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М И Н И СТ Е РСТ В О О БРА ЗО В А Н И Я РО ССИ Й СК О Й Ф Е Д Е РА Ц И И В О РО Н Е Ж СК И Й ГО СУ Д А РСТ В Е Н Н Ы Й У Н И В Е РСИ Т Е Т И сториче ский факульте т
И Н О СТ РА Н Н Ы Й Я ЗЫ К ме тодиче ские указанияи контрольные работы п о английскому языку длястуде нтов 1-2 курсазаочног о отде ле нияисториче ског о факульте та п о сп е циальности 020700
В О РО Н Е Ж 2003
У тв е рж де но научно-ме тодиче ским сов е том историче ског о факульте таот18.12.02 № 4
Состав ите ль: М арте мьянов аН .В . Н ауч.ре д.: д.ф.н., п роф. Бабуш кинА .П .
М е тодиче ские указанияп одг отов ле ны накафе дре странов е де нияи иностранных языков историче ског о факульте таВ оронеж ског о г осударств е нног о унив е рсите та. Ре коме ндую тсядлястуде нтов 1-2 курсазаочног о отде ле ния.
П реж де в сег о не обходимо научиться п рав ильно п роизносить и читать слов а и п ре длож е ния. Д ля этог о не обходимо усвоить п рав ила п роизнош е ния отде льных букв и букв осоче таний, а такж е п рав ила ударе ния в слов е и в це лом п ре длож е нии; п ри этом особое в нимание сле дуе т обратить на п роизнош е ние те х зв уков , которые не име ю т аналог ов в русском языке ; в о-в торых, ре г улярно в ып олнять задания, нап рав ле нные на корре ктиров ку п роизнош е ния и заучив ание п рав ил чте ния, ре коме ндов анные п рог раммой уче бников и уче бных п особий. П ри чте нии не обходимо научитьсяде лить п ре длож е ниянасмыслов ые отре зки – синтаг мы, что обе сп е чит п рав ильную те хнику чте ния, не обходимую для п рав ильног о п онимания те кста. Зап омните п рав ила чте ния и п роизнош е ния г ласных. II. ЗА П А С С Л О ВИ ВЫ Р А Ж Е Н И Й Ч тобы п онимать читае мую лите ратуру, не обходимо ов ладе ть оп ре де ле нным слов арным зап асом. Д ля этог о ре коме ндуе тся ре г улярно читать на английском языке уче бные те ксты, г азе ты и ориг инальную лите ратуру п о сп е циальности. Д ля тог о, чтобы ув е личить и закре п ить слов арный зап ас, ре коме ндуе тся сле дую щ е е : а) п ри работе со слов аре м обратите в нимание на е г о орг анизацию , систе му услов ных сокращ е ний; б) незнакомые слов а сп е ре в одом в ып исыв айте в те традь в исходной форме с соотв е тств ую щ е й г рамматиче ской характе ристикой, т.е . сущ е ств ите льные – в е д.числе ; г лаг олы – в не оп ре де ле нной форме , указыв ая для неп рав ильных г лаг олов основ ные формы. П ри п е ре в оде санглийског о языканарусский не обходимо п омнить, что мог ут в озникнуть сле дую щ ие трудности: 1. М ног означность слов . П одобрать нуж ное значе ние мож но только из конте кста. Н ап риме р: Am I right (п рав ) in thinking we’ve met before? What gives you the right (п рав о) to do that? When will you see our flat(кв артира)? The flat (п лоская) surface of the unit was painted red. 2. И нте рнационализмы. Н е обходимо п омнить, что мног ие из них часто назыв аю тся “ лож ными друзьями”п е ре в одчика из-за расхож де ния значе ний в русском и английском языках. Н ап риме р : accurate - т очны й , а не а к к у ра т ны й ; resin – см ола , а нерезина ; control – не только к онт ролирова т ь , но и у п ра влят ь и т.д. 3. Слов ообразов ание . Знание сп особов слов ообразов ания п омог ае т расш ирить слов арный зап ас. Значе ние не изв е стног о слов а ле г че оп ре де лить, е сли п рав ильно оп ре де лить е г о коре нь, суффикси п ре фикс.
О с новные с уф фикс ы сущ ествительных Суффикс
П риме ры
П е ре в од
-ance -ence -sion -dom -ion(-tion,-ation)
importance silence revision freedom revolution formation equipment softness friendship voltage teacher difficulty
значе ние молчание п е ре смотр свобода ре в олю ция формиров ание оборудов ание мяг кость друж ба нап ряж е ние п ре п одав ате ль трудность
-ment -ness -ship -age -er -ty
О с новные с уффикс ы прилагательныхи наречий Суффикс -able -ible -ant, -ent -ful -less -ous -y -ly
П риме ры remarkable extensible resistant different successful homeless famous sunny happily
П е ре в од в ыдаю щ ийся растяж имый соп ротив ляю щ ийся различный усп е ш ный бе здомный изв е стный солне чный счастлив о
4. К онв е рсия. О бразов ание нов ых слов из сущ е ств ую щ их бе з изме нения нап исанияслов назыв ае тсяконв е рсие й. Н ап риме р: water вода to water п олива т ь control к онт роль to control к онт ролирова т ь cause п ричина to cause п ричинят ь ,являт ь ся п ричиной Н е обходимо п омнить, что одинаков ые п о форме слов а мог ут относиться к различным частям те чи и, в ып олняя различные синтаксиче ские функции, име ть различный смысл. П оэтому смыслов ое значе ние знаме нате льног о
слов азав иситоте г о ме став п ре длож е нии и от строе в ых слов , уточняю щ их г рамматиче скую кате г орию этог о слов а. С ущ ествительное вфункции подлежащ его This light is too poor to read by. Э тотсве тслиш ком слаб, чтобы читать. Глагол - с каз уем ое Every evening they light candles. К аж дый в е че р они заж иг аю тсве чи. 5. В английском языке оче нь часто сущ е ств ите льное уп отре бляе тся в функции оп ре де ле ния бе з изме нения свое й формы. Структура «сущ е ств ите льное + сущ е ств ите льное + сущ е ств ите льное » (и т.д.) в ызыв ае т трудности п ри п е ре в оде , так как сущ е ств ите льные стоят п одряд. Глав ным слов ом в такой г руп п е яв ляе тся п осле днее , а в се п ре дш е ств ую щ ие сущ е ств ите льные яв ляю тсяоп ре де ле ниями кнему. Н е которые сущ е ств ите льные – оп ре де ле ния мог ут п е ре в одиться п рилаг ате льными, нап риме р: field п оле key к люч
field mouse п олева я м ы ш ь key hole за м очна я ск ва ж ина
О днако п одобный сп особ п е ре в ода не в сег да в озмож е н; часто такие оп ре де ле ния п риходится п е ре в одить сущ е ств ите льными в косве нных п аде ж ах или п ре длож ными оборотами. П орядок п е ре в одаобуслов лив ае тся смыслов ыми связями ме ж ду оп ре де ле ниями и оп ре де ляе мым слов ом. П е ре в од сле дуе т начинать сп рав анале в о сп осле днег о сущ е ств ите льног о, а сущ е ств ите льные , стоящ ие п е ре д ним в роли оп ре де ле ния, нуж но п е ре в одить на русский язык сущ е ств ите льными в косве нных п аде ж ах (чащ е родите льным) или п ре длож ным оборотом, нап риме р: export grain зерно на эк сп орт grain export эк сп орт зерна 6. В английском языке е сть ряд г лаг олов , которые уп отре бляю тся с п осле лог ами и образую т нов ые п онятия. Благ одаря п осле лог ам срав ните льно немног очисле нная г руп п а слов отличае тся больш ой мног означностью . К этой г руп п е относятся г лаг олы to get, to be, to make, to go, to put и ряд друг их. В слов аре г лаг олы с п осле лог ом п иш утся п осле основ ног о значе ния в п орядке алфав ита п осле лог ов . Ч асто п е ре д п осле лог ом п иш е тся только начальнаябукв аоснов ног о г лаг ола, нап риме р: to go идт и
to go onп родолж а т ь .
