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Ciba Foundation Symposium 187
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OCiba Foundation 1994 Published in 1994 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Baffins Lane, Chichester West Sussex PO19 IUD, England Telephone National Chichester (0243) 779777 International ( + 44) (243) 779777 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, or transmitted, or translated into a machine language without the written permission of the publisher. Other Wiley Editorial Of$ces
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA Jacaranda Wiley Ltd, G.P.O. Box 859, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia John Wiley & Sons (Canada) Ltd, 22 Worcester Road, Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1L1, Canada John Wiley & Sons (SEA) Pte Ltd, 37 Jalan Pemimpin #05-04, Block B, Union Industrial Building, Singapore 2057 Suggested series entry for library catalogues: Ciba Foundation Symposia Ciba Foundation Symposium 187 xi+281 pages, 32 figures, 13 tables Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData Vaccines against virally induced cancers. p. cm.-(Ciba Foundation symposium; 187) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0 471 95026 2 I . Viral carcinogenesis-Congresses. 2. Viral vaccinesCongresses. 3. Cancer-lmmunotherapy-Congresses. I. Frazer, I. H. (Ian H.) 11. Series. [ DNLM: 1. Neoplasms-immunology-congresses. 2. Tumor Virus Infections-immunology-congresses. 3. Vaccines-immunologycongresses. 4. Oncogenic Viruses-pathogenicity-congresses. W3 C161F v. 187 1994 / 42200 V116 19941 RC268.57,V33 1994 616.99' 4079-dc20 DNLM/DLC for Library of Congress 94-33207 CIP British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is
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Symposium on Vaccines against virally induced cancers, held at the Ciba Foundation, London, 15-1 7 March 1994 This symposium is based on a proposal made by Ian Frazer Editors: Derek J. Chadwick (Organizer) and Joan Marsh I. Frazer Introduction
D. J. Moss, S. R. Burrows, A. Suhrbier and R. Khanna Potential antigenic targets on Epstein-Barr virus-associated tumours and the host response 4 Discussion 13 M. Stanley, N. Coleman and M. Chambers The host response to lesions induced by human papillomavirus 21 Discussion 32
General discussion I Sterile immunity 45 G. de ThC, R. Bomford, M. Kazanji and F. Ibrahim Human T cell lymphotropic virus: necessity for and feasibility of a vaccine 47 Discussion 55 M. S. Campo and W. F. H. Jarrett Vaccination against cutaneous and mucosal papillomavirus in cattle 61 Discussion 73 P. C. L. Beverley, E. Sadovnikova, X. Zhu, J. Hickling, L. Gao, B. Chain, S. Collins, L. Crawford, K. Vousden and H. J. Stauss Strategies for studying mouse and human immune responses to human papillomavirus type 16 78 Discussion 86 V
C. J. M. Melief and W.M. Kast Prospects for T cell immunotherapy of tumours by vaccination with immunodominant and subdominant peptides 97 Discussion 105 D. R. Milich, J. Jones, J. Hughes and T. Maruyama Hepatitis B virus infection, the immune response and hepatocellular carcinoma 1 13 Discussion 129 B. T. Huber, U. Beutner and M. Subramanyam The role of superantigens in the immunobiology of retroviruses 132 Discussion 140 General discussion I1 Antigen-presenting cells
P. Cresswell, M. J. Androlewicz and B. Ortmann Assembly and transport of class I MHC-peptide complexes Discussion 162
F. Y. Liew Induction and regulation of CD4+ T cell subsets Discussion 176
P. A. Cohen, D. H. Fowler, H. Kim, R. L. White, B. J. Czerniecki, C. Carter, R. E. Cress and S. A. Rosenberg Propagation of mouse and human T cells with defined antigen specificity and function 179 Discussion 194 M. L. Disis, H. Bernhard, J. R. Gralow, S. L. Hand, S. R. Emery, E. Calenoff and M. A. Cheever Immunity to the HER-Z/neu oncogenic protein 198 Discussion 207
P. D. Greenberg, B. Nelson, M. Gilbert, A. Sing, C. Yee, M. Jensen and S. R. Riddell Genetic modification of T cell clones to improve the safety and efficacy of adoptive T cell therapy 212 Discussion 224
A. Y. C. Huang, P. Golumbek, M. Ahmadzadeh, E. Jaffee, D. Pardoll and H. Levitsky Bone marrow-derived cells present MHC class Irestricted tumour antigens in priming of antirumour immune responses 229 Discussion 240
P. C. Doherty, R. A. Tripp and J. W. Sixbey Evasion of host immune responses by tumours and viruses 245 Discussion 256 Final discussion 26 1 Index of contributors 271 Subject index 273
J. P. Allison Cancer Research Laboratory, 447 LSA, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
J. R. Arrand Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Christie Hospital, Wilmslow Road, Withington, Manchester M20 9BX, UK P. C. L. Beverley ICRF Tumour Immunology Unit, University College London Medical School, 91 Riding House Street, London W l P 8BT, UK M. S. Campo Wolfson Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Garscube Estate, Switchback Road, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 IBD, UK
M. A. Cheever Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology, RM-17, BBl321 Health Sciences Building, University of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific Street, Seattle, WA 98195, USA L. Chen Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute, 3005 First Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121, USA P. A. Cohen Surgery Branch, Building 10, Room 2B56, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA P. Cresswell Section of Immunobiology, Room 414 FMB, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University School of Medicine, 3 10 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06510, USA G. de The Unit6 d’EpidCmiologie des Virus Oncogknes, Institut Pasteur, 28 Rue du Dr ROUX,F-75724 Paris Cedex 15, France P. C. Doherty Department of Immunology, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, University of Tennessee, 332 North Lauderdale, PO Box 318, Memphis, TN 38104, USA ix
L. Eisenbach Department of Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, IL 76100, Israel I. H. Frazer (Chairman)Lions Human Immunology Laboratories, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland 4102, Australia D. A. Galloway Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1124 Columbia Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2092, USA P. Greenberg Departments of Medicine and Immunology, University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Division of Oncology, RM-17, BB1321 Health Sciences Building, 1959 NE Pacific Street, Seattle, WA 98195, USA P. M. Howley Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, 200 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 021 15, USA
B. T. Huber Department of Pathology, Tufts University School of Medicine, 136 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 021 11, USA A. Lanzavecchia Basel Institute of Immunology, Grenzacherstrasse 487, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland
H. Levitsky Department of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 720 Rutland Avenue, Ross 364, Baltimore, MD 21205-2196, USA F. Y. Liew Department of Immunology, University of Glasgow, Western Infirmary, Glasgow G11 6NT, UK C. J. M. Melief Department of Immunohematology and Blood Bank, University Hospital Leiden, Building 1, E3-Q, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
D. R. Milich Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10666 N Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA D. J. Moss Queensland Institute of Medical Research, The Bancroft Centre, 300 Herston Road, Brisbane, Queensland 4029, Australia
P. Parham Department of Cell Biology, Stanford University, Sherman Fairchild Building, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
A. B. Rickinson CRC Laboratories, Department of Cancer Studies, The University of Birmingham Medical School, Birmingham B15 2TJ, UK M. Stanley Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 IQP, UK F. 0. Wettstein Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of California at Los Angeles, School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1747,USA
Introduction Ian Frazer Lions Human Immunology Laboratories, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland 4 102, Australia
This meeting has several aims. Some of the questions to which we will try to find answers during the next few days are: 1) What might the immune system recognize on (virally induced) tumour cells? 2) What sort of immune effector cell is necessary for tumour cell recognition/killing to occur? 3) How might such immune effector cells be induced by vaccination or otherwise? 4) How could the tumour or its environment ‘neutralize’ such effector cells? 5 ) What measures can be taken to overcome this local immunosuppression? Tumour immunology is once again in the news; advances in the molecular and cell biology of tumours have led us to realize that there may be specific antigenic targets on the surface of most tumour cells. A tumour cell expressing a defined viral antigen with multiple non-self epitopes should be an easier target for the induction of specific immunity than a spontaneously arising tumour which may differ from ‘self’ only in the level of expression of, or in point mutations in, one or more housekeeping genes. In addition, the targets for the virally induced tumours will be the same from patient to patient, MHC (major histocompatibility complex) restriction of epitope selection permitting. For most other tumours, although there are some common themes such as the frequently occurring point mutations in p53, the target is a moving one. So, whatever the problems of tumour-specific immunotherapy for virally induced tumours, there will be even more for other tumours. Experimental evidence supporting a role for immune surveillance in human cancer It is worthwhile at this point to reassure ourselves, if we can, that tumour-specific immunity has some basis in fact. Four observations would support the existence of tumour immunosurveillance: 1) An increased incidence of tumours in immunosuppressed patients. 2) An MHC association of specific tumours, implying holes in the repertoire. 1
3) Simultaneous regression of an existing tumour at multiple sites, as is sometimes seen with warts. 4) Effective tumour immunotherapy. My remarks today will be limited to humans, as the experimental tumours of animals are clearly different in their natural history. It is worth commenting in passing that if we were to use these criteria to define the role of immunity in the control of infectious agents (for tumour above simply read virus), then all human infections would fail t o fulfil criterion 2, and many would fail 3 and 4. So I shall confine my remarks to the increased incidence of tumours in immunosuppressed patients. Experiments of Nature and of the medical profession can tell us something about the role of the immune system in tumour control. Of the major congenital abnormalities in the human immune system, only common variable immune deficiency is associated with significant long-term survival without replacement treatment. In this disorder, there is a lack of induced antigen-specific humoral immunity. There is also a well recognized increase in tumours of the lymphoreticular system, which may be a consequence of the underlying molecular lesions giving rise to the immunodeficiency, but there are no striking increases in other tumours in these patients, though I’m not aware of a good systematic casecontrolled study. The majority of patients with this disorder are now treated with immunoglobulin replacement therapy; one could argue that passive transfer of any pooled immunoregulatory immunoglobulin might be enough to substitute for specific humoral immunity in tumour protection. Induced long-term suppression of the cellular immune system occurs commonly in two situations, during the administration of immunosuppressive drugs and after infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). The increased incidence of tumours in HIV infection is well documented and while some of these tumours may be a consequence of the potential oncogenic activities of HIV-1 itself, some are less easy to explain in this way. The short period between the onset of significant cellular immunosuppression and death from the consequences of infection, coupled with the younger age of many of the patients with HIV-1 infection and the significantly lower risk of tumours in this age group, make data on the incidence of individual tumours in HIV-I infection difficult to acquire and interpret. However, in addition to Kaposi’s sarcoma, the incidence of three tumours with a ‘definite’ viral association is significantly increased: human papillomavirus-associated carcinoma of the cervix and anal canal, and lymphoreticular malignancy associated with Epstein-Barr virus. Immunosuppression is routinely induced as part of therapy after allografting and allograft recipients show a striking rate of tumour development. Caution is required in the interpretation of these data: azathioprine was until recently a routine part of such immunosuppressive therapy and it’s potential promotion of DNA mutations and DNA demethylation should not be overlooked. The data from the Australian and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry,
prepared by Dr Ross Shiel and his colleagues, show that the rate of tumour development after transplant is linear and rapid (Shiel 1989). The increase in relative risk is not seen for all tumours but occurs particularly for those with a presumed viral origin. The linear relation of tumour development with time suggests that whatever the effect of immunosuppression may be, it seems to be working both early and late in the battle against the tumour cell. On the one hand, there is no lag time before the rate of tumour development increases after immunosuppression; on the other, the effect is sustained. If we believe that carcinogenesis is a multistep accumulation of genetic errors, this suggests that whenever immune surveillance is effective throughout the process of error accumulation, if it once fails, it fails because the tumour evades the immune surveillance permanently. It’s not as if there are a large number of potential tumours lurking, suppressed but not destroyed, that appear when the immune system controls are removed. Reference Shiel AGR 1989 Cancer report. In: Disney APS (ed) Twelfth report of the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA). The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, South Australia, p 109-1 10
Potential antigenic targets on Epstein- Bar r vir us-associatedtumours and the host response D. J. Moss, S. R. Burrows, A. Suhrbier and R. Khanna Queensland Institute of Medical Research, The Bancroft Centre, 300 Herston Rd, Brisbane, Queensland 4029, Australia
Abstract. There is considerable variation in the degree of expression of viral genes among different tumours associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Immune control of tumours in immunosuppressed patients (immunoblastic lymphomas) can be exercised through a range of epitopes from cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) covering the full spectrum of latent EBV gene products. A subunit vaccine based on an EBV CTL epitope from one of the latent genes is about to undergo human trial. The options for immune control of Burkitt’s lymphoma are more restricted. Antigen expression is limited to a single nuclear antigen, EBNAl, and Burkitt’s lymphoma cells are unable to process EBV latent antigens, presumably because of a transcriptional defect in TAP1 and TAP2 genes. In contrast with earlier suggestions that EBNAl is not a target for CTL, there is a class 11-restricted epitope within EBNA1. EBV-infected B cells are unable to process this epitope endogenously. The most promising strategy for developing a vaccine against these tumours is t o use a single subunit vaccine that incorporates multiple CTL epitopes from several human pathogens. 1994 Vaccinesagainst virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 4-20
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a herpesvirus widespread in human populations, is the aetiological agent for infectious mononucleosis and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of an increasing number of human malignancies of lymphoid (both B and T cell) and non-lymphoid origin (Table 1) (Epstein & Achong 1986). The distribution of the EBV-associated paediatric B cell malignancy, endemic Burkitt’s lymphoma, is strongly focused in Africa and Papua New Guinea. The association of the non-endemic Burkitt’s lymphomas (both sporadic cases and those related to AIDS-acquired immune deficiency syndrome) and EBV is not as strong. More differentiated EBV-associated B cell lymphomas occur in immunocompromised individuals (immunoblastic lymphomas). These tumours are particularly important in patients after transplant operations and in AIDS 4
Antigenic targets on EBV-associatedtumours
TABLE 1 Antigen expression in tumours associated with Epstein-Barr virus Tumour
EB V antigens in tumour
Burkitt’s lymphoma Endemic Sporadic In AIDS patients
Immunoblastic lymphomas In PTLD patients In AIDS patients
EBNAI-6 LMPs 1,2
EBNAl LMPs 1,2
EBNAl LMPs 1,2
EBNAl LMPs 1,2
% EB V positive
> 95 25 40
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Hodgkin’s disease
T cell lymphoma
EBNA, Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen; LMP, latent membrane protein; PTLD, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease.
patients (Cleary et a1 1986). The major EBV-associated tumour of epithelial origin is nasopharyngeal carcinoma, which occurs in 1 to 2% of the southern Chinese population. There is an increasing realization that EBV may also be associated with some forms of Hodgkin’s disease and of T cell lymphoma. The virus has two major target tissues, B lymphocytes and squamous pharyngeal epithelium. In normal B cells, the infection is predominantly latent and results in their transformation into lymphoblastoid cell lines; in epithelium, the infection is predominantly lytic, with complete replication of the virus linked to ordered squamous epithelial differentiation (Allday et a1 1988). The latent viral proteins expressed in lymphoblastoid cell lines include six nuclear antigens (EBNA 1-6) and two transmembrane proteins, LMPl and 2. The replicative proteins include early antigen, membrane antigen and viral capsid antigen complexes. EBV strains have been classified as A-type or B-type on the basis of the divergence within the open reading frames encoding EBNAs 2, 3 , 4 and 6. Although A-type EBV is the predominant virus found systemically in healthy virus carriers, there is an apparent increased incidence of B-type virus in lymphocytes from individuals subjected to various forms of immunosuppression. The pattern of latent viral antigen expression in the EBV-associated tumours
Moss et al
is variable and ranges from a complete array, as seen in lymphoblastoid cell lines, to the single nuclear antigen, EBNAl (Table 1).
Immune control of EBV-associated tumours There is an emerging view that the protective EBV immune response is T cell mediated (Rickinson et a1 1992). We have at least a partial understanding of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) controls that are exercised over latently infected B cells in vivo and that are a potential defence against virally associated lymphomas (Moss et al 1992). By contrast, we are only beginning to understand the role that the CTL response may play in controlling EBV-infected epithelia that are undergoing viral replication. Recent evidence from our laboratory has demonstrated that lytic antigens may be a target for immune recognition during acute infectious mononucleosis (unpublished observations) but their potential as targets on tumour cells is unproven. In considering the potential targets for immune control of EBV-associated turnours, it is convenient to divide the tumours into three categories according to the degree of EBV antigen expression. Immunoblastic lymphomas
Immunoblastic lymphomas are frequently present as multifocal lesions within lymphoid tissues and/or in the central nervous system; they are classified histologically as immunoblastic or polymorphic B cell lymphomas. Analysis of immunoglobulin gene rearrangement or isotype expression indicates that even within a single patient, individual tumour foci tend to be distinct, each being composed of one or a small number of unique B cell clones. Several studies have demonstrated that a full spectrum of latent antigens are expressed in immunoblastic lymphomas. Moreover, the cellular phenotype of these lymphoma cells mirrors that of lymphoblastoid cell lines, with high surface expression of cellular adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and LFA-3 as well as cellular activation antigens such as CD23 (Rickinson et a1 1992). It seems likely that these lymphomas arise as a result of drug-induced (in patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease) or virally induced (in AIDS patients) immunosuppression of the normal EBV-specific CTL response allowing what is essentially uncontrolled proliferation of lymphoblastoid cells in viva Clearly, there is a wide range of potential targets for immune recognition of these tumours. Given what we now know about processing of endogenously synthesized proteins to small peptide fragments and their presentation on the cell surface as a complex with HLA class I antigens, it is clear that viral antigens have the potential to provide target epitopes for a specific CTL response. It has been suggested that these peptides are transported into the endoplasmic reticulum by a pair of transporters associated with antigen processing (TAP1 and TAP2).
Antigenic targets on EBV-associated tumours
TABLE 2 Defined epitopes from Epstein-Barr virus recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes Allele
EB V antigen
Epitope sequence
Type specificity
DR 1 B18 A2 A2 B8 B8
B35 A1 1 B44 A24/B44 B21 A2.1 B21
A&B ?
Much of what is known of the role of EBV latent antigens as a target for CTL has been derived by studying the response in healthy EBV-seropositive individuals. The level of EBV-infected B cells in these individuals is controlled by virus-specific CTL. Immunoblastic lymphomas displaying the same array of latent antigens are, presumably, also targets for these effector cells. Target antigens for the EBV-specific CTL response have been localized within EBNAs 1-6 and LMPs 1 and 2 using bulk T cell lines and EBV-specific CTL clones (Table 2) (Khanna et al 1992, Murray et al 1992). This work can be summarized as follows. Firstly, all of the defined antigens are included within the latent antigens. This does not infer that the density of epitopes within the replicative proteins is likely to be low; it probably reflects the ease of activating a memory response to the latent EBV antigens using lymphoblastoid cell lines compared with activating a response to the replicative proteins. It seems likely that CTL epitopes within the replicative proteins will be defined when an antigenpresenting cell capable of expressing a full complement of replicative proteins is found. Secondly, some of the epitopes are present on both A- and B-type transformants, while others are A-type specific (Table 2). There seems no indication at this stage that the site of CTL epitopes is preferentially located at regions of diversity between A- and B-type EBV. Thirdly, although there is no evidence so far for disease-specific EBV strain variation at the site of CTL epitopes, there is some indication of mutations in CTL epitopes in viral isolates from some geographical locations (de Campos-Lima et al 1993). The relevance
Moss et al
of these mutations to immune evasion by these viral strains will require an analysis of a range of CTL epitopes restricted through different alleles of the major histocompatibility complex. It is assumed that the sensitivity of immunoblastic lymphomas to EBV-specific CTL will be similar to that of lymphoblastoid cell lines, because the phenotype of each is identical. Although this has not yet been tested, it is well established that relaxation of immunosuppressive therapy (with a presumptive rise in the level of EBV-specific CTLs) can lead to regression of these lymphomas. However, formal proof that the specific CTLs that control the latent EBV infection in healthy individuals are capable of recognizing immunoblastic lymphomas will require adoptive transfer of cultured CTLs. EBV-positive polyclonal B cell lymphomas in scid mice regress after transfer of virus-specific CTLs (Cooper et al 1992). Endemic Burkitt ’s lymphoma Analysis of productively rearranged immunoglobulin loci in Burkitt’s lymphoma has confirmed the monoclonal nature of this tumour. The c-myc oncogene (chromosome 8) is regularly translocated to either the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus (chromosome 14) or one of the light chain loci (chromosomes 2 and 22). In contrast to the immunoblastic lymphomas, fresh biopsies and early passage cell lines from Burkitt’s lymphomas d o not express EBNAs 2-6 and LMP, thus limiting the potential target antigens to EBNAl. These cell lines are referred to in the literature as group I Burkitt’s lymphoma cell lines. Continued in vitro culture of Burkitt’s lymphoma cells in some cases results in the expression of high levels of EBNA 2-6 and surface adhesion molecules (referred to as group I1 or 111). Burkitt’s lymphoma provides the most amenable model for experimental analysis of the role of specific CTLs in the control of tumour cells. The model is supported by the fact that Burkitt’s lymphoma cells carrying the relevant translocation have been established in culture, while lymphoblastoid cell lines have been independently derived from normal circulating B cells from the same patient by infection with EBV in vitro. Thus, it is possible to compare the sensitivity to immune lysis of tumour-derived and non-tumour-derived tissue from the same patient (Khanna et al 1992). Although only a limited number of Burkitt’s lymphoma patients have been studied thus far, no detectable EBVspecific CTL dysfunction is evident. However, in vitro studies have shown that group I EBV-positive Burkitt’s lymphoma cells are highly resistant to virusspecific CTL lysis (Fig. 1). Several possible mechanisms have been suggested to explain this resistance. The low expression of adhesion molecules and HLA class I alleles might contribute t o the escape of Burkitt’s lymphoma cells from immune recognition. However, down-regulation of these molecules on Burkitt’s lymphoma cells has been shown not to provide an absolute barrier to tumour cell recognition by virus-specific CTLs (Fig. 1).
Antigenic targets on EBV-associated tumours
70 60
.-~n 50 In 2.
0 ..c
8 8
30 20 10
H LA 0 Shared Auto
Phenotypic I11 group
--.c --cA1 Auto 818 818 B18 88
FIG. 1. Recognition of autologous lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), autologous phytohaemagglutinin-treated blasts (PHABLASTS) and Burkitt’s lymphoma cell lines (BL29, WW2BL, BL37, BL30, BL36 and BL18) by the HLA B18-restricted CTL clone LC27 with ( 1 ) or without ( ) the relevant specific peptide epitope, TVFYNIPPMPL. Reproduced with permission from Khanna et a1 (1993). Copyright 1993, The Journal of Immunology.
A second possibility is that there is a defect in the expression of TAP1 and/or TAP2. Defects in this process represent a potential risk, since it is an essential link in CTL-mediated immune surveillance. This mechanism is supported by the observation that many Burkitt’s lymphoma cell lines are unable to stimulate either an allospecific or a virus-specific CTL response in vitro (unpublished observations). Recent studies from our laboratory have established that Burkitt’s lymphoma cells cannot process intracellular antigenic determinants efficiently and that these cells do not transcribe TAP1 and TAP2 properly (R. Khanna, C. A. Jacob, V. Argaet, A. Apolloni, Q. Y. Zang, M. Masucci & D. J. Moss, unpublished work). This suggests that Burkitt’s lymphoma cells are unable t o transport peptide epitope from the cell cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum. Transfection of Burkitt’s lymphoma cells with a minigene expression vector encoding an EBV epitope fused to an endoplasmic reticulum translocation signal sequence restored CTL recognition (Fig. 2) and the ability to activate a specific CTL response (Khanna et a1 1994). EBNAl is the only antigen invariably expressed in all EBV-associated tumours. It has generally been considered that this antigen does not include CTL epitopes (Klein 1989). This hypothesis provides a convenient explanation
Moss et al
90 -
3020 10 -
+ + EBO-pLLP
for the growth of EBV-associated tumours in individuals who are not overtly immunosuppressed and has led to speculation that EBV latency is maintained in a long-lived B cell population expressing only EBNAl (Klein 1989). However, we have recently identified a class II-restricted CTL epitope within EBNAl (Fig. 3) (unpublished observations). One of the most important features of this epitope is that it is apparently not processed in B cells but is recognized by specific CTLs only after exogenous addition of peptide epitope (Fig. 3). Thus, neither lymphoblastoid cell lines nor B cell blasts infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing EBNAl are recognized by these EBNAl-specific CTLs. The frequency of CTL precursors recognizing this epitope suggests that reactivity is part of a secondary rather than a primary response. It is interesting that this epitope is included in the EBNAl DNA-binding region, which may limit transport of the epitope into the endoplasmic reticulum. The translocation of EBNAl into the nucleus is dependent on a nuclear localization sequence within the protein. It has been suggested that the strong DNA binding in this region explains the failure of this antigen to be processed. Support for this concept has recently been provided by the observation that DNAbound EBNAl is resistant to degradation by proteases (Shah et a1 1992). An effective test of this hypothesis will be to determine whether mutations or deletions in the nuclear localization sequence restore class I1 processing of this epitope.
Antigenic targets on EBV-associatedtumours
DM PHA + Pep48 + anti- Class I1
20 30 40 % SPECIFIC LYSlS
FIG. 3. Recognition of EBNAl CTL epitope, TSLYNLRRGTALA (Pep48). Autologous phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-treated blasts and lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) were used as targets alone or after pretreatment with Pep48. Autologous lymphoblastoid cell lines were also used as a target after infection with a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding EBNAl (Vacc.EBNA1). CTL lysis of peptide-coated PHA blasts was inhibited by anti-class I1 but not anti-class I antibody. This CTL clone failed to recognize the epitope when processed endogenously by the autologous lymphoblastoid cell lines or cells infected with Vacc.EBNA1.
General considerations for EBV vaccination In the last few years, efforts to develop vaccines have concentrated on the use of a subunit preparation of gp340 (recombinant and affinity purified), the EBV surface glycoprotein carrying the antibody neutralization determinant. Surprisingly, protection mediated by this vaccine does not appear to depend on antibodies, leaving unresolved the precise protective mechanism. Latently infected B cells in humans d o not express gp340 but are controlled in healthy seropositive individuals by CD8+ CTL specific for EBNAs 2-6. The Queensland Institute of Medical Research is currently conducting a human trial using the CTL peptide epitope FLRGRAYGL in a water-in-oil adjuvant containing helper components to test the feasibility of such vaccine formulations and ultimately to establish whether such CTL vaccine can protect against infectious mononucleosis and post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease. Because of HLA diversity, several CTL epitopes restricted by the most common alleles must be combined t o protect a high proportion of any given population. Such combination may simply be achieved by mixing peptides; however, an alternative approach has been to join multiple minimal CTL
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epitopes together in a synthetic polyepitope protein, which is then delivered by an appropriate vector or adjuvant. In recent experiments, using a recombinant vaccinia virus that incorporates many of the CTL epitopes listed in Table 2, we have found that each CD8+ CTL epitope within the construct was efficiently presented to its restricting allele. There thus appears to be no requirement for specific amino acid sequences flanking the minimal CD8 CTL epitopes t o direct the proteolytic processing events. This result adds considerable impetus to the concept of developing a single subunit vaccine that incorporates multiple CTL epitopes from several human pathogens. +
Conclusions Any vaccine preparation aimed at the EBV-associated tumours will need to consider the pattern of EBV gene expression and tumour immune evasion mechanisms. In infectious mononucleosis and immunoblastic lymphomas, the full array of latent antigens are potential antigenic targets, whereas in Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, targets are often restricted to EBNAl . In addition a strategy t o overcome the processing defect in Burkitt’s lymphoma will need to be devised. Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute, USA (CA-57952-02 and 2R01 CA-30264), the Queensland Cancer Fund, Brisbane and the National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra.
References Allday MJ, Crawford DH 1988 Role of epithelium in EBV persistence and pathogenesis of B-cell tumours. Lancet 16:855-857 Cleary ML, Dorfman RF, Sklar J 1986 Failure in immunological control of the virus infection: post-transplant lymphomas. In: Epstein MA, Achong BG (eds) The EpsteinBarr virus: recent advances. Heinemann Press, London, p 163-181 Cooper N, Rochford R, Garnier JL, Cirone M, Hobbs M, Cannon M 1992 The SCID/HU model of EBV-induced human B cell lymphoproliferative disease: insights for diagnosis, prevention and treatment. In: Tursz T, Pagano JS, Ablashi DV, de The G, Lenoir G,Pearson GR (eds) The Epstein-Barr virus and associated diseases. John Libbey Eurotext, London, p 541-548 de Campos-Lima P - 0 , Gavioli R, Zhang Q-J et a1 1993 HLA-A11 epitope loss isolates of Epstein-Barr virus from a highly A1 I + population. Science 260:98-100 Epstein MA, Achong BG 1986 Introductory considerations. In: Epstein MA, Achong BG (eds) The Epstein-Barr virus: recent advances. Heinemann Press, London, p 1 - I 1 Khanna R, Burrows SR, Kurilla M et a1 1992 Localisation of Epstein-Barr virus CTL epitopes in healthy immune donors using recombinant vaccinia: implications for vaccine development. J Exp Med 176:169-176 Khanna R, Burrows SR, Suhrbier A et a1 1993 Epstein-Barr virus peptide epitope sensitisation restores human cytotoxic T cell recognition of Burkitt’s lymphoma cells: evidence for a critical role for ICAM2. J Immunol 1505154-5162
Antigenic targets on EBV-associated tumours
Khanna R, Burrows SR, Argaet V, Moss DJ 1994 Endoplasmic reticulum signal sequence facilitated transport of peptide epitopes restores immunogenicity of an antigen processing defective tumour cell line. Int Immunol 6:639-645 Klein G 1989 Viral latency and transformation. Cell 585-9 Moss DJ, Misko IS, Sculley TB, Khanna R, Burrows SR 1992 Immune surveillance against Epstein-Barr virus. Semin Immunol 4:97- 104 Murray RJ, Kurilla MG, Brooks JM et a1 1992 Identification of target antigens for the human cytotoxic T cell response to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV): implications for the immune control of the EBV-positive malignancies. J Exp Med 176:157-168 Rickinson AB, Murray RJ, Brooks J, Griffin H, Moss DJ, Masucci M 1992 T cell recognition of Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphomas. Cancer Surv 1353-80 Shah WA, Ambinder RF, Hayward GS, Hayward SD 1992 Binding of EBNA-I to DNA creates a protease-resistant domain that encompasses the DNA recognition and dimerization functions. J Virol 66:3355-3362
Liew: Denis, with the T cell epitope FLRGRAY (Table 2), is the MHC restriction monomorphic or polymorphic? Moss: We’re starting by asking a simple question: can we induce a CTL response with a single peptide? Clearly, a successful vaccine will never ultimately be based on a single peptide epitope. At the same time, we are looking at stitching peptide epitopes together rather than using a vaccine based on a cocktail of individual peptide epitopes. We are trying to define the conditions under which a single peptide epitope will activate a CTL response in vivo. We’ve used the epitope I described because we know more about that one than about any of the other epitopes and it’s restricted through the allele HLA B8, which tends to be invariant. de The: When you said polyclonal tumours, I think it would have been preferable to speak of polyclonal lymphoid proliferation, not tumours. Secondly, I would like to refer to another EBV-associated tumour that has a much greater world-wide importance, namely nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Could you comment on the possibility of finding some specific CTL response in this case? Moss: Most people in the field of cancers associated with EBV have tended to work with the easy models, because we have the correct target cell that can be easily manipulated in the laboratory-the lymphoblastoid cell line and the Burkitt’s lymphoma line. The problem once you start to talk about a T cell response to nasopharyngeal carcinoma is that it is very difficult to grow these cells in vitro and those that d o grow tend to lose EBV antigens quite rapidly. So there is really a black box in terms of the T cell response t o nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Until we can overcome that technical hurdle of efficiently growing them in the laboratory and maintaining the same sort of phenotype as they d o in vivo, we shall be fumbling in the dark for quite some time. de The: What are the chances of developing a therapeutic vaccine? As you well know, for nasopharyngeal carcinoma we have a marker which can be used
for early detection in the population at risk, namely the expression of IgA antibody to VCA/EA (viral capsid antigedearly antigen) and to the Z (Zebra) protein. Moss: One of the reasons that I’m pessimistic about a vaccine to any of the EBV-associated tumours, apart from the immunoblastic lymphomas, is that I suspect that you are going to need to induce some form of sterile immunity before they will work. In the case of immunoblastic lymphomas, and particularly in cases of infectious mononucleosis, really all you’re trying to do is prevent disease. 1 suspect that even a vaccine that gives quite a mild response will prevent these diseases. Of the patients who acquire their primary EBV infection in adulthood, only about 50% come down with clinical infectious mononucleosis. To shift the equilibrium from 50% who contract clinical symptoms to 5% after administration of a vaccine is not unrealistic. We are certainly not trying to develop a vaccine that will induce sterile immunity. But once you’re talking about Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, maybe even Hodgkin’s disease, I suspect that we’re looking at something that may require much more solid immunity. Arrund: We might naively think that if we have an effective vaccine against mononucleosis, then we may be preventing or at least delaying the primary infection by the virus. If that’s true (it’s not relevant to a therapeutic vaccine here), there is such a long time lag for the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma that even if we cannot completely prevent the infection but only delay it for 20 years or whatever, then as long as the time lag stays the same, we could prevent a lot of cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Moss: I’m pessimistic about that, because once EBV gets into that first cell, particularly if it is some sort of long-lived B cell, I suspect that the dynamics of latency have already been set up. So you are talking about the induction of a fairly long-lived sterile immunity, aren’t you? Arrund: It’s a question of whether we really can prevent that primary infection. I agree that once the virus has got in and has established itself, then we are not going to have any effect. But if we can prevent that establishment, and the virus-tumour relationship is true, we might prevent development of the cancer. But we don’t really know whether we can actually prevent that infection. I don’t think we will know until we do the trials. Moss: The cottontop marmoset model (Morgan et al 1988) doesn’t really tell you much about that, because it doesn’t establish a latent infection. Arrund: We know that you have to give a huge dose of virus in order to induce the tumour in the animals. If you give a lesser dose, you don’t get the tumour. You may, when using a vaccine, be just neutralizing some of the virus and thereby reducing that input dose to a level below which the virus can have an effect. We’ve been alluding mostly to a sort of humoral immunity against gp340. In some of the experiments in the tamarin model, particularly those done with vaccinia recombinants, although protection was observed there was no detectable
Antigenic targets on EBV-associated tumours
gp340 antibody in the animal. This suggests that there may be some other mechanism working-whether it’s CTL or not I don’t know. Moss: Did that apply to recombinant gp340 as well? Arrand: No. If you give the protein, you do see the neutralizing antibody response. Doherty: Marek’s disease in chickens is caused by a herpesvirus. How well does the vaccine against that protect and how does it protect? de ThP: The vaccine (and naturally attenuated Turkey herpesvirus) does protect at nearly 100%. It does not prevent primary infection by Marek’s disease virus but it prevents the disease. Doherty: Has anyone ever let the chickens live long enough to see whether the vaccine protects for the full lifespan? de ThP: If I recall correctly, yes, the vaccine does protect the chickens for their whole lifespan. Let us go back to EBV. I think there is a big difference between the development of Burkitt’s lymphoma and of nasopharyngeal carcinoma with regard to primary EBV infection. Very early EBV infection is directly related to the risk of developing Burkitt’s lymphoma, but this does not appear to be the case for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Therefore, theoretically one could imagine that a vaccine that delays primary infection could be effective in Burkitt’s lymphoma, but probably not for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In the latter tumour, it seems that the virus’ oncogenic potential is not related t o primary infection but probably to an event that takes place much later, possibly in precancerous lesions induced by environmental chemical carcinogen; in such a case, the viral effect could be the last step towards carcinoma. Then, only a therapeutic vaccine would be effective. Arrand: Many patients destined to develop nasopharyngeal carcinoma show high levels of IgA against EA and VCA. To my mind, the fact that you are getting an increase in antibody against the replicative antigens suggests that somewhere there’s a productive cycle going on which is somehow needed for the development of the tumour. Rather than use a therapeutic vaccine, could we use something like acyclovir, which dampens down replication? You could have an antibody screen to detect active replication, then use chemotherapy t o dampen it. Has anybody tried that? de ThP: It’s very difficult, because of ethical problems. Out of the subpopulation in China which have IgA antibody (about 5% of individuals aged above 35 years) and who are prone to develop nasopharyngeal carcinoma, only 5-770 do develop the tumour. Ethically, you cannot intervene with a strong drug in all the people when only a few percent will develop the disease. Doherty: What is the stem cell in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, is it an epithelial cell? de ThP: Yes.
Fruzer: What viral proteins obligatorily have to remain in the stem cell? What are they doing there? Can they be kicked out by the tumour cell once the clone has got some way down the track, so that if you started using immunotherapy, the first thing to arise would be a clone without viral proteins? Rickinson: We don’t fully understand the relationship between the epithelial and the lymphoid infections. We don’t know which is the primary cell that is targeted by orally transmitted virus. We don’t understand whether viral replication, either in a B cell or in an epithelial environment, is critical to the establishment of latency/persistence because the experiments cannot be done. If there is an early replicative phase, either in a mucosal B cell or in an epithelium, then targetting against replicative antigens might actually prevent colonization of the B cell system, which is what you want to do to prevent virally associated B cell malignancies. There’s no evidence that the virus is latent in epithelium. When we look at epithelial lesions-the classic one is hairy leukoplakia-we see expression of all the lytic genes and, surprisingly, also EBNA-1. Therefore, we think EBNA-I is not only a latent gene, it’s also a lytic cycle gene. All the lytic antigens and EBNA-1 are expressed in the outer layers of hairy leukoplakic lesions, but if you look by any marker, and we have some very potent markers now for latency, such as the small EB ER ? RNAs, you see no expression in the basal layers. However hard you look, there is no evidence that there is persistence where there is a genuine replicative lesion. There is no evidence that the stem cell compartment, i.e. the basal layer, is infected. So although it makes biological sense to envisage such persistence in epithelium, there is no evidence that it actually happens. Doherfy : If that’s the case, you have to say that the infected B cells are constantly bringing the virus to the epithelium. Yet isn’t it very difficult to reactivate the virus from peripheral blood lymphocytes? Rickinson: If you take a virally transformed B cell line, it’s difficult to reactivate it into lytic cycle in vitro. But we showed many years ago that if you take virus-carrying cells from peripheral blood, the nature of whose infection we don’t really understand, and put them into tissue culture, many of them go into lytic cycle, release transforming virus and you get cell lines coming out from co-resident B cells infected by the virus in vifro.So it is possible to deliver a trigger, albeit something non-physiological like putting the cells into tissue culture, and activate the lytic cycle. There’s strong evidence now that the true reservoir of latency is in the lymphoid system from the work of Gratama et al (1988) on bone marrow transplant recipients and that of Yao et al (1989) on virus carriers treated with acyclovir. Once the virally infected cell gets into memory, I like to think that it’s then under the normal physiological control of the B cell system. We know that memory cells are probably triggering back into the lytic cycle occasionally in vivo. So you might conceive of a situation where local infiltration of a mucosa
Antigenic targets on EBV-associatedtumours
delivers a signal which activates viral replication; that would be a very efficient mechanism for re-establishing foci of productive infection for viral transmission. Doherty: What happens in patients who don’t have any B cells? Rickinson: In patients in whom you can’t find any B cells, you don’t see any EBV in the haemopoietic system, using the most sensitive techniques that we have, which are not that sensitive. Stanley: Alan, is there any evidence that persistence of EBV in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells is essential for tumour progression? Rickinson: The virus is always retained in that particular tumour. The level of association is much stronger than it is with Burkitt’s lymphoma, for instance. The question is, how does the virus get into the stem cell of the tumour? The idea of B cell-epithelial fusion keeps recurring in the literature. In that context, if you take a virally infected B cell in tissue culture and fuse it with an epithelial cell, you produce a hybrid that expresses precisely those antigens we find in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. de ThP: In the early 1970s, we observed, using electron microscopy, evidence of cytoplasmic bridges between epithelial and lymphoid cells of normal and tumorous nasopharyngeal mucosa. Alan, could you give the latest data on the expression of viral antigen in the nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell? Rickinson: I can give you the latest extrapolations! The problem is that a lot of the experiments are done by PCR analysis of RNA, so you don’t know whether 100% of the cells are expressing. When we look at nasopharyngeal carcinoma, we always find EBNA 1 by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical staining and we see the EBNA-1 mRNA by PCR amplification. We never see the other EBNA proteins or their transcripts. We can just about always amplify transcripts for the latent membrane protein LMP1, but this can be difficult. In some tumours, we can see the LMPl mRNA-specific PCR products easily and when we look by immunohistology at those tumours, they are the ones where we actually see the protein. There are many other tumours from which you can amplify the transcripts only by heroic efforts; in these, by immunoblotting or immunohistology the LMPl protein is either very weakly expressed or not expressed at all. For the LMP2 protein, which is another potential target antigen, we can amplify transcripts, but the antisera are simply not good enough to detect the protein. In a way, we have been too dogmatic in distinguishing between the pattern of EBV latent gene expression seen in Burkitt’s lymphoma and that seen in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Burkitt’s lymphoma generally expresses only EBNA-1; nasopharyngeal carcinoma can express the latent membrane proteins as well. These represent two ends of a spectrum however; there are many nasopharyngeal carcinomas that are much closer to Burkitt’s in that expression of the latent membrane proteins (at least LMPl) is either very low or undetectable. So in terms of immunological recognition and the possibility of cytotoxic T cell therapy, there are quantitative aspects to this that we simply know nothing about.
Cumpo : You showed (Henderson et a1 1991) that as far as B cells are concerned, LMP acts by rescuing them from apoptosis by up-regulating expression of the bcl-2 gene. Does LMP do the same thing in epithelial cells? If so, could bcl-2 be a target for intervention? Rickinson: Up-regulation of bcl-2 in B cells is a definite consequence of LMP expression, although the kinetics differ with a lot of the other phenotypic changes that the protein induces. We have never seen up-regulation of bcl-2 in any other cell type. Ironically, if you look at nasopharyngeal carcinoma, where sometimes LMP is expressed, those tumours are always Bcl-2 positive, but so is the stem cell from which the tumour probably arises. There are stem cells in normal basal epithelium which are Bcl-2 positive. I think the expression of Bcl-2 may reflect the fact that nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a tumour of undifferentiated epithelium. Melief: I have a question regarding the practical applicability of a vaccine against the immunoblastic lymphomas. They arise in the 80% of individuals who started with good protective immunity; immunoblastic lymphomas arise only under conditions of immunosuppression or immunodeficiency disease. Can you under those conditions still expect vaccination to be protective? Moss: In some scenarios, there isn’t any doubt that the EBV-seronegative recipients tend to be at a much higher risk than the EBV-seropositive ones. I am really targetting the individuals who are seronegative. Where I come from, Brisbane, is a centre of liver transplants, for instance. The recipient infants are generally about 15 months old and the majority are EBV seronegative. The occurrence of lymphomas in these transplant kids is now becoming a significant clinical problem. Our intention would be to vaccinate before transplantation. This type of population could well be looked at quite early on in an EBV vaccination programme. Melief: Is there evidence that CTL responses decline in the seropositives when the patients are immunosuppressed? Moss: Yes, they certainly do. Doherty: What happens with CTL memory in people who have latent EBV infection? The sort of viruses that we look at (e.g. Sendai virus, influenza virus) are completely eliminated, at least at the level of viral RNA. In this situation, evidence of T cell memory declines slowly and the T cells gradually lose some of the activation markers that they express for months after the initial priming. Are EBV epitopes being continually expressed? Moss: Yes. There are several parameters we think tend to be almost set in concrete some time not long after the primary infection. These include the amount of virus released orally for the rest of the person’s life and the cytotoxic T cell response. Doherty: Do you ever find cytotoxic T cell effectors in the blood? Moss: Not without in vitro activation, except during acute infectious mononucleosis. During the acute phase of the disease you can find an activated class I-restricted response, also a class 11-restricted response.
Antigenic targets on EBV-associatedturnours
Doherty: Do human memory CTL precursors normally change their phenotype in the long term? Beverley: I don’t think that’s really been looked at very seriously. EBV is the one cytotoxic population that we have looked at using memory markers. The CTL precursors that Denis Moss has just talked about do have memory markers; they are CD45RO positive. But this is the only CTL population that’s been studied from that point of view, as far as I’m aware. The guess would be that most CTL memory for the common pathogens would be in that population, but it really hasn’t been looked at. Doherty: As people grow old, does the frequency of their EBV-specific T cells decline? Moss: I don’t know. We tend to classify people as strong responders and weaker responders; that happens over a long period of time, so unless you follow an individual over many years, I am not sure that you can answer that question. Rickinson: We once studied some patients who were over 60 years old, who are receiving acyclovir for other reasons. We did T cell assays and found that EBV-specific T cell responsiveness was in the normal range. Doherty: Frank Ennis has some evidence that people who were vaccinated with vaccinia 50 years ago still have good CTL memory (Demkowicz 8~Ennis 1993). de The I would like to go back to the development of immunoblastic polyclonal proliferation after transplantation. An alternative to a vaccine might be to try to induce a primary infection by an avirulent but replicating EBV to protect the children who are going to be receive transplants. Alternatively, administration of specific y-globulins (passive immunotherapy) might prevent this proliferation. Moss: There is no doubt, if an ethics committee would allow you to administer primary EBV infection before a transplant, it would be the best possible thing you could do for these patients. Most ethics committees would be horrified by this prospect, but I think you couldn’t do anything better, particularly for the kids. de The We will have to educate the ethics committees that preventive intervention could be very profitable, even if some risks cannot be eliminated. Ref ecences Demkowicz WE Jr, Ennis FA 1993 Vaccinia virus-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in humans. J Virol 67:1538-1544 Gratama JW, Oosterveer MAP, Zwaan FE, Lepoutre J, Klein G, Ernberg I 1988 Eradication of Epstein-Barr virus by allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: implications for sites of viral latency. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 85:8693-8696 Henderson S, Rowe M, Gregory C et a1 1991 Induction of bcl-2 expression by EpsteinBarr virus latent membrane protein 1 protects infected B cells from programmed cell death. Cell 65:1107-1115
Morgan AJ, Finerty S, Lovgren F, Scullion T, Morein B 1988 Prevention of EpsteinBarr virus-induced lymphoma in cottontop tamarins by vaccination with the EB virus envelope glycoprotein gp340 incorporated into irnmunostimulating complexes. J Gen Virol 69:2093-2096 Yao QY, Ogan P, Rowe M, Wood M, Rickinson AB 1989 Epstein-Barr virus-infected B cells persist in the circulation of acyclovir-treated virus carriers. Int J Cancer 43~67-71
The host response to lesions induced by human papillomavirus Margaret Stanley, Nicholas Coleman* and Mark Chambers? Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 7QP, UK
Abstract. Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are strictly intraepithelial pathogens: in the natural productive infection they induce benign epithelial proliferations of mucocutaneous surfaces, some of which may progress to malignancy. Benign HPVinduced lesions are chronic persistent growths; high levels of viral antigen are expressed in the apparent absence of a host immune response suggesting that these viruses have evolved efficient mechanisms of immune evasion. Cell-mediated responses are central in the pathogenesis of HPV and regression of both cutaneous and genital warts histologically resembles a delayed-type hypersensitivity response (DTH). The antigen@)in the wart against which this response is initiated are not known but in an experimental murine model DTH responses to the E6 and E7 proteins of HPV-16 can be elicited when viral antigen is presented via the epithelial route. Priming with low levels of viral antigen in this model induces nonresponsiveness and the loss of DTH. In HPV-associated cancers the E6/E7 genes are expressed and an antibody response to the proteins is found in at least 50% of cases indicating that these oncoproteins are potential targets for immunotherapy. 1994 Vaccinesagainst viralb induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 21-44
Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are small double-stranded DNA viruses that in the natural infection cause a variety of proliferative lesions of cutaneous or mucosal epithelia. These viruses are classified into distinct types on the basis of nucleotide sequence homology and so far at least 75 genotypes have been isolated from a variety of clinical lesions: each genotype showing a predilection for a cutaneous or mucosal surface (de Villiers 1989). The HPVs that infect the genital tract have been intensively investigated because of the evidence that infection with certain genital HPVs is the major (but not the only) risk factor in the subsequent development of cervical cancer (Schiffman 1992). At least 25 HPV types regularly or sporadically infect the genital tract but they fall essentially into two groups: those associated with genital warts or low-grade Present address: *Department of Histopathology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge and ?Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, Kensington, London, UK 21
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intraepithelial disease, mainly HPV types 6 and 11. and those associated with high-grade intraepithelial lesions and invasive cancer, HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 and related types. By far the most prevalent genotype is HPV-16, which is found in more than 50% of cervical intraepithelial neoplasms (CIN) and cervical cancers (Gissmann 1992). The strong association between infection with the oncogenic HPVs and cancer raises the possibility that immune intervention in the natural history of HPV-induced disease by either prevention or treatment of existing disease would be an effective anticancer strategy. Papillomaviruses, however, pose problems for investigators. The viruses are exquisitely host and tissue specific. The target cell for infection is the keratinocyte; viral genes are expressed and viral proteins synthesized only in differentiating keratinocytes and the infectious cycle of HPV is totally dependent upon the expression of the complete keratinocyte differentiation programme. This dependence was first revealed in the rabbit model. It has been confirmed in the nude mouse xenograft system developed by Kreider et a1 (1986) for HPV-11 and in mechanistic terms by the demonstration by Meyers et a1 (1992) that virion production from cell lines containing episomal HPV-31 b grown in organotypic culture is dependent upon pretreatment with TPA (12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate). This suggests very strongly that the signal for capsid protein expression and virion assembly depends upon the spinous to granular transition in squamous epithelium. This brief preamble does not reveal the potential complexity of the HPV infectious cycle and the interplay with the differentiating keratinocyte. It is clear that virus infects the basal keratinocytes of the epithelium as a consequence of microtrauma. Evidence from experimental systems such as the HPV-11 nude mouse xenograft (Stoler et a1 1990) or xenografts of the W12 keratinocyte line (Sterling et a1 1990) shows that there is then a lag phase in which viral gene expression cannot be detected using in situ hybridization techniques. However, viral DNA must be present at this time because 2-4 weeks after infection viral DNA and transcription of the early region can be demonstrated. Thereafter, the intensity and temporal expression of viral genes parallel epithelial differentiation absolutely, with viral capsid synthesis and virion assembly restricted to only the most superficial squames. The infectious cycle, because of its differentiation dependence, is also time dependent; even when all factors act in favour of a productive infection the interval between infection and the appearance of the lesion must be at least two weeks. Experimental evidence from animal models (Sterling et a1 1990) and clinical observations (Oriel 1971) suggests that the actual minimal interval is of the order of 4-6 weeks. Once established, the lesions are chronic and persistent, lasting often for months and even years with apparently no immune response from the host, despite the expression usually of high levels of viral proteins. The observations therefore suggest that the response to HPV is complex and that the virus may have evolved sophisticated and subtle evasion
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
mechanisms which must be understood if effective vaccine strategies are to be designed. To address some of these issues we have followed two approaches. Using immunohistology and in situ hybridization, we have compared the immune cell populations and the expression of immunologically relevant accessory molecules in actively progressing and spontaneously regressing genital warts and in lowgrade and high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasms. We have developed a mouse model in which HPV antigen is expressed in keratinocytes engrafted as a skin, thus closely mimicking the natural infection in terms of the route of presentation of viral antigen. Immune populations in regressing genital warts In these studies, 125 patients attending a genital wart clinic at St Mary’s Hospital, London were investigated. At the first attendance, 86 of these patients were not treated; when they were examined at the second attendance four weeks later, 28 patients showed some regression of their warts. Biopsies taken from 15 of these individuals and 15 control biopsies from patients showing no regression were snap frozen. Biopsies were subsequently HPV typed using the polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot hybridization; cryostat sections were immunostained with a panel of monoclonal antibodies recognizing lymphocyte surface markers and adhesion molecules (Coleman et a1 1994). Some of the results of these studies are shown in Fig. 1. Non-regressing warts are characterized by a relative lack of immune activity, mononuclear cells are present predominantly in the stroma, there are few intraepithelial lymphocytes and the majority of these belong to the CD8+ subset. In contrast, in regressing warts, there is an intense mononuclear infiltrate in the stroma and in the epithelium. Both in the stroma and epithelium, CD4+ T cells dominate this infiltrate and in the epithelium there is a significant increase (from 0.69 to 1.1) in the ratio of CD4+:CD8+ cells between non-regressing and regressing warts. The infiltrating lymphocytes show an enhanced expression of the CD25 (interleukin 2 receptor) surface marker and within the stroma the ratio of CD25:CD3 cells in non-regressing as opposed to regressing lesions increases significantly from 0.12 to 0.19. The majority of infiltrating lymphocytes in regressing lesions expressed the RO isoform of CD45, implying that many were ‘antigen experienced’ or memory cells. Interestingly, the number of cells within the epithelium expressing CD1 was the same in regressors and non-regressors; this is in contrast to HPV-associated cervical disease in which a decrease in the number of Langerhans cells has been documented (Hughes et a1 1988). In regressing warts there was a significant induction of the accessory molecules intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and HLA-DR on the infected keratinocytes and E-selectin and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) on endothelial cells in the stroma. Overall, the features are characteristic of an
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'3 d
: 100
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
active immune response and most closely resemble a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to foreign antigen. The antigen@)against which this response is invoked is not known. In HPV-associated cervical disease, the situation is not so clear. Cervical HPV infection without neoplasia (low-grade disease) is, to a large degree, immunologically quiescent. There is a decrease in the number of Langerhans cells compared to the normal cervix and a shift in the ratio of CD4:CD8 cells within the epithelium, with a decline in CD4 cells but overall not a significant decline in numbers (Tay et a1 1987). HPV-associated neoplasia (high-grade disease) does exhibit significant changes in intraepithelial lymphocyte subsets and accessory molecule expression. The intraepithelial lymphocyte population in high-grade disease differs significantly from both normal and low-grade lesions, with an increase in a CD8+, CD56+, CD16- population (McKenzie et a1 1991). A large proportion of such lesions that we have examined express ICAM-1 and HLA-DR (Table 1) (Coleman et a1 1993, Coleman & Stanley 1994). Co-expression of these molecules is not inevitable and an ICAM-l-positive lesion can be HLA-DR negative. Using in vitro monolayer and organotypic culture systems, we have demonstrated (Coleman et a1 1993) that fully transformed HPV-16 infected cells express ICAM-1 constitutively, whereas HPV infection without transformation is not associated with such constitutive expression. We have argued that this suggests that the expression of ICAM-1 in high-grade cervical lesions in vivo is unlikely to be a virally induced phenomenon but rather a consequence of neoplastic transformation per se. In contrast to the situation with ICAM-1, no constitutive HLA-DR expression can be demonstrated on any of the cell lines investigated, but HLA-DR could be induced on all cell lines by the pro-inflammatory cytokine IFNy (Coleman et a1 1994). These results suggest that the presence of HLA-DR on cervical keratinocytes in high-grade lesions is more likely to be induced expression than a constitutive effect of neoplastic transformation. This hypothesis is supported by our observation of significantly increased numbers of T lymphocytes in the subepithelial stroma of HLA-DR-positive as compared with HLA-DR-negative epithelium. However, Glew et a1 (1992) have postulated that MHC class I1 expression in high-grade
FIG. 1. (opposite) Immune cells in regressing as compared to non-regressing genital warts. Cell counts in the stroma (A) and epithelium (B) of regressing ( W ) and nonregressing ( ) warts as determined by the expression of surface markers. Immune cells were counted within the squamous epithelium of the warts and within the 200pm of stroma immediately subjacent to the basement membrane. An eyepiece graticule was used in conjunction with a high-power ( x 40) objective lens and a minimum of 10 fields were counted per case. The mean numbers of intraepithelial and stromal cells were determined for each biopsy and from these values the numbers per mm2 of epithelium or stroma were determined. All values except for CDI were significantly different (P
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TABLE 1 The expression of HLA-DR and ICAM-1 by HPV-infected squamous intraepithelial lesions of the uterine cervix
Type of lesion Normal Low-grade infection High-grade infection
No. cases expressing HLA-DR/Total no. cases
No. cases expressing [CAM-I 1 Total no. cases
4"/ 12 9b/14
"Very weak staining confined to occasional basal keratinocytes. bVariable staining intensity and restricted to basal keratinocytes. 'Staining more intense than in low-grade infection and variable distribution. Six cryostat sections were immunostained using standard avidin-biotin protocols. HLA-DR was detected using two primary monoclonal antibodies against non-polymorphic determinants (L234, Becton Dickinson Ltd UK; DK22, Dako Ltd UK). ICAM-I was detected using monoclonal antibody 84H10 (Serotec Ltd Oxford, UK).
cervical intraepithelial neoplasms and invasive cervical cancer is a reflection of neoplastic transformation of metaplastic cells which they have shown to be class I1 positive. What the functional consequences of these phenomena are in terms of effective immunity and host protection are not clear. ICAM-1 expression on keratinocytes, theoretically, would enable them to serve as targets for a cellmediated effector response and should facilitate antigen-presenting functions. However, there is convincing evidence that HLA-DR-positive keratinocytes can induce antigen unresponsiveness in T lymphocytes both in vivo and in vitro and the expression of these molecules in high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasms does not necessarily imply that an effective host immune response has been induced. There is evidence that HPV proteins can be immune targets in both highgrade and low-grade cervical disease. Patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasms show proliferative responses to early and late proteins of HPV- 16 (A. Kadish, personal communication 1993, Shepherd et al 1994) and immunodominant epitopes have been defined in E7 and L1. HPV-16 E7 is able to act as a tumour rejection antigen in model systems (Chen et a1 1991) and a significant number of patients with HPV-16-positive cervical cancer mount an antibody response to E7 and E6 (Muller et a1 1992, Stacey et al 1992). However, these responses are clearly not protective and the persistence of viral expression in low- and high-grade disease implies that the HPVs have evolved immune evasion strategies. The absolute specificity of viral gene expression for keratinocytes and the absence of an inflammatory response must be crucial components of these. In the absence of cell lysis caused by virus or host responses, negligible amounts of antigen would be available for Langerhans cells, which in any case are reduced in numbers in low-grade cervical disease.
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
Thus, a component of the lack of immune reactivity to HPV infection as opposed to neoplasia may well be related to the deficit in numbers or function of the local antigen-presenting cells. Delayed-type hypersensitivity response to HPV-16 E7 proteins in a mouse model
In order to study the immune response to HPV-16 proteins, we have developed a mouse model which mimics a number of aspects of clinical infection with HPV. This virus is an exclusively intraepithelial pathogen and viral antigens are presented to the immune system via the skin or mucosal surfaces. In our model system, mouse keratinocytes expressing HPV-16 E6 and/or E7 proteins are grafted onto the flanks of syngeneic mice using a transplantation technique which permits the reformation of a differentiated epithelium. Subsequent intradermal challenge of the recipients in the ear with an HPV-16 E7 recombinant vaccinia virus (vacc E7), results in a DTH response; depletion experiments showed this to be mediated by CD4+ lymphocytes (McLean et a1 1993). Intradermal challenge with E7 protein alone (prepared either as a bacterial fusion protein or using a baculovirus recombinant) will elicit a DTH response as long as a non-specific inflammatory stimulus, such as the phorbol ester TPA, is applied to the ear in concert with the protein challenge (Chambers et a1 1994a). These observations are interesting for two reasons. They demonstrate firstly that a specific DTH response can be elicited with E7 alone and secondly that local inflammation plays a crucial role, at least in this model system, possibly by recruiting macrophages to the site of sequestered antigen. We examined the relationship between the induction of DTH and the number of cells used to form the primary graft. For all the E7-expressing lines used in these experiments, there was a threshold cell inoculum below which, although an epithelium reformed, immune sensitization did not occur and a DTH response could not be induced by challenge with vacc E7 (Chambers et a1 1994b). This phenomenon suggests a lack of priming and has interesting parallels with the natural infection where, in the early phase of the infectious cycle, low levels of E7 are expressed (Higgins et a1 1991, Iftner et a1 1994). To test the hypothesis that priming with subthreshold cell numbers would result in the induction of non-responsiveness on subsequent challenge with high levels of HPV-16 antigen, we extended the mouse system to permit the grafting of two syngeneic epithelia on opposite flanks of the animal. A subthreshold inoculum of cells expressing E7 (NEK 16 cells) was grafted on the left flank, followed after seven days by a right flank graft of lo7 cells and seven days after that by an intradermal ear challenge with HPV-16 E7 protein (Fig. 2). DTH reactivity was significantly reduced in mice grafted at Day 7 with 5 x lo5 cells followed seven days later with a right flank graft of lo7 cells and then challenged intradermally with E7 protein. N o DTH was observed in non-grafted animals but a strong response
NG, NG, SE7 -t- NG, 10.7 NEK16, SE7 + 10.7 NEK16, 10.7 NEK16, SE7 5x105 NEK16, 10.7 NEKl6, SE7
--*NG, NG, S --*-
- -- - 2
5 3 I II
FIG. 2. Delayed-type hypersensitivity in doubly grafted mice. 6-8-week-old BALB/c mice were grafted on the left flank at Day 7 and at Day 14 on the right flank. At Day 21 mice were challenged with an intradermal injection into the left ear of 440ng of E7 protein (SE7). Ear thickness was measured 24 and 48 hours after challenge, using a micrometer, and the results were expressed as the difference between left and right ears. NG, no graft; S, Sephadex resin; NEK 16, immortalized BALB/c keratinocytes containing 60% of the HPV-16 genome and expressing E7.
z W
v) v)
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
z Y 30 I-
: z
5 10 z
- -A-+ --C-
NG, NG, S NG, NG, SE7 NG, lo7 NEK 16, SE7 5 x lo5 NEK 16, lo7 NEK 16, SE7
FIG. 3. Long-term absence of delayed-type hypersensitivity in mice after priming with low levels of antigen. Mice doubly grafted as described in Fig. 2 were challenged with 440 ng of E7 protein (Sephadex-E7, SE7) in the left ear at Day 21 (Day 0 on figure) and ear swelling was measured at Days 22-25 with a micrometer. 0.5 nM TPA was applied to the left ear on Day 23 (Day 2 on figure). Right ear thickness was measured on Day 36 before intradermal injection of the ear with 2 x lo7 plaque-forming units of vacc E7. The increase in right ear thickness was measured on Days 37 and 38. From Chambers et a1 (1994a) with kind permission of Plenum Press.
was seen in mice grafted only with lo7 immortalized BALB/c keratinocytes containing 6Ov0 of the HPV-16 genome and expressing E7. We tested whether this unresponsiveness would be maintained on multiple challenge with the antigen (Fig. 3). Fourteen days after the E7 protein challenge in the left ear, mice were inoculated intradermally in the right ear with 2 x lo7 plaque-forming units vacc E7. Sham-grafted mice challenged with E7 displayed DTH reactivity on the second challenge with vacc E7,indicating the priming effect of E7 protein. Mice initially grafted with lo7 NEK 16 cells, as expected, retained their response to E7; in contrast, mice initially grafted with 5 x lo5 NEK 16 cells remained
Stanley et al
unresponsive. In these mice, priming with low levels of HPV-16-expressing cells rendered the animals resistant to three challenges with E7 antigen spanning a period of 31 days. These results have important implications for human HPV infections and therapeutic vaccination strategies. Our experimental results show that high concentrations of E7 successfully induce DTH, a response consistent with observations in regressing genital warts which reflect an effective host response to HPV infection. However, unresponsiveness to E7 can be induced by presentation of low levels of antigen to the immune system, an observation which supports the concept that HPV evades immune eradication in sites such as the uterine cervix by suppressing the DTH effector response. HPV-16 E7 mRNA has been detected in the basal layer of low-grade cervical lesions (Higgins et a1 1991) and recent results suggest that this expression is at very low levels in non-neoplastic lesions (Iftner et al 1994). The induction of immunological responsiveness to E7 would enable HPV-16 to persist and exert its oncogenic effects. DTH reactivity may be of critical importance in the ‘natural’ clearance of HPVs and therapeutic vaccination strategies that favour induction of this response by the use of adjuvants or cytokines such as interleukin 12 may be the most effective.
Acknowledgements N. Coleman was supported by a Clinical Training Fellowship from the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and Mark Chambers by the Nita King Studentship (Department of Pathology University of Cambridge), The Ts-iao Ch-hia Research Studentship (Downing College University of Cambridge) and the Harnett Fund (Clinical School University of Cambridge).
References Chambers M, Zhang W , Coleman N, Nash AA, Stanley MA 1994a Modulation of the DTH response to HPV 16 E7. In: Stanley M (ed) Immunology of human papillomaviruses (HPV’s). Plenum Press, London (Proc 2nd Int Workshop HPV Immunol, Cambridge, 1993) p 267-274 Chambers MA, Zhang W, Coleman N, Nash AA, Stanley MA 1994b ‘Natural’ presentation of human papillomavirus type I6 E7 protein t o immunocompetent mice results in antigen-specific sensitisation or sustained unresponsiveness. Eur J lmmunol 24~738-745 Chen L, Thomas EK, Hu S-L, Hellstrom I, Hellstrom KE 1991 Human papillomavirus type 16 nucleoprotein E7 is a tumor rejection antigen. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88:110-115
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
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Liew: You looked at the delayed-type hypersensitivity response in this system, have you also investigated other parameters such as antibodies against HPV proteins or cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses? Stanley: In these animals, those in which the DTH response is abrogated do not have antibody. The animals in which there is a good DTH response have good antibody levels. For the CTL response 1 have no data. Liew: When you talked about tolerance, you may be just looking at one parameter; other paramaters may be enhanced. When we talk about a vaccine to prevent something, we should not be talking just about a single arm of the immune response. Frazer: You could extend that and ask what happens to the grafts. Stanley: The grafts persist in animals in which you abrogate the DTH, but not in the animals in which DTH is induced. Doherty: Could I ask about the pathology of the lesion? Where are the infiltrating ICAM-1-positive cells and CD4+ T cells located? Are these people seropositive? Stanley: We haven’t looked in those patients, but we have the sera and now that we have decent reagents, it is one of the things we would like to do. Doherty: Do you know anything about the cytokine production profiles from those CD4+ T cells? Is it possible that the CD4+ T cells are actually promoting the growth of the lesions? Stanley: Those are very difficult questions to answer. We have very limited data on the cytokine profiles of the infiltrating CD4+ cells. M. CrowleyNowick (personal communication, 1993) has looked at cytokine profiles of lymphocytes in high-grade cervical lesions by PCR. Interestingly, although the numbers are small in this study, those lymphocytes isolated from the lesions have a Th2-like cytokine profile; they express IL-10, IL-4, IL-6 and also TNF-CY. Chen: Do the DTH levels correlate with antitumour activity? In other words, if you challenge the mice which have a high level of DTH with an E7-positive tumour, does this tumour regress fast? Stanley: In the animal model, when you have a positive DTH response, the grafts are rejected. They are rejected with a classic DTH response dominated by CD4+ cells and macrophages. When we abrogated the DTH response with
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
suboptimal priming, the grafts persisted. We have no evidence for a mononuclear infiltrate around these grafts. I think this is the best evidence that we are doing something useful. Melie) Can you overcome the ‘tolerant’ state by deliberate vaccination using high doses of cells with adjuvant or with HPV-vaccinia constructs? Stanley: Those experiments are now in place. Arrand: In a rather broader context with respect to vaccination, there is a parallel between the HPV situation and the EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) situation. If we have a persistent infection by HPV, then we are probably in a vaccination context. This is similar to the situation that we were discussing for EBV-we have to prevent the establishment of the persistent infection and if we fail to do that then we’ve lost the battle of direct vaccination against these tumours. Is it actually clear whether in the cervical situation there is genuine persistence or is there a cycle of infection and clearance and reinfection? Galloway: I don’t think anyone can really answer that. It isn’t so much eliminating latency that’s the problem. The population at risk is not people who may have at some point been infected and either cleared their infection or established a truly latent infection. The people at risk are those who have persistent viral infection, i.e. detectable replicating virus. These are the people who have a high risk for dysplasia and probably progression. One question when we think about possible viral targets is whether we should target a vaccine against some antigen that may be expressed in latency, or can we eliminate viral replication? The real problem is the virally induced stimulation of cell replication, which allows genetic instability to occur that can lead to cancer. If you can suppress viral replication, that’s a good target. Arrand: This is another parallel with EBV latency being preceded by presumably some sort of replicative event, leading to the IgA response. Galloway: Eddy Liew asked earlier whether people have antibody to HPV proteins. Basically, antibodies to E6 or E7 are seen infrequently in early infection, or in people with dysplasia, even in people with carcinoma in situ. When you look at frank invasive cervical carcinoma, at most about 50% of people who you can show have an HPV-16-positive tumour have anti-HPV-16 E7 antibody. It is long-term expression of a high tumour load that eventually gives rise to an antibody against E7. On the other hand, antibody to capsid antigens is seen early and as a result of dysplasia. Doherty: This means that the immune system is being exposed at that stage, so the infection is in no sense immunologically silent. Do the individuals with dysplasia actually produce more virus? Galloway: Probably, yes. Doherty: So it is t o some extent of selective advantage to the virus to cause dysplasia? Increased virus production will favour transmission, which is all that matters in the viral evolutionary sense. Galloway: Yes.
Stanley; I wouldn’t entirely agree that people with dysplasia are making more virus. They have a higher load of viral DNA, because the defect in differentiation in the dysplastic keratinocytes prevents the viral infectious cycle reaching its final point. This is a problem of the absolute dependence on the biology of the keratinocyte for the production of infectious virus. If you lose that last little bit of cellular differentiation, the virus doesn’t get assembled and released but there is still massive expression of viral genes essential for viral DNA replication. Doherty: You say that the virus is entering its growth cycle as the epithelial cells progressively differentiate to the squamous state. At some point, the cells are going to express the complex of MHC glycoprotein T peptide that will be recognized by a CD8+ T cell. Do you tend to find the CD8+ T cells closer to the epithelial surface where this is happening, or near the basal layer? Where are the CD4+ cells? Stanley: In the warts, the T cells come in and they predominantly are in the lower third of the epithelium-both CD4+s and CD8+s. So I would suggest that whatever they are being directed to is expressed predominantly in the lower third of the lesion. Doherty: Has anyone tried to stain for T cell receptor phenotype to see if infiltrating T cells are oligoclonal? Stanley: We are trying to do that at the moment. de Thd: Alternatively, one could imagine that T cells cannot migrate, because there are intercellular junctions which prevent any migration of lymphocytes; there is a physical barrier. Stanley; You are thinking of the desmosomes and adherens junctions. This is true, but because viral replication changes the morphology of the lesion, the desmosomes and the cadherins that are expressed in HPV-infected epithelium certainly appear to be different from those expressed in the normal epithelium. The lower third of the wart is really just an extension of the proliferative cell. Frazer: It doesn’t really matter if the T cells don’t get up to the top two thirds of the epithelium because the cells in this region are terminally differentiated and will die in a week anyway. Killing the cells today rather than allowing them to die next week doesn’t seem likely to make much difference to the immunobiology of the wart. de Thd: There might be expression of an antigen in the upper level but no T cell is going to find those cells and fight because of the physical barrier we were discussing. Frazer: That’s probably right. The capsid antigens are up there and there is some immune response to those at least, so the immune system is seeing something. We accept as an article of faith that papillomavirus infection does not kill the cells and therefore there’s no reason for the processed virus to be put into the immune system through the conventional professional antigenpresenting pathways, but there’s no hard evidence on this. Allison: Are there macrophages and dendritic cells in your sections?
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
Stanley: Yes, there are lots of macrophages. It is a characteristic of neoplastic progression that there is an increase in the macrophage population, so they could certainly act as antigen-presenting cells. Allison: Are they throughout the epithelium? Stanley: Again, in normal and low-grade lesions the tracking of macrophages appears to be restricted to the lower portion of the epithelium. Infiltrating immunocytes don’t reach the top of epithelium until there is a completely highgrade lesion which is just occupied by proliferating cells; then anything seems to be able to move up and down the track. Allison: One explanation for your inability to get a DTH response to infected cells is that keratinocytes are very poor in co-stimulatory activity. They can induce tolerance to antigens that they present on their MHC class I1 molecules, for example. So you might be shifting in favour of a tolerizing dose by having low numbers of cells; with higher numbers and possible lysis of the cells you might get cross-priming to antigens from the disintegrating cells presented by host antigen-presenting cells. Galloway: How confident are you in sorting out what’s going on? When you talk about warts, you are primarily talking about HPV-6 or HPV-11 and about lesions on the vagina or vulva. But when you talk about cervical lesions, you are talking about a different type of epithelium, you are talking about a grab bag of different types of HPV and about high-grade or low-grade lesions of HPV types. I think it’s much harder to characterize cervical lesions as progressing or regressing. You take a biopsy, which is only a snap shot in time; you don’t know whether the lesion is coming or going or has been there for a long time. The histological picture is confusing and it will be difficult to sort out what’s virus specific, what’s epithelial cell specific and what’s specific to progression or regression. Stanley: I agree that looking at biopsies of lesions is a snapshot. However, we do know something of the stage in the natural history in genital warts, i.e. we know whether they are progressing or regressing. In the case of the cervix, we have no information on the dynamics of the process and certainly cannot know whether the lesion is progressing, regressing or static. We do know which virus is present (in our series HPV 16 and 33) and we have careful histological assessment. We have evidence from in vitro studies, which are experimentally manipulable, that supports our conclusions that expression of molecules such as HLA-DR and ICAM-1 in high-grade HPV-infected cervical lesions is a consequence of the neoplastic process rather than virus-specific gene expression. Ezsenbach: Down-regulation of class I1 and/or class I has been mentioned for both EBV and HPV. Are any of the viral proteins responsible for that, such as in the case of adenovirus 12-transformed cells, in which the viral ElA protein down-regulates transcription of MHC class I? Fruzer: No papillomavirus protein has that function attributed t o it.
