the solid squares represent the frequencies νslosh of the sloshing oscillations as a function of the magnetic field obtained from the experimental data. The observed trend reflects the fact that both the depth and the curvature of the wells increase with increasing magnetic field. Approximating the lattice wells by harmonic potentials that match the curvatures of the lowest adiabatic potential at the minima, we find estimated oscillation frequencies shown by the triangles in Fig. 14(c). The estimated frequencies are in quite good agreement with the experimental values, but show a systematic trend of being ∼20% larger. The deviation may be attributed to the anharmonicity of the lattice wells. The anharmonicity of the wells also is the main cause of the signal decay that is observed to take about five wave-packet oscillations (see Fig. 14(a)).
7. Conclusion In this chapter we have compared different types of one-dimensional optical lattices with regard to their laser-cooling performance and their suitability for experiments on well-to-well tunneling and sloshing-type wave-packet motion. The theoretical models used have been explained in some detail. While numerical results are provided for rubidium, the results and conclusions are expected to be representative for optical lattices of many atomic species (alkaline atoms, metastable noble gases, etc.). Only one type of lattice has been identified that provides reasonably fast and efficient laser cooling, high tunneling rates, and steady-state coherence decay rates that are significantly lower than the tunneling rate. In the second half of the chapter, we have presented typical results on wavepacket motion in a gray optical lattice. The main findings can be summarized as follows. In a regime of very low magnetic fields parallel to the lattice beams, the predominant dynamics of atoms is due to well-to-well tunneling. We have explained the magnetic-field dependence of the tunneling using a simplified doublewell potential model as well as the exact band structure of the system. We found
that the tunneling current vs applied magnetic field exhibits signatures of a couple of tunneling resonances. In a domain of higher magnetic fields, the tunneling rate between the lowest localized center-of-mass states of the lattice generally decreases, and the number of localized states in the lattice wells increases. Consequently, in the domain of higher magnetic field the gray lattices are found to support sloshing-type wave-packet oscillations. In future research, we intend to study non-linearities in the discussed types of wave-packet motion. We have observed a significant dependence of sloshing-type wave-packet oscillations on the average atom density in the lattice. This dependence is due to the back-action of the wave-packet oscillation on the refractive index which the oscillating atomic ensemble presents to the lattice beams. The resultant position- and time-dependence of the lattice phase and its coupling to the atomic motion amounts to a non-linear atom-field coupling and to the presence of long-range atom-atom interactions in the lattice. Interesting avenues for further research include the study of wave-packet motion of Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) in lattices. In this case, additional non-linearities will arise from positionand time-dependent mean-field potentials. The natural continuation of the discussed work on tunneling will be to investigate spinor-BECs in spin-dependent optical lattices.
8. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (PHY-0245532).
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FEMTOSECOND LASER INTERACTION WITH SOLID SURFACES: EXPLOSIVE ABLATION AND SELF-ASSEMBLY OF ORDERED NANOSTRUCTURES* JUERGEN REIF† AND FLORENTA COSTACHE Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany BTU/IHP JointLab, Erich-Weinert-Strasse 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Energy Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Absorption by Ionization of Valence Band Electrons: Multiphoton and Tunneling Ionization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Impact Heating/Free Carrier Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Secondary Processes: Dissipation and Desorption/Ablation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Desorption/Ablation Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Femtosecond Laser Ablation from Silicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3. Recoil Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4. Surface Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Abstract The fundamentals of interaction between intensive laser pulses and solid surfaces are reviewed. In order to distinguish the relevant phenomena from secondary effects, e.g., laser heating of the plasma plume formed upon ablation, emphasis is placed on the action of ultrashort pulses. The present picture of energy absorption and dissipation dynamics is discussed, and transient and permanent modification of the surface, in particular its morphology, are considered. * It is a great pleasure and honor to dedicate this contribution to Prof. Herbert Walther on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Not only did his innumerable contributions to the basic understanding of and deep insight into quantum and optical physics open the way for tackling the work presented here, but also he was and still is an outstandingly inspiring teacher with an ever continuing impact. Happy birthday! † E-mail:
[email protected].
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53008-3
J. Reif and F. Costache
1. Introduction Among the many specific types of laser interaction with matter, studied at present, those exploiting the very high optical fields attainable play a peculiar role [1]. At intensities in the range of 1012 . . . 1018 W/cm2 , easily accessible with present femtosecond laser systems, the corresponding electric field of ≈109 . . . 1012 V/m is no longer small compared to the intra-atomic Coulomb field (≈1011 V/m for the hydrogen 1s-electron). Consequently, the interaction cannot be considered as a weak perturbation of the irradiated matter anymore, with a linear response. Instead, a transient state is created, where the electrons “feel” a combination of the nuclear Coulomb field with the electric field of the incident radiation. In atomic physics this led to the theoretical “dressed atom” approach [2], initially developed for a strong monochromatic cw-field driving a two level system [3]. A typical observation under these conditions is that the cross-section for multiphoton processes approaches or even exceeds that of linear interaction [4], such as for high-harmonics generation [5–7], above threshold ionization [8–11], or the emergence of relativistic effects [12]. In condensed matter, in particular in solids with quasi-localized electrons, e.g., dielectrics or semiconductors, this transient high-field state can have even more dramatic effects than in free atoms. Since the crystalline structure is a consequence of equilibrium binding conditions for the atoms’ outer electrons, any change of electronic configuration will strongly influence the crystalline stability [13,14]. Thus, an excitation faster than any electron-phonon collision time, i.e. on a sub-picosecond time scale, tends to almost immediately “soften” the material [15–17], long before any thermodynamic melting sets in [18,19] via an equilibration between electron and lattice temperature [20]. A consequence of this breakdown of crystal stability is the desorption or ablation of particles from the material surface [21]. For technical applications, this type of interaction plays a very important role as the basis for most materials processing techniques, e.g., drilling, cutting, shaping, and for medical use, e.g., (eye) surgery, dermatology, etc. However, the nature and dynamics of energy coupling and dissipation as well as subsequent processes on a microscopic scale are still subject of ongoing research. In most practical cases, for long-pulse excitation (> several ps), the basic processes are masked by secondary effects. Typically, already during the pulse duration material removal takes place. Thus, strong interaction of the laser with the ablation (plasma) plume is expected, consuming a substantial part of incident energy for heating the plasma via inverse bremsstrahlung [22,23]. Then, plasma erosion of the surface is no longer negligible. Also, thermodynamic processes, like mere target heating, must be taken into account. These secondary effects make a study of fundamental mechanisms and dynamics rather complex and complicated. Fortunately, today’s ultrafast laser sources open the way of separating
first and second order effects, thus getting closer to the “atomic” laboratory, so successfully studied for free particles. In fact, transient instabilities, typical for high field interaction, can show up easily under ultra-short pulse irradiation [15, 24–26] where, for certain conditions, Coulomb explosion of an electrostatically unstable surface is the basic ablation channel. In the following, we review the present picture of laser ablation dynamics from transparent dielectric crystals and semiconductors (e.g., silicon). We will start with current models and their experimental equivalent for the energy coupling, continue with sketching follow-up processes of energy dissipation and particle emission, and, finally, discuss the consequences occurring after the ablation/desorption process. There, i.e. well after the laser pulse termination, we will show, relaxation dynamics are far from (thermodynamic) equilibrium for a free evolving system.
2. Energy Coupling We will start with some considerations about the basic mechanisms of energy coupling between laser and target, in particular for dielectric materials. First, however, a very peculiar feature of experiments on laser ablation/desorption1 from a solid crystal must be considered. Unlike in experiments with free atoms, where the microscopic “laboratory” is always well-characterized and, in most cases, does not change its intrinsic properties during repetitive interaction, the crystalline surface changes with each particle removal. Each loss of a particle results in the generation of a microscopic defect at the surface, associated with a change in the energy band structure, e.g., the introduction of defect states within the bandgap. Further, increasing surface erosion may result in a surface roughening sufficient to give rise to a local enhancement of the optical electric field. These effects can substantially change the coupling efficiency for sub-bandgap photons from pulse to pulse. Only after a certain number of desorption events, the surface “decomposition” reaches a kind of steady state, and additional desorption does not change the average number of defects in the irradiated area any more. The irradiation phase before reaching this steady state is usually termed “incubation” [27,28] and is shown, typically, in Fig. 1 [29]. The incubation does, however, not only serve to generate a “stable” defect density at the surface. It also helps to overcome another problem usually encountered: a typical surface of a solid target does, usually, not consist of the actual target material. Instead, it is often covered with thin films of contaminants, e.g., water, 1 Here, we apply the following convention: “desorption” denotes the taking away of individual particles from the crystal surface whereas “ablation” refers to more massive material removal.
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F IG . 1. Effect of incubation for the ablation from BaF2 (emission of Ba+ ions) at different laser intensities [29].
oxides, CO2 , etc., both chemisorbed and physisorbed. During incubation, these films are removed and, if the experiments are conducted under sufficiently good vacuum conditions, do not re-grow during the course of subsequent investigations. In the following, we will only consider nonmetallic targets with an incubated surface, i.e. with a stable average defect density and practically free from contaminations. 2.1. A BSORPTION BY I ONIZATION OF VALENCE BAND E LECTRONS : M ULTIPHOTON AND T UNNELING I ONIZATION The fundamental understanding of the energy coupling between valence band electrons in a solid and a strong electromagnetic wave at sub-bandgap frequency
F IG . 2. Ionization yield for high laser intensity according to the Keldysh model.
has been developed already in 1965 by Keldysh [30,31]. He discusses two principal mechanisms, multiphoton ionization and tunneling ionization, the latter prevailing at very high light intensity as shown in Fig. 2. 2.1.1. Multiphoton Ionization The possibility to bridge energy gaps larger than the photon energy by the simultaneous interaction/absorption of several photons with a sufficient sum energy has been termed “multiphoton” interaction and has been studied extensively during the last four decades, mainly in atomic and molecular systems but as well in solids. The interaction becomes possible if the photon density is sufficiently high for a reasonable probability for several photons being at the same spatio-temporal interaction site simultaneously. In a semiclassical description this situation is equivalent to a reasonably high electric field of the incident wave, which still can be introduced into the target’s Hamiltonian via a perturbational ansatz. There, in principle, the light electric field induces a periodic deformation of the—initially symmetric—Coulomb field binding the electrons (cf. Fig. 3). This can be considered as the generation of an oscillating dipole. In the Hamiltonian, the increased anharmonicity leads to a coupling of two Eigenstates of the unperturbed Hamiltonian. The induced dipoles are equivalent to a polarization of the medium, P, which, for conventional light intensities, is just proportional to the light electric field, E, where α is the polarizability of the medium: P = αE.
J. Reif and F. Costache
F IG . 3. Influence of a strong light field on the binding potential of an electron (perturbation model): (a) unperturbed near-harmonic potential, two “Eigenstates” are indicated by highlighted disks; (b) perturbed potential. The spherical symmetry is perturbed in one direction, leading to the induced dipole μ. The two Eigenstates are coupled (one in x- one in y-direction).
For higher intensity, the anharmonicity becomes increasingly larger. In Perturbation Theory, this is accounted for by developing the polarization in a power series of the electric field: P = α + α (2) E + α (3) EE + α (4) EEE + · · · E (2) which involves contributions of higher harmonics of the incident field, as can easily be seen when taking the electric field as E = E0 exp[i(ωt − kr)]. In the Hamiltonian, this is equivalent to the coupling of more and more Eigenstates in the resulting wave function. For the case of absorption, it must be considered that the electromagnetic field energy is given by the square of the field, i.e. the nonlinear contributions are proportional to the square of the respective term in the polarization (2), with the coupling given by the imaginary part of the polarizability. Correspondingly, the probability for an n-photon transition is found to be proportional to the nth power of the incident intensity: 2 2 2 P(n) ∝ P(n) E ∝ Im α (n) En−1 E = Im α (n) E2n ∝ I n . (3) As a consequence, in typical experiments multiphoton transitions can be identified by plotting the absorbed energy (e.g., the ionization rate) as a function of incident intensity in a log-log plot: straight lines are obtained with the slope indicating the number of photons involved [32] (cf. Fig. 2). In a real system, the situation may be complicated by the detailed energy structure of the material, which is contained in the explicit shape of α. According to Fermi’s Golden Rule [33], resonance denominators can enhance the polarizability [34] and even reduce the nonlinearity, if an intermediate (m-photon) resonance is directly met.
F IG . 4. Tunneling ionization: (a) unperturbed near-harmonic potential with corresponding Eigenstates (b). Influence of a strong electric field (indicated by the dash-dotted line): The potential well is—on one side—decreased so much that several of the unperturbed energy levels are coupled to the vacuum and thus directly ionized.
2.1.2. Tunneling Ionization When the field of the incident light increases further, it might approach the Coulomb field binding the electrons (for the hydrogen atom this is at the order of 1011 V/m, corresponding to an intensity of 1016 W/cm2 ). Already at about 10% of that intensity, the perturbational treatment appears no longer justified. In this the regime, the potential may be considered to be so strongly changed, that direct (above-barrier) or tunneling ionization appears to be the dominant ionization process (Fig. 4) [30,35–37]. 2.2. I MPACT H EATING /F REE C ARRIER A BSORPTION Different from free particles, the ionization does not simply result in an escape of the excited electrons. Only those close to the surface, i.e. within the average inelastic mean free path [38] according to the “universal curve” (Fig. 5), can really leave the sample (if they are not held back by space charge effects, see below). All other electrons will be free carriers in the conduction band where they can absorb additional energy (“free carrier absorption”) [39]. In fact, the energy gained can be larger than the bandgap, and the electrons can generate further conduction band electrons by impact ionization [30,35,36,40–43]. This process is characterized by the absorption of very substantial amounts of energy in an avalanche process.
3. Secondary Processes: Dissipation and Desorption/Ablation In the following, we will only consider only processes leading to the removal of particles from the surface of the irradiated target, i.e. ablation or, at a low parti-
J. Reif and F. Costache
F IG . 5. The “Universal Curve” of electrons’ inelastic mean free path (IMFP) in a solid in dependence on their kinetic energy.
cle emission rate, desorption. Whatever happens within the bulk of the material is beyond the scope of this contribution. For these considerations, we refer to experiments with laser pulses of 100 fs duration at a wavelength of 800 nm. At moderate incident intensity, i.e., below ≈1013 W/cm2 , the desorbed particles are mostly positive ions, even of highly electronegative species typically forming anions. This ion emission is strongly coupled to the ejection of electrons from the surface [44]. In this regime (desorption regime), well below the so-called “ablation threshold” [45], a very large number of incident pulses is required for observable surface damage to occur. Only at higher fluence, a more massive material removal sets in [46,47] (ablation regime), characterized by a considerable and even prevailing contribution of neutrals, and even negative ions can be detected [48,49]. In the following section, some detailed results from these two regimes will be resumed. 3.1. D ESORPTION /A BLATION DYNAMICS First, we consider the desorption regime, i.e. at moderate particle emission well below the classical damage threshold. It is characterized by a strongly nonlinear coupling of the incident laser energy to the irradiated material, as it is displayed in Fig. 6. The relevant absorption process can be identified as multiphoton surface ionization. This is obvious from the close connection to the observed emission of electrons, shown in Fig. 6(b). There, above ≈0.6×1012 W/cm2 , the dominant ionization process corresponds to a band-to-band transition. Below, the lower slope indicates ionization of an occupied surface defect state [50–52]. In Fig. 7, the dramatic enhancement of the laser-surface coupling via defect states within the bandgap is shown, exemplarily, for the ionization of an Al2 O3
F IG . 6. Yield of electrons and Ba+ ions from BaF2 irradiated with intense fs laser pulses [51].
F IG . 7. Electron emission from Al2 O3 for excitation with 1.5 eV photons. (a) Yield in dependence on the incident intensity. Obviously, the nonlinearity of 4 is lower than expected from the 9 eV bandgap, corresponding to a 6-photon transition [51]. (b) Energy structure of Al2 O3 , indicating defect states within the bandgap [52].
surface. As indicated in the schematic in Fig. 7(b), the observed 4-photon nonlinearity corresponds to a transition in the F-center defect, i.e. an oxygen vacancy. The defect can serve as a relay for the ionization and thus reduces the order of
J. Reif and F. Costache
F IG . 8. Positive ion yield from BaF2 : cluster emission [25]. The signal for masses above 250 amu (right of the dashed line) are magnified by a factor of 17.
nonlinearity by two. This interpretation is corroborated by the fact, that blue fluorescence at ≈3 eV was detected in the experiment, corresponding to an internal relaxation of the F-center excitation via the 3 P–1 S transition [52]. This significant role of defects, such as missing anions, for the enhancement of the coupling efficiency confirms the observed incubation effect (Fig. 1). Indeed, an increasing density of induced defects leads to an increased coupling efficiency, correspondingly. An analysis of the desorbed positive ions by Time-of-Flight (ToF) spectroscopy reveals that not only monoatomic ions are emitted but also larger clusters. This observation is, as the previous ones, independent on the specific materials under study, as shown in Fig. 8 for a dielectric (BaF2 ) and in Section 3.2 for a semiconductor (Si). Closer inspection shows that all these clusters have the same kinetic energy (Fig. 9(c)). This means that their velocities are different, thus excluding gas phase interaction as the origin of cluster formation. Consequently, they are emitted intact from the surface, indicating massive surface breakdown. In fact, the ions’ velocity, as derived from retarding field measurements (Fig. 9(a), (b)), does not correspond to a thermal Maxwellian distribution. More likely, we find a narrow distribution superimposed on a large drift velocity, similar to a seeded molecular beam and
F IG . 9. Kinetic energy of ions emitted from Al2 O3 . (a) Retarding voltage transmission; (b) corresponding velocity distribution (solid line), compared to a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution (dash-dotted) and a shifted Maxwellian (dotted line, cf. Eq. (4)); (c) kinetic energy of different desorbed clusters [28].
described by a modified Maxwellian: " # m · ( Dt − u)2 A f (t) = 4 · N · exp − 2kTu t
with the drift time t and the “Maxwellian” velocity u. The resulting kinetic energies are rather high, at the order of 100 eV, with a narrow distribution of only ≈1 eV, indicating a fast, monochromatic ion beam! The strong coupling between ion and electron emission, the fact that the desorbed particles are almost exclusively positive ions, and the emitted ion dynamics
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F IG . 10. General behavior of desorbed ion yield as a function of incident intensity, for two different targets (normalized to the transition between multiphoton-ionization/Coulomb-explosion to hyperthermal particle emission [47]. (Note that the total particle emission, including neutrals increases substantially!)
suggest the following desorption scenario [24–26]: the main action of the laser is rapid (surface) ionization, with the excited electrons in the surface region rapidly leaving the sample. This results in a fast positive surface charging, inducing an electrostatic instability. Much faster than any charge equilibration can take place (in a dielectric or semiconductor), the instable surface decomposes via Coulomb explosion (this explains the identical kinetic energies for all singly charged surface fragments). At increasing incident fluence, the increase of ion yield with intensity appears to saturate (Fig. 10). At the same time, the total ablation rate increases dramatically, indicating that other than ionic species start to make up most of the ablated material, pointing more towards a different ablation mechanism than to a change in energy coupling, e.g., avalanche processes. This general behavior does not depend on the material investigated, as shown in Fig. 10 where normalized data from two different materials are superimposed. At the same threshold, also the distribution of the ions’ kinetic energy changes (cf. also [46,47]). This can be seen in the drift-mode2 ToF spectra of positive 2 In drift-mode, the ToF spectrometer is operated without an extraction field between sample and the spectrometer which, usually, is applied to compensate an initial kinetic energy distribution by a larger drift velocity. Note, that only a moderate mass resolution is obtained, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the different species.
F IG . 11. Drift-mode ToF spectra from BaF2 , at intensity (a) close to, (b) well above saturation threshold (cf. Fig. 10). The solid lines in (a), (b) are a fits assuming identical kinetic energies (fast peaks), respectively, temperatures (slow peaks) for both species, Ba+ and F+ [47].
ions from BaF2 in Fig. 11: Above the threshold a second peak of slower ions appears which, with increasing intensity becomes more and more important. In this regime, the excitation density in the irradiated volume becomes so high, that a sufficient density of hot electrons is created in the conduction band, which can be further heated by free carrier absorption [39] and then transfer their energy by electron–phonon collisions to the crystal lattice [20,39,53]. The associated rapid heating results in new ablation mechanisms to occur, such as phase explosion [54, 55]. Consequently, the ablation plume does not only consist of positive ions but also, and particularly, of neutrals and even negative ions (Fig. 12), which may be the result of electron capture within the plume [48].
3.2. F EMTOSECOND L ASER A BLATION FROM S ILICON Below the single-shot ablation threshold of silicon the high electronic excitation leads to a nonthermal, ultrafast phase change within less than 1 ps. Here, the percentage of fast ions ejected from the silicon surface increases [56]. Indeed, the resulting mass spectrum reveals positive atomic ions and clusters (Fig. 13, left). The ion kinetic energies distribution shows fast (several tens of eV) and slow (down to few eV) contributions suggesting a superposition between a nonthermal mechanism (such as Coulomb explosion [57,58]) and a thermal-mechanism such as phase explosion [56].
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F IG . 12. Negative ions observed during ablation from CaF2 (panel (a): mass spectrum). As can be seen panel (b), the negative ions’ distribution is much broader and slower than for the positive ions, indicating a different ablation mechanism. In fact, the negatives’ arrival time cannot only be explained by a lower drift velocity but also a later generation time, for instance, in the ablation plume [49].
F IG . 13. Positive ion mass spectrum from a silicon surface irradiated by ∼100 fs laser pulses (left); nonmass resolved spectrum (drift-mode): peaks attributed to Si+ fast ions and Si+ slow ions.
3.3. R ECOIL P RESSURE The emission of many particles at substantial kinetic energies is associated, in turn, with a considerable recoil pressure onto the sample. This results in a nonnegligible pressure load on the interaction region. For silicon, it is known that localized high pressure in the GPa range results in phase transformations in the crystal lattice [59,60]. In simple words, some of the atoms are pushed out of their usual position and squeezed into the surrounding part of the lattice, thus changing coordination and distances. The resulting new phases, e.g., hexagonal, bcc,
F IG . 14. Raman spectra from the ablated area on p-doped Si(100), taken at different areas of a spot of a few µm depth [57]: From bottom to top, the traces are taken 1 at a virgin area (reference), 2 in the center of a flat crater, 3 in the ripples area, and 4 at the steep wall of a deep (several 10 µm) crater.
or rhombohedral silicon, can be detected by micro-Raman spectroscopy of the corresponding, new phonon frequencies [61–63] as shown, exemplary, in Fig. 14. Note that, due to the penetration depth of the 532-nm Raman laser of ≈1 µm in silicon, all spectra are dominated by the TO-phonon peak of crystalline silicon at 520.7 cm−1 . Interestingly, the different spectra show distinctly different behavior in the region close to the TO-phonon peak (cf. Fig. 15). In Fig. 16, a more detailed analysis of this situation is presented, fitting the experimental curves to a sum of known contributions from different silicon structures [63], namely a broad peak due to amorphous silicon [a-Si (TO)] at 475 cm−1 , a peak attributed to zincblende (Wurtzite) structure (Si-IV) at 516 cm−1 , and a contribution from polycrystallites, resulting in a broadening and red-shift of the c-silicon TO peak. Obviously, in the ripples zone, a significant amount of the Si-IV, polymorph is generated, whereas at the crater wall the presence of micro- and nanocrystallites is indicated. In fact, molecular-dynamics calculations for a Coulomb explosion of silicon upon highly-charged ion impact [64] have demonstrated, that the massive positive-ion ejection at high kinetic energies results, indeed, in considerable recoil pressures of up to 103 GPa, initially, and falling down to about 10 GPa after 360 fs.
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F IG . 15. Micro Raman spectra of reference (1 in Fig. 14), ripples area (3 in Fig. 14), and crater wall (4 in Fig. 14) in the vicinity of the TO-peak of crystalline silicon (Si-I) at 520.7 cm−1 . Note the different asymmetries, at the low frequency side, between spectra 3 and 4.
3.4. S URFACE M ORPHOLOGY Both ablation mechanisms, Coulomb and phase explosion, are associated with a strong transient perturbation of the target in the interaction volume. The interaction volume, determined by the average phonon mean path, is by far not in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding matrix, with a strong gradient between both regimes. Consequently, the subsequent relaxation is very unlikely to occur via thermodynamic processes like crystallization or glass formation. Instead, nonlinear dynamics models offer possible relaxation pathways. As can be seen in Fig. 17, regular, aligned periodic structures have developed at the bottom of the ablation crater after several thousand shots, with no obvious relation to the underlying crystal structure [65]. Instead, the laser polarization appears to play an important role for the orientation. Similar features, termed “ripples” have been known in laser ablation for more than three decades [66,67], classically attributed to an inhomogeneous energy input due to an interference of the incident light with a surface scattered wave from the same pulse [68]. Closer inspection of the ripples structures as in Fig. 17 reveals, however, that they are not compatible with such model: the periodicity can be substantially smaller (at the order of 100. . . 300 nm) than the wavelength of 800 nm; the regularity is multiply interrupted and interconnected, no dependence on angle of incidence and wavelength can be established. More likely, the local intensity or irradiation density has a marked influence on the structure width. This is shown, impressively, in Fig. 18 [69]: even at one ablated spot, the periodicity changes between the center (high intensity, wide
F IG . 16. Fit of Micro Raman spectra (solid gray lines) of (a) ripples area (3 in Fig. 14) and (b) crater wall (4 in Fig. 14) to a combination (-+- lines) of c-Si (TO; 520.7 cm−1 /HWHM 2 cm−1 ), respectively, c-Si+crystallites (520.0 cm−1 /HWHM 5.15 cm−1 , a-Si (475 cm−1 /HWHM 70 cm−1 ), and Si-IV (Wurtzite; 516 cm−1 /HWHM 4 cm−1 ), the only fit parameters being the relative abundance. The different contributions, divided by a factor of 10 for visibility, are indicated in the lower part of (a), (b).
spacing) and the edge region (low intensity, narrow spacing). Interestingly, the transition between both features is abrupt and does not follow the intensity distribution. For really high irradiation density, the feature shape changes dramatically, exhibiting wide, flat crests and very narrow, very deep valleys instead of the almost sinusoidal variation at lower intensity. Also, the alignment changes from long, parallel lines to a more meandrous appearance (Fig. 19). Though in the right two panels, at first sight, the surface appears almost like refrozen from a liquid melt, the deep valleys in between the broad flat crests indicate, that this seems to be very unlikely. The very narrow trenches between the large flat areas are about
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F IG . 17. Typical “ripples” patterns at the bottom of the ablation crater after several thousand pulses (normal incidence) at low ablation rate: regular ordered structures of sub-micron feature size. The double arrows indicate the laser polarization [65].
F IG . 18. Change in ripple spacing across one ablation spot in CaF2 (The double arrow denotes the direction of laser polarization). Indicated below is a schematic of a corresponding beam profile. Note the abrupt transition between the narrow (≈200 nm) and the coarse (≈450 nm) spacing despite the smooth intensity profile [69].
1 µm deep, thus exhibiting an aspect ratio of about 10 or more, which is not expected from a refreezing liquid. On the other hand, at low irradiation dose, i.e. comparably low irradiance or, at very high fluence, very few pulses, only arrays of aligned nanoparticles are observed, very similar to what is observed for the debris outside the actual ablation crater (Fig. 20). This suggests a formation of the ripples via an agglomeration of these nanoparticles in a scenario similar to a percolation process.
F IG . 19. Change in ripple spacing, shape and orientation on Si(001) with irradiation density (left panel: 60,000 pulses, 0.4 × 1012 W/cm2 ; middle and right panels: 20,000 pulses, 1.6 × 1012 W/cm2 ). The laser polarization is vertical [57].
F IG . 20. Agglomeration of nanoparticles in the ablation area (CaF2 : left and middle panels; AFM pictures) and in the debris outside the crater (Si: right panel; SEM picture). (Left panel: 3 pulses, middle panel 5 pulses at 8 × 1013 W/cm2 ). The dotted line in the middle panel indicates the trace analyzed by atomic force microscopy, shown in the lower panel and yielding an average particle size of ≈200 nm [65].
A very interesting feature, important for an interpretation of the origin of the observed structures, is shown in Fig. 21: the ripples are not simple, parallel lines but exhibit very many bifurcations, as are typical for self-organization phenomena.
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F IG . 21. Bifurcations at the bottom of an ablation crater on CaF2 . The double arrow indicates the direction of the laser polarization [69].
4. Discussion Bringing all observed features together, the following picture of the laser-material interaction evolves: the main action of the incident laser energy is a massive ionization at the irradiated surface. The corresponding positive surface charging results in a Coulomb explosion of the positive ions, at a femtosecond time scale, much faster than any intrinsic charge transfer times. This situation is very similar to that induced at the surface by the impact of highly charged positive ions. Theoretical model calculations [64] demonstrate that the ion ejection starts during the first 40 femtoseconds after ionization and continues for several 100 femtoseconds. The target surface is left behind in a state of extreme thermal nonequilibrium and instability. Also at higher etch rate, when sufficient electrons are created via free carrier absorption and their energy is transferred to the lattice [39], i.e. substantial amounts of also neutral particles are taken away (cf. Fig. 10), such instability should be expected [13–17]. Similar results are found in completely different experiments, namely in typical ion etching configurations [70], where it was shown that this instability tends to relax to self-assembled structures with a typical feature size in a few-100-nm range, very similar to those shown above (Figs. 17–20). A particular clue to assume a self-organization at the origin of the observed morphology is given in Fig. 21, where many bifurcations are shown, typical for such nonlinear-dynamics. Further, the experiments at lower irradiation dose (Fig. 20) indicate a possible way for the development of the long, parallel structures: it appears that, first, nanoparticles form with a typical size below 200 nm. These particles do not only occur inside the illuminated spot but are also observed in the debris precipitated around, which may have two reasons: either, such particles are already contained in the
F IG . 22. Model of a corrugated thin liquid film, homogeneously charged. The arrows at two highlighted ions represent their ejection probability.
ejected material, or they coagulate from the pre-formed clusters. As shown in Fig. 20, the nanoparticles tend to arrange in long, parallel arrays. Also, the dependence of the ripples width on the incident intensity and dose suggests the role of self-organization processes. Assuming the excitation density to correspond to a “perturbation depth”, this thickness of the instability might control the order parameters for the determination of the feature size, similar as, e.g., the structure width in a Benard–Marangoni instability [71]: the thicker the instability layer, the larger is the structure. However, the stepwise variation in Fig. 18 cannot be fully explained this way. In first numerical simulations [72], an attempt is made to simulate the unstable surface by a thin liquid-like layer (Fig. 22). Then, the first laser pulses are necessary to produce a randomly corrugated surface (cf. the incubation). Subsequently, assuming, e.g., surface ionization and Coulomb explosion as the possible ablation mechanism, each laser pulse results in a homogeneous charging of the surface. For positive ions sitting in a valley of the corrugation, the number of next neighbor positive charges (holes) is much larger than for an ion sitting on the hill of the corrugation. Thus, the desorption probability is much higher in the valleys, resulting in an increased erosion of the valleys and a growing surface roughening. On the other hand, at the hill of the film the surface is particularly stretched. The resulting surface tension acts to minimize the surface by refilling the valleys. Thus, we have a competition between surface roughening (erosion of the valleys) and surface smoothening (diffusion from the hills), well reflecting the postulated unstable surface. This situation is similar to that in ion beam erosion, postulating a surface instability after massive erosion of ions [73,74] relaxing by the formation of regular patterns like those observed in this contribution. It can be studied using wellknown formalisms of nonlinear hydrodynamics of thin films [75–77]. An equation of the Cahn–Hilliard or Kuramoto–Sivashinsky type [78,79] can describe the linear growth of periodic structures (stripes, squares) which turns into a typical coarsening upon increased dose of interaction. This equation is of the KPZ type
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F IG . 23. Surface structure as a result of a numerical solution of Eq. (6).
(Kadar et al. [80]): ∂ h = −V [h] 1 + (∇h)2 − D2 h, ∂t
where the variation of the corrugation, V (h) explicitly contains erosion and smoothening parameters in integral form. Considering that the interaction only is rather local, (5) can be reduced to a partial differential equation ∂ 2h ∂ 2h ∂h ∂ h = − V0 + γ + vx 2 + vy 2 − D2 h ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂y 2 2 λy ∂h λx ∂h + + higher orders. + 2 ∂x 2 ∂y
Such equations are well known from nonequilibrium physics and may be studied by analytical (stability and bifurcation analysis, spectral analysis) and numerical methods, showing as transient solutions similar structures as those observed experimentally (Fig. 23). An open question concerns the orientation of the ripples structures. It appears that, at least for moderate intensities, the laser polarization plays an important role whereas the underlying crystal structure seems to have no influence. Experiments with circularly polarized light [81], however, show a similar structure of ordered ripples (Fig. 24), without the possibility of the laser electric field as a control parameter. Further, the meandering structures at high irradiation dose cannot yet be understood. Up to now, no reliable model has been found to account for the structures’ orientation. Ongoing work concentrates on a more detailed analysis of the instabilities involved and the mechanisms responsible for the orientation of the self-organized nanostructures. Further, investigations are aimed at the possibility to control the structures for possible applications.
F IG . 24. Ripples structures on CaF2 after ablation with circularly polarized light [81].
5. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge fruitful collaboration and discussions with and valuable support by Tz. Arguirov, J. Bertram, M. Bestehorn, S. Eckert, M.E. Garcia, I. Georgescu, M. Henyk, W. Kautek, M. Ratzke, R.P. Schmid, W. Seifert, O. Varlamova, D. Wolfframm, and L. Zhu. The BTU/IHP JointLab is supported by an HWP grant, a joint initiative of the German Federal Government and the Land of Brandenburg. We also gratefully acknowledge support from the Land-Brandenburg-Schwerpunktprogramm “Qualitätsforschung” and the European Funds for Regional Development (EFRE).
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CHARACTERIZATION OF SINGLE PHOTONS USING TWO-PHOTON INTERFERENCE∗ T. LEGERO† , T. WILK, A. KUHN‡ and G. REMPE§ Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Single-Photon Light Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Frequency Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Spatiotemporal Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Single-Photon Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Two-Photon Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Quantum Description of the Beam Splitter . . . . . 3.2. Principle of the Two-Photon Interference . . . . . . 3.3. Temporal Aspects of the Two-Photon Interference . 3.4. Correlation Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5. Two-Photon Interference without Time Resolution 3.6. Time-Resolved Two-Photon Interference . . . . . . 4. Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1. Frequency Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2. Emission-Time Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3. Autocorrelation Function of the Photon’s Shape . . 5. Experiment and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1. Single-Photon Source and Experimental Setup . . . 5.2. Average Detection Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3. Time-Resolved Two-Photon Interference . . . . . . 5.4. Interpretation of the Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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∗ It is a pleasure for us to dedicate this paper to Prof. Herbert Walther, a pioneer in quantum optics from the very beginning. The investigation of the amazing properties of single photons both in the microwave and the optical domain has always been a central theme in his research. We wish him all the best in the years to come! † Now at Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany. ‡ Now at Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, United Kingdom. § Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected].
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53009-5
T. Legero et al.
1. Introduction Four decades after the pioneering work on optical coherence and photon statistics by Glauber (1965), the controlled generation of single photons with well-defined coherence properties is now of fundamental interest for many applications in quantum information science. First, single photons are an important ingredient for quantum cryptography and secure quantum key distribution (Gisin et al., 2002). Second, the realization of quantum computing with linear optics (LOQC), which was first proposed by Knill et al. (2001), relies on the availability of deterministic single-photon sources. And third, various schemes have been proposed to entangle and teleport the spin of distant atoms, acting as emitters of single photons, by means of correlation measurements performed on the singlephoton light fields (Cabrillo et al., 1999; Bose et al., 1999; Browne et al., 2003; Duan and Kimble, 2003). Therefore, in recent years, a lot of effort has been made to realize single-photon sources. As a result, the controlled generation of single photons has been demonstrated in various systems, as summarized in a review article of Oxborrow and Sinclair (2005). Using the process of spontaneous emission from a single quantum system is the simplest way to realize a single-photon source. In this case, the quantum system is excited by a short laser pulse and the subsequent spontaneous decay of the system leads to the emission of only one single photon. This has been successfully demonstrated many times, e.g., using single molecules (Brunel et al., 1999; Lounis and Moerner, 2000; Moerner, 2004), single atoms (Darquié et al., 2005), single ions (Blinov et al., 2004), single color centers (Kurtsiefer et al., 2000; Brouri et al., 2000; Gaebel et al., 2004) or single semiconductor quantum dots (Santori et al., 2001; Yuan et al., 2002; Pelton et al., 2002; Aichele et al., 2004). If the quantum system radiates into a free-space environment, the direction of the emitted photon is unknown. This limits the efficiency of the source. To overcome this problem, the enhanced spontaneous emission into a cavity has been used. The system is coupled to a high-finesse cavity and the photon is preferably emitted into the cavity mode, which defines the direction of the photons. Although a cavity is used, most properties of the photons, like the frequency, the duration and the bandwidth, are given by the specific quantum system. Only if the generation of single photons is driven by an adiabatic passage, these spectral parameters can be controlled. This technique uses the atom-cavity coupling and a laser pulse to perform a vacuum stimulated Ramantransition (STIRAP), which leads to the generation of one single photon. Up to now, this has been demonstrated with single Rubidium atoms (Kuhn et al., 2002; Hennrich et al., 2004), single Caesium atoms (McKeever et al., 2004) and single Calcium ions (Keller et al., 2004) placed in high-finesse optical cavities. The characterization of a single-photon source usually starts with the investigation of the photons statistics, which is done by a g (2) correlation measurement
using a Hanbury Brown and Twiss (1957) setup. The observation of antibunching shows that the source emits only single photons. However, the requirements on a single-photon source for LOQC and for the entanglement of two distant atoms go far beyond the simple fact of antibunching. The realization of these proposals relies on the indistinguishability of the photons, so that even photons from different sources need to be identical with respect to their frequency, duration and shape. Therefore it is desirable to investigate the spectral and temporal properties of single photons emitted from a given source. We emphasize that properties like bandwidth or duration always deal with an ensemble of photons and cannot be determined from a measurement on just a single photon. Therefore any measurement of these properties requires a large ensemble of successively emitted photons. Several methods have been employed to characterize these. The first measurement of the duration of single photons has been performed by Hong et al. (1987). In this experiment, the fourth-order interference of two photons from a parametric down-conversion source was investigated by superimposing the signal and the idler photon on a 50/50 beam splitter. The coincidence rate of photodetections at the two output ports of the beam splitter was measured in dependence of a relative arrival-time delay between the two photons. Indistinguishable photons always leave the beam splitter together, so that no coincidence counts can be observed. If the photons are slightly different, e.g., because they impinge on the beam splitter at slightly different times, the coincidence rate increases. Therefore, as a function of the photon delay, the coincidence rate shows a minimum if the photons impinge simultaneously on the beam splitter, and for otherwise identical photons the width of this dip is the photon duration. The minimum in the coincidence rate goes down to zero if the photons are identical. Any difference between the two interfering photons reduces the depth of this dip. The first demonstration of such a two-photon interference of two independently emitted photons from a quantum-dot device has been shown by Santori et al. (2002). In addition to the two-photon coincidence experiments, a correlation measurement between the trigger event and the detection time of the generated photon can be used to determine the temporal envelope of the photon ensemble (Kuhn et al., 2002; Keller et al., 2004; McKeever et al., 2004). This latter method is insensitive to the spectral properties of the photons. In general, it does not reveal the shape of the single-photon wavepackets, unless all photons are identical. In case of variations in the photon duration or a jitter in the emission time, only the temporal envelope of the photon ensemble is observed. No conclusions can be drawn on the envelope of the individual photons. The standard way to determine the coherence time of a given light source is the measurement of the second-order interference using a Mach–Zehnder or Michelson interferometer. This measurement can also be done with single photons, so that each single photon follows both paths of the interferometer and interferes with itself. The detection probability of the photons at both outputs of the inter-
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ferometer shows a fringe pattern if the length of one arm is varied. The visibility of this pattern depends on the length difference of both arms and determines the coherence length (or the coherence time) of the photons. This method has been used by Santori et al. (2002) and Jelezko et al. (2003) to measure the coherence time of their single-photon sources. However, this method is hardly feasible for photons of long duration, because the length of one arm of the interferometer must be varied over large distances. Furthermore, the measurement depends on the mechanical stability of the whole setup, i.e. the interferometer must be stable within a few per cent of the wavelength of the photons, which might not be easy. Only recently, adiabatic passage techniques have allowed the generation of photons which are very long compared to the detector time resolution. Therefore the detection time of a photon can be measured within the duration of the single-photon wavepacket. As a consequence, the two-photon interference can be investigated in a time-resolved manner, i.e. the coincidence rate can be measured as a function of the time between photodetections (Legero et al., 2003, 2004). The theoretical analysis shows that this method not only gives information about the duration of single photons, but also about their coherence time. Here we discuss how to use this method for a spectral or temporal characterization of a singlephoton source. The article is organized as follows: After a brief summary of the nature of single-photon light fields (Section 2), we discuss the interference of two photons on a beam splitter and introduce the time-resolved two-photon interference (Section 3). Thereafter, we show how a frequency and an emission-time jitter affects the results of a time-resolved two-photon interference experiment (Section 4). On this basis, the experimental characterization of a single-photon source, based on an adiabatic passage technique, is discussed (Section 5).
2. Single-Photon Light Fields The quantum theoretical description of light within an optical cavity is well understood (Meystre and Sargent III, 1998). The electromagnetic field between the two mirrors is subject to boundary conditions which lead to a discrete mode structure of the field. Each mode can be labeled by a number l and is characterized by its individual frequency, ω. These eigenfrequencies are separated by ω = 2πc/L, where L is the round-trip length of the cavity. The quantization results in a discrete set of energies, En = hω(n + 1/2), and the appropriate eigenstates are defined ¯ † by means of creation, aˆ l , and annihilation, aˆ l , operators. The energy eigenstates (aˆ † )n |n = √l |0 n!
are states with a fixed photon number, n. In this context, photons are the quanta of energy in the modes of the cavity. In the limit of L → ∞ and ω → 0, the mode spectrum becomes continuous. In this case it is convenient to introduce continuous-mode operators aˆ † (ω) and a(ω) ˆ according to aˆ l† → (ω)1/2 aˆ † (ω).
These operators create and annihilate photons as quanta of monochromatic waves in free space. These waves of infinite spatial extension do not have any beginning or any end. However, photons generated in a laboratory are characterized by a certain frequency bandwidth or a finite spatial extension. Therefore it is desirable to define operators which create or annihilate photons in modes of a given bandwidth, or, in other words, of a well-defined spatiotemporal spread.
2.1. F REQUENCY M ODES In contrast to modes describing monochromatic waves, it is possible to define field modes of a given frequency distribution. These modes represent wavepackets travelling with the speed of light c through the vacuum, and the bandwidth κ of such a mode determines the duration δt of the wavepacket. A frequency distribution is described by a normalized complex function χ(ω) which is called the mode function of the field. The operators aˆ † (ω) and a(ω) ˆ can be used to define a new set of operators for the creation and annihilation of photons in these new modes (Blow et al., 1990). The creation operator, e.g., is given by bˆχ† = dω χ(ω)aˆ † (ω). (3) Note that the mode function χ(ω) can be written as the product of a real amplitude, ε(ω), and a complex phase, exp (−iΦ(ω)). The phase term includes the emission time τ0 and the propagation of the wavepacket. In the following, we restrict our discussion to Gaussian wavepackets centered at the frequency ω0 . Their mode functions read $ 2 (ω − ω0 )2 4 χ(ω) = (4) exp − exp −iω(τ0 + z/c) . 2 2 πκ κ For an ideal single-photon source which always produces identical photons, the light field is always described by the same quantum mechanical state vector. In other words, the state vector is given by the creation operator bˆ † (χ) acting on the vacuum state |0 for every single photon: |1χ = bˆχ† |0.
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We emphasize that such an ideal source is hardly feasible. Usually the generation process cannot be controlled perfectly and therefore the mode function is subject to small variations. To take this into account the light field must be described by a quantum mechanical density operator ˆ = dϑ f (ϑ)|1χ(ϑ) 1χ(ϑ) |. (6) Here we assume that the source produces single photons with a Gaussian frequency distribution and the parameters of this distribution are subject to small variations, according to a distribution function f (ϑ). The parameter ϑ stands for the center frequency, ω0 , the bandwidth, κ, or the emission time, τ0 , of the photon, or a combination of these.
2.2. S PATIOTEMPORAL M ODES Due to the Fourier theorem, each mode with a certain frequency distribution χ(ω) can be assigned to a temporal wavepacket which is travelling through space. A mode with the Gaussian frequency distribution given by Eq. (4) therefore belongs to a spatiotemporal mode ξ(t −z/c) of Gaussian shape. With the substitution q := t − z/c this mode is given by the function $ 2 q2 4 exp − 2 exp iω0 (τ0 − q) ξ(q) = 2 πδt δt ≡ (q) exp iω0 (τ0 − q) . (7) The duration δt of this Gaussian wavepacket is given by the reciprocal bandwidth of the frequency distribution, δt = 2/κ. Blow et al. (1990) have shown that creation and annihilation operators can also be assigned to spatiotemporal modes. In order to do that, one has to define the Fourier-transformed operators aˆ † (q) = (2π)−1/2 dω aˆ † (ω)e−iωq , (8) iωq ˆ a(q) ˆ = (2π)−1/2 dω a(ω)e (9) . ˆ Its expectation By means of these operators we define a flux operator aˆ † (q)a(q). value has the unit of photons per unit time. We need this operator in the next subsection to describe the detection of single photons. Equations (8) and (9) are only valid if the bandwidth of the modes is much smaller than the frequency of the light, κ ω0 . This also limits the localization of a single photon in such a spatiotemporal mode. In case of optical frequencies, this condition is usually fulfilled.
In analogy to Eq. (3) the Fourier-transformed operators can be used to define creation and annihilation operators for photons of spatiotemporal modes ξ(q): cˆξ† = dq ξ(q)aˆ † (q). (10) To take fluctuations into account, one can again write the density operator of the light field as in Eq. (6), but using spatiotemporal modes. In this case, ϑ stands for any combination of ω0 , δt, and τ0 .
2.3. S INGLE -P HOTON D ETECTION Choosing spatiotemporal modes for describing the state of a single-photon light field simplifies the formal description of the detection of a photon. We assume a detector with quantum efficiency η placed at the position z = 0. The response of the detector within a time interval [t0 − dt0 /2, t0 + dt0 /2] is given by the expectation value of the flux operator: t0 +dt 0 /2
(t0 ) = η
dt tr ˆ aˆ † (t)a(t) ˆ .
t0 −dt0 /2
In case of single-photon wavepackets, the function P (1) (t0 ) gives the probability to detect this photon within the considered time interval. In practice, the lower limit of the duration dt0 is given by the detector time resolution T , i.e. dt0 T . If the photon duration is much longer than the detector time resolution, δt T and dt0 = T , Eq. (11) can be simplified to P (1) (t0 ) = ηT tr ˆ aˆ † (t0 )a(t (12) ˆ 0) . The measurement of the detection probability requires a large ensemble of single photons. In the following, we therefore assume a periodic stream of single photons emitted one-after-the-other, so that the photons always hit the detector one by one. If all photons of this stream are identical, the light field can simply be described by a state vector |1ξ and the density operator is given by ˆ = |1ξ 1ξ |, with |1ξ = cˆξ† |0. In this case, the average detection probability of the ensemble of photons is given by the square of the absolute value of the mode function, ξ(q), and is therefore identical to the shape of each individual photonic wavepacket, 2 P (1) (t0 ) = ηT ξ(t0 ) = ηT 2 (t0 ). (13) As already discussed, the photons may differ from one another, and the density operator is given according to Eq. (6). The average detection probability is then given by
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P (1) (t0 ) = ηT
dϑ f (ϑ) 2 (t0 , ϑ).
To obtain this equation, we assume that trace and integration can be exchanged. Obviously the average detection probability for the photon ensemble differs from that for individual photons. The average detection probability is, in general, affected by the variation, f (ϑ), of the parameters of the mode function, ξ(t). Therefore it shows only a temporal envelope of the photon ensemble. However, the effect of each parameter onto P (1) (t0 ) can be very different. A variation of the frequency, e.g., does not affect the real amplitude of the mode function, so that the average detection probability, P (1) (t0 ), is simply given by Eq. (13). This is not the case for variations of the other parameters, as will be shown in Section 4.
3. Two-Photon Interference We now consider two independent streams of Gaussian-shaped single photons that impinge on a 50/50 beam splitter such that always two photons are superimposed. As we show in Section 5, these two streams can originate from one single-photon source by directing each photon randomly into two different paths of suitable length, so that successively generated photons hit the beam splitter at the same time. Here we ask for the probability to detect the photons of each pair in different output ports of the beam splitter. In case of identical photons, the joint detection probability is zero. With polarization-entangled photon pairs emitted from a down-conversion source, this effect has first been used by Alley and Shih (1986) to test the violation of Bell’s inequality by joint photodetections, and one year later, Hong et al. (1987) have used it to measure the delay between two photons with sub-picosecond precision. Recently, two-photon interference phenomena have successfully been employed to test the indistinguishability of independently generated single photons (Santori et al., 2002). To illustrate this interference effect, we first assume that each photon of a given stream can be described by the same quantum mechanical state vector, |1ξ , but allow the state vectors of the two considered streams to differ from one another. In Section 4 we generalize this discussion to streams of photons which show a variation in the parameters of the mode functions, e.g., a variation in the photon frequency. Finally we show that the interference of photon pairs reveals information about the variations of the mode functions. In Sections 3.1 and 3.2 we start with a brief discussion of the beam splitter and the principle of the two-photon interference. Afterwards we analyze the joint detection probability for photons in the limits of a photon that is either very short or very long compared to the detector time resolution.
3.1. Q UANTUM D ESCRIPTION OF THE B EAM S PLITTER The beam splitter is an optical four-port device with two inputs and two outputs. The principle of the beam splitter is shown in Fig. 1. As discussed by Leonhardt (1997), each port has its own creation and annihilation operators, and the output operators can be expressed by the input operators using a unitary transformation matrix B. This relation is valid for creation and annihilation operators a(ω) ˆ of monochromatic waves as well as for operators of spatiotemporal modes, bˆχ or cˆξ . It reads: aˆ 3 aˆ 1 (15) =B and aˆ 3† , aˆ 4† = aˆ 1† , aˆ 2† B∗ . aˆ 4 aˆ 2 In the following discussion, we assume an ideal lossless and polarization inde√ pendent beam splitter with transmission coefficient σ . The matrix of this beam splitter is given by √ √ σ 1−σ √ . B= (16) √ σ − 1−σ The opposite signs of the off-diagonal terms reflect the phase jump of π for the reflection at one side of the beam splitter. The transmission of photons from the input side to the output side of the beam splitter can be understood as a quantum mechanical evolution of the system. This
F IG . 1. The ideal lossless beam splitter√ is fully characterized by its transmission coefficient σ . The reflection coefficient is then given by 1 − σ . Light can enter the beam splitter through two different input ports 1 and 2. According to the transmission and the reflection coefficient, it is divided into the output ports 3 and 4. For one of the reflections, the light is subject to a phase jump of π which is indicated by the minus sign. In the Heisenberg picture (a), one accounts for this process by transforming the creation and annihilation operators of the two input modes (1 and 2) into suitable operators of the output modes (3 and 4), whereas in the Schrödinger picture (b), the action of the %† , which acts on the wavevector and couples the beamsplitter is expressed by the unitary operator B two through-going modes (1 and 2).
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evolution can be described in two equivalent pictures corresponding to the Heisenberg and the Schrödinger picture in quantum mechanics (Campos et al., 1989; Leonhardt, 2003). In the Heisenberg picture, the evolution is described by the creation and annihilation operators. The output operators are considered as the evolved input operators whereas the state vector of the field remains unchanged % and B %† , this evolution can also be (see Fig. 1(a)). Using the unitary operators B expressed by aˆ 1 aˆ 1 %† aˆ 3 % and =B =: B B aˆ 4 aˆ 2 aˆ 2 aˆ 1 %† aˆ 1 B. % B∗ (17) =: B aˆ 2 aˆ 2 Alternatively, in the Schrödinger picture, the evolution can be calculated using the state vector of the light field. In this case, the state vector of the input side |Ψin %† |Ψin , while the modes evolves to a state vector at the output side, |Ψout = B themselves do not change, that is modes 1 and 2 are defined as the through-going modes (see Fig. 1(b)). In the next subsection the Schrödinger picture is used to illustrate the principle of the two-photon interference.
3.2. P RINCIPLE OF THE T WO -P HOTON I NTERFERENCE We consider two identical photons that impinge on a 50/50 beam splitter. The input state of the light field is given by |Ψin = |11H |12H , where the indices label the two input ports and the polarization of the photons. Here, we assume two photons of horizontal polarization. In the Schrödinger picture we describe %† as follows: the evolution of the state using the unitary operator B %† aˆ † aˆ † |0. %† |11H |12H = B B 1H 2H
%B %† is equal to the identity operator 1 and B %† |0 = |0 we can write Since B %† aˆ † B %%† ˆ † B|0, % %† aˆ † aˆ † |0 = B B 1H 2H 1H B a 2H
which according to Eq. (17) gives √ √ %%† ˆ † B|0 % = 1/ 2 aˆ † − aˆ † 1/ 2 aˆ † + aˆ † |0 %† aˆ † B B 1H B a 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H †2 †2 † † † † |0. − aˆ 2H + aˆ 1H aˆ 2H − aˆ 2H aˆ 1H = 1/2 aˆ 1H Each term in this sum of creation operators corresponds to one of four possible photon distributions in the beam splitter output ports, shown in Fig. 2. In the first two cases, (a) and (b), both photons are found in either one or the other output, whereas in the cases (c) and (d), the photons go to different ports. The last two cases are indistinguishable, but the two expressions leading to cases (c) and (d)
F IG . 2. Two impinging photons lead to four possible photon distributions at the beam-splitter output. In the first two cases (a) and (b) the photons would be found together. In the remaining two cases (c) and (d) the photons would leave the beam splitter through different ports. Since the quantum states of the cases (c) and (d) show different signs, they interfere destructively.
have opposite sign. Therefore the two possibilities interfere destructively. As a consequence, the two photons always leave the beam splitter as a pair and the output state is given by the superposition %† |11H |12H = √1 |21H |02H − |01H |22H . B (20) 2 This quantum interference occurs only if the photons are identical. If the photons were distinguishable, no interference takes place. For example, two photons of orthogonal polarization, |Ψin = |11H |12V , give rise to four different output states which are distinguishable by the photon polarization. In this case the overall output state can be written as a product state, e.g., %† |11H |12V = √1 |11H |02 − |01 |12H B 2 1 ⊗ √ |11V |02 + |01 |12V , 2 which describes the state of two independently distributed photons. Note that all temporal aspects of the light field are neglected in the above discussion. In the next sections, the two-photon interference is discussed under consideration of the photon duration and the time resolution of the detectors.
