Pnrlol,ocrcel Mor{ocRApH s PUBLISI{ED BY TIIE
VorurvruII 9 9B . C . - 3 1 8 . C .
NUMBER, XV Vor,uun If
Coruurrrnm oN TEE Punr,rcarton or MorvocnApus WLr,rnn Ar,r,rN,JR.,Chairman knr,rpH.DnLeoy M. L.W. Lersrxnn
Bnnnl.nn M. Pnnsrrg Hnnnnnr C.Yourrn
' ;' i' Pusr.rsrno By rEE Ausnrcerv Pnr,or,ocrcÄl: Assocurros Nnw Yom 1952 Ao ap onosnED TERouoE rsu Acnrvrs or tEE AssograrroN LaNcestrn Pnrss, Iwc., LeNcaslrn, Pa., U. S.A. B. H. Br,ecrqrprr., LrD., 50 Baoeo Sr., Oxrono, ENelaNo
PREFACE In the Prcface to the first volume r have described the pran and purpom of the whole v'ork. The second contains little dsviation from 'fhe annual lists begin with 99 B. c. and .otriiilffttrrough !hr! nlan. tl E. c., und r have inserted at a few convenient points recapitulaiy ol the membership of the priestly colleges as a whole. Dr. rait h lbl'r, ,ronograph on the Triumviri Monetales after Appenör I orr these officials was already in proof. Accordingly, r have added I noto which attempts to summarize as briefly as possibrethe chronologicol groups and the arrangement of the Triumviri in collegeswhich ho presents. Appendix rr contains lists of magistrates of irncertain dote, arranged alphabetically under each magistracy. users of this work will note a few instances of inconsistency between these and a number of the names which r have admitted, though usually with a rnark of interrogation, into the annual lists. r can only e"pr"uu -y regret,that, such inconsistoncy was unavoidable and my trope ttrat tnä Index of careers will guide them to the pertinent information. rn Appendix rrr r have added a list of senators. There is little or no ovidence regarding what magistracies, if any, they held, yet the probability that the great majority of them held some magisiracy, if only the quaestorship, will perhaps justify including them. The rnde" of careers, in my view, is a co-ordinate section, which, besidesserving as a guide to the rest of the work, will, r hope, prove valuable also ai a conspectus of individual careers and family achievement. rn a final section r have tried to correct the errors of commission and. omission which have come to my attention since the pubrication of volume r, and to take account of new discoveriesand recent studies. r have also added a few notes which are not intended to serve as a discussion of the chronology but merely to emphasize the warning that in equating the years of the varronian reckoning with those of our own era r havo made use of a convenient tradition but not of an accurate svstem of dating. rt is a pleasant duty at the end of a long and exacting task to express my gratitude to those who have given help along the way. The acknowledgements listed in the preface of fhe firsi volume apply oqually to the second.To the list of libraries named there, the widener Library of Harvard. university, the Numismatic society, tnu u,'iuu"vii
sity of Pennsylvania, and Br;m Mawr colege, shourd now be added the former German Archaeologiöal rnstitute and the american Academy i" lo.*u'which ga,veme much aid during the final stagesof my work. I-"?rh to express appreciation of appröpriations of Tunds from the {adge Miller Research Fund of p"yrrilra*r coilege, and my thurrk, to I-wiss {rargaret Reesor,Miss Martha Hofiman, andr{iss Barb-araHughos for aid^in checking reforences. great debt to -y coleagues in dryn $r piofessor Lily Ross Taylor] college, particularly to .rrd. to thu $"*" late Professorw. A. oldfather, continues undiminishea. r wisn to thank Professor H. H. Scullard and Mr. G. C. Haines, F. S. e., fo" girrirrg _u an opportunity to use.much of_the page proof of the tatä E. Ä. Syäuo_ ham's work on The coinage ol the RinÄn^ßepu,bric,and Dr. A. e. noyce and other members of the stafi of the Amärican Numismatic sociäty for prompt accessto Dr. Karl pink's study of the Triumviri Monetares. r wish also to acknowledgo my debü to a number of reviewers of tolurye r, particularly ProfessorsH. H. scunard and G. Bagrrarri,who have brought errors and add.itional information to my attÄtion. The John Simon__GrrqgenheimMemorial X'oundatioo ,roi orrty g"rru -" thro rgh a-x'ellowshipthe.priceless_ gift of time for tho drafti"ng'of much of this volumo but has since madJ a substantial contributiä toward the_costof publicatio.n. An appointment as a Research scholar in rtaly tho x'ulbright Act enabled me to make my work more completö. 3'"q"." r-*t! to expressspecial gratitude to the committee on the pubrication of Monographs of the American philological Association, which accepted both volumes for publication and uiderwrote their cbst. The care and critical acumen of professor Delacy, the Editor, have mad.e a great contribution to the accuracy and consistency of both volumes and to their clarity of form and style. The whole wärk has benefitted greatly both from his help, and from tho experience and. skill of tho press of J. J. Augustin. Br5m Mawr College September, lg52
T. Robert S. Broushton
Annual Lists from 99 B.C. to 31 B.C.
Appondioes I. Monotales
Il. Mngistratos of Unce,rtain Daüe.. Pructors Aediles Tribunes of the Plebs Quaestors.. Promagistraües .. :. Tribunes of the Soldiers.. Legates Praefecti .. .. Iudex Quaestionis Quaesitor.. .. Triumviri.. .. Decemviri Stlitibus fudicandis Special Commissionsand Curatorships Augurs Quindecimviri SacrisFaciundis.. Boptomviri Epulones Flamens Priest Vestal Virgins
462 462 466 468 474 480 48t 482 483 484 484 484 486 485 485 485 486 486 486 486
llI. SupplementaryList of Sonators
fndox of Careers.. ..
Nots on Ohronology ..
Additions and [lorrections ..
e9 B.C.
A.U.C.655 Consuls
M. Arrorvrus M. f. M. n. (28) Pr. 102 A. Posruurus - f. - n. Ar,erNus Pat. (*36) Pr. by 102 CIL 12.2.680; Cic.P. ned,.adQui,r.ll; Iast. Cap.,Degrassi55f., 128, 478f.; Plin.Nll 8.19; GelI. 4.6.r-2; Obseq.a6; Chr.354 (Antonino et Albino); Fast. Hgd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; on Antonius, -f. d,eDöl,os 4.1.1700;App. BC 1.32;Apul. Apol.17; and.on Postumius,Grueber, C&RBM 1.509. Antonius opposed the agrarian law of Titius (Cic. De Or. 2.48, cf..2.265;3.10; seeTribunes of the Plebs). Praetors ? C. Cessrus Lowenrusl (57) Cos.96 ? C. Conr,rus Car,ousz (12) Cos. 94 ? CN. Dourrrus AunNonannuss (21) Cos. g6 Aediles, Curule C. Cleuorus Pur,cnnna Pat. (302) Cos. 92, Pr. 95 Inscr. Ital. L3.3,no.7Ob-CIL 12.1,p. 200. Gave especiallysplendid games,and was the first to use elephants in aennti,ones (Cic. Verr. 2.4.6 ' "133;Har. Resp. 26; Off. 2.57; Yal. Max. 2.4.6; Plin. -l/l/ 8.19, wrr,r the names of the Consuls; 35.23; cI.21.6, where the praenomen is P.; Gran. Lic. 33 B). L. Var,nnrus Fr,eccus Pat. (*57) Cos. Suff. 86 öic. Flncc. 77; cf..Bchol.-Bob. 95 and 105 Stangl. Tribunes of the Plebs L. Arprrrnrus Serunwnvus (29) [,. Equrrrus (3) The two Tribunes were killed on their first day of office, December 10, lo0 B.C. (App. AC 1.32-33; cf. Cic. Rab. Perd,.20;Val. Max. 3.2.18; l)io 37.26; and on Saturninus, Inscr. Ital,. 13.3.16 and 83-CIL 12.t, 1r.lg5; see 102,Censors;and 100,Consuls,and Tribunes of the Plebs). I
99 B.C.
P. X'unrus (22) vetoed, with Marius' support, a bill to recall Metellus Numidicus (App. ßC 1.33;; cf. Dio 28, fr. 95.1_3;pht. Mar. BI.t). Proposed the conJiscation of the properties of saturninus and his associates(oros. 5.17.r0). seo 98, Tribunes of the prebs, on Decianus. Q. Pournrus R,uruss (*4) Cos. 8g, pr. gl M. Poncrus Cenoo (*17) The bill of these two Tribunes to recall Metellus Numidicus from gxilg.was opposedby Marius (still Consul, December, 100), and vetoed by X'urius (App. BC l.3B; Oros.; cf. plut. U"i. Sl.l: Gell. 13.20.14;Dio 28, fr. 95.1-B). Snx. Trrrusz (23) a sympathizer of saturninus and author of an agrarian bill which was impeded by bad omens and vetoed by other Tribunes (cic. Leg. 2.14 and 3l; Rab. Perd,.24; Val. Max. 8.1, damn. B; Obseq.+0, Sextius; cf. cic. Deor.2.48 and 265),and perhapsalso author of a taw regulati"gjh9 assignment of quaestorian provinces (Cic. Mur. Ig,referring to 748.C.; Vot.12; Bchol.Bob. t4E Stangt). Rotondi (BBB)mentions him also as a possible author oL a Leu d,eTutera (but see iTiccolini, -F?p 443f.). Quaestors
Ar. Cr,euorusPur,cunns Pat. (296} Cos.79, Pr. 89 T. Ms,r,rus (10) Grueber,CnnBM t.tgg; cf. Mommsen,nMVf 561, no. lTZ. C. Saur,nruse (3) rn office on December 10, 100, during the disorders saturninus and Glaucia, he seized the cäpitor, was the last of his group to surrender, and was killed in the curia (App. BC r.32; cf. cic. Rab. Perd,.20;Oros.5.f 7.8-9). Promagistrates M'. Aeurllrusro (lI) Cos.l0l Proconsul in sicily (Liv. Per. 69). completed the pacification of sicily and returned tt celebrate an watio (fosidonius ii raa 2a.g7, 36, p. 245; Cic.De Or. 2.t95; Diod. 36.10.1;Val. Max. 9.13.1:Jerome 96,p. l49llelm; cf. Cic. Veru.2.5.5;Liv.per.69; Grueber, 9!:.:!yy. C&RBM 1.416; Cesano,Stud,.Num. t.220; Degrassi S62j. IIe was later, perhaps in 98, accusedof peculation but wön acquittal through the appeals of Marius and the ad.vocacyof M. Antoniis (cic. De ör.
:t.194-196;Xlaco. 98; Verr. 2.5.3; Brut. 222; Liv. Per. 70; Quintil. I n s t .O r . 2 . 1 5 . 7 ) . 1,. ConNnlrus Dor,lsnr,r,l Pat. (138) Pr' 100 ? Proconsul in x,arther spain (act. Tr. for 98, Degrassi 84f.' 562). seo 100, Praetors, and 98, Promagistrates' T. Drorusll (5) Cos.98, Pr. 101? Cic. Pis.6f ; cf. BEG3.3?8.Seel0l,Praetors, and l00,Promagistrates' Pontifices C. Irrr,rus L. f. ( Stnano)12 Pat. (135) the Hc annour""il ", pontifex the motion of the spears of Mars in no. L3.3, Ital. Ins*. Elogium, cf. 4.6.2; (Ge11. Regia o'irurium of the (\-CIL 12.1,p. 198). I The latest, possiblo year for his praetorship under t'he L,egesAnnalos' 2 Sinco the governorr'oi Sp*itrinb4 and 93,-duringand after tho oonsulship of was assigned-to C"ofl..,*,-"r. kio*,', his terrri must precede that of Didius, who in ge. Tle embiem of tho boar of Cl'nia on tho coins which Coni ii;#hfu (Gruober' rrornmemorate him suggest that his province was Nearer Spain I'224t')' Nurn' Cesano'5'üt'rd' lnO: Siua' (:Il.RBM 1.475; cf .Witäorf, Le'i,pz'i,g. 'l'tris is thereforo the latost po"ri|le"date for his praetorship, but he may have lxxrn a Praetor in 100 and a Promagistrate in 99' " Chu btest possible year for hiJpraetorship under the Legos.Annales' { IIe was pro-secuted Ly Appuleius Decianus-after his aedileship, which should Ilrcrefore bs datedin 99. with the rIn or1l| *o.r""u* only the namo Pompeius is given, but identification consul' and tribgnate ittt"".täl between thä (1,^sul of 88 is very piobable, since of the^Tribune both agroe with i!' * ,t,i'1, ana the politiäaisympathies ß ,Ihe father of Catoäf ütica died before 91 (PIut. Cai. Min. 1.1). IIe had held of his death I l|(r t,ribulate and was a candidate for the praeüorship at, tho time (6.2141 ro Drumann-Groebe in attributed is tribunate This iil,,fi. ii.ZO.f4). at'tested, indepe-nqenlly is not office of the 1,, l,orciusCato, Cos. Sg, whose tenure hqsbands of i;,,i tt Niccolini ttf i äil to Cu,to " f"tr'er. On the order of tho t.ivirr,, Cato's mother, see MüLnzer, APF 255-257' r Whe., aceused oi rna,iestas,probably in 98, Titius was convicted, mainly be266; Rab. I'rrrrsohekeptanimageof satur-ninusinhishouse (cic.Deor-.2.48and 2'253)' Or' De 225; Brwt Cic' I'rrd. 24ivät' Max. 8.1, da*tt. 3 ;cf' i 't'le coins irr qo".iitn contain the forms ep. 9l', 1. M?l:' 3id 9; Urb' The is rightly intorv*rirrt,ions in the order of tho first two ind.icaüä that the third not^Q' Dnlt(xl bv Mommsen and Grueber to mean Q(uaestores) urb(ani), the Praetor of 89 with id.entified be probably most .t'"rid ör""-äir" lirrlii"r"j. legion-ary commarrder of the 1w1,,,, ttrougtt Grueber disagrees, inay ahä be the Mommsen's ,.,,,,, ir, g7"and tho Interre]x of 78; see thoso years), and thereforo reasonably q*aestorship.a io" hit= years earlier, l"n iorrr,,t ivo suggestion oibS, quoting -frs 8888' e1,1,r,,*irrrtJäate. Malliusis not otherwise known. Cichorius, with one of tho 6 trrr,lirrt,tl t,o read UJloteiusl and to identify this Quaestor l.
officers of P.omp-eirxstrabo (a,s 146),but the occ'rrence Ro:nan public office in 143and tos rrno"" iis retention of ühoname Mallius in here. office on Decembors, roo e.b. 1u"**"""" Äa. 1.606).SeeApp. l}rlrr"J:d ; r0 obsequens(45) placesAqu'lius' victorw in sicily puts the end of the war afüerihe return of Mete[us in 100,but Livy (per. 6gl (see98, Tribunes of ühe?lebs). As he cerebrated-his Numidicus from erilo in gg oaatiouÄiÄlr"L ry 26,98, when rhe risr of rriumphs as preserveaio ii.2". u"girr. *g;i"iöä*t 86 and. 662),ih is besr dated in gg. ar Degr-assi(562) and Passerini (Athenaeu,rn12 , date his deparü're from Macedonia and rrir'""t*o lLsshl 1g4ff.) are inclined" to to celebratä rris tri'mptr in note in 1f,G3.378 thu pr'"asel-op&.i.xqv fiqTt";ü0,o; dyorrptevof6] ,t:&ä;S:t 12See the eenealogy_of the Caesarssuggestedby Mürrzer in RE 10.1ggf. datusIhe "t "i[
uy 'r" c-"""ä" .iää. ouruqäu,,"""p."i" " ,i*ilar one 98 B.C.
A.U.C. 656
Consuls Q. Cenor,rus Q. f. e. n. Mnrnr,r,us Nnpos (9b) pr. by tOl T. Drnrus T. f. Snx. n. (5) pr. by r0r CIL 12.2.68t; Xast...Cap.a_legraisi 54f., tZ8, 478f..;Ascon. 6BC; Obseq. 47; Chr. B54;Fast. Hya.lCtar. pasc.;Cassiod.; and on Didius, Cic. Mur. 17. They io require three nund,iiä i" tn"period :*ri"d.".1i* from announcement^of a bill to its p'assage(cic. Dom. 4r; Best.rB5, and Schot.Bob. r40 Srangl; phit. E.i; "t.An. z.o.t; Lig. i.ri and +g' x'est-us4l6L), and one tJforbid the union of unrerated. measuresin a single bill (cic' Dom. 53).Didius received.the provinc" of m"u""" spain (Obseq.47; seegZ-gB,promagistrates). Pfaetors ? L. Lrcnuus Crussusl (5b) Cos. 95 ? Q. Mucrus Scanvor,az (22) Cos. 95 Iudex Quaestionis C. Cr,auorus Purostns pat. (gO2) Cos. 92, pr. g5 Trd ghargeof the eraaestiod,esicariis et aeneficis(Erogium,I nscr.rtq,r,. 13.3.70b-CIL 12.1,p. 200). Tribunes of the plebs C. Appulnrus DncraNus (21) Brought unsuccessful proseäutions against p. X,urius (Tr. pl. gg), ,, which he lost becausehe-expressea"ug"EJfor the death of saturninus I
(Cic. Rab. Peril,. 24-25; Val. Max. 8.1, damn. 2; cL. Schol. Bob. 96 Stangl), and against Valerius T'laccus (Aed. Cur. 99; Cic. Xlncc. 77), rnd when he was himself prosecuted and condemned after his year of
t n8B.c._92B.c. Plcbe), ond of O. Anüoniue (soog4, prefecüs, an$Jo praetors, on M. lucullus). Ths botenooof potitioal fd;";;; ä;;ää1, *uu had much ro do \rith tho dato of tho trioi of Ir,utilius. Ir jl,ääi"ryirrat Snaevola,".rr*"J "o*mand of
(liic. De Or. 3.I0). They reappointed M. Aemilius Scaurus as Prinoepe Sonatus (Ascon.In Scaur. f 8 and 22C).
""xäT,"fi 1;1tiiih"u.""*'i""dthiö";;eeon,vnine ö!,HöölT,r?:;:if was Proconsul(Liv. pör. 7o; of.o_oJ^9487;;J;iö, promagisrratu.fl"""
9ee_97, 8 Loter practico,'case;i;#ö.ePr, and rudex euaesrionis i" oS i""""" _whowas Curulo aedilo in 65 nrrä-*.r1".031" ;ä;ä* early preSultan insüance,in rhe (seegg, Aediles). r rhe daüeis estabrished {*"-"flu;;';äil#ip uv ä"; c-i s;;; il;ä;il (36.10)describ- , ing Meretus'er'e, anduvä' irr"-prr"är" .iitä'iäi'i'i.
slna.;qa:,rrräsiäägl) thar his , camefromMeüellus Nepos(aco'",.r-ir,\.'i"ili"iru Mereuus
6 Niccolini @f p 20*_2tO) holds ühat orrr sources are confused, so ühat there was only one prosocution o{ Canr:Ieius is simply a mistake {r;riuu ""äÄä*."1a on Appian's parr for Appuleius.
? L. Donrrrrns Asnrcosmnusz (26) Cos. 94 Praetor in Sicily (Cic. Vem. 2.5.7). IIe is cited as an example of rundueseverity because of his strictness in enforcing his decree that no one should possessweapons (Cic. Verr. 2.5.7; Yal. Max. 6.3.5; Quintil. Inst. Or. 4.2.17). Tribunes of the Plebs
w"r,ää""'t "Appul6lpr" vott "t tu.-il'^ii?iäil" z r ) maintain-tl"t trr"""'-äävtau ..,. one acrion il"."en; ;; Appureius and canureius tosether, while ziegrer 97ff') favor rwo a-ctions'ofgt!f""ifi"i.iu,, töi:r.'ial and von aer Mtinu isa twyt,inus rii.',rru*."grees besrwirh rho evidence wo have' F'ri's' who had join"a tfl"-Ä.#Jt_y":tu: and was a pe"sänalenemy of l'etel^x Numidicus,_was acq'igt-e4 *fru.ip"o"u".,ted by a partisan ninus but did not survive an actlion of U*."J on ir= enmity for Numidicus. Satur_
? M. DunoNruss (3) Abrogated a sumptuary law, the Lex Licinia (GelL 2.2a.l0; Macrob. 3.17.7),and was expelled from the Senateby the Censors(Val. Max. 2.9.5; cI. Cic. De Or. 2.274). Seeabove, Censors. Promagistrates
T. Drorus (5) Cos.98, Pr. l0l Proconsul in Nearer Spain (Act. Ir. for 93; Liv. Per.70). Ife was 97 B.C. A.U.C.657 severely engagedin war with the Celtiberi,a in the course of which he Consuls slew 20,000of the Arevaci, destroyed Colendaand moved the population Crc.ConNnr,rusCu:-f. Crv.n. Lorwur,us pat. of Termes (Sall. l/osü.1.88M-Gell. 2.27.2; Liv. Per. 70; X'rontin. Sür. (l7g) pr. by t00 P. LrcrwrusM.lf. p^."a91^"ssus . f .8.5; 2.10.1; Plut. Sert. 3.3; App. .IÖ.99-100; cf. Obseq. 48; see iö" pr. by 100 CIL t2.2.702,7oB, BIGI 726_i.-ä" 96-93, Promagistrates). Degrassi54f., r28, a78f..;ptin. lfi rd",; 2ayi i.t.tzsz; Fast. Cap., rr clii Q. Mucrus Scanvor,e (22) Cos.95, Pr.98t Fast. Hyd,.; Chr. posc.;'-Cassi;.;;;"n Bo.I2;Obseq.48; Chr. 854; . Proconsulsin Asia (OGIS 437,439;Liv. Per.70; cf. Diod. 37.5.1 C"assus,-öi;"-."2i. p.24; perhapsalsoBlGs 826K (but .r fier-örrsuls). tnd 6; Ps.-Ascon.202 Stangl). He sternly punished and suppressedthe decreeof the senate ro"r"au rr"-uirä."iri"u Under theseConsulsa tbuses of the publicans in the collection of taxes, and earned the (plin. tr/.t1 Bo.r2; cf.. Pltt" RQ 88; cichoriu., as orj. ö;# rcputation of a model governor (Cic.Att.5.I7.5;6.I.f5; Di'u. in Caec. became governor of x,arther Spain (seeg6-g3,promagistrates). t>7;Vem.2.2.27and 5l ;2.3.209;Pl,anc.33;Diod. 37.5.1-4;Liv. Per. 70; Val. Max. 8.15.6; Dio 28, fr. 97.1; Bahol.Bob. 158 Stangl; Ps.Ascon. 202 and 262 Stangi), but drew the hatred of the knights upon Censors lrimself and his Legate Butilius Rufus (Cic. Planc.33; Fam. 1.9.26; L. Ver,nnrusL. f. L._n.xbeccus -C;.pat. (*54,*5g,176) Cos.100 sce below, Legates). The provincials honored him with an annual i M. Arr-roNrusM. f. M. n. (2s) ö'9,pr. 102 (OGIS 437-439; Cic. Verr. 2.2.5I; Ps.-Ascon. 202 and 262 fostival East.Cap.,Dssrassi 5ff., i?a,+zöi.; \,;ui.Uu*. 2.9.5;andonAntonius, Stangl). I.deDöIos+,t.lzoo;Cic.Diö,...i.iö.rheyexpell.edtheTribune
Duroniusfrom the t:l1tfo" rU"ogffi 2'g'5),and Antonius ü'aslater accuse a sumptuarylaw (Val. Max. d,if ambitusby him (cic. De or. 2'274)'Antonius arsoadornedth" R;; with his spoilsfrom cilicia
Tribunes of the Soldiers (). Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 Served with distinction under Didius in Nea,rer Spain, winning the
n, r.c.
cüout grumineaot castulo (salt. r/dsr. 1.88M-Ger.2.27.2;prin. , 22.12; '1.t. Berü.B.B;see96_9g,Tribunes of the S"lai""_j.
Legates, Ambassadors C._Menrus (f4, Supb. 6) Cos. t0Z, 104_100,g6, pr. ll5 Went to Asia Minor to pay , .rro* to the C"u*t Mot;;; of the gods (Plat. Mar. Bl.l-3; cf. Ciä. 2d, Brut. i.o.s;."" note Z). Seealso C/Z t2'2'845 at Deros, and picard.'s d.iscussion in BCE it (j&4 491-580, esp. 5lgff. Legates, Lieutenants P. R,urr,rus R,urus6 (B-4) Cos. 105, pr. by tlS served under Mucius scaevola in Äia, urrd d"u* upon himself the special hatred of the knights, who in spite of his evident innocence revenged themselves in 92 by condemning him for ""t;;;i;; in sums beyond his means and^sending him into ex'e (posidonius in Athen. 4.66,l68o-/GrE 2A.27,p. zis; Cic.De Or. t.izs_ä0rär*.85 and tI'; Iont. 88; pis. 95; Nb 8.80 and 86; Diod. Z7.'t.r;'{ivl eer. ZO; Yell. 2.13.2; Val. Max. 2.1O.5;6.4.4; Senec. Benef. 5.17.t2; 6.37.2; Ep' Mor.24.B;Tac. Ann. 4.42; x'lor.'2J.3; Dio 2g, fr. 97.r-3; oros. 5..17.12-13; Ps.-Ascon.202 Stangl, a euaestor!). Augurs C.lVlenrusz (f4, Supb. 6) Cos. l0Z, t04_100,g6, pr. ll5 Elogia, Ins*. Itqt. t'.g.t, and,SS__CILt2.i, p.'lg5; Ci". Ad, Brut. 1.5.3. r In Faat, Cap. for Sg P, Iricini is_preservert.Ithe-filiation
is clearly given in Act' Tr' for sBandzas' Ant. ontr'ucä".o". orst;;l{. };;;ä-ä.äi?,*r. c"e. for 89 is readin crL rz as p. r-iciniusi. i.;. n. crassusthe topbf the ' retter preserved there
has been identified by Degrassi (5 f.) ". p"J if "ifU. 2 This is the latest date possible r.r rri"'p"""i.rship under the Leges Annales. His severitvmav bo a111 tr'" """"'rt *rffiri." .i üh;;;;"#;üin sicily, and would indicato that he was. p"obabiSi tliu."rr""u"*o" of Aquillius (seo gg, Promagistrates), in which.c_ase hiJterm gg bägan in at the latest (see howevor r(lein, 58, no. 64). rf his rirre as praetor ;"';; ltk; trr"rär üäää"'-iä sr"ly t u rnay have held the praetorship in Rome belore going t. si"ili u, p"op""eto". 3 Niccolini
(FTp zr0) ri*tä o,,'oni,,.".r,'äu"""s2,
Trr" rrt-".i pääiti"i"r". H" could havo enüeredoffice oniecu*u* lq öä, and carriod his b'l befbre the electionsand entranceup_onoffice "f tt; d;;;, probabty z'BE2)'He mav howevsr have h"la;;; iiiu"""täi"-öabour April (Momm_ yä" afte" the 111f1: prevrous censorship.
$7 R.O.-96 B.C.
' According to Liv. Per. 70 and obseq. 48 the chief victories of Didius should lx' rftr,üedat ühe end of 98 or early in 9?, though operations in Spain continuod lirr somo time. Obsequens (50) mentions peace at home and abroad in 95. ö 'l'ho tradiüion regarding Scaevola's titte in Diodorus (ocparriliq) and ps.(Praetor) is inexact. on the dates of his praetorship and his pror\rr:..ius o()ngulate, see 98, noto 2. o Pomponius' statement (Di,g. 1.2.2.a0) that Rutilius w&s proconsul a in Asia ix ;rrrbably an error for Legatus, or Legatus pro praotore, as he might have been oollc
e6 B.C.
A.U.C. 658
Consuls (lN. Dournrus CN. f. Cn. n. AunNosensus (Zt) pr. by 9g (1.Cassrus L. f. - n. LoNenvus (52) Pr. by 99 CIL 12.2.889;Ann. Epig. 1945,no. 9G- 1g46,no. 16l, if genuine; I' ust. Cap.,Degrassi 54f., 128,478f..; Ascon. In Scaur. 2 I C ; Olseq.4g; (llrr. 354; Xast. Hyd,.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; and on Domitius, Cic. I)eiot.3l. Praetors ? M. IlnnpxNrusr (10) Cos. 98 1 L. Mlncrus hru,rppus2 (76) Cos. gl SeeCic. Mur.36; Brtit. rcA. ? [,. (Snnrnowrus) Asnr,r,ro ( ?)s (18) Praised in Diodorus (32.8.r-a) for restoring sicily after the revort of the slaves. I O. Var,nnrus Fr,lccusa Pat. (163) Cos. 98 ourried a bill to give citizenship to calliphana of velia, priestess of (irrrcs(Cic. Balb. 55; Val. Max. f .f .f).
Aediles ? L. Gnr,lrus Porr,rcor,-tr (17) Cos' 72, Pr' 94 Max' 5'9'1)' Held all magistracies up to the censorship (Val' Quaestors ? C.Iur,ros Censm Srneso (Vorrscus)o Pat' Inscr. Itnt. 1g.g.6-C I L L2'1,p' 198'
Promagistrates T. Drtrus (5) Cos.98, Pr' 101 ^- ^6 n. 97-93' PromagisProconsul in Nearer Spaitt (see98, Consuls' and trates). P. LrcrNrus Cnessus (61) Cos' 97 Pie' 68; Ascon' Proconsul in Fartler'Spain (Aat' Tr' for 93; Cic' SoD' -tal. Stangl; cf' 14C; Plut. Crass. i.i, +.i-2, o"pn"t11il1;Salwl" 2'6'0' and'Itdn' Ant'' ort C,ic.Planc. e2; Strail 3.5.11, rioc';'PtoI' Castra Liciniana). See 95-93, Promagistratos' Tribunes of the Soldiers Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr' 83 See97-93, Tribunes of the Soldiers' Legates, Lieutenants ? C. (SnrmnoNrus)LoNous (64) preservesno title. Diod. 3?.8.1_+.s* F"r"tt"*, o" Asellio. Diodorus lThisisthelatestpossiblodatoundertheLegosAnnales.IfhowasaTriumvir 1'195-198)' ho advanood in 1RREM Monetalis u,ro..,t to+"("ü*i"r'ä"""r""' order in his caroor' regular '""iiäüpp".;;h;;;;;;ival have of fterennius for rhe consulship in 03, held tho PraetorshiP bY 96' 'Aoütrlro6' o1 but a gons as Aeüxro. s rn Diodoru* ttu riJ*ä",ppears !!rlroe' uso his (Rt) plausibly Mtixrzor and (5g f., no. 65) of that name is *,LII;;.-Küin (see Legatos) üo reconstruct Lis staff on r'"tg"l (s;;p;;t;;i association with c. as Praetor or Propraeüor tho name glt"., "t#äl'H;;;;;""t?ship'.whethor in Asia (Diod'; see 97' Scaovola of tirat after t"-aäted *t"i Diod.), (orpar4'y66, (see 91' Tribunes of Drus's orii"i* i"iu'-"t" Promasistratu*) ,na'äioi"'tn" the end of the after possible tho earliest {ate the Plebs). Tho indicJt"iont i;;t; (R'U)' 94 than rather 96 go himin listed I have slave rovolt, the Leges Annales' Cicero^and Valerius äa"" { The latsst a"t""pä*nf" coÄparaüively recent yet previous to Maximus show only t}at nis office was in 90' citizenship Vufi";t "oq"isiüion öf Roman
00t].c.-06 B.c.
96 B'C'
6 The daüe ofhis praeüorship suggests the latest possiblo date for his aodileship (seo Seidel, 53). 6 Caesar's quaestorship must precede his curulo aedileship in 90 B. C. by several years. The order of offices in the Elogium indicates a date after 100 B. C. It is hardly possible to be more precise'
,l s5 B.C.
A.U.C. 659
L. LrcrNrus L. f. C. n. Cnessus (55) Pr. by 98 Q. Mucrus P. f. P. n. Soenvor,r. (22) Pr. by 98 Eaat.Arü., Brut. 16I,229,328;DeOr.l.l70; 3.lO1, Cic. Verr.2.2.122; Degrassi164f., and Fast. Cap., ibid., 55,I29, 478f..;VaI.Max. 8.f5.6; Obseq.50; Chr. 354;Xast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;and on Crassus, Cic. De Or. l.ll2; 3.229; Val. Max. 4.5.4. They carried a law to send Italians resident at Rome back to their own towns, and set up a qunestioto enforce it (Ciq. Corn. fr. I0, and Ascon. 67-68C; De Or. 2.257;Besl.30; Balb.48 and 54; Off.3.47;Brut.63; Sall.Hi'st.1.2OM; Schol. Bob. 129 Stangl). Crassus defended Q. Caepio from some unknown charge (Cic. Brut. 102), and repressed raiders in Cisalpine Gaul, but his demand for a triumph was vetoed by his colleague (Cic. Ina. 2.lll, Consul; Pis. 62,and Ascon. l5 C ; Val. Max. 3.7.6,Proconsul; see 94, Promagistrates). Scaevola resigned his province (Ascon, 15C; cf. Balsdon,Cn 5l [1937]8-10). Praetors ? L. Aunor,rus Cormr (100) Cic. Brut. 137,praetorius; 259; De Or. 2.197; 3.42 and.46. C. Cr,eunrus Pur,cnnn Pat. (302) Cos. 92 Praetor (öic. Verr. 2.2.122) in charge of cases of res re$etundae (Inscr. Iüa\,. 133.70b-CIL 12.1,p. 200). Commissionedby decree of the Senate, he drew up a constitution for Halaesa in Sicily (Cic. Verr. 2.2.r22). L. Iur,rus Censrn Pat. (142) Cos. 90 See94, Promagistrate3. ? M. Pnnpnnxez (5) Cos. 92 Promagistrates 'l'. Dtuus
(5) Cos.98, Pr. I0l ? Ilroconsul in l{earer Spain (see 98, Consuls, and 97-93, Promagist nr,tes).
95B'c'-94B'c' 12 (61) Cos'97 ^^ P. LrcrxrusCnessus töpär"G"" 96-93' Promagistrates)' Proconsulit Fu"tiu"
?Ruurlrus (I,22.) and possibly aut'hor of A colleagueof Livius (Al9t' Vir' Itt" 66'l-2)' schot.Gron.309stangl). " r#-""g""ä ingcotuini,o (ci". Rosc.amer.55;
Tribunes of the Soldiers
Aediles, Curule
n*!"ä'T""ä, ßl*IJ;ik"""u" spain(seee?-e3,rribunesof the
? ? M. Poncrus Cero2 (*14) Pr' ca' 92 gä, Promagistrates; and D'-G' 91' and P;""b"s, See Getl. 13.20.12. 5.162,no.18.
lK,obsrTE)rIll*#äää jäiij;"-lli3';,i"?',:'13"ffi:l+l+ä'i:?llJJ:l:
Cotta's Praetorshrp arü
i;ö;.;'=*e1''.1"n";'il;*::"111*:*;**'f $f't;:'""t"1-l*:;l* t more Probable date'
eod.oti,s(cic.Deo,..''ö,üäil*iF"*':*X**tl?.illthfft":üö his äfter eight vears ä"ffiääi"'I,äboui t:Htr $,"';3:3i'#l rru:; l*"*u t"tläf'Jitt"st
Legos annalos' date possible 'nder the
e4 B.C.
A'U'C' 660
Consuls Cer'ous (12) Pr' 99? -C*' C. Coor,rusC' f ' C' n' (26) Pr' by 97 t'' A*tI9:111"t L. Downrus Crq'f' +'i'rzog;Q' cic'
"r,a-ääät ttt' Y?.";' a"baut crL 12.2.68z, ffi Fast'cap''ibi'd'54f" r;;t'-;;;'lb*'1"'^16;i'' rLt Pet' Camnt. si' ct'"" 35! Fast'Hsit''; ;;C:ob';;'' t'"o{'"iföä:;; .; t'47Lr'; 478f r2e, clai"J'c'oäu"'' IRRBM c."i"d'i;i; chr. Pasa., Num" L'224' ö"*t ro, Stu'itr'
Praetors Cos'72 Pr' Peregrinus Gnr,r,rusPorr'rcor'e (171 L. -'SfCt 732; cf" Cic'Leg' I'53' (r.5r) Cos'9l ? Snx.Iulrus Clusen Pat'- the LegesAnnales' The latest attliääiur" ""a"" Urbanus C. Snruus C' f' (3) Pr' 732. sIGs Aediles (18) ? M. Lrvrus Dnususr Auct. /ir' lll' 86'r-2'
Quaestors Aosrr,r,es (not in ,BE) (Gäbler, Ant' M'utnz' Served il} Maceaonii orrd"" L. Iulius Caesar 24r\' Woäginiin"nlands 3.1'69f '; of' Ilead' HNz ? L. MlNr,ros Tonquatus Pat' (Ze) of the senate while Quaestor (Grueber, Issued coins by d";; CLRBM 2.270,bet'ween99 and 94)' ? M. Snnorus Srr,us (42) of the senate while Quaestor (Grueber, Issued coins by dÄJ CRLBM 2.269,between 99 and 94)' Promagisffates T. Droros (5) Cos' 98, Pr' 10I ? (see 98' Consuls' and 97-93' PromagisProconsul i" N";;;;Sp"i" trates). 90' Pr' 95'? ? L. Iur,rus Cersans Pat' (142) Cos' ProconsulirrWfa"eao"ia(IG'12'8'2L|'cl'232;Gäbler'2N23[1902] "Makedonia" 764f')' 171; cf. RE s.v. L. LrcrNrus Cnlssus (55) Cos' 95 Gaul; Val' Max' 3'7'6' cu'rn Proconsul in C*oilplobabty Cisalpine ' ' ' ; see 95' Consuls)' er consuJatuprool,ät'üi Gal'li'int'obtiieret P. Lrcnuus Cnessus (61) Cos' 97 and 96-93' promagisProconsul in Farther'Spain (see 97' Consuls' tlates). Tribunes of the Soldiers (). Snntomus (3) Pr' 83 (see 97-93, Tribunes of tho served under 6iai* i" Nearer spain !ioltliers).
cf. Cic.Xont.4}; Plub. Sull,.5.1-2; Plin. -lü/ 8.53; Auct. Vir. 111,.75.3; Liv. Per.70; Vell. 2.I7.3; Val. Max. 7.5.5; Senec.Breu. Vi,t.13.6.
Legates, Lieutenants ? C. Peprnrus Cl,nso Anvnre (40) Pr' ca' 85 of Valerius N. tflf" preserved. Münzer 1ä.&1interprots-a qT*1g" L. Crassusin Gaul Maximus (3.7.6)to -L"r, tt ut hä was on the staff of the text apparently indicates that he l."" rforru, P"om"gist"ates), but went to Gaul on his own authoritY'
? P. R,urnrus Lupus (26) Cos.90 The latest d.ate possible under the Leges Annales. ? L. Vr,pnrus X'r,eoous Pat. See 92, Promagistrates.
Ansrr,r,as (not in J?Z) Served in Macedonia under C. Sentius (Head, HNz 2+l; Gäbler, zN 23 [1902] r72ft.).
it is not Ä;:e;i g';le)-doubts_tire,t rie.held rhe office at all sinoo ffiffi;;;:, have -C andwould p' 199) 1' L 12' I 4 13'3'7 Lärli"""J n rris Erosium i insir' Ital" in Äuet' Vir' Il'1"refers t'o pa'ssago the tribunate,;;li;üdisthat his preceded although he could hardly his father. Buü his qo"".Jo""frii"rlso is not *"otiottäd, note 2)' - and 644, 3, that ('Momm.utt,'Slt. l.542,nobe ir""l'.*itt"a , 2 All dates in the career or irri* cato remain uncortain. It is probable that he Gaul. The latest dato ai"a-uuro"u it e social *"" *rrii" govorngr of Trans,alpine^ 02praetorship' for his and 94, be would -. ^ i." fr*-t"äff".ftip r': Iulius Caesaris termed s In one of th" irr*"riiü."*ii"J"tove 1IG^12.4.241) on anä irr tftu ot'ttti,if it really refers üo him.(note thaü pfp"tl iva, a1u0t'5,r1"tJe is termed ho coins the ön ä"it-l' [&vdüna]to6' the stone the praeno,rieill* g.l.Ogf., and ZN,l'oa. c'it.) pr(aeüor?). Gäbler U'Ä]]- AAi". N'origr;u"nuÄ1,ünd"s his successor placeshim in Wfr"uAor.i"io g'/g2, but üas overlookedtho fact ühat certainly almost "'IIa i]l nycegde$-ilmediatelv da u"ü""to ä"äträärt-p.""to" praetorJhip should^bedated in afterwards to fVf""uaorrä.-Ä*"aittgfy, Caesar's 64' and 130' note 1' Jäshemski See irt"1äiest' J 95 and his governorshifl"ll
Promagistrates T. Drprus (5) Cos.98, Pr. l0l ? Celebrated a triumph, his second, as Proconsul er Hispa,nia ile (Aat. Tr., Degrassi85 and 562; Cic. Plnnc.6l). Celti,bereis L. Gnr,r,rusPoplrcor,l.a (17) Cos.72, Pr. 94 Proconsul in Asia or Cilicia (Cic. Leg.1.53).
A.U.C' 66r
Consuls Pr' by 96 C. Var,tnrus C. f. L. n. Fr,accus Pat' (168) M. Hpnprvxrusl M. f. - n. (I0) Pr' by 96 164f" 890; t. ae ilaUs 4.r.Li64; Iast' Ant'' Degrassi CIL 12.2.704, 52; obseq' 19'40; 'l[r/ Piin' and rasü. cap., i,biä.-54!., l2g,4s0f'; to spain sent was Flaccus chr. 354; Fast.Hgi.i cn .'p^r'.; cassiod.. immediately after his i" q"af , C"ftit*i*r, """ott, uiih"" during or conÄuhhip (seenote 2, and'92, Promagistrates)' Praetors Spain ? P. Conxnr,rus Scnro Nasrce2 Pat' (35I) their towns destroyed and Spain in revolt a of Crushod tho leaders (Obsoq.6l). Pr' Ur88' 80 L. Conxnr.rus SuLL (Fnr'rx)3 Pat' (392) Cos' banus
(*57) Cos. Suff. 86
lThedate,thoughuncertain,mustprec-ede91B'C'Drusus'stat'ionand but the obscurity of Romrnius the suggests thu-;"""G'""dibsüip'
e3 B.C.
93 B.C.
9 4B . C . - 9 3 B . C .
P. Lronvrus Crussus (61) Cos.97 Proconsul in X'arther Spain, whence he returned to celebrate a triumph d,e Ltrcitnnei,s(Act. Tr., Degrassi 84f., 562; Cic. Pi,s.58; Ascon. lAC; Schol,.Bob.l3l Stangl; see 96-94, Promagistrates). C. Snrvrrusb (3) Pr. 94 Propraetorin Macedonia(Cic. Pi,s.84;Liv. Per.70; Oros.5.18.30; see 94, Praetors, and 93-87, Promagistrates). Tribunes of the Soldiers
Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 Served Didius in Nearer Spain (see 97-94, Tribunes of the Soldiers). Legates, Ambassadors (or Lieutenants?) ? M. Anrvrntus Sclunuso Pat. (140) Cos.ll5, Pr. 119 Ascon.In Bccr,ur.2lC:cf..Val. Max. 3.7.8:Flor. 2.5.5. Legates, Lieutenants I Q. Rnurrrus Suna? (10) tJtrrvodunder C. Sentiusin Macedonia(IG 9.2.613;an inscription of
93 B.C.
830-32;I{ead' HNz 24I' Le' Thespiae,A. Plassart,Mölanges--P,i'aard' epp' a';'ttt"zs; see93-87'Logatus pro no,""o""',' öi"t""Äh'ri'+; gates). SPecial Commissions Curator ai'is sternen'il'is ?' C . C r , e u o r u s P u r ' c n n n 8 P a t ' ( 3 9 ?1a'l' )-^C s'92'Pr'95 p'o200' ä n. tä' ßslob-clL ;iö;,
93 B.C.-92 B.C.
(soe Th' Reinaoh' 104 and 93, but which remains impossiblo to determine gl99h' o.p' ci't'-27-33\' Goelz]; 88-99 Ewpator ltrans' Mithrid,ates ^ , . z Bruttius, name is tuÄrrfy "Sät,' speileä': SWIRA on the coins, Bpattr,oq in tho Mith' 29' In inApp' tL'E, and BprScrto6 Bp6tcto6 in Plut. irr"""ipliorr., of his rhe beginnins from probably and and 87, in 88 surrii* iä;;ä;;;;iti See D.-G. 2.559. command. -r ifr. ptogium places this commission between the praetorship and the consul' ship of Claudius, therefore in 94 or 93' --d Th" cotlegütrnto which Marcius Philippus belonged in 93,(cic' Brut' L66l is by his ä"iioo* as Consul and Aug'r in 91 (Cic. sho*r, tob" th" "off"gu-;iÄ;g.os Leg.2.3t). The meaning of sod'al,itasremains obscure to me'
92 B.C.
A.U.C. 662 Consuls
(75) C-os'91 L. Mencrus PsnrPruse 166; Ascon' In Corn' 69C' Cic.Leg.2.3l; cf'?"ii ' B;:ur"
C. Cr,rutrus Ap. f. C. n' Pur,cnnn Pat' (302) Pr' 95 M. Pnnpnnxe M. f . M. n.1 (5) Pr. bY 95 54f.., CIL 12.2.668;Xast.Ant., iegrassi t-6+f., and Fast. Cap., ibi'd'. lAnewman,unexpectedryelected!cl::f:i;#?räräyü"::H,T"tltpltä;"t 53 ; Obseq' 200 l, 12' L I }b-C ; P' I 29, 480f. ; Elogium, Inscr. Itul: ß 3.7 :ä:]ali"i1ftäi""i""N"'""r"spain-againstthe Cic' Claudius' on and Cassiod'; ,":.f#."8:#.Tiiöl'ffi Cnr. rs+;'Iasi.HAil.; Chr. Pasa.; Plin' öuttiuu"i,andNasicair-'ä"äi'"ä-r"F;:Hi,3?i1J"r:.""8?**#ää-;iliflx;;*X Cael,.33;Leg.3.+2-;on P""p".tta, Val' Max' 8'13'4; Ascon' 28C; n' in spai i sovernors ncumbent NH 7.156. $H:i*.läl",T ät:üT"XT"-Fäö"'r:
Didir:sandcrassus'ää;ä'";üb*t:t*:11'"i"""";it$":n1;t,1*?*":t13"i3: i:''.ö':''.:lT5TJl'ffi::"J':ä':ibä'Ä"älr'öö;o':3't34;.Rosc'Amer' it' It is not though his emrnence 7z; Dio 40'51'3)"t *;i;l;;ä**t"a clear whother r'" *u'f"ä"dd;;t;;; s sulla omitted trru *IJi""ttip
held *at
5;r'1-J",*""1.är"r swr,.:": :'ft:#*;f "*Hm"l{i".il,'31; eb(prut.
I ä"i-i'tä"p"L."d thsword lt.t'"" ttr'trs li^P-])l'; ,surL' &LrLo' ct'ues Ar;tct' Vir' III' 7.5'3:.inter
et L.Gellius curn,pro conswle Yraetura'
''a;v-;ilrÄ'"text)wasproceed an )';:xnx:*x;::'?;ötr;;iö"iffi öliJi" 'i'" ""xt'vear with onlv 1o s,,.u*^*^u''t' to Asiaor fiäiffi.ä Asia' ine either
Gellius was probably 'itnperiwn p'o p'o"to'Jittuprovince of .uHui"termedPraltoriyC^ic',I,i'.,"''aö"o".it'.'gr'äpromagistrateallthe
jee' :?:k::r:"'n"'b "ririrrij:ff#lrt*li.nmöil:tr!ffiTffi scaurus' of tl'" u"t äliä, .:t1ti to a date i" ir,e hrtestq.::.;i; of caepio,sattack ir-ää-trri- "'ulogv *itilä"iiii*.-ä"r"l:lllft"t 100B' c' hoalthin his'*'"" vä"J"Jth"(i"*ttwß**ä n-aq fgyT* "lu tr^efore Scaurus ur"riur.'äJ"ü considorably ö;;i.'fu.:vr."' ä.i'uu*'to;.c'epi" 1::rr"ud Asiatica; Accordingto asconiri iil ""putt-ai {t:$;i;-to'pi''a""iÄg"^legotio to an attack he gl untlerthe Lox servilä ä" qe'z.'qüä"i"- iti returned ilä'*iÄt"i' him of viäiit" but occording -":"*" c)';f""^hi"';;;;;-maiestat'o'to the phrase htrtl motlouof""o 1li'llä Th3:91 had once T, -#öii-'u-''t'"tu' accoptingrl t"iuo.f'oJ'Mitt'trid"tu" äriirr*' ".,ggur,.h:'. l::l* Rutirius of gy r.*io i"^ Maximus *,,,,, utio Atit ilü, r,eg ovicü"nce of boon on tho ßt'trr ;i:;;;"ö"r "? "-#;;;; suggoHt* -u"'lut"t'i'ff
of 'Asia'-iho t;1;" *;"v;-bt'=iu*
-Valerius to Mithridates between
Censors '(2r) Cos'96 Cw.Donrrrus Cn. f. Cw.n. Arrnxosa'nnus 95 (55) Cos' L. Lrcrulus L. f. C. n. Cmssus i'bi'd'-14f'' 129' 480f'; cf' Cap', East' and 164f., Iast. Ant., Degrassi Val' Max' -6'5'5' The Domitius, on and 1.184-187; Grueber, CLRBM L.L, in censors issued an edict against the Latin rhetors (suet. ßhet. cic. GeIl. l5.ll.2; and cf. suät. Rhet.2.t, from cic. Ail, Ti,ti,nni,um; quarreled De Or. 3.93-95; Quintil' Inst. Or. 2'4'42; Tac' Di'al" 35)' They witheachother,Domitiusattackinghiscolleague,s--love-ofluxury (Cic. De Or.2.45,,227, 2gO,242; Brut' 162, 164-165;Valt Max' 9'l'4; 5; Plin. -l[fl 17.1-6; 36.i and lI4; Suet' Nero 2'2; Plai' Ini'm' aill' Anim.8.4; Hist. . Aeliarr Ani,m.23.7; Praec,Rei,Pub. Ger. |4.24; Boll,ert. Aemilius Macrob. Baü.3.15.3-5),until they abdicated'(Fast' !nt),.M' 22C)' rs and (Ascon' Scaurus remained Princeps Senatus Praetors ? C.Iur,rus Cansan2 Pat. (130) ntogiu', Inscr. Itat. 1g.3.7,'rnd 75'-CIL ? . 1 8 1 ;c f . S u e t .I u l ' . 1 ' 1 . 2 Broughton
l2'1, p' 199; Plin"l[I/
? CN.Porvnnrus Srnenos (*13) Cos' 89 ? L. Ponorus Cero4 (*16) Cos' 89 ? M. Poncrus Cero (*f4) Promagistrat'es' Gell. r3.20.r2. See d+, Äediles and note 4; and 9l' ? C. Snxrrus Cer,vwus (21) Brut' L30; De Or' An orator prominent' in Cicero's boyhood (Cic' 4015' 12'2'801-'f'S in CIL named z.im1, and pähaps the Pr(aetor) is certainly date The god. ookoo*'' who consecrated'an altar to *,' before 90 B. C. Tribunes of the Plebs CN.Peprnrus Censos (38) Cos' 85, 84,82 *tti"tt Papirius causedled to a decree of the Some disorder 1sed,';,ti,i7 placed reponsibility for s"r*iu on motion of crassus the orator which officer (Cic' Leg'\'a\' presiding p"ffi" disorder at a meeting on the Promagistrates (not in -B-O) ? Arsr,lls under Continued in Macedonia as Quaestor (i' 9'-Pr-oqyaestor) 70)' S"ttio, (Head, HNz 24L; Gäbler, An; Münz' Noril'gri'ecltenlan'il's 88' 8-9:.T":93 L. - ConNnr,rusSur,r,eo(Fnr,rx) Pat' (392) Cos' of p""pt*to" itt Cificiä,. E" äppot"{ lb ad'vance of Mithridates and throne' his to Pontus into Cappadoci* a,d räsiored Ariobarzanes Roman friendship received Parthian unooyt who made overt'ures for Vir'Ill'75'4; Auct' (i;. i"r.70; Plut. Sätt,.s.s-o; App'Mith' 57; bribes accepting of cf. Vetl. 2.24.3; Frontin. Btr' f 'f iS;' Accused in court appear to failed *rr"r rr" returnod, but his accuser censorinus (Plut. Bzll.5.6). SsNrrus (3) Pr' 94 C. -'p"op"."to" hands ln u"""aonia, where he suffered a defeat at the Promagistrates)' 93-87, of the^Thracians(Liv. Per.70; see C. Ver,nnrus Fr,eccus? Pat' (168) Cos' 93 revolt' of the CeIProconsul in N"a""r Sp"i", *tt""" he orushed a I00)' tiberi about Belgida (App. /b' 86 ? L. Vlr,nnrus Fr,lccus Pat' (*57) Cos' Suff' consulship (see86'' his in Asia appointed'to Valorius Flaccus, it o,,gtt -
#bt i:ttä3J"Jiffi ;ff*:L'-"T'l;l*:,'r'"1'*iJ"l"i:'1ffi"ff ä"p"rit"a
55-6I) at Tralles before the Mithridatic war (cic. Il,a,cc.
indicate that he had been governor of Asia either during, or mone probably after, his praetorship. As he had held the aedileship in 99 his governorship would probably follow that of Mucius Scaovola in 97 and precede that of C. Iulius Caesar about 91. See Sternkopf, Jahrb. f. Cl,. Phil,ol. 155 (1897) 573-576:.and Magie, Romnn Rule i'n Asi'a Minor 2.1242,note I. Legates, Lieutenants Q. Bnurrrus Sune (10) Served.under C. Sentius in Macedonia (see93-87, Legates). ? L. Luccorus M. f.8 (4) CIL 12.2.663,cf. 664. r On Perperna's gtand.father, soe Degrassi i26, on 130 B. C., who is inolinod to identify hiÄ with a Legate to Gentius of Illyria in 168 (Liv. 44.27.lLr. The word Nepos in Cbr. 354 shows that the line of descont was give' and disprovos the stoiy in Valerius Maximus (3.4.5) that the present, Consul's father ryas expelled from R,omo aftor his son's consulship for illegally assu-ming Roman citizonship. 2 Those Elogia, and the place of the Iulii in Cicero's lisü in -Rob. Peril'.2I,bot'b indicato that tho career of Caesan's father should bo datod mainly between 100 and 90 B. C. (see Broughton, AJA 52 [1948] 323-330). If he held the quaestorship soon after 100 his praetorship and his proconsulate in Asia should be placed as late as possible before the oommand there of L. Ca,ssius.Accordingly I suggest 92 for his praetorship and 91 for his proconsulate' 3 This is the latest date possible under theLegesAnnales.Pompeius and Cato ore both termed Praeüor (on Pompoius, Oros' 5.18.10; cf. Liv. Per, 74;onCato, Liv. Per.74; Oros. 5.18.17; cf. Flor. 2.6,14) in reference to their commands in 00 B. C. in the Social War. a See note 3. 5 In CIL 12'1, p. 149, note 11, the Consul is identified w.ith Ap. Claudius, Cos. 26f.l has pointed out that tho names attested, Cn. t30, but Niccolini @fP Oarbo and C. Claudius, as well as the mention of Crassus, point to 92. As Crassus is not termed Censor tho incident should be dated early in tho year bofore tho <:onsorial elections (Mommsen, Str. 2.362). s Termed Praetor in Auct. Vi,r. Itl,. 7ö.3, praetoriz,rc in Cio. Font. 43, and [,)rrtrop, 5.3. Like Sontius and others (see 93, Promagistrates, and aboye, note 3), lro held his imperium pno Tnaetore. See Nipperdey, Le0e8 Annales 27ff.; Momm' xrrrr,Sür. 2,240, nole 6. r Appian implies that the revolt which wa,s crushed by Flaccus (alrnost crtrtain\r Valerius Flaccus) followed" soon upon the oporations of Didius in Spain (xoo 93, Promagistrates), and preceded by a considerablo interval the wars lxrtwoen the followers of Sulla and Marius. Wilsdorf (Leipzig. Stttd', I.LL2| t}a.ete' lirro has a good basis for placing him as Consul or Proconsul in Noaror Spain nbout this time. He a,ppears in 83 in command of Narboneso Gaul and in 81 rrolr,brated a triurnph ea Cel,ti,beriaet Go'lJ'ia,perhaps including a roferonco to hie rrrrlior victory (see 83-81, Promagistrates). Seo howevor MüLnzer, Gent. Val,. 42, rro. 2tl, and Jashemski (126), who aro inclined to date his Spanish command wit,h his Gallic one. l.
? Snn. Sur,PrcrusGanneo Pat' (60) L2'2J09-ILS 8888' and Liv. Per.72, and iä' epp' nC i'+i;gIL 141' and 137-139, discussionin Cichorius, 'BB
20 to July' 92' names L' Luccoius e an inscription found in samothragi?-t:* eittrer a misroading r'tra""ärt"iiä'-is q17: a Legate'^presumobly M. f. Les. Lommatzsch 'l-öii-t''z'p' ä of titte ä"?rät it i"' tt'" l\Iünzer Asia' of of tho name or u' no"t"" tYili governor füä"uaonir or the curent Lesate of either S"*r*'i, a titlo' is it Iib-uuriu.tus that
er B.C.
Aediles, Curtrle 74 M. Cr,aunrus Menonr,r,us? (227) Pr' by Cic.De Or.l.57 ' 79' Pr' 89 ? Ap. Cr,aulrus Pur,onnns Pat' (296) Cos' 51' Cic.Har. ResP.26;cf ' Planc'
Consuls Pr' by 96 L. Mencros Q.f' Q. n' Prrrr'rrpus-(15) (15r) Pr' bv e4 Pat' Snx.Iur,rusC' f' L' ü;i;;;^t 38' cf' CIL cru'ti'z"ssg_/is t""ä"i*ä""iu"t' a" Antoniu Lex ; Diod' a"-iä' os-ogc; Pt'an9'52 corn;'ä;;;-;it1 cic. Lz.z.1o1 ; " 129' Iast'Cap" i'bi'd"54f 16-4-f'' Olg"t*i' Iast.Ant', 1n* 5'3'I; 37.2.2; s+;_Eutrop' obseq.
Tribunes of the Plebs
nr*.:"orr chr' 480f.;prin.Nfl ,.röruils;oros. H^vd'; ti+; ras1. 5.r8.r;-'cnt. il;gl, Bob.rr7L. Though 12' schor,. eo"t '' vü-ttt'oo's and'
t"ää""pnilif,p*' him Pasc.;cassiod.; o**o*' bhitippus turned ag-ainst' 6'2'2; at first, " *oppo*"i of ii"i* Max' VaI' pri. öä'u' zt; (Cic.De or. r.24; z'.z;;;;i %s; s.z; z's'e-s; Auct' Vi'r' Il'1" Ö.s.2;'ilö'os'er;'rr'r'ez;-ito"' res!9r1t'io3was inva'lid [aa^ti'"fr'i' 66.e and 12-13),;;;';'";ö e'5'2)' *rth Ascon'69C;Vel' Max' (; Co:;;i' r"' 'ä Praetors ? L. Lucnrus L' f' (18) See90, Promagist'rates' (82) ? CN.Ocuvrus (R'uso?)2 09-'r's 8888' c I L L2.2.7 ? C. Ppnrunnes (2) APP.BC 1'a0' (*+]- Co1'jl Pr' Urbanus 6' Q. Pournros Burus 3'5'2'SeeD'-G' 4'3I7f" no' Cic.DeOr' l'168;Val' Max'
Ylll-p":::"-{i: .PJ:H';:;"#%; "J"%"$ orhispraetorship The murder of him and
j i
(: {
imperium)to AJ;i;;;ä;-iln"'pi"ät'u'' til;;c"tttttho SocialWar (Diod' -p"* trt" ro"t"il'*ä' Legate hia rr'"lz'o.g;App.BC |.38;oros.
t'iu.rJi|"1;;v;]iälis.r' 37.13.2;
6.18.8;cf. Obseq'54)' Pat-'- (50)^? Q. Bnnvnrus Clorto6 Lcgatoa' S-eog0, Promagistrates'and
gl B.c.
9 2B ' c ' - o l u ' c '
M. Lwrus Dnusus (I8) In'sü'.Itnl,' 133'7+Elected Tribune otiftä Plebsefor 9l (Elogium' ilz.L,p.r99; er"ott' 6s-69C; Oros' tr'tg't;see note 7)' and conCIL and Licinius Crassus'to be sidered, like his "arri""* Aemilius Scaurus (Cic' De'Or'I'24-25' a conservatioe "rra a champion of the Senate Per' 70; Ascon'21C; 2'6'4;Liv' Cae-s' ea cf . 97; Mi,l'. 16;Dom. 50;Sad' go'r-e; Bchol'Bob' lrTf'' and 177 Stangl)' Tac.Ann. z.zz;a1iä ü,'f"' ; program of reform' in which he hoped"to Drusus embarked ;ü the support of several classes: 1' the combine the interesi* arrdlii as one t'he commissioners olebs bv land and g"ti" t***, with himself 2'13'2 ; i."J t'logium, as above ; Liv' P er' ?l ; vell' i;;;ilätöt'g^"r t9'6; Ampel' I0; and 66'4 n1".. z.s.o;"epplfC; Auct' Vi'r' It't' orders' equestrian t'he and cf. Cichorius, -BS rio-r 25);2'thesenat'orial trr" senate and selecting the juries from k;;s;;.i" ü;;;"Hrrg'300 equally of senators and' the enlarged body;;fus having them consist 2'5'4-;App- BC L'35; p*' 7l;Flor' i0,"11
ol B'c'
Val' Max' 3'l'2; Plut' Cat' Min' the oath of the ltalians to Drusus; a plot of the Alli-esto murder 2.f-4). Ho himself *.1"ä"a tt the Consuls thematthoLatinfestivalandwasaccused'ofcomplicity(Lt-"'Per'71; Vir' Il'l' 66'12)' and was soon I'lor. 2.6.8-9; Dio 28, fu' 96'4; Auct' unknown agent Q.emqt.'Asell' fr' ;; afterwards -o"du""ä'ü ND äct. Ad, Herenn.; ci". Mil. tB; rr peter, in GeII. i.zi.ä; Vell' 7I; Per' aß abovo; Liv' 3.80-8r; SalI. Ad C;;. 2"6'4; Elogi"'nn' Vi't' al-z; Plin' Nfl 28'148; to'+;brea' 2.r4.r-2i Senec.A;-M;"' app' BC r'36; Dio 3827'3;-Lnct' Vir' Suet. ?tlö. e.z; mor. z'äJ;'5"7*i' Bob' rr8 and l77 Stangl; Augustin' Itl,. 66.12-13;Oros. ;.r8.t; aD 3.26). ? Mnvrcrus (not in 'B'E) tribunicial' assigning to children of marAuthor of a law, ;;;;pt "on-Romans-the status of the latter noäu"*'a"d "itg"r-ü"t*""" Niccolini' ITP 424'and cf ' RE r2'23ss)' (Ulp. 5.8; Gaius l'?s-ö;t;; Slunnrus (1) Carriedanagrarianlawwhichestablishedaboardoffive,including of Drusus' Inscr ' Inl" t3'3'74Livius Drusu*, t, u*ig" fands (Elogium CIL IL.L,p. 199). ? L. Snstrus (2) the Plebs in good times' Accordingto Cicero (Besü'6-7), a-Tliblneof the Tribune of 57. see Niccolini, yet early onough t""üä-i*tn"r'of 422.1 IIP Promagistrates 92? ? C. Iur,rus Celsen Pat' (130) Pr' P r o c o n s u l i n A s i a ( C I L t i ' Z ' 2 0 5 ' a n d 7 0 6 - I ' i l ' e D ö l o s49; L 7Elogium' I2'and 2L;LI7'line 1847;cf. 170I; /. u. Piiene lIl,lines 14 and see 92, Praetors. Insci. Ital,. 13.3.7ila-_cIL 12.1,p. r99). Pr' bY 92 ? M. Poncru's Cato (*14)'Gaul, *ü"tu he died (Geil' f3'20'12; see94' Narbonlse of Governor no' 18' Aediles, and note 3). SeeD'-G' 5'162' Snrrrus C. "'Pt;;;;;""
(3) Pr' 94 in M"""donia (see93-87' Promagistrates)'
0l l|.c.
For.rrnrus (2) served under Q. Servilius at Asculum and was slain there with his commander either late in 9t or early in 90 (cic. xant. 4L and 48; Vell. 2.15.1;App. BC I.38; cf . Diod. 37.13.2;Liv.Per.72; X'lor'2'6'9; Oros.5.18.8). Special Commissions agris dandis assignnnd,is D e'cem,ai,ri, M. Lwrus Dnusus (I8) Elogium, Inscr. Ita,l,.13.3.7+-CIL 12.1,p. f99. Seeabove, Tribunes of the Plebs. [ ? L. L]rcrNrus L. f. Cnessus (55) Cos.95, Pr. 98 P. Ar,fnrus P. f.] (2) Pr. (or no. 17, Pr' 89 ?) [L. SnnmnoNrus f. As]nr,r,ro (18) Pr. ca. 96 ? Q. Axrcrus L. f. [Gl'r,r,us] (-) [C. Dn]ororus C. f. R,urus (-) C. Mfaurr,rus ? - f. Lrunrexus ?] (7) C. EeNerrus C. f. R,urus (-)
itti" tirt, found at Vibo (CIL tO.44, and p. 1003), is interpreted by cichorius (.BB 116-125) to be a list of land commissionersappointed under the law of Livius Drusus.lo Qui,nqueairi' ogri s il,an'd'i,sassignand,i's M. Lrnus Dnusus (18) Elogium, Inscr. Itat. I9.3.74--CIL 12.1,p. 199:,eodemanno V a'i'r a. d,.a-.legeSaufeio. See above, Tribunes of the Plebs. Pontifices ?-91: M. Lwrns Dnusus (I8) Elogium, Inscr. Itol. 13.3.74-CIL 12.1,p. I99; Crc. Dorn.l2O' Successor: ? Marvr.Anrvflr,rus Lnprous Lrvmrvusll Pat. (80) Cos' 77 Macrob.Sal. 3.13.1I. ? C. Aunnr,tus Conrl'lz (96) Cos.75 Vell. 2.43.1. Augurs
Legates, Lieutenants Q. Bnurrrtrs Sune (10) (soo93-87' Legates)' Servodundor C. Sonti"" in Macedonia
? 91: L. Lrcrxrus Cnessus (65) Cos.95, Pr. 98 Ctc. De Or. 1.39, cf. 24. Ho probably held this priesthood for many yrrrrrsbefore his death in 9l (cf. Cic. De Or. 3.1-8).
9l I3'C' 24
VestalVirgins (31) Foxrmelt Font,4B.49; Qia.
cf. Gell. |.I2'2;
r --^L^^ D^-*a' see above, Legat,es, Fonteius.
a grandson of L. rulius r Münzer (n.u) and Degrassi-(129)slnn-ofl him to be
orthe in therist6rlnsmfslg
of L' e'"ol,,tttitt 89' just after the narne cona'i,li,umofCn. Pomp;il-'il"ä;;ä identified be may atta tiäe a-t that Gellius, Pr' 94,*r* p"ofäilfv-"1'-"1+"t"tcl1 quaestorshipin 105' iitir tir" O"t"vius B,äsowtto hetd tho orso e. c. as listed in App. BC 1'40 iliu* s since the r,"grtu" i;lhää;J;; *rr"t h"ttu held the praetorship by Perpe-rna C' were ex-Consul. o" u*-P""utors' 92, tho consulshiP-of Y' Perperna' ö ; i{ti";;cgests who also applies the a Servilius is termeä ä"ääi"" f" üäff., Oioa., äna Oros., was either a Praetor' who rle App' and iiv' t" title Legate to him, bui;;;;J thinks (Str' 2'235)' or the 1"-Mo*ä""ttiS not impossiblo as t'he death had received ^n l''n'pn't'i"iö"-"*t'l'"' rr'i- iäiu incident occurred"""yä;;ü;ää'ä."ö. in mid1Ci..OuOr. l.-24,süill alive rro"t-ä?"#r*ttl;;; aia Drusus of Livi,s of bodv a met who Domitius of a clrtain September)' \Me aro "ä"t"ääTrt" tiat'us them (Diod' dissuadod and no*u o" ;;;;hitc rtäliarr* t*a"" ro*pJädil* servilius 'Caepio'sposition Jfti;?; nowhere specifically termed a Praetor' ä"T"gut""itt tüe Social War *r'o""#ä amons thä ex-Consultä;;;-d'"to"t (see-90' Legates)' In 9-1ry-Y:: nine vears indicates that he htd ;;iä lt'e office in s9 far as ie know' prosecuted directly n9t" bevond his quaestorsö:ä;';;" usually Tribunes wüich threat irte him thät year, tot o"lrtll' äiä't=" "g"i""t or hJins him from the Tarpeian rock on reserved fbr magrstra;"ä li, ärir""'r ttr*t 120;Pfin' NIr' 2s'14s)'I{is attack (Attct. Vi,r.Itl,.66'8";ä iä';i'öic' Don'' Scarrrusing2drewuponrrimacorrnter-acc-usu,tio,,'pe"h'psofa'rnb'itusinlf,is SeoMünzer' APE 300' ät"atäÄ"V fe."o"' Zfö t ntor' 2'5'5)' olltu"uru äf the social war (Liv. Par' 72) 6 Galba,sposition t; L;;i;;irr" Strabo's äi A.",,tor,'. I.r th" tist of Pompei's c' f' seemssimilar t. tt "t äi äl S"."ffn* srrlpi]cius name [ser' Asculurn"irr-8gci"ho"irr" r.1nnri"ä'lrr" cons,il,,iwm,at Cichorius' (i-rs seas; ra"k trp"""t"i*" Ani(ensi), who was p;;#;;"ä"i" t"'iT;TjJ; De oraüore of cicero' in is given bv the- dramatic date of t''.,e is a gloss' the Roman containing his title September, 91' Even if ihe clause a Crirule Aedile' "uqoi"" ii"t" g"t'uätiltt rt" qameswhich praetorshtn ti-1?:the iield he 8 The latest date;;;1;;i;"; ^,-. Drusus occur also in Sisenna of^Liviu" 0 General "uf"""rr"Jr-tJtfr"l"ifä"te Bemef'6'34'2; senec' 2!; vat' fr. 44 Potor; ci". P;;;;' ;;-,"i" oi t'sz;,s';a;oio 2s' fr' g0 (on his quarrol wit'h 17'15ä; Gell' quotPlin. NrJ, zs'ü;r' iiJ+-t' it Ujs'tribunato' seoCic' l)itr' 1'99' Caorrio).On tho pt"t!ät'-üt"T"pp""""a 6'1'8'3-0' -' ,1 l-.oi' pri*-l'tC e'dfi; ou*eq' 64;-oros' i#üi.;";;;' romoinx uncortain both as to 10cich0rirrs, ,",".p.ä."riä;;;;il-i#ripii.,n 6f the the restoratti;nsrugge*t,',1ft't 6 numfos1 tho mo*ni'g.rtr,u lirirrJ ". t. f' Coesar'who was a L' luiirrs C' *;;ss*'i"g n&moß.ttu i* 1',"u"li]i t'i#;; Commisnionx)' comrtirriottor ou' lo0 (soo100' Special easilybe i" the texü äiMttt'"tibi""' brtt M&m' can o1'po*'"" rr 1'lx! J)rrutrr(,rttut-I[' o,rrv in Macrobius'Iist' i'r,.' öö. ."ötu;;. 1,1',cr., rosronxr,r* in {)b*u,1.';l:|l,ffiö
0l B.c.-90 B.C.
oxcludes the Triumvir M. Aemilius Lepidus. Mametcus' position as Pontifox probably added weight to his appeal to sulla t_o.spare_caesar(suet. Iul'. L.2l.If ire did not immediately succeed his brother Livius Drusus he probably soon succeeded to the place of some patrician. see L. R,. Taylor, AJPb 63 (l942l 391-393, 401f.,4t1. 12Cotta's reference to Livius Drusus as his sodaJds(Cic. ND 3.80) does not prove that they were Pontifices together. Ye_t his influenee, connoctions, and rather than after sulla's i"omine.rce favor a date for his election before 90 l'i"to"y over the Marians' See L. R,. Taylor, AJ Ph 63 ( 1942) 393, 411' 13donteia, a sister of M. Fonteius, was a Vestal Virgin at the time of his trial about 69 B. C. (Cic. Font. 46-49), but a daughter of the Legate Fonteius, who was killed this year at Asculum (see above, Legates), must havo begun her service while her father still lived (cf. Gell. L,t2.2).
90 B.C.
A.U.C. 664 Consuls
L.Iur,rus L. f. Snx. n. Censln Pat. (142) Pr. 95 ? P. R,urnrus L. f. L. n. Lupus (26) Pr. by 93 Cic. Di,a. 1.4; Font. 43; Fast. Ant., Degrassi I64f., and Fast' Cap, ibid,.54f.,129,480f.;Vell. 2.15.1;Plin. NH 2.98;Obseq.55; Chr' 354; Chr. Pasc.; Xast.Hyd'.; Cassiod.;on Caesar,Cic. Plnnc. 5l ; Val' Max' 9.2.2, wilh praenomenC.; and on Rutilius, Vell. 2.16.4.In the Social War Caesai held general command in the southern area, and there, after revers"* tr"ar A".ernia and in southern Campania, he routed the samnites at Acerrae (App. BC 1.40-42, with confusion between Sextus and Lucius Caesar; Liv. Per. 73; Diod. 37.17-19; FIor' 2.6.12-14, with confusion between the Consuls; Oros. 5'I8'll and t4-15). In Rome he carried his law to give citizenship to all Latins and ltalians who had remained loyal (Cic. Bal'b. 2l; Gell'4'4'3; App' BC I.a}; cf. Sisenna,fr. 119 Peter; Vell. 2.f6.4), and to permit comrnanders to grant it d,econsi'l,isentent'i,a(1rB 8888; cf. Cic' Balb' l9)' ll,utilius, whä tretd.command in the northern theatre, refused to heed the advice of Marius to wait and train his recruits, and on June 1I was r
? M. (O.lnou,rus)Conxurusz Cic.Font.43. ? C. Clssrus (10) See89, Promagistrates. ? L. Connnr,rus CrsNeB Pat. Cic.EonL43; Liv. Per. 76.
8.6.4;Ascon.22, and 73C; App. BC f.37). This court continuedaftor the war had caused the suspensionof the others (Cic. Brut.3041. C. Cotta went, into exile (Cic. De Or. 3.ll; Brut. 305; App. BC 1.37), and Aemilius Scaurus (Cic. Besü.l}L; Bcaur. S; Ascon. 22C; Quintil. lnst.Or.5.12.10; Auct. Vdr.Ill.72.ll; cf. Val. Max. 3.7.8),Calpurnius Bestia, Mummius Achaicus ( ?; App. BC 1.37),L. Memmius, Q. Pompeius (Cic. Brut.304), and M. Antonius (Cic. Tusc.2.57) werc prose'Brut. 3051' cuted. The next year Varius himself fell a vistim (Cic. (Ascon.73-74C). IfD 3.Sf ; Val. Max. 8.6.4),and the law was suspended"
(106) Cos' 87-84
? L. Conxnr,rus Mnnur,e Pat. (272) Cos' Suff' 87 The latest date under the Leges Annales' Ocr.dvrusa (20) Cos.87 ? Cr.T. (1. commanded un "u*tu"r, province with the title of crpa"r^rTöq il'e 303)' 44 DöIos4.r.L782; cf-.BCH [1920] *,8.&') L. Posrunrus Pat. (not in and slain by the samnites at Nola (Liv. Liv. Per.73. captured L.42). Per.73; cf. APP. BC ? P. Snnvnrus Varre (Iseu-nrcus)5 (93) Cos' 79 Sardinia ? or
Quaestors Q. Lurutrus Cnnoo (14) Grueber, CRRBM 2.297f..; see Sydenham (lx), who dates him in 106B.C. Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 Served in Cisalpine Gaul, where he levied troops and procured arms for use in the Social War (PIut. Sert.4.l).
Cilicia ?
Aediles, Curule
? C. Clnr,rus (6, Caecilius 12) Seeabove, Praetors.
C. Iur,rus L. f. Cersen Srsesoo Pat. (135) Qic.Brut.305; Phi'\.11.11; Varro RR 1,7.|o; Elogium, Inscr. Ita|'. lg.g.6-CIL 12.1,p. I98; Ascon.25C; Plin' NH I7'32'
Pat. (151) Cos.9l Snx.Iur,rus Clrsmll Proconsul (App. BC 1.48). A{ter winning a victory, probably over the Paeligni, Caesar died while besieging Asculum (App.; cf. Liv. Per.73, but in this passageRossbach'sreading SeroausSul(picius) is probably preferable).
Tribunes of the Plebs Q. Cepcr,rus Mnrnr,r,us Cnr,nnz (85) Cic.Brut.305; cf. PIul. Cari,ol,.ll.4;Rom' 10'2' C. Peprnrus C. f. Censo Anvlx-s.8 (40) Cic. Brut.305, C. Carbo,and 311; Orat. 2lg, C' Carbo C' t'; De Or' 3.10; VaI. Max. 9.2.3,Carbo Arvina; YeII.2'26'2' ? CN. PotupoNruse (not in *-B-E) Cic. Brut.305 and 3ll. C. ScnrnoNrusCunro (10) Cos.76,Pr.8l or 80 Cic. Brut.305, cf. 3I1; Ascon. In Corn. ?4C; cf' Sisenna,fr' 44 Petor. Q. Venrus Suvnnus Iftenroalo (*l) varius with oquostrian aid and against the voto of his colleagu_os, applic79C), Ascon' carried u'Ler Varia d,eMaieitate (Cic. Corn., in able to all who hutl oncouragedthe Allies to revolt (val. Max. 3.7.8;
? L.Lvornrus L. f. (8) Governor of Asia, after C. Iulius Caesa,r and probably before C. Cassiusand the war with Mithridates (1.u. Pri'ene lll, lines 136 and 147; seeMagie, Roman Rule i'n As'ia Minor 2.1575).
? C. Menrus (14, Supb. 6) Cos.107, 104-100,86, Pr. ll5 Received command by decree of the Senate after tho death of the Consul Rutilius, first of part, and after the death of Servilius Caepio, of the whole, of the consular army (App. BC l.4a; cf. Liv. Per. 73). Advances by Marius from the north and Sulla from the south inand f licted a reverseupon the Marsi (Liv. Per.73, and 74;Ye1L.2.15.3, t6.4; Plut. Mar.33.2; App..BC 1.46; cf..Diod. 37.15;Eutrop. 5.3.3; Oros.5.18.16).His commandwas not prorogued(PIut. Mar.33.3). Seo lrclow,Legates.
L. - Ponorus Cmo (ÜlB) Cos. 89 with inr"of.outor (Liv. per.'74, praotor; oros.6.l8.I?). credited (Liv.; Oros.; revolt ni.ti"ä " a"feat on Etruscanlswho had ioinod the X'lor.2-.0.13).See D.-G. 5.214,no. 29' C. SnNrrus (3) Pr. 94 Propraetor in Macedonia (see93-87, Promagist'rates)' ? Q. Snnvnrus Pat. ? (29) Pr' 9I ? Äoconsol (Liv. Per.72). See91, Praetors, and note 4' ? Q. Snnvnrus Carpro Pat. (50) Pr' 91? of the Received command of pa'rt of the consular army by de-cree Senat,eafterthedeathof-R,utilius,withanimperiumequaltothatof an ambush Mrrios (Liv. Per.73; App. BC I"44)' Ile was drawn into cf' per.73; 5'18'14; Eutrop' 5'3'2; Oros' and killLd (ILB 29;'nii. Flor. 2.6.I1). Seebelow, Legates' ? Snn. Sur.prcrus Ger,ee Pat. (60) Pr' 9l ? and Held command in Lucania (Liv. Per.72). see 91, Praetors, note 6; and below, Legates. Legates,Lieutenants L. Acu,ruslz (8) ?'Incommand,alongwithL'CorneliusScipio'at'Aesernia'whencd he escapedin disguise(App. BC l'aI)' C. Bansrus (11) him to.command Served under Sex. Iulius Caesar,who appointed seeabove' Pro1'48; BC Asculum lApp' gro eroriorrbefore he died'at magistrates). Q. Bnurrrus Sune (10) Legates). served under c. s"nti"* in Macedonia (see 93-87, ? M. (Cancrr,rus)Connurrrsls (4+) Pr' by 90 Cic.Iont.43; seeabove, Praetors' M. Cr,.luorus Mancnr,lusla (226) --l,"gtt" at Aesernia under L. iulius Caesar"Besieged and ":qtYt:l (Liu.'P"r.72, ar rd73; cf. Diod'' 3?'19'1-2; App' BC l'40-41\' ? L. Conwnr,rusCrNNll6 Pat' (106) Cic. Font.43; seeabove, Praetors' -P. Conrnl,rus LpNrrrluslo Pat' (203) t'+0)' i"gtt" untlor the Consul L' Iulius Caesor(App' BC
? f,. Connnr,rus Scrpro (Asrrcnnns ?) Pat. (338) Cos.83, Pr. 86 ? In command, along with Acilius, at Aesernia, whence he escapedin tlisguise (App. BC l.4l; see above on Acilius, and note l3). L. Connnr,rus Sur,r,l (Fnr,rx) Pat. Served under the Consul L.Iulius tr'onü.43). IIe attempted to relieve cf. Liv. Per. 73; Oros. 5.18.16),and the Marsi (App. BC 1.a6).
(392) Cos.88, 80, Pr. 93 Caesar (App. BC 1.40; cf. Cic. Aesernia (Frontin. Str. I.5.17; assistedin Marius' victory over
T. DrnruslT (5) Cos.98, Pr. l0l ? Served under the Consul L.Iulius
Caesar (Cic. Font. a3; App.
BC r.4o). ? FoNrnrus (2) See 91, Legates. P. LrcrNrus Cnessus (61) Cos.97 Served under the Consul L.Iulius Caesar (Cic. Iont. 43; App. BC 1.40).IIe was defeated in Lucania and driven into Grumentum (Diod. 37.23;Frontin. Bür.2.4.16-4.7.+l; App. BC l.4l; cf. also Cic. Bal,b. 50-51, and 64, on the grant of citizenship to Alexas of Heracleia). Q. Lunarrus Canur,us (7) Cos. 102 Cic. Iont. 43; cf.. App. BC 1.40. See above, on Cornelius Lentulus, and note 17. O. Mmrus (f4, Supb. 6) Cos.107, 104-100,86, Pr. ll5 Served under Rutilius Lupus the Consul (Cic. Xont. 43; App. IIC 1.40), at whose death he drove back the eriemy and recovered the lrody(Liv. Per.73; App. BC 1.43;Dio 29,fr.98.1-2;Oros.5.I8.Il-14;
00 lt.c.
Q. Snnvu,rus CADPTo Pat. (60) Pr. 9I ? Sorvodundor the ConsulRutilius (Liv. Per' 73; App' BC f '40)' See above, Promogietrates. ? Snn. Sur,prorus Ger,ne18 Pat. (60) Pr' by 9r sorved with or under Pompeius strabo (App. BC 1.47; cf. Liv. Per. 76; Oros. 6.18.25). see .rrs 8888, and discussionin cichorius, .BS 137-139,and l4l. ? P. Sur,prcrusB,urus (92) Cic. Brut.304. Seenote 18. *57) Pr' M. or M'. Ver,nnrus Mnsser,r,ele Pat. (*56 or Servedunder the ConsulRutilius (App. BC l'40; cf' Gell' 15'f 'f )' I It is possible that ho had held thepraetorship, and in 90was a promagistrate in Gaul. See Promagistrates. 2 An ex-Praetor who served as a Logate during the Social War (Cic.), so 90 is the latest assignable date. See also Plut. Mar' 48'6; App' 3C 1'73'. 3 The latesi dato possible 'ndor tho Leges Annales. I{e was already an expraetor when ho serväd as a Legate in the SöcialWar (Cic.; Liv.; see 88,f,egatos)' De Sanctis has shown @Fdt O:2t19341 550f.) that Cinna was apatrician, since and Caesar when named. Flamen Dialis äivorced his plebeian wife Cossutia That married cinna's daughter because tho Flaminica had to be a patrician. patrician cinna,s colleague in tüe consulship of 86, L. valerius Flaccus, was also a 'i,n's (ef' rrot ?ttns neither was there when of a tfie ilegalities "*u*piiriu. feriod Mommsen, RF L.Il4, for the opposing view)' a The latest date possible undor the Leges Annalos' 5 Servilirx was a candidate for the consirlship of 8? (Plut. Sutl,. 10.3, emending and 90 is the reading lepou'iirov; cf' Mommsen, RMW 536; Münzer, APE 303)' As he annales. Leges the under for praetorship his therefore the latest date ho held celub"at"d a triumph from his prdvince in 8-8,Mü'nzer conjectures that aro ono of tho Spanish-provinces, fJr üho governors of Gaul, Macedonia, and Asia llr. wero known, anlihe Spänish triumphs höwever that are recorded in Acü. Ihe celebrated pro aoitsul,e,while tüat of Servilius was celebrated lno praetore, (see 92' Cilicia ot for (cf. 172) Tr. Act, favor Sardinia, p-.U"Uifitiö-r""*rgi"t;os, thereforä on sulla), tho scene of his later exploits. on his identification' see Degrassi 563. s Cicero lists Caesar Strabo among tho magistrates of 90 (Brut' 306), and Varro rocords a phrase he uttered as ae'ililici,us before tho Censors of 80' ? cicero lists l\[etollus between two Tribunes who held office in 90 in a group of magistrates then in office (&rut. 305; and noto the phrase consequente Qnno referring to 89 B. C.)' t Nicäolini @ f p Z2g) has rightly seen that there were two persons named of one was C' f., and of tho other Cn' f', C. Carbo active at this üime. tfroiitiätion of 8ö, 84, and 82. Both attainod of the consul who was therefore a brothor at Rome in 82 (confusod by Arvina wars, in civil died the both and fraotorshipn, at Volaterrae in 81 (Gran' othor tho and of the Consul), tho broüher Veüeiun with Lio. 39 B; vol. Mox. 9.7, exü. 3). Niccolini has shown that cicero in Brut.305 the lists tho'fribunon of 00, not of 90 and 89. The Tribuno of 90 is most probably who Tribuno The 213. inOrator f. Tribuno and or"io, *f,o is donignoüod as C.
wa,s co-author of the Lex Plautia Papiria in gg was cn. f., the brothor of the I'uüure consul. To Niccolini's arguments for a date in g0 a decisive addition is oicoro's presence at the meeting carbo hold, for cicero served in the social war *{"1_Pompeius^Stra-bo (ph,il,, 12.27) and lator in the same year under f l fg Sulla at Nola (Plut. Cic, 3.L; Cie. D,ia. 1.72, 2.66), and probably had little rpportunity to hear tho Tribunes of 89. Furthermore, car-bo's apostrophe to Livius Drusus in ora,üor 218 implies that his death was recent. Niäoünii view lras been accepted by Mi:nzer (EZ). e Not specifically termed rribune, but listed by cicero among Tribunes who were in office in 90. r0 called sucronensis by sca,rus in val. Max. B.z.g, and by euintilian (.Inaü. or. 5.72.Lo), and tho Atct. v'ir. rlt. (72.rr; cf. Ascon. 22 c, Hi,spanws). valerius Maximus explains Hibrida as due to doubts about the valiäity of his citizonship (8.6.4). See 93, Legates, on Scamrus. rr Appian, after consistently calling Lucius caesar, the consul of this year, sextus, places sextus as Proconsul at asculum in gg. This is impossible inboüh r:oses sinco Asculum was then r-rnder siege by pompeius strabo and Lucius oaesar became censor in Romo, Mürrzer would-transfär tho notice in Appian to .a,rly 90 and refer it to the consul of g1, whose praenomen really was söitus. rf ,\er.Bwl,inLiv. Per. T3(ed.R,ossbach,p.s2, linJ2a)iscorrectlyämendedto sox. Iul(ius) by Domaszowski (S_BAW 2}L:1.25t.),he won a victor)l over the paeligni ' r.a,rly in 90; but see below, Legates, on Ser. Sulpicius Galba. 12 See below, on M. Claudius Marcellus. 13cicero does not make it clear whether cornutus served under the consuls of l)0 or of 89 or of both-years, though he was among "tum... praetorios belli grrrendi peritissimos." (Rs 140f.) supplied his name in-third place on lichgriug t he süaff of Po^mpeius strabo (Ira s8s8) as a liraetorian Legate, and. lrrm sisenna fr. 20 Peter (where he emends conmntt,e to cönwiw) that he also H('rved in 90. could the Legate caecilius in Liv. per.76 really be öornutus and rr.t caecilius Pius ? rn R,ossbach's text on p. g4, pi,nna in- lino 1g has been .r'cnded to cinna and the same word in line 20 to pio although it may bo merely t rcpetition. ra IIis son was named Aeserninus (RE, no, 2Bl). 16 See also Liv, Per. T6, and above, note 13. r0 appian lists Lentulus among the subordinate commanders r:nder the conxrrl, several of whom are specifiöaily termed Legates in the Latin sources, a rk'scription which fits catulus, but is not otherwise attestod. for Lentulus. (.li.horius (Rs 140, note 1) would substitute catulus' name, but Domaszewski ,rfixrrgrees.(BB-4-I7 20lLl924J 1.20), even though catul's (see below) was cerüainly ^ l,.gate in 90. we cannot safely assume that-Appian lisied all theiegates undor llu' consuls, and therefore a difference in the number assigned. to eaä need. not lx' significant. r?'lhe praenomen P. in cicero's text must be emended to T. as the person rrrr,ntioned was the ex-Consul, T. Didius. f f the reading San. Sul, in Liv. per. 78 (ed. R,ossbach, p. g2,line 24) which ..rf n'li'rs to the commander who defeated the paeligni in g0, ääsignates sex. rulius (irt.rrrr (see above, note 1l), not ser. sulpici*s-wrrich soeäs preferable on t.r'.r urt of the following word paelignos, - we have no suro moans^of d.eterminf trg r+'lr.ther the- sulpieius who was aLegato of pompeius strabo in g0 and gg was l{'r. sulpici's Galba, or P. sulpicius Rufus, who das a"Legabe, we do not know ürrrk'r u'hem, in 89, and may have been so in g0. cichorius 1äs iaz-tae, and. 141)
goB'c'-89 B'c' 32 for tho fourth in C' f' Ani(ensi) in ILS 8888 supplies tho nomo [Ser' Sulpi]cius him with tho idontifies also in sb' arid oräär of the gtaff .r P";;äiti;^;t;;" with Mibhrida'tes war it' the sutta qa"; Sulpicius Galba who "";':ä;;;;gtt9 R'ufus' who held "oggä*tio" it "o""l"i it *cludes (see 8?, Legatos). If Ci"h;"i'; found among not is "li"u the praenomon Gaius the tribunato of tf'e preUJ l" SS' tribe (Cic' Phi'|" 9'r5 iemonian Jr'" the Sulpicii Rufi and '#;ä;öt";*"äi" ""a fZ; cf' JosePh' AJ 14'220)' nos' 55-57 and not'e 3' 10on his idontity, ""JütlitTu r, Gent' Val" 52'
89 B.C.
440; VaI. Max.9.2.2, with praenomenC.; Ascon. 25C. They complotod tho lustrum (Fast. Ant.; Iast. cop.), but without completing a censuB
A.U.C. 665
Consuls Pr' by 92 CN. Ponrnrus Snx' f ' CN' n''srnaso -(*14) r. M. n. ceno (*16) Pr' bv e2 64f '' and'Fast' Cap'' ;lb;;;;;M. Ä*ü''DeJrassi l Cic.F ont.+g ; Dioa' äää-; l ä't' Plin. -l['Il"3'70; Chr' 354;Iast' Had'; ibid,. E4f..,r29,480f.,'Ä"""-.'isC; P.hil' L2'27' ; r,,a on Pompeius,cic' chr. pasc.; oros. 5.lfi;;ö;"ioä. first at the war' of theat^re the northern Pompeius heid comtJ;;; rate in the year (1-LB 8888; Liv' siese of Ascurum, *Ä"r, rr"-."ptured 5'rs'i8-21and'26-2e;cf' Pir.76;Yerr.2.2r'r;äö ;ü-!Ä' g:9'' of ß.2,p. sOOtf';,and' after the.death the inscribed slingshä;-, bIL (Cic' ltaly *"d'oth"" ttiU"s of central his colleagu", ug*io'i'i""Ut"ti g't z's App' BC L'50'
Btr' ; ; t'iu. p "i' ii,"""a zi; Fr-ontin' I{e celebratedas Consul Phit. 12.27 5.r8'25,ffn""""U'.,Sät'
and 52;Oros. )J1'24)' (Act' Ti', Degrassi84f" 563; Val: a triumph a" .4rrulo;rk-s-i'icenti'bus tnc;Pj*' wn z'lts; Gell' 15'4'3;Dio Max. G.e.e;verr.2.6:;|;'Ä'ä' (Oros' bring the booty to the t'reasurv 43.15,5;4s'2L.z),#;;;i"d;; citthe confirmed A Lex Pompeia 5.18.27-29;cf' Plut' Pom'p' 1)' the of right Lutitt ih" in Gaul' izenship of the Citpta""ä -"Ytt towns these of some t'o native t'ribes Transpadaneones'.iääi""rt"d Dio-37'9'3)'Cat'o'wit'h unruly and cf' lfäs'last (Ascon.3C; Plin. (Sisenna'fu' 62 Peter; Dio undisciplineat"oop*,-*it*"ttua.t19 yarsi *o"""u" was d'efeatedand killed 30-36, fr. 100),t"ä'"fi"" an initial 2'16'4;App' ßC 1'50; (Fast.Ant.,oegr,,Jilä+t'; Liv' Per' 75; Vell' butroP.5.3'2;Oros'5'f8'24)'
Praetors Q. Cencnrus Mnrnr,r,us Prus (98) Cos. 80 Cic.Arch,.6-7 and I and 3t; cf. A:uct.Vir.Ill.63.3. Ap. Cuunrus Pur,cnpn Pat-. (296) Cos. 79 Cic.Arch.9. ? C. Coscoxrus (3, SuPb. 3'262) SeeLegates, and note 9. P. GrerNrusa (13) Cic. Arch. 9; ct. Di'a. in Caec.64. ? Q. Orrruss (20) See88, Promagistrates. ? (CN.Perm,rus) C,r.neo (38) Cos. 85, 84,82 Ä command in Lucania was held by a certain Carbo (X'lor. 2.6.13; <,|f.Liv. Per.76), probably the future Consul,whose praetorship must lro dated"about this time, while that of his cousin, carbo Arvina, may lro later. No title is preserved in x'lorus. see.Legates,on carbo Arvina. A. Snupnorrus Asnr,r,ro (17) Pr. Urbanus Killed by a mob of creditors when he gave relief to_debtors during t,lrodifficuities causedby the SocialWar (Liv. Per.74; Val. Max. 9.7.4; App. BC 1.5a). ? ['. Snxrrr,rus (12) Sce 88, Praetors, and Promagistrates.
Tribunes of the Plebs
(6I) Cos'9? P. LrorxrusM. f' P' n' Cnassust 9!t Pr' 95? (I42) - C-os' Pat' L. Iur,rusL. f . Snx' "' biu*o* Cap'' ibdd" 54L'' Fast' to+i'' and Cic.Arch. tt; past"'A'nJ''O"g"t"i 8770-4GIS ILS r; ""J än Cae'"r' 129,480f'; on c,*'o', Ftoi' Cä'ss'
t,, (,'er,punNrüsPrso (Fnucr) (98) Pr.74 siscnna attributes to him a bill to add two new tribes (fr. 17 Peter; xxr lrtilow, on Papirius), and a measure to permit soldiers to receive s l t r o u g h t o nI I
oiüizenehipas e roward for bravery (fr. 120 Poter)' Minatius Magius (Vell. 2.10.3)moy have received citizenship under this law (Rotondi 491). L. Crssrus (12) Roueod the mob of creditors who killed the Praetor Sempronius Asollio (Val. Max. 9.7.4; seeabove, Praetors). L. Mpuurusa (14) Sisennafr. 44 Peter; Cic. Brut. 304. C. Peprnrus (CN.f. ?) Cenno (34) Pr. 8l ? To this Carbo is attributed the law to introduce the semiuncial as (Plin. -lüf/ 33.46; Mommsen, nMW 33sf.; Grueber, C&RBM L.2+1, coinsinscribed.E. L. P. and L. P. D. A. P.). SeeVal. Max. 9.7.3; Gran. Lic. 39B; and below, on the Lex Plautia Papiria. On the identification of Carbo, see 90, Tribunes of the Plebs and note 8; and Mürrzer, -R-8.
? L. ConNnr,rusSur,r,e? Pat. (392) Cos. 88, 80, Pr. 93 Seebelow, Legates. (1. SnNrrus (3) Pr. 94 Propraetor in Macedonia, where he was troubled by Thracian invaders(Liv. Per.74; Oros.5.18.30).See93-87, Promagistrates. ['. Snnvrr,rus Varru. (fsau.nrcus) (93) Cos. 79, Pr. 90 ? Propraetor (Act. Tr. for 88). See 90, Praetors. Tribunes of the Soldiers (). Honrnwsrus Honrer,us (13) Cos. 69, Pr.72 Cic. Brut.304; cf. Vell. 2.f6.3; Plut. Luc. I.5. He probably served rrnder Sulla. ? L. Lrcnrrus Lucur,r,us (f04) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Plal. Luc. 2.1, an officer under Sulia during the Social War, and bcfore his quaestorship.
M. Pr,aunrus Srr,vewusa Q9) Along with his colleague Papirius Carbo, he carried a law to grant citizenship to all citizens of allied states who were resident in Italy at the time, and made a declaration before a Praetor within sixty days (Cic. Arch. ?, and Schol. Bob. 175 Stangl; Vell. 2.17.1),probably superseding other legislation regarding new citizens (see90, Consuls, on the Lex Iulia; and above, on Calpurnius). IIe also carried a law that fifteen persons from each tribe, chosen from the senatorial and other orders, should serve as jurymen (Cic, Corn., and Ascon. 79C; cf. Ps.Sall.In Cic.2.3).
Cichorius suggeststhat the persons named in the following list of rncmbers of the staff of Po,mpeius Strabo at Asculum were Tribunes of the Soldiers (.ItrS 8888; RB L44-155). The identifications are thoso of Cichorius. f'. Artrus P. f. Our. (Ber,nus)8 (not in RE; cf..Attius f f) M. Mar,or,uus M. f.e (.1?.814.918) ? [M. ? Anrr]nrus Q. f. Par,. (Lnrrous ?)to "rr. (72) Cos. 78, Pr. 8l (lv. Connrr,rus Clr. f. Par,. (Dor,annr,r,e?)rr "ur. (22a, Supb. 3.258; t:f. 134, 135) Pr. 81, or Cos.8l 'l'. ANwrus T. f. Our. (not in .EE) M. Aunnr,rus M. f. Vor,.rz(Sc-runus?) (216) 1,. Vor,uunrus L. f. ANr.13'l'. Poupnrus T. f. (i, lianrnrus C. f. Ger,.r5 (5) l). Annurrus D. f. (3) ? IVI.Tnrnnrus M. f. Per,.17 (5a.128) I O. Furnnrus C. f. (t) ? M[arl]Nrus
Quaestors ? Q. MrNucrus M. f. Tnn. (Tlrnnuus ?) (66) .fZlS S88S.Since he was sixth on the list of Pompeius Strabo's staff at Asculum Cichorius suggeststhat he was a Quaestor (RB 142-144). Promagistrates C. Cessruso (10) Pr. 90 ? Proconsul in Asia (App. Mi,th. ll, and 24). Co-operatedwith the Roman Legates (seebelow, Legates)in restoring Nicomedesof Bithynia and Ariobarzanes of Cappadocia to their kingdoms, and in urging them in their turn to make raids on the territory of Mithridates of Pontus (App. Mith. lI-L2; cf. Liv. Per. 74, and 76; Sall. Hist. 4. 69.10M; Iustin. 38.3.4-10,and 4.4-5, and 5.10; Dio 30-35, fr. 99; see Th. Roinach, Mithritl,atesEuyntor l09ff . [trans. Goetz]).
Legates, Ambassadors
M', Aqunr,rus (ll) Cos.I0l Mlr,r,rus Mar,rrrvus (Manlius 59) M,rxcrnusle (Manlius61) 'l'lury were sent to restore Nicomedes of Bithrrnia and Ariobarzanes
4.4-5). of cappadociato their thrones (App. Mi,th.l I ; Iustin 38.3.4,and and Mithridates oJ territory incitod the kings to raia the ih;y';h"; Iust'in 1r--I7; (App' Mith' protests t*"rua -sa.a.+e;b1" hoed the lattör's cf. sall. Hist. 4.69M').Maltinus was driven from cappadocia 15; bofore negotiations ended (Iustin 38'3'8, and'4'4; cf' App' Mith' Legates. 88, Trogus Prol.38). See
? L. Iuxrus L. f. Gar,. (Bnurus DaMesrrrus ?)2s (58) Pr. 82 -frls 8888, listed in fifth place on Pompeius Strabo's staff. ? Luoanusza (RE 13.1552,s. v. "Lucanius")
Legates, Lieutenants
? Oracnrus (l) Legate, apparently in a naval operation (Sisennafr. 38 Peter).
Served with Cosconiusin Apulia (Liv. Per.75). ? Cn. Ocravrus Q. f. (R,uso?)26 (21, 82) Pr. by 9f ? 1rls 8888, in second place on pompeius Strabo's staff.
Q. Bnurrrus Sune (I0) Served under C. Sentius in Macedonia (see93-87, Legates)' ? M. (Cencnrus) CoRNUrus (44) Pr.90? Cic.Iont.43; cf. Liv. Per.76;ILS 8888,andCichorius,.BBr40f.He probablyserved underPompeius strabo. see 90, Praetors, andLegates, and note 13. L. Connnr,rus CrNNe'zoPat. (106) Cos' 87-84 -Cic.xont.43;cf.Liv.Per.T6,probabtyaLegat,usunderPompeius
? (C. Parrnrus) Cmlo (Anvrul)26 (40) Pr. 85 or 84 Reported as victorious over Lucanians (X'lor. 2.6.f 8). See Praetors, on Cn. Papirius Carbo. A. Postumrus Ar,BrNUs Pat. (*36) Cos. 99 A Legate under Sulla (Liv. Per. 75). Killed while in command of a fleet by his own soldiers,who went unpunished(Liv. Per.75; Val. Max. 9.8.3;PIut. 5u1,1,.6.9; Polyaen.8.9.1; Oros.5.18.22,ai,rconsularis). !
Strabo. L. ConNnr,rusSur,r,l (X'nr,rx) Pat. (392) Cos' 88, 80, Pr' 93 Legatus(Liv.Per.75).I{efirstcapturedStabiaebyApril29(Plin. (Cic. lfA [.ZOy,ihen Po*peii, and defeated a Samnite army at NoIa Plin' Pompeii; Di,a. I.7ö'; Z.6f ; Val.-Max. 1.6.4,consul';Vell' 2'16'3, NH 22.1i; PIut. Ci'c. 3.1; App. BC l.5o; Polyaen' 8'9'I; Eutrop' 5.g.8). He ih"tt carried the war io the Hirpini and elsewherein Samnio* (Rpp. BC I.5l; cf. Vell. 2.16.2, Compsa; A:uct' Vi'r' Il'1" 75'5)' Elected Consul for 88. ? C. Coscorqrus2r(3) Pt. ca.78? Ileld command. in' Apulia where he reduced a series of towns, including venusia, and the tribe of the Pediculi (Liv. Per. 75; App. BC r.52). T. Drnrus (5) Cos.98, Pr. 101? Probably "e"ved under cato and then sulla. Along with-velleius' ancestor 1ä.tO.Z;, he captured Tlerculaneum, but died in battle on Juno I I (Ovid'Iasti,6.567f'). A. Gennvrus (9, cf. 8) Pr. Legatus (Liv'. Per. ?6). after successesin Lucania, he fell during the Jiego oi ur "n"-y camp (Liv. Per.76; Flor. 2.6.13, against the Marsi;bros. 6.18.25,with praenomenC.). See l0l, Quaestors' ? 1,, Qpr.r.rus(Punr,rcor,e)22 (I7) Cos' 72, Pr. 94 .lr8 8888,listod in first place on Pompoius Strabo's staff'
Snn. Sur,rrorus Glr,ae27 Pat. (60) Pr. by 9l Legate under Pompeius Strabo (Liv. Per. 76; Oros. 5.18.25; ILS 8888,with discussionin Cichorius, -EB 137-139,and f4f ). He crushed the revolt among the Marrucini and the Vestini (Liv.; Oros.). P. Srnprcrus R,urus (92) Legate (Cic. Brut.304). See 90, Legates and note 19; and above, note 15. Pontifices
{ .f
103-ca. 89: Cn. Dorrrrrus Annwotansus (21) Cos. 96, Pont. Max. 103 Srrccessor:as Pont. Max., Q. Mucrus Scenvor,e (22) Cos. 95, ['r. 98 Cic. Le7.2.47 and 52-53; -l[D 3.80; Off.3.7O; Varro LL 6.83; Diod. ilff.17;Yell. 2.26.2;Ascon. 67C; App. -BC r.88; GelI. 5.19.6;Pompon. lliu.;Augustin. CD 4.27; 3.28-29; Pontifex, Cic. Top. 29; lntl. I; Ascon. l4C; X'lor.2.9.21. ? (). Ceocrr,rusMErELr,us Prus28 (98) Cos. 80, Pr. 89 Auct. Vi,r. Il,l. 63.3. See 81, and 63, Pontifices. I I[ ühese Censors were expectod to register the new-citizens admitted under I lrr, ,l rrlian, Calpurnian, and Plautian and Papirian laws, they failed in their task (rrr, {X),Consuls; above, Tribunes of the Plebs; Ctarn, HSCPII 51 U9401 LOO;RE, na rrlrovo), No clear decision was reached in their time regarding the modo of n.gixt.iution or the nrmber of tribes concerned. An important factor in their
n 0 l t . c . - 8 r JI ] . c .
r0 Iü remains doubtful whether the name Mancinus in Appian (Mi,th, Ll and, l0) is simply a corruption for Maltimrs, or whether he was T. Manlius Mancinus, 'llr. Pl. 107, or an otherwiso unknown possessor of the cognomen. See Th. lioinach, Mithrid,ates Eupator 110 (trans. Goetz), and Mürrzer, -RZ, s. v. "Manlius," nos. 59 and 61. On the date, see Reinach, op. cit. 10gff.; Magie, Roman Ilula'in Asia M,inor 1.209f., and 2.1100. 20fn Liv. Per. 76 (ed. Rossbach, p. 84, line 19) Pinna, tho reading of ühe manuscripts, is emended to Cinna by Jahn. See 90, note 13, 21In Appian the title of Cosconius is otpac1y66, I{o is almost certainly the Cosconius who was Proconsul in 77 or 76 in Illyricum, and whose praetorship would normally havo preceded that command by only a year. See 28, Promagrstrates. 22Cichorius, RS 139. 23Ibid. 141f. The known course of Damasippus' career permits us to identify him with this man, who was probably of quaestorian or tribunician rank in 8g. 2aMürrzer (RZ) would emend this name to Lucanius, a namo which appears on Pompeius Strabo's staff (1ZB 8888), and in a Lex Lucania mentioned by Varro (iSaü.Men. 67, in Nonius 309L). 25Cichorius (l?^S 140) suggests that since Q. was not a regular praenomen a,mong the more distinguished branch of the Octavii, he was Ruso, Quaostor in 105. 26ff C, Papirius Carbo, brother of the Consul of 85, was a Tribune of the Plebs in 89, tho Carbo who held command in Lucania was either Arvina, the 'lribune of 90, or the future Consul himself, preferably the latter since he would now bo a Praetor or an ex-Praetor. Seo above, Praetors. 27On the identity of Galba, and the possibility of confusion between him and Sulpicius Rufus, see 90, Legates, and noto 18. 28There is obviously an error in tho garbled notico in Auct. Vi,r. Itrl. 63.32 qdol,escens ,in petitione praetltrae et pontilicaütts comsul,ar,i,bueutrös pra,ela,hrc est. 'l'he eminenco of his family sug6iests that ho attained the priesthood at an oarly,long before his praotorship in this year, but mention of his eloction shows t hat it was after tho passage of the Lox Domitia in 104, See L. R. Taylor, AJPlt, (i:] (1942) 400f.
complote tho consus olootion moy hnvo boon tho failure of üho censors of 92 üo it anyway' founded Censors Thoso luntrum. foun
88 B.C.
A.U.C. 666
1 \
1,.Conxnr,rus L. f. P. n. Sur,r,e (Fnr,rx) Pat. (392) Cos.80, Pr. g3 (). Pomrnrus Q. f. A. ? n. R,urus (*4) Pr. 9l Grueber,CRRBM 1.484;Cic.Cluent.ll; Leg.Agr.IJO; 2.38; Brut. il06; Fast. Ant., Degrassi 164f., and Past. Cap., ibid,. 55, 129, 482f..; ß'u,st. Sac., CIL ß.1, p. 60-.LDS 9338,no. 3; Liv. Per. 77; VelI. 2.17.1, rrrr
and the comma'nd against Sulla reooived the province of Asia of the Tribune Sulpicius bills the opposed' Miihridatos, but when'he to Marius' he was atcommand g;"g-tltqt of *ti"t' öil;;t;ono with it and' occupied' taoked and fled to fris a"ttiy. He then returned was put to death' and Rome, annulled tft" i"giti"üot of Sulpicius' who Marius -(Plut' Bzll' killed or exiled his other opponents rncluding 1'5-5-63; Mi'th' 22' and' 6.10; ?.1-r0.2; Mar. S+.v:g:l'+; App' BC 77; val' Max' 3'8'5; ;ör ;f. cic. Phi,t.8-7; Diod' sl'zsfLiv' Per' 5'4; Auct' .Vi'r' Il'1" 6.6.?;8.6.2; 9.7, ext. I; X'Ior' 2'9'6-8; Eutrop' with Sulla öo-operated' 76.7-8 ; Oros. 5.I 9.312).'lf"u"time, Pompeius 77; App' Per' (Liv' R'ome of aqainst Sulpicius *ndi" the occupation army of the of command given . a". nit- 2). rre wis ä"ä;qs,"i in mutiny the inciting of susfected Strabo, *ho i,''to"tt is Fr-p"i"* 2'2o'li V.,elt' ' (Liv killed later -Per' lz; *ni"'n tft" Consul-Pompeiuswas a seriesof me&sures' Val. Max. 9.7, ext. z; Äpp' BC I'63)' They carried Flor-. 2.9.6-8)' 2.r9.1; (vell. partisans ;;; f- tn" u"it" of itre'ilarian by the Senate a second providing ift"t tU -ö*'o""* be considered laws be carried only in before submission to ät tttu*Uly, a third that theComitiaCenturiata,afourt"hputtingsomelurthetlimitationon afifthadding 300persons theTribunes (App. nC;cL'Lii' PeL 77)' ""gttaittg colonies (Liv')' a1d a sevent'h to the Senate (App;, ;;i"itt o""th" f;incipa] of debts lT":t' 5I6L)' applying interest, pä[""1(Gaius 3.L24). orr" li-itirrg the apllicotiott of t.''e spons,io ;äil"*.-rr.o the Consulsof oath the Sulla held the elections and, after securing Su.l,l,'LO.3-4; (PIut. mJasures his elect Cinna *"a O"tr"i", to ""ppo"t (see Mithridates with war the for Dio 30-35, fr. 1023-4), deparf,ed' also JacobY,IGrH 28.1151, no' 252)' Praetors ? Q. Arvcue-nrusl (2) in late 87 An ex-Praeto" *nltt he was killett at Marius' command (Plut. Mar. a3.3; App. BC 1J3; Flor' 2'9'r6)' M. Iunrus Bnurus2 (5I) on R'ome' but ri'as Sent with S""rriiio"'lo forbid Sulla's advance was exiled s'2).' SqL and sent back (Ptut' the t;ldj; ^He BC 1'60; (App' to spain under interdict by the victors, but escaped cf. Gran. Lic. 238). ? L. LrcrNros MuRENA (L22) in Greece (see 87' Probably Prantor befo"ä Uu served under Sulla Logatos).
? C. Nonsaxus3 (5) Cos. 83 Governor of Sicily which he kept at peace and untouched by tho cf . SocialWar (Cic. Verr. 2.3.117,and 5.8; Diod. 37.2.13-14,'Oppocv6q; r.4f8). Grueber,C&RBM r.347f.; SEG Snnvrr,rus Pat. ? (3) Sent with Brutus to forbid Sulla's advance on Rome, and similarly treated (seeabove, on Brutus). ? P. Snxrr,rusa (12) Africa Refused Marius asylum in Africa when he fled from Sulla (Plut. -Vlor. 40.3-4; App. AC l.62,Zilccroe ; cf. Varro.E.R l.l.l0, with the title Praetor). Aediles ? Q. Cencnrus Mrrnlr,us CDLans (85) IIe tried and condemned, probably as Aedile (Mommsen, Str. 2.493, note 4), Cn. Sergius Silus (-8.0 no. 38) for improper proposals to a matron (Val. Max. 6.1.8). Tribunes of the Plebs P. ANrrsrrus (18) Along with Sulpicius, he opposed the attempt of Julius Caesar Strabo to proceed to the consulship without first being Praetor (Cic. Brut. 226-227).
P. Sur,prcrus R,ux'us (52) Along with Antistius, he opposed the candidacy of Julius Caesar Strabo for the consulship (seeabove; Cic. Brut.226-227; Har. Resp. .t3; Ascon. 25C; QuintiI. Inst. Or. 6.3.75; cf..XOR 2.195; Macrob. Baü. I . I r.32). Ile introduced four bills : one, to recall exiles (Auct. Ail' Herew?,. :).45;Liv. Per.77); a second,to enroll the new Italian citizens and the freedmenin all the tribes (Ascon. 64C; App. BC 1.55-56; cf.Liv. Per. 77); a third, to limit the debts of senators to 2000 denarii (Plaf. Bull. rt.2); and a fourth, to replace Sulla with Marius in the command Mithridates (Liv. Per.77; Diod. 37.29.2;Vell. 2.18.5-6;Val. rr,gainst Max. 9.7, ext. l; Plut. Mar.34-35; Sull.8.2; App. BC 1.55-56, cf. r r 9 ; F I o r . 2 . 9 . 6 ; A m p e l . 4 0 . 1 ; 4 2 . L ; I u l . E x u p . 3 ; S c h o l .C l u n . 2 7 0 Stangl; Schol^Gron. 286 Stangl; cf. Auct. Vi'r. 111.75.8).Meeting opposition from the Consuls, he had them forcibly expelled from the cit,y and carried his m'easures.Sulla then appealed to his army, the Oonsuls occupied Rome, annulled the laws of Sulpicius, and decreed t,hoexile and death of opposing leaders (seeabove, Consuls). Sulpicius
n8 t].c.
88 I].C,
Pis.84; Liv. Per.76; pulsedthem (Oros.5.f 8.30;cf . Cic. Verr.2.3.217; Dio 30-35, fr. I0l). P. Srnvrr,rus Verra (Isaunrcus) (93) Cos. 79, Pr. 90 ? Celebrated a triumph pro praetore,but from what province remains unknown (Act. Tr., Degrassi 84f., 563; see 90, Praetors). He may be identified with the Servaeus who failed of election to the consulship for 87 though supported by Sulla (Plab. 5u1,1.10.3;Mänzer, RE, and
APr 3ßL
? P. Snxrrr,rus (12) Pr. 89 or 88 See above, Praetors.
(9s) ,Cos' 80' Pr' 89 Q. Clncrr,rus MErELr,usPros6 Cosconius' harried Apulia' p.o"o"'ot,-tt" to""ätaed Probably ,* Pompaedius Silo' the in captured Venusia, ;;;-il;;"yed !{tle Vi'r'Itt" 63't'
Legates, Ambassadors
üiJ""r".a"" loiäa.ä;App'BC 1'53;Auct'
praetor).See87-82, Promagist'rates' -IvlithC. Crssrus? (10) Pr. 90?l proconsulin eri" lApp! uun. 24). when overwhelmedby on Apameia,and later ridatesin northern Ari*'fVfi"o", he reiired first, 78; App' Mi'th' 17' ts' 1s7C'z+r ;Liu' P"r' 77,and ;;ä;ilRhodes ard 24). 86' Pr'-115 C. Mmruss (I4, Supb. 6) Cos' I07,-104-100' of the w-ar against law' o"der Sulpicius' Received tfr" "oJ**,'d, and Tribunes Consuls' probably ,. P'o"ottol (see-above' uitr;"iä#., I)' ext' 9'7' Max' of the Plebs; "f. esp."Plot.Mar' 35'4; Val' Q. Orrrus (20) Pr. 89 ? in Athen' 5'213e' Proconsul in Cilicia (Liv' Per' 78; cf' Posidon' Legatus)'He 358' Lic' Gran' IGrH 2A, p. ,nu, lri. Mi'th'17,.20; Asia Minor' retired on opposed.the forces oi ilittt"iaotes in southern (Liv' l,v"o*, where he was besieged-and -captured' iädt;;;;rrthe coins' cf' 2,D,cL'112; Gran' l'i.c' lle; Per.78; App. Mi,'t"; discussionin RE ' no' 21)' Grueber, CRLBM i.rai ; ""a lVlün'e''s CN. PouPnrus STBABo (*14) Cos' 89 VaI' Max' 9'7' ext'2)' Proconsul(Liv. ier.zi, "i' 76; Vell' 2'20'L; the Paeligni (Liv. Per.75, Receivedthe surrenier of'the vestinin and mut'inyamong.his former troops in and 76). SuspecteaJii""iti"gth" wal killed (see above' Consuls; which the Consul eo-p"i"""nufus aft'er this event resumed Vell., Val. Max', Liv'; cf ' App' Bq I'6?!' and his command over them (App' BC I'63\' C. Snrnus (3) Pr. 94 Mithridates Propraotor in Macedonia (see 93-87' Promagistrate-'s)'. Sentius rebut, Greece, and rousod the Thracia,is-rl"i"rd Macedonia
M'. Aeurr,r,rns (ll) Cos.l0l Seebelow, Lieutenants. Cf. 90-89, Ambassadors. 1
Legates, Lieutenants Mnr,r.Anunrus Lnprnus (Lwrelvus)lo Pat. (80) Cos.77 Credited with victories in the Social War, including the death of PompaediusSilo (Liv. Per.76; cf. Diod. 37.2.10;but see Promagistrates, on Metellus Pius, and below, on Sulpicius Galba). M'. Aqurr,r,rus (tl) Cos..I0l Defeated in Bithynia by Mithridates (Liv. Per.77; App. Mi'th.17, and 19; Iustin 38.3.8,and 4.4), captured at Mitylene (Liv. Per.78; Val. Max. 9.13.r; Vell. 2.18.3),and killed at Pergamum (Posidon. in Athen. 5.2I3a, IGrH 2A, p. 245; Plin. NH 33.48; App. Mi'th.2l, and 112; cf. Cic. Leg. Man. lI; Scaur.3.2; Tu"sc.5.L4; Schol'.Gron.3l7 Stangl; Memnon, in FGrH 38. 352, 31.7). Q. Bnurrrus Suru. (I0) Served under C. Sentius in Macedonia (see93-87, Legates). ? M. Cancrr,rus (CoRNUrus?)11 (44) Pr. Legatus (Liv. Per. 76), presumably under Pompeius Strabo (see {}0, and 89, Legates). 1,.Connnr,rus Crrvrve Pat. (106) Cos.87-84 Aic. Eont.43; Liv. Per. 76. Presumably served under Pompeius St rabo. M. Gnarrrrus (1) l{e was sent by C. Marius (seeabove) to take over Sulla's army, but
88 B.C.-87 B.C.
5'19'4; cf' PIut' was killed by the soldiers(Val' Max.' 9'7, ext' t; Oros' are mentioned)' 56.+, änd'Butl.8.4, where Xrtrlocpxou iir. L. - (MrNucrus) BÄsrlus (37) BnZl. 9.5-6, no i"grr" of dulla at the'ocäupation of Rome (Plut. title). See 86, Legates. C. Muuurus (6) (Plut' BaZl' 9'5-O)' An officer under Sulla at t'he capture of R'ome ? Snn. Sur,prcrus,ne Pat' (60) Pr' See89, Legates. Prefects of the Fleet (49) MrNucrus Rurus ?) (*12 Poprrl,rus C. --H*a t'he general charge oi a fleet at' Byzantium, presumably under Mi'th' (App' Mithridates by command,of Cassius,which ias capturä 17, and 19)' Pontifices cos' 1I5, Pr' 119 r23-g9 or 88: M. Aurvrrr,russoarrnus Pat. (140) Pat' (338) (Asrerrous) Successor:L. ConNnr,rusScrrro AsucnNus Cos.83, Pr. 86 ? cognomenin Fast' Xast. Bac.,CIL 12.L,p' 6G-1ZS 9338,no' 4' His Cap. for 83 is Asiaticus (Degrassi54f')' Augurs 88'^80' Pr' 93 L. Conrqnr,rusSur,r,Ä (Fur,rx)12 Pat' (392) Cos' a!5; App' BC r'79' Grueber, CyRBM r.459t'., 4l1,f', and' esp' w h i c h s h o w s t h a t h e h e l d t h e p r i e s t h o o d b e f o r e h e w e n t ' t o G r ehim ece' The names of tne Äugur who &ed and the Augur *!9 y::"uded oO-f'fS 9338' no' 3)' in this year are tofp"E "t"ed (seeCIL Lz'L'p' Decemviri Sacris Faciundis R,urus ? (*4) Cos'88' Pr' 9l ?-88: Q. Porvrpprus SeeGrueber,CnnBMl'4S4f',coinsofPompeiusR'ufus(Tr'PI'52)' and perhaps those with the insignia of Sulla's augurat'e on the reverse obverse' the of his colloag-ue'sdecemvirate on rAsQ.Ancltaritrs,Tr.Pl.Sg,andPr.S6,wasprobablyhisson,hispraotorship moy bo rlrrtotl shttrtly bofore 87'- . i For lJruüus' praonomon' see Liv' Per' 89'
i I i
3 Norbanus' cognomen remains doubtful (seo Degrassi 180) since his conneo. tion with L. Norbanus Balbus, Cos. 19, is quite uncortain. The reading of Chr. 854 on his consulship in 83 is Pulbo. IIe probably held command in Sicily in 88 and 8? (Diod.). SeeMüLnzer,Hertnes 67 (1932) 23L-235. a A coin, published in Müller (Nurn. d,eI'Afri,qwe 2.61, no.25, and p. 55; soo Münzer, RE) was read to show that Sextilius was Pr(aetor) P(rovinciae) Af(ricae), or olse Pr(o) P(raetoro), etc., VII v(ir) ep(ulonum), but read.ings by lloissevain (ZN 2S ll9l2J 107-t11) and Gtant (Erom, Im,perium, üo Auntoritas 226f.) show that theso coins are duoviral, that tho source is the Julian colony of Iladrumeturn, and the daüe Augustan. 6 seidel (P a 48) identifies the Aedile with this Metellus rather than his son the Consul of 60, though the Sorgius Silus who is mentioned. (RE no, g, cf. 88; Cic. Verr. 2,3.1O2) would point to the latter if ho wore the ono involved. If the tribunate ofthe consul of 60 is correctly attributed to 68, he must havo hold the aedileship in 67 or else not at all, for he was a Legate r:nder Pompey in 66. 8 As Praotor he registered new citizens at Romo in 89, so tho tillo Tra,etor rn:ust refer to imporium as e promagistrate, For the suggestion that the Legate of Pompeius Strabo named in Liv. Per. 77 (Pinna Mss; Pdas, Rossbach) is M. Caecilius Cornutus, seo 89, Legates; and below, Legaües, on Cornutus. 7 This casts doubü on the correctnoss of App. Mi,th. Il2, a passage in which Cassius a,ppears among the prisoners sunendered by Mith.ridates. Mithridates assaulted Rhodes but did not capture it. I Though quickly annulled, the existenco of Marius' command is shown by his atternpt to tako ovor Sulla's army (Plut., through two military Tribunes; Val. Max., his Legato Gratidius). e In Liv. Per. 75, the surrender of tho Vesüini is placed in 8g, in per. 76 it is placed with that of the other Paoligni in the proconsulate of Pompeius but beforo the fall of Asculum, which took placo in 89. Perhaps the vestini surrendered in 89 and the Paoligni in 88 and the epitomizer has combined both notices. 10There is no evidence sufficient to identify this commander, but if ho served under Metollus Pius the passages rogarding the death of Pompaedius silo can be brought into relationship if not into accord. See Promagistrates, on Metellus Pius. 11On Cornutus, seo 90, and 89, Legates. fn Liv. Per. 76 tho names are given as L. Cinna (Pinna Mss) eü Caebilio Pio (Pinna Mss) legatis. Since the first Pinna is certainly Cinna the second may Lack all authority, Moreover, Metellus Pir:s upparently hold a proconsufar eommand in Southern Italy (see promagistrates) u,fter hig praeüorship in 89. It is tempting to resüore Cornuüus on the basis of Cic. Ir'ont. 43, and Cichorius, AB 140f. 12Tho augural staff appears on the coins both of Sulla in tho East and of l,'austus Sulla, ca. 62 B. C., before he himself becarne an Augur, among sy.rnbols colebrating his father's honors, sulla attained the augurate before starting for the East, for one of his demands beforo his return was tho restoration of his priesthood (App. BC 1.79).
87 B.C.
Consuls ON.Ocmvrus Crv.f. Cr. n. (20) Pr. by 90 1,. Oonnnr,rus L. f. L. n. Crnxa Pat. (106) Cos.86-84, Pr. by 90
Consul Suffectus
L3'2; 14'23; Iast' Ant" DeCic. Har. Resp. 64; Tusc' 5'55; Phil' 23c; App'
L. ConNnr,rus- f. - n. Mnnur,e Pat. (272) Flamen Dialis, who was elected colleague of Octavius (see above). He abdicated his office when the Marians won, and when placed on trial abdicated his priesthood and committed suicide (Iast. Cap., Degrassi 541.,L29,482f.; Diod. 38.3; VaI. Max. 9.12.5;Vell. 2.20.3,and 22.2;Tac. 4nn.3.58;Phtt. Mar. 4l.I; 45.2;App. -BC 1.65-66; 70; 74; Flor. 2.9.161' Dio 30-35, fr. I02.tla; 54.36.1;Augustin. CD 3.27). SeeX'lamen Dialis.
r2s!, +82f';Ascon' !4L, s";J ü;f., ;"d toit'.Cop.,i'bi'd'' Hsd'; n4l9p'5'a; Clr,.35^a':!:t'' eo-ii, r". 102'3; BC r.B6_-66;Dio 2'20'3; and on
Cic' Phöf' ll'1; VeIi' Chr. Panc.;Cassiod.;*'Ci**, Octavius, Cic. Pl'anc. 5l' and swore to maintain his Cinna was elected in Sulla's presence fr' 102'l ; Schol'tGron' 286 so-ss' me&sures(Plut' S'nll. 10.3-4; oiä to carry a ] Sail. .Flttsü.1.26Mi, bu-t i1 office soon attempted öil;i,-;f in all the tribesj9&-. bill to enroll the new ;ttt";# and the freedmen 4; Sahol'Gron' 286 Exup' ir64;-Iul' BC Phit'. 8.7; Vell. Z.zo.Z;-tppt'
Tribunes of the Plebs
;" "ä""äru""ius and the other exiles(App'; Flor' Tlä;sii ;J;;; fromR'omeby hiscolleaflue 2.9.9;Auct. Vl,r.ttl,. ai'6' I{e-;T expelled his place.
Snx. Lucrr,rusl (15) Thrown at Marius' command from the Tarpeian rock by P. Laenas, Tribune in 86 (Ve11.2.24.2; cf. Liv. - Per.80;Plat. Mar.45.l; Dio
was Octavius, and L. Co*äfli* Uerula (säebelow) at' Nola' was soon Claudius of army the {p' of ff" *o" ih" *oppori in overpowering joined by Marius and his part-iqans,and succeeded of co-operalack and rii. "o'"u,g"e, who suffered'?or his own slowness occupied and belo*, Promagistrates), tion with otrr"" ruä*i"-i; 38'1-3;
y; e!; e'r,o'e1 Cat.s.2a BLl. 77;Caeci'ln' Pi"l Rome(C,ic. Max. 1.6.10;4.7.5;Plut. Liv. per.79, and s-,i;v;1. Z.ZO_.ZI;val. 4'r; APp: l^C- L'64-7t; Mar. 4l-43; Sert. t'+_-S'+; Pomp' 3'r; fr' 102'1-9;Obseq' 30-35' Dio Gran.Lic. 23-298;fio". z.ä'ro-I3; Gron' 286 Stangl)' Schol" 5'19'8-19; 56a; Auct' Vir. lti.69.2; Oros' Har' Resp'54; 3'24; Cat' (Cic' office in The ConsulOctavius*u'* itruua aboue; Jlcoly' I9:H Phit. 8.7; l3.l-2; Tusc' 5'55; Fast' Cap'' 2'22:2;Ascon'qßC;Phfi' Mar' 28.1151,no.252;n*. pi"'' so; Vett' glor' 2'9'14;Iul' Exup' 4; Auct' 42.4-5;Szil' rZ.S;App' AC l'Zt; 46'2; Auguslin'-CD 3'27; Vir. Itt. 69.2;Pacai''iin'gy'' bh"od'ot' 286Stangl)' Schot'.Gr.on' Ampel. a2.2;Schot,.ä'"t''iogiä"d' r17 StangI; of opponents se^natoriar and a reign of t"""- roilo*"d in which *rny Pet,er; 129 fr. Sisenna Cinna and Marius *u"" ^o"dured (seeabove; Dio' L'4; Cic.Phi'l.r.e+; rr.r; 14'23;VaL 23; ND !,t-!;^3:t^o-*l; Max' val' 2'22'1--4; vetl' Att.7.7.7; sall. uii.'t-.zz.t M; Diod' 38'4; 2'92; NH 4'8.22;Pllrl,.' Lucan 2.8.7;4.3.t4;;tä ä'+; At"o"' 23C; L'7r-75; 89epp' s't-s; pi;.-i;;. is-+s; Beit' ; pio fr' 102'8-12;Eutrop' 9'1'3;^9b*"q'56a; 3G-35, 2.9.13-rz; Flor. and'23-24;Ammian' Alrct.Vir. In. 67.ä;;;p;i' 42'2; Oros'5'r9'Ie BC IJ})' and re(App' Sulla laws^of 30.8.9).The victors'""pä"4 the ot.ttt" Plebs; Vell' onactedthe laws äi ö"fpi"i"s (see88' TribuneÄ in on Marius'command' 2.20,2:on tho tribes, PIut' Mar' a5'6; and Asia,APP.IIC 1.75).
:10-35, fr. 102.12). :,
- . ,'-
"-L[ c"'"-*
q/ (cc'
P. Macrus (10) A colleagueof M. Vergilius (Cic. Brut.179; seebelow). ? M. Mmrus GnerroreNus2 (42) Pr. 85, 84 Schol.Bern. on Lucan 2.173,p. 62U; cf. Diod. 38.4. ? C. Mr,orvrus3 (2) M. Vrnarr,rus (*f ) fnstituted proceedings against Sulla at Cinna's instigation (Cic. Brut. 179 ; Plü. Sull. 10.4, emending Oüepyivr,oq). Quaestors l
? C. Cr,aunrus Ml'nonr,r,usa (2L4?) Pr. 80 CIL 12.2.662b,C. AARCELLUS. See 86, Promagistrates. 1,.Lrcrxrus Luour,r,uss (104) Cos.74, Pr. 78 SIGB 743, cf..SEG 1.I53; Cic. Acad,.2.1; Auct. Vir. Il,l. 74.I. Sent in ru
Q. O.r.ocrr,rusMnrnr,lus Pruso (98) Cos. 80, Pr. 89 llrobably continued in command'in Samnium' During the Bellum
Janiculum, for he was intriguing for a second consulship. He died, while ill in a pestilence, as a result of a stroke of lightning (Sisenna fr. 129 Peter; Liv. Per. 79; Vell. 2.21.1-4; Val. Max. 5.5.4; Plut. Pomp.l, and S; App. BC 1.66-68, and 80; Gran. Lic.25-298; Obseq.56a; Oros.5.I9.f0-13 and 18).
an attempt to Octavianum ho made' at the Senate's command'' r'28 M; App' BC l'68; ""g"ti"t" e peecewittr itre Samnites(Sall' f/risü' toR'ome to oppose C"'*. Lio. izB; Dio 3G-35'fr' 102'6-7)'Hecame ü h o M a r i a n s , b u t r e f u s e d t h e r e q u e s t . o f t h e s o l d i e r s t h a t h eLic' take 42'3; cf-'Gran' command from the bo"."r octavius (PIut. Mar. of the le.nate (Gran' Zg,l"a 298). He approached Cin1l as an Envoy Lic.29B;cf.PIut.Mar.43'l)'Ilelaterretiredt'oA{rica(see86' Promagistrates). ? C. Cessrus (Lowcntus) (57) Cos' 96 of the army of Sent by d.ecree"f tnä SLttät" to take command 298)' Lic' (Gran' ill pÄp"f"J Strabo when the latter fell Pr' 89 ? Ap. Crauorus Pur,crrnn Pat' (296) Cos' 79' of a legion which praetore' pro probably Sulla left him in "o**"tta, Marian forces the for won later was terieging Nola, t"d *ni"ü Cinna
C. Snnrrus (3) Pr. 94 Propraetor in Macedonia (see 93-87, Promagistrates). His Legate Bruttius Sura checked the advance of Mithridates in Greece,but Sulla sent him back to Macedonia (PIut. Sull'a ff.4; App' Mith.29; cf.. IG 9.2.613; A. Plassart,MölangesPi,caril,830-832;Cic. Pis. 84; Verr. 2.3.2L7). He lost Macedonia to the forces of Ariarathes and Taxiles (App. Mi,th.35, and 4l; Gran. Lic. 35B; MemnoninXGrH 38.352,32). ? P. Snxrnrus (12) Pr. 89 or 88 See 88, Praetors. IIis authority in Africa, to which he had refused the Marian exiles entrance, almost certainly continued into 87.
r'65)'Laterwhenherefused i;;".irr:ze"; cf. vilL z.zo.+;App: BC he was stripped of his im-
at the uiaaing of a {itune, ;; rd; periüä and sent into exile (Cic' Dorza'83)' 93 L. Conxulrus Sor,r,e Pat. (392) Cos' 88, 80' Pr' (see 88' Mithridates against war the of Proconsul in command and' Greece t'o Consuls; CIL 12.2'311,712-ILS 869a)'-He crossed cutting by besiegeAthens, providing armailents and supplies ;;g;;; 9'1-'20'^398C;Liv' aoälr g"o-r"s Jnd seizingi"tttpt" ä"a*o""' (Strabo 30-33' and Mi'1n' Per.8t; Plut. Sutt-.-lil:tz, Jt. tg'o; Luc' i; AW, 38'7;Pausan' Diod' i+; AC't.zO; cf. S-IGB747;'sisennafr'-81 Peter; l.'io.s-z; 9.7.a-6). See Quaestors,on Lucullus' Pr' 115 C. Merrus (f4, Supb. 6) Cos' 107, 104-100'86' his-arrival from upon Cinna offered ni#tft" i"*ignia of a,P'ototttol however elsewhere and Ostia of gf"i.*, but he refused. In thä capture seg 4I'3-4; Man (Phtt" he exercised effective military command uponih9-consulship ent'rance tti* Consuls). Either late in 87, or *ittt Mithrid'ates (App' i' so, üe regained the formal command against BC L.75;Mi,th.5L; PIut. Mar' 45'6)'
C. Nonnnrus (5) Cos.83, Pr' 88 2'l:117-l' He kept Governor of Sicily(see s8, Praetors; Cic' Verr' 2'5'8; (Cic: Italiote forces oot änä himself captured R'hegiuT .V.err' Diod.37.2.13-14;cf.Grueber,CnnnUI'947f';SEGf'418)' CN. PouPrrus Srne3o (*r4) Cos' 89 IIe played-a Proconnul (see 88, Promagistrates;App'-BC.l'66)' nominally on the dubious part in the Bellum"Octavianumf ttrough from the eide of Octavius and effective in repulsing the Marians
Tribunes of the Soldiers P. Arxrus (17) Tribune (App. BC 1.72), who executed M. Antonius (VaI. Max. 8.9.2; 9.2.2; Plut. Mar. 44.L-4; cf. Cic. Brut.307; De Or. 3.t0:' Tusc. 2.22.3;Lucan 2.122; PLut.Ant. l ; 5.55; Phi,l. l.34 ; Liv. P er. 80; Y e11. Flor. 2.9.14; Dio 45.47.l; Bchol,.Gron. 286 Stangl). Ap. Cr,auorus (12) According to Appiän (BC l.63) he openedthe gate of the Janiculum to the forces of Marius and Cinna (cf. however Liv. Per.80; Gran. Lic. 258; and see Bennett, Cinna l7).
? C. Fr,evrus X'rMsnrl (88) Commanded the troop of horse which killed the younger Crassus (Liv. Per.80; cf. Flor. 2.9.14,who lists a X'imbria among the victims; seeLegates, on the elder Crassus).According to Augustine (CD 3.27) lr'imbria put some of the Julian family to death. ? C. (Mancrus) CENsoRrNus (43) Commanded the troop of horse which was sent to kill the Consul Octavius (App. BC l.7l; seeabove, Consuls). Legates, Envoys l. M. AxroNrus (f , 28) Cos.99, Pr. I02 Q. Lurerrus Crrur,us (7) Cos. 102,Pr. 109? Q. Lurerrus Catur,us (8) Cos. 78, Pr. 8l ,l
llroughton II
sent by tho senate to Metellus Pius to urge him to negotiate a,peace with the samnites and come to the defenceof Rome (Gran. Lic.25B; cf. App. .BC 1.68; Dio 3G-35, fr. 102.6-7).
? C. Mr,onruse (2) See Tribunes of the Plebs. Returned in command of part of Cinna's forces, and met his death in battle on the Janiculum (Gran. Lic.28, und 258).
2. C. Fr,.lvrus X'rMBRra (88) sent by Marius and cinna, to the samnites to concedeterms which had been refused by Metellus and.the senate, and won their support for the Marians (Gran.Lic. 298; cf. Liv. Per.80; App' ßC 1'68)'
? (L.) Mux.rrrus (Pr,ewous) (28) No title preserved. The man honored at Delos (CIL Lz.Z.gg0,8Bl) ond Sulla's officer at Chalcis (App. Mifh. 34) are probably the same. See1. de Döl,os4.1.1695-1697.
3. Q. Cenonrus Mntnlr,os Prus (9S) Cos. 80, Pr' 89 Hladed a delegation sent by the Senate to negotiate with Marius and Cinna (Gran. Lic.29B1' cf. Diod.38.2).
CN.Parrnrus C.nnno (38) Cos. 85, 84,82 A leading officer in the Marian forces, no title preserved (Liv. Per.79, and 80; App. BC 1.67,and 69; Gran. Lic. 2BB; X'lor.2.9.18; Oros.5.l9.9).
Legates, Lieutenants C. Bnuruus Suna (10, SuPb.3.218) Legatus pro quaestore of 0' Sentius in Macedonia (Head, HNz 241; rc g"Z.aß:, A.'Plassart, Mölanges Pi,caril,830-832; cf. Gäbler, Ant' 3.73, no. 225). checked the ad.vance of Mänz. Nord,griechenlnnd,s Mithridates iln G""""u, but was ordered back to Macedonia by Sulla (Plut.,Szll.rr.4; APP. Mith.29). (6) Pr. ? L.IlonrnNsrus g6, Legates. He recruitod forces for Sulla and joined him in See the autumn. ? P. Lronrus Cnessus? (6I) Cos. 97 Legabeunder Octavius (Gran. Lic.25, and 298; cf' App' BC l'69)' Whei his son was killed by Eimbria he committed suicide (Cic. Besü.48; DeOr.3.l0; Bcaur. 1-3, bxford text; Tusc. 5.55; Diod' 37'29'5; Liv' Per.80; Ascon.23, and 25C; Lucan 2.124; PIttt" Crass' 4'f ; 6'3; Flor. 2.9.14;App. BC L72; Schol.Gron. 286 Stangl)' L. LrcrNrus Munnxe (I22) Pr. No title preserved. Commanded the left wing a,t_Chaefoneain 86, and. in SZ äistinguished himself in the siege of the Piraeus (App. Mith.32). ? C. Menrus (f4, Supb. 6) Cos.10?, 104-100,86, Pr' 115 SeoPromagistrates. (GnerrnraNus)8 (42) Pr.86, 84 ? (M.)M.lnrus ' probably tüe Marius who defeated Servilius at Ariminum (Gran. Lio.27B).
Pr,eurruslo (7) Legate, presumably serving under Metellus Pius. I{e defeated Sa,rrnite forces which had joined Marius and Cinna (Liv. Per. 80). Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 ? X'ledwith Cinna and returned as one of his chief officerr (Liv. Per.7g; Plut. Berü.4.+-5.3; App. AC 1.65; X'lor. 2.9.f3; Gran. Lic. 2BB; Oros. 5.19.9). His forces encountered those of pempeius Strabo (Sisennafr. 129 Peter; Liv. Per.79; Val. Max. 5.5.4; Gran. Lic. 258; Oros.5.19.10-13), and the battle on tho Janiculum (Liv. Per.80; cf. Gran. Lic. 258). He opposedgiving leadershipto Marius, ond the reign of terror (Plut. Berü.5). ? (P.) Snnvnrus (Vlrre fsau'mous)ll (4, cf. gB) Cos.Tg, Pr. g0 Driven back from Ariminum by a certain Marius (Gran. Lic. 278; xce above, on Marius Gratidianus) who took over his army. Ver,nnruslz Pat. (*57 ?) Betrayed Ostia to Marius (Gran. Lic. 258; cf. Liv. Per.70; PIub. trlar.42.t; App. BC 1.67;Oros.5.r9.I7).
Prefects ? ['. Cenr,rus (13) l'laced in command of Placentia by Octavius. Aged and ailing, he .ornmitted suicide rather than be captured by the forces of Cinna (Vrr,l.Max. 4.7.5). .
?-lt7: C. fur,rus Censan Srnaso Pat. (135) . Itdl. 13.3.6-ILS 48. Killed by the Marians (Cic. Brut. B07; ,L^t
DeOr.3.I0;Tusc.5.55;Liv.Per.8O;Val'Max'5'3'3';9'2'2;Ascon' 26C;Suet.Cat.60;App.BCl.72;X'lor'2'9'14;Augustin'CD3'27)' Augurs Alvroxrus (2S) Cos.99, Pr. 102 -4"g"" M. (schol,.Bärn. onlucan 2.I2t, p.57u). see above, Tribunes of the Soldiers, on P. Annius. Flamen Dialis l-87: L. Conunr,rus Mnnur,e Pat. (272) Cos' Suff ' 87 Vell.2.20.3;App.BCL.65,and'74;Augustin'CD3'27'Seeabove' Consul Suffectus. successor:c.Iur,rus clpsen Pat. (131) cos.59, 48,46-4+,p1.B2 Nominated in*lale 87, or before January 13, 86, while-Marius was see still alive, but never inaugurated (velt. 2.43.r; cf. suet. Iul'.1.2). 12r. (194r) L. R,.TaYlor, CPh 36 lThe name Licinius in Livy (Aouxivo6 in Plutarch)-is doubtful, since tho p""",,oln"rrsext,usdoesnot"pp"""intheLicinianfamily.Theaccountsinthe (see Müryrzer,RE, andNiccolini' other sources "pp"u" to ""iu" tö the samu ittcidont FTP 236f.). 2 of tho three senators, c. Milonius, Q. Sertorius, and c. Marius (termed c""poqinApp.BCr.oslwnofledwithCinna,two,MilonirrsandMarius,who into exilo with his must be M"iio" Gratid.iänus since the you'ger Marius w_ent of the Plebs who aJso fled from iu,tfru*, aro believed to Lo among the sirTrib'nes Niccolini FTP nome'wittr Cinna (Liv' Per, 76; Gran' Lic' 23 B; Lange 3'129^; probably CatuJus sinco of Marius case in the fah" Betne Schol4aconfirm it iigi Legates'' also seo Milonius, year. On ofthe end tho before dieä 3 See note 2. a If the proquaestor of the Samothracian inscription may !e identified with period of Sulla roughly the Praetor of 80, we may .oppo*u that his "'"eer it the Lucullus. of that paralleled ' u Lucullus, quaestorship is dated, perhapq rightly, in 88.ty Sobeck (29) along and receives witf, tfre consrilship of Säh. This yäar is the latost possiblo- date Lucullus' some slight support from the distinction made by Cicero -b9ly":t serviceasQuaestoranda,sProquaestor(Aca,d,.2.|and4and11)'Seea'|soI.d,e Döl,os4.1.16200 Metellus' title is not recorded in our sources, but his dealingswith Samnites, Senateandoonsulsshowthathepossessedimperiumthoughhedeferredtothe Consul. ? Bonnett (Ci,nna 26) identifies tho Legato with the son (RE 62), not the recent' military father. This is possible but improbable in-view of the father's he would havo imply that with cerüainty 48 sest. in cicero uiutr,s doog Nor famo. spared' boon s Tüe youngor Marius was probably with his father while Gratidianus, who was sent-nort'h (App'; see Bennett' Cinna I1f 'l' ha
87 U.C.-80 B.C.
0 No titlo is recorded. Bennett (C,inna 13) favors the name Milo. r0 lle may be identified with the author of tho Lox Plautia Papiria of 89, M. Plautius Silvanus. rr This Servilius may possibly be identified with P. Servilius Vatia (Isauricus) who celebrated a triumph in 88, and at some time joined Sulla in Greece. 12Valerius may possibly be identified with the L. Yalerius Flaccus who became Consul Suffectus in 86 after the death ofMarius (see 86, Consul Suffecüus).
86 B.C.
A.U.C. 668
Consuls [,. Connnr,tus L. f. L. n. Cruna Pat. (106) Cos.87, 85, 84 C. Manrus C. f. C. n. (r4, Supb. 6) Cos.107,104-100,Pr. ll5 Iast. Ca,p.,Degrassi54f., 130, 482f.;Liv. Per.80, without a comitia; Vell. 2.23.r; App. BC 1.75;Chr. 354;Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.;Cassiod.; on Cinna, CIL 12.2.713, 89I; Auct. Vi,r.111,.69.3; Oros.5.19.23;Schol,. Bob.109 Stangl; and on Marius, Iast. Ant., Degrassi I64f.; Elogium, Inscr. Ital. 13.3.83-CIL 12.1,p. r95; Val. Max. 8.15.7;9.15.1;Plin. NH 11.252;PIut. Mar. 45.1; X'lor. 2.9.17; Auct. Vir. Ill. 67.6. Cinna'srule wastermed a tSrranny(Cic.Phil.l.34; 2.108;Brut.227; //, 3.81; Sall. Hi,st.1.64M; Val. Max. 6.9.6; Vell. 2.23.3;PIut. Coes. LI; Sul,l,.22.L; Tac. Ann. l.l; Auct. Vi,r. 11,1,. 67.6). Marius died on .Ianuary f 3 (Cic. -lfD 3.8f ; Rosc.Amer.33; Liv. Per. 80,with the date; Vell.2.23.r;Plut. Mar.45.2-46.5; App. BC 1.75;Flor. 2.9.17;Oros. 5.19.23).See 88, Promagistrates. . Consul Suffectus 1,.VEr-nnrus C. ? f. L. n. X'r,lccusl Pat. (*57) Pr. ca. gB Electedbefore X'ebruary5 (CI L I 2.2.89I ; cf . I ast.Cap., Degrassi54f ., l:10,482f.). Carried a law to permit debtors to settle debts for onefrrrrrthof the principal sum (Vell. 2.23.2;cf. Cic.Iont.l.L;Qui,nct.17; Srr,ll.Caü.33.2; seeEBAn f .270f.). Also succeededMarius in the comrrrnnd against Mithridates, but after losing some of his forces on the wuy to the East and some to Sulla, and alienating many more, he was kif lcd in a mutiny which was led by his Legate X'imbria (Cic. Flacc. (lf , ond Fr. Mdi,ol,.;Diod. 38.8.r; Strabo 13.1.27,594c;Liv. Per.82; Yall. 2.24.I; Plut. Sul,l.20.1; lru.c. 7.2; App. BC 1.75, with dating tftrcltrar;Mdth. SI-53; Memnon inIGrH 38.353, 34; Dio 30-35, fr. f (r5.t-5;Auct. Vir. Ill,.70.l; Oros.6.2.9;cf. SaIl.I/asf.3.33; 5.f3M; l,iv. I'er.98, on the Valerian legions). SeeBennett, Cinna 45-50.
? C. Cr,auorus Mancnr-r,us (2I4?) Pr. 80 Probably the Proquaestor AARCELLUS who is named in an in' scription of Samothrace(CIL I2.2.662b).See87, Quaestors.
Censors L. M.lnorus Q.f. Q.n' Pnrr,rppusz (75) Cos' 9t M. Pnnrnnru M. f. M. n. (5) Cos. 92 Yal' Max' Cic. Vem.2'1.143;Fast.Cap., Degrassi54f', 130, 482t'; Senate the of the lection 8.13.4; Plin. NI/ 7.156; Dio-41.14'5' In of the one Pulcher' Philippus passed oog" üi* uncle Ap' Claudius patrician living only the exitei lCic. Dom. 8ai. L. Valerius X'lac"os, 89' on M' ""rr*o"ilr, *tr rrr*"d Princeps Senatus (Liv' Per' 83; see (Jerome' 463'0-00" numbered cit'izens Aemilius Scaurus),and the "ol1 of Chr. ad ann. 85, P. 151Helm).
L. Conxnr,rus Sur,r,a Pat. (392) Cos. 88, 80, Pr. 93 He captured Athens on March f (PIut. Suhl,.L4'6), then the Piraeus, and was victorious in two important engagementsagainst two Mithridatic armies, first at Chaeroneaand later at Orchomenos (Liv. Per. sl-82; Plut. Sull. r4.l-21.4; App. Mith.33-5r; X'lor. 1.40.10-11; Eutrop. 5.6; Augustin. CD 2.24; Orcs. 6.2.4-7; AtcL. Vi,r. 11,1,.75.7; cf. also,onAthens, VeII.2.23.3-5; Strabo 9.I.15, 396o, and 20, 398c; Pausan.1.20.4;Gran. Lic. 338; Obseq.56b; on Chaeronea,Frontin. 9tr.2.3.17;Plut. Fort. Rom.4; MemnoninIGrH 38.352,32; Pausan. 9.40.7;10.34.2;on Orchomenos,Frontin. Slr. 2.8.12;Polyaen. 8.9.2; Gran. Lic. 338B;Ammian.16.12.2).AcclaimedImperator (CIL 12.2.720, s3B.C.). Seellolleaux, REG 32 (1919)320-937,andB.0'G1.I75; Daux, Del,phes48f ff.
Praetors ? L. Conxnr,rusScrproAsuennus (Asrarrcus) See 85, Promagistrates.
(338) Cos' 83
L. Lrcnrrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proquaestor(B,IGg745; CIL I2.2.71+-ILIS 865-.f. deDöl'os4.1.1620; Seebelow, Legates. Cic. Acad,.2.Il; Arch.ll, qunestore).
Aedile or Iudex Quaestionis P. Arnrsrrus3 (18) Presided over the suit, to recover the booty from Asculum from the young estate of Pompeius strabo, and betrothed. his daughter to !1" See 5'3'5)' Max' Val' 23o; Pompey (PIui Pomp. a.r-'3; cf. Cic' Brut' Seidel,XA 45.
Tribunes of the Soldiers Enucrus (l) No title preserved. According to Juba (quoted in Plut. Bzdtr.16.8), he, and not Gabinius, saved Chaeroneafrom attack by the forees of Mithridates. Tle captured the post,of Thurium above Chaeronea(Piut. Sr.rll. 16.8; 18.1; cf. f7.4-6). Possibly Prefect of Chaeronea (Plut. Sull. 16.8).
Tribunes of the Plebs P. Porrr,r,rusLlnNes (*f4 ?) The Tribune *ho hu"tld the ex-Tribune Lucilius from the Tarpeian rock (Vell. 2.24.2;see87, Tribunes of the Plebs)'
A. GrsrNrus (10) According to Plutarch he receivedcharge PIttb. Sul,l,.16.8,1u).lap1o6. (Plut. Bul'l'.L6.8;17.6-7; cf. l8.l; and for
Quaestors ? Tlrnrur,mus (l) He established tabulae il,od,rantariae et qua,il'rantnriae under the Valerian law (seeabove, Consul Suffectus; Cic' Iant' l-2; cI' ESAR 1.2?0f.),thereforein 86 or 85 soon aft'er it's passage' Promagistrates ? Q. Ceucrr,rusMprnlr,us Prusa (98) Cos' 80, Pr' 89 withdrew to Africa, which he held. until driven out by x'abius Hodrionus, tlron to Liguria, ald in 83.joined Sulla in It'aly (Liv' Per' aa; l'lut. Crasa.8.2;cf..App. BC 1.80).
(37) 1,. (Mruucrus) Blsnus .o coü r6).ouqraliapyoq who distinguished himselJ at the battle of orchomenos (App. Mi,th. 50-51). On the identification, see Münzer' IIF]. Legates, Envoys 1,. LrcrNrus Lucr,'r,r,us (104) Cos..74, Pr. 78 Sont by Sulla to Crete, Cyrene, hgypt, Syria, and Rhodes, where
t'he freo and allied states ho had most success,t'o raise a fleet' among 74'2;cf'
f;'r' tt'!'86' (Pht. Lw. 2.2--3.3;ipp,-1wttt'1l,."ld 51;Auct'through late in 87 and Cic.Acad'.2.I1; JosepL.l'"f l4'Il4)'
Legates,Lieutenants C. Fr,lvrus Frlrsnre (88) he killed in a mutiny' Leqate of the Consul'Valerius Flaccus' whom 82; VJerius' armv (Diod' 38'8'l-2; Liv' Per' dä;;;"-Lt"a""i Memnon 7 '2; Lun' 23'6; Strabo 13.1.27,sO+c; Veil. 2'24'l; Ptut' Sutt' 51-53; Dio 30-35' M6t6 'Lpp' 4ö; 356, and ea, in FGrH 38.353, Salt' f/rlsü'2'78M)' cf' fr. 104.1-5; Ao"t. iir- nt" 7O'l; Oros' o'z'O; L. HontPNsrus (6) Pr. 358)' Brought Sulla Legate of Sulla tbfJ. S"Z' 17'7; Gran' Lic' took an important and reinforcements befo"e the battte of Chaeronea' Memnon 32' in r9'l-3; r7'7; gr"i. Sutl" 15'3-.4; part -fern in the battle 38.352f .; APP. Xlitlu' 43)' L. LrcrNrus MunPne (122) Pr' at chaeronea (Plut. Ball. commanded the left ii"g "t sulla,s army 17-19; LPP. Mi'th' a3). Q. Mrxucrus Tnunrvrus (66) as Legate in Fimbria's place' and Appointed fy tfr" bäuoiVtl"rio' when Fimbria went on to left as Legatus p"o"p"*io" e at -Byzartlium (App' Mith' 52; Dio Chalcedon. rre was äri""t out by the mutineers 30-35, fu. L04-4-5;seeabove, on Fimbria)' ca' 80 C. Scmnoltrus Cunro (10) Cos' 76' Pr' to take charge of the siÖge U1 aipoi"t"a No title p""."*"äl !-utta (Plut' 'S'nll' 14'7; App' Mi'th' 39; Pausan' of the Athenian d;;ä'il r.20.6). Snn. Sur,Prcrus Ger,se Pat' (60) Suti' tl'11' who had a part in the battle Legate under S"ir"-1ff"t of Ch"aeronea(Plut'; APP' Mdth' 43)' Augurs 104-100,86,Pr. 115 97_86:C. Menrus (I4, Supb.6) Cos.107, Augurs' Seeabove, Consuls;and 97, Bob' 96 Stangl' r Münzor (Oent. Vat" 42,no' 27) infers from a passage in Schol" Suffectus was & Consul the t'hat Ilacc'' Cic' f""; which inclutlo* o q.äi,t-io; spain in who celebrateci a triumph from Gaul and brothor .f o. valoriul n;;;;., 93' of C' Flaccus with the Consul 81 (Oran. Lic. 39 I]l' U"lä"tiifies
n0 R.C.- 85 B.C.
2 On the census, see Z,S/ß 1.217, and Bennett, C'inna 44f . Censorinus (DN 23.7) refers to the placing of a sundial in the Forum by the Censor Marcius Philippus, but since Scipio Nasica is said to be Censor al,,iqwantoposthe may refer to Q. Mareius Philippus, Censor 164. 3 l(lebs (RZ) plausibly identifies Antistius with the Tribune of 88 who died an aedilicius in 82. See Yell. 2.26.2; App. BC 1.88; Plut. Pom,p.9.2-3; Oros. 5.20.4, on his death. a As Metellus Pius never surrendered his imperiurn his party considered that his possossion of it was continuous (App. BC 1.87, &vOun&ccoövce, with Sulla), but the Marians doubtless had abrogated it as in the cases ofAp. Claudius and Sulla.
85 B.C.
Consuls L. ConNnr,rusL. f. L. n. Crwr*e Pat. (106) Cos. 87, 86, 84, Pr. ca. 89 CN. Paprnrus Qlv.f. C. n. Clnso (38) Cos. 84, 82 ctf F25sz; Fast.Cap.,DegrassiE4f., 130, 482f.; App. BC 1.75; Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd,.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;on Carbo, Iast. Ant., Degrassi 164f. fn this year the Consulsbegan somepreparations against Sulla's prospective return from the East (Liv. Per. 83; App. .BC 1.76-77 f. Auct. Vir. Il,l,. 69.4. Praetors (42) Pr. 84 ? ? M. Manrus Gru.rrntexusl Anticipating a joint declaration agreed upon by the Praetors and supported by the Tribunes of the Plebs, Marius issued by himself an edict establishing an office to test and eliminate the debased coins which had issued under the law of Livius Drusus (see91, Tribunes of the Plebs), and gained high honor and popularity (Cic. Off. 3.80-81; Plin. -l/f/ 33.132;34.27;cf. Cic. Brut.2231.Le7.3.36; Q. Cic. Comm. Pet. lO; Ascon. 84C; Senec.Ira 3.I8.L; X'irm. Mat. 1.3; and on the coins, Gruebeq CRRBilI l.xlii; Herzog, Tess. Num. Ilf.; Frank, ESAR 1.266f.). Quaestors ? M. Tnnnnrrus Vanno (84, Supb. 6) Pr. Varro, Sat. Men. 4788 (2I2, 8, Riese), i'nd,ecabal'lum red,uri a.d' censorem. According to Cichorius (,8Ä'219f.), he thus changedfrom the oquestrian order to the senatorial in this censorship.As he attained the rge of 30 in 86 he probably made the change as Quaestor Designatus for 85.
86 B.C.
Promagistrates ? Q. C.lrorlrus Mnrnr,r,us Prus (98) Cos. 80, Pr. 89 Probably Proconsulin Africa. See86 and 83, Promagistrates. L. Conxnr,rus Sorpro Asrecnwus (Asrlrrcus)s Pat. (338) Cos. Suff. 83, Pr. 86 ? Carried on war with Illyrian and Thracian tribesmen in Illyricum, including the Maedi, who in late 85 or early 84 raided even Delphi (App. Ill,yr.5; cf. PIut. Numa 12.6-8, a propos of the war with the Gauls in 387; Jerome, Chr. ad ann. 84, p. f5f Helm; see?ouilles d'e Delphes3.54, and 55). L. ConNnr,rusSur,LA(X'nr,rx) Pat. (392) Cos. 88, 80, Pr. 93 Proconsul(cf. App. Mi'th.59). He negotiated with Mithridates, first through Archelaus in Greece, and then face to face in the Troad, the peace of Dardanus, on the basis of the situation before the war (Diod. 38.6; Liv. Per.83; Strabo 13.I.27,594c; Vell. 2.23'6; PIat- Sul'l'22.2-24.4; Luc.4.l; App. Mith.5+-58, and 64, and I12; Gran' Lic. 33-358; Memnon35,inXGrH 38.354;X'lor.1.40.11-I3;Eutrop.5.7.2; Oros. 6.2.9; cf..IGrH 28.1151, no. 252; SaIl. Hist. 4.69.I1-f 2M; Strabo 12.3.34,558c).He sent an expedition into Thrace (Liv. Per.83; App. Mi,th.55; Plut. Sul,l,.23.l;Gran. Lic. 358; Eutrop' 5.7.1; Auct. Vir. Il,t. 75.7; cf . Cic. Pi,s.84). IIe outmanoeuvredFimbria and took over his army (Liv. Per.83; Strabo I3.I'27, 594c;YeIl.2.24.l; Plut. Sutt. 24.4-25.I; App. Mith. 5S-60; Oros. 6.2.1I), and proceeded to punish, rewatd, and reorganize lhe communities of Asia (Cic. Flacc. 32;QF 1.1.33;Vem.2.I.89;PIut. Sull'.25.2;Luc.4.l-3, cf. 20.4;App. Mith. 6I-63; Gran. Lic. 35B; Cassiod.Chr. ad.ann. 84; cf. SIGB745, Magnesia;13.1.27,594c,Ilium;OGIS 44I, Chios;Strabo13.3.5,621o, 1.I.33, Rhodes, and also Strabo 14.2.3,652c; Cic. Stratoniceia; QF Tac. 4nn.4.56). L. Lrcnrrus Luour,lus (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proquaestor (see 85, Promagistrates). Bringing a fleet into the Aegean, he freed Chios and other places, and after refusing to assist Fimbria against Mithridates at Pitane aided Suila to cross the IIellespont (Plat. Luc.3.3-4.r; App. Mi,tll. 52, and 56; Oros. 6.2.10). Sulla placed him in charge of the collection of indemnities and' taxos in Asia, and of the coinage(PIut. Luc.4.I; cf.Cic. Acad,.2.l; Plut. Luc.20; App. Ili,th.62; Grueber,CRRBM 2.459f".). 5u11^26.2; C. Vc,nnrus Fr,rccuss Pat. (168) Cos. 93 Held a command in Transalpine Gaul for some years before 8t (Cic.
Quinct.28, and cL. 24 on the d.ate;Caes.BG 1.47.4;Schol.Bob. gg Stangl; on his coins, seeGrueber, CLRBM 2.ggg_ggOi. Legates, Lieutenants C. Fr,evrus X'nrnme (gS) illegal command of the army of Valerius X,laccus, he . lssuyilg "Miletopotis defeated the forces of Mithridates, son at anJ fenned in Mithridates himserf at pitane, in addition to *ä"r.i"g-cyli"o, urra flium (XGrH 2B.tl5l, no. 252; Diod. 88.8; Liv. per. 83, ;;d fr. 20 in Augustin. CD 3.7; vell. 2.24.1; Strabo tg.t.27,594c; Frontin. Bür.
3.r7.5; Prut. Sutt.2?..6,. Lyr.t4_g ; App.M ith. sz_ss,' Äi-ro e"urr.
; Lic. 33B; Memnon 84,_inEGrH gB.gbä, and 40, ,i,Ufa. *A; iil gO_eS, tu..104.6-7;Obseq.b6b; Auct. Vi,r.Ilt,. 70.2_4;Oros. O.Z.g_lt).When his army was taken orer-hy sulla at Thyatira rr" "o--itt"d suicide in the_Asclepieium at-perga,mum(FGrH iF..n|ir, "o. zä;iiod. 88.8; Liv. Per.88; vell. strabo'rg.r.27,594c; prut. suti. zr.t; app. Mdüh.59-60; Auct. Vi,r.11t,.70.4;Oros.62.9_rt). L. Honrnxsrus (6) pr. ol Sulla (Gran. Lic. 358). Repulsed the raids of Dard"ani -_L"gulu and Maedi in Thrace (Gran. Lic.; see itomägistrates, on Sulia). L. Lrcrrvrus Munnlra (IZ2) pr. _ See 86, and 84, Legates. C. Scnrnorrus Cunro (10) Cos. 26, pr. gl or g0 Assigned by sulla the task of restoring Nicomedes of Bithrmia and ^ of Cappadociaro rheir throäe, 6pp. atä. oü, ;l Gran. flio!?y"ry1 Lic. 358; X'lor. 1.40.12;Memnon JE,in FGrH dn.eS+). r The dateof the praetorship".f.y3"T" may possiblybe g6 (seeD._c. 5.224, no'e 72,and r{erzog,Te_ss.. Nurn. 11f.).rü canilairdlybä hter trrr,' sr ir hu "o*pleüed. asecondpraätorship
and was "r ""-p"*t.r at the time of his death ing2 (see 84, Praotors). SeegT, tribunes ofthe plebs. 2 A solution for the problem of tho date of Scipio,s command in rllyricum (or Macedonia).{rotty has ü:en suggested by G. Daux @ibnur-ou, rr" "t o* rersdöcte,
B9z-g9z). As againsrromtoi"laä u hT:r;sal szöri;.;.ääL876),
he keeps.the Ms^reading il Appian rö 4d,9rx6v, änd äccepts iri plutarcn the omendation of 86 to te re tct Mr0pigarr,xd (see a.-j. n"i"""ri, BCH 84 ^i1.r3e_[ [ 1910]249-330,osp.313-821;Milnzer, .R.&,supb. 8.261).n"r"uiJ* "-yrrchronism ' rf the burning of the temple at naprril"rrggä""ted) and that of the"capitolium in Rome falls inro place. it re-ains- airii""i'it. expiairreppi;r'. ;Ä;;" e to J2 ycars since the first conflicts between Romans ,ria c"ttÄ,-p""rr"p. rri" number slrould be emendedto 302,i. e., since ggz B. ö., otherwise it may refer to the t riumph of Meteltus Dermaticus 82 years b"i.;il1;.';;"";.;ää äi.".,.rior., ..Makodonia," sco Gäbler, RE s. v. 266 (dates Scipio in 88t,;;; üppet, Ra_ rnischeHerrschalt,in ll,l,gricum IgO.
86B'c'-u4 B'c'
8 Volorius' titlo is noü rocorded. Mürrzer (Gent. val.42) holds that.there w&s an he triumphed (se^e interval botwoon his consulship and the command frorn which in 83' f"o- Ciäto it appears that' he was goverrro-r of GauI är, i"ä-"gi"traton). that tho indicates Bob. pro itt Schol,. El,a,cco tnu of ü;;;rrt fie"erved il-t; in Asia by Fimbria, took "o' oitt u I]. Valorius Flaccus, Cos. d6, who was killed are dated by Grueber coins The in 8.5' presuma'bly uncle, with his i" Gaul ;;i;o" Imperator' title the using was he gE us t"a iator, when Cicero tells l"
84 B.C.
A.U.C. 670 Consuls
89 Clv.Peprmus Crv.f. C' n. Clneo (38) Cos' 85, 82, Pr' ca' 87' q6'^95 (106) Cos' Pat' n. CrNre L. L. f. L. " Conlrnr,rus (CarboneII i;;. C;;., b"g"utti 54f ., 130, 482f';Chr' 354; Iast' Hvd" t2'2'683; et Scribon'io),sä also Chr. Pasc'; Cassiod'; on Carbo' CIL l64f' Iast' Cic. _ C i nVerr.z.l''lir n a w a s k i l land e d e 34; a r l yand i n t hon e yCinna, earbym u t i nAnt', o u s tDegrassi roopsatAncona 83; Vell' while arranging passagJ for his ä"*y io Epirus (Liv' P-er-' Exup' 4; Iul' 1J7-78; BC 2.24.5;Plut] Bärl' o.IiPomp. 5.r-2; App' 10'1)' Carbo.continued Alrct. Vi,r. IU'.65.4; Oros.'24;Zonar' (Liu' Per' 84:' Cinna's preparations against Sulla'sreturn from the East until Cisalpine-Gaul and" Picenum ;ä i.zs;, arrd öntinued in ttt auspices unfavorable As 5_.6\' Pomp' "t ät"a by Pompey (PLut. he remained sole consul throughout p"""""t"a ihu t otäi"g äf el-ections_ 2'24'5;PIut' Potnp' 5'2)' Cap.;YelI' ihe rest of the year (iast. Praetors C. X'asrus Haonrenust (82) Africa Liv.Per.84,Praetor.o"oo"MetellusPiusoutofAfrica(Liv';cf. Ps.-Ascon. 241 Stangl; seePromagistrates, on Metellus)' ? M. Menrus Gnarroreltus (+2) Pr' 85 ? Mat' Twice Praetor (ascon. A+ C; cf'Val' Max' 9'2'1, proetor;X'irm' 1.3, Ttaetoriusa'ir; see 85, note l)' Quaestors M. FoNrnrusz (12) Pr. 75 Q. Urbanus Cic.Font. I and 5. M. Iuxrus Su,aNus (170) Pr' 76 Served under Licinius Mürena inAsiaMinor (I 'u' Pri'ene'l2l'Iine44)'
C. Vnnnns3 (*6.2471) Pr.74 Assigned to serve under the Consul Papirius Carbo in Picenum (Cic. Verr. 2.l.Ll and 34-40, and 3.177; Ps.-Ascon.206,208,226 Stangl; Schol.Gron. 329,332f. Stangl). Promagistrates Q. Cancrr,rus Mnrnr,lus Prus (98) Cos. 80, Pr. 89 Proconsul (App. BC f .80) in Africa, from which he was expelled by Fabius Hadrianus and apparently retired to Liguria (App. ,BC 1.80). ? L. Connnr,rusScrproAsracnNus (Asrarrcus) Pr. 86 ? See 85, Promagistrates.
(338) Cos.83,
L. Connpnrüs Srr,r,a (X'nr,rx) Pat. (392) Cos. 88, 80, Pr. 93 Proconsul (cf. App. BC 1.80). Returned from Asia to Greece,and while negotiating with the Senate in Rome and recovering from an illness prepared for his return with his army to Italy (Plut. SuIl,. 26-27; Pomp.5-6; App. BC I.77-79; cf. Strabo 10.1.9,447a, on his illness; 13.1.54,609c, and Lucian Zeun.3, on his booty from Athens; Nepos Att. +; Pausan. 10.21.6,on booty from Delphi; and for games in his honor, 1G2.2.1O36). L. LrcrNrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proquaestor in Asia. See 85, Promagistrates. L. Lrcrxrus Munnrea (122) Pr. Sulla left him in command in Asia, probably as a Propraetor, whero he assembled ships for action against the pirates, and annexed most of the principality of Cibyra (Cic. Vem.2.r.89; Strabo 13.4.17,631o; App. Mi,th.64, and 93; Auct. Vi,r. Ill. 74.2; cf. Memnon 36, IGrH 38.354, who describeshim as the governor sent,by the Senate). L. M,s.Nr,rus(Tonqunrus ?) Pat. (29,79) Cos. 65, Pr. 68 Proquaestor, who issued a gold and a silver coinage for Sulla in the East (Grueber, CRRBM 2.461f..; Bahrfeld, RGMP 25-28). SeeNepos Att. 1.4; and on his presencein Athens, Cic. Fin. 1.39. C. Var,nnrus X'r,eccus Pat. (168) Cos. 93 Continued in command, presumably as Proconsul, of Transalpine Gaul. See 85, and 83-81, Promagistrates. Prefects C. Axrorrus (Hrnnroa) (19) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Either in 84 or earlier he committed depredations while Prefect of
cavalry in Greece, for which he was later called to account (Ascon. 84C; see 76, Praetors, on M. Lucullus). r Tho title Praetor in Livy may refor either to a magistracy in the city or to a proroguerl command. Ps.-Asconius found his sources quite confused: wt oli'i' a'i,unt Legatua,ut aIü prttant oel pro praetore uel Ttraetor. 2 Thä date oftho quaestorship ofFonteius is subsequent to tho Valerian law regulating payment o_rdebts (seä 86, consuls) and before sulla's retul'r-r to Italy in 83 (Cic.). s Büklz,beProu. Rorn.Quaast. (Diss.Leipzig, 1893) 55,andLübker,Len'g,da't'o the quaestorship of verres in 82, carbo's third consulship; but cicero quitecleariy dates it i4 y"*** before the trial and one yoar before the consulship of Scipio in 83. 4'Murena's title remains uncertain. No definite date is known for his praetorship. In the Greek inscriptions (see 83, and 81, Promagistrates) he is termed Imlerator, and according to Cicero (Mur. 15) celebrated his triumph en'pra'etura in ö 1. Unless ho held the lraetorship by 87 he eould have secured regular election only in 81. I{ere as elsew-hereoicer-o may be referring to the holder of an imperium pro praetoro (sulla's acts were all validated later by the senate) as Praetor and iris olffi"e u," praeüura. See 93-8?, Promagistrates, on Sentius; and Cic. Ptis. 84, Sent'io fvraetora.
83 B.C.
A.U.C. 67r
? C. Prprnrus Canno (Anvnrl)a (40) Yell. 2.26.2, an ex-Praetor in g2; cf. Cic. De Or. B.l0: Brut. 3Il; Val. Max. 9.2.3. Q. Snnronrus (g) x'irst assisted scipio and Norbanus against sulla, then retired to E_truria, and proceeded from there to his province of Nearer spain (Plut,.Sert.6.r-3; App.BC t.S6;1ä. r0l; cf. ful. Exup. Z_S,stihin Rome at the end of the year). Aediles of the Plebs ? L. CnrroNrusa (2) ? M. X'rxlrrus (15) Pr. 80 Grueber,CR&BM f .Bl4f.; CIL 12.2,p. 256, no.272. Tribunes of the Plebs M. fuxrus Bnurus (EZ) Carried a bill to colonizeCapua (Cic. Leg. Agr. 2.89,92_98,and 9g). He induced the litigants in the caseof euinctius to delay prlceedings (Cic.Qui,nct 29 and 68 and 65).
Consuls L. ConNor,rusL. f. L. n. Sorrro Asrlrrcns (Asrl'enNus) Pat. (338) Pr. 86 ? C. Nonsa.Nus- f. - n. (5) Pr. 88 or 87 Cic.QuincL24;Iast. Cap.,Degrassi54f', I30, 484f.;Tac. Hi'st' 3'72; App. BC 1.82; X'lor. 2.9.18; Obseq'5?; Eutrop. S'7; Chr' 354 (Asiati; In et Pulbo) ; Fast.f/yd. (Scipioneet Narbone), so also Chr. Pasc'; Cassiod.;and on Scipio, Cic. Verr. 2.1.37. Sulla won Scipio's army away from him at Teanum and took him prisoner, but dismissedhim unharmedl (Cic. Phi'\.\2.27; l3'2; Diod' aA.tO;Liv. Per.85; VeIl. 2'25.2;PIut. Sull,.28.r-3;Sert.6'l-2; Pomp' 7.3; App. BC 1.82,and 85, and.95; Flor. 2'9.19;Dio 30-35,fu. L07'2; Eutrop. S.2.4; Iul. Exup. 7; Schol. Bob. 126 Stangl). Norbanus was defeatld near Mt. Tifatal and retreated to Capua where he maintained himself for a time (Sulla fr' 18 Peter; IGrH zB.lt5l, no'252;Liv' Per. 85; Yell. 2.25.2;Plut. Sull. 27.5; 28.?; Sert. 6.r ; App' BC L'8486; X'lor. 2.9.19;Eutrop. 5.7.4; Iul. Exup. 7; Oros. 5.20'2). Praetors P. ? Bunnrnxus (nE 3.LO7O) P".Urbanus Cic.Quinct.25and 30 and 69.
Quaestors M. (Purrus) Prso (Crf,,runNreNusX'nucr) (*2.100) Cos. 61, py.72? -Assigned to serve under the consul scipio, but refused to do so (Cic. Verr. 2.1.37).SeeD.-G. 2.69,no. 15. Promagisftates Q. C.o.rcrr,rusMrrsr,r,us Prus (98) Cos. g0, pr. g9 Proconsul (App. .BC t.S0-Sl). With Sulla in Campania (App. BC 1.80,and 81, and 84-86; Dio 80-85, fr. 106). 1,.Connnr,rus Sur,ra (X'nr,rx) pat. (g92) Cos. 88, 80, pr. gB Proconsul (App. ,BC f.S0-Sr) and fmperator liIL't2.2.720, and, :1u28).fnvading Italy, he drew possible support away from his opponcnts-by accepting the registration of tr"* öiti"etts as it stood, defeated N.rbanus, won over S"ipig" army to himself, and rallied many other lrrrr,ders to him (Plut, Bull. 27.1- 29.2, pomp.6.f_g.B; Sert. 6.t_2; (truss.9:2-3. App. BC f.79-86; cf. Sulla fr. t8 peter; ILS 2Et, and, 11240; Cic. Brut.227; Leg. Man.8; Font.6; phil,.t2.2:t; tZ.2; FGrH ! li.ll5l, no.252;Liv. Per.85, and 86; Vell. 2.25.t_4;Val.Max. b.2.9; l,'lor.2.9.18-20; Obseq.52; Eutrop. 5.7.4; ful. Exup. 7; Oros.b.20.t_2).
(S2) Pr' 85 or 84 Fenrus Heunterus C. -'p""prr"t"r 5.20.3; cf. Ps.-Ascon.24l stangl). see (öror. in Africa 84, and 82, Promagistrates. IuNrus Sr,enus (170) Pt' 77 M."!\,"a,probablyasaProquaestor,^lrnderL.LiciniusMurenain onLiciniusMurena' asia,tf. a'.Frienetit,line 40,cfl p' 311)'Seebelow' L. - Lrcrllrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos' 74, Pr' 78 g4, g5, and Promagistrates). in Asia (cic. Acad,.2.2; cf.. rffiu"rtor L. LrcrNrus Munnna (I22) Pr' -prop"*etor Invaded Pontic territory both in t5). in asia (cic. lilur. with Mithrilut"_r, but was agreement g3 anä 82 in violation of sulla,s perhaps in 81' by SuIIa ordered, ind losses, ""p"i*a in 82 with serious Memnon 36' in EGrH I12; and 6+_.66, Mi'th' (App. to ceasehostilities Acad''.2'2;Phil'; cf. Cic. Aur.-it and 15 and 32; Leg' Man' 8; Magie' Roman r1.33; ßIG" z+s,in 828.C.; I. u. Pri'enel2l,line 40f'; Rutein Asi,aMi'nor L.24g-245)'See82, and 8l' Promagistrates' 68 ? Mertr,rus (Tonquetus ?) Pat' (29, 79) Cos' 65' Pr' L. --eroqor"rtor Promagistrates)' and'.84, in Asia (see85, ca' 89 CN. Peprnrus Cenno (38) Cos' 85, 84,82' Pr' 2'1'34-40' and Proconsul in Ital.y and'Cisatpine Gaul (Cic' Verr' Picenum' he 3.t77; Ps.-Ascon. zös Stangl;' btt""tt"d by enemiesand' pub_Iic leaders came to Rome to d.eclareMeieilos and other 1'86)' BC App' 6't; forces (Phft. Pomp' 6'r-4; Sert' ;;;;th"t ? CN.Ponpnrus (Meaxus)5 (*I5) Cos' 70' 55' 52 where he Raised an army on his own responsibility in Picenur? join Sulla' overchecked the Proöonsul Carbo, then proceeded to him a Marian officers on thJway, and recejveu,tt* ;;;;;.""eral Leg' Cic' cf' 6'4; salutalion as Imperator (Plut' Pomp' 6_8; Crass' 22'2;Diod" Afr' Man.28 and 61; Batb.b; Phil" 5'4a; Auct' Bett' Plut' Apophth' 38.9-10; Liv. Per. as; Veil. 2.2g't-2; Val' Max' 5'2'9; 36'25'1)' 107'l; fr' io*p. l; Comp.Pomp. and,Ages' 1'I; Dio 30-35' C. Ver,nmus X'r,eocus Pat' (168) Cos' 93 ProconsulinTransalpineGaul(Öic.Qui,nct.24und28,'imperator; Promagistrates' cL.Ilacc.63 and f00; Cäes' BG L'47'4)' See 84--81' C. Vnnnns (*6.2471) Pr.74 Consul PaPirius Continued, now probably Proquaestor, under the (Cic. 2.1.34-40, and Verr. for Sulla in Gaul, and then desert'edhim 3.1?7;Ps.-Ascon.208 Stangl)'
83 B.C.-82 B.C.
Legates, Lieutenants C. Clnnrnes (l) Pr. 82 A leader of the Marians against Pompey (PIut. Pornp. T.l-2). ? T. Cr,urr,rus6 (5) A leader of the Marians against Pompey (Plut. Pomp. 7.1-2). ? Cn. ConNulrus Dor,esnr,r,a Pat. (134) Cos.8I Held command of a fleet under Sulla (Plut. Comp. Lys. an'il Sulla 2.4). L. fuxrus Bnurus Derrasrppus (58) Pr. 82 A leader of the Marians against Pompey (Pfut. Pomp. 7.1-2; cf.. Diod.38.9). M. Lronrrus CnessusDwns (68) Cos.70, 55, Pr.73? No title preserved. Sent by Sulla to recruit forces a,mongthe Marsi (Plut. Crass. 6.2-3). M. Tnnnnrrus VaRRo Lucur,r,us (Licinius 109) Cos. 73, Pr. 76 Legate (Ptut. Sull.27.7), or Quaestor (Plut. Lttc.}7.Il. See 82, Legates. 1 It is reportod that Scipio attempted. a treacherous rising against Sulla (App. BC 1.95; cf. Plut. Porrup.7.3). He was later proscribed but escaped to Massilia (Oros. 5.21.3; cf. Cic. gest.7 ; Att.9.15.2; Schol'.Bob, 126 Stangl). 2 OnTifata, cf. also ILS 25I, and 3240. 3 On the identity of Oarbo, seo 90, Tribunos of the Plobs, and noüe 8. Velleius calls him a brother of tho Consul of 82, but the Consul's brother was killed at Volaterrae in 81 (Gran. Lic. 39B; Val. Max. 9.7.3). a The absence of ooins naming these Aediles from hoards buried abouü 86 suggosts a terminus post quem, while the aedileship of Pomponius in 82 appears to provide a terminus ante quem. If the emblems on öheir coins refer to distributions of grain under Cinna they should be dated before 84. Sydenham (lxii) dates them ca. 85. 5 Pompey's position was technically illegaf since he apparently raised a private army, but Sulla soon gave him an independent command (see 81-80, Promagistrates). 6 D.*G. (2.545) suggest the readingCoolius forCloelius and identify him as the Consul of 94.
82 B.C.
A.U.C. 672
Consuls (i. Menrus C. f. C. n. (15) (lN. Peprnrus Clr. f. C. n. Cenno (38) Cos.85, 84, Pr.89? Cic.Leg.Agr.3.6-7 and II ; Phi,l.8.7; t3.l ; Iast. Cap.,Degrassi54f., 6 llroughton
130,484f.; Val. Max. 7.6.4;VelI. 2.26.1,and 27.1;Plin' N// 7'158and 106; App. BC 1.87, and 98; Eutrop. 5.8; Chr.354 (Gratilliano et Carbo iItl; fau. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Augustin. CD 3.28; Cassiod';and on Carbo,Val. Max. 7.6.4; 9'7.3, and 13.2. Marius, elected Consul at the age of 26, was routed by Sulla at sacriportus, and besieged for a long time in Praeneste, where, after attempts to relieve him proved unsuccessful, he met his death while Amer.90; SalI.Hi,st.1.35,and 36 M; Diod' (Cic.-Eosc. trying to esca,pe Zi .ZO-.1 ; 38.l2-l 5 ; Jacoby, IGr H 2B. I l5 l, no. 252; Liv. P er. 86-88 ; fr' 16 Strabo 5.3.11,239c; Vell. 2.26-27; Val' Max. 6.8.2;X'enestella 28.4-29'8; 32'L; Sul'l'. 46.5-6; Mar. Pltfi. Peter; Plin. -ltfl 33.16; 30-35, Dio 2.9.21-25; X'lor. 1.87-94; BC App. Bert.6.I; Brut.29.4; fr. 108.1-2;Eutrop. 5.8.1; Auct.Vi,r. Ill'.68; 75.8-9; Iul' Exup' 5, and 8; Ampel. 42.2; Orcs.5.20'6,and 2f .8-10). Carbo, w]ren Picenum by Metellus and Pompey, turned to face Sulla in Etruria, but met reverses here too. I{e failed to relieve his Legate Carrinas in Spoletium, lost, Cisalpine Gaul, and was unable to relieve Marius at Praeneste; so he deserted his army and. took refuge in Africa (SalI.,t/isl. 1.38 M; Liv. Per.88; Val' Max' 6.2.10;Plin. ,l[ä 8.221;Plttt. Bul,l.28.8;29.4; Pomp. 7.3;8'4-6; Bert' 6.1; cf. 22.3; Brut.29.4; App. BC I.87-93; Flor. 2'9.2t; Eutrop' 5.8.2; Auct. Vi,r.Itt' 75.8; IuI. Exup.5, and 8; Ampel' 42; Augus-tin' CD 3.28; Oros. 5.20.5 and 7, and 21.3). He t'hen moved to join Perperna in Sicily, but was captured and put, to deathl by P-ompey (Cic' -Iam.9.21.3; Att.9.I4.2; SaJl.,4dCaes.1.4;Hi'st.l'52 M; Liv. Per.89; Val. Max. 5.3.5; 6.2.8; 9.13.2;Lucan 2.548,and Schol.Bern' p' 83U; PIut. Pomp. l0.l-4; App. ßC 1.96; X'lor. 2.9.26; Eutrop' 5'8'2, and' 9.I: Oros.5.21.1I, and 24.16;Bchol'.Gron. 320 Stangl)' Dictator L. ConNnr,rusL. f. C. n. Sur,r,e Fnr,rxz Pat. (392) Cos. 88, 80, Pr. 93 and 2508; OGIS a40; Fast. Cap., Degrassi 54f', CIL 12.2.720-724, 130, 484f. IIe was elected by the centuriate assembly, under the presidency of an Interrex, as Dictator to write the laws and reconstitute ihe state-(Cic.Att. 9.15.2;Iast. Cap.; Plut. Sul'\. 33.1; App. BC l'3, and g8-gg). His past acts as Consul and Proconsul were ratified, and he received full power for present and future measures (cic. .Bosc. Amer.126; Verr. 2.3.82;Leg.Agr.3.5; Leg. 1.42;Plut'.Sul'l' 33; App' BC l.{)S-100; cf. Cic. Qui'nct.76; Dom. 43; Har. Resp. 54; Phil" 5'I7 and 44; Att.; Iin. 3.75; Sall. ,t1isl.r.55M; Dion. Hal. 5.77.4-5;
Liv. Per. 89; Vell. 2.28.2; Val. Max. 5.2.9; Ascon. 3l-32C; Senec. Cl,ement.l.l2.I-2). Seebelow, Promagistrates;and, for his legislation, 81, Dictator, Master of Horse L. Vs,nnrus L. f. L. n. X'r,Ecous Pat. Iast. Cap., Degrassi54f., 130, 484f.
(*54, *59, tZ6)
Cos. 100
Praetors Q. ANroxrus Ber,nus (41) Sardinia Issued.coins in Rome (Grueber, CHRBM f.g44f.; cf. Val. Max. 7.6.4). Driven from Sardinia by Sulla's Legate, Marcius philippus, and killed (Liv. Per. 86). C. C.s.RnrNas(l) Praetor (Oros. 5.21.f0) under the command of Papirius Carbo (App. BC 1.87).IIe was defeated by Metellus on the Aesis in Umbria, u,oaät Spoletium !f Pomnef and Licinius Crassus, then, escaping from Spoletium, he joined Papirius Carbo in Etruria, and when thö btter fled to Africa led his army to join the samnites, and was put to death at Sulla's command after the battle at the Colline GaCe (App. BC f .87-93; Eutrop. 5.8.1; Oros. 5.20.8and g, and 2f .10). L. funros Bnurus Demlsrppuss (58) Pr. Urbanus Liv. Per. 86; Vell. 2.26.2; Val. Max. 9.2.8; App. -BC 1.88; Oros. 5.20.4. At the bidding of the Consul Marius, he executed Mucius Scaevola the Pontifex Maximus, Carbo Arvina, L. Domitius, p. Antistius, and other opposingleaders (Cic. Fam. g.2l.2; Rosc.Amer. gO; SalI.Cat.5t.32 and 34; Hist. t.77.7M;Liv. Per.86; Velt. 2.26.2;yal. Max. 9.2.3; PIut. Pomp.9.2-3; App. BC 1.88; Oros. 5.20.4;on Scaevola, see Pontifices). He joined Papirius Carbo in Etruria, aided tttempts to relieve Marius in Praeneste, and was killed at sulla's command after the battle at the Colline Gate (Sall. Cat. 5t; App. BC 1.92,cf. 95; Dio 30-35, fr. 109.4). ? M,s.crus (see8) Two sons of Minatus Magius of Aeclanum attained the praetorship before8f (Vell. 2.r6.3). M. Pnnpnnna (Vanro)a (6) Sicily The Marian governor of Sicily, whom Papirius Carbo attempted to join after his flight to Africa. When driven out by Pompey he fled to lJrrrtoriusin Spain (Diod. 38.14;Val. Max. 6.2.8; Plut. Pomp.l0.l-2;
on Carbo; and Promagiscf. Liv. Per.89;App. BC 1'96;seeConsuls' trates, on PomPeY)' Aediles, Curule P. Funrus Cnlssrpns Pat' (57, cf' 53) ?' -Gro"Uu", ' nMW 608; and Sydenham CLRBM I.332; cf' I\{ommse-n 82 becauseof occurrence of and 87 To be drtJ bet*een kii-;.-8t: his coins in the Mont'e Codruzzo hoard' Aediles of the Plebs M. PouPoNrus (*18) PIin..l[.F/7.158;cf. Quintil' Inst'Or' 6'3'75' Tribunes of the Plebs ? Q. Ver,Pnrus SoRANUs (*50) t'277)' who revealed' the A Tribune of tne-pfet" iS"*' Ail' Aen' his offence by delt_h (serv.; expiated secret name of Rome, and ston L'4; cf' Plin"ltf/ 28'18; lifi* lfA 3.65; Plut- -Bom.Qunw,tr; Sotitt' 4'73|.l'Cichorius..identifieshim Macrob. Baü.3.9.3 ""ä s; iyd" Mens'' (Cic' De-Or' 3'43; scholar*fto* Pompey put to death in Sicily ;h;h" 4l [1906] 59; Niccolini' Phft,. Pornp. l0.a; see Ciönö"i"s Hermes ETP +30f..). Interrex *59' 176) Cos' 100 L. Ver,smos Fr,accus Pat' (*54, r25; App' BC 1'98; cf' Cic.Att. 9.15.2;irg. eg'' 3'i; Rosc'Amer' 3r4 St'angl' praet'or' See Cic. Leg. r'az; Illtt,.'SiUi sg't;'Schol' Gron' above, Dictator. Promagistrates (98) Cos' 80' Pr' 89 Q. Cltorr,rus MrnEr,LUsPrus "t' ptot' Butt" 27'8)' Along with r'so-ar; Proconsul 1epp. ää Picenum' then by a victory fo-p"y, MetLU"s Jefeated' Carrinas in Cisalpine-$3u] for Sulla over Norbanus and Carbo at X'aventia won Oros' (Vell.2.28.l; epp.,AC iSz-ss, and' 9I-92; Plut' Szll' 28'8; ä.zo.oand.7; "i'bru P.2.733; Cic' cluent' 24)' P"' - -, L. ConNpr,rusLnlttur,usb Pat' (194' 195) probably in Asia' Cf' &u0i"otco6)' (5rc;-;45:;a"tl1t'e 'Soiau" Proconsul on Alexander Bernh" 1'203a BCH lI (I88?) lrz, "o'is; Polyhistor.
L. Conwnr,rus Sur,r,aFnr,rx Pat. (392) Cos.88, 80, Pr. 93 Proconsul (SIG} 7451'App. BC f .80-8f ). Successfulagainst,Marius the Consul at Sacriportus, Sulla besieged him in Praeneste, seized Rome, defeated Papirius Carbo in Etruria, repulsed several attempts to relieve Praeneste, and finally ended the chief resistanceby winning the desperate battle with the Samnites at the Colline Gate, and then turned to the massacreand proscription of his opponents (Plut. Sall. 28.42-32.2; App. BC t.87-97; on Sacriportus, Diod. 38.15; Liv. Per. 87; X'lor. 2.9.23;Eutrop. 5.8.1; Auct . Vi'r. Ill. 75.8; Oros.5.20.6; on Praeneste and the Colline Gale, CIL 12,PP. 2I5, 220, Sulla's Ludi; Sall. flrisü.f .3$*42M; Liv. Per.88; Vell. 2.27.1-6; Val. Max.l.2.3; 6.2.8;Ascon.88, and 93C; X'rontin.Slr. l.ll.ll;2.9.3;Pltfi. Crass.6; Flor. 2.9.23-24;Dio 30-35, fr. 108;Eutrop. 5.8.1;Auct. Vir. Il'l'.75.8; Oros. 5.20.9; on the m&ssace and proscriptionso,Cic. -Bosc.Amer. 6, 89, 125,f 36-137;Quinct.76; Cl,uent.l5l; Verr.2.l.38 and 123; 2.3. 8f ; Leg. Agr.2.56; Li,g.12; Phi,l,.14.23;Att.7.7.7;9.7c.1,and 10.3,and. tl.3; Off. L.43; 2.27; Q. Cic. Comm.Pet.IO; Sall. Cat. 37.G9; 5r.32-34; Hist. 1.43_.45,and 47.5L,and 55.6 and l6-l9M; Diod.38.19; Liv. Per.88; Dion. Hal. 5.77; 8.80.2; Vell. 2.22.5,and' 28.2-4; Val. Max. 3.f.2b ; 6.2.8; 7.3.6; 9.2.I; Ascon.73, and 90C; Senec.Benef.5.16.3; Clement. 1.12.2; Proa. 3.7-8; Ira 3.18; Lucan 2.173-lgl, and' Sch'ol'. Bern. qd,Zoc.;Quintil. Inst. Or. ll.L.85; Suet. -Izl. I.2-3; PIut. Crass. 2.3; 6.7; Comp. Lysand,.anil' Sull. 3; Comp. Ni,c. anil' Crass. l; Cat. Min. 3.3-4;17.4-5; Caes.l; Flor. 2.9.24-28,and lt.3; Dio 3G*35, Oros. 5.21. fr. 109.1-21; 43.43.4;Obseq.57; Auct. Vi'r. 11,1.75.9-10; l-10; Augustin. CD 3.23-29).Seeabove,Dictator; and below, Legates. Cw. Dorrrrrus AHENoBAßBUs? (22) No title preserved. He Africa, and assembleda force of Marians there (Plut. Pomp. 10.1; lr.l; cf. Cic. Leg. Man.30; Liv. Per.89; Eutrop. 5.9.1; Oros. 5.24.16; Schol. Bob. 738, and' Sahol'. Gron. 320 Stangl). See below, on X'abius Hadrianus; and 81, Promagistrates. C. X'enrus Hennrercus (82) Pr. 85 or 84 Propraetor in Africa (see 83, Promagistrates). He was burned to death in his own praetorium during an uprising in Utica (Cic. Verr. 2.1.70,and 5.94; Diod. 38.4; Liv. Per. 86; Val. Max. 9.10.2; Oros. 5.20.3; Ps.-Ascon.24f Stangl). M. Iunrus Srr,ervus (170) Pr.77 See84, Quaestors;and 83, Promagistrates. [,. LrcrNrus Luour,r,us (f04) Cos.74, Pr. 78 Proquaestorin Asia (BIGg7a5; see 86-80, Promagistrates).
L. LrorNrus MunnNe (122) Pr. Propraetor in Asia (Cic. Mur. 15, ey praetura; see-84, Promagistratesi, and Imperatot (IG 5.1.1454; BIGI 745; Cic' Mur' 12)' See 83, Promagistrates, on his invasions of Pontus. L. MÄxr,rus (Tonquerus ?) Pat. (29, 79) Cos. 65, P1 0! I Proquaestor under sulla (see 84-81, Promagistrates). Took part in the baitle at the Colline Gate (Piut. Sull.29.a). CN. Poupnrus Mecxus (*15) Cos.70, 55,52 Propraetor (see 83, Promagistrates; cf. Phft. Apophth' P-omp' 2; 5u1,. ie.e;and in 81, Gran. Lic. 398). Servedwith Metellusin Picenum and Umbria, and with Sulla in Etruria (Plut" Pomp' 8'4-6; App' BC 1.g8-92; oros. 5.20.5 and 7). sulla then sent him against,Perperna in Sicily, where he drove Perperna out, captured and put to äeath the Consul Papirius Carbo, and reorganized the island (Plut. Pornp.l0.l-1l.1; App. BC L.96;cf. Cic. Verr.2'2'Il0 and I13;and 3.42-and,45;Leg. M;;.30 and 6L; Bett. Afr. 22'2; Diod' 38'20; Val' Max. 5.3.5; 6.2.-3;9.r3.2; Plin. NH 7.96;PItft. Apophth' Pomp' 2-3; Praec. Rei Pub. Ger. I9.L2; Auct. Vi,r. 111.77.1).See above, Consuls, on Papirius Carbo. C. NonsANus (5) Cos.83, Pr. 88 or 87 Probably a Proconsul. Ile was routed by Metellus at Faventia in Cisalpine baul, and thereafter escapedthe treachery of Albinovanus (see Legates), and made his way to B'hodes, where he sommitted suicide[app. .AC 1.91,and 94, and 96; Oros.5.20.7,and 2l'8; cf' Liv' Per.89; VeIl. 2.28.r). Q. Snnromus (3) Pr. 83 Retired to Spain where he found popularity and support (Sall. Hi,st. 1.94M; PIut. Sert.6.3-5; see 83, Praetors)' M. Tnnrlquus VaERo Lucr,'r,r,us (Licinius r09) Cos' 73, Pr' 76 Propraetor in Cispadane Gaul (CIL 12.2'719,perhaps Sl B'C'; cI. Zö1. Won a victory over Papirius Carbo's Legate Quinctius at Fidentia (Liv. Per.88; Vell. 2.28.1;PIut' Bul'l' 27'7-8; App' BC r'92' at Placentia;Oros.5.20.3). *58, 168) Cos' 93 C. Vlr,rnrus X'r,lccus Pat. (*55, Proconsul in Transalpine Gaul (see 84-81, Promagistrates)' C. Vrnnns (*6.2471) P r.74 probably uiitt u Proquaestor (Cic. Ve*. 2.I.34-40; see 83-81, Promagistrates).
ll2 B.C.
Tribunes of the Soldiers L. Var,nnrus Fr,eccus Pat. (*69, 179) Pr. 63 Served in 82 or 81 under his uncle C. Valerius X'laccus in Transalpine Gaul (Cic.Flncc.63 and 101). Legates, Lieutenants ? (M. or Mau.) Anmrr,rus Lnprpus Pat. (72 or 80) Cos.78 or 77 No title preserved. The officer who captured Norba in late 82 or early 8l (App. BC 1.9a). ? P. Ar,srNovi.Nuss (2) No title preserved. An officer under Norbanus who treacherously murdered other officers of Norbanus and Papirius Carbo at a banquet and surrenderedAriminum to Metellus (App. J?C l.9l; Ps.-Ascon.234 Stangl). Seebelow, Pontifices. ? C. (Conr,rus)Awrrrernn (6) No title preserved. An officer under Norbanus who was murdered by Albinovanus (App. BC l.9l: roüq ouvr5vea6aücQ [Norbanus] orpocu;1oüq). Seebelow, on Fimbria. CN. ConNnr,rusDor,Lenr,LA Pat. (134) Cos. 8l His title or titles not preserved. He held command of a fleet under Sulla (Plut. Comp. Lgsand. and, Sull,. 2.4), and served at Sacriportus and at the Colline Gate (Plut. 5u1,1^28.4;29.4). ? Fr,evrus Frprnnra (86) No title preserved. An officer under Norbanus who was murdered by Albinovanus (App.BC l.9l). See above, on Antipater. M. Lrcrxrus Cnessus Dwnse (68) Cos. 70, 55, Pr. 73 Probably a Legate und"er Sulla (cf. Pht,. Sull^ 30.I). Along with Pompey, CrassusbesiegedCarrinas at Spoletium (App. BC 1.90),and himself captured. Tuder, appropriating much of the booty (Plut. Crass.6.5).He took an important part in the battle at the Colline Gate (PluL.Crass.6.6; Sull.29.5-30.I; cf. App. BC I.gB).He gaineda bad rcputation for the property he acquired during the proscriptions (Plut. Crass.2.3-6; cf. Cic. Verr.2.3.8I; Leg.Agr.2.57; Sall. f/dsü. 1.55.18;a.1M). (i. Mancrus (CnnsonrNus) (43) Probably a Legate under Papirius Carbo (App. BC f.90). When rlcfeated by Pompey at Sena and in Etruria, and deserted by Papirius Ou,rbo,he joined the Samnites and was killed at the Coiline Gate (App. BC 1.88,and 90, and 92-93).
L. --ÄMencrus Pnrr,rPPus (75) Cos. 9l 86)' iugrt" under Sulla, for whom he recoveredSardinia (Liv. Per. ? Qurr*cnrus (not in *RE) Äobably a Lägate under Papirius Carbo' Defeated by M'Lrrcullus at Fidentiä (Oros-.5'20.8; seePromagistrates,on M' Lucullus)' L. - Snnorus Cerrr,rxl Pat. (23) Pr' 68 protngüu under SuIIa (Satl' Hdst' L'46M)' In the-w"" ?:9 the brother, wife's his brother, his of death scripf,ions he secured ihe and enMaiius Gratidianus, and his sister's husband, Q. Caecilius, 1.44M; .I/t]sü. Sall. 9-|0; Pet. Cgmm. (Q. Cic. riched himse]f greatly Bern' Bchol' l0'2; Cic' 32'2; ßutt" Plut' tia'S.tS.t; . Ar.orr. 90C; Seiec wealth' his on Lucan 2.L73,pp.61-62U; cf. Val' Max' 9'2'1; and on 5r'34)' He wasProbably' Q. Cic. Comm.Pä.-S; Sall.Coü.5.2;21'4;35'3; tüe Legate who carried the heads of the Marian leaders to Praeneste (SaIl. .Flisl.1.44M; App. BC 1.93; Oros' 5'21'8)' (M.) Snnvrr,rus (C. f.)10 (4, fg) Seebelow, on Servilius Isauricus' (P.) Snnvrr,rus (VÄTra Islunrcus)1l (4, 93) Cos' 79' Pr'-90 ' he won Probably a Legate under sulla, when with another servilius 28.8, otpoctrlydq). an engagementnear Clusium (Vell. 2.28.1;Plut. Bull. A. Tonnxrrus VaRRo (82) 7a5; ILB Served"as a Legate o"a"" Licinius Murena in Asia (SIG} cI' CIL 1698; no' 4'1, 5773;IGRP 1.84g_-IG 12.8-260;I' d'eDöl'os and prosecuted, twice Asia, 12.2.i3g).He was accusedof extortion in 24' and C-aec' i'nDi'u' (Cic' patron finally acquitted with llortensius as 349 Gron' Schol' and l'17, Ps.-Asconl 193, and 213 Stangl; Verr' 2'l'49)' Sat' Hor' on 47; Ps'-Acro Stangl; cL.Verr.l.35 and 40 anä Prefects (Ocrevrus)Ber,nus (43) the Commanded "n adärä" guard of cavalry under Sulla before 29'3)' battle at the Colline Gate (Plut. Bul'l' ? Q. Lucnnnrus Ornr,r,a (25) Sulla S-ervedunder Sulla (App. -fiC f .SS;. A former Marian, whom Ball' Plut' 88; (Liv' Per' Praeneste of iiäge thL of charge placed in vi'r' A.uct' äo.a; app. BC, and dg-ga; Dio 30-35, fr' 108'1; perhaps and 2.9.3 ; ra. os.+lbros. 5.21.ti; cf. vell. 2.27.6; Frontin. Btr. 1.46M). Sall.I/iar.
82 B.C.
Triumviri Capitales? Vnltur,nrusl2 (*2) Killed in the proscriptions (Oros. 5.2L7; cf. X'lor. 2.8.26). Pontifices ?-82: Q. Mucrus Solnvor,a (22) Cos.95,Pr.98, Pont. Max. ca. 89 Killed by Damasippus (seePraetors) at the command of the Consul Marius (Cic. -Rosc.Amer. 33; De Or. 3.10; Brut. 3ll; ND 3.80; Att. 9.15.2;Diod.37.29.5;38.17;Liv. Per.86; Vell. 2.26.2;Lucan 2.126129; App. BC 1.88; X'lor. 2.9.21; Oros. 5.20.4;Augustin. CD 3.28). Successor:see 81, Pontifices. r Although Miturzer (B-4) is inclined to date the death of Papirius Carbo early in 81, f think it probable that he was put to death before the end of 82. Valerius Maximus twico refors to his death in his third consulship (6.2.8; 9.13.2), and Eaet, Cap. probably contained a similar notice (see Degrassi 54f., 130), while Appian placos the death ofboth Consuls beforo the appointment ofan fnterrox and Sulla's assurnption of tho dictatorship (BC 1.98). This event is listed inFast. Cap.betweon tho Consuls of 82 and 81. Pompey, who captured Carbo at Cossyra and put hirn to death at Lilybaeum, was probably sent to Sicily before the battle at the Colline Gate and the capturo of Praenesto (See Promagistrates, on Pompey; and note 2). 2 The exact, dato of the beginning of Sulla's dictatorship is not stated in our sollrcos, but must, be later than the battle at the Colline Gate on November 1 (Vell. 2.27.1). Both Consuls died in office (Val. Max. 6.2.8; 9.13.2) beforo tho appointment of the fnterrex and Sulla's election (App. BC 1.98). Massacres and the proscription had begr-rnimmediately after November 1 before the death of the Consuls (Oros. 5,20,9). The date must therefore be placed at an interval, probably a short interval, after Novomber 1 and beforo the end of the year. This inference finds support in the analogy which Cicero finds (Att. 9.15.2) between the position of Caesar in 49 and that of Sulla in 82. Lange (3.153f.) holds that the regular continuanco of the tribunate of tho plebs is an indication that Su-lla becamo Dictator and carried some of his legislation bofore the Tribunes of 8l entered office on December 10, Possibly so, but I doubt ifthis is decisive evitlence, since t}r.e leges sanratae protected tho tribunate from intermption. Seo Carcopino, Syl,l,a 47. 3 On the identification of Damasippus, see RE, and. Ps.-Acro ar'd Com,m,, Cruq, on llorace, Sat,2.3,16ff . a Perperna is expressly terrned a man of praetorian rank when he is with Sertorius in Spain (Vell. 2.30.1; Val. Max. 6.2.8; cf. Diod.37.22a). 5 On the identification of Lentulus, seo RE. Mommsen (SPAW 1892. 845) rlistinguished him from the Praetor named in Cic. Arch. I (after 89 B.C.) and tloubted that he should be dated in this period, but Mürrzer (ÄZ) and the editors of SIGB have identified the first name on the inscrirrtion as that of Sulla. The rlrr,to is about 82 8.C., since Sulla is not termed Diclator and Murena has been urclaimed Imperator (see below). 0 Some of the events referred to in these passages took place in 81 and some in
82B.C.- 81B'C'
assigned to any 80, but the procoss began in 82, and -?-rr{ 9! thom cannot be (Cic. Rosc' Arner' 1' 81 on June officially ended prosäriptions The rfä"iri" year'. have gathered iZg), Uo[ even theri the reign of torror was by no means finished. I the reforonoes hero for ühe sako of convenience' ? Ae tho Marians continued to hold Africa after the death of Fabius lladrianus Domitius and carbo oscaped there before going to sicily,_it is proba-blo that proscribed were the lists of the in before 82 in AfriJa wäs abeady Ähonobarbus published. s For the praenomon, see App. BC l'60. P-ossibly the-P'-elbin91a1;rs who was ponüifox ntinor from ueforJds to 57 or after (Macrob. sot. 3.13.11; Clc' Har' a L2). See L. R. Taylor, AJ Ph 63 (1942) 385ff' -Reep. -i'lppi"t calls both"Cra"sus and Pompey !r!11c[ otpac4yoi. (BC 1.90), and may possibly, though nol probablY.(see Plut' Pom'p' 10'4-5)' havo been f"trpä| the right " f,"!at" .,rrriifft" was sont tä Siclt5" Crassus' position as commandor of Legate' a was he ühat suggests Gate wing"in the battle at tho Colline . 10"Theidentification of the two Servilii remains uncertain, as only tho nomen is given in our soutces for the year 82. 11 Seo note 10. 12Probably a Triumvir capitalis, since none of tho coins of this period bear his name.
st B.C.
A.U.C. 673
Consuls (34) Pr' by 84 M. Tur,r,rus M. f. A. n. Dncutl' Clr. ConNnr,rusClv. f. CN. n. Dor,elnr'r'a Pat' (134) Pr' by 84 Cic. Leg. Agr. 2.35; Fast- Cagt.,Degrassi 54f', 130' 484f' (Tullius' turo" uttL";bn. Ct------l); App. BC l'I00; GeIl' 15'28'3;Chr' 354 (Decola et fohbeilä); Fasi. U[a. lniecula et Dolabella); Chr. Pasc. xoti.Ao).ap6IIo() ( Oouoxoü).ou ; Cassiod. Dictator L. Connor,rus L. f. P. n. Sur,r,e Fnr'rx Pat' (392) Cos' 88' 80' Pr. 93 OGIS 441;Act. Tr., Degrassi 84f., 563; see 82, Dictator' Within this year Sula ölebrated his triumph_over Mi{yidates (Cic. 34; Leg.Man. 8; Äd. Tr.;Yal'. Max. 2.8.7;Plin' 'l[f/ 33'16;Phfi' Sul'1" Inscr' 2'461f '; CRHBM App. AC 1.10r; Eutrop. 5.9; cf. Grueber, ti"i. tS.SJ}_.CILtz.L,p. tOO;,and probably carried.through the major portion of his administrative and constitutional reforms: l. The adäition, of 300 persons from the knights to the depleted Senate (Sall. Cat.37.B; l)ioi.'5-77.4;App.BC r.r00;Liv' Per' 89; cf' Ilill' cQ 261r0:lr1 l70ff.), and the requirement of admittance to the senate
8l B.C.
through the quaestorship(Tac. Ann. 11.22);2. Increaseof the number of Quaestorsto 20 (Tac. Ann. 11.22;CIL 12.2.587), and of the Praetors to eight (Vell. 2.89.3;Dio 42.51.3;53.32.2;Pomponiusin Di,g.; cf. Cic. ND 3.74; Cl,uent.147; and seeMommsen, rSlr. 2.20ö-202,and 527f..; see below, on the courts) ; 3. The order, interval, and probablo age limits for the quaestorship, praetorship, and consulship, with provision against repetition of the consulship within ten years (Cic. Phil,. rl.rl; App.BC r.100-l0l; cf. Cic. Leg. Man.62; Leg. Z.9; Phil. 5.47; Caes.BC 1.32; Liv. 7.42.2; f0.13.8; see Mommsen,rSür. L.567-572); 4. The tribunician veto was limited, the right to initiate legislation removed, and also the right to hold further office (Cic. Leg. 3.22; Verr. 2.1.155,cf. 2.1.122;Cluent.I10; Caes.BC 1.5, and Z.B; Sall. f/dsü.3.48.8and 12M; Dion. Hal. 5.77.4;Vell. 2.30.4;Ascon.G7, 78, 8lC; PIat. Caes.4.2; Suet. Iul,. 5; App. BC 1.100; 2.29; Liv. P e r . 8 9 ; A t c t . V i , r .I l l , . 7 5 . n ; c f . C i c . V e m . 2 . l . I 2 2 ; ? u 1 , 1 . 3 8P; s . Ascon. 255 Stangl); 5. Various laws relatingto maiestas,in particular those intended to restrain provincial governors (Cic. Pds. 50; Iam. 3.6.3 and 6, and 10.6, and lI.2; Ascon. 59, 60, 62C; cf.. Auct. Ail, Herenn.2.l7; Cic. Cl,uent.97and 9S; QX 3.2.3;Iam. 1.9.25;Plut. I:uc. 35.9; and see 55, Promagistrates, on Gabinius) ; 6. The reform of the courts, which included the establishment of seven standing qunestionesand the restoration of the juries to the senators (Cic. Vem. 1.37 and 47-49;2.2.77; Cl,uent.55;Vell. 2.32.3;Tac. Ann. 11.22; Ps.-Ascon.189, 2I8, and 221 Stangl; Bchol,.Gron.326 Stangl; Dag.;on the q. de repetundis, see Cic. Rab. Post.9 and l1; Cl,uent. I04; de sicariis et veneficis, Cic. Cluent. 147-148and l5l-157; Insti,t. 4.4.8,and 18.5-6; Di,g. a8J.l, and 8.1-17; Paul. 9ent.5.23, IIRA 2.408-410;C. Theoil.9.l4; Coil.9.16; de falsis, Cic. Verr.2.r.108; ND 3.74; Saet. Aug.33; Ps.-Ascon.248 Stangl; Instit.4.18.7; Di,g. 48.1.1,and 10.1-33;Paul. Sent.5.25,IIRA 2.410-412;C. Theod,.9.t91' Cod,.9.22;de peculatu,Cic. -l[D 3.74; Mur.42; cf. Cluent. I47; Verr. l. 39; 2.LLI I ; 2.2.83; de ambitu, Cic. Cluent. 147; Bchol,.Bob. 78 Stangl); 7. Increase of collegesof pontiffs and augurs to l5 members each, and restoration of the practice of co-optation (Liv. Per. 89; Dio 37.37.1; Alacl. Vi,r. Iltr. 75.II; Ps.-Ascon. 188 Stangl; cf. Cic. Leg. Agr. 2.18; Serv. .4d Aen. 6.73;Tac. Ann.6.t2); 8. Laws to regulatecoinageand sumptuary matters (Gell. 2.24.11; Macrob. Baü.3.l7.II ; cf..Phft. Sul,l,. 35.3; Comp. Lys. and,Sul,l,.3.a);9. Abolition of corn doles (Sall. I/rist. 1.55.11M; cf. Gran. Lic. a3B); 10. Laws depriving hostile towns and irrdividualsof citizenship(Cic. Caec.95and I02, cf. 18; Dom.79; Leg. 49r.2.78;3.5; cf. Sall.f/zsf. 1.55.6M;Dion. Hal. 8.80.2;Liv. Per.89; App. BC 1.100; Ps.-Ascon. f89 Stangl). On his proscriptions, see 82,
8r B.C.
l.22OI.; Promagistrates; and on his colonies, see T. Frank, ESAR "Colonia." and RE s. v. iMaster of Horse *59, 176) Cos' 100 L. Ver,nnrus L. f. L' n. Fr,eccus Pat. (*54, See 82, Master of llorse. Praetors ? MaM. Anrwrr,rusLnrrous LrweNusl Pat' (80) Cos' 77 ? M. Aprunrus tEPrDUs2 Pat'. (72) Cos' 78 See 80, Promagistrates. ? C. Clauorus P. f. Nono Pat. (247) See 80, Promagistrates. Cn. ConNu,rus Dor,aBnr,r,Ä Pat. (135) Pr' Urbanus ? Cic.Qui,nct.30; Corn. in Ascon. ?4C; see80, Promagistrates' ? L. Turrnrus (4) SalL l/dsü. L.55.22M; see 80, Promagistrates' ? Q. Lonetrus Carur,uss (8) Cos. 78 M. Mrxucrus Tnnnrvrus (64) praetor; Sent,to Asia in o soon after his praetorship (Suet' Iul" 2'l' A:urct.Vi'r. Ill'. 78.1). Snx. NoNrus SunnNes (53) celebrated the first performance of the Lud.i victoriae sullanae (C"o"U"", CRLBM 1.4i0f.; cf. Vell. 2'27'6; CIL l2'1, p' 333; Bchol" Gron.338 Stangl). ? C. Perrmus CaB,Bo (34) g0 (Gran. Lic. 398). an ex_praetor when Lesieging volaterrae in As he supported sulla he could.hardly have attained the office beforo 81. Cf. Cic.Iam'. 9.2r.3. Iudex Quaestionis M. FerNrus (15) Pr. 80 A Iudex in tüe Quaestio do sicariis before he presided over the same court as Praetor in 80 (Cic. Rosc.Am'er' lI)' Quaestors P. ConNnr,rusLnNrur,us (SuRA) Pat. (240\ Cos' 71, Pr' 75,73 Cic. Verr.2'l'37; cf. Plut' Cic.17.2; Ps'-Ascon'234 Stangl'
8l B.C.
L. X'enrus L. f. HrspEnrENsrs (84) Served under C. Annius in Spain (Grueber, CREBM 2.352-356; cf.. Sall. I/isü. 3.63M). A. Menr,rus A. f. (Tonquerus ?) Pat. (13, 76) Pr. 70 Grueber, CRRBM 2.463f..;cf. Cic. Planc. 27; and.seeRE no. ?G. C. Tanqurrrus P. f.a (l) Served under C. Annius in Spain (Grueber, CnnBM 2.356). L. (Valnnrus) Tnrenrus (*61, cf. *62) QuaestorlJrbanus (Cic. Vem. 2.1.87).See67, Legates. Promagisftates C. ANNrus T. f. T. n. (Luscus) (9) Pr. Proconsul in one (or perhaps both) Spanish provinces (Gruober, CRRBM 2.352-356), and expelled Sertorius from them (Plut. Berü.7). Seeabove, Quaestors. CN. Domrrrus A"unuoBÄBBrrs (22) Defeated and put to death by Pompey in Africa. See 82, Promagistrates, and below, on Pompey. L. Lrcnvrus Lucrrr,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proquaestor in Asia. See 86-80, Promagistrates. L. Lronvrus Munnxe (122) Pr. Propraetor in Asia (Cic. Mur. 15; see 84, and 82, Promagistrates). Returned to Rome and celebrated a triumph over Mithridates (Oic. Leg. Man.8; Mur.1l, 15, 88; Act. Tr.,Degrassi 84f., 563; Gran. Lic. 398; cf. SIGg 745). Cr.r.Pournrus MaoNus (*15) Cos. 70, 55, 52 Propraetor (Gran. Lic. 398) in Africa. In a campaign of forty days he overcame the Marians in Africa under l)omitius and Iarbas, put Domitius to death, and was saluted as Imperator (Cic. Leg. Man. 30-31 and 6t; SaIl.Ail Caes.L.4.1;Bell. Afr.22;Liv. Per.89; VaI. Max. 6.2.8;Plut. Pomp. ll.1-13.5; Apophth.Pomp.4; App. BC I.80; fi)utrop. 5.9.I; Auct. Vir. III,. 77.2; Oros. 5.21.13-14, and. 24.t6; Zonar.10.2). Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 Expelled from Spain by the Proconsul C. Annius, he won support in Africa and in 80 returned at the invitation of the Lusitanians (Sall. Ilist. I.94-103M; Plut. BerJ.7.1-Il.t; cf. X'lor. 2.L0.I-Z). O. Var,nnrus Fr,eccus Pat. (168) Cos. gB Acclaimed Imperator (see 83, Promagistrates), and celebrated a
8l B.C.
triumph ovor Celtiberia and GauI (Cic. Quinct.28; Gruebet, CRRBM 2.388:390; Gran. Lic. 398; seeDegrassi563). SeeMünzer, Gent- Val'. 42, no.26; Lübker no. 19. Legates, Envoys A. Glnrnrus (10) sent to Asia by sulla to order Murena to ceaseinvading the territory of Mithridates (App. Mi'th.66; cf. Cic. Leg. Man.8). C. Iur,rus Clrsen Pat. (l3l) Cos. 59, 48,46-44, Pr. 62 Sent byMinucius Thermus, governor of Asia (seePraetors), to King Nicomecläsof Bithynia to aid in collecting a fleet (suet. Iul. 2, cf.22.2, and 49; Dio 43.20.3;Auct' Vi'r. Il'l'.78.L). Pacou.rcus (l) sent by sulla to aid King Ascalis of Mauretania against sertorius, and.d.iedin battle against him (Plut. Bert' 9.2-3; cf. Crass.4.2).