7. Х аракте рной особе нностью языканаучно-те хниче ской лите ратуры яв ля-
е тся наличие больш ог о количе ств а те рминов . Т е рмин – это слов о или устойчив ое слов осоче тание , которое име е т одно строг о оп ре де ле нное значе ние дляоп ре де ле нной области науки и те хники. О днако име ю тсяслучаи, ког датерминиме е т несколько значе ний. Т рудность п е ре в ода заклю чае тся в в ыборе п рав ильног о значе ния мног означног о иностранног о те рмина. Ч тобы избе ж ать ош ибок, нуж но знать общ е е соде рж ание отрыв каили абзаца.
О С О БЕ Н Н О С Т И ГР А М М А Т И Ч Е С К О ГО С Т Р О Я А Н ГЛ И Й С К О ГО Я ЗЫ К А В силу особе нносте й историче ског о разв ития английског о языка в е г о г рамматиче ской систе ме сохранилось минимальное число окончаний. Грам м атичес киеокончания ванглийс ком яз ыке
О кончание
-est -ed
Слов ообразов ание име ни сущ е ств ите льног о 1) в о мн.числе е д.числа 2) ‘s в п ритяж ате льном п аде ж е
г лаг ола в 3-м лице
в утв е рдит.форме наст.в р.(Present Indefinite Tense) име ни п рилаг ате льног о в срав ните льной сте п е ни
име ни п рилаг ате льног о в п ре в осходной сте п е ни г лаг ола: 1)в личной форме п ростог о п рош е дш е г о в ре ме ни (Past Indefinite Tense) 2) в неличной форме г лаг олав неличных формах: Participle I – п ричастие настоящ е г о в ре ме ни Gerund – г е рундий Verbal Noun – отг лаг ольное сущ е ств ите льное
И мя сущ е ств ит., обозначаю щ е е де йств ую щ е е лицо, ап п арат ________
П риме ры ктаблице 1. These girls are very beautiful. Эт и деву ш к и очень п ривлек а т ель ны е
2. The girl’s dog is very kind. Соба к а девочк и очень добра я. -er, -est lighter легче a gardener са довник the lightest са м ы й легк ий a lighter за ж ига лк а -ed lighted за ж ж енны й
He lighted the lamp . Онза ж егла м п у . -ing
lighting - освещ а ющ ий (Participle I) lighting – освещ ение(имие е тсяв в иду п роце сс) (Gerund) the lighting - освещ ение (Verbal Noun) П оскольку количе ств о суффиксов английског о языка, п о которым мож но установ ить, к какой части ре чи относится данное слов о, срав ните льно не в е лико, для уточнения г рамматиче ских функций слов а, в зятог о отде льно или в п ре длож е нии, исп ользую тся: 1) строе в ые слов а; 2) тв е рдый п орядокслов . Строе в ые слов а– п ризнаки име ни сущ е ств ите льног о г лаг ола Арт ик ль Прединф инит ивна я ча ст ица a name - имя to name - назыв ать an aim - це ль to aim - наце лив аться the machine - маш ина to machine - обрабатыв ать ме ханиче ски Предлог М ода ль ны й или всп ом ога т ель ны й in turn - п о оче ре ди гла гол without result - без ре зультата You must turn to the left. В ам на до п ов е рнуть нале в о. Their efforts will result in success.И х усилияп риведу т кусп е ху. They should watch the TV programme.И м следу ет п осм от рет ь эту те ле п е ре дачу. М ест оим ение(п рит яж а т ель ное, воп росит ель ное, неоп ределенное, от рица т ель ное,от носит ель ное) my work -м оя работа his studies - его занятия Whose plans are better? - Ч ь и п ланы лучш е ? No vacant seats are left.(Ник а к их) свободных ме стне осталось.
М ест оим ение(личное, воп росит ель ное, от носит ель ное) I work. Я работаю . He studies. Онзанимае тся Who plans the research? - К т о п ланируе тэто научное иссле дов ание ? The car which seats 5 persons. М аш ина,к от ора я в ме щ ае т(рассчитана)на5 че лов е к.
IV. Р А БО Т А Н А Д Т Е К С Т О М П оскольку основ ной це ле в ой установ кой обуче ния яв ляе тся п олуче ние информации из иноязычног о источника, особое в нимание сле дуе т уде лять чте нию те кстов . П онимание иностранног о те кста достиг ае тся п ри осущ е ств ле нии дв ух в идов чте ния: 1) п росмотров ог о чте ния 2) изучаю щ е г о чте ния. П онимание в сех де тале й те кстане яв ляе тсяобязате льным. Ч итая те кст, п ре дназначе нный для п онимания общ е г о соде рж ания, не обходимо, не обращ аясь кслов арю , п онять основ ной смысл п рочитанног о. Ч те ние сохв атом общ е г о соде рж анияскладыв ае тся изсле дую щ их уме ний: а) дог адыв аться о значе нии незнакомых слов наоснов е слов ообразов ате льных п ризнаков и конте кста; б) в иде ть инте рнациональные слов а и устанав лив ать их значе ние ; в ) находить знакомые г рамматиче ские формы и конструкции и устанав лив ать их экв ив але нты в русском языке ; г ) исп ользов ать име ю щ ийся в те ксте иллю стратив ный мате риал, схе мы и т.д.; д) п риме нять знания п о сп е циальным п ре дме там в каче ств е основ ы смыслов ой и языков ой дог адки. Т очное и п олное п онимание те кста осущ е ств ляе тся п уте м изучаю щ е г о чте ния. И зучаю щ е е чте ние п ре дп олаг ае т уме ние самостояте льно п ров одить ле ксико-г рамматиче ский анализ, исп ользуязнаниясп е циальных п ре дме тов . И тог ом изучаю щ е г о чте нияяв ляе тсяточный п е ре в од те кстанародной язык. П ри работе над те кстом исп ользуйте указания, данные в разде лах I, II, III.
1. 2.
