of Fuzzy Differentia quations and nclusions
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Series in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (SIMAA) is edited by Ravi P. Aganva Institute of Technology, USA and Donal O'Regan, National University of Ireland, Galway, The series is aimed at reporting on new developments in mathematical ana applications of a high standard and of current interest. Each volume in the series is dev topic in analysis that has been applied, or is potentially applicable, to the solutions of engineering and social problems. Volume 1
Method of Variation of Parameters for Dynamic Systems V. Lakshmikantham and S.G. Deo Volume 2
lntegral and Integrodifferential Equations: Theory, Methods and Applications edited by Ravi P. Aganval and Donal O'Regan Volume 3
Theorems of Leray-Schauder Type and Applications Donal O'Regan and Radu Precup Volume 4
Set Valued Mappings with Applications in Nonlinear Analysis edited by Ravi P. Aganval and Donal O'Regan Volume 5
Oscillation Theory for Second Order Dynamic Equations Ravi P. Aganval, Said R. Grace and Donal O'Regan Volume 6
Theory of Fuzzy Differential Equations and Inclusions V. Lakshmikantham and R.N. Mohapctra Volume 7
Monotone Flows and Rapid Convergence for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations I/. Lakshmikantham and S. Koksal
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© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
y Differentia quations and Inclusions
V. Lakshmikant and
Taylor &Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
First published 2003 by Taylor & Francis 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Taylor & Francis Inc, 29 West 35" Street, New York, NY 10001
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O 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
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ISBN 0-415-30073-8 © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Conten vii
1 Fuzzy Sets 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . 1.2 Fuzzy Sets . . . . . . . . . 1.3 The Hausdorff Metric . . 1.4 Support Functions . . . . 1.5 The Space En . . . . . . . 1.6 The Metric Space (En,d) 1.7 Notes and Comments . . .
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2 Calculus of Fuzzy Functions 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . 2.2 Convergence of Fuzzy Sets 2.3 Measurability . . . . . . . 2.4 Integrability . . . . . . . . 2.5 Differentiability . . . . . . 2.6 Notes and Comments . . .
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3 Fundamental Theory 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Initial Value Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Comparison Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Convergence of Successive Approximations . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Continuous Dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Global Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Approximate Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 Stability Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
CON 3.10 Notes and Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lyapunov-like Functions 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Lyapunov-like Functions . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Stability Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Nonuniform Stability Criteria . . . . . . . . 4.5 Criteria for Boundedness . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Fuzzy Differential Systems . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 The Method of Vector Lyapunov Functions 4.8 Linear Variation of Parameters Formula . . 4.9 Notes and Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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5 Miscellaneous Topics 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Fuzzy Difference Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Impulsive Fuzzy Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Fuzzy Differential Equations with Delay . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Hybrid h z z y Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Fixed Points of Fuzzy Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Boundary Value Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 Fuzzy Equations of Volterra Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 A New Concept of Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Notes and Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Fuzzy Differential Inclusions 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Formulation of Fuzzy Differential Inclusions . . . . . . . . 6.3 Differential Inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Fuzzy Differential Inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 The Variation of Constants Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Fuzzy Volterra Integral Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7 Notes and Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bibliography Index © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Preface In the mathematical modeling of real world phenomena, we encounter two inconveniences. The first is caused by the excessive complexity of the model. As the complexity of the system being modeled increases, our ability t o make precise and yet relevant statements about its behavior diminishes until a threshold is reached beyond which precision and significance become almost mutually exclusive characteristics. As a result, we are either not able t o formulate the mathematical model or the model is too complicated to be useful in practice. The second inconvenience relates t o the indeterminacy caused by our inability to differentiate events in a real situation exactly, and therefore to define instrumental notions in precise form. This indeterminacy is not an obstacle, when we use natural language, because its main property is the vagueness of its semantics and therefore capable of working with vague notions. Classical mathematics, on the other hand, cannot cope with such vague notions. It is therefore necessary to have some mathematical apparatus t o describe vague and uncertain notions and thereby help t o overcome the foregoing obstacles in the mathematical modeling of imprecise real world systems. The rise and development of new fields such as general system theory, robotics, artificial intelligence and language theory, force us t o be engaged in specifying imprecise notions. In 1965, Zadeh initiated the development of the modified set theory known as fuzzy set theory, which is a tool that makes possible the description of vague notions and manipulations with them. The basic idea of fuzzy set theory is simple and natural. A fuzzy set is a function from a set into a lattice or as a special case, into the interval [O, 11. Using it, one can model the meaning of vague notions and also certain kinds of human reasoning. Fuzzy set theory and its applications have been extensively developed since the 1970s and industrial interest in fuzzy control has dramatically increased since 1990. There are several books dealing with these aspects. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
When a real world problem is transformed into a deterministic value problem of ordinary differential equations, namely
or a system of differential equations, we cannot usually be sure th model is perfect. For example, the initial value may not be known and the function f may contain uncertain parameters. If they are est through certain measurements, they are necessarily subject to error analysis of the effect of these errors leads to the study of the qua behavior of the solutions of (*j. If the nature of errors is random we can discuss, instead of (*), random differential equations with r initial data. However, if the underlying structure is not probabilis cause of subjective choices, it would be natural to employ fuzzy diff equations. For the initiation of this aspect of fuzzy theory, the ne calculus of fuzzy functions has also been investigated. Consequen study of the theory of fuzzy differential equations has recently been g very rapidly and it is still in the initial stages. Nonetheless, there exi ficient literature t o warrant assembling the existing results in a unif so as to understand and appreciate the intricacies involved in incorp fuzziness into the theory of differential equations as well as t o pave t for further advancement of this important branch of differential equa an independent discipline. It is with this spirit that we see the imp of the present monograph. Its aim is t o present a systematic acc recent developments, describe the current state of the useful theory the essential unity achieved in the theory fuzzy differential equation clusions, and initiate several new extensions to other types of fuzzy d systems. In Chapter 1, we provide the preliminary material of fuzzy set providing necessary tools that are relevant for further development. ter 2 is dedicated to the description of the calculus of fuzzy functi Chapter 3, we devote our attention t o investigate the basic theory o differential equations. The extension of the Lyapunov-like theory of s forms the content of Chapter 4. Chapter 5 investigates several new a investigation relative to fuzzy dynamic systems by providing some results so that further advancement is possible. Finally, in Chapte introduce fuzzy differential inclusions and investigate properties of s sets, stability and periodicity in the new framework suggested by Hiill This new approach has the advantage of preserving the properties tions corresponding t o differential equations without fuzziness. As w illustrate in Chapter 6, the original fornlulation based on the Hu © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
PREFACE derivative totally changes the qualitative behavior of solutions when the initial condition is given more uncertainty by fuzzification. However, it can be preserved if the initial level sets are chosen suitably. Some of the important features of the monograph are as follows: (1) it is the first book that attempts to describe the theory of fuzzy differential equations;
(2) it incorporates the recent general theory (still in the pipeline) of fuzzy differential inclusions;
(3) it exhibits several new areas of study by providing initial apparatus for future development; (4) it is a timely introduction t o a subject that is growing rapidly because of its applicability t o various new fields in engineering, computer science and social sciences. Actually. the first five chapters of the monograph were written three years ago and because of various circumstances such as serious health problems and other unavoidable situations, the book could not be typed until now. This enormous delay turned out t o be a blessing in disguise, since the new approach suggested by Hiillermeir, namely, developing the theory of fuzzy differential inclusions, is a better framework compared t o the earlier one utilizing the Hukuhara derivative. Me do hope that these two different approaches of considering fuzzy dynamic systems will generate other possible settings that may lead to a better understanding of incorporating f~~zziness into various dynamic systems. We are immensely grateful to Professors Hiillermier, Diamond, Sieto, and Seikkala for providing the material related to fuzzy differential inclusions and Mrs. Donn Miller-Kermani for typing the manuscript efficiently in a short time.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1
Fuzzy Sets 1.1 Introduction An exact description of any real world phenomenon is virtually impossible and one needs to accept this fact and adjust to it. The inexactness of the description is not a liability but is a blessing because it makes for greater efficiency. To specify imprecise or vague notions, Zadeh introduced the concept of fuzzy set theory. A fuzzy set is a membership function which describes the gradual transition from membership to nonmembership and is a subjective one. Spaces of such fuzzy sets are function spaces with special properties. Since the monograph of Diamond and Kloeden [24]provides a good exposition of fuzzy set theory outlining the background and covering a broad aspect of topological properties of spaces, we have included minimal background material sufficient to deal with the theory of fuzzy differential equations and inclusions. In fact, the contents of Chapter l are adapted from their book. Section 1.2 considers fuzzy sets, Zadeh's extension principle and the necessary spaces. Section 1.3 is devoted to the Hausdorff distance between subsets of Rn and its properties. Support functions form the content of Section 1.4. Theory of metric spaces of normal, upper semicontinuous, fuzzy convex fuzzy sets with compact support sets on the base space En, is discussed in Section 1.5. This section includes the representation theorem which is also important in the development of fuzzy differential inclusions. Section 1.6 deals with the properties of metric space (En,d) proving its completeness and properties of the metric d. Finally, Section 1.7 provides notes and comments.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
The idea of a fuzzy set was first proposed by Lotfi Zadeh in the 1960s, as a means of handling uncertainty that is due to imprecision or vagueness rather than to randomness. Fuzzy sets are considered with respect to a nonempty base set X of elements of interest. The essential idea is that each element x E X is assigned a membership grade u(x) taking values in [O, 11, with u(x) = 0 corresponding to nonmembership, 0 < ~ ( x < ) 1 to partial membership, and u(x) = 1 t o full membership. According t o Zadeh a fuzzy subset of X is a nonempty subset {(x, u(x)) : x E X ) of X x [0,1] for some function u : X i [O, 11. The function u itself is often used for the fuzzy set. For instance, the function u : R1 -t [O, I] with
provides an example of a fuzzy set of real numbers. There are of course many other reasonable choices of membership grade function. The only membership possibilities for an ordinary or crisp subset A of X are nonmembership and full membership. Such a set can thus be identified with a fuzzy set on X given by its characteristic function X A : X -+[0, 11, that is, with
Metric spaces of fuzzy sets provide a convenient mathematical framework for diverse applications of fuzzy sets. They are essentially spaces of special kinds of functions from a base space X to [0,1],where X is a metric space. The a-level set [uIa of a fuzzy set u on X is defined as [u]~={xEX : u ( x ) > a ) foreach
while its support [uI0 is the closure in the topology of X of the union of all of the level sets, that is
The union, intersection and complement of fuzzy sets can be defined pointwise in terms of their membership grades. Consider a function u : X + [O, 11 as a fuzzy subset of a nonen~ptybase space X and denote the totality of all such functions or fuzzy sets by 3 ( X ) . © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.2 Fuzzy Sets The complement uC of u E F ( X ) , the union u u A v of u, v E F ( X ) are defined, respectively, by
v and the intersection
for each x E X . Clearly uC,u V v, u A v E F ( X ) . The Zadeh extension principle allows a crisp mapping f : X1 x X2 -+ Y ; where X I , X2, and Y are noneinpty sets, t o be extended to a mapping on fuzzy sets f : 3(X1) x F(X2) 3 ( Y ) -)
for y E Y. Here f - l ( y ) = {(x1,x2) E X I x X 2 : f ( x l , x Z ) = y ) may be empty or contain one or more points. The obvious generalization holds for mappings defined on an N-tuple XI x . . . x X N where N 2 1, with the wedge operator being superfluous when N = 1. The definitions of addition and scalar multiplication of fuzzy sets in F ( X ) involve the extension principle and require the base set X t o be a linear space. For the addition of two fuzzy sets u,v E F ( X ) , the Zadeh extension principle is applied to the function f : X x X -t X defined by f (xl, 2 2 ) = x1 x2 to give
sup XI +x2
for all x E X , while for scalar multiplication of u E F ( X ) by a nonzero scalar c, the function f : X -+X defined by f (z)= ex is extended t o
for all x E X. Obviously, both u ?- v and ck belong t o F ( X ) . The totality of fuzzy sets 3 ( X ) on a base space X is often too broad and general to allow strong or specific enough results to be established, and therefore various restrictions are often imposed on the fuzzy sets. In © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
particular, a fuzzy set u E F ( X ) is called a normal f~lzzyset if there exists at least one point xo E X for which u(xo) = 1, so the 1-level set [u]' and hence every other level set [u]" for O < a < 1 and the support [uI0 of u are all nonempty subsets of X. For technical reasons, the level sets are often assumed t o be compact and, when X is a linear space, also convex. In fact, the convexity of the level sets of a fuzzy set u is equivalent to its being a fuzzy convex fuzzy set, that is, satisfying u(Xxl
+ (1 - X)x2) 2 u(xl) /\ u(x2)
for all
x2 E X ;
E [0, 11.
(1.2.11) In the case of fuzzy numbers, that is fuzzy sets u : R -t [0, I], fuzzy convexity means that the level sets are intervals. We shall consider the following three spaces of nonempty subsets of R n . (i) Cn consisting of all nonempty closed subsets of Rn, (ii) Kn consisting of all nonempty compact subsets of R n ; (iii) KE consisting of all nonempty compact convex subsets of Rn. We then have the strict inclusions
Recall that a nonempty subset A of Rn is convex if for all a1 a2 E A and all X E [0, I], the point (1.2.12) a = Xul (1 - X)a2
belongs to A. For any nonempty subset A of R n , we denote by coA its convex hull, that is the totality of points a of the form (1.2.12) or, equivalently, the smallest convex subset containing A. Clearly
with A = coA if A is convex. Moreover coA is closed (compact) if A is closed (compact). Let A and B be two nonempty subsets of R n and let X E R.We define the following Minkowski addition and scalar multiplication by
and XA = {Xu: a E A). Then we have © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.3 T h e Hausdorff Metric
.I. T h e spaces Cn, K n and ICE are closed under the operations of addition and scalar multiplication. In fact, these two operations induce a linear structure on C n , Kn and ICZ with zero element (0). The structure is that of a cone rather than a vector space because, in general, A + (-1)A
# {O}.
le 1.2.1. Let A = [O, 11 so that (-l)A = [-I, O]! and therefore
Thus, adding -1 times a set does not constitute a natural operation of subtraction. Instead, we define the Hukuhara difference A - B of nonempty sets A and B , provided there exists a nonempty set C satisfying
From the preceding example, [-I, 11 - [-1,0] = [0,1] and
[-I, 11 - [0,1] = [-1,0].
Clearly, A- A = (0) for all nonempty sets A. From (1.2.16), a necessary condition for the Hukuhara dzflerence A - B t o exist i s that some translate of B i s a subset of A, B {c} C A
for some c E Rn. W h e n it exists, A - B i s unique. However, that the Hukuhara diflerence need not exist is seen from the following example. Example 1.2.3. (0) - [O, 11 does not exist, since no translate of [0, 11 can ever belong t o the singleton set (0).
Let x be a point in Rn and A a nonempty subset of Rn. The distance d(x, A) from x to A is defined by d(x;A) = inf{llx
all : a E A}.
Thus d(x,A) = d(x,A) 2 0 and d ( x , A ) = 0 if and only if x E closure of A in Rn. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
A, the
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets We shall call the subset
< E)
S,(A) = {n: E R n : d(x, A)
an E-neighborhood of A. Its closure is the subset
In particular, we shall denote by
S;2 the
closed unit ball in R n ,that is
which is obviously a compact subset of Rn. Note that for any E > O and any nonempty subset A of R n . We shall for convenience sometimes write S(A, E ) and S(A,E) for S, (A) and S, (A). Now let A and B be noiiempty subsets of Rn. We define the Hausdorff separation of B from A by
or, equivalently,
We have d&(B,A) triangle inequality
> O with d k ( B , A) = 0 if and only if B C A.
Also, the
holds for all nonempty subsets A, B and C of Rn. In general, however
We define the Hausdorff distance between noneinpty subsets A and B of R n by (1.3.8) dH (A, B) = max{dk(A, B ) , d k ( B , A)}, which is symmetric in A and B . Consequently,
(a) dH(A,B) 0 with dH(A,B ) = 0 (b) d H ( 4 B ) = ~ H ( BA); , (c) dH(A. B) dH(A>C ) dH (C,B);
if and only if
2 = B;
(1.3.9) for any nonempty subsets A; B and C of R n . If we restrict our attention t o nonempty closed subsets of R n , we find that the Hausdorff distance (1.3.8) is a metric, known as the Hausdorff metric [37]. Thus (Cn,dH) is a metric space. In fact, we have © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.3 T h e Hausdorff Metric
(Cn,d H ) i s a complete separable metric space i n which ) also comKn and K z , are closed subsets. Hence, ( K n ,d ~ and ) (ICE, d ~ are plete separable metric spaces. The following properties of the Hausdorff metric will be useful in the sequel.
If A, A'; B , B' E ICn, then d ~ ( t At B , ) = t d ~ ( AB;) for all t
~ H ( AB , A'
> 0,
+ B') L ~ H ( AA'), + ~ H ( BB'), ,
d H ( c o A,COB ) 5 ~ H ( A B ), .
(1.3.10) (1.3.11) (1.3.12)
.3. If A, B E K z and C E Kn then
~ H ( AC , B
+ C ) = dIi(A, B ) .
We define the magnitude of a nonempty subset of A of Rn by
Here, l/Al/is finite and the supremum in (1.3.14) is attained when A E Kn. From (1.3.10) it obviously follows that
= tllAll
for all
t 2 0.
Moreover, (1.3.9) and (1.3.15) yield
for all A, B E K n . We say that a subset U of K n (or ICz) is uniformly bounded if there exists a finite constant c ( U ) such that
IIAll 5 c ( U ) for a11 A E U .
We then have the following simple characterization of compactness.
Proposition 1. .4. A nonempty subset A of the metric space ( K n ,d H ) , or ( K z ,d H ) , i s compact if and only if it is closed and uniformly bounded. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
Set inclusion induces a partial ordering on ICn. Write A if A C B , where A, B E K n . Then L ( B ) = {A E iCn : B
< A),
< B if and only
U(B) = {A E ICn : A 5 B )
are closed subsets of Kn for any B E ICn. In fact, from Proposition 1.3.4, U(B) is a compact subset of ICn.
Proposition 1.3.5. U(B) is a compact subset of ICn. This assertion remains true with ICE replacing ICn everywhere. Sequences of nested subsets in (IC", d H ) have the following useful intersection and convergence properties.
osition 1.3.6. Let {Aj) C ICn satisfy
T h e n A = n,OO,,Aj E ICn and
O n the other hand, i f A1 then (1.3.20).
C A2 2 . . . 2 Aj C . . .
and A = u Z 1 A j E Kn,
Let A be a nonernpty subset of Rn. The support function of A is defined for all p E Rn by (1.4.1) s ( p l A ) = sup{(p, a) : a E A), which may take the value +oo when A is unbounded. However, when A is a compact, convex subset of Rn the supremum is always attained and the support function s(., A) : Rn -t R is well defined. Indeed,
for all p, q E Rn. In addition, for all p E Rn
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.4 Support Functions
The support function s(p, A) is uniquely paired to the subset A in ICE in the sense that s(p, A) = s(p, B ) for all p E Rn if and only if A = B when A and B are restricted to K;. It also preserves set addition and nonnegative scalar multiplication. That is, for all p E R n ,
which, in particular, reduces to
for any x E Rn, and
The Hausdorff metric is related t o the support function for subsets A,
B E ICE since we have
where Sn-' = {x E Rn : ilxil = l} is the unit sphere in R n . Let C'(Sn-l)denote the Banach space of cox~tinuousfunctions f : S n - I R with the supremum norm
One can use the support function to embed the metric space (ICZ, d ~ iso) metrically as a positive cone in c(Sn-I).For this, define j : IC; + C(Sn-l) by j(A)(.) = s(.,A) for each A E ICE. From the properties of the support function, j is a univalent mapping satisfying
and j(tA) = tj(A),
2 0,
for all A, B E ICE. The desired positive cone is the image j(KE) in C(Sn-I). Obviously j is continuous, as is its inverse j-' : j(KE) 4 Kz. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
For a fixed A E Kz,s ( p , A) is positively honlogeneous
and subadditive: for all p E Rn,
for all p l , p2 E Rn.Moreover, combining (1.4.13) and (1.4.14) we see that s ( . , A) is a convex function, that is, it satisfies
for all p l , p2 E Rnand X E [ O , l ] . The nonempty compact convex subsets of by such funct,ions.
Rnare uniquely characterized
osition 1.4.1. For every continuous, positively h,omogeneous and subadditive function s : Rn-+R there exists a unzque n o n e m p t y compact convex subset A = { x E Rn: ( p , x ) 5 s ( p ) for all p E Rn}
which has s as i t s support function.
Recall that a fuzzy subset of Rnis defined in terms of a membership function which assigns to each point x E Rna grade of membership in the fuzzy set. Such a membership function
is used t o denote the corresponding fuzzy set. Denote by F the set of all fuzzy sets of Rn. For each a E (O,1]the a-level set [u]"of a fuzzy set ZL is the subset of points x E Rnwith membership grade u ( z ) of at least a , that is [u]"= {x E
Rn: u ( x ) 2 a ) .
The support [uI0of a fuzzy set is then defined as the closure of the union of all its level sets, that is [u]"
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.5 The Space En
Let P k ( R n ) denote the family of all nonempty compact convex subsets of R n . Define addition and scalar multiplication in P k ( R n ) by A + B = [ z : z = x + y , x ~ A and
~ E B ]
for all A, B E Pk(Rn)and
for all A E P k ( R n ) . From Rgdstrom [100], we know that P k ( R n ) forms a comnlutative semigroup under addition which satisfies the cancelation law. Further, if a , P E R and A , B E Pk(Rn), then
and for a , p > 0, (a P)A = a A PA. Let us denote by En the space of all fuzzy subsets u of R n which satisfy the assumptions (1) u maps Rn onto I = [O, 11;
(2) [u]' is a bounded subset of Rn; (3) [u]" is a compact subset of Rn for all a E I;
(4) u is fuzzy convex, that is
for any X E [0, 11. Let u be fuzzy convex and x , y E [u]" for some cu E ( O , l ] . Hence u(x) 1 cr and u(y) 2 a. Then
for any X E [O,1] and therefore Ax + (1 - X)y E [u]". As a result, [u]" is a convex subset of R n for any cr E (0, 11. The support [u]' is also convex, which follows from the fact that
and the completeness of the metric space ( K z ,dH). Thus we have:
ma 1.5.1. If u i s fuzzy convex, then [u]" is convex for each cu E I. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
can now prove the following representation theorem
.I. If u E E n , then the following hold:
< 1,
I a1 5 a2 I 1.
[u]"E P k ( R n ) for all
[ u ] "c ~ [uIa1 for
If ( a k )is a nondecreasing sequence converging to a
> 0 , then
Conversely, if {A" : 0 5 a 5 1 ) is a family of subsets of Rn satisfying (1.5.1)-(1.5.3) then there exists a u E En such that
If u E En, we have from the definition
where [uI0= cl U,,(o,l~ [u]". Since u is normal, u maps Rn onto I = [O, 11. Also [u]"is a compact subset of Rn for all a E I and for any nondecreasing . also know u and [u]"are convex sequence a, + a in I ; [u]"= n,21 [ u ] " ~We by Lemma 1.5.1. This proves the first part of Theorem 1.5.1. We next prove the converse. For x E A', define I, = [a E I : x E A"] and let a0 = sup I,. We claim I, = [0,ao].If a0 = 0 , there is nothing to prove and hence suppose that a0 > 0 and let ,O E ( 0 ,a o ) . Then there exists PI E [P, cro) such that pl E I,. Thus x E AP1 which implies by (1.5.2), x E A@and P E I,. By definition, 0 E I, and heme [0,a o )5 I,. Now let a, converge to cro in I, monotonically. Then x E A". for each i = 1 , 2 , . . . and therefore by (1.5.3), x E AaO.Thus a0 E I, and [O, ao]2 I,. Finally, since P E I, implies that P 5 ao, we have I, C [0,a o ] . Hence I, = [0,ao]as was asserted. Let a E [ O , l ] . If x E [u]", then u ( x ) 2 a > 0 and so x E AO and u ( x ) = sup I, = a0 a. Hence x E A"0 and consequently b y (1.5.2) x E A", that is, [u]"C A". Conversely, if x E A" , then u (x) = sup I, = ao a and
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.5 The Space En
hence x E [u]". This implies A" C [u]". Combining the results, we obtain [u] = A" for all a E (0, 11. Defining [uI0 as above, we find that u maps Rn onto I and is upper semicontinuous (usc) since [u]" are closed. Furthermore [uI0 is compact and hence bounded. It is also convex. Thus u satisfies the requirements except convexity. To prove convexity, let x , y E [u]" with min[u(x);u(y)] = y 2 a . (1 - A)y E [u]? for any Then, x, y E [uj?, which is convex and so Ax X E [0,11. Hence
and therefore u is fuzzy convex. Hence u E En and the proof is complete. An advantage of only requiring u E En t o be upper seinicontinuous and not continuous is that the nonempty compact subsets of Rn can then also be included in En by means of their characteristic functions. By a straightforward application of Theorem 1.5.1, we obtain
osition 1.5.1. If A E E z , then XA E En. We shall also need the following result. See Castaing and Valadier [9] for a proof.
Let {Ak} be a sequence in Pk(Rn)converging to A. Further, let dH(Ak,A) -+ O as k -+ oo. Then
In the context of fuzzy sets we call a subset of Rn, or more precisely its characteristic function X A , a crisp subset of R n . The endograph end(u) of a fuzzy set u E En is defined as end(u) = {(x, a ) E R n x I : u(x) 5 a } .
It is a nonempty closed subset of Rn x I. Restricting t o those points that lie above the support set, we obtain the stzpported endograph, or sendograph for short, of u (1.5.5) send(u) = end(u) n ([u1° x I), which is a nonempty compact subset of Rn x I. In fact, send(u) = U{[ulY x {a} : a E I).
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
14 Let A € K z j
E E n . Then
e n d ( x a ) = (Rnx { 0 ) )
[xA]= a f o r a l l a
U ( Ax I )
We shall define addition and scalar multiplication of fuzzy sets in En levelsetwise, that is, for u , v E E n and c E R\{O)
= c[u]"
[u v]" = [u]" [v],
and [CU]"
for each a E I . osition 1.5.2. E n i s closed under addition (1.5.6) and scalar multiplication (1.5.7).
Proof. We apply Theorem 1.5.1 to the families of subsets { [ u + v]" : a E I ) and { [ c u ] " ) . Properties (1.5.1) and (1.5.2) follow from those for {[u]" : a E I ) and { [ v ] " : a E I ) , definitions (1.5.6) and (1.5.7), and the closedness of Kz under set addition and scalar multiplication. Now let { a i ) be a nondecreasing sequence in I with ai 1' a in I. Then, by (1.5.6) and (1.5.7), by property (1.5.3) for { [ u ] " : cu E I ) and {[v]" : cr E I ) , and b y Proposition 1.3.2,
so both families of subsets also satisfy property (1.5.3). Hence, by Theorem 1.5.1, u v E En and c u E E n . In Section 1.2, the Zadeh extension principle was used to define the addition and scalar multiplication of fuzzy sets. That is.
( u T v ( z ) = sup min{u (z),v ( y ) ) z=x+y
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.5 The Space En
and (c?L)(x)= u(x/c).
In En, these are equivalent to the level set definitions (1.5.6) and (1.5.7) respectively.
If u, v E En a n d c E R\{O), then
u+u=u+u Proof.
Let a E (O,l]. Then
and so definitions (1.5.7) and (1.5.9) coincide. Now suppose tliat ( Z L $ v) (x) 2 a . By the definition of the supremum, there exist z k E [ u ] ~ ( ' - ' / ~. )Yk E [G]"('-'/~)for k = 1 , 2 , .. . such that 21, yk = z and so
Since [uja('-'Ik) -+ [ u ] ~[,u ] ~ ( ' - ~ -/+~ )[u]" with respect to the Rausdorff metric d H , by the compactiiess of all of these sets there exists xk3 --+ 53 and yk, -+ ij. Hence, xkJ yk+3 + Z ij. But xkj ykj = z SO z = J: Y E [u]" [v]" and {Z : (~Tu)(z) CY} [uIa [via.
+ r
Conversely, if J: E [u]" and ij E [u]", so that ~ ( 2 ) a and v(Q) with z = Z 5, (uTv) (z) 2 inin{u(?), v(ij)) a ,
> a , then
and so [uIQ [vIQC { z ( u T v ) ( z ) 2 a ) . Thus we have shown that
so definitions (1.5.6) and (1.5.8) coincide. The concept of support function of a nonempty compact convex subset of Rn, introduced in Section 1.4, can be usefully generalized to the fuzzy sets in En. Let u E En and define s, : I x Sn-' -+ Rn by
for (a, p) E I x Sn-l, where s(., [u]") is the support function of [u]". We shall call s, the support function of the fuzzy set u. Note tliat the supremum in © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
(1.5.10) is actually attained since the level set [u]" is compact and so can be replaced by the maximum. Moreover, for u. v E En u =v
if and only if
s , = s,,
since the support function on ICz uniquely characterizes the elements of Kz; see Proposition 1.4.1. The following properties follow directly from those of the support functions of the level sets.
En.T h e n the support function s , i s uniformly bounded o n I x Sn-l; -4. Let u E
(ii) Lipschitz i n p E
sn-I unzformly o n I; and
(iii) for each a E I ,
Using inequalities (1.4.2) and (1.4.3)
since [u]"C [uI0and ilpll = 1 , and
Thus (1.5.1) and (1.5.2) hold. Property (1.5.3) is a restatement of (1.4.9). In addition, we obtain the following dependence on the lneinbership grade. osition 1.5.5. Let u E En. T h e n s , (., p) is nonzncreasing and left continuous i n a E I for each p E Sn-l.
s u ( P ,P ) = s U ( P ?
[ ~ l 5~ S)( P , [ u I ~ ~ = ) ~ u ( aP),
b y (1.4.4): so s,(., p ) is increasing for each p E nondecreasing sequence ai a in I ,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Sn-l.In addition,
for a
1.6 The Metric Space (En, d)
Let u E E' have level sets [u]" = 1-1 +a71 -a] for a E I . Then, as So = {-l,+l),the support function s, is given b y s,(a,il)= 1 - a for all a: E I .