8l B.C.-80 B.C.
r As he failed once of olecüion bofore succeeding üo the consulship of zz (cio. off. 2.58; sall' rlist. 1.86 M), this is the latest yeai possibre under tte cornolian law. 2 The latest date possible under the Cornelian law. 3 See note 2. a cichorius (-Ris 167f,) distinguishes him from c. Tarquitius priscus, who was L. f., and aLege"to of Sertorius. 5. cichorius (-E^9256) points out that this is the only instance of tho cognomen Salinator in the Julian gens, and shows that fulius is often confused *itiLi.rios in Ms t'raditions. rris view is_accepted by schulten (sertoriue 44f.). The praonomen appears on coins issued about 84 B.C. (Gruobor, CßRBM L.izL). 6 seo RZ no' 7 on his relationship to c. Memmius, pr. 5g, and candidate for the consr:Iship in 54. ? This election could hardly be hold before sulla was ostablished. in power, and consequently is placed in 81, though scaevola, his predecessor, was t
80 B.C.
A.U.C. 674
Consuls Legates, Lieutenants M. X'owrsrus (f2) Pr. 75 Legate, probably under Annius in X'arther Spain (Cic. Xont' 6 and 45). L. h,'r,rus (or Lrv"rus ?) Ser,nvlrons (453) served under sertorius in spain. Ile was defeated and killed at the passage through the Pyrenees by an officer of Annius, Calpurnius Lanarius (Sall. flzsr. 1.96M; Plut. Berü.7). M. Iurqrus (23, cf.. 25) Absent from Rome as a Legate in 8f (Cic. Qui'nct.3). The place is not indicated. C. ? Mnuurus6 (7) Placed in charge of Sicily by Pompey when he began his campaign in Africa (PIut,.PomP. If .2). Pontifices Q. Cencrr,rusMnrnr,r,us Pru$ (9S) Cos. 80, Pr. 89 SucceededQ. Mucius Scaevola as Pontifex Maximus (Ascon.79C; Pluf. Caes.7.l; Dio 37.37.L;Macrob.Baü.3.13.10-lr; cf. SaIl. Coü. 49.2).
L. Conwnr,rusL. f. P. n. Surr,e X'nr,rx pat. (Bg2) Cos. gg, pr. gB Q. Cencu,rus Q.f.L. n. Mprnr,r,usprus (98) pr. 89 SIGg 747,line 53; CIL 12.2.893;Cic. Verc. 2.t.t}0; Fast. Cap., Degrassi54f., l30,48af. (Sulla'sname entire; e. Cat----]); App.BC 1.103;Gell. 15.28.3;Chr.354(Sullaet Pio) ; Iast.Hgd,.(Sulläet Mätello Pio); Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;on Sulla, IGR? 4.9ß;Sail. Aist. 2.2tM: and on Metellus, Cic. Plnnc. Gg; Val. Max. 5.2.2. Dictator L. Connnr,rus L. f. P. n. Sur,r,l X'nr,rxl pat. (Bg2), g0,pr. gB Cic. Rosa.Amer.l3l. See82, and 81, Dictator. Master of Horse L. Ver,nnrus L. f. L. n. X'r,lccus See 82, Master of Horse.
(*b4, *5g, lZ6)
Praetors C. Clauorus Mmosr,r,ub 1Zt+; See 79, Promagistrates. M. Donrrrrus Cer,vrwus (44) Eutrop. 6.1,2, praeüor.See 29, Promagistrates.
Cos. 100
80 M. FexNrus (16) Quaestiode sicariis Cio. l?ooc.Amer. ll-12; Schol'Gron' 304 Stangl' ? D. Iumus Bsurusz (46) Cos' 77 ? C. SomnoNrusCunroa (I0) Cos' 76 Tribunes of the Plebs
C. Hnnnrxrus
regarding the He opPosed bY arrangement Sulla's consular bill PromagisSee 2.2LM)' Hist. (Sall. return of PomPeY frorn"Africa trates, on PomPeY. Quaestors (Punr,rorus) Mer,r,nor,us (*14) C. -piuawhilesewingunderCn.DolabellainCilicia(Cic.Verr.'2.L.4I_ I0;,- W,;;;
Ps.-Asäon. 234,2+4 Stangl; Bch'ol'Gron' 333' 341 Stangl)' Promagistrates
81 M. Aouu,rus Lnprous Pat' (72) Cos' 78, Pr' Ps'-Ascon' 187' 2'3'2L2; An oppressivegovernor of Sicily (Cic' Verr' and z5ö-Stangl, where he is termed Praetor)' (96 or I07) Cos' 75' Pr' bef' 89 or C.? (or M.?) Aunnlrus Corrl Cos.74 Mellaria by Propraetor (Plut. Serü. 12.3)' Defeated at sea' near Sertorius (Plut.). C. Cr,euorus Nnno Pat. (247\ Pr' 81 ProconsulofAsia(IGilP4.196).AttheinsistenceofVerres(see philodamus of Lampsamt*, Legates), he carried through the trial of 236, 242f. stangl; cus 1iic. freff.'2.t.71-76 and s3,"cf. 50; Ps.-Ascon. Schol.Gron. 345 Stangl). Conxnr,rus Dor,esnr,r,-a Pat. (134) Cos' 81, Pr' CN. "-äo"""tto", probably Proconsul, of Macedonia' See 79' a'nd 78' Promagistrates. CN. - Connnr,rusDor,aBrlr,a Pat' (135) Pr' 81 in Cilicia Prl"orrsol (Ps.-Ascon.208 Stangl ; Schol"Gron' 325 Stangl) 26' and Ascon' 2'2'lO9;2'3'L77; p'ssün; (Cia.Verr.l'It; 2.I.41-102 Bchol" Stangl; 2g4,236,240,242,245 74C; Ps.-Ascon.194,206, 2d8, Verres; on seeLegates' I05; 8' Boü' cf .Iuv. GrÄ.12s,329, 333 Sir"gi; and nbove, Quaestors,on Malleolus)' See 79, Promagistrates'
L. ? Furrorusa (4) Pr. 8I Propraetor (Plut. Berü.12.3)in X'arther Spain, where he was defeat'ed by Sertorius (Ptut. Bert. I2.3; cf. SaIl. Hi'st. I.55.22M, and I08M; Oros.5.21.3). L. Lrcrsrus Lucnr,r,us (I04) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proquaestorin Asia (CIL I2.2.7L4;IGRP 4.70L, 1I9l; see 86-8I, Promagistrates). Probably the actual captor of Mitylene (Plut- Ltrc. 4.3; see below, on Minucius Thermus). He probably returned in 80 from his service in Asia, since he was elected Aedile in absence (Cic. Acail,.2.I; see 79, Aediles). M. Mrxuorus Tsnnivrus (64) Pr. 8l Governor of Asia, under whom Mitylene was captured (Suet. -Izl. 2.1, with title Praetor; Auct. Vir. Ill,.78.l ; cf . Cic. Leg- Agr. 2.40; Liv. Per.89; see 81, Legates,on Caesar).SeeMagie, RomamRule in Asi'a M'inor I.246I.;2.1124,note 41. CN. Poulnrus MacNUs6 (*15) Cos.70, 55,52 Propraetor in Africa (Gran. Lic. 398). Completed his ordering of Africa (see 81, Promagistrates). Saluted. as Imperator by his troops, he resisted sulla's proposal that he should dismiss his army and await a successor,and demanded a triumph (Cic. Leg. Man. 6l; Sall. f/dsü. 2.2LM;Plut. Pom,p.I3.I-14.3; Apophth. Porn'p.5). Q. Sunronruso (3) Pr. 83 Returned to Spain at the request of the Lusitanians, and defeated Cotta at sea and X'ufidius on land (Sall. f/isü. I.I04t-r09M; Plut. Bert.lO.l_12.3; cf. App. ,Iö. 101; seeabove, Promagistrates,on Cotta and X'ufidius). Tribunes of the Soldiers C. (Vrsnr,r,rus) Venno (*21 Asia under C. Claudius Nero (Cic. Terr.2.l.7L). Legates, Lieutenants ? C. Perrnrus CaRBo (34) Pr. 8r ? In command of Sulla's troops besieging Volaterrae when killed in a mutiny (Gran. Lic. 398; Val. Max. 9.7.3). C. Vnnnns (*6.2471) Pt.74 Legate, then Legatus pro quaostore, under Cn. Dolabella in Cilicia (Cic. Verr. l.LL ; 2.L.4L-102; Ps.-Ascon.194-245Stangl, pa,ssim; Schnl. (l ron. 324-348 Stangl, passi'm). 0 Broughton II
79 B.C.
Special Commissions T ri,umoi,ri coloniis d'eil'ucend'i's P. Conxnr,rus Sur,r,n Pat. (386) Cos.Desig. 65 Sottlod Sullan colonistsat Pompeii (Cic. Sull,.60-62).
Master of Horse L. Ver,nnrus L. f. L. n. X'r,ecous Pat. See 82, Master of llorse.
(*54, t5g, IZ6) Cos. 100
Praetors r A number of Sulla's constitutional reforms may not have been comploted until this year. Certainly military action continued at Nola (Liv. Per.89) and at Volaterrae (Gran. Lic. 39 B), and much of his colonization should probably be assigned to this year (Liv. Pe,r.89). r The latest date possible under the Cornelian law. 3 As he was a candidato for the consulship of 77 but withdrew in favor of Mam. Aemilius Lepidus Livianus (Sall. .F/isü. 1.81M), this is the latest dato possible under the Cornelian law. a The praenomen is uncertain. The name given in Oros. 5.21'3 isl,. Fursidius, pri,nvipi,laris. 6 On tho cognomen Magnus, see D.-G. 4.341-344. 6 Sertorius no longer had legal standing with the governrnent in Rome, but continuod üo use the regular Roman titles for his government in Spain (Plut. Sert.22.3-23.5; App. BC l,lo8; see 79, Quaostors, on Hirtuleius).
C. C-rl,rorus (5) Elected with the aid of theOonsulMetellus (Cic. Plnnc. 69; Val. Max.5.2.7; cf. Auct. Vi,r.I11.62.3;Cic. Verr. t.381;2.3.68;Ps.-Ascon. 219 Stangl; see 98, Tribunes of the Plebs). ? L. Malu,rus Pat. (30, cf. Z9) See 78, Promagistrates. ? Crv.OcrEvrusl
(22) Cos. 76 Aediles, Curulez
L. Lronvrus Luour,r,ns
(104) Cos.24, Pr. T8
M. Tnnnntrus Venno Lucnr,r,us (Licinius l0g) Cos. 78, pr. ?6 Cic. Acad,.2.1; Off. 2.57; Yal. Max. 2.4.6; Plin. -l[f/ 8.lg; plut. Lu,c,.1.6;Gran. Lic. 398. 79 B.C.
A.U.C. 675
Consuls P. Snn'nr,rus C. f. M. n. Varre (Isrumcus) (93) Pr.90 Ap. Cr,euorus Ap. f. C. n. Pur,onnn Pat. (296) Pr. 89 Xa,st,Cap., Degrassi 54f., I30, 484f. (Servilius' name entire; Ap. X'rontin. Sür. 4.5.L (Glaucia emended to Claudio); App. Ct-----l); 1.L03; BC Gran. Lic. 398; Chr.354 (Vatio et Pulchro); Fast. Hyd'. (Vitia et Pulchro, Claudio et Servilio), so also Ch'r.Pasc.; Oros. 5.22.1; Cassiod.;Schol,.Gron. 347 Stangl; on Servilius, IG 7.244; Val. Max. 8.5.6; Plut. Pomp. 14.5; Apophth. Pomp. 5; and on Claudius, Cic. Cael,.33. Dictator L. Conxnr,rus L. f. P. n. Sur,r,e X'nr,rx Pat. (392) Cos. 88, 80, Pr. 93 He resignedthe dictatorship after the election of the Consulsfor 78, and offered to submit his acts for examination (Plut. Sul'L.34.3;Suet. Iul.77; App. BC 1.3, and 103-104; Auct. Vi'r. Ill'. 75.12; Oros. 5.22.r).
Aediles ? Cn. Aurrorus Onnsros (32) Pr.77 Aedile probably by or before 79 (Cic. Off. Z.58). Quaestors L. Hmrur,nrus (3) Served in the government of Sertorius (Liv. Per. gO,quaestor, and 9l; Plut. Bert. 12.3; seo 80, note 6). X'ortified Consaburaon the Anas, and defeated and killed the Proconsul Domitius Calvinus (Liv. Per.90; Plut. Berü.I2.3; X'lor. 2.L0.6; Eutrop. 6.1.2; Oros. 5.28.3; cf. Frontin. ,Slr.4.5.f9). Promagistrates Q. Canou,rus Mmrrr,us Pruss (98) Cos. 80, Pr. gg Proconsul in X'arther Spain (Claud. Quad., fr. 85 Peter; Plat. Sert. 12.3; cf. Val. Max. 8.f5.S). Suffered serious reversesat the hands of Sertorius (Claud, Quad. fr. 85 Peter; SaIl. Hi,st.}-l2lM; Plut. Sert.l2.L-f3.6; App. BC 1.f08; Ib.IOL; X'lor. 2.10.6;Euürop. 6.1.2; Oros.5.23.3-5; cf. X'rontin.Sür. f .f .f 2).
C. Cr,ruorue Menonr,Lus (2f4) Pr. 80 Prooonculin Sicily (Qic. Verr. 2.8.2t2; cf. 2.8.42, and 4.86-87: IG r4.496-IGnP 1.4s9). C. Cr,euorus Nnno Pat. (247) Pr. 8t Prooonsul in Asia. See 80, Promagistrates. Cx. Conxnr,rus Dor,aBnr.r,A Pat. (134) Cos.81, Pr. Govornor of Macedonia. See 80, and 78, Promagistrates. Clr. Conlvnr,rus Dor,esnr,l,e Pat. (135) pr. gl Proconsul in Cilicia. See 80, Promagistrates. M. Dournrus Cnr,vwus4 (44) Pr. 80 Proconsulin Nearer Spain (SaIl. f/dsü.l.f lf M; plut. Serü.I2.8; cf. \iv. !er. 90, Legatus). Defeated and killed in battle on the Anas by Hirtuleius, Quaestor of Sertorius (Sall. Hi,st. |.LILM; Liv. per. 90; X'rontin. Btr. 4.5.19; Plat. Sert. LZ.B-A;X'lor. 2.10.7; Eutrop. 6.1.2; Oros.5.23.3). Cn. Poupnrus Meexusb (*f5) Cos.70, 58,52 Propraetor (Gran. Lic. 3gB). Returned from Africa to celebrate a tliumph pro gnaeüore for his victory there (Cic. Leg. Man.6t, cf. 2g; Pi,s.58; Phi,l,.5.43; Aacb.Bell,.Afr.22.t;Liv. Per.89; Vell. 2.40.4,and. 53.3;Val. Max. 8.15.8;Lucan G.8t?;7.685;8.24;Plin. NH 7.95;8.4; 3j.te; PIut. Pomp. 14.3-6; Crass. 7.I; L2.t; Sert. t8.Z; Apophth,. Pr^p._5; App. BC I.8A; Gran. Lic.39B; Auct. Vi,r.ItI. TZ.2;Euirop. 5.9.1; Jerome Chr. ad ann. 78, p. 152 llelm; Zonar.l0.2, and 5; c}. X'rontin. Btr. 4.5.1).SeeDegrassi564; and D.-G. 4.94I-g46. Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 88 See 80, Promagistrates, and note 6; and above, on Caecilius Metellus Pius, Domitius Calvinus, and lfirtuleius. Tribunes of the Soldiers C. (Vrsnr,r,rus)Vanno (*2) Servedunder ClaudiusNero in Asia (Cic. Vem. Z.I.7t; af. Brut, 264). ? C. Mnuuruso (7) served under caecilius Metellus Pius in x'arther spain (cic. Batb. E). Legates, Lieutenants L. Tnonrus Ber,nus (4) served under caecilius Metellus Pius in Farther spain. Defeated and killod at consabura orr the Anas by sertorius (plut-. serü. 12.8, @orprivroq;Flor. 2.7.6; cf..Cic.Fin. 2.68\.
C. Vrnnns (*6.247t) Pr.74 Legatus pro quaestore under Dorabelra in cilicia (see g0, Legates). 1 The latest possible dato under tho Cornelian law. 2 Pliny attests a date 20 years after tho aedileship ofc. claudius pulcher (gg B'c.), Granius Licinianus the fact that they were cururo aediles. 3 see sch'lüen, sertorius 6+-79, on i4eteilus at Metellinum , and. castra caecilia. He atüributes the exyredition to the Tagrrs to 7g, anJ tho siege of Lacobriga to 78 B.C. a Domiüius' praenomon is given as M. in Liwy and L. in Eutropius. The cognomen calvinus is an emendation for the reaäings ""t LoJ",oika),or5or,ov in Plutarch. rre is tormed Legatus in trlorus and tie per,iochae oilir,1y, and Praetor in Eutropius. 5 According to tl,o Perioctute of Lfi"1t and Eutropius, pompey, who was born on september 29, 106, triumptred a-t the age of 24, but Granio"licirrirrrur, "a,t wt o dates his birth in 105, has, [im triumph 25, and tho Auct. v,ir. ril,. at 26. sallust however, who attributes to the-consur of g0 the bill for his recall from Afric3, and Frontinus, who mentions the consurs of 79, ;;t;1ö; p"ractically certain dato for the triumph. See Degrassi 564. u sorlrces give Memmius nJtitle, but he served under pompey, his , Thu. brother-in-1aw, in Spain in 26 as euaesüor (soe 26, euaestors).
78 B.C.
A.U.C. 676
Consuls M. Anmnrus Q. f. M. n. Lnprous pat. (72) pr. by 8f Q. J,urarrus Q. f. Q. n. Cr.rur,us (8) pr. by 8t CIL 12.2.588,784-787; Cic. Ba,lb.84 and 89; Sall. f/dsü.l.lM; Liv. lera9U, Xast. Cap., Degrassi 56f., lB0, +S+f. ilepidus' name entire; Q.,Lutlat]]us Q. f. [Q. n.] Catulufs]); plin. lrrg; B5.tB; 36.49 and 109; Eutrop. 6.1..t;-Chr.954 (Lepido et Catulo), ,o ,iro flast;. Hyil,., a,ndChr. Pasc.; Cassiod. Lepidus quarreled-with his colleague, attempted to prevent giving funeral honors to sulla, and, proposing a program to restore the powers 'f the tribunate, to carry new grain lawi, and restore the confiscated l*nds to their former owners, b"gu,tt an insurrection, while caturus Irecamethe leader of the opposing forces (cic. cot. i.z+; sun. nm. -Iul.B; f .54-73M; Liv. per. 90; Suet. ilot. SrtI. Z+.n"_S;'poip. j.f.t-t0.2; App. BC l.l0b-r0?; Gran. Lic. 48_458; X'lor. d.rr.r_o; l)to 44.28.2,and 47.4; Iul. Exup. 6; Eutrop.6.5.t; Oros. 5.22.t6; schol. Gron' 286 stangl). catulus also received.äharge oi tn" restoration ,,1 t^l:utemple-of Jupiter on the Capitolium lCli tz.Z.lB7-/LS 3E; cf. 35a; Cic. Verr.2.4.69; seeespecially62, praetors, on Caesar).
7 8B . C .
Praetors ? C. Aunnr,rusCorral
Cluent.97; Eutrop. 6.4; Oros. 5.23.23;cf. Sall. Hist. Z.B9-40M; Val. Max. 8.1,abs.8).
(96) Cos.75
L. Conrnr,rus STsDNNA Pat. ? (374) Pr. Urbanus and Peregrinus CIL 12.2.689;Cic. Corn. in Ascon. 74C. L. Lrcwrus Luculr,us2 (104) Cos.74 Cic. Amd,.2.I; cf..Elogium, Insu. Ital.13.8.84-CIL
12.1,p. f96-
lrs 60. ? L. Ocrevruss (26) Cos.75 Cic. Verr. 2.3.152, on the X'ormula Octaviana. ? TnnnNrrus VEnno (see 82) See 77, Promagistrates; and 75, Praetors, on L. X'urius or L. Turius. ? L. Ver,nnrus TRranrus (*61, cf. *62) See 77, Promagistrates. Promagistrates ? M'. Anunrus M'. f. Lnprnus Pat. (62) Cos.66 Proquaestor in an eastern province (I . il,e Dölos 4.1.f659) between 84 and 78 (the term of Nicanor, Kirchner, ProsoTt.Att.2.l2l, no. 10705). Q. Cencrr,rusMrrpr,r,us Prus (98) Cos.80, Pr. 89 Proconsul in X'arther Spain, where he suffered serious reverses at the hands of Sertorius (see79, Promagistrates; Schulten, Bertorius 64, 73, who places the siege of Lacobriga in this year). Q. Cauorus (5) Pr. 79 Propraetor in Nea,rer Spain (Ps.-Ascon. 2Ig Stangl, praetura), and convicted of extortion upon his return (Cic. Vem. 1.38;2.3.63; Ps.Ascon. 2f9 Stangl). Ap. Cr,aunrus Pur,cunn Pat. (296) Cos.79, Pr. 89 Assigned the provinco of Macedonia, he fell ilt at Tarentum, and apparently returned to Rome until 78 (Sall. f/rlsü. f.l27M; see 77, Interrex, and Promagistrates). p66ssrr.r Clv.Conrvnr,r6's Pat. (I34) Cos. 8l Presumably continued as Proconsul in Macedonia until succeeded. by Ap.Claudius in 77 (seeabove, on Ap. Claudius, and 80-79, Promagistrates). ? C. Coscorrrusa (3) Pr. 89 ? Proconsul in Illyricum, where he occupied portions of the Qalmatian coast, and captured Salonae after two years of campaigning (Cic.
L. Hrnrur,nrus (33) Served under Sertorius in Spain, probably with the title Proquaestor (see 79, Quaestors), where he defeated L. Manlius, Proconsul in Gaul, when he came to support Metellus in Spain (Liv. Per.90; Frontin. Bür. 1.5.8,Legattis;PIut. Sert.12.4;Oros. 5.28.4). L. Me-xr,rus Pat. (30, cf. 79) Pr. 79 | Proconsulin Transalpine GauI (Caes.BG 3.20.t;Liv. Per.90; Plut. Sert. I2.4; Oros. 5.23.4). Suffered defeats in Spain at the hands of Hirtuleius (see above), and. again in GauI (Caes.). Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 See 80, Promagistrates, note 6; and above, on Caecilius Metellus and Manlius. P. Snnvnrus Varra (Iseunrcus)5 (gA) Cos.Zg, Pr. g0 Proconsulin Cilicia (Cic. Vem. 2.3.2L0-2II ; Liv. P er. 90, and gB; Suet. Iul,.3; Eutrop. 6.3,er consul,e; Oros.5.23.21;Ruf. Fest. ll.l, and l2.B; Ammian. Marc. L4.8.4; cf. Sall. Hi,st. l.l27M). See 77-74, Promagistrates. Tribunes of the Soldiers ? Q. Ceocnrus Morplr,us Cnr,nn (36) Cos.60, Pr. 68 ,, Sall. f/isü. I.l35M, in military command of some kind. Münzer @El suggeststhat he was a,Tribune of the Soldiers, Maurenbrecher (above) that he was a Quaestor. ? C. Mnmurus (7) See79, Tribunes of the Soldiers. L. Ver,nnrus X'r,a,ccus Pat. (*69, l7g) Pr. 68 Served under Servilius Vatia in Cilicia (Cic. Ita,cc.5 and 6 and 100, and fr. 8 from Schol.Bob. 96 Stangl). SeeMünzer, Gent. VaI. 48,no. 28. Legates, Lieutenants Aqunrus (not in .B.E) Served under Metellus in Spain at Lacobriga (Ptut. Sert. tZ.6). ? M. Tnnnwrrus Venno (S4, Supb. 6) Pr. He may have seryed under Cosconiusin Illyricum (Varro-BÄ 2.10.g, cf. 10.7 and g; Cichorius, ÄS lglf.). See above, Promagistrares,on Oosconius.
7 8 B . C . - 7 7B . C .
1 Tho lotogü date possiblo under the Cornelian law. r Tho doto depends on a phrase in Cic, Acad,.2,I, absens continuo lactws aeil,il,'i,s, Inaelor, - Iicebat enim celeriws leg,ispraeruio. See 79, Aediles, Curule. 8 Tho latost date possible under the Cornelian law, . Mü,nzer's identificat'ion of Cosconius with the commander in Apulia in 89 seoms very probable (RE), bü the preciso date of his command in Illyricum remains uncertain. War there probably began in 78 and ended in 76 (Eutrop. 6.1.1; 6.4). It had certainly ended before 74, when M. Atilius Bulbus, who was for tampering with the legions of Cosconius (Cic,), served as convicüed of m,a'i,estas a juror in the trial of Oppianicus (Cic. Cl,uent. 7 l-7 2 and g7 ; V err. 1.39). 6 Eutropius (6.3) and Orosius (5.23.22) rofer to the campaigns of Servilius Vatia Isauricus as a three year war. Ormerod (JßS L2 lL922l 37ff.) is probably correct in supposing that ?8 was given up to preparations (cf. Flor. I.41.4) while the main operations were carried through in 77 to 75. See Magie, Romnm Rul,e'in A s'io M,inor I.287 *29 0 : 2, I t60- L 173. notes 17-2 5.
77 B.C.
89 Quaestofs
L.Iur,rus Censan Pat. (t4g) Cos.64 Sery9d in Asia (OGIS 4AL-BEG 4.664). See Magie, Roman Rul,edn Asia Minor 2.lllg, note 24. C. Srarmnusa (3e.2fBg) served under the consul Lepidus, and was charged with treason for exciting his army to mutiny (Cic. Cluent. gg). Interrex Ap. Cr,auorus Pur,cunna Pat. Sall. flisü. r.77.22M.
(296) Cos. 79, pr. 8g
Promagistrates 77 B.C.
A.U.C. 677
Consuls D.Iunrus D. f. M. n. Bnunus (46) Pr. by 80 Meu. Anmrr,rusMeu. f . - n. Lnprous Lwrenus Pat. (80) Pr. by 80 Cic. Brut.l75; SalL Hi,st.3.48.l0M; East. Cap.,Degrassi56f., 130, .484f. (Brutus' name entire; Mam. [Ai]miliufs Mam. f. - n. Lepi]d. Liviafnus]); Ascon. 81C; Obseq.58; Chr. 354 (Mamercoet fuliano); East. Hyd,. (Bruto et, Mamerco); so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;and on Lepidus, Cic.Off.2.58; Cluenü.99; Val. Max. 7.7.6. Praetors CN.Aurrorus Onnsrts Val. Max. 7.7.6.
(32) Cos. 7l
? M. Aunnr,rus CorrEl
(107) Cos.74
Pr. Urbanus
M.IuNrus SnlNus (170) See 76, Promagistrates. (5) ? Snx. Pnouolnus' See 76, and 75, Promagistrates. Tribunes of the Piebs M. Tnnpor,rns (1) Cic. Corn.2, fr. 8 (ed. Mälter), and Ascon. 8f C.
M. Anur,rns Lnprnus Pat. (72) Cos. 78 _ Proconsul (sall. f/dsü. t..77.7M), assignedto Transarpine Gaul (App. BC 1.107). His insurrection and march on Rome wüe crushed näär Rome this year (see78, consuls). He then Etruria, and. in escapedto sardinia, wherehe died (sall. f/osü.r.T4-gBM; Liv. per.90; Val. Max. 2.8.7; Ascon. tg0; Plin. ltll 7.122 and 186; plut. pom,p. t^6.1-6;App. BC l.{Z; X'lor. 2.11.5-8; ful. Exup. 6; Ampel. 40.i; ^ Oros. 5.22.16-18; cf. Rut. Nam. 295-Zgg).See ?8,bor,"suls. Q. Cancrr,rusMrrnnr,us Prus (gg) Cos.g0, pr. gg Proconsul in X'arther Spain (see 7g, and 7g, promagistrates). Ap. Cr,aunrus Pur,csnn Pat. (296) Cos.Zg, pr. gg Proconsul in Macedonia (Liv. Per. gl; Ruf. X'est. g.2; Ammian. Ma_rc._ 27.4.10), He carried on a successful war against the scordisci and the tribes of Mt. Rhodope, but in z6 fell ill and d.ied (Liv. per. 9r; X'lor. 1.39.6;Eutrop. G.2.1;Ruf. X'est.g.2; Ammian. Ii*"". 27.4.I0; Oros.5.23.17-19).Seeabove,fnterrex. pat. (lg4) Crq.Comrnr,rusDol,asnllrb Proconsul in Maced.onia(see 80-78, prorna,gistrates). He returned, probably in this year, to celebrate his triumph (cic. pis. 44; s'et. Iul' 4.1;-seeDegrassi-564).rle was prosecutedlor äxtortion by Julius Oocsar,but acquitted (Cic. Brut.B17; Vell. 2.48.8; Val. Max. a.O.s; Ascon. 26, and 74C; Plut. Caes.4.1; Tac. Di,al. 84, misdated; Suet. lul. 4.I; cf. Quintil. Inst. Or. t2.6.t, and,7.4;Malcovati,-FO.B8.108; orr
77 B.C.
L. Conlrnr,rus STsENNA Pat. ? (374) Pr. 78 Porhapsgovornor of Sicily (Cic. Verr.2.2.Il0).
Marc. 14.8.4; Ps.-Ascon. Gron. 847 Stangl). Seo .237_Stangl; Sch,ol,. Magie, Rsman Rule i,n Asi,a Minor i.ZZl_zSO; 2.tI67L, note tg_lg.
C. CosooNrus (3) Pr. 89 ? Prooonsulin Illyricum (see78, Promagistrates).
? Tnnnrrrus Venno (see82) pr. Tg ? Perhaps an otherwise unknown governo of Asia, if the Terentius Varro who was prosecuted before L. X'urius (or Turius) in T5 for extortion in asia was not A. Terentius varro, Legate o^d"" Murena in Asia in 82. see 75, Praetors, on L.x'urius (or Turius); and Magie, ßoman Rule i,n Asia M'inor 2.1126, nole 42. L. Var,nnrus Tnranrus (*61, *62) Pr. 7g ? Propraetor in sardinia (rul. Dxup.6, emending contrario to curn Triari,o; cf. cic. Bcaur.29). rre opposedthe attempiof Lepidus to take refuge there (Ascon. l9C).
L. LrorNrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos.74, Pr. 78 Governor of Africa, probably gtro praetore (Cic. Acaitr. 2.1; Auct. Vi,r. Ill. 74.3, praetor). Q. Lurerrus Carur,us (8) Cos.78 Proconsul (Sall. .t/isü. 1.77.22M), but what province had. been assigned him is not clear. Defeated.Lepidus near Rome and pursued him through Etruria to Cosa (Liv. Per.90; Val. Max. 2.8.7; Piut. Pomp. 16.3and 6; 17.3;App. ßC 1.107;X'lor.2.II.6-8; Iul. Exup.6; Oros. 5.22.16-L8; seeabove, on Lepidus). CN.Pomporus Meewus (*f5) Cos.70, 55, 52 Receiving a special grant of imperium, probably pro praetore (Plut. Pmnp. 17.4), to combat Lepidus and his supporters, he besieged M. Iunius Brutus at Mutina, accepted his surrender on conditions, then put him to death, and. turned to Etruria (Liv. Per. 90; Plut. Pomp. 16.2-5;Brut. 4.1-2; cf. Cic. Att.9.I+.2; Leg.A9r.2.89 and 92; Sall.Ilisü.f .79M; Val. Max.6.2.8;X'rontin.Bür.r.9.3;App. BC 2.lll; Flor. 2.11.6-8, wrongly places Pompey's battle at, Rome; Aluct. Vir. 111.77.3;Oros. 5.22.17,and 24.16; Zonar. 10.2).He kept his army under arms, though ordered to disband it by Catulus, until he received command"pro consuleagainst Sertorius in Spain (Liv. Per.9L; PIut. Pomp. l7.I-4; App. BC I.I08; cf. Cic. Leg. Man.30 and 62; Phdl. ll.l8; Vell. 2.29.5,and 30.2; Val. Max.8.15.8; PIin. -lIl/ 7.96; Plut. Berü.l8.t-2; App. 1ö. 101; Flor.2.10.5; Iul. Exup.8; Eutrop. 6.1.3;Auct. Vir. 111,.77.4; Oros.5.23.8-9).IIe wintered in Gaul on his way to Spain (SaIl.f/ast. 2.98M; cf. App. BC 1.109). Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 His power in Spain reached its height this year (PIut. Serf. L+-17). See above, on Metellus and Pompey; and Legates, on Perperna. P. Snnvnrus Varra (Iseunrcus) (93) Cos.79, Pr. 90 Proconsul in Cilicia (see 78, Promagistrates). To this year and the nexto should probably be assignedhis naval victories and his occupation of the Lycian and the Pamphylian coasts (Cic. Vem.2.1.56, and 3.210-211,and 4.21,and 5.66 and 79; Leg. Man.68; Leg. Agr. I.5; 2.60; Sall.Hist. LI28-132M; 2.8tM;Liv. Per.90; Strabo14.5.7,67La, cf.. 14.2 and 4, 665c; Vell. 2.39.2; App. Mi,tlt,. 93; X'lor. L.4L.4-5; Eutrop. 6.3; Oros. 5.23.21-22;Ruf. X'est. ll.l, and 12.3; Ammian.
Tribunes of the Soldiers ? C. Mnrvrntrus (7) served under Metellus in spain. see 7g, Tribunes of the soldiers. L. Var,nnrus X'r,,r.ocus Pat. (*69, l7g) pr. 68 served under servilius rsauricus in cilicia (cic. Fl,a,cc.5 and 6 and 100, and fr. 8 in schol. Bob. 96 stangi). see Münzer, Gent. vor,.4l, no. 28. Legates, Lieutenants ? Conrnr,rus Scrpro Pat. (glS) No title preserved. son of Lepidus, kined at Alba after his father's overthrow (Oros. 5.22.t7, and 24.t6). SeeD.-G. 1.18,no. 27. M. X'orvrnrus (12) Pr.75? served in Macedonia, probably under Ap. claudius pulcher (cic. Iont.44). M.Iuxrus Bnurus (52) Probably a Tregate under Lepidus, he was hording cisalpine Gaul ^ for him, when he surrendered at Mutina, and was lut to death by l'ompey (Plub. Pomp. 16.2-5; Brut. 4.1-2; Sall. hfi,ü. t.79M; Liv. I'er.90; Val.Max.6.2.8; X'rontin. Bür.l.g.B; Oros. 5.22.17; Zonar. 10.2).Seeabove, Promagistrates,on pompey. ? M. Pnnpnnrre Vnrro (6) pr.82 Prob_ablya Legate_underLepidus (App. BC 1.108;ful. Exup. Z), he r,scapedfirst to sardinia, and then to spain with considerabie forces (lll{r{: Sert. r5.r; App. BC r.r07-I08; Iul. Exup. T; Oros.5.28.t2, and, :r4.16).
7 7B . C . - 7 6B . C .
92 ? M. Tnnnnrrus Venno See 78, Legates.
(84, Supb. 6) Pr. Triumvir Capitalis
Inst.or.ll.3.l29; sall. r/fsü.8.48.r0M; val. Max. 9.14.5;cf. sall. f/dsü. 2.25M; PIin. -l/l/ 7.55), and proceeded before the end of the year to Macedonia &s successor to ühe deceased proconsur Ap. ciaudius (X'rontin. Str. *.t.+t; cf. Sall. Hist.2.80M; Obseq.59).
? Q. Merr,rusT (34) Cic. Cluent.38-39.
r The latest date possiblo under the Cornelian law. s Münzer a,silrmes from tho terminology that Peducaous held tho praetorship in Sicily in ?6 and was continued as Propraetor in 75, but the terms Praetor a,nd praetura as they are rxed both in this case and in that of Verres may refer to the whole period of their governorships (Arc. Verr.2.2,L38-l4O' and 3.156 and 216; see 93, Promagistratos, on Sentius and Gellius). Tho career of Peducaeus probably followed the normal post-sullan patterar: ho was a Praetor in Romo in 77, and Propraotor in Sicily in 76 and 75. 3 On Staienus' assu:rrption of the name Aolius Paotus, see Cic. Brut.24l, anö' Cl,went.72. a I(lein (24Lf ., rro.25) is inclined to identify this rnterrex with the consul of 54, a son of the man listed above. Ho would still be quite youthful for the posi' tion. Ilowever, it is probable that the illness ofthe Proconsul had brought him horne and made him available to perform this service bofore going to Macedonia. If so, the triumph of Dolabella (seo below, Promagistrates), which Degrassi (564) is inclined to dato in 78, may have beon celebrated in 77. Iulius Caesar, who served under Servilius Isauricus in Cilicia in ?8, and returned to Rome afüer receiving news of Sulla's death (Suet. Iwl,. 3), could then bring his accusation against Dolabella in 77. 5 See noto 4. 6 Ormerod {tJnB nlSzzl of the fragment 44) concludes fromNonius'citation Book 2 that these operations continued into 76. See of Sall. H'iat.2.8IMfrom reference üo Magio, above. ? The date remains uncertain but must precedo 748.C, by an interval.
76 B.C. A.U.C. 678 Constrls Cw. Ocravrus M. f. CN. n. (22) Pr. by 79 C. ScnrsolTrusC. f. - n. Cunro (10) Pr. by 80 CIL 12.2.894,895, 952; Cic. Brut.2L6-222, und Quintil. Inst. Or. 1r.3.129;SalL ,t/isl. 2.26M; Fast. Cap., Degrassi56f' 130, a86f. (Cn. Octavius M. f . Cn. n., C. Scrfib]onius [C. f . - n.] Cur[io]); Fenestellafr. 18Peter, with Lactant . Ira Dei 22;Phn. NH 2.L00;Obseq.59; Chr. 354 (Octovioet Curio); Iast. Hgd,. (Ochavioet Curione), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;on Octavius,Cic. Fi,n.2.93; Schol.Bob.I77 Stangl. Curio opposed the efforts of the Tribune Sicinius (see below) to rostoro tho position of the tribunate (Cic. Brut. 2L6-222, and Quintil.
? C. Clssrus Lorvcrxusl
(5S) Cos. 78
M. fuNcus (4)l See 75, Promägistrates. M. Tnnnxrrus Venno Luornr,us (Licinius fOg) Cos.TB pr. pere_ grinus Presided over the trial of c. Antonius Hibrida for extortion (cic. Tog. Cand,.,and Ascon. 8aC; Q. Cic. Comm. pet. 8; plut. Caes.4.1, with praenomen Publius; on Antonius, see 84, prefects), and issued an edict regarding crimes by armed bands of slaves (Cic. Tul,l,.S_12). Tribunes of the Plebs Cr.2 Sronvrus (9) Attempted to restore the position of the tribunate (Cic. Brut. 216-2L7, and Quintil. Inst. Or. tt.B.t29; SaIl. I/isü. 2.2J_26M; 3.48.8-f0M; cf. Plut. Crass.7.9;Ps.-Ascon.189 Stangl). Quaestors M. Manrus (23) Served under Sertorius in Spain, having probably come with -App. Perperna (Liv. 91, h. 22W ; cf . Plut. Sert.2aS; Luc. 8.5; Mith.77 Oüdpr,oq, cf. Münzer, .B,O). C. Mnrumrus8 (7) Served under Pompey in Spain (Cic. Bah.5), where he attacked New Carthage (Cic. Balb. 5; see Tb, Promagistrates). Promagistrates ? Cn. Aurrnrus Onnsrnsa (82) Cos.?1, pr.77 Sall. f/isü. 2.4rM. Q. Cenor,rus Mnrnr,r,us Prus (98) Cos. g0, pr. g9 Proconsul in x'arther spain, where he defeated Hirtuleius at rtalica (Oros. 5.23.L0; cf. Sall. Hi,st. 2,28M; Liv. 91, fu. 22W; X'rontin. Btr. 2.1.2,and 3.5).
Ap. Craunrus PuLorrER Pat. (296) Cos' 79, Pr' 89 Proconsul in Macedonia (see79, Promagistrates). After some success 2.36-37M, against theThracian Scordiscihe fell ill anä died (Sal1.f/dsü. 9'2; Oros' X'est' R'uf' 6'2'1; Eutrop' r.38.6; X'lor. "i. AOM;Liv. Per.91; and Promagistrates' 79, See S9)' Obseq. 2.rc'z; nh 6.23.Ig;'cf.Varro Curio' Scribonius on above, Consuls, C. Coscoxrus (3) Pr. 89 ? Proconsul in Illyricum (see 78, Promagistrates)' (3) L. Iftnnur,mus in spain. IIis troops shared in the victory s'ertorius under served was orrer Po*pey's Legate Laelius "t Lau"o (Sall' f/dsü' 2'31M), but' he 5.23.I0; (Oros. himself aetätea aid put to flight by Metellus at, Italica cf. X'rontin. Str. Z.t'2, and 3.5). See78, and'77,Promagistrat'es' M. Iultrus Srr,eNus (170) Pr.77 Proconsulin Asia 1nin...lra 2.100; 35.131,cf.,27; Le Bas and"Wad. dington, 409, a decree of MYlasa). L. Lrcrxrus Lucur,r,usö (104) Cos. 74, Pr' 78 Governor of Africa, proüably pto ptaetore (see 77, Promagistrates)' Spx. Pnpucarus (5) Pr.77 propraetor in siciiy (see77, praetors). He caffied. through a census (Cic. ierr.2.2.l3S-1ä9, and 3.f56 and 216, and'4'I42-I43, and' 5'55)' CN. Poupnrus MloNus (*15) Cos.70, 55,52 Proconsul in Nearer Spain (see 77, Promagistrates)' His advance toward the plain of Valericia was stopped'by hisde{ Lauro' and he retreated to winterquarters near thäPyrenees (SaII. Hi,st.2.29-33M, and 98.5M; Liv.91, it.22W; and'Pei' 91; X'rontin'Bür' 2'5'3I'cf' 2.3.11;Plut. Sert.18; Pomp.18; App' 'BC f'r08-II0; X'lor' 2'IO'71' O"o*. b.zg.o-lO). See also Quaestors,on Memmius; and' Legat'es'on Laelius. ? Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 See above, on Caecilius Metellus, and Pompey' P. Spnvnrus Varu (Iseunrcus) (93) Cos. 79, Pr' 90 See 77, and 75, Promagistrates.
7 ßB . C .
96 Legates, Lieutenants
? M. Foxrnrus (I2) Pr. Tb He perhaps continued to serve under Ap. claudius pulcher in Macedonia (Cic. Font. 44). ? C. Hnnpr.rrvrus (7) ? L. Insrnrus (2) Both served under Sertorius in Spain (Liv. gl, Ir.22W, with the name lferennuleius; see 75, Legates). D. Leur,rus (5) served under Pompey in spain. Killed at the battle of Lauro (sall. Ei,st. 2.3IM; X'rontin. Str.2.5.Bt, from Livy; Obseq.58, misdated). ? Oorevrus Gnenonrus (55) served under sertorius in spain at the battle of Lauro (x'rontin. M. Pnnpnnwe VnNno (O) Pr. 82 Accepted sertorius as his superior in command.under pressurefrom the soldiers (Plut. Serü. 15.2; cf.Iul. Exup. 6; Oros. S.Zl.tZy. X,alled to defend the line of the Ebro river against Pompey (Liv. gt, ir.2ZW). Wintered in Lusitania (App. BC r.ll0). ? C. Tanqurrrus Pnrscus (8) served under sertorius in spain at the battle of Lauro (x'rontin. Str. 2.5.31,from Livy). M. Tnnnrrrus Vrnno (S4, Supb. 6) pr. Served under Pompey in Spain for several years (Varro RR 8.12.7). SeeCichorius, l?B 193.
Prefects C. Ir.isruus (t) Recruitednative cavalry for Sertorius(Liv. gl, fr. 22W). Quindecimviri Sacris Faciundis
Tribunes of the Soldiers L. Vm,nmns X'r,Äccus Pat. (*69, 179) Pr' 63 served under servilius Isauricus incilicia (cic. Ilacc. 6, 6, 100). see 77. Tribunes of the Soldiers,and note 6; Münzer, Gent' Val' 42, no' 28'
l'. GanrNrus (13) Pr. 89 M. Orecrr,rus (5, cf. 4) f,. Vertnrus (not in *ßE or ßE) Fenestellafr. t8 Peter.
76 B.C.-76 B.C.
90 Salius
C. Cr,euorusPur,cnnn Pat. (303) Pr. 56 Cic.Scaur.34.The date of his inaugurationinto this priesthoodmust precedohis father's death in 76 (seeabove, Promagistrates,on Ap. ClaudiusPulcher). I The latest dato possible under the Cornelian law. 2 The praenomen is given as Cn. inCic. Brur.2L6-2I7, but L. in Sall' I/'dsü. 3.48.8 M. 8 Münzer (.BZ) shows clearly that this C. Mernrnius should not be ident'ified with the Praetor of 58. For the opposite view, seeMornrnsen' RMW 597f .; Groobo in D.-G, 4.371, note 9; and Sobeck 36. He may have accompanied Pompey in 77 as Quaostor, and therefore be a Proquaestor in this year. a As Aufidius made his report directly to the Senate (Sall. -Flisü. 2.41 M)' he had probablybeen assigned a province after his praetorship in 77. Cisalpine Gaul and Transalpine Gaul are the two provinces whoso governors in 76 remain unknown. If IG 12.5.722 refers to him (tho cognomen is not, given in the inscription), he held Asiapro praetorei but see 107, Praetors, and 106, Promagistraües. 5 The duration of tho command of Lucullus in Africa remains uneerüain. Cicero's phraso 'ind,ead,conwl,aüwrn(Aca.d,'z.L) need not mean that his consulship in 74 followed immediatolv upon tho conclusion of his comma'nd.
75 B.C.
L. Ocrevrus CN. f. C. n. (26) Pr. by 78 C. Aunnr,rus M. f. - n. Corte (96) Pr. by 78 Cic. Vem.2.I.l30, and 3.18; SaIl. Hist.2.42M; Fast. CIL 12.2.953; Cap.,Degrassi56f., I30, 486f. (L. Ofcta]vius Cn. f. Cn. n., C.Aurfel]ius M. f . t- n. Cl ot [ta]); Obseq.60; Chr. 354 (Octavio et Cotta); Cassiod.; and on Cotta, Cic. Pts. 62; Ascon. 66C. Cotta carried a law permitting Tribunes of the Plebs to attain ooher magistracies(Cic. Corn. in Ascon. 66, and 78C; Sall. Hist. 2.49M; 3.48.8M; cf. Ps.-Ascon. 255 Stangl). IIe also concludeda treaty with King Hiempsal of Numidia (Cic. Leg. A9r.2.58), and carried two laws, one affecting private cases (Cic. Corn. 1.9 and Ascon. 66C), and the other censorialleases(Cic. Vem.2.3.Ig, cf. 18 and I30; cf. Ps.-Ascon. 25I Stangi), both abrogated the following year. A shortage in tho grain supply occasionedthe speechrecorded in SaIl. Hi,st. 2.4{-48M. Praetors
M. Cansrus (9) Cic.Verr.2.f.f 30.
? CN. ConNDLrus LnNrur,us Cr,onrar.Tusl Pat. ? (2L6) C o s . 7 2 ? M. Fonrnrus (12) See 74, Promagistrates. L. X'unrus Pat. ? (f 8, cf. 2) Q. de repetundis or L. Tunrus (2) Presided.over the first trial of a certain Terentius Varro, probably A. Terentius Varro (see82, Legates; 77, Promaeistrates), for extorüion in Asia (Ps.-Ascon. I93 (X'urius), and 218 Stangl; Schol. Gron. l49 Stangl; Porphyrio (C. Turius) and Ps.-Acro (Turius Marinus) on Hor. 9at.2.1.49;cf. Cic. Di,a.i,n Caec.24; Verr.1.17,35,40,47).The trial was postponed, and became a notorious casein the next year (see 74, Praetors, on Lentulus Sura; and on the date, Cic. Cluent. 130; Magie, Romnn Rulei,n Asi,aMi,nor z.llzl,note 42).Cicero(Brut.237)mentions L. Turius, a Praetor and a candidate for the consulship in this period. C. LrorNrus C. f. Seclnoos (154) Pr. Urbanus Cic. Verr.2.l.l30, cf. 104, t2l, 125; 2.2.22and 68; Ascon. 82C; Ps.-Ascon.251 Stangl. Aediles
A.U.C. 679
76 B.C.
Q. Honrnwsrus Honrar,us2 (I3) Cos. 69, Pr.72 Cic. Brut.3l8. He gave splendid games(Cic.Off. 2.57; cf . Ps.-Ascon. 238 Stangl), and made a distribution of grain to the ppulace (Cic. Verr. 2.3.215;cf. Sall. Hi,st. 2.45-47M; and above,Consuls,on Cotta). C. furrruss (I5) Cic.Cluent.79. Tribunes of the Plebs Q. Ornnrus (11) Condemned in 74 for using his veto contrary to the Cornelian laws (Cic. Verr. 2.1.155-157; cf. Schol,.Gron. 341 Stangl). Said to have supported Cotta's law regarding the tribunate (Ps.-Ascon. 2bb Stangl; seeabove, Consuls). Quaestors P. Aurnorvrus Panrus (7) Cos. Desig. 65 A colleague of Cicero in this office (Cic. Sul,l,.t8). P. ConNnr,rus Lnnrur,us Mancnr,LrNrrs4 Pat. (281, cf. 2Bg) Sent to Cyrene (Sall. f/asü. 2.43M, in 75, Maurenbrecher, or 74, Mijrnzer, RE). 7 Broughtoq II
M. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (29) Cos' 63, Pr. 66 served under sex. Peducaeus in western sicily (cic. P. Reil" in Sen. 2l; Dia. in Caec.2; Vem. 2.9.182, and 215-2L6, and 4'74, and 5.35; Pinnc. 64-65; Brut.3I8; Tusc. 5.64; 0am' 13'38;P-lut' Cic' I'4; 6.t-4; Com.Dem. anil,Cdc-3.2; Ps.-Ascon.185, 186,261 Stangl)' Promagisffates 89 Q. CLncnrus Msrnr,r,us Prus (9s) Cos. 80, Pr' Proconsul in x'arther spain (see 79, Promagistrates). I{e defeated just and killed sertorius' subordinate flirtuleius, and, joining Pompey Turia o-1tfu battle the after his deleat at the sucro, winning 2.59, cf.98'5M, and 68-69M; Liv' Per' 9L-92; X'rontin' (SaIl. 'Bt ,F/risü. . z.t.z-}, and 3.5, and 7.5, cf. 13.3; Plut. Serü'19'I-2I'6; Pomp' lS.1; 19.I-d; App. BC 1.I10; Atct. Vi,r.Il'1.63'2;Eutrop' 6'l'3; Oros' E.2B.l0-12; "t. Vett. 2.25.5).Acclaimed Imperator, he assumedexcessive honors(salt. f/dsü.2.70M; VaI. Max. 9.1.5;PIut. Sert.22.2;Pom'p. I8.2; Grueber,CRRBM 2.357;cf. Cic' Arch' 26)' ? Crr. (Cer,ruRNrus)Prso (X'nucr)5 (see95) Proquaestor under Pompey in spain (Grueber, cRRBM 2.360f.). SeeLegates, on Varro, and 49, Promagistrates, on Piso' ? L. Hnnur,nrus (3) Probably either Proquaestor or Legate under sertorius when he fell in battle ägainst Metellus Pius at Segovia (Sa11.f/dsü. 2.59M; Liv. Per.9L; X'rJntin. Str.2.g.6,and?.5; Aact. V6r'Ill" 63'2; Oros'5'23'12)' M. Iuxouso (4) Pr. 76 Proconsul in Asia (YelI. 2.42.3; cf. Suet. Iul" 4; Phfi' Caes' 2'3'4; klnP 4.408). After Nicomedes of Bithynia died and bequeathed his kingdom to Rome, Iuncus began the task of organizing t'he new p"oiirr"u (Gell. 5'13.6-FOß 3.118; see l1errmann, RBPh 16 (1930) Rul'ei'n fZZtt.; H. Dahlmant1,Herm,es73 (1938)34f ff'; Magie, Ro*! pirates the punish Asi,a Minor L.250; 2.L126,note 44). He failed to Caes. +;PIlfltIul'. who had capturedcaesar(vell. Pat.2.4I.3-4; suet. 1.4-5; winter 75-74). C. Mnlnrvrrus (7) see 76, Quaestors. served under Pompey and fell in the battle on the Turia (Plut. Berf. 2l.l; Oros. 5.23.12;cf. Cic' Balb' 5)' Snx. Pnnucanus (5) Pr' 77 propraetor in Siciiy (Cic. Ve*.2.3.216; see76, Promagistrates),and Cicero',ssuperior offiäer (Cic. P. Red. i,n Ben. 2I; Ps.-Ascon. 185 and 187 Stangl;cL Verr. 2.4.L42;Att. t0.l.l; f 3'I.3)'
CN. Poupnrus MaGNUs (*16) Cos.70, 66,62 Proconsul in Spain (see ?7, Promagistrates)' He was defeated by Sertorius on the $o"ro, and almost so along with Metellus on the Turia. Attempts to besiege sertorius being unsuccessful, he retired into CeltibJria for the winter (Cic. Batb.5; Sall. Hi,st. 2.63-56, and 60-69, and 98.6M; Liv. Per.92; X'rontin. Str' 2'l'3, and l3'3; Plut' Berü'I0' and 2l ; Pomp.1S.3-19.6;App. -BC1'lr0; Fior' 2'10'7;Eutrop"6'l'3; Oros.5.23.lf-I2). C. Scnrnomus CuRro (I0) Cos. 76, Pr' 80 ? Proconsul in Macedonia (Liv. Per' 92, and 95; R'uI' X'est' 7'5)' (Sall' Campaigned against the Dardani, and penetrated to the Danube 7'6; it'est' 6'2'2;-Ruf Eutrop' 1.39.6; n*t. z.6oyt;i;io. Pn .92; Flor. Promagis73' and 74, see 27M; p' 216, Oros. 5.23.2b; Iordan. Rom. trates). Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr.83 106f.) dates Seeabove, on li{etellus and Pompey. Schulten (Sertori,u,s (Cic. Verr. lalesl' the 75 at by Pönius of his alliance with Mithridates 93M; Liv' 2'79, and Hi'st' Sall' 46i Mur.32; and 2.1.87;Leg. Man.9 112; Oros' 70, and 68, and gS; Mi'th' App. itot. Bert.23-24; P"r. Mi'wr i'n Asi'a Rule Roman Magie, 244 Stangl; 6.2.12; Ps.-Ascon. 1.322L. ; 2.1203,note l). '(93) Cos' 79, Pr' 90 P. Snnvr,rus Varra Iseumcus ProconsulinCilicia(see78-T6,Promagistrates).In7-Smaybeplaced on tho his advance across the Taurus and reduction of the Isaurians At't' Phi'l'-l-l'33; 2'50; ,rotthertt slopes (Cic. Vem. 2.3.21L; Leg' Agr' 668c; 12'6'2' Strabo 93; 6.1.16; Sall.-.t/r;sl.2.82-.87l[il; Liv. Per' X'est' I4.g.g,665c; X'rontin. Str. 3.7.1;Flor' t'41'5; Eutrop' 6'3; R'uf' I{e'was-acclaimed 5'23'22)' 12.3;impel. 23;Amm. Marc. 14'8.4;Oros' 41 ; cic. v err. 2.t-.56,and4.82; ßab. P eril,.2l ; Ilncc. Impäratoi (c I L 12.2.7 B'C' ; 6),änd took the cognomenIsauricus (CI L 12'2'74l ; F ast'Cap' on 79 8.5.6; Max. val. 2.39.2; vell. L2.6.2,568c; öiia l^;1.593;-strabo Eutrop. 6.3; Schol.Gron. 347 Stangl)' Legates, Lieutenants L. Arnerrus A. f. (6) Cos.60, Pt' 72? in Spain, ancl held command of one wingof Served under fo-p"y his army at the Sucro (Plut. Berl. 19; cf' Oros' 5'23'14)' ? C. HpnnNNrus (7) Valencia Served under Su"io"io*. Kitled in battle with Pompey before (l'lut. Pomp. r8.3; cf. Sall. Hi'st.2.5aM)'
7 6 B . C . - 7 4B . C .
M. Pnnrnnlte Vnltro (6) Pr. 82 Defeated by Pompey before Valencia (Sall. flisü. 2.55M; Plut'. Pomp. 18.3; Oros. 5.23.12).Ile was unsuccessfulin command of his wing of the army of Sertorius in the battles on the Sucro and the Turia (Liv. Per.92; PIut. Berü.I9.6; App. BC l.Il0). ? Q. PorvrpnrusA. f. Brrnvrrrcus (*7) Probably served under Iuncus, either as Quaestor or as Legate, and was active in organizing Bithynia in late 75 or early 74 (X'est. 320L, and seeabove,Promagistrates,on Iuncus; D.-G. 4.32r, no. l2). ? M. TnnnNrrus Vennoz (84, Supb. 6) Pr. Almost certainly a Legate under Pompey in Spain against Sertorius (SalI. f/zsf. 2.69M; Varro ßn 3J2.7). SeeCichorius, -BB l93f' L. ? Trrunrus SaBn{us ? (2) A Legate of Pompey who brought 15 cohorts to winter-quarters in Celtiberialate in 75 (Satl. Hi'st. 2.94M; cf. Schulten, Sertorius120f.). 1 The latest date possible under the Cornelian law. 2 l{ortensius' concern with thesupplyof grain suggests that he was an Aedile of the Plebs. 3 Iunius was aedilicius and Iudex Quaestionis in 74 (Cic.), probably in the year following his aedileship. See 65, and 64, on Caesar. a See Miinzer (Rfr) on tho question whether he should be identified with P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, Cos. 57, and (perhaps or) the P. Lentulus P. f. L. n,. Quaestor, who is named on coins of this period (Grueber, CRRBM 1.406). 5 See note 7. s lumiu,rm cum,, Vell.; Iwnca, Gell.; 'Ioüvrov, Plut' The Iunii Iunci are a known sonatorial family of the early Empire (CIL 6.3837:3L751). There was probably time at the beginning of 74 after the death of Nicomedes and before tho outbreak of war with Mithridates for hirn to proceod with the organization of the new province (Liv. Per.93; Vell. 2.42.3;Pl'u;t'. Lun.7.5; App. Mith. 7l; Mernnon 38 38.355). See Magie, Roman Rul'e in Asia M'i'nor z,tz00f ., note 4$-51. lnIGrH ? Cichorius (AS 193f.) suggosts that after the death of Memmius (seo 76, Quaestors) Varro became a Legaüus pro quaestore (Grueber, CREBM 2.362f., Varro proqw. Magn. procos.), and rofers the coins with this title to this period. Momrnsen, Grueber (l,,t,) and, most recently, Sydenham (see Catalogue of his collection, p. 53, no. 337) attribute both them and the closoly associated coins of Cn. Piso (see above, Promagistrates) to the poriod between 52 and 49 B.C. on the ovidence of coin hoards. This seems reasonable in tho case of Piso (see PI Rz 2.57 ' no. 286), but in 49 Varro's title was Legatus pro praetore (seo 49, Legates). Tho Proquaestor in Spain under Pompey, if correctly dated in 49, is probably anothor Vano.
74 B.C.
A.U.C. 680
Consuls L. Lrcrnrus L. f. L. n. Luour,r,usl (104) Pr. 78 M. Aunnr,rus M. f . - n. Corne (107) Pr. by 77
CIL 12.2.740,and 954; BIG9 746,747-1. d,eDölos 4.1.1758,cf. +.2.2514bds;Cic. Vem.2.5.34;Sall.äisü. 2.98M,at the end;Fasü.Cap., Degrassi 56f., 130, 486f. (L. fliciniu]s L. f. L. n. Lucullus, M. Au[re]lius M. F. - n. Cottal); Eutrop. 6.6; Chr. 354 (Lucullo et Cotta); Iast. Hyd,. (Lucullo et Micotta), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; on Lucullus, Cic. Cl,uent.137; CIL 12.I, p. 196-Inscr. Ita,l,.13.3.84;Ps.-Ascon.222 Stangl; and on Cotta, Ascon.66C. In Rome Lucullus checked the Tribune Quinctius (Sall. //isü. 3.48.11M; seeTribunes of the Plebs). He had been assignedthe province of Cisalpine Gaul, but upon the death of Octavius, Procon$ul in Cilicia, early in the year (seePromagistrates), he intrigued to get this province and the command against Mithridates (Plut. Inc. 6-7; App. Mi,th.72; cf..Cic. Mur. 33; Acad.2.l; Sall. Hi,st. 2.98M, at the end). He received also command of the former armies of X'imbria and of ServiliusIsauricus (Cic.Ilncc.85; SaIl. Hi,st.3.l9, and 33M; PIut. Luc.7.l-3;3a.2; App. Mith.72t Memnon4OinIGrH 28.356; Porphyr. on Hor. Upi,st.2.2.26;Dio 36.14.3,and 15.3,and 16.3,and 46.1),and probably also the province of Asia (Cic. Flacc.85; Vell. 2.33.1; Plut. I/u,c,.7.1;Memnon 37 inIGrH 28.355; cf. Dio 36.2.2;and see70, Promagistrates, on Lucullus). Cotta received command of a fleet to protect his province of Bithynia and the Propontis, but was defeated on sea,and on land, and shut up in Chalcedon until Lucullus relieved him (Cic. Mur. 33; SaIl. fldsü. 3.23-24M; 4.69.13M; Liv. Per. 93; CIL 12.1,p. I96-Insu. Ital. 13.3.84;Plut. Iruc. 5.1; 6.5;8.1-3; App. Mi,th.7l; Memnon37-39 in IGrH 38.355f.; Eutrop. 6.6.2; Auct. Vi,r. 11,1,.74.4; Oros.6.2.r9). The latter checked the forces of Mithridates in a battle at the RhSmdacus river, and during the winter of. 74-73 brought him to disaster in a trap as he was besieging Cyzicus (Cic. Leg. Man. 20-2L; Mur. 33; Sall. f/tlsü.3.17-42M; 4.69.4and l3-l4M;Liv. Per. 9L-95; Irrccr. Ital,. I3.3.8+--ILS 60; Strabo 12.8.11, 675-576c; Diod., excerpt in XHG 2, xxiv; Frontin. Blr. 3.13.6; PLut. Luc.8.L-12.2, cf. Sert.24.3-4; App. M,i,tlL.72-76; X'lor. 1.40.12-18;Memnon 37-40 in XGrH 38.355f.; Eutrop. 6.6.2; Oros. 6.2.12-24; cf. CIL 12.2.743ILS 37). Praetors M. Arnorwus (Cnnrrcus)z (29) He was special enactment with an ,i,mperiumi,nfini,tum, rrlmost,certainly pro consule,in order to combat piracy throughout the Mediterranean &re& (Cic. Vem. 2.2.8, and.3.213; Liv. Per.97; Vell. !.31.3-4; Ps.-Ascon.202, and.259 Stangl; ct. IGz 4.1.66,and B.OG
11.397). His operations in the first yea,r were limited. to the west, Liguria, Spain, and Sicily (Cic. Dia.'i,n Caec. 55; Vem. 2.2.8, arrd a.Zta-Zta;Sall. I/dsü.3.rt-7M; Tac. Ann. 12.62;App. Bic. 6;Lact. Inst. Dia. l. I 1.32; Ps.-Ascon.202 Stangl; see 73-71, Promagistrates). ? Q. Cencnrus Mnrpr,r,us (Cnnrrcus)B (87) Cos.69 A candidate in 75 (Sall. f/dsü. 2.45M). L. CelrunNrus Prso X'nuer (98) A colleagueof Venes. Vetoed many of his ed'icts (Cic. Verr- 2.1.119, and 4.56; Ps.-Ascon.250 Stangl). P. Conr,rus (2) Cic. Verr.2.f .f 30. P. ConNnr,rusLENrur,üs Sune4 Pat. (240) Cos.71, Pr. 63 repetundis YILI.2.34.4. A certain Terentius Varro, probably A. Terentius Varro (see 75, Praetor$, on X'urius; 82, Legates; and 77, Promagistrates, on A. Terentius Varro), was accusedbefore him of extortion in Asia, with Hortensius as advocate for the defence, and acquitted by a vote in which the marked ballots of the jury causeda scandal (Ps.-Ascon. 193, Gron. 349 Stangl; cf. Cic. Cluent. L30; Diu- in and 218 Stangl; Sch,ol. Porphyr. and Ps.-Acroon Hor. Sal. L.I7,35,40,47; Verr. Caec.24; 2.r.45). C. Vnnnns (*6.2471) Pr. Urbanus Cic. Verr.2.t.I02-158 ynss'i,m;2.1.34,and 5.34; Cluent. 9l; Ps.Ascon. 216,255, and 257 Stangl.
Aediles,Curule M. SnrusL. f. (3) T.; cf. Cic. Planc' 12,electod Plin. -l[.8 15.2;18.16,with praenomen over M. Pupius Piso; Off. 2.58. Iudex Quaestionis C. fuNrus (15) Presided over the Quaestio de veneficis in the casesof Scamander, X'abricius, and Oppianicus, but was condemned to a fine by the Tribune Quinctius for failing to comply with certain formalities (cic. Cluent.l.65,69, 78,84,90-96,103,I13, and 189; Verr. L.29;2.L.157; Ps.-Ancon.216, and 255f. Stangl; Bchol.Gron. 331, and 351 Stangl; Sclw/. on Pers. Sat. 2.19).
74 B.C.
Tribunes of the Plebs L. Qunvcrrus (*IV. 4) Pr.68 or 67 His agitation for restoration of the powers of the tribunate was 3.48.1rM; PIut. checkedby Lucullus (Cic.Cluent 1I0-l12; SaIl..Fldsü. Luc. 5.4; Ps.-Ascon. 1S9 Stangl). Defended Oppianicus,and after his condemnation secured the conviction of C. Iunius, the Iudex Quaestionis, and prosecutedX'alcula,one of the jurors (Cic. Cluent.72-96, f03-ll6 Tnss'int,ll9,136-138,178; Vem.L.29;2.I.157;Quintil. .Insü. Or. 5.13.39;Ps.-Ascon.206,216, and 255f. Stangl; Bchol'.Gron.328, and 351 Stangl; Sch,ol.on Pers. Sat.2.l9). Quaestors ? CN. Conrvnr,rusLuxrur,us Menonr,LrNus Pat. (228) Cos.56, Pr.60 Grueber, CRRBM 2.358-360. ? P. ConNnr,rus LaNTUr,us Mlncnr,r,ntus Pat. (23f , cf. 238) Sent as Quaestor, probably with imperium, to the province of Cyrene (Sall. f/isü. 2.43M). See 75, note 4. ? P. ConNnr,rusLENTulus SrTNTEER Pat. (238, cf. 204) Cos. 57, Pr. 60 Quaestor Urbanus (Grueber, CHRBM 1.406; ca. 72, Sydenham, Ixiii). L. Lrcnrrus Munnxas (123) Cos.62, Pr. 65 Cic.Mur.18. P. Opprus (17) Servedunder M. Aurelius Cotta in Bithynia (Dio 36.40.3;see 73-71, Promagistrates). ? L. Pr,enroRrus L. f. Cnsrrarus (14) Grueber (CßRBM 1.404f.) dates him in 74, Sobeck (48) before 66, when Cicero refers to him as a senator (Cluent.165).Dated ca. 72 by Sydenham (txiii). Snn. Srnrrcrus Rurrrs Pat. (95) Cos.51, Pr. 65 QuaestorOstiensis(Cic.Mur.IS). Cf. Oic.Brut.156. Seenote 5. C. Unrnrrus (not in xEE) Served under Metellus Pius in X'arther Spain (Salt. .Hdsü.2.70M). Promagisftates O. Aunpr,rus Corne (96) Cos.75 Proconsul in Cisalpine Gaul (Cic. Brut.3l8; SaIl. //asü. 2.98M, at tha end). See 73, Promagistrates,and Pontifices.
74 B.O.
Q. Clrcrlrus MErELr,usPrus (98) Cos.80, Pr. 89 Proconsul in Farther Spain (see79, Promagistrates). Alter wintering in Gaul (Plut. Berü. 21.5), he returned to Spain and captured Bilbilis and Segobriga,then joined Pompey at Calagurris, but, when Sertorius compelled them to raise the siege went back to his province (Liv. Per.93; Strabo 3.4.13,162c; Plut. Sert.22.1; App. BC l.lll-lI2; cf. Sall. Hi,st.2.7O,and 3.45M).
P. Snnvrr,rus Verra Iseunrcus (93) Cos. 79, Pr. 90 Proconsul in Cilicia, whence he returned to celebrate his triumph (Cic. Pds. 58; Vem.2.1.57,and 5.66; Val. Max. 8.5.6;Eutrop. G.B,and 5; Ruf. X'est. 12.3; Claudian In Eutrop. I.217; Ps.-Ascon.2BZ Stangl; seeDegrassi 564), and display his prisoners and booty (CIL 12.2.7LtI,LS 36; Cic. Very.2.I.56-57\.
? M. Fonrmus6 (12) Pr. 75 Governor, probably pro gnaetore(Cic. Font.ll and 16), of Transalpine Gaul for three years (Iont.32)' IIe aided the commanders in Spain with troops and supplies and others elsewherewith troops (db.l3 and 16), and carried on some military activity in Gaul itself (db.l2-l+, 26,46,anit 49).Prosecutedfor extortion shortly after 708.C. (i'b.L7-23; cf. SaIl. Hi,st. 3.46M).
Legates, Lieutenants
C. Lrcntrus Secnnnos (I54) Pr.75 Propraetor in Sicily (Cic. Vur. 2.1.27, and 2.21-22 and 68-75 and 81, and 3.90, and 5.108; Ps.-Ascon. 185, and 26f Stangl), the immediate predecessorof Verres (seeabove; and Verc, 2.2.81and 119, and 3.119and 214-216,and 5.55). L. Ocm,lrrus (26) Proconsul in Cilicia. Died early in the year (Sali. Hist.2.98M' at end; PIut,Inc.6; seeabove, Consuls,on Lucullus). Cn. PolwparusMaelrus (*I5) Cos.70, 55, 52 Proconsul in Spain (see 77, Promagistrates). His attempt to carry on siegeswhile wintering in Celtiberia met with fierce resistance (Sall. Hist.2.88-97M; Liv. Per.93; cf. Plut. Pomp.19.6).He sent a sharp demand for money and reinJorcements to Rome (Sall' I/isü. 2.98M; PIut. Pomp. 20.L; Sert. 21.5-6; Luc. 5.2-3). When he returned to his strategy of sieges he was forced to leave Palentia, and though he captured Coca,he had to retire from Calagurris, and to winter in Gaul (Cic. Font. 16; Satl. Hist. 3.46M; Liv. Per. 93; X'rontin. Str. 2.11.2; App. BC r.lll-112; cf. Val. Max. 7.6,ext. 3). C. ScnrnoNrusCrrmo (10) Cos.76, Pr. 80 ? Proconsul in Macedonia (see 75, Promagistrates). He apparently continued to carry on the war with the Thracians (Liv. Per. 95; Ammian. Marc. 29.5.22\. Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 Soeabove, Promagistrates, on Metellus and Pompey; below, Legates, on M. Perperna.Cf. App. BC l.II2.
? Meannncus? (not in -B-E') Served under M. Antonius against the Ligurian pirates (Sall. f/dsü. 3.5M; see Promagistrates,on M. Antonius). (not in RE) ? Mrnnnous Servedunder Lucullus in Asia (Oros. 6.2.16-18; cf. Liv. fr. of Book 94W). SeeConsuls,on Lucullus. lVls.Nrus (not in A.O) Legate under M. Antonius (Sall. Hi,st.3.6M\. C. ANluus Bnr,lrnxus (35) C. X'onrnrus (7) Legates under M. X'onteius in Transalpine GauI (Cic. Iont.lB). ? L. Mar,r,rus (8) A senator who served under Cotta (seeabove, Consuls),who was lost in the defeat of Cotta's fleet at Chalcedon(App. Mi,th.7I). L. Mencnrus (l) Legate, almost certainly under M. Antonius, for whose campaign he was preparing in Greece (S-IGB7488,from Gyüheum; cf. X'oucart, Jour. d,esSaaants 1906, 569-581). M. PnnpnnNe Vuvro (6) Pr. 82 Served under Sertorius in Spain (see 76-75, Legates). Captured Calesof Callaecia (Sall. .Hasü.3.43-44M). P. Rurrr,rus Nuous (30) Pr. Servedunder Cotta at Chalcedon(App. It[ith.7l; Oros.6.2.t3; cf. Ascon. 5C, quoting X'enestella fr. 22 Peter; see above, Consuls, on Cotta). C. Sar,lrrvrus C. f. Naso (l) Legatus pro praetore in Asia under Lucullus, who protected Mysia Abbaeitis and Phrygia Epiktetos during the war with Mithridates (CIL 12.2.743-ILS 3?; seeMagie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor 2.t2}g, rrote 15; and below, additional note, on the date).
74 B.C.
Tho dates of the activities of Lucullus in Asia Minor depend upon two disquestions. The first and major one is the date of tho outbreak of the Third puted 'uittrritiatio war, and the second is the date when tho provinco of asia was addod to his command. Many disüinguished scholars, including Mommsen, T. Rice llolmes, Gelzer, and Ormerod, havo supported tho viow that, this war broke out in the spring of ?4, and another distinguished group, including T. Reinach, Geyer, Brandis, and most recently, Magie, have decided in favor of tho spring of 73. I see no cortain solution, bui befiÄve that the weight of evidenco on tho whole supports the earlier dato and have arranged the lists accordingly. According to Eutropius (6.6; Nicomodesdiod in tho consulship oflucullus and cotta, and the evidence of Bithynian coins indicates that the date was at, any rate later than October of ?5. It may havo been very early in 74 or even, given some slight inexacüitudo on the part of Eutropius, have occuned at the end of 75. Accordiig to Cicero Lucullus and Cotta were sent to the war during-their consuls}]ip (Mtn.33), but in another passage (acad,. 2.ll cicero, after roferring to tho post ail' industry and ability of Lucullus in his consulship, adds tho phrase "afteryour Mithriäati,cwm,bel,lnnnrndssugAnd it isnotclearwhetherpost me&ns "after these praiseworthy acts in your consulship"'Appian makes consulship" or a closo "äl"tion beüween the election of Lucullus as Consul and his choice as commander in the war (Mi,th. 72), and Plutarch (Inc. 5-6) connects Pompey's threatening letter demanding men and money for his Spanish camp_aign, which was read in the Senato at thä beginning of the consular year 74, with the ambition of Lucullus to exchange his assigned province of cisalpine Gaul for the promising eastern command, and makes clear that the expectatio^n-of.a war was immediaie when news came of the death of Octavius, governor of Cilicia. According to both t]ne Periochae, of Liry and Eutropius fighting began when Lucullus rnä cott, were consuls, and in answer to the clairn that the word consules is as often used loosely for ,proconsulp,siü should be noted that the epitornizer of Liwy distinguishes between the commencement of operations when Lucullus was ConJ (Liv. Per.94) and his victory at Gyzicus when he was Proconsul (Per. 95). Moreover in estimating the time to bo allowed for the opposition in Romo between Lucullus and the Tribune Quinctius, it should be remembered that Tribunos, who entored upon office on the tenth of December, were usually rnost active at the beginning-of their year of offico, and that Lucullus did induce Quincüius to rostrain himself before long. The most important, evidence against a dato in the spring of 7-4is found in Velleius (2.33.1i: curn esset 'in f'ine bal,l4m, pirat4cwrm et L. I'ucutrlus, qwi onte who septefti, oinnoa efr conw,la'tw sorlitws Aeiant, Mithrid'at'i oppos'itws yot '", golr on to mention the introduction of the Manilian law. The collocation of the passago of the Manilian [h"u,r" er comstl,atu with a date soven years before tho iaw in early 66 points to ?3. Yet it is not irrelevant to point ouü that, the war with thopiraües was actually i,n linelf not, conlecturaaby midsummgr of 67 (cic' Leg, Uair,. Sf, mei,ia aestate confec,it), and the phrase sortitlts Asian't, appears to be inaccurate since his provinco by sortition had been Cisalpino Gaul. And ho was to Cilicia before ho received tho governorship of Asia. appointed ^ ^Thu t"on*port of an army to Asia need not, havo taken very long. Lucullus brought only ono legion with him (Plut. I"ttc.7.L; App. Mit-h..?2), which may the beginning of the year, and of his forces in Asia have*been rlcruitedfrom
74 B.C.
Minor two logions had recently seon service under Servilius Isauricus. Iü was quite possiblo for him to begin active operations in Phrygia by tho autumn, Admittedly this scheme compresses a good deal of action into one yoar. Is it possible to do so ? Cisalpine Gaul had probably been made consular before the elections in 75 in accordance with the Sempronian law. The danger from Mithridates was already ovidont in that year (Sall. Hist.2.47.7 M). Early in 74, while Lucullus was atternpting to meet Pompey's demands and his various civil duüies, carne the nows of tho death of Nicomedes of Bithynia, and soon aftorwards of Octavius, governor of Cilicia, either in or on his way to his province (Balsdon has shown that even after Sulla's reforms Consuls often departed for their provinces before the end of their yoar of office in R,ome, JRS 29 [1g3gl 58-63). Meantime, Iuncus, then governor of Asia, moved into Bithynia to organize the new inheritance, and the entrancs of Roman tax-gatherers rousod irritation in the cities, especially in the free city of l{eracleia, It appears that Iuncus was in Bithynia whon Caesar was captured by piratos and then capturod his captors, an event that in view of his return to Italy in 73 seems besü dated in the winter of 75-74 (Vell. 2.41.3-42.3; Suet. Iul. 4, and 74.1; Plltt. Gaee, 1.4.2-3; Aucb. Vdr. IIl. 78.3; cf. Plut. Crass. 7.5; Polyaen. 8.23.1; Fenestella, GL.K I.365), since ho had üime both for study at Rhodes and operations in Asia against officors of Mithridates before his return (Suet.). Of Heracleia it should be noted that it did not go over to Mithridates at once, and also that it did not, have or take time to send an embassy to B,omo to protest its rights, The intorval of time before it went over to Mithridates was probably not great (Memnon 38 in IGrH 38.355), Lucullus socured tho province of Cilicia by intrigue and in consequence the command against Miühridates by general consent, probably by midsummer at the latest. He and his single legion could have reached Ephesus and from thero Phrygia by early autumn whero the legions already mobilizod were already concentrated. The action at Cyzicus is known to have been a winter campaign (Phft,. Lw. 33.3). Is a date in 74 for the beginning ofthe war consisüent with the courso oftho war itself ? The siege of Amisus was also a winter operation (Plttt. Inc. 33.3), eithor in 73-72 ot in 72-7I. Phlegon of Tralles places the march of Lucullus from Amisus to Cabira in the first year of the 177th Olyrnpiad (July 72-Jdy T 1) and has him spend the subsequont winter there. This implies that the defeat of Mithridates and his flight to Armenia should bo placed in the latüer part of 72. According to Memnon (55) a year and eight months passed after this bofore 'Iigranes of Armenia accorded the defeated monarch a personal roception. Appian places this reception near the time of tho battle of Tigranocorta in the autumn of 69 (Mi,th.85), thus suggesting that the flight of Mithridates should be placed in 71, but Plutarch (Lu,c. 22.L) and Memnon (55, cf. 46) clearly imply that the reception followed immediately upon Tigranes' refusal to surrender him to Lucullus' envoy, Ap. Claudius Pulcher, in tho spring of 70, and support the view ühat the flight of Mithridaües should be dated in 72. In Cat. $.9 Cicero refers to the year 63 as the amnwa d,ec,imnßpost uirg'inum, ttbsolutionern, a trial in which M. Pupius Piso, a man older than Cicero, had grined renown after a temporary eclipse in his career (Brwt.236). Two such trials oro known in this period, one, of Licinia (for incost with Crassus, at some time whon he was no longer a youth, see 73, Yestal Virgins), is undated, and one, of l,ilbia, for incest with Catiline, is dated by Orosius to the year of tho rolief of C.yzicus (6,3.1). There is no proof that the trials to which Cicero refers included tlro trial of Fabia, but it is very tempting to suppose that the two trials that aro
74 B.C.
mentionod in tlrig poriod woro the sa,me ones, and that 73 was the date of ühe reliof of Cyzious. f am thoroforo inclined to assign as follows the acüivities of Lucullus' commond botwoon tho years 74 and 69: Outbreak of the Mithridatic war, appointment to Cilicia, perhaps also to Asia. 74-73. Siege of Mitbridates at, Cyzicus. 79. Clearing of much of Bithynia, and beginning of the invasion of Pontus. ?&-72. Siege of Amisus. Defeat of Mithridates at Cabira. His flight to Armenia. 72, 71. Capture ofother cities ofPontus. Lucullus returns to Asia, 70, Lucullus completes his reforms in Asia and returns to Pontus. 69, Lucullus invJdes Armenia. 14.
The second question remains. There is no doubt that Lucullus became Proconsul of Asia by 71 (Cic. ?lacc. 85; see above, Consuls), and that his appointmont to Asia was subsequent to the Cilician one. Noting that Varinius held a praetorship in 73 and was at some time governor of Asia (see 73, Praetors; and 65, Promagistrates) Lange suggested that he should be placed in 72 and the governorship of Lucullus in 71. The phrase in Velleius ante septerm a,nnos en coneuhatw sortitus Asiam points to 73 however inexact the word sortitws rnay actually be (soo above). According to Memnon (37) Lucullus was sent, to Asia by the Senate, and Plutarch has him proceed directly thero, It seems to me probable therefore that Lucullus became governor of Asia some years beforo 71-70, the dates which are most, clearly atüested, and that, Asia was added to his command when it, became clear in Rome in the autumn of 74 that his most, immediate military task lay in t'hat province. Against a date in 71 may be urged the fact that with the resurgence of popular agitation, at that time supporüed by Pompey, and with two Pompeians in the consulship in72, lhe political climate in R,ome was extremely unfavorable to additions to the sphere of command of Lucullus. For discussions of these problems, with references to earlier literature, seo T. B,ice Holmes, The Romnn Republi,c 1.398-403; and Magie, Rom,am RuIe''in Aeia M,inor, 2.1204, noto 5, and 7127, nole 47 . I See abovo, Additional Note. 2 Liwy terms Antonius praetor, while Cicero refers to ltis 'i,rnper'i,urn'i,nfinitum,, and Ps.-Ascon. to his cura,tio 'i,nfinita. According to Yelleius the Senate decreed to Antonius in praetura the same imperium as Pornpey later received under the Gabinian lawz ,i,mper.i,urnaequunn'i,n omn'i,bus prouinc,i,is curtu proconsuli,bus usque ad, qu'inqwagesi,rnurn rruiliariurn a,mnri. On the date and duration of the operations of Antonius, see Foucart, Jowr. (les Saaants 1906, 569-58L; cf.Ha,tzfeld, ItalienB tra f,iqwantu d,anal,'Orient hefiönique, 80-82. 3 The praetorship of Metellus may bo dated between 74 a,nd,72, preferably in 74 since both Consuls supported him at tho elections in 75 ( Sall.). But Cicero does not refer to him as a colleague of Verres in this office. { Magie's acute observation that the trial and aequittal of Terentius Varro took place several months after ühe notoriotts,iu'il,öc,ium,Iuninnurn in 74 placos tho praeüorship of Lentulus Sura in 74 (nob 75, where Mürrzer put it), and shows that he cannot be the governor of Sicily who is mentioned in Pliny (NH 7.55). On tho idonüification of Terentius Varro, see 82, Legates; a,nd 77, Promagistrates. On boüh quostions, see Magie, Romam Rul,e'in As'ia Minor,2,IL25, note 42.
7 4 R . C . - 7 3B . C .
0 Licinius Murena and Sulpicirts Rufus were colleagues in the quaestorship lcic, Mw. l8), with careers closely parallel to that oici"e"o. As they are not named_as c-olleagues of Cicero, and Murena soon afterwards becamoä Logate under Lucullus (see 73, Legates), I list them as euaestors in 24. 6 The dates of Fonteius' command in Gaul have been disputed, and the boginniTg has beon placed as early as 77 (Maurenbrecher on sarlr/dsr. p.227f .1. He was in command of w-hen pompey wintered there with his army, therefore eiüher in 77-76 or $ar! i_n ?
73 B.C.
A.U.C. 68r Consuls
M. Tnnnrvrrns M. f. - n. Vmno Luour,r,us (Licinius l0g) pr. 76 C. Cessrus L. f. - n. LoNorxus (b8) pr. by Z6 CIL 12.2.896;BlGa 747; Cic. Verr.2.t.60; Cluent. tB7; Fast.Cagt., Degrassi 56f., l3l, 4SGf.(M. fTeren]tius M. f. t- n. Varlr. Lucutt., b. Cafssiu]sL. f. [_-]); Chr. Bb4 (Varro et Licinio); fasi. nyA. (Marco Lucullo et cassio Longino); chr. pasc. (Mapx6),),ou-xalKaoiou; j oros. 5.24.1; Cassiod.; and on Lucullus, ps.-Ascon. 222 Stangl lhe coryufs together carried a grain law (cic. ve*. z.i.rcB and tTB; and 5.52; sall. Iftlst. 9.48.19M). Lucullus rnay have begun his term of command in Macedoniain this year (cic. veir. 2.2.24;-ps.-Ascon.261 Stangl; see 72, Promagistrates). Praetors Q. Annrus (7) - Cic. Verr. 2.4.42; Ptut. Cic. tl.B; ps.-Ascon. 185, t8g, and 260 Stangl; see72, Promagistrates. -; I C. Cr,aunrus Glennnr (165) __Attempted unsuccessfully to hem in spartacus and his followers on Mt. Vesuvius (Plut. Crass.9.2; X'rontin.kt . t.S.Zt; X'Ior. 2.g.4; Oros. 5.24.1;cf. Sall. Hi,st.B30-98 M; Liv. per.95; plut. Crass.8_9; App. Itc r.116).
73 B.C.
? L. CossrNruss (2) A colleague who was sent to advise and assist Varinius against Spartacus, but was almost captured himself and fell in battle (Plut. Crass.9.4-5;cf. Sall. Hi,st.3.94M). Seebelow, on Varinius. ? M. Lrcrxrus CRASsusDwns (68) Cos. 70, 55 The latest date possible under the Cornelian law. Seo 72, Promagistrates and note 2. ? P. Ver,nnrus (77) Sent against Spartacus in addition to Varinius (App. BC 1.116). Willems (1.455)suggeststhat he was also a Praetor. Seenote I. P. Va-nnvrus3 (*1) Praetor (Liv. Per.95; cf. Frontin. Btr. I.5.22, pracos.). Severely defeated in several engagementswith Spartacus (SaIl. flisl. 3.95-98 M; Plut. Crass.9.4-6;App. jBC 1.116;X'Ior.2.8.5;cf. Cic. Xlacc.45; X'rontin. Str. t.s.zz1. See 72, Promagistrates. Tribunes of the Plebs C. Lrcnrrus L. f. Mlcnn (ll2) Pr. 68 ? He agitated for the restoration of the powers of the tribunate (Sall. Hist.3.48 M), and, perhapsin this year, accusedC. Rabirius of sacrilege (Cic. Rab. Perd,.7; cf. Val. Max. 9.12.7). Quaestors ? C. Ocra'ruus (15) Pr.6l Elogium, CIL L2.1,p. 199-/zsu. colleague Toranius.
ItnL. f 3.3.75b. Seebelow, on his
M. Posruurus (*47) Servedunder Verres in Eastern Sicily (Cic. Verr.2.2.44). C. ToneNrusa (4\ Served under P. Varinius, and was also defeated by Spartacus (Sall. Hi,st.3.96M; Flor. 2.8.5). ? M. Vs,nnrus Mnsser,r,aNronn Pat. (*76) Cos. 61, Pr. 649 Elogium, CI L 12.L,p. 201-I nsu. ltn\. 13.3.77. The interval between this year and his consulship is the same as that between Cicero's quaestorshipand consulship. SeeMünzer, Gent. Val'. 52, no. 59. T. Vnrrrus (*9) Quaestorunder Verres in Sicily (Cic. Veru.2.3.168,and 5.1r4).
Promagistrates M. Anronrus Cnnrrcus (29) pr.74 see 74, Praetors, on his imperium. on activities of him or his officials in sicily, see cic. Dia. in caec. 55; ve*. 2.B.2tB*2r6; and in Greece, BIG9 748, wlrerg they were preparing for his campaign against the Cretan pirates. See below, Legates. C. Aunnr,rus Corra (96) Cos. Z5 Proconsul in cisalpine Gaur (see 74, promagistrates). He died at the end of.74 or early in zB on the eve of the celöradon ät his triumph (Cic. Pris. 62; Ascon. 14 C; see below, pontifices). M. Aunnr,rus Corra (107) Cos. Z4 Proconsul (cIL 12.2.789). Joining Lucullus and rriarius at Nicomedia, he undertook_as his part of the campaign against Mithridates the reduction of the Pontic coast and the siegeäf H"eracleia(Memnon 42-43, in FGrH BB.B5Sf.). Q. Caucnrus Mnrnr,r,us Prus (gg) Cos. g0. pr. gg Proconsul in x'arther spain (see7g, promagistrates). see sall. f/isü. 3.45M;Val.Max.9.1.5. ?M. Fonrnrus (t2\ Pr.75 Propraetor in Transalpine Gaul (see 74, promagistrates). L. Lrcnrrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos. 74, pr. Zg Proconsulin Asia arrd cilicia (Liv. per. g5; see24, Additional Note). After hisw_ictoryat cyzicus (see 74, Additionar Note), he cleared the forces of Mithridates out of Asia and Bithynia, and began his invasion of Pontus (Cic. Leg. Man. 2t; Mur. BB;Ärch.2l; Saill Eist. 8.32-.58 M; Liv. Per. 95; PIut,. Luc. ll.5*r5.t.; 33.3; App. Mi,th. 76_78; -O^.0.g, Memnon 40-46, in FGrE 88.956-960j Errtrop. and 8.f_2 j Oros. 6.2.20-24; cf..OGIS 447). ? Opprus (9) He is termed er praetore achaiae in schol. Gron. (BB2 stangl), rr,gainstwhom a prosecution-was being arranged in order to posrpone the prosecution of verres, but other sources suggest that ie was & suborned prosecutor, not a former governor beii! 70 (oic. verr. 1.6; Ps.-Ascon.207,236Stangl; schol,."Glron. BBr stangl). 'l'here is no apparent break in the series öf governors of Macedonia in l,his poriod. l'. Opprus (lZ) see 74, Quaestors. served under M. cotta in Bithynia, who sent hirn home in disgrace, charging him with bribery and änspiracy (cic.
73 B.C.
I 13
in Quintil. Inat. Or.5.10.69,and 13.20-21and 30; tt.l.67; Sall. I/dsü' 3.69-60 M; Dio 36.40.3;Ammian. Marc. 30.8'7). See 70, Promagistrates, on M. Cotta. Cw. Poupnrus Mecnus (*f5) Cos. 70, 55, 52 Proconsul in Spain (see 77, Promagistrates). He spent this year reducing the strongholds of Sertorius until few were left him except in the upper Ebro valley (Liv. Per.94; Plut. Sert.25; App. BC 1.113; cf. Sa,ll.Hist.3.47 M; Diod. 37.22;PLut.Pomp. 31.6-7).
C. Ger,r,rus (3) No title preserved..Probably a Legate under Antonius Creticus in Greece (SIGB 748).
C. ScnrsoNrus Cu'nro (10) Cos. 76, Pr. 80 ? Proconsul in Macedonia (see 75-74, Promagistrates; SaIl' l/isü. 3.49-50 M), until he was succeededby M. Lucullus.
L. Lrcnvrus Munnlqa (123) Cos. 62, Pr. 65 Legale under Lucullus in Asia, Bithynia, and Pontus (Cic. Mur.20 and 89). See 72, Legates.
Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 See above, on Pompey. C. Vnnnns (*6.2471') Pr.74 Propraetor in Sicily (praetor, Cic. Verc. 2.2.1I, and passim; praetura, Verr, 2.2.17, and pa,ss'im;pmetorium imperium, Vem. 2.5.40). He governed Sicily for three years, his expected successorQ. Arrius being appointed to the war against Spartacus (Cic. Vem.2.2.37, and 4.42; Di,a. i,n Caec. 3 and ll). On his crimes and misgovernment, and his trial and condemnation in 70, see Cic. Verr. gmssim,and the Bcholi'a on these, ed. Stangl; Ascon. 17 C; Sall. Hi,st. 4.32, and 53 M; Plut. Ci,c.7-8. Legates, Lieutenants Q. A-ncn.r-nrus5 (3) Pr. 56 No title preserved. Probably served under Antonius Creticus in Greece (SIG} 748, from Gytheum; cf. Q. Ancharius, termed Proquaestorin I. a. Ol,ymp.328). P. Aunnoxrus (Peurus) (7) Cos. Desig. 65 Legate, probably under Antonius Creticus, in Greece (BlGs 748). Benee (not in -EE) Served under Lucullus in Asia and Bithynia (App. Mitlt. 77; Memnon 4l in EGrH 38.357). Title not preserved. P. Cnnvrus (l) Legate under Verres in Sicily (Cic. Vem. 2.5.114). L. ? X'unrus (2, cf. r8) Pr.75 Legato under Varinius against Spartacus (PIut. Crass. 9.4, ünoocpdqYo€).
Fur,vrus (l) Legate Antonius Creticus in Greece (B.fGs748).
C. Iur,rus (Censen?)o Pat. (20,f31) Cos.59, 48,46-44, Pr. 62 Legate, probably under Antonius Creticus, in Greece,and probably in the latter part of 73 (S/Gs 748).
L. lVler.crr,rus (t) Legate under Antonius Creticus in Greece(B.IG874S; see74, Legates). M. PnnpnnNe Vprvro (6) Pr. 82 Served under Sertorius in Spain (Plut. Berf. 25; see 76-72, Legates). C. Sar,r,u'rrusC. f. Neso (l) Legatus pro praetore in Asia under Lucullus (CIL 12.2.743-ILS 37). See 74, Legates. P. Taorus (l) Legale under Verres in Sicily, probably from 73-71 (Cic. Vem. 2.2.49,and 5.63). (*62) Pr. 78 C. Var,nmus Tnumus Legate under Lucullus in the war with Mithridates (OGIB aa7; Ascon. 19 C), and a successfulnaval commander of the fleet of Lucullus in the Aegean and the Black Seas (App. Mith. 77; Memnon 4l-+3, and 48, inFGrH 38.357-359, and 361;.seeabove, Promagistrates,on Lucullus). VocoNrus (*2) Perhaps a prefect, but no title is preserved. IIe commanded a division of Lucullus' fleet and failed to close the Bosporus (Plut. Luc. l3.I-2). See above, Barba, with whom he may be identified. Pontifices ?-74 or 73: C. Aunnr,rus Corra (96) Cos. 75 Successor:C. Iulrus Censan Pat. (l3l) Cos.59, 48,46-44,Pr.62 Vell. 2.ß.f . Caesarwas elected in absenceffen.). From two lists of Pontifices, one dating from before 69 (Macrob. 3.l3.fl) and one from 57 (Cic. Har. Resp. L2), in both of which the 8 Brongthon
I 14
Pontifioes are listed in the order of their entrance into the college (L. R,. Taylor, AJ Ph 63 ll942l 39lff.), it is apparent that the following were members of the college when Caesar was admitted: Q. Cencu,rus Mnrnr,r,us Prus (98) Cos. 80, Pr. 89, Pont. Max. ca. 8l Q. Lurerrus Carur,us (8) Cos. 78 Meu. ? Anlrrr,rus Lnprnus Lmru.wus Pat. (80) Cos. 77 (93) Cos. 79, Pr. 90 P. Snnvnrus Verra Isxrnrcus M. Tnnnxrrus Vanno Lucur,r,us (Licinius 109) Cos. 73, Pr. 76 Q. Cencnrus Mnrmr,r,usCnnrrcus (87) Cos. 69, Pr.74? M'. Acrr,rus Gr,Eenro (38) Cos. 67, Pr. 70 M. Ver,nnrus Mnssrr,le (Nrann) Pat. (*76) Cos. 6l D. Iuurus Srr,-e.Nus(163) Cos. 62 Vestal Virgins X'earu (172) Accused of incest with Catiline. Catiline was accusedby Clodius and acquitted with the help of Catulus, while Fabia is probably one of the Vestals who were defended by Pupius Piso and acquitted (Cic. Tog. Cand,.,and Ascon. 9l C; Plut. Cat. Mi,n. lg.3; Oros. 6.3.1; cf. Cic. Brut. 236; Cat. 3.9; Q. Cic. Comm. Pet. I0; Sall. Cal. l5.t; see 74, Additional Note). Lrcnrre (185) Accused by Plotius of incest with Crassus,but both were acquitted (Plut. Cross.1.2; cf. Ini,m. Uti,l.6). The date is uncertain, but Licinia is probably one of the Vestals who were defended by Pupius Piso and acquittedtenyears before 63 B. C. (Cic. Brut. 2361'Caü.3.9; see 74, Additional Note). ADDENDII]\[
The list of senators in a dated inscription of this year (B/Gs 747) provides good evidence for the names of a group of ex-magistrates, although it is not wholly conclusive because of the additions to the Senate by the reforms of Sulla. Proetori,,i M. Cr,euorus M. f. Arn. Mencnr,r,us (226) Pr. See I02, Legates;90, Legates;or 91, Aediles. C. Cr,rurrus C. f. Arn. Gr,ennn (165) Pr. 73 M. CassrusM. f. Pompt. (18)
I 16
C. Lronvrus C. f. Pompt. (16) C. Lrcrrrus C. f. Stell. Slcnnnos
(154) Pr. 75
Aedilici,i,? L. Vor,usorus (Vor,scrus) L. f. Arn. (not in *,8.8) L. Lrnrrus L. f. Pap. (l) Cf. Cic. in Quintil. Inst. Or.6.3.96. C. Arvr.ranusC. f. Clu. (Bnoccuus ?) (3) Cf. Cic. Verr.2.3.93. Quaestorü, M. Tur,r,rus M. f. Corn. Crcpno (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Q. Axrus M. f. Quir. (4) Varro nß 9.2.1. Q. Pouruus Q.f.Arn. Runus (*8; D.-G. 4.323,no. 14) Pr. 63 A. Cascnr,r,rusA. f. Rom. (4) Cf. Val. Max. 6.2.12;Di,g. Q. Mnruorus Q. f. Ter. Tnnnrvrus (67) Pr. by 58 M. Punr,rorus M. f. Hor. Scenvl (not in *.8.O) Cf. Grueber, CRHBM 2.364f.. T. MenNrus T. f. Lem. (16) L. Cr,euorus L. f. Lem. Pat. (23) Q. Rarvcrus Q. f. Claud. (l) C. Vrsnr,r,rusC. f. Quir. (*2) Cf. Cic. Verc.2.t.7L;Brut.264. l The name of Claudius is preserved in full in SlGs 747.The epitomizer of Livy mistakenly calls him Pulcher and gives his'title as Legatus, while Appian has combined the names of the two Praetors into the single name Varinius Glabor (see Münzer, Pluil,ologus 56 [f 896] 387-389) and probably substituted the name P. Valerius for Varinius, As the operations of Varinius began in the autumn of 73 (Sall. fldsü. 2.86 M) and probably continuod into 72 there may be a sound basis for the title procos. attributed to him in Frontinus. 2 As ouvdpXov Cossinius must have been a colleague (Mürrzer, .R.8). 3 See note I; and 74, Additional Note, at the end. a The spelling Thoranius in Sall. and Flor. is conected to Toranius by Mürrzer on basis of ILS 47-Inscr. Ital. 13.3.76b. 6In I. o. Olamp.328 a certain Q. Ancharius is honored by the l(oinon of the ,\chaeans while Proquaestor, but it remains uncertain whethor ho should be i
? 3 B . C . - 7 2B . C .
in ?6 and early in ?4 captured pirates who had held him for ransom, and during that year had aided in the defence of south-westorn Asia Minor against supporters of Mithridates (Vell. 2.41-42; Val. Max.6.9.15; Suet. /t'tr. 4.2;74'l; cf' Plut' Caae. L4-2.4; Polyaon' 8.23.1, who misdate the incident of the pirates)' Ho returned to Rome in ?3 upon receiving news of his cooptation to the college of Pontifices (vell. 2.43.1; see Pontifices). If Foucart is correct in dating the year of Biadas at Gytheum to 73-72 it is probable that caesar then returned as a Legato under Antonius creticus. It should be noted that another c. Iulius "pfur"r in this period., the obsclre C. Iulius whom Catiline dispatched to Apulia in OS (Sall. Cat. Zt.t1. But Caesar, since his known career is consistent with this appoinüment in 7*-72, is the more probable identification. This dating supports Ni-ccolini's view (FTp 2EI\ that Caesar was elocted a Tribune of thesoldiers for 71 and not for 72. On Caesar's legateship, see Broughton, TAPb,A 79 (1948) 63-67.
72P-C. ? M. Puprus Prso Fnuer Car,punNreNusl (*2.100) Cos. 6l See 7t-69, Promagistrates. See D.-G. 2.69, no. 15. Quaestors
Q. Cencrnrus Nrenn (l0I) Served under Verres in Sicily (Cic. Dia. 'in Caec.4, 28, 3l-35, 39, 60-73; Ps.-Ascon. I85, 195 Stangl), probably in Western Sicily (Cic. Di,a.i,n Caec.39 and 55-58). Cf . Quintil. Irust.Or. 5.13.I8 ; Plut. Ci'c.7.5. P. Censnrrus (3) Served under Verres in Sicily (Cic. Verr. 2.4.146, and 5.63), apparently in successionto Postumius at Syracuse (see 73, Quaestors)' Promagistrates
72B c.
A.U.C.682 Consuls
L. Gnr,r,rusL. f.. L. n. Punr,rcor,e (17) Pr. 94 CN. Conrnr,rus CN. f. - n. Lnrvnur,us Cr,oorewus Pat. (216) Pr. by 75 iU, t'.z.ggz; Cic. Verr. 2.2.95; Balb. 19; Degrassi 131, 486f.; Chr. 354 (Publicola et Lentulo); Iast. Hyd,. (Cn. Lentulo et Gellio); Chr. Pasc. (levcoü),ouxai fetrtriou); Oros. 5.24.4; Cassiod.; and on Lentulus, CI L 12.2.589. The Consulscarried bills to validate grants of citizenship by Pompey in Spain (Cic. Balb. 19 and 32 33, cf. 38). They checked Verres in sicily by providing that no one in the provinces should be tried in absence-ona capital charge (Cic. Vem.2.2.9+-98). Lentulus proposed that sums remitted by sutla be collected from buyers of the property of the proscribed (sall. l/isü. 4.1 M). Both Consuls were defeated, first separutely and then together, by Spartacus, and were withdrawn from command by decreeof the Senate (SaIl. I/dsü.3.106M; Liv. Per.96; PIul. Crass.9.7-r0.1; Cat. Mi,n.8.l-2; App. BC l.l17; X'Ior.2.8.I0; Eutrop. 6.7.2; Oros.5.24.4;cf. Iulian Caes.322D, Äoüxroq). Praetors (13) Cos. 69 Q. Honrnxsrus llonranus Cic. Verr. 1.38-39; cf. CluenL ll5-116. Cr. MeNr,rus Pat. ? (21) Defeoted by Spartacus (Liv. Per. 96).
Q' de repetundis
M. AxroNrus CRnrrcns (29) Pr.74 Proconsul (see 74, Praetors, and note l). He collected supplies in Greece and elsewhere for his operations against the Cretan pirates (S1Gs74S; IG 42.1.66,lines25ff.; cL BEG f r.397)' See74-73, and 71, Promagistrates. Q. Annrus (7) Pr.73? Instead of succeeding Verres in Sicily, he took part in the war against Spartacus, probably assisting the Consul Gellius against Crixus, a subordinate of Spartacus, and sharing the Consul's defeat (Cic. Verc. 2.2.37, and.4.42; Liv. Per. 96, praetor; cf. App. BC l.ll7 ; Ps.-Ascon. 185, 188, and 260 Stangl; Schol.Gron. 324 Stangl). M. Aunnr,rus Corre (107) Cos. 74 Proconsul in Bithynia, where he öontinued for two years prosecuting the siegeof Heracleia Pontica (Memnon 47-50, in FGrH 3B'360-362). Q. Cenorr,rusMnrnr,r,us Prus (98) Cos. 80, Pr. 89 Proconsul in X'arther Spain (see 79, Promagistrates). He left the final moves in the war against Sertorius to Pompey but received some of thoso who surrendered(PIut. Sert.27.I; App. BC l.ll5). O. Cessrus LoNcntus (58) Cos. 73 Proconsul in Cisalpine Gaul (Liv. Per.96; Oros. 5.24.4).Defeated lry Spartacusat Mutina (Liv. Per.96; PIut. Crass.9'7; X'lor. 2.8.10, l'. Cassi; Oros.5.24.4; cf. App. BC l.ll7). ? M. X'onrnrus (12) Pr.75 Probably Propraetor in Transalpine Gaul (see 74, Promagistrates). 'fho latest possible date for the last year of his triennium in Gaul.
M. Lrorrrus Cnessus Drvnsz (68) Cos. 70, 55, Pr. TB? Proconsul (Eutrop. 6.7.2). After the defeat of the Consulsthe Senate placed Crassusin charge of operations against Spartacus with very considorabloforces. According to Appian (BC t.t2t) he completed the war in six months (in the latter part of 72 and,the first parü of Zt) (Cic. Verr.2.5.5; Sall. Hi,st.4.20-32M;Liv. Per.96, and 9T; Plut. Crass.l0.l-6; App. BC l.l18; X'lor. 2.8.10-13;Oros. 5.24.5-6). L. Lrorxrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proconsul in Asia, Cilicia, and Bithynia and Pontus (Liv. Per. g5). While part of his army under Murena was besieging Amisus, Lucullus faced Mithridates at Cabira. He finally drove Mithridates out of Pontus, captured Cabira, and reduced Amisus (PIat. Luc. fg; App. Mith. 78-83; Memnon 45-46, in FGrH 38.359f.; Phlegon Trall. 12, in IHG 3.606; cf. Sall. Hist. 4.5-15 M: Strabo 546c. and 14, 547a; Frontin. Str.2.5.30). Cr. Poupnrus Mlcnus (*f5) Cos. 70, 55,52 Proconsul in Spain (see 77, Promagistrates). After the murder of Sertorius Pompey defeated Perperna and crushed the remnants of resistance in Spain, and then proceeded with his organization of the provinces (Sall. f/isü. 3.84-87 M; Liv. Per. 96; Val. Max. 6.2.8; 7.6, ext. 3; X'rontin. 9tr.2.5.32; Plut. Sert.27.t-4; Pomp.2\.2-2tJ; App. BC l.ll4-ll5; Ib. l0l; X'lor. 2.10.8-9; Eutrop. 6.r.8; Iul. Exup. 8; Jerome, Chr. ad ann. 72, p. lS2lfelm; Oros. 5.28.13-15; cf. fuven. Baü. 15.93-96). On his grants of citizenship, see above, Consuls. C. ScnrsoNrusCunro (10) Cos. 76, Pr. 80 ? Proconsul in Macedonia. When succeeded by M. Lucullus, Curio returned to Rome and celebrated a triumph over the Dardani, probably in this year (Cic. Pi,s. 44 and 58; Eutrop. 6.2.2, and 5.2; see Degrassi 564). Q. Snnronrus (3) Pr. 83 Murdered atOsca by a group of his subordinates(Sall. fftlsü.g.S4-82 M; Diod..37.22a; Liv. Per. 96; VelI. 2.30.r; Plut. Bert. 2E-28; Comp. Eum.2.3-4t Patrup.20.2;App. BC t.ttg-ttf; Ib.lOt;X'lor. 2.10.8-9;Iul. Exup. 8; Eutrop. 6.1.3;Oros.5.29.18). M. Tnnnnrrus Vmno Lucur,r,us (Licinius f0g) Cos. ZB,pr. T6 Proconsul in Maced"onia(Cic. Verc. 2.2.28-24; Liv. Per. g7; Plut. Caes. 4.1; Ps.-Ascon. 261 Stangl). He carried Roman arms to the Danube, and won the Greek cities on the shoresof the Black sea (sall. Hiet.4.l8 M, cf. 3.5f M; Liv. Per.97; Strabo 7.6.1,3t9c; PIin. l[f/
34.39; App. Ill,yr.30; X'lor. 1.39.6;Ruf. X'est.9.2-4; Eutrop.6.7, and 8, and 10; Ammian. Marc. 27.4.11;Oros.6.3.4; cf. Jerome, Chr. ad ann. 71, p. I52 Helm). P. Vennrrus (*l) Pr. 73, 66 ? See 73, Praetors; and74, Additional Note. Cf. X'rontin. Str.1.5.22, procomsul. C. Vnnnns (*6.2471\ Pr.74 Propraetor in Sicily (see 73, Promagistrates). Cf. Cic. Verr. 2.2.4, and 5.5; Sall. f/isü. 4.32M; cf. PIut. Crass.10.3. Tribunes of the Soldiers (Q. Snnvnrus ?) Cenrros Pat. (40-42) Served under the Consul Gellius against Spartacus (Plut. Cat. Mi,n. 8.1). Legates, Envoys Ar. Cr,euorus Pur,cnnn Pat. (297') Cos. 54, Pr. 57 Sent by Lucullus to demand from King Tigranes of Armenia the surrenderof Mithridates (Plut. Luc. l9.l; Memnon 46,inIGrH 38.360; cf. App. Mi,tlt,.83). See 7I, Legates. Legates, Lieutenants L. Arnenrusa (6) Cos. 60, Pr. Served under Pompey in Spain, and carried the siego of Calagurris to completion in late 72 or early 7l (Oros. 5.23.14). ? P. Cnnvrus (1) Served Verres in Sicily (see 73, Legates), but not certainly after the first year (Cic. Verr. 2.2.45). M. X'asrus Heonrnvus (83) Had charge of a convoy of provisions for the army of Lucullus in Pontus (Ptut. Lu,c. 17.l; Phlegon Trall. fr. 12, in EHG 3.606; cf. App. Mith.80-8f ). See68, Legates. L. Lrcnsrus Munnna (I23) Cos. 62, Pr. 65 Lucullus placed him in charge of the siege of Amisus (Plut'. Lua. 15.1, and f9.?; Phlegon Trall. Ir. 12, in IHG 3.606; cf. Phft. Luc. l9.l-7; App. Mi,th.83; Strabo 12.3.14,547c).See69, Legates. Mrrunrus (2) Served Crassus. Engaged Spartacus against orders and suffered a serious defeat (Plut. Cross. f0.1-3).
? M. Ppnpnnre VnNro (6) Pr. 82 Headed the conspiracy to kill Sertorius, after whose death he was captured and put to death by Pompey (SalI. l/isü. 3.81-85 M; Diod. 37.22a;Liv. Per.96; Val. Max. 6.2.8; Vell. 2.30.1; X'rontin. Btr. 2.5.32; Plut. Berü.25-27; Pomp.2O.2-4; App. BC l.Il4.-ll5; Ib. l0l; X'lor. 2.f0.8-9; Iul. Exup. 8; Ammian. Marc. 26.9.19; Oros. 5.23.r3). ? M. Porrpnrus (*24) Lucullus placed him in charge of the pursuit of Mithridates into Armenia (Memnon 45, in FGrH 3B.360). See below, on Pomponius. SonNerrus (t) Served.under Lucullus in Pontus (Plü. Luc. 17.l; cf. I. a. Pergamon 431, zrpeol[Beur{1v]). P. Teorus (l) Served.under Verres in Sicily (Cic. Vem. 2.2.49; see 73, Legates)r C. Ver,onrus Tmenrus (*62) Pr. 78 ? Served under Lucullus in Pontus (see 73, Legates). Assisted Cotta by sea in his siege of Heracleia Pontica (Memnon 49-50, in IGrH 3B.36rf.). Prefects M. Pompomus (*20) A cavalry commander in the army of Lucullus who was wounded and captured by Mithridates (PIat. Lua. 15.2; App. Mith. 79). See above, on M. Pompeius. ADDENDUM
Of the eleven officers of Sertorius who joined in the conspiracy against him seven are known by name, and two scribae, as follows: (not in ßE) M. Arronrus SalI. f/isü. 3.83 M; PLut. Bert.26-27; Diod. 37.22. Aurrorus (l) Plut. Serü.26-27. L. X'enrus HrspLwrnrtsrs (84) Sall. .t/isü.3.83 M; see 81, Quaestors. MencnNas (2) Scriba. Sall. f/isü. 3.83 M. MeNr,rus (or Ml'r,r,rus) (Manlius 5) Plut. Berü.26-27.
(55) OcrlvrusGnencnrus 26; 76, see Legates. Plut. Serü. M. PnnpnnNe VuNro (6) Pr. 82 See 78-72, Legates. C. Taneurrrus Pnrscus (8) Sall. f/zsl. 3.81,and 83 M;Diod. 37.22;see76, Logates. Vnnsrus (not in *,8,8') Scriba. SalI. flisü. 3.83 M. 1 Pupius Piso is mentioned by Cicero with Curio and Lentulus Clodianus (Cic. Brut. 236).IIe celebrated a triumph as Proconsul from Spain in 69 (Ascon. 15 C; see Degrassi 565). It is therefore probable that he held the praetorship aborot 72, and proceeded to Spain the next year as successor to either Metellus or Pompey. 2 The evidence regarding the date of the praetorship of Grassus is quite contradictory : in one passage (.BC 1. f 18) Appian remarks that in the third year of the war when other candidates in the praetorian elections were unwilling to come forward and undert'ake the command, Crassus offered himself, and in another (BC I.Lzl) says that Crassus as a candidate for the consulship in 70 had held the praetorship "as the law of Sulla required." If Crassus followed the courso regular in this period he held tho praetorship in 73 and was invested with his command against Spartacus in 72 pro comsule, as Eutropius says. Tho epitomator of Livy so frequently trses praetor in the sense of proTtraetor that his evidenco is not decisive for the later date for Crassus' praetorship, Crassus therefore was probably Praetor in 73 and Proconsul in 72-71, and Appian correct, only regarding his acceptance of the command when others were unwilling. He must have been in the field when the Consuls were in Rome in November (Qic. Vem. 2,2.95). See T. Rice l{olmes, Rornan Repwbl,'ic1,389; Mürczet, RE, on Crassus, col. 302; and against the view oxpressed above, D.-G. 4.91, note 5 and 6. 3 Mänzer (RE no.40) identifies Caepio with the son of Q. Caepio (no. 50) and Livia, and half-brother of Cato, who died at Aenus in 67 (Plut. Cat. M,in. lI). a No title is preserved to indicato the status of Afranius either in 75 or in72 (see 75, Logates). See 70, Promagistrates.
7r B.C.
A.U.C. 683 Consuls
ll. Conxnr,rus P. f. P. n.1 Lnnrur,us Snru. Pat. (240) Pr. 74, 63 ON. Aurrnrus CN. f. - n. Onnsrnsz (32\ Pr.77 CIL 12.2.686,898, 899, 900, 27ß-nE 17.2.1423,no. 27; Eutrop. (i.8.I; Chr. 354 (Lentulo et lloresten); Fast. Hyd,. (Plenduloet Oreste), Ho alsoChr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; on Lentulus, Vell. 2.34.4;Dio 37.30.4;and rrrrOrestes,Cic. Planc.52. SeeDegrassil3l, 486f.
7l u.c. Praetofs
? L. Arnc,Nrus (6) Cos. 60 Soe 70, and 69, Promagistrates. L. C,lnonrus METTLLUs (74) Cos. 68 Probably, but not certainly, the Metellus, Praetor, Cic. Tull.39. See 70, Promagistrates. ? Q. Mlncrus REx3
(52) Cos. 68 Aediles
? Q. Cunrrus (Posrurvrus?) (t2, cf. 25) fudex Quaestionis in 70 (Cic. Verr. 2.L158), and therefore probably an Aedile in 7I. Tribunes of the Plebs M. Lor,r,rus Par,rcexusr (2I, cf. 8) Pr. 6g ? Rallied to bring aid to Sthenius and other victims of Verres in Sicily (Cic. Verr. 2.2.95-100; cf. Ps.-Ascon. 250 Stangl). Active in securing the support of Pompey for the restoration of the powers of the tribunate (Ps.-Ascon. 189, and 220 Stangl; cf. Cic. Verr. t.45; Brut. 223; Sall. f/zsü. 4.43 M; Plü,. Pomp. 21.4; App. BC t.t2t; schol'. Gron. 328 stangl, where he is mistakenly "onträöted.with the reform of the juries in 70). Quaestors ? C. Conxnr,rus (18) As he served.under Pompey in Spain (Ascon. E7 C), Zl is the latest possibleyear. ? Q. Cunrus (7) , Expelled from the Senate in 70, probably as a, quaestorius (see SalI.Cat. 17.3; cf. Q. Cic. Cornm.Pet. tO; SaIl. Caü.28.t; Ascon.98 C; App. BC 2.3). ? C. (Cunrrus) Posrurrus (24') Probably held the quaestorship by Tl, since ho was a candidate for the praetorship in the autumn of 68 (Cic. Mur. 57\. CN. TnnunlLrus Sonor,a (b) Pr. Served under Crassus against Spartacus, and was defeated and wounded at Petelia (Plut. Crass. tt.4):
?I Il.C.
L. Ver,nnrus X'r,.s.cousPat. (*69, l7g) Pr. 68 Served under M. Pupius Piso in Spain (Cic. Flncc. 6, cf. Fr. Men.\. Promagistrates M. AnroNrus Cnnrrcus (29) Pr.74 Proconsul (see 74, Praetors). In 72 or 7l he was severely defeated by the pirates of Crete (App. Sic. 6.1; cf. Tac. Anm. 12.62; Sall. l/isü. 3.8-9 M), and forced to make a treaty with them (Diod. 40.f). He died soon afterwards without returning to Rome (Cic. Verr. Z.B.2LB; Liv. Per.97; Plut. Ant. 2.1; Ps.-Ascon.202, and 289 Stangl; Schol,. Bob. 96 Stangl; cf. Sall. Hist. 3.16 M). M. Aunpr,rus Corra (107) Cos. 74 Proconsul in Bitbynia, where finally, after a siege of two years, he captured and sacked the city of Heracleia Pontica (Memnon 50*52, in FGrH 38.362-364). Q. Cenonrüs METELLUsPrus (98) Cos. 80, Pr. 8g Proconsulin X'arther Spain (see.7g,Promagistrates).Returned in 71, dismissed his army upon crossing the AIps, and celebrated his triumph, probably late in the year (Sall.f1dst.4.49M ; Vell. 2.50.2;App. BC t.t2L ; Flor. 2.10.9; Eutrop. 6.5.2; cf. CIL t2.2.788,[Imp.] iter(um)). See Degrassi565. M. Lrcrxrus Cn,AssusDrvns (63) Cos. 70, 5E,Pr.7B? Proconsul (Eutrop. 6.7.2). He defeated and destroyed all but asmall remnant of the forces of Spartacus (Sall. Hi,st. 4.8?-.41 M; Liv. per. 97; Vell. 2.30.5-6;Lucan 2.554;X'rontin. Str.;2.4.7,and.E.B4; Plut. Crass. t0-ll; Pomp. 2L.l-2; Athen. 0.104, 27Ba; App. BC l.f f8-l2t; X'lor. 2.8.12-14;Eutrop. 6.7.2; Oros. 8.24.6-8; cf. Cic. Verr.2.5.39-a0). He celebratedan ovation (Cic. Pds.5S; plin. tr/f/ 15._125;Pblrl. Crass.ll.8; Gell. 5.6.23;Jerome Chr. ad,ann. 70, p.152 Helm; see Degrassi565). Regarding his candidacy for the consulship, sce below, on Pompey. 1,. Lrcrwrus Luour,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. T8 ? Proconsulin Asia, Cilicia, Bithynia, and Pontus (Liv. Per.95). After I he capture of Amisus (see 72, Promagistrates) and other cities of f 'ontus (Sall. I1dsü.4.12-15 M; Strabo l2.B.Zg,55T-558c; PI:ut. Luc. f t|-19; App. Mi,th.82; Memnon 45, in FGrH gB.gbg), he tho debt-ridden province of Asia and carried through measures of r r r l i e f( C i c .A c a d . 2 . 3 ; P l u t . L u c . 2 0 ; 2 3 . 1 ; A p p . M i t h . 8 8 ; c f . .E S A R .[.545,and 567f.).
?l B.C.
CN. Poururus MaGNUs (*15) Cos. 70, 55,52 Proconsul in Spain (see77, Promagistrates).He set up a trophy at the Pyrenees to celebrate his victory in Spain and his settlement of tho provinces(Caes.BC 1.61.3; cf. 3.19.2; Sall. Hi,st.3.89M; Strabo 3.4.9-10,160-l6tc; 4.1.3,t78c; Plin. -lf.H3.f 8;7.96;37.I5-16; Plut. Pomp. 2 I. I ; Athen . 14.75, 657r ; Dio 41.24.3; Iul. Exup. 8 ; J eromeAda. Vigil,. a; Chr. ad.ann. 72, p. 152 Helm; fsidor. 9.2.f08). At the summons of the Senate he proceeded to Italy to aid Crassus against Spartacus, and arrived. in time to crush the last remnants of the fugitives in the north (Cic. Leg. Man. 30; Plut. Crcuss.ll.2-5 and 7-8; Comp. Crass.and, Ni,c. 3.2; Pomp. 2l.l-2; App. BC 1.120; cf. Oros. 5.24.8). His illegal candidacy for the consulship won support from Crassus and the popular lead.ers to whom he promised the restoration of the powers of the tribunate and other reforms (Cic. Verr. 1.45;Leg.Man.62; Sall.Hi,st.3.48.2l-23M; 4.44-48, and 50 M; Val. Max. 8.15.8;Lucan 1.3f7; Plut'. Crass.l2.l; Pomp. 21.3-22.1; App. BC \.l2l ; 3.88; Gell. 14.7; Zonar. 10.2; seeTribunes of the Plebs, on Lollius Palicanus). He celebrated his triumph from Spain on December29 (Cic.Leg. Man.62; Pi,s.58; Besü.129; Di,u.2.22;YelI. 2.30.2,with the date; cf. 2.40.4,and 53.3; Val. Max. 8.15.8; Lucan 7.14; 8.809f.,814f.;Plin. NH 7.55-96;Plut. Pomp.22.l;23.2;45.5; Crass. ll.8; I2.4; App. BC l.l2I; X'lor. 2.10.9;Dio 36.25.3;Eutrop. 6.5.2; Zonar. 10.2,and 5). M. Puprus Prso Fnucr Cer,punnrervus (*2.r00) Cos. 61, Pr.72? Proconsul in Spain (Ascon. 15 C). See 72, Praetors; 69, Promagistrates; D.-G. 2.69, no. 15. M. Tnnnltrrus VArRo Lucur,r,us (Licinius 109) Cos. 73, Pr. 76 Proconsul in Macedonia (See 72, Prornagistrates). Summoned by the Senate to aid Crassusagainst Spartacus, he returned to Italy in 7f (Plut. Crass. f f .2; App. BC 1.120, who confuses him with his brother in Asia), and celebrated his triumph over the Bessi (Cic. Pds. 44; Eutrop. 6.10; JeromeChr. ad ann. 7L,p.152 Helm; Ps.-Ascon.222 Stangl; Schol,.Bob. L77 Stangl; cf. Oros.6.3.4; and on his booty, Strabo 7.6.1,3t9c; Plin. .l/f/ *.92;34.36 and 39; App. Il,lyr. 30). C. Vnnnns (*6.247I) Pr.74 Propraetor in Sicily (see 73, Promagistrates). On his mistreatment, perhaps in this year, his last in Sicily, of Sertorian refugees,seeCic. V e m . 2 . 5 . 7 2a n d 1 4 6 a n d 1 5 I - 1 5 5 tc f . O r o s . 6 . 3 . 5 .
7l B.C.
t26 Tribunes of the Soldiers
C. fur,rus Cl.nsens Pat. (131) Cos. 59, 48,46-44,Pr. 62 Suet. .Ial. 5; Plut. Caes. 5.1. C. Porrr,r,rus (*f5) Elected at the same time as Caesa,rbut later in the election (Plut. Caes.5.1). Legates, Envoys Ap. Cr,euorus PULoHER Pat. (297) Cos. 54, Pr.57 Lucullus sent him to Tigranes of Armenia to demand the surrender of Mithridates (see 72, Legates). He spent the long delay at Antioch before Tigranes received him in attempting to a,lienate the king's cities and vassals from him; and finally returned to Lucullus late in 7l or early in 70 with a refusal (PIü. Luc.2l;23.2; Memnon 46, in IGrH 38.360). Legates, Lieutenants Q. Mlncrus Rurus (95, cf. 3l) Legate under Crassusagainst Spartacus (X'rontin. Btr. Z.+.27. ? M. Ponrpnrus (*24) See 72, Legates. C. Ponprrrrus (PoMprrNUs?) (*t) Pr. 63 ? Legate under Crassusagainst Spartacus (X'rontin. 9tr.2.4.7). L. Qurxorrus (*IV.5) Pr.68 Commander of cavalry und-er Crassus against Spartacus (X'rontin. Str. 2.5.23; cf. Plut. Crass. ll.4\. P. Tanrus (l) Probably continued under Verres in Sicily (see 73, Legates). C. Var,nmus TnraRrus (*62) Legate under Lucullus (see 74, and 73, Legates). Continued in 7l and early 70 to aid in reducing the towns of the Pontic coast, receiving the surrender of Heracleia, Tieium, and Amastris (Memnon 50-52, in FGrH 3B.362-364). r Grandson of P. Cornelius Lentulus, Cos. 162 (Cic. Cat.3.l0; 4.13 Dio 46.20.5; ;
7t B.C.-?O B.C.
' Niccolirri (FTP 246-247) has seon that the dato of the tribunate of Lollius is ostablished by the case of Sthenius (Cic. Vem.2.2.95*100), after Docember 72 and beforo the collego of Tribunes in offico at ühe time of the trial of Vorres. ! On tho daüe of Caesar's military tribunate, see Niccolini (FTP 25L);and above, 73, Legates, on Caesar; and Pontifices, on Caesar and C. Cotta. See L. ß. Taylor, CPh 36 (194f ) f2l, note 32.
70 B.C.
ond Lentulus Sura, Cos. Zl (Cic. Cluent ll7-t34; Sall. f/isü. 4.52 M; Liv. Per.98; Ascon. 84 C; Plut. Cic. t7.t; Dio 3T.B0.a).They enumerated 910,000 citizens (Liv. Per. g8; cf. Phlegon Trall. fr. 12, in FHG 3.606; Ps.-Ascon. 222 Stangl). Mommsen suggestedthat they named Mam. aemilius Lepidus Livianus as Princeps senatusl (vai. Max. 7.7.6;Mommsen,nhM t9 [f864] 455-457).Seealso phft. pomp. 22.4-6; Apophth. Pomp. 6; Zonar. t0.2. Praetors
A.U.C. 684
Consuls CN. Poupnrus CN. f. Snx. n. Mlcnus (*15) Cos.55, 52 M. Lrcnvrus P. f. M. n. Cnessus (68) Cos.55, Plr.73? CIL L2.2.901-903, datable also in 55 B.C.; Cic. Vem. 2.3.123; Dia. 2.22; Sall.Cat.38.I; Plut. Pomp. 22-23; Crass.t2; Apophth.Pomp.6; Gell. 14.7.I; Chr.354 (Magno et Grasso);Iast. Hyd^ (Pompeio et Crasso),so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;on Pompey, Cic. Verr.2.3.203; Val. Max. 8.15.8.SeeDegrassil3l, 486f. Pompey and Crassus co-operated in restoring the powers of the tribunate of the plebs, and in reviving the censorship (Cic. Diu. i,n Caec.8; Veru. l.4l-46; 2.5.175;Leg. 3.22 and 26; Corn. in Ascon. 76 C ; Leg.Agr. 2.36; Sall. Caü.38.r; Hi,st.3.48.23M ; Caes.BC r.7.2-4 ; Liv. Per. 97; Vell. 2.30.4;Tac. Ann. 3.27; Suet. Iul. 5; Phft. Pomp. 22.3;App. BC l.l2l:.2.29; Dio 36.38.2;38.30.3;Ps.-Ascon.189,and 220 Stangl; Bchol. Gron. 34O Stangl; see below, Censors),but wero personally estranged and only reconciled publicly with difficulty (Sall. Hist. 4.5I M; Suet. Iul. I9.2; Phft. Crass. 12.2-3; Pomp. 23.1-2; App. BC f.f2l). Pompey gave extensive votive games (Cic. Verr. l.3l; Ps.-Ascon.2l7 Stangl), and Crassusa huge banquet to the people (Plü,. Crass.12.3; Comp. Crass.and, Nic.1.4). Both refusedprovincial commands (Phft. Pomp. 23.3-4; and on Pompey, Vell. 2.31.1; Zonar. r0.2).
M'. Aor,rus Gr,lnnro (98) Cos. 6Z Q. de repetundis Presidedat the trial of verres (cic. verr. r.4and zg and 4t and 5t-52; 2.1.30,and 5.76 and t63; Ps.-Ascon. 186, 220 Stangl; Bchol.Gron. BB0, 3:12Stangl). C. ? Anrrsrrus Vnrus (46) See 69, Promagistrates. L. Aunu,rus Corm (102) Cos. 65 rn the latter part of the year he carried. a raw to reconstitute the juries in three equal groups, consisting, respectively, of senators, knights, and tribuni aerarii (Cic. Phil. t.20; Corn., in Ascon. 6T Ci In CIod,.et Cur., and Schol. Bob. 9t Stangl; Liv. per.9T, with praerromenM.; Vell. 2.32.3;Ascon. lT C; Plut. pomp.22.B;Tac.Ann. 1I.22; Bchol.Bob.94, and g7 Stangl; Ps.-Ascon.lg9, and.206Stangl; Schol,.Gron. 328 Stangl; cf. Cic. Diu. in Caec. 8; Verr. t.BB-Bg and 14-46; 2.2.774,and 8.228,and 5.t77; Cl,}; Att. l.f 6.8). C. Car,punrqrusPrsoz (68) Cos. 6Z Val. Max. 7.7.5. ? A. MaNr,rus Toneuarus Pat. (70) See 69, Promagistrates. M. Muumrus (9) cic. verr. 2.3.123,probably Pr. urbanus, since official letters from I he Propraetor Metellus in Sicily to Consuls and euaestors included orreto him.
Censors Clt. Conwnr,rus CN. f. - n. Lnnrur,us Cr,oorewus Pat. (2f6) Cos. 72 L. Gnrr,rus L. f. L. n. Punr,rcor,a (17) Cos.72, Pr. 94 Cic. Verr.2.5.l51.Cluent.120;Xlacc.45; on Lentulus, Cic.Dom.124; and on Gellius,Val. Max.5.9.l; Gell.5.6.f5; seeDegrassi13I,486f. They instituted a severepurge of the Senate, excluding 64 senators in all, &mong them a number of persons connected with the trial of Oppianicus,and Q. Curius (see71, Quaestors),C. Antonius, Cos. 63,
Aediles I D. fuNrus Sneruss Cic. OJf. 2.57.
(168) Cos. 62, pr. by 67 Iudex Quaestionis
(). Cunrrus (Posrumus ?) (t2, cf.. 25) ( i c . V e r r . 2 . l . f5 8 .
70 B.C.
Tribunes of the Plebs Praulrusa (3) Carried, with Caesar's support, a law to restore citizenship to followors of Lepidus who had fled to Sertorius (Suet. Iut,. 5; GeII-.18.3.5; Dio 44.47.4; cf. FOR 3.25, and ll2). Possibly the author of a Lex Plotia Agraria (Cic. Att. 1.18.6; but see 8g, Tribunes of the plebs; Niccolini, XTP 436), and also of the Lex Plautia de vi (Cic. Cael. 70; Mi,|,.35; Har. Rup. 15; Iam.8.8.t; QI 2.9.5;Att.2.24.4; SaIl.Cat. 31.4; Ps.-Sall.In Ci,c.2.3;Ascon. 55 C; Quintil. Inst. Or. 9.2.56;Di,g.;lnst.2.6.2;Bchol.Bob.84 Stangl; seeNiccolini,Ff P 252f.). Quaestors ? L. CLr,punNrusPrso CansoNrNus (90) Cos. 58. Pr. 6l Cic.Pi,s.2. ? M. Pr,enroRrusCnsrrlnus (16) Pr.64? Quaestorbefore he prosecutedX'onteiusin 69 (Cic. Font. I). T. (Qunrcrrus) CRrsprNUs (not in *J?.O) Quaestorbefore 69 (mentionedin Cic. Eont. t). ? C. Srcnrrus (7) Cic. Brut. 263-264, quawtorius, in age contemporary with Visellius Varro (see 73, Addendum). ? C. Vrnenrus C. f. Ber,nus (*2) Pr.62 See 69, Promagistrates. Promagistrates L. ArnaNruss (6) Cos.60, Pr. 7t ? SeeCic. Pi,s. 58; and Degrassi565. M. Aunnr,rus Corre (107) Cos. Z4 Proconsul in Bithynia and Pontus (see ?8, Promagistrates). After the capture and sack of Heracleia Pontica he returned to Rome, was at first received with honor, but was later accusedof appropriation of booty by Papirius Carbo, convicted, and expelled from the Senate (Memnon 52, and 59-60, in EGrH 3B.BGBf.,and 866-868; Val. Max. 6.4.4;Dio 36.40.4). L. C,lncrr,rusMnrnr,r,us (74) Cos. 68, Pr. 7l Propraetor in Sicily, and successorto Verres (Cic. Verr. 1.27; 2.3.162;Liv. Per.98; Oros. 6.3.5,all with the title Praetor). He improvod the administration of the province, even while placing ob-
staclesin the way of the prosecution of Verres (Cic. Verr. L27; 2.2.10 and 62ff., and 138-139and f60-164 and 187; 2.3.43ff.,and 12tff., and I44 and l52ff.; 2.4.141and 147; 2.5.55and 129; Ps.-Ascon.I85, 2131., 260 Stangl). He defended the island against pirates (Liv. Per. 98; Oros.6.3.5). L. Lronvrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proconsul in Asia, Cilicia, Bithynia and Pontus (Liv. Per.95). His alliance with Machares,king of the Bosporus (Liv. Per.98;Phft. Luc. 24.1; App. Mi,th.83; Memnon 54, in IGrH 38.364), the capture of Sinope and Amasia of Pontus (Strabo 12.3.11, 546c; PIut. Lu,c. 23.2-7; App. Mi,th.83; Memnon 53-54, in FGrH 38.364f.), and his request that a senatorial commission be sent to a,ssistin the organization of the former kingdom of Mithridates, may all be dated in this year (Plut. Luc.35.5;36.1,cf. 24.I;Dio 36.43.2, and 46.1; cf.Cic.Att. f 3.6a). Seebelow, Legates,Ambassadors. M. Purrus Prso X'nucr Cer,punnranrus (*2.f00) Cos.61, Pr.72? Proconsul in Spain (Ascon. 15 C). See 69, Promagistrates; a,nd D.-G. 4.69,no. 15. L. Var,nnrus Fr,eccus Pat. (*69, 179) Pr. 63 Probably Proquaestor under Pupius Piso in Spain (see 71, Quaestors). Legates, Ambassadorso L. Lronvrus Munorva (122) Pr. M. Tnnnrvrrus VaRRo Lucur,r,us (Licinius 109) Cos. 73, Pr. 76. Elected with eight others who all were sent to assist Lucullus in organizing the former territory of Mithridates of Pontus (Cic. Att. 13.6a;cf. Plut. Luc.24.l; 35.5;36.1;Dio 36.43.2, and 46.1). Legates, Envoys Ap. Cr,aunrus Pur,cunn Pat. See 71, Legates, Envoys.
(297) Cos. 54, Pr. 57
Legates, Lieutenants (1,. Mancrus ?) Cnrvsonnrus (47 ?\ Perhaps a Prefect. Commanded a squadron of the fleet which lrrought grain from the Bosporan kingdom to the Roman camp at Sirr<rpe (Memnon 53, in FGrH 38.364f.). t) llroughton If
70 B.C.
C. Vsl'r,nnrusTnr.r,nrus (*82\ LogatounderLucullusin Asia Minor (see74-71,Legates). r The oxistence of the honored position of Princeps Senatus after the Sullan reforms remains a disputed point. It is certain that the person who was named firsü on the roll of the Senate lost much of his former importance becauee ho w&a no longer called upon first for his opinion in Senate meotings (Gell. 14.7.9; and noüe for exarnples, Cic. Att. L13.2, and list in Momrnsen, ,Slr. 3.975, note 2). There wore revisions of the roll of the Senate by the Censors of 70 (see above, on the exclusions), in which someone must have been listed first, as also in 6l (Dio 37.46.4), perhaps in 55, sinco the Censors founded the lustrum, and in 50 (see 50, Censors, on the exclusions). Willems (1.f f 5-f 23) suggested that beginning with the Censors of 70 thero supervened a series of plebeian Principes Senatus, Q, Lutatius Catulus from 70 until his death in 6l-60, P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus frorn 55 until his doath in 44, and. Cicero by decroe ofthe Senate itself in 43. An examination of the passages adduced in support of these (Catulus: Cic. Pds. 6, prinaepe hu/ius oriliniß et a,ußtorpubli,ci, consil,i; Yell. 2.43.4, omniu,rn conlession'is serlatus princeps; Pllut. Vit. Pud. l5; Apophth. Cat,; Dio 36.30.4. Servilius: Bchol,.Gron.322 Stangl, 'ista florebat,'im senatu prirweps erat. Qicero: Pluil,. 14.18, ei pri,noipattr,s ageretur, qlulrm rwtrnqnlrn erpeüiui; Iam^ L2,24,2, m'e principern senatui popwl,oque Rornano prolesetts surn; Crernrttius Cordus in Senec. Boos. 6.19, prirweps semahts Rornami,quenom'inis titul,w) proves amply the high and influential position they held but indicatos that the lermpr'inceps was probably used in a non-technical sense (see Mommson, ,Srr. 3.868, note 4). Mommsen holds that the honor was limited to patricians of tl:.e maiores gentee, and in practice given only to censorii or consulares (Ibin.l, Accordingly the very insignificance of Mam. Aemilius Lepidus Livianus, Cos. 77, suggests that in Val. Max. 7.7.6 (conaerui,ems Marmerco, conaeniens pr'incipi senatr s d,ecreturn) lho term is technical and supports Mommsen's view. See Mommsen,,Str. 3.868; RF 1.92-94; Rh. Mus, rg (1864) 45&-457. 2 The latest year possible under the Cornelian law. 3 Tho latest probable date, since Silanus held the office afüer Hortensius (in76; Cic.), and was a candidate for the consulship of 64 (Cic. Att. l. 1.2). a Different daües havo been suggested for the law of Plautius by Mommsen (77), R,otondi (73), Niccolini (69), E. Meyer, Denter, and l(übler (70): see FOR 3.26, note 4, where discussions are ciüed. Tho decisivo points are: first, it must be placed in or after Oaesar's military tribunato (7f ) and beforo his quaestorship (69; Suet. Iul,. 5); socond, it cannot bo placed in the samo year as the Lex Antonia de Termessensibus, when all the Tribunes are known; and third, as a tribunician bill it should probably follow the rostoration of the powers of is excluded from 7l and 69 bythe names the Tribunes in 70. TheLexAnüonia of known Tribunos, and should probably be later than 70 in any case. The condiüions of the problem are best met by dating the Lex Plautia in 70, the Lex Anüonia in 68, while Caesar's military tribunate has been dated on other grounds to 7I and his quaestorship to 69 (see L. R,. Taylor, CPh36 [1941] l2l, note 32). 5 Afranius was Legate of Pompey in the war against, Sertorius (sae 75-72, Legatos), and in the war against Mithridatos (see 66-64, Legates), I{is praetorship, provincial command, and subsequent triumph (Cic. Pi,s. 58), since tho latter cannot follow that of Pompey (Degrassi 565), must all be placed in tho period botweon 72 and 67. I suggest 7I for his praetorship and 7G-69 for his
r 3l
?0 B.c.-69 B.C.
provincial command and triu:cnph. The province is unknown, but might be ono
69 B.C.
A.U.C. 685 Consuls
Q. Honrnrvsrus L. f. - n. Honrer,us (13) Pt. 72 Q. C. f. Q. n. MlrrLLUs (Cnnrrcus) (87) Pr' .74 CIL 12.2.904,955;Cic. Cl,uent.179; Ascon. 15, and 63 C; Joseph' AJ 14.4; Chr. 354 (Nepote et Metello); Xct"st.Hyd" (Hortensio et Metello), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.SeeDegrassi l3l, 486f' Both Consuls att'empted, while Consuls-designate,to assist Verres against his accuser (Cic. Verr., Tnssi'm,on llortensius, esp' l'18-21, 26, 37, 53; 2.3.222;2.5.175;Brut. 319; Quintil. Inst. Or.6.5.4; and on Metellus, Cic. Vem. 1.26-29; cf. Ps'-Ascon.185, 205,214f',221,230, 244, 260 StangI; Schol.Gron. 331,33?, 351 Stangl)' Hort'ensius refused the command against the Cretan pirates, which was tben given to Metellus (PlaL Fomp.29.2; Dio 36.1a tXiph.l; Bchol' Bob' 96 Stangl; cf . Cic. Vem. 2.2.76;Diod. 40.I; App. Bdc.6.1, and 2)' Praetors ? M'. Arnru,rus LEPTDUs1 Pat. (62) Cos. 66 M. Cancr,rus METELr,us (78) Q. de repetundis when Metellus was elected and allotted to the Quaestio de repet,undis, verres became anxious to prolong his trial into 69 (cic. verr.
l.2l and 23 and 26-31; Ps.-Ascon.2I2-2I5, ar;id.217Stangl; Schol,. Gron.337, and 350 Stangl). ? P. ConNnr,rusDoLABELLA Pat. (I40) Cic. Caec.23;see68, Promagistrates. ? M. Lor,r,rus Pnr,rceuuss (21) A candidate for the consulshipof 66 (Val. Max. 3.8.3). ? L. Vor,cerrus Tur,r,uss (*6)
Cos. 66
Aediles, Curule ? P. Srnrrorus Gar,BA4 Pat. Grueber. CnßBM 1.433.
(55) Pr. 66 ?
Aediles of the Plebs M. Censorvruss (l) Pr. 66 ? Cic. Vem. 1.29; Ps.-Ascon.216 Stangl; Sclwl. Gron. 35I Stangl. M. Tulr,rus Crcnno (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Cic. Dta. in Caec.70; Vem. I.24-26 and 29; 2.1.14and Ig and 145, and 5.36-37;Mur.4O; Pis.2; Brut.3t9;Off .2.58-59;Att.12.17;Plut. Cic. 8.1; Auct. Vi,r.Il,l,.81.3; Ps.-Ascon.185,216, 227,229 Stangl. See note 5. Tribunes of the Plebs Q. ConNrrrcrus (7) Pr. 66 ? Cic. Verr. 1.30; Bchol.Gron. 35I Stangl. Q. Ma:vr,rus (34) Cic. Verr.1.30; Schol,.Gron.35I Stangl. Died before 66 (Cic. Cl,uent.
3e). ? C. Vrsnr,r,rus VaRRoo (*2) CIL 12.2.744,cur. a,iar.elege Vi,sel,lio,, Quaestors C. Iur,rus Censed Pat. (l3l) Cos. 59, 48, 46-44, Pr. 62 Served in Farther Spain under Antistius Vetus (BeIl. Hisp. 42.1; Vell. 2.43.4;Suet. Iul,.6-8;Pluh. Caes.5.l-3, cf. 11.3,and 32.6, on his dream at Gades;Dio 37.62.2;4L.24.2). P. Sur,prorus(R,urus?)8 Pat.? (f5, cf. 9) Cic. Verr. 1.30; Bchol,.Gron. 337 Stangl; cf. Ps.-Ascon. 216 Stangl.
001].c. Promagistrates
(6) Pr. 7I ? L. ArnlNrus He celebrated a triumph, probably ca. 69 (cic. Ptis. 58; seeDegrassi 665). See 70, Promagistrates. C. ? Ar.rrrsrrlrs VETUso (a6) Pr. 70 Propraetor in x'arther spain, under whom Iulius caesar served as 7, QuaeJtor (VelI. 2.43.4; Plut. Caes.5.3, orpa-rtryiq; cf' Suet' Iul" praetor). L. Lrcnwus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proconsul (see 73-70, Promagistrates). During this year asia was withdrawn from his command.(Dio SO.z.z;cf. Sall. Hi,st. 4.71M)' He invaded Armenia, routed King Tigranes near Tigranocerta and captured the city, and during the autumn and winter engaged in negotiations with ihe Parthians and.with a number of Armenian and syrian vassal princes (PhtL. Luc. 24-30; App. Mitlt.84--86; Byr' 49; Dio 36.1-3; cf. Cic. Leg. Man.22-23; Aca'it.2.61;Sall. Hi'st.4'58-72}"f1' Liv., fr. from book 98, and Per. 98; Strabo 1I.14.15,532c; 12'2'1, 535c;12.2.9,539c; 16.2'10,753c; Frontin. Bür. 2.I-14, and2'4; Iustin +0.2.2; Memnon 55-58, in IGrH 28.365f.; Phlegon Ttall' t2, EHG 3.606; Eutrop. 6.9.1; Oros. 6.3.6-7; Jerome Chr. ad' ann.74, p' 152 HeIm). ? A. Mlllr,rus TonQltarüs Pat. (70) Pr. ca. 70 Governor of Africa before 68, with the young Plancius on his staff (Cic. Planc.27). See67, Legatesof Pompey. M. Puprus Prso X'nuer Cer,punNreNus (*2.100) Cos. 61, Pr' 72? Proconsul in Spain, whence he returned to celebrate a triumph (Cic' Pis. 62; Ascon. l5 C; seeDegrassi565).SeeD.-G. 4.69,no. 15' C. Vnnenrus C. f. Ber,nus (*2) Pr.62 Proquaestor in Sicily, honored by Halaesa (IG I4'356-IGRP 1.508). Tribunes of the Soldiers L. Clssrus (13) M. Cnnpnnnrus (l) (jn. Tnnupr,r,rus (Scnou") (5) Pr. before 57 All were Senators in 70, and presumably, like Tremellius, quaestorii, when elected senior Tribunes of the soldiers for 69 (cic. verr. 1.30), Legates, Ambassadors See 70, Legates, Ambassadors.
00B.c. Legates, Envoys
Snonrus? (Sextilius2, Seliciusl) Dio 36. 3.2-3. SeeLegates,Lieutenants. Legates, Lieutenants M. X'anrus HeonreNus (83) Ho was probably left with Sornatius to aid. in tho defence of Pontus when Lucullus invaded Armenia (PLut. Luc. 24.1). See 68, Legates. L. LrcrNrus MunoNl (123) Cos.62, Pr. 65 Served as Legate in Armenia under Lucullus (Cic. Mur. 20, and 89; Plut. Lun. 25.6; 27.2). Snxrrr,rus (2) Served as Legate in Armenia under Lucullus (PIut. Luc.25.4 and 6; App. Mi,th. 84-85). He may be identified with the Secilius (Dio 36.3.2-3) whom Lucullus sent in the winter of 69-68 to negotiate with the Parthians. Sonr.lrrus (l) Legate (1. a. Pergamum 431), whom Lucullus left in command in Pontus when he invaded Armenia (Plttt. Luc. 24.1). C. Ver,nnrus TRrARrus (*62) Pr. 78 ? Legate under the command of Lucullus; repa,ired the fortifications of Delos (OGIS 447 - I. d,eDölos 4.1.1855; Phlegon Trall. 12, in IHG 9.606; cf..I. ile Dölos 4.I.L621, 1855-1858). Prefects ? P. Iunrus P. f. (27, cI. 2\ Served under Valerius Triarius at Delos (1. itreD6l'os4.r.1856). Pontifices The following persons, named in a list in Macrobius (Boü. 3.f3.f f ) a,ppear to have entered the college of Pontifices after Caesar was inaugurated in 73 and before P. Sulpicius Galba, who entered at the latest in 69 (seeL. R,. Taylor, AJ Ph 63 p9421 385-412): l. An unknown Rex Sacrorum, possibly the L. Crauorus named in a list from 57 (Cic. Har. Resp. L2). 2. P. Mucrus Soenvor,e (18) 3. Snx. (Qunvcrnrus Venus ?)10 Pat. (not in *"8.8) 4. P. Sur,prcrüs GaLBAll (55) Pr. 66 ?
00 B.C.
at that time: Thero were also three Pontifices Minores in the college 2) P. Ar,sfNovaNUSl2 (3, cf. L. Conxnr,rus (51) P. Vor,urnwus (*6) cf' Cic' Har' Macrob. Sar. 3.13.Ii. On Albinovanus and Cornelius' nip. tz; and on Volumnius, CluenL f98 (in 66 B'C')' Flamen Martialis *59'-176) Cos' 100 ?-before 69: L. Var,nnrus X"lacousl3 Pat' (*54' Varro LL 6'2I; 1'5'4; Cic.Rab. Perd,.27;Di,a.I.l04' cf' Val' Max' Grueber, CRRBM 2.300f. (234') Pr' ca' 6l Successor:L. Conxnr,rus LENTuT'usNrGER Pat' dinner at his pontifical the Macrob. Boü., a description of l2'7'Li 2'24'2; Att' 26; tz; Vat' cf. Cic.'Har. Rup' i"""g";i"n; QX 3.1J5; Ascon. 28 C. Flaminica Martialis Punr,rcre (*17) Macrob. Baü.3.13.11. Augurs L. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (la3) Cos' 64 3.13.11; Inaugurated Lentulus * x'iu*"tr Martialis (Macrob. saü. 'cf. I'f6'29)' Baü' n'est] ß4L;Priscian 8'15; Macrob' Quindecimviri Sacris Faciundis ? L. MeNr,rus ToBQUAtüs Pat' (80) Pr' 49 (Grueber' Syt"Uoft of the Quindecimvirate on his coins, ca' 69 B'C' 289)' CRRBM l. 4g2f".;cf. Mommsen, RMW 641, no' Vestal Virgins Annunrre (27) l,rcrNra (185) Cf. Cic. Mur.73; Plut. Cra^ss't'2' See73, Vestal Virgins' Ponpnwnrela (8) l'ortlr,ra (*18) Thesefourat,tendedthepontificaldinnerfortheinaugurationof Lontulus as Flamen Martialis (Macrob' Baü' 3'13'f I)'
The other Vestals known at this time are the following: Fenre Pat. (r72) See73, Vestal Virgins; and Cic. Xam.14.2'2, in 58. FoNrnre (31) Cic. Iont. 46-49. See 91, Vestal Virgins. 1 The latost date possible under the Cornelian law. 2 See note l. 3 See noto L a sulpicius was not in office in ?0 when verres rejected him from the jury (Cic. Virr.2.t.I8), nor is it probablo that he held the aedileship after 69, sinco he was a candidate for the consulship of 63 (cic. att. 1-I.l). B,ardt (Pr,iester l5l, Seidel (.F-4 54f.), and Münzer (.8.8) place his aedileship in 7I, believing him excluded from 69 by the aedileships of Cicero and Oaosonius, but with L. 8,. Taylor's demonstration that they were almost, certainly aodiles of the Plebs (see note 5), this year becomes availablo for sulpicius. see Pontifices. Tho evidence above excludes Sydenham's dating in 65 (page lxiv of his forthcoming work). 6 Mommsen (Str. 1.449, noie 2; 2.51&-522; AZ 1.f00) and Seidel (7^4) supposed that Cicero and his colleague Caesonius were Curulo Aediles, Tho games however that Cicoro gave were dedicated to Ceres, Liber and Libera, and to IIe never refers to himself as ourule Aedile, or records Flora (verr.2.5.36-37). giving the Megalesian games. The prirni Romnn'i lu'd''i'of Vem, 2.5.36-37 were probably not the Ludi Romani but the Ludi Plebeii. On the whole question, see L. R,. Taylor, AJPh 60 (1939) 200, note 25' 6 Mommsen (CIL l,p. 172), and Niccolini @f P 422-424) are inclined to refor the Lex viseltia to a bill regulating city affairs, particularly the assignment of road commissioners, passed before ?1 B. C', the date to which they attributo both the Lex Antonia de Termessonsibus and the Tribunes named boüh there and in the above inscription. To Niccolini this implies that the law was passed before 8l when legislative powers were taken from tho Tribunes, and automatically excludes C. Visellius Varro, Cicero's cousin, frorn being the sponsor of the bill. If L. R,. Taylor correctly dates the Lex Antonia in 68 (CPh 36 119411 12I f., note 32) the law can be attributed to visellius varro and dated in 70 or 69. Varro was a Military Tribune in Asia in 79-78 (Clc. Verr. 2.1,7I't, a senator of quaestorian rank in 73 (B-fff 747), and Aedile at some unknown date, perhaps about 59 (see 59, Aediles; Seidel, Fasü. Aeil'.62). IIe probably held the tribr:nato in 70 or 69 and carried this law' ? It is generally assumed that Caesar held the quaestorship in 68 (D.-G. 3.I35f.; Münzer, "R.E 10.I89f.), but he was eligible for the office in 69. The legions levied for service in Cilicia which still remained in Oisalpine Gaul at the time of his return from Spain (Suet. IaZ. 8) almost cerüainly belonged to ths forces of Marcius Rex, Cos. 68. Moreover, though he went to the province by (Suet.), i. e., bespring or surnmer of his year he was able to return, ante tertupur,s forehis commander, in timetosupport the Gabinian law in ea,rly 67. He probably entered office Dec. 5, 70, went to his province in spring 69, and returned in the course of 68. The eulogies of his aunt and his wife would then precede his doparture for Spain. See L. R. Taylor, CPh 36 (IS4l) I22f ' 1 It i" possible, though not very probable, that this Quaestor of 69 should bo i{entified with caesar's Legate in 55, who was Praetor in 48, and censor in 42.
0 0 B . C . - ß 8B . C .
0 Soo Quaestors, on Caesar. The date of Antistius' command in Spain doponds on that of Caesar's quaestorship. r0 As the eight plebeian members of the college listed in Macrobius ate known, lioxtus must, be ühe praenomen of a patrician member, and among patrician gontes is found in only two, the Iulii Caesares and tho Quinctilii Vari. Sinco Cuesar was already a member tho supplement given above is the more probable rrrro. See L. 8B,.Taylor, AJPL 63 (1942) 402. 1r See Aediles, Curule, on Galba, IIe is not narned in the list in Macrobius lrrrt appears on that of Cicero in 57, while the coins inscribed P. Gal,b. cttr. aed., boa,r symbols of the pontificate. The latest date for his cooptation is therefore 69, rr,nd it may be slightly earlier. See noto 13. 12 Albinovanus may perhaps be identified with the renegade Marian who lrotrayed Norbanus in Cisalpine Gaul in 82 (App. BC 1.60, and 9l). 13Though the passagesinCic, Dio.1.104, and Varro LL 6.21 could conceivably rofer to L. Valerius Flaccus, Cos. l3l, and Flamen Martialis (see l3I), they are better referred to the Consul of 100, since Cicero's phrase in Rab. Perd'.27,'in so,cerd,otiocaerirnon'üsque quibu* Ttra,eerat,distinguishes hrs duties from those of un ordinary Pontifex. The date of his deaüh must fall between the cooptation ofCaesar in 73 and that of Galba by or before 69 (seenote lI). Ifit were certain l hat, Metellus Pius was present at the inaugural banquet described in Macrobius it could be dated aftor his reüurn from Spain in 71. 1aAs Perpennia's father, M. Perperna, Cos. 92, Cens. 86, had by 69 attained the age of 78, she had probably begun her service as a Vestal manyyears earlier, perhaps before 100 B. C. See below, on Fonteia.
68 B.C.
A.U.C. 686 Consuls
[,. Ceoorr,rus C. f. Q. n.t Mnrnr,r,us (74\ Pr. 7l Q. Mencrus Q.f. Q.n. Rnx (52) Pr. by 71 CIL 12.2.905,956;Dio 36.4.1; Chr. 354 (Metello et Vatia); Fast. Hyd. (MarcioRege etMetello), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; and on Marcius, CIL 12.2.747,and perhaps 660 (but see ll8, Consuls). Seo l)egrassi131,488f. Metellus died early in the year (Dio 36.4.1). Cilicia was withdrawn from the comma,ndof Lucullus and assignedto Marcius (Dio 36.2.2; cf. Suet. Iul,. 8; see 67, Promagistrates). Consul Suffectus (- Snnvrr,rus - f. - n. ) Verre (not in -B,E) Chr. 354 (Vatia). The Consul Suffectus died before entering office, rr,rrdMarcius continued as Consulalone (Dio36.4.r;see DegrassiI3l, ,1r,t8f .).
08B.c. Praetors
? P. AurnoNrus Panrusz
(7) Cos. Desig. 65
Bnlr,nvuss (Bellienus l) Captured in his robes of office by the pirates (PIttt. Pomp. 24.6; cf. Cic. Leg. Man. 32-33 and 53; Lpp. Mith. 93). Seebelow, on Sextilius. ? C. Lrcnsrus MacEB (f f2) See 67, Promagistrates. Cf. Val. Max. 9.12.7, praetorius. ? P. Conxur,rus Sur,r,aa Pat.
(386) Cos. Desig. 65
L. Merr,rus Toneulross Pat. (79) Cos. 65 See 67, Promagistrates; and below, note g. L. Qurrvcmus6 (*IV.4) Active in moving to send successotsto the provinces of Lucullus (PLat.Luc. 33.5; cf. Sall. I/dsü.4.71 M). ?.Rusnrus (4, cf . 10, and 17) See 67, Promagistrates, and.note. L. Snnarus Cerrr,rlqa? Pat. (23) Ascon. 85, and 89 C. See67, Promagistrates. Snxrrr,rus (3) Captured with his insignia of office and attendants by pirates (Plut. Pomp. 24.6; cf. Cic. Leg. Man. 32-33 and 53; App. Mi,th. 93). See above, on Bellinus. Tribunes of the Plebss C. Alwrus
C. ANror.Trus(Hrnnroe) (19) Cos.63, Pr. 66 Q. Clncnrus (Mornr,r,us Cnr,nn or Nnros ?) (22, and 86) Cos. 60, Pr. 63 or Cos. 57, Pr. 60 CN. Conlvnr,rus (24) C. FuNoenrüs C. f.
L. Hosrrr,rus (DesreNus ?) (13) Cf. Sall. Hist. 4.55 M; Sahol,.Gron. 331 Stangl. Q. Mencrus (31) C. Poprr,rus (I5 ?) M. Ver,rnrus (69)
? L. Vofr,]ca[rrus ?] CIL 12.2.585-ILB 38 (Lex Antonia de Termessensibus);and.744. C. Antius may possibly be the C. Antius Restio who carried. a sumptuary law (Ge11.2.24.13; Macrob. Bat.3.l7.t3; cf. Cic. Fam.7.26.2; Catullus 44). Quaestors ? Q. Tur,r,rus CroERo (31) Pr.62 He was absent from Rome in this and perhaps provious years (Cic. Att.l'5.2and 8, cf.8.l), henceMünzerconjecturesthathe herdhis quaestorship during this period (.8,8). Promagistrates C. ? ANrrsrrus Vnrus (46) Pr. T0 ? since the return of caesar, Quaestor under Antistius in x'arther Spain, was amtetempus (Suet. Iul,. B), Antistius probably remained in his province ührough this year (see 6g, Promagistrates). Q. CEncr,rus Mnrpr,r,us Cnnrrcus (82) Cos. 6g, pr.74 Proconsul (Liv. Per.98) in crete and Achaea with charge of the war against the pirates in crete (cic. rlacc.30 and 68 and tbo). rre won a,nengagement off cydonia and settled down to besiegethat and other towns (Cic.Flacc.30 and 63 and tO}; Ad Brut. t.8;Liv. per.98; VeII. 2.34.1;Val. Max. 7.6, ext. l; X'lor. t.42.4; App. Bic. 6.2; phlegon Trall. fr. 12, in XHG 3.606; Eutrop.; Oros. 6.4.2; cf. Solin. t.9t, p. 26 M). ? P. Conxnr,rus Dolennr,LAe Pat. (140) pr. 6g ? Proconsul in Asia gGnP 4.422; Val. Max. 8.1, amb. 2; GelL. t2.7, with praenomen Cn.; Ammian. Marc. 2g.2.fg). 0. Iur,rus Cansan Pat. (131) Cos. b9, 49, 4644, pr. 62. .. Returned this year from his quaestorship in X'arther Spain. See 6g, Quaestors. 1,. Lrcrrvrus Lucrrlr,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. Zg Proconsul (see ?3-69, Promagistrates) in Bithlmia, pontus, and. oilicia in command against Mithridates. During this year Cilicia was rr,ssignedto Marcius Rex (see above, consuls). AJter the diplomatic tctivity of the winter of 69-68, Lucullus planned to attack the parl,hians, but when the Pontic garrison troops refused to join him he irrvaded northern Armenia, won a victory on the Arsanias, and ret,rrrrredsouthwardto Nisibis and wintered there (sall.,Fftist.4.72-.80M:
08 B.C.
Legates, Ambassadors See 70, Legates. Legates, Envoys Sncrr,rus (Sextilius 2, Selicius l) See69, Legates. Legates, Lieutenants ? P. Cr,onrus Prn onnnlo Pat. (48) No title preserved; perhaps only a member of Lucullus' personal staff. During the winter of 68-67 at Nisibis he secretly encouragedthe discontent,of the soldiers of Lucullus with their comma,nder(Cic. Har. Resp. 42; Phlrrt.Luc. 34.1-2; Dio 36.14.3-4, and 17.2). M. Flmus HennreNus (83) Served under Lucullus. Was defeated. by Mithridates when he returned to Pontus in the autumn of 68, and was besiegedin Cabira until Triarius relieved him (Plut. Ltlc. 35.I; App. Mitlt,. 88, cf-. lI2; Dio 36.9-f 0; see 72,Legat'es). L. X'ervNrus (12) This former Fimbrian deserted Mithridates for Lucullus, was placed in command in Gordyene, and was besiegedthere by Tigranes during the winter of 68-67 (Dio 36.8.2; cf. Plut. Luc.34.6; Ps"-Ascon.244 Stangl). C. Lrcrnrus Secnnoos (154) Pr. 75 Legate und.erMetellus Creticus (Cic. Planc. 27). Sonwerrus (l) Legate under Lucullus in Pontus (see 72, and 69, Legates).Could not induce his mutinous soldiers to leave Pontus and join Lucullus in Armenia (PIut. Luc. 30.3), and became the object of Mithridates' attack in the autumn of 68 (35.f ). L. Ver,nnrus FLAccus Pat. (*69,179) Pr. 63 Legate in Achaea under Metellus Creticus (Cic. Flacc. 6 and 30 and 63 Val'.43,no.28. and 100;Planc.27;Solin.1.93,p. 25M). SeeMünzer,Gent.
ott 1f.0.
O. Var,nnrus Tnrenrus (*62) Legate under Lucullus (see 73-69, Legates). His arrival from Asia brought reiief to X'abius at Cabira (seeabove), where he took command rnd forced Mithridates to retire (App. Mith. 88; Dio BG.r0; cf. Plut. lntc.35.l; App. Mith.89, and lI2). See67, Legates. r A brother of Metellus Creticus, and son of C. Metellus Caprarius and grandxon of Q. Metellus Macedonicus (Cic. Verr. 1,27; CIL 12.2.746), 2 The latest date possible under the Cornelian law. 3 Plutarch's text has the namo Bellinus, but Bellienus is a probable emenrfrr,tion to a na,rne known in this period (RE). The year is uncertain but cannot bo long before 67, a See note 2. 6 See note 2; and below, Promagistrates, on Dolabella, and tho succession of governors of Asia, I Tribune of the Plebs in 74. His activity in the praetorship must have begun bofore Cilicia was taken from Lucullus, most, probably upon receipt of newÄ of l,ho campaign of 69. 7 According to Asconius (85, and 89 C) Catilino became governor of Africa t.x. praetu/ra, and after his term returned to Rome in time to present himself as n candidaüe for the consulship of 65. His praetorship must therefore be dated in 68 at the latest, which is also tho latest possible year under the cornolian law. 8 This list of at least nine, and perhaps all ten, of the Tribunes of this year is secured by combining the three names preserved in the prescript of the Lex r\rrtonia with the namos preserved ]n CIL L2.2.744, where all or part of all ten nrrmes appears. They are all namos of Tribunes (see commentary in CIL), exeept Porhaps the fragmentary namo of a Ourator Viarum, which comes last in the list rbove. Caesar, probably before his aedileship (Pbtt. Caee.5.b), and Minucius 'l'lrcrmus, when a candidate for the consulship undertook curatorships. Caesar rrf' tho Appian, and Minucius of the Flaminian, way (Cic. Att. l.l.2), Volcatius I lr.refore, if his narne is correctly restored, could possibly be the Consul of 66. l\{.mmsen however has shown that, the Tribunes were concerned with public rvrrrks in the city (Ges. Schr, 3.27 ff ., and comm. on CIL L2.2.744), and interprers rro. 751 on the builder of the Pons Fabricius to mean that Fabricius as Curator Virrrum was at the samo time one of the Tribunes (62 B. C.). 'fhe date of this college of Tribrmes remains not altogether certain. ft is of rrr'
68 B.C.-6? B.C.
e Tho procise ordor of tho governors ofAsia between the decision to end the oommand of Lucullus in 69 and the arrival of P. C)rbius in 64 remains uncertain. Dolabella was the Pra,etor in chargo of the trial of Caecina in 6g or 68 (see 6g, Praetors), and was therefore Proconsul of Asia in 68 or 67. L. Manlius Torquatus, whoso title, though not his province, is attested by an inscription of Miletus (Wiegand, 6 vorläufiger Bericht, APAW 1908, Anhang 20), held the consulship in 65, and his praetorship may tentatively be dated in 68, and his proconsulship (almost certainly in Asia) in 67, since he was not likely to be delayed in his career. Dolabella may then be placed in Asia in 68. For the remaining two years wo have T. Aufidius and P. Varinius. Their dates are not independently attested but they did follow immediately in this order (Cic. Elacc.AE).If Aufidius is tho possible candidate named by Cicero (Att. l.l.I) for the consulship of 63, his praetorship should be dated in 66 and his command in Asia in 65. Lange (4.I85, and 206) held that Varinius proceeded to Asia in 72 after his praotorship and defeat at the hands of Spartacus and that Lucuflus became governor ofAsia only in ?1. It seems more p"äbu,ble that Lucullus held Asia frori the beginning of 7"8 at the latost (see 74, Promagistrates, on Lucullus; and Addendum). Reasons for the interval in the case ofVarinius are not given, but the career ofC. Antonius after his expulsion from the Senate in 70 affords a possible parallel, and suggests that Varinius repeated his career to the praetorship in 66. There is no evidenco that Q. Voconius Naso (IudexQuaestionis in 66, and Praotor sometime before 60) was ever a gov.ernor of Asia at all. Seo Broughton, TAPLA 79 (1948) 67-72, with criticism of the lists of Chapot and Waddington; Magie, Romnm Rule,i,n As,ia M,inor 2.1127f., note 47. 10Clodius may havo boen a member of the staff of Lucullus since 73, when it is said a rebuke from cato for his irresponsible accusation against catiline and the Vestal Virgin Fabia compelled him to leave the city (Ph:"rt. Cat. Mi,n. I9.B; seo 73, Vesüal Virgins).
67 B.C.
A.U.C. 687 Consuls
C. Car,runwrus - f. - n. Prso (63) Pr. by 70 M'. Acr,rus M'. f. M'. n. Gr,ennro (38) Pr. 70 CIL 12.2.748,2511; Cic. Phil. 2.I2;Dio 96.12.1,and 24.8;Chr. 854 (Pisone et Glabria); Iast. Hyd,. (Pisone et Glabrione), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;on Piso, Ascon. 57 C; and on Glabrio, CIL 12.2.959; Dio 36.41.2.SeeDegrassil3l, 488f. Piso was strongly opposed to the proposals of the Tribune Gabinius (Dio 36.24.3; cf. Plut. Pomp.25.4), to the recruitment of forces for Pompey (Dio 36.37.2-3;Plut. Pomp.27.l), and the proposalsof the Tribune Cornelius (Ascon.58 C; Dio 36.38-39), and to counter the la,tter was compelled to ca,rry a, bribery law of his own (Cic. Corn. l, fr. 23, and 45; Mur. 46 and 67 and 72-73; Iog. Cand,.in Ascon. 88 C; Sall. Cal. 18.2; Ascon. 69,75,88 C; Dio 36.38-39; Schol,.Bob.78
fitongl; cf. cic. Butl,. 7$. -]d.ewr,s assignedthe province of rransalpino (irr,rrlduring his consulship (Dio 96.97.2-8),änd also the cisaliine (Cic. Att. 1.1.2; cf. Xl,acc.98; Sall. Cat. 4g.2; see LaÄen, 1rr
1 Q. Cunrusl (1, cf. 7) A candidate for the consulshipof 64 (Cic. Att. t.1.2). ? L. fur,rus Cense-nz Pat. (t4B) Cos.64 ? M. furvruss (25, cf. 23) Aic. Cl,uent.126; ct. Plin. ,l[f/ Bb.r00. ? l). fuxrus Snanus (16g) Cos. 62 A possiblecandidate for the consulshipof 64 (Cic. Att. t.t.Z). . 1,. l,uccprus (6, cf. Licinius 105) I )io 36.41.1-2,acceptingHölzl's emendationÄouxxdro6forÄorJxou),),oq (l'ust. Praet 29). He refused the province of Sardinia (Dio). I O. Mancrus X'rcur,usa (69) Cos. 64 ? (Mrnuorus) TEEB,Mus (60) A candidate for the consulship of 64 (Cic. Att. t.t.2; cf. Flacc. gB, orr his name). ? Q. Punr,rcrus6 (*16) Cic. Cluent. 126.
Aediles,Curule I ( l. l'l,lMrNrus (4) ? M. Pr,enroRrus(M. f. Cnsrranus) (16) pr.64? (ii<:.Cluent. 126, cf. t4Z. See Grueber, CHRBM t.4gl_44t, on the (tol{nornen,filiation, and offices of Plaetorius. see below, note B.
t44 Aediles of the Plebs
Brut. 277; Q. Cic. and 165. 11.3.155 ? Q. Vocoxrus Nasoo (*3) Pr. bY 60 Iudex Quaestionisin 66 (Cic. Cluent.147-148). 60, Pr. 631 I?? Q.Cencnrus Mnrnr,lus (Cnr,nn?) (86) Cos. Val. Max. 6.I.8. See88, Aediles. Tribunes of the Plebs C. Connur,rus (18) Ascon. 57, and 75 C; Dio 36.38.4.Corneliusfirst proposed a bill to forbid loans to foreign states, but failed t'o carry it (Ascon' 57-58 C; see below, on Gabinius). His second-proposal, to make the people the sole source of exemption from the laws, was vetoed amid disorders, but he caruied a compromise proposal requiring a quolum of 200 senators (Cic. Corn. l, fr. 5, 27, 30-32; Vat. 5; Ascon. 58-59, and 7I-72 C; Quintil. Inst. Or.4.4.8; 5.13.18and 26; Dio 36.39)' Third, he carried a law to compel Praetors to follow their own d,i,ctaperpetua (Ascon. 59 c; Dio 36.40.r-2). And among other bills which failed of passa,ge(Cic. Corn. in Ascon' 59 C; Dio 36'33.4-39.2) was a bribery i"* *tti"tt at least compelled the acceptance of the milder Lex CaIpurnia (seeabove,Consuls). A. Genrrvrus (11) Cos. 58, Pr. 6l ? Gabinius first carried a law to assign Bithynia and Pontus,T and part of the army of Lucullus (the valerian legions were djsmissed) to ihe Consul Gla6rio (Cic. Leg, Man.26; Sest-93; Sall. IIisü.5.I3 M, Lex Gabinia; Plut. Luc. 33.5;35.3-6; App. Mi,th. 90; Dio 36'L+'4, and 15.3,and t?.1; Eutrop. 6.9.3;seeabove,Consuls).His major bill, the one on the war with the pirates, carried amid violent d.isorder (see below, on Trebellius), created for one commander, Pompey, an unlimited imperium like that of M. Antonius Creticus in 74, for at least three yea"s, over the coastsof the Mediterranean and for 50 miles inland, equal to that of the respective governors in their provinces, with the right to appoint t5 (or 24) Legates with 'imper'üumpro praetore,raise a navy of 300 (or 500) ships, Ievy recruits as desired, and d."r* npott public funds (Cic. Leg. Mun. 44 and 52-58; Corn.l, fr. 30, and Ascon.72 C; Leg. Agr. 2.46; P. net'. in Sen. II; Phi,l. 11.I8, with Bchot.Bob. 98 Stangl; SalI. f/dsü. 5.2I-24 M; Liv. Per. 99; YelI. 23I:42; Val. Max. 8.15.9; Tac. Ann. 15.25; Plut. Pomp. 25-26;
Lw. 37.4; App. Mith.94; Dio 36'23-27; Zonar.l0.3). He broke the voto of his colleague Trebellius by proposing to deposehim from offioe (utrobelow), and overcame the opposition of the consul Piso (Plut. I'ornp.27.l;Dio 36.97.2).x'inally, a Gabinian laws forbidding loans l,o foreign envoys in Rome (Cic. Att. 5.2I.12;6.1.5, and 2.7) may have lrcon carried by Gabinius when the proposal of cornelius failed (see rbove). ? C. Perrnrus CaßBo (35) Pr.62 He received.the consular insignia, in or soon after 67, as a reward for rocuring the conviction of M. Aurelius cotta for misappropriation of t,hc booty of Heracleia Pontica (Dio 36.a0.3-4; cf . Val. Max. 5.4'4; Momnon 60, in IGrH 38.358; see 73-70, Promagistrates, on Cotta)' f,. Roscrus Orno (22) Pr. 63 ? oarried a law to reserve the fourteerl rows in the theater for tho krrights(Cic.Corn.l,ft. 52;Att.2.I9.3; Mur.4O1'Phil.2.44;Liv' Per' t)0; Hor. Epod,.4.15-16,with Porphyt. ad loc.; Epist. 1.I'62; Vell. !.112.3;Ascon. 78-79 C; Tac. Ann' 15.32;Iuven. 3.159, and'Schol ad' kta.; 14.324;Suet. Aug. 40; Nero ll; Dorn.8; SHA, Had'r.17; cf. Cic. Att. 2.1.3; Cum a tad, l; Plin. NH 7.1L7;PIut. Ci'c' 13:, Mrrcrob. Bat. 3.I4.I2). supported Trebellius against Gabinius (Dio :l$.24.4,and 30.3). l'. Snnlrr,rus GLoBULUS (66) Pr. 64 Opposedthe legislation of Gabinius (Ascon.58, and 61 C). 1,. Tnnenr,r,tus (3) He interposed his veto of the Gabinian law (seeabove), a'mid scenes of great d.isorder,until the eighteenth tribe was summoned to vote on rr riiotion for his recall from office (Cic. Corn. l, fr. 30, and Ascon. 72 C; ltio 36.24.4,and 30.1-2). Promagistrates (). Orncrr,rus MErEr,LUsCRarrcusn (87) Cos. 69, Pr.74 I'roconsul (Liv. Per.99) in comma,ndof the war with the pirates in ( lrcte. He captured. many cretan towns, but came into collision with l'ornpey, to whom ma,ny Cretan towns preferred to surrender, but wlr,,ö iigttt to receive their surrender iVletellus refused to recognize ($a. tr'laic.6 and 30 and63 and 100;Ad, Brut.1.8; Liv. fr. 28 W, and l'r'r. 99; Plut. Pomp.29; Dio 36.17a-19, and 45.I; cf. Cic. Leg. Man. ft6 rrrrd.46;Val. Max. ?.6, ext. l; X'lor' I.42'4;; Oros' fl..t.2; and on GortSrn,Head, HNz 467).He was saluted as Imperator (('l I' 12.2.746;Guarducci,I. Cret. 2.252,no. t4; cf . IG 3.565). lo ltroughton II
L. LrcrNrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proconsul (see 73-68, Promagistrates). He waß superseded in his provinces and in his command against Mithridates by the Consul Glabrio under a Gabinian law (seeabove, Consuls,and Tribunes of the Plebs). The defeat of his Legate Triarius in Pontus, and the mutiny &monghis soldiers, compelled him to remain inactive while Mithridates and Tigranes recoveredtheir kingdoms (Cic. Leg. fuIan.5 and 12 and 16 and 26; Liv. Per. 9Q; PIut. Luc.35.r-6; App. Mi,th.88-90; Dio 36.f4-17; Eutrop. 6.9.3), See Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Mi,nor 1.346-350. ? C. Lrcrxrus Mlcnnlo (ll2) Pr. 68 ? Prosecuted before Cicero in the Quaestio de repetundis in 66 (Cic. Att. 1.4.2;Val. Max. 9.12.7;Plut. Cic.9.l-2). L. Melrr,rus Tonquarusll Pat. (79) Cos. 65, Pr. 68 ? Termed Legate and Proconsul (npeoBeutiexai riv0ünaro6)in an inscription of Miletus (Wiegand, APAW 1908, 6 vorläufig. Bericht, Anhang 2O; cf. App. Mi,th.9O; RE r4.f 200).See68, note g. Q. Menorus Rnx (92) Cos.68 Proconsul in Cilicia with three legions (Sall. fr'dsü.5.13-14 M; Dio 36.15.1, and 17.2; cf.. CIL 12.2.747).Malalas notes his presencein Antiochin 67 or 66 (225,lines 7-ll, ed. Bonn.; cf., in FHG Z.xxiv-xxvi; Dio 36.17.2-3; Jerome Chr. ad. ann. 68, p. f53 Helm; seeG. Downey, CPh 32 [937] 144-l5t). Cn. Poupnrus MaeNUs (*15) Cos.70, 55,52 By the Gabinian law he received command with unlimited imperium for at least three yea s over the Mediterr&nean sea and its coasts for 50 miles inland, equal to that of the Proconsulsin the several provinces (seeesp. Vell. 2.31.2-4; and the texts above, Tribunes of the Plebs, on Gabinius) in order to exterminate piracy. His excellent organization (see below, Legates), and his great concentration of ships, resources, and men, swept the Mediterranean from west to east, and during the summer brought the war to an effective end in a great battle off Coracesiumin Cilicia (Cic. Leg. Man., passi,m;esp.34-35; Diod.40.4; Liv. Per.99; Strabo 8.7.5,388c; ll.l.6, 492c; 14.3.3,665c,and 5.2, 668-669c,and 8, 67lc; YeIl. 2.32.4-5;Lucan 2.576-579;Plin. Nl/7.93 and 98; Plut. Pomp. 2+-Zg, esp. 26.3-28.4; App. Mi,th. 92-98; Flor. 1.41.6-15;Dio 36.17a-37, and 45.1; Eutrop. 6.12.1; Auct. Vi,r. Ill. 77.5; Prob., and Serv., on Georg.4.127; Sch,ol.Bob. g8 Stangl; Zonar. 10.3; cf. Head, HNz 729). Pompey was acclaimed Imperator in 67 (B/Gs 745A and B). Seeabove, on Metellus Creticus.
67 B.C.
R,usnruslz (4, cf. 10, and 17) Pr. 68 ? Governor of Macedonia (Plut. Cat. Mi,n.9, orpatqydq). L. Snnsrus Carrr,nra Pat. (23) Pr. 68 Propraetor in Africa (Cic. Cael,.lO, praetor; Ascon. 66, 85, and 89 C), where his exactions caused embassies in protest before his return (Ascon.), and refusal of his candidacy for the consulship of 65 because of the imminence of his trial for extortion (Sall. Caü. 18.3; cf. Cic. Cael,.r0). Tribunes of the Soldiers M. Poncrus Clro13 (*20) Pr. 54 Served under Rubrius in Macedonia (Plut. Cat. Mi,n.9-ll; Plin. ,l/1/ 7.r13-Solin. r.122, p. 32 M; Val. Max. 4.3.2).
L. Snrrnvrrus (9) Served under Pompey against, the pirates (Caes. BC 3.f0a; App. BC 2.84-85, Sempronius; X'lor. 2.13.52; Dio 42.3-4, and 38.1; Zonat. 10.9; cf. Lucan 8.596f., and Schol,.Bern. 279A; Anth. Lat., ed.. Riesez845). Legates, Ambassadors See 70, Legates. Legates, Envoys L. Oorevrus (27) Served under Pompey, who sent him to Crete to receive the surrender of the cities and oppose Metellus (Plut,. Pomp. 29.2-5; Dio 36.18.l-19.I). SeeLegates,Lieutenants. Legates, Lieutenants l. Under Q. Caecilius Metellus Creticusla in Crete and Achaea: L. Bnssus (not in ,B.O) Defeated at sea by Aristion (Dio 36.19.f). C. Lrcnrrus Sacnnnos (154) Pr.75 Cic. Planc. 27, legatus. L. Ver,nnrus X'r,eccus Pat. (179) Pr. 63 Cic. Plnnc.2T,legatus;Ilacc.6 and 30 and 63 and 100; Solin. 1 . 9 1p, . 2 3 M .
07 B.C.
2. Under L. Licinius Lucullus in Pontus: C. Ver,nnrus TRraRrüs (*62) Legate (see 73-68, Legates). He suffered a disastrous defeat at the händs of Mithridates before Lucullus could arrive fromArmenia to aid him (PItt. Luc.35.l-2;App. Mith.89, and 112;Dio 36'12-13; cf. Cic. Leg. Man.25; Sall. Hi'st.5.3-5Jü[)' 3. Under Q. Marcius Rex in Cilicia: ? P. Cr,onrus PuLoHEB Pat. (48) He deserted Lucullus, and became a commander, probably Prefect, in the fleet under Marcius, was ca,ptured,and later released,by pira,tes(Dio 36.17.2-3;38.30.5;cf. Cic. Har. Resp' a2; App' BC 2.23). 4. Under Cn. Pompeius Magnusls against the pirates: (23) P. Arr,rus Commanded the sea about Sardinia, Corsica, and t'he Ligurian Gulf (App. Mith.95; cf. X'Ior. 1.41.9). Q. Cancnrus Mrrnr,lus NDPos (96) Cos. 57, Pr' 60 IIad. charge of the coast from Lycia to Phoenicia (App'; X'lor')' Tr. Cr,eunrus NERo Pat. (253) Pr. Had charge of the coast of Spain about Gades (App'; Flor')' CN. Conwnr,rus LnltruLUS CloDraNüs Pat. (216) Cos' 72 HeId command in rta,ly, probably along the coast of the Adriatic (App.; see Groebe,Kl'i,oI0 [1910] 385, and 388f')' Cn. ConNnr,rusLDNrülus MancELLNUSPat. (22S)Cos' 56, Pr' 60 Had charge of the Libyan sea to Cy'reneand Egypt (APq'; X'lor'; from cyrene; B.UG9.56). xai &.vrtorgar4y6e, cf. ,s/G3750,rcpeopeuri6 L. Conxnr,rus STsENNA (374) Pr. 78 Held command of the coast of Macedonia and Greece in the westernAegean (app. Mith.95). He becameinvolved in the quarrel betweenpoäpey a,;d Metellus Creticus, but died.during the year (Dio 36.18-19; cf. Plut. Pomp.29, on Octavius)' L. Gnr,r,rusPuer,roor,e (17) Cos. 72, Pr. 94 Had chargeof the Italian coast on the Tuscan sea (X'lor'; cf ' App'; and in 63, Cic. P. Red'.ad'Qui'r.l7). L. Lor,r,rus (6) Had charge of the coast of the eastern Aegean from the Hellespont to Rhodes (ApP').
A. ? MlNr,rus TonQuetusl0 Pat. (76) Pr. ca' 70 Had charge of the east coast of spain and the Balearic Islands (App.; X'lor.). L. Mexr,rus TonQuatus Pat' (79) Cos. 65, Pr' 68 SeeWiegand',APAW,6 vorläufig. Bericht Milet, Anhang 20; and note 16. L. Ocravrus (27) See above, Legates, EnvoYs. A. Pr,orrusl? (*4) Pr. 5l Held command in Sicily (App., fl),citro€ Oü&poq;X'lor', Plotius)' (*21) M. Pourorrus Had charge of the coasts of Gaul and Liguria (App'; FIot', s'imrc . ... Gal,li'cus). M. Puprus Prso Fnuer Clrrunrvrerusls (*2.100) Cos'61,Pr'722' Had charge of the Propontus and the Bosporus (App'; Flor', Cato, but cf. Plut. Cat. Mi,n. M.3). SeeD.-G. 4.70,no' l5' M. Tnnnvuus VaRRo (84, Supb. 6) Pr. Held command in the Ionian seafrom Delos to sicily (varro RR 2, ploem. 6; App.; x.lor.; PIin .ltl/ 3.101),and won the coronarostrata (Plin. .l/ä 7.115; 16.7). ,the following namesalso appear in the list in Florus ( (RE 2e'.1775-1780) (Snnvu,rus) Canno In command about the coast of Asia. I'ompnriuvenes (*17, and *18) In command in the Adriatic. (M.) Poncrus Cero (*20) Pr. 54 In command in the ProPontus. cato was serving as a Tribune of the soldiers in Macedonia (see rr,Sove),the sons of Po*p"y were still too yourrg Jor command., and ( lrepio has been con-fuseä"ith"" with Cato's half-brother who died wlriie on his way to Asia (seePIut. Cat. Mi,n.ll, and 15.4),or elsewith Sorvilius, Pompey's admiral in the Euxine in 65 (Plut' Pomp' 34'5; lf. Dio 37.3.2-3;see Groebe,Kli'o L0 [1910] 382)' | .l.he identification of Curius with the member of the Cat'ilinarian conspiracy ( tl Il no.7), though defended by }Iölzl (E P 32f'), is rejected by Münzer ('BZ no' l)' hardly ,\,r <,x-Quaestoiexpelled from the Senate Uy t!" Oensors of 70 would I'522' Str' (see Mommsen, of 64 consulship for the lrrrvl time to be a candidate t r o l o3 ) .
07 B.C.
, Tho latest date possible under tho Cornelian law. 0 Tho date of the praetorships of Iunius and Publicius, and tho curule aedile' ships of Flaminius and Plaetorius must be later than the torm of the Consors elected about July ?0 (Cic. Clwent.126) and precedo Cicero's praetorship in 66 (I47). As Flaminius and Plaetorius wero then in charge of the Quaestio de sicariis it is probable that, like Caesar in 64, they held the office of Iudex Quaestionis in the year following their aedileship. Accordingly, I place their aedileship and tho praetorship of Iunius and Publicius in 67 (see Wehrmann, .FP 48, noto; and Mütrzer, RE, Flaminius no. 4). Sydonham (lxiv) dates Plaetorius in 68. a See note 2. 6 See noto 3. 6 See 68, note 9, on the governors of Asia. ? Niccolini (ETP 2541 considers this a general law stripping Lucullus of all his provinces, and places the praeüorship of L. Quinctius in 67 (see 68, Praetors), but the evidenco seems clear that, Lucullus' provinces wero taken frorn him separately, Asia in 69 (Dio 36.2.2), Cilicia in 68 beforo Caesar's return from Spain (Suet. 1zZ. 8) in time to support tho law of Gabinius (Pl'ut. Potn'p. 25.3), and finally Bithynia and Pontus under a law of Gabinir:s (Sall. I/osü. 5.I3 M). 8 Since the law is not mentioned before 56 it could possibly be a law of his consulship in 58, as Mommsen (Strafrecht 885) and Niccolini (ETP 2581 believe. e Gäbler includes Metellus in his list of governors of Macedonia (RE 14.765)' probably because he and his Legate L. Valerius Flaccus were active in Achaea, (Cic. Fl,acc. 63; cf. CIL 12.2.746;/G 3.565,frorn Argos and Athens, rospectively). I{is activity in Greece howevor, like that of Antonius Creticus in 73-71, may refer to bases and preparations for his campaign in Crete. r0 This is the only evidence for Licinius Macor's proconsulate. 11 Münzer ("BE) identifies him, rather than tho Manlius Torquatus who was a Legaüe of Pompey in Spanish w&ters near Gades, as the Consul of 66. See below, note 16, 12 Z'wnpt (Com,nz.Epi'g. 2.18+-186) identifies this Rubrius with the L. Culleolus, Prooonsul, probably of Macedonia (Byllis was situated in his province), was to whom Cioero addressed Fa'rn. 13.4I and 42, ar;id this identification accopted by Gäbler in his list of the governors of Macodonia (RE L4.765). Märrzer (RE, as above, a"nd 4.1295, and 1744) shows ihat it, is unwarrantod, quito aparü from the improbability that any letters in the Ad' Fanail'i'ares showld be dated so early. Cato's military tribunate r:nder Rubrius (see below) was contemporary wiüh commands both of Lucullus and Pompoy (PlluL. Cat. Min, 10.2), and the trip of his half-brother Caepio to Asia, on which he died, may well have been undortaken for service under Pompey (i'bi'd'. Il). Tho probable date is therefore 67 and 66 and cannoü be much later, for Cato returned to Rome and was elocted Quaestor for 64 (see 64, Quaestors) at the latest. 13 Seo Promagistrates, on Rubrius, and note 12. la In D.-G. 2.42, Cn. Plancius is also listed, but ho was only a nui,Iesundat Metellus (Cic, Pl,arw. 27). 16 lInder the Gabinian law Pompoy was entitled to appoint Legates with praetorian imporirrm (App. Mi,th. 94; cf. SIGg 75O; PhtL, Pom'p. 26) to tho number, according to Plutarch, of l5 (Pornp. 25; cf. Dio 36.37), according to Appian (Mith. 94), of 24; of that number wo have the namos of the 15 listed abovo, I 3 of whom held command each in one of the l3 special areas designated by Pompoy (see Zonar. 10.3). Their appointment may well have been extended
0? l].c.-86 B.C.
irr rl numbor of cases with the extension of the term of Pompoy's command rrrrrler the Manilian law. at any rate Gellius was still in command of a fleet irr {i3 (Cic. P. Red,.ad' Qwir.lT). See Mommson, Str' 2'656, note 2; Th' B'oinach' ltI'hi4(1890) r50. OnhisLegatesandplanof campaign,.seeP. Groebe,Kl,i'oLo (f {)10) Bi4-Biig; H. A. Ormerod, L,iaeipoot,Annal,s ol Art and, Archaeol'ogg I0 ( il)23) 46-5r. r0 öroebe identified this Legate, whoso praenomen is not given in $rgian a1{ l,.lrrrus, with L. Manlius Torqriatus, consul in 65 (Kti,o r0 [r9r0] 38r)Jhis he did 1908' wit,lrout taking account of an inscription found at Miletus (aPAW tl v.rläuf. Beriäht, Anhang 20) in which thero is named an L' Manlius Torquatus wlr. may reasonably \5r ldentified with the ?roquaestor of 81 (see 81, Prorr'rgistrJtes) and thö Consul of 65. Münzer (R-O no. 76) has shown that A. Man27), tirrs-g. f., euaestor in 81, and governor of Africa before 68 (Cic. Pl'anc. *,,uld märe'probably bo assigneä a western command' Could L' Manliu^s Tor' the dast under Sulla and becamo Proconsul of Asia ,r,i,*.o, who'served"in have been a Legate of Pompey before assuming possibly (l,o Promagistraües), i,i* provincial "o**u,.rd in the course of the summer at tho end of hostilities in tl're war with the pirates (Cic. Leg. Mam, 35'1? Such a situation would explain Legatus pro consulo' ^ Iris a,nomalous title npeopeucilq xai &vOÜzccrtoq, r? Gelenius substituted the reading or)&po6 for tho Mss reading oüdpp
18Mommsen (RMIry 655) and Groebo (op, cit., note 17) accept Borghese's^ not found among the sena,torial Pi'sos of ornOndation of floürr).loq, u, p"""rro*"r] t lro ll,epublic, to lloüzrro6, Säe Appian, M'i,th, 95, ed. Viereck and Roos, 1939.
66 B.C.
A.U.C. 688 Consuls
Pat. (62) Pr. by 69 M'. Anunrus M'. fl. - n. Lnrrlus (*$);)p". by 69 n. Tur,r,us f . t,. Volcartus CIL 12.2.667,958,959;Cic. Cat. l.l5; Bull" 1I; Sall' Cat' l8'2; Ascon. 59 C; Dio 36.42.3; Chr. 354 (Lepido et Tullo); Iast' Hyil' (lf rrlcacioet Tullo), so also Chr. Pctsc.;Cassiod.(An., or-Cn', Lepidus), ,,n Lepidus,Ascon.79 C; and onVolcat'ius,Ascon.28 C' SeeDegrassi t3t,488f. volcatius refused to accept the candidacy of catüine for the connrrlshipof 65 (Ascon. 89 C). Praetors2 ( l. ANronrus HTBRTDA (19) Cos. 63 Pr. Urbanus ? l)locted along with Cicero, whose support raised him from last placo
to third (Cic. Tog. Canil,.,fr. 5, in Ascon. g5 C, and fr. 26, in Ascon. 92-93 C; Q. Cic. Comm. Pet. 8). His games indicate that he was probably Pr. urbanus (cic. Mur. 40; vat. Max. 2.4.5; prin. -l/ll BB.5B; seeRE; Hölzl, Fast. Praet 34; D.-G. t.g9l, who suggestthat he had been an Aedile). C. Aquu,rus Ger,r,us (29) Quaestio de ambitu Cic. Cl,uent.M7; Off. 8.60; Top. 82; cf. ND 8.74; Att. rt.r; and on his cognomen,Cic. Brut. lE4. ? M. CensoNrus (l) cicero's colleague in the a,edileship (see 69, Aediles), and. a possible competitor for the consulshipof 68 (Cic. Atü. t.L.t). L. Cessrus LorvsrNus (64) Quaestio de rnaiestate . Ascon. 59-60 C, with the praenomen p.; cf. e. Cic. Comm. pet.7; Ascon. 82 C. ? Q. ConxrFrcrus (7) . A competitor of cicero for the consulship of 69 (cic. Att. r.r.r; {rcon. 82 C). An ex-Praetorin 68 (Salt.Cät.+1.+;App. BC 2.5; cf. Cic. Xam. 12.28.2).SeeG9,Tribunes of the plebs. C. Oncnrvrus (2) Quaestio de peculatu Cic.Cl,uent.94and 147 (Orchivius);cf. e. Cic. ? P. Sur,prcrus GaLBA Pat. (55, cf. 4g) A candidatefor the consulshipof 68 (Cic. Att. t.L.t; Mur. f?; e. cic. comm. Pet. 7; ascon. s2 c). rf his aedileship is correctly dat"ä in 69, this is the most probable year for his praetorship. M. Tur,r,rus CrcDRo (25) Cos. 63 euaestio d.erepetundis Elected at the head of the poll (Cic. Leg. Man. I_Z; Cluent.t|T; Corn. l, fr.3; Cael,.LO;Pi,s.2; Leg.Agr.2.49; Atü. l.t}.6, and ll.2; Fam. l.9.ll; Brut. 32I; ßab. Post.9; Ascon. ?B C). presided at the trial of Licinius Macer (Cic. Att. t.4.2; yal. Max. 9.12.7; plat. Ci,c. g.l-2), and ordered, but probably did not hold., that of Manilius, whose law to give Pompey the command against Mithridates he supported (seeTribunes of the Ptebs). ? P. VenrNrus (*l) Pr. 78 See68, note 9, on governors of Asia; and 65, promagistrates. Iudices Quaestionum C. X'r,enrNrus (4) Quaestio de sicariis M. Pr,anrouus (M. f. cnsrraxus) (16) pr. 64
euaestio de sicariis
Q. VocoNrus Neso (*3) Pr. before 60 Quaestiode veneficis Cic. Cluent. 147, cf, 126; see 6T,Aediles, and notes B and 6. Naso was the Iudex for the trial of Cluentius (Cluent. t48). Tribunes of the Plebs O. M,s.Nrr,rus(Cnrsrus ?) (f0, cf. 23) His first measure was a bill, hastily carried and prgmptly annulled, to distribute the votes of the freedmen in all the tribes (Cic. Corn. t, fr. 8-10, and 16, and 47, cf. Ascon. 45, and 64-65, and Z6 C; Mur. 47 ; l)io 36.42.1-3).The secondwas the famous law to give pompey comrnand of the provinces of Cilicia and Bithynia and Pontu.s, änd of the war against Mithridates (Cic. Corn.l, fr. lG; Leg. Man. Tnssi,m;Iam. 1.9.11;Phi,l. ll.I8; Mur.34;Orat. t02; Q. Cic.; Vell. 2.33.1; Liv. Per. 100; Ascon. 60, and 65 C; Quintit. Inst. Or. 2.4.40; I'llat. Pomp. 30; Luc.35.7; App. Mdth. 97; Dio 86.42-44; Eutrop. ti.L2.2; Schnl,.Bob. lI9 Stangl; Zonar. 10.4, M&).),oq).Manilius was nccusedin 66 at the end of his term of office for res repeüund,ae before Oicero(Plut. Ci,c.9.4-6; Q. Cic. Comm.Pet. 5t; Ascon. 60, and 65 C; I-)io 36.44.1-2), and in 65 for ma'iestasbefore another Praetor and convicted (Ascon. 60 C; Schd^ Bob. lI9 Stangl ; Schol.Gron. 822 Stangl ; cf. Vai. Max. 6.2.4). C. Mnmmrus (8) Pr. 58 Prosecuted M. Lucullus unsuccessfully for his acts while euaestor under Sulla, and excited the people against L. Lucullus and delayed the decreeingof his triumph (Phft,. Luc. 87.t-2; Cat. Min. 29.8, cf. 6.2; seeCic.Acad.2.3\. Quaestors ? M. Anmnrus ScauRUs Pat. (l4l) Pr. b6 See 64, Promagistrates, and note 7. ? L. Cancnrus Runus (tlO) Pr. 5Z CIL 12.2.761-ILS 880. The date is conjectural, basedon the dates of his tribunate (63) and his praetorship (52). L. Dourrrus Aunwonannus (27) Cos. b4, Pr. b8 Stood in violent opposition to the first of the laws of Manilius (Ascon. 45 C, emending Tnaeturato gtmestura;Schot,.Bob. llg Stangl). ? L'. Pr,eurrus Hypsenus (23) Pr. 55 Served under Pompey in the East (Ascon. 35 C, dates uncertain). Sr:o 64, Promagistrates.
? C. Sosrus (iee 2) Quaestor under M'. Aemilius Lepidus (Cic. Att. 8.6.1). Seo 49, Praetors. Promagistrates M'. Acrr,rus Gnannro (38) Cos. 67, Pr. 70 Proconsul in Bithynia and Pontus, but his inactive regime wa,s quickly supersededby that of Pompey under the Manilian law (Cic. 'Aotu.qo'cpu' Leg.Man.5 and 26; PIut'.Pomp. 30.I; App. Mith.90, tte "inT6e;Dio 36.42-43; Schol.Grom.3L6, and 321 Stangl). ? T. Aurrnrus (12) Pr. 67 ? Proconsul (?) in Asia (Cic. Ilacc. 45, praetore; Val. Max. 6.9.7, procomsulariimperi,o; see 67, Praetors; and 68, note 9). Q. Clncrr,rus METDLr,usCRETrcus (87) Cos. 69, Pr.74 Proconsul(Liv. Per.99). IIis quarrel with Pompey diverted by the new duties given to Pompey under the Manilian law, he carried through the organization of Crete as a Roman province (Cic. Flncc.30 and I00; Ad Bruü.1.8;Liv. Per.I00; App. Bic.6; Iustin 39.5.3;Ruf. Fest.7.l; Solin. 23.2M; cf. Strabo 17.3.25,840c;andonhiscognomen Creticus, Ascon. 15, and 63 C). C. Cer,punxrus Prso (63) Cos. 67 Continued in command of Cisalpine and of Transalpine GauI (see 67, Consuls),and subdued a rising of the Allobroges (Cic. Att. 1.13.2, c f . 1 . 1 . 2 ;D i o 3 6 . 3 7 . 2 ) . L. LrcrNrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Proconsul (see73-67, Promagistrates). He remained in Pontus until he met Pompey, who proceeded to strip him of honors, and to annul the arrangements already made by him and the senatorial commission (see 70, Legates), then he returned. to Rome, but popular opposition kept him from celebrating his triumph until 63 (Phfi. Inc.35-37; Pomp. SI-32, and 38.1; Dio 36.46.1-2,and 16.3; cf. Strabo 12.3.33, 558c, and 5.2, 567c; and.on the forces left with him, Cic. Mur. 37 and 69). See Tribunes of the Plebs, on Memmius; and 63, Promagistrates, on his triumph. Q. Mencrus Rnx (92) Cos.68 Proconsul in Cilicia (see67, Promagistrates). Supersededby Pompey under the Manilian law (Dio 36.42-43, cf.48.2). He was saluted as fmperator and demanded a triumph (Sall. Caü.30.3-4; 33.1; see 63, and 62, Promagistrates).
$0 I].c. (-'N.Poupnrus MacNUs
Cos. 70, 55,52
Proconsul(Act. Tr. for 6l;vell. 2.3I.2-4; see 67, Promagistrates). llcsides the powers granted for three years by the Gabinian law, ho rcceived. undlr the Manilian law the command of the war against Mithridates and Tigranes, and the provinces of Bithynia and Pontus und cilicia (seeTribunes of the Plebs, on Manilius). IIis achievements in this year included an alliance with the Parthians (Liv. Per. 100; l'lor. t.i0.31, and.46.4; Dio 36.45.2-3,and 51.1;37.5.2; Iustin 42'+'6), the d.efeat of Mithridates, and his expulsion from Pontus (Plut. I'omqt.30-32; Cat. Mi,n.29.3; App. Mi,tlt. S7-103, and 105, and f 07, and Il5; Flor. 1.40.2 and 22-26, and 46.4; Dio 36'45-50, cf' lg.dS.a; cf. Cic. Mur. 34; Bell,. AIen. 36.3; Liv. Per. 100; Strabo cf.33.2; Val. Max' I'8, ext' and 3.28,555c;YeLI.2.37.2, 12.5.2,567c, tl; 4.6, ext.2; Plin. -ltl/ 6.120;Frontin. Str. 1.1.7;2.1'12,and 2'2, ond 5.33; Eutrop. 6.12.2-3; Auct. Vi,r.11t.76.7;Iulian Caes'322 Sp'; ll,uf. Fest. 16.l; Ammian. Marc. 16.7.f0; Oros. 6.4.3-7;Iordan' Rom' 233, p. 30 M; Suidas, s. v. flopnduol, 2.354ß; Zonat' 10'4), and the "or""ird"" of Armenia and the defeat of the Iberians on the Cyrus river and 40.1; Liv. Per. l0l; Plut. Pomp.32-34; Comp' (Ye11.2.37.2-5, 'Ages. et Pomp.3.2; Comp.Ci, Luc.3; App. Mith.-104-105; Flor' t.4o.27-28; Dio; cf. Cic. Besü.58-59; Strabo ll'14'10' 630c;Val. Max. 5.1.9-10;Eutrop. 6.13,and 14.I; Auct. Vi'r' Ill'77'5; f luf . Test. 16.2-3; Oros.6.4.8; fordan. Rom. 234,p. 30 M; Suidas,s' v' 2.3548 ; Zonat. 10.4). | | opr,n{1ro6, 1,. Suncrus Clmr,rNe Pat. (23) Pr. 68 Propraetor in Africa (see 67, Promagistrates). Protests against his ,xrnd.uctin A-frica were taken up by the Consuls in 66 before his return (Ascon. g5 c; cf. cic. cael,. r0). see above, consuls, on his candidacy irrr the consulship; and.on his trial for extortion, Cic. Att. l.l.l, and t.l-2; Q. Cic. Comm.Pet. IO; Ascon. 89, and 92 C. (1. Vnncrr,rus BaLBUS (Virgilius *2) Pr- 62 IG 14.356, Proquaestor in Sicity. The date is uncertain, probably tfter Verres, and seYeralyears before his praetorship' t"f
see 70-67, Legates. when Pompey refused to recognize the work 'f Lucullus andlhe commissioners they returned. to Rome (Plut. liua.36.6;Pomp.3f ; 38.1;Dio 36.43.2,and 46'l'-2)' SeeMagie,Roman' ltu,Iein Asia Mi,nor 1.349;2.12L9, note 58, who holds that they did rrot arrive in Asia Minor until 67.
00 B.C.
156 Legates, Lieutenants
L. ArneNrus (6) Cos.60, Pt.72? served Pompey, and had charge of Armenia during Pompey's invasion of Iberia (Plü. Pomp. 34.1)' Cnr,nn (s6) Cos. 60, Pr' 63 Q. Clncrr,rus METDT,LUs and repulsed an attack upon his camp in Pompey, under served. Albania (Dio 36.5a.2-a). . 6l 58, Pr. (lf) Cos. A. GeerNrus Probably be"a-" a Legate of Pompey under the Manilian law, though defuarredfrom sucL an appointment under his own (Cic. Leg. Man. 57-58; see 65, Legates). L. (Ver,nnrus) Fr,acoüss Pat' (179) Pr' 63 S'e"rredunder Pompey and repulsed an at'tack upon his ca'mp by Albanians (Dio 36.54.3-a). Pompey's Legatesa in the war with the pirates (see 67-,Legates) p"obabiy"remaiied. in their positions. T,. Octavrus may have subrtitot"d for the deceasedL. ConNnr,rus STsENNA' Prefects Mmcrus Lmo (69) Praefectus fabrum under M. Terentius varro (varro RR 1.2.7)' probably when he was a Legate under Pompey. see cichorius, -BB 205, who places Varro in Asia in 66' 1 For the filiation M'. f., seo I. d,eDölos 4'l'1659' 2 As in the list of Praetors given in 6?, only eight of the-nine listed above can Cornificius, have held the praetorship in 61. None can be lator; three, Caesonius, upon depends of Varinius date tho while oarlier, be and Sulpicius Galba, mäy the correct order ofthe governors ofAsia' 3 If this Flaccus is tlie Praetor of 63 and Proconsul in Asia of 62 it is sur' of his service with Pompey tt lhe Pro prising 'alo""i that Cicero makes no mention (see Groobe, Kl,,io Lo [1910] 3g3, noto 3; Th. Reinach, M'ith. Eupator (Fl,acc. 6, bel'Iunt'Cretense efi mfl'gna [ed. Goätz1 884, note l). A passage in Cicero port" g"rriil suggests that lie did not remain with Metellus throughout tho war' nearing ä.rd h"r"" *"y hu,.," joined Pompey when hostilities in Crete were an end. a That these Legates continued in command for at least three years, -and his fleeü probably more, is iädicated by tho- term of command of Gellius over i}i". P.-n"a, ad,Quir.17, roferring almost certainly to 63)'
06 B.C.
65 B.C.
A.U.C. 689 Consuls
L. Aunnr,rus M. f. - n. Corra (I02) Pr. 70 1,.MeNr,rus L. f. - n. TonQuetus Pat. (79) Pr. 68? 961,2683;Cic.Cat.3.l9; Leg.A9r.2.44; Sall'Caü'l8'5; CIL 12.2.960, Ncp..4ll.4.5; Ascon.57,and 60 C; Suet. Vit. Hor. p.48 R'; Dio 37, Index, an4 1.1; Fast. Hyit. (Cofta et Torquato), so also Clur' Pasc'; (et L. Tarquatus); on Cotta, Ascon.67, and 85 C; and on Onssiod.. 'f'orquatus, Cic. Bul,l,.30and 49 and 81ff.; Pas' 78; De Consul' S?üoin l)iu.2.47; Hor. Epoil,. 13.6; Carm. 3.2I.1, and Porphyr' ad' loc' See l)egrassi131,488f. fh"ru Consuls were elected after securing the conviction of the Consuls Designate for bribery (seebelow, consules Designati), andwere the irrtended-victims of the so-calledfirst catilinarian conspiracy (cic. sull. I t and 8l; Mur.8l; Sall. Cat. l8-L9;Liv. Per.I0l; Ascon' 83, and 02 C; Suet.Iul,.9; Dio 36.44.3-5). Consules Designati P. Conrnr,rus P.? f. L. n. Sur,ra Pat. (386) Pr. by 68 (7) Pr. by 68 t'. Aur:noNrus L. f. - n' Plnrus was elected by all the centuries (cic. (sulla Sulla et Peto). chr. 354 gr). under the calpurnian law bribery, of convicted Both were sull. (Cic.Sul,t.ll and 49-50 and 81; Fi'n. 2.62; SalI.Cat. 18; Liv' Per' l0l; Ascon. ?5, and 88 C; Suet. Iul. 9; Dio 36.44.3-5;Schol.Bob' 78-79 Sta,ngl).SeeDegrassiI3l, 488. Censors (). Lurarrus Q.f. Q. n. Cerur,us (8) Cos.78 M. Lrcr.xrusP. f. M. n. CnassusDrvns (68) Cos.70, 55,Pt.73? catulus thwarted the attempts of his colleague to enroll the Transas citizens (Dio 37.9.3; cf. Cic. Balb. SO),and to make Egypt lrrurlanes i,rilrutary (Cic. Leg. Agr.2.44; Suet' .Izl. 11; Plut. Crass.13.l-2), and lxrbhfinally abdicated without completing the census(Plut.; Dio). Praetors ? (1.Arrrus Cnr,sus (not in .EE) lf e urged Cicero to defend Manilius (Cic. Corn.l, fr. 10, and Ascon' (t5 0; cf. Plub. Cic.9.4-6; Q. Cic. Comm.Pet.5I; Ascon.66 C; Dio
36.44.I-2; Schol,.Bob. ll9 Stangl; see 66, Tribunes of the Plebs, on Manilius). Q. Ger,r,rus (6) Quaestio de maiestate Presided at the trial of Cornelius (Ascon' 62, and 88 C; and for the date, 60 C). L. Lrcrurus Munnrve (123) Cos. 62 Pr. Urbanus Cic.Mur.35-41 and 53; Plin.lfä 33.53. P. Onsrusl (3) Cic.Flncc.76 and 79; cf..Brut. 179.See64, Promagistrates. Snn. Sur,prorusR,ul.üs Pat. (95) Cos.5l Quaestiode peculatu Cic.Mur.35 and 42. Aediles, Curule M. Cer,pum*rusBrBUr,us (28) Cos.59, Pr.62 C. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (l3l) Cos.59, 48,46-44,Pr.62 Bibulus was overshadowed in office by Caesar (Suet. Iul. LDl.Dio 37.8.2), whose magnificent games won him considerable popularity Iul'.9.2; r0; (Caes.BC 3.16.3; Sall. Caü.49.3; Plin. .l[-FI33'53; Sluet'2.43'4; (Vell. Marius of trophies the restored He 6.f-g). Caes. P}ut. to plan of the Crassus and supported 6.1-L), Caes. ll; Plut. Iul. Saet. annex Egypt (Cic.Leg.Agr. l.l;2.4I-44; Suet.,IaZ.11)'
( 1 6I i . c .
Promagistrates M. Anurr,rus ScauRUS Pat. (141) Pr. 56 see 66, Quaestors.In 65, or in 64 at the latest, he was activo in l'ompey's servicein Syria. See64, Promagistrates' (). Crncrr,rus Mnrnr,rus Cnnrrcusa (S7) Cos. 69, Pr' 74 ^. Proconsul (Liv. Per.99), but the date of his return from creto is unocrtain. See66, Promagistrates. 0. Cer,punNrusPrso (63) Cos. 67 continued as Proconsul in command. of both Transalpine and cisrr,lpineGaul (cic. Att. 1.1.2; see 67, consuls, and 66, Promagistrates). I n OShe was accused of extortion for punishments he imposed on a 'franspad.ane (Cic.Ilocc.98; Sall. Cat. a9.2). Cw. Cll,punxrus Pßo (69) (c/-L Quaestor pro praetore'in Nearer spain by decreeof the senate so-called the tr.i.Z+S-tiS Sif ; Sall. Cat. l9.l). After the failure of f irst Catilinarian conspiracy he received an extraord'inary command in Nearer Spain from tüe Senate, apparently through- t'he influence of Orassus1öic.S,ZZ.67-68; Mur.8I; Sall. Cat.19, and 21.3; Ascon' 66, rr,rrd83, and 92 C, with fr. of Cic. Tog. Cand,.;Suet' Iul" 9'3; Dio 36'44' 4-5; cf . IG 7.268,and 305). See64, Promagistrates.
Aediles of the Plebs
1,.Lrcrxrus Luour,r,us (104) Cos.74, Pr. 78 Irroconsul (see ?3-66, Promagistrates). His opponents continued to obstruct his demand for a triumph (see64, and 63, Promagistrates).
Q. Tur,r,rusCrcnno (31) Pr.62 C. Vnnerr,rus BaLBUS (Virgilius *2) Pr.62 Cie.QI L2.7 ; Att. r.4'l; Planc. 95.
(). Mancrus Rnx (52) Cos' 68 see 67-62, Promagistrates. His demand for a triumph continued to lro obstructed.
Tribunes of the Plebs C. Peprusz (5, cL.2) carried a law intended to check illegal assumption of citizen rights by expelling from Rome all foreigners who resided beyond the limits of Iialy (Cic.Leg.Agr. r.r3; Arch. r0; Bal,b.52tAtt' 4.18.4;Off- 3.a7;Dio 37.9.5;Schol,.Bob. 175 Stangl; cf . VaI. Max. 3'4.5). Quaestors ? Q. ANcnemus Q. f. (3) Pr. 56 I . u. Otymp. 328. He is termed Proquaestor. The date of his quaestorship is a conjecture based on the dates of his tribunate (59) and his praetorship (56). Seealso 73, Legates.
(lN. Poupnrus MacNUs (*r5) Cos.70, 55,52 Irroconsul (see67, and 66, Promagistrates). compelled the Albanian rr,rrdother caucasian and colchian peoplesto suefor peace (PIut. Pomp. :t,t-35, and36.1, and 39.l;App. Mi,ttL.lO3, and 116,and 1I7;Dio :t7.t-5; cf . Cic. Mur. 34; Liv. Per. l0l ; Strabo LL.4.5,502c,and 5'I, 50:|ci Lucan 8.222;X'rontin. Str. Z.Z.t+; Flor. 1.40.28;Iustin 42'3'4; Auct,. Vir. Itt. 77.6; Eutrop. 6'14; Ruf. Fest. 16.3; Oros. 6'4'8-9; f rrrdan.Rom.235,p. 3f M; Zonar.10.4;Suidas,s. v. [Iopn{ro62.3548)' l,lntcred into the dispute between Tigranes of Armenia and Phraates of f 'rrrthia, and occupiädGordyene(Plut. Pomp.36.1-2;38.2-3; Apophth' l'tnnp.8; Dio 37.5.2_,6.5,by spring of 64), and during the winter of 65 ,rnrl ihe spring of 64 began his organization of the province of Bithynia Plut. Pomp.36-38; rtrrrlPontus (Liv. Per.l02; Strabo12.3.31,556c;
App.Mi,th.l07; Dio 37.6.5).AcclaimedImperator (1. deDölos4. r.164r -S.IGg 749A; B1G3749 B). ? P. Vannvrus (*l) Pr. 73, 66 ? Propraetor in Asia (Cic. Ilncc.45; see 68, note 9, on governors of Asia). Legates, Lieutenants L. Arnexrus (6) Cos.60, Pr.72? A Legate under Pompey. Recaptured Gordyene and Osrhoenefrom the Parthians (Plut. Pomp.36.2, and 39.2; Dio 37.5.3-5). ? C. Axror.rrüs HTBRTDA4(19) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 A Legatusin 65 (Q. Cic. Comm.Pet.8). Q. Cancrr,rusMETDLr,usNmpos (96) Cos.57, Pr' 60 Legate Pompey (see 67, Legates). Probably in 65, and certainly in 64, he and Lollius were active in Syria (see64, Legates). A. Grsrxrus (tl) Cos.58, Pr. 6l Legate under Pompey. Led an adYanceacross the Euphrätes to the Tigris (Dio 37.5.2). L. Lor,r,rus (6) Pr. Served under Pompey (see 67, Legates). See above, on Metellus Nepos. MaNlrus Pnrscus (62) A Legate und.erPompey. Besiegedthe Mithridatic fortress of sinorix (Ammian. Marc. 16.7.10;Strabo 12.3.28,555c;cf. Plttt'. Pomp. 36; App. Mi,th. I07; Dio 37.7.5). A. Pr,aurrus (8) Pr. 5l Seo 63, Legates. other Legates appointed under the Gabinian and Manilian laws probably continued to serve under Pompey (see 67, and 66, Legates). Prefects Snnvrr,rus (5, cf. 67, or 4O-42) Prefect of Pompey's fleet in the Euxine (PIut. Pomp. 34.5; cf. Dio 37.3.2-3). 1 The governor of asia in 64 must have been a Praetor in Rome in 65. See 68, note 9, on governors of Asia.2 Dio's ph"t.u, tlv vüv 'ItaLiav, indicates that the Transpadane region was troated aJpart of Italy under this law. In Val. Max. 3.4.5 this law appears to be confused with some other, perhaps the Iunian. Perperna could not have beon affoctotl by the Lex Papia in 65. Rotondi (376f.) attributes a Lex Papia on tho
but Niccolini would xoloction of Vestal Virgins to this Tribuno (Gell. Ll2.ll), lrlru;o it much earlier, though after 253 gf P 882f.). r llhe triumph of Metellus Oreticus had alroady beon obstructed for somo time bofore 63 (Sall. Caü. 30.3-4). { The text of ttre Com,rn. Pet. a,l this point reads cawgtod,oceswith caryomes xuprascript. Büchelor offered üho emendation Cappadoces, an interesting destirurt,ion for Antonius at this time, if it were better attested.
