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ISBN: 0 - 2 2 6 - 4 7 4 5 1 - 8
Library of Congress Levi-Setti,
T r i l o b i t e s / R i c c a r d o L e v i - S e t t i . — 2 n d ed. p.
I n c l u d e s b i b l i o g r a p h i c a l references a n d i n d e x . 1. T r i l o b i t e s — P i c t o r i a l w o r k s . QE821.L46
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3 . 1 Introduction to Trilobite M o r p h o l o g y 7 / 3 . 2 Appendages and Internal A n a t o m y 1 8 / 3 . 3 T h e Eyes o f Trilobites 2 9 / 3 . 4 E n r o l l m e n t 7 4 / 3 . 5 Life Habits 7 8 / 3 . 6 Trilobite Classification 82 / A p p e n d i x A: A Case History: T h e G i a n t Trilobites of N e w f o u n d l a n d 87 / A p p e n d i x B: Photographic
Techniques and Specimen Preparation
4 . 1 C a m b r i a n Families 1 1 3 / 4 . 2 O r d o v i c i a n Families 2 0 1 / 4 . 3 Silurian Families 2 4 7 / 4 . 4 D e v o n i a n Families 2 8 0 / 4 . 5 Mississippian Families 3 2 3 / 4 . 6 Pennsylvanian Families 3 2 6 / 4 . 7 Permian Families 3 2 6
In fond memory of MY MOTHER GlLOA, who first mentioned to me the existence of curious extinct animals called trilobites, and that of MY FATHER, P AO L 0, who supported and encouraged my interest in rocks and physics instruments since my early childhood.
Trilobites tell me of ancient marine shores teeming with budding life, when silence was only broken by the wind, the breaking of the waves, or by the thunder of storms and volcanoes. The struggle for survival already had its toll in the seas, but only natural laws and events determined the fate of evolving life forms. No footprints were to be found on those shores, as life had not yet conquered land. Genocide had not been invented as yet, and the threat to life on Earth resided only with the comets and asteroids. All fossils are, in a way, time capsules that can transport our imagination to unseen shores, lost in the sea of eons that preceded us. The time of trilobites is unimaginably far away, and yet, with relatively little effort, we can dig out these messengers of our past and hold them in our hand. And, if we learn the language, we can read their message. I like to dig for trilobites. It is time travel and, at the same time, an addictive treasure hunt. I started doing this as an escape from my addiction to physics. Little did I know that I would encounter wonderful physics in the eyes of the trilobites—and other excitements of discovery. I also like photography, and trilobites provided an endless source of form and composition. Thus the origins of this book, primarily a personal account of my involvement with trilobites. The material presented in the first edition of this atlas, published in 1975, was accumulated over fifteen years of digging, preparing, camera work, and printing. Already at that time, my wish had been to share some of my findings with fellow scientists and students, while realizing that my pictures could bring excitement to a broader audience, of fossil amateur collectors and of naturalists at large. My desire to reach both groups of readers resulted in a compromise that would include a minimum of necessary technical coverage, letting my pictures do most of the talking.
Much as it has been my experience in teaching introductory physics to a large class of either science or nonscience majors, it is extremely difficult to strike the middle ground that will enthrall some while awakening the interest of others. My 1975 atlas elicited responses and book reviews that ranged over a broad spectrum, many of them gratifying, some castigating, or both. These reviews have been of great help to me in this present endeavor. Another fifteen years have elapsed, and some of the issues that were raised and incompletely resolved then have now been clarified. The urge to communicate once more with my previous audience, and to involve a new one, has become imperative. The second edition of the atlas perpetuates the unavoidable dilemma faced earlier, concerning the technical level of presentation. With the aid of previous criticism, many former oversights and mistakes have been taken care of and certain pitfalls avoided. Thus the controversial issue of trilobite classification has been defused by presenting the
atlas materia] as it appears in the geologic column, grouping the related trilobite forms into families and subfamilies only. Although the original format and scope of the introductory text has been retained, its content has been updated to reflect the latest findings and lines of thought concerning the position of the trilobites in the early animal kingdom. Even if with some partiality, I have refrained from showing too many examples of my own trilobite finds. Instead, I attempted to cast my net farther with the help of friends who permitted my illustration of historical type specimens from museum collections, as well as of the treasures from their private collections. It is my hope that those trilobite enthusiasts familiar with the first edition of my atlas will want to find out how my thoughts have evolved and what has been added and enhanced in this revised edition. I also hope that, through these images and thoughts, a new generation of readers may be captivated and awed by this lost world of trilobites and by its message.
I wish to express my gratitude to a great number of persons who over the years have contributed encouragement, inspiration, and practical help. I am particularly indebted to the late Dr. Eugene Richardson and to Matthew Nitecki of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, for making the museum collections available for the selection of specimens to be used in this work, for the loan of those specimens, and for many helpful discussions. A great debt of gratitude is due to Dr. Jan Bergstrom who has supported the development of this work through the years with encouragement and inspiration. While I was struggling with the first edition of this book, Dr. Bergstrom, then at the University of Lund, helped me with much-needed information regarding the classification and life habits of trilobites. We then collaborated in fieldwork in Newfoundland and in the writing of a manuscript about the Paradoxides fauna mentioned in Appendix A of my first
edition of this book. It has been a treasured experience to unscramble together the many puzzles presented by our findings. A field trip through classical Swedish trilobite localities, guided by Dr. Bergstrom, has been the highlight of a trip to Sweden some ten years ago. As this second edition was taking shape in recent years, Dr. Bergstrom, now at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, did help me once more with much dedication. My views concerning trilobites were updated and corrected through a critical reading of the manuscript and much appreciated advice. During a recent visit to Stockholm, Dr. Bergstrom gave me the opportunity to peruse the trilobite collections and to photograph several type specimens of historic value at the Swedish Museum and at the Geological Survey of Sweden and the Paleontological Institute of the University in Uppsala. The section on trilobites eyes would not have existed without the
contributions by Dr. E. N. K. Clarkson of the Grant Institute of Geology in Edinburgh. For his magnificent photographs and the communication of many of his results, a great deal of appreciation is due. It has been most rewarding for me to collaborate with Dr. Clarkson on the writing of a manuscript on the optics of the phacopid eye lenses. This edition contains the conclusion of this investigation, which was still in progress at the time the first edition of the atlas was published. My visit to the Grant Institute of Geology in Edinburgh, and memorable field trips to the Pentland Hills and Girvan guided by Dr. Clarkson, have been a much appreciated opportunity. Through the courtesy of Dr. J. Cisne, I had access to the collection of Beecher's Utica shale trilobites as described in section 3.2. In addition to the loan of many of the trilobites, many X-ray negatives were most generously contributed by Dr. Cisne, to whom I am deeply grateful. IX
I wish to thank Dr. Bernhard Kummel of Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology for allowing my perusal of the museum collection and for the contribution of some of the most beautiful trilobites in the entire atlas, from Bohemia in particular. I am also grateful to Dr. N. Eldredge of the American Museum of Natural History and to Dr. K. Towe of the Smithsonian Institution for their discussions and useful communications of their work. Dr. A. M. Ziegler at the University of Chicago has helped on many occasions with his stimulating criticism. Further appreciation is due the superintendents of many quarries for their permission to collect fossils; particular thanks go to Mr. H. Nester of the Consumer's Company Quarry at McCook, Illinois; Mr. J. Riordan of the Lehigh Stone Company, Lehigh, Illinois; and the Medusa Cement Company at Sylvania, Ohio. Many more persons have helpedwith permission to collect, to photograph specimens from their collections, with loans of specimens, and with precious gifts. In preparing this second edition, I was privileged to have access to the extraordinary trilobite collection of David C. Rilling, M.D., of Sellersville,
Pennsylvania. Many exceptional specimens were photographed on location with his kind assistance. Another mutual friend, Pio Pezzi, M.D., of Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania, has loaned several valued specimens. A word of appreciation is also due a number of fossil dealers and trilobite preparators, from whom many specimens have been obtained or loaned. Among these, Mr. Afton Fawcett of Hurricane, Utah, has provided many trilobites, collected and prepared with professional care. Robert Carroll of Ann Arbor, Michigan, did contribute with the superb preparation of several trilobites exhibiting extremely delicate structures. To be mentioned also are Dave Douglass of Evanston, Illinois; Michael Thomas of York, Pennsylvania; Leon Theisen of Hill City, South Dakota; Eddie Cole of Delta, Utah; Bruno Corti of Milan, Italy; and Franco Todde of Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy, for enabling me to portray specimens from their collections. I am particularly indebted to my sons Emile and Matteo, who since they were first able to climb boulders have very successfully competed with their father in finding countless trilobites. Once, many years ago, in Rome, I had the opportunity of meeting
Franco Rasetti. "Keep them sharp," he kept telling me, referring to the tools needed to free trilobites from their matrix. The memory of that meeting, and of much constructive advice, is still cherished. When presented with the first edition of my atlas, he admitted surprise at finding out that so much could be said about Post-Cambrian trilobites. Those who know of Rasetti's contributions to physics and paleontology will understand the reasons for a particular devotion to this great scientist on the part of another trilobiteloving physicist. Trilobites have pervaded much of my personal life, vacation time, as well as my home environment. The second edition of my book would not have materialized without the devoted help and encouragement of my wife, Nika, who willingly endured the hardships of many field trips and countless hours of digging. For her patience and endurance, in the field and at home, I am deeply indebted. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help of several students, apprentices in the art of photographic printing. To be mentioned are Margarita Garcia, Marian Harris, Claudine Malik, and Tara Shochet.
Among the remains of early life on earth, the fossil record we find buried in ancient sedimentary rocks bears evidence of an extraordinary group of marine creature, the trilobites. The position of these invertebrates in the evolution of the animal kingdom is extraordinary because of their early ascent to a high level of functional complexity, described in fascinating detail by their persistent and ubiquitous fossil remains. Trilobites could see their immediate environment with amazingly sophisticated optical devices in the form of large composite eyes, the first use of optics coupled with sensory perception in nature. As a unique feat in the history of life, their eye lenses were shaped to correct for optical aberrations, with design identical to that proposed (quite independently of any knowledge of trilobites) by Descartes and Huygens. Although we can only hold the petrified remains of this long-extinct form of life, what was preserved of trilobites constitutes a record of immediate and striking impact, a still life we can interpret and recognize. It is this extravagantly rich still life I want to illustrate in this book, preserving as much as possible of the excitement of a voyage back in time to the dawn of life. Trilobites share with many other invertebrates in the drama of the "Cambrian explosion": the rapid evolution of amazingly sophisticated and diverse life forms at the beginning of the Cambrian period, some 570 million years ago. In a sort of chain reaction triggered by plant life through a large-scale photosynthetic release of oxygen in the atmosphere, the pattern and rate of biological evolution was tremendously accelerated. Energy-releasing, oxygen-burning processes became available to the evolution of animal life. The newly discovered powerhouse fostered experimentation with ever more demanding levels of body activity and multiplication of forms. During a relatively short (geologic) time, perhaps a few million years, different new schemes of bodybuilding emerged that involved the 1
construction of internal and external skeletons or exoskeletons. These could support increasingly complex body structures and functions. The genetic radiation of new life forms found coundess environments devoid of enemies in which to adapt and prosper. Amidst this revolution, trilobites evolved to appear suddenly in the fossil record, when they had already reached a full degree of development and differentiation. Compound eyes are already present in the earliest trilobites. The preservation of trilobites as fossils in their burial rock is related to the fact that the living animal possessed an already mineralized exoskeleton. Somehow, trilobites learned early in the game to metabolize calcium carbonate in building sturdy shields. This was most likely another consequence of the explosive increase in the level of oxygen in the atmosphere that made carbonate more available. Indeed, the fact that trilobites heralded the advent of advanced life forms in the fossil record can be regarded as a most peculiar event. Trilobites were not the only inhabitants of the primordial seas. Snapshots of the life forms that coexisted with early trilobites about 540 million years ago in the Middle Cambrian are provided by the soft-bodied fauna unusually preserved in the Burgess Shale of British Columbia. This assemblage reveals an extraordinary diversity of extravagant marine animals that left no record in ordinary sedimentary rocks due to the lack of hard body parts. An even older and similar record, dating at about 570 million years of age, the Lower Cambrian, has been recently discovered in Chengjiang (Yunnan Province), Southern China. Most of these peculiar life forms, even if never seen again, could be recognized as belonging to animal groups or phyla that carried through to recent times. The trilobites appear
as a minority of species in the Burgess and Chengjiang faunas. And yet, because of their mineralized exoskeleton, they have left with us the most compelling evidence of their remarkable functional complexity. The high point of the trilobites' differentiation of forms was reached toward the end of the Cambrian period, some 500 million years ago. They became extinct at the end of the Permian period, the borderline between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, around 230 million years ago. Dinosaurs were still largely in the making at that time. Long before the age of fishes, which began about 400 million years ago, the trilobites had already survived evolutionary decimation by about 170 million years. The span of time which saw the birth, development, and disappearance of trilobites and their age is indeed staggering. However, the fact that their general appearance is not so dissimilar from that of living arthropods—the horseshoe crab, for example—makes trilobites less forbidding than some other forms of extinct life. The widespread abundance of trilobites, particularly during the Cambrian period, is evident from layers of sedimentary rocks which are occasionally coated with trilobite remains. The presence of particular genera in layers of determinate geologic age makes trilobites very important index fossils. The presence of identical forms in rocks of identical age and composition on locations now separated by oceans is telltale evidence of the drift of the continents on the earth's crust. The fascination of the trilobites' age, their role in early life on our planet, the optimization of their visual organs, the ingenuity of their life adaptation to the environment, and their value as geological markers explain why trilobites are important to both the professional scientist and the amateur fossil collector.
In the subdivision of the animal kingdom into major groups or phyla, the trilobites are included in the phylum Arthropoda. The history of these highly developed invertebrates begins abruptly with the beginning of the Cambrian period and extends to modern times. No animals with skeletons or shells are found among the well-preserved traces of Precambrian life forms, and since the hard parts of arthropods (and many other phyla) are an integral part of their organization, we must infer that they were not in existence as yet. Trilobites are amongst the oldest fossil arthropods. Familiar arthropods are the insects, scorpions, spiders, centipedes and millipedes, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, and others with jointed legs. Although they first inhabited the seas, the arthropods have adapted themselves most efficiently to every life habitat. The position of the Arthropoda, and of the Trilobita in particular, in the animal kingdom is illustrated in figure 1. Here the principal groupings into classes and subclasses are traced through, by vertical lines, the Phanerozoic time scale (the ensemble of geologic eras with a fossil record), from their first appearance to present times. Boxes indicate the higher ranking of classes, often related, into phyla. This representation is very schematic and does not show the variations in the number of species encompassed by each phylum as a function of time. In the histogram at the base of figure 1, however, we can appreciate a cumulative comparison of the relative abundance of known extinct and living species. The Arthropoda actually represent a much more prolific group of animals than is shown in such a histogram. In fact, the one million or more species of insects, representing seventy percent of all species of extinct and living animals, had to be removed from the plot so that the remnant fractions could become visible. This may come as a surprise to many, but from the point of view of a statistician of living species, we live today in the age of insects! It would be misleading to 3
C o m p o s i t i o n of the animal k i n g d o m
subclasses are connected by an e m p t y
figure indicates the percentages of living
through geologic time. O n l y the
box. T h e time scale indicated was
species, excluding insects (partially from
ptincipal phyla are indicated (names in a
adopted by the Geological Society of
box), along w i t h s o m e of the classes they
L o n d o n i n 1 9 6 4 (from K u m m e l 1 9 7 0 ) .
1 9 5 3 ; and from a survey by the author).
encompass (vertical lines). Related
T h e histogram at the b o t t o m of the
1 9 6 0 ; S h r o c k and Twenhofel
say that the early Paleozoic was the age of trilobites, even though their remains dominate the fossil record of that period. We now know that a surprising richness of other marine invertebrates constituted only of soft parts did coexist with the trilobites and that trilobites represented only a small fraction of a major proliferation of arthopods. The multitude of life forms that existed in the Middle Cambrian period is beautifully illustrated in the book The Burgess Shale by H. Whittington (1985) and more recently traced to the beginning of the Cambrian from the study of the Chengjiang fauna. A view of the latter by a group of collaborating Swedish and Chinese paleontologists (Chen et al. 1991; Xianguang et al. 1991) restricts the development of the principal arthropod groups and of most of the other advanced multicellular life forms to the very transition between the Precambrian and the Cambrian. Undoubtedly, the Cambrian explosion may well have been the most revolutionary and far reaching single event in the history of life. More accessible than their soft-bodied relatives, even if less abundant during their lifetime, the ubiquitous trilobites that we find as fossils provide us all with a telltale reminder of this special time. Evidently the organizational scheme of the arthopod body, perhaps because of its versatility, has proven most apt to secure survival of some of its offshoots. In its most primitive form, the body plan is modular or metameric, made up of a sequence of basically identical segments (serial homology) performing similar functions. The latter encompassed locomotion, food gathering, respiration, excretion, and reproduction. The body, made up of a sequence of segments, is generally of elongated form and exhibits bilateral symmetry about an axis carrying the digestive tract. One of the functions of the segments is that of articulating the body. Each segment also usually carries pairs of appendages which are, in turn, divided into jointed segments or podomeres (hence the name Arthropoda, from the Greek arthron = joint, podos = foot). The scheme is highly adaptive. Each block of segments can evolve to respond to specific needs or functions, without limiting the adaptation of other portion of the body
to perform different tasks. Such functional groups of segments are called tagmata (from the Greek tagma for a "body of soldiers"). Segmental specialization into tagmata or tagmosis leads to the fairly universal organization of the body into head, thorax, and abdomen. Thus the head tends to monopolize the sensory functions, including eyes, antennae, and related food-gathering and masticatory functions, while successive tagmata may encompass locomotory appendages and/or swimming appendages, etc. The dorsal portion of contiguous plates (tergites) may become fused into a shield (tergum), as that covering the head of most extant and extinct arthropods. In extreme cases, as in the horseshoe crab (Limulus), fusion occurs between head and thorax to form a solid shield called prosoma. Differentiation and specialization can also take place along individual podomeres, giving rise, for example, to antennulae, claws, etc.—the tools that are needed by the tagmata. The nervous system of the arthropods is highly developed, with pairs of ganglia in most segments, and a pair of nerve cords leading to a more or less developed brain. The interaction of the animal with the environment takes place by means of sensory organs, such as tactile antennulae and single or compound eyes. The latter, as we shall see in detail for the trilobites, can attain surprising complexity and optimization of function. Arthropods possess a circulatory system consisting of heart, arteries, and blood-return ducts. Respiration takes place through gills in the aquatic forms or through a network of tracheae in the air-breathing forms. The sexes are distinct, and eggs hatch either externally or internally. Growth takes many forms. We are familiar with the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a moth or butterfly. The soft arthropod body is occasionally encased in a protective shield, or exoskeleton, made mostly of hardened proteins and chitin, which may be further hardened by calcium carbonate or phosphate. The presence of a hard, inextensible exoskeleton poses special problems to the growth of many arthropods. In such cases the increase in size takes place by ecdysis (molting), in which the hard cover is shed periodically, and a new, larger shield is constructed after each
The Arthropoda
step. Soft-shell crabs are examples of the stage of growth following ecdysis. For a period of time, the animal is protected only by a flexible, proteinaceous exoskeleton that will gradually harden by mineralization. Based on morphological and anatomical similarities, body segmentation in particular, it has been assumed for a long time that the arthropods may have been related to a common annelid ancestor way back in the Precambrian. During the last twenty years, a new understanding of animal phylogeny has developed, based on the mapping of sequences of nucleotide bases and aminoacids for different animal groups. Not only have the arthropods emerged as
biochemically different from the annelids, but the reliability of morphological considerations in establishing phylogenetic relationships has been proven misleading in several other cases. Most of the phyla that emerged as a result of the Cambrian explosion are thought to have originated as offshoots of a hypothetical phylum of sluglike animals devoid of true segmentation, called Procoelomata (Bergstrom 1989). Segmentation like that found in arthropods would have been attained from a state of false segmentation, commonly occurring in primitive animals. Several of the offshoots of the Procoelomata are believed to have developed similar morphological characters by convergent evolution.
Introduction to Trilobite Morphology
The general description of the distinctive features of the Arthropoda given in chapter 2 applies to the Trilobita as well. Here, however, the picture is less complete than for the living arthropods, since, of course, our evidence must be based only on the fossil record. Several details of the anatomy and physiology of trilobites are inferred by analogy with what is known about the character of arthropods in general. As much as this analogy may be useful, however, it is important to notice that the evolution of trilobite morphology and life habits differed significantly from that of most arthropods. Throughout their long survival, trilobites preserved a relatively primitive body structure, characterized by serial homology manifested in the repetitive appearance of nearly identical segments and by a low degree of tagmosis. This generalized, primitive arthropod morphology is encountered in only a few modern descendants. By contrast, instead, most arthropod groups progressed toward special adaptation of groups of segments to perform functions such as locomotion, food gathering, defense and aggression, respiration and others. As we shall come to understand, the limited specialization of arthropod design in trilobites may be consistent with a predominantly nonpredatory life-style and with humble food-gathering habits. Trilobites were, on the average, small animals, two to seven centimeters long, with extremes ranging from three millimeters to about seventy centimeters. They lived in the sea, for their remains are always associated with those of marine animals (corals, brachiopods, cephalopods, and so forth). The commonly preserved portion of the body of trilobites is the dorsal shield, or carapace, made of sclerotized and mineralized protein. Most of the ventral part of the exoskeleton is generally not preserved, and we must infer that it consisted 7
of a cuticle made of nonmineralized protein. As a rule, all soft parts as well as appendages are also missing in the fossil trilobite. There are, however, exceptional forms of fossilization in which most of the soft pans have been preserved, and these few examples have given a powerful insight into the detailed anatomy of these extinct arthropods. We shall deal with such details in section 3.2, limiting this introduction to the more apparent characteristics of trilobite morphology and life habits. For the description of trilobite morphology and nomenclature we shall refer to the reconstruction of a trilobite in figure 2, representing the dorsal view of the carapace of Paradoxides gracilis (Boeck), a beautiful trilobite from the Middle Cambrian of Bohemia. Shown in plate 1 is the photograph of the original specimen, on which the reconstruction has been based. We recognize immediately the bilateral symmetry of the trilobite body, a characteristic that is shared with a large majority of animal groups, collectively described as Bilateria. Here the strongly convex axis takes the name of axial lobe and the two adjacent regions are called pleural lobes. The pleural lobes are separated from the axial lobe by two axial furrows. It is from this longitudinal trilobation (separation into three lobes) that the name "Trilobita" originated and not from the longitudinal subdivision of the body into the three regions of the cephalon, the thorax, and the pygidium, as is often erroneously supposed. The latter subdivision is in fact a characteristic that trilobites have in common with most arthropods. The reader interested in a more comprehensive coverage of the topics, which by necessity are mentioned only briefly in this context, is referred to theTreatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore 1959).
The Cephalon
The head shield or cephalon resulted from the fusion of a number of tergites (five or seven) and often carries telltale memory of the original segmentation. It is the most significant and characteristic part of the trilobite morphology.
T h e Trilobita
The outline of the cephalon may be semicircular to ogival in its anterior portion, straight or gently curved at the posterior margin, where articulation with the first thoracic segment occurs. The lateral and anterior margin of the cephalon are inflected into the doublure, a narrow strip of the ventral side of the exoskeleton that is mineralized like the dorsal side. Attached to the anterior part of the doublure is a small shield called hypostoma, one of the few hard parts to be found on the underside of the trilobite. The angle between the backward-sloping lateral margin of the cephalon and the posterior margin is called the genal angle. This termination can be rounded or, as in our example in plate 1, prolonged into long genal spines. The axial lobe extends into the cephalon, where it takes the name of glabella. This can be a very convex bulging region, sometimes extending all the way to the anterior margin, or it can terminate earlier, defining a flat preglabellar field. The furrows may delineate an anterior lobe and several pairs of lateral glabellar lobes. This particular structure together with the occipital ring provides suggestive evidence of the original segmentation of the cephalic region and is apparent in the trilobite chosen for our reconstruction. The furrows which surround the glabella take the name of the particular area where they are located, as indicated in figure 2. (This is a general rule for furrows occurring elsewhere in the trilobite exoskeleton.) On the sides of the glabella we find the cheeks, which are split into
two regions, the free cheeks and the fixed cheeks, by the facial sutures. The assembly of the two fixed cheeks together with the glabella constitutes the cranidium. About the middle of the exterior margin of the fixed cheeks is a kidney-shaped elevation, the palpebral lobe. The visual surface of the eye is usually located on the outer slope of the palpebral lobe. Much will be said about the eyes of trilobites in section 3.3, so we shall not go into details here. There are several junctions, or sutures, between the various parts of the cephalon. The facial sutures mentioned above have been considered meaningful for classification until recently, when other overriding criteria have been developed. Based on the position of the facial sutures, the
Description o f trilobite terminology, (a) Dorsal view o f the c o m p l e t e exoskeleton. (b) V e n t r a l v i e w of cephalon. T h e trilobite represented is
Paradoxides gracilis
Introduction to
Trilobite Morphology
Dorsal view of a c o m p l e t e specimen
(Boeck), a M i d d l e
C a m b r i a n trilobite from the Jince Formation of Jince (Jinetz), Bohemia. T h e reconstruction in figure 2 schematizes the characters visible in this adult individual. Distortion due to tectonic shear is often present in the trilobites from this locality. In this photograph, the shear has been partially corrected by tilting the object relative to the camera viewing direction. Specimen w h i t e n e d with magnesium oxide, ( x l . 3 , RLS coll.).
The Trilobita
trilobites are termed opisthoparian if the suture cuts the posterior margin, proparian if the sutures run to the lateral margin. In the former case, the genal angle and spine are carried by the free cheeks, in the latter by the cranidium. Figure 2 shows an opisthoparian suture. The free cheeks often separate easily from the cranidium, and this feature greatly facilitated molting. A third group exists in which the suture terminates at the genal angle, termed gonatoparian (e.g., Calymene), and a fourth group without facial sutures (e.g., the Olenellida). As we shall see, the cephalon of trilobites has differentiated into a variety of forms characteristic of particular groups, and much of trilobite classification is based on cephalic features.
The Thorax
This is the section of the exoskeleton where separate tergites are articulated with each other to enable flexibility and enrollment. The number of thoracic segments varies between two and as many as forty-two, most frequently in the range of eight to fifteen. Each tergite consists of a center part—the axial ring—and two adjacent pleurae. These may terminate bluntly or may arch downward and backward into pleural spines of varied length. The pleurae are commonly sulcated by a pleural furrow, which may have served the function of strengthening the tergite. The articulation of one tergite with the other occurs through an anterior extension of the axial ring, which is inserted beneath the posterior margin of the next tergite. The interlocking mechanism between segments and the extent of rotation allowed evolved considerably between the earlier trilobite forms and more advanced ones. This function obviously determines the mode and capability of enrollment, which will be discussed in section 3.4.
In most trilobites, the posterior thoracic region or abdomen terminates in a shield called pygidium. This may result from the fusion (or lack of separation during growth) of a number
of tergites. Extreme variation in size occur for this portion of the carapace, and the extension of the pygidium seems related to the number of thoracic segments. In the example in figure 2, the pygidium is small-the trilobite is called micropygous-but the number of thoracic segments is relatively large (twenty for the example shown). Frequently, the pygidium reaches a size comparable to that of the cephalon {isopygous trilobites), as will be seen from many examples in the atlas. In such cases, the number of thoracic segments is usually small. Macropygous trilobites are provided with pygidium larger than the cephalon. The axial lobe clearly extends into the pygidial region in a great majority of trilobite species, so that the trilobation is usually preserved. It may extend to the posterior margin or terminate earlier. Evidence of the segmentation from which the pygidium was derived is to be found in the frequently observed ribbing of the axial lobe, resembling the articulated axial rings of the thorax. This causes the axial lobe to appear continuous from the thorax through the pygidial region. There are pleural regions resembling thoracic pleurae, sulcated by furrows. When the latter do not reach the lateral margin, a smooth border results. The marginal border is turned under to form a doublure, much as in the cephalic and thoracic regions.The shape and ornamentation of the pygidium may reach extravagant extremes. Marginal spines are often present, which may be related or not to the pygidial pleurae. Occasionally the pygidium may terminate with a long axial spine, as the continuation of the pygidial axis. Exceptionally, as in the Olenellidae, the pygidium is formed of a single tergite, shaped as a true telson.
Growth and Molting
For a number of trilobite species, the various stages of growth (ontogeny) from the larval to the adult form are known with great detail from the fossil record. Three major periods of growth are recognized. The protaspid period extends from the hatching of the egg to the first appearance on the singlepiece dorsal shield of a transverse suture, defining the cephalon and the so-called transitory pygidium. During this 3.1
period, a larval ridge may be the precursor of the axial lobe. The size of the protaspis is very small, typically 0.3 to 1.0 millimeters, and the lower limit for any species is clearly the upper limit for the size of the eggs of that species. During this period, the protaspis may develop features, such as marginal spines, which will disappear at a later stage. Observation of the fossil record of growth in the protaspis period has led to speculations concerning the affinities of trilobites with other arthropods, based on the notion that larval development may be a replay of ancestral history or phylogeny. The meraspid period is characterized by gradual separation of the cephalon from the transitory pygidium, by means of the progressive appearance of thoracic segments. Meraspid degrees correspond to the number of segments which made their appearance. The new segments originate at the thoracic-pygidial boundary. The number of molts required to complete the thorax does not necessarily correspond with the number of segments to be added to the thorax. The overall size of the trilobite may increase to more than ten times that of the protaspis. The meraspid period terminates when the thorax has reached the number of segments which characterize the adult individual. At this stage, the adult form, or the holaspidperiod, has been attained. Here the growth is continuous through many moltings, so that the size of the individual is correlated with its age. Several changes in the relative size of the various parts of the exoskeleton do occur throughout this period. The cephalon usually represents a larger fraction of the carapace in the early growth stages. The ontogeny of trilobites is beautifully illustrated in an article by H. B. Whittington in the Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore 1959). The illustration of this aspect of trilobite life will be limited here to the presentation of a pictorial summary in plate 2. This picture contains evidence of some kind of trilobite nursery, containing examples of all stages of growth. The trilobite depicted is Elrathia kingii (Meek) from the famous Wheeler Formation of the Middle Cambrian of Utah. Although detail may be lost in the smallest specimens, this view gives a feeling for the range of sizes involved in trilobite growth. Present are several 12
The Trilobita
holaspid carapaces of various length, with their characteristic number of thirteen thoracic segments; at least one meraspid carapace with eight segments; and at least one protaspid shield about one millimeter long, showing the larval ridge quite distinctly. Molting is clearly an integral part of the growth process in trilobites. The most abundant fossil remains of trilobites are the disarticulated exuviae, which, on account of their relatively large surface and light weight, could be easily transported and concentrated by wave motions and currents. Plate 3 shows a slab of shale from the Collingswood Formation, Ontario, which is densely covered with a multilayered assembly of carapace fragments of Pseudogygites latimarginatus (Hall). Such accumulation is most likely due to selective concentration, as is often seen occurring with small bivalve shells on the seashore. In such occurrences, complete carapaces are very seldom found. Since trilobites molted many times during their growth, it follows that each individual left a multiple fossil record. In situations where the molting process occurred in a relatively undisturbed environment, exuviae may be found in the approximate posture in which they have been abandoned by the trilobite. There are at least two characteristic modes in which the exoskeleton was shed by the growing trilobite. In one of them, the phacopid mode, the cephalon separated from the thorax between the occipital ring and the first thoracic segment. The animal could crawl out of the old exoskeleton through such an opening, and in so doing would force the old cephalic shield to flip upside down. Plate 4 shows one of many examples, collected by the author, of exuviae shed by Phacops rana milleri Stewart, as found in the Devonian Silica Shale at Sylvania, Ohio. The cephalon is intact and usually is found in the immediate vicinity of the thorax-pygidium assembly. The latter occurs most often in the enrolled condition, showing that the integument must have contracted like a spring, after the former inhabitant crawled out. As mentioned previously concerning Arthropoda, the newly molted animal is provided with a soft exoskeleton, which would later harden through sclerotization and mineralization. Plate 5 shows a "soft-shelled
V a r i o u s stages of g r o w t h o f the trilobite
Elrathia kingii
f r o m the W h e e l e r Formation, Middle Cambrian, Utah ( x 2 . 7 ) . ( R L S coll.; n o w a t F M N H . ) T h e larger trilobites represent the holaspid stage, a meraspid carapace w i t h eight segments is the center l o w e r m o s t trilobite, a protaspid shield is located just below the l o w e r m o s t complete trilobite on the right-hand side.