V.ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Е К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н Ы Х ЗА Д А Н И Й И О Ф О Р М Л Е Н И Е К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН Ы Х Р А БО Т К оличе ств о контрольных заданий, в ып олняе мых в ами на каж дом курсе, устанав лив ае тсяуче бным п ланом. В ып олнять п исьме нные контрольные работы сле дуе т в отде льной те тради. Н а облож ке те тради нап иш ите свою фамилию , номе р контрольной работы и назв ание уче бника, п о которому в ы занимае те сь. К онтрольные работы долж ны в ып олняться аккуратно, че тким п оче рком. П ри в ып олне нии контрольной работы остав ляйте в те тради ш ирокие п оля длязаме чаний, объяснений и ме тодиче ских указаний п ре п одав ате ля. В каж дом контрольном задании в ыде ляю тся один или дв а абзаца для п ров е рки уме ния читать бе з слов аря, п онимать основ ную мысль, излож е нную в абзаце . П осле те кстадае тсяконтрольный в оп рос, сп омощ ью которог о п ров е ряе тся, насколько п рав ильно и точно в ы п оняли мысль, излож е нную в абзаце (или в абзацах). Н иж е п ре длаг ае тся несколько в ариантов отв е тов . Сре ди этих в ариантов не обходимо найти тот, который наиболе е п рав ильно и че тко отв е чае тнап остав ле нный в оп рос. В ып олненные контрольные работы нап рав ляйте для п ров е рки и ре це нзиров анияв установ ле нные сроки.
VI. П О Д ГО Т О ВК А К ЗА Ч Е Т А М И Э К ЗА М Е Н А М В п роце ссе п одг отов ки к заче там и экзаме нам ре коме ндуе тся: а) п ов торно п рочитать и п е ре в е сти наиболе е трудные те ксты изуче бника; б) п росмотре ть мате риал отре це нзиров анных контрольных работ; в ) п роде лать в ыборочно отде льные уп раж нения изуче бника для самоп ров е рки; г ) п ов торить мате риал дляуп раж нений. К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН Ы Е ЗА Д А Н И Я № 1,2
Д ля тог о, чтобы п рав ильно в ып олнить задания № 1,2,необходимо усвоить сле дую щ ие разде лы курсаанглийског о языкап о ре коме ндов анному уче бнику. 1. И м я су щ е ст в и т е л ь но е .М нож е ств е нное число. А ртикли и п ре длог и как п оказате ли име ни сущ е ств ите льног о. В ыраж е ния п аде ж ных отнош е ний в английском языке сп омощ ью п ре длог ов и окончания– s. 2. И м я п р и л аг ате л ь но е . Сте п е ни срав ненияиме нп рилаг ате льных 3. Ч и сл и те л ь ны е. 4. М е с т о и м е н и я : личные , п ритяж ате льные , в оп росите льные и отрицате льные . 5. Ф орманаст о ящ е г о (Present), п р о ш е д ш е г о (Past) и б у д у щ е г о (Future) в ре ме ни г руп п ы Indefinite де йств ите льног о залог а изъяв ите льног о наклонения. Сп ряж е ние г лаг олов to be, to have в Present, Past и Future Indefinite.П ов е лите льное наклоне ние и е г о отрицате льнаяформа. 6. П р о ст о е р а сп р о ст р а не нно е п р е д л о ж е ни е : п рямой п орядок слов п ов е ств ов ате льног о и п обудите льног о п ре длож е ний в утв е рдите льной и отрицате льной формах; обратный п орядок слов в оп росите льног о п ре длож е ния. О борот there is(are). 7. О снов ные случаи слов ообразов ания. И сп ользуйте сле дую щ ие образцы в ып олне нияуп раж нений. О БР А ЗЕ Ц ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Я 1 (К У П Р .I) Грам м атичес кая функция окончания -s 1. The students attend lectures on Студе нты п осещ аю т ле кции п о different subjects every day. разным п ре дме там каж дый де нь. Lectures – множ е ств е нное число отиме ни сущ е ств ите льног о a lecture лек ция. 2. He lectures on Political Studies. О нчитаетле кции п о п олитолог ии. Lectures – 3-е лицо е динств е нног о числа от г лаг ола to lecture в Present Indefinite. 3. My sister’s daughter is a doctor. Д очь мое й сестры – в рач. В слов е sister’s -’s – окончание п ритяж ате льног о п аде ж а име ни сущ е ств ите льног о в е динств е нном числе . 4. My sisters’ daughters are doctors. Д оче ри мое й сестры – в рачи. Слов о sisters’– форма п ритяж ате льног о п аде ж а име ни сущ е ств ите льног о a sister в о множ е ств е нном числе .
О БР А ЗЕ Ц ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Я 2(К У П Р .II) У потребление с равнительной и превос ходной с тепеней с равнения прилагательныхи ос обеннос ти ихперевода на рус с кий яз ык. 1. This room is smaller than that one. Э такомнатаме ньш е той. Слов о smaller – срав ните льнаясте п е нь п рилаг ате льног о small. 2. Moscow is the largest city in our country. М оскв а– самый больш ой г ород в наш е й стране. Слов о the largest – п ре в осходнаясте п е нь срав ненияп рилаг ате льног о large. 3. Your new flat is more comfortable В аш анов аякв артираболе е than your old one. удобная, че м старая. Ф орма more comfortable - срав ните льная сте п е нь п рилаг ате льног о comfortable. 4. Christmas is the best holiday. Рож де ств о – самый лучш ий п раздник the best – п ре в осходнаясте п е нь срав ненияп рилаг ате льног о good. О БР А ЗЕ Ц ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Я 3(К У П Р .V) My friend lives in Moscow. М ой друг ж ив е тв М оскв е . Lives – Present Indefinite Active от г лаг олаto live. People returned to live in the Л ю ди в е рнулись ж ить в в осстанов rebuilt city. ле нный г ород. Returned - Past Indefinite Active отг лаг олаto return. К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН О Е ЗА Д А Н И Е № 1 I. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния. О п ре де лите п о г рамматиче ским п ризнакам, какой частью ре чи яв ляю тсяслов а, оформле нные окончание м – s и какую функцию это окончание в ып олняе т, т.е. служ ит ли оно: а) п оказате ле м 3-г о лицае динств е нног о числаг лаг олав Present Indefinite; б) п ризнаком множ е ств е нног о числаиме ни сущ е ств ите льног о; в ) п оказате ле м п ритяж ате льног о п аде ж аиме ни сущ е ств ите льног о (см.образе ц в ып олнения1). П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. Their sons go to school every day. 2. He goes there in the morning and comes home for dinner. 3. My friend’s parents do not live with him. II. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния, соде рж ащ ие разные формы срав нения, и п е ре в е дите их нарусский язык(см.образе ц в ып олнения2). 1. This work is more important than that work. 2. Moscow is larger than our city. 3. These are the best coats in the store. 4. English grammar is easier than Russian grammar. 5. Today is the most beautiful day of the year. 6. He is the most handsome man I know.
