To our New Visitors - David Icke
Welcome to the David Icke website. I am a former journalist and television presenter from England who has spent the last ten years uncovering the biggest secret - who really controls the world and has done so for thousands of years. I have written ten books, including "The Biggest Secret", "...and the truth shall set you free", and "I Am Me, I Am Free.". Bridge of Love Publications, my publisher, has also produced several videos including "Freedom Road", "Turning of the Tide", "Revelations of a Mother Goddess", and "The Reptilian Agenda." I reveal how a global secret society called the Illuminati (the "Illuminated Ones" as they call themselves) have been holding the reigns of power in the world since ancient times, expanding their power out of the Middle and Near East (and other centres) to control first Europe and then, thanks to the British Empire and other European empires, to take over in the Americas, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and elsewhere. (1 af 6) [03-03-2002 11:24:03]
To our New Visitors - David Icke
When those empires appeared to withdraw from these regions, the Illuminati left behind the secret society networks and the Illuminati bloodlines and these have continued to control and orchestrate events ever since. There are two type of prisons or dictatorships. There is the overt variety, which are clear dictatorships (communism, fascism, etc) and then there are the most effective variety of all - the covert dictatorship, the one that masquerades as freedom. People do not rebel against not being free when they think they are! The Illuminati have been working to a long planned and coordinated agenda to create a world government, central bank, army, and a micro-chipped population linked to a global computer. Anyone with an operational brain can see that all these things are now emerging ever more rapidly. Under this edifice of global power are designed to be super states like the European Union (evolved out of the EEC free trade area), the American Union (to be evolved out of the NAFTA free trade area), and the Pacific Union (to be evolved out of the APEC free trade area). NATO (merging with the UN peacekeeping operation) is planned to be the world army, the world police force, to keep countries in line who do not wish to concede their sovereignty to the Illuminati world government, which is planned to evolve through the United Nations. The structure of global control is pyramids inside pyramids. Very much like Russian dolls, one doll inside another. If you look at any organisation today you will see that it is structured as a pyramid. Those lower down the pyramid have no idea what the organisation they work for is really about. They just do their own job and go home every day. They don't know how what they do connects with other people's contribution to (2 af 6) [03-03-2002 11:24:03]
To our New Visitors - David Icke
create a very obvious and sinister pattern and direction. Only the very few at the top know that. In this way the few can manipulate thousands in an organisation to advance an agenda that those thousands do not even know exists. There is a global version of this which manipulates billions in the same way. These "individual" organisations, be they banks, trans-national corporations, media empires, NATO, etc., then fit into even bigger pyramids. So you find, for example, that at the peak of the global banking pyramid all the banks are ultimately controlled by the same people - the Illuminati. Same with the transnational corporations, the media, and so on. There is a global pyramid which encompasses the pyramids of banking, business, media, military, politics, and the other institutions that run the planet. At the peak of this pyramid you find the elite of the Illuminati who orchestrate their agenda for global control through all their, apparently unconnected, organisations. This is why there has been an incessant move to centralisation of global power in all areas of our lives, banking, business, media, politics, whatever. It is orchestrated by the SAME people in accordance with the SAME agenda. You will find a stream of articles on this site that will give you detailed background to this agenda and there is endless information in my books which you can order from this website. The Illuminati manipulate humanity through the mind and emotions. There are too many people and too few Illuminati to control people physically, except on a small scale. They have to manipulate the way the masses think and feel, so we live our lives and see the world in the way the Illuminati want us to. For instance, the most powerful of the manipulation techniques is one I call Problem-Reaction-Solution. It works like this: (3 af 6) [03-03-2002 11:24:03]
To our New Visitors - David Icke
You want to introduce something you know the people won't like.This may be more power to the police, a further erosion of basic freedoms, even a war. You know that if you offer these policies openly the people will react against them. So you first create a PROBLEM, a rising crime rate, more violence, a terrorist bomb, a government collapse, or you get one of your Illuminati puppets like Saddam Hussein to go to war. You make sure someone else is blamed for this problem and not you, the real people behind it all. So you create a "patsy", as they call them in America, a Timothy McVeigh or a Lee Harvey Oswald. You then use your media to tell people what they should think about your manufactured event and who they should blame for it. This brings us to stage two, the REACTION from the people - "This can't go on what are THEY going to do about it?" This allows THEY to then openly offer the SOLUTION to the problems they have created - new legislaation which advances their agenda of centralisation of global power or the erosion of more basic freedoms. This technique is being used all the time on the human mind and emotions, not least with the stream of mind-contolled youngsters and adults who go crazy with guns around the world and immediately prompt gun control laws. I say this as someone who does not have guns and believes passionately in non-violence. But if we are going to be streetwise we need to look beyond our own beliefs and realise that the Illuminati is seeking to systematically disarm those who WOULD use weapons against them. Just before Adolf Hitler began to fill the concentration camps he introduced the same anti-gun legislation which we are seeing today all over the world. We are now at a crucial time in this agenda's history. So many cards are waiting to be played by the Illuminati in the next 12 (4 af 6) [03-03-2002 11:24:03]
To our New Visitors - David Icke
months. We are at a crossroads in human history. We can choose freedom or fall under the control of a global fascist state, a global version of Nazi Germany. This does not have to happen, but to stop it a lot of arses need to be removed from a lot of chairs. This website and the books will give you the detailed background from which informed choices can be made. What you have read here is a mere fraction of what there is to know and the picture is far bigger and more extraordinary than this brief outline has been able to detail. Look elsewhere on this site or in my books and you will see what I mean! Welcome once again. Hope you enjoy your stay. Love, David Icke
A short autobiography by David Icke Articles Menu Contact Us We invite you to use our Site Map Main Entrance Page Note: some of the banners you see on the pages are hosting banners and are not affiliated with David Icke or Bridge of Love Publications (5 af 6) [03-03-2002 11:24:03]
Additional recommended free reading: Also download one or more of the following electronic publications if you want to know about the global mind control that is threatening to create a global fascist one-party superstate in the next few years:
DAVID ICKE E-BOOKS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET: (pdf-files) * The Robot’s Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance * And The Truth Shall Set You Free - The most explosive book of the 20th century * I am me I am free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom * The Biggest Secret - The book that will change the world
DAVID ICKE AUDIO (TALKS AND INTERVIEWS) AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET: (mp3-files) * From The Ancient World To 2012 * Art Bell 11-11-98 Bloodlines&TheNewWorldOrder * Human sacrifice and Satanic ritual involving the most famous people in the world - 3 hour interview of Arizona Wilder
DAVID ICKE VIDEO AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET: (avi-files) * Human sacrifice and Satanic ritual involving the most famous people in the world - 3 hour interview of Arizona Wilder
To find these (unofficial) files you may have to search some of the file sharing networks like the KaZaA/Grokster network. They are not yet available for download at the (official) website: This page was added to the original document in May 2002 by an independant truth seeker not affiliated with David Icke in any way.
David Icke - Children of the Matrix - The Biggest Secret - Reptilian Agenda - Freedom Road [6/16/2002 12:58:05 PM]
David Icke - Children of the Matrix - The Biggest Secret - Reptilian Agenda - Freedom Road (1 of 3) [6/16/2002 12:58:06 PM]
David Icke - Children of the Matrix - The Biggest Secret - Reptilian Agenda - Freedom Road
"When you are constantly moving forward, searching for the cutting edge, everyone behind you always believes you have gone too far. The further back from the cutting edge they are, the more extreme and, indeed, insane, you appear, to them, to be. In this way, one person's "madness" can be another's commonsense." (2 of 3) [6/16/2002 12:58:06 PM]
David Icke - Children of the Matrix - The Biggest Secret - Reptilian Agenda - Freedom Road
- David Icke "Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more."
"You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe."