3.3. T EMPORAL A SPECTS OF THE T WO -P HOTON I NTERFERENCE We now take into account that the photodetections in the output ports of the beam splitter might occur at different times, t1 and t2 . We use the Heisenberg picture to calculate the probability of a joint photodetection from the second-order correlation function,
tr ˆ 1,2 Aˆ 3s,4s (t1 , t2 ) , G(2) (t1 , t2 ) = (21) s,s
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where ˆ 1,2 describes the two-photon input state and the operator Aˆ 3s,4s (t1 , t2 ) is given by † † (t1 )aˆ 4s ˆ 4s (t2 )aˆ 3s (t1 ) Aˆ 3s,4s (t1 , t2 ) := aˆ 3s (t2 )a
and s, s ∈ {H, V }. (22)
The probability for a photodetection at the first detector within the time interval [t0 − dt0 /2, t0 + dt0 /2] and at the second detector within a time interval shifted by τ , [t0 + τ − dτ/2, t0 + τ + dτ/2], is then given in analogy to Eq. (11), t0 +dt 0 /2
(t0 , τ ) = η3 η4
t0 +τ+dτ/2
t0 −dt0 /2
dt2 G(2) (t1 , t2 ).
t0 +τ −dτ/2
Here we assume that the detectors have different efficiencies, η3 and η4 . In analogy to Section 2.3 the smallest duration of the detection intervals is given by the detector time resolution, T , so that dt0 T and dτ T . In the following, we calculate the joint detection probability in the limit of very short and very long photons. If the photons are very short compared to the time resolution of the detectors, δt T , the limits of the integration in Eq. (23) can be extended to infinity, so that dt1 dt2 G(2) (t1 , t2 ) P (2) = η3 η4 (24) gives the probability of a coincidence of photodetections. For very long photons with δt T , the integration in Eq. (23) leads to P (2) (t0 , τ ) = η3 η4 G(2) (t0 , t0 + τ ) dt0 dτ.
Therefore the probability of a joint photodetection can be studied as a function of the two detection times, t0 and t0 + τ . In practice, only the time difference, τ , between two photodetections is relevant. Therefore we integrate P (2) (t0 , τ ) over the time t0 of the first photodetection. This gives (2) P (τ ) = η3 η4 T (26) dt0 G(2) (t0 , t0 + τ ), where dτ is substituted by the detector time resolution T . The second-order correlation function, G(2) , plays a central role in the calculation of the joint detection probability. It is now analyzed taking the polarization and the spatiotemporal modes of the photons into account. 3.4. C ORRELATION F UNCTION We calculate the correlation function G(2) for two photons characterized by two mode functions, ξ1 and ξ2 . Without loss of generality, we assume that both photons are linearly polarized with an angle ϕ between the two polarization directions. The state of the photons is then given by |1ξ1 1H and cos ϕ|1ξ2 2H |02V +
sin ϕ|02H |1ξ2 2V , respectively. The density operator, ˆ 1,2 = |Ψin Ψin |, is given by the input state |Ψin = cos ϕ|1ξ1 1H |1ξ2 2H + sin ϕ|1ξ1 1H |1ξ2 2V ,
which is a superposition of the cases in which the impinging photons are parallel and perpendicular polarized to each other. The correlation function can then be (2) (2) written as a sum of two expressions GH H and GH V , (2)
G(2) = cos2 ϕGH H + sin2 ϕGH V ,
where the first function GH H accounts for the input state in which both pho(2) tons have the same polarization and the second function GH V accounts for the perpendicular polarized case. Taking the mode functions into account, these two expressions read |ξ1 (t1 )ξ2 (t2 ) − ξ2 (t1 )ξ1 (t2 )|2 , (29) 4 |ξ1 (t1 )ξ2 (t2 )|2 + |ξ1 (t2 )ξ2 (t1 )|2 G(2) (30) (t , t ) = . 1 2 HV 4 We emphasize that the correlation function for parallel polarized photons is always zero for t1 = t2 , even if the mode functions ξ1 (t) and ξ2 (t) are not identical. As a consequence, the probability of a joint photodetection, Eq. (26), is always zero for τ = t2 − t1 = 0, i.e. no simultaneous photodetections are expected even if the photons are distinguishable with respect to their mode functions. As already mentioned in Section 2.1, the mode function can be written as the product of a real amplitude and a complex phase, ξj (t) = j (t) exp (−iΦj (t)) with j ∈ {1, 2}. Since the correlation function G(2) H V for perpendicular polarized photons is independent of the phase, it can be written as (2)
GH H (t1 , t2 ) =
(1 (t1 )2 (t2 ))2 + (1 (t2 )2 (t1 ))2 . (31) 4 This is not the case for the correlation function of parallel polarized photons which (2) carries a phase-dependent interference term. It can be expressed as GH H (t1 , t2 ) = G(2) H V (t1 , t2 ) − F (t1 , t2 ), with (2)
GH V (t1 , t2 ) =
F (t1 , t2 ) :=
1 (t1 )2 (t2 )1 (t2 )2 (t1 ) 2 × cos Φ1 (t1 ) − Φ1 (t2 ) + Φ2 (t2 ) − Φ2 (t1 ) .
However, this phase-dependency is only relevant, if Φ1 (t) and Φ2 (t) display a different time evolution. Otherwise the sum over the phases is always zero. Such a difference in the time evolution is given if, e.g., the frequencies of the photons are different. In that case, the interference term oscillates with the frequency
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difference, which gives rise to an oscillation in the joint photodetection probability, P (2) (τ ). This will be discussed further in Section 3.6. Taking the interference term into account, the overall correlation function, Eq. (28), can be summarized to 2 G(2) (t1 , t2 ) = G(2) H V (t1 , t2 ) − cos ϕF (t1 , t2 ),
where the effect of the interference term depends on the angle ϕ between the two photon polarizations. In the next two subsections, the joint detection probability, Eq. (23), is analyzed for very long and very short photons.
3.5. T WO -P HOTON I NTERFERENCE WITHOUT T IME R ESOLUTION First we assume Gaussian-shaped photons which are very short compared to the time resolution of the photodetectors, δt T . In this case one can only decide whether there is a coincidence of detections within the time interval T or not, and the coincidence probability is given by Eq. (24). With a possible frequency difference := ω02 − ω01 and an arrival-time delay δτ := τ02 − τ01 of the photons, the coincidence probability is given by 1 δt 2 δτ 2 (2) 2 P = (33) 1 − cos ϕ exp − exp − 2 , 2 4/2 δt where we assume that the photons hit perfect photodetectors with η3 = η4 = 1. We analyze the coincidence probability as a function of the photon delay δτ for different photon polarizations and frequency differences. This is shown in Fig. 3. As already discussed in Section 3.2, perpendicular polarized photon pairs, ϕ = π/2, show no interference at all. Therefore, the probability for detecting photons at different output ports of the beam splitter is always 1/2, independent of the photon delay, δτ . If the photons have identical polarizations, ϕ = 0, and identical frequencies, = 0, the coincidence probability shows a Gaussian-shaped dip centered at δτ = 0. The minimum of P (2) is zero, indicating that the photons never leave the beam splitter through different output ports. If the photon pairs show any difference in their polarization, shape or frequency, there is no perfect interference and the minimum of the dip is no longer zero. Therefore the two-photon interference can be used to test the indistinguishability of photons. The first measurement of the coincidence rate as a function of the relative photon delay was performed by Hong et al. (1987) using photon pairs from a parametric downconversion source. They controlled the relative delay of the photons by shifting the position of the 50/50 beam splitter. The frequencies and bandwidths of the photons were adjusted by using two identical optical filters, so that
F IG . 3. Coincidence probability as a function of the arrival time delay, δτ , of two linear polarized photons. In case of perpendicular polarized photons (ϕ = π/2) there is no interference at all and the coincidence probability shows the constant value 1/2. If the photons are parallel polarized (ϕ = 0) and have identical frequency ( = 0), there is a Gaussian-shaped dip which goes down to zero for simultaneous impinging photons, δτ = 0. Any difference in polarization or frequency leads to a reduced depth of this dip.
the coincidence rate dropped nearly to zero for simultaneously impinging photons. As one can see from Eq. (33), the width of the dip is identical to the photon duration, δt. Therefore this experiment was used to measure the duration and bandwidth of the photons. So far, most two-photon interference experiments were performed with very short photons. Therefore the joint detection probability was only considered as a function of the photon delay, δτ . However, if the photon duration is much larger than the detector time resolution, the time τ between the photodetections in the two output ports can be measured and the joint detection probability can additionally be analyzed in dependence of the detection-time difference.
3.6. T IME -R ESOLVED T WO -P HOTON I NTERFERENCE We now assume, that the photon duration is much larger than the detection time resolution, δt T . Since the time, τ , between the photodetections can be measured within the photon duration, the joint detection probability can be analyzed
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as a function of this detection-time difference. Using Eq. (26) and assuming Gaussian-shaped photons of identical duration, δt, the joint detection probability is given by 1 − cos2 ϕ cos(τ ) T (2) 2 τ δτ + sinh P (τ, δτ ) = √ 2 δt 2 π δt 2 2 δτ + τ × exp − (34) . δt 2 In Fig. 4 the joint detection probability is shown as a function of the photon arrival-time delay, δτ , and the detection time difference, τ . The sign of τ indicates which detector clicks first. Similarly, the sign of δτ determines which photon arrives first at the beam splitter. Note that the joint detection probability can only be different from zero if |τ | ≈ |δτ |. This leads to the cross-like structure in Fig. 4(a–c). Since the photons only interfere if the relative delay is smaller than the photon duration, we focus our attention to the center of Fig. 4(a–c). Again, we start our analysis with perpendicular polarized photon pairs. Obviously, no interference takes place, and as one can see in Fig. 4(a), even simultaneously impinging photons (with δτ = 0) can be detected in different output ports of the beam splitter. The joint detection probability shows therefore a Gaussianshaped peak. According to Eq. (34), the width of this peak is identical to the photon duration, δt. Since the photons are distinguishable by their polarization, an additional frequency difference, , does not affect this result. Assuming photon pairs with identical mode functions, the joint detection probability of perpendicular polarized photons can be used to determine the photon duration. Figure 4(b) shows the joint detection probability for parallel polarized photons of identical frequency, = 0. For simultaneously impinging photons the joint detection probability is always zero, which indicates that the photons coalesce and leave the beam splitter always together. If the parallel polarized photons show a frequency difference, the joint detection probability oscillates as a function of the detection time difference, τ . This is shown in Fig. 4(c). As one can see from Eq. (34), the frequency difference, , determines the periodicity of this oscillation. We emphasize that the oscillation always leads to a minimum at τ = 0, independent of , so that even photons of different frequencies are never detected simultaneously in different output ports. Furthermore, the joint detection probability at the maxima is always larger than the joint detection probability for perpendicular polarized photons. Without time resolution, the detection-time difference cannot be measured and the joint detection probability, P (2) (τ, δτ ), has to be integrated over τ . This links the results of a time-resolved two-photon interference to the discussion of Section 3.5. In case of perpendicular polarized photons, the τ -integrated function
F IG . 4. Joint detection probability, P (2) , as a function of the relative delay between the photons, δτ , and the time difference between photodetections, τ , for perpendicular polarized photons (a) and parallel polarized photons (b). In (c) the parallel polarized photon pairs have a frequency difference , which leads to an oscillation in the joint detection probability. All times and frequencies are normalized by the photon duration, δt.
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P (2) (δτ ) shows the constant value 1/2. If the photons are identical, the integration leads to a Gaussian-shaped dip, which was already discussed in Section 3.5. However, the oscillation in the joint detection probability for photon pairs with a frequency difference is no longer visible. The integration leads, in accordance to Eq. (33), only to a reduced depth of the dip in P (2) (δτ ).
4. Jitter Up to now, we assumed that all photons of a given stream can be described by the same state vector |1ξ . However, this requires a perfect single-photon source, which is able to generate a stream of photons without any variation in the parameters of the Gaussian mode functions. Here, we consider a more realistic scenario, in which a stream of single photons shows a jitter in the parameters, ϑ. The quantum mechanical state of the photons is then given by the density operator of Eq. (6). Such a jitter in the mode functions has important consequences on the results of measurements which can be performed on the single-photon stream. On the one hand, as already discussed in Section 2.3, it affects the average detection probability of the photons in a way that its measurement does in general not reveal information about the duration or shape of each single photon. On the other hand, variations in the mode functions of photon pairs have an influence on the joint detection probability in two-photon interference experiments. This is discussed in some detail in the following two subsections. To analyze the effect of jitters on the two-photon interference, we consider two streams of Gaussian-shaped photons with a variation in the parameters of their mode functions. In analogy to Eq. (6) the density operator for photon pairs impinging on the beam splitter is given by ˆ 1,2 = (35) dϑ1 dϑ2 f1 (ϑ1 )f2 (ϑ2 )|1ξ1 |1ξ2 1ξ1 |1ξ2 |, so that, using Eq. (21), the correlation function reads ˆ 0 , t0 + τ ) . G(2) (t0 , t0 + τ ) = dϑ1 dϑ2 f1 (ϑ1 )f2 (ϑ2 ) tr (ξ ˆ 1 , ξ2 )A(t (36) Here the expression (ξ ˆ 1 , ξ2 ) substitutes |1ξ1 |1ξ2 1ξ1 |1ξ2 |. In Eq. (35) we assumed that all photons have identical polarization and that they are completely independent from each other. Therefore the density operator has only diagonal elements. The parameters of the mode functions ξ1 and ξ2 of the two streams are summarized by ϑ1 and ϑ2 , respectively. In general, all parameters of the mode functions could be subject to a variation, and all the variations could in principle
depend on each other. However, in the following two subsections, we focus our attention only on two examples of jitters and analyze the detection probability of photons, P (1) , for a single photon stream as well as the joint detection probability, P (2) , of two streams superimposed on a beam splitter. First, in Section 4.1, we consider streams of photons which are characterized by a variation of the center frequency, ω0j , so that each photon pair exhibits a variation of the frequency difference, = ω02 −ω01 . All remaining parameters of the mode functions, e.g., the duration of the photons, are assumed to be identical. In Section 4.2, we consider photons, which show only a variation in their emission time, so that photon pairs are characterized by a variation in their arrival-time delay δτ = τ02 − τ01 .
4.1. F REQUENCY J ITTER We start our discussion of a frequency jitter by analyzing its effect on the average detection probability, P (1) (t0 ), for a perfect photodetector with the detection efficiency η = 1. If the frequency variation in the stream of single photons is described by a normalized distribution function, f (ω), the average detection probability is given, according to Eq. (14), by the integral 2 P (1) (t0 ) = T (37) dω f (ω)ξ(t0 , ω) . Since only the phase of the Gaussian mode functions depends on the frequency, the absolute value, |ξ(t0 , ω)|2 = 2 (t0 ), is independent of ω. Thus, the average detection probability is not affected by any frequency jitter and is entirely determined by the spatiotemporal mode function of each single photon. However, a frequency jitter affects the joint detection probability of photon pairs superimposed on a beam splitter. To illustrate this, we assume two independent streams of photons, each fluctuating around a common center frequency ω0 according to a normalized Gaussian frequency distributions, f1 (ω01 ) and f2 (ω02 ). Hence, the frequency difference of the photon pairs, = ω02 − ω01 , shows also a normalized Gaussian variation, 1 exp −2 /δω2 , f () = √ πδω
with width δω depending on the widths of the frequency distributions of both 2 + δω2 . The density operator of the photon pairs can then streams, δω = δω01 02 be expressed in terms of the distribution function of the frequency difference, ˆ 1 , ξ2 ). ˆ 1,2 = d f ()(ξ (39)
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F IG . 5. Joint detection probability as a function of the detection-time difference, τ , for simultaneously impinging photons, δτ = 0, of identical polarization. The photons are subject to a frequency jitter of width δω.
As the operations of trace and integration are exchangeable, the correlation function, according to Eq. (36), can be written as ˆ 0 , t0 + τ ) . ˆ 1 , ξ2 )A(t G(2) (t0 , τ ) = d f () tr (ξ (40) For photons which are very long compared to the detector time-resolution, the joint detection probability is given by Eq. (26). In case of simultaneously impinging photons, δτ = 0, this leads to T τ2 τ2 1 − cos2 ϕ exp − exp − . P (2) (τ ) = √ (41) 4/δω2 δt 2 2 π δt For photons of parallel polarization, the result is shown in Fig. 5. In the limit of δω → ∞ the joint detection probability shows a Gaussian-shaped peak of width T1 = δt, which is the photon duration. As one can see from Eq. (41), the joint detection probability is always zero for τ = 0 as long as the width of the frequency distribution, δω, is finite. In fact, as one can deduce from Eq. (41), this leads to a dip in the joint detection probability around τ = 0 that is T2 = 2/δω wide. Note that T2 represents a coherence time which must not be mixed up with the duration of each single photon, δt.
To determine the amount of a frequency jitter from a time-resolved two-photon interference experiment, one has to perform two measurements. First, the joint detection probability of perpendicular polarized photons, ϕ = π/2, reveals the photon-duration, δt. Afterwards, the joint detection probability of parallel polarized photons, ϕ = 0, is used to measure T2 and derive the width of the frequency jitter, δω. This is shown in detail in Section 5. If the photons are very short compared to the detector time-resolution, the coincidence probability must be calculated using Eq. (24). The coincidence probability is then a function of the relative photon delay, δτ , and is given by 1 δτ 2 2 cos2 ϕ P (2) (δτ ) = (42) exp − 2 1− √ . 2 δt 4 + δt 2 δω2 In analogy to Section 3.5, a frequency jitter, δω, now leads to a decreased depth of the Gaussian-shaped dip, while the width of this dip is not affected and always identical to the photon duration. In principle, it is possible to derive the frequency jitter also from a two-photon interference experiment without time-resolution, but there are some major disadvantages. First, the depth of the dip depends not only on a frequency jitter, but also on the mode matching of the transversal modes of both beams. A nonperfect mode matching leads to a factor comparable to cos2 ϕ in Eq. (42). Therefore, in contrast to the time-resolved measurement, one cannot distinguish between a nonperfect mode matching or a frequency jitter. Second, in case of two independent streams of photons from two different single-photon sources, it is impossible to decide whether a constant frequency difference or a frequency jitter is the reason for a decreased dip depth. And third, if the frequency jitter is large, the depth of the dip is very small, whereas in a time-resolved measurement, the dip-depth remains unchanged. As it is much more reliable to determine a small width rather than a small depth, the time-resolved method is much more powerful.
4.2. E MISSION -T IME J ITTER Now we assume a stream of single photons which shows a jitter in the emission time of each photon. This variation of the emission time is assumed to be given by a normalized Gaussian distribution function, f (τ0 ). The average detection probability of the photons for an ideal photodetector with η = 1 is again given by Eq. (14), 2 P (1) (t0 ) = T (43) dτ0 f (τ0 )ξ(τ0 − t0 ) . This is a convolution of the detection probability, |ξ(t0 )|2 , of each single photon and the emission-time distribution, f (τ0 ), of the photon stream. Therefore
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the average detection probability is always broader than the detection probability which would arise solely from the duration of each single photon. This shows that a variation in the parameters of the spatiotemporal mode functions can alter the detection probability of the photons. Therefore, in general, the average detection probability is not identical to the detection probability of individual photons. To investigate the influence of an emission-time jitter on the joint detection probability in a two-photon interference experiment, we now assume two streams of photons with a Gaussian emission-time distribution of identical width, τ . In this case, the photon pairs are characterized by a jitter in the arrival-time delay of the photons, which is again given by a Gaussian distribution, 1 f (δτ ) = √ exp −δτ 2 /τ 2 . π τ
The correlation function G(2) (t0 , t0 + τ ) can be written in analogy to Eq. (40), using only the variation of the relative photon delay, (2) ˆ 0 , t0 + τ ) , G (t0 , τ ) = d(δτ ) f (δτ ) tr (ξ (45) ˆ 1 , ξ2 )A(t and the joint detection probability has to be calculated according to Eq. (26). In case of simultaneously impinging photons, this leads to T τ2 (2) 2 P (τ ) = √ √ 1 − cos ϕ exp − 2 δt + δt 4 /τ 2 2 π δt 2 + τ 2 τ2 . × exp − 2 (46) δt + τ 2 In contrast to the previous case, now the width of the Gaussian-shaped peak in the joint detection probability of perpendicular polarized photons is no more identical to the photon duration. The variation in the emission time affects also the amplitude of the spatiotemporal mode functions and affects the joint detection probability even without interference. This can be seen in Fig. 6, which shows the joint detection probability for photon pairs characterized by a distribution of the photon arrival-time delay. The width, T1 , of the Gaussian-shaped peak is no longer identical to the photon duration, δt. As one can derive from Eq. (46), it is now broadened by the width of the variation in the photon delay, τ : T1 = δt 2 + τ 2 . (47) Furthermore, the width of the dip in case of parallel polarized photons is not independent of the width T1 , but is given by δt T2 = δt 2 + δt 4 /τ 2 = (48) T1 . τ
F IG . 6. Joint detection probability as a function of the detection time difference, τ , for photon pairs with a variation in their relative photon delay, δτ . The photons are assumed to be (a) perpendicular and (b) parallel polarized to each other. Curve (c) is a Gaussian mode function of width δt. The width, T1 , of the Gaussian peak in (a) is broadened by the variation of the relative photon delay, τ , which is here assumed to be 2δt.
A time-resolved two-photon interference experiment can again be used to determine the variation in the emission time of the photon streams. However, since the shapes of the joint detection probabilities for a frequency and an emissiontime jitter are identical, it is in general not possible to distinguish between the two. Nonetheless, one can determine the maximum values of both jitters, as well as all pairs of frequency and an emission-time jitters matching the data. This is discussed in the next section. Note that in case of very short photons, the coincidence probability has again to be calculated using Eq. (24). The width of the Gaussian-shaped dip in the coincidence probability 1 δτ 2 cos2 ϕ exp − 2 1− P (2) (δτ ) = (49) 2 δt + τ 2 1 + τ 2 /δt 2 is broadened by the emission-time jitter, τ , and the depth of the dip is also decreased by τ . Again it is possible to determine the emission-time jitter from such a two-photon interference experiment without time resolution. The disadvantages of such a procedure have already been discussed in Section 4.1.
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4.3. AUTOCORRELATION F UNCTION OF THE P HOTON ’ S S HAPE We now consider only one source of single photons that we want to characterize using a two-photon interference experiment. We assume that the stream of photons generated by this source is split up in such a way that each single photon is randomly directed along two different paths. These two paths are of different length and the repetition rate of the source is chosen in such a way that only successively generated photons impinge on the beam splitter at the same time. The details of such an experiment are discussed in Section 5. In general, we must distinguish between the photon ensemble of the whole stream and the subensemble of photon pairs superimposed on the beam splitter. The latter consists only of successively generated photons and the characterization of a single-photon source by a two-photon interference experiment takes into account only this subensemble. Since the jitter in the subensemble of successive photon pairs does not have to be identical to the jitter in the whole photon stream, we need a method to decide whether the results of a two-photon interference experiment can be generalized to all photons generated by the single-photon source. In case of very long photons, this can be done by comparing the joint detection probability, P (2) (τ ), for perpendicular polarized photons and the autocorrelation function, A(2) (τ ), of the average detection probability of the whole photon stream. We start our discussion with a stream of identical single photons, so that the average detection probability is simply given by the square of the amplitude of the spatiotemporal mode function, P (1) (t0 ) = T 2 (t0 ). On the one hand, the autocorrelation function of P (1) (t0 ) reads 2 A(2) (τ ) = dt0 P (1) (t0 )P (1) (t0 + τ ) = T 2 dt0 (t0 )(t0 + τ ) . (50) On the other hand, the joint detection probability for perpendicular polarized photon pairs of this stream is given by Eq. (31), which leads to 2 P (2) (τ ) ∝ T 2 dt0 (t0 )(t0 + τ ) . (51) Therefore the joint detection probability for perpendicular polarized photons and the autocorrelation function have the same shape. However, if the photons show a variation in their spatiotemporal modes, the two functions are no longer equal. In the following, we assume that the variations in the whole photon stream are described by a normalized distribution function f (ϑ), whereas the variations in the subensemble of successively emitted photons is given by f˜(ϑ). In general, both functions do not have to be identical, i.e. the jitter in the subensemble can be smaller than the jitter in the whole photon stream. The autocorrelation function of the average detection probability P (1) (t0 ),
see Eq. (14), is given by 2 A(2) (τ ) = T 2 dt0 dϑ1 dϑ2 f (ϑ1 )f (ϑ2 ) (t0 , ϑ1 )(t0 + τ, ϑ2 ) . (52) The joint detection probability, 2 dϑ1 dϑ2 f˜(ϑ1 )f˜(ϑ2 ) (t0 , ϑ1 )(t0 + τ, ϑ2 ) P (2) (τ ) ∝ T 2 dt0 (53) is either independent 0 , ϑ1 )(t0 +τ, ϑ2 of ϑ1 and ϑ2 , or if the distribution function f (ϑ) of the whole photon stream is identical to the distribution function f˜(ϑ) of successively emitted photons. The comparison of the joint detection probability of perpendicular polarized photon pairs and the autocorrelation function of the average detection probability therefore answers the question whether the results of a two-photon interference experiment can be generalized to the whole photon stream. is therefore only equal to A(2) (τ ), if ((t
5. Experiment and Results In the previous three sections we discussed the theoretical background for characterizing single photons using two-photon interference. Now, we show how to use this method to experimentally characterize single photons that are emitted from only one source. This single-photon source has been realized using vacuumstimulated Raman transitions in a single Rb atom located inside a high-finesse optical cavity. In Section 5.1 we briefly review the principle of this source and discuss the experimental setup, which was used to investigate the two-photon interference. For further details concerning the single-photon generation, we refer to Kuhn et al. (2002) and references therein. The measurement of the average detection probability of a stream of photons emitted from this source is discussed in Section 5.2. As already discussed, we use the autocorrelation function of the average detection probability to determine whether the results of a two-photon interference experiment can be generalized to the whole photon stream. Since the duration of the photons is much longer than the time resolution of the detectors, the interference of successively emitted photons is measured in a time-resolved manner. The results and the interpretation of these measurements are discussed in detail in Sections 5.3 and 5.4. 5.1. S INGLE -P HOTON S OURCE AND E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP A sketch of the single-photon source and the experimental setup that we use to superimpose successively generated photons on a 50/50 beam splitter is shown
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F IG . 7. Single-photon source and experimental setup used to investigate the two-photon interference of successively emitted photons. The photons are generated in an atom-cavity system by an adiabatically driven stimulated Raman transition. A polarizing beam splitter directs the photons randomly into two optical fibers. The delay from photon to photon matches the travel-time difference in the two fibers, so that successively emitted photons can impinge simultaneously on the 50/50 beam splitter. Using a half-wave plate, the polarization of the photons can be chosen parallel or perpendicular to each other. The photons are detected using avalanche photodiodes with a detection efficiency of 50% and a dark-count rate of 150 Hz.
in Fig. 7. The single-photon generation starts with 85 Rb atoms released from a magneto-optical trap. The atoms enter the cavity mostly one-at-a-time (the probability of having more than one atom is negligible). Each atom is initially prepared in |e ≡ |5S1/2 , F = 3, while the cavity is resonant with the transition between |g ≡ |5S1/2 , F = 2 and |x ≡ |5P3/2 , F = 3. On its way through the cavity, the atom experiences a sequence of laser pulses that alternate between triggering single-photon emissions and repumping the atom to state |e: The 2 µs-long trigger pulses are resonant with the |e ↔ |x transition and drive an adiabatic passage (STIRAP) to |g by linearly increasing the Rabi frequency. This transition goes hand-in-hand with a photon emission. In the ideal case, the duration and pulse shape of each photon depend in a characteristic manner on the temporal shape and intensity of the triggering laser pulses (Keller et al., 2004). As we will discuss in Section 5.3, the photon-frequency can be chosen by an appropriate fre-
quency of the trigger laser (Legero et al., 2004). Between two photon emissions, another laser pumps the atom from |g to |x, from where it decays back to |e. While a single atom interacts with the cavity, the source generates a stream of single photons one-after-the-other. The efficiency of the photon generation is 25%. As described in detail in Legero (2005), the source has been optimized with respect to jitters by compensating the Earth’s magnetic field inside the cavity and by adding to the recycling scheme an additional π-polarized laser driving the transition |5S1/2 , F = 3 ↔ |5P3/2 , F = 2 to produce a high degree of spinpolarization in 5S1/2 , F = 3, mF = ±3. This results in an increased coupling of the atom to the cavity. We have characterized the emitted photons by two-photon interference measurements before and after this optimization. To superimpose two successively emitted photons on the 50/50 beam splitter, they are directed along two optical paths of different length. These paths are realized using two polarization maintaining optical fibers with a length of 10 m and 1086 m, respectively. Since the photon polarization is a priori undefined, a polarizing beam splitter is used to direct the photons randomly into the long or short fiber. The time between two trigger pulses is adjusted to match the travel-time difference of the photons in the two fibers, which is t = 5.28 µs. With a probability of 25%, two successively emitted photons therefore impinge on the beam splitter simultaneously. In addition, we use a half-wave plate to adjust the mutual polarization of the two paths.
5.2. AVERAGE D ETECTION P ROBABILITY First, we investigate the average detection probability of the photon stream. For this measurement, the long fiber is closed and the detection times of about 103 photons are recorded with respect to their trigger pulses. From these photons, we calculate the probability density for a photodetection, shown in Fig. 8. The measurement has been done (a) before and (b) after optimizing the single-photon source. The autocorrelation functions of both curves, shown in the inset of Fig. 8, were calculated using Eq. (50). The width of these curves is (a) 1.07 µs and (b) 0.81 µs. In Section 5.4 we compare both results with the joint detection probability of perpendicular polarized photon pairs. Note that one obtains no information on the shape or duration of individual photons from a detection probability that is averaged over many photodetections. As already stated in Section 4.2, such a measurement does not exclude that the photons are very short so that the average probability distribution reflects only an emission-time jitter. Only from a time-resolved two-photon interference experiment, one obtains information on the duration of the photons. This is discussed in the next subsection.
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F IG . 8. Probability density for photodetections averaged over 103 photons (a) before and (b) after optimizing the single-photon source. The data are corrected for the detector dark-count rate. The inset shows the corresponding autocorrelation functions, A(2) (τ ).
5.3. T IME -R ESOLVED T WO -P HOTON I NTERFERENCE The detection times of about 105 photons are registered by the two detectors in the output ports of the beam splitter, while the photons in each pair impinge simultaneously, i.e. with δτ = 0. The number of joint photodetections, N (2) , is then determined from the recorded detection times as a function of the detection-time difference, τ (using 48 ns to 120 ns long time bins). To do that, the photon duration must exceed the time resolution of the detectors. Otherwise, joint detection probabilities could only be examined as a function of the arrival-time delay, δτ , like in most other experiments. We have performed these two-photon interference experiments before and after optimizing the single-photon source. The results are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. Each experiment is first performed with photons of (a) perpendicular and then with photons of (b) parallel polarization, until about 105 photons are detected. Note that the number of joint photodetections is corrected for the constant background contribution stemming from detector dark counts. In case of perpendicular polarization, no interference takes place. In accordance with Section 3.6, the number of joint photodetections shows a Gaussian peak centered at τ = 0. This signal is used as a reference, since any interference leads to
F IG . 9. Number of joint photodetections in 120 ns-long time bins as a function of the detection-time difference, τ , before optimizing the single-photon source. The results are shown for photons of (a) perpendicular polarization and (b) parallel polarization. In both cases, the data is accumulated for a total number of 73,000 photodetections. The solid lines are numerical fits of the theoretical expectations to the data. T1 is the width of the Gaussian peak in (a), and the width of the dip for parallel polarized photons (b) is given by T2 . The dotted curve shows the T3 -wide autocorrelation function, A(2) (τ ), of the average detection probability.
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F IG . 10. Number of joint photodetections in 48 ns long time bins after optimizing the single-photon source. The data is shown in (a) for perpendicular and in (b) for parallel polarized photons. In both cases, the data is accumulated for a total number of 139,000 photodetections. The dotted curve shows the T3 -wide autocorrelation function of the average detection probability. Compared to the results of Fig. 9, the width of the Gaussian peak in (a) is decreased to T1 = 0.64 µs and it is clearly smaller than T3 = 0.81 µs. With parallel polarizations, a dip of increased width, T2 = 0.44 µs, is observed. All results are discussed in Section 5.4.
a significant deviation. If we now switch to parallel polarization, identical photons are expected to leave the beam splitter as a pair, so that their joint detection probability should be zero for all values of τ . In the experiment, however, the signal does not vanish completely. Instead, we observe a pronounced minimum around τ = 0, which complies well with the behavior one expects for varying spatio-temporal modes, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. In analogy to Eqs. (41) and (46), respectively, the number of joint photodetections is then given by τ2 τ2 (2) (2) 2 N (τ ) = N0 exp − 2 1 − cos ϕ exp − 2 . (54) T1 T2 (2)
N0 is the peak value at τ = 0 that we measure for perpendicular polarized photons, ϕ = π/2. The time T1 is the width of this Gaussian peak, whereas T2 gives the width of the dip for photons of parallel polarization, ϕ = 0. In Section 5.4, both numbers are used to deduce the frequency and the emission-time jitter. The two widths, T1 and T2 , are obtained from a fit of Eq. (54) to the measured data. (2) This is done in two steps. First, we obtain T1 and N0 from a fit to the data taken with perpendicular polarized photons. We then keep these two values and obtain the dip width T2 from a subsequent fit to the data with parallel polarized photons. In this second step, we use a polarization term of cos2 ϕ = 0.92 to take into account that we have a small geometric mode mismatch. This is well justified since mode mismatch and non-parallel polarizations affect the signal in the same manner. The value of ϕ has been obtained from an independent second-order interference measurement. As one can see by comparing Figs. 9 and 10, the compensation of the Earth’s magnetic field and the improved recycling scheme lead to a decreased width T1 of the Gaussian peak in (a) and a broader dip T2 in (b). As we discuss in the following, these results show that this optimization has successfully reduced the jitter in the mode function of the photons. Moreover, as shown in Fig. 11(a) and (b), we resolve a pronounced oscillation in the number of joint photodetections when a frequency difference, , is deliberately introduced between the interfering photons (Legero et al., 2004). This is achieved by driving the atom-cavity system with a sequence of trigger pulses that alternate between two frequencies. The frequency difference between consecutive pulses is either (a) 2π × 2.8 MHz or (b) 2π × 3.8 MHz. In accordance with Section 3.6, the oscillation in the joint detection probability always starts with a minimum at τ = 0, and the maxima exceed the reference signal that we measure with perpendicular polarized photons. The latter experiment has been performed with the optimized single-photon source. The number of detected photons (corrected for the number of dark counts) equals the photon number in Fig. 10. Therefore N0(2) , T1 and T2 are well known from this previous measurement. As shown by Legero (2005), the only remaining
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F IG . 11. Two-photon interference of parallel polarized photons with a frequency difference, , of (a) 2π × 2.8 MHz and (b) 2π × 3.8 MHz. The number of joint photodetections is accumulated over (a) 210,000 and (b) 319,000 detection events. It oscillates as a function of the detection-time difference. The solid curves represent numerical fits to the data with a frequency-difference of (a) = 2π × 2.86 MHz and (b) = 2π × 3.66 MHz. The dotted curve shows the reference signal measured with perpendicular polarized photons.
parameter one can obtain from a fit of the joint detection probability, τ2 τ2 N (2) (τ ) = N0(2) exp − 2 1 − cos2 ϕ cos(τ ) exp − 2 , T1 T2
to the data is the frequency difference . Its fit value agrees very well with the frequency differences that we imposed on consecutive pulses. We therefore conclude that the adiabatic Raman transition we use to generate the photons allows us to adjust the single-photon frequency. Moreover, the oscillations in the joint detection probability impressively demonstrate that time-resolved two-photon interference experiments are able to reveal small phase variations between the photons, like, e.g., the frequency difference we have deliberately imposed here.
5.4. I NTERPRETATION OF THE R ESULTS We start our analysis by comparing the autocorrelation function of the average detection probability with the result of the two-photon coincidence measurement with perpendicular polarized photons, shown in Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 10(a). The shape of the autocorrelation function, A(2) (τ ), is commensurable with the data obtained in the two-photon correlation experiment before the optimization of the source, but it differs significantly afterwards. As discussed in Section 4.3, the different widths of both curves, T1 = 0.64 µs and T3 = 0.81 µs, indicate that the photon stream is subject to variations in the spatiotemporal mode functions that are much less pronounced in the subensemble of consecutive photons. These variations cannot be attributed to a jitter in the photon frequency, since the autocorrelation function and the joint detection probability, given by Eqs. (52) and (53), depend only on the frequency-independent amplitude of the mode functions. Therefore the emission time and/or the duration of the photons must be subject to a jitter. As a consequence, the average detection probability shown in Fig. 8 cannot represent the shape of the underlying single-photon wavepackets. In particular the width of the measured photon detection probability is broadened due to the emission-time jitter. Moreover, the discrepancy between A(2) (τ ) (Fig. 8) and the Gaussian peak (Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 10(a)) shows that the variations in the whole photon stream are larger than the variations in the subensemble of consecutive photons. Therefore the following analysis of the times T1 and T2 of the two-photon interference cannot be generalized to the whole photon stream. To figure out the photon characteristics that can explain the measured quantumbeat signal, we restrict the analysis of T1 and T2 to a frequency and an emissiontime jitter. If we assume that successively emitted photons show only a variation of their frequencies, then T1 is identical to the photon duration, whereas T2 = 2/δω is solely due to the frequency variation. In this case, T2 is identical
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to the coherence time, which one could also measure using second-order interference (Santori et al., 2002; Jelezko et al., 2003). As shown in Figs. 9 and 10, optimizing the single-photon source reduces the bandwidth of the frequency variation from δω/2π = 1.03 MHz to δω/2π = 720 kHz. The remaining inhomogeneous broadening of the photon frequency can be attributed to several technical reasons. First, static and fluctuating magnetic fields affect the energies of the Zeeman sublevels and spread the photon frequencies over a range of 160 kHz. Second the trigger laser has a linewidth of 50 kHz, which is also mapped to the photons. And third, diabatically generated photons lead to an additional broadening. Another explanation for the measured quantum-beat signal assumes photons of fixed frequency and shape, but with an emission-time jitter. In this case, we √ have T1 = δt 2 + τ 2 and T2 = T1 δt/τ . From these two equations, one can calculate δt, which is the lower limit of the photon duration, and τ , which is the maximum emission-time jitter. In our experiment, the optimization of the singlephoton source led to an increase of δt from 0.29 µs to 0.36 µs, and at the same time to a reduction of the maximum emission-time jitter from τ = 0.82 µs to τ = 0.53 µs. However, in general, both the frequency and the emission time are subject to a jitter. If these fluctuations are uncorrelated, a whole range of (δω, τ )-pairs can explain the peak and dip widths, T1 and T2 . For our two sets of data (before (a) and after (b) the optimization of the source), this is illustrated in Fig. 12. All pairs of frequency and emission-time jitters that are in agreement with the measured values of T1 and T2 lie on one of the two solid lines. From this figure, it is evident that the values for δω and τ deduced above represent the upper limits for the respective fluctuations. Moreover, it is also nicely visible that our optimization of the source significantly improved the frequency stability and emission-time accuracy of our single-photon source. We emphasize again that this information about the photons can be obtained from time-resolved two-photon interference experiments, but not from a measurement of the average detection probability.
6. Conclusion We have shown that time-resolved two-photon interference experiments are an excellent tool to characterize single photons. In these experiments, two photons are superimposed on a beam splitter and the joint detection probability in the two output ports of the beam splitter is measured as a function of the detection-time difference of the photons. This is only possible if the photons are long compared to the detector time resolution. For identical photons, the joint detection probability is expected to be zero. Variations of the spatiotemporal modes of the photons lead to joint photodetections except for zero detection-time difference. Therefore the
F IG . 12. Frequency jitter, δω, and emission-time jitter, τ , before (a) and after (b) optimizing the single-photon source. The two curves represent all pairs of jitters that match the two widths, T1 and T2 , found in the two-photon interference experiments.
joint detection probability shows a pronounced dip. From the width of this dip, one can estimate the maximum emission-time jitter and the minimum coherence time of the photons. In addition, a lower limit of the single-photon duration can be obtained. This is not possible by just measuring the average detection probability with respect to the trigger producing the photons. Moreover, we have shown that a frequency difference between photons leads to a distinct oscillation in the joint detection probability. This does not only demonstrate that we are able to adjust the frequencies of the photons emitted from a single-photon source, but also that one is sensitive to very small frequency differences in time-resolved two-photon interference measurements.
7. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SPP 1078 and SFB 631) and the European Union (IST (QGATES) and IHP (CONQUEST) programs).
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TX 77843-4242, USA 2 Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Science, 600950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 3 Institut für Physik, Carl von Ossietzky Universitat, D-2611 Oldenburg, Germany 4 MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms, and Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA 5 Princeton Institute for Materials Science and Technology, Princeton University, NJ 08544-1009, USA 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. History of the Bose–Einstein Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. What Bose Did . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. What Einstein Did . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Was Bose–Einstein Statistics Arrived at by Serendipity? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4. Comparison between Bose’s and Einstein’s Counting of the Number of Microstates W 3. Grand Canonical versus Canonical Statistics of BEC Fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Relations between Statistics of BEC Fluctuations in the Grand Canonical, Canonical, and Microcanonical Ensembles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Exact Recursion Relation for the Statistics of the Number of Condensed Atoms in an Ideal Bose Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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* It is a pleasure to dedicate this review to Prof. Herbert Walther, our guide in so many fields of physics. His contributions to atomic, molecular and optical physics are enlightened by the deep insights he has given us into the foundations of quantum mechanics, statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics and much more.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53010-1
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3.3. Grand Canonical Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Dynamical Master Equation Approach and Laser Phase-Transition Analogy . . . . . . . 4.1. Quantum Theory of the Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2. Laser Phase-Transition Analogy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3. Derivation of the Condensate Master Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4. Low Temperature Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5. Quasithermal Approximation for Noncondensate Occupations . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6. Solution of the Condensate Master Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7. Results for BEC Statistics in Different Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8. Condensate Statistics in the Thermodynamic Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9. Mesoscopic and Dynamical Effects in BEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Quasiparticle Approach and Maxwell’s Demon Ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1. Canonical-Ensemble Quasiparticles in the Reduced Hilbert Space . . . . . . . . . . 5.2. Cumulants of BEC Fluctuations in an Ideal Bose Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3. Ideal Gas BEC Statistics in Arbitrary Power-Law Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4. Equivalent Formulation in Terms of the Poles of the Generalized Zeta Function . . . 6. Why Condensate Fluctuations in the Interacting Bose Gas are Anomalously Large, NonGaussian, and Governed by Universal Infrared Singularities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1. Canonical-Ensemble Quasiparticles in the Atom-Number-Conserving Bogoliubov Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2. Characteristic Function and all Cumulants of BEC Fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3. Surprises: BEC Fluctuations are Anomalously Large and Non-Gaussian Even in the Thermodynamic Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4. Crossover between Ideal and Interaction-Dominated BEC: Quasiparticles Squeezing and Pair Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5. Universal Anomalies and Infrared Singularities of the Order Parameter Fluctuations in the Systems with a Broken Continuous Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Bose’s and Einstein’s Way of Counting Microstates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Analytical Expression for the Mean Number of Condensed Atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Formulas for the Central Moments of Condensate Fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Analytical Expression for the Variance of Condensate Fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Single Mode Coupled to a Reservoir of Oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. The Saddle-Point Method for Condensed Bose Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Abstract We review the phenomenon of equilibrium fluctuations in the number of condensed atoms n0 in a trap containing N atoms total. We start with a history of the Bose– Einstein distribution, a similar grand canonical problem with an indefinite total number of particles, the Einstein–Uhlenbeck debate concerning the rounding of the mean number of condensed atoms n¯ 0 near a critical temperature Tc , and a discussion of the relations between statistics of BEC fluctuations in the grand canonical, canonical, and microcanonical ensembles. First, we study BEC fluctuations in the ideal Bose gas in a trap and explain why the grand canonical description goes very wrong for all moments (n0 − n¯ 0 )m , except of the mean value. We discuss different approaches capable of providing
approximate analytical results and physical insight into this very complicated problem. In particular, we describe at length the master equation and canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approaches which give the most accurate and physically transparent picture of the BEC fluctuations. The master equation approach, that perfectly describes even the mesoscopic effects due to the finite number N of the atoms in the trap, is quite similar to the quantum theory of the laser. That is, we calculate a steadystate probability distribution of the number of condensed atoms pn0 (t = ∞) from a dynamical master equation and thus get the moments of fluctuations. We present analytical formulas for the moments of the ground-state occupation fluctuations in the ideal Bose gas in the harmonic trap and arbitrary power-law traps. In the last part of the review, we include particle interaction via a generalized Bogoliubov formalism and describe condensate fluctuations in the interacting Bose gas. In particular, we show that the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach works very well for the interacting gases and find analytical formulas for the characteristic function and all cumulants, i.e., all moments, of the condensate fluctuations. The surprising conclusion is that in most cases the ground-state occupation fluctuations are anomalously large and are not Gaussian even in the thermodynamic limit. We also resolve the Giorgini, Pitaevskii and Stringari (GPS) vs. Idziaszek et al. debate on the variance of the condensate fluctuations in the interacting gas in the thermodynamic limit in favor of GPS. Furthermore, we clarify a crossover between the ideal-gas and weakly-interacting-gas statistics which is governed by a pair-correlation, squeezing mechanism and show how, with an increase of the interaction strength, the fluctuations can now be understood as being essentially 1/2 that of an ideal Bose gas. We also explain the crucial fact that the condensate fluctuations are governed by a singular contribution of the lowest energy quasiparticles. This is a sort of infrared anomaly which is universal for constrained systems below the critical temperature of a second-order phase transition.
1. Introduction Professor Herbert Walther has taught us that good physics unifies and unites seemingly different fields. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the current studies of Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) and coherent atom optics which draw from and contribute to the general subject of coherence effects in many-body physics and quantum optics. It is in this spirit that the present paper presents the recent application of techniques, ideas, and theorems which have been developed in understanding lasers and squeezed states to the condensation of N bosons. Highlights of these studies, and related points of BEC history, are described in the following paragraphs. (1) Bose [1,2] got the ball rolling by deriving the Planck distribution without using classical electrodynamics, as Planck [3] and Einstein [4] had done. Instead,
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he took the extreme photon-as-a-particle point of view, and by regarding these particles as indistinguishable obtained, among other things, Planck’s result, 1 , (1) −1 where n¯ k is the mean number of photons with energy εk and wavevector k, β = (kB T )−1 , T is the blackbody temperature, and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. However, his paper was rejected by the Philosophical Magazine and so he sent it to Einstein, who recognized its value. Einstein translated it into German and got it published in the Zeitschrift für Physik [1]. He then applied Bose’s method to atoms and predicted that the atoms would “condense” into the lowest energy level when the temperature was low enough [5–7]. Time has not dealt as kindly with Bose as did Einstein. As is often the case in the opening of a new field, things were presented and understood imperfectly at first. Indeed Bose did his “counting” of photon states in cells of phase space in an unorthodox fashion. So much so that the famous Max Delbrück wrote an interesting article [8] in which he concluded that Bose made a mistake, and only got the Planck distribution by serendipity. We here discuss this opinion, and retrace the steps that led Bose to his result. Sure, he enjoyed a measure of luck, but his mathematics and his derivation were correct. (2) Einstein’s treatment of BEC of atoms in a large box showed a cusp in the number of atoms in the ground state, n¯ 0 , as a function of temperature, 3/2 T n¯ 0 = N 1 − (2) Tc n¯ k =
for T Tc , where N is the total number of atoms, and Tc is the (critical) transition temperature. Uhlenbeck [9] criticized this aspect of Einstein’s work, claiming that the cusp at T = Tc is unphysical. Einstein agreed with the Uhlenbeck criticism but argued that in the limit of large numbers of atoms (the thermodynamic limit) everything would be okay. Later, Uhlenbeck and his student Kahn showed [10] that Einstein was right and put the matter to rest (for a while). Fast forward to the present era of mesoscopic BEC physics with only thousands (or even hundreds) of atoms in a condensate. What do we now do with this Uhlenbeck dilemma? As one of us (W.K.) showed some time ago [11], all that is needed is a better treatment of the problem. Einstein took the chemical potential to be zero, which is correct for the ideal Bose gas in the thermodynamic limit. However, when the chemical potential is treated more carefully, the cusp goes away, as we discuss in detail, see, e.g., Figs. 1a and 3. (3) So far everything we have been talking about concerns the average number of particles in the condensate. Now we turn to the central focus of this review: fluctuations in the condensate particle number. As the reader will recall, Einstein
used the fluctuation properties of waves and particles to great advantage. In particular he noted that in Planck’s problem, there were particle-like fluctuations in photon number in addition to the wave-like contribution, i.e., n2k = n¯ 2k (wave) + n¯ k (particle),
and in this way he argued for a particle picture of light. In his studies on Bose–Einstein condensation, he reversed the logic arguing that the fluctuations in the ideal quantum gas also show both wave-like and particlelike attributes, just as in the case of photons. It is interesting that Einstein was led to the wave nature of matter by studying fluctuations. We note that he knew of and credited de Broglie at this point well before wave mechanics was developed. Another important contribution to the problem of BEC fluctuations came from Fritz London’s observation [12] that the specific heat is proportional to the variance of a Bose–Einstein condensate and showed a cusp, which he calculated as being around 3.1 K. It is noteworthy that the so-called lambda point in liquid Helium, marking the transition from normal to superfluid, takes place at around 2.19 K. However, Ziff, Uhlenbeck and Kac [13] note several decades later that there is a problem with the usual treatment of fluctuations. They say: [When] the grand canonical properties for the ideal Bose gas are derived, it turns out that some of them differ from the corresponding canonical properties—even in the bulk limit! . . . The grand canonical ensemble . . . loses its validity for the ideal Bose gas in the condensed region.
One of us (M.H.) has noted elsewhere [14] that: This grand canonical fluctuation catastrophe has been discussed by generations of physicists. . .
Let us sharpen the preceding remarks. Large fluctuations are a feature of the thermal behavior of systems of bosons. If n¯ is the mean number of noninteracting particles occupying a particular one particle state, then the mean square occupation fluctuation in the grand canonical picture is n( ¯ n¯ + 1). If, however, the system has a fixed total number of particles N confined in space by a trapping potential, then at low enough temperature T when a significant fraction of N are in the ground state, such large fluctuations are impossible. No matter how large N , the grand canonical description cannot be even approximately true. This seems to be one of the most important examples that different statistical ensembles give agreement or disagreement in different regimes of temperatures. To avoid the catastrophe, the acclaimed statistical physicist D. ter Haar [15] proposed that the fluctuations in the condensate particle number in the low temperature regime (adapted to a harmonic trap) might go as 3 T n0 ≡ (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 = N − n¯ 0 = N (4) . Tc
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This had the correct zero limit as T → 0, but is not right for higher temperatures where the leading term actually goes as [N ( TTc )3 ]1/2 . The point is that fluctuations are subtle; even the ideal Bose gas is full of interesting physics in this regard. In this paper, we resolve the grand canonical fluctuation catastrophe in several ways. In particular, recent application of techniques developed in the quantum theory of the laser [16,17] and in quantum optics [18,19] allow us to formulate a consistent and physically appealing analytical picture of the condensate fluctuations in the ideal and interacting Bose gases. Our present understanding of the statistics of the BEC fluctuations goes far beyond the results that were formulated before the 90s BEC boom, as summarized by Ziff, Uhlenbeck and Kac in their classical review [13]. Theoretical predictions for the BEC fluctuations, which are anomalously large and non-Gaussian even in the thermodynamical limit, are derived and explained on the basis of the simple analytical expressions [20,21]. The results are in excellent agreement with the exact numerical simulations. The existence of the infrared singularities in the moments of fluctuations and the universal fact that these singularities are responsible for the anomalously large fluctuations in BEC, are among the recent conceptual discoveries. The quantum theory of laser threshold behavior constitutes another important advance in the physics of bosonic systems. (4) The laser made its appearance in the early 60s and provided us with a new source of light with a new kind of photon statistics. Before the laser, the statistics of radiation were either those of black-body photons associated with Planck’s radiation, which for a single mode of frequency ν takes the form ¯ , pn = e−nβ h¯ ν 1 − e−β hν (5) or when one considers radiation from a coherent oscillating current such as a radio transmitter or a microwave klystron the photon distribution becomes Poissonian, n¯ n −n¯ e , (6) n! where n¯ is the average photon number. However, laser photon statistics, as derived from the quantum theory of the laser, goes from black-body statistics below threshold to Poissonian statistics far above threshold. In between, when we are in the threshold region (and even above threshold as in the case, for example, of the helium neon laser), we have a new distribution. We present a review of the laser photon statistical problem. It has been said that the Bose–Einstein condensate is to atoms what the laser is to photons; even the concept of an atom laser has emerged. In such a case, one naturally asks, “what is the statistical distribution of atoms in the condensate?” For example, let us first address the issue of an ideal gas of N atoms in contact with a reservoir at temperature T . The condensate occupation distribution in the harmonic trap under these conditions at low enough temperatures is given by the pn =
F IG . 1. (a) Mean value n0 and (b) variance n0 = n20 − n0 2 of the number of condensed atoms as a function of temperature for N = 200 atoms in a harmonic trap calculated via the solution of the condensate master equation (solid line). Large dots are the exact numerical results obtained 3 in the canonical ensemble. Dashed line for n0 is a plot of N [1 − (T /T c ) ] which is valid in the thermodynamic limit. Dashed line for n0 is the grand canonical answer n¯ 0 (n¯ 0 + 1) which gives catastrophically large fluctuations below Tc .
BEC master equation analysis as pn0 =
1 [N (T /Tc )3 ]N−n0 . ZN (N − n0 )!