64 B.C.
A.U.C. 690 Consuls
T,.Iur,rus L. f. L. n. Cansen Pat. (143) Pr. by 67 O. Me.ncrusC. f. C. n. X'reur,o"s (63) Pr. by 67 CIL 12.2.906,962;Cic. Att. 1.2.1; Sull,. 56; Pi,s.8; Sall. Cat. 17.l; Ascon. 82 C; Dio 37, fndex, and 6.4, and 10.1;Chr. 354 (Caesareet 'flurmo); Fast. Hyd,. (Ltucio Caesareet X'igulo), so also Chr. Pasc.; Oassiod.SeeDegrassi l3l, 490f. Under these Consuls decreesof the Senate were passed.limiting the uttendants upon candidates for election, and making the collegia illegal (Cic.Mur.7l1, Pi,s.8, and Ascon.8 C). Censors [,. Aunnr,rus M. f. - n. Corra (102) Cos.65, Pr. 70 The name of his colleagueremains unknown. They were hindered by l,lreTribunes in revising the roll of the Senate,and abdicated (Cic. Dom,. 84 lut. Ci,c.27.3; cf. Dio 37.9.4\. Praetors ? Q. Annrus (8) Praetor bofore 63 (Plut. Ci,c. 15; cf. on his candidacy for the consulrhip of 58, Cic. 4tt.2.5.2, and 7.3; Vat.30-31; Schol Bob. 149-L5O Stangl). ? M. Pornnrusl (3) Sall. Cat.59.L6; Val. Max. 2.4.6; cf..Plin. lf.A 33.53. ? M. Pr,enroRrus M. f. CnsrmNus (16) Termed orpar1ydq in an inscription of Delphi (Pomtow, Kli,o L7 9211 176,no. r50; BZG 1.165;Colin, Ioui,l,lesde Delphes3.4.69,no. lf ,15).Pomtow mistakenly dates him in 66. The present date is a conjocture from that of his service as fud.ex Quaestignis in 66 (seeMommI I ßroughton II
sen,Strafrecht 648,note 3), and from the place where there is room for him in the X'asti of Macedonia. See63, Promagistrates' P. Snnvrr,rus Gr,oBULus (66) See63, Promagistrates. ? M. Ver.,nnrusMEssar,r,aNrcrnz Pat. (*76) Cos' 6l Pr' Urbanus CIL ß.1, p. 201-Insu. Ital. I3'3.77-I LS 46' Aediles, Curule ? L. Cer,rumwus Prso Cnusoxnvus (90) Cos. 58 cic. Pzs. l-2, where he comparesthe careersof Piso and himself. Aediles of the Plebs8 ? C. Oorrvrus (15) Pr. 6l ? C. ToneNrus (4) CIL|2.|,p.199-.Irucr.Ital.L3.3.75b-ILB47;cf.Slet.Aug.27.|. Iudex Quaestionis C. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (131) Cos.59, 48,46-44,Pr' 62 In charge of the Quaestio de sicariis. He began t_oentertain prosecutions agaiirst persons who had.been rewarded for bringing in heads of the präcribeä, but d.esistedwhen Catiline was brought before him (Suet.Iut.lI; Dio 37.10.2;cf. Ascon.90-91 C)' Tribunes of the Plebs ? Fenrusa (I) carried a law to limit the number of attendants upon cand.idates (Cic.Mur.7l; cf. Q. Cic. Comm.Pet. 37). Q. Mucrus Onnsrnrus (12) vetoed. a bribery law, and attacked cicero as a candidate unworthy of the consulship (Cic. Tog. Cand,.fr. 6, and 13; Ascon' 83, 85-86, and 88 C). Quaestors (M. Cuuorus)MaRcELr,us (225) Cos.51, Pt' 54 A colleagueof cato (Ptut. Cat. Mi,n.18.3-4). sobeck (49) identifies him with the Consul of 5I. M. Lor,r,rus (9) A colleasueof Cato (Phtb.Cat. Mi,n.16.6; cf. Cic' Verr' 2'3'63)'
- Poncros Cero6 (*20) Pr. 54 -M. Ä eo*rtor he shäweä himself an active and thorough inv_estigator Ger. rrf the public accounts (Plut. cat. Mi,n.16-18; Praea. Rei, Pub. 47 .6.4). 15; Dio 13.24;Vit. Pu'd'. Promagistrates M. Alrvrrr,rusScauRUs Pat. (I4l) Pr' 56 See 66, Quaestors; and 65, Promagistrates' In Syria he b-ecameinvolved in the rivalries of the Jewish princes, and is charged wit'h accepting bribes (Joseph. AJ L4.29-33 and 37; BJ 1'r23-r30; App' Syr. 5r). 69, Pt' 74 Q. Canorr,rusMrrEr,LUs Cnurroos (87) Cos' Promagistrates' 63, Proconsul (Liv. Per.99). See Cn. Cer,runnrus Prso (69) (see 65, Promagistrat'es)' Quaestor pro praetore in Nearer Spain (Sall. Caü. 19.3-5; horsemen Spanish whJre he was kil;d by mutinous Ascon.92-93 C; Dio 36.44.5). L. Lrcrxrus Lucur,r,us (104) Cos' 74, Pr' 78 Proconsul(see73-63,Promagistrates)'Hispoliticalopponentscontinued to obstruct, his triumPh. L. Lrcnvrus Munnrvl (123) Cos. 62, Pr' 66 Proconsul in Transalpine Gaul (Qic' Mur' 42 and'53 and 68-69 and 89,summocum'i'mperio;Har.Resp. 42)' L. Me-lvr,rusTonqunrus Pat. (79) Cos' 65, Pr' 68 ? Proconsulin Macedonia(Cic. Pös.44; see63' Promagistrates)' Q. Mencrus Rnx (92) Cos.68 His triumph was still obstructed. See67-63, Promagistrates' l'. Onsrus (3) Pr. 65 Governor, probably Propraetor, in Asia (Cic' Ilncc' 76 and 79)' l). Plaurtus HYPsaEUS (23) Pr' 55 PromagisProbably Proquaestorunder Pompey in the Bast' See63' I r'ates. Cos' 70, 55,52 ON.PorrpnrusMaeNüs (*15) 'Promagistrates)' In 61 h" advanced from Proconsul (see 67-65, of Commagene,Ituraea, submjssion the I,.ntus into Syria, receiving dilpute between Tia boundary aöitrat'ed rrrrd other principatities, organizagriünesof Aimeniä and.phraates of Parthia, and.set about,the I l*
64B.c. 0-rIJ.C.-83B.C.
tion of Syria as a Roman province, while his Legates, and his euaestor (Proquaestor) scaurus, dealt with Aretas of Petra and the rival Jewish princes (Joseph. AJ 14.25-38; BJ I.r27-lB0; PlaL. pomp. 89-41; App. Mith.106, and l18; Syr. 49-50, and Z0; BC 5.t0; Dio,7a,and l5.l; cf. Strabo 16.2.8,251o, and 18, T55o;Liv. per.l0l; Vell. 2.37.5,and 38.6; Iustin 40.2.2-5;Eutrop. 6.t4.t-2; Aucb.Vi,r.Iil,. 77.6; Ruf. X'est.16.4; Oros. 6.6.1; Zonar. 10.5, cf. 5.6; see 65, promagistrates). Tribunes of the Soldiers ? P. Cr,oorus Pur,onnn6 Pat. (4S) On the staff, perhaps as Tribune of the Soldiers, of L. Murena in Transalpine GauI (Cic. Har. Resp.42). Legates, Lieutenants L. ArneNrus (6) Cos.60, Pr.72? Legate under Pompey. He opened the way for pompey through the Amanus mountains into Syria, late in 65 or early in O+ 1etut. po*p. 39.2; cf. Dio 37.5.4,who has him comethrough Mesopotamia). Q. Clncnrus Mnrnr,r,us Nnpos? (96) Cos.5?, pr. 60 Legate under Pompey (see67, Legates). Probably in 65, and by 64 at the latest, he and Lollius had entered syria and takon Damascus (Joseph.AJ 14.29;BJ r.r27). A. Gennvrus (f f ) Cos.58, Pr. 6l Legate under Pompey (see65, Legates). W'ith or soon after Scaurus he became involved in the rivalries of the Jewish princes, and is arso chargedwith acceptingbribes (Joseph.AJ t4.87, cI. 2g; BJ l.t}g\. L. Lor,rrus (6) Pr. Legate under Pompey (see 62, Legates). See above, on Metellus Nepos. A. Pr,eurrus (Pr,orrus) (8) Pr. 5t See 63, Legates. r sallust makes clear that Petreius held the praetorship before 68, but there is no proof of Mürrzer's theory that the games given by Antonius, Murena, and Potreius form a series in which the silver of Antonius in 66 and Murena in 65 was surpassed by the gold of Petreius in 64 (Cio, Mwr. 4O; Val. Max.; plin.). 2 The latest date possiblo under the Cornelian law. 3 The daüe of these aediloships is not socurely attested, but since octavius held the praetorship in 61, this is a probable year. a rü is not certain that the Lex Fabia was a tribunician bill. Niccolini (F?p 266) suggests a date in 64 becausothe cotnrm. Pet, (87),which was composed. early in thaü year, makes no mention of the limitation,
ö According to Drumann-Groebe (4.f 65-169) Cato's quaostorship should be rlnt,od in 65, and ho made two trips to Asia, one beforo and one after his quaestorship. According to Plutarch (Cat. Mi,n. LO-18, esp. ll.I, and 12.2) his first trip was a brief sojourn in Asia dr:ring his military tribunate in Macedonia, and his socond, d*irg which he travelled as far as Antioch, was subsequent to his rrrilitary tribunate but before his return to run for office in Rome. This is supporüed by the fact that he waited until his return from his second trip to bring home the ashes of his half-brother Caepio. Tho first difficulty arises from I)lutarch's statement that he mot Pompoy at Ephesus, and tho second from tho story of his reception at Antioch (cf. Plut. Pom'p. 40). Pompey's presenco at Iiphesus is not attested until 62, whon Cato was a Tribuno of the Plebs in Rome. Pompey was in Pamphylia in late 67 when onvoys came to him frorn tho citios of Crete (Cic. Leg, Mam,35), and at some time in 66 apparently movod from Cilicia inüo Galatia and Pontus when given command against Mithridates (App. Mi,tlt. 97). As he had troops operating in Asia also (Cic. Leg. Mon.39) there is no reason why he might not have been in Ephesus at some intervening period. A moment early in his campaign is indicated, for he was eagerly collecting young officers for his servico (cf. Plut. Cat. M'in. f 4.3). Tho second point croates no difficultn for it is now known that Marcius Rex reached Antioch in 6T or 66 (see 62, Promagistrates; G. Downey, CPh 32 [1937] I4+-l5l), and thoreforo Cato's visit to Antioch can be earlier than 64. Furthermore, a daüe in 64 for his quaestorship accords better with the legal oge for this magistracy in the post-Sullan period. The evidenee for the date of his birüh points to 95 B. C. (Plut. Cat. M,in.3, and 73; Liv. Per, I f 4). If he attained the quaestorship at the same age as Cicero, the most probable year is 64. See Mommsen, Lsrr. 1.567-571, 6 The titlo of Olodius is not preserved. This year, just threo years beforo his cluaestorship, is a probable time for a military tribunate. ? It is possible that Damasous was occupied before 64, or at any rate thaü Pompey's Legates and other officers wero active in Sy'ria soon after Pompey took command from Marcius Rex in 66. Josephus seems to place the beginnüeg of tho intervention of Scaurus in Jowish affairs at about this time (see 66, Quaestors; und references above). ff some time be allowed for the development of tho situation in Judaea aftor the death of Queen Alexandra in 62, the events roferred to above may with probability bo dated in 65 or oarly 64, just before pompey,s l,rrival in Syria.
63 B.C.
A.U.C. 691 Consuls
M. Tur,r,rus M. f. M. n. Crcnno (29) Pr. G6 C. ANrorvrus M. f. M. n. (Hrnnroe) (19) Pr. 66 CIL 12.2.750,907-909; Cic. Cael,.74; Sall. Cat. 24.t; Fast. Amit., Degrassi170, and seealso l3l, 490f.; Strabo 10.2.19, 455a;PIin. NH 8.2r3; Joseph.AJ 14.66;Saet.Aug.5; Flor. 2.t2.5; Dio 37,fndex, and 10.4;Obseq.6l; Eutrop.6.15; Chr. Bb4;Fast. Hyil,.;Chr. Pasc.;Casaiod.; Schol. Bob. 8O Stangl.
The candidacy and election of Antonius are referred to in cic. Att. f .l.l; Q. Cic. Comm. Pet. 8-g; Ascon., on Cic. Tog. Canil., gnss,im,esp. 82f., 87,93-94 c; Plut. ci,c. tr. He was allotted cisalpine Caur, but räceived Macedoniawhen cicero refusedto go (cic. pis. s ; F am.5.5, and cf . 5.2.3; sall. cat. 26.4;Plut. cic. n.a;Dio suspected. of secret involvement in the conspiracy of catiline (cic. Besl. g and tz, cf. Cat. 3.14; Plut. Cic. l2.l-3; Dio 37.80.8,and'39.8; Bchol,.Bob. t26 Itangl), but in late october received the commani against him in Etruria (Sall. Cat. 86.8; and on the date, Cic. Mur. Siy. He joined _cice19in carrying & severelaw against bribery (cic. Mur. ä and 4T and 67 ; Sest.133; Tat. 87 ; Plnnc. SB; Dio 87.29.I; Bchol,.Bob. 79, r40, 166 stangl). x'ull referencesto the actions of cicero in his "orrroluhip u,"" gi:u" in D.-G. 5.449f1.; and the article by Gelzer in RE Zl.865ff. I
Q. Cencnrus MrrELLns CELER, (g6) Cos. 60 cic. Bull.65; val. Max. 7.7.7; Dio 87.27.8.He refused to accept custody of catiline when the ratter was prosecuted. under the Lex Plautia de vi (Cic. COt.^t.-!!; Dio 87.82.2).I{e raised.forces in the Ager 'z.s-a Pjc.e11s-and the Ager and 26; Fam. 8.2.r; sar. -Gallicus(cic. cat. Cat. 30.5; 42.3; 57.2;Plut. Cic. t6.t). P. Conrvnr,rusLENTur,us SuRA pat. (240) Cos. Zl, pr.74 Praetor a secondtime, thus rehabilitating timself after his expursion from the senate in 20. one of the chief läaders in the conspiiacy of he signed the letter to the Anobroges, *r, "o-p"iiäa to au!3'tifin9, dicate his office, and was put to death (cic.'cat. g.+ and.-6-r6 and22 and 25; 4.4 and 5 and r0 and 12 and,tz Buil. 16 and 30 and i 33 and 53 and 70 and75-76;Flacc.95-92;Sall.Cat. 17.3;82.2;89.6_40. 6; 4B.t; 44.I; 47.2-4; 48.4; _50.I;51.7; 52.t7; 55; E7.l; Se.+;Diod. 40.5,in IHG 2.xxvi; Liv. Per. t}Z; VelI. 2.84.3_4,and 35.3; Lucan 2.548; Quintil. Inst.Or.5.10.80; Iuven. 10.287;Plat. Ci,c. tl-ji, ind, Z*.t; Cau. 7.4; Cat. Min. 22.2; App. BC 2.2-6; X'lor.2.18.3_rr; öiL 82.30.4 -36.4, and 39-l; 88.t4.5; 46.20.2 and 5; JeromeChr. ad,aÄn.62,p. 154 Ilelm ; Schnl.Gron. 284 Stangt). C. Coscor.rrus (4) _Kept the record of the evidence against the catilinarian conspirators (Cic. Sull,.a\. Q. Porurnrus R,unus (*S) sent to guard capug, and its gradiatoriar schools against the catilinarian conspirators(Salt.Cat. eO.S).SeeD._G. 4.g28,"no.f*.
C. Pourrnvus (Pontinius *l) Aided in the arrest of the Allobrogian envoys, and the capture of tho letters which incriminated the Catilinarian conspirators (Cic. Cat. 3.6 and 14;Ilacc.102; SalI.Cat.45; cf.Cic. Prou.Cons.32).SeeLübker839. ? L. Roscrus Omro (22) Was hissed in the theater for his tribunician bill reserving the fourteen rows for the knights (see 67, Tribunes of the Plebs), and championed by Cicero, the Consul. He was probably Praetor (Plut. Cdc. 13, with the praenomen Marcus, cf. X'ragments of Cicero's speech, ed. Müller, 4.3, p. 209; Macrob. Sat. 3.14.12). C. Sur,prcrus (10) X'ound the collection of weapons at the home of Cethegus, ono of the Catilinarian conspirators(Cic. Cat. 3.8;Plut. Cio. t9.2). L. Vl'r,nnrus X'LAcous Pat. (*69, 179) Assisted Pomptinus in the arrest of the Allobrogian envoys (Cic. Cat. 3.5 and 14; Ilncc. I and 5 and 9rt-95 and 102; Pis. 54; Att. 2.25.1; SalI. Cat.45;46.6;Caes.BC 3.53.1).SeeMünzer,Gent.Val.43, no. 28. Aediles, Curule P. Connnr,rus LnNaur,us SrTNTrrER Pat. (238) Cos.57, Pr. 60 Cic. P. Reil. ad,Qui,r. 15; Off . 2.57; SalI. Cat. 47.5; Nepos,fr. 18, and 25 Peter. Iudex Quaestionis ? C. Ocrevrus (15) Pr. 6l Elogium, CIL 12.1,p. 199-Insw. Ital. 13.3.75b-ILS 47. See 64, Aediles. Tribunes of the Plebs 'll. AivrprosBer,nus
(l) Pr. 58 Joined Labienus in carr;ring a law permitting Pompey to wear the rlressof a triumphator at the games(Ye11.2.40.+;Dio 37.2f.3-4). L. Cancnrus L. f. R,unus (ll0) Pr. 57 Elogium, CIL 122.761-ILS 880. Proposed a bill to restore civil rights to P. Autronius Paetus and P. Cornelius Sulla (Cic. Sul,I. 62-86, cf . Leg. Agr. 2.10; Dio 37.25.3).Promisedto veto the bill of Rullus (see bolow). 'l'. Lasrnr.rus (6) Pr. before 59 ? Carried a bill instituting the trial of Rabirius for treason (Cic. Rab.
Peril,.,gmss'im;Quintil. Inst. Or. 5.f 3.20; Dio 37'26.1-28'4, and 37.2; cf. Cic. Pis. 4; Att. 2.1.3); and a law to restore the election of priestsl to the people as under the Lex Domitia of 104 (Dio 37.37.r-2). See above, on Ampius Balbus. P. Snnvrr,rusM. f. Rur,r,us (80) The author of an agrarian bill in which he proposed to set up a commission of ten, elected for five years with imperium, to found colonies and.assign public lands in ftaly and the provinces, &nd to use booty and public funds for the purchaseof land (Cic. Leg. Agr.I,II, and III, passim; Rab. Peritr.32;Att. 2.1.3; Bul'I,.65;Pis. a; Plirl' N.H 7.lI7 ; 8.2r0; PIut. Cic. 12.2-5; Dio 37.25.4).The bill was successfully opposedby Cicero and threatened with a veto by Caecilius (Cic.Bzll.65). Quaestors Snx. Arrr,rus SEBßaNUSGevranns (70) Cic. P. Re,il.ailQui'r. 12. T. X'enrus Gar,r,us (9) The Quaestor especially attached to Cicero's service (Cic. P. ßed,.i'n Ben. 2l i cf . lanx. 7.23-27). P. Snsrrus (6) Pr. by 54 Returned first at the polls, he was especially attached to the staff of C. Antonius, but aided Cicero at Capua, and then returned to Rome, and at the end of the year joined Antonius in Etruria (Cic. Sesü.8-f f ; Vat. Il-12; cf. Cat. L2l; Schol'.Bob. 126 Stangl). P. Vennuus (*2) Cos.47, Pr. 55 Elected last, he was allotted lho proai'nciaaqunria. Sent by Cicero to Puteoli to prevent the export of preciousmetals (Cic. Vat.ll-12). See Lübker 1094,no. 2. Promagistrates M. Anrvrnros Sceonus Pat. (l4l) Pr. 56 Served Pompey in Syria and Palestine (see 66, Quaestors; 65-64, Promagistrates), who left him in command there proquaestore proflrüetore QGHP 3.1102-ILB S75) with two legions when he returned to Pontus (Joseph.AJ 14.79; BJ 1.157; Hegesipp. f .18; App. Syr.5r; BC 5.10). Q. Cencrr,rusMnrnr,rus Cnnnrcus (87) Cos. 69, Pr.74 Proconsul (Liv. Per. 99; see 68-63, Promagistrates). Still waiting
03 lr.c.
outside the city to celebrate his triumph, he was sent to guard Apulia ogu,instagentsof Catiline (Sall. Caü.30.3). 1,.LrcrmrosLucur,r,us (I04) Cos.74, Pr. 78 He was finally permitted at about the time of the elections for 62 to colebrate his triumph as Proconsul over Mithridates and' Tigranes (Cic. M ur. 37 and 69 ; Arch. 2I ; Acad,.2.3; Elogium, CI L 12.1,p. 196-I nsu. IktI. 13.3.84-ILS 60; Strabo 12.5,2;YIII. 2.34.2; Plin' NH 14.96; Plat. Luc.37.2-4; Pomp.30.2; Cat.Mi'n. 29.3-4;App. Mi'th.77 ; llft.116; f,)ntrop.6.10; Serv.Ail Aen.l.l61; 4.26I, quoting C. Memmius;Schol,. llob. 177 Stangl; seoDegra,ssi565). 1,. Lrcrwrus MunnNe (123) Cos.62, Pr. 65 Proconsul in Transalpine Gaul (see 64, Promagistrates) d.uring the f irst part of the year, but, left his brother in command thoro as Legate when he returned for the consular elections (Cic. M ur. 89 ; seeLegates). 1,. MeNr,rus Toneuerus Pat. (79) Cos. 65, Pr. 68 ? Governor, probabiy as Proconsul, of Macedonia, and received the t itle Imperator from the Senate on Cicero's motion when he reported lris achievements (Cic. Pi,s. a4).Had returned to Rome by autumn (Cio. Sull,.34; Ii,n. 2.62; Att. 12.2l.l). (). MencrusRnx (52) Cos.68 Proconsul (see 67-64, Promagistrates). Still waiting outside Rome for permission to celebrate his triumph, he was sent to check the forces of Catiline's Lieutenant Manlius in Etruria at Faesulae (Sall. Caü.30.3; :t3.I-34.1). There is no mention of his triumph, and he died before ltrr,y15, 6f (Cic.Att.1.16.10). 1,.Pr,anrontus CESTraNus (16) Pr. 64 See 64, Praetors. He was probably governor of Macedonia (ocy'occlyrlc) in the year after his praetorship in successionto Manlius (seo and beforeAntonius in 62 (SEG 1.165;Colin, Foui'llesdeDel'phes rr,lrove) :t..1.69, no. 45). (23) Pr. 55 l'. Pr,eurrus flvrsenus Servedunder Pompey in the East, (Ascon. 35 C; see66' Quaestors; ll.l-62, Promagistrates). (i:,r.Poupnrus MAcNUs (*15) Cos.70, 56,52 l'roconsul (see67-62,Promagistrates).In this year he carried through his campaigns in Syria and Palestine, including the capture of Jeruxnlom, and the settlement of Judaea and Syria, and received during tlris period the news of the death of Mithridates. Leaving Scaurusin r.orrrrnand,he proceededto Pontus for the winter. (Joseph.AJ 14.36-
79;BJl.l3l-158;Plut'Pomp.39.2-42'3;App'Mi'th'108-l14;Byr' 2'g'r' lg--fO; Dio 37.14.I-17.3, änd 20'r; cf' Cic' Mur' 34; Att' 9'2' Max' Ei,"rority*orius; Xl'acc.67; Diod" 40'2;Liv' Per' lo2; Val' 5'9; Hist' Tac' L*t. a;;üeil. 2.40.1;Lucan 1.336f';2'55, and 590-594; Plut.Supersti,t.S;X'lor.l.40.26and30-31;GeIl'17'16'5;Galen and 14.284K; Hegesipp. f.15-f7; Sulp' Sew' 2'26; Eutrop' 6'12'3' Chr' Jetome L6'r; 14.2; Auct. V'i'i.tft.lo.z-8;77 .6-7; Ruf- X'est'Brea' L4'8'12; ad a,nn. 67 and 63, pp. 153 and I54 Helm; Ammian' Marc' 5'6; Zonat' 538; Btbl' Oros. 6.5-6; SuidaJ,s. v. Ilopnilo6; Phot' r0.5). P. Snnvnrus Gr,onur,us2 (66) Pr. 64 propraetor (cic. xlncc. 85,praetor,and.9l) in Asia (cic. Elncc.76 and 79 and 85 and 9L; Schol.Bob.107 Stangl)' Tribunes of the Soldiers C. Mnvur,esus (l) Served under i. Antonius, and secretly sympathized' with Catiline (Cic. Sesü.9). ? Fausrus Conxpr,rus Sur,r,e Pat. (377) Served under Pompey, and was first' over the wall at Jerusalem (Joseph.BJ l.l4S and 154; cf..AJ 14.66and 73)' Legates, Lieutenants 57, Pr' 60 Q. Cencrr,rusMErELr,usNaPos (96) Cos' service, and he came to from him released Pompey SLe 64, Legates. Tribune Rome, *LurJh" acted.iri Pompey's interest, and was elected a 8l; Mur' of the Plebs for 62 (Ptut. CäL A'i,n. 2o.r-2l'2; cf' Cic' Quintil. Insü.Or. 9.3.43). -A. GeerNrus (11) Cos.58, Pr. 6l AJ S;; 65, Legaies. Witt Pompey in Palestine (Joseph' BJ l'I40; 37'15'3)' L4.56;Hegesipp.l.t6; Oros.6.6.2;Zonar.5'6; cf' Dio ? L. Gnr,r,rusPuBr,rcor,a (I7) Cos.72, Pr' 94 Legaleof Pompey (seeoi, Legates)' Apparently still held command of a fleet in Italy in 63 (Cic. P. Reil' ad Qui'r' l7)' C. Lrcntrus NIunnNe (119) Legate L. Muräna, who left him in command in Transalpine He Gaul when he returned to Rome for the elections (cic. Mur.89). 2'3)' Cat' cf ' Cic' 42'3; Caü' arroetedsomeCatilinarian envoys (Sall'
(t3 Il.C.
M. Pnrnnrus (3) Pr. served as a Legate under c. Antonius against the forcos of catiline in Etruria (Sall. Car. 59.4-5; Bchol. Bob. 94, anld 127 Stangl). (8) Pr. 5l A. Pr,rurrus The inscription Bacchi,usludaeus on the coins of his aediloship in 54 probably refers to his service under Pompey in Palestine in this yoar (Grueber,C RßBM 1.490). M. Puuus Prso X'nuer Cer,punrvrar'Tus(*2.100) Cos. 61, Pr.72? Served as a Legate under Pompey at the siegeof Jerusalem (Joseph. AJ 14.59;BJ 1.144;Hegesipp.1.16).SeeD.-G. 2.69,no. 15. Special Commissions D uuma'i'r i, P erd'uel'l,ioni's C. Iur,rus Censa-n,Pat. (l3I) Cos.59, 48,46-44,Pt.62. L. Iur,rus Censan Pat. (143) Cos. 64 Appointed by the Praetor under an antique procedure to try Rabi(Dio 37.27; see Tribunes of the Plebs, on Labionus). rius for perd,uel,l'i'o Pontifices Ca. 97-63: Q. Cencrr,rus Mntnr,r,us Prus Pont. Max. 8l
(98) Cos. 80, Pr. 89,
Successor,as Pont,.Max.: C. Iur,rus Censen 3 Pat. (131) Cos.69, 48,46-44,Pr.62 CIL 12.2.785-ILS 7L, cf.70; Sall. Cat.49.2; Vell. 2.43.3;PIin. -llI/ 19.23;Suet.IuZ.l3; 46; PIut'.Caes.7.1-3;GeIl.5.f3.6;Dio 37.37.1-2' cf..43.44.6;Lactant. Di,a.Irust. 1.6.7. as Pont.: Q. Cenorr,rusMnrnr,lus Prus Scrrro Nesrcea (99) Cos. 52,Pr.55 Cic.Dom.123; Har. Resp.12; Brut. 212; Suet. Tdb.4.1. Augurs Q. Clncrr,rus MErEr,LüsCpr,nn (86) Cos. 60, Pr. 63 Mentioned in this year, Dio 37.27.3;cf. Cic. Vat. 19; 4tt.2.9.2; Srh,ol.Bob. 147 Stangl. Ar'. Cr,euorus PuLcrrDR Pat. (297) Cos.54, Pr. 57 Montionedin this year, Cic. Di,a. 1.105; ct. 2.75; Brut. 267; Varro -B-B It.J.!. See50, Augurs.
62B.C. 6 3 B . C . - 6 2B . C .
VestalVirgins Lrcrme (186) Aided the candidacyof her relative c. Licinius Murenafor the consulship(Cic.Mur.73). See69,VestalVirgins' I The election of tho Pontifex Maximus was probably not affected by these 8,. Taylor, CPh g7 ll942l 42lff.; seo Pontifices), but romained according la**ll. to the ancient Procedure. 2 It has been supposed that Globulus is the governor of.Asia mentionod in only if Il&lxa in Joseph.,4J L4.244-T46 (cf. a1G3,720, note 3), butlhis is possible -D;; is a mistake for Globulus and &v0ürraco6represents Propraetor' ifru --; tl"t iü p1u"u* C"""rr's election in 63, but is manifestly incorrect, in dating the.LexDomitia (see Cat,49).Mentionof Salt. aftertheäeathof theconspirators in the speech ä^J "? irr" p"ocedure for ihe election of tho Pontifex Maximus that^Metellus' indicatio^n no is (Lar Agr.2.fS-19) the Law of Rullus ,e;.r*t election oäcu"".dea"ly inthe year, since the fo_rm of that' elecä:;;h ""ä dsar's or Labienus tilr, *u," probably not changed by the iaws- of Domitius or Sulla pius is last mentioned directly in 'Iuv'fo", Cpn n U}4zl12t-i2a), if,.n. ' with the trial ofbornelius in 6ö (Ascon. 60 and 79 O ; Val' Max' 8'5'4) äonnectiön -r Hi" election beforo 57 is certain. It is most natural to suppose that ho 63 [1942] 398 succeeded his adoptive father in the collego (L. R. Taylot, aJPIt' and 412)'
62 B.C.
A.U.C. 692 Consuls
D. Iultrus M. f. - n. Sn'errvus (163) Pr. by 67 L. Lrcnrrus L. f. L. n. Munnxe (123) Pr' 65 911, 2663b; Cic' Ilacc. 30; Fast' Ami't', Degrassi l70f '; CIL 12.2.910, Dio 37, Index, and 39.1; Eutrop. 6.16; Chr' 354 (Silano et' Murena); Iast. ilgd,. (Sitana et Murenaj ; Chr. Pasc' (ä')"avoÜxai Moupr'vd); Cassiod.SeeDegrassil3l, 490f. tho On the electiän of Silanus, and, his part as Consul Designate in cat.4.7 see cic. conspirators, debate in the senate on the catilinarian and ll ; Att. tz.zt.l; Phi't.2.12;sall. cat. 50.4;51.16;Plut'' cic' 14'6:' r9.I; 2b.3; 2r.3; Cat. Mi,n.2r.2;22_ 29; App' BC 2'5-6; cf' Plut' Gron. ZgZStangl' Mu1e1awas^prosecuted Caes.8.l; Dio 37.36; Schol'. defended successfulty by Cicero (Cic. and io" urib"ry in his election, 4.74; Fi,n' 98; Quintil' Inst' Or' 4'I-'75;6'1'35; Mur., paisim; Il,acc. 14'6; 35'3; Cat' Min' 2l'3-6; Ci'c. PIut. l'20.7; r1.r.69;; Pbn. Epi,st. conspirators (Cic. Dom.l34; the to condemn voted Iie Inim. tlti,l.9). during-the disturbancesat protected cato as and consul Att. l2.2l.I), lhe bcginningof the year (PIüt. Cat. Min.28'2 9, cf' 21'6; seeTribunes
of the Plebs). The two consuls carried a law requiring copies of all proposed legislation to be deposited in the troasury (Cic. Att. 2.9.1; ZSA.6; Besü.135; Vat.33; Phi'\. 5.8; Leg.3.Il and 46; Suet.-Inl. 28.3; Bchol.Bob. t40 Stangl). Praetors M. Car,punNrusBTBULUs (28) Cos.59 Crushed Catilinarian sympathizers a,mongthe Paeligni (Oros. 6.6.7; cf. Dio 37.41.1), and in Rome stood in opposition to his colleague Caesar(Caes.BC 3.16.3). C. Iur,rus Censl'n Pat. (131) Cos.59, 48,46-44 while Praetor-elect he helped to revoal the conspiracy of catiline, but when the conspir&tors were arrested tried to save their lives (cic. Atü. l2.2l.l; Cat. 4.7-10; Sall.Cat.49-5r ; Suet' Iul,. 14,and 17; PIut. Cic. 20-2I; Caes.7-8; Ca't. Mi,n. 22-24; Crass. 13.2-3; App. BC 2.6; Dio 37.36).As Praetor he attempted to rob Catulus of the credit for restoring the temple of Jupiter in the Capitol and give it to Pompey, and supported the bill of the Tribune Metellus Nepos to recall Pompey and pläöe him in command against Catiline, but after passa,geof the senatus consultum ultimum and his own suspension from office he mad.opeace with his opponents (Cic. Att. 2.24.3; Sest.62; Suet. .Izd. 15-1 7 ; Plat^ Cat. M in. 26-29 ; Dio 37.41, and 44 ; cf . Cic.F am. 5. l, and 2; Schol.Bob.134 Stangl; seeTribunes of the Plebs,on Metellus Nepos and cato). clodius obtained sacrilegious entrance to the rites of the Bona Dea, which were celebrated at Caesar's house, and Caesar divorced his wife (Cic. Att. f.13.3; Stet. 1u1,.6.2,and74.2;PIut. Caes. 9-10; Dio 37.45.2;Schot'.Bob. 85 Stangl). He defendedthe Numidian prince Masintha against Hiempsal (Suet. Iul'.7I). L. Mancrus Purr,rppus (76) Cos. 56 See61, Promagistrates. 0. Paprnrus Canno (35) See61, Promagistrates. Q. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (31) Pr. Urbanus ? Cic. Planc.95; cf. Att. l.I5.l, and 13.5.CrushedCatilinarian sympathizersin Bruttium (Oros. 6.6.7; cf. Dio 37.41).Presidedat the trial of Archias (Cic. Arch.3 and 32 ; Schol.Bob. L75 Stangl). '? M. Ver,nuus MrssaLLA (Rurus) Pat. (*77) Cos.53 A candidate in 63 (Cic. Sull,.42). SeeMünzer, Gent. VaI'. 53, no. 60. 0. Vnnorr,ros Bar,BUS (Virgilius *2) Cic. Planc.95; cf. Bell. Afr.28.l. See61, Promagistrates.
62 B.C.
t74 Tribunes of the Plebs
Q. Ceucrr,rusMrrnr,r,us Nnros (96) Cos.57, Pr. 60 He attacked the action of cicero in putting the catilinarian conspirators to death, and vetoed.his final oration at the end of the year 1}ic.Xam.5.l, and 2; Sest.ll; Pis.6-7; Ascon.6 C; Plut. Ci'c.23.1-2; Dio 37.38.2; Schot.Bob. 82, and 127Stangl; cf. Cic. Cont' ContraQ.Met. fr. l-10, ed. Müller). fn January he renewed his attack on Cicero, and. attempted to carry two bills, one to summon Pompey to Italy t'o take commänd against,Catiline, and the other to grant him election to the consulship in absence,against,the veto of his colleague cato, so forcefully that martial law was declared, and he departed from Rome to join Pompey (Cic.Iam. 5.1, and 2; Att. 1.13.5; Sest.62; Quintil. Inst- Or9.3.5b;Plut. Ci,c.23.2-3;Cat.Mi,n. 26-29; Suet.Iul'.16; Gell. 18.7.7; Dio 37.42-44 ; Schol. Bob. 82, and I 34 Stangl ; Schol,.Gron. 289 Stangl ; cf. Cic. Mur.8l, on his proposals). L. Cer,punxrus Basrra (24) A Catilinarian sSrrnpathizer,who in their plan was to give the signal for action by attacking cicero (Brut. in cic. Ad Brut. I.17.l; sall. caü. 17.3; 43.1; App. BC 2.3). Taking office with Nepos on December I0, 68, he joined [im itr his attack on Cicero(Cic. Sul,l,.3l;Ail, Brut.I.l7.l; PLut. Ci,c.23.1;Bchol,.Bob.82, and 127 Stangl). Seeabove, on Metellus Nepos. ? L. X'annrcrus (4) As Curator viarum, possibly as Tribune of the Plebs, he compleled the Pons n'abricius over the Tiber (CIL I2.2.751-ILB 5892; Dio 37,45.3;see68, Tribunes of the Plebs,and note 8, on Volcatius)' L. Manrus (19) Joined with cato to carry a law requiring all who demanded a triumph to report on oath the number of the enemy killed. and their own losses(val. Max. 2.8.1,with Mss reading Mar'i,us,rlot Marci,ns), Q. MrNucrus Trrnnuus (67) Pr. by 58? or 53 Aided cato against the proposal of Metellus Nepos to summon Pompey (Plut'. Cat. Min. 27-28; Dio 37.43.L-2). M. Ponoros Caro (*20) Pr. 54 sought election in order to oppose Metellus Nepos (PIut. cat. Mi,n. 20-2t. As Tribune Designate he accused Murena of bribery (see above, consuls), and by his speechin the senate secured the decision in favor of putting the catilinarian conspirators to death (cic. Att. L2.2r.l; Sesl. 12 anä 62; Sall. Cat. 52-53; PIut. Cic. 2L'3; Caes.8 ; Cat'
02 R.C.
Min.23; App. BC 2.6;Dio 37.36.2-3;seeabove,Consuls,on Silanus). As Tribune, he stood strongly in opposition to the proposals of Metellus Nepos (seeabove, on Nepos and Minucius), and with Marius carried a law regarding the requirements for triumphs (see above, on Marius). He influenced the Senateto cheapenthe distributions of grain at a cost to the treasury of 1250talents (PLat'.Caü.Min. 26.I; Caes.8.4). Quaestors ? M. Iuvnrvrrrrs LarnRrNsrs (16) Pr. 5l Cic. Planc.63. Served in Cyrene (Cic. Planc. l3 and 63). The date remains uncertain. ? (M. Nomus) Sunnrvls (52) Pr.5l ? Issued coins with the head of Saturn on them (Grueber, CHRBM 1.470), perhaps as Quaestor, perhaps as Monetalis, and probably by this year, since he held the tribunate in 56. Quaesitor L. ? Novrus Nrcnn (12,cf .7) A special Quaesitor (qunestor,Suet. 1zl. 17) to investigate persons implicated in the Catilinarian conspiracy, who admitted information from Vettius against Caesar(Suet.). Promagistrates M. Annnrus Sceunus Pat. (l4l) Pr.56 Remained in charge in Syria when Pompey returned to Asia Minor (see63, and,below, 62, Promagistrates, on Pompey). Began an invasion of l{abatean Arabia, but desistedin return for a payment of 300 talents (Joseph. AJ t4.80-81; BJ 1.f59). See 66, Quaestors; and 65-63, Promagistrates. 0. ANrosrus l{rsnroa (19) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Proconsul (Liv. Per. 103). Early in 62 his army routed that of Catiline, who died on the field (SaIl. Cat' 57-61;Liv. Per. 103; Val. NIax.2.8.?;PIut. Cic.22.5;Flor. 2.l2.ll-12; Dio 37.39-40; Eutrop' {i.r5). His soldierssaluted him as Imperator (Dio; cf. Cic' Iam.5.5; obseq. 6la). He then proceededto his province of Macedonia,whero
96; Dom. 4l; Vat. 27-28; Att. 2.2.3; Phil. 2.66 and 98-99; Strabo 10.2.13,456o; Val. Max. 4.2.6; Quintil. Inst. Or. 4.2.123-124;9.3.58; Dio 38.10.1-4;61.26.5;Sclnl. Bob.94 Stangl). See60, Promagistrates, on C. Octavius. Q. Cercnrus MErELr,us CELDR, (86) Cos. 60, Pr. 63 Proconsulin CisalpineGauI (Cic.Iam. 5.1, and 2; Nepos fr. 7 Peter, in Plin. NH 2.170,and Mela 3.a5);cf. Sall. Cal. 57.2; 58.6; Dio 37.39. 2-3. Q. Cr.ncrr,rusMDrELr,usCRnrrcus (87) Cos. 69, Pr.74 Proconsul (Liv. Per.99). Late in May of this year he was at last permitted to celebrate his triumph over the Cretan pirates (Cic. Pds. 58; Act. Tr., Degrassi84f., 566; VeIl. 2.34.2,and 40.5; X'lor. 1.42.6; 2.13.9;App. Bac.6; Dio 36.17a;Eutrop.6.Il, and t6; cf. Sall. Coü. 30.3-4; Schol,.Bob.96 Stangl). C. Coscoxrus (4) Pr. 63 Proconsul in X'arther Spain (Cic. Vat. l2). P. Pr,ruuus HYPsaEUS (23) Pr. 55 See 64-63, Promagistrates. Crv.PorvrpnrusMacNUS (*I5) Cos. 70, 55,52 Proconsul (see 67-63, Promagistrates), and fmperator (Cic. Fa'm. 5.7; BIG} 751, 752; cf. IGRP 4.45-56).He completed his organization of eastern and northern Asia Minor,l gave his soldiers their bounties, and returned to Italy, probably arriving at Brundisium by December, and then disbanded.his army (Cic. Proa. Cons. 27; Iam. 5.7; Sul'l'. Plut. 67-68; Strabo rl.t.6; Vell. 2.40.3; Plin. NH 7.rr2; 37.111-16; Pomp. 42-43; App. Mi,th.105, and rl
'r 77
02 B.C.
L. Vs,nnrus Fr,ecousz Pat. (*69,l7g) pr. 68 Propraetor (Cic. Fl,acc.3l and 48 and 89 and 100; Schol. Bob. 127 stangl, praetor) in Asia. accused of extortion in 5g, defended by cicero, and acquitted (Cic.Flacc.,'p,sstm; Schol,.Boä. gB-108 Stangl;-Macrob. Baü.2.r.13). Tribunes of the Soldiers Crv. Pr,nrcrus (4) Served in Macedonia, probably under C. Antonius (Cic. planc.27). Legates, Lieutenants CN. Donrrrrus CÄr,vrNUs (49) Cos. 58, 40, pr. 56 Legate under Valerius X'laccusin Asia (Cic. Flacc. Bl and 6g). MaNr,rus Lnrvrnrus (58) _Title not preserved. served under c. PomFtinus in Transalpine Gaul (Dio 37.a7-as). L. Manrus (r9) _Title not preserved. served under c. PomFtinus in Transalpine Gaul (Dio 37.a8.r-2). M. Pnrnnrus (3) Pr. Legate under c. Antonius in the battle against catiline (sall. caü. 59-60; cf. Cic. Sest.t2; Bchol. Bob. 94, and t27 Stangl). A. Pr,rurrus (8) Pr. 51 See 63, Legates. C. Pr,orrus (ll) Legate, perhaps under Valerius X'laccus,in Asia (Cic. Flacc. EO\. M. Puprus Prso Fnucr CLr,pnnure.Nus (*2.100) Cos.61, pr.72? Legatus under Pompey (see 68, Legates), who asked for a postponement of the consular elections for 6l in order that his LÄgate rnight be a candidate (Dio 97.44.9,granted; plut. pomp.44.l,refuöd;. SeeD.-G. 2.69,no. 15. Snn. Sur,prcrus GaLBA Pat. (6t) Pr. E4 --Probably a Legate under Pomptinus in Transalpine Gaul (Dio it7.47-48 ; cf. 39.65.1). P. Vernvrus (*2) Cos. 47, Pr. 55 Legate under cosconiusin n'arbherspain (cic. vat.l2). see Lübker I 094. 12 Broughton II
62B'C'-6r B'C'
I78 Prefects
? L. Pnouolnus (2) in Asia' he collected tJi'eautum Whilo serving o"aJ" Valerius Flaccus 68\' "b Liod'ikeia of Phrvgia (Cic' Itacc' I"d;;;;; Syria' see th-e-texts cited and I On Pompey's organizat'ion of Asia Min-or and 63' 157ff" r77' 202f" Ci:np lorl""''477ff'; rho works roferred t" #ö::ä'-; ilSAR 4'530-533; Frank' in e'orrgr'ton 258ff. ; and especially ä;-;'Mi"o"' i'tzso-tz+t' Tho date of his
'ofr'eoLgiä; 1'13'4 ci"' 'qü"t'tz'z (Jan' l' 6r) and d";o ttt; ;;;; inferred' return can be (t1"ii:;"ulls*iptions (r. o. Magn. 144-1461 from Magnesiaon the Maeander who was married to a Flaccus' " f' name a Proconsul (&"01;T;:';)'äü-t*'F IIis mother' daughter. named Valeria Paulla' daughter of L. Saufeius, a"a n"a a Slaccus elder the either with ;;-iaqtified Baebia, is also r'o"o"i'-äl^ääv na" in As'ia M'inor 2'1242' ÄoÄ* rvru'ei"' (Consul86), or t'he s"#;;"^;üäi*äu since Cicero is'meantlhe title may be an error and note I ). If the young";'i:b";;" Att'icus of Saufeius'ä-"o"ä*po"ary repeatedly refers to hi;;="ä;Jor' to Flaccus and äarriäa t" ot;; i" ä"olrgr' ciäero, might have h"# ff;;o;;""o1a 'fi"reria srtoutd be distinguished from ä"r'" havo a daughter or rru"'oä."ör:i. '2)' bore the samename (Cic' Farn' 8'7 the sistor of Valerius ftiä"i"t' *ft"
na'i'i*Tta"'-Mü";' and Magie,Rotnam
6l B.C.
A.U'C. 693
Consuls (*2'r00) Pt' 72? M. Porrus M. f. - n' Prso X'nuar Celrunlvrerus Nreln Pat' (*76) Pr' by 64 M. Ver,nnrus M' f i[, ' "-' lfuttlotr arrd 13'6; Caes' BG ]r'2'l' and' CIL 12.2.912,9L3;Cic' Atü' l:1,2-'4' M' Valet-l);
PisoFrugi' iiot' 6u'^r."pius rast.arn'it'd;;;;i 85.4; M; Dio 37'rndex'and zo'ro Plin.Nrl 7.e8;8.r;i;;;:id,";"'Jsonä' (PisoneFrugi et
Fast'Hs(t" 46.r; Chr. 354 (Caü;;ö{ü"ssala); Cassiod' ; on Pupius' iltleoocttro'); xai' (fliocovo6 Pasc' Nigro);Cni' Messala CIL L''t' Elogium' CIL Lz'2'9t4; Cic.Att.l.l8'3; ""ü;V;ierit'ts'' 8'13r; 'ltI/ Plin' 9'14'5; Max' 2[r-Ins"r. ttol.lsii'tz_-tf'S io; V*t' p. 'Solin. 490f' 26.10,p.r15 M' SeeDegrassi-l3l' the bill to constitute a special Pupius pi*o o#iuüü;;"t9:ed toward the Bona Dea (cic' Att' court to try clodius fo""rris-uacrilege r2)' andw1snrgllbtythe author 1.13.3,and 14.5-6,äa io'i and s aid' inielation to comitial of a law ""gotutioi;;"^*""t!"g*-"'Senate 74; caes' BC 2'2'3;-Sest' rJ4'5;Qr days (Cic.F**. i.;.-;; "t'-itt7 Clodius'and opposed f .5.4).Valerius,,'good conservativ€'a'tiackedPiso' seeD'-G' 2'69' Pupius Pupius (Cic'Att. t'tö; a,"J r+ z-q)' On 52f'' no' 59' Val' G'ent' l,ta o" Messalla,Münzer' ;;:t;
0l B.C.
Censors According to Dio (37.46.4)censors were elected.and revised the list of senatorsthi* y"u". Cicero in his letters to Atticus in 60 implies thaü a censuswas imminent (1.18.8;2.1.1I),and in hisdiscussionof tho ,"q""rt of the publicans f'or remission of the Asiatic contra,ctBimplios thät these had been leased by the Censors (Att' l'L7'S)' The na'mog remain unknown, though Willäms (1.430)follows Borghese in suggostof i"g tlrrt C. Scribonius öurio (Consul in 76) was one of the Censors this year. Praetors ? L. Cer,punxrns Prso Clnsoxnvusl (90) Cos' 58 Cic. Pi,s.2, date uncertain. ? L. Conrwr,rus LrNTUlus NrGEß2 (234) Cic. Vat.25; cf..Att. 2.24.2. ? A. GlnrNruss (ll) Cos. 58 C. Ocrevrus (I5) Elogium, CtL iz.t, p. r}}-Inscr. Ital. l8'?'75b-ILS a7; Cic' QE l.l.2l; Vell. 2.59.f-2. See60-58, Promagistrates' ? Q. VocoNrus Naso (*3) and öi". I1o"".50, a praetor before 60. see 66, Iudex Quaostionis; 68, note 9, on governors of Asia. Aediles, Curule L. Donrrrus ArrENoBABBTTs(27) Cos' 54, Pr' 58 Plin. -Ml/ 8.131;Solin.26.l0, p. Il5 M; cf' Cic' Att' 1'16'12' Aediles of the Plebs ? L. Arpur,srus SaruRNrNUs (30) Pr' 59 Cic. Plana.lg' The date is uncertain, but' precedes60 B' C' Tribunes of the Plebs (M. Aunorus ?) Lunco (25, cL. 27) ' He proposed, Uut did not carry, a bribery law (Cic' Att' l'16'13' cf. 18.3). C. Ceucr,rus CoRNUrus (43) Pr.57 Cic.Att.l.14.6.Onhisname,seeCic.Flncc'89;P'Reil'i'nSen'23; Head, HNz 497. 12*
6l B.C.
Pr' 59 Q. Furrus Cer,nNus (10) 9o1:4J.' for sacrilege was- corrstituted clodius or tliai the for The court not the original consular ac;ding to the proposals in a bill of Calenus' 32; Ascon' 45 C; Plut' -"uror""1Cic. Ait' t.t+.g, and 16'2; ?arad'or' 5'6't' CiÄ. rc.i; Schol.Bob.85 Stangl)' Cf' Cic' Ia'm' Quaestors Pat' (48) Cr,oorus Pulcson --qouJ*to" P. from in Sicily, but proceLdädtlery only after his acquittal et Cur. InCloil. Dea(Cic. theBona oj the"Ä"rge of sacrilögeat dne ri_teg cf' Cic' 89 Stangl; and 86, Bob' fr. 15-16; Ascon. iz-sg C; Sch'ot' Au.2.r.5). M. Cunrrus (S) Pr. 50 ? 57' Tribunes of the Plebs' Quaestor UÄarru, (Cic. Fln'cc' 30)' See P. Snxrnrus (13) Quaestor Urbanus (Cic. Flncc' 30)' Promagistrates M. Apurr,rus ScauRUs Pat. (l4l) Pr' 56"-oa,and62,Promagistrates.L.MarciusPhilippus(seebelow) probably succeededhim in 6I' C. Arvtonrus Hrsmoe (19) Cos' 63, Pr' 66 suffer3d a conProconsul in Maced'onä (f i"' Per' 103), where-he lo3; Dio 38'10; Per' (Liv. siderablo defeat at the hands of the Thracians 51.26.5).See62, Promagistrates' 62 ^ Iur,rus Censan Pat. (t3l) Cos' 59, 48'46-44'Pr' C. --eol\,u",'o',probab}ywiththetitleProconsul,inx.artherSpain(Cic. 44'4L']-' mpa1.tfflYipuq\' Aoh. +g, pio"tor; Suöt. lzr,. 54'L,Troconsul';Dio wherehecarriedo,,u*,"withtheCallaeciandLusitani,broughtdebt found the means reforms to various cities, gave honors t'o Gades' and Per' 103; Vell' 43;Liv' to pay his own "rro"Äoo."debts (Cic' Balb' App' 'Ib' rr-Lz; 7; Caes' 7r; PIut' Crass' i.+ä.i; Suet. .Izl' räla.r; tOZ;8C2.8;DioZZ'.52_$3;++'+tl;Obseq'62;Auct'Vi'r'Il'l'78'4; Jerä*e Chr. ad'ann. 60, p. 154 Helm; Zonar' 10'6)' L. Mencrus Fnrr,rppus (76) Cos' 56, Pr' 62? (App' Bgr' Ho succeedeaScau"u",'Pompey'sProquaestor, in Syria
C. Peprnrus CaRBo (35) Pr' 62 title on coins of Governor of Bitfrynia l'nd Pontus' Named without
Mvrleia'Nicaea'and Nicomedia GAJil ii; ^d,,nui- iszj, Apamg]acn. SeeDio i s'.Lo.i-+;Val.ILax.5.4.4,with praenomen i;:iäJia). ?P. Pr,nurrus IlYPsaEUs (23) Pr' 55 Anissueor"oi,'*,-ai*ti""tfromthoseofhisaeclileshipinSS,is Pompoy (Grueber, attributed to him this yea" as Proquaestor under this viow' against is C' S' inscription L.476f.), but lhe Ciinyt 55' 52 CN. PorvrrnrusMaGNUs (*t5) Cos' 7Q IIe celebrat'ed 67-62'Promagistrates)' "ä" O't for ; Proconsul (Act. Tr. over the pirates and *iif, -p""irLÄ*grrlficer"e his triumph ior victories 84f'' 566; Diod' 40'4; Mithridates and Tigranes (Act' Ti', Degtassi 37'Il-18 and 41; Plut' Liv. Per.l03; Ve[]2.+o; itin. NH 7'sg-98; tto_ rl7; Dio 37'2r; Eutrop' 6'16; cf' Cic' Pomp.43-45;app. itti. 2'34'2' and 53'3; Sest.r29; Bal,b.g rttJro; Pi's' 58; Di'a' 2'22;Yell' 5 1 3 ; 9 ' I 7 8a n d 6 9 9 ; ; " * " ? ' 6 8 5 ; 8 ' 1 4 7a n d V a l . M a x . 5 . 1 . 1 0 ; 8 . 1 5 . 8i o newly acquired the from Dio 37.24.L; Zonar.l0.5 ; on the new reYenues on t'he treasure a1{ prorrirr""r, iltrt. Po*p +s;-Ci9 Aüt' l'lg'2;2'16'2; Pamp'36'6; PIut' 33'15I; t"-f"t"gftt home,pii"' WA 12'20 and lll; App.Mith. rr5-rr7)' Q. Pournrus Rurus (*8) 9"' 93Proconsulinatrica'(cic.cael.73;see62,Promagistrates)'soe D.-G. 4.323,no' 14. *l) Pr' 63 C. Pomrrrxus (Pontinius Gaul' See 62' Promagistrates; and Lübker Governor of t"""oipi"" 839. P. Snsnrus (6) Pr' bY 55 (Cio' Fam' 5'6'L' Proquaesto" it m""äaonia und'er C' Antonius prescript ; see 62, Promagistrates)' 6! Q. Tur,r,rus Crcono (31) Pr' Planc' 100; Suet' /zg' Proconsul in e*i* 1Cä-'nt'u'l'58i Att' 1'16'1; see Cic' Att' l'L7'l' 3.2; Macrob. Sd. z.!.+l' Ott ttiu-*aministration' L'l' and 2' esp' l'l'2'-on t'heproroand 19.11;6'6.3; Iam"2'I6'4;QI I00 Stangl' qation of his command; Flncc' 33 and +s; Sihot' Boö' See 60, and 59, Promagistrates' *2) Pr' 62 C. Vnnar,rus BAlBUs (Virgilius Bchol' Bob' 87 Stangl)' Propraetor i" S;ilt 1iic' Fmnc' 9d, praetor; See 60-58, Promagistrates'
6 l B . C . - 6 0B . C .
182 Legates, Lieutenants
A. Ar,r,rnxus (l) Pr. 49 Logate under Q. Cicero in Asia (Qic.QI 1.1.10,60 B. C.). L. Anr,rus Tusnno (150) Logate under Q. Cicero in Asia (Cic.QF I.l.r0; Pl,anc.IOO). M. Grurrprus (3) Legate under Q. Cicero in Asia (Cic. QF l.l.l0; L. Manrus (19) M.lrr,rus Lnrrnrus
Pl'anc. 49).
Snn. Sur,prorus GArBA Pat. (61) Pr.54 AII three served under 6. p6mptinus in Transalpine Gaul (Dio 37.47-48; and on Sulpicius, cf. 39.66.2),but their titles are not given. Pontifices ?-61 or 60: Q. Lunanrus Cerur,us (8) Cos. 78 Died not long after the acquittal of Clodius, certainly before May t2,60 (Cic.Ätt.1.20.3; Dio 37.46.3-4). Ca.76-74 to 6l-60: D. Iurvrus Su,a.rus (163) Cos.62 Not mentioned after his consulship in 62. "Successors: M. Lronrrus CRAssusDrvns (68) Cos.70, 55,Pr.73?
M. Lrcncru,ddr.*r.r, (b6) C. ScnrBorwusCrrnro (10) Cos. 76, Pr. 80 ? See 57, Pontifices. These two plebeians probably succeeded"to the two plebeian places vecated by Catulus and Silanus (See Cic. Har. Resp.l2). 1 This is the latest dato possible under tho Cornelian law. 2 This is the latest date possiblo under tho Cornelian law, since he was a candidate for the consulship of 68 (Cic. Vat,25). 3 Gabinius served under Pompey in Syria and Palestino until 63 at, least. This, the latest date permitted undor the Cornelian law, is also the most probable date for his praetorship.
60 B.C.
Consuls Q. Clncrr,rus Q.f. Q. n. MnrnLLUsCET,EB(86) Pr. 63 L. ArneNrusA. f. (6) Pr. ca.72
916, 917; Cic. .4,,. f'f8'8; Dom' 13; Fast' Cap"DoCIL 12.2.915, 2'13'8; grassi 56f., t3i, 490f. (l leit-J)^; Plin. Nll 2'L70; X'lor' Met_ello) et (Afranio ; Faat. 854 i)io gz, Inäex, and 49.1i OU.äq.62; Chr. p Mer6),tou) lou xei ; (,Agp crv asc. i ya. (x, ",,io et Metelto cede-re); chr. Cio' Metellus on and S78; CÄsioä.r on Afranius, CIL L2.2:.752-ILS Pis. 8; IJor. Carm' 2.1.1;Ascon. 7 C' Ciceroconsid.eredAfraniusineffective(Cic.Att.I'1s-20).Metellus asConsul-Designat,eandasConsulopposedthemeasuresdesiredby for Po*puy, and älso the demands of t[e companies of publicans his carried and Asia, of taxes the for contracts remiisiän of their 'ppo.itio"tothePompeianTribuneFlaviustothepointofb-einghaled opposed tä'prison(cic. Att. t.ri--2},and esp.2.1.8;Dio 37.49-50).IIe to the thä attempts of his brother-in-law Clod.iusto transfer himself Dio 6o; Plebs (Cic. Att. 2.1.+-.5'cf. 1.18.5; Har' nesp' a!, Cael" by provinces The Consuls we e assignedthe two Galtic receiving probably ,p""iut"eeof the Senate in March, 60, Metellus and 20'5; T'rarr.alpirre, and A-franius, Cisalpine, GauI (Cic' Att' I'19'2' Metollus' take to Dio, but the Triüune Flavius threatened any rate at threat; his out province from him, and probably carried (Cic. city the leaving without Metellus died suddenly t'"fo"u April, 59, Broughton' See 37'50'4)' 130-13r'; Vat. ß; Ätt.2.5'2;Dio Cael,.59;Besü. TAPuA 79 (1e48)73-76.
Praetors M. Arqrus Ber,sus (11) Phil" 3'16' Klein Suet.Aug.+, Praetär befo"e 59; cf' Cic' Att' 2'12'l; Sardinia' of governor a (240f.,no. 54) suggeststhat he became (96) Cos' 57 Q. Cenbrr,rusMErDr,LUsNEPos Carriedalawtoabolishthecustomsduesinltalianports(Dio 37.51.3-4;cf. Cic. Att,.2.16.L;Q.F'1'l'33)' (228) Cos' 56 CN. Connnr,rus LrNTrIr,us MaR'cnr'r'rNrrs Pat' 5f ' Syr' See 59, Promagistrates; cf' App' Urbanus 5J P. ConNnr,rus LENrrIr,us SPTNTrrDnPat' (23S)-Cos' .P": Ptin. .l[.H 19.23; cf. Val. Max' 2'4'6' See 59' Promagistrates' ? L. Cur,r,nor,us (I) (Cic' Fam' 13'42' P"o"on"ol in I[yricum in 59-58 at the latest Promagistrates' 67' See f3'4f)' cf' Byllis; prescript, and mention of and note 12.
184 Aedilesof the Plebs ? P. Lrontrus Cussus Dwns (71) Pr. 57 See69, Iudex Quaestionis. Tribunes of the Plebs
L. X'r,lvrus (17) Pr. 58 His agrarian law, intended to provide land for Pompey's veterans from public land and from purchases of land with the new revenues' was supported by Cicero with amendments designedto protect present possessors,but was so sternly opposedby the conservatives, including the Consul, Metellus Celer, that it failed of passage(Cic. Att. 1.18.6, and 19.4; 2.1.6-8; Dio 37.49-50). C. HnnplTxrus (8) Proposed a bill to transfer0lodius to the Plebs, but was opposed by the Consul Metellus and vetoed by his colleagues (Cic. Att. 1.18.4-5, and 19.5; 2.1.5;Dio 37.51.1;cf. Liv. Per. L03). Quaestors P. Cr,ooros Pur,onnn Pat. (48) B,eturned this year from service as Quaestor under Vergilius in Sicily (Cic.Att.2.l.5; see61, Quaestors). ? Q. NurvrnnrusQ.f. Vol. R,unus (5) Quaestor in Africa (CIL 12.2.25f3-1rs 9482). The date is only approximate: he became Tribune of the Plebs in 57. ? P. Snnvnrus (Iseunrcus) (5?) Cos.48, 41,Pr.54 the senate in March of this Qpoke among the last in a meeting of y"u" 1Ci".Att.7.LS.S), and so may have held the quaestorshipby this year. ? C. TnonoNrus (6) Cos. Suff. 45,Pr. 48 cic.Iam.16.2l.2, if the passageis correctly interpreted as referring to the attempt of Clodius to transfer himself to the Plebs. Promagistrates C. AnroNrus lftnnrne (19) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Proconsul in Macedonia (see 62-6I, Promagistrates). Delayed his return to Rome until the end of 60 (Cic. Att. 2.2'3). C. Iur,rus Cansen Pat. (131) Cos.59, 48,46-44,Pr. 62 Governor, probably Proconsul, in Farther Spain (see 61, Promagis-
1rotes). Returned before the consular elections and before the arrival of a successor,and waived his claim to a triumph in order to bocomo u candidate for the consulship, then as Consul-Designateformed his combination with Pompey and Crassus(Cic. Att' 2.I.6-10, and 3'3; l,iv. Per. I03; Velt. 2.44.1-2; Suet. -Iul. t8-19; Pluf. Caes' 12-14; I'omp. 47; Crass.l4.l-3; Cat. Min. 3l; Lrtc. 42.5-6; App. BC 2.8-9; lr'lor. 2.13.8-ll; Dio 37.54-58; Zonar. lO.6). L. Mencrus Pmr,rppus (76) Cos' 56, Pt. 62? Continued a secondyear as governor of Syria (App. Syr. 51; cf' Cic' Att. r.16.8). C. Ocrlvrus (15) Pr. 6l Proconsul in Macedonia (Elogium, CIL I2.1, P. 199-Insu' Ital' 13.3.75b- ILS 47; Vell. 2.59.2;cf. Cic. Att' 2.1.12).Whiie on hisway to his province he crushed some remnants of the bands of Spartacus and of-CatilinenearThurii (Suet.Aug'3.1; 7.I). See 59-58, Promagistrates. C. Perrnrus Canno (35) Pr.62 Governor of BithSmia and Pontus (Head, HNz 497,510, 516-518)' See61, Promagistrates. ? Q. PorvrrnrusR,unos (*8) Pr' 63 See 62-61, Promagistrates. The duration of his term as governor in Africa rema,insuncertain. SeeD.-G. 4.323,no. 14. C. Pomprntus (Pontinius *l) Pr. 63 Governor in Transalpine Gaul (see62-61, Promagistrates). Metellus celer was to succeed.him (seeabove, consuls), but since he apparently jmmediato lost his province it is probable that Pomptinus is caesar's p.edeces-sor.ft is unceitain when he returned to Rome to demand his triumph (cic. att.1.19.2 ;cf . Proa.cons.32).see59-54,Promagistrates. Q. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (31) Pt. 62 Proconsulin Asia (see6l-59, Promagistrates; cf. Cic.QF 1'1, and 2)' -383 ; On his administration, seeMagie, Roma,nßule i,n Asia Minor f .38f 2.1244,notes 12-14. C. Vnner,rus Bar,BUs (Virgilius *2) Pr. 62 Propraetor in Sicily (see 6l-58, Promagistrates). Legates, Ambassadors Q. Canonrus Mnrnr,r,usCnnrrcus (87) Cos.69, Pr.74 L. Ver,nmus Fr,acous Pat. (*69, 179) Pr. 63
Cr. Conr*ur,rusLnrvrur,us CLoDraNUs Pat. (217) Pr' 59 Appointed by decreeof the senate as ambassadorsto induce various GrUi; tribos tröt to join the Helvetü (Cic. Att. 1.19.2-3; cf. 1.20.5).On Valerius, seeMünzer, Gent. Val. 43, no. 28. Legates, Lieutenants L. Anr,rus Tunnno (150) A. Ar,r,rnrvus (l) Pr. 49 M. Grurrorus (3) These three served as Legates under Q. Cicero in Asia (see 61, Legates). MlNr,rus Lnrvrnrus (58) L. Memus (tg) Snn. Sulrrcrus GaLBA Pat. (61) Pr. 54 Titles not preserved. Thesethree served, almost certainly as Legates, under C. Pofuptinus in Transalpine GauI (Dio 37.48.1-2; cf. on Sulpicius, 39.65.2).See61, Legates. Pontifices ?- Before 60: P. Mucrus Soenvola (18) *-BE) Snx. (Qurxcrrlrus Venus ?)1 Pat' (not in Merr. ? Anunrus LnprousLrvranus Pat' (80) Cos' 77 D. Iunrus Srr,elvus (163) Cos. 62 Q. Luretrus Cerur,us (8) Cos' 78 Successors; C. X'artNrus (9) Pr. 55 ? M. Arurr,rus Lnprnusz Pat. (73) Cos' 46, Pr' 49 P. Conrvnr,rusLENTuLUsSPTNTHEn'Pat' (23S) Cos' 57, Pr. 60 M. Anrunrus Scarrnus Pat. (141) Pr' 56 M. LrcrNrus CRAssusDrvns3 (68) Cos' 70, 55,Pr'732
M. Lrcrrvrn,dlrs.o,
C. ScnreoNrus Cunro
(10) Cos. 76
These lists of the Pontifices who diod between the death of Metellus Pius in 64 or 63 (see 63, Pontifices) and that of catulus (before May, are based 60, cic. Att. 1.20.3;Dio 37.46.3-4),and of their successors, 69 B.c.) (before 3.13.1I Boü. Macrob. priests in on the order of the lists of that assume and B.C.), 57 in 12; Dom.ll8; (Har. Eesp. and in Cicero the into inauguration their of order the in named are in both casestüey
college. The lower limit is drawn on tho assumaltion that the two plebe=ians, Crassus, whether he be the Consul of 70 or his son, and -curio, are probably the successorsof the two plebeia,nssilanus and Catulus. AJ tne earlier list is not, complete there is room for an additional name in the list of successors.On the whole question, see L. R'. Taylor, AJPh 63 (1542) 384-412,esp. 388ff., and 4tlf. Rex Sacrorum L. Cr,euorusa Pat. (21) Cic.Har. Rwp.121'cf. Dom.127. I Seo 69, Pontificos, and note l0' 2 M. Aemilius Lepidus, the future Triumvir, is a probable successor to Lepidus Livianus, See 73, Pontifices; L' R,. Taylor, op. ci't.392f. 3 See L. R,. Taylor, op. c'it. 393f. a Tho order in oic. Har. Resp. 12 indicates that L. Claudius was inaugurated bofore 60 B. C. The praenornen has been doubted since it was avoided in the Claudian family 1Suet. ma. L-2; cf. GeIl.9'2.11), but it appears also in Val' Max. 8.1.6.
59 B.C.
A.U.C. 695 Consuls
C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Censm Pat. (l3l) Cos. 48, 46-44,Pr.62 C. f.1- n. Braur,us (28) Pr.62 M. Car,punNru.s and cf., on C&esar,7542;Fast. Cap',Degrassi 66f ., 12.2.753, 918, CIL Suet.Iul.19.2;Phtt'. Caes.l4.l; l3l, 490f. (C.Iulius C. f. C. n.t-l); Geli. 4.10.5; Dio 38, Index; Chr. 354 (Caesareet Vivulo); Fast. Hyd. Ka[o*poqxai Br,poutrd'vou); (DecioCaesareet Bibolo) ; Chr. Pasc. (AexCou Eutrop. 6.17.1; Oros. 6.7.I; Cassiod'.;Schol,.Bob. L35 Stangl. Bibulus, with the support of three Tribunes of the Plebs (seebelow, Tribunes of the Plebs), opposed Caesar's agrarian law, but when proved powerless against the combination of Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus, retired to his house, and by announcements that he was .watching for omens kept caesar's legislation technically invalid (cic. Att. 2.4-24, passi,m;Vat. 22; Har. Resp. 481'Dom.39-40; Planc.36; tr'am. 1.9.7 and.12; L3.4.2;YelI. 2.44; S:uet.Iul,. 19-201' Pl:ut. Pornp, cf. Liv. Per. 103; GelI. 4.10.8; 47-48; Caes. 14; Cat. Min.3I-33; App. AC 2.rO-14; Dio 38.1-12; Eutrop. 6.L7; Schol. Bob. l6lf'., 148f. Stangl). Caesar carried a Lex Iulia Agraria8 early in the year, probably in January (Cic.Att.2.3.3, and L6.2;Iam. 13.4.2;Suet. ,Ial. 20; Piut. Pomp.47-48; Caes.14.2-3;Cat. Min.3l.4-32.6; App. BC
59 B'c'
2.t0_t2; Dio 38.1.1-7.2), and in May added another to distribute the campanian land to needy citizens with families (cic. att. 2.16.1, cf. 17.1,and 19.3; Iam. 1.9.7and 12; QI 2.1.1,and 5'I, and 6'2; Yell.2.44; Suet.-Izl. 20.3; PIut. Cat. Mi,n.3l.l, cf' Po*p'47'3, and Caw. l4.l; App. -BC 2.10; Dio 38.7.3;cf. Liv. Per' l0?)' IIe had the acts of Pompey in the East ratified in a single law (BelL Aldr. 68; cf. Cic. Att.-Z.tO.Z; Yell. 2.44.2; Suet. Iul'. 19.2; PIul' Pomp' 48'3; Cat. Min.31.f ; App. BC 2.9; Dio 33.7.5),and satisfied Crassusby one-thirdt the contracts to the tax farmers of Asia (Cic. Att. remitting"Pl,on".35; Val. Max. 2.10.7; Suet. Iul'.20; App' BC 2'I3; 2.16.2; Dio 38.7.4; Bchol,.Bob. 157and 159 stangl). In return for a huge sum he ratified the position of Ptolemy Auletes as king of Egypt (cic. Att. 2.16.2;ßab. Poit.6; Caes.BC 3.107;Plin.lffl. 33.136;Suet' Iul" 54'3; Dio sg.rz.t). Besidesminor measuressuch as the publication of the Acta of the senate, with which he began his regime (suet. Iul,. 20.1), and his revival of the custom of being followed by his lictors in the months when he not hold the fasces(suet. Iul.20.I),he carried an important, Lex de repetundis which regulated, the- procedures and deäands of provincial goo"rno"s more closely than beJore (Cic. Sesü. 135; VaL ZO;Aab. Post. 8 and' 12; Pi,s. 37 and 50 and 90; Dom' 23; Proa. Cons.7;Fam. 2.17.2;5.20.2;8'8.3;Att- 5.10.2,and 16'21;VaI' Max. 8.1.10;Tae. Ann.14.28; Hist. I.77;Plin. Epi'st.2.Il'3, and l9'8; g'27; 4.9.9; 6.29.9;Paul. Sent. 5.28,FIRA 2.413;Dig. 48.11;C' Th' C. 9.27;; Schol'.Bob. l4O, and 149 Stangl)' He received command. of cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum by the vatinian law (see below, Tribunes of the Plebs), and with Pompey's support the Senate decreed him Transalpine Gaul in addition (Suet. Iul. 22; cf . Cic. Att. 8.3.3). Praetors T. Anrrus Ber,nus (l) See 58, Promagistrates. A candidate for the consulship, probably in 55 (Bahol,.Bob. 156 Stangl). L. Aprur,mrus SetunNrrcus (30) Qic. Planc.19. See58, Promagistrates. Cn. Conxnr,rus LENruLus Cloorn'Nus Pat. (217) Presided at the trial of C. Antonius, probably in the Quaestio de maiestate (Cic. Vat. 27 ; see62, Promagistrates, on Antonius). Q. Frrrrus Cer,nnus (10) Cos. 47 carricd a law to require separate reports of the votes of the three
classesthat composedthe juries (Dio 38.8.f ; Bchnl,.Bob.97 Stangl; cf. Ascon. 89 C, on the votes of the jury that acquitted Catiline in 66). (*r2) Quaestiode repetundis T. Vnrrrus (Sennvus) Presided at the trial of L. Valerius X'laccusfor extortion (Cic. Ilncc. 85; see58, Promagistrates).On the name,seeGrueber,CRRBM 1.417. Aediles, Curulea ? C. Lrcnvrus MURDNA (ll9) ? C. Vrsnr,r,rus Venno (*2) Cic. Brut.264; Vitruv. 2.8.9; Plin. Nfl 35.r73. Aediles ? L. CelrunNrus Bnsrra (24) Cic. Phi,l,. rf .lf ; 13.26. Tribune of the Plebs in 62, and candidate for a praetorship in 56, he probably held his aedileship between 60 and 58. Iudex Quaestionis (P. Lrcntrus) Cnessus Drvns (71) Pr. 57 L. Vettius was indicted before him for breach of the peace (Cic. Ltt.2.24.4\. Tribunes of the Plebs C. Ar,r'rus X'r,evus (7) A supporter of Caesar,Pompey, and Crassus(Cic. Vat. 38; Seeü.I 14; Schol. Bob. 135,and l5l Stangl; and on his name, Cic. Plnnc.lO4). Q. Arvcnenrus (3) Pr. 56 One of the three Tribunes opposed to Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus (Cic. Besü.ll3; Vat. 16; Dio 38.6.1; Bchol.Bob. I35, and 146 Stangl). Q. C,Lncrr,rusMnrnr,r,us Prus Scrpro Nlsroe (99) Cos. 52, Pr. 56 Cic. Att. 2.1.9; Vat. t6; Val. Max. 9.1.8. C. Coscorrus (5) Pr. 54 ? Cic. Vat.16. Crv.DorvrrrrüsCAtvrNUs (43) Cos. 53, 40, Pr. 56 One of the three Tribunes who opposedCaesar,Pompey, and Crassus (Cic.Besl. ll3; Vat.l6; Dio 38.6.1; Schol,.Bob.135,146f., l5l Stangl). C. FaN.Nrus (9) Pr. 55 ? One of the three Tribunes who opposedCaesar,Pompey, and Crassus (Cic. Besl. lI3; Vat. 16; Dio 38.6.1; Schol. Bob. 135, I46f. Stangl).
6 0B . C .
? P. Nrcrorus X'rcur,usu (3) Pr. 58 C i c .4 t t . 2 . 2 . 3 . P. VerrNrus (*2) Cos.47, Pr. 55 The chief supporter in the tribunicjal collegeof Caesar,Pompey, and Crassus(Cic. Att. 2.6.2; 2.24; Vat. 5 and 13 and 38, and passim; Sest. 114; Suet.Iul,.20;Plut. Pomp.48; Caes.14;Cat. Min.32-33; App. BC 2.lI-12; Dio 38.1-7; Schol,.Bob.135, t45-147,151 Stangl).His legislation included bills to permit rejection of alternate jurymen in forming a panel, and setting limits to the staff of a provincial governor (Cic. Vat.27; Planc.36; Schol.Bob.97,149-150Stangl),the famous law granting to Caesarfor a period of five yea,rscommand of Cisalpine GauI and Illyricum (to which Transalpine Gaul was later added by the Senate)(Cic. Vat.36; Proa. Cons.36-37;Liv. Per. 103; Vell. 2.44.5; Suet.,Izl. 22;Plut. Qqs"s.14;Pomp. 48.3;Crass.14.3; Cat. Mi,n. 33.3; App. .BC 2.13; Dio 38.8.5; Oros. 6.7.1; Schol.Bob. 146 Stangl), one authorizing the foundation of a colony at Novum Comum (Suet. 1aZ. 28.3; cf. Cic.Att. 5.11.2;Strabo 5.1.6;Plut. Caes.29.2;App. BC 2.26), and other bills regulating relations with cities, kings, and tetrarchs (Cic. Vat.29; cf. Att.2.9.I; Fam.1.9.7).He played a part in the Vettius affair (Cic. Att. 2.24.2-4; Sest.132; Vat. 2+-26, wilitl.Schol^Bob. 139 Stangl; Stet. Iul,. 20; Plut. Luc. 42.7-8; App. BC 2.12; Dio 38.9). SeeLübker 1094. Quaestors L. Anur,rus (Lnrrnus) Peurr,u's Pat. (81) Cos. 50, Pr. 53 Served under C. Octavius in Macedonia (Cic. Vat. 25; Att. 2.24.2; Bchol,.Bob. I49 Stangl). Cencnrus (l) Cic.Att.2.9.l; cf. 2.19.5,and 20.1. M. X'evonrus (t) Pr.49 Quaestorbefore59 (PIut. Cat. Min.32; Dio 38.7). Promagistrates ?L. Arneluus (6) Cos. 60 Perhaps Proconsul in Cisalpine Gaul (see60, Consuls). Crc.ConNu,rus Lnwrur,us Mencnr,r,rxus Pat. (228) Cos.56, Pr.60 Governor, probably Proconsul, of Syria (App. Byr. 5l; cf. Cic. QI r.2.7).
I.).Connnr,rns Lrwrur,us Sprlrrnnn Pat. (238) Cos. 57, Pr. 60 Governor, probably Proconsul, of Nearer Spain (Cic. Iam. 1.9.13; Caes.BC 1.22.4). ? L. Cur,r,nor,us (t) Cic. Iam. 13.42. Perhaps gove nor of Illyricum, before Caesar. Soe 67, Promagistrates,on Rubrius, and note 12. C. Ocm.vrus (15) Pr. 6l Proconsul in Macedonia (Elogium, CIL 12.1, p. IV$-Inscr. ItaI. 13.3.7\b-ILrS47). Saluted as fmperator for his victory over theBessi (Elogium; YelL.2.59.2;Suet. Aug.3.2;94.5). Seealso Cic.8F 1.2.7. C. Paprnrus Cenno (35) Pr. 62 Governor (title not preserved) of Bithynia and Pontus (Head, HNz 497, 510, 516-518, coins of Amisus, Nicaea, and Nicomedia, tlated in the years 222-224 oL the Bithynian era). ? Q. Porvrruus R,UFUS (*8) Pr. 63 Proconsulin Africa (Cic. Cael.73-74). This is the latest year he may lrave remained in AJrica. See58, Promagistrates; D.-G. 4.323,no. 14. C. PomrrrNus (Pontinius *l) Pr. 63 See 62-54, Promagistrates; cf. Cic. Ilq,cc. 102. Vatinius refused to recognize the validity of the supplicationes for his victory in Gaul (Schol. Bob. L49*I50 Stangl, on Cic. Vat.30). SeeLübker 839. Q. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (31) Pr.62 Proconsul in Asia (see61, Promagistrates), whence he returned when lris successorwas sent in the spring of 58 (Cic. QF l.l, and 2; Att. :1.6.2,and I5.4; Suet. Aug. 3.2; cf. Cic. Att. 3.5.1). C. Vrner,rus BaLBUs (Virgilius *2) Pr. 62 Propraetor in Sicily (see61, Promagistrates; cf. Cic.QX 1.2.7). Legates, Lieutenants 1,. Anr,rus Tunnno (150) A. Ar,r,rnrus (l) Pr. 49 M. Gnarrorus (3) These three served as Legates under Q. Cicero in Asia (see 61, Legates). Special Commissions | . A board.of twenty to assign land under Caesar'sagrarian laws: M. Arrrus Ber,nus (lt) Pr. by 59 Suet.Aug.4.l; cf. Cic.Att.2.l2.I.
69 B.C.
CN. Pournrus Mecrvus (*f5) Cos. 70, 55, 52 Cic.Att.2.I2.l, and lg.3; Dio 38.1.7. M. TnnuNrrus Venno (84, in Supb. 6) Pr. Plin. -l/I1 7.176;cf. Varro RR l.2.l0. Cn. Tnnunr,r,rus Sonora (5) Pr. Varro Rn l.2.l0. 2. A board of five with judicial powers also: M. Ver,nnrus Mnssar.r,aNrcnn Pat. (*76) Cos. 6l Elogium, CIL lz.I, p. 201-Insu. ItaI. 13.3.77-ILB 46, V uir a(gri,s) itr(andis)a(ssi,grmndis)i,(ud,icandis).See Münzer, Gent. Val. 52f., no. 59. ? C. Coscor.rrus (4,12) Pr. 63 Died before July, 59. Cicero, who was invited to serve in his place (Att. 2.I9 .4)but refused, describedthe position both as a quinquevirate (Proa. Cons. 4l) and as a vigintivirate (Att. 9.2a.I; Vell. 2.45.2; Quintil. Inst. Or. l2.r.l6). ? M. LronqrusCnLssusDwns (63) Cos. 70, 55,Pr.73? Dio 38.1.7.It is uncertain to which board he belonged,if noü to both. The board of five is mentioned also in Cic. Att. 2.7.4, cf.. 2.6.2. Mommsen (Btr. 2.628, note 4, and cf. 633ff.) suggeststhat the board of five acted as a judicial committee for the whole board of twenty which carried out the assignments. The board of twenty founded the colony of Capua (Lib. Colon. 231L). SeeRudolph, Btndt und,Btaat i,m alten ltal,i,en175,188, note 2, and 2Ol, Augurs ?-59: Q. Canonrus l\4nrnr,r,usCnr,nn (86) Cos. 60, Pr. 63 Cic. Att. 2.5.2, and 9.2, in April, 59, on the place made vacant by his death; Cael,.59; Besü.130; Vat. 19; Bchol,.Bob. 147 Stangl. The name of his successoris not preserved. CN. Poupnrus MeeNus (*f5) Cos. 70, 55,52 X'unctioned as an Augur at the adoption of Clodius by the plebeian Fonteius (Crc.Att.8.3.3; Dio 38.12.2).Note that the insignia of the augurate appear on coins which he issued probably about 6l (Grueber,
cnnBM 2.464f.). r On the filiation of Bibulus, see IG 5.1.722. e This inscription may refer to other years when Caesar held the consulship. 3 For full discussion and citations of sources for the history and the legislation of Caesar's consulship in 59, seo D.-G. 3.f 80-202, and Klotz, in nE rc.L56. 201,
69 B.C.-68 B.C.
who is less detailed. Soe also T. B,ice Holmes, Rontam Repwbl,ic I.3LZ-827 ; and for recent interpretations, Gelzer, Jul'iu,s Caasar (3rd. ed., f g4I) 8B-lf4; L. R. Teylor, Partg Pol,'iti,cs i,n the Age ol Caesar 132-137; and "On the Chronology of Caesar's First Oonsulship," AJ Ph 62 (195f ) 25+-268. a Seidel (EA 62) suggests 59 as an approximate dato. Varro,s career (Tr, Mil. 79, Q. before 73, Tr. Pl, perhaps by 68) favors an earlier dato for his aedileship, but if Murena was a younger brothor of tho consul of 62 seidel's conjecturels probable. 6 The reference in cicoro shows that at tho end of 60 Nigidius was in a position such that he could cito (compellare) jurymen, and did so in roference to the trial of c' Antonius. Münzer (R.E) srrggests that he held the aedileship in 60, Niccolini gf P 281) that he was a Tribune of the Plebs in 59. He was a member of tho Senate in 63 (Cic. Sul,L 42; Sueb. Aug. 94.5; Plut. Ci,a. 20.21.
58 B.C.
Consuls L. Crl,punxrus L. f. L. n. Prso CansoNrNus (90) Pr. 6l ? A. GÄerNruslA. f. - n. (tf ) Pr. 6l ? CIL 12.2.756,919,920,963, 2500,2512;Caes.-BG1.6.4;Ascon. g and 46 C; PIut. P-op. 48.3; Cat. Mi,n. 33.4; App. BC 2.14; Dio 38, Index, 9.1, and 13.2; Chr.354 (Calsonianoet Cavonio); Iast. Hyd. (Pisone et Gabinio); Chr. Pasc. (Iltorovo6xaifaplvou); Cassiod.; and on Piso, CIL 12.1.2512;Fast. Cap.,Degraasi 56f.; Plut. Caes. 14.4-5. SeeDegrassi56f., l3l, 492f. Despite Piso's initial compliments to Cicero (Cic. Pi,s. tt; P. Reil,. in Sen. l7; P. Red. qd,Quir. ll; cf. Besü.20; Schol,.Bob. t08 Stangl), he and his colleague actively supported the Tribune Clodius (Cic. Besl. 18 and 24-25 and 32-33 and 58-55 and 69-70; P. Red. in Sen, 10-18 and 3l-32; P. Red. ad,Quir. l3-t4; Pis. 8 and lB-28 and 48 and 72 and 77; Dom. 55 and 62 and 6Gand 70 and t24; Planc.86-87; Ascon.7 C, on Piso, and 9;.Plut. Ci,c.3l; Dio 38.16; and on Gabinius,; l2.2g.l; Plut. Pomp.49.2;Dio 88.30.2;Bchol Bob. 127f. Stangl). Under one of the laws of Clodius Piso received.tho province of Macedonia(Cic. P. Red. i,n Sen.l0 and l8 and B2; P. Rd,. qd Quir. 11 and 13 and 2l; Best.24-25 and 3l and 44 and 58-55 and 7I; Pis.28 and 37 and 56-57; Har. Resp. 58; Dom. 28-24 and 55 and 60 and 66 and 70 and 931'Prou. Cons. 2-B: Plut. Ci,c. B}.t; Aucb. Vi,r. Ill, 8l.a; Bchol. Bob. 168 Stangl), while under another law Gabinius was rrssignedfirst Cilicia and then Syria (Cic. P. ned,. i,n Ben. t0 and 18 rr,nd32; P. ned. ad,Qui,r.ll and 13 and 2t; Dom.28 and55 and 60 and 70 and 124; Best.2+-25 and 44 and bB-55 and 6T-T9; Proa. Cons. B-g rr,ndl7; Pis.28 and 3l and 37 and 49 and 56-57; Rab. Post.2};Plat. l3
Broughton II
Cdc.30.l; App. Syr. 6l; cf. Cic. Att. 3.22.1;Auct. Vi'r. 111.81.4;and on tho exohangoof Cilicia for Syria, Cic. Beef. 55; Dom. 23 and 70). Piso elso took action against the Egyptian cults in Rome (Varro, in Tertull. Apol,. S; Nat. l.L}; Arnob. 2.73), and. removed an old saoollum (Cic. Har. Resp. 32) of Diana on the Caelian hill.
P. Srr,rus (Nnnvl,) (8) Cic. Fam. 13.61-65, cf. 47; Att. B.L.l}. See51, Promagistratos. Cw. Tnounr,r,rus Sonora (5) Cic. Att.6.f .13; cf. 7.1.8.See50, Promagistrates. Aediles, Curule
Praetors L. Comrnr,rus LENTIILUs CRus Pat. Cic. Pis. 77; QI r.2.16.
(218) Cos. 49
L. Doltrrus Annrvonennus (27) Cos. 54 Cic. QF r.2.16; cf..Att. 2.24.3; Yat. 25. With C. Memmius he began an immediate attack upon Caesar'sactn (Sueü. Iul. 23; Nero 2.2; Schol,.Bob. I30,146, 151 Stangl; cf. Cic. Best.4O; Vat. l5). Discussed a me&surofor the recall of Cicero from exile (Cic. 4tt.3.15.6). C. Fasrus (Haonrerus) (17) See 57, Promagistrates. L. X'r,evrus (17) Cic.QX 1.2.10-ll. He came into conflict with Clodius when Tigranes of Armenia was taken from his custody (Ascon. 46-47 C ; Dio 38.30.1-2). C. Mnmrrus (8) Cic. QF 1.2.16. With Domitius (see above) he began an attack on Caesar's acta, Attemprbedto prosecute Vatinius for violation of the Lex Iunia Licinia (Cic. Vat.33; Bch'ol.Bob. l5O Stangl). P. Nrerorus X'reur,os (3) Cic. QI L.2.r6. ? L. Vrr,r,rus Alvxar,rs (*8) See51, Addendum. The following men held provincial governorships immediately after the passagein 52 of the Pompeian law which established an interval between the praetorship or consulship and.a provincial command, and may therefore have held the praetorship before 57 (all the Praetors of 57 a,reknown). It is however more probable that the law did not apply to magistrates in office in 53 and 52 (see 54, Praetors), hence these dates remain only as possibilities. C. CoNsrnrusLoneus (ll) Cic. Li,g. 2; Schol. Gron. 291 Stangl. See 50, Promagistrates. Q. Mrxucrus Tnnnuus (67) Cic. Iam. 13.57,prescript; cf. Att' 5.13.2t6.1.f3. See52, Promagistrates.
M. Annur,rus SoÄuRus Pat. (l4l) Pr. 56 Grueber, C&RBXI 1.483f.; Cesano,Btud. Num. | (1942)258f. Gave aedilician games of special magnificence (Cic. Off. 2.57; Beeü.116, and Schol. Bob. 135 Stangl; VaL Max. 2.4.6-7; Ascon. l8C; Plin. .l[I/ 8.64 and 96; 9.ll; 34.36;35.127;36.50,Il3-115, and 189; Ammian. Marc. 22.15.24;Solin. 32.31; 34.2). P. Puurrus Hyrsenus (23) Pr. 65 Grueber, CnnBM 1.483f. .
Iudex Quaestionis
? C. Vrsnr,r,rus Venno (* 2) Held this position after his aedileship (Cic. Brut. 264; soo 59, Aediles, Curule). See Lübker no. l. Tribunes of the Plebs Anr,rus Lrons (83) Associated himself with Clodius against Cicero and vetoed Ninnius' proposalfor Cicero'srecall from exile (Cic. Besü.68f., 94; Dom.49; Har. Resp. 5). L. Arvrrsrrus (13) Affsmpted to prosecute Caesar for his actions while Consul (Suet. Iul,.23), but was restrained by his colleagues. P. Cr,oorus Pur,cunn (48) With the aid of Caesar and of Pompey, he was transferred in 59 to the Plebs, through adoption by a certain X'onteius, and elected to the tribunate (Cic. Att. 8.3.3; Dom. 37 ; Plut. Caes.14; Cat. Min. 33; App. BC 2.14; Dio 38.f2; 39.11), proceededto revenge himself on Cicero by driving him into exile, and carried through an active program of legislation which finally brought him into opposition with Pompoy when he began to tamper with the latter's settlement of the East. (Cic. P. Red,.in Sen., P. ßed. ad,Quir., Dom., Sest.,Har. Resp., Proa. Cons.,Vat., P,is.,passi,m;Aüt. 2.12.2,and 18.3; 3, ,passim;QI 1.2.16; Yell.2.45; Ascon. 7-9, and 46 C; Plut. Ci,c.30-33; Caes.14; Pomp. 13*
48-49; Cat. Min.34-35; App. BC 2.15;Dio 38.12-30; 39.11;Liv. Per. lO3; Alrct. Vir. Ill. 80.2, and 81.4; Schol,.Bob. 125-169, Stangl, paedm). His legislation included the following bills: l. to distribute grain to the poople free of charge (Cic. Sesü.55; Dorn.25; Ascon. 8 C; Dio 38.13; Schol.Bob. I32 Stangl; cf. Plut. Ci,c.30.L);2. to modify the Aelian and X'ufian laws governing the use of obnuntiati,oand the veto (Cio.P. Reil.i,nSen.ll; Har. Resp.58; Sesü.33 and 56; Vat.181,Proa. Cons.46; Pds.9-f0;Ascon.8 C; Dio38.13);3. to restorethe collegia (Cic.Besü.34 and 55; P. Red. i,nSen. 33; Att. 3.15.4;Dom. 129; Pis. 9; Ascon. 7-8 C; Dio 38.f3.2);4. to limit the use of the censorialnota to persons specifically accused before them (Cic. Best. 55; Pds. 9-10; Proa. Cons.46; Ascon. 8 C; Dio 38.13; 40.57; Schol,.Bob. 132 Stangl); 5. to interdict from fire and water any persons who had put Romans to death uncondemned(Cic. Att. 3.15.5; Sest.25 and 53-54; Pi,s. 16 and 30; Dom. 5O and 54 and 62 and ll0; Yell. 2.45.1;Ascon. 46 C; Plut. Ci,c.30-3f ; Cat. Mi,n. 35.I; Pomp. 48.6; Caes. 14.9; App. BC 2.15; Dio 38.14-17; Liv. Per.lO3; Schol.Bob. l3O, 147, 168 Stangl), and 6. after Cicero's departure into exile carried a measure exiling him by name (Cic.Aüt.3.4,12,15,20,231'Xam. 14.4;P. Red,.,inSen. 4 and 8 and 26; Best.65and 69; Dom.47 and 50 and 83; Pi,s.28-30 and 72; Planc.96-971'Liv. Per. 103; Ascon. l0 C; Plut. Ci,c.32; Dio 38.17.7; Bch,ol.Bob. 125, 139, 153 Stangl); 7. to place the Consuls Gabinius and Piso in command of Cilicia and Macedonia, with a secondmeasure(8) to give Gabinius Syria instead (seeabove, Consuls); 9. to annex Cyprus and restore exiles to Byzantium, with Cato in charge of both duties (seePromagistrates, on Cato); 10. to give Brogitarus of Galatia the title of King and control of Pessinus (Qic. Dom. 129; Har. Resp. 28-29 and 58 ; Sest. 56-57 ; M il. 73) ; I l. a bill regarding iniuria p,bli,m in favor of a certain Menulla of Anagnia (Cic. Dom. 8I); and probably 12. a bill to forbid treasury clerks from engaging in business(Suet. Dom. 9). (3) L. NrNrrus Qulonerus Attempted to support Cicero's cause throughout the year, and began to formulate a billfor his restoration (Cic. Att.3.23.4; P. Reitr. ,i,nSen. 3; Dom. 125; Best.26 a,nd 68; Har. Resp. 5; Dio 38.14.1-2, 16.3-4, and 30.3-4). He also attempted to prevent one of the followers of Clodius from celebrating the Ludi Compitales (Ascon. 7 C). L. Novrus (Nrcon ?) (7, cf . 12) Took cognizance of a supposed attempt by Clodius on Pompey's life (Ascon.47 C). On the n&me,seeSuet. Iul,.17.1.
Q. Tonnnuus CuLr,Eo (44\ Proposed to annul the law exiling Cicero on the ground that it wa,s a privilegium (Cic. Att.3.15.5), and attempted to draw Pompoy a,wey from his association with Caesar (Plut. Pomp. 49.3). Quaestors C. Car,punnrus Prso Xbucr (93) Assigned to Pontus and Bithynia, he gave up his province in order to aid in the recall of Cicero, his father-in-law (Cic. P. Red. i,n Sen.38; P. Reil. ad,Qui,r. 7; Sest.54and 68; Xam. 14.1.4,2.2, 3.3, and 4.4; cf. Pi,s. 12). Cn. Pr,eworus (4) Served in Macedonia und.erL. Appuleius Saturninus (Cic. Planc.28 and 99; Schol,. Bob. 153 Stangl), and aided Cicero during his oxilo (Qic.Att.3.l4, and 22; Fam. 14.1.3; P. ned. i,n Sen. 35; Plnrw, 99; Bchol. Bob. 153 Stangl). Promagistrates T. Anpros Bar,nus (l) Pr. 59 Proconsul in Asia (cistophori of Ephesus, Tralles, and Laodiceia, Head, HNz 576,660, 678, and B. M. Catnl,ogues, Ion'ia 67,Lyilia cxxxix,and Phrygi,alxxiv; cf. Cic. Fam.1.3.2; and3.7.5, where Ampto may be a mistake for Fabi,o). L. Aprur,nrus SaruRNrNüs (30) Pr.59 Propraetor in Macedonia (Cic. Planc. 28 and 99, praetor, cf. l9; Schol,.Bob. 153 Stangl). CN.Conrvnr,rusLpwrur,us Mancnr,lrnus Pat. (228) Cos.56, Pr.60 No title preserved.Governor of Syria for two years (App. Syr.5l; cf. Cic. QF 1.2.7; see 59, Promagistrates). C. Iur,rus Cansen Pat. (l3l) Cos. 59, 48, 46-44, Pr. 62 Proconsul in Transalpine Gaul, Cisalpine Gaul, and Illyricum (see 59, Tribunes of the Plebs, on Vatinius; Cic. P. Rel,. in Sen.32; Dom. 22; Sest.4l; and ma,ny other references).During this year he destroyed the power of the migrating Helvetii and sent them back to their homes, then turned upon Ariovistus and drove his Germans out of Caul (Caes.BG l, gmssi,m;5.29.3; Cic. Prou. Corw. 32-33; Liv. Per. I03-104; Strab. 4.3.3-4; Frontin. Bür.; 2.I.16; 4.5.1t; Plut. (iaeß. l5.I; 17.4; l8.l-20.2; App. Celt. 15-17; Flor. 1.45.2-3 and
O-l3 ; Tolyaen. 8.28.8-4_;Dio 88.3t_50 Oros.6.Z.B_10 ; ; cf . T ac.Hiat. 4.73; Varro Atac. in GLK 2.457) C. Pouprnrus (*Pontinius l) pr. 63 Seo62-64, Promagistrates; and Lübker p. 83g. M. Poncrus Caro (*20) pr. 54 Appointed under a law of crodius as euaestor pro praetore (ven. 2.45.4; Auct. Vi,r.Iil.8^0..2;Liv. per. f04) to urrru*bylrius and restore exiles at Byzantium (cic. Dom. 20-2r ind, 52-53,*i os; sist. 56_57 and 59-61; Har. Resp. 59; Liv. per. 104; Strabo M. 6.6; V*t. Uu,*. !.t.,ta; €.r5.r0; 9.4, ext. l; Vell. 2.45.L_5; Sen. Rhet. Contr. 6.4; 10.1.8;Plin. i[f/ Z.l13; 29.06; 84.92;pIü^ öaL Mi,n. B4--4d, cf. 7.2; C.aes.2],P*p.48;4pp. ßC 2.28;X,lor.1.44;Dio 88.80, and J9.22_28;
lygt. vi,r-IlI. 80.2;Ruf.x'esr.lB; Ammian.i{r"".;sit ol. noo. f
32-133 Stangl, Legatus).SeeD.-G. 5. t76_t7g. Q. Tur,lrus Crcnno (gf ) pr. 62 Proconsul in asia, whencehe returned in May (see6r, promagistrates ^. ; Cic. QI t.3; Att. g.9.l).
C.-Vnncnros (Bnr,nus ?) (Virgilius *2, *g) F:r. 62 promagistrales).Debarred by the terms ^Propraetor in sicily (see6r, of the law of clodiuJ from giving ciäro , ""iog" pränc. 95-96). 1cic. T._Vnrrrus (Sanruus) (*12) pr. 59 ? . N9 litte preserved. Governor of Africa (cic. Ftacc. g5, where it is implied that he will go to Africa the following year). Legates, Envoys M. Mnrrrus (2) C. Vr,nnrus Pnoorr,r,us (*24) caesar sent them to Ariovistus who made them prisoners. They were freed by Caesar'svictory (Caes.BG t.47.4_6, and5g.5_g). Legates, Lieutenants ? C. Cleuorus Pur,cunn pat. (g0g) pr. 56 A brother of P. clodiusrrad^charge of caesar's troops in rtaly earry in 58 (Cic. Best.4t), probably Gaius"rather than Appiis. T. Lenrnlvus (6) pr. Servedunder Caesaras Lggul"r pro praetore (Caes. BG l.zl,cf. 10, and 54; Plnt. Caes.t!aZ__Z+.2; pomfo.Oi.a; App. Cett. r5; Bchot,.Bern., on Lucan 5.345,p. t6Z U).
68 B.C.-57 B.C.
? L. Aunuwculnrus CorrE (6) Q. Pnnrus (l) Cos. Suff. 43, Pr. 48 ? Snn. Snr,prorus Gar,se Pat. (61) Pr. E4 ? Q. Trrunrns SenrNus (3) ? P. Varnvrus (*2) Cos.47, Pr. 55 Legates under Caesarin Gaul. The four unnamed Legates in Caesar,s battle with Ariovistus probably were among these (BG f .52.1). See57, Legates; and esp. D.-G. 3.696ff. Prefects P. Lronvrus Cnassus (63) In command of cavalry against Ariovistus (Caes.BG I.52.7). Pontifices L. Pnrenrus Nerra (19) The recently elected Pontifex who officiated at the dedication of a shrine of Libertas on the site of Cicero's house (Cic. Dom. tI8 and 134-135 and 137; seeL. R,. Taylor, AJPU 63 LtS4Zl B9Of.). Flamines Snx. Iur,rus CansEn2 Pat. (152, 153) / X'lamen Quirinalis (Cic. Har. Resgt.l2,.where the order of the list indicates that he was inaugurated after Curio, therefore in 60-58 B.C.). r RogsselandLaunay (1. d,e D6los 4.I.f 5f t) idontify tho Gabinius Capito in line 4 of crL 12.2.2500 with the consul, but the two Gabinii should be äistinguished. 2 Iiloso follows D.-G. (3.689) and Willems (1.516)inidontifyingtheFlamen with a son of the consul of gl and father of the Quaestor of 42, but the ordor of the list (see AJPU 63 [1942] 397) favors idontification wiüh the euaostor of 47 himself.
57 B.C.
A.U.C. 697 Consuls
P. ConNnr,rusP. f. Cn. n. Lnrvrur,us Sprxrnnn Pat. (298) pr. 60 Q. Cr.ncnrus P. f. Q. n. Mnrnr,r,us Nnpos (96) Pr. 60 CIL 12.2.757,758,921,922; Val. Max. 9.L4.4;Ascon.48 C; Plin.
NH 7.64; Dio 39, fndex, and l.l; Schol.Bob. 126 Stangl; Chr' 354 (Lontulo ot Nepotae); Iast. Hgd,. (Lentulo et Marcello Nepote); Chr' xai N{apx6ltrou);Cassiod.; and on Lentulus, Iast' Paac. (Aev'coü).ou Cap., iegrassi 56f . ; Plut. Cic. 33.2. SeeDegrassi 56f ., l}lf ', 4g2f' ietrt,rlor, with the eventual support of his colleague, who had been a,n enemy of cicero, worked loyally for cicero's recall from exile (on Nepos: ii". 'q'tt.3.12.1;Fam. 5.4; P. ßed. in Sen. 5,9-L0,25; P' Reil' a.d,huir. l0 and 15; Dom.7, 13, and 7O; Best.72, 87, and' 130; Proa' Cons. 22; Pi,s. 35; Dio 39.6-8; Bchol. Bob. 139 Stangl; on Lentulus: C i c .A t t . 3 . 2 2 . 2 ; Q I 1 . 4 . 6 ;I a m . I . I J ; 1 . 9 ; 1 6 * 1 7 ; 3 . 7 . 5 ;P ' R e i l "i ' n S e n . 5 , 8 - 9 , 2 6 - 2 7 ; P . R e t ' .a i l Q u i r . l l , 1 5 , L 7 l . ; D o m ' 7 , 3 0 , 7 0 - 7 1 , and Z5; Har. Resp. L2; Best.70, 72, 107, I17, 144, 147; Pis' 34, and 80; Mil,.39; Dio Sg.6-S; Schot.Bob. L22 Stangl), and carried a bill for his restoration through the centuriate assembly e. ned. i'n Sen' 27; P.,Qudr.IT;Dotn.75 and 87 and 90; Sesü.109,128; Pis' 35-36; Dio 3g.g.2; cassiod.). Lentulus also aided cicero to recover his house (Cic. Har. Resp. l3). The Consuls drew up a bill t'o place Pompey in chargeof the grain supply (Cic.Att. a.1.7;QI 2.5; Dorn. Il;Liv' Per' f04; Plut. Pomp.49.5; Dio 39.9)' Metellug impeded Milo's attempt to prosecute Clodiüs and aided the latter's candidacy for the aedileship (Cic.Att.4.3.3-4; Dorn.13; Besü.89; Dio 39.7.a). Praetors C. Carcnrus CoßNUrus (43) Aided in securing cicero,s recall from exile (cic. P. Red. in sen. 23). See 56, Promagistrates. L. Cencr,rus Runus (ll0) Pr. Urbanus CIL 12.2.76I;Cic. P. Red. i,n Sen.22; Mi'l'.38; Ascon. 48 C. M. Cer,orus (4) Cic. P. Red. in Sen. 22; cf. Quintil. Inst- Or. fO.f .23; Jetome Chr' ad ann. 57, p. I54 Helm. Ap. Cr,euorus Pur,csln Pat. (257) Cos. 54 Quaest'io de repetundis -Ci". .e,tt.3.17.f. Did. not join his colleaguesin supporting Cicero's recall (Cic.Att.4.L.6; Dorn.87;Besü.16,77-89,and 126; Pi's.35; Mil' 39;Ascon. ll C; Schol,.Bob. t22, 127f..,138; Dio 39.6-7), and continued to support his brother (Cic. Att. 4.2.3, arrd 3.3-4; Dom. 12; Dio 39.6-7). P. (Lrcrxrus) Cnessus (Drvns) (7I)
67B.C. Cic. P. Reit. i,n Sen. 23. See 59, Iudex quaestionis' (Vanus) Pat. (*7) Snx. 'Cic. QurNcrrr,rus P. Reil,.in Ben. 23. C. Snrrnvnos (7) Cic. P. Red,.in Sen. 23. See 56, Promagistrat'es' Q. Var,onrus OBca (*78) Cic. P. Red,.in Sen. 23. See56, Promagistrates' Aediles, Curule
(99, and Supb' ? Q. Cercnrus MpnELLüs Prus Sorpro Nlsrcel 55 Pr. 52, 3.223) Cos. Gurr"'splendid gladiatorial games in honor of his adoptive father (Cic. Be"sü.r24; Schol. Bob. 137 Stangl)' 45, Pr' 48 Q. Fesrus Mexnnus Pat. (l0S) Cos' Suff' cf. cic. vat.28l, 12.2.762,763; (cIL x'abianus x'ornix the Restored Aediles of the Plebs ? L. Cer,punNrus BPsrre (25) Cic. Phi,l,.13.26,an aed.ilicius.Defended by Cicero from-a charge-of ambitus (Cic. QI 2.3.6, Feb. ll, 56; Cael" 26, a candidate for the praetorship). C. Coscorcrus (5) Pr. ö4? Cic. Vat.16. Tribunes of the Plebs T. Alnrus Mno (PerreNus) (67) Pr' 55 and met In close co-operation with Sestius,he prepared street-g^angs recall for Cicero's Clodius' violenäe with violence both while working 1.a.3; 2.6.3; 4.3.3; Iam. QF from exile and after his return (cic. Att. P. Reit,.i,n Sem.19-20,30-3f ; P. Rel. ail'Qui'r' 15; Har' Resp' 6-7; Sesü.85-87, 90-92, 144; Vat. 40-41; Mi'|" 6, 38-39; Liv' Per' lO4; VelI. 2.45.3;Ascon. 30 C; Plut. Ci,c.33; App' BC 2'L6; Dio 39'6-8; schot. Bob.122,125, 169 stangl). He attempted to prosecuteclodius for breach of the peace and impede his election to the aedileship (cic. Att. 4.9.3-4; Best.89; Mi'\.40; PIut. Cic. 33; Dio 39'7-8)' Snx. Arrr,rus SnnneNUSGavraNUS (70) Besides engaging in violence, he opposed a motion in the Senato in favor of Ciceiois räca[ and was overborne (Cic. P. ßed'. ad,Quir. 12;
and 77,cf. 85 and g4; Har. Resp.32;Pi,s.35;Att. 4.2.4;Ascon. Best.72, Il C; Bchol.Bob.122 Stangl). C. Cnsrrr,rus (I) Aided in Cicero'srecall (Cic. P. Red. i,n Sen. 2L; cf. Mil.39). M. Crsprus (4) Pr. after 54 Cic. P. Red,.in Sen. 2l; Sest.76.He was later condemnedfor bribery (Cic. Planc.75; Scltol,.Bob. 165 Stangl). M'. Cunrrus Pnouclnewus (23) Pr. 50 Cic. P. Red,.in Sen. 27 ; QF 1.4.3,reading Curtius for Curius. On the name, seeFam.13.59; Münzer, RE; and Niccolini, FTP 2gg and 802, who favors the form Curius. Q. X'nnnrcrus (7) Led in attempting to carry on Jan. 25 the bill of the eight Tribunes for Cicero'srecall (Cic.QF l.a3; P. Rel,.in Sen.22, cf.6; Besü.T5 and 78; Pis.35; Fam.l.9.16; Mil,.38;Pltft,. Pomp. 49.3; Dio 39.2.2). T. Fenrus (Ger,r,us?) (9) Cic. QF I.4.3; Aüt. 3.23.4; P. ned,.in Sen. 21. C. Mnssrus (2) Presented a bill for Cicero's recall at the beginning of his tribunate (Cic. P. Red. i,n Ben.2l; cf. Dom.701' Sest.72); and in September proposed a bill to give PomFey charge of the grain supply which exceededthe consular one (seeabove) in the grant of financial powers and of the mai,u,simperi,um(Cic. Att. 4.1.7). Q. Nurunnrus R,nrus (Gnaccuus) (5) With Serranus, he opposed the moves for Cicero's recall (Cic. Besü. 72,82, and 94; Pi,s.35;Mi,l.39; Ascon.II C; Schol.Bob. L22,and t84 Stangl). P. Snstrus (6) Pr. 55 The Tribune who, with Milo, worked most actively for Cicero's recall, meeting Clodius' violence with violence at great risk to his lile, and also tried to prevent Clodius' election to the aedileship of bG; defended by Cicero when prosecuted in 56 for breach of the peace (Cic. Att. 3.17.1; 3.19.2,and,23.4; a33; QF 1.4, cf. 2.3.5-6,and 4.1; P. ned,.i,n Sen.20, and 30; P. Rd. ad,Qui,r. l51' Best.passim; Vat. 4I; Mi,l,.38; Bchol,.Bob. 125, and 128 Stangl). Promagistrates L. Cer,punNrusPrso CansoNrwus (90) Cos. 58, Pr. 6l ? Proconsul in Macedonia with unlimited imperium (Cic. Dom. 55)
by Clodius'law (see 58, Tribunes of the Plebs; Choi,rl64-1. ile Dölos4.r.1737;Blocb, AJA 44 [1940]485ff.; Cormack,AJA 48 [1944] 76f.). IIe was acclaimed fmperator by his troops (Cic. Har. Resp.36; Proa. Cons. 4; Pis. 54, 9l-97 ; QI 3.1.24),but was attacked by Cicero for failure against the Thracians and defeat and for robbery and extortion in his province (Cic. Sesü.71, and g4; Proa. Cons. 2-8, 12, l4ff., 25, and 39; Har. Resp. 351,Pi,s. Tnssim, esp. 83-98; Ascon. l-2 C; cf. Catull. 28 and 47; Cic. QI 3.1.24). See 56, Promagistratos. C. X'asrus Heonralrus (17) Pr. 58 Proconsul in Asia (cistophori of Ephesus, Tralles, Apameia, and Laod.iceia, Head, HNz 535,576, 660, 666, 678; B.M. Catnl,ogu6, Mysi,a xxx f., Ionöa 67f., Lyd,i,acxl f . and 333f..,Phryg,i,axxxäi,lxxiv). A. Ganrxrus (Il) Cos.58, Pr. 61? Proconsul in Syria with unlimited imperium (Cic. Dom. 23 and 66; Liv. Per. f05; App. Byr.5I1' BC 6.LO)by Clodius'Iaw (see58, Tribunos of the Plebs). He first crushed a Jewish revolt, under Alexander and Aristobulus (Plut. Ant. 3.t; Joseph. AJ 14.82-97; BJ r.160-174; Hegesipp. f.l9-20; Zonar. 5.7), but was attacked early in 56 by Cicero, yhe smphasized his poor relations with the publicans and tho growüh of piracy (Best. 7l; Proa. Cons. 9-13, cf.. Pis. 46), and was refused a supplicatio for his successes(Cic. QP 2.6.1; Prou. Corw. 14-15, and 25; Pi,s.4I-45; Phdl.14.24). See56 and 55, Promagistratos. C. Iur,rus Cansen Pat. (l3l) Cos. 59, 48, 4644, Pr. 62 Proconsul of both Gallic provinces and Illyricum (see 59, Tribunes of the Plebs, Vatinius). The campaigns of 57 brought about the submission of the Gallic tribes almost to the coast of the English Channel, and offers of alliance from those of central Gaul (Caes.BG 2;3.1-7; Cic. Prou. Cons.32-34;Liv. Per. 104; Val. Max. 3.2.17;Vell.2.46; Plin. l[f/ 3.137; Suet. Iul,.25; Plut. Caes.20; Flor. 1.45.4; Dio 39.f-5; Oros. 6.7.11-16). He was honored with a supplicatio of fifteen days (Caes.BG 2.35.4; Cic. Proa. Cons. 25-26: Plut. Caes. 2I.l; Dio 39.5.r). C. Mnmmrus (8) Pr. 58 Governor of Bithynia and Pontus, title not preserved, with Catullus and cinna on his staff (catull. t0 and 28:' cf.4 and 46). cerebrated as Imperator on coins of his son ca. bl (Grueber, CRHBM l.4g5f.). Cw. Pournrus Meelrus (*f5) Cos. 70, 58, E2 - Received charge with an imperium gro consule for five years of the grain-supply throughout the Roman world with the iigtt to appoint fifteen legates (Cic. Att. 4.t.6-7; Dom. L4-BI; p. Rd,. in Sen.
34; Liv. Per. 104; Plü. Pomp. 49.+-8, and 60; Apophth. pomp. tt; App. BC 2.18, 20legates; Dio 89.9.8, cL. 24.t). Säe below, Legates; and on the proposal of Messius, above, Tribunes of the plebs. On {pril f , 66, 40,000,000HS were appropriated to his use (Cic. eF Z.E.t). SeeD.-G. 4.6t71. C. Pouprnvus (Pontinius *t) Pr. 68 See 62-54, Promagistrates. M. Poncrus Cero (*20) Pr. 54 - Quaestor pro charge of the annexation of c5ryrus and the restoration of the Byzantine exiles (see 5g, promagistr-ates). ? T. Vrrrrus (Saanrus) (x 12) pr. 59 see 58, Promagistrates. He may havo remained as governor of . Africa. Legates, Lieutenants L. Aunuxcur,Erus Corra (6) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG ? ConNnr,rusSrslwwe (g7l). probably Legate or prefect under Gabinius in Syria . _Step-song,nd (Joseph.AJ 14.52-93;BJ r.L7t_ t72; cf. Dio 89.56.5;Hegesipp.t.ZO). T. LenrnNus (6) Pr. legatus pro praetore under Caesar in Gaul (Caes. BG Z.l.l, Ll.g, and. 26.4). ? P. Lronvrus Cnessus (69) served under caesar in Gaul, at times in command of a legion (caes. BG 2.34; cf. on his title, Dio 89.81.2, 6nec,cpat$,yer). Wintered. in lesteln Gaul (Caes.BG 8.7-O; Oros. 6.8.7). Willems (r.536) holds that Dio erroneously terms him a Legate, when he had not yet held. the quaestorship. Q. Mrncrus Cnrspus (52) Pr. 46 pas. 54; and on his name, Bell. _T'egateunder Piso in Macedonia (cic. Afr. 77.2). Q. Pnnrus (l) Cos. Suff. 48, Pr. 48 Legate of Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 2.2.t, and tl.B). ? Snnvrr,rus or Spnvrenus Served under Gabinius in Syria (Joseph. AJ t4.g}-g}; BJ l.l7lJ.72,Iepourav6q;Hegesipp. l.Z0).
Snn. Sur,prcrus Ger,se Pat. (61) Pr. E4 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Suet. Gal,ba8.2; Dio Jg.b.2; cf. Cass. BG 8.58.4); and attempted in autumn of this year to subdue the tribes about the Great Saint Bernard pass (CaLs. BG 8.l-6; Dio 39.5.2-4; Oros. 6.8.1-5). Q. Trrunrus Sanrxus (g) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 2.5.6, g.4, and l0.l; cf. Dio 39.r.4). M. Tur,r,rus Cronno (ZS) Cos. 68, pr. 66. Lggate under Pompey (cic. Att.4.r.T, and 2.6; seepromagistratos, on Pompey). Q. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (Bl) Pr. 62 Legate under Pompey; served in sardinia beginning in the autumn of 57 (Cic.QF 2.t.8; cI.2.2.t,9.7,4.7,and 5.8; lo*. LS.A;Bcaur. Bg). L. (Varnnrus) Fr,locus (* 6g, l7g) pr. 63 _ Legate under Piso in Macedonia (cic. pis. 54). see Münzer, Gent. Val,.43,no. 28. P. Vlrrnrus (*2) Cos. 47, Pr. 55 Legate under caesarin Gaul (cic. vaL35; Bchol.Bob. r50f ., stangl). _ SeeLübker no. 2. C._Vnncnrus (Bar,nus) (Virgilius *3, cf. *2) pr.62 _ Legate under Piso in-Macedonia (Cic. prou. Cons. 7; possibly the Praetor of 62, Propr. in Sicily, 6f-5S). Prefects M.^ANroNrus (30) Cos. 44, 84, Cos. Desig. Bl commander of cavalry Gabinius in syria (prut. ant.3; Joseph. -4"/ 14.84and 86 and D2; BJ 1.162and rbo and t7r-r72; Hegesipp. l.r9-20; Zonar. 5.7). Pontifices The full lisü of the college of pontifices, including the x'lamen Martialis and the x'lamen Q_uirinalis(no x'ramen Dialis-had been inaugurated since the death of Merula in g7) and the pontifices Minores, as it was composed on september 29, 57, can be reconstructed from cic. Har. Resp. 12: C. fur,rus Cersln Pat. (lgl) Cos. 59, 48, 4644, pr. 62 pont. Max. 63 See63, Pontifices; absent in Gaul.
P. Conxrr,rus LENTULUsSrTNTEEB Pat. ( 2 3 8 ) C o s . 5 7 ,P r . 6 0 P. Snnvruus Venre fseunrcus (93) Cos. 79, Pr. 90 C,ia.Dorn. 123 and 132. M. Tnnnnrrus Vanno Lucur,r,os Cic. Dom. 132:-Att. 4.2.4.
(Licinius 109) Cos. 73, Pr. 76
Q. Cencnrus Mnrnr,r,us CRDTrcus (87) Cos. 69, Pr.74 Cic. Dorn.123. M'. Acnrus Gr,asnro (38) Cos. 67, Pr. 70 M. Vannnrus Mrssar,e Pat. (*76) Cos. 61, h. 641' L. Connnr,rus LnNrrrr,us (Nronn) Pat. (234) Pr. bef. 60, X'lam. Martialis P. Sur,prcrus Ger,ea Pat. (55) Pr. bef. 65 Q. Cencnrus Mrrnr,r,us Prus Scrrro Nesrca (99) Cos. 52, Pr. 55 Cic. Dom. 123. C. X'nvNrus (9) Pr.55? M. Anmnrus Luprous Pat. (73) Cos. 46, 42,Pr.49 L. Clauorus (Pur,onen) Pat. (21) Rex Sacrorum Cic.Dom.127. M. Armr,rus ScanRUs Pat. (141) Pr. 56 M. Lrcnvrus Cnessus Drvrs (68) Cos. 70, 55, Pt. 73?
'lsO; M. Lrcnrru,C*^rro, C. Sonrnor.rrus Cunro (10) Cos.76,Pr. 80? Srx. Iur,rus Cansaß Pat.
(152, 153) X'lam. Quirinalis
L. PrNanrus Nenre Pat. (19) Qic.Dom.l18, 134,137.
Pontifices Minores Q. ConNor,rus (51) P. Ar,nruoveNus (3, cf. 2) Q. Tnnnwnrus (Cur,r,ro) (44) See L. R,. Taylor, "Caesar's Colleaguesin the Pontifical College," AJPk 63 (1942)385-412; and above, 73,69,63, 60, and 58, Pontifices.
6? B.C.-66 ts.C.
Augurs P. Conrvnr,rusLnNrur,us SPrNrEEn, Pat. (239) Son of the Consul of 57, adopted into the family of the Manlii Torquati to make him eligible for inauguration, since X'austus Cornelius Sulla was already a member of the college (Dio 39.17; cf. Cic. Fann.7.26.2; Besü.144; Bchol,.Bob. 143f. Stangl; and the pitchor and lituus on his coins in 43-42, Grueber CRHBM 2.48f-483). FEusrus Conrnr,rus Sutr,e Pat. (377) Augur before 57 (Dio 39.17; the lituus on his coins (ca. 64 B.C.) may refer to his father's office, Grueber, CRRBM L472). 1 Mänzer (Herrnes 40 ü9051 94--99) explains tho delay of six years in the celebration of the games for Metellus by assuming that Metellus Scipio waited to give them as Aedile (cf. Caesar's games in 65 in honor of his father), and notos his association in offico, distinction, and ancestry with Fabius Maximus. Both men appear to be montioned in Antoine de la Sale's quotations from Cicero's De V,iitutibus (F. Gustafsson, BPkW 24 [f904] 1278f.). Münzer (E.E Supb. 3.223' on no. 99) also cites Knoellinger, Cicero, De V'irt. 28, l0ff', and 49f., which I have not seen.
56 B.C.
A.U.C. 698
Consuls CN.ConNpr,rusP. f. -n. LuNrur,usMencELr,rNUs Pa,t. (228) Pr. 60 L. Manorus L.f. Q.n. Prrr,rrrus (76) Pr. 62 CIL 12.2.923-926,964; Bul,l,. Archöol. Dal,mate 47-48 (192+-25) 4, cited by Degrassi;cf. IGEP 1.1394;Qic. Att.5.2l.II; Iam. 1.9.8; Ascon. 2 C; Dio 39, Index, 16.3, 18.1,and 40.1; Schol,.Bob. L35 Stangl; Chr. 354 (Marcellino et Philippo); Iast. Hgil. (Marcellino et Philippo); Cassiod.; on Marcellinus, cö p'xal Ot),tzcnou); Chr. Pasc. (Mapx6).),ou Cic. Att. 9.9.a;QI 2.L.t; Brut. 247;Iast. Cap., Degrassi56f.; and on Philippus, Cic. QF 2.1.2; Har. Resp. ll; Besü.LlD; Proa. Cons. 21, cf. 39; Plut. Cot. Min.39. SeeDegrassi 56f.,132, 492I. Lentulus as Consul-elect and Consul gave general support to the optimate position against Clodius and the so-called X'irst Triumvirate (Cic.Att. 4.2.4,and.3.S; QF 2.L.1-2,and'4.4; I am. I.2.l ; H ar. Resp.ll, 13,22; Proa. Cons.39), and opposedthe use of an army to restore the king of Egypt to his throne (Cic. Fam. 1.1.2, and 2.1; QF 2.4.5; cf.. Fenestella fr. 2l Petor). He opposed the candidacy of Pompey and Crassusfor the consulships of 55 (Plut. Pomp. 5l; Crass. 15; Apophth. Pomp.12; Dio 39.28-30; cf. Val. Max. 6.2.6).
56 B.C.
56 B.C.
Tribunes of the Plebs
M. Anunrus Sclnnus Pat. (141) Quaestiode vi Presidedat the trial of Sestius(Cic. Sesü.l0l, and 116; Ascon. 16 C; perhapsnamed In CIL 12.2.81l).See55, Promagistrates.
Axrrsrrus Vnrus2 (47) Cic.QF 2.r.3. L. CexrNrus Ger,r,os (3) Sought to give Pompey, rather than Lentulus Spinther, the duty of restoring the Egyptian King (Crc.Iam. 1.2.1,and 4.1, and 7 .3-a; QE 2.2.3,and 4.5; PIut. Pomp.49.6;Dio 39.16.r). CEssrus (not in -EE) Cic.QF 2.r.2. M. Nourus Surnnes (52) Pr.52?' Prosecuted with C. Cato in 54 for his part in delaying the elections in this year (Cic.Att.4.15.4, cf. 4.16.5-6;Dio 39.27.3;cf. 27-80). Cn. Pr,eNcrus (4) Cic.QX 2.1.3; Plnnc.24 and 26 and 60 and 77; Schol. Bob. t66 Stangl. SeeLübker p. 8r7. A. Pleunrus (8) Pr. 5I ? Read to the Senate a letter from the Egyptian I(ing asking to bo restoredto his kingdom by Pompey with two lictors (Dio 89.16.2).See Lübker no. 3. C. Poncrus Crro (*18) In support, of Clodius he pressed for the holding of the aedilician elections (Cic. Fam. 1.4.1; cf. QF 1.1.2).Attacked both proposalsfor the restorationof the Egyptian King, either through Lentulus Spinther, whose imperium in Cilicia he proposed to abrogate, or through pompey (Cic. Iam. 1.2.4, 5a.2,5b, and 7.4-7 ; QI 2.9.t4, and 4.5-6; Best.t44; Ifenestella fr. 2l Peter; Dio 39.f5). He proposed a special court to prosecuteMilo (Cic. QX 2.3.4). After the conferenceof Luca he supported the Triumvirate and was later prosecuted for his part in delaying the elections,but acquitted (Cic. Att.4.15.4, and 16.5-6; Liv. per. r05;Dio 39.27-3r). L. Pnocnrus (*l) Prosecuted and convicted in 54 for his part in delaying the elections in this year (Cic.Att. 4.L5.4,and 16.5-6;cf. Dio 99.2?-Bl). L. Recrr,rus (1) supported the optimate stand against clodius and the Triumvirate (Cic.QF 2.I.2, and.!.5; Fam. I.7.2; Planc.77; Schol,. Bob. L65L.Stangl). P. Rurrr,rus Lupus (27) Pr. 49 Attacked Caesar'sagrarian taw (Cic. QF Z.l.l-g), and supportod Pompey'sclaim to restorethe Egyptian King (Cic.F am. f . t.S, and Z.Z;.
Q. Axorenrus (3) Cic. Besl. ll3; Vat. 16; Bchol. Bob. 135, 146 Stangl. See 55, Promagistrates. C. Cr,euorus Pur,cnnn Pat. (303) Attempted to prevent the removal of the tablet on the Capitol that recorded the law under which Cicero was banished (Dio 3g.2l.l-2: cf.. Phtb. Ci,c.34). CN. Dourrrus Cer,vrNus (43, cf. f f ) Cos. 53, 40 Quaestio de ambitu Presided at the trial of Bestia ile ambi,tu(Cic. Q,F 2.9.6), perhaps also at that of Caeliusde ai, (Cic. Cael,.32; but seeIudex quaestionis).See alsoCic. Besü.113; Vat.16, and 35; Schol,.Bob.I35,146, l5l Stangl. Aediles, Curule . P. Cr,oorusPulonnn (48) Elected in January in spite of the obstruction of Milo and his gangs (Cic.Att. 4.3; QI 2.1.3; Best.88-89; M i,1,. 40 ; Plut. Ci,c.33; Dio 39.7-8 ), he attempted to prosecuteMilo in turn (Cic.QF 2.3.1,and 5.4; Sest.OE; Mil,. 40; Vat. 40-41; Ascon. 48 C; Dio 39.18), baited and annoyed Pompey Qic. QI 2.3.2-3; Dio 39.19), and attacked Cicero and Cato (Cic.Har. Rup., gnssim;Plut. Cic.34; Cat. Mi,n.40; Dio 39.1g),but after the con-ferenceof Luca changed and supported Pompey and Crassus(Cic.Har. Rup.5t-52; Dio 39.29). ? M. (or C.) Cr,luorus Menonr,r,usl (216, 217, 229) Cos. 51, or 50, or 49 A candidatefor the aedileshipof 56 (Cic. Att. 4.9.5).Münzer (RE no. 216; Hermes 40 [905] 97) is inclined to identi{y this Marcellus with C. Marcellus,Cos.50. Iudex Quaestionis ? Cw. Dourrrus (ll) The Domitius who presided over the trial of CaeliusRufus ile ui, (Cic. Cael,.32 and 70-72) may possibly be the same as the Praetor who presided over his secondtrial in 54, and not Cn. Domitius Calvinus, who in 66 presided oyer the Quaestio de ambitu (see above, on Domitius; Seidel,FA 66; Mommsen, $tr.2.584, and note 3).
14 tsroughton II
66 B.C.
Quaestors ? M. Conr,rusVrNrcranus (27) Pr. 48 ? The date is conjectural. See53, Tribunes of tho Plebs. CIL 12.2.781. Promagisffates C. Cancrr,rusCon,NUTüs (43) Pr. 57 Governor of Bithynia and Pontus (Coins of Amisos, Head HNz 497; B.M .Cat., Bi,thyni,a 2l). Q. Cencnrus Mnrnr,r,us Nnpos (96) Cos.57, Pr. 60 Proconsulin Nearer Spain (P.lut. Caes.2l.2), where he dealt with a rising of the Vaccaei (Cic. Proa. Cons.22-23; cf. Dio 39.54.1-2,in 55). Seealso Cic.Fam,.5.3. L. Cenorr,rusR,urus (ll0) Pr. 57 Proconsul (CIL 12.2.761),probably of Sicily, since it, is unlikely that the other province whose governo for this year remains unknown, Crete and Cyrene, would receive a governor with an imperium pro consule. L. Cll,punNrus Prso C.lnsorvrrus (90) Cos.58, Pr. 6l ? Proconsul in Macedonia (see57, Promagistrates). It was decided this year to sendhim a successorin 55 (Cic. Proa. Cons.,pass'im;Pzs.88-89; see55, Promagistrates). Ap. Cr,euprus Pur,csnn Pat. (297) Cos.54, Pr. 57. Governor of Sardinia, title not preserved (Plut'. Caes.2I.2, at Luca; cf. Cic.QF 2.4.6). P. Connnr,rusLnnrur,u-s Spnvmrnn Pat. (238) Cos.57, Pr. 60 Proconsulin Cilicia (Cic.Xam. l.l-7; X'enestellafr. 2l Peter; coins, Head, HNz 666,678; B. M. Catalogue,Phrygia xxxiii and 72f., lxxv and 281f.). Though commissioned late in 57 to restore the Egyptian King to his throne, he was prevented by a Sibylline oracle, which prohibited the use of an army, and by the political manoeuvres of the partisans and opponentsof Pompey and of Crassus(Cic.Iam.l.r-7; QP 2.2.3,and 3.2; Pi,s.50;Rq,b.Post.2l;Plut. Pom,p.49;Dio 39.L216; cf. Cic. Cael,.23-26; Strabo 17.l.ll; see 55, Promagistrates,on Gabinius). On his administrative arrangements in C;4prus, see Cic. Fam.13.48:'cf. Att. 5.27.6. A. Glnrxrus (ll) Cos.58, Pr. 6l ? Proconsulin Syria (Cic.Dom.23 and 55; cf. Liv. Per. 105; see58, Tribunes of the Plebs, on Clodius). AJter crushing the Jewish revolt (see57, Promagistrates), he began to prepare an expedition against the
2l I
Ilarthians (Strabo 12.3.34; l7.l.rl; Joseph. AJ and 102; BJ 1.175-l?6; fustin 42.4.1-2; App. Byr.5f). In spite of Cicoro'seppeel in the De Proaincii,s Consul,ordbruhis command in Swia was continuod into 55. C. Iur,rus Censrn Pat. (f gl) Cos.59, 48,4U44,Pr.62 Proconsul in the two Gallic provinces and Illpicum. By the agrooment at Luca with Pompey and Crassushis command was to be prolonged (see55, Consuls),and he received from the treasury pay for his additional legions, and the right to appoint ten Legates of his own Suet. choice(Cic. Proa. Cons.,passim,esp. 28; Bal,b.6l1,Iam.l.l.l0; Iul,. 24;Plut. Crass. l4.L-6; Pomp. 51.2-4; Caes.2l.2-3; Sahol'.Bern.
Pr. 63
M. Poncrus Ceno (*20) Pr.54 Quaestor pro praetore to annex Cyprus and restore the Byzantine exiles (see57, Promagistrates). He returned in 56, having lost his care' fully kept accounts upon the way, and defended, against Cicero, the legality of the Clodian legislation (Plut. Cat. Mi,n.38*40; 45.2; Dio l)9.23;cf. Cic. Proa. Cons. 45;Yal. Max. 4.1.14;8.15.10;Senec.Rhet. Contr. r0.f .8). Snx. Qurrorrr,rus Vanus Pat. (*7) Pr.57 Proconsul in Farther Spain (Pollio, in Cic. Fom. 10.32.2; dated by his praetorship). C. Snprnrrus (7) Pr.57 Proconsul in Asia (Coinsof Tralles, Head, f/it2 660; B. M. Caüalogue, Lyd,iacxl and 344; dated by his praetorship). 1{r
Q.,nnrusOnce (*78) Pr. 57 Proconsul in Africa (Cic. Iam. 13.6, cf. 6a; to be dated by his praotorship). Tribunes of the Soldiers C. Vor,usuxus (Volusienus*3) Servedunder Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 3.5.2). For other Tribunes, seebelow, Legates, Envoys. Legates, Envoys T. Snrus (ll) T.Tnnnesrorus (5a.820) M. Tnnsrus Gar,r,us (2) Q. Vnr,e.ll.rus (not in*RE). Prefects or Tribunes of the soldiers of equestrian rank, sent by crassus (seeLieutenants) to collect grain from the veneti, Esubii, and Curiosolites, but were arrested and held by them (Caes. BG 3.7.2-4, 8.2-4,9.3,10.2,and 16.4;Dio 39.40.1;Oros.6.8.6-7). Legates, Lieutenants L. AununcüLlrus Corra (6) See57, and 55, Legates. T. Lenrnxus (6) Pr. Legatus pro praetore under caesar, and in charge of the region along the Rhine fCu,ut.BG,ucan 5.345,p. f 67 U' ? P. Lrorr.irusCRÄssus (63) Sent to Aquitania by Caesar,where he carried through a' very successful""*p"igtt (Caes.BG g.II,20-27; cf. 8.46.1;Dio 39.46; Oros' 6.8.19-22; -td.-ott his title, Dio 39.3f). Returned to R'ome with veterans to support the candidacy of Pompey and Crassusfor the consulship of 55 (Dio 39.31.2;cf . Cic' 81 2.7.2). See57, Legates. Q. Menorus CnrsPus (52) Pr. 46 Legate under Piso in Macedonia(Cic. Pis. 54; see57, Legates)' ? Q. Ppnrus (l) Cos.Suff. 43,Pt.48 iegate under Caesarin GauI (see57, Legates; cf . Cic. Pl'anc' l7)' See D.-G.3.700. ? Snn. Sur,prorusGnse Pat. (61) Pr.54 Legate under caesar in Gaul (see57, Legates, on his service during the winter of 57-56). He may have returned to Rome in 56'
(3) Q. Trrunrus Slswus Legale under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 3.f f ; Dio 39'45'I), where he crush'eda rising of the venelli, curiosolites and the Lexovii (caes. BG 3.11.4,and l7-I9; X'; Dio 39.45;Oros.6'8'18)' Q. Tur,r,rusCrcnno (31) Pt.62 Legate Pompey (see Promagistrates), in sardinia whence he retuÄed in June (Cic. QI 2.2.1 and 4, 3.7, 4.7, 5.3, and 6; Iom' l'9'8l01,Scaur.39). L. (Ver,nnrus) FLAccus Pat. (*69, 179) Pr. 63 Legate under Piso in Macedonia(Cic. Pis. 54; see57, Legates)' P. Varrrvrus (*2) Cos.47, Pr. 55 Legate und.erCaesar,but in Rome in 56 while Legate (Cic. Vat.35' note the present tense; cf..Bchol'.Bob. l50f . Stangl). *2) Pr.62 C. Vnncrlrus (Bl'r,nus ?) (Virgilius *3, cf. Legate under Piso in Macedonia (Cic. Proa. Con's.7). Prefects D. Iuwrus Bnurus Ar,srNus (55a, Supb. 5) Pr. rc? Prefect, of Caesar'sfleet against the Veneti (Caes.BG 3'11.5-16'4; Dio 39.40-43; Oros.6.8.7-r6). M. Axrorqrus (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 3l See57 and 55, Prefects' Pontifices 58 ?-56: L. PrNenrus NerrE Cic.4tt.4.8a.3.
Augurs ?-56:L. Lrcwrus Luour,r,us (PoNrrous) (104) Cos. 74, Pr. 78 Cic. Prou. Con's'22. Successor:see55, Augurs. Flamen Martialis Before 69-56: L. ConNnr,rusLnxrulus NrGER Pat. fore 60 Successor:? L. Conxnr,rus Lnwrur,uss Pat. (196) Cic.Att. 4.6.1-2;cf .l2.7.l,late in 46 B. C.
(234) Pr' be-
6 6B . C . - 6 6 B . C .
SeptemviriEpulones Cx. Connnr,rusLENTur,üsMarcnr,LrNus Pat. (228) Cos.56 Montionedin 56 (Cic.Har. Resp.21). Luperci M. Cenr,rusRunus (35) Pr. 48 L. HnnnNrrns Ber,nus (18) Cic.Cael'.26. "flel1 Noüe the monogram MAR, in ligature inscribed on tho statue of the of aedileship the from a, mark it is that " lenistic Ruler." P. i[üiams cf. Rhys Carpentor, ibid. 3671'. C. Clautlius Maroellus (AJA 4SllS4ü3a4t.; 2It is extremely improbable that the Quaestor of 61 and Tribune of 56 should be identified *itü tttä Consul Suffectus of 30 (seo PIRI I.I4l), since Cassar m"d" 1ötro[4oe)the latter Quaestor (Plut. Caas. 5.3), a process hardly within his power in 61. g'Klose (p. 25), in opposition to D.-G. and Mürrzer, who refer the notice in Atü. I2.7.L tä Lentulus Niger, holds that the interval of eleven years is too great for such a referonce üo apply. a L. Cornslius Lentulus, Flamen Martialis, is known betwoen 20 and l5 B. c. (but seo PIRz 2.336, no. 1384). Ifloso admits that the son of Lentulus Niger was not a Flamen in 54 (Cic. Qtri' 3.f .f 5; Ascon. 28 C). Mürrzer's opinion seoms preferable (RE no. 196)
udd.CIL12.2.27ll),whileCrassuscarriedaLexdesodaliciis'inwhioh it was limitod' to fivo the selection of luro"s to i"ag" offences-under (Cic' Plaw' 36-48 ; I am' 8'2'L ; i"ä"" *itrt "ight äf ""j ecti; of only-one t'he Lex Trebonial (soo öi"-s9.32; Echol,.ää. tsz Stangtl' I]nd'er Pompey received command of Tribunes of the Ple;;,'";T";boti"sl Both then -or fär'a like t'erm' Spain for five yut"r-o"a Crassus of Syria in effect prolonged caesar'g uiri #ni"r, ;;h"; explicitty ;J"riri; the discussionof a successor t""- i" Gaul for five years, sinäeit forbade 8.3.3; cael.,inc.ic. rant'. beforeMarch l, 50 iö;;ffi;.7.7.6, and 9.4; Cat' Min' 43'5-6; Pomp' 8.8.4,and 9.5; Vell.'i-+A.Z;Plut' Cross'l5'f ; 2a'r; App' BC 2'L8;Dio 52.3,LexT""borrit; boÄ. zt's; Suet"Iztr' 39.33.2-3,three Years)' amid tribunicial opposition crassus departed roi'sy"i* in November, cf ' Att' 4'9'1' and r3'2; Di'a' L'29; and evil omens tcii.-liii.l'9'20, Vat' Max' l'6'Il; PIin' 2.84;Fin. S'Zf ; Strabo l6'l'28; Liv' Per' 105; 52'34; Cat' Mi'n' Pomp' 15-16; Nfl 15.83;Lucan 3.126;PIut' lras.r gg'39'Z'and'39'I and Dio l'46'l-3; 43.L;Cic.26.r;App'-Bö ZJ,a;Flor' *11t" Pompey remainedinltaly and ;'ttii, 5-7; Eutrop. 6.18.r;ö; of Legates (Pl.ot" Pon'''p' 53'r; App' ti, p"ooit""; ;y -"# ;"";;;d BC 2.r8; Dio 39.39.1-4). Censors
55 B.C.
Consuls Cn. PoupmusCN.f. Snx.n. Macwus (*15) Cos.70,52 M. LrorNrusP. f. M. n. CnassusDrvns (6s) Cos.7o,Pr.73? perhapsalso901-903;Caes.BG 4.I.1; Dio 39, Index, CIL 12.2.765, and 50.1;Eutrop.6.18.1;Oros.6.13.I;Chr. 354(MagnoII et Grasso); xai Kpdooou); I}Iast.Hgil,. (PompeioII et Crasso);Chr. Pasc. (flop,nzldou Cassiod. SeeDegrassi 132, 494f.. Elected by violence after an interregnum (Cic. Att. 4.8a.L-2; QI 2. 46 ; PIut. C rass.15; P omp. 51.4--52.2; Cat - M i'n. 4I-42' 2.7.2 ; Y eLL. cL.Caes.2L3-4; App. BC 2.17; Dio 39.27-3I), they then administered the other elections in favor of their candidates (Cic. Fam. 1.8.1and 4, and 9.19;QF 2.7.3;Liv. Per.I05; Val. Max. 4.6.4;PLttL.Pomp.52-53; Cat. Mi,n. 42;Dio 39.32; seePraetors, on Vatinius). Pompey canied a law to limit the selection of jurymen to the highest rating in the census cf. ?.ll ; Ascon.17 C); and (Cic.Phi,t.l.2O; Pis.94; SaIl.Ail Caes.2.3.3, of Venus Victrix with templo portico, and his theater, dedicated sumptuous ga,mes(for the ma,ny references,see D.-G. 4.526-530, and
Pat' (*76) Cos' 6l' M. Ver,nnrus M. f. M'. f. Mnsser'r'e (Nraun) Pr.64z. (93) Cos'r9' Pr'.90 P. Snnvr,rus C. f. M. n. Vlrre Iseumcus Itnl' l3'3' cic. Att.4.g.l, and lI.2; onvalerius,InsU' cIL L2.2.766; Val' Max' Servilius' on and 77;Yal.Max. 2.9.9; S.1+.S;Plin' 'l/l/ 7'55; they at54 in flood äi.0. s"" Degrassi'tä2,454f. A{ter-a destructive cf. Dio a-t; 12.2.766 (CIL Tiber i"*pt"a to r{date the stream of the did but '7\' +'L7 Att' (Cic' 54 in Juty 39.61.r-2). tn"y *""" ,lill in office not comPlete the lustrum. Praetors T. ArrNrus Mno (PerrnNus) (67) 52 (Ascon.30 C)' Cic.Mi,t,.68.A candidate ior ihe consulshipof (99) Cos' 52 ? Q. Cencrr,rus MnrnrÄrls hus Sorpro N'lsrca 'ihe latest date possible under the Cornelian law' (not in -B-O) Gutrl withPomn p"*ibfe candidä,tefor the consulship of 52' apparently
55 B.C.
poy's support (Cic.QI 3.8.6,where Gutta is the read.ingof M; emended to Cotta, Oxford text). On the name, seeCic. Cluent. 127. ? P. Pr,eurrus Hrrpsenus (23) A candidate for the consulship of 52 (Ascon. 30 C). See Liv. per. 107; Plut. Cat.Mi,n.47.r; App. BC 2.90;Dio 40.53.1; Schot.Gron. B22 Stangl; cf. Val. Max. 9.5.3; Plut. Pomp. 55.3. P. VmrNrus (*2) Cos. 47 By means of bribery, obstruction and violence Pompey and Crassus securedhis electionto the exclusionof Cato (Cic.QF 2.7.8;Iam. t.9.l9; Liv. Per. 105; Val. Max. 7.5.6; Plut. Cat. Min.42; Pomp.52; Dio 39.32.1-2;cf. Quintil. Inst.Or.6.r.13; 9.2.25).SeeLübker no. 2. Aediles, Curuie ? L. Anmnrus Peur,r,us Pat. (81) Cos.50, Pr. 58 Probably Curule Aedile when he undertook the repair of the Basilica Aemilia (Cic. Att. 4.17.7; seeMünzer, Herme,s40 [190b] 97f.). ? Noxrus Srnuua (60) A curule magistrate, probably an Aedile, in a year when Vatinirts, hopeswere high (Catullus 52.2; cf..Plin. -l/I1 37.81).
C. TnneoNrus (6) Cos.45, Pr. 48 Carried against all obstruction his law to give Crassuscommand of Syria and Pompey of both Spanish provinces, each for five years (Liv. Per. 105; Cic. Att. 4.9.1; Vell. 2.46.2;PIut. Pom,p.52; Crass.15; Cat. Mi,n. 43; Dio 39.33-36). Mnmrr,rus (not in -B-U) L. R,oscrus X'aei.rus (15) Pr. 49 A. Arr,rnwus (1.1585) Pr. 49 Snx. Pnnucanus (6) C. X'anrus (cf. l7) The authors of the Lex Mamilia Roscia Alliena Peducaea X'abia2 (Riccobono,Xont. Iur. Rom. Antei,usti,n.1.138-140,quoted from Lachmann, Röm. Feldmesser1.263). See Rudolph, Snü und Staat i,m rönrischenIüaliezal86ff., esp. 196-198;H. S. Jones, JRS 26 (1936)270f..; L. R,.Taylor, Stud.P r esentedto A. C. J ohrrconpp. 68-78, and above, 109, Tribunes of the Plebs, and note 2. The law apparently dealt with the extension of municipal organization in connection with Caosar's agrarian law and the activities of the land commissioners. Quaestors
Aediles of the Plebs (2) C. Mnssrus Celebratedthe X'loralia as Aedile (Val. Max. 2.t0.8; cf..Bell. Afr. 33.2; Dio 39.32.2;and on his trial in 54, Cic. Att. Senec.Rhet. Contr.7.4.8). See69, Aediles of the Plebs, on Cicero. Tribunes of the Plebs P. Aqurr,r,rus Glrr,us (25) With Ateius Capito, he opposed the plans of Pompey and Crassus, and attempted to prevent the passageof the Lex Trebonia (Phft. Cat. Mi,n.43.4;Dio 39.32.3,and 35.3-36.1). C. Arprus Ceprno (7) Pr. With Gallus, he opposed Pompey and Crassus, and attempted to prevent the passage of the Lex Trebonia (Plut. Cat. Mi,n. 48; Dio 39.32.3,and 35-38). He attended Crassus'departure for his province with solemnexecrations(Cic.Dia. 1.29-30;2.8If.; Yell. 2.46.8;Plut. Crass. 16; App. BC 2.18; X'lor. 1.46.3,Metellus; cf. Cic. Att.4.IB.2; Fam. 1.9.20; Lucan 3.126; see A. D. Simpson, TAPhA G9 [1988] 632-54r\.
? P. Lronrrus CBAssüs (63) fssued coins, perhaps as a Quaestor (Mommsen, RMW 640f., no. 288; Grueber,CRRBM 1.487f.; seePink, p. 39). t ? L. Mrrvucrus BasrlTrs (10) Pr. i,8 t,g c,l 1)'Z'' Legate in Gaul in 53, or possibly 5a (Cic.QF 3.1.21;see53, Legates). ? C. Sar,r,usrrus Cnrsrus (10) Pr. 46 Ps.-Cic. In Sal,l,.f 5 (Didius). The date of his quaestorshipisprobably 55, since he was born in 86 and held the tribunate of the Plebs in 62. Interrex M. Vc,nnrus MDssar,a(Nrern) Pat. (*76) Cos. 61, Pt.64? Interrer ter, Insu. Itü\,. 13.3.77-CIL 12.1,P. 201-ILB 46. Promagistrates M. Anur,rus Sclunus Pat. (141) Pr. 56 Governor of Sardinia (Ascon. 18 C), probably Proconsul (CIL L2.2. ttl l). Prosecutedfor extortion immediately after his return in 64, but
acquitted(Cic.Scaur',qnsei,m;QI2.15.3;3'I.rl; Att' +'tg'0, cf' l5'9; Vai. Max. 8.1.10;Ascon. l8-2S C). See54, Promagistrates' Q. ANcnanrus (3) Pr. 56 Proconsulin Maced.onia(cic. Iam. 13.40),in successionto Piso (cic. Pis. 89). SeeDaux, Delphu 598,no. l0; cf. Pomtow, Kli'o 15 (1918)70' no. 99. Q. Clncrr,rus Mnrnr,r,us Nppos (96) Cos' 57, Pr' 60 Proconsul in Nearer spain (Plut. caes. 21.2),wbLerche faced a rising of the Vaccaei (Dio 39.54.f-2)' See56, Promagistrates' L. Celpunrrus Prso CensoNrxus (90) Cos. 58, Pr' 61? Proconsul in Macedonia (see57, Promagistrates), whence he returned before late summer of this Year.3 C. Cr,eunrus Pur,onnn Pat' (303) Proconsul in Asia (cistophori of Ephesus, Pergamum, and Tralles, Head.,HNz 576,535,and gAO;n.A.Cat',Mysia xxxf', Lyd'i'acxland 334; Cic. Scaur.35; cf . Cic.Aüt. 4.15.2,flraetor,dated Jüy 27, 541' P. Conxnr,rus Lrxrur,us Sprxrsnn Pat. (23S) Cos' 57, Pr' 60 Proconsul in Cilicia (see 56, Promagistrates), where he continued. until the arrival of his successorin 53, and was acclaimed Imperator (Cic.Iam.1.8.7, and 1.9.2,and prescript). A. GrsrNrus (ll) Cos.58, Pr. 6l ? continued. as Proconsul in syria (see 56, Promagistrates; cic. Pds. 88; Fam. I.9.20; Ascon. l-2 C). In the spring of 55 he restored the 19-21, EgyptianKing to his throne (Cic.Att.4.10.1, April; Rab_._!o9t. pii. 9'1, Max. I05; Val. Per. l?.1.1r;Liv. +g-SO; Strabo ct.-gO-Sr; App' Ant.3.2-6; Plntt'. I.1?5-176; BJ 14.98-100; AJ ext. 6; Joseph. BC 2.24; Oio aS.S5-58;42.2.4; and on the garrison he left in Egyltt, Caes.BC 3.4.4,and 108.5,110.2;Bell,.Al'er.3.3; VaI. Max.4.1'15; Senec.Di,at.6.14.2;App. BC 2.54-85; Dio 42.5.4),and was later after his return in 54 acquitted. in the resulting trial for ma'iestas(Qic. Att. , n d 2 . I , 4 . 1 , 5 . 5 ,a n d -7 . 1 ; A p p ' 4 . 1 8 . 3 - 4a, n d 1 9 . l ; Q X 3 . 1 . L 5a n d ' 2 4 a BC 2.24, condemned!; Dio 39.62). He crushed another uprising in Judaea and made war upon the pirates (Joseph' AJ I4.l0l-104; BJ f .f ?6*178).His control of the publicans bitter attacks upon him in Rome (Cic.Proa.Cons.10-14,in 56; Pis.4l;QI 2'11.2;3.2.2;Dio 39.59), and though acquitted oI maiestas he was condemned for extortion (Cic.QX 5.2.1,and.9.1; Rab. Post.8-12, l9-2I,30-35, 38, cf. Val. Max. 4.2.4,cf..8.1,abs.3; App. Syr.5I; BC 2.24;Dio Pi,s.49-50; 39.6r-63; 46.8.1; Schot.Bob. 168, r77 Stangl). See E. M. Sanford, TAPLA 70 (1939)6+-52.
66 B.C. C. Iur,rus Ceosen
Cos. 59, 48,4&-44, Pr. 62
Proconsul in the two Ga,llicprovinces and Illyricum (see69, Tribuneo of the Plebs, Vatinius). In this year he crushed, after probably violating the rights of Legates, the Usipetes and the Tencteri, who had crossed the Rhine into northern Gaul, and bridging tho river, made a domon' stration in force on the German side (Caes.BG 4.1-lS;Liv. Per. lO6; Suet. Iul,.25; Ptut. Caes. 22-23; Cat. Mi'n. 5l.l-4; Comp. Ni'a. et Crass.4.3; App. Celt. L.4, and 18; X'lor. 1.45.14-15;Dio 39.47-60; Oros. 6.8.23-9.1; Jerome Chr. ad.ann. 56, p. f 55 Helm); thon carried through his first expedition to Britain (Caes.BG 4.20-38; Liv. Per, 105; Strabo 4.5.2-3; Vell. 2.46.1;Val. Max. 3.2.23;Lucan 2.571-672; Suet. Iul,. 25l;Tac. Agr. 13; Plut'. Caes. 23.2-3; Comp. Nic. et Craee. 4.2; Flor. 1.45.16-17;Dio 39.50-53; Eutrop. 6.17.3;Oros.6.9.2-3). C. Pormrrxus (Pontinius *l) Pr. 63 See62-54, Promagistrates; cf. Cic. Prls.58. Crr. Pouruus MacNUs (*15) Cos.70, 55,52 Proconsul in charge of the grain supply (see57, Promagistratos; Dio 3e.3e.4). ? Snx. Qunrornrus Vlr,us Pat. (*7) Pr. 57 May have remained as Proconsul in X'arther Spain until Poüpey boca,megovernor (see56, Promagistrates). Legates, Lieutenants L. Aunur.rour,nrus Corra (6) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 4.22.5,and 38.3). T. Lenrnrcus (6) Pr. Legatus pro praetore under Caesar in Gaul (see 58, Legates; Caos. BG 4.38.r). ? Q. Nunrnnrus R, (5) A Legate, honored at Lissus (CIL L2.2.759).Probably a Legato undor Caesarsoon after his tribunate of the Plebs in 57. ? M. Pr,enroRrns (Cnstrenus) (16) Pr. 64 Went to Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia (Cic. Xam,.l.8.l), perhaps as a Legate. P. Sur,prcrus Rurus Pat. (93) Pr. 48 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 4.22.6). Q. Trrunrus Senruus (3) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 4,22.6,and-38.3).
66 B.C.
220 L. Arnexrus
(6) Cos. 60, Pr.72?
M. Pnrnnrus (3) Pr. bef. 63 Pompoy's Legates were sent off to Spain immediately after he reooived tho command, so before the end of 55 (Dio 39.39.4; cf. Vell. 2.48.1;Plut. Pomp. 53.1-2;App. BC 2.18; see54, Legates). Prefect of Cavalry M. ANronrus (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 3l Served under Gabinius in Sy'ria, and actively aided in restoring the Egyptian King (Plut. Ant.3). Augurs P. Lronvrus Cnessus (63) Phfi. Ci,c.36.1. Probably successorof L. Licinius Lucullus; see 56, Augurs, cf. Dio 39.f 7. 1 Niccolini (f'"P 309) considers that tho bill to prolong Caesar's comrnand was a Lex Trebonia, but Cassius Dio distinguishes clearly betweon the two bills, and Hirtius in Caes. BG 8.63 mentions tt'e Len Pom'pei et Crass'i. 2 The name of this law shows that it is not identical with Caesar's Lex Agraria, despito tho identity of cortain clauses as quoted by Callistratus in Di,g. 47.2I.3 (Fabricius, BBAH 1924-1925, Abh. 1, 11-15; identified by Rudorff' and after him by Mommsen, Ges. Schr.5.200f,). But that same identity indicates a date in the Caesarian period and a connection with his program' Moteover, several of the names mentioned belong to persons who were prominent in t'his period (see above, on Roscius and Allienus). A date between 59 and 56 is excluded because the names of the Tribunes known in each of these years do not leavo room for this group of five. This year on the other hand is appropriate sinco Pompey and Crassus wero in command of the government in R,ome, there are vacant, places on the list for these Tribunes, and the interval between this year and that of the praoüorships of R,oscius and Allionus is a normal one. The Fabius who was Tribuno this year and a Logate under Caesar thereafter should bo distinguished from the Praetor of 57. It is probable that the law was passed to regulate problems that had arisen in tho formation of municipalities and the regulation of their land as the commissioners under the Lex Agraria of Caesar continued their task. They were probably active through much of this decado, as there was still some land undistributed in 50 (Cael. in Cic. ,Forz. 8.10.4). Soe Rudolph, Stadt u,nd, Staat'irn riiqn'ischemltal'ien l86ff., esp. 196-198; rev. by I1. S. Jones, JRB26 (1936) 270f.; L. F,. Taylor, Sttd'ies Presented'to Prolessor A. C. Johnsompp. 68-78; on the LexMamilia of I09, see 109, Tribunes ofthe Plebs, and note 2. 3 Cicero's In P'isonermwas delivered shortly before tho games at, the dedication of Pompey's theater, at a timo when the heat was still intense (Cic. P'tls. 6ö; Ascon. l, and 15-16 C; Val. Max 2'4'6).
64 B.C.
54 B.C.
A.U.C. 700
Consuls L. Dourrrus CN. f. CN. n. Annrvonennus (27) Pr. 58 Ap. Cr,auorus Ar. f. Ap. n. Pur,onnn Pat. (297) Pr. 57 CIL 12.2.927-929;Cic. Qn 2J3.3; Caes.BG 5.1.1; Ascon. l, and 18 C; Dio 39, fndex, and.60.2;40, fndex, and I.l; Obseq.64 (Gneo Domitio Appio Claudio); Chr. 354 (Aenobarboet Phucro); Fast. Hyil. (Achenobarboet Pulchro), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;and on CIaudias, Schol,.Bob. 152 Stangl. SeeDegrassi 132, 494f.. Domitius continued in strong opposition to the Triumvirato and their henchmen, against Caesar (Suet. Nero 2.2, cI. Iul. 24), against Gabinius (Cic. QF 2.11.2; Dio 39.60.3-4), and even opposed burial honors for Iulia (Dio 39.6a). Claudius became reconciled with Cicero (Iam. 1.9.4and 19; 3.10.8and l0; QF 2.10.1-3;'Bcaur. 3f-37), first aided Gabinius by using comitial days to delay the proceedingsagainst him (Cic.QE 2.11.3),then attacked him (QI 3.2.3; Dio 39.60.3-4),aidod Pomptinus at last to obtain his triumph (seePromagistrates), servod along with a commission of ten Legates to settle disputes betweon fnteramna and Reate (Varro RR 3.2.3;cf. Cic. Scaur.27; 4tt.4.15.6), and vowed a propylon to Demeter at Eieusis (CIL 12.2.775).Both Consuls were involved in the election sca,ndalof this year (Cic. Att. 4.I 5.7, and 17.2 ; cL.QF 3. l. I 6, and 2.3, and 3.2). Claudiusproceodedto his province of Cilicia, probably without the benefit of a Leu curi'ata de imperi,o(Cic.Att. 4.18.4; F am. 1.9.25; QI 3.2.3). Praetors ? M. Cr,euorus Mencnr,r,us (229\ Cos. 5l The latest d.atepossible under the Cornelian law. ? C. ? CoscoNrus (5) See 53, Promagistrates. (Il) ? Dourrrusl Quaestio de vi Presided over the second prosecution of Caelius Rufus (Cic. Q.F
? FoNrrcrus (not in ,B.O) Perhaps a Pr. IJrbanus, since Cicero returned to Rome to the Ludi Apollinares for his sake(Att. 4.15.6). M. Poncrus CLro (*20) Quaestiode repeüundis Presided over the trials of Scaur:us(Val. Max. 3.6.7; Ascon. 19, and
64 B.C.
20 C), and of Gabiniusfor extortion (Cic.eF, cf. 4.1, probably anothor Cuto; Att. 4.17.4; see55, promagistrates),opposedgranting ä triumph to Pomptinus (cic. att.4.18.4; seepromagisiratesi and during the scandals caused by bribery in the elections-be"r-" ih" holder *.u*u" made by the tribunician candidates for their good.cond"uct 9l.u (Cia Att.4.t5.7;QE ZJa.a; Senec.Epp. r04.JO;plut. Cat."Mi,n.44.2_7; cf. Plin. -l/f/ pref. 9). P. Snnvnrus fsarrnrcus (62) Cos. 4g, 4l _Brought c. Messius into court although he was aLegate of caesar (cic. Att. 4.15.9), and joined with catä in opposing i triumph for Pomptinus (Cic.Att.4.18.4; gF 5.4.6). Snn. Sur,prcrus Ger,se Pat. (61) Enabled his old commander psmptinus to secure his triumph (Dio 39.65.2). L. Anr,rus Tusnno2 (150) M. Aunnr,rus Corna (109) M. Consrorus NorvreNus (lg) C. X'aNnrus (9) SeeCic. Beeü.ll3-ll4; Vat. 88; Bchot.Bob. t}l Stansl. L. Posrunrus (see*50) P. Snsrrus (6) Vocowrus (*4) The appearance of the members of this group as promagistrates in various provinces and commands in 4g after thä passageoipompey,s law.making mandatory an interval of five yeais beiween the^city magistracy and the pr_ovincialcommand.,suggeststhat they had heli "good the praetorship by or before 54 B. c. x'anniriJ at least had prospects of_attaining the praetorship when he was referred to"in 56 (see above). rt is not clear how far the emergency caused exemFtions from the law in 49, nor doesit appear to havä ,ppti"a to the migistrates in office in 52.
Praetor or Quaesitor C. Ar,r,rus X'r,avuss (z) Presided over the trial of Gabinius for ma,iestas(cic. er 8.r.24, and. 3.3; cf' 3.4.1-2; Att.4.tB.t-B), and over that of planciu'sfor violation of the law of Crassusde sod,al,i,ci,i,s (Cic. pl,anc.43 and 104).
rlf B.o.
228 Aediles, Curule
(lrv.Pr,mvorus (4) The successful candidate, who was prosecuted by his unsuccessful rival ruventius Laterensis under the law of Crassuj ile sodaliciis (Cia. I'ly,2ca,Wssi,m,esp. a9;QF g.t.ll ; Schol,.Bob. 142 Stangl; cf. Gruobor, (:nnBM r.49U.). SeeLübker no. t. A. Pr,eurrus (Pr,orrus) (8) Pr. 5l cic. Plnnc. 17 and 58; Gruebet, cRRBM
r.490f. see Lübker no. 2.
Tribunes of the Plebs l). Lnnr,rus (6) Aided Gabinius when after his conviction for extortion he was I reated too contemptuously by C. Memmius (Val. Max. g.l, abs. B). (i. Mnuurus (9) Pressed against Gabinius the charge of extortion, on which he was t:onvicted(Cic.QI B.l.tb, and 2.1, and 3.2; Rab. post.Z and 32; Val. Max. 8.1, abs. 3; see55, Promagistrates).probably the Memmius who lrrosecutedDomitius calvinus for bribery (cic. Att.4.r7.E, cf. lg.B; QF 3.2.3,and 3.2). Q. Mucrus Soanvola (28) Because of the election scandals he continually used obnuntiati,oto
64 B.C.
? C. SonrnoNrusCuRror (ll) No title preserved. May have served in this year andlntil late in 53 or early in 62 under C. Claudius Pulcher in Asia (Cic. Phi'I' 2'4; Fom' 2.6.I; cf. Fam.2.l-6). L. Snsrrus Pllvsl (r0) Quaestor in Asia (OGIS 452), probably Proquaestor early in this year when he opposed the wishes of Magnesia under Sipylus (Cic' QI 2.5.2). Promagistrates Q. ANouamus (3) Pr.56 Probably continued. this year as Proconsul in Macedonia (see 55, Promagistrates). C. Cr,euorus PuLcHDR Pat. (303) Pr. 56 Proconsul in Asia, his command prorogued into 53 (Cic. Scaur' 35; see55, Promagistrates). P. Connnr,rusLEN[uLus Srrr'rtnnn Pat. (238) Cos.57, Pr' 60 Proconsul in Cilicia, and Imperator (Cic. Fam. 1.9, prescript)' C. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (131) Cos.59, 48, 46-44,Pr. 62 Proconsul in both Gallic provinces and Illyricum (see55, consuls, on the Lex Pompeia Licinia). In 54 he carried through his second.expedition to Britain (Caes.BG 5.1- 23; Cic. Att.4.I5.l0, and 18.5;0'E 2.13.1-2,and 15.4; 3.1.10and 13 and 25; 3.3.1;Fant,.7.6.2;Strabo 4.6.2-3;Liv. Per.l05; VeII. 2.47.1-2;Senec.Dial. 6.14.3;Tac' Agr' 13; Suet. Iul.25;Plut. Caes.23.3-4,cf. 16.3-4; App. Cel,t.l'5; 19; X'lor. 1.45.18-19;Polyaen. 8.23.5;Dio 40.1-4; Eutrop' 6.17'3; R'uf' X'est.6; Oros.6.9.3-iO.f ;. During the autumn and'early winter he had to subdue a seriousrising in northern Gaul (Caes.BG 5.2+-58; cic. QF 3.8.2; Fam.7.I0'2;Liv. Per. 106; PIut. Caes.24.L-25't; Pomp' fe; Suet.IuI. 25; App. Celt.20; X'lor.1.45'7-8;Polyaen' 3'23'6and'23; Dio 40.4.2-12.t ; Oros.6.r0. 1*r3). M. Lrcnrrus Cnessus (68) Cos-70, 55, Pr. 73 ? Proconsul in syria the Lex Trebonia (see55, Tribunes of the Plebs, on Trebonius). Reaching his province after a stormy passage (Joseph.AJ 14.104;ßJ l.l7g;Ftut. Crass.f 7; App. Syr' 51),heraided , li{esopotamianterritory (Plut. Crass.lT; X'lor. 1.46.3;Dio 40.f 2-13; Ruf . h'est. 17.2; Oros. 6.f a.Z;, and in the courseof his preparationsfor the invasion of Parthia in 53 seized the temple treasures of llierapolis and of Jerusalem (Joseph.aJ L4.105-I09; BJ r.179; PIut. Crass. L7:' Hegesipp.I.2L.2; Oros.6.13.f).
Cx. - PotupnrusMAGNUs ('t16) Cos' 70, 66,62 of the l'ro"orrr.rl in Spain ond"r the Trebonian law (see55' Tribunes -the grain of "1":g9. in Itaty l,lobs, on Treboiius). He remained i" increasing "upnlV (Dio 39'39.4,, and 63'3), and'.in touch with the that suggest to^ begal his^friends which onä"Jty'i, Rome, to remedy 4'53I-533)' D'-G' see S'8'a; (Cic. dtt.4.r8'3; QI ho be namedDictator ettr'uendoftheyearhelentCaesaralegionEh4recruited.inCisCaes' ,rtpin" GauI during his consulship in 55 (Caes'BG 6'l'2-4;Pbft' 25.1). (Pontinius *1) Pr' 63 C. - PouPrrrus oi Witn the aid" th" Praetor Ser. Ga1baand the Consul Ap. Claudius, over tho he secured.permission to celebrate his triumph for his victory Pts.58). cf. Allobrogesin62-6r (Cic.Att.4.18.4;QI 3.a.6;Dio 39.65; SeeDegrassi 84f., 566. Tribunes of the Soldiers (26) Pt' 47 or 46 M. Cuntrus Postuuus Cic.QI 2.r3.3; 3.1.10; cf. Att. 9.6.2. Q. Lennmus Dunus (6) Killed in battle in Britain (Caes.BG 5.15.5;cf . Oros.6.9.5,Labienus)' Pntnoxrus (84) Served undör C"uu*or in Syria (see53, Tribunes of the Soldiers). Legates, Lieutenants L. Annaxrus (6) Cos. 60, Pr.72? Legate urrderpbmpey in spain (vell.; see55, and 49, Legates). L. Aunuxcrrr,Drüs Corra (6) ' Legate under Caesar in Gaul. Killed by the Eb-uronesin the revolt (Caes]BG 5.24.5,and 26.I-37.7;Liv. Per' I06;Plut' Caes'24'l; X'Ior' 1.45.8;Dio 40.5-6; Oros.6.10.1). C. X'enruss (see17) Legate undär caelar in GauI (Caes.BG 5.24.2, and 46.5, and. 47.3, and 53.3). ? A. Hm,rrus (2) Served.under'iaesar in Gaul, perhaps as a Legate, before 52, while Q. Cicero was still there (Cic. Iam. 16.27.1-2)' T. LesrpNus (6) Pr. Legatus pro praetore under caesar in Gaul. Held command in Gaul 15 Broughton II
luring coosar's expedition to Britain, and herd the territory of tho Tnowiri d-uringthe uprising (Caes.BG 8.g.t, and tl.B_4, and 28.4, and 24.2, and 37.7, and 46.4, and 47.4_5,and 58, and S5_SS ; Cic. eX 3.8.2;Dio 40.11;Oros.6.I0.10_t2). P. Lrcnrrus Cnrssus (69) Joined his father in syiia in the winter of 54-63 with 1000 Gallio horse (Plut. Crass.f Z.4 and 6). C. Mnssrus (2) Though appointed a Legato of caesar on the recommendation . of lppiou claudius, he was returned. to Rome for trial uy-"ai"t of the Praetor P. Servilius (Cic. Att.4.t5.g). L. Muwarrus Pr,a-lvcus (g0) Cos.42,pr. 45 ? Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.iJG s.zt.S, and,25.4). M. Pnrnorus (g) pr.64? LegateunderPompeyin Spain (Vell. 2.4S.f see55, and.4g, ; Legates). ? L. Rosorus F-LnErus (15) pr. 49 Served under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 6.24.2and. T, and 58.6). P. Sur,prcrusRulus (gg) pr. 4g Seryed under Caesarin Gaul. See55, and 53_4g, Legates. Q. Trrunrus Sesnus (S) .Legabeunder caesar in Gaul. Kiled in the revort of the Eburones (Caes.BG 5.24.5,and 26.1*87.7, and.89.1,and 53.4; Liv. per. t06; PIut,.Caes.24.l; X'lor. 1.45.8;Dio 40.5_6; {i"or. 6.10.11.-ee uboo", o' Aurunculeius Cotta. C. Tnnrorrus (6) Cos.Suff.45. pr.48 - Legate under caesar in Gaul. rre shared in the expedition üo Britain BG 5.17.2), and in the autumn was^station"d-uonorrgthe !9Tt:. -s"" Belgae (BG 5.24.3)' and aided in the relief of euintus ciceroci". or 3.r.9. Q. Tur,rrus Cronno (Bt) pr. 62 Legate under Caesar_in_Gaul(Cic. Att. 4.t4.2, eF 2.t0.+_5; 2.I2_ 3'9,pnssi'm;Fam,. r.g.2r). r{e sharedin the expediiion to Britain (cic. Att.4.t5.I0, cf. t2.6,and 18.5; e X 2 . t B . Z , , r i a r S . r ; 8 . 1 . 1 0 ,a n d 2 5 ; 3'3'l), and went into winter-quarters among the Nervii, where he bravely sustained a sev,eresiegi and probabrf savea tile situation for Caesarin northern GSul (CaeslBG r.i+.2, 88_.52; Cic.Att. aJ9.2; eF 3.8.2;Liv. Per. 106;P^ht.Caes.24.2_8;App. Cett.2l; pofya"". 8.28.8; Dio 40.7-10; Oros.6.10.2-9).
n48.0.-63 B.O. Oorevrus
V.l,nouNrnrus (*4) Legates of Crassusin 53 (see 53, Legates). They probably a,ccompanied him to Syria in 54. Prefects Q. Arnrus (4) Prefect to guard Caesar'sfleet during his expedition to Britain (Caes. ßG 5.9.1,and 10.2). r Domitius should probably be distinguished from both the Praetor of 66 (Calvinus) and the Consul of 54 (Ahenobarbus). Mürrzer (.R-E) points out that l,here were other Domitii of somo prominence in this period (see Ascon, 64 C; Caes. BC 2.42.3; BCH I8 p8941 419f.). 2 On Aelius Tubero, Cotta (porhaps but, not certainly referrod to in Q-F 3.8.6, rvhere Ms roading Gutta is emended to Cotta, as a possible candidato for the t:onsulship of 52), and Postumius, see Hölzl 66f., Stella Maranca 332; and Wehrmarrn 68, on Domitius, 7I, on Cotta and Tubero, and72, on Fannius. Nonius Sufenas, }'anniw, Voconius, and Sestius ane named in Cic. Att. 8.15.8, all with imperiurn in March of 49, and Postumius was in February directed to succeed Fnrfanius in Sicily (Att.7.15.2). On Postumius, who was temporarily prominont between 5l and 49, see Sall. .4d Caes, 2,9.4, now datod with probabiliüy by Carlson to 5l B. C. (E,ine Denlcschrilt an Caesa,r ,über d,emBüaaü [Lund, 1036] 12-26\. 3 Mommsen (Str.2.201, note 4) holds that Alfius was not a Praetor, since his title is merely Quaesitor, but Greenidgo (Legal, Procedure,in C,icero's Day, 430), holds that he was. The latter seems tho more probable conclusion, since ho was cmpowered to issue edicts (Cic. QF 3.L24r, and he had previously competed for the praetorship of 56 (Cic. Sesf. 113-114; Vat.38; Schol,.Bob. 135, I5l Stangl). a Curio is not specifically called a Quaostor in any text, but the evidenco for his age, and the date ofhis tribunate support the conjecture. He did not return to Rome before the autr.rmn of 53, since Cicoro attained the augurato in his obsence (Cic. Phi.l,. 2.4. 6 In Caes. BG 6,53.6 the Mss readings vary botween qLtaestoreandlegato, and in 25.5 the pluralEua,estor,ibus might favorthat title. But against it is the probability t,hat he was one of the Tribunes who carried the Lex Mamilia Roscia Peducaea Alliena Fabia (seo 55, Tribunes of the Plebs).
53 B.C.
Consuls CN.DomrrrusM. f. M. n. Car,vrNus (43,cf. f l) Cos.40,.Pr.56 - f. - n. Mnssar,r.,e M. Vsl.r,unrus Rurus Pat. (* 77) Pr. 62? CIL 12.2.930, cf. 944,2663c;Cic.QF 3.8.3;Ascon.48C; Pl:ut.Pomp. 54.3; Dio 40, Index, and l7.l; Chr. 354 (Carvinoet Messalla);Iast. 16f,
Hgil. (Balbino et Messala),so also Chr. Pq,sc.;Cassiod.;Macrob. Baü. 1.9.14. Soe Dograssi 132, 494f.; and on Valerius, Mänzer, Gent. Val,. 53, no. 60. Their election delayed by the scandalsof 54 (see54, Consuls)and the subsequent disorders, they finally entered office in July (Plut. Pomp. 64.2-3; Dio 40.45.1;cf. Cic. QX 3.8.34, and 9.2-5; Fam.2.5.2; App. BC Their attempts in turn to hold the elections for 52 were frustrated by the rowdyism of the consular candidates MiIo and Plautius H5rysaeusand the praetorian candidate Clodius (Cic. Aer. Al,ien. Mil,. fr. 7, and Schol,.Bob. 172 Stangl; Dio 40.46.2-3; cf. Cic. Mil. passi,m,esp. 24ff.; Ascon. 30-gt C). Praetors L. Anurr,rus (LEprDUs)Paur,r,us Pat. Cic. Mi,|,.24.
(81) Cos. 50
? P. Arrrus Venus (32) Had governed Africa a few years before 49 B. C. (Caes.BC 1.31.2, er praetura eam proa'imc'iamobt'inuerat).This is the latest possible date before the praetorship and governorship of Considius Longus. ? C. Cr,euorus Mmcnr,r,us (216) Cos. 50 The latest date possible under the Cornelian law. ? Q. Mwuorus Tunnuus (67) See 52, Promagistrates. Aediles, Curule ? M. Anur,rus Lnprous Pat. (73) Cos. 46,42,Pr. 49 Sinee all known fnterreges had held curule office, Seidel (FA 70) suggeststhat Lepidus had held.the curule aedileship before 52. Tribunes of the Plebs (27') Pr. 48 ? M. Corr,rus Vnrrcraxus CIL 12.2.781.Together with Hinus he proposed that Pompey be made Dictator, but failed to carry it (Cael., in Cic. Xam. 8.4.3; Plttt. P-op. 54.2-3;cf. Cic. QE 3.4.1,arid 8.4, and 9.3; Dio 40.45,cf. 17.t; Obseq.63). P. Lronrrus Cru.ssus Drvns fuNu-lvus (75) Cicero dissuadedhim from joining Hirrus in proposing a dictatorship for Pompey (Cic.8.f' 3.8.4; seeabove, CoeliusVinicianus).
63 B.C.
C. Lucrr,rus IlrBr,Us (26) Seeabove,on CoeliusVinicianus' Quaestors C. Cessrus LoxerNus (59) Pt. 44 2.46.4, Served under Crassusin Syria as Quaestor in this year (Vell. the tum quaestore; Dio 40.25.4).He escaped from Carrhae, ga'thered 2.a6.4; (Yell. scaftäred survivors, and organized the defence of Syria, 6'18'2; il;ph. AJ r .LI};Plut. CÄrcs.20-29;Dio 40'25'4-5; Eutrop' Oros. 6.13.5; cf. Cic. Phil'- 11.35). M. Irrll'rus Bnnnus (53) Pt.44 fatherRefused to serve orrä"" Caesarin Gaul, and accompanied his Il't.82.3-4). io-tu* Äppios Claudius Pulcher to Cilicia (Auct. Vi,r. Interreges (99) Cos'-52' Pr' 56 Q. " Ceuor,rus Mnnnr,r,us Prus Scrrro Nasrol c I L !2.2.2663c,datedIdes of June ; cf . cic. Iam. 7.ll.l. seeMünzer, by Hermes 71 (1936) 222!f..,on the opening of the office to a plebeian adoption. 64? M. Vnr,omus Mnssaröa (Nroan) Pat' (*76) Cos' 6l' Pr' threo the of One Ita,t. 13.3.77,'i'nterrerter' CIL V.l, p. 2\l-Insffoccasionsmust have occurred this year' Promagistrates C. Cr,euorus Pur,cnnn Pat. (303) Pr' 56 Proconsul in Asia (see55, and 54, Promagistrates)' Ar. Crauorus Pur,cHDR Pat. (257\ Cos' 54, Pr' 57' ProconsulinCilicia(cistophoriofLa,odiceiaandofApameia,Head, Phrygi'a'lxlv *d 281f" xxxiii HNz 678,and 666; B. M. öatul,ogues, and 2)' and 72f.). Acclaimedlmperator 1cäins,seeabove;Cic'Iam' 3'l' Att' 3'8; (Cic' Iam' tle was a harsh and ralpaciousgovernor -15'4'2; unsuccesgprosecuted was 6.1.2 and 6, and Z.S),and upon his return 11.2, fully for extortion (Ö Iam.8.6.1-3; Fam. 3.10, and 82'$' Ill" Vi'r' Auct' rnd tZ; Att.6.2.LO; Brut.23O,324; 60 P. Connnr,rus LENTULUSSPTNTEDR'Pat' (238) Cos' 57, Pr' to rsturned he Promagistrates), (see 54, Imperator Proconsul and his celebrate to waiting while imperi,o ,u* remainid. Rome, and triumph (see51, Promagistrates).
63 B.C.
C. CosooxrusC. f.l (5) Pr. 64? Proconsul in Macedonia. C. Iur,rus Censan Pat. (l3l) Cos.59, 48,46-44, Pr. 62 Proconsul in the two Gallic provinces and Illyricum under the Lex Pompeia Licinia (see 55, Consuls). During 53 Caesar was occupied in crushing the revolt in northern Gaul, particularly among the Treviri and the Eburones, and made a second demonstration in force across the Rhine (Caes.BG 6 ; 8.24.4,and 25.I ; Liv. Per. 107; X'lor. 1.45.14*-L5 ; 2.30.2; Dio 40.17.2,and 31.2-32.5; Oros. 6.10.12-21; cf. Cic. Iam. 7.13.2; and fr. in Charisius,GLK 1.126). M. LrorNro.sCRAssusDwps (68) Cos. 70, 55,Pr.73? Proconsul in Syria under the Lex Trebonia (see55, Tribunes of the Plebs). His invasion of Parthia ended in disaster at Carrhae on June 9, with the lossof nearly all his army and his own life (PIat. Crass. 18-33; Comp. Ni, Crass.rt--5; Dio 40.17-27; cf. Cic. Di,a. 1.29; 2.22 and 84; Caes.BC 3.31.3; Dion. IJal. 2.6.4; Liv. Per. 106; Nic. Dam. in Athen. 6.252n,IGrH 2A.378;Prop. 2.10.14;3.4.9; 4.6.83;Hor. Od,es 3.5.5-12; Ovid E asti,5.583-684; 6.465-469,on the date ; Strabo 16.l. 23 and 28; VeII.2.46.3-4,and 82.2,and 119.1;Val. Max. 1.6.11;6.9.9; Senec.Rhet. Contr.2.1.7,and 5.7; Lucan 2.553;Plin. -l/I/ 2.147; 5.86; 6.47;Joseph.AJ r4.l19; BJ LI79; X'rontin.Blr. t.t.t3; Tae.Germ.37; PIut. Pomp. 53.5-6; X'lor. 1.46.6-f0; 2.13.13,and 20.1 and 4, and 34; App. Bgr. 5l; BC 2.18; 5.10; Iustin 42.4.4;Polyaen.7.41; Obseq.64; Jerome Chr. ad ann. 56, p. f55 Helm, who mistakenly asserts that Crassuswas captured; Sid. Apoll. 2.454f.;7.f00; 9.251;Oros.6.13.2-5; Zosim. 3.32.3; Zonar. 10.7). M. Lronvrus Cnessus (56) Continued to serve under Caesarin early 53 in Gaul (Caes.BG 6.6.1; see 54, Quaestors). CN. Poupnrus Mlorus (*f 5) Cos. 70, 55,52 Proconsul of both Spanish provinces under the Lex Trebonia (see55, Tribunes of the Plebs, on Trebonius; Caes.BG 6.1.2; BC 1.85.9; Oros. 6.f0.fg). Probably also remained in charge of the grain supply. C. Scnmoxrus Cunro (ll) See With C. Claudius Pulcher in Asia (Cic. Phi,l. 2.4; Iam^2.r-6). 54, Quaestors. Tribunes of the Soldiers Pnrnorrus (84) Served under Crassusin Syria and fell defending him (Plut. Crass. 30-31; Polyaen.7.41).
ö3 B.C.
Legates, Lieutenants (6) Cos. 60, Pr' 72? L. Amllrrus Spain (Vell' 2'aS'I; soo 55 and 49' Legates)' Pompe5rin of Legate C. Alrrsrrus REGrN{IS (39) Legate of Caesarin Gaul (Caes'AG 6'l'1)' C. Fesrus (cf. 17) Legal'eof Öaesarin GauI (Caes''BG 6'6'l)' Q. -td;Fenros Vnnerr,uNus (154) and 4'I)' of Ap. Ctauaiusputcher inCilicia (Cic' Xom'B'\'I-2' M. Iuxrus Srr,eltus (t7I) Legate of Caesarin Gaul (Caes'BG 6'f 'l)' T. Lerrnr'rns (6) Pr. under Caesar in Gaul; active this yoar in Legatus p"o p"tÄ"e (Caes.BG 6.6.0, ""Joäog tnä fräviri and the Menapii to submission and 33; Dio 40.3I; Oros.6.10'fG)' P. Lronrrus Cnassus (63) fell in bat'tle noar served with his ratne" against the Parthians and cf ' Cic' Brut' 40'21'2-22'L; Dio 26-26; Co"rtt"" (Plut. Crass. 23.+-E; 281-282;Di,u.2.22;Fam.tS'rO;Liv'Per'106;Ovidlasti'-5'583-684; Val' l\[ax' 1'6'll; 6.465-469;Ars Amat.l.179; Prop' 2'10'14; 3'4'9; l'46'10; Iustin 42'4'4; Plut,.Pomp.55.l, urraZ+'f ; app' 'aC 2'18; Flor' Eutrop' 6'f8'ri Dio 41:55.3;Sid. Apoll. i"rÄ.2'454f '; 7'100; 9'251; Jerome Chrl. ad'rn rl 56, p. r55 Helm; Oros' 6'13'3)' ? (Mencrus) CnxsonrNus (42, cf' 43) ^. (Plut' Craee' A senator who feli with the younger Crassusat Carrhae 25.3and r2). ? Mnceeoccuus (1) (PIut. crass. served and fell [itn tn" younger crassus at carrhae 25.3and L2; cf. Cic.Atü' 2'7 '3)' L. MrNucrus Besr,us (38) Pr' 45 in Gaul (BG A cavalry "o*-*rrä"",'p"äbaUty a Legate' und'er Caesar 6.29-30). ? Q. Mucrus Soenvor,e (23) Pulcher in Cilicia On the staff, probably )tng t'", of Ap' Claudius , (Cic.Iam.3.5.5). 452' -L. MuNerrus Pr,eNcus (30) Cos'42,Pr' Legates)' i"gut" Caesarin GauI (see54' 52' ar;.d5l'
Oorevrus (5) Logate under Crassusat Carrhae, who fell protecting his commander from capture (Plut. Crass.27.5,27-31; Polyaen. 7.41).
Ca. 60-53: C. ScnrnoNrüsCuRro (10) Cos' 76, Pr. 80 Cic.Fam.2.2, and 6; see57, Pontifices.
? M. Oorevrus Ctr. f. (33) On the staff of Ap. Claudius Pulcher in Cilicia (Cic. Eam.3.4.l). M. Psrnnrus (3) Pr.64? Legate of Pompey in Spain (Vell. 2.a8.f ; see55 and 49, Legates).
Successor:see 52, Pontifices. Ca. 60-53: M. Lrcrxrus CnessusDrvns (63) Cos.70, 55,Pr.73? If he, and not his son, was a member of the college of Pontifices (see57, Pontifices), his place became vacant in 53' See above, Promagistrates.
(13) Pr. bef.44 T. Srxnus Legate of Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 6.1.1). P. Sur,prcrosRurus Pat. (93) Pr. 48 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see55 and 52, Legates). C. TnnsoNrus (6) Cos. Su-ff.45,Pr.48 Legate under Caesar in Gaul, with special command against the Eburones (Caes.BG 6.33). Q. Tu-r,r,rusCrcpno (31) Pr.62 Legate under Caesarin Gaul. The camp at Aduatuca which was under his command.was endangered when his failure to obey orders led to an attack by the Sugambri from across the Rhine (Caes. BG 6.32.7, and 35-42; Cic. Epp. fr. in GLK 1.126; cf. Dio 40.32.4-5). ? C. (V"lr,rnrus) X'r,eccusL. f. (*91) On the staff of Appius Claudiusin Cilicia (Cic.Fam.3.4.1, and 11.3). Vaneurvrnrus (x4) A Legate under Crassuswho fell in battle near Carrhae (Plut. Crass. 28.1-2; Oros.6.13.3).SeeLübker no. 2. Prefects ? Copoxrus (3 and 9) fn command of the Roman garrison in the töwn of Carrhae (Plut. Crass. 27.7-8\. (5) ? Eexrrrus In command of a body of 300 cavalry which escaped from Carrhae (Plut. Crass.27.6-8). ? C. Tnnsoxrus (7) A Roman knight, in command of a vexillum of the legion undqr Quintus Cicero (Caes.BG 6.40.4; seeLegates,on Q. Cicero). C. Vor,cerrus Tur,r,us (*8) Placed in charge of the guard at the bridge over the Rhine (Caes.ßG 6.24.4). Sec Lübker rro. 2.
rr3I].C.-62 B.C.
63 B.C.
Augurs Ca. 56-53: P. LrcrNrus Cnassus (63) Died this year at Carrhae (seeabove, Legates). Successor:M. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (25) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Nominated by Pompey and Hortensius and elected, probably in 53 (Cic.Fam.l5.4.13; 6.6.7; cf. Phdl'.2.+, and.Att. 10.8a.1,on his rivalry with Antonyi Fam.8.3.1, and 2.15.1,on that with Hirrus; Leg. 2.31; Brut. l; Plut. Cic. 36.1), before Curio's return from Asia (Phi'l'. 2.41 and Antony's departuro for Gaul (see52, Quaestors).
1 A broken inscription, for.rnd in Athens (Arch. Delr. 1889, 133, no. 13) records honors for a Proconsul whose name and title appear as lct't'olv 2 or 3 lettors] | x
Consuls CN.Ponpuus Cw.f. Snx. n. Macnus (*f5) Cos.70,55 931-933;Gell. 10.1.7-9;Dio 40, Index; Chr. 364 CIL 12.2.769,
(MagnoIII solo); Fast. Hyd,. (PompeioIII et Metello Scripione); Chr. Pasc. (Ilop,ryf,ourö p'xoclMec6],],ou); Cassiod.SeeDegrassi 132, 496f. Booauso of the violence which attended the candidacy of Milo, Motellus Scipio, and H;rpsaeus for the consulship, and of Clodius for üho praetorship, the murder of the latter on January f8 by Milo's followers in a brawl at Bovillae, and the subsequent disorder in Rome, the factions of ?ompey and of Cato together with many moderates united to elect PomFeI sole Consul, and secured his entrance into office V a. d,. Kal. Mart. in the intercalary month (Ascon. 30-36 C; Plut. Pomp. 54; Dio 40.45-50; cf. Cic. Phi,l. r.l8; Att.7.L.4;8.3.3; Liv. Per. r07; VeIl. 2.47.3;Val. Max. 6.2.1r; 8.15.8;Plin. ilIl I5.3; 33.14;34.139;Tac.4nn.3.28; Suet.Iul.26.l; Plut. Cat.Mi,n.47-48; Caes.28.4-5;App. BC 2.20-25l'Zonar. 10.7).He securednew legislation against violence and bribery, and.reformed court procedure with measures designed to expedite actions, Iimit speeches,and increase pena,lties,including, I. a Lex de vi, with special referenceto the murder of Clodius and the subsequentrioting (Cic. Mi). 15 and 70 and 79; Ascon. 36 C; App. BC 2.23; Bchol. Bob. ll2 Stangl; Schol,.Gron. 323 Stangl) ; 2. a Lex de ambitu, so drawn a,sto permit examination of past acts as far as 70 B. C. (Cic.Att.13.49.l; 10.4.8;Ascon.86 C; Plut. Cat. Min.48.3; Tac. Di,al. 38; App. BC 2.23-24). There followed the trial and conviction of Milo, and of many other persons who had been involved. Later, a,fter the passageof the law of the Ten Tribunes (see Tribunes of the Plebs), he securedpassageof a law fe semFel candidates for office to make their announcement in person in Rome (Dio 40.56; Suet. ,[zZ.28.3; X'lor. 2.f3.16-17;cf. Cic. Att. 7.1.4,and 3.4; 8.3.3; Iam.6.6.5; Phi,l. 2.24; Caes.BC f .32; 3.32).He also enactedinto law a senatorial resolution of the previous year that an interyal of five years should elapse between a city magistracy and a provincial command (Dio 40.56.1,cf. 30.1,and.46.2;Caes.BC 1.85.9).He securedthe election of Metellus Scipio, by then his father-in-law, as his colleague for the last five months of the year. His command in Spain was prorogued (seePromagistrates).SeeD.-G. 4.53+-536. Q. Clncn rus Q. f. Q. n. Mnrnr,lus hus ScrproNesrcl (99) Pr. 55 ? CIL 12.2.933,1i1. Sept.; VaI. Max. 9.1.8; Dio 40, fndex; Fast. Hyil,. (see above), Chr. Pasc. (see above); Cassiod. As a candidate for the consulship he was involved in the election disorders and. was prosecuted, but Pompey married his daughter, and used his influence to win acquittal (Ascon. 30-31, 33-34, 43 C; Plut. Pomp. 55; Cot. Mi,n. 47-48; App. BC 2.24; Dio 40.51, and 53; cf. Liv. Per. I07; Vell. 2.54.2;Val. Max. 9,5.3; Schol.Bob.l16, t6l Stangl; Bchol,.Gron. J22
Stangl); and eventually had him elected his colleague for the final months of the year (Plut. Pomp.55; App. BC 2.25; Dio 40.51).He carried a law restoring to the Censorsthe powers that had been removod by the Clodian law of 58 (Dio 40.57). Praetors ? C. Cr,auorus Mmcnr,r,us (217) Cos. 49 The latest date possible under the Cornelian law. ? M. Nonrus Surnrvesr (52) See 51, Promagistrates. ? P. Sr,rus (8) See51, Promagistrates. CN. TnnuuiJrrrs Scnore (5) See 51, Promagistrates. Aediles ? M. Aurrorus Lunco (25, cf. 27\ Willems (1.491) suggests that X'avonius' colleague was Aufidius Lurco (he emends AOTPION in Mss of Plut. Cat. Mi,n. 46.4 to ^oTPKON). M. Favoxrus2 (l) Pr. 49 Plut. Cat. Mi,n. 46: Dio 40.45.3 Tribunes of the Plebs M. Cenr,rus R,urus (35) Pr. 48 SupportedMilo (Cic.Mil. 9I; Brut. 273; Att.7.l.4; Ascon.33-37 C; App. BC 2.22), andjoined Cicero in the defenceof M. Saufeius (Ascon.
55c). Q. ? MaNnrus Cuuenus (24) He joined Caelius in restoring to Milo a slave who was being kept as a witness at the home of a Triumvir Capitalis (Ascon. 37 C). T. Munenrus Pr,lNcus B'rnse (32\ A supporter of Clodius who was prominent in the disorders after his rnurder (Ascon. 3I.-52 C, Tmss,im;App. BC 2.21; Dio 40.49; cf. Cic. Mil. 12-13 and.47and 90-91; Iam.7.2.2-3; Att. 6.I.t0; Schol,. Bob.It6 Stangl). fmmediately after his year in office Cicoro prosecuted him rrrrder the law of Pompey de ai, and sent him into exile (Cic. Xam. 7.2.2-3; Phi,l,.6.10; 13.27; Plut. Pomp. 55.5; Cat. Min.48.
6 2B . C .
Q. Pourrrus Rurus (*9) A supporter of Clodius, who was prominent in the disorders after his doath (Ascon. 32-52 C, Tnssi'm;Dio 40.45,and 49; cf. Cic. Mil.45 and 4? and 90-91). fmmediately after his year of office Caelius prosecuted him and sent him into exile (Val. Max. 4.2.7;Dio 40.55;cf. Cic. Iam.8.l.4). SeeD.-G. 4.319f.,no. 7.
M. Velnnrus MDssar,LÄ(Nronn) Pat. (*76) Cos. 61, Pr' 64 ? CIL ß.1, p. Z}L-Inscr. Ital. 13.3J7-ILB 46; cf. Ascon' 33-34 C' This year aläost certainly provided the third occasion for his service as fnterrex.
C. Ser,r,usuüs CRrsPus (10) Pr. 46 Opposed Milo, and supported his colleagues Plancus and Rufus (Ascon. 37, 44-45, a,nd49 C). All ten Tribunes joined together to pass a law permitting Caesarto be a candidate for the consulshipin absence(Caes.BC 1.32.3, cf.9.2; Cic.Att. ?.1.4,and 3.4,and 6.2;Fam.6.6.5; 8.3.3;16.12.3;Phi,l'.2.241' Liv. Per.l07; Suet.Iul.26, and 28; Plut. Pomp.56; App. BC 2.25; X'lor. 2.13.16;Dio 40.5I.2).
l. Coxsroruss (2, cf. 12 and 13) Presided over the trial of saufeius the Lex PIatftia ile oi' (Ascon.55 C). 2. L. Domrrrus AsnnonaRBUS (27) Cos.54, Pr. 58 pemFeia ile ai (Ascon. Presided over the trial of Milo under the Lex 22). Mdl'. cf. Cic. 38 C; Schol,.Bob.ltg Stangl;
Quaestors (9) Pr. -
3. L. X'asrus (22) Presided over the conviction in absence of Milo under a law (tho Plautian ?) ile ui, (Ascon. 54 C; cf. 55 C, on Saufeius).
? L. Arnrus Caprro See51, Addendum. M. ANronrus (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 3l Chosen without the lot,, he served under Caesar in Gaul (Cic. Att. 6.6.4; 7.8.5;Xa,m.2.15.4;Phil. 2.49-50and 7l; Dio 45.40.3,in Spain; cf . Caes.BG 7.31.6,a Legate; 8.2.1, a Quaestor).He did not leave for Gaul until after Milo's trial in April (Ascon. 4l C).
4. M. FevoNrus (l) Pr. 49 Presided over the conviction of Milo, presumably in absence,under the Lex Licinia ile soilali'cü,s(Ascon. 54 C). 5. A. Menr,rus ToRQUATüs Pat. (76) Pr. 70 Presided over the choice of prosecutor and the conviction of Milo ile ambi,tu (Ascon. 39 and 54 C).
L. Cencrr,rusMDTELLUS (75) Quaestorin Sicily (IGRP 1.501; seeCIL 10.7258,and commentary). See 49, Tribunes of the Plebs.
Q. Cessrus LoNerxus (70) Chosen, not allotted, he served under Pompey in Spain (Cic. Att. 6.6.4;Iam. 2.15.4;Bell.Alen.48.r; 50.1;Dio 41.24.2). M. Epprus (2) See51, Addendum. Interreges M. AnrwnrusLnprous Pat. (73) Cos.46,42,P:r.49 X'irst fnterrex. Besiegedin his house for five days by Clod.ianga,ngg (Cic. Mi,l. t3; Ascon. 33, 36, 43 C; Schnl,.Bob. 116 Stangl). Snn. Sur,prcrus (RuFus) Pat. (95) Cos. 51, Pr. 65 The Interrex who presided over the olection of Pompey as sole Consul(Ascon.36 C; Plut. Pomp.54.5).
(32) ? P. Anrrus Vlnus Governor of A-frica a few years before 49 B. C. (Caes. BC l'3I'21' see53, Praetors). This the latest possible date. C. Cessrus LoNcrNus (59) Pt. 44 Proquaestor in Syria (Cic. Iam,. l'.I4,Prescript). In 52 he crushed an insurrection in Judaea (Joseph. AJ I4.ll9-L22; BJ I.180-182), and continued to organize his defense of the province against the Parthians. Ap. Cr,eunrus Pur,crrnn Pat. (297) Cos. 54, Pr. 57 Proconsul in Cilicia (see53, Promagistrates). P. Conxnr,rus LnNrrrr,us SprrcrHnn Pat. (238) Cos. 57, Pr. 60 Proconsul and fmperator (see56-53, Promagistrates). C. Iur,rus Ceusen Pat. (l3l) Cos. 59, 48, 46-44, Pt. 62 Proconsul in both Gallic Provinces and Illyricum under the Lex I'ompeia Licinia (see 55, Consuls). He was fully engagedthis year in
suppressing the great Gallic revolt Vercingetorix (Caos. BG 7; Liv. P er. I 07- r 08 ; Plut. Caes.25-27 ; X'lor. 1.45.20-26; Dio 40.33-4 I ; Oroa.6.ll.l*ll ; cf. Diod. 4.19.2; Strabo 4.2.3; VeIl. 2.47.1;Polyaen. 8.23.9-11). See Tribunes of the Plebs, on the law permitting him to be a candidate in absence. ? Q. MrNucrus TrrERMIrs (67) Pr. 53 or by 58? Propraetor in Asia, certainly in 5t (Cic. Fam. 13.53-56), but probably in 52 since he returned to Rome in 50. CN. Ponrnrus Meorvus (*15) Cos. 70, 55,52 Continued as Proconsul of both Spanish provinces under the Lex Trebonia but his command was extended for another five years (Plut. Caes. 28.5; P*op.55.7, four years; App. BC 2.24; Dio 40.56.2, five years). Tribunes of the Soldiers M. Anrsrrus (l) Servedunder Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 7.42.5,and 43.1). Legates, Lieutenants L. Alnexrus (6) Cos.60, Pr.72? Probably continued under Pompeyin Spain (see55, and 49, Legates). C. Arvnrsrrus Rnerxus (39) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 7.83.3,and 90.6). ? M. ANroNrus (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos. Desig. 3l See Quaestors.Termed Legate in Caes.BG 7.81.6. C. Cc.l:trrrusREBr,us (9) Cos. Suff. 45, Pr. 48? Legate of Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 7.83.3,and 90.6). C. X'enrus (cf. 17) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 7,40.9, 41.2, 87.1,and 90.5). Q. X'euus Vpnorr,rexus (154) Legate under Ap. Claudius in Cilicia (see53, Legates). L. Iur,rus Clnsll Pat. (f43) Cos. 64 Legule of Caesar in GauI, in charge of the Narbonese province (Caes.BG 7.66.I). (6) Pr. T. Llnrnxus Legatus pro praetore under Caesar in Gaul. fn this year he performed particularly imFortant service against the tribes of the Seine valley (Caes.BG 7.34.2,and 56-62, and 86-87, and 90.4; Dio 40.38.a).
L. MrNuorus Blsrr,us (38) Pr. 45 Sorved.under Caesarin Gaul, probably as a Legate (Caes.BG 7.90,6). L. Munerrus PLANcus (30) Cos.42, Pr.45? Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see54, and 49, Legates). P. Nrororus Frcur,us (3) Pr. 58 Legate, possibly in Asia (Cic. Ti,m.2). See51, Legates' ? M. Ocrevrus (33) On the staff of Appius Claudius in Cilicia (see53, Legates). M. Prrnnrus (3) Pr.84? Legate under Pompey in Spain (see55, and 49, Legates). M. Smupnoxrus R,urrr,us (82) Served under Caesarin Gaul, probably as a Legate, attachod to tho command of Labienus (Caes.BG 7.90.4). T. Snxrrus (13) Pr. before 44 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 7.49.1,and 51.2, and 90.6; cf.8.rr.l). P. Sur,prcrus R,urüs Pat. (93) Pr. 48 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 7.90.7). C. TnnsoNrus (6) Cos. Suff. 45,Pr.48 Legate und.erCaesarin GauI (Caes.BG 7.11.2,and 81.6). Q. Tur,r,rus Crcrno (31) Pr. 62 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Caes.BG 7.90.7; Cic. Mil.IO2; Rob. r24 Stangl). ? C. ler,nnrus X'r,accus Pat. (*91) On the staff of Appius Claudius in Cilicia (see52, Legates). ? C. Vor,cerrus Tur,r,us (*8) See 53, Prefects, and 5l-48, Legates.
Prefects I). funrus Bnutus Ar,rnrus (55a, Supb. 5) Cos. Desig. 42, Pr. 48 Served und.erCaesarin GauI (Caes.BG 7.9'2, and.87.1). M. Sc,qprrus (l) Appointed by Appius Claudius in Cilicia as Prefect of cavalry in rrrder to collect debts owing to Brutus by Salamis of Cyprus (Cic. Att. 6 . 2 1 . 1 06; . 1 . 6 ,a n d 2 . 8 ,a n d 3 . 5 ) . 'i C. Vor,usnNus QuenRArus (Volusienus*2) Sent to put Commius the Atrebatian to death (Hirt. in Caes. BG u.23.4-6).See51, Prefects.
6 2B . C . - 6 1 B . C .
240 Pontifices
C. SonrnoltrusCuRro (tl) Elected, probably in 52 and certainly by 51, in successionto his father (see53, Pontifices; Cic. Xam. 2.7.3, Dec.5I; Dio 40.62.I-2; cf. Cic.Farn.8.6.5). t M. Nonius Sufenas was governor of an eastern province in Feb. 50 (Cic. Att. 6.1.13) and very probably in 51. As he held the quaestorship in 62 and the tribunate of the Plebs in 66, Pompey's law establishing an interval of five years between city magistracy and provincial command can hardly havo been applied to him. In fact, it rnay not have been applied to the magistrates of 52 at a"ll. accordingly I suggest 52 as the year of his praetorship and 5l and 50 for his promagistracy. 2 Plutarch (Cat. Min. 46-47) appears to place Favonius' aedileship before tho electoral violence of late 53 and early 52, but also associates his games with those of Curio (whom he terms a colleague), who was absent from Rome in 53 and gave his games in honor of his father in 52 (Cic' Fam. 2.3; Plin. .lI.ft 36.1I-6-120). Curio was not then an aedile but, was preparing for his candidacy for the aedileship of 50. Dio places Favonius' aedileship during the tribunate of Pompeius Rufus, which is dated in 52 (see Tribr-rnes of the Plebs). Favoniu^q was an unsuccessful candidate for the praetorship of 50 ( Cic, Farn. 8.9.6). s since considius presided over a trial organized under one of the older la,ws he may bo one of tho Praetors of this year (Mommsen, Btratrechrl 208, note l)' though it is not certain how regularly Praetors conducted trials under the Lox plauiia de ui. If pompey's law regarding provincial commands applied to the magistrates of 52 it becomos difficult to identify considius with either c. considius Longus (]?E no. 1l), who rilr'asgovernor of Africa in or before 5I (see 51, Promagistiates), or M. Considius Nonianus (RZ no. I3), who was assigned Cisalpine Gaul in succession to Caesar in 49. If he was not a Praotor of this year either of the above persons might have served. Mommsen wished to identify him with C. Considius Nonianus who issued coins in 54 (RE rro' 12; 62 B. O., Grueber, CHRBM I.4?3f.), Willems (I.512) with M. Considius Nonianus.
51 B.C.
A.U.C. 703
Consuls Spn. Sur,prcrus Q. f. - n. Ruru's Pat. (95) Pr' 65 M. Cr,ruorus M. f. M. n. Mencnr, (225) Pr. 54? 934; Cic. Att. 5.21.9; Cael. in Fam.8.8.5, and I0.3; CIL 12.2.770, Cic. Iam. 12.15.2;Sall. f/isü. I.rr M; Liv. Per. 108; Dio 40, Index, and30.3, and 58.3; Chr.354 (Rufo et Marcello),so also East. Hgil., and Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;on Sulpicius,Cic. Xam. 3.3.1;Plut. Cat. Mi'n. 49.2; Ammian. Marc. 15.12.6;and on Marcellus, Qic.Iam. 4.7.2; L5.9; Eutrop. 6.19.2; and cf. O. Broneer, AJA 36 (1932) 395-397. Seo Degrassi 132,496f..
6l B.O.
The strongly anti-Caesarian attitude of Marcellus who attemptod both to raise the q:uästionof a successorto Caesarin Gaul was opposed 2'2' and and 8'l'2' Iam' fy ftis "off"a'gueand by Pompey (Cael'in Cic' 'Ittl' Suet' 8'3'3; Att' 9'2; and o.e; Cic. Ialn. +.t.t, and Z.:i, änd 3.1, App. BC 2.25-26; PIut,. Caes' 29; Dio 40'59'I; Eutrop' z{ZS; 60)' 6.19.2,'rrrd*Oro.. 6'15.1, who conluse t'he Marcelli of 5t and comum, Novum a citizer-of scourging Marcellus even went the length of toshowthathedid.notrecognizeCaesar'sclaimthattheywere 2'28; citizens (Cic. Att.5.2.3, and ll-.2; Plut' Caes' 29'l; App' BC cf. Suet.IuI.28\. Praetors M. Iovnlvrrus LaTERDNSTs (16) Quaestio de repet'undis Cic.Fam.8.8.2. A. Pr,eurrus (8) Pr. Urbanus Cic.Att.5.15.l ; c!. Iam. L3.29.4.SeeLübker no' 3' Tribunes of the Plebs C. Cenr,rus (7) Vetoed rn rtrii-0u"sarian resolution of the Senate ( Cic. Fam, 8.8.6-8). P. Conrsnr,rus (44) vetoed an anti-caesarian resolution of the senate (cael. in cic.Iam. 8.6.6). C. Vrlrus Parvs.t (Centnorvrlxus)l (*9) Cos' 43, P"' 49^ vetoed. several anti-caesarian resolutions of the senate (cael. in cic. Iam. 8.8.6-8). SeeLübker no. 6. L. Vrwrorus (*9) Cos. Suff. 33 vetoed an anti-caesarian resolution of the senate (cael. in cic. Iam. 8.8.6).SeeLübker no. 1; PIR 3.435' Quaestors C. ANrorvrus (20) Pr.44 one of the three brothers of whom Marcus was Quaestor in 52 and Lucius in 50 (seeCic. Fam' 2.I8.2-g)' ? T. I'unraNrus PosruMus (l) and 46, Promagistrates; Quaestorin Sicily (Cic. Att.7.15.2; see50, and on the name,Iam.6'8.3). 10 BroughtoD II
5l B.c.
(X'unrus) Cnessrpns (64) Served under Silius in Bithyrnia and Pontus (Cic.Iam.
ör B.C.
C. fur,rus Censen Pat. (l3l) Cos. 59, 48,4644, Pr. 62 Proconsul and Imperator in the two Gallic provinces and Illyricum under the Lex Pompeia Licinia (see 55, Consuls). In this year he completed his pacification of Gaul, after special action against the Bellovaci and Uxellodunum, and proceeded to complete his final administrative &mangements(Hirt. in Caes.BG 8.L-48;Liv. Per.lOS; Suet.-Ial. 25; Dio 40.42-43; Oros.6.ll.l2-30; cf. Xam.8.l.4; Frontin. Sür. 2.13.11).See Consuls,Marcellus, on the question of tho successorto his province.
L. MnscrNrus R,urus (2) Served under Cicero in Cilicia, 5l-50 B. C. (Cic. Att. 5.It.4; 6.8.t, and 4.1, and.7.2; Iam. 5.19-211'2.17.4;13.26.1;f 6.4.3). t Cexnrr Ser,r,usrrusz (2e.lgf B and lgf g) Served as a Proquaestor in 50 under Bibulus in Syria (Cic. Eam. 2.f 7). In RE he is identified, probably erroneously, with Sallust the historian.
Q. Mnvucrus Tnnnmus (67) Pr. bef. 57 ? or 53? Propraetor (Cic. Xam. 13.53,and 55, and 56) in Asia. See also Cic. Att. 5.13.2,and 20.10,and 21.14.
Promagisftates M. Arvronrus (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos. Desig. Bt Continued to serveunder Caesarin Gaul (Hirtius in Caes.BG 8.2.1. quaestorem,and 24.2; see 52, Quaestors).
M. Norvrns (Surnnes) (52) Pr.52? Gorrernorof a province in the East (Cic. Att.6.1.13, X'eb.20, 60; cf. 8.15.3),probably Crete and Cyrene or Macedonia.
M. Cer,runluus Brnur,us (2S) Cos. 5g, Pr.62 Proconsul in Syria (Cic. Xam. 15.3.2), where he arrived late in the year after Cassius (see below) had already turned back a Parthian invasion at Antioch (Cic. Att. 5.16.4, and 18.1, and 20.4, amd 21.2; Iam.2.lO.2; 15.l.l, and 3.2,and 4.?-8; Phi,L tt.g+-Bb; Liv. Per. tO8; App. Byr. 5I; BC 5.10;Dio 40.30.1).
Cn. Poupnrus MaGNUs (*15) Cos. 70, 55,82 Proconsul in both Spanish provinces (see55, Tribunes of the Plobs, tnd 52, Promagistrates). IIe continued to govern by Legates whilo remainingin Itaty (Cic.Att.5.ll.3 ; Iam.3.8.10, cf. Cic.Farn. {t.4.4,and 8.9; Caes.BC r.85.8-9; Dio 40.59.2).
C. Cassrus LoNencus (59) Pr. 44 Proquaestor in Syria (Cic. Iam. f5.14). He led the Parthian invaders into an ambush near Antioch and repulsed them with serious losses(Cic. Att. 5.20.3, and 21.2; Fam. lb.l4.B, cf..4.7; Vell. 2.46.4; Frontin. Str.;fustin 42.4.5;Dio 40.28-29; cf . Cic.Aüt.5.18.1; Xam. 2.10.2;15.1.2,and 2.2-3; Phi,l,.ll.B5; Cic.Fam.8.10.2; Liv. Per.l08; Ruf. X'est.17.4;Eutrop. 6.18.2;Oros.6.18.5). Ar. Cr,,s.uorusPnr,cnnn Pat. (297) Cos. 54, pr. 57 Proconsul in cilicia (see 53, Proconsuls). He finally left cilicia in August (Cic.Att. 5.t6.4, and lT.6; Fam. 8.2-6, esp. 7.4-b), and.though as fmperator he claimed a triumph he gave up his imperium (late in 5l or early in 50), when threatened with a prosecution for extortion (cic. Fam. 3.9.2;Att. 6.2.10; Cic.Iam. 8.6.1-9). C. Coxsrorus Loncus (tl) Pr. bef. 57 ? or 52? Governor of Africa in 50 and probably in 5l (see50, Promagistrates). P. Conxnrrus LnNror,us Spnvrnns Pat. (298) Cos. 57, pr. 60 proconsul s,nd lmperator; celebrated his triumph from Cilicia in the latter part of 51 (Cic. Att. 5.21.4). SeeDegrassi b66.
P. Srr,rus (8) Pr. bef. 67 ? or 52? Propraetor (Cic.Iom,.13.6l, and 62, and 64, and 65; cf..Att.6.l.13, l'eb. 20, 50; 7.1.8) in Bithynia and Pontus. CN. Tnnnnr,r,rüs Scnon'a (5) Pr. bef. 57 ? or 52? Goi'ernor of a province in the East (Cic. Att.6.l.13, Feb. 20, 60; cf. 7.1.8).Seeabove on Nonius.
M. Tur,r,rus Crcrno (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Proconsul(Cic.Fam.3.2;2.8 and g; 15.1and 2, prescripts)in Cilicia ( C i c .A t t . 5 J - 2 O ; I a m . 2 . 7 - 1 0 ; 3 . 1 - 6 , a n d 8 ; 7 . 3 2 ;8 . 1 - 1 0 ; 1 3 . 9 , lt3, 55, 56, 61, 62, 64, 65; l5.l-4 , 7-9, 12, and M; Phi,l'.11.34;Ddu. 1.2; Plut. Ci,c.36), and was acclaimed Imperator in October after a victory over tribesmen of the Amanus (Cic. Att. 5.20.3;Iam. 2.7, and 10, prescripts;15.4,and 14, prescripts; Phdl^ 11.34; Plut. Cic.36.4; Ivrocos.'imp.on cistophori of Apameia and Laodiceia, Head, HNz 666 rurd 675; B.M. Cat., Phrygi,a xxxiii and lxxiv, 72ff. and 28lff.). Tribunes of the Soldiers (). l'unrorus (7, cf.5) Servedunder Ciceroin Cilicia (Cic.Fam.l3.l1 and l2).
6l B.C.
6r B.c.
Snx. Lucnrus (16) Foll in battle while serving under Bibulus in Syria (Cia. Att. 5.20.4\.
P. Nrororus FrGuLUs (3) Pr. 58 Legate in Asia, presumably under Minucius Thermus, and left Asia in July, 51 (Cic. Ti'm' 2).
Legates, Envoys
? M. Ocrevrus (33) On the sta,ffof Ap. Claudius in Cilicia (Cic' Iam' 3'4'I)' M. Pnrnnrus (3) Pr. 64 ? Legate under Pompey in spain (vell.; see55 and 49, Legates). C. Pouprrxus (Pontinius *l) Pr. 63 Legate under Cicero in Cilicia, and importud f91 his-military op""Jtiott*(Cic.Att. 5.1.5,4.2,5.1,6.1,8'1, 10'1,Il'5, 20'3,2t'9; 6'3'I; F a m . 3 . 3 . 2 ;1 5 . 4 . 8 - 9 ) .
D. Annonrus (not in EE) Sent by Cicero to Ap. Claudius, the retiring governor of Cilicia (Cic. Iam.3.6.5). Legates, Lieutenants L. ArnlNrus (6) Cos.60, Pr.72? Legate under Pompeyin Spain (VelI. 2.a8.1;see55, and 4g, Legates). M. Axnarus (Annaeus 2) Legate under Ciceroin Cilicia (Cic. Att.5.4.2; Iam.IB.55, and 5?; 15.4.2and 8). ? C. Ar.rrrsrrus Rnenrus (3g) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see52, Legates). C. CerwrwtrsRnsrr,üs (g) Cos. Suff. 45,Pr. 48? Legate under Caesar in Gaul (Ilirt. in Caes. BG 9.24.2, 26--87 pass,im,and 44.3; Oros. 6.ll.l6-22). C. X'enrus (cf. 17) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Hirt. in Caes.BG 9.6.8,24.2,27_-gg, 37.2; Oros.6.ll.l7-f g). p. X'lnrus Vnncr,unus (154) Legale under Ap. Claudius in Cilicia (Cic.Fam. B.B.l ; see53, Legates). Q. Furrus Car,nrus (10) Cos. 47, Pr. 59 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Hirt. in Caes.BG 8.95.4). L. fur,rus Censen Pat. (143) Cos. 64 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (seeb2, and 4g, Legates). T. LasrnNus (6) Pr. Legatus pro praetore under Caesarin Gaul (Hirt. in Caes.BG 9.6.g, 23-25, and 45; Dio 40.43.1). Q. Lrelnrus (4) Legate under Considiusin Africa (Cic. Li,g. 2, 4,90, and B4). L. Mrxuorus Basn us (38) Pr. 45 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see52, and 4g, Legates). L. Muxarrus Pr,excus (30) Cos. 42, Pr. 45? Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see 54, and 4g, Legates).
T. Snxrrus (13) Pr. bef.44 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (Hirt' in Caes'BG 8'11'l)' P. Sur,prcrus R,uFUs Pat. (93) Pr' 48 Legate Caesarin Gaul (see52, and 49, Legates)' T. Trrrus (26) just Legate in ä province imFortant for the grain supply, probably after the conclusion of Pompey's term in charge of the grain supply (Cic.Iam. 13.75). C. TnssoNrus (6) Cos. Suff. 45,Pr' 48 14'l' Legate under b*r"" in Gaul (Ilirt' in Caes' BG 8'6'l' ll'l' and 46.4). L. Tor,r,rus (9) Legateunder'CiceroinCilicia(Cic'Att'5'4'2,!l'4,L4'2'and'21'6; Fam. 15.4.8). Tur,r,rusCrcnno (31) Pr.62 Q. "*gut" under his träthlr in Cilicia; left in charge of eas_ternCilicia (cIc' Att' 6'l; while Marcus returned to winter in the western portion f5'4'8-f0)' Iam' l5; 6'2'l-2; and' and 9 5.10.5,I1.4,2O.5,and 21.6 ? C. Vu,umus FLAccus Pat' (*91) 3'4'L; see 63' On the staff of Ap. Claud'ius in Cilicia (Cic' Fam' Legates). P. Vernrrus (*2) Cos. 47, Pr' 55 -f,"""nau"C*rr*inGaul(Ilirt'inCaes'BG8'46'4)'SeeLübker no. 2. ? C. Vor,cerrus Tur,r,us3 (*8) Gaul' See 63' Hirt. in Caes' BG 8.46.4' Legale und'er Caesar in Prefects, and 48, Legates.
5l B.c.
6t B.C.-50B.C.
prefects D. ANrorrus (g) Praofoctusevocatorum under Cicero in Cilicia (Cic. Fam. 8.6.5; soe Envoys). Q. Arrus Varus (Attius 83) Praefectus equitum under ö*.r" see48, Prefects).
in Gaul (rrirt. in caes. BG g.28.2;
L. Cr,onrus (g, cf. t8) Praefectus fabrum under,Ap-pius Claudius in Cilicia (Cic. Xam. 3.4.1-2, and 5.8, and 6.2, and si5^,praijecnm ;i. fabrum,,il Q. Lnrre (l) Praefectusfabrum under Cicero in Cilicia (eic.Iam. B.7.4; cf..Att. 5.17.2;6.t.22, and 8.2; Fam. 16.4.4). Q. Vor,usrus (*5) to c5ryrus by cicero to attend to the .,9"r' litigation of the Roman
( 5.2r.6;tnup"u"r,o_en Ci. in att.i.rr.+
C.Tor,usrus Queonerus (Volusienus*2) Praefectusequitum under caesa"lrtärot (Hirtius in caes. BG g.4g; cf. 8.23.+t-6;nio +0.+S.r;.
e;fomr*.1o, oo"^lllll'"T,',:t ff T:::H... dereating L' borneliu'L;;t"l;
crus (
Tho following men were witnesses to the resolutionsof the senate reportedby Caeliusto Ciceroin pam.-g.s.5_A, Ii. Dourrrus AunrvosAlnus e7) Cos.54 Q. Canorr,rusMnror,r,usprus'So'rrro Nlrror. (gg) rCos.S2 L. V:r,rrus Arvwar,rs (*g) C. Snprnrrus (z) pr. si C. Lucmrus lfrnnus (25) Tr. pl. 58 C. ScnrnolrrusCunro (li) fr. pl. so L. Arnrus Caprro (9) p;. S"u pZa, t.z60,on his son. M. Epprus (2) Seäio, Legates. It rs appa'rent that thesJ senators are &rra,ngedin the of
seniority. L. Villius Annalis therefore held the praetorship before 67, rnd L. Ateius Capito and M. Eppius wero ex-Quaestorsin 51. 1 Pansa's name is established fron CIL 6.37077 (ef. Dio 46, fndex, Capro' nianus). 2 Orelliread the praenomen as Cn., Mommsen as C. (RF 2.434f.) and identified him with the historian. It is improbable that the historian, who was a strong supporter of Caesar, would have servod under Bibulus, or that, being an ex'I'ribune, ho would have taken the title of Legattt's pro qufleetore. 3 The reading of B adds the name llullio aftet that of Vatinius. As Q. Cioero was in Cilicia it is possibly a mistake for Tullo and may refer to Volcatius, who was in Caesar's service in 53 and 48.