"You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
Images from "Alice's Underground Adventures" (3 of 3) [6/16/2002 12:58:06 PM]
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MAD, BAD, OR JUST PREPARED TO GO WHERE OTHERS FEAR TO TREAD? The most controversial author and speaker in the world "Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground." (1 of 7) [6/16/2002 1:00:15 PM]
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David Icke in Stoke on Trent, England Saturday - August 10, 2002
David Icke Talks in London, England November 30 & December 1, 2002
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If you want to know what's really going on read CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX and THE BIGGEST SECRET And their related books. "A gift of truth is the gift of love" (4 of 7) [6/16/2002 1:00:15 PM]
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Children of the Matrix / The Biggest Secret
From the Most Controversial Author in the World NEW! ORDER FROM BRIDGE OF LOVE USA EASY - FAST - DIRECT - SECURE - ONLINE (5 of 7) [6/16/2002 1:00:15 PM]
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From the Most Controversial Speaker in the World ORDER FROM BRIDGE OF LOVE USA EASY - FAST - DIRECT - SECURE - ONLINE (6 of 7) [6/16/2002 1:00:15 PM]
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PROPHETIC...OR JUST PLAIN OBVIOUS....?? "Powell, like the Bushes and Cheney, is bloodline and that's why he is to be the new Secretary of State. Given that line-up and their mentality and agenda, don't be at all surprised if the United States finds itself in another manipulated war during this administration. You will see "monsters" being created in the public mind to justify such action." - written by David Icke on this website on the day that George W. Bush was inaugurated, January 20th, 2001. Full Article Here: BUSH TAKES THE OATH: ANOTHER SHAPESHIFTER IN THE WHITE HOUSE
"With fear as the reptilians' greatest weapon, (3 of 8) [6/16/2002 1:01:58 PM]
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the plan is to engineer events, real and staged, that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a third world war either by stimulating the Muslim world into a 'holy war' against the West or by using the Chinese to cause global conflict. Maybe both." David Icke - The Biggest Secret 1998 "Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or "disappeared", at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame." Amnesty International, 1996
YOU DON'T FIGHT FOR PEACE, YOU PEACE FOR PEACE. - DAVID ICKE Do not expect answers to general questions at this time We are currently receiving over 100 emails per hour There is no way to answer questions at this time.
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David Icke Interview 90 minutes - Real Audio at News for the Soul Click the Listen-Now button (7 of 8) [6/16/2002 1:01:58 PM]
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Robot's Rebellion! (8 of 8) [6/16/2002 1:01:58 PM]
THE REPTILIANS: WHY THEY ARE OBSESSED WITH BLOODLINE AND RITUAL By David Icke I witnessed a "channeling" session this week in England, performed by a channel/medium I was very impressed with. As readers of my books will know, I am extremely wary of channeled information because while on occasions it can come from a high and enlightened source, much of it is very low level or, frankly, a sham. However, I felt that this channel was one of those who is truly gifted and a wealth of detailed information emerged that confirmed and added to my own research, which has been very much gathered in this dimension and not through channeled messages. Anyway, here is some of the information that came through relating to the relationship between the reptilian bloodline and the Illuminati obsession with ritual. As always, the choice of what feels right is yours and yours alone:
In between "worlds" (1 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:02:44 PM]
The reptilian and other entities, which are manipulating our world by possessing "human" bodies, operate in frequencies between the Third and Fourth densities. These are referred to as "hidden spaces and planes unknown to man", in the apparently ancient Emerald Tablets, which I quote from in "Children of the Matrix". For simplicity, I refer to this "between world" in my books as the lower fourth dimension. It is from here that they police our vibrational prison - the Matrix - and seek to addict and restrict us to the dense physical senses. This world was once far less dense than it is today and the "fall" down the frequencies, caused by the manipulation of incarnate consciousness and DNA infiltration, has made it so much more difficult to maintain a multidimensional connection while in physical form. We are now in a cycle of change when the vibration of this "world" will be raised out of dense physicality and return to where it once was. In doing so, the reptilians' ability to manipulate our physical form will be removed and this is why they are in such a panic at this time to prevent this shift from opening the vibrational prison door. The reptilians and other manipulating entities exist only just outside the frequency range of our physical senses. Their own physical form has broken down and they can no longer reproduce. Thus they have sought to infiltrate human form and so use that to exist and control in this dimension. They chose the Earth for this infiltration because it most resembles in vibration the locations from which they originate. These reptilians are addicted to the dense physical "world" and the sensations it offers and they have no desire to advance higher. Their aim in this period is to stop the Earth and (2 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:02:44 PM]
incarnate humanity from making the shift from dense physical prison into multi-dimensional paradise. [From what I understand, this dense physical world is caught in a manufactured time "loop", in which "time" is a circle, constantly repeating itself. Note that one of the ancient symbols for "infinity" is the snake swallowing its own tail. The pentagram or five-pointed star, so prevalent in Satanism, is also symbolic of this unbroken "time" cycle, the vibrational prison. The period we are now experiencing has, therefore, been played out before. We are just at that point again in the repeating circle or cycle, like a rat running on one of those wheels in a cage. No matter how fast it runs, it keeps covering the same ground. What we need to do is break the "time" circle and thus the prison. We are now in that part of the circle that is most vulnerable to this because of the vibrational changes taking place in this part of the Universe and this is why the control of humans has tightened so rapidly in this period - they are doing everything they can to defend their prison from the awakening of the inmates. The micro-chip is crucial to that.]
Genetic corruption (3 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:02:44 PM]
These reptilians and their allies have corrupted Earth DNA with their own and this genetic infiltration lies dormant until it is activated by the vibrational fields generated by the Illuminati secret society rituals, and others in the public eye like the carefully designed coronations and official ceremonies of many kinds, including even the UK State Opening of Parliament and certainly those of the various religions. [This activation is now also being inflicted upon the general population through technology on Earth and in space, no doubt, and this channeled entity said that the cloning programme is there to develop designer bodies for the reptilians of the "in between world" that would not require the overpowering of an already incarnate consciousness.] Once activated, the DNA opens the body to possession by these reptilians and other beings, and this is what is happening, for example, to Freemasons in the rituals that most of them deliver parrot fashion while having no idea of their vibrational significance. This is why the Illuminati are so obsessed with knowing a person's bloodline. They know which have the potential for this activation and possession and which do not. The Mormon Church genealogical data base and now the DNA data banks are designed to identify those with the bloodline. These are the people who are given jobs and roles that serve the Illuminati agenda, while most of them have no idea what is really going on and what they are being used for. Their DNA is then activated and they go through a change of character (a phrase I have heard so many times in relation to such people once they advance in the system) and a very different consciousness takes over their mental and emotional processes. (4 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:02:44 PM]
[This is why it is so important for everyone to stay well clear of ritual, no matter how innocent it may appear on the surface. I would include "New Age" ritual in this, too. I don't mean standing in a circle, connecting together and projecting loving thoughts, etc. I mean carefully constructed ritual that is constantly repeated, as with religious ceremony for example. I am beginning to realise why I have had a life-long aversion to taking part in ritual of any kind.] Each new generation of the Illuminati bloodline families is exposed to the appropriate ritual to activate their possession by the reptilian entities and so the cycle goes on. The phrase that comes to mind is "...forgive them for they know not what they do." P.S. Apparently, this DNA infiltration is known within the inner circles of the British royal family as the "family disease". They are actually in fear of it because they know that once it is activated they will be taken over. But of course they are caught in a world of constant ritual and ceremony designed specifically to activate their possession. It is catch 22. Without the ritual they cannot be the royal family, but with the ritual they are activated and possessed. The thought and emotional processes of the UK's Queen Mother are not those of Elizabeth BowesLyon, the little girl officially born into that body 101 years ago. They are controlled by the reptilian entity or entities, which possessed her after the hybrid DNA activation. (5 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:02:44 PM]
Referenced/Related material: Emerald Tablets Children of the Matrix The Biggest Secret ...and the truth shall set you free THE MICRO, MICRO, MICRO, CHIP - HOW SMALL THEY REALLY ARE The Ouroboros Baphomet Pentagram Capitol Pentagram Pentagon White House Pentagram Texaco Pentagram See Washington Layout Masonic Flag & Pentagram Secret Societies Pentagrams Link URL for websites (6 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:02:44 PM]
David Icke Temple of Congress Symbolism Slide Show
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Symbolism - Learn the Language... [6/16/2002 1:10:00 PM]
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HEADLINES "Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent, about things that matter" ~~Martin Luther King "The news and truth are not the same thing." ~~Walter Lippmann, American journalist, 1889-1974
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Earth First! and the FBI: What the Verdict Means Bush, Ashcroft Conflict Over Alleged Dirty Bomber Bush Distances Himself From Attorney General Lieberman Presses Bush for Enron Papers NSA GOT 9/11 WARNING ON 9/10 Official TWA 800 Findings Challenged (2 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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I liked the maroon one better
Reptilian Brain and the Desire for Excess "The faith in bigness has become increasingly ingrained, which itself creates a strange sort of inflation. Marketing researcher Brian Wansink, director of the Food & Brand Lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, found that consumers perceive products in large packages as less expensive than smaller ones--even though they often aren't. As a result, they actually use 18% to 45% more than they otherwise would. Anthropologist Rapaille says the desire for excess comes from the "reptilian brain," the earliest, most primitive structures in our mental evolution. "The reptilian wants to grab as much food as possible, to be as big and powerful as possible, because it's focused on survival. When it comes to a choice between the intellect and the reptilian, the reptilian always wins." Satisfying that inner lizard has its downsides. Our insatiable appetites have left Americans 9 pounds heavier, on average, than we were two decades ago, and more vulnerable than ever to heart disease and diabetes. We're racking up mountains of debt (the late fees we pay on credit cards have more than tripled since 1996, to $7.3 billion a year) and burning up fossil fuels like crazy. We demand things that, deep down, we don't really want or even use..." excerpt from: (3 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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New Book by Jan Lamprecht author of Hollow Planets MORE NEW ARRIVALS
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June 13, 2002 NOTICE: We are presently uploading to the new servers. It will take the remainder of this week to finish uploading. Some nameservers are currently mis-directing traffic to the new servers in error. The new servers should be fully online and operating by Friday of next week. BLAIR GOVERNMENT PLANS DEVASTATING ASSAULT ON PRIVACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS Are YOU Legally Insane? Bush Really is a Puppet! Pull His Strings Dubyanette Like Father, Like Son, Like Stepford wife Laura Enron's Prize Update on Compassionate Conservatism How The Media Serves The Election Process
Hi David, Included in the scipt of 'Emerdale' a popular British soap last night. It went something like this:-(youv'e been reading those books again, no such thing as new world order or lizard people.) That's what they would like us to believe, still someone's taking notice. ~~ J.