Greenberg: An alternative explanation for the lack of DTH may be induction of the wrong effector T cell. An antigen dose effect may be very important in determining whether a Th, or Th2 response is elicited. Do you know if the viral strain you are using happens t o elicit a Thz response at the doses you are testing? Stanley: We have no evidence for a Th2 response, because in the animals in which we abrogate DTH, we cannot detect antibody to E7. My collaborator Tony Nash asked me whether it is partial or total tolerance. The evidence that we have from antibodies would suggest that it’s total. Greenberg: Is anti-E7 the only antibody that you’re looking for? Stanley: Yes, because the lines we have used express only two viral proteins, E6 and E7. We can show a response to both of those, but the majority of our work has been with E7 because we have better reagents for that. Greenberg: But that may be part of the problem. Those are not the viral proteins you would expect to elicit strong antibody responses. Stanley: They are the viral proteins which are made in the early part of the life cycle, and they are the only viral proteins to which, in advanced disease, you can detect an antibody response. Liew: The antibody might not be the most accurate way to assay for Thl/Th2, you have to investigate the cytokines produced. Beverley: You are still getting a response in those suppressed animals, it’s not completely abrogated, so presumably some cytokines are being produced. Stanley: Yes, but we don’t know what they are. Wettstein: In your cell line, the W12 keratinocytes, is the virus integrated? Stanley: In early passage-up to pass 35-the DNA is predominantly in the episomal form. We have no unequivocal evidence for integrated species at early passage. At late passage the viral DNA in this line is integrated. Chen: Margaret, in your pathology samples from patients with cervical cancers or CIN, have you found the y/6 T cells? Those cells may be a first line of defence. Stanley: We did some work on that some time ago, but the reagents we used were not specific enough, so I can’t answer your question. Levitsky: Margaret, in the clinical biopsies where the keratinocytes were class I positive and ICAM-1 positive, were you able to look for expression of B7? Stanley: No, we haven’t done that, but I would be surprised if it was not expressed. Liew: We have so far mentioned potential therapeutic vaccines against cancers associated with both HPV and EBV. In the history of vaccination, there is no good evidence for the success of any therapeutic vaccine. I would submit that the live virus or bacterium is the best inducer of an immune response, so the immune system would be pushed to the ultimate by infections. Those individuals who do not respond well probably would never respond strongly to these pathogens. Amroth Wright spent 50 years of his life trying to develop a therapeutic vaccine but with complete lack of success.
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
Wettstein: The very fact that you can get spontaneous regression shows that under certain circumstances the animal or the human being can mount a response to a tumour that has developed. From an analysis of that situation, one might find some hints as to what might be happening. So there are precedents in Nature which suggest that a therapeutic vaccine is possible. Liew: But this spontaneous regression could be due to the immune system taking longer to develop, in other words, the battle was being fought all along, it just took some time for the host t o succeed. Regression in this case may have nothing to do with the addition of exogenous stimuli. Wettstein: In the persistent papillomavirus infections there is a limited immune response. This is indicated by the fact that immunosuppressed patients have much bigger problems with papillomavirus infections. It suggests that even when persistent infection develops, it is not quite uncontrolled; there is some residual immune response going on, it’s just not enough to eliminate the infection. Liew: The immunosuppressed patients are a very contrived situation. Normally, a person will have a certain amount of immunity to an attacking virus. When you take away the optimal defence mechanism artificially, it doesn’t mean that you can push the immune response any further from the norm. Wettstein: An example that it can be pushed further is the event of spontaneous regression. Campo: But you can induce regression. Maybe you want to induce regression early enough so that these lesions don’t progress. You want to eliminate the premalignant lesions before other events take place and hasten the neoplastic process. Stanley: There are different points for intervention. You could argue that prophylaxis is the best intervention. However, for a simple viral infection, you know that most people who are infected never produce a lesion and therefore clear it in some way. Secondly, the vast majority of those who produce a lesion (a wart in simple terms) also clear virus. Only a tiny minority who are infected go on to neoplasia. So you can argue that there are reasons for intervening during viral infection and that if a therapeutic vaccine against productive viral infection works, it might also be prophylactic for neoplasia. Liew: But I would argue that the minority who succumb to disease might never be able to mount an effective immune response anyway because, for example, of a genetic defect. Vaccination has been practised for 200 years now. To my knowledge, there is no example of a successful therapeutic vaccine. Doherty: There were some results some years back on cancer of the eye of cattle. This is an ocular squamous carcinoma that is very common in the northern part of Australia because of the high sunlight. My recollection is that Peter Spradbrow did experiments where the cattle were injected with ground-up tumour and the cancers regressed (Hoffmann et al 1981).
Moss: They used some sort of phenol-extracted antigen that was able to induce an immune response. Frazec That tumour is associated with papillomavirus infection (Ford et al 1982), but the exact target of the immune response in the tumour was not defined. C a m p : They also showed that the tumour-bearing animals had an impaired DTH response and that the vaccination with the tumour extract was abrogating the inhibition of the DTH response. Presumably, that’s why the cancer regressed. Fruzer: Those tumours don’t normally regress. The data are well controlled. The regression was induced by phenol extracts of tumour but not of other tissues (Spradbrow 1988). C a m p : The active ingredient was localized in a fraction that went from 30- 100 kDa. Eisenbach: In virally associated turnours, you have the luxury of trying prevention, but in 85% of tumour types you don’t have this luxury, so we will have to design therapeutic vaccines. Secondly, it’s true that in humans you don’t see much, but there are plenty of animal models that show real regression of tumours and metastasis. Galloway: Even in humans there is an example in a well-defined system which suggests that therapeutic vaccines may work. There have been many attempts to use herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoproteins for a prophylatic vaccine. These have not worked all that well, but it’s early days yet. Steve Straus (Straus et a1 1993) has used a mixture of glycoprotein gB and gD in people who had recurrent HSV infection. He showed a statistically significant decrease in the recurrence rate. This vaccine is not the sole answer to recurrent congenital genital herpesvirus infections, but it’s the first demonstration that a therapeutic vaccine may lessen viral replication and recurrences. Once better combinations of glycoproteins, other viral proteins or adjuvants are developed, these are encouraging prospects for therapeutic vaccines. Melief: The immune system doesn’t care whether it’s looking at viral peptides or autologous peptides, as long as responses are induced. For human malignant melanoma, at least six well-defined antigens have been described, three of which also occur on normal melanocytes-tyrosinase, gp 100 and MART- 1 (Brichard et al 1993, Wolfel et a1 1994, Bakker et a1 1994, Kawakami et al 1994). Steve Rosenberg’s experiments previously showed that even if therapeutic vaccination doesn’t work, either adoptive transfer or high-dose interleukin 2 (IL-2) following vaccination might deal with substantial tumour loads in patients with melanoma. If we learn how to utilize this to greater advantage, knowing the antigens involved, which we didn’t know previously, we can combine therapeutic vaccination with cytokine-enhanced proliferation of the T cells. Perhaps even in desperate cases, we could try adoptive transfer of CTLs. This is not to say that preventive vaccination for the viral diseases is not the approach of choice.
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
Frazer: We’re talking about the difference between antigenicity and immunogenicity. There is a whole range of proteins and peptides that the immune system can be kicked into seeing which it doesn’t recognize spontaneously; it may be necessary to change the immunogen in order to achieve that. Melief: But even that isn’t true for melanoma. There the body spontaneously reacts to autologous peptides that occur normally and are presented on melanocytes. The old dogma of tolerance to cells does not apply to this situation. Moss: I wonder if this is linked t o the question of whether you believe that tumours in general are a particularly potent evolutionary force. Many tumours occur after peak reproductive age, so a perfect immune response may not necessarily have been selected for. Cohen: A few interesting ramifications have emerged over the last year. Schwartzentruber et a1 (1994) have done an extensive analysis of the patients who have received tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). The pattern is very clear. We culture TIL from tumour tissues by basically adding a high dose of IL-2 (6000 IU per ml) to the digested tumour culture. From approximately 40% of patients, you will be able to grow TIL, predominantly CD8+, which recognize autologous tumour targets in vitro, as shown either by ”Cr release assays or by cytokine release, usually GM-CSF (granulocyte-macrophage colonystimulating factor). These will grow to at least 10” cells (usually from a starting number of around lo9 lymphocytes) after 5-6 weeks of culture. Of this 40% subset of patients with fast growing TIL which recognize autologous tumour targets, 66% will have therapeutic responses from adoptive therapy with the TIL, either complete or partial. This helps us to understand the original reports of 25-36% of all patients responding to TIL therapy. They probably represent the two-thirds response rate of the ‘40%’ subset. The corollary, however, is that in the other 60% subset of all patients the TIL either grow more slowly or they do not recognize autologous targets. When these TIL are given as adoptive therapy, this subset seldom responds to therapy, and can overall be called a non-responder subset. It is also apparent that some tumour sites, like lymph nodes, usually give rise in culture t o TIL which will be in the non-responder subset. In contrast, TIL grown from subcutaneous melanoma lesions are the most likely to end up fitting into the high-responder profile. This may be because antigen-presenting cells, such as Langerhans cells, are present in those lesions, or for other reasons not yet understood. The TIL grown in the Rosenberg lab which successfully recognize autologous tumour targets have now been shown often to recognize several naturally occurring melanocyte proteins: MART- 1, gpl00 and tyrosinase. Many patients who responded to TIL therapy fall into this category. Of recently identified melanoma-associated antigens, only the MAGE family of proteins has not yet been found to be commonly recognized by our routinely cultured TIL.
Doherty: Do you think the tumour is acting as a sponge soaking up the available pool of T cell precursors and keeping them under control by secreted factors originating from the neoplastic cells? Cohen: That was the initial reason for studying tumour digests as a source of T cells. The original idea was that there might be a sink, as you described. However, because the T cells grown from tumour digests often fail to recognize autologous tumour targets, many of us have felt that it might be good also to look at other environments, such as peripheral blood, as a source of T cells, since such environments may be under less of a direct negative influence from tumour cells. Recently, our group has found that it is possible to grow CD8 melanoma-recognizing T cells out of peripheral blood of patients without too much problem (E. Stevens, J. Yannelli, S. A. Rosenberg, personal communication). As I mentioned previously, lymph nodes and also visceral tumours have to date been extremely unsatisfactory sources for effective TIL; in such circumstances a combination of vaccination strategies with subsequent adoptive therapy might be useful to provide a better starting source for lymphocytes. Greenberg: We have to be careful concerning the general rule that you’re implying about the presence of reactive T cells. The way you’re trying to grow lymphocytes out of blood and tissue requires a unique type of responding cell, so the fact that you don’t isolate reactive T cells from particular sites doesn’t preclude that classical reactive T cells are there. In your system, high doses of IL-2 are added, then you assess the outgrowth of tumour-reactive cells. If you don’t find such cells from a sample of lymph node, it means that the cells cannot be activated and grown with this single signal which bypasses T cell receptor ligation. It does not mean that the cells are not present at those sites and wouldn’t be isolated if activated by the appropriate antigenic stimulus. Cohen: I agree completely. I and others in our laboratory have been investigating alternative ways of growing the T cells from these difficult sites. All the same, when you throw in a high dose of rIL-2, even though it is not a physiological dose, a naturally occurring CD8+ T cell grows out from the subcutaneous nodules of many melanoma patients. The important phenomenon is that this CD8+ T cell which recognizes normal melanocyte-associated proteins is easily raised from that subpopulation by this technique for subsequent study and often for successful therapy. Fruzer: The question then arises with the viral tumours as t o whether the CD8 cells are there and something is stopping them growing out, or whether the viruses have evolved strategies to prevent those cells developing in the first place. Melief: We know very little of how HPV-infected individuals respond to potentially immunogenic peptides; we are looking at this now. All the nice work that has been done for EBV still needs to be done for the other viruses. But in the case of melanoma, where we know more what the antigens are, what
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
proportion of patients respond naturally to these antigens? Do you think there is a good case for vaccination there, which could be a model for the viral diseases? Are there many epitopes that are not normally utilized in these patients that you can elicit by vaccination before coming in with other therapeutic approaches? Cohen: When we talk about vaccinating people with normally occurring proteins, how are we going to avoid autoimmune disease? The fascinating point is how the immune system is so adapted to utilizing normal proteins to knock out melanoma nodules with relative selectivity, virtually never causing vitiligo in the patients who receive such therapy. If we choose a vaccination approach, we need to understand how to get the kind of selective immunity that is not harmful. For melanoma this may not be a problem, but for other types of human cancer it may be quite a problem. Beverley: Concerning the two viruses we have discussed this morning, it is striking that there is a very strong and continuing response to EBV over many years and there is not a strong and continuing response to papillomavirus. We still need to do a lot of work on the specificity of the response to papillomavirus and inducing responses with peptide, but what is clear already is that there isn’t a high frequency memory response to papillomaviruses in general. Even antibodies are not that wonderful; although they’re there, the titres are not high and we have to wait until late in infection to see a lot of antibody. Papillomaviruses clearly are adopting a different set of strategies for preventing their elimination to the strategies that EBV is adopting. Frazer: The logical implication of this is that a good evoked immune response to papillomavirus has a chance, whereas a similar immune response to the naturally chosen epitopes of EBV is less likely to be successful, simply because the immune response is already there and has not achieved the desired effect. Doherty: The difference surely is that the EBV has brought the B cell, which is a highly immunogenic cell, into its replication and maintenance strategy, whereas the papillomavirus has not. Moss: EBV has evolved a really beautiful mechanism that is good both from the host’s point of view and from the virus’ point of view. It has set up this dynamic equilibrium. The host has the advantage of a long-term memory specific for the virus and the virus has guaranteed persistence and transmission in all previously infected individuals. The papillomavirus really hasn’t reached that stage of sophistication. Frazer: Or it has gone beyond that-papillomavirus is an extremely successful virus. It goes back a long way evolutionarily, so the strategy has obviously coped with very different immune systems. I would like to know the situation for the herpesviruses. Moss: There are EBV-like viruses in Old World primates. Doherty: There is a y herpesvirus of vole origin that causes an EBV-like disease in the mouse (Sunil-Chandra et a1 1992, 1993). but the sequence is more like the monkey virus (Efstathiou et a1 1990).
Rickinson: For EBV, the dominant antigens for cytotoxic T cell responses, EBNA2-6, are the viral proteins that are not expressed in the epithelium. We believe that expression of these proteins is restricted to B lymphocytes. So at the moment, the evidence from the EBV field is that antigens expressed at mucosal epithelial sites of viral infection are not particularly immunogenic for the T cell system. There’s always a lot to be learned from the natural epidemiology of infection about the nature of immune controls. I would like to ask the people working on papillomavirus: in, say, an ongoing HPV-16 infection, is there any evidence that this will protect from natural infection with a related papillomavirus? Galloway: If you look for HPV DNA variants of a single HPV type by a method that will detect the predominant variants, such as single-stranded conformational polymorphism, basically you see one variant of HPV-16 in a person over time. If you take the product that you have obtained by polymerase chain reaction, clone and sequence individual products, you can see other variants. I take this as evidence-although there are clearly other explanationsthat it’s similar to what has been seen in Herpes simplex or cytomegalovirus infection. That is, a predominant infection is established, you can be exposed and acquire other infections transiently, but the predominant infection prevents the emergence of other viral infections. I’m not sure that’s exactly right, but that’s what I think now. Rickinson: In an immunosuppressed patient, there is evidence that you can get multiple infection with type 1 plus type 2 strains of EBV or with more than one type 1 strain. Galloway: But that’s types. That is infection with papillomavirus types 16, 31, 5 5 , for example; it’s not that you see a lot of different type 16s. Frazer: If patients are immunosuppressed, quite often the papillomavirus infection they had previously, that was apparently cured, comes back in the same sites. I’m not sure that we’re really talking about sterile immunity here, we are just talking about suppression. Stanley: There’s some indirect evidence that if you are infected with HPV-16 early, you will not be reinfected over time. This is that the prevalence of infection declines with time, as assayed by measuring viral DNA sequences, because we can’t follow ‘infection’ in any other way. Viral DNA is present in very small amounts in normal individuals, i.e. those with no clinical lesion. Rickinson: I would like to come back to the question of whether papillomavirus infection does elicit an effective immune response. I take issue with the first presentation about tumours of epithelial origin in immunosuppressed patients. Ian Frazer said that the incidence of skin cancer, for instance, is markedly increased in this patient group. But I think there’s no evidence that that’s a virally associated disease. On the contrary, some of those malignancies have been found t o be free of known HPV sequences, is that correct?
Host response to HPV-induced lesions
Fruzer: I think that’s true for the skin disease. It is a bad example because it is also associated with exposure to large amounts of ultraviolet light plus azathioprine. It is the one tumour that you have to single out from this group of tumours that you see with increased frequency in immunosuppressed patients. Rickinson: What about cyclosporin A-treated patients? Fruzer: There are not enough long-term data on those yet, but what there are show the same effect of immunosuppression as is seen with azathioprine (Shiel 1989). Doherty: The skin tumours do tend to be associated with immune responses. Melanoma is clearly associated with a T cell response. Isn’t that also true for the squamous cell carcinomas? Fruzer: There’s still dispute as to what extent squamous cancer in the immunosuppressed patients is papillomavirus related. Some of it clearly is; some contain papillomavirus DNA, but tumours may or may not be HPV DNA positive (Smith et a1 1993, Soler et a1 1993). Doherty: Isn’t it also the case that for traditional skin warts, once you get rid of them, you don’t get them again? Fruzer: There’s a gradation with warts. In HPV-1-like lesions, there is a good strong immune response to capsid proteins (Steele & Gallimore 1990). The warts regress and you don’t see them again unless you are immunosuppressed. The other extreme is HPV-16, where the immune response is much weaker and the virus is much more difficult to get rid of (Tindle & Frazer 1994). Whether that’s a property of the viral proteins or of the nature of the viral life cycle is still up for grabs. Cheever: Are there some antigens to which you do get a vigorous response and some, such as the transforming antigens, to which you don’t? Is there a vigorous immune response in patients with regressing lesions? Fruzer: It’s not that easy. Historically, there was evidence that regression of cutaneous warts was associated with antibody to something (Tindle & Frazer 1994). In those days, ‘something’ wasn’t defined because the antigens hadn’t been cloned and indeed it wasn’t recognized that there were multiple papillomavirus genotypes. More recently, with the development of recombinant systems for production of artificial capsids, it is accepted that there is a strong immune response to capsid proteins in HPV-1 warts and in people who have had such warts which have regressed. It gets more complicated when you move on to the sort of wart viruses that we’re interested in today. First, the antigens are not so well defined; secondly, the capsid-specific antibodies appear to crossreact with different genotypes. Cumpo: It’s generally true that those viruses that affect cutaneous epithelium elicit a stronger immune response than those that affect mucosal epithelium. In animals with skin warts, we do detect antibodies, T cells, etc. With viruses that infect mucosa, you don’t see all these things. Cullowuy: A simple explanation is that it’s viral load. If you look at the amount of viral particles you see with type 1 in plantar warts, there is a lot.
Cumpo: That’s not the case in cows, where the viral load is roughly the same in skin warts and in alimentary warts.
References Bakker ABH, Schreurs MWJ, de Boer AJ et a1 1994 Melanocyte lineage-specific antigen gpl00 is recognized by melanoma-derived tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. J Exp Med 179:1005- 1009 Brichard V, van Pel A, Wolfel et a1 1993 The tyrosinase gene codes for an antigen recognised by autologous cytolytic T-lymphocytes and HLA-A2 melanomas. J Exp Med 178:489-495 Efstathiou S, Ho YM, Minson AC 1990 Cloning and molecular characterization of the murine herpesvirus 68 genome. J Gen Virol 71:1355-1364 Ford JN, Jennings PA, Spradbrow PB, Francis J 1982 Evidence for papillomaviruses in ocular lesions in cattle. Res Vet Sci 32:257-259 Hoffmann D, Jennings PA, Spradbrow PB 1981 Immunotherapy of bovine ocular squamous cell carcinomas with phenol-saline extracts of allogenic carcinomas. Aust Vet J 57:159-162 Kawakami Y, Eliyahu S, Delgado CH et al 1994 Cloning of the gene encoding for a shared human melanoma antigen recognized by autologous T-cells infiltrating into tumor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91:3515-3519 Schwartzentruber DJ, Hom SS, Dadmarz R et a1 1994 In vitro predictors of therapeutic response in melanoma patients receiving tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and interleukin-2. J Clin Oncol 12:1475-1483 Shiel AGR 1989 Cancer report. In: Disney APS (ed) Twelfth report of the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA). The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, South Australia, p 109-1 10 Smith SE, Davis IC, Leshin B, Fleischer AB Jr, White WL, Feldman SR 1993 Absence of human papillomavirus in squamous cell carcinomas of nongenital skin from immunocompromised renal transplant patients. Arch Dermatol 129:1585- 1588 Soler C, Chardonnet Y, Allibert P, Euvrard S, Schmitt D, Mandrand B 1993 Detection of mucosal human papillomavirus types 611 1 in cutaneous lesions from transplant recipients. J Invest Dermatol 101:286-291 Spradbrow PB 1988 Immune responses to papillomavirus infection. In: Syrjanen KJ, Gussmann L (eds) Papillomaviruses and human disease. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ~371-392 Steele JC, Gallimore P H 1990 Humoral assays of human sera to disrupted and nondisrupted epitopes of human papillomavirus type 1. Virology 174:388-398 Straus SE, Savarese B, Tigges M et a1 1993 Induction and enhancement of immune responses to Herpes simplex virus type 2 in humans by use of a recombinant glycoprotein-D vaccine. J Infect Dis 167:1045-1052 Sunil-Chandra NP, Efstathiou S, Nash AA 1992 Murine y herpesvirus 68 establishes a latent infection in mouse B lymphocytes in vivo. J Gen Virol 73:3275-3279 Sunil-Chandra NP, Efstathiou S, Nash AA 1993 Interactions of murine y herpesvirus 68 with B and T cell lines. Virology 193:825-833 Tindle RW, Frazer IH 1994 Immune response to human papillomavirus and the prospects for HPV specific immunisation. In: Zur Hausen H (ed) Current topics in microbiology and immunology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, vol 186:217-252 Wolfel T, van Pel A, Brichard V et a1 1994 Two tyrosinase nonapeptides recognized on HLA-A2 melanomas by autologous cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol24:759-764
General discussion I Sterile immunity
Liew: We’ve talked about vaccination and there have been comments that it will be difficult because we cannot get sterile immunity-if one virus gets through, we will not be able to control the disease. I’m not sure I concur with this pessimism. In other infectious diseases, especially parasitic diseases, if you succeed in reducing the infection by 50-70%, you are doing well. There is such a thing as herd immunity, in which you reduce the chance of transmission. Postponing the disease onset by a few months or years is a considerable achievement. Fruzer: It depends on goals. What you want from a therapeutic vaccine is sterile immunity. If I were told there was a vaccine available that would give me 50% protection against papillomavirus, I wouldn’t feel enormously thrilled. Obviously, I don’t want to get warts, but I’ll get over those and I know that they will go away with time unless I’m unlucky. What I don’t want is an increased risk of tumours due to papillomavirus infection. Liew: As the vaccination programme progresses, 50% reduction might eventually completely eliminate the virus simply by progressively reducing the chance of reinfection. Fruzer: Normally, vaccines like that work by allowing antigenic re-challenge to keep your immunity high. You want 95% of people to be immunized and the other 5% passing around virus to make sure your immune response stays current. Wettstein: Isn’t it true that most vaccines are not 100% effective anyway? Fruzer: They give you enough immunity that you can be re-stimulated by reexposure to virus without contracting disease. If we eliminated measles from the community by vaccination and the equivalent of the Incas came and reinfected us, we wouldn’t feel we’d done a good job. The aim is to keep the infection going but at a subclinical level. For papillomavirus, I’m not sure that sort of immunity would work. Moss: I take the pessimistic view that for Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma there will be a need to induce sterile immunity. Once the latent infection is established, it seems to me that the whole course of events is going to unfold. I believe there’s no such thing as a vaccine that actually prevents infection, there’s only a vaccine that prevents disease. Doherty: If you are immunized with the influenza vaccine specific for the current serotype, natural exposure will not lead to antigen entering the class I MHC (major histocompatibility complex) presentation pathway. 45
General discussion I
Moss: Do you get any cells infected at all? Doherty: No, the virus is neutralized and there is no stimulation of the CD8+ T cell response. Weftsfein:In the cottontail rabbit papillomavirus model we can immunize the rabbits with the major structural protein and they do not get tumours, but we can still induce tumours with DNA. This suggests that the virus is neutralized and does not establish an infection. Beverley: Eddy Liew’s argument about having herd immunity, not passing around so many viruses and perhaps not infecting so many cells in any one individual, sounds to me good in terms of papillomaviruses. It’s not clear to me that it’s right for Epstein-Barr virus. Liew: Then the body has a chance to mount an effective immune response. Beverley: Yes, before you have too many basal epithelial cells infected, which is what you want to avoid. Doherty: What about the hepatitis vaccine? It does protect people, doesn’t it? How does it work? Milich: The licensed vaccine and also peptide vaccines using different epitopes protect-any antibody seems to protect against hepatitis B virus (HBV). Doherfy: Is infection established in the vaccinated individual? Milich: No, I think you can get complete protection with a given amount of antibody to HBV. However, once you have a persistent infection there is no such thing as sterile immunity-you can always find some evidence of a small amount of HBV DNA somewhere, even after the infection appears to have been cleared. Liew: What is the current protective rate of the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine? Milich: It depends on the vaccinated population: the older you get, the worse you respond, etc. You could use a number like 80-90%. Liew: And that’s a tremendous success. Rickinson: But that’s because HBV has a viremic phase, presumably, that’s why it’s suppressed. It all depends on the life cycle of the virus and whether you can intercept it. Doherty: Most of the good viral vaccines protect against viruses that are normally eliminated totally anyway. HBV may be an exception, but in most cases viral genome can no longer be detected after the host response has eliminated the virally infected cells. Arrand: The problem of Epstein-Barr virus really comes back to what’s going on with the infection and where the primary infection is taking place. We all agree there is persistent infection in B cells, but whether the primary target is the B cell or an epithelial cell which then replicates and subsequently infects the B cell isn’t clear. If the latter scenario is true, you may have more of a chance of preventing the establishment of that persistence. If the virus goes straight into the B cells, it will be more difficult. We can’t really predict what will happen, we will have t o try it and see.
Human T cell lymphotropic virus: necessity for and feasibility of a vaccine G. de The, R. Bomford, M. Kazanji and F. lbrahim Unite d'Epid6miologie des Virus Oncogenes, Departement des Retrovirus, lnstitut Pasteur, 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France
Abstract. Human T cell lymphotropic virus types I and I1 (HTLV-1/11) are endemic
in certain areas of the world. They cause two life-threatening diseases, adult T cell IeukaemiaAymphoma and tropical spastic paraparesis. A vaccine is needed because in developing countries there are no other feasible preventive interventions against these diseases and in Western countries intravenous drug users at high risk for HTLV-I and HTLV-I1 infections and the health workers in contact with such populations must be protected. We have developed a rat model in which we observed variations of susceptibility to viral infection between inbred strains, the most susceptible being the Fischer F344, and the possibility of viral latency in the nervous system. We have prepared a recombinant adenovirus vector that expresses the HTLV-I envelope glycoprotein env in HeLa cells. A target human population in French Guyana, in which the prevalence rate reaches 5.6 Vo in one ethnic group (Bonk), has been identified for possible intervention. 1994 Vaccines against viraIly induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 47-60
Viruses and human cancers It is now widely accepted that clinical cancers result from a multistep process, each step representing an independent event with an appropriate cause (or causes) and a specific mechanism. Thus in oncogenesis (and in most degenerative processes), the Pasteurian notion of cause-one agent for one disease-needs to be reassessed. One should separate the notion of causes or aetiological factors from that of the origin of degenerative processes. While the latter is appropriate for establishing the molecular mechanisms involved, the former is essential for public health interventions. The relationship between viruses and human malignancies is enlightened by the above notions. Members of four families of viruses have oncogenic potential in humans (Table 1). Each virus seems to act differently in the molecular pathogenesis of the associated tumour, but three are able to immortalize target cells: human papillomavirus immortalizes keratinocytes; Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) immortalizes B lymphocytes and human T cell lymphotropic virus 47
de The et al
TABLE 1 Viruses and human malignancies
Associated tumour
Human papillomaviruses
Genital carcinomas, mostly cervical also penile, anal carcinoma Hepatocellular carcinoma Burkitt’s lymphoma
Hepatitis B virus Epstein-Barr Herpesvirus
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Human T cell lymphotropic virus
Adult T cell leukaemia Tropical spastic paraparesis
Population at highest risk Women of developing countries > 2000 million > lo00 million
Estimated yearly incidence of virally associated tumours 5 million
5 0 0 OOO
Children in 1/10oO African Equatorial Africa children Adult males in 100000 South China, Africa and Arctic regions Southern Japan, SO00 Equatorial Africa, 20 OOO South America
(HTLV) immortalizes T4 lymphocytes. These viruses carry trans-acting genes able to increase or decrease the expression of cellular genes. Of critical interest for this symposium is the fact that a given oncogenic virus may act either at an early step in the pathogenesis of a tumour (for example, EBV in Burkitt’s lymphoma) or at a late step (for example, EBV in nasopharyngeal carcinoma). HTLV-I appears to act as an early and critical aetiological factor in the pathogenesis of adult T cell leukaemia (ATL), remaining latent in tumour cells, and as a late factor in tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP) (also called HTLV-Iassociated myelopathy, HAM), which is characterized by active viral replication. Vaccines against virally associated human tumours could have the dual advantage of preventing a large number of tumour cases, mostly in the developing countries, and of giving insight into the molecular pathogenic mechanism of human oncogenesis. Value of an HTLV-I vaccine versus other preventive approaches We have argued the case in favour of an HTLV-I vaccine (de ThC & Bomford 1993) and the reader is referred to this article for a full bibliography. Only recent articles of key importance will be cited here. In regions where HTLV-I is endemic (southern Japan, intertropical Africa, Central and South America), there are two major routes of transmission.
Vaccine for human T cell lymphotropic virus
The first is maternal transmission, principally through the milk with a probability of about 25'70, with a lower level of prenatal transmission of around 5 % . The second is sexual transmission, with a much lower efficiency than that of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) but with the same predominance of males over females. There is in addition transmission through blood, either by transfusion or amongst intravenous drug users. In principle, the transmission of HTLV-I could be greatly reduced by screening blood donations, identification of seropositive mothers, avoidance of breast feeding and by the use of condoms. In practice, while these measures are being efficaciously applied in Japan, they are not appropriate in the less developed regions that represent the large reservoir of HTLV and associated diseases. For these countries, the case for a vaccine is obvious.
Target populations for vaccination against HTLV-I and HTLV-11 The principal areas of endemic infection with HTLV-I are listed in Table 2. The total number of people infected worldwide with HTLV-I is between 10 and 20 million, of whom as many as 5-8'370 may develop one of the two lifethreatening diseases associated with HTLV-I infection during their life time. The acute and lymphomatous form of ATL is almost invariably fatal within a short time (less than three months on average). In addition, HTLV-I causes TSP, a chronic paralytic disorder similar to multiple sclerosis. The total morbidity inflicted by HTLV-I infection is increased by a growing list of less severe associated conditions, including arthropathy, uveitis, infectious dermatitis and polymyositis. HTLV-I1 is endemic in isolated populations of native American Indians in the Old World, although recent work from our laboratory and others has identified cases of genuine African HTLV-I1 infection in Central Africa (Gessain et a1 1993a), suggesting that HTLV-I1 may turn out to be as widely distributed throughout the world as HTLV-I. In areas of the developing world where HTLV-I is endemic, it will be necessary to immunize infants against maternal transmission, with a boost before adolescence to prevent sexual transmission. In addition, the risk of epidemic spread of HTLV-I and even more frequently of HTLV-I1 amongst intravenous drug users raises the need for vaccination of health workers. Rates of infection with HTLV-I1 amongst drug users in North America are up to 20'70, compared with about 2% for HTLV-I. The reason for such a discrepancy has not yet been established. It could be that HTLV-I1 entered the population of drug users earlier than HTLV-I as a consequence of transmission from native American Indians. Alternatively, HTLV-I may be less efficiently transmitted via blood than HTLV-11. Infection with HTLV-I1 seems to be linked with haematological and neurological diseases, as for HTLV-I, but the frequency is not yet established and the necessity for a vaccine remains uncertain. Because HTLV-I and HTLV-I1
de The et al
TABLE 2 Estimated prevalence of endemic infection with HTLV-I and associated diseases
Endemic area
Japan Caribbean Intertropical Africa CentraVSouth America Totals
Overall incidence of viral infection (%)
No. infected persons (millions)
121 34 485
1.7 4 1-2
2 1.4 4.8-9.6
Total population at risk (millions)
Cumulative lifetime disease risk (%) Adult Tropical T cell spastic lymphoma paraparesisa 4 1
0.25 2
"Also known as HTLV-I-associated myelopathy.
are not cross-reactive in terms of antibody neutralization, separate vaccines would be needed. Despite the obvious practical difficulties, consideration should be given to vaccinating drug users and health workers in contact with them against HTLV-I and HTLV-11. Considerations for the development of an HTLV-I vaccine
Immunological and genomic stability of HTL V-I There are certain viruses, such as rhinoviruses, HIV or even influenza, where the degree of antigenic variation poses a great problem for vaccination. The first studies on cross-neutralization of HTLV-I isolates with sera from HTLVinfected individuals from different endemic regions were carried out in the laboratory of Professor R. Weiss (Clapham et a1 1984); since that time no strainspecific neutralizing antibodies have been reported. Linear neutralizing epitopes on the HTLV-I envelope glycoprotein (env) have been located (Palker et a1 1992). Mutations in one of these regions can affect the binding of non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (Schulz et a1 1991), so it is possible that strain-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies will be identified in the future. However, since there are multiple neutralizing epitopes on the HTLV-I env, it seems unlikely that vaccination with the complete molecule, or a considerable portion of it, will induce only a strain-specific protection. This is clearly a proposition that will need to be tested in animal models. The antigenic stability of HTLV-I reflects an underlying genomic stability. Sequencing studies from our own and other laboratories have revealed that the
Vaccine for human T cell lymphotropic virus
env gene is about 98% conserved in HTLV-I isolates from the major endemic regions (Komurian et al 1991, Schulz et a1 1991), although there is a variant HTLV-I in Melanesia which differs by about 10% (Gessain et a1 1993b). Despite the overall genetic stability of HTLV-I, we have been able to distinguish three major molecular subtypes on the basis of the restriction length fragment polymorphism of the long terminal repeat: subtype I or African; subtype I1 or cosmopolitan; subtype I11 or Japanese (Ureta-Vidal et a1 1994). Animal models of infection and experimental vaccines against HTL V-I It is fortunate from the point of view of vaccine development that the as yet uncharacterized cell surface receptor for HTLV-I is not confined to human cells and that both small animals and monkeys are susceptible t o infection. The rabbit was first used by Japanese workers as a model for infection and experimental vaccination. Rabbits can be infected with HTLV-I by inoculating them either with HTLV-I-producing human cell lines or with rabbit cell lines transformed in vitro with HTLV-I or even with blood from HTLV-I-infected rabbits. Maternal transmission of HTLV-I was demonstrated in the rabbit; it could be prevented by passive immunization with immunoglobulin from HTLVI-infected rabbits or humans (Sawada et a1 1991). This last result is very encouraging for vaccine development, because it shows that circulating antibodies are capable of preventing infection by HTLV-I-bearing lymphocytes in the milk, which enter the body at a mucosal surface either in the mouth or in the stomach. In the light of this finding, it might be expected that human infants would be protected against milk-borne transmission of HTLV-I by maternal antibodies passing across the placenta. There is now epidemiological evidence from Japan that this is indeed the case (Takahashi et a1 1991). It was found that the risk of maternal transmission of HTLV-I remained low when breast feeding was stopped before six months after birth and before the decline of maternal antibodies, but rose to the expected level of around 25% when breast feeding was continued for longer. This suggests that vaccination t o prevent maternal transmission need not be undertaken immediately after birth, but could be accomplished during the first six months of life with the object of stimulating a sufficient level of circulating antibody to protect until the end of lactation. Rabbits have been actively immunized against HTLV-I infection with a live recombinant vaccine containing the HTLV-I envelope gene env in a vaccinia virus vector (Shida et a1 1987). The rat provides an alternative small animal model of HTLV-I infection. Several inbred strains of rat have been chronically infected by inoculating them with human cell lines producing HTLV-I or with rat cell lines transformed by HTLV-I in vitro. In one strain a paralytic disease showing some features of
de The et al
TSP/HAM developed 16 months after the rats were infected as neonates (Ishiguro et a1 1992). Two primate models of infection with HTLV-I have been described. Marmosets (Callithrixjacchus)were infected by oral administration of milk from HTLV-I-infected women (Ichimaru et a1 1991), which might provide a useful model for testing a vaccine designed to prevent maternal transmission. Active immunization against HTLV-I has been accomplished in the cynomolgus macaque (Mucacufasciculuris) with a recombinant subunit vaccine containing portions of the env antigen (Nakamura et a1 1987). Our current research Our efforts toward developing an HTLV vaccine include three complementary aspects: the development of an animal model, the construction of a recombinant vaccine and the identification of a suitable target human population.
Development of an animal model We have chosen to work with the rat because its immune system is better characterized than that of the rabbit. Our initial studies, in which we inoculated adult rats of different inbred strains with human cell lines producing HTLV-I, have identified some interesting features of the infection which appear to be peculiar to the rat system (Ibrahim et a1 1994).
Antibody response. An antibody response to HTLV-I develops 3-4 weeks after infection and persists for up to 32 weeks, the longest we have followed it. The antibodies recognize, in Western blots, the gag antigens of HTLV-I (p53, p32, p28, p24, p19) and also the transmembrane portion of the envelope antigen, gp21. However, we have been unable to detect any reaction with the outer surface envelope glycoprotein gp46 and the antibodies were not neutralizing in an in vitro test of inhibition of syncytium formation. In contrast, sera from rabbits or humans infected with HTLV-I usually contain antibodies to gp46 and are neutralizing, although in the case of humans so-called indeterminate patterns of reactivity in Western blots, which may manifest as a reaction to gag antigens alone, are quite common (La1 et a1 1992). HTL V-Iprovirus locution. We have been able to detect the HTLV-I provirus using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of most infected rats at 12 weeks after infection, also in the spinal column of a smaller proportion of rats. We cannot be certain that the positive reaction in the nervous tissue was not due to passenger lymphocytes, but the rats had been thoroughly perfused before killing. When we looked for the provirus later after infection (22 weeks), we could no longer find it in the peripheral blood
Vaccine for human T cell lymphotropic virus
lymphocytes, but the sympathetic nerve ganglia of some rats were still positive. This is interesting as an example of the elimination of traces of retroviral infection from peripheral blood lymphocytes with persistent infection in the central nervous system.
Susceptibility of inbred strains. We found that three inbred strains of rat (Fischer F344, Lewis and Brown Norway) could be infected with HTLV-I. The Fischer was possibly the most susceptible as judged by the rate of positive PCR signals, although the difference was not great. We included one strain of rat, BB, in the expectation that it might be more susceptible because of its lack of T lymphocytes of the CD8+ (killer) subset. However, this strain turned out to be the most resistant of all, showing little seroconversion and no positive PCR reactions. We have concluded that HTLV-I infection in the rat is highly suppressed, in that the low levels of provirus in circulating lymphocytes decline with time and there does not seem to be sufficient viral replication to induce detectable antibodies against gp46 or neutralizing antibodies. It remains an interesting question which immunological mechanisms could be involved in the control of HTLV-I infection in the rat, since our results do not point to a role for neutralizing antibodies or CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes. However, we believe that the initial infection of the rat by virus produced by the infected human T cells should be preventable by antibody against the HTLV-I envelope. We shall be testing this hypothesis by vaccinating rats with recombinant vaccines containing the HTLV-I env gene. +
A recombinant vaccine for HTL V-I
The antigen. The protection of rabbits and monkeys with vaccines that immunize against env has convinced us to start our project with the same antigen. A vaccine that stimulates neutralizing antibodies against env for a period of several months should be sufficient to protect infants against maternal transmission. It is more difficult to envisage how one might provide long-term protection for adults against sexual transmission without regular boosting to maintain antibody levels. It is unlikely that immunological memory will lead to a sufficiently rapid secondary antibody response to prevent the initial infection. A vaccine designed to induce a long-lived cell-mediated response directed at an internal viral antigen such as gag might be able to bring about the destruction of the first host cells to be infected. The vector or carrier. Because the target populations for vaccination against HTLV-I are largely located in developing countries, the vaccine should be cheap and preferably suitable for oral administration. From this point of view, a live recombinant vaccine is to be favoured. The efficacy of vaccinia as a vector for
de The et al
an HTLV-I vaccine has already been demonstrated in the rabbit system (Shida et a1 1987). We have decided to use adenovirus as a vector, because of its potential for oral administration. We are using the same defective adenovirus 5 system that has been successfully deployed for a vaccine against EBV-induced tumours in cottontop tamarins (Ragot et a1 1993). We have constructed a recombinant adenovirus vector expressing the HTLV-I env gene. We have demonstrated that HeLa cells express env after infection with this construct (Kazanji et a1 1994).
Identification of a target human population f o r testing preventive interventions Although in principle it would be possible to carry out a clinical trial on unselected individuals in a population with a high prevalence of HTLV-I, in practice it would be preferable to use smaller numbers of subjects known to be at high risk of infection. Two candidate groups are the wives of HTLV-1positive men and the children of HTLV-I-positive mothers. For the latter, it is necessary to identify a location where sufficient numbers of HTLV-I-infected mothers can be identified, where the rate of maternal transmission can be measured and where an ethics committee would consider that the benefits warranted withholding advice on the avoidance of breast feeding from HTLV-I-infected mothers. We are currently engaged in an epidemiological survey of the incidence of HTLV-I infection in French Guyana, in which we have identified more than 100 HTLV-I-infected women of child-bearing age, among whom we will be able to determine the level of maternal transmission of HTLV-I (Tuppin et a1 1994). The suitability of the available measures to prevent maternal transmission (avoidance of breast feeding, passive immunization with anti-HTLV-I immunoglobulins, vaccination) will be assessed at a later stage. A ckno wledgements The authors are grateful to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, URA 1157), la Direction Scientifique des Applications de la Recherche de I’lnstitut Pasteur, la Fondation MCrieux and the Wellcome Trust for financial support.
Clapharn P, Nagy K, Weiss RA 1984 Pseudotypes of human T-cell leukemia virus types I and 11: neutralisation by patients’ sera. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 81:2886-2889 de The G,Bornford R 1993 An HTLV-I vaccine: why, how and for whom? AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 9:381-386 Gessain A, Fretz C, Koulibaly M et a1 1993a Evidence of HTLV-I1 infection in Guinea, West Africa. J Acquired Immune Defic Syndr 6:323-328
Vaccine for human T cell lymphotropic virus
Gessain A, Boeri E, Yanigihara R, Gallo RC, Franchini G 1993b Complete nucleotide sequence of a highly divergent human T-cell leukemia (lymphotropic) virus type I (HTLV-I) variant from Melanesia: genetic and phylogenetic relationships to HTLV-I strains from other geographical regions. J Virol 67:1015-1023 Ibrahim F, Fiette L, Gessain A, Buisson N, de The G , Bombford R 1994 Infection of rats with human T-cell leukemia virus type I: susceptibility of inbred strains, antibody response and provirus location. Int J Cancer 58: 1-6 Ichimaru M, Ikeda S, Kinoshita K, Hino S, Tsuji Y 1991 Mother-to-child transmission of HTLV-I. Cancer Detect Prev 15:177-181 Ishiguro N Abe M Set0 K et a1 1992 A rat model of human T lymphocyte virus type I (HTLV-I) infection. I. Humoral antibody response, provirus integration, and HTLVI-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis-like myelopathy in seronegative HTLV-I carrier rats. J Exp Med 176:981-989 Kazanji M, Bessereau J-L, Nicola M-A, Gessain A, Bomford R, de The G 1994 In vitro and in vivo expression of the HTLV-I envelope gene inserted into a recombinant adenovirus. In preparation Komurian F, Peloquin F, de The G 1991 In vivo genomic variability of HTLV I depends more upon geography than pathologies. J Virol 65:3770-3778 La1 RB, Rudolph DL, Coligan JE, Brodine SK, Roberts CR 1992 Failure to detect evidence of human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) type I and type I1 in blood donors with isolated gag antibodies to HTLV 1/11. Blood 80:544-550 Nakamura H, Hayami M, Ohta Yet al 1987 Protection of cynomolgus monkeys against infection by human T-cell leukemia virus type-I by immunization with viral env gene products produced in Escherichiu coli. Int J Cancer 40:403-407 Palker TJ, Riggs ER, Spragion DE et a1 1992 Mapping of homologous amino-terminal neutralizing regions of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I and I1 gp46 envelope glycoproteins. J Virol 665879-5889 Ragot T, Finery S, Watkins PE, Perrlcaudet M, Morgan AJ 1993 Replication-defective recombinant adenovirus expressing the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) envelope glycoproteins gp340/220 induces protective immunity against EBV-induced lymphomas in the cottontop tamarin. J Gen Virol 74:SOl-507 Sawada T, Iwahara Y, Ishii K, Taguchi H, Hoshino H , Miyoshi I 1991 Immunoglobulin prophylaxis against milkborne transmission of human T cell leukemia virus type I in rabbits. J Infect Dis 164:1193-1196 Schulz TF, Calabro M-L, Hoad JG et a1 1991 HTLV-I envelope sequences from Brazil the Caribbean, and Romania: clustering of sequences according to geographic origin and variability in an antibody epitope. Virology 184: 483-491 Shida H Tochikura T Sato T et a1 1987 Effect of the recombinant vaccinia viruses that express HTLV-I envelope gene on HTLV-I infection. EMBO (Eur Mol Biol Organ) J 6~3379-3384 Takahashi K, Takezaki T, Oki T et al 1991 Inhibitory effect of maternal antibody on mother-to-child transmission of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1. Int J Cancer 49~673-677 Tuppin P, Lepere JF, Carles G et a1 1994 Risk factors for maternal HTLV-I infection in Saint-Laurent, French Guiana. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 10:488 (abstr) Ureta-Vidal A, Gessain A, Yoshida M et a1 1994 Phylogenetic classification of HTLV-I genotypes in five major molecular and geographical subtypes. J Gen Virol, in press
DISCUSSION Eisenbach: Is the env gene of HTLV-I polymorphic?
de The:The HTLV-I genome is highly stable, but with geographical subtypes. There is cross-neutralization and genomic identity up to 96-99% of the nucleotide sequences between isolates. Culloway: Have people followed individuals-carriers or patients-over time to see whether their viruses are stable? de The:With regards to disease and selection of a variant, the virus is highly stable over time, even through generations. Bill Blattner is doing this in Jamaica and in Trinidad. Fruzer: Is there any difference in the nature of the immune response made to the virus according t o whether you become infected through, for example, breast-feeding or sexual intercourse? de The: We d o not know, but the incubating period before onset is very different: short (less than three years) for TSP/HAM after transfusion, or very long (more than 40 years) for ATL linked to maternal transmission. Fruzer: Is the neutralizing antibody that you talked about in regard t o this virus neutralizing for the cells, or is it only cell-free virus that is neutralized? de Thd: There are interesting data from Japan, which show a correlation between the amount of neutralizing antibody and the rate of transmission from mother’s milk to child (Takahashi et a1 1991). With time, the amount of neutralizing antibody in the milk decreases, with a breaking point around six months, when, if we assume that the viral load remains the same, the children become infected. The Japanese group has shown that children who were breast fed for around nine months to a year have a 25% transmission rate; those breast fed for less than four months have a transmission rate of 4%, which represents the transplacental rate. This is the best in vivo experiment showing that the neutralizing antibodies probably act on cell-free virions which must be short lived. This transmission through virions makes a vaccine likely to work. Levitsky: Obviously, it’s hard to know when in the course of breast-feeding transmission occurs. Breast-feeding has to start immediately, when would you propose to vaccinate children in such a scenario? de The:There appears to be a window between 3-4 months after birth during which there is still protection from the mother, but not yet any risk of transmission. This would be theoretically the best time to vaccinate. Doherty: Can you vaccinate the mother to increase the antibody titre? de The:Again, we go back to the possibility of immunotherapy by 7-globulins followed by vaccination. I think this is a possibility. This was achieved successfully in rabbits by Miyoshi. He could decrease the transmission rate of HTLV-I from mother to child by giving the mother neutralizing antibodies intravenously. Liew: A mother’s milk already has antibody against the virus, yet the virus can still infect the child. This implies that the antibody is not neutralizing. de The: It appears to be a quantitative relationship. If you have two armies, one with 10000 soldiers, the other with 100OOO soldiers, all fighting well, the larger army will win.
Vaccine for human T cell lymphotropic virus
Greenberg: In many respects, it is easy to make an experimental vaccine that will induce neutralizing antibody-the activity is easy to measure and in the right challenge model it should be easy to show it works. However, the antibodies are not likely to persist in high titre and thus I question the logic of pursuing this strategy, particularly in Third World countries. It would likely be necessary to time immunizations very carefully with the risk period. It seems to me we should look at what kind of vaccine would be protective from infection and/or more likely to induce a substantial reduction in the viral burden of the mother. To my mind, such a vaccine would offer better long-term protection than trying to get high-titre neutralizing antibodies around the time that people are breastfeeding. de The: In the endemic areas, the main transmission is from mother to child. If you can, by vaccination or passive immunization, stop that transmission, you may expect to have a major effect on the disease process. Greenberg: But to do that with your strategy, you will have to give a vaccine that’s going to maintain high-titre neutralizing antibody activity. de Thk: Not necessarily, because it seems that, as in the case of EBV, the pathogenesis of ATL is linked with very early HTLV-I infection. If you delay such a primary infection, let’s say by 10 years, so that the main source of infection will be sexually transmitted virus, you will most probably eliminate completely the risk of ATL. The sexually transmitted virus has never been linked with ATL pathogenesis or with TSP/HAM, which has been linked with a massive infection by blood transfusion. Eisenbach: We come back to the question that has been asked so many times: is there any value to a therapeutic vaccine in the case of ATL? de The: ATL is an acute leukaemia with an average survival of less than three months; it is completely resistant to cytotoxic drugs. I don’t think that anybody has thought of using such an approach. Eisenbach: What about neutralizing antibodies? Would they give any protective or therapeutic effect? de The: No, because, in contrast to TSP, the immune response to HTLV during ATL is not dramatically different from that in a healthy carrier. We are in the same situation as we were for EBV and Burkitt’s lymphoma. We showed in the large Ugandan prospective study of Burkitt’s lymphoma that at the time of disease development, there was no change in immune response to EBV and that the risk of Burkitt’s lymphoma was linked to a massive primary EBV infection just after birth, leading to polyclonal B cell proliferation and years later to the lymphoma. It seems that for ATL we have a similar situation. Rickinson: The leukaemic clone is provirus positive but does not express viral antigen. Frazer: There’s no Tax protein there either. Rickinson: But when the clone is cultured, the antigen is expressed, is that right?
de The: Yes, immediately. Frazer: Is the tropical spastic paraparesis myelopathy thought to be immunologically mediated? de The: Yes, definitely. Frazer: So the the immune response to Tax would be bad news. Therefore, if you were trying to develop a therapeutic vaccine for HTLV-I-induced tumours, you might jump out of the frying pan into the fire and produce myelopathy instead. de The: You may be right, but again it is a question of the level of specific CD8+ cells and it is an issue to be considered when developing the vaccine. CD8+ cells directed against Tax are very numerous in patients with TSP/HAM, not only in the circulating blood, but also in the cerebrospinal fluid. The present hypothesis is that they are CTL (cytotoxic T lymphocytes) that recognize an HTLV-I-induced surface marker on either neuronal cells or other cells, the result being that there is production of cytokines cytotoxic for the neurons. In contrast to multiple sclerosis, you never recover from a lesion in TSP/HAM. Doherty: It’s generally very difficult to induce any class I MHC (major histocompatibility complex) glycoprotein expression on nerve cells, even in culture (Wong et al 1984, Joly et al 1991). The response may not be directed at the nerve cell, but could reflect cytokine secretion by T cells recognizing antigen presented on, for example, astrocytes or microglia. Greenberg:CTL specific for herpesviruses appear to release cytokines when they interact with neurons. This apparently results from class I-restricted recognition, but the CD8+ T cells don’t actually kill the neurons, despite recognition. Doherty: Is it clear that the expression is on the nerve cell rather than on another cell in the central nervous system? Greenberg: I believe that to be the case. Liew: You said the pathology was caused by class I CTL. What about CD4+ cells? de The: There is also some increase in CD4+ cells, but the CD8+ response seems to be the major event in TSP/HAM. Liew: If you want to implicate cytokines in the pathological response, CD4+ cells usually produce significantly more cytokines than CD8 cells. Is there any evidence of CD4 cells being produced during the normal infection or during the vaccination process? de The: The CD4+ cell is the target cell for the HTLV-I infection. Therefore, as in the case of EBV and the B cells, there is a polyclonal expansion of CD4+ cells after HTLV-I infection, which is maintained in the carriers and is increased in TSP/HAM. In patients with TSP/HAM, there are also abnormal circulating CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the blood. Frazer: Is the polyclonal proliferation of T cells in the HTLV-I infection controlled by the immune system in the the same way as the polyclonal proliferation of B cells is in EBV? +
Vaccine for human T cell lymphotropic virus
de The: Probably not, but it has not been shown. Fruzer: Is there any idea of what the target antigens might be? de The: There is an epitope in the extracellular env protein, corresponding to amino acids 99-109, which might represent a major target. Melief: In general, HIV vaccines based on the induction of neutralizing antibodies have been quite disappointing. One reason is that people usually get infected with cells. In HTLV-I transmission, do people get infected by cell-free virus or by cells? I would presume it is also cells in this case. de The: It is usually, but, as I mentioned earlier, it seems that there is a possibility for infection by cell-free virions with a very short half-life. This can be accounted for by neutralizing antibodies, if present in high titre. Melief: I would presume that cells are also transmitted through the milklymphocytes are abundant in milk-so there is also cell-cell transmitted virus, for which we would definitely need cell-mediated immunity. de The: But Miyoshi has shown in the rabbit that there is protection when using rabbit or human immunoglobulins to prevent mother to child transmission. Does this answer your question? Melief: If the rabbit is really representative of the human. Doherfy: There was some suggestion with HIV that there might be enhancing antibody-one that would get the virus into the cell and then the virus would escape. Are there any suggestions with these viruses that there is an enhancing antibody effect? de The: Not for HTLV, at the moment. But for EBV, we know that EBV attached to IgA becomes more prone to infect epithelial cells. Arrand: You were talking about adenovirus recombinants, what d o you think are the prospects for these to be used? We all cite their use by the military, but adenoviruses haven’t been licensed for use in the civilian population. Also, some problems are turning up in the gene therapy approaches using adenovirus recombinants. de The: We are going to compare, in our system and in the rabbit model, the Ad5 construct and the avipox recombinants prepared by Enzo Paoletti (Virogenetic, New York) and used by Veffa Franchini at the National Cancer Institute. Later on, we might work on other recombinants, such as BCG, to adapt to the public health need. The aim is to develop a vaccine which could be given orally and would be easy to distribute to young children of the developing world. Greenberg: It seems very much a question of what your goal is. If you are trying to generate a good cellular CD8+ T cell immune response, then using a live recombinant virus makes enormous sense. But if you want to make a high titre neutralizing antibody, it seems an inappropriate approach, because recombinant viral vectors may give you only low titres that last for short periods. If inducing neutralizing antibody is your goal, then immunizing people repetitively with a recombinant protein may be a more logical approach.
de ThP: The goal is to protect against HTLV-I-associated diseases. Either we wait 100 years until we understand the pathogenesis of these diseases in order to act logically or, in parallel with learning about the pathogenesis, we try to see what can be done. Doherty: Is there any problem in using adenovirus in gene therapy other than the fact that you do actually get an immune response? Greenberg: The first problem is that it induces both a humoral and a cellular immune response to adenoviral proteins, so you may only be able to give it once. Secondly, it is episomal, so it is unstable. Doherty: In the context of viral vaccines this is not a disadvantage, though it is a problem for gene therapy. Greenberg: Certainly, there are distinct requirements for a delivery system used for vaccination and one used for gene therapy. References Joly E, Mucke L, Oldstone MB 1991 Viral persistence in neurons explained by lack of major histocompatibility class I expression. Science 253: 1283- 1285 Takahashi K, Takezaki T, Oki T et al 1991 Inhibitory effect of maternal antibody on mother-to-child transmission of human T-lymphotropic virus type I. Int J Cancer 49:613-611 Wong O H , Clark-Lewis I, Harris AW, Schrader JW 1984 Effect of cloned interferongamma on expression of H-2 and Ia antigens on cell lines of hemopoietic, lymphoid, epithelial, fibroblastic and neuronal origin. Eur J Immunol 1452-56
Vaccination against cutaneous and mucosal papillomavirus in cattle M. Saveria Campo* and William F. H. Jarrettt *The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, CRC Beatson Laboratories, Garscube Estate, Glasgow G67 1BD and ?Department of Veterinary Pathology, Glasgow University Veterinary School, Garscube Estate, Glasgow G61 1QH, UK
Abstract. Viruses are responsible for approximately 15% of human cancer worldwide. Human papillomavirus and hepatitis B virus are the recognized agents of cervical and liver cancer, respectively, which together constitute 80% of all virally induced cancers. If measures could be found to bring viral infection under control, a great proportion of human cancer would be greatly reduced. Experimental vaccines are being developed against papillomavirus. In principle two different types of vaccine can be envisaged: prophylactic vaccines that would elicit virusneutralizing antibodies and would prevent infection and therapeutic vaccines that would induce regression of established lesions before progression to malignancy took place. The research on vaccines against human papillomavirus is hampered by the difficulties encountered in growing the virus in tissue culture and by the unacceptable nature of experimentation in humans. Effective vaccines, both natural and genetically engineered, have been developed against bovine papillomavirus and cottontail rabbit papillomavirus. The success obtained with the animal models supports the optimistic prediction that in the relatively near future vaccines will be available against the most problematic or potentially dangerous forms of papillomatosis in humans. 1994 Vaccinesagainst virally induced cancers. Wiley. Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 61- 77
Cattle are infected by several different types of bovine papillomavirus (BPV), which display different degrees of molecular and immunological similarity (Campo & Jarrett 1986). Of the six types of BPV characterized in detail so far, two are associated with cancer. BPV-2 commonly infects the skin and induces warts, but it can also infect the oesophageal and ruminal mucosa, where it causes virally non-productive tumours, and the urinary bladder, where evidence strongly suggests it has a causative role in cancer (Campo et a1 1992). BPV-4 infects the mucosa of the upper alimentary canal and causes papillomas. These are normally benign and self-limiting tumours, but progress to cancer in animals that eat bracken fern, highlighting the fact that papillomavirus infection per se is not sufficient to cause malignant progression (Campo & Jarrett 1986). 61
Carnpo & Jarrett
Bracken contains mutagens that contribute powerfully to cell transformation by BPV-4 (Pennie & Campo 1992) and immunosuppressants that cause a dramatic and sustained drop in the number of lymphocytes and other white blood cells (Campo et a1 1992). This abrogates immunosurveillance, allowing activation of latent virus (Campo et a1 1994a) and the spread and persistence of the papillomas (Campo & Jarrett 1986). Reproduction of both bladder and alimentary canal cancer in cattle has been achieved (Campo & Jarrett 1986, Campo et al 1992, 1994b), providing experimental proof, impossible to obtain in the human subject, of the link between papillomavirus infection, environmental cofactors and cancer. A similar experimental proof has been obtained in rabbits, where benign warts caused by the cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (CRPV) can progress to squamous cell carcinomas (Wettstein 1987, Brandsma et al 1991). In addition to the feasibility of direct experimentation, other factors contribute to the suitability of cattle and rabbits as models for infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) and carcinogenesis. First, both types of animal are natural hosts to their respective pathogenic viruses, BPV and CRPV; therefore the responses to experimental viral infection, be they immunological or cellular, are meaningful and reflect biological processes that occur naturally. Second, the natural history of viral infection in both cattle and rabbits is reasonably well known (Jarrett 1985, Kreider & Bartlett 1981) and this knowledge can be exploited in the design of new experiments. The animals can be infected in controlled conditions and longitudinal studies can be pursued, both in the field of carcinogenesis as outlined above (Campo & Jarrett 1986, Campo et al 1992, Brandsma et a1 1991, Peng et al 1993, Brandsma & Xiao 1993) and in that of immunology and vaccination (Jarrett et a1 1991, Okabayashi et al 1991, Han et a1 1992, Campo et al 1993, Lin et a1 1993a). Finally, both cattle and rabbits are outbred, an obvious advantage when, for instance, the immune response to papillomavirus infection has to be compared or used as guidance in humans. This review will outline the successful vaccination experiments conducted in cattle where the twin goals of preventing and curing tumours induced by both cutaneous and mucosal BPVs have been achieved and will compare them with experiments performed in rabbits. The success obtained in these animal systems points the way forward for the immunological management of HPV infection in humans.
Materials and methods These will be described only briefly. Full description of the experimental procedures can be found in Jarrett et a1 (1990a,b, 1991), Campo et a1 (1993) and Chandrachud et a1 (1994).
Calves. Typically, calves were bought at approximately 10-12 weeks old and free from papillomavirus; they were randomly assigned t o groups and housed in
Vaccination against bovine papillomavirus
separate, clean pens in an isolation unit. All calves were bled on arrival and then at regular intervals thereafter for haematological and immunological analysis.
Virus. Different types of BPV were obtained from type-specific papillomas and purified by rate-zonal centrifugation. Virus samples were tested for type specificity and homogeneity by restriction enzyme mapping and hybridization. Production of recombinant BPV proteins in Escherichia coli. BPV proteins were produced in bacteria either as @-galactosidase(@-gal)fusion products or as glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion products by the molecular cloning of the appropriate viral genes in either pUR plasmids or pGEX plasmids, respectively. Vaccination. The recombinant fusion proteins were administered either in Freund's incomplete adjuvant or in aluminium gel by intramuscular inoculation, in quantities ranging from 10 pg to 2 mg per animal per injection. A first injection was followed by a second one (boost) after four weeks. Virus challenge. Typically, two weeks after the boost, vaccinated and control animals were challenged with 10I2or 10" viral particles. The suspended virions were applied to scarified neck skin for cutaneous virus or were injected into the hard palate for mucosal virus. Each animal was examined every three or four weeks, when the papillomas were counted and their size was measured. Humoral antibodies to viral vaccine proteins. Circulating antibodies to viral proteins were detected in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Microtitre plates were coated with the appropriate antigen and incubated with serial dilutions of sera. After washing, alkaline phosphatase-conjugated goat anti-bovine IgC was added and the reaction monitored by the addition of alkaline phosphatase substrate. Definition of B cell epitopes in vaccine proteins. Synthetic oligopeptides or defined portions of protein were coated onto microtitre plates and sera screened as above. T cell response to viral vaccine proteins. The activation of T lymphocytes specific for the vaccine protein was monitored by proliferation assays. T lymphocytes were stimulated to grow in vitro by administration of antigen and cell division was monitored by [ 3H]thymidine incorporation. Definition of T cell epitopes in vaccine proteins. Synthetic oligopeptides or defined portions of protein were used in T lymphocyte proliferation assays and cell growth was monitored as above.
Campo & Jarretl
+ -U
Vaccination against bovine papillomavirus
Results Our experiments on vaccination against BPV can be divided into two series. The first series comprises ‘natural’ vaccines consisting of virus or extracts of tumours; the second series comprises ‘engineered’ subunit vaccines. Natural vaccines Intramuscular vaccination of calves with purified virus or virus-containing tumour extracts protected the animals from further infection. Protection was associated with the presence in the vaccinated animals of high titre neutralizing antibodies; these must have been elicited by the structural components of the virus, as vaccines based on transformed cells, which express the early viral proteins but not the virion proteins, were ineffective (Jarrett et a1 1990a). This was subsequently confirmed by the use of subunit vaccines against BPV (see below). In the same series of experiments, we showed that immunity is specific to the type of virus. Animals vaccinated against a particular viral type were immune to further challenge with the same virus but not to challenge with any other BPV-type (Jarrett et a1 1990b). This observation might explain why the first vaccines against BPV (Olson & Skidmore 1959, Olson et a1 1960) had a rather unpredictable outcome, imparting complete, partial or no protection toward further challenge in different experiments: a vaccine raised against a particular viral type would not be effective against a different pathogen.
Engineered subunit vaccines Our more recent studies on BPV vaccines have focused on BPV-2 and BPV-4, which affect cutaneous and mucous epithelium, respectively, and can therefore be considered models for the cutaneous (HPV-5, HPV-8) and mucosal (HPV-16, HPV-18) human viruses. FIG. 1. Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) fusion proteins. (A) BPV-2 L1 and L2 P-galactosidase (P-gal) recombinant plasmids. L l N corresponds to the HpuI-BumHI fragment of the L1 open reading frame (ORF) and encodes the N-terminus of the L1 protein, minus the first 41 amino acids. LIC corresponds to the BumHI-Hind111 fragment of the L1 ORF and encodes the C-terminus of the L1 protein. The L2 ORF was cloned as a BumHI fragment comprising the 5 ’ end of the L1 ORF which is not transcribed as it is in a different reading frame. (B) BPV-4 L2 glutathione S-transferase (GST) recombinant plasmids. L2w contains the whole L2 ORF as a BumHI-EcoRI fragment and encodes the entire L2 protein: L2a, b and c each contain a DdeI fragment, encoding the N-terminus (aa 11-200), the middle portion (aa 201-326) and C-terminus (aa 327-524) of the L2 protein, respectively. (C) BPV-4 E7 &gal and GST recombinant plasmids. The E7 ORF was cloned as a BsrI fragment and encodes the entire E7 protein. The initiation codon (ATG) and the termination codon (TAA) are shown where appropriate. For details, see Jarrett et al (1991) and Campo et a1 (1993).
Campo & Jarrett
The BPV-2 subunit vaccines consisted of the viral structural proteins L1 and L2, produced in bacteria as @gal fusion products (Fig. 1A). Cattle vaccinated with L1 were resistant to further challenge by BPV-2. All eight control animals developed tumours by four weeks after challenge which persisted at 16 weeks; none of the vaccinated animals had tumours at four weeks, one of four animals developed small tumours by seven weeks that had regressed by 16 weeks. Protection was accompanied by production of virus-neutralizing antibodies, confirming that neutralizing epitopes are encoded by a structural protein (Jarrett et a1 1991). Similar results have been obtained with BPV-I L1 (Pilacinski et al 1986) and CRPV L1 (Lin et a1 1992), indicating that the L1 proteins of different papillomavirus types possess comparable antigenic properties. Vaccination with BPV-L2 produced surprising results. None of the eight vaccinated animals was immune to challenge and they all developed skin warts by four weeks after challenge. The warts, however, were smaller than in control animals, were soon infiltrated by immune cells and regressed between 10 and 13 weeks after challenge. The L2-vaccinated calves had high titres of anti-12 antibodies but these were not neutralizing (Jarrett et al 1991). Therefore this recombinant form of BPV-2 L2 did not encode neutralizing epitopes, in contrast to CRPV L2 (Christensen et a1 1991, Lin et a1 1992) and BPV-4 L2 (see later), but was capable of stimulating a cell-mediated immune response. The BPV-4 subunit vaccines were based on GST-L2 fusion products (Fig. IB) and on P-gal-E7 or GST-E7 fusion products (Fig. 1C). E7 is the major transforming protein of BPV-4 (Jaggar et a1 1990, Pennie et al 1993). In animals vaccinated with BPV-4 L2 there was virtually complete protection from challenge with BPV-4. Protection is independent of the nature of the adjuvant, whether incomplete Freund’s or aluminium gel, and of the amount of antigen, the vaccine being active in a wide dose range. Doses of 1 mg and 0.1 mg protected all 12 animals in the test group; in the group given 50pg, one animal developed a single tumour; in the group given lOpg, two animals developed three tumours each and one animal developed two (Campo et al 1993, McGarvie et a1 1994). Protection is also long lived: immune animals were resistant to virus rechallenge more than one year after vaccination. BPV-4 L2 is therefore an extremely effective prophylactic vaccine. In the vaccinated calves, high titre antibodies to L2 were observed soon after immunization and the response was sustained for several weeks; during this period, the control animals had no detectable response to L2 even after challenge. Sera from vaccinated animals had virus-neutralizing activity. After challenge, the IgG antibody response of vaccinated animals was directed almost exclusively to the C-terminal portion of the protein (amino acids 327-524) (Table 1; McGarvie et al 1994). Preliminary evidence suggests that these antibodies are not neutralizing, because animals vaccinated only with the C-terminal portion of the L2 protein were not resistant to BPV-4 infection. It would therefore appear that neutralizing epitopes must be encoded by other portions of the L2 protein, although its C-terminus fragment contains immunodominant B cell epitopes.
Vaccination against bovine papillomavirus
TABLE 1 Localization of the B and T cell epitopes in bovine papillomavirus4 L2 and E7 proteins
Viral protein
Epitope (amino acid number)
No. calves that responded/ No. calves vaccinated
B cell L2 11-200 201-326 327-524
2/6 0/6 6/6
E7 1-30 (Bl) 50-69 (B3) 79-98 (B2)
24/27 6/27 23/27
31-59 (Tl) 70-88 (T2)
4/7 2/7
T cell E7
Details of the immunization protocol are given in Materials and methods. The response to L2 aa 11-200 was transient and much weaker than that to L2 aa 327-524. Antibodies against L2 aa 327-524 were not neutralizing. The responses to the E7 epitopes were all strong and long lasting.
Animals vaccinated with BPV-4 E7 were not protected from challenge and developed alimentary canal papillomas like control animals (Fig. 2A), thus showing that E7 vaccination has no prophylactic value. The papillomas, however, never achieved stage 3, the mature papilloma stage, and regressed rapidly (Fig. 2B; Campo et al 1993) before tumour rejection took place in the control animals. E7 therefore proved to be a successful therapeutic vaccine. Vaccination with E7 was followed by earlier and more vigorous humoral and cellular immune responses than those in the control calves. Indeed, most of the control animals never developed E7-activated T cells or detectable E7 antibodies throughout the course of the experiment (Chandrachud et al 1994). Vaccine E7 is therefore successfully presented to both effector arms of the immune system while viral E7 is poorly presented. The strong T cell response in the vaccinated calves (G. McGarvie et al, manuscript in preparation) may explain the efficacy of the vaccine, although the possible contribution of E7 antibodies cannot be discounted. Three immunodominant B cell epitopes have been mapped in E7. B1 maps to amino acids 1-30 at the N-terminus, B2 to amino acids 79-98 at the C-terminus and B3 to amino acids 51-69 in the middle of the protein. B1 and B2 are more often recognized than is B3 (Table 1; Chandrachud et a1 1994). Two T cell epitopes have also been mapped in E7: T1 maps to amino acids 31-59 and T2 to amino acids 70-88; T1 appears t o be recognized more often than T2 (Table 1; G. McGarvie et al, manuscript in preparation).
Campo & Jarrett
c L
weeks post challenge
weeks post challenge FIG. 2. Vaccination with the BPV4 E7 protein. (A) Total tumour numbers. (B) Number of stage 3 tumours. The control group (stippled) contained eight calves; the E7 vaccine group (black) contained 1 1 calves. For details, see Campo et al (1993).