50 B.C.
A.U.C. 704 Consuls
L. Anrvrrr,rusM. f. Q. n. Lnrrnüs Paur,LUs Pat. (81) Pr. 63 C. Cr,aunrus C. f. M. n. MancnlrJus (216) Pr. by 53 936, 965, 966; Cic. Fam.8.4.l and' 4; 8.8.6; CIL 12.2.935, Cic. Fom. 13.29.4; Brut. 229 and 328; Hirtius in Caes. BG 8.48.10; Plin. .l/f/ 2.147; App. BC 2.26; Dio 40, Index; Obseq. 65; Chr. 364 (Paulo et Marcello); Iast. Hgil'. (Marcello et Paulo), so also Chr. Pascr; Cassiod.;on Paullus, Cael. in Cic. Fam.8.10.3, and 11.1;Cic. Iam. Cael.inCic. Xarn. 15.12,and 13; Att.6.l.7; on Marcellus,CIL 12.2.669; Degrassi 132, 10.f5.2. See Att. 15J-lI; 1l.I; Iam. 8.9,2, and Cic. 496f. Paullus, who had received financial aid from caesar in restoring tho Basilica Aemilia (Cic.Att. 4.I7.7;cf. Cic. Iom. 8.4.4),tended to support, Caesar and check his colleague, who remained an obdurato opponent (Cic. Att.6.3.4; Hirtius in Caes. BG 8.63, and 55; Suet. IuI. 29; Plut. Pomp.58.r-59.1 ; Caes.29.3-4;Ant. 5.2; App. .BC2.26-31; Dio 40.59.4,and 63.2,and 64-66).
Censors Ap. Cr,euorus AP. f. AP. n. Pur,osnn Pat. (257) Cos. 54, Pr. 67 L. Cer,punxrus L. f. L. n. Prso CensoNrNus (90)' Cos. 58, Pr. 6l ? Cic.Iam.3.f 0.3 and ll, and ll, prescript,and 5, and 13.3;Taa. Ann. 6.10; Oros. 6.15.1r. SeeDegrassi132,496f. Appius Claudius set about a partisan housecleaning, making in'
quirios into possessionof works of art, randholding,.debts ( cic. ram. 8.14.4; cf . Atü.6.9.5), and immorar p"r.ti""? 1ö"ui ä-ci". po*. 1.t-?.t-2, and r4.4). Among many othersl he expe)red thu ti*to"iro sailuet from the senate foi immJrahtv (Dio +o.oä.4; ;.-pi.-cic. /rro. in sall. 16), and c. Ateius capito for falsiiicatir; ;f rir.piÄ, tc ic. Di,a. 1.29). Piso was m?1e*gog9*b: protected Curio from'hi* "otteugo" ( Cic.Iam.8.l7.l; plut. pö"p 58.4;Dio 40.6g_;4);and at the beginning of 49 attempted to mediate the dispute *il.iJ"*"r (caes. BC 1.3.6;cf. Cic. Fam. t4.t4.g; Att.7.lg.l; ,u-"49, f,egates,nnvoysy. Praetors ? M. Corsrorus Nonrer*us (lB) See 54, Praetors, and 4g, promagistrates. C. Crrnnrus Ppnucatalrus (28) Cic. Xam. l3.5g, prescript. ? L. Posruurus (*4b) Sall. Ad, Caes. 2.9.4; Cic. Fq,m. 7.15.2. See b4, praetors, and 4g, Promagistrates. ? L. Sonrnoxrns Lmo (20) Cos. 84 ^Münzer supposesthat he attained the praetorship before 4g because of his later a_ppointmenrsin the pompeian fo"cesib;;; ,ip"r", to have been a Legate only. C. Trrrus L. f. R,urus (BZ) pr. IJrbanus Cic.Iam.lg.58. Praetor or ludex M. (Lrr.rus) Dnusus (Cr,euoreNus) (t9) President of a court to which "ur". of vioration of tho Lex scantinia were brought ( Cll Fam. 8.t4.4; cf. 8.12.8); o" inu ""me, see PIn 2.29t,,no. 210; IGR? 4.gg9,. Aediles, Curule M. Carr,rus R,urus (95) pr. 48 Cic.Iam. 2.0_15; Bruü. 27J; Cic.Fam. 8.2.2, and.B.l,and 9.1. He repeatedly begged Cicero to send him panthers 3* from 1,?; u^rtrcra ror his games and 4.b, and 6.5, and^g.tO,and g.B; eym.9.2.2, cf .2.L1.2;Att.6.t.2L; p]ut. Ci,c.Z,O.S.'.Ife prosecuted. personswho were diverting water from the aqued.ucts @aä. s.6.a; X,önün. Aq. ) 2.76). Seeabove, Censors,on his quanel witir Appius Claudius.
M. Ocnevrus (33) Cic.Iam.8.2.2, and 3.1. He too sent Ciceroa requestfor panthersthrmrghAtticus (Cic.Att. 5.2I.5;6.f.21). Tribunes of the Plebs C. X'unxrus (3) Pr.42 Cicero relied on him particularly to prevent the prorogation of his provincialcommand(Cic.Att.5.2.1, and 18.3;6.f .tl; Cael.inCic. Fam, 8.10.3,and"ll.2; Cic.Fq,m.15.f4.5).See P-I.82B.Zg2,no. 590. C. SonrnowrusCunro (ll) Elected in place of Servaeuswho had been convicted of bribery in tho election ( Cic.Iam. 8.4.2, and 5.3, and 8.10,and 10.3; Cic.Iam. 15.14.5;Att. 6.1.23 and 25;6.2.6, and 3.4; Varro Vit. P. A. in Non. 2l4L), he advanced a seriesof bills: l. on the Campanianland (Cael. in Cic. Fam. 8. rc.\ ; 2. to annex the kingdom of Juba (Caes.BC 2.28.4; Lucan 4.689ff., and Bern. Schol^p. f46 U; Dio 4l.at3);8. to restore C. Memmius from exile (Cic. Att. 6.1.23); 4. to reduce luxury whon travelling (4tt.6.I.25); 5. to set himself up as road commissionerfor five years ( Cic. Fam.8.6.5; App. BC 2.27); and 6. a grain law (Fam.8.6.5).Bribed by Caesar(Val. Max. 9.1.6;Vell. 2.48.8-4;Lucan 4.820; Saet. IuL. 29;Tac. Ann. ll.1; Plut. P.omp. b8; Caes. 29.8; Ant. 5.2; App. .BC 2.26;Dio 40.60.2;Serv. ad Aen. 6.62t), he used the refusal of his demand for intercalation in the calendar (Cael. in Cic. Fam.8.6.L-5, and ll.l; Dio 40.62.1)as an excuseto go over publicly to Caesar'ssupport, in active opposition to Pompey and the optimate faction ( Cic. Xam.8.6.3-5, and ll, and l3; Cic. Fam.2.7; 2.13.3,and 15.3;4tt.7.7.5; Hirt. in BG 5.52.4;Caes.BC 2.25;Yell. 2.48.3-5; Stel. Iul,. 29; Plut. Pomp. 58-59; Caes. 29-BO; Ant. 5; App. -BC 2.2U-31; Dio 40.5$-66; Bchol,.Bob.8E Stangl). Quaestors (22) T. Anrrsrrus Quagstor in Macedonia (Cic. Fam. 13.29). L. ANroxrus (23) Cos.4l Servedunder Minucius Thermusin A sia(Cic.I am. 2.t8 ; cf . Phi,t.5.20; cistophori of Pergamum and Ephesus,Head HNz 535, on Pergamum; B.M.Cat., Mysiaxxxi; Ionia 68). Upon leaving the province Thermus left him in command (Joseph.AJ 14.235,dvtrcap.tuc, xai &',nrcrp&a1.1.oC, probably early in 49).
50 B.C.
C. Conr,rusCer,ous (14) Servedunder Ciceroin Cilicia (Cic.Iam. 2.t9; Att.6.2.10, 4.1, and 6.3). cicoro left him in command of the province when he returned. to Romo (Cic.Iam. 2.15.4;cf. Att.6.6.8-4; 2.t.6). L. Menrus (4) Successorto Sallustius in Syria (Cic. Iam. 2.17.5). Promagistrates M. Aunnr,rus Corru. (109) Pr. 55 ? or 54? Governor of Sardinia in early 49 (Caes.BC |.B}.Z-B; cf. Cic. Att.
M. Cer,punNrusBreurus (28) Cos. 5g, Pr.62 Proconsul in Syria (see 51, Promagistrates), whose slight achievement was honoredwith a supplicatio (Cic. Att. 6.I . 13 and 15; 6.5.B, and 8.5;7.2.6-7,and 3.5; 9.6.1;Fam. 2.17; 8.6.4f0aelius];t2.9.2;Caes.BC 3.31.3;Liv. Per.l08; Plut. Ant. 5.2; App. Syr.5l; cf. Caes..BC 3.10.6; Cic. Att.6.5.3; Fam,.2.17.6;and Val. Max. 4.1.15,on the murder of two of his sons in Egypt). C. ConsrnrusLolreus (11) Pr. before57 ? or 52? Returned from Africa late in b0 to canvassfor the consulship (cic. Lig. 2; Schol,.Gron. 291Stangl; see 51, Promagistrates). T. Funrunrus Posrumus (7.807) Pr. 46 Apparently continued as Proquaestorin Sicily (Cic. Att. T.l5.2; see 51, Quaestors). C. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (l3l) Cos. 59, 48, 46-44, pr. 62 Proconsul of both Gallic provinces and rllyricum under the Lex Pompeia Licinia (see55, consuls). The question of the successionand. his right to become a candidate for the consulship in absencewhile retaining his province and an a,rmy became increasingly acute, and created a crisis at the end of the year (Hirt. in Caes.-BG8.4g.f0-55; Caes.BC l.l-7; öic. Att.6.8.2, and 9.5; 7.t.3-4; 7.3-g, and l3a.2; 8.3, and ll; Tusc.l.86; Cael.inflam.8.6.5, and 8.4-10,and ll.B, and 13.2, and 14.2-3:' Liv. Per. I09; Vell. 2.48; Suet. Iul. 29-30; plut. Pomp.58-59; Caex.29-30; Cic. 87; Cat.Mi,n. lt.E; Ant. 5; App. BC 2.26-33; X'lor. 2.13.15-fS; Dio 40.59-66; Eutrop. 6.tS.I-2; Auct. Vir. 11,1,.77.8, c|.78.5; Obseq.65; Oros. 6.f5.r-2f. See 51, Consuls, Marcellus; 50, Consuls, Paullus and Marcellus, and Tribunes of the Plebs, Curio. L. Mnscnvrus R,urus (Z) served under cicero in cilicia and left the province with him (cic.
Fam. 6.19-21; 4tt.6.3.1, and 4.1, and 5.3, and 7.2; Fam.2.17.4; f3.26.1;f6.4.3). See51, Quaestors. Q. MrNucrus Tnnnuus (67) Pr. before 57 ? or 53? Propraetor in Asia, whence he returned to Italy this year (Cic. Fam. 2.17.6; 2.18; 13.54,55, and 57 ; Atü. 6.1.3; cf . I. a. Pri,enelO6; Mil,et 1 . 2 . 1 0 1n, o . 3 ) . M. Nonrus Sunnres (52) Pr. 53 or 52 Cic. Att.6.l.l3. See51, Promagistrates. CN. Poupnrus Meewus (*15) Cos. 70, 55,52 Proconsul in both Spanish provinces under the Lex Trebonia, with a further extension of his command in 52 (see 55, Tribunes, on Trebonius; 52, Consuls).He continued to govern Spain by Legates and remained in Italy, thus making the issue against Caesar more acute (see51, Promagistratos; and on proposals that he go to Spain or else surrender his command, see above on Caesar, and Tribunes of the Plebs, on Curio; and esp. Cael. in Cic. Iam,. 8.14.2; Cic. Att. 6.8.2; 7.9.3;Hirt. in Caes.BG 8.52, cf".BC l.l-7; Plut. Pomp. 58.3, cf..Caes. 30; App. BC 2.30; Dio 40.62.3-4,cf.4l.l-2). f CeNntr Sar,r,usrrus (2,r.I9f3 and 1919) ServedasProquaestorunder Bibulus in Syria (Cic.F am. 2.I 7). See5 l, Quaestors. P. Sr,rus (8) Pr.52? Propraetor in Pontus and Bithynia Fam^ 13$3; Att.6.l.l3; 7.f .8).
(see 51, Promagistrates; Cic.
CN. Tnnmnllrus Scnore (5) Pr. 52? Governor of an eastern province, perhaps Macedonia (Cic. Att. 6.1.13; 7.1.8; see51, Promagistrates). M. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Proconsul in Cilicia and Imperator (see51, Promagistrates; Cael. in Cic. Iam.8.7.2; Cic. Fam.9.25.1, prescript; 15.10,and ll, and l3). A supplicatio was decreed. for his victory (Cic.Iam. 2.15.1; 3.9.4; 16.5, and 6, and 10.2,and 13.2;Att. 7.1.7, and 2.7; Cic.Iam. 8.Il), and he hopedfor a triumFh (Fam. 2.12.3;15.5.2;Att. 6.8.5;7.1.5and 7, and 2.6, and.3.2, and 4.1, and 7.3-4; Plut. Ci,c.37). He left Cilicia at the end of July 50 and reached Rome early in January of 49, having tried in vain to persuade Pompey to make some compromise with Caesar (Att. 7.3.5, and 6.2, and 8.4, and 26.2; g.lla.2; Fam. 4 . 1 . 1 ,a n d 1 4 . 2 ;6 . 6 . 6 ,a n d 2 l . l ; 7 . 3 . 2 ; 8 . 1 7 . 1 ;1 6 . l l . 2 ; V e l l . 2 . 4 8 . 5 ; Ilut. Cic. 37.1; Pomp. 59; cf. Caes.3I). Seein general, Cic. Att. 5.21-
7.0; Iam. 2.ll-16, and 17-18; 3.7, and 9-f3; 5.19-20;8.6, and ll-14; 13.54-65, and 57, and 63; 14.5; 16.r-ll; Plut. Cic. 86-87. Tribunes of the Soldiers Q. X'urrorus (7, cf. 5) Servedunder Cicero in Cilicia (Cic.Iam.13.12, cf. tt). M. Scaprrus (2, cf. 1) He first accepted from Cicero, and then refused, this position while attending to businessfor Brutus in Cappadocia (Cic. Att.; cf.. 6.L.4,a prefecture). Legates, Envoys A. Hmrrus (2) Cos. 43, Pr. 46 Caesar sent him to Rome early in December to meet Balbus and Metellus Scipio, but he hurried back immediately after his arrival without meeting Pompey's representatives(Cic. Att. 7.4.2). Legates, Lieutenants L. Alnexrus (6) Cos.60, P:r.72? Legate under Pompey in Spain (Vell. 2.a8.f ; see55, and 49, Legates). M. Arvnnrus (Annaeus 2) Legate under Cicero in Cilicia (Cic. Fam. 18.57; cf . 5.2O.4;see 51, Legates).
CisalpineGaul in 50 (Hirt. in Caes.BG e.52.2-3; on his wealth, soeCio. Atü. 7.7.6; Caes.BC | .I5.2 ; Val. Max. 8.f 4.5). Q. Lrcenrus (4) Legate under Considius Longus in Africa, left in command when Considius returned to Rome (Cic. Li'g. 2, 4, 30, 34; Bchol,.Gron. 291 Sta,ngl). L. Mrrvucrus Besrr,us (38) Pr. 45 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see 52, and 49, Legates). L. Munanrüs Pr,aNcrrs (30) Cos.42, Pr.45? Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see52, and 49, Legates). M. Pnrnnrus (3) Pr.64? Legate under Pompey in Spain (Vell. 2.48.1;see55, and 49, Legates). C. Pouprrrvus (Pontinius *I) Pr. 63 Legate Cicero in Cilicia, but returned to Italy before him (Cic.Att.5.21.9;6.3.1;7.?.3;Fam. 2.15.4;3.10.3;see5I, Legates).See Lübker, p. 839. ? T. Snxrrus (13) Pr. bef. 44 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see51, Legates). P. Sur,prorus Rux'us Pat. (93) Pr. 48' Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see52 and. 49, Legates). M. Tnnnxrrus Vanno (84, Supb. 6) Pr. See49, Legates. Probably a Legate under Pompey in Spain before 49'
? C. Arrrsrrus Rncr:qus (39) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see52, Legates).
C. TnnnoNrus (6) Cos. Suff. 45,Pr.48 Legate under caesar in Gaul, charge of the winter-quarters in Belgic Gaul (Hirt. in Caes.BG 8.54.4).
C. CrrrNrus Rnnnus (9) Cos. Suff. 4E,Pr.48? Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see 51, and 49, Legates; cf.. Cic. Att. 7.3.3).
L. Tur,r,rus (9) Legate under Cicero in Cilicia (see51, Legates).
C. X'rnrus (cf. 17) Legate under Caesar in Gaul (Hfut. in Caes.BG 8.54.4; Cic. Att. 7.3.3). See55, Tribunes of the Plebs. Q. Furrus Car,mrus (10) Cos. 42, Pr. 59 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see51, and 4g, Legates). L. fur,rus Causan Pat. (143) Cos. 64 Legale under Caesarin Gaul (see52, and 4g, Legates). T. Lesrnrvus (6) Pr.Legatus pro praetore under Caesarin Gaul, who received charge of
Q. Tur,r,rusCrcnno (3I) Pr.62 Legate under Cicero in Cilicia (Cic. Att. 5.21.6 and 9; 6'3'2-3, and l.t; i.t.l; Xam.2.15.4;16.1,and 3, and 4, and 5, and 6, prescript's)' P. Varrrvrus (*2) Cos.47, Pr. 55 Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see51, and 48, Legates). Vnrnxrol (n'abricius 14) Probably a Legate; Ieft in command of syria by Bibulus (cic. Att. 7.3.5;cf. 4.17.3). C. Vor,clrrus TULLUS (*8) Legate under Caesarin Gaul (see53, 51, and 48, Legates)'
60 B.C.
Prefects L. Glvrus (3) Received a prefecture from Cicero in order to attend to business for Brutus in Cappadocia(Cic. Att. 6.1.4, and 3.6). Q. Lnru. (l) Praefectusfabrum under Cicero in Cilicia (Cic. Fam. 5.20.4: see 51, Prefects). M. Sclprrus (2) Received a prefecture from Cicero in order to attend to business in Cappadociafor Brutus (Cic. Att. 6.1.4). See above, Tribunes of the Soldiers. Q. Vor,usrus (*5) Served under Cicero in Cilicia (Cic. Fam. 5.20.4). See 51, Prefects. Pontifices (27) Cos. 54, Pr. 58 L. Dourrrus Annxoranaus A Pontifex at the time of his death in 48 (see48, Pontifices), he must have been elected after 57 (see 57, Pontifices) and at the latest in the elections of 50. M. Antonius will therefore have ruined his attempt to aütain both the pontificate and the augurate (see below, Augurs). ?-42:M. fuNrus Bnurus (53) Pr. 44 A colleague of Metellus Scipio (Cic. Brut. 2ll-212), he must have attained the priesthood by or before this year (seeCic. Ad, Brut. 1.5.3, and 15.8; Grueber,CnnBM 2.472f.,479). Augurs Before 67-50: Q. HonrnNsrus HoRraLUSz (13) Cos.69, Pr.72 Cic.Iam.8.13.2; Cic.4tt.6.6.2. On his electionand membership, see Cic. Brut. l; Fam. 3.8.9; Phi,l,.2.4; Yarro -R-B3.6.6; Plin. NH 10.45. Successor:M. Ar.rrorrus (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos. Desig. 3I Elected over L. Domitius Ahenobarbus ( Cic. Fam. 8.14.1; Ilirtius in Caes.BG 8.50.1-3; cf. Cic. Phil. 2.4 and 78-84 ; 13.12;Att. 10.16.5,col,Iega noster;PJut.Ant.5.l;App. BC 3.7;Dio 45.27.5). The collegeof Augurs on the eve of the death of Hortensius consisted either probably or certainly of the following members: ?Q. Cassrus Lowcrrus (70) Probably before 55 (Grueber, CRRBM 1.481-482, ca. 55 B.C.), certainly in March a9 (Cic.Att. 5.5.3).
C. Cr,euorus MaRcEr,LUs (214) Pr. 80 Cic. Iam,. 15.8; Dia. 2'75 ; Leg. 2.32-33' Ap. Cr,eunrus Pur,orrsn Pat' (257) Cos' 54, Pr' 57 Cic.Iam.2.13.2;3.4.2,and.8.9,and9'3,and10'9,andll'4;Brut' 267; Dia.1.29 and 105,referring to 63 B'C'; 2'75; Leg' 2'32-33; Varro RR 3.2.2,and 7,I; Fest. 214, 382, 462-464L' P. Conlunr,rusLnwrur,us SrrNrrrnn Pat' (239) See57, Augurs. tr'eusrus Conxrr,rus Sur,r,e Pat. (377) See 57, Augurs. Elected before Lent'ulus Spinther' 72 Q. I{onrnNsrrIs HoRTAr,us (13) Cos. 69, Pr' Seeabove. L. Ior,rus Censen Pat. (143) Cos' 64 See 69, Augurs' Elected before 69. ? L. Me.ncrus Pnrr,rrpus (77) Cos. Suff' 38, Pr' 44 coins dated ca. 56 (Grueber, cnRBM I.4S5f.) with the lituus as emblem. CN. Pournrus MleNus (*f 5) Cos. 70, 55,52 Cic. Phi,t.2.4; coins with the lituus and capis as emblems, dated ca.61 (Grueber,CRHBM 2.464; dated ca' 8l by Mommsen,RMW 609, no. 240, and Bahrfeldt, CIL 12.2,p' 757, no' 292)' ? P. Snnvu,rus fseunrcuB (6?) Cos.48, 4l,Pt' 54 Fest. 476 L. See 47, Augurs. Snn. Sur,prüus GaLBA Pat. (61) Pr' 54 A member of the collegebefore a9 (Cic. Att' 9'S'3)' (23) (Q. Mucrus) Scervou ' i member of the collegebefore a9 (Cic.Att.9.9.3, March 49; cf . in 54, Att.4.L7.4). ll. Tur-r,rus Crcnno (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 See53, Augurs. M. Ver,nnrus Mnsser,r,e(R,urus) Pat. (*77) Cos' 53, Pr' 62? An Augurfor 55 years (Macrob.saü. 1.9.14,and 16.28;cf. GelI. 13. 14.5,and 15, and 16; Fest. 476L). In the list given above one patrician name remains missing. of the doubtful since the emblems lrlebeian nu*ä, Marcius Philippus remains i,n his coins may celebrate the priesthood of some ancestor, and Servilius Isauricus, whose position and influence would probably bring him into the collegeearly in his career,is not attested until 47.
60 B.C.-49 B.C.
r Tho namo Fabricius is added because tho cognomen veiento occurs only once again, this time in connection with it (RE 15, dated under Nero). r On ühe evidenco of Cicero (De Or. 3.228) who describes l{ortensius as a aodal,ia of the orator orassus, it is supposed that he became an Augur before 9I B. C. If.owever, col,legaseems to be the usual term to describo a fellow-augur' andaoda,lis refers to other societies like the Luperci, or meroly to cl'tbs (Cic. Cael. 26; cf. Q. Cic. Com,rn. Pet. 19). Varro and Plirlty (l,'tt.) prove that he became an Augur considerably before 67.
49 B.C.
A.U.C. 705
Consuls C. Cr,euorus M. f. M. n. MencELLUs (2I7) Pr. by 52 L. ConNnr,rusP. f. - n. LnNrur,us CRUS Pat. (218) Pr. 58 cf. 669; Grueber, CR&BM 1.504; 2.466f..,558;Cic. CIL 12.2.967, Iam.7.3.l; Att. 15.3.1;Phil'.2.51;Hirt. in Caes.BG 8.50.4;Bell- Al'er. 68.2; Fast. Cap., Degrassi 56f., 132, 496L.;Vell. 2.49.1; Joseph. -4J 14.228and 238; App. BC 2.33; X'lor. 2.13.15;Dio 41, Index, and' I.1; Chr. 354; Fast. Hyil.; Ch,r.Pasc.; Cassiod.;Bchol'.Bob. 89 Stangl; cf. Plut. Caes.2g-3L, who confusesC. and M. Marcellus. They were elected as anti-Caesarians(Hirt' in Caes.BG 8.50.4; Suet. Iul.2g.2), and supported the Pompeian interest in the Senate meetings early in January and in the subsequent negotiations, and left Italy even before Pompey (Cic. Att. 7.12-9.9, Tnssim, esp. 7.21, and' 24; 8.124; Iam. l6.LL3; Caes.BC l.l-.6, pass'im,esp. 1.4-6, and 14, and25; VeIl. 2.49.1-50.2, and 53.1; Lucan 2.645-649;Pet'ton.124, lines 288-289;Suet.Iul. 29.2;34.1;PIut. Pomp.59, and 6I-62; Caes. 30-31 ; 33.4;34.1;35.1; Ant. 5.5; App. BC 2.33,and 36-37, and 39; Dio 41.1,and 3, and 6, and 12; Eutrop. 6.18.2-3;Oros. 6.15.2and 4), thus foiling Caesar's attempt to make contact, with Lentulus through the younger Balbus (Cic. Att.8.9.4, and f l.5; 9.6.1).Lentulus actively recruited troops in Asia (Caes.BC 3.4.1; Joseph.AJ 14.228,232,234, 236, and 238). Both Consuls and. the anti-Caesarian government as a whole wintered at Thessalonica (Dio 41.43; see Promagistrates, on Pompey). Dictator C. Iur,rus C. f: C. n. Censm Pat. (l3l) Cos. 59, 48, 46-44, Pr. 62 Iast. Cap., Degrassi 56f., 132, 496f"';CIL L2.2.778.He was named Dictator, after enabling legislation carried by thePraetorLepidus, whilo still at Massilia (Caes.BC 2.21.5; Lucan 5.383; App. BC 2.48; Dio-
rg B.c.
Eutrop' 6'20't; 41.36.1-2;43.1.1;cf. Plut. Caes' 37, by the Senate; a program of through Zonur. rO.a;. Upon arrival in R'ome, he carried' Caes.37.L; 42.2;Plut. ,Ial. ,iuui ,"fiuf iC",ir. BC J.r.z-3, and 20; Suet. the tighton cf' and 51'l-2; Äpp. bc; nio 41.37-38;42.22, and of exiles restoration r0'I1'2)' ,*'ri of ,rrot"y, Cic. Att.7.18.4; 9'9'4; through 3'L'3-5' BC (Caes' proscribSd i;;;"p; Milo)"and" sons of the Sul'l'.31.4; cf.. Caes.37.l; +t;Plut. iiru"t'o"" "rrd T"iborres;Suet. tät. 10'8; cf' Cic' Att' ipp. bc 2.48; Dio +t.äo.z; 42.24.2,on MiIo; Zonar' taken He e8)' and laq the3$v iiZ.zt 10.4.8,and 8.2-3; Phit.2.55-56, 8'I9; Phi'\" cf' Cic' 4l'25'3; (Dio Massilia "**V i*"a" *rrd "ight* from BC cf' Caes' 4l'2-a'l; (Dio Gades to iä.sä1, a,"a g"u,ntä "ltizenship Fest'ival' Z.ZV-Z|; Lr;v. Per. f 10). He iso carried through tle -l'at1n tn"u,"r*ng"mentsforprovincial,administration'andtheelectionsfor g'l_2' and' 20; Plut' +ä, a,"a aidicated aftär eleven days (Caes' BC r0's)' On the legality Co"r. sz; App. BC 2.4s; Dio al'3d-38; Zonat' 15'2; Dio 41'36'1and of Cu"*t"', ifpointment, seeCic' Att' s!'g; and TriSlt. 2s.I26, nole 2. See Praetors' on R'oscius; and +, Uo**""tt, bunes of the Plebs, on Antonius' Master of Horse Caesarappointed no Master of Horse' Praetors M. Arunrus LEPrDus Pat. (73) Cos' 46,42 CaesarlefthiminchargeinR,ome(P|llr.AnL6.a).I{ecarriedthe meäsure naming Caesar Dictator (seeabove, Dictator)' A. Ar,r,rnNus (1) cic. Att. 10.15.3. C. - CoroNrus (3) section of Along with }darcellus, he was in comm,and of the Rhodian Grueber' 8'12A'4; Att' ro*p"!'* fleet (Caes.itC z.s.z1. See also Cic' CRRBM 2.468;cf. Vell. 2.83'3' M. Fevonrus (l) in Cic' An unsuccessful candid'ate for the praet'orship of 50 (Cael' Fam. 8.9.5), yet an ex-Praet'orin 48 (Vell' 2'53'l)' L. MeNr,rus TonQuerus Pat. (80) Caes..BC L.24.2-3;cf. Cic. Att:g'8'l' 9 . 7 4 .S e ea l s oC i c .A t t . 7 . 1 2 . 4 ; 8 ' I 1 B ' f' I ? Broughton II
A Pr' Designatein Cic' Ii'n'
49 B.C.
(15) L. Roscrus Flnlrus Cic.Atü.8.12.2;Caes.BC 1.3.6,and 8.4; cf. l.l0.l; Dio 41.5.2;see bolow, Legates, Envoys. He was perhaps the author of a law to grant citizenshipto the Transpadanes(CIL 12.2.600, datedMarch ll; cf. Tac. Ann. 11.24;Dio 41.36.3;but seeNiccolini, PTP 441, and.appendix; IInA 1.176f.,no. 20). P. R,urrr,rus Lupus (27) Cic.Att.8.l2A.4, cf.9.1.2; Caes.BC 1.24.3. C. Sosrus (see2) Cic.Att.8.6.l ; 9.1.2.He shouldbedistinguishedfromAntony's Legate, C. Sosius,who becameConsul in 32. Aediles ? C. Vrnrus Pexse Canrnowrexus (*9) Cos. 43, Pr. 46? Grueber suggeststhat the CerestSrpeon his coins indicates that he was Aedile (of the Plebs) in this year (CßRBM 1.509-510).See Dio 41.36.2,who says there were no Aediles in the citv. Tribunes of the Plebs M. Arvroxrus (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos. Desig. 3l Elected with Caesariansupport (Hirt. in Caes.,BG 8.50.1-3; Plut. Ant. 5.1; see 50, Augurs), he attacked Pompey upon entering office in December50 (Cic.Ltt.7.8.5), and in January, along with Q. Cassius, supported Caesar'sinterests with the tribunician veto until the last decree was passed.and the Tribunes fled to Caesar (Caes.BC l.l-8, and 32; Cic. Iam. 16.Ir.2; 4tt.7.9.2; Phil.2.5V55; Liv. Per. lO9; Suet. "Izl. 29-31; Plut. Ant. 6-6; Caes.30-31; Pornp.59; App. BC 2.32-33, and 4l; Dio 4l.l-3, a,nd l51' 45.27; Oros. 6.15.2; Zonar. 10.8). X'rom Caesar he received military command (see below, Promagistrates), and during Caesar'sdictatorship carried a law to restore the children of the proscribed (Dio 4f.f8.2;44.47.4; Suet. "Izl.4l; Plut. Caes. 37; Zonar. 10.8), and one to restoro a goodly number of those who had been condemned under the Pompeian law of 52 (Cic. Phdl.2.55-56,and 98; Att.10.4.8;Caes.BC 3.1.4;Suet.Iul.4t; Plut. Cues.37;App. BC 2.48; Dio 41.36.2;42.24.2;Zonar. 10.8; seeabove, Dictator).
(Aunnr,rus)Corre (not i Probably a colleague 333; seebelow, on
3.f43; Niccolini, If
P 330,
dg l3.c.
L. C.lncrr,rus METET,LUs (75) Cic. Att.9.6.3. He attempted to forbid Caesar&ccessto tho sacred treasury(Cic.Att.10.4.8,and 8.6; Caes..BC 1.33.3;Lucan 3.114-168; Plut. Pomp.62; Caes.35.3-4;Apophth. Caes.8; App. BC 2.41; X'Ior. 2.13.21;Dio 41.17.2;Zonar. IO.8). C. Crssrus LoNcrxus (59) Pr. 44 Anti-Caesarian (Cic. Att.7.21.2-5, and 23.1, and 24, and' 25; Auct. Vi,r. Il,l. $.$. Q. Cessrus LorvcrNus (70) Pro-Caesarian(Cic.Att. 6.8.2).With Antony (seeabove)he supporbed Caesarin the Senate in early January and departed to join him when Cic. Fan't'.t6.ll.2; Liv. the last decreewas passed(Caes.BC f.l-8; Per. 109; Plut. Ant.5.5; App. BC 2.33; Dio 4l.l-3; Oros.6.15.2; Zonar.l0.8; seeabove,onM. Antonius)' Ilereceivedmilitary command from Caesarand went with him to Spain (Cic. Att. 7.18.2; Caes.BC 2.f 9.1; seePromagistrates). L. Mercrus Pnrr,rppus (77) Cos. Suff. 38, Pr. 44 Vetoed the proposal to send X'austus Sulla to secure Maurotanian allies for Pompey (Caes.BC I.6.4; see P-IÄ 2.338,no. 173). ? R,unnrus (5) Carried a law concerning Cisalpine Gaul (in 49 ?, seeNiccolfü, Xf P 441;FIRA 1.169-175,no. l9). Quaestors Menorus R,urus (94) Served under Curio in Africa (Caes.BC 2.23.5, and 24-1,and 43.1; see below, Promagistrates, on Curio)' Cn. Nnnrus (3) Q. Urbanus Issued coins with the names of the Consuls of this year (Grueber,
cnnBM r.504). Snx. Quntorrlrus VEnus Pat. (*10) With Domitius Ahenobarbus at Corfinium, and later with Attius Varus in Africa (Caes.BC 1.23.2;2.28; seePromagistrates,on Attius Varus). Promagistrates L. Anr,rus Tunrno (150) Pr. The Senate allotted him the province of Africa (Caes.BC 1.30.2; Cic. Li,g. 2I; Bchol,.Gron. 291Stangl), according to his son, merely to 171
buy grain (Quintil. Inst.Or.11.f .80).IIe was exclud'edfrom Africa by P. Attius Varus, and went off to Pompey (Caes.BC l.3I; Cic. Lig. 2l-29; Pompon. Di,g.;Oros. 6.15.7;Bchol'.Gron. 291 Stangl; Schol.Bern. on Lucan 4.667,p. la6 U). T. ANrrsrrus (22) Quaestorin Macedonia in 50, who continued unsucceeded,but soon retired from forced service for Pompey (Cic. Iam. 13.29.3-4). L. ANtoNrus (23) Cos.4l Proquaestor pro praetoro in Asia, left in command there by Minucius Thermus (see50, Promagistrates; Joseph.AJ 14.235,cf. IGRP 4.400, 401;L. Robert, Helleni,caL.54, at Magnesiaunder Sipylus), and Proquaestor after Fannius arrived as goYernor (Joseph. z4"I fa.230). See eic. pntt,.5.20;6.10 and 13;7.17; and on his title, seeTam. 12.15, prescript; Mommsen, Sfr. 1.683, note 4. M. ANroNrus (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 3I Tribunus plebis pro praetore (Cic. Att. I0.8A, prescript), appointed by Caesarto military command (Caes.BC l.ll.4, and 18.2), and left in charge of Italy during the Spanish campaign (Cic. Att. 10.84, 8.10, 9.3, änd 10, and 11.4,and I2.1, and 13.1, and l5'3, and 16.5; Phi'|. 2.56-58,and 98; Phft. Ant. 6.4-7.I; App' BC 2-4L; Dio 41.18.3; cf. 45.25.2,and 47.3; 46.I5.2). P. Arrrus Venus (32) Pr. 53 ? A_fterhis ftight from auximum (seeLegates), he seized control of his former province of Africa (cum imperi,o, Caes.BC l'31.2; imperium se Cic. Li'g. 22, cf . 25, and 3), excluded lmbered,i,cebat, fascescertehmbebaü, Tubero from AJrica (seeabove), a'ndresisted Curio's attempt to capture Africa for Caesar(Caes.BC 2.23-26, and 43-44; Lucan 4.7f 3ff.; App. BC 2.44-46; Dio 41.41-42; 42.56,2;Bchol'.Gron. 291Stangl). M. Aunnr,rus Corre (I09) Pr. He was expelled from Sardinia, even before Caesar'sLegate Valerius could come,and Africa (Caes.BC 1.30.2-3; cf. Cic. Att- 10.L6.3; D i o 4 l . l 8 . r ; O r o s .6 . r 5 . 7 ) . (99) Cos. 52, Pr. 55 Q. Cencrr,rus Mnrnr,r,ns Prus Somo Nesrcl Proconsulin Syria (Caes.BC 1.6.5,cf. l'4.3; 3.31.1,and 33.1; Cic. Att.; cf. Att.8.15.3; 9.1.4; PIut. Pomp.62.2). There and in -Asia, where he wintered, he collected ships, troops and money, often by oppressiveme&ns(Caes.BC 3.31-33). He put Aloxander of Judaea tö death (Joseph. AJ 14.123'125; BJ 1.183-185, and 195; cf. Dio 41.18.1, on Aristobulus). He was acclaimed Imperator for alleged
quibusil'amiletrdvictories in the Amanus mountains (caes.Bc 3.31.1, I/Nz 636; B'IG8 ,*"*ii irtretis; cf - B.M.Cat', Mysia xxxi,126; I{ead 767). M. Cer,punNrusBrsur,us (2s) Cos' 59, Pr' 62 from Syria' Proconsul (see 50, Promagisirates)' When he ret'urned' Adriatio the in flge! he was placed in general "oämand of Pompey's 2'49; BC App' sa'z-t; (Cic.eti. e.e.2;Cäs. BC 3.5'4;Phft' Cat' M'in' Dio 4r.44.3; cf..IG 5.r.722). Cer,punruus Pßo (X'nucr?) (95) Cos' Suff' 23'Pr' CN. see P'['Ba 2'36I; CRHBM f"oq"u"*tor in x.t"tft"" Spain ldrueber 2.57,no. 286)' See75, note 7. Q. " Cessrus LoNcrNus (70) plebs. Accompanied caesar to spain see above, Tribunes of irr" pro praenre of X'art'her command' in (Caes.BC 2.Ig.l), and was placed LLI' praetore; pro 48'2, 'lt'er' Sp-; (Caes.BC''2.21.3; nitt. .Liiv'.Per' Promagist'rates' 48, See 4r'24'2)' iiortoitu; App. BC 2.43;Dio Ap. Cr,euorus Pur,cnnn Pat. (257) Cos' 54, Pr' 57 -of Greece(Val' Max' l'8'10' ui'ri'bue fo-puy placed him in "o-*t"ä 6'15'Il; cf ' Lucan 5'r2G-197; Oros' praeerat; imperii, ,**qu, Achaeae 156 Usener). and Schol,.Bern. C. Conr,rus Car,nus (14) camoto his Probably remained', P"oqo,"*torin Cilicia until Sestius Sestius)' prooi*" ("see50, Quaestors,'and' below, Promagistrates' on M. CoNsrorusNoxrelrus (13) Pr' 54 ? or 50? succession Propraetor (Cic. Att. s.tlü.2). Allotted Cisalpine Gaul in t,o Caesar(Öic.Iam. 16.r2.3)' --!'lusrus Conxnr,rus Sulr,e Pat' (377) p"o quaestore (Cic. Att. 9. 1.a) ; Proquaestor pro praetore ('[G9' r' I 43tlyou)' The proposalt'o send him to t iS sizs, d[vtr,capriavxoci&]vtrotp&T Philippus)' Mauretania was vetoed 1seätitrottes'of the Plebs, Marcius (Cic' Att' Epirus joined in him He recruited troops for Pompey and on above' see title' his tt.3.7, and I2A.3;-see 48, Promägistrates)' On L. Antonius. 1,. Dorvnrrus Annrqosennus (27) Cos' 54, Pr' 58 TransProconsul (Cic. Att. 8.128-D, prescripts)' Ile was allotted Iam' I'6'4; Cic' BC to Caesaf(Caes' rr,lpineGaul in succession -L6'I2'3;. cf' Lucan Suet. -Iul. 34.1; Nero 2.2; App' BC 2'92, and 38, and 82; at Cor7.6(J7).Caesarcaptured 6imäa such levies as he had raised 23, and f iniuÄ, but releasedhim (caes.BC t.t5-23; cic. Att.7.r3a.3,
and 24, and 26;8.1.1, and 3.7, and 6, and 7, and 8, and l1A, and llD.3-4, and 12.3, and l2A-D, and 15A.3; Liv. Per' I09; Vell. 2.60.1; Senec.Benef.3.24;Lucar' 2.47&-527;Plin. .l[1/ 7.186; Suet. I u l . 3 4 . r ; N e r o 2 . 2 ; P h f t . C a e s . 3 4 . 3 - 4 ;3 5 ' l ; A p p . B C 2 . 3 8 ; F l o r ' 2.13.f9; Dio 41.10-ll; Oros.6.f5.4). He then collectedanother force from his estatesin Etruria and raised Massilia in revolt, and when this failed escapedto Pompey (Caes.BC L.34.2,and 36, and 56-58; 2.3, and22,and 28,and 32.8;Cic.Att.8.14.3,and 15.l;9.I.1, and 3.I, and 6.2, and 9.3; Plin. NH 7.L86; Suet. -lfero 2; Dio 4I.21.3, and'25.2). C. X'ewNrus (9) Pr. 54? or 50? Probably a Propraetor. Ife was originally sent,to Sicily in advance but Cato took command of Cato (Cic.Att.7.15.3; 8.15.3,cum'i'mper'io), there (seebelow). IIe later appea,rsin command in Asia (Joseph. 1"I 14.230; named on cistophori of Ephesus, Tralles, and Laodiceia, Head, HNz 576,660, 675; B.M.Cat., Ion'ia 68, Lyd,i,acxl, and 334, Phrygia, lxxv). ? T. X'unm.NrusPosruuus (l) Pr. 46? In command of Sicily, perhaps Proquaestor pro praetore, at the beginning of 49 (Cic. Att. 7.I5.2t on the name, see?am. 6.8.3). C. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (131) Cos.59, +8, 46-44,Pt. 62 Proconsul and Imperator (Cic. Atü. 9.6A, and llA, prescripts) in Cisalpine and Transalpine GauI and lllyricum. At the beginning of this year when the Senate refused him the right to be a candidate in absence for the consulship of 48, and ordered him to surrender his provinces by a fixed day, he invaded and overran first Italy and then Spain, reducing Massilia in the interim, and returned to ltaly to carry out a seriesof emergencyreforms (seeabove, Dictator), and to prepare his attack on the Pompeian forces in Epirus (Caes. BC l.I-3.6; Cic.Atü.7.10-10.18,both passim;Liv. Per.l09, lI0, fr' 32 W; Suet. Iul,. 30-35; Lucan 1.1-5.460; Pluf. Caes.30-37:, Pomp. 59-65; Cat. Min. 52-54; Cic.37-38; App. BA 232-54; X'lor. 2.13.L7-36; Dio 4l-44; Eutrop.6.19-20; Oros.6.15.l-9 and 18; for a full citation of sources,seeD.-G. 3.37+-432). Q. MrNucrus THERMUs (67) Pr. 53 ? orby 58? Probably Propraetor (Praetor, Caes.BC f .12.1). Driven from Iguvium by Curio (Caes.BC l.l2.l-3; Cic. Att.7.l3A.3, and 23.1; Lucan 2.463;Flor. 2.13.19). M. NoNrus Surnras (52) Pr. ca.52? See51, and 50, Promagistrates.He was still cum imperio in 49 (Cic. 4u.8.15.3).
40 B.O.
? A. Pr,eutrus (Pr,orrus) (s) Pr' 51 (Cic. Iam'. Probably governor oI Bithynia and Pontus in 49-48 r3.29.4). 52 Crv. - Poururus M.rcxus (*15) Cos' 70, 55' and below' Legates)' Promagistrates' b+-dO, Spain of Proconsul 1r"e Pompey be made that outbreak-of tLe war Cato demänd-ed eittr" was empowand'he "o*-una"" in chief but the demand,was rejected, against armies command to ered, with the other possessorsof imperium, 52: Min' Cat' Plut' r'5'3; BC ö;;;;; it rt*ty and* elsewhere (Caes' Att' Cic' to prescripts cf' 2'96-37; Pornp.60-61, esp. 6l.t; App' BC 16'11, and l2)' IIe was named comand r-zA-D; fi*' ä.irÄ-p, (caes' BC 3'L6'4; at -und", in chief at Thessalonica the end of the year BC,I'I-3'6' Caes' See 2'49'2)' 'YIIL' cf Lucan 5.4&-47;Dio 4r.43.l-2; Suet' 109-110; Per' Liv' 9'9'2; esp' äp. i.s.r-z ;Cic. Att.7.10-10.18, 30-37;' 59-65; Pomp' Plat" tä. So-Ss; Lucan r.l-5.460; 4L'l-44; Cat. Mi,n.52-54;App. BC 2'32-54; X'lor' 2'13'17-33;Dio see sources' of citation full a For 6.15'r-9' 6.19_20; Oäs. il;p. D.-G. 3.374*432, and'4.538-540, and cf' above' on Caesar' M. Poncrus Cero (*20) Pr' 54 at the He received "o-Ä"nd of Sicily, probably pro praetore.'-but -bo-avoid.blood'shed province coming of Pollio ",,d Co"io yieldecl-the and 16.3; caes. and dästruction (cic. Att.7.i5.2; 10.12.2,and 12A.2, BC 2'40;Dio App' 61; Pornp' 53; BC 1.30.2and 4-5; PIut. Cat. Min' in the assisted and' joined Pompey' He it.+t.t, cf. l8.l; Oros.6.15.7). it command to appointed was rrr"-biirrg of his fleet, but"Bibuius Bibulus)' on above' see 13'25-30; Phil' . Cic' (Plur. Catl Min.53-54;cf (L.) Posruurus Pat' ? (*45) Pr' bY 50 '-{Ä"gfr (Cic' named by the Senate to succeedFurfanius in Sicily imthe on insist'ed and Atü. 7.I"5.2\ he refrised to go without Cat'o, caesar which terms the po"tu,rr"" oi remaining in thä sgnatg to debate probably the offered late in Janriary (see Legates, Envoys)' He-is that indicates order t'he where ,"nu,to" named in Sallust Äd, Co""' 2'9'4, Praetors)' above, (see year this in he was senior to Favonius, a Praetor C. -'H"ScmsoNrus Cunro (11) (Cic' *u" granted an imperium pro praetore by Caesar's Senate proceeded and' Att. 10.4.81 r ; Caes-bC l'.30.2 ; "i' So"t' I ul" 36, legatos)' on Cato)' to o""opy Sicity (Caes.BC 2'3'L-2; Lucan 3'59; see above' -!.romthereheattemptedtowinAfrica,butwasdefeatedand.killedin Juba and the Pompeians (caes. BC battle in the nug"rää, valley by-Belt. AJr' I9'2; Liv' Per' LlD' l'egatu"s; 1.30.2;2.23--44;3.10.5; Auät.
Lucan 4.58r-824; App. BC 2.44-46; Dio 4r.4l.l-42.7; 42.56.2; cf. Vell. 2.65.1;Plin..l/f1 36.116;X'rontin. Str. Z'S.$O;Suet. 1zl. 36, a Logate; X'lor.2.13.34;Jerome, Chr. ad ann. 54, p. 155 HeIm; Oros. 6.16.9; Bchol.Bob.85 Stangl; Schol,.Gron.29I Stangl). See below, Legates. P. Snsrrus (6) Pr. by 54? or 50? Assigned the province of Cilicia, probably pro consule, in 49 B.C. ( P l t t . B r u t . 4 . 2 ; c f . C i c .A t t . 7 . I 7 . 2 ; 8 . 1 5 . 3 ; l l . 7 . r ; F o m . 5 . 2 0 . 5 - 6 ; Caes.BC r.6.5-6). M. Tur,r,rus CrcERo (25) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Proconsul and fmperator (Cic. Att. 10.11.5,and prescripts of 8.ll A-D,9.64, and 7B, and llA, and l3A, and 15.6,and 16.2; Li,g.7; and cf . on his lictors and insignia, Att. 7.10.1, amd12.4,and 20.2 ; 8.1.3; 9.I.3, and.7.5; Iam. 2.16; 16.12.5,and many more). He was assigned command to recruit troops and to guard the region of Capua (Iam. 16.1I.3,and 12.5;Att.7.Il.5, and 14.2,and 15.2;8.3.4,and llB.l and 3, and ll D.5; 9.tlA.2), butremainedinactive, inthehopeof being a mediator (Atü.7.11-9.18, passi'm;Piut. Ci'c.37). But after a, conference with Caesaron March 29 he gave up hope, and in June he left Italy and joined Pompey in Epirus (Cic. Att' 9.18-10.18; Iam. L4.7; Phtt. Cic.38; Dio 4f.f8.4). X'or a full citation of sources,see D.-G. 6.r66-200. Venno A Proquaestor under Pompey in Spain (Grueber,C&RBM 2'362f-.1. See above, on Cn. Piso; and 75, note 7. Voconrus (*4) One of Cicero'slist of holders of imperium in 49 (Cic. Att. 8.15.3, dated March 3). Tribunes of the Soldiers ? Snx. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (153) Served.under Caesarin Spain (Caes.BC 2.20.7).See47, Quaestors. C. Snnvrr,rusBnooonus (39) Served.under the Consul Lentulus in Asia (Joseph. AJ L4.229 arrd 238). C. Tnurrus (Torrrus?) (l) Served under the Consul Lentulus in Asia (Joseph. AJ 14.235). C. Vur,rnrus Ceprro (Volteius *5) Served among the Opitergian troops who were sent by Minucius
40 u.o.
4.462-581, and Bcft'ol' Ilosilue to the relief of c. Antonius (Lucan below' Legates' on see 2'f3'33; Ilern. I37, and 154 l]sener; Flor' C. Antonius)' Legates, EnvoYs 58 L. Cer,runnrus Prso CansoNrNus (90) Cos' mission-to Caesar on^a go to offerod He and Roscius (see below) BC l'3'6-4'6; (Caes' rejected were but between January I and 7, <'f.PIut. PomP.58.4). L. Conwnr,rusBc,rus (Mnton) (70) Caesarsent,himonasecretmissiontotheConsulLentulus'butthe latterleftltalytoosoonforthemtomeet(Cic'Att'8'9'4'andIl'6' a n d 1 5 A . 3 ;9 . 6 ' 1 ) ' L. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (144) to caesar, but' also with Roscius Fabatus he went as a public envoy t'8; Dio 4l'5'3)' bore a personal statement from Pompey (Caes' B^! the terms of and"in return Urooght b,ck a counte"loifu" from Caesar' number of a which were discutt"a Uy Pompey, the Consuls' and senators. Iulius and Roscius were sent again to- Caesar ceptanceofhisterms,butwithattachedcond'it'ions'whichCaesar Dio 4l'5-6; cf' Cic' Att' 7'l3A'2' and ;;i""t"J (Caes.BC t.s- tt; 1!'123-4; ii.i, ,"a'16.2, and 17.2, and I8'2, and 19; 8'L2'2; Iam, Soe missions). these on seeK. von Fritz, TAPLA 72 |Is4Il |25_|56, below, Prefects. D. Leolrus (6) Pompey at Luceria to the Consuls at Capua-t'o Sent in February by"g"und.islom (Cic' Att' 8'llD't' and l2A'3)' See urge their retreatio below, Prefects. C. Lucu,rus Hrnnus (25) SentbyPompeytoaskaidfromtheParthians(Caes'BC3'82'4; cf. Dio 42.2.5). N. Macrus (9) Brundisium Captured by öaes"", and immedi?t-dy sent to Pompey,at to Caesar According *ith'p"oposais for päace (Caes.,BC l'24'+-5)' that he states caesar 6C i.ZO-.21he did'oot reiu"n, but elsewhere g'lc'z' Att' in Cic' (Caes' returned with an unsatisfact'ory response and 13A.1,cf. 13.8; PIut. Pomp' 63'2)' Seebelow, Prefects' L. Roscrus Fenrrus (15) '1,.Pr' 49 Iulius caesar in the two missions de*itt He was associated. scribedabove.
C. SonrsoNrusCunro (I1) The bearer of caesar,s messageto the senate on January I (cic. Fam. 16.lL.2;8.L7.1;Liv-Per.l09; Vell' 2'48'3-5;Lucan I'268-295; Plin.Nl/36.120;Pl:ut.Caes.3l;App.BC2'32-33;Dio4l'1'r-4'l; Oros. 6.15.2).Seeabove, Promagistrates,and below Legates, Lieutenants. Legates, Lieutenants L. Arnmtrus (6) Cos.60, Pr.72? Legatus pro praetore under Pompey in Nearer Spain (Caes' BC L37,;d. eä; Liv. Per. ll0; Vell. 2.50'4; see55-50, Legates)' R'umors reacired Cicero during the winter that he had defeatedCaesar'sLegate Trebonius at the P}'ienees(Cic. Att. 8'3'7, cf' 7 '26'1, and 8'2'3 ; Iam' but in faci he and Petreius were out-manoeuvred by Caesar 16.12.4), 'the spring and' early summer and forced to surrender on during AuguJt 2 (Caös.Ec t.gz_.e7; 2.r7-r8; Cic. Att. 10.9.1; rom'g'r3'L; Lii. Per. 110; Strabo 3.4.10, l6lc; Vell' 2'50'4; Lucan 4'l-40l; X'rontin.Bür.1.8.9;2.l.Il; Suet'Iul. 34'2;75-2;Phft' Caes'36; Pomp' 63.2; 65.2; App. BC 2.42_.43; X'lor. 2.13'26-29; Polyaen' 8'23'28; Eutrop. 6.20.t-2; Oros' 6'15'6; Schol' Bern' Dio 41.20-ZS; +S.SO.S; tSzU; cf. on the d'ate,Fast' Ami't' Ant" l3l, on Lucan 4, pp. t2l,
Maff., Val'|.).
c'\' t' c,, u^,\ r) T. Ampros Ber,sus (l) Pt. s/ Raised levies for Pompey about capua (cic. Att. LllB.2i Tam. 2.16.3), and served as a Lögatus pro praetore in Asia (Joseph' '4"I 14.229-230,238).See also Cic' Fam. 6.12'3' C. ANroNrus (20) Pr. 44 Legate of caesar,whoplacedhimcharge of the defenceof Illyricum, but he wä defeatedan4 forced to surrender by Pompey's captains (Caes.BC 3.4.2, arrd.10.5,and 67.5; Liv. Per. ll0; Suet' Iul' 36,\'egatos;App' BC i.+t, and.47;Flor. 2.I3.31-33;Dio 41.40;42'lI'l; Oros'6'15'8-9; cf . Lucan 4.402-581,and.Bchol.Bern. onlucan 4, pp. 134-136usener). ? C. AsrNrus Por,r,ro (25) Cos. 40, Pr. 45 with caesar at the Rubicon (PIut. Caes.32.5),and later an officer under Curio in Sicily (PI:ut,.Cat. Mi,n. 53; App' BC 2'40), where he went in advance (PIut.; cf . Cic. Att. 10.4.8,and 16'3), and in Africa (App. BC 2.45-46). Perhaps a Tribune of the soldiers, but listed in i.-b. 3.700 as aLegate; see also J. Andr6, REL 25 (1947) 124-137' ? M. Car,rnrus (4) Pr.57 caesar placed him in charge of cisalpine Gaul, a command which he
{g fr.o.
ca. 47 (Jerome, cft'r' ed ann' lrold until his death at Placentia, perhaps ö?, p. 154 Helm). 45' Pr' 48 ? 0. CeNrNrus Runn,us (9) Cos' Suff' contact with Scribonius A Legate of Ctu.u", *ito *" sent-to-Take then servedunder yzo'l;,Dio 4l'12'2)' nC l,ibo at Brundisium'iil' 34'4)' öt"it i" Africa (Caes'BC 2'24'2, and by 5.8?or 522 C, Corsmrus LoNcus (11) Pr' Varus' who was a Legatus Served in Africa, p"oUtUiy like Ättius 5319' Leg' pro L2'2'780-ILS CIL äC i'isl+, cf ' lrro praetore (Caes. pr'). (141) Cos' Suft' 44 ? P. Conrvnr,rusDor'eepr'LA Pat' iul' 36' but with Curio)' He i".ql"f Perhaps u l,"g"t"f*o t""*"a but was 9i::" -out when held command of " h""t in the Adriatic' (App' BC 2'41' and 47' C. Antoniu* *** "u,pt"rrt"äby the Pompeians Oros' 6'15'8; cf'' Schol" text uncert"in; fro'". ä'ri'si; Dio 4r-40'r-2; ßern. on Lucan 4, p' 134-135Usener)' C. Fesrus (17) Pr' 58 ' and' 40' (Caes' BC ^l'37 Legate of C*ru" i" lhe Spanish campaign 2' See55' note and48; Dio 41.20.1-2;cf ' Cic'Att' 8'3'7)' Pr' 59 Q. Fumus Cer,rNus (10) Qos' f7.' campaign and at Massilia (Caes' Spanish tit" iit A Legate of Ct"*i" nC; Cic. Phil^ 8.18; cf ' Att' 9'5'r)' ? Q. HonnnNsrus (8) Pr,45(Suet' Ial' of ' detachment at the R'ubicon An officer in "o-io;"J App' BC 3r'r; Iut' Cu'"'' ßC l'8'r; Suet' 3I.l; PIut. C*"".;;1-;"t' (App' sea Tuscan the on 2.35), and later received' naval command 3' and' 17'I and 16'5' and BC 2.47; Oros. 6.1;';; cf' Cic' Att' 10'r2'L; in Antonius of C' relief the to :rnd l8.l), *h"t"e h" attempted- to come 4'433'p' I35 Usener; ottlucan Bern' ßchot' 5'8; o.t the Adriati" 1Oros. see above, on C. Antonius)' 64 L. -'Ä Iur,rus Crnsen Pat' (I43) Colt r'8'2)' BC ' (Caes i"g*t" of Caesarin 49 Bnurus (53) Pr' 44 M.IuNrus "-a 4'2)' i"g"tu under Sesiius in Cilicia (Plut' Brut' 5) Pr' 45 I). IuNrus Bnurus Ar'nnrus (55a' Supb' charge of 1a1al operations riad P"i'-lI0)' A Legate "f C;;liin, 2.|-7, arrd 22; 56.1-58.5; and about Massilia (Caes.BC |.36.5, and' 21'3; 3'509-762;ßIor' 2'13'25;Dio 4l'1-9-' Liv. Per.1l0; t;;;' 3' pp' 113' Il5 Usener)' Sid. Apolt. zs.tof .; iciol' Bern' onl,ucan
T. Lenrnrus (6) Pr. Legatus pro praetore under Caesar (see 50, Legates). He joined Pompeyin January,4g (Cic.Att.1.Il'1, and 12.5,and 13.1,and 134.3, cf. Hirt. in Caes. and tS.g, and 16.1-2;8.2.3;Fam.14.14.2;16.12.4; Pomp- 64.3; Dio Caes. 34.2-3; 1.15.2; Phft. BC and Caes. BG 8.52.3, Lucan, p' 167 on Bern. and Schol. Lucan 5.345-347, cf. 41.4.2-4: (see Caes. BC him Legate under important an and became IJsener), 3.f3.3-4; and 48, Legates). M. Lrcrnrus CRASsus (56) Probably a Legate of Caesar, he received a command in Cisalpine Gaul (App. BC 2.4r). ? P. Lrcnrrus CRAssüsIuNraNus (75) Probably a Pompeian officer (Legate ?) in Caria in 49-48 (BCH 14 [1891] 232; and.on his title, see 46, Legates). ? C. Lucr,rus Hrnnus (25) Probably a Legale under Pompey, who retreated before Caesar's advance from Camerium to Corfinium where he was captured (Caes. BC 1J5.5; cf. Cic. Att. 8.IIA), but upon reloase went off to join Pompey (Caes.ßC 1.23.2).See above, Legates, Envoys. ? L. MrNucrus BasrlTrs (38) Pr.45 He held command of a legion, probably as a Legate, and attempted to come to the relief of C. Antonius (Lucan 4.4L6, and Bchol. Bern. pp. f34--136lfsener; X'lor. 2.13.32;Oros. 6.15.8; see above, on C. Antonius). L. MuNarrus Planous (30) Cos. 42, Pr. 452. A Legate of Caesar (see 52, Legates), and served with C. X'abius in Spain (Caes.BC 1.40.5). M. Ocrevrus (33) Probably a Legate, like Scribonius Libo, in Pompey's service. With Libo he defeated Dolabella, and captured C. Antonius (Lucan 4.402581, and Sch,ol.Bem. L34-136 and 154 Usener; App. BC 2.47; Flor. 2.r3.31-33; Dio 41.40.1-2; Oros. 6.15.8-9), and attacked Salonae (Caes.BC 3.9.f-S; Dio 42.ll.l-4; Oros' 6.15.9). M. Ppnrnnrus (3) Pr. 64? Legatus pro praetore under Pompey in Farther Spain (Caes' BC f .37-38;Liv. Per.lf0; Vell. 2.50.4;cf. Cic' Fam. 16.12.4;see 64-50, Legates). He joined Afranius in Nearer Spain and shared in his defeat and his surrendet to Caesar (seeabove, on Afranius).
? L. ? Posruurus (*45) Pr. Ho was take charge of Sicily, but refused to go without ()rr,to(Cic. Att.7.15.2; seePromagistrates,on Cato)' He was a senat'or of gome influence, and so probably a praet'orian Legate' See above' I'romagistrates. 72 or 7l M. Purrus Prso Fnuar CanrunNrarrTus (*2'f 00) Cos' 61, Pr ' /"I (Joseph' Delos at for Pompey A Legate, who recruited troops r4.23r). ? C. Sr,r,usrrus CRrsPüs (10) Pr.46 He also attempted to send aid to C. Antonius (Oros' 6'15'8; cf' Schol.Bern. on iuc*tt 4, p. 135 llsener; see above, on C' Antonius)' ? C. ScmsoNrus Cunro (lt) Probably a Legate ond:"" Caesar in the first days of -th-e war in Italy, whän he ciptured Iguvium (Caes.BC l'L2'l-3; cf' Liv' Per' I l0; Suet. Iul'. 36; and see above, Promagistrates)' 1,. Scnrnonrus Lrso (20) Cos. 34, Pr. M' A Legate of Pompey iFlor. 2.ta.31, who conluses him with "Wh"tt Antonius M' by Octaviu!, see abovei. 'Z.fg.f9; driven from Etruria cf. Caes. BC I'll'4), he took command' (Lucan 2.462; Flor. ,rrrer recruits in Campania from Ampius Balbus (Cic' Att' 7'I2'2; tl.llB.2), and followed Po*p"y to Brundisium, where Caesar un,o""".*iolly attempted to havä him act as a mediator (Caes' BC 1.26.3-5).ir, "o*rottd of a fleet in the Adriatic, along with M' Octavius, he defeated Dolabella, and captured c. antonius in Illyricum (Caes.BC 3.5.3,and 8'4; Lucan 4.433, and Schol"Bern' p' 135Usener; i'lor. 2.f3.31; Dio 41.40.I;Oros. 6.15.8-9;seeabove,on C' Antonius, tnd M. Octavius). ['. Sur,prcrus R,uFUS Pat. (93) Pr. 48 Legate of caesar, who at Ilerda negotiated with Afranius' son for lris surrender (Caes.BC 1.74.6). M. TnnnNrrus Venno (8a, Supb. 6) Pr' Legatus of Pompey in X'arthei Spain (Caes.BC 2.I7; Liv. Per. lt0). His fart was to Ä to A-franius and Petreius, and their *r1rr",1d""to Caesarled tö his (Caes.BC 1.38; 2.17-2L; Auct. Bel'l'. Aler. 58.2;Cic.Iam.9.13.f ;Liv. Per.ll0; Suet'Iul" 34'2;Plwt' Caes' i|6; Flor. 2.13.29; Dio 4r.23-24; 43.36.3;Eutrop' 6'20'l-2; Oros' 6.15.7;Schol'.Berm.on Lucan 4,p- I2l Usener).See75, note 7' 0. TnneoNrus (6) Cos. Suff. 45, Pr. 48 A Legate of Caesar(caes.BC 1.36.4;2.I.I), who brought the Gallic
'o lt'c'
legions to Spain (Cic. Att. 8.3.7), and. was placed in command of operations against Massilia (Caes.BC 1.36.4; 2.1-16, arrd 22; Liv. Per. ll0; Dio 41.19.3;Oros. 6.f 5.6; Schol.Bern. on Lucan 3, pp. II3, l15 Usener). See above, on D. Brutus.
tt.4.i|; Oros. 6.15.4; see above, on Attius Paelignus), and' later, along with Minucius Rufus, becamea commanderunder Laelius of a portion of P
Q. Ver,nnrus Onoa (*78) Pr. 57 A Legate of Caesar, who was sent to occupy Sardinia (Caes. BC 1.30.2-3,and 3l.l; Lucan 3.64,and Schol'.Bern., p.93 Usener; App. BC 2.40; Dio 4r.r8.r).
N. M,torus (9) Praefectus fabrum under Pompey (Caes. BC 1.24.+-5; Cic. Att. llJC.2; seeabove, Legates,Envoys).
(*2) Cos. 47, Pr. 55 P. VlrrNrus See51, and 48, Legates. C. Vor,cerrus TULLUs (*8) See50, and 48, Legates. Prefects C. Arrrus Panr,rcrvus (4) Recruited troops for Pompey at Sulmo, but fled when M. Antonius came (Caes.BC f .18; Qie.Ltt.8.4.3). (59) Pr.44 C. CessrusLorcrrus Commander of the Syrian squadron in Pompey's fleet (Caes. ßC 3.5.3;Auct. Vir.Ill,.83.5; seeabove,Tribunes of the Plebs). Crc.Dordrrrus (seeno. ll) Prefect of cavalry under Curio in Africa (Caes.BC 2.42.3). (X'r,enrnvrus?) X'r,euue (8) The naval commander who hastily fled from the camp at Utioa upon hearing news of Curio's disaster (App. BC 2.46; not in Caes.BC 2.43).On the name, seeCic. Aüt. 12.52.1,and 14.16.4. C. Ger,r,oxrus (l) Placed in chargo of the city of Gadesby Varro (Caes.ßC 2.18.2, and 20.2-3). L. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (144) Prefect of a small fleet under Attius Varus in Africa (Caes. BC 2.23.3; seeabove, Legates, Envoys). D. Lanr,rus (6) Prefect, along with C. Valerius Triarius, of a part of Pompey's fleet recruited in Asia and Syria (Caes.BC 3.5.3, and 7.1; IGRP 3.1018, {tupaov otd},ou;cL.PIR 2.260,no. 26). ? Q. Lucnnrrus VDsPTLLo (36) Fled Iike Attius Paelignus from Sulmo (Caes. BC l.t8; Cic. Att.
MrNucrus R,unus (50, cf. 9) Served with Lucretius Vespillo under Laelius at Oricum (see 48, l'refects). ? L. Nesrorns (3) Brought a small fleet from D5machium, capturing a ship at Messana, nnd reinforced the Massilian fleet, against Caesar(Caes.BC 2.3-4, and' 7: Schol.Bern. on Lucan 3.524,p. r15 Usener). ? Cn. PorvrpnrusMeerus (*f7) Collected and commanded a squadron of Egyptian ships in his futher'sfleet (Caes.BC 3.4.4,and5.3, and lll.3; PIut. Ant. 25; Pomp. 02.2; App. BC 2.7I). SeeD.-G' 4.562,no 24. M. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (30) Cos. Suff. 30, Pr. Prefect of an ala of cavalry in Pompey's army (Cic. Off . 2.a5). C. Ver,nnrus Tnrenrus (363) Held. command, along with Laelius (see above) of the Pompeian nlripsfrom Asia (Caes.BC 3.5.3). ? Vrsrus Cusrus (x8, cf. *2) Probably a Prefect of Cavalry under Caesar (Caes.BC 1.24.3; cf.. C i c .A t t . 9 . 6 . r ) . ? L. Vrnulr,rus R,unus (*l) He was engaged in recruiting troops for Pompey in Picenum, then rrptured at Corfinium and dismissed (Caes. BC 1.15, and 23; Cic. .lit. z.z+;8.1.1, and 2.4, and IlA, and llB.l, and l5.l). Thereafter l.'ompeysent him to Spain (Caes.BC 1.34,and 38). Pontifices $il?-49: C. ScnrnoNrus CuRro (ll) See above, Promagistrates. Caesar may possibly have secured gk:ction of a successorin late 49 (seeabove, Dictator), otherwise there w{w no successionuntil autumn of 47 (Dio 42'20.4,cf ' 27.2,and 5r.3).
4 8B . C .
272 48 B.C.
ar lt.o. Praetors
A.U.C. 706 Consuls
C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Censen Pat. (t3l) Cos.59, 46'44,Pr' 62 P. Snnvrr,rusP. f. C. n. Iseunrcus (67) Cos. 41, Pr' 54 CIL ß.2.776,937, and 938; Caes.BC 3.1.1; Cic. Phil. L4.23;Fast' Caqt., Degtassi 56f., 132, +98f., cf. Xast. Ost., i'bi'd" 180, 182; VelI' Val. Max. 8.3'2; Plut. Caes.37.l; Dio, Ind'exesto 41, and'42; Z.ilS..Z: 41.43.1;Chr. 354; Fast. EAd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; and on Caesar, BIGB760; I. d,eDölos4.1.I587-Choir 166; Lucan 5.389-402; Grueber, CRRBM 2.559. In this year Caesarbrought an army across the Adriatic, and after winter engagements,such as his attemFt to besiegeE9-p"{ at Dyrrachium, !,ö" " decisive victory over Pompey at Pharsalus, then pursued him to Egypt, and toward the end of the year became emLroiled in the diJpute between Cleopatra an4 her brother for the Egyptian throne (C"u*. BC 3; A.uct. Bell' Al,er. I-25; Liv' Per' tt-ö-ttzl Vell. 2.5L-54; Lucan 5.403-10.546; Suet. Iul.35; Plut' Caes. 37-49; Pomp. 65-80; Ci,c' 39.1-2; Flor' 2'13'35-63; Dio 4I.43-42.40; Eutrop. 6.20-22; Oros. 6.15.10-34;Zonat' t0'8-10; and.for a detailed. ciiation of sources, see D.-G. 3.432-486). Servilius meantime in Italy (Dio 42.17.1) suppressed the illegal activities of CaeliusRufus (Caes.BC 3.2I; Dio 42.22.1*25.3; cf. Cic' Fam' 8'I7; news Quintil. Insü.or. 6.3.25;seebelow, Praetors),and after receiving second. a for him Dictator of caesar,s victory at Pharsalus, named. time (Dio 42.2I.1; seebelow, Dictator). Dictator C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Censen Pat. (131) Cos.59, 48,46*44,Pr' 62 He was named Dictator for a second time after tho victory at Pharsalus, probably late in Octoberl .(CIL I2.2.787-ILS 70; Cic' Phit,.2.62;Liu. p"r.l12; Plut. Caes.50.1;Ant. 8.3; Dio 42'20'3,and 21.1, and 35.5, and 55.4; Zonat 10.10; cf-.IGRP 4. 929; Joseph' '4'l I4.lb0 and 192),for an entire year (Plut. Caes.SI'l;Dio 42.20'3)' See Degrassi 132f. Master of Horse M. ANronrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 31 Appointedby Caesar(Cic.Phi|,.2.62-63;PIut. Ant.8.3;Dio 42'2I'l; ct. last. Cap. ior 47, Degrassi56f., L32, +98f-.;CIL L2.2.787),and was governing in that capacity in December (cic. Att. LI.I.l; seenote l).
M. Cnnr,rus R,nrus (35) Pr. Peregrinus .Pressedmeasuresfor suspensionof payments of interest, rents, and dolrts illegally against the opposition of his colleagues until he was ruopondedf"ö- äffi"" by the Consul Servilius; and.later was killed by rcläiers while attempting with Milo to raise a revolt in Italy (Caes.BC 8.2O.L-22.4; Dio 42.22.1-25'3; cf. Cic. Fam. 8.17; Liv' Per' LIL; Voll. 2.68.r-3; Quintil. Inst. Or. 6.3.25; Oros. 6.15.10; Jercme Chr' od rnn. 48, p. 156 Helm). (9) Cos. Suff. 45 ? C. Cr.NrNrusRnsrlus Perhaps Praetor in this year, since he was a Proconsul in 46 and a Oonsul Suffectus in 45, buüas Caesarwas not bound by constitutional niceties (seeDio 42.20),the date may be 47 or even 46. ? M. Conr,rus Vrmrcrl.Nus (27) See 47, Promagistrates. ? C. Coscowrusz (5) Pt. 54? An ex-Praetor when killed. by Caesar's mutinous troops in 47, so 4tt is the latest date for his praetorship, though 54 is more probable lPluL. Caes. Sl; cf. Dio 42.62.2). See 54, Praetors; and 53, Prornagistrates. ? Q. Faerus Maxmus Pat. (108) Cos. Suff. 45 This year is probably the latest date for his praetorship. ? Q. (Mmcrus) Furr,rrrus (83) See 47, Promagistrates. (). Pnnrus (1) Cos. Suff. 43 CrushedMilo's revolt near Cosa (Caes.BC 3.22). ? C. Renrsrus (CTrRrrus)Posruuus (6) A Legate of Caesarin 46 (see46, Legates),who consideredcompeting frrr the-consulshipof 45 (cic. att. L2.49.2),and held a proconsulatein t'hc East at about this period (CIL L2.2.773;cf. Joseph' AJ L4'241, t,r:xtuncertain). SeeDessau,Hermes46 (191I) 613-620; 47 (L912)320' l'. Sur,prcrus R,urus Pat. (93) Iiesisted at vibo an attack by the sy'rian squad.ronof Pompey's fleot trnder C. Cassius(Caes.BC 3.103; cf. Dio 42.I3.L). 0. Tnneoxrus (6) Cos. Suff. 45 Pr. Urbanus t{e opposed the measures proposed by Caelius R'ufus (Caes' BC 3.20.L-22.3; Dio 42.22.2-4; seeabove), aided Cicero after his ret'urn t
spain as Proconsulat the end of the year (cic. Fam. 16.2r.2; cf. Auct. Bel,l,.Aler. 64.2\. ? C. Vrsrus Peuse CenrnoNu.Nus (*g) Cos. 48 Cicero notes his presence in Rome this year (Att. ll.6.g, with Trebonius). See47, and 4G,Promagistrates. Tribunes of the Plebs ? A. Hrnrruss (2) Cos. 48, Pr. 46 Hirtius was the author of a bill affecting supporters of pompey (cic. Phil. 13.32), such as the one noted. uy-oio-1+2.20.1) unde" fnis year. SeeCIL 12.2.604. Quaestors ? Arpur,nrusa (Z) Probably a Quaestor this year in Asia Minor under Domitius calvinus (cic.,t'om.13.45,and 46; seesyme, Anat. stuil,.BucrcrerBr5-Brz). M. Crauorus Manonr,lus AnsonNnvus (282, ct.283) Cos.22 served under Q. cassius Longinus in x'arther spain, but joined the mutinous troops and led them until Lepidus came to take command (Beltr.Aler. 57-64; Dio 42.15-16, cf. 4J.t.2; and 29.1). See p.[Ä2 2.215,no. 926; De Laet no. 104. Tr. Cr,euorus Nrno Pat. (254) pr.42 suet. 7d0. 4. commanded in caesar's fleet at Alexandria (Bell,.Al,er. 25.3; Suet. Tib. 4;Dio 42.40.6,late in 48 and early in 4T). P. Conrvrr,rus Lnrvrur,us Mlncnr,r,nrus pat. (2g2) commanded a portion of caesar's fortifications about Dwrachium at the point where Pompey attacked and inflicted. serious loises (caes. BC 3.62.4,and 64-65). Q. Conrn'rcrus (8) Pr. 45 See below, Promagistrates. ? Snx. Iur,rus Censan6 Pat. (l5B) Dio 47.26.3. See47, Promagistrates. C. Pr,enronrus (5) Served under Cn. Dömitius Calvinus in Asia Minor (Bett. Ate*. 34.5). ? C. Ser,r,usflus Cnrspus (10) pr.46 According to Ps.-cic. (rnaect.i,n Bott.6.17; g.2r), he returned to the ^ after his expulsion in 50 by way of the quaestorship. sobeck lenate (65) would date his return in 49. See49, Legates.
{lt 11.c.
276 Promagistrates
M. Anurr,rus Lnrrous Pat. (73) Cos. 46, 42, Pt.4g Proconsul in Nearer Spain (Bell. Aleu. b9.2; App. BC 2.48; Dio 43.1.1),and at the end of the year intervened in the dispute between ( lr,nsiusLonginus and Marcellus in X'arther Spain (Bel,l.Al,er. 8g-64; l)io 43.r.2-B). Ä. Ar,r,rnxus6 (t) Pr. 49 Proconsul in Sicily (Grueber, CRRBM 2.559; cf. App. BC 2.48, 'r\ iBivov). I). Arrrus Varus (32) Pr. ca. 53 ? He continued in command in Africa until the arrival of Metellus Scipio, Cato, and.other Pompeians after their defeat at Pharsalus (see lrclow), and at Cato's urging yielded the command to Scipio (Plut. (]o,t,.Mi,n. 56-57; App. BC 2.87; Dio 42.57.t; see below, on Scipio), rrrrdbecamea Legatus pro praetore (CIL 12.2.780-ILIS SBlg; seo 47, Legates). Q. Cencrr,rus Mnrrr,lus Prus Scrpro Nlsroa (gg) Cos. 52, pr. 66 Proconsul and fmperator (see4g, Promagistrates). He brought his forcesfrom Asia to Greece,where he manoeuvred against those of Domitius Oa,lvinusand L. Cassiusuntil he was joined by Pompey, and at Pharnulushe held command of the center (Caes.BC 9.4.9, and 86-88, and fr7, and 78-83, and 88, and 90.2; Plut.Caes.3g.Z, and 42, and44; I'omp.66-69; Comp. Pomp. and,Ages.4.Z; App. BC 2.60, and 66, rurd 76; Dio 41.51.2). He fled after Pharsalus to AJrica where, at Otto's urging, he received the chief command of the Pompeian forces, lrrobably early in 4l (Liv. Per. tt};YeLL.2.54.2-8; Plut. Cat. Mi,n. 66-58; App. BC 2.87;Dio 42.57; Auct. Vir. ILI,.B0.B). M. Car,punrrus Brsur,us (2S) Cos. 59, Pr. 62 Proconsul (see 5l-49, Promagistrates), and commander of pom;rcy's fleet. He died early in 48 after failing to prevent Caesar from r:rossingto Epirus (Caes.BC 9.5.4, and T, and 8, and l5; Dio 4L,44, rr,rrd46, and 48; Oros. 6.f5.t0). See.IG9.t.722. 1,. Cassrus Lowcrrvus (65) Served under Caesar as Proconsul (CIL 12.2.77+-ILB 39). Ho rrccupied rhessaly but Metellus scipio s6mpelled him to retreat and j
trates), saluted as Imperator for an unimportant victory in Lusitania (Bell. Aler.48.2).His exactionscausedgreatdissatisfaction,andhis preparations for a campaign against King IubainNumidialed to a mutiny, which was headed by his Quaestor Marcellus (seeabove), and this in turn led to the intervention of Lepidus (seeabove). He was superseded by Trebonius early in 47 (Bell,.Alen. 48-64; Bel'I,.Hisp. 42.4-5; Liv. fr. 37-39 W, and Per. lll; VaI. Max. 9.4.2; Dio 42.15-16;43"29.1, and 36.3). C. Cr,auorus MaRoELLUs (2I7) Cos. 49 Probabty Proconsul (seeDio 4L.43.2-3), and shared with Coponius the command of the Rhodian section of Pompey's fleet (Caes. BC 3.5.3).The date of his death remains uncertain (Cic. Phil'. 13.29). Ap. Cr,eunrus Pur,csnn Pat. (257) Cos. 54, Pr. 57 Proconsul in Achaea (see 49, Promagistrates). He died before the battle of Pharsalus (VaI. Max. 1.8.10; Lucan 5.120-136, and' Schol'. Bern. p. 156Usener; SeeIG 5.428;CIL 12.2.775-ILS 404r. C. Coponrus (3) Pr. 49 Probably a Propraetor (Cic. Di'a. 1.68, praetorio i,mperi,o;cf. Dio 41.43.2-g).With Marcellus he shared.command of the Rhod.ian section of Pompey's fleet (Caes. BC 3.5.3, and' 26.2). See Cic. Di,a. I.681, 2.rt4. L. ConNnr,rusLENTuLUsCRUs Pat. (218) Cos. 49, Pr. 58 Proconsul (Qic. Iam. 10.32.3,cf. Dio 4I.43.2-g). He met Caesar's Envoy the younger Balbus in Pompey's camp at Dyrrachium (Vell. 2.51.3;cf. Cic.Fam.10.32.3).He was present,perhapsalsoin command of one wing, at Pharsalus (App. -BC 2.76; cf.. Lucan 7.218). Rhodes refused to admit him in his ftight and he was killed shortly after Pompey in Egypt (Cic. Xam. t2.14.3; Caes. BC 3.102.5,and 104.3; Vell. 2.53.1;Val. Max. 1.8.9;Lucan 8.328-455; Plut. Pomp.73.6; 80.4; Oros. 6.15.28).SeeCic. Att. LL.6.6. Feusrus ConNnr,rusSur,r,a Pat. (377) Proquaestor pro praetore (see 49, Promagistrates). He was active in Macedonia in 48, where he opposed Domitius Calvinus, and fled to Africa after Pharsalus(Dio 41.51.3;42.f 3.3). Q. Conwrrrcrus (8) Pr.45? Quaestor pro praetore (Bell. Aler. 42.2).He carried on a spirited defence of Illyricum against the Pompeian fleet under M. Octavius (Bell,. Ater. 42-47; see below, Legates, on Gabinius and Vatinius).
{n tr.C.
1,. l)onnrrrus AunNonensus (27\ Cos. 54, Pr. 58 l'roconsul (see 49, Promagistrates). Sharp and rude in Pompoy's r,orrncils(Cic. Fam.6.2l.l; Att. LI.6.2; Caes.BC 3.83; Suet' Nero Lll; Plut. Pomyt.67.2; Caes.42; App. BC 2.67).He held commandof t ho lcft wing at Pharsalus and was killed in the rout (caes. ßc 3.99.5, cf . 88; Cic.-Phit.2.7l; Suet. Nero 2.3; Lucan 7.220,the right wing, rrrrrl599-616; Tac. Ann. 4.44; Plut . Pomp. 69.1, the right wing; Caes' 44.2,t!rcleft wing; App. BC 2.76,t'heleft wing, and 82). Ow. Do1\Lrrus CALvrNTrs (43) Cos. 53, 40, Pr. 56 No title preserved. Ire manoeuwed his troops against those of Metellus Sclpio in Greece until caesar and Pompey transferred their rlrmies there (Caes.BC 3.34-38, and 78-79; App. BC 2'60; Dio 41.5I.?--3),and was in command of caesar's center at Pharsalus (Caes. /lC 3.89.3;Pltft'.Pomp. 69.1,with praenomenLucius; Caes.44.1;App' tlc 2.76).IIe was placed in charge of Asia Minor (Bell. Al,er' 34'l), lrut was defeated ai Nicopolis by Pharnaces 1r of Pontus (Bell- Al,er. and 24;Liv. Per. l12; Suet' Dei,ot.14, 34.1-40.5; 65.3; 69.1;74.3;Cic. a Legate; PIut. Caes' 50'l; was that he implication the Iul.36, with App. BC 2.9L;Mi'th.l20; Dio 42.46.1-2,and 47.1). C. X'eNmus (9) Pr. 54 see 49, Promagistrates. cicero implies that he died this year (cic. Atü. IL.6.6), but see43, Envoys, and 42, Legates. M. X'avorvrus (I) Pr. 49 Probably a Propra,etor (Dio 4I.43.2-3). the operations of lletellus Scipio in Macedonia and Greece (Caes. BC 3.36, and 57)' criticized Pompey violently before Pharsalus, and aided him in his f light (VeII.2.53.i;PIttt. Pomp. 6?.3; 73.6-7; Caes.4I.2; Comp'Pomp' and,Ages.4.3). L. MrNr,rus Tonquerus Pat. (80) Pr. 49 Probably Propraetor (Dio 41.a3.2-B)' Pompey placed him in comrnand of öricum (Caes.,BC 3.1I.3-4), and he held command of the section of Pompey's force that broke through caesar's siege works at I)yrrachium (Lucän 6.285-313, and Bchol,.Bern. p. 199 Usener; Oros' 6.15.I9-2I f. Caes.BC 3.6+-72). ? Snx. Pnnucenus (6) caesarian governor'of sardinia (App. BC 2.48,ti'te not preserved). ? A. Pr,aurrus (Pr,orrus) (8) Pr. 51 Possibly governor of Bithynia and Pontus in 49-48 (cic. xam, t3.29.4).
48 B.C.
Cn. Poupnrus Mecrus (*f5) Cos.70, 55, 52 Proconsul (Dio 4r.43.5), but in fact acceptedas commanderin chief (see 49, Promagistrates). On his campaign in Epirus, his- defeat at iharsalus, and his death in Egypt, see the sources quoted above on Iulius Caesar, and D.-G. 3.432-472; 4.540L. Acclaimed Imperator, Caos.BC 3.7r.3; Dio 4L.52.1M. Poncrus Cero (*20) Pr.54 probably continued to hold the imperium (see 49, Promagistrates; Plut. Cat. Mi,n. 54; Cae^s.4l).In charge at Dyrrachium at the time of the battle of Pharsalus, he accepted the command that cicero refused, and departed intending to join Pompey (Cic. Di'a. 1.68-69; 2.114;PLui.Cic.39.l; Cat. Mi'n.55-56; App. BC 2.87; Dio 42'10, and l3), but hearing of his death put in at cyrene, and with great difficulty made his way to Africa (Liv. Per.1l2; Plut. Cat. Mi'n.56; App' BC 2.87;Dio 42.13.4-5;cf. Vell. 2.54;Lucan 9.r-949). P. B,urnrus Lupus (27) Pr. 49 Probably a Propraetor (Dio 41.43.2-g).Pompey sont him to Achaea, where he ättempted to fortify the Isthmus against the advance of Fufius Calenus(Caes.BC 3.56.3). P. Snsrrus (6) Pr. 54 ? or 5O? See 49, Promagistrates. Remained in possessionof imperium after Pharsalus by grant from Caesar (Cic. Att. ll.7.l, Dec. 17,48), and served with Cn. Domitius Calvinus in Asia Minor (Bell. Al'er.34'5). M. Tur,r,rus CroERo (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Proconsul and ImFerator (see49, Promagistrates; cf . on his retention of his lictors, Att.1l.7.l, Dec. 17, 48)' IIe remainedin Pompey'scamp at Dyrrachiuü, and after Pharsalus refused the proffered command (seeabove, on Cato), and returned to Brund'isium (Cic. Att. ll.l-7, a n d 9 . 1 ;F a m . 9 . 6 . 3 ,a n d 1 8 . 2 ;c f . 7 . 3 . 2 - 3 ; 1 4 . 6 ; 9 . 9 . 2t ;5 . r 5 . l ; D e i ' o t . 29; Dia. 1.68-69; 2.114; Ptuil.2.5, and 59-60; Liv. Per. lll; Plut. Ci,c.39.L-2;Cat. Mi,n.55; Dio 42.L0;46.22-5;seeD.-G. 6.200-210). Tribunes of the Soldiers L. Srpnrurus (g) Formerly a Tribune of the Soldiers under Pompey, he served in this position in the garrison left in Egypt by Gabinius, and at Egyp_tian command killed Pompey upon his arrival on the coast of Egypt (Caes. BC 3.104;App. BC 2.8+-85, Sempronius;Flor. 2.13.62;Dio 42.3-4, and 38.1; Zonar.l0.9; cf. Lucan 8.596-636,and Schol'.Bern.279U,
Ir. ll.c.
Riesez 846; see 67, rrrr<:oprimipilus under Pompey; Anth' Lat., ed. 't'ribunes of the Soldiers). 1,.llrrrus? (I3) Alen' 57 'l)' Scrved orrd.""'Q. CassiusLonginus in Spain (Bell" Legates, EnvoYs A. Cr,oorus (5) (Caes' BC Sent by Caesar to Metellus Scipio with peace overtures 3.6.7,and 90.2). 1,. - Connnr,rus Ber,eus (70) to bring Penetrated. secretly inio bompey's camp at D5rr-rachium without but Crus, Lentulus Pr^oöonsul the ,vcrtures from Caesär to rosult (Cic.Fam.10.32.3; Vell' 2'51'3;cf' Caes'BC 3'19'6-7)' O. Lucr,rus HTBRUS (25) 3'82'5; see 49' Pompey's Envoy to ihe Parthian court' (Caes' BC Envoys). -" Prrrsrus (1) Q. reinforcemonts Sent fy noäitius Calvinus to Cilicia to summon pontus (BeIl. Alen.14.S). Münzer pharnaces of of ngrirrrt tüe invasion patisius is an error for Patiscus (ct. cic. 1ä,u1uogg"sts that the name i'"Ä. z.Il.z; 8.9'3; and the Index, on Patiscus)' M. Pr,orrus (*7, not in RE) WithCorneliusBalbusinacolloquywithPompeianofficersatthe Apsusriver (Caes.BC S.lS.7), (A. ?) Posnuurrrs (Ar,nntus?) (*48,) Caesarsent.himinhastetoBrundisiumtosummonreinforcoments l,o Epirus (App. AC 2.58-59; see D'-G' 3'440)' A. (TnnnNrrus) Venno (Munnxe) (gt) Apsus river A Po-puian, who was present at the conferenceon the (Caes.BC 3.19.4). M. Trnunrrus (1) ACaesariarr,*ho*"*presentattheconferonceontheApsusrivor (Oaes.BC 2.I9.7). 1,.Vrnulr,rus R,unus (*I) Envoy to A former Prefect under Po-p"y, whom Caesarsent as an and 3'f0-11' BC (Caes' tttempt to open negotiationJ fä" p""" Milo'g with connected also 16-lä; PIut. Pmnp: 65.3-4). He was rrbortive revolt in ltaly (Caes' BC 3'22)'
48 B.C.
Legates, Lieutenants M. Acrr,rus Cexntus (or ClNrrvrexus ?)8 (15) Pr. 47 ? A Legate Caesar, who placed him in charge of the city of Oricum (Caes.-BC 3.f5-f6, and 39-40; Dio 42.12.1). L. AnneNrus (6) Cos.60, Pr.72? With Pompey at Dyrrachium, he was placed in command of the camp at Pharsalus, whence he fled to Dyrrachium and later to Africa (Caes.BC 3.83.2;Plut. Pomp.67.3;App. BC 2.76;Dio 42.10.3). T. Amprus Bar,sus (I) Pr. 58 A Pompeian Legatus pro praetore in Asia (see49, Legates). Reports of Caesar'simminent arrival prevented him from robbing 66s lsmple of Artemis at Ephesus (Caes.BC 3.105.1-2). M. ANroxrus (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos. Desig. 3l No title preserved, but probably a Legate (see below, on X'ufius Calenus).He brought Caesarmuch-neededreinforcements from Brundisium (Caes.BC 3.24-30, and 34.1,and 40.5; Plut. Caes.39.l; Ant. 7; App. BC 2.58-59; Dio 41.48), aided in the siege of Dy'rrachium (Caes.BC 3.46; Pltfi. Ant. 8), and held command of Caesar'sleft wing at Pharsalus(Caes.BC 3.89;Plat. Caes.44.I;Pomp. 69.1;Anü.8; App. BC 2.76;Il,l,yr.12; cf. Cic. Phil,.2.5Sand 7l), and afterwardsbrought part of Caesar'sarmy back to Itaty (Cic. Phi,l,.5.59 and 6l; cf. Dio 42.30.L).See above, Master of Horse. ? C. Asntrus PoLLro (25) Cos. 40, Pr. 45 Served under Caesar at Pharsalus (Suet. Iul. 30.4; PIvt. Pomp. 72.3; App. BC 2.82,orpatllöv). ? M. Cer,rorus (4) Pr.57 Caesa,rplaced him in command of Cisalpine Gaul, a position which he held until his death, at Placentia perhaps in 47 (Jerome Chr. ad ann. 57, p. f54 llelm). C. Cer,llsrus Sarrsus (13) Cos. 39, Pr. 462. IIe occupiedAetolia for Caesar(Caes.BC 3.3+-35, and 56; cf. App. BC 2.60, who records that he was severely defeated by Metellus Scipio, but in this passagema,y mean Domitius Calvinus). L. CaNur,nrus (8) A Legate under Caesar.Sent to Epirus for grain (Caes.BC 9.42.3). Q. Cessrus (21) Pr. 442. Legate under Q. CassiusLonginus in Spain (Bell. AIer.52.3;57.1-4),
C. CoNsrorusLoNsus (ll) Pr. by 58? or 52? Probably continued as a Legatus pro praetore with Attius Varus in Africa (see49, and,47, Legates). ? P. Conrvolrus DoLABELLA (l4l) Cos. Suff. 44 Served under Caesar at Dyrrachium and at Pharsalus, but afterwards returned to ftaly, was transferred to the Plebs, and electod to the tribunate (Dolabella in Cic. Iam. 9.9; Cic. Iam. I4.9; Att. IL.1.2; no title preserved). P. Connnr,rus Sur,r,a Pat. (386) Cos. Desig. 65 Commander of the camp as Legate under Caesar at Dyrrachium (Caes.BC 3.5I.1), and commander of the right wing of Caesar'sarmy at Pharsalus (Caes.BC 9.89.2, and 99.4; App. BC 2.76). Q. X'urrus Cer,oNus (10) Cos. 47, Pr. 59 Legatus pro praetore (S1GB76r B; IG 7.380; I. a. Olgmp. 330). He brought troops to Epirus for Caesar(Caes.BC 3.14, and 26; App. .BC 2.58), was sent to occupy Achaea (Caes. BC 3.56; Plut'. Caes. 43,1; Brut. 8.2-4; Dio 42.14). Caesar placed him in command in Achaoa when he went on to Egypt (Caes. BC 3.f 06.f ; Ioui,l,lesde Delph,u 3.1.176f.,no. 318, cf. Holleaux REA f9 [fgl7] 94; Auct. Bell,Al,ea. 44.2;Dio 42.13-14; cf . Cic. Att.11.8.2, andl5.2, and 16.2). A. Grnnvrus (11) Cos.58, Pr. 6l Probably a Legate. He recruited and trained new levies for Caesar (Bell,. Aler. 42.4). Caesarsent him after Pharsalus to reinforce Cornificius in Illyricum, but he suffered reversesduring the winter of 48-47, and after some months fell ill and died (Betl,. Al,er. 42-43; and with advancein the dating, Plut. Ant.7.f ; App. BC 2.58-59; Il,l,yr.12,ond 25, and 27;Dio 42.LL1' cf . Cic. Att. ll.16.l, June 2, 47 ; CIL 3.3200,and f0f58). See47, Legates. D. furqrus Bnurns Ar,nrNus (55a, Supb. 5) Pr. 45 Probably a Legatuspro praetore (Legatus,Liv. Per.ll4, 46 B. C.). Appointed by Caesarto the command of Transalpine Gaul (App. AC 2.48). T. LenrnNus (6) Pr. Legate of Pompey (Caes.BC 3.13.3-4),and with him until Pharsalus (-BC3.19.6-7,and 71.4,and 87.l-7; Plut. Pomp.68.l; Cic.38.6; App. BC 2.62, at Dyrrachium). He fled to Corcyra, then accompaniedCato (seeabove, Promagistrates)with the intention of joining Pompey, and later reachedA-frica(Cic. Di,u.1.68;Auct. Bel,l,. Afr. f9.3-4; X'rontin. 9 t r . 2 . 7 . I 3 ; P I u t . C a t . M i , n . 5 7 . 2 ; D i o 4 2 . 1 0 . 3 c; f . A p p . B C 2 . 8 7 ,t o Spain; Lucan 9.550and 566).
48 B.C.
L. Mnruorus Besrr,us (3S) P:r.45 Legato of Caesar(Schol,.Bern. on Lucan 6.126, p. lg4llsener, also Prefect of the camp). He distinguished himself at Dyrrachium (App. BC 2.80; cf. Caes.BC 3.64-65; Lucan 6.126),and probably returned to ftaly after Pharsalus(Cic.Att.1f .5.3). L. Murrerrus Pr,alrcus (30) Cos. 42, Pr. 45? Legate of Caesar.See49, and 46, Legates. M. Ocrevrus (33) Probably a Legate under Pompey (see49, Legates). He failed to win Salonae in Illyricum (see 49, Legates), and returned to Dyrrachium, but later, strengthened by refugees from Pharsalus, again attacked Illy'ricum, and made war on Gabinius (Bel,l,.Aler. 42-48; Dio 42.II. 4-5; seeabove, on Gabinius). M. Pnrnnrus (3) Pr.64? He probably continued to serve as a Legate of Pompey (see4g, Legates). He was active in ühe Peloponneseand fled with Cato after Pharsalus(Dio a2.I3.3). ? M. Pourowrus (*23) No title preserved. He held command of the half of Caesar,sfleet which was based on Messana, and was surprised and burned by C. Cassiusand the Syrian squadronof Pompey's fleet (Caes.BC B.lOt). L. Sonrnoxrus Lrno (20) Cos. 84 Legate of Pompey (see 49, Legates). He attempted to ca,rry on negotiationswith Caesarat Oricum (Caes.BC g.IE-t8). After Bibulus, death, he becamethe chief officer in Pompey's fleet (Dio 41.48.f), and a1'1'smpted unsuccessfullyto block Mark Antony at Brundisium (Caes. BC 3.23-24; Plut. Ant.7; Dio 41.48.r-4). L. Sru,rusMuncus (2) Pr.45 Legate of Caesar,through whom, along with Acilius, a conference between Caesar and Libo was arranged (Caes. BC g.15-16; on the n&me,see,IZB 885). Q. Trr,nus Cnnnnn (4) Legate of Caesar,who was sent with Canuleius to requisition provisionsin Epirus (Caes.BC 3.42.2). ? M. Vr,nnrus Mnsser,r,l (Rurus)e Pat. (*77) Cos.58, P:r.62? . Legate of Caesar,perhaps in a8 (D.-G. B.?00),certainly in 46 (Bett. Afr.28). P. VerrNrus (*2) Cos. 47, Pr. 55 A Legate of Caesar,who attempted to begin a peace parley for him
ot tlre Apsus in Epirus (Caes.BC 3.19, and 90.1). He later dofended llrundisium from the attacks of Laelius (Caes. .BC 3.f00), and aided Oiccrowhen he returned.there (Cic. Atü.11.5.4, and 9.2; cf..Auct. Bel,l. Alen.44.l). See47, Legates. ? C. Volcarrus Tur,r,us (*8) No title preserved. He served under Caesar at Dyrrachium (Caes. BC 3.52). Prefects Q. (Arrrus ?) Venus (Attius 33) Prefect of cavalry under Domitius Calvinus (Caes.BC 3.37.5\. ? L. Cessrus (14) While trying to escape to Bithynia after Pharsalus with a small squadron of ships, he met Caesarand surrendered(Suet. Iul,.631,Dio 42.6.2;cf. App. BC 2.88, and tll, who confuseshim with C. Cassius Longinus). C. Cassrus LoNorNus (69) Pr.44 See 49, Prefects. He made successful attacks on Caesar's ships at Messanaand Vibo (Caes.BC 3.101). After Pharsalus he went to the East to secure Caesar'spardon (C,ic.Fam. 15.15.2;Att. 11.13.2, and 15.2, all in 47; cf. App. BC 2.88, and lll, where he is confusedwith L. Cassius,see above). L. Iur,rus Carsan Pat. (144) See49, Prefects, and,47,Promagistrates. D. Lnnr,rus (6) Praefectus classis (see 49, Prefects). He blockaded Oricum and attacked Brundisium (Caes. BC 3.7, and 40.5, and 100). After Pharsalrrs,Antony granted both to him and to Cicero special right to be in Italy (Cic.Att.11.7.2, cf. 14.1,and 15.1-2). ? Q. Luonnrrus Vnsrrr,r,o (36) Servedunder Laelius (seeabove) in Pompey's fleet (Caes.BC 3.7.1; cf. App. BC 2.54). Mrxucrus Rurus (50, cf. 9) Pr.43? Served with Lucretius Vespillo at Oricum under Laelius (Caes.BC 3.7.r; App. BC 2.54). M. Orrnnus (9, cf.2) Prefect of cavalry under Metellus Scipio, who served against Domitius Calvinus in Macedonia(Caes.-BC 3.33.4).
Or.lcrr,rus Cnessus (9) Hold command of Lissus for Pompey (Caes.BC 3'28-29)' Cr.T.PoMpnrus Meexus (*f 7) Held command of the Egyptian section of Pompey's fleet, and burned some of caesar,sfleet at oricum and Lissus (caes. BC 3.40; Dio 42.I2.t-4). Deserted. by his fleet after Pharsalus, he went with cato and the other Pompeian leadersto Africa (caes.BC 3.1r 1.3; Plut. Ci,c.39.l-2; Cat. Mi,n. ff.g; Oio 42.L2.4;cf. App' BC 2'87, to Spain)' SeeD.-G. 4.562,no.24. CN. Pompprus Tnnoprmrps (Theophanesl) Praefectus fabrum Pompey (Plut. Cic' 38'4), present at the conferencebetweenvibullius and Libo (caes.BC 3.1s.3).On the na,me, seeS-IGa755. L. Srennmus (2) A Pompeiatt oifi"u" in command at Apollonia (Caes' BC 3'12; App' BC 2.54). M. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (30) Cos. Suff. 30 Prefect of an ala of cavalry in Pompey's army (Cic' Off ' 2'a5)' C. Var,nnrus Tnrenrus (*81, 363) see 49, Prefects. IIe was with Pompey at Pharsalus (caes. BC 3.52). C. Vor,usnnus (*Volusienus 2) Prefect of cavalry under Caesar (Caes.BC 3.60'4)' Pontifices (27\ Cos' 54, Pr' 58 Before 5l-48: L. Dorrrrrrus Annwonmlus Seeabove, Promagistrates. Successor:see47, Pontifices. Ca. 63-48?: C. X'cnwus (9) Pr. 54 or 6O Seeabove, Promagistrates. Augurs Before 63-48: A-p.Cr,euorüs PuLorrEB Pat' (297) Cos' 54, Pr' 57 See above, Promagistrates. Successor:see47, Augurs. Before 61-48: CN. Poupnrus MecNus (*I5) Cos' 70, 55, 52 See above, Promagistrat'es. 1 The date is based on a calculation of the time necessary for news of the in turn victory ot Pharsalus to reach Rome and news of the action of servilius
officoof Masüor of l,o rooch Alexandria. In any caso Antony was exercising üho that Caeser's stato Dio and Plutarch 11,7.2\. (Cic."Att. if ,r"-" l. Decembor from tho rf iotutorship was annual, and Plutarch (caes_. 6L.Il that hs returned Dictator termed was As he 4?' in September year, i. e. his of close llrr,süat thä dictatoritaxunxin 46 (Grueber, c RRBM 2.576) and did not enter upon his third like that orrtif April of that year, Mommsen believed that his dictatorship, -i,i1, ',Soff", conre'i' gerend'aabtt re'i' not and TNtblicae duration, wä of indefinite ,,f causa (CIL 12.1, 4I). But some of his coins bear the inscription Coc' ,ilitrotiio" hence thoro lr,r without mentiän of the diciatorship (Gruebet CRRBM 1.525f.), *,r* probably an interval between thä second and the third dictatorship, -and rei' pwbl"i,aae t,l,o äffice itself was probably assumed re'i gerend'a,erather t'han is summarized)' litoratrrre earlier where 132f., (see Degrassi ctsnstituend,a,ecattso 'l'his dictatorship is listed ulder 47 in East' Cap' 2 He held an aedileshiP in 57. , Mommsen (CIL 12.2.404)and Lange (RA 2.687 ;4.455) assign this bill to tho since no other-text implies that y,roetorship of ilirtius in a6, perhaps !.o*9$f, 335ff.) uses the passago of Dio P niäcotini @f i f i"tio. heid the tribunato, Lirt in 49 (cic. t o date it in 48, and points out that tho presence of Hirüius in spain proclude not does 20'I) and +z in at antiocheia a.rd 1rr.r+.e, Att. 10.4.6and l1), him - from being a Tribune of the Plebs in R'ome in 48' no. l3)' ; Äpprr"i.*" could possibly bo identified with M. Appuleius-.(Ai (no' bases l5)' Syme P' Apprll^eius (no' o1 17), qrrr"riä" in 44, or Sexi Appuieius of these letters of Cicero to those concerning lr'is id.entification on the römblance Philippus (Earn. L3.73, and 74)' Quintius Gallus (-Fazr,.13.43, and.44) and Marcius See 47, Promagistrates. u According-to Dio, Iulius was a Quaestor when appointed-to the Syrian plebeian offices) command in the summet of 47. As no eloctions (except those for must wero held for 47 until the autumn of that year (Dio 42'20.4, and 51,.4)' he (3'701). Legatg a as him list D.-G. latest. 48 at tho in have been Quaestor 6 The coins, datod to caesar's second eonsulship, assure the date,, and show 'Alltlvov (R'0)' t,hat 'Atrpivov in the text of Appian should. be omended to 13.79, Farn. in cic. and pro conswle, präor, in 34 In Bell,.'Afr. 2 ho is termed procos. See 47, and 46, Promagistrates' have been a Tribune of tho ? In spite -in oi luerat in this täxt Titius must still solcliers this year, sinco it was the year of tho formation of tho legion in which ho served (BeIl,.ALen.50.3; 53.4). Seo Bel'l' Afr' 28'2' sThepraenomenisp"oUrttyMarcusratherthanManius,seeBoissevainon I)io 42.1ä,1. The readin'gs in thä Mss of Oaesar in the passages cited supp,ort this Rome n,ie*, perhrps also the iiscription on a coin of Panormus (Bwll'. Inst. Arch. eCru.y, if he is the person named. He is probably to be identified teZ/,'l+,lti legions with'the Marcus Aälius (text reäding Aernilitt*) who held command of (From irr Greece in 45 (Nic. Darn. v,it. caes. 16, FGrH 2A.398, line 20). Gtant Manius f mperiwrr to Auntoritas 17) hotds that the Proconsul in sicily was named Marcus A"ili,,", but that the of the legions in Greece in 4*'44 was unnamed Acilius, tho futuro Consul Suffectus of 33, änd identifies him with an period' Th9 cognomon appgars i,n Quaestor pro praetore in Macedonia in this in I-tB 892' t,ire Ms" ofbaesa" BC 3,ggJ, and the combination M. Acilius Caninus 0 The identification is uncertain, but the consul of 53 is & more proba,ble one years. I,lur,nthe young M. Valerius Messalla corvinus, whose ago in 48 was 2l
47 B.C.
47 B.C.
A.U.C. 707 Consuls
Q. Furrus Q.f.C.n. Car,pNus (10) Pr. 59 P. V.lrrr.rrus P. f. (*2) Pr. 55 CIL 12.2.779,939; Iast. Cap., Degrassi 56f., 133, 498f.; Xast. Ost., ibid,. 182;Fast. Am,er.,ibid. 242, wibh luli,us f.orFufius;Dio 42,Index; Chr. 354; Fast. Hgil,.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.They were elected after Caesar's return from the East in September (Dio 42.55.4; cf. on Vatinius, Macrob. 2.3.5). Seebelow, Legates. Dictator C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Censln Pat. (l3l) Cos.59, 48,46-44,Pr.62 CIL 12.2.777,778, 787; Iast. Cap., Degrassi56f., 132, 498f.; Ia,st. Arner., i,bi,il,.242; Iast. Pomp., dbid. 272; Dio 42, fndex. In this year Caesarcompleted his campaign in Alexandria, recovered and began his reorgarization of the East, including Asia Minor, returned to Italy in September, and after a short stay, during which he had to cope with mutinous soldiers, set out for AJrica before the end of the year to deal with the Pompeian forces therc (Bel,I.Al,er. 19-33, and 41, and 6578; Bel,l,.Afr. l-21' Cic. Att. ll.l7a, and 18, and 20-25, Tnss'im;Fam. 14.23; Joseph. AJ t4.127-156; BJ 1.187-20r; Suet. Iul,. 35; PIut. Caes.49-52; Cic.39; App. BC 2.90-95; Dio 42.41-43, and 44--56; Oros. 6.16.1-3).While in Rome he made Antony, Dolabella, and others among his followers pay for their purchases of confiscated Pompeian properties(Cic. Phil,.2.7l; 13.10-ll; Plut. Ant. l0.l; App. BC 3.ll; Dio 42.50.5). To meet the financial emergency, he made property values at the beginning of the war the basis for calculation of pa5rments of debts, remitted interest from the beginning of the war, and released tenants in Rome from payments of rents up to 500 denarii per year, tenants in Italy up to 125 denarii per year (Dio 42.5r.1-2; cL.Cic. Off . 2.83; Suet. Iul. 38.2). X'or a full citation of the sources,see D.-G. 3.486-511,and 519-522. On the duration of this dictatorship, see 48, note l. Master of Horse M. Axronrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig.3t Continued to be Caesar'sMaster of Horse in a7 QIL 12.2.777;Cic. Phi|,.2.62;Dio42.32.1;45.28.1; 46.13.1;see48, Masterof Horse; and 48, note f). His seizure of Pompeian properties (Cic. Phi,l,.2.62, and 67-68,and 71, and 73; 13.10and 34; VeII.2.60.3,and 7?.I;PLat. Ant.
f7 B.O.
ltt.2 ; 21.2; 32.3; Caes.51.2; App. BC 3.I4 ; 5.29; Dio 46.28.8 ; 46.t4. ll!; 48.38.2), his debauchery, and particularly his mismanagementof rrffoirs in Italy, lost him Caesar'sfavor for a time (Cic. phil,. 2.62ff.; |'lvb. Ant.9-10; Caes.5l; App. BC 2.92;Dio 4227-BB;46.28_ 20; 4 0 .r 6 ) . Praetors ? M. Acrr,rus CarrNus (or CeNrnrarus) See 46, Promagistrates.
t,. NoNrus AspnnNes (14) Cos. Suff. 36 See46, Promagistrates. Probably a praetorius in 46, certainly so before the time of the S. C. de Panamareis(Viereck 41, no. 20). Tribunes of the Plebs ? C. Asrrrus Por,r,ro (25) Cos. 40, Pr. 45 l'. Conwnrrus Dor,enlr,r,a (141) Cos. Suff. 44 L. Tnnnor,r,rus (4') Dolabella's popular bills, proposing to abolish debts (Liv.}; Plut. Ant. 9.1-2; Dio 42.29.1,and BZ.2;cf. Cic. Att. tt.Zg.g; 14.2t.4; Phil. 6.ll; 1O.22;11.14; 13.26),and remit house-rents(Dio aZS2.2) led to dissension with his colleaguesPollio and Trebellius, and finally to the intervention of Antony ag Master of Horse (Liv. Per.llB; plut. Ant.8-9, naming Pollio; Dio 42.29-33; 46.t6.2;cf. Cic. Att. tt.I}.Z, and 12.4,and 16.1,and 23.3; Phi,l,.2.99; ; I0.22; tl.t4;18.2 and 26; Auct. Bell. Aler. 65.1; Plut. J. An&d @EL 25 Ug47) 137-139)doubts that Pollio heid the tribunate. Quaestors CN. Iur,rus L. f. (Censen?) PaL.? Named as a Q(uaestor) on a coin of Corduba. Grant dates it in 4T or 46, and suggeststhat fuhus served under C. Trebonius or Q. X'abius Maximus (Irom Imperi,um to Auctoritas 4f . ; seeMommsen, RMW g76, note 28). ? A. Pour(orvrus) M. f. Vrc(ron) (not in *,8,&') Q(uaestor ad) A(erarium?), a Pompeian in Africa in 47 or 46 (Grant, tr'rom Imperium to Aucüoritas 20f..). 0. Snxrr,rus R,urus (23) Quaestorin C;ryrus (C,ic.Fam.13.48).
47 B.C.
288 Promagistrates
42'Pr' 49 M. Anurr,rus LDPTDUSPat. (73) Cos'46, returned' Promagistru!"lL.He +a, Proconsul in Nearer Spal" i*"" U"t*"tttuendoftheyea*randcelebratedatriumph(Dio43'l'2;see Degrassi566)' A. Ar,r,rnNus (1) Pr. 49 -'praetor,and 34'-Proconsule;see48' Pro"ot sol in bicily (Bel,t.Afr' 2, Afr . 2.3). . He"aäed CaÄar's Äxped.itionto Alrica (Bel'|. f--rgi"t"ates) ?- ? Appulmo's (2) 48' Quaestors'andProqou"rtor in Asia (Cic.Xarn' 13'45,.and 46; see Isauricus (see46, ,rol, +i probably beforä the governorship of servilius Promagistrates). Nasrce (99) Cos' 52' Pr' 55 Q. Calcrr,rus Mnrnr,r,us Prus Scrpro Ile reProconsul and Imferator (see 49, and 48' Promagistrates)' in forces Pompeian ceived at Cato's o"ättg chief command of t'he l'4, Afr' Bell" Auct. Af"ic* (pbft. Cat. A1*.EZ_-il8; Dio 42.56-57; cf. Promagistrates)' 48, see 8'14.5; Max. and4.4: VaI. Cessrus Loxcrwus (70) Q. "frop*"ior See in X'arther'Spain (see 49 and 48' Promagistrates)' below, on Trebonius. Tr. Cr,luorus NPno Pat. (254) Pr' 42 Caesar's whel 1n Probably Proquaestor in iz (see 48, Quaest'ors)' 42.40.6)' 4; Dio fdb. serviceat Ale"aridria (Bel,t.Al,e*.25; Suet. M. Conr,rusVrNrcrr'nus (27) Pr' 48 ? legions (Bell'. Al'er. caesar left him io commar.ä in Pontus with two perhaps anomalor consul'e' 77.2, Cael,io,where no title is give1l Ttro with the undated 883' ously, TtraetorTtroconsul'etn CiL l}'2'i}l_-ILS Broughton 5; note 3I9' Buckler spelling Coel,'io;*""Sy-", Anat' Stud' f l,Pt d 77 [1946]38, note 18)' ? Fausrus Connnr,rus Sur'le Pat' (377) who Proquaestor pro f"ulto*" (see 49,. and 48' Promagistrates)' 46, Promagistrates)' (see p";;;dly kept his "*ik itt Africa Q. Conxrrrcrus (8) Pr' 45 (see 48' Promagistrates)' where Quaestor p"o p"t"tore in Illyricum afterthedeathofGabinius,Vatiniusrelievedhimfromtheat,tacksof M. Octarrius (Bel,t.Al'er. 47; seeLegates,on Vatinius)' 53^'40'-Pr' 56 Cw. Donrrrus Car,rrnqus (43, Supb' 3'394) Cos' Asia Minor' where in Probably u Pro.orsoi lsee +s, dromagistrates)
.? R.O.
Asia' after Otos&r continued him in command',though perhaps only of Dio to Sinope; pursued Pharnaces liir victory at Zela (Lpp. Mtttt,.120, Afrioan in Caesar's take-part to time in Ro-u tZ.4S.I).iIe returnedlä Cagrmt5.1-58,who places "unrptig" (BeII. Afr.86). SeeJard6, Möl'anges and Cnidus in 47' and R'ome between treaty the lri, pa"ä in making I.450-452' Rom. Im,p. opposed,Täubler, L. Iur,rus Carsen Pat. (144) Probabty a Proquaestor und-er cato in Africa, as in 46 (Bel,l'.afr. tt8.3; see46, Promagistrates). ? Srix.Iur,rus Ceusm Pät. (153) Appointed either as a Legate, or nlore proba-bly as aTroquaestor forces in Syria by Caesar about lrro'p'"r"to"e to the comm*nd of the LL4; Joseph'AJ -L4'I60,and 170' Per. Aler.66.r; Liv. it"fy +z (Bel'\,. App' BC 3'77;4'58; Dio and'2tl-213; ,nnd178,'andI80; BJ L.205, 47.26.3;see46, Promagistrates). L. Maxr,rus TonQuerus Pat. (80) Pr' 49 He probably retained his imperium in A'frica (see 48, and 46' Promagistrates). Q. - (Mancrus) Prur,rrrus (83) Pr. 48 ? pioconsul in Cilicia (Cic. Fam.13.73, and 74; see Syme, Anat. Stu'd'. Buckler 2gg-g32, esp. 306-324, on the date and identification of this governor and his piovince; and Magie, Rornan Rul,e i,n Asia M'inor 2.1270,note 40). M. Poncrus Cero (*20) Pr. 54 Propraetor with Scipio in Africa (Grueber,CRRBM 2'574f'; see49, +g, arid 46, promagistiates), and.received special charge of the city of TJiica (Bett. Afr. zzl; nir. Per. ll3; Plut' Cat' Min' 57-58; Dio 42.56-57). C. TnnsoNrus (6) Cos.Suff. 45, Pr.48 proconsul 1Beit.'Al,er. 6L.2)in X'arther Spain, in successionto Q. Cassius Longinus (see above), and- remained. into 46 with increasing tlifficulty agäinst mutinous legions, while the Pompeians rallied' their supporters (Dio a3.29). M. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Proconsul and Imperator (see 50-48, Promagistrates). caesar met Cicero at BrundisiuÄ opott his return from the East, and pardoned lrim (plut. Ci,c. B1.S-a),änd even permitted him to retain his insignia Of command, his lictors, and his title. cicero however gave these up Rome (Cic.Li,g.7 ; Phil,.7.6). when he reached. 10 Broughton II
Vrnrus Perse CenrnoNraNus (*9) Cos' 43, Pr' 48 ? ?' C. -Corrurto", probably Proconsul, in Bithynia in 47 and 46 ( B'M 'Cat" Pontus 110,and 153; Head, HNz 5IO,and 516f', coins of aü Bithyni,a Ap"ä"i" Myrleia, Nicaea, and Nicomed'ia)' SeeMagie, Rsmnn Rule'i'n .4ti,o Mi,n* 2.1270,note 40; and 46, Promagist'rates' Legates, Lieutenants L. Arnnvros (6) Cos.60, Pt.72? See49, 48, and.46, Legates. P. Arrrus Venus (32) Pr. 53 ? Gave up his command in A-frica to Metellus Scipio (see 48, Promagistratös, on Attius; and above, on Scipio), and became a Legatus pro praetore (CIL 12.2.780-ILS 5319). ? M. Cer,rPrus (4) Pr. 57 See 48, Legates. C. - Crssrus Lor.rcntus (59) Pr.44 caesar pardoned him, and took him into his service as a Legate (ci_c-. Iant,.6.6.10; 15.15;Aüti;.Ll-13.1,and' 15.2; Dio 42'13'5; Auct' Vi'r' Il'l' 83.6; cf . Qic.Phi,t,.2.26, onhis plot to kill Caesarin Cilicia)' C. Coxsrnrus LoNcus (ll) Pr. by 581or 52? Logatus pro praetore under Metellus scipio in Africa (cIL 12.2.780.LLB 5319; cL.ßell,.Afr. Q. P. Conxnr,rus Sur,r,a Pat. (3SO) Cos.Desig' 65 Probably a Legate, when his life was endangeredby mutinous legions which he was bringing to Sicily for Caesar(Cia.Att.lI.2I.2, and22.2). Q. Furrus Cer,lrtus (t0) Cos.47, Pr. 59 Legatus pro praetore in Greece (see 48, Legates)' His command in G"eeäe"ottiittoäd into 47 (cic. att. 11.16.2,June 3), but he later returned. to Rome and became Consul (seeabove, Consuls)' A. Gennrrus (ll) Cos.58,Pr. 61? Died early in 47 at Salona in Illyricum (see48, Legates)' ? Q. Gar,r,rus (7) Pr. 43 Ä Legate (or perhaps a Quaestor) under Marcius Philippus in Cilicia Gallo; see Syme, in a7-a6 (Cic. I-am. tg.+g, Qui,nüoGall,o,and,44,Gal,l,i'o, Anatol,. Stud,.Buckler 315-317). ? Snx. Iur,rus CEosln Pat. (153) Seeabove, Promagistrates.
5) Pr' 46 . * I). IuNrus Bnurus Ar,nrxus (55a, Supb' (see Liv' Per' II4' 40 Governor, probably a Legatus-pro^praetore 2'a8)' B. C.) of Trarisalpine Gaul (App' BC T. Lesrnxus (6) Pr. as a Legate (seo 45' rn Alrica with the iomp"it t forces, probably Legates). 45? L. Murverrus Pr,eNcus (30) Cos' 42'Pr' (Bet'l' Afr' 4'1; seo 46' Legate of Caesa,rin the African campaign Legates). (33) M. Ocrlvrus fleet (see-49'-and48' LeCommander of a portion of the Pompeian he dtio",, froÄ the Adriatic by vat'inius' gates). When aur"*iJä"ä
seebolow' i" ar"t"i taät.Ttir' ++-+7; cf'Bet't'Afr' 4a'2;and
on Vatinius). M. Purnnrus (3) Pr.64? (see Legat'e,und'er Metellus Scipio in'Africa An officer, p"olffi-"' p' 14 u' ä.tt; sch'ol"Bern' on Lucan 1'39' 46, Legatesl. s"" n,r:ä;t* ? CN. PorvrPrus MecNus (*17) rally Pompeian support in No tiile p""*u*"ä. Su"t oi främ Africa to 42'56'3-4; cf ' Cic' Spain, either ", " f,"gutos or as a Prom-agistratelDio Hi'sp'L'L;
z! *23; B!;.t' Att. r2.2.r;app. ÄT;Ä;; i'uct"-Bet't"-A!r' no' 24;3'516'and 4'5'62' dateuncert*irr,p"Jüuutyin;t SeeD'-G' 566. C. Ser,r,usrrus CnrsPus (10) Pr' 46 at the hands of Caesar's No tiue p"".u"ä."ä*"üy'"*"*P"1.d".th 42'52'2)' See46' Praetors' and mutinous legiona"iJJiÄpp' äC 2'9ö;Dio note 3. L. Sru.rusMunous (2) Pr' 45 See48, and 46, Legates' (*?7) Cos'.53'Pr' 62? M. Ver,unrus Mpssar'r'a (Rurus) Pat' from mut'inous sold'iers at fo.{tlg* *l Legate or cuuriffiL(Bel't.Afr.28'2; cf' Cic' Att' Lt'22'2)' M;;;. P. Vernrrus (*2) Cos' 47, Pr' 55 part' of 47 defeated M' OcLegate of Caes#, ifto- a*i"g the earlv icius ;o" Ca"'ai''*Proquaestor Q' Cornif tavius "rro """oour"ä'äi;1""* Cornion Pro-magistrates' see L0'2; (Betl,.Ater- 44,-;;;;f:B"tt'.Afr' above' Consuls' S"" Octaviut;' Legates,tn ficius, and 19*
47 B.C.
292 Prefects
L. Nlsrorus (3) Commander of a portion of the Pompeian fleet based on Africa, and active in Sardinia (Bel,l. Afr.64, and 98; Dio 42.56.3; cI. Cic. Att. rl.r7A.3). T. Tnrmus (5) Prefect,of Curubis in Africa under Attius Varus and Considius (CIL r2.2.780-ILS 53r9). Praefectus Urbi L. Iur,rus Clnsan Pat. (143) Cos.64 In an unprecedentedprocedure, Antony, the Master of Horse, named Lucius Caesar Praefectus Urbi when he left the city to deal with mutinous troops in Campania (Dio 42.30.1-2). C. Oorrvrus (Iulius 132) Cos.Suff. 43, Cos.33,31-23,5,2 The future Augustus, named Praefectus Urbi while the Consuls celebratedthe Latin X'estival(Nic. Dam. Vi,t.Au,g.5,IGrH 24.393). Pontifices Ca. 60-47: P. Connnr,rusLulrrur,us SPrNrHnR, Pat. (238) Cos.57, Pr. 60 implies that Lentulus Spinther was Though the Auct. Vir. 111,.78.9 kitled in AIrica, the dramatic date of Cicero's Brutucs(late in 47) places his death before 46 (Brut.268; cf. Fam.9.18.2; Phi'l'.13.29).IIe was still alive early in a7 (Cic. Att.ll.l3.l). 47 B. C. - 14 A. D.: C. Ocr,l.wus (TrruRTNUS) (Iulius 132) Cos. Suff. 43, Cos.33, 3l-23,5,2 Successorto L. Dourrrus ArrnlroBAnBrrs (Nic. Dam. Vi't. Aug. +, IGrH 24.3s2). Ca.47- ?: P. Sur,prcrusRurus Pat. (93) Pr. 48 Probably elected in 47, since he is termed Pont(ifex) on coins of Sinope in 46-45 (Grant, Irom Imperium to Auctoritas 251-253; see 46, and 45, Promagistrates). Augurs 47 ?-42: Q. Conwrmcrus (S) F:r. 45 Becamean Augur, probably in 47 (Dio 42.51.3),certainly by a6 (Cic. Fam. 12.T7,and 18, coll,ega;cf.. CIL 12.2.793;and in 43, Grueber, CRRBM 2.577\.
4 7 t | . C . - 4 0B . C .
17 ?-44: C. Iur,rus Crnsen Pat. (I3I) Cos.59, 48,46-44,Pr.62 Became anAugur, probably in 47 (Dio 42.51.3),and certainly beforo he assumed his third dictatorship in April, 46 (Gruebe4 CRRBM 2.676,Pont. Max., Aug., with symbols of both priesthoods; cf.Cic.Iam^ r3.68.2). 47-after 42: P. Ver:nvrus (*2) Cos.47, Pr. 55 Elected in successionto Ap. Cr,auorus Pur,cnnn (Vatinius, in Cic. ?'am. 5.104.2; see48, Augurs). Ca. 67-47: Q. Cessrus Loncrnus (70, Supb. 3.236) Died near the Ebro on his way home from Spain (Dio 42.16.2; seo 48, and 47, Promagistrates). 46 B.C.
A.U.C. 708 Consuls
C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Censan Pat. (l3l) Cos.59, 48, 45, 44,Pr. 62 M. Anurr,rus M. f. Q. n. Lnrrnus Pat. (73) Cos.42, Pr. 49 CIL 12.2.940,941; AJA 44 (L940) 358-Ann. ßpi,g. 1947, no. 5; BulI. Com.63 (f940) 200, no. L; last. Cagt.,Degrassi56f., 133,498f.; Fast.Ost.,ibid. l8O, l82f .; Iast. Amer., ibid. 2a2; Fast. Cupr., ibi'i|,.244; Fasü.Pomp., ibid.272;PIü.; Ant.lO.L; Censorin.DN 20.8; Dio 43, Index, l.l, and.33.1;Eutrop. 6.23.f; Obseq.66; Chr. 354;Iast. Had.; Chr. Pasc.; Oros. 6.16.3; Cassiod.;Zonar. 10.10; on Lepidus, Cic.Tam.13.26.3;and on Caesar,Suel.1u1.76.2;IG 7.1835;and coins, Grueber,CRRBM 1.525f., C. Caesar,Cos. Ter.; and 2.576,D'ict. 'iter., Cos. tert. Seebelow, Dictator. During this year Caesarcrushed the Pompeian forces in Afuica (Bell'. A fr. ; Liv. P er. ll4 ; Vell. 2.55.1-2 ; Suet. 1u|. 35.2; Phtt. Caes. 52-54 ; Cat. Mi,n.57-73; App. BC 2.95-100;X'lor. 2.13.64-72;Dio 43.r-I4; Eutrop. 6.23; Oros. 6.16.3-5;Zonar.l0.l0), and returned to Rome to celebrate four triumphs, for his victories in each of Gaul, Egypt, Pontus, and Africa (Liv. Per.llS; Vell. 2.56.1-2;Plin. lfä 9.f7f ; 14.97; 19.144;Suet.Ial. 37, and 49.4,and 54.3;Au'7.8.1;Plut. Caes.55:.App. 2.101-102; X'lor. 2.13.88-89;Dio 43.14.3,and 19.24; Oros. 6.16.6; Zonar.l0.l0; and on Galul,Fast. Cuy., Degrassi244). It is not always possible to distinguish which of Caesar'smeasures were initiated in 46, and which belong to 45 or 44.In any case ma,ny were still incomplete at his death. We may note the following items: 1. his reform of the calendar(Suet. Iul. 40; Censorin.DN 20.4;Macrob. 1.13.I2-13;cf . Plut. Caes.59;Plin. .l[I/ 18.21I; Dio 43.26); 2. provision that juries should consist only of senators and knights (Suet. Iul'. 41.2;
that praetorian govornors Dio 43.26.f ; cI. Cic. Phi't' I'tg); 3' provision a1d 9o19ular g-overnors year' one should serve for only ;üt;;;;Ä Hermes57 [I9I2] Sternkopf' i;"'t*" (Dio a3.25.3;cf. Cic' Phi'l"t't};see found'ation ancient of those excelpt' ää-i+gl; 4. abolition of collegia, r4'2r3ff'' AJ Joseph' Jews' the to r"ä"* 42.3; cI. on his iS;J.-i;. beinterto were ilema'i'estate and oi' de esn.2l5): 5. persons condemned
ii* ,"a *"ter (cic. phi,t.r.zs\; 6.sumptuaryIawswhich
l i m i t e d t h e e x p e n s e s o f b a n q u e t s , t h e u s e o f l i t t e r s ' e l c ' ( C i c ' F a46' 'm' Suet. Iul' ai;Dio43'25'2; Jerome' Chr' ad'ann' ö.zi.r,-""a 20.--4; Cleopatra of p.-iio ffA*); z. p"izesfor large Iamili:s (Dio a3'25'2);8' cf' App' BC *"- Ä.a"ä tientl and"alty of R'ome (Dio a3'2?'3; ä**l as the Basilica such üiOäl.He also adva,ncedlarge buiiding enterprises, 36'103; 'l[I/ Iulia and the Iulian X'orud (ResGesi'D'Au'g'20;-Pli' and the x'orum the of pIut. coes.2g.3; Dio 43.22.;3, the dedication public of recipients of ;i ve*os Genetrix), reduced the-number iö; Dio 43'2r'4)' g"riti 1S""t.Iul'.4I.?;cf . Piut' Caes'-55'3;App',BC-2'102; program of a huge death his and carried on tbrough this year and until of the colonization as well as colonization and setilement of veterans, of Law people p""" "f the city (Suet'iuZ. 42.1, settled-80,000 -ove,rseas; Plut' 1'7'3^'15; S-t"'!o 45; Cart'hage' IJrso,IIßA 1.177-198,no. 21, in Diod' 32'27'l-3; Cies'. SZ.S;App. Pun'. 136; Dio 43'50'3; Corinth' 57'B; App' Pun' Caes' Plut' 2'48; Mela Strabo S.O.zfiFtitt. -lfg 4.4; Ti' Claud'ius Legates'-on see Arelate, and 136; Dio 43.50.3-4; Narbo at Capua' l8'4; '2'and 'L7 a -F nt"9 see Cic' Nero; on allotmentsto soldiers, on Legates, 45, see commissioners' colonial his suet.'Iut,.81.l; and on Plotius on.L' Valerius Orca, Prefects, on C' Clovius; 44' Prefects' Hi'st'Anc'Afriqy'e Gsell' see Africa, in settlements Plancus; on his 47ff. ; N ord,8.172-182, and Broughton, Rornaniz'ationAfr' P roconsul'aris inAsiaMinor,Broughton,ESAR4'582;andcf'below'Promagistrates' o"f.S"fpiciusRuf"us;inSpain,sutherland,RomanSpai'nlf5-f31)' final campaign IIe left Rä*" in the ,ä"oodittturcalary month for his held the elecLepidus with the Pompeians in spain (see45, consuls). (Dio 43.33.I). time fourth tion at whichbaesar becime Consulfor the D.-G. 3.646esp. and A full citation of sourcesin RE 10.246-2+7, 565.SeechieflyLiv.Per.lI5;Suet.Iut.38_44;PIut.Caes.55,and' 43'20-28:' 68-59; Censoiin. DN 20.8-L2; App' BC 2'lol-102; Dio päm. L, esp. I.5-8. Caes. ,4d SaIl. +.*; and cf .'Cic. Pro Marco Marcel1'; Dictator 48,46-44,Pt.62 C. Iur,rus c. f. c. n. Cans.ln Pat. (131) Cos.59, was named DicCaesar campaign, AJrican the After his successin
40 B.O.
tator, probably late in April, for a period of ten years (Dio-43'14'3),in ,,r""ääiorr, präsumably fär the third time for one year and designated rather than rei fubli,u'e for each of the next Line,,i,gerend,Ae ca'ustü(seeDegrassi 133; and note Bel'\" Hisp' 2'1, Caeaar const'ituend,ae tertio, des'igttntusili'öntor quarto, and Grueber, CgRBM 2'676' d,'i,ctator Diaü.iter,, Cos. tert., and 1.357ff., O';,"t.ter', and'the not'iceof his third dictatorship in nast. Cap. for 45, Degrassi 56f', 133, 500f')' He also (Dio 43.14.4; cf' Cic' Iam' 9'15'5' and 26'3; received the cura n/üorurn Att. 12.35;13.6.I,and 7.I ; Salt.Ad, Caes.1.5-8; Suet' -Ial' 43)' Master of Horse ? M. Ar.rrorvrusM. f. M. n. (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos' Desig' 3l See 48, and' 47, Master oi lio".". IIis term, with that of Caesar's 47, second dictatorship, probably did not extend. into 46 (see 48, and' on these, and esp. 48, note 1; and cf. Dio 42'21'l)' M. Annu,rus M. f . Q. n. Lnrrous Pat. (73) Cos' 46, 42'-Pt' 49 Master of Horse during caesar's third dictatorship (xast. !ap. for 45, Degrassi 56f., 133, 500f1; East. Amer., dbid' 242; and'probably 'Foeü' 2'lO7' Coiot.,i,bi'il.2|a;Dio 43, Ind'ex,and' l'1, and 33'1; cf' App' BC Eutrop. 6.23.1). Praetors ? C. Cer,vrsrus SaBrNUs (13) Cos. 39 46 (see in" governor of AJrica Vetus in 45 was probably a Pry9!9r in 388' and 47 Hermes USrzl328f'' 45, Prämagistrates; see Sternkopf, tt"nd. PIR2 2.83f.,no. 352). ? C. CennrNls (2) Cos. Suff.43 in 46 fn" governor äi Farther Spain in 45 was probably a Praetor 447 ' no' 2'105, P.I.Ez See (see45, Promagistrates)' ? T. X'rrn ',cNrusPosruuüs (I) TheProconsulofsicilyin4SwasprobablyaPraetorin46(see45, Promagistrates). A. Hrnrrus (2) Cos. 43 as PraoGrueber, ChAnA L.525f.,where PR' is wrongly interpreted fectus:cf.Cic.Att,L2.2.2;and'48,TribunesofthePlebs.See4S,Promagistrates. ? Q. Mencrus Cnrsrus (52) proconsul in Bithynia in is 1r"u 45, Promagistrates), and therefore before' p"oUrUty held the piaetorship by or before 46, more probably
in sinco he w&8 & Legate under Piso in Macedonia in 57-54, and was title in his of mention servico under caesar in Africa in 46 without any our sources(seebelow, Legates). C. Ser,r,usrrusCntsPus (10) Termed Praetor Designate by Dio (42'52'2, ocpoctlyöcTd'p"'e1e566er.xro)in his """ooit of Sä[ust's peril at the hands of Caesar's mutinous soldiers in the autumn of. 47, and Praetor in 46 when with 79 Caesarin Africa (Bel,l,.Afr.8.3, and 34.8; see Broughton, TAPIÜA [94S] 76-78). Seebelow, Promagistrates. L. Vor,oerrus Tur,r,us (*7) Cos. 33 Cic. Xam. 13.I4, qui, Romaei'us ilicit. Tribunes of the Plebs (20) Pr.44 ? ? C. Arroxrus Niccolini @f p B4i-g4g) asserts the probabiti_t' t!at-C. Antonius, as, like his brotLers, included the tribunate of the plebs in his career, slIfrÜn\'o tres xam.2.18.2: (cic. do fratres indeed, cicero expected him to loconntos. . . . quos a,i,ileoilei,ncepstribunos pl,. per tri,ennium fore, May 50), but there is no direct evidence that he did so' Quaestors Gnmrus Pnrno (9) A Quaestor Designate, probably for 46, who when his ship was (Plut. capturld by scipio, äommitied suicide rather than accept,mercy Caes.16.4). M. TnnnNrrus Venno Grsne (89) Served under Brutus in Cisalpine GauI (Cic' Fam' L3'I0)' Promagistrates M. Acn^rus CeNntus (CelwxraNus?) (15) Pr' 47 Proconsul in sicity, succeedingAllienus, until early rn 45 (cic. Fam,. p' 74)' 13.30-39; cf . a coiri of Panormus, Bul'1"Inst' Arch' Rom, L834' Legates' 48, see name, the See45, Promagistrates. On A. Ar,lrnNus (l) Pr. 49 and Proconsul in Sicily until succeededby Acilius (Cic' Xam' 13'78' Promagisand'47' 48, see 44'11 26-3;34.4; 2.3; 79; Auct. Bett. Afi. trates). ? M. Appur,nrus (2) See47, Promagistrates.
(99) Cos' 62' Pr' 66 Q. Cencrr,rusMnrnr,r,us Prus Scrpro Nesrce Pompeian forcos in the of Proconsul and Imperator in command Afr'' passi'rni soe Bell' Artct' 2.570-574; Atica (Grueber, CnnnA and comat Thapsus' defeated was He 48, and. 47, Promagistrates). sea(BeIl'. by to escape attempting while ,rritt"d. suicide whei attacked 2'54'2;Yal' Vell' ll4; Pei' Li;' Fam.9.r8.2; Afr.75-86, and 96; Cic. and 37'I' Max. 3.2.r3; Senec.Ep. Mor.24'10;71'10; Suet"Iztr'35'2' App' 49 2'13'65-68; X'lor' 57-62; Min' Cut. SSt and 59; Plut. Cq,es. Il'1" A:uict'-Vir' 24; Ampel' 6.23'2; Eutrop. a3.3--9;; Dio 29I Stangl)' 78.8; Oros. 6.16.3-4; Sciol,.Bobl.ßz Stangl; Sch'ol'Gron' C. CeNrr-rusREBu,us (9) Cos' Suff' 45,Pt' 48? Thapsus Proconsul under caesar in africa, who after the battle of besiegedthe town (Bel,l.Afr.86.3; 93'3)' ? X'eusrus ConNnr,rusSur,ra Pat' (377) to Spain, See49-47, Promagistrates' IIe was captured, while fleeing gS; lI4; Suet' Per' Liv' Uy-Sittlu, and put t"o death (Betl" Afr'-sZ'S; 6'16'5; Oros' 78'9; Il'l' Vi'r' Auct'' tLt. Zs;Flor. 2.r3.g0;Eutrop. 6.23.2; cf . App. BC.2.L}O).SeeLegates,on Afranius' ? Q. Conrrrnrcrus (8) Pr. 45 ? -. added irobably euaestär'pro praetore in Cilicia, to which Caesar Poma by the Syrian command ilnei Sextus Caesar was overcome see 12'17-19; lead.erin revolt, Caecilius Bassus (Cic' Iam' peian 'Ganter, 320' Buclcler phi,lologusbg [1894] f34--f39; S,rme,Anat. Stu,il'. and 324\. Censan Pat. (144) L.Iur,rus -f"oq"""ttorunderCatoatUtica(Bett'Afr'88;89'4;Phfi'Cat'Min' put to death' oa; Oiä 4g.I2.3). He was pardoned by Caesar,but later ram.9.7.l; cf cic. . 1u1,.75.3; (suet. prÄururv without caesar,s-consent Dio 43.12.3). Sox.Iur,rus Cassen Pat. (153) an.d47' Probably Quaestor p"o pru"iote in Syria (see48, p-uae{o1s' promagistraüs). Killed in ttre course of a revolt led by the Pompeian and 268; BJ Caeciliis Bassus (Liv. Per.l14; Joseph' AJ L4'I60-I80 above on see l.2ll-2lg and.216; App. BC 3.77;4'58;Dio 47'26'3; Cornificius). M.Iursrus Bnurus (53) Pr' 44 ? -öu"*r" placed him in command of cisalpine Gaul (see below, Logates). L. MlNr,rus Tonquerus Pat' (S0) Pr' 49 Probablycontinuedinhisrank(see43,Promagistrates).Diedwith
MotollusscipioinAJrica(Be|,t.Afr.96.l;oros.6.16.5;cf..Cic,Att. 13.lg.4 ; Brut. 265-266). M. Mwlrrus SaBrNUs (3) -f.oq"*ttor under Cn.bämpeiusMagnus in Spain (Grueber' CRRBM 2.366-367). L. Nonrus AspnuNes (14) Cos' Suff' 36,Pt' 47 ? the command With Caesarin africa pro consule, whero he received Afr.80'$' (Bell. of the town of Thapsus (*17) Crv.PorvrpprusMlerus HeassumedthetittelmperatorinSpain(Grueber,C&R.BM2.364'imperi'umquesibi' arri'puit)' 367; CIL 12.2.885;Belt. H)i,sp.42.6, faices occupied where he had arrived byearly in 46 (see4?, Legates)' He soon Auct' Baetica, and rallied " fo""" äf thitt""tt legions (C:": !it'^!':?'.'; Vell' '; Bel,l,.Hi,sp. 7.4; 30.r; Nic. Dam., Vi't' Aug' tO, !q'H ^2!:3::f Dio 2'13'73-74; X'lor' 2.55.2;Pittt,.Coes.SO.t;App. BC 2'87,and 103; 43.25-31). SeeD.-G. 4.562,no. 24. -M. Ponorus Cero (*20) Pl.54 2'574Propraetor in A-frica *itn tn" Pompeians (Grueber' C\RBM the after there suicide 5Tb). i{e had charge of l}tica, and. cämmitted and 22, Afr. (Betl,. batile of Thapsuslather than submit to Caesar 58-72; 36.1, and 88:89, and 93.3; Liv. Per' lL4;PIut' Cat' Mi'n'
CiÄ i+; app. rC 2.e8-ee;Flor. 2'r3't0-72;Auct' Vi'r'Ilt" 8o'4;
L'7a;Off ' Oros. 6.16.41Augustin.CD t..zZ;cf' Cic' Xant" 9'18'2; Tn'sc' D.-G. see of cato, death the on 1.rr2). x,or a full"citation of the sources 3.516f., 538'542; 5.r95f . C. - Ser,r,usrrus CntsPus (10) Pr. 46 AJrica caesar placed him in command ltro consuleof the province of kingdom Nova, which he formed from territory annexed from Juba's 1Aat.'e7r.97.I;App.BC2.lOO;Dio43'9'2;cf'Ps'-Cic'Inu'inSal'l"19; see"bove, Praetors; and' 45, Promagistrates)' P. Snnvulus Isaunrcus (67) Cos' 48, 4L,Pr' 54 pre' Prop"uetor, and then Proconsul, in Asia (Cic'?am' L3'66-72' rest'oring in. actively engaged he scripts-,Propr'. in no.67). As governor of the province after the war (crL r2.2. ;;il'di;g. u,id i' the recovery "MDAI lAls2 p9171 254;34[1919]339f.; 783_78ä;ILB 40,and 8879; JDAIETg.-heft2.53;JOEA,r18[I9r5],Beibl'282;La'Magnesi'a142; 65 [1944] L. Robert] Hell,enica6[1948] g8-42,and cf' Brough-bon'4Jlh nos' family' his on and 9, and 8 nos' 2, nole 109;Münzer, APF 3Sb, l2-I4).S"etlroJoseph.AJ14.244-246,andperhaps2l3ff''butthe by conjecture' name is suppliedin these passa,ges
I'. Sur,rrcrus R,urus Pat. (93) Pr. 48 Imperator in Illyricum, where his success was celebrated with a supplicatio (Cic.Iam.18.77 ;see 47, Promagistrates,on Cornificius,and +r, on vatinius). Ile was probably sent to Bithynia and Pontus in ,uccession to vibius Pansa (coins of Amisus and sinopo in Grant, tr,romImperium to Auctoritas 11-13, and 25lf .). see 45, Promagistrates. ? Snn. Sur,prcrus R,unus Pat. (95) Cos' 51, Pr' 65 Governor of Achaea, title not preserved',but probably as a Proconsul, since he was a consular. Like Brutus in cisalpine GauI, he governed by caesar,s appointment; and remained until the summer of 45 (cic. ? i a m . 4 . 3 ,r t t a + ; 6 . 6 ' 1 0 ; c f . 6 . I . 6 , a n d 4 . 5 ; 1 3 ' 1 7 - 2 8 a ; s e e4 5 , P r o magistrates). C. TnnsoNrus (6) Cos.Suff. 45,Pr.48 proconsul in X'ärther Spain (see47, Promagistrates), but was driven out by the Pompeians by the summer of this year (Bel'l'-'Hi'sp' 7'4; n.Z;bio 4g.29.8j.IIe retlrned with Caesarat the end of the year (Cic., and if ; on his meeting with Antony at Narbo to sound him out regarding a plot against caesar, seecic. Phil.23a;PIttt'. ant.I3). See 45] ProriagistrateJ, on X'abius, Pedius, and Caninas in Spain' C. Vrsrus Paxse CennnonraNus (*9) Cos' 43, Pr' 48 ? Governor, probably Proconsul, of Bithynia ?"q- t9rrt"-t (coins of Apameia Myrleia, Nicaea, and Nicomedia, Head, HN'510, 516-517; B-.M.Crt., Ettl,yn'i,atI0, 153).He returned before the end of the year (Cic. L6g. t anä 7). See Magie, RomamRul,ei,n Asi'a M'inor, 2'1270, note 40. Tribunes of the Soldiers C. Avrtltus (l) IIe served in caesar's tenth legion, and was d.ismissedin disgraco (Bell,.Afr.54.L-4). A. Foltrnrus (5) served in caesar's army in Africa, and was dismissed in disgrace (Bell,.Afr.5a.!. Manuus CRrsPUs (52) Pt.47 or 46 ? (A.) 'served und.ercaesarin Africa, perhapsas a Tribune (Bell,.4fr.77.2, tri,bunum LL tribus DTV), and attacked. the town of Thebana. see above, Praetors, and 45, Promagistrates. L. ? Trrrus (13) - Trrrus (see 13)
and' put to Tribunos in Caesar's tenth legion, who were captured 28)' death by Metellus Scipio (Bel,l. Afr' Legates, Lieutenants -'Ä"ArmNrus (6) Cos.60, Pr.72? L. orri""r, probably a Legate (see4g-47, Legates) in the Pompeian to escapo army in Africä; captured and.slain by Sittius as he attempted 1I4; Suet' to Cpair, (Bel,l'.Air.69.I; 95; Cic' Iam' 9'18'2; Liv' Per' Ill' Vi'r' Auct';btot. Cä}.I;X'lor.2.13'90;App' BC 2'97; 7 8 . 9 ; O r o s .6 . 1 6 . 5 ) . M. AQmNus (or Aqunvrus) (Aquinius2) --n',"otri""r, probably aLegate., since he was a senator, in the Pom: peian forces in Africa (Bel,l.Afr. 57; 89'5)' ? C. AsrNrus PoLLro (25) Cos. 40, Pr' 45 52.6). IIe served.under caesar in Africa (cic. att. L2.2.1;Phtt. caes. P. Arrrus Venus (32) Pr' 53 ? LegatuspropraetoreunderMetellusscipioinAfrica(CIL'|2.2.780portion of the ruSls9;äna "f. in 45, X'lor. 2.13.75).He commandeda fled to Spain and 44;62-64;90.1), Afr. io*p"i"" tleet in Africa (Bett. 27)' Hisp' Bell' Auct' cf. (Dio 43.30-31; Oros. 6.16.6; * Cn. Cer,punrvrusPrso (Fnuor) (95) Cos' Suff' 23, Pr' in He held command.oi th" Moorish cavalry under Metellus scipio 2'57 'no'286)' AJr.3.1; I8.r; cf. Tac. Ann' 2'43; and PIRz Africa (Bel'\,. C. CessrusLoNerNus (59) Pr.44 Legate under Caesar(Cic.Fam.6.6'10;App' BC Z'LLL'who confuses trim iitn L. Cassius,and 146; Dio 42.13.5;see 47, Legates)' ? Tr. Cr,auorus NEB,o Pat' (254) Pr' 42 LegateorPrefect(histitleisnotpreserved),hesettledvet,eransin 4.1). colonles in Gaul, ,-org them Arelate an4 Narbo (Suet. fi,b. 521. SeeCIL 12, PP. 83, and C. Coxsrorus Loxeus (ll) Pr. 58 ? or ca' 52 Legatus pro praetore under Met'ellus Scipio in Africa (C/L .L2'2'780at Hadrumetw (Bel,l,. -(43), rzs äsrg). rrJrreta command of the garrison and garrisoned Thysdrus AJr. 3--5; 33; 43), besieged Aghylla (76, and 86), and was finaiiy killed by his own troops (93)' C. Drnrus (2) Legate otä"" Caesar(seein 45, X'lor' 2'13'75),who gave him com45' *un{ of a fleet against the Pompeians in Spain (Dio 43'14'2; cf' Legatos).
.0 tl.c.
? CN. Dorurrrus Cer,vrxus (43) Cos. 53, 40, Pr' 56 N; tftI" preserved',though he is listed a Legate i" P:..G' 3'70I' He corvedundär Caesarin Africa (Belt. Afr.86.3; 93.f ; cf . Cic. Dei'ot.26). -M. Epprus (2) L"grt" ottd"" Metellus Scipio in Africa (Grueber, CRRBM 2'673f''; cf. Auct. Bel'l'.Lfr.89.5). Suff' 45 (). " X'rnrus Maxrrvrus Pat. (108) Cos' in advance to Spain (Bell' sent was who under Caesar, A Legate Hi,sp.2"2;12.2;Dio 43.3f.f ; seebelow,on Q'Pedius)' ? C. (Hostrr,rus) Sesnnnr (22) l0'l;29'3; ö*.u" placed him in charge of Leptis (Bel'l' Afr' 9'1; a Legate. as prefect, t6ough listed in D.-G. 3.70I oZf_Ay. dossibly a On the name, see Grueber, CRRBM L'512I' P. (Hosrnrus) SasERNA (24) ? -C"!**" placed him in charge of R'uspina (Bel'l' Afr' 10't; see abovo' on C. Saserna). M. Iunrus Bnuros (53) Pt. 44 IIe Probably a Legatus'pro praetore (see above, Promagistrates)' (Cic' 45 of spring the until and gorrern"d öi*"tpiö Gaoi thiough 46, 23,45; Plut' fram.6.6.10;; Brut.lzt; Z'tt. 12'27'3,March Brut.6|.6_7;App.BC2.I|I;Auct.Vir.It|',82.5,procorusul';ct.Cic. Orat.34; Stet,. Rhet.6; Plut. Comgt'Di'o an'il Brut' 5)' D. IuNrus Bnurus Ar,srNus (55a, Supb' 5) Pr' 45 a rising Legate of Caesarin Transalpine Gaul, where he crushed and' 47' 48' cf' 2'lll; BC App' LLA; P[r. o*orig the Bellovaci (Liv. Legates). ? T. LesrnNus (6) Pr. ili'gni'tas f"obrUly ranked"as aLegale in th9 Pompeian forces' where of the counted fo'r much, but in ii"to" of his military Afr', (Bell,. A-frica -o.i p"o-i""nt oi the command.ersin the field in at defeat the After p"rsiä; Val. Max. 8.14.5; epp. 89 2'95; Dio 43'2)' App' cf' 6'6; 6'f Th*pror, he escapedto'Spain (Dio a3'30'4; Oros' BC 2.87). P. Lrcrxrus Cnessus IuxruNus (75) in Africa Legatus pro praetoie under Metellus Scipio and Cato 70'3)' Min' cot. Plut. lGruäber, Cnnaa 2.57rf..; ? C. Mnssrus (2) he defended Frobably a Legate in Africa under Caesar, for whom Achulla (Bell. Afr. 33; 43).
46 B.C.
L. Muwerrus Pr,exous (30) Cos. 42, Pr. 45? A Legateunder Caesarin Africa (Bell,.Afr- L-5; cf . Cic.Iam. 13.29). ? M. Ocrevrus (33) Probably a Legatus pro praetore, like Attius Varus (seeabove), along with whom he cömmanded a portion of the Pompeian fleet in Africa (Bel,l.Afr.44). See also Plut. Cat. Min. 65.4-5Sp.? Orurus (5, cf..22) Pr. 44? A Legate of Caesar in AIrica, who received charge of the town of Zeta (Bel,l,.Afr. 68.Q. On Q. Oppius (RE, no.2r; D.-G. 3.701),see45, Praetors. Q. Pnnrus (1) Cos. Suff. 43, Pr. 48 A Legate of Caesar,who was sent in advance to Spain, along with Q. FabiusMaximus (Bell,.Hisp. 2.2; t2.2; Dio 43.3r.3; cf . 43.42'1,and Act. Tr. for 45). M. Pnrnnrus (3) Pr. 64 ? Legate (App. BC 2.95) in the Pompeian forces in Africa (BeIl" Afr' rS-20; Zl;öf . App. BC 2.95; Dio 43.2).After the battle of Thapsushe died in a death pact with King Iuba (Bel'\.Afr. 9I; 94; 97; Liv' Per' Il4; Senec.RhJt. Szas. 7.3, and 14; Senec.Proai,il'.2.r0; App' BC 2.100,and l0l; X'lor.2.13.69;Dio 43.8.4;Eutrop. 6.23.2;Oros. 6'L6'4; Gron. 291 Stangl)' Bchol. B ern. onlucan, p. 33I Ifsener ; Schol,. M. Ponr,rorus (*20) Legatus pro praetore under Cn. Pompey in Spain (Grueber, CR&BM 2.364f.\. ? C. RlsrRrus (Cunrrus) Posrrnnus (6) Pr. 48 or 47 ? served under caesar in Africa, and was sent back to sicily for reinforcements and supplies (Bel,l. Afr- 8.1; 26.3; cf. 44). See Dessau, Hermes46 (1911)613-620,and 47 (1912)320. Spn Sur,prcrus Rurus Pat. (95) Cos. 51, Pr. 65 Governor of Achaea, possibly as a Legatus pro praetore (seeabove, on Brutus), but more probably as a Proconsul (see above, Promagistrates). L. Srerus Mnnous (2) Pr.45 Probably continued as a Legate under Caesar (see 48, and 47, Legates). He served in the campaign in Africa (Cic. Att' L2'2'l)' M. Ver,nnrus Mnsser,r,aRurus (*77) Cos. 53, Pr. 62? see 47, Legates. He served under caesar in Africa, and afte-r _the1 battle of Thafsus was sent to occupy Utica (Bel,l.Afr.86; 88; cf. 28). I
? C. Vnncu,rus (Virgilius *2) Pr. 62 An officer in the Pompeian forces in a-frica, who had command of the garrison in Thapsus (Bel,l'.Afr. 28.2; 44.L; 79; 86; 93.3). Prefects Q. - AquIr,a (8) An officer in caesar's fleet which blockaded l{adrumetum (Bell.Afr. 62-63; 67.1). L. Crsprus(Lenvus ?) (3, cf.6) An officer in Caesar'sfleet, who blockaded Thapsus (Bell'. Afr' 62; 67.r). ? P. ConNnr.rus (45) An evocatus, who was placed in command of sarsura by Metellus Scipio (Bell. Afr. 76.I). ? C. Dncrurus (2) He held command for the Pompeians in Cercina; apparently a landowner in the island (Bell'.Afr.3A.\. L. Lrvnrnrus Rnour,us (3) caesar left him in command at Hadrumetum (Bell. Afr.89.3) after the battle of Thapsus. C. Mnrucrus Rnarwus (47) The Pompeian commander of the town of Zeta (Bel'l'.Afr' 68'$' Peorontus (l) There were'two officers of this name in the Pompeian forces in Alrica (Bett. Afr.13.l), both apparently Prefects of Cavalry (Bell" Afr' L}'l; 78.4). R,usnrus (13) Cat. Mi,n. officer (Legate or Prefect) under cato at utica (P.I1ult'. 62.2;63.r). Pontifices ca. 63-46: Q. Cenor,rus Mltnr,r,us Prüs Scrrro NAsrcl (99) Cos' 52,Pr.55 See above, Promagistrates. Successor:Tr. Crauorus Nnno Pat. (254) Pt' 42 Elected in Scipio's place (Suet. Tib. 4.L; cf ' VelI' 2'75'l)'
46 B.C.-46 B.C.
Augurs Feusrus Conrnr,rus Sur,r,e Pat. (377) Soeabovo, Promagistrates; and 57, and 50 Augurs. Quindecimviri Sacris Faciundis ?-46: M. Poncrus Cero (*20) Pr. 54 Plrfi. Cat. JVIi,n.4.L, probably before 70; see above, Promagistrates. Flamen Quirinalis Ca. 59-46: Snx. Iulrus Cepsan Pat. (f52, I53) See above, Promagistrates. Caesar's relative, the commander in Syria, should probably be id.entified.with the X'lamen who is listed in 57 (L. R,. Taylor, AJPb 63 [942] 397; for the opposing view, see Mij.nzer, ßE).
8.3.61; Dio 43.42.1-2, on the illegality of his triumph; seo below, Legates; on his death, Suet..Izl. 76.2; Plin..nü/ 7.181;Plttt. Caea. 58.1; Dio 43.46.2\. C. TnnsoNrus C. f. - n. (6) Pr. 48 He withX'abiusMaximus (Iosü.Cap.,Degrassi56f., 133, 500f.; Iast. Amer., dbdd.242;Iast. Colot.,ibid,.27a;Dio 43.46.2;ct. Cic. Phil,.ll.5; Vell. 2.69.f; Suet. 1u1.76.2;and seeabove,on Caosar, for the date). C. CrNnrrus C. f. C. n. Rnnrr,us (9) Pr. 48 ? Hastily elected on the last day of the year in successionto Fabius Maximus (Iast. Cap., Degrassi56f., 133,500f.; Iast. Amer., i,bid.242; Fast. Colot.,i,biil,.27a; Iast. P'inc.,i,bid,.278; Cic.Fam.7.30.1 ; Plin. Nf/ 7.181;Tac.Hist.3.37; Suet.Iul,. 76.2;Nero L5.2;Plat.Caes.58.l;Dio 43.46.2-4;Macrob.2.2.13,and 3.6;7.3.f0). Dictator
Luperci 46-43: Q. Tur,r,rus Crcnno (32) Cic.Att.12.5.1.
45 B.C.
A.U.C. 709 Consuls
C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Cansen Pat. (l3f ) Cos. 59, 48, 46, 44, Pr. 62 Consul, without a colleague, until he abdicated about October I (Xast. Cap., Degrassi56f., 133, 500f.; Xast. Amer., ibid.242; Fast. Colot.,i,bid.2l+; Suet. 1zl. 76; 80.3; Dio 43, Index; 43.33.1,on his election, and, 46.2; Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd,. (CaesareIIII solo), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.,with X'abiusMaximus; on the date of abdication, Dio 43.46.2). seeSuet.1u1,.76.2;80.3; Consules Suffecti Q. X'enrus Q. f. Q. n. Mexruus Pat. (108) Pr. 48 ? He entered"upon office about October l, celebrated a triumph er His,pania on October 13, and died suddenly on December 3l (Fosü. Cap.,Degrassi56f., 133,500f.; Iast. Ost.,i,biil. 180, 182; Fast. Amer., ibid. 242; Fast. Col,at.,i,bid,.27a;Suet,.1u1.76.2; 80.3; Dio 43.46.2; Cassiod.;on his t'riumph, Act. ?r., Degrassi86f.,567; Quintil. Inst.Or.
C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Cansan Pat. (l3l) Cos.59, 48,46-44, Pr. 62 Caesar's third dictatorship continued until April, 45, and was immediately followed by his fourth, which in turn continued until he became Dictator for life at some time between January 26 and February 15, 44 (Grueber, CR&BM 1.537-539,Dict. ter., in the term of the Prefect Plancus, arrd 542-544,Di,ct. quar.; Fast. Cap., Degrassi 56f., 133, 500f.; Iast. Amer., dbid.242; Iast. Colot.,i,bid,.274;Bel,l,. H'isp. 2, di,ctatortert'io d,es'ignatus dicüatorqtnrto; cL.IGRP 4.33b; CIL 12.2.788;Tac. Hist. 3.37; Dio 43, Index, and L4.4, Dictator for two successiveyears; and on the duration of the fourth dictatorship, see44, Dictator, and esp. Degrassi 133f.). His Spanish campaign ended in a final victory at Munda over the Pompeian forces (Bel'|,.Hi.sp.), and he was saluted as Imperator at Ategua (Bell,. Hisp. 19.6; cI. Cic. Iam,. 13.15, prescript, and cf. 16), a title which the Senate later decreed should be permanent (Dio 43.44.2; cf. Grueber, CRRBM I.544t.). I{e celebrateda triumph for his victory in early October (Liv. Per.1161, YeIl. 2.56.2; Suet. Iul. 37.L; PIin. NH 14.97; Quintil. Inst. Or.6.3.61; PIut. Caes.56.4;Flor. 2.13.88-89;Dio 43.42.I). He granted pardons very freely to his foes (Vell. 2.56.3; Phtl. Caes. 57.2-3; Suet. Iul. 75.t; Äpp. BC 2.107; Dio 43.49.I, and 50.f-2). Various measures, some of which may have been promulgated in 46, involved a large increase in the membership of the Senate (Cic. Iam. additions 6.18.1; Phi,l,.rr.L2; 13.21; Suet.1u1,.76.3;80.2;Dio 43.47.3), to the numbers of the regular annual magistrates, fourteen Praptors 20 Broughton II
in 46 and sixteen in 44, increase of the Aediles to six, through the croation of the Aediles Ceriales, and the election of forty Quaestors in a6 (Dio 43.47.2,and 49.1, and 51.3-4). He created new patrician familios (Suet. Iul,. 4l.l), and extended the pomerium (Dio a3.50.I). He provided that citizens between the ages of twenty and forty must not remain outside of Italy more then three successiveyears (Suet. Iul,. 42.1),and no son of a senator unlesshe served on an administrative He revived customs dues in ftaly (Suet.Iul.43.l), and. stalf (i,bi,il,.). provided that grazers must smFloy freemen up to at least one-third of their herdsmen (Suet. Iul,. a2.2). Special honors upon his return from Spain includ.edthe right to wear the triumphal garb and the laurel wreath on all occasions,to enter the city on horse from the Latin X'estival, the title Imperator for life and for his heirs, and the title of Liberator, a golden chair, and statues on the Rostra adorned with the coron&civica and tho cotona obsidionalis, as well as statues in the temples (seeesp. Dio 43.43-45; for a full citation of sources,see D.-G. 3.593-598).On the year 45, see D.-G. 3.570-604. Master of Horse M. Aumnrus Lnprous Pat. (73) Cos.46,42,Pr.49. Continued to be Caesar'sMaster of llorse during the third and the fourth dictatorships (Iast. Cap.,Degrassi 56f., 133,500f.; Fast. Amer., dbdd.274;Dio43.48.1;cf. Cic. Att.13.42.3,and ibä|,.242;Iast. Col,ot., 47a.L). He managed affairs in Rome in Caesar'sabsence,with the aid of Prefects(Dio 3.a8.r). None of the curule magistrates of this year, except Caesar as Sole Consul, were elected until after Caesar returned from Spain (Dio 43.47-48). Praetors C. Asrlrrus Polr,ro (25) Cos. 40 An ex-Praetor when in command.of X'arther Spain in 44 (Vell. 2.73.2; see 46, Legates). See Sternkopf, Hermes47 (lgl2) 325, and 336. Q. Conmrnrcrus (8) Probably Praetor in 45 (seeCIL 12.2.793),sinoehe becameProconsul in AJrica Vetus in 44 (see 44,Promagistrates; and Sternkopf, Hermes 47 lrSl2l 329, and 337f.). Q. Honrnnsrus (8) Probably Praetor in 45, since he became Proconsul in Macedonia in 44 and 43 (Cic. Phi,l.10.26;Dio 47.21.L-6;see44, Promagistrates).
D. Iunrus Bnurus Ar,nnvus (55a, Supb. 5) Probably a Praetor in 46, since ho became Proconsul of Cisalpino Gaul in 44 (see 49-46, Legates, and 44, Promagistrates). L. Mwuorus Besn,us (38) A Praeter of 45, to whom Caesarrefused a province, but gave monoy instead (Dio a3.47.5). L. Munerrus Pr,m'cus (30) Cos. 42 Prefect of tho oity (seebelow), and probably Praetor, since he was aLegate in 46, and becameProconsul of Transalpine Gaul in 44 (soe46, Legates, and 44, Promagistrates). A. Poupprus Brruyrrous (*lf) Probably Praetor in 45, since he governed Sicily probably in 44, and certainly in 43 (see44, and 43, Promagistrates). T. Snxmus (13) Probably a Praptor in 45 since he governed Africa Nova in 44 (see44, Promagistrates). L. Srarus Muncus (2) Probably Praetor in 45, since he became Proconsul of Syria in 44, (see44, Promagistrates). L. Trr,r,rus Crunnn (5) Probably Praetor in 45, since he became Proconsul of Bith5mia and Pontus in 44 (see 44, Promagistrates). Aediles of the Plebs L. Anr,rus Lerrre (75) Pr.42? He received letters from Caesarurging him to rush preparations for the Ludi Romani (Cic.Att.13.45.l; Iam.ll.l7.l, cf. 16.3).An Aedils of the Plebs, because the curule magistrates, with the exception of Caesar himself as Consul without a colleague, were noü elected until Caesar'sreturn from Spain (Dio a3.47-a8). flibrrrr.,
of the Plebs
Cencrr,rus (or PouroNrus ?) (not in RE or *RE) He introduoed bills for Caesar'sprogram to beautify the plan of tho city (Cic. Att. 13.20.1,and 33a.4, and 35.1, gentil,i,s tuus; cf. Suet. .IaZ. it4; Dio 43.49).IIis office is not named, but he was almost certainly a Tribune since no Praetors were elected until Caesar's return from Spain early in September. See Niccolini, ETP 344. 20*
4 5B . C .
L. Poxrrus Aeurle (*12) A Tribune who refused to rise as a mark of respect to Caesar at his triumph (Suet.1u1.78.2;cf. on his name, Cic. Att. 1.1.3;7.2.2; and' on the confiscation of his land, Cic. Att. 14.21.3; cf. Suet. Iul. 50.2; Macrob. 2.2.5). ? P. Vnrnrnrus Blssus (*2) Cos. Suff. 43, Pr. 43 Gell. 15.4.3. As the Tribunes of 44 are known, 45 is the latest year for his tribunate. Quaestors M. Appur,nrus (13, cf. 14) Cos.20 ? PIRz l.l85, no. 959. Cf. GreelcInsw. British See44, Promagistrafr,es; Museum 3.547. Promagistrates M. Acrr,rus Cnrnvus (or CeNnvraNus) (15) Pt. 47 Proconsul in Sicily (see46, Promagistrates) who during 45 succeeded Ser. Sulpicius Rufus in Achaea (Cic. Fam.7.30.3, and 3l.l; 13.50, accepting the emendation of Aucto to Aci'li'o; Nic. Dam. Vi't. Aug.16, FGrH 2A.398). See Sternkopf, Hermes47 (L912)330, and 336; and on the name, see 48, Legates, and note 8. C. Arrrsrrus Vnrus (47) Cos. Suff. 30 Probably a Quaestor pro praetore by appointment from Caesar in Syria (Dio 47.27.2-4;cf. Plut. Caes.5.3;YeIl. 2.43.4,and 52.3), and besiegedcaecilius Bassus there until the Parthians came to his relief (Cic. Att. 14.9.3; Dio 47.27.2-a).He probably received salutation as Imperator (Brutus in Cic. Ad' Brut. f .f f .2). See 44, Promagistrates; PIRz 1.146,no. ?70; Sternkopf,Hermes47 (1912)331f. C. Car,vrsrus Senntus (13) Cos. 39, Pr. 461 Governor (title not preserved) of Africa Vetus, and predecessorof Q. Cornificius (Cic. Phi,l. 3.26; cf. on his Legates, Iam. f2.30.7). Returned to Rome before March L5, 44 (Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes. 26.2, FGrH 2A.410). SoeP.I-822.83f., no. 352; Sternkopf, Hermex47 (ISl2) 328, and 337f. C. Cennnras (2) Cos. Suff. 43,Pr.46? Caesarsent him to X'arther Spain after Munda (title not preserved) to continue the war against Sextus Pompey (App. BC 4.83-84). See PIRz 2.105,no. 447,a Legate?; D.-G. 3.701. Cunrus (2 and 8) Proconsul in some unnamed province by 45 B. C. (Cic. Iam. 13.49).
{6 r}.c.
Q. Fenrus Mexruus Pat. (108) Cos. Suff. 45 See above, Consuls, and below, Legates. '.f. X'unnlNtus Posrurrus (I) Pr. 46? Proconsulin Sicily (Cic.Iam.6.9, and 8.3). A. Hmrrus (2) Cos.43, Pr.46 Governor, probably Proconsul, of Transalpine Gaul, including Narlronensis(Cic.Att.14.9.3, dated April 17,44). SeealsoCic. Aüt. L2.40.1, rrnd 41.4,and 44.1, and.45.2, and 47.3; 13.21.1,and 37.2; Suet. Aug. (i8. Q. Mancrus Cnrspus (52) Pr.46 Proconsul in Bithynia and Pontus, whence he led three legions to Syria in aa (App. BC 3.77; 4.58; and on his title, Cic. Phi'|.11.30; Iant'.
r 2 . 1r .r ) .
M. Mrwerrus SaBrNus (3) Proquaestor under Cn. Pompeius Magnus in Spain (Grueber, cRßBM 2.366f.). Q. Prorus (l) Cos. Suff. 43, Pr. 48 He celebrated a triumph pro consul'eer Hispan'i,a on December 13, but according to Dio, illegally, since he had only been one of Caesar's Legates(Acü.?r., Degrassi86f., 567; Plin. .l[f/ 35.21;Dio 43.31.1,and 42.r). Seebelow, Legates. Cx. PompnrusMacNus (*17) Imperator of the Pompeian forces in Spain (see46, Promagistrates), who was defeated at Munda and killed in the filighf (Bell. Hisp., passim; Liv. Per.llS; Vell. 2.55.2-4; Suet'.1u1,.35.2;36;Piut. Caes.56; App. BC 2.103-105; X'lor. 2.13.76-87;Dio 43.29-40; Eutrop. 6,24; Auct. Fast. Oros.6.I6.6-9; Zonar.10.10;cf. Cic. Att. 12.37a,; Vir. 111.78.8; 4.9; and p.250; 3.2.2, Strabo Aaer.,CIL L2.1,p. 212;Iast. Farrt'.,i'bid,. 8.23.16). 1.40; Polyaen. Lucan VaI. Max. 9.2.4;Plin. NH 3.12;36.134; O. Sar,r,usrrus Cnrspus (10) Pr. 46 Proconsul in Africa Nova (see 46, Promagistrates). He repaired his fortunes, it is charged, by extensive peculation, and upon his return (before March 44) escapedtrial and possible conviction only through C)aesar'sintervention(Ps.-Cic.1zla.'inSall,ustt9; Dio 43.9.2-3,cf.47.4). Sternkopf (Hermes 47 lLSL2l329) hoids that in virtue of Caesar'slaw limiting praetorian governors to only one year Sallust received a successor in 45. l'. Snnvrr,rus fseunrcus (67) Cos. 48, 41, Pr. 54 Proconsul in Asia (see46, Promagistrates). Continued until succeeded
46 B.C.
by Trebonius in 44 (cf. Dio 43.25.2; and see Syme, Anatol. Stud'. Bwkl,er 307f.; Sternkopf, Hermes 47 ll9l2l 330). P. Sur,prcrusR,urus Pat. (93) Pr. 48 Proconsul in Bithynia and Pontus, until succeededby Q. Marcius Crispus (see46, Promagistrates). On his founding of Sinope, see Grant, Irorn Imperium to Auct'ori'tas12, note 2.
on land (Bel,t.Hisp. 27.2; 31.9; Cic. Plai,l.13.30;Vell. 2.56.4;App. 8C 2.105;Oros.6.16.6-8).
Snn. Sur,rrcrus Rurus Pat. (95) Cos. 51, Pr. 65 See 46, Promagistrates. He returned to Rome by autumn (Cic. Dei,ot.32). P. Vernvrus (*2) Cos. 47, Pr. 55 Proconsul in fllyricum with three legions, who was assigned the task of recovering the greater part of the province (Cic. Xam. 5.9-lI, the latest dated in October, a5; App. Il,lyr. l3; cf. Cic. Phil,. l0.l3; Dio 47.2L.6). He was acclaimed Imperator, and a supplicatio was (Crc.Iam.5.l0b, and II; cf. Phi,l. 10.13). decreedfor his successes See Sternkopf, Hermes 47 (lgl2) 329.
C. Vrsrus Pansl ClnrnoNrervus (*9) Cos. 43, Pr. 48 ? Governor, probably Proconsul, in Cisalpine Gaul, in successionto Marcus Brutus (Cic. Att. 12.27.3;Iam. 15.17.3; cf. Att. L2.14.4, amd 19.3; Iam. 15.19.3).See Sternkopf, Hermes47 (lSl2) 328. L. Vor,oerrus Tur,r,us (*7) Pr. 46 Probably governor of Cilicia. His failure to help Antistius in Syria allowed Caecilius Bassus to be relieved by the Parthians (Cic. Att. 14.9.3, April 18, 44, wibh reports which had reached Balbus from Antistius). See S;rme,Annt. Btud,.Brrc,lcl,er 321-3241,Sternkopf, Eermes 47 (19r2)33r-333. Tribunes of the Soldiers Q. Mencrus (32) A former Pompeian Tribune who came over to Caesar's side (Bell. Hi,sp. rL.2). Legates, Lieutenants C. AsrNrus Por,r,ro (25) Cos. 40, Pr. 45 Served with Caesarin Spain (Cic. Att. t2.38.2, and Bg.l; cf. Suet. Iul. 55.\. Seeabove, Praetors. P. Arrrus Ve-nus (32) Pr.53 ? Probably still Legatus pro praotore in Spain (Flor. 2.f B.7b). He was defeated at sea by Didius (X'lor.; Dio 43.31.3), and fell in the fighting
Aunnr,rus (2) An officer, probably aLegate, under Hirtius in Transalpine Gaul, who was victorious over ßome German tribesmen (Cic. Att, 14.9.3). Bennrus (5) An officer, probably a Legate, under Vatinius in Illyricum Il,lyr. 13; see 44, Legates).
? CansrNwrus Lnwro (6) An officer under Caesarin Spain, the slayer of Cn. Pompeius (X'lor. 2.13.86,Caeson'iu,s;Dio43.40.2;Oros. 6.f 6.9 Caesonius,and confusion of Cnaeusand Sextus Pompey; cf. Cic. Phi'l'.12.23). C. CrNrNrus Rnsrr,us (9) Cos. Suff. 45,Pr. 48? A Legate under Caesar in Spain (Bell'. Hi'sp. 35.f ; cf . Cic. Att. 12.37.4).Seeabove, Consuls. P. Connnr,rus Dor,esnr,r,e (l4l) Cos. Suff. 44 He served, probably as a Legate, under Caesarin Spain (Cic' Phil' 2.75; cf..Aüt.12.38.2;Fam.9.l0, and ll, and l3). C. Drorus (2) Legate in command of Caesar'sfleet in Spain (X'Ior.2.f 3'75). He was victorious over attius varus (see above), and was the one who sent Cn. Pompey's head to Caesar(Bel,l.Hi,sp' 37.2; PIut. Coes.56'3; X'lor' 2.13.75; App. BC 2.105; Dio 43.40.2),but fell in battle with the Lusitanians (Bell,.Hisp.40; cf. Dio 43.40.2). Q. X'enrus Mexruus Pat. (108) Cos' Suff. 45 A Legate und"erCaesarin Spain (see46, Legates; Bell. Hi'sp' 2'2; 12.2; 4l.l;Dio 43.42.1).Seeabove,Consuls. Honarrus (3) A Legate under c. calvisius sabinus in africa (cic. Fam. 12.30.7; ct. Phi,l.3.26). M. Iunrus Bnurus (53) Pmr.44 see 46, Legates. He continued to govern cisalpine Gaul until spring, 45 (Cic. Att. 12.27.3),when Pansa succeededhim. T. LasrpNus (6) Pr. He met his death as one of the Pompeian leaders at Munda in spain, but, no title is preserved (BeIL.Hi,sp. 18.9; 31.9; Vell' 2'55'4; Flor' 2.13.83;App. BC 2.105;Dio 43.38.2;Oros.6.16.6-9).
4 öB . C .
3t2 T.rrnqus (2)
Legate under C. Calvisius Sabinus in Africa (Cic. Xam. 12.30.7; cf. Phil. 3.25). According to Cicero two Legates remained in Africa. Porhaps Latinus should be indentified with the Venuleius mentioned bolow. Q. Pnorus (1) Cos. Suff. 43, Pr. 48 Hisp.2.2;12.2;Dio A Legate under Caesarin Spain (Bel'|,. Promagistrates). and above, 46, Legates, see
M. Pnrnucrnrus (2) Legatus pro praetore, probably under Cn. Pompeius the younger in Spain (CIL 12.2.2298). Snx. Porvrrnrus (*18) The title of his command with his brother is not preserved. He had charge of Corduba (Bel,l,.Hisp.3, and 4), escapedafter the defeat at Munda, and. maintained himself as a freebooter among the Lacetani (Bel,l.H isp. 32; Cic.Att. L2. 37A ; Liv. P er. ll5 ; Strabo 3.2.2, and 4.lO ; Phft. Caes.56.3;X'lor.2.13.97,and 18.I; App. BC 2.I05;4.83; 5.r43; Dio 43.39.1;45.10.1-3;Eutrop. 6.23; Oros. 6.16.8-9;Zonat. 10.10). SeeD.-G. 4.564f.,no. 25. Snn. Sur,prorusR,uFUs Pat. (95) Cos. 51, Pr. 65 Governor of Achaea (see46, Promagistrates) until the summer of 45 (Cic.Xam.6.1.6, and 4.5; 4.5-6, and 12; cf . Deiot. 32, in Rome in the autumn). M. Vu,tr,nnrusMEssalr,a (Runus) Pat. (*77) Cos. 53, Pr.62? See47, and 46, Legates. He served under Caesarin Spain (Qic. Fam. 6.18.2;Att. 13.5.2). Q. Ver,nnrus Once (*78) Pr. 57 Legatus pro praetore under Caesar,in charge of assignment of land in Etruria to Caesar'ssoldiers(Cic.Fam.I3.5\. VnNur,nrus (*4) A Legate under C. Calvisius Sabinus in AJrica (Cic. Iam. 12.30.7; cf. Phi,l.3.26; seeabove, on Horatius and Latinus). Prefects P. Ceucrr,rus (not in ßE) A former Pompeian camp Prefect, in command of the town of Carteia in the spring of 45 (Bel,l,.Hi,sp.32.7).
Cr,onrus AnQurrrus (not in -BZ) served under caesar in spain, probably as a Prefect of cavalry (Bell. Hi,sp. 10.1,Arguetius; 23.8). L. Muwlnrus Fr,lcous (19) The Pompeian commander in Ategua in Spain (Bell. Hi,sp. 19.4; Val. Max. 9.2.4; Dio 43.33.4-34.5; X'rontin.,Srr.3.f4.I). L. NoNrus Aspnnxes (14) Cos. Suff. 36, Pr. 47 ? Served as a commander of cavalry under Caesar in Spain, perhaps a Legate (Bel,l,.Hi,sp.l0.2). See 46, Promagistrates. L. Vrerus Peorencus (L. Iunius Paciaecus*4.530, no. 7) Prefect of forces sent to the relief of UIia (Bel,l.Hi'sp.3.4; cf. Cic. n'am.6.18.2: Att. 12.2.1). Prefects of the City when caesar departed for his spanish campaign he left the governDio ment of affairs in the hands of a group of Prefects (no).tav6pr'or', 43.4g) and the Master of Horse. Their insignia included the lictors, dress, and curule chair, like those of the Master of Horse. Two of them took charge of finances, since no Quaestors had been elected, and others performed the duties of the curule Aediles. They were not replaceä by elected magistrates until after caesar's return from spain. Of these Prefects we know the name of the following: L. MuNerrus Pr,aNcus (30) Cos.42, Pr. 45? Grueber, CRHBM 1.537f.,dated to Caesar'sthird consulship. Prefects C. Cr,owus (Cr,uvrus) (4) The term Praef(ectus) on his coins, once interpreted as Praefectus Urbi (Grueber,CRRBM 1.539; seePIEz 2.286,nos. 1203,1204)means rather that he was one of the many officers engaged under caesar in assigning lands to his veterans (note cic. Fam. 13.7, negotium il,atum and' Grant, Frorn,Imper'i,um to Auctoyitns esse-aCäesare,non i,u,il,i'ci,um; 7-ll, who places him conjecturally in cisalpine GauI at Mrediolanum). See above, Legates, on Q.Valerius Orca, and below, on M. R'utilius; 46, Legates, ot Ti. Claudius Nero; and' 44, Legates, on L. Plotius Plancus. ? M. Ruru,rus (5) Had chargeof assignmentof land to caesar'ssoldiers(cic. Fam.I3.8). His title is not preserved (seeabove, on C. Cluvius).
46 B.C.
314 Special Commission
M. Tnnnrrrus Vanno (S4, Supb. 6) Pr.caosar assignedhim the task of assembling a library in Rome (Suet. Iul. 44.2;Isid. Orig. 6.5). Pontifices Ca. 45-43: C. Anrorqrus (20) Pr. 44 Probably elected a Pontifex under Caesar(Grueber, CnnBM 2'470, 43 B. C.). Ca.4!-after 20: Clv. Domrrrus Cer,vrnus (43) Cos.53, 40, Pr. 56 Probably elected a Pontifex under Caesar (Val. Max. 8-11.2, and Suet. 1uZ.-ar.+;cf. Grueber, CnnBM 2.373; CIL 6.130I-ILS 42)' Augurs ?-before 44: C. Craunrus Mencnlr,os (214) Pr. 80 see 50, list of Augurs. He died before cicero wrote lhe De Di,ainatione (2.75)'. ? M. Appur,nrus (13) cicero,s effort to secure excuses attested by oath to explain his absence from a banquet in which Appuleius was involved suggests that it might have been an augural one for a new membor of the college (seeCic.Att.12.13.2,and 14.1,and 15.1). Ca.45-43: A. Hrnrrus
(2) Cos.43, Pr. 46
Ca. 45-43: C. Vrnrus Pense Clnrnoruelrus (*9) Cos. 43, Pr. 48 ? Both Hirtius and Pansa are attested for 43 (Cic. Phi,l'.7.12,Hirtius; Xam,.12.25a.6).In the Pro Ligario, which was delivered in the autumn of 46, Cicero mentions Pansa (I and 7), but does not term him a colleague. Septemviri Epulones L. MuNerrus Pr,arvous (30) Cos. 42, Pr. 45? Probably a member of this collegeof priests by 45 (Grueber, CRHBM 1.53?f., the symbols of the priesthood on coins of that year; cf. .LLS 886).SeePInz 2.390,no. 534; De Laet no. 251.
44 B.C.
44 B.C.
A.U.C. 7r0
Consuls (l3l) Cos' 59, 48,46,46,Pr' B2 Pat. C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Cansen 500f . 134, 58f ., ; Fast. Ost.,i'bdd'l8I, l82f '; Eaet' Iast. Cap., Degrassi 275; Joseph' A-J l4'2ll1' 273f., dbid. Colot., 2a2; Iast. Amer., i,bid. Index; Obseq' 67; 49.1;44, and 43, Index, 22.L6; Dio Censorin.DN cö 8'; Cassiod'; number the but with Pasc.' Chr. Hyitr.; Fast. Chr. 354; CR R B M Grueber, C os. D'ic. coins, tttdott lö. t r Qui,nc., Qtmr., Zonar. ; Augur. Pontifex, Dictator, below, See 1.540. M. ANroxrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.34, Cos.Desig' 3l Fast.Caqt.,Degrassi58f., 134,500f. ; Iast. Ost.,i'bdd'l8l, l82f '; Iaet' Amer.,';l;A. Z+Z;last. Colot.,ibdd.273f..,275; CIL 12'2'795,942,968; plin. -l/rl/ 2.99; Joseph. AJ L4.217and 221; suet. 1u1.82.4; censorin. DN 22.16;Obseq.Oi-OS; X'Ior.2.14.7;Dio 43, fndox, and 49'l;44, Index; Chr. BSal past. Hgil.; Chr. Pasc. (al1 three with the form Antonino); Cassiod.; Zonar. 10.11. As Caesar's colleague Antony carried at least two of the many measuresin his honor, one to change the namo of the month Quinctilis to Iulius (Macrob. 1.12.:34,Jerome Chr. ad'ann.45, p. f57 Helm; Suet' Iul,. 76.I; Censorin.DN 22.16; App. BC 2.f06; X'lor' 2'13'91; Dio 44.5.2),and one to dedicate the fifth day of the Ludi Romani to caesar naming Dolabella Qic. rml.2.rr0). lle opposedcaesar'sintention of (Cic- Phi,l'. campaign his eastern for opon äeprrting Suffectus öonsul l.3I;2.79 and 82-83 and Sg and 99; 3.9; 5.9; Plat. AnL Ll'2-3; Caes' 62.51 Dio 4g.5r.8). At the celebration of the Lupercalia he offered Caesara,crown (Cic.Phil,.2.84-87;3.12; 13.17and 3t and 41; Quintil' Inst. Or.9.3.6r; Plut. Ant. 12; Caes.6I; App. BC 2.109; Dio 44'll; 2A.406,who names Licinius 45.30; cf. Nic. Dam. Vit. Caw.2l,IGrH as the one who made the offer first). on the Ides of March Trebonius drew him away from the scene of the assassination (cic. Ph'i'|. 13.22; Vell. 2.58; PIat. Brut. 17.I, and 18; Ant. 13; Caes.66.3; App' BC 2.L17; Dio 44.19.1-3).He fled, but later, with the backing of Lepidus and his troops (see Master of llorse, and Promagistrates), recovered himself, secured possessionof Caesar's papers and his t'reasury, and' used a period of äccommodation with the Liberators and the help of caesar,s veterans to become master of the situation in Rome. Brutus and cassius were driven out of the capital and received commands (see below, Praetors), and other Liberators succeededto commands which had been assignedto them by caesar (seePromagistrates), whilo Antony himself gainäd command of Macedonia (and Dolabella of Syria) in April (Qic.Ait.14.9.3, and 14.4; Dio 45.15.2;47.29.1;cf. App. BC
3.8, and 12,and 24, and'27 ; 4.57; Nic' Dam' Vi't' Caes'30; seeIlolmes' in Juno Arahitect 188-190) and of caesar's army there, and then early he and both ,u"orua by plebiscite the Gallic provinces instead.,while Phi'1,. (Cicyears confirmed. in theii commands for five öot"tut6fire Vell' lI7; Per' Liv' i.iS utta 25;2.6and 109;5.7-8; 8.28;Aüt' 15'll'4; and25)' 22, App. BC 3.27-30; Dio 45.9, and 20, and Z.AO.S; pieces of Witirin ttris period after the fdes of March several other (Cic. acts Caesar's confirm legislation werä carried: a Lex Antonia to Att' 12'4'6; Eam' 13'31; l0'17; pitl. t.rc-24;2.100;5.8 and l0; 6.3; and 44'53'2;45'23)' 22;Dio and l4.g.z,and12.l; App. BC 2.135;3.5, 116; Per' Liv' I'3;2'91; Phi'1" (Cic' another abolishingiüe dictatorship one App. BC 3.2s; öio 44.5I.2), and with his colleague,Dolabella 2. 100 . 5.10 Phil. (Cic. ;_cf veterans to -äi.irrg fresh assignmentsof iand a third added Antonia A Lex 3.57). BC and 1i2; Att. 14-.7.2;App. without census tat'rng,(Cic. Phi'l'. f"""f toifre juries, or" 6f ""tttnrions permittetl persons another while 5),; 5.8; I3.3 and (Cic-Phi'|. andd,ema'iestate gterytetuaedeai, qunesti,ines condemnedinthe of amount a large was there uaaitiott itt 46'36.2). l.2l; cf. 13.5; Dio I acfn' Caesat's of authority claimed-the Antony f"gi.i"ti"" for which to one oö to recall exiles l}ic' Phil'.2.98; 5.rl;Dio 45'25'2;46'15'2)' to all of Sicily (Cic' Att' y'!z'L; PIt'i'|" "grant | . 2 4 ;full 2 . 9 Roman 2 ; 3 . 3 0 ;citizenship 5.l2;7.l5),onetorest'oreDeiotarusofGalatiatohis 14'12'l' an.d futt rigtrts as King io Cut"ti" (Cic. Phi'\" 2'93-94; Att' make it iO.Zy,ä"a one to r-elievethe island of Crete of aecti'gali,a,and 2'97 Phi'I" ; Dio I-rotong"" a province after Brutus' governorship (Cic' 45.32.4;46.23.3). Meantime,risingsupportforCaesar,sheir,theyoungoctavian,and the growth of opfositlän to Antony among !h" T3j"tite Caesarians I was led by Hirtius and pansa caused.him increäsing difficulty, which i to augdenfud when two of his legions-on-their way from Macedonia Toward attack Decimus Brutus in Cisaliine Gaul desertedto Octavian. theendoftheyearheentered^CisalpineGaultoenforcehisclaimtoi that that province alainst the Proconsul öecimus Brutus' who insisted governor' he wäs remaining as the legitimate the chief On Antony's acts from lüarch f 5 äntil t'he end of the year 9'14; i 7.19-22; 6.16-17 Fam. ; l+16; texts are found in cic. Att. Dam' " Nic' 116--118; pnit. Per' Liv' t_ t+ lnssim; 10-12 pass'i,m; Vell' I 405-420; and' 2A'399f', IGrH zr-är, Vit. Caes. 17-18, and 82-84; 1zl' Suet' 18-26; Brut' tL_ t6; Am. 2.58-61; Plut. Ca"". OZ; 6'18'1 ; Zonat' Aug. r0;'App' BC 2.1I7'-3.45;Dio 44'20--45'16; Oros' R'iceHolmes' 10.12-14. SeeD.-G- 1.57-166;-E'Ecols' 2598-2602;T' Architect of the Roman Empire l-37 '
44 B.C.
Consul Suffectus (141) P. Connnr,rus P. f. - n. Dollnnr'ra g42, Degrassi 58f', l?1:.50^0j';Faet' Cap., Iast. 968; 12.2.795, CIL ibi'd" 242; Fast' A;;;, iuä. ä0t., iast. öst., dbid' I82f''; rast' Amer'' and 22r; Flor' L4'2L7 AJ ö;;;.', toda. ztgt.; Ptin. -l[1/ 2.99; Joseph' 2.1+.7;Obseq.68. -'Cu"ru" should cho-seDolabella with the intention that when he in his Consul become parthian should war Dolabella a"p"J ro" the 2'122; BC App' I1'2; Ant' 2'58'3;Plat' Vell' piä"" tCi". Phil. 2.7s_-80; (cic. Phi,l. l.3l; 2.79 irio aä.rr.s), but Antony opposedthe_election ll.2-3; caes.62,5), Ant. PIut. s.s; and 82_83and ss and ög;-d.s; DolabellahoweverusedüheoccasionofCaesar,sassassinationto to his succession *""o"" the consent,of both the Liberators and Antony pn;1.1.5 and 3r; 3.9; 5.9;,Nic' Dam' Vit' Caes'28'EGrH 2A'4r3; 1Ai. and'51'2; Jerome Ve[. 2.53.3,and 60'4; App' BC 2'122;Dio 44'22'l' probably joined' He f0'r2)' Zonar' p. I5i^Helm; Chr. ad ann. 44, of veterans (Cic' Antony in carrying in April a law for.the set'tlement -intt,. Rome ä.rc_tf ). in the saÄe month during Antony's absencefrom been had pillarthat h" ,opp"""*ed a worship of Caesarand destroyed a 4' and' and 14'20'2 erectedwhere the bodj had been burned (Crc' Att' 2'107; 30; t'5 and r!.i, r"a 16.2,and' ig.+; Io*.9'14'7; cf' PhiI' of consular Dio 44.5t.2; Lactant. tnit. oia. r.r5). In the reallotment 14'4; App' and L4'9'3' in April he received Syria (Cic' Att' il;iin;* cf ' Cic' 47 '29'l; 45'15'2 ; bc s.l*a, and 12, and' 24, and'il ; 4'57; Dio on Cicero)' Legates' below' and Phit.ll.4and 28; seeabove,on Antony; September 2 Soon "ftu" presiiing over the meeting of the Senate on though province'-and his for (Cii pnu. i.zzl n""p"epared' to depart to more no returned 15.13.5) Att. (Cic. still at X'ormiaeon öctÄbe" 25 and Macedonia through passed he Rome. He was still Consul whän perhaps took with him one legion from Caesar'sformer army t'herq-a.nd and Phi,l.l1.4 r6.t5l; Att. (cic. year the """"n"a Asia by the'end of 3'24-26' BC App' latest; the at March in rb and 27, early Lr'27; and 57; Gell. g.g.+;öio +ä-].5.z;47'29'r;cf' Cic' Phi}' \o'r3; Ad,Bruü.l.ll.l;pl*.nrU.25.1;Dio47'21'3;andonthedate'Joseph' AJ 14.225). See 43, Promagistrates' Dictator 48' 46-44' Pr' 62 C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Calsen Pat' (13I) Cos' 59' beginning of the the at time fourth the for ca,esarwas still Dictator January 26, after time at some Perpetuus Dictator year, but, he became L5 (Iaat' *trun h" celebrated anoaatia ut Di"tutot IIII, and February
4 4B . C .
Cap.,Degrassi58f., 134, 500f.; Iast. Col'ot.,i'bdd'273f', 275; Acü' Tr" üda.'eSt.i 667, January 26; Joseph. AJ l4.2l1, with the titles, ocürop[ou; xpdnl.ilp8,r"d,"tp "ö "6coptou. . , . 8tx3d,c9p-rino8-e8erypr'6vo6-8l& l'540, CRRBM cf. Gruober, 6; tö numeral the Uio +ä, Index, with Dia. Qtnr., Cos. Quinc., and 542. Dictat'or Perpetuts: Fast' Cap', Degrassi58f., 134,500f., supplied; Iast. Amit., i'bdd'l70f '; Fast' Amer', ibi,E.z+z; Cic.Phi,t'.2.87,before the Lupercalia; Liv. Per. 116; Joseph' AJ l4.2rl; App. BO 2.106; Dio 44.8.4; Zonar. l0'lt; cf' Grueber, cHRBM r.545-55r). The excessivehonors,including deification (seeesp. cic. Phi'|.2.I10.; 13.41; Dio 44.6.4),which *e"e paid to caesar in the last months of his life included a prefectship of public morals for life (suet. Iul,. 76.L; Dio 44.5.8; Zoiar.l0.l2), provision that magistrates should swear to uphold the validity of his acts (App. BC 2.106), an oath, takgn by all tf,e senators,to protect his person (Suet. Iul'. 84'2;86'1; App' BC 2.124,and 145),the titte Parens Patriae (Cic. Phi'\. 13.23;Dio 44'4'4; 1.549, 552), the naming of the mont'h of JuIy see Grueber, innBM in his honor (seeabove, on Antony), provision that his son should be Pontifex Maximus (Liv. Per. f f6; App. BC 2.106; Dio 44'5'3), the right to a gilded chair and triumphal robe and a laurel crown on public oäasions(Ci". n';r.l.lr9; Nic. Dam. Vi,t.Aug.2l,IGrH 24.405; Val' Max. 1.6.13;Plin. NIl rf .f 36; Suet' Iul.76.l; PIut. Caes' 6I'3; Ant' f2.I; App. BC 2.106;Flor. 2.13'91;Dio 44.4.2,and 6'1, and' ll'2, and rz.e, anä 49.4; 45.6.5),a temple to his Clemency (Dio 44'6'4; cf' Gruäber, CnnBM I.549). He was actually deified with Antony as his X'lamen isee above). He was murdered by the conspirators on the Ides of March, just before his intended departure for a campaign against the Parthiäns. On his honors, see esp. L' R. Taylor, Di'ai'nity of the Rsmnn Emperor 58-77; on his acts in 44, D.-G. 3.604-65-6;A'8, cols' 250-257;T. Rice Holmes, Roman Reptül,i,c3.330-344,and 567' Master of Horse M. Anrunrus M. f. Q. n. Lurrous Pat. (73) Cos.46, 42,Pr' 49 Lepidus held this office during both caesar's fourth dictatorship and his dictatorship for life (see45, Master of Horse; Iast. Cap', Degrassi 58f., 134,500f.; Iast. Amer., ibid.242; Xast. Col,ot.,i'bid' 273f'; Nic' Dam. Vit. Caes.2L,FGrH 2A.405;Plin. NIl 7 -I47; Suet. 1uJ' 82'4; Dio 43, Index; 44, Index; 43.39.f ; 44.5.2).He prot'estedagainst Antony's offer of & crown to Caesarat tho Lupercalia (Cic. Phi1,.5.38;13'17)'In office at the time of caesar's death, he effectively turned the situation in Antony's favor during the next few days (Nic. Dam' Vit. Caes' 27,
l'GrH 2A.4rf{.; Plut. Caes.67; App. BC 2.118,and 126; Dio 44'19, u,nd. 22; Zonar. 10.12), and was reward'ed by being hurriedly made lrontifex Maximus (seebelow, Pontifices, and Promagistrates). Masters of Horse Designate O. Ocravrus C. f. C. n. (Iulius, no. 132) Cos.Suff.43,Cos.33,3l-23, 5,2 Fast. Cap., Degrassi 58f., 134, 500f., to take office when LePidus should d.epart to his province, Degrassi 134; cf. Plin. .I[I/ 7.147;APP. BC 3.80;Dio 43.51.7. ON. Dourrrus M. f. M. n. Cm,vwus (43) Cos. 53, 40, Pr' 56 Fast. Cap., Degrassi 58f., 134, 500f.: 'i,ninsequentemannlum\ Non inii,t; cf. Dio 43.5r.7. caesar had.appointed both these men, but his death preventod thom from assuming office. Praetors T. Awxrus Cnnsnn (37) He could have shared in Antony's hasty assignment of praetorian provinces in the senate meeting on November 28 (cic. Phi,l. 3.26), and' is termed a praetorius in Phi,l,.ia.ZO laenvered March 20, 4g)l.See also Cic.Phi,l,.ll.l4; Vergil Catal,ept.2;Suet. Aug.86. C. AxtoNrus (20) Plut. Ant.l5.3; App. BC 3.14; Dio 45.9.2; Zonat' f0'f3' Appian mistakenly terms him Praetor lJrbanus (seebelow, M. Iunius Brutus), but when Brutus withdrew from Rome he assumed the duties of tho Praetor lJrbanus, including the celebration of the Ludi Apollinares (App. BC 3.23; cf. Cic.Au. r5'12.r; 16.l.l, and 4.1, andS'l; Phi'L' r.36; 2.3r; 10.7-8; PIttt. Brut. 2r.2-3; Dio 47.20.2).In !!e Senato meeting on November 28 he was assignedthe province of Macedonia, tind deladed soon afterwards from Italy (Cic. Phi'1.3.26, cf' 38; 7'3 nnd 16; 10.9;Plut. Brut.25.2;Dio 47.21.4-7). M. (Cr,r,runNrus or Purrus) Prso (not in -B"O) He is named among those who were eligible for a praetorian provin_co in the assignment *ädu itr the Senate meeting on November 28 (Cic. Phil.3.25). See Sternkopf, Hermes47 (lSl2) 386-388. Q. Crssrus (21) Assigned to spain in the allotment of provinces in the senato meeting on November 28 (Cic. Phil.3'26).
44 B.C.
C. CessrrrsLoxcrNus (59) Pr. Peregrinus Cic. Fam.ll.2, and 3, prescripts,and 3.3; Vell. 2.58.1;PItfi. Caes. 67.3;Brut. 14.4;App. BC 2.rI2; 4.57;Dio 44.14.2,cf . 47.20.2;Zonar. 10.I I . Caesarpreferred Brutus to him for the office of Praetor Urbanus (Plut. Brut. 7.L-3; Caes.62.2; App. BC 4.57), and Cassiustherefore probably received the one next in dignity. He was the moving spirit in the conspiracy against Caesar though Brutus became the leader (PIut. Brut.8-12, and 18-19; App. BC 2.113,and 115;cf. Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes.24,EGrH 2A.408f. ;Dio 44.14.2;Eutrop. 6.25; Auct. Vi'r. Ill. 83; Oros.6.17.2; seein generalD.-G. 3.624ff".,esp. 633-635).Although he shared in the amnesty the Liberators, the revulsion of feeling in Rome and the rise of Antony compelled both him and Brutus to withdraw from the city early in April (App. BC 2.148; 3.2; 4.57; Dio 47.20; cf . Cic.Att. I 4.5.1,and 7.I ; Plut,.Brut. 2L; Ci'c.42'3; Ant.l 5.I ; cf. Caes.63).He remained for some months in Latium and Campania collecting a fleet, ostensibly in connection with his appointment to charge of the grain collection by the Senate on June 5 (Cic. Att. L4.+.1, and.10.1;15.4.2,and esp.9.1, Sicily, and ll.t-2, and 12.1,and20.2; 16.2.4,and 3.6; Iam.I2.2, away in September).Later in the summer he was assigned the province of Cytene, perhaps about August I (Plat. Brut 19.3; App. -BC 3.8, C;;'renaicaand Crete; cf. Plt'i|,. 2.3I and 97, oqthe date; Nic. Dalrr..Vit. Caes.28,FGrH 2L.4l4,Illyricum; Dio 47.21.I, Bithynia; see T. Rice llolmes, Arch'itect of the Romam Empi,re 196f.). He joined Brutu$in issuing an edict in sharp criticism and about of Antony (Cic.Eam.12.3; cf . Atü.16J.1and 7; YeIL.2.62.3), proceeded, not to the and. the end of September departed for the East, 12.f4.6; Dio (Cic. Iam. Asia province assignedhim, but by way of 2.62.2;Dio 47.20-21; 11.27-28; (Cic. Phi'\. Vell. 47.26.1-2)to Syria cf. Nic. Dam..Vit. Caes.28,and 31,FGrH 24.413f.,419f.). C. Cnsrrus (3, cf. 7) IIe refused to accept allotment of a province at the Senate meeting on November 28 (Cic. Plüi,l.3.26). L. ConNnr,rusCrxna Pat. (107) Though probably not one of the conspirators (despite Plut. Caes. 68.3; seeDio 44.50.4;Zonar. 10.12),this brother of Caesar'sfirst wife joined the conspirators and took off the insignia of his praotorship since they were the gift of a tyrant (Val. Max. 9.9.I; Sueü.Iul'.85; Plut . Brut. 18.6-7; 20.5-6; App. BC 2.121),but when he resumedthem for the Senate meeting of March 17 he required the protection of Lepidus (App. .BC 2.126,cf. 137).He becamesuch an object of hatred to the crowd at Caesar's funeral that they killed a Tribune named
cinna by mistake for him (see Tribunes of the Plebs). Ire sponsored the recall of caesetius and Marullus (seeTribunes of the Plebs; Nic. Dum. Vi,t. Caes. 22, IGrH 2A.406) after Caesar's death, and in the senate meeting on November 28 refused to share in the allotmont of provinces (Cic. Phi,l. 3.25). L. Connnr,rus Lnxrur,us (Cnuscnr,r,ro?) Pat. (197, cf' 219) Perhaps a Praetor in 44, since he is listed among those_who considered the allotment of provinces in the senate moeting on November 28 as null and void (Cic. Phi'l'.3.25). M. Cusrxrus (l) He was allotted sicily in the senate meeting on November 28 (cic. Phil.3.26). ? M. Gl'r,r,rus (5) Praetor in 44 or some previous year, since he served under antony at Mutina in 43 as a praetorius (Cic. Phi,l'-L3.26; cf' App' ?C 3'95)' (53) Pr. Urbanus M. Iuxrus Bnurus lO.7; Att. 15.12.I,and 18.2; 16'I'I, and 2'3, Phil,. Cic.Fam.7.2I; Caes.57.3; 62.2;Brut' 7; 14'4-5; App' BC 2.58.I; Plut. 4.1; VeIl. and 2.112; 4.57; Dio 44.12.9,and 15.4; 47.20.2confusedwith Cassius;; see above, on Cassius, and cf. Auct' Vir' Ill' 82'5' He became the leader of the conspirators against caesar (see above, on cassius), the amnesty of March 18 and the agreementsthen ratified with Antony, but was compelled by the feeling of th9 populace and the rise of Antony's power to leave Rome in early April (cic. ,4.üü. L4.5.1,and 7.I; Phit. 10.7-8; Plul. Brut. 18-20; Cau' 67-68; Ci,c.42; Ant. 14--15; App. BC 2.148;3.2; Dio 47'20:'Attct'' Vi'r' Il'1" 82.6). Iie remained for söäe months in Italy, first in Latium and lator in iampania, leaving to C. Antonius his duties as Praetor lJrbanus (see abäve, on C. Antonius), and collected a fleet, as he had been assignedtothe curatorship of the grain supply in Asia b{ th9 Senateon Junä s (Cic. Att. 14.4.t,änd 5.1,-and r0.l; L5.4.2,and 9'1 Asia, and' IL.l-z, and 12.1, and' 20.2; 16.2'4, and 3.6; Iam' ll'I; see below' Speciai Commissions). IIe was later, perhaps on August l, assigned tlie province of Crete pro corrcule(Cic. Phi,t. 2.97;11.27; Brut. 19.3; App. BC 3.8, and 12, and 16, and 35; 4.57; and X'lor' 2'17'4' both authors with the mistaken assertion that caesar had assigned Syria to Cassius and Macedonia to Brutus; Dio 45'32'4; 46'23'3; +z.zt.t\. He left Italy in late August (Cic. Att.16.7, at,Velia on August 17;Phit,.I.8-r0; rc.b; Ad, Brut.1.tO.+, and 15'5),proceededto At'hens and moved on Macedonia toward the end of the year, probably upon 21 Broughton
hearing of tho provincial allotments on November .28, having first found -&ny recruits among the young Romans studying at Athens, and eecuredconsiderablefinancial aid from M. Appuleius the returning Quaestorof Asia (Cic. Phi'\. I0.9, and 23-24, and 26; Ll'27; 13'32; Äd Brut. 1.7.2;2.3.6;Vetl. 2.62.3;Plut. Brut' 24-25; Cic.45.1; Suet' Vit. Horat., and Horat. Baü. I'6.48; Epp. 2.2.46-50; App' BC 3'24, and 63; 4.75;Dio 47.21.2-5;cf . Nic. Dam. Vi't.Caes.28,IGrH 2A'414\, and C. Antistius Vetus of Syria (Cic. Ad, Brut. 2'3.5; I.lI.2; Vell' 2.62.3;cf . Dio 47.27.2). L. M.rncrus Pnrltppus (77) Cos. Suff. 38 IIe too is listed among those who might have been allotted a,province and refused to recognize the validity of the allotment of provinces carried through in the senate meeting on November 28 (cic. Phil.3.25). Naso (not in Ä.&') P. Cic. Phit.3.25. Seeabove, on L. Marcius Philippus' His nomen may be Octavius, Otacilius, or Voconius. Sr. Oprrus (22) Cic. Phi\,.3.25. Seeabove, on Marcius and Naso. C. TnnneNrus (4) Cic. Phit.3.25. Seeabove, on Marcius, Naso, and-Oppius. M. Vnnrr,rus.f (nt) Like Piso (see above) he was allotted a province in the senate meeting on November 28, and submitted to the senate's later annulment,of the action (Cic. Phi'L.3.25). Aediles, Curule L. Tnnsnr,r,rus (Frons) (4, cf. 5) (9r, cf. 92) A. TnnuNrrus VaRRo Munnlu Named as colleaguesin an inscription found at Rome (cIL L2.2.2514.fr8 6075) and dated probably in or before 44. Aediles Q. Cennus (14) His place in Cicero's list of Antony's supposed Senat'ein his camp at Mutina suggeststhat he held the aedileship in or very soon before 44 (Cic.Phil,.13.26). - CnrroNrus (1) Ao
tlre display of Caesar'sgilded throne and-garland (AIP' B.C 3'28; on <'f.Plut An; 16.2; Cic.Att. 15.3.2;on the honor, seeDio 44'6'3; EmRomnn of the Diui'ni'ty Taylor, R,. L. see date, I,he occasionand ,1,rro,ZZ,note l5). He muy have been one of the two newly constitut'ed Aediles Plebis Ceriales(Dio a3.5f .3). L. Vanrus Cornr,e (*5) in 4S (bic. Phit. 8.2a;13.26),and probably Aedile in 44, An aedil,i,ci,us since he held the ofiice at a time when Antony (Consul in 44) had rr,uthorityto make public slavesbeat him in a banquet_(Qic. -Phil'.8.2Q. He defended Antony in the senate meeting on December 20 (cic- Phi'l'. I'r.5and 7). See Legates, Envoys, and Lieutenants' Tribunes of the Plebs TheextraordinarynumberofTribunesofthePlebsinthisyearmay power be explained by thl expulsion of Caesetius and Marullus from &re Hostiliu' and place. Decidius their nnd t*he election of othärs in places' their for the two most probable candidates L. Antoxrus (23) Cos.4l Plat.Ant.f5.'3;Dio45.9.f;Zonat.t0.14;cf'Cic'Att'14'20'2and6; 15.2.2,and 5.3, and.L2.2; Phil^ 6'7 and 20; 6'15; 7 'I7; L3'37' Before half Caesar'sdeath he carried a bill to give Caesarthe right to name popular regard,for without the Consuls excepting the magistrates election"(Cic.Phil'. ziO; Fuet. Iut. 4I.2; Dio 43'51'3; cf' Nic' Dam' Vit. Caes.20.3,FGrH 2A. 4O4.SeeSpecialCommissions' L. Censnrrus X'r,avus (4) He and his coileague'C. npiaius Marullus (see below) removed a cliademfrom caesar'Jstatue "nd *""" imprisoned. They alsoprosecuted' persons who had saluted Caesar as king yhgn-hg 1"*"":d. toRome power irom the Latin festival. They were deprived of their tribunician whileother below), (see (not the office) under a bill äf C.I{elvius Cinna ifriborr", were elected in their place (cic. Phil,. 13.31; Nic. Dam. 7iü. 9, FGrH 2A.404f-;Lio. P"'' 116; Vell' 2'68'4-5; Val' Max' Cq,es.2O.5 ,11.7.2; Suet. Iul'. 79-80; Plut. Caes. 6l-'4-5; AnL l2'4; Dio 44'9-10; +A.+9.2;App. BC 2.I08, and' 122,and 138; Obseq'70; -Zonar'10'f I)' They were restored soon afterwards, probabll ^?{t91^Caesar'sdeath (Nic".Dam. Vi,t. Caes.22, FGrH 2A.a06;App' BC 2'122; seePraetors' on Cinna). 'fr. Cr.NNurrus (3) HemadebitterattacksuponAnt'onybeforethepeopleonoctober2' *nd when after Antony's teparture to his army in southern Italy 2L*
Ootavian marched on Rome Cannutius met him and presented him to tho people. Antony later barred him from the Senate meeting on Novomber 28 (Cic. Fam. 12.3.2,and 23.3; Phil^3.23; Vell. 2.64.3; App. BC 3.41; Dio 45.6.3,and 12.4; 48.L4.4;cf. Cic. Att. 16.16.3). D. Cenrur,nNus (I) He was excluded, like Ti. Cannutius, from the meeting of the Senate 'was a Tribune of the on November 28, presumably because he also (Cic. Phi'\,. 3.23; cf. Att. prevent a veto Plebs and Antony wished to
r6 . 4 . r ) . (65) L. Cessrus Lotcntus He was excluded, like Cannutius and Carfulenus, from the Senate meeting on November 28 (Cic. Phil'.3.23; seeabove). Niccolini (XTP 347; cf.. Mommsen, RF 1.75) attributes to him rather than to his brother, the Praetor of this year, the passageof a bill to enable Caesar to add new families to the patriciate (Suet' Iul. 4l.l; Tac. Ann. rr.25; Dio 43.47.3). L. Dncrorus Sexe (4) One of Caesar'sappointeesto the office (Cic. Phi't. ll.I2; 13.27; cf. Dio 43.51.6; see below, Special Commissions,and 43, Legates). Hostilius and Decidius were termed tribunicit, when in Antony's camp in 43 (Cic. Phi,l. 13.27). Against Niccolini @f P 356) I am inclined to date their tribunates in 44.
with Decidius saxa; cf. cic. Att. 15.2.3.on the nomen, sootho ooing of L. Hostilius Saserna,Grueber, CnnBM f .5f2-5f4)' (NoNrus) Aspnrxes (13) ' He atiempted while Tribune, by falsely annoulcilg unJavorable omens, to prävent the passageof a bill to grant Dolabella the p:ovince of Syria (Äpp. BC 3'7; onthe.nomen, seeRE, nos' 14, and l5)' C. (Snnllr,rus) Cesce (52, cf. 53) Tribune in i* lOio 44.52.2),and one of the conspirators along with his brother P. CascaLongus (Cic. Phi,t. 2'27; cf..Suet' 'IzZ' 82'I, alter e Casc'is;Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes. 24, EGrH 2A.408f.; Plut' Caes' 66'6; Brut. 17.3; cf . App. BC 2.113, who names Gaius only, and Eutrop' 6.25, who mentions only one casca; see Mürrzer, RE), but according to Dio (44.52), he escapedthe fate of cinna (seeabove) by arrnouncing that the name Casca was all that he had in common with the conspirator. ''[(L.) X'r,euntrus (Cnrr,o?) (7) in the collego plrhaps the Flaminius whose candidacy for a vac_a_ncywhen by Octavian supported being ?) was (causedüy the death of Cinna but 3'31; (App. BC to continue the election allow Äntony räfused to 4.27). BC proscriptions, in the perished who cillo note t-he senator According to Dio (45.6.3) and Piutarch (Ant. 16.2), Octavian was himself the candidate.l
C. Eprorus Manuur,us (3) See above, on L. CaesetiusFlavus, whose actions and punishment he shared. C. Hnr,'rrus CrNNe (ll, cf. 12) Ile proposed the measure which deprived Caesetiusand Marullus of their tribunician powers (see above; Liv. Per. 116; Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes.20.9,FGrH 2A.405;22.1,ibid. a06; App. BC 2.108;Dio 44.10.3; 46.49.2; Obseq. 70), and it was said had already drawn up a bill at Caesar'swish empowering Caesarto marry such and so many wives as he wished (Suet.,Izl. 52.3; Dio 44.7.g). He was killed by the crowd after Caesar'sfuneral by mistake for the Praetor Cinna (Val. Max. 9.9.1; Saet. IuI.85; Plut. Caes.68.2; Brut.20'5-6; App. BC 2.147; Dio 44.50.4,and 52.2; 45.6.3; 46.49.2;47.11.3;Obseq.70; Zonar. r0.r2). On his identification with the poet Cinna, seePlut. Brut. 20.5; Schwabe, Phitotogus47 (1889) 169f.,and against,it, Doutsch, CJ 20 (L925) 326ff-.
Q. ConNnr,rus (52) Q. Urbanus g)' Named in a decreeof the Senate quoted by Josephus(AJ f4'2f L. Conrnr,rus BaLBUS (70) see 43, Promagistrates. since he was serving under Pollio in x'arther spain in the spring of 43 it is probable that he went to the provinco with him as Quaestorin 44. SeeP.I-822.310,no. 1331. - (Connnr,rus)CrNNA (r04) served under Dolabella, and at the end of the year lost to Brutus in Thessaly the cavalry he was bringing to his commander in Asia (Cic. Phdt.lO.I3, quaestor,cf .11.27; Plut. Brut.25.l, K[vvot).
(C. or P. or L. Hosrnrus) SasnRlra (22-24) A tribunicius in Antony's camp at Mutina in 43 (Cic. Phil. L3.28, alter Basernn, mentioned in Cicero's list before the Quaestors along
(2) L. Eclurur,Erus Quaestor under the Consul Antony. He brought the Fourth Legion
P. Conrvnr,rusLnNTULUs SPTNTHERPat. (239) Asia under Trebonius (see 43, Promagistrates). Cf. Cic. Att. 14.11.2,dated April 21, 43.
from Macedoniato Italy and in November led it over to Octavian (Cic. Phil.3.7 and 39,with title; 4.6; 5.52;14.3I; App. BC 3.45).The Senate commonded his action on December 20, and in January 43 Cicero proposed to reward. him with the right of candidacy for office three yoars before the legal time (Cic. Phi,|,.3.39;5.52). Q. R,urnrus (ll) Quaestor lJrbanus, named in a decree of the Senate quoted by Josephus (AJ l4.2l9). L. Snsrrus (2) Cos. Suff. 23 Probably Quaestor this year (see 43, and 42, Promagistrates), he prepareda fleet for Brutus and Cassius(Cic. Att. 16.4.4,cf..2.4;but see PIR 3.230, no. 436, where these notices are referred to his father). D. Tunur,r,rus (l) One of Caesar'smurderers (Dio 5f .8.2), who went to Bithynia with Annius Cimber, and held command of the fleet which Cimber prepared in 44 and sent against Dolabella in 43 (Cic. Iam.l2.l3.3, qu,aestor; cf. on his praenomen, Dio, Publius, and coins of 3l B. C., Grueber, cRRBM 2.531,D.). Promagistrates M. Aonrus CeNrnus (or CeNrxrenus) (15) Pr. 47 ? See 45, Promagistrates. He held command. in Greece from some time in 45 until after Caesar'sdeath (Cic. Fam.7.30.3, and 3l.l; Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes. 16, IGrH 2A.398; cf. Cic. Fam. 13.50; and on his name, see 48, Legates). Note however Grant, lrom Imperium to Aucüoritns13-18. M. Anulvrrr,rus Lrprous Pat. (73) Cos. 46, 42,Pr. 49 See above, Master of Horse. Proconsul of Narbonese Gaul and Nearer Spain by Caesar'sappointment (Vell. 2.63.f ; App. BC 2.t07; 3.46;Dio 43.51.8;45.LO.6; cf . the prescriptsto Cic.Fam. 10.34,and 35), where he departed in the spring of 44. In the course of the summer he brought about some agreement with Sextus PomFey for which the Senate decreedhim a supplicatio on November 28 (Cic. Phil.3.23-24; 5.39; Dio 45.10.6;cf. Cic. Att. L6.4.2;App. BC 3.4, where measuresof di{ferent dates affecting Sextus Pompey are summarized; 3.57; 4.94; see Hadas, Sertus Pompey 61-64). He was acclaimed Imperator a second time (Cic. Phil,. 5.40 and 41, cf.. 3.23; lam. 10.34, and 35, proscripts;Pluf. Ant.l8.3). SeePIRz 1.59,no. 367,a scantysummary; Sternkopf, Hermes47 (1912) 335, 340.