June 8, 2002 Medical Angel Disease Deities on Capitol Hill FORCED SMALLPOX VACCINATIONS U.S. Senate Takes Aim At Your Free Internet Access Conyers Criticizes President's Homeland Security Proposal Will Bush Build an East German Stasi? NO! He will build a Jack-Booted Thug U.S. STASI Cabinet reordering created in secrecy Few officials were aware of planning The Whitewash Conspiracy (5 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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The Drums of War: "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a doubleedged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." -- Julius Caesar Horror house of dark secrets Jehovah Witness Woman on Trial for Killing Infant
He Knew 9/11 Was Coming? "I will not wait on events, while dangers gather. I will not stand by, as peril draws closer and closer."— G. W. Bush (Source: The Whitehouse) Bush Respects Cardinal Law "I know Cardinal Law to be a man of integrity; I respect him a lot." — G. W. Bush (Source: The White House) War is Peace? "I do believe Ariel Sharon is a man of peace." — G. W. Bush (Source: The White House) Investigations Into What? "There'll be plenty of investigations." — G. W. Bush (Source: The Houston Chronicle) Ari "Goebbels" Fleischer? "...we have arrested or detained over 1,000 people here in America, to determine— to find out what they know." — G. W. Bush (Source: The White House) Cheney Found Out? "There ought to be limits to freedom." — G. W. Bush (Source: MP3) Bush & Powell Leaving A Summit Meeting? "This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses." — G. W. Bush (Source: Slate) Bush & Powell Salute Their Supporters "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." — G. W. Bush (Source: CNN) (6 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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June 4/5/6, 2002 You have probably noticed that postings have been sporadic, and will continue to be so for the next two weeks. We are upgrading to larger and faster servers - 2000 mhz. This is taking up a lot of time but we will try to be posting during this changeover. You may experience temporary outages of some services from time to time as this upgrade continues.
Enron News Dummy Bush's Financiers Gave MILLIONS To Bin Laden and the Taliban Wonder about that White House COVERUP? Wonder about the Bush OIL pipeline? Enron's Shadow Government Enron's Pawns How Public Institutions Bankrolled Enron's Globalization Game Blind Faith: How Deregulation and Enron’s Influence Over Government Looted Billions from Americans Liquid Assets: Enron's Dip into Water Business Highlights Pitfalls of Privatization Electric Utility Deregulation and the Myths of the Energy Crisis Got Juice? Bush’s Refusal to End California Electricity Price Gouging Enriches Texas Friends and Big Contributors The Incredible Shrinking Résumé of Thomas White What Did Cheney Know? How Much for That GOP in the Window? Bush Did Try to Save Enron Enron Used Bribes Abroad Enron/Bush Puppet Sentaor Phil Gramm continues to bat for Enron (7 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Bush on Global Warming: 'Get Used to It' GOP Bottles up Enron-Inspired Reforms Andersen & Cheney Cooked Halliburton's Books Merrill Lynch Too Big To Jail? Menage a' Trois of Deceit Global, Enron, Reliant Energy Enron: What Did The Administration Know? SEC Commissioner Pitt in (more) Hot Water Enron: What Did Bush Know & When Did He Know It? Egypt Warned U.S. of a Qaeda Plot Bush's Selective Distaste For Dictators The Long, Strange Trip Into Beit Jalla A Jewish Man's Experience While Delivering Humanitarian Aid to Palestinians Bush's Wag-the-Dog Policy on Iraq Top-Secret Prisoners in the USA Border Crossings: All Jokes Will Be Taken Seriously Homeland Security May be Coming to Your Neighborhood A new breed of "terrorist" offenses could include picketing and boycotting corporate interests I Wonder about STRIKES?! The Eternal Drug War It is a truism in U.S. political economy that whenever a government agency fails miserably, Congress invariably will reward it with more money, power, and discretion. Bypassing a Drug-Law Boondoggle For many US college students, a minor drug conviction could mean an end to their educational dreams. Unless, of course, they're enrolled at Yale. A Prescription for Disaster How many kids will die before drug companies take steps to ensure their safety? Smoke a Joint and Your Future is McDonalds DOPE "After a teenager in Covington, Washington, turned his father in for growing marijuana, local TV news reporters and daily newspapers fell all over themselves calling him a hero. Was I the only pot-smoking parent who was horrified?" (8 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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No Reprieve: Texas Still Executing the Mentally Ill Dirty or Duped? Fake Drug Busts Rock Dallas Out of Joint An Air Force officer has been relieved from duties at the Presidio of Monterey after publication of his letter to the editor accusing President George W. Bush of having advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
June 3, 2002 Notice: Effective June 3, 2002 Due to Rising Costs in Printing and Freight Prices for The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix, & I am me; I am free have been increased due to these circumstances beyond our control
Now Back in Print! At least for one more time
The Squeeze On Gold - Worldwide Scandal About To Break Catholic Child Abuser Exported from Ireland to the U.S. (9 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Hot off the Press
click for the big picture Secretive Bilderberg Meeting Begins Near DC Elitist leaders plan summit for Dublin U.S. Owes Sadam Hussein $25 million dollars for capture of 1993 bombing supsect of NYC Trade Towers Al-Qaeda warns of more attacks against U.S. & Jews I Guess Bush did not scare them? Big Tough Soldiers Target Children President Dummy defended his designation of Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the "axis of evil" While threatening to 'bomb at will' more innocent people Iran, Iraq and North Korea have not threatened the U.S. or its people. So where is the REAL axis of evil? WASHINGTON DC - OVAL OFFICE
Dear Mr Icke. Attached is a scan of a letter from Mr David Kidney 2000, mentioning the existence of an all party parliamentary group that discusses a one world governement. ~ from P (10 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Click Header above for full letter MEP 'Puppets' Vote for Big Brother As David Icke Has Pointed Out to Us Repeatedly Over the past few years Mainstream Media is just now figuring it out World leaders use terror card to watch all of us. Forever European Parliament poised to cave in on Internet privacy? Sounds Like Bush Policy Drives the EU 2? 9-11 Memogate The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11 THE TRUTH, AT LAST Leaked gov't report exposes Israeli spy ring Is Dubya up to his Grandfather's Pastime? or a Present for the Queen on her Jubilee? Racist and STUPID Remark by Dubya 'Do You Have Blacks, Too?' Bush Asks Brazil President
Obviously about the Bush Clan
May 30/31, 2002 911 Top 500 Questions (11 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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If you don't understand the reasons behind 911 The War on Terrorism and why NOT to trust the CIA, SS, NSA, FBI --Rent and watch the movie 'Memorial Day' FBI gets more domestic spy power Removing 'unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles' The changes allow the FBI to gather information on individuals even if they are not under criminal investigation. The techniques would include monitoring Internet sites, as well as libraries and religious institutions. Go Back to Sleep America Your Government is in CONTROL! Danger For The Dollar.. Nothing Works Any More State of the Union: Economically OK, George, make with the friendly bombs Terrorists in Africa Human Experimentation: US tested nerve gas on its sailors
I wonder when Britain will come clean and publish its covert testing on our unsuspecting citizens. It is no wonder that there has been a big increase in cancers, asthma and T.B. which I think are attributable to testing. One thing I am really sure about is that it is the USA, Britain and Israel who have amassed destructive and damaging chemical, biological weapons of mass destruction and not Iraq!! Maisoon Astronomical Enigma The Solar System is deliberately ordered. This information is known to most of the world's academic community, but they will not publish. Regards Eric Texas Executes Man Who Killed at Age 17 Victims Family Had Ties to U.S. Supreme Court Justices Would you Vote to Remove Bush from Office??? Bush Cheated to get to the White House and 4 million people have lost their jobs in Bush's 1st year! Is it time for the Man who stole the White House to be plucked from office????? US War God 'Dummy' Around the World Tell us, Mr Bush (12 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Arafat hastens reforms US evangelical Christians to 'Stand for Israel' and Turn their backs on Christian Palestinians American Mainstream Media: Institutionalized Subjectivity Israel stages raids and pullouts as envoys seek peace Allah Sharpens Plows for War against Shiva/Bhudda EU forces TAX INCREASES on CYPRIANS! 15% VAT This is what the EU is really all about YOUR MONEY
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN God save the queen she aint no human being, there is no future in England's dreaming. Don't be told what you want, don't be told what you need......our figurehead is not what she seems. Really John, HM not human? King Anarchie Rat - PBB
May 28/29, 2002 La Fraternite encouragera le crime, le stimulant The Brotherhood will be encouraging crime, even stimulating it The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11 Why Dick Cheney's Secrecy Scheme For Pre-9/11 Information Makes No Sense In my opinion, there is something very foul smelling Man Files Lawsuit Against Bush For 9/11 Intelligence Failures CHARGES WERE DROPPED AGAINST MAN WHO'S SUING BUSH Transcript of President Bush's comments regarding the day of the attacks on the World Trade Towers BUSH CAUGHT IN A LIE ABOUT WTC ATTACKS This article from December 2001 is eye-opening! The U.S. authorities HAD warnings from Philippine investigators about hijacked kamikaze planes! (13 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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May 25/27, 2002 Website Help Takes an Extended Holiday Weekend
May 24, 2002 Denver Judge Rules Constitution Null, Void, of No Effect.