Slab coated with disarticulated exuviae of the
from the C o l l i n g s w o o d
Formation, O r d o v i c i a n , C o l l i n g s w o o d , O n t a r i o ( x l . l ) . ( R L S coll.; n o w a t FMNH.)
1 4
T h e Trilobita
trilobite," also from the Silica shale. We are dealing here once again with Phacops rana milleri Stewart. This soft-shell condition is revealed by the fact that the carapace is considerably thinner than in the average specimen. This gives a translucent quality to the shield, particularly apparent in the pleural regions. The axial lobe seems to have thickened somewhat more and appears darker. By accident or not, this trilobite overlaps the exuviae of another trilobite (or its own?). The above description seems to ignore that we are dealing with a fossil and not with a living animal. However, here the fossilized exoskeleton is composed of the primary calcite that was originally present in the trilobite cuticle. Thus, the color differentiation that affects selected areas of the carapace in plate 5 may reflect incomplete mineralization of the exoskeleton as it existed at the time of burial.
Another pictorial view of phacopid molting is contained in plate 6. Here we deal with exuviae of Dalmanites verrucosus (Hall) from the Silurian Waldron Shale formation of Waldron, Indiana. In this example all trilobite parts are seen from the ventral side and are still partly imbedded within the shale matrix. The hypostoma appears displaced from its axial position, indicating opening of the hypostomal suture during molting. In the exuviae shown in plate 5, the hypostoma is missing altogether. Another frequent molting procedure is the olenid mode, in which the free cheeks separate from the cranidium at the facial sutures, enabling the molting trilobite to make its way out of the opening thus created. In this case, the facial sutures are functional, representing natural fracture lines.
Exuviae of Phacops
rana milleri Stewart, from the Silica Shale, Devonian, Ohio
coll.; n o w at F M N H . )
An example of "soft-shelled trilobite" ( x 2 . 7 ) . D u e to the unusually thin and translucent carapace, this example of
Phacops rana milleri
Stewart is
interpreted as representing a newly molted animal. Silica Shale, D e v o n i a n , Sylvania, O h i o . (RLS coll.; n o w at FMNH.)
The Trilobita
Exuviae of Dalmanites
from the ventral side ( x 3 . 8 ) . Silurian, W a l d r o n Shale, W a l d r o n , Indiana. ( R L S coll.; n o w at F M N H . ) N o t e the displaced h y p o s t o m a .
In spite of the predominance of exuviae in the fossil record of trilobites, an animal would occasionally be buried intact, as the majority of the pictures in the atlas section will illustrate.
Appendages and Internal Anatomy
Although the more commonly preserved part of the trilobite body is the hard, mineralized carapace, there are a few fossil deposits that have yielded completely preserved bodies, from which, by proper techniques, even the soft parts and sometimes details of the internal structure can be recognized. Famous formations of this kind are the Middle Cambrian Burgess shale of British Columbia, where the ventral appendages appear as flattened, extremely detailed impressions; the Middle Ordovician Utica Shale of New York; and the Lower Devonian Hunsriick Slate of Germany. In the fossils from the latter two deposits, the trilobite soft parts are replaced by fine crystals of iron pyrite, and this fortunate feature lends itself to detection by visual observation and, more effectively, by radiography. Trilobites with preserved appendages have occasionally also been found in very finegrained limestones. From the above occurrences, the ventral appendages of not more than twenty species of trilobites have been described in several famous studies by Walcott, Raymond, Stormer, and others. These studies are comprehensively summarized in the Treatise (Moore 1959). A most unusual and complete description of the ventral anatomy of the larvae of agnostids from the Upper Cambrian of Sweden (Miiller and Walossek 1987) has given a glimpse of the extraordinary complexity of these reputedly primitive creatures. In recent years, improved X-ray techniques have yielded much new information on the anatomy of trilobite's soft parts, in particular from studies by J. Cisne (1973) on the trilobites from the Utica Shale and by Stiirmet and Bergstrom (1973) on the trilobites from the Hunsriick Slate. I had the fortune of working in close collaboration with Dr. Cisne when he was preparing his Ph.D. dissertation on the anatomy 18
The Trilobita
of Triarthrus eatoni (Hall), the most abundant of the trilobite species in the Utica Shale. The material at the disposal of Dr. Cisne was the exceptional collection of specimens assembled and prepared by C. E. Beecher toward the end of the last century and now belonging to the American Museum of Natural History, Field Museum of Natural History, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, and the Yale Peabody Museum. The trilobites originate from a thin layer, about ten millimiters thick, in the black Utica Shale. Beecher quarried this layer extensively, collecting some seven hundred specimens, and exposed the appendages of some sixty specimens by gently rubbing away the matrix with pencil erasers. Several trilobites were further prepared by Dr. Cisne to make them suitable for soft X-ray examination, which was carried out by taking stereoscopic radiographs. In addition to furthering a better understanding of the already known appendages, Dr. Cisne's study revealed the presence of previously unsuspected details of the internal anatomy of the trilobites. As it turns out, the entire digestive tract of these specimens was often preserved, as well as muscle fibers and other surprising features of the trilobite's body. Several of Dr. Cisne's original radiographs were kindly loaned to the author for printing and are presented in this book (see plates 9, 11, 127a, 128). Furthermore, several specimens were selected and loaned to enable me to experiment with the optical techniques most suitable to enhance the visual contrast of the exposed appendages. Some of the photographs in this section and later in the atlas constitute a unique record of Beecher's trilobites. Figure 3 presents a reconstruction of the dorsal and ventral side of Triarthrus eatoni (Hall) based on the observations by J. Cisne. It differs from previous reconstructions in several details, the most prominent being the number of cephalic appendages (three instead of four pairs) and the presence of an abdominal extension carrying the anal tract. The latter protrudes beyond the border of the pygidium, a feature that could also be interpreted as due to compressional shift of the soft ventral structures relative to the tergum, caused by sediment load. The basic feature of the ventral anatomy is the presence of a pair of biramous appendages
carried by each of the thoracic segments. The first pair is modified into two segmented antennae, which serve an obvious sensory function. The cephalic region also contains three pairs of slightly modified appendages, and the pygidium five pairs, while about eight pairs are carried by the terminal abdominal tract. In total, approximately thirty-one pairs of limbs can be recognized. The basic structure of the biramous appendages is shown in figure 4. It is, in many respects, similar to that found in certain Crustacea. The base portion of the limb carries two differentiated branches: a featherlike or gill-bearing outer branch, thepre-epipodite (like the crustacean exopod), and an inner branch or walking leg, the telopodite (like the crustacean endopod), composed of seven articulated limb segments. Short bristles or setae appear at various locations. The featherlike structure of the outer branch has been interpreted as representing gill-blades, which performed the respiratory function. This interpretation, however, is still controversial. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the inner branches were constructed for crawling. The tracks left by the motion of the latter on the soft sea floor are preserved occasionally as fossils trails, called Cruziana. An example of such trails is shown in plate 7. The outer branches could have helped in swimming, their shape and arrangement suggesting a 'Venetian blind" oarlike stroke. Although the telopodites terminate into diminutive, clawlike processes, it is doubtful that these were of much use in gathering food. Trilobites like Triarthrus seemed to have fed on detritus or microorganisms. Their food, in the X-ray plates of J. Cisne, can occasionally be observed as clouds of finely particulate material squeezed out of the gut canal following burial compression. The mouth is thought to have been a small opening, posteriorly oriented, just at the tip of the hypostome, devoid of jaws or mandibles. It would be the terminal feature of the long enclosure defined by the limb bases. This suggests a so-called trunk-limb feeding mechanism. It involves the creation of a feeding current by a rhythmical motion of the limbs, in this case making the telopodite bases convey the food particles to the mouth through the ventral food groove. The bases of the head limbs were somewhat differentiated from the thoracic limbs,
perhaps serving some kind of weak masticatory function. Locomotion, feeding, and mastication were probably part of a mechanically related 'sequence of events produced by the movement of the limbs. Once ingested, the minute food particles would pass through an esophagus into the stomach, located beneath the frontal glabellar lobe, and then into the intestine, a long tube running through the axial region and terminating in the anal duct. Still considered as part of the digestive system in the agnostids and called genal caeca is a network of ramifications radiating away from the axial region into the genal area of the cephalon. This anatomical feature gives rise to the prosopon (functional ornamentation) observed on the dorsal cephalic surface of many trilobites as a fine mesh of radiating and ramifying ridges. It is now believed to represent part of the vascular or circulatory system (Bergstrom 1973a) and will be repeatedly noticeable in the atlas photographs. Another unusual feature of Beecher's trilobites is the apparent preservation of the muscle structure. As observed by Dr. Cisne, this consisted of a very efficiently engineered network of longitudinal, dorsoventral, horizontal, and limb muscles, which would ensure articulation, limb movement, and enrollment. Figure 4 shows only a few of such muscles in a transverse cross section of the thoracic region. Figure 5 shows portions of a longitudinal cross section, indicating, on the one hand, the complexity of the trilobite design but, on the other, its rationality. Many details of other organic functions have been revealed in Dr. Cisne's study. I will limit the description here, however, to a presentation of some of the material that led to so much insight into the anatomy of Triarthrus. In plate 8 we see the ventral side of a specimen of Triarthrus, as originally prepared by C. E. Beecher. The photograph has been taken with the specimen totally immersed in xylene (see Appendix B). The optical contact established by this liquid of high refractive index eliminates surface reflections and enables the achievement of maximum optical resolution. The hypostome, the antennae, and most of the successive appendages can be seen. The pyritized organic material appears white against the black matrix. Plates 9 and 10 3.2
T h e furrowed trails left b e h i n d by
Salter, was collected by Jan Bergstrom
trilobites crawling over m u d d y sea floor,
from L o w e r O r d o v i c i a n sandstones found
are sometimes preserved as trace fossils.
on Bell Island, C o n c e p t i o n Bay,
Cruziana semiplicata
T h e Trilobita
N e w f o u n d l a n d , ( x l . 4 , R L S coll.)
A m o d e r n reconstruction of
Triarthrus eatoni
c o m p l e t e d from partial drawings b y C i s n e ( 1 9 7 3 ) . Details of the ventral side are occasionally o m i t t e d to show u n d e r l y i n g structure.
Structure of the biramous appendages and cross-sectional view of the thoracic region
Triarthrus eatoni
C o m b i n e d assembly from separate reconstructions by Cisne ( 1 9 7 3 ) .
Longitudinal section through parts of the body of
Triarthrus eatoni
drawing, adapted from reconstructions by C i s n e ( 1 9 7 3 ) , shows details o f the muscle structure a n d of the intestinal duct.
represent another specimen of the same trilobite as seen in, respectively, a radiograph by Dr. Cisne and a photograph by the author. It must be remembered that the radiographs were taken in stereo pairs. The stereoscopic observations of such pairs enables the distinguishing of features occurring throughout the depth of the specimen. Such features overlap in a single projection and make their interpretation more difficult. The appendages are clearly visible, however, and can be seen even when underlying the dorsal shield. Although the radiograph has very high resolution, the featherlike gillbearing branches are not as visible as in plate 10, which was obtained by immersing the specimen in a bath of xylene, as for plate 8. The photographic technique employed here is showing its advantages. The gill-branch setae are now clearly discernible together with the segmented structure of the preepipodite axis, which carries them. Plate 11 is a radiograph of another specimen. Here the digestive tract is visible, in particular in the vicinity of the anal termination. Many of the anatomical details mentioned previously can be made out from these examples, in particular with the aid of a magnifier. It should be remembered, however, that no individual specimen will show all the features exhibited in the reconstructions illustrated in figure 3. It is only through the examination of a large number of specimens that the overall structure can be visualized. Other examples of Triarthrus W\\\ be shown in the atlas section, where the taxonomic information concerning this trilobite will also be given. Much more is contained in Dr. Cisne's dissertation, in particular very important observations relating trilobites to the other groups of arthropods. The other important study referred to—that of Sturmer and Bergstrom (1973), was preceded by the spectacular observations by W. Sturmer (1970). The late Professor Sturmer was a physicist colleague and, as myself, also a trilobite enthusiast. In his work at Siemens AG, he had access to advanced X-ray and image processing equipment. After retirement, he owned his own X-ray station. On several occasions, in his jovial and exuberant vein, my friend gave colorful descriptions of how he searched for fossils in the field, by X-raying freshly quarried slabs brought into his X22
The Trilobita
ray van parked at the bottom of a famous slate quarry. This slate quarry in Hunsruck, West Germany, is the depository of a paleontological treasure. The slate is of Lower Devonian age, 1,000 meters thick, containing a pyritized fossil fauna retaining the record of the soft parts of a variety of marine animals. Complete trilobites are found in the shale, with all appendages preserved, much as in the Utica Shale of Rome, New York; sudden burial in mud, in a favorable chemical environment, may have been responsible for the exceptional preservation in both occurrences. By applying contrast enhancement techniques to his radiographs, Sturmer was able to give a new description of old fossils, uncovering surprising details that had escaped previous investigations. A classic example of these observations is provided by the comparison between an ordinary photograph of a specimen of Phacops (plate 12a) and its radiograph (plate 12b). The latter made news immediately (Sturmer 1970): gracefully floating with the eerie appearance of a luminescent deep-sea creature, Phacops sp. WS 295 acquired a new dimension in contrast with its previous image in stone. The structure of the appendages, the exitic spines, the digestive tract are sharply delineated; it should be noticed that were the radiograph of plate 12b that of a living trilobite, the contrast would not be as good as for the pyritized fossil. The mineralization of the soft parts in the latter is actually acting as a heavy element staining of the specimen, which enhances radiographic contrast, much as is done in angiography and other medical X-ray procedures. Another of Stunner's radiographs will be shown in the next section. From a small quarry in Vastergotland, Sweden, cut into Upper Cambrian rocks, came one of the most surprising paleontological discoveries of recent years. Among the myriad of shields of the diminutive agnostid Agnostus pisiformis (Wahlenberg), which populate limestone nodules found in the quarry, Miiller and Walossek (1987) were able to isolate larval stages, mostly enrolled, enclosing in full threedimensional relief all the ventral soft parts of the animal, including integument, limbs, setae and hairs. Due to phosphatic replacement, these delicate organs could be cleaned of the embedding matrix by etching with weak acids.
V e n t r a l view of a
specimen of Triarthrus
(Hall), whose
pyritized appendages h a v e been exposed after painstaking p r e p a r a t i o n by C. E. Beecher ( x 4 . 7 ) . F r o m "Beecher's trilobite bed," Utica Shale, Upper Ordovician, Rome, N e w York. ( Y P M 2 1 9 , loaned through courtesy o f Dr. J . Cisne.) Photograph o b t a i n e d while the specimen was totally immersed in xylene.
Appendages and Internal Anatomy
Radiograph of an adult specimen o f
(Hall) ( x 4 . 2 ) . ( Y P M 2 2 8 , from a stereo pair of radiographs by J . Cisne.) T h e b i r a m o u s appendages can be seen protruding from and underlying the dorsal shield. T h e pyritized soft parts of the trilobite, as well as the carapace, are m o r e opaque to X-rays than the e m b e d d i n g shale, thus providing high contrast. Details of other soft parts, replaced by fine granules of iron pyrite, yield visible contrast.
The Trilobita
T h e same specimen as in plate 9, this time immersed in xylene. Fine surface details of t h e structure of the appendages are revealed by this technique.
Appendages and Internal Anatomy
Another X-ray view of a c o m p l e t e l y preserved
specimen of Triarthrus
eatoni, as in the preceding plate (x7.4). (YPM
radiograph b y J . Cisne.) These pyritized trilobites are among the most striking fossil records of extinct life ever recaptured.
T h e Trilobita
(a) Pyritized specimen of
from the Lower
D e v o n i a n Hunsriick Slate, s h o w i n g the appendages, exposed by mechanical preparation ( x 2 . 1 ) ; (b) X-ray p h o t o g r a p h o f the same, b y W . S t u r m e r ( W S 2 9 5 ) . Both photographs were contributed by W. Sturmer.
All observations had to be carried out with a scanning electron microscope, in view of the minuteness of the complex structures entirely contained within the submillimeter-sized larval shields. From this painstaking body of work, what emerged is a truly astounding reconstruction of the ventral view of this creature, reproduced in figure 6a, together with a sketch of its embryonic-looking dorsal appearance (fig. 6b).
Reconstruction of the
ventral anatomy o f Agnostus pisiformis (Wahlenbetg), after scanning electron microscope observations of unusually well preserved enrolled larvae, (b) Dorsal view of adult
(holaspid) of the same agnostid, typically only a few millimeters long, (c) Side view of enrolled individual.
(From Miiller
and Walossek permission
1 9 8 7 , by
Universitetsforlaget, Blinolern,
Although substantially different from the structure of the multisegmented, or polymeric, trilobites, the agnostids have customarily been regarded as trilobites. However, the new detailed information on the structure of agnostid appendages that is summarized in the reconstruction of figure 6 reveals several features that are shared with primitive crustaceans, raising questions as to whether the agnostids are indeed trilobites at all. After the beautifully illustrated report by Miiller and Walossek appeared, I remembered collecting agnostids from the same area of Vastergotland, on a very hot summer day, accompanied by my friend and mentor Jan Bergstrom. It was a pleasant surprise to rediscover some of this material, and the result is shown in plate 13. The accomplishment of the above authors in revealing the inner structures encased in these miniature shields appears most impressive indeed. In order to conclude this section on a light note, plate 14 shows what polymeric trilobites actually may have looked like to the casual observer. The two creatures shown, one in the normal crawling posture, the other helplessly overturned, were photographed by the author on the patio of a beautiful resort in the mountains overlooking Oslo, where the International Conference on Trilobites was held in July, 1973. We are dealing here with reconstructions of Olenoides serratus (Rominger), prepared at the Paleontological Museum, University of Oslo, and displayed for the enjoyment of the convening paleontologists. In spite of their appearance in the plate, trilobites were not light-emitting animals. The picture is simply a print from a color slide and is therefore what is usually regarded as a negative. These trilobites possessed another pair of sensory appendages, posteriorly located and called cerci. They seemed to enjoy the midsummer Norwegian sun.
The Eyes of Trilobites
Not only the trilobites developed highly organized visual organs, but some of the recently discovered properties of trilobite's eye lenses represent an all-time feat of function
optimization. We are confronted here with a very successful scheme of eye structure: the composite or compound eye, made of arrays of separate optical elements, the ommatidia, pointing in slightly diverging directions and each performing an identical function. A network of photoreceptors and neurons translates the optical stimuli into an image perception. Evidence of the success of such a scheme is widespread experience, since the eyes of insects and crustaceans, in fact of most arthopods, still follow a design closely related to that developed by trilobites.
The Compound Eye
In modern arthropods the structural unit (ommatidium) is made of a sequence of functional subunits (see fig. 7). Facing the outside world is the dioptric apparatus consisting of a corneal lens in optical contact with a crystalline cone. Tiny images from a narrow field of view appear at the tips of the cones. Proceeding toward the interior of the eye beyond the cone there are two types of sttuctures. In the so-called apposition eyes (mostly found in diurnal insects, Crustacea, etc.), the photoreceptor, or rhabdom, is long and attached directly to the tip of the crystalline cone. On the other hand, in the superposition eye (found in nocturnal forms like moths, fireflies, etc.) a crystalline fiber, like a light guide, intervenes between the tip of the cone and a shorter rhabdom. A dark pigment may fill the space between cones in the apposition eyes, while in the superposition eye the pigment layer can migrate to surround either the cones or the crystalline fibers, when the eye is dark- or light-adapted respectively. Furthermore, the superposition eyes are generally constructed with very regular radial symmetry. This feature and the pigment migration in the dark-adapted eyes have been interpreted as enabling occurrence of collective phenomena, such as superposition of images or diffraction patterns due to adjacent ommatidia. The interpretation of the visual process in the compound eyes, however, has been the subject of great controversy since the pioneering work of Miiller (1826), who introduced the "mosaic" theory, according to which the compound eye is regarded as an assemblage of directional
The Eyes of Trilobites
Disarticulated exuviae o f
from the Upper
C a m b r i a n o f Vastergotland, Sweden. (x6.8, R L S coll.)
The Trilobita
Dorsal and ventral view of reconstructions
Olenoides serratus
(Rominger), a M i d d l e C a m b r i a n trilobite. T h e models were prepared at the Paleontological M u s e u m , University of Oslo. Ptint from a color slide.
The Eyes of Trilobites
units, each yielding a point element in a mosaiclike reconstruction. Exner (1891) further developed the mosaic theory in his classic study of faceted eyes and introduced the distinction between apposition and superposition eyes. However, most of Exner's models of image formation by the dioptric system of the ommatidia turned out to be wrong. For example, Exner assumed that the crystalline cones in Limulus would form images at their tips due to a radial variation of the refractive index (cylinder lens). This is now known not to be true; in fact, the same images can be obtained from a homogenous scaled-up replica of the Limulus cone made of lucite when it is immersed in water (LeviSetti, Park, and Winston 1973).' Furthermore, Exner ignored the role of the crystalline tracts between cone and rhabdom, present in the so-called superposition eyes. What seems to emerge from modern research is that the term superposition is a misnomer (Horridge 1969), since no superposition of sharp images is ever observed in the plane of the photoreceptors when the crystalline tracts are in place. After more than eighty years of research, the only significant distinction found in the types of arthropod eyes is that there are eyes with or without crystalline threads, and, correspondingly, with short or long rhabdoms. What has become increasingly apparent is the role of the neurophysiological apparatus in modifying the type of response which could be inferred from purely optical considerations. The lateral inhibitory interaction can alter the effects of image overlap between neighboring ommatidia and sharpen contrast. (For a summary, see, for example, Hartline 1969). A functional distinction between the two types of eyes discussed above is still obscure but may not be as fundamental as originally thought by Exner.
' T h e shape o f each ommatidium o f Limulus has been found to be optimized for the maximum collection of light incident within a field of view of aperture angle ± 1 9 ° from the axis. T h e relevant phenomenon taking place in such a device is total internal reflection at the interface between the corneal medium, or refractive index n = 1 . 5 3 , and the fluid external to the cone, of refractive index n = 1.35.
The Trilobita
The Compound Eye in Trilobites
Although, with rare exceptions, we have no knowledge of the interna] structure of the eyes of trilobites, the fossil record yields astounding evidence of the dioptric apparatus, the outermost region of the ommatidia. This is due once again to the fact that only this portion was sufficiently mineralized to remain preserved in the fossilization process. In favorable circumstances, the eye lenses survived intact their long burial: they were already made of calcite crystals in the living animals! Not all trilobites possessed eyes—some, in fact, were blind; but others had enormous eyes which would take up most of the cephalic surface. Often the eyes were shaped in turretlike fashion, and their combined visual field could cover the animal's entire surroundings. Trilobite eyes, as we shall see, are revealing indicators of the habits of their carriers. Lacking the complete structure of the ommatidia, we cannot, of course, draw an exact analogy between the compound eyes of trilobites and those of modern arthropods. However, the external appearance and the lensar arrangement are often suggestive of a very close correspondence. If provided with the present knowledge, Exner would probably recognize apposition and superposition eyes in trilobites. Lindstrom (1901) instead recognized two different kinds of trilobites' eyes: a truly compound eye and an aggregate eye. The compound, or holochroal, eye is characterized by a close packing of the lens units, the entire visual surface being covered by a continuous pellucid membrane, the cornea. The lenslets vary in shape from thin biconvex to elongated hexagonal prisms. A different structure is presented by the aggregate, or schizochroal, eye. Here the lenses are separately encased and positioned by a cylindrical mounting, the sclera, and each lens is covered by its own cornea. The holochroal eye with thin biconvex lenses is thought to be the ancestral form (Clarkson 1975), already well developed in the late Cambrian, while the holochroal eyes with thick prismatic lenses and the schizochroal eyes appear in post-Cambrian times. Any close similarities between trilobites' and modern arthropods' eyes is more likely to exist
S t r u c t u r e of the o m m a t i d i a in the c o m p o u n d eye o f m o d e r n a r t h r o p o d s . Parts (a) and (b) are schematic sections through firefly.
the o m m a t i d i a o f the Pigment
distinguishes the light-adapted c o n d i t i o n (a) from the darkadapted c o n d i t i o n (adapted
1 9 6 9 ) . Part (c) represents the structure o f the o m m a t i d i a o f the ant (adapted from Snodgrass
1 9 5 2 ) . The two
types of eye are distinguished by the ptesence of short a n d long thabdoms
in the ancestral form of holochroal eye, where the two branches of arthropod evolution were phylogenetically closer. As we shall see, there are in fact forms in the holochroal eye that suggest a superposition-type organization. On the other hand, there is no reason to suspect that the appositiontype was not already present in trilobites. The schizochroal eye is externally organized very much in the same way as the latter. The Phacopida, however, the principal possessors of the schizochroal eyes, have evolved a sophisticated lens structure apt to correct the optical defects of thick lenses. Identical structures are not known to exist in modern arthropods, perhaps since they developed when trilobites were already a well-separated stock. However, the trilobite eye studies described in this section prompted recognition
that similar morphologies and Structures observed among the dioptric apparatuses of several living arthropods serve an analogous function, a testimonial of convergent evolution aimed at satisfying a seemingly universal striving toward optimization of vision. Most of the photographs in this section originate from negatives kindly loaned by Dr. E. N. K. Clarkson of the Grant Institute of Geology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, who has in recent years carried out comprehensive studies of the visual apparatus of trilobites. The author has extensively collaborated with Dr. Clarkson on the study of the optical functions of several types of lens structures, and some of the discoveries emerging from this work will be described here.
The Eyes
of Trilobites
Holochroal Eyes
A schematic view of the range of optical structures in this type of eye is shown in figure 8, adapted from Lindstrom (1901). In addition to the basic hexagonal prism design, other lens contours were present, including square prisms. The optical behavior of these elements, while seemingly obvious in the simple biconvex lenses of Sphaerophthalmus, conceals a surprising feat, which will become apparent in the case of the long prisms of Asaphus and Illaenus in particular. Such prisms were made of single calcite crystals (Clarkson 1973a), and, to offset the strong birefringence of calcite, the crystals were oriented so that the optic axis always pointed in a direction normal to the visual surface. Only along this axis, in fact, does calcite behave as an isotropic medium. A precise understanding of the function of this unusual apparatus—whether as a light guide or as a focusing device—is still lacking. Furthermore, it is also not known whether or not crystalline cone and fiber optics accompanied the lens that is preserved. Conceivably, the long prismatic bodies could have encompassed both functions of the lenscrystalline cone assembly. Possible schemes of vision based
on this kind of eye structure will be discussed further. The number of individual optical elements in the holochroal eye could vary from approximately one hundred to more than fifteen thousand in a single eye, a range not very different from that found in insects. The actual size of the eye, however, often exceeds that of modern arthropods. Perhaps nothing better than the photographic record can convey a feeling for these structures and, at the same time, show the overall shape of the eye and its visual field. Plates 15 and 16 show scanning electron microscope (SEM) pictures (Clarkson 1973b) of some of the ancestral holochroal eyes from the olenid trilobites of the Late Cambrian period of Sweden. In plate 15, the eye of Ctenopyge (Mesoctenopyge) tumida is seen partly covered by the corneal membrane. Where this is still present, the swelling caused by the presence of the underlying lenslets is apparent. Where the membrane is removed, only the lensar pits remain of the visual surface. The thin lens profile can be made out by comparing the two regions. Plate 16 shows an intact eye of Sphaerophthalmus alatus. The external similarities of these primitive eye forms to those of some modern insects (for example, the ant) is quite remarkable. Plate 17 contains two
views of the visual surface in several holochroal eyes of
(a) Sphaerophthalmus
(Boeck), U . C a m b r i a n ,
(b) Cyrtometopus (Dalman),
S w e d e n ( x 5 0 ) ; (c)
Sweden, ( x 5 0 ) . Adapted from Lindstrom
Scanning electron microscope view of the
eye of Ctenopyge (Mesoctenopyge) tumida Westergard (x 1 1 7 ) . Upper Cambrian, S w e d e n . (Negative loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson; C l a r k s o n 1 9 7 3 b . ) T h e visual surface is partially covered by the corneal membrane.
S E M view of the eye of a y o u n g specimen
Sphaerophthalmus alatus
(Boeck) ( x 2 0 3 ) , U p p e t C a m b r i a n , Sweden. (Negative loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson; Clarkson 1 9 7 3 b . ) T h e corneal m e m b r a n e covers the entite visual surface; however, the swellings due to the underlying lenslets are clearly visible.
The Eyes of Trilobites
3 5
views of the eye of Scutellum (Paralejurus) campaniferum (Beyrich), a Devonian trilobite from Bohemia. The toroidal shape of the combined surface of both eyes could evidently span a visual field close to 4lt radians. Here the corneal membrane is missing and the remarkable packing arrangement of the lens elements is clearly exposed. On a small scale, the lenses are arranged in a hexagonal pattern, much like the cells of a beehive. On a broader scale, a pattern of intersecting logarithmic spirals emerges, much like the arrangement of florets in a giant sunflower. The properties of the logarithmic (or equiangular) spiral have fascinated naturalists and poets for centuries (D'Arcy-Thompson 1942). It arises in nature whenever growth (linear expansion) combines with the necessity of preserving circular forms (rotational symmetry). The growth of the trilobite eye, most noticeably of the holochroal variety, was dominated by this theme, as Clarkson (1975) has pointed out. Just as interesting as the regularities of these spiraling patterns are the imperfections and mistakes in the packing program and the steps that have been taken to correct them. Various dislocations in the pattern have been repaired while still preserving the major symmetries. In plate 18 we see an SEM picture of a portion of the eye of Paralejurus brongniarti (Barrande), also from the Devonian period of Bohemia. Although the pattern arrangement is hexagonal, the exposed terminations of the lens elements appear quite spherical. Plates 19a and 19b show different views of the eyes of Pricyclopyge binodosa (Salter), from the Ordovician period of Bohemia. The preservation of these remarkable eyes is peculiar since only the ommatidial lens framework is preserved as an empty dome-shaped beehive. This indicates that between adjacent units there might have been a wall, which in this case is the only preserved component. The cross section of the lens assembly is exposed in cuts and holes, thus giving a measure of its thickness. This ttilobite had immense eyes in relation to the size of its body. The eyes were placed on the sides of the cephalon, so as to extend to the ventral region, and would almost touch each other in front. In related forms, the eyes actually merged into one uninterrupted visual surface which looked like a 36
The Trilobita
panoramic dome. The arrangement of the lenses in the eye shown in plate 20 is unusual. We see two generative growth zones, each of them initiating a spiraling pattern in opposite directions. The two diverging patterns come together along a straight line in the central region of the eye. Finally, plates 21a and 21b show two SEM views of a cross section through the visual surface of Asaphus raniceps Dalman (Clarkson 1973a). The words of Lindstrom (1901) in describing this structure are most appropriate here: the lenses "are columnar prisms, like the pillars of basalt." These are the structures made of oriented calcite mentioned in connection with the description of figure 8. As noted by Clarkson, the symmetrically radiating arrangement of the ommatidial prisms in this trilobite reminds one of the arrangement of the superposition eye of modern arthropods. For illustration of this point, figure 9 shows a cross section through the eye of Asaphus compared with that of a night moth, Deilephila elpenor (in the light adapted condition, in order to show the crystalline cones) (Hoglund 1966). The actual photographs of a thin film section through the Asaphus'eye is shown in plate 22 and a magnified detail of the array of hexagonal prisms that make up its visual surface is shown in plate 23. Each element is terminated by an essentially flat surface on the outside of the eye and by a convex spherical surface on the inside. These are disproportionally thick plano-convex lenses. As I mentioned earlier, the lens elements of trilobites' eyes were made of single-oriented calcite crystals. This is spectacularly demonstrated in plate 23, where the single-crystal nature and crystal orientation of each element are clearly revealed by the array of cleavage planes, which cross the prisms at a constant angle to the axis of each element. From the symmetry of the cleavage pattern, it can be deduced that the optic axis (the f-axis) of the calcite crystals is aligned in all cases with the lens element axis. The shape and proportions of the globular visual surface of the Asaphus' eye give us some clues about the inner workings of the holochroal eye. Judging from the profile and composition of the lens elements, and assuming that the eye cavity was filled with a medium that had refractive index not very different from that of water, one can conclude that each lens element must
T w o views o f the same
eye of Scutellum (Paralejurus) campaniferum (Beyrich) ( x l 5 ) . (Negative loaned by E. N. K. C l a t k s o n . ) T h i s D e v o n i a n trilobite from B o h e m i a could cover an a l m o s t spherical
The Eyes of Trilobites
visual field.
have formed sharp primary images of a portion of the trilobite's surroundings about 0.2 millimeters below the inner vertex of each lens (a distance equal to the thickness of the lens). This presents a puzzle. For if the photoreceptors were this close to the surface of the eye, where they could make use of primary images, why was the overall structure of the eye so deep—as if it had been constructed to accommodate long rhabdomes? It may be that the photoreceptors were in fact placed further back in the eye than the evidence we have would suggest. Certainly, the possibility that collective diffraction phenomena might result from the array of primary images would have been a good reason for placing the photoreceptors further away from the visual surface. ( This was, in fact, recently discovered to be a relevant factor in the vision of insects, as reviewed by Burtt and Catton 1966.) Even though the principal Fourier image would appear much further behind the eye in this case, intermediate images could still be probed at several locations within the eye cavity, to the trilobite's great advantage. Unfortunately, we have reached at this point an impasse in our investigation. The marvelous optical interface at the surface of the holochroal eye is all that is left to us. We see nothing meaningful beneath it—nothing to either confirm or deny our suppositions about internal structures. PLATE
S E M picture o f portion o f the visual
surface (Barrande)
of Paralejurus
( x l 0 8 ) . D e v o n i a n , Bohemia.
