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o1t£p~ati o ou..s.S ln Genesis che ·seed' is genemlly understood as a collective noun encompassing Abraham's (or Isaac's or Jacob's) offspring;'~ Some interpre.ters understand 1he te11n in Acts 3 in I he same way. as a collective noun referring to Ismet.s-> In this case. the ·sons .. . of the covenant' and Abraham's 'see.d ' would be. one and the S
Gentile Mission and Old Testamen/ Citations in Acts
the 'seed ' as one more reference to him. He has already been described as 'the Holy and Righteous One' (3. 14), 'the Author o f life' (3. 15). ' his Christ' (3. 18, 20). the prophet like Moses (3.22), and the divine 'servant' (3.13, 26). It is this individual who b1·ings life.(3.15): health (3.16). forgiveness of sins (3.19). ·times o f refreshing' (3.1 9) - in shot•t. all that ·God spoke by the moutlt of his holy prophe-ts from of old' (3.2 1). Peter distinguishes the 'seed' from his hearers. His hearers are not the. me-ans of this bles.."ing. but its first recipients. The promise is for all nations, but comes ·first· to lsrael. as God's serva11t is ·raised up· and sent ' to you first, to bless you in tuming every one of you from your wickedness·. The "servant' who first brings blessing to lsrnel is the 'seed' who will also bring blessing to all the nations. Thus Bock writes that ·in verse 2 1, Peter particularizes the means of blessing and the seed (v. 25) through whom the promise comes. Blessing comes through the servant (v. 13) God raised up (v. 22) to turn (v. 19) each one of them from their acts of wickedness. This tjes the speech togethe1· and makes the point that one descendant in pa1·rkular is fundamental to the plan' .56 The ' raising up' o f the.se1·vant in 3.26 (echoing that of the.prophet like Moses in 3.22) may evoke the promise. to ·raise up seed' in Yahweh's promise to David (ttvaat~aro ant pJ.!a ao1> J.!E·t ix atin 2 Sam 7. 11 Il l Chr. 17. 11)," a seed that is clearly understood as an individual. While the. ·seed' in Genesis is best understood as a collec-tive noun. this understanding does not preve.ntone ofthose descendants from assuming a primm·y role. in its fulfillment. {There is perhaps an imperfect analogy in the way we attribute to an entire people the actions of its leader. such as its foreign policy.) Historically. Jews are the.means by which the blessing of the 'seed " is initially c.ommunicated to the nations, but this was neither in view in Acts 3 nor ofpanicular concern to Luke and his audience. Tl1e focus in Acts 3 i.s on the individual servant/see.d as the one through whom the blessing is to come. The second distinctive re.ading in the citation is ntlact\ ai rrcttpuxl 't~~ yil~ ( 'all tlte families of the earth') where the LXX has 11til'ta tix €6v~ ti]' "(i]<; ('all the nations of the earth', 22.18: 26.4: 18. 18) or ai qll> ti]<; Yii<; (' all the families of the earth·, 12.3; 28. 14). As noted earlier, the expression ntkacu. cti 1tct1'p ta\ ti]<; Yii<; ('all the f."nilies of the earth') appears to reflect adaptation o f the citation to include Pete.r·s Jewish audie.nce by substituting the-more neutrai·Jt) echoes 3.13 ('his servant. Jesus' ). Since Moses and David are commonly referred
turd Chris/: £ssayJ on 1he Historicai.Jesll:l a11d New Teswmnrt ClrrinologJ•(ed. Joel B. Green and ~'Ja:\ Turner: Grand Rapids: Ecrdmans. lm ). 23-6-5-0.
56. Boc.k. .4cf.\·. 181. 57. Cf. Lhc onl)· other inslnncc of thi!:cxpres!:ion in the description of the levirate custom in Gen. 38.8. The-ar ne\·cr speaks of the ' raising up' of a ser\'anl in this s~'flse.
6. Abrahams O.Dspring and the Families of the Earth
to as Yahweh's servant. the tem1may also allude to the prophet like Moses (3.2223) and the Davidic Messiah (3. 18-2 1; cf. 4.27, 30)'' God ·raised up' (Ctvaot~ocx~) his scwvant. not in the sense of resurrection.5'i but as God promised to 'raise up' (ttvaat 1ja£.t) the prophet like Moses (3.22). i.e. ·provide. cause to appear'.f.O God raised up his servant to ' bless' (eU/.O)'OUvtct) Peter's audience. by 'turning every one of you from your wickedness' (tv 1~ ttJtoat prrpetv liKWJtov tt7!0 tlilv 7!0V11PIIilVul!lilV) 61 This blessing ofre.peutance (3.26) is not the promised blessing for ' all the families of the-earth·. As in 3. 19-2 1, repentance is the prerequisite to the experie-nce. o f promised blessing (God's pi'Ovision o f what is needed to obtain the blessing is itself a blessing.) ' First' (1tp&tov) again brings the Gentiles into view. God has not sent his servant only to ti~lv (you') Jews." but to U)ltv !tpliltov ('you first')."' 'First' suggests ·second',64 a subseque.nt the \VOck ofrhe servant, that the promise to Abraham ' will be t•ealized. for others at a later stage.' .65 Steyn conc.ludes that "the 1tp6>tov in v. 26 clearly suggests chat the circle is wider than Jews alone· .66 Barrett's careful discussion touches on so many matters ofimpot1ance tllat it is worth quoting at length: !hat the oOCr of messianic-salvation rnade to the Jews as he-irs of «hepropbC-Isand inheritors oh he cove.nant (see above. \'. 25) will be followed by anotherto Lhc Gentik s. Other ways oftaking it. suc-h as that Jesus was the first to be: raised from the dead (cf. I Cor. 15.20). otthat he was miscd before the-parousiatoo~ pia«. have littk to commend them. . .. :tp6tov must then be 1a~en d osdy with \.J.tiv: It was Jrp
58. Barrett c.h3ractcrizcs the-term as a 1itk that ·grows out of wide·sprending roots. In the OT many nse spoken of as God's s«Yant: king;;. priests. prophets. and others {e.g. Abraham}.' Ban'\:'II. Acb·. 1.21-l. S<e-section 3.2.1 abo\'e. 59. As c-Ontended by Fitzmyt-r. .4cJs. 291: Tannchii i. Nurrali~'E' U11ity.2.56. Nor does it refer to l.hc SC-1'\':tnl' s ·appointment' as suggcstc
Gentile Mission and Old Testa men/ Citations in Acts initially but not exclusivd)' for your be-nefit that God se-nt his Servant: that is. the fir~ srnding will turn out not in the fust instance but evcntuoll)· to be of benefit not only to Jt"\vs but to Gentik s also: to the Jew first and also to the Grcd: (Rom. 1.16) . . .. The relation between J u
In fsa.49.6. Yahweh's servant has a ca lling •first' to Israel, but this is so that ·my salvation may reach to the end of the earth·. Acts 3.26 displays the same pattem: the servant is sent first to 'you' but the blessing is intended for 'a li the families of the e.arth ·. 'To llle Je.w first, and also to the Greek" (Rom. 1.1 6) remains the pattern of ministry throughout the. book of Acts, both in the overaJI narrative o f Acts as it follows 1.8 ('in Jemsalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end o f the eanh ·)and as Paul at evety stop in his travels fit·st seeks out the local synagogue in order to pt·each there. The promise to ble."s "the familie.s of the earth' thl'oug.h Abraham, then. is a promise of salvation through Jesus for both Jews and Gentiles. ·Peter's point is that the messianic.blessing. though destined first for the Jews (3.26). must extend to all nations: the risen Christ is a principle of salvation for the Gentiles. too.' 611 ' It is generally agreed that there is a reference to the future Gentile mission in the phrase Jtdacn eti Jtet1ptet\ tij' yij' and allusion to it implied in the use ofu~tv 1tp6>tov (v. 26).'"
This is not to say that this assertion was explicitly intended by Peteri'O or under.s-tood by his hearers. lvlarshall believes 'the re-ference to the Ge.ntiles is at this stage a quiet hint (contrast 13.46f.u Witherington finds that ·here and in v. 26 the blessing oftJle Gentiles is clearly alluded to, but only in c.onnection witll Jews or follo wing blessing given to Jews. Luke is masterfully preparing for later developments in his narrative. ' 71 Nevenheless. in light ofthe later progress of the narrative and the way in which Luke elsewhere appeals to the OT to legitimate the Gentile mission, it is impossible to imagine that luke or his readers would have missed the implication of the language here. As a Gentile believer. Theophilus would have-welcomed this earl}' indication in the narmtive of Acts that, because Jesus came in fttlfilment of God's promise to Abraham. the promised 67. Barren. Acis. 1.213. Eckey likewise sees the rcdemptive-his1orical priority oflsrod sc-I forth here (and also references Rom. 1.16). Eekey. Apostf'igesriJidtJe. 1. 110. Se< also 13A6: "it w-as ncccssaJY thai the word of God should be-spoken first to you'. 68. Dupon1. 'Apolog-etic'. 135. 69. Wil son.Genrilf!Mi.u;on. 219. 70. ·u may haw 1akcn 1he apostles some time to full)· reolize the implicaiions ofthe missionary imperative. but there it is. Pcter was primarily .:onccrnc:d with the-Jews. The gospel was preached to
the-m fi r~. Soon it would reach for beyond th.:-boundaries of Judaism all the peopk s on earth".' Polhill •.4cts. 1'31. 71. ~iarshalJ. Acis. 96. 71. Wilhc.rington. Actl·. 188.
6. Abrahams O.Dspring and the Families of the Earth
blessing is not only for Jews, but for Gentiles (like him) as well. Further, the
fulfilment of God's promise and purpose requires that Gentiles receive.the blessing promised. If the blessing comes by f.'lith (16). knowledge. (17), repentance (19, 26) and hearing (22-23). then the Gentiles must be. told about Jesus. There must be a Gentile mission. 6.5 Summary 6.5.1 T<•xt
The fom1 of the promise to Abraham in Acts 3.25 differs from any extant form of the promise in any of its expressions in either the MT or LXX, although the language of Gen. 22.18 comes c loses t h may be that the appeal is to the promise
itself, more than to any panicular instance of it. Neither the fomt of the citation nor the. argument based on it depends po:u1icularly on either the. LXX or the ~n. 6.5.2 Hermeneutic
Acb 3 understands the promise to Abraham as a promise that God would bring blessing to all nations through an individual descendant of Abmham. There has been disagreement over the interpretation of the promise in Genesis: whether Gentiles are-included, whethe.r Jsmel was given a mission to Gentiles, and whether the seed who bl'ings blessing would be an individual. The p1·esent study has shown good re.ason to understand the promise in Genesis as in Acts 3. i.e.• chat the Gentiles are included in the blessing and that the seed through whom the blessing comes is ultimately an individual. (The question ofa mission to Ge-ntiles by Jsrae.l before rhe coming of the 'seed' is not addressed.) The interpretation ofrhe promise to Ab1-aham in Acts 3.25 is therefore consistent with a proper understanding ofthe promise-in its original context The citation is employed with respect for its ol'iginal contexts. God promised Abraham ·seed' through whom all nations would be blessed. fn his sennon in the temple. Peter announced that the time ofble-ssing promised lo Abraham had begun. The eventual inclusion of the Gentiles among God's people can le.g itimately be seen in the OT original. The fulfilment of the promise requires the proclamation of the gospel to the nations-. While these implications are.not explicit at this point in the narrative, the subsequent narrative and Luke ·s evident interest in Gentile mission support the assertion that an intentional Gentile mission is anticipated in these citntions. The citation is interpreted by a Christocentric hemteneutic. In Acts 3. Peter associates the expected f\•fessiah (Christ), the prophet like rvtoses. the servant. and the 'seed' of Abraham with the risen Jesus who had restored the lame man in token of the restoration o f all things (3.21 . cf. 3.19). This hermeneutic is applied {in pl'inciple) to texts from all of ' the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms' . The.coming of Jesus in fulfilment of these promises requires the inclusion of the Gentiles for their intended consununation. just as the coming of the servant demands an intentional Gentile mission. the restoration ofthe kingdom in Jesus necessitates acconunodation.s to ensure the unhindered extel\sion ofGod's
Gentile Mission and Old Testamen/ Citations in Acts
name. ove.r Gentiles, and the outpouring o f the Spirit on all flesh demands the proclamation of the gospel to the nations. The-citation thus develops the ec.clesiology o f Acts. Although it is sent to Jews ' first'. the promise o f blessing through Abraham is for 'all the families of the earth' . 6.5.3 Pwpose T1le argument in Acts 3 is based on the promise to Abraham as the fo undation o f all the promises God made ' to our fathers' (Luke. 1.55. 72) 'by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old' (Luke I.70). To suppot·t this claim. Peter appeals to the foundational promise of the OT, the promise to Abraham. Luke views promises made to Moses as pm·t of the promise to Abrahc:un?l and connects the.promises to David to 1he promise to Abraham. i-t The-promise to Abraham is the basis o f God's subsequent redemptive work. In his influential study of'The Story o f Abraham in Luke- Acts', Dahl has observed that. unlike Paul or the authot· o f Hebrews, lukedoe.s not point to Abraham's faith. Instead 'God's word to Abraham is seen as the.beginning of a histoty in which partial realizations are interconnected with new promises. until the coming of the Righteous One. o f whom all the prophets spoke (cf. (Acts] 7.52).' Two conclusions of Dahl's study are partjculnrly worth noting. First, Dahl finds the use of Abraham in Luke-Acts to be ·a confirmation of Paul Schuben's thesis that "proof-from-prophecy.. is a main theological and liter~uy device of the work' . Second. S3h·ation of Gentiles. was fromthe beginning en\·isagcd by God and included as pan of his promiSC'-s to luoeL Luke docs not ebim that the-church has repla-ced Israel ns the people-ofGod.. nor docs bee all Gentik bd ie\' Abraham' sehildrtn. Gcntik s nresavcd as Gcntiks. Luke lakes ndduce prophecie-s thai really spoke of lhem. This ·prooffrom~prophocy' bas n doubk function: to prove the legitimacy of the-Gentile mission nnd (J(ntilecburchcs. and topto\·e th:u k sus is the-Anointed One of whom the prophets spoke.15
As in Acts 2. luke here.cites the OTto demonstrate that ' the things which have been accomplished among us' (t (i)v !tE1tA11PO'POP11JliV(I)Viv ~)ltv JtPCI'()lcrt(I)V, l uke 1. 1) have happened just as God had foretold. Gentiles are. included in the promises of God that were made to the. fathers and that have been fulfilled in Jesus. Both the.narrative of Acts as a whole.and the particular accounts ofeach o f Paul's missionary visits follow the pattern inherent in the promise to Abraham ' to the Jew first and also to the Greek' . This ·proof from prophecy' assures Theophilus. and Luke's other readers. of the truth of llle message they have
73. In Acts 7.7. forex.amplc. the promise thnt brad will scr\'e God in the land (Mxtpt OOooot v) owes more to Exod. 3.12 than Gen. 15.13-14. Van den Eynde. "Children of the Promise'. 413. 74. Thus. although to ~fary is mack in tenns ohhc David (1.30-33). the Magnificat speaks of God's mercyto Abmltam( 155. d . 37J. Znchariab also moves from David ( 1.69) to Abrnham (1.73). ' No! only the 0:1\'ldic rvlcssiah. but also the prophd like ~iosc.s is o partic.ular wayGod moves the Abrabomic OOV<'nant tow111d ils term.' Brnwlcy. · Abrahamic Traditions'. 112- 13. 12; . 75. Dahl. 'Abraham'. 144. 152. 151.