III. П е ре п иш ите и п исьме нно п е ре в е дите п ре длож е ния на русский язык, обращ ая в нимание на п е ре в од не оп ре де ле нных и отрицате льных ме стоиме ний. 1. There is some mud on the carpet. 2. I need some help with my homework. 3. Any student of our group can speak English. 4. I have three sets of house keys, and I can’t find any of them now. 5. There was hardly anybody in town. 6. Emma has got some old pictures of the house to show us. IV.П е ре п иш ите и п е ре в е дите на русский язык п ре длож е ния, обращ ая в нимание на особе нности п е ре в ода оп ре де ле ний, в ыраж е нных име нем сущ е ств ите льным. 1. The bus stop is not far from here. 2. There are only day light lamps in this room 3. Children like to drink chocolate milk. V.П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния, оп ре де лите в них в идо-в ре ме нные формы г лаг олов и укаж ите их инфинитив ; п е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык(см.образе ц в ып олне ния3). 1.It is very important to choose a system of education which will prepare children for life. 2. They refused to do what they think ‘low’ work. 3. This man came to Moscow some years ago. VI. П рочтите и устно п е ре в е дите те кст. П исьме нно п е ре в е дите 1,3,5 и 6 абзацы. THE VALUE OF EDUCATION 1. Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we don’t educate children only for the purpose of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life. When we realize this fact we will understand that it is very important to choose a system of education. This system will prepare children for life. 2. It is not enough to choose the first system of education one finds; or to continue with one’s old system of education without examining it to see whether it is in fact suitable or not. 3.In many modern countries it was fashionable during some time to think that, by free education for all – whether rich or poor, clever or stupid – one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. 4.But now free education for all is not enough. We find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them. Because of their degrees they refused to do what they think ‘low’ work.
5.But more often the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die without food. There will be terrible diseases because of the rubbish in our streets. The professors will waste much of their time doing housework. 6. In fact it is really good when our education fits us for life . It means that each of us is doing a job which is suited to his brain and ability. We understand that all jobs are necessary to society, and it is very bad to be ashamed of one’s work , or to scorn someone else’s. Only such type of education we can call valuable to society. VII. П исьме нно задайте 10 в оп росов кте ксту. VIII. О тв е тьте нав оп рос: What education do we need? К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН О Е ЗА Д А Н И Е № 2 I. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния. О п ре де лите п о г рамматиче ским п ризнакам, какой частью ре чи яв ляю тсяслов а, оформле нные окончание м – s и какую функцию это окончание в ып олняе т, т.е. служ ит ли оно: а) п оказате ле м 3-г о лицае динств е нног о числаг лаг олав Present Indefinite; б) п ризнаком множ е ств е нног о числаиме ни сущ е ств ите льног о; в ) п оказате ле м п ритяж ате льног о п аде ж аиме ни сущ е ств ите льног о (см.образе ц в ып олнения1). П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. The “ Big Ben”clock weighs 13.5 tons. 2. Most of London’s places of interest are to the north of the river Thames. 3. Hyde Park covers 360 acres. II. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния, соде рж ащ ие разные формы срав нения, и п е ре в е дите их нарусский язык(см.образе ц в ып олнения2). 1. The longer is the night, the shorter is the day. 2. One of the most famous buildings in England is St.Paul’s Cathedral. 3. She’s as tall as her brother. 4. She earns twice as much money as I do. 5. He went to the same school as me. 6. Your accent is the worst in the class. III. П е ре п иш ите и п исьме нно п е ре в е дите п ре длож е ния на русский язык, обращ ая в нимание на п е ре в од не оп ре де ле нных и отрицате льных ме стоиме ний. 1. Any student of our group can speak on the history of London. 2. No park in London is as popular as Hyde Park. 3. At some of the London Underground stations there are lifts, others have escalators. 4. I’m really hungry – I’ll eat anything. 5. Anna’s very secretive: she talks to nobody about her problems. 6. That’s easy: anybody can do it.
VI. П рочитайте и п е ре в е дите нарусский языкп ре длож е ния, обращ ая в нимание науп отре бле ние п ре длог ов . 1. I arrived home at six o’clock last night. 2. On Saturday evening we went out to a concert. 3. It happened at 7.00 in the evening 4. I will be ready in two weeks. 5. I was born in Africa in 1970. 6. At Christmas we usually go to our grandmother. V.П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния, оп ре де лите в них в идо-в ре ме нные формы г лаг олов и укаж ите их инфинитив ; п е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык(см.образе ц в ып олне ния3). 1. In 1666 the Great Fire of London ended the plague. 2. The Port of London is to the east of the City. 3. Here, too, you will find the Bank of England. VI. П рочтите и устно п е ре в е дите те кст. П исьме нно п е ре в е дите 1,3,5 и 6 абзацы. LONDON 1. London is the capital of Great Britain. It lies in the South east of England on both banks of the river Thames. London is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest port and industrial town in England. London is more than twenty centuries old. 2.It began life as a Roman fortification at a place where it was possible to cross the river Thames. In 1665 there was a terrible plague in London, so many people left the city and escaped to the villages. In 1666 the Great Fire of London ended the plague, but it also destroyed much of the city. Although people returned to live in the rebuilt city after the plague and the Great Fire, there were never again so many Londoners living in the city centre. 3.The gradual growth of the city helps to explain the fact that London does not have just one centre, it has a number of centres: The financial and business centre called the City, the shopping and entertainment centre in the West end, the government centre in Westminster. 4. The City of London is the heart of the capital. The territory of the City is only about one square mile, but it is the financial an business centre of the country. It contains almost all important English banks and offices. 5. The West End of London is famous for its beautiful monuments and palaces, fine parks, fashionable shops and big hotels. Piccadilly Circus is the centre of night life in the West End. To the north of it is Soho, which has been the foreign quarter of London since the 17th century. The East End is quite different from the West End. It grew with the spread of industries to the east of the City, and the growth of the port of London.
6. There are many places of interest in London. One of them is Trafalgar Square with the Nelson’s monument. Buckingham Palace is the royal residence. Westminster Abbey is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. It contains the memorials of many famous citizens of Britain. Across the road from Westminster Abbey are the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British government. The clock tower towers over the Houses of Parliament. It contains “ Big Ben” – one of the largest clocks in the world. The tower of London is one of the most interesting places in London. It was a fortress, a royal residence, a prison, now it is a museum. Not far from the tower you can see the Tower Bridge, one of the finest bridges in London. 7.London is famous for its green parks. Hyde Park is the most popular of them. It is the greatest park in London as well. VII. Задайте п исьме нно де сять в оп росов кте ксту. VIII. П исьме нно отв е тьте нав оп рос: What are the most famous places in London? К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН Ы Е ЗА Д А Н И Я № 3,4 Д ля тог о, чтобы п рав ильно в ып олнить задания, не обходимо усвоить сле дую щ ие разде лы курсаанглийског о языкап о ре коме ндов анному уче бнику: 1. В идо – в ре ме нные формы г лаг ола: а) актив ный залог – формы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future);формы Continuous (Present, Past);формы Perfect (Present, Past); п ассив ный залог – формы Indefinite (Present, Past). О собе нности п е ре в одап ассив ных конструкций нарусский язык. 2. У силите льные конструкции It is(was) … that … 3. М одальные г лаг олы: а) в ыраж аю щ ие в озмож ность: can (could),may и экв ив але нт г лаг ола can – to be able; б) в ыраж аю щ ие долж е нств ов ание :must, е г о экв ив але нты to have to, to be to, should. 4. О п ре де лите льные и доп олните льные п ридаточные п ре длож е ния. 5. П ростые неличные формы г лаг ола ParticipleI (Present Participle), Participle II (Past Participle) в функциях оп ре де ле нияи обстояте льств а. И сп ользуйте сле дую щ ие образцы в ып олненияуп раж не ний. О БР А ЗЕ Ц ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Я 1 (К У П Р . 1)
a) The first civilization was brought to Britain by the Iberians.