A fuzzy set u E En is called a Lipschitzian fuzzy set if it is a Lipschitz function of its membership grade in the sense that
for all a , P E I and some fixed? finite constant K. In view of Proposition 1.5.4,this is equivalent to the support function s,(.,p) being Lipschitz uniformly in p E Sn-l. The subset EE of convex-sendograph f~rzzysets consists of Rn x I. Hence u E EF if and only if u : R n + I is a concave function over its support [zL]', that is if and only if
for all x,y E [us0and X E [0,1].Note that a fuzzy convex fuzzy set is not necessarily a convex-sendograph fuzzy set. We shall denote by E& the subset consisting of those u E EE for which the uppermost level [u]'is a singleton set. The fuzzy sets u in E' are often called fuzzy numbers. The triangular fuzzy numbers are those fuzzy sets in El for which the sendograph is a triangle. A triangular fuzzy number IL E E' is characterized by an ordered E R~with 21 5 2, 5 x, such that [uI0 = [ 5 1 , ~and r] triple (x2;x,,x,) [u]'= {x,),for then
for any a E I. In addition
so all the triangular fuzzy numbers are Lipschitzian.
Since En is a space of certain functions u : R n for a metric on En is the function space metric
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
I an obvious candidate
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
which measures the largest difference in the membership grades of the two fuzzy sets 21, v E En over all points x in the base space Rn. Note that d(cu, cv) = d(u, v)
for all u, v E En and c E R\{O}. where cu, cv E En are interpreted as the scalar multiplication of fuzzy sets (1.5.9), rather than the usual multiplication of a function by a scalar. Let DH denote the Hausdorff metric on Rn+'. For any u E Eni the sendograph send(u), defined by (1.5.5). is a nonempty compact convex subset of Rn x I c Rn+'. The sendograph metric D , on En is defined in terms of the Hausdorff metric on the subspace send(En) = {send(u) : u E En) of ICn+l, that is D, (u, t i ) = DH (send(u),send(z1)) (1.6.3) for all u, v E E7'. It is certainly a metric since send(u) =send(v) if and only if u = v in En. From the properties of the Hausdorff metric DH on jCn+l, it follows that
for all u, v, w, XI' E En and
for all u, v E En and w E E;, that is with send(w) convex. The most commonly used metrics on En involve the Hausdorff metric distance between the level sets of the fuzzy sets. They are, in fact, function space metrics applied to functions 4 : I -+R + defined by
for cr E I, where 21,v E E n . In view of (1.5.12) and Proposition 1.5.5, these functions are left continuous and hence measurable on I . The supremum metric d on En is defined by
for all u, v E En and is obviously a metric on En. The supremum in (1.6.7) need not be attained, so cannot be replaced by the maximum.
-1.Let u, v
El be defined o n level sets by
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.6 The Metric Space ( E n 9d )
and [u]"= { 0 ) , [v]"= [ 0 , 2 ( 1- a ) ] for
1 < a 5 1, 2
T h e n s u p { $ ( a ) : a E I ) = 1, but this is not attained. From the properties of the Hausdorff metric listed in Propositions 1.3.2 and 1.3.3, we get ~ ( c uC ,U ) = Icld(ujV )
+ w, v + w')
5 ( u ,v ) + d(w, w ' )
for all c > 0 , and all u, v,U I , w' E En. In view of the identity (1.5.12) relating the Hausdorff metric distance between level sets and the distance between their support functions, an alternative expression for d is given by
for all u , v E E n . The spaces ( E n jD m ) and ( E n ,d ) are complete metric spaces. The proof for showing ( E n , D m ) is complete is too long and we refer to Diamond and Kloedeii [24].We shall therefore provide the proof for ( E n ,d ) only. .I. ( E n jd ) is a complete metric space
Proof. Let { u k ) be a Cauchy sequence in ( E n jd). Then { [ u ~ ] " )for , each a E I ; is a Cauchy sequence in (ICE; d H ) , which is complete, so that there exists a 6, E K z for each a E I such that
This convergence is. in fact, uniform in a E I . We shall show that the family { C , : a E I ) satisfies conditions (1.5.1) and (1.5.3) and so there exists a u E En such that [ u ] , = 6" for a E I . Since the 6, E KF for a E I , condition (1.5.1) is obviously satisfied. Consider O /3 < a 5 1. Then
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 1. Fuzzy Sets
Here we have used dT;I as the Hausdorff separation in R n , so that dT;I([z~k]", [ukIP) = 0 because [uk]" G [ukIP. Hence dT_I(C,, Cp) = 0 and, since these Cp,so that condition (1.5.2) is satisfied. Let {ai) sets are compact, C, be a nondecreasing sequence in I with ai 7 a E I. By the result above, C , C C , t f o r i = 1 , 2 , 3 ,..., so
2 , that x E Cai for i = 1 , 2 , 3 , .. .. Then NOWlet x E n ~ 0 , 1 C ,so
since the first and third terms converge to 0 as k -+ oo uniformly in a, E I and the second term converges t o 0 as i --+ oo for each k = 1 , 2 , 3 , .. . (condition (1.5.3) of Theorem 1.5.1). Thus x E C, and flE1Cai G C,. Combining this with (1.6.8) gives
and so condition (1.5.3) of Theorem 1,5.1 is fulfilled. Applying Theorem 1.5.1, there exists a u E En such that [u]" = C, for a E I. Moreover
for all j j k 2 N ( E ) ,since{uk) is a Cauchy sequence in ( E n ,d). Taking the limit as j -+ oo we obtain dH([ukIa,[ula) 6 for a11 k N ( E ) uniformly in a E I, so that d(uk,u) 5 E for all k 2 AT(€). Hence uk i u in (En,d), which completes the proof.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1.7 Notes and Comments
1.7 Notes and Comments All the results presented in this preliminary chapter on fuzzy sets are adapted from the monograph of Diamond and Kloeden [24],where specific references may be found. This is the first book with a good exposition which is mathematically oriented in style. See also Diamond and Kloeden [23] There are several books on fuzzy sets and application. For example, see Weaver [I131, Kauffman [49], Xegoita and Ralescu [79], Zimmerrnan [123], Kandel [47], Kauffman and Gupta [50], Pal [86], Sakawa [104], Driankov, et al. 1281, and Novak [84]. For related material see also Dubois and Prade [29], Kaleva and Seikkala [45],Nguyen [81], Mizumoto and Tanaka [74, 751, Zadeh [118, 117, 1161, Kruse et. a1 1541, and Goetschel and Voxman [35, 361.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
.1 Introduction This chapter is concerned with the necessary concepts and results related t o the calculus of fuzzy set-valued mappings, which we call, for short, fuzzyvalued functions or fuzzy functions. These are essentially a family of setvalued mappings and therefore we utilize the results of set-valued mappings. Section 2.2 deals with convergence properties of fuzzy sets. In this section we adopt, for convenience, the notation u" instead of [uIafor the level sets of u : Rn + I. Section 2.3 discusses the measurability of fuzzy functions. In Sections 2.4 and 2.5, we develop the necessary concepts of integral and differential calculus for fuzzy functions respectively. The definition given in Section 2.4 for the integral of fuzzy functions generalizes that of Aumanri [2] for set-valued mappings. Notes and comments form the content of Section 2.6.
Convergence of
Let (Y, p ) be a metric space and A and B two nonempty compact subsets of Y. The Hausdorff distance between A and B is
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter- 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
We know that dH is a metric in the space of nonempty compact subsets of Y. Recall that we can define dH equivalently as
dH ( A ,B ) = max
p(a, B ) ,sup p(b, A) bEB
Using the continuity of p ( . , A) one easily obtains: -1.Let A and B be two nonempty compact subsets of a metric space (Y, p). T h e n there are an a E A and a b E B such that
We also need the following result.
. Assume
that {C,) is a nondecreasing (resp. nonincreasing) sequence of compact subsets of Y . If there is a subsequence of {C,) converging to a compact set C with respect to the Hausdorff metric then dN(Cn,C ) -+ 0 as n -+ cc. Proof. Let {C,) be a convergent subsequence of {C,). Since {C,) is also a nondecreasing sequence, we have C,, c C for all i = 1 , 2 , . . .. Hence
If n
2 ni
then C,
> C,% and consequently
for all x E C,
Hence dH(C,, C ) dH (C,, ,C ) for all n 1 n,, which implies that the sequence {C,) converges to C . The nonincreasing case is treated similarly. In addition. we have (see Castaing and Valadier [ 9 ] )
We say that a sequence of sets converges metrically if it converges with respect to the Hausdorff metric. In the following, we utilize the Hausdorff metric t o define metrics on a certain family of fuzzy sets. More precisely, recall that a fuzzy set u on Rn, i.e., u : Rn --i I = [O, 11, is called fuzzy convex if
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.2 Convergence of Fuzzy Sets for all x, y E Rn, X E I. Denote by
the a-level set of u. Recall that En is the family of all fuzzy sets u : Rn following properties:
I with the
(i) u is upper semicontinuous, (ii) u is fuzzy convex, (iii) u1 is nonempty,
(iv) the support of u,
is compact. For brevity, we adopt the notation uO=supp(u). We immediately obtain
-3. If u 6 En, then u" is convex compact and nonempty for all cu E I .
Let u E En and let d be the product metric on Rn x I defined by the equation d ( ( x , r ) , (y, 4) = 1nax{lIx - yll, Ir -
The endograph of u, denoted end(u), is the set end(u) = {(x,r) E Rn x I : u(x)
and the sendograph of u is
Since u is upper semicontinuous and uOis compact then one easily sees that send(u) is a compact subset of Rn x I. We define a metric H on En by setting
H (u, v)
= h* (send(u),send(v)),
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
where u, v E En and h* is the Hausdorff metric defined on Rn. Then d(u; v) = sup dH (u" , va) a>o is also a metric on En. In fact, by definition (2.2.2) we have for all a E ( O , 1 ]
Since u0 and v0 are conlpact, then Ail' and consequently d(u, v), is finite. Furthermore, since dH is a metric, d obviously satisfies the axioms of a metric. Let ( 2 1 , ) be a sequence in En. We say that {u,) converges levelwise t o u E E7'if for all a E (0. I]
Finally denote
G = {u
En : t~ is concave).
In other words, if u E G then
for all x ; y E uO,X E I. If u E G, then by Lemma 2.2.3, u0 is convex and from the concavity of u it follours that also send(u) is convex.
The following implications for convergences i n En hold
true: ( 1 ) Convergence in (En,d) implies levelwise convergence.
(2) Convergence i n (En,d ) implies convergence i n (En)N ) .
Proof- The implication (1) is trivial. For the proof of (2), let E > O be arbitrary and let u,v E En such that d(u, v) < E . Choose any (x, a ) E send(u). If a > 0 then x E u". Since dH(ua, v") < E there exists a y E v" such that /Ix- yll < E. This proves that (x,oc) E N ( s e n d ( v ) , ~for ) (y.~E ) send (v) . © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.2 Convergence of Fuzzy Sets
If, on the other hand, a = 0 then x E uO. We show that dH(uO;vO)< E. Hence we can find a y E v0 such that Ilx - yll < E and as before we conclude that (x, a ) E N(send(v), E ) . Let {a,) be a decreasing sequence of real numbers converging t o zero. Then {uan) is a nondecreasing sequence of subsets of a compact set uO. Hence it has a metrically convergent subsequence and thus by Lemma 2.2.2, it also converges. By (2.2.3) the limit can be expressed as
Since {a,) converges t o zero and {uan) is nondecreasing, we see that the limit equals uO. So we have lim dH (uan,uO)= 0
and similarly for v. Since dH is a metric we have
Passing to the limit yields
The preceding argument shows that send(u) c AT(send(v),E). Similarly, we can prove that send(v) C iV(send(u),E ) and consequently N(send(u), send (v)) < E. It follows that the identity mapping
is continuous and hence convergence in (En,d) implies convergence in En,H ) . we next show by examples that the implications (1) and (2) cannot be reversed.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
1 zjf O < X < 0 elsewhere
l ,
Chapter 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
28 and
~n ( x ) =
if O L : x < 1 , 0 elsewhere,
H(send(u,),send(u)) = 0 . B u t where n = 1 , 2 , . . .. T h e n clearly, lirn,,, dH(u:, u l ) = 1 for all n = 1 , 2 , . . ., so that {u,) does not converge levelwise and hence neither i n ( E n ,d ) .
1 zf x = 0 , 0 elsewhere
where n = 1 . 2 , . . .. T h e n vg = [O: 1 - al/"] and
It follows that for all a E ( O , l ] , dH(va,v,Q)--, 0 as n s u p d H ( v a ,u:) = 1 for all a>O
oo. However,
n = 1,2,. . . .
Hence (u,) does not converge i n ( E n ,d ) . W e also see that d H ( v Ov:,) = 1 for all n = 1 , 2 , . . . and h.ence by a theorem of Kloeden [52] {v,} does not converge i n ( E n ,H ) . However i f we confine to G t h e n t h e implication ( 1 ) o f Theorem 2.2.1 can b e reversed. Before proving t h a t , we demonstrate some auxiliary lemmas.
-2.4.Let {u,) be a sequence i n
converging levelwise to u 6 G .
u:) = 0 . lirn d~ (uO.
From (2.2.5) we deduce that lirn d H ( u a ,u O )= 0 .
> 0 b e arbitrary and b y (2.2.6) choose an cr > 0 such t h a t
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.2 Convergence of Fuzz.y Sets For this cr choose an no such that for all n
If now n
> no we have
> n o then
which implies that uOc N(u,", E )
c ~ ( u :E ),.
Conversely we prove that there exists an
such that if n
> nl then
On the contrary, suppose that
for infinitely many indices n. Kow by the assumption, u: intersects l V ( u O E, ) for all sufficiently large indices n. Then, by taking a subsequence if necessary, we may assume that (2.2.9) holds true for all n = 1 , 2 ,. . . and. since u0 is compact, there exists a sequence (2,) such that 2, E u: and d(z,; u O )= E for all n = 1 , 2 , . . .. Now choose a point y E u l . Since { u i ) converges metrically to u1 then there is a sequence {y,) converging to y such that y, E u; c u: for all n = 1 , 2..... Since {y,) converges t o y and 11y - zn 11 E for n 1, then there exist a sequence {t,) in I and an integer n2 such that
whenever n 2 n 2 ; where z,, = X, Now for n n2 we have
where p =diam(uo)
+ t n ( y n - xn).
< m , and consequently,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
30 But for n
Chapter 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Filnctions
> n2,
and according t o the concavity of u,,
But this contradicts the fact tliat { u i ) converges metrically to uo. Hence (2.2.8) holds true and the leinrna follows from (2.2.7) and (2.2.8).
Let u E G and a E I be fixed. Then the function g(P) dH(uP,ua) is continuous at a .
Proof. Recall that we have already proved the continuity of g at a = 0 (see (2.2.6)). Let a > 0 and choose a nonincreasiiig sequence {ak)converging t o a. Then {uffk)is a nondecreasing sequence with uak c u0 for all k = 1: 2, . . . . Since uo is compact, the sequence {ua" has a metrically coiivergent subsequence and hence by Lemma 2.2.2 it converges t o the limit
Since uak c ua for all k = 1, 2 , . . . and uff is closed, we have B c tia. Conversely suppose that x E u a \ B . If u(x) > a , then x E uff"or all k sufficiently large and consequently x E B , which is impossible. Thus u(y) = a for all y E u a \ B . Since x E u a \ B and B is closed, then &I = p(x, B ) > 0. Choose y E B such that ~ ( y > ) a , which is possible since u1 c B . By the convexity (1 - t)y E ua and of u" we can choose a t E ( O , 1 ) such that z = tx 1l.z - XI/ = (1 - t)llx = +&I. Hence z E u a \ B and by the preceding paragraph u(z) = a. Applying the concavity of u we obtain
which is impossible. So B = ua, which proves that g is right continuous a t a. On the other hand, let {ak)be a nondecreasing sequence converging to a . As before, we see tliat { z i a k ) converges metrically t o B. But now , ~ = uan and consequently uak c ua71 for all k 2 n and hence c I ( U ~ uffk) B = n,"==, uffn.Thus by the representation-theorem 1.5.1, B equals u". This proves the left continuity of g and the lemma is proved. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.2 Convergence o f Fuzzy Sets As a corollary we have:
.I. The function g ( P ) = d H (wR,u") is continuous. The triangle inequality for d H yields
The desired result follows by Lemma 2.2.5 if we let y approach
. Let {a,}
be a sequence of real nvmbers converging t o a E I . T h e n under the assumptions of L e m m a 2.2.4 lim d H ( u a , u ~ n=) 0.
Proof. Suppose on the contrary that there are an c {u::" } such that
d ~ ( u " , u E f ' )2 E
for all
> 0 and a subsequence
1 , 2, . . . .
Since by Lemma 2.2.4, { u i } converges metrically to u0 we have u:" N ( ~ O >1) for all i sufficiently large. Furthermore, since c l ( N ( u o ,1)) is com" ) a metrically convergent subsequence. Thus pact it follows that { u ~ ~has we may without loss of generality assume that { u : ~ ~converges ) metrically t o a compact set A with d H ( u a , A ) = M E . We divide the rest of the proof into two cases.
Let the sequence { a , ) be nondecreasing. By (2.2.6) and the levelwise convergence of {u,} to u we have
Then by Lemma 2.2.1 we can find an x E u" and a y E A such that llx - y 11 = d H ( u 0 .A ) = Dl. Since {u:) converges metrically to u" and { u Z n } t o A for a11 n 1 1 we can choose x , E u: and a y, E u,an such that lim x , = x
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
lim y, = y. 7%-00
Chapter 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
z , = z = $ ( x y) and by ( 2 2 . 1 8 )
Denote z,, = 1 ( z , yn). Then lirn,,, and the choice of x and y we have
1 p ( z i 21") = llx - z I I = --M 2 and by the concavity of u,
Now choose a /? < a such that d H ( u p ,u") < ; M , which is possible Lemma 2.2.5 and let no he an integer such that for all n 2 n o , we have
1 zI/ < -hf
2 p.
Since u p c N ( u 0 ; $&I) and p ( z , el") = ;M then
combining these inequalities, we obtain
for all n no. However by (2.2.11), z , E u,B for n 2 n o . But this is irnpossible since d , (d, u f ) converges to zero as n -+ oo. This proves Case 1.
. Assume that the sequence {a,) is nonincreasing. As in Case 1, we can show that
c ua.
Since d H ( u a :A) = PI > 0 we get ua\A # 0. Now let y E ua\A be such that u ( y ) = /? > a. Then there is an index k such that
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.2 Convergence o f Fuzzy Sets
Since u$ c uEm for all m 2 k and the sequence { c l ( ~ , > , u & ~ ) ) is nonincreasing it follows that
This contradiction proves that u(y) = a for all y E uff\A. Since {uk) converges metrically to u1 we have
Identical reasoning as in the proof of Lemma 2.2.5 yields a contradiction. Thus according to Cases 1 and 2, for every E > 0 there exists an n(e, a ) such that d ~ ( u ~ , u< ; ~E )
for all n n ( ~a), , which proves the lemma. We are now ready to prove:
Let {u,) be a sequence in S converging levelwise t o u E G. Then {u,) converges to u i n (G,d ) . Proof. Let a E I and {a,) be a sequence in I converging t o a. Define a sequence of functions f, : I -+ [O, GO) by
Then by the triangle inequality, we have
and hence by Lemmas 2.2.5 and 2.2.6, liin,,, f,(a,) = 0. So { f,) converges contiiiuously to zero and hence, since I is compact, it converges uniformly. But this is equivalent to convergence in (G, d). 2 . 1 . The functions f, are even continuous. In fact
and Lemma 2.2.5 gives the desired conclusion. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
Example 2.2.1 shows that even in G convergence in levelwise convergence.
(G, N )does not imply
{u E G : u1 coinprises only one point).
Then we have: -3. Let {u,) be a sequence in GI. If {u,) converges t o u E in (GI, H) then it also converges levelwise to u.
Since {un) converges in (GI,H) by a theorem of Kloeden [52] Proof. we get that for each 7 > 0 there exists an integer n(7) such that for all 0 < a 1 and n 2 n(7) we have
and u,"
c N (u"-",
Choose any E > 0. Then by Lemma 2.2.5 there exists a 6, 0 such that u " - ~ c N(u"; E) and consequently by (2.2.14) u; C N ( N ( u a , E ) , 6) C N (u", 26)
for all n
2 n(6).
< 6 < E, (2.2.15)
Since the 1-level sets consist only of one point we see by (2.2.15) that d H (I&, ul) converges to zero. Now let 0 < a < 1. We show that
for all sufficiently large indices n. Suppose on the contrary that there is a subsequence {nilof indices for which (2.2.16) does not hold. Then we can choose a sequence {xni) in u" such that p(xni,t~:~) 2~ for i = 1 , 2 , .. .. Since u" is compact, { x n t ) has a convergent subsequence. We may assume that {xnl) converges to x E ti". It follows by the construction of {X,~) and (2.2.15) that x $ u l . Let y E u1 and consider the line segment t y + (1 - t)x, t E I. From the concavity of u it follows that there is a z on that line segment such that llx- ~ 1 = 1 ; E and u(z) = ,B > a. Denote q = rnin{p-a, E ) . Then by (2.2.13)
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.3 Measurability Xow let io be such that n,,
2 n(7).Then for all i > io we have
= $ E and { x , ~ ) converges to z . But this contradicts the facts that j/z Thus (2.2.16) is valid and by (2.2.15) and (2.2.16). d H (u:,u") converges to zero. Combining Theorems 2.2.1-2.2.3, we obtain:
.4. I n gence are equivalent.
levelwise convergence, d-convergence and N - c o n v e r -
We shaIl discuss, in this section, the measurability of fuzzy functions. Let T c R be a compact interval.
.I. W e say that a mapping F : T + En i s strongly measurable if for all a E [0,11 the set-valued mapping Fa : T -+ P K ( R n )defined by F&) = l F ( t ) l a i s (Lebesgue) measurable, when PK('Rn) i s endowed with the topology generated by the Nausdorfl metric d ~ . Puri and Ralescu 198, 991 used a more general concept for measurability. They assumed, in our terminology, that for all a E [O,1] the mapping Fa has a measurable graph, that is,
where M denotes the a-algebra of measurable sets and B ( R n ) the Bore1 sets of R n . However. taking into account Theorems 111-2 and 111-30 in Castaing and Valadier [ 9 ] ,it turns out that, in the setting of this section, this definition is equivalent to strong measurability. .3.1. If F i s strongly measurable, t h e n it is measurable with respect t o the topology generated by d .
> O and u E E"
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
be arbitrary. Then
Chapter 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
But for all v E En we have
[vIQ)= 0, lim d([vIak;
whenever ( a k ) is a nondecreasing sequence converging to a . Thus by the triangle inequality for the metxic d H we have
where ak
/ a and consequently {tldH(Fa(t),[ u I f f )
€13 r) {tldH(Fak( t ) ,[ u l f f k5) €1. k2l
Tl = n { t l d H ( ~ a , ( t [ulak) ); )< f ) , k>l
where { a k1 k = 1;2, . . .) is any denumerable dense subset of [O,1].Hence T I is measurable. .3.2. If F : T
En is continuous with respect to the metric d then it is strongly measurable. -+
Proof. Let E > 0 be arbitrary and to E T . By continuity there exists a 6 > 0 such that
d ( F ( t )F , ( t o ) )< E
t o [< 6.
But by the definition of d we have d H ( F Q ( t F ) ,a ( t o ) )< E for all It - to\ < 6, so Fa is continuous with respect to the Hausdorff metric. Therefore F;'(U) is open, and hence measurable, for each open U in P K ( R n ) . If F maps T into E' then Fa(t) is a compact interval, i.e., F,(t) = [Aa( t ); pa ( t ) .] We have the following: lemma 2.3.3. Let F : T --t E' be strongly measurable and denote F a ( t ) = [ A a ( t )p, a ( t ) ]for a E [0,1].Then A" and pa are measurable.
Proof. Let a E [O,1] be fixed. Then Fa is measurable and closed valued. Consequently it has a Castaing representation (see Castaing and Valadier [ 9 ] )i.e., , there exists a sequence ( g z ) of measurable selections such that for all t E T , F,(t) = {g,"(t)lk= 1,2,. . .). But from the definition of F a ( t ) ,it follows that A" = inf g,Q and pa = supg?, which proves the lemma. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.4 Integrability
A mapping F
ST F(t)dt or J:
.I. Let F : T -+ En. The integral of F over T , denoted F(t)dt, is defined levelwise by the equation
En is called integrably bounded if there exists an integrable function h such that IIxll 5 h(t) for all x E Fo(t). -4
f (t)dtlf : T -+Rnis a measurable selection for Fa for all 0 < a 5 1. A strongly measurable and integrably bounded mapping F : T -+ En is said to be integrable over T if J$F ( t ) d t E En. Note that this definition is exactly the same as employed by Puri and Ralescu [98, 991. In their terminology, the integral is called the expected value of a fuzzy random variable. In the following, instead of the integrals F(t)dt, f (t)dt, etc. we will write J F, J f , etc. When the integral is taken over a subset S c T we will write F. The following theorem due to Puri and Ralescu [98: 991 shows that certain mappings are integrable.
-1. If F : T -+ En is strongly measurable and integrably Theore bounded, then F is integrable. For a proof, see Puri and Ralescu [98] ernark 2.4.1. Since for all u E En, lirn d ~ ( [ u ] O[uIak) , = 0,
whenever (ak)is a nonincreasing sequence converging to zero, we have (see Castaing and Valadier [9], Theorem 2.5 and Remark)
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 2. Calculus o f Fuzzy Functions
38 we conclude that
[J31 ''
. If F : T + El is integrable then in view of Lemma 2.3.3 J F is obtained by integrating the a-level curves, that is
where [F(t)]OL= [XOL(t), ~~(ta ) ]E, [0, 11
. Let F be integrable, ct E [O,1] and let {aE/rz = 1,2 , . . .) be a Castaing representation for Fa. Since J Fa is convex and closed and includes J a," for all n = 1 , 2 , . . . , clearly
where m ( A ) denotes the closed convex hull of A.
.I. If F : T
-+ En
is continuous, then it is integrable.
By Lemma 2.3.2, F is strongly measurable. Since Fo is continProof. uous, Fo(t) E P K ( R n )for all t E T and T is compact, then UtGTFo( t ) is compact. Thus, F is integrably bounded and the conclusion follows from Theorem 2.4.1. We shall next consider the elementary properties of the integral.
Let F : T
En be integrable and c
T . Then
Clearly the integrability of F implies that F is integrable over Proof. any subinterval of T. b Now let a E [ O , l ] and f be a measurable selection for Fa. Since Ja f = J : J +J : f then we get
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.4 Integrability
On the other hand, let z = J:gl Jc 92: where gl is a measurable selection for Fa in [a,c] and g2 is a measurable selection for Fa in [c)bl. Then f: defined by
is a measurable selection for Fa in T and
and the theorem is proved. Corollary If F : T schitz continuous on T .
En is continuous, then G(t)
Proof. Let s , t E T and assume that s the properties of d, we obtain
J ' F is Lip-
> t . Then by Theorem 2.4.2 and
where 1 if t = O , 0 elsewhere
0(t) =
Since UtETFo(t) is compact (see the proof of Corollary 2.4.1) then there exists an A': > 0 such that llxlj M for all x E Fo(t) and t E T. But this implies that d(G(s),G(t)) 5 M ( s - t ) ,
which was to be proved.
.4.3. Let F, G : T
(ii) J X F = X J F j (iii) d(F, G) is integrable, © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
En be integrable and X E R. Then
Chapter 2. Calculus o f Fuzzy Fzlnctions
Let a E [O, I]. Since F, and G, are compact-convex-valued it follows from Debreu [16] that the integrals J F, and f 6, are in fact Bochner integrals. Hence applying equation (2.2.3) we obtain
which proves (i). Similar reasoning yields (ii); instead of equation (2.2.3), use equation (2.2.4). Recall that the Hausdorff metric can be written in the form dH(A,B) = max sup inf llx X E Ay e B
- ylj, sup inf X E BY E A
Now for (iii), let {a,"In = 1,2, . . .) (resp. {pg In = 1 , 2 , . . .)) be a Castaing representation for Fa (resp. G,). Applying equation (2.4.1) we get
which is measurable. Thus
where {ak1 k = 1,2, . . .} is dense in [O,1], is measurable. Furthermore
where hl and h2 are integrable bounds for F and G respectively. Thus Proposition 7 in Royden [102], p. 82 gives us (iii). Finally, from Debreu [16], we deduce
and consequently
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.4 Integrability
A. If F : T
En i s integrable, then the real function
(t:a ) --+ diam
t E T 1a E l O , l ] .
i s nondecreasing w. r. t. t o n T and nonincreasing with respect t o a o n [0,I ] . Proof.
Let t l ,t z E T with tl
< t 2 . According to Theorem 2.4.1
which proves the first assertion. The second is trivial. A.1. Let A E En and define F : [ O , t ]
all O 5 s
< t.
En by F ( s ) = A for
Then F = tA.
Clearly t A c J: F . Conversely, let a E [ O , l ] and choose a n y T h e n f can be expressed as a limit of a s u m
/ F,
where ( ( 7 , [ti-l,t i ) ) ( = i 1 ; . . . , n ) is a belated partition of [0,t ) with measure p,. Since f ( q ) E [AIa for all i = 1 , . . . ,n and [AIa i s convex i t follows that S, E p,[Ala fo,r all n. A s we pass t o the limit then p, / t and consequently lim,,, d H ( t [ A I a p,[AIa) , = 0 . It follows tha.t / f E t[A]" and hence J; F c tA.
.4.2. Define F : T
En by the equation
where a?, by : T -+ R are integrable, a $ ( t ) 5 b y ( t ) for all t E T and for each t E T a$ ( t ) !b$ ( t )are left continuous and a: ( t ) (resp. b$ ( t ) )i s nondecreasing (resp. nonincreasing) with respect t o a . By Theorem 1.5.1 F ( t ) E En. Now for all cr E [0,11 we have
and again by Theorem 1.5.1 we see that F is integrable. The condition (1.5.3) follows from Lebesgue's convergence theorem; (1.5.1) and (1.5.2) are trivially valid. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter- 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
Let us recall the definition of the Rukuhara difference (H-difference) [39]. Let x, y E En. If there exists a z E En such that x = y z then we call z the H-difference of x and y, denoted x - y. The following definition is due to Puri and Ralescu [99].
