Bealltiful eappadocfn o./T......'isitorsa landscape of natural wo nders Ibat seems ."prung! rom 11 d ream.
Cappadoda. meaning(he land of Beautiful Horses in the Persian language. comprises the provinces of Aksaray, Xe\"~hir. Nigde. Kay,;eri, and K1qehir. ~bjor towns indudc Urhisar, Avanos, Urgii p, Derinkuyu , Kaymakh . and Ihlara. ~tillions of years ago, the \'OIC lOOCS of ~itir(,5. Ha..-.andag and ~telendiz mountains erupted and covered Cappadoda....ith a layer of tuff Over millennia. IhL" ruff layerwas eroded. producing earth formations that , in tur n, inspired C3\'l' an that has carr ied the imprint of
ancient civilisations 10 our times. The earliest human
settlements in Cappadccia date to the Palacolithic Period, and the written history ofthe region goesback 10theHtnites. Th roughout its history, Cappadoda has served 3.<;an important trading post and bridge between the various lands of the Silk Rood.
In the Upper ~l iocene epoch, the volcanoes under the . lakes erupted and sp outedla va.TIle lava formed a plateau,a landscape that smaller eru ptionsconstantly altered. During the l.pperPboccnc epoch, the Kcahrmak River, togetherwith lesserstreamsandlake>, ru t deep into the tuffplateau. and the region gradually beganto lake its present shape. \\'ind and rainwater flowing do....n the skiesof valleys eroded the tuffstnxrure.and sculpted the formations kno....n as "fairy chimneys". The principle type of "fairy chimney" in Cappadodai'itbe conical rock structures loppedwith a hat, eithera cooe or a mushr oom shapedcap.
TheCultures of the Prehistori c Period of Cappadoca GIll bestheseen in the following formations: Ki~k !ootound in I'iWJe. ~lkh Moond in Aksaray andCiwlek Cave in I'~h i r. l hc human sertement in Cappadoca begandUring the Prehisrooc Period, and the era of &syrian Cr.ili~tion in the ft.1:kXl beganduring the Early Bronze Age. Trading nached its zenith in that <..1'3.. and it is In this period that the fmt examp les of writin g in Analolia dare. 'lbc "Cappadoda Tablets", wriucn in Ok!A'i\)Tian cuncilorm with methods or taxation, interest rates,andmarriage contracts.
The early Haruan.'it1tler.; werefollowal~· the empire; of Hitme, PhI1W;tn, Persian. Roman. Byzantine, Scliuk andOttoman. andeach left its markon the enchanting landscape ofCappadoda. Cappadooa. situated on the principal trading routes of theSilk Road, was ameeting place for different phiktiophie; andrdiWCIfi'i, each of\\hich left a hisloriGlI and culturalimpression on the rt:Wt.JO. Christians who had k.fl: jeusakm in the 2nd century AD passed t.hrough Aruakya and Kavscri to arrive in Central Anatolia. and senled in the vicinityof Dennkuyu TheseearlyChristians, facing the oppression of me Roman Emper ors, found refuge against raids in the subterranean cities of the region, Here the soft rock allowed the excavationof elaborate dwellings. food stores, water wellsand osrcms, wincncs and places of worship, enabling habitation fora prolonged period. These subterranean drtes predateJesus Christ, and have always provided a safehaven 10 people looking for I>t:'JCt.' and tranquillity. Amongother man-made OIWS arcchurches and monasteries , hewn from the rock with greatlabour and skill.