П е рв аяцив илизациябылап рив езе нав Британию ибе рами.
was brought – Past Indefinite Passive отг лаг ола to bring. Британияв сег дабылаизв е стна свое й ш е рстью , бльш аячасть которой эксп ортиров алась. had been – Past Perfect active отг лаг ола to be. b) Britain had always been famous for woo much of it was exported.
О БР А ЗЕ Ц ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Я 2 (К У П Р . II)
1. The woman standing at the window is my elder sister. standing – Participle I, оп ре де ле ние . 2. When crossing the street, first look to the left.
Ж е нщ ина, стоящ аяу окна, моя старш аясестра. П е ре ходя улицу, п осмотрите сначаланале в о.
(When) crossing - Participle I, обстояте льств о. 3. When asked about it, he didn’t answer.
К ог даег о сп росили об этом, онне отв е тил.
(When) asked – Past Participle II, обстояте льств о. К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН О Е ЗА Д А Н И Е № 3 I. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния; п одче ркните в каж дом из них г лаг ол-сказуе мое и оп ре де лите е г о в идо-в ре ме нную форму и залог . П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ния на русский язык. О братите в нимание на п е ре в од п ассив ных конструкций. 1. They were the grandchildren of Vikings who had captured and settled northern France. 2. When he appeared in the box, the audience greeted him with a storm applause and the performance was interrupted for a moment. 3. Houses are built very quickly now. 4. They have already made a decision. 5. The work must be done at once. 6. I have asked him for dinner several times. II. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния; п одче ркните Participle I и Participle II и установ ите функции каж дог о изних, т.е . укаж ите , яв ляе тся ли оно оп ре де ле ние м, обстояте льств ом или частью г лаг ола-сказуе мог о. П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. French became the language of the country’s ruling class for several hundred years. 2. By the end of the fourteenth century English was once again a written language. 3. He noiselessly opened the door, and approaching the President, calmly took aim and fired. 4. He got outside where his horse was waiting for him. 5. The question discussed at a meeting was very important. 6. Not knowing his address I couldn’t visit him.
III. П е ре п иш ите п ре длож е ния, п одче ркните в них усилите льные конструкции. П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. It was Claudius who exploited this support to secure his position in Rome by annexing new lands. 2. It is the northeast in the United States, which is called New England. 3. There was the natural abundance of land that energized the industrial and economic growth. 4. That was Roosevelt who increased government supervision over business and industry. 5. It was Mayor of Detroit who initiated work relief for the unemployed. 6. They were Romans who occupied the South East of Britain. IV. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния, п одче ркните в каж дом из них модальные г лаг олы или их экв ив але нты и п е ре в е дите п ре длож е ния на русский язык. 1. The Celts used ox-drawn ploughs, so they could farm richer, heavier land. 2. His leg was broken but he was able to get outside. 3. He shouldn’t make such decisions in a hurry. 4. He may come any minute now. 5. You must know her. She was in our group when she was a student. 6. We had to be at the station at 5 o’clock . V.
П рочтите и устно п е ре в е дите с 1-г о п о 5 абзацы те кста. П исьме нно п е ре в е дите 5 и 7 абзацы. QUEEN VICTORIA 1. The history of England in the reign of Queen Victoria is “ political history”, with fewer wars, international complications, and a greater concentration upon a sequence of legislative acts which profoundly influenced the life of the nation. 2. Early in the morning of 20 June 1837 the Archibishop of Canterbury and the Lord Chamberlain brought the news of the death of William IV to a girl in Kensington Palace, who once had recorded in a wish “ to do what is fit and right”. The great Victorian epoch started. Some have smiled at it, none can laugh it off. 3. When Victoria, a lively and strong-willed girl, ascended the throne, she was only 18 years old. Her youthful sincerity and dignity soon won respect and affection. She found her country well launched on a programme of cautious liberalism. 4. Lord Melbourne, who had become Prime minister shortly before, was an agreeable gentleman who gained strong influence on the young Queen’s mind. With Melbourne’s help Victoria quickly learned the business of being a queen, but with her strength of mind she was not content to be guided in everything. She insisted beforehand what her Government was doing and made sure that her views were known and her rights respected.
5. Her marriage to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha enabled her to increase her influence. In his methodical way he acted as her secretary and confidential adviser and ensured that she was well informed upon matters she discussed with her ministers. At the same time they led a happy domestic life together. They had nine children, four sons and five daughters. 6. Albert’s death in 1861 was naturally a great shock to his loving wife. For some years Queen Victoria lived a retired life though she still kept in close touch with the affairs of her Government. But later she was persuaded to make more public appearances. 7. In her later years she became the symbol of a long and successful reign. Signs of public affection pleased her and she became much easier and more gracious in manner. She felt very deeply the death of her husband, and of her son Alfred in 1900 and sympathized with others who suffered such loses. VI. Задайте п исьме нно 15 в оп росов кте ксту. VII. О тв е тьте нав оп рос: What was Queen Victoria famous for? К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН О Е ЗА Д А Н И Е № 4 I. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния; п одче ркните в каж дом из них г лаг ол-сказуе мое и оп ре де лите е г о в идо-в ре ме нную форму и залог . П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ния на русский язык. О братите в нимание на п е ре в од п ассив ных конструкций. 1. People knew little about the world then. 2. He just drew the countries Europeans had heard of. 3. The Indian’s squaw had made them that day. 4. In a white man’s village, an Indian was playing with a little girl. 5. A new library will soon be built here. 6. They are going to buy a new house soon. II. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния; п одче ркните Participle I и Participle II и установ ите функции каж дог о изних, т.е . укаж ите , яв ляе тся ли оно оп ре де ле ние м, обстояте льств ом или частью г лаг ола-сказуе мог о. П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. A white man seeing that the Indian was nearly starving, offered to pay for his dinner. 2. That evening as the shadows were getting long, the Indian, carrying the little girl, came from the forest. 3. On the child’s feet there was a pair of little moccasins decorated with beads. 4. Rattles were animals’ hoofs tied together or grounds containing a few pebbles. 5. Continents are changing their shapes perpetually. 6. Albert’s death in 1861 was naturally a great shock to his loving wife. III. П е ре п иш ите п ре длож е ния, п одче ркните в них усилите льные конструкции. П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. It was Leif who sailed south of Greenland, to the eastern coast of North America. 2. It was about the year 410AD that the last of the legions left Britain. 3. It was the Emperor Claudius who led the invasion of Britain.
