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London Mathematical Society Student Texts 41
The Algorithmic Resolution of Diophantine Equations
Nigel P. Smart Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP, United Kingdom CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, United Kingdom 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3!66, Australia ©Nigel P. Smart 1998 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 1998 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Smart, N. P. (Nigel Paul), 1967The algorithmic resolution of diophantine equations I N.P. smart p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 052164156X.- ISBN 0521646332 (pbk.) 1. Diophantine equations. I. Title. QA242.S69 1998 512'. 72--dc21 98-24736 CIP ISBN 0 521 64156 X hardback ISBN 0 521 64633 2 paperback
To Maggie, Eleanor and Oliver.
Contents Preface Outline Computer packages Notation Thanks
Chapter I. Introduction L L A brief history 1.2. Algorithms I.3. \\-'hat is a diophatttiue equation? 1.1. An elliptic curve Part 1.
Basic solution techniques
2 7 9 10
Chapter II. Local methods 11.1. p-adic numbers II.2. p-adic numerical analysis 11.3. Exercises
17 17 23 32
Chapter III.!. lii.2. 111.3. 111.4. III.5.
III. Applications of local methods to diophantine equations Applications of Strassmann's theorem Skolem's method The Hasse principle Finding small solutions Exercises
33 33 36 39 40 43
Chapter IV.l. IV.2. IV.3. IVA. IV.5.
IV. Ternary qttadratic forms A normal form Local solubility Global solubility New solutions for old
45 45 46 49 53 56
Chapter V. Computational diophantine approximation V.I. Continued fractions V.2. Approximation lattices \/.3. Lattices \/.4. The LLL-algorithm vii
59 59 64 65 71
\ .5. Chapter VI.l. VI.2. VI.3. VI.4. \T5. Part 2.
77 77
Applications of the LLL algorithm A 'fun' application Knapsack problems Approximating linear forms p-adir analogues Exercises Methods using linear forms in logarithms
Chapter YII. Time equations VII.1. Thne equatious VII.2. X 1 - 2Y'~ = ±! VII.3. The method of I3ilu and Hanrot VIlA. Integral points ou elliptic curves (I) VIL5. Y 2 = X 3 - 6X- 14 VII.6. Exercises
82 87 9:3
g:; rl7
97 10.'") 108 Ill !13 110
Chapter Vlll. Thue -ti..Jahler equations VIII.!. Thue-Mahler equations VIII.2. The prime idPal removing lemma VIII.3. Thr· method VIllA. X 1 - X 2 Y + XY 2 + Y 3 = ±11" VHI.5. Exercises
117 117 118 119
Chapter IX.l. IX..2. IX.3. IX.4. !X.5. IX.6.
IX. 5-unit equations S-unit equatimis Sieving An 5-unit equation in a cyclic quintic field Integral ])oint4 on elliptic curves (II) Other applications Exercise
133 13,3 1-11 1-tG !50 Fi1 IJ2
Chapter X.!. X.2. X.3. X.4.
X. Triangularly connected decomposable form equations Triangularly connected linear forms TCDF equations Solving TCDF equations Exercises
153 !53 !50 156 163
Chapter XI.l. XJ.2. XI.3. XI.4. Xl.5.
XI. Discriminant form equations Discriminant and index forms The general case: discriminant forms as TCDFs A discriminant form equation in a cyclic quintic field Special cases Exerci!;cs
lG,J !6:) 167 169 170 174
n1 132
Part 3.
Integral and rational points on curves
Chapter XII. Rational points on elliptic curves XII.l. Basics on elliptic curves XI1.2. The weak Mordeii··Weil theorem XJI.3. The Mordell-Weil theorem XJI.4. A conditional algorithm XU.5. Exercises
177 177 182 190 192 194
Chapter XIII. Integral points on elliptic curves XIII.l. Elliptic logarithms XIII.2. Elliptic integrals and the AGM XIIL3. Integral points XIII.4. Integral points on the curve Y 2 = X 3 XIII.5. S· integral points XIII.6. Other methods and problems XIII.7. Exercises
197 197 198 202 206 207 210 211
Chapter XIV. Curves of genus greater than one XIV.l. Curves and their Jacobians XIV.2. Hyperelliptic cnrves and their .Jacobiaus XIV.3. Rational points on curves of genus greater than one XIV A. llitegral points on hyperelliptic and superelliptic curves XIV.5. Fermat curves XIV.6. Catalan's equation XIV.7. Exercises
213 213 215 217 219 221 222 224
Appendix A. Linear A.l. Linear forms A.2. Linear forms A.3. Linear forms
225 225 225 226
Appendix B.
forms in logarithms in complex logarithms in p-adic logarithms in elliptic logarithms
Two useful lemmata
Preface ~!any books have been devoted to the theoretical stLJ.dy of diophantine equations. an observation which should come as no surprise given that the study of such equations dates back over two thousand years. In theoreti1:al work one is interested in determining the structure of the solution set to some equation. Is the set finite or infinite? Ca!l one give an effective procednn~ to determine all the solutions? Do the solutions fortn a group of some sort'1 How are the rational solutions distributed amongst the real solutions? The li~t of questions that one can ask is endless. In this book we shall concentrate on algorithms and methods for writing down all the solutions to an eqnatio!l (if there are finitely many) or for det.erruining explicitly the structure of all of the solutions (if there arc infinitely many). De~pite the long and noble career of diophantine equations, there appear to be only two books solely devoted to the study of f'Xplicit methods for their solution, namely r-...Iordell's Diophantine Equations [138] and de \Veger's Algorithm.~ For Diophantine Equations [208]. lvfordell's book gives a variety of techniques for solving various diophantine rquatiOIJS. However, sometimes he deals just with special C/l.~!:S and sometimes with general cases. TV[ordell does not concentrate on algorithmic questions and hencr· some of his methods appear at first sight to be recipes which only apply t.o certain special cases. This if> not surprising as it was originally published in 1969, before t}w advent of the modern desktop computer. The second book is de \Neger's thesis, in which the systematic liSP of the LLL algorithm was proposed for solving diophantine equations. This ha.~ revolutionized the subject and led to a great explosion in th1~ mnnher of papers devoted to algorithms for diophantine equations. De Weger's book was published in !989 at the beginning of this revolution and it therefore only barely touches, for instance, on the algorithm for Thue-Mahler equations developed by Tzanakis and de VVcger. There have been many books which have st11died diophantine equations hom a theo.retical standpoint, most notably the book by Shorey and Tijdeman [167], which gives an excellent account of the applications of Baker's theory of linear forms in logarithms. The advent of modern computer technology has led to a number of books on algorithms for number theory. \Ve shall require the use of various algorithms to solve problems in algebraic number theory. In particular we shall
require the solution of various problem~ in algebraic number fielrls. snch as unit and dass group computation. l\hnf of the number field algorithms KP require can be found in the books by Cohen [32]. Pohst [154] and Pohst and Zassenhaus [155]. For up to date information one should perhaps consult the various conference proceedings, such as [1], [33], [137] anri [152] Therefore the time seems ripe for a new book on the computat.ional sirle of this area. \Ve shall aim to provide a coherent account of some of the many methods that can be used to find all the solutions to certain diophantine equations. However. Wt' shall mainly be mterested in methods which apply to a wide class of equations rather than just a few sprcial examples. In some ~wrrse this is stili a rf'cipe book, but we hope a recipe book which gives the chef a range of skills for coping with a number of dishes. \Ve shall assume that you are familiar with standanl undergraduate algebraic number theory up to, say, Dirichlet's units theorem and the finit.enPss of the class group. The book by Rose [160] covers most of what we will require har the two aforementioned rc~mlts on tlw units and class number. For these last two results you should perhaps consult another textbook such as that by Stl•wart and Tall [187]. \Ve shall also assume that you have begun to study the more arlvanrl'd theory that one meets a;; a graduate student, lluch as local fields. \Ve shall, however. give a brief overview of the theory of local fields at the start. We shall furthermore take it. that the reason yon are reading this book is that you are interested in computations in number theor~'- This is not, thcrd"orc, a theoretical book bnt a practical one.
Outline The book is divided into three part.s. Part I will involve t.hfl ~o;tudy of the b&;ic tt>chniques which arc used over and over again m solving diophantine equations. These are chiefly· the theory of p-adic numbers: th(' nse of curves of genus ~ero; and the application of th1~ algorithm of Lenstra, Lenstra and Lov
applications of local methods will be brief, as they are covered eLsewhere, for instance in the book by rv1ordell [138] mentioned previously. V·/e shall then turn, in Chapter IV, to the discussion of the solution of wmary quadratic forms. These ean also be characterized as curves in P 2 of genus zero. Such equations are not only important in their own right hut also occur in algorithms for solving more complicated equations, the idea being that ternarJ· quadratic forms are 'easy' and if we can reduce our study of a hard equation to a set of ternary quadratic forms then we would have made life easier. The reason ternary quadratic forms are considered easy is that they all satisfy the Hasse principle. In ChaptPr V we study the LLL-algorithm of Lenstra. Lenstra and Lov
\\"hilst Thue-rv!ahler eq11ations are of the form F(X, Y)
mp:' · · · Pt'.
·where, in both cases, F(X, Y) is a binary form of degree greater than three and m is some fixed integer. But in the case of Thue-Mahler equations we have the added complication of some given prime numbers p; with some unknown exponents z,. Thue equations have a finite number of integer solutions, whilst Thue-Mahler equations have infinitely many solutions which can be dividt!d intQ finitely many families. Thue and Thue-Mahler equations form the easiest examples of classes of eq11atious which can he dealt with by Baker's methods followed by a reduction process based on the LLL-algorithm. Chapter VII will conclude with an example of how to use Thue equations to soke another diophantinE' problem: that of finding all the integer points on an elliptic curve. This will be the first of three such methods we give to solve this problem.
The trick in solving Thue and Thue l'vlahler equations is to reduce the problem to the study of S-unit equations, that is, t•quations of the form O:)T]
+I= 0,
where a, aw two fixpd algebraic numbers and T 1 and T2 are allowed to range over two finitely generated multiplicative subgroups of the algebraic numbers. Such an equation has only finitely many solutions, which we shall give an effective proof of in Chapter IX. Indeed WP shall give an algorithm which can often be used in practice to solve such an equation. \Ve end this chapter b;>· showing how one could use an algorithm to solveS-unit equations to gin· another method for finding ali tlw int1~gral points on an elliptic curve~ In that late 1970s and early 1980s GyOry showed bow a very large set of diophantine equations could be reduced to the study of S-unit equations. This set of triangularly connected decomposable form equations (TCDF equations for short) is studied in Chapter X. ThesP equations are a natural generalization of the Thue and Thue ~\Iahler equatiorls cousidered earlier. In Chapter Xi we shall pay particular attention to a special type of 'l"CDF equation, the set of discrimina!Jt form equations. We shall end this chapter by showing bow discriminant. form equations related to quartic numLer fields can lw solved by using a combination of TIJUe equations and ternary quadratic forms, which bypasses the need to consider them as TCDF equations. In Part 3 we shall consider methods for finding integral and rational solutions to curves such as elliptic, hyperelliptic and superelliptic equations. In Chapters XII and XIII we shall concentrate on elliptic curves. It has been known for over 100 years that the set of rational points on an elliptic curve forms a group. Chaptur XII will be devoted to giving an (almost) algorithmic proof of the result of ~vlordell that- such a group is finitely geuerat1~d. That t.hprp is no such algorithmic answer in general is due to the failure of the Has.~e principle for cun'!~S of genus one. In Chapter XIII we shall use the ll!Cthod for determining generators of the gronp of rational points to giw a third method for finding all the integral points on such a curve. In Chaptpr XIV we shall look at recent work on generalizations of the methods for elliptic curves to curves of higher genus. In particular WP shall concentrate on hyp1~rdliptic curves. Owing to Faltings proof of the l'v[orddl conjecturE' we now know that tht>re are only finitely many rational poims on a curve of gcn1IS greater than O!Je. However, at pre~eut there are only ad hoc techniques to find all the rational points in any given example. \Vn shall present a quick <werview of some of the work doue in this area and its link with the Jacobian varietf of a curve of genus greater than one. In this final chapter we shall also cover a few oddJ and ends which we have not covered in other chapters. In particular no book on diophantine equations would be complete without a pa.~~ing mention of Wiles' proof of Fermat's last theorem. In this last section we ~hall describe t.he link between Fermat':; last theorem and elliptic curves, although we shall not go into an)-c
details, as that would involve going into the theory of modular functions and Galois representations. In addition in this la.'lt chaptpr we shall look at the .-1BC conjecture, which is in some sense a generalization of the two-term S-unit equations which are met elsewhere in the book. Clearly we have not even attempted to cover all the different types of equation that can be studied. Nor have we covered much of the extensive t.tworetical work on diophantine equations. The subjects chosen are a personal choice, as is fit tin!!, for a recipe hook. There are some topics which we have left out owing to lack of space. One is the application of Pad8 approximations and hypergeomet-ric fum:ll!)IIf>. In this work instead of trying to approximato linear forms in logarit-hms one looks at, for example, approximating numbers of the form
\/1 +a. Readers interested in following up snch work should consult [159], [29], [120], [206], [8] and [9]. Another is the algorithmic ::.tudy of diophantine propefties of linear rct"Urrence sequences. If this area is what interests yon then why not ~tart by looking at [145] and [214]. A good introduction to this area can be found in the rckvant chapters of [167].
Computer packages There arc currently many computer packages for performing nurnbpr theoretic calculations. \Ve could be content with just using one of the main computer algebra packages such as Maple or Mathematica. However, we shall need to be able to compute U!Jits and class groups of znutJber fields, !~tr. Hence access to a package like PARI [7]. KANT [42]. SIMATH [177], LiDIA [122] or MAGMA [17], would seem desirablP. 1\-iany of the Pxamples in this book v.rere carried out with the aid of a computer, so you should not. expPct to be able to follow an example through by hand (except in some easy cases). Howe\'er. a computer can solve most of the examples in this book in a matter of seconds.
Notation A.s usual we~ shall denote the complex, real aad rational nurnbnrs by C, R. and Q. The ring of integers we shall denote by Z while the set of non-negative integers will be denoted b.r N. :tv[ultiplication of numbers will d!~notl'rl by 6 = 2 · 3. while a dPdmal point. will be given by 2.3 = ~Some of the notation used could be considered non-standard in that not all authors use the same notation. To make this clear we Sp!~ll out the possible non-standard notation now.