O. Anrrsrrus Vnrus (47) Cos. Suff. 30, Pr. bef' 34 roturned Quaestor pro praetore in syria (see45, Promagistrates). Ho and on hie (see below) Murcus by Staius from Syriatwhä succeed.ed he was the tribute Brutus to over handed 44, in way, piobably late Brut. Ail in (Brutus Cic. his service and entered him, bringing with r.rr]t-ä; 2.3.5; Plut. Brut.25-1, forAppuleius; cf. Vell' 2'62'3)' Seo I'IRz I.L46, no. 770. (13, cf. 14) Cos. 20 M. Aprur,uus The retiring Proquaestor of Asia who late in 44 delivered his forces {l,ndhis public-fundJ oo"" to Marcus Brutus at, carystus in Euboea (Cic. Phil. tO.Z+;r3.32; Brutus in Cic. Ad, Brut. r.7.2; App. BC 3'63; 4'76; cf. Veil. 2.62.3;PIttt. Brut.25'I, names Antistius; Dio 47'21'3)' See PIRz 1.L85,no. 959. C. Asrxrus Por,r,ro (25) Cos. 40, Pr. 45? Governor, probably Proconsul, of x'arther spain in successionto Carrinas. I{e-strugglLd unsuccessfully against the remnants of the pompeian forces uträ"" Sextus Pompey until the agreement arranged. by Lepidus ended the hostilities (Cic. Att.14.5.t; Nic. Dam' Vi't' Au4'' ZA,lGrH 2A.4t4; App. BC 4.84, cf.3.46; Dio 45.10; cf. Vell' 2'73'2, bellum to who terms Pollio Tnaetorius and attributes a cl,ari,ss'i,mum, (f 336. 47 912) him). See Sternkopf, Hermes C. Celvrsrus SaerNus (13) Cos. 39, Pr.46? Governor of Africa vetus, perhaps into 44 (see45, Promagistrates; Cic. Phi,l,.3.26),but was in Rome on March l5 and defendedCaesar against his murderers (Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes.26.2,IGrH 2A.4f0)' AntJny had Africa reassignedto him in the Senate meeting on November 28 Lut Cornificius remained in possessionof the province (Cic. Fam. 12.25; Phi,t. 3.26; seebelow, on Cornificius). SeePI Rz 2.83I', no' 352' C. CessrusLoNcrnus (59) P.r.44 At some time in the summer of 44, perhaps August l, he was appointed governor of Cyrenaica (Cic. Phil'. 2.3L and 97; Plut" Brut' rS.S;App. BC 9.8; cf. Nic. Dam. Vi,t.Caes.28,XGrH 2L.4l4,Illyricum; Dio +1.[t.t, Bithlmia), probably, like Brutus in Crete, with the title Proconsul (Cic. Phi\,.2.97). SeeT. Rice IIoImes, Architectof the Roman Empi,re 196; and above, Praetors. Q. ConNrnrcrus (8) Pr. 45? Proconsul in Africa Vetus, probably by Caesar's appointment (see cf' Ganter, Phi'lologtt's53 [1894] Sternkopf, Hermes 47 ll}l2l337f.; 141f., on Cic. Fam. 12.20). At the Senate meeting on November 28, calvisius (see above) was allotted his province, but this action was
annulled on December 20 and cornificius was instructed to remain until relioved by the Senate (Cic. Phil. 8.26; Eam. t2.22A, cf.. 25.2; App. BC 4.63; and in general,Iam. 12.20_28; see48, Promagistrates). Q. Honrnxsrus (8) Pr.45? Proconsul in Macedonia (Cic. Phdl. tO.26, delivered in 4B). C. Antonius (seeabove) came to Macedonia to succeedhim at the end of the yoa,r,or at the latest in January 43, whereupon he rallied to the support of Brutus (Cic.Phi,l.l0.ll and 13 and 24and 26; Plut. Brut.26.[;Dio 47.2t.+-5\. M. IuNrus Bnurus (53) Pr.44 See above, Praetors. Like Cassius (see above) he was assigned an easternprovince, in his caseCrete, as Proconsul,to justify hisäbsence from Rome (Cic. Phil.2.97;11.27; Plut. Brut. tD.B;App. BC 8.8, 12, 16,35;4.57;Dio47.21.1,cf. 45.32.4;46.28.3; cf.2.t7.4).SeeT. Rice Ilolmes, Archi,tectof the RonuanEmpi,re lg6; and above, Praetors. D. furqrus Bnurus Ar,nrNus (55a, Supb. 5) Cos. Desig. 42, pr. 45 Proconsul of Cisalpine Gaul by appointment of Caesar (Vell. 2.60.5, d,ecretamGal,l,iam;Suet. Aug. 10.2,proainc,iaa Caesaredata et per senatum confi,rmata;App. BC 2.124; 3.2, and 6, and 16,and 78; Dio 44.t4.4; cf . Cic. Eam. f t.l). His part in the conspiracy against Caesar was noted especially because of Caesar's former favors and because he was named among the second heirs in Caesar'swill (Nic. Dam, Vi,t. Caes. 19-26, passim, XGrH 2A.402-4ll; Liv. Per. tt6; Vell. 2.56.4, and 58.1; Suet.Iul.80-81; Plut. Caes.64-GG; Brut. f 7; App. BC z.tlg, and 122, and 124, and 146; Dio 44.14.3-4, and l8.f-2; cf. Cic. phi,t. 2.26 and 30; 3.8; 4.7; 6.9;7.1f ; 10.15).Mistrusting Antony,s attitude he departed to his province in early April, took command of the legions there and recruited fresh troops in order to hold it against Antony who secureda legal claim through a law passedon June f (Cic. Xam.ll.l; Att. 14.13.2,cf. Iam. l2.l.l; Att. t5.4.t, and 5.8 and l0; phi,l,.B.B; Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes.28,XGrH 2A.4I4; Vell. 2.G0.5;App. BC 2.t48; 3.27). He made war on some Alpine tribes in order to condition his army and was acclaimedImperator (Cic. Fam. !1.4, and 5.1; cf. Plin. NH 3.37 and.47; Suet. Aug.2l.l; on the acclamation fmperator, Cic. Fam.ll.4-8, ll-13, l8-lg,2l, and 24,prescripts;Phi,l.3.37and Bg; 4 . 9 ; 5 . 2 4 a n d 2 7 a n d 3 6 ; 6 . 2 ; 7 . I 5 ; 8 . 3 8 ; 1 3 . 2 f ) .W h e n A n t o n y a t tempted to take over the province he resisted, claiming senatorial support which was forthcoming formally only after December 20, and prepared to stand siege in Mutina (Cic. Fam. f f .5-Z; phil,. Z-.6, 7.lI and 24-25; 10.23;12.9;Liv. Per. tt7; X'lor.2.15.8;App. Txtssirrr,; ßC 3.49,and 5l; Dio 45.14;Oros.6.I8.8).
Q. Mrncrus Cnrspus (52) Pr.46? Proconsul of Bithynia and. Pontus (see 45, Promagistrates). Ho trrought three legions to Syria to aid L. Staius Murcus against Caecilius Rassus, and by or before 43 had received acclamation as Imperator (Cic. Phil. 11.30,pro consule;lam. 12.ll.l, imperator;12.12.3;Vell. 2.69,2;App. BC 3.77;4.58;Dio 47.27.5).See Sternkopf, Hermes47 (19123 ) 39. L. Murverrus Pr,lNcus (30) Cos.42, Pr.45? Proconsul of Transalpine GauI (excepting Narbonensis) by Caesar's nppointment (Cic. Phi,|,.3.38;cf. Act. Tr. for 43, Degrassi86f., 567). He was still in Rome on the fdes of March and supported the declaration of amnesty for the Liberators (P}ui. Brut l9.l). He soon departedfor his province (cf. Cic. Att. 15.29.1,dated July 6; Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes. 28, IGrH 2A.4I+), and there added new levies to the threo lcgions with which, while watching developments in Italy (Cic.Iam. 10.1-5), he made an expedition into Raetia and was acclaimed fmperator (Cic. Phi,|,.3.38,cf. Act. Tr., Degrassi 86f., 567; CIL 6.1316ILS 4r; 10.6087-,LtS 886; YeL1.2.67.\. A. Ponpprus Brrnvrvrous (*lf ) Pr. 45? Governor of Sicily, probably Propraetor, and probably in accordance with Caesar's arrangements, during this year and until he was put to rleath by SextusPompey in 42 (Cic.Iom. 6.16, and l7; 16.23.1;Liv. Per. 123, praetor; see42, Promagistrates). See Lübker no. 8; Sternkopf, Hermes47 (1912) 328, and above, Praetors, on M. Cusinius. Snx. Poupuus MaGNüs (*r8) Cos.Desig. 34 He maintainedhimself in Spain, defeatedAsinius Pollio and received the acclamation as Imperator (Grueber, CHRBM 2.370-373). He also captured Carteia, and built up his forces in the interior (Cic. Att. 15.20.3;App. J9C4.84; Dio 45.10; cf. Vell. 2.73.2;and on his legions, Cic. Att. 16.4.2).See above, on M. Aemilius Lepidus, regarding somo agreement which was made with him officially before November 28. ? C. Ser,r,usrrus Cnrspus (10) Pr. 46 See 45, Promagistrates. He may have returned from Africa Nova late in 45 or ak the latest early in 44. P. Smnvnrus Iseunrcus (67) Cos.48, 41,Pr.54 Proconsul in Asia (see 46, and 45, Promagistrates), whence ho roturned when succeededby Trebonius. He arrived in Rome by or lrcfore Septemberaa (Cic. Iam. 12.2.1;cf. Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes.28, and Schwartz, Hermes33 [1898] 184). l,'OrH 2A.413,fl6rc),r,oq,
44 B.C.
T. Snxrrus (13) Pr.45? Governor of Africa Nova, probably in successionto Sailust, since it seems reasonable to suppose that he was appointed by Caesar (App' to refer to Iulius Caesar; Dio BC 4.69, where I take the first K(].loapu 48.21.r; see43, Promagistrates).SeeSternkopf, Hermes47 (LSlz) 325. L. Srerus Muncus (2) Pr. 45? He received command of Syria as Proconsul (Cic. Phil,. 11.30), but was still in Rome on the Ides of March and associatedhimself with the Liberators (App. BC 2.f r9). He left immediately for Syria to deal with Caecilius Bassus, but suffered a reverse and summoned aid from Marcius Crispus in Bithynia. Together they hemmed Bassus in at Apameia and won late in 44 or early in 43 acclamations as Imperatores App. BC 3.77;4.58; Dio (Cic.Iam. t2.ll.l, and 12.3; YeLL.2.69.2; Sternkop|, Herm'es47 See Marcius Crispus). 47.27.5; see above, on (rer2)332. L. Tnr,rus Crunnn (5) Pr.45? Governor, probably Proconsul, of Bithynia and Pontus, appointed before Caesar'sdeath (App. BC 3.2; cf. PItt. Brut. f 9.2). An active member of the conspiracy, he initiated proceedings on the fdes of March by asking for pardon for his brother (Nic. Dam. Vit. Caes. 24, IGrH 2A.408f.; Suet. Iul. 82.1; Plut. Caes. 66.3-4; Brut- L7.2-4; App. BC 2.llg, and II7; Dio 47.31.1;cf.Cic. Phdl.2'27; Senec..Up. Mir. 83.12; Ira 3.30.L-5; Dio 44'15.4).He immediately departed to Bithynia, succeedingMarcius Crispus, and prepared a fleet (Cic- Famf2.f 3.3) as well a,smoney and troops at Brutus'request (App. BC 3.6; see43, Promagistrates).See Sternkopf, Herm,es47 (fgf2) 331. C. Tnnnoxrus (6) Cos. Suff. 45, Pr. 48 Named to be Proconsul of Asia by Caesarbefore his death (App. BC 3.2; cf . PIat. Brut. I9.2). An active member of the conspiracy against Caesar, though his part at the end was to draw Antony aside (Cic. Ptlit. 2.27 and 30 and 34; 13.22;Fam. L0.28.1;Vell. 2.56.3,and 69.1; Brutus Albinus; Brut.17.I; Ant.l3.4; Liv. Per.l16;PIut. Caes.66.2, App. BC 2.1L3,and ll7; 3.19; Dio 44.14.3-4,and l9.l and 3). He promptty departed to his province of Asia and there raised money and troops at the request of Brutus and Cassius(Cic. Att. l4.f0.l; Iam. 12.16; App. BC 3.2, and 6), and later aided Cassiuson his way to Syria (Dio 47.21.3,and 26.1;cf. Lentulus in Cic. Fq,m. 12.L4.5).On his treatment of Theopompus of Cnidus, seeCic. Phi,l. L3.33.SeeSternkopf, Hermesa7 Q9I2) 330, 335. I'. Ve'rrnrus (x2) Cos.47, Pr. 55 Proconsulin Illyricum (see45, and 42, Promagistrates;cf . Cic. Iam.
6.10), where he remained until late in 44 ot early in 43. He resisted the ottempt of c. Antonius (see above) to tamper with his troops at I)yrrachium, but later was forced to yield his forces and territory to Biutus (Cic: Phi,t.l0.l1 and 13; Liv. Per. lI8; Vell' 2'69'3-4; Plut' Brut.25-26; App. BC 4.75; Il,tyr. 13;Dio 47.2r'6-7; see 43, Pronragistrates). SeeLübker no. 2; Sterhkopf , Hermes 47 (lSl2) 325' O. Vrsrus Paxse Centnonrewus (*9) Cos. 43, Pr' 48 ? see 45, Promagistrates. He returned from cisalpine Gaul at somo time before April zr when he appearedin campania (cic. Atü.14.LI.2, and 19.2).SeeLübker no.2. L. Vor,cerrus Tur,r,us (*7) Cos. 33, Pr. 46 See 45, Promagistrates. Staius Murcus probably supersededhim in Syria (see abovel cf. S5rme,Anatol,tan Stud,. Buclt1er 32I-324). See PI R 3.474,no. 625. Legates, Lieutenants ? Bannrus (5) An officer, probably a Legate, under vatinius in Illyricum Ill,yr. LB).
M. Eprrus (2) Legate ottd"" Sextus Pompey in Spain (Grueber, CRSBM 2'372f'; Grant,, Irom Imperium to Auctori'tas 22). C. Fumuus (3) Pr.42? probably a iegate under Munatius Plancus in Gaul in 44 (Cic. Fam. f 0.1.4; *"u 43, Legates),and a frequent Envoy and messengerto R'ome (Cic.Fam.l0.3, and 4.I). SeePI nz 3.232,no. 590. M. Ocravrus Mansus (71) A Legate under Dolabella (see 43, Legates)' (*12) PoNrrus Aeune Brutus in cisalpine Gaul (see43, Legates). Decimus A Legate lL Tur,r,rus Crcnno (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 Cicero accepted appointment early in June as a Legat'e-of Dolabella with the intention äi going to Greece, started' in July, but early in August news from Rome ted him to return from Leucopetra in sout'hern ftaiy 1Cic.Att. rcJl.+; cf. 14.I3.4, and 22.2; l5'8'1, and l9'2, and 29.f; üut. Ci'c. 43.I-3; on his return, seeCic' Att' t63; Phil" l'6-10; 2.76: PIut. Cic. 43.3\.
44 B.C.
Prefects ? Cx. Dorwrrrus ArrpNoBAB,Bus (ZB) Cos. 82 Aided Brutus and cassius to prepare a fleet in the summer of 44 (cic. Att. 16.4.4),and_late in the year or early in 48 induced part of Dolabella'scavalry in Macedoniato desert to rirutus (cic. phi,l,. r0.tB). Seealso Crc.Ad, Brut. 1.5.8,and7.2, and 14.1.See4d, Legates. Prefects to assign land to veterans L. Pr,orrus Praxcus (Munatius 26) pr. 48 C. Arnrus Ceprro (7) C. CuprnNrrus (2) Prefects (or perhaps Legates) whom caesar appointed in 4E or 44 to assign land to veterans, Plancus at least in the ierritory of Buthrotum in Epirus. cicero wrote urging them, and especial\r-plancus, to whom the other two may have been subordinate, to rpä"" the lands of the Buthrotians in accordance with an edict of the colnsulsbased on Caesar'sacta (Cic. Att. 16.16A, B, and E, to plancus, C, and X', to Capito, and D, to Cupiennius; cf. Att. l4.ll.l, and l7.Z', and 20.8: 75.2.2,and 15.1,and 20.8,and 2g.3;16.2.1,and 4.8; seeGrant,From rmperium to Auctar'itus g-rr). Münzer (fiE) considersthem a Triumvirate. Special Commissions l. M. ANronrus (30) Cos.44, 84, Cos.Desig. Bt P. ConNnr,rusDor,aenr,Le (l4l) Cos. Suff. ++ By decree of the senate Antony and his coileague Dolabella were empoweredto review, with the assista,nceof a comdission, measuresin caesar's papers which he had planned but not published, but a law promulgated by Antony early in May and carrieä on June 2 nullified this measure by naming the two consuls only as the commission (cic. Att. 16.160.ll, and I 6F.I 8 ; Phil,. 2.100; 5.I 0 ; Dio 44.58.4 4E.Zg.7 ; )i. 2. L. ANroxrus (23) Cos.4t M. Anronrus (90) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. Bl - Clnsnxxrus Lnwro (6) P. Conrvrr,rusDor,asnr,r,a (l4l) Cos. Suff. 44 Nucur,a (t) ? C. Anroxrus (20) pt. 44] [? ? L. Dncrnrus Saxe (4) ? - -Cax'o (not in J?Z) Antony and Dolabella carried about, mid-June a bill to establish a commissionof seven(Cic.Att. t5.t9.2; phit. 5.Zt; g.26; t2.2g)with L.
Antonius as chairman to divide all available pubric land among vetoran soldiersand needy citizens (Cic. Phi,l.5.7; Dio 4b.9.1; cf.. Cic. Att. 15.12.2,and 15.1,and 17.1,and tg.2; 16.8.t; phil. 8.20;7.17; t3.17; on Antony and Dolabella, see Phil. 5.BB; ll.f 3; on L. Antonius, phil,. 6.20; 6.13; 7.16-17;ll.l3; t2.20; lB.3T;on Lento and Nucula, phü\. 2.99; 6.14; 8.26; ll.13; t2.20 and 28; tB.2 and 26 and 87; on C. An_ tonius, Att. 15.19.2,which is against including him. saxa and cafo had received lands in campania, and saxa was a skilled survevor who oxpectedto usehis art, Cic.Phit.8.9 and 26;10.22; ll.t2 anä 87; 12.20; and on Saxa also Phi,l,.2.9g;tt.t3; tB.2 and 27; t4.t0; on both, seo Syme, J RS 27 [1937] I27-tB7 ; and D.-G. 1.83, note a). The law was declaredinvalid on January 4,4\,by decreeof the senate on the ground. that it was carriedby force (Cic.Phi,t.5.?and 2t;6.14; f f .f B). Pontifices 73-44: C. frr,rus Cansm Pat. (l3l) Cos. 5g, 4g, 46-44, pr. 62, Pont. Max. 63 Seeabove, Consuls,and Dictator. Successor,as PontifexMaximus: M. Anlrrr,rus Lnprnus pat. (ZB) Cos.46, 42,Pr.49 Lepidus was hurriedly made Pontifex Maximus with Antony's support soon after Caesar'sdeath (Cic. PhiL 5.404t; lB.Z and t5'; cf.. f2. 12; Att.16.5.4, and ll.8; Liv. Per.llZ; Vell. 2.6B.t,furtocreatus;Apry. BC 2.132;Dio 44.53.6,cf. 5.8). Bef.76*44: P. Snnvrr,rusVeru Iseunrous (98) Cos. 79, pr. 90 diert early in the summer before his sonis return from Asia (cic. ^_H_e Phi,l.2.12; F am. L6.23.2; Dio 45.t6.t-2 ; Jerome Chr. ad.ann. 44,p. I b7 Helm; Suidasf .1.5808). Augurs 47 ?-44: C. Iur,rus Censen pat. (t3l) Seeabove, Consul and Dictator.
Cos. 59, 4g, 46_44,pr. 62
Quindecimviri Sacris Faciundis 1,.Aunnr,rus Corra (102) Cos.6b, pr. T0 _rt was reported.that he was ready to announce that according to the sibylline books the Parthians defeated.only by a kin!'(suet. lu,l. 79.3; cf. Cic. Dia. 2.1t0; plut. Caes.6a.Z; App. bC Z.riO; nio 44.15.3).
44 B.C.-43 B.C.
Flamen Divi Iulii M. AnroNrus (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig.3I According to Cicero, Antony was named. a X'lamen of the deified Caosarin Caesar'slifetime (Phi,l,.2.LI0;13.41and 47; Dio 44.6.4; cf. Sluct.1u1.76.1;App. BC 2.106). Luperci M. Anrorvrus (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 31 Antony was a member of the newly established collegeof the Luporci Iuliani. It was probably as such that he took part in the Lupercalia on February 15 (Dio 45.30;cf. Cic. Phi,l.2.87;Suet.1u1,.76.1, and,79.2; PLub.Ant.12; Dio 44.6.2,and ll; seeabove, Consuls,on the incident of the offer of the crown to Caesar). ? Lrcnvrus (10) According to Nicolaus of Damascus (Vi,t. Caes. 21, IGrH 2A.405), it was a Licinius who first offered the crown to0aesar at the Lupercalia. If this variant story is correct he was probably a Lupercus.
43 B.C.
A.U.C. 7tr
Consuls C. Vrnrus C. f. C. n. Palvsa CenrnoNrertus (*9) Cos.43, Pr. 48 ? A. Hrnrrus A. f. - n. (2') Pr. 46 CIL 5.5832-ILS 2338; CIL 8.22640,1; r0.8093-/ZS 5539; Iast. Cap., Degrassi 58f., 134, 502f.; Fast. Amit., ibid. 170f..;Iast. Amer., i,bi,il,. 242; Xast. Col,ot.,dbid.274f.;Kal. Praenest.,Jan.7, CIL 12.1,p. 231; Varro De Gent.Pop. Rom. fr. 9 Peter; Res Gest.D. Aug. 1; Nic. Dam. Vi,t. Caes.22, XGrH 2A.406; Suet. Ti,b. 5; Tac. Dial,. L7; Phfi. Aem. 38.1; App. BC 3.50; Dio 45.17.1;46, fndex, with Kanporvrav66 as Pansa's cognomen;47, Index; Obseq.69; Eutrop. T.l; Chr.354; Fast. Hyil.; Chr. Pasc.;Oros.6.18.3;Cassiod.;Solin. 1.32,p.9M; on Pansa, CIL 6.37077, C. Vibio C.f. Pasae Cq,eüran'ian. Cos.; and on Hirtius, Bul,l,.Com. 66 (1938) 269, cf..Van Buren, AJA 44 Q9a0) 377; Ann. Upi,g.1940,no. 4l; I94I, no. 102; 1945,no. 140. After much debate in January the Senatecharged both Consulswith the task of raising levies and of preparing for military operations against Antony in order to relieve Decimus Brutus at Mutina (Cic. I'hil. 5.7and 3l-34; 6.1;7.2 and 13 and.23-24;8.4;10.21;LL.24;13.6 and 23; r4.5; Fam. r1.8.2; t2.5.2;Ail Brut.z.a.a; App. BC 3.50,and
(i5; I)io 45.17.1; a6.29).fn that month Hirtius began a slow advanco toward Cisalpine Gaul, uniting with and in general taking superior command over the forces of Octavian, yet still attempting to leavo some opening for a settlement with Antony (Cic. Phdl.5.32 and 63; 7.ll-I2; 8.5-6; 10.16and 2l; L3.22ff.,esp. 46-48; 14.4; Cic. Ail, Caes. lun. fr. 13 Tyrrell and Purser; Ad' Brat. 2.1.1;Fam. 12.4.1,and 6.2; Ail, Brut. I.10.2; Plut. Ci,c.45.3;Ant. 17.l; App. BC 3.65,cf . 76; Dio 46.33-36, esp. 35.5-6; seePromagistrates,on Caesar,and on Decimus llrutus). Meantime Pansa was active in raising levies, and continued in charge of business in Rome. Upon the abrogation of much of the Antonian legislation (Cic. Phil.5.10; 10.17,and on the Lex Antonia Agraria, see I'hi,l. 6.14; ll.l3), Pansa carried fresh measuresto confirm the veteran colonies (Cic. PhiI. 13.31), and probably also measuresto conJirm Oaesar'sacts and to abolish the office of Dictator (Phi,l. 5.10; 10.17). He presided over the various debates regarding Antony's status, tho lcgitimizing of the command of Brutus in Macedonia, the recognition of Sextus Pompey, and the command against Dolabella in Asia and Syria (in the latter casehis own expectation of a province brought him into con-flict with Cicero's proposal oL a ma'ius 'imperium for Cassius) (Cic. Phi,l. 5.53;7.1and 5-9; 12.2 and l5 and 18; Iam. 12.7.1,and 25.I; Ad Brut. l.l0; 2.4, and 5.2; Dio 46.36.2;seePromagistrates,on M. Brutus, Cassius,Sex. Pompey, Dolabella, and M. Antonius). Pansa left Rome about March 19, intending to join Hirtius in Cisnlpine Gaul, but Antony's attempt to surprise him led first to a defeat for Pansa's army of recruits, and then to a serious reverse at X'orum (lallorum for Antony himself at the hands of Ilirtius and Octavian (Cic.Fam. 10.30,and 33.3-4; Ad Brut. l.}a; Phi'l'.14.26-27and 36-37; Liv. Per. ll9; X'rontin. Bür. 2.5.39; Suet. Aug. 10.3; PIut. Cic.45.3; Ant. 17.r; App. BC 3.66-70; Dio 46.37.4-7;Oros. 6.18.3-4; Zonar. t0.14; cf. X'lor. 2.15; and on the date of the battle, Ier. Cum., -I-LBf 08; Ovid -Fasü.4.625-628). All three commanders were acclaimed ImperaI ores, and in Rome the Senate voted a supplicatio, and a memorial to the fallen (Cic. Phi,I. 14.6 and ll-12 and 22-29 and 36-38; Ovid.Fasü. a.675-676;Dio 46.38.1-2; cf..Ier. Cum.,1rS 108, on Caesar).In a second.battle at Mutina on April 21 Hirtius and Octavian again dofcated Antony, who raised the siege of Mutina and retreated hastily to I he west, but Ilirtius fell in the battle, and Pansa died shortly afterwa,rds (April 23) of wounds received at X'orum Gallorum (Cic. Fam. 10.17.2, and 33.4; ll.9.l, and 10.2,and 13.l;12.25a; Ail Brut. 1.2.2, rund3a, and 4.1; Ad, and Purser; Liv. Per.lI9; ll,csGesü. D. Aug. l; Ovid Trist.4.10.6; Tibull. 3.5.18;Vell. 2.61.4;
Suet. Aug. ll, and cf. on the suspicionsagainst Octavian, Brutus in Cic.Ail Brut.I.6.2, and Tac.Ann. t.I0, and Dio;Tac. Dial,.17; Plut. Cic. 45.3;Ant. f 7.l ; App. BC B.7t-76; Dio 46.29.5,and 38.5-7, and 39.1;Eutrop. 7.1; Oros.6.18.5;Zonat. f0.f4-15). The two Coneuls received public burial in Rome in the campus Martius (cic. Ad, Brut. 1.15.8;Liv. Per. ll9; Val. Max. 5.2.10; Yell. 2.62.4: cf..CIL 6.37077; Bul,l,.Com. 66 [193s] 269). Consules Suffecti C. fur,rus C. f. C. n. Censrn Pat. (lZZ) Cos.BB,gt-28, 5,2 _ Iast. Cap. (C.Iulius C. f. [C. n. Caesar,qui] posteafmp. [CaesarDivi f. appel.l est, Abd.), Degrassi 58f., tg4, 802f.; Iast. imit. (C. fuHus Divi f. Ca[esar]),dbid. I70I.; Fast. Amer., i,böd.242; Fast. Col,ot.,dbid. 274L; Iast. Mag. Vi,c.,ibid. 282f..;ResGest.D. Aug. t; cf. Dio 46.47.5, on his name; seebelow, Promagistrates. The development of the situation after the death of the two consuls Ied octavian in August to send a deputation of sold.iersto demand. election to the consulship for him and later to march on Rome at the !"u9 o_fhis army. on August lg he was elected to the consulship with Q. Pedius as his colleague through two persons who were themselves irregularly elected to act instead of consuls (Düocr,vövd,vci ünd,.r
l'ast. Col,ot.(Q. Pedius Q.f.), ibid. 274f.; Fast. Mag. Vic., ibi,il.282f..; cf . Act. Tr. for 45, dbdd.86f.with the filiation M. f ., and discussionon p. f 34. Octavian chosehim to be his colleague(YeLL2.65.2,and 69.5; Plin. .l/f/ 35.21; Tac. Dial,. r7.I; App. BC 3.94; Dio 46.46.1; Zonar. 10.15).He carried.the law providing for the prosecution of Caesar's murderers (ResGest.D. Aug. 2 ; Liv. Per. I20 ; VelI. 2.69.5,legePed,ia; Suet. -ly'ero3.1; Gaha 3.2; App. BC 3.95; 4.27; Dio 46.48,and 49.5; 47.22.4),and in Octavian's absenceone rescinding the declarations of Antony and Lepidus as public enemies (App. BC 3.96; Dio 46.52.34). An old man, he died shortly before the arrival of the Triumvirs in Romo from the weariness and excitement that attended the first executions in the proscriptions (App. BC 4.6; Dio 41.15.2). C. CennrNesC. f. - n. (2) Pr. 46 P. VnNrrorus P. f. Bessus (*2) Pr. 43 Iast. Amer., Degrassi242 (P. Ventidius); Fast. Colot.,ibid.274f. (C. Carrinas C. f ., P. Ventidius P. f .) t F ast. M a,g.Vi'c.,ibid,. 282f. They came into office for the final portion of the year. Ventidius, a Praetor of this year (seebelow), abdicated his praetorship and became Octavian's App. BC 4.2;Dio 47.15.2;and cf. GeIl. r5.4; successor(Ve11.2.65.3; Dio 43.5I.5; Vergil, Cataleptonl0). Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae M. Anmrr,rusM. f. Q. n. Lnrrnus Pat. (73) Cos.46, 42,Pr.49 M. ANroNrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 3l C. Iur,rus C. f. C. n. Cansan Pat. (132) Cos.Suff. 43, Cos.33, 3123,5,2 Thesethree commanders (seebelow, Promagistrates, on Antony and Lepidus, and above, Consuls, on Octavian) met in the autumn at the river Lavino near Bononia and determined to seize power, under the title of Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae, with consular imperium for five years, to hold powers of appointment of the city magistrates, and to divide the provinces of the West among them, the whole of GauI except the Narbonese province to Antony, Narbonese Gaul and Nearer Spain to Lepidus, and to Octavian, Siciiy, Sardinia, and Africa (ßesGest.D. Aug.l, and 7; App. BC 4.2-3; Dio 46.5
$ecurefunds for their soldiers (Liv. Per. 120; Vell. 2.66.1; Saet. Aug. 27.1; App. BC 4.3, and 5; Dio 46.56; 47.6.5;on the details, seealso Vell. 2.66-67; Val. Max. 6.5.7,and,7.2;Senec.Benef. 3.25;PLut.Cic. 46-49; Ant. I9-2r; App. BC 4.3-5r; X'lor. 2.16; Dio 47.3-15; Oros. 6.18.9-12;cf ..fr8 8393-CIL 6.1527,and seethe new fragment, AJA 54 [1950] 223-226). On November 27 a bill was carried by the Tribune Titius establishing them as Triumviri until the end of 38 B. C. (Iast. Colot, Degrassi 273-275,502; Liv. Per. t20; App. .BC 4.7; Dio 47.2.1-2;cf. Grueber, CnnBM 2.395f.).Seebelow, Promagistrates. Praetors L. Anr,rus Leure (75) A candidatein 44 (Cic.Fam. I1.16.2, and,l7.l), later referred to as a Tnaetorius(Plin. .llf/ 7.173). M'. Aqurr,r,rus Cnessus (16) Sent by the Senate to raise levies in Picenum to resist Octavian, he was captured by the latter and released unharmed, but later he was proscribed (App. BC 3.93-94). M. CencIrrus CoRNurus (45) Pr.IJrbanus Pr. Urbanus and chief executive in place of the Consulswhen they left the city and perishedat Mutina (Cic. Fam.l0.I2.3, and 16.l ; Ad, Brut. 2.5.3; Phil. 14.37; Val. Max. 5.2.10). He committed. suicide when Octavian seizedRome (App. BC 3.92). ? L. Cnsrrus (4) He and C. Norbanus (see below) are termed Pr(aetores ?) on gold coins 44 or 43 (pr(aefecüi),Grueber, CRRBM f .552f.) by decree of the Senate. As the list of Praetors f.or 44 is so completely known, I place them in 43. SeeBahrfeldt, Riim. Geld,miinzprdgung4If.., and Groag, EE 17.1.1271,on Norbanus. Q. Ger,r,rus (7) Perhaps Praetor Peregrinus (riv no).tcr,xlvotpacr2liav&p1
enemyby the Senate(Cic.Ad Brut.1.3a, and 5'1;Liv' Per' f r9; App' BC g-.ffi; Dio 46.89.3). I{e returned to Rome and in the period of the proscriptions securedcicero's house on the Palatine (veII. 2.1a.3). MrNucrus (9, cf. 50) App' BC IIe was notüng the Comitia in the Forum (&plaupeor'd(
been oloctodto tho plaoo Brut. 27.3-6; cf . VelI. 2.69'5)'He might havo of Servilius Casca.
L. ConNrrrcrus (5) Cos. 35 The accuser of Brutus in the trials instituted under the Lex Pedia (soeabove,Consuls;PIut. Brut.27.3-5; cf. Vell. 2.65.5).
- Ser,vrus (6) In the debate in the Senate early in January he prevented action on Cicero's proposal to treat Antony as a public enemy by adjourning the Senate (App. BC 3.50-51, and.52; 4.17; cf. Cic. Phi,l. 6.2; 7.14; Dio 46.29.2).The first victim in the proscriptions (Vell. 2.64.4; App. BC 4.r7).
C. Crssrus (Pannnrvsrs) (80) and' held one of caesar's -o"a""""", who was termod' Quaestor command.ofafleet'*ni"hu"gugedthatofDolabellaoffsouthernAsia the praenom-enin the preMinor on June rs fcic. fuä.\z'ts, of his superior in "f.App BC 5'.2,onhis cognomen)'The nämes ;;;il; "oJt"""a "iä tti* province are not preserved"
M. Snnvrr,rus (2I) Along with other Tribunes he called the Senate meeting on December 20, 44, in ord.erto provid.efor protection for the meeting on January l, 43, and thus roused Cicero to take a lead in opposing Antony (Cic. Phi,t,.4.fG).Early in March he gave Cicero the platform in a public meeting to discusshis proposal to give Cassiusthe supreme command. in the East against Dolabela (Cic.Fam. 12.7.L; cf. Ad &rut.2.5.3). P. Snnvrr,rus Casoa Lowcus (53) The entrance of this Liberator upon his tribunate without protest from Octavian satisfied Cicero that he could safely sponsor Octavian before the Senate(Cic. Att. 16.15.3;Phil'. r3.30-3r). On July 25 he took part in a consultation between Cicero and Brutus' mother Servilia (Cic.Ail,Brut. I.l8.l; cf. f .17.r).He escapedfrom Rome when Octavian marched onthecity, and was duly removed.from office by a measuro carried by P. Titius (Dio 46.49.I; cf. Obseq. 70, where Titius is mistakenly termed Praetor and placed in 42). IIe became an admiral under Brutus (see42, Legates). M. Tnnnnrrus Venno Grsee (89) Dio 47.11.3; cf. on the name, Ascon. 55 C; and on his death at Philippi, Y elI. 2.7r.2. P. Trrrus (20) On May t he vetoed, at the request of Servilius fsauricus, honors proposed for Munatius Plancus in Gaul (Cic. Pam. 10.12.3-4; cf. 10.2f .3). fn August when Octavian was elected Consul he carried a bill to expel his colleague Servilius Cascafrom office (seeabove), and on November 27 he cartied the law which established the Second Triumvirate (App. BC 4.7; Dio 47.2.1-2; cf . Xaßt. Colot., Degrassi 273-275, 502). Seeabove, Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae. ? M. VrpsaNrusAGRrppa (*3, see*1.272I.) Cos.37, 28,27, Pr. 40 Niccolini (FTP 355) conjectures that he, like Cornificius the accuser of Brutus, prosecuted Cassiusunder the Pedian law as a Tribune (Plut.
- Exrrrrus (l) and present as QuaeB;;th"" thaif-brother ?) of T' Anrrius Cimber' 13'28)' Phi'\" (Cic' stor in Antäny's camp at Mutina (72) - (Mnrr,rus) 'öä"Jo"äf Tonquerus Pat' camp !9 prepared in good time whose Pansa, the-Consul UC a'OO;'Pansa at his death t'ransferred his at I'orum Cttto"o*lÄpn' (App' BC 3'76)' I{e troops to Manlius u"ä ft" to Decimus Brut'us having poisoned Pansa arrested.the physician Glyco on suspicion of Ann' l'LO)' ßic. Ait' Brui. [.a.2; cf. Suet' Aug' Li-'L;Tac' Promagistrates I
42'Pr' 49 M. Anurr,rus Lnrrous Pat' (73) Cos'46' (see 44' PromagisSPfr Proconsul in UrJon"t" Ct"i ""d N""u" by decreeing him hito conciliat'e trates). The Senate attempted to (Cic' Phil' 5'4I; triumph a and honors, such as an equestrü'n statu-e for a peaceful Plancus of that and 13.7-9; Dio +o.zo.df-ffit pf"" (cic. Plr'il'. March in refused was Antony sel,tlement of the dispute wiih t'o be in comr3.7-9 and 49-50;-io*.10'6; 10'27)' Antony claimed a1d upgn his retreat munication with him all the whtle (PhiL 13'43) he united his forces from Mutina *"* ""äioua by Lepidus, with whom and 35;Liv' Per' (Cic. Farn. 10.21,""J-zi,-"tia 2i, and'34' and 34A' Dio 46'42'1)'The 119;Vell. z.os.r-z;P1ut. A't'ß';App' BC 3'83-84; honors, whilo his senate declared.nim a public enemy and rescinded his property save to Marcus Brutus protesteä this action in an attempt 15'9' and' and L-'I2'l-2' 12'10'r; Ail' Brut' for his children lCä.li*' he secured 18.6; Veil. z.o+'+; App. nC Z'OO;Dioa6'51'a)'With **t".y Brutus Decimus of death the support of Pollio*and Plancus, and t'he Octavian meet to Gaul Cisalpine (seebelow, on thesä;J;"t*""üto on Antony a-nd and estabiish the Second Triumvirate (Jee bel:*'. celebrated a Lepidus C'l' i' R" Octavian; tna uuoiu, ott t"i"*"iri
4s B.c.
triumph er Hispani,a on December 3l (Act. Tr., Degrassi 86f., 566; Faat. Barb., ibid. 342f..;Vell. 2.67.4; App. BC 4.3f ). He continued the oonstructionof Julius Caesar'sSaepta (Dio 53.23.2). P. Anurr,rus P. f. Lpprous Pat. (not in A,E) Won Crete for Brutus and.Cassiuslato in 44 or early in a3 (App. BC 6.2, Lepidus), and is named as Proquaestor on his coins (Grant, From, Imperium to Au,ctoritas 35f., formerly read as P. Licinius, B.M.Cat., Cyrenaicall, no. 2, perhaps Prog. pr.,pr.1. C. ANrrsrrus Vnrus (47) Cos. Suff. 30 See 44, Promagistrates. He remained for some time with Brutus, who wished him to remain in service with him, and called him fmperator (Cic.Ail, Brut.1.ll.2). Seebelow,Legates;andPIRz l.146, no. ?70. C. ANroNrus (20) Pt.44 Proconsul in Maced.onia (see 44, Praetors), an appointment which was rescinded by the Senate late in 4a (Cic. Ad, Brut. 2.5.8-4; Phi,l,. 3.37-39; 5.3; 7.3; 10.10; 11.28; Grueber,CRRBM 2.470; cf. Dio 46.25.4). He attempted to add the forces of Vatinius to his single legion (see 44, Promagistrates, on Vatinius), but Brutus promptly besieged him in Apollonia and oompelled him to surrender by the middle of March (Cic. Phil. 10. ll-13, and gmss,im;1I.26;13.30; Plut. Brut. 25-26; App. BC 3.79; 4.75; Dio 47.2r.4-7). Brutus held him in honorable custody, even allowing him to retain his lictors and insignia, but placed him under close guard when he attempted to foment a mutiny (Cic. Ad, Brut. 2.5.3-4; 1.2.3,and 3a; PIut. Brut. 26; App. BC 3.79; Dio 47.22--24). News of the formation of the Second Triumvirate and the proscriptions led Brutus, probably early in 42, to order his execution (Liv. Per. l2L, cL. 124;,Polyb. f6; Ptut. Brut.28.l-2; Ant.22.a; App. BC 3.79;Dio 47.25.1;cf. Vell. 2.7t.2). M. A:.rrowrus (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. Bl Proconsul, on the basis of a law carried early in Jwe, 44, of Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul, probabiy like Dolabella in Syria for a term of five years (Cic.Att. 14.4.4;Phdl.1.8 and lg; 2.108-109;B.BZ38; 5.5 and 7-9, with the emendation of serenn'ium to qui,nquennium; 7.2;9.27;Liv. Per. f f7; App. BC 3.30,and BZ,and 49, and 68; Dio 45.25.1; a6.%.$. At the beginning of the year he was already besieging Decimus Brutus in Mutina (seebelow) and was acclaimed fmperator (Cic. Phi,l,. 13.22), but in April was defeated by the Consuls and Octavian in battles at Forum Gallorum and Mutina (see above, Consuls, on Hirtius and Pansa; Cic. Phil. E-14,pnssim, esp. 5, 6, 8, g, and 12; Epp. ,pass,im, from January t to May I [ed. Tyrrell and Purser, nos. 816-8491, esp.Fam.I2.4.l, and 5.2;10.30;Ad,Brut.2.5.2; t.8.4; Fam.
Velt' 2'6L'3-4; Suet' Aug' 10'3-4' 10.33; lI.9; Liv. Per. ll8_ll9; 45'17ond li; PIut. Ci,c. 45.3-4; Ant. r7'r; App' BC 3'49-76; Dio afterwards 46.39;fuutrop. 7.I; Oros.6.ts.s-s; Zonü' I0'14), and soon 119; Vell' was dlclareda public enemy (Cic. Ad' Brut' l'}a; Liv' Per' he was i.g+.+; app. Bb 3.63; Dio 46.39.3). rn his flight westward united and above)' joinecl'by the forces of the Praetor Ventid'ius (see below), (see Plancus irüf, iqiia"s (seeabove), and later with Pollio and returned then, afier compassingtüe destruction of Decimus Brutus' he of establishment the to Cisalpine Gairt to Äeet Octavian and negotiate passim 28 July I to May led" the SecondTriumvirate (Cic., Epp' {rl:om l3'I-3; llyrrelt and Purser nos. 850-9161,esp' Iam' tI'10'3-4' and Lo'24'6; Xam' t'15'10; Brut' Ad tö.3+,and 35; 10.21,and 23; fz.f-O.s; Liv.'Per.1I9; Vell. 2.62-66; Suet' Aug' 12; Plut' Cic; 45'3-46'3; 46'39-56; Ant.17.2-rO.r; App. BC 3.30-88, and 96-98; 4'2;Dio SeeD'-G' P' C')' R" Triumviri aboYe' see Eutrop. 7.1; Oros.ois.z-s; r.r66-270. AsrNrus Por,lro (25) Cos. 40, Pt' 45? C. -Goo""no",probablyProconsul,ofX'artherSpain(see44'Promagisbut was trales). Pollio profesied' loyatty to the government' ii F"T: in his Lepidus and Atttotty of agents weakened by tie intrigueÄ of (see below' treasury t'he with his Quaestor forces,e departuö of Later he Promagistrates,on CorneliusBalbus) (Cic' Xam' f0'31-33)' and joined Antony there but legions two marched into Gaul with cf ' reconciled Plancus with him and-Lepidus (App' BC 3'81' and 97; Vell. 2.63.3-4; seeabove, on Antony and Lepidus)' C. - Cessrus LorccrNus (59) Pr.44 7; Ptofo"*l in Syria (prescripts of Cic' Fam' .-2'l'' an4 12' May and' '28'5' 46'40'3-4;.47 Dio 3'63; Liv. Per. r21; VeiI.;App. BC 29.6). His command *t ,rot legitimjzed until late in April' despite proposal early in March-that he be given '*dy: imperium and Cicero's -"oÄm"nd against Dolabella (Phil' If '3F31; L3'30; Fam' g"n"""l 7 iz.l.t'1.In fact he haä enteredthe province early in 43 andby March Bassus, of caecilius forces fo"mer the of had obtained command and' Marcius Crispus, Staius Murcus, and' A' Allienus (Ctc' Iary' I2'Il' L4'27r-272 AJ Joseph' 2.69'2; rL.32; Vell. Phi,t. z.s.g; 12; Ad aru{. ,rrri gz0; BJ 1.2t9; App. BC 3.78; 4.59; Dio 47'26,,and 28)' He besieged.bolabellain Löäiceia until the latter committed suicide (Cic' I,'o*7t2.t3.4, and-14.4,and 15.7; Liv. Per. l2l; Strabo f6'2'9; Vell' 2.69.2;App. BC 4.60-62; Dio 47'30'3-6),and punishedboth Laodiccia and Tarsus for supporting him (Strabo 16'2'9; App' BC 4'62' and tJ4:5.7:Dio 47.30.2-äi.S; cf. Joseph'AJ 14'289;BJ L23l)' He made
lovies of troops and money in Syria and Palestine and planned to proceed to the occupation of Egypt, but late in the year Brutus summoned him to Smyrna to co-ordinate their plans (Plut. Brut. 28.2* 30.1; App. BC 4.63-65; Dio 47.32; cf. Liv. Per. 122; Joseph. .4"I 14.27r-280 ; BJ r.2rg-235). L. Conxnr,rus Bar,sus (70) He was probably a Proquaestor under Pollio in X'arther Spain when in the spring of 43 he embarrassed him by outrages upon citizens of Gadesand by abscondingwith his treasury (Cic.Iam.10.32, qunestor; cf. Strabo3.5.3).See44, Quaestors;PIRz 2.310,no. 1331. P. Conunr,rusDor,ennr,r,e (t4l) Cos. Suff. 44 Proconsul in Syria (see44, Consuls).Entering Asia late in 44 or eariy in 43, he rewarded Trebonius for arranging to feed and supply his army by capturing Smyrna by surprise and putting him to death (Cic. Phi,l,. ll.5 and 7-9; 12.21and 25; 13.22; I4.8; Iam. 12.L2.1,and 14.5,and 15.4;Ail Brut. 2.3.1and 5; Liv. Per. Il9; Vell. 2.69.1;App. BC 3.26, and 61, and 64;4.58; Dio 47.29.1-3,and 30.6; Oros.6.f8.6; Zonar. 10.18; seebelow, on Trebonius). He was declareda public enemy and his property was con-fiscated(Cic. Phil. ll.S and 15-16 and 29; 13.23 and 36-39;Farn.12.t5.2;Liv.Per.ll9, and l2l; App. BC 3.61,and 64; 4.58; Dio 47.28.5,and 29.4; Oros. 6.18.6). By oppressivelevies and exactions he raised an army of two legions and a fleet, but lost part of his cavalry and much of his fleet to Lentulus Spinther (Cic. Phi,l,. ll.6 and 16 and 25; Xam.12.12.1,and 13,and 14,and 15; Ad, Brut. L2l; cf. Strabo 14.1.37; App. BC 4.60; Joseph. AJ 14.225, with the title imperator, dated January 24; inscription of Tabai, L. Robefi, Etud,. Anat. S2S,Imperator;and letters 1,7,51, 53, 55,57,61,in the Greek Letters of Brutus, Hercher, Epistol. Gr. 178-f 89). Reaching Syria, he wa"ssoon hemmed in by Cassiusat Laodiceia and committed suicide, probably late in July (Cic. Iam. 12.12.5,and 13.4,and I4.4, and.15.7; Liv. Per.l2l;Strabo 16.2.9;VelI.2.69.2;Senec.Rhet. Baas.f .7;Gell. 3.9.4;App. BC 4.60, and 62; 5.4; Dio 47.30; Oros. 6.18.13;Zonar. 10.18;and on the date, App. BC 3.95; Joseph.AJ 14.289;BJ 1.23I). P. Conxnr,rus Lnxrur,us SrTNTrrER Pat. (239) Proquaestorpro praetore (Cic.Iam.I2.l5, prescript) in Asia. Quaestor under Trebonius, he was expelled by Dolabella, and returned to reoccupy the province and attack a portion of Dolabella's fleet with one of }ris own (Cic. Xam. 12.14, and l5). He continued to serve under Brutus and Cassiusin Asia (Grueber, CRRBM 2.48L-483, without titles; see42, Legates).
Q. Conxrrrcrus (8) Pr.45? Proconsul in Africa (see 44, Promagistrates)' In March the Senato prorogued his command and transferred one of the legions of T. sextius in Afiica Nova to him (Cic. Eam. 12.25.1;App' BC 3'85; cf. on tho legions, Cic. Farn. 10.24.4; 1I.26). The Triumvirs proscribed him and assigned his province to T. Sextius, while he gave protection to refugees and aided Sextus Pompey (App. -BC4.36, and 53; Dio 48.17.6; 53 [f894] 142-145). seeGanter, Phi'l,ologus Q. Honrnwsrus (8) Pr.45? Proconsul in Macedonia (Cic. Phil. 10.26; see 44, Promagistrates). when c. antonius attempted to succeedhim in Macedonia he rallied to Brutus, and the Senate prolonged his command under the general command of Brutus (Cic. Phi'\.10.11 and 13 and 24 and26;Plut. Brut. 25.2;Dio 47.2I.4;cf . I. il,eDölos4.I622-ILS 9460).Late in 43 or early in 42lne executed C. Antonius at Brutus' command (seeabove, on C. Antonius). According to Grant (From Imperium to Auctoritas 33-35)' he was the,under Brutus, of a colony at Thessalonica. C. Iur,rus Censan (Ocrelre.Nus) Pat. (I32) Cos. Suff. 43, Cos.33, 3r-23, 5,2 His private command and army were legitimized early in January by a grant with Cicero's sponsorshipof i,mperiurnpro praetore,while the ,rätetätts he had diverted from Antony were to be rewarded at the public cost, and he was permitted to be a candidate for office ten years before the legal date and to possessa consular place (Cic. Phil,- 5.45-46 and 53 ; 13.22; 14.6; Ad' Brut. 1.I5.7 ; ResGest.D. Aug. I ; Liv. Per. ll8 ; Veil. 2.6r.3; Suet.Aug. 10.3;PIaL.Ci,c.45'3;Ant.I7.r; App. BC 3.5051, and 64, and 88; Dio 46.29).He assumedthe fasceson January 7 at Spoletium(Ier. Cum.,1ZB r0S; I 12; Plin. lfä f f .190).IIe co-operated *ith the consuls Hirtius and Pansa, shared in the battles of Forum Gallorum and Mutina, and.was saluted as Imperator along with them (Cic. Phi,l. t4.ll and 25 and 28 and 37; Ier. Cum., -I-LBI08; Ovid I'asü. 4.675;Dio 46.38.1;seeabove,Consuls). After the death of the consuls he refused to co-operatewith Decimus Brutus and kept the legions of Hirtius with him, though commanded by the Senateto give them over (Cic' Ia,m. 10.24'3; 11.L4.2,and 19.1, and,20.4;App. BC 3.76, and 97), and was alienated from the Senate when Brutus and Cassiuswere given great commands (seethese), and .DecimusBrutus was decreed a triumph, while his oaatio' proposed by Cicero,was refused(Cic.Ail Brut. L'L5.9,and'4.4;Liv. Per. 1f 9; VeIl' 2.62.4"-5;App. BC 3.74, and.80,and 82, and 89; Dio 46'40.1and 3). Moreover, his soldiers resented both that he was not appointed to tho
43 B.C.
board to reward them and that a senatorial commission attempted, disregardinghim, to deal directly with them (Cic. Iam. f f .20.1-8, and 2 1 . 2 ;V o l l . 2 . 6 2 . 5 P ; l u t . C i , c . 4 5 ;A p p . B C 3 . 7 4 ,a n d 8 6 , a n d 8 9 ; D i o 46.40.4--41.4, cf . Liv. Per.llg). X'or over three months after the relief of Mutina he remained inactive, probably encouraging agitation for his consulship(Cic.Fam.I0.24.4-5; Ail Brut. t.4A.4, and tO.B;Plub. Ci,c. 45-46; Comp. Dem. and,Cic. 4; App. BC 3.82, and 92; Dio 46.4t.8, and 42-43), and preparing both for a restoration of relations with Antony and Lepidus (App. BC 3.80; Dio 4G.41-42, and 51.2), and his own ad-vanceon Rome to obtain the consulship (Liv. per. llg; Suet. Aug.26.r; Plut. Brut.27.2; App. BC 8.88-92; Dio 46.48-44; Eutrop. 7.2; Obseq.69; Zonar. f 0.15; seeabove,Consuls). In general, see Cic. Epp. from January l-July 28, pa,ssim (ed,. Tyrrell and Pursernos. 816-916),esp.Iam. 12.5;10.80,and 83; lI.l0, and 13, and 20; Ad, Brut. l.I5-I8; Phil. E-14, pass,im;Liv. per. l19-120; Vell. 2.61--65; Suet. Aug.26;Plat. Ci,c.45-46; Ant.17-. 19; Brut.27; App. BC 3.50-76, and 80-94; Dio 46.29-48; Zonar. 10.15-18; and for discussions, -8.0, cols. 286-29I; Gardthausen, Augustus 1.91-f 25; 2.31-48. M. IuNrus Bnurus (53) Pr.44 Upon receipt in Rome of news of Brutus' capture of Macedonia and rllyricum and his siege of c. Antonius (see above) his command was legitimized by the senate as Proconsul in Macedonia, achaea and. rllyricum on cicero's motion and over the protests of Fufius calenus (Cic. Phi). 10,gmssim,esp. 25-26; IB.BO;Ad, Brut. 2.4.4, and.5.2;App. BC 3.79;4.58;Dio 46.40.3;47.22; cf. Cic.Iam.12.4.2).Later he pröbably received a ma,ius imper'i,um extending into Asia too, sinöe he operated there (seebelow), and Hortensius in Macedonia was subject to his command (Ye11.2.62.2; App. BC g.6g-64; plut. Brut.27; see aboye, on Hortensius, and C. Antonius). He kept C. Antonius for a time in honorable captivity (see above) while protesting viorently against honors for Octavian (Cic. Ad, Brut.l.4A.B, and 12, and lb.6_ti, and 16, and l7), and after Mutina against the confiscation of' property (Cic.Ad, Brut. I.13, and 12, and 15.10-lB,and fS.6). In the spring he moved eastward intending to campaign against Dolabella, and disregarded appealsto return to aid the situation in rtaly (cic. Ad, Brut. l.2A.l, and 2.1-2, and 5.1-2, and 6.8; and on the appeals,l.g.B, arrd 10.1, and 14.2, and 15.12, and l8). Brutus gather supplies and troops in the East, was saluted as rmperator for victories in Thrace, and at the end of the year moved back to Asia to meet Cassiusat Smyrna (Cic.Ad Brut. t.t1.t2, and.18;Liv. per. t22;plut.
ßrut. 28; App. BC 4.75; Dio 47.22-25; and note coins, Grueber, (: IIRBM 2-47I-473, Procos.,and 475-477,Imp.). l). Iuwrus Bnurus Ar,srNus (55a,Supb.5) Cos.Desig.42,Pr.45 Proconsul in Cisalpine Gaul (see 44, Promagistrates; cf.. Cic. Iam. I l.ll, and 12, and 13, and 18-19, and 21, and24, all with the prescript Irnp. Cos. Desig.; Phi,l,.5.24 and 35). Antony besiegedhim in Mutina until he was relieved in April by the battles of Forum Gallorum and Mutina (seeabove, Consuls,on Hirtius, and Pansa; Promagistrates, on Octavian, and Antony). He was then honored with the decree of a triumph (Liv. Per. It9; Vell. 2.62.4; Dio 46.40) and a supplicatio of fifty days (Cic. Fam. ll.l8.3; App. BC 3.74; Dio 46.39.3).After the death of Hirtius and Pansa he was placed in command of the consular armies, but Hirtius' troops remained with Octavian, who refused to co-operate with him and kept one of Pansa's legions also (Liv. Per. l19-120; App. -BC3.76,and 80, cf.73, and 74;Dio 46.40,and 50.1; cf. Cic. Xam. 11.I0.4,and 13,and 14, and 20.4; seeabove,on Octavian). Meantime Brutus pursued Antony with what haste he could, but the latter outdistanced him, diverted his forces, and succeeded in rrniting with Lepidus (Cic. Fam. ll.Il-24, gmssi,n't., esp. ll.t3; see above, on Antony). Brutus couid only join Plancus in Gaul, and when the latter went over to Antony and Lepidus he attempted by circling rrorthward to escape to Brutus in Macedonia but was arrested by a Celtic chieftain and killed at Antony's behest (Liv. Per.llg-120; VeIl. 2.63-64;;87.2; Plut. Brut.28.l; App. BC 3.96-4.1; Dio 46.53;cf. Cic. Fum. Il.l3A; Strabo 4.6.7;YaI. Max. 4.7.6; 9.13.3; Senec.Ep. Mor. 82.I2; App. Ill,yr.lg; Oros.6.I8.7; Ata.ct,. Vi,r. 111.85.2). P. Lrornrus (not in ,B,E) Proquaestor in Cyrenaica under Brutus and Cassius (Granl, Xrona [mperium to Au,ctori,tas 35f.; cf. B.M.Cat., Cyrena'i,ca ll3, 2). Q. Mancrus Cnrspus (52) Pr.46? Proconsul (see 44, Promagistrates) in command of three legions in Sy'ria which he yielded to the command of Cassius(Cic. Phi,l,.11.30, ,proconsul,e;Iam, l2.Ll.l, 'i,mperatore, antdL2.3; Ail, Brut. 2.3.3; Yell. 2.69.2,imperator; App. BC 3.78; 4.59; Dio 47.27-28), and retired f rom service(Dio 47.28.4). [,. Murqerrus Pr,eNous (30) Cos. 42, Pr.45? Proconsul in Transalpine Gaul (see 44, Promagistrates; Imp. Cos. I)esi, the prescripts to Cic. Eam. 10.8, and 24; ct. Phi,l.5.5). In constant communication with Cicero, to whom he made frequent profcssionsof loyalty, though he joined with Lepidus in March in advocatirrg a peaceful settlement of the dispute with Antony (Cic.Fam.10.6-
24,pasim,esp. 10.6),he also remained in communication with Antony pnA.ß.l4,Antony's claim; and cf. for an estimate of hioo,Fam' Pii. iO.g.S,and rt.O.2). He was urged by decreeof the Senateto bring aid' to Itaiy, and crossedthe Rhone on April 26, and upon hearing of the battles at Mutina remained in touch with Lepidus, at whose invitation he moved southward across the Isara on May 18, but retreated when the latter united his forces with those of Antony (cic. xam.l0.g-23, joined him on esp.10.11.2,and I5.18,and 21, and 23).DecimusBrutus reconciled was he the summer of course the in iri"" Z (seeabove), but them and to legions poliä his surrendered Lepidus, and to Antony by Brutus while Cotyla), Varius on (seä Legates, Antony to his command 2'63'3; r20; VeIl' Per' 24; Liv' and 10.23, Iam. (Cic. took to flight Brut'us D' on j above, see 46.53.r-2; Dio 3.97; BC App' Phft. Ant.ia.+ and Asinius Po11ioj.Lat e in 44 or early in 43 he founded the colonies of Lugdunum and R auraca (CI L 10.6087-I LB 886; Senec'Apoc' 6 ; E pp' Mir.; Suet. Äe1.,ed. Roth, p. 289 in Jerome, Chr' ad ann' 25' He celebrated a triumph er Raetis on p. 164 Helm; Dio 46.50.11--6). be"embe" 29 (Act. Tr.,Degrassi 86f., 567;Fast' Barb', i'bi'd"342t'; Cfu 10.6087--rrB 886; cf. vell. 2.67.4, er Gattia). He later rebuilt the temple of saturn (cIL 6.lgL6- ILS 4l; r0.6087-ILS 886; suet. .449. 29.5). - Prrrscus (I) Proquaesto", *hutt with Lentulus Spinther and others he attacked the fleät of Dolabella off the coast of southern Asia Minor and northern Syria (Cic.Iam. L2.15'2,and'13.4). (*1I) Pr.45? A. Pouporus Brrnvrrous Governor, probably Propraetor, of Sicily (see44, and 42, Promagistrates). Snx. Poupnrus Meoxus Prus (*rS) Cos.Deslg' 34 He proceededto Massilia with his army and fleet, probably spending muchäf this inactive year in building and preparation (Cic- Phil- 13.13; App. BC 4.84; Dio 45.10.6; 4S.I7.1). There a delegation.fromthe Senate came to ask his assistance against Antony at Mutina, while cicero proposed honors for him and offered to nominate him for his phi,t. 13.12-13 and 50). By father,J pläce among the Augurs (Cie. April he had been ippointed-Praefectus Classis et Orae Maritimae, (Vell' 2'73'r-2; App' BC 4'84priUnttywith an i'mpeii,umpro consul,e -t3tr, .l; on his title, seealsoGrueber' "f . s.+; Dio +g.+O.z;+l.iz.z; 48.L7 CITRBM 2.560f..; see Hadas, Sertus Pompey, 63-67)' In August octavian included him in the condemnation of caesar's murderers at the end of the year he was placed (I)io 46.43.4; 47.12.2;48.17.z),and
(App' BC 4'96;Dio 47'12'2; 48'17.'3;Oros' on the list of the proscribed" Sicily (see 6.18.19; Zonar.;, a"d üJg;n his campaign to occupy 42, Promagistrates).SeeD.-G' 4'567-568,no' 25' L. - Snsnus (Qurnntus) (3) Cos' Suff' 23 otd"" i1""""* Brutus (Grueber' CnnBM 2'472-413; P""q";.ioi of the year (App' cf . Cic. Ail, qrut.2.5.4),who was proscrited at the end P'LB 3'230, no' See 53.32.4). 6t'ap.taqBpoJ"or; Dio Ä'C +.5t, florSzr),roq L5'445' ' CIL cf 436; De Laet no. 347; and on the name, T. Snxmus (13) Pt.45t' one of Governor of gtrica Nova (see 44, and' 42, Promagistrates), March in vetus A-frica in whose legions was transfe"rud to cornificius 3'85; ßC App' 12'25'L-2; Fam' while two were recalledto Rome (Cic' Triumvirs The Cornificius)' on cf. Cic. Fam,.10.24.4; Ll-26;"uu uüo"", Dio 48'21'l-2; see r..ig""a him Cornificius'province (App' BC 4'53; 142-145)' 53 [1894] Ganter, Phdl,ol,ogus L. Srmus Muncus (2) Pr' 45? p"o"otrsol in Syria (see +9, Promagistrates) and Imperator (Cic' imperatorum; VeII' Phi,t. LI.ilO' pro consul'e;Iam' t2'lt't, and 12'3 his army of t'hree yielded he above) (see i..oo.z1.Likei{arcius Crispus and Cassius,but corrjtinuLdin service *ith hittr as Proconsul f"g-"|'t" rl'30;YelL' Phi'l' iäp""uto" (Cic.FaÄ.12.11, and 12; Ad' Brut' 2'3'3; him for a time in left cassius 279-280, and. t4.2t2 AJ zsö.2; Josäph. 4'59; Dio 47'28)' ;*O.; of Slria; BJ r.2LS and'224; App'-'BC 3.78; His f-ieet aided in overthrowing Dolabella (Dio a7'30' )' L. Tnr,rus CrMsnn (5) Pr' 45t' (see 44' Governor, probably Proconsul, in Bithynia and Pontus (see Quaestors' on Promagistrutol. ff" Jent a fleet' against Dolabella against him in Turdiilus; Cic.Fam.12.13.3), and-himself led an army Asia Minor (Cic.Ail, Brut.l'6'3; Dio 47'3I'r-2)' C. Tnueor.Trus (6) Cos' Suff' 45,Pr' 48 to exProconsul in Äsia (seo 44, Promagistrates)' IIe, attempted while p"äitl Dolabella's pu*tug" through Äsia by providing supplies surby i"lo.irrg to open cit'ies to"him, but Dolabella captured smyrna and, January, prit Trebonius to death, about the middle of ;;;;;""rd t-t'l-g' App' 89 according to Cicero, after torturing him (Cic' Phit" 25; 13'22 and and' 3.26; Dio 47.29; cf. Cic. Phi'\" Il, pass'im; 12'21 and' l5'4; l4'5' and 36-3'9; 14.8;Ait Brut.2.3.l and 5; Iom' I2'12'l' 4'58; Dio 3:61; App' Liv. ier. tiO; Strabo 14.L.37;Vell' 2'69'1; lC a letterof 14'225' AJ 47.30.6;Oros. 6'18.6; on the ä*t'", t"" Joseph' 24' and l-January Lenaeon Dolabella, lmperator, to Ephesus, dated'
of Brutus in Cic. Ad, Brut.2.3.l, dated April l, still expecting word of the reaction in Rome to news of Trebonius' death). D. Tunur,r,rus (l) Though termed Quaestor when in command of Tillius Cimber's fleet (sooabove), he was probably technically a Proquaestor (see Cic. Fam, 12.13.3; 44, Quaestors). P. VerrNrus (*2) Cos.47, Pr. 54 Proconsul in Illyricum (see44, and 42, Promagistrates). There is no evidence regarding his activities in 43. Tribunes of the Soldiers C. Clrrns Vpsrrwus (13) Served under Antony, and was sent with despatchesto Lepidus, but was captured by Plancus (Cic.Fam.10.23.5). Q. Ilonerrus Fr,aoous (10) See42, Tribunes of the Soldiers. C. Poprr,r,rusLenNes (*22) One of the murderers of Cicero (Pllut. Ci'c. 48.I-2, yrÄLupyoq;though a centurion named Herennius actually killed him; Liv. Per. 120, a legionary soldier; Val. Max. 5.3.4). Legates, Envoys l. Snn. Sur,prorusR,urus Pat. (95) Cos. 51, Pr. 65 L. Car,punxrus Frso Censoltrsus (90) Cos. 58, Pr. 6l ? L. Mencrus Pnu,rppus (76) Cos. 56, Pr.62 In an attempt to arrange peace,the Senate, on the motion of X'ufius Calenus, sent these three senior consulars as Envoys to Mark Antony to report the following terms: to ceasehis attack on Decimus Brutus and withdraw from Cisalpine GauI (but stay more than 200 miles from Rome), to submit to the authority of the Senate and People, and to permit an interview with Decimus Brutus; if he failed to comply ho should face a declarationof war (üc. Phil,.6.L-5;7.26;9.I; 13.20; 14.20;Iam. ll.8; 12.4.L,and 24, and 26). Antony refused these terms and sent back with them a Legate (seebelow) bearing counter-proposals (Cic.PhiI.7.26;8.1and 15-17and 20-28 and 32; 14.4;Iam. L2.4.L; App. BC 3.61-63; Dio a6.30). Servius Sulpicius died before reaching Antony and was honored with a public funeral and a statue (Cic. PhiI. 9, pa,ss'im;8.22; 13.29; Iam. 10.28.3; 12.5.3; Jerome, Chr. ad ann. 44, p. r57 Helm; Pompon. Dig. 1.2.2.a8).See D.-G. f .I8f-f84.
Pat,. (8I) Cos. 50, Pr. 63 2. L. Anrurr,rusPrunus (67) Pr. 53 ? Tsnnuus Mnvucrus Q. C. FrNnrus (9, cf. 16) Pr. 50 ? sent as Envoys from the senate to sextus Pompey in Massilia (Cic. Phi,t. 13.13; see Promagistrates, on Sext'usPompey)' See 48, Promagistrates. i]. L. Vemus CorYr,e (*5) Returned to Rome with the Envoys listed in no. I bearing Antony's counter-proposals(Cic. Phi,l. 8.24 and 28 and 33; Zonar' 10'14; on these präposals,see Cic. Phi,t. 8.25-27; App. .BC 3'62-63; Dio 46'30, cf. 35.3). See Legates, Lieutenants; D'-G. 1.184' 4. L. Cer,runNrus Prso CansollrNus (90) Cos. 58, Pr' 6l ? L. Iur,rus Censen Pat. (143) Cos. 64 M. Tur,r,rus CrcERo (29) Cos. 63, Pr' 66 P. Srmrr,rus fseonrcus (67) Cos. 48, 41,Pr.54 Q. X'urrus Cer,nrcus (10) Cos. 47, Pr. 59 Thesefive consulars,selectedfrom all factions, were appointed early in March to serve on a second embassy to Antony, but upon reconsideration servilius and cicero withdrew and the embassy was not sent (Cic. Phdl,.12,qnss'i,m,esp. 1-2 and 18, with the names, and 28; gi'ght for the Dio 46.32.2-4;see b.-C. l.2ol-205; H. X'risch, Cicero's Republi,c235-247). - Crsprus Lenvus (6) Legate of L. Munaiius Plancus, sent with despatchesto Rome (Cic. Iam. l0.l8.l-2, and 21.3)' - - Nnnve (not in -B.O) sent with cispius Laevus to bring despatchesfrom Plancus to Romo ( C i c .F a m . l 0 . 1 8 . r - 2 ) . Snn. Sur,prcrus GaLBA Pat. (61) Pr. 54 sent by Decimus Brutus to bring despatches to the senate (cic. tr'am. ll.l8.l). - Vor,unNrus Fr,accus (i7) sent by Decimus Brutus in cisalpine Gaul with despatchesto the cf. 12.1; perhapsthe senatorL. Volumnius Senate(iic. Iam.ll.l8.l, rramedin Varro nR 2.4.11,and Cic. Fam. 7.32'I)' (not in .B,U) Lucrus _ I'aNsa (Vibius *I0) According to Appian (BC 3.85), the Senate upon learning of tho union of Antony and Lepidus sent these two senatorssecretly to Brutus
in Macedoniato summon him to ltaly; but see Cic. Ad' Brut.I.l0'l1, Dio 46.5r.5. Legates, Lieutenants A. Ar,r,rnwus (l) Pr. 49 Legate, probably first of Trebonius (Cic. Plui,l,.1r.32) and later of Dolabella who sent him to bring four legions from Egypt to Syria. These he was compelled to yield to cassius upon his arrival in sy'ria (Cic.Fam.12.ll.l, and 12.1; Phi'\. ll.30,legato;App. BC 3'78; 4.596l). C. Awrrsrrus Vnrus (47) Cos. Suff. 30 He returned to Rome from Brutus in Macedonia (see above, Promagistrates) in June, but soon went back to Brutus as a Legate (Cic. Ad, Brut.l.II.2, and 12.f). SeeP1Ä2 1.146,no. 770. L. ArroNrus (23) Cos.4l No title preserved. IIe brought a legion to Antony at Mutina (Cic. Phit.3.3l) and actively aided him therc (Phil'.10.21;Ir.10; 12.14and 20 and 26; 13.4 and 26 and 37), and held command at Mutina while Antony fought at X'orumGallorum (Dio 46.37.I;Zonar.10.14;cf. Cic. Phi,l,. i4.28 and 3?). He is blamed for the mistreatment of Parma (Cic. Phi,t,.l+.8-g;cI.Eam.ll.l3b; f0.33.a).During the retreat he rangedin advance with the cavalry and secrrred the crossing to Forum Iulii (Cic.Fam.10.15.3,and 33.4,and 34.1). L. Cer,punurus Brnur,us (27) No title preserved. Served with Brutus in Macedonia (Cic. Ad' Brut. 1.7.1,and. 14.1),and wac proscribed (App. BC 4.38). See42, Legates. L. (Cer,runNrus)Prso (73a, Supb. 3.230) Commanded a legion under C. Antonius in Macedonia, but' was captured by Cicero's son (Cic. Phil. LO.LZ). (P.) Carvnrus (Cnessus) (2) Cos. Suff. 40 Served under Lepidus a,s an officer of high rank, but' no title is preserved(Cic. Fam. f0.21.4). An active supporter of Antony. D. Cannur,rxus (l) No title preserved. See 44, Tribunes of the Plebs. He served under octavian and was sent in command of the praetorian cohort, and the Martian legion in order to protect Pansa's approach to Mutina. IIe probably perished in the battle of X'orum Gallorum (App. BC 3.66-69, cf. Cic. Iam. 10.33.4,and 30.4). Kapoou).{r,oq; L. Cassrus (15) No title preserved. His uncle, C. Cassius,Ieft him in Syria in com-
meet' Brutus (App' BC rnand of one legion when he went to Asia to 4.63,and cf in 42,4.135)' P. ' Dncrus (I0) one of Antony's officers who was captured by N, ini" p**"*"a. accommodation was possible Octavian and released as a hint tLat'Avtovlou' cf' Cic' Phi'l' lL'I}; iipp. AC 3.80, töv ova ilep'6vcov 13.2t). Crq.Dournrüs AEENoBARBUs (23) Cos' 32 Aryt' 10'13; Served under Brutus in Macedonia (Cic' Phil" ld 42' rromaglsSee preserved' is title 1.5.3, and 7.2, and l4.l), but no trates. C. tr'r,.tvrus Hnurcrr,r,us (1I) &rut. 1.6.4, and A Flavius *t o .u"rr"J o"a"" Brutus in 43 (cic. ail in 42 l?.;iit termed Prefect' of engineers-(dnaploq töv.'rexvrtöv) in plutarch (Brut. Si.ry, ""a is probably'ihe X'Iavius,Ilemic(illus?) pr(aetore)(Grueber, who issued"oirrsforbruius withtiätemglatus) pro cßRBM 2.4t6). C. --ÄX'unnrus (3) Pt.42? plancus in Transalpine Gaul (cic. xam. Legate orra"" Munatius bring report's to the f0.1f.3) who was sent on several occasions to S e n a t e a n d t o C i c e r o ( C i c . I a m ' 1 0 ' 6 ' l , a n d 8 ' 5 ' w i t h t i t l e ' a n d l 0 ' l to ' him not anJ rz.r1, and also tä Octavian (I0'24I)' Cjcero.yg3d L0'25' and 26)' See competo fo", p"ruio"*ttip p""*"turety (Cic' Iam' 44, Legates. (3) Ilonerrus probably one A Legate, irom whom Cornificius removed'the insignia' oftheLegat,es*no_*"'"leftinAfricabyC.CalvisiusSabinus(Cic. Fam. 12.30.7; cf . Phil. 3'26\' M. IuNrus Srr,axus (I72) Cos' 25 who sent him An officor lotpotrapx,a, bio +o'gg'6) under Lepidus' help that responsibitity to Antony "t nfotinu,, T'ut disavowedI9"^'1" and 50'3' 46'38'6-7' Dio 342; and' Situ,no, gave (Cic.-Xäm. 10'30'1, no' 203' Laet De 549; no' 2'246, P'I-B and 51.1; Zonar. f0.r5). See (16) Pr' 51 M.Iuvrnrrus Llnnnrxsrs he i"piaus ioig 46'51'3, ünootp&c1yoq)'--whom ,L l,egat" ota"" failed. elforts his attempted to keei r"yäi t" tüe Republic, but when 21'l and 3' and and l5'2' and t0'll'3, Cic.Iam' suicidei he committed S-enatedecreed The 23.4; Vell. 2.63.2'-Äpi,.-fC 3'84; Dio 46'5L'g-+)' orat. fr.L4,ed. cf. cic. him a public no"iJäira a statue (Dio 46.5r.a; Müller, 4.3, P. 287). 23 Brougthon II
43 B.C.
Lernvus (2) { Legate from whom CorniJicius in Africa, removed his insignia, probably one of those left there by Calvisius Sabinus (Cic. Iam. 12.30.7;cf . Phil. 3.26). Seebelow, on Venuleius. Mlnous (Lor,r,rus?) (ll) Cos. 2l ? An officer (ocpaolyöv) under Brutus when proscribed (App. BC 4.49;see42,Legales). Snx. Manrus (27) _ A Legate of Dolabella who was collecting a fleet and supplies in Lycia but deserted them upon the arrival of Lentulus and his freet (Cic. Eam.12.15.5; seeabove, Promagistrates,on Lentulus Spinther). T. Monarrus Pr,anvcus Bunse (gZ) No title preserved. Served under Antony in the war about Mutina (Cic. Phil,. 6.r0; I0.22; L2.20;13.2 and 27). Pontius Aquila drove him awayfrom Pollentia(Cic.Phi,l,.ll.14; t8.27; Dio 46.88.8;Zonar. t0.t5). - (Prnelrrus) Cosru, (2) Legate of Brutus in 43 and 42 (Grueber, CRRBM 2.4t7). C. Pnoucenus (l) No title preserved. Probably kiiled in the fighting about Mutina (Cic. Xam. 10.33.4,in a list of men of rank). Porvrrus Aqurr,e (*12) A Legate under Decimus Brutus in Cisalpine Gaul, who drove Antony's Legate Plancus Bursa back from Pollentia (Cic. Phi,l. LL.t4; 13.27;Dio 46.38.3; Zonar.l0.l5). He perished in the fighting about Mutina, and a statue was decreed in his honor (Cic. Xam. l0.BB.4: rr.3l.l; Dio 46.40.2).SeeD.-G. 9.699. M. Poncrus Cero (*22) No title preserved.An officer under Brutus or Cassius(Cic. Ad, Brut. 1.5.3,and 14.1),and probably a Legate when at the court of Cappadocia (Plut. Cat. Mi,n.73-74). See42, Legates. L. Roscrus X'enarus (15) Pr. 49 No title preserved.Probably killed in the fighting about Mutina (Cic. Fam. 10.33.4,in a list of men of rank). Rurnnnus (l) No title preserved. A high officer in the army of Lepidus in Narbonese Gaul who was also an active supporter of Antony (Cic. Fam.
M. Sernrus (1) A Legate under C. Trebonius in Asia (Cic. Ail Brut. t.6.1; see 44, Legates).
Snn. Sur,prorus Gar,BA Pat. (61) Pr. 54 A Legate under Hirüius (cf. Cic. Phil. 13.33) in command of ths Martian legion who fought at X'orum Gallorum (Cic. Fam. f0.30). IIo probably went on to serve under Decimus Brutus (see Envoys) and was condemned under the Pedian law as one of Caesar's murderorg (Suet. Gal,ba3.2). C. Trrrus (9) A Legate of Dolabella who was collecting ships and supplies in Lycia but deserted them at the appearance of the fleet of Lentulus Spinther (Cic.Xam.12.15.5;seePromagistrates,on Lentulus Spinther). L. Tnnsnr,r,rus (X'rnns) (4, cf. 5) in Antony's following (Cic. PhiI. 6. I 0-l t ; 10.22; I l. I 4 ; An aed,i,l,i'cius 12.20;13.2 and 26), who was placed in command of cavalry and diverted Decimus Brutus from pursuit by feinting toward Pollentia whilo Antony fled along the coast (Cic. Iam. 1I.I3.4). M. Vnr,nnrus MEssÄr;LACoswnus Pat. (*95) Cos. Suff. 3I, Pr. Suff. 40 ? He went off to Brutus in July of 43, and received a leading position at once (Cic. Ail, Brut. l.I2.l, and l5.l; see 42, Legates). Ile was proscribed but his name was quickly removed from the list (App. BC 4.38;5.113;Dio 47.1r.4-5;a9.f6.f). See42, Legates;P-I-B3.363,no. 90; De Laet, no. 395. L. Vanrus Corvr,l (*5) When Antony took over Transalpine Gaul from Plancus in late summer or autumn of 43 he placed it under the command of Cotyla with six legions(Plut. Ant.18.4). SeeD.-G. 1.261. VnNur,nrus (*4) A Legate, probabty one left in Africa by Calvisius Sabinus, from whom Cornificius removed his insignia (Cic. Fam. 12.30.1; cf.. Phi,l'. 3.26, where Cicero speaks of il,uos l,egatos:should Tam. 12.30.7 be punctuated to read.Vonuleius Latinus, Horatius ? Seeabove, on Horatius and Latinus). Prefects C. Cr,oorus (8) No title preserved. Assigned by Brutus to guard C. Antonius (seo Promagistrates), he became late in 43 or early in 42 his executioner (Dio 47.24.2and 4). See 42, Prefects. See above, Promagistrates,on O. Antonius. 23r
43 B.C.
X'.e.srus (3, cf. 100) Governor of Damascus under Cassius (Joseph. AJ L4.ZSE and. 2g7; BJ r.296 and 239; see 42, prefects). cf. bio. ham. tz.ti.t, "" similar Prefects at Antioch. L. (Mencrus) X'reur,us (64) I{e was collecting a fleet for Dolabella from Rhodes, Lvcia, pam_ phylia, and cilicia, and took refuge from cassiu* or i""-land other commandersin BC +.OO;cf. Cic.Fam.;, emending the Mss reading Luci,l,ius). L. (or C.) Snxrnrus Rurus (24, cf.. 2B) commanded one of the fleets which supported cassius against Dolabella (Cic. Fam. t2..18.4,without the praenome_n),and is probably to be identified with the L. Rufus whJ occupied farsus tä rrim loio 47.3r.3). (Q. ?) TnnnNrrus Cur,rpo (44) No title preserved- Though praced by Lepidus to guard the coast road along the Maritime Alps he admittäd.dntony,s tiri"" ro*. 1ci". 70.34.2;App. BC B.sB). M. Tulr,rus Cronno (90) Cos. Suff. B0 An energetic comm.andgrgf cavalry under Brutus (p}ut. _ Cic. 45.2; Brut. 24.2; cf. App._BC 4.20), he captured a legion *fri"n *u. under the command of a T.egate of C. Anionius, L. Fiso lsee above;, and defeated Antonius himlglf in the pass of Byllis cf. tci". inä.i0.18, 11.26; Fam. I2.t4.8; P]yt. Brut. 26.2, otpoctriy{r; cf. Cic. Ad Brut. 2.4.6, and 5.2 and' 6). rre_trought cavalry r*-'g-t"u"i" tu"o,rgn Thessalyto join Brutus at Heraclea pic. Ad Brut. 1.4a.4,u"a O.fy. Uu was proscribed at the end of the year (App. BC 4.rg-20;. see arsocic. Ad Brut. 1.5. P. Volururvrus (*7) Praefectus X'abrum under Antony (Nep. Att, tZ.+1. Pontifices Ca. 1-late 48 or early 42: C. Arroxrus (20) pr. 44 The inscription Pont(ifex) and the embrems of the pontificate .. on his coins (Grueber, c*RBM 2.470). see above, r"o-riiut#"r. P. VnNrrorus Bessus (*2) Cos. Suff. 48, pr. 48 He probably became a pontifex late in 48 (Gell. 15.4.8, before ho , becameConsul).
{3 B.C.-42 B.C.
Augurs Ca. 45-43: A. Hrnrrus Seeabove,Consuls.
(2) Cos.43,Pr. 46
63-43: M. Tur,r,rus Crcnn,o (29) Cos. 63, Pr. 66 One of the first victims of the proscriptions (Liv. Per. 120, and fr. 50 W; Vell. 2.66-67; Plut. Ci,c.46-49; Ant. 19-20; App. BC 4.6; Dio 47.8; Auct. Vir.Itl.8l.6; Oros.6.18.1I,and many more). Before 4943?: Snn. Sur,rrcrns Ger,se Pat. (61) Pr. 54 Condemned under the Pedian law as one of Caesar'smurderers. and not mentioned after 43 (Suet. Galba 3.2). See 50, Augurs. Ca. 4543: C. Vrnrus Parvse Cenrnonrelrus (*9) Cos. 43, Pr. 48 ? See above, Consuls; Cic. Ad,. Brut. 1.7.1. Postponements of elections (Cic. Ad, Brut. 1.5.4, and l4.l) provented the appointment of successorsuntil the hasty elections held at the end of the year by the Triumviri (see above, Consuls Suffecti, Praetors, Minucius ; Dio 47.f5.3-4). 42 B.C.
Consuls M. Anur,ros M. f. Q. n. Lnrrous Pat. (?B) Cos. 46, Pr. 4g L. MuNerrus L. f. L. n. Pr,eNcus (30) P:r.45? Bull. Com. 68 (1940) 200. no. 2; Fast. Amit., Degrassi I7Of.; Fast. Amer., ibid. 2a2; Xast. Colot., dbdd.273f., Iast. Mag. Vi,c.; i,bid,.2821.; and see also ibid.l35 and 504f.; Vell. 2.67.3-4; Plin. -llf/ 2.99; Suet. Ti,b.5; Dio 47, Index, and l6.l; Obseq.70; Chr. 854;Fast. Hyd,.; Chr. Pasc.;Cassiod.; Zonar.l0.l8; on Lepidus, App. ,BC 4.3; on Plancus,as Cos.Desig., Cic.Iam.10.6.l and 3; 10.8,prescript,and 20.2; ll.l5.l; Phil.3.38; Vell. 2.63.3;Dio 46.53.1;and as Cos.,CIL 6.tgt6-ILB At; 10.6087-1rS 886; App. BC 4.37, and 45. The Consulscarried a law regarding grants of citizenship and immunity (Inscription of Rhosos, Font. Iur. Rom. Ante,üttsti,nian. ed. Riccobono, et al., l.B08ff., no. 56, line l0); and Plancus, besidessaving some of the proscribed (App. .BC 4.37, and 45), began to distribute land to soldiers at Beneventum (CIL 10.6087-/rS 886). On Lepidus, see Triumviri R,.P.C. Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae M. Anurr,rus M. f. Q. n. Lnrrous Pat. (?B) Cos.46, 42,pr.49 M. ANrorrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 84, Cos.Desig.Bl
368 C. fur,r's C. f. C. n. Cersen 612
428.Q. pat.
(lSg) Cos. Suff. 48, Cos. Bl_2A,
see 43, Triumviri R,. P. c. They carried through the official deification of ruhus caesar and confirmed other hoiors, including the oath taken by all senators to maintain his acts (Dio; cf. CIL 5.2628-ILS 72; 9.5L26_ ILB ZBa; App. .BC 1.4; 2.r4s). Their preparations for their campaign against Brütus and. cassius involved. further exactions of funds, besidesthe proscriptions (App. BC 4.8, and. 3l-35; Phft. Ant.2t.B4; Dio 47.16-rT). Läaving L"p^iaouin charge in Rome, and dividing seven of his ten legions tätweäo them (plu-"t. Ant. 22; App. j9C 4_.8;Dio 47.20.t), Antony and Octavian, after a_ diversion against sextus Pompey, brought their main forces to Macedonia and finally succeededin crushing the forces of Brutus and cassius in two battles at Philippi, the first uisuccessful, the secondand final one on October 28 (Liv. per. l2}-I24; plot,. Ant. 22; Brut. 28-53; App. AC 4.82, and 86-tB8; Dio 47.82.t, and BS_49; Oros. 6.18.13-16;cf. Vell. 2.70-72; Val. Max. 1.4.6,and Z.t; 6.4.5, ; and 8.4;9.9.2; Plin. NH 7.tL8; Joseph.AJ t4.2g4and B0l BJ 1.286 ; and 242; X'rontin. Btr.4.2.t; Suet. Aug. tZ.t-2; 9t.l; X'lor. 2.12.5_lb, a_nd18.l; Eutrop. 2.3; Auct. Vir. 11,1.82.6; 88.6; Zonar.t0.18_20; on datg of Philippi,_ Ann. Epi,g. 1922, no. 96). After philippi the $9 Triumviri redivided their armies, and decided to disband and provide settlements for all the soldiers who had ssmpleted their term of ser_ v_ice.They also redivided their provinces. Atttotty kept Transalpine Gaul, to which he added the Narbonese province whilä attachingithe cisalpine one to rtaly, and went on to recapture the East. octavian retained both Africas, sardinia and sicily. Lepidus was to give up spain, probably to octavian, and to """ui r" uä*u "o-pensation (it was eventrrally africa) if suqpiciousreports regarding his loyalty shouid prov_eunfounded (see 4r, Triumviri R,. p. cJ. Antony wäs tä colect funds in the East while octavian proceeded with thä distribution of land and the settlement of veteran coroniesin rtaly. (yer. 2.74.L; Joseph.AJ I4.3OL-B2B; BJ t.242; Saet.Aug. ra.S; plut.'Ant.28_24; App. 3C 5.I, and 3-2, cf. t.5; Dio 4g.l-g, and,22,.2; cf. Eutrop. 7.3.) Censors C. Awrorrus M. f. M. n. (19) Cos.63, pr. 66 P. Sur,prcrusP. f. - n. R,urus pat. (gg) pr. 4g CIL L4.26|L-ILB 6204; Fast. Amit., Degrassi I70f.; Fast. Amer., ibid. 2a2; Fast. Coloü.,ibid. 278-275; Iasi Mag. Vic'., i,bid,. 2821.; and see alsoibid'.13b, 504f. M. Antonius had apparenfly supported his
uncle,s cand.idacyin 44 (cic. Phi,l.2.g8). These censors did not complete the lustrum (Xast. Col'ot.). Praetors ? L. Anr,rus Leure (75) Plin. NIl 7.L79,praetori,oa'i,ro;a candidate in 43 (Cic. Iam. ILIB'}, and I7.l). ? P. Ar,rnxus Venus (s) Cos. Suff. 39 ? C. Coccnrus Ber,eus (Supb. 7.90, no. 3) Cos. Suff. 39 The latest date legally possible under the cornelian law, but in this extraordinary period, as the case of ventidius Bassus in 43 reveals, legal provisions regarding the holding of offices and the intervals betweän them were frequently disregarded. On Cocceius, see P'f'88 2.288,no. l2I2; De Laet no. ll8. Tr. Cr,euorus Nuno Pat. (254) Vell. 2.75.I, a praetorius in 40; Suet. ?ib. 4, where it is implied that his year of office preceded that of the outbreak of the Perusine war. C. X'unxrus (3) Cos.Desig. 29 A cand.idatein 43 (Cic.Iq,m.10.25, and 26), who would probably go on to the office with Plancus' support. SeeP-I-823.232, no. 590' Aediles - Vrr,r,rus ArrNer,rs (*9) Son of an ex-Praetor who was rewarded for betraying his father by election to the aedileship, presumably for 42, but was killed while in office by soldiers (App. BC 4'18; cf. Val. Max. 9.11.6). See58, Praetors; Lübker no. 3. Tribunes of the Plebs L. Cr,onros (9, cf. r8) Tribune Designate (cic. Ad, Brut. l.l'J). No evidence is preserved regarding his year of office, but as he had Antony's support it is probable that he held it in this year. Tur,r,us Hosrrr,rus (7) Tribune Designatein 43 (Cic. Phil.L3.26; cf..Phi,l. 12.20;Obseq'70; and see Niccolini ITP 360). M. Ixsrnrus (3) Tribune Designate in 43 (Cic. Plui,l. 13.26; cf.. Phi,l. 12.20; and for his praenomen,Plut. Ant' 65,I).
Rurnnxus (l) Probably a Tribune of the Plebs, and author of the Lex Rufrena rogarding the placing of statues of the Divus rulius in the municipia (CIL L2.2.797-ILS 73; CIL 12.2.798-ILB 7Ba). SeeNiccolini,Fip 444. Quaestors ? L. Pr,anronrus Cnsrrarvus (15) Perhaps a Quaestor under Brutus (Grueber, CHRBM 2.475). Promagistratesl P. Annrr,rus Lnprnus Pat. (not in .B,O) Proquaestor in Crete, which he held for Brutus (see 48, promagistrates). M. Arronrus (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos. Desig. Bl Proconsul in cisalpine and rransalpine Gaul under the arrangement made by the Triumvirs in November 48, and in Transalpine and Narbonese Gaul under the new division after Philippi (see 43, and. 42, Triumviri R,.P.C.). C. Cassrus Lolvancus (59) Pr.44 Proconsul in Syria. He probably exercised, a maius ,imperium elsewhere in the East (see 43, Promagistrates). By agreement with Brutus he brought troops and supplies from syria and elsewherein the East, subdued Rhodes, then rejoined Brutus at Sardis, whence they advanced together to Macedonia and Philippi. He killed himself after the first engagement in the belief that he had lost the batfle. (Liv. Per. 122-124; Yell. 2.69-72; Val. Max. 1.5.8; 6.8.4; Joseph. 1,I 14.294and 301; BJ 1.236and 242;Plat. Brut. 2&-44; Ant. 22; Caes. 69.3;App. BC 4.63-76,82, and 87-lt4; X'lor.2.t7; Dio 47.82-BB, 35-46; Eutrop. 7.3; Obseq. 70; Auct. Yir. Ilt,. 52.6;88.6; Oros. 6.18.f3-16; Zonar. f0.f8-f9.) IIe was acclaimed fmperator at the meeting in Sardis (Plut. Brut. 34.t; Grueber, CnnBM 2.481-484). C. CassrusPamrnrvsrs (80) Probably a Proquaestor (see43, Quaestors).He was left in command. of some troops and a fleet in Asia during the Philippi campaign, and after the defeat joined staius Murcus and Domitius Ahenobarbus (App. BC 5.2). Q. ConNrrrcrus (8) Pr.45? Proconsul of Africa vetus (see 43, Promagistrates). cornificius was attacked by T. Sextius, the governor of Africa Nova and the appointee
him back of the Triumvirs to his province, but defeated him and drove tho reversed Sextius but to Cirta, receiving acclämation as Imperator, gituationandwontheprovincewhileCornificiusandhisLegateg Ann' BC either fell in battle or Ämmitted suicide (Liv' Per' t!a3; on the lqg l{elm-; p' 41, ann' ad' Chr' a.53-56; Dio 48.21; Jerome, App' him' to fled who refugees on 2.577; t,ille i,mp., Grueber, CRRBM 7'6)' 48'f Dio Pompey, BC a36; on his aid to Sextus Cn. DorvrrrrusAsnrconÄRBus (23) Cos' 32 Seebelow,Legates.Hetookthetitlefmperato-randissuedgold coins to celebraä his victory in the Adriatic (Grueber' CSRBM 2.4871.). 59 Q. Funus Cer,nnus (10) Cos. 47, Pr' command of t'roops in Italy in him left Antony No title preserved. 41, Promagistrates' I2). See (App. BC 5.3, cf. Q. Honrnnsrus (8) Pr.45? He continued under Brutus as Proconsul in Macedonia (see44, and 43, Promagistrates). After his capt'ure at Philippi h" yT put,to death at the tonil of C. Antonius (Llv- Per. 124, cf' 121; Velt' 2'7L'2;P}ut' Brut. 28.1-2; Ant. 22'4; App. BC 3.79; Dio 47'24'2' and 25'l)' On Antonius, see 43, Promagistrates. M. Iunrus Bnurus (53) Pt. 44 Proconsul in Macedonia' probably with a maius imperium lhere into and elsewhere in the East (see 43, Promagistrates)' IIe moved" to prorreeded then and Asia early in 42, meeting Cassius at Smyrna, supplies' and men, subdue tüe Lycians, all tLe while collecting To-tuY,He rejoined iassius at Sardis (where both were acclaimed Imperatores, Plut. Brut.34.t; Grueber, CiIRBM 2.475'480), and moved-t'oMacearrd donia to meet the forces of Antony and octavian at Philippi, Ocon battle second in the his döfeat there committed suicide after Ant' 28-53; Brut' 2'69-72;Plntt' Vell. tober 23 (Liv. Per. L22-I24; 22; Caes.69; App. BC 4.65,and 76-81, and 87-114, and l17-135; Flor. 2.17; Oiö-+2.e2-49; Eutrop. 7.3; Oros. 6'18'13-16;Zonar' f0.I8-20; cf. Horace Sot. 1.7; Vat. Max' 5'1'lf ;6'4'5; Plin"lf'tl 70; 33.39; Joseph.AJ l4.g0l; BJ L.242;X'ront'in' Str' 4'2'l; Obseq' /"I Auct. Vir. 11,t.82.6;83.6;cf. on the decreeof Ephesus,Joseph' 14.26g;and on his collections, see also the Greek letters of Brutus in Flercher, Epi,stot,.Gr. 177-19I, dated, if genuine, pj''Itly in 43 and partly in a[; of these nos. 1,25 and 69 are quoted in Plut. Brut.2; on ihe date of Philippi, seeAnn. Epig. 1922,no' 96)' D. Llnr,rus D. f. Ber,nus (14, cf. 6) vetus (c/.L Quaestor pro praetore under corniJicius in Africa
8.24016-ILS 9367). He resisted Sextius' invasion of Africa Vetus and carried the war to Cirta in A-frica Nova, but committed suicide when Sextius was finally victorious (Afp. BC 4.53-56; Dio 48.21, where he is named as in some senseco-ordinate with Cornificius, but is probably the Quaestor (rag,iav) mentioned later in the chapter). ? M. Lunrus (l) No title preserved. Perhaps governor of Sardinia by a2. See 40, Promagistrates. L. Mlncrus CnNsonnr{us (48) Cos. 39, Pr. 43 Appointed. Proconsul in Macedonia and Achaea by Antony immediately after his victory at Philippi (Plut'. Ant. 24.1; cf.. IG 3.567; and on his title, see Act. Tr. for 39, Degrassi 86f., 568). See P.I-B 2.337,no. 164; De Laet no. 239. A. Poupnrus Brrnvnrcus (*f f) Pr.45 Propraetor in Sicily (see44, and 43, Promagistrates). When Sextus Pompey overran Sicily Bithynicus became reconciled with him through the mediation of two proscribed nobles Hirrus and X'annius and accepted him as governor of Sicily jointly with him. Pompey "Ipcuo6 murdered him later in the year. (App. BC 4.84, with the reading for Hirrus; Dio 48.17-19; and on the murder, Liv. Per.l23, with the tible praetore.) Snx. Poupnrus MacNus Prus (*18) Cos. Desig. 34 Prefect of the Fleet and of the Coast (see 43, Promagistrates; cf. Grueber, CRHBM 2.560f.).He began the occupation of Sicily late in 43, first as an opponent, then as a colleague, of Pompeius Bithynicus (seeabove),whom he murdered later in the year (Liv. Per.123;Yell. 2.72.+-73.3; App. BC 4.84-88, and 99, and 117; Dio 48.17-19; Oros. 6.18.19;Zonar. 10.16,and 17, and 2l; cf. Auct. Vi,r. 11,1,.84.2; Lucan 6.422). Proscribed himself, he gave refuge and active assistance to many of the proscribed, placing the oak wreath on his coins to celebrate his services, and to fugitives from Philippi (Vell. 2.72-731, Val. Max. 7.3.9; App. BC 4.36-51, and 96; 5.143; Dio 47.12-13; 48.19-20; Zonat.10.17, and 2l; ct. Grueber,CRRBM 2.561).Early in the year he defeated Octavian's fleet under Salvidienus Rufus, and compelled Octavian to relieve Vibo and Rhegium from the confiscation of their lands (Liv. Per. L231'App. .BC 4.84-86; Dio 47.36.4,cf. 38.1; 48.r8-r9; Auct. Vir. Il,l,. 8a.2; Eutrop. 7.4). See D.-G. 4.568-570, no.25. L. Sr;srrus (Qurnnvus) Pat. (3) Cos. Suff. 23 Proquaestorunder Brutus in Macedonia(Grueber,CRRBM 2.472f..;
floüzc)'to66 tap.iaq Bpoücou is mistakenly named in App' perhaps 'BC 4:5\. SeeP,t.R 3.230,no. 246; De Laet no' 347' T. Snxrrus (13) Pt.45? proconsul in Ätrica Nova (see 44, and 43, Promagistrates). The when he Triumvirs appointed him to both African provinces, but Vetus ho Africa ottempt"a td io"ce the withdrawal of Cornificius from and' the Arabio of was däfeated and Cirta. With the aid of death the caused sittians of Numidia he"won both provinces and Laelius). and Cornificius and his Legates (see a6ove, on Cornificius, He was acclaimed Imperator (CIL I0'6L0+-ILS 1945)' L. Sruus Muncus (2) Pr. 45 (seo Proconsul and commander of a fleet under Brutus and cassius 43,Promagistrates).Heaided.CassiusagainstR,hodes(Dio47.33.3)' aid u,rrd*t, sÄt with sixty ships to the Peloponneseto guard' against Learning 4'74;5'8)' BC (App' Triumvirs Uy *"t from Cleopatraio the Brunof tnu wreck of üer fleet he went on to the Adriatic and beset Octavian and Antony of crossing the prevent äi*lo*, but could not 47.35-36)' Joined by Domitius iÄpp. bC 4.82, and 86, and 99; Dio he destroyed a, convoy com50 ships, with above) (seo ÄfÄobarbus supplies forJhe army in off cut and Calvinus manded by Dämitius cf . Plut. Brut. 47.2-3). 47.47.4; 4.115-117 BC (App. ;Dio nl"""aonu He maintain"d th" seapatrol in the Adriatic after Phitippi (YeII.2.72.4; App. BC ö.2; Dio 48'18.3-4). P. Verrnrus (*2) Cos. 47, Pr. 55 Proconsulin'Illyricum(see44,and4S,PromagistratesLwhointhis d'elt'l'urico (Act' Tr" Degrassi year 'SOf.,celebrated on July dt a triumph fOZf. ; Fast. Barb., ibid. 342f'')' P. VnNrrnrus Bassus (*2) Cos' Suff' 43, Pr' 43 for Probably but not certäinly in command of a Gatlic province 48'10'1-2)' Antony in this year (see4I, Promagistrates; Dio Tribunes of the Soldiers Q. I{onerrus FLAccus (10) Horat' Served in this office underBrutus and' at' Philippi (Su9t, Vit' locc.). ail scholia I ; cf . Horat. Bot. 1.6.48; carm. 2.7; cf . sat. L.l; and Legates, EnvoYs Q. Lanrnxus (5) from sent by Brutus and cassius in late 43 or early in 42to invite aid
tho Parthians (Vell. 2.78.I; Tlor. 2.19.4; Dio 48.24.5; cf. Liv. Per. 127; Ruf. Eeal. Brea. l8.l), and after their defeat at Philippi remained and incited them to invade the eastern Roman provinces (see 40, Promagistrates, on Ventidius). ? M. Poncrus Caro (*22) His visit to the Cappadocian court may have been in the capacity of an Envoy from Cassius(Plut. Cat. Mi,n.73). SeeD.-G. 5. 212,no. 24. Legates, Lieutenants L. Annrrr,rusPlrnr,us Pat. (81) Cos. 50, Pr. 53 He escapedthe proscription(Liv. Per.I20; VelI. 2.67;Phfi. Ant.19; X'lor. 2.16.4; App. BC 4.12; Dio 47.6.3,and 8.I), entered the service of Brutus, and after Philippi retired to Miletus (4.37). On P. (Aemilius) Lepidus, Proquaestor in Crete, see 43, Promagistrates. Pacuvrus Altrrsrrus Leeno (35) One of the conspirators against Caesar,who served as a Legate under Brutus at Philippi, and compelled his slaves to kill him after the battle (Plut. Brut.5l, cf. f2; App. ßC 4.135). M. Arpulmns Snx. f. (f3, f4) Cos. 20 He escapedthe proscriptions, and coming to Brutus was placed in charge of Bithynia, a command which he surrondered to Antony after Philippi (App. BC 4.46, without title). See P.IÄ2 1.185,no. 959; De Laet no. 35. M. Aqurnus (5) Legate under Cassiusin 43 and 42 (Grueber, CRRBM 2.480). L. Car,punwrusBrsur,us (27) No title preserved..Commanded the advance guard of Brutus and Cassiuson the march to Philippi (App. BC 4.104), and after the battle surrendered to Antony and entered his service (App. BC 4.136, where he is termed of equal rank with Messalla Corvinus; see below). L. ? ConNnr,rus Lrlrrur,us CnusonrJrrro Pat. (219, cf.. 217) Pr. ca. 38 ? When proscribed, he escaped to Sextus Pompey in Sicily, who, accordingto Appian, made him a ocpmryc,q(4.39; cf. Val. Max. 6.7.3). Perhaps a Legatus pro praetore, like Plinius Rufus; seeCIL f 1.6058; Groag, Rl,i,o14 (1914) 5l; PIftz 2.338,no. 1389. P. ConNnr,rus Lnwrur,us Sprxnnmn Pat. (239) No title preserved. He served with Cassiusagainst Rhodes and with Brutus in Lycia (App. .BC 4.72, and 82), and probably did not survive Phifippi. See Grueber, CRRBM 2.481 and 483.
L. Docrorus Slxa (4) Commander (no title preserved), along with Norbanus X'laccus,of the advance forces of Antony and Octavian in Macedonia (App' BC 4.8?; Dio 47.35.2).The forces of the Liberators turned their positions at both the corpilan and the sapaean passes,and compelled them to retreat behind fninppi (Plut. Brut 3S; App. BC 4.102-104, and 107; Dio 47.35-36; Zonar' f0.fg). Cn. Dorvurrus AspronanBus (23) Cos' 32 An officer under Brutus, perhaps a Legarte (but see above, Promagistrates), who was sent in command of fifty ships to- join staius Muicus in the adriatic, where he aided in the destruction of the convoy under Domitius Calvinus (App. BC 4.86, and 99, and 115-116; Vell' 2.72.3; Suet. .llero 3.1; cf. Grueber, CRHBM 2.487L.;see above' Promagistrates). CN. Donrnrus CArvrNUs (a3) Cos. 53, 40, Pr. 56 See above, Promagistrates, on Staius Murcus; and Legates, on Domitius Ahenobarbus; App. BC 4.L15-116,with title aqu'ct1y6q;Plut' Brut. 47.4; Dio 47.47.4. X'ewurus (l) An officer, probably a Legate, who led the forces of Cassiusagainst Rhodes (App. BC 4.72). Perhaps to be identified with the conspirator against Augustus, X'anniusCaepio (RE no.16; seeI. de Döl'os4.I.1623 -Choi,r 169). C. X'exnros (9, cf. f G) Pr. 50 ? No title preserved. He escapedto Sextus Pompey who gave him a high place on his staff (App. BC 4.84;5.139). See48, Promagistrates. C. X'r-lvrus llnurorr,r,us (fI) Legatus pro praetore under Brutus (Grueber, C&RBM 2'476; see below, Prefects). ? T. Marr,rus T. f. (Tonqurrus) Snnora(xus) Pat. (64) Named on a coin of Brutobriga in Spain; possibly, like Peducaeus and Livius in 40, a Legate (see40, Legates; Grant, From Imperium to Auctori,tas 381\. Mancus (Lor,r,rus?) (tl ?) Cos' 21 ? A follower of Brutus who was proscribed, and was an officer under him (orpaqlöv), was captured at Philippi and sold as a slave, but was finally recognized by his master Aemilius Barbula, with whom he later becameConsul (App. BC 4.49). SeePIR 2.295,no.226; De Laet no.225,
C. Nonnexus X'r,eccus (9a) Cos.38, Pr.43? Hold command along with Decidius Saxa (seeabove) of the ad.vance guard of the armies of Antony and Octavian in Macedonia (Pllut. Brut. 38; App. BC 4.102-104, and r07; Dio 47.35-36; Zonar. l0.Ig; see above, on Decidius Saxa). After the battle of Philippi Octavian placed him in chargeof his camp (App. BC 4.130). Q. Pequrus Rurus (2) Termed Legatus on coins of Philippi, the colony founded by Artony's order shortly after the battle (see Grant, From Imperium to Au,ctoritas 274, on the coin and the date; cf. RE s. v. "Philippoi," col. 2233). (PnoeNrus) Cosru. (2) A Legate under Brutus (Grueber, CßRBM 2.477; cf. Cichorius, fiB r74t.). Q. Ser,vrornxus Rurus Sar,\TUS (4) Cos. Desig. 39 A Legate under Octavian (Liv. Per.l23). Was acclaimedImperator for driving Sextus Pompey back from Rhegium (Dio 48.f8; cf..CIL 10.8337,the title Imp. on slingshots),but was worsted by him in a naval battle (Liv. Per. L23; App. BC 4.85; Dio 48.18). M. Snnvrr,rus (21\ A Legate who served under Brutus and Cassiusin 43 and 42 (Grueber, CRßBM 2.4831.). P. Snnvnrus Casoa Lowcus (53) Named without title on coins of Brutus (Grueber, CnnBM cf. Plut. Brut. 45.5-6).
D. Tunur,r,rus (I) see 43, Promagistrates. with a considerable naval squadron and funds extorted from Rhodes he joined cassius of Parma after tho battle of Philippi and went to Murcus and Ahenobarbus in the Adriatic (App. BC 5.2). M. Ver,nnrus Mnsser,r,aConvrNus Pat. (*95) Cos' Suff' 31, Pr' Suff. a0 ? Though proscribed he was promptly removed from the list (App' BC a3d;5^.113;Dio 47.11'4, and 24.5-6; 49.16),but remained with Brutus and cassius. In auctoritas next to Brutus and cassius (vell. 2.71.1),he served at Philippi and commanded cassius' righ-üwing in the first battle (Plut. Brut. 4o-4I, cf . 45). After the battle he refused an offer to command the remnants, and made terms with Antony (VeIl.2.7r.r; App. BC 4.38,and 136; 5.r13). ? L. Venrus CoTYLA (*5) IIis command in Transalpine Gaul (seo 43, Legates) may have extended into 42. we do not know at what moment Antony sent Fufius Calenus there (see41, Promagistrates). Vnxrrorus (*4) under cornificius in Africa vetus who was A Legate (ocpaT?1y66) killed in the war with sextius (App. BC 4.53-55; see above, Promagistrates, on Cornificius and Sextius). Prefects
L. Trr,r,rus Cnvrnnn (5) Pr. 45 Commander of a legion and of a squadron of Cassius'fleet, he outflanked Decidius and Norbanus in the pass of the Corpilans (App. BC 4.102) and later joined his commander at Philippi (4.105, no title preserved). M. Tunrus (not in,B.E) Named as a Legate on coins of Lampsacus (a settlement dated in 42-4I by Grant, Xrarn Imperium to Auctoritas 244-249, who suggests that Turius was also the organizer of the colonies of Alexandria Troas and Parium; see however, Magie, Roman Rul,e i'n Asia Minor 1268, notes 34 and 35). If Grant's suggestion is correct Turius might be the governor of Asia after Philippi for whom Dio (48.24.3; cf.48'26.3) mistakenly substitutesthe name of Plancus (see41, and Sg,Promagistratos, on Plancus).
- Cr,oorus (3) No title preserved. Brutus sent him to Rhodes with thirteen ships. After philiipi he took away the garrison and sailed with Cassius of parma to join staius Murcus and. Domitius ahenobarbus (App. BC 5.2). He mäy be identified with either the C. Clodius who killed C. Antonius (Dio"47.24.2 and 4; see 43, Promagistrates) or the deserter who broughi Brutus news of the destruction of Domitius Calvinus' convoy in the Adriatio (PIrft. Brut. 47.4). Fanrus (3) Cassiusieft him in command of Damascus where he had dealings with Herod. and Antigonus of Judaea (Joseph. AJ 14.295 and 297; BJ 1.236,with title orput1y|q, and 239). C. Fr,e'nus (1r) PraefectusFabrum under Brutus at Philippi (Pltft. Brut.5l.2). see 43, and 42, Legates, on C. X'lavius llemicillus'
Hnr,rx (not in -R-O) cassius left him in command of a guard at Jerusalem, where he opposedHerod and Phasael (Joseph. BJ 1.236; AJ 14.254-296)' (L.) PrNamus (Somrus) (24) ' Äntony placed him in charge of supplies with one legion at Amphipolis while he advanced to Philippi (App. BC 4.107). ? M. Poncrus Crro (*22) An officer under Brutus and cassius who perished at Philippi (vell. 2.71.2; Phfi. Brut. 49.5; Cat. Mi'n. 73-74; App. BC 4'135; Zonar' r0.20). Pr- L. (Qurxcrrr,rus) Venus Pat. (*ll) at Rhodes iassios placed -4.74), a L. Varus in command of his garrison perhaps to be identified with the Quinctilius varus (App. AC philippl coveJedhimself with his insignia of office and comihäafter pelled his freedman to kill him (Vell' 2.1r.2). Roscrus (2) Probably Prefect of cornificius' camp (see _Promagistrates, on cornificius). committed suicide when it was taken (app. BC 4.56, ö güla[; tormedLegate in ßE; see above, Promagistrat'es,on Cornificius). M. Tur,r,rus Crcpno (30) Cos. Suff. 30 No title preserved. A commander of cavalry undgr {rutus- (see 43, Legates; holder of a otpacly[oc,App. BC 4.5I)' He fought-at Philippi, fleä to Cassiusof Parma,'and with him joined Staius Murcus and Domitius Ahenobarbus(App. BC 5.2). Pontifices Ca.45-43 or 42: C. Anrorrrus (20) Pr.44 On his priesthood,seeGrueber,CHRBM 2.470; on his deat'h,see43, Promagistrates. Before 5042: M. Iurrus Bnurus Pat. (53) Pr' 44 See above, Promagistrates. Augurs Ca.47-42: Q. ConNrrrorus (8) P r.45? See above, Promagistrates. 67-ca.42:P. Connnr,rus Lnxrur,us SprNrnnn Pat' (239) Though active in the service of Brutus and cassius, he is not men-
{2 B.o.
and cf' Grueber' CRRBM cioned after Philippi (seo above, Legates; of the augurato)' ;.ää; f* toirr, *idt, t i* "u-" and the sSrmbols 55 47-ca.42:P. VlrrNrus (*2) Cos' 47'-Pr' triumph on July 31 of his There is no further"ä"rrltio" of him after this year (seeabove, Promagistrates)' Pat' (Iulius r32) aa. 42-L4A. D.: c. Iur,rus censen (ocrevrenus) Cos. Suff. 43, Cos. 33,3I-23,5,2 and 494' 49 B' C" and Grueber,CRRBM ;.ä9s, Ao1go"),423.' C" when Consul in 43 Augur an 491 and 4g3,41B. C. He was'iot'yet (cIL 5.4305-ILS 75). Quindecimviri Sacris Faciundis 44 1-42: Q. Cessrus LorvcrNus (59) Pr' the type of .!l,reJrinod -an$ with 'Lq"i""t oi and Coins of Lentuto, Brltus with the symbols of those "älr".po,'a'*tn the name or Cu*rio* and 482' ca' 43-42)' of the pontificate (Gruebe", CRRBM 2'480' lTheusoofthetermsLegat'eandProconsulunderthesecondTriumvirate and confusion. Commanders, like Ven' is of necessity attenaeä äv',il"""i"f"tv ex-Consuls' held command over large part most' tf'" tidius Bassus, *t o *e"e f* acted with considerable apparently ond importana *""a* ä"ä armies' änd' iine Peri'ochaeof Lirry and aä such Latinsources in Legati initiative, aro termed 48'41'5;
pn'127, r28;nt91'-z'ff].oio Frorusand üroorpat'r;.ü";; h ti"-liiu' and triumph of Ventidius)' and yet' titte tnä "" ää, ft" frl Act. arrd cf. 49.2L, In mentioning
as froconsuls' ma,ny of tt em appear It tft" lists of triumphs (4'8'42'3-4) remarks that' thoso in Dio Cu'tt'i"rr*' Oo-itio* of the triumph (see -also 49'42'3; power grant"a fto,,o", ä *itt toiq üroocpaclloüol'oqtor'v incaesar's grant' thiscontradiction 54.12,1_2).rvro***"r, iifi*it"uugirrni"gof and Q' Pedius Maximus +r to"tti* L{ates Fabius of triumphs at the ;J;i were Legates also commandors later thä tft"ry, (see 45, Promagistrateg'-iift" as Proconlf ift" Triumviri' and their appoararce under the "llp""iot i*fr"it* of their triumph for the-day imperium of g;"nt ;ä;;i;" suls dependod upon cannot refer to t'heir status (str, r.r25, t*of .; z.i+s,"äJ" ri' Crt" term Froconsul imperium pro praotore' an than more had *'iäg;i"-rrl-r"" in command "lrr"u ,Ihe term Legatus pro önsule does not occur, and indeed cannot occur because (i'Ud" l--.160il ' Moreover it was simply this ib is intrinsicu,lty "eU'lo"t"'Ji"to"y Legates possible it'r.gically -sosius' for some of ühese permission to triumpil'häiä"a" l'125)' str' Mommsen (säe' on as rmporator i;'#"p;';;;r"*ätiä" official to i".i because in nearly all cases no Mommsen,s ao"t"irr"ä äifii""ft commands the of several and command' of tü; p""iod inscriptions remain f;;; on of the triumph (see 34-32' Promagistrates' are known orrry r"o*'trt";;;; Pulcher' and olaudius it;;s, 4arcius'Philippus' Norbanus Flaccus, S;;ili* L . C o r n i f i c i u s ) . T h e t e r m L e g a t u s i n L i w a n d F l o r u s i s s t r o n g l y iLegati n h i s f apro v o r 'praotoro by tho regular system of since Dio might have tÄliFected (46-55)' the situation was more comC"ttt""- t* in the Empir". H.*""ät,-tt occurs a subordinate with an imperium pro consulo plicated. The iuogicalittti 24 BroughtonII
4 2B . C . - 4 r B . C .
undor Antony on the official coinage in Greece of M. Iunius Silanus, who terms himsolf Quaestor pro consule (see 34, Promagistrates; note that in the Empiro Pliny could be given the excoptional position of Legatus pro praetore consulari potestate), and raises tho question how many commanders senior to Silanus may not also have held an imperium pro consule under tho superior imperiurrr of the Triumviri, Moreover, Sosius (Cos. 32) apparently terrned himself Imperator on his coinage from 37 B. C. (see 37, Promagistrates), on a rather distant anticipation of the moment of a fictive grant of imperiumpro consule for a day in 34; and there wero others, like Laronius (see 33, Consules Suffecti), who took the title Imperator and did not triurnph at all. The period of the Second Triumvirate was a, period of transition in which irregularities and illogicalitios could frequently occur in the government of the Roman Empire, before tho Augustan regime rebuilt the pattern anew. I have therefore been inclinod to keep the question open; and to list among the Promagisürates tho holders of irnportant commands under Octavian and Antony who received acclamation as Imperatores or celebrated triumphs, It must be granted that the superior position of tho Triumvirs in this period made tho difference between the functions of a Promagistrato and of a Legate much less than it had boen beforo. See Ganter 46-55.
4r B.C.
Consuls L. ANnorvrusM. f. M. n. (Prnus) (23) P. Snnvrr,rusP. f. C. n. (Vlrre) fsaunrcus (67) Cos.48, Pr. 54 CIL 6.358-ILB 3f 02; Fast.Colot.,Degrassi274f.; Iast. Mag. Vi,c., dbid.282f..; Iasü. Biond,.,ibid. 2gl, and see135,504f.;Suet.Ti,b.5; Dio 48,Index; 48.4.1;Chr.354(Petateet Isaurico);Xast.Hyd. (An-
tonino Pietate et Isaurico); Chr. Pasc. ('Av,ccov{vou xai 'Ioaupr,xoü) ; Cassiod.;onServilius,Dio 48.13.4; and onAntonius, Grueber,CRRBM 2.400-402, Pietas Cos,, cf. Grant, Irom Imperium to Auctoritas 38f..; 2.491f., L. Antonius Cos.; Act. Tr., Degrassi 86f., 568; Iast. Barb., i,bid.,342f..; F ast. Cupr., Degrassi I44 ; Liv . P er. 125; Y eIL.2.74.2; App. BC 5.I4, and on his assumptionof the cognomenPietas, Dio 48.5.4. L. Antonius celebrated a triumph er Alpi,bus on January I (Act. Tr.; Fa,st. Barb.; Dio 48.4). fncited by Antony's wife X'ulvia, he soon clashed with Octavian regarding the confiscation of lands in cities of Italy and their distribution among veterans. After first attempting to maintain the interest of his brother in the settlement of veterans he later claimed to be a protector of the towns, and a champion of the rights of the Consuls against the Triumvir Octavian. Several attempts at agreement with Octavian, mainly caused by pressure from tho soldiers, proved ineffectual, and war broke out, with L. Antonius by tho end of the year tightly besiegedin Perusia awaiting the hesitant
.rI lr.c.
commanders in Italy hclp of the forces under t'he various Antonian cf' Liv' Per' 125-126;Vell' 2'74'2-3; iÄöp. ;C ;. t2_-34;Dio 48.6-14; Eutrop' 7'3'4; Oros' Si"i. eus. t3-14; PIü. Ant. sb'r; Flor' 2'16; Munatiusä; see below, Promagistrates, on Asinius Pollio' quietly remained Meantime Servilius L)lancus,and VentidioÄ lr.."ri in the background (Dio a8.I3'a)' Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae M. ANnorcrus (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos' Desig' 3I with O-ctavian (see42' Triumviri In accordance with il; "t;";nt and supplies' ll,. P. C.), Antony proceeded'with his task of raising money and t'hen t'o Bithynia {}"J "t "lo"gutiäiig the East. I{e went first to and wont Cilicia' in him, ,o--äned Cläopatra from Egypt to meet 23-30; Ant' (Pbft' in Egya-t nn to Sytir, and spent the winter oT+t-+o on his r4'5'r4; Strabo Tarsus, [; cf . on Äpp. ;"C r.+_ttioio BC App' Asia' in exactions his fleet,,Plut. Ant.ilO;epp- .BC S.OS;on AJ-.r4'3oI-329' Joseph' and r.r-z; Plut. Ant. z[i-o; Dio 42'24; andß,IL.243-24T,ontheJewsand'thesyriancities)'See40'Triumviri R,. P. C. Iup.CensenDrvrf.Pat.(Iuliusl32)Cos'Suff'43'Cos'33'31-23' 5,2 illness, ocReturning from Macedonia early in 4t after a serious of tho tavian set about the confiscations of lands and the rewarding woro which veterans amid circumstances of great distress and disorder, Probelow' (see heigntenea by Sextus Pompey'Jcommand' of the sea Antony's Antonius' malistrates). Oppositio" fÄä the Consul Lucius led to open broiher, ,rrä füivia, Antony's wife (see above, Consuls)' forces in Uy O9tavl?1's *"., *ith Lucius Antonius under close siege 48'5-14; Dio 5'12_-34; e"t"gi" at the end of the year (App' BC Suet' 'dzg' cf. Liv. Per. L26-r26; Veli. z.z+'i-}; Tac' Ann' l'10; 6'18'17-18; 7'3; Eutrop' l3-I4; Plut. Ant.30.i; X'lor' 2'16; -Oros' on Ecl" 9'28)' Vergil ihd. t,and 9, ".p. o.zs; Prop' 4'l'l2sf ' ; SerY'Dan' and Plancus' Munatius Pollio, o,t As-inius See below, f"o-tgi.iät"., Ventidius Bassus. 42,Pt. 49 M. Anilrrr,rusM. f. Q. n. Lnrrous Pat. (73) Cos.46, FindingLepidusinnocentofsuspicionofdisloyaltY'Octaviantranswhich he ferred to him command'of the proii""" of A-frica, a command seo 48'6'l; Dio
{l B.C. 4r B.C.
oTir"lrrr!]} Tribunes of the Plebs
C. (or P.) Flr,ornrus (3) iarried a plebiscite providing that under any will the regular heirs should obtain not less than one-fourth of the estate (Dio a8.33.5, in a, group of notices referring to 4I; Jerome Chr. adann.42, p. f58 Helm; 6663; and in legal sources, &. rria. ori,g.5.15.2; CIL ll.4l}-ILS 254; Paulus Sent. 3.8; 4'5'5; and 2.227, Gaius Paulus in Di,g. 95.2.I; See Niccolini, FTP 361' Cod.6.5O). Di,g.35.2; 24.32;25.14; IJlpian Quaestors M. Beneerrus Psrlrppus (l) Pr. Quaestor pro praetore under Antony in the East, where he issued coins, some of them with the portrait and name of the consul Lucius Antonius (Grueber, cRRBM 2.485-4gI).IIe returned to Italy after a d.ispute *ith M"""os Antonius, and his report of Antony's attitude stifi further confused Antony's officers in Italy regarding his wishes and drew support away from Lucius (App. BC 5.3I; on his name, Ulpian, Dncrorus Sexe (3) Brother and Quaestor of Antony's governor of Syria (Dio 48.25.2; see 40, Promagistrates). ? L. Gnlr.rus Punr,roor,e (18) Cos. 36 Q(uaestor) P(ro Praetore ?) under Antony in the East ca' 4l (Grueber, CRn BM 2.459). Q. Pnorus (2) Q. Urbanus CIL 6.358-ILS 3L02, Promagistrates C. AsrNrus Por,r,ro (25) Cos. 40, Pr. 45 His title is uncertain, but either as a Legatus with imperium or &s a Promagistrate, he held command of the veterans in the Transpada_ne region änd was distributing lands to them until he was interrupted by the outbreak of the Perusine war. Either bringing &n army' or more probably recalling soldiers into service, ho advanced toward Perusiä, but being uncertain of Mark Antony's wishes did not press the effort to relieve Lucius Antonius (App. BC 5.20, and 31, he im peded the advance toward spain and return of octavian's Lieutenant Salvidienus; 5.32, his advance toward Perusia; cf. Vell. 2.76.2, seven legionsin his command in early 40; Macrob. Bat.1.II.22, on his severe oxactions of money and arms from Patavium).
in commandof of Antony, rike pollio and venridius, tlem during and after the Perusine troops in Gaul, ,"i;;l;d;tu *u"lApP. BC 5.33,cf' 50)' 40 (P. Cenrorus)Crussus (2) Cos'Suff' fled in the spring of 40 after w]ro one of th" ento"iJ'i"oä-""d'u"s thereforein commandin Gaul the fatl of Perusia(ö;: BC ;';oi' *"a or ItaIY in 4I. 46 C. Cmnrxls (2) Cos'Suff' 43'Pr' Octavian(App' BC 5'26' tQ eilv Received"o**u"äi"lpuitt"tta"r as'+s'ri' probablv in the 'IBr1p[ocv öt l"po,r"üouää"ü;i;o.P" 1r' oi" Bogudof Mauretania' Farther province*iti"rtä" J"r"tiaed against Tr. Crauorus NERo Pat' (254\ Pr' .42 beyondthe regularperiod' trl" p"*torship Retainingth" #g;;ät toitowädhim to Perusia(Suet' he attachedhi^-#;;;."d""i;.;a Ti,b.A;cf. Vell. 2.75t'I;and see40' Promagistrates)' M. CoocnrusNDBva (13) Cos'36-Antony (Grueber'CRßBM Proquaesto"p"o i"tftä'"e under.Mark Anionius in the Perusino 2.4gLf..),"ta p""u*uiv i"Jt p"tlätrt Lucius war (APP.BC 5.6I)' Cos'32 CN.Dourrrus A:rnNoeaRBUS(23) in Sicily' Domitius kept an inInstead of joi,titäö""i"--q"hp"y *h""" hä ravagedthe coastsand dependent,"o--rrrä i"*ifrä-ia"irii"l 61; Dio-48'7'4-5;cf' VelI' attackedBrundisium(App' BC 5'26'.and Zonat' 10'21;and coins' 4'44; 2.76.3;Suet. Nerä-;'i; h""' Ann' rmperator)' title with 2.487t, C;;;*"; cnRBM C. Furrcrus
I -r !L^ Af,-.iaon command of t'he African provrnces Sent by Oct'avian tä iake over whosürrendered "ä f ':"*pxtt'l Kai'oocpo6)' from T. Sextius (app'äö:öol in 40 at Lucius' and boi"ätit'ed' them at,Lucius Attäoius' command' 6'26; r*icius to suicide (App. ßc order recov"""a tir"'ä,-häa"*" Ganter 2If')' Dio 48.22;see40, Promagistrates; (10) ^Cos',47'Pr' 59 also in Q. Fuuus Cer,nnus beyonä the AIps and proba,bly Antonius, "o*_Joaä" in caul with and sr'-u"a SOigr; Dio' 4s'r0'l' Nearer Spain (App' Bq 5'33' oi Octaoiatt's Legat'e-Salvidienus Ventidius). Ue opiosea the passa-ge. the aid of Lucius
not"ia to to Spain' *"d tf#;ilä;;;J.uv Gaul' in ä;":fi.:tÄpp' rc ä'ea;remained * of sardinia in 4I' "'o'o"gistrates' Probablvgovernor #ä::"u(lf,
4l B.C.
Possibly founder of the colony of rurris Libisonis (Grant, From rmperi,umüoAuctoritas 205f.). L. Mlncrus CnxsonrNus (48) Cos. 39, Pr. 48 Proconsul in Macedonia (see 42, and 40, Promagistrates; cf., IG 2-3.4rr3). L. Muxerrus Pr,ancus (30) Cos.42,Pr.45? Probably Proconsul, but no title is preserved. rre was coronizing veterans in the vicinity of Beneventum (CIL t0.6082-1r8 3g6; cf. App. BC 4.3), and at X'ulvia's urging advanced to aid Lucius Antony in the Perusine war. rre defeated one of octavian's legions, but retreated to Spoletium (App. BC 5.38; cf. YeLL.2.7a.\. Snx. PorvrpnrusMeaxus Prus (*lS) Cos.Desig. 84 Being joined by Staius Murcus and his fleet (App. BC 5.2, and,2E; Dio 48.19.4;cf. Vell. 2.72.4,and 72.3), Sextus Pompey swept the seas about Italy and Sicily, cut off supplies, ravaged Bruttium, and won recruits from rtaly, while octavian endeavoured to prepare an attack against him (App. BC 5.15,and t8-20, esp. 25; Dio 48.19.4-20.1), but became involved in the Perugine war (see above). See D.-G. 4.569f.,no.25. Q. Slr,vrornxus R,urus Slr,vrus (4) Cos.Desig. Bg when sent with six legions to take command for octavian in spain, he was impeded by Pollio at Placentia (App. BC 5.20; cf. Dio 48.I0.f ), and prevented from crossing the Alps by ventidius Bassus and x'ufius Calenus(App. BC 5.20, and 24;Dio 48.10.r). Recalled by Octavian to oppose Lucius Antonius, he besieged and captured Sentinum (App. BC 5.27, and 3l; Dio 48.f8.4-6), and then joined Agrippa and ööta,vian in hemming Lucius Antonius in at Perusia (App. BC 5.Bt-82). with Agrippa he drove back relieving forces at x'ulginium early in 40 (App. BC 5.35). He is termed Imp(erator) on slingshots from Perusia (cIL rr.6721, l7). T. Snxrrus (13) P:r.45 Proconsul in Africa (see 42, Promagistrates). At the command. of Lucius Antonius he yielded Africa to octavian's appointee Fuficius X'ango (seeabove), but remained in the province, and toward the end of the year, again at the command of Lucius Antonius, began a campaignto recoverit (app. ac 5.26,whoterms him ü nq"pxoq,Avcorviou I Dio 48.22;see40, Promagistrates). L. Srarus Muncus (2) Pr. 45 see 43, and 42, Promagistrates. with his fleet and followers he joined sextus psmpey in sicily, thus providing a considerableaddition
.il tr.c.
cf' Voll' to Pompey's strength (App' BC 5'2, and 25; Dio 48'19'3-4; 2.72.4,and 77.3). I\1.Tunrus (not in,BE) See42, Legates. t'. Vnxrrprus Bessus (*2) Cos' Suff' 43,Pr' 43 part of tho Commander in a O"tii" province, either the west'ern in the Calenus X'ufius or, as Ganter *oipo*"" (9!'), with tli*fpi"" 'l'ransalpineone, and was uäcllai''tedImperator (Dio 48'10'l;-cf' App' 2'403)' With ßC 5.i1, 'Avt<,rviou orpatqyol; Grueber, CERBM ()alenushepreventedtheadvanceofsalvidienusB,ufustowardspqh aid Lucius Ant'ony at Perusia but' like irji" He later cameto remained Irollio and the other Äntonian commandersin Cisalpine Gaul, BC 5'3I (App' wishes Antony's Mark inactive and confused'regarding -32; cf..5.50;Vell. 2.76.2)' M. Vrpsewrus Acntpre (*3) Cos' 3?, 28, 27, Pr' 40 sent No title preserved. Commanded the army which O^ctavian and Oct'avian with and south, t'he from ,rgrinri i"c'ius Antonius 48'13; Dio 5'3O-33; BC (App' at Perusia in him Salvidienushemmed g'439, no' 457; R'einhold' Marcus i"fi. z.z+1.SeeLübker no.2; PIR Agri'ppa 17-19. Tribunes of the Soldiers M. X'nnrnrus (l) 25)' Served in the dleventh Legion at Perusia (CIL ll'6721' Legates, EnvoYs Q. " Dnr,r,rus (l) An; 25). Sent by MarL r\ntony to summon Cleopatra to Cilicia (PIut(l and 2) Mexrus --Är. "g""t of Mark Aniony, probably a procurator (App' BC 6'14)' wa,sEent who waä active in the preliminaries to the Perusine war, and Pollio, and from perusia to urge tie Antonian commanders, Ventidius and 43' and 29' i. ft""V to his ,id1App. BC 5.32, cf' 19, and 22, and 66: Martial1l.20). L. Coccnrus Nnnvl' (Supb. 7.90, no' 12) Cancnte (4) Mutual friends of Antony and octavian, sent by the latter to Antony just before the outbreak of th" Perusine war' They me! wit! Antonyin Phoenicia in the spring of 40, and cocceius remained with him while
4l B.C.
caeoina returned (App. BC 5.G0).on caecina, note L. caecina L. f. (CIL 12.2.2516, PIRz 2.17,no.96) as a possibleidentification. Legates, Lieutenants P. Ar,nsrvusVenus (B) Cos. Suff. 89, pr. He is listed with Pollio and cornelius Gallus among those who were distributing land to veterans in Cisalpine Gaul in +r and 40 (seebelow, Special Commissions). As a senator, and probably an ex-praetor, he may have been a Legate, and may even, like pollio, have held imperium, but there is no mention of a military command.. See beiow, Special Commissions. C. Caxnvrus Rnfnu,]us (not in .Bt) x'ounder under sextus Pompey of cephaloedium in sicily (Grant, .From Imperi,um to Auctor,itas lg2f.; cf. L. funius, Rn 2la; and on Rebilus, App. BC a.a8). L. Dnornrus SaxA (4) legatus (Liv. Per.I27; Vell. 2.78.1)underAntonyin Syria, probably with imperium like other governors of the period (cf . Dio 49.25t.see 4d, Legates. C. X'unrrus (3) Cos.Desig. 29,Pr.42? , A supporter of Lucius Antony, who commanded the garrison of Sentinum before its capture by Salvidienus Rufus (App. BC E.B}; Dio 48.f3.6).See40, Legates;PIRz B.2BZ,no. b90; De Laet no. l88. Trsrprvus Gar,rus (l) No title preserved. An officer under Lucius Antonius, who drove octavian back from Nursia (Dio 48.t8.2), and was sent with 4000horso to hary his communications during the siege of perusia (App. BC 5.32). Prefects ? C. ConNnr,rusGer,r,us (lO4) See below, Special Commissions. According to Serv. Dan. on EcI. 6.64, Cornelius Gallus was placed in charge (praeposi,tus)of collections of money from towns in the Transpadane region whose land.swere noü divided (cf. Serv. Dan. on Ecl,. 9.10, which quotes from a speechof protest to Alfenus varus for leaving Mantua too little land). see below, SpecialCommissions. Q. Cunrrus Ser,assus (52) An officer under Antony, commander of four cohorts, who was
4r B.O.
burned alive by the Aradians becauseof the härshnessof his exaction of tributes (Jerome Chr. ad.ann.42, p. 156 Helm; cf. Dio 48.24.3,and 41.4and 6). Special Commissions C. Asrxrus Por,lro (25\ Cos.40, Pr.45 P. Ar,r'nrvusVenus (8) Cos. Suff. 39, Pr. C. ConNu,rus Gar,r,us (164) In Donatus, Vi,t. Verg. (ed. Brummer, p. 16) these three men receive the traditional title Triumviri agris dividendis (see also Schol,.Bern., Jahrb. f . Phi,l,ol.,Supb. I [1367], p.743; Iun. Phiiargyr. fI, on Eclogue I, Proem,), Our sources also describe their position as follows: Pollio (Serv. on Ecl,. 2.1); qui' pmeesset Trans' agri,s ,praeerat d,i,aid"undds (fun. Philargp. II on Ecl'. 6.7; cf . Iun. Philargyr. I and pail,anaeregi,on'i, II on Ecl.4.3); Alfenus qu'i agrosdiai,sit(Serv. Dan. on Ecl,.9.lO); u'icto en'i,mAntani'o Caesar Alphenum Varum 'in locum Pol'l'i'oni'sconstitui,t (Iun. Philargyr. II on 8c1,.6.7); Gallus a Triumu'iris praepsi,pecuni,asab his mun'i,cigt'iis,quorunx agri, i'n Transtus fui,t ad,eri,gend,a,s ,padanaregione non diai,il,ebantur(Sew. Dan. on 8c1.6.64). Pollio and Alfenus Varus are named also in the following passager . . . fugatoque Asi,ni,o Pollione, ob Augusto Alfenum Varum legatum substitutum, qu'i praeesset(Serv. Dan. on Transpaitranaeproai,nc'i,aeet agris d,iai,ilend'i's 8c1,.6.6).The activities of these men in the confiscationof land and the settlement of veterans in the Transpadane region brought them into contact with Vergil, whose land in the territory of Mantua was supposedly either confiscated, and later returned to him, or, according the Donatus life of Vergil (ed. Brummer, p. 5), he received an indemnity. The referencesto their activities deal exclusively with Vergil's land. Bayet @EL 6 ll92Sl 271-299) interprets these notices to mean that these men formed a board of three like the senatorial land commissions of Gracchan and earlier times (seep.276). But Gallus, being a knight, not, a senator, was technically ineligible for such an appointment. Moreover, the passage of Serv. Dan. on Ecl'. 6.64 indicates that his task was not to divide land but to exact money from towns whoseland was not divided, a task more suitable for an equestrian Prefect, (cf. on 9.10 for a fragment of his speech of protest to Alfenus Varus for taking too much land from Montua). The system used by Antony and Octavian in dividing the land among their soldiers probably followed closely the system of Prefects and other officers, including Promagistrates, who received grants of imperium for the purpose, which Caesar used for the settlement of his veterans (see45, Prefects, on C. Clovius; 44, Prefects, on Plotius Plancus; and note also App. BC 2.120,regard-
4l B.C'-40B'C'
ing the multitude of soldiers in Rome in rl/larch, 44, [9' övl olplelqr ,ni ü9' övl &plovtt "c\q dnor'xi'uq)'Q' Valerius Orca performed this function under c""ru" as Legatus pro praetore (see45, Legates). Munatius Plancus was probably a Proconsul when he distributed lands at, Beneventum in ttris year (1zB 886); and in this period L. Memmius distributed lands at Luca to the sixth and the twenty-sixth legions as Prefect for the puqpose (/rs 887). The members therefore of this socalled commissiän were probably individual appointees, with or without imperium, Pollio probably a Proconsul until he assumedthe consulship-in 40, Alfenus v""o" probably a Legate ora, Prefect but possibly also a^Promagistrate, and Gallus almost certainly an-equestrian Prefect. The old senatorial commissions were practically obsolete (see Grant, From Imper'i,um,to Atr,ctoritas9-ll).
CIL 12.1,p' 60, no' III-ILB Iast. Saceritr.,
A.U.C. 714
Consuls CN. Dourrrus M. f. M. n. Cer,vrNus (43) Cos. 53, Pr' 56 Cy'. Asrxrus CN.f. Por,r,ro (25') Pr. 45 'CIt' to.stss-7Ly 3784; Xast.Saceril,., CIL P.l, p' 60, no' III-ILB 9338,no. 3; Iast. Colot.,Degrassi 273-275;Fast' Mag' Vi'c', i'bi'd"282, 2eZi 4ast. B'iond.,i,bid,.2g1f..;ibid. 135,504f.; Joseph' '4J 14'389; Dio 48, Index, and 15.1, and 32.1; Chr' 354; Iast' Had'; Chr' Pasc'; Cassiod.;on Domitius, Grueber,C&RBM 2.373;CIL 6'1301-ILS 42; CIL 2.6L86;and on Pollio, Yery. Ecl'.4.11-12' After Perusia fell to octavian Pollio retreated to venetia where in the sourse of several months he won Domitius Ahenobarbus over to Antony and prepared the way for the latter to land in Italy (vell. 2.76.2; App. 8C5.35, and 50, and 64; cf. Yery. Ecl' 8r9-z)'In this be dated his capture of Sa_lonain Dalmatia (Serv. on Ecl'. period. mff-4.1 postet'iamconsul,atumaileptt'rc;Serv. Dan' on Ecl' 8'12, ä.gg, and the peace of Brundisium; cf. Bern. schol,. on Ecl'. before it dates who 8.6 and 13; and 4.1, Prefäce; Iun. Philarg)'r. I and II on Ecl" 4'l; and g.13; see39, Promagistrates,on Pollio). He reconcilins{nton_y and octavian at Br-undisium (App . BC 5.64), and when both consuls abdicated shortly afterwards received command of Macedonia from Antony (Dio a8.32.f ; see39, Promagistrates). Consules Suffecti L. Conxnr,rusL. f. Ber,sus (69) P. Cenrorus P. f. - n. Cnessus (2)
9338' no' 3; Iast' Aobt"
287;Iast' Bionil"'i'bül' r>g"rrtizzi -its, f]Äi.''rtag'Vi'c';-ibül'^282' 888; PIin' L0'9864-ILS 29rf..:ibid,.l35, 5041.; ttta ä" Baibus, CIL Nn i.n-:,o;Dio 48.32.2.
Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae Cos'Desig' fl M. AsroNrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos'44' 34' of the Parthian invasion news by ifglTt Roused from his *i"iu" i" where full Labienus, Antony proceeded to Phoenicia' "f ;;i;-";J"r of the Perusine war' ä"t"ift reached him of tit" "oo"se änd outcome by news of Octavian's seizure of Transo"ÄU"ULyfollowed' ,oo,, utt"" Greece and' after secrot är-"i"" ö""1. Gathering his foräes he went' to pompey began an invasion of rtaly, but ä;-s"f1"" ;'""-."",ffi;
il:;ä 40 B.C.
40 B.C.
i;;ä ;;üi"";t;i
rotn i"ä"rs lntervenedand negotiatedthe
-Sat'BC 5'52-64;Dio pact of BrundisiumiVlff. 2.76;Plut,.Ant.3o; App. t'S'zS-T'ivy' fr' Hor' 48.15, arrd 24,^na il-'zs; cf ' Schoti'a-on placed the provinces of 5t_53 w, referring ä szJ. h ;"; distribution kept Antony while western provinces ond""'th" control of Octavian' Lepidus and Adriatic' the command of aU p"ov1,t""'"ust of Scodra on continued.inAfrica'Bothweretohaveaccesstoltalyand'tohavethe righttolelryrecruitsthere,andAntony'.sinceFulviahaddied'agreed Octavia u,rrd'to aid' in the struggle with to marry Octavianis;il; 3'2; Tac' Ann' l'LO; App' Sextus Pompey (I{ut. 'a'nt' 30; Suet' Nero 26'1;Zonar' IO'22\'Both' and' 50'l'3' BC 5.65and 93; Dio 48'28-30; acclaimedtmperu,tores,wenttoR'omet'ocelebratetheweddingand due to the operat'ions of games for the p"t"", Uoi ittine and riots (App' Sextus Pompey ""^p"lf"a them to seek negoti"li"Y.yit^h-lim 2'76'4-77'r; Liv' Per' r27; cI' Vell' BC 5.65_-69;Dioä.io-sg; t6'1; Oros' 6'18'19-20;Zonar' r0'22)' gL.2--s2.1;'Si"t"ÄLg' Plut. Ant. r32) Cos' Suff ' 43' Cos' 33' Iuppneron Cersm Dnrr f ' Pat' (Iulius 3l-23, 5,2 with the surrender of He brought the Perusine war to a conclusion put to death many knights' Lucius Antonio*, *no* ftäspared although he his follo"wing tApp. BC 6'34-49' and senators ,na p""o.iir"r;;";g p"op""*' 2'L'2-9-; Liv' Per'- 126; Vell' 2'74'2; 6l; Dio 4s.r+-t5:; "i. S'4 -on Llcan l'41' Senec.Ctem. I.ll.i; Suet' Zug' l+-I5; Bern' Fulvia' his mother wife his including p. 14 U), white manyL:;;#t, Italy' Octavian's left Iulia, and a numbJr of Ant'onian commJnders' in Gaul enabled Calenus X'ufius opportunity "r*" Jt ",' ltt" a"'ttt of 6:90-51' cf' ' (App there "+a'zo'z-+; lC him to seize command of eleven legions cf'-Vell' 2j5-76)' Ho ät; oio 54, and 59, and .ö;;J
entered into negotiations with Sextus Pompey and married his relativo Scribonia (App. BC 5.53; Dio 48.16.2-3,and 34.3; cf. CIL 6.7467ILB 7429;6.2ß032,26033,3|276-ILB 8892; Tac. Ann. 2.27; S:uet. Aug. 62.2, and 69.1; Grammnt. 19; Zonar. f l.f4). His conflict with Antony was temporarily resolved by the Pact of Brundisium (seo above, on M. Antonius). M. Anrrrr,rusM. f. Q. n. Lnrrous Pat. (73) Cos.46, 42,Pr.49 About the middle of 40 Octavian transferred to Lepidus six of tho iegions of L. Antonius (App. BC 5.53), and sent him to Africa, which he took over from T. Sextius (App.; Dio 48.20.4, and 23.4-5). At Brundisium Antony and Octavian agreed to continue him in Africa (App. BC 5.65, cf.12, and 75; Dio 48.28.4;cf. GruebegCRRBM 2.575). Praetors L. CLwrxrus Ger,r,us (4) Cos. 37 The latest date possible under the Cornelian law, and probable, even in a period of many irregularities, since Agrippa (see below) was his colleaguealso in 37. ? T. Stl,rr,rus Taunus (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos.26 The latest date possible under the Cornelian law. M. Vrrsexrus Aonrpre (tg) Cos. 37, 28,27 As Praetor lfrbanus, he gave the games of Apollo (Dio 48.20.2). He took an important part in the Perusine war (App . BC 5.35), and after the surrender won over two of Plancus' legions (App. BC 5.50). He then received command against Sextus Pompey (App. BC 5.58; Dio 48.20),and repelled Antony's attack on Sipontum (App. BC 5.58; Dio 48.28.r). According to Dio (48.32.3)Agrippa brought the Aqua Iulia to Rome in 40 (seeX'rontin. Aq. 1.9; and 33, Aediles). SeeLübker no.2; PIR 3.439,no. 457; Reinhold, Marcus Agrippa 2l-24. Praetores Suffecti All the Praetors retired from office after the pact of Brundisium and others were elected in their place. ? L. SnnrpnolrrusArnerrNus (26) Cos. 34 ? M. Var,nnrus Mnssar,r,aConwrrus Pat. (*95) Cos. 3l According to Josephus (AJ f4.3S4) they convened (ouvayuy|vrcq) the Senateand introduced Herod of Judaea to the sessionnear the end of 40 when he received the title of king (cf. BJ 1.284-285: Octavian convened the Senate, and they introduced Herod).
Promagistrates L. ArroNrus (Prores) (23) Cos.4l After his surrender at Perusia he and his immediate companions were spared (App. BC 5.34_.49; Dio 48.14.3;cf' Vell' 2'74'4; Suet' Aug. t-4_15; FIor. 2.16; Eutrop. 7.3). Later in the year octavian sent hlm to a command in Spain 1[is titte is not preserved; see App' BC 5.53; and Ganter laf.). He is not mentioned again. see below, on cn. Domitius Calvinus; and Legates' on Livius and Ped'ucaeus' C. Asnrrus Por,r,ro (25) Cos.40, Pr. 45 After he abd.icated the consulship (see above, consuls) Antony appointed him Proconsul in Macedonia (act. Tr. for 39, Degrassi 86f., 668; see39, Promagistrates). Arprus (2) See4Io iromagistrates. Like other Antonian commandershe took to flight after the fall of Perusia (App. BC 5.50). P. (Cerrnrus) Cnessus (2) Cos. Suff. 40 dne of the Antonian commanders who fled after the fall of Perusia (App. BC 5.50). Seeabove, ConsulesSuffecti. Tr. Cleuorus NDßo Pat. (254) Pr.42 Escaping from Perusia (see 41, Promagist'rates), he -attempted a rising io C"-prnia, and was compelled to flee to Sicily, but when Sextis pompey refused him the fasces he went to Greece and joined Mark Anton' iV"tt. 2.75.I and 3, and 76.1; and 77.3; Suet. ?db' 4, and 6; Tac. Ann. 5.L; Dio 48.15.3-4,and 44.1; 54.7.2). L. Connnr,rus Ber,eus (69) Cos. Suff. 40 or L. Conrvnr,rusBelnus (70) Coins, probably from Hither Spain, na,mea Balbus Pro Pr' (Grueber, CLRBM 2.406i., with attribution to Gaul) who may perhaps be identified with the Äeüxro6(Legate) who was in Spain in 40 B' C' (App' BC 5.54).If the elder Balbus is referred to, the position precededhis consulship, if the younger, no more is known of his activities for some 70, art'icleby Groag; years "PIß2 (seÄRE no.69, article by Münzer, and no. also below, Legates, 14; cf. and Ganter b3ll, no. 1331, Groag; on C. Livius). Dncnrus Sexl (3) Brother and Quaestor (by 40, Proquaestor) of L. Decidius saxa, who was resisting Labienus and the Parthians when deserted by his troops, who were foimer soldiersof Brutus and Cassius(Dio a8'25'2)'
40 B.C.
Crv.Dourrrus AnnnonaRBus (23) Cos.32 See 41, Promagistrates. IIe kept his independent command in the Adriatic until Pollio (see above) induced him to join Mark Antony (Yell. 2.76.2; Suet. Nero 3.1-2; Tac. Ann. 4.44; App. BC 5.50, and 66-56; Dio 48.16.2),who included him in the peace of Brund.isium (Dio 48.29.2; Suet. Nero 3.2; App. BC 5.65). Antony sent him to govern the province of Bithynia (App. BC 5.63, cf. 137; Grueber, CRRBM 2.494f.; seeGanter 33f.). Q. X'unrorusX'ewco (5) See41, Promagistrates. It remains uncertain whether his loss of the African provinces to Sextius and his suicide took place in late 41 or early in 40. Q. X'unrus CEr,nwus (10) Cos.47, Pr. 5g See 41, Promagistrates. His sudd.endeath in the middle of the year enabled Octavian, to Antony's considerableirritation at the breach of the agreement among the Triumvirs, to assume command of Transalpine Gaul and the eleven legions stationed there (App. BC 5.51, and 54, and 59, and 6l ; Dio 48.20.3;seeGanter g-l l). M. Lunrus (l) Expelled from Sardinia by Pompey's Lieutenant Menas who seized command of the island and the two legions there (Dio 48.30.6-Z; cf. App. -BC5.56; Ganter 26). L. Mencrus Cuvsonrnus (48) Cos. 3g, Pr. 48 Proconsul in Macedonia (see42 and41, Promagistrates), until he was succeededlate in 40 by Asinius Pollio. L. MuN.s.rrusPr,Ercus (30) Cos.42,Pr.4E? Early in 40 his advice prevented further attempts to relieve Lucius Antonius in Perusia (App. BC 5.35; cf. Yell. 2.74.3).After the war he fled with X'ulvia to Greece(App. BC 5.50; Vell. 2.76.2; about March), and returned with Antony (App. -BC b.55, about September) to Italy. He was probably sent,to Asia as Proconsul (Grueber,CRRBM 2.496f.; cf. a [epeü6ÄeuxiouMouvocriou at Mylasa, BCH 12 [1883] lb, no. 4) after the peace of Brundisium, when Domitius was sent to Bith5mia, and Ventidius to Asia and Syria against the Parthians (see Magie, Rornan Rul,ei,n Asiq, Minor 2.1280, note g, who places him in Asia in the summer of 40. IIe probably took command in Asia as the Parthians retreated). Snx. Pomrnrus MecNus Prus (*18) See 41, Promagistrates. Sextus Pompey provided a refuge for many who fled from the Perusinewar (Vell. 2.75; Suet. Ttb. 4.9, and 6; App.
ßc 5.50, and 6r). He received overtures from both octavian and Antony (seeabove, Triumviri R,. P. c.). He won sardinia and corsica ,,rrd raivaged,the southern coasts of ltaly (App. BC 5'52, and 56, and 58, and Aä_'Ag,and 66-67; Dio 48.15-16, and 20.1,and 27'4,and 30; <,f. Plut. Ant.32.I; Eutrop. 7.4; Zonar. 10.2I). After the Pact of llrund.isium he cut off supplies for Rome until the Triumvirs wero forced to begin negotiations with him (App. BC 5.67-68; Dio 48'31, rnd 36.1). Q. Ser,vrnrnNusR,unus Ser,vrus (4) Cos.Desig. 39 After the d.eath of Fufius calenus (seeabove) octavian placed him in command of the Gallic provinces and the army on the Rhone (App' BC 5.66, cf. 51, and 54; cf . Grueber, CRRBM 2.407)'Before the peace of Brundisium he plotted to desert to Antony, and when Antony revealed this he was sommoned by octavian, was accusedof treachery, a,ndanticipated.execution by suicide (App' -BC5.66; Dio 48'33'2-3; cf ' Liv. Per. 127; Vell. 2.76.4;Suet.-429.66.1). T. Snxrrus (13) Pr.45 See 42, and 41, Promagistrates. He recovered the African provinces from Fuficius x'ango (seeabove), but was succeededby Lepidus about, the middle of the year (App. BC 5.53,and 75; Dio 48.20.rt-5,and'23'4; seeGanter 2lf.). L. Srl.rus Muncus (2) Pr.45 see 43-41, Promagistrates. IIe operated in co-operation with sextus pompey and gave ""loge to many fugitives from the Perusine war, but pompey preförred his öwn Lieutenants Menas and others to him, and late in 40 o" *o"u probably early in 39 put him to death (Vell. 2.77.3; App. BC 5.50,and 70). 1).Vnnrrnrus Bassus (*2) Cos.Suff. 43,Pt.43 His attempt to relieve Lucius Antonius was stopped at x'ulginium (App. BC S^rS;. arur the fall of Perusia he retired into southern Italy, where he was chosen commander of the Antonian troops (6.50). Aftär the peace of Brundisium Antony sent him as Proconsul to resist the Parthians who had overrun Syria and Asia Minor (App' BC 6'66; Dio 4g.39.2;cf. Plut. Ant.33.l, who nameshis first basein Asia rathor than his main command in syria, and places his appointment after the treaty of Puteoli in 39; seeGanter 4l). M. VrpseNrus Aenrppa (*3) Cos. 37, 28, 27, Pr. 40 see above, Praetors. It is probable that he was sent to succeed salvidienus in Gaul immediately upon his abdication of the praetorship (see39, and 38, Promagistrates;and cf. Eut'rop.7'5; Gantor ll; lleinhold, Marcus Agri'pP' 25).
386 40 B.C.
384 Legates, Envoys
C. X'unurus (3) Cos.Desig. 29,Pr.42? Envoy of Lucius Antonius, with two othtlrs, to octavian to negotiate the surrend.erof Perusia (App. BC 5.40-4I). SeePInz 3.292,no. 590; De Laet no. I83. L. Scnrnoxrus LrBo (20) Cos.34, Pr. 50 ? SnNrrus SerunNrrus VEruLo (see9) Unofficial Envoys from Sextus Pompey to Antony in Greecein the summer of 0 (App. BC 5.52). Legates, Lieutenants L. Dnororus Slxe (4) Legatus (Liv. Per. 127; Yell. 2.78.I; X'lor. 2.19.4), probably with impeiium. The parthian invaders of Syria under Labienus drove him out of Syria, captured him in Cilicia, and put him to death (Liv' Per' f 27; X'lor. 2.L9.4,inexact; fustin. 42.4.7; Dio 48.25; Porphyr., on Hor' Carm.3.6.9). (C. Iur,rus) Hnlnrvus (Ilelenus 8) No title preserved. a freedman of octavian who recovered sardinia from the Pompeiansfor him, but, w&s soon captured by SextusPompey's Legate Menodorus, and in 39 was returned to octavian without "uÄo- (App. BC 5.66; Dio 48.30.8,and 45.5; cf-.CIL r0.5808--f'S 6267;seeGanter 27). ? C. Lrvrus (not in -B-O) Grant suggeststhat the c. Livius whose name appea,rson coins of Vesci in näötica should be identified with the Aeüxuo6 named in Appian (BC 5.54), and was one of Octavian's Legates with L. Antonius in Spain (seeabove, Promagistrates, on L. Antonius, and on Cornelius Balbus; Grant, Irom Imperi,um to Auctoritas 379f.). (CN.Ponmnrus?) MnnncBATDs (MenecratesI5) A freedman Legate or Prefect in the fleet of Sextus Pompey, prominent with Menödorus (Menas) in harrying the coasts of Italy and cutting off suppliesby sea (Vell. 2.73.3;Plut. Ant. 32.1; App. BC 5'83, end; cI. Ftor. Z.rS.Z; pti". NH 35.200;Dio 48.17-19). They incited Sextus Pompey against L. Staius Murcus (VeII. 2.77.3; App. BC 5'70; seePromagistrates, on Murcus). (CN.Ponrnrus ?) MnNoDoRos (Menodorusl) See above, on Menecrates; and Promagistrates, on Lurius' Both wero probably prominent Pompeian officers from 43 B. C. on.
{0 r}.c. (6' cf' 3) ? Snx. ? (orT.?)Proucenus commander along with L' Antonius Termed by Appian a subordinate alons with a öertain Lucius (soe in Spain (BC 5.54).il f'aa "o-mand' Ä Cornelius Balbus) when rbove, on Livius; and Promagistrates' *'y be either a Sextus Peducaous Octavian ,"nt ettoniri tt er". i{" or T. Peducaeus,Cos' Suff' 35' ? M. Trrrus (18) Cos' Suff' 31 in M. Titius raised a force of his own when his father *ä, pr"*rned Lieutenant by- sextus Pompev's ry Narbonese G**1, *;;;;;;;;J1" öt tti* father, who was thon a -.f." Menodorus urrA ,p*""ili""-if* cf' App' BC 5'L42)' refugeewith Pomp"y-1Olo48'30'5-6; ? M. Tumus (not in RE) the Antonian commander in Asia See 42, and 41, i"g"t"J' Possibly (a Plancus is named in Dio 48' who was d'riven ""ffi;;;;-P;;hä"i zi.ä, ""a 26.3,but cf ' äbove, Promagistrates)' Prefects P. Snnrm,rus B,uLLUS (81, see80) under oct'avian whose forces No title p"".u*ääl a'"a"*r"y läader Dio near Sipont'um (App' BC 5'58; were captured by Aotony's foröes 48.28.r).
suicide claudiusNero.committed J"::lJJffi ,{ffi}"- underri. ttigttt 2.76.r)' (vell. from campania
t i. when unabte to folilw hil; Marcus Brutus' and Pompey al"o under ä;;;a Pontifices
Pat' (93) Pl'48.- Ca.4l-?: P. Sur'ncrus R'urus ir-'iz!+t' See47' Pontifices; and hi'""*o*l'ip Not, mentiot"d;il"; 42' censors Augurs Pat' (143) Cos'64 .88 or 80-40: L.Iur'rus Cersen ' 40 ? (?9) 9"t' 34, Pr' Suff 40-7 A. D.: L. Slrwpnoxrus Arne'mxus Gruebor' cf' 3; g-fjS b338'tto' Fast. Bucerd,.,CIL12'1,p'60' no' is not preservedon t'he inscripname C nnBM z.(|l.Lucius Caäsar's one *rtÄ Sempronius succoeded tion, but it i, p"ol"l1äthat he is the on Sempronius' seo P'I'B (see Münzer, nrÄ'Ä- ii [1917] tsz-Iir1' |.tg+, no. 260; De Laet no' 332' 26 SroughtoA
40 B.C.-39 B.C.
Before 47<,a.40: P. Snnvrr,rusIseumcus (67) Cos.4g, 41,pr.64 He probably died soon after his second consulship. Seo 50, Augurs.
39 B.C.
A.U.C. 715
Constds L. Menorus L. f. C. n. Crwsonrxus (4S) Pr. 48 C. Car,vrsrusC. f. - n. Sasrryus (lB) Pr. 46? CIL 11.7602;Viereck, p. 4t, no. 20; Fast. Mag. Vic., Degrassi 2g2 and 287; nast. Bi,ond,., dbid.29tf . and seelB5, 506f.; Kal,. Ami,i., Sept. B, CIL 12.I,p.244;Dio 48.34.1;Chr.BS+;Iast. Hyd,.;Chr. pasc.;Cassiod; on Marcius, Act. Tr., Degrassi 8Gf., 568; on Calvisius, CIL l0.6ggb, 6897, 6899,6900,6901-/rB 889; Dio 48, fndex. Marcius celebrateda triumph from Macedonia on the first day of his consulship (Acü. Tr., Degrassi86f., 568; and Xa*t. Barb., dbid.g4lf .). On Marcius, seepI R 2.337,no. 164; De Laet no. 239; on Calvisius,PIßz 2.g8,no. Bb2; Do Laet no. 87. Consules Suffecti C. Coconrus- f. - n. Ber,sus (8, Supb. 7.g0,no. B) P. Ar,rnxus P. f. Venus (8) Ia"st. Mag. Vic., Degrassi 282, 287; Fast. Bi,ond., ibid. 2glf., and.see 135,506f.; on Cocceius,Fast. P,inc., dbid.277f.; on Alfenus, Di,g.;Porphyr. on Hor. Baü.1.3.180.On Cocceius,seeplnz 2.2e8289, no. l2l2 and l2l4; De Laet no. tf 8. Both con_fuse him with L. CocceiusNerva, but the identification is clear in Fast. Mag. Vic. (see Degrassi287).
'lho terms were as follows: commerce should be open; Pompey should remove his garrisons from ltaly, keep Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily, and roceive the Feloponnese; he undertook not to harbour runawa,y slaves; c.xileswere pu"toitt"d to return, except those implicated in the murder of Caesar, änd should receive their property again, except that the proscribei should get one-fourth; some were to receivetribuneships, praetorships, and priesthoods at once; the slaves in Pompey's forces strould ""i.uio free, and.the freemen should receive the same rewards ns the soldiers of Antony and octavian; Pompey himself was deslgnated.consul for 33, and was to be raised to his father's priesthood, the augurate, and receive 70 million Irs from his father's estate (Plut', Ap"p.,Dio, as above;.fr,S SSgf; cf. Liv. Per' 127;YelI' 2'77;Tac' Amm' nio 48.15.1-2,and 36.1 and 3-6, and 37.1; Auct. Vi'r' IIl" 84'3; Oros.6.I8.20). Antony then departed to Greecewith octavia to make prepara-bion for the pärthian wär and appointments of sub-commandersand kings, and. wintered at athens, meantime collecting the tribute from the (Phft",Aryt' 33; App' Peloponnese "Slf-lT; before givrng it to Sextus Pompey CRHBM 2'502-606; Grueber cf. Dio 4S.35'I, and 39.2; nC in FGrH 2B'927t')' R'hod', I.6; Socrat. IG 2.482,1ine23; Senec.Suns. of Pollio and victories the for as Imperator He accepted a salutation see CAH 2'505f'; CRSBM Grueber, Ventidiüs (seePromagistrates; BC 75) (App' to Gaul departed meanwhile I). Octavian 10.50, note piratical of resumption a claimed, he as to face, soon but returned activity on the part of sextus Pompey (app. BC 5.77 ; X'lor-.2.I 8.5; of . Dio +s.+s.4-9, under 38). Lepidus remained inconspicuously governor of Africa, retaining the Antonian legions formerly commanded by Sextius (App. BC 5.71, and 75).
Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae
l\f. ApMrr.rusM. f. Q. n. Lnrrous Pat. (ZB) Cos.46, 42,pr.49 M. Anrowrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. Bl fur. Cansm Drll f. Pat. (Iulius fB2) Cos.Suff. 48,,gt-28, 5,2 The Triumvirs secured ratiJication from the senate of their acts to date, levied new taxes, appointed new senators,and named magistrates f.or several years in advance (Dio 48.34--85). X'amine in the city and disorders compelled Antony and octavian to make overtures to sextus Pompey which after some hesitation he accepted, and an agreement peacewas arranged and celebratedat Puteoli (Plü. Ant.32; App. for BC 67-74; Dio 48.36-38; cf. YeLI.2.77;X'lor. 2.18.4;Oros.6.13.20).
C. Sosrus (2) Cos. 32 Q.ZAhis name is followed by On coins wiih the inscription C. Sosi,us 2.504; Grant, Iram Imper' cRRBM (see Grueber, the title Q(uaestor) him from the distinguishes (RE) Utittrer aOt.;. i,wh to Auctori,tas Laet no' 366; De See father' his probably was 49, who Praetor of Dessau,PIn 3.253,no. 556. Prornagistrates
C. AsnrrusPor,r,ro (25) Cos.40,Pr.45 proconsulof Maced.onia. a revolt of the Illyrian Parthini He subdued. 25, probablyof celeb;at€-o.q.October to returned and (Dio 48.a1.7), z5*
this year, a triumph over them (Act. Tr., Degrassi86f., 568;-Fost.Barb., ibid. 342f..;Horace Carm. 2.1.15-16, and Scholi,aad,loc.; Senec.Cozatroa,4.2,pref. ; Serv.on 8c1.3.88,and 4.1, and Serv.Dan. on Ecl,.8.12; Schol. Bern. on Ecl,, 4, pref., and on 8c1,.8.6and 13; Jerome, Clur,ad ann. 4 p. C., p. 170 Helm). He built the Atrium Libertatis from the booty (Suet.Aug. 29.5;Plin. -ltI/ 7.ll5;35.10; Isid. Orig. 6.5.2). CN. Dourrrus AnnnonaRBus (23) Cos.32 Governor of Bithynia and Pontus under Antony (see 40, and 36, Promagistrates). CN. Dourrrus Cer,vrNus (43) Cos. 53, 40, Pr. 56 Sent by Octavian as Proconsul to Spain, where he crushed a revolt of the Cerretani (Dio 48.42; cf . Act. Tr. for 36, Degrassi 86f., 568; CIL 2.6186; Grueber,CRRBM 2.373,with the inscription Irnp(erator); see also VeIl. 2.78.3). L. Murvlrrus Pr,ellous (30) Cos. 42, Pr.45? Probably Proconsul in Asia (seeGruebe4 CRRBM 2.496f..; cf..BCH t2 [1888] 15, no.4). See40, Promagistrates;PIR 2.390,no. 534; De Laet no. 251. Snx. Ponrrnrus Mlcrus Prus (*18) Cos.Desig. 33 Probably Proconsul of Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica, to which the Pact of Puteoli recognized his right, while adding the Peloponnese. Charges that he was intercepting the grain supply and harboring runaway slavesled to a resumption of hostilities with Octavian, while Antony irritated him by collecting the tribute of the Peloponnesehimself (seeabove,Triumviri R,. P. C.). SeeD.-G. 4.571-573,no. 25. P. Vnrvrrorus Bassus (*2) Cos. Suff. 43,Pr. 43 Termed a Legatus of Antony (Liv. Per.127; cL Gell. 15.4.4),but he held an imperium pro consule at his triumph (Act. Tr. for 38, Degrassi 86f., 568). He defeated Labienus and the Parthians near the Taurus mountains, thus driving them from Asia Minor (Dio 48.39-40), then following up the Legate Silo (seebelow) he defeated them again at the Amanus mountains, an engagement after which Labienus was caught and put to death, and recoveredSyria (Dio 48.4f ; cf. Joseph. AJ 14. 392 and 394 and 418, cf. 392-419; BJ 1.288-289,cf. 288-302; Liv. Per. 127, and 128; Plut. Ant.33.4; X'lor. 2.19.5; Gell. 15.4.3-4; Iustin 42.4.7;Eatrop. 7.5; Oros.6.18.23).Josephuschargeshim with accepting bribes from Antigonus rather than relieve Herod's followers in Masada (AJ M.390; seebelow, Legates,on SiIo). M. Vrpsmrrus Acnrpre (*3) Cos. 37, 28, 27, Pr. 40 Proconsul in Gaul (see40, Promagistrates), where he was joined by
was unrest,and revolt thoro octavian after the Pact of Puteoli, as t,here Marcus "t. Eutrop' 7'5't;^see Ganter 1I; R'einhold' id;.;-C;.is; in 39' placed be mav 2r). Agrippat Ä**i"g of the R'hine \iäo* 48'49'2)' (Dio rii.äti* opä""tät-titt Aquitania date from 38 Legates, EnvoYs Q. Dnr,r,rus (l) SentbyAntonytoVentidiusandSilowithinstruct,ionstosupporü AJ 14'394; BJ l'289 the restoration of H""od to Judaea (Joseph. and 291). C. - X'umtrns (3) Cos.Desig' 29,Pr' 422' Africa which wero Sent by Aniony to bring"the faogr-lggionsfrom formerly under T. Sextius (App' BC 5'75)' Legates, Lieutenants *'B-U) ('äQ.) PorvrpenDrus(Porrenorus) Srlo (not in but under the imi"gtt", p"olrUty of A$ony (Lw' Per' 127) 42\' IIe held command of mediate command of"Ventidius (see Ganter mountains against tho t-fr" tJourr"e guard of "*oa,t"y i" tfte Amanus where he gave llerod Parthians (Dio as.+l), ""a *i" active in"Judaea' while keeping kingdom' aid'ln the recovery of his ;;ft" ;"iiable secretlyintouchwithhisrivalAntigonus(Joseph'AJ393-4f9;B"I 1.289-302). (CN.Pournrus ?) Mnrvncßarns (Menecrates15) See40, and 35, Legates,Lieutenants' l) '. (CN.Porurnrus ?) MnnoDoRUs(Mnnes)- (Menodorus Pompcy' and Sext'us of A commandu", r,ug;iu or Preiect, in ihe fleet Pompev urged He 5'7s)' Sa"dit'ii and Corsica (App' BC s";;;;;;i 77); and and 71, cf ' 5.70, p. BC not to make the t""*t' äi fVfisenum'(Äf present were andoctavian at,the celebration of tLe peacewhen Antlny as thom wit'h away sail io ,rn fo*puy's ship Menädorus proposed 5'73;Dio BC App' Ant'32'3-5; U"tpo-peylo"Uua" it tpf"t' ;;;"""ä 48.38.2).See39, Legates. Cos' 34' Pr' Suff' 40 ? L. SrrvrpnoNrosAtnemNus (26) itony in Greece(IG s'z'Sg_LS 9461' Legatus pro p"u"lo"e under ^"\ Peloytonnese128' no' 69 ; -p.o-Bätlu^ *oi',iutr,o"p&tlY9.v:!:('?"', See P'I'B 3'194' no' 260; 2'501)' ti;;ä, nn' +ss; G"o"uu",'CnAna l)e Laet no' 332.
3 9B . C . - 3 8 B . C .
Prefects (C. Iur,rus) Dnunrnrus (not in.BE) A freedman of Caesarto whom Antony had given charge of Cyprus (r6ce 'ci Kürpq zcpö6roü 'Av,rcoviounpooreruyp.&vo6, Dio 48.40.6),who searchedout and arreeted Q. Labienus (Dio; cf. Macrob. f .11.f8). Augurs Snx. Poupnrus Mrenus Prus (*lS) Cos.Desig. 33 After the Treaty of Misenum he termed himself Augur, but as he never went to Rome he was never inaugurated (see above, Triumviri 8R,. P. C.; App. BC 5.72;1rB SSgl: Imp. Augure Cos.Desig.). Flamens M. Anroxrus (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 31 AJter the Treaty of Misenum he was formally inaugurated as X'lamen (iepeü6) of the deified Caesar(Plut. Ant. 33.1). 38 B.C.
A.U.C. 716
Consuls Ap. Cr,Luorüs C. f. Ap. n. Pur,crnn Pat. (298) C. Nonearsus C. f. X'r,eccus (9a) Pr. 43 ? Xast. Mag. Vic., Degrassi 282f., 287; Fast. Bi,ond,.,i,bid,.291I.; and see135,506f.;Dio 48, fndex, and 43.I ; 49.23.I;Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd,.; Chr. Pasa.; Cassiod.; Zonar. 1O.23;on Claudius, CIL 10.L423,142+-IZB 890; and on Norbanus, X'orlati, Epigraphi,ca 3 (1941) 272. They were the first Consulsto have two Quaestorseach (Dio 48.43.f). On Claudius, seePIRz 2.237f,, no. 982; on Norbanus, De Laet no,264. Consules Suffecti L. ConNnr,rus f. n. Lnxrur,us Pat. (f97, cf. 2I9) Pr. 44? L. Mmcrus L. f. L. n. Prrrr,rppus (77) Pr.44? Xast. Mag. Vi,c.,Degrassi282f., 287f..;Iast. Bi,onitr.,ibid. 29lf .; and see 135, 506f.; onCornelius,X'orlati,Epi,graphica3 (1941)272: C. Norbano, L. Lentulo Cos.; cf. Groag,Laur. Aquinc.2.32, note l3; Degrassi 287f.. Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae M. ANroNrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 3l The outbreak of fresh hostilities botween Octavian and Sextus
Italy for a meeting with Pompey brought Antony hastily,back to (App' BC 5'78-79; Dio appear octavian at which the la]tter faitäd to he superseded'the vic' bhere +J.nä1.g"tony then f,oceeded-to Syria on with the siege of went and torious Ventidius n*'..o. (see below), by nogotiating a end.ed' but Antiochus of Commagene at Samosata, Dio. 49.2t-22; cf' Joseph' '4J setttemenü (plut. üt.-iLs6.1; 14.440-447; BJ I.32L-322 and' 327)' 5'2 Pat' (132) Cos' Suff' 43' Cos' 33' 3I-23' Iup. Censen Drvr f. the with auspiciously Octavian's war with Sextus Pompey began Legates) (see below, defection of pompeyls Lieutenant Mänodöru* of his fleets' led by advance tf9 bu! and the reca,pture "i St"ai"i", Pompey'sf,ieutenant Menecalvisius and Menodo*r, ** ähecked by ättacked at the st'rai's crates at Cumae, *r,a Oättoian's forces were (App' BC-5'80-88; Dio of Messanawh"" tn"V **ed to join Calvisius the whole fleet was 48.46-48; cf. Liv."Per. r28)' boon afterwards destroyedinastorm,andhehadtoretreattoViboandt'urnhisefforts Dio 48'48-49'I; to the building ot u,,otn"" fleet (App' BC 5'88-92; the end of Toward 10.23). cf . ptin. NH 7.r48)*s;J.-irT. rb.i;-2o".". GauI (Dio from Consul the ;h" ;;;. he recalled;u"tnn. .incoming preparations' [a.+6.21, and put him in charge of his (73) Cos' 46' 42' Pr' 49 M. Anunrus M. f. Q. n. Lnrrnus Pat, whence Octavian sumA-frica' iepidus continuä in command in he did not come (Dio which to moned him for , -Luting with Antony 48'46'2)' Praetors refugees gri of many In this, the first year after the return of the (Dio 48.43.2), praetorship the held persons of tn" pro*"ribed, *iJtv_""""r, reported' but nJne of their names are (219' cf'-I97) ? Cn. ConNnr,rusLnNrur'us Cnuscor'lro Pat' calls himself Marius cert'ain a 1I'6058 See 42, Legates. In CIL Grgag favors t'he view Prefect in the fleet of Cn' Lentulus in Sicily'sextus Pompey (seo that Lentulu, wrs a Legatus pro praetore under and.becomePraetor in +znis"l,"rl, but he m#have-retu^rned after 39 38 or some subsequent Year' Quaestors Vrnrus Maxmus (*I5) for 38 when he was A slave who had become Quaestor Designatus ad ann' 41' p' f 68 ,".ognir"a by his master llio +a'S+'f ; Jerome Chr' Helm).
3 8B . C .
Promagistrates ? M. Arnrus Bar,sus (not in .B,E) Patron and probably founder of the municipium of Uzelis in Sardinia, ca. 38 B. C. Hence Grant suggeststhat he was governor of Sardinia then (Xrom Imperium to Auctori,tas f4g-l53). C. Car,vrsrus Senmus (13) Cos. 3g, Plr. 461' Under his command he brought a fleet from Etruria to join Octavian at the Sicilian straits, but was so delayed by an engagement near Cumae with a part of the fleet of Sextus Pompey under Menecrates that he did not arrive until the end of octavian's naval battle at Messana(App. BC 5.80-88; Dio 48.46-47 ; cfl.Liv. Per.l28; Oros. 6.f8.2f). Both fleets were lost in a storm (App. BC 5.88-92; Dio 48.48-49). SeeTriumviri R,. P. C., on Octavian; PInz 2.89, no. 852; De Laet no. 87. M. Coccnrus Nnnve (13) Cos. 86 Honored at Tenos (BEG 4.604) and Lagina of Caria (/,LB 8280) as Imperator and Consul Designatus. Groag (Ptnz 2.290, no. 1224) believes that he may have been only a Legate or a Prefect of Antony (he was Proquaestor pro praetore in 4l), but more probably he was governor of Asia, and perhaps succeededPlancus in this year and returned to assumethe consulship in 86 (see syme, Romnn Reuoluti,on 266, note 3; Magie, Roman Rul,ein Asi,a Mi,nor 2.1580). CN. Domrmus AsnrvonaRBUs (28) Cos. 32 Governor, probably Proconsul, of Bithynia and Pontus (see 40, and 36, Promagistrates). Cw. Dourrrus Celvrrcus (43) Cos. 58, 40, Pr. 56 Proconsul in Spain (see 39, and BG,Promagistrates). L. Munarrus Plancus (30) Cos. 42, Pr. 4E? If his governorship is rightly dated after the Parthian invasion, he probably remained this year as Proconsul in Asia (see 3g, promagistrates; above, on CocceiusNerva). Snx. Ponpnrus MaeNus Prus (*18) Cos. Desig. 38 Governor of Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica,and commander of a fleet. octavian justified a renewal of hostiiities with him and attempted to prove his authority illegal by charging him with breaking the Pact of Puteoli (App. BC 5.77; Dio 48.48-46). On the course of the war, see above, Triumviri R. P. C., on Octavian, Promagistrates, on Calvisius Sabinus,and below, Legates,on Cornificius. SeeD.-G. 4.57g-577,no. 26.
C. Sosrus (2) Cos.32 Antony placed him in command of Syria and Cilicia (Joseph. :4J 14.447; BJ 1.327; Dio 49.22.3;Oros. 6.18.24),probably with the proconsular imperium since he later (see 34, Promagistrates) received lhe titte Imperator and celebrated a triumph. He subdued the Aradians (Dio a9.22.3;cf. Plut. Ant.34.6), and received the commissionto restore Herod to his kingdom of Judaea (Liv. Per. 128; Joseph. .d"I 14.447;BJ 1.327;Dio 49.22.3-6;Oros. 6.18.24,with the name Ventidius). P. Vnxrrorus Bassus (*2) Cos. Suff. 43,Plr. 43 Proconsul in Syria under Antony (see 40, Promagistrates). Ife crushed a second Parthian invasion, killing their leader Pacorus, and then attacked Antiochus of Commagene(Dio 4gJg-21; VeIl. 2.78.1; Joseph. AJ 14.420-42!, and, 434; BJ 1.309 and 317; Tac. Hi'st. 6.9; Plut,.Ant. S+; Iustin. 42.4,7-l 4 ;ß r onlo ad,Ver. 2.1.5, LC L 2.136; Eutrop. 7.5; Oros. 6.13.23).Upon his arrival in Syria Antony took chief command.,and sent ventidius home to celebrate a triumph er Tauro monte et Parthei,s(Act. Tr., Degrassi86f., 569; Fast. Barb., ibid.342f.;Vell' 2.65.3;VaI. Max. 6.9.9; Plin. NH 7.135;Plut. Ant.34.5;I':rcnlo Ad' Ver. 2.I.5; Gell. 15.4.4;Eutrop. 7.5)' (*3) Cos. 37, 28, 27, Pr. 40 M. VrpsaNrus Aennre Proconsul in Gaul (see 40, and 39, Promagistrates). He crushed a rising in Aquitania, but refused to celebrate the triumph which Octavian awarded him for his victory (App. BC 5.92; Dio 48.49.2-4; see above, Triumviri R,. P. C., on Octavian). Legates, Envoys C. MercnNls (6) Sent by Octavian to Antony in Syria after the defeats of this yoar, he gained from him a promise of assistance(App. BC 5.52-gg). Legates, Lieutenants L. ConNrnrcrus (5) Cos. 35 No title preserved. Commander of a fleet under Octavion (probably a Legate; see36, Legates),he brought a fleet from Ravonna to Torentum (App. BC 5.80), and in the naval battle aü tho Sicili0'n straitg .u-med the flagship of Sextus Pompey's Lioutonant, l)cmochares (App. BC 5.86; cf. Liv. Per. 128; seo above,Triumviri It,. P. C., on Octavian). SeeP1Ä2 2.373,no' 1503;De Lact no. 16l.
38 B.C.
C.Iurrus C. f. (2la; r0.r279) His name with the tille Leg. Bic. appears on coins issued by Sextus Pompey in 38-36 B. C. (Grueber, CRRBM 2.562, note). Q. Nesrnrus (4) A commander, Legate or Prefect, in Sextus Pompey's fleet (Grueber, CnnBM 2.564f..),who left him for Antony in 35 (App. BC 5.139). C. Porrranorus (Porrenorus) Srr,o (not in *-EZ) A Legate under Antony and Ventidius, whom the latter summoned from Judaea early in 38 to aid him against the Parthian invasion (Joseph.AJ 14.420-42L;BJ f .309; see 39, Legates). (CN. Pomruus ?) ApoLLoprraNES (Apollophanes l0) A freedman of Pompey, appointed with Demochares to command of the fleet in successionto Menodorus and Menecrates (App. BC 5.Sa; cf. Suet. Aug.16, praefectu,s; Dio 48.47).Sextus Pompey also sent him on a mission to Africa (Dio 48.48.6). (Poiurnrus ?) Dnmocuanns (Demochares 7) A freedman, probably of Pompey, who is described in Appian (BC 5.83) as a subordinate officer of Sextus Pompey's Lieutenant Menecrates, and took part as such in the battle off Cumae (App. BC 5.S3; cf. Dio 48.46.4-5; Oros. 6.18.21; Zonar. 10.23),but instead of using his advantage there sailed away to Pompey, and took part as an officer in command in the battle at the straits (App. .BC 5.8rt-86; Dio 48.47; cf. Suet. Aug. 16, praefectus). (Cx. Pomrnrus ?) MnNncRArDs (Menecrates15) An officer, Legate or Prefect, under Sextus Pompey in command of the fleet that fought and damaged that of Calvisius and Menodorus off Cumae (App. BC 5.81-84; Dio 48.46.5-6; seeabove, Promagistrates, on Calvisius; and below, on Menodorus). Menecrates was drowned in the engagement(App.; Dio). (Crv.Pomrnrus ?) Mnnooonus (Menodorus l) A freedman of Pompey the Great, and an important officer, Legate or Prefect, in the fleet of Sextus Pompey, for whom he held Sardinia (see40, and 39, Legates). He deserted to Octavian, bringing him Sardinia, a fleet of sixty ships, and three legions (App. BC 5.78-80; Dio 48.45;Oros. 6.18.21;Zonar. 10.23;cf. Suet. Aug. 74.1),and was rewarded by promotion to the equestrian order (Suet.; App. BC;Dio; Zonar.). He was with Calvisius in the battle off Cumae, and used his experienceto aid in reducing lossesin the storm at the Sicilian straits (App. BC 5.81-84, and 89; Dio 48.48.1-2; Oros. 6.18.21; Zonar. 10.23). He pursued Apollophanes (see above) when Sextus Pompey sent him to Africa (Dio a8.a8.6).
3 8B . C . - 3 7B . C .
Prefects (not in -EE) Mecneones -*iü;itl" p"eserved..Ea;.ly in 38,, at Antony's _c-ommand,ventidius horse to assistl{erod ,urrt wtu"Ur,ä"aswith iwo teiiotts and one thousand by hi1 dealings suspicion Herod's excit'ed he" io """oo"" Judaea, but and 448 and li'434-438 AJ (Joseph' Arrtigo,,rr, with the rival prince 450; BJ 1.31? and 324 and 334)' Vestal Virgin Occre (3) years before her A Vestal Virgin (perhaps Maxima) for fifty-seven per qui'nquagi'nta sepüem qune 2'86', nn' 9ü death in 19 A] D.'lTac.-,4 annos sun1,nlcrsancti,nxoni,avestalibus sacri,s praesed'eratl.
37 B.C.
A.U.C. 7r7
Consuls 27'Pt' 4O M. (Vrrsewrus) Aamrpa L. f. (*3) Cos' 28, L. ieruNrus L. f. n. Ger,r,us (4) f')' 136' CIL Lt.6673, 18; East.Cap.,Degrassi 58f' (M' agl:pry ?' Joseph' 29Lf.; i'bid' B'i'ond"' Pas-t' zc:a; past. Mäg. Vic., tbtd. iez, root.; HAd'; Iast' 354; Chr' 4g'24'L; eo'+; "nä AJ 14.487;Dio 48, Inde*, probhad Agrippa 4'2497' CIL p*r.; Agrippa, Cassiod.;,,d' än ölrr. of a preparation the äi i" 5s "fiy U""" ptaced in charge Trd-training (see 38, Tiiumviri R' l' 9': on Oc""# ri""t alainst Sextus io-p"y of the year tavian, urrdP"orrragistrates, on Ägrippa)' I{e spent much -vessels and the uoilairrg the proteäted Lucrine tu"boot, equilping and 2't6l-^I64' training the crews iDio+s.+g-^sl;.cf' -Verg eeoS' Sonec' 239'2-3; Serv. ad loc.; Liv. Per. I28; Strabo 5'4'6; VeIl' Serv' Eenef.6.323:Pun. Nfl 36.125;SueL'Aug' t6'l; Flor'218'6; ann'; ad Chr' Dan."on Yerg. Aen.8.682, and Serv' on 693; Cassiod' Precisoly 118)' and und on the ships "oJ *u,pons, App' BC 5'L06 (seePro*ir"" ag"ipp" u'l*o became äamitatltr successionto Calvisius early probably was it but is not certain, rnaEistrates, on Crf"iti"s), "rro* o coin 46' on Auctoritas to Imperi'um' ,;;h" ;;;;. is"" Crant, Beo Agrippa" On Prae(fectus)') irrscribJd Ora,elmari,ti,maeetf ctas(si,s) Caninius' on 420; no' Laet be llcinhold, Marcus Ägr;pp"-2s-BB; I ' l n z 2 . 9 2 ,n o . 3 8 9 .
ConsulSuffectus T. Srnrr,rus T. f. Teunus (84) Cos.26 282,288; Fasü.Biond.,ibiil.29lf.; and ^!!ut.Mag. Vic.,-Degrassi cIL 4.2487,whichshowsthat he wasAgrippa's coleagu" io ,o"."' to Caninius.SeeDegrassilB5, 506f.Seäi,in S.zas,;r. 6G; De Laeü
no. 358.
Triumviri Rei publicae Consriruendae M. Anuu,rus M. f. Q. n. Lnrrous pat. (23) Cos. 46, 42, pr. 49 M. Awrorvrus M. f.lVI. n. (80) Cos. 44, 84, bos. Desig. Sf' rup. cansen Drvr f. pat. (rulius rB2j ios. suff. +slc".. gB, Bt-2g, 5,2 e meeting at Tarentum ilthe spring of this year Antony ^ ? and octavian agreed to extend the Triumüratä for a seäond term of five counting retroactively from the end of the first on December Ig"":: 31, 38, and to maintain the same division of provinces as at the pact of Brundisium in 40 Degrassi 58]., tg5, 506f.; App. .BC ^(Xast.^Cap., 5.95; Dio 48.64.6; cf. on Octavian,s title, Act. Tr. for SO,n-elgrassi 86f., 569; CIL L828-ILB 27; ll.r3g0_1rls' 78, without the mark of iteration; and on coins, Grueber,cRRBM z.ögo,in 86 from Africa). Antony had also returned to bring aid at octavian,s *uqoÄt (see88, I.egates, on Maecenas), but the lätter was unwilling to accept it. octavia's mediation red to _the meeting at Tarenträ lsee above), where An-bonyalso agreedto roanoctavirir rzo ships, to *hi"t octavia securedthe addition of 20 more, while octavian in return was to give Antgny 20,000rtahan le_gionaries(and actuaily did add u g;a of 1000 for octavia herself), and sextus pämpey was to be debarred from his promised consulate and a,ugurate(App. BC 5.g4-.g5; Dio 48.54; cf. Prut. Ant.35; and Hor. Bar. r.5, and sJhohasts).Antony it en r"torrr"a to the Octavia back from Corc;rra (cf. dio +SSA.S1""a {, p9_n_ding leaving his children in rtaly, but his return tä rtaty had cosi him the opportunity presentedty a year of dynastic crisis in parthia (prut. Ant.35-37; App. BC 5.95; Dio a8.5a.ä_6;49.2J;cf. fustin. 4z.4.tb_$ 5.2; on the execution of the Jewish prince Antigonus, see Joseph. -4"I t!'9; BJ 1.357).octavian and Agrippa (seeabo"ve, consuts; tustened. -po-p"y, their preparations for the *u" *]td whiie Lepido, *u* u*pected to bring him aid from Africa 1lpp. AC b.g'). S; b*iow, p"o_ magistrates,on Sosius. Aediles M. Opprus (15) A popular election to the aedileship becausehe had saved his ill and
ngtxl father during the proscriptions (App. -BC 4.4I; Dio 48.53.4-6), xo much so that when he refused the office because of poverty his r,.\penseswere defrayed by private contributions. Promagistrates O. Cer,vrsrus Sanrxus (13) Cos. 39, Pr. 46? When Menod.orusdeserted with six (or seven) ships and returned to Scxtus Pompey, Calvisius was held responsible, and was replaced as rr,
üo anticipate Antony's Parthian laurels. He captured Jerusalem and reetored Herod to his kingdom (Joseph. AJ 14.451-49T; 15.L; BJ 1.335-357; Oros. 6.18.24,erroneously with the name Ventidius; cf. Senec.Rhet. Bzas.2.21;Tac. Hist.5.9;Phft. Ant.34.6; Dio 49.22.3-6; for the tille Imp(erator) on his coins, see Grueber, CHRBM 2.508). See PIR 3.253,no. 556; De Laet no. 355. Legates, Envoys C. Fowrnrus Caprro (20) Cos. Suff. 33 Sent by Antony when he returned to the East to bring Cleopatra to him from Egypt to Syria (Phfi. Ant.36.r). See .8.8, Supb. 3.528; PIRZ 3.197, no. 469. C. Mencnrvls (Maecenas6) C. X'owrnrus Caprro (20) Cos. Suff. 33 L. Coccnrus Nnnve (12) A group, whose journey to Brundisium with the poets Horace, Vergil, Varius, and Plotius, and the rhetor Apollodorus (Heliodorus) in their company is described by Horace (Bol. f .5; in the spring, see lines 10-15 on the frogs). Their mission preceded the meeting of Antony and Octavian at Tarentum (seePorphyr. on Hor. Sat. I.5.27, who errs regarding the date and the destination). See De Laet no. ll9, on Cocceius; above, on X'onteius. Legates, Lieutenants (Cn. Ponrnrus ?) MnrvoDoßus (Menodorus l) Resenting his position under Calvisius, Menodorus deserted. Octavian, returned to Sextus Pompey with seven (or six) vessels, a,nd became one of his officers again (seePromagistrates, on Calvisius; 38, and 36, Legates). Pontifices 43-?: P. Vnwrrnrus B,r.ssus(*2) Cos. Suff. 43, Pr. 43 Not' mentioned after his triumph in 38. See 43, Pontifices. Quindecimviri Sacris Faciundis Ca. 37 B. C.-f4 A. D.: Inp. Clnsln Drvr f. Pat. (Iulius f 32) Cos. Suff. 43, Cos. 33, 3l-23, 5,2 The tripod, the symbol of this priesthood, appears on coins of this year (Grueber, CRRBM 2.415; cf. 2.56, in 16 B. C., coins with synrbols of the four major collegesof priests; Ru Gest. D. Aug. 71,
3 6B . C .
36 B.C.
A.U.C. 7r8
Consuls L. Gnr,r,rusL. f. L. n. Punr,rcor,l (18) M. Coocrrus - f. - n. Nnnve (13) CIL 11.6673,19; Xast. Cap., Degrassi 58f. (L. Gfelliu]s L. f. L. n. 135, 506f.; Iast. Mag. Vi,c.,ibid. 282, 288; Fast. Bionil", i'bi'il. [-]), Dio 49, fndex, and Ll, and 24.1; Chr. 354; 291f. (t-l Cocceiu[s-]); Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Paso.; Cassiod'; and on Cocceius,.I-tB 3780; S-OG 4.604, Consul Designate; seePIRL 2.290, no.1224; De Laet no' 120. Consules Suffecti L. Nonrus L. f. T. ? n. Aspnnras (14) Pt. ca. 47 _ Mencrus _ f. _ n. _ (not in J?,8) 135f., 508f.; Iast. ([-] t. t-l), 68f. Degrassi Cap., Xast. Mag. Vi,c.,ibid.282,2s8 (L. Nonius; Marcius); Xast. Bionil'., i'biil'. 291f. ([L. No]ni[us]). On the filiation of Nonius, seeCichorius,-BS 170. Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae M. Anurr,rus M. f. Q. n. Lnnnus Pat. (73) Cos.46, 42,Pt.49 M. Anronrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 3t Iup. Cansen Drvr f. Pat. (Iulius 132) Cos. Suff. 43, Cos' 33, 3l-23' 5,2 Octavian's great task, in which Lepidus was to share, was the defeat of Sextus Pompey and the winning of Sicily. With Antony's ships on the one hand and Agrippa's new fleet on the other, and.a considerable urmy poised for the crossing of the Sicilian strait, he began serious operations about the first of July. Agrippa was victorious in the naval battle at Mylae and began to reduce the ports on the northern coast of Sicily, but the forces that crossed in the meantime with Octavian to Tauromenium were cut off by Pompey's navy and placed in a precarious situation until they fought their way under Cornificius toward Agrippa at Mylae. Octavian meantime with the eastern navy tnd the forces in Italy was isolated and placed in jeopardy on tho Italian side of the straits. After the relief of the forces already in Sicily Octavian managed to ferry the rest of his army to Sicily, and rrniting with Lepidus (seebelow) stood ready to attack Mossana.At l his point Sextus Pompey decided to stake all upon a naval battlo aü Nuulochus on September3, and when defeatedfled to the East with rufow followers, while his Lieutenants, his army, and tho remnants of frisfleet surrendered(App. BC 636-122; Dio 49.1-10;cf..LLS 8893;
Liv. P er. 129; Vell. 2.79; Plin. N H 7.178 ; Suet.Aug. 16; Flor. 2.I 8.7-9 ; Eutrop. 7.6; Oros.6.18.25-30; Zonar. 10.25; and on the date of Naulochus,Fast. Amit., CIL 12.1,p. 244, and 328 with the Consulsof 39, and Fast. Ara., i,bid. 2I4). Meantime Lepidus, who came from Africa in fulfillment of his part of the plan of attack (App. BC 5.97-98; Dio 49.1.1),captured the southern and western parts of the island, and at Messanaaccepted the surrender of the town over Agrippa's objections in Octavian's absence, and added Pompey's forces to his own. Octavian won his army from him, expelled him from membership in the Triumvirate (without waiting to consult Antony), and from his provincial command, but left him his life and his priesthood (App. BC 5.117, and 122-126, and 134; Dio 49.8, and ll-12;50.1.3, and 20.3; cf. Liv. Per. 129; Fer. Cum.,,LLBr08; Vell. 2.80; Saef.Aug.16.4; Plut. Ant.55.l;Tac. Ann. 1.2; Oros. 6.18.30-32;Zonar. 10.25). Octavian had then to calm a mutiny among the veterans with distributions of rewards and with promises (Vell. 2.81; App. BC 5.I27-I29; Dio 49.13-15; Oros.6.18.33;on the settlementat Capua, seeCIL 10.3938-/r/S 6317; Strabo 10.4.9;YelI.2.8T.2;Dio 49.f4.5). IIe received high honors upon his return to Rome, including an oaat'io and the personal sacrosanctity of a Tribune of the Plebs (App. BC 5.130-132; Dio 49.15;cf. on the ouat'io,Act. Tr., Degrassi86f., 569; Fast. Barb., ibid.342f.; Res Gest.D.AuS.4; Suet. Aug.22; Oros. 6.18.34;Jerome Chr. ad ann. 33, p. 162Heim). He now gave attention to the problem of restoring order in Italy (App. BC 5.132; cf. CIL 12.2.1860-ILB 2488 ; Sret . Aug. 32.I ; seePromagistrates,on Calvisius). Meantime Antony proceeded with his long-planned invasion of Parthia. Though he lost his siege train on the way he penetrated through Armenia to Phraaspa and besieged the town, but was compelled to raise the siege by the approach of winter, and suffered great losses on the retreat from both the Parthians and the wintry conditions (PIat. Ant.37-51; Dio 49.2L-32; cf. Liv. Per. I30; Strabo 11.13.4,and I4.9; Vell. 2.82.f-3; X'rontin. Str. 2.3.15; X'lor. 2.20; fustin 42.5.3;Eutrop. 7.6; Auct. Vi,r. 111.85.4;Oros. 6.19.1; Zonar. f0.26). This year saw also'the completion of much of Antony's reorganization of the client kingdoms and lesserprincipalities of Syria and Asia Minor (for the texts, see on Asia Minor, Broughton, EBAR 4.588-590; and a full discussion in Magie, ßoman Rul,ein As,i,aMi,nor I.432-437, and notes, 2.1282-1288,notes l5-3f; on Syria, Craven, Antony's Ori,entalPoli,cy 30ff., 34; CAH 10.69f.,and p. 910). At ths end of the year Envoys from Sextus Pompey reached him in Alexandria (App. BC 5.134;Dio 49.18).
30l].c. Aediles
No Aediles were elected in 36 because of lack of candidates. Tho rluties were performed by the Praetors and Tribunes of the Plebs (Dio 49.16.2). Quaestors M. Trrrus (I8) Cos. Suff. 3l (PIut. Served unäer Mark Antony in the expedition against Parthia Ant. 42.3). Promagistrates f,. - 'No Cel,punNrus BTBULIIs (27) Pr. Desig' titte preserved. His name appears with the inscription Pr. Desig. to on the coiiage of the commanders of the fleet that antony sent 2'5lo-514; CRRBM (Grueber, Pompey Octavian's aiä. against Sextus for his see M. Grant, From Imperi,um ti Auctoritas 4gf', 52f"'; and Capito)' M. Oppius on probable title, see below C. Cer,rrsrus Seerxus (13) Cos. 39, Pr' 46 ? At the conclusion of the war with sextus Pompey octavian placed trim in charge of the task of restoring public order in Italy (app. ,BC 5.tg2, no titfe preserved).Cf . CIL 12.2.1860*.ILS 2468,Sabinus,with the title Praefectus. See P-I-822.83, no. 352; De Laet no' 87' (2) Cos. Suff. 40 -P. Canrorus Cussus tn itre spring of 36 he campaigned in Iberia and preserved.. No title Albania (Dio a9.2a.l; cf. Stra-bof r'3.5), then joined Antol-y and took p.rt i" tle parthian expedition (plut. Ant. 42.4, an incident in the ietreat). He remained iir command on the eastern frontier and in Armenia (Plut. Ant. 56.L,in 32). C. CennrNes (2) Cos. Suff. 43, Pt. 46 No title preserved. Stationed by Octavian at Stytis in command of three legiois during the campaign against Sextus Pompey (App' BC 5.112).SeeP,Il?22.105,no. 447; De La'et no' 94' ? Ap. Cr,luoros Pur,cnnn Pat. (298) Cos' 38 No title preserved. commanded a considerablenumber of ships, the group whiJh formed the rear-guard of Octavian's fleet as it advanced irorri Pot"oli in July 1App. BC 5.98), and suffered some losses in a storm. See P1-Bz2.237,no. 982. CN. DorvrrrrusAHENoBARBUS(23) Cos. 32 Governor of Bithynia and Pontus (see 35, Promagistrates). Took 20 tsrougbton II
part in Antony's Parthian expedition, and made the speech to the soldiers when ühey began the retreat (Phfi. Ant. 40.5). Cn. Dourrrus Cer,vrxus (43) Cos. 53, 40, Pr. 56 Celebrated a triumph er Hi,spania as Proconsul on July l5 (Act. ?r., Degrassi 86f., 569; Xast. Barb., ibid. 3421.; Dio 48.42.4-5; cf.. Grueber, CnnBM 2.379). He applied the booty to the building of the Regia (Dio 48.42.4-6; and cf. on a monument d,emanubü,son tho Palatine,CIL 6.1301-ILS 42, cL.3f592).SeeP/,82 3.42,no.I39; Do Laet no. 164. C. Funxrus (3) Cos.Desig. 29,Pr.42? Governor of Asia (no title preserved) in 36 and 35, when Sextus Pompey cameto the East (App. BC 5.137;Dio 49.17.5;see 35, Promagistrates).SeeP,LB23.232,no. 590; De Laet no. 183. ? M. Lrcnqlus Cru.ssus (58) Cos. 30 See 37, Promagistrates. C. Nonnarvus X'r,ecous (9a, 17.1.f270) Cos. 38, P:r. 431 Proconsul in Spain (Act. Tr. for 34, Degrassi 86f., 569; cf. Joseph. AJ lS.l23), in successionto Domitius Calvinus. See PI-B 2.415, no. 135; Ganter 16; De Laet no. 264. M. Oprrus Cerrro (24) Termed Pro Pr(aetore) Praef(ectus) Class(is) on coins which he issued while in command of a portion of the fleet that Antony sent to aid Octavian against SextusPompey (Grueber,CRHBM 2.517-52O; Bahrfeld, NZ 37 [1905] 23-25; Grant, From Imperium to Auntori,tas43, and 52). Snx. Pournrus Meowus Prus (*18) Cos.Desig. 33 He lost Sicily, his army, and his fleet to Octavian, and fled for refuge to Mitylene (App. 3C 5.133-136; Dio 49.17;Plin..l/f/9.55; seeabove, Triumviri R,. P. C., on Octavian; below, on Agrippa). See D.-G. 4.578-587. L. Snupnonrus Arru.rrNus (26) Cos. 34, Pr. Suff. 40 ? His name, with the titles Augur, Cos. Des,i,g.,appears on the coins he issued when in command of a portion of the fleet that Antony sent to aid Octavian (Grueber, CnnBM 2.5I5f..; see above, on M. Oppius Capito; Grant, op. ci,t.43,392). C. Sosrus (2) Cos. 32 Proconsul in Syria until this year (see 37, Promagistrates, and cf. 34). Grant (From Imperium to Auctori,tas 392) suggeststhat he is the Sosiuswho is named on a coin of Acragas, and may have held a position
[gainst sextus Pompey similar to that of oppius capito and sompronius Atratinus (seeabove). 'l'. Starr,tus TauRUs (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos' 26 In the war against Sextus Pompey he held general command of the fleet which was-based on Tarentum. He suffered less than other command.ersin the storm, since he had shelter at Tarentum, but after tho landing at Tauromenium lost heavily when Pompey's fleet returnod pa,ssi'm;cf' Dio 49'5; Oros' 6'18'27from 1üyhe (App. BC 5.98-lll, he was sent to capture Pomcampaign the of stages 28). In ähe tater 5.1l8), and after the demotion BC (epp. island or;the bases p"y'* sopply the island (Oros. 6.18.32, of subjugation the completed ät"f,"piä". Caesali,spra,efeciusl,and was ihön appointed Proconsul of t'he two l; A.frican piooin""* (App. BC 5.129; Dio 49.14.6; cf. Tertull. Pall,. From cf' Grant' 569; and on üi, titl", Act.'for. for 34, Degrassi 86f', Imperi,um to Au,ctori,tas52f., on coins issuedat the naval baseat Lipara). See P.Il? 3.263,no. 615; De Laet' no. 358' M. Var,nnrus Mrssalr,a convnqus Pat. (*95) cos. suff. 31, Pr. Suff. 40 ? No title preserved. Commander of the fleet in Agrippa's absenco (App.BCs.roz;.I{ebroughüthreelegionstoTaurus'fleetfromVibo i" i,'""pr"rtion for the crosisingto Sicily (App' BC 5'103,a'nd, r05)' IIe ,eÄaiied in Italy and gavJ Octavian uhelte" after the defeat off Tauromenium (A-pp. AC s.rcS-113). See P'f'B 3'363, no' 90; De Laet no. 395. M. VrpseNrus AcRTPPA (*3) Cos. 37, 28,27, Pr' 40 octavian,s chief admiral and commander in the war against sextus opengd the way to occupation Pompey. His naval victory at Mylae -Sicily, and his victory at Naulochus of clast northern the of po'ir,i* on surrender of Messana (App' the at present was he and wai d.ecisive, cf. Liv. Per. r29;YelI' 2394-5; Suet' BC 5.56-ri,z;Dio 49.I-jl; Aug. 16.2; X'lor. 2.18.7-9; Auct. Vi,r. Itt. 84'4; Eutrop' 7'6; Oros' o.{A.ZS-ZS; Zonar. 10.2L-25; Serv. on Aen. 6'612, and 8'684; Serv' Dan. on Aen. 8.682). He was rewarded' with the special honor of a naval crown (Dio +ö.t+.3; cf. Liv. Per.l29;Yetg' Aen'- 8'683f"and Serv.a.dloc.; bvid Ars Amat.3.392; Vell. 2.81'3; Senec'Bengf'3'32'4; Plin. .l[I/ IO.Z-S; Saet.Aug.25.3; Gell. 5.6'18; seeR'einhold,Mararc Agri,ppa 42-44), and perhaps received his Sicilian estates about this tiäe lgorace Epp.l.12.l, and,Schotia).SeeR'einhold',Marcus Agri'ppa 37-44.
3 6B . C .
Tribunes of the Soldiers tr.r..lvrus Glr,r,us (94) An-officer (äg' flyeg,ov(.uq reruyp.6vo6)under Antony who fell in an ill-judged resistanceto Parthians during the retreat (plut. AnL 42-'4g\. Orrr,r,rus (Ofellius 2) A Tribune in Octavian's army who during the mutiny (see above, on octavian) derided military decorations and d.emanded tangible rewards, and soon afterwards disappeared (App. JgC 5.12g; cf. Dio 49.r3). Legates, Envoys L. Calpunxrus Brnur,us (22) Pr. Desig. , An Envoy from Antony to Octavian at the end of 86 or early in 85 (App. AC 4.38;5.132; cf.Horace, Bat. 1.10.86).Seeabove,promagistrates. Legates, Lieutenants P. ? Clnrsrus (l) No title preserved. octavian gave him command of the left wing of the fleet at Tauromenium (App. BC E.ttt). See P/.82 2.99, no. i2Z; De Laet no. 93. C. Cannnvas (2) Cos. Suff. 48,Pr.46 _ No title preserved. stationed at stylis in command of three legions {u1ing the campaign against Sextus Pompey (App. AC S.tt2). See PIn2 2..105,no. 447; De Laet no. 94. L. Conrvrrrcrus (5) Cos. 35 Legate under octavian (Yelr.2.7g.a) in command of the three legions which landed at Tauromenium and were cut off. He saved theä bv means of a hazardous march to Agrippa near Mylae (App. BC b.f f f: I 15; Dio 49.5-7; cf . Vell. 2.79.4).SeeP1-822.979,no. l50B; De Laet no. 151. Q. Lanolrrus (2) Cos. Suff. 83 Sent by Agrippa in command of three legions to aid in the relief of Cornificius and his forces (App. BC 5.tt2, and lt5; cf. Dio 49.7.6; see above, on Cornificius). No title preserved. Cf. CIL I0.804t, tB, Imp. 'iterum. Oprrus Srerraxus (34) Legate under Antony (Yell. 2.82.2-8),who followed the main forco bringing supplies and a siege train, but his forces and machines wero
destroyedby the Parthians (Yell. 2.82.2; Plut. Anü. 38; Dio 49-26.226.1,and 44.2; Zonar. f 0.26). L. Pr,rnrus R,urus (*5.1744\ Pr. Desig. Legatus pro praetore (ILS 8891). Held command for Pompey of western Sicily against Lepidus (App. BC 5.97-98). Summoned to Messanaafter Naulochus, and surrendered when Pompey fled to the East (App. BC 5.122). (Pournrus?) Aror,r,orEANEs (Apollophanesl0) Commanded a division of Sextus Pompey's fleet at Naulochus (App. BC 5.105-106) and surrendered after the battle. (Ponrnrus) Dnrrocmnns (Pl.rras) (7) An officer (no title preserved) under Sextus Pompey, who held command at Mylae against Agrippa (App. BC 5.104t-I07; Dio 49.2-7), against Lepidus in western Sicily (App. 5.105-106; Dio 49.8.2),and committed suicide after Naulochus (Dio 49.10.4). (CN.Ponmuus) MENoDoRUS (l) See 38, and 37, Legates. He did some damage to Octavian's fleet as it advanced from Cumae (Dio 49.1.3), and again deserted from Pompey to Octavian, but received no position of trust (App. BC 5.100-102; Dio 49.r.3-4). Trsrnnus Ger, (t) An officer (ocpu'cqy6q,App. BC 5.104) in command of land forces under Sextus Pompey, who fought against Lepidus (App. BC 5.104; Dio 49.8), then came to Messana(App. -BC 5.117; Dio 49.8; Zonar. 10.25),and surrenderedafter Naulochus (App. BC 5.121; Dio 49.1Oll; Zonar. f 0.25). Trrrr.rrus (4) No title preserved. Commanded the right wing of Octavian's fleet off Tauromenium (App. ßC 5.f f f). Prefects T. M.s.nrusSroulus (30) ca. 36? (Cru 11.6058;cf. Groag, Kli'o 14 Prefect of the pri,nc'i,pes, p9141 5l-57; PInz 2.338,no. 1389). M. Mrxorus M. f. Ml.ncnr,r,us (5) PraefectusClassisin Octavian's fleet (SEG 4.102;/tS 1924,6f lff.)' the officer whom Menodorus approached when preparing to redesort to Octavian (App. AC 5.IO2). Besides Oppius Capito and Statilius Taurus (see above, Promagis-
96 B.c._86B.c.
trates), Grant (Erom Imper,i,um to Auctoritas 52-54) finds the nameg of othor officers in the following inscriptions on coins issued in 87 and 36 at the naval base at Lipara: Snx. Anw., p. Comvnr,r.,L. ANNr., L. C1n(crNl ?),Tnnno[Nr.], D. pon.(?), Sacnn., p. Ar:, p. Cer,p., $., M-. Aun'r. scanva. Their position and identity remain orr"""tuirr. Augurs M. var,onrus Mnsser,r,e conwr.rus pat. (*g5) cos. suff. Br, pr. Suff. 40 ? pompey Messalla became a After the victory oyel super-sextys p1,E numerary Augur (Dio 49.16.r). g.g68,no. g0; De Laet no. 395. see 35 B.C.
A.U.C. 7t9
Consuls Snx. Poupnrus Snx. f. Snx. ? n. (*20) L. Connrnorus L. f. (5) -_PCH 54 (1930) 490f.; names supplied in BC ite Aphrd,isiens,ibu,s (Viereck, SermoGraec.p. VfI, and addenclato no. 19, p. 40)it; t. Mag. Vic.,Degrussi283, 288_;i,bid,.lA6,508f.; Dio,49, In'däx,rrrJ tS.O,rrra 33.1; Chr. 354; Fast. Chr. paßc.; Cassiod.;and on Cornificius, -nrIB1933, 331, no. !Ud.;on pompeius, see D._i. 4.g24, no. lg; on !21; Cornificius, PIRz 2.379,no. l50B;-DeLaet,no. l5t. Consules Suffecti P. Conrvnr,rusP. ? f. n. Scrrro ? pat. (not in _BZ) T. Pnnucluus - f. - n. (B?, 7a; Supb. 7.384) ._I_ast. Mag. Vi,c., Degrassi 2gg, -2g8 (p. Cärnelius, T. peducaeus); ibid.136,508f. On Cornelius,seepIRz,no. r43i; 342f.,no. 1896. Triumviri Rei publicae Constituendae M. Atvroxrus M. f. M. n. (80) Cos.44, 84, Cos.Desig. Bl Antony's commanders in Asia Minor captured Sexäu pompey and put him to death perhaps, though not certaiinly, "t a"to"y* "iro-*ra accepted asmail body of reiniärcement.i"oognt hi* {::",.,Tlyl:He by uctavia but sent her back from Athens to Rome (prut. Ant.Zz_-s+; Dio 49.33.3-4;Zonar. 10.26;cf. App. BC 5.188),while he went on with preparations for another invasion äf Armenia and parthia, ihis timo aided by the desertion of Artavasdes of Media to his side (iii. i er. tzt ;
l'fub. Ant.52; App. BC 5.145;Dio 49.33,and 44; cf. Oros.6.19.3). Mcantime his supposed victories of the previous year had received formal honorsin Rome (Dio 49.1S.&-7,and 32.L-2). Seebelow, Envoys, on Dellius. lnp. Clrsen Drvr f. Pat. (Iulius f 32) Cos.Suff. 43, Cos.33, 3l-23, 5.2 Octavian first returned to Sicily with the apparent intention of going to A-frica (Dio 49.34.f ), then returned to the north, appointed Antistius to a Gallic command against the Salassi (seebelow, Promagistrates), and began his first Illyrian expedition. He was successfulin clearing the upper Adriatic by sea and subdued the fapudes and other tribes, capturing the towns of Metulum and Siscia, where he left a ganison of two legionsfor the winter (App. Ill,yr. 12-24; Dio 49.34-38; cf. .Bee Gest.D. Aug. 29 ; Liv. Per. l3r ; Phn. N H 7.148; Suet. Aug. 20.I ; App. BC 5.L45;X'lor.2.23-24; Zonar. f 0.26). Promagistrates C. ANrrsrrus Vnrus (47) Cos. Suff. 30 No title preserved. As a commander Octavian he warred with the Saiassiin 35 and 3a (App. Il,lyr. L7, based on Augustus' Memoirs; cf . Strabo 4.6.7; Dio 49.38.3).Perhaps,as Ga,nterholds (12, 69-71), he was governor of Transalpine Gaul since he attacked them by way of the passes(App.). SeeP.I-821.146,no. 770; De Laet no. 31. C. Car,vrsrusSaBTNUS(13) Cos.39, Pr.46? It is probable that he continued this year with his task of restoring public order in Italy (see36, Promagistrates; PInz 2.83, no. 352; De Laet no. 87). P. Caxrorus CRAssns (2) Cos. Suff. 40 Probably remained in command of an army under Antony on the easternfrontier (cf. Plut. AnL 56.I, in 32 B. C.). ? C. Coccrrus BEr,nus (3, Supb. 7.90,no. 3) Cos. Suff. 39 Promagistrate or Legate in Greece under Antony, probably after Marcius Censorinus (see41, and 40, Promagistrates) and before funius Silanus (see 34, Promagistrates). He was honored at Athens as Imperator (IGz 2-3.4II0). SeeDegrassi287. CN. Dourrrus ArrnlvonAnBus (23) Cos.32 See 40-36, Promagistrates. IIe was back in Bithynia from Armenia when Sextus Pompey plotted to seize his person and province, and X'urniusin Asia called upon him for aid (App. BC 5.137).
3 5B . C .
Furrrre GnMnvus (t3) Augustus left him in command at siscia in pannonia where he crushed a winter uprising (Dio 49.38.1-8; cf. App. Iltgr. 24; see 84, Promagistrates).SeePIRz 9.206,no. 509. C. FunNrus (3) Cos.Desig.2b,Pr.42? Governor of Asia under Antony (note the titre Legatus in Liv. per. l3l). rre organizedforces to oppäse sextus pompey:s invasion of his province until ritius came at Antony's command, and refused pompey's offer to surrender to him personally (App. BC b.lBT-I42; Dio 49.17-18; Oros.6.19.2, Anton'ianisdu,cibus). Seep-Il?29.282"no. 590: De Laet no. 183.
t,odeath at,Miletus (App. BC 5.133-r45; Dio 49.r7-18; cf. Liv. Per. f 3l; Strabo 3.2.2,the death placed at Miletus; Vell. 2.79.5-6; Senec.,Pol,yb.l5.1; Eutrop. 7.6; Oros.6.19.2).SeeD.-G. 4.587-590.
? Hrnno (19) Named with Agrippa (seebelow) as one of octavian's commanders in tlre rllyrian war (App. Illyr.20, without title), so strange a name in such a connection that Nero has been suggested (-BZ), since Ti. ClaudiusNero suryived until BB(Suet. Tib.6). ? M. LrorNrus CnLssns (58) Cos. 30 see 37, Promagistrates. Grant (From rmperium to Auctori,tas 56) suggests that he became governor of Bithynia; but see above, on Domitius Ahenobarbus.
M. Trrrus (18) Cos.Suff. 3l Proconsul, Praefectus Classis,Consul Designatus (CIL 3.7160-ILS 891; cf. the title Legatus in Liv. Per. l3l). Sent by Antony as superior officer to Asia in command of a fleet to conduct Sextus Pompey 6o him. When Pompey surrendered he was placed in the custody of Titius who put him to death at Miletus, probably but not certainly at Antony's command (App. BC 5.13L-145; Dio 49.17-18; cf. Liv. Per. l3l; Strabo 3.2.2;YelI. 2.79.5-6;,Polyb. 15.l; Eutrop. 7.6; Auct. Vi,r. Il,l,. 84.4; Oros. 6.19.2; Zonar. 10.25; see above, on Sextus Pompey). He may have become Proconsul of Asia in successionto Furnius (seeCIL 3.7I6O-ILS 891,from Mitylene; and IGRP 4.1716B-AG1.383,from Samos).SeePIn 3328, no. 196; De Laet no. 379.
L. Lor,r,rus (Par,rcenus ?) (20) Named on coins of crete and cyrenaica, and may possibly be dated ca. 35-34 (Grant, From Imperium to Auctoritas brt-5g; see Robinson, B.M.Cat., Cgrermicacciii f., ccvii, ll4ff.). L. Mencrus Pmr,rppus (77) Cos. Suff. 88 Sent to Spain as Proconsul (Xast. Barb. for 38, Degrassi g42f., 569), probably before the end of 35, certainly by early in 84. L. MuxLrrus Pr,eNcus (90) Cos.42,pr.48? No title preserved. Governor of syria under Antony (note the title Legatus in Liv. Per. r}r), who was blamed for giving the order in Antony's name for the death of Sextus Pompey (App. BC 5.144; cf. Yell. 2.83.2, for the suggestion that he was guilty öf extortion). see PIR 2.390,no. 534; De Laet no. 251. C. Nonnenus X'r,eccus (ga, 17.1.1270) Cos.Bg, pr. 48? Proconsul in Spain (seeBO,and 84, Promagistrates). Snx. Poupnrus Mlcros Prus (*18) Cos.Desig. 83 _ Moving from Mityiene, he attempted to seize portions of Asia and Bithynia, but failing in this as well as his attempt to escapeto parthia, he surrendered at Midaeum of Phrygia to Marcus Titiusfwho put him
C. Sosrus (2) Cos.32 Proconsul in Syria (see34, Promagistrates), perhaps already replaced by Munatius Plancus (seeabove). See P-I-B 3.253, no. 556; De Laet no. 355. T. Srerrr,rus T.runus (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos. 26 Proconsul in Africa (Act. ?r. for 34, Degrassi 86f., 569). See P-I.B 3.263,no. 615; De Laet no. 358.
M. Vrpsaxrus Acnrppl. (*3) Cos. 37, 28,27, Pr. 40 No title preserved. Described by Appian as one of the leaders ('fyepr,6v
3 6B . C . - 3 4B . C .
Legates or Prefects Cunrus (3) A member of the staff of Domitius Ahenobarbus in Bithynia, who conspired with Sextus Pompey but was dissovered and put, to death (App. BC 5.137,without tiüle). (Pomrnrus ?) Mnnooonus (Menodorusl) Served under Octavian in the Illyrian campaign, and met his death near Siscia in a naval battle on the Sava (Dio 49.37.6,without title).
34 B.C.
A.U.C. 720
Consuls M. ArvrorvrusM. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, Cos.Desig. 3l Iast. Mag. Vic.,Degrassi282f.,288,cf. 136,508f.;Dio,49, fndex. According to Dio (49.39.1)he resigned the first day and was succeeded by L. SemproniusAtratinus (seebelow). Cf. Grueber, CRkBM 2.525, Cos.'iter.Desi,gn.tert. L. ScnrnoNrusL. f . - n. Lrno (20) CIL 8.22640,2;15.4606; Iast. Ven.,Degrassi250f.,254f.; Iast. Mag. Vi,c.,i,bid.283, 288, cf. 136,508f.; Dio 49, fndex; Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd,.; Chr. Pasc.;Cassiod.SeeP1-B 3.184,no. 210; De Laet no. 326. Consules Suffecti L. Snurnouus L. f. L. n. Arnerrxus (26) Pr. Suff. 40 ? Held office from Antony's abdication on January I until July I (Xast. Ven., Degrassi 250f., 254f.). SeeCIL 8.22640,2; 15.4606;Xast. Mag. Vic., Degrassi283, 288, cf . 136,508f. ; Dio 49.39.f ; Chr.354; Iast. Hyil,. (Antonino), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;cf. Grueber, CRRBM 2.515f.: Cos.Desi,g.Termed Consul in all sourcesexcept Xast. Mag. Vi,c. and Dio. Paur,r,us Anurr,rus L. f. M. n. Lnprnus Pat. (82) Held office from July L (Iast. Ven.,Degrassi 251, 254f..;Fast. Mag. Vi,c.,i,biil.283, 288, cf. 136, 508f.). fn office he dedicated the Basilica Aemilia begun by his father (Dio 49.42.2).SeeP1J?21.62,no. 373; De Laet no. 17. C. Mnuurus C. f. L. n. (10) Held office from July I (Fast. Ven.,Degrassi 251, 254f.; Fast. Mag. Vic.,ibiil.283,288,cf . 136,508f.).