May 23, 2002 The Long Awaited Reptilian Agenda is back in production Should be Shipping Next Week! New Improved THREE TAPE Set NTSC VHS - U.S. Canada Format
May 19/20, 2002 David Icke to be a Guest on The Power - XM 169 - Radio with Bernie McCain ~ Washington DC area MONDAY May 20th at 3pm EST Station Website 12th Planet - INBOUND! by Mark Hazelwood Hitler: His Irish Connections The U.S. Hit List at the United Nations First Challenger To Arafat Steps Forward The U.S. Role in the Breakdown of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process American Mainstream Media: Institutionalized Subjectivity (14 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Just about the most abhorrent thing to my mind is a Human Chameleon ISRAEL'S TALIBAN: The rising tide of Israeli extremism Ah yes, "purification" “Terrorism”: The Word Itself Is Dangerous The greatest threat to world peace today is clearly “terrorism” -not the behavior to which the word is applied, but the word itself. US/UK Controlled Puppet Regimes are expected to sign a tripartite agreement on May 30 to construct trans-Afghanistan oil and gas pipelines. or War on Terrorism Sure Pays Off For US/UK Oil Interests Just a Coincidence? Right? Tragedy and terrorism Still unprepared to meet terror Dirty profits from the Holocaust capital Why the US opposes the court US rewrites rules of engagement In the name of the mother
I just waned to express my gratitude for allowing information from my web site HiddenMeanings.Com to be exhibited on your wonderful site. I thank you very much Bill Donahue
May 17/18, 2002 David Icke to be a Guest on "GROUND ZERO" with Clyde Lewis. SATURDAY MAY 18TH FROM 10:30pm - 1:00am PST. Listen Live Here Ground Zero - Clyde Lewis (15 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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MIT Can Put Words in Our Mouths Bush Lied
The Strange $20 Dollar Bill
FLORIDA (16 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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ITS TRUE COLORS ARE YOU A TERRORIST? FBI Director to Propose 'SS' for Terror Afghanistan plans gas pipeline - BBC This after they claimed it was nonsense
"So the idea that oil is now driving this war is totally unrealistic. It would be more sensible to be considering a pipeline on the moon." HA! BBC 70000 euros reward for finding Phillip Cairns's body! Update on the Phillip Cairns case Paying by Fingerprints An Open Letter To America A History of Secret Human Experimentation (17 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Imported from Nepal!
Dear David, There are so many of us. And our children are suffering. We are trying to bring this to the light but the press here in Vancouver refuses to publish our story. The press in South Africa published these articles with photographs to show the abuse. Then "they" sent an advocate over here to tell us to stop contacting the press in South Africa. I am a Mother trying to take care of my little girl. They are treating me like the worst terrorist. I do not have legal representation and they are going to prosecute me for abduction. I don't know who to contact in the press but we have to bring this to the public's attention. They are locking mothers up here in Vancouver because they are trying to prevent abusive ex-husbands from gaining access. I was threatened with incarceration in July 2001 and again in February 2002 when I refused to allow access because my daughter had returned from access with obvious physical and emotional signs of abuse and neglect. Take care, Lisa Mum faces jail in custody drama Sonderup custody row to conclude in Canada SA couple suffer shocking conditions in Canada PE couple’s desperate plea to president’s office Groundswell of support for brave PE mother REPORT FROM A JAPANESE TELEVISION CREW This is not Pedophilia. This is Religious Tradition. (updated page) It originated in the seat of our social and religious culture, Greece and Rome. It set the stage for the religious degrading of women, and it endorsed fully , religious sexual activity with children as a God given gift. IS THIS GRAVE OF BIN LADEN?
The force's commander, Lieutenant Colonel Pat Storgan, said: "Bin Laden did fight at Tora Bora and very little has been seen of him since." Well, if he's in a grave in Tora Bora, I'm amazed that even a "very little" of him has been seen since!! Regards (18 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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New! The Arabian Connection A Conspiracy Against Humanity
Mike Ruppert is speaking in Canada: Calgary - June 6 Edmonton - June 8 Vancouver - June 11 Speaking on the 911 attacks. His website is Info on lectures: Calgary - Nicholas : 403-215-4410
[email protected] Edm/Vanc - Wes : 780-930-1982
[email protected]
The Alternative Answer to Chemtrails?
Since seeing on your site the photos of Bush and others making the 'devil-horns' sign with their fingers, I have kept an eye out for it. Today watching CBC news at around 3pm I saw Yasser Arafat making a speech on reform and during it he distinctly made this sign twice !! I (19 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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was surprised until later I read that he is Masonic or has such affiliations. I thought this might be interesting to you. I am sure this is no surprise to you but maybe you can put info that you know in regards to this connection on your site? Like does the sign mean that he has changed sides or was he always on the side of Bush and Sharon? Stacey (PS -- always on the same side - same masters!) Ipsa scientia potestas est "knowledge itself is power" (Sir. Francis Bacon)
May 15, 2002 Tickets Now Available FOR:
David Icke in Stoke on Trent, England Saturday - August 10, 2002
We are preparing for a change over to a faster server!