6. Abrahams O.Dspring and the Families of the Earth
believed. panicularly that by fulfilling the promise to Abraham in Jesus, God extended his bles.."'iing to all the families of the eanh. The citation is a deliberate rhetoric-al strategy that advances the author's purpose. Peter (and Luke) connects the covenant with Abraham and other promises
to announce. that ·anthe prophets ... proclaimed these days' o f blessing through the name of Jesus and to se.cure the hearers' repentance (3. 19).
T11is study has underscored the importance o f the OT in the development of key themes in Luke- Acts. Appeals to the. OT play a prominent role in the narrative and the development of cen tral themes. Chapter 2 surveyed Luke's ap~leals to the OT. There are 14 statements which summarize OT teachings and 78 explicit OT citations (identified in the text o f 27 NA and/or UBS\ 48 of which are marked by an introductory formula. The summaries claim that prophecy has been (or is about to be) fulfilled in relation to the coming of Christ. Over half of the citations (42 o f the 78 texts and 29 of the 48 with introductory fOrmulas) are e.mploycd in prophecy-fulfilment contexts. (Tile remaining citations 1·efer to provisions of the law1 historical events or doctrinal teachings.) The scripture summaries and the explicit citations focus on five themes: the suffering, death. resurrection and exaltation o f the.Me.ssiah~ the consequent coming of blessings: God's judgement; the rejection of Christ by many Jews: and the offe1·of forgiveness to all (Jew or Gentile) through Jesus. This analysis of luke ·s approach to the OTis one o f the contributions of the prese-nt study. In his work on OT citations in Paul. Christopher Stanley has obsen•ed that authors appeal to authority in regard to issues that are indispute. These five themes offer a window into the concems of Luke and his readers. and particularly into the areas in which Theophilus was in need of greate1· ·cenainty' (&cJ
7. Conclusion
13 1
Christo logy and ecclesiology have been recognized as central concems for Luke. but the use o fappe.als to the-OTas a means of identifying the author's concems is another c.ontribution oftl1is study. The survey of explicit citations (Chapter 2) identified four texts that are relevant to the Ge-ntile mission and the inclusion of Gentile.'! among the people o f God. Two are introduced explicitly in connection with disputes over the Gentile mission: the citation o flsa. 49.6 in Acts 13.47 and the c.itation of Amos 9.11-12 in Acts 15.1 6-18. Two other citation.'! are introduced in programmatic texts earlier in Acts to address other questions. but they also anticipate the.Gentile mission: the citation of Joel 3.1-5 ~iT in Acts 2.16-21 and the citation of Gen. 22.18 in Acts 3.25. The diverse sources of these four OT texts (Genesis, (saiah. Joel and Amos). the central prophetic themes the.y invoke (the promise to Abraham. the Servant. the Spirit and the kingdom), and tl1e centrality of the characters who cite. tl1em (Peter. Paul and James) indicate the-importance o f the Gentile mission to the author.
7.1 Texl h is generally agreed that the texts of luke's citations most often come fro m the LXX, although occasional differences suggest that he may sometimes quote fro m memory or somewhat fl'eely. The four citations examined here are generally closer in form to the LXX than the. MT. Bock has argued that there are two senses in which we may talk about an author's ·use· of the or: the fomt of the text cited and the use (o1·argument) that is made of it. The first is the question of whether a citation appears closer to the LXX or MT. The second is whether the a1·g ument is based on a distinctive form of the text. (n other words. has the author cited the LXX simply because it was familiar or ready to hand. or because the argument he wishes to make depends on it? In the case of the four citations examined here, the argument nowhere.depends on distinctive readings o fthe.tXX fomt of the text. In every case the MT would serve just as well. In Acts 13.47. the.citation of Isa. 49.6 exactly reproduces the LXX, but omits the LXX text where the latter apparently adds to the r-.rr. Whether the fom1of the citation in Acts 13 represents a fresh rendering of the MT, or an LXXMS closer to the MT than most extant LXX ~ts.s. the fomt of the text actually cited in the NT does not significantly d iverge fi·om the r-.rr or LXX. The r-.rr and LXX of Amos 9.11-1 2 differ significantly and the citation in Acts 15.16- 18 differs from both. The NT citation seems to be based upon, if adapte-d from, the LXX., neither the LXX nor the citation disto11 the sense o f the original words o f Amos. Despite frequent assertions to the contrary. there. is no substantial evidence that the c.itation contains allusions to otherOT texts or that the argument in Acts 15 de.pends particularly on the. LXX fonn of the text. The-lengthy quotation from Joel in Acts 2 appears at points to be cited some.what freely, but neither the t--1 nor LXXdiffers significantly from the MT in the portions of Joel examined here. The citation o f the promise to Abraham in Acts 3
I· ?
Gentile Mission and Old Testamen/ Citations in Acts
does not e.xactly match any of its occurrences in the LXX, but the substance of the promise is repeated closely enough. In neither does the argument in any way depend on the. LXX more than the MT.
7.2 Hermeneutic These fo ur citations arc each used in a way that is congruent with the meaning in their original contexts. Luke did not disregard or distort the original sense of the Hebrew text (even when the words of the citation appear to come fro m the.LXX). There is no evidence that meanings were based on wordplay or linguistic ambiguities, or chat texts were linked me1·ely on the basis of catchwords. These findings are important bec.ause these texts have so often been seen as examples ofan imaginative and arbitrmy hermeneutic.lfthis is not the c.ase he-re. it may be worth reexamining other citations where similar claims have been made. Luke consistently employs the Christocentric hermeneutic expresse.d in Luke 24.44: ·everything written about me in the Jaw of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled' . The varied sources of the.citations and the central prophetjc themes they evoke illustrnte how Luke understands all of the OT to be about Christ and how broadly the o r suppons the Gentile mission. In Acts 13.47.. Jsa. 49.6 is applied to Paul and Barnabas. The same text is applied to Jesus on at least two other occ-asions (luke 2.30: Acts 26.23). The application of lsa. 49.6 in Acts 13.47 to Paul and Barnabas is not an alternative to its fulfilment in Christ. but an extension of it. Several rationales have been used to explain this relationship in Acts 13. but Richard Davidson's unde1·standing of app1'opriated/ecclesiologkal typology offers an attmctive conceptual framework for underst3nding how this apparently Christological text might also be applied to Christ's apostolic messenge-rs on behalf of the church. In Acts 15, the citation o f Amos 9.11-12 is also used in a manner consistent with its original contextual meaning. A Christocent.ric henneneutic is again evident. The reestablishment of tl1e Davidic kingdom lies at the.centre o f God's eschatological work. James argues from Amos 9 that the reestablishment of the kingdom in Christ nece.'isarily implies the inclusion of the Gentiles among the people.of God - as Gentiles, not as conve11s to Judaism. Although God's acceptance of the Gentiles was first apparent through God's directing Peter to the house o f Comelius. James finds it confinncd in the-words of Amos. This then becomes the basis on which to settle.• once and for all, whether Gentile believers in Jesus must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses. Joel3 and Genesis 22.18 are also employed in ways that are c.ongruent with and 1·espectful of their original contexts. Both citations are applied to present circumstances by 1neans of a Christ-ce-ntred hemteneutic. ln Peter's speech. the observed outpouring o f the Spirit (as promised by Joel) provides evidence lhilt Jesus has been enthroned as 'Lord and Christ' . However. the large-r narrative of Acts indicate.'! that the outpouring of the.Spirit on ' all flesh' will also include Gentiles, as it does in Joel. Similarly. the promised blessing to Abraham will be shared by all who call on the name o f Je.sus~ even by Gentiles. The extensiono f eschatological
7. Conclusion
blessing to the Gentiles is evident in both o f these citations in their original contexts. 7.3 Purpose
luke uses these four citations to legitimate tlle church's Gentile mission. Although the episode at Cornelius· house had demonstmted God's ac.ce-ptance of Gentiles. Paul's appeal to Isa. 49.6 initiated an intentional programme of Gentile mission. James's appeal to Amos 9.11-12 settled the question of the conditions under which Gentiles were to be admitted to the. people o f God. The Gentile mission was not merely the result of rejection of the gospel by many Jews. but was a necessary consequence of the coming of the l\·fes.siah. Jesus. The ministryofthe servant. the restoration of the kingdom. the. fulfilment of the promised gift of the Spirit, and the promised blessing to Abraham all required the inclusion ofGentiles among the people o f God. These tOur citations are employed as 'proof from prophecy'. Tlle characters in Luke's na1·rative encounter find themselves in uncharted territory. The citations are employed to explain the drnmatic new developments in the fulfilmentofGod's purposes. The speakers (and the narrator) argue that these events are simply \\ihat God had promised long ago. What Paul and Bamabas do in turning to the Gentiles (Ac.ts 13.47) is simply what God had announced through Isaiah (49.6). What Peter and Paul repo11ed of Gentiles coming to faith (Acts 15.7-12) was confinned in the prophecy of Amos (9.11-1 2). The outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost was 'what was spoken by the prophet Joel' (Acts 2. 16). And the extension ofthe blessing through Jesus to 'all the families of the ea1th' (Acts 3.26) is what God had promise.d long before to Abraham (Gen. 22.18). 'This is that'. i.e. this is what God promised long before and those who the authority of the s.cripmres are expected to share this conclusion. Luke's appeal to the OT is one of his narrative strategies. He legitimates the Gentile mission by finding divine sanction for it in the OT. The Gentile mission was a matter ofsome controversy and one about which his Gentile readers needed assurance. The-survey of scripture summaries and explicit citations (Chapter 2) indic-ated that Gentiles and the Gentile mission are of considerable concem to luke and his readers. At the same time. Luke's argument does not rest upon appeal toscripturealone. The narrative of God's pouring out the Spirit on the household ofComelius. the divinely directed (and successful) ministry of Paul to Gentiles. and the remm·kable unity of the council in Jen1salem indicate God's blessing on the Gentile mission demanded by the.OT. The use-of appeals to the.OT alongside other rhetorical strategies may be a fruitful avenue to pursue in the study ofothe-r OT citations in LukeActs and elsewhere in the NT. The citation of Isa. 49.6 in Acts 13.47 marks a tuming-point in the book o f Acts. The chapter begins with the-commissioning of Paul and Barnabas for a then unspecified 'work to which (God) called them• ( 13.2). The narrative subsequently confirms that this work is a mission to Gentiles. They initially preach in
Gentile Mission and Old Testamen/ Citations in Acts
synagogues to Jews and ' Gentiles who worship God' (13. 16). but when they encounter opposition there. they declare their inte-ntion to ·tum to the Gentiles' ( 13.46), appealing to Isa. 49.6 as a divine CA)mmand addressed to them. The Jsaianic servant experienced fmstration and futility in his ministry to Israel. just as Paul and Barnabas now do: just as God gave the servant a broader ministry as light to the nations. so Paul and Barnabas have been sent by God to the Gentiles. Their subsequent ministry will be described chieJ'ly in tem\s of response among Gentiles (God>s having ·opened a doorof faith to the Genrile.s·, 14.27). even as it continues to be •to the Jew first' in every town Paul will visit. What Paul and Bamabas do in tuming to the Ge-ntiles is simply what God had announced through Isaiah. l11e appeal to lsa. 49.6 is thus an appeal to ·proof from prophecy·. Although the mission of Acts 13- 14 is not the direct cause of the.controversy that led to the Jerusalem council in Acts 15, it is the narrative pre.c msor to the council, and the account of the council three times mentions the success of that mission among the Gentiles ( 15.3, 4, 12). The citation of lsa. 49.6 in Acts 13.47 thus plays a pivotal role, not only demonstmting the necessity of an intentional mission to Gentiles. but in setting the stage for the final dec ision of the. church regarding the way in which the Gentiles are to be included among the people o f God. These. three chapters ( 13- 15) at the centre of Acts provide the definitive justification tOr the Gentile mission and the. means of Gentile inclusion among the people of God. The council in Acts 15 determined the conditions under which Gentiles are to be included among the people of God. i.e. by fai th in Jesus alone (\\~thout circumcision or obedience to the c.e remonial provisions of the law). The c itation of Amos 9 by James appears to have played a decisive role in the. council's decision. God's providential directing of Pe ter to the house ofCornelius. supplemented by acc.ounts of\vhat God had done through' Barnabas and Paul ·among the Gentiles' (15.1 2). isconfinned by James'sappeal to the words o f Amos. This is what God had said would happen - ' proof from prophecy'. At the.same time, the citation is embedded in the narmtive of the council. whose decision appears to have been endorsed by the Holy Spirit, and the larger narrative of Acts. which repeatedly underscores the divinely enabled success of the Gentile mission. Likewise. Peter's citations of Joel 3 and Gen. 22. 18 are both instances of ·proof from prophecy' . Neither is introduced explicitly tb r the purpose of legitimating the Gentile mission. but the-language of both te.xts (·au ftesh·, 'everyone who calls'. ·everyone God calls'. ·an the families of the eanh ') in their original contexts and in the tm·ger narrative of Acts anticipates that mission. While the implications o f these citations for the Gentile. mission are not developed at these.early points in the narrative, luke is writing (at least in paJ1) for Gentile reade-rs who could not help but read these in light of' the rest of the story' . Their cumulative effect is to assure Gentile readers like Theophilus of their place in the promises. programme and people of God.