The notation Zp will be ref3erved for the p-adie integers, the p-adic numbers being denoted by Q,. The set of integers modulo m will then be denoted by Z/mZ. The finite field of q elements will be denoted by IFq For a real number .r. the symbol Lx J will denote the floor function, I.e. it returns the largest integer less than x. The symbol lxl wiil denote the ceiling function, i.e. the smallest integer greater than x. The nearest integer function will be denoted [x], with any fixed COll\'ention for numbers of the form (2m+ 1)/2. The symbol {x} will be used to denote 11.·- [x]l· For a complex number z the real and imaginary parts will be denoted by lR(z) and 0'(z). The symbol ncr will denote the binomial coefficient n! r!(n r)! · The greatest common divisor oft\\'0 integers a and b will be denoted by (a., h). If K is a number field then we let OK denote its maximal order. The unit and class groups of K will be denoted by Oj.,- and CLK respectively. If a". , o: 1 are elements of OK, for some m1mber field, K then we let (o 1 ,. , o 1 ) denote the ideal generatrd over OK by a 1 ,. , a 1 . All other notation will be defined as and when required.
Thanks The author would like to thank J. Cremona, S. Crouch, E. Man~field, A. PethO, R. Shipsey. S. Siksek, r-.;". Stephens and B. M. M. de Weger, who read various parts of the manuscript at various stages. Any mistakes are still, however, my own fault. None of the mathematics in this book is new and an attempt has been made to provide references to major results. If yon feel that due credit has not been given for certain results, then accept the authors apologies in advance. Finally, thanks arc due to J. Cremona for a TE/X macro for typesetting the algorithms.
Introduction This book shall concern itself with the study of modern methods for solving diophantine eqtlations. The study of diophantine equations goes hack to the ancient Greeks. The most famous example from that time, X 2 + Y 2 = Z 2 , js still being taught in school.;; today. :\Iany of the ideas in this book can be traced b&ck to earlier times, so I shall start by giving a brief outli!le of the history of the subject. This will be to set the scene and raise the proble!lls that will hopefully be answered in the following chapters. By a diophantine equation we mean, intuitively, an equation where we are mterested only in integer or rational solutions. For example, Fermat's famous "last theorem'. now \-Viles' theorem, says that thP only integer solutions to the equation X"+Y"o:::Z"
with n 2: 3 are given by XY Z = 0. Another important class of examples is elliptic curves, which are curves of the form
When studying equation (I.l) it clearly makes no difference if we study the rational solutions (X, Y, Z) or the integral solutions. However, when looking at dliptic curves it makes a great deal of difference whether we want to determine the rational or int.egral solutions. An elliptic curve can (and often does) an infinite number of rational solutions, but it. will only ever possess a finite number of integral solutions, as we shall see in a later chapter. Factoring an integer can be considered as solving a diophantine equation. Given an integer N the problem of factoring can be presented as finding the integral solutions to the equation N=pq
where p, q {N. Diophantine equations have over the cei1turies provided a fertile ground for matht)matical investigation. This is at first glance surprising. as finding ~olutions to an equation in the real numbers appears easy. We can, for instance, just draw a graph, and the integers are considered a murh simpler mathematical object than the reals.
I. I. A brief history The study of diophai1tine equation;; dates h&:k to at lem:;t I600BC. The earliest work of importance seems to have been on the problem of determining 'Pythagorean' triples, that is, non-trivial solution~ (X, Y, Z) to the equation x2
+ y2, 2 2_
Any school child knows about the triple (3, 4. 5), while all.V undergraduate would understand the proof that all triples are given by (up to an interchange ofxandy) x
b2 ),
+ b2 ),
where a,b,d E Z with gcd(a,b) = 1. The name diophantine equations is in honour of tlw mathematician Diophantos, who lived in Alexandria around 300AD. Diophantos' work Arithmetica was one of the ancient texts that went 'missing' in Europe in the Dark and Middle Ages. The Arithmetica originally consistpd of 13 books, of which only 6 havp survived into the modern era. Two translations of the mrnaining books were made in the sixteenth and seventpenth centurie.~. It was in the margin of Fermat's copy of Bachet's translation of Arithmetica that Fermat made his famous marginal note that equation (I.l) has no non-trivial solutions. Pierre de Fermat (1601-65) gave a large number of legacies to mat.hematics, and in particular number theory, the most famous of these being the above-mentioned last theorem. More important was hi!> introduction of the so called 'method of descent'. In this method onp supposes one has a solution which is a.s 'small' as possible, and then one produces by some means an even 'smaller' solution. Thi~ contradiction tells us that our original solution could not have existed in thp first place. Fermat applied his method of descent to show THEOREM I.1 (Fermat), The equation
has no non-trivial integer solutions. PROOF. Suppose that there is a non-trivial solution. VVe can clearly assume that it satisfie!-i (x, y) ::: 1 and without loss of generality we can assume that x is odd, y is even and both arc positive. By applying tht' formulae for pythagorean triples given above, we can then write X2=a2-b2,
y2=2ab, z=a2+b2,
for two C'Oprime integers a and b. We then apply the formulae again to the f'qnation x 2 + b2 = a 2 to obtain a=i+q2, x=p2-q2, b=2pq, where p and q are two coprime integers. Since y is even we obtain
(¥r = ~b =
+ l),
which l1~ads us deduce, asp, q and p 2 +q 2 are coprime, that there exist positive integers X, Y and Z snrh that P=
q = y2, P2
+ l = z2,
and so (X, Y, Z) is another solution to
X 4 + Y-4.
To sum up, we have from one solution to our equation deduced another solution to our equation. The trick of the proof is to show that this new solution is 'smaller' than the original one. If \Ve can do this then this method of descending to a 'smaller' solution cannot be carried on indefinitely, and so the original solution C'OUld not have existed in the first place. ::"Jote that y = 2XYv'X 4 + Y 4 , so if either X or Y is zero then y is also zero, which would mean that (x, y, z) was a trivial solution. Hence neither X rlor Y can be zero. It is then clear that X < y and Y < y. So the new solution must be 'smaller' than the old ~olutiorr. D As a corollary we easily deduce that Fermat'~ last theorem holds for the Pxponent n = 4. The method of descent. has since been adapted and now the uarrre 'de.~cent' is often given to any process whereby the existence or lion-existence of solutions to some equ;ltion is proved by means of considering other, in most cases smaller. solutions to either the same equation or a related set of equatiou.;;. L"sing the method of descent it is believed tf1at Fermat managed to show that if p is a prime congruent to 1 modulo 4 then the r~qua.tion
x2+y2=p always has an intPgPr sohrtion. However, no proof of this result by Fermat survives: t~e earliest known proof dates back as far as Euler. This de!icent method uses a known solution to one equation to deduce a solution to a similar equation with smaller coefficients: THEOREM I.2. Let p denote a pr·imc congr-uent to one modulo four-. there exist8 a solution in integers to the eq1Lation
I. Il'
PROOF. Clearly there is a solution (x1, Yl) to the equation
rnp=xf+y; for some positive integer value of m. For example we can take x 1 to denote a square root of -1 modulo p and y 1 to be 1. VVith this choice we can assum1~ that m < p. :-.Jow choose two integers (u, v) Stich that u = :r 1 (mod m), v::: y 1 (mod m) and u, v E [-m/2, m/2]. We thE'n have that u 2 + v 2 ::::xi+ Yi
(mod m).
so that
u 2 + v2 = rnt for some positive integer value of r < m. Now set x;
x 1u
+ y 1v.
y; are multiplies of m.
Then we notice that both x; and and y; = my2 . But then m 2 (x~
+ y~)
y~ = x1v- y 1u.
12 x 12 1 +Y 1 =
IX!U+YJV )' + IX1V-Y1U . )'
(xi+ y;)(u2 + v2) rpmz. Hence (x 2 , y 2 ) is a solution to the equation
x 2 +y2 ::::rp,
where r < m. We can continue carrying out this process, but not indefinitely, as the values of r are positive and get sm:e(~ssively smaller. Hence at some point we will reach r = 1 and we will have a solution to our equation. D Euler and Lagrange also gave a proof of a result which had been asserted by Fermat, namely that every integer could be written as the sum of four rational squares. Fermat had daimed he had a proof of this result which also used his method of descent. Our story now jumps forward a century to the time of Gauss, who was born in Braunschweig in 1777. Gauss ha.<:J obtained the reputation of being one of the most original mathematicians in history. Up to his death, in 1855, he worked in various areas of mathematics and phy·sics such as algebra, magnetism and probability. However, it is his work in number theory which interests us. Gauss studied the integer solutions to quadratic equations such
as ax 2 + bxy + ty 2 + dx + ey + f = 0, where a. b. c, d, e, fare given integers. This includes the case of Pe!l's equation y 2 -Dx 2 =I,
which provides a useful motivating example in undergraduate courses for the topics of quadratic fields and continued fractions. Some examples of Pell's equation had even been solved in Diophantos's Arithmetica, and some had
bePn studied by the Hindu mathematicians Brahmagupta and Bhaskara in the seventh and twelfth centuries respectively. It was Euler who first spotted the link between solutions of Peli's equation and the continued fraction expansion of the quadratic irrational ..;D, a link which is sometimes used today to rompute fundamental units of real quadratic number fields. Gauss developed the arithmetic of quadratic number fields, in particular their class grortps. However, he expressed everything in terms of the theory of binary quadratic forms. The development of the notion of ideals was to come after Gauss. The challenge of Fermat's last theorem led, amongst other problems, to the development in the nineteenth century of the subject known as algebraic number theory. This subject provided the testing ground for much of modern algebra. The development of the notions of rings, ideals, modules, unique factorization domains and other basic notions can be traced back to the investigation of algebraic number fields. The list of mathematicians involved in this theory, Dedekind, Dirichlet, Galois, Kummer, Minkowski, etc., can be recOimted by any undergraduate number theorist. Another interest of Fermat was the study of elliptic curves. That the rational points form a group has been known for over a century, as the group law can be deduced from the classical chord-tangent process, a process linked to the addition formulae for elliptic integrals. Weierstrass (1815-97) had studied such elliptic functions and had expanded on the work of the Norwegian mathematician Abel (1802-29). Abel had discovered the class of transcendental functions which we now call Abelian functions, of which elliptic functions are an example. Earlier Gauss had seen the link between elliptic integrals and his arithmetic-geometric mean, but his work in this area was not published until after his death (and after the publication of Abel's work). A similar process to the chord-tangent process had been used by Fermat t.o deduce more solutions to an elliptic curve given a known solution, this being known as Fermat's method of ascent. The name ascent comes from the fact that the process, in general, produces larger and larger rational solutions from known smaller ones. Jules Henri Poincare (1854-1912), although more famous for his works in topology and mathematical physics, in the late 1800s conjectured that the set of rational poiltts on any given elliptic curve, including an additional point 'at infinity', formed a finitely generated abelian group. In 1922 Mordell proved Poincare's conjecture using a technique ba..<;ed on Fermat's method of descent. The first half of the twentieth century also saw the introduction of 'local methods' ivto number theory by Hasse, Hensel, Skolem and others. These were used, especially by Skolelli, to find all the solutions to a large number of individual equatioos. Indeed Skolem's method was still the main one in use up to the late 1970s, and it is still of relevance today. Later, in Chapter III, we shail give some examples of the use of Skolem's method to solve equations.
L L'l'l'RODFCTIO::-<
In 1913, Ramanujan asked what are the positive integral solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 +7=2". In 19,18 Nagell showed that there are only five positive integral solutions gken by (n.x) ~ (3, l), (4,3). (5,5). (7, ll), (!5, !81). This equation is now called the Ramanujan-Kagell equation. A proof that these are the 0r1ly five positive :mlutions of the Ramanujan-Kagell equation can be found in many standard textbooks, sueh as [187]. Variou.s authors have considered generalizations of the Ramanujan- Nagel! equation. the Utost general form being that considered by PethO and de \Veger, x2
+k =P~'···pt'.
In [151] a general method is given to deal with this generalized RamannjanKagell equation. This shows a marked change of emphasis, from tht~ study of individual equations to the study of generalized classes of equations. Prior to the Second \Vor!d \Var, if the solutions to an equation were able to be determim~d explicitly then usually some special trick was used which only applied to that equation. If you wanted to find the solutions to a similar equation, you had to find a similar trick which worked in this new case. Very few methods, Sko!em's being the notable exception. conld be applied to a large nnmbcr of equations without alteration. Given a diophantine t~qnation, or even a class of equations such as ·all elliptic curves', there are some natural questions that come to mind: l. Is the number of rational (or integral) solutions finite or infinite? 2. If the number of rational (or integral) solutions is finite, can w(· gi\·c a procedure which in a finite amount of time will determine all the solutions? 3. If the rlnmber of rational (or integral) solutions is infinitt~, is it possible to express all solntions in terms of some 'basic' ones? For instance, given ivlordell's result that the rational points on an elliptic curve form a finitely generated group, can we c:onstruct explicit generators for this group in any given example? Answering either of the final two questions clearly is a harder task than the first one. · If we can prove that an equation has a finite number of solutions in a way which gives an algorithm to determine all the solutions, then one is said to have an effective proof. If on the other hand one can only am;wer the qticstion of the finiteness of the number of solutions without giving an algorithm, the11 one is said to have an ineffective proof. Hilbert, in the tenth of his famous problems at the turn of the century, asked whether there existed an algorithm which could determine whether any diophantine equation had finitely or infinitely many solutions.
In 1970 1latijaseviC proved the non-existence of such an algorithm. See
[45] for a general discussion on Hilbert's tenth problem at1d MatijaseviC's solution. However, this still left the question open as to whether large classes of equations could be tackled using algorithms. Three years before rvfatijasevit:'s proof Baker [4] had given an effective proof of a result of Thue. Thue [196] had shown in an ineffective way that there arc only finitely many integer solutions to equations of the form
where F(X, Y) is a binary form of degree greater than 2 and m is some fixed iuteger, for example, equations such as
X 3 + 2XY2 + Y 3 = 2 X
33Y 16 = 42775.