The involvement of papillomavirus in epithelial neoplasia has already been mentioned. In addition to cancer, papillomavirus causes a number of diseases which, even if presenting a low risk of malignant progression, are debilitating
Vaccination against bovine papillomavirus
and life threatening, like laryngeal papillomas of children (Steinberg 1987), or greatly reduce the quality of life, as is the case for anogenital condylomas (Oriel 1971). In animals, BPV infection of the teats and udders of cows or of the penis of bulls poses serious agricultural problems (Jarrett 1985) and papillomavirusinduced sarcomas in horses are a great financial burden to breeders and owners (Sundberg et al 1977). Therefore, it would be desirable to arm both the human clinician and the veterinarian with effective prophylaxis and therapy, capable of preventing or eradicating papillomavirus infection, respectively. Also, once the role of the virus in carcinogenesis is accepted, it follows that any action directed at preventing or curing viral infection will ultimately result in a decrease in the incidence of cancer. This reasoning has already been applied to hepatitis B virus, one of the main factors of hepatocellular carcinoma in Eastern countries, and global vaccination programmes against the virus are already in operation (Stephenne 1988, Kniskern et a1 1989, Chen 1993). Our studies in cattle show that preventive and curative vaccination against papillomavirus is feasible. Prevention was achieved by vaccination with a structural protein, L1 of BPV-2 or L2 of BPV-4. Both proteins elicited neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated calves, thus behaving like conventional prophylactic vaccines. Similar results have been obtained in the rabbit with the L1 and L2 proteins of CRPV (Christensen et al 1991, Lin et al 1992). It has to be stressed that the recombinant proteins are unlikely to be present in the vaccine preparation in their original virion conformation. This leads to the conclusion that, in addition to neutralizing conformational epitopes (Cowsert et al 1987), other neutralizing epitopes must be present that do not depend on conformational integrity for their recognition by immune cells. These epitopes may be linear, as in CRPV L2 (Christensen et al 1991), or dependent on the conformation of the entire fusion protein, as in CPRV L1 (Lin et al 1993b). The humoral response to BPV-4 L2 in vaccinated calves presents a conundrum. After challenge, the IgG response is directed almost exclusively to the C-terminus of the protein, but a vaccine based only on this peptide fragment does not confer immunity to viral infection. The neutralizing antibodies detected in L2-vaccinated animals must therefore be directed against other portions of the protein. Whereas vaccination with BPV-4 L2 prevents infection, vaccination with BPV-2 L2 mediates wart regression. Regressing warts in vaccinated animals become infiltrated with immune cells, thus mirroring natural wart rejection (Jarrett 1985). The nature of the infiltrate was not further analysed, but similar immune cell infiltrates have been observed in spontaneously regressing cutaneous and genital warts in humans (Aiba et al 1986, Benton et al 1992) and in spontaneously regressing skin warts in rabbits (Okabayashi et al 1991), pointing to the generality of wart rejection mechanisms and to the pivotal role of the cellular immune response in rejection of warts and other papillomavirus-induced lesions (Bender 1986).
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Vaccination with BPV-4 E7 leads to retardation of growth of alimentary canal papillomas and their accelerated regression. The immune response to E7, both cellular and humoral, is very strong in vaccinated animals but barely detectable in unvaccinated control calves, despite the production of mature virus in their papillomas. A similar situation is found in LZvaccinated calves where high titre antibodies to L2 are detected, contrary to control animals where L2 antibodies are often absent. This suggests that during natural infection the immune system is not aware of the several viral antigens that are produced in the papilloma and becomes exposed to them only late in infection, possibly when a threshold has been reached or when the papilloma breaks down, for instance, as a result of abrasion. Indeed, exposure of the immune system to very low amounts of papillomavirus antigen can lead to immunotolerance and lack of rejection (Stanley et a1 1994, this volume). E7-mediated alimentary papilloma rejection in cattle is probably due to a CD4+ T cell response, but this aspect needs further clarification. Recent studies of wart regression point to a delayed-type hypersensitivity response mediated by CD4+ lymphocytes (McLean et a1 1993, Hopfl et a1 1991, 1993), as already suggested by the work of Spradbrow and co-workers in cattle (Nelson et a1 1987). A role for CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes cannot, however, be discounted. The B and T epitopes of the BPV-4 E7 protein have been mapped and an interesting observation derived from these results. The regions of BPV-4 E7 containing the epitopes have amino acid and functional similarity to HPV-16 E7 in the Rb-binding and Zn2+-binding domains (Jaggar et a1 1990). These domains in HPV-16 E7 have been shown to contain B and T cell epitopes (Krchnak et a1 1990, Tindle et a1 1990, 1991, Comerford et a1 1991). The immunological concordance between conserved areas of BPV-4 and HPV-16 E7 proteins gives weight to the suggestion that HPV-16 E7 can be a successful therapeutic vaccine in humans, as BPV-4 E7 is in cattle. Also, the successful prophylactic vaccination with L2 both in cattle and rabbits leads to the prediction that the corresponding HPV protein will be equally effective. A note of caution, however, has to be raised regarding HPV vaccines. In cattle, where several papillomavirus types are known, immunity is virus-type specific. This observation is particularly relevant to HPV, the heterogeneity of which is well known (de Villiers 1989). It is likely that, as in cattle, the individual types are distinct immunological entities and that therefore more than one vaccine will have to be produced against the potentially most dangerous types. It seems appropriate to conclude this review with a final praise of the cattle and rabbit systems. The pioneering work in these two animal systems has demonstrated that vaccination against papillomavirus is feasible and is opening the way to forthcoming vaccine trials in humans.
Vaccination against bovine papillomavirus
Acknowledgements Thanks are due to all our colleagues who have contributed to this work. The continuous financial support of the Cancer Research Campaign is gratefully acknowledged. M.S.C. is a CRC Fellow.
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Oriel J D 1971 Natural history of genital warts. Br J Vener Dis 47:l-13 Peng X, Olson RO, Christan CB, Lang CM, Kreider JW 1993 Papillomas and carcinomas in transgenic rabbits carrying EJ-ras DNA and cottontail rabbit papillomavirus. J Virol 67:1698-1701 Pennie WD, Campo MS 1992 Synergism between bovine papillomavirus type 4 and the flavonoid quercetin in cell transformation in vitro. Virology 19O:861-865 Pennie WD, Grindlay GJ, Cairney M, Campo MS 1993 Analysis of the transforming functions of bovine papillomavirus type 4. Virology 193:614-620 Pilacinski WP, Glassman DL, Glassman KF et a1 1986 Immunization against bovine papillomavirus infection. In: Papillomaviruses. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Found Symp 120) p 136-156 Stanley M, Coleman N, Chambers M 1994 The host response to lesions induced by human papillomavirus. In: Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Found Symp 187) p 21 -44 Steinberg BM 1987 Laryngeal papillomas. Clinical aspects and in vitro studies. In: Salzman NP, Howley P M (eds) The Papovaviridae, vol2: The papillomaviruses. Plenum, New York, p265-292 Stephenne J 1988 Recombinant versus plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccines: issues of safety, immunogenicity and cost-effectiveness. Vaccine 6:229-303 Sundberg J P , Burnstein T , Page EH, Kirkham WW, Robinson FR 1977 Neoplasms in Equidae. J Am Vet Med Assoc 17O:lSO-152 Tindle RW, Smith JA. Geysen HM, Selvey LA, Frazer IH 1990 Identification of Bepitopes in human papillomavirus type 16E7 open reading frame protein. J Gen Virol 71 :1347- 1354 Tindle RW, Fernando G J , Sterling JC, Frazer IH 1991 A 'public' T-helper epitope of the E7 transforming protein of human papillomavirus 16 provides cognate help for several E7 B-cell epitopes from cervical cancer-associated human papillomavirus genotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 885887-5891 Wettstein FO 1987 Papillomaviruses and carcinogenic progression: cottontail rabbit papillomavirus. In: Salzman NP, Howley PM (eds) The Papovaviridae, vol2: The papillomaviruses. Plenum, New York, p 167-186
Purhum: When you are looking for warts in the alimentary canal of the calves, you measure those in the palate. Do you look anywhere else? Could the animals be negative in the palate and positive somewhere else? Cumpo: No. We know from previous work that when you use that amount of virus (10" particles over 10 sites), the papillomas will appear only at the injection site and they won't spread, at least not during that span of time. They may end up spreading if they are not rejected, because of immunosuppression, but they wouldn't in the situations I've described. Eisenbuch: You said the cows are outbred. Do they all have the same major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I? Otherwise, how can they all react to the same T cell epitopes in the form of short synthetic peptides? Cumpo: These groups of animals are made up of several different breedsAyrshire, Hereford, Friesian etc-but they are not completely outbred, because
of the way that herds are bred. The recognized epitopes will not be identical. The epitopes I showed are those that are recognized by the majority of the animals. MHC typing can be done, but not all the reagents are available. Galloway: If you just look at cows that haven’t been vaccinated, those that just get the challenge, d o you see antibody to L2? Campo: We see those antibodies later. By approximately 8-12 weeks after challenge, the control animals have productive papillomas and start making quite a lot of virus. Then they will start making antibodies to L2. During the early times after challenge they don’t. Liew: Do you get any antibody or T cell response before challenge in vaccinated animals? If so, is the pattern similar to the one after challenge? Campo: The control, unvaccinated animals have almost undetectable T cells or antibodies to L2 until late in the infection when the tumour starts making a lot of virus; then you start seeing some response. The same is true for E7; when the tumour is well established and making virus, we see both cellular and humoral responses to E7. Liew: Does that mean that the neutralizing antibody that you detect after challenge infection is not directed against the immunogen with which you vaccinate? Campo: I don’t know that. This was a preliminary experiment, which told us that there are neutralizing antibodies in the vaccinated animals and not in the control animals at that stage. The experiment is being repeated with immune sera from animals that have been vaccinated but not challenged, but the results are not yet available. Liew: Some years ago Steward Russell and I did some experiments with influenza virus (Russell & Liew 1979). We immunized mice with the purified matrix protein of the virus, then we challenged the mice with virus. Massive amounts of neutralizing antibody against haemagglutinin were produced, but little against the immunizing matrix protein antigen. Galloway: Have you looked to see whether you get a reduction in L1 antibody when you vaccinate? Campo: That has to be done. We haven’t yet looked at L1 post challenge in the vaccinated and unvaccinated animals. Melief: You define T cell epitopes using a proliferation assay. Is your vaccine design such that you might also induce CTLs (cytotoxic T lymphocytes) because protein gets processed by the class I presentation pathway? Campo: We have not been able to find CD8+ cells. The use of incomplete Freund’s adjuvant or aluminium gel did not seem to make any difference to the result. There could be several reasons why we have not been able to detect any CTLs. One is that we were looking at peripheral blood, which is probably not the best place. We will be looking at local infiltrates next, then maybe at lymph node lymphocytes.
Vaccination against bovine papillomavirus
Melief: Margaret Stanley showed (Stanley et al 1994, this volume) that for the regression of condylomas maybe CD4+ cells alone would suffice. Therefore, we would like to know whether CTLs are there or not. If antibody plus T helper cells can do this alone, this would influence our thinking. Stanley: I’m not yet persuaded that antibody plus T helper cells will do it. In the true regressing condylomas, we see a lot of CD8+ cells also. We have no idea what’s going on in these lesions, because we don’t know the cytokine profiles of the T cells. Doherty: 1 would like to mention 7 6 T cells. With respect to viral specificity, we’ve failed so far to find influenza-specific y6 T cells in knock-out mice that lack a p T cells (Mombaerts et al 1993). However, Jeff Bluestone has some evidence for a herpesvirus-specific y6 T cell that sees herpesvirus protein-not processed peptide but protein (Johnson et al 1992). Allison: They can apparently see the protein when it is immobilized on plastic plates, so it doesn’t need MHC presentation. Doherty: Chickens also have 30% y6 cells (Banbura et a1 1991). We tried to find virus-specific y6 T cells, but it’s terrible working with anything with feathers! Melief: We also wasted four years looking for virus-specific y6 T cells. Lanzuvecchia: What can one learn by just measuring the percentage of various cells that infiltrate the site of an immune reaction? We know that most of the cells are not antigen specific (Carding et a1 1993). What is interesting is that most of the non-specific cells are apparently transcribing cytokines, so they may provide protection even though they are not antigen specific. Doherty: Virus clearance in mice with influenza pneumonia is CD8 T cell mediated, probably by cytotoxic T cells. However, there are massive bystander effects, or ‘noise’ (Carding et a1 1993). These immune responses are more like bombs going off at Heathrow airport than a group of cultured people sitting in a room chatting! Lanzavecchia: In general, the fact that CD8+ cells are present doesn’t necessarily mean there is a CD8+ response going on. It may be that CD8+ cells have been recruited locally by some immune response that is happening. Doherty: For the viruses we’ve looked at, which are viruses where the CD8+ T cells eliminate the virus, the CD8+ subset always predominates, contributing 60-90% of the inflammatory T cells. Also, there are the chemokines that people like Jo Oppenheim are studying, which tend to cause recruitment of particular subsets of T cells (Taub et a1 1993). So far, these have not been looked at in viral immunity. Cohen: In Margaret Stanley’s immunophenotyping, the CD8 cells were predominantly CD56 t , which in our experience with tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes often implies that the cells will be less antigen specific and more LAK-like when tested with targets. Since LAK activity can be generated by cytokines such as y-interferon and IL-2, it is possible that CD4+ T cells within the tumour are making these cytokines and generating LAK activity which +
ultimately mediates the tumour regression through non antigen-specific mechanisms. Greenberg: The idea that non-specific killing by effector T cells activated by a concurrent nearby specific response will result in elimination of a significant number of tumour cells needs to be questioned carefully. The experiment that Al Singer did with skin grafts from tetraparental mice may be informative in this regard (Rosenberg et al 1989). He took skin grafts from A x B allophenic mice. The chimeric skin was grafted onto a nude mouse, anti-A CD4+ T cells were then infused and the mice were observed to determine the fate of the A x B skin graft. The question was whether the infiltrate in the skin graft, which contains both anti-A T cells and a large number of non-specific inflammatory cells, would kill the grafted cells via a bystander effect, resulting in elimination of not only A cells but also grafted B cells. The results showed that killing was very selective, with B cells being preserved. Thus, despite the fact that there was a very substantial infiltrate, it appears that the targets of ablation are very specific; I suspect this will also be true for viral infections and tumours. Doherty: We found the same thing with the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus immunopathology model. We did complicated chimera experiments and showed that only the T cells that were targeted to virally infected epithelium induced a severe inflammatory process. Little evidence of meningitis was seen when the adoptively transferred T cells could see only the appropriate MHC glycoprotein plus viral peptide on monocytehacrophages, not on epithelium (Doherty et al 1990). Beverley: We’ve looked at the specificity of cells accumulating in appendicitis in humans. There are a lot of non-specific cells in the sense that you get very nice recall responses out of the appendicitis infiltrate to things like tetanus toxoid and flu-all the things that normal donors would give responses to in their peripheral blood. This implies that it’s exactly the same in the surroundings of an epithelial surface as in the epithelium itself or the lumen. Doherty: With the lung infections, we have looked at recruitment of memory T cells into the site of pathology. If we infect with a totally different virus or a cross-reactive virus, for the first couple of days the frequency of memory T cells in bronchoalveolar lavage populations is exactly the same. There is a tremendous non-specific effect. However, because of proliferation the numbers then increase dramatically in the situation where there is antigen-specific stimulation.
References Banbura M, Webster RG. Cooper M, Doherty PC 1991 Size and frequency characteristics of C Y and ~ yb T cells in the spleens of normal and cyclophosphamide-suppressedvirusinfected chickens. Cell Immunol 136:242-250
Vaccination against bovine papillomavirus
Carding SR, Allan W, McMickle A, Doherty PC 1993 Activation of cytokine genes in T cells during primary and secondary murine influenza pneumonia. J Exp Med 177:475-482 Doherty PC, Allan JE, Lynch F, Ceredig R 1990 Dissection of an inflammatory process induced by CD8+ T cells. Immunol Today 1155-59 Johnson RM, Lancki DW, Sperling A1 et a1 1992 A murine CD4-, CD8- T cell 76 T lymphocyte clone specific for herpes simplex virus glycoprotein I. J Immunol 148:983-988 Mornbaerts P, Arnoldi J , Russ F, Tonegawa S, Kaufmann SHE 1993 Different roles of a@ and y6 T cells in immunity against an intracellular bacterial pathogen. Nature 365:53-56 Rosenberg AS, Katz SI, Singer A 1989 Rejection of skin allografts by CD4+ T cells is antigen-specific and requires expression of target alloantigen on Ia-epidermal cells. J Immunol 143:2452-2456 Russell SM, Liew FY 1979 T cells primed by influenza virion internal components can cooperate in the antibody response to haemagglutinin. Nature 280: 147- 148 Stanley M, Coleman N, Chambers M 1994 The host response to lesions induced by human papillomavirus. In: Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Found Symp 187) p21-44 Taub DD, Conlon K, Lloyd AR, Oppenheirn J J , Kelvin DJ 1993 Preferential migration of activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in response to MIP-la and MIP-I@. Science 260: 355 - 358
Strategies for studying mouse and human immune responses to human papillomavirus type 16 P C L Beverley*, E Sadovnikova*, X Zhu*, J Hickling*, L Gaot, B Chaint S Collins*, L Crawford#, K Vousden" and H J Stauss*
*ICRF Tumour Immunology Unit, University College London Medical School, tlCRf HPV Laboratory, Department of Immunology, University College London Medical School, 91 Riding House Street, London W l P 887, #ICRF Tumour Virus Group, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CD2 1QP, and "Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, Norfolk Place, London W2, UK
Abstracf. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are an important protective mechanism in viral infection and can be effective against tumours. We have investigated the tumour-associated E6 and E7 genes of human papillomavirus type 16 as CTL targets. In H-2b mice we have defined epitopes in E6 and E7 which can readily generate CTL in vivo and we have shown that HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice can generate an HLA-A2.l-restricted response. We have been unable to reveal a primed CTL response in humans. These paradoxical findings imply that human papillomavirus may fail to stimulate a systemic CTL response and/or employ strategies for evading or down-regulating such a response. 1994 Vaccinesagainst viral& induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 78-96
At least 60 genotypes of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) have been described, with widely differing levels of nucleic acid sequence homology (de Villiers 1989). Approximately one-third are associated with anogenital and cutaneous squamous carcinomas (Galloway & McDougall 1991). In the UK, HPV-16 is found in approximately two-thirds of cervical carcinomas (Crawford 1993). Because transcripts of the HPV early genes E6 and E7persist in cervical carcinoma cells, the gene products are effectively tumour-associated antigens and potential targets for immunotherapy (Schneider-Gadicke & Schwarz 1986). As a first step toward the development of specific immunotherapy in humans, we therefore chose to study immune responses t o these gene products, concentrating on responses of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) because they are important in other viral infections and can be effective against tumours (Melief 1992). In preliminary experiments, we used a variety of strategies 78
Immune responses to HPV-16
in attempting to detect the precursors of CTL in patients with carcinoma of the cervix. Thus, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) or lymphocytes from lymph nodes draining tumour sites were boosted in vitro with HLAmatched or autologous keratinocytes expressing HPV-16. In other experiments, mouse cells transfected with HLA antigens and HPV genes or infected with recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing HPV genes were used as alternative stimuli. No convincing responses were detected (McIndoe 1993). This failure to detect responses could be attributed to technical failure or, more interestingly, papillomaviruses may adopt strategies either to avoid generating or t o suppress immune responses. We therefore turned to model experiments in mice to investigate whether the early gene products are immunogenic and whether CTL responses can be detected. A particular problem of work with HPV-16 is that there is no in vivo or in vitro method for propagation of the virus. We have therefore exploited several newer technologies in our attempts to generate and assay HPV-specific CTL. Most of these methods stem from understanding gained in recent years of the structure of molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the way in which protein antigens are processed within cells to be transported and displayed at the cell surface by MHC molecules. In particular, the method developed by Rammensee for elution and sequencing of MHC-bound peptides (Rotzschke et al 1990a,b) has led to the development of better methods for prediction of sequences that are likely to bind and are therefore potentially immunogenic. These predictions can be tested in simple assays for MHC binding using synthetic peptides and transporter-deficient cell lines (Cerundolo et a1 1990); it is also possible to generate CTL by immunization with peptides in vitro (Stauss et a1 1992). Proof that CTL epitopes identified by these methods are relevant requires evidence that they are expressed in vivo and play a role in protective immunity. It is difficult to test the latter since natural infection of mice with HPV-16 does not occur, but CTL can be tested for their ability to recognize HPV antigens expressed in cells either by infection with recombinant vaccinia viruses or by transfection.
Peptides andpeptide binding. A set of lOmer and 15mer peptides spanning the sequences of E6 and E7 and overlapping by five amino acids was synthesized. MHC binding assays were carried out with the RMA-S mutant of the RMA mouse T lymphoma cell line (Ljungrenn & Karre 1985, Powis et a1 1991) and human .174/T2 cells (Cerundolo et a1 1990). After exposure to peptides, cells were stained on ice by indirect immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies to H-2 Kb, Dbor HLA-A2 and analysed by flow cytometry. A linear value for fluorescence was computed (Stauss et a1 1992).
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Recombinant DNA constructs and vaccinia viruses. The E6 and E7 genes and E7 N-terminal and C-terminal constructs encoding residues 1-52 and 48-98 were inserted into the Moloney leukaemia virus vector pJ40. The plasmids were cotransfected into murine cell lines with the neomycin resistance pSV-neo plasmid. Transfectants were tested for expression of E6 or E7 using the polymerase chain reaction and stable lines were obtained by subcloning. Recombinant E6 and E7 vaccinia viruses (vac-E6 and vac-E7) were generated as described in Sadovnikova et a1 (1994). Generation of CTL. Methods for in vitro generation of peptide-specific CTL and of CTL precursors from H-2b mice immunized with recombinant vaccinia are described elsewhere (Stauss et a1 1992, Sadovnikova et a1 1994). In some experiments HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice were immunized with recombinant vaccinia virus (Engelhard et a1 1991). Six HLA-A2 humans with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 were studied. PBMC were stimulated in vitro with pools of 2-3 peptides predicted or shown to bind to HLA-A2, or with vac-E7 or vac-E6. Cytotoxicity assays. Recombinant vaccinia virus-infected RMA or peptidepulsed RMA-S cells were used as targets for H-2b mouse CTL (Sadovnikova et a1 1994) and HLA-A2 transfected human C l R cells for HLA-A2 transgenic CTL (Zemour et a1 1992). Human CTL were assayed on HLA-A2 B lymphoblastoid cell lines transformed with Epstein-Barr virus and pulsed with single peptides or infected with vac-E7 or vac-E6. After peptide pulsing or viral infection, target cells were labelled with "Cr and incubated for four hours with various numbers of CTL. Peptide isolation. Peptides were isolated from whole cell lysates using a modification of the trifluoracetic acid extraction procedure (Rotzschke et a1 1990a,b). Extracted peptides were fractionated by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Fractions were dried by vacuum filtration and dissolved in 300 pl of phosphate-buffered saline (Sadovnikova et a1 1994). Results and discussion It has been shown that HPV-16 antigens introduced into transformed rodent cells may act as tumour-associated antigens and can be targets for a protective immune response against tumour challenge (Meneguzzi et a1 1991). This effect appears to be mediated by CD8+ T cells (Chen et a1 1991), but the target epitope for these responses was not defined. In an earlier study, we showed that several synthetic lOmer peptides derived from the sequence of HPV-16 could bind to H-2Kb or Db and that many of these could induce CTL in vitro
Immune responses to HPV-16
(Stauss et al 1992). This study also demonstrated the importance of peptide length if synthetic peptides are to be used as a vaccine, since CTL raised against a lOmer were able to kill the corresponding 9mer much less efficiently. We therefore felt that it was important to define which peptide epitopes could act as targets for CTL when HPV antigens are processed in vivo, especially as similar methods for detection of peptide binding have not always given identical answers (Table 1). Our approach was to immunize mice with a recombinant E6 or E7 vaccinia virus and screen CTL for their ability to kill target cells infected with recombinant vaccinia virus, transfected with Ed or E7 or pulsed with synthetic or natural peptides. CTL immunized with E7 killed vac-E7-infected H-2b target cells and targets pulsed with E7 peptides 46-55, 51-60 or 51-65, even though none of these peptides showed significant binding to H-2b (Stauss et a1 1992) (Table 1). Because the sequence E7 48-54 had previously been identified as a helper epitope (Tindle et a1 1991) and recent evidence had located a CTL epitope at E7 49-57 (Feltkamp et al 1993), we tested the latter peptide and showed that it was efficiently recognized by CTL raised against vac-E7. Two additional pieces of evidence suggest that this sequence is the immunodominant peptide in E7 in H-2b mice. When peptides are extracted from vac-E7-infected cells and fractionated, two
TABLE 1 Binding of human papillomavirus E6 and E7 synthetic peptides to H-2b ~
Binding Kb
Db Db Kb Kb
Kb, Db Kb Kb Kb Kb
Db Kb
Amino acids
E7 21-30 49-51 51-65 I1-80 16-85
Stauss et al (1992) Feltkarnp et a1 (1993) Feltkarnp et a1 (1993) Stauss et al (1992) Stauss et a1 (1992)
Ed 30-38 36-45 41-50 65-13 81-90 102-1 10 106-115 a131-139
Feltkarnp et al (1993) Stauss et a1 (1992) Stauss et al (1992) Feltkarnp et al (1993) Stauss et al (1992) Feltkarnp et al (1993) Stauss et al (1992) Feltkarnp et a1 (1993)
. .
These are the synthetic peptides giving the strongest binding to H-2b in the RMA-S assay. Stauss et al used IOmers overlapping by five amino acids; Feltkamp et al used 9mers overlapping by eight amino acids. In the latter study cysteines were replaced by alanines to avoid disturbance by disulphide bond formation or oxidation. 'This peptide showed only weak binding but is the dominant CTL epitope in E6 for H-2b mice.
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HPLC fractions are generally recognized by CTL. Synthetic E7 49-57 elutes in the same fractions. When the peptides are derived from H-2b cells transfected with the sequence encoding the C-terminal half (amino acids 48-98) of E7, the same fractions are again recognized, confirming that the natural peptide epitope is in this half of E7. The second piece of evidence is that CTL raised in vitro against E7 49-57 are able to kill H-2b target cells pulsed with peptides from vac-E7-infected cells. In contrast, CTL raised against E7 21 -28 do not do so (Table 2). In our analysis of H-2b-restricted CTL epitopes in E6, we used similar methods (Gao et a1 1993). Mice immunized with vac-E6 generate CTL recognizing E6 131- 140 ,which was not detected in our binding assays, although Feltkamp et al (1993) detected weak binding to Kb of the overlapping peptide 131-139 (Table 1). Interestingly, this peptide does not contain an allele-specific motif for H-2b (Falk et a1 1991) nor do the two peptide epitopes detected in similar experiments in H-2d mice (Gao et a1 1993). These results raise several points with regard to identification of CTL target epitopes. The first is that current predictive motifs are not able to predict all binding peptides, for example E6 131- 140. Secondly, binding assays may miss epitopes unless comprehensive series of overlapping peptides are used. Technical details may also affect the outcome. For example, we detected the E7 sequence 21 -30 as a strong Kb-binding peptide and this sequence has two ‘anchor’ residues but it was not detected by Feltkamp et al (1993). More importantly, predicted or binding epitopes may not be real target epitopes in vivo. Thus, a recently described refined scoring system assigns a score of 96 to the E7 49-57 sequence and 576 to E7 21-28 on the basis of the presence of anchor and strong residues (Nijman et a1 1993). Potential CTL sequences are predicted to score higher than 144, nevertheless E7 49-57 not E7 21-28 is the immunodominant E7 CTL epitope in vivo. At present, therefore, the only way to confirm that a peptide sequence is a natural target epitope is to present the whole protein in a target cell. In the light of these results, we have taken two approaches to defining targets for CTL in humans. The first is to attempt to boost in vitro CTL precursors TABLE 2
Recognition of E7 epitopes by cytotoxic T lymphocytes % specvic lysis by cytotoxic cells raised against
Target cell
E7 49-57
RMA-S pulsed with vac-E7 peptides RMA-S pulsed with E7 49-57 RMA-S pulsed with E7 21-28
40 80 ND
E7 21-28
< 10 < 10 100
Assays were performed at 10: I CTL: target ratio. ND, not determined.
Immune responses to HPV-16
from patients presumed to have been exposed to HPV-16 in vivo. PBMC were boosted either with a panel of synthetic peptides containing an HLA-A2 binding motif or showing binding to A2, or with recombinant vac-E6 or vac-E7. As a control, an influenza matrix protein peptide was used (Table 3). CTL assays on HLA-A2 targets pulsed with the synthetic peptides or infected with vac-E6 or vac-E7 revealed no specific killing, although 4/6 control cultures generated CTL against influenza virus matrix peptide. The second strategy is to use HLA-A2 transgenic mice (Engelhard et a1 1991) immunized with recombinant vac-E7 or vac-E6 to generate CTL precursors in vivo. The primed cells are then boosted in vitro with A2-positive cells infected with recombinant vaccinia. Only targets expressing HLA-A2 and infected with vac-E6 are killed (Fig. 1). These preliminary results suggest that an E6 epitope can be presented by HLA-A2 but we have not yet mapped the target sequence. The results of mouse and human experiments present a paradox. On the one hand, the murine experiments show that the E6 and E7 gene products contain TABLE 3 Binding of peptides from human papillomavirus to HLA-A2 Peptide
Amino acid sequence
Binding index
Influenza matrix 58-66
E7 7-15 11-20 11-19 12-20 14-22 37-45 66-74 68-76 75-83 81-89 82-90 85-93 86-93
3.34 3.17 3.69 1.91 1 .oo 0.97 0.82 1.21 0.96 1.82 2.63 3.88 5.15
0.73 2.71 2.40 1.15 1.48 1.09 1.81 1.09
E6 7-15 11-19 18-26 26-34 30-38 52-60 52-61 87-96
Cells were stained for the presence of HLA-A2 after incubation with or without peptide. The binding index is the linear fluorescence intensity in the presence of peptide divided by the fluorescence intensity in the absence of peptide.
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0 1O:l
2: 1
FIG. 1. HLA-A2. I transgenic mice were immunized twice with vac-E6. Immune spleen cells were boosted in vitro with vac-E6 and CTL were assayed on the HLA mutant line ClR, infected with vac-E6 ( ) or a control recombinant vaccinia virus, vac-L1 ( 0 ) . E:T, EffectocTarget.
CTL target epitopes and that relatively straightforward immunization protocols can be used to generate CTL against them (Feltkamp et al 1993, Ciao et al 1993, Sadovnikova et al 1994). CTL appear to be important in protection against tumour challenge when the HPV gene products are present as tumour-associated antigens (Chen et al 1991, Feltkamp et al 1993). Similarly, in HLA transgenic mice it appears possible to generate CTL that recognize HPV antigens in association with HLA-A2. In contrast, there have been no reports of human CTL specific for HPV antigens, although it is easy to generate CTL against many other viruses that infect humans. There is also very little published information on helper T cell responses to HPV (Altmann et al 1992) and these appear to be weak. The reasons for this discrepancy are not yet clear. It may be that because the virus remains confined largely to the squamous epithelium of the cervix it does not engender a strong systemic immune response or may even be ‘tolerogenic’ because it is mainly presented by keratinocytes, which have been shown to be poor antigen-presenting cells in vitro (Bal et al 1990). That the E6 and E7 gene products are immunogenic in mice and can be recognized by CTL in transformed cells nevertheless suggests that if effectively presented to the immune system, these antigens can generate a CTL response. Whether this will be an effective form of immunotherapy in patients with carcinoma of the
Immune responses to HPV-16
cervix is a much more doubtful proposition in view of the common finding of down-regulation of HLA antigens in this tumour (Connor & Stern 1990). References Altmann A, Jochmus-Kudielka I, Rainer F et al 1992 Definition of immunogenic determinants of the human papillomavirus type 16 nucleoprotein E7. Eur J Cancer 28:326-333 Bal V, Mclndoe A, Denton G et a1 1990 Antigen presentation by keratinocytes induces tolerance in human T cells. Eur J Immunol 20: 1893-1897 Cerundolo V, Alexander J, Anderson K et a1 1990 Presentation of viral antigen controlled by a gene in the major histocompatibility complex. Nature 345:449-452 Chen L, Thomas EK, Hu SL, Hellstrom I, Hellstrom KE 1991 Human papillomavirus type 16 nucleoprotein E7 is a tumor rejection antigen. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88:llO-114 Connor ME, Stern PL 1990 Loss of MHC class-I expression in cervical carcinomas. Int J Cancer 46:1029-1034 Crawford L 1993 Prospects of cervical cancer vaccines. Cancer Surv 16:215-225 de Villiers EM 1989 Heterogeneity of the human papillomavirus group. J Virol 63:4898-4903 Engelhard VH, Lacy E, Ridge J P 1991 Influenza A-specific, HLA-2. I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes from HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice recognise fragments of the MI protein. J Immunol 146:1226-1232 Falk K, Rotzschke 0, Stevanovic S, Jung G, Rammensee H-G 1991 Allele-specificmotifs revealed by sequencing of self-peptides eluted from MHC molecules. Nature 35 1 :290-296 Feltkamp MCW, Smits HL, Vierboom MPM et a1 1993 Vaccination with cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope-containing peptide protects against tumour induced by human papillomavirus type 16-transformed cells. Eur J Immunol 23:2242-2249 Galloway DA, McDougall JK 1991 Human papillomaviruses and carcinomas. Adv Virus Res 37:125-139 Gao L, Chain B, Sinclair C et a1 1993 Immune response to human papillomavirus type 16 E6 gene in a live vaccinia vector. J Gen Virol 75:157-164 Ljungrenn HG, Karre K I985 Host resistance directed selectively against H-Zdeficient lymphoma variants. Analysis of the mechanism. J Exp Med 162:1745-1757 McIndoe A 1993 The cell mediated immune response to human papillomavirus type 16. PhD thesis, University of London, London, UK Melief CJM 1992 Tumour eradication by adoptive transfer to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Adv Cancer Res 58:143-175 Meneguzzi G, Cerni C, Kieny MP, Lathe R 1991 Immunization against human papillomavirus type 16 tumor cells with recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing E6 and E7. Virology 181:62-69 Nijman HW, Houbiers JGA, Vierboom MPM et al 1993 Identification of peptide sequences that potentially trigger HLA-2. I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol 23:1215-1223 Powis SJ, Townsend ARM, Deverson EV, Bastin J , Butcher GW, Howard JC 1991 Restoration of antigen presentation to the mutant cell line RMA-S by an MHC-linked transporter. Nature 354528-53 1 Rotzschke 0, Falk K, Deres K et a1 1990a Isolation and analysis of naturally processed viral peptides as recognized by cytotoxic T cells. Nature 348:252-254
Rotzschke 0, Falk K, Wallney H-J, Faath S, Rammensee H-G 1990b Characterization of naturally occurring minor histocompatibility peptides including H-4 and H-Y. Science 249:283-287 Sadovnikova E, Zhu X, Collins S et a1 1994 Limitations of predictive motif revealed by epitope mapping of the human papilloma virus E7 protein. Int Immunol6:289-296 Schneider-Gadicke A, Schwarz E 1986 Different human cervical carcinoma cell lines show similar transcription patterns of human papillomavirus type I8 early genes. EMBO (Eur Mol Biol Organ) J 5:2285-2291 Stauss H J , Davies H, Sadovnikova E, Chain B, Horowitz N, Sinclair C 1992 Induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes with peptides in vitro: identification of candidate T-cell epitopes in human papilloma virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89:7871-7875 Tindle RW, Fernando GJ, Sterling JC, Frazer IH 1991 A ‘public’ T-helper epitope of the E7 transforming protein of human papillomavirus 16 provides cognate help for several E7 B-cell epitopes from cervical cancer-associated human papillomavirus genotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88:5887-5891 Zemour J , Little A-M, Schendel DJ, Parham P 1992 The HLA-A, B ‘negative’ mutant cell line CIR expresses a novel HLA-B35 allele, which also has a point mutation in the translation initiation codon. J Immunol 148:1941-1948
Galloway: If the people working on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) focused all their attention on EBNA-1, they would probably come to the conclusion that EBV was not immunogenic. What if you are just looking at the wrong antigens? El or E2, or L1 or L2, might be fantastic. Beverley: That’s obviously a possibility. In mice, we can generate CTL against L1. We haven’t yet looked at CTL for any of the other proteins in humans; that obviously needs to be done. There are data on proliferative responses which suggest that you can get responses to a number of the papillomavirus proteins. The responses are all rather weak and in general people don’t get what I would consider a good secondary response-the sort of level that you would see to tetanus toxoid at 6-7 days of culture. They generally have to culture the cells for 6-7 days and then re-stimulate them before there is much of a response. The reasons we were focusing on E6 and E7 are obvious. We were thinking along the immunotherapy line. My conclusion at the moment is, it doesn’t mean that we couldn’t embark on immunotherapy, it just means that we would be starting from a primary response level rather than boosting a good secondary. Allison: That’s probably true, but it depends on whether you have anergized the cells. If you have to de-anergize them, you are going to be out of luck. Stanley: Would you be in a better position if you looked at the individuals who are HPV-16 positive but who have no lesion? When you look at patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), you are by definition looking at viral persistence. We could argue that those are the people who will have established an anergic state.
Immune responses to HPV-16
Beverley: This is a smallish study, although it represents a lot of labour to get that far, but it obviously needs to be expanded into people suffering primary infections, if one can get such a population. Greenberg: If you prime A2 transgenic mice with a recombinant vaccinia virus, you elicit an immune response to the HPV protein. What happens to the memory response to HPV in these transgenic mice? Beverley: We haven’t looked for long periods of time in those mice. Those are acute experiments where the mice are immunized on Day 14 and killed at Day 21. All we know is that we’ve primed some cells. How long memory lasts, its characteristics and whether it will protect against anything, we don’t know yet. Melief: I would like to discuss the two studies that were done with these large sets of peptides. We have also tested the 1Omer. The 9mer peptide that eventually was found to be the E7 immunodominant epitope was one of the best H-2 Dbbinding peptides in our analysis. If we added one extra amino acid, it no longer bound. This indicates that you have to be extremely precise in testing peptide sets. You can’t take anything for granted. For HLA-A2, for example, anything could bind well that has a binding motif, but ideal motifs predicting binding are not available. This is also clear from this analysis-the phenylalanine at the C-terminus would not have been expected from the H-2 Db motif prediction, and yet it is the immunodominant epitope. We changed that C-terminal residue of the H-2 Db-binding E7 peptide to the predicted best C-terminal residue and the resulting peptide bound even better. But it doesn’t mean that with the phenylalanine it couldn’t be a good epitope. For HLA-A2 binding, anything between eight and 11 amino acids could be an excellent epitope, so there is variation in the possible size of peptides. Beverley: I quite agree. In principle, it’s easy to do a comprehensive series of peptides, it’s just very expensive and labour intensive. You have to include everything from 8mers to 1lmers and you have to have very large overlaps t o be sure that you are covering everything. Melief: I found it reassuring that by two different methods, with the vaccinia virus approach and with the peptide approach, each group identified the same exact immunodominant epitope in E7. Eisenbach: We have recently isolated a non-viral tumour antigen from a murine lung carcinoma, which is a Kb binder (Madelboim et a1 1994). Looking at the sequence of this peptide, we were scared because this peptide completely lacks all the right motifs for binding to Kb. So with the help of Dr Miri Eisenstein of the Structural Biology Department of the Weizmann Institute we have computer modelled the peptide onto the published Kb crystal structure. The X-ray crystallography data for the Kb molecule in complex with a vesicular somatitis virus (VSV) peptide were used as a basis for the computer modelling and the structure of our new peptide (named MUTl) was overlapped onto the viral peptide which has the ‘right’ motifs for Kb binding. From this modelling, it is very clear that you can find in peptides alternative motifs to those considered
to be anchor motifs. In this case, Tyr 5 in the VSV peptide (which is the major anchor motif for Kb) is replaced by a threonine in position 5 and a glutamic acid in position 2 of the MUTl peptide, which fill the pocket ‘C’ exactly. Instead of Tyr 3 in the VSV peptide, there is a glutamine that sticks out and fills the pocket ‘D’. Energy minimization shows exactly the same binding energies for MUTl as for the VSV peptide. This is a good binder, it binds wonderfully to RMA-S cells, but looking just at the amino acids, you would not predict good binding. Beverley: I agree with that. With Paul Travers we have done similar modelling studies with the E6 epitope. This is a rather strange peptide with two cysteines. We are not exactly sure where the epitope is, because it doesn’t have an obvious motif to allow one to slot the end into the C-terminal pocket, so it could be moved along a couple of amino acids in either direction. Paul has made several models and there are a couple of registers in which the peptide would fit reasonably well into the Kb binding site. Parham: Many experiments have been done with HLA-A2 because it’s the most common antigen in almost every human population, often at levels of about 50%. A ‘reasonably intelligent virus’ that is evolving faster than humans is going to gain a lot from avoiding being presented by HLA-A2. So, one could say, Peter, that you’ve actually picked the worst possible molecule to test this system. Beverley: I agree with the argument. We didn’t look only at A2 patients; we looked at a number of people who were not A2 using vac-E6 or vac-E7 to boost them in vifro.The methodology works with other antigens in vitro; we still saw no responses. Parham: There is a tendency for anybody starting to work on a new virus to look at the literature and say, we know lots and lots about HLA-A2, we can get lots of donors just by going around the lab, so this is the convenient way to go. But it could be the way that is least likely to give you the results. Chewer: Are there viruses for which you can’t get an HLA-A2-restricted response, or is your concern theoretical? Parham: I’m thinking theoretically. Doherty: You could be deceived using a transgenic mouse. For instance, an immunodominant response associated with H-2 Db could tend to mask the emergence of HLA-A2-restricted T cells. Parham: Again, the reason that you had the ’flu matrix peptides to work with was that Andrew McMichael’s lab deliberately put all the effort into finding at least one epitope presented by HLA-A2, because they knew that the crystal structure of A2 was being solved. Rickinson: A2 is not a strong presenting antigen in the ’flu system or in the EBV system. I’m not sure about HIV; you could argue your way out of HIV because it’s a recent import, so it hasn’t had time to adapt! Greenberg: The one deletion you observed, was that an AZrestricted response?
Immune responses to HPV-16
Rickinson: There is an AZrestricted response to EBV. We’ve seen responses directed against what appears to be the major A2-restricted epitope mapped within the EBV LMP2 protein. But of about 12 A2 donors that we’ve looked at, the response is only really detectable at any reasonable frequency in about a third of the donors. In only one individual is the response anything like high frequency and she is an A2 homozygote. Doherty: Do viruses necessarily want to subvert the immune response? If EBV subverts the immune response, the person dies and the virus doesn’t get transmitted. Rickinson: We’ve thought about this. Total subversion will never happen, because the virus is antigenically rich so there will always be some epitopes available. The question is how could CTL control or influence viral evolution? How could they influence the incidence with which a particular virus establishes persistence? Let’s take EBV as an example, there are many different EBV isolates. You either have a scenario where as soon as you kiss somebody, there is delivery of the virus and you actually get infected. That is hard to believe because there are so many socially active seronegative people around! But if there are many viruses out there in the community, the inference is that for CTL-mediated selection to work you need to invoke the possibility of a transient primary infection which induces a CTL response; then when this response actually clears the virus, there is a ‘sterilizing immunity’, if you like. You might actually resist that infection because the virus, for instance, has a strong A2 epitope. You crush it very early on, whereas another virus strain lacking that particular epitope might not elicit such a strong response and may then access the long-lived B cell pool. Doherty: It’s not going to get crushed for at least seven days. Primary CTL responses generally take at least seven days to eliminate viruses. Rickinson: The point is we don’t know what’s happening in those seven days. We don’t know at what point the infection actually generalizes. You could imagine a small focus of infection that doesn’t generalize, which could be contained by the CTL response. If Andrew McMichael is finding responses to HIV in seronegatives regularly exposed to that virus and some evidence of sterilizing immunity by CTL, and if that translates to other viral systems, then there is a way in which HLA polymorphism could influence the strains of virus prevalent in a community. Parham: Consider a new virus that arises and infects a population. If the virus is too successful, it will wipe out all its host population and you never hear about it again. If the virus isn’t strong enough, it won’t infect. So for host-virus relationships that persist there is always mutual adaptation of both host and virus. de ThP: This is exactly the problem with HIV-it is bound to adapt to the human being and vice versa. There is no advantage for HIV to kill people so quickly, it’s an accident not a goal.
Parham: In contrast HPV has been around for a long time and is probably more adapted to its human host. Doherty: For a single host virus that is so highly lytic that it will kill if it grows for 14 days rather than for seven days, it is not to the selective advantages of that virus to subvert the immune response too successfully. Parham: I think you are arguing a different point from the one that 1 brought up. You are asking, at an absolute level, how much does the virus need to get at the immune system. I am saying that A2 is something that makes a lot of people seem similar to a virus. So, if a virus adapts successfully in the presence of A2, it will find a lot of other people to whom that adaptation is applicable. Doherty: The prevalence of HLA-A2 could reflect the fact that, in evolutionary time, A2 is associated with success in controlling infections. The best correlation between susceptibility to a virus and class I phenotype is for Marek’s disease of chickens. The resistance gene is associated with the B7 allele, which is very prevalent in bird populations throughout the world. Melief: The important issue is whether for A2 you find more or fewer good epitopes. We are in the middle of looking at this. As far as we have looked, we have found a good number of HLA-A2-binding peptides. We have shown that at least some of these induce CTL responses in vitro, even from healthy donor peripheral blood lymphocytes. These are primary in vitro CTL responses that kill HPV of cervical cancer-derived AZmatched cell lines. From that point of view, even if there are no responses occurring naturally to these epitopes, you can still use them as vaccine components. Frazer: I guess that’s probably true. In patients with cervical cancer, even those who have measurable antibody to E7, we have been unable to find evidence of a memory CTL response to any E7 peptide restricted by HLA-A2.1. Liew: Maybe CTL is not important. Margaret Stanley has shown that delayedtype hypersensitivity is much more important in her virus system (Stanley et a1 1994, this volume). Meliefi Cervical cancer patients may also be the wrong group to look at. You may have to look at CIN lesions, because it is known that a number of those patients show regressions of their lesions. This hasn’t been linked to any parameter; the immune parameter would be interesting to look at. Frazer: Our patients had cervical cancer: the patients with CIN don’t even have antibody to E7. Stanley: Another point was raised with the EBV work this morning-that the lineage stage of the cell may dictate which peptides are presented. In other words, you only see an EBNA-1-related epitope in certain B cells. The entire replication cycle of papillomavirus is lineage dependent. We are not addressing the question of what is processed and presented in the keratinocyte at different stages of differentiation. Frazer: Even in the mouse, where there should have been no immune pressure with regard to selection of epitopes because the mouse has never seen HPV E6
Immune responses to HPV-16
and E7, you still only find one epitope in HPV-16 E6 and one in HPV-16 E7. So the difference between one and none is not all that great. Chen: Is any HLA type selectively correlated with HPV infection or cervical cancer? Bavinck et a1 (1990) described a negative correlation between HLAA1 1 and cervical cancer. Fruzer: There is an HLA-DQw3 linkage that is on or off, depending on which series you look at (Wank & Thomssen 1991, Glew et a1 1993, Apple et a1 1994). Eisenbuch: There’s a specific down-regulation of A1 1 in EBV-positive Burkitt’s lymphoma line (Masucci et a1 1989). Fruzer: Three groups have looked at associations of cervical cancer with MHC class I loci, covering over 850 patients of defined ethnic background, and there wasn’t any consistent association (Tiwari & Terasaki 1985, Shiel 1989). So I don’t think there’s a major class I association to be found. Association with MHC class I1 is still uncertain; it will need more work before the answers are there. Milich: Frank Chisari at Scripps did a number of studies in the HBV system and had no problem finding A2-restricted CTL from acute patients, but not from chronic patients. We have studied these chronic patients serologically; they have antibody responses but, at least by this method, they don’t demonstrate much cellular immunity. Beverley: It is technically very difficult to get people with a primary infection with HPV, but we may yet succeed. Doherty: With non-persistent viruses though, you get different levels of response to minor or major epitopes. In general the memory T cell prevalence, as determined by limiting dilution, follows the prevalence found during the acute response. However, high levels of persisting virus may, at least for lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), lead to overstimulation and eventual loss of the responder T cells (Moskophidis et a1 1993). Beverley: In persisting HIV, you see both: in some patients there is persistence of a single dominant clone against a particular epitope over long periods of time; in other patients you see waxing and waning of different specificities. Whether those are associated with different prognoses is a good question. That is an infection, of course, where the virus is enormously variable and is known to vary during the course of the infection. With EBV do you see the same specificity persisting over many years? Moss: I would say the answer is yes. Rickinson: But I don’t think we have looked sufficiently closely at primary versus memory CTL responses. Moss: We have recently established that there is a CTL response to an epitope within the replicative EBV protein, BHRFI. We know this response is present in the acute phase of the disease; we are now starting to detect a memory response to it. Rickinson: We are always up against the criticism that if you try and quantitate responses and in that way identify the dominant CTL epitopes, this could be
grossly skewed towards CTL clones that grow well in vitro. There are other examples in the mouse, from the LCMV system of exactly this phenomenon. Depending on how you do the in witro stimulations, you can have responses that are dominant in vivo but which don’t grow very well in vitro and are not represented in the activated population. Beverley: In the HIV system, it isn’t quite like that. In some individuals there is a very high direct cytotoxic response from fresh peripheral blood. Andrew McMichael now has PCR data which suggest that about one in a hundred CD8+ cells have a particular epitope specificity and all seem to have the same T cell receptor. If you look for CTL memory to the same epitope, the frequency is much lower. So in that particular case there are a lot of cells in the peripheral blood which don’t grow, but there is still a memory population that will grow which has the same specificity and the same receptor. Doherty: This is generally found in a lot of the mouse systems too. With respect to dominant epitopes, the response to LCMV in BALB/c mice is associated with H-2 Ld. However, the H-2dm2mutant mouse that lacks H-2 Ld generates an H-2 Kd-restricted response to another epitope from a different protein (Gegin & Lehmann-Grube 1992). Rickinson: That’s what I mean when I talk about viruses. However hard a virus tries to evade a response, I don’t think it’s going to run the risk of running riot and killing the host, because there’s always something else that takes over. Doherty: I just wonder with small viruses whether there is not more possibility of immune evasion. Papillomavirus is pretty small. Fruzer: Particularly when you are thinking just about the antigens that are expressed in tumours, you are really talking about a total of 240-250 amino acids. Clearly, there is the potential for MHC restriction to matter a great deal and for limitation of epitopes t o be a critical factor in whether you get an effective immune response or not. Despite that, when class 1-restricted association of the disease was looked for, it wasn’t there, which must be telling us something too. Purham: If, for the sake of argument, A2 was a non-responder in the in wiwo situation, would those studies have picked that up? Fruzer: Not really, because of their design. You would have to look for a preponderance of A2 homozygotes amongst the tumour population, which is not so easy to do. Nevertheless, with the frequency of A2 in the community, you might have seen a suggestion. It’s also complicated by the fact that the studies were done before the HPV-16 association with some cervical cancer was really recognized, and therefore they looked at all cervical cancers. As we heard this morning, only half of them would be expressing the antigens that could potentially be seen by the immune response. There is probably a case for going back and looking again; it’s just a lot of work. Doherty: How homogeneous is A2?
Immune responses to HPV-16
Parham: There are 13 subtypes of A2, but one particular subtype, A*0201, is the predominant form of A2 in many populations. Roughly 80% of A2s correspond to this form. Galloway: What if class I1 CTL were important? With the assays you described, would you pick them up? Are you biased against class I1 because of the size of the peptides you used? Beverley: This particular study was certainly not designed to look for class 11-restricted CTL. On the whole the peptide length for class I1 binding is a little longer; lOmers are not optimal for class I1 binding. Certainly, we saw class I restriction; both those are clearly class I-restricted epitopes. In mice immunized with vaccinia, we d o get class 11-restricted responses. We’ve assayed them by proliferation, not by CTL. But class 11-restricted CTL do exist although they are not so prominent in the mouse as they are in the human. Galloway: So you do consider class I1 CTL a possibility in HPV infections? Beverley: Yes, I think so. Cresswell: A synthetic protein can give protection, which probably argues that the class 11-restricted response is extremely important. Beverley: Whether it’s CTL or cytokine production maybe doesn’t matter. Greenberg: The potential role of a class 11-restricted response to HPV depends in part on the keratinocyte being class I1 positive-was that evaluated? Stanley: They do not constitutively express class 11, but class I1 is induced by interferon-y. Doherty: The evidence from the mouse is that you only get class 11-restricted CTL with any of the viruses that have been looked at-LCMV, Sendai, influenza, vaccinia-when you don’t have class I-restricted CD8 T cells. /32-microglobulin ( - / - ) mice clear most viruses much less effectively and are unable to eliminate LCMV (Doherty 1993). Galloway: Aren’t there infections in humans, such as measles, where class I1 CTLs predominate? Doherty: CD4+ CTL seem to predominate in measles. However, people don’t normally look for effector CTL in measles, they take CTL precursors and culture them in vitro. If you re-stimulate CD4+ T cells, you may induce lytic function, even though they’re not killer cells in vivo. Moss: I’m not sure that I totally agree. If we think of EBV as a typical acute viral infection, our suspicion is that CD4+ class I1 may be quite important. We can isolate class I1 CTL from fresh blood from these patients. Cresswell: That’s a virus that constitutively infects a class 11-positive cell. Moss: Sure, that’s true. Doherty: Also none of the mouse experiments have been done with the herpesvirus, as far as I know. Beverley: The general point is that we need to look at class 11-restricted responses in humans as well as class I-restricted responses; we certainly are +
embarking on this. Three groups have looked at proliferative responses and see some proliferation, although the data imply that it’s a rather low frequency of precursors that are responding. But they’re important and we certainly are not ignoring them. Melief: In this regard, what is known about the Langerhans cell system in the normal cervix and in the various stages of progression towards cervical cancer upon EBV infection? Stanley: During progression in cervical neoplasia, the number of intraepithelial Langerhans cells declines quite dramatically. In the high-grade cervical lesions, i.e. CIN3, there are few CDla-positive cells. This is quite different to warts, where the numbers don’t go down. Melief: Would you expect that early in infection there might be enough Langerhans cells around to process the antigen and present it to the draining lymph nodes? Stanley: Yes. Frazer: If the antigen were released from the cells to get into the Langerhans cells. Melief: Langerhans cells and dendritic cells are extremely sensitive in picking up protein antigens and processing them-they d o so much more effectively than probably even class 11-positive keratinocytes. Stanley: There may be a race between the antigen-presenting cell (APC) and the keratinocyte to acquire the virus. The virus doesn’t have to be expressed, it just has to be taken up and processed by the APC. It may be a race between enough getting into the APC to initiate some sort of response and the virus getting into the keratinocyte and effectively being hidden. Campo: There is work from a Polish group that natural killer cells are not able to recognize HPV-infected keratinocytes but still recognize any other cells (Malejczyk et a1 1993). This work was done both in people with epidermodysplasia verruciformis, which is a disease characterized by inherited immunosuppression with disseminated flat warts in the skin, some of which progress to cancer, and in people with cervical cancer. In both cases the natural killer cells are impaired specifically for HPV-infected keratinocytes. If the cancer is surgically eliminated, the natural killer cell response seems to be restored. Greenberg: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a human virus in which the class I-restricted responses appear to play very little, if any, role in controlling the virus. Stan Riddell and members of Larry Corey’s lab, as well as Rae Lynn Burke at Chiron, have spent a lot of time trying t o isolate class I-restricted CTL to HSV. Although it is extraordinarily difficult in humans, isolation of HSV-specific CD8+ CTL has been quite easy in mice. This is because there is an immediate early gene in HSV that dramatically down-regulates class I expression in humans, but doesn’t have this effect in mice. So the CD8+ response that investigators have been studying in mice is not predictive for the protective response in humans. However, HSV infection of humans is a setting
Immune responses to HPV-16
in which class 11-restricted CTL are readily detectable. So, although, like other herpesviruses, HSV is not a virus that the host ever clears, HSV infection looks to be a situation in which the class 11-restricted CTL response may be biologically quite important. Doherty: Hans Kreth showed HLA-B-restricted CTL in mumps meningitis or inflammatory T cells recovered directly from human cerebrospinal fluid (Kreth et a1 1982). Chen: Dr Beverley, you suspect there might be an association of HPV infection with immunosuppression. Do you have any idea what kind of mechanism may be involved in such immunosuppression? Beverley: Many other viruses have such immunosuppressive mechanisms. None are known for HPV, but one might suspect that it has got some. It does have trans-activating genes, which might interfere with antigen processing in keratinocytes or induce production of immunosuppressive cytokines. Chen: Cromme et a1 (1994) have reported that TAP-1 expression is downregulated in cervical cancer. However, this may occur only in the late-stage cervical cancers, but not in early CIN lesions. Beverley: That is only in carcinoma. Lanzavecchia: Wayne Streilein showed that UV-irradiation, through an indirect effect, stimulates tumour necrosis factor a (TNF-a) production by keratinocytes, and this TNF-a turns off the function of Langerhans cells (Kurimoto & Streilein 1992). If the virus in some way can turn on the production of this or other suppressive cytokines, it would be very efficient in preventing the immune response from getting started. Stanley: In cell lines in which HPV sequences are present and being expressed, there is a high level of TNF message and protein. Lanzavecchia: This would be a specific way for the virus to turn off the dendritic cells. Allison: Have you any data on IL-10 expression? IL-I0 would down-regulate co-stimulatory activity. Stanley: We have looked at all our cell lines, the only one in which we can find constitutive expression of IL-10 is a non-HPV-expressing established keratinocyte. Keratinocytes will make IL-10, but they need to be induced by other cytokines. So you may well be looking at cascade effects; I’m sure that these are the mechanisms that we really need to be looking at. Galloway: The danger of using cell lines is that there are so many other cytogenetic changes it’s hard to determine which are important. Stanley: Absolutely, but you have to start somewhere.
References Apple RJ, Erlich HA, Klitz W, Manos MM, Becker TM, Wheeler CM 1994 HLA DRDQ associations with cervical carcinoma how papillomavirus-typespecificity. Nature Genet 6:157-162
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Prospects for T cell immunotherapy of tumours by vaccination with immunodominant and subdominant peptides Cornelis J. M . Melief and W. Martin Kast Department of lmmunohematology and Blood Bank, University Hospital Leiden, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
Abstract. Immunotherapy of tumours by adoptive transfer of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) is now feasible in experimental murine systems. These CTL recognize peptide sequences of defined length presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class 1 molecules. Effective eradication of large tumour masses requires co-administration of interleukin 2. Tumour escape strategies are numerous but in various instances can be counteracted by defined measures. Initiation of CTL responses against poorly immunogenic virally induced tumours and other tumours requires novel strategies to overcome T cell inertia. We propose a strategy in which CTL are raised against target molecules of choice including differentiation antigens of restricted tissue distribution (autoantigens) or mutated/overexpressed oncogene products. The steps proposed include: (1) identification of target molecules of choice. (2) Identification in these target molecules of peptides fitting MHC allele-specific peptide motifs involved in peptide binding to MHC molecules. (3) Evaluation of actual binding of such peptides to specific MHC class I molecules. (4) In vitro CTL response induction by such peptides, presented by highly efficient antigen-presenting cells such as antigen processing-defective cells carrying empty MHC class I molecules loaded with a single peptide or dendritic cells. Both types of cells are capable of primary CTL response induction in vifro. ( 5 ) Evaluation of proper processing by the demonstration of tumour cell lysis by these CTL. (6) Adoptive transfer of tumour-specific CTL generated in vifroor vaccination with peptides. These various steps have now been taken for several viruses, virally induced tumours and other types of tumours and the first indications that this strategy is useful have been obtained. 1994 Vaccinesagainst virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 97-112
In animal models involving both virally induced and other turnours, the most powerful component of the immune system has proven to be the response of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) directed against peptides presented by class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (reviewed in 97
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Greenberg 1991, Melief 1992, Melief & Kast 1992, 1993). The efficacy of CTL was proven by adoptive transfer studies (Greenberg 1991, Melief 1992, Melief & Kast 1992, 1993). Apart from CTL, adoptive transfer of CD4+ noncytolytic T cell clones was also shown to have strong antitumour potency in some models (Greenberg 1991). The notion that T cells also have strong antitumour activity in humans has received support from the therapeutic activity of expanded tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in patients with metastatic melanoma (Rosenberg et al 1988). CTL directed against virally induced tumours so far have been directed against MHC class I-binding peptides of viral structural proteins (Melief 1992, Melief & Kast 1992). CD8+ CTL among TIL from melanoma patients are most likely directed against any one or a combination of recently defined melanomaassociated antigens that were found to be recognized by cloned CTL lines from melanoma patients. These include the antigens MAGE-1, tyrosinase, gpl00 and MART-1 (van der Bruggen et a1 1991, Traversari et al 1992, Brichard et al 1993, Bakker et al 1994, Kawakami et al 1994). In normal individuals, these antigens are expressed in the testis (MAGE-1) or normal melanocytes (tyrosinase, gp 100 and MART-1). The HLA-binding peptides recognized by the CTL are encoded by the normal gene sequences; thus these tumour-specific CTL are essentially autoreactive. Indeed, in patients with melanoma, skin depigmentation is frequently associated with a favourable clinical course. The identification of the molecular nature of antigens recognized by CTL on both virally induced and other cancers allows the use of these defined antigens as vaccine components. We argue that vaccination with MHC class I-binding tumour-associated peptides is attractive in situations of small tumour burden. More extensive disease requires more laborious and costly immunotherapy, such as adoptive transfer of tumour-specific CTL expanded in vitro. A major advantage of peptide vaccination is that one is not restricted to vaccination with only immunodominant peptides, so-called subdominant peptides can also be utilized effectively. Subdominant peptides are peptides against which a T cell response does not arise upon immunization with the intact native antigen, but only following immunization with a predigested fragment containing the subdominant peptide or with the synthetic subdominant peptide (Sercarz et a1 1993). Nevertheless, once a response has been initiated, the T cells can recognize naturally processed peptide. The feasibility and advantages of vaccination with (sub)dominant MHC class I-binding peptides will be discussed with special emphasis on peptide vaccination for human papilloma virus (HPV) in cervical cancer. The concept of peptide vaccination
In most viral infections only a few viral peptides are recognized by MHC class I-restricted CTL. In some infections, only one peptide presented by MHC
T cell immunotherapy with peptides
class I is recognized by CD8+ CTL: for example, in Sendai virus infection of H-2b mice, only a single Sendai nucleoprotein peptide is recognized. We therefore reasoned that vaccination of H-2b mice with this single peptide should confer protection against Sendai virus. This turned out to be the case. Vaccination with a 16mer Sendai virus peptide including the optimal H-2 Kbbinding nonamer FAPGNYPAL protected B6 (H-2b) mice against death from pneumonia after a fivefold lethal dose of virulent Sendai virus (Kast et a1 1991). Later studies showed that on a molar basis both the optimal H-2 Kb-binding nonamer and a 16mer peptide with additional flanking amino acids had very similar protective qualities upon vaccination (Kast et a1 1993a). Antiviral protection by vaccination with an MHC class I-binding peptide was also achieved by Schulz et a1 (1991) in mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. In all of these studies, inclusion in the vaccine of a helper peptide to stimulate class I1 MHC-restricted CD4+ helper cells was not required, although conceivably additional help might have increased the effectiveness of MHC class I-binding peptide vaccination. In these studies the MHC class I-binding peptide was administered in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant, which most likely served as a depot vehicle associated with slow consistent peptide release to local draining lymph nodes. Other oil-based adjuvants also proved effective (M. C. W. Feltkamp, W. M. Kast & C. J. M. Melief, unpublished observations 1994). For other viral infections, some required a helper peptide in the CTL-inducing peptide vaccine, others did not (reviewed in Kast & Melief 1991a).
CTL against subdominant viral epitopes are equally effective in tumour eradication as are CTL against immunodominant epitopes CTL against an immunodominant epitope encoded by the E l A region of human adenovirus type 5 ( A d 3 are very effective in eradication of Ad5 El-induced tumours in mice (Kast et a1 1989). The E l A CTL epitope is the decamer SGPSNTPPEI, which binds to H-2 Db (Kast et a1 1989, Kast & Melief 1991b). Recently, we obtained CTL against a subdominant E l B epitope by vaccination with El-induced tumours in which the dominant E l A epitope had been mutagenized. The E1B-specific CTL were equally effective in tumour eradication after adoptive transfer (Toes et a1 1994). In a study of CTL against the murine Moloney leukaemia virus, a retrovirus, the observation was made that B6 (H-2b) mice could effectively be vaccinated for induction of tumoricidal CTL with a Kb-binding Moloney virus envelope peptide that was immunodominant upon vaccination of H-2 Db mutant bm13 mice, but subdominant in wild-type B6 mice (Sijts et a1 1994). Thus, although B6 mice, in contrast to bm13 mice, did not generate a Kb-restricted Moloneyspecific CTL response upon infection with Moloney sarcoma virus, they did generate a vigorous Kb-restricted tumoricidal CTL response upon peptide vaccination.
Melief & Kast
CTL epitopes of HPV-16 and peptide vaccination In order to assay the potency of peptide vaccination in a tumour model relevant to human disease, we established a syngeneic transplantable tumour in B6 (H-2b) mice by induction with HPV-16. Highly oncogenic HPVs are detected in over 90% of all human cervical cancers. To identify vaccine candidates we generated a set of 240 overlapping nonameric peptides derived from the HPV-16 oncogenes E6 and E7. These peptides were tested for their ability to bind H-2Kb and H-2Db MHC class I molecules. The high affinity H-2 Db-binding peptide and putative CTL epitope E7 49-57 (RAHYNIVTF), emulsified in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant, was used for vaccination. Immunization with this peptide rendered mice insensitive to a subsequent challenge with HPV-16-transformed syngeneic tumour cells. Protection was associated with induction of peptide-specific CTL that lysed the tumour cells in vivo (Feltkamp et al 1993). Interestingly, vaccination with irradiated tumour cells did not lead to priming of CTL against this peptide, demonstrating its subdominant nature. This emphasizes once again the added value of peptide vaccination over conventional vaccination. Next, we identified peptides of HPV-16 E6 and E7 that bound with high affinitiy to HLA-A*0201, using a cellular binding assay (Kast et a1 1993b), and peptides that bound to HLA-A*0201 and four other HLA-A alleles, using a molecular binding assay (Kast et a1 1994). Two high affinity HLA-A*0201 -binding peptides have been chosen for vaccination of cervical cancer patients who have failed other forms of therapy (surgery, irradiation), but do not have large tumour masses. The peptide vaccine also includes a synthetic helper peptide. Together, the peptides will be injected subcutaneously in an adjuvant resembling incomplete Freund’s, but of better defined composition, called Montanide ISA 5 1 (SeppicR). Vaccinations will be started in the autumn of 1994. Induction of primary CTL responses against these peptides in vitro with responding lymphocytes from the blood of healthy donors, as well as peptide vaccination of HLA-A*0201 transgenic mice, has shown that the peptides chosen for vaccination elicit vigorous CTL responses that can lyse HLA-matched cervical cancer cells in vitro (M. E. Ressing, R. M. P. Brandt, A. Sette, H. M. Grey, C. J. M. Melief and W. M. Kast, unpublished observations 1994). So far, preliminary studies indicate that cervical cancer patients have poor or no memory CTL against these peptides (M. E. Ressing, R. M. P. Brandt, W. M. Kast and C. J. M. Melief, unpublished observations 1994). If peptide vaccination is effective in a clinical setting, one has to face the problems of HLA polymorphism and HPV heterogeneity. Fortunately, only two HPV types, HPV-16 and HPV-18, are associated with the great majority of human cervical carcinomas. Also, the five HLA-A alleles (A*0101, A*0201, A*0301, A*llOl and A*2401) for which HPV-16 E6- and E7-binding peptides have been identified together occur in more than 95% of the Caucasian human
T cell immunotherapy with peptides
population. Thus, a peptide cocktail vaccine is possible, especially because the number of high affinity binding peptides for each HLA-A allele is no greater than six and not all peptides will have to be included in a vaccine if the number of E6- or E7-binding peptides for a given allele exceeds three.
Discussion The collected results from vaccination of animals with MHC class I-binding peptides indicate that this mode of vaccination effectively induces protective CTL responses against virulent viral infection and tumour inocula. A major advantage over conventional viral vaccines is the possibility of induction of CTL responses against subdominant epitopes. This probably results from confrontation of the immune system with a much higher (suprathreshold) dose of a subdominant peptide than is achieved during presentation of the native antigen in viral infection or tumour inoculation. Another mechanism may be easier access of immunogenic peptides to professional antigen-presenting cells in draining lymph nodes. This is associated with optimal expression of costimulatory molecules and MHC expression for initiation of T cell responses. The general strategy leading to identification of optimal peptides for cytotoxic T lymphocyte induction against target molecules of choice is as follows: 1. Identification of target molecules of choice. 2. Screening for peptides fitting MHC allele-specific binding motifs. 3. Evaluation of actual binding of motif-bearing peptides to MHC molecules. 4. Induction of primary CTL responses against MHC-binding peptides with the antigen-presenting cells being: a) Processing-defective cell lines b) Dendritic cells. 5 . Investigation of antigen ‘processing’-do peptide-specific CTL kill tumour cells? 6. Adoptive transfer of tumour-specific CTL or, more conveniently, peptide vaccination, e.g. by subcutaneous injection of peptide-loaded dendritic cells.
The strategy of peptide vaccination is not confined to protection against virally induced tumours but can also be applied to other cancers, in which case it may help to overcome natural tolerance or anergy towards self peptides of cancerassociated molecules. A list of attractive target molecules for peptide vaccination against both types of tumour is shown in Table 1. The concept of autoimmunity, for example to the p53 tumour suppressor protein, as a possible therapeutic principle is supported by the in vitro induction of CTL responses against wild-type p53 peptides presented by HLA-A*0201 MHC class I molecules (Houbiers et a1 1993, Nijman et al 1994). Similarly,
Melief & Kast
TABLE 1 Target molecules of choice for cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed against human cancer Tumour type
Target molecules
Human papilloma virus types 16 & 18 Epstein-Barr virus Human T cell lymphotropic virus 1
Early region 6 and early region 7 EBNA l a
Virally induced tumours
Cervical carcinoma Burkitt's lymphoma Adult T cell leukaemia lymphoma
Non-virally induced tumours
Many different malignancies Sarcomas Various malignancies Chronic myelogenous leukaemia Melanoma B lymphoma
Mutated or overexpressed p53 Overexpressed Mdm2 Mutated Ras Bcr/abl breakpoint peptide Melanoma-associated gene products (MAGE. tyrosinase, gp100, MART-]) CD19 and CD20 B lymphocyte differentiation antigens
"CTL response to EBNA-1 has so far not been reported.
peptide vaccination against melanoma-associated antigens is attractive. We would propose to vaccinate individual patients against those HLA class I-binding peptides of melanoma-associated antigens to which they have responded poorly or not at all in the course of their disease. Again, vaccination against subdominant epitopes must be contemplated, because only peptide vaccination can be expected to elicit an effective response against these epitopes. Finally, the principles outlined here potentially also apply to devastating viral diseases in which the immune response falls short, such as AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). Specific antiviral CTL responses probably contribute to a prolonged asymptomatic phase and long-term survival in people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). People infected with HIV-1 initially show vigorous, specific CTL responses that decline with time, most likely as a result of viral escape mutants or virally associated immunodeficiency. We recently reported the in vitro induction of primary, high affinity HLA-A*0201-restricted CTL to two highly conserved epitopes of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase encoded by the polymerase gene (Van der Burg et al 1994). One of these epitopes is newly identified among four other conserved, polymerase-encoded peptides that bind with high affinity to HLA- A*0201 and are not known t o be CTL epitopes in natural HIV infection. The CDS+ CTL clones killed both HLA-A*0201-matched target cells pulsed with synthetic
T cell irnrnunotherapy with peptides
peptide and those infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus carrying HIV reverse transcriptase. The identification of highly conserved HIV-1-derived peptides capable of eliciting novel anti-HIV-1 CTL responses is highly relevant to the development of a vaccination strategy that might broaden the CTL response to include responses against subdominant epitopes. This might enable infected subjects to deal more effectively with HIV-1 infection. A ckno wledgements This research was supported by the Dutch Organisation for the Fight Against Cancer and by the US National Cancer Institute. W. M. Kast is a Senior Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
References Bakker ABH, Schreurs MWJ, De Boer AJ et al 1994 Melanocyte lineage-specific antigen gpl00 is recognized by melanoma-derived tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes. J Exp Med 179: 1005- 1009 Brichard V, Van Pel A , Wolfel Th et a1 1993 The tyrosinase gene codes for an antigen recognized by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes on HLA-A2 melanomas. J Exp Med 178:489-495 Feltkamp MCW, Smits HL, Vierboom MPM et al 1993 Vaccination with cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope-containing peptide protects against a tumour induced by human papillomavirus type 16-transformed cells. Eur J Immunol 23:2242-2249 Greenberg P D 1991 Adoptive T cell therapy of tumors: mechanisms operative in the recognition and elimination of tumour cells. Adv Imrnunol 49:281-355 Houbiers JGA, Nijman HW, Van der Burg SH et al 1993 In vitro induction of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses against peptides of mutant and wild type p53. Eur J Immunol 23:2072-2077 Kast WM, Melief CJM 1991a In vivo efficacy of virus-derived peptides and virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Immunol Lett 30:229-232 Kast WM, Melief CJM 1991b Fine peptide specificity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed against adenovirus induced tumours and peptide-MNC binding. Int J Cancer 6 9 - 9 4 Kast WM, Offringa R, Peters P J , Melven RH, van der Eb AJ, Melief C J M 1989 Eradication of adenovirus El-induced turnours by Ela-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Cell 59:603-615 Kast WM, Roux L, Curren J et a1 1991 Protection against lethal Sendai virus infection by in vivo priming of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes with a free synthetic peptide. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88:2283-2287 Kast WM, Brandt RMP, Melief CJM 1993a Strict peptide length is not required for the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated antiviral protection by peptide vaccination. Eur J Immunol 23:1189-1192 Kast WM, Brandt RMP, Drijfhout JW, Melief CJM 1993b Human leukocyte antigenA2.1 restricted candidate cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes of human papilloma-virus type 16 E6 and E7 proteins identified by using the processing-defective human cell line T2. J Immunother 14:115-120 Kast WM, Brandt RMP, Sidney J et al 1994 Role of HLA-A motifs in identification of potential CTL epitopes in human papillomavirus type 16 E6 and E7 protein. J lmmunol 152:3904-3912
Kawakami Y,Eliyahu S, Delgado C H et al 1994 Cloning of the gene coding for a human melanoma antigen recognized by autologous T cells infiltrating into tumour. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91:3515-3519 Melief CJM 1992 Tumour eradication by adoptive transfer of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Adv Cancer Res 58:143-175 Melief CJM, Kast WM 1992 Lessons from T cell responses to virus induced tumours for cancer eradication in general. Cancer Surv 13:81-99 Melief CJM, Kast WM 1993 Potential immunogenicity of oncogene and tumour suppressor gene products. Curr Opin Immunol 9709-71 3 Nijman HW, Van der Burg SH, Vierboom MPM, Houbiers JGA, Kast WM, Melief CJM 1994 p53, a potential target for tumour directed T cells. Immunol Lett, in press Rosenberg SA, Packard BS, Aebersold P M et al 1988 Use of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes and interleukin-2 in the immunotherapy of patients with metastatic melanoma. A preliminary report. N Engl J Med 319:1676-1680 Schulz M, Zinkernagel RM, Hengartner H 1991 Peptide-induced antiviral protection by cytotoxic T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88:991-993 Sercarz EE, Lehmann PV, Ametani A, Benchou G, Miller A, Moudgil K 1993 Dominance and crypticity of T cell antigenic determinants. Annu Rev Immunol 11:729-766 Sijts AJAM, De Bruijn MLH, Ressing ME et a1 1994 Identification of an H-2Kbpresented Moloney MuLV CTL epitope that displays enhanced recognition in H-2Db mutant bm13 mice. J Virol, in press Toes REM, Offringa R, Blom RJJ et a1 1994 A subdominant CTL epitope mediating tumour eradication of CTL clones is down-modulated by the EJ ras oncogene. Submitted Traversari C , van der Bruggen P , Luescher IF et al 1992 A nonapeptide encoded by human gene MAGE-1 is recognized on HLA-A1 by cytolytic T lymphocytes directed against tumour antigen MZ2-E. J Exp Med 176:1453-1457 van der Bruggen P , Traversari C , Chomez P et al 1991 A gene encoding an antigen recognized by cytolytic T lymphocytes on a human melanoma. Science 254: 1643- 1647 Van der Burg SH, Klein MR, van de Velde C J H , Kast WM, Miedema F, Melief CJM 1994 Induction of primary human CTL response against a novel conserved epitope in a functional sequence of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, in press
Eisenbach: Do you get better protection or therapy if you combine a number of peptides, either different ones that are presented by A2 or ones that bind to different alleles? Melie& We haven’t done that. We are now at the stage where we still have to prove, at least in humans, that peptide vaccination can have a clinical effect. We propose to use the two best HLA-AZbinding peptides in a clinical trial to see if we induce responses that lyse autologous cervical cancer cells or HLAmatched cervical cancer cells and that lead to an increased clinical response in the patient. If the results are positive, we might expand this and eventually vaccinate patients with a peptide cocktail.