4. It was Theodore Roosevelt who changed the Spanish conflict from a ware to liberate Cuba to the building of a union. 5. It was they who told us the news. 6. It was not until I reminded him that he brought me my book. IV. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния, п одче ркните в каж дом из них модальные г лаг олы или их экв ив але нты и п е ре в е дите п ре длож е ния на русский язык. 1. Some Indians could be as kind in peace times as they were cruel in war. 2. They would hop and stamp in time to the music furnished by rattles and drums. 3. You can imagine what a sight the Indians made as they leaped about the flaming camp fire. 4. The child needed shoes, but the mother wasn’t able to buy them. 5. She had to leave home at eight yesterday. 6. You must read this book. It’s really excellent. V. П рочтите и устно п е ре в е дите с1-г о п о 3 абзацы те кста. П исьме нно п е ре в е дите 5, 6 и 7 абзацы. SOME EARLY VISITORS TO NORTH AMERICA 1. No Indians of the fifteenth century had ever seen a white man until Columbus and his companions came. White men had really visited America nearly five hundred years before Columbus arrived. 2. About the year 1000 a strange ship came to the eastern coast of North America. She was very long and had many oars, as well as a square sail. A fierce -– looking dragon decorated the prow. The men in the ship had long golden hair, blue eyes, and fair skins. They were Norsemen. 3.The Norsemen, or “ Vikings”, as they were called in their own country, had always been daring sailors. Their searoving had led them to the discovery of Iceland, and some Norsemen had gone to live there. 4. Leif was one of the Vikings. It was Leif who sailed south of Greenland, to the eastern coast of North America. He noticed first a land covered with stones. He called this country Helluland, “ the land of flat stones”. Going farther south along the coast, Leif saw a land of forests and named it Markland, “ the forest land”.At a place still further south some of his men went ashore. They returned with bunches of grapes. Leif called the grape country Vineland. Helluland was probably Labrador; Markland, Nova scotia; and Vineland may have been Massachusettes. 5. A few years later some Norsemen liked Vineland so well that they built a small village there. They traded with aboriginal Americans used to come to their village. One day a bull belonging to the white men broke loose and frightened the Indians away. A great number of them returned in a few weeks. They waved their cubs angrily at the Norsemen and began to throw stones. Two Norsemen were killed by the Indians. Fearing more trouble from the Indians, the Norsemen left Vineland. They came to America no more. 6. The story of these voyages was told and retold by the Vikings in Iceland. These explorers did not know that they had found a new continent. Nothing ever came of
their discovery. Columbus owed nothing to it. It is doubtful whether he ever heard of these early voyages. At any rate, they did not help him in his plans. 7. Columbus is rightly called the discover of America. After he pointed the way, thousands of people followed his lead and came to the New World to explore and settle it. VI. Задайте п исьме нно 15 в оп росов кте ксту. VII. О тв е тьте нав оп рос: Who first really visited America? К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН Ы Е ЗА Д А Н И Я № 5,6 Д ля тог о, чтобы п рав ильно в ып олнить задания 5 и 6, необходимо усвоить сле дую щ ие разде лы курсаанглийског о языкап о ре коме ндуе мому уче бнику: 1. В идо-в ре ме нные формы г лаг ола: а) aктив ный залог – формы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future); формы Continuous(Present, Past, Future) ; формы Perfect (Present, Past, Future); б) п ассив ный залог – формы Indefinite(Present, Past, Future); Continuous (Present, Past, Future); Perfect(Present, Past, Future). 2. О п ре де лите льные и доп олните льные п ридаточные п ре длож е ния (сою зные ); п ридаточные обстояте льств е нные п ре длож е нияв ре ме ни и услов ия 3. Грамматиче ские функции и значе нияслов that, one, it. 4. Ф ункции г лаг олов to be, to have, to do. О БР А ЗЕ Ц ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Я 1 (К У П Р .I)
Present Perfect Passive The main question has already been Глав ный в оп росуж е обсудили. discussed. Present Indefinite Passive His scientific work is much spoken О ег о научной работе мног о about. г ов орят. О БР А ЗЕ Ц ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Я 2 (К У П Р .II)
It’s nice to get up in the morning, but it’s nicer to stay in bed. One should agree that the expedition was of great importance for our research.
Х орош о п росып атьсяутром, но лучш е остав атьсяв п осте ли. Сле дуе тсог ласиться, что эта эксп е дицияиме лабольш ое значе ние длянаш е г о иссле дов ания.
О БР А ЗЕ Ц ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Я 3 (К У П Р . III)
While I’m writing this, you can П окаяэто п иш у, в ы мож е те п оread a newspaper. читать г азе ту. I couldn’t go to the University Я не мог в че рап ойти в унив е рyesterday, because I was ill. ситет, п отому что был боле н. К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН О Е ЗА Д А Н И Е № 5 I. П е ре п иш ите п ре длож е ния, оп ре де лите в каж дом из них в идо-в ре ме нную форму сказуе мог о (см. образе ц). П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. The settlement of Plymouth was established by the Pilgrims.
2. By the end of the 16th century, for the ordinary farmer, life in England has grown more and more difficult. 3. Of the colonists who arrived at Plymouth, one half died during the first winter. 4. By 1660, the American colonies were populated by people who were members of different religions. 5. The colonists had much in common with one another; yet their differences were striking. 6. France had been defeated by England before the American Revolution. II. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния и п е ре в е дите их на русский язык, обращ аяв нимание наразные значе нияслов it, that, one. 1. One could say the same things about those who died helping the others. 2. It is clear that they have found their reward now with God in Heaven. 3. It was the frontier that had molded their character. 4. It surprised me that he wasn’t there. 5. One must take part in scientific work. 6. As the United States expanded, the North worried that the South would introduce slavery into the new territories. III. П е ре в е дите слож ноп одчине нные п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. While the poor feel a growing hopelessness, the rich see new opportunity. 2. When the Pilgrims come to America, there were only a few settlers in northeastern America. 3. New settlers came to America because they wanted to find freedom there. 4. When Missouri was admitted to the union as a slave state, Maine was admitted as a free state. 5. Because of the 18th Amendment prohibiting the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol, America was officially dry. 6. I well remember the time when I went to school. IV.П е ре п иш ите п ре длож е ния и п е ре в е дите их на русский язык, обращ ая в нимание наразные значе нияг лаг олов to be, to have, to do. 1. I do not like historical novels. 2. We are to go to London for a meeting. 3. Soon I will have a new flat. 4. When you leave school you will have to find a job. 5. She is to study hard to pass her exam. 6. We have had to change our plans for the summer. V. П рочтите и устно п е ре в е дите с1-г о п о 4-й абзацы те кста. П исьме нно п е ре в е дите 3, 5, 6 абзацы. TEXT 1. At first, the passengers enjoyed good weather at sea. But soon, strong winds and fierce storms developed. Our ship, the Mayflower began to shake and leak. Finally, one of the main beams broke. Some of the passengers and sailors were afraid that the ship could not cross the ocean. They wanted to return to England, but others felt confident. 2. In some of these storms, the winds were so violent and the waves were so high that all the sails were lowered. So for several days, the ship drifted across the ocean.