Such equations are now called Thue equations. Baker showed how one could bound the size of the solutions in terms of the coefficients ofF and the integer m. Hence there is a finite search region within which all the solutions must lie. However, the bounds given by Baktor arc huge and certainly not meant for a practical solution of Thue equations. As Baker's method results in a finite search region, it was not long before people started thinking of ways of reducing the size of this region. This was began in the early 1970s with work of Baker, Davenport and Ellison, see [5] and [49] However, in the mid 1980s after the development. of the LLL--algorithm by Lenstra, Leustra and Lov
1.2. Algorithms In this book we shall mainly be concerned with effective proofs_ But we shall also be interested in techniques which not only tell us how we could compute ail the solutions to an equation in principle but how we could do so in practice. Consider the following example. Suppose one could show that all integral solntio'ns to the Thue equation X
+ 2Y7
= 1
lXI, IYI <: 10". \Ne would then know that there were finitely many solutions. :"'ot only that
but we could give a computer the task of computing all the solutions. If the computer could check whether a pair (X, Y) was a solution in, sa)', one billionth of a second, then it would take the computer around 1050 years tq
go through all the possible solutions to the equation. Unfortunately this is much longer than the estimated age of the Universe. Therefore we cannot be content only with effective methods. What will interest us is methods which can be applied in practice to actually determine all the solutions to a problem. Even here one has problems, as an algorithm which will determine ali solutions in one example may not work in another. It could fail either because the algorithm does not apply or because the algorithm would take too long to be of any practical benefit. We shall be interested in practical algorithms which apply to wide classes of equations and we will be satisfied if the algorithm works for a wide nnrnber of examples in the class. We shall not discuss the problems of growth 'Df expected running time and other complexity theoretic issues. Indeed the complexity theoretic study of algorithms for diophantine equations is not anywhere near as well developed as it is for other areas in computational number theory, but we shall need an ilttuitive concept. Upper bounds on run times of algorithms depend, of course, on the definition one is using for time. The standard definition is to measure time in terms of bit operations; this is often referred to as 'bit complexity'. \Ve shall not really worry about the exact definitions from complexity theory, but we will have a need to measure and mmpare one algorithm's expected run time against another. For this comparison we will be content with just an intuitive understanding; for a rnore complete discussion of such matters you should consult [3]. We shall sometimes refer to an algorithm as running in polynomial or exponential time in some parameter. V.'e shall now review this concept briefly, as it may be new to some readers. An algorithm is said to run in polynomial time, with respect to some parameter B, if its run time is bounded by a polynomial function of B; in other words its run time is O(B") for some fixed number n. An algorithm is said to run in exponential time if it runs in time O(n 8 ). An algorithm is said to run in subexponcntial time if its rnn time is certainly faster than exponential in behavior but not necessarily as good as polynomial in growth. · Normally the run time is measured in terms of the length of the input data. So an algorithm which ha..<> as input a single number N is said to run in polynomial time if we can bound the run time by O((log N)"), for some fixed number n, while an algorithm runs in exponential time if we can bound the run time by 0( N"), for some fixed n. This is because the length of the input to the algorithm is of size O(log N). It is convenient to introduce the estimate LN (a,
!3) :::. 0 ( (e(lo~ N)"(log log N) L-u )i3+o(l))
This interpolates between polynomial time, a :::. 0, and exponential time, a = 1. This estimate occurs quite a lot in number theoretic algorithms. For example the best-known factoring algorithm has complexity LN(l/3, c) for
sorne constant c, while the best-known algorithms for computing the class group and unit group of a number field have complexity Ln(l/2, c), where D is the discriminant of the field and one assumes the generalized Riematm hvpothesis (GRH). - In this book three main techniques will be discussed for solving diophantine equations, being: • The application of 'local' considerations. This includes Skoleili 's method and sieving. • Reducing the problem of finding the solutions to one equation to the problem of finding thp solutions to another set of hopefully easier equations. \Ne shall meet this, for instance, when we discu.;s the method of descent for elliptic curves. • The application of Baker's theory of linear forms in logarithms and the use of a method to reduce the huge bounds resulting from this theory. Baker's technique itself divides into four main steps: 1. Reduce the solution to a problem for which we know Baker's techniques will apply. 2. Produce effective bounds on solutions using deep theoretical results of Baker, Yu, \Valdschmidt, Wilstholz and others. 3. Reduce these large bounds to something more manageable, using a computational technique first dcvr.lnped by de Weger. 4. Find clever search techniques to find all solutions rmder the reduced bounds. In recent years other techniques from areas such as arithmetic geometry haYe been developed. These allow one, for instance, t.o find all rational points on some curves of genus greater than one. That there arc finitely many such rational points follows from the deep, bnt ineffective, work of Falting-s. In 1:-~tcr sections we shall consider these new methods and ideas and cnrwnt open problems. }..1any algorithms to find all the solutions to a particular equation require fast aud efficient techniques for finding one (or a few) solutions to another set of equations. Sometimes we need to find all solutions below a certain upper bonnd. To solve this problem we will use a 'sieving' technique which can be fonnd in various guises throughout this book. Often it is the sieve, which locates all small sOlutions or exhibits a single solution, which is the slowest part of the entire solution process. 1.3, What is a diophantine equation? Often the above definition of a diophantine equation is too ,restrictive. We would like to consider generalizations of the intuitive notion of diophantine equation considered above. We shall now define the exact notion which shall be used in this book. What was important in our intuitive definition was that a diophantine equation was not only the equation but also the set for
which were trying to find solutions in. In the examples above this set was always Z or Q. It makes sense to admit otlwr sets as candidates for containing solutions. Let K detwte an algebraic number field and let S, denote some welldefined subsets of K, fori== 1, ... , n. If F(X~, .. , Xn) denotes .':lorrw function which maps S 1 x ·. · x S, to K, then we define a diophantine equation to be the equation F(X,,. , X") ~ 0, where we are interested in determining the structure of
Y2 =X 3 +AX +B denote an elliptic curve defined over K, by which we mean A, BE K. Then determining all the solutions in OK x OK to the equation
F(X, Y) ~ Y'-
X'- AX- B
is what we mean by finding ail the integral points on the elliptic curve, m this example S 1 = 8 2 = OK· If we replace 8 1 and St. by K, we are then faced with the task of deterntining tlw structure of the K -ratiotlal points on the elliptic curve. In this vein one of the most important types of equation we shall meet is the two-term S-uJlit equations. In these equations we let S 1 and S 2 denote two finitely generated subgroups of K• and let a 1 ,a2 d!mote two fixed elements of K*. By solving a two-term S-unit equation we mean determining all the solutions to the following equation, with X1 E S1 and X2 E S2: F(X,.X 2 ) = a,X1 +a2X2
1.4. An elliptic curve We end this introduction with a11 example of a diophantine equation which can be solved using standard techniques from undergraduate number theory. \Ve shall then discuss just how lucky we are in this situation and the type of problems which can occnr when one carries out the following idea..<; for other examples. We look at the problem of finding all the integer solutions to a specific example of an elliptic curve. The example we have chosen is a standard
one which occurs in many textbooks. V.le shall mw t.he fad that the ring of integers of Q( ..j -1), which is Z[AJ, is a principal ideal domain at1d hence is a unique factorintion domain. THEOREM
r.:3. The only mteger solutions to the equation y2 = x3- 4
are given by (X, Y) :::: (5, ±11) and (2. ±2).
VVc first prove a couple of preliminary lenunas. which helps break the argument np: 1.4. In Z[1] the two n-urnber.5 2 + iY and 2- tY are r:opnme. for any odd number Y
PROOF. Suppose the two numbers are divisible by a+ bt, where a. b E Z, thPn so i>: their sum and diffenmce. Hence a+ bi divides 4 and 2iY. Taking norms we see that a 2 + b2 divides 16 and ·1Y 2 . Hence a 2 + b2 divides 4 as Y is odd. 11ut we also have that a2 + P divides tlw norm of 2 + iY, which is 4, }' 1 . Hcw:p a~+ b2 divides Y 2 . The on!}· possibility ill that. a 2 + b2 :::: 1, which means a+ bi is a unit, and so 2 + iY and 2- iY are coprime. 0 1.5. A~sume 1 + i divides one of I+ iZ or 1 - iZ. Then the highest common factor of I + iZ and 1 - iZ nt Z[i] is given by 1 + t, for any odd number Z.
!'ItoOF. Suppose a+ bi divides both 1 + iZ and 1- 'tZ. Then a+ bi divides thPir sum, namely 2. Hence a2 +b2 divides both 4 and 1 +Z 2 , but as Z is odd we have a~+ b2 = l or 2. This means that (a, b) = (±!, 0), (0, ±1), (±l. ±1) or (±L +1 ). Hence a + b~ is either a unit or an associate of 1 + t. D PRooF. [of Theorem 1.3] We divide the proof into t.wo cases:
Y odd. In Z[i] our equation factorizes as
(2 + ,!')(2- il') ~X'. By Lemma 1.4 the two factors ou the left-hand side are coprime. By umquc factorization in Z[i] we rna)' then write for some 1l1iit 'I) and o, /i E Z[ij·
2..t- iY = TJn 3
2- ~Y = TJ- 1 ;.:13 •
Any unit of Z[t] is also a cube, >:o we may assume that 'IJ =- 1. Putting f! = m +in we must have ;3 ::::: m -in, and so 2 + iY = (m
+ in) 3
2- iY = (m- m) 3 .
Expanding ont the right-hand sides, adding the equations and dividing by 2. we find that m(m 2 - 3n2 ) = 2. Hence m = ±1 or ±2, and we deduce that the only possibilities are (m, n) = (-1, ±1) and (2, ±1). We then deduce from equation (L2), and the original
equation, that the only solution in this case is (X, Y) = (5, ±11).
Y even. In this rase X is also even, so we may write X Our equation then becomes
z'2 + 1 = This equation
2T and Y = 2Z.
2r3 .
in Z/i] as
(I+ iZ)(l- iZ) ~ (1 + i)(l- i)T'. 1\"ow 1 ± i has norm 2, and hence these two elements are irreducible. So by unique factorizatioit 1 + i divides one of the factors on the left -hand side, and by Lemma 1.5, the highest common factor of 1 + iZ and 1 - iZ is 1 + i. By unique factorization we may then write
1+iZ=(1+i)(m+in) 3
1-iZ=(l-i)(m-in) 3 .
This leads to the equation
(m+ n)(m ' -4mn+ n) ' = 1. Hence the only solutions are given by (m, n) back we find Z = ±1 and (X, Y) = (2, ±2).
(1, 0) or (0, 1). Substituting D
You should note that we really did use the unique factorization property of the ring Z[i]. The failure of unique factorization in other examples is really tlw least of our worries. It is not clear at first sight how much of the above proof eonstitutes a general methodology and how much uses special techniques which are only applicable to this example. We factorized the equation over the field Q(i); however, we could have used Q(-14). This may have produced other problems or it may have led to an easier proof. What would be the best strategy for a general curvP of the form Y 2 :::: X 3 + d? Should we use Q( /d) or Q( .Jf -d)? We reduced the finding of the integra! points on the elliptic Cllrve to the determination of the solutions to equations !lUCh as
+ n)(m 2 -
+ n 2) =
m(m 2 - 3n 2 ) = 2. Some obvious questions come to mind: Can we always reduce the problem to determining solutions to F(m, n) = r, where F(m, n) is a cubic forrn? Are such cubic forms always reducible? What do we do if we cannot easily spot ail the solutions to the equations F(m, n) = r, as we did in this example? We shall answer these questions in later chapters, by iiving a general method which works for ail elliptic curves. For the rest of this book we shall concentrate on trying to develop get1eral methods which answer the questions above, not only for elliptic curves, but for various other classes of diophantine equations. We would like methods which we can teach a
con1puter to perform. Therefore the rneth()d~ should not reqr1ire any in.sight or experience of a huwan mathematician to guide them.
Part 1
Basic solution techniques
Local methods In this chapter we give give a brief overview of p-adic numbers and various methods frorn what could be called 'p-adic numerical analysis'. This will be w·ry sketchy as the material is covered in many textbooks such as those by Cassels [24] and Koblitz [108].
ILl. p-adic numbers Let p denote a prime number. Every non-zero rational nnmber, r, can be writ.tE'n uniquely in the form r = po.njd, wherr~ a,n,dE Z, d:::_ 1 and (p,n) = (p,d) = (n,d):::: I. The p-adic absolute value of r is defined to be IriP= P-"'. For completeness we define IOIP = 0 and ordp(r) =a. The p-adic absolute value gives a multiplicative homomorphism from Q" to R.* which satisfies the triangle inequality
Ia + bl, <; Ia I,+ lbl,. As such it behaves rather like the ordinary absolute value that we all know and love. However, the p-adic metric is rather different in that it satisfies the stronger ultra-metric inequality
Ia + bl, <; max{lal,, lbl,}. Two absolute values (or valuations) are defined to be equivalent if they induce the same topology, i.e. they define essentially the same metric. It turns out that all non-trivial metrics on the rational numbers are equivalent either to the standard metric or to a p-adic metric for some prime number p. For the rest of this book we shall ignore the existence of the trivial metric on'IQ. The standard metric on 1Q will sometimes be called the 'infinite metric' or the metric corresponding to the 'infinite prime'. Usually one completes the rationals, IQ, to form the reals, R., using the standard absolute value by forming the set of all Cauchy sequences with the same limit, convergence being measured in the sense of the standard absolute value. Using the p-adic absolute value the same construction can be carried out. But now instead of ending up with the field of real numbers we end up with the field of p-adic numbers, Q,.
\Ve can think of a p-adie numbPr as a formal base p expansion which encodes properties modulo higher and higher powers of p. Every non-zero p-aQie number, n, can be written in the form
n~p" (~n,p'), whNe n, E {0.. ,p-1} and (p,n 0 ) = 1, we define ordr(n) =a and lnlv = p-". The p-adic integers, Zr· are defined to be the elements n E IQP with n == ordp(n) 2: 0 (equivalently lnlr = p-a :::; 1). It is clear that Zr contains a copy of N, as dements of N are just the elements of Zv for which all but finitely many of the r:oefficients, n., are zero. Obviously one cannot hold a p-adic number to infinite precision within a <.:Olllputer"s memory. just as onp cannot hold a real number to mfinite precision. It is usual to work to a given accuracy, so we hold a p-adic number as a triple, (a,.B,--y), where a,/3 E Z, "'( E ZU {oo} with a :S "'!and 0 :S (J < p"'~-", where either fJ = 0 or gcd(p. /3) = 1. Such a triple give~g a representation of a p-adic number n up to the p'"~ digit:
It is then an easy matter to define the basic operations on p-adic numbers in a completely element.ary and algorithmic way: Addition and subtraction. Let z = x ± y; then we have min("'/:,.,'Yy), ordp (p"'~ fix ± p"• /3y P-a, (p"~ fix ± p"Y fiy
/z 0: 2
.Bz =
(mod p1 ')), (mod p 1 ')) .
Multiplication. Let z = xy; then we have
+ O:y,
min (ax+ /y, O:y + 'Yx), f3xf1y (mod p"'~'-"').
Division. Let z = xjy. We can only compute this when /3y ":f:. 0, otherwiie we obtain an undefined object (rather like division by zero in standard real numbers). ~-ote that if By = 0, we may not be dividing by zero but by something ~ cannot recogni,;e as different from zero. So assuTIJing f]y ":f:. 0, we have IYx -
O:z )'2
min hx- O:y, Ux + )'y- 2o:y), .B:r:.B; 1 (mod p""l,-<>,).
As examples of this arithmetic of p-adic numbers let us consider the 3-adic nnmhcrs a= 3+ 2 · 32 +3 4 +0(3 5 ) .
= 2 · 3- 1 + 32 +2·3 3 +0(31 ).