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Eisenbuch: Do you think that an effective immune reaction should be polyclonal? Melief:I think so. Even against a single peptide, the response is often more polyclonal than the natural response against the processed peptide. For example, in the murine leukaemia viral system, we see no cross-reactivity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) against the immunodominant peptide if we immunize with the tumour cells. But if we vaccinate with the same peptide, we get CTL that are cross-reactive against other viruses with a similar, but non-identical epitope. This suggests that a broader repertoire is induced by immunizing with the peptide than with the tumour. Beverley: When you take a set of predicted epitopes, such as the AZbinding ones from papillomaviruses, and raise CTL in vitro, how many of the predicted epitopes will raise good CTL in primary responses which will kill targets expressing the whole protein from which the peptides were derived? Is there any relationship between the affinity of binding and whether the epitopes will raise good CTL or not? Melief: No, even very poorly binding peptides will induce CTL but these will never lyse processed antigen. All peptides that we have tested that bound do induce CTL, so that’s not the problem. I think the problem is showing which CTL cross-react on cells expressing the processed antigen. Again, for the highaffinity binding peptides, CTL against about half of those lyse target cells expressing the processed antigen. The assays are quite difficult, as you realize. The whole first part of this approach is relatively easy-identifying the peptides-if you have enough money to have them all synthesized. The hard part is the CTL induction and the subsequent limiting dilution and cloning. This takes a lot of labour and time, but it can be done. We did it for the four best HLA-A2-binding peptides of human papillomavirus. Three out of four induced CTL that cross-react on tumour cells. Fruzer: What is the duration of the response? How long do these animals remain able to mount a cytotoxic T cell response in vivo? Will they be re-primed by exposure to tumour cells if the antigens aren’t the naturally present dominant epitopes? Melief: This length of memory was debated for some time. Zinkernagel suggested that memory against peptides was much shorter lived than that against the natural antigen, but we do not find this. Alexandra Livingstone at the Base1 Institute for Immunology also finds very long-lived memory against peptides-almost a year in a mouse, which is about half its life-time. We find that for many months after peptide vaccination you can show the responses and they are easily recalled by presentation of the processed antigen. Fruzer: Do you think that’s in some way a product of the adjuvant used or is it a general phenomenon that you can get long-term CTL responses from peptides?
Meliefi I see no distinction between what is presented naturally and what is presented by the peptides, so I see no reason why memory should be shorter lived, unless you believe that persistence of antigen is required for memory, which I personally don’t believe. I would hate to think of myself as a basket of all past antigen encounters! Liew: What are your feelings about using incomplete Freund’s adjuvant clinically? Meliefi Originally, 1 thought this would not be clinically acceptable. Then we looked in the literature and found that in the early 1950s about 50000 army personnel in the United States were vaccinated using incomplete Freund’s adjuvant for protection against influenza. They were reinvestigated 20 years later and there was not a single sign of late side effects, such as earlier death. There were also surprisingly few immediate side effects, only a little discomfort locally which subsided after two weeks (Beebe 1972). There is an alternative adjuvant based on a similar mineral oil which is produced by the Institut Pasteur Me’rieux in Lyon. It is called Montanide ISA 5 1. This recently underwent extensive clinical testing for HIV protein recombinant vaccine delivery without any major side effects. Moss: We have developed a model for screening adjuvants for their ability to induce a CTL. This model system is based on murine cytomegalovirus in which mice were immunized with a peptide CTL epitope in conjunction with a range of adjuvants including Freund’s incomplete adjuvant. Our conclusion was that the Montanide ISA 720A, which is a water-in-oil adjuvant, was considerably better than incomplete Freund’s. It seemed that water-and-oil emulsions were better than oil-and-water. Melief: You may be right. We didn’t titrate the peptide in each type of adjuvant, maybe we ought to d o that too. Fruzer: Would the most suitable type of adjuvant depend on the peptide itself? Moss: I don’t know. To answer the question, it would be necessary to test a wide range of peptide epitopes. This would be a very big job and I’m not convinced it would be worth it. Liew: One key feature of peptide vaccines is the relatively poor immunogenicity. Has anybody tried immunostimulatory complexes or muramyl dipeptides? Moss: We did, without success. Fruzer: There’s definitely a hierachy of peptides with regard to ability to incorporate into adjuvant: some will incorporate well into immunostimulatory complexes, for example, and give good CTL responses, others in our hands won’t incorporate readily and if they do incorporate, they may not be immunogenic. Muss: We had 12 preparations that had some chance of being licensed for use in humans. Montanide ISA 720A was the best. Beverley: What about the requirement for help?
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Mefief:This is a very important issue. Help is very important, if only because on recall of memory cells we would like to have immediate action of T cells that produce sufficient IL-2 to expand the CTL. To induce the CTL in the first place, help doesn’t seem to be required-not in the Sendai model and not in the mouse model of human papillomavirus infection. Frazer: I agree. We can get good CTL responses with just the minimal cytotoxic epitope on its own in several adjuvant systems, but they don’t seem to last long. Beverley: Presumably, these cells are all producing their own IL-2, not like Kees Melief’s adenovirus-specific CTL. Mefief: Yes. You would expect there to be helper-independent CD8+ cells that would expand by themselves. We also believe that the natural antigenpresenting cells for peptide presentation following this type of vaccination are dendritic cells in the draining lymph nodes, which, at least in vitro, are totally CD4 helper-independent for the induction of CTL responses. Moss: Our experience was the opposite. We found an absolute requirement for help. We pre-primed the mice with tetanus toxoid and then included tetanus toxoid in the vaccine preparation. Help was an absolute requirement in this particular system, using this particular peptide. Doherty: You are saying that the CD4+ T cell help does not need to be virus specific, but is probably required to provide additional cytokine. Eisenbach: How effective is loading of peptides onto the class I molecules of dendritic cells? It has been known for a long time that class I1 loading by peptides is effective. Melief: We find that in vitro peptide-loaded splenic dendritic cells very effectively induce primary CDS responses that will cross-kill on the processed antigen. We have limited in vivo evidence: it seems that peptide-loaded dendritic cells, if injected intravenously, work quite well. Surprisingly, they don’t seem to work as well when injected subcutaneously. The peptide vaccination in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant is subcutaneous. Beverley: Alexandra Livingstone’s experiment was done by priming with dendritic cells. Lanzavecchia: Yes. I was wondering whether the long-term memory shown in that experiment may be related to the fact that the cytotoxic precursors were primed under optimal conditions. If you give soluble peptide in vivo, presentation will be carried out mainly by non-professional antigenpresenting cells that may be unable to give the signals required for T cell expansion and survival. To what extent is long-term memory dependent on costimulation? Aflison: It’s clear that if a CD8+ T cell gets a B7 signal, that’s all it needs to differentiate and become cytotoxic. After that, unless they encounter the antigen again on something that’s B7 positive, they don’t expand. In tumour models, we’ve had a mixture of results: in some systems we see quite long +
protection, in others it decays. I think it depends on the type of cell on which they see the antigen in the subsequent encounter. Liew: There’s some discrepancy between the results of Kees Melief and Peter Beverley. Kees said that all peptides that bind to MHC have a chance of inducing a CTL response; Peter said not all of them d o so. Is that discrepancy because of the requirement for help? Some peptide epitopes might require help more than others. Melief: Peter, are you talking about the mouse or the human CTL responses? Beverley: In the mouse, Hans Stauss looked at quite a number of peptides, mainly from E7. The majority of those for which they saw some binding in RMA-S cell-binding assays would induce CTL in vitro. Most of those, 1 must say, have not been tested in the way that we would like, as Kees has done, to see whether they will kill targets expressing the naturally processed E7 molecule. CTL against residues 21 -28 of E7 definitely don’t kill the naturally processed molecule. I think there were a couple which showed some binding but didn’t raise good CTL. But unless you’ve done extensive dose-response curves and so on, you shouldn’t take the negative binding results too seriously. So in the mouse, 1 would agree with Kees, most peptides that show binding can raise CTL, at least in vitro. Liew: So you would agree that the binding screen would be a good parameter for immunogenicity. Beverley: I think it’s a reasonable parameter, but I absolutely agree with Kees again, that if you want t o d o it that way, it’s not good enough to have, as we did for reasons of economy, a set of lOmers overlapping by five, because you will miss some epitopes. Kees made another good point, which is that even where we think we know quite a lot about the binding of peptides to a particular allele, there is more flexibility than we thought. You can go from eight to 11 amino acids, which introduces an additional difficulty. Purham: 1s there any experience of vaccinating or immunizing people with peptides and looking at CTL responses? Melief: I know of one recently completed trial with a hepatitis B virus epitope conducted by Cytel in healthy volunteers. They increased the dose up to lo00 Fg from very low concentrations of around 1Opg. There was a dose-dependent CTL response. 1OOOpg still does not seem to induce the maximum response. The CTL induced in these healthy volunteers killed HBV-infected target cells and there were no side effects. This construct consisted of a helper epitope linked with spacer amino acids to a CTL epitope, with two palmitic acid tails, without adjuvant. Liew: Was there an antibody response? Melief: There was no B cell epitope, so there was no read out in antibody. Levitsky: This relates to whether or not peptides delivered in vivo in this way still need to be processed. One might almost envisage external exchange on class I. Certainly, a construct such as you just described would need to be
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internalized and its association with class I must involve an intracellular component. Melief: Yes, we discussed whether such a linked construct would offer advantages over just mixing a helper epitope with a CTL epitope. The Cytel data from HLA transgenic mice indicate that there is equally efficient presentation by either hooking the two together or injecting them unlinked but together. Liew: Is that the only example you know of? The hepatitis B vaccine is currently so successful. Mefief.-I think the goal of the Cytel efforts is to decrease the viral load in chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus, for whom the current vaccine may not be so useful. Cresswell: There may be a significant difference between mice and humans in this situation. It is relatively easy to exchange peptides in and out of mouse class I molecules on the cell surface with quite high efficiency because of the relatively low affinity of mouse µglobulin for class I. Human &-microglobulin has a much higher affinity and human class I molecules are much more stable. If the outcome is in any way quantitative, such that you need to get a certain number of epitopes on the surface of the cell, it is going to be more difficult to achieve that just by simple surface exchange in humans than in mice. So maybe these constructs that are designed to push things into endogenous processing pathways will be more effective. Mefief: Yes, but the peptide vaccine constructs were first tested in HLA transgenic mice before they were given to human beings. So far, in both situations, CTL that recognize virally infected cells were induced. Eisenbach: I would like to describe some of our results on peptide vaccines. We have recently isolated peptides from Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL). This is a murine lung carcinoma model that was originally a spontaneous and highly metastatic tumour. It has been transplanted from time to time over the last 40 years. We started with about 300 g of tumour grown in vivo. We used acid extraction to isolate total cellular peptides, size fractionation and a lot of HPLC separations. The monitoring system for tumour peptides consists of RMA-S cell loading (RMA-S cells originate from H-2b mice like the 3LL); the CTL that we use for recognition and lysis of peptide-loaded RMA-S cells are cytotoxic T cells raised against a Kb transfectant of the original 3LL tumour, which is highly immunogenic. RMA-S cells by themselves are resistant to anti-3LL CTL, but when a relevant tumour peptide binds, it confers sensitivity to these CTL. Multiple purifications gave eventually a peptide fraction pure enough for sequencing. The first seven amino acids could be easily identified while the eighth position could have been occupied by either of two amino acids, alanine or proline. When we looked in a protein library database, we found that the peptide sequence is similar to that of a peptide from a protein called connexin 37. The only difference is that connexin 37 contains a cysteine at position 3 of the tumour
peptide, instead of a glutamine. We call the mutant peptides MUT-1 for the variant that has a proline in position 8 and MUT-2 for the variant that has an alanine in position 8. We prepared synthetic peptides corresponding to MUT-1, MUT-2 and normal connexin 37 from positions 52-59. When we load the synthetic peptides MUT-1 or MUT-2 onto RMA-S cells and vaccinate mice, we get CTL that kill the MUT-1 or MUT-2-loaded RMA-S and also the original 3LL tumour. When we use the normal connexin 37 peptide, we get no killing. We immunized mice with RMA-S cells loaded with MUT-1 and looked at whether CTL from these mice lysed several different tumours of C57/BL origin. There was no effect on B16 melanoma, sarcomas MCA 102 and MCA 105 or the T cell lymphoma ELH4, but with two clones of a lung carcinoma completely unrelated to 3LL we saw really high killing with anti-MUT-1 CTL. This lung carcinoma is called CMT64; it was derived completely independently from a spontaneous C57/BL lung tumour by L. M. Franks in 1976 (Franks 8~Layton 1984). Although both the 3LL and the CMT64 tumours arose spontaneously and independently, they induce cross-reactive CTL and the MUT-1 peptide seems to be a CTL epitope in both tumours. So, at least in murine lung carcinomas, there may exist a common tumour-associated antigenic peptide. T o test whether MUT-1 can be used in antimetastatic vaccinations, we performed a post-surgery immunotherapy experiment. We injected wild-type, highly metastatic 3LL parental cells into the mouse footpad and waited until the tumour was about 7mm in diameter. At that time, we could detect about 80-100 lung micrometastases, by histology. We surgically removed the footpad tumour and then started vaccinating with synthetic peptides, either loaded on RMA-S cells or injected into the skin with incomplete Freund’s adjuvant. Five to six weekly treatments caused rejection of metastases when MUT-1 or MUT-2 were used in the vaccine; the normal connexin 37 peptide had no effect. So I think there’s hope for peptide vaccination. Cresswell: Are these all H-2b tumours? Eisenbach: Yes. Cresswell: Is the peptide MUT-1 a mutant or is it an allele? Eisenbach: By PCR (polymerase chain reaction) it’s a mutated allele. The lung carcinoma has both the normal allele and the mutated allele. Our reverse transcriptase PCR analysis shows that that both mutant and normal connexin 37 are expressed in the tumour, while only the normal form is expressed in the lungs. Parham: How do you know it’s a mutant? Has a population analysis ever been done? Galloway: Could the ‘mutant’ be a polymorphism that’s present in the mouse population? Eisenbach: No, it’s not a polymorphism in the connexin 37 gene because we always use normal lung cDNA from C57/BL mice which are syngeneic to the 3LL tumour. The original clone of connexin 37 was also isolated from a C57/BL
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library. Moreover, the cysteine 54 in connexin 37 is functionally important for the formation of gap junctions, so there can be no polymorphism. Greenberg: Does the variant permit formation of a functional gap junction between cells? Eisenbach: Probably not. There are many observations that gap junctions are down-regulated in most tumours. Parham: This tumour is relatively old, so you can’t really be sure of its parentage. Eisenbach: No, you can’t. The 3LL was isolated in 1955 in Japan (Sugiura & Slock 1955) and the CMT64 was isolated in 1976 in England (Franks & Layton 1984) and they still have the same peptide specificity. That might not have occurred in the original mouse, but there’s no way that we can check. Parham: I would take your cross-reactivity as evidence that it’s probably not a mutation. Eisenbach: Why would two completely independent lung carcinomas show a cross-reactivity in CTL epitopes, while B16 melanoma and all the other tumours of C57/BL origin don’t? Chen: Do you know whether human connexin has any mutations or polymorphism? Eisenbach: Connexins are a family of gap junction proteins, in humans as well as in mice. There is tissue-preferred expression of the different variants. Connexin 37 is a lung type. The human form was cloned just a few months ago; the sequence that corresponds to the MUT-1 peptide is completely conserved between mice and humans. Overall conservation of the amino acid sequence is 80% (Reed et a1 1993). Chen: How about the conservation of sequence in the epitope region you identified in different mouse connexins? Eisenbach: There are six cysteines that have to be well conserved for the structure, so at least around this area it should be conserved. Cohen: Have you tried to grow out the persistent tumours from the lungs of the vaccinated mice to see whether they still express the peptide? Eisenbach: Not yet, because all the mice were killed to evaluate what’s happening in the lungs. Untreated mice die after 30 days; some of the vaccinated ones have lived so far almost 100 days. Melief: Did you say that vaccination is equally effective against the original tumour and the Kb-transfected one? Eisenbach: No, the Kb transfectants are killed with a higher efficiency. Our in vivo testing is done on the original parental tumour cells, because these are the metastatic cells. We have been interested in ‘cure’ of metastases, not rejection of primary tumours. Meliefi This again makes the point that very low concentrations of peptide MHC at the target cell suffice for a biological effect. Beverley: That isn’t always the case. In the papilloma system, we’ve used transfectants of EL4 mouse lymphoma cells or RMA cells expressing E7.
Whereas those will boost E7-specific responses very well in vitro, so they seem to present antigen, they are not killed. In this case, induction of a response requires less antigen than killing by effector cells, but there are examples in the literature showing exactly the opposite. Presumably, it depends on the relative balance of things like B7 and adhesion molecules on the tumour as to whether it presents antigen well to effector cells or precursors.
References Beebe G W 1972 Long term mortality follow-up of army recruits who received adjuvant influenza virus vaccine in 1951-1953. Am J Epidemiol 95:337-346 Franks LM, Layton MG 1984 Ultrastructural tumor differentiation and organ specificity in high and low metastatic lines from a mouse lung carcinoma. Br J Cancer 49:423-429 Reed KE, Westphale EM, Larson DM, Wang HZ, Veenstra RD, Beyer EC 1993 Molecular cloning and functional expression of human connexin37, an endothelial cell gap junction protein. J Clin Invest 91 :997-1004 Sugiura K, Slock C C 1955 Studies in a tumor spectrum. 111. The effect of phosphoramides on the growth of a variety of mouse and rat tumors. Cancer Res 15:38-51
Hepatitis B virus infection, the immune response and hepatocellular carcinoma D. R. Milich, J. Jones, J. Hughes and T. Maruyama Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10666 N Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037 USA
Abstract. More than 250 million people worldwide are chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and have a 200-fold increased risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This is one of the most common cancers in the world with a geographical distribution highest in areas where HBV is endemic. A number of molecular mechanisms have been proposed to explain this correlation including an acutely transforming viral oncogene; chromosomal aberrations due to HBV integration (i.e. deletions, translocations, duplications); activation of cellular proto-oncogenes; inactivation of cellular anti-oncogenes; and transactivation of cellular genes by HBV gene products. H C C usually develops only after 20-30 years of persistent HBV infection accompanied by hepatocyte necrosis, inflammation and regenerative hyperplasia. Because HBV is not directly cytopathic, liver injury must be immune mediated. Factors that predispose HBV-infected individuals to develop H C C are chronicity, an immune response and liver injury rather than a direct genetic event. Hepatic injury and continuous hepatocyte regeneration may allow an accumulation of multiple mutational events sufficient for the emergence of HCC. Pathways which lead to chronicity, the immune response during HBV infection, mechanisms of pathogenesis and methods to prevent HBV infection are all relevant to the development of HCC. Recent studies characterizing the humoral and cellular immune responses in patients chronically infected with HBV and transgenic mouse models of HBV-specific immune tolerance and pathogenesis are providing new insights into the complex association between HBV infection and HCC. 1994 Vaccinesagainst viralb induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 113-131
Viruses have long been recognized to induce tumours in animals (Wold & Green 1979), similarly, associations between human viruses and cancer have been established (zur Hausen 1991). The association between infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has been clearly demonstrated (Beasley et a1 1981). Several reviews are available on this subject (Beasley 1982, Szmuness 1978, Kew & Popper 1984, Beasley & Hwang 1984, Rogler & Chisari 1992, Yu & Chen 1994). Persistent infection with HBV is linked 113
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to 85-90% of HCC in high risk areas (Beasley & Hwang 1984). This is a significant health problem in view of the fact that more than 250 million people throughout the world are chronically infected with HBV and serve as a reservoir for further infection as well as being at risk for the development of HCC. The evidence linking persistent HBV infection with HCC has come from three main areas of study: epidemiology, natural animal models and molecular biology. Association between HBV and HCC
Epidemiological studies Three main lines of epidemiological evidence support the hypothesis that HBV and HCC are causally related: (1) the correlation in the geographical distribution of HCC and chronic HBV infection; (2) evidence from prospective studies; and (3) the unusually high frequency with which HBV markers are detectable in patients with HCC. There are dramatic geographical variations in the incidence of HCC. Areas with high HBV carrier prevalence have high incidence of the cancer and vice versa (Fig. 1). Very high rates of HCC and HBV carrier status prevail in China, South-East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa; areas with high rates include Japan, southern Europe, Switzerland and Bulgaria; rates are low in the United States, Canada, Latin America and Western Europe (Beasley & Hwang 1984). By establishing excess risk of disease (i.e. HCC) after exposure to a suspect agent (i.e. HBV) in a prospective study, one can provide strong evidence for its aetiological role. An extensive prospective study of 22 707 men in Taiwan indicated that HBV carriers have a 200-fold greater risk of developing HCC than non-carriers and that the lifetime risk of a chronic HBV carrier developing HCC may be as high as 50% in males (Beasley et al 1981). Other evidence indicating a close relationship between HCC and HBV is the unusually high frequency of the HBV serological markers, HBsAg and antibody to the nucleocapsid antigen (anti-HBc), in patients with HCC. For example, in an early study by Tabor et a1 (1976), 72% of HCC patients from Uganda and Zambia and 41% from the USA had serological evidence (HBsAg and/or anti-HBc) of current or recent infection. Evidence of recovery from past infection (i.e. anti-HBs) was observed in another 25% of African and 30% of patients in the USA. In light of the relatively insensitive serological tests used in the 1970s, virtually all HCC patients in this study had evidence of current or past HBV infection. The incidence of HCC is at least threefold or fourfold greater in males than females, especially in areas with a high prevalence of HBV carriers (Okuda & Beasley 1982). The incidence of HCC increases linearly with age. The average age of patients with HCC in Asia is more than 50 years; it is less in Africa. Because many HCC patients are life-long HBV carriers, this late onset indicates that
HBV and hepatocellular carcinoma
HBs Ag rates (“10)
G 1 - 2
Esm3-5 -6-10
High Hepatoma Incid. areas
FIG. 1. The geographical distribution of chronic infection with hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma. From Szmuness ( 1 978).
HBV is not an acutely transforming virus. It is also of interest that among Chinese carriers of the virus in the USA, the incidence of HCC appears to be similar to that in China (Beasley 1982). This consistently high incidence of HCC in Chinese immigrants also supports the role of HBV in the aetiology of the disease.
Animal models The development of HBV-related HCC has been studied in animal models. In addition to HBV, three hepadnaviruses-the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) (Summers et a1 1978, Popper et al 1987a), ground squirrel hepatitis virus (GSHV) (Marion et a1 1986) and duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) (Omata et a1 1983)have been found to cause persistent infection and HCC in infected animals. The DNA genomes of all known hepadnaviruses are nearly identical in basic genetic organization. In challenge experiments in woodchucks, a 100% risk of HCC within three years of viral infection has been reported (Popper et a1 1987a). A much lower incidence (7%) of HCC has been reported in colonies of GSHVinfected captive ground squirrels (Marion et a1 1986). The association between hepadnaviral infection and HCC is less clear in the duck model. HCC has been reported in DHBV-infected ducks from a region of China (Omata et a1 1983), however, it has not been observed in domestic ducks infected with the virus in the USA (Cova et a1 1990, Cullen et a1 1990).
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Molecular studies Frequent integration of HBV sequences into cellular DNA occurs in long-term chronic infection but not in acute infection (Shafritz et al 1981). Integrated HBV has been detected in approximately 90% of liver tissue from HBV-positive patients with HCC (Shafritz et a1 1981, Brechot et a1 1980, Miller et a1 1985, Lai et a1 1988, Hino et a1 1984). Southern blot analyses have indicated that the tumours are clonal with respect to the integration pattern of HBV DNA, which suggests that viral integration may precede or occur simultaneously with the transforming event (Shafritz & Kew 1981, Brechot et a1 1980). Possible roles of HBV integration in induction of the carcinoma have been studied extensively. The majority of integrations cloned from tumours contain rearranged viral sequences (Ogston et a1 1982, Nagaya et a1 1987, Shaul et a1 1984). Integration of HBV DNA into cellular DNA often causes chromosomal alterations, including deletions of large segments of chromosome (Rogler et a1 1985, Slagle et a1 1991), chromosomal translocations (Tokino et a1 1987, Hino et a1 1986, Meyer et a1 1992) and duplications (Tokino et a1 1987, Ogata et a1 1990, Takada et a1 1990, Yaginuma et a1 1985). The ability of HBV integration to cause numerous chromosomal aberrations is consistent with a direct, albeit nonspecific, viral role in tumour initiation. The HBV may also act as an insertional mutagen by the integration of viral DNA into the cellular genome at a position that could directly activate protooncogenes. Such activation of N-myc and c-myc genes by integration of the woodchuck virus has been implicated in 30% of woodchuck HCCs (Moroy et a1 1986, Fourel et a1 1990). However, in humans, the integration of HBV DNA has not been associated with proto-oncogene activation (Lee et a1 1988). There have been rare cases of HCC in which HBV sequences integrated within or near cellular genes crucial for growth control and differentiation (de ThC et a1 1987, Dejean et a1 1986, Wang et a1 1990, Zhou et a1 1988, Hatada et a1 1988). The Xgenes of HBV, WHV and GSHV have recently been shown to encode proteins that trans-activate transcription from a wide variety of promoters (Twu & Schloemer 1987). It is interesting that the X gene is not present in avian hepadnaviruses. An HBV gene product translated from a truncated pre-S2/S sequence of integrated DNA has also been reported to have trans-activating activity (Kekule et a1 1990). It has been postulated that integration of these HBV sequences could promote HCC through trans-activation of cellular genes (Zahm et a1 1988). Studies on several lineages of transgenic mice expressing the Xgene (X-Tg) have produced conflicting results. Kim et a1 (1991) described the evolution of clear cell adenoma in the livers of X-Tg mice whereas Lee et a1 (1990) reported that X-Tg mice did not develop any pathology. Different levels of X gene expression may explain such discrepancies. Another model of liver injury and HCC has emerged from the study of transgenic mice that overexpress the large envelope polypeptide of the HBV
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(Chisari et a1 1989). The structural envelope of the virus is composed of three polypeptides (large, middle and major) transcribed from different start sites but co-terminal at the C-terminus. During natural infection, the major envelope polypeptide is produced in 10-fold excess over the middle and large polypeptides (Heermann et al 1984). If the large envelope polypeptide is experimentally expressed at an equimolar or greater ratio with respect to the other envelope polypeptides, secretion of envelope particles is inhibited and envelope protein accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum (Standring et al 1986, McLachlan et a1 1987, Cheng et al 1986). In transgenic mice that overexpress the HBV large envelope polypeptide, progressive accumulation of long, branched filamentous envelope protein leads to dramatic expansion of the endoplasmic reticulum, producing ‘ground glass’ cells, and hepatocyte necrosis (Chisari et al 1985). Prolonged hepatocellular injury characterized by inflammation, hepatocellular regenerative hyperplasia and aneuploidy terminates in HCC (Chisari et a1 1989). Although this is an interesting model of liver injury and malignant transformation, the relevance to HBV infection is unknown. The ground glass cells observed in natural HBV infection are primarily associated with asymptomatic infection rather than necrosis, they contain all morphological forms of subviral particles (i.e. envelope spheres, envelope filaments and nucleocapsids) as well as intact virions (Gerber et a1 1975). Therefore, so far there is no evidence of dysregulation of HBV envelope production or for a secretory defect in hepatocytes infected with the virus. In natural infection, ground glass cells may represent ‘virus factories’ producing high levels of virions and subviral particles and proteins. In this case, the cells would be effective targets for HBV-specific lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. This may explain why ground glass cells are not or are only rarely observed in acute and symptomatic chronic infections, yet are prevalent in the liver of asymptomatic patients who lack an efficient immune response. While the extensive epidemiological, animal and molecular studies affirm the association of HBV with HCC, they do not appear to offer a complete explanation for the mechanism of HBV-related hepatocarcinogenesis (Table 1). Role of the immune response Viral persistence
It is clear from the epidemiological evidence that the high incidence of HCC is related to persistent HBV infection rather than to HBV infection per se (Beasley & Hwang 1984). In other words, patients who resolve an acute HBV infection are not at an elevated risk for HCC development. Therefore, the first condition necessary for HBV-related hepatocarcinogenesis is the establishment of a persistent HBV infection. By far the most common cause of such infection is vertical transmission from an infected mother to her infant. Women who are
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TABLE 1 Hypothetical mechanisms for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) related to hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Mechanism HBV integration-chromosomal 1. Deletion 2. Translocation 3. Duplication
Comment damage
Site-specific HBV integration mutates the genes for: I . Retinoic acid receptor 2. Cyclin A 3. ps3 or activates the proto-oncogenes c-myc N-myc
Not specific for HCC No consensus aberration
Infrequent events
Not observed in human HCC, reported for the woodchuck hepatitis virus
Integration of HBV-transactivators 1. X gene 2. Pre-S2/S fragment
No evidence in human HCC
Overexpression of envelope protein cytotoxic because of: 1. Secretory defect 2. Necrosis & inflammation 3. Regenerative hyperplasia
No evidence in human HBV o r HCC
Immune response mediated 1. Persistent infection 2. Necrosis & inflammation 3. Regenerative hyperplasia 4. Accumulation of mutations
No evidence in human HBV or HCC Non-lymphoid
HBV non-cytolytic HBeAg-tolerance Common in chronic active hepatitis (CD4+/CD8+) >8S% cirrhosis in H C C HBV integration-DNA
chronic carriers of HBV often infect their infants in the perinatal or postnatal periods; intrauterine infection is much less common. The vast majority of untreated infants born to HBV-positive mothers become infected and over 90% of them become chronic carriers (Stevens et a1 1975). In contrast, about 90% of HBV infections that occur in adults are resolved as acute infections and only 5- 10% become chronic infections (Fig. 2). This dramatic difference in chronicity rates is believed to reflect the immunological status of the host at the time of infection. For example, neonates born to HBV carrier mothers may be
FIG. 2. The possible natural history of hepatitis B viral infection occurring in an adult and in a neonate. Adapted from Beasley (1982).
immunologically tolerant to viral proteins to which they were exposed in utero. However, such neonates do respond efficiently to vaccination with the major envelope protein (HBsAg), therefore, they do not show immune tolerance to this antigen and are not immunoincompetent to protein antigens in general.
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We therefore turned our attention to the nucleocapsid antigens of HBV: the hepatitis B core (HBcAg) and the hepatitis B e (HBeAg) antigens. HBV encodes two polypeptides in its core gene. Initiation of translation at the first AUG results in a 25 kDa precore protein that is secreted as monomeric or dimeric HBeAg after removal of 19 residues of the leader sequence at the N-terminus and 34 C-terminal amino acids. Initiation at the second AUG (the first AUG on the core mRNA) leads to the synthesis of a 183 amino acid, 21 kDa protein that assembles to form particles of 27 nm in diameter that make up the virion nucleocapsid (HBcAg). Although HBeAg and HBcAg are serologically distinct, these antigens are cross-reactive at the level of T helper (Th) cell recognition because they are co-linear throughout most of their primary sequence (Milich et al 1988). For example, the dominant Th cell recognition site in BIO.S (H-z5) mice is represented by residues 120-131 and in BlO (H-2b) mice by residues 129-140; both these sites are shared between HBeAg and HBcAg. The tolerogenic potential of the HBc/HBe antigens is of particular interest because there is evidence that these antigens represent important targets for immune-mediated viral clearance mechanisms (Mondelli et al 1982). To examine the tolerogenic potential of the nucleocapsid antigens, we recently produced inbred transgenic mice expressing HBeAg (B1O.S-Tg3 le) and also used a neonatal tolerance system to investigate the tolerogenic characteristics of the HBc/HBe antigens (Milich et a1 1990). These transgenic mice represent a model system to examine the consequences of in utero exposure to HBeAg for HBcAg/HBeAgspecific immune responses. Characterization of HBeAg/HBcAg-specific tolerance in B 1O.S-Tg3l e mice and mice rendered neonatally tolerant indicated that (1) T cells, but not B cells, are rendered tolerant by HBeAg present in the serum at a concentration of 10- 100 ng/ml; (2) T cell tolerance elicited by HBeAg extends to HBcAg-specific T cells; (3) B1O.S-Tg3le mice produce anti-HBc but not anti-HBe antibodies upon immunization; (4) the immunoglobulin G (IgG) but not the IgM anti-HBc response is diminished in B1O.S-Tg3le mice; and ( 5 ) the T cell tolerance induced by a single neonatal exposure to HBeAg is reversible and persists for 12-16 weeks (Milich et a1 1990). It is of interest that many characteristics of immune tolerance found in B1O.S-Tg3 le mice parallel the longterm immunological status of infants born to HBeAg-positive HBV carrier mothers. For example, infants infected perinatally remain HBeAg positive and produce anti-HBc, but not anti-HBe, antibodies. The correlation of human serological observations with murine experimental data suggests the hypothesis that the aberrant immunological responses of neonates born to carrier mothers may result from in utero exposure to HBeAg, as occurs in the transgenic model. Because intrauterine infections are relatively rare, the intact virion does not appear to traverse the placenta; infection in utero most likely results from a defect in the placenta. Similarly, it seems unlikely that HBsAg crosses the placenta and functions as a tolerogen in utero because a high percentage of infants born to HBeAg-positive mothers and vaccinated with HBsAg at birth
HBV and hepatocellular carcinoma
V &
:::::::::.1:.1::::>HBeAg + '
15-16 kDa HBeAg\
FIG. 3. The possible mechanism for the induction of HBeAg-specific tolerance in utero. The encircled Ts represent bone marrow-derived prethymocytes. In the thymus, the thymocytes undergo positive selection and an HBeAg-specific T cell repertoire will emerge and populate the periphery. However, in the presence of HBeAg in utero, this will appear as a self-antigen and HBeAg-specific T cells will undergo negative selection (i.e. clonal deletion or anergy). From Milich (1991).
produce anti-HBs antibodies very efficiently. Because of its particulate nature and the fact that HBcAg is not a secreted protein, it is also unlikely that it can traverse the placenta. However, the low molecular-weight HBeAg (15- 16 kDa) is secreted into the serum and may be capable of crossing the placenta (Fig. 3). Non-transgenic littermates born to HBeAg-expressing mothers showed low T cell proliferative responses to HBcAg/HBeAg, suggesting that tolerogenic HBeAg may cross the placenta. Furthermore, HBeAg has been detected in neonate cord serum of infants born to HBeAg-positive HBV carrier mothers (Arakawa et al 1982). Because HBeAg is a secreted protein, it most likely gains access to the thymus through the circulation. This mode of antigen presentation within the thymus would be predicted to lead to the functional deletion of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class 11-restricted, HBeAg-specific Th cells. For example, HBeAg in the context of MHC would be seen by the immune system as a selfantigen (Fig. 3). We suggest that the basic immunological defect in neonates born to HBeAg-positive carrier mothers resides in Th cell tolerance specific for the HBc/HBe antigens. Indeed, neonatal infection with an HBeAg-negative mutant of HBV has resulted in fulminant acute rather than chronic HBV infection in two recently reported cases (Terazawa et al 1991). Alternative
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mechanisms (immunosuppression or genetic low responsiveness or unresponsiveness to HBeAg) are necessary to explain chronicity in an adult infected with HBV, but a common feature of chronic HBV infection may be a defective HBeAg-specific Th cell response. Because the HBe and HBc antigens are cross-reactive at the T cell level, HBc/HBe-specific T cell tolerance would preclude the Th cell function that is necessary for anti-HBe and maximal IgG anti-HBc antibody production; the ability of HBc/HBe-specific Th cells to elicit antibodies to envelope protein (Milich et a1 1987) would also be impaired. Moreover, HBc/HBe-specific Th cell tolerance may diminish the cytotoxic T lymphocyte response (CD4- and CD8-mediated), which may be required for the elimination of virally infected hepatocytes. The central importance of Th cells specific for HBeAg/HBcAg in terms of the immunoregulation of numerous immune responses during HBV infection is also depicted in Fig. 3. Because of the central regulatory role of HBe/HBc-specific Th cells, the functional absence of this Th cell specificity may impair viral clearance and result in chronic infection.
Hepatocellular injury As shown in Fig. 2, chronic infection with HBV can lead to multiple outcomes ranging from asymptomatic carrier status with little or no liver disease to chronic active hepatitis with significant liver disease which often results in cirrhosis. Importantly, cirrhosis, mainly macronodular, is present in the non-neoplastic liver tissue of 60-90Vo of patients with HCC. Furthermore, it has been suggested that chronic HBV infection is the most important cause of the coexistence of HCC and cirrhosis (Kew & Popper 1984). HBV carriers with known cirrhosis are at considerably higher risk of developing HCC than are HBV carriers without known cirrhosis, and the risk of HCC in alcoholic cirrhosis is much lower (Beasley 1982). This suggests that the presence of HBV and cirrhosis contribute synergistically to the development of HCC. Therefore, a second condition, in addition to persistent infection, necessary for development of HBV-related HCC is hepatocellular injury. The HBV is a non-cytopathic virus as evidenced by the existence of asymptomatic carriers. Therefore, the liver injury accompanying HBV acute and chronic active infections and subsequent viral clearance has long been believed to be immune mediated. Additional evidence supporting this conclusion includes: the tendency toward chronicity in neonates and immunosuppressed adults infected with HBV; the histopathology of liver injury (i.e. mononuclear infiltrate including CD8+ and CD4+ T cells in close proximity to necrotic hepatocytes); the ability to alter viraemia and liver damage with immunomodulating drugs; and correlations of serological markers of viral replication and the immune response with liver injury during resolution of acute HBV infection. Similarly, recent studies have demonstrated the correlation of HBcIHBeAg-specific and HBsAg-specific peripheral blood T cell proliferative
HBV and hepatocellular carcinoma HBV-DNA HBeAg WHBe HBsAg WHBS
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FIG. 4. Serological and biochemical profile of a representative patient with symptomatic chronic hepatitis B. (Top) HBeAg, HBsAg, anti-HBe and anti-HBs levels were determined by commercial assays (Abbot Lab.) (Bottom) The same samples were assayed for antiHBc, anti-HBe and HBsAg-containing immune complexes (HBsAgACs) by experimental ELISAs (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays) developed in our laboratory. The ELISA data are expressed as a p0sitive:negative ratio (P/N). ALT, serum alanine aminotransferase; activity measured in units/l. From Maruyama et a1 (1993a).
(Ferrari et a1 1990) and cytolytic (Penna et a1 1991, Nayersina et a1 1993) responses with resolution of acute HBV infection. Past serological studies have suggested the absence of significant humoral immune responses (i.e. no anti-HBs or anti-HBe antibody production) in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Using more sensitive assay systems capable of detecting anti-HBs and anti-HBe in the presence of excess circulating levels of their antigens, we have recently shown that virtually 100% of such patients with liver disease produce these antibodies either free in the serum or immune complexed to their respective antigen (Maruyama et a1 1993a). Furthermore, the kinetics of these humoral responses correlates directly with liver injury as measured by levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (Fig. 4; Maruyama et a1 1993b). Similarly, increasing levels of HBeAg-specific T cell sensitization have been detected in the peripheral blood of patients with chronic hepatitis B during periods of liver injury (Tsai et a1 1992). Therefore, liver injury in chronic HBV infection appears to be immune mediated, much like the liver injury resulting from an acute HBV infection. Indeed, a recent serological study found that
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patients with chronic active hepatitis demonstrated significantly higher levels of anti-HBs and anti-HBe antibodies than did acute hepatitis patients (Maruyama et a1 1994). We do not believe that viral antibodies mediate liver injury but suggest that antibody production does serve as a serological marker for the sensitization and activation of the cellular arm of the HBV-specific immune response. Direct evidence that cytolytic T cells can mediate liver injury has recently come from experiments in which HBV envelope-specific cytolytic T cells transferred into envelope-expressing transgenic mice elicited liver injury (Moriyama et a1 1990, Ando et a1 1993). It may seem contradictory that patients with chronic active hepatitis B show higher levels of HBV-specific serum antibodies and immune complexes than do patients with acute hepatitis B infection. The predominance of different Th cell subsets in acute and chronic HBV infection may explain this observation (Maruyama et a1 1993a,b). For example, predominance of the Th2 subset during chronic infection would favour antibody production over cell-mediated immunity, whereas predominance of the Th, subset in acute infection would favour cell-mediated immunity, which may result in efficient viral clearance mechanisms. In this case, a goal of immunomodulatory therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis B may be to shift the balance of HBV-specific Th cells from Th2 to Th, predominance. Cumulatively, these results support the hypothesis that the main mechanism by which HBV infection predisposes individuals to HCC is through immunemediated, chronic hepatic injury, inflammation, cirrhosis and non-specific hepatocyte regenerative hyperplasia rather than through a direct genetic event. However, the continuous hepatocyte regeneration may allow for the accumulation of multiple mutational events due to random mutation or the integration of HBV DNA (Popper et a1 1987a,b, Chisari et a1 1989, Yu & Chen 1994). Therefore, immune-mediated, HBV-specific hepatocyte necrosis and HBV integration events may be acting independently and synergistically as cofactors in the development of HCC.
Prevention of HB V-related HCC It is clear from the previous discussion that the most effective method for prevention of the development of HBV-related HCC is to prevent HBV infection, especially during the neonatal period which leads to a high rate of persistent infection. Currently, several countries in which there is a high incidence of HCC, e.g. Taiwan and Singapore, are planning or have initiated mass neonatal vaccination programmes in an attempt to interrupt the cycle of vertical transmission, persistent infection and HCC development (Fig. 5 ) . The current subunit vaccines consist of plasma-derived HBsAg or second generation recombinant HBsAg; these have proven to be quite effective in protecting infants as well as adult vaccinees (Ellis 1993). Unfortunately, in many endemic areas the cost of the current vaccines is problematic. Development of vaccines requiring
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FIG. 5 . Schematic representation of the cycle of vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus from carrier mother to her infant, persistent viral infection and liver cancer from generation to generation. Adapted from Beasley (1982).
fewer doses may lower the costs of mass vaccination. Vaccine-induced HBV escape mutants have been reported (Carman et a1 1990), which suggests that future HBV vaccines may benefit from increased antigenic diversity. The long latency period between HBV exposure and HCC development (30-40 years) may provide an opportunity to interrupt the cycle depicted in Fig. 5 after HBV infection has occurred. Clearance of the chronic HBV infection prior to the development of cirrhosis should decrease the incidence of HCC. For example, treatment of long-term chronic carriers with a-interferon has been successful in terminating the infection in a significant percentage of patients (Korenman et a1 1991). Other experimental treatments such as therapeutic vaccination to induce an HBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response or to elicit a Th2-toTh, switch are under study. Acknowledgements This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant AI20720. The authors thank Ms Rene Lang for editorial assistance.
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Cohen: In the mouse system, as far as antibody production is concerned, Thl-type activity leads t o IgG2b production, which is basically a direct complement-fixing antibody, whereas the Th2-type mechanism leads t o I g G l , which is a neutralizing a n d non-complement-fixing antibody that also binds t o mast cells. However, human IgG1 is a complement-fixing antibody with a very different function from mouse IgG1. Is it possible that the human IgGl response you are seeing is more of a ThI-type of response? If so, the mixed isotype response you see at later stages in the patients who have chronic hepatitis could be shifting towards a Th2 response rather than a T h , response. In some of the mouse models of chronic graft-versus-host disease, the late stages a r e actually dominated by a Th2 response, as far as PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis has shown so far. Milich: Is there a strict correlation between human IgG isotypes a n d T h , versus Thz phenotype? Cohen: I don’t believe it’s been established yet. It may be completely different from in the mouse, in any case, since different isotypes are complement-fixing or mast cell-binding. Liew: Is chronic hepatitis infection correlated with Th2 or T h , cells in the human? Milich: W e interpret liver damage a s evidence of a n inflammatory response, i.e. a Th,-like response. We interpret antibody production a n d the lack of liver damage as a Th2 response. Liew: If liver damage is related t o the T h , type of response a n d you want t o switch Th2 t o T h , , aren’t you doing the vaccinees a disservice?
Mifich: That’s an interesting question. But that’s what occurs when you treat with a-interferon. A patient with chronic hepatitis, whether they clear spontaneously or you induce clearance with a-interferon treatment, usually goes through a period of liver damage. Clearance of the virus requires this, because you have to clear out the infected cells. The alternative is not to clear the infection, then the patient will probably develop liver disease anyway. Patients go through cycles of liver damage and health, and liver damage and health; it either gets worse or they eventually clear the virus. Doherly: It might be important not to cause the liver damage all at once, as you might d o with a CTL (cytotoxic T lymphocytes) transfer, for instance. With lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, if there is a heavy virus infection and you transfer large numbers of CTL, the mouse dies (Oldstone et al 1985). Mifich: This has occurred when chronic carriers have been inadvertently immunosuppressed for other reasons. The viraemia increases and liver damage subsides. When the immunosuppressive drug is withdrawn, the immune system rebounds, there is an acute episode of hepatitis and patients have died from such treatment. Cohen: We often tend to think that Th2 cells are acting like flower children since IL-10 suppresses Thl cytokine secretion in vitro. This does not mean that they always behave so benignly in vivo. In my lab, working with Daniel Fowler and Ron Gress, we’ve been able to raise pure populations of Thl and Th2 CD4+ T cells of anti-allophenotype. We give these back to mice in adoptive therapy to cause or block graft-versus-host disease. They work pretty much as we hoped, in that Thl cells cause and Th2 cells suppress the disease. However, we have also found that giving pure populations of Thz cells can very easily kill the mice, depending on the timing of the administration and the dose (P. A. Cohen, D. H. Fowler & R. E. Gress, unpublished work). This is not too surprising, because IL-4 made by Th2 cells is very stimulatory for many activities in the immune system, such as activation of LAK (lymphokineactivated killer) cells, and generation of antibody-antigen complexes, which, even if they’re not complement fixing, can cause a lot of host damage. Others have shown that Th2 cells are prominent perpetrators of damage in chronic graft-versus-host disease (De Wit et a1 1993). Therefore, inflammation could be caused by either a Th, or a Th2 response. PCR analysis of the events going on in the animals’ livers could be very helpful because it might reveal chronic IL-4 or IL-10 production versus production of IL-2 and y-interferon. Purham: When you were discussing the immunization programme in Taiwan and Singapore, you said that it would require many generations before we could see whether there was an effect on tumour occurrence. How many generations were you thinking of? Milich: At least one, possibly two. Most of these chronic carriers, even if they’re infected at birth, don’t develop HCC until they are 40 years of age. So if you vaccinate them today and prevent persistent infection, you should
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prevent HCC development, but we’re not going to know that until these vaccinees are aged 30 or 40. Arrund: Have you any data on the duration of the resistance? Is there a planned programme for a booster vaccination? Milich: The vaccine as given now is 3-4 doses. Babies are vaccinated at birth, then at three and six months, followed with a booster a year or two later. These vaccination programmes started in the early 1980s in the gay population. These people have had breakthrough infections seven or eight years post-vaccination. In almost all the cases, there was an antibody response and a very low subclinical infection. Long-term boosting is not being considered, because it is thought that long-term memory is persisting. So if you don’t prevent the infection because neutralizing antibody titres have fallen, there is a primed memory response and that seems to be sufficient, so you get attenuated infection 10 years later. Doherty: This is clearly a virus that causes viraemia. What is its initial port of entry? Does it replicate in epithelial cells or does it go directly to the regional lymph node and replicate there? Milich: The life cycle is totally unknown. We don’t know what the receptor is. There is a very long incubation period, from three to six months, between infection and the onset of viraemia. What happens in those three to six months is unknown. Cheever: In general, HBV is integrated in hepatoma cells. Is it correct that integrated HBV is often lost in metastatic hepatoma? Milich: I’m not familiar with that. My assumption was that in chronic infection per se there is usually evidence of integration events. In most hepatomas you can find, usually rearranged, HBV sequences. Rickinson: What is known about MHC expression on hepatocytes in disease and in hepatoma? Milich: Class I1 expression in hepatocytes is very low. Class I expression is also very low, but of course that’s modulated by cytokine or inflammatory responses. References De Wit D, Van mechelen M, Zanin C et a1 1993 Preferential activation of Th2 cells in chronic graft-versus-host reaction. J Immunol 150:361-366 Oldstone MB, Ahmed R, Byrne J, Buchmeier MJ, Riviere Y, Southern P 1985 Virus and immune responses: lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus as a prototype model of viral pathogenesis. Br Med Bull 41:70-74
The role of superantigens in the immunobiology of retroviruses Brigitte T. Huber, Ulrich Beutner and Meena Subramanyam Department of Pathology, Tufts University School of Medicine, 136 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 021 11, USA
Abstract. Murine mammary tumour viruses (MMTVs) are retroviruses that encode superantigens capable of stimulating T cells via superantigen-reactive T cell receptor V@chains. MMTVs are transmitted to the suckling offspring via the milk. We have established that class I1 and B cell-deficient mice that were foster nursed by virus-secreting mice do not transfer infectious MMTVs to their offspring. N o MMTV proviruses could be detected in the spleen and mammary tissue of these mice and there was no deletion of MMTV superantigen-reactive T cells. These results confirm that superantigen expression in the context of MHC class 11 molecules is required for MMTV transmission. We conclude that B cells are essential for the completion of the viral life cycle in vivo. This indicates that B cells are infected first and that viral amplification takes place only if infected B cells present the MMTV superantigen on their surface which, in turn, results in activation of T cells expressing the appropriate T cell receptor Vp chains. These activated T cells stimulate B cells which enables viral replication. Human T cells carry all the structural features required for an efficient response to murine retrovirally encoded superantigens. Superantigen-like stimulation of human T cells has been demonstrated in both infectious and autoimmune diseases. Human immunodeficiency virus may encode a superantigen but this has not been proven. 1994 Vaccinesagainst virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 132-143
Superantigens of viral and bacterial origin have been defined by their ability to stimulate specifically T lymphocytes that bear particular T cell receptor (TCR) VP chains (White et al 1989, Marrack & Kappler 1990). To be able to activate T cells, superantigens must bind to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class 11 molecules. However, the TCR recognition of superantigens is not MHC haplotype restricted (Janeway & Katz 1985, Lynch et al 1985), which distinguishes these antigens from conventional peptide antigens. Exposure to superantigens in vivo during intrathymic development leads to deletion of immature T cells expressing complementary TCRs (Kappler et a1 1987). This process of tolerance induction results in a substantial alteration of the expressed TCR repertoire. 132
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Although this may decrease the overall capacity of an animal to mount an immune response, a beneficial effect has been demonstrated, since mice exposed early in life to superantigens derived from bacterial toxins, such as Sfaphyfococcus enterotoxins, are resistant to the toxic effects of these agents later in development (White et a1 1989). On the other hand, it has recently been shown that susceptibility to oncogenesis by polyoma virus is drastically increased by the absence of Vp6+ T cells (Lukacher et a1 1993). The murine mammary tumour virus gene Mtv- 7 encodes superantigen Mls-1 The existence of the mouse superantigen Mls-1 had been known for over 20 years, because it has a potent T cell stimulatory activity (Festenstein 1973). However, the molecular nature of this determinant remained mysterious, because no antibodies were available for its detection. Thus, our discovery that Mls-1 is encoded by the endogenous murine mammary tumour virus (MMTV) gene Mtv-7 constituted a breakthrough (Frankel et a1 1991, Beutner et a1 1992). Simultaneously, several groups showed that other MMTVs encode superantigens with distinct T cell Vp specificities (Acha et a1 1991, Dyson et a1 1991, Janeway 1991, Marrack et a1 1991, Woodland et a1 1991). MMTVs are retroviruses that are transmitted via the milk to the offspring and are the causative agents of spontaneous mammary tumours. Endogenous proviruses are derived from rare germline integration of the MMTV and are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. Most inbred mouse strains contain about 2- 10 different endogenous MMTVs. With the exception of Mtv-1 and Mtv-2, these proviruses no longer generate infectious viral particles. The MMTV superantigens are encoded within the U3 region of the proviral 3 ’ long terminal repeat (LTR) and are highly homologous to each other, except within the C-terminus (reviewed in Huber 1992). In accordance with accepted nomenclature for naming retroviral genes, we refer to this gene as MMTV sag (Beutner et a1 1992). In vitro translation studies indicate that the sag gene encodes a type I1 transmembrane glycoprotein (Choi et a1 1992, Knight et a1 1992, Korman et a1 1992). Thus, the polymorphic Cterminus is presented on the cell surface and there is a tight correlation between the TCR Vp specificity of an MMTV superantigen and its C-terminal amino acid sequence. The control of expression of the MMTV sag is not well understood, despite extensive investigations by many research groups. While this gene is constitutively expressed in B cells, transcription of the other viral genes is induced via the glucocorticoid-responsive elements in the LTR. We believe that the induction of Mls-1 expression is independent of that of the other MMTV gene products; it is even possible that hormonal induction switches off Mls-1 expression. This hypothesis is based on the observation that mammary tumour cells, which express high levels of MMTV gene products, show no evidence of superantigen expression (Racevskis & Prakash 1984, Brandt & Butel 1991). We have
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accumulated evidence that regions in the MMTV env gene control expression of the sag gene (Beutner et a1 1992), a findinglthat was recently substantiated by Ross and her collaborators using a transgenic syst\em (Ross et al 1993, Golovkina et al 1994). They showed that the MMTV sag gene was expressed at a much higher level when the env gene was included in the transgene construct. Since no superantigen molecules have so far been isolated from viral particles, it is likely that these proteins are not displayed by the infectious MMTV itself, but that they are expressed specifically after infection of lymphoid cells, which facilitates viral transmission (see below). Expression of the sag gene of the endogenous provirus seems to be controlled in the same manner. Function of the retrovirally encoded superantigen A clue to the possible function of MMTV superantigen comes from the life cycle of the infectious virus which is transmitted vertically through milk from mother to offspring. T cells are required for transmission of infectious virus from the primary site of residence in the gut to the mammary tissue, the major site of viral replication and eventual tumour formation (Tsubura et a1 1988, Tsubura & Morii 1992). Female nude mice lacking mature peripheral T cells do not transmit MMTV when exposed to it as new-borns. Because cellular activation is usually required for retroviral replication, an obligatory role of the superantigen-mediated T cell activation during the infection process has been suggested. Recent studies of MMTV infection in mice (Golovkina et al 1992), as well as infection of humans with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-I) (Laurence et al 1992), have substantiated this hypothesis. Ross and colleagues tested whether superantigen-reactive T cells are necessary for transmission of infectious MMTV and for formation of mammary tumours (Golovkina et a1 1992). They generated transgenic mice that carry a high copy number of the sag gene from the infectious MMTV(C3H). As expected, the V@14+superantigen-reactive T cells were deleted in the transgenic mice. The pertinent result was that upon exposure to MMTV(C3H) these mice were unable to transmit the virus and did not succumb to mammary tumours. Similar observations were made by Held et a1 (1993a), who showed that reconstitution of nude mice with superantigen-reactive T cells restored susceptibility to infection. Furthermore, they found that transgenic mice expressing exclusively
[email protected]+TCRs, which are not reactive with the superantigen of MMTV(SW), did not transmit this virus when exposed to it by foster nursing (Held et al 1993b). We have extended these observations by discovering that T cells cannot be infected in the absence of B cells (Beutner et a1 1994). We propose, therefore, that B cells are infected first, resulting in expression of MMTV superantigen on their plasma membrane. This leads to activation and infection of superantigen-reactive T cells, which in turn activate the B cells, enhancing viral replication (see Fig. 1). It has been shown that superantigen-reactive T cells are
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FIG. 1. Model for the role of B cells in transmission of mouse mammary tumour virus (MMTV).
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required for the stimulation of B cells, leading to expansion of the infected B cells (Held et a1 1993a,b). Since these T cells are eventually deleted from the periphery or are inactivated after infection with the virus (Rammensee et a1 1989), it is reasonable to assume that B cells transmit MMTV to the mammary tissue, while the infected T cells serve as a storage pool for the virus. This model is supported by earlier studies, demonstrating that B cells rather than T cells migrate to the mammary tissue (Roux et al 1977, Weisz et a1 1978). Apparently, this migration is enhanced postpartum and during lactation an observation that fits well with the finding that viral expression in mammary tissue increases dramatically during lactation; the B cell migration is counteracted by the male hormone testosterone (Weisz et al 1978). It is possible that the cross-stimulation between T and B cells induces expression of viral or endogenous genes necessary for the infection of the mammary tissue. These results may explain why the sag genes of endogenous MMTVs are still expressed, while production of infectious particles is lost; namely, the superantigens play a protective role, shielding the mouse from transmission of infectious MMTVs with identical sag genes. We have discovered a natural example of this model in the MA/MyJ mouse which carries a unique endogenous MMTV provirus, Mtv-43, implying that an infectious virus integrated into the germline of an MA/MyJ ancestor (Rudy et al 1992). Interestingly, the parental strain, MA, was highly susceptible to spontaneous mammary tumours and, thus, must have carried an infectious MMTV(MA), while the MA/MyJ subline is protected from this carcinogenesis (Murray 1963). We hypothesize that the newly integrated provirus induced deletion of T cells reactive to the superantigen of the infectious MMTV(MA), thus preventing infection with this virus. As a consequence, the MA/MyJ strain shows no spontaneous formation of mammary tumours. The specificity of the protection is demonstrated by our observation that the MA/MyJ mouse is still susceptible to the tumorigenic effects of the infectious MMTV(C3H), which has a different sag gene.
Evidence for viral superantigens in human pathogens Our results showing that MIS-l can be efficiently presented by human class I1 molecules to murine T cells in a VP-specific manner (Subramanyam et a1 1993) indicate that through evolution both human and murine class I1 gene products have retained the capacity to present retroviral superantigens. Furthermore, we have shown a Vp-specific stimulation of human T cells in response to murine MIS-l presented by murine fibroblasts that were transfected with DR cr and p genes and Mtv-7 sag (Labrecque et al 1993), attesting that human T cells can recognize murine retroviral superantigens. The human TCR Vps responding to MIS-l exhibited a high degree of homology to the mouse Vps that are stimulated by MIS-I. Complementarity-determining region 4 (CDR4) of the TCR Vp chain encompasses critical residues for the MIS-l response, as shown by Vp
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polymorphisms in wild mice (Cazenave et a1 1990, Pullen et a1 1990) and sitedirected mutagenesis studies (Pullen et a1 1991). Residues 68-76 of the CDR4 loop are predicted t o lie in a &pleated sheet away from CDRl-3, which are involved in conventional antigen recognition. It is, therefore, of special interest that CDR4 is highly conserved in all Mls-l-reactive human and murine Vp chains, compared to the CDR4 of Mls-l-unreactive TCR Vp chains (Labrecque et a1 1993). The results outlined above clearly indicate that human T cells carry all the structural features required for an efficient response to murine retrovirally encoded superantigens. The conservation of these features during human evolution hints that the human genome may contain such sag genes. In terms of superantigen-like stimulation of human T cells, examples of both infectious and autoimmune nature have been demonstrated-toxic shock syndrome (Choi et al 1990) and Kawasaki’s disease (Abe et a1 1992), respectively. The involvement of superantigens in other autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, has been suggested (Paliard et a1 1991), although this is controversial. The nucleocapsid protein of rabies virus has recently been reported to be a superantigen in humans and in mice, stimulating T cells in a VP-specific manner (Lafon et a1 1992, 1993). Preliminary results indicate that the presence of superantigen-reactive T cells facilitates viral spread from the site of infection in the muscle to the nerve endings (Lafon et a1 1993). The mechanism of action of this negative strand RNA virus, however, is not clear, since it has a wide host range and, unlike retroviruses, does not require cellular activation for replication. Posnett and colleagues demonstrated that the viral load in HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus-1)-infected human CD4+ T cells varied up to 100-fold, depending on the particular Vp segment a T cell expressed (Laurence et a1 1992). In addition, high levels of p24 gag expression were observed only when in vitro infections were carried out in the presence of MHC class I1 antigen-presenting cells; it could be blocked by addition of anti-MHC class I1 monoclonal antibodies. These results suggest the presence of a superantigen, although other explanations are possible. The finding that HIV- 1-infected lymphocytes from some patients with AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) stimulate T cells from healthy individuals in a V/3-specific manner offers further support for this hypothesis. On the other hand, there are conflicting reports of whether Vpspecific T cell deletion occurs during the development and progression of AIDS (Imberti et a1 1991, Rebai et a1 1994). +
Concluding remarks
Although extensive progress has been made on the characterization of virally encoded superantigens, it is likely that we have only reached the tip of the iceberg in our discovery of such agents. Because expression of the superantigen is obligatory for the completion of the MMTV life cycle, it is very important
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t o follow u p t h e preliminary evidence that human viruses express these antigens and, if they do, t o establish what t h e functional consequences are f o r the pathogen a s well a s f o r the host. This may open u p new approaches f o r the development o f therapeutics f o r a n d prevention of viral infection.
A ckno wledgement This work was supported by NIAID R01 A1 14910.
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Cresswell: We have taken a lot of the mutants that Rafick Sekaly generated, which you used to look at the association between the MMTV superantigen and human MHC class I1 molecules, to check whether or not any of them had lost the invariant chain that associates with the immature form of class 11. None of them had. We have never found any mutants of class I1 that have lost invariant chain association. So I think the association of invariant chain with class I1 is probably more complicated than that of superantigens with class I1 and might involve more sites of interaction. Hubec We’ve done similar studies. We have used cell lines that have no invariant chain and we’ve never got a clear picture. Overall, the class I1 invariant chain and the MMTV superantigen have a similar structure: namely, they are of comparable size and they are both type I1 transmembrane molecules with the C-terminus on the outside of the cell. In particular, we were excited to find a motif in the Mls-1 protein similar to the one you and Jack Strominger’s group have identified in the invariant chain by peptide elution analysis from DRl class I1 molecules. This implies that Mls-1 forms a similar association with class I1 as the invariant chain.
Biology of retroviral superantigens
I think very few molecules actually associate with superantigen, so you may never be able to detect its association with class 11. The invariant chain would still be found associated with class I1 molecules in the presence of MMTV superantigen because this is the major association. Doherty: We’ve looked for superantigen effects with some of the conventional infectious viruses and not found them. There was also speculation of possible superantigen effects with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Do you know of any situation where a virus that causes horizontal infection actually has some sort of superantigen effect? Huber: We were intrigued by EBV, the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis, because the clinical picture of mononucleosis resembles that of a superantigen response-there is massive proliferation of T cells for a relatively short period, the hallmark of superantigens, and then the response disappears, it is self-limiting, another hallmark of superantigens. There were a few reports, initially from John Kappler and Philippa Marrack, that EBV expresses a superantigen. However, the reports were controversial and some have been retracted, leaving a very messy picture. We have started to analyse this. We made a completely autologous system and found that whenever we take a wild-type virus derived from a mononucleosis patient, we can get enormous T cell stimulation, compared with B95.8, which is a laboratory EBV strain that has a large deletion and gives absolutely no stimulation. The proliferative response peaks on Day 3, which is very early, again resembling a superantigen-induced response. But so far we haven’t been able to prove that this EBV-induced response is T cell receptor Vp restricted, as expected from a superantigen response. Meiiefi In mice carrying endogenous B-type retroviruses, endogenous activation of the MMTV genome can cause tumours. Apparently, in these mice, the virus gets activated sufficiently in the target organs such that they can get mammary tumours without involvement of the superantigen. Huber: That’s because you don’t need any transmission there. The provirus is already present in the mammary tissue and you just need activation. There are a couple of examples, like Mtv-Z and Mtv-2 (GR), but they are very rare. At least 40 proviruses are known, only one or two of which still make infectious viral particles. Me/iefi How does the conventional immune response influence the disease after activation of Mtv-1 or Mtv-2? In the retrovirus C-type model-leukaemia and lymphoma-there is a very marked influence of the MHC type on the course of the disease. Huber: The infectious virus produced from endogenous provirus does not need to undergo transmission because it gets hormonally induced directly in mammary tissue, where it forms tumours. Thus, the immune system is probably not involved in formation of the tumour. On the other hand, exogenous virus absolutely requires the immune system-we used class 11-defective knock-out
mice and those do not transmit any virus at all. This again shows that you really need superantigen stimulation in the context of class I1 molecules. Similar experiments have been done by Hans Acha-Orbea and Rob MacDonald in a stimulation assay showing that, for example, class I1 Aq, which is unable to present MMTV superantigens, does not support T and B cell stimulation with infectious MMTV. However, nobody has shown so far that these factors influence tumorigenesis caused by endogenous MMTV, because production of viral particles from endogenous MMTV is such a rare event that it is impossible to monitor tumour formation, which is even rarer. Melief: But there might be other conventional helper responses against peptides which would counteract the effect of the superantigens. Huber: We have never seen them. The idea would be that in chronic inflammation there might be non-specific activation of T cells, then maybe infection with MMTV would still occur in the absence of specific superantigen deletion. I don’t know if anybody has tested it. We believe only the first step is antigen specific; once lymphokines are produced, the virus can spread to lots of different tissues. Fruzer: There are endogenous retrovirus-like sequences in the human genome. Do you think there is a connection with human disease? Huber: There are lots of integrated proviruses but they’re not polymorphic, so it’s very hard to define any. Doherty: Superantigens are normally associated with B cell presentation. How do you think deletion is occurring in the thymus with the provirus? Are there B cells in the thymus or does another cell type present? Huber: We find the same amount of deletion, if not even more, in the absence of B cells. It has to be either CD8+ T cells or the thymic epithelium. We favour the idea that it’s the thymic epithelium, because we have suppressed CD8+ T cells in these mice and we haven’t been able to rescue the deleted T cell subset. Liew: Have you any idea which subset of CD4+ cells is involved? Huber: In vitro, you can get either Th, or Th2. Liew: Is there a predominance of one subset over the other? Huber: No. Allison: At what stage does the deletion occur when the B cells are missing? When they are present, deletion occurs relatively late. Huber: We looked at the ontogeny of deletion induced by Mls-1. We found that early on, deletion is even more efficient in B cell-deficient than in control mice. Allison: You still have some single positive T cells. Greenberg: Is the cleaved product or only the transmembrane protein responsible for deleting T cells? If the cleaved product works, is there any evidence that the cell producing it can pass the peptide on to a second cell that can then mediate deletion?
Biology of retroviral superantigens
Huber: It’s not a peptide, it’s an 18 kDa protein. In vivo there’s plenty of evidence that Mls-1 can transfer from one cell type to another. I think it’s a very inefficient process because it’s difficult to detect this in vitro. A couple of groups have sometimes mentioned that they can see it, but in general people do not see it in vitro. In vivo, several groups have shown this with bone marrow chimeras where Mls-1 was expressed on the bone marrow cells, but the right class I1 only on the irradiated recipient mouse. T cell deletion could occur only if there was transfer of Mls-1 from bone marrow to the class 11-positive cells in the recipient mouse. Greenberg: Can any class 11-positive cell take up the protein and mediate deletion of T cells? Huber: We don’t know. That’s what we are trying to define now. In mice lacking B cells, we suppressed the CD8+ T cells and wanted to see if, after that, we wouldn’t see any more deletion or whether the deleted T cell subset started to come back. So far, it hasn’t come back at all, so I think it’s probably the thymic epithelium which causes deletion in these mice. Howley: Other than EBV, what other viruses use superantigens? Huber: There’s a lot of speculation concerning HIV and there is a lot of contradictory evidence. The most recent evidence is from Anthony Fauci’s and Rafick Sekaly’s lab. They looked at eight pairs of homozygous twins, of which one was infected and one not. There seemed to be a difference in Vp expression. The problem is that in the MMTV model system, we don’t always get deletion of T cells expressing a particular Vp, it depends on the strength of the superantigen. Certain superantigens only cause anergy of the T cells-the T cells are still there, So if you just look at the Vp profile, you might miss a superantigen response.