It has been claimed that the re were more than on c thousand ch urches in Cappadod a. The construction. archucctuml details,artistic arrJI1~l'JTICnl\
and decorations
The fresco art that adorns the churcheswasthe fruit of elaborate artistry. The maintenance, repairand
restoration ofthesefrescos continue unceasingly, and the subterranean cities and churches are open 10 visitors.
ttla ~ vdi MlN'UIII
Following the arrivalof lslam inAnatolia. Cappadoca became home forseveral famous ~I uslim scholars, In the 13th century, the Turkish Islamic Sufi lIarl Bektas-s" ell settled in present dayHaobektasCounty, where today a museum surroundingthe tombof the scholar is open to visilln. Haa Bektas-r veli. credited with creatingTurkish unity in Anatolia. based his philosophy on loveof humanity, tolerance, S(~ idariry and social equality, adumbratingthe principles of the 19-18 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. EveI)' year inremanonal ceremonies to CUlllmlTI10rJrC Hac Bekras-r veli are held on the 16-18 August, and visited hya large number of his adherents.
The MAlUM n:ligio.h onkr was founded by the philosopher Ahi Evran. who believed in the harmonious unity of morality and the arts.Thecokr ha, developed in Kl'¥'hir, and SO\\TI the seedsof love in the hearts andminds ofthe Anatoian people.
Ihlara VaUey was created as the basalt and andesite . intensive lava from Hasandagr cooleddown,andgave way lO cracks andsubsidence. Streams foundtheir way in thesecracks. andthe Melendiz Stream, called "Potamus Kapadokus" in antiquity, has eroded the bottom of the valley, hringing itlOit' present form. TI,e IhlaraVallcr is 14 kilometres lung andstarts from thhraandends inSelime. The valley sides arebetween lOO and 150 metres high. There arenumerousabodes, tombs and churches hewn into the rock face along the valley. The Egritaj (Inclined Stone) Church.Aga<;altl (Under Tree) Church, Kokar (Smelly) Church,Ydanh (Snake) Church, Pilrenliscki (Calluna Terrace) Church, Kirkdamalu Church, Ala (Red) Church, Direkli (Pillar) Church, Fortress Munastery,and Selime Cathedralare among the must-see buildings. '~\:l l ll Church
let's try to solve the mystery of the white clouds surro undi ng us. They are doves, whose dWina and ~ fugl" "'Jle,SlN>ined 17; If<Jick . ing moerents,
is an attractive little (Own which is 7 kilometres awav from ~f\,* h i r. The Fortress of L\,hisar is the best vantage pointoverlookingwhole region.
dcligiu5visitors. These beautiful d oves nest along the Y.li1el' around lJ<;hisar; in KJlM,iar and GillIUdere Y.li1cl> of Goreme; 07.engi,Ort.a Hisar, Balkan Deresi and Kmk,ukur Y.Ii1cl' around Urgiip; <;:u Valley I1Clf Nt'"jChir; and Sogmh Valley in the prrAince orKayseri,
~'e are approaching the "Belief Centres" sites where the mvstkatmosphere intensifies. It l'ibelieved that. during (he Roman Period. Goreme. which is 10 kilometres from Ne...¥ hir, servedtbe peoplethingon the location of Ava nos as a necropolis.
In theIslamic belief, the doverepresents demtionID family andpeace, and inOuistianiry it represents the spirit of God. Dovecots have 1x.'l.11 Gl.I'\'Cd at high spots allalong mevalley sides, and in the fairy chimneys on thesouth or east looking aspects. Ifyourcamera is ready forthe fJ.'ilinating panoramic views, Cappadocia awaits )'OU ~ capturethem. l~hiw
The C.oreme Open Air Mu~um sits at thesitewhere "thesystem of education unif)ing allChristian ideas"
was developed by St. Basil the Great and his Siblings. The architectural slyle and fres coes of the Tokah (Buckle) Church, The '''Iona~ tery of Nuns and Monks, St. Basil Chapel. E1ma1, (Apple) Church. 'nlanh (Snake) Church, Karanhk (Dark) Church, and f;ank1J(Saodal) Church retain alltheir old glory. <;.a~ in of the oldestsettlementsof me region and is about 2 kilometres from Goreme. Ibe church ofQl\'Wiin, built in 964and 965, isdecorated with scenes frum the Bible and the lifeof je,us Christ.