But finally, after a long struggle with the sea, the Mayflower came to that land called Cape Cod. What joy the pilgrims had when they realized where they were. 3. They had a meeting with the ship’s commander, and decided to sail southward along the coast. Their plan was to settle somewhere near the Hudson River. But after about half a day, they realized that this was impossible. They could not sail over the dangerous sandbars and roaring waves around the Cape. So the sailors turned the Mayflower around, and returned to the safety Cape Cod Harbor. 4. As soon as they reached the harbor, the Pilgrims thanked God for bringing them across such a huge furious ocean. But their situation was still hopeless. There were no towns nor even any houses where they could find help. The only people waiting for them were the natives with their arrows. The season was winter in this strange land was severe and violent. 5. In these difficult early days, some members of the group began to criticize and complain. But these problems were soon solved by their governor, John carver. He always carried out his duties with wisdom. Patience, and firmness. 6. The most tragic fact, however, was that in two or three months, half of the group died. They were all starving, freezing, and terribly ill. Sometimes, as many as two or three died in one day. By the end of February, only fifty Pilgrims were still alive. And of these, there were only six or seven with enough strength to take care of the rest. These generous people were very brave and helpful. 7. One could say the same things about those who died helping the others. It is clear that they have found their reward now with God in Heaven. VI.О тв е тьте п исьме нно нав оп росы: Who were people on the Mayflower? Why did they sail to America? What did they find there? К О Н Т Р О Л ЬН О Е ЗА Д А Н И Е № 6 I. П е ре п иш ите п ре длож е ния, оп ре де лите в каж дом из них в идо-в ре ме нную форму сказуе мог о (см. образе ц). П е ре в е дите п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1. The British government considered the problem of colonial trade. 2. The Stamp Act had been passed by the British government before the riots. 3. Several colonists were killed by the British in Boston Massacre. 4. The new law will have been accepted next Monday. 5. Historians have offered several reasons for the origins of the American Revolution. 6. It has just been announced that the president is coming . II. П е ре п иш ите сле дую щ ие п ре длож е ния и п е ре в е дите их на русский язык, обращ аяв нимание наразные значе нияслов it, that, one. 1. It may be difficult to start all over again. 2. Some historians suggest that the American identity arose from the need of the colonists to defend their interests against England. 3. It was common to see large herds of buffaloes. 4. It is true that the frontier determined American history, even if it did not form American character.
5. One should notice the growth of American cities. 6. It was a contradiction of democratic rights and liberty. III. П е ре в е дите слож ноп одчине нные п ре длож е ниянарусский язык. 1.By the end of the nineteenth century, the European powers were embarking upon colonial adventures that took them into Asia and Africa. 2.When we discussed this book we found out a lot of interesting things. 3. While travelling he saw a lot of interesting things. 4. As I was very busy I couldn’t help him. 5. When she was approaching the river she heard cries. 6. I will tell you all about this when I see you. IV. П рочтите и устно п е ре в е дите с 1-г о п о 3-й абзацы те кста. П исьме нно п е ре в е дите 4, 5, 6 абзацы. TEXT 1. Freedom to learn, to think, to speak, and to publish are among the basic elements of a democratic way of life. In the seventeenth century, these freedoms were restricted throughout most of Europe. Many of the colonial leaders brought negative thoughts about these freedoms along with them to the New World. From the earliest days , they had misgivings about the growing spirit of independence among the settlers. 2. These leaders believed that it was dangerous to educate men and women or even to allow them to read freely. In fact such leader, William Berkel governor of Virginia, went so far as to boast that while he was governor of Virginia there were neither free schools, nor printing presses in his colony. On the other hand, many colonists held an opposing view. 3. They believed that people should be free to learn, to think and to express their opinions. They also believed that printers should be free to print and distribute their own thoughts and the thoughts of others. 4.One of these colonists was John Peter Zenger. Zenger’s New York Weekly Journal, begun in 1733, spoke out in opposition to the King’s government. Then in the autumn of 1734, Zenger was arrested for printing criticism of the governor . Under the British Law, this made him guilty of criminal libel, even if the criticism was true. 5. Zenger’s arrest excited intense interest throughout the colonies. Fortunately, Andrew Hamilton, one of the ablest lawyers in America, agreed to defend him. Hamilton argued with force and passion. He argued that the charges printed by Zenger were true; therefore, they were not libelous. He asserted that Zenger had been fighting for the right to speak and wire the truth. In short, he had been fighting for liberty itself. 6. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty and John Peter Zenger, editor and publisher walked out of the courtroom a free man. This landmark decision helped establish in America the principle of freedom of the press. VI. П исьме нно задайте де сять в оп росов кте ксту. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION PLANNING ONE’S DAILY ROUND Have you ever thought that twenty-four hours isn’t enough to do all you have to do? All of us have so many duties and obligations! In addition to the daily routine at offices, schools, hospitals, etc., we have always got some housework to do and
shopping, we have to cook the meals, keep the house clean and (last but not least) see to the children. It’s really surprising how much work some people manage to do, and quickly at that! But it often happens that we don’t have enough time to do everything, and put it off till “ some other time”. What do you think is the reason? Why do some people manage and not others? A lot depends on how you plan your daily round. If you plan your day carefully, you’ll be able to do more, and it’ll take you less time. If you ask someone to see you at a definite hour, for instance, the other person will also plan his time accordingly. If you know how long you can keep your visitor, you will try not to waste his time and have everything ready for the talk when he comes. Your visitor, in his turn, will not keep you longer than necessary and will leave as soon as you’ve discussed your problem. It doesn’t mean that you will interrupt the talk before you finish the discussion. No, you’ll go on discussing the matter until you settle every point. But the time limit you set yourself will help you not to waste time and to speak to the point. Planning the day is especially necessary for people who want to make time for important things. Many outstanding people say that a daily timetable has helped them greatly to achieve what they have. There are some people, however, who will say that a daily timetable makes life dull and uninteresting. What do you think? Answer the questions: 1) Is it true that everybody has a lot of duties and obligations? 2) What does it depend on? 3) How much time do you spend on the daily shopping? 4) How long does it take you to clean the flat and make the meals? 5) Can you say that you manage it all quickly? 6) Are you good at planning your daily round or do you find it difficult? TRAVELLING BY AIR The rules for passengers who are going abroad are similar in most countries, but sometimes there might be a slight difference in formalities. If, for instance, you are supposed to begin with going through the customs, you’d better fill in the customs declaration before you talk to the customs officer. An experienced customs officer usually “ smells”a smuggler, but he may ask any passenger routine questions, for instance, “ have you got anything to declare?” or “ Any spirits, tobacco, present?”The usual answers would be, “ Yes, I’ve got some valuables, but I’ve put them down in the declaration”, or “ I’ve got two blocks of cigarettes for my own use”or something of that kind. Then you go to the check-in counter where your ticket is looked at, your things are weighed and labeled, a claim-check for each piece of luggage is inserted in the ticket and you are given a boarding pass, which has a seat number on it. Of course, if your luggage weighs more than 20kgs, you have to pay extra. The next formality is filling in the immigration form and going through passport control. The form has to be filled in block letters. You write your name, nationality, permanent address and the purpose of your trip. In most countries there is also a security check when your carry-on luggage is inspected. This is an anti-hijacking measure, and anything that might be dangerous or