A mapping F : T --t En is differentiable at to E T if there exists a F1(to)E En such that the limits
exist and are equal to F1(to). Here the limit is taken in the metric space (En,d ) . At the end points of
T, we consider only the one-sided derivatives. .5.1. From the definition, it directly follows that if F is differentiable then the multivalued mapping Fa is Hukulzara differentiable for all a. E [0,I ] and DF,(t) = [ F ' ( t ) I f f . (2.5.1) Here DF, denotes the Nukuhara derivative of Fa. The converse results doesn't hold, since the existence of Rukuhara differences [ x ]-~[y]",cr E [0,11; does not imply the existence of the H-difference x - y. However, for the converse results we have the following.
.5.1. Let F : T
En satisfy the assumptions:
( a ) for each t E Tt there exists a ,8 > O such that the H-differences F ( t h) - F ( t ) and F ( t ) - F ( t - h) exist for all 0 5 h < p;
(b) the set-valued mappings Fa, a E [ O , I ] ; are unzformly Hukuhara dzfferentiable with derivative DF,, i.e., for each t E T and e > O there exists a b > 0 such that
for all O 5 h
< 6 and cr E [O,I].
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
F is dzflerentiable and the derivative is given
by equation (2.5.1).
Consider the family {DF,(t)ja E [O,l]). By definition DF,(t) is a compact, convex and nonempty subset of an. 5 crz then by assumption (a), If
Let a > 0 and let (ak)be a nondecreasing sequence converging t o a. For E > 0 choose h > 0 such that equation (2.5.2) holds true. Then the triangle inequality yields
By assumption (a), the rightmost term goes to zero as k
+ oo
and hence
liln ~ H ( D F , ( ~DFal ) , (t)) = 0.
Now by Theorem 2.2.2 and equation (2.5.4), we have
If cr = 0, then using equation (2.2.5), we deduce as before that
where (ak)is a nonincreasing sequence converging to zero, and consequently
Then from Theorem 1.5.1, it follows that there is an element u E En such that [u], = DF, (t) for cu E [0, 11. Furthermore, let t E T , t
> 0 and b > 0 be as in (b). Then
for all 0 5 h < S and similarly for d ( ( F ( t ) - F ( T - h ) ) / h , u). Hence F'(t) = u and we have the theorem. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
Let F : T -+ E' be differentiable. Denote F a ( t ) [ f a ( t )g,a ( t ) ] ,cu E [O,l]. Then f a and g, are differentiable and lFf(t)l" = If:, ( %
[ F ( t+ h ) - F(t)l" = [ f a @+ h ) - f&),
+ h ) - g&)l
and similarly for [ F ( t )- F ( t - h)]". Dividing by h and passing to the limit gives the conclusion.
tl 5
Let F : T -+ En be differentiable on T . If t l ,t 2 E T with then there exists a C E En such that F ( t 2 )= F ( t l ) + C .
For each s E [ t l , t z ]there exists a S(s) > 0 such that the HProofdifferences F ( s + h ) - F ( s ) and F ( s ) - F ( s - h ) exist for all 0 I h < b ( s ) . Then we can find a finite sequence t l = sl < s2 < . . . < s, = t:, such that the family { I s z= ( s ; - b ( s i ) ,si 6(si))li = 1 , . . . , n) covers Itl, t 2 ]and Is, n Az+l # 0. Pick a vi E Is%n I,%+',i = 1 , . . . , n - 1, such that si < vi < si+l. Then
for some B 1 ,B 2 ,CiE E n . Hence
As an immediate consequence we have:
.&I. If F : T -+En is differentiable on T then for each a [0,11 the real function t -+ diam[F(t)]"is nondecreasing on T . .5.4. If F : T
is differentiable then it is continuous.
Proof. Let t , t + h 6 T with h triangle inequality we have d(F(t
+ h ) ,F ( t ) )
> 0. Then by the property of d and the
d(F(t h) - F(t),0)
I. h d ( ( F ( t + h ) - F ( t ) ) / h , F ' ( t ) ) + h d ( F f ( t ) , 0 ) , where h is so small that the H-difference F ( t h )- F ( t ) exists. By the differentiability, the right-hand side goes t o zero as h + 0+ and hence F is right continuous. The left continuity is similarly proven. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.5 Differen tiability
A direct consequence of the properties of d is the following result. If F, G
En are diflerentiable and X
+ G ) ' ( t )= F 1 ( t )+ G 1 ( t )and ( X F ) ' ( t )= XF1(t).
. Let F
integral G ( t ) =
T -+ En be continuous. Then for all t F is diflerentiable and G 1 ( t )= F ( t ) . :
R then E
T the
Proof. Note that according to Corollary 2.4.1 F is integrable. Now for h > 0 , Theorem 2.4.2 gives
Let E > 0 be arbitrary. Then by Example 2.4.1, Theorem 2.4.3 and the continuity of F , we have
for all h > 0 sufficiently small. Hence limh+O+( G ( t h )- G ( t ) ) / h= F ( t ) and similarly limh-to+(G(t)- G ( t - h ) ) / h = F ( t ) , which proves the theorem. 2.5.7. Let F : T -iEn be differentiable and assume that the derivative F' is integrable over T . Then for each s E T , we have
Let a E [0,1] be fixed. We shall prove that
where DF, is the Hukuhara derivative of F,, from which the theorem follows by Remark 2.5.1. Recall that the supporting functional ti(.,K ) : Rn-+ R of K E T ' K ( R ~ ) is defined by S(a,K ) = sup{a . kl k E K ) , © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 2. Calculus of Fuzzy Functions
where a.k denotes the usual scalar product of a and k. If K 1 ,K2 E % ( R n ) then Theorem 11-18 in Castaing and Qaladier [9]gives us the equation
Now let t , t h E T with h > 0 so small that the H-difference F ( t f h) - F ( t ) exists. Then by Theorem 11-17 in [9]we have
S ( X , F,(t
+ h)
= b ( x ,F,(t
6 ( x ,F, ( t ) )
for all x E Rn, ol E [O,1] and consequently
Then by the differentiability of Fa and Equations (2.5.6) and (2.5.7) we obtain that 6 ( x ,F,(t)) is right differentiable and the right derivative equals 6 ( x ,D F a ( t ) ) ,where x is an arbitrary element of the surface of the unit ball S in R n . Applying a similar reasoning for h < 0 we conclude that for all x E S , 6 ( x ,F,(t)) is differentiable on T and
Since DF,(t) is compact and convex it can be expressed as an intersection of all closed half-spaces containing it, i.e.,
where Hz = { z E Rnlx . z 5 S ( x ,DF,(t))}. Thus DF,(t) equals the derivative of the set-valued mapping F, defined by Bradley and Datko [7].The equality (2.5.5) now follows from the same reference.
le 2.5.1. Let A E En be fixed and r : T - - Rn a diflerentiable function. Consider a mapping F : T -+ En defined b y F ( t ) = r ( t ) + A >where as usual the membership function of r ( t ) equals 1 at r ( t ) and zero elsewhere. Thus F ( T ) is a fixed fuzzy set moving along a dzflerentiable curve r in R n . Then clearly F is difjerentiable and F t ( t ) = r f ( t ) . Furthermore, as a continuous mapping, it is integrable and j" F = j" r + ( b - u ) A .
Theorem 2.5.7 allows us to derive a mean value theorem for fuzzy mappings. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2.6 Notes and Comments
Theorem 2.5.8. Let F : T + E7V1e continuously differentiable on T. Then
d (F(b) , F (a)) 5 (b - a ) sup d (F1(t),0). t E?'
By means of Theorems 2.5.7 and 2.4.3 we obtain
Rolle's theorem also holds true for a fuzzy mapping F : T --, E' Theorem 2.5.9. Let F : T -+ E' be differentiable on T. If F ( a ) = F(b) then there exists a to E T such that F1(to)= 0.
Proof. By Theorem 2.5.3, F ( t ) = F ( a ) R(t) for some R(t) E E' . Since F ( b ) = F ( a ) , diamF,(b) = diarnF,(u) for all a: E [0,1] and hence by Corollary 2.5.1 diamFa(t) is constant on T. It follows that diainF,(t) = 0 and consequently, R(t) = r(t) for some r ( t ) E R. Since F is differentiable, r is also differentiable on T. Furthermore r ( a ) = r(b) = 0 and so there exists a to E T such that rr(to)= 0. But by Example 2.5.1, we have that F r ( t o )= 0. A
Notes and Comments
Section 2.2 dealing with the convergence of fuzzy sets is adapted from Kaleva [41]. See Diamond and Kloeden [24] where the analysis is carried out in locally compact metric spaces. The results containing in Sections 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 are taken from Kaleva [42]. See Puri and Ralescu [98, 991 for a more general concept of measurability. Also Dubois and Prade [30; 31, 321 have considered general concepts of derivatives and integrals. See also Diamond and Kloeden [24] for general results, and Banks and Jacobs [3], De Blasi and Lasota [14], Heilpern [%I, and Hukuliara 1391. See Kloeden [52] for convergence results in a locally compact metric space X. If a linear structure is added to X, then it is finite dimensional and hence topologically isomorphic to an Rn. See Taylor [ I l l ] . Thus one may derive results in Rn.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
This chapter is devoted t o the basic theory of fuzzy differential equations (FDEs). We begin Section 3.2 with the existence and uniqueness result for the initial value problem (IVP) employing the contraction mapping principle. Here the idea of weighted metric is utilized with effectiveness. Since the local existence result analogous t o Peano's theorem in ordinary differential equations for the IVP of FDEs is still open, we prove in Section 3.3, an existence result under the stronger assumption of boundedness of the nonlinear function involved, everywhere. We establish in Section 3.4, a variety of comparison results for the solutions of FDEs which forrn the essential tools for studying the fundamental theory of FDEs. The comparison discussed shows how with the minimum linear structure, one can develop the theory of differential inequalities that are important in comparison principles. Section 3.5 deals with the convergence of successive approximations of the IVP of FDEs under the general uniqueness assumption of Perron type utilizing the comparison functions that is rather instructive. Continuous dependence of solutions of FDEs relative to the initial data is considered in Section 3.6. Section 3.7 investigates the global existence of solutions of FDEs. In Section 3.8, we discuss approximate solutions and error estimates between the solutions and approximate solutions. Finally, in Section 3.9, we initiate the study of stability criteria in a simpler way, suitably defining the stability concepts in the present framework. Notes and comments are provided in Section 3.10.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
Consider the initial value problem (IVP for short) for the fuzzy differential equation d 21' = f ( t , u ) , u(t0), to 2 0 = ug, f = (3.2.1) dt where f E C [ J x En,En], J = [to,to a], a > 0. Recall that (En,d) is a complete metric space. Let us first note that a mapping u : J -+ En is a solution of the IVP (3.2.1) if and only if it is continuous and satisfies the integral equation
f (s, u(s))ds, t E J.
This assertion follows from Theorems 2.5.4, 2.5.6 and 2.5.7'. We also observe that if u(t) satisfies (3.2.2))then
where diam means the diameter of the set involved. Consequently, in view of Corollary 2.5.1, u(t) is not, in general, differentiable for t < to. This means that the integral (3.2.2) cannot be extended for t < to. As an application of the contraction mapping principle, we shall show that if f (t, u) satisfies a Lipschitz condition, then the IVP (3.2.1) possesses a unique solution on J. .I. Assume that f E C [ J x En,En] and satisfies the Lzpschitz condition d[f (t, 4,f (4 v>l
< k d b , 4,
for t E J, u, v E En. Then ihe IVP (3.2.1) has a unique solution u(t) on J . Proof* Let c[JjEn] denote the set of all continuous functions from J t o E n . Define the weighted metric
H (u, v) = sup d [u(t),v ( t ) ~ e - ' ~ J
for u, v E C[J, En]and X > 0 to be chosen later. Since (En,d) is a complete metric space, a standard argument shows that ( C [ J jEn],N)is also complete. For u E C [ J , E7'],we define T u on J by the relation
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
3.2 Initial Value Problem
Then by Corollary 2.4.2, T u E C [ J ,E n ] . Moreover, condition (3.2.3) and the properties of the integral in Theorem 2.4.3 yield
Their relation, in turn, implies that for t E J ,
and therefore, choosing X = 2k, we get 1 H [ T u , T v ]5 - H [ u , v ] . 2 The contraction mapping principle immediately assures that there exists a unique fixed point of T, say u*,which implies that u * ( t ) is the unique solution of the IVP (3.2.1) on J . The proof is complet'e.
.I. Let A , B : J -+ E' be continuous. Define f : J x E' -+ El b y f ( t ,u ) = A ( t ) u B ( t ) , where the multiplication in E' is given b y Zadeh's extension principle. If [A(t)]"= [ a y ( t )a, i ( t ) ]and [XI" = [ x y ,x;] then
[A(t)uja = [min(a;Y(t)xy,a; ( t ) x y ,a? ( t ) x ; , ( t ) x z ) , max(a;" ( t ) x y, a; (t)x;Y,a;Y( t ) x g ,a; ( t ) x g ) ] .
The functions layl. lag1 are bounded on J by a constant independent of a . Then a strazghtforward computation shows that f ( t ,u ) satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 3.2.1 and consequently the initial value problem
has a unique solution on J . © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
The local existence result analogous t o Peano's theorem is not valid for fuzzy differential equations, since ( E n ,d ) is a metric space, which is not locally compact and hence mere continuity of f in (3.2.1)is not sufficient t o guarantee local existence as in finite dimensions. However, if f is continuous and bounded, we can prove an existence result. This is precisely what we plan t o do in this section. Let us continue to consider the IVP (3.2.1). As in Section 3.2, we shall employ the metric space C [ J ,En] but with the unweighted metric N [ u ,v] = sup d [u(t): v ( t ) ] u, , v E CIJlEn]. For each u E C [ J ,E n ] ,we define, as before, J
the mapping T u by the relation (3.2.4). We note that a fixed point of T is also a solution of the IVP (3.2.1).We can now prove the following result.
.I. A s s u m e that f E C [ J x En, En] and
where 0 E En i s defined as 0 ( z ) = 1 if z = 0, and ~ ( z=)0 i f z the IVP (3.2.1) has a solution u ( t ) o n J .
# 0. T h e n
Proof. Let B be a bounded set in C [ J ,En]. The set T B = [Tu : u,E B ] is totally bounded if and only if it is equicontinuous and for every t E J , the ) [ [ T u ] ( :t )t E J] is a totally bounded subset of En. For any set [ T B ] ( t = t l , t 2 E J, t l 5 t2 and u E B , we get by Theorem 2.5.8,
which shows that T B is equicontinuous. For t E J fixed, we have
for every t l E J and ti E B. Consequently, the set { [ T u ] ( t :) u E B ] ) is totally bounded in En. By Ascoli's theorem, we conclude that TB is a relatively compact subset of C [ J ,En]. Kow consider, in the metric space ( C [ JE , n ] ,N): the ball B = [u E C [ J ,En] : N ( u ,0) 5 a M ] . Then TB c B , because for u E C [ J ,E n ] ,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
3.4 Comparison Theorems Hence, defining 6(t) : J
En such that O(t) = 6,t E J, we get = sup d [(Tu(t)(TO) (t)]
5 Ma.
Since T is compact, by Schauder's fixed point theorem, T has a fixed point and this fixed point is a solution of (3.2.1). T'ne proof is complete. As we have seen, the metric space (En,d) has a linear structure, but is not a linear vector space. Nonetheless, it can be embedded isomorphically as a cone in a Banach space of functions in: I x Sn-' -+ R where Sn-' is the unit sphere u : Rn, with an embedding function u* = ~ ( w defined ) by u*( a ,x) = max,,[,p (a, x) for all ( a ,x) E I x Sn-l. where I = [Q, 11. Fuzzy differential equations may therefore be considered and treated as differential equations on a Banach space. Following the well-developed theory of differential equations in a Banach space, one could obtain a Peano-like theorem for fuzzy differential equations on (En,d) by restricting to compact mappings f or to mappings f which satisfy a contraction type assu~nption in terms of a measure of noncompactness. See Lakshmikanthain and Leela [60] for details. The assumption of boundedness of f assumed in Theorem 3.3.1 is very strong. Thus an existence result better than Theorem 3.3.1 is still open, since the attempts in this direction are not satisfactory.
Using the properties of d[u, v] and the integral listed above, and the known theory of differential and integral inequalities, we shall establish the following comparison principles which we need for later discussion.
-4.1.Assume that f E C[J x En,En] and for t E J, u, v
where g E C [ J x R+, R+] and g(t, w) is nondecreasing in w for each t . Suppose further that the maximal solution r ( t , to, w) of the scalar dzferential equation wl=g(t,w), w(to)=wo20, (3.4.2) exists on J . Then, if u(t), v(t) are any two solutions of (3.2.1) through (to,u o ) , (to,vo) respectively on J, we have
provided d[uo,vo] 5 wo. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
Proof* Set m(t) = d[u(t),v(t)] so that m(to) = d[uo,vo] 5 wo. Then, in view of the properties of the metric d, we get
Now using properties of the integrals and condit,ion (3.4.1), we observe that
g(s,m(s))ds, t E J. Now applying Theorem 1.9.2 given in Lakshmikantham and Leela [61], we conclude that m ( t ) 5 r ( t , to, m), t E J. This establishes Theorem 3.4.1.
.I, If we employ the theory of differential inequalities instead of integral inequalities, we can dispense with the monotone character of g(t, w) assumed in Theorem 3.4.1. This is proved in the next comparison principle.
. Let the assumptions of Theorem 3.4.1 hold except the nondecreasing property of g(t, w) in w. Then the conclusion (3.4.3) is valid. Proof* For small h > 0 the II-difference of u(t + h) - u(t), v(t + h) - v(t) exists, and we have for t E I, m(t
+ h)
m ( t )= d[u(t + h), v(t + h)] - d[u(t),v(t)].
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
3.4 Comparison Theorems Using the triangular inequality for d , we get
d[u(t h ) ,v(t
+ h)
Id[u(t+ h ) ,u ( t ) h f ( t ,u ( t ) ) ]
+ h)],
+d[u(t) h f ( t :u ( t ) ),u(t ,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
56 are solutions of (3.4.1), we find that 1
~ + m ( t= ) lim sup -[m(t + h ) - m(t)] hi0
liin sup d [ u ( t
h, - u ( t ), ( t ,u ( t ) ) ] h
+ d [ f ( 4 W )f ,(t:v ( t ) ) l . Here, we have used the fact that
d [ u ( t h ) ,~ ( t )h f ( t ,u ( t ) ) ]
d [ u ( t h) - u ( t ) ,h f ( t ,u ( t ) ) ] ,
where z ( t ) is the H-difference of u ( t + h ) and u ( t ) . A similar argument holds for the other expression. This implies that
and therefore, the conclusion (3.4.3) follows from Theorem 1.4.1 in Lakshmikanthain and Leela [61]. The next comparison result provides an estimate under weaker assumptions. Assume that f E C [ I x E n , E n ] and 1
lim sup - [ d [ u + h f ( t , u ) , v + h f ( t , u ) ]- -]d [ u , v ] hiO+ h
I9 ( t ,d [ u ,7 ~ 1 1 , t E J ,
u ,v E En,
where g E C [ J x R+,R]. The maximal solution r ( t ,to,wo) of (3.4.2) exists on J . Then the conclusion of Theorem 3.4.1 is valid. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
3.4 Comparison Theorems Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 3.4.2, we see that
+ h ) - m(t) = d [ u ( t+ h ) ,v ( t + h ) ]
d [ u ( t ) v, ( t ) ]
~ + m ( t= ) lim sup [m(t+ h ) - m(t)] hi0
The conclusion follows as before by Theorem 1.4.1 in Lakshmikantham and Leela [61]and the proof is complete. We wish to remark that in Theorem 3.4.2, g ( t , w) need not be nonnegative and therefore the estimate (3.4.3) would be finer than the estimates in Theorems 3.4.1 and 3.4.2. As special cases of Theorems 3.4.1, 3.4.2, and 3.4.3. we have the following important corollaries.
Assume that f E C [ J x E n , E n ] and ezther
lim sup hiO+
1 -
[d [u h f ( t ,u),
where g E C [ J x R+,R]. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
011 < g ( t ,d[u,01):
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
Then, if d [uo,O] wo, we have
d [u(t),
17.(t,t o , wo), t
where r ( t ,to,w o ) is the maximal solution of (3.4.2) on J . The function g ( t , w)= X ( t ) w , X(t) > 0 and continuous is admissible in Theorem 3.4.1 to give
Then the Gronwall inequality implies
which shows that (3.4.3) reduces to
. In
Theorem 3.4.3: the function g ( t , w ) = X ( t ) w , where
X(t) is the same function as i n Corollary 3.4.2, is admissible and as a result we get
If X(t) = X > 0 , we find that
If J = [to,oo);we see that limtioo d [ u ( t ) v, ( t ) ] = 0, showing the advantage of Theorem 3.4.3.
We shall prove an existence and uniqueness result under an assumptio~imore general than the Lipschitz-type condition considered in Section 3.2 by the method of successive approximations. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
3.5 Convergence of Successive Approximations
(a) f E CIRo,En] where R o = [ J x B ( u o , b ) ] B, ( u o , b ) = [ u e E n : d [ u , u o ] b] and d [ f ( t , u ) , i ) ] Ado o n R o ;
o n J x C o [ 0 , 2 b ] , ~ ( t , O= ) ( b ) y E C [ J x [ 0 , 2 b ] : R + ] Q, 5 g ( t , w ) 0 ;y ( t , w ) i s nondecreasiny in w for each t E J and w ( t ) =: 0 i s the unique solution of (3.4.2) o n J ;
T h e n the successive approximations defined by u,+l ( t )= uo
n = = 0 , 1 , 2 ... , ,
b exist o n [to,to 71 where 17 = rnin [ a ,m], hI = rnax(Mo,MI) as continuous functions and converge uniformly t o the unique solution u ( t ) of (3.2.1) o n [to,to + 71.
We have
and consequently, the successive approximations { u n ( t ) ) are well defined on [to,to 4. Next we shall define the successive approximations of (3.4.2) as follows
An easy induction proves that { w , ( t ) ) are well defined and
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
Since jwA(t) 1 5 g ( t ,wn-1 ( t ) ) M I , we conclude from the Ascoli-Arzela w,(t) = theorem and the monotonicity of the sequence { w n ( t ) ) .that lim,,, w ( t ) uniformly on [to,to 71.It is also clear that w ( t ) satisfies (3.4.2) and hence by condition (b) w ( t ) 2 0, to t 5 to 7 . \Ve see that
d [ . f ( s , u o ) , bds ]
< M ( t - to) = wo(t).
Suppose that
on [to,to d [ u k ( t )~, ~ - ~ ( wk-1(t), t ) ] Since
+ n] for some given
using condition (c) and the monotone character of g ( t , w ) in w , we get
Thus by induction, the estimate
is true for all n. Letting v ( t ) = d[u,+l(t):u n ( t ) ]te[to, , to yields, for t E [to,to 71,
Let n 5 m. Then we obtain
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
+ 71:the proof of Theorem 3.4.2
3.6 Continuous Dependence
Setting v ( t ) = d [ u n( t ) u,(t)], , the proof of Theorem 3.4.2 shows that
5 in view of the monotone nature of g ( t , w ) in w and the fact that w,-1 w,-1 since n m and w n ( t ) is a decreasing sequence. The comparison Theorem 1.4.1 in Eakshmikantham and Leela 1611 then gives
where r,(t) is the maximal solution of
for each n. Since as n -+ OC, 2 g ( t , wn-1 ( t ) )-4 O uniformly on [to,to 71, it follows by Lemma 1.3.1 in Lakshmikantham and Leela [ G l ] that r,(t) i O uniformly on [to,to q ] . This implies from (3.5.5) and the definition of v ( t ) that u, ( t ) converges uniformly to u ( t ) and it is easy to show that u ( t ) is a solution of (3.2.1). To show uniqueness, let uo(t)be another solution of (3.2.1). Then setting m(t) = d [ u ( t ) ,u o ( t ) ] and noting that m(to)= 0, we get D + m ( t ) g ( t m ( t ) )t, E J and m(t) 5 r ( t , to,0 ) ,t 6 J by Theorem 3.4.2. By the assumptions r ( t , to,0 ) E 0 and therefore, we obtain u ( t ) = 210, t E J , proving uniqueness.
In this section, we shall consider the continuous dependence of solutions of (3.2.1) with respect to initial values.
.I. Suppose that the assumptions of Theorem 3.5.1 hold. Also further that the solutions w ( t ,to,w o ) of (3.4.2) through every point ( t o wo) , are continuous with respect to (to,w o ) T h e n the solutions u ( t , t o , u o ) of (3.2.1) are continuous relative to (to,u o ) . We need t,he following result before we prove Theorem 3.6.1.
.I. Let f E C [ J x E n , E n ] and let G ( t ,r ) = max d [ f ( t ,u ) ,O ] d[u,~o]Ir
Assume that r*(t,to,0) is the maximal solution of W'
= G ( t ,w), w ( t O )= 0,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
on J . Let u ( t ,to,u o ) be the solution of (3.2.1). T h e n
Proof- Define m(t) = d [ u ( t ,t o , u o ) ,uo] for t E J . Then Corollary 3.4.1 shows that
This implies by Theorem 1.4.1 in Lakshmikantham and Leela [ G l ] that
proving the lemma. .1 Let u ( t ) = u ( t ,to,u o ) ,v ( t ) = v ( t ,t o ,v o ) be the , ( t )we ] , get from two solutions of (3.2.1). Then, defining m(t) = d [ u ( t )~ Theorem 3.4.2 the estimate
Since lim,,,,, r ( t ,to, d [uo,v o ] )= v ( t . t o , 0 ) uniformly on J and by hypothesis r ( t . t o , 0 ) = 0 , we get lim,,,,, u ( t ,t o , u o ) uniforndy and hence continujty of u ( t ,t o ,u o ) relative to uo is proved. To prove continuity with respect to to, let u ( t ) = u ( t , t o ,u o ) ,v ( t ) = v ( t ,T O ,tiO)be the two solutions of (3.2.1) and let 7 0 t o . As before, setting m(t) = d [ u ( t ) v, ( t ) ] ,and noting that m(TO)= d [ u ( r o .u o ] , we obtain from Lemma 3.6.1. TO) ITO? t o , O ) , and consequently, by Theorem 3.4.2: we arrive at
t L
where ? ( t ) = T ( t ,7 0 ; T * (70,to,0 ) ) is the maximal solution of (3.4.2) though (70, T * ( T O ,t o , 0 ) ) . Since r * ( t o ,to,0 ) = 0 , we have lim ?(t,T O ,T * ( T O , to, 0 ) ) = T ( t , t o , 0 ) ,
70 - - t o
uniformly on J. By hypothesis T ( t , to,0 ) = 0 which proves the continuity of u ( t ,to,u o ) relative to t o and the proof of Theorem 3.6.1 is complete. We note that the function g ( t , w ) = L w , L > 0 , is admissible in Theorems 3.5.1 and 3.6.1. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
3.7 Global Existence
We consider the fuzzy differential equation 21'
( t ,u ) , u ( t O )= Z L O ,
where f E C [ R +x E n , E n ] . In this section, we shall investigate the existence of solutions for t t o . Assuming local existence, we shall prove the following global existence result.
.I. Assume that f E C [ R + x E n j E n ] and
d [ f ( t ; u ) , 0 ] g ( t , d [ u j 6 ] ,)
t , ~E)R+ x E n ,
where g E c[R:, R + ] , g ( t , w )is nondecreasing i n w for each t E R+ and the maximal solution r ( t ,t o , w o ) of (3.4.2) exists on [to,ca). Suppose further that f is smooth enough to guarantee local existence of solutions of (3.2.1) for any (to,u o ) E R+ x E n . Then the largest interval of existence of any solution u ( t ,to,t h o ) of (3.7.1) such that d [ u o , 5 wo is [to,GO).
Proof. Let u ( t ) = u ( t jto,u o ) be any solution of (3.7.1) with d [uo,O ] 5 wo. which exists on [ t o P , ) , t o < P < cc and the value of P cannot be increased. Define m ( t )= d [ u ( t ) , Then Corollary 3.4.1 shows that
m ( t )1 r ( t ~ o , [u, d For any t l ,t2 such that to < tl
to < t < 0.
< P, we have
The relat,ion (3.7.2) and the nondecreasing nature of g ( t ,w) now yields
d b ( t 1 ) :7 - 4 2 ) ] 5
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
g ( s >r ( s ,to, w o ) ) d s
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
Since lim,,o- r ( t , to, wo) exists and is finite by hypothesis, taking the limit as t l , t2 t p- and using the Cauchy criterion for convergence, it follows from (3.7.3) that limt,p- u(t, to, uo) exists. We then define u(P, to,wo) - limt,pu(t, to, uo) and consider the initial value problem
By the assumed local existence, we see that u(t, to, uo) can be continued beyond P, contradicting our assumption that /3 cannot be continued. Hence wo exists globally every solution u(t, to,uo) of (3.7.1) such that d [uo, on [to,m) and the proof is complete.
01 <
emark 3.7.1. Since r (t, to, wo) is nondecreasing because of the fact that g(t, w) 1 0, if we assume that r ( t , to, wo) is bounded on [to,x),it follows that limt,, r ( t , to, wc)exists and is finite. This, together with (3.7.2) which now holds for t E [to,oo),implies that limtim u(t, to, uo) = y E En exists.
We shall obtain an error estimate between the solutions and approximate solutioils of IVP (3.7.1). Let us define the notion of approximate solutions.
A function v(t) = v(t, to, vo, E ) , E > 0; is said to be an E-approximate solution of (3.7.1) if v E C[R+,En],v(to,to, vo, E ) = vo and
In case
= 0;
~ ( tis) a solution of (3.7.1).
3.8.1. Assume that f E C[R+ x E n , En]and f o r t
> to,u, v E E n ,
where g E C[R$, R+]. Suppose that r ( t ) = r ( t , to, wo, E) is the maximal solution of (3.8.2) W' = g(t, w) E, w(tO)= wg 2 0,
existing for t 2 to. Let u(t) = u ( t , t O , u o )be any solution of (3.7.1) and v(t) = v(t, t o rvg; E ) is an E-approximate solution of (3.7.1) existing f o r t 2 to. Then d[u(t),v(t)l 5 r(t,to,ulo,€1, t 2 to, (3.8.3) provided cl[uo,vo] 5 wo. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
3.9 Stability Criteria
Proof. We proceed as in the proof of Theorem 3.4.2 with m ( t ) = d[u(t),v(t)], until we arrive at ~ ' m ( t ) 5 limsupd hi02
This implies using the definition of approximate solution and (3.8.2) the differential inequality
and m(to) 5 WO.The stated estimate follows from Theorem 1.4.1 i11 Lakshmikanthain and Leela [61]. The following corollary provides the well-known error estimate between the solution and an E-approximate solution of (3.7.1). The function g(t, w) = Lw, L > 0, is admissible in TheCorollary 3.8. orem 3.8.1 to yield d[u(t,to, uo), ~ [ tto,, uo, €11
5 d[uo,vo]eL(t-tO)+ Proof.