lelve is another centre of Cappadodan archnecural wonders famous for its church, the Pasabaglan. and
the reilof St. Simcon. Sel¥hir is at the centre of Cappadoda. and C'rgiip. situated 20 kilometres 10 the west, is famous forSaint
Thexkxa (Tagar) Church and Pancamk Church which
have remarkable religious frescoes. The most Impressive place of Ort ahisar , which is 6 kilometres from O~up , is strategically Important "Orta hisa r Fortress". The best examples of the
Cappadodan civilian architecturecan be seenon the lower slope;of thehill. and the OziimlU (Grape) Church is 10 the wCSt of town. ,\t u s lafa pa~a is 6 kilometres south of Urgup, and it
was inhabitedbyChristiansand Turks together until the beginning of the 20th century. The old Christian houses displayexamples of a splendid masonry. The Sobesos Chl' of Antiquity, at presen t day Sahincfcndt Village, 30kilometresfmm Orgup, is worth a visit. Exca vations have revealed the meetinghall and
bathhousecomplex ofthe city. Themeeting hall covers iOO square metres. and the main hall hasa mosaic flo or. a roofsupported bycolumns and plastered walk Therearealsotwosiderooms, one of which is a burial place and theotherone has mosaics. Tatlarin Subterranean O rr is SilU:lI00 10kiIornctre, north ofAogiil, in the province of xevsehtr. Its1\\11 underground kvek an: open to visitors. Given rhe numerous chapels. researchers belie·..e (hat Iathrin
was not a civilian settlement. hUE rimera religious
monastery or a garrison. ~"ell preserved frescos can beseen in the church on the site. In A~, k Sara)' lIarabcleri (Open Palace Ruins) arc numerouscellsandchurches thatwerehewn into ruff RIcks during the 9th and 10thcenturies. Mushroom cap type fairychimneys canunlybe seen inthis ruin in all Cappadocia. Karabas . Kubbdi and SI. Barbara (Tahtah) Churches arcinthe Soganh vallcj-which is in the \icinilY of Y~ i1 h isarof Ka )"SCri province. Their u.;dnating architecture and frescn deccrarions make (hem verv special.
111l' Old Silver (Eski GOmO~) Church L'i:1 rockhewn churchsituated at GOlllO~ler, 8 kilometres northwest of l\;i~de . Its frescoes arc fineexamples of detailed
workmanship.Abo Kavaktcpc. Pcnek. Konakh. Bagama and 1<:1)1f11 subterranean cities as wc11 as Yl1 ilyun. AkdXj. Andabahs churches are important for Christian visitors. Tvana cily of Antiquity (Roman Period), r\igde Fortress. Aknll'lifl~ (\t'hitcMadrasah). OkOz Mehmet PashaCaravansera iat rlu ~1a (Sdiuk Period) areother important sires 10 visit.
Visitors to Cappad ocla , whic h is cited in the .