The mean number and variance obtained from the condensate master equation are in excellent agreement with computer simulation (computer experiment) as shown in Fig. 1. We will discuss this aspect of the fluctuation problem in some detail and indicate how the fluctuations change when we go to the case of the interacting Bose gas. (5) The fascinating interface between superfluid He II and BEC in a dilute gas was mapped out by the experiments of Reppy and coworkers [22]; and finite-size effects were studied theoretically by M. Fisher and coworkers [23]. They carried out experiments in which He II was placed in a porous glass medium which serves to keep the atoms well separated. These experiments are characterized by a dilute gas BEC of N atoms at temperature T . Of course, it was the successful experimental demonstration of Bose–Einstein condensation in the ultracold atomic alkali–metal [24–26], hydrogen [27] and helium gases [22,28,29] that stimulated the renaissance in the theory of BEC. In less than a decade, many intriguing problems in the physics of BEC, that were not studied, or understood before the 90s [30–36], were formulated and resolved. (6) Finally, we turn on the interaction between atoms in the BEC and find explicit expressions for the characteristic function and all cumulants of the probability distribution of the number of atoms in the (bare) ground state of a trap for the weakly interacting dilute Bose gas in equilibrium. The surprising result is
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that the BEC statistics is not Gaussian, i.e., the ratio of higher cumulants to an appropriate power of the variance does not vanish, even in the thermodynamic limit. We calculate explicitly the effect of Bogoliubov coupling between excited atoms on the suppression of the BEC fluctuations in a box (“homogeneous gas”) at moderate temperatures and their enhancement at very low temperatures. We find that there is a strong pair-correlation effect in the occupation of the coupled atomic modes with the opposite wavevectors k and −k. This explains why the ground-state occupation fluctuations remain anomalously large to the same extent as in the noninteracting gas, except for a factor of 1/2 suppression. We find that, roughly speaking, this is so because the atoms are strongly coupled in correlated pairs such that the number of independent stochastic occupation variables (“degrees of freedom”) contributing to the fluctuations of the total number of excited atoms is only 1/2 the atom number N . This is a particular feature of the well-studied quantum optics phenomenon of two-mode squeezing (see, e.g., [37] and [18,19]). The squeezing is due to the quantum correlations that build up in the bare excited modes via Bogoliubov coupling and is very similar to the noise squeezing in a nondegenerate parametric amplifier. Throughout the review, we will check main approximate analytical results (such as in Eqs. (162), (172), (223), (263), (271)) against the “exact” numerics based on the recursion relations (79) and (80) which take into account exactly all mesoscopic effects near the critical temperature Tc . Unfortunately, the recursion relations are known only for the ideal Bose gas. In the present review we discuss the BEC fluctuations mainly in the canonical ensemble, which cures misleading predictions of the grand canonical ensemble and, at the same time, does not have any essential differences with the microcanonical ensemble for most physically interesting quantities and situations. Moreover, as we discuss below, the canonical partition function can be used for an accurate calculation of the microcanonical partition function via the saddle-point method.
2. History of the Bose–Einstein Distribution In late 1923, a certain Satyendranath Bose, reader in physics at the University of Dacca in East Bengal, submitted a paper on Planck’s law of blackbody radiation to the Philosophical Magazine. Six months later he was informed that the paper had received a negative referee report, and consequently been rejected [38]. While present authors may find consolation in the thought that the rejection of a truly groundbreaking paper after an irresponsibly long refereeing process is not an invention of our times, few of their mistreated works will eventually meet with a recognition comparable to Bose’s. Not without a palpable amount of self-confidence, Bose sent the rejected manuscript to Albert Einstein in Berlin, together with a handwritten cover letter dated June 4, 1924, beginning [39]:
Respected Sir: I have ventured to send you the accompanying article for your perusal and opinion. I am anxious to know what you think of it. You will see that I have tried to deduce the coefficient 8π ν 2 /c3 in Planck’s Law independent of the classical electrodynamics, only assuming that the ultimate elementary regions in the phase-space has the content h3 . I do not know sufficient German to translate the paper. If you think the paper worth publication I shall be grateful if you arrange its publication in Zeitschrift für Physik. Though a complete stranger to you, I do not hesitate in making such a request. Because we are all your pupils though profiting only from your teachings through your writings. . .
In hindsight, it appears curious that Bose drew Einstein’s attention only to his derivation of the prefactor in Planck’s law. Wasn’t he aware of the fact that his truly singular achievement, an insight not even spelled out explicitly in Einstein’s translation of his paper as it was received by the Zeitschrift für Physik on July 2, 1924 [1,2], but contained implicitly in the mathematics, lay elsewhere?
2.1. W HAT B OSE D ID In the opening paragraph of his paper [1,2], Bose pounces on an issue which he considers unsatisfactory: When calculating the energy distribution of blackbody radiation according to ν dν =
8πν 2 dν Eν , c3
that is, energy per volume of blackbody radiation with frequency between ν and ν + dν = number of modes contained in that frequency interval of the radiation field per volume × thermal energy Eν of a radiation mode with frequency ν, the number of modes had previously been derived only with reference to classical physics. In his opinion, the logical foundation of such a recourse was not sufficiently secure, and he proposed an alternative derivation, based on the hypothesis of light quanta. Considering radiation inside some cavity with volume V , he observed that the squared momentum of such a light quantum is related to its frequency through h2 ν 2 , (9) c2 where h denotes Planck’s constant, and c is the velocity of light. Dividing the frequency axis into intervals of length dν s , such that the entire axis is covered p2 =
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when the label s varies from s = 0 to s = ∞, the phase space volume associated with frequencies between ν and ν + dν s therefore is 2 hν h dν s h3 ν 2 dx dy dz dpx dpy dpz = V 4π (10) = V 4π 3 dν s . c c c It does not seem to have bothered Bose that the concept of phase space again brings classical mechanics into play. Relying on the assumption that a single quantum state occupies a cell of volume h3 in phase space, a notion which, in the wake of the Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization rule, may have appeared natural to a physicist in the early 1920s, and accounting for the two states of polarization, the total number As of quantum cells belonging to frequencies between ν and ν + dν s , corresponding to the number of radiation modes in that frequency interval, immediately follows: 8πν 2 s (11) dν . c3 That’s all, as far as the first factor on the r.h.s. of Eq. (8) is concerned. This is what Bose announced in his letter to Einstein, but this is, most emphatically, not his main contribution towards the understanding of Planck’s law. The few lines which granted him immortality follow when he turns to the second factor. Backtranslated from Einstein’s phrasing of his words [1,2]: As = V
Now it is a simple task to calculate the thermodynamic probability of a (macroscopically defined) state. Let N s be the number of quanta belonging to the frequency interval dν s . How many ways are there to distribute them over the cells belonging to dν s ? Let p0s be the number of vacant cells, p1s the number of those containing one quantum, p2s the number of cells which contain two quanta, and so on. The number of possible distributions then is As !
, p0s !p1s ! . . .
where As = V
8π ν 2 s dν , c3
and where N s = 0 · p0s + 1 · p1s + 2 · p2s . . . is the number of quanta belonging to dν s .
What is happening here? Bose is resorting to a fundamental principle of statistical mechanics, according to which the probability of observing a state with certain macroscopic properties—in short: a macrostate—is proportional to the number of its microscopic realizations—microstates—compatible with the macroscopically given restrictions. Let us, for example, consider a model phase space consisting of four cells only, and let there be four quanta. Let us then specify the macrostate by requiring that one cell remain empty, two cells contain one quantum each, and one cell be doubly occupied, i.e., p0 = 1, p1 = 2, p2 = 1, and pr = 0 for r 3.
How many microstates are compatible with this specification? We may place two quanta in one out of four cells, and then choose one out of the remaining three cells to be the empty one. After that there is no further choice left, since each of the two other cells now has to host one quantum. Hence, there are 4 × 3 = 12 possible configurations, or microstates: 12 = 4!/(1! 2! 1!). In general, when there are As cells belonging to dν s , they can be arranged in As ! ways. However, if a cell pattern is obtained from another one merely by a rearrangement of those p0s cells containing no quantum, the configuration remains unchanged. Obviously, there are p0s ! such “neutral” rearrangements which all correspond to the same configuration. The same argument then applies, for any r 1, to those prs cells containing r quanta: Each of the prs ! possibilities of arranging the cells with r quanta leads to the same configuration. Thus, each configuration is realized by p0s !p1s ! . . . equivalent arrangements of cells, and the number of different configurations, or microstates, is given by the total number of arrangements divided by the number of equivalent arrangements, that is, by Bose’s expression (12). There is one proposition tacitly made in this way of counting microstates which might even appear self-evident, but which actually constitutes the very core of Bose’s breakthrough, and which deserves to be spelled out explicitly: When considering equivalent arrangements as representatives of merely one microstate, it is implied that the quanta are indistinguishable. It does not matter “which quantum occupies which cell”; all that matters are the occupation numbers prs . Even more, the “which quantum”-question is rendered meaningless, since there is, as a matter of principle, no way of attaching some sort of label to individual quanta belonging to the same dν s , with the purpose of distinguishing them. This “indistinguishability in principle” does not occur in classical physics. Two classical particles may have the same mass, and identical other properties, but it is nevertheless taken for granted that one can tell one from the other. Not so, according to Bose, with light quanta. The rest of Bose’s paper has become a standard exercise in statistical physics. Taking into account all frequency intervals dν s , the total number of microstates corresponding to a pre-specified set {prs } of cell occupation numbers is W prs = s
As ! . p0s ! p1s ! . . .
The logarithm of this functional yields the entropy associated with the considered set {prs }. Since, according to the definition of prs ,
As = (14) prs for each s, r
and assuming the statistically relevant prs to be large, Stirling’s approximation ln n! ≈ n ln n − n gives
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s A ln As − prs ln prs . ln W prs = s
[2 (15)
The most probable macrostate now is the one with the maximum number of microstates, characterized by that set of occupation numbers which maximizes this expression (15). Stipulating that the radiation field be thermally isolated, so that its total energy
E= (16) N s hν s with N s = rprs s
is fixed, the maximum is found by variation of the prs , subject to this constraint (16). In addition, the constraints (14) have to be respected. Introducing Lagrangian multipliers λs for these “number-of-cells” constraints, and a further Lagrangian multiplier β for the energy constraint, the maximum is singled out by the condition
s s δ ln W prs − (17) λ pr − β hν s rprs = 0, s
δprs ln prs + 1 + λs + β hν s rδprs = 0.
Since the δprs can now be taken as independent, the maximizing configuration {pˆ rs } obeys ln pˆ rs + 1 + λs + rβhν s = 0,
pˆ rs = B s e−rβhν ,
or s
to be determined from the constraints (14): with normalization constants s
B As = (21) pˆ rs = s . 1 − e−βhν r The total number of quanta for the maximizing configuration then is
As s s r pˆ rs = As 1 − e−βhν re−rβhν = βhν s . Nˆ s = e −1 r r
Still, the physical meaning of the Lagrangian multiplier β has to be established. This can be done with the help of the entropy functional, since inserting the maximizing configuration yields the thermodynamical equilibrium entropy:
s As ln 1 − e−βhν , S = kB ln W pˆ rs = kB βE − (23) s
where kB denotes Boltzmann’s constant. From the identity ∂S/∂E = 1/T one then finds β = 1/(kB T ), the inverse energy equivalent of the temperature T . Hence, from Eqs. (22) and (11) Bose obtains the total energy of the radiation contained in the volume V in the form E=
N s hν s =
8πhν s 3 s
1 s
exp( khν − 1) BT
dν s ,
which is equivalent to Planck’s formula: With the indistinguishability of quanta, i.e., Bose’s enumeration (12) of microstates as key input, the principles of statistical mechanics immediately yield the thermodynamic properties of radiation.
2.2. W HAT E INSTEIN D ID Unlike that unfortunate referee of the Philosophical Magazine, Einstein immediately realized the power of Bose’s approach. Estimating that it took the manuscript three weeks to travel from Dacca to Berlin, Einstein may have received it around June 25 [8]. Only one week later, on July 2, his translation of the manuscript was officially received by the Zeitschrift für Physik. The author’s name was lacking its initials—the byline of the published paper [1] simply reads: By Bose (Dacca University, India)—but otherwise Einstein was doing Bose fair justice: He even sent Bose a handwritten postcard stating that he regarded his paper as a most important contribution; that postcard seems to have impressed the German Consulate in Calcutta to the extent that Bose’s visa was issued without requiring payment of the customary fee [38]. Within just a few days, Einstein then took a further step towards exploring the implications of the “indistinguishability in principle” of quantum mechanical entities. At the end of the printed, German version of Bose’s paper [1], there appears the parenthetical remark “Translated by A. Einstein”, followed by an announcement: Note added by the translator: Bose’s derivation of Planck’s formula constitutes, in my opinion, an important step forward. The method used here also yields the quantum theory of the ideal gas, as I will explain in detail elsewhere.
“Elsewhere” in this case meant the Proceedings of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. In the session of the Academy on July 10, Einstein delivered a paper entitled “Quantum theory of the monoatomic ideal gas” [5]. In that paper, he considered nonrelativistic free particles of mass m, so that the energy-momentum relation simply reads E=
p2 , 2m
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and the phase-space volume for a particle with an energy not exceeding E is 4π (26) (2mE)3/2 . 3 Again relying on the notion that a single quantum state occupies a cell of volume h3 in phase space, the number of such cells belonging to the energy interval from E to E + E is Φ=V
2πV (27) (2m)3/2 E 1/2 E. h3 Thus, for particles with nonzero rest mass s is the analog of Bose’s As introduced in Eq. (11). Einstein then specified the cell occupation numbers by requiring that, out of these s cells, prs s cells contain r particles, so that prs is the probability of finding r particles in any one of these cells,
prs = 1. (28) s =
Now comes the decisive step. Without attempt of justification or even comment, Einstein adopts Bose’s way (12) of counting the number of corresponding microstates. This is a far-reaching hypothesis, which implies that, unlike classical particles, atoms of the same species with energies in the same range E are indistinguishable: Interchanging two such atoms does not yield a new microstate; as with photons, it does not matter “which atom occupies which cell”. Consequently, the number of microstates associated with a pre-specified set of occupation probabilities {prs } for the above s cells is s! , s r=0 (pr s)!
W s = &∞
giving, with the help of Stirling’s formula,
ln W s = −s prs ln prs .
Einstein then casts this result into a more attractive form. Stipulating that the index s does no longer refer jointly to the cells within a certain energy interval, but rather labels individual cells, the above expression naturally generalizes to
prs ln prs , ln W prs = − (31) s
where the cell index s now runs over all cells, so that prs here is the probability of finding r particles in the sth cell. It is interesting to observe that this functional (31) has precisely the same form as the Shannon entropy introduced in 1948 in an information-theoretical context [40].
Since r rprs gives the expectation value of the number of particles occupying the cell labelled s, the total number of particles is
N= (32) rprs , s
while the total energy of the gas reads
E= Es rprs , s
where E s is the energy of a particle in the sth cell. Since, according to Eq. (26), a cell’s number s is related to the energy E s through s=
3/2 V 4π Φs = 3 , 2mE s 3 h h 3
one has
E s = cs 2/3
h2 4πV −2/3 c= . 2m 3
Considering an isolated system, with given, fixed particle number N and fixed energy E, the macrostate realized in nature is characterized by that set {pˆ rs } which maximizes the entropy functional (31), subject to the constraints (32) and (33), together with the constraints (28) expressing normalization of the cell occupation probabilities. Hence,
s s δ ln W prs − λ pr − α rprs − β Es rprs s
= 0,
so that, seen from the conceptual viewpoint, the only difference between Bose’s variational problem (17) and Einstein’s variational problem (37) is the appearance of an additional Lagrangian multiplier α in the latter: In the case of radiation, the total number of light quanta adjusts itself in thermal equilibrium, instead of being fixed beforehand; in the case of a gas of particles with nonzero rest mass, the total number of particles is conserved, requiring the introduction of the entailing multiplier α. One then finds ln pˆ rs + 1 + λs + αr + βrE s = 0
pˆ rs = B s e−r(α+βE ) ,
or s
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with normalization constants to be determined from the constraints (28): B s = 1 − e−(α+βE ) . s
Here we deviate from the notation in Einstein’s paper [5], in order to be compatible with modern conventions. The expectation value for the occupation number of the cell with energy E s then follows from an elementary calculation similar to Bose’s reasoning (22):
1 rprs = α+βE s . (41) e −1 r Therefore, the total number of particles and the total energy of the gas can be expressed as
1 N= (42) , s α+βE e −1 s
Es E= (43) . s eα+βE − 1 s Inserting the maximizing set (39) into the functional (31) yields, after a brief calculation, the equilibrium entropy of the gas in the form
s −(α+βE s ) ln 1 − e . S = kB ln W pˆ r = kB αN + βE − (44) s
In order to identify the Lagrangian multiplier β, Einstein considered an infinitesimal heating of the system, assuming its volume and, hence, the cell energies E s to remain fixed. This gives
d(α + βE s ) dE = T dS = kB T N dα + β dE + E dβ − s eα+βE − 1 s = kB T β dE,
requiring 1 (46) . kB T As in Bose’s case, the Lagrangian multiplier β accounting for the energy constraint is the inverse energy equivalent of the temperature T . The other multiplier α, guaranteeing particle number conservation, then is determined from the identity (42). In the following two sections of his paper [5], Einstein shows how the thermodynamics of the classical ideal gas is recovered if one neglects unity against s eα+βE , and derives the virial expansion of the equation of state for the quantum gas obeying Eqs. (42) and (43). β=
2.3. WAS B OSE –E INSTEIN S TATISTICS A RRIVED AT BY S ERENDIPITY ? The title of this subsection is a literal quote from the title of a paper by M. Delbrück [8], who contents that Bose made an elementary mistake in statistics in that he should have bothered “which quantum occupies which cell”, which would have been the natural approach, and that Einstein first copied that mistake without paying much attention to it. Indeed, such a suspicion does not seem to be entirely unfounded. In his letter to Einstein, Bose announces only his comparatively straightforward derivation of the number (11) of radiation modes falling into the frequency range from ν to ν + dν s , apparently being unaware that his revolutionary deed was the implicit exploitation of the “indistinguishability in principle” of quanta—a concept so far unheard of. In Einstein’s translation of his paper [1] this notion of indistinguishability does not appear in words, although it is what underlies the breakthrough. Even more, it does not appear in the first paper [5] on the ideal Bose gas—until the very last paragraph, where Einstein ponders over . . .a paradox which I have been unable to resolve. There is no difficulty in treating also the case of a mixture of two different gases by the method explained here. In this case, each molecular species has its own “cells”. From this follows the additivity of the entropies of the mixture’s components. Therefore, with respect to molecular energy, pressure, and statistical distribution each component behaves as if it were the only one present. A mixture containing n1 and n2 molecules, with the molecules of the first kind being distinguishable (in particular with respect to the molecular masses m1 , m2 ) only by an arbitrarily small amount from that of the second, therefore yields, at a given temperature, a pressure and a distribution of states which differs from that of a uniform gas with n1 + n2 molecules with practically the same molecular mass, occupying the same volume. However, this appears to be as good as impossible.
Interestingly, Einstein here considers “distinguishability to some variable degree”, which can be continuously reduced to indistinguishability. But this notion is flawed: Either the molecules have some feature which allows us to tell one species from the other, in which case the different species can be distinguished, or they have none at all, in which case they are indistinguishable in principle. Thus, at this point, about two weeks after the receipt of Bose’s manuscript and one week after sending its translation to the Zeitschrift für Physik, even Einstein may not yet have fully grasped the implications of Bose’s way (12) of counting microstates. But there was more to come. In December 1924, Einstein submitted a second manuscript on the quantum theory of the ideal Bose gas [6,7], formally written as a continuation of the first one. He began that second paper by pointing out a curiosity implied by his equation of state of the ideal quantum gas: Given a certain number of particles N and a temperature T , and considering a compression of the volume V , there is a certain volume below which a segregation sets in. With decreasing volume, an increasing number of particles has to occupy the first quantum cell, i.e., the state without kinetic energy, while the rest is distributed over the other cells according to Eq. (41), with eα = 1. Thus, Bose–Einstein condensation was unveiled! But this discovery merely appears as a small addendum
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to the previous paper [5], for Einstein then takes up a different, more fundamental scent. He mentioned that Ehrenfest and other colleagues of his had criticized that in Bose’s and his own theory the quanta or particles had not been treated as statistically independent entities, a fact which had not been properly emphasized. Einstein agrees, and then he sets out to put things straight. He abandons his previous “single-cell” approach and again considers the collection of quantum cells with energies between Eν and Eν + Eν , the number of which is zν =
2πV (2m)3/2 Eν1/2 Eν . h3
Then he juxtaposes in detail Bose’s way of counting microstates to what is done in classical statistics. Assuming that there are nν quantum particles falling into Eν , Bose’s approach (12) implies that there are Wν =
(nν + zν − 1)! nν !(zν − 1)!
possibilities of distributing the particles over the cells. This expression can easily be visualized: Drawing the nν particles as a sequence of nν “dots” in a row, they can be organized into a microstate with specific occupation numbers for zν cells— again assuming that it does not matter which particle occupies which cell—by inserting zν − 1 separating “lines” between them. Thus, there are nν + zν − 1 positions carrying a symbol, nν of which are dots. The total number of microstates then equals the total number of possibilities to select the nν positions carrying a “dot” out of these nν + zν − 1 positions, which is just the binomial coefficient stated in Eq. (48). To give an example: Assuming that there are nν = 4 particles and zν = 4 cells, Eq. (48) states that there are altogether (4 + 4 − 1)! 7! 7·6·5 = = = 35 4! 3! 4! 3! 2·3 microstates. On the other hand, there are several sets of occupation numbers which allow one to distribute the particles over the cells:
Occupation numbers
Number of microstates
p4 = 1, p0 = 3
4! 1! 3! = 4 4! 1! 1! 2! = 12 4! 2! 2! = 6 4! 1! 2! 1! = 12 4! = 1 4!
p3 = 1, p1 = 1, p0 = 2 p2 = 2, p0 = 2 p2 = 1, p1 = 2, p0 = 1 p1 = 4
The right column of this table gives, for each set, the number of microstates according to Bose’s formula (12); obviously, these numbers add up to the total number 35 anticipated above. Thus, the binomial coefficient (48) conveniently accounts for all possible microstates, without the need to specify the occupation numbers, according to the combinatorial identity
Z! N +Z−1 (49) = , N p0 ! . . . pN ! where the sum is restricted to those sets {p0 , p1 , . . . , pN } which comply with the two conditions r pr = Z and r rpr = N , as in the example above. In Appendix A we provide a proof of this identity. With this background, let us return to Einstein’s reasoning: When taking into account all energy & intervals Eν , the total number of microstates is given by the product W = ν Wν , providing the entropy functional (nν + zν ) ln(nν + zν ) − nν ln nν − zν ln zν ln W {nν } = ν
zν nν +1 . nν ln 1 + + zν ln nν zν
The maximizing set {nˆ ν } now has to obey the two constraints
nν = N,
nν Eν = E,
but there is no more need for the multipliers λs appearing in the previous Eqs. (17) and (37), since the constraints (14) or (28) are automatically respected when starting from the convenient expression (48). Hence, one has
δ ln W {nν } − α (53) nν − β nν E ν = 0 ν
zν ln 1 + − α − βEν δnν = 0, nν ν
leading immediately to zν , nˆ ν = α+βE (55) ν −1 e in agreement with the previous result (41). But what, Einstein asks, would have resulted had one not adopted Bose’s prescription (12) and thus counted equivalent arrangements with equal population
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numbers only once, but rather had treated the particles as classical, statistically independent entities? Then there obviously are Wν = (zν )nν
possibilities of distributing the nν particles belonging to Eν over the zν cells: Each particle simply is placed in one of the zν cells, regardless of the others. Now, when considering all intervals Eν , with distinguishable particles it does Eν are selected from matter how those nν particles going into the respective & all N particles; for this selection, there are N !/ ν nν ! possibilities. Thus, taking classical statistics seriously, there are W = N! ν
(zν )nν nν !
possible microstates, yielding
[nν ln zν − nν ln nν + nν ] ln W {nν } = N ln N − N + = N ln N +
zν nν ln nν
+ nν .
This is a truly vexing expression, since it gives a thermodynamical entropy which is not proportional to the total number of particles, i.e., no extensive quantity, because of the first term on the r.h.s. Hence, already in the days before Bose and Einstein one had got used to ignoring the leading factor N ! in Eq. (57), with the half-hearted concession that microstates which result from each other by a mere permutation of the N particles should not be counted as different. Of course, this is an intrinsic inconsistency of the classical theory: Instead of accepting that, shouldn’t one abandon Eq. (57) straight away and accept the more systematic quantum approach, despite the apparently strange consequence of losing the particles’ independence? And Einstein gives a further, strong argument in favor of the quantum theory: At zero temperature, all particles occupy the lowest cell, giving n1 = N and nν = 0 for ν > 1. With z1 = 1, the quantum way of counting based on Eq. (48) gives just one single microstate, which means zero entropy in agreement with Nernst’s theorem, whereas the classical expression (57) yields an incorrect entropy even if one ignores the disturbing N ! Finally, the variational calculation based on the classical functional (58) proceeds via
zν ln − α − βEν δnν = 0, (59) nν ν furnishing the Boltzmann-like distribution nˆ ν = zν e−α−βEν
for the maximizing set {nˆ ν }. In short, the quantum ideal gas of nonzero mass particles with its distribution (55) deviates from the classical ideal gas in the same manner as does Planck’s law of radiation from Wien’s law. This observation convinced Einstein, even in the lack of any clear experimental evidence, that Bose’s way of counting microstates had to be taken seriously, since, as he remarks in the introduction to his second paper [6], “if it is justified to consider radiation as a quantum gas, the analogy between the quantum gas and the particle gas has to be a complete one”. This belief also enabled him to accept the sacrifice of the statistical independence of quantum particles implied by the formula (48), which, by the end of 1924, he had clearly realized: The formula therefore indirectly expresses a certain hypothesis about a mutual influence of the molecules on each other which is of an entirely mysterious kind. . .
But what might be the physics behind that mysterious influence which noninteracting particles appear to exert on each other? In a further section of his paper [6], Einstein’s reasoning takes an amazing direction: He considers the density fluctuations of the ideal quantum gas, and from this deduces the necessity to invoke wave mechanics! Whereas he had previously employed what is nowadays known as the microcanonical ensemble, formally embodied through the constraints that the total number of particles and the total energy be fixed, he now resorts to a grand canonical framework and considers a gas within some finite volume V which communicates with a gas of the same species contained in an infinitely large volume. He then stipulates that both volumes be separated from each other by some kind of membrane which can be penetrated only by particles with an energy in a certain infinitesimal range Eν , and quantifies the ensuing fluctuation nν of the number of particles in V , not admitting energy exchange between particles in different energy intervals. Writing nν = nˆ ν + nν , the entropy of the gas within V is expanded in the form Sgas (nν ) = Sˆgas +
∂ Sˆgas 1 ∂ 2 Sˆgas nν + (nν )2 , ∂nν 2 ∂(nν )2
whereas the entropy of the reservoir changes with the transferred particles according to ∂ Sˆ0 S0 (nν ) = Sˆ0 − nν . ∂nν
In view of the assumed infinite size of the reservoir, the quadratic term is negligible here. Since the equilibrium state is characterized by the requirement that the total entropy S = Sgas + S0 be maximum, one has ∂ Sˆ = 0, ∂nν
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so that 1 ∂ 2 Sˆgas (nν )2 . S(nν ) = Sˆ + 2 ∂(nν )2
Hence, the probability distribution for finding a certain fluctuation nν is Gaussian, P (nν ) = const · eS(nν )/kB 1 ∂ 2 Sˆgas 2 = const · exp (n ) , ν 2kB ∂(nν )2
from which one reads off the mean square of the fluctuations,
(nν )2 =
kB ∂ 2 Sˆ − ∂(ngas)2 ν
Since, according to the previous Eq. (54), one has 1 ∂ Sˆgas zν = ln 1 + , kB ∂nν nˆ ν
one deduces −zν 1 ∂ 2 Sˆgas = 2 , 2 kB ∂(nν ) nˆ ν + zν nˆ ν
resulting in nˆ 2 (nν )2 = nˆ ν + ν zν
1 1 (nν /nν )2 = + . nˆ ν zν
With zν = 1, this gives the familiar grand canonical expression for the fluctuation of the occupation number of a single quantum state. With a stroke of genius, Einstein now interprets this formula: Whereas the first term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (70) would also be present if the particles were statistically independent, the second term reminds him of interference fluctuations of a radiation field [6]: One can interpret it even in the case of a gas in a corresponding manner, by associating with the gas a radiation process in a suitable manner, and calculating its interference fluctuations. I will explain this in more detail, since I believe that this is more than a formal analogy.
He then refers to de Broglie’s idea of associating a wavelike process with single material particles and argues that, if one associates a scalar wave field with a gas of quantum particles, the term 1/zν in Eq. (70) describes the corresponding mean square fluctuation of the wave field. What an imagination—on the basis of the fluctuation formula (70) Einstein anticipates many-body matter waves, long before wave mechanics was officially enthroned! Indeed, it was this paper of his which led to a decisive turn of events: From these speculations on the relevance of matter waves Schrödinger learned about de Broglie’s thesis, acquired a copy of it, and then formulated his wave mechanics. Having recapitulated this history, let us once again turn to the title of this subsection: Was Bose–Einstein statistics arrived at by serendipity? Delbrück’s opinion that it arose out of an elementary mistake in statistics that Bose made almost certainly is too harsh. On the other hand, the important relation (49), see also Appendix A, does not seem to have figured in Bose’s thinking. When writing down the crucial expression (12), Bose definitely must have been aware that he was counting the number of microstates by determining the number of different distributions of quanta over the available quantum cells, regardless of “which quantum occupies which cell”. He may well have been fully aware that his way of counting implied the indistinguishability of quanta occupying the same energy range, but he did not reflect on this curious issue. On the other hand, he didn’t have to, since his way of counting directly led to one of the most important formulas in physics, and therefore simply had to be correct. Many years later, Bose recalled [41]: I had no idea that what I had done was really novel. . . I was not a statistician to the extent of really knowing that I was doing something which was really different from what Boltzmann would have done, from Boltzmann statistics. Instead of thinking of the light-quantum just as a particle, I talked about these states.
By counting the number of ways to fill a number of photonic states (cells) Bose obtained Eq. (13) which is exactly the same form as Boltzmann’s Eq. (57) for zν = 1, but with new meanings attached to the new symbols: ns replaced by prs and N replaced by As . Bose’s formula leads to an entirely different new statistics—the quantum statistics for indistinguishable particles, in contrast to Boltzmann’s distinguishable particles. It took a while for this to sink in even with Einstein, but that is the nature of research. Contrary to Bose, Einstein had no experimental motivation when adapting Bose’s work to particles with nonzero rest mass. He seems to have been guided by a deep-rooted belief in the essential simplicity of physics, so that he was quite ready to accept a complete analogy between the gas of light quanta and the ideal gas of quantum particles, although he may not yet have seen the revolutionary implications of this concept when he submitted his first paper [5] on this matter. But the arrival at a deep truth on the basis of a well-reflected conviction can hardly
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be called serendipity. His second paper [6] is, by all means, a singular intellectual achievement, combining daring intuition with almost prophetical insight. And who would blame Einstein for trying to apply, in another section of that second paper, his quantum theory of the ideal Bose gas to the electron gas in metals? In view of the outstanding importance which Einstein’s fluctuation formula (70) has had for the becoming of wave mechanics, it appears remarkable that a puzzling question has long remained unanswered: What happens if one faces, unlike Einstein in his derivation of this relation (70), a closed system of Bose particles which does not communicate with some sort of particle reservoir? When the temperature T approaches zero, all N particles are forced into the system’s ground state, so that the mean square (n0 )2 of the fluctuation of the ground-state occupation number has to vanish for T → 0—but with z0 = 1, the grand canonical Eq. (69) gives (n0 )2 → N (N +1), clearly indicating that with respect to these fluctuations the different statistical ensembles are no longer equivalent. What, then, would be the correct expression for the fluctuation of the ground-state occupation number within the canonical ensemble, which excludes any exchange of particles with the environment, but still allows for the exchange of energy? To what extent does the microcanonical ensemble, which applies when even the energy is kept constant, differ from the canonical one? Various aspects of this riddle have appeared in the literature over the years [13,15,42], mainly inspired by academic curiosity, before it resurfaced in 1996 [43–46], this time triggered by the experimental realization of mesoscopic Bose–Einstein condensates in isolated microtraps. Since then, much insight into this surprisingly rich problem has been gained, and some of the answers to the above questions have been given by now. In the following sections of this article, these new developments will be reviewed in detail.
2.4. C OMPARISON BETWEEN B OSE ’ S AND E INSTEIN ’ S C OUNTING OF THE N UMBER OF M ICROSTATES W In Bose’s original counting (12), he considered the numbers prs of cellsoccupied with r photons, so that the total number of cells is given by As = r prs . While Einstein still had adopted this way of counting in his first paper [5] on the ideal Bose gas, as witnessed by his Eq. (29), he used, without comment, more economical means in his second paper [6], relying on the binomial coefficient (48). Figure 2 shows an example in which N s = 2 particles are distributed over As = 3 cells, and visualizes that Bose’s formula for counting the number of possible arrangements (or the number of microstates which give the same macrostate) gives the same result as Einstein’s formula only after one has summed over all possible configurations, i.e., over those sets p0s , p1s , . . . which simultane-
F IG . 2. A simple example showing Bose’s and Einstein’s (textbook) methods of counting the number of possible ways to put n = 2 particles in a level having A = g = 3 states.
ously obey the two conditions As = r prs and N s = r rprs . In this example, there are only two such sets; a general proof is given in Appendix A. Thus, it is actually possible to state the number of microstates without specifying the individual arrangements, by summing over all of them:
p0s =0
s =0 pN s
As ! , As = prs and N s = rprs s s s p0 !p1 ! . . . pN s
(N s + As − 1)! . N s !(As − 1)!
3. Grand Canonical versus Canonical Statistics of BEC Fluctuations The problem of BEC fluctuations in a Bose gas is well known [13,15]. However, as with many other problems which are well-posed physically and mathematically, it is highly nontrivial and deep, especially for the interacting Bose gas.
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3.1. R ELATIONS BETWEEN S TATISTICS OF BEC F LUCTUATIONS IN THE G RAND C ANONICAL , C ANONICAL , AND M ICROCANONICAL E NSEMBLES To set the stage, we briefly review here some basic notions and facts from the statistical physics of BEC involving relations between statistics of BEC fluctuations in the grand canonical, canonical, and microcanonical ensembles. Specific experimental conditions determine which statistics should be applied to describe a particular system. In view of the present experimental status the canonical and microcanonical descriptions of the BEC are of primary importance. Recent BEC experiments on harmonically trapped atoms of dilute gases deal with a finite and well-defined number of particles. This number, even if it is not known exactly, certainly does not fluctuate once the cooling process is over. Magnetic or optical confinement suggests that the system is also thermally isolated and, hence, the theory of the trapped condensate based on a microcanonical ensemble is needed. In this microcanonical ensemble the total particle number and the total energy are both exactly conserved, i.e., the corresponding operators are constrained to be the c-number constants, Nˆ = const and Hˆ = const. On the other hand, in experiments with two (or many) component BECs, Bose–Fermi mixtures, and additional gas components, e.g., for sympathetic cooling, there is an energy exchange between the components. As a result, each of the components can be described by the canonical ensemble that applies to systems with conserved particle number while exchanging energy with a heat bath of a given temperature. Such a description is also appropriate for dilute 4 He in a porous medium [22]. In the canonical ensemble only the total number of particles is constrained to be an exact, nonfluctuating constant,
N = nˆ 0 + (72) nˆ k , k =0
but the energy Hˆ has nonzero fluctuations, (Hˆ − H¯ )2 = 0, and only its average value is a constant, Hˆ = H¯ = E = const, determined by a fixed temperature T of the system. However, the microcanonical and canonical descriptions of a many-body system are difficult because of the operator constraints imposed on the total energy and particle number. As a result, the standard textbook formulation of the BEC problem assumes either a grand canonical ensemble (describing a system which is allowed to exchange both energy and particles with a reservoir at a given temperature T and chemical potential μ, which fix only the average total number of particles, Nˆ = const, and the average total energy Hˆ = const) or some restricted ensemble that selects states so as to ensure a condensate wave function with an almost fixed phase and amplitude [30,32,47,48]. These standard formulations focus on and provide effective tools for the study of the thermodynamic
and hydrodynamic properties of the many-body Bose system at the expense of an artificial modification of the condensate statistics and dynamics of BEC formation. While the textbook grand canonical prediction of the condensate mean occupation agrees, in some sense, with the Bose–Einstein condensation of trapped atomic gases, this is not even approximately true as concerns the grand canonical counting statistics nν 1 n¯ ν GC ρν (nν ) = (73) , 1 + n¯ ν 1 + n¯ ν which gives the probability to find nν particles in a given single-particle state ν, where the mean occupation is n¯ ν . Below the Bose–Einstein condensation temperature, where the ground state mean-occupation number is macroscopic, n¯ 0 ∼ N , the distribution ρ0GC (n0 ) becomes extremely broad with the squared variance (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 ≈ n¯ 20 ∝ N 2 even at T → 0 [13,49]. This prediction is surely at odds with the isolated Bose gas, where for sufficiently low temperature all particles are expected to occupy the ground state with no fluctuations left. It was argued by Ziff et al. [13] that this unphysical behavior of the variance is just a mathematical artefact of the standard grand canonical ensemble, which becomes unphysical below the condensation point. Thus, the grand canonical ensemble is irrelevant to experiment if not revised properly. Another extremity, namely, a complete fixation of the amplitude and phase of the condensate wave function, is unable to address the condensate formation and the fluctuation problems at all. It was first realized by Fierz [42] that the canonical ensemble with an exactly fixed total number of particles removes the pathologies of the grand canonical ensemble. He exploited the fact that the description of BEC in a homogeneous ideal Bose gas is exactly equivalent to the spherical model of statistical physics, and that the condensate serves as a particle reservoir for the noncondensed phase. Recently BEC fluctuations were studied by a number of authors in different statistical ensembles, both in the ideal and interacting Bose gases. The microcanonical treatment of the ground-state fluctuations in a one-dimensional harmonic trap is closely related to the combinatorics of partitioning an integer, opening up an interesting link to number theory [43,50,51]. It is worthwhile to compare the counting statistics (73) with the predictions of other statistical ensembles [46]. For high temperatures, T > Tc , all three ensembles predict the same counting statistics. However, this is not the case for low temperatures, T < Tc . Here the broad distribution of the grand canonical statistics differs most dramatically from ρ0 (n0 ) in the canonical and microcanonical statistics, which show a narrow single-peaked distribution around the condensate mean occupation number. In particular, the master equation approach [52, 53] (Section 4) yields a finite negative binomial distribution for the probability distribution of the ground-state occupation in the ideal Bose gas in the canonical ensemble (see Fig. 12 and Eqs. (154), (162), and (163)). The width of the peak
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decreases with decreasing temperature. In fact, it is this sharply-peaked statistical distribution which one would naively expect for a Bose condensate. Each statistical ensemble is described by a different partition function. The microcanonical partition function Ω(E, N ) is equal to the number of N -particle microstates corresponding to a given total energy E. Interestingly, at low temperatures canonical and microcanonical fluctuations have been found to agree in the large-N (thermodynamic) limit for one-dimensional harmonic trapping potentials, but to differ in the case of three-dimensional isotropic harmonic traps [54]. More precisely, for the d-dimensional power-law traps characterized by an exponent σ , as considered later in Section 5.3, microcanonical and canonical fluctuations agree in the large-N limit when d/σ < 2, but the microcanonical fluctuations remain smaller than the canonical ones when d/σ > 2 [55]. Thus, in d = 3 dimensions the homogeneous Bose gas falls into the first category, but the harmonically trapped one into the second. The difference between the fluctuations in these two ensembles is expressed by a formula which is similar in spirit to the one expressing the familiar difference between the heat capacities at constant pressure and at constant volume [54,55]. The direct numerical computation of the microcanonical partition function becomes very time consuming or not possible for N > 105 . For N 1, and for large numbers of occupied excited energy levels, one can invoke, e.g., the approximate technique based on the saddle-point method, which is widely used in statistical physics [31]. When employing this method, one starts from the known grand canonical partition function and utilizes the saddle-point approximation for extracting its required canonical and microcanonical counterparts, which then yield all desired quantities by taking suitable derivatives. Recently, still another statistical ensemble, the so called Maxwell’s demon ensemble, has been introduced [54]. Here, the system is divided into the condensate and the particles occupying excited states, so that only particle transfer (without energy exchange) between these two subsystems is allowed, an idea that had also been exploited by Fierz [42] and by Politzer [44]. This ensemble has been used to obtain an approximate analytical expression for the ground-state BEC fluctuations both in the canonical and in the microcanonical ensemble. The Maxwell’s demon approximation can be understood on the basis of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach [20,21], which is discussed in Section 5, and which is readily generalizable to the case of the interacting Bose gas (see Section 6). It also directly proves that the higher statistical moments for a homogeneous Bose gas depend on the particular boundary conditions imposed, even in the thermodynamic limit [20,21, 56]. The canonical partition function ZN (T ) is defined as ZN (T ) =
e−E/kB T Ω(E, N ),
where the sum runs over all allowed energies, and kB is the Boltzmann constant. Eq. (74) can be used to calculate also the microcanonical partition function Ω(E, N ) by means of the inversion of this definition. Likewise, the canonical partition function ZN (T ) can be obtained by the inversion of the definition of the grand canonical partition function Ξ (μ, T ): Ξ (μ, T ) =
eμN/kB T ZN (T ).
Inserting Eq. (74) into Eq. (75), we obtain the following relation between Ξ (μ, T ) and Ω(E, N ): Ξ (μ, T ) =
eμN/kB T
e−E/kB T Ω(E, N ).
As an example, let us consider an isotropic 3-dimensional harmonic trap with eigenfrequency ω. In this case, a relatively compact expression for the grand canonical partition function, (E/h¯ ω+1)(E/h¯ ω+2)/2 ∞ 1 , Ξ (μ, T ) = (77) 1 − e(μ−E)/kB T E
allows us to find Ω(E, N ) from Eq. (76) by an application of the saddle-point approximation to the contour integral ' ' Ξ (z, x) 1 dz dx N+1 E/hω+1 , Ω(E, N) = (2πi)2 z x ¯ γz
−h¯ ω/kB T
, z=e
γx μ/kB T
where the contours of integration γz and γx include z = 0 and x = 0, respectively. It is convenient to rewrite the function under the integral in Eq. (78) as exp[ϕ(z, x)], where ϕ(z, x) = ln Ξ (z, x) − (N + 1) ln z − (E/h¯ ω + 1) ln x. Taking the contours through the extrema (saddle points) z0 and x0 of ϕ(z, x), and employing the usual Gaussian approximation, we get for N → ∞ and E/h¯ ω → ∞ the following asymptotic formula: −1/2 E/hω+1 Ξ (z0 , x0 )/z0N+1 x0 ¯ , Ω(E, N) = 2πD(z0 , x0 ) where D(z0 , x0 ) is the determinant of the second derivatives of the function ϕ(z, x), evaluated at the saddle points [45]. For N → ∞ and E/h¯ ω → ∞ the function exp[ϕ(z, x)] is sharply peaked at z0 and x0 , which ensures good accuracy of the Gaussian approximation. However, the standard result becomes
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incorrect for E < Nε1 , where ε1 = hω ¯ 1 is the energy of the first excited state (see [45,57]); in this case, a more refined version of the saddle-point method is required [58–60]. We discuss this improved version of the saddle-point method in Appendix F. An accurate knowledge of the canonical partition function is helpful for the calculation of the microcanonical condensate fluctuations by the saddle point method, as has been demonstrated [57] by a numerical comparison with exact microcanonical simulations. In principle, the knowledge of the canonical partition function allows us to calculate thermodynamic and statistical equilibrium properties of the system in the standard way (see, e.g., [13,61]). An important fact is that the usual thermodynamic quantities (average energy, work, pressure, heat capacities, etc.) and the average number of condensed atoms do not have any infrared-singular contributions and do not depend on a choice of the statistical ensemble in the thermodynamic (bulk) limit. However, the variance and higher moments of the BEC fluctuations do have the infrared anomalies and do depend on the statistical ensemble, so that their calculation is much more involved and subtle.
3.2. E XACT R ECURSION R ELATION FOR THE S TATISTICS OF THE N UMBER OF C ONDENSED ATOMS IN AN I DEAL B OSE G AS It is worth noting that there is one useful reference result in the theory of BEC fluctuations, namely, an exact recursion relation for the statistics of the number of condensed atoms in an ideal Bose gas. Although it does not give any simple analytical answer or physical insight into the problem, it can be used for “exact” numerical simulations for traps containing a finite number of atoms. This is very useful as a reference to be compared against different approximate analytical formulas. This exact recursion relation for the ideal Bose gas had been known for a long time [61], and rederived independently by several authors [46,62–64]. In the canonical ensemble, the probability to find n0 particles occupying the singleparticle ground state is given by ρ0 (n0 ) =
ZN−n0 (T ) − ZN−n0 −1 (T ) ; ZN (T )
Z−1 ≡ 0.
The recurrence relation for the ideal Bose gas then states [61,62] ZN (T ) =
N 1 Z1 (T /k)ZN−k (T ), N
Z1 (T ) =
k=1 ∞
e−εν /kB T , Z0 (T ) = 1,
which enables one to numerically compute the entire counting statistics (79). Here ν stands for a set of quantum numbers which label a given single-particle state, εν is the associated energy, and the ground-state energy is taken as ε0 = 0 by convention. For an isotropic, three-dimensional harmonic trap one has Z1 (T ) =
1 n=0
(n + 2)(n + 1)e−nh¯ ω/kB T =
1 (1 − e−h¯ ω/kB T )3
where 12 (n + 2)(n + 1) is the degeneracy of the level εn = nh¯ ω. In the microcanonical ensemble the ground-state occupation probability is given by a similar formula Ω(E, N − n0 ) − Ω(E, N − n0 − 1) ; Ω(E, N ) Ω(E, −1) ≡ 0,
ρ0MC (n0 ) =
where the microcanonical partition function obeys the recurrence relation Ω(E, N) =
N ∞ 1
Ω(E − kεν , N − k), N k=1 ν=0
Ω(0, N) = 1, Ω(E > 0, 0) = 0.
For finite E the sum over ν is finite because of Ω(E < 0, N) = 0.
3.3. G RAND C ANONICAL A PPROACH Here we discuss the grand canonical ensemble, and show that it loses its validity for the ideal Bose gas in the condensed region. Nevertheless, reasonable approximate results can be obtained if the canonical-ensemble constraint is properly incorporated in the grand canonical approach, especially if we are not too close to Tc . In principle, the statistical properties of BECs can be probed with light [65]. In particular, the variance of the number of scattered photons may distinguish between the Poisson and microcanonical statistics. 3.3.1. Mean Number of Condensed Particles in an Ideal Bose Gas The Bose–Einstein distribution can be easily derived from the density matrix approach. Consider a collection of particles with the Hamiltonian Hˆ = † ˆ k aˆ k (εk − μ), where μ is the chemical potential. The equilibrium state of ka the system is described by ρˆ =
1 exp −β Hˆ , Z
V.V. Kocharovsky et al.
& where Z = Tr{exp(−β Hˆ )} = k (1 − e−β(εk −μ) )−1 . Then the mean number of particles with energy εk is † −β aˆ † aˆ (ε −μ) nk nk aˆ k aˆ k e k k k nk = Tr ρˆ aˆ k† aˆ k = 1 − e−β(εk −μ) nk
d(1 − e−β(εk −μ) )−1 1 = . (84) = 1 − e−β(εk −μ) d(−β(εk − μ)) exp[β(εk − μ)] − 1 In the grand canonical ensemble the average condensate particle number n¯ 0 is determined from the equation for the total number of particles in the trap, N=
n¯ k =
1 , exp β(εk − μ) − 1
where εk is the energy spectrum of the trap. In particular, for the three dimensional (3D) isotropic harmonic trap we have εk = h¯ Ω(kx + ky + kz ). For simplicity, we set ε0 = 0. For 3D and 1D traps with noninteracting atoms, Eq. (85) was studied by Ketterle and van Druten [11], and by Grossmann and Holthaus [43,66]. They calculated the fraction of ground-state atoms versus temperature for various N and found that BEC also exists in 1D traps, where the condensation phenomenon looks very similar to the 3D case. Later Herzog and Olshanii [67] used the known analytical formula for the canonical partition function of bosons trapped in a 1D harmonic potential [68,69] and showed that the discrepancy between the grand canonical and the canonical predictions for the 1D condensate fraction becomes less than a few per cent for N > 104 . The deviation decreases according to a 1/ ln N scaling law for fixed T /Tc . In 3D the discrepancy is even less than in the 1D system [64]. The ground state occupation number and other thermodynamic properties were studied by Chase, Mekjian and Zamick [64] in the grand canonical, canonical and microcanonical ensembles by applying combinatorial techniques developed earlier in statistical nuclear fragmentation models. In such models there are also constraints, namely the conservation of proton and neutron number. The specific heat and the occupation of the ground state were found substantially in agreement in all three ensembles. This confirms the essential validity of the use of the different ensembles even for small groups of particles as long as the usual thermodynamic quantities, which do not have any infrared singular contributions, are calculated. Let us demonstrate how to calculate the mean number of condensed particles for a particular example of a 3D isotropic harmonic trap. Following Eq. (85), we can relate the chemical potential μ to the mean number of condensed particles n¯ 0 as 1 + 1/n¯ 0 = exp(−βμ). Thus, we have N=
∞ ∞
nk = k=0
1 . (1 + 1/n¯ 0 ) exp βεk − 1
The standard approach is to consider the case N 1 and separate off the ground state so that Eq. (86) approximately yields
1 . N − n¯ 0 = (87) exp(βεk ) − 1 k>0
For an isotropic harmonic trap with frequency Ω,
1 1 (n + 2)(n + 1) = exp(βεk ) − 1 2 exp(βnh¯ Ω) − 1 n=1
1 2
∞ 1
(x + 2)(x + 1) dx. exp(xβ hΩ) −1 ¯
In the limit kB T h¯ Ω we obtain
1 1 ≈ exp(βεk ) − 1 2
∞ 0
x2 dx = exp(xβ hΩ) −1 ¯
kB T hΩ ¯
3 ζ (3).
Furthermore, when T = Tc we take n¯ 0 = 0. Then Eqs. (87) and (89) yield N 1/3 kB Tc = hΩ ¯ ζ (3)
and the temperature dependence of the mean condensate occupation with a cusp at T = Tc in the thermodynamic limit 3 T . n¯ 0 (T ) = N 1 − (91) Tc Figure 3 compares the numerical solution of Eq. (86) (solid line) for N = 200 with the numerical calculation of n¯ 0 (T ) from the exact recursion relations in Eqs. (79) and (80) in the canonical ensemble (large dots). Small dots show the plot of the solution (91), which is valid only for a large number of particles, N . Obviously, more accurate solution of the equation for the mean number of condensed particles (86) in a trap with a finite number of particles does not show the cusp. In Appendix B we derive an analytical solution of Eq. (86) for n¯ 0 (T ) valid for n¯ 0 (T ) 1. One can see that for the average particle number both ensembles yield very close answers. However, this is not the case for the BEC fluctuations. 3.3.2. Condensate Fluctuations in an Ideal Bose Gas s Condensate fluctuations are characterized by the central moments (n0 − n0 ) = r rs nr0 n0 s−r . The first few of them are (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 = n20 − n0 2 , (92)
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F IG . 3. Mean number of condensed particles as a function of temperature for N = 200. The solid line is the plot of the numerical solution of Eq. (86). The exact numerical result for the canonical ensemble (Eqs. (79) and (80)) is plotted as large dots. The dashed line is obtained using Maxwell’s demon ensemble approach, which yields n¯ 0 = N − ∞ k>0 1/[exp(βεk ) − 1].
(n0 − n¯ 0 )3 = n30 − 3 n20 n0 + 2n0 3 , (n0 − n¯ 0 )4 = n40 − 4 n30 n0 + 6 n20 n0 2 − 3n0 4 .