May 12, 2002 Reminder: Today is Mother's Day
May 9/10, 2002 September 11, 1990 & the Chronology of the New World Order Dubya's Kinder, Gentler, Compassionate Conservatism SHOWS ITS ARSE & TRUE NATURE August 30-31 and September 1st 2002 Vancouver Canada becomes home to "The Worlds First International Aboriginal, Indigenous, Tribal, Indian, Native Festival"
As plant and animal species disappear so do human societies. The loss of this cultural, variety is incalculable. At risk is a vast archive of knowledge, wisdom, and expertise, a catalogue of human (20 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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imagination, oral and written literature composed of memories of countless elders, healers, warriors, farmers, fishermen, midwifes, poets, artists and saints. In short the artistic, intellectual and spiritual expression of the full complexity and diversity of human experience. Wade Davis: Canadian Writer, Antropologist, Ethnobotanist National Geograhic Magazine Doctor Says He Has Cloned 3 Humans
May 6/7, 2002 Courage to be Yourself Ancient Shamanic Brew & DMT
What the Hell am I Doing Here Anyway? Just Released - New Book by Dr. Lanctot Author of The Medical Mafia (21 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Is it the end of trust in America? Why Have 11 Experts in Bio-Warfare Died Mysteriously Since 9/11? Was this story in any U.S. paper? Nope - it comes from Canada's "Globe and Mail" where, apparently, they still take investigative journalism seriously: "It's a tale only the best conspiracy theorist could dream up. Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of just five months. Some of them world leaders in developing weapons-grade biological plagues. Others the best in figuring out how to stop millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still others, experts in the theory of bioterrorism." Could there possibly be any connection between the delay in revealing the anthrax terrorist - already known to the FBI - and the "elimination" of these experts/potential witnesses?" Bush Clone Rejects
May 3, 2002 Former Afghan President Doubts Osama Behind 9-11 I See Dead People A Message to Remember DENTISTS RISK BEING POISONED BY FILLINGS Did the United States Lose the Cold War? Here they come... Federal Court Okays Forcible Administration of Mind-Altering Drugs Hmmm - to Guarantee a plea of GUILTY!? Bill would push driver's license with chip When did driving become a felony? A pyramid now dominates the sky line of New York It is known as 3 World Financial Center or the American Express building (22 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Illuminati Symbols Enforced "AIDS" treatment so a child can be killed to perpetuate the AIDS lie. The "authorities" say the child is dying because she has HIV. I expect that once they give her the drugs, then she'll die and they'll charge the father with neglect! Funny how the child has been in Australia for three years in perfect health - but now that the authorities have become aware of her - she's suddenly "dying." The father - an alternative therapist with strong views on HIV treatments - is now defying doctors who claim the child is dying and want to start treating her with powerful antiretroviral drugs. Girl suspended for stick-figure doodle MOUNT LEBANON, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A Pennsylvania school suspended an 11-year-old girl for drawing two teachers with arrows through their heads, saying the stick figures were more death threat than doodle. This is major CNN news--while the victims of minister rape get no justice Inhaltsverzeichnis - Prozess gegen Psychiatrie True facts about psychiatry Remote-control rats raise ethical issues for humans Interesting Poll... More people believe the New World Order and even the White House had more to do with 9-11 than Osama bin Laden.....
May 2, 2002 Finally, At Last The 30th Edition of Freedom Road The David Icke Interactive E~Magazine THE MAP OF "THE CREATOR" Beheaded Girl in Kansas Might Not be the Missing Over a Year Girl (but reported this year) in Bushland Florida Do you smell something suspicious? PROBLEM
Two Little Girls Missing in the U.S. Along with the Missing Children in Australia, Ireland, England, etc... What's this world coming to? (23 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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REACTION A Satellite Baby-Sitting Service Complete with Implanted Chips For GPS Location SOLUTION In record media time - 24 hours
May 1, 2002 COME and JOIN US for a UNIQUE SEMINAR featuring David Icke For the 1st time in France Author of the Best-Seller The Biggest Secret With Guilaine Lanctot author of The Medical Mafia In LYON (France) on May 4-5 2002 Contact:
[email protected] Catholic Church Under Siege The Truth Behind the Pretzel Affair The Next BUSH President Bush and Casper What Bush did to the 1st Amendment Watchtower's Valley of the Grotesque Robert Bryant - another JW Murderer! Hundreds mourn a little-known family New! - Master the Matrix
April 30, 2002 (24 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Catholic Cardinal Blames 6 year old boy for Catholic Cardinal's Rape of 6 year old boy In Legal Documents Filed in Court Zeus Rapes Ganymede POWER STEERING: THE BIONIC COW Jury Rules Against MTBE and Oil Liars Shigellosis Outbreak at North Carolina Kindercare 'Worst ever' GM Crop Invasion The world's worst case of pollution by genetically-engineered crops has taken place in southern Mexico HOW THEY RULE TRACKING BOARDROOM INTERCONNECTIONS The the top brass of the corporate class are more incestuous than you could ever believe. shows how buddy buddy these Fortune 100 companies really are. For example, Coke and Pepsi rulers sit side-by-side at Bristol Myers Squibb meetings. Big banks govern drug and health companies with the same board members. Monsanto Up To Its Old Dirty Tricks Again Queen to Enter Beauty Contest? Word Tricks And Propaganda The 'Kosher Nostra Scam' Texas Should be Freed! Lincoln's Spectacular Lie Catholic Cardinal Mahony and the archdiocese were sued for racketeering, negligence and fraud by sexually abused men who claim that the church amounted to a criminal enterprise that protected priests who preyed on young people. Israeli troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships rolled into Al-khalil, the West Bank's most populous city of 120,000 Palestinians, and created another tragedy, similar to the one in Jenin. ABC Report on Skull and Bones Bushzilla - Don't Fear the Reaper Pretzel Boy Bush HomeLand Security Forces If the Prez only had a brain
"A POST TURTLE" (25 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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While suturing a laceration on the hand of a 70-year-old Texas rancher(whose hand had caught in a gate while working cattle), a doctor and the old man were talking about George W. Bush being in the White House. The old Texan said, "Well, ya know, Bush is a 'post turtle'." Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was. The old man said, "When you're driving down a country road, and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain, "You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he can't get anything done while he's up there, and you just want to knock the poor dumb thing down."
April 29, 2002 George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane State of Emergency Post-911 Terrorist Attacks Israeli Defense Forces at Jenin The Queeen's a reptile; David Icke says so, So maybe the Pistols got it right; Maybe they were fighting the good fight? ~ Bard of Ely ~ Frat Boys Rule The Earth It's an angry, violent, warmongering world out there right now. You just live in it What Israel Has Done Massacro di Jenin or What the REAL anti-Semites do Sharon and Bush Get Another Terrorist BATF/Treasury Dept/Secretary of the Treasury/FBI/Janet Reno at Waco OOOPS Israeli Defense/Isreali Army/Ariel Sharon/US Foreign Policy at JENIN It Would Seem that Israeli Jack Booted Thugs take Lessons from the BATF/FBI Jack Booted Thugs? or vice versa? No solution in sight for Bethlehem church siege (26 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Israel denies food and medical supplies to Christians The Gods at War The Israeli army says it was responding to a series of attacks it believed to have originated from the Hebron area What the statement REALLY says! The Israeli army does not KNOW that any attacks originated from Hebron and decided to kill people anyway. German student killer linked to Satanic groups ,latest! Satanic murders or human sacrifice cases
In December 2000, a young girl disappeared from Milton Keynes. Her body was discovered in the grounds of Woburn Abbey, the ancestral home of The Dukes of Tavistock - MK and Tavistock, yes?. Her face was bashed in, the coroner says after she was killed. Her boyfriend and his mate have been jailed for it, even though no satisfactory evidence exists to say they did it. At the same time an elite ceremony was going on in Dublin. An alignment exists through St Paul's Walden (birth place of the QM), through Woburn (where Rachel's body was discovered) and through to Dublin (where the foundation stone was being layed for a new university building. According to everyone, it seems, who knew the boyfriend, this was totally out of character. Oh, and this was over a Full Moon. Come LOOK INTO THE DARK PLACES WITH The Enron Nine The Bush Administration and Enron Reverse magnetic field emanating from *South Africa* When North Goes South A Study by Computer Simulation of the Generation and Evolution of the Earth's Magnetic Field 177 Priests Removed In 28 States For Molesting Children What Makes You So Special? or The Holocaust Reenacted - in Palestine Cover-up of Atrocities in Progress Israel Will NOT Allow U.N. Inspection The U.S. Should Bomb Israel? The U.S. did the same for less to Iraq The Good, The Bad And The Israelis Blatant hypocrisy of the Zionists and their Anglo American allies Sharon's Plan Is To Drive (27 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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All Palestinians Across The Jordan EPA Coverup Of Ground Zero WTC Toxics Alleged September 11th Environmental Hypocrisy Ashcroft is Guilty of Constitutional Treason assuming the Constitution was an operative document The Gods at War (again) More God Wars Oat fiber may cut need for blood pressure medicines Wireless Data Blaster Radio's oldest technology is providing a new way for portable electronics to transmit large quantities of data rapidly without wires
April 27, 2002 al-Qaida and other Terrorist Groups Safe Harboured in Canada! Warning! Canadians Run for Cover The Bush War is Coming Your Way By the way Canada - Where's the oil? Where there's Bush and War THERE'S OIL! Here is where the oil is in Canada. This way Bush There is also oil in Columbia. This way Bush (oh you are already there!) The Beast from Bentonville
"Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception." --- Mark Twain Irish paedophiles force children to have sex with animals! The Nova Scotia Government Condones Child Abuse (28 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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AOL posts biggest quarterly loss in U.S. history They Must Have Bought!??? Cloned calves could duplicate best steaks, burgers Why not? It worked for the US Presidency! except for the quality part Dozens of humans have been cloned in China! Poppy Bush did spend a lot of time and money over there! The Human Cloning Foundation
Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool" (Plato) "Great act buddy, everybody's buyin' it,
keep it up, the General will give the signal." ROME CONQUERS JUDEA - Click Here for more Pope and Churches Continue to Support 2000 Year Old Christian Practice Have trouble with the headline above? St. Augustine Supported it too! Largest Supporters of George Busch (29 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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or Who put the Ding in Ding-a-Ling - Ding-Dong 50 Lawyers Arrested In Pakistan In the US that Would Be a Blessing Klez Email Worm In Olde English - Wyrm is a Serpent or Dragon
The Dragon is singing,
"Fee Fi Fo Fumm...Yum, yumm!" Dreaming of a New World Order and a Brighter Day Repentant Swaggart Returns to the Pulpit Greeting the Terrorists A.M.A. Achieves Success Greenie Party Invents NO POLLUTION AUTOMOBILE In the Year 2525 My Country Tis of Thee The Crawford White House Mainstream Media Gets Close to a Truth A Real Blueblood Anti-Defamation League Found Guilty Of Spying By California Court Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese Secret Police Solidiers with a Moral Conscience Jailed As morally as you wage war you cannot wage a moral war. "What happened to the Fourth Amendment? We're living in a police state." Does the name Dubya ring a bell? God-El vs. God-Al and 9th grade boys are MURDERED (30 of 32) [6/16/2002 1:12:17 PM]
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Christianity's Traditions Perpetuation of Ganymede's Ordeals by Jove (J'ov'a)? RELIGION IS TRULY THE ANTI CHRIST ~ BIll Donahue ~ ...the governments of the world are either in battle or preparing for battle ~ ~ the obvious alternative is to turn away from Presidents and politics, and Bibles and bullets to a voice of reason, calm, and salvation, out of the clutches of the violent systems of the world...