(Negative loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson.)
F r o n t (a) and side (b) view
of the eye of Pricyclopyge binodosa (Salter) ( x l 3 ) . Ordovician,
(Negative loaned from E. N. K. C l a r k s o n . ) In this unusual process of fossilization, o n l y the f r a m e w o r k of the visual surface is preserved.
of Trilobites
T o p view o f the eye o f a n o t h e t specimen
Pricyclopyge binodosa
(Salter), as in plate 19 ( x l 8 ) .
The Ttilobita
S E M views o f the prismatic structure o f the visual surface o f
Asaphus raniceps
D a l m a n , a L o w e r O r d o v i c i a n trilobite from N o r t h e r n O l a n d , S w e d e n (a, x l 5 0 ; b, x 3 3 0 ) . (Negative loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson; C l a r k s o n
The Eyes of Trilobites
(a) Cross-sectional view of the superposition eye of the night m o t h , in the lightadapted condition (adapted from Hoglund 1 9 6 5 ) . (b) Cross-sectional view of the
holochroal eye of Asaphus (adapted from Clarkson 1 9 7 3 b ) (see also plates 22 and 2 3 ) . The ommatidial arrangement was probably similar in the two cases.
Panoramic view of an entire
eye section of Asaphus
D a l m a n , from a thin
polished section observed under the optical microscope ( x l 6 , section loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson, G r . I. 5 5 1 2 ) .
The Trilobita
G r e a t l y magnified detail of
the Asaphus eye section of the preceding plate, observed in dark field illumination. T h e calcite crystal nature and orientation of each element is clearly revealed by the array of cleavage planes, w h i c h can be seen crossing the prisms at a constant angle to the axis of each element. T h e optic axis of the calcite crystals is aligned in all cases w i t h the lens element axis. A l o n g such an axis, the ordinarily birefringent calcite crystal behaves as an isotropic transparent material,
avoiding double vision ( x 4 6 0 ) .
Schizochroal Eyes
This type of eye, which probably evolved from the holochroal eye, is a visual system quite different from any other eye that has ever appeared in the animal kingdom. In the structure of the schizochroal eye, we see trilobites at the peak of their functional creativity, taking advantage of the fundamental laws of geometrical optics in a direct and most efficient way. The lenses in the schizochroal eye are generally larger (0.2 to 0.7 millimeters), and less numerous (from a few to a few hundred) than the lenses in the holochroal eye. Schizochroal eyes are turretlike, in the shape of truncated cones, and the lens arrangement is most orderly. Logarithmic spirals can still be seen, but the dominant theme is the dorso-ventral file—a rectilinear array of lenses running from
the top to the bottom of the visual surface (see plates 24— 33). The evolution of the schizochroal eye has been attributed by Clarkson (1971, 1975) to a phenomenon called paedomorphosis, by which some characteristics that were present in juvenile forms of some trilobites with holochroal eyes became the dominant characteristics in adults of descendant species. We find this type of eye in only one group of trilobites: the Suborder Phacopina, which contains the Superfamilies Dalmanitacea and Phacopacea—the dalmanitids and phacopids. This group lived for a period of about 150 million years during the Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian periods. Similarities with the schizochroal eye are found in the eyes of the Cambrian Eodiscina (Jell 1975; Zhang and Clarkson 1990).
of Trilobites
Plate 24 shows one of the earlier forms of the schizochroal eye and the trilobite that carried it: Pterygometopus brongniarti (Reed), a dalmanitid trilobite from the Ordovician of Scotland. In this particular specimen, the visual surface of the prominent eyes is made up of empty alveoli in which the lenses were once encased. A mold taken from the external impression of the same eye, which was left in the limestone matrix when the trilobite was removed, shows that the lenses were quite convex and closely packed (plate 25). A later dalmanitid form is that of Odontochile hausmanni (Brongniart), shown in plate 26. The lenses here are well separated, and the growth mechanism of the visual surface is plainly illustrated by lenses which are in the process of being released from the generative zone at the base of the eye. In the phacopid line, one of the earliest forms of schizochroal eye is seen in Acernaspis sufferta (Lamont), from the Lower Silurian of Scotland, shown in plate 27. The lenses here are more compressed together, giving them an almost hexagonal outline. This eye form eventually led to the perfected eye of the Silurian Eophacops trapeziceps (Barrande), illustrated in plate 28, and of the Devonian Phacops latifrons (Bronn), seen in plate 29. In these late species, the characteristics of the schizochroal eye are exaggerated: the eye contains relatively few lens elements that are rather widely spaced, and each element is admirably set in a thick, sometimes swollen sclera. It is hard to refrain from presenting additional examples of these superbly architectured eyes. The eyes of Phacops rana crassituberculata Stumm from the Devonian Silica Shale of Ohio are shown in plates 30 and 31. These eyes show clearly a band of "sensory fossettes" below the visual surface. The lenses are quite deeply set inside the sclera. A variant of this trilobite, also from the Silica Shale, is Phacops rana milleri Stewart, whose eye is shown in plate 32. It contains more lenses than the previous one (see, for example, Eldredge 1972). The large trilobite Phacops (Drotops) megalomanicus, from the Devonian of Morocco has in recent years pervaded the shelves of every rock shop throughout the world. Its morphology is quite similar to that of, for example, Phacops rana crassituberculata, although in much expanded form, reaching a length of up
T h e Trilobita
to 15 cm, and its carapace more prominently tuberculated. Its eye is proportionally magnified, yet the lens size is not, as can be appreciated from plate 33. The increased spacing between the lenses left room for the sclera to develop a prominent hexagonal set of tubercula. In most phacopid eyes, the field of view of each eye could span 180 degrees longitudinally and a strip of ten to twenty degrees latitudinally. The schizochroal eye with the smallest number of lenses is shown in the SEM photograph on plate 34. It is the eye of Denckmannites volborthi (Barrande) of the Devonian of Bohemia. In the face of such a layout it becomes difficult to accept the notion that the optical interface of the schizochroal eye operated by fragmenting images of the outer environment into a mosaic of relatively few point elements. If each one of the relatively small number of lenses provided just one point element of the picture, such a mosaic would be very crude indeed. There is evidence that the schizochroal eye was much more efficient than that, and the most compelling part of this evidence is the astonishing structure of the schizochroal eye lens itself.
Trilobite Eyes and the Optics of Descartes and Huygens
The biconvex lenses of phacopid trilobites are made up of doublet structures that were constructed for an unmistakable purpose: to correct for the large spherical distortion (aberration) of simple thick lenses. I reached this rather surprising conclusion after examining the large amount of evidence on lens morphology that had been accumulated by Euan N. K. Clarkson (1968) during his systematic investigation of trilobite eyes. A preliminary account of this discovery was contained in the first edition of this book (Levi-Setti 1975). Dr. Clarkson and I have since copublished a paper in Nature (Clarkson and Levi-Setti 1975) that describes this evidence and our interpretation of the extraordinary function of such doublet structures. When we humans construct optical elements, we sometimes cement together two lenses that have different refractive indices, as a means of correcting particular lens defects.
O n e of the earlier examples of schizochroal eye, carried by the O t d o v i c i a n d a l m a n i t i d ttilobite
T h e eye lenses are missing in this specimen, but the framework of alveoli in which they were set has remained intact. (Collected at G i r v a n , Scotland, on a field trip guided by E. N. K. C l a r k s o n ) . (x8.3)
The Eyes of Trilobites
Internal latex m o l d of the eye
(Reed), s h o w n in the preceding plate. T h e lenses are convex and arranged in vertical dorso-ventral files. (x!8)
T h e Trilobita
A later form of schizochroal eye, that of
Odontochile hausmanni
process of being released from the generative zone at the base of the eye.
has clearly separated lens elements.
(Specimen from the Lower D e v o n i a n of
T h e growth mechanism of the visual
T e t i n , Bohemia. Loaned by E. N. K.
surface is illustrated by lenses in the
The Eyes of Trilobites
T h e schizochroal eye of o n e of the earliest phacopid ttilobites,
Acernaspis (Eskaspis) sujferta (Lamont). The lenses are closely packed and almost hexagonal in shape. Latex mold from external impression, specimen from the Lower Silurian of the Pentland Hills, Scotland. (Collected on a field trip guided by E. N. K. C l a r k s o n , RLS coll.) ( x ! 5 )
The Trilobita
(Barrande) exemplifies later, perfected forms in the e v o l u t i o n of the schizochroal eye. T h e lens elements are rather w i d e l y spaced and p r o m i n e n t a b o v e the plane o f the sclera. ( S p e c i m e n from the Silurian o f B o h e m i a . Negative loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson.)
T h e right eye of Phacops
Devonian of Germany. (Loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson.) ( x l 4 )
of Trilobites
30 Phacops crassituberculata
Left eye o f
S t u m m , from the D e v o n i a n Silica Shale at Sylvania, O h i o ( x l 3 ) . (RLS coll.; now at F M N H . ) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. T h e lenses at the top of the visual surface appear incompletely developed.
T h e Trilobita
Right eye of another
specimen of Phacops
S t u m m ( x ! 3 ) . (RLS coll.; n o w a t F M N H . ) Specimen whitened with m a g n e s i u m oxide. T h e lenses are deeply encased in the scleral surface.
Eyes of Trilobites
T h e right eye of
Phacops rana milleri Stewart, from the D e v o n i a n Silica Shale o f Sylvania, O h i o ( x l 3 . 5 ) . (RLS coll.; n o w at F M N H . ) This trilobite, familiar to m a n y collectors, differs from the subspecies shown in plates 31 and 3 2 , mostly in the larger number of eye lenses and in the less tuberculate surface of the
palpebral lobe.
The Trilobita
W e l l k n o w n to the trilobite collector are
m o u n t a i n s of M o r o c c o . Its eye, as shown
tubercula o c c u p y the increased spacing
the giant Devonian Phacops (Drotops)
in this example, is about twice as large
between the lenses in a regular
megalomanicus, (aff. Phacops rana crassituberculata), that are extracted
as that o f the typical in
staggering n u m b e r from the Anti-Atlas
Phacops rana
in the preceding plates, yet its lenses,
hexagonal pattern that mimics the lensar a r r a n g e m e n t . ( R L S coll.) (x7.7)
deeply set, are smaller. P r o m i n e n t scleral
The Eyes of Trilobites
S E M view of the eye of
Denkmannites (Barrande).
volborthi Devonian of
Bohemia ( x 6 5 ) . (Negative loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson.) This type of schizochroal eye is among those containing the smallest n u m b e r of lenses.
In fact, this optical doublet is a device so typically associated with human invention that its discovery in trilobites comes as something of a shock. The realization that trilobites developed and used such devices half a billion years ago makes the shock even greater. And a final discovery—that the refracting interface between the two lens elements in a trilobite's eye was designed in accordance with optical constructions worked out by Descartes and Huygens in the mid-seventeenth century—borders on sheer science fiction. Of course, the laws of physics existed prior to their discovery by man. And we shouldn't perhaps be too surprised that the drive to optimize biological function—one of the fundamental evolutionary forces in all biological organisms—caused trilobites to follow physical laws to the fullest possible extent in their development of visual systems. The real surprise should not be that they did construct eyes that work according to the laws of physics, but that they did it with such ingenuity. The basic lens designs recognized in the original studies by Clarkson are reproduced in figures 10b and l i b . These drawings schematize the eyes of two 54
dalmanitid trilobites: on the left, Crozonaspis struvei (Henry), from the Middle Ordovician of Brittany; and on the right, Dalmanitina socialis (Barrande), a Middle Ordovician species from Bohemia. The thick biconvex lens shape of both results from the matching of two basic parts: an upper lens unit and an intralensar bowl. A wavy interface separates (and unites) the two components. Long before trilobites were even recognized as ancient inhabitants of our planet, Descartes in his La Geometrie (1637) and Huygens in his Traite de la Lumiere (1690) both had derived the general shape that the second refracting surface of a lens should have to have in order to eliminate spherical aberration—a defect of simple lenses which causes a point object to be imaged as a blurred disk. To recreate an exciting moment of my literature search, it is still worthwhile to reproduce in figures 10a and 11a the pages of these treatises that contained such derivations. Since the two authors assumed somewhat different shapes for the first refracting surface, they reached somewhat different conclusions about the shape of the second (correcting) surfpce.
(a) C o n s t r u c t i o n of a lens free of spherical aberration, from C . H u y g e n s '
la Lumiere.
Traite' de
(b) Cross-sectional
view of the lenses in the eye of
Crozonaspis struvei
an O r d o v i c i a n trilobite from Brittany (Clarkson
T h e intermediate surface is shaped accordingly to the prescription by H u y g e n s .
Eyes of Trilobites
(a) C o n s t r u c t i o n , similar to that of figure 1 0 , after
Descartes in La Geometric Here again, the shape of the second surface makes the lens free of spherical aberration. (b) Cross-sectional view of the lens structure in the eye
of Dalmanitina socialis (Barrande) (Clarkson 1 9 6 8 ) . T h e intermediate surface is shaped in remarkable accord with the design by Descartes.
The Trilobita
However, the physics involved is the same in both cases and consists of an application of Fermat's principle of least time to achieve the so-called stigmatic condition for an optical system: to obtain a point image of a point object, parallel beams of light must traverse the path between the object and the image in the same amount of time—either by traveling along a straight line connecting the two points (the shortest path and therefore the fastest route), or by traveling along any other off-axis path through the lens. In more modern language: all rays from a point source will converge to a point image if they traverse minimal and identical optical paths. A lens that satisfies this condition is free of spherical aberration and is called aplanatic. Its exit surface will depart from a spherical profile being one of a family of mathematical curves called Cartesian Ovals (described by a fourth-order equation in Cartesian coordinates). By comparing the shape of the aspheric lens exit surfaces constructed by Huygens and Descartes with the two lens structures identified by Clarkson (figures 10b and 1 lb), little doubt remains that trilobites utilized the properties of Cartesian Ovals more than 400 million years before the seventeenth-century masters discovered the principle. This is not all, however. A difference exists between the media for which the theoretical profiles were derived (a glass lens in air) and those involved in the trilobite's lens operation. We know in fact that the upper lens units of a trilobite's lenses were made of calcite oriented along the oaxis (refractive index n = 1.66), much as previously seen for the holochroal eye, and confirmed by Towe (1973) for the phacopid eye lenses, and that they operated in water (n = 1.33). If we attempt to trace light rays through such a system, of weaker converging power than the glass-air system, we find that the lens would not focus all rays to a point as expected. In fact, the more peripheral rays would diverge. Here the role of the intralensar bowl comes into play to restore the focusing property of the lens and the correcting function of the interface. The unknown refractive index of the intralensar bowl can be inferred from the construction shown in figure 12a. This illustrates the optical function of the doublet structure and also shows (on the right side of
the lens axis) what would happen if the lens were a single solid unit. In the latter case, spherical aberration would prevent the formation of sharp images and would also dilute the amount of light collected along the axis of the lens. An experiment with a large scale reconstruction of the doublet with an upper unit made of calcite with its r-axis oriented along the lens axis, combined with an intralensar bowl made of transparent plastic (« = 1.63) that is shaped as in Crozonaspis, does indeed produce the results that were envisioned by Descartes and Huygens (and the trilobite), as shown in figure 12b. One can speculate that a perfusion of a small amount of soft organic tissue into oriented calcite, the materials available to the trilobite, could have easily reduced the refractive index of the calcite to the value inferred for the intralensar bowl. The realization that trilobites made recourse to a doublet lens structure to achieve the goal of improving their vision left me with the uncanny feeling that, if needed, nature could have equally well developed other multi-element optical instruments that are touted as unique creations of human ingenuity. In our case, a doublet structure is added to the already sophisticated aspheric correcting interface. The design of the trilobite's eye lens could well qualify for a patent disclosure. Prior art would mention the Schmidt plate of modern telescopes, a Cartesian surface performing function similar to that of the wavy interface of the trilobite's eye lens. As I will discuss further below, there is a follow-up on the trilobite's eye story, dealing with the eye lenses of several modern arthropods, that makes my views much less facetious than they may seem at this point. There is even more than meets the eye in the trilobite's feat. Lenses such as described are clearly optimized in more than one way. The fact that the upper unit is made of calcite, with its r-axis lined up along the axis of the lens, accomplishes two things. First, the refractive index of calcite is highest for this orientation (n = 1.66, which maximizes the light gathering ability of the lens). Second, the double refraction effect of calcite is effectively eliminated by this configuration, at least for paraxial rays. As a result, such lenses succeed in concentrating all the collected light in a 3.3
The Eyes of Trilobites
(a) Ray tracing through the lens of
indicated in the text. This suggests that
calcite oriented with the c-axis along the
Crozonaspis struvei
the t w o lens elements were made of
lens axis, the intralensar bowl of
of the optical axis, the internal lens
oriented calcite and protein-rich material
transparent plastic with refractive index
structure is ignored. V e r y large spherical
respectively, (b) Experimental verification
n = 1 . 6 3 . T h e lens is immersed in milky
aberration ensues for any choice of the
of the operation of a large-scale doublet
water. A beam of parallel light incident on the lens from above is brought to a
Henry. O n
the right
refractive index of the lens (» = 1 . 6 6 for
lens structure modeled after the lens of
the construction indicated). W h e n the
Crozonaspis struvei
internal structure is taken into account,
and Levi-Setti 1 9 7 5 , reprinted by
on the left-hand side of the axis,
permission from
correction of spherical aberration obtains
Copyright ©
for the combination of refractive indices
Limited). T h e upper lens unit is made of
The T r i l o b i t a
254: 663-67;
1 9 7 5 Macmillan Magazines
narrow focus by the corrected lens. T h e full width at half m a x i m u m of the light intensity depth distribution w o u l d be five times wider for a single uncorrected lens of the same overall external profile.
thin layer (approximately one lens-thickness below the vertex of the lens) where good images of the surroundings would be formed. The f: number (inverse of the relative aperture) of the lens of figure 12, operating in water, is - f: 1.1. Not bad at all, even by modern standards. And because of their size and short focal length, our wonder lenses give to the trilobite's eye a remarkable depth of field with no need for accommodation. Further analysis of the possible effects of the birefringence of calcite suggests that they were probably unimportant (Clarkson and Levi-Setti 1975). As to lens defects due to chromatic aberration, these also were considered unimportant, since even at moderate depths in sea water, the environment is essentially monochromatic. In the actual fossilized eye of phacopids, the evidence for the extraordinary doublet structure is occasionally obvious in polished sections of the lens surface. An example is provided by the series of images in plate 35, obtained from a polished thin section through the large eye of a Silurian Dalmanites specimen, prepared by Dr. Clarkson. Here dark field microscope illumination enhances the visibility of the doublet structure, and the shape of the correcting surface is intermediate between the two solutions previously mentioned. The characteristic calcite cleavage planes are clearly outlined in the upper unit of several of the lenses, again providing evidence of their single crystal nature and f-axis orientation. The intralensar bowl appears as a dark, cloudy region, suggesting that its chemical composition was different originally from that of the upper unit. Even when diagenetic alteration has rendered the upper unit opaque, the intralensar bowl can still be identified as a distinct region of the lens. In other cases, due to differential mineralization, the intralensar bowl splits from the upper lens unit. For example, the doughnut shape of the upper surface of the intralensar bowl is plainly visible in the SEM image shown in plate 36, where the upper lens units were not preserved in the fossilization process. The visual surface is, in this case, that of Zeliskella Lipeyrei (Bureau), from the Ordovician of the Crozon peninsula, France, which has a structure similar to that of Crozonaspis. Some remnants of the doublet structures are present in the holotype of Dalmanitespratteni Roy
(Roy 1933), a spectacular phacopid trilobite from the Devonian of Illinois. Front views of the right and left eye of this rare trilobite are shown in plates 37 and 38 respectively. Each eye contains more than 770 lenses, an absolute record for schizochroal eyes. Several of the lenses are split and show the intralensar bowl. In other cases, the upper lens unit is still in place, and in still others the entire doublet is missing and the cavity left is the lensar pit. The Huygens' type lens substructure has been established by Clarkson (1969) for the eye of Reedops sternbergi (Hawle and Corda), represented in plate 39. The evidence, however, is accessible only through sectioning. Two SEM views of the visual surface of this trilobite are shown in plates 40a and 40b. Why did the phacopid trilobite develop such a sophisticated optical system? Were the perfected images produced by the corrected lenses exploited in any way? Were there other advantages that favored the evolution and retention of these optimal lens structures? What we would like to hear, to appease our Darwinian upbringing, is that new visual structures were evolved in response to new environmental pressures as a means of survival. A factor that may be considered is that the correction of spherical aberration increases significantly the level of light intensity in the focal plane of the lens relative to that concentrated by a solid lens. From the experiment of figure 12b, we did estimate (Clarkson and Levi-Setti 1975) that the full width at half maximum of the light intensity distribution along the axis would be contained, for the trilobite's lens, within a layer - 20 Lum thick. This is to be compared with a width of - 100 Llm for an uncorrected, solid lens of the same profile, due to the spreading of the collected light along the lens axis caused by spherical aberration. The fivefold increase in the level of illumination at the focal plane could conceivably have exceeded the threshold level of neural response in a dimly lit environment, allowing the trilobite to see at some depth in the sea, at dusk, or in turbid water. And yet the lens arrangement and shape of the schizochroal eye raises doubts that a useful mosaic image could have been formed by this type of eye. The number of lenses is generally too small and the angular coverage of their fields of view too discontinuous 3.3
The Eyes of Trilobites
The Trilobita
(Facing page) T h e doublet
T h e d o u g h n u t shape o f the
structure of the dalmanitid
intralensar b o w l is clearly
lens is clearly visible in these
s h o w n in this scanning
thin sections from o n e
electron m i c r o g r a p h o f the
specimen of a Silurian
eye of Zeliskella lapeyrei
T h e upper lens
(Bureau), an early dalmanitid
unit consists of oriented
trilobite from the O r d o v i c i a n
calcite crystals, while the
of Rennes, France. In this
intralensar bowls are
specimen, o n l y the l o w e r lens
composed of calcite mixed
units have been preserved.
with remnants of organic
(Gr. I. 4 0 1 9 2 , loaned by E.
material. Various stages of
N. K. Clarkson, S E M
diagenetic alteration of the
micrograph by the author.)
calcite are visible, but n o n e
(xl 13)
of these obliterate the primary structure. M u c h as for the prisms o f the
visual surface in plate 2 3 , the trace of the cleavage planes tell that the optic axis of the calcite crystals is along the lens axis. T h e Cartesian surface separating the t w o lens elements is recognizable in all cases s h o w n , as well as in some sixteen additional lenslets from the same eye, not shown here. (Polished section loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson.)
The Eyes
of Trilobites
Frontal view of the
Dalmanites pratteni Roy, a left eye o f
D e v o n i a n trilobite from Illinois ( x l 3 ) . (Specimen loaned by Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.)
T h e Trilobita
Frontal view of the
right eye of Dalmanites
pratteni R o y , as in plate 3 7 . T h e lens structure described in the text is exposed in several instances, w h e r e the front lens-unit has split away. In s o m e elements, the entire lens appears intact, encased in the cylindrical sclera. A m o n g schizochroal eyes, the eyes of this trilobite exhibit the largest n u m b e r of lenses ever recorded.
The Eyes
of Trilobites
T h e eye of Reedops Sternberg! (Hawle and C o r d a ) , a Devonian trilobite from Bohemia (x22). (Negative loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson; Clarkson
Sectioning of the lenses of similar specimens by Clarkson has revealed an internal structure similar to that described in figure 1 0 (b).
T h e Trilobita
(a) S E M view o f portion o f the
a s i n plate 3 9 ( x l 0 8 ) . (Negative loaned by E. N. K. C l a r k s o n . ) (b) A n o t h e r S E M view, at a glancing angle, of the same visual surface. (x216)
to form a detailed mosaic similar to that that we presume formed by the schizochroal eye and that of insects and crustaceans. Further questions come to mind: was the schizochroal eye a regressive trait? Was the improved lightgathering ability the only factor promoting the correction of lens aberrations? It is somewhat disappointing to conceive that the sharp and detailed images produced by each corrected lens were simply used as a trigger by the photoreceptors and their structure ignored by the "brain" of the trilobite. Questions such as these obviously stem from our ignorance of the visual receptor structure of the trilobite's eye. Claims of having detected crystalline fibers in the pyritized eye of phacopid trilobites, preserved in the Hunsruck Slate, have been advanced by W. Sturmer, based on his radiographic observations. If true, this knowledge would set to rest any notion that the schizochroal eye was anything more than what is found in the compound eye of groups of extants arthropods. Dr. Sturmer tried hard to convince his dissenting collaborator Jan Bergstrom, and then myself, of his interpretation. In the process, he provided me with the radiograph shown in plate 41, which shows a pattern of parallel filaments seemingly emerging from the visual surface and leading to points located in the posterior part of the cephalon. Additional examples of a similar nature (Sturmer and Bergstrom 1973) have been presented and interpreted as crystalline fiber lightguides by W. Sturmer, against J. Bergstrom's better judgment. As explained to me by the latter author, who had occasion to examine Sturmer's material, the observed structures do not belong to the eyes at all, but are gill branch setae, seen as a single file extending from the eye region to the pygidium. In some sense, this rejection is welcome. In fact, fiber optics coupled to phacopid lenses would seem to defeat the purpose of the sophisticated design of the latter, as already remarked above. Furthermore (Clarkson and Levi-Setti 1975), the hypothesis is advanced that schizochroal eyes may be regarded as an aggregate of individual eyes rather than the mosaic-forming device common to other arthropods. It is tempting to speculate that the schizochroal eye was a transition from the truly 66
compound eye scheme of the holochroal eye to the cameratype eye of more advanced life forms. Perhaps minuscule retinas in these schizochroal eyes could already analyze the images supplied by the state-of-the-art lenses they possessed. If this were so, one can speculate that image contrast may have been the factor prompting selection of ever better corrected lens systems to secure survival. In fact, the improved contrast resulting from the correction of spherical aberration could well have provided the advantage of a prompter recognition and response to impending dangers. Perhaps, in addition, mating may have proven more efficient with sharper images. The schizochroal eye disappeared toward the end of the Devonian, with the extinction of the phacopid trilobites. Was the evolutionary wonder represented by their eye lenses an unchallenged occurrence?
A Treasure Not Lost
Even if the genetic information of the perfected visual apparatus in the phacopid trilobite's eye became lost to further evolution within the phylum, the fundamental principles of physics that guided its development obviously survived. And, indeed, they guided other unrelated creatures to reproduce the mastery. From recent studies of vision in modern invertebrates, it has become apparent that the correction of spherical aberration following the precepts of Descartes and Huygens, as well as the concept of adopting a doublet structure for the dioptric apparatus, have not been the unique prerogative of the trilobites. The corneal thick lenses in the compound eye of the backswimmer Notonecta glauca, a predatory aquatic insect, have been shown (Schwind 1980) to consist of a doublet structure with an unmistakable bellshaped optical interface. Much as for the phacopid lens, the lower unit has a refractive index slightly lower than the upper unit, except that no calcite is involved in the lens composition, only organic material. Theoretical calculations and experimental determinations of the focusing properties of these lenses have confirmed that they are well corrected for spherical aberration (Horvath, 1989). Although we believe that the structures observed in the trilobite's lenses are real
X-ray radiograph of a pyritized specimen of
sp. from the Hunsriick Slate
c o m p o u n d eyes. A m o r e likely interpretation, discussed in the text,
o f the Lower D e v o n i a n o f G e r m a n y ( W S
assimilates the filamentary structures
2 6 1 7 , x 4 . 5 ) . T h e presence of a planar
w i t h those of the gill branches or
structure of filaments superposed to the
exopods, c o m m o n l y preserved in these
palpebral lobes was interpreted by W.
pyritized trilobites and often seen
Sttirmer as evidence of crystalline fibers
belonging to the o m m a t i d i a of the
c o n t r i b u t e d b y W . Sttirmer.
the carapace. Radiograph
The Eyes of Trilobites
(not, for example, due to diagenetic alteration of the calcite crystals), and that our interpretation of their function is sufficiently supported by our model, it is gratifying to find confirmation of our conjectures in a living system that can be studied without the need of assumptions. Since no direct connection can be seen between trilobites and Notonecta, it must be inferred that the similarity in the solutions to the problem of vision optimization was the result of convergent evolution. Another most intriguing two-component, corrected optical system is that found in the eyes of the scallop Pecten (Land 1965) and only recently brought to my attention (Horvath and Varju 1991). In this bivalve mollusc, fifty to sixty simple eyes are embedded in the pallium and appear as tiny, bright iridescent pearls. Their optical structure, sketched in figure 13, rivals in perfection and ingenuity that of the phacopid trilobite's lenses. They also consist of a compound, two-element structure. The upper unit is a soft lens, almost identical in shape to Huygens' solution, but mounted in inverted geometry, so that the bell-shaped interface is external. Facing the spherical, internal interface of this lens is a spherical mirror, the argentea, made out of thirty to forty layers of guanine crystals, interleaved with layers of cytoplasm. This multilayered structure acts as a highly reflecting, interferometric, quarter wavelength mirror. The image is formed on a retinal surface, located between the mirror and the correcting lens, that responds to a decrease in the level of illumination (the "off' signal). Another retinal surface, located beneath the former, responds to "on" signals only. The ensuing neural response imparts to the eye remarkable sensitivity to dimming of light levels and angular movement of the light-dark stimulus. In other words, the eye takes advantage of the image contrast, as surmised in our previous discussion of possible evolutionary advantages of correcting eye lens defects. Astonishing as this may seem, the two-element structure of the scallop's eye corresponds to the structure of the catadioptric telescope or Schmidt optical system. This compound lens system has an amazingly large angular acceptance, expressed by an f: number equal to 0.6.1 should mention that the Cartesian Ovals connection 68
The Trilobita
was not recognized in the earlier studies of the Pecten 's eye, although the function of the aspherical lens in correcting spherical aberration was fully documented. I also became aware of this preexisting evidence, after having already formulated my reflections, expressed earlier, concerning the significance of such complex designs found in naturally evolved living systems. Whatever repetition this may involve, I felt compelled to narrate how my premonition became eclipsed by reality. Indeed, a wide-angle imaging lens, inspired by the design of the Pectens lens system, has been incorporated into a miniaturized fiber optics endoscope, named the "Tube Peeper" (Greguss 1985). I indulged in a limited search, among living arthropods, for some evidence that the trilobite's visual treasure may not have been irretrievably lost. My quest dealt with an attempt to find whether any living marine invertebrates may have exploited calcite to construct their eye lenses. Although the search was unsuccessful from this standpoint, I enjoyed the opportunity of becoming aquainted with a group of marine Crustacea that evolved compound eyes and body morphologies quite similar to those of trilobites. These are the antarctic isopod Crustacea of the genus Serolis. I was alerted to their existence by a letter from David K. Bernhardt of the State University of New York at Albany, following publication of the first edition of this book. Mr. Bernhardt had located, in the local archives of the Albany Institute of History and Art, a nineteenth-century report announcing the discovery of a trilobitelike crustacean that may have possessed calcific eye-lenses. This letter triggered immediate follow-up on my part. The report (Eights 1833), that I promptly obtained from the Albany Institute, was written by James Eights, "Naturalist in the Exploring (Antarctic) Expedition of 1830," and Corresponding Member of the Institute. It described the discovery of a new "Crustaceous Animal" found on the shores of the South Shetland Islands that he named Brongniartia trilobitoides from its resemblance to trilobites and in honor of Alexander Brongniart, eminent paleontologist of the time who first developed the systematics of trilobites. The reading of Eights's report was most rewarding: he mentions that the eyes of his new find were "elevated
Schematics of the t w o - e l e m e n t structure in the single eyes f o u n d in the pallium o f the scallop
(adapted from Land
1 9 6 5 ) . A lens of characteristic Huygensian shape corrects the otherwise aberrated image f o r m e d by a spherical mirror, the
T h i s type o f
structure corresponds closely to that of the catadioptric telescope or S c h m i d t optical system. In the scallop, t w o retinal surfaces, located w h e r e the image is formed between the lens a n d the argentea, respond respectively to "on" and " o f f light signals.
and prominent: cornea oblong, lunulate, reticulate, composed of an infinite number of facets, distinctly visible to the naked eye: color blue, the superior surface covered by an irregular calcareous incrustation." The anatomy of this isopod was meticulously described by detailed ink drawings. The report also recreates in vivid color the misty, frigid, and yet sublime athmosphere and scenary of these antarctic shores being seen for the first time. It did not take anything more to fire up my curiosity and the desire to examine firsthand these blue-eyed little beasts. I poured over the report (Beddard 1884) on the Isopoda collected by the Challenger Antarctic Expedition of 1873-76, where I learned that Eights's "trilobite" is now called Serolis trilobitoides (Eights) and identified as an Isopod crustacean. Another report (Sheppard 1933) on the serolids collected by the Discovery Expedition (1925-32) lists some thirty-seven species of Serolis, all found in antarctic waters, some at great depths in the ocean. I then proceeded to borrow several Serolis specimens from the U.S. National Museum and alerted Dr. Clarkson that we could perhaps learn something about the habits of trilobites if we could observe the behaviour of live, look-alike Serolis. My search for calcite in the eyes of Serolis, carried out with radiographs and X-ray diffractometry, failed to detect crystal lenses. Calcite was found, but only external
to the eye, in the form of incrustations, as originally surmised by Eights. The internal structure of the eye of several serolids is described in the report by Beddard (1884). The dioptric apparatus contains a biconvex lens followed by a separate crystalline cone that in some species exhibits a wavy upper profile. A, by now, familiar finding. Even if not made of calcite crystals, the eye of Serolis schythei (Liitken), shown in plate 42, nonetheless gave me a glimpse of what the holochroal eye of a trilobite must have looked like. Its shape and structure beautifully mimic what we had learned about it from the fossil record, but never had seen in its limpid glow. A specimen of Serolis trilobitoides (Eights) is shown in plate 43. Its turret-shaped eyes were not blue anymore, much to my dismay, possibly due to their denaturated state of preservation in ethanol. A radiograph of Serolis schythei is shown in plate 44. What gives away the fact that Serolis is a crustacean and not a trilobite are the double pair of antennae. Trilobites had only one. Most of the ventral appendages, furthermore, are uniramous instead of biramous, among several other differences. Alas, trilobites are indeed extinct. Nevertheless, the overall appearance of the carapace does indeed remind one of, for example, Arctinurus occidentalis Hall (see plate 45), with its falcate pleural spines. 3.3
of Trilobites
T h e eye o f a specimen o f Liitken,
Serolis schythei
photographed while immersed in
ethanol. T h e eye structure of this living
trilobites. However, the eye lenses are made of organic material in this case, n o t of calcite as the trilobite's. ( x 6 0 )
antarctic isopod ctustacean strikingly
(Specimen loaned by the U.S. National
resembles that of the holochroal eye of
Museum, Washington, D.C.)