(93) (94)
At arbitrary temperatures, BEC fluctuations in the canonical ensemble can be described via a stochastic variable n0 = N − k =0 nk that depends on and is complementary to the sum of the independently fluctuating numbers nk , k = 0, of the excited atoms. In essence, the canonical-ensemble constraint in Eq. (72) eliminates one degree of freedom (namely, the ground-state one) from the set of all independent degrees of freedom of the original grand canonical ensemble, so that only transitions between the ground and excited states remain independently fluctuating quantities. They describe the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles, or excitations, via the creation and annihilation operators βˆ + and βˆ (see Sections 5 and 6 below). At temperatures higher than Tc the condensate fraction is small and one can approximately treat the condensate as being in contact with a reservoir of noncondensate particles. The condensate exchanges particles with the big reservoir. Hence, the description of particle fluctuations in the grand canonical picture, assuming that the number of atoms in the ground state fluctuates independently from the numbers of excited atoms, is accurate in this temperature range. At temperatures close to or below Tc the situation becomes completely different. One can say that at low temperatures, T Tc , the picture is opposite to the picture of the Bose gas above the BEC phase transition at T > Tc . The canonicalensemble quasiparticle approach, suggested in Refs. [20,21] and valid both for
the ideal and interacting Bose gases, states that at low temperatures the noncondensate particles can be treated as being in contact with the big reservoir of the n0 condensate particles. This idea had previously been spelled out by Fierz [42] and been used by Politzer [44], and was then employed for the construction of the “Maxwell’s demon ensemble” [54], named so since a permanent selection of the excited (moving) atoms from the ground state (static) atoms is a problem resembling the famous Maxwell’s demon problem in statistical physics. Note that although this novel statistical concept can be studied approximately with the help of the Bose–Einstein expression (84) for the mean number of excited (only excited, k = 0!) states with some new chemical potential μ, it describes the canonical-ensemble fluctuations and is essentially different from the standard grand canonical description of fluctuations in the Bose gas. Moreover, it is approximately valid only if we are not too close to the critical temperature Tc , since otherwise the “particle reservoir” is emptied. Also, the fluctuations obtained from the outlined “grand” canonical approach (see Eqs. (95)–(102) and (C10)–(C12)), an approach complementary to the grand canonical one, provide an accurate description in this temperature range in the thermodynamic limit, but do not take into account all mesoscopic effects, especially near Tc (for more details, see Sections 4 and 5). Thus, although the mean number of condensed atoms n¯ 0 can be found from the grand canonical expression used in Eq. (85), we still need to invoke the conservation of the total particle number N = n0 + n in order to find the higher moments of condensate fluctuations, nr0 . Namely, we can use the following relation between the central moments of the mth order of the number of condensed atoms, and that of the noncondensed ones: (n0 − n¯ 0 )m = (−1)m (n − n) ¯ m . As a result, at low enough temperatures one can approximately write the central moments in the well-known canonical form via the cumulants in the ideal Bose gas (see Eqs. (220), (221), (219), (223) and Section 5 below for more details):
(n0 − n¯ 0 )2 = κ2 = κ˜ 2 + κ˜ 1 ≈ (95) n¯ 2k + n¯ k ,
(n0 − n¯ 0 ) = −κ3 = −(κ˜ 3 − 3κ˜ 2 − κ˜ 1 ) ≈ − 3
2n¯ 3k + 3n¯ 2k + n¯ k , (96)
(n0 − n¯ 0 )4 = κ4 + 3κ22 = κ˜ 4 + 6κ˜ 3 + 7κ˜ 2 + κ˜ 1 + 3(κ˜ 2 + κ˜ 1 )2
2 2 6n¯ 4k + 12n¯ 3k + 7n¯ 2k + n¯ k + 3 n¯ k + n¯ k . ≈ k>0
These same equations can also be derived by means of the straightforward calculation explained in Appendix C. Combining the hallmarks of the grand canonical approach, namely, the value of the chemical potential μ = −β −1 ln(1 + 1/n¯ 0 ) and the mean noncondensate occupation n¯ k = {exp[β(Ek − μ)] − 1}−1 , with the Eq. (95) describing the fluc-
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tuations in the canonical ensemble, we find the BEC variance n20 ≡ (n0 − n¯ 0 )2
" 1 1 = + 1 2 [exp(βEk )(1 + n¯ 0 ) − 1] exp(βEk )(1 + k>0
# 1 n¯ 0 ) − 1
In the case kB T h¯ Ω, this Eq. (98) can be evaluated analytically, as is shown in Appendix D. The variance up to second order in 1/n¯ 0 from Eq. (D4) is ! 3 2 N 1 1 1 1/2 1 T π n0 ≈ . − (1 + ln n¯ 0 ) + 2 ln n¯ 0 − ζ (3) Tc 6 n¯ 0 4 n¯ 0 2 (99) The leading term in this expression yields Politzer’s result [44], ! ! 3 ζ (2)N T 3 T n0 ≈ ≈ 1.17 N , ζ (3) Tc Tc
plotted as a dashed line in Fig. 4, where ζ (2) = π6 ≈ 1.644 9 and ζ (3) ≈ 1.202 1 (compare this with D. ter Haar’s [15] result n0 ≈ N ( TTc )3 , which is missing the square root). The same formula was obtained later by Navez et al. using the Maxwell’s demon ensemble [54]. For the microcanonical ensemble the Maxwell’s demon approach yields [54] ! ! 3 3 ζ (2) 3ζ (3) T T n0 ≈ N (101) ≈ 0.73 N ; − ζ (3) 4ζ (4) Tc Tc higher-order terms have been derived in Ref. [60]. The microcanonical fluctuations are smaller than the canonical ones due to the additional energy constraint. For 2D and 1D harmonic traps the Maxwell’s demon approach leads to [46,55] $ √ T Tc T ln n0 ∼ N (102) and n0 ∼ N, Tc T Tc respectively. Figure 4 shows the BEC variance n0 (T ) as a function of temperature for a 3D trap with the total particle number N = 200. The “grand” canonical curve refers to Eq. (98) and shows good agreement for T < Tc with the numerical result for n0 (T ) (large dots), obtained within the exact recursion relations (79) and (80) for the canonical ensemble. The plot of Politzer’s asymptotic formula (100) (dashed line) does not give good agreement, since the particle number consid√ ered here is fairly low. We also plot n¯ 0 (n¯ 0 + 1), which is the expression for the condensate number fluctuations n0 in the grand canonical ensemble; it works well above Tc . Figure 5 shows the third central moment (n0 − n¯ 0 )3 as a function
F IG . 4. Variance (n0 − n0 )2 1/2 of the condensate particle number for N = 200. The solid line is the “grand” canonical result obtained from Eq. (98) and the numerical solution of n0 from Eq. (86). Exact numerical data for the canonical ensemble (Eqs. (79) and (80)) are shown as dots. The asymptotic Politzer approximation [44], given by Eq. (100), is shown by the dashed line, while small dots result from Eq. (D4). The dash-dotted line is obtained from the master equation approach (see Eq. (172) below).
of temperature for the total particle number N = 200, plotted using Eqs. (96) and (86). Dots are the exact numerical result obtained within the canonical ensemble. We also plot the standard grand canonical formula 2n¯ 30 + 3n¯ 20 + n¯ 0 , which again works well only above Tc . At high temperatures the main point, of course, is the validity of the standard grand canonical approach where the average occupation of the ground state alone gives a correct description of the condensate fluctuations, since the excited particles constitute a valid “particle reservoir”. Condensate fluctuations obtained from the “grand” canonical approach for the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles and from the standard grand canonical ensemble provide an accurate description of the canonical-ensemble fluctuations at temperatures not √ too close to the narrow crossover region between low (Eq. (98)) and high ( n¯ 0 (n¯ 0 + 1)) temperature regimes; i.e., in the region not too near Tc . In this crossover range both approximations fail, since the condensate and the noncondensate fractions have comparable numbers of particles, and there is no any valid particle reservoir. Note, however, that a better description, that includes mesoscopic effects and works in the whole temperature range, can be obtained using the condensate master equa-
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F IG . 5. The third central moment (n0 − n¯ 0 )3 for N = 200, plotted using Eqs. (96) and (86). Exact numerical data for the canonical ensemble (Eqs. (79) and (80)) are shown as dots. The dashed line is the result of master equation approach (see Eq. (174) below).
tion, as shown in Section 4; see, e.g., Fig. 13. Another (semi-analytic) technique, the saddle-point method, is discussed in Appendix F.
4. Dynamical Master Equation Approach and Laser Phase-Transition Analogy One approach to the canonical statistics of ideal Bose gases, presented in [52] and developed further in [53], consists in setting up a master equation for the condensate and finding its equilibrium solution. This approach has the merit of being technically lucid and physically illuminating. Furthermore, it reveals important parallels to the quantum theory of the laser. In deriving that master equation, the approximation of detailed balance in the excited states is used, in addition to the assumption that given an arbitrary number n0 of atoms in the condensate, the remaining N − n0 excited atoms are in an equilibrium state at the prescribed temperature T . In Section 4.2 we summarize the master equation approach against the results provided by independent techniques. In Section 4.1 we motivate our approach by sketching the quantum theory of the laser with special emphasis on the points relevant to BEC.
4.1. Q UANTUM T HEORY OF THE L ASER In order to set the stage for the derivation of the BEC master equation, let us remind ourselves of the structure of the master equations for a few basic systems that have some connection with N particles undergoing Bose–Einstein condensation while exchanging energy with a thermal reservoir. 4.1.1. Single Mode Thermal Field The dissipative dynamics of a small system (s) coupled to a large reservoir (r) is described by the reduced density matrix equation up to second order in the interaction Hamiltonian Vˆsr ∂ 1 ρˆs (t) = − 2 Trr ∂t h¯
Vˆsr (t), Vˆsr (t ), ρˆs (t) ⊗ ρˆrth dt ,
is the density matrix of the thermal reservoir, and we take the Markovwhere ian approximation. We consider the system as a single radiation mode cavity field (f ) of frequency ν coupled to a reservoir (r) of two-level thermal atoms, and show how the radiation field thermalizes. The multiatom Hamiltonian in the interaction picture is
gj σˆ j aˆ † ei(ν−ωj )t + adj Vˆf r = h¯ (104) j
where σˆ j = |bj aj | is the atomic (spin) operator of the j th particle corresponding to the downward transition, aˆ † is the creation operator for the single mode field and gj is the coupling constant. The reduced density matrix equation for the field can be obtained from Eqs. (103) and (104). By using the density matrix for the thermal ensemble of atoms |aj aj |e−βEa,j + |bj bj |e−βEb,j /Zj , ρˆrth = (105) j
where Zj = e−βEa,j + e−βEb,j , we obtain 1 † ∂ κj Paj aˆ aˆ ρˆf − 2aˆ † ρˆf aˆ + ρˆf aˆ aˆ † ρˆf = − ∂t 2 j + Pbj aˆ † aˆ ρˆf − 2aˆ ρˆf aˆ † + ρˆf aˆ † aˆ , −βExj
/Zj with x = a, b and the dissipative constant is 12 κj = where Pxj = e t Re{gj2 0 ei(ν−ωj )(t−t ) dt }. Note that the same structure of the master equation is obtained for a phonon bath modelled as a collection of harmonic oscillators, as shown in Appendix E.
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Taking the diagonal matrix elements ρn,n (t) = n|ρˆf |n of Eq. (106), we have ∂ ρn,n (t) = −κPa (n + 1)ρn,n (t) − nρn−1,n−1 (t) ∂t − κPb nρn,n (t) − (n + 1)ρn+1,n+1 (t) ,
where κ is κj times a density of states factor and ρn,n . The steady state equation gives ρn,n ≡ pn = e−nβ h¯ ω p0 . From ∞ n=0 pn = 1 we obtain the thermal photon number distribution ¯ pn = e−nβ h¯ ω 1 − e−β hω
which is clearly an exponentially decaying photon number distribution. 4.1.2. Coherent State Consider the interaction of a single mode field with a classical current J described by ˆ t) d 3 r = h¯ j (t)aˆ + j ∗ (t)aˆ † , Vˆcoh (t) = J(r, t) · A(r, (110) V
where the complex time dependent coefficient is A0 J(r, t) · xe ˆ i(k·r−νt) d 3 r j (t) = h¯ V
ˆ t) of the single mode field, asand A0 is the amplitude vector potential A(r, sumed to be polarized along x axis. An example of such interaction is a klystron. Clearly, the unitary time evolution of Vˆcoh is in the form of a displacement operator exp(α ∗ (t)aˆ − α(t)aˆ † ) associated with a coherent state when dissipation is neglected. Thus, the density matrix equation for a klystron including coupling with a thermal bath is ∂ ρˆf (t) 1ˆ = Vcoh (t), ρˆf (t) ∂t i h¯ t 1 − 2 Trr (111) Vˆf r (t), Vˆf r t , ρˆf (t) ⊗ ρˆrth dt , h¯ 0
where Vˆf r is given by Eq. (E3). The second term of Eq. (111) describes the damping of the single mode field given by Eq. (E4). By taking the matrix elements of
F IG . 6. Photon number distributions for (a) thermal photons plotted from Eq. (108) (dashed line), (b) coherent state (Poissonian) (thin solid line), and (c) He–Ne laser plotted using Eq. (121) (thick solid line). Insert shows an atom making a radiation transition.
Eq. (111), after a bit of analysis, we have √ √ √ ∂ρn,n (t) = −i j (t) n + 1 ρn+1,n + j ∗ (t) n ρn−1,n − j (t) n ρn,n −1 ∂t √ − j ∗ (t) n + 1 ρn,n +1 1 − C n + n ρn,n − 2 (n + 1) n + 1 ρn+1,n +1 2 √ 1 − D n + 1 + n + 1 ρn,n − 2 nn ρˆn−1,n −1 . (112) 2 Clearly, the first line of Eq. (112) shows that the change in the photon number is effected by the off-diagonal field density matrix or the coherence between two states of different photon number. On the other hand, the damping mechanism only causes a change in the photon number through the diagonal matrix element or the population of the number state. This is depicted in Fig. 7. It can be shown that the solution of Eq. (112) for D = 0 is the matrix element n 2 of a coherent state |β = e|β| /2 n √β |n, i.e., n!
β(t)n β ∗ (t)n −|β(t)|2 e , ρn,n (t) = n |ββ| n = √ √ n! n !
V.V. Kocharovsky et al.
F IG . 7. Diagonal (star) and off-diagonal (circle) density matrix elements that govern temporal dynamics in (a) klystron and (b) thermal field.
t where β(t) = α(t) − 12 C 0 α(t ) dt . This can be verified if we differentiate Eq. (113), " # √ dρn,n dα(t) 1 = − Cα(t) n ρn−1,n dt dt 2 # " ∗ √ dα (t) 1 ∗ + n − Cα (t) ρn,n −1 dt 2 " # √ dα(t) 1 − − Cα(t) n + 1 ρn,n +1 dt 2 " ∗ # √ dα (t) 1 ∗ − (114) − Cα (t) n + 1 ρn+1,n dt 2 and using √ √ n ρn,n = ρn−1,n , n ρn,n = ρn,n −1 , √ √ n + 1 ρn+1,n +1 = ρn,n +1 , n + 1 ρn+1,n +1 = ρn+1,n , where
dα(t) dt
= −ij ∗ (t) is found by comparing Eq. (114) with Eq. (112).
4.1.3. Laser Master Equation The photon number equation (107) for thermal field is linear in photon number, n, and it describes only the thermal damping and pumping due to the presence of a thermal reservoir. Now, we introduce a laser pumping scheme to drive the single
F IG . 8. Typical setup of a laser showing an ensemble of atoms driving a single mode field. A competition between lasing and dissipation through cavity walls leads to a detailed balance.
mode field and show how the atom–field nonlinearity comes into the laser master equation. We consider a simple three level system where the cavity field couples level a and level b of lasing atoms in a molecular beam injected into a cavity in the excited state at rate r (see Fig. 8). The atoms undergo decay from level b to level c. The pumping mechanism from level c up to level a can thus produce gain in the single mode field. As shown in [19], we find ∂ρn,n (t) = − A(n + 1) − B(n + 1)2 ρn,n ∂t gain + An − Bn2 ρn−1,n−1 , (116) 2
where A = 2rg is the linear gain coefficient and B = 4g A is the self-saturation γ2 γ2 coefficient. Here g is the atom–field coupling constant and γ is the b → c decay rate. We take the damping of the field to be ∂ρn,n (t) = −Cnρn,n + C(n + 1)ρn+1,n+1 . (117) ∂t loss Thus, the overall master equation for the laser is ∂ρn,n (t) = − A(n + 1) − B(n + 1)2 ρn,n + An − Bn2 ρn−1,n−1 ∂t − Cnρn,n + C(n + 1)ρn+1,n+1 , (118)
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which is valid for small B/A 1. We emphasize that the nonlinear process associated with B is a key physical process in the laser (but not in a thermal field) because the laser field is so large. We proceed with detailed balance equation between level n − 1 and n, − A(n + 1) − B(n + 1)2 pn + C(n + 1)pn+1 = 0, (119) An − Bn2 pn−1 − Cnpn = 0. (120) By iteration of pk = A−CBk pk−1 , we have n
pn = p0 k=1
A − Bk , C
∞ &n A−Bk where p0 = 1/(1 + ∞ n=1 k=1 n=0 pn = 1. Eq. (121) is C ) follows from plotted in Fig. 6. There we clearly see that the photon statistics of, e.g., a He–Ne, laser is not Poissonian pn = nn e−n /n!, as would be expected for a coherent state.
4.2. L ASER P HASE -T RANSITION A NALOGY Bose–Einstein condensation of atoms in a trap has intriguing similarities with the threshold behavior of a laser which also can be viewed as a kind of a phase transition [70,71]. Spontaneous formation of a long range coherent-order parameter, i.e., macroscopic wave function, in the course of BEC second-order phase transition is similar to spontaneous generation of a macroscopic coherent field in the laser cavity in the course of lasing. In both systems stimulated processes are responsible for the appearance of the macroscopic-order parameter. The main difference is that for the Bose gas in a trap there is also interaction between the atoms which is responsible for some processes, including stimulated effects in BEC. Whereas for the laser there are two subsystems, namely the laser field and the active atomic medium. The crucial point for lasing is the interaction between the field and the atomic medium which is relatively small and can be treated perturbatively. Thus, the effects of different interactions in the laser system are easy to trace and relate to the observable characteristics of the system. This is not the case in BEC and it is more difficult to separate different effects. As is outlined in the previous subsection, in the quantum theory of laser, the dynamics of laser light is conveniently described by a master equation obtained by treating the atomic (gain) media and cavity dissipation (loss) as reservoirs which when “traced over” yield the coarse grained equation of motion for the reduced density matrix for laser radiation. In this way we arrive at the equation of motion for the probability of having n photons in the cavity given by Eq. (118).
From Eq. (121) we have the important result that partially coherent laser light has a sharp photon distribution (with width several times Poissonian for a typical He– Ne laser) due to the presence of the saturation nonlinearity, B, in the laser master equation. Thus, we see that the saturation nonlinearity in the radiation–matter interaction is essential for laser coherence. One naturally asks: is the corresponding nonlinearity in BEC due to atom– atom scattering? Or is there a nonlinearity present even in an ideal Bose gas? The master equation presented in this Section proves that the latter is the case. More generally we pose the question: Is there a similar nonequilibrium approach for BEC in a dilute atomic gas that helps us in understanding the underlying physical mechanisms for the condensation, the critical behavior, and the associated nonlinearities? The answer to this question is “yes” [52,53].
4.3. D ERIVATION OF THE C ONDENSATE M ASTER E QUATION We consider the usual model of a dilute gas of Bose atoms wherein interatomic scattering is neglected. This ideal Bose gas is confined inside a trap, so that the number of atoms, N , is fixed but the total energy, E, of the gas is not fixed. Instead, the Bose atoms exchange energy with a reservoir which has a fixed temperature T . As we shall see, this canonical-ensemble approach is a useful tool in studying the current laser cooled dilute gas BEC experiments [24–27,88]. It is also directly relevant to the He-in-vycor BEC experiments [22]. This “ideal gas + reservoir” model allows us to demonstrate most clearly the master equation approach to the analysis of dynamics and statistics of BEC, and in particular, the advantages and mathematical tools of the method. Its extension for the case of an interacting gas which includes usual many-body effects due to interatomic scattering will be discussed elsewhere. Thus, we are following the so-called canonical-ensemble approach. It describes, of course, an intermediate situation as compared with the microcanonical ensemble and the grand canonical ensemble. In the microcanonical ensemble, the gas is completely isolated, E = const, N = const, so that there is no exchange of energy or atoms with a reservoir. In the grand canonical ensemble, only the average energy per atom, i.e., the temperature T and the average number of atoms N are fixed. In such a case there is an exchange of both energy and atoms with the reservoir. The “ideal gas + thermal reservoir” model provides the simplest description of many qualitative and, in some cases, quantitative characteristics of the experimental BEC. In particular, it explains many features of the condensate dynamics and fluctuations and allows us to obtain, for the first time, the atomic statistics of the BEC as discussed in the introduction and in the following.
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F IG . 9. Simple harmonic oscillators as a thermal reservoir for the ideal Bose gas in a trap.
4.3.1. The “Ideal Gas + Thermal Reservoir” Model For many problems a concrete realization of the reservoir system is not very important if its energy spectrum is dense and flat enough. For example, one expects (and we find) that the equilibrium (steady state) properties of the BEC are largely independent of the details of the reservoir. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the reservoir is an ensemble of simple harmonic oscillators whose spectrum is dense and smooth, see Fig. 9. The interaction between the gas and the reservoir is described by the interaction picture Hamiltonian
V = (122) gj,kl bj† ak al† e−i(ωj −νk +νl )t + h.c., j
where bj† is the creation operator for the reservoir j oscillator (“phonon”), and ak† and ak (k = 0) are the creation and annihilation operators for the Bose gas atoms in the kth level. Here hν ¯ k is the energy of the kth level of the trap, and gj,kl is the coupling strength. 4.3.2. Bose Gas Master Equation The motion of the total “gas + reservoir” system is governed by the equation for the total density matrix in the interaction representation, ρ˙total (t) = −i[V (t), ρtotal (t)]/h¯ . Integrating the above equation for ρtotal , inserting it back into the commutator in Eq. (123), and tracing over the reservoir, we obtain the exact equation of motion for the density matrix of the Bose-gas subsystem ρ(t) ˙ =−
h2 ¯
dt Trres V (t), V t , ρtotal t ,
where Trres stands for the trace over the reservoir degrees of freedom. We assume that the reservoir is large and remains unchanged during the interaction with the dynamical subsystem (Bose gas). As discussed in [53], the
density operator for the total system “gas + reservoir” can then be factored, i.e., ρtotal (t ) ≈ ρ(t ) ⊗ ρres , where ρres is the equilibrium density matrix of the reservoir. If the spectrum is smooth, we are justified in making the Markov approximation, viz. ρ(t ) → ρ(t). We then obtain the following equation for the reduced density operator of the Bose-gas subsystem, κ ρ˙ = − (ηkl + 1) ak† al al† ak ρ − 2al† ak ρak† al + ρak† al al† ak 2 k>l κ † † − (124) ηkl ak al al ak ρ − 2al ak† ρak al† + ρak al† al ak† . 2 k>l
In deriving Eq. (124), we replaced the summation over reservoir modes by an integration (with the density of reservoir modes D(ωkl )) and neglected the frequency dependence of the coefficient κ = 2πDg 2 /h¯ 2 . Here −1 ηkl = η(ωkl ) = Trres b† (ωkl )b(ωkl ) = exp(h¯ ωkl /T ) − 1 (125) is the average occupation number of the heat bath oscillators at frequency ωkl ≡ νk − νl . Equation (124) is then the equation of motion for an N atom Bose gas driven by a heat bath at temperature T . 4.3.3. Condensate Master Equation What we are most interested in is the probability distribution
pn0 = pn0 ,{nk }n0 {nk }n0
for the number of condensed atoms n0 , i.e., the number of atoms in the ground level of the trap. Let us introduce pn0 ,{nk }n0 = n0 , {nk }n0 |ρ|n0 , {nk }n0 as a diagonal element of the density matrix in the canonical ensemble where n0 + k>0 nk = N and |n0 , {nk }n0 is an arbitrary state of N atoms with occupation numbers of the trap’s energy levels, nk , subject to the condition that there are n0 atoms in the ground state of the trap. In order to get an equation of motion for the condensate probability distribution pn0 , we need to perform the summation over all possible occupations {nk }n0 of the excited levels in the trap. The resulting equation of motion for pn0 , from Eq. (124), is
dpn0 (ηkl + 1) (nl + 1)nk pn0 ,{nk }n0 = −κ dt {nk }n0 k>l>0 − nl (nk + 1)pn0 ,{...,nl −1,...,nk +1,...}n0 + ηkl nl (nk + 1)pn0 ,{nk }n0
V.V. Kocharovsky et al.
− (nl + 1)nk pn0 ,{...,nl +1,...,nk −1,...}n0
(ηk + 1)(n0 + 1)nk pn0 ,{nk }n0 −κ {nk }n0 k >0
− (ηk + 1)n0 (nk + 1)pn0 −1,{nk +δk,k }n0 −1 + ηk n0 (nk + 1)pn0 ,{nk }n0
− ηk (n0 + 1)nk pn0 +1,{nk −δk,k }n0 +1 ,
(126) k
where ηk = η(νk ) is the mean number of thermal phonons of mode and the sum k runs over all excited levels. To simplify Eq. (126) we assume that the atoms in the excited levels with a given number of condensed atoms n0 are in an equilibrium state at the temperature T , i.e., exp(− Th¯ k>0 νk nk ) , pn0 ,{nk }n0 = pn0 (127) h¯ {nk }n0 exp(− T k>0 νk nk ) where k>0 nk = N −n0 , and we assume that the sum k>0 runs over all energy are treated states of the trap, including degenerate states whose occupations nk as different stochastic variables. Equation (127) implies that the sum k>l>0 in Eq. (126) is equal to zero, since as depicted in Fig. 10, (ηkl + 1)pn0 ,{nk }n0 = ηkl pn0 ,{...,nl +1,...,nk −1,...}n0 , (ηkl + 1)pn0 ,{...,nl −1,...,nk +1,...}n0 = ηkl pn0 ,{nk }n0 .
Equation (128) is precisely the detailed balance condition. The average number of atoms in an excited level, subject to the condition that there are n0 atoms in the ground state, from Eq. (127), is
pn0 ,{nk }n0 nk . nk n0 = (129) pn0 {nk }n0
Therefore, the equation of motion for pn0 can be rewritten in the symmetrical and transparent form d pn0 = −κ Kn0 (n0 + 1)pn0 − Kn0 −1 n0 pn0 −1 dt + Hn0 n0 pn0 − Hn0 +1 (n0 + 1)pn0 +1 , where Kn0 =
k >0
(ηk + 1)nk n0 ,
Hn0 =
ηk nk n0 + 1 .
k >0
We can obtain the steady state distribution of the number of atoms condensed in the ground level of the trap from Eq. (130). The mean value and the variance of
F IG . 10. Detailed balance and the corresponding probability flow diagram. We call Kn0 cooling (kooling) rate since the laser loss rate is denote by “C”.
the number of condensed atoms can then be determined. It is clear from Eq. (130) that there are two processes, cooling and heating. The cooling process is represented by the first two terms with the cooling coefficient Kn0 while the heating by the third and fourth terms with the heating coefficient Hn0 . The detailed balance condition yields the following expression for the number distribution of the condensed atoms n0
pn0 = p0 i=1
Ki−1 , Hi
where the partition function ZN =
1 = pN
n0 =0 i=n0 +1
Hi Ki−1
is determined from the normalization condition N n0 =0 pn0 = 1. The functions Hi and Ki as given by Eq. (131), involve, along with ηk (Eq. (125)), the function nk n0 (Eq. (129)). In the following sections, we shall derive closed form expressions for these quantities under various approximations. The master equation (130) for the distribution function for the condensed atoms is one of our main results. It yields explicit expressions for the statistics of the condensed atoms and the canonical partition function. Physical interpretation of various coefficients in the master equations is summarized in Fig. 11. Under the above assumption of a thermal equilibrium for noncondensed atoms, we have h¯ {nk }n0 nk exp(− T k>0 νk nk ) nk n0 = (134) . h¯ {n }n exp(− T k>0 νk nk ) k
In the next two sections we present different approximations that clarify the general result (132).
System coefficients −1 Laser Gm = A[1 + B A (m + 1)] Lm = C loss
Physics gain
A: Linear stimulated emission gain B: Nonlinear saturation
C: Loss “through” mirrors
BEC: With cross excitations (CNB II) Gm ⇒ Kn0 = [N + 1 − (n0 + 1)][1 + η] Lm ⇒ Hn0 = H + (N − n0 )η η = “cross-excitation” parameter
N atom cooling coefficient due to spontaneous emission of phonons, adds atoms to condensate. N atom heating coefficient due to phonon absorption from bath at temperature T removes atoms from condensate. N atom cooling coefficient due to stimulated emission of phonon as enhanced by atoms.
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BEC: Low temp limit (CNB I) Gm ⇒ Kn0 = N + 1 − (n0 + 1) Lm ⇒ Hn0 = k [eβεk − 1]−1 ≡ H ≈ N (T /Tc )3 weak trap
N atom heating coefficient due to absorption of phonon. Absorption rate is enhanced by (N − n0 )η due to interaction with multiple phonons (stimulated absorption) and increased absorption due to presence of atoms.
F IG . 11. Physical interpretation of various coefficients in the master equations
Short summary of this subsection is as follows. We introduce the probability of having n0 atoms in the ground level and nk atoms in the kth level Pn0 ,n1 ,...,nk ,... . We assume that the atoms in the excited levels with a given number of condensed atoms n0 are in equilibrium state at the temperature T , then Pn0 ,n1 ,...,nk ,... =
1 exp −β(E0 n0 + E1 n1 + · · · + Ek nk +) . ZN
This equation yields PN ≡ Pn0 =N,n1 =0,...,nk =0,... =
1 exp[−βE0 N ]. ZN
Assuming E0 = 0 we obtain the following expression for the partition function ZN =
1 . PN
We assume that Bose gas can exchange heat (but not particles) with a harmonicoscillator thermal reservoir. The reservoir has a dense and smooth spectrum. The average occupation number of the heat bath oscillator at a frequency ωq = cq is ηq =
1 . exp(h¯ ωq /kB T ) − 1
The master equation for the distribution function of the condensed bosons pn0 ≡ ρn0 ,n0 takes the form
p˙ n0 = − κkq nk n0 (ηq + 1) (n0 + 1)pn0 − n0 pn0 −1 Kool k,q
κkq nk + 1n0 ηq n0 pn0 − (n0 + 1)pn0 +1 Heat .
The factors κkq embody the spectral density of the bath and the coupling strength of the bath oscillators to the gas particles, and determine the rate of the condensate evolution since there is no direct interaction between the particles of an ideal Bose gas. Since κkq = κ · δ(h¯ Ωk − h¯ cq) the sum k,q reduces to k ,
1 p˙ n0 = − nk n0 (ηk + 1) (n0 + 1)pn0 − n0 pn0 −1 Kool κ k
− nk + 1n0 ηk n0 pn0 − (n0 + 1)pn0 +1 Heat . k
Particle number constraint comes in a simple way:
k nk n0
= N − n¯ 0 .
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4.4. L OW T EMPERATURE A PPROXIMATION At low enough temperatures, the average occupations in the reservoir are small and ηk + 1 1 in Eq. (131). This suggests the simplest approximation for the cooling coefficient
Kn0 (141) nk n0 = N − n¯ 0 . k
In addition, at very low temperatures the number of noncondensed atoms is also very small, we can therefore approximate nk n0 + 1 by 1 in Eq. (131). Then the heating coefficient is a constant equal to the total average number of thermal excitations in the reservoir at all energies corresponding to the energy levels of the trap,
−1 eh¯ νk /T − 1 . ηk = Hn0 H, H ≡ (142) k>0
Under these approximations, the condensate master equation (130) simplifies considerably and contains only one nontrivial parameter H. We obtain d pn0 = −κ (N − n0 )(n0 + 1)pn0 − (N − n0 + 1)n0 pn0 −1 dt + H n0 pn0 − (n0 + 1)pn0 +1 . (143) It may be noted that Eq. (143) has the same form as Eq. (107) of motion for the photon distribution function in a laser operating not too far above threshold. The identification is complete if we define the gain, saturation, and loss parameters in laser master equation by κ(N + 1), κ, and κH, respectively. The mechanism for gain, saturation, and loss are however different in the present case. A laser phase transition analogy exists via the P -representation [70,71]. The steady-state solution of the Fokker–Planck equation for laser near threshold is [19] 1 B A−C ∗ 2 4 exp |α| − |α| P (α, α ) = (144) N A 2A which clearly indicates a formal similarity between ln P (α, α ∗ ) = − ln N + 1 − H/(N + 1) n0 − 1/2(N + 1) n20
for the laser equation and the Ginzburg–Landau type free energy [19,70,71] G(n0 ) = ln pn0 ≈ const + a(T )n0 + b(T )n20 ,
where |α|2 = n0 , a(T ) = −(N − H)/N and b(T ) = 1/(2N ) for large N near Tc . The resulting steady state distribution for the number of condensed atoms is given by pn0 =
1 HN−n0 , ZN (N − n0 )!
where ZN= 1/pN is the partition function. It follows from the normalization condition n0 pn0 = 1 that ZN = eH #(N + 1, H)/N!, (148) ∞ α−1 −t where #(α, x) = x t e dt is an incomplete gamma-function. The distribution (147) can be presented as a probability distribution for the total number of noncondensed atoms, n = N − n0 , Pn ≡ pN−n =
e−H N ! Hn . #(N + 1, H) n!
It looks somewhat like a Poisson distribution, however, due to the additional normalization factor, N !/ #(N + 1, H) = 1, and a finite number of admissible values of n = 0, 1, . . . , N , it is not Poissonian. The mean value and the variance can be calculated from the distribution (147) for an arbitrary finite number of atoms in the Bose gas, n0 = N − H + HN+1 /ZN N!, n20 ≡ n20 − n0 2 = H 1 − n0 + 1 HN /ZN N ! .
(150) (151)
As we shall see from the extended treatment in the next section, the approximations (141), (142) and, therefore, the results (150), (151) are clearly valid at low temperatures, i.e., in the weak trap limit, T ε1 , where ε1 is an energy gap between the first excited and the ground levels of a single-particle spectrum in the trap. However, in the case of a harmonic trap the results (150), (151) show qualitatively correct behavior for all temperatures, including T ε1 and T ∼ Tc [52]. In particular, for a harmonic trap we have from Eq. (142) that the heating rate is
1 ηk = H= exp[β hΩ(l + m + n)] − 1 ¯ k l,m,n 3 T kB T 3 ζ (3) = N . ≈ (152) T hΩ ¯ c Thus, in the low temperature region the master equation (143) for the condensate in the harmonic trap becomes 1 p˙ n0 = − (N + 1)(n0 + 1) − (n0 + 1)2 pn0 + (N + 1)n0 − n20 pn0 −1 κ 3 T −N (153) n0 pn0 − (n0 + 1)pn0 +1 . Tc
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4.5. Q UASITHERMAL A PPROXIMATION FOR N ONCONDENSATE O CCUPATIONS At arbitrary temperatures, a very reasonable approximation for the average noncondensate occupation numbers in the cooling and heating coefficients in Eq. (131) is suggested by Eq. (134) in a quasithermal form, (
(N − n¯ 0 ) nk n0 = ηk (154) nk n0 ηk = ε /T , (e k − 1)H k>0
where εk = hν Eq. (142). Equation (154) ¯ k , ηk is given by Eq. (125) and H by satisfies the canonical-ensemble constraint, N = n0 + k>0 nk , independently of the resulting distribution pn0 . This important property is based on the fact that a quasithermal distribution (154) provides the same relative average occupations in excited levels of the trap as in the thermal reservoir, Eq. (125). To arrive at the quasithermal approximation in Eq. (154) one can go along the following logic. In the low temperature limit we assumed ηk 1 and took
nk n0 ηk + 1 ≈ nk n0 = N − n¯ 0 . k
To go further, still in the low temperature limit, we can write exp(−βEk ) nk n0 ≈ (N − n¯ 0 ) . k exp(−βEk ) This is physically motivated since the thermal factor in [. . .] is the fraction of the excited atoms in the state k, and N − n¯ 0 is the total number of excited atoms. Note that ηk =
1 exp(βEk ) − 1
exp(−βEk ) =
ηk . 1 + ηk
Since we are at low temperature we take exp(−βEk ) ≈ ηk and therefore ηk (N − n¯ 0 ) = , nk n0 ≈ (N − n¯ 0 ) [exp(βEk ) − 1]H k ηk
where H=
ηk .
Now this ansatz is good for arbitrary temperatures. As a result,
nk n0 ηk + 1 ≈ (N − n0 )(1 + η), k
where η=
1 1 2 1 1 nk n0 ηk = ηk = . (N − n0 ) H H [exp(βEk ) − 1]2 k
Another line of thought is the following: n¯ k . nk n0 ≈ (N − n0 ) ¯k kn But by detailed balance in the steady state κ(n¯ 0 + 1)n¯ k (η¯ k + 1) ≈ κ n¯ 0 (n¯ k + 1)η¯ k and if the ground level is macroscopically occupied then n¯ 0 ≈ n¯ 0 ± 1. Since √ even at T = Tc one finds n¯ 0 ∼ N, one “always” has n¯ 0 1. Therefore, n¯ k (η¯ k + 1) ≈ (n¯ k + 1)η¯ k and, hence, n¯ k ≈ η¯ k . As a result we again obtain Eq. (155). Calculation of the heating and cooling rates in this approximation is very simple. For example, for the heating rate we have
nk + 1n0 ηk = ηk + nk n0 ηk ≈ H + η(N − n0 ). (157) k
In summary, the cooling and heating coefficients (131) in the quasithermal approximation of Eq. (154) are Kn0 = (N − n0 )(1 + η),
Hn0 = H + (N − n0 )η.
Compared with the low temperature approximation (141) and (142), these coefficients acquire an additional contribution (N − n0 )η due to the cross-excitation parameter η=
1 1 1 ηk nk n0 = . ε /T k N − n0 H (e − 1)2 k>0
4.6. S OLUTION OF THE C ONDENSATE M ASTER E QUATION Now, at arbitrary temperatures, the condensate master equation (130) contains two nontrivial parameters, H and η, dpn0 = −κ (1 + η) (N − n0 )(n0 + 1)pn0 − (N − n0 + 1)n0 pn0 −1 dt + H + (N − n0 )η n0 pn0 − H + (N − n0 − 1)η (n0 + 1)pn0 +1 . (160)
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It can be rewritten also in the equivalent form 1 dpn0 = − (N + 1)(n0 + 1) − (n0 + 1)2 pn0 κ dt + (N + 1)n0 − n0 2 pn0 −1 − (T /Tc )3 N n0 pn0 − (n0 + 1)pn0 +1 .
The steady-state solution of Eq. (160) is given by N−n0 1 (N − n0 + H/η − 1)! η ZN (H/η − 1)!(N − n0 )! 1 + η N−n0 1 η N − n0 + H −1 η = , N − n0 ZN 1+η
pn0 =
where the canonical partition function ZN = 1/pN is ZN =
N−n0 N
η N − n0 + H/η − 1 . N − n0 1+η
n0 =0
It is worth noting that the explicit formula (162) satisfies exactly the general relation between the probability distribution of the number of atoms in the ground state, pn0 , and the canonical partition function [46], Eq. (79). The master equation (160) for pn0 , and the analytic approximate expressions (162) and (163) for the condensate distribution function pn0 and the partition function ZN , respectively, are among the main results of the condensate master equation approach. As we shall see later, they provide a very accurate description of the Bose gas for a large range of parameters and for different trap potentials. Now we are able to present the key picture of the theory of BEC fluctuations, that is the probability distribution pn0 , Fig. 12. Analogy with the evolution of the photon number distribution in a laser mode (from thermal to coherent, lasing) is obvious from a comparison of Fig. 12 and Fig. 6. With an increase of the number of atoms in the trap, N , the picture of the ground-state occupation distribution remains qualitatively the same, just a relative width of all peaks becomes more narrow. The canonical partition function (163) allows us to calculate also the microcanonical partition function Ω(E, N) by means of the inversion of the definition in Eq. (74). Moreover, in principle, the knowledge of the canonical partition function allows us to calculate all thermodynamic and statistical equilibrium properties of the system in the standard way (see, e.g., [13,61] and discussion in the Introduction).
F IG . 12. Probability distribution of the ground-state occupation, pn0 , at the temperature T = 0.2Tc in an isotropic harmonic trap with N = 200 atoms as calculated from the solution of the condensate master equation (130) in the quasithermal approximation, Eq. (162), (solid line) and from the exact recursion relations in Eqs. (79) and (80) (dots).
Previously, a closed-form expression for the canonical partition function (74) was known only for one-dimensional harmonic traps [68,69] N
ZN (T ) = k=1
1 . 1 − e−k h¯ ω/T
In the general case, there exists only the recursion relation (80) that is quite complicated, and difficult for analysis [46,61–63]. The distribution (162) can also be presented as a probability distribution for the total number of noncondensed atoms, n = N − n0 , n 1 η n + H/η − 1 Pn = pN−n = (165) . n ZN 1+η The distribution (165) can be named as a finite negative binomial distribution, since it has the form of the well-known negative binomial distribution [72], n+M −1 q n (1 − q)M , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , ∞, Pn = (166) n that was so named due to a coincidence of the probabilities Pn with the terms in the negative-power binomial formula ∞
1 n+M −1 = (167) q n. n (1 − q)M n=0
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It has a similar semantic origin as the well-known binomial distribution, M (1 − q)n q M−n , Pn = n which was named after a Newton’s binomial formula M M M q + (1 − q) = (1 − q)n q M−n . n n=0
The finite negative binomial distribution (165) tends to the well-known distribution (166) only in the limit N (1 + η)H. The average number of atoms condensed in the ground state of the trap is n0 ≡
n0 pn0 .
n0 =0
It follows, on substituting for pn0 from Eq. (162), that n0 = N − H + p0 η(N + H/η).
The central moments of the mth order, m > 1, of the number-of-condensedatom and number-of-noncondensed-atom fluctuations are equal to each other for even orders and have opposite signs for odd orders, ¯ m. (n0 − n¯ 0 )m = (−1)m (n − n) (170) The squared variance can be represented as N
n(n − 1)Pn + n − n2 n20 = n2 − n2 =
and calculated analytically. We obtain n20 = (1 + η)H − p0 (ηN + H)(N − H + 1 + η) − p02 (ηN + H)2 ,
where p0 =
N 1 (N + H/η − 1)! η ZN N !(H/η − 1)! 1 + η
is the probability that there are no atoms in the condensate. All higher central moments of the distribution Eq. (162) can be calculated ana s lytically using n0 s = N n0 =0 n0 pn0 and Eqs. (162), (163). In particular, the third central moment is
F IG . 13. The first four central moments for the ideal Bose gas in an isotropic harmonic trap with N = 200 atoms as calculated via the solution of the condensate master equation (solid lines—quasithermal approximation, Eq. (162); dashed lines—low temperature approximation, Eq. (147)) and via the exact recursion relations in Eqs. (79) and (80) (dots).
n0 − n0
= −(1 + η)(1 + 2η)H + p0 (H + ηN ) 1 + (H − N )2 + 2 η2 + N (1 + η) + 3 η − H(1 + η) + 3p02 (H + ηN )2 (1 + η − H + N ) + 2p03 (H + ηN )3 .
The first four central moments for the Bose gas in a harmonic trap with N = 200 atoms are presented in Fig. 13 as the functions of temperature in different approximations. For the “condensed phase” in the thermodynamic limit, the probability p0 vanishes exponentially if the temperature is not very close to the critical temperature. In this case only the first term in Eq. (172) remains, resulting in
n20 = (1 + η)H ≡ (175) nk 2 + nk . k>0
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This result was obtained earlier by standard statistical methods (see [13] and references therein). It is easy to see that the result (165) reduces to the simple approximation (149) in the formal limit η → 0, H/η → ∞, when −n0 #(N − n0 + H/η) H (176) . → #(N + H/η) η The limit applies to only very low temperatures, T ε1 . However, due to Eqs. (142) and (159), the parameter H/η tends to 1 as T → 0, but never to infinity. Nevertheless, the results (169) and (172) agree with the low temperature
approximation results (150) and (151) for T ε1 . In this case the variance n20 is determined mainly by a square root of the mean value n which is correctly approximated by Eq. (150) as n ≡ N − n0 ≈ H.
4.7. R ESULTS FOR BEC S TATISTICS IN D IFFERENT T RAPS As we have seen, the condensate fluctuations are governed mainly by two parameters, the number of thermal excitations H and the cross-excitation parameter η. They are determined by a single-particle energy spectrum of the trap. We explicitly present them below for arbitrary power-law trap. We discuss mainly the three-dimensional case. A generalization to other dimensions is straightforward and is given in the end of this subsection. First, we discuss briefly the case of the ideal Bose gas in a harmonic trap. It is the simplest case since the quadratic energy spectrum implies an absence of the infrared singularity in the variance of the BEC fluctuations. However, because of the same reason it is not robust relative to an introduction of a realistic weak interaction in the Bose gas as is discussed in Section 5. 4.7.1. Harmonic Trap The potential in the harmonic trap has, in general, an asymmetrical profile in space, Vext (x, y, z) = m2 (x 2 ωx2 + y 2 ωy2 + z2 ωz2 ), with eigenfrequencies {ωx , ωy , ωz } = ω, ωx ωy ωx > 0. Here m is the mass of the atom. The single-particle energy spectrum of the trap, εk = hkω ≡ h(k ¯ ¯ x ωx + ky ωy + kz ωz ),
can be enumerated by three nonnegative integers {kx , ky , kz } = k, kx,y,z 0. We have
1 1 H= (178) , ηH = . h kω/T h kω/T ¯ ¯ e −1 (e − 1)2 k>0
The energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state in the trap is equal to ε1 = h¯ ωx . If the sums can be replaced by the integrals (continuum approximation), i.e., if hω ¯ x T , the parameters H and ηH are equal to 3 T T3 ζ (3) = N, H= 3 (179) Tc h¯ ωx ωy ωz 3 T3 T ζ (2) − ζ (3) ηH = 3 (180) ζ (2) − ζ (3) = N , Tc ζ (3) h¯ ωx ωy ωz where a standard critical temperature is introduced as ωx ωy ωz N 1/3 Tc = h¯ ; ζ (3) = 1.202 . . . , ζ (3)
ζ (2) =
π2 . 6
Therefore, the cross-excitation parameter η is a constant, independent of the temperature and the number of atoms, η = [ζ (2) − ζ (3)]/ζ (3) ≈ 0.37. The ratio H/η = N(T /Tc )3 [ζ (3)/(ζ (2) − ζ (3))] goes to infinity in the thermodynamic limit proportionally to the number of atoms N . In the opposite case of very low temperatures, T h¯ ωx , we have hω h¯ ωz h¯ ωx ¯ y + exp − + exp − , H ≈ exp − (182) T T T 2h¯ ωy 2h¯ ωz 2h¯ ωx + exp − + exp − ηH ≈ exp − (183) T T T with an exponentially good accuracy. Now the cross-excitation parameter η depends exponentially on the temperature and, instead of the number 0.37, is exponentially small. The ratio ¯ z 2 ¯ x ) + exp(− ¯ y ) + exp(− hω [exp(− hω H T T T )] = ∼1 2h¯ ωy 2h¯ ωx η exp(− T ) + exp(− T ) + exp(− 2h¯Tωz ) hω
becomes approximately a constant. The particular case of an isotropic harmonic trap is described by the same equations if we substitute ωx = ωy = ωz = ω. 4.7.2. Arbitrary Power-Law Trap We now consider the general case of a d-dimensional trap with an arbitrary powerlaw single-particle energy spectrum [46,55,73] εk = h¯
j =1
ωj kjσ ,
k = {kj ; j = 1, 2, . . . , d},
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where kj 0 is a nonnegative integer and σ > 0 is an index of the energy spectrum. We assume 0 < ω1 ω2 · · · ωd , so that the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state in the trap is ε1 = h¯ ω1 . We then have H=
1 eεk /T
ηH =
1 . − 1)2
(eεk /T
In the case ε1 T , the sum can be replaced by the integral only for the parameter H (Eq. (186)) if d > σ , d/σ d T d/σ H = Aζ (187) = N, d > σ, T σ Tc where the critical temperature is σ/d [#( 1 + 1)]d N Tc = , A = &d σ . Aζ (d/σ ) ( j =1 h¯ ωj )1/σ
The second parameter can be calculated by means of this continuum approximation only if 0 < σ < d/2, d d d/σ ηH = AT −1 −ζ ζ σ σ d/σ d ζ ( − 1) − ζ ( σd ) T = (189) , 0 < σ < d/2. N σ Tc ζ ( σd ) If σ > d/2, it has a formal infrared divergence and should be calculated via a discrete sum, 2 T aσ,d ηH = (190) N 2σ/d , σ > d/2, 1 Tc [#( σ + 1)]2σ [ζ ( σd )]2σ/d where aσ,d =
( dj =1 hω ¯ j )2/d εk2
The traps with the dimension lower than the critical value, d σ , can be analyzed on the basis of Eqs. (186) as well. We omit this analysis here since there is no phase transition in this case. The cross-excitation parameter η has different dependence on the number of atoms for high, d > 2σ , or low, d < 2σ , dimensions, η=
ζ ( σd − 1) − ζ ( σd ) ζ ( σd )
d > 2σ > 0,
T Tc
2−d/σ N 2σ/d−1
aσ,d [#( σ1
+ 1)]2σ [ζ ( σd )]2σ/d
d < 2σ.
353 (192)
Therefore, the traps with small index of the energy spectrum, 0 < σ < d/2, are similar to the harmonic trap. The traps with larger index of the energy spectrum, σ > d/2, are similar to the box with “homogeneous” Bose gas. For the latter traps, the cross-excitation parameter η goes to infinity in the thermodynamic limit, proportionally to N 2σ/d−1 . The ratio H/η goes to infinity in the thermodynamic limit only for 0 < σ < d. In the opposite case, σ > d, it goes to zero. We obtain d/σ ζ ( σd ) H T , d > 2σ > 0, N d (193) = η Tc ζ ( σ − 1) − ζ ( σd ) 2(d/σ −1) 2σ 2σ/d T 1 d H −1 2(1−σ/d) N aσ,d , = +1 # ζ η Tc σ σ d < 2σ. (194) It is remarkable that BEC occurs only for those spatial dimensions, d > σ , for which H/η → ∞ at N → ∞. (We do not consider here the case of the critical dimension d = σ , e.g., one-dimensional harmonic trap, where a quasi-condensation occurs at a temperature Tc ∼ h¯ ω1 N/ log N .) For spatial dimensions lower than the critical value, d < σ , BEC does not occur (see, e.g., [46]). Interestingly, even for the latter case there still exists a well-defined single peak in the probability distribution pn0 at low enough temperatures. With the help of the explicit formulas in Section 3 we can describe this effect as well. In the opposite case of very low temperatures, T ε1 , the parameters H≈
j =1
h¯ ωj T
ηH ≈
j =1
2h¯ ωj T
η ∼ e− T
d −(h¯ ωj −ε1 )/T ∼ d becomes a conare exponentially small. The ratio H j =1 e η ∼ stant. Formulas (185)–(195) for the arbitrary power-law trap contain all particular formulas for the three-dimensional harmonic trap (d = 3, σ = 1) and the box, i.e., the “homogeneous gas” with d = 3 and σ = 2, as the particular cases. In Fig. 13, numerical comparison of the results obtained from the exact recursion relations in Eqs. (79)–(80) and from our approximate explicit formulas from Section 4 in the particular case of the ideal Bose gas in the three-dimensional isotropic harmonic trap for various temperatures is demonstrated. The results indicate an excellent agreement between the exact results and the results based on quasithermal approximation, including the mean value n0 , the squared variance n20 as well as the third and fourth central moments. The low temperature approximation, Eq. (147), is good only at low temperatures. That is expected since it neglects by the cross-excitation parameter η.
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4.8. C ONDENSATE S TATISTICS IN THE T HERMODYNAMIC L IMIT The thermodynamic, or bulk [13] limit implies an infinitely large number of atoms, N → ∞, in an infinitely large trap under the condition of a fixed critical temperature, i.e., N ωx ωy ωz = const in the harmonic trap, L3 N = const in & the box, and N σ dj =1 ωj = const in an arbitrary d-dimensional power-law trap with an energy spectrum index σ . Then, BEC takes place at the critical temperature Tc (for d > σ ) as a phase transition, and for some lower temperatures the factor p0 is negligible. As a result, we have the following mean value and the variance for the number of condensed atoms
1 n0 = N − H ≡ N − (196) , eεk /T − 1 k>0
= (1 + η)H ≡
eεk /T − 1
1 , (eεk /T − 1)2
which agree with the results obtained for the ideal Bose gas for different traps in the canonical ensemble by other authors [13,14,46,73–77]. In particular, we find the following scaling of the fluctuations of the number of condensed atoms: T d/σ ( Tc ) N, d > 2σ > 0 n20 ∼ C × (198) , ε 1 T < Tc , ( TTc )2 N 2σ/d , d < 2σ " σ/d d
ωi d 2 exp − &d ζ n0 ≈ n ≈ 1/d σ [ j =1 ωj ] i=1 σ # Tc 1 × # (199) +1 , T ε1 , σ T N σ/d where C is a constant. From Eq. (198), we see that in the high dimensional traps, d > 2σ , e.g., in the three-dimensional harmonic trap, fluctuations display the proper thermodynamic behavior, n20 ∝ N . However, fluctuations become anomalously large [46,55,74,78], n20 ∝ N 2σ/d N , in the low dimensional traps, σ < d < 2σ . In the quantum regime, when the temperature is less than the energy gap between the ground and the first excited level in the trap, it follows from Eq. (199) that condensate fluctuations become exponentially small. For all temperatures, when BEC exists (d > σ ), the root-mean-square fluctuations normalized to the mean number of condensed atoms vanishes in the thermodynamic
limit: n20 /n0 → 0 as N → ∞. Another remarkable property of the distribution function obtained in Section 4 is that it yields the proper mean value and variance of the number of atoms in the ground level of the trap even for temperatures higher than the critical temperature. In particular, it can be shown that its asymptotic for high temperatures, T Tc ,
yields the standard thermodynamic relation n0 ≈ n0 known from the analysis of the grand canonical ensemble [13]. This nice fact indicates that the present master equation approach to the statistics of the cool Bose gas is valuable in the study of mesoscopic effects as well, both at T < Tc and T > Tc . Note that, in contrast, the validity of the Maxwell’s demon ensemble approach [54] to the statistics of BEC remains restricted to temperatures well below the onset of BEC, T < Tc .