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"All truth passes through 3 stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -- Arthur Schopenhauer
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"Cracking the Code" New, Breakthrough Third Edition The Uniform Commercial Code, "UCC," the subject of this manual, is the transcendent, paramount achievement of the efforts of a few thousands of intensely dedicated and single-minded collaborators (dare we call it "conspiracy"?) over the last two-plus millennia. It is the culmination of an almost incomprehensibly complex, systematic, intricate, pervasive, and far-reaching agenda of strategic and tactical global planning to secure absolute legal, financial, social, ecclesiastical, and political (military) dominance over the people of Earth. The fundamental medium chosen for accomplishing these iniquitous aims: Commerce. The UCC, first introduced in 1954, has been developed across the centuries with microscopically excruciating and painstaking attention to detail for avoiding forever risk of detection and revelation of its true nature. It was fully (1 of 11) [6/16/2002 1:14:46 PM]
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expected that the Code would never be cracked. Proof of this fact is the absence of any device/mechanism for the enforced reversal of the process and recapture of slaves who manage to break free. If you are a slave interested in breaking free, this manual has answers you have been searching for. Embarking on the pages of this volume, however, is comparable with "taking the red pill," and so should be carefully considered by worshipers of Big Brother and the faint of heart--for with such knowledge also comes the innate urge for responsibility, an unpleasant prospect for many. No matter your level of interest in the workings of the world around you and your commitment in making it a better place, if you "decide on the red pill" you will never again see it in the same way. The Code has been cracked, and awaits your decision. The book will contain a CD-ROM with all pertinent UCC forms in Adobe Acrobat Reader Format (along with the Adobe software), so you will not have to search for forms. Also, the Preface for the book has been included here to give you a better idea of what's in store . Preface This book has been written for the purpose of showing anyone how to successfully withstand and nullify unsolicited demands for payment/performance from attorneys, banks, judges, clerks of court, police, taxmen, and government agents (and anyone else who would casually and unjustly damage one's life) and cease being muscled into "doing business" with such parties against his will. Any who proceed against the Redemptor1[1] after having been noticed are vulnerable for both (2 of 11) [6/16/2002 1:14:46 PM]
Money and Frauds Fiction with Purpose Water Filter System View Basket Check Out Free ONLINE Books Special Listings Bibliography of Trance Formation of America DAVID ICKE BOOKS Bibliography-Title Children of the Matrix The Biggest Secret truth shall set you free Bibliography-Author Children of the Matrix The Biggest Secret truth shall set you free Recommended Reading Friends of Freedom Links You can mail your order to: Hidden Mysteries TGS P.O. Box 950 Yoakum, Texas 77995 Or email an order
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immediate and long-term grievous and catastrophic personal financial/commercial ruin, thereby providing adequate motivation to look elsewhere for a more compliant "customer." As abundantly documented herein, the judicial system may be accurately defined as "a private, invitation-only, cultic, British-owned and operated, commercial extortion racket," with only an apparent monopoly over the transference of wealth and control of personal freedom in this country. The prescriptions contained within the pages of this manual can set you free of this menace. In America-as in any communist country2[2]-Big Brother's modus operandi consists of bringing down the full might of the government upon any unlucky "citizen" that crosses paths with its divine agenda (absolute ownership and control of all property and people). Few, if any, can withstand such an assault. Operating in limited liability with official immunity, Big Brother's operatives wreak holy hell on a daily basis against any they choose, but continually walk away from the carnage unscathed.3[3] For those who follow the precepts as presented in this manual, such days are numbered, if not over. The procedures appearing in this volume, if scrupulously followed, can render any legal attacker immediately liable and fully personally accountable for his/her actions should he/she proceed-the right medicine for anyone suffering from a case of the "More Equal4[4] Than Thou Syndrome"-and the best reason to halt all proceedings. Cracking the Code Third Edition© offers a new plateau of stability and is orders of magnitude beyond the first two editions. This process is tried and true and cannot be (3 of 11) [6/16/2002 1:14:46 PM]
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defeated if followed without alteration. The non-judicial Uniform Commercial Code has been cracked and is now utterly accessible for any who would examine the contents of this manual. As you will discover, the assurances made in the preceding paragraphs are not hollow chatter: this text can set you free. The treatises, essays, and historical material contained in this book are all on solid legal ground. It is not a matter of if we are on the right trail or not; it is rather a matter of how well we read the trail markings we encounter-because the remedies described in this manual are working like crazy north, east, south and west, and the successes contained herein will free you of the ranting of any critic.5[5] The main failing with professional (and amateur) critics is that that particular vocation does not involve helping people and getting things done. It just involves tearing down things that might help, and stopping others from breaking free of Big Brother's clutches-an occupational calling/hobby with a marginal sanity index. When you come across someone who is preoccupied with stopping this process and saying how bad it all is, realize that the critic is a "company man," obsessed with infecting all with the venom of statism,6[6] and does not have your best interests at heart-and likely never will.7[7] An honorable critic would bring forth another solution, i.e. another remedy for the situation at hand, rather than just sounding a general hue and cry8[8] and proclaiming that all (sheep) should stand stockstill9[9] and accept their fate as "part of life." As with the first two editions, the initial aim of this volume is fully acquainting you with the process of regaining control of the all-capital-letters juristic10[10] (4 of 11) [6/16/2002 1:14:46 PM]
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name/TRADE NAME that began appearing on legal documents, such as the Social Security card in your possession, following the registration of your birth. This name is "yours" only in the sense that it belongs to you; it does not identify you. The problem with such a name is that even though it belongs to you, and was created expressly to reference you, someone else has custody of itmeaning that someone else can control the travels that particular piece of intellectual property (the all-caps TRADE NAME) and has been using it for financial gain courtesy of your labor. This handbook shows you how to rectify this situation. Having accomplished the foregoing, the main objective of this manual becomes providing you with the means for fortifying your existence and deflecting all legal and financial assaults on your freedom, family, wealth, property, and peace of mind. The legality of the issues addressed herein is well substantiated in the common law and the UCC, and you are limited only by your lack of understanding of them. The Glossary contained herein has been specifically created and annotated to assist you in acquiring a working knowledge of the key issues. Material has been laid out so that the reader can go straight into the practical application of the filing instructions, adapt the sample documents with the details of his/her life, and successfully file the documents without doing anything else. However, such practice is basically "treating the symptom" and is not recommended because the cause of the condition-unwanted victimization at the hands of the system-is still unresolved; sort of like being lost in the jungle, finding a compass, but then not knowing which direction is the best way out. (5 of 11) [6/16/2002 1:14:46 PM]
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The theory portion of this volume, as well as the items in the Appendix, affords a treetop perch for those who might be lost in the legal/commercial/political jungle: one with a bird's-eye view of the whole territory as never before. Once a bewildered traveler gets a compass reading on the right landmark, he can thereafter successfully negotiate any difficulties encountered on his way out of the jungle because of acquired certainty of where he is headed and the full expectation that he will make it. Whether you do your filing(s) sooner rather than later, steady progress between the covers of this manual, however unhurried, will give you a new perspective on the same old surroundings and produce a courage and a confidence that can fuel your journey all the way out of the "jungle" and onto the highroad for a better life. Because the Code has been cracked, the filing procedures and background material are now simple. Matters have now been removed from the private, monopolistic, judicial system, and players within that arena have become personally commercially accountable for their actions. These breakthroughs have thereby greatly remedied the nuisance of dealing with the courts, the courts' extreme formalism, and the secret rituals11[11] of the inner sanctum of the legal fraternity, "the Brotherhood." For those reading this page that may have the misfortune of being involved in an ongoing legal dilemma, some words of encouragement: the procedure contained herein is beneficial at any stage of the game.12[12] The more entangled one has become, the more complicated it can seem to be to extricate oneself from the tentacles of those who would gleefully destroy one's life. Obviously, the (6 of 11) [6/16/2002 1:14:46 PM]