Since (3.8.2) in this case reduces to
it is easy to obtain the estimate (3.8.4) by solving the linear differential equation (3.8.5).
Before we proceed further to investigate stability results of fuzzy differential equations, let us note the following fact. In view of Corollary 2.5.1, the solutions of fuzzy differential equations have, in general, the property that diam[x(t)la is nondecreasing as time increases. Hence the formulation we have been working with is not suitable to reflect the rich behavior of solutions of ordinary differential equations. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
Consider the following example. Let a E I' have level sets [ala = [a?,a:] for a E I = [O, 11 and suppose that a solution x : [0,T ] -+ I' of the fuzzy differential equation
dx dt
-- ax,
has level sets [x(t)la= [ x y ( t )x, g ( t ) ]for a E I and t E [O, TI. The Bukuhara derivative also has level sets
for a E I and t E [O, T ]and by the extension principle, the fuzzy set f ( x ( t ) )= a x ( t ) has level sets
for all a E I and t E [O, TI. Thus the fuzzy differential equation (*) is equivalent t o the coupled system of ordinary differential equations
for a E I. For a = x l l ) E £I, the fuzzy differential equation (*) becomes
and the system of ordinary differential equations (**) reduces t,o
dx" 1 dt
dxg dt
for a E I. The solution corresponding to an initial value xo E El with [xOlN= [ x & ,x&] for a E I is given by 1
xP ( t ) = ( x & - xg2)et © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
+ 1 (x&+ ~ $ ) e - ~ ,
3.9 Stability Criteria
for a E I and all t 2 0. Thus for xo = x{,,) the solution x(t) = ~(,,,-t) -3 ~ { o as } t -+ 00. On the other hand, when [xojff= [a - 1 , l - a] for a E I, the solution has level sets [x(t)lff= [(a- l ) e t , (1 - a ) e t ] = (1 - a)et[-1, 11
for all a E I and t 0. In particular, diam[x(t)lff= 2(1 - a ) e t , and hence the solution becomes fuzzier as time increases. This shows that the stability results considered in this section and in Chapter 4 are of limited applicability. If the stability definitions are not with respect to the zero element of En but relative t o any given solution d ( t ) E En, then the corresponding stability criteria are perfectly in order. Nonetheless. in order t o avoid complexities in formulating such definitions and the results. we have chosen to present the usual definitions and results for convenience, fully realizing their limited usefulness in this setup. However, in Section 5.9, we describe a new concept of stability for fuzzy differential systems which includes, as a special case, the stability results, in the sense of Lyapunov, relative to a given solution. Moreover. the results presented would also cover orbital stability as well as other new notions between Lyapunov and orbital stabilities. We shall discuss some simple stability results. We list a few definitions concerning the stability of the trivial solution of (3.7.1) which we assume t o exist. nition 3.9.1. The trivial solution u = 0 of (3.7.1) is said to be (Sl) equi-stable 2f, for each E > 0 and to E R+, there exists a positive function 6 = 6(to,E) that is continuous in to for each t such that
d [uO,
< 6 implies d [ u ( t )0,1 < t , t 2 to,
where u(t) = u(t, to, uo) is the solution of (3.7.1);
(S2) uniformly stable, zf the 6 in (Sl) is independent of t o ; (S3) quasi-equi-asymptotically sta.ble, if for each t > 0 and toeR+, there exist positive do = bo(to) and T = T(to,E ) such that d [uo,61
< do implzes d [ ~ ( t )i)], < t , t 2 t o + T ;
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental Theory
(S4) quasi-uniformly asymptotically stable, i f 60 and T i n (S3) are independent of to; (S5) equi-asymptotically stable, if (§I) and (S3) hold simultaneously; (S6) uniformly asymptotically stable, if (S2) and (S4) hold simultaneously; (S7) exponentially asymptotically stable i f there exists a n estimate
Corresponding to the definitions (S1)-(S7), we can define the stability notions of the trivial solution w = 0 of the scalar differential equation
where g E c[R$, R] with g(t, 0) = 0. For example, the trivial solution of (3.9.1) i s equi-stable, i f given E > 0 and to E R+, there exists a d = 6(to,E ) > 0 that i s continuous i n to for each E such that
I wo < 6
implies w (t, to, wo) < E ,
2 to,
where w ( t , to,wo) is any solution of (3.9.1) existing o n t
2 to
We are now in a position to prove some simple criteria for stability. Assume that
(i) f E C[R+ x s(p),E n ] , s ( ~ = ) [WE" : d [ u , ~ < ] f o r h > 0 , t E R + , u E s(p),
, f ( t , 6 ) = Q and
(ii) g E C [ R $ ,R],g(t,0) z 0. T h e n the stability properties of the trivial solution of (3.9.1) imply the corresponding stability properties of the trivial solution of the fuzzy diflerential equation (3.7.1) respectively. Proof. Let the trivial solution of (3.7.1) be equi-stable. Then, given E and to E R+, there exists a positive 6 = &(to,E ) with the property
implies w(t,to,wo)< E ,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
t L to,
3.10 Motes and Comments
where w(t,to,wo)is any solution of (3.9.1). We' claim that with these E , 6, the trivial solution ~ ( t=j ~ ( tr) 0 of (3.7.1) is equi-stable. If this is false, there would exist a solution u(t) = u ( t , t o ,uo) of (3.7.1) with d [uo, < 6 and tl > to such that
d [u(tl),t)] = t
d [u(t),0]
< t < p,
to 5 t
< tl.
For [to,tl], using condition (3.9.2), Corollary 3.4.1 yields the estimate
proving the claim. One can prove similarly the other concepts of stability and we omit the details. For example, if g(t, w) = -aw,cr > 0, one gets exponential asymptotic stability, since by Corollary 3.4.1, we get
The results of Section 3.2 are adapted from Kaleva [42, 431 although the proof uses the metric t o simplify matters. The example is also from Kaleva [42, 431. The existence theorem in Section 3.3 is due t o Kieto [83, 821. See also Kaleva [43, 441 and Kloeden [53] for the local existence result parallel to Peano's theorem. Unfortunately, their results are not valid as described. See Friedman et al. [33, 341 for discussion and counterexamples. The results on various comparison results given in Section 3.4 are taken from Lakshinikantham and Mohapatra [66]which depend on the well-known theory of differential inequalities. See Lakshmikantham and Leela [61]. The general result relative to the convergence of successive approximations described in Section 3.5 is due to Lakshmikantham and Mohapatra [66]. which is adapted from a similar result for differential equations in a Banach space. See Lakshmikantham and Leela [60]. The work presented in Sections 3.6 and 3.7 is taken from Lakshmikantham and Mohapatra [66], which is modeled on the corresponding results in ordinary differential equations. Refer to Lakshmikantham and Leela [61]. The results dealing with approximate solutions and the error estimate are adapted from similar results in Lakshmikantham and Leela [61]. Finally, the simple stability criteria presented in Section 3.9 are modeled on the corresponding results in Lakshmikantham and Leela [59]. See for the example, Diamond and Kloeden [24]. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 3. Fundamental
For allied results, see Bobylev [5, 61, Chen et al. [lo], Kande [47, 481, Kwun et al. [55, 561, Nayak [77], Nayak and Nanda [78], and Wu [85], D. Park et al. [87, 881, J.Y. Park, et al. [95]-[92], Pears Keumaier [go], Seikkala [105], Song et al. [107]-[110], Wu et al. [11 Zhang et al. [119, 1201, and Zhou and Yu [122]. See also, Ding [ Kandel [46] and Lakshinikantham and Mohapatra [67].
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
In this chapter, we investigate essentially stability theory via Lyapunov-like functions. We shall also initiate development of fuzzy differential systems utilizing generalized metric spaces. In Section 4.2 we prove a comparison result in terms of Lyapunov-like functions which serves as a vehicle for the investigation of the stability theory of Lyapunov. Section 4.3 establishes results on stability parallel t o the original theorems of Lyapunov in the present framework. We provide in Section 4.4 nonuniform stability crikria employing the method of perturbing Lyapunov functions, under much weaker assumptions. Section 4.5 considers the various boundedness notions parallel to those of stability and offer sufficient conditions for the concepts of boundedness t o hold. In Section 4.6, we embark on initiating the study of fuzzy differential systems, the consideration of which leads to generalized metric spaces, in terms of which one proves comparison results utilizing the concept of vector Lyapunov functions. Section 4.7 discusses the method of vector Lyapunov functions and stability criteria. Since in this setup, one gets a comparison differential system, the study of which is sometimes difficult; we provide certain results to reduce the study of comparison systems t o a single comparison equation. In Section 4.8, we consider the linear fuzzy differential systeni and its perturbation and develop the variation of parameters formula. We also discuss a simple periodic boundary value problem for nonhoniogeneous linear fuzzy differential systems. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
Consider the fuzzy differential equation
u1 = f (t,u ) ,
to) = uo,
where f E C [ R + x S ( p ) ,E n ] and S ( p ) = [ti E E n : d [u, < p ] . We assume that f ( t ,6) = Q so that we have the trivial solution for (4.2.1). To investigate stability criteria, the following comparison result in terms of a Lyapunov function is very important and can be proved via the theory of differential inequalities. Here the Lyapunov function serves as a vehicle t o transform the fuzzy differential equation into a scalar comparison differential equation and therefore it is enough t o consider the stability properties of the simpler comparison equation. eosem 4.2.1. Assume that
(ii) D + V ( t ,u ) r limh,o+ sup where g E C[R:, R].
[V(t+h,u+hf ( t ,u ) ) - V ( t , u ) ] j g(t, V ( t ,u ) ) ,
Then, if u ( t ) is any solution of (4.2.1) existing on [to,oo) such that V ( t o ,u o ) 5 W O , we have
where r ( t ,to,wo) is the maximal solution of the scalar dzflerential equation w1 = g ( t , w ) ,
w ( t o )= wo
2 0,
existing on [to,oo). Proof. Let u ( t ) be any solution of (4.2.1) existing on [to,oo). Define m ( t ) = V ( t ,u ( t ) )so that m(to)= V ( t o u , o ) 5 wo. Now for small h > 0,
+ h, u ( t )+ hf ( t ,u ( t ) )- V ( t ,u ( t ) ) ,
+ h,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2 4 )
+ h f ( t ,~ ( t ) ) )V ( t ,~ ( t ) ) , -
4.2 Lyapunov-like Functions using the Lipschitz condition given in (i). Thus
D+m(t) =
1 lim sup - [ m ( t h ) - m ( t ) ]
D + V ( t , u ( t ) ) + L lim s u p - [ d [ u ( t + h ) , u ( t ) + h f ( t , u ( t ) ) ] ] . h+O+ h
Let u(t h ) = u ( t ) z ( t ) ,where z ( t ) is the H-difference for small h > 0 which is assumed to exist. Hence employing the properties of d[u,v], we see t,hat
and therefore
1 h
lim sup - [d[u(t h ) ,u ( t )
+ h f ( t ,u ( t ) ) ] ]
since u ( t ) is the solution of (4.2.1). We therefore have the scalar differential inequality D+m(t) 5 g ( t , m ( t ) ) , m(t0) I wo, t to,
which by the theory of differential inequalities (see Lakshmikantham and Leela [61]) implies
m ( t ) lr ( t ,to, wo),
t 2 to.
This proves the claimed estimate of the theorem. The following corollaries are useful. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Fu
Corollary 4.2.1. The function g ( t , w ) to yield the estimate
is admissible in Theore
Corollary 4.2.2. If, i n Theorem 4.2.1, ,we strengthen the assump D + V ( t , u ) to u)), D + V ( t , 4 5 - C [ w ( t , 7-41 + d t ,
where w E C[R+x S ( p ) ,R+],C E K = [a E C[[o,p ) , R+] : a(w)i s inc i n w and a ( 0 ) = 01, and g ( t , W ) is nondecreasing i n w for each t E R we get the estimate
whenever V(to,uo) F wo Proof.
Set L ( t , u ( t ) )= V ( t ,u ( t ) )+ J:~ C[w( s ,u ( i ) ) ] d sand note t
using the monotone character of g ( t , w ) . We then get immediately b orem 4.2.1 the estimate
where d t ) is any solution of (4.2.1). This implies the stated estima A simple example of V ( t ,21) is d [ u ,01 so that
Stability Criteria
Having necessary comparison results in terms of Lyapunov-like func is easy to establish stability results analogous t o original Lyapunov for fuzzy differential equations. Let us start with the following result on eyui-stability. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
4.3 Stability Criteria
Assume that the following hold:
1 D + v ( t , u ) r limsup -[V(t h-O+ h
+ h , u + hf ( t , u ) ) - V ( t , u ) ] 5 0;
(ii) b(d[u, 01) 5 V(t, u) 5 a ( t , ~ [ z L01), for (t, u) E R+ x S(p) where b, a(t, .) E K: = [a E C[(O,p), R+]: a(Oj = 0 and a ( w ) is increasing in w] . Then the trivial solution of (4.2.1) is equi-stable. Proof* that
Let 0
< E < p and to E R+ be given. Choose a 6 = 6(to,E ) such a(to,6)
We claim that with this 6, equi-stability holds. If not, there would exist a solution u(t) = u ( t , t o , u o )of (4.2.1) and a t l > to such that d[u(tl),61 = E
2 E < p,
to I t I tl.
By Corollary 4.2.1, we then have
Consequently, using (ii), (4.3.2) and (4.3.3), we arrive at the following contradiction
Hence equi-stability holds, completing the proof. The next result provides sufficient conditions for equi-asymptotic stability. In fact, it gives exponential asymptotic stability.
. Let the assumptions of Theorem 4.3.1 hold except that the estimate (4.3.1) be strengthened to
Then the trivial solution of (4.2.1) is equi-asymptotically stable. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
Proof* Clearly the trivial solution of (4.2.1) is equi-stable. Hence taking e = p and designating do = &(to,p), we have byTheorem 4.3.1, d[uo,Q]
< 60
d[u(t), 61 < p,
> to.
Consequently, we get from assumption (4.3.4), the estimate
Given e see that
> 0, we choose T
= T ( t o ,e) =
+ 1. Then it is easy t o
The proof is complete. We shall next consider uniform stability criteria.
and b(d[u,01) 5 V(t, u) 5 a[d[u,o]), a , b E K. Then the trivial solution of (4.2.1) is uniformly stable.
Proof. Let 0 < e < p and to E R+ be given. Choose 6 = S(e) > O such that a(b) < b(e). Then we claim that with this 6: uniform stability follows. If not, there would exist a solution u(t) of (4.2.1), and a t2 > tl > to satisfying d[u(tl),01 = 6,
d[u(tz),01 = e
6 5 d[u(t),Q] 5
< p.
Taking 17 = 6, we get from (4.3.5), the estimate
and therefore, (4.3.6) and (4.3.7) together with the definition of 6; yield
This contradiction proves uniform stability, completing the proof. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
4.4 Nonuniform Stability Criteria
Finally, we shall prove uniform asymptotic stability.
Let th.e assumptions of Theorem 4.3.3 hold except that (4.3.5) is strengthened to
T h e n the trivial solution of (4.3.1) is uniformly asymptotically stable. By Theorem 4.3.3, uniform stability follows and so for Proof. = So ( p ) . This means that designate
d [ u o ,01 < do
d [ u ( t ) 0,1
E =
p, we
< p: t 2 t o .
In view of uniform stability, it is enough t o show that there exists a t* such that for to t* j to T , where T = 1
If this is not true, 6 5 d [ u ( t ) , for to
< t 5 t o + T . Then (4.3.8) gives
As a result, we have, in view of the choice of T,
O 5 V ( t o+ T ,u(to + T ) )< a ( & ) - C ( 6 ) T < 0, a contradiction. Hence there exists a t* satisfying (4.3.9) and uniform stability then shows that
d [ u o ,01 < So implies d [ u ( t ) 6 ,1 < E :
t 2 to + T ,
and the proof is complete.
In Section 4.3, we discussed stability results parallel to Lyapunov's original theorems for fuzzy differential equations. We note that in proving nonuniform stability concepts, one needs t o impose assumptions everywhere in R+ x S ( p ) , whereas to investigate uniform stability notions, it is enough t o assume conditions in R+ x S ( p n S c ( q ) )for O < q < p, where S C ( q )denotes the complement of S ( q ) . The question therefore arises whether one can © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
prove nonuniform stability notions under less restrictive assumptions. The answer is yes and one needs to employ the method of perturbing Lyapunov functions t o achieve this. This is what we plan t o do in this section. We begin with the following result which provides nonuniform stability criteria under weaker assumptions.
-1. Assume that
Lld[u~ w, ] !Li > 0, ( A l ) Vi E C[R+x S(p),R+], (4 7 ~ 1 )- Yi ( t ,u2) I V l ( t , u )5 ao(t,d[u,O]), where a E C[R+x [ O , p ) ,R+] and ao(t,.)E K for each t E R+;
(A3) for every q > 0, there exists a Vq E C[R+x S(p)n Sc(?;r), R+],
(A4) the trivial solution wl
= 0 of
i s equi-stable;
(A5) the trivial solution w2
0 of
is uniformly stable. T h e n the trivial solution of (4.2.1) i s equi-stable.
Proof. Let 0 < E < p and to E R+ be given. Since the trivial solution of (4.4.2) is uniformly stable, given b(c) > 0 and to E R+, there exists a So = ~ O ( E )> 0 satisfying
0I w2o
< 6'
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
w2( t ,to,w20)< b ( ~ ) , t
2 to1
4.4 Nonuniform Stability Criteria
where w 2 ( t ,to,w20) is any solution of (4.4.2). In view of the hypothesis on a(w), there is a S2 = d 2 ( € )> O such that
Since the trivial solution of (4.4.1) is equi-stable, given = &*(to, E ) > 0 such that
> 0 and
to E R+, we can find a d* O < wlo < 6 "
So w l ( t , t o , w l o ) < -, 2
where w l ( t ,to,w l o ) is any solution of (4.4.1). Choose wlo = V ( t ou, o ) Since Vl(t,u ) a o ( t ,d [ u ,o]), we see that there exists a S1 = &(to,c) > 0 satisfying
simultaneously. Define b = inin(&, 62). Then we claim tallat
d [ u o ,01 < S
d [ u ( t ) 01, < 6 ,
t 2 to,
for any solution u ( t ) of (4.2.1). If this is false, there would exist a solution u ( t ) of (4.2.1) with d [ u o ,01 < S and t l ,t z > to such that
d [ u ( t l ) , ~=]62,
d [ u ( t 2 ) 0,1 = E
62 I d [ u ( t ) 01,
5 E Ip
for t l 5 t 5 t 2 . We let 17 = Sz so that the existence of a V, satisfying hypothesis ( A 3 ) is assured. Hence, setting
we obtain the differential inequality
which yields
where w2o = V l ( t l u(tl))+Vv(tl, , u ( t l ) ) ,r 2 ( t ,t l ,w20) is the maximal solution of (4.4.2). We also have, because of ( A l ) and (A2),
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
u o ) ,where r l ( t ,to,w l o ) is the maximal solution of (4.4.1). with w10 = Vl(to, By (4.4.5) and (4.4.6), we get
Also, by (4.4.41, (4.4.8) and ( A 3 ) , we arrive at
Thus (4.4.10) and (4.4.11) and the definition of wzo shows that w2o < bo which, in view of (4.4.3), shows that ~ : ~ t(l ,tw~z o.) < b(e). It then follows , ) 0 and (A3), from (4.4.9), V l ( t u
This contradiction proves equi-stability of the trivial solution of (4.2.1) since (4.4.7) is then true. The proof is complete. The next result offers conditions for equi-asymptotic stability.
Let the assumptions of Theorem 4.4.1 hold except that condition ( A 2 ) is strengthened to ( A 2 * ) D f T G ( t : u ) 5 - c ( w ( t , u ) ) + g l ( t , V i ( t , ( u ) ) c, E K.w E C[R+x S ( p ) , R + ] , N d [ u l , u a ] , N > 0 and D f w ( t , u ) is bounded w ( t , u i )- w(t,uz)l above or below.
T h e n the trivial solution of (4.2.1) is equi-asymptotically stable, if g l ( t , w ) , bo E K . is monotone nondecreasing i n w and w ( t , u)2 b o ( d [ u O])? Proof. By Theorem 4.4.1, the trivial solution of (4.2.1) is equi-stable. Hence letting E = p so that So = S ( p , t o ) ,we get, by equi-stability
d [uo,
< h0 implies d [ u ( t )01, < p,
> to.
We shall show that, for any solution u ( t ) of (4.2.1) with d [ u OO] , < do, it follows that limt,m w ( t , u ( t ) ) = 0 , which implies by the property of ~ ( ut ),, lirnt,, d [u(t),61 = 0 and we are done. Suppose that limtim s u p w ( t , u ( t ) ) # 0. Then there would exist two divergent sequences { t i ) , { t y ) and a a > 0 satisfying
(a) w ( t i , u ( t i ) ) = :, w ( t y , u ( t y ) ) = a and w ( t , u ( t ) )2 © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5: t E (t;,ti),or
4.4 Nonuniform Stability Criteria
( b ) w(ti,u ( t i ) )= a , w(t;, u ( t y ) )=
$ and w ( t ,u ( t ) )2
5 , t E (ty,t i )
Suppose that D+w(t,u ( t ) )j 11.1.Then using (a) we obtain
which shows that t/i/- t: 4.2.2, we have
Since wlo = V l ( t o u, o )
ao(to,d[uo,Q ] ) 5 ao(to,60) t to. We thus obtain
(4.4.5) w l ( t ,t o , w 1 0 )<
for each i . Hence by (A;) and Corollary
v, >
< 6 * ( p ) ,we get from
For sufficiently larger n, we get a contradiction and therefore lim sup,,m w ( t ,u ( t ) ) = 0. Since w ( t ,u ) 2 bo(d[u,01) by assumption, it follows that limt,, d [ u ( t )01, = 0 and the proof is complete. The following remarks are in order.
.I. The functions g l ( t , w ) = g2(t,w ) = 0 are admissible in Theorem 4.4.1 so the same conclusion can be reached. If V l ( t ,u ) = 0 and g l ( t , w ) 0, then we get uniform stability from Theorem 4.4.1. If, on the , ) -. 0 , g 2 ( t , w ) 0 and V l ( t ,u ) 2 b(d[u.o ] ) , b E K ,then other hand, V v ( t u Theorem 4.4.1 yields equi-stability. We note that known results on equistability require the assumption t o hold everywhere in S ( p ) and Theorem 4.4.1 relaxes such a requirement considerably by the method of perturbing Lyapunov fu~~ctions.
4.4.2. The functions g l ( t ,w ) 5 g a ( t 7w) 0 are admissible in Theorem 4.4.2 to yield equi-asymptotic stability. Similarly, if V v ( t ,u ) r 0, gz(t,w ) E 0 with & ( t , u)2 b(d[u,Q]), b E K ,implies the same conclusion. If V l ( t .u ) = 0 and gl(t,w) = 0 in Theorem 4.4.1, t o get uniform asymptotic stability. one needs to strengthen the estimate on D+T/;l(t,u ) . This we state as a corollary.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
A s s u m e that the assumptions of Theorem 4.4.1 hold with Vl( t ,u ) = 0, gl ( t ,w) 0. Suppose further that oi-v,(tl
4 i -C[W(4 ~1, + g2(t1V,(t741,( t ,4 E R+ x S ( p ) n S c ( v ) ,
(4.4.12) where w E C[R+x S ( p ) ,R+],w ( t , u ) 2 b ( d [ u ,01); c, b E K: and y 2 ( t , W ) i s nondecreasing in w . T h e n the trivial solution of (4.2.1) i s unzformly asymptotically stable.
Proofs The trivial solution of (4.2.1) is uniformly stable by Remark 4.4.1 in the present case. Hence taking E = p and designating do = d ( p ) , we have d[uo,O]< S o
d [ u ( t ) , 0 ]< p ,
t >to.
To prove uniform attractivity, let 0 < e < p be given. Let 6 = J ( E ) > 0 be + 1. Then the number relative to E in uniform stability. Choose T = C(6) we shall show that there exists a t" E [to, to T ] such that w ( t * ,u ( t * ) )< b ( 6 ) for any solution u ( t ) of (4.2.1) with d [ u o ,01 < 60. If this is not true, w ( t , u ( t ) ) 2 b ( S ) , t E [to,to TI. Now using the assumption (4.4.12) and arguing as in Corollary 4.2.2, we get
0I q t o
+ T ,u(to + T I )I
+ T: t o , ~ 2 0 -)
U I ( ~U, ( S ) , M S .
This yields, since r 2 ( t ,to,w 2 0 ) < b ( p ) and the choice of T ,
which is a contradiction. Hence there exists a t* E [to,to T ] satisfying w ( t * , u ( t * ) )< b ( 6 ) , which irnplies d [ u ( t * ) 01, < S. Consequently, it follows, by uniform stability that
d [ u o ,O]
< So
d [ u ( t ) 01, < E ,
t 2 to + T ,
and the proof is complete.
We shall, in this section, investigate the boundedness of solutions of the fuzzy differential equation U' =
f ( t ,u ) , u ( t O = ) UO,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
4.5 Criteria for B o u n d e d n e s s
where f E C[R+x En,En]. Corresponding to the definitions of various stability notions given in Section 3.9, we also have boundedness concepts, which we shall define. T h e solutions of (4.5.1) are said t o be ( B l ) equi-bounded, if for a n y a P ( t o ,a ) > 0 such that d [ u o ,61
> 0 and to
d [ u ( t ) ,01
R+, there exists a ,B =
< P, t 2 to;
( B 2 ) uniform-bounded, if ,B in ( B l ) does n o t depend o n t G ; ( B 3 ) quasi-equi-ultimately bounded for a bound B , if there exists a B and a T = T ( t o a , ) > 0 such that d [ u o ,01
< a: implies d [ u ( t ) ;01 < B , t
> to + T ;
( B 4 ) quasi-uniform ultimately bounded, if T in ( 3 ) i s independent of to; ( B 5 ) equi-ultimately bounded, if ( B l ) and ( B 3 ) hold simultaneously; ( B 6 ) unzform-ultimately bounded i f ( B 2 ) and ( B 4 ) hold simultaneously; ( B 7 ) equi-lagrange stable, if ( B l ) and ( S 3 ) hold. ( B 8 ) unzformly Lagrange stable, zf ( B 2 ) and ( S 4 ) hold. Using the comparison results of Section 4.2, we shall prove simple boundedness results.
4.5.1. i l s s u m e that
(ii) b ( d [ u ,01) 5 V ( t ,u ) a ( t , d [ u o ,01) f o r ( t ,u ) E R+ x En: a ( t ,.), b E K, where K: = [a E C[R+,R+] : a ( w ) i s increasing and o ( w ) -+ oo as u! --i m].
T h e n ( B l ) holds. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
Let 0
< cr and to E R+ be given. Choose /? = P(to,a) such that
With this P, (B1) holds. If this is not ture, there would exist a solution u(t) = u(t, to, uo) of (4.5.1) and a t l > to such that d[u(tl),b]= p
d [ u ( t ) , ~I ] p,
to <_ t I tl.
Assumption (i) and Corollary 4.2.1 show that
As a result, condition (ii) and (4.5.2) yield
This contradiction proves ( B l ) and we are done. For uniform boundedness, we have the following result, whose assumptions are weaker.
(i) V E C[R+ x SC(p.R+],where p may be large, IV(t, u l ) - V ( t , u z ) J5 Ld[ul, uz], and D + V ( t , u) 0 for R+ x SC(p);
V(t, u) (ii) b(d[u,01) On [p,4.
i a(d[u,o]), a , b E K , whose a , b are defined only
Then (B2) is true. The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 4.5.1 except that Proof. the choice of /3 is now made so that a ( a ) < b ( P ) and consequently j3 is independent of to. Also, a > p for the proof since the assumptions are only p . me can take /3 = P(p) and hence there is for SC(p).However, if 0 < a no problem. ?We shall give a typical result that offers conditions for equi-ultirnate boundedness, that is, (B5).
.3. Let all the assumptions of Theorem 4.5.1 hold except that we strengthen the estimate on DiV(t, u) as
~ + v ( tU),
i - ~ v ( t 4, ,
> 0,
(t, U ) E R+ x
and suppose that condition (ii) holds for d[u,01 © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
> B.
E ~ ,
Then (B5) holds.
4.5 Criteria for Boundedness Proof-
Clearly ( B l ) is satisfied by Theorem 4.5.1. Hence
d [ u o ,a] < a
d [ u ( t ) 0,1
< P, t 2 to
Now (4.5.3) yields the estimate
Let T = 1 In d k ~ 4and suppose that for t 17 b(B) we get from (4.5.4)
> t o + T , d [ u ( t ) Q] , 2 R.
This contradictioii proves ( B 5 ) and the proof is complete. Finally we shall offer a result providing nonuniform boundedness property utilizing the method of perturbing Lyapunov functions.
where gl E C[R$, R];
(iii) the scalar dzjjferential equation
are equi-bounded and u n i f o m l y bounded respectively. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
Then the system (4.5.1) is equi-bounded. Proof. Let B1 > p and to E R+ be given. Let al = a l ( t o , B1) = m a x ( a O , a * ) ,where a 0 = max[&(to,uo) : uo E cl{S(Bl) f l Sc(p))] and a* Vl (t, U ) for (t, U) E R+ x dS(p). Since equation (4.5.5) is equi-bounded, given al > 0, and to E R + , there exists a ,Bo = Po(to,a i l ) , such that
wl (t, to, w1o) < Po
t to
provided wlo < al, where w l ( t , t a ,wlo) is any solution of (10). Let a(B1) ,O0, then uniform boundedness of equation (4.5.6) yields that
a2 =
provided w2o < a;l, where w2(t,to, w20) is any solution of (4.5.6). Choose B 2 satisfying b(B2) > l ( a i 2 ) . (4.5.9) We now claim that uo E S(B1) implies that u ( t jto, uo) E S ( B 2 ) for t > to, where ~ ( tto, , uo) is any solution of (4.5.1). If it is not true, there exists a solution u(t, to, uo) of (4.5.7) with uo E S(B1), such that for some t* > to, d[u(t*,to, uo),01 = B2. Since B1 > p, there are two possibilities to consider:
(2) there exists a 2 to such that u(2, to, uo) E dS(p) and u(t, to, uo) E Sc(p) for t E [E. t*].