7. Conclusion
7.4 Excursus: Jews. Gentiles and tl,_ People of God
The important questions of God's '1·ejection· of Jews and of the. 'supersession· of Israel by the church 1 (understood as a Gentile entity) are beyond the scope of this study, but it is d ifficult to avoid reflecting briefly on them. In Acts 13. a deliberate Gentile mission begins. fottowing opposition from many Jews. Its jus1ification. however~ is not Jewish opposition but the mission given by God to his servant ((sa. 49.6). The servant's ministry as 'a light to the nations' was based on God's desire to honour his servant, not on rejection of Jews by God. ln fact, the servant's mission explicitly includes the calling to ' mise up the tribes of Jacob and to resto1·e the preserved of lsrnel' . The servant's calling to be ·a light to the nations' is an addition. not a substitution. The succeeding narrative makes clea r that neither Paul nor Luke understood the Gentile mission as a rejection of the Jews. In city after city, Paul first see-ks out the synagogue and preaches there. As in Pisidian Antioch (13 .43}. many believe, but many also oppose the message. When they do. Paul focuses his ministry on Gentiles. It is again and again ' to the Jew first and also to the Greek' (Ron1. I. I 6). Likewise. the citation of Amos 9. 11-12 does not support ' rejectionist• or 'supersessionist' readings. The centrepiece ofGod's eschatological work is the-restoration of the. Dowidic kingdom, a kingdom in which Jews who believe in Jesus as the Messiah play the initial. foundational and central role. The church is 'built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets' (Eph. 2.20), the fonner all Jews and the latter (the.NT prophets) principally Jews. God restores his kingdom. however. so that the nations will seek the Lord and be C31led by his name. In the MT of Amos 9, the kingdom ·possesses ' or conquers the Gentiles; the.y are not destroyed but are brought into the sphere of the blessings God pours out through his Messiah. In the Greek ( LXX and NT)~ the kingdom is restored so that Gentiles may seek the Lord. In eithe1· C3se the Gentiles are described in terms nonnally applied to pious lsmelites. The citation thus indicates that believing Gentiles are to be. included among the people of God. not distinguished from them.2 The church is not the home of a Gentile religion. but of all those who. through the pi'Omised Davidic Messiah. belong to the God of Israel, the.creator o f all. This reading of the citation is supported by the larger conte-xt. Peter argues that God has now 'made no distinction between us [Jews] :.lJld them [Ge.ntiles]' (15.9). God tn.-..ats believing Gentiles just as he doe-S Jews who believe in Jesus he has ' cleansed their hearts by tbith' . making the ceremonial cleansing of circumcision unnecessary ( 15.9). Acts 15 applies to Gentiles language reminiscent of God's initial election <\Jld redemption o f(srael ('signs and wonders', 15.12: ' take out o f them a people for his name·, 15.14). These are not indicators thnt God has rejected his poople and stmted over (cf. Exod. 32.9-1 0). but that he has I. Its \'Cry name. h ..'l>Allaia. is iLsclf rich with or associations. EdmuOO P. Clowne.y. Tile Cilurch (Oowncrli G!o\·c-. 111.: lnterVarliity. 2000). 30-32. l . Craig A. Evans argues that the. incorpora1ion of the
Gentile Mission and Old Testamen/ Citations in Acts
extended Israel's election and blessing to believing Gentiles.3 Just as the servant's mission in Isa. 49.6 is expanded, Jsraers blessing is expanded., not revoked. Acts 15 does not describe.the establishment o f a rival people of God. but addresses the means of incorporation o f believing Gentiles into the. one people of God. The church does not replace Israel. In Acts~ there remains one people of God...a The earliet· citations (Acts 2. I 7-2 I; 3.25) support dtis as well. The prophecyo f Joel focused on Judah, but overflowed to 'all flesh•. God promised Abraham that he would bless him and his descendants. but again the blessing overflows as Abraham's blessing includes being the means by which God would bless the nations. In neither case are ' left out' . The. inclusion of Gentiles in these promises does not mean lsJ'ael's elimination. As Paul argues in Rom. 11.28, ' the gifts and the c.all of God are. irrevocable'. Yet for Luke. as for PauL participation in the promised blessings requires faith in Jesus. Tllis is not the mark of a Gentile re.ligion. It is the gospel ofGod's Messiah. for Jews and Gentiles. God sent his servant to Jews 'first' . even as he fulfilled the promise to Abraham to bless 'all the f.1.milies of the eanh' (Acts 3.25-26).5 The church is still called to preach ' repentance and forgiveness of sins ... in his name to all nations' (l uke 24.47). And the promise. remains that · w h oe ve~r c.alls on the name.of the Lord shall be saved' (Acts 2.21). All who do, Jew or Gentile. belong by f.1.ith to the. one people o f God that extends throughout rime and reaches to the ends of the earth.
Franklin. Chris/ rlre Lord. llS: Goppch. Typos. 118. 'Luk< does 001consider lhc Gtntile Christians us the new lsmd. d.isquuli(ving the historic.ol peopk of God.' Sandt. •Expl:tn3tion•. 92. 5. If Acts sadly records thai many Jews rejected the good news about ksus. it ab o relates thai man)' Gcmiles did !IS wdltc.g. 1 6.2()..24~ 17.32: 19.2J.4 1: 24.25-26). The preuchers of Acts warn both Jews and Grntiks of lhc danger of unbclicf (e.g. 13.40-41: 24.23-25). In judgement. as well as blessing. ·God sho,.,.-s oo paniality' ( IOA6). 3. 4.
bo.- the l.lll'd Gild uf l.trac-1. (.;or he ~\a$ rititc:d otld ~ok«ned hill
p~opk .
W-'111 ba.1 rnind up a bum of ,;dyntinn f« ut in the h•:>ot.~eof hiJ
t::.,d wtolu11JCal bk"ins
J~r.·ucu D.l\•ld. aJhe )fl!!keb'( d~e fi!OIIlh ufhill ho!xrl1l!?hctll fwm .,r old. th:11 we ...b!luld bt )03.\'f'd from our ~ncrni~.-~. ulld from tht himd of lll who~ u:~: to pe!'f>'~rmthe m~n:ypromi !ltd to our futtw-~. und 10 rcn:.:tttbcr hill ho!vcoY~tutu. d~ oath which bt Jwort to our r..t~r Ab!'ilb)nl..tU grtllll u:~ thM ""~· btmsdc!h"Crtd from tht lund of our cn~mi~,._ llcrw him w" hout in holiM.Sllll!ld ri_£hleownc~u bde« him :tU the di1p I)( OW' lik
And lal:i ~ the IV.'C'II~. be 'aid to 111Cm. · n~hold. W<' nn- goins up tu J~.wakm. :md c\~01hin;; 1h"'' ill '<1-rillcn o.flh~ Son of n~an b\' the pN9ht:u will bt llCtmnp!iJhcd. Fur Jr.- •••il l ~ fkli••.-r..J w t/J if G.'lld(...,., fiNd "'ill ~ INtH'/tcJ llm/ :t/JifmtfN//y tTI'OJI•'I/ 1111d spit ffptm ; tlt"'J' "'ill ·''~Ofl'll" him lltrJ !till llim, 41trd - th lf tltir4 dlfJ' Jr., ,..;11 tif<'. '
Cbri•obgy (llotffcring. n-~um"('llion 1
But whm yll'lt li<'I.' J.-rrt.salf!l'lt svrro¥11d•'fi byflriNWJ. then know lhm ;u Juds~nlmt t•"'"' IINJ.r. Tb:on Icc tbu~ v1l10 a~ in Judea lko: 10 themouutuinJ.and ll't th0$t 111bu !In' in)'idt the citydcpan .. and M Ml th!!Je who nn• oot in the o:oonuy ~nttl it: f« I~ a~ JflJ'1 t>f •'C'NflNM'... !2 f-ullll nU lh.t1U written. AI ~) for tho~ who nrc wi th .:hikl ur.:l fllC' d~~.».: who give .'lllt k in dlo).t~~ day$! F« gmu distrns IAIJ/16~ "JIU" th.. Ni t/J 01Nd h'TWtlt 11pt1N llliY pet>p/': t/Jt')' ,.f/1{1d/ b)' tit.! fljtM $Wtlr,/, ttM /J('fd t 1Jptit'4' fl.lrl
by tlrt (;.mtil~. •mtiltll# '""'"·'' ufth.. G.-JJti/t) '"" fitljilf...J. And hc-llaid ro them.. ·o fo.:>lbh rno:n. and.tln"A·oihcun 10 btlk\'t alllh~• Chri •olo~· (:~u ffcring. lhe proph~Li ,pokcn! W.aJ it oot lh'UI.Wtry t/llfl ''"' Cbti# Jbmr/d SMff..r llhWI' tbinp tl.lul ~IJI••T iJI(& /Ji.••t fmy?' And bcgiM i9£ "A'itb gl~'fifkMion j M\'ll6 nod a!! 11~ pmphelll. he iuu-tpwt~d tuthm'l in all tht :~<:ri)IIUI\'$ rbt thintJ. con«min;bimJ<:If. Th;on he .uid 10 tb:m. ' The,._. W't: my words wh'=lllli!llkt 10 you. "''hilt Chri •ology I Willi Jlill with you. th ~l l'\'ctvthi ol! '*''l'iUt n ubom tnt io tbt l ~w of (:~u ffcri n,s. dt.:ath. M\'IJ<:~ nnd tberropbetll nnd t~plWnu mu.'>~t be fulll' k d.' Tl~ h~ r-:~ur~Wtionl opened their mind$ ,,, uml.:uu nd d!l'" llnip!IJ.T<'ll. :md said 10 the-m.·~ it ill .,..rium. th:u tllf! G11i11 liruH/d .fMffiYitlfJ 011 lhl' third J11y riu- fNmJ lhlf d No/, 1111J tlto:~t n.·~nt~u•~f! omdfiN'1lir.•Jt••f.:r ~f:titu· 11rflt1/d Jlf pt•VJrll.vJ i11 /Ji:t 1Mmt l&all "-111'&111, ~lmrinxfrt>IN Jo>ms111-. l~m .,,., •.-itii#$JI'.\' nfth~.-,Mnz"- . fnd bdwli , l.f lfnd 1/t., prt.~MiM-" t.~f"'1
,,_liN rl«lud "'it/1 fkiW••r
Flllilo..r otpl>ll J V>II: J~tt .UoiiJ' iN dr•• ril)•, 11nlil frn~~~ lltr lt.igh.'
Appendix I
RcfcrflH'I' ; \ ('I$ J. l ~2ii
.•·h~IJ ~ff,..l~ lhUJ
fulfilled. Rcpm1 thcrcfa~. und IUrn ugain.. lbu
Yl)l•r ,in.'llfl.a)' be bl<>ltod ~~~. 11w ti~' of~fn:~insmuy.:om..- from 1bc pro:~ of 1M Lotd. und lhll be' m:ay ~ th< Chri:~e appoinlcll ((If
y\)11. .kJuJ. '~>.'hom bN.\'Cn rn~UI M:l'i\'c unlil the timt for c>'lnhli>hins!!!!. IbM GOO Jpob b\' lht n»uth of hU bolv prophcu (ronlo( ukl. MoJC' 'nid. ·nu• l.t~rJ G'ud •rill ritfr4' ~P f"r ymw pt'llflhd fn'1N1.1'0#r ltr•'llfr~u .., lrl' titfrN ,.,.. otp. Y"u f.bll/1/i..r"" ,,.him iu orh«k'>VI' lk• "'k J'IIN• . i tN/ k thiJJI j .,.llrll.t .-owy ,.,.111 r/uu /Wu "W lin··" tu t/1111prop/Jo'l WIJ.ll 6.- do•#fro:r·.._d frti'IN t~ p • And aU d~o: p10(lbe!J w ho hn\-e Jpol:cn. from San'ltld anti tho.uc wh!l o:nrnt nfl
(~u ffcri n£.1 l':sd~-"'ktsical blt~ins
Whieh of1bc p"'f!h~u did oot y~or (mb«J ~\lit? And th.:y kil!.:d lboJewho ann.:ounccd bcfll«Mncl dt,• <11lfli NX 11jtltl' RiJ!!hi•'IINS(hu. wb:tm you N.\~ llo)W lx·uay!1d u.nd rnunktcd.