So in this case we have that /3a=34,
a:,.= -1, ;1,. = 191, We then have that
a+ T = 2 · 3-t + 3 + 0(31 ). a· T = 2 + 3 + 32 + 0(3 4 ),
2 · 32 + 2 · 33 + 31 + 2 · 3-'i + 0(36 )
Just. as one forms algebraic numb(~r fields by polynomial extension of the raLionals. so one can form finite cxt<msions of the p-adie numbers by forming ]Jolynomial extensions:
Q,[X[/(JQ,[X]) ~Yhere f E !Qp[XJ is irreducible. The problem of computing in such finite extensions is solved in just the same way a.~ when using extensiO!iS of the rationals, i.e. by w.;ing polynomial arithmetic but this time with coefficients in iQp represented by the triplets discussed above. The process of taking such finite extensions must eventually terminate in the algebraic closure of iQp denoted~- However, ~ is not complete, in thr sense that there exist Cauchy sequences in ~ which have no limit. The completion of~' denoted np, is complete and algebraically closed. The p-adic valuation on iQp given by lxiP = p-o., Pxtends essentially uniquely to each extension field. \Ve can also arrive at finite extensions of iQp in another way which we flOW recap. Let K denote an algebraic number field. Each prime ideal, p, defines a valuation on the fiP.\d K which gives rise to a completion. ThP ,·aluation is given by looking at the prime ideal factorization of the principal ideal generated h_y the element rp E K. If
where a. b are integral ideals and p is coprime to 11 and b, then
::: p -<>fp'
where fp denotes the residue degree of the ideal p. In what follows we shall use Fp to denote the ramification index of p and p is the rational prime lying below p. Such a completion will be a finite extension of Q, which contains K, which we shall denote by Kp. In such a way one obtains an embedding of the number field into nP. This is similar to the usual s + t embedrlings of K into C, where s denotes the number of real embeddings and t the number of <.:amp lex conjugate embeddings. Beeausp of the similarity we shall ofterr refer to thesP s + t cmbeddings into the complex numbprs as giving s + t 'infinitP'
valuations and denote them by l·loo· It then turns out that all inequivalent valuations on K arc in a one to one correspondence with the set of 8 + t infinite valuations and the valuations arising from each prime ideal. There are then the following correspondences for a number field K = IQ(O) defined by a monic irreducible polynomial f E Z[X] such that f(O) = 0. We let p denote a prime (which could include oo). Let f = j 1 · · · fr denote the factorization off into irreducible factors in iQp Then each non-conjugate embedding into nv (or C) corresponds to one of the j;. Two embeddings arc said to be conjugate if they map 0 onto a root of the same j;. Such conjugate embeddings give the same valuation on K. lf p f. oo each factor j, corresponds to a prime ideal tJ lying above p.. In such a situation if 17 is the corresponding embedding into nP then we have, for any ¢ E K, the following identities:
N KjQ(P )-ordp(
) ~
The completion of K with respect to a prime ideal, p, which we shall denote by Kp, is called a 'local field'. The degree of the polynomial J,, and hence the degree of the extension ofiQP, is given by epfp· The residue field, k, is defined to be the quotient field Kp/(p). The residue field is a finite field of degree fp over lfp· One of the most important elementary facts in number theory is the fol· lowing generalization of Fermat's little theorem, THEOREM II.l (F'ermat's little theorem). Let Kp denote a local field and let = 0 then
o: E KP. If ordp(n)
ordp(o:NKp/Q(p)- 1 - 1) > 0. PROOF. This follows from the fact that the number of elements in the residue field is equal to NK;Q(tJ) = pf9 • 0
Another way of stating this theorem is that o;NKp/Q(P)-1
(mod p).
An element, a, of a local field which satisfies ordp(et) = 0 is called a unit, as it is an integer of the local field whose multiplicative inverse is also an integer. Fermat's little theorem tells us that any unit can be made congruent to one modulo p by just raising it to some power which is a divisor of Nxp/Q(P)- 1. For example, consider the field K = IQ(.j-1) and the element a= 1 + .;=I. As a has norm 2 it is a unit of Kp for any prime ideal p not lying above 2. The ideal p = (3) is prime inK and so has residue degree 2. Fermat's little theorem says that if we raise a to the power of some divisor of 32 - 1 = 8
then we obtain an element which is congruent to one modulo 3.
(l+Hl' (1 + vC1)
2R, =
-4 = 2 + 3 + 2 32 + 2. 33 + ... ,
16=1+2·3+3 2 .
Hence we need to raise a to the eighth power to achieve the desired result. V.'e let MK denote the set of all inequivalent valuations on the field K. The normalization we have chosen is so that the 'product formula' holds, i.e.
1¢1, ~ '
To see this let ¢ E K and divide the valuations up into two sets: one set being MK which consists of the infinite valuations and the other set being M2. which consists of the valuations arising from the prime ideals of K. Then ,\{K :::: Mf( U M~ and we notice that
1¢1, ~ INK/o(¢)1
1¢1, ~II NK/O(P)-"d'"' ~ INK/0(¢)1- 1 , P
as INK;Q(¢)1 is equal to the norm of the ideal generated by¢. Analogous to the p-adic integers Zp we can define the local integers in KP: these are the elements a E KP which satisfy Ialp 'S L This gives a rather neat way of defining the ring of integers of a number fidd K as it is the subring of K which satisfies OK= {a E K: lalp
'S 1 for ali prime ideals p}.
Later on we shall need to discuss S-integers and S-units. It is convenient to define them now. If S denotes a finite set of inequivalent valuations on a number field K, including all the infinite ones, we define the S-integers by
{a E K : lalv 'S 1 for all valuations v (j_ S}
and the S-units by OS= {a E K: lal, = 1 for all valuations v (j_ S}.
The S-units of a number field are, by the unit theorem of Dirichlet and Chevalley [113, Chapter V], a finitely generated abelian group. The rank of the S-units is equal to the number of elements in S minus one. For e}(ample, let K = 1Q and S = {2, 3, oo }. Then the S-integers of K are the numbers of the form
{c/2"3b: c E Z,a,bE N}; they clearly form a subring of K. The S-units are the group
{±2a3b: a,b E Z};
they clearly form a finitely generated abelian group of rank 2. One of the most important sets of functions we shall need to consider is height functions. Height functions tning together all the local information about a point in projective space and then give a measure as to how 'big' the point is. \Ve firstly consider projective n-space over K, PK· On this space W(~ define a 'local' height function for every v E MK by
{ u.K:
(x~, ... ,x,)
lR max(lxllv, · · ·, l:r,l,,)
The global height is then given by the formula
H,..(xl,··· ,x,) =
Av,K(XJ···· ,x,).
HowPvcr, this definition is dependent Oil which field we arc considering the x, to lie in. Hence we define the following absolute height:
H(xl, ... ,:r,)
HK(X1, ... ,x11 ) 1/[KoQJ_
Such an absolute height does not depend on the choice of the field K within which we think of the x, lying. Mostly we shall work with the logarithmic absolute height, or Wei! height, given by:
h(xl, ... , Xn) = log H(xl, . ... Xn)· So, to surrunarizE>, we have a height function called the logarithmic absolute height (or jnst height) given by the formula 1
h(x,, ... ,x") ~ [ . QJ max(log[x,[", .. ,log[x"[,). K · vEMK For any element et E K we define h(o:) to mean the height of the projective
point (1, a) E IP'k. Just to confuse the issue the literature mentions at least two other measures (or heights) of elements, o:, in a number field. If o: has minimal polynomial j(X) of degree d and leading coefficient a0 then one often sees mention of the functions H 0 (n) and M(o). H 0 (n) is the 'height' of the minimal polynomial, which is the maximum of the absolute values of the coefficients of j(X), while M(o:) is the Mahler height given by d
M(a) ~ ao II max(!, [a,[) where the product is over all the roots, n,, of j(X). We have the foilowing relationships:
h(a) ~
logM(a) d
, M(o),; vd+ !H0 (o), h(a),;
d (logHo(o) +log d).
The height function, h(a), is closely linked with the arithmetic of K via the inequalities h(o~),; h(o) + h(~)
h(c/') = lnlh(et) if 0 -:f:. n E Z,
h(etl + · · · + O:'n) ~ h(ett) + · · · + h(O:'n) + logn. To really see what the logarithmic height is telling you it is perhaps best to look at the t;implest example: let r = n/d E IQ denote a rational nnrnber in lowest terms. It is then easy to see that h(') ~ max(log In I, log ldl). It is then dear that there are only finitely many rational numbers with bounded height. Such a theorem is also true in general.
n there are only finitely many elements of PK unth absolute logarithmic height bounded l!y any gwen constant.
THEOREM 11.2. For any fixed number field K and positive integer
For more on height functions we refer you to the books by S. Lang [112] or Silverman [172] which have excellent accounts of the ba.~ic theory. Il.2. p-adic numerical analysis Jn this sroction we discuss a few topics which one sometimes meets in a numerical analysis course in the context of the real numlwrs, namely is~;ues of finding roots of polynomials to arbitrary precision using Newton's formula, computing solutions to power series equations to arbitrary accunu:y and providing algorithms to compute transcendental functions to a given accuracy. The analogues of these problems could all be considered to come from an area of 'p-adic numerical analysis'. 11.2.1. Newton-Raphson. Suppose we are given a mm1ic polynomial f(X) E Zp[X] and we wish to compute a root of this polynomial in ZP" One obYions
way of doing this would be to mimic the Newton-Raphson method that is used in the real case. This method is so successful and important that it is named after the person who first 11sed it in the p-adic context (namely HcrJsci). Hensel's lemma plays a fundamental role in rnany algorithms in computer algebra such as polynomial factorization. \V!mt Hensel's lemma does is to provide a criterion for when a solution modulo p" can be made int.o a solution modulo pn+i. VVe say the ::;olution modulo p" is 'lifted' to a solution modulo pn+i. 'Fhis process can then be repeated to lift the solution modulo pn+i to a solution modulo p"+ 2 and so on. THEOREM II.3 (Hensel's lemma). Let f(X) E Zp[X] be monic and let ao E ZP denote an approximation to the value of a root of f(X) such that
lf(aollv :S.
20 1 - .,
wher·e. 0 = ordv(f'(ao)). Then the following sequence tends to a root a E ZP:
j(a,) an+ I =a,.- f'(a.,).
In addition the limit, a, is the unique root of f(X) satisfying
Ia- aolp < p- 6 . We break the proof up into stages. Firstly we prove the following lemma LEMMA 11.4. We have for all n EN,
lf(a,)ip <
!an- Un-tlp <
PROOF. \Ve prove this by induction a5surning the result holds for all values Jess than or equal to N. By the second assumption there is a b E Zp _snch that So then But then
ordp(f'(aN)) ~ ordp(f'(aN_ 1))
= · · ·::::
hence our first assumption implies tllat
/(aN) I < -2-N-> If'(aN)P-P. Thus laN+l- a Nip-::; p-0-(N+l)'
which proves our second assertion. To prove the first assertion we need to apply Taylor's theorem,
2 (f(aN)) 2 , (f(aN)) (f(aN)) f(aN,.)~J(aN)-f(aN) !'(aN)+ !'(aN) c~ f'(aN) c,
where c E Zp. Hence we find -2&-2(N+I) < -28-(N->-1)-1 _ P _ P · lil a N+l )I p < The initial case of N = 1 is trivial, so we have proved the lemma.
PROOF. [Of Hensel's lemma] Using the previous lemma it is clear that the, sequence converges to a zero of the polynomial f(X). Hence we have only'• to show that this is the unique zero Within the required range. Suppose that, there is another root a: such that
Ia:- alPS. p-5-t. We shall show that Ia:- aN IP S. p- 5-N-t implies that Ia:- aN +liP S. p- 5-N- 2,,. from which the result will fo!low. Again using Taylor's theorem we find that. 1 (putting pO+N+lb =a- aN for some bE Zp) there is acE ZP such that f(aN)
+ f'(aN )p6+N+lb + p26+2N+2b2c = f(a)
= 0.
Hence we obtain
and so D
For example, let p denote an odd prime and consider the polynomial j(X) = X 2 + 1. Clearly a solution of this equation modulo p can be considered as an element, a: 0 , of ZP such that
1- 0
(mod p).
Hence by Hensel's lemma we can 'lift' a ,;olution modulo p to a solution in ZP" E.g. X 2 + 1 has the following solutiO!! in Z5: 2 + 1 . 5 + 2. 52
+ 1 . 53 + 3 . 54 + 4. 5 5 + 2 . 56 + 3. 57 + .
So Hensel's lemma provides a mechanism to lift an approximat-e solution modulo an appropriate power of p to a unique solution in ZP.
11.2.2. Power series in one variable. Let an be a sequence of p-adic numbers; then the series E a, converges when an ---1- 0 (in the p-adic sense). This gives a rather nice convergence criterion for power series. Let f(X) = a 0 + a 1 X + a 2 X 2 + · · · denote a power series with p-adic coefficients. Then this converges at a point x if and only if a;x' ---1- 0. Hence it will converge for all values of x if lim sup ja;j~;; = 0, i.e. the a, become very highly divisible by pas i increases. The main result we shall require on power series in one variable is the foliowing theorem due to Strassmann, which allows us to bound the number of zeroes of such a series in the p-adic numbers. THEOREM II.5 (Strassman'n). Let a; denote a sequence of p-adic numbers,
nol all zero, and let f(X) = l:a,X' i2':0
denote a power series which converges for all x E ZP, i.e. la;jp N such that
ja,jP <
max la;lp, laNIP for all i >
Then there are at most N elements a
Zp such that
f(a) = 0.
0. Define
PROOF. Once again we use induction. Firstly we prove the initial step and suppose p,r = 0 and that there actually is an o E Zp such that f(o:) = 0. Hence
as N =
which is a contradiction. \Ve now prove the induction step and assume that N > 0 and that the theorem is true for N- 1. Let n denote a fixed zero of j(X). If no such a exists ther1 we are done. \V1~ define a new function g(X) by
We then find that: L
Then as a E z; and N ?_ 0 we find that 3. If i 2: N we find that
lbN-IIp = laNiv·
,, laJIP < laNiv·
~ rnaxN_
Hence we see that the power series y(X) satisfies the conditions of the theore~ but for [\' - L By our inductive hypothesis there an~ then at most N -~ elements ,8 E ZP such that g(f3) = 0. We finally have to show that this impli : that f(X) = 0 has at most N solutions. \\-'e already know the existence o
f(X)- f(a) ~ I:a,(X'- a'),
f(X) ~
(X- a)g(X).
Hence any solution of f(X) = 0 is either a solution of g(X) = 0 or equal t n. So there are at most N solutions to f(X) = 0.
Jl.2.3. Many power series in many variables. Vie shall assume we are giv(m n power series in n variables with coefficients coming from Zp. We let / denote such a vector of power series. \Ve define the Jacobian matrix of such a system by
Tlw determinant of the Jacobian matrix we shall denote by J11X). \Ve shall require the following standard result on formal power series. LEMMA IJ.6. Let
denote ann-vector of power series inn variables with no Then has an 'inverse' vector of power constant term. Suppose J1-{0) E senes with respect to composition of functions.
PROm'. See [83].