If (1) holds, we can find tl > to, such that
Setting m ( t ) = Vl (t, u(t, to, uo)) V2(t, ~ ( tto,, uo)) for t E [tl, t*],then using Theorem 4.2.1, we can obtain the differential inequality
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
4.6 Fuzzy Differential Systems where Thus
t l ,v O )is the maximal solution of (4.5.6) with
( t i ,t l , vo) = vo.
q ( t * ~, ( t t*o ,,U O ) ) + V2(t*,~ ( t t*o , ~ o ) )
Similarly, we also have
where yl (t.to,u o ) is the maximal solution of (4.5.5). Set wio = Vi ( t o , uo) < 0 1 . Then Vl(t1,u ( t 1 , t o , u o ) ) L ~ l ( t 1to. . W o : u o ) ) 5 Po since (4.5.7) holds. Furthermore, V2(tl, u ( t l , t o . u O ) )5 a ( B 1 ) and (4.5.10). Consequently, we have
Combining (4.5.8): (4.5.9), (4.5.10) and (4.5.13): we obtain
which is a contradiction. If case ( 2 ) holds: we also arrive at the inequality ( 4 . 5 . l l ) , where tl satisfies (4.5.10). We now have, in place of (4.5.12))the relation
Since u(t,t o ,uo) E a S ( p ) and K(5,u ( t ,to:x o ) ) 5 a* we get the cont,radiction (4.5.14). This proves that
< 0 1 , arguing as before,
for any given B1 > p, to > 0, there exists a B2 such that uo E S ( B 1 ) implies u ( t jto,u o ) E S ( B 2 ) ,t 1 t o . For B1 < p, we set B2(t0,B 1 )= B2(t0,p) and hence the proof is complete.
Recall that we have so far been discussing the fuzzy differential equation
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
where f E C[R+ x En,En],which corresponds, without fuzziness, t o scalar differential equations. To consider the situation analogous to differential systems, we need to prepare appropriate not,ation. In this section, we shall therefore attempt t o consider the fuzzy differential system, given by U' = F(t,U),
U(to) = Uo,
where F E C[R+ x EnN,EnN], U E E ~E~~ ~ = ,(En x En x . . . x En,iV times), U = (ul,u2, ..., uN) such that for each i , 1 i AT,u, E En. Note also Uo E E ~ ~ . We have two possibilities to measure the new variables U , Uo. F, that is,
< <
(1) we can define do[U.V] = d[ui, vz], where U, V the metric space ( E ~do), ~ or ,
6"" and employ
D), where D E R? such (2) define the generalized metric space (EnlYr, that D[U, V] = ( d [ u ~w], , 4 ~ 2 ~ ,2 1 .,.., d [ u , ~v ,, ~ ] ) .
In this framework, the assumption (3.4.1) of Theorem 3.4.1 appears as
if we utilize option (1) above. On the other hand, if we choose option (2), assumption (3.4.1) will be of the form
where G E C[R+ x R,:
RN]. In this case, condition (3.2.3) reduces t o
where S = (Sz3) is an N x N matrix with S,:,2 0. for all z, j , which corresponds t o the generalized contractive condition. Of course, the matrix S needs to satisfy a suitable condition. that is, for some k > 1, skmust be an A-matrix, which means I - skis positive definite, where I is the identity matrix. For details of generalized spaces and contraction mapping theorem in this setup see Bernfeld and Lakshmikantham [4]. page 226. Moreover, in order t o arrive at the corresponding estimate (3.4.3) of Theorem 3.4.1, for example, one is required t o utilize the corresponding theory of systems of differential inequalities, which demands that G(t, w) have the quasi-monotone property, which is defined as follows: wl
5 wl
wli = w2i
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
for some i , 1
1 ,
4.6 Fuzzy Differential Systems
G , ( ~ , w I ) < G , ( ~ , z L 'w~1) ,,w 2 E R I V . If G ( t ,w ) = A w , where A is an N x N matrix, then the quasi-monotone property reduces t o requiring a,:, 0, i # j . The method of vector Lyapunov-like functions has been very effective in the investigation of the qualitative properties of large-scale differential systems. We shall extend this technique t o fuzzy differential systems (4.6.1), where, as we shall see, both metrics described above are very useful. For this purpose, let us prove the following comparison result in terms of vector Lyapunov-like functions relative t o the fuzzy differential system (4.6.1). We note that the inequalities between vectors in R~ are t o be understood as componentwise.
eorem 4.6.1. Assume th,at V E c [ R + ~ ER:], ~ ~IV(t, , U 1 ) - V ( t , U2)1 ADIU1, U 2 ] , where A is a n N x iV matrix with nonnegatzve elements, and for ( t ,U ) E R+ x E""
where G E C[R+x R"]. Suppose further that G ( t ,w)is quasi-monotone i n w for each t E R+ and r ( t ) = r ( t ,to,w o ) is the maximal solution of
existing for t 2 to. Then
where U ( t ) is any solution of (4.6.1) existing for t
2 to
Let U ( t ) be any solution of (4.6.1) existing for t 2 t o . Define m(t)= V ( t .U ( t ) )so that m(to)= V ( t oUo) , 5 wo. ?;ow for small h > 0. we have, in view of Lipschitz conditions.
m(t + h ) - m ( t )
V ( t+ h , U ( t + h ) )- V ( t :U ( t ) ) A D [ U ( t h ) ,U ( t ) h F ( t ,U ( t ) ) ] +V(t h , U ( t ) h F ( t , U ( t ) ) )- V ( t ,U ( t ) ) .
It follows therefore that' 1
U~ ( t ), ) W + m ( t ) = lim sup -[m(t h) - m ( t ) ] w + v ( h i O + h' 1 +Alim sup T ; [ D [ U ( t h ) , U ( t ) h F ( t , U ( t ) ) ] ]
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Eyapunov-like Functions
Since Uf(t)is assumed t o exist, we see that U(t h) = U(t) Z(t) where Z(t) is the B-difference for small h > 0. Hence utilizing the properties of D[U, V], we obtain
As a result, we get
and consequently
iim sup $ ~ p ( t h)
~ ( t ) h ~ ( t~, ( t ) ) ]
lim sup hiO+
U(t + h) 1 [D [ h h
since U (t) is a solution of (4.6.1). We therefore have the vectorial differential inequality D + m ( t ) 5 G ( t . m ( t ) ) , m(to) I wo, t 2 to, which by the theory of differential inequalities for systems (Lakshmikantham and Leela [GI]) yields m(t) I r ( t ) , r L to, proving the claimed estimate (4.6.7). The following corollary of Theorem 4.6.1 is interesting.
satisfying aij estimate
.I. The function G(t, w) = Aw, where A is an N x N matrix j , is admissible in Theorem 4.6.1 and yields the
2 0,i #
V ( t ,U(t)) 5 © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
to, ~ ~ ) c " ( ~ - " ) ,t 2 to.
4.7 The Method of Vector Lyapunov Functions
We shall prove a typical result that gives sufficient conditions in terms of vector Lyapunov-like functions for the stability properties of the trivial solution of the fuzzy differential system (4.6.1). .I. Assume that
(i) G E C[R+ x R ~ ] G(t,O) , r 0 and G ( t , w ) is quasi-monotone nondecreasing in w for each t E R+;
(ii) V E C[R+ x S ( P ) , R ~IV(t, ] , UI) - Tf(t, U2)/ AD[Ul, U2], where A is a nonnegative N x N matrix and the function
(iii) F E C[R+ x S(p), E""] , F ( t , 0) = 0 and
where S(p) = [U E E~'' : &[U,
< p].
Then, the stability properties of the trivial solution of (4.6.6) imply the corresponding stability properties of the trivial solution of (4.6.1). Proof. We shall prove only equi-asymptotic stability of the trivial solution of (4.6.1). For this purpose, let us first prove equi-stability. Let 0 < E < p and to E R+ he given. Assume that the trivial solution of (4.6.6) is equi-asymptotically stable. Then it is equi-stable. Hence given b ( ~ > ) 0 and to E R+, there exists a 61 = Sl(to,E ) > 0 such that N
w i ( t , t o , ~ ) < b ( ~ )t ,> t o ,
where w(t,to.wo) is any solution of (4.6.6). Choose wo = V(tO,UO) and a 6 = S(to, E ) > 0 satisfying a(6) < b ( ~ ) . (4.7.3) © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
Let do[Uo, < S. Then we claim that do[U(t),01 < E , t to, for any solution U(t) = U(t, to, Uo) of (4.6.1). If this is not true, there would exist a solution U(t) of (4.6.1) with do[Uo,Q] < S and a t l > to such that d o [ ~ ( t l ) , ~ ]and = ~ d o [ U ( t ) , ~ ] I t < p ,t o F t < _ t l .
Hence we have by Theorem 4.6.1
where r ( t , to,wo) is the maximal solution of (4.6.6). Since
the relations (4.7.2), (4.7.3), (4.7.4) and (4.7.5) yield
where ro(t, to, wO) = r, (t, to, z u 0 ) This contradiction proves that the trivial solution of (4.6.1) is equi-stable. Suppose next that the trivial solution of (4.6.6) is quasi-equi-asymptotically stable. Set c = p and 80 = 6(toip). Let 0 < 7 < p. Then given b(7) and to E R+. there exist 6; = Sl (to) > 0 and T = T ( t o ,7) > 0 satisfying
Choosing wo = V(to,Uo) as before, we find 6: = bo(to) > 0 such that a(S;t) < ST. Let 60 = min(bT, 6;) and do[Uo, < 60. This implies do[U(t),Q] < p, t to and therefore the estimate (4.7.5) holds for all t 2 to. Suppose now that there is a sequence {tk), tk t O + T , tk -+ cx: as k + m, and 5 do[U(tk,01, where U(t) is any solution of (4.6.1) with do[Uo,01 < 6o. In view of (4.7.6), this leads to the contradiction
Hence the trivial solution of (4.6.1) is equi-asymptotically stable and the proof is complete. In order to apply the method of vector Lyapunov functions to concrete problems, it is necessary t o know the properties of the solutions of the comparison system (4.6.6), which is difficult in general, except when G(t, w) = Aw. where A is a quasi-monotone 17' x N stability matrix. Hence we shall present some simple and useful techniques to deal with this problem. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
4.7 The Method of Vector Lyapunov Functions
We shall first prove a result which reduces the study of the properties of solutions of (4.6.6) to that of a scalar differential equation
where go E c[R:, R ] . Specifically we have the following result.
.TOP. Assume that L E C 1 [ R +R?lj , G E C [ R +x R:, R"], Go E C[R:, R ] and G , Go are smooth enough to assure existence and uniqueness of solutions for t 2 to of (4.6.6) and (4.7.7) respectively. Suppose further that for ( t ,v ) E R$, G ( t ,L ( v ) ) Then wo
d LL( uq) t , v )
< L(vo) implies
where w ( t ,t o ,w o ) ,v ( t ,t o ,vo) are the solutions of (4.6.6) a,nd (4.7.7) respectively.
Set m ( t ) = L ( v ( t ,to,v o ) )so that m ( t o )= L ( v o )2 wo and
Hence by the comparison Theorem 1.4.1 in Lakshrnikantham and Leela 1611. we get the stated result in view of uniqueness of solutions. Let us give an example to illustrate Lemma 4.7.1. Suppose that GI =
2 w : , G2 = - 2 4
+ 2wlw:
w; = -2w23
3 -
+ 2w1w;
Choosing Ll ( u ) = av g , LZ( v ) = v and
the assumptions of Lemma 4.7.1 are satisfied. Clearly the trivial solution of (4.7.7) is uniformly asymptotically stable and therefore the trivial solution of (4.7.9) is also uniformly asymptotically stable. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapunov-like Functions
-2.A s s u m e that
and for (t, w) E R+ x R:,
T h e n a n y solution w(t) = w(t, to, wo) of (4.6.6) existing for t
> to, satisfies
,where v(t) = v(t, to, vo) i s the maximal solution (2.5.3) existing for t provided Q(wo) 2 vo.
2 to,
Proof* Let w(t) = w(t, to, wo) be any solution of (4.6.6) existing for t t o Set ~ ( t=) Q(w(t)). Then we have
and p(to) vo. Hence by Theorem 1.4.1 in Lakshmikantham and Leela [60],it follows that p(t) 5 v(t), t 2 to, where v(t) is the maximal solution of (2.5.3). Eence the proof is complete. As ail example, consider the case G(t, w) = Au! where A is an N x N matrix with ail, 0, i # j , and A is quasi-diagonally dominant, that is, for some di > 0,
Choosing Q(w) = d,w, for some d , > 0, we see that (4.7.10) is satisfied by Go@,v) = -yv, for some 7 > 0 in view of (4.7.11). Consequently, the trivial solution of (4.7.7) is exponentially asymptotically stable which implies that the trivial solution of (4.6.6) does have the same property.
Let us consider the linear fuzzy differential system
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
4.8 Linear %riation of Parameters Formula
where A is an N x N matrix of reals and U = (ul, 212, ..., u N ) such that for each i, 1 5 i 5 N;ui E E n . Note also Uo E E ~ " . See Section 4.6 for notation. We shall also consider the following fuzzy differential system which is a perturbation of (4.8.6), namely,
We recall that where F E C[R+x EnN,EnN].
:. is the generalized metric and D[U, V] E R embedded in El by the correspondence a
a(t) =
Also, the real numbers can be
1 ift=a, 0 elsewhere.
Then we can generalize multiplication by a real number and for any real number a , we get
We also know that [u+v]" = [u]"+ [uIa, u,v E En. Thus we can write (4.8.1) in the expanded form
i 5 AT. As a result, we can estimate D[AU, AV] where for each i , 1 v2,. . . , vN) such that ui, vi E En as follows: U = (ulru2,. . . , U N ) , V = (q,
Here we have used carefully the properties of d H . Since this estimation is valid for each i , we obtain
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 4. Lyapnnov-like Functions
where Q = laZJ1, i, j = 1 , 2 ,. .., N, is the N x N matrix with nonnegative elements laij 1. Recall that (4.8.5) is a vectorial inequality with componentwise inequalities. Assume that for some k > 1, I - Q k is positive definite where I is the identity matrix. Then the generalized contraction mapping theorem (see Bernfeld and Lakshmikantham [4], p. 226) assures the existence of the unique solution to the IVP (4.8.1). One can verify easily that U(t) = eA(t-tO)vo is the unique solution of (4.8.1). Consequently; the variation of parameters formula relative to the IVP (4.8.2) takes the usual form
We shall employ the variation of parameters formula (4.8.6) later in Chapter 5, in discussing the bcuiidary value problem. Let us now consider the fuzzy linear homogeneous system with periodic boundary condition
where a E C[[O,2 ~ 1E, ~ ~The ] unique . solution of the corresponding IVP
is given by using (4.8.6)
Hence if (4.8.7) is solvable, we must have
and this is possible if we assume that [I- e2A"]-1 exists so that we can solve for Uo, that is
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
4.9 Notes and Comments
Notes an
The comparison theorem and t,he useful corollaries in terms of Lyapunovlike functions described in Section 4.2 are taken from Lakshmikantham and Leela [59]. Section 4.3 contains stability theorems parallel t o the original theorems of Lyapunov and are new. The method of perturbing Lyapunov functions and the nonuniform stability results of Section 4.4 are due t o Lakshmikantham and Leela [62]. The notions of boundedness and the sufficient condition for the boundedness concepts to hold in terms of Lyapunov-like functions, given in Section 4.5, are taken from Mohapatra and Zhang [76]. The description of fuzzy differential system and the corresponding comparison theorem in terms of generalized metric spaces developed in Section 4.6 are new and are modeled on the corresponding results in differential equations without fuzziness. See Lakshmikantham and Leela [59] and Bernfeld and Lakshmikantham [4]. The method of vector Lyapunov functions discussed in Section 4.7 is also new. This method is very popular and effective in applications. See Siljak [106], and Lakshmikantham, Matrosov, and Sivasundaram [64]. Section 4.8 incorporates new results on linear fuzzy systems including the variation of parameters formula and a simple criterion for periodic boundary value problems. See also Zharlg et al. [I201 for the solution of first-order differential equations in a special case.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
We initiate several interesting topics in this chapter, dealing with fuzzy dynamic equations which are yet t o be investigated. In Section 5.2 we introduce fuzzy difference equations. Since the study of difference equations has attracted many researchers, it is hoped that the investigation of fuzzy difference equations would be popular as well. Section 5.3 initiates the development of impulsive fuzzy differential equations. Impulsive differential equations have become popular and useful recently, and therefore the typical results provided in this section would be equally attractive. Functional differential equations or differential equations with delay are considered in Section 5.4 which is a well-known branch of differential equations. Consequently, fuzzy differential equations with delay should be an equally interesting area of research. Some typical results are incorporated in this section. The results of Section 5.5 are new and deal with the extension of the theory of hybrid systems to fuzzy differential equations. The contents of Section 5.6 investigate the existence of fixed points of fuzzy mappings via the theory of fuzzy differential equations. Section 5.7 attempts the development of boundary value problems for fuzzy differential equations. Finally, in Section 5.8, fuzzy integral equations are discussed.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Topics
Let N denote the natural numbers and N+ the nonnegative natural numbers. We denote by iV$ the set
with k E iVf and no E N . Let us consider the fuzzy difference equation given by un+l = f ( n i ~ n ) :un0 = U O , (5.2.1) where f ( n ,u ) is continuous in u for each n.Here u,: f E E4 for each n 2 n o , where (Eq,d ) is the metric space. Since we shall be using n for difference equations, we shall employ the metric space (Eq,d ) for ( E n ,d ) used earlier. This will avoid confusion. The possibility of obtaining the values of solutions of (5.2.1) recursively is very important and does not have a counterpart in other kinds of equations. For this reason, we sometimes reduce continuous problems to approximate difference problems. For simple fuzzy difference equations, we can find solutions in closed form. However, reducing information on the qualitative and quantitative behavior of solutions of (5.2.1) by the comparison principle is very effective as usual. We need the following comparison principle for difference equations. See Lakshmikantham and Trigiante [69] for details.
.I. Let n E N&, r 0 and g(n,r ) be a nondecreasing function in r for each n. Suppose that for n 2 n o , the inequalities
Proof. Suppose that the claim y, 5 z, for all n 2 no is not true. Then because of the assumption y,, 5 z,,, there exists a k E N,f, such that yk zk and yk+l > zk+1. It then follows, using the monotone character of g ( n , r ) in r 0 and the inequalities (5.2.2) and (5.2.3); that
This is a contradiction, which proves the claim. The following corollaries would be useful. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.2 Fuzzy Difference Equations
-1. L e t n E N&,kn 1 0 andyn+l
< knyn+pn.
Proofv Since k, 2 0 and g(n, r ) = knr + p n , the assumptions of Theorein 5.2.1 are satisfied. Take zn as the solution of zn+l = knzn+pn with zno = y,, which can be computed easily. Then the result follows from Theorem 5.2.1.
(Discrete Gronwall Inequality). Let n E N&, kn
Then n-1
/ n-1
The comparison equation is
The solution of this equation is the expression on the right-hand side of exp(ks), we get the final expression in (5.2.5). (5.2.5). Observing 1 k, Let us now discuss estimating the solution of (5.2.1) in terms of solutions of the scalar difference equation
+ <
where g(n, r) is continuous in r for each n and nondecreasing in r for each n . We prove the following result.
. Assume that f (n, u) is continuous in where g(n, r ) is given in (5.2.6). Then d[uno,01 5 z,,
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
for each n and
Chapter 5. iiiscellaneous Topics
Set y,+l = d [ ~ , + O] ~ ,so that (5.2.7) gives
Let z,+l be the solution of (5.2.6), with z,, = y,,. yields immediately Yn+l n no,
Then Theorem 5.2.1
which implies (5.2.8) completing the proof. The assumption (5.2.7) can be replaced by a weaker condition, namely,
where we now set g(n, r ) = r w ( n ,r ) , and assume that g(n. r ) is nondecreasing in r for each n . This version of Theorem 5.2.2 is more suitable because w(n. r ) need not be positive and hence the solutions of (5.2.6) could have better properties. This observation is also useful in extending the Lyapunov-like method for (5.2.1). Let V(n, u) be a function defined on AT& x E4 which takes values in R+. Then we have the following comparison result. eorern 5.2.3. Let V(n, u) defined as above satisfy
V(n + 1,u,+i)
T h e n V(no,u,,) 5 z,,
L V(n, 21,)
+ w(n, V(n, u,))
g(n, V(n. u,)),
2 12%
where z,+l = ~ , + ~ (z,,) n ~ i, s the solution of (5.2.6)
Consequently, g(n, r ) = r w(n, r ) . Hence by Theorem 5.2.1, we get y,+l I z,+l, n 2 no: where z,+l is the solution of (5.2.7). This implies the stated estimate (5.2.10). Having Theorem 5.2.3 at our disposal, it is easy to prove stability results for (5.2.1). © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.2 Fuzzy Difference Equations
Let the assumptions of T h e o r e m 5.2.3 hold. Suppose further that b(d[u,61) I V(n, u)i a(d[u,OI), where a , b E K, 7% E N& and u E Eq. T h e n the stability properties of the trivial solution of (5.2.6) i m p l y the corresponding stability properties of the trivial solution of (5.2.1). Proof. Suppose that the trivial solution of (5.2.6) is asymptotically stable. Then it is stable. Let 0 < 6 , no E W be given. Then, given b ( ~ )> 0, no E N ,there exists a 61 = Sl(no,E) such that
0 5 zno < 61 implies
zn+l < b ( ~ ) , n
2 no.
Choose b = b(no,t) satisfying
Then Theorem 5.2.3 gives
which shows that
Choose z,, = V(no,u,,) so that we have
We then get b(d[un+l, 61) < b(~)9 n 2 no, which implies the stability of the trivial solution of (5.2.1). For asymptotic stability, we observe that
Since zn+l i 0 as n i 00,we get d[untl, i 0 as n i m. The proof is complete. As an example, take g(n,r ) = a n r where a, E R. Then the solution of
is given by n-1
We have the following two cases: © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Topics
then /zn1 l z o l M ( n o ) and therefore it is sufficient to take b ( c ,no)= ' to get stability. M(no)
then asymptotic stability results. Consequently, Theorem 5.2.3 yields the corresponding stability properties of the trivial solution of (5.2.1).
Let P C denote the class of piecewise continuous functions from R+ to R with discontinuities of the first kind only at t = t k ,k = 1 , 2 , ... . We need the following known result. .3.1, Assume that
( A o ) The sequence i t k ) satisfies 0 5 to < t l
< t 2 , . . . with limk,,
( A I )m E P C 1 [R+,R] and m ( t ) i s left continuous at t k ,k (A2) for
k = 1 , 2 , ...,t
tk = oo;
1 , 2 , ...,
2 to,
m ( t z )5 $lc(m(tlc)), where g E C[R+x R, R ] ,Qr, : R
R, $ k ( w ) is nondecreasing in U ) ;
( A s ) r ( t ) = r ( t , t o , w 0 ) is the maximal solution of
existing o n [to,oo) © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.3 Impulsive Fuzzy Differential Equations Then m(t)
< r (t),t > to.
Proof. For t E [to,tl], we have by the classical comparison theorem m(t) 5 r ( t ) . Hence, using the facts that g1(w) is nondecreasing in w and m ( t l ) r ( t l ) , we obtain
Now, for tl < t tg, it follows, using again the classical comparison theorem, that m(t) 5 r ( t ) , where r(t) = r ( t , t l , w): is the maximal solution of (5.3.2) on the interval t l < t < tz. Moreover, as before, we get
Repeating the arguments, we finally arrive at the desired result and the proof is complete. See Lakshmikantham, Bainov and Simeonov [58] for details. Let us consider now the impulsive fuzzy differential equation
(5.3.3) , ( t t ) = ~ ( t k ) I k ( ~ ( t k ) ) , u(t0) Uo, where ( A o )holds and f : R+ x En -+ En, Ik: En -+ En, f is continuous in (tk-l, tk] X En and for each u E En, lim f (t, v) = f ( t r , u) exists as (t, v) i ( t i , u). We shall obtain the bounds for the solution of (5.3.3). If the assumptions of Theorem 3.2.1 hold for each (tk-1, tk] x En, then clearly there exists a unique solution u(t) of (5.3.3) in each interval [tke1,t k ] . As a result, employing the impulsive condition in (5.3.3) at each t k , we can define the solution u(t) on the entire interval [to,m ) as in the foregoing discussion of the proof of Theorem 5.3.1. .3.2. Assume that f E C[R+ x En,En] and
where g E C[R+ x R+, R] . Suppose that
where gk : R+ -+R+, glc(w) is nondecreasing in w. The maximal solution r ( t ) = r ( t , to, wo) of (5.3.2) exists for t 2 t o . Then
where u(t), v(t) are the solutions of (5.3.3) existing on [to,m ) . © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Miscellaneotls Topics
106 Proof.
Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 3.4.2, we find that for
# tk,
We therefore obtain from Theorem 5.3.1, the stated result, namely,
where r ( t ) = r ( t , to, wo) is the maximal solution of (5.3.2) provided d[uo,vo] 5 wo, completing the proof. We shall next extend a typical result in Lyapunov-like theory. Let V : R+ x En -+ R+.Then V is said t o belong to class Vo if (i) V is continuous in (tk-l, tk] x En and for each lim ( t . v ) - ( q , ~ )V(t, v) = ~ ( t lu), exists; (ii) V satisfies lV(t,u) - V(t,v)l 5 Ld[u,v],L © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
2 0.
= 1 , 2 , ...,
5.3 Impulsive Fuzzy Differential Equations Fbr ( t ,u)E ( t k P lt,k ]x En, we define
D + v ( ~u, ) = liln suph,~+
1 h
+ u ) ,u + h f ( t ,u ) )- V ( t ,u ) ] .
- [V(t
Then we can prove the following comparison theorem.
. Let V : R+ x En
R+ and V E Vo. Suppose that
where g : R? + R is continuous i n ( t k - l ,t k ] x R+ and for each w E g ( t , z ) = g(t)c+, w ) exists: gk : R+ + R is nondecreasing. lim R+, ct..)-ct;
Let r ( t ) be the maximal solution of the scalar impulsive diflerential equation (5.3.2) existing for t 2 t o . Then ~ ( t : u, o ) 5 wo implies V ( t ,u ( t ) ) 5 r ( t ) , t to.
Proof. Let u ( t ) = u ( t ,t o ,u o ) be any solution of (5.3.3) existing 011 t to such that ti,u o ) 5 wo. Define m(t) = V ( t ,u ( t ) ) for t # t k . Then proceeding as in t,he proof of Theorem 4.2.1, we arrive at the differential inequality D+m(t) 5 g(t, m(t)), t # t k . From (5.3.5), we get for t = t k
Hence by Theorem 5.3.1, m(t) 5 r ( t ) ,t to, which proves the claim of Theorem 5.3.3. Some special cases of g ( t , w ) and gk(zu)which are instructive and useful are given below as a corollary.
Corollary 5.3.1. In Theorem 5.3.3: suppose that
( 1 ) g ( t , w) = 0 , g r , ( w )= w for all k ; then V ( t ,u ( t ) ) zs nondecreasing i n t and V ( t ,u ( t ) L ti,u o ) ,t to:
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Topics
( 2 ) g ( t , w ) = 0 , grc(w) = d k w ,dk 1 0 for all k ; then
( 3 ) g ( t ,w ) = - a w , a > 0 , & ( w )
= dkw, dk
( 4 ) g ( t ,w ) = X f ( t ) w , q k ( w = ) dkw,dk
> 0 for
all k , then
2 0 for all k , X
E C'[R+, R + ] , then
W e shall give a typical result on stability criteria. .4. Assume that
( i ) V : R+ x S ( p ) --t R + , V E & , S ( p ) = [ u E En : d [ u , 0 ] < p] and D + V ( t , u ) g ( t , V ( t ,2 1 ) ) ) t # t k , where g : R$ + R , g ( t , 0 ) 0 and g satisfies the assumption given i n Theorem 5.3.3;
(ii) there exists a po
> 0 such that u
S ( p o ) implies u
+ I k ( u ) E S ( p ) for
all k , and
where $,+: R+ i R+ is nondecreasing; (iii) b(d[u,0 1 )< V ( t ,u ) 5 a ( d [ u o]), , ( t ,u ) E R+ x S ( p ) , where a , b E IC. Then the stability properties of the trivial solution of (5.3.2) imply the corresponding stability properties of the trivial solution of (5.3.3). Proof. W e shall give the proof o f stability only. Let 0 < 6 < p* = min(p, po), to E R+ b e given. Suppose that t h e trivial solution o f (5.3.2) is stable. T h e n given b ( ~>) 0 and to E R+, there exists a dl = &(to,E ) > 0 such that
< wo < dl
implies w ( t ,t o , w o ) < b ( ~ ) , t
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
> to,
5.3 Impulsive Fuzzy Differential Equations
where w (t, to,wo) is any solution of (5.3.2). Let wo = a(d[uo,61) and choose ) that a(6) < 61. With this 6, we claim that if a 6 = 6 ( ~ such d[u0,0]< 6 then
d[u(t),Q] < E ,
2 to.
If this is not true, there would exist a solution u(t) = u(t, to,uo) of (5.3.3) tk+l for some k*, with d[uo,Q]< 6 and a t* > to such that tk < t* satisfying
Since 0
< d[u(t*),01
d[u(t),01 < E ,
for to
< t 5 tk.