M ill 11.27-29
CbriMolujl:y ubt RisJUI'OW One)
To himllillhc r ropht111 be:or .,..itne:u thnl <'\'cry .;on.: ....w bl"liC\'\'.S in him l'r«lmnuion ICO:iv.:-'11 fors,iv.:nc.u of 'in' 11u'o!osb hi' namo:. F'or tbl).'tC li~-e in Jc.nuakm and d11'it n1!cr:~. ~enu._. 1bcy did nut Cbri~lllu~· f COOglliu hin~ not Pndt r.m.nd the uuer-..~ o(t.h.: erophc:n whith nrt (dtMb) read I'VCf\' 'nbbMI\. fulfilled 1b:-sc by <11Nd~rNNI~ lritff. TbQUgb 1hey C>Ould .:ba~gc him wi1h n«h ~s dtJ
"tU 17.2.-J
Ar.:l Puu! WI:~)! in. 1111 w:o" hu tU.'I!~~ and for lh~ v.~eb he ml!-ued <.bri>1llla~· with lhcm (rom til.: Kriptun::J..cxpbining and proo·ing 1hnt i r ,.,..... (~u ffcrin,g. '""'('MIIry jnl' rh.- Christ li>SII.ffcr fl.lfJ tu riu fro• tlrfl4"-lld. und Jnying. 1:\'llllfn't:'lion. thoe · Tlf/, J n 1u . w hom I pmd~im to yo<~o. ;,,. tlrfl ChriR. • Chri~)
(at b.-(Apol!oJ( ru•'
Cbri~llla~y ubc
Cbri ~J s~rif!l\ltC'.i lh:ol drf.' Cirri# "'"" Butlhi• I b(lmit to )'QU. th:ol ~eordinstothc Wny• .,..bicb lhcyull a EJcb:uokogical JI'CL I wouhip the God o( QUI (~thc-tll. belk\'ing cv.:nth ing lnid down by bl.:~ins
1ht l ~w or .,..riltcn in 1l!c prophas. tuvins t1 lwJW i" GuJ w hi.:h lhe.tC! lbtmllt-1~'6 at"Cqql, dw 1/Jrtf! ~t•i/1 ""'"~ti
"tb 26.12-U
To thiJd:oy I have bad •he hdp 1h:01eonli:'J (rom God.. and JO l .tund bcf\• Cbri~lllu~· l.:ll1ifyin,s bolh 10 .~mull nnd gi'::OL Jaying nothing hut .,..b)I the propbeu (~u tr~rins. &-.uh. and Mo,.;~ snid wo>uld tillml! w ~ lhal th #! Christ"'"·'"' SII.Jlcr, t~IIJ l:l.'llllfn'l:'lion) lhtU, bJ' Jdng t/1' jir..r tnrif.o•/,_ tk•• d. , h~•v.~IJ prod
When 1My b;ad npp!linted a dny CUr him. 1hcy cume I<> hin\ Mbi' lodging l~'ctwC~k!Sical i o~nl numboo:r:t. :\nd bc('Xp<>Prdl'd thl' mnner lolbcm fn:on\ m.:orning hll'!ttins lill('vtnins. t<:lltil)'ing to tb~ kiulfl- nfGad nnd ~tying •o clltlvinc(' !bcmt~lw>ott b!llh (rllfll the bw o( M..uuiUid (rom •h.: propbc111.
indiauet the
.:ite1d from thl' Old
T t;il artll'nl.
Underl ..ine
L uKE- AcTs
the ut of un inllud\K"IOC)'
forn'l'ltlu. ' iodi.:a!t$ 11tc:o:1 murkcd., 11 cilaliciH•nly in NA 1~: • indiN.tet ;a teltt!N.rlttclu,. aci~i.m ..mly in U9s". Key w Prophetic t ~ll.u: C .. ChtUto!ogiciJI. J '"'J udg.:mc:nt. R ... RcJ«tioo. S .. Sotmolosi.: ~l. U .. Uni\•eu:.L
Num. tU: U\•.
(or tiC' '~>lll b.: gcut bo:fl)f'C t h< lolll.!Uid M Jlr,./1 dtiHk 1111
legal :.nd h.: .,·ill be lill.:d wi th dt>: Holy 10.9 SpiriL t \'Cil f:mm hLt mmhn '' "''Cimb. Ell(ld. IJ.l. 12. llU it il wriucn in lh.: ~· of d10: LC!ni. •t:o't'ry ,.,.,/_.,,.,, l.cgll IS OJKn,; t/u "'""'".6 MWIIJ' ~"liM lw{!•tollfl' Ltmi' J L.:\·. 5. 11"; :md 1>:> offn a ~w:ri.-:.: JKcordin,c; to .,_t uu U Jl&id ind~e: l:.w of l..cgal I :!.II ~· ' (I plfi l ufllfff~1't:!f, Cll 11-ffl,I'UIIIt/f. pi8,N>IU.' bu. ~.J.s .o\.t it i.t wrin<'fl in the book of the ~ur•' tit<' $fi/IUtil#l o.~iN41 NIN' $lffllfJl drink.
Luke 2.!3
luke :UJ
luke 3..1..6
O.:ut. S.3
.o\nd k.iU..'I :mJwtrC'd him. 'II i• wriu.:n. - MII.If $htt/llt/d li•,. by b~ altmff... '
0\'Ut. 6.1J.; 10.20" tuke4.10.11 p,,9LJI.I2
Luke 4.S
tukc: 4.12
O.:ut. 6.16
And k.tU.'I nn:o~wcrc.-d him. 'It iJ wriucn.. Jlt.JJ wvm;hip tluo /.on/ JY'flf CiHI, fin I ItliN 111tly $htrll J'<.>rt $4'1W:o. -· (« il i) wriucn.. ' lit> .,iJI gi•'l' IIi.•· -gcb rlrol.rtfi! fl/ymt, N> JliiiJJ'II }'lltf: nnd · Q, thtir htrull•· tlrf"J' "'ill b#fttrJY'fl11p1 1m
1"" F.lfibJ Y>III'j""t flgofill$t a>lt...- ' .o\nd k.iU..'I :mJwtrC'd him. 'II i• Jni..t. " J'mt .~ludl JJ IJI t•·mpt lit;• lcgll L11rd }'vttr (;.,d.··'
luke 4.17.19 ha. 6 1.1.2': bn. mtd 1bt'tc W1i given '"' bin\ d~e b!lol: ....r llw: prophc1 l.iainh. Ss.ii H.: op.:ncd lhc- book lind found ~~ pluc " 'hnc it w.t.~ ~rillcn. ·n., Spirit uft/J.r /.e~r4 iF. Ulffl" NU', 6o'!ff1MS#f ht> INJ.J fiNPiiiJI'I/ NJ _. IP pt.-.w'/1 grNNf N<'W,f td tlrf' PfH#'• Jl.. /J/f,\'
m.w.s, "' '""
J#fnt ,..f" to prucltrU.. r.qNire ""d rt'<'CJYI'I'ilfN blitrJ, All ;r.,.•t (1/ fihf"l1)•tlrM4' flfff nppt
P/J.l!(llttv tlr'
tllke 7.22'
bu. 29. 111'; 3SS ; 41.1s': 2'6.19'
.o\1'111 he aruwt'ted thcnt. · o o ll.nd 1tll John " 'hln you lu.,·t JtCn .-nd llcnrd: tit<' bliNd f'o"t.-ir .. th#tir Jight. lht lame '¥1';~.1k . !~-pe111 nrc dcmutd. and tlr.- Ji'-af/J#f
Proph.:tic 1S)
Appendix 2
tukc 1.11
M:d.J.I :<'f. E.\ud.. 2!.20
lfft'YUI!JtN'IH'for' tlty/IK•', t.~lf
Thi ~ i~ 1~<:
of whom it U .,..ritk-ll. ·& ·Mid, J .W!fld IN)'
Pnlf'h<'tit (S)
tnkc 11.10 ~
Luke 9.S4•
bu. 6.9
he Jnld. 1'o you • tws ~n £)\'en"' know the $.:~n:•:~ ofth<' kingdllnl ofDOO: but fur ot~ !My mv in r»t""blu. J01hat 'rNiJf[f t/tty INIf}' lf
2 Kg.~. I .If>. 12 And when hill .tu.:irk~ Jamuund John Jlt\\' it. t~· ..aid. 'lord. 00 you wnnt 11' to IJU.fir'~'fi,_-N frwn IJur;o.fl
Pnl{lh<'Li<' IJ)
Prllflh<'tit tR>
fiJi fl (()/UISIN#I tlt4VN'.''
tukc IIU :427
lN01. 6.S
H..- ,,aid to him. 'Wh.u i, .,..riUCT~ in the- Jaw.• do yoo rent!'!' :\.nd he nn)\l,'t'l\"d. ' )fm .\'lurlllno-,tlt,l.l'lnfyvmr CINI
wi11t 11/(fQfff Iftom, iUt/ 1Jil/r al/JVHtl'StiN/, mrd...W.h 111/JYIItl' ''"''R'"• 1111d witlfg.lfyflvf .tnitld.'
Luke 10.27
l<'V. 19.1S
·nnd J'
Luke 12. 35'
Exud. l !.ll
· Let
tuk e ll.SJ'
Mi~ . 7.6
th~y .,.,,ill
tuke IJ.I'r
tukc IJJS
'""'' J.e.gul
be dl\·ided. f.1thcr n£ilirut Jon nnd .wm llg:lirur jfllih•r. roodK"r ugain.JI da\rghll.'r nnd d(IrtgltUr oww'nst her wu7tllf'r. mO' ~in.11 her daughtf'f-in-l.lw and d lutghtt'f.,iltJ/flll #IJllliNSt /fu NIDII'/I.'T./JI.J<J..,,
II i> liken sr.un of mmurd xed \\ohich 11 man sool: ;and ~-.wd in hill~: nr..i it grew nnd bccun~ 11 ltl't. und 11!• bird.•' Dfthe flir w..J;:o wtsts iff ltsb11md1~.
Othct"or Proph.:Lic 1S)
But h.: will .uy. 'I ~~ell yau. I &I 001 know 'IOilctc yl)lu come (rom: Jo!ptfrt from »1~, ~<~II y..M.........n.s Dfilli'lllity!'
Ptllflh.:ric tJ)
16.9 >.O. I.XX) p,, IIS.26
Behold. yoor hou~~e iJ (onaken. And I rdl you. yau wdl nnt
Pnlflh.:Lic IC)
p,, JQ.l. l2 1100.12 o:xl
J'.,"'' l&itu 1w gini.d and yuur lump:~l:uming,'
Ptoph.:li~ (R)
Proph.:1ic tR) mc u ntil YllU Jay. ' 8/,y,..oJ is h•Jrllr.(YI"'"' h1 '"" """'" nftl'lto I.MI!' Luke IS.20
f.xud. 20. 12-16: Yau k now rbt- rommandnlenu: ' Dr. trot ~nunit fiJMIUr)', O.:ut. 5.16.20 IW trk>t Aill, /Ji. tiDt .•t HI, IN 1101 b•'Sr f..Ju- "itne:u, H n,.Qr fDVf j ..tht'f I'INd NUJ>Ihet,'
tuk e I'U8
PJ. I Ut26
tukc 19.46
ba. 56.1
,..yin£,. 'Btr~.•·.d ,.., rbe- Kins ,.-hiJ(WJH••.o h• tlk• """'e nfllf•' Lw.t.' Pea.."<: in hl.'nv.:n and glory., rhc!' ,;;t.yins ro th~m. ' I; iJ w riucn. -My hmut $htdl bto « lr11tt.•·•111/
'-"''' Propll.:tic (C) Ptoph.:tic (S)
tukc I9A6"
J~r. 7.11
•but you h:w\' mnlk ita tl'< 'll Pfrvbbton.'
tuk e 10. 17
PJ. IIS.22
Uut h.: kl.,..C'd utlbcm IUid .•~id.. 'Whm Ibm U thi.t th111i ' !'.!l!!!!!: - rJrr '""')' )'f<JN<' Kllkh tlt.- b«iiJ,• N r~oJ haJ b«Dmr tlk•/r,.,.d uflhtt ~or~~..r"'?'
tukc 20.28
o.:.... 25..5
nnd lhey u..tC'd birn 11 qumion. J
tuke 20.31
E.\od.. 3 .6
But thai rhe &W aretll.i,.,.d. cv~n MoJCl $howc:d.. i ~:~t the
Prnph.:tic: If! Propll.:tic (C)
~Wnj!<' llbt.ur rhc ~uh. 'IO~hc c~lb thr /Jml tlrf' C..d vf A/t,t~IIUNI UAJ thr
tuh 20A2.
p,, 110.1
GI'Jd vf/,(I'IIJ~ find th<' CIIJ 111{Jtt~.
For o .,.,•id hinudha~• in 1~ Dook ofP:.;alnu. ' Tbr 1.-wJ S4id tom}' Lnt·d, Sit 41my rlftlrt hund, till I Nltlko! thy M••~~J i<'.~ 4 SttiQ/ jDI" thy/fft.'
Prophctic tC) Pnlflh.:Lic I J)
Appendix 2. Erplicil Old Testament Cit<11ions in Luke-Acts I.AI\(e-Acl.i
bu. 3:1.J
mt'fl f.1it~1ing
tn~ 21.21
O;m 7.13. 14'
Lu~ 22.11
b11. S3. 12
p, 110.1
tn~ 2JJO
tuke 2JJ4'
p,, 22.19
Acu 1.10 Acu 2.l6-U
p,, 31..5 J3lli MT; 30.6 1.x.x) p, 69.2S 169.26 ur: 6S.261.XX) p,, 109.11 Joti J. J.S Mr IEngl 2.111.J2)
with feur :.nd 'lrith t;,reb..-.:linsof wtu1 i.t Cllming on tho: "'~rid: f« Jhe /'HI"'"" 11{tlu ht!lrl't'NS will bt :4'1:tk<'n... .'\1'111 th<'n they will ,tct- lbt! SIN• c~f~rurJJ ~vuttilrg i~ .e d
Proph~• ic (J)
Proph<'tic 1C') Prophetic tC)
Pmph<'tic iC)
llMon they will ~lnU• $fr)' ltJ the lfiPNN.IIIiN.S, ·F..If Dl! fU ': omd '" th~ hl/l~o, ·c- ,,., ·
Proph<'tic (J}
,·\ nd!ll Jaid. 'f:.thct. f«'.;i\'e them: for 1hey lmuw noJC
Pmph<'tic iC)
.,..h~l th~ydu. ·
Proph<'tic tR)
.•Nd the}' t.Wl wr~ ru di••id' /lis [tfltN.r twt....
llM-u k.tu.'l. tf)i ns with 11 klud '~kt• .tnid. ' F11111c-t. i1rtt'> thy I!..N.d" I ~•mit my "Pirh.' ' And h:.'