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further along on the judicial conveyor belt, the more difficult things can become. However, irrespective of what has happened, the liberation procedure is essentially the same no matter what stage of the game you are in. A healthy (and workable) approach is simply to write off everything that has already happened, chalk it up to experience, and start afresh and anew with a clean heart. What is offered here can be completely locked into place in very short order and can serve you thereafter in many different circumstances.13[13] This manual will also introduce you with the very real possibility of personal independence and functional sovereignty. Believe it or not, it was the exercise of your inherent sovereign right to "decide" with whom you would contract that got you into this mess in the first place. The first step in regaining sovereignty is reestablishing ownership and control of the corporately colored property identified as your all-capital-letters TRADE NAME (and any and all other corruptions/permutations thereof). That, and the procedure to fortify your freedom and maintain control of your worldly possessions thereafter, has been presented here in detail to ensure your understanding of the subject and assist you in your efforts to create a pleasant and worry-free life for yourself. Wishing you happier times . . . The Authors [1] Redemptor: Latin. One who buys back, reclaims (one who has reclaimed legal title over his life and property). [2] All 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto are firmly entrenched in daily American life, deeply implanted in (7 of 11) [6/16/2002 1:14:46 PM]
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America's psyche, and thoroughly dispersed in an ocean of code, i.e. "law." [3] As well as innumerable, eminently qualified judges, a prime example of this phenomenon is the former California Insurance Commissioner, Chuck Quackenbush. In addition to padding his own political career, and likely lining his own pockets and the pockets of his cohorts, this man was personally accountable for the ruination of the lives of thousands (if not tens of thousands) of California families whose homes were damaged/destroyed in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, by officially letting insurance companies off the hook-to the tune of billions of dollars. Chuck Quackenbush has quietly slipped into obscurity without so much as a slap on the wrist. [4] In Animal Farm, the brilliant little allegory of communism by George Orwell, the original, sacred "Seven Commandments" were continually altered/deleted for favoring the pigs (the leaders) until, in the end, there was only one commandment left: "ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS." [5] For conclusive, unimpeachable documentary evidence (from the Federal Reserve) of the correctness of the procedures set forth in this manual, see "How to Sign When Your Signature is Demanded" in Appendix. [6] Statism: A theory of government which holds that the returns from group or individual enterprise are vested in the state, as in communism. Funk & Wagnall's New College Standard Dictionary, 1947. [7] "Remember, a statue has never been set up in honor of (8 of 11) [6/16/2002 1:14:46 PM]
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a critic." Jean Sibelius (renowned composer), Oxford Dictionary of Twentieth Century Quotations. [8] Hue and cry: A great stir and clamor about any matter. [9] Stockstill: As still as a stock or post; motionless. [10] Juristic: Of or relating to law. [11] "The characteristic of the earlier Roman law was its extreme formalism. From its first secret administration as the law of the privileged classes it expanded until it became the basis of all civilized legal systems." Catholic Encyclopedia. [12] As of this writing these breakthrough procedures have already stopped the levying of a bank account after judgment had been finalized. [13] Professional assistance, support, and (non-legal) document preparation services are available through the publisher. End Excerpt Click Here to view back cover Paperback, 424 pages, 8.5x11” & CD Rom Disk Shipping weight: 42 oz Price: $125.00 & Shipping
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Hidden Mysteries Books EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL: The Encyclopedia of Conspiracy Theories by Robert Anton Wilson EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL: The Encyclopedia of Conspiracy Theories by Robert Anton Wilson, Miriam Joan Hill (Contributor) Before the X-Files, before alt.conspiracy, there was Robert Anton Wilson and his legendary Illuminatus! Trilogy. Now this avatar of conspiriology, renowned for his razor wit and progressive philosophy, takes you on a fascinating, eclectic ride through what Wilson has termed the "Cultic Twilight" where conspiracy theories flourish. Everything Is Under Control covers the range of Wilson's kaleidoscopic knowledge, from John Adams to the Voronezh (former Soviet Union) UFO sighting, the Campus Crusade for Cthulhu to the Mothman prophecies, and everything in between. What do the Freemasons, the Kennedys, and Princess Diana have in common? All are at the center of gigantic conspiracy theories with incredibly complex and endlessly multiplying twists, turns, highways and byways. Arranged by alphabetical entries which include cross-references to other entries in the book and also provide addresses to related sites on the Web, this book is truly interactive-you can dip in, read through, or follow one of the URLs from an interesting entry onto the internet. (1 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:22:05 PM]
What some famous people say about Robert Anton Wilson: "A dazzling barker hawking tickets to the most thrilling tilt-a-whirls and daring loop-o-planes on the midway to higher consciousness." -Tom Robbins "Wilson managed to reverse every mental polarity in me, as if I had been pulled through infinity." --Philip K. Dick "One of the most important scientific philosophers of his century-scholarly, witty, scientific, hip and hopeful." --Dr. Timothy Leary Excerpts: A-Albionic Consulting and Research The most plausible of the multiconspiracy theories--i.e., those scenarios that do not claim that one supersecret criminal gang rules this planet, but rather that at least two such "gangs" exist, at war with each other--comes forth from an outfit styling itself A-Albionic Consulting and Research, in Ferndale, Michigan. A-Albionic began in 1985 with a common or garden-variety uniconspiracy theory, blaming everything on the British royal family--rather like Lyndon LaRouche, who may have served as their original inspiration. In 1989, however, A-Albionic revised their model of the world (yes, they actually use the scientific word "model" and show other signs of some technical education). The post-1989 A-Albionic scenario holds that, in their own words (capitals included), "The Overt and Covert Organs of the Vatican and the British Empire are Locked in Mortal Combat for Control of the World." A-Albionic traces this Mortal Combat back to the reign of the first Queen (2 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:22:05 PM]
Elizabeth, when Protestant-Catholic warfare raged all over Europe--the time when the English, typically, made their pioneer scientific rationalist, Sir Francis Bacon, a high government official, while the Vatican took their pioneer scientific rationalist, Giordano Bruno, and burned him at the stake. The British Crown and the Throne of Peter have continued to make war on each other ever since, in this model, and every other "interest group," "trade union," "association of manufacturers," Mafia family, international bank or intelligence agency--everything that might qualify as a conspiracy in anybody's mind--have all become puppets, unknowingly, in this megastruggle. Thus, the Windsor Family Mega-Conspiracy manipulates a motley crew, which A-Albionic sums up as "Comsymp-International Banker-JudeoMasonic-Labour Party-British Intelligence-Socialist International-Social Democrat-Fabian-AFL-CIO-UAW-KGB"--the same unlikely bedfellows that appear in many anti-Illuminati theories. The Vatican, on the opposite side of the world power struggle, controls an assembly of "CIA-Fascist International-Georgetown Jesuits-McCarthyite-Buckleyite-Knights of Malta." (See Knights of Malta and P2.) Duoconspiracy theories, like uniconspiracy theories, often lead to logical conclusions that seem bizarre to outsiders. Thus, the late Carroll Quigley, professor of history at Georgetown University, appears as a member of the Insiders in the John Birch Societytheory, and these alleged Insiders, who sound a lot like the Illuminati, all belong to the British Royal Family Jumbo Conspiracy in A-Albionic's system. In fact, many right-wing theories become compatible if one identifies Insiders with Illuminati and both with international bankers (Jewish, Dutch, or whichever suspects you prefer). . . . Ergo, Quigley was an agent of the Windsor Gang. But Prof. Quiqley taught at Georgetown, which the Jesuits own, so this makes him actually a tool of the Vatican conspiracy according to AAlbionic. He had entered the Windsor-InsiderInternational BankerIlluminati conspiracy, A-Albionic says, but only to expose it. Quigley's (3 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:22:05 PM]