< E < po, condition (ii) shows that
Hence we can find a to such that tk < to < t* satisfying E < d[u(tO),01 < p. Now setting m(t) = V(t, u(t)) for to t 5 to and using (i) and (ii) we get by Theorem 5.3.3; the estimate
where r ( t , to, wo) is the maximal solution of (5.3.2). We are then led to a contradiction because of (iii) :
which proves that the trivial solution of (5.3.3) is stable. As an example, consider the special case given in Corollary 5.3.1, namely, g(t, w) = X1(t)w, $k(w) = dkw, dk 2 0 for all k and X E C1[R+j, R+] with X1(t) 0. If X satisfies
+ lndk < X(tk)
for all
then the trivial solution of (5.3.2) is stable and hence the trivial solution of (5.3.3) is also stable. This follows because the solution w(t, to, wo) of (5.3.2) in this case would be
Since X(t) is nondecreasing, it follows from (5.3.6) that
provided 0 < to < tl. Hence choosing 6 = follows. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5 exp[X(to)- X(tl)] stability
Chapter 5. Adiscellaneous Topics
Given any r > 0, we let Co = C [ [ - r ,01, E n ] . For any element 9 E Co, define the metric H [ p ,$1 = max-,<s 0. For any t t o , t E Jo, we let ut denote a translation of the restriction of u t o the interval [t-7; t ] ;specifically, ut E Co defined by
In other words, the graph of ut is the graph of u on [t- r ,t ] shifted t o [ - r , 0 ] . With this notation, we consider the fuzzy differential equation with finite delay
where f;u E En and f E C [ J x Co,E n ] ,J = [to,to the following existence result.
+ a ] . We can then prove
5.4.1. Assume that
for t E J and 9, $ E Co. Then the IVP (5.4.1) possesses a unique solution u ( t ) on Jo.
Proof. Consider the space of functioiis u E CIJo,E n ] such that u ( t ) = po(t), to - r I t I to and u E C [ J ,En] with u ( t o )= po(0) and po(t) E En for -7 t 0. Define the metric on CIJo,E n ] by
< <
Next we define the operator T on CIJo,En] by
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.4 Fuzzy Differential Equations with Delay
We find that d [ T u ( t o s ) T~v ( t o
+ s ) ]= 0,
5 s 5 O j and
Hence we have on Jo.
Choosixlg X = 2 k , we arrive at
showing that the operator T on C I J o , En] is a contraction. We therefore obtain a unique fixed point u E C I J o , En] of T b y the contraction mapping principle, and consequently this u = u ( t ) is the unique solution of the IVP (5.4.1) on Jo. The proof is complete. We need the following known result.
. Let m E C [ [ t o- r ,m ] R+] , such that
where g E c[R:, R]:lmtlo = max-,<s
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Topics
112 existing o n [to,oo). T h e n lmt, lo
< wo implies that
See Lakshmikantham and Eeela [60]for the proof and other details. We can now prove the following result relative to the solutions of (5.4.1).
-3. Assume that f E C [ R + x Co, En] and
for t E R+;qs,q E Co, where g E C[R+x R + , R + ] . Let r ( t ) = r ( t , t o , w o ) be the maximal solution of (5.4.5) existing for t 1 t o T h e n N [ p o ,go]5 uo implies d [ u ( t ) v, ( t ) l r ( t ) , t t o , (5.4.7)
where u ( t )= u(to,p o ) ( t ) , v ( t ) = v ( t o ,$ o ) ( t ) are the solutions of (5.4.1). Proot Setting m(t) = d [ u ( t ) , v ( t ) ]where , u ( t ) = u(to,y o ) ( t ) ,v ( t ) = v ( t o ,$ - ~ ) ( are t ) the solutions of (5.4.1) and proceeding as in Theorem 3.4.2, we find
~ + m ( t= ) liln sup hi0
1 -
limsup d h--iO+
[m(t+ h ) - m(tN h
Then condition (5.4.6) implies that
We also have Imto1 = H[cpo,$01 the desired estimate
I wo and hence b y Theorem 5.4.2 we get,
Let us next prove a global existence result. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.4 Fuzzy Differential Equations with Delay
.4. Let f E C [ R + x Co,En] and for ( t ,9 ) E R+ x Co,
where g E C[R:, R+],g ( t , w) is nondecreasing i n w for each t E R. Assume that the solutions w ( t ,to,w o ) of (5.4.5) exist for t t o and f is smooth enough to assure local existence. T h e n the largest interval of existence of any solution u(to,y o ) of (5.4.1) is [to,m ) .
Let u ( t o ,v o ) ( fbe ) a solution of (5.4.1) existing on some interval
[to-r,p), where to < B < m . Assume that p cannot be increased. Define for [to- 7 ,p), m(t)= d [ u ( t o 90) . ( t ) 01, so that mt = d[ut(to,cpo), 61. Then using the arguments of Theorem 3.4.2 and Theorem 5.4.3, we get the differential inequalities ~+nz(L t ) g ( t , Imtlo), to I t < p. Choosing lmtolo = Iqolo5 wo, we get
Since g ( t ,w )
2 0 and as a result, r ( t ,to,w o ) is nondecreasing
For any t l ,t2 such that t o
in t , we have
< t l < t 2 < p, one gets
which, in view of (5.4.9) and the nlonotonicity of g ( t , w ) in w, implies
= r ( t 2 ,to,wo) - r ( t 1 ,to, wo). (5.4.10)
Letting t l , t 2 -+ P, the foregoing relation shows that lirntdD- u ( t o ,+ o ) ( t ) exists, because of Cauchy's criteria for convergence. We now define u ( t o ,q o ) ( P ) - lirnt,,u ( t o .y o ) ( t ) and consider qo = u p ( t o ,p o ) as the new initial function at t = p. The assumption on local existence implies that there exists a solution u ( P ,&-J) of (5.4.1) on [P - r,/3 a].u: > 0. This means that the solution u ( t o ,p o ) ( t ) can be continued beyond P, which is contrary to our assumption that the value of ,L? cannot be increased. Hence the stated result follo~vs.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. n/Iiscellaneous Topics
.I. Ih in addition to the assumptions of Theorem 5.4.4, we suppose that all the solutions w ( t ,to, wo) of (5.4.5) are bounded on [to,co), then every solution u ( t o ,p o ) ( t ) of (5.4.1) tends to a finite limit as t -, oo.
Proof. The assumption of boundedness of solutions w ( t ,t o ,w o )on [to,oo) implies that limt+oo w ( t ,to,wo) = w* (finite limit). This means that given an E > 0, it is possible to find a t 1 > 0 sufficiently large such that
Consequently, using (5.4.10), which is now valid for all t 2 t o , we get d[u(to,cpo)(t),u(to,cpo)(ti)l < 6 : t > t i , which proves lilnt-_imu(to,c ~ o ) ( t= )
The problem of stabilizing a continuous plant governed by differential equation through the interaction with a discrete time controller has recently been investigated. This study leads t o the consideration of hybrid systems. In this section, we shall extend this approach to fuzzy differential equations. Consider the hybrid fuzzy differential system
on [tk,tktl] for any fixed z E E n , k = 0.1,2, ..., where f E C[R+x En x E n , E n ] ,and XI, E C [ E n E , n ] . Here we assume that 0 to < t l < t2 < ... are such that t k i rn as k -, cc and the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the hybrid system hold on each [ t k t, k + l ] .To be specific, the system would look like
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.5 Hybrid Fuzzy Differential Equations
By the solution of (5.5.1), we therefore mean the following function
We note that the solutions of (5.5.1) are piecewise differentiable in each interval for t E [tkrtk+l]for any fixed uk E En and k = 0,1,2, ... . Let V E C[En,R+]. For t E (tk, tk+l], U , z E En,we define 1 D+V(U,Z) = lim sup -[V(U hiO+ h
+ h f ( t , u , A k ( ~ ) ) ) V(u)] -
We can then prove the following comparison theorem in terms of the Lyapunov -like function V .
5.5.1. Assume that (i) V E C [ E n ,R+], V(u) satisfies lV(u) - V(v) 1 u, v E En;
Ld[u,v], L
> 0
(iii) the mazimal solution r ( t ) = r ( t , to, woj of the hybrid scalar diflerential equation
exists on [to,oo) Then any solution u(t) = u(t, to, uo) of (5.5.1) such that V(uo) 5 zco satisfies the estimate t to. V(u(t)) +),
Let u(t) be any solution of (5.5.1) existing on [to,oo) and set m(t)= V(u(t)). Then using (i) and (ii) and proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 4.2.1, we get the differential inequality
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Topics
< W O ,we obtain
where m k = V ( u ( t k ) ) .For t E [to,t l ] ,since m ( t o )= V ( u O ) by Theorem 4.2.1,
where r o ( t )= r o ( t ,to, wo) is the maximal solution of
and u o ( t )is the solution of
Similarly, for t E [ t l ,t z ] ,it follows that
where wl = r o ( t l ,t o ,w o ) ,rl ( t ,t l , w l ) is the maximal solution of
and ul ( t ) is the solution of
Proceeding similarly, we can obtain
where u k ( t )is the solution of
and rk ( t ,t k ,wk) is the maximal solution of
, Thus defining r ( t .t o ,wo) where wk = rk-1(tk,t k P l ,rk-2(tk-l, t l c - ~wkWl)). as the maximal solution of the comparison hybrid system (5.52) as
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.6 Fixed Points of Fuzzy Mappings and taking wo = V(uO),we obtain the desired estimate
The proof is therefore complete. Once we have the comparison result, it is not difficult to discuss stability criteria of the hybrid fuzzy differential equation (5.5.1). To avoid monotony, we omit such consideration.
In this section we shall utilize the theory of fuzzy differential equations combined with the contraction mapping principle, to obtain fixed points of fuzzy mappings. For this purpose, let us consider the autonomous fuzzy differential equation 21'= f ( u ) ; u(O)=ug, (5.6.1) where f E C [ E n ,En].We can prove the following global existence result.
.1. Assume that
(ii) d[f (u),
2 n/l
whenever d[u,Q] 5 L;
(iii) for each uo E En, there exists a solution locally on [O; a]. Then for each uo E E n , there is a unique solution u(t, uo) existing on [O,m ) .
Proof. By (iii), there is a solution u(t, xo) on [0,a] for some xo E En. Suppose that u(t, xo) for some xo E En is not continuable, that is, it exists only on [O; q), 0 < q < cm. Set m ( t ) = d[u(t),uo],t E [0,q ) . Let u(t + h) = u(t) + z(t), where z(t) is the H-difference. Then we have m (t
+ h)
= d[u(t = =
+ h, uO]
d[~(t+h)~z~o]--d[z~(t)+hf(~),~~]+d[~(t)+hf(z~),~~] d[u z , u h f ] d[u(t) hf(u),uo]
= d[z; h f
1 + d[u(t) + hf (4,uo]
= d[z~(t+h)-u(t),hf(u)]+d[u(t)+hf(u),uo]. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. n/fiscellaneous Topics
118 Hence
h, - m ( t ) = i [ d [ ~ ( h) t +- u ( t ) ,hf ( u ) +d[u(t) ] hf ( u ) uo] , d [ u ,u o ] ] . h h
d[u+h f ( u ) ; u o h f ( u o ) ]+ d [ h f ( u O ) , O ] . Thus
which implies
lim d [ ~ (+th ) - 4 t ) , ( u ( t ) ) ] h
limsup[d[u(t) h f ( ~ ( t )uo) , h f (uo)] hi0
d[u,01. + d [ f (uo),61 5 -Pd[u(t):uol + d [ f (uo),01 = -8m(t)+d[f(u0)~0]. -
By condition (ii), this implies d [f ( u ( t ) )01? < M , t E [O, 7). This shows that for s , t E [0, TI), s < t ,
5 hl(t - s ) , t , s
[O, 7).
It is clear from this estimate that limt,,u ( t ) exists which contradicts the noncontinuability of the solution. Hence u ( t ) exists on [O: w). Uniqueness © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.6 Fixed Points of Fuzzy Mappings
of solutions of (5.6.1)follows from assumption (i) because, if we assume two solutions u ( t ) ,v ( t ) of (5.6.1) with u(0) = v(0) = uo, t,hen we get for t 0
This completes the proof of Theorem 5.6.1. Consider the fuzzy operator S E C [ E n E , n ] .We are interested in finding a fuzzy fixed point of S . We define S ( u ) = f ( u ) u , so that if (5.6.1) possesses a fuzzy constant solution. then that solution will be the desired fixed point. We have the following result to that effect.
. Let the assumptions of Theorem 5.6.1 hold with S ( u ) = f ( u )+ u . Then there exists a u* E En such that Su* = u*. Proof. By Theorem 5.6.1, there exists a unique solution u ( t ,uo)existing on [0,co) for every uo E En. Set T ( t ) u o= u ( t , u o ) t, 0. Since (5.6.1) is an autonomous differential equation, T ( t )defines a one-parameter family of nonlinear operators which satisfy the seinigroup property. lloreover in view of condition (i). if u ( t ,u o ) ,v ( t ,uo) are the two solutions of (5.6.1),we get by Corollary 3.4.3, the estimate
which means
Choose t* > 0 such that e-Pt*
I: i. Then
d[T(t*)uo, T(t*)vo] i d [ u ~ vo]. , The contraction mapping theorem then shows that there exists a unique , is T(t*)u*= u*. We shall show that u" is a fixed point u* of T ( t W )that fixed point of T ( t )for each t 2 0. Since T ( t ) T , ( t * )commute because of the seinigroup property. we then get
d [ T ( t ) u *u*] , = d [ T ( t ) T ( t * ) uT*(,t * ) u * ] d [ T ( t * ) T ( t ) uT*(,t * ) u * ] 1 < -d[T(t)u*,u*]. - 2
This contradiction proves that T ( t ) u *= u* for t 0 which implies u* is a solution of (5.6.1),that is, 0 = f ( u * ) .Since Su = u f ( u ) ,it follows that Su" = u* and the proof is complete. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Topics
We shall discuss: in this section, a couple of results relative to boundary value problems of fuzzy differential equations. Consider the boundary value problem U" = f ( t ,U , u t ) , (5.7.1)
u(t1)= U I ,
u ( t 2 ) = u2,
[a,b ] ,
where f E C[J x En x En,E n ] . We observe that there exist a unique solution of
where h E C [ J En],which can be written i11 the form
where Green's function G is given by
Hence the solution of (5.7.1) and (5.7.2) takes the form
where w ( t ) satisfies wt' = 0, w ( t 1 ) = U I , w ( t 2 ) = ~ 2 . Let us recall some properties of G ( t ,s ) , namely,
We are now in a position to prove an existence and uniqueness result for (5.7.1) and (5.7.2) using the contraction mapping principle. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.7 Boundary Value Problem Let f E C[Y x En x En, En] and d [ f ( tv, , u ' ) ,f ( t ,v , v')] 5 K d [ u ,V ]
+ L d [ d ,v'],
for ( t ,U , u'),( t ,v , v') E J x En x En, where K , L > 0. Then
implies that the boundary value problem (5.7.1) and (5.7.2) has a unique solution. Proof.
Consider the space
C = C 1 [ [ t l , t 2En] ] , with the metric
H ( u , v ) = max [ K d [ u ( t ) , v ( t ) ]L d [ u l ( t ) , v l ( t ). ] ] tl
Define the operator T : C -+ C by
Then using the properties of the metric d, we get successively
Consequently, we have
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Topics
122 In view of the assumption, we get
L(t2-tl) where = 1 { ( t 2 - t 1 ) ~ 7 < 1. Hence the contraction mapping principle shows there exists a unique fixed point u of T and therefore ti = u [ t ) is the solution of the boundary value problem (5.4.1) and (5.7.2). The proof is complete. system of fuzzy differLet us next consider the linear no~~homogeneous ential equations (5.7.7) u' = A(t)ti f ( t ) ;
where A ( t ) is an N x N continuous matrix of real functions on J , and f E C [ J ,En"], U = ( u l ,u z , ..., u N ) such that u, E En for each 1 i 5 AT so that U E E n N . Let T : C + EnN be a continuous linear operator where C = C [ J + ,P N ]Consider . the boundary condition
Then we can prove the following result using the variation of parameters formula (see Section 4.8).
The boundary value problem (5.7.7) and (5.7.8) has a unique solution U ( t ) E EnN for every r E EnN and f E C[J+,E n N ] if and only zf the corresponding homogeneous linear boundary value problem
has only the trivial solution U ( t ) = 0 . Proof.
Let Y ( t )be the fundamental solution of
U' = i l ( t ) U , U (0) = I
(unit matrix)
The general solution (5.7.7) with U (0) = c E E ~ ' " is given by
U ( t )= Y ( t ) c where
+ Uo( t )
Y-' ( s )f ( s ) d s , t E J , is a solution of (5.7.7) with U ( 0 ) = 0 and c E E~~ arbitrary. Then the boundary condition (5.7.8) takes the form
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.8 Fuzzy Equations of Volterra Type
Then (5.7.10) has a unique solution for any r E En"' if and only if det[TkU( t ) ] # 0, that is if and only if (5.7.9) has only the trivial solution. When (5.7.10) is satisfied the solution of (5.7.7) and (5.7.8) is uniquely represented by the formula U(t) = ~ ( t ) [ T ~ U ( t ) ] --' rTUo(t) Uo(t).
The proof is complete.
We shall, in this section, consider first the following fuzzy integral equation of Volterra type
0, where K E C [ J x J x En,En], f E C[J,En] and J = [to,to a], to a > 0. We shall be content in proving an existence and uniqueness theorem concerning (5.8.1) via the contzaction mapping principle. .1. Assume that f E C [ J , En]: K E C [ J x J x En,En]and for ( t ,S, u ) , ( t ,S, V) E J x J x En,
Then there exists a unique solution u(t) on J for (5.8.1).
Proof* Let C [ J , En]denote the set of all continuous functions from J t o E n . Define the weighted metric H[u, v] = sup d[u(t),~ ( t ) ] e - ' ~ , J
for u , v E C [ J ,En],X > 0 t o be chosen later. Since (En,d) is a complete metric space, the usual argument shows that (C[J,En],H) is also a complete metric space. Define the mapping T by the relation (Tu)(t) = f (t)
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
K ( t , s, u(s))ds, t E J.
Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Topics
Then by Corollary 2.4.2, T u E C[J,E n ] . Moreover, assumption (5.8.2) yields, using the properties of the metric d ,
This, in turn, implies that
~ e - ' ~~ [ uv ] ,
C X t d[(Tu)( t ) ,( T v )( t ) ]
Thus choosing X = 2 L , we get
H [ T u ,TIJ] ? H ( U ,u ] . 2 The contraction mapping principle then assures the existence of a unique fixed point of T , say u* E C[J. E n ] , which proves that u*(t)is the unique solution of the fuzzy integral equation (5.8.1) on J . The proof is complete. Let us next consider the abstract Volterra operator which includes several types of functional equations such as ordinary fuzzy differential equations, fuzzy delay differential equations and integral and integro-differential equations of fuzzy type. Such operators are known as causal or nonanticipative operators. , En] and V : E + E. We say that V is a causal Let E = G [ [ t oTI, t. then ( V u ) ( s ) = operator if u . u E E such that U ( S ) = V ( S ) for to 5 s (Vv)(s) for to 5 s t , with t < T. We consider the fuzzy Volterra functional equation u l ( t )= ( V u ) ( t ) . u ( t o ) = uo E El2. t E [to.TI, (5.8.3)
where V satisfies the generalized Lipschit,z-type condition
, R+],21, u E E. By the contraction mapping principle, where X E C [ [ t oTI, we shall show that (5.8.5)
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.8 Fuzzy Equations of Volterra Type
and H g ( u ,v ) =: suptoltslr g ( t ) d [ u ( t )v, ( t ) ] where g is continuous from [to,TI into (0, oo). If we denote the right-hand side of (5.8.5) by ( Q u ) ( t ) ,it is clear that Q takes values in E and hence we obtain
d [ ( Q u ) ( t ) (, Q v ) (t)l I X ( s ) d [ u ( s )v, ( s ) ] d s .
In order to use the weighted metric in E g , we shall proceed as follows. Let
d t ) = ea Jtto X ( ~ ) d s , a > l. Then
From the foregoing estimate, we get
4 [Qu,Qvl
d [ ( Q u )( t ) ,
which shows Q is a contraction. We need to show t'hat Q E g purpose, we need the assumption
c Eg.
For this
Then we obtain
d [ ( ~ u ) t , 0 ]5 d [ u o , 0 ] +
djuo, Bj
d [ ( V u )( s ) ,( V O()s ) ] d s
lo t
X ( s ) d [ u ( s )b, ] d ~ K
~ ( s ) e ~
Since u E E g , it is easy to get from the preceding estimate
showing that Q E g C E g . Hence the operator Q takes E g into itself and it is a contraction mapping a.nd as a result,, t,here exist's a unique solution u ( t ) on [to,TI of (5.8.3). This completes the proof of the following result.
.2. Consider (5.8.3) and assume that (5.8.4) and (5.8.7) hold. T h e n there exists a unique solution u ( t ) o n [to,TI for (5.8.3).
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. Mjscellaneons abpics
Following the notation of Section 4.6, we consider the fuzzy differential system (5.9.1) u f = f ( t ,u), z ~ ( t o= ) ?LO, t to:
where f E C [ R , x EnN,E n N ]and uo E Enhi.We employ the metric space (E'"", d o ) where do[u,u]= d[ui,ui], ui, ui E En for each i , 1 5 i ( N . We also utilize the generalized metric space ( E n N ~where )
We need the followiiig known results. See Lakshinikantham and Leela [ G I ] . Hereafter, the inequalities between vectors in Rd are to be understood componentwise.
.I. Letg E C [ R + X R $ X R $R , d ]g, ( t , w , [) be quasi-monotone nondecreasing in zc; for each ( t ,[) and monotone nondecreasing in [ for each ( t ,w ) . Suppose further that r j t ) = r ( t ,to,wo) is the maximal solution of
existing on [to,m). Then the rnaximul solution R ( t ) = R ( t ,to,wo) of
exists on [to,co) and r ( t ) =r R ( t ) , t
> to.
Assume that the function g(t, w:[) satisfies the conditions of Theorem 5.9.1. Then m E C [ R + R$] , and
Then for all [
< r ( t ) , it follows
We can now state the needed comparison results in terms of suitable Lyapunov-like functions which can easily be proved. For this purpose, we let
S2 = [a E C 1 [ R + : R +:]a(to) = to and w ( t , a , a f ) r ( t ) , t 2 t o ] , (5.9.6) where w E C[R: x R, R$]and r ( t ) is the niaxiinal solution of (5.9.2). © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.9 A AJew Concept of Stability A s s u m e that for some a E V E C[R: x E " ~ x E"~,R$],
R, there exists a V such that
5 A [ D [ . W 1~21 , +q v 1 ,~211: where A is a n N x
N positive matrix, and
where g ( t . w; J) satisfies the conditions of Theorem 5.9.1. T h e n V ( t o a, ( t o )u, o , u o ) wo implies that
Let us now introduce the new concept of stability. Let v ( t ,to,v O )be the given unperturbed solution of (5.9.1) on [to,co),and let u ( t ,t o . u o ) be any perturbed solution of (5.9.1) on [to,m). Then Lyapunov stability ( L S ) compares the phase space positions of the unperturbed and perturbed solutions at exactly simultaneous instants; namely
which is too restrictive a requirement from the physical point of view. Orbital stability ( O S ) , on the other hand, compares phase space positions of the same solutions at any two unrelated times; namely,
In this case; the measurement of time is completely irregular and therefore ( O S ) is too loose a demand. We therefore need a new notion unifying ( L S ) and ( O S ) which would lead to concepts between them that could be physically significant. This is precisely what we plan to do below. Let E denote the space of all functions from R+ + R+, each function a ( t ) E E representing a clock. Let us call a ( t ) = t the perfect clock. Let T- be any topology in E. Given the solution v ( t , to,v o ) of (5.9.1) existing on [to,m ) ,we define following Messera 1731 the new concept of stability as follows. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 5. illiscellaneous Topics
T h e solution u ( t ,to,v O ) of (5.9.1) i s said t o be ( 1 ) r-stable, if, given E > 0 , to E R+, there exist a 6 = &(to, E ) > 0 and a T-neighborhood of N of the perfect clock satisfying the condition that d o [ u o ,voj < S implies d o [ u ( t t, o , u o ) , v ( a ( t ) ,t o , v o ) ] < E , t 2 to where a E N; ( 2 ) 7 - u n i f o r m l y stable, if S in ( 1 ) i s independent of t o .
(3) r-asymptotically stable, if (1) holds and given E > 0: to E R+, there exist a So = S o ( t o ) > 0, a r-neighborhood N of the perfect clock, and a T = T ( t o E, ) > 0 such that
where a E N ;
( 4 ) r - u n i f o r m l y asymptotically stable, if So and T are independent of to. We note that a partial ordering of topologies induces a corresponding partial ordering of stability concept,^. Let us consider the following topologies of E:
( r l )the discrete topology, where every set of E is open; (r2)the chaotic topology, where the open sets are only the empty set, and the entire clock space E; (73)
the topology generated by the base
a E E : sup la(t) - ao(t)l< E t€[to,m)
( T ~ the ) topology defined by the base UCJO,€ -
[a E c1[R+; R+] : jo(t0) - oo(to)j< E and
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.9 A New Concept of Stability
It is easy to see that the topologies 7 3 , 7 4 lie between rl and 72. Also, an obvious conclusion is that if the unperturbed motion v ( t , to,v o ) is the trivial solution, then ( O S ) implies ( L S ) . In rl-topology, one can use the neighborhood consisting solely of the perfect clock a ( t ) = t and therefore Lyapunov stability follows immediately from the existing results. , to,v o ) and suppose that B is closed. Define B = B[to,vo] = v ( [ t ooo), Then the stability of the set B can be considered in the usual way in terins of Lyapunov functions since
p [ u ( t ,t o , uo),Bl =
inf s€[to@)I
dolu(t, t o , U O ) ,4% t o 97 / 0 1 ] ;
denoting the infimum for each t by st and defining a ( t ) = st for t > to, we see that a E E in the T~-topology.We therefore obtain orbital stability of the given solution v ( t ,to,v o ) in terins of the r2-topology. To investigate the results corresponding to the 7.3 and 7 4 topologies, we shall utilize the comparison Theorem 5.9.3 and suitably modify the proofs of standard stability results.
.4.Let condition ( i ) of Theorem 5.9.3 be satisfied. Suppose further that
where a ( t , a , .), b ( . ) and d ( . ) E K = [a E C[R+,R+],a ( 0 ) = 0 and a ( 7 ) i s increasing in 7 . T h e n the stability properties of the trivial solution of (5.9.2) imply the corresponding r3-stability properties of the fuzzy dzflerential system (5.9.1) relative to the given solution v ( t ,to,v o ) . Proof. Let v ( t ) = v ( t , to,v o ) be the given solution of (5.9.1) and let 0 < E and to E R+ be given. Suppose that the trivial solution of (5.9.2) is stable. Then given b ( ~ >) 0 and to E R+,there exists a 61 = d l (to,E ) > 0 such that
< S1
w i ( t , t o ,w o ) < b(e): t
2 to,
i= 1
where w ( t , to,w o ) is any solution of (5.9.2). We set wo = V ( t oa, ( t O )uo, , vo) and choose 6 = 6 ( t o ,E) 7 = T I ( € ) sat,isfying
a ( t o ,a ( t o )6, ) < dl © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
7 = d-'(b(~)).
Chapter 5. A4iscellaneous Topics
we have Using (b) and the fact that a E 0,
It then follows that It - a ( t )1
< q and hence a E N. We h i m that whenever
do [uo,vo] < S and
a E N,
it follows that
If this were not true, there would exist a solution u ( t ,t o , uo) and a t~ > to such that do[u(t1,t o , u o ) , v ( 4 1 ) ,t o , ~ 0 ) = l E and (5.9.8) d o [ u ( t ,t o , u o ) , v ( a ( t ) ,t o , vo>l 5 E for to
< t 5 t l . Then by Theorem 5.9.3, we get for to < t < t l ,
where r ( t , to,w o ) is the maximal solution of (5.9.2). It then follows from (5.9.2), (5.9.8), using (a); that
a contradictio~i,which proves r3-stability. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
5.9 A New Concept of Stability
Suppose next that the trivial solution of (5.9.2) is asymptotically stable. Then it is stable and given b(c) > 0, to E R+, there exist hol = bol(to) > O and T = T ( t o c, ) > 0 satisfying d
woz < 610 implies The r3-stability yields, taking
~ ( to; t ,W O ) < b ( e ) , t E
> to + T .
> 0 and designating Go(to)= 6 ( t o ,p ) ,
do[uo,vo] < So implies d o [ u ( t ) v, ( a ( t ) ) ]< p, t for every o such that It
> to
This means that by Theorem 5.9.3
In view of (5.9.9), we find that
which in turn implies
Thus It - a(t)j < dP1b(e) = q ( e ) , t satisfying
> to + T . Hence there exists a a E N
which yields
do[zi(t),u ( a ( t ) ) ]< E .
t L to
whenever d o [ u o ,zlO] < 60 and o E AT. This proves -r3-asymptotic stability and the proof is complete. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
zz 6.1
Recall that the theory of fuzzy differential equations (FDEs) considered so far utilizes the Hukuhara derivative (H-derivative) for the formulation. We have investigated, in the previous chapters, several basic results of fuzzy differential equations via the comparison principle in the metric space ( E n ,d) with no complete linear structure. This approach for fuzzy differential equations which employs the H-derivative suffers from a disadvantage because the solution z ( t ) of an FDE has the property that diarn[z(t)]D is nondecreasing in time, that is, the solution is irreversible in probabilistic terms. Consequently, it has been recently realized that this formulation of FDEs cannot really reflect any rich behavior of solutions of ODES such as stability, periodicity and bifurcation, and therefore is not well-suited for modeling. Alternative approaches have recently been introduced by Buckley and Feuring [8],Vorobiev and Seikkala [112], and Hullermeier [40]. A different and interesting framework suggested by Hullerrneier is more general than the others. It is based on a family of differential inclusions at each p-level, 0 p 1, namely
< <
where [G(.,.)I0: R x Rn -t ICF, the space of nonempty compact convex subsets of Rn. The idea is that the set of all such solutions Sp(xo,T) would be the @-level of a fuzzy set S(zo,T),in the sense that all attainable sets A(xo,t ) , 0 < t 5 T, are levels of the fuzzy set Ap(xo,t ) on Rn. This framework captures both vagueness (uncertainty) and the rich properties of differential inclusions in one and the same technique. For example, with this
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
134 interpretation, the FDE
where u, v are constant fuzzy numbers, is the family of inclusions
where [uI3, [v]B are &level sets. In this chapter, we shall use the notation for P-level sets, the usual [uIPand up as convenient. Let us provide a simple one-dimensional example to illustrate the situation. Let (c; d ) s denote the symmetric triangular fuzzy number with the interval [c,d ] as its support and let x ( t ) be a fuzzy number valued function of time. Consider the FDE initial value problem xl(t)=-22, x ( 0 ) = ~ O = ( O ; l ) ~ . (6.1.3) Write the /?-level set of x ( t ) as the compact interval x a ( t ) = [ x i ( t ) x, f ( t ) ] and note that 2 x a = [ - 2 x i , - 2 x i ] , while x u ( 0 ) = [,!?/2,1 - P / 2 ] . UJriting Eg(t) as the vector with components x f j ( t ) ,$ ( t ) , obtain the ordinary initial value problem
for 0 5
p < 1.