General discussion II Antigen-presenting cells Allison: I would like to discuss what really makes an antigen-presenting cell (APC). In the mouse, on every T cell, including CD4+, both Thl and Th2 cells and all CD8+ T cells, there is a molecule called CD28. There is another molecule called CTLA-4. We don’t know what it does yet, but it’s a close cousin to CD28. Each of these molecules binds to a family of at least two members: B7.1 and B7.2. B7.1 was recently renamed CD8O. B7.1 and B7.2 are differentially induced, but they’re expressed only on cells that we know have good antigen-presenting abilities-dendritic cells, macrophages, activated B cells and, very late, seven days or so after activation, even on T cells themselves. They are not expressed on epithelial cells, as far as we can tell. As we heard from Peter Beverley yesterday (Beverley et a1 1994, this volume), the activity of co-stimulation is not present on keratinocytes, for example, which may be why papillomavirus is so poor at inducing immune responses. We and a number of others have shown, using stimulatory antibody to the CD28 molecule or non-stimulatory Fab fragments of anti-CD28, that engagement is both necessary and sufficient to get naive CD4+ cells to proliferate. When all the other signals are present, you can either add CD28 and provide co-stimulation with a cell that does not stimulate, or you can take away co-stimulatory activity with a CD28 Fab (Harding et a1 1992). You could provide the same signals with B7. We have illustrated the importance of the co-stimulatory signal using naive T cells from two different transgenic mice carrying specific T cell receptors (TCRs). The AND mouse from Steve Hedrick has a cytochrome C-specific IEk-restricted TCR on CD4+ T cells. The F5 transgenic mice from Dimitris Kioussis at Mill Hill, London, have a ‘flu peptide-specific, Kb-restricted TCR on CD8+ cells. If you titrate a peptide into this system, the cells will proliferate quite nicely. In both cases, if you block the B7 signal with a recombinant form of the CTLA-4 molecule, which has been shown by Peter Lindsley to be a potent binder of B7, this can stop the cells from making IL-2 or proliferating. This is true for both the CD8+ and the CD4+ cells, so the B7 molecule is absolutely critical for T cells to respond. These are naive T cells. For Thl clones, CD28 engagement with antibody allows proliferation and production of IL-2 on encounter of antigen (McArthur & Raulet 1993). In analogous experiments to those Peter Beverley described with the keratinocytes, 144
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adding CD28 to such a system prevents the induction of anergy. A number of groups have shown that Th2 clones don’t need CD28 engagement for induction of IL-4 production, but do need it for induction of responsiveness to IL-4. So there’s a co-stimulatory requirement there, although it’s a little more subtle. David Raulet has good evidence that the CD28 is actually inducing IL-1 production in the CD4+cells, so the proximal co-stimulator in that system is really IL-1 (McArthur & Raulet 1993). We wanted to ask whether you really need helper cells to get an effective CTL response. We took P8 15 mouse mastocytoma cells; they express only H-2D and no class I1 molecules whatsoever. We have done this experiment with unfractionated splenocytes and with absolutely pure CD8 cells and have got the same answer. When we d o a five-day mixed lymphocyte culture with wildtype PSI5 cells, we don’t get any cytotoxity. When the P815 cells are transfected with the B7 molecule, first we get preferential expansion of CD8+ cells. If we start with unfractionated T cells, we get about five times more CD8 cells after stimulation with B7-transfected P8 15 cells than after stimulation with wild-type P815 cells. We end up with a potent and specific cytotoxic T cell response that can lyse either B7-positive or B7-negative P815 cells. We can block the response with antibodies to IL-2. So again, this is regulation of the IL-2 gene by CD28. In every system that we’ve looked at, CD8+ cells, given a proper CD28 signal, can produce sufficient IL-2 to allow their own proliferation and differentiation to cytotoxicity (Harding & Allison 1993). This sort of observation led us and Lieping Chen and others to try to take advantage of this in tumour systems. We asked whether you can turn a tumour cell into an effective APC by giving it this one additional molecule. We used a wild-type melanoma cell and a three-cell assay of co-stimulation. We had anti-CD3 antibodies on a plate, added highly purified CD4+ T cells and there was no proliferation. If we added the wild-type-in this case the vector-transfected K1735 melanoma cells-we didn’t provide in trans any co-stimulatory signal that would have allowed these cells to go. When we transfected keratinocytes with B7, the cells had potent co-stimulatory activity provided in trans to the T cells. We could block that again with an antibody to CTLA-4, showing that the co-stimulation was due to the molecule we put in. We showed, as did Lieping Chen, that these tumour cells, the keratinocytes, don’t grow when put into a syngeneic host. They induce a protective response which leads to rejection of subsequent challenge with the parental tumour, even though it’s B7 negative. This required only CD8 cells, there was no necessity for there to be any CD4+ cells (Townsend & Allison 1993). We recently learned two more things about the mice that have rejected these B7 melanoma cells. One is that the immunity is relatively short lived. After about three months, the immunity begins to fade: if we challenge them again, the tumours begin to grow. +
General discussion I1
The second thing is that during the three months when the mice are immune to the parental model, we can challenge them with fibrosarcoma, an irrelevant melanoma, and those tumours are rejected as well. In addition, we can get CTL from those mice that will lyse not only those two types of tumour but also a renal cell carcinoma. We don’t know the basis for this yet. We are revealing some sort of cross-protection. The nature of the antigen is obviously of interest; we don’t know whether it’s a shared tumour antigen or some housekeeping antigen. We might just have made the tumour cell such an effective APC that we are revealing normal tissue antigens. Eisenbach: Could the ‘common antigen’ be a fetal calf serum protein from the growth medium of the various cell lines? Allison: The melanomas and fibrosarcoma cells are not grown in tissue culture, they are propagated in nude mice, so that’s not a problem. People have suggested the antigen might come from murine leukaemia viruses. Liew: Jim, do you know what turns on the B7 and CD28 genes? Allison: In B cells, lipopolysaccharide, CD40 engagement, immunoglobulin cross-linking and engagement of MHC class I1 all induce B7 rapidly. B7 is also induced by antigen receptor activation of T cells, although the process is slow, taking about a week. As far as I know, in epithelial cells you can’t turn them on. Stanley: You can induce the expression of B7 in skin keratinocytes in vitro with TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol13-acetate) (Augustin et a1 1993) and Nickoloff et a1 (1993) have shown the expression of BB-1 on psoriatic keratinocytes in vivo and on activated keratinocytes in vitro. Levitsky: The range of cells that are capable of being induced to express these genes may turn out to be somewhat broader. There are some data on organ transplantation-cardiac xenografts or allografts-which say that there is B7 expression in the cardiac myocytes of the rejecting heart (Dilip Kittur, personal communication). That rejection can be prevented by in vivo treatment with antiCTLA-4 immunoglobulin. Whether that’s anything like what happens under physiological circumstances is speculative. Allison: There has been some speculation as to whether class I1 expression on the tumours is required for the rejection, because the melanoma cells that we used express class 11. So we moved to a T cell system in the mouse. Wildtype E L 4 grows and kills mice, whereas we get 100% survival of mice challenged with up to 10 times as many cells that are expressing the B7 molecule. So class I1 isn’t involved. This immunity is long lasting. As long as nine months after this rejection, we can challenge these mice again with EL-4 and get protection. We also see protection to challenge with another T cell lymphoma called C6VL, which is a CD4+ B6 lymphoma. So again, there is cross-protection. This protective immunity is much longer lived than in the melanoma system. I don’t know what the cellular or molecular basis for the longevity of the protection is. We think we’ve actually made the tumour cell into an effective APC. Whatever the peptides are that are being recognized, they’re being directly presented by
class I molecules of the tumour cells. This differs from other models in which there is cross-protection, where the tumour cell falls apart and the transduced lymphokines serve to enhance presentation of exogenous tumour antigens by host cells. One difference between these systems is significant for therapeutic application and relates to the nature of the vaccine that one would use. For the cross-priming sort of system, where the tumour cells produce lymphokine and you want to activate APCs, it’s a good thing to get the tumour cell to fall apart and induce exogenous presentation of tumour antigens. In this system, it’s more advantageous for the tumour cell to stay intact and keep presenting molecules on its own class I. We found that we can irradiate these cells in vitro and they remain co-stimulatory and everything still works. In vivo, we have not been able to demonstrate any kind of protection with equally matched doses of live and irradiated cells. Irradiation seems to destroy their ability to induce the protective effect. It’s going to be difficult to justify putting live tumour cells into patients, even though we have 100% rejection in these models. We need to work out other ways of inactivating the cells to prevent them dividing and yet have them stay intact and presenting long enough to induce the response. Secondly, at least in the melanoma system, perhaps combining the B7 approach with granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) to get a mixture of cross-priming and direct activation might produce long-lived immunity. Liew: Can you abrogate the cross-protection using an anti-cytokine antibody such as anti-tumour necrosis factor? Allison: Probably, we haven’t checked. In the melanoma system, we know that the cross-killing by the cells is not due to natural killer cells, it is CD8+ T cells. I suspect that we could abrogate in vivo with anti-IL-2 antibody. Liew: Are there any B7 knock-out mice? Allison: Arlene Sharpe at Harvard recently published those; the phenotype was unaffected (Freeman et a1 1993). This is because there are two genes: they knocked out B7.1. B7.2 seems to be the major co-stimulatory ligand and it can suffice in the absence of B7.1. Eisenbach: If you compare class I expression in EL-4 cells and in the K1735 melanoma cells, the latter are not really high expressors. That might be one reason for the difference. Second, what is the logic of combining something like GM-CSF with gene transfer into a tumour cell? The GM-CSF produced will attract host cells like macrophages and granulocytes that are going to destroy the tumour cell, whereas with B7 gene transfer you want the tumour cell to remain intact and present the tumour antigen. Allison: In the in vitro experiments, the CD8+ cells will kill without B7, but they won’t divide again ever. If you can also induce helper cells that can see exogenously presented peptide, both arms of the immune system will be working later on. It depends on whether you think CD8+ memory cells are there
General discussion II
forever. If they are, elicitation of helper cells probably isn’t going to help at all. If, on the other hand, the CD8+ CTL have to proliferate every now and then, unless they get a boost with B7+ tumour cells, they will not proliferate. If you had CD4+ helper cells, they might provide that help and allow effective maintenance of the immunity. Eisenbach: One important issue that you have not addressed here is, can you actually use this approach for therapy? K1735 melanoma is also a metastatic tumour: can you prevent metastasis from an established tumour or cure established metastases with B7-transfected tumour cells? Allison: We see an effect up to about four days. Lieping, for how long can you still see a curative effect? Chen: It depends on the tumours used. In a c162 mouse melanoma model, we could cure mice which had tumours of 0.5-0.7 cm3 at Day 8 by injection of B7-transduced cells. However, the therapeutic effect was minimal if treatment was not started until the mice had had tumours for two weeks (Li et a1 1994). The EL-4 tumour grows more aggressively and we can see an effect only up to four days after subcutaneous injection of the parental cells. Allison: It’s not very long-why? It could be tumour load or the tumour cells could be anergizing T cells. I favour the tumour load idea and we are doing some experiments to test that. All mouse models suffer from the fact that the tumour is growing ectopically. Eisenbach: K1735 is a melanoma; if you put it in the skin, it is not ectopic but orthotopic. Allison: It’s not in the same place in the skin that it would be. In collaboration with Bob Warren, a surgical oncologist at the University of California at San Francisco, we are looking at colorectal carcinoma. We know that B7 leads to rejection of the colorectal carcinoma cells after injection subcutaneously. Warren can implant that tumour in the bowel wall, let it grow for a few weeks, and then surgically remove that section of bowel wall. He sees liver metastases. So within the next month we will start experiments where we will inject B7 subcutaneously. Levitsky: I’m intrigued by your observations about the irradiation. We’ve seen the same thing. Why do you think this occurs? Also, d o you see any abrogation of in vitro co-stimulation with irradiated cells? Allison: The basis for it, I think, is that the tumour cells are falling apart before the antigen has been around sufficiently long to induce T cells, whereas in vitro everything starts from the second you mix the cells. As far as eliciting CTL in v i m , we really haven’t looked. Levitsky: We have looked at several tumour models irradiated with a standard 5000 rads. Histologically, the cells are intact in the subcutaneous space for 7- 10 days. This is quite a long time, so I think the basis for irradiation leading to a diminished systemic response may be something else. We’ve wondered whether it has something to do with antigen load. When you put the live cells in, they
Antigen-presenting cells
grow for a time before being rejected and there may be quite a bit more antigen there. Allison: It could be or it could be that the irradiation somehow gets in the way of the antigen presentation. Eisenbach: You probably all use a single shot for vaccination. We have used MHC transfectants and cytokine-transduced tumour cells as irradiated cell vaccines with highly immunogenic tumours, such as B16 melanoma and 3LL carcinoma. In protection experiments we preimmunize the mouse three times, then give the live cell challenge. In a therapeutic situation, we start vaccinating a certain time after we inject the parental tumour, then we give four or five weekly vaccinations of irradiated, genetically modified cells and get good therapeutic effects. There’s nothing magic about irradiated cells, you just have to provide them enough times. Levitsky: But Jim is indicating a very sharp difference. Allison: Lea Eisenbach is right. There is a very sharp difference if you do it once. If we add irradiated cells once a week, we might get a positive response. Greenberg: What happens in vitro with the tumour cells transfected with B7? Is there a big difference in the ability to stimulate when they are irradiated? Allison: They do stimulate in vitro when irradiated.
References Augustin M, Dietrich A, Niedner R et a1 1993 Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-treated human keratinocytes express B7-like molecules that serve a costimulatory role in Tcell activation. J Invest Dermatol 100:275-281 Beverley PCL, Sadovnikova E, Zhu X et al 1994 Strategies for studying mouse and human immune responses to human papillomavirus type 16. In: Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Found Symp 187) p 78-96 Freeman GJ, Borriello F, Hodes RJ et a1 1993 Uncovering of functional alternative CTLA-4 counter-receptor in B7-deficient mice. Science 26297-909 Harding FA, Allison J P 1993 CD28/B7 interactions allow the induction of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the absence of exogenous help. J Exp Med 177:1791-1796 Harding FA, McArthur JG, Gross JA, Raulet DH, Allison J P 1992 CD28-mediated signalling co-stimulates murine T cells and prevents induction of anergy in T-cell clones. Nature 356507-609 Li Y, McGowan P, Hellstrom I, Hellstrom KE, Chen L 1994 Costimulation of tumorreactive CD4+ and CD8 T lymphocytes by B7, a natural ligand for CD28, can be used to treat established mouse melanoma. J lmmunol 153:421-428 McArthur JG, Raulet DH 1993 CD28-induced costimulation of T helper type 2 cells mediated by induction of responsiveness to interleukin 4. J Exp Med 178:1645-1653 Nickoloff BJ, Mitra RS, Lee K et a1 1993 Discordant expression of CD28 ligands, BB-I and B7 on keratinocytes in vitro and psoriatic cells in vivo. Am J Pathol 142:1029-1040 Townsend S, Allison J P 1993 Tumor rejection after direct costimulation of CD8t T cells by B7-transfected melanoma cells. Science 259:368-370
Assembly and transport of class I MHC-peptide complexes Peter Cresswell. Matthew J. Androlewicz and Bod0 Ortmann Section of Irnrnunobiology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University School of Medicine, 310 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06510, USA
Abstract. Peptides that are presented to T cells by class I major histocompatibility complex molecules are derived from cytosolic proteins. They are generated in the cytosol and translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)by the transporters associated with antigen processing (TAP molecules). Competition experiments suggest that TAP molecules can specifically translocate a wide range of peptides from 8-13 amino acids long; longer peptides are less likely to be transported. A photoactivatable peptide derivative has been used to demonstrate that competition for transport into the ER reflects competition for a specific peptide-binding site on the TAP molecule. Class I molecules bind the translocated peptides in the ER thereby allowing their transport to the cell surface. The assembly of the class Ipeptide complex in the ER is tightly regulated. The evidence suggests that class I heavy chains first dimerize with &-microglobulin in a process mediated by the chaperone calnexin. The class I -&-microglobulin dimer then physically associates with TAP molecules and is released for transport when it binds a peptide. 1994 Vaccines against viral& induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 150-169
One of the most important ways in which the immune system responds to viral infection is by the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In most cases such lymphocytes are CD8+ and they kill virally infected cells by recognizing a subset of cell-associated class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules that have bound peptides of 8-10 amino acids derived from virally encoded proteins. Tumour cells latently infected with virus should theoretically be susceptible to similarly generated cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Proteins from which MHC class I-associated peptides are derived are generally cytosolic. Degradation of cytosolic proteins is in the main mediated by a multisubunit ATP-dependent protease called the proteasome (Goldberg & Rock 1992). The proteasome is thought to be responsible for the generation of MHC class I-associated peptides. Two subunits of the proteasome, LMP.2 and LMP.7, are encoded by MHC-linked genes (reviewed in Monaco 1992). Cytosolic peptides are translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by the transporters 150
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
associated with antigen processing, TAP molecules (reviewed in Monaco 1992). Two TAP subunits, TAP-1 and TAP-2, are also encoded by MHC-linked genes and are believed to function as a dimer (Spies et a1 1992, Kelly et a1 1992). Each TAP subunit has an M , of approximately 70 OOO and consists of an N-terminal hydrophobic region, with six putative transmembrane regions connected by short hydrophilic loops, and a cytoplasmic C-terminal ATP-binding domain. The proposed dimer would therefore contain twelve transmembrane regions and two ATP-binding domains. This structure is shared by a large number of molecules, present in a variety of species and collectively known as the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of transporters, which mediate the ATP-dependent translocation of various small molecules across membranes (Higgins 1992). Peptide binding to MHC class I molecules occurs in the ER and can be regarded as an assembly process, rather than as a simple ligand-receptor interaction. An MHC class I molecule is a trimer, consisting of the 44 kDa MHCencoded glycoprotein, a 12 kDa /32-microglobulin molecule (P2m) and the peptide. Incomplete class I molecules, in common with many other partially assembled multimeric membrane glycoproteins, fail to exit the ER. For example, cells lacking P2m fail to express surface class I molecules. Additionally, cells lacking TAP proteins, and consequently a ready supply of peptides in the ER, do not express substantial levels of surface class I molecules (Townsend et a1 1989, Cerundolo et a1 1990, Anderson et a1 1993). Again in common with other multimeric proteins, the assembly of MHC class I molecules is mediated in vivo by molecular chaperones, which generally function by binding to incompletely assembled molecules until folding and assembly are complete. The primary chaperone involved in class I assembly appears to be the transmembrane phosphoprotein, calnexin (p88, IP90) (Degen et a1 1992, Hochstenbach et a1 1992). Here, we shall argue that TAP molecules themselves may play a key role in the assembly process by interacting with incompletely assernbled class I molecules. Peptide transport by TAP molecules
Initially, the peptide transport function of TAP molecules was inferred from the properties of TAP-negative cell lines (i.e. lack of MHC class I surface expression and absence of class I-restricted antigen processing) and from their obvious membership of the ABC transporter family. Recently, three groups provided strong evidence for peptide transport using in vifro assays (Shepherd et a1 1993, Neefjes et a1 1993, Androlewicz et a1 1993). Our own group, as well as Neefjes and co-workers, used a system in which streptolysin 0 was used to permeabilize the plasma membrane of cell lines, allowing radiolabelled peptides to be introduced into the cytoplasm. In TAP-positive cells these peptide were translocated into the ER, as assessed by binding to MHC class I molecules (Androlewicz et a1 1993) or by N-linked glycosylation of the peptide (Neefjes
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et a1 1993). In TAP-negative cell lines, translocation into the ER was inhibited. In each case, ATP was required for TAP-dependent peptide translocation, as expected from the presence of ATP-binding domains in the TAP subunits. Using these in vitro translocation systems, all three groups began to investigate the specificity of the transporters for peptide length, sequence, etc, by determining the ability of different peptides to inhibit the uptake of the radiolabelled substrate peptide. In later experiments, we adopted the approach of Neefjes et al(1993), using a radiolabelled peptide as a translocation substrate which contained a site for N-linked glycosylation (Androlewicz & Cresswell 1994). The radioiodinated peptide used was a variant of a defined HLAB27-binding peptide (RRYQKSTEL; Jardetzky et al 1991). in which the lysine residue was changed to an asparagine residue to generate the glycosylation site, NST. N-linked glycosylation was determined simply by incubating detergent extracts of the cells after translocation with concanavalin A-beads, which specifically bind N-linked glycans, and counting them for associated lZsI in a y-counter. The concentrations of competitor peptides which inhibited uptake by 50% (ICso) were measured and these values were used to determine the specificity of the TAP molecules. Sequence requirements for translocation
To analyse the role of individual residues in determining the ability of peptides to be translocated by TAP molecules, we synthesized a number of alaninesubstituted variants of three peptides known to inhibit the TAP translocation system. Table 1 shows the effects of such substitutions on the ability of an HLAA3-binding peptide (Nef7B; Koenig et al 1990) and two HLA-B27-binding peptides (B27 # 1 and B27 #2; Jardetzky et a1 1991) to inhibit TAP-dependent translocation. Either the anchor residues critical for class I association were altered (variants 1 and 2) or these were unaltered and all the other residues were substituted with alanines (variants 3). None of these substitutions substantially affected the ability of the peptides to inhibit translocation. The lack of an effect of substituting anchor residues was perhaps to be expected, since different class I alleles have different requirements at these positions. The lack of an effect of the more extensive substitutions was more surprising. The results are reminiscent of those of Jardetzky et al(1990), who similarly modified a 15-amino acid HLA-DR 1-binding peptide by extensive alanine substitutions and determined that retention of only a tyrosine residue and a lysine residue in a string of alanines was sufficient to maintain high-affinity binding. Crystallographic data on the structure of the HLA-DR-peptide complex now indicate that this relative lack of dependency upon absolute sequence reflects extensive interactions between conserved residues in the HLA-DR binding groove and the backbone of the peptide (Brown et al 1993). The TAP peptide-binding site
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
TABLE 1 Competition for translocation of HLAB27-binding peptide by peptide variants with alanine substitutions Variant
Nef7B Natural 1 2 3
1.2 1.3
B27# I Natural 1 2 3
2.2 1.4 3.0
0.5 0.5 0.3 1.2
B27#2 Natural 1 2 3
Nef7B is an HLA-A3-bindingpeptide of 10 amino acids; 827 # 1 and B27 # 2 are HLA-BZ7-binding peptides of nine amino acids. The alanine substitutions are shown in bold.
may similarly utilize extensive backbone interactions to maintain a relative lack of specificity in peptide translocation.
Length requirements for translocation The MHC class I and class I1 binding grooves are quite different in the lengths of peptide they accommodate. The peptides bound by class I MHC molecules are generally short, predominantly of nine amino acids. This is determined by the structure of the cleft, where the length is constrained by conserved residues which form defined binding pockets for the N- and C-termini of the peptide (Madden et a1 1991). The peptides bound by class I1 molecules, however, are longer, ranging from 13-25 amino acids (Rudensky et a1 1991, Newcomb & Cresswell 1993, Chicz et a1 1993). Structural analysis shows that this is a result of an open-ended binding groove which allows bound peptides to protrude at both the N- and C-termini (Brown et a1 1993). To determine whether the binding characteristics of TAP molecules resemble those of class I or class I1 MHC molecules, we analysed a group of peptides of variable length for their ability to inhibit the translocation of the nonameric glycosylation substrate (Fig. 1). Successful competition was taken as an ICso of 45pM or lower; defined
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w a w
1 t
t; a 5
FIG. 1. The ability of peptides to compete for TAP-dependent translocation. Peptides of a particular length, or range of lengths, were tested in competition with a radioiodinated peptide (RRYQNSTEL) for translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum of human B cells transformed with Epstein-Barr virus and permeabilized with streptolysin 0. Successful competition means an IC,, of 45 pM or lower.
antigenic peptides generally have ICso values of 10 pM or lower (Androlewicz & Cresswell 1994).
Octamers are apparently the minimal length that can be translocated. However, we have so far been unable to define a precise length above which peptides no longer successfully compete for translocation. Between eight and 13 amino acids, the majority of peptides (approximately 9OVo) can serve as TAP substrates. With longer peptides the probability that an individual peptide will compete is lower. The longest peptide that successfully competes is in fact 24 amino acids long (Androlewicz & Cresswell 1994). Within the 21 -30 residue group, peptides of 25,27 and 30 amino acids did not inhibit. Overall, the data suggest that 8-13 amino acids is the optimal peptide length for translocation by TAP. It seems likely that the TAP binding site is not restricted in the same way that the class I binding site is, but in a functional sense it is more like the class I1 binding site, with no strict requirement for a maximal length. What this means structurally is currently unknown.
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
Definition of the TAP peptide-binding site
As a preliminary approach to determining the precise region of the TAP molecule that serves as a recognition site for peptides, we synthesized a derivative of the Nef7B peptide (Table 1) which contains a photoactivatable group covalently bound to the c-amino group of the C-terminal lysine residue (Androlewicz & Cresswell 1994). The synthesis involved coupling of a photoactivatable crosslinker HSAB (N-hydroxysuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate)to the peptide and purifying the conjugate by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The conjugate was then labelled with lZsI at the penultimate tyrosine residue. Human B cell lines permeabilized with streptolysin 0 were incubated for five minutes at 37 "C with the 1251-photoactivatablepeptide, then chilled and exposed for three minutes to short-wave UV light (254 nm). The cells were then washed, solubilized with detergent and TAP molecules were precipitated from the extract with an anti-TAP antibody, R.RING4C (Spies et al 1992). The precipitated material was separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and TAP molecules with covalently associated '2SI-photoprobe were visualized by autoradiography. Using this method, we were able to demonstrate photolabelling of TAP-1 and that peptides which competed in the translocation inhibition assay also competed for photoprobe binding to TAP (data not shown). Overall, the results showed that a single peptide-binding site exists on TAP molecules and that binding to this site is independent of ATP (Androlewicz & Cresswell 1994). Ultimately, we hope to use this approach to determine precisely the location of the TAP peptide-binding site. Translocation and trimming of longer peptides
Peptides longer than the optimal length for class I binding can compete in the translocation assay (Fig. 1). This raises two questions. First, are these longer peptides genuinely translocated or do they compete for the binding site but avoid translocation because they are too large for the pore that presumably forms? Second, if they are translocated, can they be trimmed at their N- and/or Ctermini following translocation to generate peptides of a more optimal length for class I binding, as suggested by Falk et al (1990)? To investigate these questions we used a 19mer peptide which contains both a tyrosine residue (for iodination) and a glycosylation site as a translocation substrate. This peptide has an ICso of 8pM in the translocation inhibition assay; it corresponds to residues 131-149 of the human class II-associated invariant chain ( A T K I G W E D H V M H L L Q N A ) . The dose-response curve shows that this peptide is indeed translocated into the ER, as indicated by its glycosylation (Fig. 2A). This interpretation depends on the peptide not being degraded by proteolysis before translocation. Our previous experience suggests that radioiodinated peptides added to permeabilized cells are not subjected to proteolysis (Androlewicz et al 1993), but this remains a potential pitfall.
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After translocation, trimming of the ends of the peptide would be expected to alter its chromatographic behaviour. To determine whether this was happening, we allowed streptolysin 0-treated cells to accumulate the labelled 19mer peptide for five minutes; the cells were washed and then incubated at 37 "C for various times prior to isolation of glycosylated peptide. Each isolate was then eluted from the concanavalin A-beads in 0.1% HCI and
50 1251-
19 mer peptide (nM)
FIG. 2. Lack of detectable modifications of a 19mer peptide following translocation in streptolysin 0-permeabilized cells. (A) The 19mer peptide (invariant chain 131- 149) is successfully translocated. Human B cells transformed with Epstein-Barr virus and permeabilized with streptolysin 0 were incubated for five minutes at 37 "C with various concentrations of the '251-labelledpeptide as described (Androlewicz & Cresswell 1994). Glycosylated peptide, i.e. translocated peptide, was isolated by incubation of Trixon X-100 extracts of the cells with concanavalin A-Sepharose, and counted in a y-counter. (B) Glycosylated 1251-peptidewas isolated from the permeabilized cells as described after washing and incubating at 37 " C in the presence of unlabelled competitor peptide (RRYQKSTEL, Jardetzky et a1 1991) for the times indicated. Peptides were eluted from the concanavalin A beads in 0.1% HCI and separated by reverse-phase HPLC using a C18 column and a gradient of acetonitrile (0-45%) in 0.1% HCI.
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
subjected to reverse-phase HPLC. There are no post-translocational changes in mobility and there is no loss of signal (Fig. 2B), which would be expected if the glycopeptide were cleaved between the tyrosine at the fourth position and the asparagine at the sixth position. These results suggest that trimming of peptides following TAP-mediated translocation does not occur with high
30 min
60 min
FIG. 2. (caption opposite).
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FIG. 3. Association of HLA class I molecules with T A P in human B cells transformed with Epstein-Barr virus. The cells were pulse labelled with [%I methionine for three minutes and chased in the presence of unlabelled methionine for the times indicated. At each time point, the cells were extracted using digitonin as described (Ortmann et a1 1994) and immunoprecipitated with the anti-calnexin monoclonal antibody AF8 (Hochstenbach et a1 1992) or the anti-TAP-I antibody R.RING4C (TAP. I on FIG) (Spies et a1 1992). The immunoprecipitated species were analysed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (12.5%) followed by autoradiography.
efficiency, although one could argue that glycosylation itself might affect putative trimming events. Assembly of class I-peptide complexes
The preceding results argue that multiple peptides of a suitable length for binding to class I MHC molecules are translocated into the ER via T A P in an ATPdependent fashion. A subset of these peptides, determined by the class I alleles expressed, then associates with newly synthesized class I molecules. A key question is whether after translocation the peptides simply diffuse through the ER until they bind or whether there is a more specific and efficient mechanism that facilitates the interaction of the translocated peptides with class I molecules. Evidence for the latter comes from the observation that newly synthesized class I glycoproteins are physically associated with T A P molecules. We did a pulse-chase analysis t o demonstrate that class I molecules in a human B cell line transformed with Epstein-Barr virus are associated with TAP. The
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
HC- P2-m
HC-calnexin I
P2 -m
TAP-HC- P2-m
HC- P2 -m-Peptlde
TAP FIG. 4. Schematic model of the proposed roles of calnexin and TAP in the assembly of functional class I-&m-peptide complexes. HC represents class I heavy chain.
cells were pulsed with [3sS]methionine for three minutes, then chased for various intervals, up to 24 minutes. At each time point, the cells were washed and extracted in the detergent digitonin, precleared by incubation at 4 ° C overnight with normal rabbit serum and protein A-Sepharose, then precipitated with an antibody either to calnexin (AF8; Hochstenbach et a1 1992) or to TAP-1 (R.RING4C; Spies et al 1992). Figure 3 shows an autoradiograph of an SDSpolyacrylamide gel of the precipitates. The 44 kDa band seen in the right half of the figure corresponds to the class I HLA heavy chain. No clear 44 kDa band is present in the anti-calnexin precipitates, even at the zero chase point. These results, combined with those of other experiments (Ortmann et a1 1994), argue that class I molecules in normal cells are associated with TAP following their synthesis. Previous work has shown that both mouse and human class I heavy chains associate with calnexin (Degen & Williams 1991, Hochstenbach et a1 1992). In human cells, this is particularly obvious when the &m-negative cell line Daudi is used (Degen et a1 1992, Hochstenbach et a1 1992, Ortmann et a1 1994). In the mouse it has been proposed that class I-P2m dimers are also associated with calnexin shortly after synthesis (Degen et a1 1992). However, in wild-type human cells, even during the short three minute pulse shown in Fig. 3, such an association is difficult to see, whereas the TAP association is clear. Additional experiments have revealed that the class I molecules bound to TAP are indeed associated with P2m (Ortmann et a1 1994). We have also shown that the TAPassociated class I molecules are empty of peptide. We incubated [ 3sS]methionine-labelled HLA-A3-TAP complexes with the HLA-A3-specific peptide Nef7B (Table l), then released the HLA-A3 molecules from TAP by transferring the complexes into the detergent Triton X-100. The released HLA-A3
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molecules were stable, characteristic of their being loaded with peptide (Townsend et al 1990), whereas HLA-A3 molecules released from TAP after incubation with either control peptide or no peptide were not stable (Ortmann et al 1994). A model for class I assembly consistent with these data is shown in Fig. 4. Class I heavy chain initially associates with calnexin. After p2m binds, the association with calnexin is lost and the class I-P2m dimers physically associate with TAP molecules. After peptide association, the complete class I-P2mpeptide complex dissociates from TAP and is transported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus and thence to the cell surface. While this model is satisfying, in that it is consistent with all the data and seemingly combines the known factors involved in class I assembly into a single scheme, it raises further functional and mechanistic questions. How is peptide binding coupled to class 1 dissociation from TAP? In initial experiments, the simple addition of antigenic peptides to class I-TAP complexes in solution did not induce significant dissociation (B. Ortmann, unpublished results). Thus, other components may be involved. Additionally, TAP molecules transport a huge variety of peptides, whereas individual class 1 alleles are highly selective in the peptides they bind. Therefore, any class I glycoprotein associated with a single TAP molecule will bind only an occasional peptide translocated by that specific transporter. The energy wasted in translocating a large number of peptides before a single correct peptide is transported which can bind to the associated class I molecule may be acceptable and indeed the system may function in this highly coordinated fashion. Alternatively, the TAP-class I interaction may serve to co-localize TAP and class I molecules into a subdomain of the ER such that class I molecules are concentrated in an area with high levels of peptides. Other key elements involved in antigen processing may be similarly co-localized.
Acknowledgements We thank Cerinda Carboy Newcomb for expert help with raising antisera and Nancy Dometios for typing the manuscript. We are grateful to Dr Michael Brenner for generously supplying the AF8 antibody. Bod0 Ortmann is a recipient of an AIDS-Stipendium from the German Cancer Research Center; Matthew J. Androlewicz received an award from Merck Research Laboratories. This work was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute.
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DISCUSSION Levitsky: Do proteins that have an ER signal require T A P transporters for association with MHC class I? Cresswell: No, they don’t. This was originally found in the T2 cell line, which has no functional tap genes. In those circumstances, the HLA-A2 class I molecules that bind peptides assemble properly and transport properly with quite normal kinetics. So you don’t need T A P as a chaperone to assemble the structure. TAP is presumably just needed to promote the association with the peptides. Greenberg: The proteins that are endogenously processed and presented with class 11, are those loaded in the ER via TAP? Cresswell: There’s one example where that’s been suggested, from Eric Long. There are other examples of endogenous proteins where the association with class I1 is inhibited by chloroquine, arguing that somehow these proteins and/or peptides are getting from the cytosol into the lysosomal system. Greenberg: Then you can’t use that as a model for the selectivity of larger peptides being brought into the ER via the transporter. Cresswell: I don’t think so. I think that’s probably a very minor part of the class I1 processing pathway. Eisenbach: Is there any effect of ubiquitin in this system? Are ubiquitinated peptides preferred or not preferred? Cresswell: We haven’t looked at that. Fred Goldberg and Ken Rock used a CHO cell line that is temperature-sensitive for ubiquitinylation. When they transfected Kb into that cell line, at the non-permissive temperature processing was seriously impaired. This suggests that the ubiquitinylation system is involved in generating at least some class I-restricted peptides. Meliefi We have looked with Jacques Neefjes in the mouse system at transport of a series of immunodominant epitopes-peptides that fit precisely into the MHC. Surprisingly, four of 10 were very poorly transported unless we added one or two flanking residues from the natural sequence. The common denominator in the poorly transported ones was that they all had a proline at position three. This suggests that in these cases it’s a larger species of peptide that gets actively transported. Do you think there are trimming enzymes in the ER, which in these cases are the most logical explanation to trim down the peptide?
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
Cresswell: This is a really good hypothesis. The one experiment that we tried to test that is not a perfect experiment. We used a 19mer, which has a glycosylation sequence, so we could definitely show that it was being translocated into the ER. Because transport is very fast, if trimming is delayed, then after translocation we should be able to see a progressive change in size or change in elution profile, for example, from an HPLC column. After four hours the profile was identical to the profile at time zero. But this is one peptide and after translocation it is a glycopeptide, so it’s not perfect. We need to devise ways of doing this in the kind of systems you suggested. We would like to take a peptide which binds to the class I molecule, add flanking region amino acids, let it translocate into this system, then ask whether we can find the appropriate peptide associated with class I. Melief: In the mouse, the whole TAP system seems to be more restricted than in the human. Greenberg: Peter, if you did that experiment, you would still need a way of distinguishing where the trimming occurs. Cresswell: That’s right. Is it before or after translocation? One approach might be to have iodination sites in certain places where you might lose or gain a tyrosine, depending on trimming. Eisenbach: Does iodination of tyrosine change the specificity of peptide binding? Cresswell: It made no difference to the ability of HLA-A3 peptide to bind. We have done the same thing with a Kb-restricted peptide and it didn’t make a difference then either. Doherfy: In the viral models, we have been dealing for years with situations where, for instance, an H-2Ld-restricted peptide will dominate the response to LCM virus. When you take H-2Ld away, an H-2Kd-restricted response comes up that you wouldn’t see otherwise (Allan & Doherty 1985). Apart from immunodominant peptide, is there anything in the association between TAP and a class I molecule that might explain this phenomenon? Cresswell: It’s possible. We have thought about this: are there differences in the ability of different class I molecules to associate with TAP? Doherfy: How saturated is TAP? Cresswell: That’s also a good question. The problem with these experiments is that you are dependent on detergents to maintain an association. We estimate that in immunoprecipitations we can pull down about 30-50% of the newly synthesized class I pool with TAP. That may mean that the rest is free, or it may mean that the rest has fallen off, I don’t really know. We’ve looked at a lot of different alleles and they all seem to associate. This is also true of mouse alleles: for example, Kb in the human cell line will associate with human TAP. Liew: How long does transport across the membrane take? Cresswell: It’s really fast. Liew: Does the glycosylation domain that you introduced interfere with transport
Cresswell: No. After it’s translocated, it will be glycosylated, but before translocation it is a free peptide. The transporters in the human system are incredibly promiscuous, so putting in that sequence doesn’t seem to make any difference. Actually, a proportion of the B27 peptides are actually bound to B27 even when they are glycosylated. This raises the possibility that the glycopeptides could be associated with class I molecules. Greenberg: Ld is relatively unique, in that it’s a class I molecule of which the surface expression appears to be peptide limited. It is expressed at low levels unless you introduce the right peptide. Have you looked at where in the molecule the association with class I occurs? Is Ld unique in its ability or inability to bind to TAP? Cresswell: We’ve just begun those experiments. We are interested in whether there is a mouse/human difference; we haven’t been able to find one. We’ve just acquired various constructs, such as soluble constructs, glycophosphatidylinositol-linked constructs and exon-shuffled constructs, to try and localize exactly which part of the class I molecule is involved in the association. Doherty: Does this throw more of the discriminatory function back onto the proteasome? Given that TAP is so promiscuous, there are a lot of peptides that bind equally well and have the ‘correct’ motifs but don’t get presented. Where is the gating occurring? Cresswell: LMPs could be playing a role. If they change the specificity of the proteasome to favour peptides with basic and hydrophobic C-termini. I showed at least a 10-fold change in ICso when the C-terminal residue was changed to glutamic acid, which could be significant. I f it means the difference between 200 MHC peptide complexes on the cell surface and 20, then it could matter. So the change in profile you get when you turn on the LMPs could be quite important. Doherfy: Do we know that it really matters whether it’s 200 or 20, so far as T cell recognition is concerned? Cresswell: No, but it would matter for some T cells. Campo: Are there any diseases associated with TAP malfunction or are there any knock-out mice? Cresswell: There are knock-out mice. They don’t express class I molecules on the cell surface. They behave essentially like the RMA-S cell line, which has an inactive tap-2 gene; they have no CD8+ response. John Trowsdale (personal communication) has described one example of a human family that is TAP-2 deficient. One of the individuals is homozygous TAP-2 negative and has an immune deficiency. Levifsky: There is an interesting story of the family of heat shock proteins, such as gp96 and Hsp70, that appear to have the capacity to hold a large spectrum of peptides, perhaps even a larger spectrum than the class 1 molecules themselves. Where in your model would you put those?
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
Cresswell: We have looked for physical associations of gp96 with class 1 molecules, but haven’t been able to see any. You could argue, though, that any of the heat shock proteins in the ER, which would include Hsp70 or Bip or gp96, could act as an intermediate reservoir. So when peptides are put in there, they may be initially mopped up by those proteins, then released in an ATPdependent fashion over time. So they may play an intermediary role between translocation into the ER and binding to the class I molecules. We’re very struck by this physical association between the TAP molecules themselves and class I , which might imply that that Hsp binding is of minimal importance. It’s worth pointing out that although the class I molecules are associated with TAP, the TAP transports virtually any peptide of an appropriate length. The class I molecules are presumably waiting for the right peptide before they complete their assembly and go on to be expressed on the cell surface. I don’t know whether this means the class I molecules are sitting there waiting for the right peptide to come through, so that assembly operates in some really coordinated fashion. Another explanation is that the association of class 1 molecules with TAP provides some subdomain in the ER, where many TAP molecules are concentrated, many empty class I molecules are concentrated, and the process is facilitated by co-localization rather than a real coordinated mechanism where the TAP proteins translocate the specific peptide bound by the associated class I molecule. Eisenbach: I want to come back to the question of specificity. Do you believe that any peptide will go through TAP-1/2 or do you think there are certain recognition signals? Cresswell: That was why we initiated these experiments, we wanted to know whether TAP was providing any kind of a pre-screen, so that only a subset of peptides was available to the class I molecule. I would argue that in the human there’s very little pre-screening by TAP. Given the right length, 90Vo or more of peptides come through. Eisenbach: What’s the nature of the binding? Cresswell: The best model is the class 11-peptide interaction. Ted Jardetsky and Don Wiley took an influenza haemagglutinin peptide, residues 306-320, which is a DR1-associated peptide. They substituted every amino acid in that peptide with alanine except for a tyrosine residue and a charged residue, lysine, required to keep it in solution. The substituted peptide bound DRl just as well as the original peptide. The interpretation now, based on the crystal structure, is that this reflects a lot of backbone interaction. There are conserved residues in the class I1 groove which bind to the peptide backbone. I would predict that the major interaction mechanism for TAP proteins and peptides is in the backbone. That would explain the very high affinity for polyalanine peptides. Fruzer: For practical reasons, you obviously have to use soluble peptides to do these experiments. Is that a practical limitation on the selection of peptides, not just in the model system but in the real world?
Cresswell: One of the peptides that we can’t use in these experiments is the famous HLA-A2-restricted ’flu matrix peptide, originally found by Andrew McMichael. Every amino acid in that peptide is hydrophobic, it’s totally insoluble, but that is the peptide to which everybody manages to raise primary CTL. Frazec In that situation, it’s not limiting. Liew: What’s the story with allelic exclusion as reported by Simon Powis et a1 (1992)? Cresswell: Their experiments showed that different peptides were transported in two different rat strains. The rat is unusual; it has two tap-2 alleles that are quite different in sequence. The experiments imply that the two tap-2 alleles each have a different specificity for peptide substrate. Liew: Is each one of those promiscuous? Cresswell:They are promiscuous, but less than in humans. There’s prostitution and there’s promiscuity! Melief: Doesn’t there have to be a mechanism that gets rid of transported non-MHC binding peptides? Cresswell: Yes. Hidde Ploegh’s group has shown that the peptides which go in there can be pumped out again. In the in vitro systems, you either have to bind a peptide to class I, which then retains it, or you have to glycosylate it, which retains it. If you just let a peptide go in, wash it and then incubate with microsomes and ATP, the peptide comes out again, so there may be an egress mechanism. Milich: A lot of people have talked about immunizing with peptide to induce class I-restricted CTL. This represents the exogenous pathway-how does it fit with what you are looking at? How would exogenously fed peptide enter the class I pathway? Cresswell: I think the exogenous peptide almost certainly binds to a class I molecule that is already at the cell surface. The mechanism by which that occurs is unknown. Having seen all this assembly business, 1 find it hard to believe it is simple equilibrium. I think the lifetime of empty class I molecules on the cell surface is probably rather short. Peter Parham has some data on HLAB27 which arguably support this. Parham: That system requires co-culture of cells with peptide. I think the basic mechanism probably works to some extent for all class I HLA molecules; HLA-B27 may be extreme in that a significant proportion of the total molecules can load peptide by this route. The half-life of the class I molecule is of the order of hours, maybe a day. You can find, on the cell surface, free heavy chains in very low amounts, which are probably the result of dissociation of mature class I molecules through loss of peptide and @2-microglobulin(P2rn). If in culture you include exogenous peptide at high concentration, plus fetal calf serum which contains a high concentration of bovine p2m (which is also very good at binding to both mouse
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
and human class I heavy chains), as the molecule starts to undergo it’s natural dissociation, it can be re-built with the peptide and &m components that you are providing. For some molecules, the human Pzm will stay as part of the complex, for others both the peptide and the P2m are those provided exogenously. Cresswell: That is the kind of mechanism we envisage. Ken Roth published data suggesting that &m was somehow promoting exchange of peptides on the surface of the cell. Those experiments were done with a mouse cell line making mouse P2m and human P2m was being added back to the cells. Human P2m has a much higher affinity than mouse &m. So in that situation, promotion of peptide exchange probably involves the stabilization of empty class I molecules for longer periods because of the higher affinity of the human &m, which would be expected to increase the number of available ‘receptors’. It is a worry that in the human systems, you have human molecules with human &m and the Pzm dissociation rate is lower, so you would probably generate fewer empty class I molecules. Purhum: I would endorse totally this difference between humans and mice. In the tumour field, there’s an old history of mouse tumour antigens found in cultured tumour cell lines that turned out to be a culture artifact resulting from hybrid molecules composed of bovine Pzm and mouse class I heavy chains. Similarly t o the way that the heavy chain pzm association is much looser in the mouse, so is the class I heavy chain-calnexin association. David Williams can precipitate heavy chain-&m complexes that are associated with the calnexin chaperone, whereas we have exactly the same data that Peter referred to. When you look in human cells, you find a very strict segregation: calnexin is associated with free heavy chains but not with the complex of heavy chain with &m. If you add exogenous &my you can essentially induce the release of calnexin from class I heavy chains, presumably by forming heavy chain-&m complexes. In humans the association of class I heavy chains with other proteins appears much more tightly regulated, so that our ability to manipulate these interactions is probably going to be less than in the mouse system. Cresswell: There’s another important difference. In experiments in mice, you can pulse RMA-S cells with peptide and generate primary responses. It was shown originally by Hidde Ploegh that you could promote the expression of class I molecules on the surface of the RMA-S cell by adding exogenous peptides. This is now interpreted as being a result of a slow transport rate of empty class I molecules, which at the surface are normally unstable. Then when peptide binds at the surface, it stabilizes them and they accumulate. This again is a difference between mouse and human in our hands. If you work with T2 cells transfected with various human class I molecules, you don’t have that ability. There is some degree of up-regulation, but it’s nothing like the upregulation you get in RMA-S cells. I think this reflects the fact that the
ER retention of empty class I molecules is much more strict in human systems than it is in the mouse. HLA-A2 is very nice because it has this knack of picking up a few signal sequence peptides in the endoplasmic reticulum, which allows the transport of HLA-A2 to the cell surface quite well. My suspicion is that those peptides have a relatively low affinity and can be replaced by exogenously added peptide, which enables us to load and up-regulate A2. Have you had any luck with alleles other than A2? MelieJ No, it only works for A2. We tried very hard with B5, but it didn’t come out. Parham: You said that the low level of transport of peptides seen in T2 cells was independent of both TAP and ATP. Is it possible that when you make the semi-permeabilized cells, you have some effect on the ER membrane as well as on the plasma membrane? Cresswell: We worry about that. The monomeric streptolysin 0 toxin is bound on ice, we wash away with extra monomeric toxin and then warm it up. The assumption is that there’s no monomeric toxin left that could permeabilize the ER. Proving this doesn’t happen is extremely difficult. I am reasonably confident it is not happening because we can induce the transport of class I molecules in T2 cells with peptide. If the streptolysin 0 had made holes in the ER, I have a feeling that we would be unlikely to do that. Parham: Presumably, it’s the number of holes? Cresswell: 1 don’t know. I suspect that if there were holes in the ER, you would get inhibition of transport from the ER to the Golgi. MelieJ If you infect T2 or RMA-S cells with Sendai virus, there is definitely by-passing of the TAP defect, in the sense that you get presentation. Cresswell: That’s true in RMA-S cells; I don’t think it’s true for T2 cells. MelieJ T2 Kb-transfected cells with Sendai virus will present Sendai epitope (Zhou et a1 1993). Parham: Which cell type did you use for the assays in which cells were transfected with HLA-A3, then the HLA-A3 was precipitated with a very specific monoclonal antibody? Cresswell: They were C l R cells, which we derived from a human cell line transformed with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It was selected for loss of class I expression and contains only one copy of the tap genes, because one MHC haplotype is deleted. Parham: Does the assay work in the same way with a normal A3-positive EBV line? Cresswell: C l R is a highly mutagenized cell line; however, the assay works well with normal EBV-transformed cells. We haven’t looked at the induction of class I transport, but the basic loading of antigenic peptides works well in other cell lines. The glycosylation substrate works extremely well in any cell line we’ve tested.
Class I MHC-peptide complexes
Doherty: In the &m knock-out mouse, which expresses a small amount of H-2Db, there is some evidence that adoptively transferred T cells may be able to recognize viral peptide plus H-2Db heavy chain (Doherty et a1 1993). Do you know of any in vitro evidence that supports this? Cresswell: The R1E mouse cell line, which lacks P2m, has the same problem as the &m-negative mouse in that Db transported in the absence of P2m is conformationally inadequate in some way. Many monoclonal antibodies don’t recognize it; it’s transported in a misfolded fashion. The ability of the Db heavy chain to be transported in this way seems to be due to the extra glycosylation site. I don’t know of any T cell recognition data using R1E cells, though. Purham: If you add peptide and &m, you can show functional activity. Doherty: We did some experiments with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in the the P2m knock-out mice. We did get a hint that something was being recognized when we transferred LCMV-immune H-2Db-restricted T cells (Doherty et a1 1993). It may be that the experimental system is too crude. However, Fritz Lehmann-Grube’s laboratory is getting similar results and has shown reductions in virus titre (personal communication). Purhum: Could it be that your CD8+ T cells are providing the &m? Doherty: It’s possible. There are some other complicated experiments that suggest that, if this happens, it’s not very important. References Allan JE, Doherty PC 1985 Consequences of a single Ir-gene defect for the pathogenesis of lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Immunogenetics 21 581-589 Doherty PC, Hou S, Southern PJ 1993 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus induces a chronic wasting disease in mice lacking class I major histocompatibility complex glycoproteins. J Neuroimmunol 46: 1 1- 18 Powis SJ, Deverson EV, Coadwell WJ 1992 Effect of polymorphism of an MHC-linked transporter on the peptides assembled in a class I molecule. Nature 357:211-215 Zhou X, Glas R, Liu T, Ljunggren HG, Jondal M 1993 Antigen processing mutant T2 cells present viral antigen restricted through H-2Kb. Eur J Immunol 23: 1802-1808
Induction and regulation of CD4+ T cell subsets F. Y. Liew Department of Immunology, University of Glasgow, Western Infirmary, Glasgow G11 6NT. UK
Abstract. It is now generally accepted that CD4+ T cells can be divided into at least two distinct subsets: Th, and Th,. Th, cells characteristically secrete interleukin 2 (IL-2) and y-interferon (IFN-y) whereas Th, cells produce mainly IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10. Studies from many laboratories have demonstrated that the balance between these two subsets of T cells frequently determines the outcome of infectious and autoimmune diseases. Several factors influence the preferential induction and regulation of Th, or Th, cells in vifro and in vivo. Mice were infected with the protozoan parasite Leishmania to show that the gene encoding a major surface glycoprotein of the parasite, delivered orally in a plasmid carried by an auxotrophic Salmonella fyphimuriumvaccine strain (BRDSW), preferentially induced Th, cells and protective immunity against a challenge infection. The protective effect of the vaccine was augmented by administration of BRD509 carrying the genes encoding IL-2, IFN-y or tumour necrosis factor a.Cloned mouse Th, cells specific for malarial antigens have been used to show that nitric oxide (NO) can inhibit the production of IFN-y by Th, cells. Oral delivery of antigen and selective cytokines may preferentially induce CD4+ T cell subsets. Modulation of NO synthesis may further influence this induction and sustain such selective responses leading t o effective therapy. 1994 Vaccinesagainst virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 170- I78
The heterogeneity of CD4+ cells was recognized in the early 1970s when it was shown that T cells mediating delayed-type hypersensitivity and those helping antibody responses were distinct (Liew & Parish 1974, Silver & Benacerraf 1974). It was also demonstrated that these two types of immune responses may be mutually exclusive (Parish 1971) and oppose each other (Parish & Liew 1972). However, it was not until 1986 that Mosmann and his colleagues demonstrated that mouse CD4+ cells can be divided into two distinct populations on the basis of the pattern of cytokines they produce (Mosmann et a1 1986). Thus T helper 1 cells (Th,) typically produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) and 7-interferon (IFN-y), whereas T helper 2 cells (Th,) produce mainly IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10. A similar pattern has now been demonstrated for human CD4+ cells (Romagnani 1991). 170
CD4' T cell subsets
Earlier studies with the protozoan parasite Leishmania demonstrated that two distinct populations of CD4 cells could be induced following infection, depending on the strain of mouse used. One population protected the host, whereas the other promoted the disease (Liew et a1 1982). It was later shown that the protective T cells were Thl and the disease-exacerbating cells were Th2 (Scott et al 1988, Heinzel et a1 1989). Since then, the balance between Thl and Th2 cells has been shown to determine the outcome of numerous infectious (Sher & Coffman 1992) and autoimmune diseases (Mason & Fowell 1992). In this paper, I shall discuss a number of factors which could influence the induction and function of Th, and Th2 cells and present some of our recent results showing how we may exploit these in the development of vaccines, particularly oral vaccines. I shall illustrate these points with the mouse Leishmania model. I hope that what I have to say may prove to be equally applicable to viruses (which could be considered small parasites) and cancers (which could be considered large parasites). +
Factors influencing the induction of Thl or Th2 cells Several factors have been shown to influence the preferential induction of Th, or Th2 cells, including antigenic epitopes, antigen-presenting cells, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes and cytokines. Earlier studies demonstrated that antigenic epitopes could selectively induce Thl or Th2 cells (Scott et a1 1988, Liew et a1 1990). However, recent work has shown that Leishmaniaspecific Thl and Th2 cells appear to use the same set of T cell receptor genes (Reiner et al 1993). The route of antigen delivery has an important influence on the induction of Th, or Th2 cells (Liew et a1 1985), implying that the type of antigen-presenting cell involved may play a causal role in determining which T cell type is induced. MHC haplotype expression has also been shown to determine the subsets of CD4+ T cells preferentially induced by specific antigens (Murray et a1 1989), however, the general applicability of this finding is at present unclear. Cytokines play a crucial role in the induction of Thl or Th2 cells (reviewed by Abbas et al 1991, Swain et a1 1991, Fitch et al 1993) and can override the effects of other factors such as antigenic epitopes and the route of immunization. For example, an octamer of the tandem repeating peptide of Leishmania major, EAEEAARLQA, when injected subcutaneously into susceptible BALB/c mice preferentially induced Th2 cells and exacerbated disease when the mice were challenged with L. major infection (Liew et al 1990). However, if recombinant tumour necrosis factor a (TNF-a) were incorporated in the inoculum, Thl cells were induced, resulting in protective immunity (Liew et al 1991a).
Vaccines delivered orally by live Salmonella mutants The oral route is the most convenient and acceptable means of vaccine delivery. We have explored the feasibility of using recombinant Salmonella strains as
carriers for an oral leishmanial vaccine. The auxotrophic mutant of Salmonellu typhimurium (aroA - aroD-), BRD509, is a highly promising typhoid vaccine currently in phase 111 clinical trials. BRD509 has a double deletion of aroA and aroD genes (rendering the chance of reversion very remote) and is dependent on an exogenous source of aromatic amino acids as it is unable to synthesize its own. When administered orally, it can penetrate the gut wall, reaching the mesenteric lymph nodes, liver and spleen. There, it can undergo only limited cycles of multiplication. When the bacteria die, they release the foreign materials they carried, inducing local and systemic immunity. We have transduced BRD509 with plasmid pKK233-2 carrying the genes encoding the promastigote major surface glycoprotein of L. major, gp63 (BRD509/gp63), or the cytokines IL-2 (BRD509/IL-2), IFN-y (BRD509AFN-y) or TNF-a (BRD509/TNF-(r). The colonies were selected with a mixture of aromatic amino acids and ampicillin and analysed by Western blotting with specific monoclonal antibodies. In vitro, the constructs expressed the genes they carried in a biologically active form. The plasmids were also stable in vivo as assayed by growing the bacterial colonies recovered from the infected spleen, liver and mesenteric lymph nodes in the presence or absence of ampicillin. Highly susceptible BALB/c mice were vaccinated twice (two weeks apart) with 108-1010 organisms per mouse of BRD509/gp63, BRD509AL-2, BRD509/IFN-y, BRD509/TNF-a or a combination of all four constructs. They were challenged in the footpad two weeks after the last vaccination with lo6 promastigotes of L. major per mouse. Mice vaccinated with BRD509 alone developed disease indistinguishable from unvaccinated controls. In contrast, mice vaccinated with BRD509/gp63, BRD509AL-2, BRD509AFN-y or BRD509lTNF-a developed significantly smaller lesions and parasite loads in the lesions 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than those in controls vaccinated with BRD509 alone. Mice vaccinated with a combination of the four constructs did not develop any lesion during the whole period of the experiment (up to 60 days after infection).
Th, cell response induced by oral vaccine
The spleen and mesenteric lymph node cells from mice vaccinated with BRD509/gp63 or a combination of the four constructs produced a strong proliferative response when cultured with killed or live L. major promastigotes in vitro. They also secreted high levels of IL-2 and IFN-y, but no detectable IL-4. These results therefore demonstrate that oral delivery of the leishmanial antigen gp63 via a vaccine strain of Salmonella preferentially induces Thl cells, leading to protective immunity. This can be significantly augmented by the codelivery of IL-2, IFN-y and TNF-a.
CD4+ T cell subsets
The protectively vaccinated mice also produced significant levels of specific antibody but showed no delayed-type hypersensitivity to leishmania1 antigens. However, the degree of protection was not directly correlated with the levels of IL-2 and IFN--yproduction. This suggests that antigen and cytokines delivered orally by the vaccine strain of Salmonella may induce protective mechanisms in addition to Thl cells. This heterogeneity of CD4+ T cells in leishmaniasis has been recognized before (Liew 1989).
Regulation of Th, cell function by nitric oxide (NO) There is considerable interest in the induction and function of NO, which is involved in a variety of biological functions, including vascular and muscular relaxation, platelet aggregation, neurotransmission, tumoricidal and microbicidal activity and immunopathology (reviewed by Liew & Cox 1991, Moncada et a1 1991, Nathan 1992). Nitric oxide is derived from the reaction of the guanidino nitrogen of L-arginine and molecular oxygen, catalysed by the enzyme NO synthase. Most mammalian cells constitutively produce a low, physiological amount of NO. However, several cell types, when activated by immunological stimuli, produce large amounts of NO, which is involved in the destruction of pathogens and tumour cells and in potentially damaging immune responses. The cytotoxic effect of NO is thought to be mediated by the binding of NO to the Fe-S prosthetic group of complex I, complex I1 and aconitase in the mitochondria1 electron transport chain, leading to their inhibition (Hibbs et al 1990). It can also inhibit ribonucleotide reductase activity (Lepoivre et al 1991) and damage DNA, leading to apoptosis (Sarih et a1 1993). However, as the effector action of NO is non-specific, it is important that the amount of NO produced be rigorously controlled. It is now established that a number of cytokines, including IFN-y, TNF-a and migration inhibitory factor (MIF), by binding to their respective receptors transmit a series of signals leading to the expression of NO synthase in mouse macrophages (Nathan 1992, Green & Nacy 1993). In contrast, another batch of cytokines, including IL-4, IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGFp), can down-regulate the expression of NO synthase (Ding et al 1990, Liew et a1 1991b, Cunha et al 1993). The degree of redundancy here is impressive and may represent a fail-safe mechanism, as is characteristic of many important biological functions. This opposing influence of cytokines on NO synthesis may be an important means by which Thl and Thz cells interact, i.e. through the induction of NO synthase in the local environment of macrophages.
Nitric oxide regulates Thl cell function Another very effective way by which NO can regulate its own synthesis is to inhibit the production of IFN--y by Th, cells. A cloned malaria-specific Thl cell
line produced a modest amount of IFN--, when stimulated with 5pg/ml of concanavalin A. This was significantly enhanced, in a dose-dependent manner, by the presence of the NO synthase inhibitor, L-NG monomethyl arginine (L-NMMA). Conversely, the production of IFN--, by the cells was completely abolished by the addition of a donor of NO, S-nitroso-acetyl penicillamine (SNAP) (Taylor-Robinson et al 1994). These results suggest that T cells can produce NO, which can also inhibit IFN-y production by T cells.
A ckno wledgernents I would like to thank Dam0 Xu, Stephen McSorley, Andrew Taylor-Robinson and Stephen Phillips for their important contributions to the work referred to in this review.
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CD4+ T cell subsets
Liew FY, Hale C, Howard JG 1982 Immunologic regulation of experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. V. Characterization of effector and specific suppressor T cells. J Immunol 128:1917- 1922 Liew FY, Singleton A, Cillari E, Howard JG 1985 Prophylactic immunization against experimental leishmaniasis. V. Mechanism of the anti-protective blocking effect induced by subcutaneous immunization against Leishmania major infection. J Immunol 135~2102-2I07 Liew FY, Millott S, Schmidt JA 1990 A repetitive peptide of Leishmania is a diseasepromoting epitope activating Th2 cells. J Exp Med 172:1359-1365 Liew FY, Li Y, Yang DM, Severn A, Cox FEG 1991a TNF-a reverses the diseaseexacerbating effect of subcutaneous immunization against murine cutaneous leishmaniasis. Immunology 74:304-309 Liew FY, Li Y, Severn A et a1 1991b A possible novel pathway of regulation by murine T helper type-2 (Th2) cells of a Thl cell activity via the modulation of the induction of nitric oxide synthase on macrophages. Eur J Immunol 21:2489-2494 Mason D, Fowell D 1992 T-cell subsets in autoimmunity. Curr Opin Immunol 4: 728-732 Moncada S, Palmer RMJ, Higgs EA 1991 Nitric oxide: physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology. Pharmacol Rev 43: 109-142 Mosmann TR, Cherwinski H, Bond MW, Giedlin MA, Coffman RL 1986 Two types of murine helper T cell clone. I. Definition according to profiles of lymphokine activities and secreted proteins. J Immunol 136:2348-2357 Murray JS, Madri J , Tite JP, Carding SR, Bottomly K 1989 MHC control of CD4+ T cell subset activation. J Exp Med 170:2135-2140 Nathan C 1992 Nitric oxide as a secretory product of mammalian cells. FASEB (Fed Am SOCExp Biol) J 6:3051-3064 Parish CR 1971 Immune response to chemically modified flagellin. 11. Evidence for a fundamental relationship between humoral and cell-mediated immunity. J Exp Med 134121-47 Parish CR, Liew FY 1972 Immune response to chemically modified flagellin. 111. Enhanced cell-mediated immunity during high and low zone antibody tolerance to flagellin. J Exp Med 135:298-311 Reiner SL, Wang Z-E, Hatam F, Scott P, Locksley RM 1993 THI and TH2 cell antigen receptors in experimental leishmaniasis. Science 259:1457-1460 Romagnani S 1991 Human Thl and Th2 subsets: doubt no more. Immunol Today 12~256-257 Sarih M, Souvannavong V, Adam A 1993 Nitric oxide synthase induces macrophage death by apoptosis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 191503-508 Scott P, Natovitz P, Coffman RL, Pearce E, Sher A 1988 Immunoregulation of cutaneous leishmaniasis. T cell lines that transfer protective immunity or exacerbation belong to different T helper subsets and respond to distinct parasite antigens. J Exp Med 168: 1675- 1684 Sher A, Coffman RL 1992 Regulation of immunity to parasites by T cells and T cellderived cytokines. Annu Rev Immunol 10:385-409 Silver J , Benacerraf B 1974 Dissociation of T cell helper function and delayed hypersensitivity. J Immunol 113:1872-1875 Swain SL, Bradley LM, Croft M et a1 1991 Helper T-cell subsets: phenotype, function and the role of lymphokines in regulating their development. lmmunol Rev 123:115-144 Taylor-Robinson AW, Liew FY, Severn A et a1 1994 Regulation of the immune response by nitric oxide differentially produced by T helper type 1 and T helper type 2 cells. Eur J Immunol 24:980-984
Doherty: What’s the story on NO in chronic wasting diseases such as AIDS or cachexia? Liew: There is no evidence that NO plays a role in AIDS patients. There are some anecdotal reports that AIDS patients have higher levels of nitrate in the serum. Doherty: Has anyone treated an AIDS patient with L-NMMA? Liew: No. L-NMMA has not been given to humans yet except, experimentally, in two or three cases of septic shock. Eisenbach: Is there always a correlation between the level of NO synthase and the level of NO produced? Liew: Yes. Cheever: Do human macrophages make NO? Liew: For the endothelium-derived or constitutive NO synthase, there is no problem. The human macrophage has not been found to produce NO consistently. This has been a point of contention for some time; you can detect nitrite in human serum. My feeling is that we are not clever enough yet to find the right conditions to activate human macrophages to produce NO in vitro. Cheever: How about human T cells? Liew: We have just started t o look at that. Cohen: What are the prospects for developing reagents for competitively or non-competitively blocking the feedback effect of NO on Thl cells? Liew: L-NMMA is not a good inhibitor because it blocks both the constitutive and the inducible enzyme. There are other compounds which seem to block the inducible enzyme preferentially. Frazer: Has L-NMMA been used in animals to try and bias an immune response, for example, to keep it as a Thl response in circumstances where it would otherwise switch to Th2? Liew: We have injected PT3, a peptide that preferentially induces Th2 cells against Leishmania (Liew et al 1990) into mice in the presence of SNAP (Snitroso-acetyl penicillamine), a donor of NO, or L-NMMA, to see if they can do this, but we don’t have the results yet. Frazer: It would be nice to have some way of controlling the Thl/Th2 response. Glycerol trinitrate is used as a means of enhancing the generation of NO in patients; would it work in the same way? Liew: We have to be very careful. NO is a two-edged sword: for defence against tumours and parasites, you need a lot of it, but too much of it is dangerous. Cheever: Have you any insight into why a particular antigen might induce a Th, or a Th2 response? Liew: No. We were some of the first to show that there might be some Thl/Th2-specific epitopes, but that bias can be easily overcome by cytokines. How the cytokines influence the choice of Thl or Th2 is at present unknown.
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Frazer: One question is whether once that decision has been made with regard to an antigen or epitope it’s permanent. Clearly, there are times when you see induced responses of the wrong sort, particularly to tumour antigens, and you would like to switch the response the other way. Cohen: Susan Swain (1993) has suggested that she could generate a Thl or Th2 phenotype in vitro, inject the cells back into immunosuppressed animals, then later recover the preserved memory phenotype after several months. This implies a certain lack of plasticity in Th,/Th2 behaviour once it is established. I don’t think it is commonly accepted that one can do a Th, to Th2 flip or vice versa in vitro once the helper phenotype has been generated. We certainly have had trouble doing it ourselves. Frazer: That’s what we find as well. Once the animal’s fixed on a Th, or Th2 response with a particular epitope, we can’t easily get it to change. Cohen: There may be a more pristine memory precursor type of cell available, even in animals that are overall behaving in Th2 or Thl fashion, which is more malleable. Frazer: Yes, maybe you have to wait until new Tho cells come out from the thymus, and see what happens. Liew: This goes back to the difficulty of developing a therapeutic vaccine; once you are locked on, you have great difficulty in switching the response to another direction. Frazer: It really depends on the rate of generation of new Tho precursors. The question is whether Thl or Thz cells that are already induced can so permanently bias the situation that even new Tho precursors can’t respond to the antigen in the opposite manner. Cohen: This is why we are focusing on adoptive therapy. We would like to create that bias towards Thl in vitro strongly enough, such that when cells are transferred back to a tumour-bearing host, they will be able to reinforce that bias at least long enough to get a therapeutic effect before they succumb to whatever influences in the host make them Th2-like, if that is what actually occurs. Rickinson: What are the immunoglobulin responses in animals vaccinated with Salmonella? Liew: In animal models, you get both systemic immunity and secretory antibodies in the gut. There is a strong IgG2 response in the animal. The antibody responses of these immunized mice are all IgG2a, there’s no IgG1. Rickinson: What range of antigens have you tried in this system? Liew: Several, including the nucleoprotein of influenza, the circumsporozoite antigen of malaria and gp63 antigen of Leishmania. They are all experimental vaccines at this stage. Frazer: There’s been some debate about how you can induce cytotoxic T cell responses using Salmonella-whether you have to put virulence factors into Salmonella to get the organisms out of the phagolysosome into the cell, while
it’s still alive, to allow presentation of recombinant antigen through the endogenous pathway. Liew: A former student of mine, Ming Gao, working with Andrew McMichael, tried to use Salmonella to deliver antigen for the induction of cytotoxic T cells, without much success. We have never been able to use this system to induce cytotoxic T cells. Melief: For peptide vaccination, we thought about simultaneously incorporating cytokines that would drive a Th, response, to make it work better. Is this a reasonable thing to do? Liew: From our results with Salmonella, it appears to be. Melief: But the Salmonella gp63 is a T helper epitope itself. Liew: Not necessarily, gp63 is a whole protein macromolecule. Melief: If you take an isolated CD8+ epitope recognized in the context of class I, would it be logical to incorporate cytokines in the vaccine itself to produce Th, responses? Liew: I would guess this is the case. When we use TGF-j3, we get exacerbated infection. We can abrogate protection against leishmaniasis. You have to select the cytokine very carefully; y-interferon happens to be the one that drives Th, cells. Doherty: When Ian Ramshaw put IL-2 into vaccinia, it diminished the response a little. I think the vaccinia got into the antigen-presenting cell, expressed IL-2 and thereby focused a very powerful natural killer cell response (Karupiah et a1 1992). Early elimination may thus have led to diminished antigen presentation. Other experiments with vaccinia expressing IL-5 showed that this favoured an IgA response. Levitsky: That was also done by Ian Ramshaw et al(l992). Vector-encoded IL-5 and IL-6 enhanced specific mucosal IgA reactivity in vivo. References Karupiah G, Ramsay AJ, Ramshaw IA, Blanden RV 1992 Recombinant vaccine vectorinduced protection of athymic, nude mice from influenza A virus infection. Analysis of protective mechanisms. Scand J lmmunol 36:99- 105 Liew FY, Millott SN, Schmidt JA 1990 A repetitive peptide of Leishmania is a diseasepromoting epitope activating Th, cells. J Exp Med 172:1359- 1365 Ramshaw I, Ruby J , Ramsay A, Ada G, Karupiah G 1992 Expression of cytokines by recombinant vaccinia viruses: a model for studying cytokines in virus infections in vivo. Immunol Rev 127:157-182 Swain SL 1993 Effector function of helper T cells. J Immunother 14:150-155
Propagation of mouse and human T cells with defined antigen specificity and function Peter A. Cohen, Daniel H. Fowler*, Hyun Kim, Richard L. White, Brian J. Czerniecki, Charles Carter?, Ronald E. Gress* and Steven A. Rosenberg Surgery Branch, National Cancer Institute, *Experimental Immunology Branch, Division of Cancer Biology and Diagnosis. and tDepartment of Transfusion Medicine, Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
Abstract. Difficulties maintaining fully functional CD4+ T cells in culture have historically limited the study of their role in tumour rejection as well as other clinical applications. As the therapeutic value of current antitumour CD8+ T cell adoptive therapy becomes better defined, a strong impetus exists to determine optimal conditions for culturing antitumour CD4+ T cells. Our goal is to promote broadly polyclonal, antigen-specific CD4+ T cell responses of either Th, or Th, character for use in antitumour therapy or allograft facilitation, respectively. Similar obstacles exist in murine and human cultures: (1) during even brief periods of culture CD4+ T cells develop high ‘background’ reactivity to class 11-positive antigen-presenting cells; (2) maintenance of antigen specificity as evidenced by cytokine secretion and short-term proliferation assays is insufficient to ensure bulk numerical expansion; (3) Th,-type CD4+ T cells often lose their potential for antigen-specific secretion of interleukin 2 on re-stimulation (though remain inducible by 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate/ionomycin); (4) during prolonged culture selection pressure favours CD4 subpopulations that recognize artifactual antigens such as culture medium proteins; ( 5 ) even with optimal culture conditions, cultured CD4+ T cells may function differently in vivo to uncultured CD4+ T cells. We have devised various strategies to surmount these obstacles by use of selected cytokines, antigen-presenting cells and timely culture manoeuvres. +
1994 Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 179-197
The past two decades have witnessed considerable progress in the development of culture techniques to propagate T lymphocytes in vitro. In particular, the discovery of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and its availability in recombinant form have enabled ready expansion of T lymphocytes from both animals and patients. One obvious impetus to expand T lymphocytes in vitro was the frequent observation that T lymphocytes harvested from mice vaccinated against 179
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syngeneic tumours often led to quantitative regressions of tumours when adoptively transferred into syngeneic tumour-bearing mice (Rosenstein et a1 1984, Shu & Rosenberg 1985). Addition of IL-2 to a mixed culture of lymphocytes and tumour cells often resulted in dramatic expansion of T cells in culture for several weeks, after which antitumour effects could still be observed when these T cells were administered to tumour-bearing mice (Shu et al 1987, Rosenberg et al 1986). T cells have been grown successfully from both tumour-bearing mice and mice vaccinated with tumour cells, utilizing spleen, lymph node or tumour itself as a source of lymphocytes. These cultures give rise predominantly to CD8 T cells. An achievement of particular note is that CD8 T cells cultured from tumour-bearing mice have frequently proved as effective in adoptive therapy as CD8 T cells cultured from non-tumour-bearing, vaccinated mice (Chang et al 1989, Rosenberg et al 1986). In murine tumour models, however, adoptive therapy with cultured T lymphocytes has proved generally less effective than adoptive therapy with fresh T cells from tumour-vaccinated mice. The strongest antitumour effects remain those observed when T cells harvested from tumour-vaccinated mice (‘fresh immune’ T cells) are immediately transferred intravenously into tumour-bearing mice. In many weakly immunogenic mouse sarcoma models, tumours implanted in a variety of locations-skin, lung, liver and elsewhere-regress completely following adoptive therapy with ‘fresh immune’ T cells; survival studies indicate that these mice are often cured of their tumours (Rosenstein et a1 1984, Shu & Rosenberg 1985). Adoptive transfer of such ‘fresh immune’ T lymphocytes is fully effective even when exogenous IL-2 is not administered. However, simple in v i m culture for as little as five days renders them therapeutically ineffective against established subcutaneous tumours unless exogenous IL-2 is coadministered (Shu & Rosenberg 1985). Furthermore, culture of T lymphocytes for longer than a week renders them essentially ineffective as adoptive therapy against even small established subcutaneous tumours, although they remain exquisitely effective against tumours at certain locations, such as experimental pulmonary metastases (Chou et a1 1988). What causes the relative loss of efficacy during even short culture of T lymphocytes, given that cultured antitumour CD8+ T cells often manifest specific recognition and lysis of their tumour cell targets in vitro, even more so than ‘fresh immune’ spleen cells (Barth et a1 1988, Shu & Rosenberg 1985)? There are at least two plausible explanations why cultured T cells are less effective than fresh immune T cells in adoptive therapy: the process of culturing may result in functional alterations leading to impaired trafficking in vivo; or standard culture conditions may favour growth of CD8+ T cells that require guidance from other populations not provided by adoptive therapy. The average CD8 T cell, for example, is dependent upon IL-Zproducing CD4+ T cells in order to proliferate. Because CD8 T cells may also rely on CD4+ T cells in certain circumstances for trafficking guidance (Thivolet et a1 1991), as well as for +
Propagation of T cells with defined properties
in situ activation of effector function (Ksander et a1 1992), coadministration of exogenous IL-2 may not always be adequate to render CD8+ T cells independent of CD4+ T cell support. It is of considerable interest that the only cultured CD8+ T cell lines relatively effective in curing widely disseminated murine tumours are the IL-2-producing, ‘helper-independent’ T cell clones against the FBL-3 lymphoma (Matis et a1 1986, Klarnet et a1 1989). It has not been possible to raise such CD8 helper-independent cells against other tumours. To provide maximal support for ‘helper-dependent’ CD8+ T cells, as well as to determine the value of pure CD4+ T cell adoptive therapy, we have attempted to define culture conditions which promote the expansion of functional antitumour CD4+ T cells. Clonal analysis by Mosmann et a1 (1991) has demonstrated a wide spectrum of naturally occurring CD4 function, ranging from ‘Th,’ behaviour, notable for IL-2 and interferon y (IFN-y) secretion, to ‘Th2’ behaviour, notable for IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10 secretion; intermediate behaviours also exist, including an apparent precursor memory state, ‘Tho’. CD8+ T cells have a similar cytokine profile to Th, CD4+ cells, but usually do not secrete IL-2 (Table 1). Our goal in antitumour therapy is to promote broadly polyclonal, tumour-specific CD4 T cells with pronounced Th,-like behaviour, anticipating that this subset will best favour accumulation and activation of useful host elements, such as CD8+ T cells, lymphokineactivated killer cells and tumoricidal monocyteshacrophages (Cohen 1994). In contrast, adoptive transfer of CD4+ T cells with Th2-like behaviour has already proved useful in several murine models for suppressing allograft rejection and/or graft-versus-host disease, probably because of their negative impact on cell-mediated immunity (Fowler et a1 1994). We have found that a variety of reagents and timely culture manoeuvres are useful for the expansion of antigen-specific bulk populations of CD4+ T cells +
TABLE 1 Cytokines secreted by different types of T lymphocytes CD8
Interleukin 2 Interferon-y Tumour necrosis factor fi Interleukin 4 Turnour necrosis factor (Y Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor Interleukin 5 Interleukin 10
Th, CD4+ Th, CD4 ’ Tho CD4’
++ ++
++ ++
+ +
+ +
“‘Helper-independent’ CD8’ T cells secrete IL-2.