Proph<'tic 1C')
Proph~•k (J)
:md ·u is uJJk•· l# •»ntlr~nu.~: Pmphttic 1J) 'And in 1 bt .,_II •hiJ U "'11m"''" ;o~pubu b~ the ~I!IICt Jotl: Proph<'tic 1S) l.u1dlp ir .•
fH'"' .,,,
$#1V~v/. •
Acu 2.15.28 p, 16.8 .11 IJ S.II.J!ux )
for lh\'id ,....., tQII'ICitminshim. 'I"'" "' Ill•• Lnrd "I"WJW HftJre "'">fnr lit iJo I'll MJ' rigllt JuurJ tlr11t I "'llJ' NtN lw s/JtJJ.I'!.Ir: tilt!'f~jnr~ lflf ""' l/lrl Klr.J g/fld, 111/d mJ' IDJI#Ifl'! r#.'joi«d: _,.,..,,~...,, "'' Jl••.d• wiP i •··l'll i" lkrp.·. thn• wilt »nt lfb(IJtibJII "'1-' .•·mtl w 1/ndrJo, 1101' WI thy 1/tJ/y Om• SN m tr11ptio11. 17Joot lt111.# "'""'" Alrti'H'N t
Proph<'l ic 1C)
AC'I) 2.30 ~
p,, ll2.11
Ddns ch~rtfurt 11 P."-~P~· und knn'<'ing cb;u 000 hai..-..wrn Proph<'tic tC) wilb an Olllh ltJ hiM thllt Ill'! -uli s•1 tJMt! nfhi.r Ju~~dlfn~ upmr hiv tllm114'.
.-\n;o. l.JJ"
p,, 16.10
he fotc.tnw lind N!llkC' ofthe R''UI'I\'(Iiot'l of th.., Cbri ~. th:~o lie ,... ,, lft>f 1111HP1JnJtH itJ 1/otdn. lfdf Jh/bi' ll<"'lh ur
Pmph<'tic iC)
Acb l.J.i. JS. p,, 110.1 1109.1 l~'tX)
Pn!ph<'tic ~C)
Appendix 2
.:\ciJ 3.13
E.\ud.. 3.6
Tit' C..d 11j.flwwhrrw. SJ~J nfbtJIIU' tutl nfJr«YYb, '"" G~ tif 1).-lcninul s!orifiNI hi ~ 1<'1"o'W'll kJWI. 'l'to'h!lm you ddr.·crcd up :md denied in the pr..-ncc of l•il ~t~. wb:on he h-'11 &.:id~d to rck:tJe him.
f>IIFjllltlrt'n .\
Mo!IC'.l ,;aid. 'Tit•• Ltml Wd "'ill rflit..• ttp fnrJYI• tt pr<1pb~ frum )'Ofir brdhr·•• tU lu•rtJi.~N MU' 11p. Yurt shlf/1/'N tt~ ldm in'0~ lrt'u/1.\' you.'
Proph.:tic 1C)
O.:ut. IU9
•-flf.d it Jr.,I/IH 1/ult •'''"'1 .wmJ tlrtll d.Jr~ ltUt /i~ott-N 1<1 tlrlll pu•plro't
Prl,lflh<'tic tJ)
Ac" 3.23
l<'V. 2J.l9
$/UJ/1 bt' do•$.tt
Pnlf'h<'tic tJ)
Propll<'tic (R)
ACI:'I 4. 1 1 ~
Ocn. 21.1S: l6A Ps. JIS.ll
Youul'\' the lll:>l., C!hh<' pr<~pbtu o.nd of the «waunt "''hid! Ood gavt to y.:>llr falhcu. lliiVin;; 10Abr.tham. : ·lml iJ• J'Oitl' JNI.•1•vity sh11/l sll tht' jlfmilif',\' 11/thc NTth ~ bl_.~,·~. · Thi ~ i ~ th~ JltJJJ~
" '1/.it'/J
.,.,u roj<'tl~ Jy )\'>II bflildt>~. INlt
wlrkh luu b«o~u·dt.- 11~-.Jd <~fth~NOI"'Id.
Exud. 20.11 :
PJ. ! ~:! KJ;.i.
Prl,lflh<'tic tS)
Pnlflht tic tU)
Prnph..-tic: ~C) Prophclic: iR)
wh~n th<:y h~:~rd il, the)• lift~.! their vllfec.J wgctb..-r tCJ 000 ;md :s.:aid. ' Sov..-r~ign l.
19.15 1 b .-. 37.16: Ncll. 9.6 .Actli 4.:!S.26 p,, 2.1- 1 ' who bv lh~ mo\J!Itnf !loUt !••~ I>avid. thv ~r\1lm. di<.bt 'ar Proph..-tic ~J) bv the Holy Spiric. " Wiry did dro• Gn~til~ mg.-, 11m/ thl'Propll..-ric (R) ,..,plf.'.ofiNIIgim> Tttilf tbilfgY'! ·71J~ kfNgJ njtJW f.'~rtlt 114't
thntt.1d••o•.o iJJ Olf'HI,r , 01tW tltf.' rnl w.•· ..w'4' goJtltt'l"'-<1 l
O.:n.. l1.1
mid :.aid 10 him.
·~,.,frum J'otirii1Nd flttd froiN ;rnl£r
kitUiro.J IIJJd gq inw tlu l~rNd '"IlkII I .,iJI .•·hrm•JV"'··
O.:n.. l 7.8:4~
)~t be S"'c: him no i nh~riUII'I~'C' in U. oot cwn a (oot'llltfl.Sih. .,.II promi~ tu giv<' it t ultliN iJJ pnM~imr rmd to Jrfr pu.rto>riry 11fto•r hiiN , d10ugtl he hlld I'KI (bild. o...n.. I 5.1J.J 4: :\nd Ood ~pol:.: u1 thi.t
tbt'IN ll.lfll th...., f~r lru~tlltvd J'<'dFI. •But
I.,...,, "ft'" t bm
)111/gnlt.-11 fdi
' nnd "'Ot'.o.ltfp '""itt t/Jj$ p/IIU.'
f.\nd.. LS
Iill t/J,#t oJf'IA\'#1 QIVF £R.."P' 11JJi>lh"-f' AiiiJ( "'/lu lwil IIUI
HiKoric:tl A$cl>f'N
.ActJ 1.17-2..(!: E.\ud.. 2.14
Uu.t the< uun ., '"'.u .,..wnging hi' nci£.hbot tluwt him aJ·idc. llnyin£., 'Wbn.m4dtoJ"'" 4 rul~r 01ttJ 11j'Mdlf•• Dv y oM >f'/111/ t u k ill trtl'-~1)'Ott Ailf('j tltt' 1Ito•pt i11N , .....,.'l'd,y"! · Nnw 'llltl~n (nny yc.-au bad )»'Jtd.. ~N ll.~tgo•l llptM'fFI'd to IIliN in th~' '~~~'ildtrnu.'l of M<:J~~uu Sinai. in, j111nuujjirtt iJJ
'"w .,,...,
(I f.\nd.. 3.6
Wbm Mll<\e.i :s.:aw it h.: v.'(mdcrc-:1nt 1hc ~ighc and a• he ~· n(:trto
look. the voice: ohh.: Lnrd <:W'III'.
'I""' tltf.' Gmt
ofJ•tm r/lll.lti'J'J, th l' G'od fi/A broJir111N ll.lfi nfl.1fMlt 111ri nf JM,•olt.' And M!!M<.t tm'llbled Mil did Mt da~ to loilk.
Appendix 2. Erplicil Old Testament Cit<11ions in Luke-Acts I.AI\(1'-A(I$
.:\co 7. .lJ
.Acb 7..14
E:wll. 3.7.S. 10 I
.:\('1) 7.}5
E:wd. l .l.t
.:\cu. 7.!7
.'\r'Kilh~ Lord .uid to him. ' T"k•• fljftbo./t.M$fr- ,'IYNir F..,.t,furtlr•· plsr4' wlrt-r.•,..,,. ,,.,$ll'llldilfg fr htdyzrrwml. ·
Jt~m.• ·""rdy $"" tM il/.tr•'WIIN"-Ifl fl/tnJ' p~p/4' tlrt~t 11rl' itt El(f'pl i'IJJII ,,• t htirgiYPfJitllfg, ""d I 1'111'1..- t:om"df.IOfff t u ddiwr ,,,.,., A.m l 1um•com~. I .,·IJI • JW.. t& f.'to•pt.
Thi• Mo~<:JI whonl tbey rcfull«<. 11.\yin£.. · lt'hn m.t~·"'* 11 tlll.-.rturll Ifjrtlf34'"!' God Jenl11.' OOtb ntl
upfur J"'l'
. , .,J
<1 pr&plr.-JjrUJ~t J'drtr btwlrrt'.li4W Mrl'liw•!d »U
E:wd. 31.1. 13
""Yins to .<\uron. '.lfllkf'f"r tt.s ~Qdl u• &n 6tft~r.- n.~: tujnr t hi\' .Mn,...,. "*"I~ '" tJfdfrom lll.lfi of EGYpt, "'" -'n ,.,,
kJWW ll'bll/ /oll,\' ~..,ffff' l l jllfiN:
Ac-u 7.J2-4.l ,.\miX'! 5.15-17
But Ci..xlt\lna~d and gnc lh~m C"'«to wor:
h..-u,~. uJ it IO'iiJnJJ~,
.•Nd J'UU l twk ffp tlt_, lo!lll nf
M<>I«-IJ. tmd th~ Jlffroftl'll' p
Rl'ph/'111, I hi'Jig¥Yo'.\' Klflt:h
YMI INmi.:o t u Wdfll'lip: OlNd I Hill f;!JJifWI' )'
bu. 66..1.2
Yet tb:- M
lfl.l'lk•• ;,II thno• tlli1J!t."1'
AnJS. .ll-ll bu. 53.7-8
Now til~ p;a.~JUJ:!~ o(lhc ..:ript\ltC' whirh he w:u ~adin.g ""11"
Pmph.:tic 1C)
tl!!!!: ·.u u 1./tnp lid 1n1hto slffMjthto-rnrtt /limb bifnn.._ lt-r $bHri'J' fr 4 uw b, 141 /Ito_ fiP"-tM' Ilni lli1 , tH;t/J. I N lli1 humi/i(lfit~~• jN.'itltto
..,,.,. drni H 1'/lm. lt'hn -.wrt dncrib.o lrir
gM,.,fUiJJN"! F~J¥ /Jislifi• is t4ltM upfrtm~ tlt" •wrtlr.·
.<\t'ld wh~n he hud Jh~i rking:
~\'C'd him.
he- naii'lt'd up ();avid tObC'
of ""b.'lm h~ tt.nifac.d und .'Uid. ·I 1'/11'1..- fmmd in
lhlvid th.._ $0-lr &fJ.-.u~·
M IJ ll.l2° .:\C'IJI 1).3)
I Sum ll.U p,, 2.7
· u 1Nlllf
(ulfilkd toe> u;~ their ~hildrcn by mi~ing J o:J~uJ: !!!
Hi,.;ariul Pmph.:tic 1C)
nbo il b wriucn in the J~C<:ond p:oa.lm. ' TI'Ioffllrt my Sutt, t~lf)' I htto'# bcgtwt M tlrN.'
AC'I) 13.34
bll. 55.1
And aJI far the fm-tlh:ll hC' rniM'd him from the ~..t. oo n»R 10 RIUm lol <:!lml' 11p.:oi:C' in lhi~ Wll\. 'I will Sh'<' J'(Jif ' "" /Jnly nml
M ill
p,. lti. Jn
$¥1., IIW1shrgs 11jDtto•id:
TbtreforC' ht .sa\'' ubo in lllllllh~r JUnlrn. · T1tuu wilt nm 1to1 thy J/11/y OJ•~ , ,.,. c-u"'tpt ion.·
Rl"wnre. dlcrtfaw. k<J! dtcl'l: corn~ upon )'011 -r.tam i~ .tnid iro Jhe ptyi!hct'l: •B.Wntd, JVI" $('{1fftrs, _,,4 ,.VJiftih•r, fllrJ pNiyb ; fur I dn a lko'fl ill J'Uifr J,J$, " d.WyON •rillno•ow
AC'It. IJ.A7
bll. .t9.6
bdl" "• if
Prophetic (J} Proph~tio: tR)
.:\ciJ 14. 15 •
Appendix 2
E.\ud.. 20.11 : PJ.. Men. why •rc you U.Oi ~ tllill! We ubi) ~fl: men.. (!(like I.Hi.6 namn: wilb )'\lll. und bring )'Q\1good nc'l>.>;i, thnl you Jbould
fron)dte~e vainlhi ~J,oa
lft.tnActli i ~. I S-l7
:\mo.t9. JI.J2
livios Clod ..w n motdll' tlt.-
""" tlu ~11/J rmJ tlt" .W.!If tmJ (l/1 tlflft it IN tll~·m .
:\nd " •hh thi.t lhc \\U«b of 1M pl'!?flh~tt ll!l,T)O'I; .11.~ it 4 'olorin••'fl. Propll..-tic (S) ·.-tfla- tllh I ,.iJ/ Iftlt,..,. aml/ ll'ill IWNiild thll' dn...-1/inJI Pj Proph.:tic (U) lhlo•id, wlrklr llfl'1follf.,w: I " 'ill rm,.ild lt.•· ruitfS, g /fJ I ,..,'11 :tn It rtp, thllt t/1' r~·J.t 11jllf
Aclll 15.18.