It is easy to see that
that is,
( - e 2 t / 2 ; e 2 t / 2 ) s . Thus, Hence, the solution to (6.1.3) is x ( t ) = e-2t/2 (6.1.3) has an unstable solution in contrast to the behavior of the associated crisp problem z l ( t ) = - 2 z ( t ) , z ( 0 ) = 112. which has solution z ( t ) = e-2t/2. So giving the initial condition some uncertainty by fuzzification has totally changed the qualitative behavior of the solution. Indeed, an arbitrarily small ) ~ the same effect. the solution being fuzzification x ( 0 ) = ( 1 1 2 - E ;1 / 2 + ~ has x ( t ) = e-2t/2 ( - - ~ e~~ ~e ; ~although, ~ ) ~as ,E --t 0+,the crisp solution is the limit.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.1 Introduction
If, on the other handj we take the 8-level set of x(0) as the interval 1 4 0 ,*:01
we get
a 2xI0], p then we can see that If we have therefore X: = [xlo,
which shows that the behavior of solutions matches the associated crisp problem. The framework suggested by Hiillermeier [40]has largely overcome such an undesirable property of solutions. If the FDE (6.1.3)is replaced by the family
then it has a fuzzy solution set S ( X O T, ) and a fuzzy attainability set A ( X O t, ) respectively defined by the p-level sets
This matches the sort of desirable behavior a fuzzification of the crisp DE should have, namely it is asymptotically stable and approaches the crisp limit as the uncertainty becomes negligible. In this chapter, we shall discuss the new formulation which is of very recent origin and is still in the nascent stage. We adapt mostly Diamond's work, some of which is unpublished. In Section 6.2 we shall formulate fuzzy differential inclusions (FDIs) following Hiillermeier's development. Section 6.3 describes the necessary results of the known theory of differential inclusions. Section 6.4 is devoted t o FDIs and the results on stability, and periodicity are provided in the new framework. In Section 6.5,we shall discuss the variation of constants formula for fuzzy differential inequalities of linear type. In Section 6.6,we shall extend the approach to fuzzy integral inequalities. Section 6.7 deals with notes and comments. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
In this section, we shall define fuzzy differential inclusions as a family of differential inclusions at each /3-level, 0 5 /3 5 1. For this purpose, we need t o first develop regularity of solution sets for differential inclusions which are quasi-concave with respect t o a parameter. For various appropriate conditions on f : Rn+'+l -+ 72, the initial value problem with parameter p E R',
has solutions x(t; to, xu, p) which are continuous or differentiable with respect to xo and p. The situation with a differential inclusion
is somewhat different. If F is upper semicontinuous (usc) convex compact valued, the set of solutions on [to,T],Sp(xo,[to,T]) is compact, connected and usc in xo and p (see Deimling [17] and Aubin and Cellina [I]),but not generally convex. If F is only lower semicontinuous Sp(xO,[to,TI) need not even be closed. We shall extend the concept of quasi-concavity to multivalued functions in order t o apply to fuzzy differential inclusions. Denote by ICn (resp. ICZ) the nonempty compact (resp. convex compact) subsets of Rn, let Cl c R x Rn be open and let I be a real compact interval. A mapping F : R x I -+ ICn is said to be regularly quasi-concave on I if
(i) For all (t: x) E Cl and a , p E I, F(t,x;a)
> F(t,x;p)
a 5 p.
is a nondecreasing sequence in I converging to (4 x) E 0 ~ ( tx;, = ~ ( tx;, B).
(ii) If
P, then
(6.2.1) for all
The definition is adapted from the usual definition for real-valued functions dropping the convexity of level sets. Now consider the differential inclusion
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.2 Formulation of Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
where R is an open subset of Rn+l containing (0, xo), I is a compact interval and F : R x I ICE. Throughout, it is assumed that all maps are proper, that is have nonempty images of points in their domain. The boundedness assumption is said t o hold if there exist b, T, Ad > 0 such that the set Q = [0,T] x (xo+(b+MT)B) C R where B is the unit ball of R n , and F maps Q x I into the ball of radius Ad. Denote the set of all solutions of (6.2.3) on [0,T] by Sp(xo;T), the attainable set Ap(xo, T ) = {x(T) : x(.) E Sp(xo,T)) and write Z T ( R n ) {x E C([O,T];Rn) : x' E Lm([O,T];Rn)). It is known that for every XI E xo bintB, Sp(x1,T) exists, and is a compact subset of ZT(Rn), and each attainable section Ap(xl, r ) , 0 < T T, is a compact subset of Rn, see Aubin and Cellina [I]. In fact, although these sets are not in general convex, they are acyclic which is stronger than simply connected. See De Blasi and Myjak 1151.
.2.P. Let F : S2 x I -+ ICE be usc on R, regularly quasi-concave on J and suppose that the boundedness assumption holds. Then the mapping ,8 H Ap(xo,T) is a a regularly quasi-concave map from I to ICnJ and P H Sp(xo,T ) is a regularly quasi-concave mapping from J to ZT(Rn).
Proof. Abbreviate Sp = Sp(xo,T). It is clear from (6.2.1) that for a _< P, Sp 2 S,. Let Pn be a nondecreasing sequence converging to P. Then Sp, is a decreasing sequence of compact sets and so nnSs, = 3 is nonempty and compact. Furthermore & ( ~ p , , 9) -+ 0, where & is the Hausdorff metric in 277(Rn).To see that Sp = S, it suffices to show 3 c Sp since Sp c § is clear. For each n let xpn E So,. Since F is bounded by the ball of radius Ad,x i n is bounded so {xon) is an equicontinuous family. By Theorem 0.3.4 of Aubin and Cellina [I],a subsequence x ~ , ( converges ~) to some v E C([O,TI. Rn)and xbncZ,converges in a weak topology of L1([O,TI, Rn)t o v' and thus weakly* in Lm([O,TI, R n ) by Alaoglu's theorem. Observe that v E S. That v E Sp is a consequence of the convergence theorem in Aubin and Cellina, Theorem 1.4.5 [l]and the use of F . Let N be an arbitrary neighborhood of the origin in R x [O. 11 x Rn and choose E > 0 such that
which is possible because G r ( F ) , the graph of F, is compact. By usc, there exists a neighborhood U of ( t ,v(t), P) such that for (s, x , a) E U , F ( s , x, a) c F ( t , v(t), P) +EB. Choosing n sufficiently large (t, xpn,Pn) E U and so
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
w h i c h m e a n s ( t ,xa7,( t ) , xh7J E G r ( F ) N . T h e Convergence T h e o r e m implies v'(t) E F ( t , v ( t ) ,P ) a.e. and so v E S p as required. .I. Consider the F I V P in E l , x' = - A x , x ( 0 ) = X o , where X o i s a s y m m e t r i c triangular fuzzy n u m b e r with support [ - I , 11. W h e n this i s interpreted as a family of diflerential inclusions
regula,r quasi-concaz:ity i s especially evident. Since - A x p singleton set in K&, (6.2.4) becomes
{ - A x p ) is a
which has solution set S p ( X p ,t ) o n [ 0 ,t ] comprising the functions
Consequently, S p ( X p ,t ) = ( 1 - P)e-'t [- 1 , 1 ] . Obviously,
S p ( X p ,T )
i s regularly quasi-concave, as i s
( ( 1 - , ~ e - ' ~ [ - l 11 , : t E [0,TI}
A P ( X P ,T ) = ( 1 - P ) e X T[ - I , 11
Let V n d e n o t e t h e set o f u s c normal f u z z y sets on Rn w i t h compact s u p p o r t . Clearly, En c V n ,since elements o f V n have n o n e m p t y c o m p a c t , but n o t necessarily convex - l e v e l sets. The following characterization of elements of V n is required. eorern) Let { Y p C Rn : 0
< /3 5
1) be a
family of compact subsets satisfying
Yo E Kn for all O 5 !,3
< 1;
Ya, for a n y nondecreasing sequence pi
P in [0,I ] .
T h e n there i s a fuzzy set u E V n such that [uIP= Y p . I n particular, if t h e Y2 are also convex, t h e n u I n . Conversely, the level sets of a n y u E En, [uIPare convex and satisfy these conditions. T h i s is T h e o r e m 1.5.1 i n a suitable f o r m . © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.2 Formulation of Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
. Let R be an open subset of R x Rn and suppose that G is a use mapping from R to E n . Define F(., .,P) : Rn+l -+ KE to be the mapping (t, x) H [G(t,x)]P. Then F ( . , ., P) is usc on R . Proof. Let B be the unit ball in En,that is B = {u E En : d ( ~ ( ~u)) 5 , 1). By definition, for each (to,xo) E R and each E > 0 there exists 6 > 0 such that lI(t, z) - (to,xo)l/ < 6 implies that G(t, x) 5 G(to,xo) $ - E M Here, . u5v for u, v E En means that u(J) 5 v(J) for all J E Rn and implies the level set containment [ujp E [v]P for all o L: p L: I. ~f w E B,dH([w]P,(01) 1 for each p, that is [w]P E B. Hence, [G(t,x)]' C [G(to,xo)jP E B and the result follows. We can now prove our main results concerning the level sets of solutions.
. Let Xo E En and let R be an open set in R x Rn containing (0) x supp(Xo). Suppose that G : R --+ En is use and write F ( t , x ; P ) = [G(t,x)]' E KE for all ( t , x , f i ) E Rn+l x [0, I]. Let the boundedness assumption, with constan,ts b, M , T, hold for all x0 E Xo and the inclusion d ( t ) E F ( t , x; 0), z(0) E supp(Xo). (6.2.5) Then the attainable sets SZp(Xo,T ) , ,6' E [ O , l ] , of the family of inclusions
are the level sets of a fuzzy set A(Xo,T) E 'Dn. The solution sets S p ( X o jT) of (6.2.6) are the level sets of a fuzzy set S(Xo,T) defined on Z T ( R n ) . Proof. First. Sp(Xo,T ) is well-defined and compact. By Lemma 6.2.1, for each p the velocity F ( t , x; 9)is usc. Since F ( t , x: P) F ( t , x; 0) and [xo]" supp(Xo) for all 0 < ,6 5 1, the boundedness assumption holds for each of (6.2.6) since it is true for (6.2.5) and Sp(Xo,T) = IJzEx8 Sp(x,T ) exists, where IYp = [xolP. Let xk be a sequence of solutions in Sp(Xo,T). Then xk(0) = Jk E Xa and xk (t) E Jk (b t M ) B C fl, again by the boundedness assumption, whence lIxL(t)11 5 M . So the assumptions of the compactness theorem (see Aubin and Cellina [l])hold and there is a subsequence xk(J) converges weakly* to x' converging t o a solution x in C([O,TI, Rn) and x' k(3) in Lm([O,TI. Rn). Using the convergence theorem as in the proof of Theorem 6.2.1 shows that xl(t) E F ( t , x(t);P) a.e. and thus Sp(Xo,T) is sequentially compact and so compact because ZT(Rn)is metrizable. Obviously Sp(Xo,T ) is decreasing in P, since both F ( t , x: P) and Xa on the right of (6.2.6) are decreasing. Finally, an argument similar t o
+ +
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
that of Theorem 6.2.1 shows that for any nondecreasing sequence Pn 0, Sp, (Xo,T) = Sp(Xo,T). The stacking theorem easily generalizes from Rn as base space to any Banach space and hence the Sp are level sets of a fuzzy set on ZT(Rn).The result for the Ap follows from this, and the theorem is proved.
If the condition that G be bounded on [O, m) x I',where F E Rnis open, is added t o the conditions of the theorem, the interval of existence and consequences extend to 10, oo). We shall next prove a result on the boundedness of the solution set of (6.2.5). Assume that G : R+ x Rn+ En satisfies the conditions (i) G is continuous; (ii) there exists a real integrable function k : Rf -+ t E R+, x , y E Rn,
R+ such that
.2.4. Under the assumptions (i), (ii), together with
for all
Somk(s)ds <
oo, the solution set S(Xo,t ) defined by the family of diflerential inclusions (6.2.6) is bounded for all time.
< <
Consider each level set Sp(Xo,t ) of the solution, 0 P 1. From a result on Constantin [ I l l , the map Sp is continuous from Rninto the family of nonempty closed subsets of the Banach space of continuous and bounded functions from R+ to Rn endowed with the Hausdorff metric induced by the sup norm. Since Xo has compact support, Sp (Xo,t ) is thus bounded for R and hence also must be S(Xo, t) , since So(Xo, L) Sp (Xo,t) is all t E ' bounded.
Let us describe the necessary results of the theory of differential inclusions in this section, so that we can formulate the theory of fuzzy differential inclusions in the next section. We shall repeat some notation and assumptions for convenience. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.3 Differential Inclusions
The most convenient solutions of differential inclusions are absolutely continuous. Recall that a continuous function x : [0,T ] -+ 1' C R n is said t o be absolutely continuous if there exists a locally integrable function .u such that S u ( r ) d r = X(S) - x(t) for all t , s E [0,TI. Then x(.) is defined to have derivative x'(t) = v(t) almost everywhere (a.e.) in [0,TI. Let R c R x Rn be an open subset containing (0, xo) and let N : S2 -4 K F The differential inclusion
is said to have a solution y(t) on [0,T] if y(.) is absolutely continuous, y(O) = zo and y(.) satisfies the inclusion a.e. in [0,TI. For simplicity, the epithet a.e. will be understood as present in all inclusions and not explicitly stated time after time. The boundedness assumption is said to hold if there exist b; T , M > O such that (i) the set Q = [0,T] x (xo of R"; (ii)
+ ( b + M T ) B n ) c 0 , where B n is the unit ball
N maps Q into the ball of radius M .
Denote the set of all solutions of (6.3.1) on [0,r] by S(xo,T) and the attainable set by A(xO,T) = (x(7) : x(.) E S(xO,7 ) ) and write ZT(Rn)= {x(.) E C([O,TI;Rn) : XI(.) E Lm([O,TI;R n ) ) . It is known that for every 21 E xo bintBn, C(xl, T) exists and is a compact subset of Z T ( R n ) ,and T, is a compact subset of Rn, each attainable section A ( x l , r ) , O < r (see Aubin and Cellina [I]). In fact, although these sets are not in general convex, they are acyclic which is stronger than simply connected. See De Blasi and Myjak [15]. Write A(W, 7) = UwGwA(w, 7). Let K C: R n . Solutions x(t), t E J = [O,T], of a differential inclusion
are said to be viable if x(t) E K for all t E J . In discussing periodicity, the interval J is finite, but for stability considerations, J = [0,m). It turns out that, under mild conditions on 6, a tangency condition is necessary and sufficient for the existence of viable solutions on J, see Deimling [17] and Aubin and Cellina [I]. This tangency condition is expressed in terms of the contingent cone at z E K TK(x) = {y : liminf~.,O+h-lp(x © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
+ hy, K ) = 0) .
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
If K c Rn is a nonempty closed convex set, then convex and T K ( x )= { A ( ? / - 2 ) : A 2 0 , y E K ) ,
TK(x), x E K j is
which gives an idea of what the contingent cone looks like. The main result that will be required on periodicity is the following result which is taken from Deimling [17]. -1. Let K C Rn be a nonempty compact convex subset, and suppose that G : R + x K -+ IC; is usc, that G be w-periodic in t 7 G(t+w, x ) = G ( t , x ) ; x E K , and that IIG(t,x)il I c ( t ) ( l lIzl/) on J x K , J = [O, w ] , where c E L I ( J ) . If
then u f ( t )E G ( t ,u ( t ) ) has at least one w-periodic solution Let K c Rn be nonempty and suppose that G : R+ x K that the initial value problems
IC; be such
have solutions for every to O and xo E K. So, the interval of existence of solutions is J = [O, oo). A set M is stable for the inclusion (6.3.2) if for all E > 0 and to O there exists S = S ( E ,t o ) > O such that xo Er;/li dBn implies that x ( t ) E 111 eBn on [to,oo) for every solution x ( t ) of (6.3.2). If A ( x o ,t ) is the attainability set of (6.3.2), this may be rephrased as xo E &I 6Bn implies that p ( A ( x o ,t ) ,44) 5 E on [to,m). If 6 = S ( E ) is independent of to and depends only on E , &I (6.3.2) is said to be uniformly stable for the inclusion. f is (uniformly) stable, the set &1 is If p ( A ( x o ,t ) ,&I) -+ 0 as t -+ oo and h said to be (unifornily) asymptotically stable.
.I. Consider the equation y"+cuy'+psgn(yf) y = sin t , where a , p > 0, models dry friction. Here, sgn(y) = yllyl, y # 0. This can be replaced b y the inclusion
O -1
) X +
sin t
O pSgn(x2)
where the multivalued function Sgn(y) =sgn(y), y # 0: but is [ - I , 11 when y = 0. Clearly, G satisfies a linear growth condition and is 2~-periodic,so © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.3 Differential Incltlsions
by Theorem 6.3.1 all solutions exist o n [ O j m). If x , y are solutions, writing u ( t ) = $ j l x ( t ) - y(t)j12 gives
with 22 ESgn(x,,(t)) jj2 € S g n ( y 2 ( t ) ) . S O d ( t ) O and v ( t ) v ( t o )for to Consequently, every solution x ( t ) is uniformly stable. I t can be shown that if p 1, the only periodic solutions are constant, x ( t ) = xo, while if O < p < 1 there is a unique nonconstant 2 ~ - p e r i o d i csolution p ( t ) , Deimling [17]. Clearly, none of the constant solutions n o r the periodic solution are asymptotically stable, but certain sets are. For example, p ( t + r ) is a solution which cannot approach p ( t ) in the Lyapunov sense, but the set P = { p ( t ) : t 1 0 ) is asymptotically stable, which can be shown by Lgapunou theory.
A function V : R+ x K (6.3.2) on K if
R+ is
a Lyapunov f~mctionof the inclusion
( 1 ) V ( t , x ) p ( l / z i l ) on K n ( r B n ) , for some r > O and some continuous strictly increasing p : [0,r ) + RS.
for all t 2 to,all x E K and every u E G ( t ,x ) , where W : K continuous on K .
If V is a Lyapunov function for (6.3.2) on K, define
E = { x : W ( x )= O , x E K ) . I11 particular, (6.3.4) implies that a Lyapunov function is nonincreasing on the solution set o f (6.3.2) as time evolves. So, if KO 2 K is compact and V ( t l , x ) a for all x E KO and some tl 2 to, then solutions which start in KO remain in KO and are thus bounded. If x ( t ) is a trajectory of the inclusion (6.3.2) and K1 c K, if p ( x ( t ) ) -+ K1 as t -+cc,write x ( t ) + K1, t +m .
. Let V be a Lyapunov function for (6.3.2) o n K , and suppose that the attainability set A(zo,t ) remains in K for all to t < m. If for each solution x ( t ) , W ( x ( t ) ) is absolutely continuous and its derivative is bounded above a.e. o n [to,m ) , then x ( t ) --+ E as t + oo. I n particular, if V = V ( x ) does not explicitly depend o n t , then x ( t ) + E ( c ) : = E n { x : V ( x ) c ) for some c > 0.
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
For a proof, see LaSalle [TI]. As an example, let r(t) = [rl(t), rz (t)], 0 5 t < oo), be an interval valued 0. Consider function, with q ( t ) 2 y > 0 bounded away from 0 for all t the two-dimensional inclusion
Let V(x) = x:
+ x:.
Then for every ro E r (t), checking (6.3.4) gives
so W ( x ) = yx;, E is the xl-axis and x2(t) -+0 as t --+ oo. But, since V is independent of t , x l ( t ) + a bounded subset of E as t 4 x.
Having the necessary results on differential inclusions in Sections 6.2 and 6.3, we are now ready to investigate fuzzy differential inclusions. Let N : Rx Rn -+ En and consider the fuzzy differential equation (FDE)
interpreted as a family of differential inclusions. Set [ H ( t ,x)]P = F ( t , x; 0) and identify the FDE with the family of differential inclusions
B E I := 10% 11 where R is an open subset of Rn" containing (0, [xojo), and F : fl x I + ICF The boundedness assumption now holds if the set Q is as above and F maps Q x I into the ball of radius ill. Denote the set of all solutions of (6.4.1) on [ O , r ] by S p ( x o , r ) and the attainable set by Ap(xo,T ) = {x(T) : x(.) E Sp(xO,7 ) ) . AS seen before, Sp(xl, T) exists and is a compact subset of Z T ( R n ) and . each attainable section Ap(xl, r), 0 < r 5 T, is a compact subset of Rn. The results on periodicity and stability for differential inclusions were in the space Rn. When extending these ideas t o FDEs, the definitions of stability have to be formulated in Dn, and notions of periodicity for solution sets are also in different spaces. If U E Dn is a fuzzy set and LI, W C Dn are closed subsets of Dn, define the distance from W and Hausdorff separation respectively by
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.4 F L Z Z Differential Z~ Inclnsions
pv(U, W ) = sup p, (U, W). UEU
The significance of these definitions is that, in the metric space (Dn,d) of fuzzy sets, p,(U, W ) is the distance of U E Vn from W c Dn and is the analog of p(x, A) in Rn. Correspondingly, pD(U, W ) is the Rausdorff separation between U, W C Dn with respect t o the metric d and is the analog of the Hausdorff separation p(A, B) in ICn. be the fuzzy singleton E Dn, write jlUll = d(U, the open unit ball in Dn by " = {U E D n : //U/I< 1). A set U c Dn is stable for the FDE (6.4.1) if for all E > 0 and to 2 0 there exists S = 6 ( ~to) , such that Xo E U 6Bn implies that A(&, t ) E LI + EB" on [to,a), where A(Xo,t ) is the fuzzy attainability set defined by the family (6.4.1). That is, p,(Xo,U) < S implies that pv(A(Xo,t ) , U ) 5 E on [to,m ) . If 6 = 6 ( ~is) independent of to and depends only on E , U for the FDE (6.4.1) is said to be uniformly stable. If p.o(A(Xo.t ) , U ) -+ 0 as t -a cc and IA is (uniformly) stable, the set U is said to be (uniformly) asymptotically stable. Most frequently, U will consist of a single fuzzy set U E Dn. Suppose that U c Dn is support bounded, that is
li = supp (U) :=
U supp(a) uEU
is a bounded set in Rn. A function V : Rt x K -+ R+ is a Lyapunov function for the FE (6.4.1) if V is a Lyapunov function for the differential inclusion @I E x; 01, 4 0 ) E supp(Xo), (6.4.2)
for all Xo E LI. Recall that any crisp set X c Rn is also a fuzzy set, the menibership function being the chara,cteristic function xx .4.B. Let V be a Lyapunov function for (6.4.1) on K =supp(U), and suppose that the attainability set A(xo,t ) remains in U for all to 5 t < cc. If for each solution x(t) of (6.4.2), W ( x ( t ) )is absolutely continuous and its derivative is bounded above a.e. on [to,oo), then pv(A(xo,t),x E ) -+ 0 as t -+ w. In particular, if V = V(x) does not explicitly depend on t, then writing E(c) = E n { x : V(x) 5 c), pD(A(xo,t ) , x ~ ( ~-a) 0) for some c > 0 ast-+m.
Proof. From Theorem 6.3.2 as t -+ oo each solution x(t) of (6.4.2) approaches E, hence the attainability set A(xo;t ) satisfies p(A(xo,t), E) © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
i 0 as t i oo. B y T h e o r e m 6.2.3, t h e FDE (6.4.1) has fuzzy attainability set A(zo,t ) and A(zo,t ) = [ A ( x o .t)lo. Since [ A ( x o ,t)lP C. A ( z o ; t ) ; 0 < p 5 1, it follows t h a t p ( [ A ( x o , t ) l PE, ) -+ 0 as t -+ oo. Hence, p D ( A ( x o ,t ) ,x E ) i 0 as t + CQ. Again b y T h e o r e m 6.3.2, if V does not depend o n t , p ( A ( x o ,t ) ,E ( c ) ) i 0 for some c as -C i oo. T h e second part o f t h e result now proceeds b y t h e same reasoning as above.
.I. To illustrate the theorem, fuzzify the differential equation
by letting r ( t ) be a symmetric triangular valued fuzzy function with level sets [r( t ) ] P= ( 1 - P ) [rl( t ) r, 2 ( t ) ]:= ( 1 - P ) R ( t ) and with r l ( t ) 2 y > 0 . This gives the family of inclusions
Then, referring to (6.3.5), V ( x ) = 21 x ; is a Lyapunov function for the F D E (6.4.3) and p D ( A ( x o ,t ) ,x ~ ( ~ ) -+ ~ 0( as ~ t) + ) oo, where E ( c ) is the attractive set approached by x l ( t ) i n (6.3.5). I n Example 6.3.1, suppose that the frictional parameter p is known only vaguely and that the term F ( x l ) = p S g n ( x l ) , p 1, is modeled by the trapezoidal fuzzy number valued function whose p-levels are given by
Instead of (6.3.3), consider now the corresponding FDE represented by the family of in.clusions x' E [ G ( t ,z)lP=
( -4
< <
) ( +
[ ~ ( x ~ ') ] ~ (6.4.6)
where 0 1. Here the level set (6.4.5) replaces the term p S g n ( x 2 ) . Clearly, [ G ( t ,x ) l P satisfies the conditions of Theorem 5.3.1, so periodic solutions to the P-th inclusion exist. Adapting an argument of Deimling [17],fix /? and suppose that x ( t ) r x* is a constant solution for the ,O-inclusion of (6.4.6). Since the inclusion i s just xtl = 2 2 © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.4 Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
xh E x; = 0, while -xT Hence,
+ sint
+ sin t - [ ~ ( x ~ ) ] ~ ,
pw(t) = 0, for some w ( t ) E [-(2
1 sin t - x; 1 I pIw(t>l I
p(2 - P ) ,
B), 2 - PI. (6.4.7)
and consequently This last inequality (6.4.8) implies that p 2 1 / ( 2 - P ) . In particular, if x ( t ) 5 x* is a constant solution for each inclusion of the family, p 2 1. On the other hand, if x ( t ) is a 27i-periodic solution, then so also is y ( t ) = x ( t ) - x* for any x* = ( x ; ,o ) with ~ x; satisfying (6.4.8). So, yi = ~ 21 ~, ;= - 7 ~ 1 - 2; - Qy2
+ sin t - p w ( t ) ,
with w ( t ) E (2 - P ) Sgn(yz) C_ [- ( 2 - P, 2 - PI. From the first equation
and using th,is in the second equation gives
yly2dt - a
- z;
- pw(t))y2dt
since I sin t - xr 1 < plw(t)1 and sgn(yz)y2= ly21 Thus, y2(t) = 0 a. e. and so y i ( t ) = 0. It follows that x 2 ( t ) = 0 and x l ( t ) = y l ( t ) x; is constant. Consequently, if p 2 1 the only 2~-periodicsolutions are x ( t ) = ( x ; ,0 ) , ,with xT satisfving 1 - p, 5 x; 5 -1 + p. Moreover, if p 2 1 / ( 2 - p), the only 27i-periodic solutions of the P-th inclusion are x ( t , /3) = ( x ; ( $ ) ,0 ) with x;(,o) satisfying (6.4.8). Now, using the Lyapunov function V = ( x l - ~ ; ) ~ / / 2 + x ; / 2 gives, for w ( t ) E [F(22)I0,
= =
+ + + 1x2 I((sint - x ; ) sgn(x2)- pw ( t ) )
-ax; 5 --ax; = W ( x ) ,
( x l - x;)x2 x2(-x1 - ax2 sint - a x 22 x2(-x; sin t - p w ( t ) )
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
from (6.4.7). Hence, the attainability set A ( X o , t ) is attracted to U E D~ given by [ ~ ]=3 [I - p ( 2 - $),-I + p ( 2 - P ) ] x (0). Let us next consider the periodicity of solutions. Under appropriate conditions, such as those of Theorem 6.3.1, an inclusion x' E G(t, x) will have w-periodic solutions. Denote by Ap(W, t), 0 t w, the attainability set of all w-periodic solutions x(t) such that x(0) E W. Clearly, t i-t Ap(W, t ) is an w-periodic set-valued function on 0 t < w. An FDE of the form (6.4.1) is said t o have an w-periodic solution Ap (Xo,t) if there is a family of w-periodic set-valued functions t i+ U(t, P ) , 0 5 ,B 1, such that U ( t , p ) G A([XOlP,t)for t 2 0 and for each t 2 O the family {U(t,p ) } satisfies the conditions of the stacking theorem 6.2.2. That is, for all t 0 [Ap(Xo,t)lP = U(t, P).
< <
One can also speak of the mapping from [O, m) t o the function space Z,(Rn) given by t i+ Sp(Xo,t ) as being w-periodic. However, the main interest for applications and computation is the periodic attainability set. As an immediate consequence of Theorems 6.3.1 and 6.2.3, we have Let Xo E En, K E Kn and let H : R+ x K --+ En be usc. Suppose that N is w-periodic in t and that lIH(t, x)/I c ( t ) l llxli) on J x K, J = [0,w]: J," c(t)dt < oo. If [H(t,x)jl r) TK(t) # 0 on J x K , then there exists a nonempty w-periodic fuzzy attainability set Ap(Xo, t ) and a nonempty w-periodic fuzzy solution set S ( X o ,t ) .
Note that the contingency condition of Theorem 6.3.1 is satisfied at every $level, since [H(t,x)la [H(t,x)]' , while the usc of [ H ( t ,x)]' follows from that of H ( t , x).