4l I
M. HnnnrNrus (M. ? f. T. ? n. Prcnns ?) (13) HeId office from Novembet L (Xast. Ven.,Degrassi 261, 254f..;Faet. Pinc., i,bäL.277f.; Fast. Mag. Vi,c.,ibi'd. 283,288,cf . 136,508f.). On hig filiation and cognomen, see Degrassi 251; Cunt'2,JOEAI 25 (1929) 72. Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae M. Altroxrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. 31 Antony occupied Armenia with the aid of his new ally the king of the Medes, and brougnt the king of Armenia captive to Alexandria (Dio 49.3$-40; cf. Liv. Per. l3l; Vell. 2.82.3; Joseph. AJ l5.lD4; BJ f .363; PIat. Ant. 50.2-4; Tac. Ann. 2.3; Oros. 6.f9'3; cf' Grueber, CRRBM 2.521-529). Upon his return he celebrated a triumph at Alexandria, and in the famous Alexandrian donations made assignments of future kingdoms to cleopatra and their children (Plttt. Ant. 54.3-6; Dio 49.40-41; cf. CIL 3.7232; Grueber, CHRBM 2'526; Joseph. AJ 15.88-107;BJ f .359-363). On his summons to Herod to ar,.d"" for the d.eathof the young High Priest Aristobulus, seeJoseph. AJ 15.62-67 and74-79, sPring 34. Irrp. CLnsen Drvr f . Pat. (Iulius f 32) Cos.Suff . 43, Cos.33, 3l-23, 5r2 Octavian first planned a trip to GauI (Dio 49.38.2), but made a second campaign in Ilty'ricum, this time in Dalmatia, moving southward to Promona, synodium, and setovia, which was still under siege at the end of the year (App. Il,t'gr.2+-27; Dio 49.38'4;'cf 'Liv' Per' I32; Strabo 4.6.10; 7.5.2 and'4; Vetl. 2.78.2; S:uet.Aug' 20'l; X'lor' 2.24.12; Oros. 6.19.3). See Swoboda, Octaai,rtsund' Il,l,yri'cum47-81; T. Rice llolmes, Archi,tectof the Roman Empi're f .l3f-135' " Pfomagisffates C. Alvrrsrrus Vnrus (47) Cos. Suff. 30 Perhaps governor of Gaul. His campaigns against the salassi continued tlrough this year (App. Ill,yr.17; cf. Dio 49'38.3,who erroneously names Messalla; see 35, Promagistrates). See PIRZ L'146, no' 770; De Laet no. 31. Asrxrus (Mmnucrnus ?) (2) M. Grant (Erorn Imperiumto Auctori'tas 394) and Groag (PInz l'246, lines 27-30, on 1229) suggest that the Proconsul named on a coin of Ad.ramyttium of Asia (not Atarneus; cf. B.M.Cat., Mysi'a l0t) was Asinius Marrucinus, and Grant suggeststhis date. ? L. Car,runNrus BrBUr,us (27) Governor of Syria from ca. 34-33 until his death in 33-32 (App' BC
4.38, wiühout title; seePIRz 2.49, no. 253; Grant, Irom Imperium to Autorilns 63). P. C.lnrnrus Cnessus (2) Cos. Suff. 40 He remained in command of Antony's army on the eastern frontier (see37-35, and 33, Promagistrates). Ar. Cr,eunrus Pur,cnnn Pat. (298) Cos. 88 SucceededL. Marcius Philippus in Spain, almost certainly as Proconsul (see33, Promagistrates).SeePIRz 2.237,no. 982. L. Conrurrrcrus (5) Cos. 35 SucceededT. Statilius Taurus in Africa, almost certainly as Proconsul (see 33, Promagistrates). See PIRI 2.373, no. 1503; De Laet no. l5l. Cn. Domrrrus AnnnotaRBUS (23) Cos. 82 He perhaps remained governor of Bithynia until his consulship (see 40*35, Promagistrates,and 32, Consuls). X'urrus GnrvrrNus (13) No title preserved. Held command through the winter at Siscia where he crushed a rising (see 35, Promagistrates). See PIRI 3.206, no. 509. M. funrus Srr,exus (172,cf.l7l) Cos.25 Termed Q(nestor) pro co(n)s(ule) on coins which were probably minted in Greece (Grueber, CnnBM 2.522). fn an Athenian decree (IGz 2-3.4114) he is termed &vrrnup|aq(Proquaestor) and honored by Boeotians, Euboeans, Locrians, Phocians, and Dorians. See Groag, Röm. Reichsbeamten aon Achaia 8ff.: P1-R 2.246. no. 549: De Laet no. 203. ? L. Lor,r,rus,roancus (20) Governor in Crete and Cyrene (see35, Promagistrates). L. Mancrus Pmr,rppus (77\ Cos. Suff. 38 Governor of Spain, almost certainly as Proconsul, in successionto Norbanus X'laccus (see below, and cf. 35, Promagistrates) and before Claudius Pulcher. C. Nonsaxus X'r,aoous (9a, 17.1.1290) Cos.38, Pr. 43 ? Proconsul in Spain, who celebrated a triumph er Hispania on October 12 (Act. Tr., Degrassi 86f., 569; Fast. Barb., ibid. 342f..; cf.. Joseph.AJ 19.123).SeeP,I.E 2.4t5, no. 135; De Laet no.264. C. Sosrus (2) Cos.32 Oelebrated as Proconsul a triumph er lud,aea on September 3 (Act. Tr., l)cgrassi 86f., 569;Iast. Barb., i,bid.342f..;CIL 9.4855-ILS 534).
3 4t ] . C . - 3 3 I 1 . C .
He used the booty to restore the temple of Apollo near the theaüer of Marcellus (Plin. ff/1 13.53; 36.28; see Colini, Bull. Com.68 [1940] 9-40). SeeP,Il? 3.253,no. 556; De Laet no. 355. T. Srarr,rus Teunus (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos.26 Celebrated on June 30 as Proconsul a triumph eu Afrim' (Act. Tr., Degrassi86f.,569; Xast. Barb.,ibid.342L.;cf. Vell. 2.127.5;Suet.-ltero 35.1). He used his booty to build an amphitheater (Suet. Au'7.29.6; Tac. Ann.3.72;Dio 51.23.r).At the end of the year Octavianleft him in command of the siegeof Setovia in Dalmatia (App. Il,l,yr. 27; Dio 49.38.4).SeeP1,B 3.263,no. 615; De Laet no. 358. M. Vrrsexrus AenrrpL (*3) Cos. 37, 28,27, Pr. 40 No title preserved. Agrippa took an active part with Octavian in the Dalmatian campaign, which he began before the latter anived (Dio 49.38.4). Legates, Envoys Q. Dnr,r,rus (l) Sent by Antony to carry on negotiations with the king of Armenia before his Armenian campaign (Dio 49.39.2-3,on two missions). Legates, Lieutenants M. Hnr,vrus (5) No title preserved. Octavian sent him to subdue the rebellion of the Poseniin Illyricum (App. Il,lyr.2I). Augurs M. fuxrus Srr,eNus (172,cf.l7I) Cos.25 See above, Promagistrates. The coins which bear the inscription Q(uaestor)pro co(n)s(ule)carry also the inscription Aug(ur) (Gruebor, CR&BM 2.522). The date of his election remains unknown. See PI-B 2..246, no. 549; De Laet no. 203. 33 B.C.
A.U.C. 721
Consuls Irrp. CansenDrvr f . Pat. (Iulius 132) Cos.Suff. 43, Cos.3l-23, 6,2 Fast. Ven., Degrassi 25I, 254f.; Fast. Mag. Vi,c.,i,bdd.283,288; cf. i,bid. 136, 508f.; X'rontin. Aq. 1.9; App. Il,lyr. 27 ; Dio 49, Index; Chr. 354; Fast. HUd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.;cf.CIL 5.525,and p. lO22,Imp.
Caesar Cos. Des. Tert. He held office for a few hours only before he abdicated(Suet.Aug.26.3; App.Illyr.28; Dio 49.43.6). L. Vor,cerrus L. f. - n. Tur,r,us (*7) Iast. Ven., Degrassi 251, 254f..;Iast. Mag. Vic., dbid. 283,288, cf. ibid. 136,508f.; X'rontin. Aq. 1.9; App. Illyr.27;Dio 49, fndex, and 43.6; Chr. 354; Cassiod..;Fast. Hgil. (Paulo); Chr. Pusc., Kr,x6pcovo6; CIL 8.22640,3; 15.4566.SeePIR 3.474,no.626;De Laet no. 480. Consules Suffecti L. Arrronrus P. f. L. n. Penrus (6) Entered office on January I in successionto Octavian (Iast. Ven., Degrassi 251, 254f..;Iast. Mag. Vi,c.,ibdd. 283, 288, cf . i,bid. 136,508f. ; cf..CIL 8.22640,3;15.4566;App.Ill,gr.28). SeePInz 1.342,no. 1680; De Laet no.62. L. Fr,avrus - f. - n. (18) C. X'orrnrus C. f. - n. Caprro (20) Entered office on May I (Xast. Ven.,Degrassi 251,254I.; Iast. Mag. Vi,c.,ibid,.283, 288; cf. ibid. 136, 508f.; and on Flavius, Dio 49.44, reading O).aoütovfor X).aorir,ov). See PInz 3.132,no. 188, on X'lavius, and 197,no. 469, on X'onteius. M. Acrr,rus M'. f. - n. Gr,asnro (16) Entered office on July l, and abdicated either September t or October | (Iast. Ven.,Degrassi 251, 254f.; Xast. Mag. Vic., i,bi,il.28B, 288; cf . i,bid.136,508f.).SeeP/.82 l.ll, no. 7l; De Laet no. 4. L. VrNrcrusM. f. - n. (*2) Entered office on September| (Fast. Ven.,Degrassi251, 254f..;Fast. Mag. Vi,c.,ibdd.,283,288,cf. i,bid. 136,508f.; CIL 9.1654-1.740; cf. RE 17.2.1429,no. 74). See PIR 3.435, no. 443; Von Premerstein, JOEAI23 (1933)147,note 15. Q. Lanonrus (2) Entered office on October l (Fast. Ven., Degrassi 251, 254f.; Xast. Mag. Vic., ibdd.283,288; cf. ibdd. 136,508f.; CIL 1.740-9.tEE4; 10.8041,18,Cos.,Imp. iter.; cf. RE 17.2.1429, no. 74). SeeP.I"R2.265, no. 67. Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae M. ANroxrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. Bl In a third expedition into Armenia Antony penetrated to the Araxes. He gave the Median king a portion of Armenia and betrothed his son Aloxonder to the daughter of the Mede, and received the standards
33 B.C.
which had been captured in 36 from Oppius Statianus (Dio 49'44.2-3; cf . Plut. Ant. 56.L). Relations with Octavian steadily deteriorated ae envoys went back and forth with charge and counter-charge (Dio 50.1.1-2.2; cf. Suet. Aug.63.2, and 69-70; Plut. Ant.55). Iup. Crnsln Drw f. Pat. (fulius 132) Cos.Suff. 43, Cos'33, 3l-23, 5,2 Octavian ended his campaigns in Illyricum with the fall of Setovia (App. Ittyr.28; Dio 49.43.8; ef. ILB 77), but postponedhis triumph until 29 (Liv. Per. 133; Suet.Aug. 22; App. Il'|,yr.28;Dio 51.25.2;and seeDegrassi 570). Ile used the booty to rebuild the portico and library of Octavius where he deposited the captured standards (-BesGut. D. Aug.19; App.Illgr.28; Dio 49.43.8).Seeabove,on Antony. Praetors L, Asnr,r,rus (not in RE) Seebelow, Praetor Suffectus. Praetor Suffectus Asnr,r,rus (not in -B,D) When the father laid down his office because of illness Octavian appointed the son in his place (Dio a9.a3.7). Aediles Aomppe (*3) Cos. 37, 28,27, Pr. 40 M. Vrps.o.Nrus Agrippa, as Aedile, probably as Curule Aedile, undertook a hugo program of repairs and of new building, aqueducts, including tho new Aqua Iulia, and repairs to the Aqua Marcia, drainage, improvement' of arrangements for g&mes, distributions, public baths, festivala and gifts, and undertook also the maintenance of his public works (Dio 49.43.I-4, cf. 42.3, probably erroneously dated in 34 in Dio; Strabo 5.3.S;PIin. -nrlf/36.r04and l2l, cf. I02; Stet. Aug.42.l; Frontin. Aq. 1.9-10and 98-99; and a mutilated inscription, LLS 128-CIL 6.312?0; seeReinhold, Marats Agri,ppa 47-52; Shipley, MAAR I [1931] 47f.). He also drove astrologersand quacks from the city (Dio 40.43.6; cf. Tac. Hi,st. 1.22).Dio (48.32.3)datesthe building of the Aqua Iulio in his praetorship (seeFrontin. Aq.I.9). Promagistrates ? L. Cer,punnrus BrBuLUs (27) See 34, and 32, Promagistrates.
3 3B . C .
P. Cerrnrus CRAssus (2) Cos. Suff. 40 See 37-34, Promagistrates. At the end of this year or t,arly in 32 Antony ordered him to bring his forces from Armenia tr Ephesus (Plut. Ant.56.I). Ar. Crauorus Pur,cnnn Pat. (298) Cos. 38 Proconsul in Spain (see 34, and 32, Promagistrates). See P/-82 2.237, no. 982. L. Connrn'rcrus (5) Cos. 35 Proconsulin Africa (see34, and 32, Promagistrates).SeePInz 2.373, no. 1503;De Laet no. l5l. M. Hnnnxxrus (Prcnrs ?) (13) Cos. Suff. 34 Possibly Proconsul in Asia (see Cuntz, JOEAI 25 LlS2gl72, wLLo believes that the inscription of Ephesus, GIBM 3.521-SIG1 784, refers to this man and not to his son [Cos. Suff. f A. D.], a view accepted by Grant, Irom Imperium to Auctoritas 395, and tentatively by Magie, Roman Rul,ei,n Asi,a Mi,nor 2.f 580). M.Iuxrus Srlerus (172) Cos.25 Termed Proquaestor (&vtrnup.iuq)in a decree found at Athens (-IGg 2-3.4114) in which he is honored by Boeotians, Euboeans, Locrians, Phocians, and Dorians. See 34, Promagistrates; Groag, Röm. Reichsbeamtenaon Ackniq, 8ff. He probably had charge of Macedonia also until Antony ca,mein 32. SeePIR 2.246,no. 549; De Laet no. 205. L. Mencrus Punrppus (77) Cos. Suff. 38, Pr. 44 Celebrated, probably as Proconsul, a triumph er Hispa,ni,aon April 27 (Fast. Barb., Dograssi 342f., 569; the number of the year is not given but was almost certainly 33 B. C.; see 32, Promagistrates, on Claudius Pulcher, and Cornificius). With the booty he restored the temple of llercules and the Muses (Suet. Aug. 29.5; cf. Ovid -Fosü. 6.801;Tac.4nn.3.72). SeePIR 2.338,no. 173. T. Srerrr,rus Taunus (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos. 26 See 34, Promagistrates. He completed the siege of Setovia in Dalmatia (App. Itrl,gr.28;cf. Dio 49.38.4).SeeP1J?3.263,no. 6tb; De Laet no. 358. Pontifices Ca. 46-33: Tr. Cr,euorus Nnno Pat. (254) Pr.42 See46, Pontifices.I{e died about 33 (Suet. Tdb.6.4).
3 2B . C .
4t7 32B.C.
Consuls CN. Domrrrus L. f. Crc.n. Annrvonennus (23) C. SosrusC. f. T. n. (2) Fast. Cupr., Degrassi 244f..;Fast. Ven., i,bdd.251, 254f..;Xast. Mag. Vic., i,bi,il.283,288; cf . i,bi,il.136,510f.; Nep. Atti,c.22.3; Saet.Aug. 17, with praenomen T. for Domitius; App. BC 5.73; Dio 49.41.4; 50, Index, and 2.2; Chr. 354; Fast. Hgd,., and,Chr. Pasc., both under 30 B. C.; Cassiod.; Zonar. 10.28; on Domitius, Suet. Nero 3; and on Sosius,ClL9.4855; Grueber, CRHBM 2.524,Cos. The Consuls entered office as supporters of Antony, bringing despatches from him which included a request to ratify the titles and gifts included in the so-called Alexandrine Donations (see 34, on Antony), and an offer to resign his triumviral powers (which had now legally lapsed, see below, Triumviri R,. P. C.). Sosius made an attack on Octavian, and Octavian later reconvened the Senate, defended himself and attacked in turn Sosius and Antony, and promised to prove his charges against Antony when the Senate reconvened. Before then tho Consuls and 300 senators left Rome to join Antony in Ephesus (Dio 5O2-7; cf.49.41.4).In the East with Antony, Domitius urged him to send Cleopatra away to Egypt (Plut. Ant. 56.2; cf. Vell. 2.84.2).He probably became a commander in Antony's fleet (Strabo 14.I.42). Consules Suffecti L. Connnr,rus- f. - n. (CnrNa) Pat. (32, cf. tO4) M. Var,nnrus - f. * n. Mnssar,le Pat. (*gZ) Iast. Cupr., Degrassi 244f.; Xast. Ven., ibid. 251, 2541.;Fast. Mag. Vic., ibi,il.283,288; East. Ami,t.,ibdd.l70f.; cf. iböd. tg6,5l0f.; on Cornelius, see PIßz 2.308, no. 1313, and 314, no. lB38; De Laet no. 126; on Valerius, seePI R 3.370,no. 94; De Laet no. Bgg. Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae M. ArvroNrus M. f. M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34, Cos.Desig. Bl frvrp. Censen Drvr f. Pat. (Iulius tB2) Cos. Suff. 48, Cos. 33, 3l-23,5,2 Though their term of five years had technically expired both Antony and Octavian made use of offers to resign their powers as propaganda. Antony continued to employ the title (Grueber, CnnBM 2.620-5gI), but octavian did not. As relations with octavian deteriorated Antony
forces at Samosand Ephesus, and late in the year advanced to establish his headquarters in Greece (Liv. Per. 132; Plut. Ant.56-57; Dio 60.2-8; on Octavia,seealso Liv. Per.l32; Eutrop. 7.6; Oros.6.19.4; Serv. on Aen.8.678; on his forces,also Strabo 8.4.3; 14.I.42; Yell. 2.84.2;Joseph.AJ 14.449;Plut. Ant.60; 67.3; 69.2; Dio 49.33.1,and 44.3;50.6.4-5, and 9.3,and 11.3,and 13.5;51.5.6;Oros.6.lg.6-7and 9 and 15; cf. Grueber,CRRBM 2.526-530,his legionary coinage; and see Tann, CQ 26 p9321 75-81; and opposed, C. Goodfellow, Roman Ci,tizenshi,p63-67). Octavian's use of titles is uncertain (cf. the vague terms of ResGest.D. Au,g.34),but in his opposition to the Consuls,his seizure of Antony's will from the house of the Vestals, his declaration of war against Cleopatra, his exaction of a personal oath of allegiance from almost all the communities of the West, his exactions of taxes and mobilization of forces, he assumed full powers over those of Consulsor Proconsuls as a leader for war (ResGest.D. AuS. 25 and 34;. Liv. Per. 132; Dio 50.2-10; on Antony's will, Vell. 2.83.1-2; PIut. Ant. 58.2-4; Suet. Aug. 171'Dio 50.3.1-4.1; the declaration of war, PIut. Ant.60; Dio 50.4.3-6.1, and 21.1,and 26.3; on the taxes, Plut. Ant.58; Dio 50.10.rt-5,and 16.3,and 20.3;53.2.3;on his forces,Plut. Ant. 62; Dio 50.6.4, and 7.2). See Syme, Romnn Reuolution 278-293; Grant, Xrom Imperium to Auctoritas 416-423; and on the date of expiration of the Second Triumvirate, Gag6, Res Gest.D. Aug. pp. 85 and. I44f., and discussions cited there. Praetors ? M. Var,nnrus Mnsser,r,ePorrrus Pat. (*96) Cos. Suff. 29 Named as Pr. Urbanus (CIL 6.37075-ILB 8964), probably about 32 B. C., sincehe held the consulatein 29. SeePIn 3.370,no. 94; Do Laet no. 398. Tribunes of the Plebs M. ? Nonrus Ber,nus (26-26, cf..27) The Consul Sosius was ready to propose immediate action against Octavian in the Senate on the first of X'ebruary, but the Tribune interposedhis veto (Dio 50.2.3,when Sosiushad the fasces;seeabove, Consuls,on Sosius;and for the date, T. Rice Holmes,Arch'itecü of the Roman Empi,re 234t.).SeeP-I.B 2.4IL, no. l0l ; De Laet no. 260.
Ap. Cr,euorus PuLoEEB
Cos. 38
Proconsul in Spain, he celebrated a triumph eu Hispania on June I (Iast. Barb., Degrassi 342L., 570; cf. for the title fmperator, C/tr 10.1423,L424--ILS 890). Degrassi (570), perhaps rightly, dates the triumphs of Claudius and Cornificius in 33, in spite of the very short interval after that of Marcius Philippus, since otherwise Cornificius would have celebrated his during the war with Antony. This is the latest date possibleand the one favored by Mommsen (CIL 12.1,p. 77). SeePI,E 2.237,no.982. L. Conxrrrcrus (5) Cos.35 Proconsul in Africa, he celebrated a triumph er Afri'ca on December 3 (Iast. Barb., Degrassi 342f., 570, without the number of the year). He rebuilt tho temple of Diana on the Aventine (Suet. Aug. 29.5; cf.. CIL 6.4305-IL,S r?32; and see Shipley, MAAn I I1931] 30*32). See PIRL 2.373, no. 1503; De Laet no. l5l; and above, on Claudius Pulcher. M.Iunrus SneNus (172) Cos.25 See 34, and 33, Promagistrates. I{e probably remained in command of Greeceand Macedonia until Antony came. ? Q. Orrrus (2I) Grant (Irom Imperium to Auctoritas 6r-64) holds that Grueber's attribution of the coins of Q. Oppius QnRBM 1.54I) to a prefecture in Rome in 46-45 is invalid. He interprets the inscription PR, as Pr(aetor) or Pr(oconsul), and assignsthe coins on the basis of t5ryesto a governorship of Syria between the death of Bibulus in this year and the arrival of Didius late in 31. (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos. 26 T. Srarrr,rus Trunus See 33, Promagistrates. He may have remained in command in Illyricum, where he acquired great estates (CIL 5.409, 878), but more probably returned and received command of Octavian's land forces against Antony (see31, Promagistrates; and on this year, Ganter 29f-.). SeeP.[-R3.263,no. 615; De Laet no. 358. (*3) Cos. 37, 28,27, Pr. 40 M. VrpseNrus Aenme Probably Octavian's chief admiral in 32 as in 3l (see 31, Promagistrates). 3r B.C.
Promagistrates L. Car,r,unnrusBrnur,us (27) Pr. Desig. Died while governor of Syria (App. BC 4.38; see 34, and 33, Promagistrates).
3 2B . C . - 3 1B . C .
A.U.C. 723 Consuls
M. AxroNrus M. f . M. n. (30) Cos.44, 34 DesignatedConsulfor this year (App. BC 5J3; Dio 50.4.3,and l0.l; 27i
3l r].c.
cf. Degrassi 136 on Fast. Cap.), but deprived of his office (Dio, Degrassi). He styled himself Cos. Tert. on his coinage (Grueber, CRHBM 2.531,and 583f.).On the Actium campaign,seebelow, Promagistrates, on Agrippa. fup. Cr.nsanDrvr f. Pat. (Iulius r32) Cos.Suff. 43, Cos.33, 30-23, 6,2 Designated Consul for this year with Antony (App. BC 5.73), he took office and held it for the whole year (Iast. Am'it., Degrassi 170f., cf. Kal,. Am,i,t.on September 2, CIL 12.1,p. 244.;Iast. Cupr., Degrassi 244f., in lacuna; Fast. Ven., ibid. 254f.; Ia,st. Mag. Vic., ibid,. 283i and, cf..i,bid,.136, 510f.; VeIl. 2.84.1; Suet. 4u9.26.2; Dio 50, fndex; 51, fndex; 50.10.1;Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd,., and.Chr. Pasc., on 32 B. C.; Cassiod.; cf. CIL 10.3826-ILB 79; Syri,a l5 [1934] 36, lines 73f.IInA 1.308,no. 55, on p. 314). Consules Suffecti M. Var,nnrüs M. f. M. n. Mnssar,r,a Conrryrvus Pat. (*95) Pr. Suff. 40 ? Succeededto Antony's place (Dio a7.ll.4; 5O.4.2,and l0.l; cf. Degrassi 136 on Fast. Cap.), but is listed as the Consul ordinarius in Iast. Ami,t., Ia,st, Cupr., Fast. Ven., Fast. Mag. V'ic,, seeDegrassi, as aboveon Caesar;alsoin Veil. 2.84.I; Dio 50, Index; 50.f0.f ; Chr. 354; Fa"st.Hyil., and Chr. Pasc.,on 32 B. C.; Cassiod.He abdicated on May | (Fast. Ven.). See below, Promagistrat'es; PIR 3.365, no. 90; De Laet no. 395. M. Trrrus L. f. - n. (18) Held office in successionto Messallafrom May I to October I (Iast. Ami,t., cf..Kal. Amit. on Sept. 2; Iast. Cupr., in lacuna; Fast. Ven.; East. Mag. Vic., Degrassi, as above on Caesar; cf. also CIL 3.4557160-ILS 891, Cos.Desi,g.;CIL 9.5853).Serving in Octavian's forces with Statilius Taurus, he defeated Antony's cavalry and won Deiotarus Philadelphus of Paphlagonia to Octavian's side (Plut. Ant. 63.3; Dio 50.I3.5; Zonat.10.29).SeeP.LIB3.328,no. 196;De Laet no. 379. CN. Poupnrus Q. f. - n. (*28) Held office in successionto Titius from October I to the end of the year (Xast. Amit., Iast. Cupr., Fast. Ven., Iast. Mag. Tic., Degrassi, as above on Caesar,and cf. 136 on Fast. Cap.). See P,I.B 3.64, nos, 444447;De Laet no. 295.
3l B.C.
Promagistrates L. AnnuNrrus (7) Cos.22 His title is not preserved. Ile commanded the conter of octavian's fleet at Actium (Phtt. Ant.66.3; Vetl. 2.85.2,the left wing; cf' Gardthausenf .379; 2.198,note 36).SeeP-Il?2l.22O,no.tl29; DeLaetno'46' C. Car,vrsrus SaBrNUs (13) Cos. 39 Governor, probably Proconsul, in Spain, perhaps !rom-3-l to 28, when he celebrated a triumph (De'grassi 3441., 570). See P1Ä2 2'83, no. 352; De Laet no. 87. P. ClNrnrus Cßassus (2) Cos. Suff' 40 His titte is not, preserved. He held command of Antony's-army bofore and at the time of the battle of Actium (vetl. 2.85.2; Plut. ant, 63.3-4; 65.2). Antony in his flight ordered him to bring the army to Asia (plut. Ant. 67.i), but he soon fled to Antony in Egypt while tho army surrenderedto Octavian (Plut. Ant.68.3; Dio 51.1.
3l R.C.
M. Oor.nvrus (34) His title is not preserved. Ife commanded a middle section of Antony's floet at Actium (Pb,fi. Ant. 65.2). ? Q. Opprus (21) See 32, Promagistrates. L. Prxenrus Soanrus (24) Commander of Cyrene under Antony. He refused to receive Antony after Actium, and in 30 brought the legions in Cyrene orrer to Octavian (Dio 5r.5.6; cf. Plut. Ant. 69.2; Dio 51.9.1; Oros. 6.19.15; Grueber, CHRBM 2.583f., with the inscription Bcarpus I*p.).See P.I-B 8.40, no. 3ll; De Laet no. 287. C. Sosros (2) Cos.32 His title is not preserved. Previous to the battle of Actium his squadron of Antony's fleet attacked Tarius Rufus (seebelow, Legates), and drove him back until Agrippa appeared to reinforce him (Dio 50.14.1-2). At Actium he commanded Antony's left wing (Vell. 2.85; cf. Plut. Ant. 65.1, where the text reads Koi),r,o6,perhaps a mistake for Gellius ?), and was afterwards spared at the request of Arruntius (Vell. 2.86.2;Dio 51.2.4;56.38.2).SeeP,I-t?3.253,no. 5b6; De Laet no. 355. T. Srerrr,rus Tlunus (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos. 26,Pr. Suff. 40? His title is not preserved. Commander of Octavian's land forces at Actium, he and M. Titius (see above, Consuls) defeated Antony's cavalry and won Deiotarus Philadelphus of Paphlagonia over to Octavian's side (Vell. 2.85.3;PIut. Ant.65.3; Dio 50.f3.5; Zonar. 10.29). See P,l.R 3.263,no. 615; De Laet no. 358. M. Ver,nnrus Mnsser,r,aConvnrns Pat. (*95) Cos. Suff. Bt, Pr. Suff. 40 ? Ifeld a command,perhaps under Arruntius, in the center of Octavian,s fleet at the battle of Actium (App. BC 4.38; cf. PIut. Brut.5B.2). He also went to the East with Octavian after Actium (seeDio 51.7). See PIn 3365, no. 90; De Laet no. 395. M. VrpsaNrus Aonnpe (*3) Cos. 37, 28,27, Pr. 40 Agrippa was Octavian's admiral in chief throughout the Actium campaign. fn the spring he crossed to Greece, intercepted Antony's supplies, and captured a number of strategic points, such as Methone, Corcy'ra, which became Octavian's base, Leucas and Patrae. His victory on September 2 at Actium was decisive, and was followed by the dostruction of Antony's fleet and the surrender of his army. After the victory Agrippa proceeded as far as the capture of Corinth, and was
Sl B.or
thon sent back to Italy with the main body of vot'erans, and there "t ur"a jointly with Maäcenasfull power as Octavian's representative while hä was absent in the East. (Liv. Per.132-133; Vell. 2.84-86; esp. 65; Flor. 2'2f'I-9; Dio 50'10-36; Oros' Plut. Ant.60-69, cf. Verg' Aen' 8'862f', and Serv' Dan' tO.Z-g-SO; Zonat. 6.19.5-13;,loc.;Iio"*"" Epoile 9; Carm.1.37, and Acro a'il' Zoc';Strabo 7'7'6; s.+.S; iz.r.rr; PIin. NH 19.22; Suet. Aug. 17'2-3,;-GelI'2'22'23; on the date of Actium, Fast. Ara. arrd Kal" Ami't', CIL l2'1, p' 2I4 and 244, resp.; Dio 51.1.1; Lyd. Mens.4.L24; and on Agrippa's return to Italy, Dio 5f .3.4-7.) Tribunes of the Soldiers C. B,tlnrus T. f. (12) Tribune of the Soldiers in the twentieth (or thirtieth) legion, and Prefect of the coast of Nearer spain at the time of the Actium campaign (CIL 1L.623-ILS 2672). Legates, EnvoYs Q. Drr,r,rus (1) Sent by Aniony with King Am5mtas of Galatia to Macedonia and Thrace to securemercenary soldiers (Dio 50'13'8)' Legates, Lieutenants M. (Lor,r,rus?) (lI ?) Cos.21? An officer 1otpa.z1y6q)under Octavian who recognized and savod his former benefactor'urrd lu,tu" colleague aemilius Barbula (app. 89 4.49). On the anecdote, which merits doubt, see 42, Legates; and' RE' above. Seealso PIR 2.295, no. 226; De Laet no' 225' Q. Nesrnrus (4) His title is not preserved' He hetd command' of the squadron of Antony,s fleet whidh was defeated by Agrippa in the spring of 3l' thus enabling him to capture Patrae (Dio 50'13'5)' ? C. Pr,eurrus Runus (36) Legatus pro praetore to defend the cities of sicily (cIL 9.5854If'S"Szo1, p"ofuUty during the Actium campaign (Münzer, Äfl)' See above, Tri6unes of the Soldiers, on Baebius' L. Tenrus R,unus (3) Cos. Suff. 16 His title is not pre"ä",red. I{e commanded a small squadron of ships which was attacked and routed by sosius (Dio 50.14.1-2; see Promagistrates,on Sosius).SeeDe Laet no' 371; PIR 3'295,no' 14'
3l B.C.
Prefect of the Citv C. Meucnlres (6) Maocenaswas Prefect of Rome and Italy during the Actium campaign and the subsequent period while Octavian was in the East (Dio 51.3.5;cf. 49.f6.2).SeePI-B 2.315,no. 306. Pontifices M. Trrrus (18) Cos. Suff. 3l CIL 5.5853.The date of election is later than 34 (see.LLB 89f ). See De Laet no. 379; PIn 3328, no. 196. Augurs T. Srernrus Tarrnus (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos. 26 CIL 10.409-ILB 893 a. The date of his olection is uncertain. See PIn 3.263,no. 615; De Laet no. 358. Curio Maximus T. Sreru,rus Teunus (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos. 26 CIL 10.409-ILS 893 a. The date of his election is uncertain. Lists of Priests The following lists represent the probable membership of the four major collegesof priests about 3f B. C. fn a number of instances the exact date when a priest became a member of his collegeis not known, and the conjecture is based on evidence of seniority such as the date of the consulship or some other office. The list of the Quindecimviri is based on Miss Hoffman's observation that the n&mes listed in connection with the Saecular Gamesin l7 B. C. are arranged in the order of entrance into the college(seeAJPh 73ll952l 289-254).The names given below are drawn from Miss Hoffman's dissertation, llhe Membershi,p of the Four Maior Col,leges of Pri,estsfrom 4tI 37 A.D. (Bryr Mawr, 1951, available in microfilm). Ponfficw M. Anmrr,rusLnprnus Pat. (73) Cos.46, 42,Pt.49 See 60, and 57, Pontifices, and. 44, Pontifex Maximus. CN. DorwrrrusCer,rmrus (43, cf . I I ; Supb. 3.394) Cos.53, 42,Pr. 56 See45, Pontifices.
3r n.C.
Iup. Censen Drvr f . Pat. (Iuliusf32) Cos.Suff.43,Cos.33,3l-23' 5,2 See47, Pontifices, on C. Octavius.
M. Trrrus (ts) Cos.Suff.Sl Not yet a Pontifex in 3a (CIL 3.7I60-ILS 891)' but probably became one soon after he left Antony for Octavian in 32 (see CIL 9.5853, undated).
Augurs The vacancies caused by the civil wars and the proscriptions wero promptly filled with partisans of Antony and octavian or personswho -""rio"ed in Bg Uy tttu Treaty of Misenum, for in 36 Messalla Cori""" vinus was added to the college as a supernumerary member. seo Dio 48.36.4;49.r6.r; cf. 48.43.2. Peur,r,us Anunrus Lnprous Pat. (82) Cos. Suff. 34 see -IG22-3.4IL5 (after Actium and before 22).He would probably be made a priest, early in his career. See P-I-82 1.62, no. 273; De Laet no.17. M. ArrroNros (30) Cos. 44, 34, Cos. Desig. 3l See 50, Augurs. Died in 30' Snx. Apprnrrus (17) Cos. 29 CIL 5.2657-/LB 894, after 26 B. C. A nephew of Augustus would probably be advanced early in his career. See PI nz 1.186' no' 961; De Laet no. 37. P. Cr,euorus Pur,cunn Pat. (306; Clodius 49) Pr. cIL 6.L282-ILS 882, Praetor after Actium. Probably an Antonian favorite raised early to the augurate. See PInz 2.240' no' 987; De Laet no. ll0. fur. Ceosln Drr.rf. Pat. (Iulius r32) Cos.Suff.43, Cos.33,31-23, 6,2 See 42, Augurs, on C. Iulius Caesar Octavianus. L. Irnqrus SneNus (165) Pr. ca.24 Possibly augur by 3r. cIL 9.332 is dated after his praetorship. patrician after 29. The rule against contemporaneous membership A -members of the same family may have been circumvented as in the of case of Lentulus Spinther (see 57, Augurs), whose adoption into another family does not appear to have led to a change of name. seo PIR 2.245, no. 547; De Laet no. 202.
3l B.O.
M. IuNrus Srr,aNus (172) Cos. 25 Probably an Augur soon after 38, since the title appea,rson his coing ca. 34 B. C. (Grueber, CRHBM 2.522; see 34, Promagistrates). A patrician afler 29. See P-I.E 2.246,no. 549; De Laet no. 203. M. Lrcwrus CRAssus (58) Cos. 30 Ann. Epi,g.1948,no. 90; seeDegrassiin BCAR 7f (1945)65. L. Mnncrus Pnrr,rppus (77) Cos. Suff. 38 Perhaps an Augur by 56 (Grueber, CnnBM however refer to an &ncestor). See50, Augurs.
1.485f., which may
(26) Cos. Suff. 34, Pr. Suff. 40 ? L. SnmpnoNrus Arnerrnus Becamean Augur in 40. See 40, Augurs; Grueber, CnnBM 2.50L, 515f. SeePIR 3.194,no. 260; De Laet no. 332. T. Srerrr,rus Teunus (34) Cos. Suff. 37, Cos. 26. An important early supporter of Octavian. Perhaps Augur after 38. See 31, Augurs, and Curio Maximus. A patrician after 29. (92\ Cos. 23 A. Tpnnrwrüs VaRRo Munnru Horace, Oiles3.I9. Probably advanced early since he was a brotherin-law of Maecenas.SeeP.f-B 3.303,no. 74; De La,et no. 375. ? M. Tur,r,rus Cronno (30) Cos. Suff. 30 At some time after his restoration in 39 Octavian advanced him to a priesthood (App. BC 4.51), more probably the augurate, which his father had held (see53, Augurs), than the pontificate, to which his father had wished to advancehim in aB (Cic. Ad. Brut. 1.5.3). M. Velnnrus Mrssar,r,e Convntus Pat. (*95) Cos. Suff. 31, Pr. Suff. 40 ? Supernumerary Augur in 36 (Dio 49.f6.1; cf. CIL 6.32307-ILS 4977).SeeP.I-B 3:363,no. 90; De Laet no. 395. ? M. Ver,nnrus Mnssar,ra R,urus Pat. (*77) Cos. 53, Pr.62? See 50, Augurs. It is not known to how late a date his fifty-five years in the augurate extended. Qui,nd,eci,mai,riSacris F aci,und,i,s The order of names and the seniority of careers indicate that the following men, who belonged to the college of Quindecimviri in 17 B. C., were membersinSl (CIL 6.32323-IL,S'5050). SeeM. Hoffmann, AJPh 73 (1952) 289-2s4. ? Q. Anivrrr,rusLnrrous Pat. (79) Cos. 2l See P-I.821.63,no. 376; De Laet no. 18.
3l n.c.
M. Coconrus NnRva (13) Cos. 36 A patrician after 29. See P.I-Ba2.290, no. 1224; De Laet no. I20. lup. Closm Drvr f. (Iulius 132) Cos. Suff. 43, Cos. 33, 3l-23, 6, 2 See 37, Quindecimviri Sacris X'aciundis. O. Lrcnvrus Cer,vus Snrr,o (44) SeeP-I-B2.284,no. l7I; De Laet no. 214. 1,. Mencrus CnNsonrnus (48) Cos. 39 SeeP1.R 2.337,no. 164; De Laet no. 239. C. (Mucrus) Soenvor,e (14) See PI-R 2.387,no. 506; De Laet no.249. C. Nonnervus X'r,eocus (9a; L7.L.1270) Cos. 38 The order of names in the inscription cited above favors identifying the Quindecimvir with the consul of 38 rather than his uott tf,u Consul oL 24. See P/Ä 2.415, no. 135, cf. 416, no' 136; Do Laet no. 264, cf.265. Crq.Poupnrus (*28) Cos. Suff. 3l SeeP.I.B 3.64, no. 446, cf. 444-447;De Laet no. 295. C. Sosrus (2) Cos. 32 His coins (Grueber, CHRBM 2.524, ca. 33 B. C.; Gtant, Irorn Imper'ium to Auctori'tns 41, ca. 37-34 B. C.) bear t'he tripod, the symbol of this priesthood (but cf. Shipley, MAAH I [1931] 26)' See P"t'B 3.253,no. 556; De Laet no. 355. Pat. (*96) Cos' Suff' 29 M. Ver,anrus MEssar,LAPorrrus CIL 6.T7075-ILS 8964, after 29 B. C. See P-I-B 3.370,no' 94; Do Laet no. 398. M. (Vrrslxrus) AcRTPPA (*3) Cos. 37, 28, 27, Pr. 40 cIL 5.262 terms him Quindecimvir and rmperator, and should probably be dated early in his career since there is no mention of his ionsulaie; cf. VeIl. Z.tZ1.t. A patrician after 29. See P.I-B 3.439,no. 457; De Laet no. 420; Reinh old, Marcus Agri,ppa 62, lO4' Septemairi Epul'ones Ap. Cr,ruorus PuLoHER Pat. (298) Cos. 38 cIL rcJ423, cf. .LLS 890. Probably entered the college some year8 before 31. See PIRI 2.237,no. 982; De Laet no. 455' L. Murenrus Pr,aNcus (30) Cos. 42, Pr. 45? See 45, Septemviri EPulones.
3r B.O.
? L. Nor.rrusAsrnoNes (14) Cos. Suff. B6 Perhaps a Septemvir (seeCIL 2156, which may refer to the Consul of 36 or to his son ; cf . Plin. N H 35.164; S:uet^Aug. 56). SeeDe Laet no. 268; and RE no. l5 on his son. ? L. Scnreoxrus Lrno (20) Cos. 34 See CIL 14.2502, which may refer to the Consul of f6 A. D. A patrician after 29. See P/l? 3.184,no. 210; De Laet no. 826. ?frup. Censan,Drvr f. Pat. (Iulius tB2) Cos. Suff. 48, Cos. BB, 3l-23, 5,2 It is not known when Augustus becamea member of the college. Ho is attested for 16 B. C. (Grueber, CRRBM 2.86).
AppnNnrx I MONETALES ER,R,ATA -Pp-.-429-456.rn Appendix r on the Monetalesrines 4-b on page 42g should read as follows: "rn lg2g there appeared the first oi a series of articles by Harold Mattingly. . . " sydenham's name should be added to th_eslgop of names in line ll on the same page. His posthumous w ork, The Coinnge of the Roman Repüti,c,u,pp"u"uä i' Dngland on December 19, 1952. n_ueto changes in the page p"o-of of Sydenham's work a:rumber of the page references io-it ä,s given above are incorrect. The correct referencLs will be found in his book under rndex r, Moneyers. r owe this information to thekindness of l\fr. G. c. Haines, and regret that the timetable for the printing of this volume did not permit me to include it in the text.
Until almost thirty years ago it was generally believed that the silver denarius was introduced in Rome about 269 B. C. with the value of ten copper asses,and that it was revalued at sixteen copper asses in 216 B. C. In 1924 there appeared the first of a series of studies by Professor II. C. Mattingly which made it clear that the accepted dates for the Roman Republican coinage had to be radically revised; and a generation of research,led byMattingly, but including studies by other numismatists, has now resulted in a wide measure of agreement thaü the first silver denarii were probably issued about f 8Z B. C., and that the revaluation took place in the Gracchan period (seethe articles of Mattingly, Milne, and others, most recently of Neatby, cited in the bibliography). These studies have made necessarya thorough revision of the dates assignedto the moneyers who were formerly placed in tho third and the second centuries before Christ, and a new corpus of tho Roman coinage of the Republic, corresponding to those of Gruebor and Babelon for their day, has become a pressing requirement. X'ortunately such a co{pus is now in immediate prospect in the posthumous work of E. A. Sydenham, now far advanced toward publication. fn the lists given below the names are arranged in alphabetical order. Those who issued coins while holding the higher magistracieq, such as the quaestorship, aedileship, or proconsulate are listed eithei under the year of the magistracy, or in the lists of magistrates of uncertain date. Referencesare given to Mommsen's Rtimi,scheMünzweeen (M), the revision and translation of Mommsen's work by Blacas (MBl), Babelon's Monrmtes d,e l,a Röpubl,iqueromaine (B), Grueber's Coins of the ßoman Republi,cin the Briti,sh Museum (G), and to Sydenham's forthcoming work, The Co'inageof the ßoman Repblic (S), and in general the dates given in these works have been reportod. For the moneyers of the period before f00 B. C. the dates given in the older works have only relative value, as the first identifiable names of magistrates do not begin to appear on the coins until about lb6 B. C., and Sydenham represents the true dating much more accurately. For the last century of the Republic they stand more nearly equal in value, though here too, excepting a few instances, Sydenha,ma,ppe&rs to be our best guide. I have added the notice III vir or IIII vir only 429
when the moneyers are so designated on the coins but have made no attempt to arrange them in their annual colleges of Triumviri. In the preparation of these lists I have had available, through the kindness of Professor H. If. Scullard, the catalogue, Glendining and Co., of Sydenham's personal collection of Greek and of Roman coins, arranged in groups and with the dates that he accepted; and through the kindness of Mr. G. C. Haines, X'. S. A., who is in charge of the publication of sydenham's book, and of Professor scurlard, f have been able to use the page proof of the introduction and a considerableportion of the text of Sydenham's work (up to page 108, 87 B.C.). I wish to express my gratitude to both for their kindness and help. C. Anunrus Gnunrus (see l) M 521,no. l0l, ca. 150; MBI 2.318,no.125, ca. l}4-Il4; ca. 129; G 1.147,ca. 124-103;S lx, 60, ca. ftg-l10.
B l.9B-g5,
M. Anunrus M. f. Grurrus (cf.2) M 521,no. 102,ca. 150; MBI 2.3f8f., no. 126,ca. t}4-tt4; B 1.96f., ca.129; G 1.146,ca. 124-103;S lix, 58f., ca. 120. P. Acoor,nrus Lanrscor,us (l) M 652,ca. 43; MBI 2.549,in 43; B 1.98-f00, ca. 44-48; G 1.569f., ca. 4l; S lxvii, 37. M. Aorr,rus M. f. (f3, 14) M.580, no. 123, ca. 150-120;MBI 2.323,no. 130, ca. l34-ll4; B 1.I03f.,ca.129; G 1.169,ca. 100; S lx, 63, f19-1f0. M'. Acrr,rus (Gr,annro?) (cf. la) M 631, no. 273,ca. 54; MBI 2.497f., no. 279,in 54; B 1.105-102,ca. 54; G 1.496f.,ca. 50; S lxiv, ca. 55.A III vir. M'. Acrr,rus Ber,nus (see 26) M 530, no. 122, ca. 150-120;MBI 2.331f.,no. 138, ca. 134-ll4; B I.l0lf., ca.134; G 1.150,ca. L24-LO3;S lx, 61, llgtll0. (Anr,rus ?) Panrus ? (not in Rt) G 1.84,ca. 196*173;S lviii, 4O,ca.150-133. P. (Anr,rus ?) Plnrus (lO2) M 505, no. 53, 200-150;MBI 2.280,no. 79, ca. 204-154;B 1.169f., ca.209; G 1.120,ca. 130-125;S lix, 53,ca.133-126. L. Anuu,rus Bucl (37) M 652,44; MBI 2.545f., in 44; B 1.123f.., 44; G 1.545-547,ca. 44; S lxv-lxvi, ca. 44; see also M no. 301, and MF.I 2.522f..,no. 306. A IIII vir.
M'. Anurr,rus Lnprous Pat. (62) M 531, no. 124, ca. 150-120;MBI 2.345f.,no. 155, ca. l14-104; B l.ll7-119, ca.ll2; G 2.291,ca. 9l-89; S lx, 74,ca. 109.SeeM. Stuart, AJA 4S (1945)226-25r. M. Anmnrus Lrprnus Pat. (73) Cos. 46, 42,Pr.49 M 633, no. 275,ca. 6l ; MBI 2.500-502,no. 281,ca. 6l; B 1.126-129, ca. 60; G 1.447-450,ca. 65; S lxiv, ca. 66. Paur,r,us Anunrus Lnprnus Pat. (82) Cos. Suff. 34. M 632, no.274, ca. 54; MBI 2.498-500,in 54;B I.l2l-L23, ca. 64; G 1.418, ca. 7L; S lxiv, ca. 55.Also a joint coinagewith L. Scribonius Libo. See PInz 1.62"no. 373. S. Arna(rrus) (7) M 305, no.54, ca. 200-150; MBt 2.265, no. 62, ca. 204*154; B 1.154-156,ca.20O;G l.glf., ca.172-l5l; S 44f., ca. 145-138. Ar;,rus ? (AL) (not in ,E&') M 490, no. 14, after 229; MBI 2.23ff., no. ll, ca. 26&-204 (reads VIB); B 1.108;G 2.170,ca.240-217. C. Ar,(r,rus) (not in RE.l M 499, no. 35, ca. 217-1741.MBl2.246,no. 33, after 217; B l.l08f .; G 1.34, ca.240-229. C. Ar,r,rus Bar,a (2) M 556, no. 170, ca.104-79; MBI 2.380f., no. 189, ca. 104-84; B 1.110f.,ca. 90; G 1.238,ca. 89; S lxi, 83, ca. 93. C. Axrnsrrus (ANrrsrrus) (10) M 506,no. 55, 20&--154;M812.276,no.74, ca.2O4-154;B Ll43-146, ca.174; G l.I14, ca.172-l5l; S lix, 47, and 48, ca. 137-f34. Possibly C. Antistius Labeo (Babelon and Mommsen). L. Arvrnsrrus (ANrrsrrus) Gnee(ur,us) (33) M522, no. l0Q,ca. 150;MBl2.32lf., no. 129,ca. 134-l14; B f.146148, ca. 124; G 1.142-144,ca. L24-IO3; S lix, 52, ca.133-126. C. Anrrus Rosrro (13) M 651, 49-45; MBI 2.543,49-45; B r.r55-157,49-45; G 1.621-623, ca. 46; S lxv, ca.46. (see29) L. (Aruur,nrus) M 557,no. I7l, ca. 104;MBl2.38ff., no. 190,ca. 104-84;B 1.200-209, ca.l}4-94; G 1.216-220,ca.90; S lxi, 80, ca. 100. M'. Aqurr,r,rus (seell) M 531f., riLo.125, perhaps the Consul of lOt; MBI 2.366,no. l7l, ca. ll4-I04; B I.211f.,94; G 2.300,ca. 90; S lx, 74, ca. 109.
AppENDrx r
M'. Aqurr,r,rusM'. f. M'. n. (g) M 634f., no. 276, ca. 54; MBI 2.502f.,no. 282, ca. 54; B t.2t2f., ca. 64; G 1.4f61".,ca. 72; S lxiii, ca. Z0-68.A fII vir.
Aurn(oNrus) (l) M 494, no. 22, between 217 and,f 74; MBI 2.238,no. 21, after 217; B 1.24+-246,ca. 234; G 1.78, ca. 196-173; S lviii, 38, ca. f50-f46.
M. Arnrus Sncunous (34) M 652,and 741, 43, probably a IIII vir; MBI 2.549,in 43; B f .2f 9_ 221, ca. a2; G 1.568f.,ca. 4t; S lxvi, 48. ? Arrr,ros (not in AE) G 1.105,ca. 172-15I, a monogram AT; S lxiii, 42, ca. f50-f Bg. L. Arrr,rus Nou(nxralrus) (44) M 527f., no. 116, ca. 150; MBI 2.290-292,no. g6, ca. 154-IB4; B 1.231f.,ca. 136; G 1.125,ca. 150-L25;S lix, EI, ca. 188-126. (Arnrus ?) Sen(rxus) (57) M 507, no. 57, ca. 20L-154; MBI 2.265, no. 6b, ca. 204-lE4; B 1.226-228,ca.1741'G 1.99f.,ca. t72-t5t; S lviii, 48, ca. 145_197. M. Arr,rus Sanne.lrus (67, cf . 22) M 506, no. 56, ca. 204-154; MBI 2.274, no. 72, ca. 204-154; B 1.228-231,ca. 174; G 1.92-94, ca. t72-t5t; S lviii, 46, ca. l4b_l8g. M. Aur(rorus) R,us(rrcus) (t) M 528,no. 117,ca. 150;MBI2.292,no. 9g, ca.I54-IB4;B 1.2J2- 284. ca. 136; G I.130f.,ca. 150-125;S lix, 52, ca. fg5-f26. Au(nnr,rus) (l) M 494, no.2l, and 4gg, no. 86, between 217 and.f74; MBI 2.2g7, no. 20, afler 217, cf.246, no. 84; B l.2g|-299, nos. I and,2,and l.23a, respectively;G 1.72, cf.2.t72f., ca. lg&-l73; S lviii, 86, ca. 155_150. L. (Aunnr,rus) Cor(re) (l0l) M 574,no. 200, 9l-84; MBI 2.898f., no.204, ca. tO4-84;B 1.24gf., ca. 90; G 1.200-202,ca. 9l; S lxi, 29, ca. tOt. 1\[. Aunor,r(us) Core (105) M 532, no. 126,ca. 134; MBI 2.286,no. g2, ca. 154-lB4;B 1.240L., ca. 154; G 1.I28f., ca. I50-t25; S lix, b0, ca. fg5-f94. Au(nnr,rus) R,ur,(us) (206) M 507, no. 58, ca. I54; MBI 2.299,no. l0B, ca. 154-lB4; B 1.242, ca. 139; G 2.246,ca. tl}-t2b; S lix, 48, ca. tg7-t94. M. Aunnr,rus Sceunus (216) _ M 573,no. 199a,dated 92 B. c. becauseof the n&mesof the censors, but revised later to ca. 109 (seeMBl 2.269-96+,no. 170, and note); ri 1.242f.,92; G. 1.184, ca. 92; S lx, 65, ca. f 12-109. Mattingly (l/C 1924,p.45) favors a date about ll8, when Narbo was foundä.
L. Axrus L. f. Nrso (7) M 635, no. 277, ca. 7L-50; MBI 2.503-505,no. 283, ca. 74-60; B 1.246-249, ca. 69; G 1.409f.,ca.73; S lxiii, ca.7l.
(Bennrus) T,tnrc(nnus) (cf. al) M 4g4f., no. 234, ca. 214; MBI 2.238, no. 22, ca. 214; B 1.249-263, ca.2l7; G l.7lf., ca. 196-173;S lviii, 37f.,ca.l55-f50. M. Bennrus Q. f. TErrplnnus (not in -8.4) M 507f., no. 59, ca. 20L-194; MBI 2.297f.,no. 102, ca. 154-134; B 1.253-255,ca. 1441'G 1.153f., ca. I5O-I25; S lix, 59, ca. 120. Bar,nus (not in .BZ) M 508, no. 60, early in secondcentury; MB.|2.259, no. 53, ca.2l7204;B 2.245-247 , ca. 218; G 1.80f.,ca. 196-173; S lviii, 40,ca.I6O-f 33. A. Cen(cr,rus) (10) M 508, no. 62, ca. 20L-154; MBI 2.281f..,no. 82, ca. 204-154; B 1.261-263,ca. 289; G 1.107f., ca. 172-l5l; S lviii, 40, ca. 150-f33. (Clncnrus) Mn(rnr,r,us) (not in fi.O) M 495, no. 24, 217-174; MBI 2.240, no. 24, after 2141'B 1.258-260, ca. 217; G 1.63f.,ca.217-197;S lviii, 35, ca.155-150. C. (CLnorr,rus) Murnr,r,us (see 84) M 532f., no. 127, ca. 134; MBI 2.335f.,no. 143, ca. 134-ll4; B 1.263-265,ca. 134; G 1.182f.,ca. 93; S lix, 58, ca. 125-120. L. (Carcrr,rus) Mnrrr,r,us (74) M 558f., no. 173a, ca. 89; MBI 2.382f., no. l9l, ca. 104-84; B 1.276f.,ca. 89; G 2.310f.,ca. 89; S lxi, 87, ca.92-91. With A.Albinua S. f., and C. Malleolus. M. (Carcnrus) Q. f. Mnrnr,r,us (77 ?) M 533f., no. 128, ca. 134-124; MBI 2.336f.,no. 144, ca. 134-ll4; B 1.268*271,ca. 122; G f.f75-177, ca. 941'S lix, 57, ca. 126-120. Sydenham also distinguishes a later series with the same name, lxii, ca. 85. Q. (Cencrr,rus) Mnrnr,r,us (not in -BZ) B in NZ 1896,6l; G 1.79f.,ca. 196-173;S lviii, 42, ca. 160-133. Q. (Cancnrus) Mnrn(r,r,us) (Nnros) (95) Cos. 98 or Q. (Cencnrus) Mrrn(r,r,us) (Nurrrnrcus) (97) Cos. 10? 28 Broughton II
M 537f., nos. l3l, and 133, ca. 134-124;MBI 2.324f.,no. l3l, ca. 134-114,and also 357f., no. 166, ca. llrt-104; B 1.27If., ca. 108; G 2.266f..,ca. 124-103; S lx,67, and 69, ca. 106. With Cn. X'ulvius. and M. Calidius.
L. CLssrus Cenrcuwus (32) M 661, no. 176, ca. I0O-90; MBI 2.386, no. lg5, ca. 104-84; B L324-326,ca. 90; G 1.236f.,ca. 89; S lxi, 83, ca. 93.
(98) Q. Cl,ncr,rus Mnrrr,r,us hus M 557f., no. 172, ca. 94; MBI 2.329f., no. 136, ca. 134-tl4; B 1.28V282,ca. 104; G f.f56-158,ca. 103; S Ix,62, ca. lt9-110. L. Censrus (4) M 560,rro.174,ca. late If or early I; MBI 2.370,no. 178,ca. ll4-104; B f.280-282,ca. lO4; G 2.290,ca. 9l; S lxi, 76, ca. 103. M. Cer,rorus (3) M 538,no. 133,late If or early I; M812.358f.,no. 166,ca. 114-104; B 1.282f..,ca. 108; G 2.256,ca. 124-103; S lx, 67, ca. 106. With Q. Metellus, and Cn. X'ulvius. CN. Car,r(unNrus) (ll) M 499f., no. 38, ca.217-174; MBI 2.248,no. 37, after 217; B 1.285, ca. 179; G l.8lf., ca. 196-173;S lviii, 39, ca. 150-146. P. Cer,r(unwrus) (17) M 622f., no. 104,soon after f50; MBI 2.314,no. 213, ca. lSrt-ll4; B f.285-287,ca. 106; G 1.140f.,ca. 124-103; S lix, 55, ca. f33-f26. C. (Cer,runnrus) L. f. Prso X'nusr (93) M 624f..,no. 264,ca. 6l; MBI 2.485f..,no. 270,ca. 6l; B 1.299-302, ca. 64; G 1.450f.,ca. 64; S lxiv, ca. 64. Clr. (Cer,runxrus) Prso X'nuar (not in -B,U) G 2.592,ca. 9l-89, using Bahrfeld, NZ 1900, 3l-33; 1909, 77.
C. Cnssrus (Lowerrvus?) (57) Cos. 96 M 538f., no. 134, ca. 104; MBI 2.347f.,no. 167, oa. 114-104; B 1.324-326,ca. 109; G 1.153f.,ca. 104; S lx, 61f., ca. ll9-110. C. Cassrus (Loncrxus) (58) Cos. ?3 M 608f., no. 238, ca. 90-80; MBI 2.454f., no. 243, ca. 87-8I; B L327f., ca. 83; G 1.321,ca. 85; S lxii, ca. 83. With L. Salinator. L. Cessrus Q. f. (LoNorxus) (64) Pr. 66 M 612f., no. 246, ca. 8l-76; MBI 2.463f., no.252, ca. 79-71; B 1.328f.,ca.79; G 1.387,ca. 78; S lxiii, ca.76. (L. Cr.ssrus) LoNanus (65) M 636,no.279, ea.54; MBI 2.505,no. 285,in 54; B 1.331-333, ca. 54; G 1.494,ca.52; S lxv, ca. 52.A III vir. Q. CEssrus (Lonenvus) (70) M 635f., no. 278, ca. 74-5O; MBI 2.503-505, no. 284, ca. 74-60; B f.329-331,ca. 60; G 1.481,ca. 58; S lxiv, ca.57. M. Crrrus M. f. (2) M 539,no. 135,late II or early I; MBI 2.952f.,no. l6l, ca. l14-104; B f.340-343, oa. 94; G 2.271-274,ca.99-94; S lx, 72, ca.107. Tr. Cr.euorus Tr. f. Ap. n. (Nnno) Pat. (253) M 613, no. 246, ca. 8l-69; MBI 2.439f.,no. 231, ca. 86; B 1.348f., ca. 84; G f.38f-384, ca. 80; S lxüi, ca.78-76.
L. (Crl,runNrus) L. f. Prso X'nuor (98) Pr. 74 M 580f., no. 209, ca. 89-88; MBI 2.407-409, no. 212, ca. 89; B 1.289-298,ca. 88; G f.251-281,ca. 88; S lxii, 97-104,ca. 90-89.
C. (Cr,euorus) Pur,cunn Pat. (see 302) M 562,no. 178,ca.I04:' MBI 2.368f.,no. 176,ca. ll4-104; B 1.344f., ca. 106; G 1.198f.,ca.9l; S lx, 77, ca. 106. Babelon and Mommsen identify him with the Consul of 92, who was a flf vir a. a,.a. f. f. (see above, Vol. f, p. 561).
M. (Cr;,runnrus) M. f. Prso X'nucr (not in -B,E) M 648,no.302, ca.49; MBI 2.523f.,no.507, uncertain;B 1.298f., ca. 69; G 1.446f.,ca. 66; S lxiv, ca. 68.
P. Cr,oorns M. f. (10) M 6 5 3 ,3 8 B . C . ; B . r . 3 5 4 - 3 5 7 , 4 3 8 . C .G ; 1 . 5 8 2 - 5 8 6 , c a . 3 8S;l x v i , ca. 4I B.C. A IIII vir a.p.f.
C. Cenrpexrus (not in -B.E) G 1.154,ca. 124-103[reads (Camp)anianus?]; S lx, 64, ca. 109.
C. Cr,oorus C. f. Vnsrar,rs (62) M 652,43; MBI 2.560,43; B 1.352-354,ca.43; G 1.664,ca.43;1'S lxvi, 41. Babelon suggests Pulcher as the cognomen, takes Vestalis to refer to the Vestal Virgin represented on his coins, but Münzor (.BZ) takes it to be a cognomen. See P/.82 2.284I., no. ll92 forinscriptions with this cognomen. See also Sydenham lxvii, 39 B. C.
T. Cenrsrus (2) M 6 5 1 ,c a . 4 9 - 4 5 ; M B I 2 . 5 4 3 ,c a . 4 9 - 4 5 ; B f . 3 1 2 - 9 f 7 ,c a . 4 8 ; G 1.627-53I, ca. 45; S lxv, ca. 45. A III vir.
T. Cr,our,rns (5) M 662,no. 179,revisedinZN 1825,gg, before f t4; MBI 2.874f.,no. 183,ca. l0
(P. Conwnr,rus)CETHEGUs Pat. (97) M 539f.,no. 136,late II or early I; MBI 2.371,no. 179,ca. l14-104; B 1.394f.,ca. 104; G 2.271,ca. 99-94; S lx, 73, ca. 104. (L. Conxnr,rus) Cnv(N)l Pat. (103) M 510, no. 67, ca. 204-154; MBI 2.284, no. 86, ca. 204-164; B 1.390-392,ca. 159; G 1.106,ca.172-l5l; S lviii, 42, ca. f50-f33. CN. (Conxnr,rus) LrNr(ur,us) (Mancnr,r,ntus) Pat. (228) M 605, no.232, ca. 87-81; MBI 2.435-437,no. 229, ca.86; B f .4I04I3, ca.84; G 1.309f.,ca. 86; S lxii, 109,ca. 87. (P. ConNnr,rus)Lnnr(ur,us) Man(cnr,r,r)f. Pat. (230) M 577f..,no. 204,ca. 89; MBI 2.40f-403, no. 207, ca.lO4-84; B f .4004 0 3 ,c a . 8 9 ; G 1 . 2 3 3 f .c, a . 8 9 ; S l x i , 8 6 , c a . 9 5 - 9 I . (P. Conxnr,rus Lnnrur,us) Mmcnur,nrus Pat. (233?) Cos. 18,Pr.29 M 648, no. 303, perhaps Quaestor in 49; MBI 2.524, no. 308, uncertain date, perhaps Quaestorin 49; B 1.427,ca. 45; G 1.567,ca. 42; S lxvii, 38 B. C. SeeP-Il?z2.343,no. 1396. L. (Connnr,rus)Scrr(ro) Asrec(nnus) Pat. (338) Cos.83 l0.[575,no.201, ca. 9l-84; MBI 2.378f.,no. I87, ca. 104-84;B 1.398400,before90; G 1.206-209,ca. 91; S lxi, 79, ca. 101. CN. Connnr,rus L. f. Srson(x)e (373) M 540, no. 137, ca. 154-124;MBI 2.342, no. 148, ca. lStt-ll4; B 1.393f.,ca. 135; G 2.267,ca. 102-100;S lxi, 70, ca. 100. Fausrus (ConNnr,rus)Sur,r,l X'pr,rx Pat. (377) M 623f., no.262, ca.641"MBI 2.484f.,no. 269,ca.64;B 1.42M22, ca. 64; G 1.4?1,ca.62; S lxiv, 63 (a date which is closebut not correct, since he was then in Syria). P. (Conxnlros) Sur,(r,)e Pat. (see384) M 510, no. 68, ca.194; MBI 2.269,no. 67, ca. 194; B 1.386-388,ca. 200; G 1.I10, ca.172-l5l; S lviii, 44, ca.145-138. L. CoscoNrus M. f. (6) no. 170,ca. f 09; B 1.436f.,ca. M 573,no. 199b,92; MBI 2.362*364, 92; G 1.186,ca.92; S lx, 65, ca. It2-109. These coinsbear tho nnmos of Licinius Crassusand Domitius Ahenobarbus who were Cengorsin 02. On the date, seeabove, on M. Aurelius Scaurus. (4) C. Cossurrus Menrounus M 652,44; MBI 2.547f.,in 44; B 1.438,44; G l'551f., 44; S lxv-lxvi, 44. His name is followed by the inscription A. A. A. F. F.
L. Cossurrus C. f. Senula (6) M 638, no.282, ca.7L-50; MBI 2.50g,no. 2g8, ca.7L_50;B 1.4g7f., ca, 64; G 1.405f.,ca. 74; S lxiii, ca. 72. Q. Cnnrnnnrus M. f. Roous (8) no. 2g9, ca.74_50;B l.4ggf., _ M 638,no. 288, ca.74-50; Mdt Z.SOS, between64 and 56; G 1.408f., ca.78; S kiii, ca. 20--68. P. Cnnpusrus (t) M 602f., no. 280,ca. 87-gl ; MBI 2.481_488, no. 227, ca.g6; B 1.440_ 442, ca.84; G f .386f.,and BB9-B42, ca.86_g3;S lxiii, ca. 8B_Sä. With L. (Marcius) Censorinusand C. (Mamilius) Limetanus. L. Cur(rnwnrus ?) (B) M 510f., no. 6g, early ff ; MBI Z.Z78,no. 26, ca. 204_lE4; B t.448f., ca. 164; G 1.tlgf., ca. 172-t5t; S lviii, 47, ca. t45_1g8. C._C_un(renrus) Tnrcm(nrrNus) (l0) M 5ll, no. 71, ca. tEA; MBI 2.2g6,no. gl, ca.154_tB4;B L.44+_446, ca.144; G 1.122L., ca. 150-125;S lix, 5t, ca. t35_1g4. C. C_un(rerrus)f. Tnron(nrnvus) (tl) M 607,no.2J4, ca. 8Z-81;Mnt Z.ZSit.,no. l0l, ca. tlL_tJ4;B t.446448,_ca. _144,^idcntifying him with the preceding moneyer; ä f .f g+t., ca. 150-125;S lix, 58f., ca. tgg_126. Q. Cunr(rus) (tt) M 541, no. 139, ca. 150-120; MBI Z.gilgf., no. 167, _ ca. ttL_IO4; 1.119f.:_9a.rt4; G 2.257:26r, ca. r2&_t03; S lx, 67, and 68f., ca. P 108-107. with cn. Domitius and M. silanus. Dated by Grueber and Babelon on the assumption that Domitius was coÄul in g6, by Mommsen that he was Cönsul in t22. (C. Dnonnrus ?) X'r,avus (Decimius g) M 5f no.72, possiblyPr. in tS+; MBI 2.267f.,no. 65, ca.204_t54; _ ?, B 1.452L.,ca. 2141'G l.llg, ca. t72-t60; S lviii, 45, ca.fiS_tSS. T. Drnrus (51) M 540tno. 138,probably before f 00; MBI z.g4g,no. 158, ca. tl4-t04; * B 1.455f.,ca.172; G 2.276,ca. 99-94; S lx, ?8, ca. tOS_tO+.Gruebor distinguishes him from the consul of gg, Babelon identifies them, and. Mommsen considersthe identification possible. CN.,Do(rurrrus)(Aanxoranrus ?) (19 ?) M 500, no. 40, the Consul either of lg2 or of t62; MF{2.249, no. 89, alter 217;B 1.457-459,ca. l?9; G 1.82f.,ca. lg6_178; S tviii, 89, ca. 150-146.
Cn. Dorwr(uus) (AsnNonennus) M 523,no. f 05; MBI 2.326f., no.133,ca.134-114; G 1.f 6lf .,ca. 12L103 ; S Ix, 63, ca. ll9-109. CN. Dorvr(rrrus)(AnnlvoBABBUs) (21) Cos. 96 M 541, no. 139, before I22; NIBI 2.3591.,no. 167, ca. tl4-104; B 1.460f.,ca. l14; G 1.151f.;2.257*26I, ca.124-IO3; S lx, 67, and 68, ca. 108-107. With Q. Curtius and M. Iunius Silanus. D(unurus ?) or D(ur,rus ?) (not in -BZ) M +gSf.,no.25, aft'et 217; MBI 2.240f.,no.25, atter 214; B I.60; G. f .69 (MD in ligature), ca. 196-173. C. Eonerrus CN.f . CN. n. Mexruus (27, cf.-3) M 6l3f ., no. 247, between81 and 69; MBI 2.476f., no. 261,ca. 8I-69; ca. 69; G f .399-401 B 1.472-475, , ca.75; S lxiii, ca.73. C. EaNerur,Drus C. f. (l) M 564,no. 182, ca, 100; MBI 2.376f.,no. 184,ca.10tt-84;B 1'475f', ca. l0l; G 1.164,ca. l0l; S lxi, 82, ca. 100.SeeAddendum. C. F(enrus ?) (not in ,EZ) M524, no. 108; MBI 2.357f.,no. 165,ca. ll4-104; B l'488' ca.89; G 2.256,ca. 124-103;S lx, 67, 70'ca. 103-102. C. X'anrusC. f. Pat. (15) M 578, no. 205, shortly before 89; MBI 2.403f., no. 208, before 89; B 1 . 4 8 8c, a . 8 9 ; G L . 2 2 2 - 2 2 4c,a . 9 0 ; S l x i , 8 2 , c a . 9 6 - 9 5 . Q. X'errus Lanno Pat. (52) M 541f., no. 140, ca. 150-125;MBt 2.340I.,no. I47, ca. 134-ll4; ca. 102-100;S Ix, 68, ca. I09. B f .479-481,ca.I44; G 2.264f.., Q. (X'esrus)Mex(ruus) Pat. (ll1 ?, or I07 ?) M 534, no. 129, ca. L34-L24;MBI 2.337-339,no. 145,ca. 134-ll4; B 1 . 4 8 1 - 4 8 3 , c a . 1 2 3G; L I ? 8 f . , c a . 9 4 ; S l i x , 5 7 , c a . l 2 5 - I 2 0 ( w i t h a restored coinage ca. 85, lxii). Mommsen identifies him with either the consul of l2l or of I 16, Babelon and sydenham with the consul of I 16, and Grueber with a later member of the family. N. X'eBrusPrcron Pat. (125) M 542,no. l4l, ca. 150-120;MBI 2.371,no. 180, ca. llrt-104; B 1 . 4 8 3 - 4 8 5c,a . l l 0 ; G 1 . 1 8 1c, a . 9 3 ; S l x , 6 4 , c a . l l 0 . M. X'elnnrrus (l) no. 220,ca. 84; B 1.488-490, M 582, no. 2I2, ca. 94-84;i:0['[BI2.420, 133-f26. 53, ca. 124-lO3; lix, ca. S 1.144, ca.84; G
M. X'ennrusC. f. (14) M 546, no. 148, ca. 150-120; MBI 2.902f., no. 108, ca. 154-lB4; B 1.491f.,ca. 149; G 2.250,ca. 150-140;S lix, 48, ca. f BT-194. L. X'lnsur,nrus Morvson (l) M 614,no. 248,ca. 8l-69; MB.L2.4771., no. 262,ca. 8l-6g; B I.4gBf., ca. 82; G 1.402f.,ca.75; S lxiii, ca.78. L. X'r,eurNrus Crr,o (6) M 542, no. l4l, ca. 125-95; MBI 2.966f., no. 173, ca. llL-l}4; B 1.495f.,ca. 941'G 2.278f., ca. 93-92; S lx, 20, ca. 106-105. L. X'r,ervrnrrusCnrr,o (7) M652,in44;M812.547,in44; B I.496f.,in44; G 1.565f.,43;Slxvi, 42.IIII vir pri(mus) fla(vit). C. FoNr(nrus) (6) M 543,no. 143,before 9l; MBI 2.356f., no. 164,ca. tt4-t}A; B I.49g501,ca. ff2; G 2.292-294,ca. 9l; S lx, 74, ca. l0g. M'. X'orvrnrus (8) M 572f.,no. 198,ca. 94; MBI 2.369f., rto. 177, ca. ll!-104;B 504,ca. f04; G l.lg2-195, ca. 9l; S lxi, 76, ca. l0B.
M'. X'orrrnrus C. f. (g) M 591f.,no.22I, ca. 84; MBI 2.445f. ,no.233, ca. 8T-81;B 1.50
S. Funros (30) or L. X'unrus (tO) M 5I2, no. 73, iate III or early II; MBI 2.282f.,no. 83, ca.20L-164; B 1.523f.,ca. I89; G 1.109f.,ca. 172-l5l (seenote 4). Seebelow, on S. Furius. S(r). X'unros (30) M 512, no.74,late IIf or early II; MBI 2.308,no. l13, ca' 164-134; B 1.523f.,ca. 189; G 1.109,ca. L72-I5I; S lviii, 42, ea.150-133. L. X'unrus Crv.f. Bnoocnus (39) M 6 4 0 ,n o . 2 8 6 ,c a . 5 4 ; M B l 2 . 5 1 0 ,n o . 2 9 1 ,c a . 5 4 ; B 1 . 5 2 7 f .c,a . 5 3 ; G 1.486f.,ca. 55:'S lxiv, ca. 61. A IIf vir. M. Funrus L. f. Pnn,us (79) M 564f., no. 183,Iate II; MBI 2.373f.,no. 182,ca. l14-104;B 1.524f.., ca. 104; G 2.283-285,ca.93-92; S lx, 67, ca. 110-108. (L. X'unrus) Pun(runro) Pat. (not in -B,E) M 496, no. 27, ca. 217-L74; MBI 2.241,no. 26, afler 214; B 1.519-52l, ca. 2I7 ; G 2.230f..,ca. 196-173; S lviii, 37, ca. f 50-f 33. (L. X'unrus) Pun(runro) Pat. (not in -B.E) M 512f., no.75,late III or early II; M812.266,no.64, ca. 2O4-154; B 1.522,ca.214; G 2.240f',ca.172-151; S lix, 40,ca.l37-134; and cf. on an uncertain issue,49, ca. 135-134. Gen(cu,rus) (not in RE) M 60I, no. 229,ca. 87-71; MBI 2.451f.,no. 239,ca' 87-81; B l'530533, ca. Sl; G 1.333-335,and 2.589, ca.84; S lxii, ca. 85-83. With Ogul(nius) and Ver(gilius). Cr. Gnr,(r,rus) (4) M 543f., no.144, after I50; M812.288,no. 93, ca. 154-134;B f .634536,ca. f49; G 1.129f.,ca. l5O-125;S lix, 50, ca. 135-134. (10) M. Hrnsrltrus M 565f.,no. l85,late II or early I; MBl2.39lf., no. 197,ca. 104-84; B 1.5g7-540,ca. 99; G I.f95-198, ca. 9I; S lxi, 77, ca. l0I. Perhapsthe Consul of 93. C. Hosrorus C. f. Gnre (4) ca. M 640, no.287, aa.54; MBI 2.511,no.292, ca.54; B 1.546-548, 54; G 1.4201.,ca. ?1; S lxiv, ca. 60. A III vir. L. Hosrrr,rus SasDRNA (23\ M 651, ca. 49-45;MBl2.544, ca. 49-45;B 1.549-563,ca. 46; G l'612 -5L4,ca.48; S lxv, ca. 48.
L. H(osrrr,rus)Tun(ur,us) (see26) M 613,no. 76, ca.154;'MBI 2.808f.,no. l14, ca.154-134;B 1.54gf., ca. 159;G 2.588,ca.90. L. Irr(us) or Irr(r,rus) (Itius ? t) M 613, no.77, early ff ; MF.I2.257,no. 50, ca.26g-204;B t.554, ca. 204; G 1.97,ca. 172-l5t; S lviii, 48, ca. t45-lgg. L. fur,rus Pat. (29, see l4l) M 528f.,no. l18, ca. t5Fl24; MBI 2.28gf.,no. g5, ca. tlL_tB4;B Z.Z, ca. 136;G 1.124,ca.150-l2E;S lix, 51, ca. lgg-126. L. frnrus Pat. (30,seel4l) M 567, no. 186,late II or early I; MBI Z.ggg,no. I9g, ca. I04_gg; B 2.4, ca. 100; G 1.230f.,ca. 8g; S lxi, 81, ca. 100. L. fur,rus Bunsro (126) M 592, no. 222,ca. 87-81; MBI 2.446f.,no. 284, ca. g7_gl; B 2.6_g, ca. 88; G 1.324-332,ca. 85; S lxii, oa. 84-gB. L. Iur,rus L. f. Censan Pat. (l4g) Cos. 64 M 567, no. 187,ca. 100,the Consulof g0; MBI 2.Bggf.,no. lgg, ca. 104-84;B 2.5f.,ca. 90; G f .209-21f,ca. g0; S lxi, 82, ca.94. Snx. Iur,rus CaEsaR Pat. (see150) M 523,no. 106,possibly Consulin I57, or praetor in l2B; MBl2.g4gf ., no. 159, ca. ll4-104; B 2.3, ca. 134; G t.174, ca. 94; S lix, 56, ca. r25-r20. L. fur,rus (Lrwus ?) Ser,rr*aron (4bg) M 608f., no. 238, perhaps the officer of sertorius who was killed in 8 f ; M B I 2 . 4 5 4 1 . , n o . 2 4 3c,a . 8 7 - 8 1 ; B 2 . 8 f . ,c a . g B ; G t . g 2 l , c a . 8 5 ; s lxii, ca. 83. with c. cassius, who was perhaps the futuro consul of 71. C. fuxros C. f. (14) M 5l3f ., no. 78,ca. 200-150;MF,I2.287,no. 51, ca. 2t7-2I4; B 2.101_ I03, ca. 204; G 1.89f.,ca.772-I5t; S lviii, 45, ca.145-188. M. Iurvr(us) (Snarvus?) (22) M 514, no. 79, ca. 204-t54; B 2.t04, ca. 174; G l. ll5_1f6, ca. 172--l5l; S lix, 49, ca. 137-194. M. fuxrus Bnurus (Cnnrro Bnurus) pat. (59) pr.44 M 626, no.266, ca. 58; MBI 2.488,no.272, ca. bg; B 2.112"-114, ca. 68; G 1.479L,ca. 59; S lxiv, ca. 60. The moneyer is probably Brutus since the coins commemorate Brutus and Ahala. D. (Iuwrus)L. f. Srr,enus (162) M 681f., no. 210, ca. 8g-88; MBI 2.409-411,no. 2IB, ca. gg_88;
B 2.107-ff l, ca.89; G1.24+- 280,ca.88; Slxii,95f., ca.90-89.Issued coinage e l(ege)P (aptri,a). M. (funrus) Sn.r(nus) (seeno. 169) M 541, no. 139,latter part of If ; MBI 2.959f.,no. 16Z,ca. ll4-104; B 2.f04-106, ca. ll4; G 2.257-26t, ca. t24-t03; S lx, 62, and 6g, ca. 108-107.With Cn. Domi(tius) and Q. Curti(us). M. (IuvnNnrus) LartnnNsrs Bahrfeld lff, 136,ca.72.
(fuvnnmus) TnarNe (25) M 500f., no. 41, ca. 217-174; MBI 2.250,no. 40, ca. 217-204; B 2.122-114,ca.209; G 2.232-234,ca. lg6-t73; S lviii, 87, ca. t55-f60. (TAL in ligature.) C. (fuvnnuus) TEALNA (2S) M 514, no. 80, first part of II; MBI 2.2G4, no. 6t, ca. 204-154; B 2.I24f., ca. 194; G 1.102f.,ca.172-l5l; S lviii, 48, ca.l45-I98. P. (Lronrrus)M. f. Cnessus (63) M 640f.,no. 288, ca.59-54; MBI 2.5fff .,no.248,59?, or 55-64?; B 2.133f.,when Quaestorin 58; G 1.487,ca. 55; S lxv, ca. 84. C. Lrcnvrus L. f. Mecsn (ll2) M 607,no. 235,ca. 84-81;MBL 2.452f.,no. 240,ca. 82-79;B 2.lBZf.,, ca.82; G 1.320,ca. 85; S lxii, ca. 83. (L. Lrcnrrus) Munnua (120) M 544, no. 145, ca. 154-124; MBI 2.284L.,no. 88, ca. 2OL-IlL; B 2.126-128,ca. 159; G 1.107,ca.172-l5l; S lviii, 42, ca. f50-f43. A. Lrcnuus Nnnve (132) M 651, ca. 49-45; MB.I 2.544, ca. 49-44; B 2.f35-f38, ca. 4g-4b; G f .514-516,ca. 48; S lxv, ca. 47.A III vir. P. (Lrcnuus) NmnvL (see136) M 544f., no. 146, ca. 124, probably the governor of Sicily in 103; MBI 2.350-352,ca. t14-104; B 2.f28-f30, ca. ll0; G 2.27&-276,ca. 9$-94; S lx, 72f., ca. 106. L. Lrvnvnrus Rneur,us (3) M 653,ca. 38; MBl3.5, ca. 38; B 2.141-143,ca.43-42; G 1.678-582, ca. 39; S lxvi, 42. A IIII vir a(uro) p(ublico) f(eriundo). L. (Lrvrus) Ser,rraron (31) SeeL. fuüus Salinator.
(Lor,r,rus) Per,rreltus (20) M 651, ca. 49-45; MF.I 2.544, ca. 4V45; B 2.147-150, ca. 46; G 1.617f.,ca. 48; S lxv, ea.47.
Pat. (80) Pr. 49 L. (Merr,rus) Tonqurrus ca. 6l; B 2.179f.,ca.64; M 641,no. 289,ca. 61; MBI2.512f".,no.294, G 1.432f.,ca. 69; S lxiv, ca. 65. A III vir.
M. Lucrr,rus Runus (31) M 578f., no. 206, just before 84; MBI 2.404f.,no. 209, ca. 89; B 2.150f.,ca. 89; G 1.224,ca. 90; S lxi, 84, ca. 100-95.
M. Mencrus M'. f. (22\ M 524,no. 107,ca. 150; MBI 2.327f.,no. 134,ca. 134-I14; B 2.f 841 8 6 ,c a . f f 9 ; G 1 . 1 4 9 f .c, a . 1 2 4 * 1 0 3S; l x , 6 l , c a . 1 l 9 - 1 1 0 . Q. Mmcrus (30) M524,no. 108,ca. 150;M812.357f.,no. 165,ea.ll$-LO4;B 2.189f', ca. ll0; G 2.266,ca. 124-103;S lx, 67, and 70, ca. f03-102. With C. X'(abius?) and L. R,(oscius?). C. (Mrncrus) Cnwso(nntus) (43) M 606,no.233, ca.87-81; MBI 2.437-439,ca. 86; B 2.190-194,ca' 84; G f .30f-306, ca. 87; S lxii, lllf., ca. 86. L. (Mnncrus)Cnwsonwus (47) M 602f., no. 230,ca. 87-81; MBI 2.43f-433, ca. 86; B 2.19&-196,ca' 84; G 1.336-339,ca.83; S lxiii, ca. 82-81. With P. Crepusiusand C. Mamilius Limetanus. Q. M, (70) M 515f., no. 84, first half of II; MBI2.273f..,no. 71, ca.204-154; B 2.181-184 , ca. 174; G 1.94f., ca. 172-l5l; S lviii, 45,ca. 145-f38'
Cw. Luonnrrus Tnro (32) M 5l4f ., no. 81,first part of II; MBI 2.278,no.77; B 2.151f.,ca.164; G 1.132f.,ca. 150-125;S lix, 52, ca. 135-127. L. Lucnnrrus Tnro (33) M 614, no.249, ca. 8l-69; B 2.152-153,ca.74; G 1.396-398,ca. 76; S lxiü, ca. 74. Q. L(unerrus ?) C(nnco?)or C(arulus ?) (13.2068) M 501,no.42, after 2L7; MBI 2.250,no. 41, ca.217-204;B 2.155f., ca. 2L7; G 2.221,ca. 217-197? Men(nrus) (see12) Mommsen identifies him with P. Mae(nius), but this is doubted by Blacas (MB.I2.252,note l); seeB 2.162,ca. 217; G 1.77,ca. 196-173; S lviii, 43,ca.150-133. P. Meo(Nros) (r2) M 502, no. 44, ca. 2I7-174;M8I2.252, no. 43, ca. 268-204;B 2.f 61163,ca. 217; G 1.83,cf. 77, ca.196-173;S lviii, 39, ca. 150-146. (18) P. Men(Nrus) M. f. ANn(res) or Arr(u.rrcus) M 546, no. 148, ca. 134-ll4; MBI 2.319f.,no. 127, ca. 134-114; ; l x , 6 0 , c a .l l 9 - 1 1 0 . B 2 . f 6 3 - f 6 5 ,c a . I l 0 ; G 1 . I 4 5 ,c a . 1 2 4 - 1 0 3S C. Ml'rmvrus (l) M 515, no.82, early II; MBI 2.270f., ca.214-154;B 2.165-167,ca. I94; G 2.243f.,ca.172-l5l; S lix, 50, ca. 135-134. (3) L. Merurr,rus Lrunrexus M 515, no. 83, first part of II; MB.I 2.259, no. 54, ca. 217-204; B 2.I70-172,ca.2I7; G 1.97f.,ca.I72-l5l; S lviii, 42, ca.150-f33. ' (8) C. Maurr,rus LnrrreNus 230, ca. 87-81; MBI 2.43f-433, ca. 86;B 2.172-174,ca. M 602f.,no. 84; G 1.336f.,343f.,ca. 83; S lxiii, ca. 82-81. A. Mmr,rus Q. f. Snn. (63) M 546f., no. 149, ca. 154-124;MBI 2.342f.,no. 149, ca. I34-ll4; B 2.I74f., ca. 135;G 2.268,ca. 102-100;S lxi, 71,ca. 100.
(74, cI.77) (Mancrus) Fnrrrrrus M 64If., no. 290, ca.7L-50;MBI 2.513,no.295, ca-74-50; B 2.196f', ca. 60; G 1.485f.,ca.66; S lxiv, ca. 56. (75) Cos' 91 L. (Mencrus) Prrr,nrus M 548f., no. 152, ca. ll4-104; MBI 2.346f..,no. 156, ca. 114-104; B 2.187f.,ca.ll2; G 2.277f.,ca. 99-94; S lx, 73, ca. 105-104. (82, cf. 8l) Q. (Mmorus) P(u)r,rrrus M 547f., no. l5l, ca.lL4; MBI 2.334f.,no- 142,ca. 134-ll4; B 2' 186f', ca. 109;G 1.175,ca.94; S lix, 56, ca. L25-120. Q. Mamus (26) M 516, no. 85, first half of II; MBI 2.284, no.87, ca' 204-16*; B 2.f99-20I, ca. 159; G 1.108f.,ca.172-l5l; S lviii, 41, ca.150-133' C. Mrnrus C. f. Cenro (33) M 615, no. 250, ca. 87-69; MBI 2.460,no. 249, ca. 79-761.B 2'2Ol204, ca. 34; G 1.353-356,ca. 82; S lxiii, ca. 79. Merrnrvus (l) MAT or UAff. M 498, no.232, after 2L7; MBI 2.239f', no' 25, after 214,cf.244,no.3f;B 2.208-211,ca.234;G1.82f.,and 2.236f.,ca' 196f 73; S lviii, 36, ca. 15S-150.
(6) P. Mrr(rnrus) M 516, no. 86, first half of II; MBI 2.309,no. ll5, ca. 154-lB4; B 2.211I.,ca. 135; G 1.137,note l, ca. l5G-125.
Q. (Mntucrus) M. f. Tspnuus (66) M 568, no. 189,by 84; MBI 2.394f.,no. 200, ca. 104-84; B 2.236f.., ca. 90; G 2.302,ca. 90; S lxi, 82, ca. 96-95.
Ml(xruus ?) (not in -8,0) M 487, no. 10, before 2f7; MBI 2.225,no. 6, ca. 229 (readsRoma); B 1.53,and 60; G 2.l7lf ., ca. 240-217.
L. Mussmrus T. f. Lolvcus (3) M 653,in 38; MBI 3.5, ca. 38; B 2.240-245,ca.43-42; G 1.573-570, ca. 39; S lxvi, 42. AIIIT vir a(uro) p(ublico) f(eriundo).
C. Mpururus L. f. Gal. (6) M 597,no. 226,ca. 82; MB.I 2.427-430,no. 226,ca. 86-83; B 2.2I6f., ca.82; G f.307-309,ca. 87; S lxii, lll, ca. 86-85.
C. Nen(vrus) Ber,nus (10) M 615f.,no. 251,ca. 8l-69; MBI 2.464f., no. 265,ca. 79-7I;B 2.248, ca.74; G f.366-370,ca. 8l; S lxiii, ca.78-76.
C. Mnuurus C. f. (10) M 642,no. 291,ca.7L-50;MBI 2.5f4f., no. 296,ca.74-50;B 2.217219,ca.60; G f .495f.,ca. 5l; S lxiv, ca. 51. L. Mnmmrus (13) M 567, no. 188, ca. ll4-104; MBI 2.368, no. 175, ca. ll4-104; B 2.212f.,ca.94; G 2.299,ca. 90; S lx, 74,ca. 109. L. Mnuurus L. f. Gal. (14) M 597,no.226,ca.82;MBl2.427-430,no. 226,ca.86; B 2.216f.,ca. 82; G f .307f., ca.87; S lxii, lll, ca. 86-85.With C. MemmiusC. f. Gal. He probabiy also issued coins alone. M 575f., no. 202, ca. g2-8g; MBI 2.399f., no. 202, ca. 104-84; B 2.213-215,ca. 82; G 1.20&-206, ca. 9l; S lxi, 79, ca. f03-102. M. Mnrrrus (2) M 652,in 44;MBl2.547 , in 44;B 2.223f., ca. 44; G 1.542-544,ca. 44; S lxv-lxvi, in 44. Presumably a IIII vir with L. Aemilius Buca, P. Sepullius Macer, and C. CossutiusMaridianus. L. Mnrucrus (16,cf. 37) M 524f., no. 109,perhapsthe officer of 180and lZ8; MBI 2.BlBf., no. 122, ca. 134-fl4; B 2.2331.,ca. 106, who suggeststhe cognomen Thermus; G 2.139f.,ca. 124--103;S lix, 55, ca. f33-f 26. C. (Mnrucrus) Auo(unnrus) (31) M 549f., no. 154, ca. 150-120;MBI 2.303f.,no. l0g, ca. 154-lBL; B 2.228-230,ca. 129; G 1.135f.,ca. 125; S lix, 54, ca. IBB-126. Tr. MrNucrus C. f. Aucunrnus (35) M 550,no. 155,perhapsa son of the precedingmoneyer; MBI 2.880f., n o . 1 3 7 ,c a . 1 3 4 - l 1 4 ; B 2 . 2 3 l f . , c a . l l 4 ; G 1 . 1 4 8c, a . 1 2 4 - 1 0 3 S ; lx,60, ca. 119-110.
(M. NoNrus) Surnrus (52) M 625f.,no. 265,ca. 60; MBI 2.487,no.27I, ca. 60; B 2.255f.,ca. 60; G 1.470f.,ca.62; S lxiv, ca. 63.
Q.MrNu(crus)Rur(us) (56) M 516, no. 87, first half of II; MBI 2.302,no. 107, ca. tE4-lB4; B 2.2261., ca. 149; G 2.250,ca. 125; S lix, 4g, ca. tBZ-184.
M. Opnrrus (8) M 525f.,no. lll, ca. ff med.;MBl 2.334,no. l4l, ca. 134-l14; B 2.274f.,ca.134; G 1.173f.,ca. 99-95; S lix, 56, ca.125-12O.
C. NonsaNus (6) M 607, no. 236,ca. 87-81;MF.l2.453f.,no. 241,ca.87-81; ß 2.258f.., ca. 84; G f .347-35I,ea. 82:'S lxiii, ca. 80. (l) C. Nuurromus M 550f.,no. 156,latter part of II; MBI 2.343f., no. 150,ca. 13
*'BE) Snx. Poupnrus Fosrr,us (not in ll0' ca' 164-134;B M 551f., no. 159, ä. tso-rzo; MBI 2'905,no' r33-r26' ca' 54, lix, s z.3sof.,"i. tzs; G r.l3lf., ca. r50-I25; Q. PorvrrnrusRoFus (*9) 59; B 2'337-339'ca' M 643, no. 292,ca. SS;Unt Z'f tSt' , no' 297' ca' 59' ca' 68: G I.484f., ca. 57; S lxiv,
(Parmrus) Ceneo (39) M 517, no. 88, ca.154; MBI 2.298-300,no. 104,note, ca. 154-134; ca. 150-125;S lix, 48, ca. 137-134. B 2.288-290,ca. 139; G 2.247f"., M. (Parrnrus)Canno (39) M 551, no. 157, ca. 114, who notes the resemblanceof the types to those of the precedingmoneyer; MBI 2.298-300,no. lO4, cn. 154-1341' B 2.288,ca. 139; G 2.252,ca.150-125; S lix, 49, ca.137-L34.Babelon identifies the two moneyers but Grueber and Sydenham distinguish them.
L. " Pouroxrus Cn. f. (*16) 170',ca'r09; B 2'359f" M;;tf., no. 199 d',"i.92';MBl 2'362-364,no' date' seeabove'on the On Il2-108' ca' OS, tx, ca.92;G i.raO, ca.92; S M. Aurelius Scaurus. *"8'O) L. - Porvrc(omus) (not in of II; MBI 2'283' no' 85' ca' 204-164;B ft"ft flf SfS, to. 93, ii"*t ca.2O9. 2.356-358, *'EO) L. PowoNrüs MoLo (not in MBI 2.395,no. 201,ca. 104_84;B 2.358f., rso_rzo; M 568,no. 190,ca. cu.94; g Z.Sfr-gtO, ca. 89; S lxi, 86f', ca' 93-91'
(Permrus) Tunn(us) (75) M 517,no. I89, ca. II med.;MBI2.285, no. 90, ca.2O4-154;B 2.286f., ca.2I4; G 1.105f.,ca. L72-L5L;S lviii, 41, ca.150-133. L. Prprus (6) M 616, no. 252,ca. 8I-69; MBI 2.465f.,no. 254,ca. 79-71;B 2.279_ 282,ca.79; G 1.370-380,ca. 80; S lxiii, ca. 78-76. L. Paprus Cnr,sus (10) M 651, ca. 49-45; l[.[BI 2.544, ca. 49-45; B 2.282-285, ca. 45; G 1.519f.,ca. 46; S lxv, ca. 46. A III vir. Pnrrr,r,rus Ceprror,rNus (7) M 652,in 43; MBI 2.549,in43; B 2.290-292,ca. 43; G 1.57If.,ca. 40; S lxvii, ca. 37. (Pwenrus) Ner(re) (14) M 517f.,no. 90, ca. If med.; MBI 2.263,no. 60, ca.204-154;B 2.303305,ca. 200; G l.l0lf., ca.172-l5l; S lviii, 44, ca.145-138. (Pntenrus) Nrrm (14) M 551, no. 158, ca. 150-120;MBI 2.272f.,no. 70, ca. 204-154; B 2.302I.,ca. 200,identifies him with the previous moneyer; G l.I12, ca. 172-l5I; S lviii, 45, ca. f45-138. L. Pr,aurrus (Pr,orrus) Pr,lNous (Munatius 26, cf. Plotius l0) M 651, ca.4945; MBI 2.545,ca.49-45;B 2.325-327,ca.45; G 1.576f.,ca.47; S lxv, ca. 4l . L. Pr,(eurrus) H(vrsanus ?) (Cf. 19) LPLH in monogram. M 496f., no. 28, ca. 217-174;MBl2.24If., no. ; lviii,37,ca. 2 7 , a f t e r 2 l 7 ; B 1 . 3 1 8 - 3 2 1c ,a . 2 l 8 ; G 1 . 7 0 c, a . 1 9 6 - 1 7 3S 155-r50. C. Pr,urrus (21.1270) M 518, no. 92, first half of II; MBI 2.300f., no. 105, ca. 154-134; B 2.329,ca.2I4; G 2.248f.,ca.150-125;S lix, 48, ca.l37-I34.
Q. Ponronrus MIISÄ (not in-*ÄZ) - ^298' ca' 74-50; B 2'360M 643,no. 293, ca. zLso; MBI 2'5rof', no' 365,ca. 64; G 1.4+L-446,ca' 67; S lxiv, ca' 68' (*27) Q. "rvrPoruroxrüs Rurus MF;I2'524' no' 309' dato uncortain; o,,""'iuitt; d;i; ä+Ä,-no.304, B 2.366,ca. 71; G L-407,ca' 74; S lxiii, ca' 71' C. (Poncrus)Cero (*15) no' 106' ca' 154-134; M 518f., no. 94, first üa'H of II; MBI 2'301' ca' f 37-134' 48' B 2.g67t.,ca. I49; G 2.24gf',ca' 150-125;S lix' *44--" M. (Poncrus) Crto (not in ^ no' 205' ca' l0tt-84; M 572,no. I97,.r. fO+-O+;fVfgt Z'eg6-398' ca' 93-gf ' 83' lxi' S B 2.g70-372,ca. I0I; G 2'303-305,ca' 90; *nE)--M. Ponc(rus) Lerce (not in no' 128' ca' 134-ll4; M 526,no. ll3,1a. II med'; wfnt 2'g2}f'' ca' 1r9-I10' 63' lx' S B 2.368f.,ca.129;G 1.151,ca' 124-103; "!E)---. P. (Poncrus) Le'nol (not in no' 172' ca' l14-104; M 552!.,no. roil "o. rSO-feO;MBI 2'965f'' 104' ca' 78' B 2.369f.,ca. 110; G 2.301,ca' 90; Slx' L. Ponor(us) LrorN(us) (*4)176' ca' I09;.8 2'372f'' M 573,no. rss e,'in'gzlllnf 2362-364,no' above'on M' Aurelius See 112-109' ca' ca.92; G 1.185,"",.'gi;S 1*, 6S, Scaurus. 2
Broughton II
A. Posruurus A. f. S. n. Ar,nrxus Pat. (*38) M 617, no. 254,ca. 8l-69; MBI 2.46ff., no. 250, ca. 7V75; B 2.380382,ca.74; G f .35ff., ca.82; S lxiii, ca.79. A. (Posrumus) S(p.) f. Ar,nrxus Pat. (not in *-R.4) M 558f.,no. 173,ca. 89; MBI 2.382f.,no. l9l, ca. 104-84; B 2.377380,ca. 89; G 2.309-311,ca. 89; S lxi, 87f., ca. 92-91. L. Posruinrus Ar,BrNus Pat. (*39) M 526f.,no. l14, ca.I54; MBI 2.332,no. 139,ca. 134-lt4;B 2.377, ca.134; G 1.I71f.,ca. 9$-95; S lix, 56, ca. L26-I20. C. Posruurus TA. . ? Pat. (*40) M 644,no. 294,ca. 7&-50;MBI 2.5f7f., no. 299,ca. 7L-50;B 2.382L., ca. 64; G 1.394f.,ca.77; S lxiii, ca.74. L. Pnoor,rus f. (not in *.8,8) M 617f., no. 255,ca. 8t-69; MBI 2.466f., no. 256,ca.79-71; B 2.385387,ca. 79; G f .386f.,ca. 78; S lxiii, ca. 78-76. C. Punr,rcrus(Ponr,rcrus)Q.f. (*10) M 616, no. 253,ca. 8l-69; MBI 2.466,no.255, ca.79-71; B 2.333335,ca. 79; G 1.365f.,ca. 8l; S lxiii, ca. 78-76. C. (Punr,rcrus) Mer,r,n(olus) C. f. (not in *-BZ) M 573f.,no. 199c,in 92; MBI 2.362-364,no. 170,ca. f 09; B 2.330,in 92; G 1.187,ca. 92; S lx, 65, ca. ll2-I09. Seeabove,on M. Aurelius Scaurus. C. (Punr,rorus)Mar,(r,nor,us) (*f4) M 558,no. 173,ca. 89;M812.382f.,no. l9l, ca. 104-84;B 2.331-333, ca. 89; G 2.306f.,ca. 89; S lxi, 87, and 88f., ca. 92-91.With L. Metel(lus) and A. Alb(inus) S(p.) f. Probably the Quaestor of Cilicia under Cn. Dolabella in 80. S(n)x. Q(urNcrnrus ?) Pat. (not in *.BZ) M 503,no. 47, ca.2L7-174;MBL2.254,no. 46, ca. 217-2041'B2.397L., ca.l79; G 2.238,ca.196-172. x-B.E) Q(unrcrrus ?) (not in 2I7; MBI 2.236,no. 18, ca.268-204; B f.60; 493, 19, before no. M 2.388f., in the earliest coinagewith monograms; G I.64, ca. 217-197. Tr. Q(urNcrrus ?) (not in *-B,O) M 568f., no. l9l, ca. 150-120;MBI 2.378,no. 186, ca. 10rt-84;B 2.393f., ca. 104;G 2.288f., ca. 9l; S lx, 76, ca. 105. ?) Pat. (not in *-B,E') T. Q(urxcrrus ?) (X'r,ervrrNrrvus M 527,no. ll5, the Consuleither of 150 or of I23; MBI 2.328f.,no.
135, ca. 134-lI4; B 2.39f-393, ca. f34; G 1.154-166,ca, 124-103; S lx, 62, ca. ll9-110. C. Rrrrus (l) M 549, no. 95, first hal-fof II; \IB.L 2.294f.,no. 100, ca. 154-134; B 2.398-400,ca.154; G I.121f., ca.150-125;S lix, 50, ca. 135-134. L. R,(oscrus?) (not in -EZ) M 524,no. 108, ca. II med.; MBt 2.357f.,no. 165, ca. ll<1-104;B 2.400f..,ca. 108; G 2.256,ca. 124-103; S lx, 67, and 70, ca. f03-f02. With C. X'(abius)and Q. Mar(cius). L. Rosorus X'aelrus (15) Pr. 49 M 644,no. 295, ca. 74-50; MBI 2.518,no. 300, ca. 74-501'B 2.401404,ca.64; G I.422-431,ca.70; S lxiv, ca. 58. L. R,usnrus Dossnlqus (17) M 603f.,no. 231,ca. 87-81; MBI 2.433-435,no. 228,ca.86;B 2.4064 1 0 ,c a . 8 3 ; G l . 3 l l - 3 1 4 , c a . 8 6 ; S l x i i , I l 0 f . , c a . 8 7 - 8 6 . L. Rusrrus (l) ca , .8l-69; B 2.410f., M 6 1 8 ,n o . 2 5 6 ,c a . 8 l - 6 9 ; M B . L 2 . 4 7 9 , n o . 2 6 4 c a . 7 l ; G 1 . 3 9 8 c, a . 7 5 ;S l x i i i , c a . 7 4 . L. R,urrr,rus Fr,ec(cus) (16) M 618f., no. 257,ca. 8l-69; MBI 2.463,no. 251, ca. 79-75; B 2.413, perhapsca.79; G 1.395,ca.77; S lxiii, ca.75. P. Senw(us) (30) M 570, no. 195,late II, perhaps a Vettius; MBI 2.377f.,no. 186, ca. 104-84;B 2.530f.,ca. l0l;GL.221f.., cf. 166,ca.90; Slxi,8l, ca. 100. C. San(Nrus?) (not in ,B-E) MBI 2.261,no. 56, ca.217-204;G 1.107,ca.I72-l5l; S lviii, 40, ca. r50-r33. P. SernrnNus (l) ca. 8l-69; B 2.419f., M 619,no. 258,ca. 8l-69; MBI 2.479f.,no.265, ca. 74; G f .392-394,ca. 77; S lxiii, ca. 75. L. Seur(nrus) (4) M 519f., no. 96, first half of II; MB.I 2.271f., no. 69, ca. 204-164; B 2.42V422,ca. 200; G l.lllf., ca. 172-I5l; S lviii, 44, ca. 146-138. C. Son(rnoNrusCunro ?) (8, cf. 4) M 503,no. 48; MBI 2.258,no. 52, ca.217-214;B2.423-428,ca.204; G 1.97f., 172-l5l; S lviii, 44, ca. f45-138. (L. Scnrnoxrus)Lrno (20) M 632f.,no.274, ca.54; MBI2.498-500,no. 280,in 64;B 2.426-428, ca. 54; G 1.419f.,ca.7l; S lxiv, ea. 55. zg*
L. Snrvrn(nonrus) (9) G LIl9, ca. I50-I25. (Tr. SrurnoNrus ?) Gn(loouus) (not in RE) M 603f.,no. 49, ca.2L7-174;MBI 2.254,no- 47, ca.2T7-204;B 1.429f".,ca. 217; G 2.229, ca. 217-197. Tr. Snurnorvrus Gruconus (56) M742, ca.37; MBI 3.5, just after 38; B 2.432-434,ca. 38-36; G 1.593f., ca.37; S lxvii, ca.40. A IIII vir, Q(uaestor)Desig(natus)' With Q. Voconius Vitulus. Tr. Snncr(noruus) Pmro (7+) M 520, no. 97, first half of II; MBI 2.275f.,no.75, ca.2O4-154;B 2.4g0-4g2,ca.I74; G 1.95f., ca. 172-I5l; S lviii, 46, ca.l45-f 38' With Q. Marc(ius) (Libo). L. Snnrrus C. f. (6) Pr.M 579, no. 207,ca. 84; MBI 2.405f.,no. 210,ca. 89; B 2.437f', ca' 89; G 1.227f..,ca. 89; S lxi, 84, ca. 100*95. A special issue Arg(ento) Pub(lico). (l) P. Snrur,r,rus Mlcnn 2.547, in 44 ; B 2.438-441,in 44 ; G 1.547-55I, ca' MF,L M 652,in 44 ; 44; S lxv-lxvi,44. C. Snn'lu,rus (I3, 14) M 534f.,no. 130, ca,.134-124;MBI 2.339f.,no. 146,ca. l3r1-114;B 2.44H48, ca. 123; G 1.I79f., ca. 94; S lix, 57f., ca. 126-120. C. Snnvrr,r(us)M. f. (14) M 553, no. 163, ca. 124; MBI 2.3f4-318, no. 124, ca. 134-ll4; B 2.444!., ca. 124; G 2.275-28L,ca. 93-92; S lx, 66, ca. lI0-lO8 C. Spnvr,rus C. f. (16) M 645,no. 296, ca.74-50;MBl 2.5f8f., no. 301, ca.74-50;9 2'451f', ca.64; G 1.469f.,ca. 63; S lxiv, ca. 63. M. Snmu,rus C. f. (19) M 569,no. 192,ca. 100;MBI 2.396,no.202,ca. l0rt-84; B 2.449f', ca' 94; G 1.229f.,ca. 89; S lxi, 84, ca. t0G-95. P. Snnvnr(us) M. f. Rur,r,(us) (79) M 579, no. 208, shortty before 84; MBt 2.406L.,no. 2ll, ca' 89; B 2.450f..,ca. 89; G 1.230,ca. 89; S lxi, 84, ca. lO0-95. L. Snnvrus Runus (6) M 652, in 43; MBI 2.550,in 43; B 2.47+-476,ca. 43-42; G 1.566,ca'
42; S lxvi, ca. 4342. Babolon and Grueber conJusohim with tho eon of Ser. Sulpicius Rufus. Q. Srcntrus (12) M 650,in 49; MBI 2.539,in 49; B 2.458-461,in 49; G 1.603,oa. 49; S lxv, ca. 49. A III vir, who issued coinage also under the Praotor Coponius by decree of the Senate. See Grueber 2.468. A. Srunr(us ?) or Srunr(r,rus ?) (Spurius 2) M 520,no. 98, ca.II med.; M812.268,no. 66, ca.20L-154;B 2.466, ca.2l4; G 1.127,ca. 150-125;S lix, 52,ca.133-126. C. Sur,prorusC. f. (9) M 576,no. 203,ca. 91-84; M812.400f.,no. 206,ca. 104-84;B 2.470472,ca.94; G 1.202f.., ca.91; Slxi,78f., ca. 103-102. Snn. Sur,r(rcrus) (20, cf. 2r) M 645f., no.297, ca.74-50;MBl 2.519f., no. 302, ca.7L60;B 2.473f.., ca. 64; G 1.488, ca. 54; S lxv, ca. 54. Perhaps a Galba, and either the Praetor of 54 or his son. Tatrus ? (TA or AT in monogram) (not in J?Z) M 501, note 97, one before and the other after 2L7;B 1.58,no. 40; G 1.105,ca.172-l5l; S lviii, ca. 150-133. C.Tnn(nrvrrus)Luc(erus) (56) M 554,no. 164,ca. 150-120;MBI2.277,no. 75, ca.20L-154;B 2.48* 485, ca. 2la; G 1.103f.,ca. 172-l5l; S lix, 49, ca.135-134. (Tnnowrrus ?) Van(no) (see76) G 2.222, ca. 217-197; cf. S lviii, ca. 150-146. (Tnnnwrrus ?) Ven(n)o (see76) G 1.68f.,ca. 196-173;cf. S lviii, 41, ca. l6G-133' C. (Tnnnnrrus) Van(no) (76) M (504, no. 5l) attributes these three seriesto one person, and dates him after 200; MBI 2.255,no. 48, ca.2l7-204;B p.a79-a83)attributes them to one person, whom he identifies with the Consul of 216; cf. G 1.35, ca.240-229; and see S above. L. Tnonrus Bnr,sus (4) M 569f.,no. 193, aa.94; MBI 2.379f.,no. 188,ca. 104-84;B 2.487f.., ca. 90; S lxi, 84, ca. 100-95. ca.94; G 1.225f.., C. Trrnrrus (6, cf. 7) M 529, no. ll9, ca. ff med.; MBI 2.293,no.98, ca. 164-134;B 2.495,ca. 136; G 1.126,ca. l5O-125; S lix, 62, ca.133-126.
-M. Trrrxrus (12) M 62l, rro.ö9,first half of II; Mp;2.262,no' 58, ca' 217-204;B 209;G 1.85f.,ca. 196-173;S lviii, 4I, ca' 150-133' 2.4gg-4g;5,ca. Q. Trrrus (Mumo) (33) M 583f.,no. 213, ta. 8$-84; MBI 2.41I-413,no' 214,ca' 88; B z.iÄs-ß2,'ca.90; d t.zso-2s9,ca. 87; S lxii, l07f', ca' 88' SeeCichorius, (Jnters.zu Incil,itts 206-208. L. Trrumus L. f. SanrNus (2) M 584f., no. 214, ca. 89-84; MBI 2.413-415,no. 2I5, ca. 89-84; B 2.496-500,ca. 88; G 1.297-300,ca. 87; S lxii, 108f., ca. 88. L. Tnnrawrus (1) M 554,no. 165,ca. 150-125;MBI 2'3llf', no' 120,ca' L24-IL4; B 2.500-502,ca. 139; G 1.136f.,ca. 150-125;S lix, 53, ca' r33-r26. M. Tur,r,rus (Il, cf. 34) M 554f., no. 166, ca. 150-120; MBt 2.311,no' 119, ca' L34-ll4; B z.ilO2f.,lateII; G 2.266,ca. 102-100; S Ix, 67, ca' 109' Bahrfeld (CIL 12.2, p. 752) agreeswith Grueber. ? L. Trrn(ur,r,rus?) or Tun(rus) Semwus (not in RE\ M 585, note 362,and G 1.300,not'e,identify him with-L'.Titurius sabinus; cf".B 2.504!..,ca. 87. Bahrfeld (cIL 12.2,p. 755) distinguishes them and dates him ca. 87'
Yer,(nnrus) (4) M 505,no. 52, ca.217-174;MBI 2.283, no. 84, ca. 204-154; B ca.227; G 1.69,ca. 196-173;S lviii, 40, ca. f50-f33. 2.507-509, L. Ver,nmus Acrscur,us (94)
M 651, ca. 49-45; MBt 2.545, ca. 49-45: B 2.514-521, ca. 46-45; G f .534t-537,ca. 45; S lxv, ca. 45. C. Var,(nnrüs) C' f. X'r,eo(cus) Pat. (*33) M 52bf., no. 120, ca. Iimed.; MBI 2.293,no' 99, ca' L54-L34;B Z.SOg-Sff,ca.209;G1.120f.,124L,ca.150-125;Slix,5l,and53'ca' 133-r26. L. Ver,umus X'r,eccus Pat. (*54, 176 or 177?) M 570,no. l94,late II; MBI i.367f.,no.I74, ca' ll2-IO4; B 2'511f'' ca. 104; G 2.300f.,ca. 90; S lxi, 76, ca. 103' *95, *97) (M. Ver,nnrus) Mnssar,(r,e)f. Pat. (see in 53; B 2'513f" in no.277, M 630f., IIoi.27l, i"'rai MBI 2.496, by d'ecreeof the issue 63; G 1.493, ca. 53; S lxiv, in 53. Special Senate with the inscription Patre Cos.
(*2) M. Vma(uxrnrus) M 537f., no. 132, ca. 150-120; MBI 2.325f-.,no. 132, ca' 134-l14; ß 2.524f..,ca. 129; G 1.163f., ca. 102; S lx, 62, ca. tl9-110. Vnn(crr,rus) (Virgilius *r) M 601f., :no.ZZg, ca. 87-81; MBt 2.45If., no. 239, ca. 87-8I; B 2.528-530,shortly before Sf; G 1.333-335,and 2.589,both ca' 84; S lxii, ca. 85-83. With Ogul(nius) and Gar(gilius). P. (Vnrrrus ?) Sl'nmus SeeP. Sabinus.
(Sabinus 30)
T. Vnrrrus Senncus (*f2) M 646,no. 298, ca.74-50; MBI 2.520f., no. 303, ca.74-50; B 2'531f', ca. 69; G 1.417,ca.72; S lxiv, ca. 60. Tr. Vnr(unrus) B(ennus ?) (*f g) M 555f., no. 169,latter part of II; MBI 2.306f.,no. 11, ca. 154-134; ca. 93-92; S Ix, 66, ca. 110-108' B 2.533-536,ca. L29; G 2.281f.., C. Vrsrus C. f. Pelrsl (not in *-B-O) M 585f., no. 215, ca. 89-84; 1\[Bl 2.4f5-417, no. 216, ca' 89-84; B 2.537-5+4,ca. 90; G f.289*296,ca. 87; S lxii, 105-107,ca' 89-88' C. Vrnrus C. f. C. n. Pense (Cenrnorul,Nus) (*9) Cos' 43, Pr' 48 ? M 652,in 43 (later favored S); MBI 2.142,note 3, in 43;B 2'544-647, in 43, when Consul; G 1.509-512, ca. 49; S lxv, ca' 49-48' The special coinage with Decimus Brutus points to 49, in spite of the figure of Libertas on the coinage. C. Vrnrus Venus (*14) M 653,in 38; M813.5, ca. 38; B 2.547-550,ca.4342; G I'587-590, ca. 38; S lxvi-lxvii, ca. 39. L. Vnvrcrus (*2) M 646, no. 299, ca. 58; ll{P.I2.52If.,no. 304, ca. 581B 2'661f', ca' 5 S ; G I . 4 9 2 ,c a . 5 3 ; ! . k o , c a . 5 4 . . Q. VocoNrus Vrrur,us (*5) M742, shortly after 38;MBl 3.5, shortly after 38; ß 2.669-682,ca' 4l-40; G, f .591f., ca.i37; S lxvii, ca.4O. Issued coins while Quaestor Designatüs, probably a colleague of Ti. Sempronius Gracchus' M. Vor,rnrus M. f. (*2) M 619-621,no. 259, ca. 8t-69; MBI 2'467-470,no. 267, ca' 79-71; B 2.562-567,ca. 88; G 1.338-392,ca. 78; S lxiii, ca. 76.Note a special issue, S(enatus)C(onsutto)d(e) T(hesauro).
L. Vor,(rnrus) L. f. SrnaBo (*l) M 646f., no. 300, ca.74-50;NIBI2.522,no. 305, ca. 74-50;B 2.567I., ca. 60 ; G 1.385,ca. 7I ; S lxiii, ca. 82-81.The supplementfor the nomen remains uncertain. Aoptlvoutvr The lists of Monetales given above wore already in proof when I received a copy of Dr. I{arl Pink's The Triwnwiri, Monetales anil,tha strwcture ol the coi,nage of-ihe Roman Repwbt'ic (Numismatic Studies, No. 7, American Numismatio society, New York, 1952). This important work merits more detailed consideration than can be given here. In general, the author uses the considerable mrmber of differont critoria available in order to organize t'he denarial coinage, and its accompanying issues of bronze, into chronologicalgroups, and to arrange the in a suggested chronological order within each group. In Monetäles'byloileges many cases, particularly in the earlier period, it is not possible to assign exact, dates, or to ciaim that attributions of particular Moneüales to particular colleges are certain, but the study nevertheless represents an important advance. Beginning with a dato ca. 210 B. C., a date somewhat earlier than that of Mattingly Änd Sydenharn, Dr. Pink arranges the coinage in ten groups. Of these the first, being änon1'rnous, does not concern us. The second however, which he dat'os be' fore 16g, included issues which bear one namo abbrewiated and regularly in monogram, then the first name in full, then two narnes, and finally issues with the first indications of three namos. A third group begins with the cessation of the victoriate and continues until I l9 B. C,, iusü before the issues with tho names of L. Ll0(inius) and cN. DoM(itius), which he joins Mattingly and I{ubitschek in associating with the foundation of the colony of Narbo in I 18, He is inclined to date the retariffing ofthe denarius at sixteen asses in the time ofthe younger Gracchus. Group four extends from ca, 118 until the Lex Clodia and the new issue of quinarii ca. 104, while group five begins with these and ends with 89, when the Ler Papiria introduced tho somi-uncial standard. The sixth group reflects the disturbances of the period from 89 to 80, and the seventh includos the colleges roughly dated between 80 and 70. Group eight begins about 70, dated by the aedilician issues of P. Galba and M. Plaetorius cestianus, and continues to 50 B. C. In this period the dosignation III VIR, begins to appear but is reserved for the leading member of the college, and there are roferences on the coins to contemporary events. The colleges ofthe period from 49, the outbreak oftho war between Pompey and Caesar, to 4l aro arranged in Group nine. Dr. Pink is inclined to date the internrption of the coinage in 41 rather than in 37. Theso until 44, and Quattuorviri thereafter. The tenth colleges consisted ofTriumviri group, dated frorr 2OLo 7 B' C., romains outside the plan of a work on the Magis' trates of the Roman Republic. The following is a summary table of the eighty-six colleges into which Dr. Pink arrangos the Monetales from the time of the first signatures unüil 41 B. C. Group II. Before 168 B. C. I. With Monograms. t. LHPH (L. Plauüius H;psaeus), FVR(ius), AVTR(onius) 2. Q(uinctius), MD (Duilius or Durmius)' FVB,(ius) 3. MA( ?), AVR(elius), C. (Terentius) VAR(O)
4. MAE(nius), P(etronius ?), AT or TA (Atilius or Tatius) 6. AL (Aelius), (Sempronius) GR,(acchus),P. MAE(nius) 6. MAT(ienus), (Caecilius)ME(tellus), (Baebius)TAMP(ilus) 7. VAl(erius ?), (Aelius, or Aemilius or Apuleius), (Naevius) BAL(bus) 8. AV(relius), (Furius) PVR,(purio), TOD with symbol of a bird 9. OPEIM(ius), (Papirius)TVRD(us), L. POMP(onius) II. Wiüh single names,usually cognomina. 10. (Pinarius) NAT(A), (Atilius) SAR,(anus),P. (Cornolius)SVLA ll. (Licinius) MVRENA, OPEI(mius), (Oornelius)CINA III. Two or three names,including cognomen, 12. C. AI' (C. Aelius), SX Q (Sex. Quinctilius), L. ITI (L. Itius or Itilius) 13. C. (Clovius)SAX(ula), A. CAE(cilius),P. (Cornelius)BLAS(io) f4. CN. CAl.P(urnius), L. COIL(ius), Q. L. C. (Q. Lutatius Cercoor Catulus) 15. M. TITINI(us), L. MAMILI(us), Q. MARI(us) r6. C. S0R,(ibonius),C. ANTESTI(us), (Iuventius) TAL(na) r7. S. AFRA(nius), L. SA\IF(eius),C. MAIANI(us) 18. CN. DOM(itius), C. IIINI(us) C. F., C. TER(entius) LVC(anus) r9. M. ATILI(us) SAB,AN(us),Q.MARC(ius) LIBO, L. SEMp(ronius)pITIO Group IIL Down to f f g B. C. 20. Q. MINU(cius) RVF(us), C. PLVTI(us), L. CVP(iennius) 2I. C. (Porcius)CATO, P. (Aelius?) PAETVS, CN. LVCR,(etius)TRIO 22. TI. VET(urius) B( ?), M. IVNI(us), FLAVS (DecimiusFlar,rrs) 23. Q. FABI(us) LABEO, CN. CORNEL(ius) L. F. SISENA, A. MANLI(us) Q. F'. SER. 24. SEX. POM(peius)FOSTLVS, M. FAN(nius)C.F., M. TVLLI(us) 25. M. (Papirius)CARBO, C. RENI(us), M. AVRELI(us) OOTA 26. CN. GEL(lius), AV(relius) RVF(us), M. BAEBI(us) Q. F. TAMPIL(us) 27. C. VAL(erius) C. F. FLAC(cus),A. SPVRI(lius),L. FLAMINI(us) CILO 27A. Valerius and Spurilius as above, L. ATILI(us) NoM(entanus) Supplementa,ryissues,with a substitute Monetalis. Mark XVI. 28. C. TITINI(us), M. AVF(idius) RVS(ticus),L. rVLI(us) Mark XVI. 29. M. CIPI(us) M. F., M'. AQVIL(ius), P. (Porcius)LAECA 30. CN. DOMI(tius), M. (Iunius) SILA(nus), Q. CVRT(ius) All three Monetalesnamed together for tho first time. 31. L. TREBANI(us), C. CVR(iatius) F. TB,IGE(minus), C. (Minucius) AVG (urinus) Group IV. Ca. l18-104 B. C. 32. L. POMPONI(us)CN. F., C. (Poblicius)MALLE(oh:s) C. F., L. COSOO(nius) M. F. Special supplementary issueswith the names of L. PORCI(us) LICI(nus) and M. AVRELI SCAVRI. Pink accepts Mattingly's dating of these issuesto I18, sinco the namos of L' Lrc(inius crassus)and cN. DoMr(tius) on them refor not to t,hoir conflor. ship in 92 but to their activity as foundersofthe colony ofNarbo (on crassus, see Cic. Brut, 16O;and on both, Benedict, H,istorg ol Narbo 4-10). Buü ho
rejects tho suggestionthat the two who issuedsupplementary coinagedid so Mattingly, J RS 12llg22l230-233). The first, group bears ,"" Qoou"to"*"("see second X, the the mark f. Sg. i4. VenC(unteius), C. NVMITORI(us), TI' MINUCI C' F' AVG\IRINI i+. ö. tC"u"lirrs) METE(LLUS), M. POR'C(ius)LAECA,M' FABRINI(us) 36. -q. L. MINUCI(us), M. ACILIVS M' F', T' Q(uinctius) cN. DOMI(rius) or DO(mitius), P. (Licinius) iä. G"""itiu")'tunrngus), NERVA METELLVS Q.F., Q' (Fabius)MAX(imus)' C' SERVEIL(ius) 32. ttl. (Caecilius) Supplementaryissueby C. CASSI(us) 38. M'. ACILI(us) BALBVS, L. OPEIMI(us), P' CAlP(urnius) Q. MAR'(cius?) 39. C. F(abius),L. R(oscius), 'Q. (Caä"iiiu.) ME(tellus) or METE(llus), CN' FL or CN' ier,friiirr"), FOUL (Cn. Fulvius) 41. C. ABVRI(us) GEni(inus),P. MAE(nius) ANT(iaticus ?)M' F" C' SERVEI' LI(us) M. F. 42. M.'MÄRCI(us) M'. F., M. OPEIMI(us), SEX' IVLI(us) CAISAR' 43. i. ANTESitius; GRAG(ulus), L. POST(umius) ALB(inus)' Q' (Marcius) PILIPVS 44. L. (Marcius) PI{ILIPPVS, T. DEIDIVS, M" AEMILIO LEP(ido) 45. M. ABVRI(us) M. r'. GEM(inus), L' MEMMI(us), L' VAL'EA'I-FLACCI special coinagesby Q. LVfeTrlu*; cERco, M. sERGI(*s) SILVS, (Cornelius)CETEGVS, L. RVSTI(cus) Group V. Ca. 104-89B. C. I. Four collegoswith supplementary issues 46. T. CLOVLI(us), C. (Claudius)PVLCIIER" L' IVLI(us) 47. M. rovRl i. F. PItILt, L. POMPONT(us)MOLO, Q' (Minucius) TrrER'M' (us)M. F. (YA' ?) +e. i. il,vTrll(us) FLAC(cus),L. CASSI(us) Q'F', C' PoSTU$(:*l A' (Caecilius) F', L' S' ALBINUS (Postumius) A. fitaf,tf,lieolus), (poUti"ir*l +g. C. METELL(us). PinknotesatthispointthecoinageoftheQuaestoresUrbaniAp. Cf.tttaiu.l and T. MAl,jhus). IIe claims as QuaestorsC' EGNATVLEI(us) C. b., whom he credits with issuesof denarii (vs' Gruebor 1'164f')' T' coins CLOVf,t(us), and P' (Vettius) SABIN(us), as the t9!t9r p on their for the stands not for their value as Öuinarii (Grueber and sydenham) but in' office of Quaestor. IIe accepts Sydenham's date (ca' 95) for the coins and CAEPIO' PISO scribed with the names of the Quaostors II. Regular coinage 50. CN. (C"ornelius)Bf,ASIO CN. F., N. FABI(us) PICT9ß,-C:ALJ'I(us) BALA 51. C. FöNT(eius), L. (Appuleius) SATVR'N(inus), L' TIIORIVS-BALBVS 52. L. MEMfViT(us)GAL, t. (Aurelius) COT(ta), L' (Cornelius)SCIP(io) ASIAG' (enus) se. ö. SVLpfCI(us) C. F., M'. FONTEI(us), C' COIL(ius)CALD(t1s)-. 64.M.HERENNI(*),r,.'IVLI(us)L.F'CAESAB',L'CASSI(us)CAEICIANVS Group VI. Ca. 89-80 B. C. 66. L. (Calpurnius) PISO FRVGI, C. VIBWS C. F. PANSA, C' MARCI(us) OIINSORI(nus)
66. Q. TITI(us), L.RVBRI(us) DOSSEN(us), CN. (Cornelius) LENTVL(us) 67. D. (Iunius) SILANVS L. F., (Cornelius) LENT(utus) MAR(celli?) F., M. (Porcius) CATO. A supplementary issue of bronze by L. TVR(ius ?). 674. Silanus and Lentulus as above, with L. SENTI(us) C. F. as a substituto Monetalis. 68. C. FABI(us) C. F., L. TIT\IRI(us) L. F. SABIN(us), M. SERVEILI(us) C. F. 58A.. Fabius and Titurius as above, with P. SERVEILI(us) M. F. RVLLI 59. M. tr'ONTEI(us) C. F., L. CAESI(us), C. LICINIVS L. F. MACER 60. L.IVLI(us) BVRSIO, C. NORBANVS, L. COSSVTI(us) C. F. SABVLA 60.4'. Anonymous special coinage with types of Bursio, Fonteius, and Macer. 6r. GAR(gilius), OGVL(nius), VERG(ilius) All named togother on coins of one issue. 62. L. (Marcius) CENSORIN(us), P. CR EPVSI(us), C. MAMIL(ius) LIMETAN(u") Pink treats tho issues of M. LVCILI(us) RVF(us), of the praeüor e. ANTO(nius) BALB(us), the Aediles of the Plobs M. FAN(nius) and L. ORIT(onius), of L. C. MEMIES L. F. GAL, TI. Q(uinctius), C. CASSI(us) and L. (Iulius or Livius) SAJ,IN(ator), and the Curulo Aedile p. FOIIRM ORASSIPES, all as special issues. Group VIf. Ca. 80 to 70 B. C. 63. C. POBLICI(us)
la. Rogular, Sorrati Q. F., L.VOl,(teius) L. F. STRAB(o), L. ROSCI FABATI
lb. Special, Serrati 64. C. NAE(vius) BALB(us), TI. CLAUD(ius) TI. F. AP. N., M. (fuvenrius) LATERENS(is) 2a, Regular, Sorrati 65. C. MARI(us) C. F. CAPIT(o), L. PAPI(us), Q. CREPEREI(us) M. F. ROCVS 2b. Special, Serrati 66. Marius, as above, T. VETTM SABINVS, L. PROCILI(us) F. Pink explains the second appoarance of Marius as due to iteration of the office in a second year. 67. L. EGNATIVS SATR,IENVS
3a, Regular CN. F. CN. N. MAXSVMVS,
TRIO, p.
3b. Special. 68. L. FARSVLEI(us)MENSOR, L. AXSIVS L. F. NASO, Q. POMPONI(us) R,VFVS Special issuo by M. VOLTEI(us) M. F. Pink places in this group the special coinage of the Quaestors L. PLAE. TORI(us) L. F. and P. (Cornelius) LENT(ulus) P. F. L. N. Group VIII.
Ca. 70 to 50 B. C.
f . Still with issuo marks. 69. (L. Cassius) LONGIN(us) III V(ir), C. (Calpurnius) PISO L. F. I'RVGI, (Aemilius) LEPIDVS
2, Last,regular issuemark. ?0. C. I{OSIDI(üs) C. F. GETA IIMR', A' POST(umius)A' F' S' N' AIBIN(us), M' (Calpurnius) PISO M. F' FRVGI (Possibly a Pupius) ' 3. Last Sörrati. With topographical rovorsolegends' 7r. M" AQVrL(ius) M'. r. M'. N:Irl vrF, (Q. Fufius) I(AJ,ENI, COR'Dr 4. Veiled heads on the obverso. T2.P.FONTETVSP.F.cAPIToIIIVIB,,PAVLLVS(Aemilius)LEPIDVS' LIBO (Scribonius) ' of J,ibo. supplementary denarii with obverseof Lepidus ar}_d_rev-erse IIMR,, Q. POMPONfVS MUSA' C' 7g. o. i. (rvfutttilr*i tOnQvar(us) SEB,VEIL(ius) C. F. 6. Each with two t;Pes and one name. (M. Iunius) BRVTVS, FAVSTVS (Cornelius 74. (C.Coelius)0ALDVS|üMR,, Sulla) 76. Z. L.rvnr cN.F.BROCCHT rrr vrR, Q.POMPETQ.F.R' VFr' Q'CAS' SIUS 76.S.M'.ACILIVSIIIVIR,SER,.SVLP(icius),(Marcius)PI{ILPPVS L. VINICI(us), C' MEIVIMI(us)C' F'77. 9. Q. SICINIVS IIMR, The namo of sicinius as Triumvir appears on a special issue sha,redwith the Praetor coponius. [As the praetorship of coponius is_dated with reasonable certainty-in 4g (Äee49, Praetors), Sicinius must be assigned to thaü Year.l Pink also dates the special coinagesof P' (Sulpicitt) q4!84 as AED' CVR. in ?0-69 (see abJve, 69, Aediles) and of M' PLAETORWS M' F' OESTIANVS (see67, Aediles) at about,the same time. He places (Nonius) SVFENAS,c.CONSIDINONIANI,andP.(Plautius)IIYP'SAE(us)in66 to 64, contemporary with Faustus cornelius sulla. The aedileships of M(aemitius) scÄvn(üs) and p. (plautius) 11ypsaEVS are fixed at 58, and ihose of A. PLAVTIVS and CN. PLANCIVS at 54. Pink believes that FAVSTVS (Cornelius Sulla) and (M. Valerius) MESSAI(a) !'..were Quaestors together ca. 53, [The ietter Q does not appear_upon their coins, and Asconius (20 C) placesFaustus Sulla definitely in 54'l Group IX. 49 to 4l B. C. Pink finds in 49 B, C. only the special eoinagesof the Fraetor Nerius and of Caesarhimself. 4g B. C. C. VIBIVS C' F' C' N' PANSA, ALBINVS III VIB,, NERYA 78. A. LICINI(us) BRVTI F. Supplomentary denarii issued by C' PANSA and ALBINVS BRVTI F' of the Plebs in tlt seemsimprobable that Pansa, who held the tribunate 51, and Decimris Brutus, who held the praetorship perhap_sin 48 and by 46 atihe latest, should be ordinary members of a collogeof Monetalesin 48.] 4 7B . C . ?9. L. PAPTVS CELSVS III VIR, L' HOSTILWS SASERNA, L. PLAYTIVS PLANcvs 468.c. C. ANTIVS C' F' R'ESTIO' (Lollius) VIR, Ilt RVFVS 80. M'. CORDIVS I'ALIKANVS r\lso sr:ecialissuesof cordius as abovo, and tho Praetor A. Hirtius.
45 B. C. 8I. T. CAR,ISTVSIII IrIR, C. CONSIDTVS PAETVS, L. VAIER,IVS AOIEC\rLVS With these Pin-k mentions a special issue of gold coins by L. (Munatius) PLANC(us) PRAEtr'. IIRB(is), and considersthat the inscription PR on the gold coins of L. CESTIVS and C. NORBANVS indicates that they too were Prefects with Plancus in 45, [But without the word Urbis tho abbreviaüion is more probably Pr(aetores). See48, Praetors.l 44 B. C,Introduction of IIII VIRI. 82. L. AEMILIVS BVCA IIII VTR,, M. METTTVS, P. SEPVLLIVS MACER,, C. COSSVTIVS MARIDIANVS With a special gold coinageof Caesaras DIO. QUAR., COS. QVINC. 83. L. FLAMINM CHILO, IIII \TR PRI(mus) Fl,(avit), PETILLM CAPITOLINVS, (P. Cornelius Lentulus) MARCELLINVS, P. ACCOLEfVS LARISCOLVS Pink holds that theso men formed a socond college of Monetales in 44, since only the leading momber of any collegetook the title. [This is his only defnite instance of a completely new collegewithin a single year. As no such change occurred in the other magistracies ofthat year but did take place in the latter part of 43, it is possible that a date in 43 should bo considered.l 43 B. C. 84. M. ARRM SEC\,AIDVS, C. NVMONTVS VAAjA, \TESTALIS, L. SER,VryS R,VFVS.
42B.C. 85. C. VIBTVS VAR,VS, L. LIVINEIVS R,EGVLYS, P. CLODIVS M. F., L. MVSSIDIVS LONGVS Special issuesof L. REGVLVS, Clodius as above, and L. MVSSIDM T. F. LONGVS, with the inscription IIII VIR APF, and also of REGVLVS F. as PRAEF. IIR. 41 B. C. 86. A defective college,with the names of TI. SEMPRONM GRACCHVS IIrI VlR, Q(uaestor) D(esignatus) and Q. VOCONIVS VIT\T,VS, and supplomentary coinageby both with the inscription Q. D(ESIG) and DESIG(N), respectively, SO.
(Cencrr,rus)Mnrnr,r,us (70) A praetorius who saved his father, an Antonian supporter and a prisoner after Actium at Samos (App. BC a.a\. Appnnnrx II MAGISTR,ATES OF UNCER,TAIN DATE Praetofs C. ? Anr,rus Tunnno (103, cf. 148, 149). Pr. Urbanus The Praetor who killed a portentous woodpecker and died shortly afterwards (PIin. .nrI/ 10.41; X'rontin. Btr. 4.5.14, with the names L. Aelius and Laelius; cf. Varro in Non. Marc. 518 L; VaI. Max. 5.6.4, on the Pr. Aelius, who died at Cannae). C. Anr,rus Tunnno (149) A praetorius, cited by Messalla Rufus, Cos. 53, as an example of one who was placed on the pyre and returned alive (PIin. NH 7.173). L. Anlmr,rus L. f. Pat. (14) CIL 12.2.803_ILB 3141.Possibly Aemilius Papus, Pr. 205, or PaulIus, Pr. 191,lessprobably Regillus, who was M. f., Pr. I90. ? [M. Anm ?]nrus M. f. Pat. (18) CIL 12.2.20;(quais)toris or (prai)toris. Third century B. C. ? C. Alr(r)rus - f. (8) CIL 12.2.20:(quais)toris or (prai)toris. Third century B. C. Spx. Aprur,Drus SEx. f. (l6a) CIL 8.24583-ILB 8963. Late Republic. See P-IÄz 1.186, no. 960. C. Appur,nrus M. f. TaPPo (31) CIL I2.2.8L4-ILS 906. Late Republic or Early Augustan period. SeeP-I.821.187f.,no. 967. L. Arnrus Ceprro (9) Tac. Ann.3.75, a prq,etoriußicf".Xast. Cap.,Degtassi 60f., lAL, 528f., his son held the consulship in 5 A. D. P. Arr,rus L. f. (not in -8.0) Pr. Urbanus CIL 12.2.825-ILS 5742. Probably late second century. C. (Arnvrus ?) Lenno (3) ioo"too" (Pr. or Propr.) of Asia before 90, possibly before I00 B. C. (1. u. Pri,eneI2I; seeMagie, Roman Rule i,n Asia Mi'nor 1579). M. Banrerrus Pnrr,rppus (1) Praetor at some unknown date after 4l (IIIpian Di,g. 1.14.3, Barbarius; cf. Dio 48.34.5;Suidas s. v. Bdpplo6(Di,).rzcnoq). 462
L. Cancrrva (not in AZ) A Praetor in the late Republic or the Early Augustan period (C/.L 12.2.2515;see PIRz 2.17, no. 96). (2) Q. C-tnnnr,r,rusM. f. A Praetor in the late Republic or the Eu"ty Augustan period (CLL 6.L364-ILS 943; see PI nz 2.29, no. 155).Also a Legate of M. Antonius. L. (Car,runnrus) Prso (98, Supb. 3.23r) A Praetor or Propraetor in Asia before 90, possibly before 100 B. C. (1. u. Priene l2l, cf. p. 551; see Magie, Roman ßule i,n Asia Mi,nor 2.r579). C. Canrxrus C. f. (Supb. 3.232) Pr. IIrbanus, probably before the period of Sulla (CIL 12.2.2516/rs e376). C. Cnsrrus L. f. Pob. Erur,o (7) Praetor in the late Republic or the Early Augustan pefiod (CIL 6.L37+-ILS 917; seePIRz 2.151,no. 686).Died before f2 B. C. M. Crsrrus (4?) CIL 12.2.819.The Tribune of the Plebs in 57 went into exile for ambitus (Cic. Planc. 75 ; Bchol,.Bob. 165 Stangl), but may have returned and resumed his career in 49. P. Cleunrus Pat. (27) An unknown Claudius of early date who is said to have sold tho Camerini into slavery (Val. Max. 6.5.1). Tr. Cr,aunrus NERo Pat. (253) Spoke in a praetorian place in the Senate in 63 (Sall. Cat. 60.4), perhaps a Praetor before 67. P. Crauorus Pnr,cnnn (Clodius,49) CIL 6.1282-ILB 882, date uncertain, but possibly after 31. See PInz 2.240,no. 987. (Co)untrus T. f. Loxcnvus (not in RE) SeeM'. Conorus R,urus CIL L4.2603-ILB B. C.
MrNrus T. f.LolrorNus.
(2) 902. Praetor of uncertain date. but after 46
Conxnlrus Ger,r,us (163) A Praetor in the late Republic or the Early Augustan age (Val. Max. 9.12.8;Plin. NH 7.r84). L. Conrqnr,rusLrNTULrrs Pat. (f94' cf. f95) Cic. Arch.9. Pra,etorat an uncertain date, probably before 82. Dolmrrus Cer,vrNus (40) A commander in operations in Liguria, probably Pr. or Procos. (X'rontin. Bür. 3.2.f). Unidentifiable. Q. X'enrus Lenno Pat. (92) CIL 12.2.823,and 824; see lI0, Promagistrates. A Praetor and then Proconsul in Spain in the late second century. Fesrus Snneton (I44) Plin. .nffl 7.44. Data quite uncertain. M. Fnumorus (t) CIL 12.2.826.Late Republic. Date and identification uncertain. L. X'rrnrus Cnessrpns Pat. (55) Pr. or Promagistrate, probably in Macedonia. Honored at Athens (BCH 6.278,no. 3), and an epoptesat Samothrace(CIL 3.12318-ILS 4054),without tiUe. [Gnnucrus Cpus (16) Praetor, at an uncertain but quite early d.ate, who undertook a self-imposed exile rather than fulfil a portent that he should be king (Val. Max. 5.6.3; Plin. NH II.I23; Ovid Met. r5.565ff. ; seeRE 5.2566).1 L. furrus Moor,ra (362) A praetorius in the army of Brutus whom Atticus aided after Philippi (NeposAüt.ll.2). Seebelow, on L. Livius Ocella. L. (Lrrrntnrus ?) Rncur,us (see2) Named as Pr(aetor) on coins of L. Livineius Regulus (Grueber, CR&BM 1.580;cf. Cic. Att.3.L7.I). L. Lrrrrus Oonr,ra (25,26) Münzer identifies him with L. fuhus Mocilla (above), and with the Äeüxr,oqII6),Iocwho was condemned by Brutus at Sardis in 42 (Plut. Brut.35). ? A. (Mnvr,rus) ToBeuarlrs (see 74) Commander in a campaign, probably in Greece or Sicily, date and title unknown (X'rontin. Bür. 3.5.3). L. Pnr,r,e. Seeabove, on L. Iulius Mocilla, and L. Livius Ocella.
M. (Pleurrus) HYPsAEUS (22) Praetor or Propraetor in Asia befoie 90, possibly before 100 B. C. (I . a. Pri,ene L2l; seeMagie, RornamRul'ein Asi,aMi,nor 1579).Münzer however believes that he was & Legate under Sulla and identifies him with the M. Plautius, Prefect of an allied fleet, which ho was bringing back from Asia when he committed suicide at the news of the death of his wife Orestilla (Val. Max. 4.6.3). Seebelow, Prefectsof uncertain date. L. (Qunvcrrr,rus) Vaßus (*f l) YeIl. 2.71.2.See42, Prefects. Q. Sarqurmus Q. f. (3) CIL 12.2.837-ILB 905. See PIn Early Augustan period.
3J73, no. 135. Late Republic or
C. Ssmrnolwus R,nFUS (79) A praetorius in 44 (Porphyrio on Hor. Bat. 2.2.49f-.; cf. Acro and Comm. Craq. ad loc.). Certainly in the Senate (Cic. Fam. 12.25.2). L. Snxrrus C. f. (6, I ?) 8208. Probably the Monetalis of ca. CIL 12.2.838,and s39-/r8 89 B. C. M'. Snncrus Pat. (17) Pr. and then Procos. when he governed l{ither Spain in the late second century (CIL 12.2.840;see 110, Promagistrates). C. Snnvrr,rus Varra (91) Probably the father of Servilius Vatia Isauricus, who held command of some province, probably Macedonia, and was honored at Olympia (Cic. Verr. 2.3.211;I. a. Ol,ym,p.,329). P. Snxtrr,rus (not in -8,&') Named, probably as presiding officer, in a fragmentary decree of the Senate discovered at Trikkala in Thessaly (Giannopoulos, Eph. Arch. 1934-35, 149, no. 2 [pub. 1936]; cf. L. Robert, EtuitreeEpi,g. et Phil. 287f., note 1). Probably before the middle of the second century. P. Snxrrus (9) Pr. Designatus. Convicted of ambitus about 90 B. C. by T. Iunius L. f. (Cic. Brut.180; seeNiccolini,ITP 422). Pat. (52) C. Sur,prcrus Gnla Grandfather of the future emperor and father of tho Consul of 5 A. D., his career reached only to the praetorship (Suet. Galba 3.3; on B.AG 1.169,see Münzer, nE). 30 Broughton II
? P. Tnonuus L. f. Pol. (l) Listed as a senator in Joseph. AJ 14.220,where the order favors tho assumption that he had praetorian rank in 44. Toorus Annn (l) cggsgl Designatus under the second rriumvirate, who committed suicide becauseof threats from octavian (suet. Aug.27.B; cf. on uttiedius Afer, Augur and Cos.Desig., Inscr. Ital,.l.l,Tibur, lB4). M. Tnnnlrrrus VaRRo (84, Supb. 6.tf72ff.) of .The-{atg lis praetorship is uncertain 6ut probably came soon after 76 (App. BC 4.47;Themist. p.458 D; r"Jci"ho"ius Äs 208). L. Trrrus (14, cf. l5) val. Max. 8.3.1. He may be identified with the Titius mentioned in PJi". 3r.rr (but cf. c. Titius Rufus, pr. 50), and father of tho {{ Consul of 31. Cw. Tnnunr,r,rus Scnox,a (5) Varro nR 2.4.2. See Zl, Quaestors. L. L. f. X'r,aocus (not in r?_E) cIL 12.2.800.Leased a construction for Aesculapius as Aedile and approved it as Praetor. (-)urnrus T. f. LoNcrxus (not in r?Z) Ann. Epi,g. 1g48, no. 65: pR, EX S C, inscribed on an archaic peperino altar' The names cominius and Geminius have been suggested. Aediles M. Aupuorus N. f. (t) _Date uncertain, but late Republic or Early augustan period. c/tr 12.2.812;seePI Rz 1.g4,no. 56g. C. Appur,nrus M. f. Teppo (Bl) Late Republic or Early Augustan period. cIL seePIR2l.l87f., no. g62.
r2.2.8r4--rLS 906;
? P. Arrros P. f. (6) senator, perhaps aedilicius, named in the BC d,epanamare,is,vioreck no. 20. ? C. Aunnr,rus Corra (96) Cos. Z5 Ajttainqd rll . t!_" highest offices (Cic.Off.2.59). No specific proof that he held the aedileship.
P. Bennoruus BaRBA (l) cIL 12.2.817.A curule Aedile in the late Republic. Dato and idsnüification uncertain. C. CrNorus (l) cIL 12.2.22,Aedile of the plebs. Name on a milestono on tho road to Ostia, probably before 200. ?Q. Cr,onr,rusM. f . (4) senator, perhaps aedilicius or tribunicius, listed in Bg B. c. in üho SC de Panamare,is(Viereck no. 20). P. Cowonrrus Va. fi. (l) cIL 12.2.37,dated in the third century, but not cerüainly original aü Rome. M. X'nurrcrus (l) Late Republic or Early Augustan period. CIL 12.2.g26;see p/l?r 3.203,no. 494. ? L. M.tnorus Q.f. Pnnrppus (25) Attained all the listrgst offices (cic. off.2.b9). Not spocific proof that he held the aedileship. P. Mlrveras P. f. (l) cIL 12.2.829-rLS 5802,aed. Pl. A milestone on thevia Tiburtina, date uncertain. M. MrNnrus L. f. (l) cIL 12.2.37,dated in the ühird century, but not certainly origina.l at Rome. (CN? O)cru,llus CN. f. (B) _ Aild. cur.l, CIL 12.2.807,date uncertain but in ühe last century of the Republic. With [Po]stumius A. f. (seebelow). Porurnrus Rurus (not in *-B.E) Aelian NA 9.62. Date and identity uncertain. (Po)srumrus A. f. (not in *,8.8) Aitd. car.l, CIL 12.2.807,date uncertain, but in the laeü oonüury of the Republic. With (Cn. ? O)ctavius Cn. f. ? C. SonrnoNrus CuRro (10) Cos. 76 At-tafned the highest offices (cic. off.2.59). No specifio proof ühoü he attained the aedileship. L. _-s L. f. X'r,eccus (not in .BZ) crL 12.2.800:Leased a construction for Aescurapius ae Aodilo and approved it as Praetor. 30'r
Tribunes of the Plebs ? Annurrus (1,2) A Lex Aebutia, probably tribunicial, barred the author of a law from holding an office established by it. This law precedes 68 (Cic. Leg. Agr. 2.21; Dom.5l), but may be after the Gracchi (seehowever Niccolini, Ff P 4Il, on Liv. Per. 58).If Aebutius lived in the second century he may be the author of the law which introduced the formulary process(Gaius 4.30,FIRA 2.t5G; seeWenger, RE 6.2859). M. Aupuorus N. f. (l) Held office in the late Republic or the Early Augustan pefiod. CIL 12.2.812;seePIRz 1.94, no. 569. ? Arrur,uros (not in RE) Carried a Lex de sponsu (Gaius 3.121-t29, FIRA 2.t27;4.22 and. lO9, XIHA 2.154 and f 75) which preceded a Lex X'uria on the same subject (seebelow, on X'urius). SeeNiccolini, FTP ggtf' C. Arpur,prus M. f. Terpo (31) Held office in the late Republic or the Early Augustan period. C,IZ lz.2.8I+--IL,S 906. See P.I.B21.187f.,no. 967. Q. (Clnorr,rus) Mnrnr,r,us One of a group named by Cicero as examples of personswho held the tribunate in one year and became Legates in the next (Leg. Man. 58, 66 B. C.). Metellus may have been either Creticus, Cos. 6g, or Nepos, Tr. Pl. 68, and a Legate of Pompey in GZ,or Celer, Cos. 60. L. Cencnua L. (f.) (not in ,R,0) Held office in the late Republic or the Early Augustan pefiod,.CIL I2.2.25I5. IrII vir i. d. at Volsinii. Q. Cenr,rus Lernrrnnsrs (Coelius 20) One of a group named by Cicero as examples of persons who held the tribunate in one year and became Legates in the next (Cie. Leg. Man. 58,66 B. C.). SeeCIL 12.2.1441. Q. Cannnr,r,rusM. f. (2) Held office before Sl (Cn r55).
943; see PIRL 2.29, no,
C. Cnsrrus L. f. Pob. Epur,o (7) Pr. Held office in the late Republic or Early Augustan age, and diod before I 2 B. C. (CI L 6.1374-I L/S 9l 7).!, no. 686, whero Epulo is interpreted as a priesthood, not a cognomen.
? Crcsnnrus (noü in RE) No title preserved.Carried a Lex de sponsu(Gaius 3.121-123,FInA 2.127). See Niccolini XTP 396f. See above on Appuleius and X'urius. ? Conxnr,rus (not in RE) Author of a law providing for IIII viri among the magistrates of 6468, 6469).Niccolini @f P 428) sugPetelia (CIL L0.ll3,ll#-ILB gests a date before the Social War, but Rudolph (Btad,tund,Btant i,m al,tenltal,ien 94f., lI8, note) follows Hardy in attributing it to Cinna in 87 (BorzzeProblems of Roman Hi,story 286ff.). No title preserved. CN. (Conrvnlrus) LnNrur,us (CLoDreNus?) (216) Cos. 72 One of a group of persons named by Cicero as examples of holding a tribunate in one year and becoming Legates in the nexl (Leg. Man, 58, 66 B. C.). He might be identified with Lentulus Marc4linus, Cos. in 56, if the latter was really a plebeian. ? Cnnrnnprus (not in -B-O) No title preserved. Author of a law to regulate the amount of a spons,iobefore the centumviri (Gaius 4.95, IInA 2.173). SeeNiccolini, IrP 447. P. Drorus (10) Ileld the tribunate after Munatius Plancus B5;'rsain 52 and before a4 (Cic. Phi,l,.L3.27;cf. Il.r3). ? X'esrus (2) No title preserved. Author of a Lex X'abia de plagiariis (Cic. .Baä. Perd,.8; cf. Apul. Met. 8. 24, Corneliaelegis; Col'L.14.2-3; Di'7. 48.L6; C. Th.9.rS; C. 9.20;Inst.4.18.r0).SeeNiccoliniFTP 437. C. Fl'r,crorus (2) One of a, group named by Cicero as examples of persons who held the tribunate in one year and were Legates the next (Cic. Leg. Man. 5 8 ,6 6 B . C . ) . M. X'nunrcrus (l) Ileld office in the late Republic or the Early Augustan period. C,|.L 12. 2. 826:' see PIRZ 3.203, no. 494. ? X'umus (not in.E,E) No title preserved..Carried a Lex de sponsu(Gaius 3.121-123,FInA 2.127; 4.22 and I0g, II RA 2.154,and 195; Illpian fr. in II RA 2.308f') which preceded a Lex Cicereia and followed a Lex Appuleia (seeabove on these). SeeNiccolini, FTP 396f. C. Funrus (11) No title preserved. Carried a law limiting amounts of single legacies
to individuals (Cic. Balb. 2l; Verr.2.l.l09; Gaius 2.225-226,FIRA 2.90; Illpian 1.2,nIRA 2.262;Xr. Vat. 3Ol, FIRA 2.63t; Inst. 2.22, pr.). It must be dated before the Lex Voconia in 16g (Gaius Z.Z2O, FIRA 2.90). See Lange 2.255,who suggests183 B. C. ? Gr,rrrus (not in ,B.O) A Lex Glitia dealt with unjust provision for children in wills (Gaius, Di,g. 5.2.q. Date, author, and magistracy uncertain. See Niccolini, FTP 447. ? Hosrmrus (not in RE\ A Lex Hostilia permitted actions at law by representatives in casesof theft (Gaius 4.82, FIRA 2.170; Inst.4.lO; Di,g.50.17.tZl). Carried in the period of the leg,i,sactiones(Niccolini f f P 4t0). (not in -l?.O) ? Iuxrus No title preserved. Author of a law to regulate money-lending (Fest. 268 L.; Non. Marc. 89 L; EOR 1.28 and 166). See Niccolini, Pf P 400,who suggestsa date in the period of Cato the Censor. T. Iurvrus L. f. (32) A tribunicius who secured the conviction of P. Sextius, Pr. Desig., for ambitus (Cic. Brut.I80). Before the period of Sulla. ? Lrcrwrus (3) Author of a Lex Iricinia, probably tribunicial, and later than tho Lex Aebutia (see above), which barred the relatives of a man who established an office from serving in it. It must precede 68 (Cic. Leg. Agr.2.2l; cf. Dom. 5l). ? Lrcrrrus @E 12.2394) No title preserved. Author of a Lex Licinia de actione communi dividundo (Dig. a.7.12). Date and office remain uncertain. See Niccolini, XTP 448. M. Lucrr,rus (12) A Tribune of the Plebs who was censuredby a Censornamed Acilius (X'rontoAd M. Caes.5.4l-42,83 N). Note: No Censor of this namo is known. Borghese therefore suggested that he was the unknown Censorof 64. There wa,showever no l,ectioBena,tusthat year (Dio 37.g.a). The name Atilius, if it is meant, would bring into consideration the Censorsof 247,234, and 2I4. Cichorias(aüersuch. Lucil,.26f.) suggests Cornelius the Censorof 147. SeeNiccolini, If P 498f. ? Mnumrus (3, 5 ?) No title preserved. Author of a law, carried before ll3, exempting persons who were absent on public business from prosecution during their absence(Val. Max. 3.7.9). SeeNiccolini,ITP 4t6.
C. f. Gal.
Ileld office either before 42 0r between 40 and 32. cIL
.rrs 887. ? MrNrcrus (RE Lex Minicia l2.23SS). status of children of io title prelerved. -between Author of a law defining thg l'78-80, FIRA (Gaius non-R'omans and Romans *"""iug", Niccolini Latins to it applied 2.268). Since Z.i+; öryian 5.8, FIRA B' 90 C' it before date @f P +Z+1isinclined to M. - Ocrar,lus Cr'r.f. (32) No title preserved.but certainly a Tribune of the Plebs. carried a Lex frumeniaria which abrogated the Lex Sempronia (Cic. _Brut. 222'' Ojf. z.lzl. Münzer (,EZ) suggestsa $a]9 before the law of Saturninue laws i#roo, but Niccolini (FTP-+26f.) holds that annulment of the force into law the sempronian of saturninus and of Drusus brought in Sallust (Hi,st. L.62 M) is the ü*i;, and the Octavius mentioned 9l and 8l' between T"ribune of 133. He dates Octavius ?' Or,r,nrrus (RE L2.23gS) 1qotitt" preserved..A Lex Ollinia is mentioned in Gaius (4.109,II RA 2.r75). (not in ,B,O) ?- Permrus lro titt" preserved. author of a law regarding attendTrts_for Aediles Iat'e of the Ple^bs(c1I 6.1933-.tr8 1923; cf. Niccolini, ITP 445, Republic). L. Paprnrus (18) HislawcallinguponthePr.Peregrinustoprovidefortheelection L) must be of III viri CapiIalJs to exact the säuamenta (I'esl' 468 396)' dated after 241and before 123 (Niccolini, ETP Q. Paprsrus (24) and Author of a law requiring consecrations of buildings, areas, 27-128)' f (Cic' people the by altars to be specifically ordered .Dom' probably aftei tz+1cf.Liv. 4o.52.1iand before r54 (cic. Dom.l3o and 136). SeeNiccolini, FTP 403f. ? Paprus (2) of No title preserved. Author of a biII to regulate the selection dato His Vestal Virgirs by the Pontifex Maximus (Gell' r'f 2'f0-.12)' to mu,y Ue ea,;ier than that of the moneyer L' Papius (6),-who appears to law this refär to some law, but Berger ('B'8, Supb' 7 '402) refers C. Papius (5), Tr. PI. in 65.
(see5) ? Plrrus Author of the Lex Papia de iure patroni et de bonis libertorum (Gaius 3.42, IIßA 2.109).Date, person, and office uncertain. ? Pprnoxrus (not in RE) No title preserved.Author of a law, dating probably before 32, which regulated lhe appointment of municipal prefects (CIL 9.2666-ILS 6515; 10.S58-ILS 6359; r0.5405-ILS 6125; cf.. CIL 9.422, in 32 B. C.-Degrassi 254f.). See Niccolini, XTP 444f.. ? Pr,lnronrus (l) No title preserved. A Lex Plaetoria (not Laetoria, RE, Supb' 7'398) to protect young men and minors from fraud is attested by cicero termed 1ofj. z.ot; ND s.7+)and by the Lex Iulia Municipalis (line 112; Löx Laetoria in the oration of Claudius de aetate recuperatorum, FI RA 1.236). Referencesto such legislation in Plautus (Pseud,.303f.; Rud,. 1380-1382)have suggestedthat it, precedesthe date of the Pseu,il,ol'us in l9l (Niccolini, FTP 40oI.; Weiss, -B-8,Supb. 5.578; Buck, Chrono' togy of the Plays of Pl,autus 4, 96, 105). See Bagnani, Phoem'i't 6 ( 1 e 5 2 )7 3 . (2) ? Pr,lrronrus No title preserved. Author of a law under which A. Postumius Albinus, cos. 180, as Duovir, dedicated an altar to verminus (cIL 12.2. 804-ILS 4019),and an altar found in the Largo Argentina (MarchettiLonghi, Bul,l,.Com.6l [933] 163-194). M. Pr,enronrus (I0) carried. a plebiscite defining the attendants of the Pr. urbanus (Censor.DN Z+.9; cf. Plaut. Epid. 25-27; Varro LL 6'5; Gell' 3'2'4)' "Lex Plaetoria," no. l) dates it before 24I' Perhapsit fu"i*t (RE, s. v. was occasioned by the institution of the Pr. Peregrinus (Niccolini, ?TP 396; Bruns, FIH 45). Poncrus The authors at three different periods of the three Porcian laws cannot, be id.entified with certainty, nor did they with certainty hold the tribunate of the Plebs. AII three regulated corporal punishment and the right of appeal of Roman citizens (cic. Rep.2.54). The first may perhJps be attributed to Cato the Censor (seeFest. 266 L; EOB r.räz-rs+), a secondto aPorcius Laeca (Grueber,CRRBM 1'I5l), and' a third of uncertain attribution forbade scourging a Roman in the city (sall. cat. 51.2I; see Grueber cßRBM 2.30I). one Porcian law porn,itt"d condemnedpersonsto go into exile (Sall. Caü.51.40). Seo ilIiccolini, If P 424-426;Botsford, Roman Assemblies260-253'
Ponorus (not in *-B-E) refused The Tribune whose ,orrr*orß varro, when III vir capitalis, Licinus a or to obey (GeI. f 3.12.6).Probably not-a-Cato but a Laeca iu""^,1\Ionetalis before 103,might havo 1öi"froii"r, ,BS 201).A Porcius gb and 90 when Varro was from 2I to 26 ileld the tribunate'between years of age (Cichorius, above; Niccolini, FTP 428)' L. Pnnorr,rus (not in xÄ-E) CIL 12.2.8g5;cf. Cic. Fam' L3.15'1'Late Republic' ? Purr,rcrus (not in*RE),i,e on tho causcL.Thedate is uncertain but preceder bt, if the Lex corne_lia Niccolini, See preserved. title No same topic was carried' by Sutla. TTP ß5. ? Rnumus (2, cf. l) for unAuthor of a law, in force in 80, which imposed penalt'ies Stangl)' 309 Gron' Schol" 55; Amer' founded prosecutions (Cic. Rosc' See Niccolini, I T P 433f'. Q. " SaNqurNrusQ. f. (3) pln, no. 135.Late Republicor Early cIL ir.z.esz-/rs sosi Augustan Period. M. TpnnNrrus Vanno (84, Supb' 6) Pr' the date Taryj"gp regardirg ionjäctures 13.12.6. Varro in GeIl. .EB 20rf.; Dahl(Cichorius, Z0 after io 4s21.) XTp 8T_8i (Niccolini, mann, -B-8,SuPb. 6.1I76)' (not in .R,E) ?' Trtrus to contests Oii. tt.i.2.1 and g. Author of a law limiting wagersThe d.ate is uncertain but precedes-8I if-thelater Lex ai,rtuiis c(v.Lsct'. CorneliawascarriedbySulla.Notitlepreserved.SeeNiccolini,FTP 433. ? Trrrus (not in -BZ) of No title preserved. Author of a law regulating ih3 Ssfgnment 145 Stangl)' Bob' provincestJ Quaestors(Cic. Mur' L8; Vat'12; Schol" See Niccolini, FTP 437f.. ? Trrrus (not in Ä-E) of gua'rdNo title preserved. Author of a law regullting apSgtlt*:it IIRA ll'18' z'++;TJtpian i" the'provinces (Gaius 1.185,linl' i; law of Iulian the after i.znr1. The äatu is uncertain, but may come -F?P Niccolini, 43. See i's, u,,dlay have been carried by the ir. P'. of 443f,
? Ver,r,rus (not in *J?Z) No title preserved.a Lex vallia (Gaius 4.25,rrRA the Leges fuüae abolishing nur%Irs'iniecti,o.
z.rll) preceded.
? C. Vmr,nrus (*l) - No title preserved.Senator (Cic. ffD 1.15, cf. 5g, and 66, dramatic date 77), and friend of the orator crassus (cic. De or. 8.7g, dramatic date, 9l). Niccolini (FTP 427) suggests that he held the tribunate before 90, but he may have been önrolled in the senate bv sulla. Quaestors M. Acrr,rus M. f. CeNryns (28) Quaestor Urbanus before 23 B. C. (CIL t2.2.810).See pIRz 1.7. no. 54.
L. Aeurr,r,rus M'. f. M'. n. X'r,onus (cf' 19) built by the Consul AquilQuaestor in Asia where he restored roads 4.1659-ILS 5814)' 9J42024_IG"RP (CIL 3.479_I42O]rtLi lius in l2S 990. nos. 989, SeeP-I-EZI.193f., ? T. Arntrus T. f. TYnenus (14) Panamare'is Senator, perhaps quaestorius, named in the BC ile (Viereck, no. 20). Aunnr,rus M. f. Sceunus (216) M. -'a;;;rt"" in Asia before 7o (1. d,eDötos4.t.t858bi'-cIL cf. Cic. Verr. 2.L.85).
Axrus (4) Q. --S"rruto", p"ouutty quaestorius' and' fellow-tribesman of Varro ('E-B g.2.1), and a friend and correspondent'of Cicero'
Anrunrus Pat. (not in RE) pons Aemilius (plut. Num.9.z). _ An Aemilius as Quaestorbuitt the Doubted by Platner-Ashby, s. v. ,,pons Aemilius.,,
C. Br,r,mrvus C. f. (Bellienus 4) I. d,eDölos 4.1.1692,before f 00 B' C'
M. Amruorus N. f. (l) CIL 12.2.812;see PIR, Augustan period.
C. Clncrr,rus Mnrnr,r,us (7I) Ayoungsen&tor,perhapsaquaestorius,in32(Plut'Sul'la3l'l-2:, cf. Schol'.Gron. 337 Stangl).
l.g+, no. 569. Late Republic or E*ü
Q. Ancnanrus (g) Quaestor and then Proquaestor in Macedonia (seeI. u. olymp. B2g, probably before 55).
L. Ceucrue L. (f.) (not in .R-O) p"ofubfy in tle laie RepubIic. CIL 12.2.2515,also a IIII Volsinii.
? C. Ar(N)rus - f. (s) Quaestor or Praetor in the third century B. C. (CIL tz.Z.20; see above, Praetors).
C. Calrnsrus (l) L. Cenpesrus (l) 70's (Cic' Brothers who attained the quaestorship, probably in the Brut.242).
Snx. Appur,arus Snx. f. (l6a) CIL 8.24583-ILS 8963. Late Republic. L. Ar(rur,nrus) Dnc(renus) (not in A,E) - Quaestor in Spain, named on coins of l)rso, Myrtilus, and Baelo, dated by Grant to 44 and 43 under sextus pompeyl,F rom rmyte,ium to Auctori'tas2at.).He also issued coins at Lilybaeum in sicily (to,i,a.zs1. SeeMommsen,RMW 875, note 28. CN. Appur,rrus Sarunrvrwus (27\ Quaestorca. 60. candidate for the aedileshipof b4 (cic. ptanc.2g). C. Appur,nrus M. f. Teppo (gl) - Late Republic or Early Augustan period. CIL Lz.z.8t+_ILB 906. Sco 1',f112f .187f.,no. 967.
vir i. d. at
Q. " Cennnr,r,rusM' f. (2) a Legate cIL 6.L36L-.ILS 94ä;'seepIR2 2.29,no.I55. served as under M. Antonius. P. Cr-eulrus P. f. Ar. n. Pur'cnnn Pat' (Clod'ius 49) CIL6.L282_/LS882;seePIRL2'240'no'987'sonofCicero's enemy, P. Clodius. Connnr,rus (5) under Scriba orrd"" Sulla's dictatorship and Quaestor Urbanus M)' 1'55'r7 Caesar's(Cic' Off . 2.29; cf-.SalI' f/dsl' C. Dncrurus (2) Quaestor before 46 (Auct. Bel'\"Afr' 3+)'
C. Hnorus C. f. Tnonus (3) Senator, perhaps quaestorius, named in the BC ile Panamaret's, and (Viereck, nos. 20 and 19, resp.). the BC de Aphroil,i,si,en'sibus M. HnnnNnrus M. f. Mae. Rnrus before 90 B. C. CIL 12.2.827,
Q. HonrnNsrus Honrl.r,us (13) Cos.69, Pr.72 Cicero in 70 describes his quaestorship as recent (nuper; Vem. 2.3, 182; cf. 2.1.36and 99; Ps.-Ascon.234 Stangl). His careerhad probably been delayed by the civil wars. C. Lrvrus L. f. Ocnr,r,a (26) Quaestor in Spain in the late Republic (CIL 6.1446; cf. C. Livius named on coins of Vesci in Spain, Grant, Irom Imperium to Auctoritns 379f.,who suggestsa date ca.40, and refers to L. Cella,named in Bel'|,. Afr.89.5, and the Äeüxro6mentioned as a subordinate commander in Spain in that year by Appian in BC 5.5$. (not in -B.O) Mlncus Quaestor in Asia, at some date in the first century B. C. (,I. o. Magnesia I55). L. MnnrurusC. f. Gal. (15) CIL 6.I460-ILB 8S7; seePIR 2.363,M 336. Either before 43 or between 40 and 34. L. Ocrlwus Crv.f. (26) Cos. 75 CIL 12.2.832,on the road from Nursia to Spoletium. (RE s. v. Pavus) (P. Prvus Tusruxus) Lucilius 467-468M. Under this name Lucilius satirized some Quaestor whose real name is lost. SeeCichorius, antersuch.Lucil,.317-320, possibly Tuticanus Gallus (cf. Caes.BC 3.7L). C. Pouporrus C. f. (not in *.8.O) CIL P.2.892, with L. Octavius, who was probably ühe Consulof 76. On the road from Nursia to Spoletium' Q. SewqurNrusQ. f. (3) Late Republic or Early Augustan period. CIL 12.2.897-ILS 905; seePIR 3.173,no. 135. (not in -B,O) M. SE_ I. d,eD6los4.1.1844,date uncertain. Tr. SnnpnoNrus Gnecosus (56) Q. Desig. in inscriptions on coins of 37 (Gruebet, CRRBM L-693f..).
P. Snrrrurus (Il) Served as Quaestor under M. Torentius Varro Reatinus (Yano LL 5.1; cf. 7.109),but the date is uncertain. SeeCichorius, .BB203f. M. SnnerusM'. f. (18) Varro LL 6.50. The date is after 242. bü remains otherwise unoertain. SeeSobeck73. Spnvanus (3) Elected Tribune of the Plebs for 50, and therefore a quaestorius. Convicted of bribery ( Qic.Iam.8.4.2). L. Snnvrr,r(üs)L. f. L. n. (17) CIL L2.2.841.Late Republic. P. Snxrnrus P. f. (VierSenator, perhaps quaestorius, named in the SC d,eParw,rrur,reis 20). eck no. Tur,r,rus R,urus (49, cf. 9) A quaestorius when he died in Africa in 46 (Bell,.Afr. 85.7-8). T. Vrsrus Tnuuorrvus (not in *-BZ) Quaestor lJrbanus, who repaired the Via Caecilia (CIL 12.2.808,in letters of the period of Sulla). Q. VoooNrus Vrrur,us (*5) Q. Desig. in inscriptions on coins of ca. 37 B. C. (Grueber,CRRBM
r .59r.)f .
Quaestorsi'n Si,ci,ly f Hst as a separate group a number of names that appear on the bronze coinage of Sicily in the later years of the Roman Republic. One of these, M'. Acilius, is identified by his office as a Quaestor, another, L. Caecilius Metellus, from an inscription which honors him in his quaestorship. The rest, with the exception of a small group which will be mentioned below, may be presumed also to be Quaestorswho issuod coins during their term of office in Sicily. These have been discussed particularly by Mommsen (RMW 665) and by Bahrfeldt (Reuuesu'i,sse d,e num'ismatique f2 p9041 331-445), who also propared the brief summary which appearsin CIL I2.2, onp.764. Most recently M. Grant has offered some revisions of Bahrfeldt's datings and attributions. These will be noi;ed in connection with the individual entries below. After these I list a few names of persons who appear on Bahrfeldt's list of Quaestors, but are claimed by Grant as officers of Sextus Pompey in Sicily between 43 and 35. The Quaestors proper probably all issued their coins before 50 B. C.
M'. Acrr,(rus) (ll, see15) Quaestor before 50. Grant identifies him with M. Acilius Caninus who was Caesar'sLegate in 48 and Proconsul in Sicily in 4G-45 (From, Imperium to Auctori,tas 17, and 26). L. ANNI.
P. Ann. or P. ANr. Snx. AnN. AN. Listed in CIL (Ioc. cit.), nos. 384 a, b, and.d, and e, all or part in monogram. ? P. Ar(nrus ?) Reading uncertain (ibü SeeGrant 27, note 3. L. Cancrr,rusL. f. Mnrnr,r,us (75) Quaestor in Sicily a few years before his tribunate in 49 QG&P f .501). Seecoins, L. Me., L. Caec.,withouü title, CIL, nos. 383 g, and. 3849; and cf. Grant, 26, note lg. C. Cl.r,r(unnrus) C I L 1 . 2 , p . 7 6 4 n, o . 3 8 3ä . M. (Cr,euorus)MEn(cnr,r,us?) CI L 12.2,p. 764,no. 383/ ?; Grant (27, note 3) suggestsM. Marcellus, Cos.51. P. ConNnr,r(us) CI L 12.2,p. 764, no. 384h.
c. D. D. D. CIL 12.2,p.764, no. 384 i, and lc. Q. Fan(rus Maxrmus ?) Pat. (108) Cos. Suff. 45 CIL 12.2,p. 764, no. 383 d. Grant (26f.) suggeststhe above identification. L. Gtt. CIL 12.2,p. 764, no. 384 Z, minted at Acragas. Grant (28) suggests Gn(orius). Q. (Purr,rorus ?) Mer,r,(nor,us ?) CIL L2.2,p. 764, no. 383 e. Grant (26) suggeststhe above identification with the Praetor of 67 or 68. (P. ?) Neso (Pr. aa) CIL 12.2,p.764, no. 382 g. Grant suggeststhat he was the future Praetor of.aa Q6t.).
Oprrus (6) CIL 12.2, p. 76I, no. 384 o. LaLe Republic. A.P.N. CIL 12.2,p.764, no. 382 d, in monogram. A. Pou(rnrus ? Brrnvrrcus ?) Pr.45? CIL 12.2,p.764, no.483 ft. Grant (26, note lg) suggeststho above identification. Pon(crus ?) Clro CIL 12.2,p.764, nos. 382, commentary, and 383 c. Bahrfeldt intorprets Por. as referring to the Portus of Panormus. X'or Cato in CIL Grant reads Cat. Q. (26f.) and suggests that M. Porcius Cato was Quaestor in Sicily. This is impossible since he was fully occupied in Rome (see64, Quaestors),but C. Porcius Cato, Tr. Pl. 56, remains a possibility. L. Pos. S. Pos. CI L 12.2,p. 764, nos. 383 L and.m. Almost, certainly Postumii. Grant (26, note 19) suggeststhe Postumius who was appointed to Sicily in 49 (see49, Promagistrates). P. R,u(-; CIL I2.2,p.764, no. 383 n. Grant (27,note 3) suggeststhe quaestorship of the Praetor of 49, P. Rutilius Lupus. (L. Scnrnonrus?) Lrno (19) CIL 12.2,p.764,384 m. The father of the Consulof 34 is suggestedin -R-E(see CIL 6.31276-ILB 8892; CIL 12.2.1744,1745-ILS 5326, 5528). Grant, (29) identifies him with the Consul of 34 himself. See below, on the officers of Sextus PomFeI. P.TE_
c. Tßr_
TItr _ CIL L2.2,p. 764, nos. 382 h, and d, and 383 o, and p, all or partly in monograms. The following persons, also considered to have been Quaestors in Sicily, have been listed by Grant as officers of Sextus Pompey during his possessionof the island from the end of 43 to the autumn of 36: C. Ar,r,rus Ber,e Q. Anxr(us) Q. B. CN..(Cer,runNrus)Prso X'nuer (95) Cos. 23
(X'unrus) Cussrpns Grant, Frorn Imper'ium to Auctoritas 26-29 and 3lf. On C. Allius Bala, see Grueber, CnnBM 1.238-240; on Annius, CIL 12.2,p.764, no. 382 b; on Q. 8., dbid,.no. 382 e; on Piso, Grueber,CHRBM 2.592; on Crassipes,CIL I2.2, p. 764, no. 382f . Promagisnates Q. Arvcnenrus (3) Proquaestor in Macedonia, probably before 66 (/. u. Olymp. 328), Seefndex of Careers. Appur,prus (6) Listed by Klein (1.100)as a Proconsul of Sicily, but office, date, and identity remain uncertain. Named on a coin, seen by Borghese, with ühe inscriPtion APPull-;. C. Ar,nu-nraNus Ber,nus (1) Propraetor in Sicily before 27, named. on a coin of Melita (Head, f/ff2 883). Grant (59f.) suggeststhat he held command only in Melita in 36 as an officer in the fleet and exactor of an indemnitv. See P/.Br 1.220,no. 1122. Q. Bennrus Q. f. (20a,Supb. 1.235,or 53, Supb. 3.192) A Proquaestor ? in Greece, perhaps in the second century B. C. (IG 5.2.146, a patron of Tegea; and 147, Kdrvrov fKo[]vcou ui6v, d,vt{rag,6avl). L. CencrNnL. (f.) (not in -B.E) Pr. Cos. (CIL 12.2.2515).Probably in the late Republic. A IIII i. d. at Volsinii.
Q. Clnnnr,r,rus M. f. (2t CIL 6.1364-IZ5 943; see PIRZ 2.29, no. 155. Procos., probably before 31.
P. Lrcrrcrüs (271 Proconsul in Illyricum against the Iapydes (X'rontin. Bür.2.6.28, date uncertain). Me.ncus (not in.B.U) pro praetore (1. il,eDölos4.l.l843,lale second.century). Quaestor C. MneLeocosus (l) Promagisürate, probably Propraetor, in Sardinia before 54 (Cic. Scaur.2.40). C. Rlrrnrus C. f. (see6) Proconsul, perhaps of Asia, possibly between 4g and a6 Q. ile Dötos 4.1.1855-CIL 12.2.773). Perhapsthe C. Postumuswho was acandidato for the praetorship in 63 (Cic. Mur. 56-57 and 69). Q. SeNqururus Q. f. (3) Procos. (CIL 12.2.837-ILS 905; see PIR 3.173. no. tB5). Lato Republic or Early Augustan Age. M. (SnnnnoNrus?) Rurus (not in -B.E) Named as Procos. on coins of some Col(onia) Iul(ia) in Asia Minor (Grant, From Imperium to Auctori,tas23Sff.). Grant identifies him with M. Sempronius Rutilus, a Legate under Caesarin Gaul in 52, and suggests that the colony was Lystra and that Dolabella may have named him governor of Asia. This is imFrobable since his title would be Legate. SeeMagie, Roman Rule i,n Asi,a Mi,nor 2.1324,note 41. (L. Scnrnomu.s)L. f. Lrso (20 ?) Cos.34 ? Proquaestor pro praetore in X'arther Spain (Hübner, Eph. Epig. 8.502,no.277, found at Arcos de la X'rontera,date uncertain). P.[-]Nrus (not in RE) I. d,eDölos 4.1.1846,before 88, Proquaestor. Tribunes of the Soldiers
C. Cr,oorusVnsrer,rs (62) Procos. (CIL Ll.}}lOa-ILS 904) in Crete and Cyrene (Ann. Epi,g. 1934,no. 258).SeePIn2 2.284f.,no. 1192.
Q. Cannnr,r,rusM. f. (2) A Legate under M. Antonius, CIL 6.1354-IL,S 943; see PIR, 2.20, no.155.
M'. Conorus R,unus (2) Pr. CIL 12.2.782-ILS 902. Procos.,date uncortain.
Q. X'enrus Mexnnus Vnnnuoosus Pat. (l16) Cos. 2BB, 228,2t6, 2t4,209 Tribune of the Soldiers twice (Elogittm, Insu. Ital,. IB.B, no. 8OILS 56), probably before 236.
Snn. Conrcnr,rusSnn. f. LnNnur,us Pat. (208b) I. d,eDölos 4.1.1845,Procos.,probably of Asia, possibly ca. t10-109 B. C., when Dionysius son of Nikon was Epimelete.
M'. X'oNrnrus (10) Termed Legatus on denarii of P. Fonteius Capito (Grueber, CRHBM 31 Broughton fI
AppENDrx 11
1.478f.; cf. cic. Fan't. 4r). He perhaps served in Gaul M. x'onteius in 75-72. C. Ocrevrus (15) Pr. 6l Tribune of the Sgl$9"! twice (Elogiam, CIL t2.1, p. t}9_Iwcr. Ital,. 13.3,no. 7b-LLB 4?), probably süortly before 70'.' M. Pnrnnrus (B) Sull. Cat.5g.6, which describes& careerbetween g2 and 64. Q. PrNenrus (6) Tr. feg. VI Macedonica, probably under the Second Trium_ . {{. virate (1rB 3862). M. Var,nnrus M. f. M'. n. Mnsss,r,E Nronn pat. (*26) Cos. 6l Tribune of the so]$ery twice, probably before z's 1nrogi"L, rnsar. Ital. t3.8, no.77-4IL 12.1,p. a}I_/LS 46\. Legates Aprur,nrus (not in .BZ) I. de Döl,os4.t.I702, second.half of the first century B. C. C. Bnr,rnNus C. f. (4, cf. 3) I . de Dölos4.1.17t 0, before 100. Q. (Cenor,rus) Mnrnr,r,us GCfic. Leg. Mon. 58. see above, Tribunes of the plebs of uncertain dato. Q. Canr,rus Lerrwruvsrs (Coelius 20) _ cic. Leg. Man.58; cf. cIL rz.z.r44r. Before 66. see Tribunes of the Plebs of uncertain date. Q. Cennnr,r,rusM. f. (2) A Legate under M. Antonius (CIL 6.f 964-/rB 948; see pIRz 2.2g, no. 155).Before31. C. Coccnrus Bar,eus (B) Cos. Suff. 89 Honored at Athens as rmperator (IGz 2-B.4rr0). probably served under M. Antonius, but it is not crear whether it was before or"after his consulship in 39. ? Q. Coron-rus Q. f. (7) SEG l.l5l (K6iwov Koru[<ölv]r,ov, Kotvrou ui6v, zrpeopeuriv,pcopra[[_ honored by the Koinori lcolv), of the phocians. se" baü*, öe@hes'soo, no. 4. Before 150. pat. GN. (ConNlr,rus) Lnxrur,us Cic. Leg. Man. 58. See above, Tribunes of the plebs of uncertain , date. Before 66.
? Q. Coscorvruse. f. (10) SZG t.tbf . See above, on e. Coponius. pomtow supplied the name Cosconiusin the inscription. C. X'er,crnrus (2) - cic' Leg' Man. 5g. see above, Tribunes of the prebs of uncortain date. Before 66. L.Iurvr(us) (zra) Termed Leg(atus) sic(iliae) on coins, perhaps issued at panormus Sexlr5fgmpey (seeGrant, From Iinperiim to eäoAnu 1nde1 29_3r; Grueber, cnnBM 2.662 note; Münzer, aal. p""rrrpr to tuiaerrtitiea with L. funius Silanus (165). (Mencrus) Rnx No title preserved.An official in sicily to whom cicero recommended a man from Melita (Xam. tg.l}). M. Pnrs,nrus (g) pr.64 sall. cat. 5g'6, which describes a career which extended ovor tho period from g2 to 63. C. Pr,orrus (Plautius tl) A Legate in Asia before 60 (Cic. Xlacc. 5O). M'. Sesrorus M,. f. (B) i1 . - 1"^g^1" $cily, honored by Romans in businessat panormu s. CI L 12.2.836;cf. Q. Cic. Comm.pöt. e.Late Republic. M. Tunrus (not in Ä.8) Termed , leg(atus) on coins of Alexandria Troas. Grant suggeststhaü he held office in Asia under. Antony in 42-4r (From läfieriurn to Auctori,tas 246f.). SeeMagie, Roman äule in Asia Mi,nor 2.1687. L. Ver,nnrus Pnenoonrrvus (*72) {-Legate in Transalpine Gaur probably before 7g, who was defeatod and himself slain in Aquitania (Cä S.ZO.|1. - -orus BEr,nus (not in ,8,6') Legatrll pro praetore in an inscription of Cos (Ann. .^Jgrmed Epdg. 1934,no. 85; seeMagie, Roman Rul,ein Asia-Minor Z.f OAZ).-" -.-_-us M. f. (not in .Bä) SEG t.t4g; second.half of ihe second century B.C. Soe Daux, Del,phes596, nc. 5. Praefecti M. Hnnnwrrus M. f. Mae. R,urus (41) CIL I2.2.827-ILS gtO, before 90 (praef. Cap. Cum.). 31r.
Q. Leonrus Q. f. crL 9.420+-rLs
(l) 6122.A prefect such as those to capua and cumao. L. Lronrrus Munnne (t2B) Cos.62, pr. 65 Praofectus Fabrum (cic. Mur. zB, dateuncertain, but before 74). L. Mnmrrus C. f. Gat. (15) P.lryfugt_"t Leg. XXVf et VII Lucae ad agros dividund.os (C/Z 6.r46c--/rs 887). Probably after the batfle är rrunppi. see p/R 2.363, no. 336; 41, Special Commissions. M. Pnrnnrus (B) sall. coü. 59.6, which describesa c&reerextending from g2 to 63. M. Pr,eurrus (22) In command of a fleet, probably a praefectus Classis, and when retuming from asia committed suicide for grief at the loss of his wife Orestilla at Tarentum (Val. Max. 4.6.9). Iudex Quaestionis C. Arpur,nrus M. f. TEppo (Bl) rudex Quaestionisrerum capitarium (crL Bepublican or Early Augustan period.
906). Late
Quaesitor P. Creuorus P. f. Ap. n. Pulonrn pat. (4g) CIL 6.1282-ILB 882. SeeMommsen, Btr. Z.gg6, note 2. Triumviri L. Cer,punnrus (14) Val. Max. 8.3.2, Iff vir Capitalis, d.ate uncertain. C. Luor,rus (6) CIL 12.2.2204,IIf vir Capitalis, late Republic. L. Snnvr,rus L. f. L. n. (cf. f Z) cIL 12.2.841.The field of competence remains unknown. Late Republic. M. Trnnntrus VaRRo RnErrr.rus (g4, Supb. 6) ^.I_II yir Capitalis?, probably between 9b and 90 (Gell. t3.t2.6; see Cichorius,AB 200f.). rus Snx. f. (not in .EU) CIL 12.2.842.Daheand field of competenceuncertain.
Decemviri Stlitibus Iudicandis Crv.ConNnr,rus Scrpro lfrspErvus pat. (547) pr. l3g Elogium, CIL L2.2.L5-ILS 6. Before f50 B. C. ? C. Iur,ros Censer, Pat. (lg0) pr. ca. g2 _ Elogium, fnscr. Ital. lg.g.75a, as restored by Tenney X'rank and Degrassi. See however Broughton, AJA 52 (tgis) B2B_iiB0;and r00, Special Commissions. M. Lrvrus M. f. C. n. Dnusus (18) Elogium, Inscr. Itnl. 19.9.74,probably before 100.
SpecialCommissionsand Curatorships CoscoNrus (l) Termeda'i'ocurus in varro LL 5.t59. often a function of tho Aed.ilee. L. MoumrusC. f. Gal. (15) X'rumenticurator ev S. C. (CIL 6.1460*ILB 882; seepIR 2.869, no. 336).Before43 or between40 and 84. Pur.nrus (not in *.8.8) vi'ocurus(varro LL 5.168).often a function of the Aediles. Augurs P. Cr,luorus P. f. Ar. n. Pur,csnn pat. (Clodiusa9) c r L 6.1282._rLS 882.son of cicero'senemyclodius.iate Republio or Early Augustanperiod. ? C. Conr,rusCar,ous (lB) ^ Augur before6l (Grueber,cHRBM r.475;cf. Bardü2B).seeberow, Quindecimviri sacrisfaciundis. hobably about g0 B. C. auindecimviri SacrisFaciundis C. Conr,rusCar,ous (lB) Decemvirbefore80 (Grueber,1RRBM r.475; cf. Bardt g0). soo above,Augurs. ? L. Marvr,rusTonqulrus pat. (80) pr. 49 _Perhapsa Quindecimvir.see coinswith the typo of the gibyl and the tripod, dated by Grueberabout 6S (CRRBIti i.+aZt.1. ? M. Orrurus (8) References to apollo on his coinsindicateto Bardt that ho may have , been a Quindecimvir(Bardt B0; see Gruebor,CnnBM i.tZS, on. 99-95),but the desisivesymbol,the tripod, is lacking.
AppENDrx rr Septemviri Epulones
C. Cnsrrus L. f. Erulo (tZ) CIL 6.1374,and 1375-/tr8 gt7,9l7a. See p.L?z Z.tltf., no. 6g6. Probably not the Praetor of 44. Died before f2 B. C. Ar. Cr,euorus C. f. Pur,cnnn pat. (299) Cos. 88 CIL 10.1423-ILS 890, note l. See pIRz 2.297,no. 982. L. Conr,rus CEr,ous (15) Grueber,CRRBIII t.475, ca.6l. SeeKlose 4, no. 5. probably about 80 B. C.
AprnxIrrx III SUPPLEMEI\]1TAR,Y LIST OX' SENATOR,S L. Arrxrus L. f. Lem. (not in ,EO) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno;Passerini,Athenneurn,16 [937] 252-283). See Passerini's article in connection with all later referencesto the S. C. de Agro Pergameno.
Flamens Snx. Appur,nrus Snx. f. (t6a) . [x'lamen] rulialis (crL 8.24589-ILS Augustan period.
L. Arnqrus L. f. Ouf. (not in J?.O) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno).
s963). Late Republic or Early
C. Ar,srNrus (I) Cic. Sesü.6; Iam. 13.8. Father-in-law of P. Sestius, so probably a senator for some time before 60.
M. ConNnr,rus Cpnsncus Pat. (g}l val. Max. 1.r'4. a x'lamen, not further identified, who was compelled to abdicate becauseof faulty performance of sacrifices. P. Conlrrr,rus P. f. Sorpro Pat. (seeBBI) X'lamen Dialis, second century (CIL IL.Z.L}_/LS 4). See tg0, Augurs; and 174, X'lamen Dialis, and note 6. (Posruurus) Ar,nnvus Pat. (*gZ) cia- Brut. r35. An orator who flourished about r00 B. c. see Klose. 29, no. 4.
P. Ar,nrns P. f. Quir. (not in -B,E) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). C. Alrrorus (l) Senatorin 44 (Cic.Xam. 12.21;cf.7.26.2,67 B. C.;QI 2.8.3,66 B. C.). Arvnanos Bnoccnus (3) Senatorin 70 (Cic. Verr. 2.3.93).
C. ANNrus C. f. Cam. (not in ,8,0) Senator in 135 (BIGB688).
C. X'owrprus C. f. Carrro (20) Cos. Suff. BB NaSg{ as priest (ieperiq)in a still unpublished inscription of cos. ^ See P.I.Bz 3.197, no. 46g. I
VestalVirgins Anu:rre (not in l?t) fo"._"pp_T""tlyextinguished,wasmiraculouslyrelit (Dion. Ifal. ^ ^T"I 2.68.3-5;Val. Max. l.t.Z; cf. propert.}_54; Gruebei CnnBM 1.448,note). Date and identification remain uncertain.
C. Arvrrus C. f. Arn. (not in J?.8) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). L. ANNrus L. f. Poll. (not in.EO) Senator in 135 (S-IGB688). Q. Amtrus (18) Senator in 63. One of ühe Catilinarian conspirators (Sall. Cat. 17.3; 50.4). T. ANNrus (21) Senatorin 66 (Cic. Cluent.182,cf. 78). L. Arsrnnsrrus (ANrrsrrus) C. f. Men. (not in .B.E') Senator in 129 B. C. (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). 487
L. Ar.rrunsrrus (ANrrsrrus) - Sab. (not in .BZ) Sonator in 129 B. C. (dbid.) L. -Ar(r)ur,nrus L. f. Serg. (not in _B.O) Senator, perhaps an aedilicius, in 44 (Joseph. AJ l4,ZZ0), M. Appur,nrus M. f. Cam. (not in ,8.&') Senatorin t29 B. C. (S. C. de Agro pergameno). C1({glur,nrus) L. f. Serunnnrus (27) Probably a senator in 54 (Cic. planc. i9 and 29). M'. Aqunr,rus (notin RE) senator in74, a juror in the trial of oppianicus (cic, cluent. rz7). Asnrrus (l) A senator aoluntarius in 48 (Cic. phil. tg.ZB). M. Arnrus Bur,nus (84) Senator iy 7!, a juror in the trial of Oppianicus, who was convicted, of mni'estasbefore z0 (cic. cl,uent.zl-78, änd urp. oz; v"ü.-l.zr_+ol. T. ArrNrus T. f. X'ab.TyneNus (ll) Senator in 3g (S. C. de Panamareis; Viereck 41, no. 20). Arrrorus (Atidius 2) A former Roman senator, an exile with Mithridates, who conspired against the king (App. Itrith. 9O). P. Anrrus P. f. Quir. (6) Senator in 3g (S. C. de Panamareis; Viereck 41, no. 20). Cn- Aurfrorus] Vel. (not in .B.E) Senator in l2g (S. C. de Agro pergameno). Q. Cancu,rus Q. f. Ani. pergameno). perhaps _-Selatog_in t29 (S. C.de_Agro e. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus (g4), Cos-.l4B. Clncrr,rus Buorr,reNus (Bucilianus l) App.-BC2.rrg. C. Cencrrrus METELLUs (Zf) A young senator in Sf (Plut. BuIt. Bt.t). C. Ceorrus C. f. Aem. (not in RE) Senator in t29 (S. C. de Agro pergameno). Cer,rorus Cr. f. (see 2) Senatorin 73-71 (Cic. Terr. 2.4.42).
Q. Cer,rnwus (l) - senator quondam,who fought as a gladiator in caesar,sgames (suot. Iul. 39). Sp. Canvnrus L. f. Sab. (not in ,8.0) Senator in t2g (S. C. de Agro pergameno). C.Ceunnrus Senator in 74, juror,in the.trial of Oppianicus (Cic. Cluent. f0?). Tho full na^meqay have been c. corneliüs- Lentulus caudinus. g.a, seä s. v. "Cornelius,t'nos.210-214. L. Crur,rus Mnncus (not in RE) senator in 74, a juror in the trial of oppianicus (cic. cruent 104). C. Cr,euorus (20a, Supb. B) A senator in Tf (Cic. Tul,t. M). Q. Cr,euorus Ap. f. Poll. (80) A senator in t29 (S. C. de Agro pergameno). Tr. Cr,auorus Tr. f. Ctu. (Nnno ?) pat.? (see250, cf. 25t,262) A senator soon after 166 (S?Gs664__1.di nalos i.r.rsroi. Q. Clorr,rus M. f. Quir. (4) Senator in 3g (S. C. de Panamareis; Viereck 41, no. 20). C. Conr,rus C. f. Arn. (see6, Supb. g.255). A senator in t29 (S. C. de Agro pergameno). Q. Corvsrorus (7) Senator in 74, at the trial of Oppianicus (Cic. Cluent l0Z). L. Coponrus L. f. Coil. (4) lB4 ? (Joseph.AJ t4.l4l; seolB4, note 2; and -R.Os. v. .._!:"rJo".:a. "Valerius," no, 60). C. Conxnr,rus M. f. Stell. (lZ) Senaüorin 129 (S. C. de Agro pergameno). Comrnrrus Cnrnneus pat. (S4) A brother of the catilinarian conspirator (seebelow). voted in tho Senate in 63 to cond.emnhis broth6rio death (Ampelius Bl).C. Conlrnr,rus Cnrsueos pat. (gg) selatgr in 63 (sall. cat. 17.B),*trd u,reader a,mongthe catilinarian conspirators. P. Connu,rus SuLLA Pat. (gS5) senator in 63, a member of the catilinarian conspiracy (sail. caü. 17.3; cf. cic. Bull,.6; Dio 96.44.8,where he is conf-urea*itt the p. Sulla whom Cicero defended).
Snn. Conwnlrus Sur,r,a Pat. (389) Senaüorin 63, a member of the Catilinarian conspiracy (Sall. Caü. 17.3;Cic. Bull,.6). L. ConNrrrcrus (4) Senatorin 52, one of the &ccusersof Milo (Ascon. 38, and 54 C). M. Coscoxrus M. f. Ter. (9, cf. 8) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). Perhaps the Praetor of 135. Dncrus (l) A senator proscribed in a3 (App. BC 4.27). C. Drorus C. f. Quir. (not in .B.O) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). (not in ,B,E) L. Dourrrus Crr. f. P"{(S. 129 de Agro Pergameno). fdentified by Cichorius in C. Senator 94 (Untersuch.Lucil'.3f.; followed Ahenobarbus, Cos. Domitius L. with 2.1055, note 25), but as the i,n Asi,a Mi,nor Rom'an Rule bv Magie, probably be dated in 129 Domitius is Pergameno should Agro aä Sl C. previous the generation (see above, 133, a member of probably more note l). C. Ecrenrus Cn. f. Cw. n. Mexruus (27, cf.. 2) Senatorin74, ajuror in the trial of Oppianicus who was disinhorited by his father for accepting bribes (Cic. Cluent r35). Cn. Earerrus C. f. Stell. (not in ,B-E) Senator ca. 165 (Holleaux, BCH 48 llS24l 38f-398-/S,AG 3.451; see 165,Praetors, on Blasio). CN. Ecmnrus CN. f. (8) Senator,father of C. Egnatius (above), expelled from the Senate by the Censorsof 70 (Cic. Cl'uenü.I35). M. EPnus (2) Senatorin 5t (Cic. Fam. 8.8.5). See51, note. L. Enucrus L. f. Stell. (3) Senatorin 44 (JosePh. AJ 14.220). L. FlsPnrus L. f. Serg. (2) Senatorin 78 (S. C. de Asclepiade,CIL L2.2.588). Q. Ferrus Snvor (143) Senatorin 63, who dealt with the Allobrogian envoys and aided in the captureof the conspirators(Cic. Pi's. 77; SaIl. Coü.4r).
M. X',s,Lnnrus M. f. Claud. (l) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). C. X'ewNrusC. f. (8) Senator in 8l (S. C. de Stratonicensibus;OGIB 441, lines 20f.). C. X'rorcur.aNtus X'ancur,a (l) senator in 74, a juror in the trial of oppianicus (cic. caec. 2g; Cluent. 103-104and r l2-l l4). L. X'nrus L. f. Hor. (l) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). - X'r^a.vrusL. f. Lem. (seelZ) perhaps L. x'lavius, Tr. pl. 60, _ senator in 44 (Joseph. AJ r4.zz0). Pr. 58. I
(- X'o)wrnrus Q. f. Pap. (l) Senator ca. 16l (/S'/GB 6Z9 II; see 16l, praetors, on Aemilius). M'. Fonrnrus C. f. (7a, Supb. 8.523) Senator soon after f G6 (BIG8 664_1. ile Dölos 4.f .f5f0). A. X'ur,wus (seeg4) senator in 63, who put his son to death for fonowing catiline (sall. cat.39; val. Max. 5.8.5; Dio 8z.86,who calls the son Äulus). seo g.a, on M. X'ulvius Nobilior, no. 94. C. X'uwneNrus C. f. (l) - senator in 8r (s. c. de stratonicensibus; 1GIB 441, lines 20f.). see also Quaestors of uncertain date. C. Gar,r,us (seeC. Gallius, RE no. B\ Senatorin 70 (Cic. Vem.2.B.t52). M. Gpr,r,rusM. f. Maec. (?) senator in 44 (Joseph.AJ 14.220;cf. plut. cic.27.2; Macrob. Bar.
2.3.r 0- r r ) .
L. Gnwucrus L. f. Ter. (not in .E^O) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). P. Gnssrus P. f. Arn. (not,in RE\ Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). Tr. Gurre
(l) in 74, ajuror in the caseof Oppianicus who accopted briboe .^!"1?.1o" (Cic. Cluent.7t,75, Z8, 98, t}B, t27; "{.-Bchot.pero. 2.lg)',a'd in ?0 was expelled from the Senate (Cic. Cl,uent l2T and lB0).
C. Hnorus C. f. Tnonus (3) Senatorin 39 (S. C. de Panamareis,Viereck 41,no. 20; and S. C. de Aphrodisiensibus,Viereck 40, no. lg, and.Add. VII). Crv.Hnrus (3) Senator in 74, a juror in the trial of Oppianicus (Cic. Ctuent l0Z). C. HnnrNrcrus Q. f. Ouf. (cf. 5) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). L. Inr,rus Snx. f. X'al. (Censen) Pat. (l4l) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). See above, on Monetales. Q. IuNros (30) Senatorin 70 (Cic. Verr. 2.1.18). M. fuvurrrus Pnno (18) Senator in 74, a juror in the trial of Oppianicus (Cic. Ctuent I0Z). Q. Lennnrus L. f. Maec. (not in -8.0) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). C. Lrcnrrus C. f. Ter. (14) Senatorin 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). Lrcnrrus Buoco (39) A senator, perhaps of the Sullan period (Val. Max. S.8.2). Lrcnrrus (Cru,ssus)Dluesrppus (65) A senator, who was with Juba in AJrica in 4g (Caes.BC 2.44) and, was killed there in a6 (Belt. Afr. 96). On the name, seeCIL 12.2.1944. M. Lor,r,rus Q. f. Men. (not in ,RZ) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). Q. Luornxus (1) Senator, probably ca. 67 (Varro nR 2.5.1). M'. Lucrr,rus M. f. Pompt. (ll) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). M. Lucnnrrus (9) Senatorand possiblejuror in 70 (Cic. Vem. 2.1.18). C. Lusorus Ocnne (2) An aged senator in 76 (Cic. Rosc. Com. 43). Crq.Lurarrüs CN. f. A(-) (Cnnco?) (1,12) Senator ca. 140 (BIGB674). L. Mer,r,rus (MeNr,rus?) L. f. Men. (6) Senator ca. 126 (Joseph. AJ 13.260;see 126, Praetors, note 2, on Fannius).
T. Mar,r,rus 3'ab. (10) Senator,perhapsca. 16l (S'/Gs6Z9If; see16l, Praetors, on Aemilius). Menr,rus (2) A prominent senator in r84 (Plut. cat. Mai,. 17.7). Münzer suggosts that he was P. Manlius (RE, no. Bl) who held the praetorship itt-rgg and 182. T. M,lNr,rus (10) A aged senator in 76 (Cic. Rosc. Com. 48-49). T. M,lru,rus T. f. Toneuarus Pat. (95) A senator of cicero's generation (cic. Brut. 245), who is probably to be identified with the man who was honored at Delos @CE g trö?91 r56f.; 36 Fgl2l 107) between 84 and 78, and perhaps attained thä praetorship. L. Mnruurus C. f. Men. (ll) senator in 129 (s. c. de Agro Pergameno). Probabry to be identified with the Legate who visited Egypt ca. tI2. M. Murvrus M. f. Lem. (not, in ßE) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). C. Naurrus Q. f. Vet. (Nutius l) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno; Noutios in the Adrammyttene fragment, and Nautios in the Smyrna one). Norvrus (see 50) probably a son of __A senator, proscribed in 48 (Plin. -l[f/ BZ.8l). Nonius Struma. C. Nnunronrus (Numrronrus) C. f. Lem. (t) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). Ocu.vrus (54?) A senatorin 43 (Cic. Phil. tt.4). PerhapsM. Octavius (RE no. 34). Crv.Ocranus L. f. Aem. (19) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). P. Ocrevrus Bnrnus (46) Senator in 74, a juror in the trial of Oppianicus (Cic. Ctuent l0?). M. Ocrevrus Lrcus (69) A senatorin 75 (Cic. Verr. 2.2.21,cf. 2.1.26).
T. Orrorus (Aurrorus ?) M. f. Pop. (not in J?-0) g8l-898-SrG _ Senator ca. 165 (Holleaux, BCH 4g US24l Soe 165, Praetors, on Cornelius Blasio.
Cr. Opprus ConwrcrNus (28) _ Senator in 57 (Cic. Att. 4.2.4; Post Rd^ ad,Quir.l2). Probably an older man, as his son-in-law held the tribunate in that vear. Parrnrus Quir. (7) Senator ca. 134? (Joseph.AJ 14.145;see tB4, note 2). Seealso BE s. v. "Valerius," no. 60. Q. Pnrrr,rrus T. f. Serg. (6) Senatorin 78 (S. C. de Asclepiade,CIL 12.2.b88;cf . Cic. Mi,t. 26 and, 44). L. Pr,annonrusL. f. Pap. (O) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno, emending Plattorius to Plaetorius). M. Pr"lnronros (ll) A senator who was slain by Sulla in 32 (Val. Max. 9.2.1; cf. X'lor. 2.9.26;Oros.5.21.8,P. Laetorius). Pr,auronrus R,usrrexus (19) A leader among the Pompeians in Africa who died at Hippo (BeZl. Afr. 96). On the possible cognomen Cestianus, seeRE nos. 15 and 16. P. Pr,aurrus P. f. Pap. (16) Senator in 44 (Joseph. AJ 14.220). Perhaps P. Plautius H5rysaeus, (23),Pr. 55. (25) C. Pr,eurrus Nuurol A senator, perhaps ca. 100 B. C. (VaI. Max. 4.6.2). Crv. Poupnrus CN. f. Crust. (not in *.8,8) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno).fn D.-G. 4.323,note 12, it is suggestedthat this Pompeius was a cousin of the Consul of 89, but if the S. C. de Agro Pergameno is correctly dated in 129 B. C.he was more probably an uncle. C. Popu,r,rus (*f6) A senator who was condemned before 70 for pecula,tus(Cic. Verr. 1.39). M. Popnr,rus (*f f) Senator of uncertain date (Val. Max. 7.8.9). P. Porrr,r,rus P. f. Ter. (not in *AE) Sonatorin 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno).
P. Poprr,r,rus (*r7) A senator who was a freedman's son and was excluded from the Senatein 70, but kept his insignia (Cic. Cl,uent tgl-182, cf. gg). Q. Porrr,r,rus P. f. Rom. (not in *.RZ) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). Poprr,r,rusLlnnas (*21) Senator in 44 at the time of Caesar, (ptut. Brut. 16_16; App. BC 2.1r5-lr6). P. Poncrus P. f. (Lrncr ?) (not in *rB-E) Sena,torca. 165 (SIG' G64-1. il,eDöl,os4.t.tbf0). probably & son of P. Porcius Laeca, Pr. lg5 (D.-G.,no. Z). M. Poncrus Leoca (*7) Senator in 63, a member of the Catilinarian conspiracy (Cic. Cat. 1.4; 2.6; Sull,.18; Sall.Cat.2T; X' g.tOt, no. ll. Q. Posruurus (*5f) Senator, slain by Antony in 3f (Dio bO.fB.?). L. Pnoorr,rus (see*l) senator before 56 (cic. QF 2.9.r). Probably the Tribune of the plobs in 56. Punr,ruus (not in *-B,0) Senator of uncertain date (Val. Max. 8.2.5). M. Puprus M. f. Scapt. (not in *RE) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). L. Qurrvrrus (not in*RE) Senator in 43, and probably considerably earlier, as he was tho father-in-law of C. Asinius Pollio (App. BC a.t2). M._Qurnrrus (Qurxorrus ?) M. f. Pol. Pr,ercwus (not in *,8,O) Senator in 44 (Joseph. AJ t4.220). C. Renrnrus (5) Senator, probably about or soon after 100, when he aided in suppressing Saturninus (Cic. Rab. Perd,.p,ssi,rn, esp. lg-2g; Dio 87.26; cf. Auct. Vi,r. 111,.73.12). C. Runnrus C. f. Pupl. (9) . S-enatolin 1291S. C. de Agro Pergameno). Perhaps a colleaguo of C. Gracchus (see 122, Tribunes of the Plebs). L. Runnrus (ll) a senator who was captured by caesar at corfinium in 4g (caes. BC r.23.2).
L. Rurrr,rus X'r,Eocus (tO) Senatorin 72 (Cic. Cluent.l82). Seealso Monetales. L. Senrrus (l) A senatorin 63 (Sall. Cat. B0.t\. P. Sr.runrus (l) senator in74, juror in the trial of oppianicus (cic. cruent. ro7, ^A cf. r82).
P. Srr,rusL. f. Gal. (Z) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). Q. Srerrr,rnNus Q. f. Corn. (t) senator ca. 140 (BrG? 674, s. c. de Narthaciensibus et Molitaoensibus). Srerrus the Samnite (t) An influential samnite who was made a senator after the social war, and was proscribed in 43 at the age of eighty (App. BC a.2E).
A. SpnpnoNrus A. f. X'al. (B) A senator ca. 140 (BIG' 674, s. c. de Narthaciensibus et Melitaeensibus).
Snn. Sur-prcrus (20, cf. lg) A senator who was with Juba in AJrica in 49 (Caes.BC 2.aa). See Monetales.
C. Snurnorvrus C. f. X'al. (5) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno), and ca. f26 (Joseph. .4,I 13.260;see 126, Praetors, note 2, on X'annius).
P. Tnoprrus L. f. Pol. (t) - -Senator in 44 (Joseph. AJ t4.220). Possibly a praetorius, since he follows a consular in Josephus'list.
C. Snmpnonrus L. f. (not in .EZ) Senator ca. 165 (Ifoleaux, BCH 4g Ltg}4l 38r-B9S-/SZG g.4br). C. SpNrrus C. f. (4) Member of the consilium of the Consul of 49 B. C. at Ephesus (Joseph. -4"I 14.225).
Snx. Tnrorus (2) Senator in 52, who found the body of Clodius and sent it back to Rome (Ascon. 32 C).
P. Snprrurus Scesvor,a (51) juror in the case of Oppianicus, who accepted _ Senator in 74, a bribes (Cic. Verr. 1.38; cf. Cluent. f l5-r16). M. Snnnrus (Snnerus ?) M. f. Ter. (not in AE) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). P. Snnnrus (Snncrus ?) (Sergius20) Senator in 44 (Joseph. AJ 14.220). M. Snnvrr,rus (20) Probably a senator. Accused of res repetundae in 5l (Cic. Iam. 8.8.2-3; cf. Brut. 269). P. Snsrunrrus (Snxrrr,rus ?) P. f. Ouf. (Sextilius 14) Senator in 39 (S. C. de Panamareis; Viereck 4g, no. 2O). P. Srr,rcrusConoNE (l) A prominent senator, juror in the trial of the tyrannicides in 48, who openly voted for acquittal (PIut. Brut.27.B; App. BC 8.95;4.27; Dio a6.49.5). C. Srr,rus Snx. f. Cam. (not in AZ) Senatorin 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno).
Crv.Tnnunrrus (21) ^ Received custody of the catilinarian conspirator caeparius (san. Cat. 47.5, senator). Q. TrrrNrus (t7) A juror in the trial of Verres (Cic. Vem. Z.I.IZ8). Cn. Tunrcrus (l) Senator in 66, who was aiding Cluentius (Cic. Cluent fgg). Turroawus Ger,r,us (see B) The senator, father of ono of Caesar's officers who fell at Dyrrachium, must have had some such name (Caes.BC S.ll). Vlr,crus (see*3) A senator whose sons were fighting in Spain rn a5 (Bel,t.Hiep. l3l, (not in *.8.O) Q. Ver,arus M. f. -Lra Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). L. Venaurvrnrus (*3) Senator in 63, a member of the Catilinarian conspiracy (Sall. Coü. 17.3; 47.3; Cic. Sull.6 and 6Z). (Vnr,r,nrus) Cerrro (*4) senator, an uncle of velleius Paterculus. Prosecutod cassius undor the Pedian law for the murder of Caesar(Vell. 2.69.5). 32 Broughton II
C. Vrrlrnxus (*2) Senator in 52, slain soon after the murder of Clodius (Cic. Mi,l,. S7l. C. Vor,cerrus Guncns (*3) Senator of uncertain date, named by Pliny in a list of examples, dating from the Republic, of casesof sudden death (.lfä Z.tgl). C. Vor,uIuxrus C. f. Men. (not in *-R.E) Senator in 129 (S. C. de Agro Pergameno). L. Vor,uuwrus (*7) Senator, named in Varro (RR 2.4.1), and alive in E0 (Cic. Fam, 7.32.r). M. f. Pub. Per,r,aorxus (not in RE\ Senator in 39 (S. C. de Panamareis; Viereck 41, no. 2O).
K. J' Beloch, Rönai*cke Ge*chichte bis zum, Beginn d,er pum,ischen Kriege. Berlin, 1926. (Re) G' Bloch and J. carcopino, La röpwbriqte roma,ine de raa d, tltt au, J -c. z r. Dea Gracques A Sulld, byG. Bloch and J. Carcopino, paris, lg2g. TL Cösar, by J. Carcopino, Paris, lg86. G, W. Botsford., The Rornan Assembl,i,es.New york, lg0g. The carnbrid'ge Anc'ient Historu, editedby s. A. cook, F. E. adcock, and M. p. charlesworth: yrr. The Heireni,sti,c Monarcruies ori tn" ixi-ii-ä"),*. vur. Rorne and, the Mediterra,neon. rx. rrhe Roman Repubri,c, ßa to iaE. c. x. n* --Aygu,stan,Erwfire, 44 B. C, to A. D. 70. Canb"i'agr, f'SZS_r Sii. eeAl C"y, A Hislo\y oJ the Greek Woild lronz SZS to 14:6b. C. f,orraoIr, f SSZ. *. rr1":Abulq,"ld_!9,glio, Dictionnaire iles anti,qui,tes grecques et roma,ines. patia, r877-19r9. (DS) E. de Ruggieto, D'iz,ionaryo ep,igra,fi,cod,i antichitd, ro,rmana. Rome, fggS_1g60. G. de Sanctis, Stor'ia d,ei,Romaid. Vol,'.''"" I-IV, l. Torino, fS0i_iSZg. 'w. Drumann, Gesch'i'chte.Bonas.second edition by p. Groebe, volÄes r-vr. Leipzig, r899-1929. (D.- G.) T. Irank, A History ol Rorne. New york, lg23, Roman Im,periali*m. New york. lgl4, E_conomi.cHistory of Rome. Second edition, Baltimore, lg27. Ec9727rncBwuey ol Arw,ient Rome. Volume f, Baltimore, lgSB; fII, f 98?; IV I 938. G.reenidge, The Legal proceil,ure ol Cicero,s T,irne. Oxford., 190t. *. T. {: ö. (isell, riisto'ire arw'ienme d,e l;afr'i,qte d,w Noril,. volumes paris, r-vrrr, 1913-1928 (especially volumes III, änd VI_VIII). W. E. Heitland", The ßoman Republi,c. Cambridge, ig23. T.Fjgg llolmos, The Roman Repubti,c anil the Found,er ol the Em,pire. Volumes I-III, Oxford, f928. Archjtect ol the Rontan Em,pire, Volume f, Oxford, lg2g. _ Tle L. Ifomo, Roman Pol,i,ticat,Instititinns. New york, lg2g. P,imit'i,e llaly and the Beginnings ol Roman Imtperial,i,sm,. London, lg2?. ^ c. Jullian, Eistoi,re d,e l,a Gäute: trt.'za conqwatu ronutine et lee-fienuierea i,*aaaöons germaniques. paris, lg0g. L. l?ogu, Römische Al,terth,ürner. Volume I, third ed., Berlin, 1826; Volume ff, third ed. 1879; Volumo IIf, second. ed. 1g76. (Lange, RAi "g,' Lübker's Reallea'ikon ites klnasischen Al,tertwm,s. Ed. Beriin, lgr4 (Lübkor). * abbroviatious are indicated in brackets afüer the work to which they rofer. The-titles ofjournals are generally abbreviated according to ühe sysiem usod in t'he Amüe Pki'l'ol,ogique, excopt rhat HSCph stands fä, Horoorä stud,i.aa dn classi'cal' lhil,ology and RErc for Riuüata d.i,Fir,ologia e d,,retrtuione claaeica. sse also the list of abbreviations at the boginning of Volume f.
F. B. Mrrrsh, The Vound,ing of the Roman Em,pire. Ed. 2, Oxford, 1927. A Hiatory ol the Romnn WorLd,from, 146 to 30 B. C. London, 1935. Tbeodor Mommsen, D,ie rönvische Chronol,og'iebis awl Cdsar.F,d.2, Berlin, 1859. RörruiecheGescluichte.(Translated by Dickson; published Now York, 1900.) Ilönuisches Staatsrecht. Volumes I and II, third ed. 1887; Volumo III, 1887. Börtisch,es Strafrecht. Leipzig, 1899. und, Adelsfaruili,en. Stuttgart, 1920. F. Münzer, Rönuische Ad,el,sTtarte,ien B. Niose, Gesch,ichted,er griechi,sclrcnunil, m,altedoni,schenStaaten. Volumes f-III, Gotha, f893-1903. H. Nissen, Italische Landeskunde. Yolumes f-If, Berlin, 1883. E. Pais, Stor,ia critica ili, Romo durante'i prinui c,inque secol,i,Volumes II (1915), and III (f gl8), Rome. H,isto,ire ronta'ine. Drr,sorig,ines a l,'achöuement de la conquöte. Paris" 1926. (Adapted by J. Bayet.) Stori,a d,'i,.Bom,od,urante Legu,erreTtunicha. Secr:nd ed., Torino, 1935. d,ercl,assdschenAl,tertwmsuissenschalt. Edited. Parrly-Wissolla,, Real,-Encycl,opdd,i,e in succession by l(roll, Mittelhaus and Ziegler (ospecially valuable for the biographical articles by Münzer). Second ed., 1894-. (.8.8; first edition *.&.O). A. Piganiol, Histoi,re d,eRom'e. Paris, 1939. M. I. Rostortzaff, Soaial, and, Econonuic History of the Rornan Ernpire. Italian edition, Florence, I933. Social, anil, Economic History ol the Hellenistic Worl,il. Oxford, 1941. I[. II. Scullard, A History ol the Roman Worl,il lrom 753 to 146 .B. C. Second edition, London, 1961. G. H. Stevensorr, Rornatt Prouinc,ial Ail,rruinistration til,l, the Age of the Antonönes. Oxford,1939. R,. Syme, Ihe Rornan Reaoluü'i,on.Oxford, 1939. E, Täubler, Im,perium, Romanurn. Leipzig, 1913. Erste Hcil,fte: Di,e römische Repttbldk. Second edition, J. Vogt, Röm'i*cheGeschi,chüe. Freiburg, 195I. P. Willenrs, Le Sönat d,eLa röpubl,'iqtte.rormaine, Sa compos,ition et ees attribuf,iona. Volume I (Louvain and Paris, 1878). Volumo II (Louvain and Paris, 1883). (Willems, Stinar)
llerts and, Legal, Docurnents
C. G. Bnrns, Eontes luri,e Romani antiqu'i. Soptimum edidit O. Gradenwitz. l'übingen, 1909. (Primarily inscriptions, but sorno pap;,'ri, and other documents.) (Bruns) Eontes ltmis Rornan'i ante'ittst'ini,and.Edited by S. Riccobono, J. Baviera, C. Forrini, J, Furlani, V. Arangio-Ruiz. Pars prima, Leges, by S. R,iccobono, Florence, 194I. Pars altera, Auctores, by J. Baviera and J. Furlani, Florenco, 1940. Pars tertia, Negoüia, by V. Arangio-Ruiz, Florence, 1513. (EIRA\ ?ra,gm,entaH'i,storicorum Graecorwnt, Volumes I-V. Ediüed by C. and Th. Müller. Paris, 1870-1885. (FEG) H'istorilrcr, Volumes I-IIIB, Fragrnente d,er grri,ech,ischem Edited by F. Jacoby. Berlin, 1923-1950. (FGrHl P. I,'. Girard, Tentes de Droit rornaine. Fifth edition, Paris, 1923. (Primarily inscripüions, but also pap)'ri and other docurnents.)