disturbing to other passengers must be handed to one of the crew and only returned to the owner after the plane has reached its destination. After fulfilling all these formalities you go to the departure lounge where you can have a snack, read a paper, buy something in the duty-free shop and wait for the announcement to board the plane. Some of these formalities are repeated when you arrive at your destination. The customs declaration and the immigration form are often filled in on board the plane. At the airport you may be met by a specially trained dog who will make sure that you are not carrying drugs, and the immigration officer might want to know whose invitation you are coming and whether you have a return ticket. There is another inconvenience you have to be prepared for when travelling long distances by plane. It’s the jet-lag, a difference between the time you are accustomed to and the new time. At first you won’t be feeling very well because of it, but don’t worry – it won’t take you long to get used to it. Answer the questions: 1) Have you ever travelled long distances? 2) Have you ever had to go through the customs? 3) What are you supposed to write in the immigration form? 4) What can passengers do in the departure lounge? 5) Which do you prefer – to travel by air or by land? ADDITIONAL TEXTS THE CELTS(8th c. BC – 5th c. AD) The first real civilization was brought to Britain by the Iberians in the third millenium BC. The Iberians were skilled in the use of copper and gold; they made copper daggers and axes, traded in gold and copper ornaments. In the second millenium they started using bronze. The Iberians were farmers who bred cattle and probably tamed horses. Towards the Christian era, there was an Iron Age Celtic culture throughout the British Isles. The Celts had been arriving from Europe from the eighth century BC onwards. The Celts began to control all the lowland areas of Britain and, with new waves of settlers coming one after another, gradually spread all over Britain and the other islands. It seems that the Celts mixed with the Iberian people who were already there. It is also possible that they drove many of the older inhabitants westwards into Wales, Ireland and Scotland where they were eventually assimilated. The Celtic tribes continued the same kind of agriculture as the Bronze Age people before them. But the use of iron technology and more advanced ploughing methods made them highly successful farmers, the Celts used ox-drawn wheeled ploughs and this meant that richer, heavier land could be farmed. Under the Celts Britain became an important food producer. It now exported corn and animals, as well as hunting dogs and slaves, to the European mainland. The two main trade outlets eastwards to Europe were the settlements along the Thames river in the south and on the Firth of Forth in the north. It is no accident the
present-day capitals of England and Scotland stand on or near these two ancient trade centres. For money the Celts used iron bars, until they began to copy the Roman coins they saw used in Gaul(France). According to the Romans, the Celts men wore shirts and breeches (short trousers) and striped or checked cloaks fastened by a pin. It is possible that the Scottish dress and tartan developed from this cloak. NORMAN RULE Unlike the Germanic invasions, the Norman invasion was small-scale. There was no such things as a Norman area of settlement. Instead, the Norman Nobles were given the ownership of land – and of the people living on it. William saw England as an extension of his French domains. He had all land divided into manors. Most manors contained a village. Great nobles, or barons, were given several manors in return for a promise to serve him in war. They also had to give him part of the produce of the land. The barons gave some of their manors t knights (lesser nobles), who paid them for the land in the same way. That was the strict feudal system imposed by William: barons were directly responsible to the king, knights were responsible to a baron. Under the barons and knights were the peasantry, who were often little better than slaves. Over three quarters of the country people were serfs who were not free to leave their lord’s service or his land without permission. William kept the Anglo-Saxon system of sheriffs, and used these as a balance to local nobles. He kept a fifth of the farmland to himself. As a result, England unlike France, had only one powerful family. Most of the Norman nobles had land on both sides of the English Channel, in England and in Normandy. A very small number of Saxon lords kept their lands. All the others lost everything. Many of them fled to lowland Scotland. After each English rebellion there was more land to give away. Over 4,000 English landlords were replaced by 200 Norman ones. By 1086, only two of the greater landlords and only two bishops were English. In 1086, William’s officials surveyed much of England to record the ownership, size and value of each manor THE REASON FOR THE HUDRED YEAR WAR Flanders had grown to be the industrial center of northern Europe and had become extremely wealthy through its cloth manufacture. It could not produce enough wool to satisfy its market and imported fine fleece from England. England depended upon this trade for its foreign exchange. During the 1200’s, the upper class English had adopted Norman fashions and switched from beer to wine, (note that beer and wine were very important elements in the medieval diet). Both contain vitamin and yeast complexes that the medieval diet, especially during the winter, did not provide. Besides, the preservation of food was a difficult matter in that era, and the alcohol in beer and wine represented a large number of calories stored in an inexpensive and effective fashion. People did get drunk during the Middle Ages, but most could not afford to do so. Beer and wine were valued as food and were priced accordingly.
The problem was that England could not grow grapes to produce the wine that many of the English now favored and had to import it. A triangular trade arose in which English fleece was exchanged for Flemish cloth, which was then taken to southern France and exchanged for wine, which was then shipped into England and Ireland, primarily through the ports of Dublin, Bristol, and London. But the counts of Flanders had been vassals of the king of France, and the French tried to regain control its wealth. The English could not permit this, since it would mean that the French monarch would control their main of foreign exchange. A civil war soon broke out in Flanders, with the English supporting the manufacturing middle class and the French supporting the land-owning nobility. The Struggle for Control France The English king controlled much of France, particularly in the fertile South. These lands had come under control of the English when Eleanor of Aquitaine, heiress to the region, had married Henry II of England in the mid-12th century. There was constant bickering along the French-English frontier, and the French kings always had to fear an English invasion from the South. Between Flanders in the North and the English in the South, they were caught in a “ nutcracker”. The “Auld Alliance” The French responded by creating their own “ nutcracker» . They allied with the Scots in an arrangement that persisted well into the 18th century. Thus the English faced the French from the south and the Scots from the north. The Battle for the channel and North Sea, the French nutcracker would only work in the French could invade England across the English Channel.(The French call it ‘La Manche’, ‘The Sleeve’.) Besides, England could support their Flemish allies only if they could send aid across the North Sea, and, moreover, English trade was dependent upon the free flow of naval traffic through the Channel. Consequently, the French continually tried to gain the upper hand at sea, and the English constantly resisted them. Both sides commissioned what would have been pirates if they had not been operating with royal permission to prey upon each other’s shipping, and there were frequent naval clashes in those constricted waters. The Dynastic Conflict The last son of King Philip IV(The Fair) died in 1328, and the direct male line of the Capetians finally ended after almost 350 years. Philip had had a daughter, however. This daughter, Isabelle, had married King Edward II of England, and King Edward III was their son. He was therefore Philip’s grandson and successor in a direct line through Philip’s daughter. The French could not tolerate the idea that Edward might become King of France, and French lawyers brought up some old Frankish laws, the so-called Salic Law, which stated that property (including the throne) could not descend through a female. The French then gave the crown to Philip of Valois, a nephew of Philip IV. Nevertheless, Edward III had a valid claim to the throne of France if he wished to pursue it.
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