4.9. M ESOSCOPIC AND DYNAMICAL E FFECTS IN BEC In recent experiments on BEC in ultracold gases [24–29], the number of condensed atoms in the trap is finite, i.e., mesoscopic rather than macroscopic, N ∼ 103 –106 . Therefore, it is interesting to analyze mesoscopic effects associated with the BEC statistics. The mean number of atoms in the ground state of the trap with a finite number of atoms is always finite, even at high temperatures. However, it becomes macroscopically large only at temperatures lower than some critical temperature, Tc , that can be defined via the standard relation
ηk (Tc ) ≡ H(Tc ) = N. (200) This equation has an elementary physical meaning, namely it determines the temperature at which the total average number of thermal excitations at all energy levels of the trap becomes equal to the total number of atoms in the trap. The results (162), (169), (172) shown in Fig. 13 explicitly describe a smooth transition from a mesoscopic regime (finite number of atoms in the trap, N < ∞) to the thermodynamic limit (N = ∞) when the threshold of the BEC becomes very sharp so that we have a phase transition to the Bose–Einstein condensed state at the critical temperature given by Eq. (200). This can be viewed as a specific demonstration of the commonly accepted resolution to the Uhlenbeck dilemma in his famous criticism of Einstein’s pioneering papers on BEC [6,9,10,12]. Although for systems containing a finite number of atoms there is no sharp critical point, as is obvious from Figs. 3, 12, and 14, it is useful to define a critical characteristic value of a temperature in such a case as well. It should coincide with the standard definition (200) in the thermodynamic limit. Different definitions for Tc were proposed and discussed in [11,66,79–85]. We follow a hint from laser physics. There we know that fluctuations dominate near threshold. However, we define a threshold inversion as that for which gain (in photon number for the lasing mode) equals loss. Let us use a similar dynamical approach for BEC on the basis of the master equation, see also [86]. We note that, for a laser operating near the threshold where B/A 1, the equation (118) of motion for the probability pn of having n photons in the cavity
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implies the following rate of the change for the average photon number: d (201) n = (A − C)n − B (n + 1)2 + A. dt Here A, B, and C are the linear gain, nonlinear saturation, and linear loss coefficients, respectively. On neglecting the spontaneous emission term A and noting that the saturation term B(n + 1)2 is small compared to (A − C)n near threshold, we define the threshold (critical) inversion to occur when the linear gain rate equals the linear loss rate, i.e., A = C. Similar to laser physics, the condensate master equation (130) implies a coupled hierarchy of moment equations which are useful in the analysis of time evolution. In the quasithermal approximation (160), we find l−1
i+1 i+2 dnl0 l − n0 − n0 =κ (1 + η) N ni0 + ni+1 0 dt i i=0 + (−1)l−i (H + ηN ) ni+1 − (−1)l−i η ni+2 . 0 0
Similar moment equations in the low-temperature approximation (143) follow from Eq. (202) with η = 0, l−1
i+2 dnl0 l i − n0 + (−1)l−i H ni+1 . =κ N n0 + (N − 1) ni+1 0 0 dt i i=0 (203)
The dynamical equation for the first moment, as follows from Eq. (202), has the following form: dn0 (204) = κ (1 + η)N + (N − 1 − η − H)n0 − n20 . dt Near the critical temperature, T ≈ Tc , the mean number of the condensed atoms is small, n0 N , and it is reasonable to neglect the second moment n20 compared to N n0 and the spontaneous cooling (spontaneous emission in lasers) term κ(1 + η)N compared to κN n0 . In this way, neglecting fluctuations, we arrive at a simple equation for the competition between cooling and heating processes, dn0 ≈ κ(N − H − η)n0 . (205) dt In analogy with the laser threshold we can define the critical temperature, T = Tc , as a point where cooling equals heating, i.e., dn0 /dt = 0. This definition of the critical temperature H(Tc ) + η(Tc ) = N,
is valid even for mesoscopic systems and states that at T = Tc the rate of the removal of atoms from the ground state equals to the rate of the addition, in the approximation neglecting fluctuations. In the thermodynamic limit it corresponds to the standard definition, Eqs. (181) and (188). For a mesoscopic system, e.g., of N = 103 atoms in a trap, the critical temperature as given by Eq. (206) is about few per cent shifted from the thermodynamic-limit value given by Eqs. (181) and (188). Other definitions for Tc also describe the effect of an effective-Tc shift [11,66,79–85], which is clearly seen in Fig. 14, and agree qualitatively with our definition. Note that precisely the same definition of the critical temperature follows from a statistical mechanics point of view, which in some sense is alternative to the dynamical one. We may define the critical temperature as the temperature at which the mean number of condensed atoms in the steady-state solution to the master equation vanishes when neglecting fluctuations and spontaneous cooling. We make the replacement n20 ≈ n0 2 in Eq. (204) and obtain the steady-state solution to this nonlinear equation, n0 = N − H − η. Now we see that n0 vanishes at the same critical temperature (206). Finally, we remind again that a precise definition of the critical temperature is not so important and meaningful for the mesoscopic systems as it is for the macroscopic systems in the thermodynamic limit since for the mesoscopic systems, of course, there is not any sharp phase transition and an onset of BEC is dispersed over a whole finite range of temperatures around whatever Tc , as is clearly seen in Figs. 3, 12, and 14.
5. Quasiparticle Approach and Maxwell’s Demon Ensemble In order to understand relations between various approximate schemes, we formulate a systematic analysis of the equilibrium canonical-ensemble fluctuations of the Bose–Einstein condensate based on the particle number conserving operator formalism of Girardeau and Arnowitt [87], and the concept of the canonicalensemble quasiparticles [20,21]. The Girardeau–Arnowitt operators can be interpreted as the creation and annihilation operators of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles which are essentially different from the standard quasiparticles in the grand canonical ensemble. This is so because these operators create and annihilate particles in the properly reduced many-body Fock subspace. In this way, we satisfy the N -particle constraint of the canonical-ensemble problem in Eq. (72) from the very beginning. Furthermore, we do this while taking into account all possible correlations in the N -boson system in addition to what one has in the grand canonical ensemble. These canonical-ensemble quasiparticles fluctuate independently in the ideal Bose gas and form dressed canonical-ensemble quasiparticles in the dilute weakly interacting Bose gas due to Bogoliubov coupling (see Section 6 below).
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Such an analysis was elaborated in [20,21] and resulted in the explicit expressions for the characteristic function and all cumulants of the ground-state occupation statistics both for the dilute weakly interacting and ideal Bose gases. We present it here, including the analytical formulas for the moments of the groundstate occupation fluctuations in the ideal Bose gases in an arbitrary power-law trap, and, in particular, in a box (“homogeneous gas”) and in an arbitrary harmonic trap. In Section 6 we extend this analysis to the interacting Bose gas. In particular, we calculate the effect of Bogoliubov coupling between quasiparticles on suppression of the ground-state occupation fluctuations at moderate temperatures and their enhancement at very low temperatures and clarify a crossover between ideal-gas and weakly-interacting-gas statistics which is governed by a pair-correlation, squeezing mechanism. The important conclusion is that in most cases the ground-state occupation fluctuations are anomalously large and are not Gaussian even in the thermodynamic limit. Previous studies focused mainly on the mean value, n¯ 0 , and squared variance, (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 , of the number of condensed atoms.1 Higher statistical moments are more difficult to calculate, and it was often assumed that the condensate fluctuations have vanishing higher cumulants (semi-invariants). That is, it was assumed that the condensate fluctuations are essentially Gaussian with all central moments determined by the mean value and the variance. We here show that this is not true even in the thermodynamic limit. In, particular, we prove that in the general case the third and higher cumulants normalized by the corresponding power of the variance do not vanish even in the thermodynamic limit. The results of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach are valid for temperatures a little lower than a critical temperature, namely, when the probability of having zero atoms in the ground state of the trap is negligibly small and the higher-order effects of the interaction between quasiparticles are not important. We outline also the Maxwell’s demon ensemble approximation introduced and studied for the ideal Bose gas in [42,44,46,54,55] and show that it can be justified on the basis of the method of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles, and for the case of the ideal Bose gas gives the same results. This section is organized as follows: We start with the reduction of the Hilbert space and the introduction of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles appropriate to the canonical-ensemble problem in Section 5.1. Then, in Section 5.2, we analytically calculate the characteristic function and all cumulants of the groundstate occupation distribution for the ideal Bose gas in a trap with an arbitrary
1 The only exception known to the authors is the paper [14] where the third moment of the groundstate occupation for the ideal gas in a harmonic trap was discussed in the Maxwell’s demon ensemble approximation. Higher moments were also discussed on the basis of the master equation approach in Refs. [52,53].
single-particle energy spectrum. We also discuss the Maxwell’s demon ensemble approach and compare it with the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach. In Section 5.3 we apply these results to the case of an arbitrary d-dimensional power-law trap which includes a three-dimensional box with periodic boundary conditions (“homogeneous gas”) and a three-dimensional asymmetric harmonic trap as the particular cases.
5.1. C ANONICAL -E NSEMBLE Q UASIPARTICLES IN THE R EDUCED H ILBERT S PACE In principle, to study the condensate fluctuations, we have to fix only the external macroscopical and global, topological parameters of the system, like the number of particles, temperature, superfluid flow pattern (“domain” or vortex structure), boundary conditions, etc. We then proceed to find the condensate density matrix via a solution of the von Neumann equation with general initial conditions admitting all possible quantum states of the condensate. In particular, this is a natural way to approach the linewidth problem for the atom laser [88,89]. Obviously, this is a complicated problem, especially for the interacting finite-temperature Bose gas; because of the need for an efficient technique to account for the additional correlations introduced by the constraint in such realistic ensembles. The latter is the origin of the difficulties in the theory of the canonical or microcanonical ensembles (see discussion in Section 3.1). According to [32], a calculation of equilibrium statistical properties using the grand canonical ensemble and a perturbation series will be impossible since the series will have zero radius of convergence. One way out of this problem is to develop a technique which would allow us to make calculations in the constrained many-body Hilbert space, e.g., on the basis of the master equation approach as discussed in Section 4. Another possibility is to solve for the constraint from the very beginning by a proper reduction of the many-body Hilbert space so that we can work with the new, already unconstrained quasiparticles. This approach is demonstrated in the present Section. Working in the canonical ensemble, we solve for the fluctuations of the number of atoms in the ground state in the ideal Bose gas in a trap (and similarly in the weakly interacting Bose gas with the Bogoliubov coupling between excited atoms, see Section 6). More difficult problems involving phase fluctuations of the condensate with an accurate account of the quasiparticle renormalization due to interaction at finite temperatures and the dynamics of BEC will be discussed elsewhere. We begin by defining an occupation number operator in the many-body Fock space as usual, (n) (n) √ (n) (n+1) . (207) nˆ k = aˆ k+ aˆ k , nˆ k ψk = nψk , aˆ k+ ψk = n + 1ψk
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The particle number constraint (72) determines a canonical-ensemble (CE) subspace of the Fock space. Again we would like to work with the particle-number conserving creation and annihilation operators. The latter are given in the Girardeau and Arnowitt paper [87], βˆk+ = aˆ k+ βˆ0 ,
βˆk = βˆ0+ aˆ k ,
βˆ0 = (1 + nˆ 0 )−1/2 aˆ 0 .
These operators for k = 0 can be interpreted as describing new canonicalensemble quasiparticles which obey the Bose canonical commutation relations on the subspace n0 = 0, βˆk , βˆk+ = δk,k . (209) We are interested in the properties of the fraction of atoms condensed in the ground level of the trap, k = 0. We focus on the important situation when the ground-state occupation distribution is relatively well peaked, i.e., its variance is much less than the mean occupation of the ground level of a trap, 1/2 n¯ 0 . (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 (210) In such a case, the relative role of the states with zero ground-state occupation, n0 = 0, is insignificant, so that we can approximate the canonical-ensemble sub. Obviously, this approximation is valid only space HCE by the subspace HnCE 0 =0 for temperatures T < Tc . The physical meaning of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles, βˆk = βˆ0+ aˆ k , is that they describe transitions between ground (k = 0) and excited (k = 0) states. All quantum properties of the condensed atoms have to be expressed via the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle operators in Eq. (208). In particular, we have the identity
nˆ 0 = N − (211) nˆ k , k =0
where the occupation operators of the excited states are nˆ k = aˆ k+ aˆ k = βˆk+ βˆk .
Note that in Refs. [90,91] quasiparticle operators similar in spirit to those of Ref. [87] were introduced which, unlike βˆk , did not obey the Bose commutation relations (209) exactly, if noncommutation of the ground-state occupation operators aˆ 0 and aˆ 0+ is important. As was shown by Girardeau [92], this is important because the commutation corrections can accumulate in a perturbation series for quantities like an S-matrix. Warning concerning a similar subtlety was stressed some time ago [93]. We are interested in fluctuations in the number of atoms condensed in the ground state of a trap, n0 . This is equal to the difference between the total number
of atoms in a trap and the number of excited atoms, n0 = N − n. In principle, a condensed state can be defined via the bare trap states as their many-body mixture fixed by the interaction and external conditions. Hence, occupation statistics of the ground as well as excited states of a trap is a very informative feature of the BEC fluctuations. Of course, there are other quantities that characterize BEC fluctuations, e.g., occupations of collective, dressed or coherent excitations and different phases.
5.2. C UMULANTS OF BEC F LUCTUATIONS IN AN I DEAL B OSE G AS Now we can use the reduced Hilbert space and the equilibrium canonicalensemble density matrix ρˆ to conclude that the occupation numbers of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles, nk , k = 0, are independent stochastic variables with the equilibrium distribution ρk (nk ) = exp(−nk εk /T ) 1 − exp(−εk /T ) . (213) The statistical distribution of the number of excited atoms, n = k =0 nk , which is equal, according to Eq. (211), to the number of noncondensed atoms, is a simple “mirror” image of the distribution of the number of condensed atoms, ρ(n) = ρ0 (n0 = N − n).
A useful way to find and to describe it is via the characteristic function Θn (u) = Tr eiunˆ ρˆ . (215) Thus upon taking the Fourier transform of Θn (u) we obtain the probability distribution π 1 ρ(n) = (216) e−iun Θn (u) du. 2π −π
Taylor expansions of Θn (u) and log Θn (u) give explicitly initial (noncentral) moments and cumulants, or semi-invariants [72,94]: ∞
um dm , αm , αm ≡ nm = Θ (u) Θn (u) = (217) n m m! du u=0
log Θn (u) =
Θn (u = 0) = 1.
(iu)m m!
κm =
dm d(iu)m
log Θn (u)
, u=0
¯ m The cumulants κr , initial moments αm , and central moments μm ≡ (n − n) are related to each other by the simple binomial formulas [72,94] via the mean
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number of the noncondensed atoms n¯ = N − n¯ 0 , r r
r r μr = (−1)k αr−k n¯ k , αr = μr−k n¯ k , k k k=0 k=0 ¯ 2 ≡ μ2 = κ2 , (n − n) ¯ 3 ≡ μ3 = κ3 , n¯ = κ1 , (n − n) (n − n) ¯ 4 ≡ μ4 = κ4 + 3κ22 , (n − n) ¯ 5 ≡ μ5 = κ5 + 10κ2 κ3 , (n − n) ¯ 6 ≡ μ6 = κ6 + 15κ2 κ4 + κ22 + 10κ32 , . . . .
Instead of calculation of the central moments, μm = (n − n) ¯ m , it is more convenient, in particular so for the analysis of the non-Gaussian properties, to solve for the cumulants κm , which are related to the moments by simple binomial expressions. The first six are ¯ κ1 = n,
κ2 = μ2 ,
κ5 = μ5 − 10μ2 μ3 ,
κ3 = μ3 ,
κ4 = μ4 − 3μ22 , κ6 = μ6 − 15μ2 μ4 − 2μ22 .
As discussed in detail below, the essence of the BEC fluctuations and the most simple formulas are given in terms of the “generating cumulants” κ˜ m which are related to the cumulants κm by the combinatorial formulas in Eq. (223), κ1 = κ˜ 1 ,
κ2 = κ˜ 2 + κ˜ 1 ,
κ3 = κ˜ 3 + 3κ˜ 2 + κ˜ 1 ,
κ4 = κ˜ 4 + 6κ˜ 3 + 7κ˜ 2 + κ˜ 1 , . . . .
The main advantage of the cumulant analysis of the probability distribution ρ(n) is the simple fact that the cumulant of a sum of independent stochastic (k) variables is equal to a sum of the partial cumulants, r . This is a con& κr = k =0 κ sequence of the equalities log Θn (u) = log k =0 Θnk (u) = k =0 log Θnk (u). For each canonical-ensemble quasiparticle, the characteristic function can be easily calculated from the equilibrium density matrix as follows: zk − 1 . Θnk (u) = Tr eiunˆ k ρˆk = Tr eiunˆ k e−εk nˆ k /T 1 − e−εk /T = zk − z (222) Here we introduced the exponential function of the single-particle energy spectrum εk , namely zk = exp(εk /T ), and a variable z = exp(iu) which has the character of a “fugacity”. As a result, we obtain an explicit formula for the characteristic function and all cumulants of the number of excited (and, according to the equation n0 = N − n, condensed) atoms in the ideal Bose gas in an arbitrary trap as follows: ∞ ∞
zk − 1
(eiu − 1)m (iu)r log κ˜ m κr = = , log Θn (u) = zk − z m! r! k =0
k =0
εk /T
κr =
σr(m) κ˜ m .
363 (223)
Here we use the Stirling numbers of the 2nd kind [72], m ∞
x k xn 1 m σr(m) = (−1)m−k e − 1 = k! σn(k) , (224) kr , k m! n! k=0
that yield a simple expression for the cumulants κr via the generating cumulants κ˜ m . In particular, the first four cumulants are given in Eq. (221). Thus, due to the standard relations (219), the result (223) yields all moments of the condensate fluctuations. Except for the average value, all cumulants are independent of the total number of atoms in the trap; they depend only on the temperature and energy spectrum of the trap. This universal temperature dependence of the condensate fluctuations was observed and used in [42,44,46,54,57] to study the condensate fluctuations in the ideal Bose gas on the basis of the socalled Maxwell’s demon ensemble approximation. The method of the canonicalensemble quasiparticles also agrees with and provides further justification for the “demon” approximation. The main point is that the statistics is determined by numbers and fluctuations of the excited, noncondensed atoms which behave independently of the total atom number N for temperatures well below the critical temperature since all “excess” atoms stay in the ground state of the trap. Therefore, one can calculate statistics in a formal limit as if we have an infinite number of atoms in the condensate. That is we can say that the condensate plays the part of an infinite reservoir for the excited atoms, in agreement with previous works [14, 42,44,46,54,57]. Obviously, our approximation in Eq. (210) as well as the Maxwell’s demon ensemble approximation does not describe all mesoscopic effects that can be important very close to the critical temperature or for a very small number of atoms in the trap. However, it takes into account the effect of a finite size of a trap via the discreteness of the energy levels εk , i.e., in this sense the approximation (210) describes not only the thermodynamic limit but also systems with a finite number of atoms N . In addition, the mesoscopic effects can be partially taken into account by a “grand” canonical approximation for the probability distribution of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle occupation numbers ρ˜k (nk ) = exp(−nk ε˜ k /T ) 1 − exp(−˜εk /T ) , ε˜ k = εk − μ, (225) where the chemical potential is related to the mean number of the condensed atoms n¯ 0 = 1/(1 − exp(−βμ)) and should be found self-consistently from the grand-canonical equation
−1 N − n¯ 0 = (226) eε˜ k /T − 1 . k =0
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The canonical-ensemble quasiparticle result for all cumulants remains the same as is given by Eq. (223) above, with the only difference that now all quasiparticle energies are shifted by a negative chemical potential (˜εk = εk − μ),
−m eε˜ k /T − 1 , m = 1, 2, . . . ; κ˜ m = (m − 1)! k =0
κr =
σr(m) κ˜ m .
The first, m = 1, equation in Eq. (227) is a self-consistency equation (226). The way it takes into account the mesoscopic effects (within this mean-number “grand” canonical approximation) is similar to the way in which the selfconsistency equation (264) of the mean-field Popov approximation takes into account the effects of weak atomic interaction. The results of this canonicalensemble quasiparticle approach within the “grand” canonical approximation for the quasiparticle occupations (225) were discussed in Section 3 for the case of the isotropic harmonic trap. Basically, the “grand” canonical approximation improves only the result for the mean number of condensed atoms n¯ 0 (T ), but not for the fluctuations.
5.3. I DEAL G AS BEC S TATISTICS IN A RBITRARY P OWER -L AW T RAPS The explicit formulas for the cumulants demonstrate that the BEC fluctuations depend universally and only on the single-particle energy spectrum of the trap, εk . There are three main parameters that enter this dependence, namely, (a) the ratio of the energy gap between the ground level and the first excited level in the trap to the temperature, ε1 /T , (b) the exponent of the energy spectrum in the infrared limit, εk ∝ k σ at k → 0, and (c) the dimension of the trap, d. The result (223) allows to easily analyze the condensate fluctuations in a general case of a trap with an arbitrary dimension d 1 of the space and with an arbitrary power-law single-particle energy spectrum [46,55,73] εl = h¯
ωj ljσ ,
l = {lj ; j = 1, 2, . . . , d},
j =1
where lj 0 is a nonnegative integer and σ > 0 is an index of the energy spectrum. The results for the particular traps with a trapping potential in the form of a box or harmonic potential well can be immediately deduced from the general case by setting the energy spectrum exponent to be equal to σ = 2 for a box and
σ = 1 for a harmonic trap. We assume that the eigenfrequencies of the trap are ordered, 0 < ω1 ω2 · · · ωd , so that the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state in the trap is ε1 = h¯ ω1 . All cumulants (223) of the condensate occupation fluctuations are given by the following formula:
κ˜ m = (m − 1)!
l≡(l1 ,...,ld )>0
κr =
d h¯ ωj ljσ exp T
*−m −1
j =1
σr(m) κ˜ m .
Let us consider first again the case of moderate temperatures larger than the energy gap, ε1 T < Tc . The first cumulant, i.e., the mean number of noncondensed atoms, can be calculated by means of a continuum approximation of the discrete sum by an integral if the space dimension of a trap is higher than a critical value, d > σ . Namely, one has an usual BEC phase transition with the mean value d/σ d T d/σ = N, T κ1 ≡ n¯ ≡ N − n¯ 0 = Aζ σ Tc d > σ, ε1 T < Tc , (230) where the standard critical temperature is
N Tc = Aζ (d/σ )
σ/d ,
[#( 1 + 1)]d A = &d σ . ( j =1 h¯ ωj )1/σ
The second-order generating cumulant can be calculated by means of this continuum approximation only if d > 2σ , d/σ ζ ( d − 1) − ζ ( σd ) d T d , N σ −1 −ζ = κ˜ 2 = AT d/σ ζ σ σ Tc ζ ( σd ) d > 2σ.
In the opposite case it has to be calculated via a discrete sum because of a formal infrared divergence of the integral. Keeping only the main term in the expansion of the exponent in Eq. (229), exp( Th¯ dj =1 ωj ljσ ) − 1 ≈ Th¯ dj =1 ωj ljσ , we find "
σ σ/d #2 + T σ/d 1 d (2) N aσ,d , +1 # ζ κ˜ 2 = Tc σ σ σ < d < 2σ,
V.V. Kocharovsky et al. (2)
where aσ,d =
¯ ωj )2/d /εl2 . j =1 h
l>0 (
The ratio of the variance to the mean √ number of noncondensed atoms is equal to κ2 /κ1 = κ˜ 1−1 + κ˜ 2 /κ˜ 12 , i.e., + d/(2σ ) ! (n − n) ¯ 2 d d −1/2 Tc ζ =N −1 ζ , n¯ T σ σ
d > 2σ,
(n − n) ¯ 2
= n¯ σ < d < 2σ.
−2σ −2σ/d 2( d −1) σ 1 d 1 Tc d/σ 2( σ −1) Tc (2) +N d aσ,d # , +1 ζ N T T σ σ
We see that the traps with a relatively high dimension of the space, d > 2σ , produce normal thermodynamic fluctuations (234) ∝ N −1/2 and behave similar to the harmonic trap. However, the traps with a relatively low dimension of the space, σ < d < 2σ , produce anomalously large fluctuations (235) in the thermodynamic limit, ∝N σ/d−1 N −1/2 and behave similar to the box with a homogeneous Bose gas, where there is a formal infrared divergence in the continuum-approximation integral for the variance. The third and higher-order central moments (n − n) ¯ m , or the third and higherorder cumulants κm , provide further parameters to distinguish different traps with respect to their fluctuation behavior. The mth-order generating cumulant can be calculated by means of the continuous approximation only if d > mσ , κ˜ m =
AT d/σ #( σd )
d > mσ.
∞ 0
t σ −1 dt = t (e − 1)m
T Tc
N #( σd )ζ ( σd )
∞ 0
t σ −1 dt, t (e − 1)m (236)
In the opposite case we have to use a discrete sum because of a formal infrared divergence of the integral. Again, keeping only the main term in the expansion of the exponent in Eq. (229), exp( Th¯ dj =1 ωj ljσ ) − 1 ≈ Th¯ dj =1 ωj ljσ , we find "
σ σ/d #m + T σ/d 1 d (m) N aσ,d , +1 # ζ κ˜ m = Tc σ σ σ < d < mσ, (237) &d (m) where aσ,d = ¯ ωj )m/d /εlm . (For the sake of simplicity, as in l>0 ( j =1 h Eq. (248), we again omit here a discussion of an obvious logarithmic factor that suppresses the ultraviolet divergence in the latter sum l>0 for the marginal case d = mσ ; see, e.g., Eq. (250).) We conclude that all cumulants up to the order m < d/σ have normal behavior, κm ∝ N , but for the higher orders, m > d/σ , they acquire an anomalous growth in the thermodynamic limit, κm κ˜ m ∝ N mσ/d . This result provides a simple
classification of the relative strengths of the higher-order fluctuation properties of the condensate in different traps. In particular, it makes it obvious that for all power–law traps with 1 < d/σ < 2 the condensate fluctuations are not Gaussian, since κm m/2
∝ N 0 → const = 0 at N → ∞, m 3,
so that the asymmetry coefficient, γ1 ≡ (n0 − n¯ 0 )3 /(n0 − n¯ 0 )2 3/2 = 0, and the excess coefficient, γ2 ≡ (n0 − n¯ 0 )4 /(n0 − n¯ 0 )2 2 − 3 = 0, are not zero. Traps with d/σ > 2 show Gaussian condensate fluctuations, since all higherm/2 order cumulant coefficients κm /κ2 vanish, namely, κm m/2 κ2
κm m/2 κ2
∝ N 1−m/2 → 0 at N → ∞ if 3 m < σ
∝ N m( d − 2 ) → 0 1
at N → ∞ if m >
d . σ
d , σ
(239) (240)
(For the sake of simplicity, we omit here an analysis of the special cases when d/σ is an integer. It also can be done straightforwardly on the basis of the result (229).) Very likely, a weak interaction also violates this nonrobust property and makes properties of the condensate fluctuations in the traps with a relatively high dimension of the space, d/σ > 2, similar to that of the box with the homogeneous Bose gas (see Section 6 below), as it is stated below for the particular case of the harmonic traps. For traps with a space dimension lower than the critical value, d < σ , it is known that a BEC phase transition does not exist (see, e.g., [46]). Nevertheless, even in this case there still exists a well-peaked probability distribution ρ0 (n0 ) at low enough temperatures, so that the condition (210) is satisfied and our general result (223) describes this effect as well. In this case there is a formal infrared divergence in the corresponding integrals for all cumulants (223), starting with the mean value. Hence, all of them should be calculated as discrete sums. For moderate temperatures we find approximately −m m d T ωj ljσ κ˜ m (m − 1)! h¯ l>0 j =1 d
T m ∼ (m − 1)! , h¯ ωj j =1
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so that higher cumulants have larger values. In particular, the mean number of noncondensed atoms is of the same order as the variance, d −1 d
T T κ1 ≡ n¯ ≡ N − n¯ 0 ωj ljσ ∼ h¯ h¯ ωj j =1 l>0 j =1 d T 2 2 ∼ n0 ∼ , d < σ. (242) h¯ ωj j =1 Therefore, until n¯ ∼ n20 N,
i.e., d −1 d , , 1 σ T Tc = N ∼N , hω ¯ j lj h¯ ωj j =1 l>0 j =1
there is a well-peaked condensate distribution, n20 n¯ 0 . The marginal case of a trap with the critical space dimension, d = σ , is also described by our result (229), but we omit its discussion in the present paper. We mention only that there is also a formal infrared divergence, in this case a logarithmic divergence, and, at the same time, it is necessary to keep the whole exponent in Eq. (229); because otherwise in an approximation like (241) there appears an ultraviolet divergence. The physical result is that in such traps, e.g., in a one-dimensional harmonic trap, a quasicondensation of the ideal Bose gas takes place at the critical temperature [43,46] Tc ∼ hω ¯ 1 N/ ln N . For very low temperatures, T ε1 , the second and higher energy levels in the trap are not thermally excited and atoms in the ideal Bose gas in any trap go to the ground level with an exponential accuracy. This situation is also described by Eq. (229) that yields n¯ 0 N and proves that all cumulants of the number-of-noncondensed-atom distribution become the same, since all higherorder generating cumulants exponentially vanish faster than κ1 , κm κ1 ≡ κ˜ 1 ,
κ˜ m (m − 1)!
e−mh¯ ωj /T ,
T ε1 .
j =1
The conclusion is that for the ideal Bose gas in any trap the distribution of the number of noncondensed atoms becomes Poissonian at very low temperatures. It means that the distribution of the number of condensed atoms is not Poissonian, but a “mirror” image of the Poisson’s distribution. We see, again, that the complementary number of noncondensed atoms, n = N − n0 , is more convenient for
the characterization of the condensate statistics. A physical reason for this is that the noncondensed atoms in different excited levels fluctuate independently. The formulas (229)–(244) for the power-law traps contain all corresponding formulas for a box (d = 3, σ = 2) and for a harmonic trap (d = 3, σ = 1) in a 3-dimensional space as particular cases. It is worth to stress that BEC fluctuations in the ideal gas for the latter two cases are very different. In the box, if the temperature is larger than the trap energy gap, ε1 T < Tc , all cumulants, starting with the variance, m 2, are anomalously large and dominated by the lowest energy modes, i.e., formally infrared divergent, κm ≈ κ˜ m ∝ (T /Tc )m N 2m/3 ,
m 2.
Only the mean number of condensed atoms, n¯ 0 = N − n¯ = N − κ1 = N 1 − (T /Tc )3/2 , 2/3 2π h¯ 2 N , Tc = m L3 ζ (3/2)
can be calculated correctly via replacement of the discrete sum in Eq. (223) by an ∞ integral 0 . . . d 3 k. The correct value of the squared variance, 2 s4 2 4/3 T , κ2 ≡ (n0 − n¯ 0 ) = N Tc π 2 (ζ (3/2))4/3
1 = 16.53, s4 = (247) l4 l =0
can be calculated from Eq. (223) only as a discrete sum. Thus, for the box the condensate fluctuations are anomalous and non-Gaussian even in the thermodynamic limit. To the contrary, for the harmonic trap with temperature much larger than the energy gap, ε1 T < Tc , the condensate fluctuations are Gaussian in the thermodynamic limit. This is because, contrary to the case of the homogeneous gas, in the harmonic trap only the third and higher-order cumulants, m 3, are lowest-energy-mode dominated, i.e., formally infrared divergent,
−3 κ3 ≈ κ˜ 3 = 2 eh¯ ωl/T − 1 , l>0
m T (ωl)−m ∝ N m/3 , κm ≈ κ˜ m ≈ (m − 1)! h¯ l>0
m > 3,
and they are small compared with an appropriate power of the variance squared ζ (2) T 3 κ2 ≡ (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 = (249) N. ζ (3) Tc
V.V. Kocharovsky et al.
The asymmetry coefficient behaves as γ1 ≡
κ3 3/2 κ2
(n0 − n¯ 0 )3 log N ∝ 1/2 → 0, (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 3/2 N
and all higher normalized cumulants (m 3) vanish in the thermodynamic limit, N → ∞, as follows: κm m/2 κ2
1 → 0. N m/6
It is important to realize that a weak interaction violates this nonrobust property and makes properties of the condensate fluctuations in a harmonic trap similar to that of the homogeneous gas in the box (see Section 6 below). For the variance, the last fact was first pointed out in [78].
5.4. E QUIVALENT F ORMULATION IN T ERMS OF THE P OLES OF THE G ENERALIZED Z ETA F UNCTION Cumulants of the BEC fluctuations in the ideal Bose gas, Eq. (223), can be written in an equivalent form which is quite interesting mathematically (see [95] and references therein). Namely, starting with the cumulant generating function ln Ξex (β, z), where β = 1/kB T and z = eβμ , ln Ξex (β, z) = − =
ln 1 − z exp −β(εν − ε0 )
ν=1 ∞ n ∞
z exp[−nβ(εν
ν=1 n=1
− ε0 )]
we use the Mellin–Barnes transform e
1 = 2πi
τ +i∞
dt a −t #(t)
τ −i∞
to write τ +i∞ ∞ n ∞
z 1 1 dt #(t) ln Ξex (β, z) = n 2πi [nβ(εν − ε0 )]t ν=1 n=1
1 2πi
τ −i∞
τ +i∞
dt #(t) τ −i∞
1 zn . [β(εν − ε0 )]t nt+1 n=1
Recalling the series representation of the Bose functions gα (z) =
zn /nα
and introducing the generalized, “spectral” Zeta function −t Z(β, t) = β(εν − ε0 ) , we arrive at the convenient (and exact) integral representation ln Ξex (β, z) =
τ +i∞
1 2πi
dt #(t)Z(β, t)gt+1 (z).
τ −i∞
d gα (z) = gα−1 (z) and gα (1) = ζ (α), Utilizing the well-known relations z dz where ζ (α) denotes the original Riemann Zeta function, Eq. (254) may be written in the appealing compact formula ∂ k κk (β) = z ln Ξex (β, z) ∂z z=1
1 = 2πi
τ +i∞
dt #(t)Z(β, t)ζ (t + 1 − k).
τ −i∞
Thus, by means of the residue theorem, Eq. (255) links all cumulants of the canonical distribution in the condensate regime to the poles of the generalized Zeta function Z(β, t), which embodies all the system’s properties, and to the pole of a system-independent Riemann Zeta function, the location of which depends on the order k of the respective cumulant. The formula (255) provides a systematic asymptotic expansion of the cumulants κk (β) through the residues of the analytically continued integrands, taken from right to left. The large-system behavior is extracted from the leading pole, finite-size corrections are encoded in the nextto-leading poles, and the non-Gaussian nature of the condensate fluctuations is definitely seen. The details and examples of such analysis can be found in [95]. Concluding the Section 5, it is worthwhile to mention that previously only first two moments, κ1 and κ2 , were analyzed for the ideal gas [13,46,53,57,73–77], and the known results coincide with ours. Our explicit formulas provide a complete answer to the problem of all higher moments of the condensate fluctuations in the ideal gas. The canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach, taken together with the master equation approach gives a fairly complete picture of the central moments. For the interacting Bose gas this problem becomes much more involved. We address it in the next, last part of this review within a simple approximation that takes into account one of the main effects of the interaction, namely, the Bogoliubov coupling.
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6. Why Condensate Fluctuations in the Interacting Bose Gas are Anomalously Large, Non-Gaussian, and Governed by Universal Infrared Singularities? In this section, following the Refs. [20,21], the analytical formulas for the statistics, in particular, for the characteristic function and all cumulants, of the Bose–Einstein condensate in the dilute, weakly interacting gases in the canonical ensemble are derived using the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle method. We prove that the ground-state occupation statistics is not Gaussian even in the thermodynamic limit. We calculate the effect of Bogoliubov coupling on suppression of ground-state occupation fluctuations and show that they are governed by a paircorrelation, squeezing mechanism. It is shown that the result of Giorgini, Pitaevskii and Stringari (GPS) [78] for the variance of condensate fluctuations is correct, and the criticism of Idziaszek and others [96,97] is incorrect. A crossover between the interacting and ideal Bose gases is described. In particular, it is demonstrated that the squared variance of the condensate fluctuations for the interacting Bose gas, Eq. (271), tends to a half of that for the ideal Bose gas, Eq. (247), because the atoms are coupled in strongly correlated pairs such that the number of independent degrees of freedom contributing to the fluctuations of the total number of excited atoms is only 1/2 the atom number N . This pair correlation mechanism is a consequence of two-mode squeezing due to Bogoliubov coupling between k and −k modes. Hence, the fact that the fluctuation in the interacting Bose gas is 1/2 of that in the ideal Bose gas is not an accident, contrary to the conclusion of GPS. Thus, there is a deep (not accidental) parallel between the fluctuations of ideal and interacting bosons. Finally, physics and universality of the anomalies and infrared singularities of the order parameter fluctuations for different systems with a long range order below a critical temperature of a second-order phase transition, including strongly interacting superfluids and ferromagnets, is discussed. In particular, an effective nonlinear σ model for the systems with a broken continuous symmetry is outlined and the crucial role of the Goldstone modes fluctuations combined with an inevitable geometrical coupling between longitudinal and transverse order parameter fluctuations and susceptibilities in the constrained systems is demonstrated.
6.1. C ANONICAL -E NSEMBLE Q UASIPARTICLES IN THE ATOM -N UMBER -C ONSERVING B OGOLIUBOV A PPROXIMATION We consider a dilute homogeneous Bose gas with a weak interatomic scattering described by the well-known Hamiltonian [30]
h¯ 2 k2 2M
aˆ k+ aˆ k +
1 k3 k4 |U |k1 k2 aˆ k+4 aˆ k+3 aˆ k2 aˆ k1 , 2V
373 (256)
{ki }
where V = L3 is a volume of a box confining the gas with periodic boundary conditions. The main effect of the weak interaction is the Bogoliubov coupling between bare canonical-ensemble quasiparticles, βˆk = βˆ0+ aˆ k , via the condensate. It may be described, to a first approximation, by a quadratic part of the Hamiltonian (256), i.e., by the atom-number-conserving Bogoliubov Hamiltonian [92] HB =
N (N − 1)U0 h¯ 2 k2 (nˆ 0 + 1/2)Uk + + + βˆk βˆk 2V 2M V k =0
1 + Uk (1 + nˆ 0 )(2 + nˆ 0 ) βˆk+ βˆ−k + h.c. , 2V
k =0
where we will make an approximation nˆ 0 n¯ 0 1, which is consistent with our main assumption (210) of the existence of a well-peaked condensate distribution function. Then, the Bogoliubov canonical transformation, + βˆk = uk bˆk + vk bˆ−k ;
βˆk+ = uk bˆk+ + vk bˆ−k ;
1 Ak uk = , vk = , 1 − A2k 1 − A2k V h¯ 2 k2 n¯ 0 Uk Ak = − , εk − n¯ 0 Uk 2M V
describes the condensate canonical-ensemble quasiparticles which have a “gapless” Bogoliubov energy spectrum and fluctuate independently in the approximation (257), since
εk bˆk+ bˆk , HB = E0 + ! εk =
k =0
n¯ 0 Uk h¯ 2 k2 + 2M V
2 −
n¯ 0 Uk V
2 .
In other words, we again have an ideal Bose gas although now it consists of the dressed quasiparticles which are different both from the atoms and bare (canonical-ensemble) quasiparticles introduced in Section 5. Hence, the analysis of fluctuations can be carried out in a similar fashion to the case of the noninteracting, ideal Bose gas of atoms. This results in a physically transparent and analytical theory of BEC fluctuations that was suggested and developed in [20, 21].
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The only difference with the ideal gas is that now the equilibrium density matrix, ˆ+ ˆ ρˆk , ρˆk = e−εk bk bk /T 1 − e−εk /T , ρˆ = (260) k =0
is not diagonal in the bare atomic occupation numbers, the statistics of which we are going to calculate. This feature results in the well-known quantum optics effect of squeezing of the fluctuations. The number of atoms with coupled momenta k and −k is determined by the Bogoliubov coupling coefficients according to the following equation: + + ˆ aˆ −k = βˆk+ βˆk + βˆ−k aˆ k+ aˆ k + aˆ −k β−k 2 + + ˆ b−k = uk + vk2 bˆk bˆk + bˆ−k + + ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ + 2uk vk bk b−k + bk b−k + 2vk2 .
6.2. C HARACTERISTIC F UNCTION AND ALL C UMULANTS OF BEC F LUCTUATIONS The characteristic function for the total number of atoms in the two, k and −k, modes squeezed by Bogoliubov coupling is calculated in [20,21] as 2 ˆ+ ˆ ˆ+ ˆ ˆ+ ˆ ˆ+ ˆ Θ±k (u) ≡ Tr eiu(βk βk +β−k β−k ) e−εk (bk bk +b−k b−k )/T 1 − e−εk /T (z(Ak ) − 1)(z(−Ak ) − 1) = , (z(Ak ) − eiu )(z(−Ak ) − eiu ) Ak − eεk /T z(Ak ) = (262) . Ak eεk /T − 1 The term “squeezing” originates from the studies of a noise reduction in quantum optics (see the discussion after Eq. (278)). The characteristic function for the distribution of the total number of the excited atoms & is equal to the product of the coupled-mode characteristic functions, (k, −k)-modes are indeΘn (u) = k =0,mod{±k} Θ±k (u), since different pairs of& pendent to the first approximation (257). The product runs over all different pairs of (k, −k)-modes. It is worth noting that by doing all calculations via the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles (Section 5) we automatically take into account all correlations introduced by the canonical-ensemble constraint. As a result, similar to the ideal gas (Eq. (223)), we obtain the explicit formula for all cumulants in the dilute weakly interacting Bose gas,
1 1 1 + , κ˜ m = (m − 1)! 2 (z(Ak ) − 1)m (z(−Ak ) − 1)m k =0
σr(m) κ˜ m .
375 (263)
In comparison with the ideal Bose gas, Eq. (223), we have effectively a mixture of two species of atom pairs with z(±Ak ) instead of exp(εk /T ). It is important to emphasize that the first equation in (263), m = 1, is a nonlinear self-consistency equation, N − n¯ 0 = κ1 (n¯ 0 ) ≡
1 + A2k eεk /T
k =0
(1 − A2k )(eεk /T − 1)
to be solved for the mean number of ground-state atoms n¯ 0 (T ), since the Bogoliubov coupling coefficient (258), Ak , and the energy spectrum (259), εk , are themselves functions of the mean value n¯ 0 . Then, all the other equations in (263), m 2, are nothing else but explicit expressions for all cumulants, m 2, if one substitutes the solution of the self-consistency equation (264) for the mean value n¯ 0 . The Eq. (264), obtained here for the interacting Bose gas (257) in the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach, coincides precisely with the selfconsistency equation for the grand-canonical dilute gas in the so-called first-order Popov approximation (see a review in [36]). The latter is well established as a reasonable first approximation for the analysis of the finite-temperature properties of the dilute Bose gas and is not valid only in a very small interval near Tc , given by Tc − T < a(N/V )1/3 Tc Tc , where a = MU0 /4π h¯ 2 is a usual s-wave scattering length. The analysis of the Eq. (264) shows that in the dilute gas the self-consistent value n¯ 0 (T ) is close to that given by the ideal gas model, Eq. (246), and for very low temperatures goes smoothly to the value given by the standard Bogoliubov theory [30,33,93] for a small condensate depletion, N − n¯ 0 N . This is illustrated by Fig. 14a. (Of course, near the critical temperature Tc the number of excited quasiparticles is relatively large, so that along with the Bogoliubov coupling (257) other, higher-order effects of interaction should be taken into account to get a complete theory.) Note that the effect of a weak interaction on the condensate fluctuations is very significant (see Fig. 14b–d) even if the mean number of condensed atoms changes by relatively small amount.
6.3. S URPRISES : BEC F LUCTUATIONS ARE A NOMALOUSLY L ARGE AND N ON -G AUSSIAN E VEN IN THE T HERMODYNAMIC L IMIT According to the standard textbooks on statistical physics, e.g., [30,61,77,98], any extensive variable Cˆ of a thermodynamic system has vanishing relative rootmean-square fluctuations. Namely, in the thermodynamic limit, a relative squared ¯ 2 /C¯ 2 = Cˆ 2 /C ˆ 2 − 1 ∝ V −1 goes inversely proportional variance (Cˆ − C)
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F IG . 14. Temperature scaling of the first four cumulants, the mean value n¯ 0 /N = N − κ1 /N , √ 1/3 the variance κ2 /N = (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 1/2 /N 1/2 , the third central moment −κ3 /N 1/2 = 2 3 1/3 1/2 1/4 1/2 4 (n0 − n¯ 0 ) /N , the fourth cumulant |κ4 | /N = |(n0 − n¯ 0 ) − 3κ2 |/N 2 , of the ground-state occupation fluctuations for the dilute weakly interacting Bose gas (Eq. (263)), with U0 N 1/3 /ε1 V = 0.05 (thick solid lines), as compared with Eq. (223) (thin solid lines) and with the exact recursion relation (80) (dot-dashed lines) for the ideal gas in the box; N = 1000. For the ideal gas our results (thin solid lines) are almost indistinguishable from the exact recursion calculations (dot-dashed lines) in the condensed region, T < Tc (N ). Temperature is normalized by the standard thermodynamic-limit critical value Tc (N = ∞) that differs from the finite-size value Tc (N ), as is clearly seen in graphs.
to the system volume V , or total number of particles N . This fundamental property originates from the presence of a finite correlation length ξ that allows us to partition a large system into an extensive number V /ξ 3 of statistically independent subvolumes, with a finite variance in each subvolume. As a result, the central limit theorem of probability theory yieldsa Gaussian distribution for the ¯ 2 ∼ V 1/2 . Possible variable Cˆ with a standard scaling for variance, (Cˆ − C) deviations from this general rule are especially interesting. It turns out that BEC
in a trap is one of the examples of such peculiar systems. A physical reason for the anomalously large and non-Gaussian BEC fluctuations is the existence of the long range order below the critical temperature of the second-order phase transition. Let us show in detail that the result (263) implies, similar to the case of the ideal homogeneous gas (Section 5), that the ground-state occupation fluctuations in the weakly interacting gas are not Gaussian in the thermodynamic limit, and anomalously large. The main fact is that the anomalous contribution to the BEC fluctuation cumulants comes from the modes which have the most negative Bogoliubov coupling coefficient Ak ≈ −1 since in this case one has z(Ak ) → 1, so that this function produces a singularity in the first term in Eq. (263). (The second term in Eq. (263) never makes a singular contribution since always z(−Ak ) < −1 or z(−Ak ) > exp(εk /T ).) These modes, with Ak ≈ −1, exist only if the interaction energy g = n¯ 0 Uk /V in the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian (257) is larger than the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited states in the trap, 1 , i.e., ε1 = ( 2πLh¯ )2 2M g 2a n¯ 0 (265) ≡ 1, ε1 πL and are the infrared modes with the longest wavelength of the trap energy spectrum. In terms of the scattering length for atom–atom collisions, a = MUk /4π h¯ 2 , the latter condition (265) coincides with a familiar condition for the Thomas– Fermi regime, in which the interaction energy is much larger then the atom’s kinetic energy. Let us use a representation which is obvious from Eqs. (258) and (259), 2εk Ak (1 − Ak ) εk εk 1+ tanh , ≈ z(Ak ) − 1 ≡ (266) g(1 − Ak ) 1 + eεk /T g 2T where in the last, approximate equality we set Ak ≈ −1, and neglect the contribution from the second term in Eq. (263), assuming that the singular contribution from the modes with Ak ≈ −1 via the first term in Eq. (263) is dominant. Then, for all infrared-dominated cumulants of higher orders m 2, the result (263) reduces to a very transparent form
1 1 κ˜ m ≈ (m − 1)! (267) εk εk m . 2 [ g tanh( 2T )] k =0
Finally, using the Bogoliubov energy spectrum in Eq. (259), εk = ε1 l4 + (2g/ε1 )l2 with a set of integers l = (lx , ly , lz ), we arrive to the following simple formulas for the higher-order generating cumulants in the Thomas–Fermi regime (265): m 1 1 T κ˜ m ≈ (m − 1)! , g 2T 2 /ε1 ; ε1 g T , (268) 2m 2 ε1 l l =0
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1 1 g m/2 , κ˜ m ≈ (m − 1)! √ 2 2ε1 [|l| tanh(|l| 2gε1 /T )]m l =0
2T /ε1 g T ; g ε1 , 1 g m/2 1 , κ˜ m ≈ (m − 1)! 2 2ε1 |l|m 2
(269) g 2T 2 /ε1 ;
g ε1 ,
l =0
for high, moderate, and very low temperatures T , respectively, as √ compared to the geometrical mean of the interaction and gap energies in the trap, gε1 /2. In particular, for the Thomas–Fermi regime (265) and relatively high temperatures, the squared variance, as given by Eq. (268), 1 1 1 1 (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 = + + 2 z(Ak ) − 1 (z(Ak ) − 1)2 (z(−Ak ) − 1)2 k =0 1 + z(−Ak ) − 1 →
N 4/3 (T /Tc )2 s4 2π 2 (ζ (3/2))4/3
scales as (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 ∝ N 4/3 . Here the arrow indicates the limit of sufficiently strong interaction, g ε1 and T g ε1 . The behavior (271), (245), and (275) is essentially different from that of the normal fluctuations of most extensive physical observables, which are Gaussian with the squared variance proportional to N. The only exception for the Eqs. (267)– (270) is the low temperature limit of the variance that is not infrared-dominated and should be calculated not via the Eq. (270), but directly from Eq. (263) using the fact that all modes are very poorly occupied at low temperatures, i.e., exp(−εk /T ) 1, if g 2T 2 /ε1 , ε1 . Thus, we immediately find κ2 = κ˜ 2 + κ˜ 1 ≈
(1 − A2k )2 k =0
1 g2 g2 ≈ 2π 2 εk2 ε12 k =0
∞ 0
dr r 2 + 2g/ε1
√ a n¯ 0 g =2 π . (272) L 2 ε1 The above results extend and confirm the result of the pioneering paper [78] where only the second moment, (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 , was calculated. (The result of [78] was rederived by a different way in [99], and generalized in [100].) The higherorder cumulants κm , m > 2, given by Eqs. (263) and (267)–(270), are not zero, do not go to zero in the thermodynamic limit and, moreover, are relatively large compared with the corresponding exponent of the variance (κm )m/2 that proves and measures the non-Gaussian character of the condensate fluctuations. For the π2
Thomas–Fermi regime (265) and relatively high temperatures, the relative values of the higher-order cumulants are given by Eq. (268) as
1 κm s2m m/2−1 (273) ≈ 2 (m − 1)! , s = , 2m (κ2 )m/2 (s4 )m/2 l2m l =0
where l = (lx , ly , lz ) are integers, s4 ≈ 16.53, s6 ≈ 8.40, and s2m ≈ 6 for m 1. In particular, the asymmetry coefficient of the ground-state occupation probability distribution , 3/2 γ1 = (n0 − n¯ 0 )3 (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 √ 3/2 = −κ3 /κ2 ≈ 2 2 s6 /(s4 )3/2 ≈ 0.35 (274) is not very small at all. This non-Gaussian statistics stems from an infrared singularity that exists for the fluctuation cumulants κm , m 2, for the weakly interacting gas in a box despite of the acoustic (i.e., linear, like for the ideal gas in the harmonic trap) behavior of the Bogoliubov–Popov energy spectrum (259) in the infrared limit. The reason is that the excited mode squeezing (i.e., linear mixing of atomic modes) via Bogoliubov coupling affects the BEC statistics (263) for the interacting gas also directly (not only via a modification of the quasiparticle energy spectrum), namely, via the function (262), z(Ak ), which is different from a simple exponent of the bare energy, exp(εk /T ), that enters into the corresponding formula for the noninteracting gas (223).
6.4. C ROSSOVER BETWEEN I DEAL AND I NTERACTION -D OMINATED BEC: Q UASIPARTICLES S QUEEZING AND PAIR C ORRELATION Now we can use the analytical formula (263) to describe explicitly a crossover between the ideal-gas and interaction-dominated regimes of the BEC fluctuations. Obviously, if the interaction energy g = n¯ 0 Uk /V is less than the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state in the trap, g < ε1 , the Bogoliubov coupling (258) becomes small for all modes, |Ak | 1, so that both terms in Eq. (263) give similar contributions and all fluctuation cumulants κ˜ m tend to their ideal gas values in the limit of vanishing interaction, g ε1 . Namely, in the near-ideal gas regime n¯ 0 a/L 1 the squared variance linearly decreases from its ideal-gas value with an increase of the weak interaction as follows: N 4/3 (T /Tc )2 s4 2 2 s6 g (n0 − n¯ 0 ) ≈ 2 1−π s4 ε1 π (ζ (3/2))4/3 4/3 2 N (T /Tc ) s4 n¯ 0 a = 2 (275) . 1 − 3.19 L π (ζ (3/2))4/3
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With a further increase of the interaction energy over the energy gap in the trap, g > ε1 , the essential differences between the weakly interacting and ideal gases appear. First, the energy gap is increased by the interaction, that is 2π h¯ 2 1 2 ε˜ 1 = ε1 + 2ε1 n¯ 0 (T )U0 /V > ε1 = (276) , L 2M so that the border T ∼ ε˜ 1 between the moderate temperature√and very low temperature regimes is shifted to a higher temperature, T ∼√ gε1 /2. Thus, the interaction strength g determines also the temperature T ∼ gε1 /2 above which another important effect of the weak interaction comes into play. Namely, according to Eqs. (267)–(270), the suppression of all condensate-fluctuation cumulants by a factor of 1/2, compared with the ideal gas values (see Eq. (247)), takes place for moderate temperatures, ε˜ 1 T < Tc , when a strong coupling (Ak ≈ −1) contribution dominates in Eq. (263). The factor 1/2 comes from the fact that, according to Eq. (262), z(Ak = −1) = 1,
z(Ak = 1) = −1,
so that the first term in Eq. (263) is resonantly large but the second term is relatively small. In this case, the effective energy spectrum, which can be introduced for the purpose of comparison with the ideal gas formula (223), is 1 1 k2 (277) = T ln z(Ak ) (1 + Ak )εk εk2 V /U0 n¯ 0 . 2 2 2M That is, the occupation of a pair of strongly coupled modes in the weakly interacting gas can be characterized by the same effective energy spectrum as that of a free eff atom. It is necessary to emphasize that the effective energy εk = T ln(z(Ak )), introduced in Eq. (277), describes only the occupation of a pair of bare atom excitations k and −k (see Eqs. (260)–(262)) and, according to Eq. (263), the ground-state occupation. That is, it would be wrong to reduce the analysis of the thermodynamics and, in particular, the entropy of the interacting gas to this effective energy. Thermodynamics is determined by the original energy spectrum of the dressed canonical-ensemble quasiparticles, Eq. (259). This remarkable property explains why the ground-state occupation fluctuations in the interacting gas in this case are anomalously large to the same extent as in the noninteracting gas except factor of 1/2 suppression in the cumulants of all orders. These facts were considered in [78] to be an accidental coincidence. We see now that, roughly speaking, this is so because the atoms are coupled in strongly correlated pairs such that the number of independent stochastic occupation variables (“degrees of freedom”) contributing to the fluctuations of the total number of excited atoms is only 1/2 the atom number N . This strong pair correlation effect is clearly seen in the probability distribution of the total number of eff
F IG . 15. The probability distribution (278) P2 as a function of the number of atoms in k and −k modes, nk + n−k , for the interaction energy U0 n¯ 0 /V = 103 εk and temperature T = εk . The pair correlation effect due to Bogoliubov coupling in the weakly interacting Bose gas is clearly seen for low occupation numbers, i.e., even occupation numbers nk + n−k are more probable than odd ones.
atoms in the two coupled k and −k modes, [z(Ak ) − 1][z(−Ak ) − 1] P2 (nk + n−k ) = z(−Ak ) − z(Ak ) nk +n−k +1 1 − z(−Ak )
1 z(Ak )
nk +n−k +1
(see Fig. 15). The latter formula follows from Eq. (262). Obviously, a higher probability for even occupation numbers nk + n−k as compared to odd numbers at low occupations means that the atoms in the k and −k modes have a tendency to appear or disappear simultaneously, i.e., in pairs. This is a particular feature of the well-studied in quantum optics phenomenon of two-mode squeezing (see, e.g., [18,37]). This squeezing means a reduction in the fluctuations of the population difference nk − n−k , and of the relative phases or so-called quadrature-phase amplitudes of an interacting state of two bare modes aˆ k and aˆ −k compared with their appropriate uncoupled state, e.g., coherent or vacuum state. The squeezing is due to the quantum correlations which build up in the bare excited modes via Bogoliubov coupling (258) and is very similar to the noise squeezing in a nondegenerate parametric amplifier studied in great details by many authors in quantum optics in 80s [18,37]. We note that fluctuations of individual bare excited modes are not squeezed, but there is a high degree of correlation between occupation numbers in each mode. It is very likely that in the general case of an arbitrary power-law trap the interaction also results in anomalously large fluctuations of the number of ground-state
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atoms, and a formal infrared divergence due to excited mode squeezing via Bogoliubov coupling and renormalization of the energy spectrum. In the particular case of the isotropic harmonic trap this was demonstrated in [78] for the variance of the condensate fluctuations. Therefore, the ideal gas model for traps with a low spectral index σ < d/2 (such as a three-dimensional harmonic trap where σ = 1 < d/2 = 3/2), showing Gaussian, normal thermodynamic condensate fluctuations with the squared variance proportional to N instead of anomalously large fluctuations (see Eqs. (232), (234) and (239), (240)), is not robust with respect to the introduction of a weak interatomic interaction. At the same time, the ideal gas model for traps with a high spectral index σ > d/2 (e.g., for a three-dimensional box with σ = 2 > d/2 = 3/2) exhibits nonGaussian, anomalously large ground-state occupation fluctuations with a squared variance proportional to N 2σ/d N (see Eqs. (233), (234)) similar to those found for the interacting gas. Fluctuations in the ideal Bose gas and in the Bogoliubov Bose gas differ by a factor of the order of 1, which, of course, depends on the trap potential and is equal to 1/2 in the particular case of the box, where n20 ∝ N 4/3 . We conclude that, contrary to the interpretation formulated in [78], similar behavior of the condensate fluctuations in the ideal and interacting Bose gases in a box is not accidental, but is a general rule for all traps with a high spectral index σ > d/2, or a relatively low dimension of space, d < 2σ . As follows from Eq. (263), the interaction essentially modifies the condensate fluctuations also at very low temperatures, T ε˜ 1 (see Fig. 14). Namely, in the interacting Bose gas a temperature-independent quantum noise, κ˜ m → κ˜ m (T = 0) = 0,
m 2,
additional to vanishing (at T → 0) in the ideal Bose gas noise, appears due to quantum fluctuations of the excited atoms, which are forced by the interaction to occupy the excited levels even at T = 0, so that n¯ k (T = 0) = 0. Thus, in the limit of very low temperatures the results of the ideal gas model (Section 5) are essentially modified by weak interaction and do not describe condensate statistics in the realistic weakly interacting Bose gases. The temperature scaling of the condensate fluctuations described above is depicted in Fig. 14 both for the weakly interacting and ideal gases. A comparison with the corresponding quantities calculated numerically from the exact recursion relation in Eqs. (79) and (80) for the ideal gas in a box is also indicated. It is in good agreement with our approximate analytical formula (263) for all temperatures in the condensed phase, T < Tc , except of a region near to the critical temperature, T ≈ Tc . It is worth stressing that the large deviations of the asymmetry coefficient, γ1 = (n0 − n¯ 0 )3 /(n0 − n¯ 0 )2 3/2 , and of the excess coefficient, γ2 = (n0 − n¯ 0 )4 /(n0 − n¯ 0 )2 2 − 3 from zero, which are of the order of 1 at T ∼ Tc /2 or even more at T ≈ 0 and T ≈ Tc , indicate how far the ground-state occupation fluctuations are from being Gaussian. (In the theory of turbulence,
the coefficients γ1 and γ2 are named as skewness and flatness, respectively.) This essentially non-Gaussian behavior of the ground-state occupation fluctuations remains even in the thermodynamic limit. Mesoscopic effects near the critical temperature are also clearly seen in Fig. 14, and for the ideal gas are taken into account exactly by the recursion relations (79), (80). The analytical formulas (263) take them into account only via a finite-size effect, L ∝ N −1/3 , of the discreteness of the single-particle spectrum εk . This finite-size (discreteness) effect produces, in particular, some shift of the characteristic BEC critical temperature compared to its thermodynamic-limit value, Tc . For the case shown in Fig. 14, it is increased by a few per cent. Similarly to the meannumber “grand” canonical approximation described at the end of Section 3.2 for the case of the ideal gas, the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach can partially accommodates for the mesoscopic effects by means of the grand-canonical shift of all quasiparticle energies by a chemical potential, ε˜ k = εk −μ. In this case the self-consistency equation (264) acquires an additional nonlinear contribution due to the relation exp(−βμ) = 1 + 1/n¯ 0 . Obviously, this “grand” canonical approximation works only for T < Tc , whereas at T > Tc we can use the standard grand canonical approach, since the ground-state occupation is not macroscopic above the critical temperature. However, the “grand” canonical approach takes care only of the mean number of condensed atoms n¯ 0 , and does not improve the results of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach for BEC fluctuations.