The Ttilobita
Dorsal view of a specimen of the isopod
crustacean Serolis
from the A n t a r c t i c Bransfield Strait, photographed while i m m e r s e d in ethanol. The morphology of this antarctic isopod is reminiscent o f that o f some trilobites, hence the specific n a m e , given by the nineteenth-century naturalist James Eights. (x4.4) (Specimen loaned by the U . S . National M u s e u m , Washington,
Eyes of Trilobites
X-ray radiograph of a
specimen of Serolis
the Straits of Magellan. (x4.5) (Specimen loaned by the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.) Similar life habits and basic metameric body plan may have favored (convergent evolution) the selection of b o d y morphologies similar to those developed independently a n d much earlier by trilobites.
The Trilobita
A perfectly preserved
e x a m p l e of Arctinurus
the Silurian Rochester S h a l e o f Lockport, New York (xl.49). T h i s is the trilobite that J a m e s Eights alluded to w h e n
isopod of the genus
w h i c h he
discovered on the shores o f the S o u t h Shetland Islands in 1 8 3 0 . (Photographed by the a u t h o r t h r o u g h courtesy of Michael Thomas.)
In the meantime, Dr. Clarkson succeeded in interesting the British Antarctic Survey in the task of bringing home several live specimens of Serolis. Observations were made of these gentle creatures frolicking in a tank and staring at the observer with their multifaceted, translucent eyes. A movie was made, one which gave me the eerie feeling of watching a primordial pool crawling with trilobites.
The great majority of trilobites could roll themselves up so that only the hard carapace was then exposed. In this condition, various types of spines which may have adorned the exoskeleton became functional, protruding from the enrolled body in a defensive manner. There are many examples of this behavior in modern arthropods. A garden variety millipede (Sphaerotherium) is often seen rolled up. In the horseshoe crab, this function is only partially available, since the thorax is fused with the cephalon. The articulation of the abdominal region, then, allows only a flexure, sufficient to draw-up the powerful telson to make a right angle with the rest of the body. Earlier related forms, however, could double up completely. The mechanism of enrollment in trilobites is characteristic of particular phylogenetically related groups, as was recently emphasized by Bergstrom (1973a). The thoracic tergites were clearly engineered to permit this function, and a variety of articulating joints have been identified. To give a most schematic description of the thorax, individual tergites were hinged at two points, often characterized by visible notches, proximal to the axial furrows. Rotation of the tergites around these pivot points would separate the axial rings, exposing the articulating half rings, and at the same time cause the pleural extremities to overlap each other. Special devices, called panderian organs, would, like a doorstop, limit the extent of enrollment. Other devices, the vincular furrows, would ensure a safe interlocking of the pygidial and cephalic margins, as if to discourage casual intruders.
The Trilobita
A few major modes of enrollment have been recognized by Bergstrom (1973a). These differ from previous descriptions in that they reflect functional characteristics rather than purely morphological distinctions; these forms of enrollment are sketched in figure 14. Some trilobites were unable to roll up completely, and this mode is called incomplete enrollment. Of those which could roll up completely, a distinction is made between spheroidal and spiral enrollment. Each contains a sequence of subcases. In the spheroidal enrollment, the pygidium comes to rest with its ventral side in contact with the cephalic doublure, not inside it, and the pleurae close the exoskeletal basket laterally. When the pleurae do not wrap around to seal the basket laterally, the enrollment is called cylindrical. When the pygidial termination overlaps the cephalic margin, the mode is called inverted spiral enrollment but is still considered part of the spheroidal main group. The spiral enrollment series contains the case in which the dorsalpzn of the pygidium contacts the ventral side of the cephalon; the uncoiled spiral enrollment, characteristic of the calymenids, where the pygidium is visible even in the enrolled condition; and finally the so-called basket and ///^enrollment. Both spheroidal and spiral enrollment seem to have evolved from the incomplete enrollment of early Cambrian trilobites. Although enrollment most likely represented a defense mechanism, in the long run it may have precipitated the disappearance of the trilobites. It is conceivable that, with the advent of fishes, an enrolled trilobite could have been swallowed more easily than an outstretched one. Fortunately for us, if not for them, enrolled trilobites made better fossils, since the hard carapace is often quite impervious to weathering agents. The Middle Cambrian trilobite Elrathia kingii (Meek) from the Wheeler Formation of Utah offers one of the earliest examples of spheroidal enrollment. In plate 46 we see an enrolled specimen of this species from the cephalic side. The ventral side of the pygidium is seen to protrude beyond the cephalic border, possibly as a result of compression. The entire specimen is, in fact, considerably flattened. The picture shows how the genal spines protrude from the body when the trilobite is enrolled.
S c h e m a t i z a t i o n of the types of e n r o l l m e n t in trilobites. (a) I n c o m p l e t e
as in Kjerulfia. (b) C y l i n d r i c a l
as in Fallotaspis. (c) Spheroidal
proper, as in Asaphus. (d) Inverted spiral e n r o l l m e n t as in
(e) Spiral e n r o l l m e n t proper,
as in FJlipsocephalus. (f) Uncoiled spiral enrollment, as in
Flexicalymene. (g) Basket and lid enrollment, as in
(Adapted from
Another case of spheroidal enrollment, this time in full undistorted relief, is shown in plate 47 (Clarkson 1973a). The trilobite is Encrinurus variolaris (Brongniart), from the Silurian of Dudley, England. Here the closure of the basket is perfect, and one begins to understand why the outline of a trilobite's carapace is often so longitudinally symmetrical. The two halves have to match rather accurately to ensure a complete enclosure in the enrolled condition. In plate 48, parts a, b, c, and d, we see four different
moments in the enrollment process of Phacops rana. In the Devonian Silica Shale at Sylvania, Ohio, this trilobite is commonly found in various postures, from the outstretched to the completely enrolled one. This has nothing to do with incomplete enrollment. The mode describes the ultimate capacity and not the intermediate steps to reach it. Although the character in plate 48 did not quite perform according to the prescription, we are still dealing with a classic example of spheroidal enrollment.
Enrolled specimen of
Elrathia kingii (Meek), seen from the cephalic side. Middle C a m b r i a n , Wheeler Formation, Utah (xlO). (RLS coll.; now at F M N H . ) This is an early example of spheroidal enrollment.
A perfect example ot spheroidal e n r o l l m e n t . T h e trilobite is
Encrinurus variolaris (Brongniart), Silurian, Dudley,
(x7.6). (Negativeloaned by E. N. K. Clarkson.)
The Trilobita
Various postures in the process of enrollment o f
Phacops rana,
D e v o n i a n Silica Shale of Sylvania, O h i o (x2.4). (RLS coll.; n o w at F M N H . )
In plates 49 and 50, we encounter the same Dalmanites pratteni Roy that, in section 3.3, was shown to have such special eyes. The specimen is perfectly enrolled and represents an example of spheroidal enrollment in which the pygidium extends quite a way beyond the cephalic border. It must be realized that, due to its construction, the trilobite could not do any better than this in rolling up. The seal was very tight, however, as can be seen in plate 50, in spite of the limitations. An example of uncoiled spiral enrollment is shown in plate 51. The trilobite is Flexicalymene meeki (Foerste), Ordovician, from Waynesville, Ohio. Although the enrollment resembles the spheroidal type, it has been shown by Bergstrom that this particular form is at the end of the evolutionary line of spiral enrollment. The margin of the pygidium is safely interlocked in a groove beneath the frontal cephalic doublure. The lateral cephalic margin contributes to wrap the pleural basket. The expansion of the axial rings and exposure of the articulating half rings is clearly visible in this beautifully preserved trilobite. It is the author's experience that enrollment helped the trilobite survive even as a fossil. The little ball was found intact after having been washed away from its burial sediment and down a steep ravine by a trickle of water. The other trilobites, which were not tightly enrolled (and which were not molts), would irreparably disintegrate given the same exposure.
Life Habits
An accurate reconstruction of the mode of life of trilobites cannot, of course, be given, since we only know them as fossils. Putting together bits and pieces of evidence, however, as in a detective story, we can arrive at a fairly plausible picture of trilobite habits. First of all, we know that trilobites were exclusively marine animals. Their habitat must have varied over a wide range of conditions, as can be conjectured on the basis of their adaptation. The morphology of the trilobite itself is one of the primary criteria in deducing life habits. Further evidence at our disposal is represented by 78
The Trilobita
faunistic associations, type of bed sediments in which the fossil was located, and ultimately the trilobite's own footprints. The description of the ventral appendage apparatus in Triarthrus •was discussed in section 3.2 in connection with feeding habits. This is an example of the kind of inference that can be made in a particular case. Although this trilobite did not qualify as a predator but as a rather timid smallparticle feeder, there are other trilobites provided with better jaws, and there is evidence that some trilobites actually hunted down their prey in soft-bottom sediments or in the water. In general, trilobites crawled on the sea floor, leaving wellknown trail patterns. In a few cases, the fossil trail leads to the trilobite itself, nested in its own burrow. Because of their many telopodites, actual locomotion for trilobites was a byproduct of sifting and reworking the soft substratum in search for food. Some pulled their bodies sideways in this process; others would use their telopods to burrow more deeply to reach for located prey. In other instances, burrows indicate a good resting or hiding place, or an observation post from which to wait for approaching prey. Burrowing became a mode of life for certain groups of trilobites, which developed a morphology particularly adapted to this purpose, such as a smooth exterior and broad axial lobe. The smooth exterior has the clear implication of reducing friction, and the wide rachis must have housed powerful appendage muscles essential to efficient burrowing. Some illaenid and asaphid trilobites have been found in what is thought to correspond to their life posture. The cephalon would rest on the surface, while the rest of the body projected downwards, as shown in figure 15, following the description by Bergstrom (1973a). Active swimming, on the other hand, must have been the main occupation of other groups of trilobites. In these, the enrollment capacity is reduced, the body is slender and lighter, the pygidium small, the cephalon built hydrodynamically to favor laminar flow. In general, the swimming trilobites had large eyes, with a field of view spanning a circular horizon. P. E. Raymond (1939) must have thought of these characters when he referred to trilobites as the butterflies of the seas. The extreme extension of the visual
T h e trilobite represented in enrolled position is the same specimen o f
R o y , w h o s e eyes are s h o w n i n plates 3 7 and 38 (x2.3). (Loaned by Field Museum
o f Natural
History.) In this p h o t o g r a p h , the portion o f matrix covering the cephalon and carrying the tip of the pygidium is s h o w n removed from
enrolled trilobite. T h e cephalic margin is seen to fit tightly against the ventral side of the pygidium.
3.5 Life Habits
T h e t w o parts o f the specimen in plate 49 are n o w assembled to show h o w the trilobite was originally found. In no way could the trilobite bring the cephalic margin to match the border of the long pygidium. Even so, enrollment provided effective protection, also in view of the presence of a robust telson, n o t preserved here, protruding from the tip of the p y g i d i u m .
T h e Trilobita
A perfectly enrolled specimen o f the O r d o v i c i a n trilobite
Flexicalymene (Foerste)
Waynesville, Ohio ( x 9 ) . ( R L S coll.; n o w at F M N H . )
Probable life posture of the illaenid trilobite
Linnarson. (Adapted from Bergstrom 1973a.)
Life Habits
surface to the ventral side, as seen in section 3.3 for Pricycbpyge and others, is telltale evidence of swimming life. If we should learn anything from the horseshoe crab, we might infer that some trilobites liked to swim upside-down. With their carapace functioning as a glider in this attitude, their dorsal eyes could scan the sea floor for prey more efficiently than in the upright position. This, however, is only speculation, after having seen the horseshoe crab, particularly the young, frolic and swim upside-down in a marine tank at Hinds Laboratory for the Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago. One can also speculate that the turretlike eyes of many trilobites, protruding as they did from the cephalic surface, could have been very profitably used as watchtowers above the seafloor level and still enable complete concealment of the hunter below a layer of sand. The appearance of a hard carapace itself, the enrollment capabilities, and various forms of spinosity are response to a need for protection against an environment that may have become hostile in many ways. On the whole, we must conclude that 350 million years of survival are good evidence of successful trilobite adaptation.
Trilobite Classification
The systematization of the fossil record of trilobites into a scheme that reflects the phylogeny and evolution of different stocks in a consistent manner has been the constant preoccupation of paleontologists since the early nineteenth century. Even the most basic subdivision of the material into major groups has been and still is the subject of great controversy. The problem of properly assigning the parenthood and relationships of the fifteen hundred or more genera known today, encompassing some ten thousand different species, is a monumental task indeed. The discovery of particular anatomical or functional features in trilobites has led, in the past, to attempts at classification based on such features. The presence or absence of eyes (Dalman 1827), the eye structure (Emmrich 1839), and the enrollment ability (Milne-Edwards 1840) are only 82
The Trilobita
a few examples of the criteria which played a role in the earliest attempts of classification. The list is long indeed and is discussed in detail in the Treatise (Moore 1959). In the search for a "natural classification," Beecher (1897) believed that the natural sequence of evolutionary events could be unraveled by studying the ontogenetic development of the species (Haeckel's law of ontogenetic recapitulation). This led Beecher to subdivide the trilobites into three main groups on the basis of the pattern of their cephalic sutures. The Proparia and Opisthoparia are two of them, already mentioned in section 3.1; in addition he included a third group, the Hypoparia, which have ventral cephalic sutures. The first two groups have formed the basis of numerous subsequent classifications, though not without objection from other paleontologists. The third group has been rejected altogether. In the more recent attempts at classification, it has been recognized that no individual feature, no matter how significant it may be, is a sufficient guide for classification and that affinities based on collective characteristics must be weighed. The cephalic sutures have always been considered a significant guideline, up to the classification adopted in the Treatise, together with the cephalic axial characters. Further discussion along this line, however, threatens to become too technical and beyond the scope of this work. For this we refer the reader to the Treatise (Moore 1959) and to some of the literature that will be referred to in the following discussion. At the Oslo Trilobite Conference of July 1973, I met Dr. Jan Bergstrom, then at the Department of Historical Geology and Paleontology, University of Lund, Sweden. In a comprehensive survey and innovative study (Bergstrom 1973a), Dr. Bergstrom had just reexamined critically the problem of trilobite classification. In Bergstrom's work, the two main types of trilobite enrollment, spheroidal versus spiral, have been adopted as an additional phylogenetical index that has helped to sort out natural groups when integrated with previously used criteria (Richter 1933; Henningsmoen 1951; Hupe 1953, 1955). As a result, a more consistent picture had emerged—one which consolidated much of the previous proliferation of orders and
suborders, often based on characters of no phylogenetic significance. In many respects, Bergstrom's classification departed radically from the Treatise. Having been brought up to date by Dr. Bergstrom, and still preparing the first edition of this book at that time, I did decide to organize the atlas material according to the newly proposed classification, which recognized nine orders of trilobites. A pictorial illustration of these groupings, adapted from Bergstrom (1973a), was given in figure 14 of my book (Levi-Setti 1975). Modern science is a communal enterprise. In both experimental and theoretical work, novel results and their interpretation must await confirmation and acceptance by a broad community of scholars before becoming established. Unless a consensus is reached, based on uncontroversial evidence, even innovative ideas remain relegated to the realm of speculation. It is now almost twenty years since Bergstrom's revision of trilobite classification first appeared. Alas, a consensus is still wanting. As much as several of its implications have been praised, others have raised objections. For example, recourse to enrollment type as a criterion to sort out one group from another, the Ptychopariida in particular, has not been universally accepted. Morphological characters are still carrying different weight, depending on the school of thought. Dr. Bergstrom has in the meantime updated and refined his original revision and has kindly provided me with a still unpublished sketch representing his current thinking about the phylogeny of trilobite groups and consequent classification at the order and suborder level. This updated classification attempt is schematized in figure 16, where sketches of the trilobites that are representative of each grouping are also shown. It should be noted that the Agnostida are included in this scheme with a question mark: they may not be related to the trilobites in view of their affinities with the Crustacea. This novel scheme has many attractive features and may well form the basis for a classification that may be universally accepted at some future time. Confronted, however, with a still unsettled outcome of many controversies, I had to decide how to reorganize the presentation of the material in the atlas, in a manner
that would survive the test of time and avoid rejection on part of any of the contending and expert factions. Of some help in this dilemma have been the objections to recently advanced trilobite classification schemes that have been raised by my colleague and trilobite scholar Franco Rasetti. In a critical discussion of the problems of trilobite taxonomy (Rasetti 1972), he conceded that, with Jaekel (1909) and Hupe (1953, 1955), only two groups of trilobites, the Miomera (two or three segments) and Polymera (more than three segments) may deserve order ranking. This view inspired me to seek a simple solution. In a brainstorm, I visioned standing in front of an exposure of fossiliferous strata, asking myself what, if any, could be regarded as uncontroversial evidence concerning trilobite phylogeny and evolution. I realized that the revised version of my atlas presentation was layed out for me page by page, layer by layer, forever embedded in the rocks I was staring at. What is uncontroversial in the fossil record is the stratigraphic location of a particular group of life forms in the so-called geological column. Moderately objective is also the recognition of families, encompassing types that are viewed as related at the genus and species level. As a result of the above considerations, I have decided to adopt a chronological sequence in this presentation of the atlas material. The trilobites that populate each geological period will be listed at the family level, without concern about higher taxonomic groupings. Unlike the sequence of strata that we find in sedimentary rocks, however, where the youngest layers are the first to be encountered, I prefer to start at the bottom of the column, showing first the oldest trilobites. The geologic column is not evenly populated. Out of 140 families listed in the Treatise, 92 appear in the Cambrian, while only two remain during the Permian period. A graphic representation of the frequency of occurrence (diversity profile) of trilobite families over the various geologic periods is given in figure 17. It is clear that, even if the catastrophic extinction that is known to have taken place at the Permian-Triassic boundary (Sepkoski 1990) had not occurred, trilobites were well on their way toward a natural disappearance by the end of the Permian. 3.6
Trilobite Classification
A possible phylogenetic assignment of trilobites to orders and suborders. A r r o w s point to sketches of the typical representatives of the various groups. Interpretation by the author of recenr views expressed by J. Bergstrom (private communication).
The Ttilobita
Frequency of o c c u r r e n c e (diversity profile)
o f trilobite
families over the geologic c o l u m n .
Trilobite Classification
A Case History:
The Giant Trilobites of Newfoundland
The first edition of my atlas contained a firsthand description of my encounter with the Middle Cambrian Paradoxides beds of Eastern Newfoundland. This field trip was singled out as deserving a special mention in my book, as it represented a significant episode of scientific discovery. It also told an exciting story linking together Carl von Linne's first identified trilobite, Entomolithus paradoxus, the Newfoundland trilobites that I dug out, and spectacular evidence of continental drift. The excitement has not abated in the intervening years. In fact, a systematic study of the strata holding the giant Paradoxides of Newfoundland (Bergstrom and Levi-Setti 1978) has revealed a fascinating sequence of evolutionary events. This time, I felt compelled to present, as a case history, the completion of a story that left a lingering degree of frustrated suspense in Appendix A of my first edition. The story began on a very wet and cold afternoon in the summer of 1974, when I dug out my first giant Paradoxides from the shale beds exposed in the gorge of the Manuels River, on the coast of Conception Bay, in Eastern Newfoundland. The lore of the paleontological discoveries of the last century flashed briefly through my mind. It was uncanny to me that all of a sudden I could hold in my hand such a treasure, only known to me from the sepia lithographs found in the monographs of the last century's masters, describing the trilobites of Bohemia, Sweden, and Wales. I was aware, from the ongoing work at the University of Chicago by A. M. Ziegler and C. R. Scotese (see Scotese and McKerrow 1990, for a recent review), that Maritime North America, including the Avalon Peninsula, South Wales, and Spain were thought to be part of a sequence of land masses facing North Africa in Gondwana (see figure 18), prior to the crunch of Pangea. These would become reassembled as part of Europe and North America in the subsequent drift that created the present Atlantic Ocean. Somehow, a bite of the old world had been carried along by the North 87
American continent, when it split away from Eurasia. The layers I was digging into were deposited during the Middle Cambrian. They are resting on Lower Cambrian sediments and Precambrian rocks, and are in turn buried under Upper Cambrian and Ordovician strata. This entire sequence was transported with minimal disturbance, so that the fossils that these strata contain have retained their original morphology
and are beautifully preserved. The same marine animals that were buried and fossilized along several shorelines of a fragmented proto-Europe can thus be found in rocks of the same age on both sides of the Atlantic. All this I had read about. But now I was holding this fantastic trilobite, bright yellow and red, even more so under the rain, that was once buried in a very distant and very old Europe. I could touch the amazing reality of continental drift.
the distribution of land masses in the M i d d l e C a m b r i a n . O b l i q u e polar view, showing the c o m p o n e n t parts of G o n d w a n a and Baltica that became M a r i t i m e N o r t h America and Europe after the assembly and subsequent breakup of the
Pangea. These components
s h o w n with presentday coastline contours, to facilitate recognition.
actual contours of the Middle
coastlines may have differed in details from the present configuration.
illustration was adapted from a custom-generated m a p kindly provided by C h r i s t o p h e r R. Scotese, Paleomap Project, University of Texas at A r l i n g t o n .
The Trilobita
In the following days, determined to explore further the content of the strata that yielded my first Paradoxides, I started quarrying the shale beds layer by layer. In this first attempt at a stratigraphic survey, I could ascertain that I had, in my first encounter, hit upon by accident on a narrow band of layers that contained an extraordinary abundance of complete exuviae. These giant trilobites, up to one foot long and brightly colored in yellow, orange, and red (the colors of iron oxides coating the carapace), were too large for the average size slab to contain. It is a well known theorem of fossil collecting that the most interesting finds seem always to occur near the edges of the slab being uncovered, and continue beyond. With trilobites this large, this frustration became the norm, and it was a scramble to extract and split the adjoining shale slabs, in the hope of finding the other half of a trilobite, and restore the broken specimen to its former integrity (thanks to the fissility of the shale containing large exuviae, this approach was surprisingly successful). I did note then that my complete Paradoxides had a broad pygidium, expanding distally in a spatulalike, trapezoidal shape (see plate A l ) . At first I did not make much of it, but then I noticed that other specimens, collected above my favorite layer, were somewhat different, with a pygidium that tapered distally instead of broadening (see plate A2). Back home, I poured over the literature to find out what was known about the local fauna. The work of many paleontologists, reviewed most recently by Hutchinson (1962), seemed to indicate a close correspondence of the three faunal zones of the Middle Cambrian of the Atlantic province (in ascending order, the Paradoxides bennetti, Paradoxides hicksi, and Paradoxides davidis zones), found at Manuels, with those known from, for example, Wales (Howell 1925). In Scandinavia, a further faunal zone, above the P. davidis, (alias the Ptychagnostus punctuosus Zone) is recognized: that of Paradoxides forchhammeri. In Eastern Newfoundland, however, the trilobites associated with the P. forchhammeri zone have been found (Hutchinson 1962), but not Paradoxides forchhammeri itself. I then compared my findings with the reconstructions and photographs of the Paradoxides of England and
Scandinavia (Angelin 1851-78; Brogger 1878; Lake 1935). Definitely, I concluded, I had been digging in the Paradoxides davidis levels, and many of my trilobites matched perfectly with the description given by Salter in 1863 of the trilobites he had discovered on the impervious cliffs at St. David's, in Wales (see plate A3). In particular, the pygidium of P. davidis does taper and is quite slender. However, the abundant complete exuviae I had found concentrated in a narrow band, all exhibiting the trapezoidally shaped pygidium, seemed at first to match reasonably well the description of Paradoxides forchhammeri Angelin, the trilobite that was missing at Manuels. Although I did realize that if indeed I had stumbled upon this trilobite, it did occur in the wrong place (embedded within the P. davidis zone and not above it), I naively resisted the notion that I might have discovered something new. Trying to fit my findings with known species, and ignoring what stratigraphy was telling me, I presented my giant trilobites in the first edition of the atlas, as possible examples of P. forchhammeri. After all, it is not uncommon for deposited sediments to be turned upside down by tectonic events. At Manuels, however, all evidence points to an undisturbed series of sediments. As it turned out, my initial assumption was in error, I had indeed found something else, something new. The situation was clarified after another field trip to Manuels, this time accompanied by my friend Jan Bergstrom, who was visiting at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Beating the rainy season, we surveyed the Manuels beds together, this time with a yardstick. We located the top of the P. davidis zone, characterized by an ubiquitous layer of phosphatic limestone, and went down layer by layer, recording the depth and nature of all the trilobites we found. After a depth of eight feet, populated primarily by the classical variety of P. davidis, my anomalous beds appeared again and yielded more of the wide-tailed complete Paradoxides (see plates A4, A5), at the exclusion of the previous kind. This time we ascertained that the layer containing this trilobite was only about sixteen inches thick and that the classical variety reappeared again beneath it, after some thickness of barren strata (see plate A6). Another important finding The
of Newfoundbind
Paradoxides trapezopyge
davidis Bergstrom
and Levi-Setti, Middle C a m b r i a n , east side of Manuels River, Manuels, Newfoundland ( x l . 8 ) . This specimen represents the first encounter by the author with the
fauna a t
Manuels. It was tentatively identified, in the first edition of this atlas, (Levi-Setti 1 9 7 5 , pi. A 4 ) as
Paradoxides forchbammeri
T h e trapezoidal spatulated pygidium and the diverging last pair of pleurae are a distinctive feature of this trilobite, latet described by Bergstrom and Levi-Setti ( 1 9 7 8 ) as a new subspecies of
P. davidis S a l t e r Print from
slide. (RLS coll., id.; now at F M N H . )
T h e Trilobita
davidis Salter,
C a m b r i a n , west side of M a n u e l s River, Manuels, Newfoundland
T h i s large trilobite, originally discovered at St. David's, W a l e s (see plate A 3 ) , represents the ancestral stock (phenotype) o f this genus found in Newfoundland.
the tapered p y g i d i u m . This specimen is thought to represent the vestiges of a living trilobite, in contrast to the more c o m m o n l y found exuviae. (RLS coll., id.)
of Newfoundland
Cast of the type specimen of
davidis davidis
Salter, M i d d l e Cambrian, from Porth-y-rhaw, St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, W a l e s ( x 0 . 5 2 ) , reproduced from Bergstrom and Levi-Setti 1 9 7 8 , pi. 2, fig. 1 (by permission of Geologica et Palaeontologica, Lahnberge, Marburg/Lahn). This specimen is distorted by tectonic shear, h o w e v e r , the similarities with the Newfoundland specimen o f the preceding plate can be ascertained. (Original at the Natural History M u s e u m , L o n d o n , cast k i n d l y supplied by Richard A. Fortey.)
The Ttilobita
A c o m p l e t e specimen of
Bergstrom a n d Levi-Setti, M i d d l e C a m b r i a n , east side o f M a n u e l s River, M a n u e l s , Newfoundland (x0.94). The external impression of a h y p o s t o m e , possibly belonging to the same individual, is superposed to the posterior left side of the thorax. M i n o r reconstruction of the left librigena was p e r f o r m e d w i t h the aid of cast from external impression. T h i s m u t a n t form
of P. davidis is f o u n d in a narrow band of strata, preceded and followed by strata bearing the ancestral phenotype. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.)
of Newfoundland
A n o t h e r example of complete exuviae of
Paradoxides trapezopyge
davidis Bergstrom
and Levi-Setti, extracted in the same vicinity as the specimen in plate A4 ( x l . l ) . It was formerly tentatively identified as
P. forchhammeri
Setti 1 9 7 5 , pi. A 7 ) . Both free cheeks are displaced from their original setting; o n e is overturned. T h e cranidium is partly crushed, exposing the underlying h y p o s t o m a , also diplaced. T h i s specimen was the prize finding of Emile LeviSetti at age 9, in September 1 9 7 4 , w h e n he was given the chance to q u a r r y a slab of his o w n . (RLS coll., id.)