This result is used to prove THEOREM 11.7
(multi-dimel!Sional Hensel). We again let
denote ann vecE 8Uch
tor of power series m n variables. Suppose there is a vector ii
ordp(Jl(ii)) < oo.
where 0 Then there
(mod p 25+ 1 ),
a unique zero of the system of power series ii such that
(modp6+ 1 ).
This is completely analogous to the standard multi-dimensional version of the Newton Raphsou algorithm in ordinary numerical analysis. PROOF.
Just as in the proof of Hensel's lemma we prove this using a Taylor
[(a+ p6 X)= /(a)+
Jac 1-{ii)pliX
+ p26 T(X).
The remainder power series F"(X') will have zero constant and first dcgreP terms. We then define the new vector of power series
x + M(x'),
where A is the unique matrix such that AJac1-{ii) = p6In.
The vector of power series §(X) has an inverse, by Lemma 11.6, with respect to composition of functions g- 1 ; this inverse also ha:. no constant terms. We then find
{(a+ p 6 !J 1 CR))
/{a)+ Jac1-{ii)pli_q(g 1 CR)), =
/(it)+Jac 1-{ii)p6.X,
We know that We then define
!(a) =
p 2Jb, where ~ a::::
li is a
vector congruent to
i5 modulo p.
a+ p~g 1 ( -11'b-) .•
[{a) =
{(ii)- AJac1-{ii)p0b, /(a) - p 20 b:::: 0.
That a is the unique such vector follows from the fact that the matrix A has determinant equal to a unit in Zw Hence :i:::: -Ab is the unique solution to the equation
p20 b+ Jacr(ii)p 0:i = and X is congruent to
6 modulo pas b is.
II.2.4. The lwasawa logarithm. While we are talking about analogueS of fe!lU!ts and problems in standard numerical analysis we shall discuss how to compute p-adic logarithms. Firstly we look at the usual Taylor series!
expansion of the normal real logarithm about the point 1,
( 1)'+1 x' log(l+x)=L- .
' which satisfies the identity
log((!+ x)(l + y)) =log(!+ x) +log(!+ y). We could define a p-adic logarithm by taking the above series as a dcfinitio However, we have to worry about convergence problems. Now if z E np and if iz- liP < 1 we define the p-adic logarithm by th same series
log,(z) ~-
L (1 - 'i' •2:1
which certainly converges. In such a region of convergence we therefore al have the identity
log,((!+ x)(l + y)) =log,(!+ x) +log,(!+ y). In the region where 1z1P
< p-I/(p-l) we also have that ordp (logp(l
+ z))
= ordpz.
We would like to define a logarithm for the whole of i1p. We do this using idea of lwasawa with the following rules: • For all x,y E i1P we have logp(xy) = logp(x) + logP(y). • If w is a root of unity in i1p and s E Z then logp(wp') = 0.
II.2_ p-ADIC ;-
t:sing the above definition we can evaluate the p-adic logarithm at any point n E
In our later examples a will be a unit of some Kp where K is some number field and p is a prime ideaL So we shall assume that this ca._<;e holds for mnvenience. ~ote that a E Kp implies that logP(a) E Kp as K~ is complete. We let e denote the ramification index of p and f the residue degree. By Fermat's little theorem we know that the order of the image of a in the residue field Fpt divide!> pi- 1. We can hence compute the order of the image of a in Fpt. call it o. This can be done by using either a -naive method or the Baby-Step-Giant-Step method, see (32]. For clements of large finite fields the determination of o may not be that easy, however in the examples which interest us t.he field will be relatively small. ~ow note that if we choose t such that p1 > e, and assume p is odd, then
(1- a")P' = 1-p1a"
+··· -aap'
and so ordp(1 - a"P') > ordp(pP') > 1. It is easily verified that the last inequality also holds for p = 2. Then 1 t -1 (1-oPP')' logP(a) = - 1 logp(aop) = -, ;c____::__!_ op op i;?:l l
\Ve are hence left only with the task of studying how fast such a series converges and developing techniques to speed the convergence up. We shall want to know how many terms to take to obtain a desired level of accuracy, a question which is answered by the following result: LEMMA 11.8. Let ordP(1-z) 2: 1 and let M denote an arbitrary given mteger. We let N denote the smallest integer solutwn of
I (logn --+M ) . - ordp(l- z) logp
n> Then we have
log, z ~-
+ O(pM).
PROOF. First note that ordPn ::;_ logn/ logp for all positive integers n. Now, if n?: N, we have
e::; +M)
2: > M.
logn logp
md, (-
z)') 2: M.
From which the desired result follows_
Algorithm for p-adic logarithms
DESCRIPTION: Finds the p-adic logarithm of the algebraic number o: E K with respect to the embedding of k into 0-P given by the ideal p. o: is assumed to be a unit of Kp INPUT: a E K, a prime ideal, p, of OK and a natural number M. OUTPUT: The p-adic logarithm /3 up to an accuracy of pM. 1. Compute o such that ordp(oP-1)>0. 2. Set "! = etop' vhere t is chosen to be the smallest number such that m:::: ordp(r -1) ?_ -}ordp(D(B)) + 1.
Compute the smallest integer solution, n, to
n~(~+M)fm. 4. 5. 6.
Set {J ::::: 0 and 6 := 1 -I· For i = 1, ... ,n do B;~fi-6/i. J;~J(l-"1).
7. 8. 9.
•~ fi/(op').
In such an algorithm we need to take care of any coefficient swell. If, K = Q(B) we can write "!- 1 as a polynon1ial in fJ. We can fl.':l~Ume that. no coefficient has a denoHJinator divisible by p, hence- we can assume that! 1 ~ 1 E Zp[B]. By the choice of o and t the polynomials representing .!3 and~ 0 have no coefficients with p-adic value greater than one. For the reason for, the choice of t see the proof of Lemma VI.4. Hence we may red11ce every: ) coefficient in the algorithm by taking its value modulo PM-t-logM/Iogp.
This allows us to take care of the possible coefficient swell. . Suppose one wanted to take the 3-adic logarithm of the rational integer 2j FirSt we need to coinpute an exponent o such that 2° = 1 (mod 3). Clear!~ we can take o = 2, in which case we have i logJ(2) = logJ(4) 2 .
Hence we need to compute log 3 (4), but as 4 =: 1 (mod 3) this can be done from t.he series
- z:: (1 ~ 4)', ;2:1
Hence log3 (2) = 2 · 3 + 2 · 32 + 35 + 36 + 0(3 7 ). One way of speeding up the computation of p-adic logarithms is to use an observation of de Weger [208]. Instead of using the series
we could usc instead the series
Of course if we make z very close to zero p-adically then the above series will converge much faster. All in the exa111ple above, suppose we want to compute log 3 (2). Again this is easy once we have computed log 3 (4). We find log 3 (4)
log3 G~t)
2G+ 1~5 + 1::~5 + -- ·)
= 3 + 2. 32 + 3 3 + 2. 35 + 2. 36 + 0(3 7 ). Of course this section wquld not be complete without a discussion of the p-adic expont-ntial function. This is defined by expPz =
'" L!'
•2:0 n.
\vhich converges if ordPz > 1/(p- 1). It also satisfies the following formulae, ilr t1w region in which it is defined: (1 expp(zl
+ z)" ;::::: + z2) :::=
expP (alogP(l
+ z)),
ordpz == ordv(expp(z)-1). f'inally we notice that we have
LEMMA 11.9.
Let a E OP denote a p-adic unit, If
ocd,(o- 1) > 1/(p- 1)
then ordp(a- 1) PROOF.
= ordp(lo~
This follows from the above equalities for expP.
11.3. Exercises 1). Let f denote ann-vector of power series inn variables with no constant term. Show that if Jr{o) E then {has an 'inverse' vector of power series with respect to composition of function~>.
2). Show that there are only finitely many i E bounded height.
for a uuntber field K with
3). Determine the p-adic roots of the following polynomials up to the tenth p-adic digit for p = 2, 3, 5, 7: X 2 +2, X 3 +3X -1, X 4 +1, X 4 +2X-l. 4). Compute the 5-adic logarithms of the following rational numbers
3/5 ' 5/3 ' 16' 3 ' 1/3. 5). Compute the 3-adic logarithms of the following algebraic numbers
1+H, 1+v'=l, 1-(-1)'1'. 6). Let 0 denote a 7-adic root of the polynomial X 2 + 4 + s. 7 + 4. 72 +
s. 74 + 0(75 ).
Determine all the solutions, up to an accuracy of 0(73 ), to the simultaneous equations 5s + t + 6nt + 7(s + t + 0) + 72 (t 2 + 0- 1) + 0(73 ) 5s + t + Ot + 7(2t + 0) + 72 (s + t + 0- 1) + 0(73 )
0, 0.
Applications of local methods to diophantine equations In this chapter we give some so--cailed 'local' considerations which either allow us to completely solve a diophantine equation, aid us in locating the solutions or give us iliformation about the solutions which can be used in a more advanced method. We show how to apply the p-adic analysis of the last chapter to find solutions to equations using Sko!em's method and then finally we discuss how various pieces of local information can be put together in an algorithmic manner using sieving. Sieving is no more than a catch- ali phrase for a process meaning applying local considerations one after another to sieve out (or remove) non-solutions. The idea behind sieving is that anything left after we have used a sieve has a good chance of being an actual solution.
III. I. Applications of Strassmann's theorem '0/e shall now give three examples where we can apply Strassmann's theorem, Theorem II.5, to deduce information about diophantine equations. In ail three cases we derive a p-adic power series and then apply Strassmann's theorem t.o bound the number of solutions to the diophantine equation. Its range of application is, however, rather limited.
III.l.l. X 3
+ 6Y 3
±1. We shall now show that the equation X 3 +6Y 3 = ±1,
where we are only interested in solutions with (X, Y) E 'Z?, has only the trivial solutions (X, Y) = (±1, 0). Firstly consider the algebraic number field K = IQ(O), where 03 + 6 = 0. \Vhy, you may ask, choose this number field? This should be the one which ~prings immediately to mind in such a situation as we can write our equation
NK;o(X- OY) = ±1. The field K is a cubic number field with one real embedding, it therefore has a single fundamental unit which is given by 1 + 60 + 302 • Such a fundamental unit can be determined quite easily using the modern methods explained in [32] and [34], or using a computer package to perform the calculation for you. It is clear that the only units of finite order inK are ±1. By considering the factorization of our Thue equation (X- OY)(X- OwY)(X- Ow'Y) = ±1, 33
where w is a non-trivial cube root of unity, we see from the unique factorization of the ideal (X- 8Y)OK that we must have X- 8Y = ±(1 + 68 + 382)k_ \Ve can then formally expand the right hand side as a power series in k, to obtain
X- OY ~
±(1 +3(e'k+2ek)+9(20'(k' +k)) +27( ..
)) . (III.!)
We then notice that X 3 +6 is irreducible over (b, a fact which we can deduce either by actuaily trying to produce a non-trivial factorization or by noticing that there is only one prime ideal of K lying above the ideal (3). We can hence equate coefficients of 8 in equation (III.l). The coefficient of 82 then gJVes us 0 ~ ±(3k + 9( ... )). From Strassmann's theorem we then deduce that there is only one 3-adic solution to the above 3-adic power series. But we already know one solution, namely k = 0, which corresponds to our known solution.'l of the original equation. Hence (X, Y) = (±1, 0) are the only solutions. III.1.2. X 3
+ 2Y 3
±1. We now consider the Thue equation X3
+ 2Y 3
This only has the integral solutions (X, Y) = ±{1, 0) and ±(1, -1), as we shall now show. We consider the field K = Q(8) where 83 + 2 = 0. In this field we again have one fundamental unit, namely -1-8. Consideration of the factorization of X 3 + 2Y1 leads us to the equation X-OY~±(-1-e)'.
)J"aively applying the method above will not give us any p-adic power series to which to apply Strassmann 's theorem. \\-'hat worked in the first example was that the fundamental unit was congruent to 1 modulo 3 and hence the power series in k which we obtained converged 3-adically. By Fermat's little theorem we know that for every algebraic integer, a, of K and every coprime prime ideal, p, we have U 0 = 1 (mod p), where o divides p/•- 1. By raising U to the pt where pt > ep we obtain (as we did in our previous discussion of p-adic logarithms) 0
(mod p).
In our example if we consider the prime ideal lying above {3), which completely ramifies, we see that ( -1 -e)·' ~ 1 - 3e(l +e).
Hence we should consider the following three eqnations:
±(1- 30(1 + 011' ±(1 + 0)(1- 30(1 +Oil' { ±(1 + 01'(1- 30(1 + 01)'
when k when k when k
= = =
3s, 1 +3s, 2+3s.
We expand the right hand side of these equations as power series in s and then equate coefficients of 82 as before to obtain tl1ree 3-adic power series in :; which have to be zero for a solution to our original diophantine equation. These three power series are then given by o~
6>+9(. .. 1 when k = 3s, 6H9( ... 1 when k = 1 +3s, { 1 +9( ... 1 when k = 2 + ,3,~.
We deduce there is at most one solution, s. to the first two 3-adic power series equations and there is no solution to the third equation. By inspection we see that our original equation has a solution when k = 0 and k = 1. Hence these two solutions must be the only solutions. So the only solutions are given by (X,YI ~ ±(1, 01 a,d ±(1, -11. 111.1.3. X 3 + 6XY 2
3 - Y = ±L In this example Strassrnann's tl1eorern will also show us where to look for a solution as well. We shall show that the only solutions to the Thue equation
X 3 +6XY 2
Y 3 = ±1
ar0 given by (X, Y) = ±(1, 0). ±(0, 1), ±(1, 6). To see this consider the field K = IQ(B) where ()3 + 68- 1. InK there is
one fundamental unit given by B. We notice that
03 ~ (1- 601
(mod 31
and that there is only one ramified prime ideal lying above 3. \..Ve look at the three 3-adic power series, given by setting a = 0, 1 or 2 in the following equation :
e' ~ &"(1- 6&1',
e" ( 1 - 6BH 1BO'.,' + 27 (... 1) ,
from which we deduce that there are at most six solutions, two when k = 1 (mod 3) and four when k = 0 (mod 3). We easily fi11d the solutions k = 0,1 which correspond to (X, Y) = ±(1, 0), ±(0, 1). The other two solutions must lie in the family k = 0 (mod 3) which suggests we look at k = ±3, ±6,. Luckily we find the final two solutions at k = 3. The above example shows how we can use p-adic arguments to locate solutions as well as bound the number of actual solutions. From these examples it appears that the method works for all examples of cubic Thue equations of negative discriminant. This is however rather optimistic, We leave it a:;
an exercise to construct an example where the arguments above do not work. For example try one of the examples above but with a different prime. It also appears from the above examples that we need to use primes for which there is only one prime ideal lying above it. This is not true but using such primes makes the presentation neater. For more general primes one needs to decide on which prime ideal to choose and then find a p-adic power series which must be zero for a solution to exist. We cannot just equate coefficients of (]2 in the general case. V\1e can however find a suitable p-adic power series by, for instance, using Siegel's identity (see the next section).