+ +
+ +
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with stable growth characteristics and either Th,-type or Th2-type behaviour. We will review several of these culture strategies, noting in particular that both murine and human CD4+ T cell cultures have usually benefited from similar strategies. Potential applications to CD8+ T cell cultures will also be discussed. Characterization of ‘fresh immune’ murine antitumour CD4 T cells +
Syngeneic mice can be immunized to ‘weakly immunogenic’ syngeneic methylcholanthrene (MC) sarcomas by inoculation with a mixture of unirradiated tumour cells and the adjuvant Corynebacteriumpurvum; depending on the particular tumour, between 10 and 70% of vaccinated mice will reject subsequent challenge with viable MC sarcoma cells alone. More than 90% of mice that reject a first challenge will also reject all subsequent challenges and are deemed ‘hyperimmune’. Immunity is specific to the MC sarcoma used in vaccination (Cohen et al 1994a). Such hyperimmune mice provide a source of ‘fresh immune splenocytes’ which can be harvested and immediately given as adoptive transfer to syngeneic mice bearing established tumours. For weakly immunogenic MC sarcomas, such adoptive transfer results in quantitative tumour regressions and cures of tumourbearing mice (Shu & Rosenberg 1985). In preliminary work, we depleted MC203-immune splenocytes of CD4 and/or CD8 prior to harvest and adoptive transfer. CD8-depleted but not CDCdepleted immune splenocytes were as effective as unfractionated immune splenocytes in achieving regressions of established subcutaneous tumours. CD8-depleted immune splenocytes were similarly effective in adoptive therapy of three-day pulmonary metastases (Cohen 1994). Since it appeared that a therapeutically useful CD4+ T cell population is present in hyperimmune spleens, we attempted to demonstrate and culture tumour-specific CD4+ T cells from these mice, using syngeneic dendritic cells as a source of antigen-presenting cells. CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative immunoselection, then co-cultured with dendritic cells previously pulsed with freeze-thawed lysates from fresh tumour digests. After four days in co-culture, they were pulsed with [ 3 H ]thymidine t o assess for antigen-specific proliferation (Cohen et a1 1994b). It was initially observed that such short-term cultured fresh immune CD4+ T cells showed little proliferation when cocultured with unpulsed dendritic cells, but significant proliferation was seen when the dendritic cells had been pulsed with lysates from syngeneic tumours of any histology. It was found that tumour-immune mice were sensitized to the bacterial collagenase used to digest individual tumours; the residual collagenase in the digested tumour lysates resulted in cross-recognition of unrelated tumours by immune CD4+ T cells. Contaminant collagenase could be eliminated by shortterm (seven day) in vitro culture of fresh tumour digests. When such short-term cultured tumour cells were used as a source of tumour lysate, fresh CD4+
Propagation of T cells with defined properties
50 40 30 20
0 10203040506070
m e C n 4 +
Thousands of c.p.m. FIG. 1. Initial specific proliferative responses of fresh immune murine CD4+ T cells to tumour antigen. CD4+ cells were collected from spleens of mice immunized to 207 (left) or 203 (right) methylcholanthrene (MC) sarcomas. Dendritic cells (DC) were unpulsed or pulsed with freeze-thawed tumour lysates, including the MC38 colon adenocarcinoma and the Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL). CD4+ T cells were co-cultured with antigen-pulsed DC (20:l ratio) for five days. D C were irradiated (IOOOR) just prior to co-culture; [3H]thymidine was added 18 hours before harvest. (Stippled bar caps indicate _+ SEM; n = 3.)
T cells from tumour-immune spleen recognized only the particular sarcoma to which the mice were immunized (Fig. 1) (Cohen et a1 1994a). Therefore, as with CD8+ T cells (Chang et a1 1989), CD4+ T cells from tumour-immune mice recognize non-shared tumour antigens. To expand tumour-specific CD4 T cells in culture, we therefore co-cultured them with dendritic cells pulsed with lysates of short-term cultured tumour cells. +
h vitro expansion of antigen-specific CD4 T cells alters initial characteristics +
Despite the short-term, specific proliferation observed when fresh immune CD4+ T cells were co-cultured with tumour-pulsed dendritic cells in the absence of added cytokine, sustained proliferation and culture survival seldom occurred in these conditions. We therefore added either recombinant IL-7 (rIL-7), rIL-2, or both cytokines to propagate antitumour CD4+ T cells. Previous work had demonstrated that, like rIL-2, rIL-7 can serve as a growth factor for lectin-driven T cells or for antigen-driven CD8+ T cells; only part of the rIL-7 proliferative effect could be attributed in either case to stimulation
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of IL-2 production by the cultures themselves (Jicha et al 1991, 1992, Armitage et a1 1990). Although brisk expansion of CD4+ T cell cultures could be achieved by adding either rIL-7 or rIL-2, CD4+ T cells manifested considerably altered behaviour when re-stimulated with fresh dendritic cells after two to three weeks. At that time, CD4+ T cells showed high ‘background’ proliferation in shortterm cultures with unpulsed dendritic cells, but relatively impaired proliferation when cultured with dendritic cells pulsed with the relevant tumour lysate (Fig. 2A). These cultured CD4 T cells showed increased tumour-specific signalling in fluorescence-activated cell sorter-calcium flux assays, indicating functional T cell receptors (Fig. 2B) (Cohen et a1 1993). High background secretion of 1L-2 and other cytokines also occurred when cultured CD4+ T cells were coincubated with unpulsed dendritic cells, whether the latter were prepared in medium containing fetal calf serum (FCS) or syngeneic mouse serum. These observations indicated that cultured CD4+ T cells could be triggered by unpulsed or irrelevantly pulsed dendritic cells to secrete 1L-2 and proliferate; CD4 populations that recognized specific antigen as indicated by calcium signalling often showed reduced rather than enhanced proliferation at restimulation. Such a response to dendritic cells was virtually the inverse of that seen with fresh immune CD4+ T cells. +
y-interferon reduces unspecific reactivity of cultured CD4 T cells and facilitates emergence of antigen-specific functional populations +
In parallel with murine antitumour CD4+ studies, we have studied CD4+ primary allosensitization cultures; because the latter are easier to implement than antitumour cultures, they serve as an ideal model for issues such as ‘background’ proliferation. C57BL/6 (B6) naive CD4 T splenocytes are cocultured with F1 (C57BL/6 x C3H/HeN) dendritic cells, then grown in the presence of rIL-2, rIL-7 or both cytokines (Cohen et a1 1993). High ‘background’ proliferation to syngeneic (B6) dendritic cells often occurred at re-stimulation two to three weeks after B6 CD4+ T cells were initially co-cultured with F1 dendritic cells and there was frequently a lack of allospecific proliferation to F1 dendritic cells. In murine allosensitization cultures this was usually more pronounced when rIL-7 rather than rIL-2 was used to propagate the cultures. We determined, however, that adding recombinant murine IFN-y (rmIFN-y) during both preparation of dendritic cells and subsequent co-culture with CD4+ T cells consistently reduced CD4 ‘background’ proliferation to syngeneic dendritic cells at the time of restimulation (Fig. 3). Including rmIFN-y in the re-stimulation microassay often increased persistent allospecific populations, even in groups not previously grown in rmIFN-y (Fig. 3) (Cohen et a1 1993). Such effects were most pronounced +
Propagation of T cells with defined properties
thousands of c.p.m.
5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5
% ofcor#g&es~cakiunlmatWmlllelbn
FIG. 2. (A) Representative post-expansion [’HI thymidine proliferation assays of murine antitumour CD4+ splenocytes. After 3 weeks’ expansion in the presence of 203-pulsed dendritic cells (DC) and rhIL-7 (100 ng/ml added Day 2), re-stimulation assay showed elevated background responses and specifically impaired proliferation to 203-pulsed DC. n = 3. (B) A calcium flux assay for expanded 203-immune CD4+ T cells at the time of re-stimulation. CD4+ cells were loaded with the fluorescent Ca2+ chelator indo-1 and mixed with freshly prepared DC followed by prompt FACS analysis. The proportion of CD4+ T cells conjugating with DC as demonstrated by increased intracellular calcium flux was measured. Even though cultured 203-immune CD4 T cells show impaired proliferation in the presence of 203-pulsed DC, they showed a specific, increased burst of calcium signalling when first cocultured with the same 203-pulsed DC. +
when cultures were kept in 10% FCS, but were also present when they were kept in 1% syngeneic mouse serum (not shown).
Recombinant IL-6 and IL-la permit stable numerical expansion of antigenspecific cells after culture re-stimulation Because timely addition of rmIFN-y t o CD4 cultures decreased ‘background’ proliferation and promoted CD4+ T cells which proliferated only in response to specific presented antigen, we cultured naive B6 CD4+ T cells with F1 +
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B6 DC F1 DC 5
thousands of c.p.m. FIG. 3. Naive CD4+ T splenocytes from CS7BL/6 (B6) mice were co-cultured with freshly prepared dendritic cells (DC) from F1 (C57BL/6 x C3H/HeN) mice (20: 1 ratio). (A) Cells grown without added rmIFN-y; (B) FI DC were prepared in the presence of 200 U/ml rmIFN-y; (C) F1 DC were prepared in 200 U/ml rmIFN-y and the same dose of rmIFN-y was then added to the DC/CD4+co-culture. rmlL-7 (100 ng/ml) was added at 36 h; the cultures were harvested and re-stimulated two weeks later. This figure depicts the first re-stimulation microproliferation assay, in which CD4+ T cell groups were recultured with freshly prepared DC, either syngeneic (B6) or F1, in the presence or absence of rmIFN-y. Microassay plates were harvested after four days; [ 3H] thymidine was added 18 hours before harvest. (Stippled bar caps indicate f SEM; n = 3 . )
dendritic cells and either rmIFN-y/rIL-2 or rrnIFN-y/rIL-7. Re-stimulated CD4+ T cells were highly allospecific in short-term proliferation assays and displayed a Th, phenotype, i.e. they secreted large quantities of IL-2 and IFNy, but not IL-4 or IL-10. CD4+ T cells which had been expanded in rIL-7/rrnIFN-y produced considerably more Th, cytokines than cells grown in rIL-2/rmIFN-y. Nonetheless, neither group showed sustained subsequent growth in culture, even when further rIL-2 or rIL-7 was added. Such culture failure was observed repeatedly. We therefore investigated the addition of rIL-la and rIL-6 to cultures. Others have reported synergistic effects of IL-la and IL-6 on CD4+ T cell growth. Although the mechanisms are incompletely understood, IL-1 a appears to promote IL-2 secretion, while IL-6 induces transition from GO to the G1 phase of the cell cycle, where cells are more responsive to IL-2 (Houssiau et a1 1989, Soldaini et a1 1992, Stein & Singer 1992, Panzer et a1 1993). When we added rIL-la and rIL-6 to CD4+ T cells at the time of initial co-culture with dendritic
Propagation of T cells with defined properties
9 (B)
.. ..- -
... . .. .. . ... .... .
Day of culture
350 300 4. 0 250 r O 200 (# 150 3 100 50
e n v
GROUP A Day 21
GROUP B Day 21
GROUP B Day 35
FIG. 4. Growth of anti-F1 allospecific B6 CD4+cells repeatedly stimulated in culture. CD4+ T cells were initially co-cultured with F1 dendritic cells (DC) prepared in rmIFNy , as described in Fig. 3, and 200 U/ml rmIFN-y was added to culture (Group A ). Group B (a) also received 4 ng/ml rmIL-6 and 4 ng/ml rmIL-la at initial co-culture. At 36 hours, 100 ng/ml rmIL-7 and 300 IU/ml rhlL-2 were added; a n additional 150 IU rhIL-2 were added three and six days later. Cultures were re-stimulated identically with fresh F1 DC ( m ) or B6 DC (iii) at 21 and 35 days. Microproliferation cultures were prepared in the presence of IFN-7 (see Fig. 2) on Day 21 and 35, each pulsed and harvested 4 days later. Groups A and B were similar in re-stimulation assays on Day 21, but differed in regards to sustained growth following re-stimulation, even though identical amounts of rIL-7 and rIL-2 were added to each group (data for A not shown).
cells, followed by routine addition of rIL-2 and rIL-7, we observed modest growth increments compared to cultures not receiving rIL-la/rIL-6 (Fig. 4A). At re-stimulation, proliferation and cytokine assays revealed no phenotypic differences between the two groups. Nonetheless, only those cultures receiving rIL-la/rIL-6 showed sustained subsequent growth; they could be re-stimulated and expanded indefinitely under identical conditions (Fig. 4B). Addition of rIL-la/rIL-6 best prevented growth failure when included during initial cultures as well as at subsequent re-stimulations. Thus, rIL- la/rIL-6
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treatment appeared to condition CD4+ T cells for subsequent as well as current proliferative responses. Development of Th, versus Th2 phenotype in bulk CD4+ cultures In primary murine allosensitization cultures, the use of standard culture medium (Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium [ RPMI] with 10% FCS) gave rise to Th,-like CD4+ T cells whether expanded in rIL-2 or rIL-7; specificity was best maintained when rmIFN-y was present. When CD4+ T cells were allosensitized instead in HL Ventrex Medium (Hycor, Portland, ME) containing 1'To syngeneic mouse serum, the expanded allospecific CD4+ population secreted IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-y on the first re-stimulation, indicating a probable mix of Th,,,, and Th2 phenotypes. Including rmIFN-y and FCS with syngeneic mouse serum did not prevent emergence of Th2 behaviour, but their omission hastened loss of Thl-type behaviour and by the second re-stimulation such CD4+ T cells could not be induced to secrete IL-2/IFN-y, even with 12-0tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA)/ionomycin (Fig. 5 ) . Using such bulk culture techniques, we have generated allospecific CD4 T cell lines with predominant Th, or Th2 behaviour whose long-term stability in culture renders them suitable for graft rejection adoptive therapy studies; these are in progress. +
Expansion of murine CD4+ antigen-specific T cells for adoptive transfer studies Utilizing a combination of cytokines (rIL-1, rIL-6, rmIFN-y, rIL-2 and rIL-7) and standard culture medium (RPMI with 10% FCS), CD4+ T cells from mice immunized to MC sarcomas were expanded in repeated co-cultures with fresh tumour-pulsed dendritic cells. Such cultures gave rise to stable mixes of autoreactive and specific tumour antigen-reactive CD4 T cells of Th, phenotype (Fig. 6). Such established CD4+ T cell lines with predominant antitumour reactivity could be used effectively in adoptive transfer to treat threeday pulmonary metastases and their maximal effect was achieved in the absence of exogenous rIL-2 administration (not shown). Further therapeutic experiments are in progress. +
Growth of human CD4+ T cells in culture We have also investigated the expansion of antigen-specific CD4 T cells from human peripheral blood utilizing autologous elutriated monocytes as a source of antigen-presenting cells (Cohen et al 1993). Either rIL-2 or rIL-7 or a combination could be used to expand antigen-specific CD4+ T cells co-cultured with elutriated monocytes pulsed with recall antigens or tumour lysates. Cultured +
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175 125
125 176
FIG. 5 . Generation of anti-FI allospecific B6 CD4+cells of either Th, or Th? phenotype. Naive B6 CD4+ T cells were co-cultured with F1 dendritic cells (DC) In either RPMI, 10% FCS, and 200 U/ml IFN-y (Th, culture) or Ventrex-HL medium, 1% syngeneic mouse serum (SMS), without IFN-y (Th, culture). rmIL-la, rmIL-6, rmIL-7 and rhIL-2 were added to cultures as in Fig. 4; two weeks later, after culture expansion, CD4+ T cells were re-stimulated with fresh F1 DC in the same media. Two weeks subsequently, CD4+ T cells received their second re-stimulation in a 24 hour cytokine assay. 5 x lo5 CD4+ T cells/ml were co-cultured with either TPA ( 5 ng/ml)/ionomycin (375 ng/ml), B6 DC, or F1 DC, after which supernatants were harvested and assayed by ELISA. Lowest values indicate lower level of detectability in each assay.
re-stimulated human CD4+ T cells often showed high ‘background’ proliferative responses when re-cultured with unpulsed monocytes, whether grown in FCS or pooled AB human serum. This parallels our observations for cultured murine CD4+ T cells; it has also been described by other investigators (Townsend & Simon 1992). As in murine cultures, we have observed that rhIFNy could be used to reduce ‘background’ proliferation at re-stimulation, but this effect is more pronounced in FCS than in medium containing human serum. Other investigators have described a lack of IL-2 secretion in human CD4 clones which otherwise maintain a Th, phenotype (i.e. high IFN-7 secretion but +
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106 156 206 256
112 IU/m1/24 hr
I : ' ! i
IFNT units/m1/24 hr FIG. 6. Generation of anti-MC203 tumour-specific C D 4 + T cells of Th, phenotype. CD4 T cells from B6 tumour-immune mice were co-cultured with MC203 lysate-pulsed DC prepared in 200 U/ml rmlFN-y; initial co-culture medium was 10% FCS RPMl with 200 U/ml rmIFN-y, 4 ng/ml rIL-la, and 4 ng/ml rIL-6; rIL-2 and rIL-7 were added at 36 hours as in Fig. 4. Culture-expanded CD4+ T cells were re-stimulated every two weeks with fresh tumour-pulsed DC. Figure shows second re-stimulation 24 hour cytokine production as measured by ELISA. CD4+ T cells were co-cultured with TPA/ionomycin, unpulsed DC, or DC pulsed with relevant or irrelevant tumour lysates. Lowest values indicate lower level of detectability in each assay. There was no significant secretion of either IL-4 or IL-I0 in response to any of the stimuli, except a small amount of IL-I0 secreted after culture with TPA/ionomycin.
no IL-4 or IL-I0 secretion) (Hammond et al 1992). In human as well as in occasional mouse cell cultures, we have noted a similar phenomenon in which CD4+ T cells that originally secreted IL-2 at re-stimulation ceased to do so at subsequent re-stimulation. Even in these cultures, TPA/ionomycin stimulated IL-2 secretion, indicating the persisting potential to produce IL-2 (not shown). We have repeatedly observed that pretreatment of such CD4+ T cells with
Propagation of T cells with defined properties
Unpulsed Mono 888MEL pulsed Mono 586MEL Pulsed Mono CY13 Pulsed Mono Autol PBL Pulsed Mono
Unpulsed Mono 888MEL pulsed Mono 586MEL Pulsed Mono CY13 Pulsed Mono Autol PBL Pulsed Mono
UnpulsedMono 888MEL pulsed Mono 586MEL Pulsed Mono CY13 Pulsed Mono Autol PBL Pulsed Mono 0
I/ 74 hours FIG. 7. 1L-2 production by CD4+ T cells from peripheral blood of melanoma patient (888) co-cultured repeatedly with autologous monocytes pulsed with autologous tumour lysate (888MEL). Elutriated monocytes were initially pulsed with lysate in 200 U/ml rhlFN-7, then co-cultured with fresh CD4+ T cells in 200U/ml rhIFN-y, 4ng/ml rhIL-6 and 0.4 ng/ml rhIL-la; culture medium was RPMI 10% re-calcified human plasma. rhIL-7 and rhIL-2 were added in equivalent doses and timing to murine cultures described in Fig. 4. Culture was re-stimulated with freshly thawed and tumour-pulsed cryopreserved monocytes at three and six weeks. Figure shows 24 hour IL-2 production re-stimulation assays a t three (A) and six (B) weeks. (C) hTGF-01 (1 ng/ml) was added three days prior to the six week re-stimulation. CD4+ T cells were co-cultured with unpulsed monocytes or monocytes pulsed with autologous melanoma lysate (888), allogeneic melanoma lysate (586), allogeneic colon cancer lysate (CY 13) or autologous lymphocyte lysate (PBL).
human tumour necrosis factor 0 (TGF-01) restores their ability to produce IL-2 in response to antigen stimulation (Fig. 7). In conclusion, use of selected cytokines, antigen-presenting cells and timely culture manoeuvres can give rise to stable antigen-specific CD4+ cell lines with pronounced Thl- or Th2-like characteristics suitable for adoptive therapy studies. It remains to be determined whether cultured CD4+ T cells can mediate therapeutic effects as well as fresh CD4+ cells or whether their trafficking is impaired by the culturing process. Additionally, CD4+ T cells with extreme Th, or Th, phenotypes may represent terminally differentiated cells lacking the ability to revert to a useful memory status in vivo; therefore,
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we are also developing culture conditions that promote Tho and otherwise lessdifferentiated CD4+ T cells in culture. Finally, given that the co-stimulatory requirements of CD8+ T cells may parallel those of CD4+ T cells (Azuma et al 1992), it is possible that the strategies which benefit CD4+ T cell cultures will similarly benefit CD8+ T cell cultures. We and other investigators have demonstrated that rIL-7 (Jicha et al 1991, 1992) and rIL-6 (Stein & Singer 1992, Panzer et al 1993) have growth-stimulating effects on CD8+ T cell cultures; in addition, rIL-la is a co-stimulatory factor for CD8 helper-independent T cells (Klarnet et al 1989). Although culture supplements such as lymphokineactivated killer cell supernatants may in effect provide certain of these factors, more selective addition of particular cytokines that benefit CD4+ T cell cultures may similarly modulate and stabilize CD8+ T cell cultures. +
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Suyu Shu for his excellent suggestions and support. We would also like to thank Sterling Drug, Inc., for their kind gift of recombinant human IL-7, the Cetus Corporation for recombinant human IL-2 and Genentech, Inc., for recombinant human and mouse IFN-7.
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Cohen PJ, Cohen PA, Rosenberg SA, Katz S1, Mule J J 1994b Murine dendritic cells present tumor antigen to primed T cells. Eur J Immunol 24:315-319 Fowler DH, Kurasawa K, Husebekk A, Cohen PA, Cress RE 1994 Cells of Th2 cytokine phenotype prevent Ips-induced lethality during murine graft-versus-host reaction: regulation of cytokines and CD8 lymphoid engraftment. J Immunol 152:1004-1013 Hammond SA, Bollinger RC, Stanhope PE et a1 1992 Comparative clonal analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1)-specific CD4+ and CD8 cytolytic T lymphocytes isolated from seronegative humans immunized with candidate HIV- 1 vaccines. J Exp Med 176:1531-1542 Houssiau FA, Coulie PG, Van Snick J 1989 Distinct roles of IL-la and IL-6 in human T cell activation. J Immunol 143:2520-2524 Jicha DL, Mule JJ, Rosenberg SA 1991 Interleukin-7 generates antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes against murine sarcomas with efficacy in cellular adoptive immunotherapy . J Exp Med 174:1511-1515 Jicha DL, Schwarz S, Mule JJ, Rosenberg SA 1992 Interleukin-7 mediates the generation and expansion of murine allosensitized and antitumor CTL. Cell Immunol 141:71-83 Klarnet JP, Kern DE, Dower SK, Matis LA, Cheever MA, Greenberg PD 1989 Helperindependent CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes express IL- l a receptors and require IL-la for secretion of IL-2. J Immunol 142:2187-2191 Ksander BR, Acevedo J, Streilein JW 1992 Local T helper cell signals by lymphocytes infiltrating intraocular tumors. J Immunol 148:1955- 1963 Matis LA, Shu S, Groves ES et a1 1986 Adoptive immunotherapy of a syngeneic murine leukemia with a tumor-specific cytotoxic T cell clone and recombinant human interleukin 2: correlation with clonal IL 2 receptor expression. J Immunol 136:3496-3501 Mosmann TR, Schumacher JH, Street NF et a1 1991 Diversity of cytokine synthesis and function of mouse CD4+ T cells. Immunol Rev 123:209-229 Panzer S, Madden M, Matsuki K 1993 Interaction of IL-ID, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor-cr (TNF-a) in human T cells activated by murine antigens. Clin Exp Immunol 93~471-478 Rosenberg SA, Spiess P, Lafreniere R 1986 A new approach to the adoptive immunotherapy of cancer with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. Science 233: 1318-1321 Rosenstein M, Eberlein TJ, Rosenberg SA 1984 Adoptive immunotherapy of established syngeneic solid tumors: role of T lymphoid subpopulations. J Immunol 132:2117-2122 Shu S, Rosenberg SA 1985 Adoptive immunotherapy of newly-induced murine sarcomas. Cancer Res 45:1657-1662 Shu S, Chou T, Rosenberg SA 1987 Generation from tumor-bearing mice of lymphocytes with in vivo therapeutic efficacy. J Immunol 139:295-304 Soldaini E, MacDonald HR, Nabholz M 1992 Minimal growth requirements of mature T lymphocytes: interleukin (1L)-l and IL-6 increase growth rate but not plating efficiency of CD4 cells stimulated with anti-CD3 and IL-2. Eur J Immunol 22: 1707- 17 I 1 Stein PH, Singer A 1992 Similar co-stimulation requirements of CD4+ and CD8+ primary T helper cells: role of IL-la and IL-6 in inducing IL-2 secretion and subsequent proliferation. Int Immunol 4:327-335 Thivolet C, Bendelac A, Bedossa P , Bach JF, Carnaud C 1991 CD8+ T cell homing to the pancreas in the nonobese diabetic mouse is CD4+ T cell-dependent. J Immunol 146:85-88 Townsend RM, Simon P 1992 The preferential expansion of functional CD4+ lymphocyte populations in vitro. J Immunother 12:256-264 +
Eisenbach: Do you have any evidence that the CD4+ cells behave as you think they do? Do they kill specifically or have natural killer-like activity? Cohen: We are now trying to identify the safest way to give these cells to see the maximum possible effect. Once we have achieved that, we will d o the blocking studies to try to determine what the mechanism is. People have had a lot of trouble growing lymphocytes from several different locations; this is also true for mouse tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), they are very difficult to grow from many tumours. For example, we can’t easily grow CD8+ cells against the MC203 tumour, which makes subset mixing and matching experiments difficult. The goal is to get the best Th, CD4+ antitumour cell that we can and to go on from there. Greenberg: I’m not sure everybody has the same problem growing and expanding CD4 clones. Some of the things you said may be specific for your model. Cohen: None of us has worked with clones, these are basically bulk cultures. Other people who have also attempted to grow CD4+ T cells in bulk have encountered similar problems to ours (Townsend & Simon 1992). We have tried to avoid cloning because for therapy we want a broadly polyclonal antitumour CD4+ T cell response. Since this type of bulk culture technique is already frequently successful for CD8+ TIL, our goal is to accomplish the same for antitumour CD4+ T cells. Greenberg: I find it surprising that the addition of IL-1 turns out to be useful for generating the cells you are interested in, because Thl cells do not express the IL-1 receptor and Thz cells do. So promotion of a Thl response by the addition of IL-1 seems to me to be counterintuitive. Cohen: I agree it’s a little counterintuitive, but we’ve seen several unexpected effects when testing other cytokines methodically. For example, in both human and mouse systems, we have frequently seen that cultured Th,-type CD4+ T cells, on re-stimulation, retain a Thl phenotype but lose their ability to make IL-2 (but not IFN-7) when re-exposed to specific antigen. This has also been reported by Robert Siliciano’s group (Stanhope et a1 1993). We have found, however, that if you pretreat those CD4+ T cells for 2-3 days with TGF-P1 before re-stimulation, you restore their ability to make IL-2 specifically. We would have predicted IL-12 or IFN-7 to be better candidates to restore IL-2 production, but to our surprise TGF-01 has worked much better and more reliably than the other cytokines. At the same time, if we add TGF-P1 at other culture stages we often see a variety of inhibitory culture effects. Perhaps this is also counterintuitive, but we have found it to be quite reproducible. Because IL-1 is a co-stimulatory factor for IL-2-producing CD8+ T cells, don’t you think that it’s conceivable at least that IL-1 may have parallel effects on Thl-type CD4+ T cells? +
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Greenberg: I think there are subsets of cells that respond to IL-1 and Tho cells appear to express an IL-1 receptor. There may be a point in CD4+ differentiation, as there clearly is a point in mouse CD8+ differentiation, when the cells express an IL-1 receptor and respond to IL-1. But as one expands and matures these lines, our experience is that they become unresponsive to IL-1 and lose the receptor. Cohen: We have embarked on experiments which define exactly how essential IL-1 and other cytokines are at later re-stimulations of our bulk cultures. We will also have to see whether IL-1 exerts its effect directly on CD4+ T cells or this is mediated indirectly through accessory cells. Greenberg: I also wondered whether you are seeing effects that reflect activities in heterogeneous populations. When working with clonal populations, many of the issues that you’re alluding to have not been a problem. In particular, we don’t need this Gemisch of cytokines to make or maintain a Thl or Th2 clone. Levitsky: You have put heroic efforts into figuring out how to steer the cell toward the Thl pathway. Do you have any direct evidence that Th, will work better than a Th2? Cohen: The evidence at the moment is based on a one-way graft-versus-host model and on other graft rejection models, making use of the allospecific Thl and Th2 types of CD4+ T cells that we’ve been able to grow. We do occasionally see quite toxic effects in animals treated with Th2-type antiallogeneic CD4+ T cells. These tend to be transient and dose related. On the other hand, if we give certain doses at certain intervals, these CD4+ T cells function more or less the way one might have expected-Th2 anti-allogeneic cells block a graft-versus-host response quite effectively in the models that we’ve looked at, while the ThI-type cultured anti-allogeneic cell is capable of precipitating graft-versus-host disease. Levitsky: What about in a tumour rejection model? Cohen: We are in the process of studying this. We have some suspicion that it may ultimately be possible to demonstrate the presence of Th2-type CD4+ T cells in several natural tumour-bearing states and that they may be functioning as classic suppressor cells. Tim Eberlein’s group has demonstrated that the CD4+ cells grown out of renal tumours have a predominant Th2 bias (Schoof et a1 1993). Time may show that Th2-type antitumour CD4+ T cells are generally easier to grow from tumour bearers than are Thl cells. The 64 million dollar question is whether we can learn to make the Th2 to Thl conversion in vitro. Greenberg: Mary Beth Graham in Tom Braciale’s lab, showed in a ’flu model that Thl clones were protective and Th2 clones were not. Meliefi Have you tried treatment by adoptive transfer of the subcutaneous masses in CD4 -depleted animals? Regulatory CD4 cells have been reported that counteract the effectiveness of adoptively transferred CD8 cells. +
Cohen: We hope to look at that soon, but it may be difficult to study. To get adoptive therapy to work in our subcutaneous mouse tumour models, first we have to knock out a suppressive host element with cyclophosphamide or sublethal irradiation. On the other hand, when others have administered Thl-type CD4+ T cells to immunosuppressed mice to treat infection, they frequently cured the infection but the mice died from excessive Th, effects (Powrie et a1 1994). Administration of therapeutic antitumour Thl-type CD4 T cells without causing excessive toxicity may be a difficult balancing act that will require new strategies. In addition, my personal bias is that the anti-class I1 CD4+ T cell that we see frequently in our cultures is probably a naturally occurring cell of considerable importance in normal immune regulation. We've seen anti-class 11-type CD4+ cells arise with a Thl-like or Th2-like phenotype. Anti-class I1 CD4+ T cells may be involved in amplification or suppression of either CD4+ or CD8+ responses through class I1 molecules present on these T cells. If our CD4+ T cell cultures contain such anti-class I1 cells as subpopulations, they may generate complicated therapeutic or toxic effects during adoptive therapy, particularly in sublethally irradiated mice. Rickinson: How do you grow 10" CD8+ T cells in five weeks? What proportion of those cells are melanoma-specific? Cohen: It depends on the tumour source and the number of cells that are available initially. About lo9 or more lymphoid-appearing cells are initially put in culture from digested melanoma tumours. Without addition of rIL-2, only melanoma tumour cells will eventually grow in culture; if 1L-2 is included, there is often progressive outgrowth of lymphocytes. Clonal analysis of established TIL lines indicates there is great heterogeneity in Vp chain usage and that bulk TIL cultures do not naturally become clonal over time. Many current efforts are directed towards clonal analysis because we need to understand which subpopulations are recognizing particular peptide epitopes, as well as whether recognition of particular peptides involves consistent Vp chain usage from one patient to the next. Rickinson: The TIL don't kill normal melanocytes in vivo; you proposed one possible explanation. Do you know about TAP expression, class I expression, or processing in resting melanocytes versus the type of cultured melanocytes used in in vitro assays? Cohen: Our experience with cultured melanocyte lines is that, generally, if the TIL are lytic for the melanoma cells, they are also lytic for the normal melanocyte cultures, but resting melanocytes have not yet been tested for surface expression of the relevant peptides or as to whether they are also lysed by these TIL. Eisenbach: Judy Johnson in Munich has shown that normal melanocytes do not express large amounts of class I. Nevi (enlarged pigmented moles-some types are premalignant lesions) express more class I antigens than melanocytes. Melanoma cells express class I at early stages and lose expression upon +
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progression to metastases. So maybe melanocytes are a little more protected than primary melanoma lines because they express fewer class I molecules. In your murine sarcoma model, the MC203, you have shown that if the tumour cells are injected intravenously and three days later you inject TIL, you can reduce the number of experimental metastases. Are these TIL expressing CD4+ or CD8+ molecules? Cohen: In many of our mouse tumour models, it's not easy to grow out CD8+ TIL. Another problem with all the mouse culture systems is that if you start with lymph node or spleen rather than tumour digest, it is frequently difficult to establish CD8 T cells in long-term cultures. We and Suyu Shu and many others have described the culture of CD8+ cells sensitized in vitro, starting with spleens or lymph nodes from either tumour-bearing or tumourimmune animals-those cells are grown for several weeks, then injected back into animals. It is very rare to be able to establish long-term stable cultured lines from these sources. Fortunately, we have a number of mouse tumours, such as MC205 and MC38, from which it is possible to generate stable CD8+ TIL reliably. Our current effort is to grow CD4+ T cells also against these tumours and we hope to do the mix and match experiments. +
References Powrie F, Correa-Oliveira R, Mauze S, Coffman RL 1994 Regulatory interactions between CD45RBhighand CD45RB'O" CD4+ T cells are important for the balance between protective and pathogenic cell-mediated immunity. J Exp Med 179:589-600 Schoof DD, Terashima Y, Peoples GE et a1 1993 CD4+ T cell clones isolated from human renal cell carcinoma possess the functional characteristics of Th2 helper cells. Cell Immunol 150: 1 14- 123 Stanhope PE, Liu AY, Pavlat W,Pitha PM, Clements ML, Siliciano RF 1993 An HIV-1 envelope protein vaccine elicits a functionally complex human CD4+ T cell response that includes cytolytic T lymphocytes. J Immunol 150:4672-4686 Townsend RM, Simon P 1992 The preferential expansion of functional CD4+ lymphocyte populations. J lmmunother 12:256-264
Immunity to the HER-2heu oncogenic protein Mary L. Disis, Helga Bernhard, Julie R. Gralow, Susan L. Hand, Sandra R. Emery, Ernanuel Calenoff* and Martin A. Cheever Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology, University of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific St, Seattle, WA 98195 and *Department of Otolaryngology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL 6061 1, USA
Abstract. The study of oncogenic viruses led to the discovery that transforming retroviruses contain oncogenes homologous with and/or derived from cellular proto-oncogenes. In humans malignant transformation is often the result of the activation of proto-oncogenes. Normal proto-oncogenes can be activated to transforming proto-oncogenes by a variety of mechanisms including point mutation, translocation and amplification. Development of successful strategies for the immunotherapy of human cancers is an area of intense investigation. Part of the problem in developing cancer-specific immunotherapy has been the lack of well-defined tumour antigens. Our laboratory has focused on the question of whether oncogenic proteins expressed by transforming proto-oncogenes can serve as targets for immune attack. Some patients with HER-2/Neu-positive breast cancer have an existent immune response to the HER-2/neu protein with no clinical signs of autoimmunity, supporting the idea that overexpressed oncogenic proteins can be targeted in therapy without fear of destructive autoimmunity. The identification of candidate cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes might allow the generation of tumourspecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes for use in therapy and identify potential epitopes for peptide vaccines. 1994 Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 198-211
HER-2heu oncoprotein as a tumour-specific antigen The HER-2heu oncogene (also known as c-erbB-2) is a member of the tyrosine protein kinase family of oncogenes and shares a high degree of homology with epidermal growth factor receptor (Coussens et a1 1985). The oncogene encodes a protein with a relative molecular mass of 185 kDa (p185) that is 1255 amino acids in length. HER-2/neu protein is a receptor-like transmembrane protein that consists of a cysteine-rich extracellular domain which functions in ligand binding, a short transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic domain. The transforming properties of the neu oncogene were first described in the rat 198
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(Bargmann et a1 1986). In animal models, the normal proto-oncogene differs from the activated proto-oncogene by a point mutation in the transmembrane portion of the molecule, which results in malignant transformation. Although studied extensively in human cancers, specifically breast and ovarian, no evidence of activating point mutations has been found, only amplification of the gene and overexpression of the protein (Lemoine et a1 1990). The function of HER-2/Neu is not well defined but is associated with increased tyrosine kinase activity (Akiyama et a1 1986). The extracellular domain is thought to be responsible for transmitting the mitogenic message by phosphorylating specific intracellular components, as yet undefined. Several monoclonal antibodies have been generated that bind to this domain. Interestingly, the effects of antibody binding are variable; some antibodies result in decreased cell growth, others in accelerated cell growth (Bacus et a1 1992, Drebin et a1 1988). Overexpression of HER-Z/neu is associated with breast cancer at an incidence of 20-40%. Not only is the presence of the oncoprotein linked with more aggressive disease, it is also an independent predictor of poor prognosis in subsets of patients (Slamon et a1 1987). Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that the expression of HER-Z/neu may be related to cancer formation. Several studies have demonstrated overexpression of HER-2/Neu in 50-60% of ductal carcinomas in situ (Allred et a1 1992). Although overexpression of HER-2/Neu is generally considered to be associated with poor prognosis, one group of investigators has linked the presence of this protein to an overall favourable outcome in a selected group of patients (Rilke et a1 1991). These breast cancer patients had no evidence of breast cancer metastasis in their lymph nodes (node-negative) and had small primary HER-2/Neu-positive tumours with an inflammatory infiltrate. A similar group of patients with node-negative, HER-2/Neu-positive, infiltrate-negative tumours had as poor prognosis as women with positive lymph nodes. Could the presence of an inflammatory infiltrate indicate an immune response directed against the HER-2/neu oncoprotein? HER-2/neu protein has several characteristics that make it an appealing target for T cell-directed therapy. (1) Portions of the protein are likely to be available to both the class I and class I1 antigen-processing pathways. Cytosolic HER-2/Neu might be available to the class I antigen-processing pathway and a target for CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Recent evidence from other laboratories indicates that the extracellular domain of HER-2/Neu can be found circulating in the sera of patients with breast and ovarian cancer (Leitzel et a1 1992). HER-2/Neu shed from the membrane should be available to antigenpresenting cells at the site of tumour deposition for processing in the class I1 pathway. (2) HER-2/neu protein is large and should contain epitopes appropriate for binding to most, if not all, class I and class I1 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules and be potentially recognizable by all patients. (3) The marked overexpression of HER-2/Neu by malignant cells may allow +
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T cell therapy to be selective with minimal toxicity. The low expression of HER-2/Neu by a few normal tissues in the body should permit selective destruction of tumour cells leaving normal cells intact, thereby avoiding autoimmune toxicity (Press et al 1990). (4) HER-2/Neu expression is generally homogeneous throughout the tumour and is present in metastasis (Niehans et al 1993). An immune response generated to the antigen could result in complete eradication of both primary tumour and metastasis. In addition, if antibodies to the protein could be generated, they may have an important role in the growth and differentiation of Neu-positive tumours.
Antibody immunity to the HER-dIneu protein As preliminary studies to the development of HER-2/Neu-specific immunotherapy, we investigated whether baseline immunity to HER-2/Neu already existed in patients with breast cancer (Disis et a1 1994a). Using HER-Z/neu protein purified from SKBR3, a breast cancer cell line that overexpresses the protein (Kallioniemi et al 1992), we detected antibody responses in 11 of 20 premenopausal patients with breast cancer by immunoblot analysis. The patient with the strongest antibody response was utilized for further studies to validate existent immunity to the HER-Z/neu protein. To verify that the antibody responses to the 185 kDa band were t o HER-Z/neu protein and not to possible contaminating allogeneic human proteins in the same band, we confirmed the results using a different cell line, mouse NIH/3T3, that had been transfected with human HER-Z/neu cDNA (McKenzie et al 1989). Immunoblots with control anti-HER-Z/Neu monoclonal antibody confirmed the presence of p185 in the membrane preparation of the HER-Zlneutransfected NIH/3T3 cells, but not in wild-type NIH/3T3 cells. Analysis of patient sera revealed responses to p185 in membrane preparations of the transfected cells. No similar responses were detected against membrane preparations from untransfected cells. To delineate the epitopes being recognized by the HER-2/Neu-specific antibody, we did immunoblot analysis using the patient’s sera against a recombinant protein corresponding to the intracellular domain of HER-2/Neu. A strong response was detected (Disis et al 1994a). So far, we have studied antibody responses in over 65 patients with breast cancer and have found responses to be significantly greater than those of age-matched controls. Several of these patients have had responses to the extracellular domain of the protein. Thus, aside from serum antibody to HER-2/Neu possibly effecting immunoselection of HER-2/Neu-negative breast cancer cells, serum antibody to the extracellular domain could conceivably induce functionally agonistic or antagonistic effects on cancer growth either directly or by inhibiting binding of the natural HER-2/Neu ligand(s).
Immunity to HER-2/Neu
Existent CD4 helper/inducer T cell immunity to the HER-2heu protein +
In general, immunoglobulin class switching occurs in the presence of cogent T cell help. The detection of IgG responses to the HER-Z/neu protein suggests the coexistence of helper T cells recognizing cognate epitopes on the same protein. We looked for the presence of helper T cell responses to the HER-2/neu protein and selected epitopes in breast cancer patients. Potential immunodominant epitopes for CD4+ helper T cell responses were chosen on the basis of an increased probability of binding to class I1 MHC molecules. This theoretical potential was evaluated using a protein sequence analysis package, TSites, that incorporates several computer algorithms designed to distinguish potential sites for T cell recognition (Feller & Cruz 1991). Two searching algorithms were used: (a) the AMPHI algorithm described by Margalit et a1 (1987) identified epitope motifs according to a-helical periodicity and amphipathicity; (b) the Rothbard & Taylor (1988) algorithm identified epitope motifs according to charge and polarity patterns. Using this analysis, we identified more than 40 potential T cell epitopes in the HER-2/neu protein that would have the potential to bind to class I1 MHC molecules. From this group, three peptides were chosen for synthesis, p42-56 (HLDMLRHLYQGCQVV), p783-797 (SRLLGICLTSTVQLV) and pl166- 1 180 (TLERPKTLSPGKNGV). For initial studies, peripheral blood lymphocytes from six patients with HER-yNeu-positive breast cancers were evaluated for proliferation in response to partially purified HER-Z/neu protein and the constructed HER-Z/neu peptides. Three of the six patients had no evidence of a response, whereas three patients did have proliferative T cell responses. Results were analysed as a standard [ 3H]thymidine uptake stimulation index (SI). An SI greater than two is considered to be indicative of an immunized response. One of the positive responders, who also had a marked antibody response, demonstrated a substantial response to the HER-2/neu protein (SI = 4), as well as to p42-56 (SI = 4) and p783-797 (SI = 5 ) (Disis et al 1994a). There was no response to ~1166-1180 (SI<2). The second patient had an Sl of four to p185 but insignificant responses (SI c 2) to the three peptides. The final responder had no evidence of a significant SI to the partially purified protein, but had a significant response to p42-56 and p783-797. The detection of proliferation in response to HER-2heu protein and peptides implies the existence of a primed response, as unprimed responses are considered to be undetectable in the same assays. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from seven normal volunteers were analysed in an identical fashion. Primed tetanus toxoid responses were validated as a positive control, but no responses to HER-2/neu protein or peptides were detected. An extensive evaluation of breast cancer patients and normal donors has not yet been performed to determine the true frequency with which immunity occurs or the extent to which immunity correlates with disease parameters.
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T cell responses to overexpressed oncogenic proteins in cancer patients have not been previously described. Human proliferative responses have been detected against mutated ras peptides, but these were elicited to mutated segments of protein uniquely present in cancer cells (Gedde-Dahl et a1 1992). The levels of responses we have identified in some breast cancer patients with HER-2/Neupositive tumours were consistent with primed responses. This, again, raises the possibility that the tumour was able to act as a source of antigen, with determinants capable of interacting with class I1 MHC molecules. In addition, these responses indicate that the ability to recognize HER-2/Neu as an antigen is within the realm of the host T cell receptor repertoire. CD4+ helperhducer T cell responses are normally directed to soluble antigen presented by antigenpresenting cells. It is known that the extracellular domain of the protein is present in the extratumour environment, available for the stimulation of immune T cells. Existent responses were found to epitopes derived from both the extracellular (p42-56) and intracellular (p783-797) portions of the protein, indicating both segments are available to the class I1 MHC antigen-processing pathway. CD8+ T cell immunity to the HER-2heu protein In addition to assessing existent immune responses to HER-2/Neu in women with breast cancer, we began to identify candidate epitopes for the generation of HER-2/Neu-specific CTL. Studies performed by others have already demonstrated that HER-2/Neu-specific CTL might be detectable as tumourinfiltrating lymphocytes in the tumours of patients with ovarian cancer (Ioannides et a1 1993). Attempts to elicit class I MHC-restricted CD8+ CTL have been greatly facilitated by the demonstration that CD8+ CTL recognize short peptides bound in the groove of class I MHC molecules and that peptides binding to particular class I MHC molecules share amino acid sequence motifs. The knowledge that CTL recognize peptide fragments binding in the groove of class I MHC molecules has been used extensively to define epitopes of proteins recognized by immune T cells (Falk et a1 1991). Priming of CTL has classically required in vivo immunization with either peptides or stimulator cells synthesizing the nominated target protein, which are capable of processing and presenting that protein in the class I MHC pathway (Raychaudhuri et a1 1992, Zhou et a1 1992). However, it is possible to prime in vivo and elicit CTL by using peptides with the appropriate class I MHC binding motif and thereby circumvent the need to immunize with a viable cell synthesizing the nominated antigen (Peace et a1 1994, Yanuck et a1 1993). The development of a reproducible culture system to prime human T cells in vitro might allow determination of which binding peptides are immunogenic and, once generated, which peptide-specific CTL can lyse cancer cells. Our preliminary studies focused on generating CTL with an HLA-A2 restriction for several reasons. First, the binding motif was known (Falk et a1 1991). Second,
Immunity to HER-2/Neu
an in vitro assay to assess the actual peptide binding to HLA-A2 was available using the mutant cell line, T2 (Riberdy & Cresswell 1992). Finally, HLA-A2 is common, being present in approximately 50% of Caucasians, 80% of Native Americans, 30% of African Americans and 45% of the Asian population. Epitopes defined here therefore might have great utility in the development of immunotherapies directed toward the HER-Z/neu protein. We evaluated the 1255 amino acid structure of HER-2/Neu and determined 10 peptide segments of nine amino acids that contained both of the dominant anchor residues needed for binding HLA-A2. A peptide motif for binding in the groove of HLA-A2 identifies a typical or average peptide as being nine amino acids long with dominant anchor residues occurring at positions 2(L) and 9(V) (Falk et a1 1991). Emphasis was placed on the presence of dominant anchor residues as they appear to be of prime importance for peptide binding to MHC molecules (Parker et a1 1992). Four peptides were synthesized that theoretically were likely to bind to HLA-A2: p48-56 (HLYQGCQVV), ~789-797(CLTSTVQLV), p85 1-859 (VLVKSPNHV) and pl172- 1180 (TLSPGKNGV). p48-56 was derived from the amino acid sequence of the extracellular domain and the remaining three peptides were from the intracellular domain. The next series of experiments evaluated whether the constructed peptides could, in fact, bind to the class I molecule. Binding was tested in an assay using the mutant cell line T2 (Riberdy & Cresswell 1992). T2 is a human T and B cell hybrid that has a large homozygous deletion of the MHC class I1 region (Spies et a1 1990). This deletion includes the TAP1 and TAP2 genes that encode the transporters associated with antigen processing. HLA-A2 molecules are present at low density on the cell surface and are, at least partially, occupied with peptides. These peptides are derived from the signal domains of normal cellular proteins. T2 cells can present exogenously added peptides, if the peptides are strong binders of HLA-A2, despite low levels of already occupied class I MHC (Henderson et al 1992). T2, without the addition of exogenous peptide, expresses a low level of HLA-A2 (30-50% as measured by immunofluorescence staining) compared with a homozygous HLA-A2 immortalized B cell line. When incubated with peptides able to bind HLA-A2, class I molecules stabilize on the cell surface of T2 and increases in HLA-A2 can be measured. Two of our four constructed peptides, p48-56 and p789-797, increased surface expression of HLA-A2 on T2 by more than 20%. In initial experiments to prime CTL to HER-2heu peptides (Disis et a1 1994b) in vitro, we used conditions for generating immune T cells to standard recall antigens and no HER-Z/neu peptide-specific CTL could be detected. We derived a set of conditions that subsequently allowed the elicitation in vitro of peptidespecific CTL to two of the four peptides tested. These conditions include: (1) cultures with large numbers of responder T cells to compensate for low lymphocyte precursor frequency (Carbone et al 1988). (2) A concurrent stimulated primed CD4+ T cell response to provide requisite T cell help
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(Fayolle et al 1991). Tetanus toxoid was used at the lowest titrated concentration capable of providing detectable stimulation, so as not to overwhelm the culture with CD4+ T cells or to generate too much interleukin 2 (IL-2). (3) IL-2 added late to culture (Day 9 for primary in vitro stimulation) and in very small amounts, IL-2 added early (Day 2 or 4) or in greater concentration (5- 10 units) resulted in the generation and expansion of non-specific CTL and/or activated natural killer cells, even after multiple restimulations. (4) Multiple restimulations were used (Carbone et a1 1988), because although peptide-specific CTL could be detected after four weeks in culture, responses became more marked after multiple restimulations. In vitro induction of CTL was accomplished by modelling culture conditions according to the above paradigm. Briefly, 4-6 x lo7 previously frozen homozygous HLA-A2 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were suspended in media containing human serum. Appropriate peptide was added at 10pg/ml. Tetanus toxoid was added at 2.5pg/ml. The cells were incubated for seven days, then washed and resuspended. Thawed autologous PBMC (2 x lo7) were incubated for two hours with 10pg/ml of the appropriate peptide, irradiated with 3000 rads and added to the culture. IL-2 was added on Day 2 and Day 4 after this second in vitro stimulation then on Days 2 and 4 of subsequent seven-day re-stimulation cycles. Standard cytotoxic assay was performed after the fourth and 10th restimulations using autologous Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed human B cell lines as targets. Peptide-specific CTL were generated to p48-56 and p789-797, the two strongest binders of HLA-A2 in the T2 binding assay. Both lines showed greater lytic activity and peptide specificity after multiple additional re-stimulations. At the highest effector : target ratios, p48-56 showed 66% specific lysis; for p789-797 this was 58%. Specific lysis of K562 and Daudi cell lines in all assays after the 10th in vitro stimulation was less than 5 % . The two cytotoxic cell lines were of a mixed T cell phenotype. The p48-56 line was 90% CD8+ and 10% CD4+ : for the p789-797 line the figures were 40% and 60%. The majority of lysis was presumed to be mediated by CD8+ T cells because lytic activity against peptide-coated target decreased dramatically in the presence of antihuman HLA-A2 antibody. In humans, the majority of published studies examining CD8+ CTL responses to class I MHC-binding peptides have studied in vivo primed responses to viral proteins. Studies of responses to peptide segments of self proteins have received less attention and studies to identify candidate T cell epitopes in circumstances in which in vivo priming has not occurred have been hindered by lack of a reproducible in vitro culture system. The investigations outlined above define such a system for the generation of human CTL. Using human responses to HER-Z/neu protein in the context of HLA-A2 as a prototype, the in vitro culture system allows an alternative method for identification of immunogenic epitopes in the oncogenic protein.
Immunity to HER-2/Neu
Women with breast cancer have existing antibody and T cell responses to the protein product of the HER-Z/neu proto-oncogene. In addition, recognition of the protein is possible by CTL and HER-Z/neu peptide-specific cytotoxic T cells have been found in the tumours of patients with ovarian cancer (Ioannides et a1 1993). One identified problem for directing T cell immunity against the mutated segments of oncogenic proteins such as Ras is that not every patient will be able to respond to a single epitope on a single protein. In addition, proteins expressed at basal levels within the cell may not be available in high enough concentrations within the MHC to stimulate T cell recognition. Overexpressed oncogenic proteins such as HER-2/Neu offer the advantage of providing many possible target epitopes and a chance for much broader reactivity, albeit without absolute specificity (Ioannides et a1 1992). Furthermore, these proteins may be present at high enough concentrations within the MHC to trigger T cellheceptor interaction. It is hoped that the quantitative difference in protein expression between normal and malignant cells will result in tumour specificity of targeted immunotherapies. A ckno wledgemen ts We are thankful for expert technical support from Dr Nick Lydon in supplying intracellular domain recombinant protein, from Dr Bernd Groner and Margit Jeschke in providing extracellular domain recombinant protein, and for manuscript preparation by Mr Kevin Whitham. This work was supported by grant ROI CA61912-01, NCI, NIH, DHHS. Mary L. Disk is a Berlex Foundation Oncology Fellow.
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Immunity to HER-2/Neu
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DISCUSSION Cohen: You saw no responses to HER-Z/neu protein or peptides by peripheral blood lymphocytes from normal donors. Did those people have antibody to HER-2/Neu? Cheever: Some of our control individuals did have antibody to HER-2/Neu. We have looked in several normal individuals who don’t have antibody and we have not found T cell responses. However, by limiting dilution analysis, we could detect small numbers of T cells that responded. The same phenomenon has been observed by others for normal self proteins. Frazer: Have you looked for the antibody to HER-2/Neu in normal controls from populations where you wouldn’t expect to see it, for example in teenagers? Cheever: No, not yet. Melief: Mac, have you looked for CTL specifically in the patients who have already responded with antibody or T helper cells? They might already be selectively primed for CD8 cells. Cheever: Not yet. We’ve started two collaborative studies with groups that are using bispecific antibody therapy. The issue is whether existing immunity impacts upon the efficacy of bispecific antibody therapy and whether such therapy leads to priming. Galloway: Have you looked at HER-2/neu expression in any individuals over time? It might be expressed in the tumours early, then turned off. Cheever: We have begun to perform sequential antibody studies on patients to determine the effects of tumour load, chemotherapy and radiation therapy and of recurrence. As the amount of tumour changes, the amount of antigen will change and affect the level of immunity. The question is whether changes in antibody level correlate with important clincal parameters. In general, once a tumour is positive it stays positive. Once breast cancer becomes invasive, it remains HER-2/Neu positive. There are very few examples of HER-2/Neu-positive tumours becoming negative. One exception that is observed rarely on histology slides is HER-21Neu-negative invasive breast cancer that appears to be growing from HER-2/Neu-positive carcinoma in situ (Allred et a1 1992). +
Protein products of amplified oncogenes such as HER-2/Neu offer the advantage in terms of immunotherapy of being overexpressed. Presumably, more abundant proteins will be better targets for T cell vaccines and T cell therapy. We have tried to extrapolate that concept to T cell responses to mutated oncogenic proteins. ras oncogenes are activated by point mutations. CTL specific for the mutated segment of rus protein can specifically lyse malignant cells transformed by the same mutated ras gene (Peace et a1 1994). The normal binding of ras protein to the inner aspect of the cell membrane can be inhibited by lovastatin, which results in the accumulation of rus protein in the cytosol. We have preliminary data showing that lovastatin pretreatment of ras-transformed tumour cell lines results in increased lysis by rus-specific T cells. Thus, changing the intracellular location and/or trafficking of a protein might provide a method for increasing the amount of protein that enters the class I MHC processing pathway. Cresswell: I wasn’t aware that lovastatin pulled Ras off the cell membrane. What other proteins does it affect? Cheever: Lovastatin is an antagonist of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, an enzyme necessary for cholesterol synthesis. Inhibition of the reductase and thus mevalonate synthesis by lovastatin blocks the isoprenylation of intracellular proteins such as the Ras family, which are processed and associated with the plasma membrane by farnesylation. Lovastatin blocks the synthesis of a variety of molecules in addition to the Ras family, including cholesterol, dolichol and steroid hormones. Cresswell: Lovastatin might work in this case by chasing Ras from the cell membrane into the cytosol or by increasing its turnover rate and therefore increasing throughput of peptides into the class I processing pathway. Cheever: Other people have looked at that and concluded that lovastatin does not increase the rate of synthesis of rus protein. The important question is whether shifting the location of Ras or of other proteins can increase the processing of these proteins in the class I MHC pathway. One reason we looked at this issue is that other groups are looking for immunity to p53. Mutated p53 is said to be ‘overexpressed’,but in fact it just has different kinetics and is present in higher concentrations in the cytoplasm. Melief: Patients with breast cancer have autoantibodies, as well as proliferative T cells against wild-type peptides of p53. Dr Soussi at the Institute Pasteur has shown that the antibody response to wild-type p53 is associated with an underlying T helper cell response to wild-type peptides (Lubin et a1 1993). So the overexpression one sees is at least associated with a natural class 11-restricted T cell response. Cheever: Peter, would you predict that mutated p53 will have greater access to the class I pathway? Cresswell: My suspicion is that it would have less. The rate at which peptides are generated is the key, so a higher catabolic rate is better. An increased rate of synthesis would increase the rate of degradation.
Immunity to HER-2/Neu
Cheever: Do proteins get into the class I MHC processing pathway at the time of synthesis or only when they are ‘old’ and ready for degradation? Cresswell: My instinct says that it is old proteins, but I don’t know. Eisenbach: For some proteins old is five minutes, for others it’s two days. Cresswell: The classic example is the experiments of Alain Townsend using ubiquitin fusion constructs. Those that turned over very quickly were presented better; so the faster the catabolic rate, the better the presentation. Melie$ In that case, one should look at the interaction between p53 and the E6 protein from human papillomavirus type 16. There is a specific interaction between p53 and E6 that leads to more rapid degradation via the ubiquitin pathway. It would be interesting to see if that leads to enhanced presentation of p53 peptides. Cheever: How much influence does compartmentalization have? In different types of tumours, p53 is in different compartments. Cresswell: It might make a difference, I don’t know. We discussed EBNA (Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen) and whether nuclear localization or specific compartmentalization of EBNA might be a reason it is not a particularly good class I target. Those things could certainly play a role. There are examples of nuclear proteins that contain good epitopes, such as SV40 T antigen. Cellular localization and turnover rates must be important. Rickinson: What do you know about the intracellular localization of proteasomes? Cresswell: They are free in the cytosol. A small subset seem to be associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. Greenberg: There are also proteasomes in the nucleus. One question is whether that is a site for degradation of nuclear proteins. Cresswell: The best evidence for proteasome involvement is probably the experiment I described in my paper with the ubiquitinylation temperaturesensitive mutant (Goldberg & Rock 1992). There was a strong suggestion that ubiquitinylation plays a role in generating class I-restricted epitopes. Since the proteasomes are the things that degrade ubiquitinylated proteins, this would seem to put them in the right place. The question is the role of LMP.2 and LMP.7, which are the MHC-encoded components of the proteasome. There is the theoretical aspect that you may change the cleavage site of proteins to generate a different subset of peptides at some rate when you incorporate LMP.2 and LMP.7; that may be important. But people have been able to reconstitute cells that are missing LMP.2 and LMP.7 and TAP-1 and TAP-2 using only TAP-1 and TAP-2, for essentially every virus that has been tested. This means recognition by already established CTLs, so you don’t need LMP.2 and LMP.7 to mediate that sort of recognition. LMP.2 and LMP.7 may be involved in the initiation of class I-restricted responses in vivo. LMP.2 knockout mice show minor changes in CTL precursor frequencies for ’flu virus and albumin.
Doherty: We have done the ’flu virus experiments with S . Tonegawa’s LMP.2 knockout mice (unpublished data). There is a decrease in CTL precursor frequency of about 60% for influenza, but no decrease for Sendai virus. The results do not fit with any particular theoretical model. Greenberg: I thought Charlie Janeway had a system in which he was isolating proteasomes composed of different subunits, feeding these proteasomes proteins in vitro, and detecting distinctions in processing. Cresswell: Mike Bevan has done those experiments. He showed that you can generate a Kb-restricted epitope for ovalbumin by in vitro degradation with proteasomes at a reasonably good rate. As far as I know, he hasn’t compared proteasomes that contain LMP.2 and LMP.7 with those that don’t. Doherty: Is there a double knock-out mouse? Cresswell: No. Melief: U.H. Koszinowski’s laboratory has found that differential processing influenced by LMP.2 and LMP.7 was visible only after treatment of the cells with interferon. Cresswell: That might involve isolating the proteasomes and checking them in vitro afterwards for their specificity for peptide substrates, which is essentially what Goldberg and Rock did. Howley: One should not overinterpret the Goldberg and Rock experiment. The temperature-sensitive mutation is in the gene for the ubiquitin-activating enzyme, E l . There is no specificity for that enzyme with regard to substrate recognition for ubiquitinylation. E l activates ubiquitin molecules through covalent linkage with ubiquitin. Inactivation of E l at the non-permissive temperature oculd have many dramatic effects within the cell that may or may not be directly rebated to ubiquitin-dependent protealysis. Liew: So, if the proteasome is not the major player, are there any other candidates? Doherty: Until there’s a double knockout of LMP.2 and LMP. 7, we don’t really know. Parham: I don’t think anybody has ruled out the proteasome as being involved in generating the peptide. The question is whether the two subunits of the proteasome that are encoded in the major histocompatibility complex, LMP.2 and LMP.7, have a critical role. Cresswell: You can assemble proteasomes without LMP.2 and LMP.7. T2 cells have neither; they turn over their cytosolic proteins and survive perfectly well. Liew: Have the genes for the other proteasome subunits been identified? Cresswell: Yes, they’re all over the place in the genome. Parham: Is anybody systematically knocking out all the proteasome subunits. Liew: Knockout mice are not always informative. The constitutive nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is responsible for vascular relaxation and for penile erection, so when you knock out this enzyme, you would expect the mice to be completely sterile and die. In fact, they live quite happily (Huang et a1 1994).