The Trilobita
Paradoxides davidis davidis Salter, west
o f M a n u e l s Rivet, Middle Cambrian, Manuels, Newfoundland (x2.3). T h i s j u v e n i l e trilobite, representing a late meraspid stage, originates from the l o w e r m o s t levels of the
P. davidis
beds at this
locality. It exhibits seventeen thoracic segments, versus the n o r m of t w e n t y for adult individuals. T h e latter t w o segments of the thorax, and the attached pygidium, are displaced forward, overlapping the thirteenth to fifteenth segment. T h e glabella is crushed, exposing the underlying hypostoma. T h e surface of the entire exuviae is still partially covered by a bright yellow patina of limonite. (RLS coll., id.)
of Newfoundland
emerged: a different variant to P. davidis appeared in a narrow layer located at about the six-foot level. This trilobite has very short pleural spines and a coarsely granulose carapace (see plate A7), while all other characters matched those of P. davidis. A picture of successive faunal replacements of P. davidis by mutant forms, intercalated with the reappearance of the ancestral form, began to emerge. To put to rest the previous identification of my wide-tailed beasts with P. forchhammeri, we obtained samples of cranidia and pygidia of this trilobite from collections of Scandinavian type specimens. While the pygidia matched quite closely, the cranidia of the Newfoundland find did lack, as is the case for P. davidis, two cranidial furrows that were present in the true P. forchhammeri. The stratigraphy did not fail. It was time to name our new trilobites as subspecies of P. davidis. The classic type had to be called P. davidis davidis. We did compare the Newfoundland specimens with casts of the British types and we concluded to our satisfaction that indeed they were examples of the same trilobite. We then named the short-spined mutant Paradoxides davidis brevispinus, the wide-tailed mutant Paradoxides davidis trapezopyge, and finally a hybrid occurring at the interface between the P. d. trapezopyge and the P. d. davidis levels as P. d. intermedius (see plate A8). The reconstructions of the three principal subspecies of P. davidis, and that of P. forchhammeri, are shown in figure 19.1 should mention that these assignments were based not simply on the appearance of a selected type specimen, as is often done, but on the basis of a statistical morphometric study of various body parts involving several hundred specimens. The characters of an entire population must be known to assess the range of variability of particular morphological indices (a physicist's input here) and avoid the pitfall of naming a new species or subspecies on the basis of individuals exhibiting characters at the tails of a normal population, but still compatible with it. This meant much collecting, preparing, and measuring trilobite's body parts. Another investigation that I undertook was the determination, by X-ray powder diffraction, of the clay minerals making up the shale at various depths. This could provide some clue regarding 96
The Trilobita
changes in the environment that could be related with the abrupt faunal changes that we observed. Indeed, the inferred changes in the depositional environment did correspond to the appearance of our mutants, and also with the repeated reappearance of P. davidis davidis. What was left to be done was to make sense of what we had discovered. It did involve evolution and speciation, in a rather unconventional time sequence, however, since we did find the ancestor at both ends. Can evolution proceed backwards as well as forward? As we discussed at length in our paper (Bergstrom and LeviSetd 1978), our observations find a natural and convincing interpretation in terms of the evolutionary model of punctuated equilibria, advanced by Eldredge and Gould (1972) and further illustrated by the same authors (Gould and Eldredge 1977). Quoting from these auhors, "The norm for a species during the heyday of its existence as a large population is morphological stasis, minor non-directional fluctuations in form, or minor directional change bearing no relationship to pathways of alteration in subsequent daughter species. In the local stratigraphic section we expect no slow and steady transition, but a break with essentially sudden replacement of ancestor by descendant: this break may record the extinction or migration of a parental species and the immigration of a successful descendant rapidly evolved elsewhere in a small peripheral isolated population." Not only does this prediction of how speciation may appear in the fossil record fit what we have seen at Manuels, we may now add a plausible corollary to the above model: that the replacement of descendant by the ancestor may also occur. In other words, we now have evidence that the mutant species is not always successful and that a local return of the ancestor may wipe out the offspring. Evolution can take steps backwards, sometimes. Let us examine the scenario that would give rise to our Paradoxides evolutionary drama. Newfoundland at that time was not far off the coast of Spain, along an arc extending to Wales and Maritime North America, as shown in figure 18. The main gene pool of Paradoxides davidis davidis must have populated this extended coastline and, at a deposition time corresponding to the lowest levels explored, it was
A n o t h e r m u t a n t form o f
P. davidis
Manuels is represented by P. davidis
pleural spines and enhanced tubercular
Lahn.) O n c e again, this m u t a n t appears
o r n a m e n t a t i o n ( x l . 7 ) . (From Bergstrom
confined to a n a r r o w bed w i t h i n the
P. davidis davidis.
and Levi-Setti 1 9 7 8 , pi. 9, fig. 5, by
layers p o p u l a t e d b y
Exuviae of this new subspecies are s h o w n
permission of Geologica et
(RLS coll.; n o w at F M N H . )
in this plate, characterized by very short
Palaeontologica, Lahnberge, Marburg/
The Giant
Trilobites of Newfoundland
Reconstruction of the principal subspecies
conjectural, hence the interruption in
of Paradoxides davidis: (a) P. d. davidis, (b) P. d. trapezopyge, (c) P. d. brevispinus.
the assumed sequence of t w e n t y tergites.
Also s h o w n is a reconstruction of
by permission of
Paradoxides forchhammeri (d). The outline
Palaeontologica, Lahnberge, Marburg/
of the thoracic region of the latter is
The Trilobita
(From Bergstrom a n d Levi-Setti 1 9 7 8 , Geologica et
Trilobites of Newfoundland
A third mutant form of P.
davidis is found at the interface between the bed
containing P. davidis davidis and the underlying bed with
P. davidis trapezopyge. It was named P. davidis intermedins, to stress the hybrid character of the pygidium, intermediate between those of the t w o bordering subspecies. This plate shows nearly c o m p l e t e exuviae of this new subspecies ( x l . 2 ) . (From Bergstrom and Levi-Setti 1 9 7 8 , pi. 6 , f i g . 6 , by permission of G e o l o g i c a et Palaeontologica, Lahnberge, Marburg/Lahn). ( R L S coll.; now at F M N H . )
1 00
The Trilobita
certainly present at Manuels. At some time, possibly due to a sudden bathymetric shift, the local population was cut off from the main pool. Mutation and natural selection in the Newfoundland isolate led to the complete dominance of the subspecies P. davidis trapezopyge. Subsequently, due to a reverse bathymetric shift, connection with the main gene pool was reestablished. What we see then is a brief period of interbreeding (P. d. intermedins) until the local mutant was replaced completely by the ancestral ilk. Then a period of stasis intervened, followed by a new episode of isolation, giving rise to P. d. brevispinus. But shortly afterwards (we are always talking millions of years), the ancestor reappears and wipes out once again the unfortunate mutant. The end eventually occurs also for the dominant ancestor, at the top of the P. davidis zone, coincidentally with evidence of widespread volcanic activity. Remarkably, several of the characters developed by the two mutant subspecies, namely the trapezoidal pygidium and the granulose carapace surface, will reappear at a later time, incorporated in a veritable new species, Paradoxides forchhammeri. Were the mutants of P. davidis less fit for survival than the ancestor? Possibly so: an unusually high rate of occurrence of genetic malformations (teratologies) was observed for the mutant subspecies. An example is shown in plate A9.
This concludes the case history, except for the Linnaean connection. In the first edition of the atlas, I reproduced the reconstruction of Carl von Linne's Enthomolithus paradoxus, as given by Angelin (1878). I did remark at that time that a remarkable resemblance did exist between this and our new trilobite Paradoxides davidis trapezopyge. In the following years, Jan Bergstrom discovered that an actual photograph of the original Linnaean specimen had been published by Nathorst (1907). Pursuing the quest for a fresh look at this historical trilobite, Jan Bergstrom finally located the specimen at the Mineralogical Museum of the University of Copenhagen, took pictures, and kindly provided me with the photograph reproduced in plate A10. This trilobite has twenty tergites, as P. davidis does, and indeed a trapezoidal pygidium. Its glabella is crushed, showing the underlying labral plate, as in many of our specimens. The cranidium and free cheeks are displaced toward the thorax, overlapping the first two tergites. All visible characters match quite well those of my first giant Paradoxides, found on my first trip to Manuels on a wet afternoon. Was it P. davidis trapezopyge Bergstrom and Levi-Setti 1978 that I stumbled upon, or was it Enthomolithus paradoxus Linnaeus 1753? This we may never establish beyond doubt. Nevertheless I am left with the feeling of having shared with Linnaeus the experience of our first encounter with the same giant trilobite.
of Newfoundland
PLATE Several
A9 malformations
(teratologies) affect the exuviae of this example of P.
davidis trapezopyge
and Levi-Setti ( x l . 8 ) . (From Bergstrom and Levi-Setti 1 9 7 8 , pi. 9, figs. 1 - 3 , by permission of Geologica et Palaeontologica, Lahnberge, Marburg/Lahn.) T h e deformities involve the fusion of tergites 1 and 2, an anomalous n u m b e r of tergites ( 1 8 instead of 2 0 ) , a gross malformation of the fight pleura of tergites 7 t h r o u g h 1 1 , and atrophic left 1 5 t h and right 1 8 t h pleural spines. (RLS coll., id.; n o w at FMNH.)
The Trilobita
A 1 0
Linnaeus ( x 0 . 4 6 ) . This is the trilobite specimen described by C a r l v o n L i n n e (Linnaeus 1 7 5 9 ) , n o w regarded a s a n
example of Paradoxides paradoxissimus (Wahlenberg). T h e trapezoidal p y g i d i u m and the strongly diverging last pair of pleurae a n d pleural spines suggest, h o w e v e r , closer
P. forchhammeri
(among the Swedish
only). In this
example, the entire c r a n i d i u m is displaced to cover the first few thoracic segments. A photograph of this specimen was originally published by Nathorst ( 1 9 0 7 ) . This is a reproduction from a m o d e r n Polaroid picture of the original taken by Jan Bergstrom at the Mineralogical M u s e u m of the University of C o p e n h a g e n , Denmark.
of Newfoundland
Photographic Techniques and Specimen Preparation
Very little can be added to the description of the physical principles involved and the technique of fossil photography given by Franco Rasetti in the Handbook of Paleontological Techniques (Kummel and Raup 1965). As a physicist, I have appreciated Rasetti's suggestions tremendously and have endeavored to translate them into practice as much as possible. Although it is not generally recommended for high resolution work, 35mm. film was used for all of the photographs. The use of slow, fine-grained film and careful development procedure has, however, enabled enlargements to 8" X 10" print size without loss of quality. For this purpose, a now irreplaceable negative film was used—ADOX KB 14, 20 ASA. Many of the photographs that appeared in the first edition of this atlas were taken before this film was discontinued. For most of the new plates presented here, the film of choice was Kodak Technical Pan, 25 ASA. The ADOX film was developed in AGFA Rodinal developer, diluted 1:100, for 20 minutes at 20° C. The Kodak film was developed with the same developer, dilution, and temperature, but for only 5 minutes. Microscopic examination of the developed image in these films showed a grain size and lack of graininess (coalescence of groups grains) much superior to any other presently available negative material. A recently introduced color negative film, Kodak Ektar 25 ASA, was occasionally used for black and white printing with excellent results. This, however, required use of high contrast paper. For those specimens photographed on location, often in less than optimal lighting conditions, the Ilford films XP1, XP2, and Delta, 400 ASA, were used with some success. I seem to have found my best solutions to the problems of fossil photography in the use of materials and equipment now discontinued. Among the latter is an item responsible for the best focusing in the pictures presented here, a Leitz 105
device called Reprovit. It consists of a sliding mount, carrying the camera body (a Leica) and a ground glass placed at the level of the film plane in the camera. Beneath the sliding mount, the lens is usually carried by a focusing extension or, as modified by the author, a bellows controlled by rack and pinion motion. Focusing is achieved by projecting the image of a flat marker, encased in the ground glass, onto the surface of a specimen, as if the device were a photographic enlarger. By doing so, the field of view seen by the lens is also illuminated, and the specimen can be properly centered or positioned. The lens stop is then closed to the desired setting, the projector removed and the camera made to slide into position above the lens. The focal plane shutter is open and the exposure takes place by switching the illuminating lamps on and ofT. Depending on the size of the specimen and depth of field required, different lenses were used, usually stopped to the largest f: number. Among the lenses used are Leitz Elmar 50mm (f:16), Schneider Componon (f:22), and Schneider Symmar 135 mm (f:45). The latter two are projection lenses, originating from the author's bubble chamber film scanning projectors. For printing, a Leitz enlarger with 50mm Elmar lens was used, as well as an Omega enlarger with a Schneider 80mm lens. The enlargements for the first edition were printed on Agfa Brovira paper, mostly extra-hard, developed in Kodak Dektol developer diluted 1:2. All new pictures presented here were printed on Ilford Multigrade paper. Specimen illumination was achieved generally with two high-intensity desk miniature lamps, at times with a parallel beam of light from a microscope illuminator, and occasionally with a ring fluorescent lamp. The paleontological convention of illuminating samples from the Northwest has not been adhered to in several cases, when lighting from other directions may have led to better photography. As described in Rasetti's article, the immersion of specimens in xylene often enhances the contrast between the specimen and matrix. This technique was employed to particular advantage when mineralized or pigmented details were embedded in surface incrustations of calcite or quartz. The optical contact between these minerals and the xylene, 106
The Trilobita
having approximately the same refractive index, enables light to penetrate unreflected and unrefracted through the surface layers, revealing the underlying structure of the fossil. Immersion in xylene yielded quite spectacular results also in enhancing the contrast of the pyritized appendages of the Utica Shale trilobites. In several instances, when color contrast existed between specimen and matrix, it was found worthwhile to take a color photograph on a Kodachrome slide and then print directly from the slide. The resulting print is a negative, but this is irrelevant in fossil photography. The high contrast factor of Kodachrome (not Ektachrome) yields extremely sharp prints. Valuable sources of further technical information on the photography of small objects in general are two Kodak technical publication manuals—N 12A on close-up photography, and N 12B on photomacrography.
Specimen Preparation The preparation of the specimens for photography has often been a painstaking operation, usually carried out under a stereoscopic microscope. Some of the methods adopted followed the advice of Rasetti and Palmer in the Handbook of Paleontological Techniques (Kummel and Raup 1965). Different procedures have been employed in exposing trilobites preserved in shale from those preserved in, say, limestone. Soft shale—for example, the Silica Shale—disintegrates in water, and so does the trilobite. Here the matrix is easily removed to expose the trilobite details by using a variety of scraping tools and soft bristle brushes. Metal brushes are to be avoided at all times. The use of varnish or shellac to waterproof or consolidate the exoskeleton has been avoided in order not to cause unwanted reflections. Repairs of flaked parts have been successfully obtained by using Duco cement diluted in amyl acetate. (The suggestion is from Rasetti and Palmer.) This diluted glue dries without leaving a glossy surface. Final cleaning of the trilobite was obtained by using a moist cloth. A somewhat harder shale is the Waldron Shale or Wheeler Shale. Here prolonged soaking in a solution of
Quaternary O (Geigy Industrial Chemicals) is the best preparation. Caution should be taken to avoid any procedure which could scratch the calcite of the carapace. Unless the specimen is whitened, chisel marks are very disturbing to good photography. In general, care also has been taken to present the matrix in a fairly natural condition. The hardest preparation is that of trilobites in limestone. Only rarely, as in specimens from Grafton, Illinois, does the separation of trilobite and matrix obtain naturally. More often the trilobite can only be exposed by resorting to rather arduous chiseling and grinding and to the aid of vibro-tools. In these cases, the matrix surface is usually left scarred by white marks. In such instances, careful illumination has been used in order to form shadows on the unwanted scratches.
The trilobites presented are, in many instances, the only survivors of unsuccessful attempts to prepare adequate samples from a much larger initial body of specimens. For obvious reasons, the specimens borrowed from museums or from private collections had to be left untouched. It is standard procedure in paleontology to whiten fossils for photography. This approach has been followed here occasionally by exposing the specimen to magnesium oxide vapors from a burning magnesium ribbon (Rasetti 1947). In conclusion, this book contains a spectrum of both orthodox and unorthodox approaches to the photography of fossils. These notes contain no implication whatsoever that any of the methods employed here are preferable to the accepted standards in paleontology. My personal tastes and the means at my disposal have been the only guidelines here.
The atlas is organized in six main sections corresponding to the geologic periods that contain the fossil record of trilobites, from their appearance at the beginning of the Cambrian to their demise at the end of the Permian. Each section is preceded by a listing of the trilobite families that are found in that particular geologic time interval, in order of appearance, following the information available in the Treatise (Moore 1959). The genuses illustrated by atlas plates are indicated in parentheses for each family. Since a time sequence translates into a depth series in the geologic column, the customary subdivisions of each geologic period into Early, Middle, and Late epochs correspond to Lower, Middle, and Upper series when referring to the stratigraphic position. Thus the latter nomenclature will be used in indicating the survival time span for each family. A number of families survived over more than one particular geologic period. Arrows pointing to the left or right of each series name indicate earlier or later presence of that particular family in the geologic column. Unfortunately, it is not possible to maintain a chronological ordering of the first appearance of each family and at the same time preserve evolutionary continuity when a particular family is present throughout more than one period. In a few of these cases, then, related forms will appear at different locations in the atlas. The captions accompanying the plates contain detailed taxonomic and stratigraphic information but also stress general and often nontechnical features. It should be emphasized that the vastness and diversity of the fossil record of trilobites prevents an exhaustive coverage of the material, with large format photographs. The visual impact of this choice of presentation is the trade-off of a more encyclopedic approach, beyond the scope of my atlas. The main preoccupation here has been that of presenting more vivid, real life trilobite reproductions, than, for example, those provided by the accurate drawings which adorn 109
the professional literature. Furthermore, trilobites are generally small, and reproductions in natural size tend to become insignificant. Adequate enlargement often reveals a lot more than the unaided eye can see. In selecting the photographs to be included in each section, I have been partial to their aesthetic appeal, and I have also taken irreverent liberties in choosing mostly perfect specimens for presentation and in deliberately using nonconventional photographic techniques. Since, with rare exceptions, I have preferred to rely on my own photography, the trilobite specimens had to be available in my laboratory. Thus a large number of specimens originate from my own personal collection or were borrowed from various museums. On a few occasions, I transported my photographic equipment on location to have direct access to exceptional private collections. Although, for this revised edition, I made an effort to limit repetition and broaden the range of coverage, the atlas is still based on a very limited selection of trilobite specimens that I was able to photograph on my spare time. One of my wishes has been to point out, with these pictures, that dinosaurs were not the only prehistoric animals that inspire awe and fascination. Trilobites tell us of an earlier world, perhaps less threatening, when life on earth could still explode into a myriad of new, unseen, uncounted forms discovering their own way to survive. They tell us of a time scale that transcends our power of imagination and how these immense spans of time allowed them to experiment and develop models and methods of biological function, vision perhaps above all, that are as awe-inspiring as the advent of giant behemoths.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Explanatory Note on Abbreviations and Nomenclature Adopted in the Adas The following abbreviation code has been adopted in the atlas to indicate geologic column subdivision and other abbreviations used in the captions to atlas plates. This tabulation also includes the key to the word terminations used to denote taxonomic classification in invertebrate paleontology. In each legend the generic attribution (genus) is indicated first, followed by synonyms, if any, or other specifications. The combination of generic and trivial name for the species represented in the plate is indicated in italics. Whenever more than one species belonging to the same genus are presented in sequence, only the legend of the first plate of the sequence carries the generic name, author, and date. With the exceptions indicated in the captions, all photographs have been prepared by the author. Photographic techniques and specimen preparation are described in Appendix B of chapter 3. Unless a special technique is mentioned, the specimens have been photographed in air and uncoated. Many of the specimens originate from the University of Chicago Walker Museum, now transferred to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. The disposition of this material and that from other museums will be indicated in abbreviated form (see code). The names of private collectors who have either contributed photographs, loaned specimens to the author, or permitted the author to photograph specimens on location will be acknowledged in the captions. The responsibility for the classification and identification of specimens indicated by the term RLS id. rests solely with the author.
Series Lower, Middle, Upper
L., M., U.
Miscellaneous Identified
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
Geological Survey of Sweden, Uppsala, Sweden
Grant Institute of Geology, University of Edinburgh
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
Peabody Museum, Yale University
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
University of Chicago, Walker Museum
U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.
Taxonomic Nomenclature
Genus Species Subspecies
Phacops rana milleri
Cambrian Families
Vogdes, 1893
L.Cam. (Olenellus,
Hupe, 1953
Daguinaspidinae Hupe, 1953
Fallotaspidinae Hupe, 1953
Poulsen, 1959 Callaviinae Poulsen, 1959
Archaeaspidinae Repina, 1979
Hupe, 1953
L.Cam. (Andalusiana)
Hupe, 1953
L.Cam. (Wanneria)
Hupe, 1953 Nevadiinae Hupe, 1953
Judomiinae Repina, 1979
(?) Neltneriinae Hupe, 1953
Poulsen, 1927 Redlichiinae Poulsen, 1927
L.Cam. (Redlichia)
Pararedlichiinae Hupe, 1953
Neoredlichiinae Hupe, 1953
Wudngaspidinae Chang, 1966
Hupe, 1953
Harrington, 1959
Harrington, 1959
Despujolsiinae Harrington, 1959
Resseropinae Chang, 1966
PROTOLENIDAE Richter and Richter, 1948 Protoleninae Richter and Richter, 1948
Myopsoleninae Hupe, 1953
Bigotininae Hupe, 1953
Termierellinae Hupe, 1953
Palaeoleninae Hupe, 1953
Lermontoviinae Suvorova, 1956
Bergeroniellinae Repina, 1966
Hupe, 1953
Hupe, 1953
Whitehouse, 1939
Suvorova, 1958
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Kobayashi, 1951
L.Cam. (Dolerolenus)
Hupe, 1953
Hupe, 1953
Matthew, 1887
Ellipsocephalinae Matthew, 1887
L. Cam.—M. Cam. (Ellipsocephalus)
Strenuellinae Hupe, 1953
Kingaspidinae Hupe, 1953
Antatlasiinae Hupe, 1953
Beecher, 1897
Lancastriinae Kobayashi, 1935
Cheiruroidinae Kobayashi, 1935
Oryctocephalinae Beecher, 1897
Oryctocarinae Hupe, 1955
Tonkinellinae Reed, 1935
Angelin, 1854
L.Cam—M.Cam. (Conocoryphe, Bailiella, Ctenocephalus)
Swinnerton, 1915
L.Cam.-M.Cam. (Zachantoides)
Raymond, 1937
Kobayashi, 1935
L. Cam .-M. Cam. (Olenoides)-\J. Cam.
Walcott, 1916
Rasetti, 1951
L.Cam.-M.Cam. (Bathyuriscus, Hemyrhodon)-\i. Cam. M.Cam. (Ogygopsis)
Angelin, 1854
Hupe, 1953
Lermontova, 1940
Hawle and Corda, 1847
Paradoxidinae Hawle and Corda, 1847
M.Cam. (Paradoxides, Eccaparadoxides, Acadoparadoxides)
Xystridurinae Whitehouse, 1847
M.Cam. (Xystridura)
Centropleurinae Angelin, 1854
M.Cam. (Anopolenus)
Hupe, 1953
(= DREPANOPYGIDAE Lu, 1961) Yinitinae Hupe, 1953
Drepanopyginae Lu, 1961
Whitehouse, 1939
Raymond, 1913
Howell, 1959
Resser, 1939
Matthew, 1887
Ptychopariinae Matthew, 1887 Periommellinae Rasetti, 1955 Antagminae Hupe, 1953
M.Cam. (Agraulos) M.Cam. L.Cam.—M.Cam. (Alokistocare, Piochaspis, Elrathia)-U .Cam. L.Cam. L.Cam.-M. Cam. (Ptychoparia)-\J. Cam. L.Cam. L.Cam.-M.Cam.
Hupe, 1953
Kobayashi, 1935
Raymond, 1937
Liostracininae Raymond, 1937
Doremataspidinae Opik, 1967
M. Cam .-U. Cam.
Hupe, 1953
Kobayashi, 1935
Whitehouse, 1939
Asaph iscinae Raymond,
M.Cam. (Asaphiscus)U.Cam.
Blountiinae Lochman,
Kobayashi, .935
M.Cam. (Bolaspidella)U.Cam. M.Cam. (Modocia)U.Cam.
Angelin, 1854 Saoinae Hupe, 1953
Solenopleurinae Angelin, 1854
M.Cam. (Sao) M.Cam.
(Parasolenopleura)U.Cam. Solenopleuropsinae Thoral, 1947 Acrocephalitinae Hupe, 1953 Hystricurinae Hupe, 1953
M.Cam. (Badulesia) M.Cam.-U.Cam. U.Cam.
Kobayashi, 1935
Bradley, 1925
Kobayashi, 1935
Lochman, 1936
Poletaeva, 1957
Linnarson, 1869
Kobayashi, 1935
Lake, 1907
Lochman, 1936
Poletaeva, 1957
Linnarson, 1869
Kobayashi, 1935
Lake, 1907
Palmer, 1954
Lochman, 1956
Miller, 1889
Kobayashi, 1935
Hupe, 1953
Vogdes, 1890
Hupe, 1953
Lochman, 1956
Hupe, 1953
Kobayashi, 1935
Raymond, 1938
Kobayashi, 1935
Raymondininae Clark, 1924
Cedariinae Raymond, 1937
Llanoaspidinae Lochman, 1944
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Palmer, 1954
Shaw, 1956
Kobayashi, 1935
Kaolishaninae Kobayashi, 1935
Manuyi nae Hupe, 1955
Tingocephal nae Hupe, 1955
Clark, 1924
Raymond, 1924
Ulrich and Resser, 1933
Hupe, 1955
Rasetti, 1959
Raymond, 1924
Lu, 1954
Kobayashi, 1933
Walcott, 1916
Lochman, 1953
Raymond, 1924
Whittington, 1950
ENTOMASPIDIDAE Ulrich in Bridge, 1930
Burmeister, 1843 Oleninae Burmeister, 1843
U.Cam. (Olenus) —i
Leptoplastinae Angelin, 1854
(?) Pelturinae Hawle and Corda 1847
(?) Triarthrinae Ulrich, 1930
Opik, 1963
REMOPLEURIDIDAE Hawle and Corda, 1847 Richardsonellinae Raymond, 1924 ASAPHIDAE
Burmaeister, 1843 Niobinae Janusson, 1959
Promegalaspidinae Janusson, 1959
(Promegalaspides) CONDYLOPYGIDAE
Raymond, 1913
Raymond, 1913
Kobayashi, 1935
M'Coy, 1849 Agnostinae M'Coy, 1849
Ptychagnostinae Kobayashi, 1939
Quadragnostinae Howell, 1935
Howell, 1935
Whitehouse, 1936 M.Cam.
Oidalagnostinae Opik, 1967
Tomagnostinae Kobayashi, 1940
Ammagnostinae Opik, 1967
Pseudagnostinae Whitehouse, 1936
Glyptagnostinae Whitehouse, 1936
Aspidagnostinae Pokrovskaja, 1960 Howell, 1935
PHALACROMIDAE Hawle and Corda, 1847
Atlas of Ttilobitc Photographs
Howell, 1937
Clavagnostinae Howell, 1937
L.Cam.-M.Cam. (Baltagnostus, Peronopsis)U.Cam.
Diplagnostinae Whitehouse, 1936
M.Cam.-U.Cam. (Homagnostus) —>
M.Cam.-U.Cam. U.Cam. U.Cam. —> M.Cam.-U.Cam.—>
Family Olenellidac Vogdes, 1893
O L E N E L L U S Billings,
(= Fremontia Raw, 1 9 3 6 ; Mesonacis W a l c o t t ,
Paedumias W a l c o t t ,
Olenellus fremonti W a l c o t t (x7.2). Lower Cambrian of British
assemblage zone in
the St. Piran S a n d s t o n e (Peyto Limestone M e m b e r ) . (Gift o f J . R . Evans t o U C W M ; loaned b y F M N H ; id. RLS.) T h e classification of the Olenellidae has undergone extensive revision in recent years (Fritz 1 9 7 2 ; Bergstrom 1 9 7 3 b ) . Having changed generic affiliation several times,
is presently reinstated
within the original denomination given by W a l c o t t , 1 9 1 0 . This trilobite typically has fourteen thoracic segments. Note exaggerated development of the pleural lobe of the third thoracic segment, said to be
fractute along the axis is probably due to compression. T h e axial spine is hollow.
Cambrian Families
Juvenile form o f
Olenellus (xlO),
the same sample which yielded the preceding example (RLS coll., id.; now at F M N H . ) In (a) the specimen, whitened with magnesium oxide, is photographed by standard technique, while in (b) the specimen is photographed while immersed in xylene. The optical contact of this medium (index ot refraction n = 1.5) with the surface crystalline layers of the sample provides a m u c h better representation of the anatomical features than in (a). Note that the axial spine is as long as the entire carapace.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Exuviae of a large
specimen o f Olenellus fremonti Walcott (x2) from the Lower C a m b r i a n Latham Shale of the Marble Mountains, San Bernardino County, California (RLS coll., id.). As a c o m m o n l y encountered o u t c o m e of the molting process, the cranidium slipped backward, overlapping the first two thoracic segments. T h e genal, pleural, and axial spines of the trilobites from this locality are often replaced by limonite and appear in brightly colored hues of yellow, red, and black, as is the case in this example.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
External impression of the exuviae of the trilobite
Olenellus clarki
(Resser) ( x 2 . 8 ) , also from the L a t h a m Shale o f the M a r b l e M o u n t a i n s ( R L S coll., id., n o w a t F M N H ) . This trilobite was previously assigned to
the genus Walcott,
1 9 1 0 (see
synonyms mentioned for plate 5 2 ) a n d bears great resemblance to
(Walcott) of the Atlantic faunal province. N o t e w i d e frontal area anterior to glabella, marked by median ridge, and third segment macropleurae. T h e latter, however, are not as wide as in O.
T h e opisthothorax (the posterior extension of the thorax) is partially exposed in this graceful example; the presence of this extension of the rachis is characteristic of the Olenellidae.
Particularly well preserved, although partially disarticulated, exuviae of another
specimen o f Olenellus
(Resser) from
the Latham Shale (x4.7)(RLS coll., id.). T h e only functional sutures in the cranidium of this ttilobite are those that rerain the visual surface. This is genetally released during molting or after death of the individual, leaving a gap between the palpebral lobe and the librigena, as is cleatly occutring in this example. A peculiar fractute and displacement o f part o f the macropleural third tetgite causes an apparent misalignment of the right and left side of the latter. Axial nodes are present on most axial rings. T h e axial spine and opistothorax are missing.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Olenellus clarki
(x6.3). Lower C a m b r i a n o f Pioche, N e v a d a . Pioche Shale, D M e m b e r . Specimen collected by A f t o n Fawcett d u r i n g a field trip w i t h the a u t h o r ( R L S coll., id., n o w at F M N H ) . Part of a slab c o n t a i n i n g four partially c o m p l e t e individuals. S p e c i m e n whitened with magnesium oxide. T h e eyes of this individual are s o m e w h a t longer than the n o r m .
This somewhat stretched, yet captivating example
of OUnellus clarki (Resser) originates from the Nopah range of Southern California (x4.1). Specimen collected by Thomas Johnson (RLS coll., id.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
(Resser) ( x 7 . 3 ) , a n o t h e r olenellid species f o u n d in the L a t h a m S h a l e o f the Marble Mountains of Southern
( R L S coll., id.). A disproportionate swollen
of the third thoracic tergite a n d an advanced genal angle characterize this trilobite at all stages o f growth.
T h e characters noted in the preceding example become even more pronounced in
Bristolia bristolensis
Resser (x3.9)
the same Lower C a m b r i a n locality. External imptession (RLS coll., id.).
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
species found in the L o w e r
(Resser)(b)(x2.5), Bristolia bristolensis Resser (c)(x2.0),
C a m b r i a n Latham Shale o f
the M a r b l e M o u n t a i n s o f
(d)(x3.0). All of these species
S o u t h e r n California (RLS
have the glabella extending
C r a n i d i a of several olenellid
Bristolia insolens
coll., id.). A n evolutionary
to the frontal rim of the
trend t o w a r d a forward shift
cranidium. By contrast, the
of the genal angle is noted in
the sequence of short-eyed
olenellids that starts w i t h
its w i d e frontal b r i m , does
Olenellus jremonti
n o t seem to belong w i t h
(a)(x2.3) and includes
(Resser)(e)(xl.8), w i t h
this sequence.
mohavensis Cambrian
Family Holmiidae Hupe, 1953
1 9 6 1 . Andalusiana sp. ( x l . 3 ) . Lower Cambrian, Djbel Ougrat, Morocco. (RLS coll., id.) Complete specimens of this trilobite have appeared in the fossil market of recent years in great number, unfortunately mostly defaced by poor preparation or arbitrary reconstruction. T h e granulated, reticulated surface of the carapace betrays the genuine portions of the specimen figured here, altered only by m i n o r repair. T h e genus Andalusiana,
of Spain, as the n a m e implies, is k n o w n from the type
Sdzuy. T h e M o r o c c a n species bears m a n y similarities w i t h the latter, w h i l e differing in some aspects. T h e palpebral lobes are here about one-third the length of the glabella, versus o n e - h a l f for
Noticeable also is the falcate appearance of the broad genal spines, even m o r e p r o n o u n c e d than in the related genus Kjerulfia. T h e thorax contains sixteen segments. T h e axial notches or spines b e c o m e progressively m o r e pronounced, distally tapered and rectangular in cross section, toward the p y g i d i u m .