111.2. Skolem's method In tl1e last section we saw how, if we conld produce a p-adic power Sf~ries in one variable, we could bound the number of solutions to a diophantine equation. However, we would have to be dealing with very small problems for the above method to work all the time. An obvious extension would be to generalize the method to the case when we obtain power series in many variables. In such a situation we will require many power series as well. The idea behind this solution method, often callc!d Skolem's method, is to generalize Hensel's lemma rather than Strassmann's theorem. Then after a finite amount of 'sieving' we can hopefully locate all the solutions. In any case "''e will at least obtain an upper bound on the number of solutions if this method works. The method dates back to Skolem and his school in the 1930s. Until the 1980's it was the main method used to solve many diophantine equations. Its popularity has since waned with the advent of the 'magic' LLL-algorithm which we shall come to later. However, we shall see later that the modern methods and Skolem's method often share the sieving process in common. The sieving process will turn out to be the major bottleneck. Hence from a computational point of view Skolem's method, when it works, is often no worse than the modern methods. We shall explain this method with an example.
111.2.1. X 4
2Y 4 = ± L We shall now show that the Thue equation,
2Y 4
has at most 12 solutions in integers. To study this equation we first have to consider the quartic number field K = IQ(O), where fr -2:::0. The unit rank of the ring of integers is two and we can take as a pair of fundamental units the elements r11 =
We therefore have to determine all possible pairs
X - BY
a1, a2
= (3 = ±TJr'11Z' ·
to the equation
The smallest prime number which stays prime inK is 5 and in the residue field the image of 17 1 has order 12 and the image of 1J2 has order 312, indeed Tli~ == 1 + 5. 28 2 +5 2 ( .•. )
1]~ 12 = 1 + 5(402 + 38 3 ) +5 2 ( ... ).
Hence we could equate coefficients of ()2 and 83 in the identity X- BY= ±ry~'TI~'(l
+ (17/2 -l))k'(l +
(17~12- 1))k2
t.o find two power series in the two variables k 1 and k 2 • However, we would haw~
to do this for all possible values of the b; which range 0 S b1 S 11,
0 S b2 S 311. Hence this looks rather an unpromising situation.
'Nc instead notice that over the algebraic closure of 1Q we have four equations of thP form X-B;Y=.rJ, which correspond to the four roots of our polynomial X 4 - 2. Eliminating X and Y from these four equations gives us two equations for the /3;, namely
+ (B,- 0,)3, + (0,- 0,)3,
fori ::: 3, 4. This last equation is often referred to as Siegel's identity_ I\' ow thf' prime 7 decomposes in the field K as a product of three prime ideals, one of degree 2 and two of degree 1. In othrr words, modulo 7 the polynomial x 4 - 2 factorizes as a product of two linear and one quadratic polynomial: x 4 - 2 := (x + 2)(x + 5)(x 2 + 4) (mod 7), a:-; 7 is not an index divisor. We take 81 ,fh to be the 7-adic roots of x 4
given by 81 =2+7( ... ), 82=5+7( ... ). \Ve then take fh polvnomial
0 and 84 == 0' to be the roots of the 7-adic quadratic
In the two degree-one 7-adic localizations of K the elements TJ~
both satisfy
(mod 7).
In the quadrati<: 7-adic localization of K we find that the ry, satisfy 11f :::o 1
(mod 7) , 17~ 8 :;;; 1
(mod 7).
We write a 1 ::: b1 + 6k 1 and a 2 == b2 + 48k 2. We first need to determine which values of 0 :5 b1 :o::; 5 and 0:::; ~:::; 47 solve the following congruences, which mme from Siegel's identity:
(B,- o2)17il)b,mob, +(81- 8;)1J\2)b,rA2)b, +(82 - 8J)1Jii)b,~i)~ :::o 0
(mod 7)
for i = 3, 4. To do this we need only loop through the 6 x 48 possibilities for the b, and test these in the previous equation. We find that there are 6 possible pairs (bt, b2) given by
(b, b,) = (0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 23), (3, 24), (3, 25), (5, 47), Then given these solutions we need to expand the equatiom in (III.2) as two 7-adic power series in the variables k 1 , k 2 . V\·'e obtain the following 7-adic power series. ft and h. in each of our six cases: 1. bt ::: ~ ::: 0.
h !2
5kt+k2+60k2+7( ... ), 5k 1 +k 2 +Hk 2 +7( ... ).
2. bt = 0, b2 ::: 1. ft
h 3. bl
5. bl
5kt +
+ 50kl + 7( . . ),
5kl + 6k2 + 20kl + 7( ... ).
2, b2 = 23.
It= h = 4. bl
4+5kt+3k2+0(2kt+5k2)+7( ... ), 4+5kl+3k2+0(5kt+2k2)+7( ... ).
~ =
4+2kl+6k2+0(4+k~)+7( ...
4+2kt+6k2+0(3+6k2)+7( ... ).
3, b2 = 25.
5 + 2k1 + k2 + f"l(l + 2kJ) + 7( ... ), !2 ::: 5+2kt+k2+0(6+5kt)+7( ... ). =
6. bt ::: 5, b2 = 47.
6 + 2kl + 4k2 + 0(5kt + 2k2) + 7( ... ),
6+2k 1 +4k2+H(2k 1 +5k2)+7( ... ).
In each of the above six cases we apply Theorem 11.7 to find that in each case there is exaCtly one possible solution in (fr. As every one of these cases corresponds to two solutions of our Thue equation, X 4 - 2Y 4 = ±1, we have an upper bound on the number of solutions of 12. A trivial search reveals 6 solutions: b, b, X y 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 -1 0 1 -1 1 5 47 -1 -1 5 47 1 1
Hence there could exist another six possibk solutions. To eliminate. or find, these one could either use another prime or apply some of the methods in later chapters. However, our method has at least told us that the remaining ~olutions (if they exist at all) lie in one of the three families 2
(mod 6), a2
= 23
(mod 48),
(mod 6), a2
= 24
(rnod 48),
(mod 6), az ~ 25
(mod 48).
(i) a 1
(ii) a 1
\Ve also know that Cfu:h family can only contain at most one pair of solutions. This idea of finding congruence conditions on the cxponer1ts of identities satisfied by solutions of diophantine equations will come up again when we discuss sieving an S-unit equation. V\1e can treat the first. part of the above method as ·sieving' ollt the six possible families of (b1, b2) from the 288 possible families. Hence although Skolern's method has not worked, using the prime 7, it has giwn us information which we could use later in the more advanced methods.
111.3. The Hasse principle We sometimes use local considerations to show that no solutions exist to certain diophantine equations. Every local field (be it Q,, lR or Kp) contains a copy of IQ. Hence if a solution to a given equation exists then there is a solution in every such local completion. This often gives us a very easy check as to when a diophantine equation is not soluble. As a rather silly example consider the equation
xz+yz=-1. This eqJlation certainly has no real solutions. It hence has no integral (or rational) solutions either. As another example consider the equation
17y 2
This has no solutions in (h as the congrueiJce x 2 -:::::::: 3 (mod 7) has no solutions. Therefore this equation also has no rational solutions either. The previous t\VO examples are special cases of the projective plane curve of degree 2, i.e. a ternary quadratic form:
aX 2 +bY2 +cZ 2
Giveu a, b, c E .Z we are interested in determining whether such an equation ha<; a solution in relatively prime integers {X, Y, Z) which are not simultaneously zero. Obviously we need first check whether it has a solution in Q, for every prime number p. We shall show how to do this in Chapter IV. It turn.s out that this is all we need do
THEOREM III.l (Hasse). The equation
aX 2 +bY 2 +cZ2
has a non-trivial solution m Z? if and only if it has a non-trivial solution in every prime p (mcluding x).
PROOF. An exercise, which can be found in many books which disn18S quadratic forms SlH:h as [25, Chapter 5]. D You should note that this theorem gives us a little rnore than is really required. It can be shown that the number of primes (including oo) for which the equation aX 2 + bY 2 + cZ 2 = 0 is not locally soluble is always even. Given the above example we have the following definition. A diophantine equation is said to satisfy the Hasse principle if the existence of rational (global) solutions is guaranteed by the existence of~ adic (local) solutionH for C\"Cry prime p (including oo). The Hasse principle is also often called the local-global principle. We see that the equations of Hasse's theorem satisfy the Hasse principle. However, we are not always so lucky. The standard example of an equation which does not satisfy the Hasse principle is
3X 3
+ 4Y 3 + 5Z3
due to Selmer. This has no rational solutions but has local solutions in every field. We shall return to the failure of the Hasse principle later when we discuss elliptic curves.
111.4. Finding small solutions Sometimes when one solves a diophantine equation one has a bound on the solution space or one is only interested in 'small' solutions. It would be nice if there was a fast method to locate all solutions up to any given bound. In terms of the language of Section 11.1 we wish to determine ail the solutions with bounded logarithmic height. We could just run through all possibilities checking each one in turn. We shall call this the naive method. It is easy to !lee that this naive method applied to an equation in two variables would take at least O(e 2B) operations, if B were the bound on the logarithmic height. This naive method is analogous to the naive method for finding prime numbers. The naive method for prime numbers takes each integer in turn and checks whether it is a prime_ However, for over 2000 years a much better technique has been known, namely the Sieve of Eratosthenes. In this method composite numbers are eliminated (or sieved out) by using small prime numbers which have already been found. Generalizations of the Sieve of Eratosthenes have been used for theoretical purposes in the analytic theory of numbers for many years. They are also used in algorithms for factoring
and solving the discrete logarithm problem in grollps <mch as~· V\-'e shall use a computational analogue of this sieving procedure to find the required small solutions. Like the Sieve of Eratosthenes we use information gleaned from ronsid~ ering small prime numbers to remove large numbers of non-solutions from consideration. In other words we look at where the solutions could be locally, using mod p or p-adic arguments. This local information is then put together to deduce information about the location of global solutions. We eliminate as ma11y solutions as possible at the first stage using a single prime. The remaining possible soh1tions are passed to a second stage where they are checked modulo a different prime q and so on. At each stage one has sieved out a large number of non-solutions. For example suppose we wish to find ali rational solntions to the equation
aX 4
+ bX:J + cX 2 + dX + e
with h(X) :5 B, some given positive constant. Firstly we write X as NJM with N, ME Z coprime and IH :::-: 1. We then know we must find all solutions to the equation (M'Y)'
F(M, N)
aN 1 +bMN 3 +cM 2 N 2 +dM 3 1~ +eAf 4
max(INI,.:'vf):::; e 8 .
Heuristically we believe that for a given, random prime p the expression F(Af, N), for any given M and N, is a square modulo p about half the time. Hence looking modulo p, for a single prime number p, will hopefully eliminate half of the solution space. We define a sieving procedure as follows:
Recursive algorithm for sieving a curve of the form Y 2
DESCRIPTION: Sieve(M,N,R): Finds all solutions to the equation Y 2 = F(X) with INPUT:
Solutions to (III.3) with h(X):::; B such that X=NJM with N-N0 -=oM-Mo~O (modR). Choose the smallest prime, p, such that gcd(p,R) = 1. For M 1 = M 0 to pR step R do, For N1 =No to pR step R do, If Mt and N 1 are not both divisible by' p then If F(Mh Nl) is a square modulo p then If pR > 2eB then Check i f N 1 /M1 or (N 1 - pR)/M1 really is a solution and if so print it.
OUTPUT; L 2. 3. 4. 56. 7-
h(X):<;B. M 0 ,N0 ,REZ.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Else Call Sieve U\J1 , I1l 1 , pR) . Endif. Endif. Endif. Enddo. Enddo.
This sieving procedure is called via Sieve(O, 0.1). It works in a recursive way by assuming we have a solution (1\1/0 , /1/o) modulo H. It then lifts this solution to a new modulus pR where p is a prime number coprime tO< R. For every solution modulo pR found it calls itself again nntil the current modulus is greater than 2eH. When the current modulus is greater than 2e 8 the currer1t values are tested to see if they really are global solutiom. The method is therefore essentially a depth first strategy. It is probably best for very small primes p to usc Pither prime powers or composite moduli in the loops rather than just the prime p itself. An alternatin' approach would be to only usc primes larger than 5, say. Essentially we have combined local information using a Chinese remainder process to obtain information about possible solutions up to the desired bound. However, here, as each prime taken wa-; coprime to the current modulus, the Chinese remain~ dering needed wa~ trivial. Later on we shall adapt this method to find an efficient sieving procedure for exponential diophantine eqnations where the moduli will not be coprime. It remains to discuss how much faster such a sieving technique will be. We first note that B(x) ~ Iogp"' O(x).
hence the largest prime we need to take is of size loge 8 = B, and there arc roughly BJ log B primes less than Bin size. At each step we eliminate roughly half of the cases modulo p; hence the complexity can be estimated by Time
~ Pi (1 + ~~
( 1 + ~~ 2
< B2 ( 1+ BjlogB
(1 + .. ·))) ,
+ ... ))) ,
2: ,,_,,
2B 2 =
O((B2/2)Bflog B).
-1) (Sum of a G.P. )
So we seP that using sieving gives a slightly better running time than thP naive 1nethod. Clearly whether sieving is better in practice than thP naive method would dept~nd on the implied constants which arise from the implementation. In addition the above a11alysis of the sieving method has been very pessimistic so as to make the formulae easier to handle.
III.5. Exercises 1). Determine an upper bound on the number of solutions to the Thue equations for various values of d. 2). A..pply the method using Stra.:;smann's theorem to the equation .T3+6y3=±1 for all pnmes p :::; 29 . .3). Determine upper bounds on the number of solutions to the Thue equation x4
+ dy4
= 1
for various values of d. 4). Find all solutions with h(x) :::; 7 to the equation
y2 =
+ 1.
5). Sl10W that there arc exactly six solutions to the equation x4-
2y4 = ±1
by using Skolem's method for primes other than the one used in the text. 6). Show that 3x
+ 4y3 + 5z 3 =
does not satisfy the Hasse principle.