6.5. U NIVERSAL A NOMALIES AND I NFRARED S INGULARITIES OF THE O RDER PARAMETER F LUCTUATIONS IN THE S YSTEMS WITH A B ROKEN C ONTINUOUS S YMMETRY The result that there are singularities in the central moments of the condensate fluctuations, emphasized in [20,21] and discussed above in detail for the BEC in a trap, can be generalized for other long-range ordered systems below the critical temperature of a second-order phase transition, including strongly interacting systems. That universality of the infrared singularities was discussed in [99,100] and can be traced back to a well-known property of an infrared singularity in a longitudinal susceptibility χ (k) of such systems [30,79,101]. The physics of these phenomena is essentially determined by long wavelength phase fluctuations, which describe the noncondensate statistics, and is intimately related to the fluctuation–dissipation theorem, Bogoliubov’s 1/k 2 theorem for the static susceptibility χϕϕ (k) of superfluids, and the presence of Goldstone modes, as will be detailed in the following.
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6.5.1. Long Wavelength Phase Fluctuations, Fluctuation–Dissipation Theorem, and Bogoliubov’s 1/k 2 Theorem First, let us refer to a microscopic derivation given in [102] that demonstrates the fact that the phase fluctuations alone dominate the low-energy physics. Also, let us assume that, as was shown by Feynman, the spectrum of excitations in the infrared limit k → 0 is exhausted by phonon-like modes with a linear dispersion ωk = ck, where c is an actual velocity of sound. Then, following a textbook [30], we can approximate an atomic field operator via a phase fluctuation operator as follows: ˆ , Ψˆ (x) = n˜ 0 ei ϕ(x)
(h¯ k)−1/2 cˆk eikx + cˆk+ e−ikx , ϕ(x) ˆ = (mc/2V ntot )1/2 (280) k =0
where n˜ 0 is the bare condensate density, ntot the mean particle density, m the particle mass, cˆk and cˆk+ are phonon annihilation and creation operators, respectively. An omission of the k = 0 term in the sum in Eq. (280) can be rigorously justified on the basis of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach (see Section 5) and is related to the fact that a global phase factor is irrelevant to any observable gauge-invariant quantity. In a homogeneous superfluid, the renormalized condensate density is determined by the long range order parameter, n¯ 0 = lim Ψˆ + (x)Ψˆ (0) ≈ n˜ 0 exp − ϕˆ 2 (0) , (281) x→∞
if we use the approximation (280) and neglect phonon interaction. Thus, the mean number of condensate particles is depleted with an increase of temperature in accordance with an increase of the variance of the phase fluctuations, n¯ 0 (T ) ∝ exp(−ϕˆ 2 (0)T ), which yields a standard formula [30] for the thermal depletion, n¯ 0 (T ) − n¯ 0 (T = 0) = −n¯ 0 (T = 0)m(kB T )2 /12ntot ch¯ 3 . Similar to the mean value, higher moments of the condensate fluctuations of the homogeneous superfluid in the canonical ensemble can be represented in terms of the phase fluctuations of the noncondensate via the operator nˆ = N/V − nˆ 0 = Ψˆ + (x)Ψˆ (x) d 3 x, (282) where Ψˆ (x) = Ψˆ (x) −
2 n¯ 0 (T ) = n˜ 0 ei ϕˆ (x) − e−ϕˆ (0)/2 .
In particular, the variance of the condensate occupation is determined by the correlation function of the phase fluctuations as follows [99]: 2 3 3 2 ˆ ϕ(y) ˆ d x d y. (nˆ 0 − n¯ 0 )2 ≈ 2n˜ 20 e−2ϕˆ (0) ϕ(x) (284)
The last formula can be evaluated with the help of a classical form of the fluctuation–dissipation theorem,
2 2 3 3 kB T χϕϕ (k) . d xd y = ϕ(x) ˆ ϕ(y) ˆ (285) k =0
For a homogeneous superfluid, the static susceptibility in the infrared limit k → 0 does not depend on the interaction strength and, in accordance with Bogoliubov’s 1/k 2 theorem for the static susceptibility of superfluids, is equal to [99] χϕϕ (k) = m/ntot h¯ 2 k 2 ,
k → 0.
Then Eq. (284) immediately yields the squared variance of the condensate fluctuations in the superfluid with arbitrary strong interaction in exactly the same form as is indicated by the arrow in Eq. (271), only with the additional factor (n¯ 0 (0)/ntot )2 . The latter factor is almost 1 for the BEC in dilute Bose gases but can be much less in liquids, for example in 4 He superfluid it is about 0.1. Thus, indeed, the condensate fluctuations at low temperatures can be calculated via the long wavelength phase fluctuations of the noncondensate. 6.5.2. Effective Nonlinear σ Model, Goldstone Modes, and Universality of the Infrared Anomalies Following [100], let us use an effective nonlinear σ model [103] to demonstrate that the infrared singularities and anomalies of the order parameter fluctuations exist in all systems with a broken continuous symmetry, independently on the interaction strength, and are similar to that of the BEC fluctuations in the Bose gas. That model describes directional fluctuations of an order parameter (0) (0) Ψ (x) = ms Ω(x) with a fixed magnitude ms in terms of an NΩ -component unit vector Ω(x). It is inspired by the classical theory of spontaneous magnetization in ferromagnets. The constraint |Ω(x)| = 1 suggests a standard decomposition of the order parameter Ω(x) = Ω0 (x), Ωi (x); i = 1, . . . , NΩ − 1 , N Ω −1 Ω 2 (x), Ω (x) = 1 − (287) 0
into a longitudinal component Ω0 (x) and NΩ − 1 transverse Goldstone fields Ω02 (x) = 1 − i Ωi2 (x), resembles the Ωi (x). The above σ model constraint, particle-number constraint nˆ 0 = N − k =0 nˆ k in Eq. (211) for the many-body atomic Bose gas in a trap. Although the former is a local, more stringent, constraint and the latter is only a global, integral constraint, in both cases it results in the infrared singularities, anomalies, and non-Gaussian properties of the order parameter fluctuations. Obviously, in the particular case of a homogeneous
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system the difference between the local and integral constraints disappears entirely. Within the σ model, a superfluid can be described as a particular case of an NΩ = 2 system, with the superfluid (condensate) and normal (noncondensate) component. At zero external field, the effective action for the fluctuations of the order parameter is S[Ω] = (ρs /2T ) [∇ Ω(x)]2 d 3 x, where the spin stiffness ρs is the only parameter. Below the critical temperature Tc , a continuous symmetry becomes broken and there appears an intensive nonzero-order parameter with a mean value Ψ (x) · Ψ (0) d 3 x = V m2L → V m2s , (288) V
which gives the spontaneous magnetization m2s of the infinite system in the thermodynamic limit V → ∞. The leading long distance behavior of the two-point correlation function G(x) = Ψ (x) · Ψ (0) may be obtained from a simple Gaussian spin wave calculation. Assuming low enough temperatures, we can neglect the spin wave interactions and consider the transverse Goldstone fields Ωi (k) as the Gaussian random functions of the momentum k with the correlation function Ωi (k)Ωi (k ) = δi,i δk,−k T /ρs k 2 . As a result, the zero external field correlation function below the critical temperature is split into longitudinal and transverse parts G(x) = m2s [1 + G (x) + (NΩ − 1)G⊥ (x)], where m2s = G(∞) now is the renormalized value of the spontaneous magnetization. To the lowest nontrivial order in the small fluctuations of the Goldstone fields, the transverse correlation function decays very slowly with a distance r, G⊥ ∝ T /ρs r, in accordance with Bogoliubov’s 1/k 2 theorem of the divergence of the transverse susceptibility in the infrared limit, χ⊥ (k) = m2s G⊥ (k)/T = m2s /ρs k 2 .
The longitudinal correlation function is simply related to the transverse one [103], G (x) ≈
1 - 2 1 Ωi2 (0) = (NΩ − 1)G2⊥ (x), Ωi (x) c 4 2
and, hence, decays slowly with a 1/r 2 power law. That means that contrary to the naive mean field picture, where the longitudinal susceptibility χ (k → 0) below the critical temperature is finite, the Eq. (290) leads to an infrared singularity in the longitudinal susceptibility and correlation function [101], χ (k → 0) ∼ T /ρs2 k;
G ∼ 1/r 2 .
Although the Eq. (290) is obtained by means of perturbation theory, the result for the slow power-law decay of the longitudinal correlation function, Eq. (291), holds for arbitrary temperatures T < Tc [103].
Knowing susceptibilities, it is immediately possible to find the variance of the operator Mˆ s = V −1 (292) Ψ (x) · Ψ (y) d 3 x d 3 y V
that describes the fluctuations of the spontaneous magnetization in a finite system at zero external field. Its mean value is given by Eq. (288) as Mˆ s = M¯ s = V m2L . Its fluctuations are determined by the connected four-point correlation function G4 = Ψ (x1 ) · Ψ (x2 )Ψ (x3 ) · Ψ (x4 )c . In the 4th-order of the perturbation theory for an infinite system, it may be expressed via the squared transverse susceptibilities as follows: 1 G4 = m4s (NΩ − 1) G⊥ (x1 − x3 ) − G⊥ (x1 − x4 ) − G⊥ (x2 − x3 ) 2 2 + G⊥ (x2 − x4 ) . (293) For a finite system, it is more convenient to do similar calculations in the momentum representation and replace all integrals by the corresponding discrete sums, which yields the squared variance
2 Mˆ s − M¯ s = 2m4s (NΩ − 1)T 2 ρs−2 (294) k −4 ∝ T 2 V 4/3 . k =0
This expression has the same anomalously large scaling ∝V 4/3 in the thermodynamic limit V → ∞ (due to the same infrared singularity) as the variance of the BEC fluctuations in the ideal or interacting Bose gas in Eqs. (247) or (271), respectively. Again, although the Eq. (294) is obtained by means of perturbation theory, the latter scaling is universal below the critical temperature, just like the 1/k infrared singularity of the longitudinal susceptibility. Of course, very close to Tc there is a crossover to the critical singularities, as discussed, e.g., in [104]. Thus, the averagefluctuation of the order parameter is still vanishing in the thermodynamic limit (Mˆ s − M¯ s )2 /M¯ s ∝ V −1/3 → 0; that is, the order parameter (e.g., spontaneous magnetization or macroscopic wave function) is still a welldefined self-averaging quantity. However, this self-averaging in systems with a broken continuous symmetry is much weaker than expected naively from the standard Einstein theory of the Gaussian fluctuations in macroscopic thermodynamics. Note that, in accordance with the well-known Hohenberg–Mermin–Wagner theorem, in systems with lower dimensions, d 2, the strong fluctuations of the direction of the magnetization completely destroy the long range order, and the self-averaging order parameter does not exist anymore. An important point also is that the scaling result in Eq. (294) holds for any dynamics and temperature dependence of the average order parameter M¯ s (T ) although the function M¯ s (T ) is, of course, different, say, for ferromagnets, anti-ferromagnets, or a BEC in different traps. It is the constraint, either |Ω| = 1 in the σ model or N = nˆ 0 + k =0 nˆ k
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in the BEC, that predetermines the anomalous scaling in Eq. (294). The temperature dependence of the variance in Eq. (294) at low temperatures is also universal, since ρs → const at T → 0. The reason for this fact is that the dominant finite size dependence is determined by the leading low energy constant in the effective field theory for fluctuations of the order parameter, which is precisely ρs in the effective action S[Ω]. 6.5.3. Universal Scaling of Condensate Fluctuations in Superfluids In homogeneous superfluids the translational invariance requires the superfluid density to be equal to the full density ntot , so that the associated stiffness ρs (T → 0) = h¯ 2 ntot /m is independent of the interaction strength. Thus, Eq. (294) in accord with the Eq. (271) yields the remarkable conclusion that the relative variance of the ground-state occupation at low temperatures is a universal √ function of the density and the thermal wavelength λT = h/ 2πmT , as well as the system size L = V 1/3 and the boundary conditions, 2 (295) (n0 − n¯ 0 )2 /n¯ 0 = B/ ntot λ2T L . The boundary conditions determine the low-energy spectrum of quasiparticles in the trap in the infrared limit and, hence, the numerical prefactor B in the singularity of the variance, namely, the coefficient B in the sum infrared −4 = BV 4/3 /8π 2 . In particular, in accord with Eqs. (247) and (271), k =0 k one has B = 0.8375 for the box with periodic boundary conditions, and 2 B = 8E3 (2)/π Dirichlet boundary conditions. Here ∞ = 0.5012for the box2with Ed (t) = n1 =1,...,nd =1 (n1 + · · · + nd )−t is the generalized Epstein zeta function [95], convergent for d < 2t. Of course, in a finite trap at temperatures of the order of or less than the energy of the first excited quasiparticle, T < ε1 , the scaling law (294) is no longer valid and the condensate fluctuations acquire a different temperature scaling, due to the temperature-independent quantum noise produced by the excited atoms, which are forced by the interaction to occupy the excited energy levels even at zero temperature, as it was discussed for the Eqs. (279) and (244). 6.5.4. Constraint Mechanism of Anomalous Order Parameter Fluctuations and Susceptibilities versus Instability in the Systems with a Broken Continuous Symmetry It is important to realize that the anomalously large order parameter fluctuations and susceptibilities have a simple geometrical nature, related to the fact that the direction of the order parameter is only in a neutral, rather than in a stable equilibrium, and does not violate an overall stability of the system with a broken continuous symmetry at any given temperature below phase transition, T < Tc .
On one hand, on the basis of a well-known relation between the longitudinal susceptibility and the variance M of the order parameter fluctuations, χαα ≡
2M 1 ∂Mα = , N ∂Bα N kB T
2 2M = Mˆ α − M¯ α ,
it is obvious that if the fluctuations are anomalous, i.e., go as 2M ∼ N γ with γ > 1 instead of the standard macroscopic thermodynamic scaling 2M ∼ N , then the longitudinal susceptibility diverges in the thermodynamic limit N → ∞ as 2M /N ∼ N γ −1 → ∞. On the other hand, the susceptibilities in stable systems should be finite, since otherwise any spontaneous perturbation will result in an infinite response and a transition to another phase. One could argue (as it was done in a recent series of papers [97]) that the anomalous fluctuations cannot exist since they break the stability condition and make the system unstable. However, such an argument is not correct. First of all, the anomalously large transverse susceptibility in the infrared limit χ⊥ ∼ k −2 ∼ L2 in Bogoliubov’s 1/k 2 theorem (289) originates from the obvious property of a system with a broken continuous symmetry that it is infinitesimally easy to change the direction of the order parameter and, of course, does not violate stability of the system. However, it implies anomalously large fluctuations in the direction of the order parameter. Therefore, an anomalously large variance of the ˆ − M) ¯ ⊥ M, ¯ which are perpendicular fluctuations comes from the fluctuations (M to the mean value of the order parameter. This is the key issue. It means that a ¯ that easily rotates these transverse fluctuations longitudinal external field B M, ¯ towards M when χ⊥ B ∼ M , will change the longitudinal order parameter by a ¯ ¯ 2 − 2 ≈ 2 /2M. ¯ It is obvious that this large increment, χ B ∼ |M| − M M
pure geometrical rotation of the order parameter has nothing to do with an instability of the system, but immediately reveals the anomalously large longitudinal susceptibility and relates its value to the anomalous transverse susceptibility and variance of the fluctuations, ¯ χ ∼ 2M /2B M¯ ∼ M χ⊥ /2M.
This basically geometrical mechanism of an anomalous behavior of constrained systems constitutes an essence of the constraint mechanism of the infrared anomalies in fluctuations and susceptibilities of the order parameter for all systems with a broken continuous symmetry. The latter qualitative estimate yields the anomalous scaling of the longitudinal susceptibility discussed above, χ ∼ L with increase of the system size L, Eq. (291), since χ⊥ ∼ L2 , M¯ ∼ L3 , and M ∼ L2 . A different question is whether the Bose gas in a trap is unstable in the grand canonical ensemble when an actual exchange of atoms with a reservoir is allowed, and only the mean number of atoms in the trap is fixed, N¯ = const. In this case,
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for example, the isothermal compressibility is determined by the variance of the number-of-atoms fluctuations κT ≡ −V −1 (∂V /∂P )T = V (Nˆ − N¯ )2 /N¯ 2 kB T , and diverges in the thermodynamic limit if fluctuations are anomalous. In particular, the ideal Bose gas in the grand canonical ensemble does not have a well-defined condensate order parameter, since the variance is of the order of the mean value, (Nˆ − N¯ )2 ∼ N¯ , and it is unstable against a collapse [13,15,97]. In summary, one could naively expect that the order parameter fluctuations below Tc are just like that of a standard thermodynamic variable, because there is a finite restoring force for deviations from the equilibrium value. However, in all systems with a broken continuous symmetry the universal existence of infrared singularities in the variance and higher moments ensures anomalously large and non-Gaussian fluctuations of the order parameter. This effect is related to the long-wavelength phase fluctuations and the infrared singularity of the longitudinal susceptibility originating from the inevitable geometrical coupling between longitudinal and transverse order parameter fluctuations in constrained systems.
7. Conclusions It is interesting to note that the first results for the average and variance of occupation numbers in the ideal Bose gas in the canonical ensemble were obtained about fifty years ago by standard statistical methods [42,75,76] (see also [74,77] and the review [13]). Only later, in the 60s, laser physics and its byproduct, the master equation approach, was developed (see, e.g., [16,17]). In this paper we have shown that the latter approach provides very simple and effective tools to calculate statistical properties of an ideal Bose gas in contact with a thermal reservoir. In particular, the results (169) and (172) reduce to the mentioned old results in the “condensed region” in the thermodynamic limit. However, the master equation approach gives even more. It yields simple analytical expressions for the distribution function of the number of condensed atoms (162) and for the canonical partition function (163). In terms of cumulants, or semi-invariants [72,94], for the stochastic variables n0 or n = N − n0 , it was shown [21] that the quasithermal approximation (154), with the results (169) and (172), gives correctly both the first and the second cumulants. The analysis of the higher-order cumulants is more complicated and includes, in principle, a comparison with more accurate calculations of the conditioned average number of noncondensed atoms (129) as well as higher-order corrections to the second-order master equation (124). It is clear that the master equation approach is capable of giving the correct answer for higher-order cumulants and, therefore, moments of the condensate fluctuations. Even without these complications, the approximate result (162) reproduces the higher moments, calculated numerically via the exact
recursion relation (80), remarkably well for all temperatures T < Tc and T ∼ Tc (see Fig. 12). As we demonstrated in Section 4, the simple formulas yielded by the master equation approach allow us to study mesoscopic effects in BECs for a relatively small number of atoms that is typical for recent experiments [24–29]. Moreover, it is interesting in the study of the dynamics of BEC. This technique for studying statistics and dynamics of BEC shows surprisingly good results even within the simplest approximations. Thus, the analogy with phase transitions and quantum fluctuations in lasers (see, e.g., [19,52,70,71]) clarifies some problems in BEC. The equilibrium properties of the number-of-condensed-atom statistics in the ideal Bose gas are relatively insensitive to the details of the model. The origin of dynamical and coherent properties of the evaporatively cooling gas with an interatomic interaction is conceptually different from that in the present “ideal gas + thermal reservoir” model. The present model is rather close to the dilute 4 He gas in porous gel experiments [22] in which phonons in the gel play the role of the external thermal reservoir. Nevertheless, the noncondensed atoms always play a part of some internal reservoir, and the condensate master equation probably contains terms similar to those in Eq. (130) for any cooling mechanism. For the ideal Bose gas in the canonical ensemble the statistics of the condensate fluctuations below Tc in the thermodynamic limit is essentially the statistics of the sum ofthe noncondensed modes of a trap, nˆ k , that fluctuate independently, nˆ 0 = N − k =0 nˆ k . This is well understood, especially, due to the Maxwell’s demon ensemble approximation elaborated in a series of papers [14,42,44,46,54, 55], and is completed and justified to a certain extent in [20,21] by the explicit calculation of the moments (cumulants) of all orders, and by the reformulation of the canonical-ensemble problem in the properly reduced subspace of the original many-particle Fock space. The main result (263) of [20,21] explicitly describes the non-Gaussian properties and the crossover between the ideal-gas and interaction-dominated regimes of the BEC fluctuations. The problem of dynamics and fluctuations of BEC for the interacting gas is much more involved. The master equation approach provides a powerful tool for the solution of this problem as well. Of course, to take into account higherorder effects of interaction between atoms we have to go beyond the second-order master equation, i.e., to iterate Eq. (123) more times and to proceed with the higher-order master equation similarly to what we discussed above. It would be interesting to show that the master equation approach could take into account all higher-order effects in a way generalizing the well-known nonequilibrium Keldysh diagram technique [30,105,106]. As a result, the second-order master equation analysis presented above can be justified rigorously, and higher-order effects in condensate fluctuations at equilibrium, as well as nonequilibrium stages of cooling of both ideal and interacting Bose gases can be calculated.
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The canonical-ensemble quasiparticle method, i.e., the reformulation of the problem in terms of the proper canonical-ensemble quasiparticles, gives even more. Namely, it opens a way to an effective solution of the canonical-ensemble problems for the statistics and nonequilibrium dynamics of the BEC in the interacting gas as well. The first step in this direction is done in Section 6, where the effect of the Bogoliubov coupling between excited atoms due to a weak interaction on the statistics of the fluctuations of the number of ground-state atoms in the canonical ensemble was analytically calculated for the moments (cumulants) of all orders. In this case, the BEC statistics is essentially the statistics of the sum of the dressed quasiparticles that fluctuate independently. In particular, a suppression of the condensate fluctuations at the moderate temperatures and their enhancement at very low temperatures immediately follow from this picture. There is also the problem of the BEC statistics in the microcanonical ensemble, which is closely related to the canonical-ensemble problem. In particular, the equilibrium microcanonical statistics can be calculated from the canonical statistics by means of an inversion of a kind of Laplace transformation from the temperature to the energy as independent variable. Some results concerning the BEC statistics in the microcanonical ensemble for the ideal Bose gas were presented in [14,45,46,54,55,60]. We can calculate all moments of the microcanonical fluctuations of the condensate from the canonical moments found in the present paper. Calculation of the microcanonical statistics starting from the grand canonical ensemble and applying a saddle-point method twice, first, to obtain the canonical statistics and, then, to get the microcanonical statistics [45], meets certain difficulties since the standard saddle-point approximation is not always good and explicit to restore the canonical statistics from the grand canonical one with sufficient accuracy [57]. The variant of the saddle-point method discussed in Appendix F is not subject to these restrictions. Another important problem is the study of mesoscopic effects due to a relatively small number of trapped atoms (N ∼ 103 –106 ). The canonical-ensemble , takes quasiparticle approach under the approximation (210), i.e., HCE ≈ HnCE 0 =0 into account only a finite-size effect of the discreteness of the single particle spectrum, but does not include all mesoscopic effects. Hence, other methods should be used (see, e.g., [14,44,46,49,61–64,67]). In particular, the master equation approach provides amazingly good results in the study of mesoscopic effects, as was demonstrated recently in [52,53]. The canonical-ensemble quasiparticle approach also makes it clear how to extend the Bogoliubov and more advanced diagram methods for the solution of the canonical-ensemble BEC problems and ensure conservation of the number of particles. The latter fact cancels the main arguments of Refs. [96,97] against the Giorgini–Pitaevskii–Stringari result [78] and shows that our result (263) and, in particular, the result of [78] for the variance of the number of ground-state atoms in the dilute weakly interacting Bose gas, correctly take into account one
of the main effects of the interaction, namely, dressing of the excited atoms by the macroscopic condensate via the Bogoliubov coupling. If one ignores this and other correlation effects, as it was done in [96,97], the result cannot be correct. This explains a sharp disagreement of the ground-state occupation variance suggested in [96] with the predictions of [78] and our results as well. Note also that the statement from [96] that “the phonon spectrum plays a crucial role in the approach of [78]” should not be taken literally since the relative weights of bare modes in the eigenmodes (quasiparticles) is, at least, no less important than eigenenergies themselves. In other words, our derivation of Eq. (263) shows that squeezing of the excited states due to Bogoliubov coupling in the field of the macroscopic condensate is crucial for the correct calculation of the BEC fluctuations. Besides, the general conclusion that very long wavelength excitations have an acoustic, “gapless” spectrum (in the thermodynamic limit) is a cornerstone fact of the many-body theory of superfluidity and BEC [93]. Contrary to a pessimistic picture of a mess in the study of the condensate fluctuations in the interacting gas presented in [96], we are convinced that the problem can be clearly formulated and solved by a comparative analysis of the contributions of the main effects of the interaction in the tradition of many-body theory. In particular, the result (263) corresponds to a well-established first-order Popov approximation in the diagram technique for the condensed phase [36]. We emphasize here an important result of an analytical calculation of all higher cumulants (moments) [21]. In most cases (except, e.g., for the ideal gas in the harmonic trap and similar high dimensional traps where d > 2σ ), both for the ideal Bose gas and for the interacting Bose gas, the third and higher cumulants of the number-of-condensed-atom fluctuations normalized to the corresponding power of the variance do not tend to the Gaussian zero value in the thermodynamic limit, e.g., (n0 − n0 )3 /(n0 − n0 )2 3/2 does not vanish in the thermodynamic limit. Thus, fluctuations in BEC are not Gaussian, contrary to what is usually assumed following the Einstein theory of fluctuations in the macroscopic thermodynamics. Moreover, BEC fluctuations are, in fact, anomalously large, i.e., they are not normal at all. Both these remarkable features originate from the universal infrared anomalies in the order parameter fluctuations and susceptibilities in constrained systems with a broken continuous symmetry. The infrared anomalies come from a long range order in the phases below the critical temperature of a second-order phase transition and have a clear geometrical nature, related to the fact that the direction of the order parameter is only in a neutral, rather than in a stable equilibrium. Hence, the transverse susceptibility and fluctuations are anomalously large and, through an inevitable geometrical coupling between longitudinal and transverse order parameter fluctuations in constrained systems, produce the anomalous order parameter fluctuations. In other words, the long wavelength phase fluctuations of the Goldstone modes, in accordance with the Bogoliubov 1/k 2
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theorem for the transverse susceptibility, generate anomalous longitudinal fluctuations in the order parameter of the systems below the critical temperature of the second-order phase transition. Obviously, this constraint mechanism of the infrared anomalies in fluctuations and susceptibilities of the order parameter is universal for all systems with a broken continuous symmetry, including BEC in ideal or weakly interacting gases as well as superfluids, ferromagnets and other systems with strong interaction. It would be interesting to extend the analysis of the order parameter fluctuations presented in this review from the BEC in gases to other systems. The next step should be an inclusion of the effects of a finite renormalization of the energy spectrum as well as the interaction of the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles at finite temperatures on the statistics and dynamics of BEC. It can be done on the level of the second-order Beliaev–Popov approximation, which is considered to be enough for the detailed account of most many-body effects (for a review, see [36]). A particularly interesting problem is the analysis of phase fluctuations of the condensate in the trap, or of the matter beam in the atom laser [88], because the interaction is crucial for the existence of the coherence in the condensate [21,30,32,33,48,93,107–109]. As far as the equilibrium or quasiequilibrium properties are concerned, the problem can be solved effectively by applying either the traditional methods of statistical physics to the canonical-ensemble quasiparticles, or the master equation approach, that works surprisingly well even without any explicit reduction of the many-particle Hilbert space [52,53]. For the dynamical, nonequilibrium properties, the analysis can be based on an appropriate modification of the well-known nonequilibrium Keldysh diagram technique [105, 106,110,111] which incorporates both the standard statistical and master equation methods. Work in the directions mentioned above is in progress and will be presented elsewhere. Clearly, the condensate and noncondensate fluctuations are crucially important for the process of the second-order phase transition, and for the overall physics of the Bose–Einstein-condensed interacting gas as a many-particle system.
8. Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the support of the Office of Naval Research (Award No. N00014-03-1-0385) and the Robert A. Welch Foundation (Grant No. A-1261). One of us (MOS) wishes to thank Micheal Fisher, Joel Lebowitz, Elliott Lieb, Robert Seiringer for stimulating discussions and Leon Cohen for suggesting this review article.
9. Appendices Appendix A. Bose’s and Einstein’s Way of Counting Microstates When discussing Einstein’s 1925 paper [6], we referred to the identity (49),
Z! N +Z−1 , (A1) = N p0 ! . . . pN ! {p0 ,p1 ,...,pN }
which expresses the number of ways to distribute N Bose particles over Z quantum cells in two different manners: On the left-hand side, which corresponds to Bose’s way of counting microstates, numbers pr specify how many cells contain r quanta; of course, with only N quanta being available, one has pr = 0 for r > N. As symbolically indicated by the prime on the summation sign, the sum thus extends only over those sets {p0 , p1 , . . . , pN } with comply with the conditions N
pr = Z,
stating that there are Z cells to accommodate the quanta, and N
rpr = N,
stating that the number of quanta be N . The right-hand side of Eq. (A1) gives the total number of microstates, taking into account all possible sets of occupation numbers in the single expression already used by Einstein in his final derivation [6] of the Bose–Einstein distribution which can still be found in today’s textbooks. The validity of Eq. (A1) is clear for combinatorial reasons. Nonetheless, since this identity (A1) constitutes one of the less known relations in the theory of Bose– Einstein statistics, we give its explicit proof in this appendix. As for most mathematical proofs, one needs tools, an idea, and a conjurer’s trick. In the present case, the tools are two generalizations of the binomial theorem n
n (a + b)n = (A4) a k bn−k , k k=0
where n! n = k k!(n − k)!
V.V. Kocharovsky et al.
[Appendix A
denotes the familiar binomial coefficients. The first such generalization is the multinomial theorem
n! p p p (a1 + a2 + · · · + aN )n = (A6) a 1 a 2 . . . aNN , p1 !p2 ! . . . pN ! 1 2 pr =n
which is easily understood: When multiplying out the left-hand side, every product obtained contains one factor ai from each bracket (a1 +a2 +· · ·+aN ). Hence, p p p in every product a1 1 a2 2 . . . aNN the exponents add up to the number of brackets, which is n. Therefore, for such a product there are n! permutations of the individual factors ai . However, if identical factors ai are permuted among themselves, for which there are pi ! possibilities, one obtains the same value. Hence, the coefficient of each product on the right-hand side in Eq. (A6) corresponds to the number of possible arrangements of its factors, divided by the number of equivalent arrangements. Note that the reasoning here is essentially the same as for the justification of Bose’s expression (12), which is, of course, not accidental. The second generalization of the binomial theorem (A4) required for the proof of the identity (A1) emerges when we replace the exponent n by a nonnatural number γ : One then has ∞
γ γ (a + b) = (A7) a k bγ −k , k k=0
with the definition γ (γ − 1)(γ − 2) · · · · · (γ − k + 1) γ = . k k!
If γ is not a natural number, this series (A7) converges for any complex numbers a, b, provided |a/b| < 1. This generalized binomial theorem (A7), which is treated in introductory analysis courses, is useful, e.g., for writing down the Taylor expansion of (1 + x)γ . Given these tools, the idea for proving the identity (A1) now consists in considering the expression Z PN Z (x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + · · · + x N , (A9) where x is some variable which obeys |x| < 1, but need not be specified further. According to the multinomial theorem (A6), one has PN Z (x) =
r=0 pr =Z
p 0 p0 1 p1 Z! x . . . xN N . x p0 !p1 ! . . . pN !
Directing the attention then to a systematic ordering of this series with respect to powers of x, the coefficient of x N equals the sum of all coefficients encountered
Appendix B] FLUCTUATIONS IN BOSE–EINSTEIN CONDENSATES 397 here which accompany terms with r rpr = N , which is precisely the left-hand side of the desired equation (A1), keeping in mind the restrictions (A2) and (A3). Now comes the conjurer’s trick: The coefficient of x N in this expression (A10), equaling the left-hand side of Eq. (A1), also equals the coefficient of x N in the expression Z P∞ (x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + · · · + x N + x N+1 + · · · , (A11) since this differs from PN Z (x) only by powers of x higher than N . But this involves a geometric series, which is immediately summed: ∞ Z
xr = (1 − x)−Z . P∞ (x) = (A12) r=0
According to the generalized binomial theorem (A7), one has (1 − x)−Z =
−Z k=0
(−x)k ,
so that, in view of the definition (A8), the coefficient of x N equals (−Z)(−Z − 1) · · · · · (−Z − N + 1) N −Z = (−1)N (−1) N N! (Z + N − 1) · · · · · (Z + 1)Z = N! (Z + N − 1)! Z+N −1 = . = N N !(Z − 1)!
This is the right-hand side of the identity (A1), which completes the proof.
Appendix B. Analytical Expression for the Mean Number of Condensed Atoms We obtain an analytical expression for n¯ 0 from Eq. (86). One can reduce the triple sum into a single sum if we take into account the degeneracy g(E) of the level with energy E = h¯ Ω(l + m + n), which is equal to the number of ways to fill the level. This number can be calculated from the Einstein’s complexion equation, i.e., 1 E E {(l + m + n) + (3 − 1)}! = +2 +1 . g(E) = (B1) (l + m + n)!(3 − 1)! 2 h¯ Ω h¯ Ω
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[Appendix B
Now, we have reduced three variables l, m, n to only one. By letting E = s hΩ ¯ where s is integer, one can write N=
1 2 (s + 2)(s + 1) 1 ¯ −1 ( + 1)esβ hΩ s=0 n¯ 0
n¯ 0 +
n¯ 0 S, (1 + n¯ 0 )
where for n¯ 0 1, S
∞ 1
2 (s + 2)(s + 1) . esβ h¯ Ω − 1
The root of the quadratic Eq. (B2) yields n¯ 0 = −
1 (1 + S − N ) − (1 + S − N )2 + 4N . 2
In order to find an analytical expression for S, we write S
1 1 s 2 + 3s + . sβ h Ω sβ h Ω ¯ ¯ 2 e −1 e −1
Converting the summation into integration by replacing x = sβ hΩ ¯ yields 1 S a
∞ a
dx 1 + ex − 1 2a 3
∞ 0
x 2 dx 3 + ex − 1 2a 2
ζ (3) 1 a ln e − 1 + 3 + a a
π 2a
∞ 0
x dx ex − 1
where a = β hΩ ¯ = h¯ Ω/kB T = (ζ (3)/N)1/3 Tc /T . Thus, Eq. (B3) gives the following analytical expression for S: " 3 # π 2 N 2/3 T 2 T + (1 + S − N ) = −N 1 − Tc 4 ζ (3) Tc 1/3 T (ζ (3)/N )1/3 Tc /T N − ln e − 1 + 2. ζ (3) Tc
Figure 16 compares different approximations for calculating n¯ 0 within the grand canonical ensemble.
F IG . 16. Grand canonical result for n0 as a function of temperature for N = 200, computed from analytical expressions, Eqs. (B4) and (B7) (line with circles); semi-analytical expressions given by Eqs. (B4) and (B3) (solid line); and exact numerical solution of Eq. (86) (dots). Expanded views show: (b) exact agreement of the semi-analytical approach at low temperature and (c) a small deviation near Tc . Also, the analytical and the semi-analytical results agree quite well.
Appendix C. Formulas for the Central Moments of Condensate Fluctuations By using n0 = N −
k =0 nk
and n0 = N −
k =0 nk ,
0 / s s s n0 − n0 = (−1) nk − nk ,
we have (C1)
k =0
which shows that the fluctuations of the condensate particles are proportional to the fluctuations of the noncondensate particles.
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[Appendix C
As an example we show how to evaluate the fluctuation for the second-order moment, or variance,
n0 − n0
nj nk − nj nk .
j,k =0
The numbers of particles in different levels are statistically independent, since ˆ = Tr{aˆ j† aˆ j ρˆj } Tr{aˆ k† aˆ k ρˆk } = nj nk . Thus, we nj nk =j = Tr{aˆ j† aˆ j aˆ k† aˆ k ρ} find
n0 − n0
n0 − n0
n0 − n0
n2k − nk 2 ,
k =0
− n3k + 3 n2k nk − 2nk 3 ,
k =0
n4k − 4 n3k nk + 6 n2k nk 2 − 3nk 4 .
k =0
In the grand canonical approach, nsk can be evaluated using s 1 s −β(k −μ)nk n e , nk = Zk n k
where Zk = (1 − e−β(k −μ) )−1 . An alternative way is to use the formula nsk = d s Θk d(iu)s |u=0 derived in Section 5.2. In particular, one can show that in this approach 2 nk = 2nk 2 + nk , 3 nk = 6nk 3 + 6nk 2 + nk , 4 nk = 24nk 4 + 36nk 3 + 14nk 2 + nk .
(C7) (C8) (C9)
Using Eqs. (C7)–(C9) we obtain
n0 − n0
n0 − n0
n0 − n0
nk 2 + nk ,
k =0
2nk 3 + 3nk 2 + nk ,
(C10) (C11)
k =0
9nk 4 + 18nk 3 + 10nk 2 + nk .
k =0
Appendix D. Analytical Expression for the Variance of Condensate Fluctuations In a spherically symmetric harmonic trap with trap frequency Ω one can convert the triple sums in Eq. (98)into a single sum ∞by using Eq. (B1), and then do 1 . . . → integration upon replacing ∞ x=0 0 dx . . . and βE → x, giving β hΩ ¯ n20 =
1 E E +2 +1 2 h¯ Ω h¯ Ω E =0 " 1 1 + × 1 2 [exp(βE)(1 + n¯ 0 ) − 1] exp(βE)(1 +
2 ∞ x 3x 1 dx + +2 = 2β h¯ Ω β h¯ Ω β h¯ Ω a " 1 1 + × 1 2 [exp(x)(1 + n¯ 0 ) − 1] exp(x)(1 + =
1 2a
∞ dx
# 1 n¯ 0 ) − 1
# 1 n¯ 0 ) − 1
2 exp(x)(1 + n¯10 ) x 3x + , +2 a a [exp(x)(1 + n¯1 ) − 1]2
where a = β hΩ ¯ = h¯ Ω/kB T = (Tc /T )(ζ (3)/N)1/3 and the density of states can be written as ρ(E) = 2h¯1Ω [( h¯EΩ )2 + h3E +2]. Then we integrate by parts using ¯Ω the identity exp(x)(1 + [exp(x)(1 +
1 n¯ 0 )
1 2 n¯ 0 ) − 1]
∂ 1 ∂x [exp(x)(1 +
1 n¯ 0 ) − 1]
arriving at n20
1 = + 2 1 a a[e (1 + n¯ 0 ) − 1] 2a
∞ dx a
( 2x a + 3) [exp(x)(1 +
1 n¯ 0 ) − 1]
The integral in Eq. (D2) can be calculated analytically, using ∞ a
x dx π2 1 = − ln2 A + ln Aea − 1 ln A [exp(x)A − 1] 6 2 a2 + di log Aea + , 2
V.V. Kocharovsky et al. ∞ a
[Appendix E
dx = ln(1 + α) − ln Aea − 1 + a, [exp(x)A − 1]
where x di log(x) = 1
ln(t) dt. 1−t
As a result, we get 1 1 2 1 1 π2 2 a n0 = 3 − ln 1 + + di log e 1 + 6 n¯ 0 2 n¯ 0 a 1 1 − 1 ln 1 + + ln ea 1 + n¯ 0 n¯ 0 3 n¯ 0 + 1 3 2 + + a ln a + . 1 a 2 e (n¯ 0 + 1) − n¯ 0 a[e (1 + n¯ ) − 1] a
Taking into account that a = (Tc /T )(ζ (3)/N )1/3 , we finally obtain 3 N π2 1 T 2 1/3 + di log exp (Tc /T )(ζ (3)/N ) n0 = 1+ Tc ζ (3) 6 n¯ 0 1 1 − ln2 1 + 2 n¯ 0 1 1 1/3 + ln exp (Tc /T )(ζ (3)/N) − 1 ln 1 + 1+ n¯ 0 n¯ 0 2 2/3 3 T N n¯ 0 + 1 + ln 2 Tc ζ (3) exp[(Tc /T )(ζ (3)/N )1/3 ](n¯ 0 + 1) − n¯ 0 1/3 T N 3 + +2 . Tc ζ (3) exp[(Tc /T )(ζ (3)/N )1/3 ](1 + n¯10 ) − 1 (D4)
Appendix E. Single Mode Coupled to a Reservoir of Oscillators The derivation of the damping Liouvillean proceeds from the Liouville–von Neumann equation ∂ 1ˆ Vsr , ρ(t) ˆ , ρ(t) ˆ = ∂t i h¯
Appendix E] FLUCTUATIONS IN BOSE–EINSTEIN CONDENSATES 403 where Vˆsr is the Hamiltonian in the interaction picture for the system (s) coupled to a reservoir (r). We can derive a closed form of the dynamical equation for the reduced density operator for the system, ρˆs (t) = Trr {ρ(t)} ˆ by tracing out the reservoir. This is ac1 t ˆ ˆ )] dt complished by first integrating Eq. (E1) for ρ(t) ˆ = ρ(0)+ ˆ i h¯ 0 [Vsr (t ), ρ(t and then substituting it back into the right hand side of Eq. (E1), giving 1 ∂ ˆ ρˆs (t) = Trr Vˆsr , ρ(0) ∂t i h¯ t 1 + Vˆsr (t), Vˆsr (t ), ρ(t Trr ˆ ) dt . 2 (i h) ¯
We may repeat this indefinitely, but owing to the weaknesses of the systemreservoir interaction, it is possible to ignore terms higher than 2nd order in Vˆsr . Furthermore, we assume the system and reservoir are approximately uncorrelated in the past and the reservoir is so large that it remains practically in thermal equilibrium ρˆrth , so ρ(t ˆ ) ρˆs (t ) ⊗ ρˆrth and ρ(0) ˆ = ρˆs (0) ⊗ ρˆrth . For a single mode field (f ) coupled to a reservoir of oscillators, one has
Vˆf r = h¯ (E3) gk bˆk aˆ † ei(ν−νk )t + bˆk† ae ˆ −i(ν−νk )t . k
Since Trr {aˆ † ρˆrth } = 0 and Trr {aˆ ρˆrth } = 0, the first term vanishes and by using Eq. (E3) we have 16 terms. But secular approximation reduces the number of terms by half. We now perform the Markov approximation, ρˆf (t ) ρˆf (t), stating that the dynamics of the system is independent of the states in the past. The thermal average of the radiation operators is
t gk2
e−i(ν−νk )(t−t ) Trr ρˆrth bˆk† bˆk dt
gk2 πδ(ν − νk )n(ν ¯ k ) = n(ν)G(ν)/2, ¯
k ¯ k − 1)−1 . Thus, we have where Trr {ρˆrth bˆk† bˆk } = n(ν ¯ k ) = (eβ hν
1 ∂ ρˆf (t) = − C aˆ † aˆ ρˆf (t) − 2aˆ ρˆf (t)aˆ † + ρˆf (t)aˆ † aˆ ∂t 2 1 − D aˆ aˆ † ρˆf (t) − 2aˆ † ρˆf (t)aˆ + ρˆf (t)aˆ aˆ † , 2 where D = G n¯ and C = G(n¯ + 1).
V.V. Kocharovsky et al.
[Appendix F
Appendix F. The Saddle-Point Method for Condensed Bose Gases The saddle-point method is one of the most essential tools in statistical physics. Yet, the conventional form of this approximation fails in the case of condensed ideal Bose gases [13,58]. The point is that in the condensate regime the saddlepoint of the grand canonical partition function approaches the ground-state singularity at z = exp(βε0 ), which is a hallmark of BEC. However, the customary Gaussian approximation requires that intervals around the saddle-point stay clear of singularities. Following the original suggestion by Dingle [59], Holthaus and Kalinowski [60] worked out a natural solution to this problem: One should exempt the ground-state factor of the grand canonical partition function from the Gaussian expansion and treat that factor exactly, but proceed as usual otherwise. The success of this refined saddle-point method hinges on the fact that the emerging integrals with singular integrands can be done exactly; they lead directly to parabolic cylinder functions. Here we discuss the refined saddle-point method in some detail. We start from the grand canonical partition function ∞
Ξ (β, z) = ν=0
1 , 1 − z exp(−βεν )
where εν are single-particle energies, β = 1/kB T and z = exp(βμ). The grand canonical partition function Ξ (β, z) generates the canonical partition functions ZN (β) by means of the expansion Ξ (β, z) =
zN ZN (β).
Then we treat z as a complex variable and using Cauchy’s theorem represent ZN (β) by a contour integral, ' ' Ξ (β, z) 1 1 dz N+1 = dz exp −F (z) , ZN (β) = (F3) 2πi 2πi z where the path of integration encircles the origin counter-clockwise, and F (z) = (N + 1) ln z − ln Ξ (β, z) = (N + 1) ln z ∞
+ ln 1 − z exp(−βεν ) .
The saddle-point z0 is determined by the requirement that F (z) becomes stationary, ∂F (z) = 0, (F5) ∂z z=z0
1 . exp(βεν )/z0 − 1
This is just the grand canonical relation between particle number N and fugacity z0 (apart from the appearance of one extra particle on the left-hand side). Appendix C discusses an approximate analytic solution of such equations. In the conventional saddle-point method, the whole function F (z) is taken in the saddle-point approximation 1 F (z) ≈ F (z0 ) + F (z0 )(z − z0 )2 . 2 Doing the remaining Gaussian integral yields
exp(−F (z0 )) ZN (β) ≈ √ . −2πF (z0 )
The canonical occupation number of the ground state, and its mean-square fluctuations, are obtained by differentiating the canonical partition function: ' ∂ ln ZN (β) 1 1 1 ∂Ξ (β, z) = dz N+1 , n¯ 0 = (F9) ∂(−βε0 ) ZN (β) 2πi ∂(−βε0 ) z n0 =
∂ 2 ln ZN (β) 1 1 = −n¯ 20 + 2 ZN (β) 2πi ∂(−βε0 )
' dz
1 zN+1
∂ 2 Ξ (β, z) . (F10) ∂(−βε0 )2
The saddle-point approximation is then applied to the integrands of Eqs. (F9) and (F10). Figs. 17 and 18 (dashed curves) show results for n¯ 0 and n0 obtained by the conventional saddle-point method for a Bose gas with N = 200 atoms in a harmonic isotropic trap. In the condensate regime there is a substantial deviation of the saddle-point curves from the “exact” numerical answer obtained by solution of the recursion equations for the canonical statistics (dots). The reason for this inaccuracy is that in the condensate region the saddle-point z0 lies close to the singular point z = exp(βε0 ) of the function F (z). As a result, the approximation (F7) becomes invalid in the condensate region. To improve the method, Dingle [59] proposed to treat the potentially dangerous term in (F4) as it is, and represent ZN (β) as ' exp(−F1 (z)) 1 dz ZN (β) = (F11) , 2πi 1 − z exp(−βε0 ) where F1 (z) = (N + 1) ln z +
ln 1 − z exp(−βεν ) ν=1
V.V. Kocharovsky et al.
[Appendix F
F IG . 17. Canonical occupation number of the ground state as a function of temperature for N = 200 atoms in a harmonic isotropic trap. Dashed and solid curves are obtained by the conventional and the refined saddle-point method, respectively. Dots are “exact” numerical answers obtained for the canonical ensemble.
F IG . 18. Variance in the condensate particle number as a function of temperature for N = 200 atoms in a harmonic isotropic trap. Dashed and solid curves are obtained by the conventional and the refined saddle-point method, respectively. Dots are “exact” numerical answers in the canonical ensemble.
Appendix F] FLUCTUATIONS IN BOSE–EINSTEIN CONDENSATES 407 has no singularity at z = exp(βε0 ). The singular point to be watched now is the one at z = exp(βε1 ). Since z0 < exp(βε0 ), the saddle-point remains separated from that singularity by at least the N-independent gap exp(βε1 ) − exp(βε0 ) hω/k ¯ B T . This guarantees that the amputated function F1 (z) remains singularityfree in the required interval around z0 for sufficiently large N . Then the Gaussian approximation to exp(−F1 (z)) is safe. The subsequently emerging saddle-point integral for the canonical partition function can be done exactly, yielding [60] 1 η1 ZN (β) ≈ exp βε0 − F1 (z0 ) − 1 + η2 /2 erfc √ , (F13) 2 2 √ ∞ where erfc(z) = 2/ π z exp(−t 2 ) dt is the complementary error function, η = (exp(βε0 ) − z0 ) −F1 (z0 ), and η1 = η − 1/η. Calculation of occupation numbers and their fluctuations deals with integrals from derivatives of Ξ (β, z) with respect to −βε0 . In such expressions the factors singular at z = exp(βε0 ) should be taken exactly. This leads to the integrals of the following form: ' 1 exp[−f1 (z) − (σ − 1)βε0 ] dz 2πi (1 − z exp(−βε0 ))σ (σ −1)/2 1 −f1 (z∗ ) ≈√ 2π × exp βε0 − f1 (z∗ ) − σ + η2 /2 − η12 /4 D−σ (η1 ), (F14) where η = (exp(βε0 ) − z∗ ) −f1 (z∗ ), η1 = η − σ/η, and z∗ is a saddle-point of the function f (z) = f1 (z) + (σ − 1)βε0 + σ ln 1 − z exp(−βε0 ) ;
D−σ (z) is a parabolic cylinder function, which can be expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions as Ds (z) = 2s/2 e−z
2 /4
√ π
1 F1 (−s/2, 1/2, z
2 /2)
#[(1 − s)/2] √ 2z ·1 F1 ((1 − s)/2, 3/2, z2 /2) − . #[−s/2]
Figures 17 and 18 (solid curves) show n¯ 0 (T ) and n0 (T ) obtained by the refined saddle-point method. These results are in remarkable agreement with the exact dots. Figure 19 demonstrates that this refined method also provides good accuracy for the third central moment of the number-of-condensed-atoms fluctuations.
V.V. Kocharovsky et al.
F IG . 19. The third central moment (n0 − n¯ 0 )3 for N = 200 atoms in a harmonic isotropic trap obtained using the refined saddle-point method (solid curve). Exact numerical results for the canonical ensemble are shown by dots.