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Family Wanneriidae Hupe, 1953
(Wanner), Lower Cambrian,
F o r m a t i o n , Lancaster, PA. (x2.8)(coIlected by M. Thomas, RLS coll.).
r e m a r k a b l y well preserved in its undistorted entirety, this is an internal impression that does not show surface o r n a m e n t a t i o n or axial nodes that
s h o u l d be
present. Axial spine also n o t preserved.
Unusual assemblage of complete individuals
of Wanneria sp., from the Lower Cambrian of Sweden, at various stages of growth (x0.8). (Loaned through courtesy of Pio Pezzi.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Family Redlichiidae Poulsen, 1927 Subfamily Redlichiinae Poulsen,
REDLICH1A Cossman,
(Etheridge J r . ) , Early Middle Cambrian, E m u Bay Shale near Big G u l l y , N o r t h Coast of Kangaroo Island, Australia, partially disarticulated exuviae ( x 4 . 2 ) . In this trilobite, facial sutures (opisthoparian) separating the glabella from the librigenae appear for the first time. (Photographed by the author at S M N H , through courtesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Family Dolcrolenidae Kobayashi, 1951
DOLEROLENUS Leanza, 1 9 4 9 .
(Meneghini) (x6.8) U p . L.Cambrian, Nebida Formation, Punta Manna member, Porto di Canalgrande, Sardinia, Italy. In this specimen, the exoskeleton is still replaced by a hard film of hematite, which is m o r e generally altered to limonite. (Photo courtesy of Franco Todde, reproduced by permission.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
P LAI £ 6 7 Dolerolenus
(Meneghini) (x7.4), from the same locality as preceding plate. H e r e m o s t o f the original h e m a t i t i c replacement o f the exoskeleton is altered to a bright y e l l o w film o f l i m o n i t e . External impression. (Loaned through courtesy o f Bruno Corti.)
Family EUipsocephalidae Matthew, 1887 Subfamily Ellipsocephalinae Matthew,
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
E L L I P S O C E P H A L U S Zenker,
Ellipsocepbalus boffi
1833. (xl.8).
O k l a h o m a . ) This trilobite c o m m o n l y occurs in densely populated assemblages,
M . C a m b r i a n , Jinetz, Bohemia. (Loaned
k n o w n since the early nineteenth
by Geological Enterprises, A r d m o r e ,
Family Conocoryphidae Angelin, 1854
CONOCORYPHE and C o r d a ,
Schlotheim ( x l . 8 ) . M . C a m b r i a n (Jinetz Shale), Beroun near Prague, Bohemia. (Loaned b y M C Z . ) This trilobite was blind. T h e specimen on the l o w e r lefthand corner is a negative mold, the o t h e r t w o are positive casts (steinkerns).
Cambrian Families
Schlotheim, as for preceding plate (x3.4). (RLS coll.; courtesy of M C Z , now at F M N H . ) W h a t blackand-white photography cannot convey is, of course, the color of some of the trilobite specimens. In this case, the trilobite is coated by a bright yellow-ochre film of limonite that contrasts with the tan matrix background.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
1 8 8 5 . Bailielk manuelensis (Hutchinson), M. Cambrian,
beds, Kellygrews, Conception
Blind trilobite. ( R L S coll., id.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
C T E N O C E P H A L U S Hawle and C o r d a , 1847. Resser,
Cranidium M.
Ctenocephalus howelli Paradoxides davidis
beds, east side of M a n u e l s River, Manuels, N e w f o u n d l a n d ( x 5 . 9 ) ( R L S coll., id.). This blind trilobite is closely related to
segments instead of fourteen. T h e location of the preglabellar boss drifts toward the anterior border in other species. T h e granulated surface of the convex parts of the cranidium is particularly noticeable and well preserved in this example.
Family Zacanthoididae Swinnerton,
ZACANTHOIDES Walcott, 1888.
Walcott ( x l l ) . Chisholm Shale, M. Cambrian, Half M o o n M i n e , Pioche, Nevada. (Specimen collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., n o w at FMNH.) O n c e again it is worth showing the comparison berween standard photography o f the specimen in air (a) and what can be seen with xylene i m m e r s i o n (b). T h e long axial spine originates from the eigth thoracic axial ring.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Cambrian Families
W a l c o t t ( x l 5 . 8 ) . Same origin as for preceding plate. (Specimen collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at FMNH.) T h e trilobite exoskeleton is partly preserved on both sides of the bedding plane. W i t h the aid of xylene immersion, the parts which are missing in (b) can be identified in (a), so that a c o m p l e t e reconstruction can be obtained.
A t l a s of T r i l o b i t e P h o t o g r a p h s
Cambrian Families
Family Dorypygidae Kobayashi, 1935
O L E N O I D E S Meek,
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
R o m i n g e r ( x l . 8 ) . Burgess Shale,
standard technique; and (b) while immersed in xylene. N o t e the power o
Stephen F o r m a t i o n , M . C a m b r i a n ,
the second m e t h o d in revealing details
British C o l u m b i a . (Loaned by M C Z . )
the c o n t o u r of the carapace. T h e
P h o t o g r a p h y of the same pair of
trilobites from this famous locality are
trilobites by t w o approaches: (a) by
often found w i t h soft parts preserved.
Unfortunately, this specimen does n o t show the appendages often seen emerging from the edge of the carapace. Compression of the glabella outlines the underlying hypostoma.
Cambrian Families
A striking example of
Olenoides superbus Walcott from the Marjum Formation, M. Cambrian, east side of Wheeler Amphitheatre, House Range, Utah ( x l . 8 ) . (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of Eddie Cole, who collected and prepared the specimen.)
Family 1916
B A T H Y U R I S C U S Meek,
Association of
Batbyuriscus fimbriatus
Robison (right a n d left) with laevinucha Robison
between M a r j u m pass and A n t e l o p e Springs, M i l l a r d C o u n t y , Utah. (Collected by A f t o n Fawcett. R L S coll id., n o w a t F M N H . )
M a r j u m Formation, M. Cambrian,
Cambrian Families
PLATE Bathyuriscus
78 fimbriatus
Robison (x6.3). Same origin as previous plate. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at F M N H ) . O n e o f the missing libriginae overlaps, over-turned, the right-hand side of the thorax, showing prominent radiating alimentary diverticula (prosopon).
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
A complete exoskeleton o f
Robison ( x l 2 ) . Same origin as previous plate (collected by A f t o n Fawcett, R L S coll., id., now at F M N H ) .
Robison (x2.1). M a r j u m Formation, M a r j u m Pass, Millard County, Utah. (Collected by Alton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at FMNH.) A beautiful example of this large trilobite.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Family Ogygopsidae Rasetti, 1951
O G Y G O P S I S Walcott,
Ogygopsis klotzi
M . C a m b r i a n , British C o l u m b i a ( x 2 . 0 ) . (Latex m o l d o f specimen loaned from MCZ.)
Cambrian Families
Family Paradoxididae Hawle and Corda, 1847 Subfamily Paradoxidinae Hawle and C o r d a 1 8 4 7
Paradoxides paradoxissimus (Wahlenberg), M. Cambrian, Oltorp, Vastergotland, Sweden ( x l . 4 ) . This is the type specimen, preserved in black alum shale, described in Westergard ( 1 9 5 2 ) , pi. 8, fig. 2, originally
tessini Brongniart ( S M N H No. A r 4 7 4 8 7 ) . T h e upper specimen is an external impression (photographed by the author a t S M N H , through courtesy of Jan Bergstrom).
Atlas of Trilobite
PLATE Colorful
83 preservation
of the exuviae in another example of
Paradoxides paradoxissimus ( W a h l e n b e r g ) , from the same locality as plate 8 2 ( x 0 . 8 4 ) . ( P h o t o g r a p h e d by the a u t h o r at the Paleontological Institute, U n i v e r s i t y o f Uppsala, S w e d e n . )
D e v e l o p m e n t a l stages
in all growth stages of
suggest some kind of
(late meraspid degrees)
Olenellus (see plates
size sorting in molting.
in the Middle Cambrian
5 2 - 6 0 ) . In the early
P. gracilis
stages of g r o w t h as in
indistinguishable from
(Boeck), M .
C a m b r i a n , from Jince
is practically
the examples s h o w n in
this plate, the eye lobe
except for the n u m b e r
of segments in adult
(Jinetz), Bohemia. The
extends over a larger
specimen in (a) (x8.6)
portion of the cranidial
individuals, twenty in
exhibits much elongated
length than in the
the Bohemian (see plate
genal spines as well as
fully g r o w n individuals
1), t w e n t y - o n e in the
pleural spines of the
such as that of plate 1.
second thoracic segment.
O t h e r late meraspid
Specimens in (a) and
T h e latter character is
exuviae are s h o w n in
(b) w h i t e n e d
c o m m o n to meraspid
(b) ( x l . 9 ) in an
magnesium oxide.
stages of other
assemblage o f o n e
(RLS coll., donated by
paradoxidids (see plate
internal m o l d a n d t w o
D r . Petr Storch of the
Paradoxides. with
9 2 ) and is reminiscent
external impressions of
Geological Institute,
of the long pleural
approximately equal
A c a d e m y o f Sciences
spines associated with
size. T h i s and o t h e r
of the Czech Republic,
the third segment
similar assemblages
macropleurae observed
from the same layers
A well-preserved, d i m i n u t i v e
example of Paradoxides gracilis (Boeck)(x4.5). M. Cambrian, Jinetz, B o h e m i a . ( R L S coll.; courtesy o f M C Z , n o w a t F M N H . ) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide.
Cambrian Families
Beautifully preserved specimen
of Paradoxides davidis davidis Salter, M. Cambrian, west side of Manuels River, Newfoundland ( x l . 3 ) . This trilobite is first known from St. David's, Wales. A complete account of the evolutionary sequence that transpires from its fossil record in the Avalon Peninsula of N e w f o u n d l a n d is given in A p p e n d i x A of chapter 3. This particular example represents o n e of the earliest appearances of this trilobite at this locality. (External impression, specimen loaned t h r o u g h courtesy o f
M a r k Utlaut.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Acadoparadoxides sp.,
C a m b r i a n , Sidi A b d a l l a h ben el H a d j , M o r o c c o (xO.65) ( R L S coll.). T h e s e giant trilobites (up to 50 cm in length) are extracted commercially in staggering n u m b e r and generally dubiously restored. T h e example s h o w n , w i t h eighteen thoracic segments, corresponds closely to
(Green), as described by W a l c o t t ( 1 8 8 4 ) , pi. IX., a n d may well represent the same trilobite. This w o u l d not be surprising since, as s h o w n in figure 1 8 , Maritime N o r t h America faced what was to become the Anti-Atlas Range in the M i d d l e C a m b r i a n .
(Salter), M. Cambrian,
west side of Manuels River, Manuels, Newfoundland (x2.5). The libriginae are missing. Latex mold from external impression. (RLS id.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Eccaparadoxides eteminicus
M. C a m b r i a n , E.
Kellygrews, C o n c e p t i o n Bay,
( x l . 5 ) . The cranidium is i n c o m p l e t e a n d the libriginae are missing. (RLS coll., id.)
(Barrande), M. Cambrian
Paradoxides davidis
beds at
Kellygrews, Conception Bay, Newfoundland (x3.6) ( R L S coll., id.) The name of this long-eyed Paradoxidid is n o w regarded (Snajdr 1 9 5 8 ) as synonymous with
rugulosus Corda.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
(Sjogren), M. C a m b r i a n E.
zone, B o r g h o l m ,
Oland, Sweden (x6.7). Type specimen of late meraspid stage, described by W e s t e r g a r d ( 1 9 3 6 ) , pi. 2 , f i g . 4. (SMNH No. Ar 4 6 2 4 4 , photographed by the a u t h o r a t S M N H , t h r o u g h courtesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Cambrian Families
Eccaparadoxides pinus (Holm), M. Cambrian, Borgholm, Oland, Sweden (x9). Type specimen of late meraspid stage, described by Westergard (1936), pi. V, fig. 7. (Photographed by the author at GSS, Uppsala, through courtesy of Christer Akerman.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Eccaparadoxides torelli ( H o l m ) , M . Cambrian, Borgholm, Oland, Sweden (x2.0). T y p e specimen, described by Westergard ( 1 9 3 6 ) , pi. VIII, f i g . l b .
(Photographed by the author at GSS, through courtesy of Christer Akerman.)
Cambrian Families
Subfamily Xystridurinae Whitehouse, 1939
XYSTRIDURA Whitehouse, 1939. Xystridura saintsmithi (Chapman), M. Cambrian, Beetle Creek, Queensland, Australia (x4.1). ( S M N H No. Ar 55079, photographed by the author at S M N H , through courtesy of Jan Bergstrbm.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Subfamily Centropleurinae Angelin, 1854
A N O P O L E N U S Salter, 1864. Anopolenw henrici Salter, M. Cambrian, Paradoxides davidis beds, west side of Manuels River, Manuels, Newfoundland (x2.3). One of the released free cheeks, and its long, slender genal spine, overlaps the body. T h e surface of the carapace is finely textured. This trilobite was first discovered in Wales. (Gift by Jan M. Chabala, specimen whitened with magnesium oxide.)
Cambrian Families
Family Agraulidae Raymond, 1 9 1 3
AGRAULOS Hawle and Corda, 1847. Agraulos socialis Billings (x6.9). M. Cambrian, Paradoxides hicksi beds, west side of Manuels River, Manuels, Conception Bay, Newfoundland (RLS coll., id.). The libriginae are missing. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Alokistocaridae Resser, 1 9 3 9
A L O K I S T O C A R E Lorenz, 1906. Alokistocare harrisi Robison (x6.5). Wheeler Shale, M. C a m b r i a n , Antelope Springs, Utah. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at F M N H . ) Following Opik (1961), the family Alokistocaridae Resser, 1939, is regarded as a younger synonym of Papyriaspididae Whitehouse, 1939. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide.
Cambrian Families
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Alokistocare piochensis (Walcott) (x4.0). Chisholm Shale, M. Cambrian, Half Moon Mine at Pioche, Nevada. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at F M N H . ) One of the free cheeks is displaced.
Cambrian Families
PIOCHASPIS, n.g. Piochaspis sellata, n. sp., holotype. Chisholm Shale, M. Cambrian, Half Moon Mine at Pioche, Nevada (xl4.4). (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id.) Plate 99 (a) shows the specimen whitened with magnesium oxide; plate 99 (b) shows the same specimen while immersed in xylene, revealing additional details. A morphometric study by the author of the population of ptychoparid trilobites from this locality (unpublished, but discussed with F. Rasetti and A. Palmer) shows this trilobite to be distinct from Alokistocare piochensis (Walcott) and Alokistocare packi (Resser) from the same beds. The description of this new trilobite is the following: Anterior border convex, anterior border furrow with median inbend, preglabellar field depressed mesially, elevated laterally; glabella tapering forward, rounded in
1 74
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
three pairs
of shallow lateral furrows; axial furrows deep, facial sutures diverging in front of eyes; eye ridges narrow, - 0.3 of glabellar width at midlength, palpebral areas convex, narrow anteriorly, posterior area of fixigena deeply furrowed. Librigenae with pointed genal spines, flaring posteriorly at - 45°. Thorax of seventeen segments; pleurae grooved, pleural spines short, outward pointing. Pygidium small, devoid of border, with prominent axis, one axial ring. The entire collection of 67 complete individuals relating to this study is now at Field Museum of Natural History. F M N H record numbers for the various groups are: Piochaspis sellata, holotype, PE 5 4 1 1 5 ; Piochaspis sellata, 48 syntypes, PE 5 4 1 1 6 54163; Alokistocare packi, 10 specimens, PE 5 4 1 6 4 - 5 4 1 7 3 ; Alokistocare piocbensis, 8 specimens, PE 54174-54181.
Cambrian Families
1 75
ELRATHIA Walcott, 1924. Elrathia kingii (Meek)(xl.8). Wheeler Shale, Antelope Springs, Millard County, Utah. (Collected by Aiton Fawcett. RLS coll., now at FMNH.) In this
1 76
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
fossilization, the trilobite exoskeleton is replaced by calcite; the crystals of this mineral extend in a so-called "cone-incone" structure well beneath the original carapace.
Elrathia kingii (Meek) (x3.5). Same origin as for previous plate. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., now .it l-'MNI I.) Specimen of approximately maximum size for this species.
Cambrian Families
Elrathia kingii (Meek) in association with the agnostid Peronopsis interstricta (White) (x.8). (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., now at FMNH.) Various stages of growth of Elrathia are represented in this unusual plate.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Ptychopariidae Matthew, 1 8 8 7 Subfamily Ptychopariinae Matthew, 1887
PTYCHOPARIA Hawle and Corda, 1847. Ptychoparia striata (Emmrich), M. Cambrian, Jince Formation, Jince, Bohemia (x3.0). This genus is thought to be the progenitor of a very broad group of trilobites. In this example, two posterior thoracic segments and the
pygidium are missing (or enrolled underneath). T h e striated surface of the cranidium, origin of the adjectival name of this trilobite, is evident in this photograph. (RLS coll.)
Family Asaphiscidae Raymond, 1 9 2 4 Subfamily Asaphiscinae Raymond, 1924
ASAPHISCUS Meek, 1873. Asaphiscus wheeleri Meek (x3.0). Wheeler Formation, M. Cambrian, Antelope Springs, Millard County, Utah. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., now at FMNH.) In this group, Asaphiscus is associated with Elrathia kingii.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Asaphiscus wheeleri M e e k ( x l . 7 ) . Same origin as for preceding plate (RLS coll., now at F M N H . ) This is an extraordinarily large specimen. Photograph printed from color slide. T h e original specimen is black.
Family Menomonidae Walcott, 1 9 1 6
BOLASPIDELLA Resser, 1937. Bolaspidella housensis (Walcott) (x4.7). M. Cambrian, Wheeler Formation, Antelope Springs, Utah. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at FMNH.) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. On the uncoated specimen the trilobites appear black on a light gray soft matrix.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Family Marjumiidae Kobayashi, 1 9 3 5
M O D O C I A Walcott, 1924. Modocia typicalis (Resser), M. Cambrian, M a r j u m Formation between M a r j u m Pass and Wheeler Amphitheatre, Millard County, Utah (x4.1). (Specimen collected by Robert Harris, RLS coll., id.)
Family Solenopleuridae Angelin, 1 8 5 4 Subfamily Saoinae Hupe\ 1953
SAO Barrande, 1846. Sao hirsuta Barrande, M. Cambrian, Jince Formation, Skrije, Bohemia (xl3.5) (RLS coll.) Barrande gave a detailed description of the ontogenic stages of this trilobite. Several stages are visible in this photograph, notably a larval stage (metaprotaspis) at the left of the largest exuviae (late meraspid), and an early meraspid degree at the upper right.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Subfamily Solenopleurinae Angelin, 1854
P LAT E 1 0 9 PARASOLENOPLEURA Westetgard, 1953. Parasolenopleura aculeata (Angelin), M. Cambrian, Ptychagnostus gibbus zone, Kvarntorp, Narke, Sweden ( x l . 7 ) . (Photographed by the author at the Uppsala Paleontological Institute.)
Subfamily Solenopleuropsinae Thoral, 1947
SOLENOPLEUROPSIS Thoral, 1947. Solenopleuropsis variolaris (Salter), M. Cambrian, Paradoxides davidis beds, east side of Manuels River, Manuels, Newfoundland (x6.6) (RLS coll., id.). The prominent tuberculation of the convex surfaces of this trilobite is seen as a perforation pattern in this external impression. The pygidium is missing. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
11 1
BADULESIA Sdzuy, 1967. Badulesia tenera (Hartt), M. Cambrian, Upper Paradoxides bennetti beds, Kellygrews, Conception Bay, Newfoundland. (x7.6). This trilobite is characteristic of the Middle Cambrian of the Asturias, Spain. Its appearance in the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland is sttiking and in accord with the continental drift map of figure 18, which places the Avalon and Spain on an almost contiguous shoreline east of Maritime North America. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.)
Cambrian Families
Family Olenidae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3 Subfamily Oleninae Burmeister, 1843
OLENUS Dalman, 1827. Olenus gibbosus (Whalenberg), M . - U . Cambrian, Outwoods Shale, Purley Quarry, Mancetter, Warwickshire (xlO). (Gift by Robert J. Kennedy, RLS coll.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Family Asaphidae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3 Subfamily Niobinae Janusson, 1959
NIOBELLA Reed, 1931. Niobella aurora Westergard, U. Cambrian, Olenus Shale, Raback, Kinnekulle, Vastergotland, Sweden (x3.0). This is the type specimen described by Westergard ( 1 9 3 9 ) in plate II, fig. 1. (Photographed by the author at C S S , Uppsala, through couttesy of Christer Akerman.)
Cambrian Families
Subfamily 1959
PROMEGALASPIDES Westergard, 1939. Promegalaspides kinnekullensis Westergard, U. Cambrian, Olenus Shale, Raback, Kinnekulle, Vastergotland, Sweden (x3.2). T y p e specimen described by Westergard (1939) in plate I, fig. 1. (Photographed by the author at GSS, Uppsala, through courtesy of Christer Akerman.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Agnostidae M'Coy, 1 8 4 9 Subfamily Agnostinae M ' C o y , 1849
H O M A G N O S T U S Howell, 1935. Homagnostus obesus (Belt), M . - U . Cambrian, Outwoods Shale, Purley Quarry, Mancetter, Warwickshire ( x l 4 ) . (Gift by Robert J. Kennedy, RLS coll.)
Cambrian Families
1 91
Subfamily Ptychagnostinae Kobayashi, 1939
PTYCHAGNOSTUS Jaekel, 1909. Ptychagnostus richmondensis (Walcott) (xl6), Marjum Formation, M. Cambrian, mouth of Antelope Springs Canyon, Millard County, Utah. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at F M N H . ) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. The radiating ornamentation of the cephalon is attributed to alimentary diverticula.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Ptycbagnostus richmondemis (Walcott) (x6.1), Wheeler Shale, M. Cambrian, Antelope Springs, Millard County, Utah. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at F M N H . )
Several specimens show axial spine on second thoracic segment. T h e surface features emphasized in plate 116 are very difficult to observe without whitening.
Cambrian Families
Ptychagnostus ciceroides (Matthew), M. Cambrian, Paradoxides davidis beds, Manuels, Newfoundland (x9). (RLS coll., id.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Spinagnostidae Howell, 1 9 3 5
B A L T A G N O S T U S Lochman, 1944. Baltagnostus eurypyx Robison (x23). Wheeler Shale, M. C a m b r i a n , Antelope Springs, Millard County, Utah. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at F M N H . ) Note posterolateral marginal spines on pygidium.
PERONOPSIS Corda, 1847. Peronopsis interstricta (White) (x21). Wheeler Shale, M. Cambrian, Antelope Springs, Millard County, Utah. (RLS coll., id., now at F M N H . ) A much enlarged view, printed from a color slide.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Peronopsis interstricta (White) (x6.3). Same origin as preceding plate. (Collected by Afton Fawcett. RLS coll., id., now at F M N H . ) Assemblage of many individuals.
Cambrian Families
Family Diplagnostidae Whitehouse, 1 9 3 6 Subfamily Diplagnostinae Whitehouse, 1936
T O M A G N O S T U S Howell, 1935. Tomagnostus perrugatus (Groenwall)(x9). M. Cambrian, lowest Paradoxides davidis beds, west side of Manuels River, Manuels, Newfoundland. (Loaned through courtesy of Mark Utlaut.)
1 98
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Tomagnostus perrugatm (Groenwall), same origin as preceding plate (x5). (RLS coll., id.) This is a small portion of a large plate covered with the
exuviae of this agnostid, abundant at the base of the P. davidis beds, infrequent at other depths.
Cambrian Families
1 99
Subfamily Glyptagnostinae Whitehouse, 1936
GLYPTAGNOSTUS Whitehouse, 1936. Glyptagnostus sp., M . - U . Cambrian, Ourwoods Shale, Purley Quarry, Mancetter, Warwickshire (xl3.5). (Gift of R. J. Kennedy, RLS coll.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Ordovician Families
M'Coy, 1849 Agnostinae M'Coy, 1849
<— L.Ord.
Howell, 1935
Howell, 1935
Whitehouse, 1936
Kobayashi, 1939
<-L.Ord.-U. Ord. L.Ord. <-L.Ord.
Matthew, 1887
Eulominae Kobayashi, 1955 CONOCORYPHIDAE
Angelin, 1854
Angelin, 1854
L.Ord. ^L.Ord.
Hystricurinae Hupe, 1953
Kobayashi, 1935
Bradley, 1925
Linnarson, 1869
Kobayashi, 1935
Lake, 1907
Walcott, 1 9 1 6
Lochman, 1 9 5 3
Raymond, 1924
Whittington, 1950
Ulrich in Bridge, 1 9 3 0
Burmeister, 1843 Oleninae Burmeister, 1843
Leptoplastinae Angelin, 1854
(?) Pelturinae Hawle and Corda 1847
(?) Triarthrinae Ulrich, 1930
<-L.Ord.-U.Ord. (Triarthrus)
REMOPLEURIDIDAE Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Remopleuridinae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Richardsonellinae Raymond, 1924 ASAPH
Isotelinae Angelin, 1854
Niobinae Janusson, 1959 Ogygiocaridinae Raymond, 1937
Promegalaspidinae Janusson, 1959 Thysanopyginae Janusson, 1959
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
L.Ord.-M.Ord. (Plesiomegalaspis, Homotelus)-V.Ord. (Pseudogygites)
<—L.Ord. L.Ord.-M.Ord. (Ogygiocaris, Ogyginus, Ogygiocarella) <—L.Ord. L.Ord.
Sun, 1931
Kobayashi, 1 9 3 6
Linnarson, 1869
Janusson, 1 9 5 6
Hupe, 1955
Turner, 1940
Burmeister, 1 8 4 3
Asaphinae Burmeister, 1843
HAPALOPLEURIDAE Harrington and Leanza, 1957
Hupe, 1953
Hupe, 1955
HYPERMECASPIDIDAE Harrington and Leanza, 1957
Walcott, 1886
Raymond, 1920
Angelin, 1854
Raymond, 1925
Kobayashi, 1955
Vogdes, 1 8 9 0
Hupe, 1953
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Trinucleinae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Cryptolithinae Angelin, 1 8 5 4
(CryptoHthus)-X).Ord. (Onnia) Novaspidinae Whittington, 1941 RAPHIOPHORIDAE
Angelin, 1 8 5 4
U.Ord. L.Ord. (Cnemidopyge)M.Ord. (Ampyxina)U.Ord.^
Raymond, 1 9 1 3 Pliomerinae Raymond, 1 9 1 3
Pilekiinae Sdzuy, 1955
Protopliomeropinae Hupe, 1953
Diaphanometopinae Jaanusson, 1959
Pliomerellinae Hupe, 1953 Placopariinae Hupe, 1953
M.Ord.-U.Ord. M.Ord. Ordovician Families
Angelin, 1854
Hawle and Corda, 1847
Illaeninae Hawle and Corda, 1847 Ectillaeninae Janusson, 1959
L.Ord.-U.Ord.-* L.Ord.-U.Ord. (Ectillaenus)
Bumastinae Raymond, 1 9 1 6 Theamataspidinae Hupe, 1953 ENCRINURIDAE
M.Ord.-U.Ord.—» M.Ord.-U.Ord.
Angelin, 1854 Cybelinae Holliday, 1942 Encrinurinae Angelin, 1854
Dindymeninae Henningsmoen, 1959 Staurocephalinae Prantl and Pribyl, 1 9 4 7 HOMALONOTIDAE
L.Ord.-U.Ord. M.Ord.-U.Ord.—> M.Ord.-U.Ord. M.Ord.-U.Ord.—>
E. J. Chapman, 1 8 9 0 Bavarillinae Sdzuy, 1 9 5 7
Eohomalonotinae Hupe, 1953
Colpocoryphinae Hupe, 1 9 5 3
Salter, 1 8 6 4 Cheirurinae Salter, 1 8 6 4
L.Ord.-M.Ord. (Ceraurus)-V
Cyrtometopinae Opik, 1 9 3 7
Acanthoparyphinae Whittington and Evitt, 1953 Sphaerexochinae Opik, 1937
Deiphoninae Raymond, 1 9 1 3
Areiinae Prantl and Pribyl, 1 9 4 7
Heliomerinae Evitt, 1951
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Tripp, 1 9 5 7
L.Ord.-U.Ord.^ L.Ord.
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Lichinae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Homolichinae Phleger, 1936
Tetralichinae Phleger, 1936 Ceratarginae Tripp, 1 9 5 7 ODONTOPLEURIDAE
M.Ord.-U.Ord. M.Ord.-U.Ord.—>
Burmeister, 1843
Odontopleurinae Burmeister, 1843
Miraspidinae Richter and Richter, 1 9 1 7
Selenopeltinae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
M.Ord.-U.Ord. (Selenopeltis)
Apianurinae Whittington, 1 9 5 6
Hupe, 1953
Hupe, 1953
Marek, 1 9 5 2
Giirich, 1 9 0 8
Reed, 1905
Pterygometopinae Reed, 1 9 0 5 Chasmopinae Pillet, 1 9 5 4 MONORAKIDAE
M.Ord. M.Ord.-U.Ord. Ord.
Kramarenko, 1952
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
(Eobronteus) —> DALMANITIDAE
Vogdes, 1890 Zeliskellinae Delo, 1935
M.Ord.-U.Ord. (Dalmanitina)
Delo, 1935
Calmoniinae Delo, 1935
Acastinae Delo, 1935
M.Ord.-U.Ord.^ Ordovician Families
Angelin, 1854
Richter and Richter, 1926
Otarioninae Richter and Richter, 1926 PROETIDAE
Cornuproetinae Richter and Richter, 1956
Warburg, 1925 Whittington, 1 9 5 0 Warburg, 1925
M.Ord.-U.Ord. (Proems) —> M.Ord.-U.Ord. (Eremiproetus, Cornuproetus) —» M.Ord.-U.Ord.^ U.Ord. U.Ord. (Phillipsinella) U.Ord. (Ityophorus)
Burmeister, 1 8 4 3
Calymeninae Burmeister, 1843 Pharostomatinae Hupe, 1 9 5 3
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Salter, 1864 Proetinae Salter, 1864
L.Ord. (Diacalymene)— U.Ord. (Flexicalymene) —> M.Ord.-U.Ord.
Family Triarthrinae Ulrich, 1 9 3 0
T R I A R T H R U S Green, 1832. Triarthrus eatoni (Hall) (x2.7). "Beecher's trilobite bed," Utica Shale, U. Ordovician, Rome, New York (YPM 2 1 8 ; loaned through courtesy o f J . Cisne.) This and the following plates through plate 128 represent a unique record of Beecher's famous trilobites, which were preserved with most of the soft parts replaced by fine granules of iron pyrite. As a result, such external anatomical details as antennae and appendages can be easily seen, while X-ray photographs can detect details of the internal anatomy. The photograph presented in this plate was obtained after immersion of the shale slab in xylene. T h e antennae and appendages become clearly discernible by this approach. One of the specimens, originally prepared by Beecher, shows the ventral side of the trilobite.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Triarthrus eatoni (Hall) (x6.3)(YPM 218E). Same origin and disposition as plate 125. Photograph through immersion in xylene. The biramous appendages of the right-hand side project outside the exoskeleton.