Ac" ll.S
bu. 45.2 1 kllUIO'IJ frt>IN flj gffl. Ptoph..-tic IS) E.\ud.. 2'2.28 :\nd Puul 'I did 001know. btcthnon. thou he wa~ the h igl:l l.c-s~l (21.27 ur. u.xJ ptit.n: fct it i• wri w:n., _,,. ,. Ml;,/1ttflt <~Jkwk .-oil r1{ If rn/tr 11j Y f'ftt p~pJ,:··
Aclli 2S..25..27 bu. 6.9-10
So. u they dillastffd tonwng thenuch-c.t. they dC'pan...-d. ati..-r P11ul had tMdc one .tliUcmct~: 'Tb: H91Y Spiril Willi rish• in !S!Yi9£ to your futhcn thn.w.u:.b LutiMi tbc l!f'?{'h<'l: ..C 11 111 rhi.t fNY1pl _., <1Nd Jfl;'l', fDoll 111<11/ iiJd;.....J ,...,, btd II"'""' NIJJI!I'~oloM4,
tllttfyn• J,/r
f ' t>r t/Ji.··~lo•'~oll<'
(IJJI/ lfhJ,•fflfiJJd
dl1.(t.d; , .,. ., 111"1 t/t .ri.r .,..,.,
llt.tnyofh•'fJri~. flhfi tlo.ri.r ~ Ill•'}' .th <~ald P"-"<'lfio~ ,.ojJ/~
wit/t t/t<'J't ltf.'!f1.rl~ tiJJi llfftffdt »Uit> hMJ
thf'IN: · Le1 it be- l:oown t.:o you !hen that thU .tah'a-ti.:on .:of God hiu bo:..-n mu to 1M 0..-ntiks: the)• willl utm:
Proph.:Lic IJ) Proph.:Lic tR)
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Old Tes1ament J' refeiY!Jit:es are acroniing to 1/1e .liT (f!xcepl where 11011!d)
26.6-11 28.4
28. 13 28. 14
Genesis 3.9 12.1 12.1·2 122· 3 12.3
12.8 12.10-20
15.4 I 5.7 15.13- 14 15.18-21
17.4-6 17.4-21 17.7-S 17.8 17.10- 14 11.16 17.20 18.18 20.1- 18 21.13 21.18
21.42 22.18
26.3. 24 26.4
103 1 ~2
74 117 73n. 125. 114-20. 114 102 118 74 74 llSn. 73. 142 74
33. 17 35. 11 35. 12 36.3 1 38.8 48.4 46.18
74 72 142 78n. 149
1.8 2. 14 2.22 2.24 3.2 J.4 3.5 3.6
n n 114--20. 124 liS 72n. 120 72n. 120 120 10- 11. 20. 95. 11420, 124. 127- 9. 131-6. 142 120 11+-20.
~8. 1 5- 1 6
48.20 49. 10 50.24
124. 142 11 8 120 120 73n. 125. 11 4-20. 124 120
12.49 13.2 1.3.12 13.15 19.20 20.11
20.12-16 22.27 2.3.20
73 120 73 124n. 55 142 71n. 112 120 11 7 n.l3 73 120
32.1 32.9-10 32.13 32.23
33.1 35.30-3 1
101 IJ9 139 139 103 18 n.l l. 19. 142. 144 140 144 IS n.l l. 107. 140 143 135 120n. 33 143 120 103
3.7-8 3. 10 3. 12
3. 15-16 4.5 6. .3 6.8 12. 11
142 142. 143 142 120 142 103 143 19. 120. 140. 142 143 14.3 63n. 4.3. 128n. 73. 142 120 120 120n. .33 120 140
5.11 10.9 12.8 11- 18. 19.18 23.29 2422 25.44-46 26.12 26A2
139 IJ9 19. 139 90- 1 19. 140 123. 142 101 10ln. 42 12 120n. 33
JVumbt·rs 6.3 6.27 11 25-29 11 .29 125
15.15-16 24.7
1.39 71 99n. 27 99. 104. 105 104 101
Gentile Mission and Old Testa men/ Citations in Acts
JVumhers (cont.) 24.1 7-19 73 24J S 72n. 120 31.18 10Jn. 42
1.8 4.6-8 4.34 6.5
6.10 6.1J 6.16 &.3 9.5 9.27 10.20 17.14-20 18.15
110 78n. 149 79 19. 140 120 139 IJ9 139 120
120n.33 139 74 61n. 32.
113. 143 18.18-19
142 39
113. 142
25.5 28.9- 10 28.10 29.13 30.1- 10 30.6 30.20 34.4
140 73n. 125
120n. 33 35n. 75 7Sn. 149 120 120
Joshua 6.25 9.27 24.2, 3
101 101n.42 120n. 33
3.4-S 8.5. 7 9 10.6- 10
11. 11 12.28 22. 12 2.1 1-7 24
8. 16 8.41-43 8.43 10.9 11 11.36 14.2 1 18.36 20. 12 20. 16 21.22-23
103 103
23.27 103 74 74 99n. 27
67. 68. 76n. 137 74 69. 124
16.28 17.1 I
68 ll5n. 2 124
1 Chronicle.< 6.5 6.33 7.14 12.13 17.8-14 18.21-22 20.6
6 1n. 33
6 1n. 33 70 33n. 6 1 10 1 61! 70 61! 74 10 1
71 71 71 71 74 99n. 27 73
J'Vt:hemioil 9.6 9.30 I 3.23-17
18n. 12. 142 99n. 27 101
Job 36.29
I Kings
5.2 5. 17 13.2.3 19. 15
I Samuel
72n. 117 I'Jn. 15. 74. 143 74 99n. 27 99n. 27 10 1
lS<mmel 6. 17 7 7.9-16 7. 11 7. 13 7. 16 8.13-14 8. 15
Rutlt 1.16 2.11
16 18. 10 19.20-JJ 22.9
1 King1 1. 10 1.12 2. 15
Judges 11.6 2 1.25
12.28 13. 14
71 103 71 JJn. 6 1 10 1 71 71 120 61! 61! 99n. 2i
140 140 99n. 21 l Oin. 42 103 120n. 33 18n. 12. 142 71
I Cluu11irles 2..34-35 15. 1
lOin. 42 61!
Psalms 2.1-2 2.7 2.8 6.9 16.8-11 16.10
18.11 21.8 22.9 21.19 21.28 25. 13 31.6 31.20 42.5 50. 1 69.26 71.6 72 72. 1 12.2 72.3 72.4
142 44. 143 74 140 17. 141 19. 44. 141. 143 68 l3 36n. 76 141 103n. 53. 115 70 141 68 82 103 17. 141 36n. 76 74 33n. 61 74 74 74
Index ofReferences 12.5 12.7 12.8 72.11 72.12-14 72.!6 12.17 76.3 19.6
g·; 89.3-4 89.19-37 89.:20 9 1.1 1- 12
96.7 98.2 104.12
105.1 109.8 110.1 I lOA 11 8..22 11 &.26
132.11 132.1J- 12 1.39.13 132.1 7- 18
74 74 74 74 74 74 74
7. 14
8.22 9 9. 1 9. 1-6 9.2
6Sn. 89 103 73,75 74 74 19n. 15. 143 139 115n. 2 4l n. 107 140 102 77,141 77, 140. 141 74 140. 142 140 19.77. 141 74
36n. 76 74 ISn. II, 19, 142. 144
9.7 II 11.2 11.3-S 11.6-9 ILIO 12.4
13.4 14.2 14.26 15-16
16.5 1 9. 1 ~25
19.23-25 19.24-25 19.25 22. 15 24.4
24. 19-20
,.. -'·-' 25.6
18.10 29.4
102 33n. 61
25. 10-11 26. 19
/saialt 1.8
67n. 81.
6S.69n. 94 2.2 2.2-4
'-··.' 4.1 4.6 5.20 5.26 5.30 6.9 6.9 -10
25.8 25.9
llln.98 75. 104n. 59 33 71n. 111
33n. 56 109 33n. 56 20. 140 27n. 15.
28. 12 29. 18 29.22 30.9 30.26 32.1 32. 15 3.1 17 33.20 34 34.4
35. 144 51 33n.56 28. 39
33n. 56 41n. 106 33. 42. 108n. 80
33n. 6 1. 74 28.39 104 33n. 6 1 74 14.
lll n.9S 102 32 103n. 53 73 68 33n. 6 1. 68. 74 lll n.98 13. 15 12n. 11 7. 120n. .34 &4 14 32 6&n. 87
,, ,_
36 104n. 59. lll n.9S 36 36 72n. 121 139 35
40-66 4<>.3 4<>.3· 5 40.5
4<>.6 4<>.7
33n. 56.
139 ISn. 12. 142 21. 18. 39. 40 32 107 20 . 27n.
15.139 I On. 66. 41. 107-8 107-8 32n. 44.
32n. 45 40.15-11 40.28 4 1.1-4
4 1.5 41.8 4 1.9 4 1.10 41.15
36n. 82 42n. 116. 43 36n. 82 llOn. 33 36n. 82 25n. 7 102
33n. 58.
40. 41n. 116. 104 42.1-4
28. 40n.
42.1-9 42A 42.5
101 29- 34.38 33n. 58 31n. 39.
32.33n. 58 42.5-1
4 2.6-7
28 28. 31n. 38 25- 34.38. 4 ln. 106. 42.75. 108 25n. 7
33n. 56 .
34, 42. 43.
139 120n. 33 35 33 33n. 6 1
4 2.8 4 2.10 42.12 42.16
99. 104 108n. 80 108n. 80 12n. 121 141 108n. 80
49 41n. 106 33. 36n. 82 33n. 58 25n. 7. 33.
42.19-2 1
42 139 33n. 56 28
4 3.6
36n. 82
42.18 42.18-19
Gentile Mission and Old Testa men/ Citations in Acts
I.Wiiolt (cont.) 4.3.7 43.8
71 32n. 44,
43.8- 12
33n. 56 42n. 116.
43 43.10 44.1 44.1-8 44.2 44.3 44.5 44.8 44.22 44.24 45.21 45.22
22n. 27
29 43 34n. 69. 37
99. 104 102 42n. 116. 43
37 37 63. 82- 3.
90, 144 33. 104n.
59 45.22-23 453 46-48 46.13 415 48.1 4&.14-16 48.20 4&.20-2 1 49.1
33n. 56 34 41n. l OS 33n. 56 71 28 36n. S1 3-ln. 66
103 28
49.1- 13 49.2
34-38 42n. 116
49.4 49.6
42 10-11. N 38. 40-3. -l5. 46. 47. 53- 5. 75.
77. 79. 111 .120. 126. 13 149.7- 13 49.8
49.8-21 49.9 49.14 50.4-9 50.4- 11
6. 143 28
50. 10 51.2 51.4 51.4-6 51.4-8 51.9-16 52. 1 52.5 52. 10 52.13- 53.12
53 53. 1 53.3-6 53.7-S 53. 11 53. 12 54.8. 55.3 55..3-5
33n. 56 120n. 33 JOn. 32. 33 36. 41r•.
66.16 66.23-24
106 28
28 108n. 80
34n. 69. 36n. 76.37
3.1 7
104n. 59 7Sn. 149
4.4 7.10
4 1n. 105
71. 140
28 39
42n. 116
40 27n. 15. 40. 143 42n. 116 40. 141
35 44. 11. 143 43n. 119.
7.30 9.25 10.25 12. 15-16 12. 16 14.9
55.4 55.5 56.7 56. 10 57. 19 58.6 58.8
22n. 27 104n. 59
15. 10 I 5.16 15. 17-18. 17.25
JJn. 56 li On. 92 139 33. 41r•.
20. 14-1& 22.4 21. 13-17 22. 15
106 58. 10 59.9 59. 10 59. 17-19 59.2 1 60. 1 60. 1-3 60.2 60.3 60. 18-21 60. 19-20 61.1 61.1-2
33 33 33n. 56 41n. 106
23.5 1S.9
27. -lOn.
100 100
104 33 41n. 106 33n. 56 33 41n. 106 33 104. 105 19. 27n. 15. 39. 139
25.29 21.6 30.9 30-33 31.33 31.33-34 32.34 33. 15 33. 17 33.21 34.15 43. 10 52.3
71 7Sn. 149
103 62.63.823 91 71. 73n.
125 35 71 35
74 35 35
74 75 33n.6 1 .33n. 61. 74
30 71 30 74 39 72
99 71 74 74 74 71 30 35
101. 43
34n.66 33n. 56.34
62. 11 63. 16
36n. 82 120n. 33
l.amenrati01u 2.6 6Sn. 89.82
63. 19
28 34n. 68
65. 12 66. 1-2 66.4
71 35
11.19 13.3
104 99n. 27
Index ofReferences 33.24 34.23-24 34-37
35- 36 365 36.N-36
36.26-27 31 37.24-25 38-.29 [)(miel 7.13-14 9 .18- 19
120n. 33 39, 74 39 72n. 121
7111. 109 35n. 75 99, 104 74 39,74 104
141 71
35 4 4. 1
4. 1-21
99 '18
4 .2 4 .11 4.12- 15 4 .1 7 6 .6
7.16 8.4
10.5-6 10 .8 10 .13 11.2
13.1 13.2
65 65
62. 74. 82-
66n. 13.
10 1n. 42 66
2.18-27 2.18-32
66n. 73
2.4 2 .6
64 64 64
65 65
2.12- 1.3
4 .1-3
75. 104n.
64 64
4 .1-5
59 65 109
3. 12
65 65 65 141 64 65 65 65
4. 1
4.4-5 -4. I I 5.2 5.3 5.4-6 5.10 5. 11
2.28-32 3 3.1 3.1· 5
15 11
Jonah 45
64 64 64
5. 14-15
5. 15
98 98
5.2 1-!7 5.25-27 6.5 6.6 6.9-10 7..3 7.6 7.8-9 7. 11 8.3 8.4-6 8.9 8.9-10 8. 13 8. 14
66 64 62. 80. 143
10 7 99- 102. 108 10- 11. 19. 11n. 27. 81,95-
65 69 65 65
9Sn. 16
35n. 75 see Joel 3. 1-SMT
144 69- 73.79. 84.86.88
66n. 13
98 99 98
67-69.75. 80.82 10-11. 25. 56- 73.79. so. 82.93-4. 131- 6.
1.1 1
2 .7-8 2.8 3.2
89 65 65 65
66n. 73. 10 1n. 42
5. 12 1.1-20 2 2.1- 11 2.11 2.12- 17 2 .18
9.1 9 .8 9.9- 10 9.11
75. so.81.