World Heritage List by UNESCO, also enjoy fine examples of Selj uk and Ottoman architecture. Some of the unique examples arc as follows: The Egri
Minaret, and theAlayhan and Sultanhamcaravanserais - examples ufSl.:ljukper iod works inAksaray province; theSanhan Caravanserai (Scliuk) and the Urgtip Ta:j k m p;L~
Mosque (Karamanh Period) in Nev~eh ir province: andthe Sungur Bey Mosque, Rahmaniye
MosqueandMt lthn Mosque aswell asHudave nt Hatun Tomb are highly impressive structures. In Kayseri province, someof the places worth visiting arc Doncr Kiimbet (Tomb). Slfi;ah Kumber. AJi Cafer Kumbeti, Cami Kcbir (Mosque), the HunatHatun Kiilliyesi (Complex), Kursunlu Mosque, GUpgiipuglu Konagr (Mansion), Kara Musmfa Pasa Car:.IV::1llSlTJi, and Karatayhan Caravanserai. Whilein Kaysen. be sure to
make a stop at the Museumofthe Historyof Medicine, located in what used to he the SifJiye Medrese. This was the first medical school andhospital in Anatolla. and was built at the behest of Gcvhcr Ncsibc, a sister
of the Seliuk SultanGryaxeddtn Keyhtlsrev I, in 1205. Magnificent worksof historical and artistic importance in Kl~ehir province include the Cacabey Mosque, the Ahi Evran Mosque, the ~lkp~a Tomb, the Mclikgazi Tomb, and Kesikkopru Bridge.' Kiimtll:l
How about slopping by wine houses of Orgiip wailing for us 10 relieve o ur travel tlrednesst AI: (hefamous v.ine houses ofDrgUp,
10c'2l wines areserved to visitors in authentic rerrac ona decanters and ceramic goblets. We aresurethat you will enioy the blood red or doudy whitedelicious wines pruduo.'. dat local vineyards where the raregrapes of Cappadoda arccultivated. Someof the localwinesare producedusing modern techniques, whilethere arestill some locals using the age old traditional production methods.
The Cappadocia Region provides an enchanting mixture or natural wonders
and aesthetic elegan ce beyond its
vtsttors ' imagination.
Exploring all these bcaunful ~iKht'i during an indigenous balloon trip is an 'out dims world'
experience. Balloon trips have become nu c popularsince the Ballooning Championship that was organised in Cappadcciain 1997. Theskilled pilots Of I IK~C hot air balloons having up anddown COntrol, enable mu to have an unbelievable tour. '111e balloons sometimes soar to 3000 feel (approximately1000 metres) and at other times touch IrccIOPS, utilizing ground wind ur high altitude winds 10 travel overland in the desired direction.
The balloons generally depart in the t."".myhours of morning fromGo reme vallcv, and passengers enjoy the sunrise above the enchanting geography of Cappadoda. and \\itha binl's eyeview they follow the
anocmbreathtaking fuil1'l'hinll1t1'S and thesettlements of(t®ip, A\'3fIOS, <;a\~in. Zdve. Goreme. and Uc;hhar, l'fllt'f'ging out the darkness. washed overbytheglorious sun..bine.
Horseback Tour (Safari) "Thelandof beautiful horses" can best be
seenon (he back of itslegendary mounts, riding through wildvalleys and ancient seukns..mts. Horseback Safari isagroupacti\iry that enables you toenjoy theharmony of the horseandthe riderwith narure. Every group hasanexperiencedguide who knows (he region thoroughly, and toursgenerallylast 2-3 hours, hut can last me\\TIOIe day, Longcr tours, with lent or hotel accommodation, are also possible.
The historyof potteryinCappadoda goes backto Hirures. Porter)'making first stalled in Anatoha during the Neohthic age(7th millennium BC) at Caralhoyuk (Kenya), and, around the 2000BC, the Assyrians of Mc::;opotamiabrought theskill of rerracxra pot making to their trJding partners, the Hittites. The handicraft has been continued by the civilisationsof the region to due. The most renowned terracotta pottery producingtown uf Cappadocia to; Avanos. The town is built on volemic soil, anti the silt carnet! bythe Kizrhrmak River as well as the good quality day depositsmake the towna suitableplace for ceramicproduction. The red fat soil Is processed and brought for hand turning at simple-looking workshops. JI
Carpel and Kilim \fe.ning In Cappadoda, weaving. cominuing since the Byzantine
Period. ts morecommon inurgupandAvanos. In Avanos the linepatternKilimisalsowoven. St:ljuk patterns an: dominant inancient carpets woven with root dyes . However at present the patterns from surroundingreg ions arcalsowoven. TIlt' numerous carpet shops display and supply IOl'J l carpetsaswell as carpets from otherregions. Hereyou canfi nd almost any type ofTurkish carpet.