.3. Again fuzzyifying Example 6.3.1, modeling F ( z ) = pSgn(z) by (6.4.5); but with 0 p < 1, as before, [G(t,x)]P in (6.4.6) satisfies Theorem 6.3.1 and 2n-periodic solutions to the P-th inclusion exist for 0 p 5 1. Since 0 5 p < 1, Example 6.4.2 shows that there are nonconstant 271.periodic solutions at each ,G'-level. Suppose that x(t), y(t) are such solutions. Using th Lyapunov function V(t) = Ilx(t) - y(t)lj2/2 gives, as in Example 6.3.1, Vf(t) 5 -a(xz - y 2 ) 2 and so on J = [O, 271.1, by periodicity,
Hence, xz(t) = y2(t), which from (6.4.6) implies that xi = x2 = y2 = yi and thus x(t) = y(t) (x*,0) on J. Since xk = y;, from the inclusion (6.4.6)
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.4 Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
+ [ F ( y 2 ) I P )# 0. Hence, I x * ~
i t follows that [ F ( X ~n )( x] *~ and so
from (6.4.5). Hence, the trapezoidal fuzzy number U , given by [ u ] P = p(2 P)[-1,1], 0 5 p 1, is an absorbing set for the attainability set A ( X o , t ) as t + oo. Consequently, from Diamond [I81 there exists a cocycle attractor for the FDE (6.4.6).
.4.4. Consider the F D E o n
where W is the symmetric trapezoidal fuzzy number with level sets
where el < e
< e z . Interpreting the FDE as a family of inclusions x b ( t ) 6 -x,&)
+ cos t[WjP, 0 5 /!? 5 1,
clearly every solution of the form x p ( t ) = ? ( c o s t periodic solution for all P, since x&(t) =
CP (cos t
1 2
- (sin t
+ s i n t ) , cp E [$VIP,
is a
sin t ) cp cos t 2 - x g ( t ) cos t [ W ] P . --
I n fact, the solution set is given for t xp(t) E
2 0 and x ( 0 ) E X o by
+ cos t )[WIP+
[ S ( t ,0 , x,,)I~.
Clearly, the attainability set A ( X o , t ) approaches the fuzzy set E c o s t ) / 2 : t 2 0 ) = JZw/a. © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
= { W ( s i n t+
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
Recall the classical variation of constants formula for a nonhomogeneous n-dimensional system of first-order differential equations (DEs)
for exmnple, the control system xf = A ( t ) x be written as
+ B ( t ) u ( t ) . The solution may
where @(t,s) = @(t)@(s)-Iis the state transition matrix and @ ( t )satisfies the matrix DE af(t)=A(t)@(t). @ ( O ) = I . (6.5.2) In the special case when A is time-independent. @ ( t ) = etA involves the matrix exponential and (t, S) = @(t- S) = Let En be the space of all normal, upper semicontinuous and fuzzy convex sets. with compact support, on R n , endowed with the sup metric on level sets d as before. Denote by Mn the space of n x n matrices with entries in &I, that is, whose entries are fuzzy numbers. If A E JW, it also lies in E n X n . Consequently, A : [0,T] + Mn is said to be continuous if it is continuous in the E , S sense in the 1 . / and d metrics. We interpret (6.5.2) as the family of differential inclusions
where Ap(t) denotes the level set of A(t). That is, if U ( . ) is a measurable matrix valued selection in the set of matrices Ag(.), $;(t) = U(t)q5a(t) a.e. and qp(O) = I. Such solutions are guaranteed by Carathkodory's theorem, over an interval (0,TI, 0 < T I: DO, provided the end-point matrix valued functions A&, A3 are majorized by an integrable function on [0,TI. Denote
Clearly, Qp(t) is nonempty. y the results of Section 6.2, the Q 3 ( . ) are the level sets of the V n x n valued fuzzy function @(.). In particular, if A is a constant fuzzy matrix and the FDE is timeindependent, define
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.5 Variation of Constants Formula
for measurable matrix valued selections U(.) E AD. Then, the Y(t) are found in the usual way: find a basis of vector solutions ul (t), u2(t). . . . , u,(t) for the differential equation y' = U(t)y and form the matrix Z ( t = [ul u2 . . . u,]. Put Y(t) = ~ ( t ) Z ( 0 ) - l . The Qo(t) now form the level sets of an Enxn-valued function, since an n x n interval matrix is a convex set in Rnxn.This has outlined a proof of the following result.
EnXn be a continuous fuzzy matrix valued Let A : [O: T] i function. Then (6.5.3) has a solution set @(t)which is a D n X n valued fuzzy matrix function. If A is constant, @(t) is an Enxnvalued function whose level sets are interval ,matrices.
(1) Note that @(t) is invertible in the sense that each trajectory Oa of the P-th inclusion (6.5.3) is invertible. Indeed. it is well known that satisfies the matrix DE tb; = -$aU(t) a . e . d ~ ~ (= 0 I. ) I.)~
(2) If the initial time is to, the notation @(t,to) should be used, @(to, to) = I. Here we have abbreviated @(t):= @(t,0). Note that @-'(t,to)= @(to,t). For constant A, W 1 ( t )= (-t), sharing this property with the classical matrix exponential solution.
(3) CarathBodory's theorem is an existence result only and solutions may not he unique. However, there exist maximum and minimum solutions. Since A. is an interval matrix, that is, has compact real intervals as entries, U belongs to the interval [AD. Ap]. Here, A. A denote ordinary matrices whose elements are, respectively, the lower and upper end points of the real intervals (see. Neumaier [80] for notation and theory). This gives a method for evaluating @a(.) as an interval matrix. In the case where AOis a noiinegative matrix, that is, all elements of the matrix are nonnegative; or & is a nonpositive matrix, the coinputation is especially simple. If B - A is a nonnegative matrix, write B A.
.5.B, Let A be a nonnegative matrix and suppose that B
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
> A.
Chapter 6. F u m y Differential Inclusions
t h e n Y ( t )> X ( t ) , t 0. I n particular, if A with 0 5 A 5 U 5 and
[A,A] i s
a n interval m a t r i x
Prood: This is a simple consequence of Theorem 5.1.1, pp. 315-316 of Lakshrnikantham and Leela [61], since the matrix differential equations are equivalent to
and the function X ++ A X is monotonic nondecreasing in the partial order induced by the positive orthant. Clearly, a similar results holds for nonpositive matrices. Indeed, it could be generalized t o K-monotone matrices, where K is a cone, but for simplicity this is omitted. In the case where the interval matrix is not of these types, the interval matrix function A X ( t ) will have extreme points corresponding to matrices internal to the interval matrix A. This can be estimated nunierically by solving the matrix DEs on a gird. but this obviously significantly increases the computation involved.
.5.1. A s a numerical illustration, consider the s y s t e m where n = 2 and A i s given by
Expressing the p-levels of A as a n interval matrix,
this interval s y s t e m m a t r i x i s a positive family, because every m a t r i x contained in the interval i s a positive m a t r i x and, applying the l e m m a , only the end point equations need be solved. So, for exa~mple,if = 0.0. @ o , o ( t )= [qo,o(t), 50.0(t)].Using the M A T L A B function EIG for t h e eigenvalueeigenvector calculations ( I N V i s n o t needed because A, 2 are s y m m e t r i c here),
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.5 Variation of Constants Formula where
= 0.7929, g = 2.2071, and
where E
= 0.9189, ij = 4.0811.
VCTenow proceed t o discuss the variation of constants formula. In practice, the crisp fundamental rnatrix @ ( tto) , is difficult t o find explicitly if the system matrix is time-dependent. Apart from theoretical discussions. the variation of constants formula is usually only useful when A is constant. For brevity, the discussion of this section will be for constant A, but the general case is not difficult and the more general proof is obvious. Let A E E n x n be a matrix with fuzzy number entries. XO E En and let F : [O. TI --t En be a continuous function (and hence strongly integrably bounded. with integrable selections). Consider the fuzzy initial value problem zl(t) = Az F ( t ) , z(0) = x O ,
that is, for 0
< p 5 1; the family of inclusions
Here, the suffixes p indicate level sets. Let @ ( t ) indicate the solution set of the time-independent matrix FDE = A@, @(O) = I. From the inclusion (6.5.6), there is a measurable matrix valued function U(.) E As, an integrable selection fp(.) E Fo(.) and yo E X i such that xh(t) = U(t)xa(t)
+ fp(t) a.e.,
xp(0) = yo.
Denote by Xu(t) a solution to the equation X h = U(t)Xu, Xcr(0) = 1. From the classical formula (6.5.1),
Consequently, the solution set of (6.5.6) is
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
by Theorem 6.5.1 and the definition of the Aumann integral [2], where the union has been taken over all maximal and minimal Carathkodory solutions, t T , @p(t),X; and Fp(t) are all so as to give (6.5.8). Since for O P 1, compact, so also is So@).Moreover, clearly Sp(t) C Sp, for O /3'
< <
< < <
Let A E Enxnbe a matrix with fuzzy number entries, En and let F : [0,TI + En be a contin~uousfunction. The fuzzy initial value problem xf(t) = Ax F ( t ) , x(0) = x O ,
has an absolutely continuous En valued solution S ( t ) , a.e. t E [0,TI, given by the variation of constants formula
Here, @(t) is the fuzzy matrzz valued solution of
Prod From the comments above, to prove that the family Sg(t) are the level sets of a fuzzy set S ( t ) over C([O]T.Rn),it only remains to show upper semicontinuity (usc). That is, of /3, + P is a nondecreasing sequence, then So, (t) + §'P (t). To see this. note that Cp, (t) is nonempty, since (t) = the intersection is of compact, nonempty nested sets. Clearly, So(t) 2 Sp(t). But xjn + and o,(t) -+ @ ~ ( tby ) usc. Let xp, E SJ,. Then there are f3,, E Fp,, Un E .APn and yn E satisfying (6.5.7). The sequence {y,} is bounded in Rn since X Ohas compact support and, similarly, U,, is bounded in R n X n . Each fp, E Lm([O.TI, Rn) and, since F is bounded. there is a constant C , such that 11 fo,(t)/Cll 1. Thus, by Alaoglu's theorem. ) weakly* {fa, (t)/C) is weakly* compact and there is a subsequence of { converging to h E L" ([0],T, R n ) . Clearly. the mapping T, : Lm([O],T, R n ) + C([O],T,Rn) : g(.) ++ J,' ,(t - s) g(s)ds is a compact operator, so the sequence {Tan.fPn) is compact. Hence, there is a subsequence /3n(b) such that Tp , i k l fa ,(L,, -+ TBh, where h(.)E Fs(.). Along with the other
convergences, clearly xan,,, + and E Sg from (6.5.7). That is. S a ( t ) C So(t). By the Negoita-Ralescu characterization Theorem 1.5.1, the Sp(t) are thus the level sets of a fuzzy set S ( t ) . (Example 6.5.1 continued) For 0 nonhomogeneous term be given by
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
let the
6.6 Fuzzy Volterra Integral Equations and consider the FDE
where A is as i n the first part of the exa,mple. Note that the level set transition matrices 2p,Gp are positive matrices for t > 0 and when multiplying interval vectors, the order of end points is preserved. Writing S p ( t ) = [& ( t ) ,Sp( t ),]from Theorem 6.5.2
For p = 0.0: using the results in the first part of the example, a tedious calculation produces
S O O ( t= )
-3.9942 2.3996
+ 1.1998t + 4.00%'
+ 10.4599eEt + 1.5363eFt -
+ 2.l380eDt
= 2.2071, n = 0.9189; i7 = 4.0811. The same can where 5 = 0.7929, be done at any p-level and, using interpolation, a n estimation of S ( t ) obtained. Closed form solutions for the p-levels can be obtained, but are quite complicated to write out.
A number of papers [89. 95, 1101 on fuzzy integral equations have recently appeared which interpret an integral equation as an equality involving the Aumann integral [2] at each level set. For example
this representation meaning that
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
Here, y is a fuzzy n-vector, G and F are fuzzy n-vector valued functions, [.lo denotes the p-level set and the integral is that of Aun~ann. Although impressive machinery from the crisp case can be adapted t o (6.6.1) to prove existence, and sometimes uniqueness of solutions, the formulation involving the Aumann integral in this way suffers a f~~ndaniental flaw: The model simply does not reflect the behavior of real life systems with elements of uncertainty and vagueness, in very similar fashion to the corresponding failure of the classical formulation of fuzzy differential equations (FDEs). A simple example serves to illustrate the problem. Let (c; d)s denote the symmetric triangular fuzzy number with the interval [c, d] as its support and let x(t) be a fuzzy number valued function of time. Consider the integral equation
Write the ,0-level set of z ( t ) as the compact interval xq(t) = [ga(t),za(t)] and note that -xp = [-Zg, Using the Laplace transform and integral inequalities, see Lakshmikantham and Leela [61], one obtains the solution
Thus. (6.6.2) has an unstable solution, in contrast to the behavior of the t associated crisp integral equation z(t) = zo - (-z(a))da, which has so. by attributing some uncertainty to the initial lution z(t) = ~ o e - ~Simply value here, despite seemingly maintaining the same formal functional form of the equation, leads to behavior which is mathematically and intuitively quite different from the way the real world situation should be modeled. If the integral equation (6.6.2) is replaced by the family of inclusions
and the solution of (6.6.3) is interpreted as the set So(t) of all those yd(.) which satisfy the ,$th inclusion almost everywhere T E [O, t], then it has the fuzzy solution given by the P-level sets
which is asymptotically stable and reflects the behavior of the crisp equation despite uncertainty in the initial condition. enLet C,[O, T ] be the space of continuous f~mctionsf : [O, T] + En, = m a x ~ < ~1 fg (t) - dowed with the norm of uniform convergence, 11 f - g,1 © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.6 Fuzzy Volterra Integral Equations
g(t)l. Denote the space of normal, connected usc fuzzy sets, with compact support over C,[O, TI, by Cn[O,TI and give it the metric D, induced by the Hausdorff metric on compact subsets of C,, [0,TI. The compact sets here are characterized by Arzela's theorem, as the families of continuous functions on [0,T] which are equicontinuous and uniformly bounded. Two further function spaces are needed. (i) L:[o, T] is the space of integrable functions from 10, T] to Rn, wit,h metric
- gill =
g-If (t)
- g(t)ldt.
(ii) Lr[O, TI is the space of measurable functions from [O, TI to R n , bounded almost everywhere on [0,TI, with norm
11 f
= ess
sup lf(t)l = inf{c OStST
2 0 : 1 f ( t ) l < c a.e O < t 5 7').
Here, the essential supremum is the greatest lower bound of all upper bounds taken except on a set of measure zero (the sets 011 which f is unbounded). Kote that the dual of L:[o, T] is Lr[O, TI, but that L:[o, TI is not reflexive. That is, L ~ [ oTI*, = L?[O. TI, but L ~ [ oTI** , # L ~ [ oTI. , Also, C,[O, TI is a closed subspace of L," [0, TI. A sequence {x,) in a Banach space X is said to converge weak1.y t o x E X if f (x,) + f (x) for every linear functional f E X * . A sequence {f,) of linear functionals in X* converges weakly* to f E X if f,(x) + f (x) for every x E X. Note that the unit ball of X* is compact in the weak* topology, a result called Alaoglu's theorem. In particular, the unit ball in L r [ 0 ,TI is weak* compact. .I. We note that the conclusions of the stacking theorem 6.2.2 also hold if the U3 are subsets of C,[O, TI, satisfying the same conditions, and then X E Cn[O,TI. The converse holds as well. The literature on integral inclusions is much sparser than that for integral equations, despite there being significant applications. The treatment we follow here is adapted from Corduneanu [12]. The inclusions considered take the form, first k(t, s)G(s, x(s))ds t E [0,T],
where h : [0,TI + R n is continuous, the matrix valued function k : { ( s ,t : 0 s t 5 T) -+ L~,,[O,T], G : [O,T]x R n -+ Kz and G ( . , z ) has
< <
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
measurable selections. The integral is understood t o be in the sense of Aumann. That is, if F : [0,TI --t K; and S ( F ) denotes the set of integrable selections of F. then
A solution t o (6.6.4) is a continuous function x(.) E 6 [ O ; TI which satisfies the inclusion a.e. in [O. TI. Denote the set of solutions in [O. T] by S ( h ;T ) and the attainability set for each r E [0,T] by A(h; 7) = { x ( r ): x(.) E S(h: r)}. It is known (see Corduneanu [12]) that, under mild further conditions on k and G. solutions exist and the sets S ( h ;7 ) . A(h; T) are not only nonempty, but also compact and connected. If hI c Cn[O,TI and O T T, write S ( M ,7) = UhEMS ( h ;T ) and A(AI: T ) = UhEnrA(h: T ) .
< <
. Let G : [0,T ] x Rn + ICz
and suppose that the following
conditions hold: (i) G ( . ,x) is measurable, for every x E Rn. (ii) G ( t , .) is usc for a.e. t E [0,TI.
(iii) There exists p E L'[o, T] with llG(t, x)/l every x E Rn.
< lp(t)l for
a.e. t E [0, TI and
(iv) h E C,[O,T]. (v) For each t E [0,TI, k(t, s ) is a measurable function of s E [0,TI and Ik(t, s ) / is bounded o n [0,TI. k(t) =ess (vi) T h e m a p t 4 .
kt is continuous f r o m [O, TI t o Lp[O. TI, where kt(s) =
T , is nonempty, T h e n for every h E C,[O, TI, the set S ( h ; 7), O 5 T connected, and compact. For every compact, connected subset &I c Cn[O,TI, the set S ( M ; T ) i s compact and connected. T h e m a p h H S ( h ;T) is use. T h e same conclusions hold for A(hl;r) and A ( M ;T), 0 5 T 5 T . For a proof, see Corduneanu [12]. If M
c C, [0,TI: the inclusion
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.6 Fuzzy Volterra Integral Equations
will be understood to mean that there exists h E n/l such that x ( t ) E h ( t )+ J : k ( t , s ) G ( s ,x ( s ) ) d s a . e t E [O, TI. The following lemma is also from Corduneanu 1121 which is useful in the proof of Theorem 6.6.2.
.I. Define the linear Volterra operator T/T/ b y
Then, under assumptions (v) and (vi) of Theorem 6.6.1, zf hk -+ h weakly in L:[O? T I as k -i m, then there exists a subsequence {hk,,l} c { h k ) such I as k ( m ) + x. that Whk(,) -+ IVh in C,[O, T Now we are in a position t o investigate fuzzy integral equations. Let V E Cn[O,TI. that is. V is a connected usc fuzzy set with compact support over the space of continuous functions Cn[O,TI. Then the p-level sets are eyuibounded and equicontinuous connected sets of continuous functions. Suppose that V ( t )is the value at t and F : [0,TI x R n + En and consider the fuzzy integral equation
As was observed earlier, this formulation has significant problems. Instead, interpret the equation (6.6.5) as a family of integral inclusions
where the subscript P indicates that the p-level set of a fuzzy set is involved. Denote the solution set of the P-th inclusion by S p ( V a : t )0, 5 t 5 T, and the corresponding attainability set by A3(Vo:t ). The system (6.6.6) can only have any significance as a replacement for (6.6.5) if the solutions generate fuzzy sets. That is, if the sets So, Ap are level sets of fuzzy sets S and A. respectively. The existence of compact connected So and Ap follow from Theorem 6.6.1. It remains to show that these sets satisfy the conditions of the stacking theorem 6.2.2 over C,[O, T ] and R n , respectively. The first condition. that they are nonempty, compact and connected, follows a from Theorem 5.6.1 while the second condition Sp & S , for all O P 5 1 easily follows because Vp C V, and f i F,. The only part that requires some demonstration is the third condition. One further concept is required: a mapping H : [0,TI + En is strongly measurable if each level
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
< <
Chapter 6. f i z z y Differential Inclusions
/ ; is measurable (see Diamond and Mloeden set mapping [w(.)]P : [0,T] -+C [24], Example 10.1.3, for an example of a measurable mapping which is not strongly measurable). The following theorem gives the fuzzy analogs of the assumptions of Theorem 5.6.1. Below, 6 is the fuzzy set defined by o(<) = 1 if = 0 and 6(J) = 0 if J # 0.
Let F : [O,T]x Rn 4 En and suppose that the following conditions hold for the system of inclusions (6.6.6): (i)' F(.,x) i s strongly measurable for every x E Rn (ii)' F ( t , .) is usc for a.e. t E [0,T ] . (iii)' There exists p E L' [O, T] with lIF(t, x) 11 every x E Rn, where 11 Flj = d ( ~6). ,
< Ip(t)l for
a.e. t E [O: T] and
(iv)' V E Cn [0,TI. (.v)' For each t E [0,TI, k(t, s) i s a measurable function of s E [O, t] and k(t) =ess lk(t,s)/ i s bounded o n [OjT],lk(t)l Q .
(vi)' T h e m a p t k(t, 4 .
kt i s continuous from [O: T] to LF[O,TI, where kt ( s ) =
< <
t T , of the family of inclusions T h e n the solution sets Sp(Vp;t ) , 0 (6.6.6) are the level sets of a fuzzy set S(V; t) E Cn[O,t ] and the attainability sets Ap(Vp; t ) are the level sets of a fuzzy set A(V; t ) E Dn. Proof. First. the sets S(V!: t ) and Ap(Va;t ) are nonempty, compact and connected. This follows because condition (i) of Theorem 6.6.1 is satisfied by (i)', condition (ii) of that theorem follows from (ii)' and Lemma 6.2.1, and (iii) is implied by (iii)', since 11 Fpll 11 Fll. SO the first condition of the stacking theorem 6.2.2 holds. Second, since Vo C V, and Gp 2 Ga for 0 a P 1, obviously also Sa(V3; t ) C S,(V,; t ) and similarly for the Ap sets, which is the second condition. It remains to show that if ,O,-t /3 is any nondecreasing sequence in [O. 11, then
< < <
Now. Saz(Vp,;t)is a nonincreasing sequence of nonempty compact, connected sets and so 0, Sp7 (Vptit) = s is nonempty, connected and compact. Furthermore, dTy(Spz(Vp,;t), S) --t 0 as z --t oo,where d;i is the Wausdorff © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.6 Fuzzy Volterra Integral Equations
metric on compact subsets of C,[O, TI. To see that Sp(V9;t) = §; it suffices to show §,a(Vp;t ) s since §p(Vp; t ) C § is clear. For each i, let xpt E §pi (VBi;t ) . The inclusion (6.6.6) means that there is a continuous function upz E Vpi and an integrable function upi(.) E Fp,(., xp,(.)) such that
Vp, is compact, by Arzela's theorem the Since the support of V, Vo sequence {up,) is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous. So, from (iii)' and (v)',
and so {xpZ)is uniformly bounded. Again,
From (vi)', kt is uniformly continuous because [0, TI is compact. Since { v ~ ~ ) is equi-continuous, it follows that {xoz) is equi-continuous and so compact. Hence, there exists a subsequence {xJt(,)) c {xa,) such that x ~ , ( , -+ ) xp E C,[O, TI.From the compactness of {up,), {vq2(,,}is also compact. so there -+xg. exists a further subsequence upZ(,,-+ vp E Vp and clearly Since 11 ugti,)(t) 11 p(t), the sequence of functions wg(,, (t) = ul,(pi(t)/p(t) belongs to the unit ball of LF[O, TI,which is weakly* compact by Alaoglu's theorem, so a subsequence {wet(,,) converges weakly* to wp E Lr[O.TI. . . But the map w H p(t)w is a continuous map from L p to Lk and so the sequence {u,~,,,} converges weakly in L ~ [ oT, ] t'o up = pw3. Now, from conditions (v)', (vi)' and Lemma 6.6.1, there exists yet a
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. F~zzzyDifferential Inclusions
162 further subsequence {up,,) C
such that
za(t) = v P ( t )
k ( t ,s ) u o ( s ) d s ,
where up E Fp(., x p ( . ) ) by the usc of F. That is, (6.6.6) is satisfied and so xp E Sg(V6;t ) . That is Sp(Vo:t ) and the theorem is proved. Before providing the examples, recall (Lakshmikantham and Leela [61], pp. 315-318) that if K ( t ,s , x ) is liondecreasing in x and
then x ( t ) 5 ~ ( t )t ,2 0. Conversely, if K is nonincreasing in x and the inequality in the second equation is reversed, then x ( t ) y ( t )for t 2 0.
.I. Consider the fuzzy integral equation
or, equivalently from the preceding sections, for 0 5 D 5 1 ,
T h a t is.
The inequality makes sense, since both 1 ,a 5 3 - O , and / 4 5 112 - P/4 f o r O < p < 1. Taking Laplace transformst noting the convolution integrals and using the result quoted o n integral inequalities
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.6 Fuzzy Volterra Integral Equations
N o t e that
a s(s2 b)
a bs
aslb s 2 b'
apply it t o (6.6.8) and take the inverse transform t o obtain
T h a t is, the solution set S ( t ) consists of the fuzzy set with ,O-levels the i n tervals c o s ( d 3 - p t ) ) ( 2 - P ) ( 1 - cos( J W t ) ) ['(I 2 ( 3 - P ) 2 ( 1 ,O)
. Recall that a n n-dimensional tem x f ( t ) = Ax(t)
+ Bu(t),
open loop linear control sys-
x ( 0 ) = xo'
has a solution which can be written in t e r m s of the variation of constants formula as rt
Here, @ ( t )i s the state transition matrix, o r m a t r i x exponential, satisfying the m a t r i x differential equation
N o w , suppose that the matrices A, B have fuzzy n u m b e r entries and the initial condition xo E En i s fuzzy. T h e n (6.6.9) can be considered as a family of integral inclusions, provided that some ,meaning can be ascribed t o @ ( t ) . Following the earlier discussion, w e interpret (6.6.10) as the family of differential inclusions
where Q D , Ap denote level sets. T h a t is, zf V i s a m a t r i x i n t h e set of matrices A p , a 0 ( t )= {Y ( t ) : Y'= VY,Y ( 0 ) = I). © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions
The Y ( t ) are found in the usual way: find a basis of vector solutions v l ( t ) , v 2 ( t ) , . . . : v , ( t )from the eigenvalue-eigenvector problem for V and form the matrix Z ( t ) = [vl v2 . . . v,] . T h e n Y ( t ) = Z ( t ) Z ( o ) - l . Since Ap i s a n interval matrix? that is, has compact real intervals as Were, 4,A denote ordinary entries, U belongs to the interval [Ap,Ap]. matrices whose elements are, respectively, the lower and upper end points of the real intervals (see Neumaier [go] for notation and theory). This gives a method for evaluating @ p ( . ) as a n interval matrix. by a simple extension of the results i n Sections 5.2 and 5.6, the @ p ( t ) form the level sets of a ~ n x -valued n function. I n the case where 4 is a nonnegative matrix, that is, all elements of the matrix are nonnegative, or Ap is a nonpositive matrix, the computation i s especially simple. If C - A i s a nonnegative matrix, write C 2 A. Let A be a nonnegative matrix and suppose that C X 1 ( t )= A X ,
X(0) = I ,
then Y ( t )2 X ( t ) , t 0. I n particular, zf A = with 0 A 5 V A and
X 1 ( t )= &(t),
2 A. If
[A, A] i s an interval matrix
XI ( t ) = V X ( ~ ) ,X' ( t ) = A X ( t ) ,
X ( 0 ) = X(0) = X(0) = I
then g(t) X ( t )
< ~ ( t )t 2, 0 .
Proof. This is a simple consequence of the result mentioned earlier for integral inequalities, since t,he matrix differential equations are equivalent to
Y ( t )= I
CY (s)ds 2 1+
AY ( s ) d s ,
and the function X t-. A X is monotonic nondecreasing in the partial order induced by the positive orthant. Clearly, a similar result holds for nonpositive matrices. In the case where the interval matrix is not of these types, the interval matrix function will. in general, have end points corresponding to matrices internal t o the internal © 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
6.6 Fuzzy Volterra Integral Equations
matrix A and can be estimated numerically by solving the matrix DEs on a grid. As a numerical illustration, consider the system where n = 2 and A, B, t 0, xo are given by
with a scalar control law given by the fuzzy-valued function
Expressing the p-levels of A as an interval matrix:
this interval system matrix is a stable family, because every characteristic polynomial is quadratic with positive coefficients. So, for example. if . o = [go 0 , 60o]. Applying Lemma 6.6.2 using the MATLAB /3 = 0.0, a functions EIG and INV for the eigenvalue-eigenvector and matrix inversion calculations
where 5 = -1.5768, g = -4.6232, and
where rT. = -1.1789, C = -2.6211. (INV was not really needed because the end point matrices of the interval are symmetric.) Now, turning to the formula (6.6.9), with both the control system equation and @ interpreted in the differential inclusion sense (6.6.11), and writing xp(t) = [gp( t ) ,zg( t ) ]the , following is obtained
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
Chapter 6. Fuzzy Differential Inclusions where
Since the integral is a coiwolution, when the Laplace transform is taken
X p ( 4 = $ o ( s ) [ ~ 0 3 . ~ o+p@ ] p(s)BU3(~).
Here, qs ( s ) = ( s ) ,J ~ s ) ]U3 . ( s ) = [Up( s ) . ( s ) ] are. respectively, the transforms of @ p ( t ) , u p ( t ) .A straightforward, but tedious. calculation from (6.6.14) when p = 0.0 gives
As we have seen, Hiillermeir [40] suggested a different formulation of the fuzzy initial value problem based on a family of differential iiiclusions at each P-level, 0 5 /3 1, namely,
( ~ ( t , z ( t ) ]x (~0 .) = [xo]',
where [G(.,.)lo : R x Rn + K z . However, Hiillermeir does not prove that S ( z o . T) and A(zo,t ) are fuzzy sets and moreover requires that [ G ( t ,x)lP be not only bounded but also continuous and Lipschitz in x with respect t o d H . The results presented in Section 6.2 are taken from Diamond and Watson [25]where to formulate the problem of fuzzy differential inclusions. the notion of quasi-concavity is employed t o obtain regularity of solution sets. See also Diamond [18]. Section 6.3 essentially lists the needed results for differential inclusions from Deimling [17]. In Section 6.4, fuzzy differential inclusions are discussed and periodicity and stability results are presented, which are taken from Diamond [19]. The variation of constants formula considered in Section 6.5 is from Diamond [21]. See Rzezuchowski and \$'asowski [I031 for the results on continuous dependence and parameters and initial values of solutions of differential equations with fuzzy parameters via differential inclusions. Finally. for the results related t o fuzzy Volterra integral inclusions given in Section 6.6, see Diamond [20]which depends on the corresponding results on integral equations that are taken from Corduneanu [12].For allied results, see also Diamond [22].
© 2003 V. Lakshmikantham and R. N. Mohapatra
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