3 64 64 64 65
1.10-2.1 2.8 3.5
104. 11013. 13 1-6. 141 102-4. 109 10 1
Zeplltmia!J 2.3 3.9
10 2
59n. 25 120n. 33
20. 44, 81. 143
10 2
73. ll ln.98
65 65 65 65 69
1.16 63.81 2.14-1 5 (10-11 English}
66 64 66 65
104n. 59 2 .15 (II English) 88. 91.
tOO. I l in. 1.11 8.20·23
98 99n. 17 59n. 25. 104n. 59
ll ln.98
66 69
Gentile Mission and Old Testa men/ Citations in Acts
Z«hariah (cont.) 10.9 109 1.3.2 99n. 17 13.9 102 14.16 104n. 59. llln.98 14.18- 19 73 M(llachi 1.4
13.20 13.21 14.58 15.29
107 79n. 151 83 83
1- 2 1. 1
l ln. 69 23. 128
3.12 4 4.1 4.1 -2 1 4.4 4.8 4.10- 11
1 . 1 -~
21. I ll
&I ISn. II. 1<0 1<0
1.4 1.1 5 1.27 1.30-.H 1.32
4.16-2 1
105. 139 16. 83 128.nH
4.16-30 4.17- 19
Kew Ttslament M(lttlrt·w 1.22-23 ISn. 13 2.2 ISn. 13 2.17- 18 ISn. 13 2.25 ISn. 13 3.3 107 4.1-J- 16 41n. 106 41n. 106 5.14 5.17- 18. 78n. 148 8.11 ISn. 13. 40n.IOI
.u 1.6
39n. 98
10.5-6 12.17-2 1 12.18-21
45n. 126 ISn. 13 40n. 101. ~On . 102 39n. 98 ISn. 13 39n. 98 ISn. 13 39n. 98 l ~n. I 120 107 79n. 152 l ~n . I 83 21 ISn. 13 83 21
12.22-23 13.25 15.30-31 2 1.5 21.14 22.40 23.15 24.22 24.24 25.56 16.61 16.63-66 27.9- 10 27.40 28.12-1 5 Marf 1.3 8-.22-26 8.31-38-
1.33 1.35 1.37 1.4 1 1.55 1.68-75 1.69
1.70 1.71 1.13
76n. 136
16 52 105 128.n '"' 105 121. 128 14n. I. 16. 76. 137 76n. I 36. 83. 128.n 74 118 128 121. 128.n
4.18 4.18-19 4.43
5.27 6.1 -11 6.20
7.9 7.18-23 1.20-22 7.22 7.27
7' 1.79
2.4 2. 10-12 2.11 2.23 2.24 2.25-27 2.25 35 2.21 2.29-32 2.30 4
? ,,
-·--'3 3.4-6
101 39n. 98
3. 16
25n. 10. 40n. 102 16. 8-3 40
16 139 19. 139 105 79n. IS4 40
47 41. 108. 132 40. 41. 53. 54. Il l 105 20. 21n. 15. Si n. 158. 139 JOn. 66. 41. 107 105
8.1 &.10 9.1 9.2 9.5 9.6 9.1 I 9.22 9.23 9.31 9.31 -32 9.35 9.54 9.59 9.60 9.62 10.9 10. 11 10. 18-19
40. 105 104 105 19 139 139 139 139 105 52n. 165
39 27n. 15. 5ln. l58. 139 105
39n. 98 Sin. 160.
16 50 78n. 148 16 76
39 39n. 98 5ln. J58. 139 !Sn. II.
51n. l58. 140 16 20. 22. 140 49n. l51 16 45n. 126 49n. 151 76 40.5ln. 160. 52 50 52n. 163 52n. 165 5ln. l58 140 50 76 16 49n. 151 . 76 45n. 126. 76 49n. 151
Index of References 10.25-28 10.26-27 10.27 I 1.2 11 .13 11 .20 11.21 I 1.37-41
12.10 12.12 12.32 1235
78n. 148 19, 140
140 76 105
22.29-30 22.31
105 7Sn. 148 105 105
76 1<0 140
1.3.10-17 13.16
7Sn. 148 5 l n. 160. 121
13.19 13.27 13.28 13.28-29 13.33 13.35 14.1-6 16.22-30 17.18 17.25 18.18-20 18.20 18.22 UUI-33
140 140 121
19.9 19 .37-34 19.38 19.46 20.16-1 7 20 .17 20 .28
20.37 20 .37-40 10 .41-45 20 .42-43 1 1.6 21.9 2 1.:!0·24 21.26
23.42 23.46
105.1 11 .
23.5 1 24.7 24.25-27
Si n. 160 14n. I. 15.
1.16-20 1.20 1.21
49 105. 110.
23 51n. 160. 54. 132
2.1-4 2.1-4 1
106. 113 105
14n. l.l 5. 16. 137
II Jn.97
2.14 2.14-2 1 2.16-2 1
24.26 24.3 1 14.32
24.46 24.46-47 24.46-19 24.47
l 4n. I. 16.
40 53n. 165 39n. 98. 76 11 1
Jo/111 1.14
16 1<0 140
1.45 2.20-21 3.3
13n. 76
140 140
76 140 90
Si n. 160
76 40n. 102 I. 22 25n. 10.
5.46 8. 12
9 9.5 12.38.-41 12.46 13. 13 13. 14-15
23 Si n. 160.
105 77 IS. 141
21n. 27.
10- 11.19. 81. 13 1- 6.
10 5. 109
1.1 7 2.17-2 1
79n. 152
14n. 1
2 .19· 20 1.21
79 87. 108- 9. 136
2.22 2.21· 36 1.25·2 8 2.25-32
52. 79
77. 141
19 14 1
63. 10 7-8 95- 7. 106-
n 51 108n. 80 79n. 152 14n. I 14n. I 41n. 106 3%. 9841n. 106 40n. 10 1 4 1n. 106
51n. 160 14n. I. 16.
50 107
14n. 1
Ill , 136 2".48 24.49
113n. 47
15n. 3. 25n. 10. 43. 45n. 51. so. 90.
19. 121.
23. 76 109 76
78n. 148 111
1.4 1.6·8 1.8
Il l 105
24.3 ~52
140 50
40. Si n. 160. 141
Ads 1.1 1.2
7Sn. 148
76 76 76 50 76
Si n. 160
13..30 23..34
5 Jn. 160
m 18.31· 34 18.32 18.35-43
21.27 21.3 1 21. 16 22.18
2.31 2.32 2.33 2.33-36 234 2.34-35 2.34-36
106 14 1 77
15n. 3.49
109. 113 105 83 141 77
Gentile Mission and Old Testa men/ Citations in Acts
Acts (cont.) 2.36 2.37-4 1 2.38 2.39 2.43
3.26 93. 111. IIJ 106 4-2. 105. 109 96- 1. 10910 49. 52.
79n. 152
3.36 4. 1 ·U 4.4
2.47 3
93n. 242
~. 1 0
4. 11
3.1- 10
42, 122 Ill 49 112 122 40, 46. 77. 121. 123. 142 16, 42n. 116. 123 15n. 3. 113 127 122. 127 122 122 14n. I, 16. 122. 123 p·
3.7 3.11
.u 1- 16 3.13
3.14 3.15 3.16 3.1 7 3.1 7-2 1
3.1 7-26 .3.18
3.18-2 1 3.18-26 3.19 3.19·20 3.19·2 1 3.20 3.21
J4n. I, 138 16, 127. 119 122
p ·
113 16. 51n. 160. 122.1 27 123. 125. 1 ~2
3.21-23 3.23 3.24
.),_ ;>
112. 125. 127 IS. 11, 142 J ~n. I, 16. 123 10- 11. 20. 95, 11416. 121. 112- 9. 131- 6. 142
4. 12 4. 16 4. 18. 4. 19-20 4.22 4.24
4.24-30 ·U5 4.25-26 4.21 4..30
4.3 1
4.32-33 4.33 4.36 5. 12
5. 12-16 5. 15-16 5. 18.-19 5.30 5.3 1 5.32 5.42 6.2 6.3 6.S 6.8 6.8-1.60
40. 42. 45n. I H . 46. l B. 114. 115. 126. 127 11
Ill 112 112 l OS 42 13n. 76. 141 Si n. 160 111
122 122 111
18n. ll. 142 Ill 11
142 40. 46. 11. p·
40. 46. 11. 79n. 151. 125 lOS. l lln.97. 122 93n. 142 122 43 49. 52. 79n. 152. 112 42. 93n. 242 49 42 111 42 15n. 3. 49 9Jn. 242 49 l OS 49. l OS 49. 79n. 152. 112 49n. 148
6.10 6.13-14 6.14
6.39 1 1.3 15 1.6-7 1.1
7.1 7 7.18 1.21-28 1.30 7.31-32 7.32 7.33 7.34
llln.97 90 7Sn. 148 90 19 142 142 142 63n. 43. 121. 128n. 73. 142 109. 121 142 142 142 142 121 143 143
1.36 1.37 7.40 7.42 7.42-43 7.49-50 152
79n. 152 123. 143
7.53 1.55 8 8.4 &.4-11 8.6 8.7 8.12 &.1 3 8.15 8.26 8.26-39 8.28-33 8-.29 8.32-33 8.32-35 8.39 8.39-40
62 80. 143 143
14n. I. 16. 42n. 116. 128. 138 92 lOS 24.80 24. 49n. 148 23 42. 49. 112 49 49n. 148. 76 49. 112 lOS llln.97 23 27n. 15 lOS. llln.97 143 40 lOS llln.97 49n. 148
Index of References 9.1 9.2
9.10 9.12
9.13 9.14
109 109 llln.97. 112 4-2. 112 109 109 23.25. 46.
11.12 11.13 11.15 11.17-18 11.19-20 11.19-26 11.20
9.17- 19 9.20 9 .21
9.28-29 9.31 9.33-35 9.34-35 9.36-42 9.40-42
10 10.1-11. 18 10.3 105
10.9- 16 10.15 10.18 10.19 10.28 10.32 10.38 10.39 10.41 10.43 10.44 10.44-45 10.45 10.46 10.47 10-11 II
11.2- 18 11.4 11.5 11.9
,_ -, 40n. 98. 52n. 165. 105
41.49 25n. S 109
25n. S 93n. 242. 105 42 49 49 42 105. 110 23 llln.97. 112 79n. 154 78n. 148 7Sn. 150 79n. 154 105. 111 78n. 150 79n. 154 51. 105 15n. 3. 49 15n. 3. 49 l 4n. I. 16. 41. 138 42.80 105
I 1.20-21 11.22 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.28 12. 1-19 13
13-14 13-15
13. 1 13.2
lOS. lll n.97 19n. 154 105 42. 80 lll n.97 24 49n. 148. 54 25 8<)
25. 105 78n. 151 25
173 1.3.30·.32 LU I
13.31 1.1.33 IJ ..H-37
13.34 13.34-36 13.35 13.35-.37 13.36 13.38 1.3.38-39 1.1.39 13.40-41
100n. 31
105 42 43-6. 53. 94. 113.
135 80. 134 134 lOOn. 31 24. 43. 46. 105. I li n.
13.41 13.42-43 13.43 13.44 13.45 13.45-49 13.46 13.46-47
24n. 6. 105. I li n.
13.5 13.6 13.7
13.& 13.9 13. 12 13.13-14 13. 14 13. 14-15 13. 16 13. 17 13.22
136 105 22. 24. 54. 78. so. Ill 87 78n. 148 21 112 78n. 150
13.22-23 13.23 13.24 13.24-25 13.26 13.27 13.27-29 13.2·7-30
25. 43 43 43. 78n. 151 43 24n. 6. 105 25. 43 44 2; 44 25. 134 12 1 19. 12 1. 143
13.48 13.48-4CJ 13.48-50 13.50-5 I 13.52 14.1 14.1-7 14.2 143
44. 109 25 44 44 14n. I 16. 138 44
14.4 14.5 14.8-10 14.8-2 1 14.14 14.14-18
44 15n. 3.49 44. 109 143 44 143 77 143 77 13n. 76
42. 109 44. 91 44 20. 12. 44. 81. 136. 143 62 44 25. 135 44
25.44 46n. 132 45. 126. 134 51n. 165. Il l 10- 11.247.40. 42. 43-55.77. 95. 110. 121. 13 16. 143 25.46 46 86
_,_ ,-
111n.97 105
46 25 49.52. 79n. 152. 112 48n. 145
42.49 46 4Sn. 145. 86 16n. 4
Gentile Mission and Old Testa men/ Citations in Acts
Acts (cont.) 14.15 14.19-20 14.22
ISn.ll. 19. 144 42
14.26 14.27
Si n. 160. 52. 76 46 25. .J6. 53. 55, 77. so. 134
53.55. 77-
94, 111. 113.134 78. 88. 912 21. 23
15.1-35 15.2 15.3 15.3-4 15.4 15.5 153 15.7- 11 15.8 15.9 15.10 15.12
15.13 15.13-1 8 15.14 15.15 15.15-1 7 I 5.16 15.J6-18
I 5.17 15.18 15.19 15.20 15.21 15.22
78.91 25. 134 77. 78. so 134 78. 91
78. 92 78 42
15.23-29 15.25 15.28 15.28-29 15.29 15..30-34 15..3 1 15..32 15..33 16.4-5 16.6 16.6-7 16.9 16.9-10 16.13 16. 14 16. 18 16.20-24 16.23-10 16.39-40 17. 1 17.1-3
ss. 94, 135
liD 18n. 151.
92 &0. 92. 105 90 79 liD 93 lOOn. 31 93 93 24n. 6 105. l lln.97 liD 112 46n. 131 liD 49 136 42 ll ln.97 46n. 131 I .ln. I. 16. 138
78. S9. 90.
Si n. 160
92. 94
17. 10
46n. 131. l lln.97 ll ln.97 46n. 13 I 16n.4 42 46n. 131
25. 49. 52. 78n. 151. 79n. 152. 93, 112. 134. 135 Sl 42 135 62 144 S0- 83 10- 11.56. 61-4. 7794. 95. 131-6 58,83- 7. 90. 93 64. 90, 144 24n. 2,S9 79. 90 91 7Sn. 151.
17. 14 17. 17 17.2.2-31 17.30 18.4 18.5-6 18.6 IS.9 18.9-10 18. 10 18. 19 18.24-28 IS.28 18.3 1-33 19.2 19.6 19.8 19.8-9 19. 11 19.2 1
13n. 76. 49 Il l 25n. 1 liD 46n. 131 49n. 148 I.Jn. I. 138 16 lOS lOOn. 31. 105. 112 46n. 131. 76 46 42. 49 24n. 6.