Onyx-Stone Turn ing
InCappadocia. stones have played an important role in daily life frum past to present. Stones have been used furbuilding houses andreligious huilding-; aswell asproducingjewellery anddecorative items, The vicinityof Haobektas is renowned fordeposits of yellow, pink, redandmilkyonyx. Then: an:also stones of mixed colour, railed 'marbled stones'. The onyx is designedand carved tu make or nament belongings and house accessories.
Thereare many holds and pensions in me region. Hyou prefer, you Gin Sla y, like generations of Cappadodans, in fairy chimneys or rock hewn dwellings operatingas b outique hotels.
Shops and marketplacesselling local handicrafts provide awide palette ofcolours, patterns,and designs. Local onyxstone works arcgiven a form which will appealto your taste. The "rag do lls" reflecting the warmth and sweetness of the region with their colourfuldesigns and costumes are mostly preferred hy the collect ors.Terracotta pots, tiles, statuettesof carved ruff and rock, hand woven carpets anti kilims, aswell as good qualitywines shouldalsobe on your shoppinglist.
r· . .....1.. L
\l'c; hope }'OU \i.~il
and enjoy indescribable. unique Cappadoda.
Do nor leave Cappadocia unless:
• Youhavt:vbitlUAhi E\TJn ~la;quc . <;'1~LaY .\btrasah, lhlara Val1t1', Gi.izd~1Jrt, and ~igdc Museum.
• You have 111jo}l,.'{\ trekking onAladag Mountain which IskIlU\\TI as thetrekking capital ofTurklT. • You hawl'rlMW rafting 011 Zarrann River. • You have visited therockchurches, and theByzantine frescoes.
• Youhave cspbrcd Cappadocia ....uha baikon. • You have boughtrcrracotta items, decorative items made 001 of onyx, COPJX,-'f, or leather souvenirs.
• You have tasted the kxnl wmcs.
LOCAL EYE1'iTS AKSAR'Y Turkish-Greek Friendship . Brotherhood and Cult ure Festival
Organized byme:'-otunidpality of Guzclvurt e\1::1Y}'t21'
Aksarav-lblara Tou rism and Culture Festival Organized t'\'t..1)' yearbetween ISth and
Jl st ofJuly by the Municipahryof Aksarav Yunus Emre Com me mora tion Days
Organized by the Provincial Direct orate of Culture and Tourism l'\'CI)' year during me first week ofSeptember
Ne,,~ehi r Turkoman Cuisine F Evcrv W'M on the third Saturdav ofSepjcrnbcr '
lIaCI Bekl~1 \'eH Com me
Ceremonies, Culture a nd l6-lSAuRUq K1~ElliR
Bard's Festival Organized l"'cryyearin August bv the :\Iunid palityof KJl}t'hir Yunus Emre Commemora tion Day
NIGOE Darbogaz Che rry Fest ival
9-12July Ululujla-I}Jr!Jogaz - Fyana Cult ure a nd Tourism Festival 1
First wee kof August. Kemerhisar - U1 u kl~ la Gra pe a nd Culture Festival
.Orgamzed everyyear during(he first .... cckof September by the Krrschir Governor's Office Week of AhiCulture and Tradesmen 's Celebration Organized everyyear during(he second week of Oct ober bythe KJl)Chir Governor's Office KAYSERi
last week ofSeptember - <;ama rdl Mounta ineerin~ and Transhumance Festival
Iuly-August, Carnanh N EV~E11IR
Urgiip In ternational Wine Com pe tition a nd vintage Festival
3-4 September Avanos International Tourism and Handlcrafts Festival
Week of Ahi Culture Organized everyyear 10-16 October Erclyes Snow Festival Ileld every year. hut the date var ies. Zama nt r Rafting Pest lval