E. G, Hardy, Roman La,tasand, Charters.Oxford, 1012. Histori,corum, Rom,onoru.m,Rel,iqtiae. Edited by II. Peter. Volumo I (ed. 9), Loipzig, L914. Volume 2, Leipzig, 1906, E.Iluschke, Ju,risprud,entiu,eante'iust'inianae Rel,iqu,i,ae,ed. E. Seckeland B. Kübler (sixth odition). Leipzig, 1927. furisprud,entio,e antehad,r,ianaequa,esuperswlt. Edidit, F. P, Bremor. Pars prior: Liberae rei publicae iuris consulti, Leipzig, 1896. Oratorunt, Romanorum Eragm,enta,, edited by H. Malcovati, Volumes I-fIf, Torino, 1930. (XO,R) G. Rotondi, Leges publ,icae Popul,i Rotmani,. Elencho cronolog'ico. Estratüo dallo Enciclopedia Giuridica Italiana. Milan, 1912. (Rotondi) Inscri,Tttions AnnCe Epigraphi,que. ßovae des publications epigraphiques relatives ö I'antiquit6 romaine. Paris, annually since 1888, inLlte Eeoue Archöologdqwe. (Ann.
Epi,s) Qorptts Inscriptionurn Graecarumt, Edited by A, Boeckh. Volumos I-IY, Berlin, 1828-1877. (CIG) Corpus Inscriptionu,rn Latinarutn. Berlin, f 863-. With special use of Volume I, Part I, second edition, Berlin, 1893; Part 2, Fasc. l, Berlin, 1918, Faso.2, Berlin 1931, and Fasc. 3, Berlin, 1543. (CIL) F. Durrbach, Choir d,'Inscriptions il,e Dölos. Volume I, Paris, l92l-f922. (Durrbac}r, Choi,n) Epherneri,s Epigraphica, Corporis Inscriptionurn Latinarum Supplementum, Volumes I-IX, Berlin and Rome, 1872-1913. (Eph. Epi,g) G. Colin, Fou,il,l,esd,eDelphes. Tome III, Epigraphie; Quatriörne Fasc,, premiöre partie, Paris, 1922, and 1930. (Colin, -FD) Greek Inscriptions,in th,eBri,tish, Iluseum, Volume II, Oxford, 1883; Volume III, Oxford, 1890; Volume IV, Oxford, 1893-1916. (GIBX[) Inscriptiones Creticae, Volumes I-IV, edited by M. Guarducci. Rome, 1935-1960, (1. Cret.) Inscriptions d,eDdl,os, Volume II, nos. 322-509, edited by F. Durrbach, Paris, 1929; Volume III, nos. 1400-1496, by F. Durrbach and P. Roussel, Paris, 1935; Volume IV, nos. 1497-2879, by P. Roussel and 1\{.Launey, Paris, 1937. (1. d,eDöl,os) Inscri'pt'ianea Grae,cae,Berlirr, I 883 -. (1G) I'nsariptiones Graecae. Editio Minor. Berlin, 1924-. (IG2l Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Rornanas Pertinentes. Edited by R, Cagnat. Volume I, Paris, l9l I ; Volume III, Paris, 1906 ; Volurne IV, Paris, IS27 . gA BPI Inecripüiones ltal'iae. Academiae Italicae consociatao ediderunt, Wiüh spooial use of Volume XIII, Fasc. l, Fasti Consulares et Triumphalos, odited by A. Degrassi, Rome, 194? (Degrassi); and Volurne XIII, Faso.3, Dlogia, edited by A. Degrassi, Rome, 1937 (Insu. Ital. I3.3). Inacript'iones I'atinae Belectae. Edited by H. Dessau. Volumes I-IIf, Borlin, 1892-19r6. (1rS) Die Inschr'i,ften aon Magnesi,a ant Ma,eand,er. Edited by O. I{ern. Borlin, 1e00. (1. u! Magn.) Die Inschri,tten aon Ol,grnp'ia. Edited by W. Dittenborgor and K. Purgold. Berlin, 1896. (L u.Olyrnp.l
Iruchriltcn oon L'riene. Edited by F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin, 1906. (1. u. Prienc'1 Orienti,a (]raecae Inscript'iones Seleatae. Edited by W. Dittenbergor. Volume I, Loipzig, 1903; Volume II, Leipzig, 1905. (OGIS) ,Suppl,etmentu,m,Epi,graphi,curn Graecu'rn. Edited by J. J. E. Hondius. Volumes Leyden, f924-f950. (A-EG) I-XI, Syll,oge fnscriptionum, Graecarum, Edited by W. Dittenberger, Third edition by l'. Hiller von Gaortringen, Otto Weinreich and Eric Ziebartlt. Volumes I-IV, r915-1924. (S.rG3) P. Viereck, Sermo graecws q,un sena,tus populntsqwe romnnu,s mrtgistratu,sque populi, rontan'i u,squead, Tiberi'i Caesar'is aetatenr'in scriptis publ'ic,is r,tsi sunü. Göttingen, 1888. (Viereck) Note also the valuable surveys of Greek epigraphical literaturs by L. R,oberü and J. Robert which appear annually in tho ßeuue d,esEtud,es grecques, and by M. N. Tod which appear biennially in üha Journal, ol Hell,mic Stud'ies. Surveys oflatin epigraphical literature are beginning to appear in the new Fasti Archaeologi,c,i publislted in Florence by the International Association for Classical Archaeologl'. Co'in's E. Babelon, Monnaies dela Röpubl,iqueroma'ine.Paris, Volume I, 1885; II, 1886. (Babelon) M. Bahrfeldt, "Nachträge und Berichtigungen zur Münzkunde der römischen Republik," T,inZN 28 (1896) l-170, and ZN 29 (1897) 1-150; II, in ZN 32 (1900) 1-116; IIf, in ZN 5I (rgl9) 73-180. With this should bo listed his arrangement of the coinage and the rnoneyers of the R,oman Republic in the Appendix Nummorum to CIL 1.2, pp. 74I-764Catalogues of the Greek Coins in the British Museum Creto and the Aegean Islands, by W. Wroth. London, 1886. Pontus, Paphlagonia, and Bithynia, by W. Wroth. London, 1889. Mysia, by R,. S. Poole. London, 1892. Troas, Aeolis and Lesbos, by W. Wroth' London, 1894. Galatia, Cappadocia and Syria, by W. Wroth. London, 1899. Lydia, by B. V. Head. London, 1901. Cl,prus, by G' F. Hill. London, 1904. Phrygia, by B. V. Head. London, 1906. Cyronaica, by E. S. G. R,obinson. London, 1927. H. Gaebler, Di,e Anti,ken Münzen Nordgr'öechenlanile. Yolutne III, l.Teil: Makedonia und Paionia. Berlin, 1906. H. A. Grueber, Codns ol the Roman Repwbl'ic in the Bri,ti,sh Mu'seum. Volumes I-III. London, 1910. (Gruober, CRRBM) B. V. Head, Eostoria Nwmorwrn. A Manual ol Greek Nu'rruisrnatics. Socond Edition, Oxford, 1911. (Ilead, IfNz) Theodor Mommsen, Geschichtedes rörtr'i,sckanMünzwesens. Berlin, 1860. (RMWI H,istoire d,ela manna'ie rorna'ine. Traduite par le Duc de Blacas. Paris, Volume f, 1 8 6 5 ;I I , 1 8 7 0 ;I I I , 1 8 7 3 ; I V , 1 8 7 5 . L. Müller, Num,ism'ati,que de l,'anoinnne Afriqwe, Volume III, and Suppldmenü. Paris 1875.
An astLrisk (*) marks those works which were not availablo to mo. .l'. .Bandel, Die römischen Dilctoturen. Breslau Diss., 1910. C. Bardt, D'ie Priester d,er a,ier groBen Collegim aus rörn'isch-republilcaniaclwr ZeiC. Berlin Diss., 1871. f3. Barüsch, D,ie Legaten der röm,,ischenRepublik aom lfod,e Bul,l,asbi,e zwno Auabnrche d,eszwe,iten Bürgerlcrieges. Breslau l)iss., 1908, "I)e Asiae Romanorum provinciae praesidibus," Philol,ogtu 2 li,. Bergman, (r847) 64r-690. M. Bü12, *De ,prouincia,runt, Rontona,rum quaestoribus. Leipzig Diss,, 1893. ad, A. U. C. DCLXXI eaba Easti qrnestorum qui ab A. U. C. CCCXXXX Rormarmfuerunt. Prograrnm Zittaq 1908. *Fasti quaestorwnl,qu'i,entra, Rom,am luerumtl. Gymnasialprogramm Ziütarr, 1924. V. Chapot, La, Prou,irwe rom,a,i,neproconsulaire il,'As,ia, 305-319 (Paris, 1904). (Lists of Governors, Legates, and Quaestors.) "Donn6es nouvelles sur la prosopographie de I'Asie proconsulaire," Möl,angesen hornrnage d, la rnörnai,red,eFr, Mo,rtroge,8l-92. Paris, 1941. (I{,evised lists of Governors, Legates, and Quaestors.) R. V. Cram, "The R,oman Censors," HSCPIL 5f (1940) 7l-110. P. de Boeck. *Proconsul,s uan Ach,olia en Maced,on'ia. Gand Diss,, 1937. C. de Boor, Fa.sti Censori,i. Berlin, 1873. A. Degrassi, Fasüi Oonsulares et Triumphales, in Inscri.ptiones ltal,i,ae, )(III.f . Rome, 1947. (Lists of Consuls, Dictators, Censors, Military Tribunes with consular power, which supersede previous publications of the documents and the lists in them.) E, Desjardin, Göograph,ie histori,que et adnuinisbrabiae d,e la Gawtrerom'a'ine, II (Paris, f878) 273-355 (discusses governors of Gaul and events before Caosar); III (Paris, 1885) 44--45 (governors of Gaul frorn 58 to 27). G. de Sanctis, Storia de,i Rornani. Volume IIf, Parü 2, 632-636 (lists of commands during tho Second Punic War). W. Drumann, Geschichte ,l?ozr^s.Second edition by P. Groebe. Volume III, 696-70f (üsts of Caesar's Legates during the Gallic and the Civil Wars). H. Gaebler, itt "Zwr Münzkunde Makedoniens", ZN 23 (f902) 187-189 (a list of governors of Macedonia). Reprinted in his Di,e Ant'iken Münzen Nordgriechenland,s, fII.l, Makedonien r,rnd Paionien (Berlin, 1906) 6-8; and iucluded by F. Geyer in his article "Makedonia" in RE 14.764-766. F. L. Ganter, D,ie Proryinz,ialaerwtiltung d,er Tr'i,umuirn Strassburg Diss,. 1802. (Ganter) I{. Göüzfried, Annalen d,er riiqnischnn Prouinzen beid,en Spanien, 218-llt1. Urlangen Diss., 1907. E. Groag, "Die römischen Reichsbeamüen von Achaia bis auf Dioklt.tinn," Akadarruie d,er W,issanechaft'in W,ien, Scttiften dor Balkancommission, Antiquarische Abteilung, Abhandlung IX (Wien, 1939), pp. 1-10. G. Ilarrer, Stud,ies ,in the Rornon Prouince ol Sgri,a. Princeton Diss., 1916, (ltovision and addition to Schürer on p. 63.) W. Ilenzen and Ch. Ilüüsen, Second edition, based on Mommsen's publiooüion in CIL \ of the Fasti Consulares, wiüh lists of Consuls and of evidonoe pertaining to öhem, in CIL I8, Part l. Berlin, 1893. M. Ifoffmann , Th,e Menobershi,p ol the Four Mwjor Colleges ol Prieata lrom 4 4 B. (l .
lgSI (availablo in microfilm, Ilniversiüy ?_.37 4..I). Bryn $u*I_PjT., Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan), A. llolm, "Römische Beamte in der provinz sicilien," jnGesch,ichte s,ici,Li,ensdm Altertum, Volumo fII (Leipzig, tSgS) 5tB_525. M. Flölzl' East'i Praeto,i''i ab a, u. DcLXXxvrr usqwe ad, a. u. DCCX. Loipzig Diss., f8?6. (Hölzl,.Fp) w. F. Jashenski, lrhe^ori'gin1 a1!, Hi,stola of the proconsurar a,nd ühe propra,etorian rmperi'urn üo 27.8. c.-chicago D1ss., 1g50, (useful lists of provinciar governors and their titles, also proconsuls and propraetors before 2lg, and. punic'War, commanders in the Second on pp. tOO_iSS.) *F. Junge, De cüic'iae Romanomrnt, proa'iniiäe origine Lt primord,,i,is. rrailo, (Lists__ofgovernors of Cilicia until pompey's"arrival in Oi.y-_ t9-6?. J. Klein, Die verusaltungsbeamten d,erprouinzen des-rönuischenRei,chä,vorgrne r, Teil l: Sicilien und Sardinia. Bonn. lg7g. *D,i,eLegaten in d,enrörruischenprouinzen. Leipzig, lggg. A. r{.lose, Röm'ische priesterlasten r reil. B"e.iatiDiss., rgl0. (Lists of priests other ühan thoso in ühe major colleges; see Bardü, above.) E. G. Krug, D'ie senatsboten d,erröm,isähenRepubtik.'r3resrau Diss.n -1916. - (chiefly in the text as Ambassadors and Eo";y":t' . the groups classified "Fastes *T. Lebögue, de ra-Narbonaiso," in cl. De vic and J."vaissetle, H,isto,ire _gCnöral,e d,eLangued,oc,XV (Toulouse, lgg2) 5_26. E. Letz, D'ie Prauinz'iar,uerr;artung caisars,'r Ja,nuar 4g bis Mri,rz 44,. chr. Straßburg Diss., lg12. D. JVragie, Rom,an Rure in Asia Minor, vorume 2 (princeton, rg50) rSz9-1600. (Lists of Proconsuls, propraelgp, Legates, and p"ovinces of Quaesto"" i" irru -.{sia, Bithynia and pontus, Cilicia, Cappadocia, ära _ C"ta,ti".f-F. stella Maranca, "Fasti praetorii r: Däi 866 al 44av. cr.,,, ii Memori,e d,eh,a Accademtia d,ei Lince'i, 6.2 (1927) 277_976. M' Marchetti, s' v. "Hispania" in De Ruggiero, D,iz,ionario epigraph,ico iti, antich,itd,.romane, IIf (Rome, tg22) 7g4_1ö5,820_8?4 lgorru"io"" of tfru t*o Spanish provinces). E' Maxis' D'ie Praetoren Rotms aon g6?-16? u. c_h1. Breslau Diss., rgrl. (Maxis) G. Niccolini, I Fasti itei, Tribuni, d,eil,a pl,ebe. Milan, lg34. (An'especially im_ portant collection and cornmentary,) (Niccolini, FTp) popul,i äoÄä"A. Volumes lasti, IJII, Rome, 1920_1928. T. 1.1i., lr;,yrnyhales A' cl6ment Pallu de Lessert, Fastes d.esproui,nces a,r,icai,nes sottsra, d,onuination p?rl] (pans, 1896) t_6S, and part Z _-rorna,ine.Volume I, rribij B0Z_gI0. tp*i., r(. Pink' The T,iumuiri Monetales and, ihe str:ucture ol the'co,innge of the Roma,m Republ,ic. Numismatic süudies no. 7. The ameriäan ru-ismaiic society, New York, 1952. *Preuss, De Cilicia Romanorutrn provincia. I(önigsberg Diss., lg5g. *O. Schoenema,nn, De ponto proui,äi,o, ä*no.'C.;iti'rrgerr, B:*ayg-et f SsO. (Governors listed, pp. f0-f 6.) A, Schulten, Ge*hichte aon Nurroantia (München, f gAB) 2g_l8g, "Viriatus," in NJAB 89 (l9l?) 2t7_2g7. (rn t'hese two works governors of both spanish provinces from r55 to rB3 are discussed.) A' schulten, Eontee Eispaniae Antiquae. Fasciculo rrr: Las guerras d,e2r7-u 164 a. de J.C. Barcelona, 1985. (Governors from 2tZ t" ioz]i-^--" D. E. sclrürer, Geschichte-d,es iü.d,ischen voliÄ a* zeitaltet.Jesw öhristi, (Leipzig, l0t)l), Volume f, 804-Btg (governors of Syria).
J. seidel, Fasti Aed,ilici,,i, wn d,er Ei,nri,chtung iler plebedachen Aed,ilitdt bü aun Tode Cansars. Breslau Diss,, 190g. (Seidel, -F.4f F. sobeck, DieQunestorend,errönui,schem Republirc.'Bresrau Diss., Ig0g. (sobeoh, Quaestoren) "observations R,. syme, on tho province of cilicia,,' in Anatol,ian süttdia presented to w, H. Bu,crcler (Manchester, 1g3g) 2gg*332. (Material on eeveml g:vgnols in the period of pompey and Caesar.) _ "Caesar's L.^R,. Taylor, Colleagues in the pontifical College,,' AJph 6g (lg4Ll lists of pöntifices between g0 and li il. C.l _ 385-412. (Contains J. Toutain, s. v. "Gallia," in De Ruggiero, D,iz,iona,r,i,o "pi,grophico d,i,aninhdtÄ rom'ane' volume rrr.-(riome, rg22) 37g-3g3 (governors är caut until 27). "Fasües W._-H. Waddington, des province* u,ii"tiqrr".," i- p;ilippo Le Baa, Vog.agearcheol,ogiqueen Grece et ei Asie M,inetme,Volume lff, pari!, 66a_744. P-aris, 1870. (Basic lisü of governors of Asia, revised by Chapot fabovol, and Magie fabovel.) D. Vaglieri, s. v. "Asia,,, in De Ruggiero, Diz,ionario ep,igraph,ico d,,i anti,chdtl rom,one, Volume I (R,ome, lgSS\ 717_724. "cilicia", s. v. in De Bysei"1o' Dizionario epi,graphico d,i antichi,td ro*@rt!e, Volume II (Rome, tg}O) 222-228. P._{ehrmann, ?asti, praeüo*i,i ab A. U. DLXXXVIII a.d,A. U. DCCX. Berlin, 1875. "Fasti D. wilsdorf, Hispaniarum provincia.rm," in Leigtz,iger gtudien ar cl,ass,ischenPhil,ologie, Volurne I, f g?S. M. Ziegler, Fasti Triburwrum, plebis, lBA-70. Wien, lg03.
rn this section r have included the books and articles which r havo found directly usefulin the preparation ofthis work, To these r havo added a selection of others. w_hich-have proved useful in determining background and point of view. This list does not pretend to include all the rälevanttaterial, but should enable the reader to find it. r have listed more fully studies thai havo beon published since I930. S..Accame, "fl primo consolato di Mario." REIC 64 (f9g6) 64_69. "rl senatus consulturn de Bacchanaribus." RFrc 66 (lg}8) z2B*284. rl, d'orninio rorLano'in Grecia,dalr,a gt*ra acaica ad Augusto.'I"orne, 1g46. tr'. E. Adcock, "The Legal rorm of caesar's Governo"rship in Gaut.,' ce 26 (1932) 14-26. "Lesser Armenia and Galatia after Pompey's settlement of the East." Jgs 27 (1937) r2-r7. "The_rnterpretation of.Res Gestae Divi AugustiB4.L.,, ce 44 (rslr) lB0-186. . A. Afzelius, "Zur Definition der römischen Nöbilitäi in derZeit caesärs.,, cknsica et Med.ieaatria 1 (1938) 40-94. des p. Servilius Rullus.,,, -Ibdd.B (1940) Zt4_2g6. ::P3sA*e.rverteil'ngsgeseüz "Die politische Bedeutung des jungen Catos." Ibid.4 (lg4l) i00_2b8. "Dio römische Eroberung rtaliens lzao-za+ v, chr.).,, Actaiu,rtand,ica, Xrv, 3. Coponhagen,1942. "ärr Definition der römischen Nobilität vor der Zeiü cicerog.', cktaa,i,ca ol llleil,ieualia 7 (1545) td0-200. "Lex Annalis." IWI. 8 (1946) 263-278.
"Intorno alla rogatio Servilia." ILFIC 7I (f948) 85_46. f,. 4gnu", M. R. Agnow, "A Numbered r,egion in a Fragment of the Elder cato." AJptt, Brl ( 1 0 3 9 )2 r 4 - 2 r 9 . A. Albonque, Les ßulönes. frtudes d,'histoire, d,'archcol,ogieet tle toponymi,e galloromninee, Rodez, 1948. (See pp. 33ff., and ZB_I04.) w. Allen, Jr, "The sources of J-ugurtha's rnfluence in the Roman senate." cpä 33 (r938) 90-92. l'. Altheim, Epochen der rörnischen Gesch,iehte.volumes r-rr. Frankfurt, I9B,tI 935. J' A^ndr6,_" Quelques points obscures de la vie d'asinius pollio." ßEL 24 (rs47l t22-I47. A' Aymard, Les prem'iers rapports de Rome et d,eLa conföd,öration achai,enne (rgg185 aa. J.-C.1. Bordeaux, lg3g. "li1ia1g,, A p:opos des Servilii Gomini.,' REA 45 (tg4|, IgS_224. _M. Bahrfeldt, "Die Münzen der Flottenpräfekten des Marcus Antonius.,' ZN (Wien) 37 (r905) 9-b6. "Provinziale riupferpräg'ng aus dem Ende römischen Republik: sosius, Proculeius, crassus." Jour. rnternat'ional,e d,archeolog,ie et Nämi,srnatdque rl (1908) 2r5-229. J. P' v. D. Balsdon, " e. Mucius scaevola the pontifex anclornatio proui,nc,iae.,, cR 5t (1937) 8_r0. "History of the Extortion court at R,ome, rz}-7o B. c.,' PBBR 14 (rg3g) 98-r 14. "consular Provinces under the Late R epublic. " J RS zg ( l g g9) 57-TB, r 6z-r g g. "Snlla Felix." JRS 41 (1951) l-f 0. "Long-Term Commands at the End of the R,eplublie.,, CR 68 (1949) f4f. _. c. Bardü, "Plancus und Lepidus im mutinensischien r{riege.,, Herrnes 44 (rg0g) 574-593. V. Basanoff, "M. Caedicius de plebe." Latomu.s 9 (f950) 19_26. "Q. Caedicius, Tribunus Militum." Ibid. 287-262. "Les Caedicii dans la tradiüion romaine." Ibid. 26g__264. "Caius Caedicius, Legatus ä Aquilonia.', Ibid. 265*272. J. Bayet, "Virgile et les triumvirs 'agris dividundis.',, REL 6 (1928) 270_rzgg. R,. L. Beaumont, "The Date of the First Treaty between Rome and oarthage... Jns 29 (1939) 74-36. A. R. Bellingor, "crassus and cassius at A'tioch." NC, 6th ser., 4 (1g44) b9-6r. I(. J. Beloch, Der ital,öscheBunil, unter Rom,s Hegentonie. Leipzig, Igg0. C. H, Benedict, A H'i,atorg ol Narbo. princeton, lg4l. "The Romans in Southern Gaul.', AJph 6g (1942) BS_50. II. Bennett, Cinna and, h'i,s T,i,mes.Chicago Diss., Menasha, lg23. J' 36ranger,- ' a, rlistoire et styristique." Bropgs d''n imperium infinitum. Möl,anges_il-e !hi,!ologi,e, d,e LittCrature, et il,,Histo,ire arw,i,ennes oyerä ät J. Marouaeau, l9-27. Paris, 1948. A. Bernardi, "I cives sino suffragio.,, Athenaeunt f5 (fg3g) 2Bg_277. II. Borvo, "Sertorius." Hemnes 64 (lg2g) lgS_227. "Sulla." NJW 7 (f93f ) 6Z8-682. E. rfickerma,nn,-'Les pr6liminaires de ra seconde guerre de Macddoine.,, Rph, Ser. 3, 9 (1935) 59-8r. Der Gott d,erMalckabäer. Berlin, tg3?. Dde Maklcabt?er. Berlin. lg35.
Ä. Biedl, "De Memmianorum Familia." I7S 48 (1930) 98-102. "Nochmals zur Familiengeschichte der Mommier." WS 40 (lg3l) l0Z-114. K. Bilz, D'ie Pol,iti,k d,esP. Cornel,i,usSc'öpi,oAernili,anus. Würzburg. Stutt. z. Attertumsui,ssenschaft 7. Stutigart, 1936, .I. D. Bishop, "Augustus and A. Cornelius CossusCos." La,tomas T ( 1948) f 8?-f gl. C. M, Bloch, "M. Aernilius Scaurus: 6tude sur I'histoire des parties au VIIo siöcle do Rome." B'ibl,iothequeFac. Lettres Pa,ris 25 (f 909) f-81, I"l. Bloch, "L. Calpurnius Piso Caesonimrs in Sarnothrace and llerculanoum." AJA 44 (1940) 485-493. A. E. R,. Boak, "The Extraordinary Commancls from 80 to 48 B. C,: a Süudy in the Origins of the Principate." AER 24 (ISl9lL9l l-25. A. Boethius, "Maeniana." Eranos 43 (1945) 89-1f0. U. Ph. Boissevain, "Eine Münze von lIadrumetum." ZN 29 (fgf2) f07*f f l. A. Bouch6-Leclercq, H,istoire d,esLag,id,es.Paris, 1903. H'isto'ire d,esBöleuc'id,es.Paris, 1913. A. A. Boyce, "The Development of the Decemviri Sacris Faciundis." TAphA 69 (r938) r6r-187. O. Broneer, "Some Greek fnscriptions of Roman Date from Attica." AJA 36 (1932) 393-400. T. R,. S. Broughton, "Notes on Roman Magistra,tes." TAPIIA ZZ (1946) 86,48. "More Notes on R,oman Magistrates." TAPLA 79 (1948) 63-78. "The Elogia of Julius Caesar's Father." AJA 52 (1948) 323-330. "Roman Asia Minor," in T. Frank, Economöc Suraeg o! Ancient Rome 4.490950, esp. pp. 503-590. Baltimore, 1938. C. Cardinali, "Il regno di Pergamo." Studi il,i Stor,ia a,nttica5 (1906). "La morte di Attalo III e la rivolta di Aristonico." Sagg,i d,i Storin e d,,üArchcol,og,iaofferti, a Gi,ulio Beloch 265-320. R,ome, 1910. J. Carcopino, Autour d,esGrctcqwes.Paris, 1928. "Salluste, le culte 'Cereres' des et les Numides." RH 158 (f92?) l-18, esp, l?f. "Le mariage d'Octavie et de Livie et la naissance de Drusus." Aff f 6l (Ig2g) 225-236. Sylla ou La monarchie manrluöe. Paris, 1931. "La date de la naissance de C6sar." CßAI 1933. 377-373. "Sur la loi romaine du monument de Paul-Emile ä Delphes." MClangee G. Glotz (Patis, f 932) r.rI?-f 32. "La naissance de Jules-C6sar." M6langes Bidez. In Annales de l,'Inatihrt d,e pluilol,og'ieet d,'histoire ori,ental,e2 (1934) 35-69. Le loi d,eH,idron et les rorna'ins. Paris, 1914, V'irg,ile et La mystöre d,ela qntriömc, eglogwa. Paris, 1930. "Notes biographiques sur I'orateur M. Valerius Messala." RPh, $er. 3, 2O ( 1 9 4 6 )9 6 - 1 1 7 . Les sCcretsde la comespond,ancecl,eC'i,cä,r.on. Volumes f-If, Paris, 1947, G. Carlson, Eine Denlcschrilt an Ca,esa,rüber d,en Büaot. Lund, 1936. M. Cary, "The Land Legislation of Julius Caesar's First Consulship." JPh 35 (1920) r74-r90. "Tosserae Gladiatoriae sive Nummulariae." J.RS 13 (f923) f f0-f 13. "Notes on the Legislation of Julius Caesar." JnS f 0 (f 929) f f 3-f 19. "The Municipal Legislation of Julius Caesar." JnS 27 (1937) 48-63. M. O. B. Caspari (M. Cary), "On the ltmat'io Itaüiae of 32 B. C." CQ 6 (l9f t) 230236.
"La chronologie romaine de 215 ä 168." Kl'i,o 14 (1914) 37-42. E. Oovaignac, "Metellus contre lIirtul6ius." REA 30 (1928) 97-100. "Cn. Cornelius Meronda." ßQH lI4 (193f ) 93-94. "Lo cens romain aux 3e et 2e siöcles av' J.-C." RPh 60 (L984) 72-82"La data di istituzione del denarius di Roma." BMIR I (f938) S. L. Cesano, 3-26. "I Fasti della Reppublica Romana sulla moneta di Roma." Studi' di' Nwrruia' m'atica' I (1942). Y. Chapot, La prouince romaine ltroconswla'i,red,'As'ie. Paris, 1904. "Some Fragments of the Propaganda of Mark Antony." M. P. Charlesworth, (1533) r72-r77. oQ 27 E. Ciaceri, C'iceronee 'i,sttoi tem,pd.B"orne, I, 1926; II, 1930. "Il primo trattato fra Roma e Cartagine (a. 509 a. C.)." Atti Accad'. Arch. Lett. BeIIe Arti Napol"i 12 (1932) 293-313. "De Fastis consularibus antiquissimis," LeiTtzi'7. Srt/d. I (f886) C. Cichorius, 17I-212. "Zur Lebensgeschichte des Valerius Soranus." Hermes 4I (1906) 59-68. fJntersuchungen zw LrrciÜirts. Berlin, 1908. ßönt'ische Sttr'd,ien.Berlin, 1922. RFIC 24 (f 896) 80-93. E. Cicotti, "La fine del II Triumvirato." "I Manlii e la vicesima manumissionum." Kl,'io 35 (f 942) f 89-199. L. Clerici, J. M. Cobban, Senate a,nd,Prouinces, TS-49 B' C- Som'e aspects ol forei'gn poli'cy and, yrouincial' rel'at'ions ol tke Senaüe ilur'i'ng tha cloeing years ol the Romam Republ'i'c. Cambridgo, 1935. G. Colin, Ronte et la Gröced'e200 d 746 aaant J'-C' Paris' 1908. .,Note sur les mouvements de troupes qui ont pr6c6d6 la bataille do P. Collart, Philippes." BCH 5g (1929) 35r-364. "Brutus et Cassius en Thraco"' BCE 55 (lSlLl 423*429F. Cornelius, (Jnterstrchungm lrülrcn römi,schen Gesch,ichte.München, 1940. "L. Calpurnius Piso"' AJA 48 (1944) 76-77. J. M. A. Cormack, "Gaio Gracco e le sue leggi." BIEC 5 (1927) 235-297;6 (1928) G. Corradi, 56-88, 139-174. G. Costa, I Fast'i, consul,o'ri rornnn'i il,alle origi,ni' al,l'a m'orte d"i &iubio Cesare. Volumes f-II, Milan, 1910. L'orig'inale d'e'i'fasti consol'ari. Rome, 1910. J. E. A. Qm,ke,Arcluiaal, Material, i,n L'i,ug. Johns Hopkins llniversity Diss., 1939 (unpublished). "Tho Annals of the Pontifex Maximus." CPh 35 (f 940) 375-396' L. Craven, Antong's Oriental Poli'cg until tha Deleat of the Parth'ian Etpeil"it'ion. Uniu. Miseouri Stud'.3 (1920) no. 2. "Legionare des Antonius und Augustus aus dem Orient"' JOEAI 25 0. Cuntz, (1929) 70-8I, esp. 79. "Caosars Rede für die Bithyner." Herrnes 73 (1938) 34I-346. H. Dahlmann, "The Date and Nature of the Lex Thoria." AJPb 56 (IS36l E. F. D'Arms, 232-245. "The Peregrine Praetor." JRS 4I (f95r) 66-70' D. Daube, "A propos des monnaies luculliennes." Rea' Nurn'isrnat'ique Ser' 4, 38 G. Daux, ( 1 9 3 5 )r - 9 . del"frtolie|rtaqw' d'Ia paix De.lplr"a'au IIe et au Ier eiöcle d'epu'i^sl'a'ba''i,ssem,ent romrtine, 191-31 au, J.-C, Paris, 1936.
"Duo iscrizioni inodite dei "Magistri Campani""' Epigwphb A. de Franciscis, 12 (1950) 126-130. .;Sui fasti di magistri vici rinvonuti in Via Marmorata." BCAS 68 A. Degrassi, (r935) r73-l?8. "Framäenti d.i Elogi e di una dedica a B,omolo dol Foro di Augusto"' BOA& 67 (1939) 5-10. ,.Risultati delle revisioni del tosto dei Fasti capitolini." Epi'graph'i,ca I (1939)
.,annibale e 'la schuldfrago' d'gna guerra antica," in Probletni G. de sancüis, ilt, Storia antica (Bati, 1932) f61-I86. "sallustio e la guerra di Giugurta." Ib'i'd. 187-214. "Quinto Cecilio Metello Numidico." Ibid. 215-223. "La origine dell'edilitä plebea." RFIC 60 (1932) 433-445. "Le origini dell'ordinamento centuriato." RFIC 61 (1933) 289-298' "La data dellanascitä di G. Caesaro." REIC 62 (1934) 550-55f' "Livius und Augustus." Herm,es 41 (f906) 142-16l' II. Dessau, "Gaius Rabirius Post'urnus." Herrmes 46 (f911) 613-620' ..Iiber die Quellen unsores Wissens vom zweiten punischen Kriege." Hennet 5r (I9I6) 355-385. "Der btaatsstreich des Jahres 32 v. Chr." PhW 45 (f925) f0f7-f023' "The Murder of Cinna the Poet." CJ 20 (19251 326-336' M. E. Deutsch, ..The Death of Lepidus, Leader of üho Rovolution of ?8 B. C." ani,u. catrif. Pub. Cl,aas.Philol'., 5, no. 3 (Igf 8) 59-68. "Caesar's Son and lleir''' Ibid. g, no. 6 (1928) 149-200' "Antony's Funeral Speech'" Ib'id,. no.5 (f 928) I27-I48. 'i,mRoman Gawl" Jobts Hopkina N. .f. DeiVitt, Urbani,zäti,on and, the Eranch'i'se Univ. Diss., l9tt0' "Rome and tho 'Road. of llercules."' IIAPLA 72 (I94f ) 59-69' ..corinthiaca. vI. The Latin Elegiacs of ca. 101 B. c." HSC Ph 60 (196r) s. Dow, 83-95. "Q. Marcius Rex at Antioch"' CPh 32 (1937) f 44-f 51' G. Downey, "Sors." ZN 33 (1922) 2+-32. lI. Dressel, P.-M. Duval, ..A propos d,un miliaire de cnaous Domitius Ahenobarbue ImDeratot." CRAI 1951, 161-168. Ki Dziatzko,..Iitrer dio terentianischen Didaskalion," Rh,M 20 (1866) 67G-698; 2r (1866) 64-92. "Querelles cretoises." ßEA 44 (1942) 3f-51' I{, van Effenterre, ,,Polybios und Livius über den punischon Krieg der Jahro 218/7." G. Egelhaaf, Jahrb. l. Klaas. Ph'itrol'.,Supb. I0 (1879) 47lff. .,Tho Terminal Dato of Caesar's Gallic Proconsulate." JRS 86 G. It. Elton, (1946) 18-42. "Lentulus, Cdsar et l'aorarium"' REA 33 (1931) 26-32' P. Fabre, E. Fabricius. "tiber die Lex Mamilia, Roscia, Peducaea, Alliona, Fabia"' SBAH 1924-1925, no. l. A. Lotti Faravelli, La censtn'a ron'tand d,i,Appio Ctaud,'io Ceco a lo qtwlkme dclb cronologi,a. Como, I 937. Le orig'ini della censwa rorno'na. Como, 1937. "Le fonti per il consolato di M. Porcio Catono"' Slr/d. Stor' pcr P. Fracdaro, I'Ant. Class. S (1910) r30ff. "I processi degli Scipioni." Iböd.4 (fgfl) 217ff. "Sludi nell'etÄ graccana." Ibdd. 5 (1912) 317 ff.; 6 (19f3) 42ff'
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öl tr
't'I rl.: MA(lIs't'tiA1'li:s or"l't{D IioMAN ll,DL,ullLIC
"(,'. Mrrrir, (,()rnovomo politico." Athenonum,12 (1934) f0-44, 109-14:1,257207, 3.18-380. " llorrrr, rr l'Hgitto durante la terza' guerra macedonica." Athena'eu'nol3 (1936) 317*342. "Irrr f)roparazione della guerra controCreta nel 70 a. Q." Atheruteunt 14 (1936) 45-53. "Lcr sclrieramento romano nella battaglia di Callinico." Atherur'eum 14 (1936) 267-27L. "Nuove e vecchie tracce dell'interdetto interuti possid'etis nell'arbitrato nazionale del II secolo a'.C." Athena,eu'rn15 (1937) 26-56. "Le iscrizioni dell'agora di Smirna concernenti la lite tra i publicani e i Pergameni." Athenaeum 15 (f937) 252-283. "Sulle trattative dei R,omani con Pirro." Athena,eu'm'20 (1943) 92-LI2' "fnscriptions de Delphes, V. Le proconsul M' Minucius Rufus, P. Perdrizet,, vainqueur des Gaulois, Scordistes et des Thraces." BCH 20 (f896) 48f-496. "Le guerrier blessd de l'agora des Italiens ä D6los." BCH 56 (l932l Ch. Picard, 491-530. "La table de bronze de Falerio et la loi Mamilia Roscia Peducaea A. Piganiol, Alliena Fabia." CRAI (1935\ 193-200. "Ddcrets de Thespies." Mölanges Picaril, 2,825-832. A. Plassart', "Publius Clodius and the Acts of Caesar." CQ 18 (f 924) 59-64. L. G. Pocock, "A Note on the Policy of Clodius." CQ 19 (1525) 182*184. "Publio Cornelio Dolabella, vomo politico." RAL, Ser. 8, no. I M. Polignano, (19461 240-27 5, 444-50r "Die Datierung der XII. delph. Priesterzeit."' Phi,l'ol'ogus54 (f 895) H, Pomtow, 356-37I, esp. 367f. "Die drei Brände des Tempels zu Delphi." RhM 5l (1896) 329-380, esp. 364-376. "Delphische Neufunde." Klio 14 (Igf 4) 265ff., esp. 302f.; f 5 (1917) l-77; L6 (1920) 109-177; 17 (1921\ 153-203. "Die Tafel von lleraclea und die Acta Caesaris." Zeitschr. A. von Premerstein, d. SaD.-Stilt., Rom. Abt., 43 (L9221 45-152. "Der Dacer- und Germanensieger M. Vinicius (Cos. l9 v. Chr.) und sein Enkel (Cos. 30 und 45 n. Chr.)." JOEAI 28 (r933) t40-r63. "Vom Werden und W'esen des Principats." ABAW 15 (1937), no. 15. M. Radin, "Gens, n'amilia, Stirps." CPh I (I9I4) 235-247. Mo,rcus Brutws. New York, 1939. J. S.Reid, "On some Questions of RomanPublic Law." J.R,S f (l9lf) 66-99, esp. 77-83. A.-J. Reinach, "Delphes et les Bastarnes." BC.F/ 34 (fgf0) 249-330, esp. 313-321. "Les bases au trophdes de D6los eü les rnonnaies de Philippe Andriskos." "Iozr. Intern. Arch. Nu,rn.f 5 (19f 3) 97-L42, esp. l4l. llh. Reinach, Mi,thrülate Eupator, roi, d,ePont. Translated by A. Goetz. Leipzig, | 895. nI. Tteinhold, Marcus Agrippo, a B'iogro,phy. Geneva, N. Y., 1933, "'l'hc Perusine.War." CW 26 (1932-33) r80*182. ll,. Itcizenstein. "Zu Cicero De Re Publica." Hermes 59 (1924) 356-362. ll. llr,izenstein, "Pseudo-Sallusts Invective gegen Cicero." Herrnes 33 (1898) lJ7 l0f ; rrntl 11. Schwartz, Ibid. 102-108,
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Colonization from the Second Punic War to the Gracchi." ,/ /l^S'2lt (1936) 47-67. "Caesar and the Consulship for 49 B. C." CJ 34 (1938-1939) 388-306. G. Samonati, "Osservazioni sui rapporti tra Roma e i federati dul lSit tl 124 a. C." BMIR 7 (1936) 29-40. "Lucio Apuleio Saturnino e i federati." BMIR 8 (1937) 25-36. H. A. Sanders, "The So-called First Triumvirate." MAAR l0 (1932) 6ft ttH. "The E. M. Sanford, Career of Aulus Gabinius." aIAPhA 70 (1939) 64.-t):t. Ch. Saumagne, La pröteute jurid,,iqu,ed,etra troisiöme gueme puniquo. Itnrix. l l)31. Il,. Scalais, "La politique agr.aire de Rome depuis les guerres puniqrro jrrsrpt'lrrx Gracques." Mus. Belge 34 (f 930) 195*241. "L'6chec des Gracques et l'avönement de la monarchio rnilitoinr." Lw hnaün Classiques2 (f933) 9-28. l'. Schachermayr, "Die gallische I(atastrophe." Klio 23 ( 1920) 2??-306.
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"The Political Propaganda of 44-30 B. C." MAAR lI (f 933) Z-49. H. H. Scullatd, Sc'ipi,oAlricanu,s 'in the Second,Punic War. Cambridge, 1g80. Roma,n Pol,,itics, 220-150 B. C. Oxford, 1951. "Der Bericht O. Seeck, des Livius über den Winter 2l8l2l7 v. Chr." Herm,es 8 ( 1 8 7 4 )r 5 2 - 1 6 6 . "Due M. Segrö, lettere di Silla." REIC 66 (f938) 253-263. "Giulio Cesare e la X
"."J[g?;r:X'fizö]ii.l"err3usF""t"., undAnnalen beiDiodor.,, Ktio 6 (1e06\zos-za,a, 341-379. "Die römische l(önigszeit und die (1914) 257-260. A. D. Simpson, "The Departure of 632-54r. M. W. Singer, "Octavia's Mediation "Tho Problem of Octavia Minor 2ti8-274.
Faston des fünften Jahrhundert." Crassus for Parthia."
Kl,,io T4 69 (f938)
at Tarentum." CJ 43 (1947-48) 173-177. and Octavia Maior." fAPhA 79 (f948)
W. Soltau, "Der lfrsprung der Diktatur." Hertnea 49 (1914) 362-308. J. W. Spaeth, A Study ol the Causes ol Rome'e Wars lrorn 343 to 266 B. O. Princeton Diss., 1926, R,. Stark, "Ursprung und W'esen der altrömischen Diktatur." Herm,ea 76 (10{O) 206-2t4. A. Stein, Der rönui,sche Ritterstand,, M,ifuwhener Beitrcige zur Papyrenloreclnng und, antilcen Rechtsgeschichte lO. Munich, 1927. P. Stein, Die Senatssitzungen d,er Ciceronischen Zei,t (68-43). Münster Diss,, 1080. W. Sternkopf, "Plancus, Lepidus und Laterensis in Mai 43." Hermea 46 (lgl0) 250-300. "Dio Vortheilung der römischen Provinzen vor dern mutinensischen Krioge." Eertnes 47 (1912\ 32I-40f . C. E. Stevens, "The Terminal Dato of Caesar's Command." AJPh 6S (l038l r69-208. '055 B. C. and 54B' Q." Antiquity 21 (1947) 3-9. G. H. Stevenson, "Cn. Pompeius Strabo and the Franchise Question." JRS I
Roman Prouincial Ad,rruinistrati,on til,l the Age of the Antonines, Oxford, 1939. H. Strasburger, Concord'ia Ord,,inum, Frankfi;rt Diss., Leipzig, 1931. Cdsa,rs Einüritt 'in dlie Gesch'icft,üe. Munich, 1938. Art. on "Optimates" in RE. M. Stuart, "Pliny, Historia Na,turalis, XXXI, 4I." AJPU 64 (1943) 440-444. "P. Oxyrhynchus 668.188-190." CPh 3S (1944) 40-44. "The Denarius of M'. Aernilius Lepidus and Aqua Marcia." AJA 4S (LS46l 226-251. C. II. V. Sutherland, llhe Rom,a,ns'in Bpai,n, 217 B. C . - A. D. -7.17.London, 1939. R,. S)'rne, "Pollio, Saloninus and Salonae." CQ 3I (1937) 39-48. "Who was Decidius Saxa ?" JRS 27 (f93?) f27-137. "The Origin of Cornelius Gallus." CO 32 (1938) 39-44. "The Allegiance of Labienus." .IRB 28 (1938) 1f 3-125. "Caesar, the Senate, and lüaly." PBSR f4 (f938) f-Bf. "Observations on the Province of Cilicia." Anatol,ian Stud,ies Preaented ta W'il,l,'iam Hepbwrn Buckler, 295-332. Manchester, 1939. E. A. Sydenham, "Symbols on Denarii of L. Papius and L. Roscius." NO ll
"The Vicüoria,te." NC 12 (1932) 73-55. "The Origin of the Roman Serrati." .l/C 15 (f935) 209-230. "The Date of Piso-Caepio." -l/C 20 (1940) 164-178. E, Swoboda, Octauian unil, Illgricum,, Vienna, 1932. F. Taeger, T,iberius Gracchtts. Stuttgart, 1928. W. W. Tarn, "The Battle of Actium." J RS 2I (f 93I) f 73-f 99. "Alexander Helios and the Golden Age." J.8B 22 (L532, f 36-100. "Antony's Legions." CQ 26 (1532) 75-BI. "Actium: a Note." JRB 28 (f938) f 65-f68. L. R,. Taylor,"TheLatinaColonia of Liqyxl.43." CPh 16 (1921)27-88. The Diainitg ol the Roma,n flm,peror. Monographe ol tha Amariaan I' Associat'iom, no. L 1929. "New Light on the Ilistory of the Saecular Games." AJ Ph 66 ( I 08f ) I 0 t - l 20. "Cicero's Aodiloship." AJ PIL 60 (1939) f 94-202. "Caesar's Early Career." CPh 36 (1941) f l3-132. "Caesar's Colleagues in the Pontifical Colloge." AJPh Bg (19{2) SEö-412.
"llho -l.iloction of ühe Pontifex Maximus in the Late Republic." C Ph 37 (1542) 421-424. "(lrr,osar and the R,oman Nobility." TAPhA 73 (1942, l-24. "Symbols of the Augurate on Coins of the Caecilii Metelli." AJA 48 (1944') 352-356. "The Date of the Fasti Capitolini." CPh 4I (1946) f-ll. "On the Chronology of Cicero's Letters of 56-55 B. C." CPh 44 (1549')
Berkeley, Party Pol,'itics ,in the Age ol Caesar. Sather Class,ical Lecttaes XXIL 1949. "Degrassi's Edition of the Consular and Triumphal Fasti." CPh 45 (lS5O!. 84-95. "Annals of the RomanConsulship onthe Arch of Augustus." Proc. Am. Philos. S o c . 9 4( i 9 5 0 ) 5 I r - 5 r 6 . "New Indications of Augustan Ediüing in the Capitoline Fasti." CPh 46 (195r)73*80. "On the Chronology of Caesar's First Consulship." AJ Ph 72 (1951) 254*268. "Ca,esar's Agrarian Legislation and his Municipal Policy." Stud,ies i,n Rom,an Econom,ic Soc'ial,Historg ,in honor of Al,lan Chester Johnson. Princeton, 195I. L. R,. Taylor and A. B. Wesl,, "Latin Elegiacs from Corinth."' AJA 32 (f928) 9-22. L. R,. Taylor and T. R. S. Broughton, "The Order of the Two Consuls' Names in the Yearly Lists." MAAR 19 (1949) f-14. J. H. Thiel, Sttrd,'i,es'i,nthe H'istorg ol Sea-Powarin Roman RepubÜican lfirmes. Amsterdam. 1946. R,. Thomsen, "Das Jahr 91 v, Chr. und seine Voraussetzungen," Clas*ica et Med,ieuali,a 5 (1942-43\ 13-47. "Erliess Tiberius Gracchus ein iustit'ium ?" Ibid. 6 (f 944) 60-71. G. Tibiletti, "Il possesso dell'ager publicus e le norme de modo agrorum sino ai Gracchi." Athenaeum 27 (1548) 173-2361'28 (1949) 3-41. M. N. Tod, "The Macedonian Era." ABSA 23 (1918-f g) 206-217;24 (I9I9-2O,
rs20-2r) 54-67.
V. Tourneur, "C6sar, Hirt'ius, et un bronze des Tr6viri." L'Ant'iquitö Cl'ass'iqta r 7 ( 1 9 4 8 )5 5 3 - 5 5 8 . P. Trevos, "Le origini della seconda guerra punica," Atene e ßorna 13 (L932'1
"Sertorio," Athenaeum 10 (f932) I27-L46. M. Villorese, Luculln. tr'lorence, 1939. F. de Visscher, "Les pouvoirs d'Octavien en I'an 32 av. J'-C." Bwl,l'.Inst. Hi'st. Belge de Rom,e19 (1938) I03-f 24. "La deditio internationale et l'affaire des Fourches Caudines." CRAI 1946 82-95. G. Vitucci, "Gli ordini costitutivi di Pompeo in terra d'Asia." RAL Set. 8, 2 (1947) 128-447. J. Vogt,, Homo Nouets. Stuttgart, 1926. N. Vtrlic, "La premiöre guerre illyriertre," Eos g2 (1929) 65r-656. "L:r, guerre d'Octave en IIIyrie (3F-33 av. J.-C.)" Acropol'e 7 (1932) lI5-I22. "'l'hel Illyrian l4rar of Octavian." JRS 24 (f934) I63*f67. "M
1940. I'hil,ip V ol Maceil'on. Carnbridge, ..Roman Declaration of -War in the Third and Second Cernturios." OI'h 44
"Les origines de la seconde guerre de Macddoine"' fioa 3l 11.Walek-Czernecki, (1928) 369-404. "La chronologie de la prerniöre guorre de Mac6doine"' RPh 54 (1928) 6-24' (i. Walter, "Brutus ou l'apprentissage d'un t;'rannicide." RQH tl9 (1934) 457-473, 567-5861'i20 (I934) 172-Ig7Ilrutus e Ia fi,n d'e I'a rd'pu,bliqere.Paris, 1938. *P. Wehrmann, Ztn Gesch,ichteiles rönuischen Vol,kstribunats. Programm Süottin' 1887. "Clodius and the Lex Aelia Fufia." J RS 27 (1937) 216-222' S. Weinstock, "Lucilian Genealogy." AJPh 49 (1928) 240-252. A. B. West, lfarente d,es origi,nes d' I'a conquÖte romn'ine. Volumes I-Il, P. Weuilleumier, Paris, 1939. "Zu Caesars Reichspolitik"' Klio 30 (1937) 232-253' L. Wickert, *E. Wiehn, Di,e 'itl'egatrenHeereslrommnnd,en 'in Rom b'is a'uf Ca'esar' Morburg Diss., Leipzig, 1926. -W. Wiemer, Qui'ntu,s Tulli,u's C'icero. Jena Diss., 1930. ,.Der angebliche Staatsstreich Octavians im Jahre 32 v. Chr." U. Wilcken, 66-87. 1925, sPAW "Urkunden aus Messene." JOEAI f 7 (fgf4) I-I20, esp' 92 ff' A. Wilhelm. "Amykos and the Dioskouroi." AJA 4S (f945) 339-347, esp' 344' P. Williams, ,in il,er hel,len'isch-,iid,,ischen (Jrkund,enfcil,schung Li,terakn. Göütingon' H. Willrich, 1924. -Wissowa, Reltigi'on und Kultu's d'er Rörner' Second edition, Munich, I9l2' G, "ltre Military and Diplomatic Campaign of T' Quinctius 1'. M. Wood, Jr. I'lamininus." AJPh 62 (1941\ 277-288. "Per la storia dell'ordinamento centuriato." Att'i Ist. Veneto Scianz. L. Zanca.n. Lett. Arti 93 (1933-34) 869-877. ,,Ager Publicus. Ricerche di storia e di diritto romano." Ittc, frett. ?'iloa. Unia. Pad'oaa 8 (1935) l-r14. "Mithridat'e Eupatore." Att'i, Ist. VenetoSc'ienz'Lett, Arti 93 (1933-34) P.Za,nca"t, r2L7-1232. G. Zippel, D'ie römische Herrscholt'i'n ll,lyrien. Leipzig, 1877.
INDEX OX'CAR,EER,S rn this rndex the names are arranged alphabetically according to tho Gens except when the gentile namo is unknown. within the Gens the listins is in seneral alphabetical according to cognomen and praenomen, respectively, and*follows ühe principles adopted by Mürrzer in RE, The names beginning with the lettors P, Q and v which have not yet appeared in RE are tistea in the samo way. I have placed after each name the number in the new or the old RE (the old with an asterisk) according as they each are available, but have given both numbers in tho case of those names in volume r which appeared. tüere beforo the publication of the most recent half-volums of RE. The Gens salonia, which is omitted in RE, bears the old -R-E numbers. r have listed the Gens valeria according üo tho new R-& so far as iü goes, and havo used the table in volurno 7444,columns 2gl5-23r8, and cross-references in the articles already published. in order to anticipate some of the numbers in the forthcoming volume, Tho officos in each man's career aro regularly given in chronological order with numbors referring to the year before christ under which they are listed in the two volumos of this work. oüherwise tho abbreviation "p." precedes and. the number refors to the page in volume rr on which they appear. This listing by pages is restricted to the names in the three Appendices on the Monetales, the Mägistrates of rrncertain Date, and the supplernentary List of senators. Most of tlio Monetales aro also mentioned in the Addendum to Appendix r, and referenco to the section on Additions and corrections can be made only by title, not by page.
C. Aarcellus (Marcellus?) (not in .BE) Q. ca. lI4, Proq. Macedonia? f l3 (but see C. Claudius Marcellus (2t4) Q. ca. 87, proq. 86). C. Aburius (l) Leg., Amb. l7t M. Aburius (2) Tr. Pl. l8?, Pr. 176. C. Aburius Geminus (cf. f) Monetal. ca,.ltg-110, p. 480. M. Aburius Geminus (cf. 2) Monetal. ca. t2O, p. aB0. P. AccoleiusLarisculus (l) Monetal. ca. 97, p. 480. L. Acilius (6) Leg., Lieut. l8l. L. Acilius (8) Leg., Lieut. ? 90. M'. Acilius (9) III vir agr. dand. assign. 218. M'. Acilius (10) Leg., Amb. 210. M'. Acilius (ll) Q. Sicily, date uncertain, p. 478. M. Acilius (13, f4) Monetal. ca. tt9*110, p. 480. M'. Acilius (Glabrio?) (cf. ta) fII vir. Monetal. ea.55, p.480. M'. Acilius L. f. K. n. Balbus (25) Pr. by 153,Cos. 150. M'. Acilius M'. f. L. n. Balbus (26) Pr. by tl7, Cos. tt4. 624
M'. Acilius Balbus (see 26) Monetal. ca. 124-103, p. 430. M. Acilius Caninus (or Caninianus) (15) Q. ? Sicily, p. 478, Leg., Lieut. 48, Pr. ? 47, Procos. Sicily, 46-45, Greece 46-44. M. Acilius Caninus (28) Q. perhapsby 31, p.474. M'. Acilius C. f. L. n. Glabrio (35) Tr. Pl. 201, Aed. Pl. l9?, Pr. pereg. 196, Cos. Greece lgl, Procos. 190, X vir s. f. 200-. M'. Acilius M'. f. C. n. Glabrio (36) II vir aed. dedic. t8l, Aed. Cur. 166, Pr. by 157,Cos. Suff. 154. M'. Acilius Glabrio (37) Tr. PI. 122? M'. Acilius M'. f. M'. n. Glabrio (3S) Pr. de repetundis 70, Oos. 67, Procos. Bithynia and Pontus 66, Pont. before 73- (see lists, ?3, and 57). M. Acilius M'. f. - n. Glabrio (16) Q. pro pr. Macedonra? 46-44 (see48, note 8), Cos. Suff. 33. M. Acutius (l) Tr. Pl. 40r. Aebutius (l) Leg., Envoy 178. Aebutius (2) Tr. Pl. ?, II cent., p. 468. Aebutius (2) Pr. ? by r25. D. Aebutius D. f. Cor. (3) Tr. Mil. ? 89. M. Aebutius (7, cf. f3) Tr. Mil. 178. L. Aebutius T. f. T. n. Helva (ll) Cos. 463. M. Aebutius Helva (12) fII vir col. deduc. 442. M. Aebutius Helvä (13, cf. 7) Pr. Sicily 168. Post. Aebutius - f . - n. Helva Cornicen (14) Cos.442,Mag. Eq. 436. T. Aebutius T. f. - n. Helva (15) Cos.499,Mag. Eq. 499or 496,Leg., Envoy 493. T. Aebutius Parrus (10) III vir col. deduc. 183, Pr. Sardinia 178, Propr. 177-175,X vir agr. dand. assign. 173. Aelius (l) Tr. Pl. ? ca. 153. C. Aelius (5) Tr. Pl. 285 ? C. Aelius (6, cf. Caelius l) Tr. Mil. f78. P. Aelius (9) Q. 409. T. Aelius (13) Tr. Mil. 178. L. Aelius Lamia (75) Aed. 45, Pr. 42? Aelius Ligus (83) Tr. Pl. 58. P. Aelius P. f. P. n. Ligus (84) Pr. 175?, Cos. l72,Leg., Amb. 167. (Aelius ?) Paetus (not,in RE) Monetal. ca,. 155-160,p. 430. C. Aelius - f. - n. Paetus (97) Cos. 286. L. Aelius Paetus (99) Aed. Pl. 296. P. Aelius - f. - n. Paetus (100) Cos. 337, Mag. Eq. 321, Augur 300-. P. Aelius Q. f. P. n. Paetus (101) Aed. Pl. 204,Pr.203, Mag. Eq.
202' vir agr' assig.201-200,cos. 201, cens. rgg, rrr vir cor. scrib. T 199,Leg., Amb. 196_195,l9B_192,Augur 208_i74 (see lZ9, list). .l'. (Aelius?) Paetus (t02) Monetal. c*. igg_rZO, p. +ä0. Q. Aelius Paetus (l0g) pont. ?_216. Q..AeliusP.f. Q.n. Paetus (104) Tr. pl. ? t77, pr. tTO,Cos.167, Augur l7+-. sex' Aelius Q. f. P. n. Paetus catus (r05) Aed. cur. 200, rrr vir cor. scrib. lgg, Cos. lg8, Cens.194. C. Aelius Tubero (]09, l-4g or l4g) pr. urb., date uncert ain, p. 462.
l4d) pr.,date"""""iuirr,'f.'+oz. 9.4djf Qbgro (lfo,.9r.r03_,
L. Aelius Tubero (152) Aed. pl. 202, pr. Sicily ZOr,'üeg., Amb. 189-188,Pr. urb. I77,III vir col. deduc. 177. Q. Aelius Tubero (t2?, 154) Tr. pl. t77 ?,Leg., Lieut. ? 168. pl. ? (III virtl f-y.r:0. Q. Aelius Tubero Jlssl Tr. Aemilius (not in ,BZ) e., date uncertain, p.LZ+. Aemilius (not in .B/) Leg., Lieut ? or preiect? tZ}. L. Aemilius-L. f. (14) pr., late III or early ff, p. 462. (t8) Pr. or e., III cent.,-p. 462. [Y. S"-?]ilius M. Aemilius (not in RE) Cos.? J49b (Di;d.). L. Aemilius Q.f. Q.n. Barbula (gl) cos. samnium 281, and procos. 280, Cens.269. M. Aemilius Q. f. L. n. Barbula (g2) Dict., between 2g2 and 2g5 (see285). M. Aemilius L. f. Q. n. Barbula (gB) Cos. 280. Q. Aemilius Q. f. L. n. Barbula t'S+j Cos. 3lZ, Blt. L. Aemilius Buca (BZ) fffl vir monetal. 44, p'. 4BO. M'. Aemilius Lepidus (see62) Monetal. ca. t0O, p. 4gf . M'. Aemilius M. f. Lepidus, (62) proq. by 28, pr.'by 69, Cos.66. M. Aemilius - f. - n. Lepidus (6b) ios. 280. M. Aemilius M. f. M. n. Lepidus iOO) Cos. 282, Cos. Suff. between __222and 219 (see2lg), Augur ?_216. M. Aemilius Lepidus (19, 6Z) pr. Sicily 218, pr. Suff. ? urb. 216, Pr. Pereg. and Luceria 213, X vir s. f. zll-. M. Aemilius M. f. M. n. Lepidus (68) Leg., Amb. 201_199, Aed. Cur. promag. (propr. f y Sicify lg0, l9-3, Cos. räi, fff .r.i" fr. Sicily lgl, col. deduc.183,Cens.lZ9, III vir col.'deduc". l7T, tif,X vir agr. dand. assig. l?-3,Leg., Amb. lT0, pont. fSg_tSZ (see l7g, list), Pont. Max. 180-152,Princepssen. l?g, 174, 169,164, IEg, 154. M. Aemilius Lepidus (69) fr. Mit. rSO. M. Aemilius M'. f. M,. n. Lepidus (20) pr. by 16l, Cos. 158, X vir s. f. 143 (mention). M. Acmilius - f. - n. Lepidus (Zl) pr. by 129, Cos. 126.
M. Aemilius Q. f. M. n. Lepidus (72) Tr. Mil. ? 89, Leg., Lieut. ? 82 or 8I (seebelow, no._80), pr. by 81, propr. Sicily 8ö, Cos. ?tt, Procos., assignedTransalp. Gaul 27. M. Aemilius M. f. Q. n. Lepidus (79) Monetal. ca. 66, p. 4Bl, Aed. Cur. ? by 53, Interrex 52, pr.49, procos. Nearer Spain^+S_aZ,Cos. Mrg. Eq. 46-44, procos. Gall. Narb. and Neaier Spain 44-l4g, 19: "i" ". p: ": 43-38, and 9Z-96, Cos.fI 42, governedAirica 40_86, II Pont. ca. 60-L2 (see57, and Bl, lists), pont.-Mu". 44_12., PaullusAemilius L.{.M.n. Lepidus (82) zr (Grueber), _ ca. 55 (Sydenham),p. 4Bl, Cos. Suff. 34, Augur ? (see3t, list). P. Aemilius P. f. Lepidus (nob in RE) proqlCrete 4g_4;. Q. Aemilius Lepidus (29) cos. 21, x vir s. r. uy st (see Bl, lisü). ' Mam. Aemilius Mam. f. - n. Lepidus Livianus iso; r,"g., Liout. 88, 82-8f ? (seeabove,,o.7?), pr. by 81, Cos. 77,pont,.bäfo"e ZB (see 9l) - ca. 60 (see78, and 60, lists), princeps Sen.? 20. M'. Aemilius M'- f.LepidusNumida (r0B) x vir s. f. before zg0_lz|r. L. Aemilius M. f. Q. n. (Lepidus) paullus (81) e. 59, Aed. Cur. ? 55, Pr. 53, Cos. 50, Leg., Envoy 43. M. Aemilius M. f. M. n. Lepidus porcina (S3) pr. ? 143, Cos. lB?, P."o"og,.Nearer Spain 186, Augur before f ZS (seef BB,list). ^. C. Aemilius Ti. f. Ti. n. Mamercinus (not in i?,O) T;. Mil. c. p. gg4, 39r. L. Aemilius Mam. f. M. n. Mamercinus (9g) Tr. Mil. c. p. B9l, Bgg, 3 8 7 , 3 9 3 3, 9 2 , 3 9 0 . L. Aemilius (L. f. Mam. n.) Mamercinus (94, cf. 9b) Tr. Mil. c. p. g66,86g,fnterrex J5b,Mag.8q.362. _-377,Mag.8q.368, Cos. Mam. AemiliusM.f. - n. Mamercinus (16, S7) e."446,'Tr. Mil. c. __p. 438, Dict. 437, 4g4,III vir X'iden.cognosc.42g, Dict. III 426. M'. AemiliusMam.f.M. n.Mamercinus (98j Cos.4t0,Tr.Mil. c. p.406, 403,401. C. (Aemilius) Mamercus (not in RE) Dict. ? (Lydus), prrhopr ln_ terrex, 463. L. Aemilius Mam. f. - n. Mamercus (96) Cos.4g4, 478,47g, T. (or Ti.) Aemilius L. f. Mam. n. Mamercus (99) Coe.4?0, {0?. T. (or Ti.) Aemilius - f. - n. Mamercinus (Mamercur; tf OOt V vir mensar. 852, Pr. 341, Cos. BBg. L. Aemilius L. f . L- n. Mamercinus privernas (l0l) M*g. f,q. I rlr2, 342, Cos.34l, Dict. B35,Cos.If 829,fnterrex fZO, Diot.iI $t0. P. Aemilius Paetus, seeP. Aelius paetus (100). 'Cos. L. Aemilius Q. f. Cn. n. Papus (108) :,2t, Oorn. tlO, lil vir mensar.216. L. Aemilius Papus (109) pr. Sicily 20b, X vir e. f. t.."t7:t.
M. Aemilius - f. - n. papus (il0) Dict. 32I. M. Aemilius Papus (lll) Curio'Max. ?_2t0. Q. Aemilius Cn. f. L. n. papus (lt2) Cos.282,Leg., Amb. 280,Cos. II 278,Cens.275. L. Aemiliust.f.{.n._paullus (lt4) e. lgb?, fff vir cot. ded.uc. 194, Aed. Cur. 193, p"o"os. t90_189, larltrgr Spain l9t, and Leg., Amb. 189-188,fr Cos. 182,procäs. Liguria rsi, Sp".. bomm. on peculation_in spain r?1, cos. rr Macedo-nia16g,'uträ-pro"or. L67, Cens.164, fnterrex 162? l?5), Augur ca. lg2_160 (seel7g, list). .(or paullus M. Aemilius 0,.f. liro; tos. 802,Mag. dä. soz (Liv.), 1n) 301 (,f'C and AT). M' Aemilius M. f' L.,n. paullus (rr7) cos. 255, procos. Ereet 254. L. Aemilius M. f. M^r^.,paullus (tI8) Cos. itg, t"g, imb.2rs, Cos.II 216, Pont. ?-216. L. Aemilius Regillus (tZ7) pr. X'leet lg0, and propr. 189. M. Aemilius Regilrus (20, r28) pr.? before 2ti, x,ram. Martiar. ?-205(see210,list). M. Aemilius (Regillus) (129) Leg., Lieut. lg0. Aemilius Scaurus (lB7) Leg., Lieut.? t02. M. Aemilius M. f. t.:._l1agis (140) Aed. Cur. r22?, pr. by llg, Amb. tt2_,Leg., Lieui. tll, Cens.109, Sp;. Comm. 9o!. 1lS,Leg., 109, cur. Annon. r04, Leg., Amb. (or Lieut.) u"tÄ-öi-1see 9g), Pont. ca. l2B-89 or 8g, princeps Sen. ll5, l0g, 102, 97, 92, gg? M. Aemilius Scaurrs proq. Syria i;f_A+,Loq. p"o _(l_41) e-. 66 ?, pr. Syria 6g-61, Aed. pr. Cur. 58, de vi !6, f"o*ug.s 1p"opr.) -i Sarrr dinia 55, Pont. ca.60(see60, and 52, lists). {emifia (153) Vest. Virg. ?-lt3 (see rl4). Aemjlia (not in ,RE) Vest. VirgaMax., datä uncertain, p. 4g6. Aesillas (not in ,BZ) e. ca. ga,-proq. Macedonia $_g;.' L. Afinius L. f. Lem. (notin RE) Sienator129,p.487. L. Afinius L. f. Ouf. (not in ,BZj Senator r2S, i. 4g7. L.-Afranius^A. f. (6) Leg., Lieui . 75_721probailly 77_72),I:r. 7t?, "60, p"o"är. ? Gall. lpTrg. Spain ? 70-65?, Leg., Lieut. Oe-Ot,Cos.
5?,!9g., Lieut. ss-+s(probably pro pr.),""a +i_+0. ^ Clytp..r -pr. c. Afraniusstellio (9, r5) rr. ijt. rg6, rss, irr vir col.deduc. 183. S- Afra(nius) (7) Monetal. ca. 145-tB?, p. 4BI. S.{q"rpp", seeM. (Vipsanius)Agrippa L. f. C. Albinius (t) Senator before-66,-p. aaZ. Y. @, L.) Albinius (B) Tr. Mil. c. p. aze. L. Albinius C. f. paterculus (4) tr] pt. +gg. P. Albinovanus (2, cf. B) Leg., Lieut. or prcf.eet? 82.
P. Albinovanus (8, cf. 2) pont. Min. before 6g_after5? (seoZB,0g, 57,lists). l. 4lli". P. f. euir.. (not in .EE) Senator129,p. 482. -- ' P. Albius?P. f. X vir rg". aurra. assig.?'9i. pr. ca. t05, Fropr. Sardinia T. Albucius (2) e) ca. 104. P. AlfenusP. f. Varus (8) 42?,Leg.,^Lieri.g'(orrrl \-- -- vir) agr. 4t-40 (see41, Spec.!r.fy Comä.),Cos.Suff. 99. __di^"_t_9, M. Alfidius Lurco (not1n RE). Säueotaios Lurco (26). c. Alfju: Flaygs (z)- rr. pl. 5e, q"uuJ;;(p;;**ä);ä.maiestate,
and de sodaliciis, 54. L. Alienus (2) Tr. pt. 456_455,Aed. pl. 454. A.^Allienus (l) LgS.., Lie-1t. Ot_Sg, Tr. pl. 55 ?, pr. 49, proooa. sicily 4*_46,Lee., Lieut., first of rreilonius, then of Dolabelra, 44-43.
$tliyg ty (notin-ri.o)
ou.iuu_rso, p. 4Bt.
_mo""t"i. C. Al(lius ?) (not in Moneial., ca. r45_1g8,p. 4gl. !_e C. Alüus (2) Monetal. "u,. Sg_ör, p. 4gr. _Bala C. Allius Bala e. Sicily or olficer under'Sex. pompey, p. 47g. 9. Ampius (not in r?Z) praef. ,o". ZOt. T. Ampius Balbus Tr. pl. 63, Fr. 59, procos. Asia 58, Leg., !) Lieut. pro pr. 49-4g. M. Ampudius N. f. (l) e., Tr. pl., Aed., late Rep. or ea,rly Aug., pp. 474,468, 466,resp. ^ Q. Ancharius (2) pr. by 88. Q.Äncharius (B) Leg.,iieut .? 7g_72, and proq. Macedoniaoa. e. pl. 59, pr. 56, procos. -_61?,pp. 474,480,Tr: Macedonia66_64. Y. 4.:p
(notin r?Z) rr. Uit. ". p. r a02(Diod.).
C. Anicius (t) Senator 44, p. 48i. Cn. Anicius (B) Leg., Lieui.'168. Q. Anicius L. f. Balbus -{not in J?/) X_vir agr. dand assig.? gt I L. Anicius L. t. L. n. Gallu-s (15) b". eu""g., and filyria tOe, h,opr. 167,Cos. 160,Leg., Amb. tb4.' ^ Q. Anicius Praenestinus (5) Aed. Cur. 304.
(notin RE) l"T,.erl"s _T".{il.". p. a seo(Diod.). Anitius Camelus (not,in RE) Tr. Mii. c. p. t bsz C..AnnaeusC. f. (Brocchus?) (B) Säutoi boforeffiioa.). iq-p.,i'Z, Acd. t beforeZB(List). llf. Anneius (2) Leg., Lieut. 5l_S0. U. Annius C. f. Cam. (not in EE) Senator in 186,p. 4trl. C. Annius C. f. Arn. (not rn RE) S"""to" in l2g, p. 4r?. pr.? or Q. ?, dr ";;;; pp. 462,474. !. ,{n(n)ius (s) C. AnniusT. f. T. n. (LuscuJ?) p;äfäi 108,'pr.,unoortein tgt doto, Procos.Spain,gl. 84 Broughtoa II
L. Annius C. f. Poll. (not in .B.8) Senator 135, p. 487. L. Annius (ll) Tr. Pl. rl0. L. Anni(us) (not in .BZ) Q., Sicily, p. 478. M. Annius (15) Pr. before 218, III vir agr. dand. assig.218. M. Annius (not in J?Z) Q. ll9. P. Annius (17) Tr. Mil. 87. P. Anni(us) (not in J?Z) Q. Sicily, p. 47s. Q. Annius (18) Senator63, p. 487. Q. Anni(us) (not in ÄZ) Q. Sicily, or officer under Sox. Pompey, p.479. Sex. Annius (not in RE) Q. Sicily, p. 478. T. Annius T. f. (not in -EE) Tr. Mil. ? 89. Seebelow, no. 21. T. Annius (2L) Senator 66, p. 487. C. Annius Bellienus (35) Leg., Lieut. 74-72. L. (Annius ?) Bellienus (Bellienus 5) Pr. Africa 105. T. Annius Cimber (37) P:t. by 44. T. Annius Luscus (63) Leg., Amb. L7L,III vir col. doduc. 16g. T. Annius T. f. - n. Luscus (64) Pr. by 156, Cos. 153. T. Annius Milo (Papianus) (67) Tr. Pl. 57, It. 55. T. Annius - f. - n. Rufus (78) Pr. by l3l, Cos. 128. A. Antistius (not in RE) Tr. Pl. 420. C. Antistius (Anthestius) (10) Monetal. ca. 137-134,p. 431. L. Antistius - f. - n. (11) Tr. Mil. c. p. 379. L. Antistius (not in RE) Leg., Envoy 215. L. Antistius (Anthestius) C. f. Men. (not in J?,8) Senator 129,p. 487. L. Antistius (Anthestius) (not in ,B,O) Senator 129, p. 488. L. Antistius (13) Tr. Pl. 58. M. Antistius (16) Tr. Pl. 3r9. M. Antistius (lS) Leg., Envoy 218. P. Antistius (19) Tr. Pl. 88, Aed. (or Iud. Quaest.)86. Sex. Antistius (20) Leg., Amb. 208. Ti. ? Antistius (21) Tr.Pl. 422. T. Antistius (22') Q. Macedonia b0, and Proq. ? 49. L. Antistius (Antestius) Gragulus (33) Monetal. ce. tg5-127, p. 4Bl. Pacuvius Antistius Labeo (35) Leg., Lieut. 42. C. Antistius Reginus (39) Leg., Lieut. 53-50. L (Antistius ?) Reginus (not in .BZ) Tr. Pl. r03. Antistius Vetus (45) Tr. Pl. 56. C. ? Antistius Vetus (46) Pr. 70, Propr. 69-68. C. Antistius Vetus (47) Q. pro pr. Syria 45-49, Leg., Lieut. 48, Promag. (or I-eg., Liout. ?) vs. Salassi 35-34, Cos. Suff. 80. C. Antius (4) Tr. Pl. 68.
Sp. Antius (Nautius ?) (6) Leg., Amb. 438. M. Antius Briso (7) Tr. Pl. 137. C. Antius Restio (13) Monetal. ca.46. p.431. Antonius (not in .BZ) Leg., Envoy 51. A. Antonius (f8) Leg., Envoy f68. D. Antonius (3) Praef. evocat. 51, Leg., Envoy 51. C. Antonius (Hibrida) (19) Prefect ca,.84, Q. before 70, Tr. Pl. 68 ?, Pr. 66, Leg., Lieut. ? 65, Cos. 63, Procos.Macedonia62-60, Cens.42. C. Antonius (20) Q. ? 5l ?,Leg., Lieut. 49, Tr. Pl. 46 ? ?,Pt.44, Vn vir. agr. divid. ?9,44, Procos. Macedonia43, Pont. ca,.46-42, L. Antonius M. f. M. n. (Pietas) (23) Q. Asia 50, Proq. pro pr. Asia 40, Tr. Pl. 44, Vn vir agr. divid. 44, Leg., Liout. ? or Prcmag. 43, 42, Cos. 41, and Promag. into 40, Procos. Spain 40. M. Antonius - f. - n. (26) Mag. Eq. 334 (Liv.), 333 (.f'q. M. Antonius (27) Tr. Pl. 167. M. Antonius M. f. M. n. (28) Q. Asia lI3, Q. pro pr. Asia 112, Pr. Cilicia 102,and Procos.Cilicia l0l-100, Cos.99,Cens.97, Leg., Envoy 87 (cf. l), Augur ?-87. M. Antonius (Creticus) (29) Pr. 74, and Procos. 79-71, in both offices with imporium consula,re infinitum, vs. Cretan pira,tes. M, Antonius (not in RE) Leg., Liout. ? under Sertorius ?-72. M. Antonius M. f. M. n. (30) Praef. Eq. 57-55, 9. 9au1.J?, Leg., Lieut. (m Proq. ?) Gaul 52-51, Tr. Pl. 49, and pro pr. in Italy 49, Leg., Lieut. ? 48 (until Sept. or Oct.), Mag. Eq. a8 (Sept. or Oct.)-lato in 47, Cos. 44, II vir act. Ca,es.confirm. 44, VII vir agr. divid. 44, Procos. Gall. Cisalp. and Transalp.44-43, and Transalp.43-40, III vir r. p. c.43-38, and 37-33, Cos.II 34, Cos.Desig.3l, Augur 50-30 (seeSl,list), X'lamen Divi fuH 44, and formal inaug. 39, Luperc. Iul. 44. Q. Antonius (33) Leg., Envoy f90. Q. Antonius Balbus (41) Pr. 82. Q. Antonius T. f. - n. Merenda, (77) Tr. Mil. c. p. 422. T. Antonius - f. - n. Merenda (78) X vir consul. imp. log. scrib. 46V449, . Apollophanes, seo (Cn. Pompeius ?) Apollophanes. Appuloius (not in -B.O) Tr. Pl. orPt., date uncertain, p. 468. Appul(eius) (6) Procos. Sicily, date uncertain, p. 480. Appuleius (not in .B,E') Leg., late first cent. p. 482. L. Ap(p)uleius (10) Tr. Pl. 391. L. Appuleius L. f. Serg. (not in .B.O) Senator 44, p. 488. M. Appuleius M. f. Cam. (not in .B.O) Senator 129, p. 488. M. Appuleius (2) Q. a8 o1 47, Proq. Asia 47 or 46. 34r
M. Appuleius (13, Supb. t.tt2l' cf. t4) e. 4b ?, proq. 44, Leg., Liout ? 43, Cos. 20, Augur ? ca. 48. P. Appuleius (15) Tr. PI. 43. Q. Appuleius (16) X vir agr. dand. assig. tTB. Sex. Appuleius (l6a) Q., Pr., X'lam.IuIiaI., late Rep. or earlyAug., pp. 474,472,486,resp. Sex. Appuleius (17) Cos. 29, Augur before Bt (see Bt, list). C. Appuleius Decianus (21) Tr. Pl. 98. L. Ap(puleius) Dec(ianus) (not in .8.&') e. under Sex. pompey, Spain and Sicily, 44-42, p. 474. Q. Appuleius - f. - n. Pansa (24) Cos. 800. c. Appuleius saturninus (not in RE) v vir fin. cognosc.statuend. 168. cn. Appuleius saturninus (27) senator by 54, p. 4g8. see Add.itions and Corrections. L. Appuleius Saturninus (28) X vir agr. dand. assig. tZB, pr. pereg. 166,Leg., Amb. 156. L. Appuleius Saturninus (29) Q. 104, Tr. Pl. l0g, 100, 99 (killed Dec. 10, 100). SeeAdditions and Corrections. !. (Appuleius) Saturninus (see29) Monetal. ca. 100-97,p. 4gr. L. Appuleius Saturninus (30) Q.-, Aed. Pl. by 6t, pr. trg, propr. Macedonia58. C. Appuleius Tappo (31) fud. Quaest.rer. cap., e., Aed., pr., late Rep. or early Aug., pp. 484,474,46G,462,resp. C. Apronius (l) Tr. Pl. 449. Cn. Apronius (3) Aed. before 26G (see267). L. Apustius (l) Leg., Lieut. 215. P. Apustius (3) Leg., Amb. t6l. L. Apustius L. f. C. n. Fullo (4) Cos. 226. L. Apustius Fullo (5, cf. 2) Aed. Pl. 20t,Leg., Lieut. 200-tgg, pr. urb. 196,III vir col. deduc. tg+-t92, Leg., Lieut. ? f90. Q. Aquila (8) Praef. class. 46. Aquillius (not in ,B"o) Tr. Pl. 286? ? see Additions and corrections. C. Aquillius - f . - n. (Tuscus? or Sabinus?) (S) Cos. 482. M.' Aquillius M'. f. M'. n. (10) Pr. by lB2, Cos. l2g, procos. Asia t2ut26. M'. Aquillius M'. f. M'. n. (ll) Pr. by 104,Leg., Lieut. l0B, Cos.t0l, Procos. Sicily f00-99, Leg., Amb. 89-88, Leg., Lieut. 88. M'. Aquillius (see ll) Monetal. ca. l0g, p. 4gt. S'. Aquillius M'. f. M'. n. (9) III vir monetal. ca. T0-68, p. a32. M'. Aquillius (not in RE) Senator 74, p. 488../' P. Aquillius (not in r?Z') Tr. Pl. ? Ztt.
Aquillius (12, cf. 13) Leg., Envoy 210. !. L,. Aquillius - f. - n. Corvus (15) fr. Mil. c. p. g88. M'. Aquillius Crassus (16) pr. 48. . -cos. c. Aquillius M. f. c. n. x'Iorus_ (20) 259, and procos. sicily 26g. Aquillius tr'lorus (not in RE) Asia, late Rep., p. niA. e. !,. C. Aquillius Gallus (28) Pr. de ambitu 66. ., '/ lLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Aquillius Gallus (24) pr. Sicily lT6. P. Aquillius Gallus (25\ Tr. pl. rSr' Aquinus (not in RE) Leg., Lieut. 78. Aquinus (or Aqu.inius)_ (2) |{. -L"g., Lieut. ? 46 (had held honoru). M. Aquinus (5, cf. 2) Leg., Lieüt. 4g_42. C. Arrenius (l) Tr. Pl. 2r0. L. Arrenius (2, B) Tr. Pl. 210, praef. soc. 20g. M. Aristius (l) Tr. Mil. 52. Q. Arrius (7) Pr.73,Propr.? 72. Q. Arrius (8) Pr. by 64. M. Arrius Secundus (84) Monetal. ca. 48,p. 4gZ. c. Arruntanus Balbus (l) pjop". sicily or*Marta? before 22, p. 480. L. Arruntius L. f . L. n. -69Lieut. ? orptae|.Class. ? Bl, Cos.22. __(Z) Leg., Anuntia (27) Vest. Virg. ca. (see69, list). Asellius (not in B.E) pr. Suff. BB. L. Asellius (not in Ä.8) pr. 38. (M. ?) Asellius (not in r?,8) Tr. pL 422. Asinius (l) Senator48, p. 488. Asinius (Marrucinus ?) (2) procos. Asia ca. 84 ? C. Asinius Cn. f. Pollio (25) Tr. Mil. ? or Leg. Lieut. ? 49_48, Tt. Pl. 47, Leg., Lieut . 46-48, pr. 45, promag. @räcos.?) X,arther Spain 4+-43, Leg. pro pr- or Promag. agr. divid-. 4l (seo+t, Spoc. Comm.1, Cos. 40, Procos. Macedonia+O-gS. Ateius (2) Promag. Gall. Cisalp. 4t-40. M. Ateius Balbus (not in .RZ') promag. ? Sa,rdinia Bg. C. Ateius Capito (?) Tr. pl. 55. C. Ateius Capito (8) Prefect (or Leg.?) ag. dand. asaig.{1. L. Ateiue.Capito (9) e. by 52 (see st, additional noä1, h. dstc uncertain, p. a62. A. Aternius - f. - n. varus Fontinalis (r) coa. 464, Tr. pr. t | #t. Atilius ? (not in RE) Monetal. ca. 160-lg9, p. tg2. C. Atilius (lt) ff vir aed. dedic. 216. L. Atilius (r2) Tr. Pl. Brr. L. Atilius (13) Q. zt6. L. Atilius (14) Praef. Locri 216.
L. Atilirrs (15, cf. 13, 14, 16) Tr. Pl. 210. SeeAdditions and Correctiong. L. Atilius (16) Pr. Sardinia r97. L. Atilius (not in RE) Leg., Lieut. 168. M. Atilius (20, cf. 53) ff vir aed. dedic. 216. P. Atilius L. f. (not in .B.O) Pr. Urb., late If, p. 462. P. Atilius (29) Leg., Lieut. (pro pr.) 67-. P. At(ilius) (not in .B.E) Q. Sicily, p. 478. C. Aüilius A. f. A. n. Bulbus (33) Cos. 245, 235, Cens. 284. M. Atilius Bulbus (34) Senator in74, p. 4S8. A. Atilius A. f. C. n. Caiatinus (36) Cos.258, Pr.2E7, Cos. II 254. Dict. 249, Cens.247. L. Atilius - f. - n. Luscus (41) Tr. Mil. c. p. 444. L. Atilius Nomentanus (44, cf. Nomentanus) Monetal. ca. lB5-127, p. 432, Leg., Lieut. ? or Prcfecü ? Asia f 2O. L. Atilius L. f. L. n. Priscus (46) Tr. Mil. c. p. 399, 396. C. Atilius M. f. M. n. Regulus (47) Cos. 257, 250. C. Atilius M. f. M. n. Regulus (48) Cos.225. M. Atilius - f. - n. Regulus Calenus (49) Cos. 335. M. Atilius M. f. M. n. Regulus (50) Cos. 294, Pr. 293. M. Atilius M. f. L. n. Regulus (51) Cos.267,Cos. Suff. 256,Procos.? Africa 255. M. Atilius M. f. M. n. Regulus (52) Cos.227,Cos. Suff. 2lZ, Procos. 216, III vir mensar. 216, Cens.214. M. Atilius Regulus (53, cf. 20) Pr. 213, Leg., Lieut. 2tl, Leg., Amb.
Sex. Atilius Serranus Gavianus (70) Q. 63, Tr. Pl. 67. Atinius (not in ,BE) Tr. Pl. ? l4g. C. Atinius (1,2) Tr. Mil. 194, Pr. X'arther Spain 188, and Propr. r87-186. M. Atinius (5) Praof. Thurii 212. M. Atinius (5) Praef. soc. 194. C. Atinius Labeo (S) Tr. Pl. lg6, Pr. pereg. 195. C. Atinius Labeo (9) Pr. Sicily 190. C. (Atinius ?) Labeo (3) Pr. or Propr. Asia before 90, p. 462. C. Atinius Labeo Macerio (10) Tr. Pl. t3f . T. Atinius T5n'anus (ll) Senator before 39, pp. 475,498. (4\ Atrius Praef. Class. 54. Q. Attidius (Atidius) (2) Senator before Third Mithridatic wer, p. 488. L. At(t)ius (Attius 5) Tr. Mil. 178. (6) Senator, perhaps aedilicius, by Bg, pp. 466, 488. P. Attius M. At(t)ius Balbus (ll) Pr. by 60 (see60), XX vir agr. dand. assig. 59-. M. Attius Balbus (not in "t?Z) Pr. by 44. M. Attius (Atius) Balbus (not in -B,O) Promag. Sardinia ca. 88. P. Attius P. f. Ouf. (Balbus ?) (cf. Attius tl) Tr. Mil. ? 89. C. Attius Celsus (not in RE) Pr. 65 ? C. Attius Paelignus (14) Prefect 49. P. Attius Varus (32) Pr. by 53, Promag. (Propr. ?) Africa 62, ' Promag. Africa 49, Praef. Eq. 48, Leg. pro pr. Africa 48-46, and Spain 45. Q. Atüius Varus (33) Praef. Eq. 51, 48. Aufeius (not in -B.O) Tr. Pl. ? r23? Aufidius (1) Officer under Sertorius 72 (mention). Cn. Au{idius (4) Tr. Pl. 170. Cn. Auffidius] Vel. (not in ßE) Senator in t29, p. 4S8. Cn. Aufidius (6, 7) Pr. Asia, see 107,Propr. ca. t0G. T. Aufidius (12) Pr. 67 ?, Propr. or Procos. Asia 66 ? Aufidius Lurco (26) Mag., date uncertain. See Additions en(l ( jorrections. (M. Aufidius) Lurco (25, cf. 27) Tr. Pl. 6r. Cn. Aufidius Cn. f. - Orestes (32) Aed. by 79, Pr. urb. ZZ, homag. 76, Cos. 71. M. Aufidius Rusticus (l) Monetal. ca. t35-t27, p. 492. M'. Aulius (l) Praef. soc. 208. Q. Aulius Q.f. Q.n. Cerretanus (2) Cos.328,Bl9. Q. Aulius Q. f. Ai. n. Cerretanus (cf..2) Mag. Eq. 316. Aurelius (l) Monetal. ca. 155-150, p. 432.
(Atilius ?) Sar(anus) (57) Monetal. ca. 145-137,p. 432. A. Atilius C. f. C. n. Serranus (60) Aed. Cur. lg4, Pr. X'arther Spain, thon assigned the X'leet, 192; Praef. Class. (Propr. ?) tgt, Pr. urb. 173, Promag. (Propr. ?) Brundisiam I72, Leg., Amb. 172, Leg., Lieut. 171,Cos. 170. C. Atilius Serranus (62) Pr. urb. ? 218, Augur before 217 (aee 2LO, note 6). C. Atilius Serranus (63, cf. 60) Pr. 185. C. Atilius - f. - n. Serranus (64) Pr. by 109, Cos. 106. M. Atilius Serranus (68) IIf vir col. deduc. 190.-189,Pr. Sardinia I74, and Promag. (Propr. ?) 173. M. Atilius Serranus (67) Monetal. ca. 145-137, p. 432. M. Atilius (Serranus?) (22, ct. 67) Pr. X'arther Spain t52, Leg., Lieut. ? 147. Sex. Atilius M. f . C. n. Serranus (69) Leg., Lieut.? 147,Pr. by 139, Cos. 136, Procos. Gall. Cisalp. 135.
! !
Auroliue (21 Leg., Lieut,.? 45. O. Aurelius (15) Leg., Lieut. 216. L. Aurelius (18, cf. 97) Q. urb. ? 196. (Aurelius) Cotta (not in ,8,&') Tr. Pl. ? 49. C. Aurelius L. f. C. n. Cotta (94) Cos. 252, TI 248,Cens. 241, Mag. Eq. 23r. C. Aurelius C. f. C. n. Cotta (95) Pr. urb. 202, Promag. ? (Propr.) 201, Cos.200. C. Aurelius M. f. - n. Cotta (96) Aed. ?, p. 466, Propr. ? X'leet in Spain 80, Pr. by 78, Cos. 75, Procos. Gall. Cisalp. 74, Pont. ?--early in 73 (see9l). L. Aurelius Cotta (97, cf. f 8) Tr. Mil. (or Leg., Lieut. ?) 182-18I, Leg., Envoy 18f . L. AureliusL.? f.C. n. Cotta (98) Tr. Pl. 154?, 147,Cos.144. L. Aurelius - f. - n. Cotta (99) Pr. by 122, Cos. llg. L. Aurelius Cotta (100) Tr. Mil. 103, Pr. ca. 95. L. (Aurelius)Cot(ta) (l0l) Monetal. ca. l0l, p.432. L. Aurelius M. f. - n. Cotta (102) Pr. 70, Cos. 65, Cens.64, XV vir s. f. 44 (mention). M. Aurelius Cotta (103) Aed. Pl. 2l6,Leg, Lieut. 2l2,Leg., Amb. ? 203-200,X vir s. f..204-200. M. Aurelius Cotta (104) Leg., Envoy 189. M. Aurelius Cot(t)a (105) Monetal. ca. 135-124,p. 432. M. Aurelius M. f. - n. Cotta (107) Propr. ? X'leetin Spain 80 (seeno. 96), Pr. kty 77, Cos. 74, Procos. Bithynia and Pontus 73-70. M. Aurelius Cotta (109) Pr. by 54? or 50 ?, Promag. (Propr. ?) Sardinia 49. L. Aurelius L. f. L. n. Orestes (179) Leg., Amb. 163-162, Pr. by 160,Cos. l57,Leg., Amb. 147, 146-145?, Leg., Liout. 146. L. Aurelius L. f. L. n. Orestes (180) Pr. by 129, Cos. 126, Procos. Sardinia 125-L22. L. Aurelius Orestes (l8l) Pr. by 106,Cos. 103. P. Aurelius Pecuniola (187) Tr. Mil. ? 252. Au(relius) Ruf(us) (206) Monetal. ca. 137-134. p. 432. C. Aurelius Scaurus (213) Pr. Sardinia 186. M. Aurelius - f. - n. Scaurus (215) Q. ca. Il7, P". by lll, Cos. Suff. 108,Leg., Lieut. 106-f05. M. Aurelius M. f. Vol. (Scaurus?) (216) Monetal. ca. ll2-109, p. 132, Tr. Mil. ? 89, Q. in Asia before 70, p. 475 (perhapstwo men). C. Aurunculeius (1, cf. 2) Pr. Sardinia 209, and Propr. 208, Tr. Mil. 207. C. Aurunculeius (3) Leg., Amb. 155.
L. Aurunculeius (4) Pr. urb. lg0, Leg., Amb. f 89-188. L. Aurunculeius Cotta (6) Leg., Lieut. 58 ?, 67-64. Autronius (l) Monetal. ca,. 150-146, p. 433. L. Autronius L. f. - n. Paetus (6) Cos. Suff. 33. P. Autronius L. f. - n. Paetus (7) Q. 75, Leg., Lieut. 73-72, P". by 68, Cos.Desig. 65. C. Avienus (l) Tr. Mil. 46. Q. Axius M. f. (4) Q. before 73 (seelist, 73), p. 475. L. Axius L. f. Naso (7) Monetal. ca^7l, p. 433. Baebius (5) Leg., Lieut. 45-44. A. Baebius (8) Prefect Demetrias 167. C. Baebius (10) Tr. Pl. tlr. C. Baebius (ll) Leg., Lieut., and Propr. 90. C. BaebiusT. f. (12) Tr. Mil. 3r. L. Baebius (15) Leg., Envoy f69-168. M. ? Baebius (Tamphilus) (17) Tr. Mil. r03. Q. Baebius (20) Tr. Pl. 200. Q. Baebius Q. f. (20a, Supb. 1.235; ar 53, Supb. 3.192)Proq. Greeoo, II cent., p. 480. L. Baebius (Dives) (14, 25) Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 203, Leg., Envoy 203, Pr. Further Spain I89. Q. Baebius Herennius (26) Tr. Pl. 216. Q. Baebius Sulca (40) Pr. 175?,Leg., Amb. 173. (Baebius) Tamp(hilus) (see41) Monetal. ca. 155-150,p. 433. Cn. Baebius Q. f. Cn. n. Tamphilus (41) Tr. Pl. 204 or 203 (soe 208), Aed. Pl. 200, Pr. Ariminum lgg, III vir col. deduc. 186, Cos. 182, Procos.Liguria 181. Cn. Baebius Tamphilus (42, cf. a3) Pr. urb. 168, Leg., Amb. l0?. M. Baebius Q. f. Cn. n. Tamphilus (44, cf. l, 16) Tr. Pl. 194f , III vir col. deduc. 194, Pr. Nearer Spain, then assignedBruttium 192, Propr. Macedonia and Greece 191, Leg., Amb. 186-184,Coe. l8l, Procos. Liguria and Samnium 180. M. Baebius Q. f. Tamphilus (not in J?.O) Monotal. o&. 126-120, p. 433. Q. Baebius Tamphilus (45) Leg., Envoy 2lg,Lag., Amb. 218. Balbus (not in -B,E) Monetal. ca. 160-133,p. 433. -cius Balbus (not in ,B.O) Leg. pro pr. Aaia, doto unoortain, p.462. Barba (not in .B,E) Leg., Lieut. 73. Soo(Casaiue)llarba and Voaonius (*2). M. Barbatius Philippus (l) Q. 41, Pr. dato unoortein, p, 482.
P. Barronius Barba (l) Aed. Cur., late Rep., p. 467. L. Bassus (not in .B.E) Leg., Lieut. 67. L. Bollienus (6), see L. Annius Bellienus. Bollinus (Bellienus l) Pr. 68. C. Billienus C. f. (Bellienus 4, cf. 3) Q. before 100, p. 475, Leg. p. 482, Pr. ca. 107, Procos. Asia ?, see 106. Sp. Borius ? (not in RE) Tr. Pl. lll ?, see lll, note 3, on Thorius. Q. Bruttius Sura (10) Leg., Lieut. 93-86. Burrienus (t) Pr. Urb. 83. Ca,ecilius (l) Q. 59. Caeoilius (not in .8,0) Tr. Pl. 45. See below, Pomponius (not in
A. Caecilius (10) Aed. Pl. 189. A. Cae(cilius) (see l0) Monetal. ca. 150-133,p. 433. C. Caecilius (10a, Supb. 1.266) Tr. Mil. 260. M. Caecilius (15, cf. 76) Leg., Lieut. 200. M. Caecilius (16) X vir agr. dand. assig. 173, Leg., Amb. 172. Q. Caecilius (19) Tr. Pl. 439. Q. Caecilius Q. f. Ani. - Senator 129,p. 488. Seeno. 94. Caecilius Bucilianus .(Bucilianus l) Senator in 44, p. 488. C. Caecilius Cornutus (43) Tr. Pl. 61, Pr. 57, Promag. (Propr. ?) Bithynia and Pontus 56. C. Caecilius Cornutus (aQ Pr. by 90, Leg., Lieut. 90-88. M. CaeciliusCornutus (45) Pr. urb. 43. L. CaeciliusDenter (49) Pr. Sicily 182. M. CaeciliusDenter (50) Leg., Amb. 173. (Caecilius) Met(ellus) (not in J?.4) Monetal. ca. 155-150, p. 433. (Caecilius)Metellus (70) Pr., late Rep., p. 463. C. (Caecilius) Metellus (see 84) Monetal. ca. 125-120, p. 433. C. Caecilius Metellus (71) Senator before 81, pp. 475, 488. L. CaeciliusL. f. C. n. Metellus (72) Cos. Sicily, 251, and Procos. 250, Mag. ßq. 249, Cos. 247, Dict. 224, Pont. z.-221,Pont. Max. 243-22t. L. ? CaeciliusMetellus (73) Q.214, Tr. Pl. 213. L. Caecilius C. f. Q. n. Metellus (74) Monetal. cä,. 91, p. 433, Pr. 71, Promag. (Propr. ?) Sicily 70, Cos. 68. L. Caecilius Metellus (75) Q. Sicily ca,.52, p. 478, Tr. Pl. 4Q. M. Caecilius Metellus (76, cf. 73, Supb. 3.223) Aed. Pl. 208, Pr. urb. and pereg. 206, Leg., Amb. 206, Leg., Amb. 196 ? M. Caecilius Q.f. Q. n. Metollus (77) Monetal. ca.125-120, p. 433, Pr. by ll8, Cos. ll5, Procos.Sardinia tl4-lll.
M. Caecilius Metellus (7S) Pr. de repetundis 69. Q. Caecilius L. f. L. n. Metellus (81) Aed. Pl. 209, Aed. Cur. 208, Mag. Eq. ZO7,Leg.,Envoy 207, Cos. Bruttium 205, Dict. 206,Lag., Envoy 204, X vir agr. dand. assig. 201-200, Leg., Amb. 186-184, (see Spec. Comm. on Lacedaemonian envoys 183, "ottt. 216210, and 179,lists). Q. (Caecilius)Me(t'ellus) (not in ßE) Monetal. ca. 150-133,p. 433. Pl., andLeg., Lieut. beforo 66, pp.468, . Q. (Caecilius)Metellus -Tr. 482. Seebelow, nos. 86, 87, and 96. Q. CaeciliusQ.f. Q.n. Balearicus (S2) Pr. by 126,Cos.123,Prooos. Balearic islands and Spain 122-121, Cens. 120. L. Caecilius Q.f. L. n. Metellus Calvus (83) Pr. by 146, Cos. 142, Procos. Cisalp. Gaul l4l, Leg., Amb. 140-139, Leg., Envoy ? 180. C. Caecilius Q.f. Q. n. Metellus Caprarius (84, Supb. 3.222) P". by Cens. lO2. ll7, Cos. ll3, Procos.Macedoniaand Thrace ll2-lll, Aed. ? 88. (85) Tr. Pl' 90, Metellus Celer Q. Caecilius Q. Caecilius Q. f. Q. n. Metellus Celer (86) Leg., Lieut. ? 78, Tr. Pl. ? 63 ? (seebelow, no. 96), Aed. Pl. 67 9 9 (cf.88), Leg., Liout. 06, Pr. 63, Procos. Cisalp. GauI 62, Cos. 60, Augur before 63-59 (montion \ 63). tPr. (s7) 74, Cos.69, Prooos. Metellus Creticus . C.f Caecilius Q.n. Q. Crete and Greece 68-65, and in Italy until his triumph 65-62,I'eg, Amb. 60, Pont. before 73- (see73, and 57, Iists). L. Caecilius L. f. Q. n. Metellus Delmaticus (9I) Pr. by 122, Cos. ll9, Procos.Dalmatia ll8-117, Pont. before ll4-I03, Pont. Max. before ft4-103. L. Caecilius- f. - n. Metellus Denter (52) Cos. 284, Pr. 283' L. Caecilius Q.f. Q. n. Metellus Diadematus (93) Pr. by 120, Cot. ll?, Procos.? GaIl. Cisalp. l16, Cens.115. Q. CaeciliusQ.f.L.n. MetellusMacedonicus (9a) Leg., Envoy l6t, Tr. Pl. 154?,Pr. Macedoniaand Greece148,and Promag. (hoooe. l) 147-146,Cos. 143,Procos.Nearer Spain l4?,Ing,, Lieut. 186,Cena. l3l, Augur before 140-115(see140,and 133,liste). Q. Caecilius Q.f. Q.n. Metellus Nepos (96) Monetal. 08. lo6, p. ISB (seeno. 97), Pr. by I01, Cos.98. Q. Caecilius Q. f. Q. n. Metellus Nepos (06) 1[r. Itl. ? 0t ? (roo no. 86, above), Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 67-63, Tr. Pl. 62, Pr. 00, Cor. 6?, Procos. Nearer Spain 56-55. Q. CaeciliusL.f. Q.n. Metellus Numidiouc (07) MoneCal.? oo. 106, p.433, (seeno.95),Pr. by lL2, Promag.? lll, Ooc.Numidia 100, and Procos. 108-106,Cens. 102,Augur l16 ?-. Q. CaeciliusMetellus (see98) Monotal. cu. llS-110, p. 434.
Q._CaociliusQ.f. L.n. Metellus Pius (9S) pr. 89, procos. 88_82, Etrvoy 87, Cos. 80, Procos. X'arther Spain against Sertorius !91, 79-71, Pont. ca. 9T (see 89)-63, pont. Max. gl_68 (see 78, tist). Probably not the monetalis. Q. Caecilius Q. f. Q. n. Metellus pius Scipio Nasica (99) Tr. pl. 69, Aed. Cur. 57?,P:r.55, fnterrex 53, Cos. 52, procos. Syria 4g_4g, Africa 48-46, Pont. ca.68-46. Q. CaeciliusNiger (l0l) Q. Sicily 22. L. CaeciliusRufus (ltO) Q. ca. 66, Tr. pl. 6g, pr. urb. 52, procos. Sicily ? 56. Caecina (4) Leg., Envoy 41. L. CaecinaL. f. (not in RE) e., Tr. pl., pr., procos., late Rep. or eg,rly-Aug.seepp. 478,468,463,4E0,resp. ^. C. Caedicius (2) Leg., Lieut. 298. L. Caedicius (3) Tr. Pl. 475. Q. Caedicius (?, cf. 8) Tr. Mil. 2b8. Q. CaediciusQ. f. Q. n. (8, cf. 7) Cos. 256. Q. CaediciusQ. f. - n. Noctua (t0) Cos. 289, Cens.288. Caelius (1, cf. Aelius G) Tr. Mil. fT8. C. CaeliusC. f. Aem. (not in .BZ) Senator 129, p. 4g8. C. Caelius (6, Caecilius 12) pr. or promas. 90. C. Caelius (7) Tr. Pl. 51. M. Caelius (10) Tr. Pl. tS4 ? P. Caelius (13) Prefect 87. Q. Caelius (14) Aed. ? by 44. Q' caelius Latiniensis (coelius 20) Tr. pl. before 66, and Leg., Lieut. the following year, pp. 468,4S2. M. CaeliusRufus (gb) Tr. Pl. b2, Aed. Cur. 50, pr. pereg.4g, Lupercus 56 (mention). C. Caepasius (l) Q. before 70, p. 475. L. Caepasius (l) Q. before 70,p.475. Q. CaerelliusM. f. (Z) Tr. Mil. late Rep., p. 4gl, e., p. 475, Tr. p. 468, Pr., p. 468, Leg., Lieut. ooa""- nf. gntänius, p. 482, Il., Procos.,p. 480. Caesennius Lento (G) Leg., Lieut. (or prefect,?) 45, VII vir agr. divid. 44. P. Caesetius (3, cf. 5) Q. Sicily 22. L. Ca^setiustr'lavus (4) Tr. pi. ++. caesetius Rufus (5) senator in 43. see Additions and corrections. L_.C_aesius(4) Monetal. ca. l0B, p.484. M. Caesius (9) Pr. ?5. M. Caesonius (l) Aed. Pl. 69, pr. by 66.
Cafo (not in .B,E) VII vir agr. divid. 44. Calidius Cn. f. (see2) Senator in 73-71, p. 4S8. M. Calidius (3) 106,p.434. M. Calidius (4) Pr. 57, Leg., Lieut.l ca. 48-47. Q. Calidius (5) Tr. Pl. 98, Pr. 79, Propr. Nearer Spain 78. Q. Calpenus (l) X'ormersenator in 46-44, p. a89. C. Calp(urnius) (not in ßZ) Q. Sicily, p. 478. Cn. Calpurnius (lt) Monetai. ca. 150-146,p.434. L. Calpurnius (13) Leg., Envoy 98. L. Calpurnius (14) IfI vir cap., p. 484. P. Calpurnius (17) Monetal. ca. 135-126,p. 434. Q. Calpurnius Q. f. (17a, Supb. 3.2291".) Praef. Class.? before 100. L. Calpurnius - f. - n. Bestia (23) III vir agr. dand. assig. iud. l2l-ll8 ?, Tr. Pl. l2l or 120 (see120),Pr. by l14, Cos. lll. L. Calpurnius Bestia (24) Tr. Pl. 62, Aed. ca. 59. See no. 26. L. Calpurnius Bestia. (25) Aed. Pl. by 57. Seeno. 24. L. Calpurnius Bibulus (27) Leg., Lieut. ? (or Prefecb?) 43-42, or Praef. Class.36, Pr. Desig. 36,-Leg., Envoy 36, Procos. (or Leg., Lieut. ?) Syria ca.34-32. M. Calpurnius C. f. - n. Bibulus (28) Aed. Cur. 65, Pr. 62, Cos. Eg, Procos. Syria 5l-50, and X'leet for Pompey 49-48. Calpurnius Crassus (31) Leg., Lieut. 256. M. Calpurnius X'lamma (24) Tr. Mil. 258. C. Calpurnius Piso (61, cf. 8) Pr. urb., and Etruria 2lL, Promog. (Propr. ?) Etruria 210. C. Caipurnius C. f. C. n. Piso (62) Pr. X'arther Spain 186, Promag. (Procos.?) 185-184,III vir col. deduc. l8l, Cos. 180. C. Calpurnius - f. - n. Piso (63) Pr. by 70, Cos. 67, Procos. Cisalp. and Transalp. Gaul 66-65. Cn. Calpurnius Piso (69) pr. Spain 65-64. Cn. Calpurnius - f. - n. Piso (73) Pr. by 142,Cos. 139. L. (Calpurnius)Piso (Supb. 3.23L,cf. 93) Pr. or Propr. Asia bofore 90, p. 463. L. (Calpurnius)Piso 1zSa,Su$b. 3.230) Leg., Lieut.? 49. M. (Calpurnius?or Pupius?) (not in *A.O) Pr.44. Q. Calpurnius C. f. C. n. Piso (86) Pr. by 138,Cos. 136. L. Calpurnius C. f. C. n. Piso Caesoninus (8?) Pr. 164,Cos. l4B. L. Calpurnius (L. f. C. n.) Piso Caesoninus (88, Supb. 1.2?l) lrr. by ll5, Cos. ll2,Leg., Lieut. 107. L. Calpurnius Piso (Caesoninus) (89) Q. 100. Soo Additione and Corrections. L. Calpurnius L. f. L. n. Piso Caesoninus (90) Q. ca. 70, Aod. 64 ?,
P". by 61, Cos. 58, Procos.Macedonia 57-55, Cens.50, Leg., Envoy 49, 4g (twice). C. CalpurniusPiso X'rugi (93) III vir Monetal. ca. 64, p.494, e. 5g. Cn. ? (Calpurnius) Piso X'rugi (not in ,Bt) Monetal. ca. 9l-89, p. aB4. Cn. Calpurnius Piso (Xbugi) (96) hoq. under Pompey in Spain 49?, Leg., Lieut. or Praef. Eq. ? 46, Cos. 28. Seethe next äntry. Cn. (Calpurnius) Piso X'rugi (not in l?t) Q. Sicily, or officer under Sex. Pompey, p.479. Seeabove, no. g5. L. Calpurnius L. f. C. n. Piso X'rugi (96) Tr. Pl. 149, Pr. lB8 ?, Cos. 133,Cens.120. L. Calpurnius Piso X'rugi (97) Pr. X'arther Spain tl2 ? L. Calpurnius Piso X'rugi (98) Monetal. ca. g0, p. 494, Tr. Pl. 89, Pr.74. M. (Calpurnius)Piso Xlugi (not in ,EE) Monetalis ca. 68, p.484. C. CalvisiusC. f. - n. Sabinus (13) Leg., Lieut. 48, Pr. 46 ?, Promag. (Procos.?) Africa Vetus 4H4, Cos. 39, Promag. ? (Praef. Class.) 38-37, Procos. (or Prefeat ?) to restore order in Italy 36-Bb, Procos. Spain 3l ?-28, VII vir Epul. (see3t, list). C. Calvius Cicero (2) Tr. Pl. 454. C. Campanius (not in .B.O) Monetalis ca. 109, p. 484. P. Canidius P. f. - n. Crassus (2) Leg., Lieut. 48, Promag.? 4t40, Cos. Suff. 40, Promag. (Procos.?) 37-31. C. Caninius C. f. (Supb. 3.232) Pr. urb. before Sulla, p. 468. L. Caninius Gallus (3) Tr. Pl. 56. C. Caninius Rebilus (8) Pr. Sicily l7l. C. Caninius C. f. C. n. Rebilus (9) Leg., Lieut. 5Z-49,Pr. 48 ?, Procos. AJrica 46, Leg., Lieut. 45, Cos. Suff. 45 (Dec. 3f ). C. Caninius Rebilus (not in .B.E) Perhaps a Legate of Sex. Pompey in Sicily ca. 42-36 (see 4l). M. Caninius Rebilus (12) Leg., Envoy 170, Leg., Amb. 162. Ti. Cannutius (3) Tr. Pl. 44. L. Cantilius (l) Scrib. Pont. (Pont. minor) ?-216. C. Canuleius (2) Tr. Pl. 445. C. CanuleiuB (3) Tr. Pl. 98. L. Canuleius (8) Leg., Lieut. 48. M. Canuleius (9) Tr. Pl. 420. L. CanuleiusDives (6, 12) Leg., Amb. 17+-173,Pr. Spain l7l, and Promag. (Procos.?) Spain 170, Leg., Amb. 163. Caparronia (not in ,r?-E) Vest. Virg. ?-266. D. Carfulenus (l) Tr. Pt. 44,Leg., Lieut. 43. P. ? Carisius (l) Leg., Lieut. or Praef. Class.36. T. Carisius (2) III vir Monetal. ca. 46,p. 434.
C. Carrinas (1) Leg., Lieut. ? 83, Pr. 82. C. Carrinas C. f. - n. (2) Pr. 46 ?, Promag. ? or Leg., Lieut. ? X'a,rühor Spain 45, Cos. Suff. 43, Promag. ? X'arther Spain 41, Promag. ? or Praef. Class.? 36. Carve.. (3.1628) Cos.453. L. Carvilius (3) Tt. Pl. 212. Sp. Carvilius (4) Q. 391. Sp. Carvilius (6) Tr.Pl.2I2. Sp. Carvilius (7) Leg., Envoy f7l. Sp. Carvilius L. f. Sab. (not in ßE) Senator in 129,p. 4S9. Sp. Carvilius Q. f. - n. Maximus (8) Aed. Cur. 299 ? Sp. Carvilius C. f. C. n. Maximus (9) Cos. 293, Leg., Lieut. 292, Cens.289 ?, Cos.TI 272. Sp. Carvilius Sp. f. C. n. Maximus Ruga (10) Cos.234,II228, Augur
?-2rr. A. CascelliusQ. f. (4) Q. ? before 73 (see73, list). Cassius (not in -BE) Tr. Pl. 56. C. Cassius (10) Pr. ? 90, Procos. Asia 89-88. L. Cassius (12) Tr. Pl. 89. L. Cassius (13) Tr. Mil. 69. L. Cassius (14) Leg., Lieut.? orPraef. Class.? 48. M. CassiusM. f. (18) Pr. before 73 (see73, list). Q. Cassius (20) Tr. Mil. 252. Q. Cassius (21) Leg., Lieut.48,Pr.? 44. (Cassius)Barba, seeBarba. L. QassiusCaeicianus (32) Monetal. ca. 93-91, p. a35. C. CassiusC. f. C. n. Longinus (55) Tr. Mil. 178,Pr. urb. 174,X vir agr. dand. assig. 173, Cos. l7l, Tr. Mil. 170-168,Cens. 154. C. Cassius- f. - n. Longinus (56) Pr. by 127, Cos. 124. C. CassiusL. f. - n. Longinus (57) Monetal. ca. lI9-110, p. 435, Pr. 99, Cos. 96, Promag. (Procos.?) 87. C. CassiusL. f. - n. Longinus (58) Monetal. ca. 83, p. 435, Pr. by 76, Cos. 73, Procos. Cisalp. Gaul 72. C. CassiusLonginus (59) Q. Syria 53, froq. Syria 52-51, Tr. Pl. 49, Prefect p6mpeian Fleet 49-48, Leg., Lieut. under Caesar 47-46, Pr. pereg. 44, Qur. Annon. 44, Procos. ? Cyrenaica.{4, hocos. Syria and East 43-42, Cos. Desig. 41, XV vir s. f. ?-42. L. CassiusL. f. - n. Longinus (62) Pr. pereg.? lll, Cos. 107. L. CassiusLonginus (63) Tr. Pl. 104. L. CassiusLonginus (64) Monetal. ca".76, p. 435, Pr. de maiostato 66.
L. CassiusLonginus (65) III vir Monetal. ca. 62,p. 435, Procos. 48, Tr. Pl. 44. Q. CassiusL.f. Q. n. Longinus (69) Pr. urb. 167,Cos. 164. Q. CassiusLonginus (70) Monetal. ca. 57, p. 485, Q. under Pompey in Spain ca. 52, Tr. Pl. 49, Propr. Spain 49-47, Augur ca. 57-47 (see50, list). L. Cassius- f. - n. Longinus Ravilla (72) Tr. Pl. 137, Pr. by 130, Cos. 127,Cens.125, Spec.Comm. on Vestal Virgins ll3. C. CassiusParmensis (80) Q. 43, Proq. 42. Sp. Cassius- f. - n. Vicellinus (91) Cos. 502, Mag. Eq. 501, Cos. ff 493, III 486, Tr. Pl. ? ? 486. Q. Catius (3) Aed. Pl. 210, Leg. Lieut. 207, Leg., Amb. 205. C. Catius Vestinus (13) Tr. MiI. 43. Catlus Verus (not in -B-E) Tr. MiI. c. p. ? 394 (Diod. in ß). P. Caucilius (not in RE) Prefect Carteia 45. C. Caudinus (see Cornelius 210-214) Senator in 74, p. 489. L. Caulius Mergus (not in .EO) Senator in 74, p. 489. Sextius Censius (not in .B,E) Tr. Mil. c. p.? 397 (Diod. in F). C. Centenius (l) Propr. 217. P. Cervius (l) Leg., Lieut. 73,72? C. Cestilius (I) Tr. Pl. 57. C. Cestius (3, cf. 7) Pr.? 44. L. Cestius (4) Pr.44 or 43 (see43). C. CestiusEpulo (7, cf. 3) VII vir Epulo, perhaps before 30, p. 486 (see3l,list), Tr. Pl., p. 468,Pr., late Rep. or early Aug., p. 463. Cicereius (not in -EE) Tr. Pl. or Pr., date uncertain, p. 469. C. Cicereius (l) Pr. Sardinia 173, and Propr. 172, Leg., Amb. 172, r67. C. Cincius (1) Aed."Pl. before 200,p. 467. P. Cincius (not in .B.E) Leg., Lieut. 217. L. Cincius Alimentus (5) Pr. Sicily 210, and Promag. (Propr. ?) 209, Leg., Envoy 208. M. Cincius Alimentus (6) Tr. Pl. 204, Prefect Ig3. M. Cipius M. f. (2) Monetal. ca. 107, p. 435. L. Cispius (Laevus?) (3, cf. 6) Praef. Class.46, Leg., Envoy 43. M. Cispius (4) Tr. Pl. 57, perhaps later Pr., p. 463. _ cius Balbus. see above, Balbus. Ap. Claudius (rr) Pr. by 133,Cos.Suff. f 30. Seebelow, Ap. Claudius Pulcher. Ap. Claudius (12) Tr. Mil. 87. C. Claudius (17) Leg., Lieut. ? 3f0. C. Claudius (not in .B,O) X'lam. DiaI. ?-2I1.
C. Claudius (I8) Tr. Mil. 264. C. Claudius (2.!a,Supb. 3) Senator71, p. 489. L. Claudius (2f f Rex Sacr. ca. 60 (mention). See 57, list. L. ClaudiusL. f. (23) Q. before 73 (see73,list). P. Claudius (27) Pr. early date, p. 463. P. Claudius (not in -B,E) Praef. soc. 207. P. Claudius (28) Tr. Mil. 196. Q. Claudius (29, cf. r51) Tr. Pl. 218. Q. Claudius Ap. f. Potl. (30) Senator in I29, p. 489. Ti. Claudius Asellus (6f, 62) Tr. Mil. 207, Pr. Sardinia 206, Aed. Pl. 205. Ti. Claudius Asellus (63) Tr. Pl. I40. Ap. ClaudiusC. f. Ap. t. Caecus (9I) Q. ca.316,Aed. Cur. by 313?, Cens.312, Cos. 307, Aed. Cur. II by 305?, Interrex 298, Pr. beforo 297, Cos. II 296, Pr. II 295, Dict. between 292 and 285 (see 286). C. Claudius M. f. C. n. Canina (98) Cos. 285, 273. Ap. ClaudiusC. f. (102) Cos.264. Ap. ClaudiusCentho (103) Aed. Cur. 179,Pr. Nearer Spain 175,and Procos. 174, Leg., Amb. 172, Leg., Lieut. I70, Promag. (Propr. ?) 169-168,Leg.,Amb. 155,I54. C. Claudius Ap. f. C. n. Centho (104) Cos. 240, Cens.22\,Interrex 216,Dict. 213. C. Claudius Centho (105) Leg., Lieut. 200. C. Claudius Centho (106) Leg., Amb. 155. M. Claudius Clineas (I15) Leg., Lieut. 236. Ap. Claudius Ap. f. Ap. rr. Crassus (l2I) Tr. Mil. c. p. 424. Ap. Claudius P. f. Ap. n. Crassus (122) Tr. Mil. c. p. 403 (see tho next entry). Ap. Claudius P. f. Ap. t't. CrassusInregillensis (122) Dict. 362, Cos. 349a. Ap. ClaudiusAp. f. M. n. Crassusfnregillensis Sabinus(123) Cos.471, Cos. II 2. 451,X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 451-449. Q. Claudius X'lamen (15r, cf. 29) Pr. Tarentum and Sallentini 208, and Propr. 207-206. C. Claudius Glaber (165) Pr. against, Spartacus 73. M. Claudius C. f. Glicia (166) Dict'.249. C. Claudius - f. - Hortator (I80) Mag. Eq. 337. C. Claudius (Ap. f. P. n. Crassus?) Inregillensis (183) Diot. 337' M. Claudius Lepidus (204) Leg., Envoy 190. C. (Claudius ?) Marcellus (Aarcellus) (not in RE) Proq. Macodonia ? ll4FlrS? (but seeC. ClaudiusMarcellusno. 214). C. Claudius Marcellus (2I4) Q. ca. 87 ?, and Proq. Macedonia ? 86 ?
35 Broughtor II
(seetho previous entry), Pr. 80, Procos. Sicily 79, Augur ?-before 44 (soe60, and 45, lists). C. Claudius C. f. M. n. Marcellus (2fG) Aed. Cur. ? 56 (seeno. 217), Pr. by 53, Cos. 50. C. ClaudiusM. f. M. n. Marcellus (2f 7) Aed. Cur. ? 56 (seeno. 216), Pr. by 52, Cos. 49, Procos. in Pompey's X'leet 48. M. Claudius C. f. C. n. Marcellus (218) Cos. 331, Dict. 327. M. Claudius (M. f. C. n.) Marcellus (2rO) Cos. 287. M. Claudius M. f. M. n. Marcellus (220) Aed. Cur. ca. 226, Pr. ca. 224,Cos.Cisalp. Gau.l222,Pr.II Ostia, Canusium,Nola 216, Cos.II Suff. 215, Procos. Nola 215, Cos. III Sicily 214, Procos. Sicily 213-21I, Cos. IV Samnium 2I0, Procos. South. Italy 20g, Cos. V South. Italy 208, Augur ca. 226*208 (see 210, list). M. Claudius Marcellus (22t) Aed. Pl. 2f6. M. Claudius M. f. M. n. Marcellus (222) Tr. Mil. 208, Tr. PL.204, Aed. Cur. 200, Pr. Sicily 198,Cos. 196,Leg., Amb. lg5, Leg., Lieut. 193, Cens. 189, Pont. f96-177 (see 179, list). M. Claudius M. f . M. n. Marcellus (223, 224, two persons; seethe next entry) Pr. urb. 188 or 185, Cos. 183, Procos. Cisalp. Gaul 182-181, Leg., Amb. l73,Leg., Lieut. ? 169,X vir s. f. ?-f69. M. Claudius Marcellus (see 223, 224; seethe previous entry) Pr. 188 or 185,Leg., Amb. ? l73,Leg., Lieut. ? 169,X vir s. f. (?) ?-169. M. Claudius M. f. M. n. Marcellus (225) Tr. Pl. l7l, Pr. Spain 169, and hocos. 168,Cos. 166,If 155,ilI 152,and Procos.Nearer Spain 151,Leg., Amb. 148,Pont. 177-148. M. Claudius (Marcellus?) (26) Pr. 137. M. Claudius Marcellus (228) Leg., Lieut. 102?, 90, Pr. bofore 73 (see73, list). M. Claudius Marcellus (227) Aed. Cur. 91. M. Claudius M. f. M. n. Marcellus (225) Q. 64, Aed. Cur. ? 56 (see nos. 216, 217).Pr. by 54, Cos. 51. M. (Claudius) Mar(cellus) (not in ,B.E) Q. Sicily, p. 478. M. Claudius Marcellus Aeserninus (232, cL. 233) Q. 43. Ap. Claudius Nero (245) Tr. Mil. lg8, Leg., Envoy lg8, Pr. X'arther Spain 195, Leg., Amb. 189-f88. C. Claudius Ti. f. Ti. n. Nero (246) Leg., Lieut. 2I4, P:r. Suessula and Capua 2I2,Propr. Capua 2ll, Spain 2ll-210, Leg., Lieut. 209, Cos.217, Cens.204, Leg., Amb. 20f-199. C. Claudius P. f. Nero (247) Pr. 81, Procos. Asia 8G-79. Ti. ClaudiusP. f. Ti. n. Nero (249) Pr. Sardinia 204, Cos. 202,f.,eg., Amb. 172.
Ti._ClaudiusNero (250) Leg., Amb. ? 185-184 (see l8E, note ?), pr. Sicily l8l, Leg., Amb. ? lT2 (seeno. 251). Ti. Claudius Nero (25t) Pr. pereg. Liguria l7g, procos. 177-t76, Leg., Amb. ? 172 (seeno. 250). Ti. Claudius Nero (252) Pr. Sicily 167. Ti. Claudius Ti. f. CIu. (Nero ?) (see 250, Zlt, 252) Senaror soon after 166,p. 489. Ti. Claudius Nero (253) Monetal. ca.78-76, p. 435, Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 67-, Pr. before 63, perhaps before 67, p, 468. Ti. Claudius Nero (254) Q. 48, Proq. Alexandria +?, Leg., Lieut. or Prefect to settle veterans in colonies in Gaul 46-48, Fr. 42, and Propr. 4l-40, Leg., Lieut. ? or Promag. ? 85, pont. 46-88. Ap. ClaudiusP. f. (298) Aed. Cur. 2t7,Tr. Mil. 216, Pr. Sicily 215, Propr. 2t4 (or Leg., Lieut.?) 2t4-2t| Cos. 212, Procos. Capua 2ll. Ap. Claudius Ap. f. P. n. Pulcher (254) Tr. Mil. lg6, Leg., Lieut. 195-194,l9l, Pr. pereg. I88 ?, Cos. 185,Leg., Amb. f g4, Spec.Comm. for Lacedaemonianenvoys l8B, Leg., Am6. f Za-rZg. Ap. Claudius C. f. Ap. o.Pulcher (zSE) pr. by 146, Cos. 143, Cons. 139r III vir agr. iud. assig. tBB-180, Augur ?-rB0 (see lBB, list), Salius before 167- (mention 143), Princeps senatus 186. pr. by lBB, Cos. Süff. tSO. Ap. Claudius (- f. - n. Pulcher) (ll) Ap. Claudius Ap. f. C. n. Pulcher (296) e. SS,Aed. Cur. by 91, pr. 89, Promag. (Propr. ?) 87, Cos.29, Procos. MacedoniaZS &;t too ill to go), Intörrex 77, Procos. Macedonia and Thrace 77-76. Ap. Claudius Ap. f. Ap. n. Pulcher (297) Leg., Envoy 72, 7t-7O, !r.du repetundis 52, Promag. (Propr. ?) Sardinia 56, CoÄ.b4, procos. Cilicia 53-51, Cens. 50, Procos. Greece 4g-4g, Augur before 68-4g (mention 63; see50, list). Ap. Claudius C. f. Ap. n. Pulcher (298) Cos. 88, promag. (or praof, g4-gg, Vlt oi" Epulo _ Qlass.)36, Procos. Spain isee 3l,"tist),p.4g6. C. ClaudiusAp.f. C. n. Pulcher (900) pr. Suff. pereg. tS0, Coi. UZ, and Procos. Cisalp. Gaul and Liguria lT6, Tr. Mil.-fZt, Cens. l0g, - L"g., Amb. 167,Augur lg5-f67 (seeI7g, list). c. claudius Ap. f. c. n. Pulcher (902) e. ca. 105, rrr vir Monoüal. ca. 104 (106, Sydenham), Aed. Cur. 99, fud. euaest. venoficis gg, Pr. de repetundis 95, Cur. viis stern. ca,.gB, Cos. g2. C. Claudius Pulcher (see302) Monetal. ca. 106-104,p. 486. C. Claudius Pulcher (B0g) Leg., Lieut.? 58, pr.56,-procog. Aeia 55-53, Salius before 76-. P. ClaudiusAp. f. C. n. Pulcher (804) Aed. Cur. 258?. Cos.249. P. claudius Ap.f.P. n. Pulcher (805) Aed. cur. r89, pr. Tarentrrm
187?, Spec.Comm. to add coloniststo Cales 185, Cos. Liguria 184, III vir col. deduc. l8l. P. Claudius Pulcher (Clodius 49) Q., Quaesitor, Pr. (probably after 3l), Augur (see31, Iist). pp. 475, 484,463,485,resp. Ap. ClaudiusAp. f. C. n. Russus (3f7) Cos. 268. Ap. Claudius M. f. - n. (Crassus?) Sabinus fnregillensis (321) Q. ? 496?, Cos.495. C. Claudius Ap. f. M. n. (Crassus?) fnregillensis Sabinus (322) Cos. 460. ClaudiusUgo (not in -B.E) Tr. Mil. c. p. ? 398 (Diod. i,nF). Claud.iuslInimanus (376) Pr. Nearer Spain 146. Claudia (384) Vest. Virg. 143 (mention). Capitos Clodius (not in -R.E) Tr. Mil. c. p.? 402 (Diod. i,n ß). Clodius (l) Tr. Pl.1 ro4. Clodius (3) Prefect ? Eleet 42. A. Clodius (6) Leg., Envoy 48. C. Clodius (8) Prefect 43-42. L. Clodius (9, cf. 18) Praef. X'abr. 51, Tr. Pl. 42 ? M. Clodius (not in .BZ) Tr. Mil. c. p.? 390 (Diod. i,nE). P. ClodiusM. f. (10) IIIf vir a. p.f. ca. 4I, p. 435. Clodius Arquitius (not in .B.O) Praef. Eq. 45. P. Clodius Pulcher (48) Leg., Lieut. ? 68-67, Tr. Mil ? 64, Q. Sicily 6l-60, Tr. Pl. 58, Aed. Cur. 56. See Additions and Corrections (on 68-67B.C.). C. Clodius Vestalis (62) IIII vir Monetal. ca. 39, p. 435, Procos. Crete and Cyrene, uncertain date, p. 480. Q. CloeliusM. f. (4) Senator in 39, pp. 467, 489. T. Cloelius (Cloulius) (5) Monetal. ca,.ll0, p. 436. T. Cloelius (Cloulius) (see5) Monetalis ca. I00 (Sydenham),p. 436, or Q. (Pink), p. 458. P. Cloelius- f. - n. Siculus (8) Tr. Mil. c. p. 378. P. Cloelius Siculus (9) Rex Sacr. 180-. Q. Cloelius- f . - n. Siculus (10) Cos. 498. Cens. 378. Q. Cloelius- f. - n. Siculus (ll) T. Cloelius-f. -n. Siculus (12) Tr. Mil. c.p. 444,IfI vircol. deduc. 442. Cloelius Tullus (6) Leg., Amb. 438. T. Cloulius (S), seeT. Cloelius (Cloulius)no. 5. T. Cluilius (5) Leg., Lieut. ? 83. C. Cluvius L. f. (2) Pr., and probably Procos. Macedonia or Asia ca. 104?
C. Cluvius (Clovius) (4) Prefect, to assign lands in Cisalpino Gaul, 46-45 (see45). Sp. Cluvius (8) Pr. Sardinia 172. C. Cluvius Saxula (r, f4) Pr. Sicily ? t7g?, Pr. pereg. lZB, Leg., Lieut. 168. C. (Cluvius) Sax(ula) (see 14) Monetal. ca. 150-133, p. 486. C. Cocceius- f. - n. Balbus (3, Supb. 2.90,no. B) Pr. by 4Z?, Coa. Suff. 39, Leg., Lieut. or Promag. under Antony in Greece, date uncertain, p. 482. L. CocceiusNerva (12', Leg., Envoy 41, 87. M. Cocceius- f. - n. Nerva (13) Proq. pro pr. ? 41, Procos.? Asia 38-37,Cos.36, XV vir s. f. by 3l (seeBl, list). C. CoeliusC. f. Arn. (6, Supb. 3.255) Senatorin 129,p. 489. L. Coelius (l) Leg., Lieut. 170. L. Coelius(Coilius) (seel) Monetal. ca. 150-146,p. 486. P. Coelius (2) Plr.74. C. (Coelius) Antipater (6) Leg., Lieut.? 82. C. Coelius C. f. C. n. Caldus (12) Tr. Pl. l0Z, Pr. ca. 99, procos. ? Nearer Spain 98 ?, Cos. 94. C. Coelius Caldus (13) Monetal. ca. 100, p. 486, Promag. (Imp.), Augur, or X vir s. f. p. 485. C. Coe-liusCaldus (14) Monetal. ca. 62, p. 486, Q. 50, and. e. pro pr. Cilicia, 50-49. L. CoeliusCaldus (15) VII vir Epulo, date uncertain, p. 486. M. CoeliusVinicianus (27) Q. ca. 56, Tr. Pl. 58, Pr. ca. 48 ?, procos. probably Bithynia and Pontus 47. Cominius (l) Praef. Eq. Spain 179. L. ? Cominius (2) Tr. Pl. after 313. L. Cominius (7) Tr. Mil. 325. Postumus Cominius - f. - n. Auruncus (16) Cos. b0l, If 4gB, Leg., Envoy 488, Tr. Mil. ? 486. P. Condetius Va. X'i. (not in .B,E) Aed. before 200 (Rome ?),p. LB7. Considius (3, c{. 12 and 13) Quaesitor 52 (perhapsPr.). Q. Considius (6) Tr. PI.476. Q. Considius (7) Senator 74, p. 489. C. ConsidiusLongus (ll) Pr. by 58? or ca. E2 ?, Promag. (Propr. ?) Africa 5l?, 50, Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 49-46. C. ConsidiusNonianus (12) Monetal. ca. GB,p. 486. M. Considius Nonianus (13) Pr. by 54? or 50?, Propr. assignod Cisalp. Gaul, served in Campania 4g. C. Considius Paetus (14) Monetal. 45, p. 486. L. CoponiusL. f. CoIl. (4) Senator ca. 134, p. 489.
C. Coponius (3, and 9) Prefect Carrhae 53, Pr. 49, and Promag. (Propr. ?) X'leet 48. Q. Coponius Q. f. (7) Leg., Lieut. Greecebefore 150, p. 482. See below, Cosconius,no. 10. M'. CordiusRufus (2\ IIf vir Monetal. ca.46, p.436, Pr., p.463, Procos.,p.480. Cordus (not in "B.O) Monetal. ca,. 70-68, p. 436. Cornelius (not in .B,E) II vir naval. 282. Cornelius (not in .EE) Tr. Pl. ? before 90, p. 469. Cornelius (5) Scriba under Sulla, Q. urb' under Caesar,p. 475A. Cornelius (12) Q. 469. A. Cornelius(Cossus?) (f3, cf. f 12) Pont. Max. 431. C. CorneliusM. f. Stell. (17) Senatorin 129,p. 489. C. Cornelius (I8) Q. by 71, Tr. Pl. 67. Cn. Cornelius (22) Flam. Dial. r74-. Cn. CorneliusCn. f. Pal., seeCn. CorneliusCn. f. Dolabella (134,135). Cn. Cornelius (24\ Tr. Pl. 68 ? L. Cornelius- f. - n. (not in -B.O) Tr. Mil. c. p. ? 387. L. Cornelius M. f. Rom. (30) Senator in 129, see Additions and Corrections. (see 69, and 57, lists). L. Cornelius (51) Pont. Minor before 69P. Cornelius- f. - n. (40, cf. 54) Tr. Mil. c. p. 389. p. Cornelius- f. - n. (54, cf . 40) Tr. Mil. c. p. 385. Seeprevious entry. P. Cornelius (41, cf. 66, 316) fI vir naval. ? or tPtanf. or. ma,ritim. 3r0. P. Cornelius (a2) Pr. 234. P. Cornelius (not in RE) Q. Sicily, p. 478. P. Cornelius (a ) Tr. PI. 51. P. Cornolius (45) Prefect Sarsura 46. Q. Cornelius (52) 8.44. P. CorneliusA. f. P. n. Arvina (66, seeno. 4l) Cos. 306, Cens' 294, Cos.II 288. L. Cornelius L. f. Balbus (69) Cos. Suff. 40, Promag. ? ? Spain a0 (seeno. 70). L. Cornelius P. f. Balbus (Minor) (70) Leg., Envoy 49-48, Q. 44, Proq. ? 43, Promag. (Propr. ?) Spain 40. Cn. Cornelius P. f. Cn. n. Blasio (73) Cos. 270, Cens. 265, Cos. ff 257. Cn. Cornelius Blasio (74) Procos. Nearer Spain 199-196, Pr. Sicily r94. Cn. CorneliusBlasio (75) Monetal. ca. I05, p. 436.
P. Cornelius Blasio (76) Leg., Amb. 170, V vir fin. cognosc.stat. 168,Pr. ca. 165. P. Cornelius Blasio (see76) Monetal. ca. 150-133,p. 436. P. Cornelius Calussa (79) Pont. Max. ca. 332. Cornelius Cethegus (84) Senator in 63, p. 489. C. Cornelius L. f. M. n. Cethegus (S8) Procos. Spain 201-200, Aed. Cur. 199, Cos. 197, Cens. 194, Leg., Amb. 193. C. Cornelius Cethegus Pat. (89) Senator in 63, p. 489. M. Cornelius M. f. M. n. Cethegus (gZ) Aed. Cur. 213, I)r. Eastern Sicily 2ll, Cens. 209, Cos. 204, Procos. Cisalp. Gaul 203, perha,pse X'lamen, ?*ca.223, p. 486, Pont. 213-196 (see210, list). M. Cornelius C. f. C. n. Cethegus (93) Leg., Envoy 171, III vir col. deduc. 169,Pr. by 163,Cos. 160. P. Cornelius L. f. P. n. Cethegus (95) Aed' Cur. 187, Pr. I85, Cos. l8l, and Procos. in Liguria and Samnium 180, X vir agr. dand. assig. 173. P. Cornelius Cethegus (96) Pr. urb. and pereg. 184. (P. Cornelius?) Cethegus (Cetegus) (97) Monetal. ca. 104, p. 437. (Cornelius)Cinna (104) Q. aa @r 43?). (L. Cornelius) Cin(n)a (103) Monetal. ca. 150-133, p. 437. L. Cornelius L. f. - n. Cinna (105) Leg., Envoy ? 136, Pr. by 130, Cos. 127. L. CorneliusL. f. L. n. Cinna (106) P". by 90, Leg., Lieut. 90 ?, 89, 88, Cos. 87-84. L. Cornelius Cinna (107) Pr.44. L. Cornelius - f. - n. (Cinna ?) (32, cf.. I04) Cos. Suff. 32. A. Cornelius M. f. L. n. Cossus (1f2) Tr. Mil. 437, Cos. 428a, Tr. Mil. c. p.426, Mag. Eq. 426,Pont'.Max. ? 43I (cf. no. l3). A. (or M.) Cornelius- f. - n. Cossus (113, cf. 112) Cos. 413. A. Cornelius- f. - n. Cossus (1I4, cf. 112,ll3) Dict. 385. A. Cornelius-f. - n. Cossus (f f5) Tr. Mil. c. p. 369, 367. Cn. Cornelius A. f. M. n. Cossus (116) Tr. Mil. c. p. 414, Cos. 409. Cn. Cornelius P. f. A. n. Cossus (II7) Tr. Mil. c. p. 406, 404, 4Ol, Leg., Amb. 398. M. (or A.) Cornelius-f. - n. Cossus (113,cf' LIz,ILA) Cos.413. P. Comelius A. f. P. n. Cossus (lf 8) Tr. Mil. c. p. 415. P. Cornelius A. f. M. n. Cossus (rf9) Tr. MiI. c. p. 408. P. CorneliusP. f. A. n. Cossus (120) Tr. Mil. c. p. 395, II ? 394 (see no. 39). Ser. Cornelius- f. - n. Cossus (l2l) Tr. Mil. c. p.? 434 (Diod.). A. Cornelius P. f. A. n. CossusArvina (122) Mag. Eq. 363, 349, Cos. 343, If 332, Dict'. 322, X'etialis 320.
Cn. Cornelius Dolabella (l3l) Rex Sacr. 208-180. Cn. Cornelius Cn. f. Cn. n. Dolabella (f32) Aed. Cur. 165, Pr. by 162,Cos.159. Cn. Cornelius Cn. f. Cn. n. Dolabella (134) Tr. Mil. ? 89 (see 22a, Supb. 3.258, and no. 135), Leg., Lieut. ? 83-82, Cos. 81, Procos. Macedonia80-77. Cn. Cornelius Dolabella (135) Tr. Mil. ? 89 (see 22a, Supb. 3.258, and no. 134),Pr. urb. 81, Procos.Cilicia 80-79. L. CorneliusDolabella (137) II vir na,val. 180-178. L. CorneliusP. f. L. n. Dolabella (138) Pr. ca. 100,Procos.X'arther Spain 99-98. P. Cornelius- f. - n. Dolabella (139) Cos. 283, Leg., Amb. 280. P. CorneliusDolabella (140) Pr. 69 (or 68 ?), Procos.Asia 68 ? P. CorneliusP. f. - n. Dolabella (l4l) Leg., Lieut.? 4948, Tr. Pl. 47,Leg., Lieut. ? 45, Cos. Suff.44, fI vir act. Caes.confirm. 44,VII vir agr. divid. 44, Procos. Syria 4a-43, XV vir s. f. 5I-43. Cornelius Gallus (163) Pr., late Rep. or early Aug., p. 464. C. Cornelius Gallus (164) Prefect pecun. cog.? (or III vir agr. divid. ?) 4l-40 (see41, Spec.Comm.). Cornelius Lentulus (172, or Ig2) Pr. f 37 ? (Cornelius) Lentulus ? (not in RE) Flam. Martial. ? ca. 45? Cn. Cornelius (Lentulus) (21,175) Leg., Amb. 196. Cn. CorneliusL. f. L. n. Lentulus (176) Tr. Mil. 216, Q. 212, Aed. Cur. 205, Cos. X'leet 201, and Procos. X'leet 200, III vir col. scrib. 199, Leg. Amb., 196*f95 (seeno. 2l), Augur before 217-184 (see 210,list). Cn. CorneliusCn. f . L. n. Lentulus (177) Leg., Amb. 161,Pr. by 149, Cos. 146. Cn. CorneliusCn. f. Cn. n. Lentulus (178) Pr. by 100,Cos.97. Tr. Pl., and Leg., Lieut., in tho Cn. (Cornelius) Lentulus (-) subsequentyear, before66,pp. 469, 482.Seebelow, nos. 216, and228. L. Cornelius- f. - n..Lentulus (186) Cos. 327, Leg., Envoy 321, Dict. 320. L. Cornelius Lentulus (187) Pr. Sardinia 2ll, Leg., Lieut. 209, X vir s. f. ? 2f3-173 (seenos. 187, 212). L. CorneliusL. f. L. n. Lentulus (l8S) Procos. Spain 206-200,Aed. Cur. 205, Cos. Cisalp. Gaul 199, and Procos. into 198, Leg., Amb. 196-f95 (seeno. 28), X vir s. f. ? 213-173(seenos. I87,212). L. CorneliusLentulus (f90, fgf ?) Leg., Envoy f68. L. CorneliusLentulus (190, l9l, 192, cf.. 172) Pr. ? 140. L. Cornelius- f. - n. Lentulus (192, cf. lgl, 172) Pr. 140? or 137? (by 133),Cos.130.
L. Cornelius Ser. f. Lentulus (193, 195, see Supb. 3.259) Q. boforr r00. L. CorneliusLentulus (194, f 95) Pr., p. 464, Procos.Asia ? 82. L. CorneliusLentulus (196) X'lam. Martial. ? ca. 56. L. CorneliusLentulus (Cruscellio?) (197, cf. 219) Pr.? 44. L. Cornelius- f. - n. Lentulus (197, cf. 219) Cos. Suff. 38. P. CorneliusLentulus (200) Pr. Sicily 214, Propr. 213-212. P. Cornelius L. f. L. n. Lentulus (202) Leg., Amb. 172, Tr. Mil. l7l, Aed. Cur. 169, Leg., Envoy 168, Pr. urb. 165,Cos. Suff. 102, Leg., Amb. 156, Princeps Sen. 125-after 120. P. CorneiiusP. f. Lentulus (202a, Supb. 3.359f.) Pr. ? 128 in Macodonia ?. P. Cornelius Lentulus (203) Leg., Lieut. 90. P. (Cornelius)P. f. L. n. Lentulus (204) Q. ca.74. See no. 238. Ser. CorneliusCn. f. Cn. n. Lentulus (206) Cos. 303. Ser. CorneliusLentulus (207) Aed. Cur. 207,Tt.1\,1i1.205. Ser. Cornelius Lentulus (208a) Leg., Amb. 172, Pr. Sicily f 69. Ser. Cornelius Lentulus (208b) Procos., probably Asia, late II, p. a80. L. Cornelius Ti. f. Ser. n. Lentulus Caudinus (210) Cos. 275. L. Cornelius L. f. Ti. n. Lontulus Caudinu's (211) Cos. 237, Cens. 236, Pont. before 221-213, Pont. Max. 221-213. L. Cornelius (Lentulus) Caudinus (212) Aed. Cur. ? 209 (see no. 2r4). P. Cornelius L. f. Ti. n. Lentulus Caudinus (213) Cos. 236. P. CorneliusLentulus Caudinus (2I4) Aed. Cur. ? 209 (see2I2),Pr. Sardinia 203, and Propr. 202, Leg., Amb. 196, 189-188. Cn. Cornelius Cn. f. - n. Lentulus Clodianus (216) Pr. by 75, Cos. 72, Cens.70,Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 67-. SeeCn. Lentulus, Tr. Pl. and Leg., Lieut. before 66, pp. 469, 482, resp. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus (2I7) Leg., Amb. 60, Pr. de maiestate? 59. L. CorneliusP. f. - n. Crus (218) Pr. 58, Cos. 49, Procos.48. L. ? CorneliusLentulus Cruscellio (2f 9, cf. f 97) Leg., Lieut. ? under Sex. Pompey 42-39 or Pr. after 39, and Leg., Lieut. 38-36 (soe38). L. CorneliusCn. f. L. n. Lentulus Lupus (224) Aed. Cur. 103, L€9., Amb. 162-161,Pr. by 159, Cos. 156, Cens. 147, X vir s. f. ? 143 (mention), Princeps Sen. I30-before 125. Cn. Cornelius P. f. - n. Lentulus Marcellinus (228) Monetal. ca. 87, p.437, Q.74?, Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 67-, Pr. 60, Promag.(Procos?) Syria 59-58, Cos. 56, VII vir Bpulo before 56 (mention). See Cn. Lentulus, Tr. Pl. and Leg., Lieut. beforo 66, pp. 469, 482, resp.
P. Cornelius Lentulus Mar(celli) f. (230) Moneüal. ca. 95-91, p. 4B?. P. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus (231, see 228) Q. cum imperio Cyrone 75 or 74 (see75). P. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus (232) Q. 43. (P. Cornelius Lentulus) Marcellinus (233) Monetal. ca. 38, p. 437. L. Cornelius Lentulus Niger (234) Pr. by 61, X'lam. Martial. before 69-56. P. CorneliusP. f. L. n. Lentulus Spinther (238, cf..204) Q. urb. ca. 74, Aed. Cur. 63, h. urb. 60, Promag. (Procos.?) Nearer Spain 59, Cos. 57, Procos. Cilicia 56-54, and in Italy 53-5f, Pont. ca. 60-47 (see60, and 57, lists). L. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther (239) Q. 44?, Proq. pro pr. Asia 43, Leg., Lieut. ? 43-42, Augur 57-*a. 42 (see 50, list). P. Cornelius Lentulus Sura (240) Q. 81, Pr. de repetundis ?4, Cos. 71,Pr. II 63. Cornelius - f. - n. Maluginensis (cf. 251) Cos. 393 (abdicated or never entered office). M. Cornelius L. f. Ser. n. Maluginensis (246) X vir consul. imp.leg. scrib. 45M49. M. Cornelius (M. f. L.n.) Maluginensis (2a7) Cos. a36. M. Cornelius P. f. M. n. Maluginensis (248) Cens. Suff. 392. M. CorneliusP. ? f. M. ? n. Maluginensis (249) Tr. Mil. c. p. 369, 367. P. Cornelius M. f. M. n. Maluginensis (250, cf. 39) Tr. Mil. c. p. 404. P. Cornelius P. f. M. n. Maluginensis (262, cL. 25I) Tr. Mil. c. p. 397, Mag. Eq. 396, Cos.? 393, Tr. Mil. c. p. II 390 (seeno. 39). Ser. Cornelius - f. - n. Maluginensis (253) Cos. 485, X'lam. Quirinal. ?-453. Ser. Cornelius P. f. M. n. Maluginensis (254) Cos. ? 393 (see no. 251; Degrassi 100), Tr. Mil. c. p. 386, 384, 382, 380, 376, 370, 368, Mag. Eq. 361. L. Cornelius Ser. f. P. n. Maluginonsis Uritinus (256) Cos. 459. A. Cornelius Mammula (257) Pr. Sardinia 217, and Propr. 216. A. Cornelius Mammula (258) Pr. Bruttium l9l, and Propr. lg0. M. CorneliusMammula (259) Leg., Amb. 173. P. Cornelius Mammula (260) Pr. Sicily f80. Cn. Cornelius Merenda (265) Pr. Sardinia l94,Leg.,Amb. ? f 89-f88. Ser. CorneliusP. f. Ser. n. Merenda (267) Leg., Lieut. 276, Cos.274. Cn. CorneliusMerula (268) Leg., Amb. ? f 89-f 88 (seeno. 265). Cn. Cornelius Merula (269) Leg., Amb. 162, 154. L. CorneliusL. f. - n. Merula (270) Pr. urb. 198,fII vir col. deduc. 194,Cos. 193. L. CorneliusMerula (271) Aed. Cur. 161.
L. Cornelius- f . - n. Merula (272) Pr. by g0 ?, Cos. Suff. 8?, Flem. Dial. ?-87. P. Cornelius- f . - n. Rufinus (301) Dict. 334 (Liv.), g3g (fC). P. Cornelius Cn. f. P. n. Rufinus (302) Cos. 290, Dict. between 292 and 285 (see285),Cos.277. P. CorneliusM. f. L. n. Rutilus Cossus (30?) Dict. 408, Tr. Mil. c. p.' 406. P. Cornelius - f. - n. Scapula (315, 316, 344, see no.4l) Cos.? 828. See P. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, rro. 3M. Cornelius Scipio (3lS) Leg., Lieut.? 77. Cn. Cornelius Scipio (not in J?Z) fII vir agr. dand. assig. 218. Cn. Cornelius Scipio (320,325) Pr.? t77 ? (seeno. 846). Cn. CorneliusScipio (321) Pr. ca. 109. L. Cornelius P. f. - n. Scipio (322) fnterrex Bb2, Cos. 350, Cens.? 340. L. CorneliusL. f. Cn. n. Scipio (323) Aed. Cur. before 259 (soo261), Cos. 259, Cens. 258. L. Cornelius Scipio (524) Tr. Mil. by 168, Q. urb. 167. L. Cornelius Scipio (325) Pr. pereg. 174. P. Cornelius - f. - n. Scipio (328) Tr. Mil. c. p. 395, II ? 894 (see no. 39), fnterrex 391, 389. P. Cornelius P. f. - n. Scipio (329) Aed. Cur. 866, Mag. Eq. 860, Cens.? 34O. P. CorneliusL. f. L. n. Scipio (330) Cos.2I8, Procos.Spain zt7-Ztt. P. Cornelius Scipio (Africani f.) (331) Augur I80- (see 179, list). P. CorneliusP. f. Scipio (see331) X'lam. Dial., ff cent., p. 486. P. Cornelius P. f. - n. (Scipio ?) (not in RE) Cos. Suff. 85. P. Cornelius P. f. P. n. Scipio Africanus Aemilianus (BB5) Tr. Mil. l5l, Leg., Envoy 150,Tr. Mil. f4g-f48, Cos.Africa 147,and Procos. 146, Cens. 142, Leg., Amb. 140-139,Cos. II Nearer Spain lB4, and Procos. 133-132.Augur before 140-f2g (seel4l and tBB, lists). P. Cornelius P. f. L. n. Scipio -$ricanus (gg6) Tr. Mil. 216, Aed. Cur. 213, Procos. Spain 210-2\6, Cos. 20b, Procos. A_frica ZO4-IZOI, Cens. 199, Cos.ff l94,Leg., Ahb. Africa tg3, and Asia? lgg, Leg., Lieut. lg0, Leg., Lieut. ? 184?, Salius before Zll-f84 or l8B (eeo 190), Princeps Senatus 199, 194, l8g. L. Corneiius P. f. L. n. Scipio Asiaticus (gBT) Leg., Envoy 207, 206, 202, Leg., Lieut. 207-202, Q. ca. tg6, Aod. Cur. 196?, pr. Sicily lg3, Leg., Envoy 191, Leg., Lieut. lgl, Cos. Greecoand Asia 190, and Procos. until triumph l8g, Leg., Amb. ? 186, Leg. Amb. t 83. L. CorneliusL. f. L. n. Scipio Asiaticus (Asiagenus) (gg8) Monotal.
ca. l0l, p. 437. Leg.,.I;leuü.? 90, Pr. by 86, Promag. (Propr. ?) Macedonia ? 85 ?, Cos. 83, Pont. 88-after 82. Cn. CorneliusL. f. n. Cn. ScipioAsina (341) Cos.X'leet260, II Sicily 254, andProcos.253. P. Cornelius (Cn. f. L. n.) Scipio Asina (342) Cos' 221, IIf vir agr. dand. assig. 218, fnterrex 216. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus (see 343, 344) Pont. Max.? 304 (mention). L. CorneliusCn. f. - n. Scipio Barbatus (343) Aed. Cur. 301 ?, Cos. 298, Leg., Lieut. 297, Leg., Lieut.? 295, and Propr. 295, Leg,, Lieut. 293, Cens. 280 ?, Pont. Max. ? before 304-after 280 (see below, no. 344). P. Cornelius - f. - n. Scipio Barbatus (344, cf.. 2L6) Cos. 328 ? (see P. Cornelius Scapula), Dict. 306, perhaps Pont. Max' ? in 304 (see above, no. 343). Cn. Cornelius - f. - n. Scipio Calvus (345) Cos. 222, Leg., Lieut. 218, Promag. (Procos.?) Spain 217-2II. Cn. CorneliusCn. f . L. n. ScipioIlispallus (346) Leg., Lieut. ?, Greece and Asia 190 (seeAdditions and Corrections),Pr. pereg' 179, Cos. 176,Pont. 199-176(seelist, 179). Cn. Cornelius Scipio Hispanus (347) X vir stlit. iud. before 150 (seep. 485), Q. ca. 150, Tr. Mil. before 150, 149, Aed. Cur. 14I ?, Pr. pereg. 139, X vir s. f. 139 (mention). M. Coinelius Scipio Maluginensis (348, cf. 35) Pr. 176 (assigned X'arther Spain but excused). P. Cornelius Cn. f. L. n. Scipio Nasica (350) Q. ca. 200, III vir col. deduc. 200, Aed. Cur. 197,Pr. X'arther Spain 194, and Promag. (Propr., Liv.) 193, Cos. Cisalp. GauI l9l, and Procos. 190, III vir col. deduc. 183, Leg., Amb. ? 183, Spec. Comm. on extortion in Spain t7l. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica (351) Pr. ca. 93. P. CorneliusP. f. Cn. n. Scipio Nasica (Corculum) (353) Aed. Cur. 169,Tr. Mil. 168,16?,Pr. 165,Cos.162,Cens.159,Cos.II 155,Leg., Amb. 152,Tr. Mil. 150, Pont. before 15O-14I, Pont. Max. 150-141, Princeps Senatus 147, 142. P. CorneliusP. f. P. n. Scipio Nasica Serapio (354) Tr. Mil. ? l4g, Pr. by l4l, Cos. 138, Leg., Amb. 132, Pont. l4l ?-132, Pont. Max.
t4r-r32. P. CorneliusP. f. P. n. Scipio Nasica Serapio (355) Pr. by tt4, Coe. lll. (Cornelius?) Sisenna (3?l) Leg., Lieut. or Prcfect 57. Cn. Cornelius Sisenna (373) Pr. Macedonia l19, and Procos. ll8.
Cn. CorneliusL. f. Sisenna(see373) Monetal. ca. 100,p. 437. L. Cornelius Sisenna (374) Pr. urb. and pereg. 78, Promag. ? Sioily I 77, Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 67. P. Cornelius Sisenna (375) Pr. urb. 183. X'austusCornelius Sulla (377) Monetal. ca. 62, p. 437,Tr. Mil. ? 03' Q. 54, Curator to build Curia Hostilia 52, Proq. pro pr. 49-47' Promag. AJrica 46, Augur ca. 57-46 (see50, list). P. CorneliusP. f. Sulla (382) Flam. DiaI. ca. 250. P. Cornelius Sulla (Rufus Sibylla ?) (3SB) Pr. urb. and pereg. 212, X vir s. f.212 (mention). P. Cornelius Sulla (384) Pr. Sicily 186. P. (Cornelius)Sul(l)a (see384) Monetal. ca. 145-137,p. 437' P. Cornelius Sulla (385) Senator in 63, p. a89. P. CorneliusP. ? f. L. n. Sulla (3s6) III vir col. deduc. Pompeii 80, Pr. by 68, Cos.Desig. 65, Leg., Lieut. ? 4847. Ser. Cornelius Sulla (2, 3S8) Pr. 175, Promag. (Propr. ?) Sardinia 174,Leg., Amb. 167. Ser. Cornelius Sulla (3Sg) Senatorin 63, p. 490. L. Cornelius L. f. P. n. Sulla X'elix (392) Q. 107, Proq. 106-105, and pro pr. 105, Leg., Envoy 106,-I05, Leg., Lieut. 104, 103, Tr. . Un. lOg, l,eg., Lieut. 102-101,Pr.'urb.93, Propr. Cilicia 92,Leg., Lieut. 90, S9,and Promag. ? 89,Cos. 88, Procos. Greece,Magedonia, Asia 87-84, and in Italy 83-81',Dict' T; p. c..82-79,"Cos.80, Augur before 88-78 (mention in 88). L. Cornificius (4) Senator 52, p. 490. L. Cornificius L. f. - n. (5) Tr. Pl. 43,Leg-, Lieut. ? orPraeL.Class'? 38, Leg., Lieut. 36, Cos. 35, Procos.AJrica 34t-33. Q. Cornificius (7, Supb. 1.331) Tr. PI. 69, Pr. by 66. Q. Cornificius (8) Q' pro pr. Illyricun 48-47, Cilicia 46, Pt' 46?, Procos. Africa Vetus 4442, Augur ca. 47-42. C. Coruncanius (l) Leg., Amb. 230. L. Coruncanius (2) Leg., Amb. ? 230. Ti. CoruncaniusTi. f. Ti. n. (3) Cos. 280, Dict. 246, Pont' before 25+-243, Pont. Max. 254 243. (t) Viocurus (Aed. Pl. ?)' p. 485. Q, Cosconius (3, Supb. 3.262) Leg., Lieut.z. or Pr. ? 89, Procos' Illyricum 78-76. PerhaPsPr. 79. C. Cösconius (4) Pr. 63, Procos' X'arther Spain 62, V vir agr' dand' . igd. (or XX vir) 59. C. Cosconius (5) Tr. Pl. 59, Aed. Pl. 57, Pr. 54 ? and Procos' Macodonia? ca.63-52 ? (seealso 48, Praetors). L. Cosconius (6) Monetal. ca. 112-108'p: !37.
M. Cosconius (7) Tr. Mil. 203. M.- Cosconius (S) Pr. Macedonia lB5, and promag. (procos. ?) r34-132. M. CosconiusM. f. Ter. (g, cf. g) Senator in 129,p. 490. Q. Cosconius (10) Legate in Greece before 150, p. 481. SeeCosconius no. 7. L. Cossinius (2) P:r.? 78. L. CossutiusMaridianus (4) IIII vir a. a. a. f.. f . 44,p. 487. L. CossutiusC. f. Sabula (6) Monetal. ca.72, p. 488-. Crepereius (noü in .BZ) Tb. pl. ?, date uncerüain, p. 469. M. Crepereius (l) ?r. Mil. 69. Q. CrepereiusRocus (S) Monetal. ca. 70-68, p. Bg. !..Crepugius (l) Monetal. ca 88-82, p. B8. $ispius Laevus (6) Leg., Envoy 4g. Critonius (l) Aed. 44, possibly Aed. Cer. L. Critonius (2) Aed. PI. ca. 88. L. culleolus (l) Pr. ca. 60, promag. (propr. ?) Macedonia or illyricum ca. 59. p. C^unrgnnius (2) h_efect (orT-eg.?) agr. dand. assig.44. L. Cupiennius (B) Monetal. "a. ies-rig, p. 4Bg. C. Curiatius (3, cf. 10, tl) Tr. pl. tBS. P. Curiatius (4) Tr. Pt. 401. P. curiatius - f. - n. x''istus Trigeminus (6) cos. 458, X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 451. C. Curiatius Trigeminus (f0) Monetal. ca. t35-134, p. 4Bg. c. curiatius Trigeminus- filius (rr) Monetal. ca. rgä-rzo, p. 4Bg. Curius (2, 8) Procos. between 47 and.45 (see 45). Curiue (3) Leg., Lieut. ? 95. M'. Curius (4) Tr. Pl. 198. Q. Curius (1, cf. ?) Q. ? by 71. Q. Curius (?, cf. r) Pr. by67. M'. CuriusM'. f. M'. n. Dentätus (9) Tr. pl. 298 ?,Cos.290,pr. Suff. ? 293,Cos.II 275,III 274,Cens.27Z,II vir aquaeporducendae270. _M. Curbius (8) Q. 61. Q. Curbius (ll) Monetal. (III vir?) ca. 108-107,p.4Bg. c. (or Agrippa) curtius - f. - n. chilo (or philo)(p. cuiatius, Liv.) (15) Cos.445. C. Curtius Peducaeanus (28) pr. 50. Y'. @nC.) CurüiusPeducaeanus (28) Tr. pt. 52, pr. 50. C. (Curtius) Postumus (24) e. by Tl (candidatefor pr. 68). M. Curtius Postumus (26) Tr. Mil. 54, pr. 47 or 46. Q. Curtius (Postumus?) (12, cf . 25) Aed. ? Zl, fud. euaest. 20.
Q. Curtius Salassus (32) Prefect under Antony at Aradue 41. M. Cusinius (l) Pr.? 44. Dasius (l) Prefect Clastidium 218. C. Decidius C. f. Rufus (not in .B.O) X vir agr. dand. assig.? 91. Decidius Saxa (3) Q. 41, Proq. 40 ? L. Decidius C. f. Saxa (4) Tr. Pl. 44, VII vir agr. divid. | 44, Leg, Lieut. (pro pr. ?) under Antony in Syria 4240. C. Decimius (l) Leg., Amb. l7l, Pr. pereg. 169,Leg., Amb. f68. C. Decimius (2) Q. before 46, p. 475, Prefect ? Cercina 48. L. Decimius (3) Leg., Amb. 172. M. Decimius (4) Leg., Amb. ? L72. C. Decimius X'lavus (8) Tr. Mil. 209. C. Decimius X'lavus (9) Pr. urb. 184. (C. Decimius ?) Flavus (seeg), seeFlavus. Decius (l) Senator 43, p. 490. L. Decius (not in .B.O) Tr. Pl. 415. M. Decius (7) Leg., Envoy 493, Tr. Pl. 491. M. Decius (8) Tr. Pl. 3ll. P. Decius (9) Tr. Pl. 120, Pr. 115. P. Decius (10) Leg., Lieut. ? 43,Tr. Pl. a,fter52 and before 44,p.469, P. Decius Q. f. - n. Mus (15) V vir mensar.352, Tr. Mil. 343, Cos. 340. P. Decius P. f. Q. n. Mus (16) Cos. 312, Leg., Lieut. 310, Cos. II 308, Mag. Eq. 306, Cens.304, Cos.fff 297, Procos. 296,Cos.Mg6, Pont. 300-295. P. Decius P. f. P. n. Mus (17) Cos. 279, Cos. Suff. ? ? 265 (see266, note 2). P. Decius Subolo (20) III vir col. deduc. 169,Leg., Envoy 168. Q. Dellius (l) Leg., Envoy 41,39,35, 34, 31. Demetrius (not in RE), see (C. Iulius) Demetrius. Demochares (7), see (Pompeius) Demochares. (T. ?) Didius (t) Tr. Pl. 143. C. Didius C. f. Quir. (not in ÄE) Senator 129,p. 490. C. Didius (2) Leg., Lieut. 46-45. Q. Didius (4) Leg., Lieut. (or Promag.) Syria 31. T. Didius T. f. Sex.n. (5) Tr. Pl. 103,Pr. by lOt, Procos.Macodonia 100-99?, Cos. Nearer Spain 98, and Procos. 97-93, Log., Liouü. 90-89. T. Didius (see5) Monetal. ca. I05-lM, p. 438. Sex. Digitius (2) Pr. Nearer Spain lg4, and Promag. Ig3, Log., Lieut. 190,Leg., Amb. f 74-173,172.
Sox. Digitius (3) Tr. Mil. lZ0. Gtr. Domitius (see19) Monetal. ca. 150-146,p. 488. Cn. Domitius (not in RE) Monetal. ca. lf9-109, p. 489. Cn. Domitius (ll) fud. Quaest.56, pr. ? ca. il,praef. Eq. 49. L. Domitius Cn. f. po?1 (Ahenobarbus ?) (not in ,BZ) Senator 129, p. 490. M. Domitius P. f. (not in -B.O) Leg., Amb. tt3. Cn. Domitius L. f. L. n. Ahenobarbus (tg) Aed. pl. tg6, pr. urb. ^.lg- 4,Cos.Cisalp.Gaul lg2, and Procos.lgl, Leg., Lieut. ? f g0. Cn. Domitius Cn. f. L. n. Ahenobarbus (19) pr. tZO?, Leg., Envoy 169-168,Leg., Amb. lO7, Cos. Suff. 162,pont. 172_. Cn. Domitius Cn. f. Cn. n. Ahenobarbus (20, Supb. 8.g49) L"g. Lieut. l2g-t26 ?, Pr. by 125, Cos. Transalp. GaullZZ, and Frocoi. l2l-120 (or ll7 ?) cens. rt5, Pont. ?-r04. see Additions and corrections. cn. Domitius cn. f . cn. n. ahenobarbus (2r) rr vir col. ded. Narbo ? l18 (seeAdditions and Corrections), Monetal. ca. l0g_102,p. 43g, Tr. Pl. 104, Pr. ca. gg, Cos. g6, Cens. g2, pont., and pont^. Max. 103-ca. 89. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus (22) promag. ? Africa 82_8f . cn. Domitius L. f. cn. n. Ahenobarbus (zr) Leg., Lieut .? or praef. präcos. BithSmia and Class.? 44-42, fromag. (Imp.) Eleetr 42-40, Pontus under Antony 40-94, Cos. 82, procos. ? or Leg., Lieut. ? withAntony 31. L. Domitius cn. f. cn. n. Ahenobarbus (26) pr. sicity gT ?, cos. 94. L. Domitius Cn. f. Cn. n. Ahenobarbus (27) e. 66, Aed. Cur. 61, Pr. 58, Cos. 54, Quaesitor 52, Procos. Transalp. Gaul 4g (assigned), and in Greecewith Pompey 49-48, pont. by 50-48. Domitius calvinus (40) commander in Liguria, date uncertain, p. 464. Cn. Domitius - f. - n. Calvinus (42) Cos-.332. Cn. Domitius M.^f-.M. n Calvinus (48, cf. lr; Supb. g.A94) L"g., Lieut. 62, Tr. Pl. 59, Pr, de ambitu 56, Cos. 58, procos. ?'or L$.', Lieut. Asia 48-46, Mag. Eq. Desig. for 43 (see 44), Leg., Lieuh. i2', Cos. II 40, Procos. Spain 89-96, Pont. ca.45-after 20 ?lsee Bt, list). M. Domitius Calvinus (44) Pr. 80, Procos. Nearer Spain 79. Cn. Domitius Cn. f. Cn. n. Calvinus Maximus (48) Ald. Cur. Zgg?, ki Cos. 283, Dict. 280, Cens. 280. lulllius ? (not in RE) Monetal., early date, p. 489. See Durmius. C. Duillius (2) V vir mensar.352. C. Duillius M. f. M. n. (A) Cos.260, Cens.258, Dict. 2Bl. K. Duillius - f. - n. Longus ? (4) X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 450-449.
K. Duillius - f. - n. (5) Cos. 336, IIf vir col. deduc. BB4. M. Duillius (6) Tr. Pl. 470, 449. M. Duillius (7) Tr. Pl. 357. C. Duillius K. f. K. n. Longus (8) Tr. Mil. c. p. 399. Durmius ? (not in RE) Monetal., early date, p. 489. See Duillius. L. Duronius (2) Pr. Apulia and Istria l8l, and Propr. 180. M. Duronius (3) Tr. Pl. by 97.
Egnatius (5) Praef. Eq. 53. Cn. Egnatius C. f. Stell. (not in -B,E') Senator ca. 165,p. g0. Cn. Egnatius Cn. f. (8) Senator before 70, p. 490. C. Egnatius Cn. f. Cn. n. Maximus (27, cf. 2, and.5) Monotal. oa. 73, p. 439, Senator before 70, p. 490. C. Egnatius C. f. Rufus (not in .8.8) X vir agr. dand. assig.? 9l ? C. Egnatuleius (l) Monetal. ca. 96-94, p.439, or Q. (Pink), p. 468. L. Egnatuleius (2) Q. 44. C. Epidius Marcellus (3) Tr. Pl. 44. M. Eppius (2) Q. by 52 (see51, additional note), Leg., Lieut. Afrioa 46, Spain 44. Seep. 490. L. Equitius (3) Tr. PI. 99 (killed Dec. 10, 100). C. Erenucius - f. - n. (not in .B,E) Tr. Mil. c. p. 379 (Diod.). Erucius (l) Tr. Mil. ? orPrefect ? Chaeronea86. L. Erucius L. f. Stell. (3) Senator in 44, p. 490. Extitius (l) Q. 43. L. X'aberiusL. f. Serg. (2) Senator 78, p. 490. X'abius (not in -B.O) Tr. Mil. c. p. ? 387 (Diod. inE). Fabius (not in .BZ) Tr. Mil. c.p.? 3s3 (Diod. inE). X'abius (2) Tr. Pl. ?, dato uncertain, p. 469. Fabius (l) Tr.Pl.? 64? X'abius (3, cf. 100) Prefect Damascus 43-42. C. F(abius ?) (not in RE) Monetal. ca. 103.102,p. 439. C. X'abiusC. f. (Buteo) (16) Monetal. ca. 96-94, p. 439. C. X'abius (Hadrianus ?) (17) Pr. 58, Procos. Asia 67. C. Fabius (cf. l7) Tr. Pl. 66?,Leg., Lieut. 6+-49. Kaeso (X'abius) (not in rB.O) Leg., Envoy 264. K. X'abiusM. f. N. n. (19) Leg., Lieut. ? 310. L. X'abius (21) Leg., Envoy 2O3. L. X'abius (22) Quaesitor 52. Q. X'abius (30, lfO) Aed. Cur. bef. 266 (seo2B?). Fabius Albus (not in .B.O) Tr. Mil. c. p. ? 382 (Diod. inBl. C. X'abius Ambustus (39), see K. X'abius Ambustus (42). 36 Broughton II
C. Fabius N. f. M. n. Ambustus (40) Cos. 368, Interrex 355. C. Fabius M. f. N. n. Ambustus (al) Mag. Eq. Suff. 315. K. Fabius M. f. Q. n. Ambustus (42, cf. 39) Q. 409, Tr. Mil. c. p. 404,If 401, Leg., Amb. ? 398, Tr. Mil. c. p. III 395, Leg., Amb. 391, Tr. Mil. c. p. IV 390. M. Fabius K. f. M. n. Ambustus (a3) Tr. Mil. c. p. 381, 369, Cens. 363. M. X'abius N. f. M. n. Ambustus (44) Cos. 360, 356, fnterrex 366, Cos. 354, Interrex 351, Dict.35l, fnterrex? 340,III vir col. deduc.? 334, Mag. Eq. 322 (cf. no. 24). Princeps Senatus, date uncertain (Pliny lffl 7.I33). N. (or Cn.) X'abius M. f. Q. n. Ambustus (a5) Tr. Mil. c. p. 406, Leg., Amb. ? 398, 391, Tr. Mil. c. p. 390 (cf. no. 48). Q. X'abiusQ.f.M.n. Ambustus (a6) Cos.412, see Q. X'abiusQ. f. M. n. Vibulanus (166). Q. X'abius- f. - n. Ambustus (47) Mag. Eq. 344,Dict,.321. Q. X'abiusM. f. Q. n. Ambustus (a8) Leg., Amb. 391, Tr. Mil. c. p.390. M. X'abiusM. f. M. n. Buteo (53) Cos. 245, Cens.241, Leg., Amb. ? 218, Dict. 216, Princeps Senatus, after the lection of. 2I4 (perhaps of 220 and.216),and through 210. M. X'abiusButeo (54) Aed. Cur. 203, Pr. Sardinia 201. N. X'abiusM. f. M. n. Buteo (55) Cos. 247, Mag. ßq.224. N. X'abius Buteo (56) Pr. Hither Spain 173 (died at Massilia). Q. X'abiusButeo (31,.57) Leg., Envoy 198, Pr. X'arther Spain 196. Q. X'abiusButeo (32, 58) Q. Spain 188-186?, Pr. GaIl. Cisalp. l8l, and Propr. 180,III vir col. deduc. 180,V. vir fin. cognosc.stat. 168. C. (or K. ?) X'abiusDorsuo (68) Pont. ? 390. M. Fabius C. f. - n. Dorsuo (69, cI. 24) Cos. 345, fnterrex ? 340 (seo no. 44),III vir col. deduc.? 334 (seeno. 44). C. X'abius Hadrianus (82) Pr. Africa 84, and Propr. 83-82. M. Fabius Had.rianus (83) Leg., Lieut. 72-68 or 67. L. Fabius L. f. Ilispaniensis (84) Q. 81, officer of Sertorius ?-72. Q. X'abius Q. f. Q. n. Labeo (91) Q. urb. ? 196, Pr. X'leet 189, and Promag. (Propr. ?) 188, III vir col. deduc. 184,Cos. 183,IIIvircol. deduc. 183, Procos. Liguria 182-181,Leg., Amb. ? 167, Pont. 180(see179,list). Q. Fabius Labeo (92) Monetal. ca. 109,p. 439. Q. X'abius Labeo (cf. 92) Pr. Nearer Spain, and Procos., late II (see l l 0 B . C . ) ,p . 4 6 4 . C. X'abiusM. f. M. n. Licinus (70) Cos. 273. M. Fabius C. f. M. n. Licinus (94) Cos. 246.
Q. X'abius Q.f. Q.n. Maximus (f03) Tr. Mil. 216, Aod. Cur. 216, Pr. Apulia 214, Cos. Apulia 213, Leg., Lieut. 212, 2Og-208,Iag., Envoy 207. Q. X'abius Maximus (104) Augur 203-196. Q. Fabius Maximus (105) Q. X'arther Spain 188-186?, Pr. pereg. l8I. Q. X'abius Maximus (107) Monetal. ca. 125-120, p. 439 (seebolow, no. lll). Q. X'a(bius) (not in RE) Q. Sicily, p.478. Seeno. 108. Q. X'abius Q. f. Q. n. Maximus (108) Aed. Cur. 57, Pr. ? by 48, Leg., Lieut. Spain 46-45, Cos. Suff . a5 (Oct. I to Dec. 3l). Q. X'abius Q.f. Q.n. Maximus Aemilianus (109) Leg., Envoy 108, Leg., Lieut. ? 168-167,Leg., Amb. I54, Pr. Sicily 149, Cos.X'arther Spain 145, and Procos. 14+-143, Leg., Lieut. 13+-132. Q. X'abiusQ. Aemiliani f. Q.n. Maximus Allobrogicus (ll0) Q. 134, Pr. by 124, and,Propr. Spain 123, Cos.Transalp. Gaul l2l, and Procos.120-ll7?,Leg., Amb. ? l13 (seeno. lll). SeeAdditions and Corrections. Monotal ?. Q. X'abiusQ. Servilianif. Q. n. Maximus (Eburnus) (IIr) ca. 134 (Mommsen),p. 439 (seeno. f07), Q. I32, Pr. llg, Cos. 116, Procos.Macedonia ? I l5 (seeAdditions and Corrections),Leg., Amb. ? l13 (seeno. ll0), Cens.108. Q. X'abius Q. f. M. n. Maximus Gurges (112) Tr. Mil. 297, Aed. Cur. ? 295, Cos. Samninm 292, and Procos. 291, Cens.289?, Cos. rI 276, Leg., Amb. 273, Princeps Senatus, date uncertain (Plin. ,llI/ 7.133). Q. X'abiusQ.f. Q.n. Maximus Gurges (seell2) Cos.265. Q. X'abiusM. f. N. n. Maximus Rullianus (l14) Aed..Cur. 331, Mag. Eq. 325 (Liv.), 324 @C and AT), Cos. }22,fnterrex 320, Dict. 316, 3f 3 ? (Diod.), Cos.If Etruria 3 I 0, and Procos.309(.FC), Cos.III Samnium 308 and Procos. 307, Cens. 304, Mag. Eq. 302 (Liv.), 301 (,F'C and AT), Aed..Cur. 299?, Cos. W 297, and Procos. Samnium 206, Cos. V 295, Leg., Lieut. 292-291, Princeps Senatus, date uncorüain (Ptin. .nfä 7.I33). Q. X'abiusQ.f. Q.n. Maximus Servilianus (115) Pr. by 146,Cos., 142, and Procos. Farther Spain l4l-14}, Pont. l4t (mention). Q. Fabius Q.f. Q.n. Maximus Verrucosus (lf6) Tr. Mil. (twice), p. 481, Q. before 237 and. 236?, Aed. Cur. by 235?, Coa. 238, Cens.230,Cos.fI, 228,fnterrex 222?,Dict.22l?,Leg., Amb. 218, Dicb. 217, Cos.IfI Suff. 215, If vir aed. loc. 215, Cos.IY 214,, Lieut. 213, Cos. V 209, fnterrex 208 ?, Augur 266-203 (soo 210, list), Pont. 216-203 (see 210, list), Princeps Senatus 2Og,204.
C. FabirrsC. f. M. n. Pictor (123) Cos.269. N. Fabius C. f. M. n. Pictor (124) Leg., Amb. 273, Cos. 266. N. Fabius Pictor (I25) Monetal. ca. ll0, p. 439. Q. Fabius Pictor (126) Leg., Amb. 216. Q. X'abius Pictor (127) Pr. assigned Sardinia, then Pereg. l8g, Flam. Quirinal. f90-167 (see 179, Iist). Q. X'abius Sanga (143) Senator 63, p. 490. Fabius Senator (I44) Pr. date uncertain, p. 464. O. Fabius Vergilianus (154) Leg., Lieut. 53-5r. K. Fabius K. f. - n. Vibulanus (159) Q. 485, Cos.484, 481, 479, and Procos.? at Cremera 478. M. Fabius K. f. - n. Vibulanus (f60) Cos. 483, 480. M. X'abius(- f. - n.) Vibulanus (16l) Cos. 457b (Diod.). M. X'abius Q. f. M. n. Vibulanus (162) Cos. 442, Leg., Lieut. 437, Tr. Mil. c. p. 433,Leg., Lieut. 431. N. (or Cn.) X'abius Q.f. M. n. Vibulanus (f63) Cos. 421, Tr. Mil. c. p. 415,407. Q. X'abiusK. f. - n. Vibulanus (l6a) Cos. 485, 482. Q. X'abiusM. f. K. n. Vibulanus (165) Cos. 467, Leg., Amb. 46G, Cos. If 465, Praef. urb. 462, Cos. III 459, Leg., Amb. 458, Praef. urb. 458, X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 450-449. Q. Fabius Q.f.M.n. Vibulanus (Ambustus) (166,cf. 46) Cos.423, Tr. Mil. c. p. 416, II 4I4, Interrex 413, Cos. 412 (see Q. X'abius Ambustus, no. 46). n'abia (172) Vest. Virg. bef. 73-aft. 58 (see69, list). L. X'abricius (4) Cur. Viarum, perhaps Tr. Pl. 62. Q. X'abricius (7) Tr. Pl. 57. C. X'abriciusC. f. C. n. Luscinus (9) Leg., Amb. 283, Cos. 282,Leg., Amb. 280, 279,Leg.,Lieut. 279,Cos. 278,Cens.275. C. X'abriciusLuscinus (10) Pr. Urb. lg5, Leg., Lieut. 190. (X'abricius) Veiento (X'abricius 14) Leg., Lieut. ? (pro pr.) Syria 50. M. X'abrinius (l) Monetal. ca. 133-127, p. 439. T. X'adius Gallus (9) Q. 63, Tr. Pl. 57. C. X'alcidius (2) Tr. Pl., and Leg., Lieut. the subsequent year, pp. 469,483. C. (or P.) X'alcidius (3) Tr. Pl. 41. M. X'aleriusM. f. Claud. (t) Senator t29, p. 49t. X'annius (l) Leg.,Lieut,.? 42. C. X'annius (6) Tr. Pl. 184? (or f 87 ?). C. Fannius M. f. - n. (7) Leg., Lieut.? 147-t46, Tr. Pl. 142?,Tt. Mil. l4l, Pr. 126? (seenote 2), Cos. t22, A:ugurbef. 129- (seolBB, list).
C. X'anniusC. f. (7, see1228. C., note 2) Leg., Envoy l4B, h. beforr l18, Leg.,Amb. t13. C. Fannius C. f. (8) Senator 81, p. 491. C. Fannius (9) Tr. Pl. 59, Pr. 54? or 50 ?, Propr. first Sicily, then Asia 49, 48, Pont. ca. 63-48 (see 60, and 57, lists). See tho nert name. C. X'annius (9, cf. 16) Leg., Envoy 43,Leg., Lieut. ? 42.- Soo RE, no. 16, on Fannius Caepio. L. X'annius (12) Leg., Lieut. (or Prefect) 68-67. M. X'anniusC. f . (14) Monetal. ca. 137*134,p. 440(seeabove,no. ?). M. X'annius (15) Aed. Pl. ca. 83, Iud. quaost. sicariis 81, Pr. do sicariis 80. C. Fannius C. f. C. n. Strabo (20) Pr. by 164, Cos. 16l, Leg., Amb. 158-157,154. L. Farsuleius Mensor (l) Monetal. ca.73, p. 440. M. Favonius (l) Q. before 59, Aed. 52, Quaesitor52, Pr. 49, hopr. ? in Macedonia 48. M. X'eridius (not in .B-0) Tr. Mil. 41. C. Fidiculanius Falcula (l) Senator 74, p. 491, L. X'ilius (Philius) L. f. Hor. (l) Senator 129, p. 491. Xrlaccus (not in RE) Leg., Lieut. 136. L. L. f. X'laccus (not in RE) Aed., and Pr., dates unoortain, pp. 467,466,resp. X'laminius (l) Leg., Amb. 154. C. X'laminius C. f. L. n. (2) Tr. Pl. 232, P:r. Sicily 227, Cos. 223, Mag. Eq. 221?, Cens.220,Cos.II2l7. C. X'laminiusC. f. C. n. (3) Q. 209, Aed. Cur. lg6, Pr. Nearer Spain 193, and Promag. (Propr. ?) 192-190, Cos. 187, III vir col. deduo. r83. C. X'laminius (4) Aed. Cur. 67 ?, Iud. Quaest.66. T. X'laminius (5) Pr. ? 104 ? ? (see 126, Praetors, on T. Quinotiur Flamininus). L. X'laminius Cilo (6) Monetal. ca. 106,p. 440. L. X'laminius Chilo (7) [Candidate Tr. Pl. Suff. ? {l], üI[ vlr Monetal. 42, p. 440. (Flaminius ?) X'lamma (8) Praef. Class.? 49. X'lavius L. f. Lem. (see 17) Senator 44, p. 401. Cn. X'Iavius Cn. (or Anni) f. (15) III vir nooturn. ? t bct. 806, III vir col. deduc. bef. 305 (see304,note l), Tr. Pl. 806?, Aod. Our. 801 (see304, note I, on his career). SeoAdditiono ond (lotlcotlonr. L. X'lavius (17) Tr. Pl. 60, Pr. 58. L. X'lavius- f. - n. (18) Cos. Suff. 33.
M. Flavius (tg) Tr. PI. 327,323. X'lavius Fimbria (86) Leg., Lieut. 82. C. X'laviusC. f. - n. X'imbria (87) Pr. by I07, Cos. 104. C. X'lavius Fimbria (88) Leg., Envoy 87, Praef. Eq. (or Tr. Mil. ?) 87, Leg., Lieut. 86-85. Flavius Gallus (94) Tr. Mil. ? 36. Leg., Lieut. (pro pr.) 43-42, or Praef. C. X'lavius Ilemicillus (ll) Fabr. 42. Iflavus, perhapsDecimius X'lavus(9), Monetal. ca. 145-137,p. 438. Floronia (l) Virg. Vest. ?-216. M. Folius (X'oslius)- f. - n. X'laccinator (I, 2) Tr. Mil. c. p. 433, Pont. ?-390. M. X'olius(X'oslius)C. f. M. n. Flaccinator (3) Mag. Eq. 320, Cos. 318, Mag. Eq. 314, 3I3 (one tradition recorded in Livy). (X'o)nteiusQ. f. Pap. (l) Senator ca. 161,p. 491. X'onteius (2) Leg., Lieut. 9l (or into early 90). X'onteius (not in .BZ) Pr. ? Urb. ? 54. A. X'onteius (5) Tr. Mil. 46. C. Fonteius (6) Monetal. ca. 109, p. 440. C. Fonteius (7) Leg., Lieut. 74-72. M'. X'onteiusC. f. Pap. (7a, Supb. 3.528) Senator ca. 166, p. 49f. M'. X'onteius (8) Monetal. ca. 103,p. 440. M'. Fonteius C. f. (9) Monetal. ca. 84 (Grueber believeshim a Q. then), p. 440. M'. X'onteius (10) Tr. Mil., ca.75-72, p. 48f . M. X'onteius (ll) Pr. Sardinia? 166. M. Fonteius (f2) IIf vir Monetal., p. 440, Q. urb. 84, Leg., Lieut. 81, 77-76?, Pr. 75 ?, Propr. Transalp. GauI74"-72. Ti. Fonteius (14, cf. 27) Leg., Lieut. 2I1. P. Fonteius Balbus (17) Pr. Nearer and X'arther Spain 168. C. X'onteiusC. f. - Capito (20) Leg., Envoy 37, Cos. SuJf. 33, Priest ca. 39 (see31, list, and p. a86). P. X'onteius Capito (24) Pr. Sardinia 169, and Promag. (propr. ?) 168-r67. P. X'onteiusP. f. Capito (251 III vir monetal. ca. 61, p. 440. T. X'onteiusCapito (26) Pr. X'arther Spain 178,and Procos. L77-176, Fonteia (3I) Vest. Virg. before 9l-after 68 (see69, list). M. X'ruticius (l) Tr. Pl., Aed., and Pr., late Rep. or early Aug., pp. 469, 467,464,resp. C. Fuficius X'ango (5) Promag. (Procos.?) Africa 4I-40. L. Fufidius (4) Pr. 8l ?, Propr. Farther Spain 80. Q. Fufidius (7, cf. 5) Tr. Mil. 5r-50.
X'ufius (l) Tr. Pl. ? ca. 153 (see153). Q. X'ufius Q. f. C. n. Calenus (10) Monetal. ca.70-68, p. 440, Tr. Pl. 6I, Pr. 59, Leg., Lieut. 5l-49, and pro pr. 48-47,Cos.47, Leg., Envoy 43, Procos. ? or Leg., Lieut. pro pr. ? }:taly and Transalp. Gaul 42-40. X'ufius Geminus (13) Promag. orLeg., Lieut. ? 36-54. C. Fulcinius (l) Leg., Amb. 438. L. X'ulcinnius (2) Q. r48. X'ulvius (1) Leg., Lieut. 73. A. X'ulvius (see94) Senator 63, p. 491. C. n'ulvius (10) Q. 2r8. Cn. Fulvius (r2) Pr. Pereg. 190. Cn. X'ulvius (13) Pr.Ilither Spain 167. Cn. X'ulvius (14) Monetal. ca. 106, p. 440. Q. X'ulvius (28) Tr. Pl. 197. Q. Fulvius M. f. (29) III vir Epul. l8G--. Cn. X'ulvius Cn. f. Cn. n. Centumalus (42) Cos. IJIyria 229, and Procos.228. Cn. X'ulvius Cn. f. Cn. n. Centumalus Maximus (a3) Aed. Cur. 214, Pr. Suessula213, Cos. Apulia 2ll, and Procos. 210. M. Fulvius Centumalus (44) Tr. Pl. ? lg8 (see below, no. 56), Pr. Urb. 192. C. X'ulvius Curvus (45) Aed. Pl. 296. L. Fulvius L. f. L. n. Curvus (46) Cos. 322, Mag. Eq. 3f6. M. X'ulvius L. f. L. n. Curvus Paetinus (47) Cos. Suff. 306. C. X'ulvius X'laccus (52) Leg., Lieut. 2ll, 209. C. T'ulvius Q. f. Cn. n. Flaccus (53) P".by 137,Cos. 134. Cn. X'ulvius X'laccus (54) Pr. Apulia 212. M. X'ulvius Q. f. M. n. Flaccus (55) Tr. Pl. 270, II vir aquao perducendae 270, Cos. 264, Mag. E'q. 246. M. Bulvius X'Iaccus (56) X vir agr. assig. 201-200, Tr. Pl. lg8. M. X'ulvius X'laccus (57) IIf vir col. deduc. 184, Leg., Lieut. l8I, Tr. Mil. ? 180 (seeM. Fulvius Nobilior, no. 92), Leg., Envoy ? l7l (seeno. g2), l7O. M. X'ulvius M.f. Q. n. X'laccus (58) IIf vir agr. iud. assig. 180-121, Pr. by 128, Cos. Gall. Transalp. 125, and Procos. lz4-lzg, Tr. Pl. I22,ITI vir col. deduc. 122-121. Q. X'ulvius M. f. Q. n. X'laccus (59) Cos. 237, Cone. 231, Coe. II 224,Leg., Lieut. ? 217, Pr. urb. and X'leet 215, and urb. 214, Mog. Eq. 213, Cos. IIf Capua 212, and.Procos. 2ll, Dicü. 210, Proooc. Capua 2I0, Cos. IV Southern Italy 209, Procos. Oapua 208, Bruütium 207,Pont. 216- (see210, list).
Q. X'ulvius Cn. f. M. n. Flaccus (60) Leg., Envoy 198 (seeno. 26), Tr. Pl. ? 197 (seeno. 28), Aed. Pl. 189,Pr. Sardinia 187,Leg., Lieut. l8l, Cos. Suff. f80. Q. Fulvius Q.f.M.n. X'laccus (61) Aed. Cur. l84,It. Hither Spain 182, and Procos. l8l-180, Cos. 179, Cens. 174, Pont. 180-172(see 179,list). Ser. X'ulvius Q. f. - n. X'laccus (64) P". by 138, Cos. 135. Q. Fulvius Gillo (69) Leg., Envoy 203,Aed. Cur. ? 202 (seeno. 25), Pr. Sicily 200. P. Fulvius Longus (78) fII vir col. deduc. 313. Cn. X'ulvius Cn. f. Cn. n. Maximus Centumalus (SS) Leg., Lieut. 302 (Liv., 301 FC), Cos. 298, Pro pr. 295, Dict. 263. M. Fulvius M. f. Ser. n. Nobilior (91) Aed. Cur. 196, Pr. X'arther Spain 193, and Procos. 192-191, Cos. Aetolia 189, and Procos. 188-187,Cens.179. M. Fulvius (Nobilior?) (92) Tr. Mil. 180, Leg., Envoy? t7I (on both offices, seeM. X'ulvius X'laccus,no. 57). M. X'ulvius M. f. M. n. Nobilior (93) Tr. Pl. 171, Aed. Cur. 166, Pr. by 162, Cos. Liguria 159, and Procos. 158. Q. X'ulvius M. f. M. n. Nobilior (95) III vir col. deduc. 184, Aed. Cur. 160,Pr. by 156,Cos. 153,Cens.136. M. X'ulvius Cn. f. Cn. n. Paetus (Paetinus) (96) Cos. 299. Ser. X'ulvius M. f. M. n. Paetinus Nobilior (97) Cos. T'leet 255, and Procos.254. C. X'undaniusC. f. (l) Senator 81, p. 491. C. X'undanius (l) Q. ? ca. l0l (l?.E)or Monetal. ? ca. 89 (Grueber). C. Fundanius C. f. (l) Tr. Pl. 68 ? M. X'undanius (3) Tr. Pl. f95. C. X'und.aniusX'undulus (5) Tr. Pl. 248, Aed. PL. 246, Cos. 243. M. X'undaniusX'undulus (6) Aed. Pl. 2f3. C. Fundilius C. f. (t) Tr. Mil. ? 89. T. X'urfanius Postumus (l) Q. 5t ?, Proq. Sicily 50-49, Pr. 46?, Procos.Sicily 45. Furius (not in AZ) Tr. Pl. or Pr., p. 469. C. X'urius (f0, cf. 3l) fI vir Naval. 178, Leg., Lieut. 170. C. X'urius (tl) Tr. Pl. orPr., p.469. L. Furius (14) Pr. 318. L. Furius (15) Tr. Pl. 308. L. X'urius (16) Monetal. ca. l5F-150, p. 441. See S. X'urius. L. Furius (2, 18) Pr. repetundis 75 (see L. Turius, no. 2), T,eg., Lieut. 73. M. X'urius (not in .B.E) Tr. Mil. c. p.? 3S9 (Diod.).
P. X'urius (22) Tr. Pl. 99. Sex.X'urius(-f. -o. Medullinus ?X'usus?) (26) Cos.488,Tr.Mil. ? 48C. (29) Tr. Mil. c. p. 378. Sp. X'urius - f. - n. S. X'urius (30) Monetal. ca. 155-133,p. 441. C. X'uriusAculeo (31,cf. f0) Q. 190. X'urius Bibaculus (see36) Salius before 219. See 219. L. X'urius Bibaculus (35) Q. 216. L. X'urius Bibaculus (36) Pr. before 219, Salius before 219. L. Furius Cn. f. Brocchus (39) fII vir Monetal. ca. 61, p. 441. L. X'urius M. f. L. n. Camillus (41) Praef. Castr. 389, Cos. 360, 3494, Dict.? 345. L. X'urius Sp. f. M. n. Camillus (42) Dict. ? 345, Cos.338,II 326. M. Furius L. f. Sp. f. Camillus (44) Cens. (Tr. Mil. c. p. ? ?) 403, Tr. Mil. c. p. 401, ff 398, fnterrex 396, Dict. 396, Tr. Mil. c. p. III 394, Interrex 391, Dict. 390, Interrex 389, Dict. 389, Tr. Mil. c. p. IV 386,V 384,VI 381,Dict. 368, 367. Sp. Furius M. f. L. n. Camillus (48) Pr. 366. (X'urius) Crassipes (53) Q. Sicily before 50 or officer under Sextue Pompey, p. aBO. X'urius Crassipes (54) Q. 51. L. X'urius Crassipes (55) Pr., date uncertain, p. 464. M. Furius Crassipes (20, 56) Leg., Envoy 201 (see no. 2O), T'eg., Lieut. 200, III vir col. deduc. Ig4-I92, Pr. Gall. Cisalp. 187, If Sicily r73. P. X'uriusCrassipes (57, cf. 53) Aed. Cur. between87 and 82 (see82). Agrippa X'urius - f. - n. X'usus (59) Cos. 446. Agrippa X'urius Sex. f. - n. Fusus 2. (7) Tr. Mil. c. p. 391. M. Furius - f. - n. X'usus (60) Tr. Mil. c. p. 403, Cens.? 389, Ponü. or Augur ? 390-. M. Furius Luscus (63) Aed. Pl. 187. L. X'urius - f. - n. Medullinus (64) Cos. 474. L. Furius Sp. f. - n. Medullinus (65) Tr. Mil. c. p. 432, 426, 42O, perhaps Cos. 413, II 409. L. X'urius L. f. Sp. n. Medullinus (65) Probably Cos. 413, II 409 (seeabove),Tr. Mil. c. p. 407,405,398, 397, 395,394, 391. L. X'urius Sp. f. L. n. Medullinus (66) Tr. Mil. c. p. 381, 370, Cens. 363. Sp. X'urius L. f. Sp. n. Medullinus (68) Tr. Mil. c. p. 400. P. X'urius- f . - n. Medullinus Fusus (69) Cos.472,III vir agr. dand. 467, Leg., Lieut. 464. Sp. X'urius - f. - n. X'usus (70, cf. 26) Cos. 481, Procoe.? 4?8 (soe no. 26).
Sp. Furius - f. - n. Medullinus X'usus (71) Cos. 464, Cos. Suff. 463. C. Furius - f. - n. Pacilus (74) Cos. 412. C. X'urius C. f. C. n. Pacilus (75) Aed. Cur. 253 ?, Cos. 251. C. X'urius - f. - n. Pacilus Fusus (76, cf.. 24) Cos. 44I, Cens. 435, Tr. Mil. c. p. 426,Pont. or Augur 449. Q. X'urius (Pacilus X'usus?) (see26, and 76) Pont. Max. 2 4+9. L. X'urius Philus (77) Pr. Sardinia 171, Pont. ca. 176-170. L. X'urius- f. - n. Philus (78) Pr. by I39, Cos. 136. M. X'urius L. f. Philus (79) Monetal. ca. ll0-108,p. 441. P. X'urius Sp. f. M. n. Philus (80) Pr. ca. 224, Cos. 223, Pr. Arb. 216, Cens.214, Augur ?-213. P. X'urius Philus (82) Pr. Hither Spain 174, and.Promag. (Propr. ?) r73-r72. L. Furius Sp. f. Sp. n. Purpurio (86) Tr. Mil. 210, Pr. Cisalp. Gaul 200,Leg., Dnvoy lgg, Cos. lg6, Leg., Amb. 190-189,183. L. X'urius Purpurio (not in J?-O) Monetalis ca. 150-133, p. 441. I L. X'urius Purpurio (not in -B.E) Monetal. ca. 137-134, p. 44L. C. Furnius (2) Tr. Pl. 445. C. X'urnius (3) Tr. Pl. 50, Leg., Lieut. 44-43,Plr. 42?,Leg., Lieut. 4|_4o,Leg.,Envoy40,Leg.,Envoy39,Leg.,Lieut.?39,Promag. (Procos.?) Asia 36-35. Gabinius (2) Prefect Scodra 167. A. Gabinus (6) Leg., Envoy 146, Tr. Pl. 139. See Additions and Corrections. A. Gabinius (8, cf. 7 and 9) Q. l0r-r00. A. Gabinius (9, cf. 7 and 8) Leg., Lieut. 89. A. Gabinius (10) Tr. MiI. 86, Leg., Envoy 8I. A. Gabinius A. f. - n. (II) Tr. PI. 67,Leg., Lieut. 66-63, Pr. by 61, Cos. 58, Procos. Syria 57-54,Leg., Lieut. ? 48-47. P. Gabinius (fB) Pr. 89, XV vir sac. fac. 76 (mention). C. Gallius (3) Leg., Lieut ? 73-72. M. Gallius (5) Pr. by 44. Q. Gallius (6) Aed. Pl. 67, Pr. de maiestate 65. Q. Gallius (7) Q. ? or Leg., Lieut.? 47, Pr. Pereg.? 43. C. Gallonius (l) Prefect Gades 49. C. Gallus (20, Gallius no. 3) Senator 70, p. 491. Gar(gilius) (not in.BZ) Monetal. ca,.84, p. 44f . See Gargonius(4). L. Gavius (3) Prefect, appointed by Cicero for business in Cappadocia 60. L. Geganius (I) Leg., Amb. 492. L. Geganius- f. - n. (Macerinus) (2) Tr. Mil. c. p. 378.
M. GeganiusM. f. - n. Macerinus (4) Cos. 447, 443,437, Oens' {8ö' Leg., Lieut.? 431. M. Gäganius- f. - n' Macerinus (5) Tr. Mil. c' p' 367' Proculus Geganius - f. - n. Macerinus (6) Cos' 440' T. Geganius- f . - n. Macerinus (7) Cos' 492' Cn. Gäl1lius; (4) Monetalis ca. 135-134, p. 44L. M. Gellius M. f. Maec. (7) Senator 44, p. 491' L. Gellius L. f. L. n. Poplicola (17) Aed. ? 96 ?, P.r' Poreg' 94' Asia or Cilicia g3, I+eg.,Lieut. ? 89, Cqs' 72, Cons' 70, Lß9/, Pro-cos.. Lieut. (pro Pr.) 67-63. L. Gellius-L. t. f,. n. Poplicola (18) pr.? 41, Cos' 36, Leg', Lieut. or Promag. 31. . " Genucius (l) Tr. Pl' 241. C. Genucius (Augurinus) (3) Augur 300-. Cn. Genucius (4) Tr. Pl. 473. L. Genucius (5) Tr. Pl' 342. L. Genucius (6) Leg., Amb. 210. L. GenuciusL. f. Ter. (not in RE) Senatorin 129,p' 49f ' M. Genucius (7) Tr. Mil. 193. T. Genucius (8) Tr. Pl. 476. Cn. GenuciusM. f. M' n. Augurinus (I0) Tr. Mil' c' p' 399, 396' M. Genucius- f. - n. Augurinuß (ll) Cos. 445' T. GenuciusL. f. L. n. Augurinus (12) cos. ? 451, and x vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 451. Cn. GenuäiusM. f. M. n. Aventinensis (13) Cos' 363' L. GenuciusM. f. Cn. n. Aventinensis (14) Cos' 365, II362' L. Genucius - f. - n. Aventinensis (15) Cos. 303' GenuciuslCipus (16) Pr', uncert'ain date, p' 464' C. GenuclusL. f. L. n. Clopsina (17) Cos. 276, II270' L. GenuciusL. f. L. n. Clepsina (18) Cos. 27I' P. GessiusP. f. Arn. (not in -B-O) Senator 129,p' 491' Glaucia (not in -B,E) Pr. ? ? r03. Glitius (not in -8.&') Tr. Pl. ? or Pr.?, p. 470. Granius Petro (9) Q. Desig. 46. M. Gratidius (2) Prefect 102-101. M. Gratidius (3) Leg., Lieut. 88. M. Gratidius (3) Leg., Lieut. 6f-59. Gutta (not in "BZ) Pr. bY 55. Ti. Gutta (l) Senatorin 74, P. 491. C. Hedius C. f. Thorus (3) Senator before 39, pp. 476,492' Cn. Heius (3) Senator in 74, P. 492.
Helix (not in nE\ Prefect Jerusalem 42. 198,Leg', C. Helvius (l) fr. ml. 203, Aed. Pl. 199,Pr. Cisalp' Gaul Lieut. 189. M. Helvius (4) Aed. Pl. 198, Pr. Farther Spain 197. and Procos. 196-195,III vir col. deduc. 194. M. Ilelvius (5) Leg., Lieut. ? 34. C. Helvius Cinna (11) Tr' Pl' 44. C. Herennius (4) IIf vir agr. dand. assig' 2I8' C. Herenniu. qf. f. O"f. (not in RE, cf.5) Senator I29,P' 492' ö. He""rr.'ios (Z) Tr. Pl. 80, Leg., Lieut. ? 76-75 (under Sertorius). C. Herennius (S) Tr. Pl. 60. M. Herennius lVI.f. - n. (10) Pr. by 96, Cos' 93' M. Ilerennius (seef0) Monetal. ca. l0l, p' 441' M. Herennius (M. ? f. Ti. ? n. Picens?) (I3) Cos' Suff' 34, Procos' Asia ? 33. L. Herennius Balbus (18) Lupercus 56 (mention)' M. Her"rrrrius M. f. Ruius' (4li Q. before 90, p' 476, Praef' Cap' Cum., p. 496. Lars Ilerminius - f. - n. Coritinesanus ( l ) C o s . 4 4 8 . T. Herminius - f. - n. Aquilinus (2) Tr. Mil. 508, Leg., Amb. 508, Cos. 506, Leg., Lieut. 499or 496. Hiero (19) Promag. or Leg., Lieut. ? 35: see Ti. Claudius Nero, no. 254. A. Hirtius A. f. - n. (2) Leg., Lieut. ? before 52 (in Gaul with 48, Pr. 46, Procos. ? Q. Cicero,see54), Leg., ,EnvoY 50, Tr. Pl. ? 4543. ca. Augur 43, 45, Cos. Transalp. GauI Hirtuleius (l) Q. 86 or 85. L. Hirtuleius (3) Q. under Sertorius 79, Proq' or Leg', Lieut' (under Sertorius) 7U75. Horatius (3) Leg., Lieut. 45, 43. (5) Tr. Mil. c. p. 378. M. Horatius - f. - n. L. Horatius M. f. M. n. Barbatus (7) Tr' Mil' c' p' 425' Q. Horatius X'laccus (I0) Tr. MiI. 43-42' M. I{oratius M. f. L. n. (Tu ?)rrinus Barbatus (8) Cos' 449' C. HoratiusM.f. M. n' Pulvillus (13) Cos' 477,457 (seeM' Horatius Pulvillus), Augur ?453. L. Iloratius - f. - n. Pulvillus (14) Tr. Mil' c' p' 386' M' Horatius (M. f. M.n.) Pulvillus (13) Cos.457 (Liv.; seeC. IIo. ratius Pulvillus). M. Horatius M. f. _ n. Pulvillus (15) Cos. Suff' 509, II ö07, Pont. 609 or 507 (mention). L. Hortensius (2) Pr. 111,Cos. ? I08 (seeQ' Hortensius no' 5)'
L. Hortensius (3) Tr' Pl' 422' Amb' 155' i. ttortu..iot i+l Pr. Fleet I70, Leg', gr*""sius' (s1 Leg., Lieut' ? oiPrefecl? r20' Pr' Sicily? lll' Iöj 'ä* and Correotions. ? 108 (seef,. lfo"tJ"rius, no. 2). SeeAdditions 86-85' -, Leg', Lieut' 87 ?' L. Hortensius (6) Pr. 287' ca' (?) Dict' Q. Hortensius 'tsl before 50 (Cic' Att' 6'6'2)1'Leg" Liout' Senator Uortlttui"t ö. 4L42' or Praef. Class.49, Pr. 45 ?, Procos' Macedonia ca' 89' Q' ca' 80?' Mil' Tr' (13) Horialus L. f.:;. Q.-ffo"terrsius "'p.Augurbef' 67-60 69' ?2, Cos' +lo, Aed.75, Pr. de repetundis (see50, Iist). 60' p' 441' C. Ho*idi"t i. f. G"tt (4) III vir monet' p' 470' T'T cent'" orP:t', Pl' Tr' (not in -EE') äortifi"t 168' Amb' Leg', (3) ?) C. I{ostilius (Tubutus . Tullus Ilostilius (7) Tr'Pl' 42? r X vir agr' dand' assign' A. Ilostilius Cato ttol Pr. Sardinia 207, 201-200, Leg., Lieut. 190' 207' , -^ C. Ilostilius Cato (ll) Pr' Urb' and Pereg' X vir agr. dand. assig.201-200,Leg', Lieut' L. Hostilius Cato itri r90. L. I{ostilius (Dasianus?) (13) Tr' Pl' 68 ? I80' Cos' Greeceand A.Ilostilius L. f. A' rr.I\ia"äi"us (16) Pr' Urb' Macedonia 170,and Procos' 169' Amb. l_49. A. I{ostilius Mancinus (17) Aed. Cur. |5|?,Leg., 140' Cos' I37' SoeAdby Pr' (18) C. Ilostilius A. f. f,. o. wit""i""s ditions and Corrections' 149?, Leg., Lieut' 148, f,. g11ouiifi"sL. f. L. n. Mancinus (20) Pr. Cos. I45. (or Prefoct ?) Leptis 46' Tr' C. - iHostilius) Saserna (22) --Leg.,tLi1ut' pt. a+ lperhaps P. or L' Ilostilius Saserna)' Monetal' ca' 48' p' 44-f' ' L. Hostilius Saserna (23) ? Ruspina 46, sasÄa d+l Leg., Lieut. ? or Prefect F. iH"rtili"s) 22' ir. Pl. ? 44. SeeC. (Hostilius) Sasernano' C.IlostiliusfoUutrr="'1ZO;p"'UrU'209'Propr'Etrurio208'Tarontum 206, CaPua 206-204' C. Hostilius (Tubulus ?), seeabovo, no' 3' Pr' 142' '(tu9 L. Hostilius Tubulus (26) 20)- Monetal' co' 90' p' 442' i. fri"ttifi"s) Tub(ulus) M. Il;rpsaeus, see M. (Plautius) Hypsaous' L. Icilius L. Icilius
(2) Tr. Pl. 456,455,449. (3) Tr. Pl. 412, 4Og.
- Icilius (seeno. 3) Tr. Pl. 409. - Icilius (seeno. 3) Tr. Pl. 409. Sp. Icilius (5) Leg., Envoy 493, Tr. Pl. 470. C. Icilius ? (Visellius, or Viscellius ?) Ruga (see fcilius b) Tr. Pl. 493, Aed. Pl. 49r. fmp. CaesarDivi f., seeC. fuhus C. f. C. n. Caesar(Iulius f 32). C. Insteius (l) Praef. Eq. under Sertorius 76. L. Insteius (2) Officer (Leg., Lieut. ?) with Sertorius 76. M. fnsteius (3) Tr. Pl. 43?,Leg., Lieut. ? orPraef. Class.? 31. L. Iti(us ?) or lti(lius) (Itius r) Monetal. ca. 145-137, p. 442. -ius Sex. f. fII vir, p. 484. -ius C. f. Men. (not in .BZ) Senator 129, p. 498.
L. Iulius Sex. f. X'al. (Caesar?) (l4l) Senator I20,p. 492. L. fuhus L. f. Sex. n. Caesar (I42) Pr. 95, Procos. Ma,cedoniagl, Cos. 90, Cens.89. L. Iulius L. f. L. n. Caesar (143) Monetal. ca. 90, p. 442, Q. 77, It. by 67, Cos.64, rI vir Perduell.63, Leg., Lieut. 5249, Praof. Urb. 47, Leg., Envoy 43, Augur 88 or 8O-40 (see 69 and 50, lists). L. fulius Caesar (I44) Leg., Envoy 49, Praef. Class. 4H8, Proq. in Africa 47?,46. Sex. fuhus Caesar (147) Pr. Sicily 208, Leg., Envoy 208. Sex. Iulius Sex. f. L. n. Caesar (f48, 149) Tr. Mil. l8l, Leg., Amb. 170,Aed. Cur. 166,Pr. by 160,Cos. l57,Leg., Amb. 147. Sex. fulius Caesar (150) Pr. Urb. 123. Sex. fulius Caesar (see 150) Monetal. ca. 125-120, p. 442. Sex. fdius C. f. L. ? n. Caesar (l5l) Pr. by 94, Cos. 91, hooor. 00. Sex. fuhus Caesar (152, f53) Tr. Mil. ? 49, Q. 48, Proq. pro pr. I Syria 47-46, X'lam. Quirinal. ca. 58-46. (C. Iulius) Demetrias (not in Ä-E) Prefect ? in Cyprus 39. (C. Iulius) Ilelenus (Helenus 8) Prefect ? orLegate ? X'leet and Sardinia 40. C. fuhus C. f. - n. fuilus (293) Cos. 489. C. Iulius C. f. L. n. Iullus (294) Cos. 482, X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 451, Leg., Envoy 449. C. Iulius - f. - n. Iullus (r4, 296) Tr. Mil. c. p. 438 (soe L. fdiug Iullus no. 296). C. fuHus Sp. f. Vop. n. fulus (255) Tr. Mil. c. p. 408, 405, Cons.393. L. Iulius Vop. f. - n. fuilus (296, cf. 14) Tr. Mil. c. p. 438 (seeC. Iulius Iullus), Mag. Eq. 431, Cos.430. L. Iulius Sp. ? f. Vop. ? n. fuilus (297) Tr. Mil. c. p. 403. L. fuhus L. f. Vop. n. fu[us (298) Tr. Mil. c. p. 401, 397. L. Iulius - f. - n. Iullus (295) Tr. Mil. c. p. 388, 379. Sex. Iulius - f. - n. Iullus (300) Tr. Mil. c. p. 424. Vopiscusfuhus C. f. L. n. Iullus (301) Cos.473. L. fdius L. f. L. n. Libo (318) Cos.267. Cn. (or C.) fuHus - f. - n. Mento (360) Cos.431. L. Iulius Mocilla (362) Pr., late Rep., p. 464. See L. Livlur Oo.llr. L. fdius Salinator (453) Monetal. ca. 83, p, 442, L9., Ucut. Sl. SeeL. Livius Salinator. M. Iuncus (4) Pr.76, Promag. (Procos.?) Asia 70-71, Iunius (not in .B.O) Tr. Pl. orP:r., after 193, p. 470. C.Iunius (12) Tr. Pl. 423. C.Iunius (14) 145-138,p.442, C. funius (15) Aed. 75,Iud. Quaest.74.
C. fuüus (- f. - n. Iullus?) (13) Cos. 447,ff 435, TII434? C. Iulius (- f. - n. fulus ?) (17) Dict. 352. Cn. Iulius L. f. (Caesar?) (not in -Bt) Q. Spain 47 or 46. L. Iulius (Caesar?) (27) Pr. Cisalp. Gaul 183. L. fdius (Caesar?) (28, cf . 127) Pr. urb. ? f 66. L. Iulius (see 29, 141) Monetal. ca. 133-126, p. 442. L. fuhus (29) Aed. Cur. 146? L. Iulius (30, see l4l) Monetal. ca. 100-97, p. 442. L. fuHus Bursio (126) Q. or Monetal. ca. 84-83, p. 442. C. Iulius C. f. Caesar (130) Q. before 100, X vir agr. dand. attrib. iud. ? ca. 100-, Pr. ca. 92, Procos.Asia ca. 9l; (X vir stlit. iud. ? ca. 100, p. 485). SeeAdditions and Corrections. C. fuhus C. f. C. n. Caesar (l3I) Leg., Envoy 81, Leg., Lieuü. 73-72, Tr. Mil. 71, Q. 69-68, Aed. Cur. 65, Iud. Quaest. 64, fI vir perduell. 63, Pr. 62, Promag. (Procos.?) X'arther Spain 6t-60, Cos. 59, Procos. Cisatp. Gaul, TranBalp. Gaul, ahd filyricum 58-4g, Dict. f 49, Cos. ff 48, Dict. II 48-47, Cos. III 46, Dict. IIf 46-45, Cos. IV 45,Dict.IV 4544,Cos. V44; Dict. perpet. 44, Poflt. 73-44,Pont. Max. 63-44 (see 57, list), Augur ca. 47-44, X'lam. Dial. (nominated but not inaugurated) 87-82 ? C. fuHus C. f. C. n. Caesar (Augustus) (132) Praef. Urb. 47, and Mag. Eq. Desig. 44 (f.or 43; both.with the name C. Octavius), Propr. 43 (Jan. 7-Aug. lg), Cos. Suff. 43 (Aug. l9-late in Nov.), IIf vir r. p. c. 43-38, 37-33, Cos. fI 33, (Dux 32), Cos. IIf Bl, Pont. 42 B. C.-f4 Ä. D., Augur 42B.. C.-L4 A. D., XV vir s. f. ca. gZ B. C. 14 A. D., VII Epulo before f O B. C. (See31, lists of priests). O. Iulius L. f. Caesar Strabo (Vopiscus) (135) X vir agr. dand. attrib. iud. ca. 100-, Q. ca. 96 ?, Aed. Cur. 90, Pont. bef. gg-8? (mention 99).
C.Iunius (zlal Leg., Lieut. under Sex. Pompey, Sicily, 38-36. D. funius (18, cf. 45) Leg., Lieut. orprefect 212. L. funius (Brutus ?) (19) Leg., Amb. 167. L. funius (2la) Leg., Lieut. under Sex. Pompey, Sicily, between 42 and 36, p. 483. M. Iunius (Silanus?) (22) 137-134,p.442. M. Iunius (22) Aed. Cur. ? 146? (seeM. Iunius Brutus no. 49). See the previous entry. M. Iunius (25, cf..23) Leg. ? 81, Pr. 67 ? P.Iunius (26) Leg., Amb. ? 230. P. Iunius P. f. (27, cf . 2) Prefect ? Delos ca. 69. Q.Iunius (29) Tr. PI. 439. Q. Iunius (30) Senator 70, p. 492. T. Iunius L. f. (32) Tr. Pl. before 90, p. 470. D. Iunius Brutus (45, cf. 18) III vir col. deduc. 194. D. Iunius D. f. M. n. Brutus (46) Pr. by 80, Cos. 77. L. Iunius M. f. - n. Brutus (46a, Supb. 5.356ff.) Cos. 509. L. funius Brutus (47) Leg., Envoy 493, Tr. Pl. 493, Aed. Pl. 492. M. funius M. f. L. n. Brutus (48) Tr. Pl. lg5, Aed. Pl. 193,Pr. Urb. and Pereg. l9l, Leg., Amb. 189-188,Cos.Liguria and fstria 178,and. Procos.l77,Leg., Amb. 172,163. M. Iunius Brutus (49) Aed. Cur. ? 146? (seeno. 22),Pr.140? M. funius Brutus (51) Pr. 88. M.Iunius Brutus (52) Tr. Pl. 83, Leg., Lielut.? 77. M. funius Brutus (Q. Servilius Caepio Brutus) (53) Monetal. ca. 60, p. 442, Q. 53 (Cilicia), Leg., Lieut. 49, 48 ?, Propr. ? or Leg., Lieut. ? GaIl. Cisalp. 4645 (early), Pr. Urb. 44, Car. &rlnon. 44, Procos. Crete 44, Procos. (with imperium maius) Macedonia and the East 43-42,Cos.Desig.4l, Pont. ca.5I-42. P. Iunius Brutus (54) Tr. PI. 195, Aed. Cur. 192, Pr. Etruria 190, Propr. Etruria 189, and X'arther Spain 189-f88. T. funius Brutus (55) Aed. Pl. 49r. D. Iunius Brutus Albinus (55a, Supb. 5) Praef . Class. 56, Prefect 62, Leg., Lieut,. 49, and pro pr. ? Gall. Transalp. 4V46, Pr. 45 ?, Procos. Cisalp. Gall.44-43, Cos.Desig. 42. D. funius M. f. M. n. Brutus (Callaicus) (57) Pr. by l4l, Cos.X'arthor Spain 138,and Procos. 137 to 136 or 133, Leg., Lieut. ? l2g, Augur bef. 129- (see133,list). L. Iunius Brutus Damasippus (5s) Leg., Lieut. ? 89, Leg., Lieut. 83, Pr. Urb. 82. I). Iunius - f. - n. Brutus Scaeva (60) Mag. Eq. 339, Cos. 325, III vir col. deduc.313.
D. funius D. f . - n. Brutus Scaeva (61) Leg., Lieut. 293,Cos.292. C.Iunius C. f. C. n. BubulcusBrutus (62) Cos.317,fI 313,Dict. 312 (Liv.) orMag. Eq. 3r2(PC), Cos.III 3ll, Mag. Eq.3l0 (Liv.),300 (-FC),Cens.307,Dict. 302. C. Iunius C. f. C. n. Bubulcus Brutus (56) Cos. 291, 277. M. (Iunius ?) Iuncus (Iuncus 4), seeM. Iuncus. M. Iunius Pennus (l2l) Aed. Pl. 205, Pr. urb. 201. M. Iunius M. f. M. n. Pennus (122) Pr. Nearer Spain 172, and Promag. (Propr. ?) l7l, Cos. 167. M. Iunius Pennus (123) Tr. Pl. 126,Aed. ca.123. D. funius D. f. D. n. Pera (I24) Cos.266, Cens.253. M. Iunius D. f. D. n. Pera (126) Cos.230,Cens.225,Dict. 216. L.Iunius C. f. L. n. Pullus (I33) Cos.249. D. (Iunius) Silanus (160) Spec. Comm. to translate Mago's work on agriculture into Latin ca.146. D.Iunius Silanus (Manlianus) (16l) Pr. Macedonial4l. D. Iunius L. f. Silanus (f 62) Monetal. ca. 90-89, p.442. D. Iunius M. f . - n. Silanus ( 163) Aed. by 70, Pr. by 67,Cos.62, Ponü. bet. ?6 and.7{to ca. 60 (see73, and 60, lists). M. funius Silanus (167) Prefect Naples 216, Pr. Etruria 2L2, and Propr.2ll, Propr. Spain 210-206. M. Iunius Silanus (168) Praef. soc. 196. M. Iunius (Silanus) - Aed. Cur. ? 146 (seeno. 22, and no. 49). M. funius D. f . D. n. Silanus (169) Tr. Pl. by 123,Pr. ll3 or ll2 in Spain, Cos.Transalp. Gaul 109,and probably Procos. 108. M. funius Silanus (see169) 108-107,p.442. M. funius Silanus (170) Q. by 84, Proq. Asia 83-82, Pr.77, Procoe. Asia 76. M.Iunius Silanus (t7l) Leg., Lieut. 53. M. Iunius Silanus (172, cf. I7I) Tr. Mil. ? or Leg., Liouü. undor Lepidus and Antony 43, cos. Greece34, Proq. (pro pr. ?) 8832 ?, Cos. 25, Augur before 34- (see31, Iist). fustuleius (1) Prefect 48. Iuventius (I) Aed. Cur. 306 ? ? T. Iuventius (Thalna?) (9, cf. 32) Tr. Mil. f97. M. Iuventius Laterensis (16) Monetal., ca.72, p. 4{8, Q. Oyronrioo ca.62, Tr. PI. candidate for 58 but wiühdrew, Pr. dc rcpcüundlr 61, Leg., Lieut. 43. M. fuventius Pedo (18) Senator 74, p. 492. (fuventius) Thalna (25) Monetal. 156-160,p. 4{8. C. (Iuventius)Thalna (28) Monetal. ce. l4{l-138, p. {18. L.Iuventius Thalna (29) Leg., Lieut. 186,Log., Envoy l8{.