19.23-41 20.9-12 20.21 20.22-23 20.25 20.28 21.4 21.9 21.9-10 21.11
21.21 21.21-22
l05.11ln. 97 136 42,49 42 105 76 105 105 112 lOOn. 31 53n. 165.
llln. 97 7Sn. 148 46
21.25 21.27-36 22
46 46
22. 14
42n. 116.
21. 15 21. 16 22. 18 22.21
121 15n. 3. 42n. 116 109 42n. 116 23. 25n. 7. 42n. 116.
22.21-22 22.21-24 23.5 23.6 23.21 24--26 24. 14-15 24. 15 24.23 24.23-25 24.25 24.25-26 26.6 26.8 26. 16 16. 16-18 26. 17 26. 17-18 26. 18 26.20 26.22-23
109 94. 120 22 144 42 109 46 14n. I. 16. 138 42 109 136 42 136 109 109 15n. 3. 42n. 114 25n. 7 42 23. 25n. 7 42.49 25n. 10 14n. 1. 16. 17.42.138
Index of References 26.23
42n. 114. 47. 53. 54.
26.26 28.8 28.23 28.23-31 28.25
28.25-27 28.25-31
132 121 49 14n. I . 26. 77,138 Ill 105 12. 27n. 15. 144 46n. 132 13n. 76. 40n. 102. 46 77
1.29 3. 16 3. 16-17 11.1 15.3-1 15.20 15..39 ~
107 51 8-Jn. 171 50
1.17 2.28-29
.1.20 3.21 4.9-17 8.30 9-11 9.6 10.12- 15 10.12- 17 10.13 11 .28 13.8- 10 13.12 142-6 15.19 15.21 16.26
14n. I 46. 126. 135 49n. 149 78n. 149 107 14n. I I N n. 57 109 Z2 124n. 57
m 112 104. 109 136 7Sn. 148 41n. 106 78n. 148 79n. 152 40n. 101 14n. I
1 Corimltians 1.2 1.9 1.17 123
109 109 49n. 149 21
Colrwimas 1.12 1.27
41n.l06 ., ,_
2.16-1 7
78n. 14S
14n. I
1 Tfrem1loniam:
125 107
Corinthimrs 52 1%. 152 4%. 149
6. 16
52. 83n.
1.1 2.4
41n. 106
40n. 10 1
2. 16
3.6-9 3. 16 3.25-29
4.8-11 5.3 5.22-23
49n. 149 49n. 149
14n. I 79n. 152 83n. 177
34n. 69
49n. 149 25n. 8 18 107 124n. 51 12.3 124n. 57 18n. 148
18 78n. 148
1. 13 2. 14-16 2. 17 2.20 2.20-ll 2.2 1-22 3.8 4.32- 5.2 5.8 5. 13-14 6. 1-3
1 Timo!lry 1.1 1 4.2
41n. 106
Galatia11s 1. 15 1. 16 1.17 2. 11 -14
4 l n. 106
1 Tfrem1loniam: 2.9 79n. 152
1.20 2. 12 4.5 4.6 6.2 6. 14
1.2-3 1.16
109 78n. 109 135 J!3n. 52 49n. 49 41n. 41n.
2.7 5.14
86 109
1 Pe1er 1.14 2.5 2.9 2.21 4.17
107 83n. 177 41n. 106 49 83n. 177
1 Prter 2.1
79n. 154
I Jo/111 2.8
111 Rrrel,ltioll
106 106 18n. 148
3.12 11.1-2 19.18 2 1.2 21.3
83n. 177 83n. 177 107-8
., ,_ 72
Apo<'r ypb•
7Jn. 115
1 Mouabee.f
2.57 1.37
75 71n.l l5
Gentile Jliss1on and Old Teswmem Cit01io11s in Acts
Sinri 1&
Ill 75
112- l 2-'A. 6
Tobit 13: 11
r,.slaJWrll of..hlti4A
o1 S.a Scrl)ll1 V II
r .umdt llfllr• llh•
1 Ermclt 48:4 4F.m !l.l!. l4
7S-6 lS- 6
I I. 10--ll
39 75
Psalms orSoSomo. 15 17.2:1-*'
VII. 12- ll VII, 14- 17 VII, 16
7S 67
so 57n. ol. 6J
1(!161 (<(}piS4'1 75 Ill 11
1(!185 (IQSM) 7l 5. 2 -IQ501 (-/QD;bllam'') 15 1- 1 1V. 6 Rabbiak Tn1s
Jrcshai JIL&!r.l.l
I(}I U (I(!Fiolj SiD, 4, 6J. II 6-ln. 54. 7S
Aalde--t.!>. G. C. 117n. 15 Ach!emcic-r. E. 102 Adnu.J. 57n.9. 60. 64n.S5. 7 1n. ll 7. 8.7n.
Cok.A. 83n. 186 Conzcfltl3nn. H. 6 Crcn$haw.J. L 99. 102
Cripps. R. S . 88n. 21 S
Aldrich. W. S3n. 186 Alexander. J. A. SO. Ill Amskr. S.. 20n. 16
Andersen. F. I. 59n. 23. 65n. 6 1. 69n. 95. 70. 7ln. 110
Ba.hzcr. K. 30 Barret!. C. K. 14n. 5. 45n. l:!iJ. 48. 61 . 6-in. 56. 83. 86n. 199.90. 105. 109. 125-6
Barth. rvt. 31n.41 Bauckham. R. 60. 82- 3. 85-1. 8.8.n. 2 12. 9 1 Bayer. H.
124n. 55
Benson. A. 65n. 64. 69n. 96. 86 Bew<:r. J. A. 102. 104 Bock. D. l.l8.2ln.22n.26. 51. 106. J07n. 71. J09n. 84. 123n. 50. 124n. 56. 131
Boer. H. R. 105 Bolt. P. G. 47. S9n. 220 Bo\•on. F. 17n.6. 76n. 136.S5n. 191. 90n.
226 Bow\:er.J. W. 81
Dahl. N. A. 2-3. 6. 13n. 80. 87n. 211. 121n.
39.128 Da"ids. P. H. 86n. 203 Oa"idron. R. M. 51- 3. 132 Oclilz!iJCh. F. 28. 117 De \Vaard, J. 5&n. 14. 63 Dibclius. M. 9 1. 12n. 1S Dillard. R. B. 98-100 Dodd. C. H. 9 l)oc\'C:·. J. w. 60n. 21 Donaldson. T. l. 120n. 32 Duhm. ll 2 &-9. 31. 34 Dunn. J. 0. G. 44n. 12 1. 44n. 124.47 Dupont.J. 3-S. 15n. 3. 42n. 114. 43n. 117. 71n. 116. 77n. 146. 79n. 155. 86n. 200. S7n. 211. SS. lOS. 125n. 65 Eckc:y. w. 126n. 67 Ellis. E. E. 6 1n. 29. 19n. 157 Epp. E. J. 44n. 121. 97n. 6 Evans. C. A. 88n. 21S.I35n .2
Bralcher. R.G. 17
188. 110. ll6n. 8 Brueggemann. W. 30n. 31. 33n. 55. 120
Fittmycr. J. A. J4n. I, 21, 47, 109n. 86. I l in. 101. 123n. 53, 125n. 65 Foal:cs Jackson. F. J. 63n. Sl Franklin. E. -17. 76n. 140 Frocdman. D. N. 59n. 23. 6 5n. 61. 69n. 95. 70. 71n. 1 10
Cadbury. H. I. 12n. 75. 6. 61. 91 Calvin. J. 28-n. 20. 34n. 74. 50 . &!!.. &9. 110
G-amtL D. A. 10 1. 103 Goldingay. J. 29- 33. 119n. 30
Carroll. J. T. 3
Goppdl.L 39n. 94.5ln. l5S.88n. 21S Green. J. B. IOS-6. !lin. 101 Grdot. P. 47 Griinc:be-rg. K. N. I 18- 19
Braun. M. A. 58-n. 16.84 Brawky. R. L 13. 122n. .f5. 128n. 74
Bright. 1. 29 Bruce. F. F. 12. 61n. 28. 64n. 53, 78. S4n.
Chapman. D. W. 9S Child$. B. S. 33n. 54 Cle-ment$. R. E . 66n. 69. 74n. 130
Gentile Mission and Old Testa men/ Citations in Acts
Haenchen. E. 13. 84n. 190 Hummcrschuimb. E. 66n. 66. 70n. 100 Hunfohi. W. R. 108n. 80 Hanson. P. D. 32n. 49 Hasd . G. F. 70 Hayward. C. E. Si n. 167 Henderson. E. 97n. 12. 97n. 14 Hohz. T. 61n.29 Hooker. M. D. 39 ~l ubbard. D. A. 7 1n. 114. 98.-9 Jeremias.. J. 91 Jcn,d l. J. 2. 5. 13n. 80. 14n. I. 49n. 150. 88n.2 18.94n.243.123n.51 Johnson. D. E. 15n. 3. 40n. 102. 42n. 116. 43n. 118. 95n.2 Johnson. F. l7n. 7 Johnson. L T. 6. 79n. 154.87- 88.122n. 45. 125n. 60 Kaiser. W.C. 56.8ln. 168. 100--1.110.118 Keil. C. F. 72n. 119. 100 Kidner. D. 119 Kilpauick. G. 0. 63n. 50 Kinrl. R. 28 Koolc. J. l. 33. 36n. 79 KOstcnbcrger. A. J. 37 L.akr .K. 61.63n.51.91 LASor. W. S. 97
Lindars. B. 2ln. 23. 115- 16 Lindblom.J. 32n. 44. 32n.52. 37 Litwak. K. D. 3. 7, I 07n. 72. 12ln. 38 Luther. ~i. 67 Marshall, I. 1~. 48n. 139. 48n. 142. 106-7. 126
Mauro. P. SOn. 162 Meloy. R. T. 59n. 25. 6 Jn. 33. 6Jn. J..l. 62n.
39 Mc:b:g«. B. M. 63n. 47. 63n. 48 MocssllC'r. D.P. 13. 40n. 99 Moore.T. S. 39n. 96. 4ln. I09 Motyu.J.A. 31n.41. 72n. ll9. 72n. l20 Munck. J. 13 Niigc:lc. S. 58n. II, 60, 62n. 42. 67n. 85. 7ln. 115. 8J. 90-1
Neusnc:r. J. 60n. 27 Niehaus..J. 51. 73n. 124 Noguhki. J. D. 57 Noonan. B. J. liS North. C. R. 27n. 13. 29. 35n. 15 Oriinsky. 1~ . M. 33n. 58. 34n. 62 O'Took.. R. F. 7. 41n. 106. 42n. 114.50 Pao. D. W. 3-4. 24n. 4 Paui. S. 64n.57.66 Plummrr..·\. 4ln. 107 Polhill. J. B. 46n. 131. 85. 126n. 70 Ra.abr. P.R. 7ln. 177.72. 101 Rockham. R. B. 46 Ravens. D. 11 Rc:sc.M. 3.~7.112n. l03 Richard. E. 13. 61n. 32. 63. 80-1 Richardson. H. N. 67n. 82 Riddc:rbos. J. 34n. 64. 38 Ric.sncr. R. 79n. 154 Robms. J. J. ~f. 66n. 70 Robatr.on. 0 . P. 67n. 75. 69n. 99. 72n. 120. 73.87.88n.218 Robinson. H. W. 27n. 16 Roloff. J. SSn. 214 Routtcnbcrg. H. J. 65. 73 Rudolph. W. 28 Rusan1. D. 40n. 104. 45n. 129. 87. 87n. 205. n. 210 S:mdcrs.J. T. 2. 25n. 10. 84n. 188. 108n. 81 Sdmabd. E. J. 24n. 2 Schubert. P. 1. 6. 7. 14. 22 Schw:tnz. D. R. 91- 2 Sc-hweizer. E. 11n. 75 Scccombf:'. D. 8Sn. 218 Se-nior. D. 15n. 3 Siker. J. S. 12 1- 2 Smith. B. K. 6 5 Smith. G.\'. 69. 73n. 125 Snai1h. N. B. 27n. 14. 33. 39-40. Soards. M. L 109 Squires.. J. T. 2n. 10 Stanley. C. D. 7-9. I 0. 21. 23. 80. 130 Stcyn.G. J. 10. 96-7,11..._15.123,125 Stotl.J. R. W. 106
/11dex ofAutltors Strauss. ).i. L. JOn. 67, 75, 77, 79. 83n. 181 Suuicic-h. J. 95n. 2 Stuart D. L. 103n. 54. 110 Stuhlmudlcr, C. 15n.3 Talbcn. C. H. 6 Tannchiii. R.C. 11 . 2 1n.22. 95n. I. I06 Ta~k(f. R. V. G. 10Sn. 82 Taylor. J. ln. 10 . 77n. 146 D. L. 41 Totre)'. C. C. 8-5 Toy. C. 11. 107n. 73 Turner. M. 77. 123n. 46. 123n. 51 Tyson. J. B. 2
von Rad. G. 116n. 7. 11 8-, 119 WaH. R. 87. 96n . ..J Wahk<. B. K. 11 8Wchmeie.r. G. 11 7- 19 Wdlhauscn. J. 65 W<:nb:un. G. J. liS W<:~tem1ann. C. 117n.9. 118n. 19 Wh}~r.ty. R.N. J2n. 51. 35n. 7..J Wi lliam~on . H. G. )of. 3-0n. 34. 33n. 61 Wilson, S. G. 2. 46n. 130 . 56 n. I. 8-7n. 2 10 . 126 Witherington. B. 47. 90--1. 116 Wolff. H. W. 100-2. 104n. 58 Wright C. J. H. I lin. 100
van den Eyndc. S. 4
van de Sandi. H. 45, 7Sn. 149. 79n. 153. 87. 96n. 4. 136n. 4 van Unni.k. W. C. 21n. 19 VanGC'mcren. W. 98
Young. E. J. J l n. 41. 35n. 75
Zc-hnlc. R. F. liOn. 92