CHAPTER IV Ternary quadratic forms In this chapter we consider the problem of determining the rational solutiO! t.o equations of the form
+ Bxy + Cxz + Dy 2 + Eyz + Fz 2 = 0, E Q and (x,y,z) # (0.0,0). Clearly determining
Q(x, y, z) = Ax 2
where A,B,C,D,E,F t1 integral solutions to such equations is equivalent to determining the ration solutions. We wish to develop procedures to decide whether such an equatic has a non-trivial rational solution and if it does have a non-trivial ration solution to then find one in a reasonable amount of time. We shall show that if such an equation does have a non-trivial ration solution then it has an infinite number of such solutions. This infinite set , solutions can be parameterized, a fact which shall be used later in studyir other types of equations. Much of what follows can be found in the boc by' :\1ordell [138]. We reproduce the methods here as we shall use them in variety of contexts elsewhere, such as 1. Determining integral points on elliptic curves by reducing to a fini set of Thue equations. 2. Solving discriminant form equations in quartic number fields. 3. Determining a basis for the set of rational points on an elliptic curvE
IV.l. A normal form Clearly if we are interested in the rational solutions to Q(x, 'y, z) = 0 we cc make a rational change of variables without altering the existence or otherwi: of rational solutions. The equation Q( x, y, z) = 0 determines a curve of gem 0 in lP' 2 and we would like to determine a 'better' equation for such a cur' which is more convenient to work with. LEMMA IV.l. The equation Q(x, y, z) ::: 0 is equivalent to one of the form
ax 2 +by2 +cz2
= 0
where a, b, c E Z are square free and pairwise coprime. PRooF. \Ve first make the change of variable, if A -:f:. 0, x e--> x- (By+ Cz)/(2A)
which eliminates the terms in xy and xz. If A =<= 0 then a related change o yariab!e will do the same trick. This puts our curve of genus 0 in the form A':r 2
+ D'y 2 + E'yz + F'z 2
= 0.
\\'e ran then make the similar change of variable
y >----t y- E'z/(2D') to eliminate the term in yz. Hence we can place our curve in the form
a.x 2
+ by 2 + cz 2 =
with a, b, c E IQl. By multiplying through by some common denominator Wf can assume that a., b, c E Z. V\'c now need to show that. we can take a, b, c to be square free and pairw~ coprime. If a is not square fre1~, then it is of the form a'a" 2 and we can mak1 the change of variable x r-t rja" to obtain an equation with a square fr~ value of a. Similar considerations will obviously apply to b and c. Hence ~ can suppose that all of a, b, c are square free. : :\low suppose that a, b, care not pairwise coprime. we can however assn that gcd(a,b,c) = 1. \Vithout loss of generality we can assume that pis, prime factor of both band c. i.e. b::::: pb' and c = pc'. Making the change variable x r-t px our equation becomes
pax 2 + b'y 2 +dz 2
All of the above changes of variables will map rational points to ration points and so the result is proved. A ternary quadratic form which satisfies the condition of the above !em shall hence forward be referred to as reduced. V.'e will remove from any futu discussion the when the curve is degenerate i.e. we shall assume th abc "I- 0. IV.2. Local solubility As mentioned in Section 111.3, one way of showing the non-existence of rati nal points is to determine a prime, p, for which the equation has no non-tri solutions in IQlp. We shall assume our curve of genus 0 is reduced, this cleat will not affect the question of whether it has non-trivial solutions in !Qp. we have 2 2 2 Q (x,y,z) =ax +by +cz =0.
For finite places, p, we can assume that any non-trivial solution in Q. normalized such that x, y, z E ZP and min( ordp(x), ordp(y), ordp( z)) ::= 0. now treat each possibility in turn.
IV .2.1. p = oo. Clearly a necessary and sufficient condition for a solution to exist in JR.3 \ {0, 0, 0} is that a, b, care not all of the same sign. By multiplying through by -1 anrl permuting (x,y,z) if necessary we can a.<;slnne that if (J(:c,y,z) = 0 has a rational soh1tion then a,b > 0 and c < 0. IV.2.2. p odd and p does not divide abc. \Vc shall show that in thif; case II'(> always obtain a p-adic solution. First consider the ease when the three Legendre symbols
m, m, (~)
arc not all equal to each other. \Ve can then, by reordering the variables if necessary, assume that (-::")
Hence we have a solution modulo p given by (xo, 1, 0) where x 0 E then apply Hensel's lemma, Theorem 11.3, to the polynomial
If we
a.X 2 + b = 0
then we see that x 0 can be lifted to a p-adic solution, x, as we have 2ax0 =f: 0 (mod p). \Ve aie therpfore left with the case when all of the three Legendre symbols are equal. In such a situation a solution modulo p cannot exist with any one of .r, y or z being congruent to zero modulo p. \Ve can then assume that z ~ 1 (mod p). Then as a =f: 0 (mod p) we have
x 2 =a- 1 (-by 2 -c)
Taking all possible residue classes for y we see that the right hand side takes a total of (P + 1)/2 values. So at least one value of y gives a value of the right hand side which is a square modulo p, it cannot be zero modulo p by assumption. To show that Q(x, y, z) = 0 is locally soluble in Q, we need to show that this solution modulo p can lift to a solution in !Qp. Let our modulo p solution be denoted by (x 0 , y0 , 1). Again using Hensel's lemma, Theorem II.3, we can show that there is a p-adic solution (x. y0 , 1) with x = x 0 (mod p). We can see this by considering the polynomial equation f(x) = ax 2
+ by5 + c =
With x E Q,. We already know a solution modulo p, namely x 0 . This will automatically lift by Hensel's lemma to a solution in Q, if ordp(f 1(x 0 )) = 0, but this is clear as f'(x) = 2ax.
IV.2.3. p odd and p divides abc. By symmetry we can a.'!smne that~ divides a only. Suppose that we have a solution with z = 0 (mod p) then~ must also have y ~ 0 (mod p). We can then assume that x = 1 (mod p) an(j we have the equation, with x = 1 + px0 , y = PYo and z = pzo, 2 2 a(1 + XoP) + &{ly5 + cp zo = 0
which is impossible modulo p 2 as a is square free. Hence we can assume t~ z 1- 0 (mod p). The equation modulo p then becomes
= -cz
(mod p),
henc:c if we have a solution then -be must be a quadratic residue mo?ulo We can then find a solution modulo p given by (0, y 0 , 1) where y~ ~ -cf (mod p). This will lift to a p-adic solution by Hensel's lemma as above com;idering the polynomial f(y)~by'+c
as clearly y0 =P- 0 (mod p).
IV .2.4. p even. One can show in this case, although it is rather tedio that there is a non-trivial solution in ~ if and only if there is a non-tri solution to the congruence ax 2 + by 2
+ cz2 = 0
(mod 8).
To summarize we have shown: THEOREM
IV.2. The equation
ax 2 +by 2 + cz 2
= 0
with a, b, c E Z, pairwise coprime and square free is locally soluble everywh if and only if 1. a,b,c do not have the same sign. 2. It is soluble in IQp for all primes p which divide 2abc. In particular this last condition is equivalent to 1. There i8 a non.trivial solution modulo 8. 2. x 2 +bc::: 0 (mod a) andx 2 +ac= 0 (mod b) andx 2 +ab = 0 {mod are also soluble. We can eliminate a prime to test here as it is known that the num of primes (including infinity) for which a conic is not soluble is always e We then have a very fast procedure to determine whether there is a soluti everywhere locally. Such a procedure will run in subexponential time as is only as fast as determining the primes which divide abc, and factoring known to be a subexponential time problem. The problem now is, given know whether such a solution exists, can we find a solution when we kn one does exist?
IV.3. Global solubility Suppose \\'(' have a curve of genus 0 given by an equation ax 2 +by2 +cz2 =0 \\'hich we a:;sumc to be reduced. We have just shown that we can, in subexponentia\ time, determine whether a solution exists to this equation in Z 3 \ {(0, 0, 0)}, as ax 2 + by 2 + cz 1 = 0 satisfies the Hasse principle, as wa.<; mentioned in Chapter III. \Ve would like to produce a solution: the standard way of doing this is using Rober's theorem: THEOREM IV.3 (Holzer). If there is a non-trivial solution then there i.~ one
which !latisfies
lxl <: ~, IYI <: /i;:;;j, lzl <:
vfabl. 0
PHOOF. See /138, Page 47]
The theorem ~>ays that if you want to find a non-trivial solution then loop through ail the above pos;.;ibilities. This clearly takes O(lal~) operations, awl is therefore exponential in the length of the input data. This is rather unsatisfactory given that we can decide whether a solution exists in much bettor than exponential time. It would be nice to be able to obtain such a solution in subexponential time as well. We shall now give three methods to find such a solution. Each method displays an important principle in solving diophantine equations. However, the first two methods are only meant as illustrative examples; our third method is the one which is the most efficient and which should be used in practice.
IV.3.1. A sieving method. Adapting the sieving algorithm of Section IliA iu rombination with Holzer's theorem will allow us to find a solution. Recursive algorithm for sieving a ternary quadratic form DESCRIPTION: Sieve(x 0 , y0 , M):
Finds solutions to the, locally soluble everywhere, equation ax 2 + by 2 + cz 2 = 0. INPUT; Xo,yo,MEZ. OUTPUT: Solutions to (IV.1) with x,y,z bounded by Holzer's theorem with x- x 0 ~ y- y0 ::o 0 (mod M). 1. Choose the smallest prime, p, coprime to Af and c. 2 · For x 1 ""Xo to max(p M, y'ibcf) step M do, 3.
'·S. 6.
For Y1 =Yo to max(p AI,~) step M do, If p does not divide both x 1 and y1 then I f -(ax~ +byf}fr is a square modulo p then If M p > min(v'fbcl, then
Check if (x 1 ,yh.j-(axi+byi)jc) is a solution. If so then print it.
8. 9. 10.
Call Sieve(xi,Yl·PAf) · Endif.
11. 12. 13.
Endif. Endif. Enddo.
IV.3.2. A method using quadratic number fields. Let K denote a number field, m ~ 2 an integer and S a finite set of plane~ of K including all the infinite ones. We let K(S, m) denote a set of representatives of K• / K•m such that if we adjoin the mth root of an element of K (S. m) to K we obtain an extension unramified away from S. We ~hall choose the representatives to be elements of OK and to not be divisible by any mtl'-power in OK\ Oic Equivalently we have K(S,m)
(mod m) for all p ¢ S}.
It is clear that K(S, m) is a finite group. If the class number of K is equal to one then it is rather easy to compute as it is nothing but os;o,~m, where OS denotes the S-units of K. If the class number i!l not equal to one then it is a little more tricky to compute, however, if one is willing to assume the generalized Riemann hypothesis (GRH) and other conjectures, it c:an be computed in subexponential time, as its computation involves only a little linear algebra and the testing of ideals for principality, see [171] for the case m = 2. The complexity is roughly (assuming GRH etc.)
LnK(l/2,c), for some positive constant c, where DK is the discriminant of the field K. The group K(S, m) will occur over and over again as it is used in methods for finding integral points on elliptic curves, solving quartic discriminant fortp equations and determining the ~1ordeii-Weil groups of elliptic curves and higher genus hyperelliptic curves. We now return to trying to solve
Q(x,y,z)::: ax 2 +by 2 +cz 2
= 0
for integer pairwise coprime values of x, y and z. Clearly this is equivalent to solving x 2 + all-/ = -acz 2 , for integer pairwise coprime values of x, y and z. By assumption ab is square free and hence K = Q( V-ab) is a ·quadratic number field (except in the case
{a.b} = {-1,1}. which we can ignore as thrm there is a solution which is easy to spot). \Ve can write the last equation as
Suppose IJ is a prime ideal of K which divides ( x + ·../ -aby) to an odd power. t.hPn from the unique factori<>ation of i1kals either p divides ac or p divides ;;. If 1J divides z then it must also divide x- ~y and sop divides 2x and '2vCQ5y. Suppose now that 1J does not di\'ide 2 or ab then it m11St. divide both x andy which contradicts the coprimality of x, y and z. So if we let. S denote the set of valuations, v, of K for which
then, up to multiplication by elements of K• 2 , we have x +.;=;;:byE K(S. 2).
\Ve are only interested in tho.':ie elements of K(S, 2) whose norm is equal to -ac modulo Q- 2 . For 1;uch element we can equate coefficients of 1 and ~ to wad off values for x and y. Computing a corresponding value of z is then easy. This gives us a conjectured subexponential method of finding a solution to our t.en1ary quadratir: form. (I would like to tha11k S. Siksek for the above observation.) Suppose one wants to solve
\Ve look at this a.~ a norm form over K = IQl( V-11 ),
\Ve therJ compute K(S, 2) for this field K. where Sis the set of prime ideals dividing 2, 3 and 11. AsK has class number OliC this really is not necessary but a simple equation will help illustrate the method:
K(S. 2)
(-1) X (v=i!) X (2) X ((1 + v=i!)/2) x(-1 + (1 + v=i!)/2).
\\:e tl:wn consider only those elements of K(S, 2) whose norrn is equal to 3 modulo squares. There are eight such elements, one of which is (1 + .;=IT)/2. Hence this tells us that we can take x = 1/2 and y = 1/2, which leads to :: = 1. Homogenizing our solution we see that a solution is given by (1, 1, 2). We clearly do not really need to compute K(S, 2), we Oiily need to 1:ompute an element in K whose norm is equal to 3 modulo squares. This is true no matter what the class number is. However, as the group K(S, 2) will come up in later chapters it seemed only right to introduce it at this point.
IV .3.3. A descent method. The following method is due to Lagrange and makes usu of Fermat's method of descent. The existence of a solution to our desired ()quation is deduced fro1n the existenee of a solution to a 'smaller' equation. The existence of a solution on this 'smaller' equation is in turn deduced from the existence of a solution on an even ·,mailer' equation, and so on. Eventually we reach an equation which is so small it is ea~y to spot a solntiOIJ. We start with the equation
ax 2 +&y 2 +cz 2
= 0
with a, b, r being square free and pairwise coprime and which is everywhere locally soluble. We then make the transformation z 1-t wjc and multiply the equation by c and set A = ac and B = be to obtain the equation w2 = Ax2
+ By2.
Clearly A, B E Z arc square free. We can assume that IAI ::; jBj. Vo/e shall also assume that IBI "1- 1, as if IBI = 1 there is a trivial solution. \Ve now find an r EN such that r 2 =A (mod jBI), with the choice of the square root r being so that 0 :::; r ::; jBj/2. That such an r exists is due to our equation being everywhere locally soluble. We then set r2
-A= BB'J2
where B' is square free. We then have that
~ I'~~'AI s
I''; AI s I~
I+ 1
If we now make the change of variables rX- W r2 - A y y r+ Ed
-AX+rW r2 - A 2 2 then our equation becomes W = AX + B'Y 2 . Ail we need now do is repeat
the method again and again until we get an equation which solution which we can spot.
a trivial
Descent method for ternary quadrics DESCRIPTION: Descent(A, B): INPUT: OUTPUT:
Uses Lagrange's method to determine a solution. The equation w 2 = Ax2 + By 2 , which is locally soluble everywhere. A solution (x,y,w).
1. 2. 3.
If IAI > IBI then return (y.x,w) = Desccnt(B,A). If A= 1 then return (1,0, 1). If B = 1 then return (0, 1, 1).
Find r E [0,. . , IBI/2] such that r 2 =: A (mod B). Let d2 be the pa.rt of Q = (r 2 - A)jB. Set B'=Q/d2 and d=Jd2. Set (X, Y, W) = Descent(A, B'). Put y::::BdY, x=rX+W and w=AX+rW. Return (x,y,w).