book, Tragedy and Hope, usually cited by right-wingers as "inadvertently" revealing the Insider's plot for world government, had nothing inadvertent about it at all. The Jesuits sent Quigley to spy out the enemy and publish their secrets, according to A-Albionic. This minor detail in the conspiratorial mosaic became a matter of passionate debate among conspiriologists during the 1992 presidential race, because Bill Clinton, in one speech, mentioned Prof. Quigley as a teacher who had vastly inspired him in his youth. To the majority of rightwing conspiracy buffs, this "proved" that Clinton worked for the Insiders, or the Illuminati or at least the international bankers. But A-Albionic insisted on their own analysis. If President Clinton really received inspiration from a Jesuit school, they claim, then he has become a tool of the Vatican/CIA, or anti-Illuminati, conspiracy. See also: The Con, Princess Di's Death, Terra Papers, Yankee and Cowboy War Reference: National Association for Consumer Protection in Mental Health Practices The National Association for Consumer Protection in Mental Health Practices, founded by Christopher Barden, is engaged in a state by state drive to enact laws that would require mental health practioners to provide scientific evidence that their methods are safe and effective, before they can receive state insurance money. Largely inspired by the dismal record of the recovered memory movement, this organization wants every therapist to show that the methods used have been proven "safe and effective by rigorous, valid and reliable scientific investigations and accepted as safe and effective by a substantial majority of the relevant scientific community." The model law written by Barden, who is both a lawyer and a Ph.D. in (4 of 6) [6/16/2002 1:22:05 PM]
psychology, says that patients "have a legal and moral right to be fully and fairly informed of the risks and hazards and relative benefits of all proposed mental health treatments." In 1995 the American Psychological Association set aside nearly a million dollars to fight this proposed legislation. See also Abductees Anonymous, Demonic Duck, Corey Hammond, Making Monsters, Satanic Panic Reference: Making Monsters: False Memories, Psychotherapy and Sexual Hysteria by Richard Ofshe and Ethan Watters, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1996 p 318-319 End Excerpts. Paperback, 448 pages, 7” x 9” Shipping weight: 24 oz. Price: 17.95 & shipping
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Reaching for Reality - Hidden Mysteries Books
Hidden Mysteries Books Reaching for Reality: Seven Incredible True Stories of Alien Abduction by Constance Clear Reaching for Reality : Seven Incredible True Stories of Alien Abduction by Constance Clear ”Reaching For Reality is light years beyond any book about the strange and controversial subject of alien abduction that you have every read or heard of. This book takes the reader into the inner lives of seven people who have had this experience – and does it in their own words. Constance Clear’s thoughtful commentary never demands belief, but rather informs a powerful aand compelling case that these shocking, amazing and deeply human stories may really be what they seem: commentaries from beyond the edge of the known.” – Whitley Strieber, author of Communion, Confirmation… “We can only welcome this book. Constance Clear is one of the increasing, though still small, number of gifted clinicians who are making it possible for their clients to speak of these extraordinary experiences.” – Dr. John E. Mack, MD, author of abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens (1 of 4) [6/16/2002 1:23:49 PM]
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“Reaching For Reality is an excellent addition to the growing body of abduction literature. Through her thoughtful analysis and the fascinating accounts of her clients, Constance Clear provides good information about this most important phenomenon while furthering our knowledge of it.” – David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., author of Secret Life and The Threat Excerpt: Page 57-58 I begin getting a series of rapid images. Very clear images, but of extremely short duration. Before I can describe each, I’ve moved on to the next one. I’ve entered an auditorium. There are many people in it. I think most of them are Grays. The auditorium is semicircular; I’ve stepped in through doors at the back. The lighting is subdued, and the feel is of a social event. There are some humans down there – they stand out. One man is wearing a white T-shirt and jeans. He’s about 30 feet away. He stops and is talking with someone, standing hipshot, relaxed. The seating is a series of benches that follow the contours of the room. Some Grays are seated. We’re getting ready for a presentation. My feet are bare. There is a keyboard I’m familiar with. A display console is above it, with numerous icons spread across the surface. Each is some variation on a fancy crescent moon with brilliant colors, reds, oranges, yellows. The colors seem to have to do with the level of urgency for each icon. The screen has fine, gold grid lines on it. Some of the icons are drifting slowly. Streams of data are going by inside an oval window on the console. The data is supplemental to other things on the display, details about things. I’m supposed to read everything that’s in green characters and read the rest if I have time. Another icon is yellow and resembles a hammer & sickle. My job is to make adjustments. If you touch one of the icons, it can be “dragged” along the console display. I’ve gotten good at it over the years; accustomed to (2 of 4) [6/16/2002 1:23:49 PM]
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how it works, but I can’t tell you it’s function. End Excerpt Paperback, 230 pages , 6” x 9” Shipping weight: 16 oz. Price: $16.95 & shipping
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The Illuminati Formula - Hidden Mysteries
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The Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler The Illuminati Formula used to create an UNDETECTABLE TOTAL MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE By Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler From the Dedication: This book is dedicated to the two million Americans and counting who have been programmed with Monarch-type traumabased mind control. This book is written to destroy trauma-based mind control before it destroys the human race. It's time for this horrendous secret to end.... From the Introduction: There are many dangers to the human race, some real and some imagined. I believe that the trauma-based mind control which this book exposes is the greatest danger to the human race. It gives evil men the power to carry out any evil deed totally undetected. By the time the astute reader finishes this book, they will be as familiar with how to carry out trauma-based mind-control as some of the programmers. Ancient and more recent secrets will no longer be secrets. Over the years, I have spent thousands of hours studying the Illuminati, (1 of 4) [6/16/2002 1:24:16 PM]
The Illuminati Formula - Hidden Mysteries
the Intelligence agencies of the world, and the occult world in general. The centerpiece of these organizations is the trauma-based mind control that they carry out. Without the ability to carry out this sophisticated type of mind-control using MPD, drugs, hypnosis and electronics and other control methodologies, these organizations would fail to keep their dark evil deeds secret. When one of the mind-control programmers of the Church of Scientology, who has left Scientology, was asked about MPD, he said, "It's the name of the game of mind control." Research into this subject will never be complete. This book has tried to give a comprehensive view of how the programming is done. The basic techniques were developed in German, Scottish, Italian, and English Illuminati families and have been done for centuries. Some report that some of the techniques go back to ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon to the ancient mystery religions. The Nazis are known to have studied ancient Egyptian texts in their mind control research. The records and secrets of the generational Illuminati bloodlines are very-well guarded secrets. Even when I've learned about the location of secret depositories of some of the Illuminati's secrets in Europe, America, and Asia, their records and secrets are too well-guarded to be examined. The intelligence agencies, such as MI-6 began investigating these mindcontrol techniques early this century, but their records have been routinely destroyed and tampered with. There are some survivors and professionals who know that the British used programmed trauma-based MPD (DID) agents in W.W.I. In Jan., 1987, Richard Kluft submitted an article to the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis about 8 MPD patients who were between 60 and 72 years of age..... Excerpts: Page 53 When the programmer wants the child's alters to learn to trance deeper, he will give a drug that the alter doesn't like. The child's alter will then be (2 of 4) [6/16/2002 1:24:16 PM]
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told to go deeper into the mind if they want to escape the effect of the drug. This enforces the dissociative state being trained for the alter. The suggestion or story line that is given to the alter is frequently the picture of a train. The child is told that the conductor is at the front of the train, but he must move to the back of the train through the train cars. The child is taught to count cars when they go by as if they were steps in the mind..... Page 53 One particular drug enhances the trauma by 100 times. ... 8 1/2 x 11, Comb-bound manual style 468 pages Weight 45 oz. Price $69.00
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Witchcraft & the Illuminati - Hidden Mysteries
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Witchcraft & the Illuminati by unknown The Witchcraft & the Illuminati by unknown From a Christian point of reference, this booklet exposes the relationships between Witchcraft and the Illuminati, through the inter-related connections and symbologies. An excellent resource, even for those not theologically moved towards Chrisitianity. Quotes from booklet: "In 1865 Abraham Lincoln wanted to rebuild the South. Lincoln refused to pay off the war debts by borrowing from the International Bankers, and os was assassinated by Illuminist John Wilkes Booth. (Presisdent Kenndey was likewise killed, because he reportedly came against the Illuminati's orders.) The Secret Service aided in both murders." "Though the Illuminati indeed controls the Financial, Political, Civil, Religious, and Social areas of the world, the Illuminati is much more than these groups." 79 pages. 5x8, Booklet. Weight: 10 oz. (1 of 3) [6/16/2002 1:25:58 PM]
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