Held every year, hut the dale vanes,
Mimar Sinan Commcmcra rlon, Cu lture an d Art Week
31August- I September
-', t,
• --r
AKSARAY •Taspazar Mah., Kadroglu Sok., No , I, Td, (+90382)212 4688-2 13 2474 (lnfo.) Taspazar Mah., Kadooglu Sok., No,I, ra . (+90382) 2474, Fax , +90(382) 21235 63
Giizel,.urt· Guzelyurt II\CSi, ~l Merkezi, Tel , (+90382)451 24911
. Ihlara Kasabasr. vadibasr Giri~i , TeI , (+90382) 453 7482
KAYSERI • Ki.iltiir Merkezi, Seyit GaziMah., Ahmet Yesevi Bulv., No:42,
Td , (+90352) 222 03 63·22208 98, F"" +90(352) 232 25 81
[email protected], (Info.) Cumhuriyet Meydam,
Zeynel Ahidin Turbesl Yam, Meltkgazl Tel , (+90352)222 OB 9B- 222 0363 KI~FJdR • Ahi Evran Mah.,!\hi Evran Cad,
No, 10, TeI, +90(386) 2134443 Fax , (+90 386) 21 232 9\ ~'E\~F1dR. Yen] Kayseri Cad., No, 14,
ra . (+90384) 2134260, Fax , +90(384) 213 7045
.Td , (+90384) 511 43 6O, Fax, +90(384) 5114360
Hacbektas- Tel , (+90384) 44136 87, Fax , +90(384) 4413394 Urgiip
• Atatiirk Cad. , Park h;i No: 37,
TeI , (+90384) 34140 59, Fax, +90(384) 3414059 NIGOE
• BorCad., Kiiltiir MerkeziBtnasr ra . (+90388) 232 3393-94, Fax, +90(388) 2320038
[email protected]
Cultural Heritage is Fragile The world's culturalheritage is like a bigpuzzle. Each monument. eachobject, is an irreplaceable pall of the overall picture which givesus insight into our
origins,our development andour lives rodavlt helps us 10 understand andappreciate other cultures. Each discovery, each new interpretation addsto the puzzle and makes the picture clearer. \'(1(' must ensure the
protection of every single piece today, so that future generations may have the opportunitiesto enjoy the
puzzle. f..lanypeople are not aware that our cultural heritage is understress from natural disasters such as earthquakes
andtloods, and fromslower acting processes such as pollution or human actions. Even the most Innoc ent gesturessuch ascollecting ancient pieces of potteryor mosaics as souveni rs have a destructive impact if repealed by thousands. Touching an objectof stone, metal or rexrtleleavestraces of grease, acid or sweat on itssurface. Climbinga monument wears down the structure underneath andcan dismantle it.\X'riting or engraving names Inflicts permanent damage. Strolling around narrow crowded places with bulky bags or backpacks might knock over an object or scratch a mural paintingand ruin it There arecountless ....'avs in which one can unknowingly contribute to the destruction of cult ural heritage.
In 2020 there will be 1.6 billion visitors per year worldwide. Let us raiseawareness of this issue so that we may join together to protectandenjoy thediversity and richness ofour cultural heritage. International Drganiza tiun for Conserva tio n of Cultural Heritage (ICCROM)
T.R. MISISTRY OF CULTURE AND l'O URISM General Directorate of Inform ation © Text Cengiz Ekid Redacti on
Berivan Salnk. Pmar Gunq Graphic Design
Canan Bayram Phot os
AkKun AkO\"3, Cengiz Ekici. OOF. Erdal Yaao.
Hih ntiGUrsel. lhrahimZaman.lzzct Kcribar. Mana ~O\""Jk . ~k(in 'nldmrn. Murat Ocal, Raul ~tiski. Sabu KalfuWL Sukr FIl':U, ~msi Gtlner. Archive of the ~lin btry of Culture and Tourism, Print
lmaj 1\ ve D~ Tic. A. ~ ww
Anka ra 2009