Ordovician Families
Triarthrus eatoni (Hall) (x7.7) (YPM 204). Same origin and disposition as plate 125. An X-ray view (a) and a xylene immersion view (b) of the same specimen. The original radiograph was taken by John L. Cisne and kindly loaned to the author. The tesolution of the photograph obtained from the xylene-immefsed specimen enables the fine structure in the biramous appendages, patticulatly the gill btanches, to become apparent.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Ordovician Families
2 1 1
Triarthrus eatoni (Hall) (x4.1). Same origin as for plate 125. (Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 839/14 A,B through courtesy of John L. Cisne. X-ray negative loaned by John L. Cisne.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Asaphidae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3 Subfamily Asaphinae Burmeister, 1843
A S A P H U S Brongniart, 1822. Asapbus expansus (Wahlenberg), L. Ordovician, Vastana, Ostergotland, Sweden (x3.5). ( S M N H No. Ar 1 6 6 8 1 , photographed by the author at S M N H , through courtesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Ordovirian Families
Subfamily Isotelinae Angelin, 1854
PLATE 1 3 0 PLESIOMEGALASPIS Thoral, 1946. Plesiomegalaspis planilimbata Angelin, L. Ordovician, Hunneberg, Vastergotland, Sweden (x2.9). ( S M N H No. Ar 14405, photographed by the author at S M N H , through courtesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
ISOTELUS De Kay, 1824. Isotelus gigas De Kay (x2.9). Trenton group, M. Ordovician, Trenton Falls, New York ( U C W M , loaned by F M N H . ) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. Since the original specimen is shiny black against a black matrix, the uncoated sample would be exttemely difficult to portray.
hotelus maximus Locke, U. Ordovician, Cincinnati, Ohio (x0.85). This trilobite, Ohio State Fossil, could reach impressive size, in excess of thirty centimeters in length. This specimen is particularly well preserved. (Collected by Dan L. Coopet, photogtaphed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling).
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
HOMOTELUS Raymond, 1925. Homotelus bromidcnsis Esker (x3.1). Bromide Formation (Poolville member), M . Ordovician, Blackriverian, Criner Hills, Carter County, Oklahoma. (RLS coll., now at F M N H . )
Homotelus bromidensis Esker, as in plate 133 ( x l . 3 5 ) . This exceptional group of adult, whole individuals may represent a mating assemblage. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
2 1 8
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
PSEUDOGYGITES Kobayashi, 1934. Pseudogygites latimarginatus (Hall), Lower W h i t b y Formation, U. Ordovician, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada (x3.2). Relatively minot differences distinguish this younger trilobite from Ogyginus, but the similarity of these two taxa is thought to be the tesult of parallel evolution, rather than direct relationship. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.)
Pseudogygites latimarginatus (Hall), same origin as for the preceding plate (xl.3). In this attractive assemblage, the trilobites are naturally coated by a whitish patina, possibly part of the calcified exoskeleton. Print from color negative. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of Michael Thomas.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Subfamily Ogygiocaridinae Raymond, 1937
OGYGIOCARIS Angelin, 1854. Ogygiocaris sarsi Angelin (x3.0). Ordovician, Toten, Norway. (Original at Palaeontologisk Museum, University of Oslo.) Cast, whitened with magnesium oxide.
OGYGINUS Raymond, 1912. Ogyginus corndensis (Murchison), L. Ordovician, Gilwern Hill, Builth-Wells, Powys, Wales (xl.8). This large trilobite is beautifully preserved in a heavily bedded shale. (RLS coll., id.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Ogyginus intermedius (Elles), L. Ordovician, Bach-y-graig, Llandrindod-Wells, Powys, Wales (x4.8). T h e hypostoma is visible, attached to the anterior border and doublure. (Gift by Robert J . Kennedy, RLS coll.)
OGYGIOCARELLA Harrington and Leanza, 1957. Ogygiocarella debuchii (Brongniart), M. Ordovician, quarry near Pencerrig Lake, Llanelwedd, Powys, Wales (x2.3). Collected during a field trip guided by Robert J. Kennedy. External impression, whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Dikelokephalinidae Kobayashi, 1 9 3 6
DIKELOKEPHALINA Brogger, 1896. Dikelokephalina sp., L. Ordovician, Anti-Atlas Range, Morocco (x0.7). A large trilobite (seemingly undescribed) that is extracted in copious assemblages of complete individuals, often repaired with arbitrary contours. This particular example is for the most part pristine, and the pygidium exhibits the characters of the genus without ambiguity. (Photographed by the author through courtesy of David C. Rilling., RLS id.)
Family Trinucleidae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Subfamily Trinucleinae Hawle and Corda, 1847
TRETASPIS M'Coy, 1849. Tretaspis seticornis (Hisinger), U. Ordovician, Dalarna, Sweden (x5.8). Type specimen described by L. Stcrmer (1930), plate VIII, fig. 5 (SMNH No. 2290). The calcified exoskeleton is white, in stark contrast with the dark matrix. (Photographed by the author at S M N H , through courtesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Subfamily Cryptolithinae Angelin,
C R Y P T O L I T H U S Green, 1832. Cryptolithus tesselatus Green (x2.5). Pulaski Shale, M. Ordovician, Lorain, Jefferson County, New York. (J. Hall coll., U C W M ; loaned by F M N H . ) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide.
Ordovician Families
ONNIA Bancroft, 1933. Onnia superba Bancroft, Ordovician, Bordj, Morocco (x3.3). Print from color slide. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling, RLS id.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Raphiophoridae Angelin, 1 8 5 4
CNEMIDOPYGE Whittard, 1955. Cnemidopyge bisecta (Murchison), L. Ordovician, Dydimograptus bifidus zone, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales (x6.6). Missing from this example is a long median glabellar spine directed forward, departing from the anterior border. (RLS coll., gift by Robert J. Kennedy.)
Ordovician Families
AMPYXINA Ulrich, 1922. Ampyxina bellatula (Savage) ( x l . 8 ) . Maquoketa Formation, U. Ordovician, near Elsberry, Missouri, (RLS coll., id., now at FMNH.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Pliomeridae Raymond, 1 9 1 3 Subfamily Pliomerinae Raymond, 1913
PLIOMERA Angelin, 1852. Pliomera fischeri Eichwald, M. Ordovician, Lanna, Narke, Sweden (x0.9). ( S M N H No. Ar 55080, photographed by the author at S M N H through courtesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Ordovician Families
Family IUaenidae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Subfamily Ectillaeninae Janusson, 1959
ECTILLAENUS SALTER, 1867. Ectillaenus perovalis (Murchison), M. Ordovician, Cefu-Maen, Llewyd Farm, S. Wales (x8.3). External impression, whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., gift by Robert J. Kennedy)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Cheiruridae Salter, 1 8 6 4 Subfamily Cheirurinae Salter, 1864
C E R A U R U S Green, 1832. Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green, M. Ordovician, Bobcaygeon Formation, Carden, Ontario, Canada (x2.3). (Photographed by the author through courtesy of Dave Douglass.)
Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green, same origin as preceding plate (x2.3). Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of Pio Pezzi.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Odontopleuridae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3 Subfamily Selenopeltinae Hawle and Corda, 1847
SELENOPELTIS Hawle and Corda, 1847. Selenopeltis buchii (Barrande), U. Ordovician, Erfoud, Morocco (x 0.24). Detail of a spectacular assemblage of more than twenty-five complete individuals, ptepared by Flavio Bacchia. (RLS id., photogtaphed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling, now at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.)
Family Pterygometopidae Reed, 1 9 0 5 Subfamily Chasmopinae Pillet, 1954
C H A S M O P S M'Coy, 1849, Chasmops externa (xl.8). Ordovician, Oslo region, Norway. (Original at Paleontologisk Museum, University of Oslo.) Cast, whitened with magnesium oxide. The prominent schizochroal eyes of this trilobite are missing in this particular specimen.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Family Thysanopeltidae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
E O B R O N T E U S Reed, 1928. Eobronteus Litnan/la (Wahlenberg), U. Ordovician, Kullsberg Limestone, Lake Siljan, Dalarna, Sweden ( x l . 3 ) .
Assemblage of pygidia. ( S M N H No. Ar 5 5 0 7 7 , photographed by the author at S M N H , through courtesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Ordovician Families
Family Dalmanitidae Vogdes, 1 8 9 0 Subfamily Zeliskellinae Delo, 1935
Atlas of Ttilobite Photographs
DALMANITINA Reed, 1905. Dalmanitina socialis (Barrande) (xl.3). Letna beds, U . - M . Ordovician, Vesela, Bohemia. (Loaned by F M N H . ) Assemblage of trilobite parts, remarkably well preserved in quartzite. In addition to Dalmanitina socialis,
two cephala of Cryptolithus tesselatus are clearly visible. Due to the high resolution of this photograph, surface details of the carapace as well as the structure of several schizochroal eyes can be identified with the aid of a magnifier.
Dalmanitina socialis (Barrande), U . - M . Ordovician, Letna beds, Drabov bei Beroun, Bohemia (x3.1). A complete individual. ( S M N H No. Ar 5 5 0 8 1 , Coll. Eichbaum, photographed by the author at S M N H , through couttesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Family Proetidae Salter, 1 8 6 4 Subfamily Proetinae Salter, 1864
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
P R O E T U S Steininger, 1 8 3 1 . Proetus convexus Warburg, U. Ordovician, Kullsberg Limestone, Lake Siljan, Dalarna, Sweden (x4.0). This crystalline
limestone is essentially made up of trilobite exoskeletons. ( S M N H No. Ar 55076, photographed by the author at S M N H , through couttesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Subfamily Cornuproetinae Richter and Richter, 1956
EREMIPROETUS Richter and Richter, 1919. Eremiproetus senex Alberti, U. Ordovician, Kopanina Formation, Kosov, Bohemia (xl 1). Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll.)
Family l'hillipsinellidae Whittington, 1 9 5 0
PHILLIPSINELLA Novak, 1886. Phillipsinella parabola (Barrande), U. Ordovician, Lady Burn at Threave Glen, near Girvan, Ayrshire (x9). Partially enrolled specimen, whitened with magnesium oxide. (Gift of R. J. Kennedy, RLS coll.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Ityophoridae Warburg, 1 9 2 5
I T Y O P H O R U S Warburg, 1925. Ityophorus undulatus Warburg, U. Ordovician, Kullsberg Limestone, Lake Siljan, Dalarna, Sweden (x5.4). This diminutive trilobite has pronounced
affinity with characters that distinguish the family Harpidae. ( S M N H No. 5 5 0 7 8 , photographed by the author at S M N H , through courtesy of Jan Bergstrom.)
Family Calymenidae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3 Subfamily Calymeninae Burmeister, 1843
DIACALYMENE Kegel, 1927. Diacalymene ouzregui Destombes, L. Ordovician, Ktaoua Formation, Tazoulait, Morocco (x3.6). (RLS coll.)
Atlas of Ttilobite Photogtaphs
FLEXICALYMENE Shirley, 1936. Flexicalymene meeki (Foerste) (x4.8). Waynesville Formation, Fort Ancient Member, U. Ordovician, Westwood, Cincinnati, Ohio. (RLS coll., now at F M N H . ) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. T h e entite exoskeleton is pteserved here, replaced by calcite.
Flexicalymene meeki (Foerste) (x5) as in plate 161. Enrolled specimen collected at Waynesville, Ohio (RLS coll., id., now at FMNH.) An enlarged profile view of the same specimen is shown in plate 51 as an example of "uncoiled spiral enrollment." Note papillate or granular surface of carapace, emphasized by magnesium oxide coating.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Silurian Families
Burmeister, 1 8 4 3
Calymeninae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3
Angelin, 1854
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Illaeninae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Bumastinae Raymond, 1 9 1 6
<—L.Sil.—rVT.Sil. <—Sil.
Encrinurinae Angelin, 1854
Staurocephalinae Prantl and Pribyl, 1 9 4 7
Angelin, 1854
J. Chapman, 1 8 9 0
Homalonotinae E.J. Chapman, 1 8 9 0
M.Sil.-U.Sil. (Trimerus) —>
Salter, 1864 Cheirurinae Salter, 1864
Cyrtometopinae Opik, 1 9 3 7
Sphaerexochinae Opik, 1 9 3 7
Deiphoninae Raymond, 1 9 1 3
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Lichinae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Homolichinae Phleger, 1 9 3 6 Ceratarginae Tripp, 1 9 5 7
(Cheirurus) —>
<—L.Sil.-M.Sil. <—Sil.—>
Burmeister, 1 8 4 3
Odontopleurinae Burmeister, 1843 Miraspidinae Richter and Richter, 1 9 1 7
<—Sil. (Miraspis) —>
Silurian Families
Vogdes, 1 8 9 0 Dalmanitinae Vogdes, 1 8 9 0
Acastavinae Struve, 1958
Delo, 1935 Calmoniinae Delo, 1935
Acastinae Delo, 1935
Angelin, 1854
Richter and Richter, 1 9 2 6
Otarioninae Richter and Richter, 1926
Salter, 1 8 6 4 Proetinae Salter, 1864
Cornuproetinae Richter and Richter, 1956 Proetidellinae Hupe, 1953 Tropidocoryphinae P
ibyl, 1 9 4 6 PHACOPIDAE
Zeliskellinae Delo, 1935
<—Sil.—> <—Sil. —> <—Sil.—> Sil.—>
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Phacopinae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Phacopidellinae Delo, 1935
(Eophacops) —>
Family Calymenidae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3 Subfamily Calymeninae Burmeister, 1843 ' 1
„.,,„, .„ _ . „ , CALYMENE Brongniart, 1822. Calymene breviceps Raymond, Waldron Shale, Silurian, Niagaran, Waldron, Indiana (x2.6). (Gurley coll. of U C W M ; loaned by F M N H . ) Several complete individuals, rolled and unrolled. r
Calymene niagarensis Hall (x2.8). Racine Formation in the Niagaran Limestone, Silurian, McCook, Illinois (RLS coll., id.; now at F M N H ) . Negative mold encrusted with dolomite crystals. In spite of the coarse grain of the surface, anatomical details of the exoskeleton are remarkably well preserved in this kind of fossilization. In this and other similar specimens collected by the author at the above locality, a hollow cavity is found in place of the stein kern.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Calymene celebra R a y m o n d (x3.2). Joliet Formation in the Niagaran Limestone, Silurian, Lehigh, Illinois. (RLS coll., id.; now at F M N H . ) Steinkern and its negative mold, specimen collected by Matteo Levi-Setti, at the age of four.
Side view of another example of Calymene celebra Raymond (x4.6), from Lehigh, Illinois. (RLS coll., id.; now at l-MNH.) The layer previously occupied by the exoskeleton is replaced by dolomite crystals. Specimen collected by Emile Levi-Setti, at the age of seven.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Negative mold of several Calymene celebra individuals ( x l . l ) . Niagaran Limestone, Silurian, Wisconsin. (Loaned by F M N H . )
Silurian Families
Calymene celebra Raymond (x3.6). Niagaran Limestone, Silurian, Grafton, Illinois. ( U C W M coll.; loaned by F M N H . ) An unusual association of complete individuals.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
DIACALYMENE Kegel, 1927. Diacalymene clavicula (Campbell) (x2.3). Henryhouse Formation, Hunton Group, Silurian (Cayugan). Lawrence uplift neat Ada, Oklahoma. (RLS coll.; now at F M N H . ) The exoskeleton is replaced by calcite; the matrix is a soft siltstone. Several fractures due to compression in the sediment can be noticed.
Family Ulaenidae Hawle and Corda, 1847 Subfamily Bumastinae Raymond, 1916
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
B U M A S T U S Murchison, 1839. Bumastus ioxus (Hall) (x5.6). Niagaran Limestone, Silurian, Grafton, Illinois. (Gurley coll. of U C W M ; loaned by F M N H . ) Internal mold, coated with dolomite crystals.
Bumastus ioxus (Hall) ( x l . 3 ) . Rochester Shale, Silurian, Lockport, New York. (J. Hall coll. of U C W M ; loaned by F M N H . ) Exoskeleton partly preserved.
Family Encrinuridae Angelin, 1 8 5 4 Subfamily Encrinurinae Angelin, 1854
ENCRINURUS Emmrich, 1844. Encrinurus egani Miller (x5.8). Plesiotype. Niagaran group, Silurian, Lemonr, Illinois. (Van Home coll. of U C W M ; loaned by FMNH.) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. The eyes, which would appear on short peduncles, are missing.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Encrinurus egani Miller (x4.6), as in plate 172. Games coll. of U C W M ; loaned by F M N H . ) Side view of complete individual showing the erect thoracic axial spine. Facial structure clearly visible.
Silurian Families
Encrinurus indianensis Kindle and Breger (x6.0). Niagaran group, Silurian, Burlington, Wisconsin. ( U C W M coll.; loaned by FMNH.) External impression (negative mold) encrusted with dolomite crystals. T h e cephalon is considerably more tuberculate than in Encrinurus egani.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Homalonotidae E. J. Chapman, 1 8 9 0 Subfamily Homalonotinae E . J . Chapman, 1890
T R 1 M E R U S Green, 1832. Trimerus delphinocephalus Green (xlO). Rochester Shale, M. Silurian Lockport, New York 0- Hall coll., U C W M ; loaned by F M N H ; RLS id.).
Family Cheiruridae Salter, 1 8 6 4 Subfamily Cheirurinae Salter, 1864
CHEIRURUS Beirisch, 1845. Cheirurus hydei (Weller) (x5.7). Holorype. Niagaran Limestone, Silurian, Lemont, Illinois. (Collected by L. H. Hyde. U C W M coll.; loaned by F M N H . )
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Cheirurus bydei (Wellcr). Negative mold confronting two specimens of Calymene celebra Raymond (x2.7). Niagatan Formation, Silurian, Grafton, Illinois. (RLS coll., id.; now at F M N H . ) Although an external impression, this example of Cheirurus hydei exhibits bettet details than the holotype, in patticulat the genal and pygidial spines and the ptopatian sutute.
Subfamily Sphaerexochinae Opik, 1937
SPHAEREXOCHUS Beyrich, 1845. Sphaerexochus romingeri Hall (x2). Niagaran group, Silurian, Racine, Wisconsin. (Van Home coll. of UCWM; loaned by FMNH.) Several cranidia, in different orientation, of this peculiar trilobite. Only the lowermost is a complete cephalon, showing cephalic suture and eye lobe.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Lichidae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Subfamily Lichinae Hawle and Corda, 1847
A R C T I N U R U S Castelnau, 1843. Arctinurus occidentalis Hall (x3). Waldron Shale, Silurian, Waldron, Indiana. (Washburn coll. of U C W M ; loaned by F M N H . ) A complete pygidium.
Silurian Families
Arctinurus occidentalis Hall (xl.3). Rochester Shale, Silurian, Lockport, New York. ( U C W M coll.; loaned by FMNH.) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. Part of the glabella missing. (See also plate 45.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Odontopleuridae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3 Subfamily Odontopleurinae Burmeister, 1843
ODONTOPLEURA Emmrich, 1839. Odontopleura ovata Emmrich (x9). Liten Formation, M. Silurian (Wenlock), Lodenice, Bohemia. (RLS coll., id.; couttesy of M C Z ; now at F M N H . ) The trilobites in this sequence from Bohemia are very striking for their delicate and extravagant morphology. The long arching spines are indeed pleural or genal or pygidial spines, an integtal part of the exoskeleton, and do not represent appendages ot walking legs. Two cephala of Aulacopleura koninckii koninckii (Barrande) are visible in the upper right side of the photogtaph.
Silurian Families
Odontopkura ovata Emmrich (x4.5). Same origin as for plate 181. (Loaned by M C Z ; RLS id.) In spite of the convex appearance, this is actually the extetnal (concave) imptession of the trilobite in the shale. Part of the exoskeleton remained attached to the mold.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Subfamily Miraspidinae Richter and Richter, 1917
MIRASPIS Richter and Richter, 1917. Miraspis mira (Barrande) (x8.1). Liteh Formation, M. Silurian (Wenlock), Lodenice, Bohemia. (RLS coll., id.; courtesy M C Z ; now at F M N H ) . Each pleural segment carries two kinds of spines: one is long and slender; the other, shorter, is laced with secondary spines. This is possibly the most photogenic trilobite of this entire collection.
Silurian Families
Miraspis mira (Barrande) (x5.1). Same origin as preceding plate. (RLS coll., id.; courtesy M C Z ; now at FMNH.)
2 7 0
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Miraspis mira (Barrande) (x9). Same origin as for plate 183 (loaned by M C Z ) . This is the only specimen
figured here in which the peduncles, or stalks, carrying the eyes at their tips are preserved.
Silurian Families
Family Dalmanitidae Vogdes, 1 8 9 0 Subfamily Dalmanitinae Vogdes, 1890
DALMANITES Barrande, 1852. Dalmanites limuloides (Green) (x2.8). Rochester Shale, Silurian, Lockport, New York. Partially exfoliated, yet striking, example of this graceful trilobite. (RLS coll.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photograph
Dalmanites limuloides (Green) ( x l . 3 ) , same origin as preceding plate. This is an exceptional association of petfectly pteserved, complete individuals. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
Dalmanites verrucosus Hall (xl.9), Waldron Shale, Silurian, Waldron, Indiana. Complete specimens of this trilobite are a rare find at this locality.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
This individual was collected from a silty, waterlogged, unconsolidated layer separating thick slabs of hard shale. (RLS coll., id.)
Dalmanites platycaudatus Weller (x3.5). Cotype. Niagaran Limestone, Silurian, Lemont, Illinois. (Collected by L. H. Hyde, U C W M ; loaned by F M N H . ) Pygidium.
Silurian Families
Dalmanites illinoiensis Weller (x2.3). Corype. Niagaran Limestone, Silurian, Bonfield, Illinois. (Gurley coll. of U C W M ; loaned by FMNH.) Pygidium.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Aulacopleuridae Angelin, 1 8 5 4
AULACOPLEURA Hawle and Corda, 1847. Aulacopleura koninckii koninckii (Barrande) (x8.1). M. Silurian (Wenlock), Beroun near Prague, Bohemia. (RLS coll.; courtesy M C Z ; now at F M N H . )
Silurian Families
Another example of Aulacopeura koninckii koninckii (Barrande) (x6.3), as in plate 191. (RLS coll., courtesy M C Z , now at FMNH.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Family Phacopidae Hawle and Corda, 1847 Subfamily Phacopinae Hawle and Corda, 1847
E O P H A C O P S Delo, 1935. Eophacops handwerki Weller (x6.1). Cotype. Niagaran limestone, Silurian, Lemont, Illinois. (Gift of J. H. Handwerk to U C W M ; loaned by F M N H . ) Specimen coated with magnesium oxide. The granulose surface is due to incrustation of dolomite crystals.
Silurian Families
Devonian Families
Hawle and Corda, 1847
Phacopinae Hawle and Corda, 1847
<—L.Dev. (Reedops)M.Dev.
Bouleiinae Hupe, 1955 Phacopidellinae Delo, 1935 HOMALONOTIDAE
Dev. <—L.Dev.-U.Dev.
E. J. Chapman, 1 8 9 0
Homalonotinae E. J. Chapman, 1890 <— L.Dev.-M.Dev. (Dipleura) CHEIRURIDAE
Salter, 1864 Cheirurinae Salter, 1 8 6 4
<—L.Dev.-M.Dev. (Crotalocephalus)
Sphaerexochinae Opik, 1 9 3 7 CALYMENIDAE
Burmeister, 1 8 4 3
Calymeninae Burmeister, 1843 HARPIDAE
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
<—L.Dev.-M.Dev. <-L.Dev.
Lichinae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Ceratarginae Tripp, 1 9 5 7
Burmeister, 1843
Odontopleurinae Burmeister, 1843 Miraspidinae Richter and Richter, 1 9 1 7
<—L.Dev. (Leonaspis)— U.Dev. <—L.Dev. (Ceratonurus, Dicranurus)-M .Dev.
THYSANOPELTIDAE Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
<—L.Dev. (Thysanopeltis, Scabriscutellum, Scutellum, Paralejurus)— U.Dev.
Vogdes, 1 8 9 0 Dalmanitinae Vogdes,
Acastavinae Struve, 1 9 5 8 Asteropyginae Delo, 1935
<—L.Dev. (Odontochile, Huntonia)-M. Dev. (Odontocephalus) <—L.Dev.-M.Dev. L.Dev. (Psychopyge, Philonyx, Metacanthina, Neometacanthus)-M.Dev. (Greenops)-\J.Dev.
Delo, 1935 Calmoniinae Delo. 1935
Angelin, 1 8 5 4
<—L.Dev. ^L.Dev.-M.Dev.
Richter and Richter, 1 9 2 6
Otarioninae Richter and Richter, 1926 Cyphaspidinae Pribyl, 1 9 4 7 PROETIDAE
<— Dev.—» L.Dev.-M.Dev.
Salter, 1864 Proetinae Salter, 1 8 6 4
Cornuproetinae Richter and Richter, 1 9 5 6
<—L.Dev.-M.Dev. (Cornuproetus)-\J
Dechenellinae Pribyl, 1 9 4 6
Cyrtosymbolinae Hupe, 1 9 5 3
Proetidellinae Hupe, 1953
Tropidocoryphinae Pribyl, 1 9 4 6
BRACHYMETOPIDAE Prantl and Pribyl, 1950
Family Phacopidac Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7 Subfamily Phacopinae Hawle and Corda, 1847
REEDOPS Richter and Richter, 1925. Reedops deckeri Delo, 1935 (x3.5), Haragan Formation, L. Devonian, Coal County, Oklahoma. The tests of trilobites from this fotmation are made of translucent, light brown calcite. (Photographed by the authot, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
P H A C O P S Emmrich, 1839. Phacops rana crassituberculata Stumm (x2.9). Silica Shale, Hamilton group, Devonian (Cazenovian), Sylvania, Ohio. (RLS coll., id.; now at FMNH.) Side view (a) and top view (b) of a large adult
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. Of all North American trilobites, the Phacops of the Silica Shale are probably the most spectacular because of their lifelike preservation.
Devonian Families
Phacops rana crassituberculata Stumm (x3.6). Silica Shale, as in plate 195 (RLS coll., id.; now at FMNH). A perfect specimen, totally extended. The exoskeleton is replaced by dark green calcite, which contrasts against the soft gray shale matrix.
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
Phacops rana crassituberculata S t u m m (x4.5). Silica Shale, as for plate 195 (RLS coll., id.; now at F M N H ) . Partially enrolled specimen. T h e eye structure, clearly visible in this photograph, characterizes this subspecies of trilobite
(see section 3.3). It should be noted that a narrow margin and a marginal furrow border the anterior part of the cephalon. This "marginulation," in the terminology introduced by Struve (1982) is one of the distinguishing characteristics that
induced the latter authot to institute first as a new subgenus, later as a genus, the new taxon Geesops. If one were to accept this distinction, most of the Phacops shown here should be renamed Geesops.
Devonian Families
Phacops rana milleri Stewart (x4.8). Silica Shale, as for plate 195 (RLS coll., id.; now at FMNH). The same pair of trilobites phorographed by two different techniques. In (a) the print is obtained from a color slide; in (b) by standard technique.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Devonian Families
A superbly preserved group, possibly a mating assemblage, of Phacops rana from the Silica Shale of Sylvania, Ohio (x0.77). (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Phacops rana rana Green (x2.3). Moscow Shale, Devonian, Springbrook, Erie County, New York (loaned by F M N H ) . Print obtained from color
slide. In conttast to the ptevious assemblage of intact individuals, clearly a sudden mass burial of living trilobites, this assemblage contains partially
disarticulated carapaces. These could be either exuviae or the result of post-burial tewotking of the sediment, possibly by scavenging otganisms.
Many trilobites from Morocco appear as magnified versions of congeneric, contemporaneous individuals from other localities. This is the case with the giant Devonian Phacops (Drotops) megalomanicus (Struve), from AJnif, that has pervaded the trilobite market in astounding abundance. At least two, possibly more
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
species may be represented. T h e example shown in side view in this plate (x 1.4) shares most of its characters with the examples of Phacops shown in the preceding plates, except for its size. The tuberculation of the convex parts of the carapace is particularly prominent. The pairing of several pleurae and consequent
rotation of the corresponding axial rings gives the impression of strain, possibly of interrupted locomotion, suggesting that articulation of the segments may have been functional in more ways than just for enrollment. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., prepared by the author.)
Another well-prepared example of the giant Phacops (Drotops) megalomanicus (Struve) from Alnif, Morocco ( x l . 5 ) . T h e thick carapace is usually preserved as dark calcite, sometimes coated by a whitish patina. This specimen is lightly varnished. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
T h e second of the clearly distinct Devonian, Phacops-Yike species, possibly a new genus, from Alnif, Morocco, is shown in this photograph (x 2.6). T h e distinctive character here is the alignment of very prominent tubercula into rows, extending longitudinally along the pleural
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
field and axis, continuing into the pygidium. There are two symmetrically arranged rows along the axis, two along each pleural field. The pleural margins are otherwise smooth. This enrolled specimen has been whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll.)
Family Homalonotidae c" £
C l
l P a
m a n
Subfamily Homalonotinae y
, orvr,
E. J. Chapman, 1890
PLATE 2 0 4 T R I M E R U S (DIPLEURA) Green, 1832. , . .»»./»-. I rtmerus (Dipleura) dekayi (Green), £ . Ludlowville Formation, M . D e v o n i a n ,
Madison County, New York (x0.9). (Photographed by the author through courtesy of Dave Douglass.)
Family Harpidae Hawle and Corda, 1 8 4 7
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
HARPES Goldfuss, 1939. This trilobite (x 5.9) from the Devonian of the zone of Erfoud, Morocco, bears resemblance with Lioharpes venulosus (Hawle and
Corda). It may represent a new genus. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS id.; photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
Family Odontopleuridae Burmeister, 1 8 4 3 Subfamily Odontopleurinae Burmeister, 1843
LEONASPIS Richter and Richter, 1917. Leonaspis williamsi Whittington, Haragan Formation, L. Devonian, Coal County, Oklahoma (x6.2). The trilobites from this formation are particularly well
preserved in translucent calcite, which contrasts against a marly matrix. This lovely, perfect specimen was prepared with airabrasive technique by Robert Carroll. (RLS coll., id.)
Subfamily Miraspidinae Richter and Richter, 1 9 1 7
CERATONURU.S Prantl and Pribyl, 1949. Ceratonurus n. sp. Ormiston, 1968, Haragan Formation, L. Devonian, Coal County, Oklahoma (x4.1). The exposure and preservation of the long, freestanding genal spines and occipital ring spines are an outstanding feat of modern airabrasive techniques. The stalk of a bryozoan encroaches the anterior pleural spines on the righthand side. (RLS id.; photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
DICRANURUS Conrad, 1 8 4 1 . Dicranurus hamatus elegantus (Campbell), Haragan Formation, L. Devonian, Coal County, Oklahoma (x3.2). Another example of the extravagant spinosity of the Odontopleurids. (RLS id.; photographed by the author, through couttesy of David C. Rilling.)
Devonian Families
Dicranurus monstrosus (Barrande), Megrane Formation, Devonian, Pragian, Oulmes, Morocco (xl.7). A monstet indeed, as witnessed by the hottified
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
exclamation on the part of my wife, who opened the box containing this specimen, kindly loaned by David C. Rilling. The specimen was prepared by Flavio
Bacchia. This black trilobite, which could not be whitened, is better pottrayed in the negative print shown, obtained from a color slide.
Another example of Dicranurus monstrosus (Barrande), same origin as preceding plate (x2.9). This individual i< partially enrolled and is shown from a viewpoint that emphasizes the retorted occipital ring spines. T h e specimen was prepared by Flavio Bacchia. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
Family Thysanopeltidae Hawle and Corda, 1847
THYSANOPELTIS Hawle and Corda, 1847. Thysanopeltis speciosa Hawle and Corda, Hamar Laghdad Formation, Devonian, Hamar Laghdad, Morocco (x3.3). Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.)
S C U T E L L U M Pusch, 1833. This trilobite from Morocco bears resemblence with Scutellum pustulatum (Barrande). L. Devonian, H a m a r Laghdad Formation. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide (x6.8). (RLS id., photographed by the authot, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
SCABRISCUTELLUM (CAVETIA) Pillet, 1972. Scabriscutellum (Cavetia) furciferum hamlagdadianum Alberti, L. Devonian, Hamar Laghdad, Morocco (x6.3). Due to the arched posture of this trilobite, both the cranidium and the pygidium appear foreshortened (about 75 percent of actual length). Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
S C U T E L L U M (PARALEJURUS) Hawle and Corda, 1847. Scutellum (Paralejurus) dormitzeri (Barrande), Hamar Laghdad Formation, L. Devonian, Tafilalt, Morocco (x4.3). To be noted is the delicate sculpturing with terrace lines of the entite surface of the carapace. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (Photogtaphed by the authot, through couttesy of David C. Rilling.)