37 Broughtoq II
M'. Iuventius T. f. T. n. Thalna (80) Tr. pl. lT0, pr. pereg. 162, Cos. 163. P. fuventius Thalna (31) Pr. Macedonia l4g, and promag. (propr. ?) 148. T. fuventius Thalna (82, cf. g) Tr. Mil. lg7 (see no. g), pr. pereg. l94,Leg., Amb. 172. C. Labeo, seeC. (Atinius ?) Labeo. Laberius (1) Tr. Mil. 258. Q. Laberius L. f. Maec. (not in ÄZ) Senator t2g, p. 4g2. Q. Laberius Durus (6) Tr. Mil. 54. Q. Labienus (5) Leg., Envoy 42. T. labienus (6) Tr. Pl. GB,(Pr. by 59 ? ?), Leg.,Lieut. pro pr. 58_49 (with Caesar), 49-45 (with the pempeians) C. Lacerius (l) Tr. Pl. 40f . C. Laelius C. f. C. y (Z) Leg., Envoy 209, praef. Class. 209, Leg., . 2O6,Leg.,Lieut. 2OG,Praef. Class.205, 204,Leg., Envoy 20i4, P-19I 203,,T-,eg., Lieut.209, Q.202, Aed. pl. lg7, pr. Sicily iSO,Co*. It*ly . ltrd Gall. Cisalp. lg0, and Procos. l8g, Leg., Amb. lZ
L. Lartius L. f. (l) Aed. ? bef. 78 (see78, Addendum). Ti. (Latinius) Pandusa (6) Pr. Macedonia 129. Latinus (2) Leg., Lieut. 45, 43. Q. Lepta (l) Praef. Fabr. 5l-50. Libo, seeL. Scribonius Libo. Licinius (3) Tr. Pl. ? before 68, p. 470. Licinius (4) Tr. Pl. 204 ? Licinius (12.2394) Tr. Pl. ca. t50 ?, or after gl ?, p. 470. S. ? Licinius (2) Tr. Pl. r38. Licinius (10) Lupercus ? 44. C. Licinius (Il) Tr. Pl. 493. C. Licinius C. f. Ter. (14) Senator t29,p.492. C. Licinius C. f. (16) Pr. ? bef. 73. M. Licinius (22) Pr. bef. l49,Leg., Amb. r49. P. Licinius (25) Tr. Pt. 493. P. Licinius (27) Procos. against fapydes, date uncertain, p. 481. P. Licinius (not in J?Z) Proq. Cyrenaica 43-42 (see4B). Sp. Licinius (31, seeIcilius 5) Tr. Pl. 481. Licinius Bucco (39) Senator,perhaps under Sulla, p. 492. C. Licinius C. f. P. n. Calvus (42) Mag. Eq. 3G8,Cos. 864 (FC) or 36r (Liv.). P. Licinius P. f. P. n. CalvusEsquilinus (48) Tr. Mil. c. p. 400, Leg., Amb. 398, Tr. Mil. c. p. II 396. C. Licinius Calvus Stolo (44) XV vir s. f. by Bl (see3t, list). C. Licinius C. f. P. n. Crassus (5t) Pr. Urb. t72, Leg., Lieut. l7l, Cos.Italy and Gall. Cisalp. 168,and Procos. 167,Leg., Amb. 16Z. C. Licinius Crassus (52) Tr. Pl. 145. L. Licinius L. f. C. n. Crassus (55) III vir col. deduc. ll8, Q. by 109, Tr. Pl. 107,Aed. Cur. by 100,Pr. byg8, Cos.g5, Procos.Gall. Cisalp.? 94, Cens.92, X vir agr. dand. assig.? gl, Augur ? - gl. M. Licinius Crassus (56) Q. in Gaul with Caesar54, and Proq. bB, Leg., Lieut. 49, Pont. ? ca. 60- (see60, and 57, lists). M. Licinius Crassus(Agelastus) (57) Pr. by 126. M. Lieinius Crassus (58) Governor, Crete and Cyrene, ca. 3T-86, Cos.30, Augur (see31, list, but also Additions and Corrections). P. Licinius C. f. P. n. Crassus (60) Pr. IZ6 (assignedI{ither Spain but excused),Cos. l7l, Leg., Amb. lGT. See Additions and Corrootions, on l7l. P. Licinius M. f. P. n. Crassus (61) Aed. f02 ?, Pr. by 100, Cos. X'arther Spain 97, and Procos.96-93, Leg., Lieut. g0, Cens.89, kg., Lieut. 87. P. Licinius Crassus (63) Praef . Eq. 58, Leg., Lieut. or Profect 6?-66 g?*
(under Caesar),Monetal., perhaps Q. 55, p. 443,Leg', Lieut.? 64-Eg (with Crassusin Syria), Augur ca. 55-53. Licinius (Crassus)Damasippus (65) Senator 49,p. 492. M. Licinius P. f. M. n. CrassusDives (68) Leg., Lieut.? orPrefecl? 83, 82, Pr. 73 ?, Piöcos. against Spartacus 7t-71, Cos. 70, Cens.66, V-vir (or XX vir) agr. dand. iud.59-, Cos.II55, Procos. Syria 5L d5, Pont. ? ca* 60-5*(see 60, and 57, lists)' P. Licirüuä P. f. P. n. CrassusDives (69) Aed. Cur. 212, Mag. Eq. 210, Cens.210, Pr. Pereg. 208, Cos. Bruttium 205, and Procos. 204, Pont. bef. 218-183,Pont. Max. 212-183(see2I0,list). P. Licinius CrassusDives (71) Aed. Pl. ca. 60, Iud. Quaest. 69' Pr. 57. P. Licinius P. f. P. n. CrassusDives Mucianus (72\ q.152, Aed. Cur. 142?,Pr. by 134,fII vir agr. iud. assig. 133-130,Cos.Asia l3l, and, Procos.130,Pont. ?-130,Pont. Max. 132-f30. P. Licinius CrassusDives funianus (75) Tr' Pl. 53,Leg., Lieut. ? 49' Leg. (Lieut.) pro pr. Africa 46. C. Licinius P. f. -n. Getha (8S) Pr. by llg, Cos.l16, Cens.108. C. Licinius Lucullus (99) Tr. Pt. 196,II vir aed. dedic. 191,III vill Epul. 196-. L. Licinius Lucullus (101) Aed. Cur. 202. L. Licinius - f. - n. Lucullus (102) Pr' by 154, Cos. Nearer Spain l5l, and Procos.150. L. Licinius Lucullus (103) Pr. 104,and Propr. Sicily 103. L. Licinius L. f.. L. n. Lucullus (Ponticus) (104) Tr. Mil. ? 89, Q. 87; and Proq. Greece 86, and.Asia 85-80, Leg., Envoy 86-85, Aed. Cur. 79, Pr. 7ä, Promag. (Propr. ?) AIrica 77-76, Cos.Cilicia 74, and Asil' probably 74, Procos. Cilicia 73-68, Asia 73-69, Bithynia and Ponttu 73-67, and in Italy 66-63, Augur ?-56. (L. Licinius)Lucullus (105) SeeL' Lucceius. M. Licinius Lucullus (l ?, 108) Pr. Pereg. 186. M. Lucullus, seeM. Terentius Varro Lucullus, Tr. Pl. f f0' P. Licinius Lucullus (lll) C. Licinius L. f. Macer (ll2) Monetal. ca. 83, p. 443, Tr. Pl. 73, Pl. 68 ?, P.romag.?67 ? I C. Licinius Murena (ll9) Leg., Lieut. 64-63, Aed. Cur. ca. 59. L. Licinius Murena (120) 150-133,p.443,Pr. 147,Leg.t Amb. 146-145. L. Licinius Murena (t2t) Pr. by l0l. L. Licinius Murena (I22) Pr. by 88 or 87 (see88), Leg., Lieut. ? 87 f. 86-84, Propr. 84-81, Leg., Amb. 70 ?*66. L. Licinius f,. t. f,. n. Murena (123) Praef. Fabr. before 74, p' 18$
Q. 74, Leg., Lieut. 73-69, Pr. Urb. 65, Procos. Gall. Cisalp. and Transalp. 64-63, Cos. 62. SeeAdditions and Corrections (on 64-63). A. ? Licinius Nerva (129,cf. rgl, 133) Tr. Pl. ? f77. Licinius Nerva (130) Pr. Macedonia143 (or 142?). A. Licinius Nerva (l3l) Tr. Pl. ? 177 (see129 and 133),Leg., Amb. l7l,Leg., Envoy 169-168,Pr. Nearer Spain ? 166. A. Licinius Nerva (132) III vir Monetal. ca.47,p.443. C. Licinius Nerva (133) Tr. Pl. ? 177 (see129 and I3l), Leg., Envoy 168,Leg., Amb. 167,Leg., Lieut. 167. C. Licinius Nerva (133) Pr. Farther Spain 167. C. Licinius Nerva (134) Tr. Pl. ca. lll. P. Licinius Nerva (135) Pr. Sicily 104. P. (Licinius) Nerva (136) Monotal. ca. 106,p. 443.Seeno. 135. L. Licinius Pollio (143) Leg. Envoy 208. C. Licinius C. f. Sacerdos (154) Pr. Urb. 75, Propr. Sicily 74,Leg., Lieut. 68, 67-66. C. Licinius C. f. P. n. Stolo (16l) Tr. Pl. 376-867,Cos.364 (Liv.) or
361(.r'C). M. Licinius Strabo (166) Tr. Mil. 178. C. Licinius P. f. P. n. Varus (174, cf..12) Cos. 236, Leg., Amb. 218 (seeno. 12). P. Licinius Varus (175) Aed. Cur. 210, Pr. Urb. 208, Leg., Envoy 207. Licinia (l8l) Vest. Virg. bef. 123 (mention r23)-l13 (seell4). Licinia (185) Vest. Virg. bef. 73 (mention)- aft. 63 (mention). See 69, list. T. Ligarius (4) Leg., Lieut. AJrica 5l-50, and pro pr. ? 50-49. Q. Ligarius (5) Q. urb. ca.54. Cn. Ligurius (2) Tr. Mil. 197. L. (Livineius ?) Regulus (see2) Pr., date uncertain, p.464. L. Livineius Regulus (3) Prefect Hadrumetum 46, III vir a. p. f. ca. 42, p. 443, Livius (2) Tr. Pl. 146. C. Livius (not in ßE) Leg., Lieut . i I +0. L. Livius (4) Tr. Pl. 320. M. Livius - f. C. n. Denter (lt) Cos. 302, Pro Pr. 295, Pont. 300aft.295 (mention). (Livius ?) Drusus (12) Mag. Eq. 3241 (Fast. Hyd. and Chr. Pasc.). C. Livius M. Aemiliani f. M. n. Drusus (14) Pr. by 150,Cos. 147. M. Livius C. f. M. Aemiliani n. Drusus (17) Tr. Pl. l22,Pr. by ll5, Cos.Macedonial12, and Procos. lll-110, Cens.109. See Additions and Corrections.
M.LiviusDrusus(18)Tr.Mil'ca'l05,Xvirstlit'iud'ca'104'Q' assig' 9l' V vir agr' bv 102,Aed. ca. 94, Tr. Pl.91, X vir agr' dand' dänd. assig.9l, Pont. ?-91' Pr' or Iudex 50' M. (Livius) ö"o*o* (Claudianus) g'l 214-209' Tarentum Prefect (24) M. iir.iu, i\{acatus 416'R'ep' Spain,late (26) f. Ocella Q' ' P' -. " ö.-li"i"* L. pr. tate R'ep', P' 464' SeeL' Pella' L' Iulius L. Livius Ocella (25,;q Mocilla. Bruttium lVr.f. M. n. Salinator (29,cf. r) Aed. Car.204,Pr' C.i-iri"* -'ioz, l9l' X'leet I93' Pr' Eq' Leg., Lieut I99-r98 (seeno' .I),-Praef' 2r1-t7O Pont' 188' 190' Cos' "rra fröug. (Propr. ?) Igd, Leg', Amb' (see2I0, and 179,lists). L. iivius Salinator, seeL. Iulius Salinator (453)' '(33) X vir s' f' 236' M. Lioio, M. f' M. n. Salinator (32) Cos' 219' Leg'' {mb' 218' Cos' U. f,ioiou M. f. M. n. Salinator and Cisalp' Gaul 204'Cens'204' 206-205, 207,Dict. 207,Procos.Etruria Cn. Lollius (5) III vir nocturn' 241 ? L. Loltius (6) Leg., Lieut' pro pr' 67-' '{ p' 492' M.ioUius q' i' 1U"". (not' in -B'O)Senatot 129' Q. 64. M. Lollius (9)'1rr1 j LieuL: +?-!?,31,Cos'2r' Leg', U. 1f,oni"rr "(20) l III vir Monetal' ca' 47' p' 444' Promag'' jf,oUio, ('Palicanus) 1i. ' ärLeg., Lieut. Crete and Cyrene ca'€5-34' by 69' M. Lollius Palicanus (21, cf' 8) Tr' Pl' 7l' Pr' 89' Lieut'' Lucanus (Lucanius) (Lucanius I) Leg', ca' 92' L. Lucceius M. f . (4) Leg', Lieut ' L. Lucceius (6, cf' Licinius 105) Pr' pereg' 67' p' 492' Q. Lucienus (I) Senator ca' 67, uncertain' p' 484' cap', vir (6, cf. 25) III ö. iu"itiu" {a!e before 90 (see91' and 90)' Asia Propr' or L. Lucilius L. f. (l8i Pr. L29'p' 492' Senator (II) M'. Lucilius M. f. Pompt. p' 470' uncertain, date Pl' M. Lucilius (I2) Tr. 87' Pl' (15) Tr. Sex. Lucilius Sex. Lucilius (16) Tr. Mil' 51' 'R'E) Leg', Lieut' pro p1' 102-101' i-C.i""ifi"t) ' Hirrus (not in Envoy 48' b. f,"cifi"s 1Zs) Tr. Pl. 53, Leg', Lieut' ? 49'Leg" p' 444a M. Lucilius Rufus (31) Monetal' ca' 100-95' 43' SeeL' Lucceius (6)' Lucius lnot in nU'\ Leg', Envoy L. Lucretius (4) Q. 2r8. M. Lucretius (6) Tr. Pl. 210' M. Lucretius (7) Leg., Lieut '? 207? M. Lucretius (8) Tr. Pl. l7Z,Leg', Lieut' 17I'
M. Lucretius (9) Senator 7O,P. 492. P. Lucretius (Ir) Cos.? 507 or 5O6(Liv.). Sp. Lucretius (I3) Aed. Pl. 206, Pr. Gall. Oieolp. 205, and Propr. 204-202,Leg., Amb. 200. Sp. Lucretius (14) Pr. Farther Spain 172, and homag. (Procos.?) l7l,Leg., Lieut. ? 169,Leg., Amb. 163-162. L. Lucretius - f. - n. X'lavus Tricipitinus (20) Cos. (Liv.) or Cos. Suff. (.FC)393, Tr. MiI. c. p. 391, 388, 383, 381, Princ. Sen. ca. 390 ? C. Lucretius Gallus (23) II vir naval. 181,Pr. Fleet f 7f . Q. Lucretius Ofella (25) Prefect, siegeof Praeneeto82. Ilostus Lucretius - f. - n. Tricipitinus (27) Cos.429. L. Lucretius T. f. T. n. Tricipitinus (28) Cos. 462, Praef. Urb. 469. P. Lucretius Hosti f. - n. Tricipitinus (29) Tr. Mil. c. p. 419, 417. (30) Intorrex 509, Cos. Suff. Sp. Lucretius T. ? f. - n. Tricipitinus 509, Praef. Urb. 509. T. Lucretius T. f. - n. Tricipitinus (31) Cos.508, 604, Tr. Mil. ? 508 (Dion. Hat.). Cn. Lucretius Trio (32) Monetal. ca. 135-127, p. 444L. Lucretius Trio (33),p. 444. Lucretius Vespillo (34) Aed. Pl. 133. Q. Lucretius Vespillo (36) Prefect ? Sulmo 49, then in Pompey's fleet 49-48. M. Lurius (l) Promag. (Propr. ?) Sardinia 42-40, Promag' or Leg., Lieut. 31. C. Luscius Ocrea (2) Senator 76, p. 492. C. Lusius (1) Tr. Mil. r04. C. Lutatius C. f. C. n. Catulus (4) Cos. with fleot off Sicily 242, and Procos.241. C. Lutatius C. f. C. n. Catulus (5) Cos.220b,III vir agr. dand. assig. 218. Q. Lutatius Q. f. - n. Catulus (7) Pr. by I09, Cos. in Gall. Cisalp. against the Cimbri 102, and Procos. 101, Leg., Lieut' 90, Leg., Envoy 87. Q. Lutatius Q.f. Q.n. Catulus (S) Leg., Envoy 87, Pr. by 81, Cos' 78, Italy against Lepidus ?7, Cens.66, Pont. bef' 73-ca' 60 (see73, and 60, lists). Cn. Lutatius Cerco (Il) Pr.? 175,Leg., Amb. 173. Cn. Lutatius Cn. f. A (-) (Cerco?) (L2) Senatoroa. 140,p. 492' Q. Lutatius C. f. C. n. Cerco (13) Cos.241,Cern.236. Q. L(utatius) C(erco)or C(atulus) (not in -B.O) Monetal., very oarly, p.444. Q. Lutatius Cerco (14) Q. ca. 90 (Grueber), 100 (Sydenham)'
Sp. Maecilius (l) Tr. Pl. 416,for the fourth time. T. MaociliusCroto (3) Leg., Lieut. 215. Machaeras (not in .B,E') Leg., Lieut. ? 38. Maecenas (2) Scriba of Sertorius ?-?2. C. Maecenas (l) Leg., Envoy 38, 37, Prefect at Rome 36, 31. Octavius Maecius (l) Leg., Lieut. 293. Q. Maelius (3) Tr. Pl. 320. Sp. Maelius (3) Tr. Pl. 436. P. Maelius Sp. f. C. n. Capitolinus (4) Tr. Mil. c. p. 400, 396. Maenius (r and 2) Tr. Pl. 279 ? (see2r9). Mae(nius?) (see12) Monetal. very early, p. a44. C. Maenius (8) Tr. Pl. 483. C. Maenius P. f. P. n. (9) Cos.338,Dict. 320,Cens.318,Dict. II 314. C. Maenius (10) Pr. Sardinia 180. P. Maenius (12) Monetal. ca. 150-146,p. 444. Q. Maenius (14) Pr. Urb. or Pereg. 170. T. Maenius (15) Pr. Urb. 186,Tr. Mil. f 82-f 80, Leg., Envoy 180. T. Maenius T. f. (16) Q. ? bef. 73 (see73, Addendum). P. Mae(nius) M. f. Ant(ias) or Ant(iaticus) (I8) Monetal. ca. l1$lL0, p. 444. Maevius (Mevius) (l) Tr. Pl. bef. t2l. M. Maevius (4) Tr. Mil. 203. Magius (see8) Pr. bet. 89 and 8l (see82). Magius (see8) Pr. bet. 89 and 8t (see82). N. Magius (9) Praef. X'abr. 49, Leg., Envoy 49. P. Magius (10) Tr. Pl. 87. M(aia)nius (not in -B-U) Tr. Mil. ? 89. C. Maianius (I) Monetal. ca. 135-124,p. 444. Q. Mal(Ieolus?), see Q. Publicius Malleolus. L. Mallius (Manlius ?) L. f. Men. (6) Senator ca. 126,p. 492. L. Mallius (8) Leg.,Lie:ul.? 74. T. Mallius X'a(b). (not in -BZ) Senatorin 16l, p. 493. T. Mallius (10) Q. urb. 99. Mallius Maltinus (Manlius 59) Leg., Amb. 89-88. Cn. Mallius Cn. f. Maximus (13) Pr. by 108,Cos. 105. M. MaloleiusM. f. (l) Tr. Mil. ? 89. Mamercus (not in ,B.O) Leg., Lieut. ? 74 (with Lucullus in Asia). Mamercus (not in -BZ) Leg., Lieut. ? 74? (with Anfonius in Liguria). Mamilius (not in RE) Tr. Pl. 55 ? L. Mamilius (2) Monetal. ca. 150-133,p. 444. C. Mamilius Atellus (5) Aed. Pl. 208,Pr. Sicily 207,Leg.,Amb.203, Curio Maximus 20$-174(see179,list).
C. Mamilius Limetanus (7) Tr. Pl. 109,X vir agr. dand. assig.? 91. C. Mamilius Limetanus (8) Monetal. ca. 82-81, p.444. C. Mamilius Q.f. Q. n. Turrinus (lI) Cos.239, Pont. or Augur? 254?- (seeQ. Mamilius Turrinus, no. 12). Q. Mamitius Turrinus (I2) Pont. or Augur ? 254?- (seeC. Mamilius Turrinus no. ll). Q. Mamilius Turrinus (13) Aed. Pl. 207, Pr. Pereg., then Gall. Cisalp. 206. L. Mamilius Q.f.M. n. Vitulus (ra) Cos.265. Q. Mamilius Q.f.M. n. Vitulus (15) Cos.262. Manilius (2) Senator 184,p. 493. SeeP. Manlius no. 31. Manilius (3), Pr. before 82, PIin. NH. 33.2I. SeeA. Manlius (12). C. Manilius (Crispus?) (10) Tr. Mil. 66. M'. Manilius P. f. P. n. (I2) Pr. Farther Spain 155?, Cos.Africa 149, and Procos. I48. P. Manilius (13) Leg., Amb. 167. P. Manilius P. ? f. M'. n. (14) Pr. by 123,Cos. 120. Sex. Manilius (15) Tr. Mil. 449. T. Manilius (10) Senator 76, p. 493. Q. ? Manilius Cumanus (2a) Tr. Pl. 52. Manius (not in ,B-E) Leg., Lieut. 74 (under Antonius). Manius (l and 2) Leg., Envoy 41. Manlius (2, cI. 74) Pr. Sicily 136. Manlius (or Mallius) (Manlius 5) Officer of Sertorius ?-72. A. Manlius ? (Mallius) (not in ,B.E') Tr. Mil. c. p. ? 387 (Diod.). A. Manlius (T. f . A. n. Capitolinus) (9) Tr. Mil. c. p. 389,385,383,370. Cf. no. 51. A. Manlius (11) Tr. Mil. 208. A. Manlius (12) Pr. -, Leg., Lieut. 107-105,Leg., Envoy 106, 106. SeeManilius (3). A. Manlius A. f. (Torquatus ?) (13) Q. 8r (seeno. 76). A. Manlius Q. f. Ser., seeA. Manlius Q. f. Sergianus(63). Cn. Manlius (2r) Pr.72. L. Manlius (Acidinus ?) (26) Q. urb. 168(seeManliusAcidinus no.43). L. Manlius (30, cf. 79) Pr. 79 ?, Procos. Gall. Transalp. 78. P. Manlius (Vulso ?) (31, cf. l\Ianilius 2) Pr. Nearer Spain 106, ond Propr. ? Lg4, Pr. X'arther Spain 182, and Promag. (Proooe.?) l8l-180, fII vir Epulo 196-ca. 180. Q. Manlius (34) IIf vir Capital. 77 ?, Tr. Pl. 69. T. Manlius (Torquatus) (see 57, and 8l) Prefect 340. T. Manlius (16) Leg., Amb. 164.
Manlius L. f. Acidinus (43) Tr. Mil. 171, Q. ? 168 (seeL. Manlius no. 26). Manlius M. f. Acidinus (43) Tr. Mil. l7l. L. Manlius Acidinus (46) Pr. Urb. 210, Leg., Amb. 208, Promag. (Propr. ?) to guard passesin Appennines 207, Procos. Spain 206-f99. L. Manlius L. f. L. n. Acidinus X''ulvianus (47) Pr. Nearer Spain 188, Procos. 187-185,IIf vir col. deduc. 183, Leg., Amb. 183, Cos. r79. (48) Tr. Mil. c. p. 379. C. (or Cn.) Manlius - f. - n. L. Manlius - f. - n. Capitolinus (49) Tr. Mil. c. p. 422. M. Manlius - f. - n. Capitolinus (Vulso ?) (50) Cos. or Tr. Mil. c. p.434. M. Manlius T. f. A. n. Capitolinus (51) Cos. 392, fnterrex 387. P. Manlius A. f. A. n. Capitolinus (52) Tr. Mil. c. p. 379, Dict. Suff. 368,Tr. Mil. c. p. II 367. Cn. Manlius L. f. A. n. Capitolinus fmperiosus (53) Cos. 359, 357, Interrex 355, Cens. 351, Mag. Eq. 345. ! L. Manlius A. f. A. n. Capitolinus fmperiosus (54) Dict. 363. Cn. Manlius P. f. - n. Cincinnatus (see f9) Cos. 480. T. Manlius L. f. A. n. Imperiosus Torquatus (57) Tr. Mil. 361, Dict. 353, II 349, Cos. 347,II 344,III 340, Dict. III 320. Manlius Lentinus (58) Leg., Lieut. 62-60. T. Manlius Mancinus (61, cf. f6) Tr. Pl. 107,Leg., Amb. 8$-88. Manlius Priscus (62) Leg., Lieut. 65. A. Manlius Q. f. Ser(gianus?) (63) Monetal. ca. 100, p. 444. T. Manlius T. f. Sergia(nus?) (64) Possibly Legate in Spain c;a.42, Manlius Torquatus (72) Q. 43. A. Manlius Torquatus (73) Pr. 167 (assigned Sardinia). A. Manlius A. f. A. n. Torquatus (73) Pr. 167 (assigned Sardinia but retained in Italy), Cos. 164. (^4..)Manlius (Torquatus) (74) Pr. ? Sicily 136? (seeManlius no. 2). A. (Manlius) Torquatus (see 74) Pr. Greece or Sicily, date uncortain, p. 464. A. Manlius Torquatus (70) Pr. 70?, Promag. (Propr.?) Africa 69? (seeA. Manlius Torquatus no. 76). A. Manlius A. f. Torquatus (f 3, 76) Q. 81?, Leg., Lieut. pro pr. l 67- (seenos. 13, and 70), Quaesitor 52. L. Manlius Torquatus (77) Leg., Lieut. 295. L. Manlius Torquatus (7S) Q. ca. 94. L. Manlius L. f. - n. Torquatus (79) Proq. 811-81(East and Italy under Sulla; see no. 29), Pr. 68?, Procos.Asia? 67?, Leg. Liouü. (or Procos.?) 67, Cos. 65, Procos. Macedonia641-63.
L. Manlius Torquatus (80) III vir Monetal. ca. 65, p. 446, Pr. 49, Promag. (Propr. ?) 48, 46. XV vir s. f. before 69-46, p. 485. T. Manlius (T. f. L. n.) Torquatus (see57, or 8l) Prefect 340. T. Manlius T. f. T. n. Torquatus (81) Cos. 299. T. Manlius T. f. T. n. Torquatus (82) Cos. 235, Cons. 231, Cos. U 224, Propr. Sardinia 215, Dict. 208, Pont. bef.. 212-202 (see 210, list). T. Manlius A. f. T. n. Torquatus (83) Pr. 170?, Cos. 165,Leg., Amb. 162, Pont. 170-. T. Manlius T. f. Torquatus (85) Senator by 78, p. 493. A. Manlius T. f. T. n. Torquatus Atticus (87) Cens.247, Cos.244, 24r. A. Manlius Cn. f. P. n. Vulso (89) Cos. 474, Leg., Amb. 454-452, X vir consul.imp. Ieg. scrib. 451. A. Manlius Cn. f. L. n. Vulso (90) III vir col. deduc. lg4-192, Pr. Suff . ? I 89?,Cos.Cisalp.Gaul and Istria I 78,and Procos.I 77.Seep. 645. Cn. Manlius Cn. f. L. n. Vulso (91) Aed. Cur. lg7, Pr. Sicily 196, Cos.Asia 189,and Procos.188-187. L. Manlius (Vulso) (92) Pr. Pereg., then Gall. Cisalp. 218. L. Manlius Vulso (93) Pr. Sicily lg7, Leg., Lieut. 189,Leg., Envoy r88. L. Manlius Vulso (94) Leg., Amb. 149. M. Manlius - f. - n. Vulso (96) Tr. Mil. c. p. 420. P. Manlius M. f. Cn. n. Vulso (97) Tr. Mil. c. p. 400. P. Manlius Vulso (98) Pr. Sardinia 2lO. Q. Manlius A. f. Cn. n. Vulso (Capitolinus?) (99) Tr. Mil. c. p. 396. A. Manlius A. f. Cn. n. Vulso Capitolinus (I00) Tr. Mil. c. p. 406, 402, 397,Leg., Amb. 394. L. Manlius A. f. P. n. Vulso Longus (t0l) Cos. 256, 250. L. Marcilius (l) Leg., Lieut. 74-72. Marcius (not in -B,O) Cos. Suff. 36. C. Marcius (not in J?.8) Tr. Mil. c. p.? 390 (Diod. i'n ß). Cn. Marcius (I2) Tr. Pl. 389. M'. Marcius (f7) Aed. Pl. 440? (or II cent. middle?). M. Marcius (20) Rex Sacrorum ?-210 (see 210, list of Pontificea). M. Marcius (21\ Tr. Mil. 193. M. Marcius (22) Monetal. ca. 119-110,p. 445. Q. Marcius (2r\ Tr. Mil. r93. Q. Marcius (30) Monetal. ca. 103-102,p. 446. Q. Marcius (31, cf. 95) Tr. Pl. 68 ? Q. Marcius (32) Tr. Mil. 45. (Marcius) Censorinus . (42) Leg., Lieut. ? 53.
C. Marcius Censorinus (43) Monetal. ca. 86, p. 445, Tr. Mil. ? or Praof. Eq. 87, Leg., Lieut. ? 82. Cn. Marcius Censorinus (a5) Tr. Pl. tZZ? L. Marcius C. f. C. n. Censorinus (46) Aed. Cur. 160, Pr. by 152, Cos. 149,Cens.147. (L. Marcius)Censorinus $7?) Monetal. ca.82,p.445, Leg., Lieut. or Praef. Class.70. L. Marcius L. f. C. n. Censorinus (48) Pr. 43 (perhapsurb. before going to Mutina to Antony), Procos. Macedonia and Achaea 42-40, Cos. 39, XV vir s. f. (see31, list). Q. Marcius Crispus (52) Leg., Lieut. 57-54, Pr. 46, Leg.,Lieut.? or Tr. Mil. ? AIrica 46, Procos. Bithynia and Pontus 45, and thence to Syria 44-43. C. Marcius C.f. Q.n. X'igulus (61) Pr. X'leet169,Cos. 162,If 156. C. Marcius X'igulus (62) Pr. ca. 130. C. Marcius C. f. C. n. X'igulus (63) Pr. by 67, Cos.64. L. (Marcius) Figulus (64) Praef. Class.43. Marcius Libo (69) Praef. X'abr. 66 ? Q. Marcius Libo (70) Monetal. ca. 145-138,p. 445. (Marcius) Philippus (74), see below, no. 77. L. Marcius Q. f. Q. n. Philippus (75) Tr. Pl. ca. 104,Aed. ?, p. 467, Pr. by 96, Cos. 91, Cens. 86, Leg., Lieut. 82, Augur bef. 93 (mention) -. L. (Marcius) Philippus (see75) Monetal. ea. IO4, p. 445. L. MarciusL.f. Q.n. Philippus (76) Pr.62, and Promag.(Procos.?) Syria 6l-60, Cos. 56, Leg., Envoy 43. L. Marcius L. t. L. n. Philippus (77, cf..74) Monetal. ca. 56, p. 445, Tr. Pl. 49, Pr. ? 44, Cos. Suff. 38, Procos. Spain 34-33, Augur bef. 56?- (see50, and 31, lists). Q. Marcius Q. f. Q. n. Philippus (78) Cos. 281, Pr. ? 280, Cens.? 269,Mag. Eq. 263. Q. Marcius L. f. Q. n. Philippus (79) Pr. Sicily I88, Cos. 186,Leg., Amb. 183, 172, Leg., Lieut. ? I7l, Cos. II Macedonia 169, and Procos. into 168, Leg., Amb. ? 167, Cens. 164, X vir sac. fac. 180-. Q. Marcius (Philippus) (80) Leg., Lieut. ? 169,Leg., Amb. ? 163. Q. (Marcius)Philippus (82, cf. 8r) Monetal. ca.125-120, p. 445. Q. (Marcius) Philippus (83) Pr. ca. 48, Procos. (Cilicia ?) 47. M. Marcius Ralla (86) Pr. urb. 204, Promag. (Propr. ?) X'leet 203, Leg., F.nvoy 202Q. Marcius Ralla (87) Tr. Pl. 196,II vir aed. dedic. 194, 192. (Marcius) Rex (not in RE) Legate ?, Sicily, p. 483. P. MarciusRex (89) Leg., Envoy l7l.
Q. Marcius Rex (90) Pr. urb. 144, and Promag. (Propr. ?) to oom' plete his aqueduct 143. Q. Marcius Q.f. Q.n. Rex (91) Pr. by I2l, Cos.Liguria tl8, and Procos. l17. Q. Marcius Q.f. Q.n. Rex (92) P". by 71, Cos.68, Procos.Cilioia 67-66, and in Itaiy waiting unsuccessfully for a triumph, 66-03 or 62. See Additions and Corrections (on 67-66). Marcius Rufus (94) Q. 49. Q. Marcius Rufus (95, cf. 3l) Leg., Lieut. 71. C. Marcius L. f. C. n. Rutilus (97) Cos. 357, Dict. 356, Cos. fI 362, Cens.351,Cos.III 344,IV 342. C. Marcius C. f. L. n. Rutilus Censorinus (98) Tr. Pl. 3ll, Coa. 310, Leg., Lieut. ? 295, Cons. 294, 265, Pont. 300-, Augur 300-. Q. Marcius Scilla (100) Tr. PI. 172. L. Marcius Septimius (fOl) Tr. Mil. 2ll,Leg., Lieut. 206 (probably 210-206). M. Marcius Sermo (102) Tr. Pl. I72. Q. Marcius Q.f. Q.n. Tremulus (106) Cos. 306, 288. Marcia (114) Vest. Virg. ?-113,see lI4. Marcus (not in .B.O) Leg., Amb. 182. Marcus (not in -RZ) pr. Asia?,late II, p' 481. Marcus (not in Ä,8) Q. Asia, I cent., p. 476. Marcus, seeM. (Lollius) (ll). Marius Appius (not in ,B,O) Tr. Mil. c. p. ? 398 (Diod. in E). Marius Statilius (7) Praef. Soc. 216. C. Marius C. f. C. n. (f 4, Supb. 6) Q. r2f ?, Tr. PI' ll9, Pr. 116, Promag. (Propr. ?) X'arther Spain ll4, Leg., Lieut. 109-108, Cos. Numidia 107, and Procos. 106-105, Cos. II 104, III 103, IV 102, V l0l, VI 100,Leg., Amb. 97, Procos.? 90, Leg.,Lieut.90, Procos.? 88, 87, Cos. VII 86, Augur 97-86. C. Marius C. f. C. n. (15) Cos. 82. L. Marius (19) Tr. Pl. 62,Leg., Lieut. 62-60. L. Marius (4) Q. Syria 50. M. Marius (22) Pr. ca. I02, and Promag. Spain 101. M. Marius (23) Q. ? 76 (under Sertorius). Q. Marius (26) Monetal. ca. 150-133,p. 445. Sex. Marius (27) Leg., Lieut. 43. C. Marius C. f. Capito (33) 79, p.445. M. Marius Gratidianus (42) Tr. Pl.? 87,Leg., Lieut.87, Pr. ti6?, II 84? T. Marius Siculus (30) Prefect Fleet of Lentulus in Sioily, 42-39 ot 38-36, Prefect under two leadersca. 36 ?, Tr. Mil. Leg. XII after 30.
Mationus (l)'ttl Monetal. ca. 155-150,p' 445' II vir naval. l8l, Pr. X'arther spain 173 (see M. c. Matienur Matienus). M. ? Matienus (see 2) Pr. X'arther Spain I73' P. Matienus (5) Tr. Mil. 205. P. Matienus (6) Monetal. ca. 150-125 (Grueber), p' 446' Maximus ? (not in ßE) Monet'al., very early, p' 446' L. Mecilius (l) Tr. PI. 470. Megabocchus (l) Leg., Lieut.? 53.C."Megabocchus'(seerlPromag.(Propr.?)Sardinia,dateuncer. tain, p. 481. Memmius (l) Aed. Pl. ? 2ll. Memmius (3, 5?) Tr. Pl'? before lI3, p' 470' Memmius (5) Tr. MiI' 134-132. C. Memmius (4) Leg., Amb. 174 173, Pr' Sicily r72' ö. Memmiu" i5j fr. pt. lll, Pr. 104or 103,and Procos.Macedonia ca. 103 (seeno. 3). Monetal. ca. 86, P.446. C. Memmius L. f. Gal. (6) 'Lieut. ? 81, Tr. Mil. ? 79-76, Q. 76, and (7) Leg., C. Memmius 75. Proq. in SPain C. Memmius (8) Tr. Pl. 66, Pr. 58, Promag. (Procos.?) BithYnia and Pontus 57. C. Memmius (9) Tr. Pl. 54. C.MemmiusC.'f.L.n.(1)'51,p'446,Cos'Suff'34' Senat'or129,p' 493' L. Memmius C. f. Men. (ll) L. Memmius (il) Pr. bY 1r3? L. Memmius (I2) Leg., Amb. ca.l1-2, perhapsas ex-Praetor' L. Memmius (13) Monetal. ca. 109, p' a46' L.MemmiusL.f.Gal.(14),andwithC. MemmiusC. f. Gal. ca. 86,p.446, Tr. Pl' 89' L. Memmius C. f. Gal. (15) Q., Tr. PI., Praef' Leg' agr' div' (see4l' Spec.Comm.), Cur. f rumenti, all late R ep., pp. 476, 47L,484, 485,resp' Q. Memmius (1S) Leg., Amb. 164. T. Memmius (19) Leg., Amb. 170. P. MenatesP. f. (t) Aed., date uncertain, p' 467' Menecrates, see (Pompeius) Menecrates. L. l\[enenius (7) Tr' Pl. 357. M. Menenius (8) Tr. Pl. 410. M. Menenius (9) Tr. Pl. 384. Agrippa MeneniusC. f . - n. Lanatus (12) Cos' 503, Leg', Envoy 493' Menenius T. f. Agripp. n. Lanatus (4, 13, 14) III vir' col' d"ö;. deduc. 442, Cos.439,Tr. Mil. c. p. 419, 417'
Licinus Menenius T. f. T. n. Lanatus (15) Tr. Mil. o. p. 387, 380, 378, 376. L. Menenius (T. f. Agripp.n.) Lanatus (16, cf. r0 and l8) Cos. 440 (seeT. Menenius Lanatus no. l8)' T. Menenius Agripp. f. C. n. Lanatus (17) Cos. 477. T. Menenius Agripp. f' Agripp. n. Lanatus (18) Cos.462, aa0 @C; seeL. Menenius Lanatus no. 16). Menodorus (Menas), see (Pompeius ?) Menodorus. L. MesciniusRufus (2) Q. 5l-50. C. Messius (2) Tr. Pl' 57, Aed. Pl. 55, Leg', Lieut ' 54,I'og', Lieuü' ? or Prefect ? Hadrumetum 46. Metilius (l) Tr. Pl. 220? (seeno. 9). M. Metilius (7) Tr. Pl. 416 (for the third time). M. Metilius (8) Tr. Pl. 401. M. Metilius (9) Tr. Pl. 217 (seeno. l), Leg., Envoy ?ll' M. Mettius (2) Leg., Envoy 58, Monetal. 44 (probably IIII vir), p' 446' C. Mevulanus (or Mevulanius) (l) Tr. Mil. 63. C. Milonius (2) Tr. Pl. ? 87, Leg., Lieut. ? 87. M. Minatius Sabinus (3) Proq. under Pompey's sons in Spain 46-45. M. Mindius L. f. (l) Aed. before 200, p. 467 (in Rome ?)' M. Mindius Marcellus (5) Praef. Class. 36. Minicius (12.2399) Tr. Pl.? before90?, p.471. minius T. f. Longinus (not in RE) Pr. early date, p' 463' Minucius (6) Tr. Pl. ? f 33. SeeMucius l, Mummius 12' Minucius (not in J?E) Tr' Pl. ? by 9l ?,p.471. Minucius (9, cf. 50) Pr. 43. L. Minucius (16, cf. 37) 13S-126,p' 446' M. Minucius (f9) Tr. Pl. 401. M. Minucius (20) Tr. Pl. 216. P. Minucius (21) Tr. Mil. r93' Q. Minucius (Rufus) (22, cf.66) Leg., Lieut. 2ll. Soo Q' Mlnuoiur Rufus (55). Q. Minucius (23, cf..24) Tr. Mil. 193,Log., Amb. 174 (roe no. 66)' Pr. 164? Q. Minucius (25) Aed. Cur. 135? Sp. Minucius (28) Pont. Max' ? 420 (montion). Cl Minucius Augurinus (30) Tr. Pl. 184? (or l8? f ). C. Minucius Augurinus (31) Monctal. oo. lSil-'!20' p.a!-6. M. Minucius - f. - n. Augurinus (32) Q. 609, Coe.{9?, Il {gl, Log" Envoy 488. P. Minucius - f. - n. Augurinus (33) Cos. 402.
Ti. Minucius - f. - n. Augurinus (3a) Cos. 305. Ti. MinuciusC. f. Augurinus (35) llg-110, p. 446. L. Minucius Basilus (37) Leg., Lieut. 88, Tr. Mil. 36. L. Minucius Basilus (38) Q. 55 ?, Leg., Lieut. 5g-48, and praef. Castr.48,Pr,45, L. Minucius P. f. M. n. Esquilinus Augurinus (40) Cos. (Liv.), Cos. Suff. (,F'C)458, X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 450-449, Praef. annonao 440-439.Tr. Pl. ? ? 435. Q. Minucius P. f. M. n. Esquilinus (41) Cos.457. M. Minucius X'aesus (42) Augur 300-. Ti. Minucius Molliculus (43) Pr. Pereg. 180. C. Minucius Reginus (47) Prefect Zeta 46. Minucius Rufus (49) Praef. Class.88. Minucius Rufus (50, cf. 9) Praef. Class.48. M. MinuciusC. f. C. n. Rufus (52) Cos.22t, Mag. Eq. 2t7,Dicb. 2t7. M. Minucius Rufus (53) Pr. Pereg. tg7, IIf vir col. deduc. Ig+-tgl, Leg., Amb. lg3. M. Minucius Q. f. - n. Rufus (54, cf. 48) Tr. Pl. l2l, Spec.Comm. to arbitrate between Genua and the LangensesViturii ll7, pr. by ll3, cos. Macedoniaarld rhrace l l0, and Procos. 109-106.see additions and Corrections. Q. MinuciusC. f. C. n. Rufus (22,55) Leg., Lieut. 2tl, Aed. pl. 201, Pr. Bruttium 200,and Propr. lg9, Cos. lg7,Leg.,Amb. lgg-lgg, lgg, 174? (seeno. 23). Q. Minucius Rufus (56) Monetal. ca. t}7-t84, p. 446,Spec.Comm. to arbitrate between Genua and the Langenses Viturii ll7, Leg., Lieut. r10-106. T. Minucius Rufus (5S) Leg., Lieut. ? (or Prefect) Gyrto f 7t. (Minucius ?) Thermus (60) Pr. by 07. L. Minucius Thermus (15, 63) Leg., Lieut. 182-18I, I80, l7g, Leg., Envoy 177, Leg., Amb. Egypt t54, Egypt I45-t44 (see Additions and Corrections). M. Minucius Thermus (64) Pr. 8t, and Propr. ? Asia 80. Q. Minucius Q.f.L. n. Thermus (65) Tr. Mil. 2O2,Tr.Pl. 201,Aed. Cur. 198, IIf vir col. deduc. l9Z-194, Pr. Hither Spain lg6, and Promag. (Procos.?) 195,Cos.Liguria lg3, and.procos.lgZ-tg0, Log., Amb. 189-188. Q. Minucius M. f. Ter. (Thermus?) (GO) Monetal. ea. 96-94, p. 447, Q. ? 89, Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 86. Q. Minucius Q. f. Ter. Thermus (GZ) Q. ? bef. ?8, Tr. P.l. 62, pr. by. !8 ?, 91 53 ?, Propr. Asia 52-50, Propr. at fguvium 49 (pr., Caos.l, Leg., Envoy 43.
Minucia (68) Vest. Virg. ?-897. Q. ?_Mucius (l) Tr. Pl. ? f Bg. SeeMinucius (6), Mummius (12). Q. Mucius Orestinus (t2) Tr. Pl. 64. P. Mucius Scaevola (7) Tr. Pl. ? ? 486,Tr. Mil. ? 486. C. (Mucius) Scaevola (14) XV vir s. f. by Bt (seeBl, list). P. Mucius Q.f.P. n. Scaevola (16) pr. ürb. tZ9, Cos.tib. P.lVlucius P. f. Q. n. Scaevola (tZ) Tr. pl. l4l, pr. 136,Cos. lBB, Pont. bef. 130-115,Pont. Max. t3G-ca. ll5. P. Mucius Scaevola (18) Pont. bet. ZBand 69 - ca. 60 (seo 7g,69, 60, lists). Q. Mucius P. f. - n. Scaevola (19) Cos.?220a,pr. Sardinia 215,ahd after temporary releasefrom command, Propr. 2L4-212, X vir sao. fac. ?-209. Q. Mucius Q.f.P.n. Scaevola (20) pr. Sicily lZ9, Cos.lZ4, Tr. Mil. l7l, and Leg., Lieut. to hold Ambracia l7l. Q. Mucius Q. f. Q. n. Scaevola (Augur) (2t) pr. by 120 in Asia, probably Propr. ll-g ?, Cos. ltZ, Augurbef. t29-ca. Sö (seelBB,list). ^ Q. Mucius P. f. P. n. Scaevola (22) e. by r09, Tr. pl. rbO,Aed. Cur. !l fOO_, Pr. by g8, and Procos.Asia by 92, Cos. g5, pont. ca. l16_g2, Pont. Max. ca. 8g-82. Q. Mucius Scaevola (23) Tr. Pl. E4,Leg., Lieut. ? lg-Et,Augur before 49 (see50, list). M. Mulvius (3) III vir Nocturn. 241 ? Mrrmmius (2, cf .9) Officer (Leg., Lieut. ?) under Crassus22. C. Mummius (6) Leg., Lieut. ? 88. L. Mummius (7) Tr. Pl. l8Z, Pr. Sardinia l7?. L. Mummius L. f. L. n. (Za) Pr. X'arther Spain 168, and promag. (Procos.?) 152, Cos. Achaia 146, and Procös. 146, Cons. 142. S; Additions and Corrections. M. Mummius (9, cf. 2) Pr. urb. ? 20. Q. Mummius (ll) Tr. Pl. 187. Q. ? Mummius (tZ) Tr. Pl. ? l3B. SeeMinucius 0, Muoiue l. Sp. Mummius (13) Leg., Lieut. t48,Leg., Amb. 140-lgg. C. Munatius (5) X vir agr. dand. assig. tZ3. Muna,tius X'laccus (lg) Prefect (Pompoian) Atogua {6. C. Munatius Plancus (26), seeL. plotiua planoüc. L. Munatius (Plancus) (28) offioor (Log., Lieut. t or hcfcot l) undor Sulla at Chalcis 8G. L. Munatius L. f. L. n. Plancus (90) Ing., Liout, 6f16, prcfooü at Rome 45, Pr. 45 ?, Procos. Tranaalp. Gaüt &-lS, Crru.{2, pruo
T. Munatius Plancus Byrsa (32) Tr. Pl. 52, Officer (Leg., Lieut. ?) undor Antony at Mutina 43. M. Munius M. f. Lem. (not in -&,8) Senator 129,p. 493. L. MussidiusT. f. Longus (3) IIII vir a. p. f., ca. 42, p. 447.
(see68), Promag. (Propr.?) in an eastern provinoe 6l-60, and orar imperi,o 49. (M. Nonius) Sufenas (see52) Monetal. ca. 63, p.447. Sex. Nonius Sufenas (53) Pr. 81. C. Norbanus - f. (Balbus ? ?) (5) Tr. Pl. 103, Q. 102, and perhapr Proq. l0I-100, Pr. 88 ?, Promag. (Propr. ?) Sicily 87, Cos. 83, and probably Procos. 82. C. Norbanus (6) Monetal. ca. 80, p. 447. C. Norbanus C. f. X'laccus (9a) Pr.44 or 43 (see43),Leg.,Lieut,? 42, Cos. 38, Procos. Spain 36-34, XV vir s. f. ? by 3l (see31, list). L. Novius (Niger ?) (7, cf. 12) Tr. Pl. 58. L. ? Novius Niger (12, cf.7) Spec. Comm. on the Catilinarian oonspiracy 62. Nucula (l) VII vir agr. divid. 44. Q. Numerius Q.f.Vol. Rufus (5) Q. Africa ca. 60, Tr. Pl. 67,Ing,, Lieut. ca. 55. Ti. Numicius (3) Tr. Pl. 320. T. Numicius - f. - n. Priscus (4) Cos. 469. C. Numisius (2) Pr. Sicily r77. T. Numisius Tarquiniensis (10) Leg., Amb. 169, 167. C. Numitorius (Nemetorius)C. f. Lem. (seel) Senator 120,p. 493. C. Numitorius (l) 133-126,p. 447. L. Numitorius (3) Tr. Pt. 470. P. Numitorius (4) Tr. Pl. aa9. C. NumoniusVaala (l) Monetal. ca. 43,p. 447.
M. Naevius (3) Tr. Pl. 184. C. Nae(vius) Balbus (10) Monetal. ca. 78-76, p. 447. L. Naevius Balbus (ll) V vir fin. cognosc.stat. 168. Q. Naevius Crista (14) Praef. soc. 2I4. Q. Naevius Matho (4, 16) III vir col. deduc. lg4-L92, Pr. in Quaestio de veneficis, then Sardinia I84. L. Nasidius (3) Praef. Class.? 49, 47. Q. Nasidius (4) Legate under Sex. Pompey, or Prefect of the Fleet till35 (see38), Leg., Lieut. arPraof. Class.31. (P. ?)Naso (not in -B.O) Q. Sicily, p. 478. Naso (not in Ä"8) Pr.? 44. P. Nautius (l) Tr. Mil. 256. C. Nautius Q. f. Vet. (Nutius r) Senator 129,p. 493. Sp. Nautius (Antius ?) (3) Leg., Amb. 438. '. Sp. Nautius (4) Leg., Lieut. 293. C. Nautius Sp. f. Sp. n. Rutilus (5) Cos.475, 458. C. Nautius - f. - n. Rutilus (6) Cos.287. Sp. Nautius - f. - n. Rutilus (8) Cos.488. Sp.Nautius-f.-n. Rutilus (9) Tr. Mil. c.p. 424. Sp. Nautius Sp. f. Sp. n. Rutilus (10) Tr. Mil. c. p. 419,II416, Cos. 411,Tr. MiI. c. p. III a04. Sp. Nautius Sp. f. Sp. n. Rutilus (11) Cos.316 Cn. Nerius (3) Q. urb.49. Nerva (not in -B-E) Leg., Envoy 43. C. Nigidius (l) Pr. Nearer ? Spain 145? P. Nigidius X'igulus (3) Tr. Pl. ? 59, Pr. 58, Leg., Lieut. 52-61. L. Ninnius Quadratus (3) Tr. Pl. 58. p. (-)nius (not in RE) Procos.before 88, p. 481 (at Delos). Nonius (see50) Senatorin 43, p. 493. (Nonius) Asprenas (13) Tr. Pl. 44. L. Nonius L. f. T. ? n. Asprenas (14) Pr. 47 ?, Procos.with Caesarin Africa 46, Leg., Lieut. ? or Prae|. F,q.? 45, Cos. Suff. 36, VII vir Epulo before 3t ? (see31, Iist). M. ? Nonius Balbus (25-26, cf..27) Tr. Pl. 32. Nonius Struma (50) Aed. Cur. ? 55 ? M. Nonius Sufenas (52\ Q. ca. 62, Tr. Pl. 56, Pr. before 67 or 62 I
Q. Occius (l) Leg., Lieut. 143-140. Occia (3) Vest. Virg. (perhapsMaxima) 38 B. C.-f g A. D., see38. Octavius Maocius (l) Leg., Lieut.? (or Pran| Soc.?) 203. (Cn? O)ctaviusCn. f. (3) Aed. Cur. ?,late Rep., p. 467. Octavius (6) Leg., Lieut. 54-63. Octavius (see34) Senator in 43, p. 493. C. Octavius (13) Tr. Mil. 206. C. Octavius (I5) Tr. Mil. twice bef. 73, p. 482, Q. oa. ?8, Aod. Pl. 64 ?, Iud. Quaest.63 ?, Pr. 61, Procos.Maoodonia0G69. Cn. Octavius (16) Tr. Mil. 216, Aed. Pl. 206, Pr. Sa,rdinio20ö, end Propr. Fleet off Sardinia and Sicily 20+-201, in Afrloo 2O2, W,, Amb. 200, III vir col. deduo. l04,Ing., Amb. 192, lgl. Cn. Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n. (17) Aed. Cur. l?2,Lag, Envoy 169,Pr. X'leet 168,and Propr. 167,Cos. 166,Log., Amb. 16S-102,X vir sao. fac. 169-162. Cn. OctaviusCn. f. Cn. n. (18,cf. 2) Pr. by l3l, Coa.128. 38i
Cn. OctaviusL. f. Lem. (19) Senator129,p. 493. Cn. Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n. (20) Pr. by 90 (possibly also Promag.), Cos.87. Cn. OctaviusQ.f . (Ruso?) (21,cf .82) Leg., Lieut. ? 89 (seono. 82). Cn. Octavius M. f. Cn. n. (22) Pr. by 79, Cos. 76. L. Octavius Cn. f. (26) Q., early I, p. 476. Seebelow, no. 26. L. Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n. (261 Pr. by 78, Cos.75, Procos. Cilicia 74. L. Octavius (27\ Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 67-,Leg., Envoy 67. M. Octavius (3t) Tr. Pl. 133. (32) Tr. Pl. between 122 and f04 (9f and 81, M. Octavius Cn. f. p. Niccolini), 47f . M. Octavius (33) Leg., Lieut. ? 53-51, Aed. Cur. 50, Leg., Lieut. (Pompey's Fleet) 49-48, perhaps pro pr. Africa 47-46. M. Octavius (3a) Promag. ? orLeg., Lieut. ? (at Actium) 31. (Octavius)Balbus (43) Praef. Eq. ? 82. P. Octavius Balbus (46) Senator 74, p. 493. Octavius Graecinus (55) Leg., Lieut. (of Sertorius in Spain) bef. 76-72. M. OctaviusLigus (69) Senator75,p.493. M. Octavius Marsus (71) Leg., Lieut. 4+-43. Cn. Octavius Rufus (see79) Q. ca. 230. Cn. OctaviusRuso (82) Q. 105,Pr. by 91. C. Octavius (Thurinus), see C. Iulius C. f. C. n. Caesar (Augustus) (Iulius r32). Ofillius (Ofellius 2) Tr. Mil. 36. T. Ofidius (Aufidius ?)M. f. Pap. (not in.B.O) Senatorca. 165,p.494. Ogulnius (l) Monetal. ca. 85-83, p. 447. Cn. Ogulnius (2) Tr. Pl. 300,Aed. Cur. 296. M. Ogulnius (3) Leg., Envoy 210, Tr. Mil. f 96. M. Ogulnius Gallus (4) Pr. urb. I82. Q. Ogulnius L. f. A. n. Gallus (5) Tr. Pl. 300, Aed. Cur. 296, Leg., Lieut. 292,Leg., Amb. 273,Cos. 269,Dict.257. Ollinius (12.2399) Tr. Pl. ? or Pr.?, p. 471. (not in -B-0) Pr. 105. L. (-)onius Opimius (l) Monetal. ca. 150-133,p. 447 (two persons). L. Opimius Q. f. Q. n. (4) Pr. X'regellae125, Cos. l2l, Leg., Amb. l16 (or 117),Leg., Lieut. ? 1I0 ? L. Opimius (5) Monetal. ca. 125-12O,p. 447. M. Opimius (8) Monetal. ca. 125-120,p. 447,XV vir s. f. ?, p. 486. M. Opimius (9, cf. 2) Praef. Eq. 48. Q. Opimius (10) Pr. by 147,Cos.154. Q. Opimius (ll) Tr. Pl. 75.
L. OpimiusPansa (12) 8.294. Opimia (13, cf. Oppia 36) Vest. Virg. ?-4S3. Opimia (14) Vest. Virg. ?-216. Oppius (2) Pr. ? 146. Oppius (3) Tr. Mil. 140. Oppius (9) Propr. ? Macedonia and Greece? ca.78. Oppius (6) Q. in Sicily, late Rep., p.479. C. Oppius (7) Tr. Pl. 449. C. Oppius (8) Tr. Pl. 2r5. L. Oppius (10) Pr. (probablybefore 154),Leg., Amb. tE4. M. Oppius (13) Tr. Mil. 449. M. Oppius (15) Aed. 37. P. Oppius (17) Q.74, and probably Proq. 7B-. Q. Oppius (20) Pr. 89 ?, Procos.Cilicia 88. Q. Oppius (2r) Pr(ocos?) Syria 32-3r? Sp. ? Oppius (5, cf..22) Leg., Lieut. 46,Pr.? 44. M. Oppius Capito (24) Praef. pr. 86. Sp.Oppius-f.-n. Cornicen (27) Xvirconsul.imp.leg.scrib.46f449. Cn. Oppius Cornicinus (2S) Senatorin b7, p. 494. L. Oppius Salinator (32, cf. r9) Tr. Pl. lg7, Aed. Pl. l9g, Promag. Fleet (Propr.?) 192, Pr. Sardinia l9l, and Promag. (Propr. ?) lg0, r 8 9? Oppius Statianus (34) Leg., Lieut. 36. Oppia (or Opimia) (36, Opimius 13) Vest. Virg. ?-4S4. Orbinia (l) Yest. Virg. ?-472. P. Orbius (3) Pr. 65 ?, Propr. Asia 64. C. Orchius (l) Tr. Pl. 182. C. Orcivius (2) Pr. de peculatu 66. Sex. Orfidienus (l) Prefect ? Chyretiae lgl. Otacilius (l) Leg., Lieut. 89. M. Otacilius (5, cf. 4) XV vir s. f. 76 (mention). Otacilius Crassus (9) Profect Lisaus 48. M'. Otacilius C. f. M'. n. Crassus (10) Cos. 203, 240. T. Otacilius C. f. M'. n. Crassus (l l) Cos. 2Ol. T. Otacilius Crassus (12) Pr. Sioily 2l?, and hopr. Siolly rnd Flooü 216-215,fI vir aed. loc. 216, Pr. Floot off Eioily 2l{, end homag. (Propr. ?) 213-211,Pont. ?-211,Augur? (roc 210,notc 6) ?-211. Ovinius (not in r?I') Tr. Pl. bofore 312.
Paccianus (l) Leg., Envoy 81. Pacideius (l) Praef. Eq. 46 (two poraonsof ühoaomonamo). M. f. Pub. Pallacinus (not in r?E) Sonetor BO,p. 408.
Pansa (Vibius *10) Leg., EnvoY 43. Papirius Quir. (7) Senatorin 134,p. 494. Papirius (not in -B.E) Tr. PI. ? orPt. ?, late Rep., p. 471. C. Papirius (10) Pont. Max. 509-. C. Papirius (seel0) Cos.? 430 (SeeL. Papirius Crassus,no. 43). C. Papirius (12) Leg., EnvoY 146. L. Papirius (13, cf. 65) Cens.430. L. Papirius (cf. 66) Tr. Mil. c. p. 389 (Diod.), perhapsCens.389 ? L. Papirius (14) Tr. Mil. c. p. 382 (seeno. 66). L. Papirius (f6l cf. 46, and' 52) Pr. 332. L. Papirius (18) Tr. Pl. ? between 241 and 123,p. 47I. M'. Papirius (20) Rex Sacr. 509-. M. Papirius (21, cf..47) Pont. Max. 449. Q. Papirius (24) Tr. Pl. before 154,p. 471. Sp. Papirius (Cursor) (26) Leg., Lieut '? 293. M. Papirius Atratinus (30) Cos.4ll (Liv.; seeno. 68). (Papirius) Carbo (see39) Monetal. ca. 137-134,p. 448. Ö. Papirius Carbo (32) Pr. 168 (first assigned Sardinia, t'hen Pr. pereg.). C. Papirius - f. - n. Carbo (33) Tr. Pl. l3l or I30, III vir agr. iud. "ttig. tSO-tlg ?, Pr. by 123,III vir agr. dand. ? 121-f19?, Cos' 120' C. Papirius (Cn.f.) Carbo (34) Tr. Pl. 89,Pr. ca. 81, Leg., T,ieut' ? 80' C. Papirus Carbo (35) Tr. PI. ca. 67, Pr. 62, Promag. (Procos.?) Bithynia and Pontus 61*59. Cn. PapiriusC. f. - n. Carbo (37) Pr. by 116,Cos. Il3. Cn. Papirius Cn. f. C. n. Carbo (3s) Tr. PI. 92,Pr. Lucania ca. 89, Leg., Lieut. ? 8?, Cos. 85, ff 84, Procos.83, Cos.III 82. M. Papirius Carbo (39) Monetal' ca. 137-134,p.448, Pr. Sicily ca. r 14. C. Papirius C. f. CarboArvina (40) Leg., Lieut. ? 94, Tr. PI. 90, Leg', Lieut. ? 89, Pr. by 83. C. Papirius - f . - n. Crassus (see10, 43) Cos.430 ? (Diod.). C. Papirius - f. * n. Crassus (42) Tr. Mil. c. p. 384. L. Papirius - f. - n. Crassus (10, 43) Cos.436, L}O?' L. Papirius Sp. f. C. n. Crassus (44) Tr. Mil. c. p. 368. L. Papirius f,. t. f,. n. Crassus (45) Pr. 340,Dict. 340,Cos.336, Pr' ? II 332, Cos.II 330, Praef. Urb. 325. L. PapiriusL. f. M. n. Crassus (46) Pr. ? 332,Cens.318. M. Papirius (Crassus?) (21, cL.47) Pont. Max. ? 449. M. (or M'., Diod.) Papirius - f. - n. Crassus (47, cf..2I) Cos. 441' M. Papirius (Crassus?) (22, cf..48) V vir mensar.352. M. Papirius - f . - n. Crassus (48, cf..22) Dict. 332.
Sp. Papirius - f. - n. Crassus (49) Tr. Mil. c. p. 382. Ti. Papirius - f. - n. Crassus (50) Tr. Mil. c. p. 380. L. Papirius - f. - n. Cursor (5I) Cens.393,Tr. Mil. c. p. 387,386. L. Papirius Sp. f . L. n. Cursor (52) Mag. Eq. 340,Pr. ? 332? (seonos. 16, 45,46),Cos.326;Dict. 325 (Liv.), 324(EC), Cos.II 320,Mag. Eq. 320 (twice), Oos.fff 319, IV 315, V 313, Dict. II 3f0 (Liv.), 309 (FC and AT). L. Papirius L. f. Sp. n. Cursor (63) Aed. Cur. 299 ?, Cos. 293, Pr. 292,Cos.TI 272. C. Papirius C. f. L. n. Maso (6, 57) Cos.231, Pont. before 241?-213. C. Papirius L. f. Maso (58, cf. 23) III vir agr. dand. assig.218, X vir s. f. ?-2I3. L. Papirius Maso (61) Aed. Cur. ca.290? L. Papirius Maso (62) Pr. urb. 176. P. Papirius Maso (see23, 58, 64) flf vir agr. dand. assig.? 218. L. Papirius - f. - n. Mugillanus (65) Cos. Suff. 444, Cens. 443. L. Papirius (L.f.-n.) Mugillanus (see65) Cos.427,Tr. Mil. c. p. 422,Tnterrex420,Cens.418. L. Papirius - f. - n. Mugillanus (66) Cens.? 389 (Tr. Mil. o. p. ?, Diod.; seeabove),Tr. Mil. c. p. 382 (seeno. l4), II 380,fII 376? L. Papirius Mugillanus ? (67) Cos.326 ? (seeno. 52). M. Papirius L. f . - n. Mugillanus (68) Tr. Mil. c. p. 418, 416,Cos.4ll (seeabove, no. 30). L. ? Papirius L. f. M. n. Praetextatus (72) Cens.272. (Papirius) Turdus (75) Monetal. ca. l5G-133,p. 448. C. Papirius Turdus (76) Tr. Pl. 177. Papius (2, cf. 5) Tr. Pl., date uncertain, p. 471. Papius Tr. Pl. orPr. date uncertain,p.472. C. Papius (5) Tr. PI.65. L. Papius (6) Monetal. ca.78-76,p. 448. P. Papius (Pupius *l) Q. 409. L. Papius Celsus (10) III vir Monetal. ca.4B, p. 448. Q. Paquius Rufus (2) Leg., Lieut. 42. Patiscus (1) Leg., Envoy? 48, Proq. 43. See Q. Patisius. Q. Patisius (l) Log., Envoy, of Domitius Calvinus to Cilicia 48. SeePatiscus,no. l. Paulus Sextus (not in r?.0) Tr. Mil. c. p. 401 (Diod. inß). P. Pavus Tubitanus (s. v. Pavus) Parodied n&me, Q., p. 476. (Pedanius)Costa (2) Leg., Liout. 43-42. Q. PediusM. f. (l) Leg., Lieut. 68, 67, 66 ?, Pr. 48, Leg., Lieut. 46, 45, then Procos.45 for his triumph, Cos. Suff. 43. Q. Pedius (2) Q.41.
C. Poducaous (l) Leg., Lieut. ? 43. L. Peducaeus (2) Prefect ? 62. Sex. Peducaeus (4) Tr. Pl. 113. Sex. Peducaeus (5) Pr.77, Propr. Sicily 76-75. Sex. Peducaeus (6) Tr. Pl. 55 ?, Pr. ? ca. 49 ?, Promag. Sardinia 48, Leg., Lieut. ? 40 (seebelow, no. 3). T. Peducaeus- f. - n. (3, 7a, Supb. 7. 834) Leg., Lieut. ? 40 (see above,no.6), Cos.Suff. 35. L. Pella, seeL. Livius Ocella, L. fuHus Mocilla. C. Perperna (2) 91, Leg., Lieut. 90. M. Perperna (3) Leg., Envoy 168. M. PerpernaM. f. L. n. (4) Pr. by 133,Promag. ? Sicily 132?, Cos. Asia 130,and Procos.Asia 129. .: M.PerpernaM.f.M.n.(5)Pr.by95,Cos.92,Cens.86. ' M. Perperna Vento (6) Pr. ? Sicily 82,Leg', Lieut., first of Lepid'ue 77, then of Sertorius 77-72. Perpernia (8) Vest. Virg. ca. 69 (mention). See69,list. i ' C. Pescennius (l) III vir Cap. 149? L. Petillius (2) Leg., Envoy 168. Q. Petillius (4) Tr. Pl. r87. Q. Petillius T.'f. Serg. (6) Senator 78, p. 494. Petillius Capitolinus (7) Monetal' ca. 37, p. 448. Q. Petillius C.f. Q. n. Spurinus (tl, cf. 4) Q., probably by I88 (see no.4), Tr. PI. 187,Pr. urb. l8l, Cos.176. M. Petreius (3) Tr. Mil., date uncertain, p. 482, Prefect, date un-, certain, p.484, Leg., Lieut., date uncertain,p.483, Pr.64?,Ing.t Lieut. gg-AZ,Leg., Lieut. pro pr. under Pompey in Spain 55-49, and , probably in Greece 49-47, certainly in Africa 46. (Career fron 92 B. C. on.) Petronius (not in ,EE) Tr. Pl. ? before 32, p.472. Petronius (84) Leg., Lieut. 5+-53, Tr. Mil. 53. C. Petronius (86, cf. s9) Leg., Amb. 156. M. Petronius (89) Leg., Amb. ? 145. M. Petrucidius (2) Leg., Lieut. pro pr. under the youngor Pomlny in Spain 45. L. Philo (Veturius *18) Q. ? 102. L. Pinarius (3) Prefect Henna 213. P. Pinarius (5) Cens.430. Q. Pinarius (6) Tr. Mil., probably under SecondTriumvirato, p. 48[ L. Pinarius - f. - n. Mamercus(Mamercinus) (11) Tr. Mil. c. p. 481 L. Pinarius - f. - n. MamercinusRufus (12) Cos. 472, P. Pinarius-f . -n. MamercinusRufus (13) Cos.489,Leg.,EnvoyltA
(Pinarius) Nat(ta) (14) Monetal. ca. 145-138, p. 448. (Pinarius) Natta (14) Monetal. ca. 145-138, p. 448. L. Pinarius - f. - n. Natta (lS) Mag. Eq. 363, Pr. ? 349. L. Pinarius Natta (19) Pont,. ca. 58-56. M. Pinarius Rusca (or Posca?) (21) Pr. Sardinia 16l. L. Pinarius Scarpus (27) Prefect Amphipolis 4?,Promag.9 or Ing., Lieut. Cyrenaica 3f-30. L. Piso, seeL. (Calpurnius)Piso. M. Piso (not in -R-O) Pr. 44 (seeM. Pupius or Calpurnius) Piso. Plaetorius (l) Tr. Pl. before I92?, p. 472. Plaetorius (2) Tr. Pl. before 175, p. 472. C. Plaetorius (4) Leg., Amb. 172. C. Plaetorius (5) Q. under Domitius Calvinus in Pontus 48. L. Plaetorius L. f. Pap. (6) Senator 129, p. 494. M. Plaetorius (10) Tr. Pl., date uncertain, p. 472. Senator 82, p. 494. M. Plaetorius (ll) (Cestianus ?) (14) Q. 74? L. Plaetorius L. f. (15) L. Plaetorius Cestianus Q. or Proq. ? under Brutus 42. (16) f. M. Cestianus M. Plaetorius Q. by ?0 ?, Aed. Cur. 67 ?, Iud. (Procos. ?) Macedonia63-62, perhaps Promag. Pr. 64 ?, 66, Quaest,. aLeg., Lieut. Cilicia 55. Plaetorius Rustianus (19) Senator 46, p. 494. Cn. Plancius (4) Tr. Mil. 62, Q. Macedonia58, Tr. PI.56, Aed. Cur. 64. Plautius (3) Tr. Pl. 70 ? A. Plautius (7) Leg., Lieut. 90, 87. A. Plautius (Plotius) (8) Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 67-, 63, 62, Tr. Pl. 56, Aed. Cur. 54, Pr. urb. 5I, Promag' ? Bithynia and Pontus 49-48. C. Plautius (Hypsaeus?) (t10, 9) Pr. X'arther Spain 146. Leg., Lieut. Asiabefore 60 (see62),p. 483. C. Plautius (Plotius) (ll) M. Plautius (Cf. 22) Praef. Class., date uncertain, p. 484. See M. Plautius Hypsaeus (22). P. Plautius P. f . Pap. (16) Senator 44, p.494. SeeP. Plautius IIypsaeus(23). *2,*6, L. Plautius (Venno orVenox) (34) Plr.322 (seebelow, nos. 31,32). C. Plautius P. f. P. n. Decianus (*4, 18) Cos. 329, 328 ? L. Plautius HS4psaeus (*7, 19) Pr. Nearer Spain 189, and Promag. (Propr.?) I88. L. Pl(autius) H(ypsaeus) (Cf. l9) Monetal. ca. 155-150,p.448. L. Plautius H5psaeus (*ll ?,20) Pr. Sicily 139? M. Plautius - f. - n. H54psaeus (*ll, 2l) Pr. by 128,Cos.126, Promag.? (seeAdditions and Corrections).
M. (Plautius) Hypsaeus (22) Pr. or Propr. Asia before 90, p. 466. P. Plautius H54psaeus (23) Q. 66 ?, Proq. under Pompey in the East, 65-, 63, 61, Aed. Cur. 58, Pr. by 55. C. Plautius Numida (25) Senator, late ff or early T, p. 494. L. Plautius (Plotius) Plancus (Munatius 26; cf. Plotius l0) Monetal. ca. 47, p. 448. C. Plautius P. f. P. n. Proculus (*1,27) Cos. 358, Mag. Eq. 356, Cos. 328? C. Plautius (C. f. P. n.) Proculus (not in RE) Cos. 328 ? ? P. Plautius (C. f. P. n.) Proculus (28) Cos. 328 ? C. Plautius Rufus (36) Leg. pro pr. Sicily 3r ? M. Plautius Silvanus (29) Tr. Pl. 89. C. Plautius - f. - n. Venno (or Venox) (*2, 3l) Cos. 347, 341. C. Plautius - f. - n. Venno or Venox (not in -RE) Cos. 328 ? ? (see nos *2, *5, 31, and 32). C. Plautius C. f. C. n. Venox (*5, 32) Cens.312. L. Plautius L. f. L. n. Venox (*5, 33) Cos.330, Pr. ? 322 (seebelow). L. Plautius L. f. L. n. Venno (or Venox) (*2, 34) Pr. ? 322 (see above),Cos. 318. A. Pleminius (*1, 2) Leg., Lieut. and pro pr. Locri 205. L. Plinius Rufus (4) Leg., Lieut., pro pr. (under Sextus Pompey) 38-36, Pr. Desig. Plotii, seePlautü. M. Plotius (*7, not in RE) Leg., Envoy 48. -Q. Plotius A. f. (not in *-E-E) Leg., Amb. ll3. L. Plotius Plancus (Munatius 26, cf. Plotius t0) Monetal. ca.47, p.448, Praef. orLeg., Lieut., agr. dand. assign.44,Pr.43. C. Plutius (l) Monetal. ca. 137-134,p. 448. Poetelius (1, not in *RE) Tr. Pl. ca. 442, 441. C. Poetelius (not in *-B.E;see 7) Tr. Pl. 358. P. Poetelius (not in *-BE; 3) Leg., Amb. 210. Q. Poetelius (- f. - n. Libo Visolus) (not in *RE; 4) X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 45G-449. M. Ppetilius M. f. M. n. Libo (not in *ßE; 6) Cos.314,Mag. Eq. 3f 3 (FC). C. Poetilius C. f . Q. n. Libo Visolus (not in * RE ; 7) Cos.360,Tr. Pl. 358 (seeabove, C. Poetilius), Cos. II 346, III 326. Dict. 313. C. Poetilius C. f. C. n. Libo Visolus (not in *ßE;8) *-B,E) Leg., Lieut. 39-38. Q. Pompaedius (Poppaedius) Silo (not in Pompeius (not in t.BZ) Leg., Envoy ? ? 168. A. Pompeius (not in *RE) Tr. Pl. 102.
A. Pom(peius? or Pom(ponius?) (not in *r?.8) Q., Sicily, p. a79. Scc A. Pompeius Bithynicus. Cn. Pompeius Cn. f. Crust. (not in *.8.O) Senator in 129,p. 494. Cn. Pompeius Q. f. - n. (*2S) Cos. Suff. 31, XV vir s. f. by 3f (eee 31,list). L. Pompeius (*f) Tr. Mil. l7l. M. Pompeius (*24) Leg., Lieut.? 72-71. (*2) Pr. by 144, Promag. X'arthor Spain Q. Pompeius A. f. - n. 143-142,Cos. Nearer Spain I4I, and Procos. 140-139,Leg., Lieuü. I36, Cens.131. Sex. Pompeius (not in *-R-E') Pr. Macedonia ll9 ? Sex. Pompeius Sex. f. Sex. n. (*20) Cos. 35. T. Pompeius T. f. Cor. (not in *Ä.O) Tr. Mil. ? 89. (Pompeius ?) Apollophanes (Apollophanes 10) Leg., Lieut. (wiüh Sex. Pompey) 38-36. A. Pompeius Bithynicus (*II) Pr. 45?, Promag. (Propr.?) Sioily 44-42. Q. Pompeius A. f. Bithynicus (*7) Leg., Liout. ? (or Proq. ?) 76 (in Bithynia ca. 74), probably Pr., date uncertain. (Pompeius) Demochares (Papias) (Demochares 7) Leg., Lieut. ? or Praef. Class. under Sextus Pompey 38-36. Sex. Pompeius Fostlus (not in *-B-O) Monetal. 135-126,p.449. Cn. Pompeius Cn. f. Sex. n. Magnus (*15) Propr. 83-79 (Italy 83-82, Sicily 82-80, Africa 80-79), Propr. vs. Lepidus 77, Procos. Nearer Spain vs. Sertorius 77-71, Cosl 70, Propos. with imperium consulareinfinitum vs. pirates 67-, vs. Mithridates,66-6l,lKX vir (and V vir 3) agf . dand. assign. iud. 59-, Curator annon&ecum iqb, consul. Bi-tr2, Öos.II 55, Procos..Spain 54-49, Cos. III 52, Prbcos. vs. Caesar 49, probably with imperium maius 48, Augur bafore 6l-48 (see59, mention, and 50, list). Cn. PompeiusMagnus (*f 7) Leg., Lieut,.?? 67, Praef. Class.49?, 48, Promag. ? in the Pompeian forces 47, fmp. 46-45. Sex. PompeiusMagnusPius (*1S) Leg., Lieut.?? 67,Imp.46?,44, Praef. Class. et orae maritimae (imperium not described) 43-40, Procos. (Sicily and fslands) 39-35, Cos. Desig. for 35, Augur Dosig. 39-35. (Pompeius)Menecrates(Menecrates15) Leg., Lieut.? orPnef. Class. (under Sextus Pompey) before 40-38. (Pompeius) Menodorus (Menas) (Menodorus l) Leg., Lieut. or Praef. Class. (under Sextus Pompey) before 39-38, Praef. Class. under Octavian 38-3?, under Sex. Pompey 37-36, undor Octavian? 36*35.
Q. Pompoius Q. f. A. ? n. Rufus (*4) Tr. Pl. 99, Pr. urb. 91, Cos. 88, X vir s. f. ?-88. Pompeius Rufus, (not in *ÄZ) Aed., date and identity uncertain, p. 467. Q. Pompeius Q. f. Rufus (*8) Q. before 73 (see addendum), Pr. 63, Procos. Africa 62-59. Q. PompeiusRufus (*9) Monetal. ca. 59, p.449, Tr. Pl. 52. Pompeius ? Trogus ? Praef. Equitum, Mithiedatic war (seeAdditions and Ccirrections). Cn. PompeiusSex.f. Cn. n. Strabo (*14) Q. ca. 104,Pr. by g2,Leg., Lieut. 90, Cos. Picenum 89, Procos. 88 (Central ftaly, and after givingup his command resumoditwhenPomFeius Rufus was killed), 87. Cn. Pompeius Theophanes (Theophanes l) Praef. X'abr. 48. Pompeius ? Trogus ? - Praef. Equitum, Mithridatic war (see Additions and Corrections). Sex. Pompilius (* 2) Tr. Pl. 420. Pomponius (not in *-BE) Propr. Suessula, then Nola 214. Pomponius (not in *.BE) Tr. PI.45 ?,seeabove,Caecilius(not in ÄZ). C. Pomponius C. f. (not in *RE) Q., early first cent., p. 476. Cn. Pomponius (not in *-BZ') Tr. Pl. ? 90. f,. p6mponius (not in *.8.0) Monetal. ca. 209 (Babelon), p. 449. L. PomponiusCn. f. (*16) Monetal. ll2-108, p. A&9. M. Pomponius (*l) Tr. Pl. 449. M. Pomponius (*4) Tr. Pl. 362. M. Pomponius (Matho ?) (*8) Pr. 216 (see217, note 4). M. Pomponius (*13) Tr. Pl. 167, Pr. urb. 16l. l\f. Pemponius (*18) Aed. Pl. 82. M. Pomponius (*20) Praef. Eq. 72. M. Pomponius (*21) Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 67-. M. Pomponius (*23) Leg., Lieut. ? orPraef. Class.? 48. Q. Pomponius (*3) Tr. Pl. 395, 394. Sex. Pomponius (*7) Leg., Lieut. Fleeü 218. M'. PomponiusM'. f. M'. n. Matho (*5) Cos. 233, Pont. ?-211. M. PomponiusM'. f. M'. n. Matho (*6) Cos.231, Mag. Eq. 2l7,Pr. 2rG ? (and Propr. ? 215, 214), Augut ?-204 (see 210, list) or X vir s.f.. ?-204(see217,note 4). M. Pomponius Matho (*9) Pr. Pereg. 217 ? (seeno. *8), Pr. pereg. 216? (seeno. *6), Propr. Gall. Cisalp. 215, 214 (see 217, note 4), Augur ?-204 (see2l0,list) or X vir s. f. ?-204. M. PomponiusMatho (*I2) Aed. Pl. 207,Leg., Amb. 205, Pr. Sicily 204, and Propr. X'leet off Sicily 203-202.
L. Pomponius Molo (not in *J?,8) Monetal. ca. 95-91, p.44e. Q. Pomponius Musa (not in *.8,&') Monetal. ca. 68, p.449. M. Pomponius L. f. L. n. Rufus (x2) Tr. Mil. c. p. 399. Q. Pomponius Rufus (*27) Monetal. ca. 71, p. 449. T. Pomponius Veientanus (*ft) Praef. soc. 213. A. Pomp(onius) M. f. Vic(tor) (not in *,8,8) Q. ad aerarium ? Afrioa 47-46. C. Pomptinius (Pomptinus ?) (*l) Leg., Lieut. 71. C. Pomptinus (Pontinius *l) Pr. 63, Promag. (Procos. ?) Transalp. Gaul 62-59, and in Italy waiting for his triumph 59-54, Leg., Lieut. 5t-50. Ti. Pontificius (*5.r89r) Tr. Pl. 480. L. Pontius Aquila (*12) Tr. Pl. 45, Log., Lieut. 44-43. C. Popillius C. f. (not in *,BZ) Pr. urb. 133 or 132. C. Popillius (*12 ?) Praef. Class. at Byzantium 88. C. Popillius (*16) Senator before 7O,p. 494. C. Popillius (*r5) Tr. Mil. 71, Tr. Pl. 63 ? M. Popillius (*f f) Senator, date uncertain, p. 494. P. Popillius P. f. Ter. (not in *.8-O) Senator I29, p. 494. P. Popillius (*r7) Senator 70, p. 495. Q. Popillius P. f. Rom. (not in *,8-O) Senator in 129, p. 495. T. Popillius (*3) Leg., Lieut. 211. Popilliuslaenas' (*9) Leg.,Amb. l54,Leg.,Envoy 146 (seeno. *10). Popillius Laenas (*21) Senator in 44, p. 495. C. Popillius P. f. P. n. Laenas (*7) Pr. 175, Cos. 172, Leg., Lieut. 170-169,Leg., Amb. 168,Cos.II f58. C. Popillius Laenas (*f2) Leg., Lieut. 107. C. Popillius Laenas (*22) Tr. Mil. 43. M. Popillius M. f. C. n. Laenas (*t) Aed. Cur. 364, Cos. 359, Aed. ? 357, Cos. II 356, III? 354? (in certain annals), flf 350, IV 348, X'lamen Carmentalis (see 359). M. Popillius M. f. M. n. Laenas (*2) Cos. 316. M. Popillius P. f. P. n. Laenas (*6) III vir col. deduc. 180,Pr. Sardinia 176, Leg., Amb. 174-173, Cos. Campania, then Liguria 173, and Procos.172,Tr. Mil. 169,Cens.159. M. Popillius M. f. P. n. Laenas (*9) Leg., Amb. 154 (seo above, Popillius Laenas), Leg., Envoy? Ia6 (see above, Popillius Laonas, and below,no. * l0), Pr. by 142,Cos.Nearer Spain 139,and Procos.138. P. Popillius Laenas (*4) Leg., Amb. 210. P. Popillius Laenas (*5) IIf vir col. deduc. 180. P. Popillius C. f. P. n. Laenas (*10) Leg., Envoy? 146 (seoabovo, Popillius Laenas, and no. *9), Pr. Sicily 135?, Cos. 132.
P. Popillius Laenas (*14) Tr. PI. 86. Popillia (*18) Vest. Virg. ca. 69 (see69, list). Porcius (three persons) Pr. (l) or Tr. Pl., p. 472 (see below, nos. *10, and *6). Porcius (not in *-BZ) Tr. Pl., date uncertain, p. 473. Porcius Cato (see *20) Doubtful Legate of Pompey 67-66 (see 67). *18. Por(cius?) Cato (not in *-B.E') Q. Sicily, p. 479. Seebelow, no. p. 449, Pr. 137-134, ca. (*15) Monetal. C. Porcius M. f. M. n. Cato ll0. ca. 114, Leg., Lieut. by tl7, Cos. C. Porcius Cato (*r8) Tr. Pl. 56. L. Porcius M. f. M. n. Cato (*16) Pr. by 92, Propr. 90, Cos. 89. M. PorciusM. f. Cato (*10) Tr. Mil. 2I4, Q.204, Aed. Pl. I99, Pr. Sardinia 198, Cos. Spain 195, and Procos. 194, Leg., Lieut. ? 194, Tr. Mil. lgl, Leg., Lieut. ? I9I, Leg., Envoy t9t, 189, Censor 184, Spec.Comm. on peculation by governorsin Spain 171, Leg., Amb. I53, Augur ?-149 (mention in 150); seeAdditions and Corrections. Leg., Lieut. ? 168,Pr' Desig. ca. M. Porcius Cato (Licinianus) (*ll) I52 (at his death). M. PorciusM. f. M. n. Cato (*13) P"' by l2l, Cos. ll8. M. Porcius Cato (*f4) Aed. Cur. ca. 94, Pr. ca. 92, and Promag. Transalp. Gaul ca. 9I. M. Porcius Cato (*17) Tr. PI. 99. M. (Porcius) Cato (not in *.BZ) Monetal. ca. 93-91, p. 449. M. Porcius Cato (Uticensis) (*20) Tr. Mil. 67-66, Leg., Lieut. ? ? 67, Q. 64?, Tr. Pl. 62, Q. pro pr. to C5ryrusand Byzantium 58-56, Pr. de repetundis 54, Promag. (Propr. ?) Sicily and Greece 49, 48, Propr. in Africa 47-46, XV s. f. before 6+-46. See Additions and Corrections(on Marcius Rex, 67-66). M. Porcius Cato ("22) Leg., Lieut.? orPrefect'! 43-42, Leg., Envoy? 42. M. Porcius Laeca (not in *.BZ) Monetal. ca. ll9-110, p. 449. M. Porcius Laeca (*7) Senator in 63, p' 495. P. Porcius Laeca (*6) Tr. Pt. 199,Pr. Pisa vs. Ligurians 195,III vir Epulo 196-after 164 ? P. Porcius P. f. (Laeca?) (not in *-BZ') Sonatorca. 165,p. 495' P. (Porcius) Laeca (not in *.8.8) Monetal. ca. 104, p. 449, Tr. Pl. before 90, p. 473. L. Porcius Licinus (*l) Leg., Lieut. 2ll, Aed. Pl. 210, Pr. Cisalp. Gaul 207. L. Porcius L. f. M. n. Licinus (*2) Pr. Sardinia lg3, Cos.Liguria I84, and Procos. Liguria and Venetia 183. L. Porcius L. f. Licinus (*3) II vir aed. dedic. l8l, Praef. Class.172.
L. Porcius Licinus (*4) Monetal' ca' l12-108, p' L49' Leg., Lieut. ? or Prefectl I20 (staff of , Postumius (not in \nq Scaevolain Asia). 'rßE) Aed. Cur' ? late R'ep', p' 467' [Po]stumius A. f. (not in 48' --iA..i) Postumius (Albinus) (*1t) Leg', Tnvoy *-B-E) (Diod')' ? 328 Cos. Ä. Postumius (not in C. Postumius (*3r) Tr. MiI. 168' L. Postumius (not in *-B"E) Cos. 457 ? (Diod')' *,8-E) Pr. 90' L. Postumius (not in ca' 54 or 50,Promag' (Propr' ?) orLegate? Pr. (i+o) , i. Porto-irrt SicilY 49. (not in *-BE) Q' Sicily p' 4-7-9'L. Pos(tumius ?)'1*1i; pottornius Tr. Mil' c' p' 426 (see M' Postumius Albinus ttl. Regillensis,*ll)' M. Pästumius (*12) Tr. Mil. c' p' 403 ? M. Postumius (*47) Q. SicilY 73' p' 495' Q. Postumius (*5f ) Senator in 31, *.8.8) Q' Sicily, p' 479' S. Pos(tumius) (not in (Postuäius) Atbinus (*37) X'lamen ca' I00, see p' 486' 234, Flam. Ä. postumius A. f. L. n. Atbinus (*21) cos. 242, cens. Martial. 242 (mention). 168' ft' Mil' A. Postumio" Ä. f. A. n. Albinus (*33) Leg', Envoy-? 146-145' Amb' 151, Leg', I54, Cos. Amb' 167,Pr. urb. 155,Leg., ll0, Pr. by 102, _ Lieut. _ Leg., (*36) A. Postumius f. ''.-Albi''os 89. Lieut. Cos. 99, Leg., *'BE) Monetal' ca' 91' p' 450' A. (Postumiuö S. f. Albinus (not in p' 450' A. bostumius A. f. S. n' Albinus (*38) Monet'al' ca' 79' L.PostumiusL.f.Albinus(see*20)R'exSacr'275(mention)' 233 ?' Cos' L. Postumius A. f. A. n. Albinus (*22) Cos' 234, E' "t' Gaul beforo in II22g, Pr. Ir Cisalp. Gaul 216, Cos. III 2I5 (killed he could take office). A. t' A. n. Albinus *(29) Pr' Farther Spgn 180' and f,. p"tt"üi"t Tr' Mil' 168' Procos.(Propr. 'f..17g,178,Cos. 173,Leg', Amb'.171., -Sp.?) *I8) Cur' 16l' Aed' see L. n. Albinus (*32, L. Postumio, 168-154' Pr. by 157, Cos. 154, X'Iam. Martial' L. Postirmiot Albittot (*39) Monetal' ca' 125-L20' p' 450' 191?' Pr' urb' Sp. fo*to*ius L. f. A' n. Albinus (*25) Aed' Cur' 184-180' Augur and pereg. 189,Cos. 186,^stum.ius-f._n.Albinus(*35)Pr.byll3,Cos.Africall0' andProcos.109. 332' Sp. Postumius - f. - n. Albinus Caudinus (*17) Cos' 334' Cons' 321. Mag. Eq. 327, Cos.
A. Postumius A. f. A. n. Albinus Luscus (*26) Leg., Lieut. l9l, Aed. Cur. 187, Pr. 185, Cos. 180, Leg., Amb. 175, II vir aed. dedic. 176,Cens.l74,Leg., Amb. l7l, Leg., Envoy? 168,Leg., Amb. 167, X vir s. f. l73-. Sp. Postumius Sp. f. Sp. n. Albinus Magnus (*34) Pr. by l5l, Cos. 148. Sp. Postumius A. f . A. n. AJbinus Paullulus (*28) Pr. Sicily I83, Cos. 174,Leg.,Amb. 172. A. Postumius - f. - n. Albinus Regillensis (*13) Tr. Mil. c. p. 397, 38r. L. Postumius - f. - n. Albinus Regillensis (*15) Tr. Mil. c. p. 389, 381. M. PosüumiusA. f. A. n. Albinus Regillensis (*8, *Il) Tr. Mil. c. p. 426?, Tr. Mil. c. p. ? 403 (Liv.) or Cens.403 (-FC). P. Postumius A. f. A. n. Albinus Regillensis (*10) Tr. Mil. c. p. 414 (M. Postumius Liv.). Sp. Postumius - f. - n. Albinus Regillensis (*14) Tr. Mil. c. p. 394, Cens. 380. A. Postumius P. f. - n. Albus Regillensis (*3) Dict. 499 or 496, Cos.496,Leg., Lieut. ? 495,Leg.,Envoy 493 (seePostumius Balbus). A. Postumius A. f. P. n. Albus Regillensis (t5) II vir aed. dedic. ? 484 (seeno. *4), Cos. 464, Leg., Amb. 458, Pont. or Augur 462-439 (seeno. *4). Sp. Postumius A. f. P. n. Albus Regillensis (*4) II vir aed. dedic. ? 484 (seeno. *5), Cos. 466, Leg., Amb. 454-452,X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 45l,Leg., Lieut. 446, Pont. or Augur 462-439(seeno. *5). Sp. Postumius - f. - n. Albus (Regillensis) (*7) Tr. Mil. c. p. 432, Leg., Lieut. 431. Postumius Balbus (Regillus?) (*3) Tr. Mil. 504, Leg., Envoy ? 493 (seeA. Postumius Albus Regillensis). L. Postumius L. f. Sp. r. Megellus (*19) Aed. Cur. 307 ?, Cos. 305, Propr.295, Cos.II2g4, Leg., Lieut.293, Interrex 291,Cos.III 291, Leg., Amb. 282. L. Postumius L. f. L. n. Megellus (*20) Cos. 262, Pr.253, Cens.253. Postumius - f . - n. Regillensis Albinus (not in *J?,8) Cens.366. C. Postumius TA (in ligature) (*40) Monetal. ca.74, p. 450. L. Postumius Tempsanus (*27) Pr. Tarentum 185, and Promag. (Propr.?) 184. A. Postumius - f. - n. Tubertus (*6) Mag. Eq. 434, Dict. 431. P. Postumius Q. f . - n. Tubertus (*f ) Cos.505,503,Leg., Envoy 493. L. Postumius Tympanus (*24) Q. 194. Postumia (*9) Vest. Virg. 420 (mention).
L. Precilius (not in *-BZ) Tr. Pl., late Rep., p. 473. L. Procilius (not in *-8.&; see *l) Monetal. ca.78, p. 450, Senator, p.495. L. Procilius (*r) Tr. Pl. 56. Publicius (not in *Ä"8) Tr. Pl. ? orPr. ? before 81, p. 473. C. Publicius (Poblicius) Q. f. (n10) Monetal. ca. 78-76, p. 460. M. Publicius (*20) Leg., Lieut. pro pr. (under Cn. Pompeius in Spain) 46. Q. Publicius (*16) Pr. 67 ? C. Publicius Bibulus (*5) Tr. Pl. 209, Aed. Pl. f 95 ? (seono. *9). L. Publicius Bibulus (*4) Tr. Mil. 216. C. (Publicius) Malle(olus) C. f. (not in *-El) Monetal. ca. ll2-109, p. 450. C. (Publicius) Malleolus (*14) Monetal. ca. 91, p. 450, Q. 80. L. Publicius Malleolus (*l) Aed. Pl. 24f ? M. Publicius L. f. L. n. Malleolus (*2, *3) Aed. Pl. 241?, Cos. 232. Q. (Publicius) Mal(Ieolus?) (not in *.BZ) Q. Sicily, p. 478. M. Publicius M. f. IIor. Scaeva (not in *-8.0) Q. ? before 73 (seo addendum). Publicia (*17) T'laminica Martialis ca. 69 (see 69, list). Publilius ? (or Publi f. ?) (not in *J?Z) Tr. Mil. 321. Publilius (Puplilius) (not in *-BZ) Senator, uncertain date, p. 496. C. Publilius (*10) Q. 146. Q. Publilius (*4) Tr. Pl. 384. T. Publilius (*8) Augur 300-. Yolero Publilius (*f) Tr. Pl. 472, 471. Q. Publilius Q. f. Q. n. Philo (*6) V vir mensar. 352, Cos. 339, Dict. 339, Pr. 336,Mag. Eq. 335,Cens.332, Cos.II327 in Campania, and Procos. 326, Cos.III 320, IV 3f5. Yolero Publilius P. f. Voler. n. Philo (*3) Tr. Mil. c. p. 399. L. Publilius L. f. Voler. n. Philo Vulscus ("2) Tr. Mil. c. p. 400. Publilia (not in *.8.8; see Publicia *7) X'laminica Martialis 168-154 (mention 164). Publius -(not in *,EO) Q. under Brutus 48. Pullius (*l) Tr. Pl. 248. Pullius (not in *.BE) Viocurus, or Aed. ?, p. 485. C. Pupius (*3) II vir aed. loc. 217. L. Pupius (*4) Aed. Pl. 185,Pr. Apuliain Bacchanal.183, Leg., Amb. 154. M. Pupius M. f. Scapt. (not in *RE) Senator 129, p. 496. M. (Pupius or Calpurnius) Piso (not in -8"0) Pr. 44. P. Pupius (*l), see P. Papius.
39 Broughton II
M. Pupius M. f. - n. Piso X'rugi Calpurnianus (*2,100, without number; Pupius *2) Q. 83, Pr. 72 (or 7l), and Procos. Spain 7L or 7o-,69, Log. Lieut. pro pr. 67-62, Cos. 61, Leg., Lieut. 49. (not in *,EZ) III vir col. deduc. 194. 0. Sex. Quinctilius Sex. f. P. n. (*1) Cos. 453. Sex. Q(uinctilius ?) (not in *"8-E) Monetal. very early, p. 450. L. (Quinctilius ?) Varus (*Il) Leg., Lieut. ? orPrefect under Cassius at Rhodes 42, perhaps Pr., uncertain date p. 465. M. Quinctilius M. f. M. n. Varus (*2) Tr. Mil. c. p' 403. P. Quinctilius Varus (*4) Pr. Gall. Cisalp. 203, X'lam. Martial. ?-169 (see179,list). P. Quinctilius Varus (*6) Pr. Sicily ? r66. Sex. (Quinctilius Varus?) (not in x.B"&) Pont. before 69 - ca. 60 (see69, and 60, lists). Sex. Quinctilius Varus (*7) Pr. 57, Procos. X'aröher Spain 56-53. Sex. Quinctilius Varus (*10) Q. 49' T. Quinctilius Varus (*5) Leg., Lieut. 185, Leg., Envoy 184. *.8"0) Monetal. very early, p' 450. Q(uinctius ?) (not in *-8.0) Pr. Nearer Spain 143 (see 143, note 3). Quinctius(not in *.EE) Leg., Lieut.9 82. (not in Quinctius D. Quinctius (*IV, l) Prefect (to bring grain to Tarentum) 210. L. Quinctius (not in *RE) Tr. Mil. c. p.? 387 (Diod.). L. Quinctius (not in *RE) Tr. Mil. 326. L. Quinctius (*IV, 4, see *5) Tr. Pl. 74, Leg., Lieut. ? or Ptaef. Eq. ? 71,Pr. 68. Ti. Q(uinctius ?) (not in *.BZ') Monetal. ca. 105, p. 450. T. Quinctius (not in *RE) Cos. 349 (Diod.). Cn. QuinctiusT.f.T.n. Capitolinus (Cap.*4) Aed.Cur.366,Dict.331. L. Quinctius - f. - n. Capitolinus (Cin. *6) Tr. Mil. c. p. 385 ? (see L. Quinctius Cincinnatus). T. Quinctius L. f. L. n. Capitolinus Barbatus (Cap. *f) Cos. 471, II 468, III vir agro dando 467, Cos.III 465, Procos.? ? 464, Q. 458, Cos.IV 446, Interrex 444,Cos.V 443,VI439,Le5., Lieut' 437. T. Quinctius T. f. L. n. Capitolinus Barbatus (Cap. *2) Cos' 421, Tr. Mil. c. p. 405. C. Quinctius - f. - n. Cincinnatus (Cin. *9) Tr' Mil. c. p. 377. *8) Tr. Mil. c. p' 369. Q. Quinctius - f. - n. Cincinnatus (Cin. L. Quinctius L. f. L. n. Cincinnatus (Cin. *1) Cos. Suff. 460, Dict. 458,Cos.a57b (Diod.),Dict. 439. L. Quinctius L. f. L. n. Cincinnatus (Cin. *3) Tr. Mil. c. p. 438, Mag. Eq. 437,Cos.a28b (Diod.),Tr. Mil. c. p. If 425,TII420?
L. Quinctius - f. - n. Cincinnatus (Cin. *6) Tr. Mil. c. p. 386, 386 | (seeL. Quinctius Capitolinus), Tr. Mil. c. p. 377. *5) Tr. Mil. c. p. 415, 406. Q. Quinctius L. f. L. n. Cincinnatus (Cin. (Cin. *7, seeCap. *3) Capitolinus T. f. L. n. Cincinnatus T. Quinctius Tr. Mil. c. p. 388, 385, Mag. Eq. 385, Tr. Mil. c. p. 384, Dict. 380, II vir s. f. 387 (mention). T. Quinctius - f. - n. Cincinnatus Capitolinus (Cin. *10) Tr. Mil. c. p. 368,Mag. Eq. 367? (seeT. QuinctiusPoenus,Cin. *ll). T. Quinctius L. f. L. n. Cincinnatus Poenus (Cin. *a) Cos. 431, 428a, Tr. Mil. c. p. 426,Leg., Lieut. 426,Tr. Mil. c. p. 420? (seeL. *3). Quinctius Cincinnatus, K. Quinctius L. f. Cn. n. Claudus (*19) Cos. 271. L. Quinctius Crispinus (Cin. *13) Pr. Nearer Spain 186, and Promag. (Procos.?) 185-184,III vir col. deduc. 183. T. Quinctius L. f. L. n. Crispinus (Cin. *12) Leg., Lieut.213-212, Pr. Capua 209, Cos. in southern Italy against Hannibal 208. T. (Quinctius?) Crispinus (not in *-R,E) Q. before 69. C. Quinctius Flamininus (*5) Pr. Pereg. 177. Caeso Quinctius X'lamininus (*1) If vir aed. loc. 217. L. Quinctius T. f. L. n. X'lamininus (*4) Aed. Cur. 201, Pr. Urb. I99, Leg., Lieut. (pro pr.) with fleet in Greece f98-I94 (see 198, note 6), Cos. I92, Leg., Lieut. 191, Augur 2I3-I70 (see 210, and I79, lists). T. Quinctius T. f. L. n. Flamininus (*3) Tr. Mil. 208, Propr. Tarentum 205-204, X vir agr. dand. assig. 201-200, III vir col. deduc. 200, Q. 199?, Cos. Greeceand Macedonia198,and Procos. 197-L94, Leg., Amb. 192, l9t, Cens. 189, Leg., Amb. 183, Spec. Comm. to hear Lacedaemonian Envoys 183. T. Quinctius T. f. T. n. X'lamininus (*6) Leg., Amb. 167, Pr. by I53, Cos. 150,Augur 167-. T. Quinctius T. f. T. n. X'lamininus (*7) Pr. by 126,Cos' 123. T. Q(uinctius?) (X'lamininus?) (*not in .BZ) Monetal' ca. ll9-ll0' p.450. T. Quinctius - f . - n. Poenus Capitolinus Crispinus (Cap. *rf ) M"g. Eq. ? 367 (seeT. Quinctius Cincinnatus Capitolinus, Cin. *10), Diot. 361, Mag. Eq. 360, Cos. 354, II 351, III vir col. deduc. 334. L. Quintius (not in *RE) Senator before 43, p. 495. M. Quintius (Quinctius ?) M. f. Pal. Plancinus (not in *-B,E) Senator 44,p.495. (not in *-B-O) Leg., Amb. 153. Quintus a9*
C. Rabirius C. f. GaI. (5) Senator ca. 100,p. 495, Tr. Mil. ? 89. C. Rabirius C. f. (not in .B.E') Procos. in Asia ca. middle of first cent., p. 481. Seebelow, no. 6. C. Rabirius (Curtius) Postumus (6) Pr. 48 ?, Procos.Asia? 47 ? (seo the previous entry), Leg., Lieut. ? under Caesarin Africa 46. C. Rabuleius (l) Tr. Pl. 486. M'. Rabuleius (2) X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 450-449. L. Racilius (2) Tr. Pl. 56. M. Raecius (2) Leg., Amb. 208. M. Raecius (3) Pr. urb. or pereg. 170. Q. Rancius Q. f. Claud. (l) Q. ? before 73 (see73, Addendum). Remmius (2, cf. 1) Tr. Pl. before 80, p. 473. Remmius (1, cf. 2) Aed. ca. 94. C. Renius (l) Monetal. ca. 135-134,p. 451. T. Romilius T. f. T. n. Rocus Vaticanus (4) Cos. 455, X vir consul. imp.leg. scrib. 451. Roscius (2) Praef. castr. 42. L. Roscius (4) Leg., Amb. 438. L. R,(oscius?) (not in -BE) Monetal. ca. 103-102,p. 451. L. Roscius Fabatus (15) Monetal. ca. 58 (Sydenham), p. 45I, Tr. Pl. 55 ?, Leg., Lieut. ? 54,Pr.49,Leg., Envoy 49, Leg., Lieut. ? 43. L. Roscius Otho (22) Tr. Pl. 67, Pr. 63 ? ? Rubrius (1) Tr. Pl. r33. Rubrius (4, cf. 10,and l7) Pr. 68 ?,Promag. (Propr. ?)Macedonia67. Rubrius (5) Tr. Pl. ? 49 ? Rubrius (13) Officer under Cato at Utica 46. C. ? Rubrius (2, cf. 9) Tt.PI.1222. C. Rubrius C. f. PupI. (9) Senator 129,p. 495. L. Rubrius (ll) Senator 49, p. 495. L. Rubrius Dossenus (17) Monetal. ca. 87, p. 451. Rufrenus (l) Leg., Lieut. ? 43, Tr. PI.? 42. L. Rustius (l) Monetal. ca.74, p. 451. L. Rupilius (4) Pr. by 133. P. Rupilius P. f. P. n. (5) Pr. by 135,Cos. Sicily 132. P. Rupilius Rex (10) Pr.? 43. M. Rutilius (5) Prefect ? or Leg., Lieut. to assign land to Caosor's soldiers45. P. Rutilius (8) Tr. Pl. 169. P. Rutilius M. f. (9) Tr. Pl. 136. P. Ru(tilius ?) (not in .B.E) Q. Sicily, p.479. Seebelow, no. 11. Q. 44. Q. Rutilius (ll) P. Rutilius Calvus (12) Pr. X'arther Spain? 166.
Sp. Rutilius Crassus (14) Tr. Mil. c. p.? 417 (seo Sp. Veturiur CrassusCicurinus *7). L. Rutilius X'laccus (16) Monetal. ca. 75, p. 451, Senator 72,p. 4g6. P. Rutilius L. f. L. n. Lupus (26) Pr. by g3, Cos. 00. P. Rutilius Lupus (27) Tr. PI.56, Pr. 49, Ing., Lieut.? pro pr.? Achaia 48. P. Rutilius Nudus (30) Leg., Lietft. 74. P. Rutilius P. f. - n. Rufus (84) Tr. Mil. tg4-I92, pr. by ll8, Leg., Amb. l13, Leg., Lieut. 109-102,Cos. 105, Leg.,Lietft,. i7 ? M'. Sabidius M'. f. (3) Legate in Sicily,late Rep., p. 483. P. Sabinus (Sabinus 30) Monetal. ca. 100-g7, p. l,n, or e. (pink), p.458. C. Sae(nius?) (nol in RE) Monetal. ca. 150-183, p. 451. L. Saenius (l) Senator63, p.496. *Canini Sallustius (2A.l9fg and l9l9) Q. EZ2, proq. S5rria5f-60. C. SallusbiusCrispus (10) Q. bE ?, Tr. pt. 52, officer (f,"ä., Lieut. ?) under Caesar in the Adriatic 49, Q. ? 48, Leg., Lieut. ?-(Envoy to Caesar'smutinous soldiers) 47, Pr.46, Procos. Africa Novä 46-46 or early in 44. C. Salluvius C. f. Naso (l) Leg., Lieut. pro pr. Asia TB-. C. Salonius (*2) III vir col. ded.uc.194,X vi" ag". dand. assig. tZB. P. salonius (*l) Tr. Mil. 342 (and several times before thattah). Q. Salonius Sarra (*3) Pr. Sardinia t92. Q. Salvidienus Rufus Salvius (4) Leg., Lieut. pro pr. (fmp.) 42, - Promag. 41, Transalp. Gaul 40, Cos. Desig. for 3g. Salvius (l) Praef. Soc. 168. Salvius (6) Tr. Pl. 43. Q. Sanquinius (3) Q., Tr. Pl., Pr., Procos.,lateRep., pp.476,473, 465,481,resp. P. Satrienus (l) Monetal. ca.75, p. 45f . M. Satrius (l) Leg., Lieut. 44-48. P. Satureius (l) Tr. Pl. 133. P. Saturius (l) Senator 74, p. 496. Saufeius (l) Tr. Pl. 91. C. Saufeius (3) Q. 99 (Urb. ?, killed Dec. t0, t00). L. Saufeius (4) Monetal., ca. t4b-188, p. 451. (not in .B-E) Mag. Eq. 3G2. P. Scantinius (2) Pont. ?-216. C. Scantinius Capitolinus (3) Aed. Pl. ? 226? M. Scantius (or Scantinius) (Scantius 2, see Scantinius f ) Tr. pl. ? 149 (certainly beforo 50).
M. Soantiue (1) Tr. Pl. 293. M. Soapüius (1) Prefect (under Ap. Claudius Pulcher in Cyprus) 62. M. Soaptius (2) Tr. Mil. 50, Prefect 50. 0. Scribonius (4) Praef. Soc. l8l. C. Scr(ibonius) (seo4, and 8) Monetal. ca. 145-L37,p. 451. C. ScriboniusCurio (8) Aed. Pl. 196, Pr. urb. 193, Curio Maximus 174-. C. Scribonius Curio (9) Pr. ca. f 2I (a contemporary of the Gracchi). C. Scribonius C. f. - n. Curio (10) Tr. Pl. 90, Leg., Lieut. ? 86-85, Aed. ?, p. 467, Pr. by 80, Cos. 76, Procos. Macedonia 75-72, Cens. 6l??, Pont. ca. 60-53 (see57, list). C. ScriboniusCurio (ll) Q. ? 54 or 53 (see53), Proq. ? Asia ca. 52, Tr. Pl. Suff. 50, Leg., Envoy 49, Leg., Lieut. or Prefect at the capture of Iguvium 49, then Propr. Sicily and for the invasion of Africa 49, Pont. 52-49. L. ScriboniusLibo (16) Tr. Pl. 216, III vir mensar. 216, Pr. pereg., then Cisalp. Gaul204. L. Scribonius Libo (17) Aed. Cur. 194, Pr. pereg. I92, III vir col. deduc. 186. L. Scribonius Libo (18) Tr. PI. 149. (L. Scribonius)Libo Q. Sicily, p. 479. Seebelow, no. 20. (L. Scribonius) L. f. Libo (20?) Proq. pro pr. X''arther Spain, date uncertain, p. 481. L. Scribonius L. f. - n. Libo (20) Monetal. ca. 55 (Sydenham), p. 451, Senator 56, Pr. ? by 50 ?, Leg., Lieut. 4948, Leg., Envoy 40, Cos.34, VII Epulo ? by 3f ? (see31, list). (not in .B,O) Q.; date uncertain, p. 476. M. SeSecilius (Sextilius 2, Selicius l) Leg., Envoy 69-68 (see Sextilius, Leg., Lieut. 69). M. SeiusL. f. (3) Aed. Cur. 74. Selicius (f), see Secilius,above. A. SemproniusA. f. X'al. (3) Senator by 140, p. 496. C. SemproniusC. f. X'al. (5) Senator 129,p. 496. C. SemproniusL. f. (not in -EO) Senator ca. 165, p. 496. L. Sempronius (9) Monetal. ca. 150-125 (Grueber), p. 452. P. Sempronius (ll) Praef. soc. 194. Ti. Sempronius (I2) Tr. Pl. 167. Sempronius Asellio (16) Tr. Mil. l3&-I32. A. SemproniusAsellio (17) Pr. urb. 89, X vir agr. dand. assig.? 9l ? L. (Sempronius)Asellio ? (18) Pr. Sicily ca. 96, X vir agr. dand. assig.? 9l ? (seeA. Sempronius Asellio). A. Scmpronius - f. - n. Atratinus (20) Cos. 497, Praef. urb. 499 or
496, Cos. If 491, Leg., Lieut.? orPraef. urb.? 487, Tr. Mil.? 4t6, fnterrex 482. A. SemproniusA. f. - n. Atratinus (21) Tr. Mil. c. p. 444. A. Sempronius L. f. A. n. Atratinus (2, 22) Cos. 428b (Diod.), Tr. MiL c. p. 425,420,416. A. Sempronius - f. - n. Atratinus (23) Mag. Eq. 380. C. Sempronius - f. - n. Atratinus (24) Cos. 423. L. Sempronius A. f. - n. Atraüinus (25) Cos. Suff. 444, Aens. 443, L. Sempronius Atratinus (26) Pr. Suff. ? 4O, Leg., Lieut. pro pr. (under Antony in Greece) 39-37 ?, Praef. Class. pro pr. ? 36, Cos. Suff. 34, Augur 40 B. C. - 7 A. D. (see31, list). C. SemproniusTi. f. Ti. n. Blaesus (2S) Cos.253,244. C. Sempronius Blaesus (25) Tr. Pl. 2ll, Leg., Lieut. 210. C. SemproniusBlaesus (30) Aed. Pl. 187,Pr. Sicily 184,Leg., Amb. r70. P. SemproniusBlaesus (31) Tr. Pl. f9f . Ti. ? SemproniusBlaesus (32) Q. 217. (Sempronius?) Gr(acchus?) (not in -Bl) Monetal. very early, p.462. C. Sempronius Gracchus (a7) Tr. Mil. ? 134-L32,III vir agr. iud. assig.133-121,Q. Sardinia 126,and Proq. 125-124,Tr.Pl.123-122, fII vir col. deduc. 122-121, and a member of many colonial and building commissions during his tribunates (see 123, 122, Tribunes of the Plebs). P. Sempronius Gracchus (49) Tr. Pl. f89. Ti. SemproniusTi. f. C. n. Gracchus (50) Aed. Pl. 246,Cos. 238. Ti. SemproniusTi. f. Ti. n. Gracchus (51) Aed. Cur. 216, Mag. Eq. 216, Cos. Capua and Apulia 215, and Apulia 214, Cos. II Apulia 213, and Procos. Lucania and Samnium 212. Ti. SemproniusGracchus (52, cf.53) Augur 204 (seeTi. Sempronius Gracchus,no. 53). Ti. Sempronius P. f. Ti. n. Gracchus (53) Leg., Envoy lg0, Leg., Amb. 185 (and into 184?; see Ti. Claudius Nero, no. 250, and Ti. SemproniusLongus, no. 67), Tr. Pl. 187? or 184? (see I84), III vir col. deduc. 183, Aed. Cur. 182, Pr. Nearer Spain 180, and Procos. (Propr., Liv.) 179-178, Cos. Sardinia 177, and Procos. 176-175, Cens. 169, Leg., Amb. 165, Cos. II Corsica and Sardinia 163, and hocos. 162,Leg.,Amb. 162-f61, Augur 204?- (see179,list). Ti. Sempronius Gracchus (54) Officer (Leg., Lieub. or Tr. Mil. ?) under Scipio at Carthage 147-146, Q. 137,Leg., Envoy 137, Tr. Pl. 133, III vir agr. iud. assig. 133, Augur ?-133 (see 133, list). Ti. Sempronius Gracchus (56) IIII vir Monetal. ca. 40, p. 452, Q. Desig.,p.476.
T,(w Ti.) SemproniusGracchus (60) Praef. soc. 196. Ti. Sompronius Gracchus Veturianus (Veturius *17) Augur L7+(seeTi. Veturius Gracchus Sempronianus). C. SemproniusLongus (63) X vir s. f. 174-. C. (Sempronius)Longus (6a) Leg., Lieut. ca. 96. P. Sempronius Longus (65) Pr. X'arther Spain 184, and Procos. 183-182. Ti. Sempronius C. f. C. n. Longus (66) Cos. Sicily and Africa, then Cisalp. Gaul 218, Leg., Lieut. ? 215,X vir s. f. ?-210. Ti. SemproniusTi. f. C. n. Longus (67) Tr. Pl. 200, Aed. Cur. 198, III vir col. deduc. 197-194,Pr. Sardinia 196,and Promag. (Propr.?) 195,Cos.Cisalp. Gaul and Liguria 194,Procos.? ? 193, Leg., Lieut. cum imperio 193, Leg., Lieut. 191, Leg., Amb. ? 185-184 (see 185, note 7), X vir s. f. 210-174,Augur2.2L0-174(see210,note 6; 174, note 4; and lists, 210, and 179). T. SemproniusMusca (72) V vir fin. cognosc.stat. 168. L. SemproniusPitio (74) Monetal. ca. 145-138, p. 452. C. SemproniusRufus (79) Pr. before 44, p. 465. M. (Sempronius) Rufus (not in RE) Procos. in Asia Minor, dato uncertain, p. 481. C. SemproniusRutilus (81) Tr. Pl. f 89. M. Sempronius Rutilus (82) Leg., Lieut. Caesar in Gaul 52. P. SemproniusP. f. C. n. Sophus (85) Tr. Pl. 3I0, Cos. 304, Cens. 300, Pr. 296, Pont. 300--. P. SemproniusP. f. P. n. Sophus (86) Cos. 268, Cens.252. C. Sempronius Tuditanus (90) Aed. Pl. 198, Pr. Nearer Spain 197, and Procos. 196,Pont. ?-196. C. Sempronius Tuditanus (91) Pr. by 147?, Leg., Amb. f46-145. C. SemproniusC. f. C. n. Tuditanus (92) Q. 145, Aed. Cur. ? by 135,Pr. 132,Cos. Illyria 129. M. SemproniusC. f. M. n. Tuditanus (93) Cos. 240, Cens.230. M. Sempronius Tuditanus (9a) Tr. Mil. ? 2OS. M. SemproniusM. f. C. n. Tuditanus (95) Tr. Pl. I93, Pr. Sicily 189,and Propr. to bring a fleet and army home 188,Cos. 185, Pont. 183-174(seeI79, list). P. Sempronius C. f. C. n. Tuditanus (96) Tr. Mil. 216, Aed. Cur. 2L4,Pr. Cisalp. GauI 213, and Promag. (Propr.?) 212-211, Cens. 209, Procos.Macedoniaand Greece205, Cos. in Bruttium vs. Hannibal 204, and Procos. 203, Leg., Amb. 201-f 99. C. Sentius C. f. (3) Pr. urb. 94, Propr. Macedonia93-86. C. Sentius C. f . (4) Senator? 49, p. 496.
L. Sentius C. f. (6) Monetal. ca' 100-95,p. 452, Pr. date unoortoin, p.465. Sentius Saturninus Vetulo (seg 9) Leg., Envoy 40. C. Septimius (7) Pr. 57, Procos. Asia 56. L. Septimius (9) Tr. Mil. (under Pompey) 67-, in Egypt with troops left there by Gabinius 55-48 (see48). P. Septimius (ll) Q., under M. Terentius Varro, date uncertain, p.477. P. SeptimiusScaevola (51) Senator74,p.496. P. Sepullius Macer (l) Monetal. 44, p. 452. L. Sergius (ll) Leg., EnvoY 203. M'. Sergius (16) Leg., Amb' 164. M'. Sergius (l?) Pr.-, Procos. Hither Spain late second century (seell0), and P. 465. M. SergiusM'. f . (18) Q. after 212,p. 477M. Sergius (19) Tr. Mil. 205. L. SergiusCatilina (23) Leg., Lieut. 82, Pr. 68, Propr. Africa 67-66. C. SergiusEsquilinus (not in -B.E) Cos.Suff. 478?2.(see478,note 2). M. ? Särgius- f. - n. Esquilinus (24) X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 460-449. L. Sergius C. f. C. n. X'idenas (25) Cos. 437, Tr. Mil. c. p. 433, Cos. 418. vir X'idenat.cognosc.428,Tr. Mil. c. p.II424,III II4rg,III p' Leg.,Amb.394. Mil. c. 397, (26) Tr. n. Fidenas f. L. L. SergiusM'. M'. SergiusL. f. L. n. Fidenas (27) Tr. Mil. c. p. 404, 402. Cn. Sergius- f. - n. Fidenas Coxo (28) Tr. Mil' c. p. 387, 385, 380. C. Sergius Plautus (36) Pr. urb. 200, and Promag. (Propr. ?) to assignland to veterans 199. M. Sergius Silus (40) Pr. urb. 197. M. SergiusSilus (41) Leg., Lieut. 168. M. Sergius Silus (42) Q. ca. 94. M. Serrius (Sergius?) M. f. Ter. (not in ,B,O) Senator 129, p. 496. P. Serrius (Sergius?) (Sergius 20) Senator in 44, p. 496. Q. Serüorius (3) Tr. Mil. 97-93, Q. in CisalpineGaul90, Leg., Lieut. 87, Pr., retired from Italy to his province of Ilither Spain 83, Promag. (Procos.?) in the form of Roman government he maintained in Spain 82-73. Servaeus (3) Tr. Pl. Desig. 50, hence Q. before 60, p. 477Servilius (or Servianus) Leg., Lieut. ? (under Gabinius in Syria) 57. Servilius (3) Pr. 88. (M.) Servilius (C. f.) (4, l9) Leg., Lieut.z. 82. Servilius (5, cf. 67,40-42) Leg., Lieut. in command of Pompey's fleet in the Euxino soa 65.
C. Sorviliug (Geminus?) (9) Aed. Pl. r73 ? C. Sorvilius (12, cf. lt) Pr. Sicily 102,Augur ? ca. tO2. C. Sorvilius (13) Monetal. ca. 125-120,p. 452. C. ServiliusM. f. (14) Monetal. ca. lt0-108, p. 452. C. Servilius C. f. (16) Monetal. ca. 63, p. 452. L. ServiliusL. f. L. n. (17) Q.,late R"p.p. 477,TII vir., p.484. M. ServiliusC. f. (19) 100-95,p.462. M. Servilius (20) Senator? in 51, p. 496. M. Servilius (2I) Tr. Pl. 43, Leg., Lieut. 43-42. P. Servilius (23) X vir agr. assig. 201-200. Q. Servilius (- f. - n. Priscus Structus) (27) Mag. Eq. 494 (Dion. HaI.). Q. Servilius (29) Pr. or Procos. 91, perhaps Procos. early in g0. C. Servilius - f. - n. Ahala (32) Mag. Eq. 439. C. ServiliusP.f. Q.n. Ahala (33) Tr. Mil. c. p. 408,Mag. Eq. 408, Tr. Mil. c. p.II 407,Leg.,Lieut. ? 4O6,Tr.Mil. c. p.402. C. Servilius - f. - n. Ahala (34) Mag. Eq. 3S9. Q. Servilius Q.f. Q.n. Ahala (35) Cos. 365, fI 3G2,Dict. 860, fnterrex 355, Mag. Eq. 351, Cos. III 342. C. Servilius Q.f.C.n. Axilla (Ahala) (37) Cos.427,Tr. Mil. c. p. 419, ff 418 (C. Servilius Priscus Structus, Liv.), Mag. Eq. alS (C. Servilius Priscus), Tr. Mil. c. p. III 417 (C. Servilius Priscus Structus, Liv.). C. Servilius Brocchus (39) Tr. Mil. 49. (Servilius) Caepio (nE 2A.r775-17S0) Leg., Lieut.? 67. (Q. Servilius) Caepio (40-42) Tr. Mil. 72. Seealso no. 5, above. Cn. Servilius Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (43) Cos. 253. Cn. Servilius Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (44) Aed. Cur. 207, P:r. urb. 208, Cos. Bruttium 203, Leg., Amb. 195, 192, Pont. 213-174 (see 210, and 179,lists). Cn. Servilius Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (45) Aed. Cur. 179, Pr. X'arther Spain L74, and Promag. in 173, Leg., Amb. 172, Cos. Gall. Cisalp. 169, and Procos. in 168. Cn. Servilius Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (46) Pr. by I44, Cos. l4l, Cens. 125. Cn. Servilius Caepio (47) Q.,late secondcentury, see 105 B. C. Q. Servilius Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (4S) Pr. by 143,Cos.X'arther Spain 140, and Procos. 139. Q. Servilius Cn. f. Cn. n. Caepio (49) Tr. Mil. 129-126?, Pr. X'arther Spain 109,andProcos. 108-107,Cos.Gall.Narb. 106,andProcos.105. Q. Servilius Caepio (50) Q. 100, Pr. 9l ?, Leg., Lieut. 90, and Procos.90. See Additions and Corrections.
Q. Servilius Caepio Brutus, see M. Iunius Brutus, no. bB. C. Servilius Casca (51) Tt. Pl. 212. C. (Servilius) Casca (52, cf. 53) Tr. Pl. 44. P. Servilius Casca Longus (59) Tr. Pl. 48, Officer (Leg., Liout. ?) under Brutus 42. Q. Servilius Q. f. P. n. X'idenas (56) Tr. Mil. c. p. 402,II 898, Interrex 396,Tr. Mil. c. p. III 395,fV 890, V 988, Vf gg6. Q. Servilius Q. f. Q. n. X'idenas (57) Tr. Mil. c. p. 882, g78, 869. c. servilius (Geminus) (59) Pr. before 2r8, rrr vir agr. dand.. assig. 218. C. Servilius C. f. P. n. Geminus (00) Leg., Envoy 2t2, Tr. pl. 2ll, 4ed. Pl. 209, Mag. Eq. 208, Aed. Cur. 208, pr. Sicily 206, Cos. Etruria and Gall. Cisalp. 203, and Procos. 202, Dict,. Z\d, X vir agr. assig. 201-200, ff vir aed. dedic. lg4, Pont. 210-tg0 (see210, üsI), and Pont. Max. 183-180,X vir sac.fac. ?-180. Cn. Servilius P. f. Q. n. Geminus (61) Cos. 2tZ, and procos. in Apulia 216. P. Servilius Q. f. Cn. n. Geminus (62,) Cos.2B2,24g. Servilius Glaucia (64) Leg., Amb. 162-161. C. Servilius Glaucia (65) Q. by 109?,Tr. Pl. l0l (or 104?; seeAdditions and Corrections),Pr. 100. P. Servilius Globulus (66) Tr. Pt. 62, Pr. 64, propr. Asia 68. P. Servilius P. f. C. n. fsauricus (62) e. by OOfpr. 54, Cos. 4g, P"op". and Procos. Asia 48-44, Leg., Envoy 48, Cos. II 41, Augur bef.46-aft.4l (see50, list; and 40). Seeals-ono.5, above. P. servilius sp. f. P. n. Priscus (zg) cos. 468 (p. servilius struotus, Diod.). Q. Servilius - f. - n. Priscus (Structus) (77) Cos. 46g, 466, praof. Ulb 465, Q. 459 (seeno. 28; Structus in Diod.). Sp. Servilius - f. - n. Priscus (74, cf. 86) Cens.BTg. Q. Servilius P. f. Sp. tt. Priscus X'idenas (25) Dict. 4Bb, III vir X'idenat.cognosc.42B,Dict .4l8, Pont. or AuEur 4gg_8g0. "a"iuu c. servilius Priscus structus, see c. servilius (Ahala) no. 87. P. Servilius P. f. - n. Priscus Structus (26) Cos. 4gb, Leg., Envoy 493. Q. Servilius (- f. - n. Priscus Structus), see above, no. 27. M. Servilius C. f. P. n. Pulex Geminus (Zg) Aed. Cur. 204,Mag. Eq. 203, Etruria 202, and Procos. 201, X vir agr. assig.ZO1,IIi vir col. deduc. 197-194,Augur 2ll(see210, and lZg,iirt.;. P. Servilius M. f. Rullus (79) Monetal. ca. 100-95,p.452. P. Servilius M. f. Rullus (80) Tr. Pl. 68. P. Servilius Rullus (81) Praef. Eq. ? a0.
Sp. Servilius P. ? f. - n. Structus (85) Cos. 4ZG,Leg., Lieut. 476. Sp. Servilius C. f. C. n. Structus (86) Tr. Mil. c. p. 868. C. Sorvilius - f . - n. Structus Ahala (87) Cos.478. C. Servilius - f. - n. Tucca (SS) Cos. 284. (- Servilius - f. - n.) Vatia (not in .8,4) Cos. Suff. 68 (did not enter office). C. Servilius Vatia (91) Pr. or Promag. before 100, p. 465. P. Servilius C. f. M. n. Vatia fsauricus (93) Tr. Pt. ca. 98, Pr. by 90, probably in Sardinia, and. Propr. 89-88, Leg. Lieut. | 87,929, Cos. 79, and Procos. Cilicia 78-74, Cens. 55, Pont. before 7G-44 (seo 73, and 57, lists). L. Servius Rufus (6) Monetal. ca. 43-42, p. 452. L. Sestius (l) Tr. Pl. by 91. L. Sestius (2) Q. 44, and Proq. under M. Brutus 43-42. P. Sestius (6) Q. under the Consul M. Antonius 63, and Proq. Macedonia 62-61, Tr. Pl. 57, Pr. by 54 ? or 50 ?, Promag. (Procos.?) Cilicia 4H8, and cum imperio under Caesarand Domitus Calvinus 4847. L. SestiusPansa (10) Q. 54. P. Sestius (Sextius) (15) Q. 4r4. P. Sestius Q. f. Vibi n. Capito Vaticanus (9) Cos. 452, X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 451. P. Sestuillius(Sextilius ?)P.f. Ouf. (Sextilius 14) Senator35, p. 496. Sextilius (2) Leg., Lieut. 69 (see Secilius; and Selicius no. l). Sextilius (3) Pr. 68. C. Sextilius - f. - n. (6) Tr. Mil. c. p. 379. L. Sextilius (8) III vir noct.24l? P. Sextilius (not in ,EO) Pr., perhapslJrbanus, ff cent. med., p. 465. P. Sextilius (12) Pr. Africa 89 or 88, and Promag. (Propr.) 88 or 87. P. Sextilius (13) Q. urb. 61. P. SextiliusP.f. (I4) Senator39,pp.477,496.Seeabove,Sestuilius. C. Sextilius Rufus (23) Q. Cyprus 47 ? L. (or C.) Sextilius Rufus (24, cf. 23) Praef. Class.43. Sextilia (31) Vest. Virg. 1-273. M. Sextius (7) Tr. Pl. 4r4. P. Sextius (Sestius 15) Q. 414 (seeP. Sestius). P. ? Sextius (1, cf. 9) Q. rrr. P. Sextius (9) Pr. 90, p. 465. T. Sextius (13) Leg., Lieut. 53-50, Pr. 45 ?, Promag. (Procos.?) Africa Nova 44-42, and Procos. AJrica Vetus and Africa Nova 42-40. C. Sextius C. f. C. n. Calvinus (20) Pr. by I27, Cos. 124 against the Salluvii and Vocontii, and Procos. 123-122.
C. Sextius Calvinus (21) Pr. by 92. M. Sextius Sabinus (35) Aed. Pl. 203, Pr. in Gall. Cisalp. 202. L. Sextius Sex. f. N. n. Sextinus Lateranus (36) Tr. Pl. 376-367,Ooc. 366. Cn. Siccius (1, Sicinius 4) Tr. Pl. 470. T. Siccius (2, cf . Sicinius l3) Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 480-479 (See T. Sicinius Sabinus, no. l3). L. SicciusDentatus (3) Tr. Pl. 454,Leg., Lieut.449. C. Sicinius (5) Tr. Pl. 449. C. Sicinius (7) Q. ca. 70. Cn. Sicinius (8) Aed. Pl. 185, Pr. Sardinia 183,ffl vir col. deduo. I77, Pr.II Pereg. (with other duties) 172, and Promag. (Propr. ?) making preparations for the Macedonianwar l7l, Leg., Amb. 170. Cn. Sicinius (9) Tr. Pl. 76. L. Sicinius (10) Tr. Pl. 387. Q. Sicinius (12) III vir Monetal. ca. 49, p. 453. Sp. Sicinius (not in RE) Tr. Pl. 492. T. Sicinius -f. -n. Sabinus? (13, cf. Siccius 2) Cos.487, Leg., Lieut. pro pr. 480-479 (seeT. Siccius, no. 2). T. Sicinius (14) Tr. Pl. 395-393. L. Sicinius L. f. Bellutus (Vellutus) (4) Tr. Pl. 493, Aed. Pl. 492, Tr. Pl. 49r. P. Silicius Corona (l) Senator 43, p. 496. C. Silius Sex. f. Cam. (not in .B.O) Senator 129, p. 496. M. Silius (5) Tr. Pl., date uncertain, see 204. P. Silius (6) Tr. Pl., date uncertain, see 204. P. Silius L. f. Gal. (7) Senator 129, p. 497. P. Silius (Nerva) (s) Pr. by 58? or 52 ?, Propr. Bithynia and Pontus 5r-60. Q. Silius (10) Q.40e. T. Silius (ll) Leg., Envoy 56, Tr. Mil. 56. Sornatius (l) Leg., Lieut. 72, 69,68, probably 7tt-68. , C. Sosius (see 2) Q. 66, Pr. 49. C. Sosius C. f. T. n. (2) Q. 39 ?, Procos. Syria and Judaoa 38-37, and until his triumph 36-34, perhaps Praef. Class.vs. Sex. Pompey in Sicily 36, Cos. 32, Promag. orLeg., Lieut. at Actium 31, XV vir s. f. before 32 (see31, list). (Ti.) Spurillius (l) Tr. Pl. 422. A. Spuri(us?) or Spuri(llius ?) (Spurius 2) Monetal. oa. 136-127, p. 453. L. Staberius (2) Prefect ? at Apollonia 48. C. Staienus (l) q. 77.
L. Staius Murcus (2) Leg., Lieut. 48, 47?, 46, Pr. 45?, Prooos. Syria 44-43, and X'leet 42-41, Promag. ? or Leg., Lieut. ? 4l-gg (status under Sex. Pompey not clear). Q. Statilienus Q. f. Corn. (l) Senator by 140, p. 497. T. Statilius T. f. Taurus (3a) Senator by 44, Pr. by 40 ?, Cos. Suff. 37, Procos.? or Praef. Class. 36, Procos. Africa 36-34, Promag. (Procos.?) first in Illyricum 34-33, then in command of Octavian'g army against Antony 32-31, Augur, perhaps after 38 (see 31, list), Curio Maximus (see 3l). Statius the Samnite (1) Senator after 87, p. 497. T. Statius (4) Tr. Pl. 475. Q. Statorius (13) Leg., Envoy 213. C. Stertinius (4) Pr. Sardinia 188. L. Stertinius (5) Procos. X'arther Spain 199-196, Leg., Amb. 196. L. Stertinius (6) Q. urb. 168. C. Sulpicius- f . - n. (Camerinus) (7, cf . 29) Tr. Mil. c. p. 382. C. Sulpicius (8) Pr. Sicily 2ll. t, C. Sulpicius C. f. (9) Monetal. ca. 103-102,p. 452. fi C. Sulpicius (10) Pr. 63. L. Sulpicius (ra) Tr. Mil. I8l. Q. Sulpicius (16) ' . X'lamen 2.-ca. 223. SLr. Suipicius 1zf,1cf..ß) Senatorin 49, p. 497. Ser. Sulpicius (20, cf.. 2l) Monetal. ca. 54, p. 451,.\ C. Sulpicius- f. - n. Camerinus (29, cf. 7) Tr. Mil. c. p. 382 (seeno. 7), Cens.380. Ser. Sulpicius Q. f. Ser. n. Camerinus (31) Cos. (Liv.) or Cos. Suff. (-tr'C)393, Tr. Mil. c. p. 391 (see Ser. Sulpicius Rufus, no. 94), Interrex 387. P. Sulpicius (- f. Ser. n. Camerinus Cornutus ?) (32) Leg., Amb. 45+-452,X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 451, Leg., Envoy 449, Leg., Lieut. ? 446 (the pr€üenomenP. throughout in Liv., see Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus, no. 36). Q. Sulpicius-f. -n. CamerinusCornutus (33) Cos.490,Leg.,Envoy 488. Q. Sulpicius Ser. f. Ser. n. Camerinus Cornutus (34) Tr. Mil. c. p. 402, 398. Ser. Sulpicius P. f. - n. Camerinus (Cornutus) (35) Cos. 500, Leg., Envoy 493, Curio Maximus ?-463. Ser. Sulpicius Ser. f. Ser. n. Camerinus (Cornutus) (36) Cos. 461, Leg., Amb. 45+-452,X vir consul.imp.leg. scrib. 451,Leg., Envoy ? 449, Leg., Lieut. ? 446 (see P. Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus, no. 32, above).
Q. Sulpicius Ser. ? f. - n. Camerinus Praetextatus (37) Cos. 431b, orTr. Mil. c. p.434, Leg., Lieut.431. Ser. Sulpicius - f. - n. CamerinusRufus (38) Cos. 345. Sulpicius Galba (not in E.E) Pr. by 48 ? C. Sulpicius Galba (49) Pont. 202-199. C. Sulpicius Galba (50) Pr. Urb. l7l, Pont. L74--. C. Sulpicius Galba (5I) III vir agr. dand. l2l-l18 ?,Leg., Lieut. ? ll0, Priest, Augur ? 109 (mention). C. Sulpicius Galba (52) Pr., late Rep., p. 465. P. Sulpicius Galba (55, cf. 48) Aed. Cur. 69 ?, Pr. by 66, Pont. bot. 73 and 69 - (see69, list). Ser. Sulpicius Galba (56) Aed. Cur. 209,Le9., Amb. 20&-204,Pont. 203-r99. Sor. Sulpicius Galba (57) Aed. Cur. 189,Pr. urb. 187. Ser. Sulpicius Ser. f. P. n. Galba (58) Tr. Mil. 168-167,Pr. Farüher Spain l5l, and Promag. (Procos.)150,Cos. l44,Leg., Amb. l4l. Ser. Sulpicius Ser. f. Ser. n. Galba (59) Pr. X'arther Spain by lll, and perhaps Promag. ll0, C.os.108. See Additions and Corrections. Ser. Sulpicius Galba (60) Pt. by 91, Promag. ? Lucania 90, then Leg., Lieut. under Pompey Strabo 90, 89, 88 ?, under Sulla 86. Ser. Sulpicius Galba (61) Leg., Lieut' under Pomptinus 62-60, under Caesar, 58-56, Pr. 54, Leg., Lieut. under Pansa 43, Ing,, Envoy 43, Augur before 49-43 ? (see50, list). P. Sulpicius Ser. f. P. n. Galba Maximus (64) Cos. Greece and Macedon 2ll, and Procos.with Fleet 210-206,Leg., Amb. 206-204, Dict. 203, Cos. Macedon and Greece 200, and Procos. lgg, Ing., Lieut. 197,Leg., Amb. f96-195, 193-192. C. SulpiciusC. f. Ser.n. Galus (65) Cos.243. C. Suipicius C. f. C. n. Galus (66) Officer (Leg., Lieut. ?) under Aemilius in Spain ? l9l ?, Leg., Lieut. ? under Aemilius Paullus in Liguria 182-181,Leg., Envoy l8l, Spec.Comm. to investigaüeoasos of extortion in Spain I7l, Pr. urb. 169,Tr. Mil. orLeg., Liout. 108' 167,Cos. 166,Leg., Amb. 164. C. Sulpicius Ser. f. Q. n. Longus (75) Cos. 337, II 323, Cons.? 819, Cos.III 314,Dict. 312. Q. Sulpicius T. f. - n. Longus (76) Tr. Mil. c. p. 390. C. Sulpicius Q.f. Q. n. Paterculus (81) Cos.258. C. Sulpicius M. f. Q. n. Peticus (83) Tr. Mil. c. p. 380, Cenr. 800, Cos. 364, Leg., Lieut. 362, Cos.fI 361, Dict. 358, Interrox 86ö, Cor. III 365, fV 353,Interrex 351, Cos.V 35f. Ser. Sulpicius - f. - n. Praetextatus (88) Tr. Mil. o. p. 377 (eoo8or. Sulpicius Rufus, no. 94), 376, 370, 368.
P. SulpioiusRufus (92) Leg., Lieut. 90 ?, 89, Tr. Pl. 88. P. Sulpicius P. f. - n. Rufus (93) Q. 69, Leg., Lieut., under Caosar 6H9, Pr. X'leet 48, Promag. ? probably Procos. Illyricum 46, Propr. and Procos. Bithynia and Pontus +6-45, Cens.42, Pont. ca. 47-afber 42 (see40). Ser. Sulpicius- f. - n. Rufus (94, cf. 3l) Tr. Mil. c. p. 388,fnturrex ? 387,Tr. Mil. c. p. fI 384,III 383, IV 377 (see Ser. Sulpicius Praetextatus, no. 88). Ser. Sulpicius Q. f. - n. Rufus (95) Q. Ostia 74,Pr. de peculatu 65, fnterrex 52, Cos. 51, Leg., Lieut. or Procos. under Caesarin Greece 46-45, Leg., Envoy 43. P. Sulpicius Ser. f. P. n. Saverrio (97) Cos. 304, Cens.300, Interrex 298. P. Sulpicius P. f. Ser. n. Saverrio (98) Cos.279. P. Tadius (l) Leg., Lieut.73-71. L. Tarius Rufus (3) Leg., Lieut. orPrenf . Class.31. Sp. Tarpeius M. f. M. n. Montanus Capitolinus (4) Cos. 454, Leg., Envoy 449,Tr. Pl. ? ? 448. L. Tarquinius Egerii f. Collatinus (8) Cos. 509. C. Tarquitius P. f. (l) Q. S1. L. Tarquitius L. f. X'laccus (6) Mag. Eq. 458. C. Tarquitius Priscus (S) Officer (Leg., Lieut. ?) under Sertorius before 7g-72. Tatius ? (TA or AT) (not in .B,E') Monetal. ca. 150-1338.C., p. 453. P. Tedetius L. f. Pol. (1) Pr. before 442.,pp.466, 497. Tedius Afer (l) Cos.Desig. between43 and 33, p. 466. Sex. Teidius (2) Senator 52,p. 497. M. Teiedius M. f. Pat. (l) Tr. Mil. ? 89. Sex. Tempanius (l) Praef. Eq. 423, Tr.PL.422. C. Terentilius llarsa (l) Tr. Pl. 462. Terentius (2, cf. 9l and 92) Tr. Pl. 54. Cn. Terentius (21) Senator 63, p. 497. Q. Terentius (30) Leg., Envoy 218. Q. Terentius Culleo (43) Leg., Amb. lg5, Tr. Pl. 189,Pr. pereg. 187, Leg., Amb. l7l. Q. Terentius Culleo (44) Tr. Pl. 58, Leg., Lieut. ? or Prcfecb ? under Lepidus in Narb. Gaul43, Pont. Min. 57 (mention; see57,list). C. Terentius fstra (51) Pr. Sardinia 182,Iff vir col. deduc. l8l. C. Terentius Lucanus (56) Monetal. ca. 135-134,p. 453. L. Terentius Massiliota (58) Aed. Pl. 200, !'eg., Amb. 196, Pr. Sicily 187,Tr. Mil. 182-1S0,Leg., Envoy 180.
Terentius Maximus
See 406. note.
P. Terentius Tuscivicanus (75) Leg., Amb. 167. (Terentius ?) Var(ro) (see76) Monetal. 150-146,p. 458. Terentius Varro (77) Q. 154. (Terentius?) Var(r)o (see?6) Monetal. ca. 150-138,p. 468. Terentius Varro (see82) Pr. 78 ?, Propr. ? Asia 77 ? A. Terentius Varro (80) Leg., Envoy 190-189,Pr. Nearer Spain 184, and Procos.183-182,Leg., Amb. L72, 167. A. Terontius Varro (81) Leg., Amb. 146-145. A. Torontius Varro (82) Leg., Lieut. 82 (probably 34-82). Seoabove, Terentius Varro. C. Terentius C. f. M. n. Varro (83) 222,Aed. Pl. by 2Zt ?, Aod. Cur. by 220?, Pr. probabty Sardinia 218, Cos. 2tG (at Cannae), Procos. Picenum 215-213, Propr. Etruria 208-207, Leg., Amb. 208, 200, rlf vir col. deduc. 200. C. (Terentius) Varro (76) Monetal. very early, p. 458. M. Terentius Vano (84, Supb. 6) IIf vir (capital.) before g0, p. 484, Q. 86 ?, Leg., Lieut. ? Illyricum 78-77,Tr. Pl., date uncertain, p. 4?8, Leg., Lieut. and Leg. pro q. under Pompey in Spain ca. ?6-ZI, Pr., date uncertain, p. 466,Leg., Lieut. pro pr. under PomFeXvs. pirates 67-, XX vir agr. dand. assig. 59, Leg., Lieut. probably pro pr. X'arther Spain 50-49 (probably 55-49), Spec. Comm. from Caesarto , collect a library 45. M. Terentius Varro Gibba (Sg) Q. 46, Tr. Pl. 48. M. Terentius M. f. - n. Varro Lucullus (Licinius l0g) Q. or Leg., Lieut. 83, Propr. in CispadaneGaul 82, and probably 81, Aed. Cur. 79, Pr. pereg. or de repetundis 76, Cos. 73, Procos. Macedoniaand Thraco 72-7I, Leg., Amb. ca. 70-66, Pont. before 73-afüer 62 (soo lists,73, and 57). See Additions and Corrections. A. Torentius Varro Murena (91, cf. 2 and g2) Leg., Envoy 48, Aod. Cur. by 44. A. Terentius Varro Murena (SZ) Augur (soe3l,list), Cos.28. M. Terpolius (t) Tr. Pl. 7?. T. Terrasidius (1) Tr. Mil. 56, Leg., Envoy 56. T. Tettius (5) Prefect at, Curubis 47. C. Teutius (l) Tr. Mil. 49. C Thoranius, seeC. Toranius, no. 4. Sp. Thorius ? (2) Tr. Pl. lll ? (seelll, note 2). L. Thorius Balbus (4) Monetal. ca. t00-95, p.468, Leg., Liout. ?0. M. Tiburüius (l) Leg., Envoy 48. Q. Tillius (4) Leg., Lieut. 48. 40 Broughton II
and Tillius Cimber (5) Pr. 45?, Promag' (Procos'?)-Bithynia L. --Pontus Brutus)' (under 42 Class' orPraef' iieut. 4+-43,Leg', ' Class'?) undor Tisienus Gallus (I) An officer (Leg', Lieut '? orPraef 36, probably 4I, Pompey sextus under 41, then L. Antonius from 40-36. 36' Tiiinius (4\ Leg., Lieut. or Ptaef ' Class' under Octavian C. Titinius (5) Tr. Pl. 192' C. Titinius (6) Monet'' L35-I27, p' 453' M. Titinius (10) Tr. Pl.449' M. Titinius C. f. C. n. (11) Mag' Eq' 302' -lt. (Iz,) Monltal. "*. iso-rsg, p.484 (seenos. 13, and 20). äii"i"M. Titinius (I3, cf. 20) Pr' urb' I78' Prefect) under Licinius u. ritioio, ir+) An officer (Leg., Lieut. or Nerva in SicilY f04. P. Titinius (16) Leg., Lieut' 200' 497' Q. Titinius (17) Senator 70, P' 439' Pl' Tr. Sex. Titinius (lS) M.TitiniusCurvus(20,cf.12,13)Tr'Pt'L92'Pt'NearerSpainlTS' and Procos.L77-175. c' p'.400' 396' f,. fili"i". L. f. M'. n. Pansa Saccus (25) Tr' Mil' (not in J?-O) Tr. Pl. ? orPr' ? date uncertain' p' 473' iiti"t tTitius (not in J?E) Pr. before 81, p' 473'
Tr. Mil. 46 (seeL' Tit'ius, no' l3)' Titius C. Titius (6) Praef. soc. 133' C. Titius (9) Leg., Lieut. 43' L. Titius (13) Tr. Mil' 48,462' L. Titius ir*, "t. rs; Pr., date uncertain, P'.166' An irregular commander 40,then under sex. Pompoy, -u. ilii", irrj p"o"ä*. Fleet gs-g+, Cos' Suff' 3I, Pont' ? aftet 34 (see3l' a. t6, lists). P. Titius (20) Tr. Pl. 43. Sex. Titius (22) Tr. Pl. 462' Sex. Titius (23) Tr. Pl. 99' Sex. Titius (24), seeExtitius' T. Titius (26) Leg., Lieut. 5l' 87, p' 454' Q. Titius (Mutto ?) (33) Monetal' ca' C. Titius Rufus (37) Pr. Urb' 50' Monetal'I- ca' 88' p' 454'Leg" Lieut' 76' ii.l ift""f"s lSablnus?1 Q) Sabinus (3) Leg., Lieut' 58?,57-54' ö. tit*iot ö. To"arrius (4) Q. 73, Aed. Pl' 64 ? SeeC' Turranius' L. Trebanius (f ) Monetal. ca' 135-126,p' 454'
& i
L. Trebellius (3) Tr. Pl. 67. 44' Offiocr i. Trebellius 1n'ides; (4, cf. 5) Tr' Pl' 47, Aed" Cur' by (Leg., Lieut. ? orPraef. Eq.?) unde-rAntony 43' M.'Träbius Gallus (2) Tr. MiI. 56,Leg', Envoy 60' pt' 56, Leg', Lieut' 64-40' h' C. Trebonius C. f. - n.' (6) Q. 60 ?, tr' urb. 48, Procos. X'artüer Spain 47-46, and Procos' or Log" Lieut' with Caesar 46-.45,Cos. Sulf. (from Oct' I to Dec' 31) 46' Prooos' Asia 44-43. Ciosrp in C. irebonios (Z) Prefect of a vexillum of a legion under Q. Gaul 63. Cn. Trebonius (S) Tr. Pl. 401. M. Trebonius (10) Tr. Mil. c. p. 383' P. Trebonius (lr) Tr. MiI. c. p. 379' T. ? Trebonius (13) Leg., Lieut. 293' L. Trebonius AsPer (9) Tr. PI' 448' Tromellius (cf. 6) Pr. ca. 100. 176' 174' C. Tremeltius (li X vir agr. dand. assig' 173,Pr' possibly or 170. Cn. Tremellius (2) Tr' Pl. 168,Pr' 159' 203' Pr' Cn. Tremellius X'laccus (4) Q. 206,Leg', Amb' 205,Aed' Pl' Sicily 202' dand' Cn. Trämelius Scrofa (5) Q. 71, Tr' Mil' 69, XX vir agr' eaßt€rn an in ?) (Propr' Promag' 52), assig. 59-, Pr. by 68? (or province 51-50. SeeP. 466. L.-Tremellius Scrofa (6) Q. I43 or 142?, Pr' ca' 136' pr. apulia and Bruttium 190, and (5) Aed.'iur.igz,""irr" 186' deduc' col' III vir Propr. 189-188, (mention)' 230 Virg. Tuccia (12) Vest. Cn. Tudicius (I) Senatorin 66, p. 49?' L. Tullius (Rufus) (9, cf' 49) Q.--, Leg', Lieut' 5f-50' M. Tullius (tr, cf. 34)' 109-100,p'454', -M. Tullius M. f . M. n. Cicero (29) Q' Sicily 75, Aed' Pl' 69' h'-6e' 8nd b Cos.63, Leg., Lieut. undgr eö*pey s7, Procos'Cilicia 6l-ö0' 4l,W,,nlyo-y Dolabella Greeooand-I taly 4g-47,Leg., Liäul. under ö0' lbü)' to Antony a3 (appointua Uiti withdrew), $uSu1{fll^(t": pollbly 43-4.2, +S-4S, Eq. Tullius M. f. M.';. Cicero (g0) Praef. M. --t"t., 11lct Aria' Prooos' pro-pr' Syr-ia, Lieut. 42, Cos. Suff. 30, Leg. 386' no' Laet De (see 31,list)'-See $öüably Augur)by 3l 65, Pr' urb' 02, Prooor' Q.'^Tulius-Cice-ro'1är; b.oa?, Aed. Pl. under Oaemr 6+-6'' 57-66, Pompey und'er Asia 6l-58, Leg., iieut. under M. Cicero 6f-50. Q. Tullius Cicero (32) Lupercus 46' 4o'f
Q. Tullius M. f. A. n. Docula (34,cf. ll) Cos.81. M'. Tullius - f. - n. Longus (41) Cos.500 (seeM'. Tullius Tolorinus). Tullius Rufus (49) Q. before 46,p. 477. M'. Tullius Tolerinus (53, cf. 4l) Cos. 500 (X'est.,see M'. Tullius Longus). L. Turius (2) Pr. ? de repetundis 75 (L. X'urius, no. 18, above). See L. Tur(ullius ?); and Additions and Corrections. M. Turius (not in Ä.O) Leg., Lieut. ? or Promag. ? Asia 42-40. Soe p. 483. T. Turpilius Silanus (10) Praef. Soc.? 109. C. Turranius (4) Pr.? 44. D. Turullius (l) Q. 44, Proq. ? in command of a fleet 48, Leg., Lieut. 2.or Praef . Class.? 42. L. Tur(ullius ?) (not in .BZ) Monetal. ca. 87 (Bahrfeld), p. 454. See L. Turius. Tuticanus Gallus (see3) Senator before 48, p. 497. SeePavus l. C. Urbinius (not in *Ä.O) Q. Spain 74. : -us M. f. (not in *fi.&') Leg., Lieut.,late ff, Delphi, p. 488. Valerius (3) Tr. Mil. 252. Val(erius) (4) Monetal. ca. 155-150,p. 454. Valerius (*57 ?) Leg., Lieut. or Prefect Ostia 87. L. Valerius (not in fi.O) XV vir s. f. 76 (mention). M'. Valerius M. f. Volesi n. (65) Dict. ? 501, Leg., Amb. 501, Log., Lieut. 499or 496, Tr. Mil. ? 486. M. Valerius (68) Pont. 340 (mention). SeeM. Valerius Corvus. M. Valerius (69) Tr. Pl. 68 ? M. Valerius Volusi f. (74'), seeM. Valerius Volusus. P. Valerius (77\ Pr.? 73. 'L. Valerius Acisculus (94) Monetal. 45, p. 454. L. Valerius Antias (99) Log., Lieut. orPraefl.Class.215. M. Valerius Corvus (137),seeM. Valerius Maximus Corvus. M. Valerius X'alto (153) 206,Leg., Amb. 205, Aed. Cur. 208, Pr. Bruttium, then Campania 201, Propr. Sardinia 200. P. Valerius Q.f.P. n. X'alto (155) Cos.238. Q. Valerius Q. f. P. n. X'alto (15?) Praetor Sicily and I'leet 2LZ, Propr. 241, Cos. 239. C. Valerius X'laccus (*36, *44) Aed. Cur. lgg, Pr. pereg. l8B, X'lnm. Dial. 209-before174 (seel79,list). C. Valerius C. f. X'laccus (*33) Monetal. ca. 133-126,p. 454. C. \ralerius C. f. L. n. X'laccus (168) Pr. by 9b, Cos.Nearer Spain gB, and Procos.92, Promag. (Procos.)Transalp. Gaul 85 ?-81.
C. Valerius X'laccus (*91) Leg., Lieut. ? under Ap. Claudiue Pulohct in Cilicia 53-51. L. Valerius - f. - n. X'laccus (*21) Mag. Eq. 321. L. Valerius (X'laccus?) (*23) II vir navalis 282. L. Valerius M. f. L. n. X'laccus (*26) Cos.261. L. Valerius P. f. L. n. X'laccus (*35) Tr. Mil.? 2tZ, Aed. Cur.20l, Leg., Lieut. 200, Pr. Sicily 19g, Cos. Cisalp. Gaul lg6, and proooo. lg4, Leg., Lieut. l9l, fII vir col. deduc. lg0, l8g, Cens.184,Prinoeps Sonatus 184,Pont. 196-f80. L. Valorius L. f. P. n. X'laccus (*46) Aed. Cur. IGB,Pr. by 166,Oos. t62. L. Valorius L. f. L. n. X'laccus (*47,t75, cf.60) Aed. Cur. by 196l, L. (Valorius) X'laccus (*4S ?) Pr. or Lt7. L. Valerius L. f. L. n. X'laccus (*54, *59, IZO) Pr. by l0B, Cos. 100, Cons.97, fnterrex 82, Mag. Eq. 32-79 ?, X'lam. Martial. ?- boforo 09, Princeps Senatus 86, and probably kept so by Sulla. L. Valerius C. f. X'laccus (f 76 or 177?) Monetal. ca. 108,p.464. L. Valerius C. f. L. n. Flaccus (*b7) Tr. Mil. before 100,Aed. Cur. gg, Pr. by 92, and probably Pr. or Propr. in Asia ca. g2-gl, Cos. Suff., and sent to Asia 86. L. Valerius Flaccus (*69, 179) Tr. Mil. under C. Valerius X'laoousin Transalp. Gaul probably before and after 82,. ,under Sorviliug Ieauricus in Cilicia 78-76, Q. 7l or 70, and Proq. ? under M. Pupius Piso in Spain, Leg., Lieut. under Metellus Creticus in Crete 08-00, and undor Pompey in Asia 66-65, Pr. 63, Propr. Asia 62, Leg., Amb. 60, Leg., Lieut. under Piso in Macedonia 57-56. P. Valerius L. f. M. n. X'laccus (lSl) Cos. 227, Leg., Envoy 2lg, Log., Lieut. 216,Praef. Class.215,Leg., Lieut. or Prefect Brundisium
2t4. M. ValoriusM. f. M'. n. Lactuca(orLactucinus)Maximus (200) Ooc.
Suff. 437. M. Valorius M. f. M. n. Lacüucinus Maximus (207) Tr. Mil. o. p. 398, 396. C. Valerius M. f. P. n. Laevinus (208) Leg., Lieut. l8O, Pr. Esdlnir 179, (Pr. Cisalp. Gaul ? ? 177??), Cos. Suff. lZ6, Leg., Amb. l?{t73, t72. (M'. Valerius) Laovinus (see65) Tr. Mil. ? 4SG. M. Valerius P. f. P. n. Laevinus (2tl) Aed. Cur.ll ZZg?, Pr. Sardinia 227, Cos. 220a?, Pr. Pereg. 215, Promag. (Proooe.?) Illoeü and Adriatio coast 214, Greeceand Macodonia 213-211, Oor. ZlO, Procos. X'leet off Sicily 209-207, Promag. (hopr.) to bring urban
Iegionsto Arretium 2O5,Leg.,Amb.205,Propr. to watch Macedonia?? 20t-200. M. Valerius Laevinus (210) Aed. Cur. 185?, Pr. pereg. 182, Leg., Lieut. l8l, l7l. P. Valerius - f. - n. Laevinus (213) Cos.280. M'. Valerius Volesi f. -n. Maximus (67, 243) Dict. ? 501?, 494,Log., Envoy 493,Augur ?-463,Princeps Senatus493 (see494). M. Valerius M. f. M. n. Maximus (Corvinus) (244) Leg., Lieut.? 326 (seeM. Valerius Maximus Corvus), Cos. 312, Leg., Lieut. ? 310, Tr. Mil. 297, Cos. If 289, III ? 286 (seeM. Valerius Maximus Potitus). M. Valerius M. f. M. n. Maximus Corvus (137) Tr. MiI. 349,Cos.348, Pr.347 ?,Cos.II 346,Aed. Cur. ? 345or later, Cos.fII 343,Dict. 342, fnterrex 340, Cos. IV 335, fnterrex 332, Leg., Lieut. 325 (see M. Valerius Maximus Corvinus), Interrex 320, IIf vir col. deduc. 313, Leg., Lieut. 310 (seeM. Valerius Maximus Corvinus), Pr. IV 308, Cens.307,Dict. II 302 (Liv.), 30I (-f'C andAT), Cos.V 300, Cos.VI Suff. 299, Pont. 340 ? (mention; seeM. Valerius no. 68). M. Valerius M'. f. Volesi f. Maximus Lactuca (246) Q. 458,Cos.456. M'. Valerius M. f. M. n. Maximus Messalla (*25) Cos.263,Cens.252. M. Valerius M'. f. M. n. (Maximus) Messalla (*31) Cos. 226, Praef. Class.210-209. M'. Valerius Messalla (*57) Leg., Lieut,.? 90. Seebelow *56. M. Valerius M. f. M'. n. Messalla (*40) Pr. pereg. lg3, Cos. Liguria 188,Leg., Amb. f 74-173,X vir s. f. 172-. M. Valerius M. f. M. n. Messalla (*45) Pr. by 164, Cos. 16l, Cens. 154. M. Valerius Messalla (*56) Leg., Lieut. ? 90, almost certainly a's a praetorius. Seeabove no. *57. M. Valerius - f. - n. Messalla (*97) Cos.Suff. (Nov. I to Dec. 3l) 32, Frat. Arv. M. Valerius M. f. M. n. Messalla Corvinue (*95) Leg., Lieut. 43-42 (under Brutus and Cassius),Pr. Suff. ? 40, Promag. or Praef. Class. 36, Cos.Suff. (Jan. I to May 1) 31, Promag. orLeg., Lieut. at Actium 31, Augur 36 (supernumerary;seeSl,list). Monetal. ca. 53, p. 454 (seeabove, noo. (M. Valerius) Messallaf. *95, and *97). M. Valerius - f . - n. Messalla (Niger) (*76) Tr. Mil. twice before 73, p.482, Q. ca. 73, Pr. by 64, Cos.61, V vir agr. dand. iud. 59-, Intor' rex 55, Cens.55, fnterrex 53, 52, Pont. bofore 73- (see73, and 67, lists). M. Valerius - f. - n. Messalla(Rufus) (*77) Pr. 62 ?, Cos. 53, Leg., Lieut. 48?,47?,46, 45 ?, Augur for 55 years (see50, and 31, lists).
M. Valerius Messalla Potitus (*96) Pr. urb. probably oa. 32, Col. Suff. 29, XV vir s. f., probably before 3l (see31, liet). Q. Valerius Orca (*7s) Pr. 57, Procos. Africa 60, Log., Lieut. Sardinia 49, Leg. pro pr. agr. assig.45. L. Valerius L. f. L. n. Poplicola (29s) Tr. Mil. o. p. 394, Mag. Eq. 390 ? (seeL. Valerius Potitus, no. 307),Tr. Mil. c. p. II 889, III 387, IV 383,V 380. M. Valerius L. f. L. n. Poplicola (299) Mag. Eq. 358,Cos.866' II363. P. Valerius Volusi f . - n. Poplicola (302) Cos. Suff. 509, Cos.II 608, I I I 6 0 7 , r V ? 5 0 6 ? ' , Y ?5 0 4 . ?. Valerius P. f. Volusi n. Poplicola (301) Leg., Amb. 492,Aoe. 476, Intorrex 462, Cos.II 460. P. Valorius P. f. L. n. Poplicola (300) Cos. 352, Pr. 360, Dioü. 844, Mag. Eq. 332. L. Valerius P. f. P. n. Poplicola Potitus (304) Cos.449, Q.440. C. Valerius - f . - n. Potitus (50) Tr. Mil. c. p. 370. C. Valerius L. f. L. n. Potitus (306) Cos. 331, Mag. Eq. ? 331, Aed. Cur. 329 (seenote 2). L. Valerius M. f. Volusi n. Potiius (380) Q. 485, Cos. 483, II 470, Praef. urb. 464. L. ValeriusL. f. P. n. Potitus (307) Tr. Mil. c. p.414, fI406,III403, IV 401, V 398, Leg., Amb. ? 398, Interrex 396, Leg., Amb. 394, Cos. 393, II 392, fnterrex 391, Mag. Eq. ? 390 (seeL. Valerius Poplioola no. 298),fnterrex 387. M. Valerius - f. - n. Maximus (Potitus) (*22) Cos. 286 (see M. Valerius Maximus Corvinus, no. 244). P. Valerius L. f.. L. n. Potitus Poplicola (30S) Tr. Mil. c. p. 380, II 384,III 380,IV 977,V 370,VI 367. C. Valorius L. f. Volusi n. Potitus Volusus (309) Tr. Mil. o. p. 416, Cos.410,Tr. Mil. c. p. II407', III 404,Leg.,Amb.? 398. L. Valerius Praeconinus (*72) Leg., Lieut. Transalp. Gaul beforr 78,p. 483. C. Valerius Procillus (*74) Leg., Envoy 58. Q. Valerius Soranus (*50) Tr. Pl. 82 ? C. Valorius Tappo (*39) Tr. Pl. 188. L. Valerius Tappo (*3s) Tr. Pl. 195, Pr. Sicily lg2, and pobebly Propr. tgl, III vir col. deduc. 190-189. C. Valerius Triarius (*62) Leg., Lieut. undor Luoullur in ühc Eerü 73-66. C. Valerius Triarius (363) Praef. Class.under Pompoy f9-a8. L. Valerius Triarius (*61, *62) Q. 81,Pr. 78,and Propr. ? Eardinio?7.
M. valerius volesi_f.-- n. volusus (7+) Tr. Mil. 608, cos. 60d, r.og., Amb. 501, Leg., Lieut. 499or 496. Vrleria (3S5) Priestessof Fortuna Muliebris (see488). Valgius (see*3) Senatorbefore 45,p. 497. Senator t}g,p. 497. Q. Valgius M. f. -lia, Vallius (not in *J?Z) Tr. Pl. ? orPr. ?, date uncertain, p.474. Vargunteius (*4) Leg., Lieut. 54-59. L. Vargunteius (*3) Senatorin 68, p. 492. !I._Vargunteius (*2) Monetal. ca. llg-110, p. 4EE. P. Varinius (*l) Pr. vs. Spartacus?8, and p"ocos. ? 72? (or Asia? 72, seeL. Licinius Lucullus, no. 104),pr. II ? 66 ?, propr. Asia 65 ? L._Varius Cotyla (*g) !ed.44?, Leg., Lieut.48, Lea., Envoy 48, Leg., Lieut. Transalp. Gaul, end of 48. Q. Varius SeverusHibrida (*l) Tr.'Pl. 90. va,rro (not in *-Bt) Proq. under Pompeyin spain, 4g. see 75, note T. Vatia, see (- Servilius - f. - tt.) Vatia. r P. -vatinius P. f. (*2) Q., provincia aquaria 63, Leg., Lieut. x'arther Spain 62,Tr. Pl. 59, Leg., Lieut. under Caesarinbaul 5g?,57_56, 3I. 55, Leg., Lieut. under Caesar 5t-47, Cos. (Oct.) 47, procos. Ilyricum 45-43, and in Italy until his triumph'in 42, Augur 47_ after 42. M. Vehilius (*I) Pr.? 44. Veiento (*l) SeeX'abriciusVeiento. (not in *-B,E) Tr. Mil. 56, Leg., Envoy 56. Q. ielanius C. V-elleius (*l) Senator,perhaps Tr. pl. befor,90, p. 474. C. Velleius (*2) Praef. X'abr. under Ti. Claudius ITero 40 (earlier under Pompey and Brutus). (Velleius?) Capito (*4) Senatorin 48,p. 497. Ventidius (*4) Leg., Lieut.? Africa 42. P. Ventidius P. f. Bassus (*2) Tr. Pl. 45, pr. 43, Cos. Suff. 48, Leg., Lieut. ? or Promag. cisalp. Gaul42 ?, and 4r-40 (probably distribuüing land), then Procos. under Antony, Asia and Syria aLaA, pout. ca. 43-after 38 (seeB7). Venuleius ("2) III vir (capital. ?) 82. Venuleius (*4) Leg., Lieut.45,4g. V_erg-ilius(seeVirgilius *l) Monetal. ca.84, p. 455. M. Vergilius (Virgilius *t) Tr. Pl. 87. C. Vergilius C. f. Balbus (Virgilius *2, *g) e. by ?0, proq. Sicily 69, ca. 66, Aed. Pl. 65, Pr. G2,Propr. Sicily 6l-b8, Leg., Lieut. Maco_ donia 57-56, perhaps the Leg., Lieut. or prefect at"Thapsus (pompeian) 46. A. Verginius (Virginius *12) Tr. Pl. 46t, 460, 45g, 458, 467.
A. Verginius (*18) Tr. PI. 395, 394. L. Verginius (*13, *I4) Tr. PI. 449. L. Verginius (*20) Tr. Mil. 207. Opet. Verginius - f. - n. Esquilinus (*8) Cos. Suff. 478 (-FC),Coo. a73 (Liv.). L. Verginius - f. - n. Tricostus (*16) Cos. 436, 434 (Licin. Maoer). L. Vorginius - f . - n. Tricostus (*17) Tr. Mil. c. p. 389,porhape402 (sooL. Verginius Tricostus Esquilinus). Opitor Vorginius Opit. f. - n. Tricostus (*2) Cos. 502, Tr. Mil. ? 480. Proc. Verginius - f. - n. Tricostus (not in *,BZ) Cos.436?,4941 (Diod.; seeL. Verginius Tricostus, no. *16). A. Vorginius A. f. - n. Tricostus Caeliomontanus (*4) Cos.494, Leg., Envoy 493, Tr. Mil. ? 486. A. Vorginius - f. - n. Caeliomontanus (*9) Cos. 469, III vir agr. dond. 467,I'og., Lieut. 455. Sp. Verginius A. f. A. n. Tricostus Caeliomontanus (*10) Cos. 460. T. Verginius A. f. - n. Tricostus Caeliomontanus (*3) Cos. 496, Tr. Mil. ? 486 (seeA. Verginius Tricostus *4). T. Verginius - f . - n. Tricostus Caeliomontanus (*15) Cos.448. L. Verginius L. f. Opetr. n. Tricostus Esquilinus (*17) Tr. Mil. c. p. 402, 380, (soeL. Verginius Tricostus, above). A. Verginius Opet. f. Opet. n. Tricostus Rutilus (*7) Cos.476. hoo. Vorginius Opet. f. Opet. n. Tricostus Rutilus (*5) Cos. 486. T. Verginiua Opet. f. Opet. n. Tricostus Rutilus (*6) Cos.479,Augur l-409. C. Vonee (rl ) Q. consulis84, Proq. 83, 82 ?, 8l ?, Leg., Lieut., then Iag. proq. Cilicia 80-79, Pr. urb. 74, Propr. Sicily 73-71. Versiua (not in *,8,O) Scriba under Sertorius 72. C. Vetilius (t2) Pr. Farther Spain 147. T. Vettius (*9) Q. and Proq. under Verres in Sicily 73-71. P. (Vettiue ?) Sobinus (Sabinus 30), seeP. Sabinus. T. Votüius Sabinug (*12) Monetal. ca. 60, p. 455, Pr. 59, Promag. (Propr. ?) Africa 68, 67 ? T. VoüuriueBorrus (*19) l10-108, p. 455. T. Veturius - f. - n. Calvinus (*rr) Cos.334,II 321. C. Voturius P. f. - n. Cicurinus (*5) Cos.455, X vir consul.imp. leg. scrib. ? 461 (soonote 3), Augur 453-. C. Veturius (L. ? f. Sp. ? n. CrassusCicurinus) (*9) Tr. Mil. o. p. 377, II 369. L. Veturius (- f . - n. CrassusCicurinus) (not in *r?^O) X vir oonsul. imp.leg. scrib. 461 (soe451,note 3; Liv.). L. Veturius L. f. Sp. n. CrassusCicurinus (*10) Tr. Mil. o. p. 368,367.
t-" 'il ,f
M. Veturius Ti. f. Sp. n. CrassusCicurinus (*8) Tr. Mil. c. p. 399. Sp. Veturius Sp. f. P. n. CrassusCicurinus (*6) X vir consul. imp. log., scrib. 45L(XC and Diod.; see451, note 3). Sp. Veturius Sp. f. Sp. t. CrassusCicurinus (*7) Tr' Mil. c. p. 417. C. (or P.) Veturius - f. - n. Geminus Cicurinus (*l ?) Q. 509, Cos. 499, Tr. Mil. ? 4SO(if the praenomen is P.). T. Veturius - f. - n. Geminus Cicurinus (*2) Cos. 494. T. Veturius T. f. - n. Geminus Cicurinus (*4) Cos. 462, X vir consul. imp. leg. scrib. 451 (Dion. Hai.; see 451, note 3). Ti. Veturius Gracchus Sempronianus, (xl7) see Ti. Sempronius Gracchus Veturianus. L. Yeturius L. f. Post. n. Philo (*f 4) Cos.220b,Dicl.2l7, Cens.210. L. Veturius L. f. L. n. Philo (*15) Leg., Lieut. 2ll, Aed. Cur. 210, Pr. pereg. and Cisalp. Gaul 209, and Propr. 208, Leg., Envoy 207, Cos. Bruttium and Lucania 206, Mag. Eq. 205, Leg., Envoy 202. Ti. Veturius Philo (*f 6) X'lam. Martial. 20+- (see179,list). C. Vibienus (*2) Senator 52, P. 498. Vibius (not in *,RO) Pr. or Promag. in Greececa' 103. Vibius Accaus (*2) Praef. soc. 212. Vibius Curius (*8, cf. *2) Praef. Eq. ? 49. Vibius Maximus (*15) Q. Desig. 38. L. Vibius Paciaecus (L. Iunius Paciaecus, *4.530, no. 7) Prefect of troops for the relief of Ulia 45. C. Vibius C. f. Pansa (not in *-B,D) Monetal' ca. 89-88, p.455. (T. Vibius ?) Pansa (*10) SeePansa. C. Vibius C. f. C. n. Pansa Caetronianus (*9) Monetal. 49?, p.455, Tr. Pl. 51, Aed. ? 49, Pr. 48 ?, Promag. (Procos.?) Bithynia and Pontus 47-46, and Cisalp. Gaal 45-44, Cos. 43, Augur ca. 45-43. T. Vibius Temudinus (not in ,RE) Q. urb., about the period of Sulla, p. 477. C. Vibius Varus (*14) Monetal. ca. 39, p. 455. Tr. Mil. Thurii 282. D. Vibullius (not in*RE) L. Vibullius Rufus (*l) Prefect in Picenum under Pompoy, then in Spain, 49. Ap. Villius (*1) Tr. Pl. 449. P. Villius (not in *EE) III vir noct. 2ll. Villius Annalis (*9) Aed.42. L. Vitlius Annalis (*5) Tr. PI. 180, Pr. pereg. l7l. L. Villius Annalis (*8) Pr. by 58 (see 51, Addendum). L. Villius Tappulus (*2, ef. *4) Aed. Pl. 213, Pr. Sardinia 199. P. Villius Ti. f. Ti. n. Tappulus (*3) Aed' Pl. 204, Pr. Sicily and Fleet 203, and Propr. 202,X vir agr. assig. 201-200, Cos. Greeceand
Macedonia 199, and Procos. into 198, L.g., ILut. l0?, Lcg', Anb' 196-195,193-r92. L. Vinicius (*2) Tr. Pl. 51 (seethe nort cntry). gutt' L. Vinicius m. t. - tt. (*2) Monetal. oa. ü1, P. löt, 0or' (Sept. l) 33. M.'(Vipsanius) Agrippa L. f. (*3, and Vol. 1.2?9lt') - Il' Pl' l '8, LLe., Lieut. 4i P;. urb. 40, Procos. Transalp. Qeut !rco lrtc in nolg'8, Cos. 37, Procos. (and' admiral) against Sex' Eonpc-y 8e, Pro"os. ? orLeg., Lieut.? Illyricum 35-g4,Aer1' (C!r') 88, Admird (Procos. ?) agaiirst Antony and Cleopatra 32-3I, XV vir r' l', prob' ably before 3l (see31, list). C. ViJcellius (Visellius?) Ruga (Icilius 5) Tr. Pl. 493, Aed. Pl. l0l. Tr. Mil. 80-79, Q. before 73 (see 78' ö. Vieollius i. f. Vu""o (^ Aed. Cur. ca.59,Iud' Quaest'oa' 68' 69?, 1 Tr. Pl. Addendum), Class' 73' See abovo, Ba'rba' Praef' or Lieut. (*i'l Leg., Vooonius 49' imperio cum 50 ?, 54? or Pr. (* 4) Voconius 66, Pr' by 0f ' 67 ?, Iud' Pl. Aed. (*3) Quaest' Ntto VoconiuÄ Q. Q. Voconiue Saxa (*l) Tr. Pl. f6-9. Desig' ca' 40, pp' 466' {, VoconiusVitulus (*5) III vir Monetal', Q' 477, resP. L. Volcatius ? (not in *Ä-O) Tr. Pl. 68 ? C. Voloatius Gurgos (*3) Senator, date uncertain, p' 498' guard at ö. Voloatiue Tuilus i*s) Leg., Lieut.? (in command of 53,52?,5149,.48? bridgo ovor tho Rhine) L. Voläatius - f. - n. Tullus (*6) P". by 69, Cos' 66' 46, i. Votoatiua L. f. - n. Tullus (*T) Pr. urb. 46 ?, Promag. Cilicia 33. Cos' and into 44 ?, M. VolsoiueFiotor (*l) Tr. Pl. 46I?, 460-457' M. Voltoius M. f. (r2) Monetal. ca.76, p' 455' p' 456' , L. Vol(toius) L. f. Strabo (*f ) Monetal' ca' 82-81, *l?E) Senator in 129, p' 498' C. Volumniul C. f. Men' (not in *.BE) Tr' Mil' ? 89' L. Volumniue L. f. Ani. (not in 17) p' 498' 50, (soo Senator L. Volumniur (soo69' P. Volumniur (r0) Pont. Min. from before 69 to beforo 67 list), Senotor 60 ? P. Volumniul (r7) Praef. Fabr' under Antony, 4H2' p. volumniuE M. f . M. n. Amintinus Gallus (*2) cos. 401,Leg., Amb. 458. Volumnius Flaooua (neo*7) Leg., Envoy 43' L. VolumniuB C. f. C. n. Flamma Violens (*3) Cos' 307, II 290' Procos. Samnium 296, Leg., Lieut. 293.
L. Volueoius(Volscius)L. f. Ani. (not in *.8.O) Aed. ? before 73 (soo 73, Addendum). C. Volusenus (Volusienus *2) Tr. Mil. 56. C. Volusenus Quadratus (Volusienus *2) Praef. Eq. 5 2 ? , 4 9 . Volusius (*4) Aed. 43. Q. Volusius (*5) Prefect (sent by Cicero to C5ryrus), 5l-50. C. Volusius Quadratus (see *4, *5) Praef. Eq. 5f . C. Vulteius Capito (Volteius *5) Tr. Mil. 49.
NOTE ON CIIRONOLOGY In tho üext and indox of this work I havo used ühe ür€dlüloDr,l ve,nonleo sysüem of dating becauso iü is a convenient modo of reforenoe. Iü ncvU provldrd air a"cr"u,te chrJnology. Tho starting point for any study of the ohrmolo3y of thc early period of Roman history r.tu*i be the statomont of Polyb_iur (l.C.l-l)^that noÄu was captured by the Gauls in tho ninotoenth year afüer übr brüüL of Aogospotami änd tho sixtoenth before the battle of Leuctra, in ühe yrr of tbr peJco'of Antalcidas, that is, in 387-386 B. C., although the_traditioarl drüc Ln ihe VaÜonian system oome.gout at the equivalont of 390 B. C. There erc ßvüd in the fifth and fourth conturies beforc OMrü. reaaons for diffiäulty, particularly In tho first place, tho äifreront lists of epon;'ms aro not entirely the same ln oul difroront *oü""e., even though the degree of agroement implios a single tradiülO I havo notod discrepancios qnder ghc a,nd o high percentago oflehability. difforont, !"u,is (r"" 5O:7,482,457,42:8, as examples). Second, the length of thc period wiihout curule magistrates before 370 P. C. is variously estimated oü Onc, "Dict'atot" yo&rg eppeqa to iour, ,nd five years (see 376, note l). Third, the four (seo 333, 324, 309, and 301)' Aü invenüion Augustan, &n probably oven late, be a years betweon the ßrrt eny rato'iico"o, ihut he assigris an interval offorty-sir antä th" sixth consulship ofVälerius Corvus (348-290), appoers to bo unoware of them (,Seri,.60). Fourüh, the date of entrance into offico of Oonsuls, and of Miliüary Tribunes with consular Power, kopt changing almosüup to the-pciod of tho Second Punic war according a,s collegos of eponyms obdiootod bcforc trhr eod of thoir annual term and intärregna woro brief or prolongod. Finr\y tha mturo of tho Roman calondar itself, which roguir.od fioquonü intorprlotlOa b ordor l,o keep it even approximately in accord with üho xolor yoor, in0roduood r right up to the timo of Ooocr'r rrform In {G oonsirlorable element oi i.r"""o"""y Tho following paragraphs refer only to the lasü üwo.point . Uür3 LGurota 11IF compilod a üst of yeem vhon our.ouryr Rtlmiache .fanrzäitung1üavo reasontbl;' definite dät"t to the ontranco or deparütuc of ooll.i5 of qoyf from oirico, or make mention of inrerrogna. lVith thcc OhorvldraOr pOVldfü by b notioos of dedications of temples and celobreüiolu of ürluapbr lr lmflly anoord. After this list I havo äddud "o*" exempla tn thlob to c[ ohagl tb. eld I d||r lA eracü rolrrtionship beüwoen a d.ato givon by thc Ronrn odnd* our own system. B.O. 493 482 480 476 463 462 452
A.U.C. 261: Entered office Kal. Sept. (Dlon. Hal. 272: Interregnum beforo thir yorr (Dlo. Hd. f.eO|. Hd. 274: SurviviirgConsulabdiooücdtlonofbrrrly(Dloo. Two interreges (/ä (D. H. e.tC.l). 2782 Entered offiöe in ühc monüh of latllb 291 : Entered office lbt. 8crt. (t lv. t.C.ll. Dhl In ofüol (Llv' t'O't' and 7.6). Soveral Intonrjr. 292: Entered office III Id. terf. (Llv. t.t.l). 302: Consuls probobly lofl olloo cdy (l). ]1. l0.O').
688 B.O.
304: Entored office Id. Maias (Liv.3.36.3, and 38.1; applies a,lso to 461 ; cf. also D. H. 10.59.f). 3I0: Tr. Mil. c. p. abdicated after 73 days (D. II. 1I.62; terüio iam rnense, Liv. 4,7.3). Louze holds (269, 356) that the Consuls .who succeeded them after several interegna (Liv. a.7.7) held offico for a year. 3 l l : Entered office at full moon in Docember (D. H. 11.63.f ). 3 3 1 : Entered office Id. Dec. (Liv. 4.37.3). 3 3 4 : Tr. Mil. c. p. elocted after an interregnum (Liv. 4.43.9). 3 4 1 : Consuls elocted after an interregnum (Liv. a.51.1). 352t Early abdication of Tr. Mil. c. p. (Liv. 5.9.8). 3 5 3 : Entered office l{al. Oct. (Liv. 5.9.8). 3 5 5 : Early abdication of Tr. Mil. c. p. (Plut. Carn. 2.5). 3 5 6 : Tr. Mil. c. p. therefore enterod before Kal. Oct.; ended office tho subsoquent summer soon after tho setting of the Dog Star ( D . H . 1 2 . 1 0 ;c f . L i v . 5 . 1 6 . 1 ) . 357: Abdication of whole college of Tr. Mil. c. p. uitio creani (Lw. 6.17.2). Three Interreges before election ofcollege of396 (5.17.4). 362: Consuls abdicated; threo Interreges (Liv. 5.31.8). 363: Ti. Mil. c. p. enter offico I(al. Quinctilis (Liv. 5.32.1). 365: Two Interreges beforo olection of Tr. Mil. c. p. (Liv. 6.1.S). 367: Three fnterreges boforo election of Tr. Mil. c. p. (Liv. 6.6.6-7). 377: Tr. Mil. c. p. elected after a period of ana,rchia (Diod. 15.61.1). Note that there was an interruption for one year (Diod. L5.76.I), or four years (Cassiod,; Zonar. 7,24; Fast. Hyd.), or five years (Liv. 6.3ö.10). 399: Consuls elocted after six Interreges, two of whom served twice
352 351 343 34r 332 329 326 s2I
402: 403: 4 1 1: 413: 4222 425: 428:. 433:
300 298 291 223
454: 456: 463: 631:
460 444
443 423 420 4t3 402 401 399 398 397 352 391 389 387 377
(Liv. 7.r7.r0-r2).
Consuls elected aftor twelve Interreges (Liv. 7.2L.24). Consuls elecüod after two Interregos (Liv.7.22.2-l). Consuls elected aftor an interregnum (Liv. 7.28.$-f0). Consuls abdicatod early; two Interreges (Liv. 8.3.4), Consuls elected after five Intorreges (Liv. 8.f7.5). Entorod offico Kal. Quinctilis (Liv. 8.20.3). Consuls elecüed after fourteen Interreges (Liv. 8.23.17). The Consuls abdicated after the disaster at the Caudine Forks (Zonar.7.26; cf. Liv. 9.7.12-15). Two Interreges (Liv. 9.7.12-f 6). Consuls perhaps olected after an interregnurn (Liv. 10.5.14). Oonsuls elected after an interregnum (Liv. 10.f1.10). Consuls elected after an intorregnurn (Liv. 27.6.8). The Consuls abdicated immediately after their triumphs, which were celebrated VI Id. Mart. and IV Id. Mart., respectively (Liv. 21.68.2; Phtt. Marc. 4.3; 6.1 ; Zonar. 8.20). Consuls, elected through Intorreges, probably entered office Id. Mart. (Plut. Marc.6.I; on tho date, see 217 R. C.). Consuls entered offico Id. Mart. (Liv. 22.f .5).The two Intorreges aü the beginning of 216-538 (Liv. 22.33.12) caused no change in tho date of entrance into office of the Consuls of 215-639. This date, Id. Mart., is attested for 216 (Liv.23.30.18), 2lt (26.I.1),2IO (26.26.5),209(27.7.7),202 arLd201 (the term for 202
ended Pridio ftl. Mart., Liv, 30.84.ö, ond thc tcrmlnd d't' b 2Ol-200 was unoffscüotlby dolay in tho elooülonr),200 (tl'ö'll tho usuel dato), l9g (32.i.1), l-8s (s9.{6.1),180 ({0'8ö'3)' l?t (end of torm, i1.0.2;,'l?? (41.8.{), l?l (rcc "'t8'', and 80't, ond 86.8)' 168 ({4.19.1). 001: Ooneub ditur"a'ofßoe ibl. Irn. (O,tod.). fbb drüo rcnrlnrd t6A ' Fgular throrryhout thc lcrt of t'br Rrpublloo T'he two aotiocr vhloh follor psqvld. 111lodlCtlm hot t! tbr Smra calondor might stray ftom tüo drtl ottba rob ylr. lht b 1*xt i. Tno ecirpee or- thc rua, drnd b l/ll't (l?.all X (lf0 E. O') O.b.ür fd9dlf euincti,tä (Jdy rr) i"Tri"-onrtrUtpofl. actually occurred on Moroh ll of türt yerr. ffit*to 2.Theiunar ecirpse wirroir rcoir p'rroc när-6cll.7*.8n ,insecutaestitd'ea lEtD.9goqülPlt-r (night of Septcmbcr EI rr Llv. |!llt) Junr ll L. Aemilius paull'i and C. i,ioini'e Onrru (lCS E. O.l oourrrdo of that year. For the pu"iod from 65 to 43 B. o. we hove avolbblc thc ooavcdo t bt h Drumarrn-öroebe (3.?79-827) and the oorreoüionof onc daymedc py T' nlo (The RonÄn Republi,cr.339-344) and applied in the *!er glvo oa tüo i;il;; his work. T'hä Nones of Decemberin-03 probobly fell on Dcoobc I ;;;il; (Juli"an); caesar crosssdthe Rubicon a. d. w Id. Ian. (Roman) in_40,but trr flot än Novämber 22 (Julian) of b0; and the last day of ühemonth of November in {0 beforo tho insertion of iho month which initiated the Julis^n reform ooinoidec with September 26 (Julian) of that year.
Pp. l-3 r Augustine (cD 3.16', refers to the consuls Brutus and rarquinius. and to tho Consules Suffecüi Valerius and lforatius P. 18, 489 B. C,, Consuls, on P. Pinarius: for *4, read IB, P. 23, line 30: delete "see 486, Tribunos of the Sold.iers.,, P. 29, 472 B. C., Consuls, on L. Pinarius: for *5, road 12. P. 36, Tribunes oftho Plebs, on Sex, Titius: for 28. read.22. P. 37, 460 B' c., consuls, lines g and 12 : for "r{ordeonius", read. "rrerd.onius." P. 46, 450 B. c', Decemviri consulari rmperio, on e. poetelius: for "not in *R8,,, read "4". Pp. 54 and 55, Tribunes of tho Plebs, on poetelius: for ..not in *R8,,, read ,.1',. P. 62, 432 B, C., on L. Pinarius Mamercinus : for *6, read. 11. P. 64, 430 B. C., Censors, on P. Pinarius: for *2, road 5. P. 65, 428 B. C,, Consuls, on A. Sornpronius : for 222. road. 22. P.75,4I4 B. C., Quaestors,on P. Sextius: for 5, reaä 15. P. 84, 401 B. C., Tribu'es of the plebs: for p. C'ratius, road p, Curiatius. P. 85, 399 B. c., Military Tribunes with consular power: thoy abdicatod before the end of their torm (Phlrt. Cam. Z.E\. P. 88, line 9: add a roference to Augustin. CD 9.I7. P.52,392 8.C., Consuls, line g: for "Consuls,,, read ,,Military Trib'nes with Consular Power." P. 108, 377B, C,, note 1, lino 7: for..Diod.,,read,,Dio.', P. lll, 369 B. c', Military Tribunes with consular power, on M. cornoli's Maluginensis : for 240, read 24g. So also p. I f B, 967 B. C., on the same. _ P. 116, 366 B. C., Aediles, Curule, on p. Cornelius Scipio: for 320, read B2g. P. ll7, 363 B. C., Master of llorse, on L. pinarius fatta: for *g, read lg, So also p. L29, 349 B. C., Praetors,.on the same, P. 120, 360 B. C., Consuls, on C. Poetelius: for "not in *R8,,, read. Z. So also p. 122, 358 B. C., Tribunos of the plobs, on the samo; p. l3l, 946 B. C., Consuls; and p. 146, 326 B, C., Consuls, both on the samä. P. 12], 358 B. C., Consuls, on C. Plauüius: for *1, road,27. So also p. 123, Bb6, B. C,, Master of lIorso, on the same. P. I24,355 B. C., Inüerreges, on C. Fabius Ambustus: add ,.Consul 35g.,, P. 130, 347 B. C., Consuls, on C. Plauüius Venno: for *2, road Bl, So also p. lB4 341 B. C., Oonsuls, on the sarne. ,,(Corvus),'. !. 139, 340 B. C., Intenoges, on M. Valerius: add. P. 143, 330 B. C., Consuls, on L. Plauüius Venno: for *5, rsad. BB. P, 144, 329 B. C., Consuls, on C, Plauüius Decianus: for *4, read lg. So also p. 145, 328 B. C., Consuls, on the same. P. f45, 328 B. C., Consuls, on P. Plautius proculus: add ,,(2g),,. ,,fourteonth." P. f46, 326 B. C., Interrex, on L. Aemilius: for.,fiftoenth,;'read P. 150, 322 B, C., Praetors, on L. Plautius (Venno): for *2 or *5, read 84 or 83. P. 154,318 B. C., Consuls, on L. Plautius Venno; for +2. read 34. P. 165, 318 B. C., Censors,on C. Maenius: add ..Cos. 888". 640
P. 167,3I4 B. C., Consuls,on M. PoeteliusLlbor fol ,,aoüIn .8.o,. trad ,,C'r.Eo also p. 158,313 B. C., Master of Home, on Cholna. P. 158,313 B. C., Dicüator,on C. Pootolius:for ,,not la o.B!,t, rrd ,,t". P. 160, 312 B. C., Consors,on C. PlauüiusVenorr fol .C, lld li. P. 16T,S06B. C., Tribunes of the Plebs,on Cn. Flavlur O. L olAad f.r rnd p. lCt, 304 B. C., Aodiles, C'rule, on tho same: Aooordla3 to W. lfton ligL rö u96ll 435f.) cicero's firsr iinpression thet ttrc trLvlur rto ilitcd üb. Faeti and the Legisactioneawas a scriba who livod bdcr tOa rlu nrpFü from tho discrepancyin tho fi.liation which suggeetrthat tü! E3hadü.ü oonfir^ged. P, 177r296, B. C., Consuls:add a roferenceto Liv. 24.10.t. P. 180,Tribunes of the Plebs, on Aquilius: the date of rhe r,co Agl/fl.J <ro E quite uncertain (seeArangio-P"rtiz, Stor'i,adi Di,ritto norcno lttf dtd by G. Begnani, Phoenir 6 [19b2] 72), and accordingly the autrlror lbilH ü inoluded in the list, of magistrates of uncortain date in Appodr tI. P. 196, 270 8.C., Consuls,on Q. Fabius Gurges: aftor the nurnbc tC! tdd I queeCionmark. P. 107,272 B. C,, Consuls,line g : add a referenceto Liv. 24.9.9. P. 206,200 B. C., Consuls,line 7: add a referencoto Polyb. 8.86.9. P. 209, 260 B. C., Oonsul Suffectus,line g: add a referenceto Liv. 28.49.1?. P.210, 266 8.C., Promagistratos,on Regulus, at line 6: add e referrnoe to Augustin. CD 1.16. P.218, 241 B. C., note 2: add a roferenceto Augustin. CD 9,16, on Meüelhu, Pont. Mar. P. 284, 221 B. C.: edd a quosüionmark to the hoading Consul Suffectus,sinoe it ia unoertain if thero wa,sone in this year. P. 387, 219 B. C., Legatos,on P. Valerius Flaccus: for *2g, read.l8l. So also p. 861, 810 B. O., Legaüos,Lieutenants,on tho same. P- ,?l1,ll7 B. C., Mur0erof l{orse,on M. PomponiusMatho: for *67, read 16, r?. P.2ö1, 210 B. C., Prcfoote,on M. funius Silanus:for 16g,read 167. P.201, ll{ B. C., Tribrrnosof the Soldiers,on Cato: add a roferencoto plut. Oalo Moior 8.8. P.206,218 8.C., Profocür,on L. Pinarius:for *g, read 3. P,277,211 8.C., nol,o7, lino l:read, Phitip V ol Maceilon. P,279,8t0 B. C., Tribuno,rof tho Plebs,on L. Atilius: G. Bagnani (ptwnia 6 il0621 7t) polntr out t,hnt the Ler Ati,l,i,ail,etutore d,and,oprobably followcd and upplcmcntad tho Lar Plaetor,i,ad,e c,i,rcumscript'ione adnil,a,acnOüwtt whioh h Cobc drtod before lgl (seeAppondir II, Tribunee of thc Plebr), and drould thorofrrrobo dated, not in 2i0, but ca. lgFlgg B. O. P.28lr LSrtar, Atnbassadors,on P. Poetelius: for "not in.^B!", l!9-P.O., "ttt. tlad
P. 201,108 B. C., Prornagirtrotos, on Scipio: for "Ifannibal," re&d ,,Heldrubd', t a,ndfor t'üarlnba." tond "Massiva." P. 304,206B. C., Lltto., Lioutonants,on Q. Pleminius:for .6, p. l?{8, lrad l. Pp. 3l&810, tOt B. O, noto | : t,ho suggestionmade in ühie note, vlt., thrt tha noüioegin-Urry-njrrrllng t,lro Ludi in 202 woro interchanged, hl drrdy beenpublirlrcd by A. Ayrrrnrd in It E A 46 ( I I {4) 247-267, even thoryh ho ti the sameüimcnJote ll,rrrnrson's viow that the dictatorship of c. Borvlllru ended by thc Idr of Much, 201, along with ühe aurpioar thoü onrüod lt, and holdsthot lt tr llrnit rxl orrlyby its term of six monthn.Boullerd(llottwt Politti,ae,220-1608.O. tl) holds thaü tho Aediles of ühc plobr of lOi dl Broughtoq II
celobraüed tho Epulum Iovis in November, wero thon found üo be improporly oloctod at that lato date, and abdicated., As thero wore &s yet no now incumbonts elected to office for2Ol byApril lg the Dictator wae'empoworod by decree of the Sonate to celebrate the ,,Cerealia ludos." P. 321' 201 B. c., Promagistrates, on M. servilius pulex Geminus: for ?5, read zg. P.342, 195 B. C., note 3, line 3: for lg0g. read lg0g. P.347, r93 8.c., aediles, curulo: for M, aemilius paullus, read. L. Aemilius Paullus. P. 356, 190 B. C., Consuls, line l5: for FHG 3,61g,road,IGrU gB.g4gf., and add a referenco to BEG L.I44, at Delphi. rbi'd'., Praet'ors, on L. Aemilius Regillus: add a roferenco to M. Guarducci, I. Cret. 2.3.5. P. 35€, l9-0 q. C., T,egates, Lieutenants, on Scipio Africanus: for EHG B.5Bg,read FGrH 38.349f. So also p. 360, Ig0 B. C., note I, line 2. Montion also of a certain c_n. cornelius, probably scipio Hispallus (846), consul in 176, in M. Guarducci, r. creü.2.3.5, suggosts tiat, hä shoulä be included here as one of the junior officers L. Scipiö in lg0. P. 361, 189 B, C., Praetors, on L. plautiu* Iig>"u,err., for *2, read lg. B. C., Legaües, Envoys, on A. Terentius Varro: for 180, read g0. l. 191, !89 P' S66,,Promagistrates, on L. Plauti's r{ypsaeus: for *7, read. rg; and for ..soe 189, Promagistrates", read "see above, praetors." P.370, 187 B.C., 'ote 4, and pp. BZ5f., fg4 8.C., Tribunes of tho plebs: Scullard (Eoman Politics, Z2O-150 B: C., pp. l4Z_I45,290_g0B) keeps the tribtmate of ri. Gracchus in l8T, and witfi him tho Tribunos Fannius and lVrinucius Aug'rinus w_howere his colleaguos, and placos the trial of L. scipio in the,same year. rn r84 the attack was directed against Africamrs. rt is a possible and roasonablo solution of tho problom. P.372, 185 B. C., Praetors, on P. Corneliusbethegus: for 75, read g5. P, 384, 181 B. C., Praetors, on M, pinarius Ruscal for *10, read 21. P.393, Pontificos, on Cn. Servilius Caepio: after..Cn. f. in.", insort,,,n." P. 403, r75 B. c., note 5:The inscription on the altar in the Largo argentina is now published in CIL L2.2.271I. P.412, 172 8.c., Legatos, Ambassad.ors, b: for "T. claudius Noro',. read .,Ti, Claudius Nero." C., Legates, Ambassadors, f., on C. plaetorius: for *2, road 4. l. 111, !!2!. P. 416, l7l B. c', consuls: L. Robert has rocognized the name of Licinius in a fragment of a decree of the se'ato which aftected. coronea and is nrobablv of the same date as the BC d,e llhi,sbemsib,,s(tnd,es frpi,g. et en;,1,-ZaZ_ZSi; cf. 81G 3 646). lJl q C., Special Commissions, line g, on C. Matienus : for l72,read lZB. I. 119, P.426, 169 8.C., under Logates, Envoys: before the name of M. Claudius (Marcellus ?), insert tho heading Legates, Lieutenants. _ P.457, 150 8.c., Pontificos, on scipio Nasica: add a reference to augustin.
cD r.30.
Ibi'd,,, A'gws, on M. Porcius cato: the ovidence for cato's augurate doponds upon the the correct roading in cic. Ben. 64, whether it is ii nostro cil,legio (BS) or 'i,n uestro collegi,o (L 1). The latter reading is accepted as tho consensus of the besü manuscripts in the recent editiön by wäuilleumier. P. 461, 148 B. C,, Consuls, on Sp. Postumius: for *4g, read *84. P. 464, 147 B. c., Promagistrates, on Metellus: ad.d a referenco to the dodication by llyampolis, [email protected], with the title proconsul.
P. 466, 146 B. C., Praetors, on C. Plautius: for *10, read g, P,467, Bl C., Legates, Ambassadors: after the name of Liciniur Murcnl _116 add Pr. 147 ?; and on A. Postumius albinus, add a reforenco to gfo l.lög, at Delphi. P. 469, 146 B. C,, note 6: for 20g, read 208. P. 470,146 B. c., Promagistrates, on L.Mummius: theinsoriptionro z.24lLllla probably refers not to L. Mummius but to M. Livius örusus, prooonrut ln Macodonia in l12 (see below, Additions, on p. 541). P. 47.9,^J4_6_ B. C., Legates, Ambassadors: add u,. ,o. "., (L. Minuoiur) Th*mur (63). He was present as a Roman Legate at the strugglo and thc.ctttctnmt which attended the death of ptolemy philometor and the aooctqr of Püolomy Physcon (Joseph. Contra Apion.2.50; cf. fustin Bg,g.2-l). P.474, 142 B. C., Censors, on L. Mummiusz CIL L',Z.6B2 doos noü appV to Mummius' The reading on the stone, L. l\f'nius, should be retoinä.-gr Giglioli, Ath,enaeum N. S. 28 (tgl}) 267-225; Riposati, Epdgrwpbt& ll (1960) 137-149 (pub. Dec., t95l). On borh Scipio-and wtuäÄG, edd I roforenco to Pluü. Praac. rei pub, ger.20, g160. P. 480, 140 B. C., Praetors, on C. Hostilius Mancinus: he presid.ed, probobty lr Pr. rrrbanus, over the senate at the passage of the si ae warität"ruiür I Melitaeensibrn (BrG' 674), Dittenberger dates this before r4?, beorlrro Thossaly was not at the timo of the decree under a provincial rogime, vhloh presumably began in 146. rn rG 9,2, p. xxiv, liowever, thJrheseolho officials named in the decree are dated toward I40, even though üho inscription itself (no. 89) is dated before 146. stählin has pointed oüt ttrrt the namos of the officials make the later d.ate mandatoy ee enabb$r. ,,Narthakion"; [19331 130-132, and RE, s. v. cf. also naux, aCA 6ZilgSSt 97), while Accame shows that the sottlemont of Flaminius remained "äia d Thossaly afüer 146 (Domini,o romano,in Grecia L6,2r7-225r. The praetorahlp ofMancinus therefore need not precede 146, and should probably be plaoeä abouü 140 at the rogular interval before his consulship in fgZ. P,482, 139 B. C,, Praetors, on L. Plautius llypsaeus: for *ll ?, read 20. rörlcl., Tribunes of ths Plobs, on Gabinius : carcopino has shown that Gabinius wr. probably the author of the law which roserved the meetings of ühe senete ln Fobruary for the hearing of foreign onvoys (Möt. Gtoüz i.tzo-tzz; cf. cio. Van.2.t.90; Iam,, I.4.1; eE 2.113, and g.l, and 10.2;24.üü.l.l3.l, aad 14.ö, ond 18.7; Ps.-Ascon, 244 Süangl). P.483, 130 I}.C., noto l: Münzer (RE, s. v. .,plautius", no. 20) acoepüs tihc usual_dating for the Praetors of sicily in this period, and pbcäs pbutiue b 136. See Varro .RR 2.5.5; and West, AJplt, ab OSZ} Z+4. P. 403' 133 B. c., Tribunos of the plebs: Mucius (or Minucius or M.-miur) ehould be listed as a suffect Tribuno. P.494, 133 B. c., Tribunes of the Plebs, on Gracchus, line 2: Ti. Graoohus rr!. killed, not in tho Forum, but on the Capitol. IbäL., line 22l. add a reference to Augustin. CD 3.24. P. 4?9, f32 B. C., noüe po-rperna: rejocting Degrassi's suggesüion, ?, go M. Heurgon refers the elogium to a local magistrato"of rJrquinia of a muoh earlier date (MEER 63 [195t] rrs_t3?). P.501, l3f 8.C., Flamens, on L. Valeriw Floccus: a probablo date for hir accossion is 164. See p. 451, P. 504, f29 B. C., Consuls, line 16, and p. ö06, I'ribu'os of the Soldioru, lino g: 41't
Holleaux's article has been republished by L. B,obert tn fratd'es it'&pögra,plaie et d,'h'i'etoire grecques 2. I 79-198. P. 600, 128 B. C,, Praetors, on M. Plautius I{;rysaeus: for *11, read 21. So also pago 610, 125, Consuls, on tho same. Münzer conjectures that Plautius held a distant province, perhaps Asia (cf. Plin. Nf/ 35.113, and seo his article on "Plautius", no. 24). M. Plautius Lyco, RE s. v. P. 619, 122 B. C., note 4, and pago 520, noto 6: the role of the Lex Acilia in legislative program of C. Gracchus has been convincingly vindicated by Balsdon (PBS8 14 U9381 98-lr4). P. 520, 121 B. C., Consuls, line 20: add a referonco to Augustin. CD 3,24. Pp. 522f., f 2f B. C., note 5: on this inscription, see also Carcopino, Atttour iles Gra,cques134f., 163; Merlin, Inscr'i'ptions lati'nas ile la Tuni,s'ie no. 892. P. 524, 120 B. C.n Promagistrates, on Domitius Ahenobarbus and Fabius Maximus: A milestone of the Via Domitia, found in 1949 at Pont de Treilles in the Department of Aude at about twenty miles from Narbo, and inscribed Cn. Domitius Cn. I, Ahenobarbws Imperator XX, raises the probability that his proconsulato extended until tho founding of Narbo in 1l 8 and that his triumph was not celebrated until that or even the following yea,r (P.-M. Duval, "A propos d'rm miliaire de Cnaeus Dornitius Ahenobarbus Imperaüor," CRAI Lgll, f 61-168). It follows that the term of tho pro' consulate and tho date of the triumph of Q. Fabius Maximus Allobrogicus should also bo placed in these years. Both triumphs precodo the triumph of Metellus Delmaticus in ll7' "Tho liomans in P. 626, 120 B. C., note 6: add a reference to C' H. Benedict, (1942) 38-50. Southern Gaul," AJPh 63 P. 528, I I 8 B. C., Special Commissions : tho name of Cn. Domitius Ahonobarbus (21), Cos. 96, should probably appear with that of L. Licinius Crassus as a commissioner for the founding of Narbo in 118. The coins inscribed L. LIC, CN. DOM, which Gruebor refers to their consorship in 92, aro referred by Ilubitschek (Stud,i,en57ff., referenco in Pink) and lVlattingly (J.BA n US22l 230-233, and Nd 1924, 651 to the founding of Narbo. This view has been accepted by C. I{. Benedict, Hi'storg ol Narbo 4-10, and most recently by Dr. Karl Pirtr<, Tröwrnvöri' Monetal'es 24f.). Sydenham however datos theso coins in ll2-108. P.528, ll8 B. C., noto 2: on tho Macedonian era,, see also, Accame, Donaüruia rorruürw i,n Greoia llf. P. 629, ll7 B. C., Promagistrates, on Marcius Rex: for 9, road 91. P. 632, 116 B. C.: aftor the heading Praotors and beforo tho hoading Pontifices, insort the hoading Promagistrates: Q. Fabius Maximus (Eburnus) Pat. (1lf ) Cos. l16. Probably the Proconsul of Macedonia who addrossed a lotüer to the DJrmaoans (B/G8 684; see Accamo, Dorruüni,orom,ano i'm Greci'a 9f', 33f', f49-f 52). Since the other Fabii Maximi of this generation hold commands after their consulships in Spain or Gaul, it is proferablo to return to tho "Makedonia" 764), who place attribution of Zumpt and Geyer (seo .R.@,s. v. the proconsulato of Fabius Maximus Eburnus in Macodonia and date iü in ll5-f 14. It was perhaps at tho expiration of this command that ho was sent as hoad of a commission to Creto (see ll3, Legates, Ambassadors, p. 536, and note 5, p. 537f.). P.641, ff t 8.C., Promagistrates, on M. Livius Drusus: in two inscriptions containing two letters by a Proconsul, prosumably of Maoedonin, to the
Technitae of the Isthmia and the Nomea (IG 7.241V2411) KletobrÖ supplied the name of L. Mtrmmius (Syrnbol'ua Hiaü. Col'L A$1, Bdloi, t'nl. but- Aceame vory reasonably suggests the namo of M. Liviur lDottt/rb rorna,no i,n Grecia 2-7 ; cf , Daux, Delphes 356-972, esp. 368, note l). P. 648, 108 B. C., Consuls: The name of Ser. Sulpieius Galba appears elonc ln trha dato on a recently published inscription of the Campenlen maglrtrl (Dl Franciscis, Epigraphi,ca 12 [1950] 126-130, pub. Dec., t96l), ond probrbp givosanindication of thoperiod after the eondomnaüion of florümrlur rod boforo tho eloction of Aurelius Scaurus as Consul Sufieotus. ,P. 664,106 B. C., Proconsuls, on M. Minucius Rufus : he was honorad by Europor of Macsdonia for his victory ovor the Gallic Scordisci, ühe Banl, ud tbo by rest of the Thracians (S. I{ougeas, Hal'l,en'i,lca5 [1932] 6-10' rrpctrd Roussel in REG 47 [f 934] 230). P. 660, 104 B. C., Decemviri Stlitibus Iudicandis: insert a question nrrl befraf the name of M, Livius Drusus, whoso date is uncertain. P. 671, 10f B, C., Tribunes of the Plebs, on Glaucia, and 673, notc tr Iü hI been pointed out by Last (CAH 9.f 62f.) and Balsdon (PASR la [le$l f 07 rtra f tal that Glaucia may havo held the tribunate eiüher in lO{ oa b 10 1, in either case in a year preceding a tribunato of Saturninus. The rclovroi passage of Appian is confused, but the association ho makes vlth tbo la murdor of Nonianus and tho socond tribunato of Saturninus is somilbrt favor of the later date. P, 675, 100 B. C., Praetors, on Glaucia, lino 5: add a reference to Augtutlu'. OD 3,26. So also p. 676, Tribunes of the Plebs, on Saturninus, line 21. P. 675, 100 B. C., Tribunes of the Plebs, on Appuleius Saturninus, and p. tTle Special Commissions, on C. fulius Caesar: E. Gabba (Atherneum 20 [l0t[ t2-241 rnaintains that the African colonies were authorized in thc tft tribunato of Saturninus in 103, and were not a part of the logislaüton of,lür socond in I00, which was repealed, and would therefore favor an ltlb dato for Caesar's commission' This is possiblo but not certain, sinoa tba settlement of Eporedia in 100 B. C. was maintained and the eetülomot b Corsica can hardly bo a colony of the Marian party. Tho Marian oolonhrtlo in Africa has reeontly been confirmed by an inscription from firuburalc (C. Muri,o C.l.lCoa. VII Cond'il tori' Col'on'i,aa,published bV P. Quonleq CRAI rS50 331-336; Ann. Epö7. l95l' no. 8l). P. 6?8, f00 B. C., note 6: I regrot, very much that I misstatod Sydmheob position in his articlo in NC 1940 164-178. He holds ühaü the ieEuc of oohr -boaring the cognomina of Piso and Caepio is commemorative and üqild be dated ca. 94 B. C. They thomselves held offfce oarlior, poaeiblyr buü noÖ necossarily, in 100. P. 395, l?8 8.C., Consuls, on A. Manlius Vulso, a,nd on the va'riour hrtocr botwoon üho Lox Villia Annalis of t80 B.C. and ühe Dicüeüorehip of Eulb whose praetorship is inforrod from ühoir attainment of the oonnrbhlpr tn Clnssica et Madia,aoal,i,a 8 (f 946) 26I-278 A. Afzelius prosentr thc vlor tluü the Lex Villia
ADDrrroNSAl{D OORßlCnor!
the caso noü groaüly different from the one I have presontod above. IIe uses the list's of of .A'l Uantius Vulso, Cos' l?8, whoso name does not app-eg in political Praetors, to support his contention. Yot it should be noted that the held the conconditions of i3;g, when a brother and a close family friend as Praet'or sulship, would have been extremoly favorablo to his election Praetors). 189, above, and 184; Politics Roman (soe Scullard, Sufrecius then M o r e o v e r-Paullus ,ifthenoticeinPlutarch(Aent,.Paul.3.l)thatalltwelveofthe for tho curule aedileship of 193, a patrician year, later rivals of who must attained tho consulship is not e gross exaggeration'- M3'nli-us' praotorship have been one of them,^would thereforo have been ready for the ofl8g.ApartfromManlius,wehg,venoexamplesthat.arenotinsomoway illegal: Scipio Aemilianus, Cos' 14?' who was below the or otheriermed (ho act"ually a äandidate fo-r.the aedileship in l48f and Julius wa,s legal age by asconius cäesar"strabo in gg, who-soabortivo candidacy is termed illegal (andimplieiltobesobyCicero)'becauge'hehadomittedthopraotorship' praenomen given vollr[e i, p.'31, note 1, lino ä, on fi. Aemilius-Mamercus: The but in Livy both aü 2.61.1 on 4?0 B.C. and 3.1.1 on 467 B.C. is not Tiberius Titus.
P.97,75B.C.,Praetors,onL.Trrrius:Whetherthoreisorisnotaconfusionof FuriusandTuriusintt'iscase,thoreexistedinthisporiodaL.Trrriuswho attainedthopraetorshipandalmostsucceededinwinningtheconsulship (Cic. Brwt.237). in tho spring p. - riar., ?2 B. C., promagistratos, on M. Terentiusvarro Lucullus: the name bearing of Athens Agora the in was fo'nd inscriptiä of f'gSZ an presumably of M. Terentius Varro Lucullus. I{e was honored as Proconsul, (Agora Excavation, when ho held command of Macedonia in 72-7L B. C. The pieces Hymettian-marble' of monument' Inv. I 3158, from a columnar I owe came from modom houso walls near tho s. E. corner of the agora). thisinfolTnationtoProfessorllomerThompsonarrdMiss^LlrcyTalcotü' *The Downey' P. -146, 6? B. C., Promagistrat'es, on Q' Marcius hex: See now G' -pha sinco 72 (195r) 149-163. oä"rp"tion of syrü by tho Romans,,, _?.4 in progress recruitmont of soldiers ior the army of Marcius Rex wae already arrived in his provinco somewhat itt-Ci"rfpi"u Caul in 68 it is possiblithatho earlier than Downey ,opp6r", (page 152). seo suet. IuI,.8; and 69, QuaesMarciusRex' tore, on Ceesar. SoeäUo p. 154, ä6 B' C', Promagistratee' on Q' p. l4g, dz s. c., Legates, Liäutenanüs, on p. clodius Pulcher: soo G. Downoy, in ühe article citod above, P. 158.
B. C.,respertivelv,Promasis-ir;rt9if-l-l'Liciniue Pp. ' ia;,;i B. c., u,rrd169,6:3 rU*un"; and p. 170,dgg. C.,Legates,Lioutenants,on C' LiciniusMurena:
in ai'terüore M. Cary'QAü g.499, note 2) suggästod, orr tho basis of the phrase temporarily was Murena Licinius C. tnaithäiegate eZ.l, Caü. Sall. in Galt6a Phöl'o' gorr""no" of both Caniä p"ovittcgs' Iln a forthcoming-nol9 in.C'ats.i'cal' was TogA $8 tl953l) Walter }ülen, Jr', points out that L' Licinius Murena Cisalpine the and Transalpino the ofboth in command pio't*Uty f"oconeul pro.rincäs in 64 and 63, like C. Piso in 67 t'o 65' p. t6s,648.C., noto 5: säo ako G. Downey, rAPhA-72- (l^961).149-163'on Arrtioch' ths time whon members of Pompoy's ent-ourago might be found at
t 1, 't
to Otora P. 174f.,02 8.C., Tribunos of tho Plobe, on Cator ldd I rrfbüof moesuro to cheapen distributione of grain tn Plut. Pvaao, Jta tttb, C*''\ 818D. P. 8Og, 4ö B. C., Promagistraües, on Hirtius: Hirtlur ba.ll tha tltlclmp(lrtcl (Onrqbcr on b-rrru coins issied in northorn Gaul durtng hb 5ov*aoühlp 8el{9lt Atüdl5o Frorn lttpcthun b Grant, M. 1.626; soe OnnBM Anrdqui,tö Classi,qwe 17 [1948] 668-6ötl rtrd ot blst, P' tllt ioott"*, Legotee, on Aurelius). P. 329,'44 B. C., Pr<,rnogistratos, on L. Munatius Plenou!: Plenour lr nrncd o tribal bronze ooin" i.-nGaul (see Granü, op' a'i,t.392 ; Toutmu, o], olt,l of p.426,31 B. C., Augurs, on M. Licinius Crassus: Poeitlvc ldmtliOftlon M. Liciniur Craesus l'rugi (59), Consul in 14 B' C., al rn At5ult ln ll inscription of Lepoia Magna lessens the probabilitl' that thc nOllOf OCrg quotod äbov' is- correctly referred to his father, thc Oofgl O( t0 ,og*ätu lllr (seä Cooaohld, P3.sIl l8 p9501 iz-zz; Reynolds a,nd Ward P6'lhr, Inscri,pti,one ol Romon Tripolitani'a 97' no. 319). nomt Appendix i, on vari.tro Monetales: In an importan-ü ryria-of "Die Geburü der kaieerliohon EUd. studiäs in Mtreum Helueticum on symbolik" a. Alföldi has srrggosted a number of datings for several monqtut d"ifferont from thoee liatetl lir Appendix L IIe would dato ühe ooinr of Q. Pomponius Rufus (ebovo, p. a+01, L. Axius Naso (433), P' Saürienur (t6l)' L. Rustius (451), a,nd P. Lontulus, P. f. (see 74, Quaestors), all noar togotbd in the late seventieB B,C, (Mua. HeI'u' 7 [1950] 8, note l0)' He dates Q. Casaius oa, 67 (ibid,.8 [1951] 190), C. Memmius C' f' oe' C8 (ibid. lSg), M. Ptaeüoriue Coeüianus in 62 (ibi'd" f 9a), and lris coile aa Aed' öo". itt 55 (ibdd, 194, noto ll), M' Volteius M' f' under Sulla (ibdd" p' l9tlr and M. Pupius Piso Frugi CalPrrrnianus ca. 6l (i'bi'd'. f98f')' [In the terü above (p. aaa; tfre gentilJ namö of M. (Calpurnius) Piso M. f' !n1Si.tltotld be corräcted to Pufiqs. The rnon,yor may perhaps be identi.fied with thc M. Piso who held a praetorship in 44.1 P. Fonteius capito is dated ca. 67 in Itie Der lri;;hrörndaahe Reiterdcl und' sei'ne Ehren'abze'i'chen,p' 62 (Baden' Badon, 1952). Discussion of those datings ehorrkl await the eppearance of üho auühor'r forthcoming study of Bildproytllunda um PomTteiua, If the dato assigned to M. plaetärius Cestianus ia corrrx:t, ho must be distinguished from the ma,n who was a Iudex Quaostioniu in 08, and most probably held an aedileship in 67 and a praetorshiP in 04. P.474, Appendix II, Quaeeüors: Doloto the notice of tho quaestorship of Cn' Appuleius Saturninue. p. 48Ji., Appendix II, Praofooüi: A' rrnclo of Pompeius Trog's servod as a Pre. fect of CLvalry undor Pompoy irr t,ho'IhirdMithridatic War (Jwtin 43.6.12). P. 486, Appendix III: A megist,rato whose offices (and their datee) remain un' known- was Alfidiue, üho moüorrr0,l grandfather of Livia, a municipal megir' trato of Fundi, who hold rrrrnrlrnorlhonoresin Rome (suet. cal. 23, wiüh cho namo Aufidius Lurco; af .'!'ib.6). On the name Alfidius,see CIL 2.1067 i ILS L26t IGRP 4.983. P.488, Appendix III, Senatorn: A