Immunity to HER-2/Neu
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Doherfy: Are they intellectually impaired? NO is a neurotransmitter. H a s anyone run them through some mazes? Liew: There is redundancy in the system. They have knocked out the constitutive enzyme, but not the inducible one. The constitutive one produces 1-5% of the total NO. T h e interesting question is whether the inducible knockout will survive or not. References Allred DC, Clark GM, Molina R et a1 1992 Overexpression of HER-2Ineu and its relationship with other prognostic factors change during the progression of in situ to invasive breast cancer. Hum Pathol 23:974-979 Goldberg AL, Rock KL 1992 Proteolysis, proteosomes and antigen presentation. Nature 357:375-379 Huang PL, Dawson TM, Bredt DS, Snyder SH, Fishman MC 1994 Targeted disruption of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene. Cell 75:1273-1286 Lubin R, Schlichtholz B, Bengoufa D et a1 1993 Analysis of p53 antibodies in patients with various cancers define B-cell epitopes of human p53: distribution on primary structure and exposure on protein surface. Cancer Res 535872-5876 Peace DJ, Smith JW, Chen W et a1 1994 Lysis of rus oncogene-transformed cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific for the oncogenic ~21'- protein. J Exp Med 119:473-479
Genetic modification of T cell clones to improve the safety and efficacy of adoptive T cell therapy Philip D Greenberg*t, Brad Nelson?, Mark Gilbertt, Amy Sing*, Cassian Yee*, Mike Jensen*, Stan R Riddellt *Departments of Medicine and Immunology, University of Washington, Division of Oncology, 1959 NE Pacific Street, Seattle WA 98195, and ?Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98104, USA
Absfracf. Our laboratory has developed methods to isolate human antigen-specific cytolytic CD8+ T cell clones and to expand such clones in vitro to numbers sufficient for T cell therapy of human diseases. Studies in immunocompromised bone marrow transplant patients at high risk for disease associated with cytomegalovirus have demonstrated that administration of more than 10’ CD8 T cell clones is safe and can effectively reconstitute a deficient human immune response. Our laboratory is applying this strategy of adoptive therapy to the treatment of human cancer, starting with the subset of patients with Hodgkin’s disease who show expression of proteins encoded by the Epstein-Barr virus in their malignant Reed-Sternberg cells. The development of efficient systems such as retroviral vectors for the introduction of genes into primary cells has made it possible to consider overcoming some of the limitations of the effector T cells that normally mediate responses to an antigen. Our laboratory is attempting to modify T cell clones by the introduction of genes before transfer as a means to improve the safety and/or efficacy of T cell therapy. +
1994 Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 212-228
The strategy of treating cancer by adoptive T cell therapy is predicated on the assumptions that tumour-reactive T cells can be isolated from cancer patients and expanded in vifro and that infusion of the expanded effector population into the patient will mediate an antitumour effect without significant toxicity. This approach may prove most useful if used in concert with some of the novel vaccination regimens currently being developed to induce antitumour responses. Our laboratory and many others have used mouse models to evaluate the principles for effective adoptive T cell therapy. These studies have helped elucidate three critical issues that need to be resolved to design optimal strategies for each type of human tumour: (1) the nature of the requisite 212
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effector cell to be infused, including the identity of the T cell subpopulation(s) that mediate(s) the desired activity and the effector functions that contribute; (2) characterization of the target antigen, including immunogenicity, level and consistency of expression in target cells and possible expression in normal cells; and (3) the potential effects of cell transfer, including therapeutic limitations with regard to stage and site(s) of disease and possible toxicities to normal host tissues. Several groups have already initiated studies in humans evaluating adoptive cellular therapy as a treatment for cancer. In general, the transferred cell population has been generated by expanding cells isolated from the mononuclear infiltrate in a tumour mass or tumour-draining lymph node by culture with pharmacological doses of interleukin 2 (IL-2). This approach is based on the hypothesis that the relevant T cell effector population is enriched at the tumour site and expansion of these cells will result in the generation of a large number of effector cells capable of mediating antitumour activity. The results have unequivocally affirmed the therapeutic potential of adoptive T cell therapy, but only a minority of treated patients have exhibited significant tumour reduction and these clinical responses have generally been of short duration (Rosenberg et a1 1988). Many factors could contribute to the limited efficacy observed, but the complexities of this treatment strategy have made it difficult to characterize precisely and correct the problems. The obstacles include: (a) establishing dose-response relationships, which requires identifying and enumerating the effector T cell present in the heterogeneous expanded cell populations responsible for the observed antitumour activity; (b) determining the role of antigenic diversity in outcome, which requires defining the target antigen(s) being recognized on tumours that do respond and the antigenic status of unresponsive tumours; and (c) determining the requirements for effective cell transfer, which requires knowledge of the persistence, localization and dependency on exogenous IL-2 administration of the transferred effector T cell population. Our laboratory has elected, in light of these obstacles, initially to evaluate human adoptive T cell transfer as treatment for viral infection arising in immunocompromised hosts. This has provided a setting in which the effector T cell required to eliminate the pathogen can be identified, the antigen expressed in target cells recognized by these effector T cells can be characterized and the outcome of cell transfer, including the persistence, function and toxicity of adoptively transferred specific effector T cells, can be clearly evaluated. The results from this study have now provided a conceptual framework for the development of analogous approaches for the treatment of human cancer, especially the virally associated malignancies that represent the central theme of this symposium. Nature of the protective response to cytomegalovirus in allogenic bone marrow transplant recipients Patients undergoing treatment for malignancy with high-dose chemoradiotherapy and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) are rendered
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transiently immunoincompetent as a consequence of ablation of their lymphohaemopoietic system. During this period, while awaiting maturation of a donor-derived lymphoid system, patients are at high risk for potentially serious infections with organisms that are minimally pathogenic in normal hosts. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) has historically represented the most common cause of infectious mortality in patients undergoing allogeneic BMT (Meyers et al 1987). This reflects the fact that the majority of patients enter the transplant procedure harbouring a latent CMV infection and virus reactivation occurs in 70-80% of these individuals as a consequence of the induced immunoincompetence, The development of antiviral drugs with activity against CMV, in particular ganciclovir, has decreased the morbidity and mortality caused by CMV. However, therapy with ganciclovir post-BMT has associated toxicities, with approximately 30% of patients developing drug-related bone marrow suppression and up to 15% of patients developing late CMV disease following discontinuation of prophylactic ganciclovir therapy (Goodrich et al 1993). Studies with a related virus, murine CMV, have demonstrated that adoptive transfer of CMV-reactive T cells into immunosuppressed mice can selectively reconstitute immunity and provide protection from the development of fatal CMV pneumonia (Reddehase et al 1987). This provides support for pursuing a similar strategy in BMT patients. The tempo of immunological recovery post-BMT varies from patient to patient, reflecting the contributions of multiple factors including: the number of naive and memory lymphocytes infused as contaminants of the cellular bone marrow inoculum, the post-BMT immunosuppressive regimen employed, and the development of other potentially immunosuppressive illnesses such as graftversus-host disease or severe renal failure. Therefore, we investigated whether resistance to the development of CMV disease in patients post-BMT correlated with the presence or recovery of a particular type of immunological effector response. Previous studies had demonstrated that the presence of CMV-specific antibodies in patients did not correlate with protection. Moreover, the presence of lymphoproliferative CD4+ T helper cell responses specific for CMV failed to demonstrate a strong correlation with resistance to development of CMV infection (Meyers et a1 1980). These results, as well as studies in the murine CMV model, suggested that the CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to the virus might be both necessary and sufficient for protection from CMV disease (Quinnan et al 1982, Reddehase et a1 1987). We developed a sensitive in vitro culture system to evaluate the temporal recovery of CD8 CMV-specific CTL responses post-BMT. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained for evaluation at Days 30, 60 and 90 post-BMT, as this surrounds the median onset of CMV disease between Days 50 and 60. We initially reported a 15 patient study that strongly suggested a protective role for the CD8+ response to this virus; these findings have now been substantiated by a larger study (Reusser et a1 1991). In the combined studies, +
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25 of 56 patients demonstrated recovery of specific CD8+ T cell reactivity during the first 100 days post-BMT and none of these patients developed CMV pneumonia. Of the 31 patients who failed to demonstrate recovery of CMVspecific CD8 reactivity, 15 developed CMV pneumonia. Thus, the absence of a specific cytolytic T cell response to CMV placed patients at high risk for the development of CMV pneumonia and the presence of a CTL response correlated strongly with resistance to CMV disease. These correlative studies in BMT patients, and the experimental adoptive transfer studies in mice, strongly suggested that reconstitution of a CD8+ CTL response to CMV might provide BMT patients with protection for CMV infection. +
Target antigens recognized by CMV-specific CTL that provide protection CMV is the largest member of the herpesvirus family, containing more than 150 open reading frames encoding potentially immunogenic viral proteins. Before we began clinical studies of adoptive transfer of virus-specific CD8 T cell clones, it was essential to determine whether protection was mediated by CD8+ T cells specific for any CMV protein or reflected the activity of a subset of T cells with more limited specificity. Therefore, we characterized the CD8 responses to three major classes of viral proteins. The immediate early proteins are regulatory proteins essential for trans-activation of the other CMV genes. They are abundantly expressed in a stable form in target cells beginning hours after infection and are the target of a protective CD8+. T cell response to murine CMV (Reddehase et al 1987). Envelope proteins, such as gB, form the outer surface of the virus and are known to be targets of the humoral immune response to the virus. Matrix proteins are present in large amounts in the viral particle and can be detected in the nucleus and cytoplasm of infected cells shortly after viral penetration and uncoating. Previous studies in humans had demonstrated the presence of CTL responses to both the major immediate early protein (IE) and gB in patients infected with CMV (Borysiewicz et a1 1988). Therefore, recombinant vaccinia viruses constructed to express each of these proteins individually were used to isolate and analyse CTL responses. The frequency of CTL specific for IE was surprisingly low (< 5 % ) relative to the total CTL response to CMV (Gilbert et a1 1993). Analysis of the antiviral activity of these CTL clones revealed an unpredicted finding. IE-specific CTL efficiently lysed target cells expressing the IE gene following infection with a recombinant vaccinia vector (vac/IE), but failed to lyse target cells expressing equivalent levels of IE protein following infection with CMV. Moreover, cells co-infected with the vac/IE recombinant and CMV also appeared resistant to lysis by IE-specific CTL. These results suggested that additional proteins may be present in the CMV virion that can interefere with the processing and/or presentation of IE to CD8+ T cells (Gilbert et a1 1993). Recent studies from our laboratory have identified the gene encoding the responsible viral protein. +
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The lack of recognition of IE in CMV-infected cells appears to reflect posttranslational modification of IE, resulting in selective interference with access of the IE protein to the antigen-processing machinery. This novel mechanism for avoiding immune recognition of a viral protein that is obligate to the virus during the early phase of the viral life cycle has obvious advantages for the virus. From the standpoint of T cell therapy, it implies that the adoptive transfer of IE-specific CTL clones would probably not provide protection. Similar analysis has revealed that only a very small fraction of the total CTL response to CMV is specific for the major viral envelope protein gB (Gilbert et a1 1993). Such gB-specific CTL clones, unlike the IE-specific clones described above, can recognize and lyse CMV-infected target cells. However, since the envelope genes belong to the class of late CMV genes, the protein is not synthesized until after the immediate early and early genes are expressed. Therefore, we analysed the kinetics of susceptibility of CMV-infected targets to lysis by gB-specificCTL clones. These clones showed no reactivity with CMVinfected targets at early times after infection and lysis did not become efficient until 48 to 72 hours following infection of target cells. Thus, this CTL response would not be expected effectively to prevent the release of newly assembled infectious virions from infected cells and would not likely represent an optimal protective response. The third protein class that we have evaluated comprises the matrix proteins, which include pp150 and pp65. Viral particles contain large amounts of these proteins, suggesting an important role in the early stages of viral infection. Analysis in our laboratory of the specificity of CMV-reactive CD8+ CTL in greater than 50 healthy seropositive people has suggested that CTL responses to matrix proteins represent the immunodominant response present in the host. Analysis of the cellular processing of these viral proteins again revealed an unexpected pattern. Typically, the presentation of viral peptides in association with class I molecules requires cellular synthesis of the viral protein followed by intracellular degradation. However, the matrix proteins of CMV are presented with class I molecules in the absence of endogenous viral gene expression (Riddell et a1 1991). This presumably reflects introduction into the cytoplasm of the substantial amount of matrix protein present in this large virus and is analogous to cytoplasmic loading of targets that can be achieved experimentally by osmotic lysis of pinocytotic vesicles (Moore et a1 1988). CTL clones specific to matrix proteins lyse virally infected cells efficiently within four hours of CMV infection. Analysis of T cell recognition of multiple, molecularly distinct clinical CMV isolates has suggested that the T cell epitopes are derived from relatively conserved regions. Thus, CTL specific to these matrix proteins meet most of the criteria proposed for a protective CTL response to the virus, because they are present in high frequency in individuals with protective immunity, lyse virally infected cells shortly after introduction of the virus into target cells and recognize multiple, separately derived viral strains. Consequently, we examined whether
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the adoptive transfer of CTL specific to these proteins would reconstitute protective immunity in BMT patients at high risk for CMV disease. Adoptive transfer of T cell clones as prophylaxis for CMV disease On the basis of the preclinical studies described above, a Phase I study was designed in which patients receiving a bone marrow transplant from an HLAmatched sibling are given donor-derived, CMV-specific CD8 T cell clones as prophylaxis for CMV infection. The protocol calls for four weekly infusions of CD8 CMV-specific CTL clones in doses escalating in half-log,, increments beginning with a dose of 3.3 x lo7 T cells/m2 on Days 35-42 post-BMT and ending with a dose of lo9 T cells/m2. For this study, we developed methods to isolate rapidly and expand efficiently CMV-specific CTL clones in vitro with retention of specificity and function (Riddell & Greenberg 1990). The culture system entails cycles of 7 t o 10 days that begin with stimulation with autologous CMV-infected fibroblasts followed by exposure to IL-2 as a T cell growth factor and end with a brief rest period before re-stimulation. CMV-specific clones isolated in this fashion retain the properties of normal lymphocytes and, if rested in vitro without stimulation after completion of a cycle, will revert morphologically to the phenotype of small resting lymphocytes. Functional studies have revealed that these small resting lymphocytes lose lytic activity and expression of the high affinity IL-2 receptor, but upon re-stimulation with a CMV-infected cell will become cytolytic and express it. Thirteen patients have now been treated by adoptive transfer of CD8+ T cell clones specific for CMV generated using the culture system described above. Patients were monitored for the transfer of specific cytolytic T cell responses to CMV, for the persistence of such responses following cell infusion, for toxicity arising from cell infusions and for possible antiviral effects. Preliminary analysis has revealed that levels of CMV-specific CD8+ CTL responses equivalent t o those in healthy donors resistant to CMV disease can be achieved by adoptive cell transfer and that more than 2 x lo9 cloned cytolytic T cells can be infused without significant toxicity (Riddell et a1 1992a). The persistence of transferred CTL responses to CMV after completion of cell infusions was monitored by isolating, cloning and sequencing the T cell receptor VP and Va genes expressed by the clones administered to patients, then comparing these to the T cell receptor that can be isolated from the CMV-reactive T cells that are isolated from patients after therapy. Preliminary results suggest that transferred clones can persist with retention of reactivity for a minimum of 12 weeks after adoptive transfer. Moreover, no patients have developed CMV viraemia or disease, suggesting that the level of antiviral immunity achieved after cell transfer may be sufficient for protection during this period of high risk following BMT. Our laboratory is currently pursuing an analogous adoptive T cell transfer strategy for the treatment of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus +
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(HIV). There is substantial evidence that a CD8+ CTL response to HIV is associated with maintenance of the asymptomatic period following HIV infection and that loss of a detectable CD8+ CTL response is associated with progression to AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) (Buseyne et al 1993, Walker & Plata 1990). Therefore, we are determining whether augmentation and maintenance of a high level of CD8+ CTL reactivity to HIV, as can potentially be achieved by the adoptive transfer of HIV-specific T cell clones, is associated with an in vivo antiviral effect and therapeutic benefit to patients (Riddell et al 1992b). Adoptive T cell therapy of human malignancies Our laboratory is now attempting to apply the principles and technologies described above to the treatment of human cancer. The viral proteins expressed in virally associated malignancies represent attractive targets for a cellular antitumour response; we are investigating Hodgkin’s disease as a representative malignancy. Although the precise contribution of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) to the development of Hogdkin’s disease has not been defined, the majority of patients with the disease have evidence of prior infection with the virus and 33-50% have a monoclonal EBV genome detectable in the malignant ReedSternberg (R-S) cell (Wu et al 1990). The R-S cells in this subset of patients express several latent EBV genes, including EBNA-1, latent membrane protein 1 (LMPl) and LMP2. A class I-restricted cytolytic CD8+ response to EBNA-1 has not been detected in humans, but CD8+ responses to LMPl and LMP2 have been demonstrated (Khanna et al 1992, Lee et al 1993). Although the host immunodominant response to EBV is typically directed at other EBV proteins (Khanna et a1 1992, Lee et al 1993), amplification of the responses specific for LMPl and 2 would potentially have antitumour activity. Therefore, we are investigating whether patients with Hodgkin’s disease, especially those with EBV+ R-S cells, have demonstrable cytolytic responses to EBV and determining whether these cytolytic responses include reactivity to LMP 1 and LMP2. Our preliminary results suggest that patients with Hogdkin’s disease, in general, have diminished cytolytic responses to many immunogens, including EBV proteins. However, by expanding low frequency EBV-reactive clones isolated in vitro, it has been possible t o identify LMP-reactive CD8+ CTL in Hodgkin’s disease patients. Future studies will need to determine how commonly such clones can be isolated, the ability of the clones to lyse EBV+ R-S cells and the therapeutic potential of administering such clones to patients. The principles of adoptive tumour therapy with T cell clones in humans may be determined most efficiently if tumours with a high likelihood of responding are studied initially. Malignant melanoma is the solid tumour that has been most responsive to immunomodulatory therapies, including nonspecific immunostimulants such as IL-2. T cells reactive to autologous melanoma have been
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isolated from patients, expanded in vitro and shown to mediate antitumour effects after re-infusion (Rosenberg et a1 1988). Moreover, melanoma-reactive CD8 CTL clones have been derived from patients and used to identify the tumour antigens being recognized. This approach for characterizing immunogenic tumour antigens, pioneered by Thierry Boon’s laboratory, involves expression cloning in target cells of genomic DNA or cDNA derived from the melanoma cell and evaluation of the reactivity of melanoma-specific CTL clones with the target cells to determine which cells express the antigen being recognized (Boon 1992). This strategy has resulted in the isolation of several proteins expressed in melanoma cells and recognized by CD8 CTL derived from patients (Brichard et a1 1993, Kawakami et a1 1994, van der Bruggen et a1 1991). The proteins characterized in this fashion, have, in general, represented products of normal, unmutated genes that are expressed in limited amounts in some normal tissues. In collaboration with Thierry Boon’s laboratory, we are now evaluating CD8 CTL responses to several of the proteins isolated from melanoma cells. Preliminary results on CD8+ T cell responses to tyrosinase have demonstrated that a large fraction of patients with distinct MHC (major histocompatibility complex) haplotypes have detectable CTL to tyrosinase that can be amplified in vitro. These preliminary in vitro studies have suggested that it should be possible to use antigen-specific T cell clones for the treatment of human malignancy. Previous studies from our laboratory in mouse models, as well as the more recent studies for treatment of human viral disease, have identified several issues relevant for pursuing human adoptive tumour therapy (Greenberg 1991). Firstly, complete tumour eradication required a prolonged in vivo antitumour effect. Secondly, the transfer of tumour-specific cytolytic CD8+ T cells resulted in complete eradication of advanced tumour, but only if tumour-reactive CD4 T helper cells were administered concurrently or if exogenous IL-2 was infused to promote the in vivo cell survival and proliferation of the transferred CD8+ T cells. Finally, administration of tumour-reactive T cells specific for tumour antigens that are also found in normal cells, as described above for the T cell response to melanoma, could potentially result in injury to normal tissues besides mediating the desired antitumour effect. Thus, there are substantial obstacles to tumour therapy with T cell clones; we are examining methods to introduce genes into CD8+ T cell clones that could potentially both improve the safety of adoptive T cell therapy and enhance the efficacy of the transferred T cells. +
Genetic modification of CD8+ T cell clones to improve safety The administration of large numbers of antigen-specific T cell clones into a host abruptly changes the magnitude of the host effector response and in some settings this could have potentially injurious effects. For example, in the treatment of viral infection involving the lung, the administration of virus-specific T cell clones could not only result in elimination of the virus but also potentially induce
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enough pulmonary inflammation to interfere with effective gas exchange. If such an inflammatory response occurred, it would be advantageous to have a means to decrease or eliminate the effector cells. Similarly, in the treatment of malignancy, especially if the target antigen is also expressed on normal cells, it would be valuable to eliminate the transferred T cells if tissue injury was occurring. Therefore, we are utilizing a retroviral vector to introduce an inducible ‘suicide’ gene into the T cells prior to transfer. Herpesviruses contain a thymidine kinase that can phosphorylate the pro-drug ganciclovir to its active form; cells expressing this gene become susceptible to the toxic effects of the drug (Heyman et al 1989). In collaboration with Steve Lupton at Targeted Genetics Corporation, we constructed a retroviral vector for transducing T cells, which contains a fusion gene encoding hygromycin phosphotransferase fused in frame to the herpesvirus thymidine kinase gene (Lupton et al 1991). The fusion gene (HyTK) encodes a single bifunctional protein that can be used for positive selection of transduced cells by exposure in tissue culture to hygromycin and for negative selection by exposure to ganciclovir. Preliminary studies have demonstrated that clones transduced with this vector and expressing the HyTK gene can be ablated in tissue culture following exposure to less than 1 lg/ml of ganciclovir. A substantially higher serum level of ganciclovir is readily achievable in patients without toxicity following administration of ganciclovir for treatment of CMV infection. Preliminary studies in mice have also demonstrated that T cell clones expressing the HyTK gene can be ablated in vivo after administration of ganciclovir. We are currently utilizing this retroviral vector to introduce the HyTK gene into T cell clones prior to adoptive transfer in the therapy trial previously described for the treatment of HIV infection (Riddell et a1 1992b). It should also be useful for planned studies to treat malignancy. Genetic modification of CD8+ T cell clones to improve efficacy There are a variety of genes that could be introduced into CD8+ CTL that might improve the therapeutic activity of such cells following adoptive transfer. We have focused initially on genes that would render CD8+ T cells capable of functioning independently of CD4+ T helper cells, since this would make it possible to treat patients with CD8+ clones without the need to administer CD4+ T helper cells concurrently or to infuse exogenous IL-2. Two distinct approaches are being investigated. The first is to introduce into CD8+ clones a regulated IL-2 gene under the control of a promoter that is activated by specific ligation of the T cell receptor following antigen recognition. For example, although CD8+ CTL do not usually make IL-2 after recognition of a target cell, they do produce many other cytokines, including y-interferon, tumour necrosis factor and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF). The kinetics of production of these cytokines by CD8+ T cells in
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response to antigen is similar to the kinetics of IL-2 production by CD4+ T cells in response to antigen. Thus, it may be possible to achieve regulated production of IL-2 in CD8+ cells by inserting a hybrid gene in which an IL-2 cDNA is under the control of a promoter responsible for expression of cytokines normally made by CD8 cells. Preliminary studies performed in collaboration with Steve Lupton have affirmed the feasibility of this strategy; he is currently attempting to construct synthetic enhancer promoter regions that can induce regulated expression of adequate levels of IL-2 for autocrine growth by CD8 CTL clones. An alternative strategy that we have been pursuing for generating CD8 cells with the capacity for autocrine growth is to introduce a fusion gene encoding a chimeric cytokine receptor that can bind a cytokine made by CD8+ T cells and deliver a growth signal. In particular, because CD8 CTL secrete GM-CSF in a regulated fashion following target recognition, we have examined whether a chimeric receptor can be constructed that will bind GM-CSF but deliver an IL-2 signal. Studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that the proliferative signal delivered by IL-2 is a consequence of heterodimerization of the cytoplasmic domains of the p and y chains of the IL-2 receptor (Nelson et a1 1994). By contrast, the role of the a chain and the extracellular domains of the and y chains is to provide a potential high-affinity binding site that can form a stable complex with IL-2; these portions of the receptor are dispensable for subsequently providing the specific IL-2 growth signal (Nelson et a1 1994). Therefore, a chimeric cytokine receptor was constructed in which the extracellular domain of the CY chain of the GM-CSF receptor was fused to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the IL-2 receptor y chain and the extracellular domain of the GM-CSF receptor p chain was fused with the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the IL-2 receptor p chain. This two-chain chimeric receptor could theoretically provide an alternative means to induce heterodimerization of the cytoplasmic portions of the IL-2 receptor p and y chains; T cells expressing these chimeric chains were found to proliferate in response to GM-CSF in a manner equivalent to the response to IL-2 (Nelson et a1 1994). We are currently isolating CD8+ CTL clones that produce high levels of GM-CSF and determining whether or not the introduction of these chimeric receptor chains will result in autocrine growth after exposure to antigen. +
Conclusion Advances in cellular and molecular immunology have provided a basis for substantial optimism for the development of tumour-specific T cell therapy. Studies in mouse models have identified the requirements for effective tumour therapy and the tools are now becoming available to meet these requirements in patients with cancer. During the next several years, it should be possible not only to identify target antigens expressed by human tumour cells which can be
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recognized by T cells, but also to isolate T cells reactive to these proteins and t o modify such T cells genetically so that they can mediate antitumour effects in vivo. Virally associated malignancies in which unique proteins encoded by viral genes are expressed in malignant cells provide a setting in which the isolation of specific T cells should not be a limiting factor. Therefore, insights from studies described elsewhere in this symposium t o determine the requirements for recognition a n d lysis of tumour cells expressing viral proteins should be useful in designing strategies to treat these malignancies with virus-specific T cells. A ckno wledgemen ts
The authors wish to thank Kathe Watanabe for expert technical assistance and Joanne Factor for preparation of the manuscript. This work was supported in part by grants from the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Cancer Research Institute.
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Howley: Is there a difference in the half-life of the protein IE in the presence or absence of the matrix protein, pp65? Are there any other modifications of IE? Greenberg: IE has a very long half-life. We’ve tried to look at changes in the half-life, but those experiments are hard to do. The protein is very stable once it’s made; it is produced in abundance very early following infection and there is some continued transcription and translation during the viral life cycle. The matrix protein has no apparent effect on the stability of IE. Parham: With your bone marrow transplant patients who are infused with the CMV-specific clones, have you ever given the clones to a patient who has an active CMV infection to see whether you can actually treat the disease with the clone? From the data you have, we really don’t know that the infused clones have been of any use to the patients. Greenberg: Patients with active CMV infection have not been treated. The concern we had with that strategy was the same as we had with the treatment of active HIV infection. There’s a real difference between the potential risks of providing T cells as prophylaxis, as we did in the CMV trial I discussed and for which I perceive virtually no risk to the patient, and the risks of treating someone with an active infection. In the latter situation, the presence of extensive infection of cells at a particular tissue site followed by abrupt reconstitution of a cellular immune response could result in significant toxicity. The clones should still do what they’re supposed to do-recognize and kill a virally infected cell-however, the amount of inflammation mediated at the site of infection after providing a patient with lo9 cells capable of killing virally infected targets could be substantial. Thus, we were concerned that treating infection would be risky and we thought that we should do a prophylaxis study first. Studies in mice have suggested that if you treat early disease, therapy will probably be effective, but if you treat late disease, even if the transferred cells eliminate the virus, you probably won’t save the animal. In our work on people infected with HIV, all the clones we transfer into patients now contain a suicide gene. Parham: In your patients, is there any evidence of side effects? For example, is graft-versus-host (GVH) disease exacerbated by any of the clones? Greenberg: Remember, the cells we are infusing are virus-specific clones, so there’s nothing alloreactive about these cells. In our study, GVH reactivity is definitely not exacerbated. In fact, the data suggest that CMV infection, if anything, is a co-factor for GVH disease-patients who develop CMV infection are likely to have worse GVH reactivity. Consequently, I suspect that if cell transfer controls CMV infection, then the problems associated with GVH disease will decline. In terms of general safety, these are T cells cloned under physiological conditions, not bulk-expanded cells exposed to pharmacological doses of IL-2. I believe they behave differently than cells grown under other conditions. We’ve
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monitored oxygen saturation in patients to determine if cells accumulate in the lung. We’ve never detected a drop in oxygen saturation in a patient following infusion; the lack of this or other toxicities has made it possible to administer most of the infusions in the out-patient clinic over the course of half an hour. One patient did experience a transient rise in temperature approximately one hour after an infusion, but it is not clear if this was due to the cells or a concurrent medical problem. This is the only potential side effect we have seen, so I’m confident the treatment is quite safe. Doherty: You have put a lot of effort into making helper-independent CD8 cells on the basis of mouse experiments in which you presumably co-transfer CD4f and CD8+ T cells. Are you sure that the CD4+ cells are acting as helpers rather than as effectors in their own right? Greenberg: In the mouse, we have been able to isolate bifunctional CD8+ cells. We were never able to isolate such cells from humans. The mouse CD8 cells retain the abilities to be both cytolytic and to produce sufficient quantities of IL-2 to maintain their own proliferation. These bifunctional CD8+ cells clearly are effective in adoptive therapy of established murine tumours, whereas the more classic IL-2-dependent CD8+ CTL have never been effective if administered alone in the same model. So bifunctional CD8+ cells do work, which is important for our strategy, although unfortunately we have never been able to isolate similar cells in humans. We have also shown that if IL-2 is administered with CD8 T cells, instead of concurrent infusion of CD4+ cells, then the CD8+ cells can eliminate the tumour. So the data we have on CD8+ clonal transfer in the mouse tumour model suggest that either the administration of helper cells or IL-2 with IL-Zdependent CD8+ cells or the infusion of bifunctional CD8+ cells can eliminate tumour, whereas CD8+ cells in the absence of these co-factors are ineffective. Thus, although CD4+ T cells could have other effects, the only obligate role appears t o be to produce IL-2. Melief: I would like to confirm this. In the Sendai model, we can completely replace the need for CD4+ cells to be given with CD8+ clones to see protection by adding IL-2 itself. Can you not achieve the same effect by just giving sub-toxic doses of IL-2 together with the CD8+ clones? Greenberg: In some settings, probably yes; but in a lot of settings, we think not. In patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation, giving IL-2 in association with transfer of CD8 clones would likely promote survival of the clones but could also aggravate GVH disease. In the treatment of HIV infection, we feel that the administration of exogenous IL-2 is problematic, because of the risk of activating infected cells and inducing viral replication. For HIV, the ideal effector cell would be a CD8 cell that doesn’t require CD4 help or any exogenous cytokine that could activate the virus. In the treatment of tumours, you could make a case for giving IL-2. However, if the intent is t o transfer a cell capable of providing long-lasting immunity, then a CD8+ cell that did +
not require a second cell to provide IL-2 would probably be a better effector cell. This is a testable hypothesis that we hope to evaluate in the mouse model. Eisenbach: You are creating an elegant autocrine loop. In a nude mouse tumour model, is this more effective than just having an IL-2 gene inserted under the control of a viral LTR (long terminal repeat)? Greenberg: Every time we’ve put a constitutively expressed IL-2 gene into a T cell, the T cells become dysfunctional. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that T cells shouldn’t be continuously exposed t o IL-2 as a growth factor. The experiments by Lenardo (1991) suggest that if T cells are growing in response to IL-2 and the T cell receptor is then ligated, the T cells are destined to undergo apoptosis. Our in vitro data in cell culture would support that finding. Therefore, we’ve not tried to obtain constitutive IL-2 expression. Eisenbach: Many people are concerned that if you take CD8+ or tumourinfiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and transfect genes for cytokines. such as TNF, into them, the trafficking in vivo will be changed somehow. Do your cells behave in the same way as original CD8+ cells? Greenberg: I would like to distinguish the kind of T cell we are discussing from the kind of cell that has been used in the adoptive therapy studies in Steve Rosenberg’s lab. Our cells undergo normal cycles of antigen stimulation, replication and rest. We’ve shown that if we stop stimulating these cells with antigen and IL-2 and rest them on normal filler cells, they become, morphologically, small resting lymphocytes and retain approximately 70% viability after about three weeks. After about two weeks of rest, the cells downregulate the CD25 chain of the IL-2 receptor and become unresponsive to IL-2. So these cells look to us like normal lymphocytes and we believe that they probably behave like normal lymphocytes. The TILs that have been described by Steve Rosenberg’s lab are grown in pharmacological doses of IL-2 as a single growth signal; they generally become very large blast cells that adhere to a variety of surfaces that lymphocytes don’t normally stick to. I suspect that such cells have abnormal homing patterns and probably undergo a very different series of events following in vivo transfer. Cohen: This is potentially very important. There is a definite possibility that one can grow CD8+ cells that will have different functions in vivo by varying the culture conditions. The library of CD8+ TILs studied in Steve Rosenberg’s lab is generally grown in 6000 IU of rIL-2 but other culture conditions are constantly being compared. In my experience, however, even cells grown in socalled ‘high dose IL-2’ often, after removal from IL-2 and rest for a few days, will down-regulate CD25 and other activation markers in a physiological fashion, so by this criterion they behave normally. They also have retained at least a strong element of normal function in vitro, as shown by target cell lysis or cytokine release. And they have retained at least a certain amount of function in vivo as evidenced by their ability to show therapeutic effects when given as adoptive therapy .
Adoptive T cell therapy
The IL-Zproducing CD8 T cell clones generated in the mouse against the FBL-3 tumour by Matis et a1 (1986) is by far the most impressive CD8+ T cell that has ever been given as adoptive therapy in the mouse. This so-called helperindependent T cell (HIT cell) (Klarnet et al 1989) is very effective at causing rejection of widespread disseminated tumours, including subcutaneous tumours. Nonetheless, exogenous IL-2 needs to be given at the same time as the HIT cell to see the therapeutic effect, so it is not the CD8+ T cell’s own IL-2 productionperse that makes it such a superior cell. Is it possible that the ‘HIT’ group of CD8+ T cells comprise a special group, not just in their ability to make IL-2, but also in their ability to traffic and activate themselves without guidance from CD4+ T cells? If this is the case, you may not be able to change a normal CD8+ T cell into a ‘HIT’ cell simply by genetically conferring on it the ability to produce IL-2. Greenberg: The IL-2-producing CD8 clone that we described (Klarnet et a1 1989) does not require IL-2 for in vivo antitumour activity. It makes low levels of IL-2 and, in contrast to IL-Zdependent CD8+ cells, does function in the absence of exogenous IL-2, although adding IL-2 improves its activity. I suspect this just represents the level of autocrine IL-2 production. With regards to the nature of this cell, I believe we’ve isolated a CD8 cell that is probably a bit more immature than are most CD8+ cells that are usually isolated. For some reason in the mouse, it is possible occasionally to isolate cells that exhibit differentiated functions but retain this immature phenotype. The distinguishing characteristic of the phenotype is that the CD8+ clones express the IL-1 receptor. IL-2 production by these CD8 clones requires co-ligation of the T cell receptor and the IL-1 receptor. This is consistent with results from Al Singer’s lab showing that the response of purified murine CD8 cells to target cells also requires IL-1 (Mizuochi et al 1988). These results provide further evidence that the IL-1 receptor can mediate a proliferative signal in CD8+ T cells. In collaboration with Bob Overell, we’ve isolated the gene encoding the IL-1 receptor and introduced it into IL-2-dependent CD8+ clones (Nagoya et a1 1994). These clones will now proliferate in response to IL-1 plus T cell receptor ligation. However, the problems with these cells are similar to those with the naturally occurring IL- 1 receptor-positive clones described above-the proliferative responses are relatively weak and still require two signals, with the second being IL-1. I’m not sure that as a therapeutic strategy for genetic manipulation of T cell clones, trading the requirement for IL-2 for a requirement for IL-1 will be as useful as the other strategies I discussed for autocrine growth. Cohen: Thivolet et a1 (1991) and Wayne Streilein’s group (Ksander et a1 1992) have shown that in certain circumstances CD4+ cells can provide other signals besides IL-2 to CD8 cells. These include probable facilitation of trafficking into extravascular locations and activation so they would be more effective as effector cells. Thus, CD4+ cells may be required to make other factors besides IL-2, at least in certain circumstances. +
References Klarnet JP, Kern DE, Dower SK, Matis LA, Cheever MA, Greenberg PD 1989 Helperindependent CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes express IL-l receptors and require IL-l for secretion of IL-2. J Immunol 142:2187-2191 Ksander BR, Acevedo J , Streilein J W 1992 Local T helper cell signals by lymphocytes infiltrating intraocular tumours. J Immunol 148: 1955-1963 Lenardo MJ 1991 Interleukin-2 programs mouse cr@ T lymphocytes for apoptosis. Nature 353~858-861 Matis LA, Shu S, Groves ES et a1 1986 Adoptive immunotherapy of a syngeneic murine leukemia with a tumor-specific cytotoxic T cell clone and recombinant human interleukin 2: correlation with clonal IL 2 receptor expression. J Immunol 136:3496- 3501 Mizuochi T, McKean DJ, Singer A 1988 1L-l as a co-factor for lymphokine-secreting CD8+ murine T cells. J lmmunol 141:1571-1575 Nagoya S, Greenberg PD, Yee C et a1 1994 Helper T cell-independent proliferation of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes transduced with an IL-1 receptor retrovirus. J Immunol 153:1527-1535 Thivolet C, Bendelac A, Bedossa P, Bach JF, Carnaud C 1991 CD8+ T cell homing to the pancreas in the nonobese diabetic mouse is CD4 * T cell-dependent. J Irnmunol 146~85-88
Bone marrow-derived cells present MHC class I-restricted tumour antigens in priming of antiturnour immune responses* Alex Y. C. Huang, Paul Golurnbek, Mojgan Ahmadzadeh, Elizabeth Jaffee, Drew Pardoll and Hyarn Levitsky Department of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 720 Rutland Avenue, 364 Ross Building, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
Abstract. Many tumours express tumour-specific antigens capable of being presented to CD8+ T cells by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Current models of antigen presentation predict that the tumour cell itself should present its own MHC class I-restricted antigens to T cells. Earlier cross-priming experiments have demonstrated that at least some MHC class Irestricted antigens may also be presented by bystander cells. There is no detectable presentation of MHC class I-restricted tumour antigens by the tumour itself during priming of tumour-specific responses. The tumour antigens are presented exclusively by host bone marrow-derived cells. These results imply that an efficient mechanism exists in vivo for transfer of MHC I-restricted antigens to bone marrowderived antigen presenting cells. They also suggest that HLA matching may not be critical in the clinical application of allogeneic tumour vaccines. 1994 Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 229-244
Several advances in the area of tumour immunology have resulted in renewed enthusiasm for cancer immunotherapy. In particular, there is a growing list of identified tumour-specific antigens that are recognized by T cells. This list includes the peptide products of mutated oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, reactivated embryonic gene products and viral antigens in virally associated tumours (Peace et a1 1991, Young et a1 1988, van der Bruggen et a1 1991). Despite the presence of tumour antigens capable of being recognized by T cells, the persistent growth of tumours in the host indicates that T cells specific for their antigens have not been appropriately activated *Adapted with permission from Science (Huang et a1 1994) OAAAS. 229
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in vivo. The two major approaches to cancer immunotherapy-adoptive and active-seek to enhance the activation of T cells specific for tumour antigens in a therapeutically relevant fashion (Greenberg 1991, Rosenberg 1991, Pardoll 1993). Dissection of the immune response induced by vaccination with either irradiated or genetically modified tumour cells has demonstrated that, as with other antigens, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are involved in generating the systemic antitumour response (Colombo et a1 1992, Fearon et al 1990, Gansbacher et al 1990, Golumbek et al 1991, Dranoff et a1 1993). Most likely, efficient priming of antitumour immune responses results from collaboration between activated tumour-specific CD4 cells and CD8 cells. This collaboration, mediated via lymphokines produced by activated CD4 cells, requires that the CD4+ and CD8+ cells be activated in spatial proximity to each other. In many tumour vaccine models, the requirement for co-localized activation of helper and cytotoxic T cells presents an apparent paradox. While T cell priming is thought to take place in the lymph nodes draining the vaccine site, tumour cells are rarely found in these draining lymph nodes. In the case of MHC class 11-restricted CD4+ T cell priming, it is well accepted that antigenpresenting cells pick up antigens in the extracellular space and carry them to the draining lymph nodes where they are processed and presented to T cells (Balfour et a1 1981, Yewdell & Bennink 1990, Blum & Cresswell 1988). Mechanisms of priming of MHC class I-restricted CD8+ cells are less clear. The notion that host-derived antigen-presenting cells can efficiently ingest exogenous antigens for processing and presentation on MHC I to CD8 cells in vivo has been considered improbable because the defined cellular pathways for MHC I antigen presentation require that the antigen be expressed endogenously in the cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum of the cell that presents it (Brown et a1 1991, Braciale& Yap 1978, Germain 1986, Bevan 1987). Thus, for a tumour-specific antigen, current models would dictate that the tumour cell must present the MHC class I epitopes itself. This notion has been perpetuated by many studies demonstrating that increased MHC class I expression on tumours correlates with decreased tumorigenicity (Hui et al 1984, Tanaka et al 1985). However, most of these studies do not distinguish the role of the turnour’s MHC class I in priming from target recognition by primed CD8+ effectors. The cross-priming experiments, initially carried out by M. J. Bevan, have shown that bystander cells can present MHC class I-restricted minor histocompatibility antigens in vivo (Bevan 1976). In those experiments, minor histocompatibility antigens were also presented endogenously by cells within the immunizing population. It has thus been unclear whether cross-priming represents a minor bystander phenomenon or a critical pathway in the priming of MHC class I-restricted T cells. In the case of non-haemopoietic tumour cells, all of the tumour-specific antigen is expressed by a non-professional antigenpresenting cell. We therefore designed a set of experiments to determine, as +
Priming of tumour-specific cytolytic T cells O ‘
MHC class I+ B78H1
MHC class I+ B78H1 (anti-CDS) MHC class I- B78Hl(anti-CD8)
No Vaccine No Vaccine (anti-CDS) 3:l
100: 1
E : T Ratio FIG. 1. Generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes against MHC class I + B78Hl after immunization with M H C class I - B78H1 or M H C class I + B78H1 vaccines. C57BL/6 mice were immunized subcutaneously in the left flank with 1 x l @ MHC class I - B78H1 or M H C class I + B78H1 cells transduced with GM-CSF and irradiated (5000 rads). After two weeks, splenocytes were removed and cultured for five days with mitomycin C-treated MHC class I B78H1 cells in the presence of IL-2. At the end of the culture, live cells were mixed with slCr-labelled MHC class I + B78H1 targets a t different effector:target (E:T) ratios with or without the addition of anti-CD8 antibody in a four hour W r release assay. +
definitively as possible, the relative roles of the tumour-derived and the hostderived antigen-presenting cells in the priming of immune responses to MHC class I-restricted tumour antigens. In the initial set of experiments, we generated a paired set of M H C class I and MHC class I + tumours. The C57BL16-derived B16 melanoma variant B78H1 does not express any of the classical class I heavy chain genes as previously demonstrated using the polymerase chain reaction and flow cytometry staining (Levitsky et a1 1994). Transfection with the Kb and/or Db heavy chain genes restores expression of the corresponding class I molecule on the surface: these cells are designated MHC class I + B78H1 and are susceptible to killing by H-2b-specific alloreactive T cells (Levitsky et a1 1994). We first compared the relative abilities of MHC class I - B78HI and MHC class I + B78H1 cells to prime mice for the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) capable of lysing MHC class I + B78H1 target cells in vitro. For immunization, we used irradiated cells transduced with the gene for granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating factor (GM-CSF). Dranoff et a1 (1993) had previously shown that vaccines producing GM-CSF generate more potent antitumour immune responses than do irradiated wild-type vaccines. Figure 1 demonstrates that
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p Q
I 100
FIG. 2. Protective immunity against MHC class I + B78HI challenge induced by MHC class I - B78Hl or MHC class I + B78Hl vaccines. (A) C57BL/6 mice were injected subcutaneously in the left flank with 1 x 106 irradiated (SO00 rads) MHC class 1- B78H I or MHC class I B78HI cells transduced with GM-CSF. Animals were challenged two weeks later in the right flank with 1 x 106 live MHC class I t B78H1 cells. (B) C57BL/6 mice were injected subcutaneously in the left flank with 1 x lo6 irradiated (SO00 rads) untransduced MHC class I - B78HI or MHC class I + B78Hl vaccines. Animals were challenged two weeks later in the right flank with 3.3 x I @ live MHC class I t B78HI cells. For both (A) and (B), the immunization/challenge experiments were performed in intact and CDB-depleted mice. Tumour growth was assessed twice a week by inspection +
Priming of tumour-specific cytolytic T cells
equivalent levels of CTL activity are induced by each variant; these activities are blocked to the same extent by antLCD8 antibody. In a similar set of in vivo protection experiments, mice immunized with either the MHC class I - B78HlIGM-CSF or the MHC class I + B78Hl/GM-CSF variant were subsequently challenged with lethal doses of live MHC class I + B78H1 tumours (Fig. 2a). Again, equivalent levels of in vivo protection were generated with either the MHC class I - or class I + B78H1 vaccines. In vivo T cell subset depletion experiments confirmed that for both vaccines, systemic protection against the MHC class I B78H 1 challenge was dependent on CD8 T cells. Because irradiated wild-type B78H 1 cells are moderately immunogenic, it was possible to compare the in vivo immunization efficacy of non-GM-CSF producing vaccines by decreasing (to one-third) the dose of live tumour cells used in challenging vaccinated animals. Figure 2b shows that irradiated untransduced MHC class I - B78H1 and MHC class I + B78H1 vaccines protected equivalently against challenge with live MHC class I B78H1 tumour cells, both in a CD8-dependent fashion. These experiments demonstrate that expression of MHC class I by an immunizing tumour cell is not necessary to prime tumour-specific CD8+ MHC class I-restricted cells, either in vitro or in vivo. While the results suggest that efficient transfer of tumour antigens to host-derived MHC class I + cells has occurred, it is also possible that the vaccine primes exclusively MHC class 11-restricted CD4 tumour-specific T cells and that activation of CD8+ cells is occurring either in the stimulation phase in vitro or at the site of the MHC class I + tumour challenge in vivo. In order to address the issue of MHC class I-restricted tumour antigen presentation during priming more precisely, we explored a model system in which a specific antigen with known MHC class I epitopes was expressed by the tumour. Influenza nucleoprotein (NP) is a convenient model antigen for this purpose because it has a predominant MHC class I epitope in H-2b mice (NP 366-374 presented by H-2Db) and a predominant epitope in H-2d mice (NP 147-155 presented by H-2Kd) (Rotzschke et a1 1990). The gene encoding influenza nucleoprotein was introduced into the BALB/cderived murine colon carcinoma, CT26, rendering it sensitive to lysis by H-2drestricted but not H-2b-restricted nucleoprotein-specific CTL. Expression of the protein did not change the in vivo growth characteristics of the tumour. Therefore, the nucleoprotein resembles natural tumour antigens in that it is capable of being recognized by T cells, yet does not alter the in vivo growth +
and palpation. 10 mice are included per group. Data are presented as a Kaplan-Meyer , MHC class I + vaccine, no depletion; 0 , MHC class I + vaccine, CD8 plot. depletion; 0, MHC class I - vaccine, no depletion; 0, MHC class I - vaccine, CD8 depletion; A , no vaccine controls.
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properties of the tumour. Although transduction with the gene for GM-CSF enhances the vaccine potency of CT26, irradiated untransduced CT26 vaccines also induce immune responses (Dranoff et al 1993); thus, the specific contribution of local GM-CSF secretion to MHC class I-restricted antigen priming can be assessed. Two sets of bone marrow chimeras were produced: (a) BALB/c (H-2d) -, BALB/c x B6 (H-2dxb) and (b) C57BL/6 (H-2b) -. BALB/c x B6 (H-2dxb). Allele-specific antibody staining after reconstitution confirmed that all the peripheral bone marrow-derived cells were from the donor. Because the recipients are F l , they are tolerant to both H-2d and H-2b alloantigens and their T cells should be positively selected for both H-2b and H-2d restriction. However, the bone marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells are exclusively H-2d in one case and H-2b in the other case. In the first set of experiments these chimeras, as well as non-chimeric BALB/c B6 (H-2dXb)F1mice were immunized with irradiated CT26 expressing nucleoprotein. After immunization, splenic T cells were removed and stimulated with either NP 147-155 or NP 366-374 plus H-2dxbFl splenocytes. The T cells were then tested for lysis of 51Cr-labelled P815 mouse mastocytoma cells sensitized to NP 147-155 (H-2d) or MC57G cells sensitized to NP 366-374 (H-2b). With this experimental design, distinct results are predicted depending on whether the tumour cell itself or host bone marrow-derived cells are the antigen-presenting cells for MHC class I-restricted nucleoprotein epitopes. If the CT26 tumour cell is the exclusive antigen-presenting cell, then in all circumstances, the CTL generated will be specific for the NP 147-155 epitope. In contrast, if the antigen-presenting cells come exclusively from the bone marrow, the CTL generated should be specific for NP 147-155 in the H-2d -, H-2dxbchimera and N P 366-374 in the H-2b -. H-2bxdchimera. If both the tumour cell and host bone marrow-derived cells can act as antigen-presenting cells for the MHC class I epitopes on nucleoprotein, then a mixed result is expected.
FIG. 3 (opposite). Epitope specificity of T cells from BALB/c x B6 F1 mice, BALB/c BALB/cxB6 (H-2dXb)and C57BL/6 (H-2b) BALB/cxB6 (H-2dXb) (H-2d) chimeras immunized with mouse colon carcinoma CT26 expressing influenza or C57BL6 nucleoprotein. BALB/c x B6 F1 mice ( 0 ), BALB/c --t BALB/c x B6 (0) --t BALB/ x B6 ( A ) chimeras were immunized with CT26 expressing nucleoprotein. Splenocytes from these mice were stimulated with N P 147-155 (A) or N P 366-374 (B)+ BALB/cx B6 F1 splenocytes. Cells were then mixed with 51Cr-labelledP815 target cells (H-2d)+NP 147-155 (A) or MC57G target cells (H-2b)+NP 366-374 (B). Percentage peptide specific lysis represents the difference between '70 specific lysis of the target cells with the MHC-matched nucleoprotein peptide and 070 specific lysis of the target cells with the unmismatched peptide. In all cases, lysis of targets in the presence of the unmatched nucleoprotein peptide was less than 5% at all effector:target (E:T) ratios. Data are representative of three separate experiments. -+
Priming of tumour-specific cytolytic T cells
MC57G (H-2b)+ NP (366-374) Target
(B) 20
o ! 0
E :T Ratio
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Figure 3 demonstrates that the specificity of CTL for nucleoprotein tracks exclusively with the MHC haplotype of the bone marrow donor. In the F1 animals immunized with CT26 cells expressing nucleoprotein, both specificities are seen. In the H-2d H-2dxbchimera, all the CTL are specific for the NP 147-155 epitope. Most strikingly, in the H-2b -, H-2dxbchimera, where the MHC haplotype of the bone marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells is exclusively H-2b and different from the haplotype of CT26 (H-2d), all of the nucleoprotein-specific activity is directed at the Db-restricted NP 366-374 epitope. Similar results were seen whether or not the GM-CSF-producing vaccine was used (results not shown), indicating that presentation of MHC class I-restricted tumour antigens by bone marrow-derived cells is not related solely to the effects of paracrine GM-CSF secretion. When MHC class IVB78H1 cells expressing nucleoprotein and GM-CSF were used to immunize BALB/c x B6 F1 mice, CTL specific for both the NP 366-374 epitope and the NP 147-155 epitopes were generated. Similar results were obtained when responder T cells were purified. This rules out the possibility that the apparent restriction of antigen presentation to bone marrow-derived MHC alleles is due to selective presentation of nucleoprotein nonapeptides by antigen-presenting cells from the immunized chimera relative to the F1 splenocytes added to the in vitro stimulation phase of the assay (results not shown). Although earlier studies have demonstrated that radioresistant thymic epithelial elements mediate positive selection (Bevan 1977, Zinkernagel et a1 1978, Lo & Sprent 1986), it was formally possible that in our chimeras, the results obtained were due to selection of the T cell repertoire by bone marrow-derived thymic stromal elements. If this were the case, CD8 responses to nucleoprotein epitopes presented by non-bone marrow-derived MHC class I alleles would not be observed because T cell precursors with those specificities were never selected for during thymic development. To rule out this possibility, we tested the H-2b H-2d chimeras for their ability to be primed against H-2d-restricted DBA-2 minor histocompatibility antigens after injection with DBA-2 splenocytes. Figure 4 demonstrates that H-2d-restricted DBA-2 minor histocompatibility antigen responses are observed, indicating that H-2d-restricted T cells develop in our H-2b -, H-2d chimeras. The results presented here indicate that priming of an immune response against an MHC class I-restricted antigen that is expressed exclusively in nonhaemopoietic cells-such as a tumour antigen-involves the transfer of that antigen to a host bone marrow-derived cell prior to its presentation to CD8+ T cells. They imply that the original cross-priming phenomenon observed by Bevan for minor histocompatibility antigens is not a minor bystander effect but rather may represent an important mechanism for antigen presentation during in vivo priming. These results also provide an explanation for the ability of MHC loss variants to prime against tumour antigens normally presented by the down-regulated MHC allele (Seung et a1 1993). Our results are not specific +
Priming of tumour-specific cytolytic T cells
40 -
30 20
E :T Ratio FIG. 4. Recognition of H-2d-restricted DBA minor histocompatibility antigens by splenocytes from C57BL/6 (H-2b) --* BALB/c x B6 (H-2dXb)chimeras. BALB/c (H-2d) 0 , DBA-2 (H-2d ) w , BALB/c (H-2d ) -, BALB/c x B6 (H-2dxb) 0,and C57BL6 (H-2b) BALB/cx B6 (H-2dXb)A chimeras were immunized with DBA-2 splenocytes. T cells from these mice were subsequently stimulated with DBA-2 splenocytes in vitro. Cells were then mixed with 51Cr-labelledP815 (H-2d) in a four hour cytotoxic T cell assay. The Vo CDS-blockable lysis was the difference between Yo overall lysis and To lysis of the target cells in the presence of MAb 2.43 (anti-CD8).
to immunization with GM-CSF-transduced tumour vaccines, suggesting that transfer of MHC class I-restricted tumour antigens to host bone marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells may be a critical feature of many types of tumour vaccine. Zinkernagel (1993) has argued, on theoretical grounds, that priming of CD8+ CTL by bone marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells would be detrimental, because the latter cells themselves would be killed. However, if the critical priming antigen-presenting cells were generated continuously by differentiation of circulating precursors, then they would be expendable. Support for such an idea comes from the recent demonstration that GM-CSF can induce circulating precursors in both mice and humans to differentiate into dendritic cells (Inaba et a1 1992). As yet, there is no clearly defined mechanism by which exogenous antigens can efficiently enter the class I compartment. Nonetheless, several observations may be germane to these findings. There have been recent reports of a subset of macrophages capable of presenting exogenous antigens on MHC class I to CD8+ T cell clones in vitro (Rock et a1 1993). Srivastava & Heike (1991)
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identified a heat shock protein, gp96, which binds MHC class I-restricted antigenic peptides. While this protein has been postulated to function normally in the intracellular transfer of antigens onto nascent MHC class I molecules, it might also serve as a vehicle to transfer class I-restricted peptide antigens efficiently to other cells in vivo.This notion is supported by the finding that purified gp96 from particular tumours can be used to immunize animals against challenge with the wild-type tumour in a CD8-dependent, tumour-specific fashion. An important clinical implication of these findings relates to the use of allogeneic tumour vaccines. Because it is often difficult to obtain large amounts of autologous tumour, many investigators have proposed and undertaken the development of allogeneic tumour vaccines. The rationale behind this strategy comes from the identification of common tumour antigens, a finding well documented in human melanoma. For many of the allogeneic tumour vaccine protocols, patient enrolment has been restricted to individuals sharing at least one HLA class I allele with the vaccine. In most cases, the shared allele is HLAA2, which is expressed by more than 50% of Caucasians. Our results suggest that for these vaccine strategies, it may not be necessary to match MHC alleles, because the appropriate epitopes would be selected by the host’s antigenpresenting cells which match the MHC type of the individual’s tumour. A ckno wledgemen ts The authors wish to thank E. Gilboa, J. Yewdell, J. Bennick and L. Eisenlohn for reagents and technical advice; and E. Gilboa, J. Yewdell, J. Bennick, R. Schwartz, R. Germaine, P. Matzinger, S. Topalian and E. Fuchs for helpful discussions.
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Young LS, Dawson CW, Clark D et a1 1988 Epstein-Barr virus gene expression in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J Gen Virol 69: 1051 -1065 Zinkernagel RM 1993 Keynote address. In: Doherty P (ed) UCLA symposium on antiviral and anti-tumour immunity. Wiley, New York (UCLA Symp Ser 18) p 4-12 Zinkernagel RM, Callahan GN, Althage A, Cooper S, Klein PA, Klein J 1978 On the thymus in the differentiation of ‘H-2 self-recognition’by T cells: evidence for dual recognition? J Exp Med 147:882-896
DISCUSSION Eisenbach: I would like to defend the honour of T cell activation by the tumour itself. You predict that every tumour is basically immunogenic if it expresses any aberrant proteins, because if such a tumour is falling apart and releasing antigens that are presented by professional antigen-presenting cells, as long as there are any T cell epitopes, the tumour will produce an immune response. This is something that intuitively we don’t see. Secondly, for an extremely large panel of tumours, starting with the AKR leukaemia lines induced by Gross leukaemia virus that Hiliard Festenstein described 10 years ago (Hui et a1 1984), it was shown that down-regulation of MHC class I is causally related to lack of immunogenicity. Our group has shown in a variety of tumours that transfection with class I genes will make a nonimmunogenic tumour into an immunogenic one (Plaksin et a1 1988, Porgador et al 1990). Transfectants induce a CTL response, whereas cells that express only a low level of class I do not. Moreover, induction of immunity with class I transfectants will produce CTL that can lyse parental malignant cells that express low levels of class I. This means that expression of class I has a role in the induction phase of CTL. In some of our studies, we used B16 melanoma variants, the same tumour that Hy Levitsky described. It is not exactly the same clone; it is not completely negative for class I expression but rather expresses low levels of class I. This clone, named F10.9, was transduced with MHC class I genes, with IL-2 genes, with IL-6 genes or treated exogenously with IFN-y which elevates class I expression. To test the immunogenicity of F10.9 and its modified variants, we first performed tumour protection assays. In these assays, naive mice are first treated by three weekly injections of irradiated tumour cells. 10 days after the last boost, mice are inoculated with live F10.9 cells, then tumour growth and spontaneous metastasis to the lungs are monitored. If the animals are immunized with parental F10.9 cells, they are not protected against the tumour challenge and metastasis. When the animals are immunized with IFNy-treated cells or, even better, with F10.9 cells transfected with MHC class I, they are protected from metastasis (Porgador et al 1991). Moreover, in a postsurgical immunotherapy experiment (like the one I described earlier, p 109),we treat mice that have undergone surgery of a 6-7 mm primary footpad tumour and have already established micrometastases with irradiated modified F10.9
Priming of tumour-specific cytolytic T cells
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cells. If the vaccine comprises class I transfectants, or cells that secrete IL-2 or IL-6, we get some reduction in the number of metastases. For a real cure of metastases, the vaccine needs to contain F10.9 class I transfectants and F10.9 cells transduced with the gene for IL-2. This again argues that the tumour cell itself has a role in antigen presentation. We have also performed similar experiments with the Lewis lung carcinoma model. There again, cure of established metastases requires a vaccine that contains cells that express class I and cells transduced with the IL-2 gene or, alternatively, cells that were transduced with the gene for IFN-yc and both express high levels of class I and secrete cytokine (Porgador et a1 1992, 1993a,b). Using the same Lewis lung carcinoma cells in (C57BL/6 x C3H/eb) F1 mice (H-2b x H-2k) or in (C57BL/6 x x BALB/c) F1 mice (H-2Kbx H-2d), we found that Kb transfectants, that are not metastatic in homozygous C57BL/6 mice, will remain metastatic in F1 semi-syngeneic recipients. Insertion of MHC class I genes of the other parental haplotype (Kk or Kd) will result in metastatic cells. Double transfectants (Kb + Kk or Kb + Kd) lose their metastatic competence and induce high levels of CTL only when they are tested in the appropriate mouse strain. Therefore, presentation by the tumour cell through multiple class I molecules is more effective (Mandelboim et a1 1992). My argument is that in vaccination you not only need to match class I, but you need to match multiple class I alleles. A patient will do much better if given 3-4 allogeneic cell lines, each matched in at least one haplotype. Levitsky: First, I don’t think we know what makes a tumour ‘immunogenic’. Initially, one would say: it is simple, a tumour that has lots of good antigens ought to be immunogenic. In certain circumstances, that is part of the equation. But it may be that certain tumours do have a propensity to fall apart, to be taken up and processed by antigen-presenting cells. I wonder whether or not that might influence some of what you are describing. I would like to make two comments on the studies with regard to MHC class I expression and vaccinating cells. I would like to make the distinction between the priming of CD8+ T cells and the subsequent recognition of a tumour by activated CD8+ T cells. We fully believe that CD8+ T cells, if they are to be of any utility at all, will need to recognize antigen on the tumour after activation. In our model systems, however, this doesn’t appear to be the major route by which they are primed. One interpretation of your results is that by increasing MHC class I expression on tumours that were otherwise not very immunogenic, you did cause increased tumour destruction, perhaps again by CD8 T cells. But the subsequent events that led to the priming and activation of the systemic T cell response could still be antigen processing and presentation via some host-derived bone marrow cell. Eisenbuch: My argument is that the T cell doesn’t care what induces it. So if you have a tumour cell with a decent level of expression of MHC class I that will enable high affinity binding of the appropriate CTL precursor, this will +
induce the T cell. If the tumour cells themselves do not present, there are alternative ways. Doherty: What’s the evidence that the T cell can be induced in the tumour itself? Has someone injected tumour cells, then taken T cells out of the tumour and out of the regional lymph node in a kinetic way to show that you can see the CTL precursors appearing first in the tumour and not in the regional node? Levitsky: We tried it, we find them in the lymph nodes. Doherty: If the T cells are in the regional lymph nodes, it’s like any other immune response. Levitsky: This is what we find. I would caution that it’s a negative result; it’s very difficult to pull T cells out of the infiltrating population surrounding a vaccine site and assess their function. Doherty: Immunology is full of negative results. I think we should go with the negative result. Melie) These are extremely interesting and important experiments for the approach of gene therapy versus more antigen-directed vaccination. It seems that most of the action is taking place in the draining lymph node. I am not convinced from Hy Levitsky’s data that recruitment of antigen-presenting cells within the tumour is really taking place. It could also be that tumour antigens, because of the increased inflammation caused by the cytokine, are being released towards the draining node. The secreted GM-CSF in the draining node would then stimulate the local dendritic cells. In this case, there is no advantage of gene transduction over just taking the antigens-once we know them. Until we know the antigens, this may be still a good approach, or the use of tumour cell lysates. We have recently injected melanoma cells that express MAGE, tyrosinase and other antigens, with an introduced IL-2 gene, into completely allogenic patients. Tumour regressions occur occasionally and are undoubtedly related to the injection of the irradiated IL-Zproducing tumour cells. They occur to the same extent in completely MHC mismatched individuals. This proves there is no antigen presentation taking place at the site of of the IL-2-producing tumour, it must occur in the draining nodes. Levitsky: The argument has been made that the alloantigens might be fairly useful under certain circumstances for initiating that cascade of events. Cheever: In viral responses and tumour responses, some proteins do not elicit an immune response, presumably in part because particular proteins do not gain access to the class I or class I1 pathways. In your system, is it possible that an immune response will be generated against antigens that normally d o not elicit a response because of altered access to the processing pathways? Levitsky: The other implication, from the theoretical point of view, is that there could be situations where you have a class I antigen and not a class I1 or vice versa. Statistically, I think it’s unlikely to happen.
Priming of turnour-specific cytolytic T cells
Cheever: Normally, CTL responses are directed against peptides presented on class I. In your system, every protein in the tumour cell might have access to the class I antigen-processing pathway. Levitsky: I would be a little cautious about saying that, because I don’t think we really know, at a mechanistic level, how an antigen gets from the degraded tumour onto the MHC class I. Depending on the way in which that works, my answer may be one way or the other. Cheever: Are you proposing that the class I molecules get in and get represented or something like that? Levitsky: Let’s break it down to one dichotomy: either the antigen stays exclusively in the extracellular space, that is the tumour breaks down and somehow the antigen gets loaded onto the antigen-presenting cell, or the antigen enters the intracellular space, gets processed, but then must cross another membrane to enter the endoplasmic reticulum and complex with class I. We have no evidence as to which of those occurs. Stanley: In the real world, in humans and outbred animals, the tumour is a marvellous example of natural selection. It has arisen by evading sequentially host defences. The way it arises, it has really been challenged against everything that individuals can throw at it. The reason these approaches are so interesting is that they recognize that. Rather than using very sophisticated approaches, they are going back to a primitive effector mechanism, which will really damage the tumour. There’s an absence from this discussion of recognition of the selection process and of the fact that tumours have arisen despite efficient host defences. I would like to hear comments from those using animal models about how these systems reflect what happens in outbred populations. Allison: It might not be completely reasonable to assume that a tumour cell has subverted the immune system and has devised mechanisms to avoid being killed, if it can’t be detected by the immune system in the first place. This was the assumption behind B7 therapy, that without the co-stimulatory molecules, until such time as the tumour cell begins to fall apart and get presented by this sort of mechanism, it’s invisible to the immune system. The same assumption is inherent in both these approaches. I don’t think we necessarily need to go back to a primitive system, we just need to activate a more specific effector mechanism. It has been questioned whether anyone has really shown that in the B7 system the cells are truly effective as antigen-presenting cells or are providing costimulation in trans. In vitro, we can demonstrate that B7 works in trans, but not very well-you have to have high intracellular concentrations and I doubt that it would be effective. Levitsky: I think it’s highly unlikely. Allison: Secondly, we haven’t proven that we can get specific tumour-reactive T cells out of tumours. We simply see some lymphocytic infiltration.
Levitsky: Is that the predominant histology of lymphocytes in B7 transductants? Allison: I wouldn’t say it’s predominant, there are T cells. Stanley: It’s not fair to say that tumour cells don’t fall apart in vivo because they do. When I say subvert, I mean the mechanisms that would really clear a tumour are either suppressed or are not present in large amounts. So these approaches are essentially recruiting those mechanisms.
References Hui K, Grosveld F, Festenstein H 1984 Rejection of transplantable AKR leukemia cells following MHC DNA-mediated cell transformation. Nature 3 11:750-752 Mandelboim 0, Feldman M, Eisenbach L 1992 H-2K double trnsfected tumor cells as anti-metastatic vaccines in heterozygous mice: implications to the T cell repertoire. J lmmunol 148:3666-3673 Plaksin D, Gelber C, Feldman M, Eisenbach L 1988 Reversal of the metastatic phenotype in Lewis lung carcinoma cells following transfection with syngeneic H-2Kb gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 85:4463-4467 Porgador A, Feldman M, Eisenbach L 1990 H-2Kb transfection of B16 melanoma cells result in reduced tumorigenicity and metastatic competence. J Immunogenet 16:291-303 Porgador A, Brenner B, Vadai E, Feldman M, Eisenbach L 1991 Immunization by yIFN treated B16-F10.9 melanoma cells protects against metastatic spread of the parental tumor. Int J Cancer (suppl) 654-60 Porgador A, Tzehoval E, Katz A et a1 1992 IL6 gene transfection into 3LL tumor cells suppresses the metastatic phenotype and confers immunotherapeutic competence against parental metastatic cells. Cancer Res 52:3679-3686 Porgador A, Bannerji R, Watanabe Y, Feldman M, Gilboa E, Eisenbach L 1993a Antimetastatic vaccination of tumour-bearing mice with two types of yIFN gene inserted tumor cells. J lmmunol 150:1458-1470 Porgador A, Gansbacher B, Bannerji R et al 1993b Antimetastatic vaccination of tumourbearing mice with IL-2 gene inserted tumour cells. Int J Cancer 53:471-477
Evasion of host immune responses by tumours and viruses Peter C. Doherty*, Ralph A. Tripp* and John W. Sixbeyt *Departments of Immunology and t Virology and Molecular Biology, St Jude Children's Research Hospital, 332 North Lauderdale, Memphis, TN 38 104, USA
Abstract. Viruses and tumours use various mechanisms to avoid immune surveillance. Oncogenic viruses have achieved a balance with the immune system through evolutionary time to ensure long-term persistence. Mutations that promote escape mechanisms favouring tumour growth to the detriment of host survival through reproductive age offer no selective advantage and will not generally be maintained in the viral genome that persists in nature. Conventional (nononcogenic) and tumour viruses interact with various immune mediators and T cells in different ways. Oncogenic viruses cannot operate solely in the context of a lytic cycle, though this may be characteristic of the initial phase of infection that is limited by the acute immune response. Some oncogenic viruses interact with normal cellular growth control and signalling mechanisms. Synthesis of key viral proteins may be tightly controlled in replicating cells that are subject to T cell surveillance, such as basal epithelia, while productive infection occurs in non-proliferating progeny that are lost under normal physiological conditions, such as desquamating epithelia. Tumorigenesis may be an aberrant consequence of the molecular mechanisms needed to maintain this pattern of viral growth regulation in the context of the cell cycle. Vaccines designed to limit the acute phase of infection with cellfree oncogenic viruses should be as effective as those for conventional viruses. 1994 Vaccinesagainst virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 187) p 24s-260
Viruses and vertebrates have evolved together. Development of the immunological surveillance mechanism that targets CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) precursors to non-self peptides presented in the context of self, cell-surface class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) glycoproteins is likely to have been driven largely by the need to deal with viral diseases (Doherty & Zinkernagel 1975). The earlier idea that immune surveillance is concerned essentially with preventing the emergence of spontaneous tumours cannot be supported (Moller & Moller 1976, Doherty et a1 1984), though this concept triggered some of the more useful (Burnet 1973) debate on the significance of the strong (class I MHC) transplantation antigens prior to the discovery of MHC restriction (Doherty & Zinkernagel 1975). Primary viral infections tend to occur in the young and +
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thus have the potential to apply enormous selective pressure. Viruses, especially those that infect only one species, must adapt to ensure continued transmission through evolutionary time. It is a phylogenetic dead-end for any pathogen to wipe out a maintaining host. Immune evasion thus deals with the interplay between vertebrate resistance mechanisms and viral growth characteristics that allows both the survival of the host until (at least) reproductive age and the long-term transmission of the virus. Emerging evidence indicates that many of the oncogenic viruses interact very intimately with normal host cell growth control and replication mechanisms, which may be central to the processes that these particular viruses use to ensure continued shedding into the environment. The adenovirus EIA and EIB gene products bind to the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) and alter or inactivate Rb control of cell transformation, while the adenovirus E3 transcription unit encodes at least four proteins that are not required for growth of the virus in vitro but act to subvert possible immune-mediated elimination mechanisms (Whyte et a1 1988, Wold & Gooding 1991, Gooding 1992). However, though adenoviruses induce tumours in hamsters and rats, this is not known to be the case for humans. In general, viral oncogenesis may be an untoward (and by no means inevitable) result of molecular mechanisms that have evolved to promote persistence of the virus. The selective pressures on viruses and tumours are different Oncogenic processes induced, for example, by chemical carcinogens will be subject only to the selective pressures operating within the afflicted individual. The transformed cell has no continuing existence beyond the death of the maintaining host. Tumorigenesis may reflect a predictable influence of a particular inducing agent on an oncogene or signalling pathway; however, any mutation that favours tumour cell growth will not persist in nature beyond the ultimate ‘success’ of the cancer. Thus, genetic change will reflect only mechanisms that promote escape from normal surveillance (A and B, Fig. 1) and growth control mechanisms. Escaping cancer cells (Topalian et a1 1990) may, for example, become non-immunogenic (to CD8+ CTL precursors) by down-regulating expression of either the heavy or light (&-microglobulin) chains of the class I MHC molecules (Doherty et a1 1984, Bodmer et a1 1993). The tumour cannot ‘know’ that prolonging the survival of the host will ensure that it is also around for longer. Mechanisms that serve only to promote tumour growth will, however, be inimical to the selective advantage of an oncogenic virus. Evolutionary success for viruses is determined by successful and continuing transmission. The need is for the virus and host to develop a balanced relationship. Thus, the ‘selfish genes’ of the tumour will be subject to constraints imposed by the need of the even more ‘selfish genes’ of the virus to transfer between individuals. A
Evasion of host immune responses
Tumor Growth
T Cell Surveillance
Virus Survival
X is Immunogenic X’ is not
Chemical Carcinogenisis: A Virus-Induced Tumors: C
Cryptic sites Periodlc reactivation Cytoklne mhicry
>B > A, modulated by B
FIG. 1. ‘Selfish’ genes and selective processes. (A) Escape from immune surveillance for a tumour clone with a spontaneous mutation x to x ’ . (B) Clonal expansion of tumourspecific (for x) and virus-specific (v) T cells in a regional lymph node. (C) Elimination of virally infected cells by effector T cells. The viral genome can avoid complete elimination by becoming latent in either replicating or non-replicating cells (cryptic sites) and may continue to produce infectious progeny in, or instance, superficial, desquamating epithelium.
mammary tumour virus that is transmitted in milk will obviously fail if the host does not live beyond reproductive age. Viruses that depend for survival on sporadic, or relatively low level, epithelial shedding (C, Fig. 1) and close contact will evolve to ensure both persistent infection and that the maintaining host is sufficiently well to encourage intimacy between members of the species. Some conventional viruses that cause rapid, lethal disease escape this ‘rule’ by having an alternative maintaining host, for instance the sylvatic cycle for yellow fever virus that involves non-human primates and mosquitoes. Most of the oncogenic viruses, however, tend to be single-host pathogens in nature. In effect, the virus constitutes a form of transmissible ‘memory’ that cannot exist for a spontaneously arising tumour. Any mutation in the viral genome that promotes immune evasion allowing enhanced proliferation by an associated tumour is likely to constitute an evolutionary dead-end. This phylogenetic imperative will, of course, be minimized in experimental systems that rely on needle transmission.
Viral infections are rarely ‘silent‘ Viruses do not normally go undetected by the immune system. Even rabies virus that travels along neuronal processes to the central nervous system is likely to
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betray its presence as a consequence of other viral particles deposited by the bite of the rabid animal being carried in the lymph to the regional lymph node. Similarly, a virus growing in respiratory epithelium will traffic rapidly to the cervical and mediastinal lymph nodes (stage 1, Fig. 2). The cellularity of the lymph nodes increases massively and non-selectively within 3-5 days. Virusspecific CD8+ CTL precursors are found in lymphoid tissue from five days after infection and reach maximal numbers within another 2-3 days; they then localize to the target organ where they differentiate to be effector CTL (reviewed in Doherty et a1 1992, Doherty 1993a). The respiratory epithelial cells infected with the virus are then eliminated. Infectious virus is generally not recovered for more than a further 24-48 h and, at least for influenza virus, evidence of genome persistence is lost within 12-14 days of the original infection. Potent CTL activity will also be found in lymphoid tissue if there is extensive viral growth in this site. The effective operation of this first phase of the host response is essential for the persistence of, for example, the herpesviruses. Viruses such as herpes simplex (HSV) are very cytotoxic and highly lethal for T cell-deficient n d n u mice (Mester & Rouse 1991). Loss of T cell surveillance for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) leads to lymphoproliferative disease and death in people who are heavily immunosuppressed (Saemundsen et al 1981, Young et al 1989). It is not to the selective advantage of the virus to subvert the operation of immune mechanisms that prevent generalized infection and lead to extensive tissue damage (HSV) or unrestricted tumour growth (EBV).
Viral persistence in replicating and non-replicating cells The mechanism evolved by HSV is to ‘hide’ in the ultimate non-replicating cells, the sensory neurons of the trigeminal ganglion. The proposed pathogenesis is that the virus replicates initially in the epithelium of the lip. Some viral particles localize to the trigeminal ganglion, where they go into a latent (non-lytic) state. The virus in the neurons is missed by the CD8 CTL effectors during the acute phase of the host response, because the neurons are constitutively negative for class I and class I1 MHC glycoproteins (Mucke & Oldstone 1992), even when cultured in vitro (Wong et a1 1984) in the presence of y-interferon (IFN-y). The class I MHC virally infected epithelial cells are eliminated by the CD8 CTL and the lesion resolves. Further possibilities for viral transmission occur during periodic episodes of recrudescence. The idea is that some other damage to the lip (e.g. sunburn) results in the transmission of signals via the innervating nerve to the trigeminal ganglion. This causes reactivation of the virus from the latent state, followed by axonal transit of viral particles back to the exposed epithelium. The virus avoids an extracellular phase and thus escapes neutralization by circulating +
Evasion of host immune responses
4. High level
viral persistence
CTL LApoptosls ‘t
CTL 2. Effector phase K
e .-la
1. Induction phase
6 Duration (days)
FIG. 2. A model of the development of the CD8+ T cell response in viral infections. The central concept is that the extent of signalling via the clonotypic T cell receptor (TCR) determines the fate of CD8 + T cells developing from naive cytotoxic T lymphocytic precursors (CTLp). Clonal expansion and differentiation of virus-specific CD8 + CTLp occurs (stage 1) in the regional lymph node. The activated CTLp then exit this lymph node and travel via the blood to the target organ, where exposure to large numbers of infected cells leads to the development of CTL effector function (stage 2). Some of these CTL may undergo apoptosis during either the effector or the resolution (stage 3) phase of the inflammatory process, after the virus is cleared. Failure to eliminate the virus may lead to persistent stimulation (stage 4)and eventual exhaustion of the CTL clone. With most viruses (though not lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus) the eventual consequence would be death from virally induced cytopathology. Whether the stimulation of CTLp in the lymph node (stage 1) is indeed continuous, or is better represented as an early encounter with antigen that is not repeated until the T cells relocate to the target organ (stage 2), is yet to be resolved. Clonal deletion in the thymus may reflect that the TCR-mediated signal postulated for stage 1 leads either to anergy or to apoptosis for developing thymocytes. Reproduced from Doherty (1993a) with permission from Elsevier Trends Journals, Cambridge, UK.
antibody. The virally infected epithelial cells will then be eliminated by the secondary CD8+ CTL response. Transmission occurs during the 3-5 days that it takes for memory T cells to differentiate in vivo to be CTL effectors. Tumorigenesis is not a feature of HSV or its relative herpes zoster. The latter virus causes chicken pox in children, ‘hides’ for years in neurons, then induces shingles as the T cell surveillance system declines with advancing age. The EBV genome, on the other hand, persists in cells that both express MHC glycoproteins and undergo regular cycles of cell division (Moss et al 1992). The
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virus in the infected B cell has effectively shut-down both its replicative cycle and the expression of latent phase proteins that target CD8+ effector T cells (Klein 1989, Qu & Rowe 1992). The evolution of this phenotype is presumably a consequence of selective pressures mediated by the host immune response that are in turn reflected in the constitution of the EBV genotype maintained in nature. EBV ensures constant, long-term transmission by continuing to replicate in the epithelia of the oropharynx and salivary glands (Sixbey et al 1984, Wolf et al 1984). One possibility is that the virus is present in a non-productive and/or non-antigenic (to T cells) form in the replicating basal layers of the epithelium. The lytic phase occurs only in the superficial epithelium that is constantly being shed (Sixbey et a1 1984, Young et a1 1991). This luminal population may be relatively inaccessible (in the anatomical sense) to T cell effectors and virus within the detached cells will not be bound by neutralizing antibody. The process is, however, under a degree of immune control, as much more virus can be recovered from the oropharynx of people who are immunosuppressed (Yao et al 1985). The papillomaviruses use a similar mechanism to ensure continued viral production in desquamating epithelium (Orth et al 1977, Gissmann 1992). The question raised is whether the presence of EBV in the B cell that leads to tumorigenesis in immunosuppressed hosts is of any selective advantage to the virus, or simply reflects an untoward consequence that has no great selective disadvantage. There is no direct evidence that B cells carrying the EBV genome ever re-infect an epithelial site, though this is a possibility. The B cells are, however, efficient antigen-presenting cells. Infection of new B cell precursors (Klein 1989), or reactivation of the lytic cycle, would presumably stimulate memory T cells and thus control any systemic phase that might compromise the viability of the transmitting host. In a normal person the immune system maintains the EBV genome in balance with the host.
Immune exhaustion and anergy Some viruses have evolved so that they cause little damage and have only minimal effects on normal cell physiology. The classical example is lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), which normally infects mice in utero and induces high-level, persistent infection in the absence of either symptoms or detectable CD8+ CTL precursors (reviewed in Doherty 1993a). LCMV replicates throughout the body, including the thymus, and is presumably seen as ‘self during the process of T cell ontogeny. This virus persists throughout life, but is not associated with tumorigenesis in any of the numerous species that can be infected experimentally. Interestingly, B cell tolerance is incomplete and antibodyproducing plasma cells are prevalent in the central nervous system concurrent with LCMV persistence in the brain (Moskophidis & Lehmann-Grube 1984).