Devonian Families
Family Dalmanitidae Vogdes, 1 8 9 0 Subfamily Dalmanitinae Vogdes, 1890
O D O N T O C H I L E Hawle and Corda, 1847. Odontochile spimferum Barrande, Hamar Laghdad Formation, Devonian, Pragian, Alnif, Morocco (xl.3). This large trilobite is associated, at the lower right, with a specimen of Cheirurus (Crotalocephalina) gibbus (Beirich). Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS id., photographed by the author, through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
H U N T O N I A Campbell, 1977. Huntonia (Huntonia) lingulifer (Ulrich and Delo), Haragan Formation, L. Devonian, Coal C o u n t y , Oklahoma (x2.5). (Negative loaned through courtesy of Leon Theisen, who prepared the specimen.)
Huntonia (Huntonia) huntonensis (Ulrich and Delo), Haragan Formation, L. Devonian, Coal County, Oklahoma (xl.5). This species of Huntonia is distinguished from H. (H.) lingulifer (see preceding plate) primarily by the larger width of the anterior cranidial process, longer genal spines, and shorter pygidial spine. The outline of the pygidium is more rounded, less triangular posteriorly. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of Robert Carroll, who prepared the specimen.)
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
ODONTOCEPHALUS Conrad, 1840. Odontocephalus aegeria Hall, Onondaga Limestone, M. Devonian, Perry C o u n t y , New York (x2.6). T h e anterior tesselation is damaged. Note the doughnut-shaped intralensar bowls near the margin of the right eye. (Photographed by the author, through courtesy of Pio Pezzi.)
Subfamily Asteropyginae
PSYCHOPYGE Termier and Termier, 1950. Two views of Psychopyge elegans Termier and Termier, Hamar Laghdad Formation, L. Devonian, Alnif, Morocco ( x l . 4 ) . In recent years, our knowledge of the morphology of poorly known trilobites, many from Morocco, has been enriched by the painstaking preparation efforts of a few devoted specialists. This has been the case for this beautiful trilobite. A formal description of a complete Psychopyge is still not available from the literature. T h e anterior daggershaped cranidial process is 1.5 times the length of the glabella on axis, broadens posteriorly to match the maximal glabellar width, and seems articulated. The anterior margin is strongly contracted at the base of the anterior process. The genal spines are robust, long and diverging. The thorax has twelve segments, with pleurae terminating in long spines. The pygidium has seventeen axial rings and a terminus that fades into a short pygidial spine. There are five pairs of pygidial ribs, terminating in long spines, separated by broad furrows. Narrow interpleural furrows separate ribs from contiguous furrows. Note the minute spines on the axis and margins of the pleural fields. (RLS id., photographed by the authot through couttesy of Robert Carroll, who prepared the specimen.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Devonian Families
3 1 1
PHILONYX Richter and Richter, 1952. T w o views of Philonyx philonyx Richter and Richter, Hamar Laghdad Formation, L. Devonian, Alnif, Morocco ( x l . 9 ) . These plates offer another glimpse at the extravagant and delicate trilobite structures that have been uncovered recently by the expert use of airabrasive techniques. For Pbilonix also, a formal description of the complete morphology is still lacking. As seen in this example, the anterior border of the cranidium projects forward in an upturned, four-pronged, forklike process about half of the length of the glabella. The anterior part of the glabella is adorned by three pairs of prominent tuberculi, the occipital ring carries a medial long, elevated, flattened spine which arches backward and reaches the sixth to the seventh thoracic segment. T h e prominent schizochroal eyes support a long slender spine arching backward from the palpebral lobe margin. [he genal spines arch out and project backward, reaching the eighth segment; a pair of metagenal spines is present. T h e thorax has twelve segments. Three sets of long slender spines jut out vertically, arching backward, one set from the center of each axial ring, the other rwo from the pleural margins. T h e hook-shaped pleural spines progressively increase in length. The pygidium has nine axial rings armed with spines and a terminus merging into a short axial spine, five pairs of pleural ribs separated by deep, broad furrows. T h e ribs merge into five pairs of broadly arched, long spines, distinctly more robust than the thoracic pleural spines. Somewhat unfortunately, it has not been possible to whiten these highly valued specimens for a more thorough study. (RLS id.; photographed by the author, through courtesy of Robert Carroll, who prepared the specimen.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Devonian Families
GREEN OPS (NEOMETACANTHUS) Richter and Richter, 1948. Greenops (Neometacanthus) stellifer (Burmeister), Hamar Laghdad Formation, L . - M . Devonian, southeast of Erfoud, Morocco (x5.8). Specimen prepared by Flavio Bacchia, whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
M E T A C A N T H I N A Pillet, 1954. Metacantbina barrandei (Oehlert), Devonian, Alnif, Morocco (x4.1). Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.)
Devonian Families
GREENOPS Delo, 1935. Greenops (Greenops) boothi (Green), Windom Formation, Devonian, Windom, New York. (Loaned by Orton Museum, Ohio State University, through courtesy of Stig N. Bergstrom.) In (a) (x3.6) the specimen is coated with magnesium oxide. Note how surface details are emphasized. Part (b) (x4.4) shows the uncoated specimen. There is dramatic color contrast, but most of the surface structure is not visible. The eyes in this specimen have been lost.
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
Devonian Families
Greenops (Greenops) boothi (Green), Moscow Formation, M. Devonian, Alden, New York (x5.6). A delightful association of two complete individuals. (RI.S coll., id.)
Atlas of Trilobite Photogtaphs
TREVEROPYGE Struve, 1958. Treveropyge sp. Devonian, Alnif, Morocco (x3.6). Note the prominent schizochroal eyes of this dalmanitid ttilobite. (Loaned through courtesy of David C. Rilling.)
Devonian Families
Family Calmoniidae Delo, 1 9 3 5 Subfamily Calmoniinae Delo, 1935
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
M E T A C R Y P H A E U S Reed, 1907. Metacryphaeus venustus Wolfart, L. Devonian, Patacamaya, Bolivia (x5). (a) Side view, showing the schizochroal eye, lenses not preserved; (b) top view. The prominent surface tuberculation is remarkably well portrayed. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.)
Devonian Families
Family Proetidae Salter, 1864 Subfamily Cornuproetinae Richter and Richter, 1956
Atlas o f Trilobite Photographs
C O R N U P R O E T U S Richter and Richter, 1919. Cornuproetus sculptus (Barrande) (x22). Devonian, Bohemia. (Negative loaned by E. N. K. Clarkson, Grant Institute of Geology, Edinburgh,
Scotland.) Note the fasciculated surface origin of the trivial name of this trilobite. T h e well-developed eyes are considered of the holochroal type.
Mississippian Families
Richter and Richter, 1926
Otarioninae Richter and Richter, 1926 PROETIDAE
Salter, 1864 Cyrtosymbolinae Hupe, 1953
Oehlert, 1 8 8 6
<-Miss.-> Miss. (Phillipsia, Griffithides, Bollandia) —>
Family Phillipsidae Oehlert, 1 8 8 6
PHILLIPSIA Portlock, 1843. Phillipsia sampsoni Vogdes, 1888 (x6.4). Chouteau Limestone, Mississippian, Earley, Boone County, Missouri. (Loaned by FMNH.) Unusual in this trilobite is the pustulose surface of the carapace. In the region of the posterior pleural border in the vicinity of the axial furrows, the pustules degenerate into shott spines. Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide.
Atlas of Trilobite Photograph
GRIFFITHIDES Portlock, 1843.
Griffithides bufo (Meek and Worthen), Mississippian, Crawfordsville, Indiana (x4.6) (Loaned by FMNH.) Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide.
BOLLANDIA Reed, 1942. Bollandia globiceps (Phillips), Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian), Tournai, Belgium (x8.7). Specimen whitened with magnesium oxide. (RLS coll., id.).
Mississippian Families
Pennsylvania!! Families
Richter and Richter, 1 9 2 6
Otarioninae Richter and Richter, 1 9 2 6
Oehlert, 1 8 8 6
Oehlert, 1 8 8 6
4 . 7 Permian Families PHIILLIPSIIDAE
Atlas of Trilobite Photographs
A. Technical literature specifically referred to in the text Angelin, N. P. 1851-78. Palaeontologica Scandinavica. Crustacea formationis transitionis, I and II. Holmiae, Stockholm: 1 8 5 1 , 1 8 5 4 - 1 8 7 8 . Rev. ed. edited by G. Lindstrom. Beddard, F. E. 1884. Report on the Isopoda collected by H. M. S. 'Challenger' during the years 1 8 7 3 - 7 6 . Part I. The Genus Serolis. 'Challenger' Reports, Zool. 11:1-85. Beecher, C. E. 1897. Outline of a natural classification of the trilobites. Am. J. Sci. ser. 4, vol. 3, no. 1 3 : 8 9 - 1 0 6 , 1 8 1 - 2 0 7 , pi. 3. Bergstrom, J. 1973a. Organization, life and systematics of trilobites. Fossils and Strata, no. 2. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Oslo. . 1973b. Classification of olenellid trilobites and some Balto-scandian species. Norsk Geol. Tidsskr. 5 3 : 2 8 3 - 3 1 4 . . 1989. The origin of animal phyla and the new phylum Procoelomata. Lethaia 22: 2 5 9 - 6 9 . Bergstrom, J . , and R. Levi-Setti. 1978. Phenotypic variation in the Middle Cambrian trilobite Paradoxides davidis Salter at Manuels, SE Newfoundland. Geologica et Palaeontologica (Marburg) 12:1-40. Bragger, W. C. 1878. Om Paradoxidesskifrene ved Krekling. Nytt. Mag. Naturvid. 2 4 : 1 8 - 8 8 . Oslo. Burtt, E. T., and W. T. Catton. 1966. The role of diffraction in compound eye vision. In The functional organization of the compound eye, edited by C. G. Bernhard, pp. 6 3 - 7 6 . Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Chen, J-Y., J. Bergstrom, M. Lindstrom, and X. Hou. 1 9 9 1 . Fossilized softbodied fauna. National Geographic Research & Exploration 7 ( 1 ) : 8 - 1 9 . Cisne, J. L. 1973. The anatomy of Triarthrus eatoni and its bearing upon the phylogeny of the Trilobita and Arthropoda. Ph.D. diss. University of Chicago. See also: Anatomy of Triarthrus and the relationships of the Trilobita. Fossils and Strata, no. 4 (1975):45—63. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Oslo. See also: Triarthrus eatoni (Trilobita): Anatomy of its exoskeletal, skeletomuscular, and digestive systems. Palaeontographica Americana 9, no. 53 (1981). Clarkson, E. N. K. 1966. Schizochrol eyes and vision in some phacopid trilobites.
. 1968. Structure of the eye of Crozonaspis struvei. Lethaea 4 9 : 3 8 3 - 9 3 .
. 1969. On the schizochroal eyes of three species of Reedops (Trilobita: Phacopidae) from the Lower Devonian of Bohemia. Royal Society of Edinburgh Transactions 6 8 : 1 8 3 - 2 0 5 . . 1 9 7 1 . On the early schizochroal eyes of Ormathops. (Trilobita, Zeliskellinae). Mem. Bur. Rech. Geol. Mineral. Paris 7 3 : 5 1 - 6 3 . . 1973a. The eyes of Asaphus raniceps Dalman (Trilobita). Palaeontology 16:425^4. . 1973b. Morphology and evolution of the eye of Upper Cambrian Olenidae (Trilobita). Palaeontology 1 6 : 7 3 5 - 6 3 . . 1975. The evolution of the eye in trilobites. Fossils and Strata, no. 4:7—31. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Oslo. Clarkson, E. N. K., and R. Levi-Setti. 1 9 7 5 . Trilobite eyes and the optics of Descartes and Huygens. Nature 254: 6 6 3 - 6 7 . Dalman, J. W. 1827. Om Palaeaderna eller de sa Kallade Trilobiterna. K. Sven. Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 1 : 2 2 6 - 9 4 . D'Arcy-Thompson, W. 1942. On growth and form. Cambridge University Press.
Descartes, R. 1637. La geometric Originally published in 1637. Reproduced in Oeuvres de Descartes, vol. 6, edited by C. Adam and P. Tannery. Paris: Librairie Philosophique, J. Vrin. Easton, W.
Invertebrate paleontology. New York: Harper and Bros.
Eights, J. 1833. Description of a new Crustaceous animal found on the shores of the South Shetland Islands. Transactions Albany Institute 2: 53-57. 328
Eldredge, N. 1972. Systematica and evolution of Phacops rana (Green, 1832) and Phacops iowensis Delo, 1935 (Trilobita) from the Middle Devonian of North America. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1 4 7 : 4 9 - 1 1 3 . Eldredge, N., and S. J. Gould. 1972. Punctuated equilibria; an alternative to phyletic gradualism. In Models in Paleobiology, edited by T. J. M. Schopf, pp. 8 2 - 1 1 5 . San Francisco: Freeman, Cooper & Co. Emmrich, H. F. 1839. Ueber die Trilobiten. Neues Jahrb. MineraL (Stuttgart) 1 8 4 5 : 1 8 - 5 2 . Exner, S. 1891.Die Physiobgie der facettierten Augen von Insekten. Leipzig and Vienna: Verlag Fr. Deuticke.
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Technical literature specifically referred to
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Hutchinson, R. D. 1962. The stratigraphy and trilobite faunas of southeastern Newfoundland. Geol. Survey Canada, Bull. 88: 1—156. Huygens, C. 1690. Traite de la Lumiere. Originally published in French, Leiden: Pierre van der Aa. English translation by S. P. Thompson, 1 9 1 2 . Reprinted 1962, New York: Dover Publications. Jaekel, O. 1909. Ueber die Agnostiden. Z. Dtsch. Geol. Ges. (Berlin) 6 1 : 380-401. Jell, P. A. 1 9 7 5 . The abatochroal eye of Pagetia, a new type of trilobite eye. Fossils and Strata, no. 4: 33-43. Kummel, B. 1970. History of the earth: An introduction 2d ed. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co.
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Kummel, B., and D. Raup, eds. 1965. Handbook of paleontological techniques. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co. Lake, P. 1935. A monograph of the British Cambrian trilobites. Paleontogr. Soc. Monogr. (London) 9: 197-224. Land, M. F. 1965. Image formation by a concave reflector in the eye of the scallop, Pecten maximus. J. Physiol. (London) 179:138—153. Levi-Setti, R. 1975. Chicago Press.
Trilobites—A photographic atlas.
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Levi-Setti, R. D. Park, and R. Winston. 1973. The corneal cones of Limulus as optimized light and concentrators. Nature 253: 115—16. Lindstrom, G. 1 9 0 1 . Researches on the visual organs of the trilobites. K. Sven. Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 34:1-89. Linnaeus, C. 1753. In C. G. Tessin, Museum Tessinianum, p. 98, table 3, fig. 1. Holmiae, Stockholm, 1753. Milne-Edwards,
Histoire naturelle des crustaces.
Moore, R. C, ed. 1959. Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part O. Lawrence, KS: Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press. This is the basic and most comprehensive reference on trilobites. Miiller, J. 1826. Zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Gesichtsinnes. Leipzig: Cnobloch. Miiller, K. J . , and D. Walossek. 1987. Morphology, ontogeny, and life habits of Agnostus pisiformis from the Upper Cambrian of Sweden. Fossils and Strata, no. 1 9 : 1 - 5 6 . Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Oslo. Nathorst, A. G. 1907. In Carl von Linnes betydelse Sasom Naturforskare och Lakare. Skildringar Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckei-A-B. Plate 2.
Opik, A. A. 1 9 6 1 . Alimentary caeca of agnostids and other trilobites. Palaeontology 3:410-38. Rasetti, F. 1947. Notes on techniques in invertebrate paleontology. /. Paleontology 21:397-98. Rasetti, F. 1972. Cambrian Trilobites of Sardinia. Atti Accademia Nazionale del Lincei. Memorie. Classe Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, series 8, V o l . 1 1 : 1 - 1 0 0 . Raymond, P. E. 1939. Prehistoric life. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Richter, R. 1933. Crustacea (Palaontologie). In Handworterbuch der Naturwissenschafien. 2d ed., vol. 2, no. 840—64. Roy, S. K. 1933. A new Devonian trilobite from southern Illinois. Fieldiana: Geology 6 : 6 7 - 8 2 . Schwind, R. 1980. Geometrical optics of the Notonecta eye: Adaptations to optical environment and way of life. /. Comp. Physiol. A 140: 5 9 - 6 8 . Scotese, C. R., and W. S. McKerrow. 1990. Revised world maps and an introduction. In Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography, edited by W. S. McKerrow, and C. R. Scotese, The Geol. Soc. Memoir, no. 12, pp. 1 - 2 1 . Sepkoski, J. J. Jr. 1990. The taxonomic structure of periodic extinction. In Global catastrophes in Earth history, An interdisciplinary conference on impacts, volcanism, and mass mortality, edited by V. L. Sharpton and P. D. Ward, Geol. Soc. Am. Special Paper 2 4 7 : 3 3 - 4 4 . Sheppard, E. M. 1933. Isopod Crustacea, Part I. The Family Serolidae. Discovery Reports 7: 2 5 3 - 3 6 2 . Shrock, R. R., and W. H. Twenhofel. 1953. paleontology. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Principles of invertebrate
Snodgrass, R. E. 1952. A textbook of arthropod anatomy. Publishing Assoc.
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Technical literature specifically referred to
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Sturmer, W., and J. Bergstrom. 1973. New discoveries on trilobites by Xrays. Paldont. Z. 4 7 : 1 0 4 - 4 1 . Towe, K. M. 1973. Trilobite eyes: Calcified lenses in vivo. Science 179:1,007-9. Walcott, C. D. 1884. On the Cambrian faunas of North America, preliminary studies. U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 10. Westergard, A. H., 1936. Paradoxides oelandicus beds of Oland. Geol. Undersokning (Arsbok) 30, no. 1.
. 1939. On Swedish Cambrian Asaphidae. Sveriges Geol. (Arsbok) 33, no. 1.
. 1952. Non-Agnostidean trilobites of the Middle Cambrian of Sweden. Sveriges Geol. Undersokning (Arsbok) 46, no.2. Whittington, H. B. 1 9 8 5 . The Burgess Shale. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Xianguang, H., L. Ramskold, and J. Bergstrom. 1 9 9 1 . Composition and preservation of the Chengjiang fauna—a Lower Cambrian soft-bodied biota. Zoohgica Scripta 2 0 : 3 9 5 ^ 1 1 . Zhang, X-G., and E. N. K. Clarkson. 1990. The eyes of lower Cambrian Eodiscid trilobites. Palaeontology, 3 3 : 9 1 1 - 9 3 2 .
B. Relevant books on invertebrate paleontology, zoology, and evolution that have been sources of much of the information incorporated in this atlas Bernhard, C. C, ed. 1966. The junctional organization of the compound eye. Proc. Int. Symp., Stockholm, Oct. 1965. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Clarkson, E. N. K. 1986. London: Allen & Unwin.
Invertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution.
Dobzhansky, T. 1937. Genetics and the origin of species. New York: Columbia University Press. Easton, W.
2d ed. 1982.
Invertebrate paleontology. New York: Harper and Bros.
Gould, S. J. 1989. Wonderful life—The Burgess shale and the nature of history. New York: W. W. Norton & Co. An exciting account of the revolutionary findings of the Burgess fauna and its implications on our views concerning the diversity of life forms.
Hupe, P. 1953. Classe des trilobites. In vol. 3 of Traite de paleontologie, edited by J. Piveteau. Paris: Masson et Co. Kummel, B. 1970. History of the earth: An introduction 2d ed. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co.
historical geology.
McMenamin, M. A. S., and D. L. S. McMenamin. 1989. The emergence of animals—The Cambrian breakthrough. New York: Columbia University Press. Another exciting look at the drama of the Cambrian explosion. Mayr, E. 1942. Systematics and the origin of species. York: Columbia University Press. Rockstein, M.
The physiology of insecta. New York: Academic Press.
Schrock, R. R., and W. H. Twenhofel. 1953. paleontology. New York: McGraw Hill, Inc. Snajdr, M.
Principles of invertebrate
1990. Bohemian trilobites. Prague: The Geological Survey.
Waterman, T. H. 1 9 6 1 . Press.
The physiology of Crustacea. New York: Academic
C. Other sourcebooks on fossils, fossil collecting, and trilobites Boardman, R. S., A. H. Cheetham, and A. J. Rowell, eds. 1987. Fossil invertebrates. Palo Alto, CA: Blackwell Scientific Publications. A broad coverage of the fossil record of invertebrates, with a nicely illustrated chapter on the Arthropoda by R. A. Robison and R. L. Kaesler. Eldredge, N. 1 9 9 1 . Fossils—The evolution and extinction of species. New York: H. N. Abrams, Inc. An up-to-date view of the fossil record and its interpretation, in large, elegant format. Gunther, L. F., and V. G. Gunther. 1 9 8 1 . Some Middle Cambrian fossils of Utah. Brigham Young University Geology Studies, vol. 28, part 1. A nicely illustrated guide to Utah's trilobite collecting and fauna. MacFall, R. P., and J. Wollin. 1972. Fossils for amateurs. New York: Van Nostrand. Broad coverage of fossil collecting and preparation. (Several photographs originate from R. Levi-Setti, apparently without knowledge on the part of the authors, and the fossils represented are unfortunately misidentified.) Miiller, A. H. 1962. Aus Jahrmillionen: Tiere der Vorzeit. Jena: G. Fisher Verlag. A beautiful collection of large-format photographs of invertebrate and vertebrate fossils, in black and white.
Other sourcebooks on fossils, fossil collecting, and trilobites
Murray, J. W., ed. 1985. Atlas of invertebrate macrofossils. New York: John Wiley & Sons. An extensive collection of small but good quality black and white photographs, with good coverage of trilobites. Pinna, G. 1972. The dawn of life. New York: World Publishing. Invertebrate fossils in captivating color photographs. Ransom, J. E. 1964. Fossils in America. New York: Harper and Row. A useful introduction and field guide to fossil collecting. Shrimer, H. W. and R. R. Shrock, 1944. Index fossils of North America. New York: John Wiley & Sons. A classic source book containing photographs of many type specimens of trilobites.
D. Technical literature consulted in the preparation of this work These are topical publications, in addition to a much larger body of references listed in Moore (1959), that have been perused. Alberti, G. K. B. 1969. Trilobiten des jiingeren Siluriums sowie des Unterund Mitteldevons. I. Abh. Senckenberg. Naturforsch. Ges. 5 2 0 : 1 - 6 9 2 . Frankfurt am Main. . 1970. Trilobiten des jiingeren Siluriums sowie des Unter-und Mitteldevons. II. Abh. Senckenberg. Naturforsch. Ges. 5 2 5 : 1 - 2 3 3 . Frankfurt am Main. . 1 9 8 1 . Trilobiten des jiingeren Siluriums sowie des Unter-und Mitteldevons. III. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 6 2 : 1 - 7 5 . . 1983. Trilobiten des jiingeren Siluriums sowie des Unter-und Mitteldevons. IV. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 6 4 : 1 - 8 7 . Barrande, J. 1852. Systeme silurien du centre de la Bohe'me. Recherches Paleontologiques. Vol. 1, Praha-Paris, 1852. . 1872. Systeme silurien du centre de la Boheme. Suppl. Praha-Paris, 1872.
T' Partie: 1
au vol.
Bright, R. C. 1959. A paleoecologic and biometric study of the Middle Cambrian trilobite Elrathia kingii (Meek). /. Paleontology 3 3 : 8 3 - 9 8 . Campbell, K. S. W. 1977. Trilobites of the Haragan, Bois D'Arc and Frisco Formations (Early Devonian) Arbuckle Mountains Region, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geol. Surv., Bull. 123. The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
Hall, J. 1879. The fauna of the Niagara group, in Central Indiana. 28th Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, pp. 99-210. Kennedy, R. J. 1989. Ordovician (Llanvirn) trilobites from SW Wales. Mon. Palaeontographical Soc, London. 55 pp. Ludvigsen, R. 1979. Fossils of Ontario. Part P. The trilobites. Life Sciences Miscellaneous Publications, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. Merriam, C. W., and A. R. Palmer. 1964. Cambrian rocks of the Pioche mining district, Nevada. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 469. Washington, D. G: U. S. Gov. Printing Office. Rasetti, F. 1 9 5 1 . Middle Cambrian stratigraphy and faunas of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 1 1 6 , no. 5, pp. 1 - 2 7 7 . Resser, C. E. 1928. Cambrian fossils from the Mohave Desert. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 8 1 , no. 2, pp. 1 - 1 5 . . 1939. The Spence shale and its fauna. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 97, no. 12, pp. 1 - 2 9 . Robison, R. A. 1964. Late Middle Cambrian faunas from western Utah. /. Paleontology 38:510-66. . 1 9 7 1 . Additional Middle Cambrian trilobites from the Wheeler shale of Utah. /. Paleontology 4 5 : 7 9 4 - 8 0 4 . Sdzuy, K., 1 9 6 1 . Das Kambrium Spaniens. Teil II: Trilobiten. Akad. Wiss. Lit., Abh. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl, 7, 8: 2 1 7 ^ 0 8 . . 1967. Trilobites del Cambrico Medio de Asturias. Trabajos de Geologia. no. 1, Fac. de Ciencias, Universidad de Oviedo, pp. 7 7 - 1 3 3 . Snajdr, M. 1958. The trilobites of the Middle Cambrian of Bohemia. Rozpr. Ustfed. Ustavu Geol 24: 1 - 2 8 0 . Prague. Stumm, E. C, and E. G. Kauffman. 1958. Calymenid trilobites from the Ordovician rocks of Michigan. /. Paleontology 32: 9 4 3 - 6 0 . Weller, S. 1907. The paleontology of the Niagaran Limestone in the Chicago area: The Trilobita. Chicago Acad. Sci. Bull. TV, part II of Natural History Survey, 20 May 1907.
Technical literature consulted in the preparation of this work
Genus, species, subspecies Acadoparadoxides Acernaspis
Agnostus pisiformis
Agraulos socialis
Alokistocare harrisi
Andalusiana sp. Anopolenus henrici Arctinurus occidentalis Asaphiscus wheeleri
87 27
Ampyxina bellatula
98 146 62 95 4 5 , 179, 180 104, 105
Asaphus expansus
Asaphus raniceps
2 1 , 22, 23
konickii konickii Badulesia tenera Bailiella
Baltagnostus eurypyx Bathyuriscus
Plate No.
(Eskaspis) sufferta
Alokistocare piochensis
181, 191, 192 111 71 119 77, 78, 79
Bolaspidella housensis
Bollandia globiceps
Bristolia insolens Bumastus ioxus Calymene breviceps Calymene celebra Calymene niagarensis Ceratonurus n. sp. Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Chasmops extensa Cheirurus
Cheirurus hydei Cnemidopyge bisecta Conocoryphe sulzeri
170, 171 163 165, 166, 167, 168 164 207 149, 150 152 215 176, 177 145 69, 70 227
Cryptolithus tesselatus
143, 154
howelli tumida
186, 187
Dalmanites pratteni Dalmanites
Dalmanitina socialis
189 37, 38 6, 188 154, 155
Dikelokephalina sp. Dolerolenus zoppii
Index to Genera Illustrated in Atlas
Comuproetus sculptus
Dalmanites platycaudatus
60, 61
209, 2 1 0 141 66, 67
Eccaparadoxides pinus
Eccaparadoxides pusillus
Ectillaenus perovalis Elrathia kingii Ellipsocephalus hoffi Encrinurus egani Encrinurus
Entomolithus paradoxus
68 172, 173 174 47 A10
Eophacops handwerki
Eophacops trapeziceps
Glyptagnostus sp. Greenops
boothi stellifer
157 51, 1 6 1 , 162 124 223, 2 2 4 221
Griffithides bufo
Harpes venulosus
Homagnostus obesus Homotelus
2, 46, 100, 101, 102
Flexicalymene meeki
Eobronteus laticauda
Eremiproetus senex
(Huntonia) (Huntonia)
80 115
133, 134
Hydrocephalus hicksi
Isotelus gigas
Isotelus maximus
Index to Genera Illustrated in Atlas
Leonaspis williamsi
Metacanthina Metacryphaeus
Miraspis mira Modocia
Niobella aurora
Odontocephalus aegeria
1 8 1 , 182
Ogyginus corndensis
Ogygiocaris sarsi
Ogygopsis klotzi
Olenellus clarki
55, 56, 57, 58, 61
Otenellus fremonti Oknellus
52, 53, 54, 61
59, 61
Olenoides serratus
14, 75
Olenoides superbus
Odontopleura ovata
Olenus gibbosus
Onnia superba
Paradoxides davidis davidis
86, A2, A3, A6
A l , A4, A 5 , A9
Paradoxides gracilis Paradoxides paradoxissimus
Index to Genera Illustrated in Atlas
Modocia typicalis
Odontochile spiniferum
183, 184, 185
1, 84, 85 82, 83, A 1 0
Peronopsis interstricta Phacops sp. Phacops latifrons Phacops
megalomanicus Phacops rana
Phacops rana milleri
120, 121 33, 4 1 , 203 29 2 0 1 , 202 48, 199 30, 3 1 , 195, 196, 197 4, 5, 32, 198
Phacops rana rana
Phillipsia sampsoni
Phillipsinella parabola Philonyx philonyx Piochapsis sellata Plesiomegalaspis planilimbata Pliomera
158 220(a), (b) 99 130
Pricyclopyge binodosa Proems convexus
147 19, 20 156
3, 135, 136
Psychopyge elegans Pterygometopus Ptychagnostus
brongniarti richmondensis
Ptychoparia striata Redlichia forresti Reedops deckeri Reedops sternbergi 5rfo hirsuta Scutellum
219(a), (b) 24, 25 116, 117 118 103 65 194 40 108 214
Index to Genera Illustrated in Atlas
Scutellum pustulatum Scabriscutellum
Selenopeltis buchii
Thysanopeltis speciosa Tomagnostus perrugatus Treveropyge sp. Tretaspis seticornis Triarthrus eatoni Trimerus Trimerus
16 211 122, 123 225 142 8, 9, 10, 11, 125, 126, 127, 128
(Dipleura) dekayi
Wanneria sp.
Xystridura saintsmithi
73, 74
Zeliskella lapeyrei
Index to Genera Illustrated in Atlas
Sphaerophthalmus alatus
Science "Now at last we have a book that reveals in exquisite detail and admirable depth the nature of the most fascinating of ancient life: the trilobites. . . . This extraordinary group of primitive arthropods deserves wider appreciation, and I can think of no better way to find out more about them than to purchase a copy of this book, open it up, and just drink in page after page of pure trilobites." —Natural History ' "
ong before dinosaurs roamed the earth, there were trilobites, among the most striking animals to populate prehistoric seas. Their fossils are favorites among collectors today. /From the giant trilobites of Newfoundland to fascinating new specimens from Morocco, Levi-Setti's magnificent book brings these "butterflies of the sea" to life for everyone curious about our remote past. This second edition features coverage of a greater variety of trilobites, an improved photographic atlas reorganized to present their evolutionary progression, and over two hundred superb photographs. "Irresistible. [Levi-Setti] has given his collecting self a most precious gift. . . . A reader shares that gift, a n d m a n y a n o t h e r , l i k e the t r a n s i e n t m a t c h b e t w e e n the g i a n t t r i l o b i t e s o f Newfoundland and those of the Anti-Atlas Mountain overseas, a pulse of evolutionary change while continents recede." —Philip Morrison, Scientific American "The collective force of these photographs just can't be put into words." —David Quammen, Outside Riccardo Levi-Setti is professor of physics and director of the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of C h i c a g o a n d a r e s e a r c h associate at the Field M u s e u m of N a t u r a l History. Although he is trained as a physicist, trilobites have been his passion for more than twenty-five years. Front cover photograph: Paradoxides davidis davidis Salter is found in Middle Cambrian sediments on the opposite coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, in Wales and Eastern Newfoundland. Levi-Setti.jfound this adult individual, fifteen inches long with a coating of bright yellow limonite, on the shore of Conception Bay in Newfoundland.
The University of Chicago Press ISBN*D-BSb- l7 4S5-h L