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LIDAR-MONITORING OF THE AIR WITH FEMTOSECOND PLASMA CHANNELS LUDGER WÖSTE1 , STEFFEN FREY2 AND JEAN-PIERRE WOLF3 1 Physics Department, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany 2 MIT, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA 3 GAP-Biophotonics, University of Geneva, 20, rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conventional LIDAR Measurements . . . . . . . . . The Femtosecond-LIDAR Experiment . . . . . . . . Nonlinear Propagation of Ultra-Intense Laser Pulses White Light Femtosecond LIDAR Measurements . . Nonlinear Interactions with Aerosols . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Abstract LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is the only remote sensing technique that is capable to provide 3-dimensional range resolved measurements of atmospheric constituents like pollutants, humidity or the aerosol, and of atmospheric parameters like temperature or wind. Further perspectives arise from the advent of ultra-fast high-power laser sources which are capable to generate extended plasma channels in the air, so called filaments. Their extraordinary properties, like backwards-enhanced white light emission, plasma generation along their trajectories, and their electrical conductivity provide further fascinating perspectives for applications in atmospheric research and beyond. Examples are remote multi-component analyses of the air and the aerosol, bio-aerosol detection, hard target analysis and even lightning control.
1. Introduction Observing and controlling the earth atmosphere is the most important issue for research. The total population on earth has reached a density where air pollu413
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved ISSN 1049-250X DOI 10.1016/S1049-250X(06)53011-3
L. Wöste et al.
tion on local and global scales has severe consequences for mankind, aggravating catastrophes like hurricanes, floods and smog. The destruction of the ozone layer and the global warming are two prominent examples for anthropogenic changes that occurred to the complex dynamic system of the atmosphere during the industrial age. Since the change occurs fast, its consequences for the weather, the climate and the air composition cannot be predicted at the required precision. This makes the problem so dangerous. Large congested areas, so called megacities, are growing all around the globe and lead into a spiral of more pollution associated with a deterioration of living conditions and health for hundreds of million of people. Nowadays fear of the release of deadly toxic substances by industry, research, military, and terrorists provides further reasons for the development of reliable observation techniques. Precise and reliable measurements are, last but not least, essential for improved weather prediction and support of traffic and aviation. Optical remote sensing techniques have a long tradition when it comes to atmospheric observations. Sky observation by naked eye may be the oldest method for weather prediction. Some vital discoveries, among them the surprising detection of the ozone hole in the stratosphere, are results obtained with optical remote sensing instruments. Its discovery is historically of special interest, because it demonstrates the importance of reliably operating observation platforms. Satellites for global ozone monitoring where already in place (Stolarski et al., 1986), but the unexpected catastrophe was discovered with the proven Brewerspectrometer (Farman et al., 1985). The observation was confirmed later by a re-evaluation of the existing satellite data. Prior to that the scientists did not yet sufficiently trust the accuracy of these data and might have ignored the ozone hole completely. Modern optical remote sensing instruments can be divided in active and passive devices. The former have their own light source whereas the latter utilize naturally existent sources like the sun, the moon, the earth, or stars. Passive devices are much easier to build and to operate. Prominent examples of this species are ground based, air borne, and space borne spectrometer or photometer. The measurement is an integral over the whole light path and therefore the instrument cannot provide range resolution. As a result, only models can emphasize corrections for errors resulting from inhomogeneous distributions. These instruments commonly use lamps as a light source, which need to be placed at a suitable distance from the detector (bi-static system). Alternatively the emitted light can be reflected back to the place of origin (mono-static system). Depending on the bandwidth of the light source another distinction of optical remote sensing instruments can be made. Long path differential absorption techniques, like DOAS (differential optical absorption spectrometer) and FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectrometer) use broadband sources. They are able to quantify a large number of atmospheric compounds simultaneously with a very high sensitivity
(Platt et al., 1979). Mounted on space or airborne platforms they provide measurements on regional and global scales. Those advantages explain the widespread use of long-path absorption techniques for studies in atmospheric chemistry and global long term monitoring. Again, however, the instrumentation is only capable to measure atmospheric constituents along a defined optical path. It does not provide 3-dimensionally resolved concentration distributions, which are most important in order to understand the dynamics of atmospheric reactions and transport processes.
2. Conventional LIDAR Measurements 3-dimensional range-resolved optical measurements can only be achieved by employing the LIDAR techniques (Light Detection and Ranging). In such systems a pulsed laser is commonly emitted into the atmosphere. There—after some distance—the light is scattered, e.g., by means of Rayleigh- or Mie-scattering. A portion of the backscattered light is then re-collected at the site of the emitter with a telescope. A time-resolved detection scheme allows to determine the length of the light path from the emitter to the scatter site and back to the receiver. The second and third dimension of the measurement can be obtained by horizontally or vertically turning either the entire system around, or by deflecting the emitted and received beams with appropriate mirrors. In order to discriminate particular atmospheric pollutants, the Differential Absorption LIDAR technique (DIAL) is commonly used: It employs a set of two (or more) not too different wavelengths, which are collinearly emitted into the air. If one of those wavelengths is more absorbed by a specific pollutant than the other, a data analysis allows to retrieve the concentration distribution of this pollutant along the light path. A pioneer of this method is Herbert Walther, who—in the early days—established one of the first DIAL systems, which was used for realistic pollution monitoring purposes. One of the results is depicted in Fig. 1 (Rothe et al., 1974); it shows an example of a remote obtained concentration map of NO2 in the area of a chemical plant. The result clearly indicates the location of the NO2 emission source. Results as shown in Fig. 1 convincingly demonstrated the great monitoring power of the differential absorption LIDAR techniques. So we decided to construct—supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation—a similar system which was mobile. This allowed us to perform DIAL measurements at sites where most relevant results could be expected. In the Rhone valley we measured, for example, the pollutant distributions of NO2 and SO2 . The results convincingly demonstrated—especially during inversion weather situations—the environmental damage caused by industrial emissions in such mountainous regions (Beniston et al., 1990). We also performed DIAL measurements of traffic-caused NO-concentrations over urban areas like Lyon and Geneva (Kölsch et al., 1992).
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F IG . 1. Measurement of the distribution of NO2 emission from a chemical plant by the differential absorption technique (Rothe et al., 1974).
The results clearly indicated the architectural need of sufficient ventilation space to avoid intolerable traffic smog formation. At that time one city was—due to is multiple gradient situation—of greatest interest: the still divided city of Berlin: One side of the city was mainly heated by local brown coal, the other one by oil; one side was mainly motorized by two-stroke vehicles, the other one by four-stroke engines, etc. We therefore brought our Swiss-licensed LIDAR system across the transit way to West Berlin and performed there in winter SO2 measurements across the city. One of the obtained results is presented in Fig. 2. It shows an example of unpurified emission from “Kraftwerk Mitte” which—at that time still—burnt brown coal. From there the plume spread—unhindered by the Berlin wall—over the entire city, contributing to the creation of dangerous winter-smog (Kölsch et al., 1994).
F IG . 2. DIAL-measurement of a SO2 -plume from a power station in former “East”-Berlin taken in winter 1988.
Today, fortunately, the winter-smog situation in Berlin has much improved, because the unpurified emission of industrially burnt local brown coal, which is strongly contaminated with sulphur, is not allowed any longer. Another air pollution problem, however, the so-called photo-dynamical, or summer-smog, still remains; due to the constantly increasing traffic density it even increases. The cause of ozone formation results from sunlight photo-dissociation of NO2 to NO and O. Then the radical oxygen reacts with O2 forming the ozone. In the boundary layer near ground ozone is—due to its high toxicity—the most important ingredient of summer-smog. In order to monitor the development, we established on the top of the centrally located Charité building in the middle of Berlin a LIDAR observation station. A typical ozone-concentration map taken over Berlin on a summer day at 100 m above ground is shown in Fig. 3. Surprisingly the distribution reaches its highest values in the recreational area of the “Tiergarten”, where no traffic passes (Stein et al., 1996). This clearly indicates the subtle equilibrium of ozone-formation and -destruction mechanisms due to the Leighton-relationship. Even more threatening than the ozone increase in the troposphere is its depletion in the stratosphere: The O3 amount of the undisturbed stratosphere is so high that no summer smog- related increase can compensate the O3 loss in the stratosphere and its consequences with regard to the UV-radiation shield. Again Herbert Walther was among the first, who performed from the mountain station “Zugspitze” DIAL measurements of stratospheric ozone concentrations (Werner et al., 1983), see Fig. 4. Responsible for the ozone depletion process is anthropogenic CFC, which after being released into the air, slowly migrates over years to the stratosphere. There it gets photo-dissociated by the hard UV-radiation forming active Cl. This destroys in a cyclic photo-catalytic process, e.g., on the particle surface in natural polar stratospheric clouds (PSC) huge amounts of the ozone (Crutzen and Arnold, 1986). The presence of such PSC’s, is therefore most important with regard to the stratospheric O3 depletion process. For this reason we
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F IG . 3. Horizontal distribution of the ozone concentration over Berlin taken 100 m above ground in summer 1997.
routinely performed PSC-LIDAR measurements in Sodankyla in North Finland, which is well located for observing the rim of the arctic vortex. Occasionally we even detected PSC’s from the Charité station above Berlin. For that purpose we had developed a 4-wavelength backscatter LIDAR, which was capable to provide altitude profiles of aerosol abundances, and their size distribution. By performing depolarization measurements we were even able to distinguish between liquid and solid particles (Stefanutti et al., 1992). The application of the above-mentioned “conventional” optical remote sensing methods allowed us also to spot their limits: DOAS and FTIR detect simultaneously a large variety of air constituents and pollutants, but only along a fixed optical path. Further, they do not provide detailed information about the aerosol. DIAL provides up to 3-dimensional-resolved concentration maps of individual pollutants. The amount of simultaneously detectable substances, however, is limited; usually it is just one substance at a time. Moreover in the IR-region the method is not very sensitive, mainly because of the rather poor backscatter crosssection there. The multiple-wavelength backscatter LIDAR provides aerosol distributions at a high spatial resolution. Particle compositions, however, cannot be determined by this method. Therefore a method was required, which does not exhibit these disadvantages.
F IG . 4. Monthly averages of stratospheric ozone concentrations for February 1983 (lower curve) and June 1983 (upper curve) (Werner et al., 1983).
3. The Femtosecond-LIDAR Experiment New perspectives for optical remote sensing arose from the development of ultrafast laser sources. They open an intensity regime, in which entirely new optical phenomena occur, and where the classical laws of optics are generally no longer valid. Already 10 years ago our group performed encouraging laboratory experiments for the characterization of aerosol particles like water micro-droplets by means of nonlinear femtosecond (fs) laser spectroscopy (Kasparian et al., 1997). Then, with amplified fs-laser systems a power regime was made available, which seemed to allow the realization of an old dream: A white light emitting artificial star, which could freely be moved across the sky. In the laboratory this can simply be achieved by tightly focusing (centimeters) a powerful nanosecond laser into air, which then creates the well-known plasma focus. Performing the experiment at larger distances (kilometers) is more demanding, because it requires a significantly higher power. With the advent of high-power fs-laser sources such
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F IG . 5. Experimental setup of the femtosecond LIDAR.
a power level, could be reached even at large focusing lengths, provided that the group velocity dispersion (GVD) of the spectrally broad fs-pulse was appropriately compensated. First experiments were carried out in 1996 at the laboratory of R. Sauerbrey in Jena, where a 100 fs-laser with 4 terawatt peak power had just been installed. For the first experiments the laser was slightly focused with a 30 m focusing lens. The required compensation of the group velocity dispersion of the spectrally broad laser pulse was achieved by negatively pre-chirping the time structure of the laser pulse, so that its differently fast propagating spectral components converged after 30 m propagation in air at the site of the focus (temporal lens). As Fig. 5 shows, this was achieved by accordingly detuning the pulse compressor of the laser behind its last amplification stage. Then the slightly pre-focused and pre-chirped laser beam was fired out of the laboratory into the night time sky. Identical to the setup of a conventional LIDAR system a telescope was directed along the emitted laser beam in order to collect the backscattered light and feed it into a spectrometer. This allowed a spectrally and temporally resolved detection of the return signals. Surprisingly, however, the expected artificial star did not appear. Instead
F IG . 6. Photo of the first fs-LIDAR experiment in Jena: A clearly visible, white plasma channel emerges from the emitted IR-laser beam.
of that a clearly visible, extended white light channel emerged—as shown in the photography of Fig. 6—from the almost invisible titanium–sapphire laser pulse (λ = 800 nm) (Wöste et al., 1997). Time resolved measurements indicated white light signals coming from altitudes up to 12 kilometers. Their spectrum exceeded the entire visible range. Later it was shown in the laboratory, that these amazing plasma channels were even electrically conductive (Schillinger and Sauerbrey, 1999).
4. Nonlinear Propagation of Ultra-Intense Laser Pulses The same effect of white light plasma-channel formation in high-intensity fs-laser beams had briefly before also been seen in the laboratory (Braun et al., 1995). Soon after the underlying physical principles were also described: High power laser pulses propagating in transparent media—like air—undergo nonlinear propagation. For high intensities I , the refractive index n of the air is modified by the Kerr effect (Kelley, 1965): n(I ) = n0 + n2 · I,
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F IG . 7. Kerr self-focusing (a) and plasma defocusing (b) of a high power laser beam.
where n2 is the nonlinear refractive index of the air (n2 = 3.10–19 cm2 /W). As the intensity in a cross-section of the laser beam is not uniform, the refractive index increase in the center of the beam is larger than on the edge (Fig. 7a). This induces a radial refractive index gradient equivalent to a lens (called ‘Kerr lens’) of focal length f (I ). The beam is focused by this lens, which leads to an intensity increase resulting in turn to a shorter focal length lens, so the whole beam collapses on itself. Kerr self-focusing should therefore prevent propagation of high power lasers in air. The Kerr effect becomes significant when the selffocusing effect is larger than natural diffraction, i.e. over a critical power Pcrit : Pcrit =
λ2 . 4π · n2
If the laser pulse intensity reaches 1013 –1014 W/cm2 , higher order nonlinear processes occur such as multi-photon ionization (MPI). At 800 nm, 8 to 10 photons are needed to ionize N2 and O2 molecules giving rise to plasma (Talebpour et al., 1999). The ionization process can involve tunneling as well, because of the very high electric field carried by the laser pulse. However, following Keldysh’s
F IG . 8. Filamentation of a high power laser beam as it propagates in air (Berge and Couairon, 2001).
theory (Keldysh, 1965), MPI dominates for intensities lower than 1014 W/cm2 . In contrast to longer pulses, fs-pulses combine high ionization efficiency due to their very high intensity, with a limited overall energy, so that the generated electron densities (1016 –1017 cm−3 ) are far from saturation. Losses by inverse Bremsstrahlung are therefore negligible, in contrast to a plasma generated by a nanosecond laser pulse. However, the electron density ρ induces a negative variation of the refractive index and, because of the radial intensity profile of the laser beam, a negative refractive index gradient. This acts as a negative lens, which defocuses the laser beam, as schematically shown in figure Fig. 7b. Kerr self-focusing and plasma defocusing should thus prevent long distance propagation of high power laser beams. However, a remarkable behavior occurs in air, where both effects exactly compensate and give rise to a self-guided quasi-solitonic propagation (Berge and Couairon, 2001). The laser beam is first self-focused by the Kerr effect. This focusing then increases the beam intensity and generates a plasma by MPI, which in turns defocuses the beam. The intensity then decreases and plasma generation stops, which allows Kerr re-focusing to take over again. This dynamic balance between Kerr effect and plasma generation leads to the formation of stable structures called “filaments” (Fig. 8). These light filaments have remarkable properties. In particular, they can propagate over several hundreds of meters, although their diameter is only 100–200 µm, which widely beats the normal diffraction limit. Their intensity (∼1014 W/cm2 ), their energy (∼1 mJ), their diameter, and their electron density (1016 –1017 cm−3 ) are almost constant. The laser pulse propagation is governed by the Maxwell wave equation: 1 ∂ 2E ∂E ∂ 2P (3) · = μ · σ · · , + μ 0 0 ∂t c2 ∂t 2 ∂t 2 where σ is the conductivity and accounting for the losses, and P is the polarization of the medium. In contrast to the linear wave propagation equation, P now contains a self-induced nonlinear contribution corresponding to Kerr focusing and ∇ 2E −
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plasma generation: P = PL + PNL = ε0 · (χL + χNL ) · E,
where χL and χNL are the linear and nonlinear susceptibilities, respectively. Considering a radially symmetric pulse propagating along the z-axis in a reference frame moving at the group velocity vg yields the following nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) (Berge and Couairon, 2001): ρ ∂ε 2 ε + 2i k + 2k 2 n2 · |ε|2 · ε − k 2 · ε = 0, ∇⊥ (5) ∂z ρc where ε = ε(r, z, t) is the pulse envelope of the electric field and ρc the critical electron density (1.8 × 1021 cm−3 at 800 nm). ε is assumed to vary slowly as compared to the carrier oscillation and to have a smooth radial decrease. In this first order treatment, group velocity dispersion (GVD) and losses due to multiphoton and plasma absorption are neglected (σ = 0). In (5), the Laplacian models wave diffraction in the transverse plane, while the two last terms are the nonlinear contributions: Kerr focusing and plasma defocusing (notice the opposite signs). The electronic density ρ(r, z, t) is computed using the rate equation (6) in a selfconsistent way with (5): ∂ρ − γ |ε|2α (ρn − ρ) = 0, (6) ∂t where ρn is the neutral molecular concentration in air, γ the MPI efficiency, and α the number of photons needed to ionize an air molecule (typ. α = 10 (Talebpour et al., 1999)). Numerically solving the NLSE equation leads to the evolution of the pulse intensity I = |ε|2 as a function of propagation distance, as shown in Fig. 8. Initial Kerr lens selffocusing and subsequent stabilization by the MPI-generated plasma are well reproduced by these simulations. Notice that the filamentary structure of the beam, although only 100 µm in diameter, is sustained over 60 m. Numerical instability related to the high nonlinearity of the NLSE prevents simulations over longer distances. For higher laser powers P Pcrit the beam breaks up into several localized filaments. The intensity in each filament is indeed clamped at 1013 –1014 W/cm2 corresponding to a few mJ, so that an increase in power leads to the formation of more filaments. Figure 9 shows a cross-section of laser beams undergoing mono-filamentation (Fig. 9a, 5 mJ) and multi-filamentation (Fig. 9b, 400 mJ). The stability of this quasi-solitonic structure is remarkable: filaments have been observed to propagate over more than 300 m. However no direct measurements could be performed on longer distances yet, because of experimental constraints.
F IG . 9. (a) Mono-filamentation (5 mJ) and (b) multi-filamentation (400 mJ) of high power laser beams. Scale: The size of the filament in panel (a) (200 µm) is similar to one of the many filaments on panel (b). The rings around the filaments are colorful and correspond to conical emission.
The spectral content of the emitted light is of particular importance for LIDAR applications. Nonlinear propagation of high intensity laser pulses not only provides self-guiding of the light but also an extraordinary broad continuum spanning from the UV to the IR. This super-continuum is generated by self-phase modulation as the high intensity pulse propagates. As depicted above, Kerr effect leads, because of the spatial intensity gradient, to self-focusing of the laser beam. However, the intensity also varies with time, and the instantaneous refractive index of the air is modified as: n(t) = n0 + n2 · I (t).
This gives rise to a time dependent phase shift dφ = −n2 I (t)ω0 z/c, where ω0 is the carrier frequency, which generates additional frequencies ω in the spectrum ω = ω0 + dφ/dt. The smooth temporal envelope of the pulse induces thus a strong spectral broadening of the pulse around ω0 . Figure 10 shows the spectrum emitted by filaments that were created by the propagation of a 2 TW pulse in the laboratory. The super-continuum spans from 400 nm to over 4 µm, which covers absorption bands of many trace gases in the atmosphere (methane, VOCs, CO2 , NO2 , H2 O, etc.). Recent measurements showed that the super-continuum extends in the UV down to 230 nm (see below), due to efficient third harmonic generation (THG) and frequency mixing (Akozbek et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2003). These results open further multi-spectral LIDAR applications for detecting aromatics, SO2 , and ozone. Most of the filamentation studies showed that white light was generated in the filamentary structure, and leaking due to coupling with the plasma in form of a narrow cone in the forward direction (called “conical emission”, see Fig. 9a) (Kosareva et al., 1997; Nibbering et al., 1996). This cone spans from the longer wavelengths in the center to the shorter wavelengths at the edge, with a typical half-angle of 0.12◦ .
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F IG . 10. Super-continuum generation in air: the dots are measurements in the laboratory after a few meters propagation while the lines exhibit further broadening after having propagated across kilometer distances (Mejean et al., 2003).
However, an important aspect for LIDAR-applications is the angular distribution of the white light continuum in the near backward direction. Already in the first fs-LIDAR experiments, a pronounced backscattering component of the emitted white light was observed (see Fig. 6). For this reason angular resolved scattering experiments have been performed. The emission close to the backward direction of the super-continuum from light filaments was found to be significantly enhanced as compared to linear Rayleigh–Mie scattering (Yu et al., 2001). Figure 11 shows the comparison of the linearly backscattered light (Rayleigh– Mie) from a weak laser beam and the nonlinear emission from a filament, for both s- (left part) and p- (right part) polarizations. At 179◦ the backward enhancement extends an order of magnitude. An even greater enhancement is expected at 180◦ (limited by the experimental apparatus). The enhancement may qualitatively be attributed to a copropagating, self-generated longitudinal index gradient due to plasma generation, inducing a back-reflection. Combined with self-guiding, which drastically reduces beam divergence, this aspect is extremely important for LIDAR experiments: Unlike backscatter-based, conventional LIDAR-systems a significantly larger portion of the emitted white light is, therefore, collected by the fs-LIDAR receiver. To summarize, nonlinear propagation of TW-laser pulses exhibit outstanding properties for multi-spectral LIDAR measurements: extremely broadband coher-
F IG . 11. Angular emission of the emitted white light compared to linearly scattered light.
ent light emission (“white light laser”), confined in a self-guided beam, and an increased back-reflection to the emitter as the laser pulse propagates.
5. White Light Femtosecond LIDAR Measurements Since filamentation counteracts diffraction over long distances, it allows to deliver high laser intensities at high altitudes and over long ranges. This contrasts with linear propagation, in which the laser intensity is always decreasing while propagating away from the source, unless focusing optics such as large-aperture telescopes with adaptative optics are used to reach focal lengths of the order of hundreds of meters. The distance R0 at which high powers are reached and thus where filamentation starts, can be controlled by the following laser parameters: the initial laser diameter and divergence, and the pulse duration and chirp. The geometrical parameters are set by the transmitting telescope while the temporal parameters, leading to “temporal focusing” are determined by the grating compressor. These parameters are used to control the power and the intensity of the beam while propagating. A particular aspect is temporal focusing using an initial chirp, as it can be used together with the air GVD, to obtain the shortest pulse duration and thus the onset of filamentation at the desired location R0 . The compressor is then aligned in
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such a way that a negatively chirped pulse is launched into the atmosphere, i.e. the blue component of the broad laser spectrum precedes its red component. In the near infrared, air is normally dispersive, and the red components of the laser spectrum propagate faster than the blue ones. Therefore, while propagating, the pulse shortens temporally and its intensity increases. At the pre-selected altitude R0 , the filamentation process starts and white light is generated. The extraordinary properties of the white light emitting plasma channels convinced our funding agencies DFG and CNRS to establish the French/German Cooperation project “Teramobile”, which allowed us to construct a mobile femtosecond LIDAR-system (Wille et al., 2002). Its basic setup is according to the one shown in Fig. 5: the fs-laser pulse—after passing the compressor set as a chirp generator—passes an emission telescope and then vertically sent into the atmosphere. The back-scattered portion of the white light generated in the atmosphere is then collected and spectrally resolved by the LIDAR receiver. The system was installed in a mobile, self-contained standard container, so it could easily be moved. This allowed us to perform fs-white-light LIDAR measurements at different, relevant sites. Most rewarding in this regard was a campaign, which we performed at the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (Germany). There we could make use of the detection power of its 2 m diameter telescope, which we operated at the high-resolution imaging mode. During these experiments the laser was launched into the atmosphere, and the backscattered light was imaged through the telescope of the observatory. Figure 12a shows a typical image at the fundamental wavelength of the laser pulse (λ = 800 nm), over an altitude range from 3 to 20 km. In this picture, strong scattering is observed from a haze layer at an altitude of 9 km and a weaker one around 4 km. In some cases, scattered signal could be detected from distances up to 20 km. Tuning the same observation to the blue–green band (385–485 nm), i.e. observing the white light super-continuum, leads to the images shown in Fig. 12b and c. As observed, filamentation and white light generation strongly depends on the initial chirp of the laser pulse, i.e. white light signal can only be observed for adequate GVD pre-compensation (Fig. 12b). With optimal chirp parameters, the white light channel could be imaged over more than 9 km. It should also be pointed out that, as presented above, the angular distribution of the emitted white light from filaments is strongly peaked in the backward direction, and that most of the light is not collected in this imaging configuration. Under some initial laser parameter settings, conical emission due to leakage out of the plasma channel could also be imaged on a haze layer, as shown in Fig. 12d. Since conical emission is emitted side-wards over the whole channel length, the visible rings indicate that under these experimental conditions the channel was restricted to a shorter length at low altitude. Conventional LIDAR systems are based on the use of backscatter processes like Rayleigh-, fluorescence or Mie-scattering, which only return a small fraction
F IG . 12. Long-distance filamentation and control of nonlinear optical processes in the atmosphere. Pictures of the beam propagating vertically, imaged by the CCD camera of a 2-m telescope. (a) Fundamental wavelength, visible up to 25 km through 2 aerosol layers. (b)–(d) Super-continuum (390–490 nm band) generated by 600-fs pulses with respectively negative (GVD pre-compensating), positive, and slightly negative chirp. On picture (d), conical emission appears as a ring on the high-altitude haze layer.
of the emitted light back to the observer. This leads necessarily to an unfavorable 1/R 2 -dependency of the received light, where R is the distance from the scatter location to the observer. When spectrally dispersed, this usually leaves too small signals on the receiver, as arc-lamp-based LIDAR experiments have shown in the past (Strong and Jones, 1995). Unlike these linear processes, the femtosecond white light plasma channel presents an almost ideal source for LIDAR applications: Its strong backward emission allows high spectral resolution of the observed signals, even at large distances. As a result, highly resolved spectral fingerprints of atmospheric absorbers along the light path can be retrieved. Figure 13a shows examples of spectrally filtered white light LIDAR returns in three different spectral regions (visible at 600 nm and UV around 300 and 270 nm, 1000 shots average). These profiles of in situ generated white light show scatter features of the planetary boundary layer. The much faster decrease of the UV signal is due to the stronger Rayleigh scattering at shorter wavelengths, and, the absorption at 270 nm (compared to 300 nm) due to high ozone concentration. The white light spectrum generated over long distances in the atmosphere showed sig-
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F IG . 13. (a) White light LIDAR returns. The O3 absorption at 270 nm is clearly visible; (b) white light LIDAR resolved spectrum returned from 4.5 km altitude.
nificant differences with respect to the spectrum of Fig. 10, previously recorded in the laboratory (Kasparian et al., 2000). Figure 13b displays the white light spectrum backscattered from an altitude of 4.5 km (Mejean et al., 2003). The infrared part of the spectrum (recorded with filters) is significantly stronger (full line, typ. 2 orders of magnitude higher) than in the laboratory, which is very encouraging for future multi-VOC detection. A quantitative explanation of this IR-enhancement requires the precise knowledge of the nonlinear propagation of the terawatt laser pulse, which cannot be simulated with the present numerical codes. However, it qualitatively indicates that the pulse shortens and/or splits while propagating, causing broader spectral components. On the other end of the spectrum (not shown) it was observed that the supercontinuum extends continuously down to 230 nm (limited by the spectrometer). This UV-part of the super-continuum is the result of efficient third harmonic generation in air (Akozbek et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2003) and mixing with different components of the Vis-IR part of the spectrum. This opens very attractive applications, such as multi-aromatics (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, etc.) detection without interference, NOx and SO2 multi-DIAL detection, and O3 measurements, for which the aerosol interference can be subtracted due to the available broadband UV detection. Very rich features arise from the white light backscattered signal, when it is recorded across a high-resolution spectrometer, as shown in Fig. 13b. The spectrum, which was detected from an altitude of 4.5 km with an intensified charge coupled device (ICCD), shows a wealth of atmospheric absorption lines at high resolution (0.01 cm−1 ). The excellent signal to noise ratio (2000 shots average) demonstrates the advantages of using a high-brightness white light channel for multi-component LIDAR detection. The well-known water vapor bands around 720 nm, 830 nm and 930 nm are observed simultaneously. Depending on the altitude (i.e. the water vapor concentration), the use of stronger or weaker absorption bands can be selected. Figure 14 (upper) shows a higher resolution picture of the spectrum around 815 nm of the water vapor ((000) → (211) transition) and Fig. 14 (lower) of the X → A transition of molecular oxygen. A fit using the HITRAN-database is shown in both cases. It leads to a mean water vapor concentration of 0.4%. Notice the excellent agreement with the database, demonstrating that no nonlinear effects or saturation are perturbing the absorption spectrum. This is explained by the fact that the white light returned to the LIDAR receiver is not intense enough to induce saturation, and that the volume occupied by the filaments (the white light sources) is very small compared to the investigated volume. The spectrum used to retrieve the water vapor concentration contains about 700 data points. The use of so many wavelengths allows a major improvement in sensitivity as compared to the usual 2-wavelengths-DIAL. A systematic
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F IG . 14. Upper: The water (000) → (211) transition. Lower: high-resolution spectrum of the X → A transition of molecular oxygen. The comparison with calculated results using the HITRAN-database shows excellent agreement in both cases. It leads to a mean water vapor concentration of 0.4%.
study is in progress to quantify this gain, connected to the obtained signal-tonoise-ratio in each spectral element. Using a gated ICCD, the spectrum of the atmosphere can be recorded at different altitudes, yielding range resolved measurements. Information about atmospheric temperature (and/or pressure) could be retrieved from the line-shapes of the absorption lines. Another possibility is to measure the intensities of the hot bands, in order to address the ground state population. As the molecular oxygen spectrum is very well known, O2 is particularly well suited for this purpose. The access of the whole spectrum should again allow to obtain significantly better precision than in former DIAL investigations (Megie and Menzies, 1980). The spectrum covered by the white light in Fig. 13b gives access to many bands to measure the H2 O concentration, and to 2 bands of O2 ((0) → (0) and (0) → (1) sequences of the X → A transition, around 760 nm and 690 nm, respectively) to determine the atmospheric temperature. The combination of both information with good precision could allow to construct an efficient “relative humidity LIDAR profiler” in the future.
6. Nonlinear Interactions with Aerosols Particles are present in the atmosphere as a broad distribution of size (from 10 nm to 100 µm), shape (spherical, fractal, crystals, aggregates, etc.), and composition (water, soot, mineral, bio-agents, e.g., bacteria or viruses, etc.). The LIDAR technique has shown remarkable capabilities in fast 3D-mapping of aerosols, but mainly qualitatively through the measurement of statistical average backscattering and extinction coefficients. The most advanced methods use several wavelengths, usually provided by the fixed outputs of standard lasers. The set of LIDAR equations derived from the obtained multi-wavelength LIDAR data is subsequently inverted using sophisticated algorithms or multi-parametric fits of pre-defined size distributions with some assumptions about the size range and complex refractive indices. In order to obtain quantitative mappings of aerosols, complementary local data (obtained with, e.g., laser particle counters, or multistage impactors to identify the sizes and composition) are often used together with the LIDAR measurements. The determination of the size distribution and composition using standard methods must, however, be taken cautiously as complementary data, because of its local character in both, time and space. Nonlinear spectroscopy using ultra-short laser pulses appears as a promising new technique for a quantitative aerosol detection. In this section, we describe important nonlinear interactions that exhibit a real potential to simultaneously measure size and composition of aerosol mixtures, and to identify a particular type of particle within an ensemble. The first approach of using ultra-intense laser pulses in a LIDAR arrangement to characterize aerosol particles is a direct extension of the multi-wavelength scattering technique. The extraordinary broadness of the super-continuum, spanning from the UV to the mid-IR, opens new perspectives in this respect. Instead of some discrete wavelengths, backscattered and extinction coefficients can now be obtained range-resolved over the whole continuum. This is particularly advantageous for mixtures of unidentified particles, where a wide range of size parameters x = 2πr/λ has to be addressed. The data inversion can follow the stream of the already developed sophisticated multi-wavelength algorithms, which will be very powerful using such a wide and continuous spectrum. Besides the experiments performed with the Teramobile system (Kasparian et al., 2003), some recent LIDAR measurements of aerosols using the femtosecond super-continuum generated in rare gas before transmitting were reported (Galvez et al., 2002). Part of the spectrum might also be analyzed at higher resolution, in order to detect variations in the imaginary part of the refractive index, characterizing the absorption process and thus provide some further insight on the particles composition. A key parameter in these femtosecond LIDAR experiments will be the location of the onset and the end of filaments. In particular, if the pulses are shaped in such a way (negative chirp, see above) that filamentation occurs at short distances and
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lasts only for some hundreds of meters, the light scattered back from longer distances can be considered as linearly scattered. The data inversion can thus safely be performed with the usual linear LIDAR algorithms. Conversely, if the laser pulses are initially shaped in a way that high intensity and filaments are present in the investigated volume, nonlinear effects are induced directly in the aerosols, and new inversion algorithms have to be developed (Faye et al., 2001; Kasparian and Wolf, 1998). Examples of these nonlinear processes induced in the aerosol particles are presented below. Femtosecond laser pulses are able to provide very high pulse intensity at low energy, which allows to induce nonlinear processes in particles without thermal deformation effects. The most prominent feature of nonlinear processes in aerosol particles, and in particular in spherical micro-droplets, is the strong localization of the emitting molecules within the particle, and the subsequent backward enhancement of the emitted light. This unexpected behavior is extremely attractive for LIDAR applications. For homogeneous spherical micro-particles, molecules in certain regions are indeed more excited than others because of the focusing properties of the spherical micro-resonator. Further localization is achieved by the nonlinear processes, which typically involve the nth power of the internal intensity I n (r) (r denotes the position inside the droplet). Because the droplet acts as a spherical lens, the re-emission from these internal focal points occurs predominantly in the backward direction. The backward enhancement can be explained by the reciprocity principle (Boutou et al., 2002; Hill et al., 2000): Reemission from regions of high I (r) tends to return toward the illuminating source by essentially retracing the direction of the incident beam that gave rise to the focal point. We investigated, both theoretically and experimentally, incoherent multiphoton processes involving n = 1 to 5 photons (Boutou et al., 2002; Favre et al., 2002; Hill et al., 2000). For n = 1, 2, 3, we focused on multi-photon-excited fluorescence (MPEF) of fluorophors- or amino acids-containing droplets. For n = 5 (or more) photons we examined laser-induced breakdown (LIB) in water microdroplets, initiated by multi-photon ionization (MPI). The ionization potential of water molecules is Eion = 6.5 eV (Noack and Vogel, 1999; Williams et al., 1976), so that 5 photons are required at a laser wavelength of 800 nm to initiate the process of plasma formation. The growth of the plasma is also a nonlinear function of I (r). We showed that both localization and backward enhancement strongly increases with the order n of the multi-photon process. Both MPEF and LIB have the potential of providing information about the aerosol composition. The strongly anisotropic spontaneous emission of MPEF in a micro-droplet was demonstrated on Coumarin 510 doped ethanol (Hill et al., 2000) droplets with sizes ranging from 10 to 50 µm. The directionality of the emission is dependent on the increase of n, because the excitation process involves the nth power of the intensity I n (r). The ratio Rf = U (180◦ )/U (90◦ ) increases from 1.8 to 9 when n changes from 1 to 3. For 3-photon MPEF (3PEF), fluorescence from aerosol
micro-particles is, therefore, mainly backwards emitted, which is ideal for LIDAR experiments. The backward enhancement also depends on the particle relative refractive index m: the higher m the higher Rf . When excited by one photon at 266 nm, Rf from dye-doped polystyrene latex (PSL) micro-spheres (m = 1.59, typical diameter = 22.1 µm, fluorescence peaked at 375 nm) reaches 3.2 instead of 1.8 for Coumarin 510 doped ethanol droplet. Such enhancement effect is also observed for nonspherical transparent particles such as clusters of small (diameter smaller than 2 µm) PSL-spheres (Yong-Le et al., 2002). Another remarkable property is that the backward enhancement is insensitive to the size if the droplet diameter exceeds some micrometers. This was shown by both the calculations for liquid spherical droplets and by experiments on clusters of PSL-spheres, for which the equivalent diameter was changed from 2 to 10 µm. However, although the Rf ratio is not sensitive to the particle shape at least for a one-photon excitation process, the high resolution 2D-angular pattern in the near backward direction might be specific of its morphology. Laser-induced breakdown (LIB) experiments were performed in pure and saline water droplets. The white light (500±35 nm) angular distribution was measured in the scattering plane for an incident intensity of 1.8 × 1012 W/cm2 . The observed far-field emission is strongly enhanced in the backward direction, and exhibits a secondary narrow lobe near 150◦ . The agreement between the experimental results and our Lorentz–Mie calculations (Favre et al., 2002) is excellent. LIB then takes place only at the internal hot spot of the droplet, and generates a plasma of nanometric dimensions because of the I 5 (r) dependency of multiphoton ionization (MPI). The white light emitted by the nanoplasma has a ratio Rp = Up (180◦ )/Up (90◦ ) that exceeds 35, i.e. 3× higher than for 3PEF. The spectrum and the related plasma temperature have been measured by using an optical multi-channel analyzer (OMA). The broadband visible emission was recorded in the backward direction from pure and saline droplets with various incident intensities. In Fig. 15a we show that in the case of saline droplets and for an incident intensity Iinc = 1.6 × 1012 W/cm2 , the spectrum can be fitted by a Maxwell–Planck law, in agreement with laser heated plasma emission. Also, when the incident intensity is gradually increased to 1013 W/cm2 (curves (b) and (c)), the emission spectrum shifts towards the blue consistent with an increase of the plasma temperature from 5000 to 7000 K. Similar behavior has been observed for pure water droplets (Fig. 15d) but unexpected and unidentified atomic or molecular lines appear in the spectrum. The shift of the emission maximum is correlated to the change in the angular distribution. Dye-doped micro-droplets, because of their high multi-photon absorption cross-sections, are good test cases to demonstrate the advantage of combining MPEF and LIDAR techniques in order to identify the presence of fluorescing aerosols. An attractive application of the combined techniques is bio-aerosol de-
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F IG . 15. Broadband emission spectra of saline water droplets (a), (b), (c) irradiated at increasing intensities from 1.6 × 1012 W/cm2 (curve (a)) to 1013 W/cm2 (curve (c)). The spectra exhibit besides the Na D lines continua that can be fitted to the Maxwell–Planck law, yielding plasma temperatures from 5000 to 7000 K. Pure water droplets (d) show a similar behavior.
tection in the atmosphere. For this purpose, we performed the first multi-photon excited fluorescence LIDAR detection of biological aerosols. The particles, consisting of water droplets containing 0.03 g/l riboflavin (a characteristic tracer of bio-agents (Hill et al., 2001; Pan et al., 2001), were generated at a distance of 50 m from the Teramobile system. The size distribution peaked around 1 µm, a typical size of airborne bacteria. Riboflavin was excited with two photons at 800 nm and emitted a broad fluorescence around 540 nm. This experiment is the first demonstration of remote detection of bio-aerosols using a 2PEF-femtosecond LIDAR (Fig. 16) (Kasparian et al., 2003). The broad fluorescence signature is clearly observed from the particle cloud (typ. 104 p/cm3 ), with a range resolution of a few meters. As a comparison, droplets of pure water did not exhibit any parasitic fluorescence in this spectral range. However, a background is observed for both types of particles, arising from the scattering of white light generated by the filaments in air. Competition between super-continuum generation before the laser reaches
F IG . 16. Two-photon excited fluorescence (2PEF)-LIDAR detection of bio-aerosols compared to water-aerosols.
the particles and 2PEF within the particles appeared critical. A possible solution to this problem is to adapt the initial pulse duration, chirp, and geometrical characteristics of the laser such that the needed high intensity is reached exactly at the target location. The use of tailored pulses is under investigation to solve this problem; they will also be used to investigate possible simultaneous size and composition measurements in a pump–probe frame. MPEF might be advantageous as compared to linear laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) for the following reasons: (1) MPEF is enhanced in the backward direction and (2) the transmission of the atmosphere is much higher for longer wavelengths. For example, if we consider the detection of tryptophan (another typical bio-tracer that can be excited with 3 photons of 810 nm), the transmission of the atmosphere is typically 0.6 km−1 at 270 nm, whereas it is 3 × 10−3 km−1 at 810 nm (for a clear atmosphere, depending on the background ozone concentration). This might compensate the lower 3-PEF cross-section compared to the 1-PEF cross-section at longer distances. The most attractive feature is however the possibility of using pump–probe techniques to measure both, composition and size.
7. Conclusion The nonlinear propagation of ultra-short ultra-intense laser pulses provides unique features for LIDAR applications: a coherent white light emitting super-
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continuum, which is self-guided and back-reflected towards the source. Backward enhancement also occurs for multi-photon-excited fluorescence (MPEF) and laser-induced breakdown (LIB) processes in aerosol particles. These characteristics open new perspectives for LIDAR measurements in the atmosphere: multi-component detection, reduced spectral interference, better precision due to more absorption lines, improved IR-LIDAR measurements in aerosol-free atmospheres, and remote measurement of aerosols size distributions and compositions. The wide spread of the technique needs further characterization of the propagation of laser pulses, in order to foresee the onset and the length of the filaments, and to better control the intensity at each location along the laser path. Beyond LIDAR applications the observed plasma channels exhibit fascinating further perspectives; one of them is remote laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS): By irradiating, for example, copper and iron plates with fs-plasma channels, we have generated and identified their plasma lines over distances of 100 meters. Another exciting application is in the field of lightning control. The filaments are electrically conductive; they may therefore be used as a laser lightning rod. In first exploratory experiments, which we performed at a high-voltage facility in Berlin, we could show that high-voltage discharges could indeed be triggered and guided—so far still over distances of some meters (Kasparian et al., 2003). Another application concerns the triggered nucleation of water droplets. In a supersaturated atmosphere the laser-induced charges act—like in fog chambers—as condensation germs for droplet formation. The phenomenon allows the remote detection of super-saturation in the atmosphere. As presented above, the potential applications of femtosecond plasma channels in air are exciting, numerous and wide spread. It all resulted from an unsuccessful attempt: The creation of an artificial star!
8. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the entire Teramobile team for the numerous hard working nights, during which the results presented here were achieved. We owe particular thanks to Roland Sauerbrey, André Mysyrowicz, Jerome Kasparian, Estelle Salmon, Jin Yu, Miguel Rodriguez, Holger Wille, Yves Bernard Andre, Michel Franco, Bernard Prade, Stelios Tzortzakis, Guillaume Mejean, Didier Mondelain and Riad Bourayou. Also we want to acknowledge the financial support of CNRS and DFG. One of the authors (L.W.) wishes to thank Professor Herbert Walther for having filled him with enthusiasm for spectroscopy, lasers and LIDAR.