Evasion of host immune responses
Clinical lymphocytic choriomeningitis is a T cell-mediated immunopathological process that occurs when previously unexposed adults are injected with the virus. Immunologically competent animals develop potent virus-specific CD8 CTL effectors that eliminate LCMV-infected targets and cause a massive physiological crisis (Doherty 1993a). This acute T cell response can be overwhelmed when mice are given a very large dose of particular LCMV isolates that tend (like human immunodeficiency virus) to grow in small numbers of T lymphocytes. This high-dose immune paralysis, or immune exhaustion (Moskophidis et a1 1993), could reflect that the CTL precursors become anergic when exposed to overwhelming numbers of LCMV-infected cells (stage 4, Fig. 2). The alternative is that continuing stimulation via the clonotypic T cell receptor (TCR) drives all the CTL precursors, many of which would normally become memory T cells, to CTL effector function and (eventually) to apoptosis (stage 3, Fig. 2). Immune exhaustion is yet to be shown for acute infections with conventional lytic viruses, probably because the host dies from the consequences of unrestricted viral growth. It is not known whether localized foci of antigen persistence (e.g. with herpes zoster) could contribute to the eventual exhaustion of the CTL precursor pool. Antigen persistence is believed by some to be essential for the maintenance of T cell memory (Gray & Matzinger 1991, Oehen et a1 1992), though there is also evidence to the contrary (Ahmed 1992, Doherty et a1 1994). The consequence of gradual immune exhaustion for a virally induced tumour would be progressive loss of T cell surveillance function, emerging late in the life of the host and having little effect on viral transmission overall. Tumour-specific CTL precursors can, however, be recovered (Kawakami et a1 1992) from some solid tumours (e.g. melanoma), indicating that continued exposure to antigen is not leading to exhaustion. Even so, the issue is complex, as the tumour cells themselves are producing a range of mediators which could promote T cell maintenance and survival in a ‘resting’ or temporarily anergic state (Young et a1 1994). In this case, it may be to the benefit of the tumour to hold potential effectors in a local environment, that it controls, rather than to allow CTL precursors the possibility of being exposed to normal stimulatory mechanisms in lymphoid tissue. Such tumour-related events will not be reflected in evolutionary advantage, but it is possible that the underlying mechanisms reflect physiological processes that normally operate to minimize autoimmunity. The evidence from transgenic mouse models is that (if thymic deletion does not occur) peripheral tolerance (or anergy) is maintained at the minimal possible level (Auphan et a1 1992) and can be broken by the production of stimulatory lymphokines in a targeted site (Heath et a1 1992). +
Cytokines Strategies used by viruses either to mimic or to block cytokine effects are likely to be a major research focus over the next few years. The adenoviruses are
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generally associated with mild respiratory disease in humans, can cause persistent infections in B cells, and may induce tumours when injected into rats and hamsters. The protein gpl9K of type C adenoviruses binds some class I MHC glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum, preventing cell-surface expression and effective surveillance by CD8+ T cells. The ElB19K and E310.4K/14.5K proteins protect infected cells (Gooding 1992) from destruction by tumour necrosis factor, a potent cytokine produced by many cell types, including activated CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes (Hou et a1 1993). The EBV genome carries B C R F f , a lytic cycle gene encoding a homologue of the cytokine interleukin 10 (IL-10) (Vieira et a1 1991, Stewart & Rooney 1992). Expression of the BCRFf product could both modify the acute phase of the host response after the initial contact with virus and influence events in surface epithelia where there is persistent production of infectious progeny. General understanding of the function of IL-10 in immunity is still evolving (Howard & O’Garra 1992). Originally considered to be a down-regulatory cytokine, it does suppress secretion of IFN--, in vitro. However, cells secreting IFN--, and IL-10 are found in regional lymph nodes early in the response to influenza infection (Sarawar & Doherty 1994). Furthermore, IL-10 has now been shown to promote class-switching to immunoglobulin A in human B cells (Defrance et al 1992). A mechanism involving transport of immunoglobulin A may promote the transit of EBV into and through mucosal epithelium (Sixeby & Yao 1992).
Vaccination, memory and recall of effector CTL Most successful antiviral vaccines rely on neutralization of input virus by antibody (Connors et a1 1992). There is no inherent reason why this should be less true for oncogenic viruses that are transmitted horizontally in a cell-free state, though it may be particularly important to emphasize antibody-mediated mechanisms that will stop the virus at the point of entry into epithelia. Vaccines that rely on developing virus-specific memory CTL precursors will not provide complete protection against infections that target, for example, respiratory epithelium (Andrew et al 1989). However, a CTL-peptide vaccine for a murine parainfluenza type 1 virus (Sendai virus) prevented the development of lethal pneumonia (Kast et a1 1991) and such immunization strategies work well with systemic infections (Klavinskis et a1 1989, Aichele et al 1990). There are two potential limitations inherent in the recall of CD8+ T cell memory for viruses that infect mucosal surfaces. The first applies to any secondary CTL response: memory CTL precursors require re-stimulation before they develop the ability to kill other cells. Recent experiments from D. Kagi, R. Zinkernagel, H. Hengartner and colleagues with mice homozygous for a genetically disrupted perforin gene indicate that cytotoxicity is the key effector function used in vivo by CD8+ T cells (reviewed by Doherty 1993b). Thus, while primed T cells are more numerous and respond more rapidly than naive
Evasion of host immune responses
CTL precursors (Tabi et a1 1988), the lag phase is still sufficient to allow extensive viral growth (Andrew et a1 1989). The second constraint is that memory CD8 CTL precursors have down-regulated expression of the lymph node homing receptor, L-selectin (Hou & Doherty 1993). This could mean that many of the memory CTL precursors will first encounter antigen again at a mucosal surface (equivalent to stage 3, Fig. 2), which may not provide an appropriate environment for the initial phase of re-stimulation. The latter effect might be less deleterious for T cells that have localized directly to sites of viral growth in solid tissue. Another question with viral vaccines that target CD8+ T cells is whether or not it is also important to incorporate the epitopes recognized by CD4+ helper cells. Direct, antigen-specific help between T cells seems fairly unlikely. It may be that ‘help’ simply reflects the beneficial influence of increased cytokine levels in lymphoid tissue, which may, for instance, be equally well provided by CD4+ T cells that recognize bovine serum albumin epitopes delivered in Freund’s incomplete adjuvant (Feltkamp et a1 1993). Relatively little is known about the need or otherwise for primed help in the recall of memory CD8+ T cell responses. Also, the need for help in the primary CD8 CTL response has not been particularly obvious in a number of experiments using monoclonal antibodies to CD4 for in vivo depletion (Doherty et a1 1992), though recent experiments with class I1 MHC ( - / - ) mice may be giving a different result for some (but not for other) viruses. +
Acknowledgements Experiments from the author’s laboratories mentioned in this account were supported by USPHS grants AI29579, AI31596, CA38877, CA52258, and by the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities.
References Ahmed R 1992 Immunological memory against viruses. Semin Immunol 4:105-109 Aichele P, Hengartner H , Zinkernagel RM, Schulz M 1990 Antiviral cytotoxic T cell response induced by in vivo priming with a free synthetic peptide. J Exp Med 171 1815- I820 Andrew ME, Coupar BE, Boyle DB 1989 Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to recombinant vaccinia viruses in mice. lmmunol Cell Biol 67:331-337 Auphan N, Jezo-Bremond A, Schonrich G et al 1992 Threshold tolerance in H-2Kbspecific TCR transgenic mice expressing mutant H-2Kb: conversion of helperindependent to helper-dependent CTL. Int Immunol 4: 1419- I428 Bodmer WF, Browning MJ, Krausa P, Rowan A, Bicknell DC, Bodmer J G 1993 Tumor escape from immune response by variation in HLA expression and other mechanisms. Ann NY Acad Sci 690:42-49 Burnet FM 1973 Multiple polymorphism in relation to histocompatibility antigens. Nature 245 3 9 - 3 6 ]
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Cumpo: You suggest that for long-term protection you need high-titre antibodies against the virus infecting a second time. This is not what we found when we vaccinated animals with the L2 protein of bovine papillomavirus type 4,which is a mucosal virus. We found that over time the titre of anti-12 antibody in the serum of these animals decreased practically to an undetectable level. When we rechallenged them about 14 months later, anti-12 antibodies were seen in the serum again very rapidly. In the control animals, there was the usual lag phase then a sluggish response. Doherty: The rapidity or strength of a secondary antibody response depends to some extent on the degree of waning immunity. If you re-introduce the virus when the antibody levels are high, the virus is immediately neutralized and the secondary response is not very big. The more the antibody level wanes, the more viral growth you are likely to get and the more antigen you get, in effect. So in infection, you often get a better secondary response if you allow time for immunity to wane. The point about the lag phase in recalling the CD8’. T cell response is less relevant for tumour systems. A tumour will grow much more slowly than a virus, so delay will be less critical. It’s only really important when we’re thinking about trying to prevent viruses like HIV or EBV from becoming established in the first place. For those, the lag phase may be critical, and we may need t o think of back-up strategies if any vaccine is going to work. But in a tumour, the lag phase in the secondary T cell response is probably pretty irrelevant. Levifsky: You have not said much about natural killer (NK) cells. Many people, such as Ian Ramshaw, have shown a role for these in the resolution of influenza. There are even a few anecdotal reports in the clinical literature of individuals born deficient in NK cells. Their critical phenotype is recurrent infections with herpesvirus. Doherty: Ray Welsh has evidence from studies on cytomegalovirus (CMV) that NK cells do play a modulator role early on (Bukowski et al 1984).
Evasion of host immune responses
With influenza infection and Sendai infection, we’ve never seen a major role for NK cells. Meliet We looked at two different strains of mice, 129/J and B6. Before viral encounter, the 12915 is extremely susceptible because it has very few NK cells. But once you have primed those mice and they have specific T cell responses, both 12915 and B6 mice are protected by H-2Kb-restricted CTL. Stanley: A. Simmons (personal communication 1985) has also shown for herpes simplex that one of the distinctions between resistant and susceptible strains of mice is the reduction of viral load by NK cells. Doherty: That’s what may help control the infection early on. With the RNA viruses, NK-mediated effects have never been tremendously impressive. I’ve also been ignoring the y6 T cells. They may have some role. SCID mice are more susceptible than mice in which the T cell receptor p gene has been knocked out, in the sense that the latter live longer, although they don’t clear the virus (Maryna Eichelberger, unpublished data). There are many other mechanisms and cell types present in inflammatory sites that might not deal optimally with virus, but may have more to do with bacteria and parasites. Melie$ Peter, from the current available data, do you think the influenza vaccines are good vaccines? If not, how might we improve them? Doherty: The current influenza vaccine is either a recombinant subunit vaccine or a killed vaccine which is directed against what people believe is the serotype that’s circulating. It is given to particularly susceptible populations, such as the aged. With every influenza infection, most of us will have primed CD8 T cells that recognize peptides derived from conserved internal components of the virus, such as nucleoprotein. The basis of the protection conferred by the vaccine is really antibody. Last year the regulatory people got the vaccine for the B virus in the United States slightly wrong and a lot of people suffered bad influenza B virus infections. It would be better if we could give a live vaccine. There is much effort to make a cold-adapted vaccine, largely by commercial operations collaborating with Brian Murphy at NIH. Neutralizing antibody is central to the biology of the influenza A viruses, driving the selection and emergence of variant surface glycoproteins. Whereas EBV goes latent in B cells, influenza hangs around in ducks, pigs, horses and whatever, and changes its coat. Moss: Peter, how well do people with B cell deficiencies deal with influenza infection? Doherty: People with B cell immunodeficiencies aren’t terribly susceptible to viral infections, but I suspect they would see every influenza infection as a primary infection. Mary Ellen Conly tells me that she doesn’t bother that much about the common viral infections in people with B cell immunodeficiency. Greenberg: Could you embellish your perception of Moskophidis and Zinkernagel’s hypothesis of exhaustion and deletion? This would obviously have a lot of impact on strategies to raise immune responses to established malignancies. +
Doherty: I wonder what the evidence is that there is ever T cell exhaustion in malignancy. The TlLs phenomenology indicates that the tumour can suck up a lot of the available responder cells and hold them in some sort of quiescent state. They’re sort of down-regulated in the tumour, aren’t they? However, they do not seem to have been totally anergized. Cohen: I don’t think we are prepared to say yet. Obviously, the failure of the host to control the tumour suggests there are either host factors or tumour factors holding T cells in check so they don’t remain proliferative and activated while in the tumour. Otherwise the tumour would presumably be rejected. Doherty: Perhaps, with melanoma, the 60% of patients who seem to lack TILs have exhausted their potential T cell pool by overstimulating the lymphocytes to the stage where they undergo apoptosis. This could be addressed with experimental models by overloading the tumour burden. Greenberg: Do you think the LCMV experiments are convincing? Doherty: The Moskophidis/Zinkernagel (Moskophidis et al 1993a) LCMV ‘immune exhaustion’ experiment works well only when you use a virus that to some extent grows in CD4+ T cells. It does occur with lymphocytic choriomeningitis, but we have not seen immune exhaustion in any other infections where we have immunosuppressed greatly and the animals eventually died. We still see CD8+ precursors, for example sitting in the spleen and not getting to the lungs of influenza-infected mice. This needs to be analysed in the tumour systems. Whether exhaustion contributes eventually to the overall decline in immunity with age is another interesting question. The evidence for EBV is rather neutral. If Antonio Lanzavecchia finds that his long-term dominant clones in old people are EBV specific, I guess it means they’re not being exhausted. Rickinson: I was struck by the draining lymph node story, in the context of asking which proteins are likely to be a source of good CTL epitopes. For a mucosal virus like Sendai or herpes, many viral proteins will not be expressed in the antigen-presenting cell, whatever that is. The infection of such cells is abortive. I am trying to reconcile this with Phil Greenberg’s finding that the major epitopes in CMV are derived from structural proteins rather than from early products of the infectious cycle. Could CMV be replicating in a local site, in which case the draining mode would be served by cells that are actually carrying virus particles but in which there’s no gene expression? Then you may get presentation of those structures, if they somehow enter the class I pathway. When applied to papillomavirus, the question becomes: what is going to be expressed in antigen-presenting cells as they leave the site? Maybe you should be looking at L1, L2 structural proteins as CTL targets. Stanley: I think that’s why Saveria Campo gets a T cell response to L2 (Campo & Jarrett 1994, this volume).
Evasion of host immune responses
Doherty: Are there dendritic cells in the vaginal epithelium, for instance, that go t o the node? Has anyone done any antigen trafficking studies t o regional lymph nodes? Stanley: There are dendritic cells in the vaginal epithelium. Doherty: The epitopes for influenza and Sendai virus in the B6 mouse are from the nucleoprotein, but they could potentially be from any protein. Rickinson: Yes, because there is a whole array of things being expressed. Immunizing with autologous dendritic cells expressing L1, L2 from some kind of vector may be a strategy to consider. Doherty: The chance of making a vaccine for the papillomavirus seems pretty good. I think this virus just sneaks through; if you don’t let it, you might control the infection. Rickinson: The assumption is that if you somehow contain the lesion, the chance of long-term persistence would be reduced. But, the putative stem cell, which is E6, E7 positive, would still be untouched. Carnpo: There is no direct evidence that the basal cells or stem cells are infected. Stanley: There’s circumstantial evidence that stem cells are infected. Rickinson: Peter, in your model, there is infiltration of precursor cells. Do the CTLs actually become activated at the site of primary infection in the epithelium? Doherty: The precursors are generated in the regional node. Whether or not CTL effectors can be found in the node depends on the virus. A virulent virus that grows more in the lymph node leads to CTL activity in that site. Even if we see little in a 51Cr release assay, there are still probably a few CTL that knock out the antigen-presenting cells: CTL assays are qualitative rather than quantitative. This is why the limiting dilution analysis is important. When the CTL precursors reach the virus-infected lung, a proportion, but by n o means all, are driven t o become CTL effectors by massive stimulation via the T cell receptor. The lymphocytes that become cytotoxic effectors probably die, though we don’t know that formally. There are still a lot of CTL precursors sitting in the lung that don’t become cytotoxic. Rickinson: If you take a lavage from the lung, you can grow precursors from that, but can you also demonstrate cytotoxicity straight from the lavage? Are they different cells? Doherty: We can demonstrate potent CTL activity in freshly isolated bronchoalveolar lavage populations. We have been trying to find a marker that would differentiate the effector CTL from the non-lytic precursors, but are yet to succeed. So far, all the markers turn out t o be activation markers. The key experiment t o demonstrate that the CTL are clearing virus is t o use the perforin knock-out mouse developed by Hans Hengartner, Rolf Zinkernagel and colleagues (Kagi et a1 1994, reviewed in Doherty 1993). If you eliminate CD8 cells (e.g. in a &-microglobulin knock-out mouse), you get CD4+ killers out of the lung with delayed kinetics. Normal mice do +
not generate CD4+ killer T cells. To my mind, what is happening there is that the CD4+ cells are being driven longer via their T cell receptors and becoming lytic effectors as part of an ongoing differentiation process. This effect is readily shown in vifro. Greenberg: Mice in which the y-interferon gene has been knocked out also clear virus. Doherfy: Yes, and there is no delay in clearance. Tom Braciale found some Th2-type cells when he re-stimulated from the spleen (Graham et al 1993). We’ve repeated the antibody depletion experiment with BALB/c mice. This strain will switch to Thz when we neutralize y-interferon, so there are big genetic differences among mouse strains. The question is whether the difference is MHC related; there is some evidence that it is, from various systems. Eisenbach: In high-dose tolerance or apoptosis, is it a question of amount or affinity of binding, like in thymic selection? Doherfy: I think it’s just an enormous amount of virus. LCMV grows to very high titres, in a great variety of cells. There is a diagreement between the two groups who have worked with the LCM model. According to Moskophidis and Zinkernagel (Moskophidis et al 1993b), if you transfer memory T cells into a neonatal LCMV carrier mouse that has masses of virus, the primed T cells become exhausted and can no longer be detected. Beth Jamieson and Rafi Ahmed did the same experiment some years ago. In their study, the transferred CD8+ memory T cells cleared LCMV from carrier mice. The elimination of virus was so complete that new naive CTL precursors started to come through the thymus (Jamieson & Ahmed 1988).
References Bukowski JF, Woda BA, Welsh RM 1984 Pathogenesis of murine cytomegalovirus infection in natural killer cell-depleted mice. J Virol 52:119-128 Campo MS, Jarrett WFH 1994 Vaccination against cutaneous and mucosal papillomavirus in cattle. In: Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Found Symp 187) p xx-xx Doherty PC 1993 Cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Cell 75:607-612 Graham MB, Dalton DK, Giltinan D, Braciale VL, Stewart TA, Braciale TJ 1993 Response to influenza infection in mice with a targeted disruption in the interferon gamma gene. J Exp Med 178:1725-1732 Jamieson BD, Ahmed R 1988 T-cell tolerance: exposure to virus in utero does not cause a permanent deletion of specific T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 85:2265-2268 Kagi D, Ledermann B, Biirki K et al 1994 Cytotoxicity mediated by T cells and not killer cells is greatly impaired in perforin-deficient mice. Nature 369:3 1-37 Moskophidis D, Lechner F, Pircher H, Zinkernagel RM 1993a Virus persistence in acutely infected immunocopetent mice by exhaustion of antiviral cytotoxic effector T cells. Nature 362:758-761 Moskophidis D, Laine E, Zinkernagel RM 1993b Peripheral clonal deletion of antiviral memory CD8+ T cells. Eur J Immunol 23:3306-3311
Final d scussion Frazer: We ave been considering prevention or therapy for virally induced tumours and I would like to review how we stand at the end of the symposium. Let’s consider it virus by virus, with regard t o immunoprophylaxis t o prevent infection on the one hand and tumour immunotherapy on the other. For hepatitis B virus (HBV), there is an effective vaccine to prevent infection. Theoretically, if the preventative vaccine is successful, we shouldn’t need to worry about tumour immunotherapy. After natural infection, HBV induces either immunity or tolerance to its own structural antigens, depending on the age at which you are infected. In any case, there appear to be no virus-specific target proteins in the HBV-associated tumours and we are therefore in the same position with hepatocellular cancer as with any other non-virally associated tumour, where there are only ‘altered self’ genes that can be used as targets. In people infected with human T cell lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-I), there is obviously a symbiosis between virus and host, so I’m not sure whether a preventive vaccine would be possible. We haven’t talked much about HTLV-I, but Eddy Liew gave us some very interesting information on possible models for testing. However, when it comes to immunotherapy, once again, there’s no virus-specific antigen in the tumour to target. The virus for which development of a vaccine should be easier is, of course(!), papillomavirus. Obviously, the immune system hasn’t been educated properly with regard t o this virus after a natural infection. Margaret Stanley has shown us that the human host can mount an immune response to wart tissue, eventually. Nevertheless, if one cuts through warts, 90% of them have no inflammatory infiltrate as evidence that the immune system is recognizing any viral antigens as immunogenic. This allows us to speculate that a preventive vaccine may be possible-the right immunity in the right place should d o the job. To get enough response for long enough and at the right site will depend on the strategies that we’ve been talking about during this week. Tumour immunotherapy is also possible for papillomavirus-associated tumours: there are viral proteins to which an immune response can be generated and those proteins, particularly E6 and E7, hang around in the tumours. I’m still not sure about Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). There is clearly a natural symbiosis between the immune system and the virus, which is good for the majority of people infected. As far as a preventive vaccine is concerned, I’m not sure that anything will be better than the natural infection at provoking virus-specific immunity. However, if sterile immunity is required t o prevent 26 1
Final discussion
EBV-associated turnours, it’s clear that there are plenty of potential target antigens. Then there is the question of tumour immunotherapy, which might be possible for nasopharyngeal carcinoma because there is potentially a range of viral antigens to be attacked there, including the EBNA (Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen) proteins and perhaps LMPl (latent membrane protein 1). Tumour immunotherapy doesn’t seem likely to work for Burkitt’s lymphoma, because of the peculiar problem that there is only one antigen (EBNA-1) and the immune system seems determined to ignore it. Unless we can work out the mechanisms for the non-immunogeneity of EBNA-1, this will be a major problem. Stanley: For papillomavirus, it is not necessarily that the host doesn’t know there is a viral infection, it either doesn’t care about it or it treats it as self. Frazer: There’s an important distinction between ignorance and tolerance. Stanley: Yes, it’s an operational term. There are systems that have been activated and cascades that have been initiated. It is not as though the virus is present and there is no response whatsoever. Frazer: I think it depends on the papillomavirus. In the bovine model there’s an extremely good immune response after a natural infection. The infection is cleared rapidly in association with the development of an immune response that you can measure. But for HPV-16, I’m not so sure. Campo: The difficult papillomavirus is the mucosal one. The papillomaviruses that infect the skin always induce a good response, at least in cattle. Wettstein: In the cottontail rabbit, you can prevent infection quite effectively with vaccines. How long prevention lasts is still an open question. Frazer: I agree. I think we’re starting with an advantage because the immune system hasn’t already made up its mind about what to do with papillomavirus infection, at least not so much as it has for EBV or HTLV-I. Galloway: If you look at antibody to the mucosal viruses, HPV-6 or HPV-16, approximately 60% of infected individuals have antibody. This is probably an underestimate because of the newness of the tests. So t o say that HPV is not seen by the immune system is wrong. Stanley: Are you talking about antibody in people who have lesions or in those who have had lesions? You must make the distinction between people who clear infection without developing lesions and those who develop lesions. Galloway: I don’t think we know enough about the natural history to say that there’s a lot of absolutely asymptomatic infection and that there isn’t transiently some lesion. I think that of the people for whom you can show DNA in the genital tract, at least 60% have antibody. Frazer: One thing that is clear for all the viruses is that we need to know more about the natural history of the infections. Melie) If 60% of infected people make antibody to HPV, probably much of this is IgG-type antibodies, which would indicate underlying helper T cell responses. This would suggest that the lack of B7 on the keratinocytes doesn’t mean that the immune system is not capable of recognizing these HPV antigens.
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Probably, we underestimate the importance of the draining node system and the lymphatic drainage. I’m sure there are sufficient, at least initially, Langerhans cells and dendritic cells that can channel antigens through the draining nodes, where vigorous immune responses can take place. I agree we know virtually nothing about CTL (cytotoxic T lymphocyte) memory. We are at the stage where we need to see whether infected people have CTL responses, what the quality of the CD4+ and antibody responses is, and if there is a correlation, in the case of HPV, between the quality and quantity of the immune response and the clinical response to infection. It may be too little and too late, but there may be quite a good immune response that we can try to improve. The same problem applies to melanomas. We now know that these patients respond to at least six antigens. Many patients that respond to all of them still develop growing tumours. So it may be a quantitative phenomenon or the tumours may actually produce factors that make T cells anergic or at least inert. Doherty: What d o we know about local antibody production in the reproductive tract? Stanley: There were quite a lot of studies done on mucosal antibodies with respect to herpes simplex virus (HSV) 2. Jenny Best and colleagues (Dale et al 1988) did quite extensive investigations in the genital tract. Galloway: Rhoda Ashley and Larry Carey are looking at IgA to specific HSV antigens. They are certainly present in a majority of patients. Our lab, John Schiller’s lab at NIH and others have developed ELISAs (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays), using HPV capsids, which may reveal the presence of mucosal antibodies to HPV capsids. These assays are very new and are just being tried in a variety of clinical and epidemiological studies. Eisenbach: Is there any class I1 association between responders and nonresponders to papillomavirus? Stanley: There’s the reported association between HLA-DQ w3 and invasive carcinoma (Wank & Thomssen 1991). That is disputed because other groups have not been able to demonstrate an association (Clew et a1 1992). Cumpo: There is an association in rabbits between progression to cancer after infection with cottontail rabbit papillomavirus and the rabbit equivalent of the DQ w3 class I antigen (Han et a1 1992). Meliefi There is also an interesting strong under-representation of HLA-A1 1 in patients with skin carcinomas in kidney transplant recipients. Greenberg: A different approach is to ask more specifically about the immune repsonses that are mediated in the skin and determine if we can harness them. There are a variety of diseases that are associated with autoimmune injury in the epidermis, such as epidermolysis bullosa. There seems to me to be clear evidence that the host is quite capable of recognizing antigens in the epidermis and causing dramatic epidermal injury. What are those immune responses and can we harness them to recognize HPV proteins?
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Stanley: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex is caused by a keratin defect. The cells are structurally weak. When the patients rub their knees or whatever, the skin breaks down and there is ulceration. The responses you see are due to inflammation. In bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris, there is essentially the production of an autoantibody-directed against a desmosomal protein in the case of vulgaris. In pemphigoid, the autoantibody is directed against a component of the hemidesmosome complex, probably an intracellular protein. Greenberg: The implication is that an antibody response to a protein expressed in the epidermis is quite capable of eliminating epidermal cells. Are you confident that T cell responses to antigens in the skin are not playing a role? Melief: The best example of the T cell response would be contact sensitivity to things like nickel, where there is very heavy infiltration of T cells. Greenberg: The critical issue is that the failure to clear tumour cells expressing HPV genes does not appear to result from an inability of the immune system to recognize proteins expressed in epidermal tissues. Wettstein: This is also clear from the spontaneous regression of tumours. Doherty: In general, immune effector mechanisms are similar, no matter where they are. There are constraints imposed by particular tissues. One point that I wonder about a lot is how long antibody-producing cells actually remain in mucosal sites. Levitsky: You have t o be careful with regard to the response t o tumours in terms of the actual setting. There are large differences, depending on where the tumours reside, in the efficacy of the immune response. In particular, it is very difficult to generate responses to bone metastases because of the influence of the local milieu. Doherty: Once the response is generated, the effector mechanisms are likely to be similar. I agree that the parameters governing the generation of the response will vary. Levitsky: I think the effector cells are influenced by the microenvironment at the site of challenge. Fruzer: My remarks about papillomavirus were meant to be provocative and appear to have been! My comments about natural infection with EBV being the best immunogen were equally meant to be provocative but haven’t produced a response yet. Moss: The evidence you mentioned is incorrect. You need to think of vaccines for EBV-associated tumours in two different categories. On the one hand, there are the lymphomas that arise in immunocompromised individuals. In those the full array of EBV latent antigens is expressed. The clinical observation is that the people most at risk for these tumours are the EBV seronegative individuals. I would argue very strongly that anything that might protect against clinical infectious mononucleosis may well protect against these immunoblastic lymphomas. I think there are reasonable prospects that the approaches we are using now, whether they use a peptide-based vaccine or recombinant gp340,
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will eventually lead to a situation where we can prevent these immunoblastic lymphomas. The reason is that I don’t think we need a particularly potent immune response to prevent these tumours. In acute infectious mononucleosis, only about 50% of adolescents who come down with primary infection actually develop clinical disease. So even with the very weak response, we should be able to tip the 50:50 balance so that a much smaller proportion come down with clinical disease. In all the other EBV-associated tumours, there is very significant downregulation of the genes that seem t o encode the main targets for cytotoxic T cells. For example, in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, cells generally express only EBNA-1, although there are individual tumours that express LMP as well. Burkitt’s lymphoma cells nearly all express only EBNA-1. So it seems to me that the only way you can prevent these tumours is to prevent primary infection. In other words, we need some strategy to induce sterile immunity. This is the crux of the problem. I’m very pessimistic about being able to induce a sterile immunity, which I suspect may be a prerequisite for preventing those tumours. Perhaps, if John Arrand’s vaccine can induce such a high IgA response that it will actually mop up all the incoming virus, it might work, but the response would need to be sustained for a long time. Arrund: We really don’t know about induction of sterile immunity. If we have a dual approach, combining vaccination, where we’re hoping for a neutralizing effect against the incoming virus, and Denis Moss’ approach, which may be able to kill the cells infected by the particles ‘that got away’, we may have a chance. We just have to try. Rickinson: Logistically, for the tumours that come up after long latent periods with a limited spectrum of viral antigen expression, you would just target the tumour in specific patients using the kind of approach that Phil Greenberg described (Greenberg et a1 1994, this volume). If we can’t eliminate EBV from the planet, this is the most logical approach. Moss: The problem is that Burkitt’s lymphoma, for example, expresses only EBNA-1 and the question of CTL t o EBNA-I is still up in the air. Fruzer: So this is just a tumour like any other tumour-presumably it will express other proteins and be susceptible to Phil Greenberg’s approach. Chen: I have a general comment on the use of soluble protein in immunization. Dr Saveria Campo showed that she can use soluble proteins of bovine papillomavirus to immunize cattle (Campo & Jarrett 1994, this volume). One possible explanation is that extracellular enzymes are involved in the cleavage of this kind of protein. Linda Sherman at the Scripps Clinic described a protease that works extracellularly in the blood; this cleaves soluble proteins t o peptides that can enter the class I pathway (Sherman et a1 1992). This type of enzyme may occur in certain tissues or in the lymph node. If people could find a mechanism to make this type of enzyme cut protein precisely into peptides, that would be a good approach for engineering a soluble protein vaccine.
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Cresswell: If you know an epitope, you should theoretically be able to design it to fit extracellular enzymes that are normally not involved in antigen-processing mechanisms. Levitsky: This returns us to the issue of how easily MHC class I molecules can be loaded on the surface of the cell. Parham: Hyam, d o you have some ideas about how immunity is being generated in your system? Levitsky: We are very excited by the data of Pramod Srivastava on the heat shock proteins, specifically gp96. Pramod is able to isolate heat shock proteins from a specific tumour, vaccinate a naive animal with them and confer protective immunity against challenge with that tumour. The immunity is CD8+ dependent and is specific for the tumour. Further analysis has shown that these carrier proteins carry a whole spectrum of peptides. I f he disaggregates the peptides and vaccinates with only the heat shock protein, there is no effect. We don’t know the physiological role of these heat shock proteins. One possibility is that these complexes of molecules are capable of facilitating the uptake of peptides from a degraded cell by a neighbouring antigen-presenting cell through an as yet unidentified mechanism. In the absence of such a mechanism, we are left with professional antigen-presenting cells taking up exogenous protein, perhaps degrading it in the lysosomes, then somehow have the peptide cross from the lysosome into the cytoplasmic space. We’ve heard some possible evidence of lysosomes breaking open or there may be an as yet unidentified mechanism analogous to one in certain intracellular bacteria that are capable of getting from the lysosome into the cytoplasm. This is all speculation. The third possibility is that the antigen never actually enters a true intracellular space. It may be taken up by an antigen-presenting cell, degraded on lysosomes and spat back out for loading onto the class I molecule of an adjacent cell. There is in vitro evidence that such a thing can happen, but whether that’s what really happens in vivo is unproven. Doherty: In inflammatory lesions, for instance, we see apoptotic cells inside macrophages. The whole question of antigen handling may be even grosser than we generally conceive. What are the processing pathways for antigen expressed in or on a cell that has been eaten whole? Stanley: Malignant cells have such altered and disturbed surfaces; they are often highly motile cells and readily fuse with other cells to form cell hybrids. Fusion with macrophages might be a way of processing and presenting tumour cell antigens. Levitsky: Certain investigators have been trying to take advantage of doing just that to create a better vaccine. In some circumstances, these seem to work (Guo et al 1994). Eisenbach: The work described in that paper is dangerous because it uses a live vaccine. There is evidence that fusing non-metastatic tumour
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cells with activated B cells makes highly metastatic variants (de Baetselier et a1 1981). Levitsky: Were they able to irradiate the hybrids and still get effective vaccination? Eisenbach: No. Doherty: I know that immune exhaustion and memory has not been studied in many patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma or Burkitt’s lymphoma, but are there antigen-specific precursors circulating in the blood of those people and are the relevant antigens expressed in these tumours? Moss: You have to remember that in patients with Burkitt’s lymphoma the tumour cells express only EBNA-1. We are just beginning to come to grips with the question of CTL eptiopes within EBNA-1. As far as we can see, many patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma have an EBV-specific memory T cell population. Alan, have you looked in such patients to see whether they have LMP-specific CTL? Rickinson: No, we haven’t. There is some memory, as defined in a simple in vitro regression assay, but the antigenic specificity is not known for those particular patients. Doherty: Has anyone been able to look at a progressive tumour and see whether the memory T cells are disappearing, or is that impossible because people are being treated with cytotoxic drugs? Greenberg: We are looking at patients with Hodgkin’s disease. About onethird of these patients have monoclonal EBV genomes in their malignant Reed-Sternberg cells. In contrast to the tumours we’ve been talking about, the Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin’s disease do express several EBV genes, including those for EBNA-1, LMPl and LMP2. In collaboration with Rick Ambinder at Johns Hopkins University, we are examining the response to EBV antigens in this population and determining if responses capable of recognizing the tumour can be detected. It does appear that the Reed-Sternberg cells are class I positive; we are now looking to see if their tumour cells have more subtle processing defects. Levitsky: In low-grade Hodgkin’s disease, most of the cells in the lymphoma are normal reactive T cells. As the prognosis gets worse, you see fewer of those and more Reed-Sternberg cells. Rickinson: In both Hodgkin’s and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, the malignant cells express accessory molecules of various kinds. They look extremely immunogenic; they are class I1 positive. You may then invoke natural selection-the only time you see a tumour is when the relevant CTL either are not generated or are in some other way unable to access the malignant cells. Doherty: There was a hint in the melanoma literature years ago that that might be happening. But the fact that you can get so many tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes out of such tumours suggests down-regulation rather than immune escape.
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Rickinson: EBV-specific CTL have never been grown from T cells infiltrating biopsies of nasopharyngeal carcinoma-that’s been tried, without success. Melief: Have people tried to grow EBV-specific T cells from the relatively benign stages of Hodgkin’s or the less malignant ones? Greenberg: We can get EBV-reactive cells out of some Hodgkin’s patients. We are now looking at whether they recognize the same proteins as are being expressed on the Reed-Sternberg cells. Doherty: Could people say what their best candidate vaccine would be for preventing the induction of cancer associated with any one of these tumour viruses? Cumpo: For HPV, it is the capsid protein. Moss: For the EBV-associated tumours, it will be a lot easier to have a vaccine against the immunoblastic lymphomas than against nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Burkitt’s lymphoma. Hodgkin’s disease is more of an unknown quantity. Levifsky: This would be sterile immunity; presumably by the time someone has this disease, they are too immunosuppressed to vaccinate. Moss: Yes. I’m really thinking of bone marrow transplant patients. Patients who are EBV seronegative should have some form of immunization before they receive the graft. Beverley: The same would apply to kidney transplant patients. Do tumours still arise in seronegative patients after renal transplantation? Moss: Tumours are very common in liver transplant recipients, particularly in children as far as I understand. Beverley: But that immunoblastic lymphoma is common in renal transplant patients as well, isn’t it? Are they seronegative though? Rickinson: Recipients of renal transplants are almost always infected with EBV before transplantation, so when tumours do arise it is from a reactivated EBV infection. But the incidence of EBV-related lymphoma in renal transplant patients or in adult liver transplant patients is very low compared with that seen in very young allograft recipients who are EBV seronegative before transplantation. However, if you look a t the early literature on heart and lung transplant patients, who were given much more cyclosporin A than was actually needed, then lymphoma incidence was unusually high. Profound immune expression can therefore predispose to lymphomas even in the context of an existing, rather than just a primary, EBV infection. Greenberg: There is one strategy that nobody has mentioned, perhaps because the drugs are not available now. A lot of the tumours being discussed exhibit poor expression of the viral genes in the target cells at the time when therapy would be initiated. Are there drugs that one could use to induce viral gene expression and render the cells better targets? In collaboration with Rick Ambinder, we are examining whether 5-azacytidine can demethylate and induce
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expression of EBV genes in EBV lymphomas and whether this will make the cells the targets, at least transiently, of an EBV-specific CTL response. This is not a very specific reagent, but presumably there are ways to trans-activate some of these viral genes more specifically. GuNowuy: Is it clear that they’re not being expressed because they’re met h ylated? Greenberg: No, that’s precisely the question that Rick Ambinder has designed the experiment to answer. But, for example, what about all the HPV genes that are not being expressed in epithelial cells? Are there methods you could use in vitro to trans-activate the genes? Stanley: I don’t think so. The problem is that the transcriptional milieu of the cell is what’s regulating viral gene expression. Greenberg: But it might be a way to make a poorly immunogenic cell more immunogenic. Fruzer: Particularly for viruses like HTLV-I, where one can induce the appropriate genes in vitro but you just don’t see them expressed in the patients. It seems we’ve achieved some part of what we set out to achieve three days ago. The target antigens for immunotherapy for two virally induced tumours, HPV-associated epithelial tumours and EBV-associated immunoblastic lymphomas, have been defined and there appears t o be some consensus that these will be easier tumours to treat with immunotherapy than those associated with HTLV-I or HBV infection, which probably lack usable virus-specific antigens. We believe that while the relevant viral proteins may not be natural immunogens, peptides derived from them can be recognized in association with MHC by induced immune effector cells. We have discussed several approaches to specific immunotherapy, including ex vivo lymphocyte expansion and vaccine strategies designed t o induce a Th, and well as a Thz response. Clearly, there is still considerable controversy over the relative roles of MHC class I-restricted CTL and MHC class 11-restricted cytokine-secreting cells in the control of tumour growth. This will be a fertile field of research over the next few years. Tumours will, through a process of natural selection, use every trick at their disposal to outsmart the immunotherapist by reducing their immunogenicity. We will, I suspect, have to stack the odds in our favour by reducing tumour bulk, at the same time ensuring that our therapy does not induce immunosuppression. In the meanwhile, it’s reassuring to know that at least two Phase I clinical trials of HPV protein-targeted tumour immunotherapy for cervical cancer are now underway, and trials of immunotherapy to prevent HPV and EBV infection will shortly commence. At the end of this exciting conference it remains only to thank the speakers for their excellent contributions and Dr Derick Chadwick and all his staff at the Ciba Foundation for making the meeting possible. +
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References Campo MS, Jarrett WFH 1994 Vaccination against cutaneous and mucosal papillomavirus in cattle, In: Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Found Symp 187) p61-77 Dale GE, Coleman RM, Best JM et al 1988 Class specific Herpes simplex virus antibodies in sera and cervical secretions from patients with cervical neoplasms: a multi-group comparison. Epidemiol Infect 110:455-465 de Baetselier P , Goreli KE, Eshhar Z, Katza VS, Feldman M, Segal S 1981 Metastatic properties conferred on nonmetastatic tumors by hybridization of spleen B lymphocytes with plasmacytoma cells. J Natl Cancer Inst 67:1079-1087 Clew SS, Stern PL, Davidson JA, Dyer PA 1992 HLA antigens and cervical carcinoma. Nature 356:22 Greenberg PD, Nelson B, Gilbert M et a1 1994 Genetic modification of T cell clones to improve the safety and efficacy of adoptive T cell therapy. In: Vaccines against virally induced cancers. Wiley, Chichester (Ciba Found Symp 187) p 212-228 Guo Y , Wu M, Chen H et a1 1994 Effective tumor vaccine generated by fusion of hepatoma cells with activated B cells. Science 263:518-520 Han R, Breitburd F, Marche PN, Orth G 1992 Linkage of regression and malignant conversion of rabbit viral papillomas to MHC class I1 genes. Nature 356:66-68 Sherman LA, Burke TA, Biggs J A 1992 Extracellular processing of peptide antigens that bind class I major histocompatibility molecules. J Exp Med 175:1221-1226 Wank R, Thomssen C 1991 High risk of squarnous cell carcinoma of the cervix for women with HLA-DQw3. Nature 352:723-725
Index of contributors Non-participating co-authors are indicated by asterisks. Entries in bold type indicate papers; other entries refer to discussion contributions. Indexes compiled by Liza Weinkove.
*Ahmadzadeh, M., 229 Allison, J. P., 34, 35, 75, 86, 95, 107, 142, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 243,244 *Androlewicz, M. J., 150 Arrand, J. R., 14, 15, 33, 46, 59, 131, 265 *Bernhard, H., 198 *Beutner, U., 132 Beverley, P. C. L., 19, 36, 41, 46, 76, 78,86,87,88,91,92,93,95, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 268 *Bornford, R., 47 *Burrows, S. R., 4 *Calenoff, E., 198 Campo, M. S., 18, 37, 38, 43, 44, 61, 73,74,94, 164,256,259,262,263,268 *Carter, C., 179 *Chain, B., 78 *Chambers, M., 21 Cheever, M. A., 43, 88, 131, 176, 198. 207, 208, 209, 242, 243 Chen, L., 32, 36, 91, 95, 1 1 1 , 148, 265 Cohen, P. A., 39, 40, 41, 75, 111, 129, 130, 176, 177,179, 194, 195, 196, 197, 207, 226, 227, 258 *Coleman, N., 21 *Collins, S., 78 *Crawford, L., 78 Cresswell, P., 93, 109, 110, 140, 150, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 208, 209, 210, 266 *Czerniecki, B. J., 179 de ThC, 13, 15, 17, 19, 34, 47, 55, 56, 57, 5 8 , 59, 60, 89
*Disk, M. L., 198 Doherty, P. C., 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 32, 33, 34, 37, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 56, 58, 59, 60, 75, 76, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 107, 130, 131, 141, 142, 163, 164, 169, 176, 178,210, 211,225,242,245, 256,257,258,259, 260,263,264,266, 267, 268 Eisenbach, L., 35, 38, 55, 73, 87, 91, 104, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 146, 147, 148, 149, 162, 163, 165, 176, 194, 196, 209,226,240,241,260, 263,266,267 *Emery, S. R., 198 *Fowler, D. H., 179 Frazer, I. H., 1, 16, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 56, 57, 5 8 , 59, 90, 91, 92, 94, 105, 106, 107, 142, 165, 166, 176, 177,201, 261,262,264,265, 269 Galloway, D. A., 33, 35, 38,42,43, 56, 74,86,93,95, 110,207,262,263,269 *Gao, L., 78 *Gilbert, M., 212 *Golumbek, P., 229 *Gralow, J. R., 198 Greenberg, P., 36,40, 57, 58,59,60,76, 87,88,93, 94, 111, 142, 143, 149, 162, 163, 164, 194, 195,209,210, 212,224, 225,226,227,257,258,260, 263,264, 267, 268, 269 *Cress, R. E., 179 *Hand, S. L., 198 *Hickling, J., 78
Index of contributors
Howley, P. M., 143, 210, 224 *Huang. A. Y. C., 229 Huber, B. T., 132, 140, 141, 142, 143 *Hughes, J., 113 *[brahim, F., 47 *Jaffee, E., 229 *Jarrett, W. F. H., 61 *Jensen, M., 212 *Jones, J., 113 *Kast, W. M., 97 *Kazanji, M., 47 *Khanna, R., 4 *Kim, H., 179 Lanzavecchia, A., 75, 95, 107 Levitsky, H., 36, 56, 108, 146, 148, 149, 162, 164, 178, 195,229,241,242,243, 244, 256, 264, 266, 267, 268 Liew, F. Y., 13, 32, 36, 37, 45, 46, 56, 58, 74, 90, 106, 108, 109, 129, 142, 146, 147, 163, 166, 170, 176, 177, 178, 210, 211 *Maruyarna, T., 113 Melief, C. J. M., 18, 33, 38, 39, 40, 59, 74, 75, 87, 90, 94, 97, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 141, 142, 162, 163, 166, 168, 178, 195,207,208,209,210, 225, 242, 257, 262, 263, 264, 268 Milich, D. R., 46, 91. 113, 129, 130, 131, 166 Moss, D., 4, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 38, 39, 45,46,91,93, 106, 107,257,264,265, 268
*Nelson, B.,
*Ortmann, B.,
*Pardoll, D., 229 Parham, P., 73,88, 89,90,92,93, 108, 110, 111, 130, 166, 167, 168, 169,210, 224, 266 Rickinson, A. B., 16, 17, 18, 19,42,43, 46, 57, 88, 89, 91, 92, 131, 177, 196, 209, 258, 259, 265, 267, 268 *Riddell, S. R., 212 *Rosenberg, S. A., 179 *Sadovnikova, E., 78 *Sing, A., 212 *Sixbey, J. W., 245 Stanley, M., 17, 21, 32, 33, 34, 35 37,42,75,86,90,93,94,95, 146, 244,257,258,259,262,263,264, 269 *Stauss, H. J., 78 *Subramanyam, M., 132 *Suhrbier, A., 4 *Tripp, R. A.,
*Vousden’ K‘’ 78 Wettstein, F. O., 36, 37,45,46,262, 264 *White* R. L.* 179 *Yee, C., 212 *Zhu, X.,
Subject index adenoviruses CTL epitopes, 99 HTLV-I recombinant vaccine, 54, 59-60 immune evasion, 246, 25 1-252 adjuvants, 99, 100, 106 adoptive T cell therapy, 98, 195-196, 212-228 cultured T cells, 180-181 ‘fresh immune’ T cells, 180, 182 human malignancies, 218-219 immunocompromised patients, 213, 217-218, 224-225 see also tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes adult T cell leukaemia (ATL), 48,49, 50, 56 prevention/t herapy , 57- 58, I02 AIDS, 137, 176 EBV-associated tumours, 4-5, 6 peptide vaccination, 102- 103 see also HIV alimentary canal cancer, cattle, 61 -62 anergy, 249-25 1, 257-258 animal models HBV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma, 115 HPV infection, 62 HTLV-I infection, 5 1-53 anogenital carcinoma, 78 antibody response, see humoral immune response antigen presentation, 266-267 host bone marrow-derived cells, 229-244 tumour cells, 145-148 antigen-presenting cells (APC), 94, 144-149 antigen processing, 6, 150- 169, 208-21 0, 266-267 assembly of class I-peptide complexes, 151, 158-160, 166-167 Burkitt’s lymphoma cells, 9 CMV proteins, 216
TAP-mediated peptide transport, 151-158, 162-166 apoptosis, 250, 251, 258 appendicitis, 76 ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, 151 autoimmunity, 41, 101, 137 azathioprine, 2, 43 B7, 36, 107, 144-148, 243-244 B16 melanoma variant cells, 231-233, 240-241 B27 1/B27 2 (HLA-B27-binding peptides), 152, 153, 164 B cells EBV infection, 5, 16-17, 249 epitopes, BPV antigens, 66, 67, 69, 70 immunodeficiencies, 257 MMTV transmission, 134- 136, 142 bcl-2 gene, 18 bcr/abl breakpoint peptide, 102 BCRFl gene, 252 p2 microglobulin &m), 109, 151, 159-160, 166-167 deficiency, 169 BHRFI, 91 bladder cancer, cattle, 61-62 bone marrow-derived cells, tumour antigen presentation, 229-244 bone marrow transplantation (BMT), 268 CMV immune responses, 213-215 prophylaxis of CMV disease, 217, 224-225 bovine papillomavirus (BPV), 61-77, 265 fusion proteins, 63, 64, 66 mucosal, 61-62, 262 vaccines, 62-70, 73-75, 256, 258, 262 engineered subunit, 65-67 natural, 65 prophylactic, 66, 69, 70 therapeutic, 67, 69-70 BPV, see bovine papillomavirus bracken fern, 61-62
274 breast cancer, 208 HER-Z/neu expression, 199, 207-208 immune responses to HER-2/neu 200-202, 205 Burkitt’s lymphoma, 4, 5 , 91, 102 EBV antigen expression, 8, 265, 267 immune control, 8-10 primary EBV infection and, 15, 57 prospects for immunotherapy, 14,45, 262 bystander cells, tumour antigen presentation, 229-244 calnexin, 151, 159, 160, 167 cancers, see tumours CD4+ T cells, 75-76 adoptive therapy, 98, 181, 182, 195-1% antiviral vaccines and, 253 BPV-specific, 70 cervical HPV lesions, 25, 75-76 co-transfer with CD8+ T cells, 219, 225, 227 cultured antigen-specific, 181-192, 194-196 characteristics, 183-184 expansion for adoptive transfer, 188, 189 human, 188-192, 194 IL-6/1L-la effects, 185-188,194-195 Th, versus Th, phenotype, 188, 189, 195 y-interferon effects, 184-185 cytotoxic (CTL), 93-94, 259-260 ‘fresh immune’ murine antitumour, 182- 183 HER-2/neu-specific, 201 -202 HPV-I6 E7-specific, 27, 32 HTLV-I-specific, 58-59 peptide vaccination and, 99, 107 priming of turnour-specific, 230 regressing genital warts, 23, 24, 34 subsets, see Th, cells; Th, cells CD8+ T cells, I50 adoptive transfer, I80 cytomegalovirus prophylaxis, 217-218, 224-225 human malignancies, 218-219 improving safety and efficacy, 219-221, 225-227 antigen presentation to, 144-145, 145-146, 147, 148 BPV-specific, 74-75
Subject index
cultured, 180-181, 196-197, 217, 226 cytokine profile, 181 helper-independent(HIT), 181,220-221, 225-227 HER-2/neu-specific, 202-205, 207 HPV-16-specific, 80 HPV-specific, 25, 75 HTLV-I-specific, 58 melanoma-specific, 39, 40 priming of tumour-specific, 230 regressing genital warts, 23, 24, 34, 75 see also cytotoxic T lymphocytes CD28, 144-145 CD80, 144 cellular immune response, 75-76 BPV vaccines, 63, 66, 67, 70, 74-75 regressing warts, 23, 24, 34, 75-76 see also CD4+ T cells; CD8’ T cells; cytotoxic T lymphocytes cervical cancer, 21-22,78-79,84-85,92, 269 antigen-presenting cells, 94 HLA haplotypes, 91 HPV-directed immune responses, 26, 33, 90 peptide vaccination, 100-101, 102, 104-105 TAP-I expression, 95 cervical HPV infection, 25-27, 32, 33-34, 35 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), 22, 26 HPV-directed immune responses, 26, 80, 86, 90, 94 chaperones, 15 1, 162 chromosomal aberrations, 116 cirrhosis, 122 CMT64 lung carcinoma cells, 110, 11 1 CMV, see cytomegalovirus colon carcinoma cells, 233-234 colorectal carcinoma, 148 connexin 37:, 109-1 11 cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (CRPV), 46, 62, 69, 262, 263 cottontop marmoset, 14 cross-priming, 230-23 1, 236 CRPV, see cottontail rabbit papillomavirus CTL, see cytotoxic T lymphocytes CTLA-4, 144, 145, 146 cytokines cultured CD4+ T cell responses, 188, 195
Subject index
engineering CD8+ T cells to produce, 220-221, 226 nitric oxide and, 173 T cell subsets, 170, 181, 188 T helper subset induction, 171 virus interactions, 25 1-252 see also specific cytokines cytomegalovirus (CMV) CTL target antigens, 215-217, 258 murine, 214, 215 post-BMT immune responses, 213-215 prophylactic adoptive T cell transfer, 217-218, 224-225 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), 89, 150 adoptive therapy, 98 antigen presentation to, 145-146 CD4+, 93-94, 259-260 chronic HBV infection, 124 cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific, 214-2 15 adoptive transfer studies, 217-218, 224-225 target antigens, 215-217, 258 EBV-specific, 18-19, 218, 267-268 target antigens, 6-10, 91 vaccines and, 11-12, 13 HER-2/neu-specific, 202-205, 207 herpes simplex virus-specific, 94-95, 248, 249 HIV-specific, 89,91,92, 102-103,218 HPV- 16-specific, 78-96 class 11-restricted, 93 HLA-A2 transgenic mice, 80, 83-84 humans, 80, 82-83, 84, 90 target epitopes, 81-82,87, 88, 90-91 lymphocytic choriomeningitis virusspecific, 250 melanoma-associated antigens, 98,219 memory, see memory T cells peptide vaccination and, 97-1 12 precursors, 242, 248, 250, 25 1, 259 EBV-specific, 19 HPV-16-specific, 82-84 priming of tumour-specific, 229-244 Salmonella-induced, 177- 178 subdominant/immunodominant viral epitopes, 99 see also CD8’ T cells delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to HPV-16 E7 protein, 27-30, 32-33, 35-36
regressing warts, 25, 70 dendritic cells, 94, 95, 259 peptide vaccination and, 107 tumour antigen presentation, 182-183, 184 duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV), 115 E l A , adenovirus, 99, 246 ElB, adenovirus, 99, 246 E6, HPV-16, 78, 102, 209 antibody responses, 26, 33, 36 CTL responses, 81-85, 86-87, 88, 90-91, 100-101 recombinant vaccinia viruses, 80 E7 BPV, 66, 67, 68, 70, 74, 102 HPV-16, 70, 78 antibody response, 26 CTL responses, 81-85, 86-87, 90-91, 100-101, 108, 111-112 DTH response, 27-30, 32-33 recombinant vaccinia viruses, 80 EBNAl, 5-6, 102, 209, 262 Burkitt’s lymphoma cells, 8, 17, 265, 267 CTL target epitopes, 7, 9-10, 11 hairy leukoplakia, 16 nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells, 17, 265 Reed-Sternberg cells, 218, 267 EBNA2-6, 5-6, 42, 209 Burkitt’s lymphoma cells, 8 CTL target epitopes, 7 EBV, see Epstein-Barr virus endoplasmic reticulum (ER) class I MHC-peptideassembly, 158-160 peptide translocation into, 151-158, 162-163, 168 env gene HTLV-I, 50-51, 53, 54, 55-56 MMTV, 134 epidermodysplasia verruciformis, 94 epidermolysis bullosa, 263-264 epithelial cells EBV infection, 5, 249 HSV-infected, 248-249 nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 15-16 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), 4,41-42, 59, 89 A- and B-types, 5, 7 -associated tumours, 4-20, 47-48, 267-269
Subject index
Epstein-Barr virus (cont.) -associated tumours (cont.) immune control, 6-10 therapeutic vaccines, 13- 14, 33,46, 262, 264-265 see also specific tumours CTL target epitopes, 6-10, 13, 91 immune evasion, 248, 249, 252 latent infection, 5-6, 18 primary infection, 14, 15, 57 Reed-Sternberg cells, 218, 267-268 superantigen, 141 target tissues, 5 vaccine, 10-12, 13, 14-15, 261-262, 264-265 Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigens, see EBNAl; EBNA2-6 c-erbB-2 protein, see HER-Z/neu protein E-selectin, 23 evolutionary pressures, 246-247
hepatitis Bcoreantigen(HBcAg), 120-121, 122 hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg), 120-122 hepatitis B virus (HBV), 48, 113-131 chronic infection, 113-1 14, 117-122, 129-130 hepatocellular carcinoma and, 1 13- I3 I , 26 1 animal models, 1 I5 epidemiological studies, 114- I15 molecular studies, 1 16- 1 I7 prevention, 124-125, 130-131 role of immune response, 117-125 hepatocellular injury, 122-124 peptide vaccination, 108 vaccines, 69, 109, 124-125, 261 efficacy, 46 neonatal immunization, 120- 121, 124, 130-131 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 1 13- 13I , 26 1 hepatocellular injury, 117, 122-124 y herpesvirus, murine, 41 HER-2/neu protein, 198-21 I ganciclovir, 214, 220 antibody immunity, 200, 207 gB (CMV envelope protein), 215, 216 CD4' T cell immunity, 201-202 gpl9K (adenovirus protein), 252 T cell immunity, 202-205, 207 CD8 gP63 expression in breast cancer, 199, Leishmania major, 172 207-208 Salmonella, 178 as tumour-specific antigen, 198-200 gp96, 164-165, 238, 266 herd immunity, 45, 46 gp100, 38, 39, 98 gp340 (EBV surface glycoprotein), 10-1 1, Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 38, 94-95, 257 14-15 genital tract antibodies, 263 graft-versus-host (CVH) disease, 195, 224 persistence in cells, 248-249 granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating Herpes zoster virus, 249 factor (CM-CSF), 147 HIV (HIV-1) chimeric receptor, 221 CTL responses, 89, 91, 92, 102-103, vaccines expressing, 23 1-233,234,236, 218 237, 242 infection, 2 ground squirrel hepatitis virus (GSHV), adoptive T cell transfer, 217-218, 115. 116 225-229 superantigens, 137, 143 hairy leukoplakia, 16 vaccines, 59 HBV, see hepatitis B virus HLA-A2, 88-90, 92-93, 168, 238 heart transplantation, 146 binding peptides heat shock proteins, 164-165, 266 HER-2/neu-derived, 202-204 helper-independent T cells (HIT), 181, HIV- 1-derived, 102- 103 220-221, 225-227 HPV-16-derived, 87, 100, 104-105 helper peptides, 99, 100 humans, HPV-16-specificCTL, 80,83, helper T cells, see CD4+ T cells; T helper 84, 88-89 cells transgenic mice, 80, 83-84, 87 hepadnaviruses, I15 HLA-A3, 159-160, 168 +
Subject index
HLA-A alleles, 100-101 HLA-B27, 166 HLA-DR HPV-infected cells, 23, 24, 25-26, 35 peptide binding, 152 Hodgkin’s disease, 5, 14, 267-268 adoptive T cell therapy, 218 HPV, see human papillomavirus Hsp70, 164-165 HTLV-I, see human T cell lymphotropic virus I human immunodeficiency virus, see HIV human papillomavirus (HPV), 47-48,78, 269 animal models, 62 immune responses, 21 -44,262-264 lesions, see warts/papillomas target antigens, 26 vaccines, 70, 259, 261, 262, 268 human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16), 25, 42 cervical cancer and, 22, 78 CTL epitopes and peptide vaccination, 100-101, 104-105 immune responses, 43, 78-96, 262 see also E6, HPV-16; E7, HPV-16 human T cell lymphotropic virus I (HTLV-I), 47-60, 102, 269 animal models, 51 -53 -associated myelopathy (HAM), see tropical spastic paraparesis genomic/antigenic stability, 50-51, 55-56 transmission, 48-49, 51, 56, 57 vaccine, 48-49, 56-57, 59-60, 261 current research, 52-54 developmental considerations, 50-52 target populations, 49-50, 54 human T cell lymphotropic virus I1 (HTLV-11), 49-50 humoral immune response BPV vaccines, 63, 66, 67, 69, 74, 256 chronic HBV infection, 123-124, 129 HER-2/neu, 200, 207 herpes simplex virus, 263 HPV, 26, 33, 36, 262-263 HTLV-I, 52, 53, 56-57 Salmonella vaccine, 177 hygromycin phosphotransferase-thymidine kinase (HyTK) fusion gene, 220
ICAM-I HPV-infected cells, 23, 25, 26, 35 immunoblastic lymphomas, 6 IE (CMV immediate early protein), 215-216, 224 immune deficiency, common variable, 2 immune evasion, 245-260 immune exhaustion, 249-251, 257-258, 260 immunoblastic lymphomas, 5, 268 immune control, 6-8 prevention, 18, 19, 264-265 immunocompromised patients, 2-3 adoptive T cell therapy, 213, 217-218 EBV-associated tumours, 4-5, 18, 19 HPV infection, 37, 42-43 protective response to cytomegalovirus, 213-215 see also AIDS; transplant recipients immunosurveillance, 245-246 tumour, 1-3 infectious mononucleosis, 4, 14, 141, 265 immune responses, 6, 18 influenza, 75, 256-257 nucleoprotein (NP), 233-236, 259 vaccine, 45-46, 257 virus, 74, 259 integration of viral DNA HBV, 116, 131 HPV, 36 human genome, 142 a-interferon, 125, 130 y-interferon (IFNr), 25, 240, 241, 260 cultured CD4+ T cell responses, 184-186, 188, 189 nitric oxide and, 173-174 T h , responses, 172, 173-174, 178 viral suppression, 252 interleukin I (IL-I), 145 cultured CD4 + T cell responses, 185-188, 192, 194-195 receptor, 194, 195, 227 interleukin 2 (IL-2), 107, 145, 179-180 adoptive T cell transfer, 180, 181,213, 217, 225-226 cultured CD4+ cell responses, 183-184, 188 oral vaccine, 172 production CD8+ T cells, 220-221, 225-226, 117
2 78 interleukin 2 (conl.) production (conl.) cultured CD4+ T cells, 188, 189-191, 194 transfected tumour cells, 240-241, 242 tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes, 39, 40 vaccine-induced responses, 172, 173 interleukin 4 (IL-4), 130, 145, 173 interleukin 6 (IL-6), 185-188, 192, 240-241 interleukin 7 (IL-7), 183-184, 188, 192 interleukin 10 (IL-lo), 95, 130, 252 nitric oxide and, 173 ionomycin, 188, 189, 190-191 IP90 (calnexin), 151, 159, 160, 167 irradiation, tumour cells, 147, 148-149 Kawasaki’s disease, 137 keratinocytes, 22, 34, 35, 84, 93, 94 accessory molecule expression, 23-26, 36 B7-transfected, 145 IL-10 production, 95 kidney transplantation, 263, 268 L1 BPV, 66, 69 CRPV, 66, 69 HPV-16, 26, 86 L2 BPV, 66-67, 69, 70, 74, 256, 258 CRPV, 66, 69 Langerhans cells, 25, 26, 94, 95 Leishmania major, 171, 172, 176, 177 leu kaemia adult T cell, see adult T cell leukaemia chronic myelogenous, 102 Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL), 109-1 1 I , 24 1 LFA-3, 6 liver transplant recipients, 18, 268 LMPlILMP2 (EBV latent membrane proteins), 5 , 7, 17-18, 218, 262 LMP. I/LMP. 2/LMP. 7 (proteosome sub-units), 150, 164, 209-210 lovastatin, 208 L-selectin, 253 lung carcinoma, murine, 87-88, 109- 1 1 I , 24 I
Subject index lymphocytes cervical HPV disease, 25 HTLV-I provirus, 52-53 peripheral blood, 201 -202, 207 regressing genital warts, 23, 24, 34 tumour-infiltrating, see tumourinfiltrating lymphocytes see also mononuclear cells lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), 76, 91, 92 adoptive T cell transfer, 130 &-microglobulin knock-out mice, I69 immune exhaustion, 249-250,258,260 peptide vaccination, 99 lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells, 75-76 lymphoma, see Burkitt’s lymphoma; Hodgkin’s disease; immunoblastic lymphomas macrophages, 34-35, 176 MAGE/MAGE- 1, 39, 98 mammary tumours, 134, 136, 141-142 Marek’s disease of chickens, 15, 90 MART-I, 38, 39, 98 Mdm2, 102 melanocytes, 38, 39, 196-197 melanoma, 38-41, 43, 102, 263 adoptive T cell therapy, 218-219 B7-transfected tumour cell therapy, 148 tumour infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy, 98, 196-197 melanoma cells antigen presentation, 145-146, 147-148 induction of immunity, 231-233, 240-241, 242 memory T cells EBV-specific, 18-19, 267 peptide vaccination, 105-106, 107- 108 regressing genital warts, 23 virus-specific, 76, 91 -92, 252-253, 256, 263 metastases peptide vaccination, 110- I 1 1 transfected tumour cell therapy, 148, 240-241 methylcholanthrene (MC) sarcomas, 182-183, 197 MHC class I molecules, 151, 208-209 assembly of peptide complexes, 151, 158-160, 166-167
Subject index
MHC class I molecules (cont.) TAP association, 158-159, 163-164, I65 tumour antigen presentation and, 229-244 see also HLA-A2; HLA-A3 MHC class I1 molecules MMTV superantigen and, 140-141, 143 peptide binding, 152, 153-154 see also HLA-DR MHC haplotypes cervical cancer, 91 papillomavirus responses, 263 T helper subset induction and, 171 migration inhibitory factor (MIF), 173 milk HTLV-I transmission, 49, 5 I , 52, 56, 59 MMTV transmission, 133, 134-136 Mls-I, 133-136, 142-143 MMTV (murine mammary tumour virus), 133-136, 137, 140-143 monocytes, 188-189 L-NG-monomethylarginine (L-NMMA), 174, 176 mononuclear cells peripheral blood (PBMC), 79, 83, 204, 214-215 regressing genital warts, 23 see also lymphocytes Mtv-7 gene, 133-136 Mtv-43 gene, 136 mumps meningitis, 95 murine mammary tumour virus (MMTV), 133-136, 137, 140-143 murine Moloney leukaemia virus, 99, 105 MUT-I peptide, 87-88, 110, 111 MUT-2 peptide, 110 c-myc, 8, 116 N - ~ Y c , 116 nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 5 , 15-18,45, 262 EBV antigen expression, 17-18, 265 immune responses, 13, 15, 267 natural killer (NK) cells, 94, 256-257 Nef7B (HLA-A3-binding peptide), 152, 153, 155, 159, 163 neonates HBV infection, 117-1 19, 120-122 HBV vaccination, 120-121, 124, 130-13 1
neu protein, see HER-ZIneu protein nitric oxide (NO), 173-174, 176, 211 nitric oxide synthase, 173, 176, 210-21 1 S-nitroso-acetyl penicillamine (SNAP), 174, 176 ocular squamous carcinoma, bovine, 37-38 oral vaccines Salmonella mutants, 171- 172, 177- 178 Th, response, 172-173 ovarian cancer, 199, 202, 205 p53, 101, 102, 208, 209 p88 (calnexin), 151, 159, 160, 167 P815 mouse mastocytoma cells, 145 papillomas, see warts/papillomas papillomaviruses, 22, 68-69, 249 see also bovine papillomavirus; cottontail rabbit papillomavirus; human papillomavirus passive immunization, HTLV-I, 5 1, 56, 59 pemphigoid, bullous, 264 pemphigus vulgaris, 264 peptides class I MHC complex formation, I5 I , 158-160, 166-167 helper, 99, 100 HPV-16 E6 and E7-derived, 79,80-84, 87, 100-101, 108 TAP-mediated translocation, 151-158, 162-163, 168 length requirements, 153-154 sequence requirements, 152-153 TAP-peptide binding site, 155 trimming of longer peptides, 155-158, 162-163 peptide vaccination, 97-1 12, 166, 178 cervical cancer, 100-101, 102, 104-105 concept, 98-99
subdominant/immunodominant epitopes, 99, 101, 102 target molecules, 102 perforin gene, 252-253 pp65/pp150 (CMV matrix proteins), 216 proteasomes, 150, 164, 209-210 proviruses HTLV-I, 52-53 MMTV, 133, 136, 141-142 see also integration of viral DNA
rabies virus, 137, 247-248 Ras, 102, 202, 205, 208 Reed-Sternberg (R-S)cells. 218, 267-268 retinoblastoma protein (Rb), 246 retroviral superantigens, 132- 143 RMA-S cells, 79, 80, 109-110, 167-168 sag genes
human genome, 137 MMTV, 133-134, 136 Salmonella mutants, oral vaccine, 171-173, 177- I78 scid mice, 8, 257 Sendai virus, 99, 168, 252, 259 skin, immune responses, 263-264 skin turnours, 42-43, 263 squamous carcinoma, 43, 62, 78 see also melanoma soluble proteins, 265-266 Staphylococcus enterotoxins, 133 stem cells, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 15-16, 17 sterile immunity, 45-46, 268 EBV-associated turnours, 14, 261 -262, 265 subdominant epitopes, 98, 99, 101, 102 suicide genes, 220, 224 superantigens, retroviral, 132- I43 humans, 136-137 murine, 133- 136 T2 cells, 162, 167-168, 203, 210 TAPllTAP2, 6, 151, 209 Burkitt’s lymphoma, 9 cervical cancer, 95 class I MHC association, 158-159, 163-164, 165 deficiencies, 151-152, 164, 168, 203 peptide translocation, I51- 158, 162-163, 168 Tax, HTLV-I, 57-58 T cell epitopes BPV antigens, 67, 70 HER-Uneu, 201 -202, 203-204 HPV-16 E6 and E7, 81-82, 87, 88, 90-91 T cell lymphoma, EBV-associated, 5 T cell receptors (TCR), 144 Vp specificity, superantigens, 132-133, 136- 137 T cells adoptive therapy, see adoptive T cell therapy
Subject index
exhaustion, 249-251, 257-258, 260 immune response, see cellular immune response MMTV transmission, 134-136, 142-143 propagation in vitro, 179- 197 superantigen responses, 132- 133, 136-137, 142-143 76, 36, 75, 257 see also CD4’ T cells; CD8’ T cells; cytotoxic T lymphocytes; memory T cells; T helper cells TGF-P(l), 173, 178, 191, 194 Tho cells, 177, 181 Th, cells, 170-178, 181 adoptive therapy, 196 antigen presentation to, 144- 145 chronic HBV infection, 124, 129-130 induction factors influencing, 171, 176-177 oral vaccine-mediated, 172- I73 propagation in vitro, 186, 188, 189, 194, 195 regulation by nitric oxide, 173-174, 176 Th, cells, 36, 170-178, 181 antigen presentation to, 144-145 cervical lesions, 32 chronic HBV infection, 124, 129-130 induction, 171, 176-177 propagation in vitro, 188, 189, 195 T helper (Th) cells chronic HBV infection, 121-122, 124, 129- I30 subsets, see Th, cells; Th, cells see also CD4’ T cells therapeutic vaccines, 36-37, 38-41, 45, 101-I02 BPV-associated turnours, 67, 69-70, 262, 264-265 EBV-associated turnours, 13-14, 33 HPV-associated turnours, 30, 70 HTLV-I-associated turnours, 57-58 priming CTL responses and, 229-244 tolerance, immune HBV antigens, 120-122 HPV-16 antigens, 27-30, 32-33, 35-36, 84 lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, 250 superantigen-induced, 132- 133 toxic shock syndrome, 137
Subject index
TPA ( I 2-0-tetradecanolyphorbol viruses and, 47-48 13-acetate), 22, 27, 146, 188, 189, see also specific tumours 190-191 tyrosinase, 38, 39, 98, 219 transgenic mice tyrosine kinase activity, 199 HBeAg, 120 ubiquitin, 162, 209, 210 HBV large envelope polypeptide, 116-117 vaccines HBV X gene, 116 antiviral, 252-253, 256, 261-262 HLA-A2, 80, 87 sterile immunity and, 45-46 MMTV sag gene, 134 therapeutic, see therapeutic vaccines T cell receptor-specific, 144 see also specific vaccines translocation, peptides, see peptides, TAPvaccinia viruses, recombinant, 11-12, mediated translocation 53-54 transplant recipients, 2-3, 146 CMV protein expressing, 215-216 EBV-associated tumours, 4-5, 18, 19 cytokine expressing, 178 see also bone marrow transplantation HPV-16 E6 and E7 expressing, 80, tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP/HAM), 81-83 48, 49, 50, 56, 58 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-I), animal models, 51-52 23 tumour-associated antigens viral DNA, integration of, see integration HER-2/neu oncoprotein as, 198-200 of viral DNA HPV-16-derived, 78, 805 viruses melanoma, 38, 98, 102, 219 cytokine interactions, 251-252 murine lung carcinoma, 87-88 detection by immune system, 247-248 peptide vaccination and, 102 evasion of host immune response, presentation by bone marrow-derived 245 - 260 cells, 229-244 evolutionary pressures, 246-247 tumour cells gene expression on tumour cells, antigen presentation, 145-148 268-269 irradiation, 147, 148-149 human cancers and, 47-48 tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), 98, immune exhaustion and anergy, 192, 226 249-25 1 melanoma therapy, 39-40,98, 196-197 persistence in cells, 248-249 tumour necrosis factor, 252 see also specific viruses tumour necrosis factor (Y (TNF-a), 95, 171 warts/papillomas, 21-23, 37 nitric oxide and, 173 genital, 21-22, 23-27, 75-76 oral vaccine, 172 mucosal, 43-44, 61-62, 67, 73 tumours regression BPV-induced, 61-62 spontaneous, 23-27, 34-35, 37,43, EBV-associated, see Epstein-Barr virus 70, 75-76 (EBV), -associated tumours vaccine-induced, 67, 69-70 evasion of host immune response, skin, 43-44, 61, 62, 66 245 -260 woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), 115. evolutionary pressures, 246-247 I I6 immunosurveillance, 1-3 vaccines against, see therapeutic vaccines X genes, hepadnaviruses, I16