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Index Abbe’s theory of microscope, 106 – and wavefront coding, 111–15 Ablation, 238–9 – from silicon, 239–40 – – recoil pressure, 240–2 – – surface morphology, 242–6 – see also Coulomb explosion; Phase explosion Ablation regime, 234 Ablation threshold, 234 Acousto-optic modulators (AOMs), 95, 96 Aerosols, 433–7 Ambiguity functions, 110 Amplitude object transmission function, 112 Ancilla modes, nature, 144–7 Anderson localization, 46 Annihilation operators, 259, 261, 360 Anti-bunching, 7, 14, 255 Arbitrary power-law trap, 351–3 – cross-excitation parameter, 352–3 – ideal gas BEC statistics in, 364–70 – with interacting Bose gas, 381–2 – single-particle energy spectrum, 351, 364 – see also Box; Harmonic trap; Isotropic harmonic trap Artificial atoms see Quantum dots Aspheres, manufacture, 129–30 Asymmetry coefficient, 382 Atmosphere – parameters measurement, 432 – super-saturation detection, 438 Atom-field interaction, 191–4 Atom laser – linewidth problem, 359 – phase fluctuations of matter beam, 394 Atom Trap Trace Analysis, 79 Atomic conductance, fluctuations, 42–6 Atomic photo cross sections, Ericson fluctuations in, 49–51 Atomic quasimomentum, 66 Atomic transport, directed, due to interactioninduced quantum chaos, 55–9 ATTA method, 79
Autocorrelation function, 17 – of average detection probability, 276–7, 285 – of pupil function, 113 Avalanche processes, 238 Average detection probability, 259–60, 271, 273–4, 279–80 Barcode reading system, 109–10, 111 BB84 protocol, 23, 26–7 BCS state, momentum distribution of molecules from, 180–1 Beam splitters, 146, 147, 261–2 BEC – counting statistics of molecules, 168–70 – discovery, 307–8 – experimental demonstration, 297 – momentum distribution of molecules, 177–8 – spinor-BECs, in spin-dependent optical lattices, 223 – wave-packet motion, 223 BEC-BCS crossover, 152, 173 BEC fluctuations – future research, 394 – ground-state occupation distribution, 346–7 – in ideal Bose gas, 323–8, 399–400, 401–2 – in interacting Bose gas see Interacting Bose gas – relations between statistics in various ensembles, 316–20 – see also Condensate master equation approach; Quasiparticle approach; Systems with broken continuous symmetry Beliaev–Popov approximation, 394 Benand–Marangoni instability, 247 Berlin, 416–17 Biexcitons, 5, 16 Bifurcations, 246 Bilinear transfer function, 115, 116 Binomial distribution, 348 Binomial theorem, generalized, 396 Bio-aerosol detection, 435–7 443
444 Blackbody radiation, 299 Bloch oscillations, fermionic, 57 Bloch vector model, 87 Blood oxygenization determination, 123–5 Bloodflow measurement, 125–7 Blue-detuned lattices see Gray lattices Bogoliubov canonical transformation, 373 Bogoliubov coupling, 373–4 Bogoliubov–Popov energy spectrum, 373, 379 Bogoliubov’s 1/k 2 theorem, 385, 389 Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization rule, 300 Born–Oppenheimer approximation, 213 Bose, Satyendranath, 293–4, 298–9 Bose–Einstein condensation see BEC Bose–Einstein distribution – history, 298–315 – – analysis, 306–14 – – Bose contribution, 299–303 – – comparison between microstate counting ways, 314–15, 395–7 – – Einstein contribution, 303–6 Bose–Hubbard Hamiltonian, 36, 55–6 Boson–fermion model Hamiltonian, 163–4 Bosonic bath, 56–9 Bosonic commutation relation, 140 Box – BEC fluctuations in ideal gas in, 369–70 – temperature scaling of BEC fluctuations, 376, 382–3 Breathing-mode wave-packets, 197, 200 Broad resonance, 176 Caesium atom, 77–8, 80–1, 84–6, 88–9, 254 – see also Neutral atoms; Single atoms Cahn–Hilliard type equation, 247 Calcium ion, single photon generation, 254 Canonical ensemble, 335 – counting statistics, 317 – N -particle constraint, 316, 357 – quasiparticle approach see Quasiparticle approach Canonical partition functions, 318, 346, 404 – contour integral representation, 404 – for one-dimensional harmonic trap, 347 Cataract surgery, 127 Cavity-QED, 77, 84, 94, 95, 99 Central limit theorem, 376 Central retinal artery, 125, 126 CFC, 417
Index Chaotic cavities, photonic transport in, 51–5 Choroid, 125, 126, 127 Chromium atom, feedback scheme in MOT, 82 Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, 192 Coherence function, 111–12 – second-order, 7, 17 Coherence theory, 175 Coherence time, 255–6, 286 Coherent backscattering, 55 Coherent pumping, 156 Coincidence probability see Joint detection probability Cold atom physics – quantum optics and, 152 – see also Ultra-cold molecules Cold collisions, 81, 84, 100–1 Computer numerical controlled (CNC) machines, 129, 130 Condensate master equation approach, 297 – BEC statistics, 350–5 – derivation of equation, 335–41 – laser phase-transition analogy, 334–5, 342 – low temperature approximation, 342–3 – mesoscopic and dynamical effects in BEC, 355–7 – physical interpretation of coefficients, 340 – quasithermal approximation for noncondensate occupations, 344–5 – solution of equation, 345–9 Conical emission, 425, 428, 429 Cooling coefficient, 338–9, 340 – low temperature approximation, 342 – quasithermal approximation, 345 Cooper instability, 172 Cooper pairs, 180 – coherent conversion, 173 – detection, 174–5 Corkscrew cooling, 206, 207 Corneal reflex, 128 Correlation function – connected four-point, 387 – with jitter, 270, 272, 274 – longitudinal, 386 – second-order, 263, 264–6 – transverse, 386 Corrugation, variation of, 248 Coulomb explosion, 238, 239, 241, 242, 246 Counting statistics, 168–73, 317 Coupled atom–molecule system, 155–8
Index – see also Molecular micromaser Coupled fermion–molecule system, 175–7 Creation operators, 257, 259, 261, 360 Critical power, 422 Critical temperature, 356–7, 383 Cross-correlation function, 16, 18, 20 Cubic phaseplates, 107–8, 117–20 Cycling transition, 192 Decoherence, suppression, 86 Degenerate approximation, 164–5 Delbrück, M., 307, 313 Density operator – photon pairs with jitter, 270 – single-photon light field, 258 Dephasing, suppression, 86 Depth of focus (DOF), 106 Depth resolution, lateral resolution and, 106 Desorption dynamics, 234–8 Diabatic potentials, 193 DIAL, 415, 431, 432 Dicke superradiance, 152, 164 Differential optical absorption spectrometer (DOAS), 414, 418 Diffusive dynamics, 80–1 Dipole trap (DT) – controlling atoms’ positions, 94–9 – loading multiple atoms into, 89–91 – optical conveyor belt, 95, 96 – preparing single atoms in, 82–4 DOAS, 414, 418 Dressed atom approach, 228 Drift-mode ToF spectra, 238–9 Dynamical localization, 46 Dynamical master equation see Condensate master equation Effective nonlinear σ model, 385–8 Einstein, Albert, 294, 303, 307 Ekert protocol, 26 Electro-optic feedforward amplifier, 148 Electro-optic modulators (EOMs), 27 Elliptic islands, 59–61 Emission-time jitter, 273–5, 285–6, 287 Energy coupling, 229–33, 239 Energy gap, in trap, 377, 379, 380 Energy spectrum, effective, 380 Entanglement schemes, four-photon, 100 Equilibrium entropy, of ideal gas, 306 Ericson fluctuations, 49–51
445 Ethanol, 434–5 Excess coefficient, 382 Excitons, 5, 16 Eye, length measurement, 127–9 Fermi gas with superfluid component, 171–3 Fermions, interaction with bosonic bath, 56–9 Filamentation, control of start, 427–8 Filaments, 423 Finite negative binomial distribution, 347–8 Flatness, 383 Floquet–Bloch operator, 36–8 Floquet operator, 38–40 Fluctuation–dissipation theorem, 53, 385 Flux operator, 258, 259 Fock regime, 161–2 Fokker–Planck equation, 342 Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), 414, 418 Free carrier absorption, 233, 239 Frequency jitter, 271–3, 285–6, 287 Frozen planet configuration, 64–5 FTIR, 414, 418 Fundus – bloodflow measurement, 125–7 – imaging systems, 123 – – numerical aperture, 106 Fundus reflex, 128–9 Gamow factor, 198–9 Gauge potential, 213 Generalized binomial theorem, 396 Generalized Zeta functions, 371, 388 Generating cumulants, 362 Ginzburg–Landau type free energy, 342 Giorgini–Pitaevskii–Stringari result, defense, 392–3 Girardeau–Arnowitt operators, 357 Glauber coherent field, 169 Glaucoma, 123 Goldstone fields, 385, 386 Good quantum numbers, 35 Grand canonical ensemble, 321–8, 335, 389–90 – chemical potential, 325 – condensate fluctuations in ideal Bose gas, 323–8, 399–400, 401–2 – condensate order parameter for ideal Bose gas, 390
446 – counting statistics, 317 – mean condensate particle number in ideal Bose gas, 321–3, 397–9 – mean noncondensate occupation, 325 Grand canonical partition function, 318, 404 Gravitational constant, high precision measurements, 67 Gray lattices, 200–4 – influence of magnetic fields on tunneling, 213–19 – periodic well-to-well tunneling in, 208–13 – see also Sloshing-type wave-packets Group velocity dispersion (GVD), 424 Hadamard gates, 94 Hanbury Brown–Twiss setup, 8, 14–15, 17 Harmonic trap, 350–1, 369 – see also Isotropic harmonic trap He II superfluid, 297 Heating coefficient, 338–9, 340 – low temperature approximation, 342 – quasithermal approximation, 345 Helium, liquid, Lambda point, 295 Helium atom, 63–5 Helium spectrum, semiclassical elucidation, 35 Hemoglobin, absorption coefficients, 123 Hohenberg–Mermin–Wagner theorem, 387 Homogeneous broadening limit, 165 Husimi phase space projections, 46, 48 Hydrogen atom, microwave driven, 41, 44–6 Ideal Bose gas – central moments, 348–9 – condensate fluctuations, 323–8, 399–400, 401–2 – exact recursion relation for number of condensed atoms, 320–1 – master equation, 336–7 – mean condensate particle number, 321–3 – – analytical expression for, 397–9 Ideal gas + thermal reservoir model, 336 Image intensity distribution, partial coherent illumination, 115, 116 Impact ionization, 233 Incubation, 229–30, 236 Inhomogeneously broadened Tavis– Cummings model, 164, 170, 171 InP quantum dots, 11–13 Intensity modulation amplifier, 147
Index Interacting Bose gas – BEC fluctuations as anomalously large and non-Gaussian, 375–9 – – cumulants, 374–5 – canonical-ensemble quasiparticles in Bogoliubov approximation, 372–4 – characteristic function for total number of atoms, 374 – crossover between ideal and interactiondominated BEC, 379–83 – mesoscopic effects, 383 – pair correlation effect, 380–1 – see also Systems with broken continuous symmetry Interaction energy, 377, 379 Interaction volume, 242 Interaction-induced, quantum chaos, 55–9 Interferogram, spatial modulation frequency, 114–15 Ion beam erosion, 247 Ion etching configurations, 246 Ion traps, selective addressing in, 91 Ionization yield, of one electron Rydberg states under microwave driving, 42–4 Irregular level dynamics, 35–6 Isotropic harmonic trap – condensate particle number, 322–3, 405–8 – cross-excitation parameter, 351 – with interactive Bose gas, 382 Jaynes–Cummings interaction, 156, 157 Jitter, 270–7, 285–7 Joint coherence operators, 165 Joint detection probability – with emission-time jitter, 274–5 – with frequency jitter, 272, 273 – interference without time resolution, 264, 266–7 – for perpendicular polarized photon pairs, 276, 277 – time-resolved interference, 264, 267–70, 280–5 Josephson regime, 161, 162 KAM theorem, 40, 60–1 Kerr effect, 421–2 Kerr self-focusing, 423, 424 Kicked cold atoms, 66–7 Kicked harmonic oscillator – Floquet operator, 38–40
Index – mean energy, 47 – web-assisted transport in, 46–9 Klystron, 330–2 Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser (KAM) theorem, 40, 60–1 KPZ type equation, 247–8 Kuramoto–Sivashinsky type equation, 247 Lamb–Dicke effect, 196, 200 Lamb–Dicke parameter, 40, 46, 200 Lambda point, in liquid helium, 295 Landau–Zener transitions, 193 Laser(s) – in chaotic resonators, 52 – emission properties, 54 – quantum theory of, 329–34, 402–3 – see also Random lasers Laser cooling, types, 190–1, 206–8 Laser-induced breakdown (LIB), 434, 435 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), 438 Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), linear, 437 Laser interaction with solid surfaces, 227–49 – discussion, 246–9 – energy coupling, 229–33, 239 – secondary processes, 233–46 – – see also Ablation; Desorption dynamics Laser master equation, 332–4 Laser pulse propagation, 423 Laserscanning microscope, 112–13 Lateral resolution, depth resolution and, 106 Lateral resolution limit, 106 LIB, 434, 435 LIBS, 438 LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) – applications, 425, 438 – conventional, 415–19, 428–9 – Differential Absorption (DIAL), 415, 431, 432 – femtosecond, experimental setup, 419–21 – nonlinear interactions with aerosols, 433–7 – nonlinear propagation of ultra-intense laser pulses, 421–7 – tailored pulses, 437 – white light femtosecond, 427–32 Light fields, 190–1 Light quanta – indistinguishability, 301, 303, 307 – momentum, 299 Lightning control, 438
447 Lin-perp-lin configuration, 197 Linear optical coherence tomography (LOCT), 120, 130–3 Linear optical device, general linear input– output transformation, 140–1 Linear optical quantum computation (LOQC), 29, 254, 255 Linear optical system theory, 106 LOCT, 120, 130–3 Long wavelength phase fluctuations, 384–5 Longitudinal correlation function, 386 Longitudinal susceptibility, 386, 389 LOQC, 29, 254, 255 Lorentz–Mie calculations, 435 Luggage identification, 110, 111 Lyapunov exponent, 50, 51 Macular degeneration, 123 Magnetic field gradients method, 92–3 Magnetic-field-induced laser cooling (MILC), 204 Magnetic-field-induced lattices, 204–6 Magnetization, 385, 386, 387 Magneto-optical trap see MOT Mandel Q-parameter, 159 Many-body Hamiltonian, excitation spectrum, 56 Matter waves, many-body, 313 Maxwell–Planck law, 435 Maxwell wave equation, 423 Maxwell’s demon ensemble, 324, 325, 326, 363 Mean-field Popov approximation, 364 Metal–Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE), 6, 11 Metrology, industrial, 106 Michelson add/drop filter, 22–6 – application to quantum key distribution, 26–9 Michelson interferometer, 14–15 Microcanonical ensemble, 311, 335 – counting statistics, 317 – energy conservation, 316 – ground-state fluctuations in onedimensional harmonic trap, 317 – ground-state occupation probability, 321 – particle number conservation, 316 – partition function, 321 Microcanonical partition function, 318, 346 Micro-photoluminescence, 9–10
448 Microscope – laserscanning, 112–13 – theory of, 106, 111–15 Microstate counting – Bose way, 301, 303, 307, 308 – classical way, 310 – comparison between Bose and Einstein ways, 314–15, 395–7 MILC-type lattices, 204–6 Mode function, 257 – see also Jitter Modulation transfer function (MTF), 107 – of focused diffraction limited system, 108, 109 – of laserscanning microscope, 113 Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), 6 Molecular damping, 156 Molecular fields, counting statistics, 168–73 Molecular formation, passage time statistics, 163–8 Molecular micromaser, 153–63 – model, 154–8 – results, 158–63 – see also Coupled atom–molecule system Mono-filamentation, 424, 425 MOT, 77 – single atoms in, 77–82 – transfer of atoms to dipole trap, 82–4 – – modified procedure, 90–1 MOVPE, 6, 11 MPEF, 434, 435, 437 MPI see Multi-photon ionization MTF see Modulation transfer function Multi-filamentation, 424, 425 Multinomial theorem, 396 Multi-photon cascades, 16–22 Multi-photon-excited fluorescence (MPEF), 434, 435, 437 Multi-photon ionization (MPI), 231–3, 422–3, 424, 434, 435 Multiplexed quantum cryptography, 22–9 Multiplexing, 22 Multi-wavelength algorithms, 433 Nanocrystals, 3–4 Narrow resonance, 176 Nernst’s theorem, 310 Neutral atoms, 76–7 – Bose–Einstein condensation with, 76 – entanglement, 99–101
Index – localization in space, 76 – position control, 94–9 – single see Single atoms – see also Dipole trap No-cloning theorem, 23, 26 NO2 emission distribution, 415–16 Nondegenerate Tavis–Cummings model, 164, 170, 171 Nondispersive wave packets, 60–1 – in kicked cold atoms, 66–7 – in one particle dynamics, 61–3 – in three body Coulomb problem, 63–5 Nonequilibrium Keldysh diagram technique, 391, 394 Nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE), 424 Normal Fermi gas (NFG) – counting statistics of molecules from, 170–1 – momentum distribution of molecules from, 179 Numerical aperture (NA), 106 Occupation number operator, 359 OCT see Optical coherence tomography One-dimensional lattice configurations, 196– 208 Optical amplifiers, 139–48 Optical attenuators, 140, 141, 147 Optical cavity-QED, 77, 84, 94, 95, 99 Optical coherence tomography (OCT), 107, 120–36 Optical communication, 148 Optical conveyor belt, 95, 96 Optical high-finesse resonator, 99–100 Optical lattices, 187–223 – applications, 188 – atom-field interaction, 191–4 – future research, 223 – light fields, 190–1 – quantum Monte-Carlo wave-function simulations see QMCWF simulations – see also Gray lattices; One-dimensional lattice configurations; Sloshing-type wave-packets Optical manufacturing, 129–30 Optical multi-channel analyzer (OMA), 435 Optical pumping, 80 Optical remote sensing instruments, 414–15 Optical transfer function (OTF), 107, 113, 117
Index – inverse, 108 Optical tweezers, 98 Ozone, 414, 417–18, 437 P -representation, 342 Parametric amplifiers, 140, 144 Partial coherent illumination, 115–17 Partial coherent imaging, theory of, 115 Passage time statistics, of molecular formation, 163–8 Paul trap, 76 Pauli Exclusion Principle, 152 Pegg–Barnett phase states, 162 Perturbation depth, 247 Perturbation Theory, 232 Petermann factor, 53 Phase explosion, 239, 242 Phase insensitive amplifiers, 139–40, 141–3 – multimode, 143–4 Phase insensitivity, 142 Phase sensitive amplifiers, 140 Phase space structure, mixed regular chaotic, 40–1 Phaseplates, 107–8, 117–20 Photo-association, 155, 163–8 Photo-dissociation, 166–8 Photography, wavefront coding in, 136 Photon detection, theory of, 177 Photon ensemble, temporal envelope, 255 Photonic localization length, 44 π -pulses, 86 Planck’s law of radiation, 311 Plasma channels, 421, 438 Plasma defocusing, 423, 424 Point spread function (PSF), 108, 110, 116 Polar stratospheric clouds (PSC), 417–18 Polishing robot, 119, 129 Politzer asymptotic approximation, 326, 327 Polystyrene latex (PSL), 435 Porter–Thomas distribution, 54 Posterior ciliary artery, 125, 126 Power exchange, 209, 220 PSF see Point spread function Pupil function, 107, 113 Purcell effect, 22 QMCWF simulations, 194–6, 199, 211 – influence of magnetic fields on tunneling, 214, 215, 216
449 – sloshing-type wave-packet motion, 220, 221 Quadrature-phase amplitudes, 381 Quantum accelerator modes, 66–7 Quantum chaos, 34–68 – applications, 34, 68 – control through, 59–67 – – see also Nondispersive wave packets – interaction-induced, directed atomic transport due to, 55–9 – spectral properties, 34–41 – see also Quantum transport Quantum cloning, 140 Quantum cryptography see Multiplexed quantum cryptography Quantum dots, 4–7, 11–13 Quantum gates, 84, 89, 99–101 Quantum information processing, 2, 68, 84, 188 – see also LOQC; Quantum gates; Quantum registers Quantum key distribution, 26–9 Quantum memory, 68 Quantum Monte-Carlo wave-function (QMCWF) simulations, 194–6, 199, 211 – influence of magnetic fields on tunneling, 214, 215, 216 – sloshing-type wave-packet motion, 220, 221 Quantum numbers, good, 35 Quantum optics, 34 – cold atom physics and, 152 – of ultra-cold molecules see Ultra-cold molecules Quantum phase gate, 100 Quantum registers, 91–4 Quantum resonances, 66–7 Quantum states control – by rapid adiabatic passage, 93–4 – magnetic field gradients method, 92–3 Quantum transport, 41–59 – atomic conductance fluctuations, 42–6 – directed atomic transport due to interactioninduced quantum chaos, 55–9 – Ericson fluctuations in atomic photo cross sections, 49–51 – photonic transport in chaotic cavities, 51–5 – web-assisted, in kicked harmonic oscillator, 46–9
450 Quantum walks, 100 Quasiparticle approach, 357–71 – in atom-number-conserving Bogoliubov approximation, 372–4 – cumulants of BEC fluctuations in ideal Bose gas, 361–4 – – equivalent formulation in terms of poles of generalized Zeta function, 370–1 – grand canonical approximation for quasiparticle occupations, 363 – ideal gas BEC statistics in arbitrary powerlaw traps, 364–70 – in reduced Hilbert space, 359–61 – see also Interacting Bose gas Qubits, 84 Rabi oscillations, 80, 88–9 Rabi regime, 161, 162 Radiation field, interference fluctuations, 312 Radiative escape processes, 81 Raman amplifier, 148 Raman photo-association, two-photon, 155 Raman–Nath approximation, 165 Ramsey spectroscopy, 87–8 Random lasers, 51–5 Rayleigh scattering, 429 Reciprocity principle, 434 Recoil pressure, 240–2 Red-detuned lattices, 197–200 Regular level dynamics, 35 Relative humidity LIDAR profiler, 432 Relaxation times, of atoms in dipole trap, 87–9 Resonances, 49, 176 Retina – bloodflow measurement, 125–7 – tomographic imaging, 123–7 Retinal reflex, 128–9 Riboflavin, 436 Riemann Zeta functions, 371 Ripples, 242–6 – orientation of structures, 248 Rubidium – one-dimensional lattice structures see Onedimensional lattice configurations – Rydberg states, 50, 51 – single photon generation, 254 Rydberg electrons, continuum decay, 49–51 Saddle-point method
Index – conventional, 404, 405, 406 – refined, 328, 404–8 Sag function, 107 Saturation photon numbers, 54 SDOCT see Spectral domain optical coherence tomography Second-order coherence function, 7, 17 Semiclassical limit, 34–5 Semiconductor superlattices, 49 Sensor technology, 136 Shannon entropy, 304 Shift invariant function, 112 Silicon – ablation from, 239–40 – – recoil pressure, 240–2 – – surface morphology, 242–6 Single atoms – in MOT, 77–82 – position control, 94–5 – preparing in dipole trap, 82–4 – quantum state detection, 85–6 – quantum state preparation, 84–5 – Stern–Gerlach experiment, 100 – superposition states, 86–9 – see also Dipole trap Single photon(s) – add/drop filter, 22–6 – – application to quantum key distribution, 26–9 – characterization using two-photon interference see two-photon interference – detection, 259–60 – duration – – lower limit, 286 – – measurement, 255 – generation, 7–13 – light fields, 257–8 – as particle and wave, 13–16 – source realization, 254 Sisyphus cooling, 190, 197, 199, 200 Skewness, 383 Sloshing-type wave-packets, 197, 200, 219–22 SO2 emission distribution, 415–17 Spatial correlations, molecules as probes of, 173–81 Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT), 133–6 – noise comparison with TDOCT, 134–6 Spin stiffness, 386
Index Spontaneous emission, 141 Spontaneous magnetization, 385, 386, 387 Squeezing – noise, 298, 381 – two-mode, 298, 374, 381 Stark manifold, 61 Stern–Gerlach experiment, single atom, 100 Stimulated emission amplifiers, 144–7 STIRAP, 254, 278 Stop function, 107 Stranski–Krastanov growth, 5 Strong localization, 46 Super-continuum generation, 425, 426 Superfluid(s) – description in effective nonlinear σ model, 386 – static susceptibility, 385 – universal scaling of condensate fluctuations in, 388 Superfluid-Mott insulator phase transition, 163 Superfluidity, detection, 168, 174 Superradiance, 163 – Dicke, 152, 164 Surface morphology, 242–6 Surface roughening, 247 Surface smoothening, 247 Systems with broken continuous symmetry, 383–90 Tavis–Cummings Hamiltonian, 165 Tavis–Cummings model, inhomogeneously broadened, 164, 170, 171 TDOCT see Time domain optical coherence tomography Temporal focusing, 427 Teramobile system, 428, 433, 436 Thomas–Fermi approximation, 177 Thomas–Fermi regime, 377–9 Threshold inversion, 355–6 Time domain optical coherence tomography (TDOCT), 120–30 – blood oxygenization determination with, 123–5 – bloodflow measurement and, 125–7 – drawbacks, 130–1 – eye length measurement with, 127–9 – of fundus of eye, 122 – interference signal, 121–2 – noise comparison with SDOCT, 134–6
451 – in optical manufacturing, 129–30 Time evolution operator, 42 Time-of-Flight (ToF) spectroscopy, 236, 238–9 Transverse correlation function, 386 Transverse susceptibility, 386, 389 Trapping states, 159 Triexcitons, 16, 17–18, 19 Tryptophan, 437 Tunneling – influence of magnetic fields on, 213–19 – periodic well-to-well, 208–13 Tunneling ionization, 233 Two-mode noiseless amplifier, 142 Two-photon interference, 260–70 – correlation function, 263, 264–6 – experimental investigation, 277–86 – with jitter see Jitter – principle, 262–3 – quantum description of beam splitter, 261–2 – single photon duration, 286 – temporal aspects, 263–4 – time-resolved, 267–8, 280–5 – without time resolution, 266–7 Two-photon Raman photo-association, 155 Uhlenbeck, George, 294 Uhlenbeck dilemma, 294, 355 Ultra-cold molecules, 151–82 – counting statistics of molecular fields, 168–73 – passage time statistics of molecule formation, 163–8 – – see also Coupled atom–molecule system; Molecular micromaser; Spatial correlations van Zittert–Zernike theorem, 111 Velocity-selective coherent population trapping (VSCPT), 206–8 Virial theorem, 199 Waiting time distribution, 9 Water – droplets, 435, 436, 438 – ionization potential of molecules, 434 – vapor bands, 431–2 Wave mechanics, formulation, 313 Wave–particle duality, 13
452 Wavefront, laserscanning microscope, 114 Wavefront coding, 107–20 – Abbe’s theory of microscope and, 111–15 – limiting factors, 136 – new applications, 136 – partial coherent illumination and, 115–17 – with variable phaseplates, 117–20
Index Web-assisted transport, in kicked harmonic oscillator, 46–9 White light laser, 427 Wien’s law of radiation, 311 Zeta functions, 371, 388
CONTENTS OF VOLUMES IN THIS SERIAL Volume 1 Molecular Orbital Theory of the Spin Properties of Conjugated Molecules, G.G. Hall and A.T. Amos Electron Affinities of Atoms and Molecules, B.L. Moiseiwitsch Atomic Rearrangement Collisions, B.H. Bransden The Production of Rotational and Vibrational Transitions in Encounters between Molecules, K. Takayanagi The Study of Intermolecular Potentials with Molecular Beams at Thermal Energies, H. Pauly and J.P. Toennies High-Intensity and High-Energy Molecular Beams, J.B. Anderson, R.P. Anders and J.B. Fen
Volume 2 The Calculation of van der Waals Interactions, A. Dalgarno and W.D. Davison Thermal Diffusion in Gases, E.A. Mason, R.J. Munn and Francis J. Smith Spectroscopy in the Vacuum Ultraviolet, W.R.S. Garton The Measurement of the Photoionization Cross Sections of the Atomic Gases, James A.R. Samson The Theory of Electron–Atom Collisions, R. Peterkop and V. Veldre Experimental Studies of Excitation in Collisions between Atomic and Ionic Systems, F.J. de Heer Mass Spectrometry of Free Radicals, S.N. Foner
Volume 3 The Quantal Calculation of Photoionization Cross Sections, A.L. Stewart Radiofrequency Spectroscopy of Stored Ions I: Storage, H.G. Dehmelt Optical Pumping Methods in Atomic Spectroscopy, B. Budick Energy Transfer in Organic Molecular Crystals: A Survey of Experiments, H.C. Wolf Atomic and Molecular Scattering from Solid Surfaces, Robert E. Stickney Quantum, Mechanics in Gas Crystal-Surface van der Waals Scattering, E. Chanoch Beder Reactive Collisions between Gas and Surface Atoms, Henry Wise and Bernard J. Wood
Volume 4 H.S.W. Massey—A Sixtieth Birthday Tribute, E.H.S. Burhop Electronic Eigenenergies of the Hydrogen Molecular Ion, D.R. Bates and R.H.G. Reid Applications of Quantum Theory to the Viscosity of Dilute Gases, R.A. Buckingham and E. Gal Positrons and Positronium in Gases, P.A. Fraser Classical Theory of Atomic Scattering, A. Burgess and I.C. Percival Born Expansions, A.R. Holt and B.L. Moiseiwitsch Resonances in Electron Scattering by Atoms and Molecules, P.G. Burke 453
Relativistic Inner Shell Ionizations, C.B.O. Mohr Recent Measurements on Charge Transfer, J.B. Hasted Measurements of Electron Excitation Functions, D.W.O. Heddle and R.G.W. Keesing Some New Experimental Methods in Collision Physics, R.F. Stebbings Atomic Collision Processes in Gaseous Nebulae, M.J. Seaton Collisions in the Ionosphere, A. Dalgarno The Direct Study of Ionization in Space, R.L.F. Boyd Volume 5 Flowing Afterglow Measurements of Ion-Neutral Reactions, E.E. Ferguson, F.C. Fehsenfeld and A.L. Schmeltekopf Experiments with Merging Beams, Roy H. Neynaber Radiofrequency Spectroscopy of Stored Ions II: Spectroscopy, H.G. Dehmelt The Spectra of Molecular Solids, O. Schnepp The Meaning of Collision Broadening of Spectral Lines: The Classical Oscillator Analog, A. Ben-Reuven The Calculation of Atomic Transition Probabilities, R.J.S. Crossley Tables of One- and Two-Particle Coefficients of Fractional Parentage for Configurations s λ s tu p q , C.D.H. Chisholm, A. Dalgarno and F.R. Innes Relativistic Z-Dependent Corrections to Atomic Energy Levels, Holly Thomis Doyle Volume 6 Dissociative Recombination, J.N. Bardsley and M.A. Biondi Analysis of the Velocity Field in Plasmas from the Doppler Broadening of Spectral Emission Lines, A.S. Kaufman
The Rotational Excitation of Molecules by Slow Electrons, Kazuo Takayanagi and Yukikazu Itikawa The Diffusion of Atoms and Molecules, E.A. Mason and T.R. Marrero Theory and Application of Sturmian Functions, Manuel Rotenberg Use of Classical Mechanics in the Treatment of Collisions between Massive Systems, D.R. Bates and A.E. Kingston
Volume 7 Physics of the Hydrogen Maser, C. Audoin, J.P. Schermann and P. Grivet Molecular Wave Functions: Calculations and Use in Atomic and Molecular Process, J.C. Browne Localized Molecular Orbitals, Harel Weinstein, Ruben Pauncz and Maurice Cohen General Theory of Spin-Coupled Wave Functions for Atoms and Molecules, J. Gerratt Diabatic States of Molecules—QuasiStationary Electronic States, Thomas F. O’Malley Selection Rules within Atomic Shells, B.R. Judd Green’s Function Technique in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Gy. Csanak, H.S. Taylor and Robert Yaris A Review of Pseudo-Potentials with Emphasis on Their Application to Liquid Metals, Nathan Wiser and A.J. Greenfield
Volume 8 Interstellar Molecules: Their Formation and Destruction, D. McNally Monte Carlo Trajectory Calculations of Atomic and Molecular Excitation in Thermal Systems, James C. Keck
CONTENTS OF VOLUMES IN THIS SERIAL Nonrelativistic Off-Shell Two-Body Coulomb Amplitudes, Joseph C.Y. Chen and Augustine C. Chen Photoionization with Molecular Beams, R.B. Cairns, Halstead Harrison and R.I. Schoen The Auger Effect, E.H.S. Burhop and W.N. Asaad Volume 9 Correlation in Excited States of Atoms, A.W. Weiss The Calculation of Electron–Atom Excitation Cross Section, M.R.H. Rudge Collision-Induced Transitions between Rotational Levels, Takeshi Oka The Differential Cross Section of Low-Energy Electron–Atom Collisions, D. Andrick Molecular Beam Electric Resonance Spectroscopy, Jens C. Zorn and Thomas C. English Atomic and Molecular Processes in the Martian Atmosphere, Michael B. McElroy Volume 10 Relativistic Effects in the Many-Electron Atom, Lloyd Armstrong Jr. and Serge Feneuille The First Born Approximation, K.L. Bell and A.E. Kingston Photoelectron Spectroscopy, W.C. Price Dye Lasers in Atomic Spectroscopy, W. Lange, J. Luther and A. Steudel Recent Progress in the Classification of the Spectra of Highly Ionized Atoms, B.C. Fawcett A Review of Jovian Ionospheric Chemistry, Wesley T. Huntress Jr. Volume 11 The Theory of Collisions between Charged Particles and Highly Excited Atoms, I.C. Percival and D. Richards
Electron Impact Excitation of Positive Ions, M.J. Seaton The R-Matrix Theory of Atomic Process, P.G. Burke and W.D. Robb Role of Energy in Reactive Molecular Scattering: An Information-Theoretic Approach, R.B. Bernstein and R.D. Levine Inner Shell Ionization by Incident Nuclei, Johannes M. Hansteen Stark Broadening, Hans R. Griem Chemiluminescence in Gases, M.F. Golde and B.A. Thrush
Volume 12 Nonadiabatic Transitions between Ionic and Covalent States, R.K. Janev Recent Progress in the Theory of Atomic Isotope Shift, J. Bauche and R.-J. Champeau Topics on Multiphoton Processes in Atoms, P. Lambropoulos Optical Pumping of Molecules, M. Broyer, G. Goudedard, J.C. Lehmann and J. Vigué Highly Ionized Ions, Ivan A. Sellin Time-of-Flight Scattering Spectroscopy, Wilhelm Raith Ion Chemistry in the D Region, George C. Reid
Volume 13 Atomic and Molecular Polarizabilities— Review of Recent Advances, Thomas M. Miller and Benjamin Bederson Study of Collisions by Laser Spectroscopy, Paul R. Berman Collision Experiments with Laser-Excited Atoms in Crossed Beams, I.V. Hertel and W. Stoll Scattering Studies of Rotational and Vibrational Excitation of Molecules, Manfred Faubel and J. Peter Toennies
Low-Energy Electron Scattering by Complex Atoms: Theory and Calculations, R.K. Nesbet Microwave Transitions of Interstellar Atoms and Molecules, W.B. Somerville Volume 14 Resonances in Electron Atom and Molecule Scattering, D.E. Golden The Accurate Calculation of Atomic Properties by Numerical Methods, Brain C. Webster, Michael J. Jamieson and Ronald F. Stewart (e, 2e) Collisions, Erich Weigold and Ian E. McCarthy Forbidden Transitions in One- and Two-Electron Atoms, Richard Marrus and Peter J. Mohr Semiclassical Effects in Heavy-Particle Collisions, M.S. Child Atomic Physics Tests of the Basic Concepts in Quantum Mechanics, Francies M. Pipkin Quasi-Molecular Interference Effects in Ion–Atom Collisions, S.V. Bobashev Rydberg Atoms, S.A. Edelstein and T.F. Gallagher UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics, A.K. Dupree Volume 15 Negative Ions, H.S.W. Massey Atomic Physics from Atmospheric and Astrophysical, A. Dalgarno Collisions of Highly Excited Atoms, R.F. Stebbings Theoretical Aspects of Positron Collisions in Gases, J.W. Humberston Experimental Aspects of Positron Collisions in Gases, T.C. Griffith Reactive Scattering: Recent Advances in Theory and Experiment, Richard B. Bernstein Ion–Atom Charge Transfer Collisions at Low Energies, J.B. Hasted
Aspects of Recombination, D.R. Bates The Theory of Fast Heavy Particle Collisions, B.H. Bransden Atomic Collision Processes in Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Research, H.B. Gilbody Inner-Shell Ionization, E.H.S. Burhop Excitation of Atoms by Electron Impact, D.W.O. Heddle Coherence and Correlation in Atomic Collisions, H. Kleinpoppen Theory of Low Energy Electron–Molecule Collisions, P.O. Burke Volume 16 Atomic Hartree–Fock Theory, M. Cohen and R.P. McEachran Experiments and Model Calculations to Determine Interatomic Potentials, R. Düren Sources of Polarized Electrons, R.J. Celotta and D.T. Pierce Theory of Atomic Processes in Strong Resonant Electromagnetic Fields, S. Swain Spectroscopy of Laser-Produced Plasmas, M.H. Key and R.J. Hutcheon Relativistic Effects in Atomic Collisions Theory, B.L. Moiseiwitsch Parity Nonconservation in Atoms: Status of Theory and Experiment, E.N. Fortson and L. Wilets Volume 17 Collective Effects in Photoionization of Atoms, M.Ya. Amusia Nonadiabatic Charge Transfer, D.S.F. Crothers Atomic Rydberg States, Serge Feneuille and Pierre Jacquinot Superfluorescence, M.F.H. Schuurmans, Q.H.F. Vrehen, D. Polder and H.M. Gibbs Applications of Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy in Atomic and Molecular
CONTENTS OF VOLUMES IN THIS SERIAL Physics, M.G. Payne, C.H. Chen, G.S. Hurst and G.W. Foltz Inner-Shell Vacancy Production in Ion–Atom Collisions, C.D. Lin and Patrick Richard Atomic Processes in the Sun, P.L. Dufton and A.E. Kingston Volume 18 Theory of Electron–Atom Scattering in a Radiation Field, Leonard Rosenberg Positron–Gas Scattering Experiments, Talbert S. Stein and Walter E. Kaupplia Nonresonant Multiphoton Ionization of Atoms, J. Morellec, D. Normand and G. Petite Classical and Semiclassical Methods in Inelastic Heavy-Particle Collisions, A.S. Dickinson and D. Richards Recent Computational Developments in the Use of Complex Scaling in Resonance Phenomena, B.R. Junker Direct Excitation in Atomic Collisions: Studies of Quasi-One-Electron Systems, N. Andersen and S.E. Nielsen Model Potentials in Atomic Structure, A. Hibbert Recent Developments in the Theory of Electron Scattering by Highly Polar Molecules, D.W. Norcross and L.A. Collins Quantum Electrodynamic Effects in Few-Electron Atomic Systems, G.W.F. Drake Volume 19 Electron Capture in Collisions of Hydrogen Atoms with Fully Stripped Ions, B.H. Bransden and R.K. Janev Interactions of Simple Ion Atom Systems, J.T. Park High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Stored Ions, D.J. Wineland, Wayne M. Itano and R.S. Van Dyck Jr.
Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Inelastic Electron–Atom Collisions, K. Blum and H. Kleinpoppen The Reduced Potential Curve Method for Diatomic Molecules and Its Applications, F. Jenˇc The Vibrational Excitation of Molecules by Electron Impact, D.G. Thompson Vibrational and Rotational Excitation in Molecular Collisions, Manfred Faubel Spin Polarization of Atomic and Molecular Photoelectrons, N.A. Cherepkov Volume 20 Ion–Ion Recombination in an Ambient Gas, D.R. Bates Atomic Charges within Molecules, G.G. Hall Experimental Studies on Cluster Ions, T.D. Mark and A.W. Castleman Jr. Nuclear Reaction Effects on Atomic Inner-Shell Ionization, W.E. Meyerhof and J.-F. Chemin Numerical Calculations on Electron-Impact Ionization, Christopher Bottcher Electron and Ion Mobilities, Gordon R. Freeman and David A. Armstrong On the Problem of Extreme UV and X-Ray Lasers, I.I. Sobel’man and A.V. Vinogradov Radiative Properties of Rydberg States in Resonant Cavities, S. Haroche and J.M. Raimond Rydberg Atoms: High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Radiation Interaction—Rydberg Molecules, J.A.C. Gallas, G. Leuchs, H. Walther, and H. Figger Volume 21 Subnatural Linewidths in Atomic Spectroscopy, Dennis P. O’Brien, Pierre Meystre and Herbert Walther Molecular Applications of Quantum Defect Theory, Chris H. Greene and Ch. Jungen
Theory of Dielectronic Recombination, Yukap Hahn Recent Developments in Semiclassical Floquet Theories for Intense-Field Multiphoton Processes, Shih-I Chu Scattering in Strong Magnetic Fields, M.R.C. McDowell and M. Zarcone Pressure Ionization, Resonances and the Continuity of Bound and Free States, R.M. More Volume 22 Positronium—Its Formation and Interaction with Simple Systems, J.W. Humberston Experimental Aspects of Positron and Positronium Physics, T.C. Griffith Doubly Excited States, Including New Classification Schemes, C.D. Lin Measurements of Charge Transfer and Ionization in Collisions Involving Hydrogen Atoms, H.B. Gilbody Electron Ion and Ion–Ion Collisions with Intersecting Beams, K. Dolder and B. Peart Electron Capture by Simple Ions, Edward Pollack and Yukap Hahn Relativistic Heavy-Ion–Atom Collisions, R. Anholt and Harvey Gould Continued-Fraction Methods in Atomic Physics, S. Swain Volume 23 Vacuum Ultraviolet Laser Spectroscopy of Small Molecules, C.R. Vidal Foundations of the Relativistic Theory of Atomic and Molecular Structure, Ian P. Grant and Harry M. Quiney Point-Charge Models for Molecules Derived from Least-Squares Fitting of the Electric Potential, D.E. Williams and Ji-Min Yan Transition Arrays in the Spectra of Ionized Atoms, J. Bauche, C. Bauche-Arnoult and M. Klapisch
Photoionization and Collisional Ionization of Excited Atoms Using Synchrotron and Laser Radiation, F.J. Wuilleumier, D.L. Ederer and J.L. Picqué Volume 24 The Selected Ion Flow Tube (SIDT): Studies of Ion-Neutral Reactions, D. Smith and N.G. Adams Near-Threshold Electron–Molecule Scattering, Michael A. Morrison Angular Correlation in Multiphoton Ionization of Atoms, S.J. Smith and G. Leuchs Optical Pumping and Spin Exchange in Gas Cells, R.J. Knize, Z. Wu and W. Happer Correlations in Electron–Atom Scattering, A. Crowe Volume 25 Alexander Dalgarno: Life and Personality, David R. Bates and George A. Victor Alexander Dalgarno: Contributions to Atomic and Molecular Physics, Neal Lane Alexander Dalgarno: Contributions to Aeronomy, Michael B. McElroy Alexander Dalgarno: Contributions to Astrophysics, David A. Williams Dipole Polarizability Measurements, Thomas M. Miller and Benjamin Bederson Flow Tube Studies of Ion–Molecule Reactions, Eldon Ferguson Differential Scattering in He–He and He+ –He Collisions at keV Energies, R.F. Stebbings Atomic Excitation in Dense Plasmas, Jon C. Weisheit Pressure Broadening and Laser-Induced Spectral Line Shapes, Kenneth M. Sando and Shih-I. Chu Model-Potential Methods, C. Laughlin and G.A. Victor
CONTENTS OF VOLUMES IN THIS SERIAL Z-Expansion Methods, M. Cohen Schwinger Variational Methods, Deborah Kay Watson Fine-Structure Transitions in Proton–Ion Collisions, R.H.G. Reid Electron Impact Excitation, R.J.W. Henry and A.E. Kingston Recent Advances in the Numerical Calculation of Ionization Amplitudes, Christopher Bottcher The Numerical Solution of the Equations of Molecular Scattering, A.C. Allison High Energy Charge Transfer, B.H. Bransden and D.P. Dewangan Relativistic Random-Phase Approximation, W.R. Johnson Relativistic Sturmian and Finite Basis Set Methods in Atomic Physics, G.W.F. Drake and S.P. Goldman Dissociation Dynamics of Polyatomic Molecules, T. Uzer Photodissociation Processes in Diatomic Molecules of Astrophysical Interest, Kate P. Kirby and Ewine F. van Dishoeck The Abundances and Excitation of Interstellar Molecules, John H. Black Volume 26 Comparisons of Positrons and Electron Scattering by Gases, Walter E. Kauppila and Talbert S. Stein Electron Capture at Relativistic Energies, B.L. Moiseiwitsch The Low-Energy, Heavy Particle Collisions—A Close-Coupling Treatment, Mineo Kimura and Neal F. Lane Vibronic Phenomena in Collisions of Atomic and Molecular Species, V. Sidis Associative Ionization: Experiments, Potentials and Dynamics, John Weiner Françoise Masnou-Seeuws and Annick Giusti-Suzor On the β Decay of 187 Re: An Interface of Atomic and Nuclear Physics and
Cosmochronology, Zonghau Chen, Leonard Rosenberg and Larry Spruch Progress in Low Pressure Mercury-Rare Gas Discharge Research, J. Maya and R. Lagushenko Volume 27 Negative Ions: Structure and Spectra, David R. Bates Electron Polarization Phenomena in Electron–Atom Collisions, Joachim Kessler Electron–Atom Scattering, I.E. McCarthy and E. Weigold Electron–Atom Ionization, I.E. McCarthy and E. Weigold Role of Autoionizing States in Multiphoton Ionization of Complex Atoms, V.I. Lengyel and M.I. Haysak Multiphoton Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen Using Perturbation Theory, E. Karule Volume 28 The Theory of Fast Ion–Atom Collisions, J.S. Briggs and J.H. Macek Some Recent Developments in the Fundamental Theory of Light, Peter W. Milonni and Surendra Singh Squeezed States of the Radiation Field, Khalid Zaheer and M. Suhail Zubairy Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, E.A. Hinds Volume 29 Studies of Electron Excitation of Rare-Gas Atoms into and out of Metastable Levels Using Optical and Laser Techniques, Chun C. Lin and L.W. Anderson Cross Sections for Direct Multiphoton Ionization of Atoms, M.V. Ammosov, N.B. Delone, M.Yu. Ivanov, I.I. Bandar and A.V. Masalov Collision-Induced Coherences in Optical Physics, G.S. Agarwal
Muon-Catalyzed Fusion, Johann Rafelski and Helga E. Rafelski Cooperative Effects in Atomic Physics, J.P. Connerade Multiple Electron Excitation, Ionization, and Transfer in High-Velocity Atomic and Molecular Collisions, J.H. McGuire Volume 30 Differential Cross Sections for Excitation of Helium Atoms and Helium-Like Ions by Electron Impact, Shinobu Nakazaki Cross-Section Measurements for Electron Impact on Excited Atomic Species, S. Trajmar and J.C. Nickel The Dissociative Ionization of Simple Molecules by Fast Ions, Colin J. Latimer Theory of Collisions between Laser Cooled Atoms, P.S. Julienne, A.M. Smith and K. Burnett Light-Induced Drift, E.R. Eliel Continuum Distorted Wave Methods in Ion–Atom Collisions, Derrick S.F. Crothers and Louis J. Dube Volume 31 Energies and Asymptotic Analysis for Helium Rydberg States, G.W.F. Drake Spectroscopy of Trapped Ions, R.C. Thompson Phase Transitions of Stored Laser-Cooled Ions, H. Walther Selection of Electronic States in Atomic Beams with Lasers, Jacques Baudon, Rudalf Dülren and Jacques Robert Atomic Physics and Non-Maxwellian Plasmas, Michèle Lamoureux Volume 32 Photoionization of Atomic Oxygen and Atomic Nitrogen, K.L. Bell and A.E. Kingston Positronium Formation by Positron Impact on Atoms at Intermediate Energies, B.H. Bransden and C.J. Noble
Electron–Atom Scattering Theory and Calculations, P.G. Burke Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial H+ 3, Alexander Dalgarno Indirect Ionization of Positive Atomic Ions, K. Dolder Quantum Defect Theory and Analysis of High-Precision Helium Term Energies, G.W.F. Drake Electron–Ion and Ion–Ion Recombination Processes, M.R. Flannery Studies of State-Selective Electron Capture in Atomic Hydrogen by Translational Energy Spectroscopy, H.B. Gilbody Relativistic Electronic Structure of Atoms and Molecules, I.P. Grant The Chemistry of Stellar Environments, D.A. Howe, J.M.C. Rawlings and D.A. Williams Positron and Positronium Scattering at Low Energies, J.W. Humberston How Perfect are Complete Atomic Collision Experiments?, H. Kleinpoppen and H. Handy Adiabatic Expansions and Nonadiabatic Effects, R. McCarroll and D.S.F. Crothers Electron Capture to the Continuum, B.L. Moiseiwitsch How Opaque Is a Star?, M.T. Seaton Studies of Electron Attachment at Thermal Energies Using the Flowing Afterglow–Langmuir Technique, David Smith and Patrik Španˇel Exact and Approximate Rate Equations in Atom–Field Interactions, S. Swain Atoms in Cavities and Traps, H. Walther Some Recent Advances in Electron-Impact Excitation of n = 3 States of Atomic Hydrogen and Helium, J.F. Williams and J.B. Wang Volume 33 Principles and Methods for Measurement of Electron Impact Excitation Cross
CONTENTS OF VOLUMES IN THIS SERIAL Sections for Atoms and Molecules by Optical Techniques, A.R. Filippelli, Chun C. Lin, L.W. Andersen and J.W. McConkey Benchmark Measurements of Cross Sections for Electron Collisions: Analysis of Scattered Electrons, S. Trajmar and J.W. McConkey Benchmark Measurements of Cross Sections for Electron Collisions: Electron Swarm Methods, R.W. Crompton Some Benchmark Measurements of Cross Sections for Collisions of Simple Heavy Particles, H.B. Gilbody The Role of Theory in the Evaluation and Interpretation of Cross-Section Data, Barry I. Schneider Analytic Representation of Cross-Section Data, Mitio Inokuti, Mineo Kimura, M.A. Dillon, Isao Shimamura Electron Collisions with N2 , O2 and O: What We Do and Do Not Know, Yukikazu Itikawa Need for Cross Sections in Fusion Plasma Research, Hugh P. Summers Need for Cross Sections in Plasma Chemistry, M. Capitelli, R. Celiberto and M. Cacciatore Guide for Users of Data Resources, Jean W. Gallagher Guide to Bibliographies, Books, Reviews and Compendia of Data on Atomic Collisions, E.W. McDaniel and E.J. Mansky Volume 34 Atom Interferometry, C.S. Adams, O. Carnal and J. Mlynek Optical Tests of Quantum Mechanics, R.Y. Chiao, P.G. Kwiat and A.M. Steinberg Classical and Quantum Chaos in Atomic Systems, Dominique Delande and Andreas Buchleitner
Measurements of Collisions between Laser-Cooled Atoms, Thad Walker and Paul Feng The Measurement and Analysis of Electric Fields in Glow Discharge Plasmas, J.E. Lawler and D.A. Doughty Polarization and Orientation Phenomena in Photoionization of Molecules, N.A. Cherepkov Role of Two-Center Electron–Electron Interaction in Projectile Electron Excitation and Loss, E.C. Montenegro, W.E. Meyerhof and J.H. McGuire Indirect Processes in Electron Impact Ionization of Positive Ions, D.L. Moores and K.J. Reed Dissociative Recombination: Crossing and Tunneling Modes, David R. Bates Volume 35 Laser Manipulation of Atoms, K. Sengstock and W. Ertmer Advances in Ultracold Collisions: Experiment and Theory, J. Weiner Ionization Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields, L.F. DiMauro and P. Agostini Infrared Spectroscopy of Size Selected Molecular Clusters, U. Buck Fermosecond Spectroscopy of Molecules and Clusters, T. Baumer and G. Gerber Calculation of Electron Scattering on Hydrogenic Targets, I. Bray and A.T. Stelbovics Relativistic Calculations of Transition Amplitudes in the Helium Isoelectronic Sequence, W.R. Johnson, D.R. Plante and J. Sapirstein Rotational Energy Transfer in Small Polyatomic Molecules, H.O. Everitt and F.C. De Lucia Volume 36 Complete Experiments in Electron–Atom Collisions, Nils Overgaard Andersen and Klaus Bartschat
Stimulated Rayleigh Resonances and Recoil-Induced Effects, J.-Y. Courtois and G. Grynberg Precision Laser Spectroscopy Using Acousto-Optic Modulators, W.A. van Mijngaanden Highly Parallel Computational Techniques for Electron–Molecule Collisions, Carl Winstead and Vincent McKoy Quantum Field Theory of Atoms and Photons, Maciej Lewenstein and Li You Volume 37 Evanescent Light-Wave Atom Mirrors, Resonators, Waveguides, and Traps, Jonathan P. Dowling and Julio Gea-Banacloche Optical Lattices, P.S. Jessen and I.H. Deutsch Channeling Heavy Ions through Crystalline Lattices, Herbert F. Krause and Sheldon Datz Evaporative Cooling of Trapped Atoms, Wolfgang Ketterle and N.J. van Druten Nonclassical States of Motion in Ion Traps, J.I. Cirac, A.S. Parkins, R. Blatt and P. Zoller The Physics of Highly-Charged Heavy Ions Revealed by Storage/Cooler Rings, P.H. Mokler and Th. Stöhlker Volume 38 Electronic Wavepackets, Robert R. Jones and L.D. Noordam Chiral Effects in Electron Scattering by Molecules, K. Blum and D.G. Thompson Optical and Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Point Defects in Condensed Helium, Serguei I. Kanorsky and Antoine Weis Rydberg Ionization: From Field to Photon, G.M. Lankhuijzen and L.D. Noordam Studies of Negative Ions in Storage Rings, L.H. Andersen, T. Andersen and P. Hvelplund
Single-Molecule Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics in Solids, W.E. Moerner, R.M. Dickson and D.J. Norris
Volume 39 Author and Subject Cumulative Index Volumes 1–38 Author Index Subject Index Appendix: Tables of Contents of Volumes 1–38 and Supplements
Volume 40 Electric Dipole Moments of Leptons, Eugene D. Commins High-Precision Calculations for the Ground and Excited States of the Lithium Atom, Frederick W. King Storage Ring Laser Spectroscopy, Thomas U. Kühl Laser Cooling of Solids, Carl E. Mangan and Timothy R. Gosnell Optical Pattern Formation, L.A. Lugiato, M. Brambilla and A. Gatti
Volume 41 Two-Photon Entanglement and Quantum Reality, Yanhua Shih Quantum Chaos with Cold Atoms, Mark G. Raizen Study of the Spatial and Temporal Coherence of High-Order Harmonics, Pascal Salières, Ann L’Huillier, Philippe Antoine and Maciej Lewenstein Atom Optics in Quantized Light Fields, Matthias Freyburger, Alois M. Herkommer, Daniel S. Krähmer, Erwin Mayr and Wolfgang P. Schleich Atom Waveguides, Victor I. Balykin Atomic Matter Wave Amplification by Optical Pumping, Ulf Janicke and Martin Wikens
CONTENTS OF VOLUMES IN THIS SERIAL Volume 42 Fundamental Tests of Quantum Mechanics, Edward S. Fry and Thomas Walther Wave-Particle Duality in an Atom Interferometer, Stephan Dürr and Gerhard Rempe Atom Holography, Fujio Shimizu Optical Dipole Traps for Neutral Atoms, Rudolf Grimm, Matthias Weidemüller and Yurii B. Ovchinnikov Formation of Cold (T ≤ 1 K) Molecules, J.T. Bahns, P.L. Gould and W.C. Stwalley High-Intensity Laser-Atom Physics, C.J. Joachain, M. Dorr and N.J. Kylstra Coherent Control of Atomic, Molecular and Electronic Processes, Moshe Shapiro and Paul Brumer Resonant Nonlinear Optics in Phase Coherent Media, M.D. Lukin, P. Hemmer and M.O. Scully The Characterization of Liquid and Solid Surfaces with Metastable Helium Atoms, H. Morgner Quantum Communication with Entangled Photons, Herald Weinfurter
Volume 43 Plasma Processing of Materials and Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: An Introduction, Hiroshi Tanaka and Mitio Inokuti The Boltzmann Equation and Transport Coefficients of Electrons in Weakly Ionized Plasmas, R. Winkler Electron Collision Data for Plasma Chemistry Modeling, W.L. Morgan Electron–Molecule Collisions in Low-Temperature Plasmas: The Role of Theory, Carl Winstead and Vincent McKoy Electron Impact Ionization of Organic Silicon Compounds, Ralf Basner, Kurt Becker, Hans Deutsch and Martin Schmidt
Kinetic Energy Dependence of Ion–Molecule Reactions Related to Plasma Chemistry, P.B. Armentrout Physicochemical Aspects of Atomic and Molecular Processes in Reactive Plasmas, Yoshihiko Hatano Ion–Molecule Reactions, Werner Lindinger, Armin Hansel and Zdenek Herman Uses of High-Sensitivity White-Light Absorption Spectroscopy in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Plasma Processing, L.W. Anderson, A.N. Goyette and J.E. Lawler Fundamental Processes of Plasma–Surface Interactions, Rainer Hippler Recent Applications of Gaseous Discharges: Dusty Plasmas and Upward-Directed Lightning, Ara Chutjian Opportunities and Challenges for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics in Plasma Chemistry, Kurl Becker Hans Deutsch and Mitio Inokuti
Volume 44 Mechanisms of Electron Transport in Electrical Discharges and Electron Collision Cross Sections, Hiroshi Tanaka and Osamu Sueoka Theoretical Consideration of Plasma-Processing Processes, Mineo Kimura Electron Collision Data for Plasma-Processing Gases, Loucas G. Christophorou and James K. Olthoff Radical Measurements in Plasma Processing, Toshio Goto Radio-Frequency Plasma Modeling for Low-Temperature Processing, Toshiaki Makabe Electron Interactions with Excited Atoms and Molecules, Loucas G. Christophorou and James K. Olthoff
Volume 45 Comparing the Antiproton and Proton, and Opening the Way to Cold Antihydrogen, G. Gabrielse Medical Imaging with Laser-Polarized Noble Gases, Timothy Chupp and Scott Swanson Polarization and Coherence Analysis of the Optical Two-Photon Radiation from the Metastable 22 Si1/2 State of Atomic Hydrogen, Alan J. Duncan, Hans Kleinpoppen and Marian O. Scully Laser Spectroscopy of Small Molecules, W. Demtröder, M. Keil and H. Wenz Coulomb Explosion Imaging of Molecules, Z. Vager Volume 46 Femtosecond Quantum Control, T. Brixner, N.H. Damrauer and G. Gerber Coherent Manipulation of Atoms and Molecules by Sequential Laser Pulses, N.V. Vitanov, M. Fleischhauer, B.W. Shore and K. Bergmann Slow, Ultraslow, Stored, and Frozen Light, Andrey B. Matsko, Olga Kocharovskaya, Yuri Rostovtsev George R. Welch, Alexander S. Zibrov and Marlan O. Scully Longitudinal Interferometry with Atomic Beams, S. Gupta, D.A. Kokorowski, R.A. Rubenstein, and W.W. Smith Volume 47 Nonlinear Optics of de Broglie Waves, P. Meystre Formation of Ultracold Molecules (T ≤ 200 μK) via Photoassociation in a Gas of Laser-Cooled Atoms, Françoise Masnou-Seeuws and Pierre Pillet Molecular Emissions from the Atmospheres of Giant Planets and Comets: Needs for Spectroscopic and Collision Data, Yukikazu Itikawa, Sang Joon Kim, Yong Ha Kim and Y.C. Minh
Studies of Electron-Excited Targets Using Recoil Momentum Spectroscopy with Laser Probing of the Excited State, Andrew James Murray and Peter Hammond Quantum Noise of Small Lasers, J.P. Woerdman, N.J. van Druten and M.P. van Exter Volume 48 Multiple Ionization in Strong Laser Fields, R. Dörner Th. Weber, M. Weckenbrock, A. Staudte, M. Hattass, R. Moshammer, J. Ullrich and H. Schmidt-Böcking Above-Threshold Ionization: From Classical Features to Quantum Effects, W. Becker, F. Grasbon, R. Kapold, D.B. Miloševi´c, G.G. Paulus and H. Walther Dark Optical Traps for Cold Atoms, Nir Friedman, Ariel Kaplan and Nir Davidson Manipulation of Cold Atoms in Hollow Laser Beams, Heung-Ryoul Noh, Xenye Xu and Wonho Jhe Continuous Stern–Gerlach Effect on Atomic Ions, Günther Werth, Hartmut Haffner and Wolfgang Quint The Chirality of Biomolecules, Robert N. Compton and Richard M. Pagni Microscopic Atom Optics: From Wires to an Atom Chip, Ron Folman, Peter Krüger, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Johannes Denschlag and Carsten Henkel Methods of Measuring Electron–Atom Collision Cross Sections with an Atom Trap, R.S. Schappe, M.L. Keeler, T.A. Zimmerman, M. Larsen, P. Feng, R.C. Nesnidal, J.B. Boffard, T.G. Walker, L.W. Anderson and C.C. Lin Volume 49 Applications of Optical Cavities in Modern Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Jun Ye and Theresa W. Lynn
CONTENTS OF VOLUMES IN THIS SERIAL Resonance and Threshold Phenomena in Low-Energy Electron Collisions with Molecules and Clusters, H. Hotop, M.-W. Ruf, M. Allan and I.I. Fabrikant Coherence Analysis and Tensor Polarization Parameters of (γ , eγ ) Photoionization Processes in Atomic Coincidence Measurements, B. Lohmann, B. Zimmermann, H. Kleinpoppen and U. Becker Quantum Measurements and New Concepts for Experiments with Trapped Ions, Ch. Wunderlich and Ch. Balzer Scattering and Reaction Processes in Powerful Laser Fields, Dejan B. Miloševi´c and Fritz Ehlotzky Hot Atoms in the Terrestrial Atmosphere, Vijay Kumar and E. Krishnakumar Volume 50 Assessment of the Ozone Isotope Effect, K. Mauersberger, D. Krankowsky, C. Janssen and R. Schinke Atom Optics, Guided Atoms, and Atom Interferometry, J. Arlt, G. Birkl, E. Rasel and W. Ertmet Atom–Wall Interaction, D. Bloch and M. Ducloy Atoms Made Entirely of Antimatter: Two Methods Produce Slow Antihydrogen, G. Gabrielse Ultrafast Excitation, Ionization, and Fragmentation of C60 , I.V. Hertel, T. Laarmann and C.P. Schulz Volume 51 Introduction, Henry H. Stroke Appreciation of Ben Bederson as Editor of Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Benjamin Bederson Curriculum Vitae Research Publications of Benjamin Bederson A Proper Homage to Our Ben, H. Lustig Benjamin Bederson in the Army, World War II, Val L. Fitch
Physics Needs Heroes Too, C. Duncan Rice Two Civic Scientists—Benjamin Bederson and the other Benjamin, Neal Lane An Editor Par Excellence, Eugen Merzbacher Ben as APS Editor, Bernd Crasemann Ben Bederson: Physicist–Historian, Roger H. Stuewer Pedagogical Notes on Classical Casimir Effects, Larry Spruch Polarizabilities of 3 P Atoms and van der Waals Coefficients for Their Interaction with Helium Atoms, X. Chu and A. Dalgarno The Two Electron Molecular Bonds Revisited: From Bohr Orbits to Two-Center Orbitals, Goong Chen, Siu A. Chin, Yusheng Dou, Kishore T. Kapale, Moochan Kim, Anatoly A. Svidzinsky, Kerim Urtekin, Han Xiong and Marlan O. Scully Resonance Fluorescence of Two-Level Atoms, H. Walther Atomic Physics with Radioactive Atoms, Jacques Pinard and H. Henry Stroke Thermal Electron Attachment and Detachment in Gases, Thomas M. Miller Recent Developments in the Measurement of Static Electric Dipole Polarizabilities, Harvey Gould and Thomas M. Miller Trapping and Moving Atoms on Surfaces, Robert J. Celotta and Joseph A. Stroscio Electron-Impact Excitation Cross Sections of Sodium, Chun C. Lin and John B. Boffard Atomic and Ionic Collisions, Edward Pollack Atomic Interactions in Weakly Ionized Gas: Ionizing Shock Waves in Neon, Leposava Vuškovi´c and Svetozar Popovi´c Approaches to Perfect/Complete Scattering Experiments in Atomic and Molecular Physics, H. Kleinpoppen, B. Lohmann, A. Grum-Grzhimailo and U. Becker Reflections on Teaching, Richard E. Collins
Volume 52 Exploring Quantum Matter with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices, Immanuel Bloch and Markus Greiner The Kicked Rydberg Atom, F.B. Dunning, J.C. Lancaster, C.O. Reinhold, S. Yoshida and J. Burgdörfer Photonic State Tomography, J.B. Altepeter, E.R. Jeffrey and P.G. Kwiat Fine Structure in High-L Rydberg States: A Path to Properties of Positive Ions, Stephen R. Lundeen
A Storage Ring for Neutral Molecules, Floris M.H. Crompvoets, Hendrick L. Bethlem and Gerard Meijer Nonadiabatic Alignment by Intense Pulses. Concepts, Theory, and Directions, Tamar Seideman and Edward Hamilton Relativistic Nonlinear Optics, Donald Umstadter, Scott Sepke and Shouyuan Chen Coupled-State Treatment of Charge Transfer, Thomas G. Winter