5. 6.
7. 8.
lt remains to discuss just how fast. the above method is. On paper it seems rather fast; however, there are two hidden snags in the method: ~ • V..·'e need to be able to factorize the number B if we are to extract a square root modulo IBI. • We need to be able to factorize Q, as the only known way to extract the square part of a number is to completely factorize it. However, it does give a fast nwthod in practice as we shaillH>w see. We shall return to our example considered above,
+ lly2 -
3z 2 = 0
which we rewrite as x~
= 3z~- lly 2 •
So A = 3 and B :::: -11, and we find that if we set r = 5 then r 2 ~ A (mod IBI). [f we then apply the transformations x = (-3X + 5Z)j22, y = -Y/11 and z = (5X- Z)/22 then we obtain the 'smaller' equation · 2 2 2 Z ::::; -2Y + 3X . We can then apply the method again with r 1, to obtain the 'trivial' equation Z 'l - -2 I + Y2. From which we can find a solution and therefore recover a solution to our original problem.
IVA. New solutions for old Using the methods outlined previously we can determine whether
Q(x, y, z) = Ax 2 + Bxy
+ Cxz + Dy 2 + Eyz + Fz 2 =
has a non-trivial solution and if so find one. This was achieved by looking at the 'reduced form' ax 2 + by 2 + cz 2 • Let us now suppose that we have determined a non-trivial rational solution (xo,Yo,zo) E Z 3 . We will now attempt to parameterize all other non-trivial solutions in terms of this known one. \Ve will hence obtain new solutions from our known old solution.
By a permutation of the variables we can always assume that x 0 then obtain the general solution using the following formulae:
0. \Ve
x = rxo y=ryo+P z=rzo+q
where p, q and rare rational parameters. V.'e shall assume that x, y and z are also solutions to our quadratic form, with x, y, z E Z. Hence ali solutions to our quadratic form are given by specializing the parameters p,q and r. But we cannot just specialize them to anything. It turns out that we can take p and q to take any values we want but that then r will be given if (x, y, z-) is to be a solution of Q(x, y. z) = 0. substitute the above formulae for x. y and z into our quadratic form Q(x. y, z) to deduce
where c 11 ... , c5 are constants which can be easily computed in any given example. !\"ow by assumption (x 0 , Yo, z0 ) is a known solution and so Q(x 0 , y0 , z0 ) is equal to zero. Hence we can write
We obtain
(clp + c2q)x (c 1 p + c2q)y (clp
+ Czq)z
We now multiply p and q by their common denominator so that they take integer coprime values (we shall also call the resulting new variables p and q). Hence for some g E Z we have 2 2 gx = h(p,q) = a1,1P + a1,2PQ + a1,3q , 2 2 gy = h(p,q) = a2,1P a2,2pq a2,3q , gz = h(P, q) = a3,1P 2 a3,2PQ + a3,3q 2,
+ +
E z. If we can deduce then that g comes from a finite set of integers then we can express x, y and z as a finite set of quadratic forms in two coprime integer variables p and q. Note that g may be equal to zero only in the case when (c 1p + c2 q) = 0. We shall now assume that g -=f. 0. If we write A= (a,, 1 ) where a;J are the integers in equation (IV.2) above then we can express (IV.2) as the following matrix equation: whf~re a,,1
Hence det(A)
( p') :~
= g adj(A)
(") ;
and so g must divide det(A) as (p, q) = 1. That det(A) is always non-zero can be checked by a computer algebra system, indeed in [71] it is shown that it. is equal to the determinant of the quadratic form. There is then only a fitlite number of possible values for g. There could still be a large choice for t.he number of such possibilitiet~. In [71] the following trick is suggc.:;ted for reducing this number of possible values. The possible values of g must bp such that we can find p, q E Z/ gZ which satisfy
(mod g), (mod g),
(mod g),
with gcd(p,q,g) = 1. Continuing the example considered above we wish to express all solutions to
x2+11y2-3z2 ::::0
in terms of quadratic forms in two integer valued coprime variables p and q. \Ve have alrPady found one solution, namely (1, 1, 2) so we now make the transformation X= T ,
= T
+ p,
= 2r
+ q.
Substituting these expressions into our quadratic form we find
Finally scaling p and q to take integer, coprime values we see that the quadr
llp2 - 3q2,
33p 2
22p2 + 22pq- 18l,
12pq- 3q2 '
where g is some integer value. If we are interested in rational values for x, y and z then we could assume that g = 1 and p, q E Q and wp would be done. However. our restriction of p and q to coprime integer values and our interest in integral values for x, y and z leads us to the problem of determining g. We first form the matrix A,
11 0 33 -12 ( 22 22
-3 -3 ) -18
We wish to determine for which values of g does the following matrix ence have a solution
A (
~; )
(mod g).
It is easy to determine all such g by taking the Hermite normal form, see [155] or [32], of the matrix A. In our case, the (row-reduced) Hermite normal form of A is given by
1103) 0
2 0
0 6
Hence we deduce that g must be a divisor of 132, but g must also be such that 6q 2 =o 0 (mod g), 2pq = 0 (mod g) and llp 2 + 3q 2 = 0 (mod g). Kow if 4 divides g then 2 must divide both p and q, but we have assumed that p and q are coprime. Hence the only possible values for g must be plus or minus a divisor of 66. A quicker way to see that g must divide 66 is to note that g must divide the largest elementary divisor of A. As the Smith normal form of A is diag(66, 2, 1) we immediately see that g must divide 66. IV.5. Exercises
I). Show that ax 2 + by 2 + cz 2 = 0 with a, b, c pairwise coprime and square free is solvable in (b if and only if it is solvable modulo 8. 2). Show that the gin SectionlV.4 must always divide the largest elementary divisor of A. 3). Determine which of the following curves of genus 0 have rational solutions:
(a) 2ac+3b 2 +3c2 -2bc=O. (b) 4bc +b' + 2ab + c2 = 0. (c) 18ac+ 40c2 +43b 2 + a2 + 34ab + 60bc = 0. (d) 26ac+352+53b 2 +6a 2 +40ab+l14bc=O. (e) 18ac+llc2 +17b 2 +2a 2 -16ab-30bc=0. (f) 4ac-5c 2 +b2 +2a 2 -6ab+4bc=0. (g) -58ac-138c2 -93b2 +15a 2 +18ab+244bc=0. (h) 62ac+33c2 + 57b2 +8a 2 - 56ab- 94bc = 0. 4). For ail of the curves in the above exercise which you have shown do possess rational solutions: (i) Find a rational solution. (ii) Parameterize all other solutions in terms of two coprime integer valued variables p and q.
5) Show that ax 2
+ by 2 + cz 2
= 0 ;-;atisfies the Hasse principle.
6) Give a method to compute K(S, m) for any number field K, anf set of places S (which includes ali the infinite ones) and any integer m 2: 2. 7). For •rdrious number fields K, sets of primes Sand positive integers m compute K(S, m). (This question will almost definitely require the use of some computer system which allows one to compute dass groups, units etc.)
Computational diophantine approximation In this chapter we look at ways of approximating irrational numbers by rationals. We are interested in ways of tdfective\y finding 'good' approximations and ways of showing that one cannot do this too well. By this we mean that the then~ is a trade off between the accuracy of the rational approximation (LIJd the size of the integers that make the rational approximation. In our later applications we will combine this with theoretical diophantine approximation results to produce a practical method to solve a large class of diophantine equations. The results in this chapter provide the computationa~ means by which the theoretical results of Baker and others are converted into practical results. \Ve start by looking at the one variabl0, and then we consider a Kay of generalizing this to many variables. There are many ways to do this generalization, we present the one which has been the most successful in recent wars, namely the algorithm of Lenstra, Lenstra and Lovli'iz. This algorithm is usually referred to as the 'LLL' algorithm in honour of its inventors. It bas proved a useful tool in much of computational number theory. For instance we can use it when computing units and class gJoups of number fields and it can also be used to factor rational polynomials. We shall concentrate on its u:;e in solving diophantine equations.
V .1. Continued fractions Here we comider the one variable case which we approach through the classical theory of continued fractions. We just skim through the theory leaving you to prove the main results (those who are lazy could perhaps refer to one of the standard text books such as Hardy and Wright [96] or Davenport [43]). Let a denote a real number and lx J denote the largest integer less than or equal to x, sometimes called the floor of x. Set ao = l a J. Then if ao f:. a define a, > 1 by a= ao + 1/a1 and put a 1 = lnd. :--.Jow if a 1 # a 1 we define U2. az in a similar manner and so on. We hence obtain a sequence of numbers a, which is finite if and only if the final term an is equal to an. If such a sequence is finite then it is obvious that a is a rational number. We also define two other sequences (Pn), (qn) by the formulae
with initial values given by Po= ao, qo = 1, PI= aoai + 1 and q1 = a 1. The; an arc called the partial quotients of o: while the fractions Pnfqn are called the convergents to a. The complete quotients of a are the nurnhers u,. There is another interpretation of the convergents as a 'continued fraction': 1
p,Jqn = ao
+ --;-:;:-:=:"::r== Gr + a2+
The convergents satisfy the following identity which is crucial for the-study of continued fractions: LEMMA V.l. For n EN we have
PROOF. We set L':.n = Pnqn-I - qnPn-l and prove the result by induction on n. The result is clearly true for n = 1 as 6. 1 = (aoa,
+ 1)- aoa1
Hence we shall assume the result has been proved for all k < n, and try to: prove the result for n: L'-..n
+ Pn-2)qn-1- (a,.q,._J + Qn-z)Pn-1
Pn-2Qn-1- Qn-ZPn-1
-6.,._1 =
So the result follows by induction. We note the following identity which shall come in useful later: a ~ ca~"c+c•Pc"'c+-'p""-=c' Ctn+JQn
+ Qn-1.
This allows us to show THEOREM V.2.
a as n-+
The p,. and q" are relatively prime integers such that p,.jq,.
PROOF. That the Pn and q,. are relatively prime follows from Lemma To see convergence notice that Ctn+ 1Pn
+ Pn-1
+ Qn-1 Qn c,." q,.(an+lQn + q,._t) Un+lQn
j\ow as O:n+l >an+! we have p" I 1 0:- Qn :S QnQn+l. I But (qn) is a strictly increasing sequence of positive real numbers so
lim Pn = o:, Qn
as required.
'V'oie writcpn/Qn = [ao,aJ, ... ,an] and
a= lim Pn/Qn = [ao,al,a2,···l· "--->00
As an example the first four convergents to (3, 7] 22/7, 333/106, ]3, 7, 15] [3, 7, 15, 1] 355/113, [3, 7, 15, 1, 292] ~ 103993/33102,
are given by
1771"- 221 ::; 10- 2 II061r- 3331 ::; w- 2 4 I1137T- 3551 :::; I331027T- 1039931 ::; 10-4
The number with the worst behaved convergents (in terms of the rate of convergence) is
a~ ~(1 + Vs) ~
[1, 1, 1, 1, ... ].
We have the following result, the proof of which is left as an exercise: V.3. The following facts hold for the convergents of an irrational rfal number, o:: • The convergents (Pn, Qn) make the linear form x - yo: very small. Explicitly we have Jq"a- p"J <: 1/q". Indeed if p, q are two integers such that
PI :::;
1 2q
then pjq is a convergent too:. • The denominators, qn, of the convergents, Pnfq,, increase at an exponential rate. Note that we have phrased the above in terms of how to make a two term linear form become very small. The generalization of the above to linear forms in many variables will be the main subject of this chapter. We end our discussion of continued fractions by looking at the continued fraction expansion of quadratic irrationals. A pur8ly periodic continued fraction is a continued fraction for which there exists an integer n, called the period, such that a; = an+J+;
for all i 2: 0.
If a is the limit of such a continued fraction we write
In such a situation a satisfies the equatiou
O:n+l =
+ Pn-1
+ qn-1
On clearing denominators this means that a must satisfy a quadratic equation. On the other hand we call a real quadratic irrational, n, reduced if a> 1 and ci, the quadratic conjugate of a, satisfies -1
PROOF. See [43J[Chapter IV] or one of the exercises at the end of this chapter. 0
Now let N denote a positive integer which is not a perfect square. Clearly
.jN is not a reduced quadratic irrational a.~ -.jN < -1. However, if we set a 0 ::: l .jF/J then a0 + .jN is a reduced quadratic irrational. By the above theorem it will have a purely periodic continued fraction expansion, which will be of the form ao
+ .jN = [2ao, a1, ...
Hence the continued fraction expansion of .jN will be periodic (bnt not purely periodic) as it is of the form
with an obvious notation. For example we obtain
= [6, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 6, 2, 1, 1,3, I, 12].
We can then deduce how to solve Pell's equation
x 2 -Ny 2 =1 or the more general equation
THEOREM V.5. Suppose
and let k denote an mteger of the form m(n + 1)- l. Then the convergent8 (Pk, qk) are solutions to 2 PkNqk2 = ±1
\Ve have
= Ctk+!Pk ak+!Qk
+ Pk-I + Qk-I
anrl as .jN is periodic we have, by choice of k, denominators in the identity above we find
(.jN + ao)Pk + Pk-I Equating coefficient~ of
Dk+J =
.JiJ(( .JN + ao)Qk
.JN + a0 .
So clearing
+ qk-d·
.JN gives us Nqk ~ aopk,
Pk-r Qk-!
Pk- aoPk·
nut then we have PkQk-!
Pk(Pk ~ aopk)- qk(Nqk- aopk)
N qk. '
So (Pk· Qk) is a solution top~- Nq~ = ±1.
It can be shown that the solution to x2
Ny 2 = ±1
given by (pn, qn) is the smallest such non-trivial solution and hence
+ .fNq.
is the fundamental unit of the field Q( .JFi) when N is square free and not Col!gruent to 1 modulo 4. A similar method can be used to determine the fundamental unit. when N ::= 1 (mod 4), see (32] for details. As an example of solving Pell's equation consider x
13y2 = ±1
in this case we have
Vl3 ~
[3, 1, 1, 1, 1,6]
.and with k = 4 we find (pt, qk) ::::::: (18, 5) and 18 2 ~13·5 2 =~1.
But looking at the next period we have
Vl3 ~ a11d with k
[3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6]
9 we find (pk, qk) = (649, 180) and 649 2
13 . 1802 = 1.
V.2. Approximation lattices We have just seen how we can produce very good rational approximations to real numbers which have 'small' numerators and denominators. We indicated that one could prove that to produce very good approximations you needed to use larger and larger numbers in the numerators and denominators. In this section we shall consider the following generalization. Consider the linear form
= Cto
+ x1et1 + · · · + x,.a,.
where o:, E lR are given and the X; are integer variables. Such a linear 'fonn is called homogeneous if tto = 0, otherwise it is called inhomogeneous. One could ask how small could
IL(xJI become if we restricted the x, to be not too 'large'. We obviously exclude some rather trivial cases, for example
• In the homogeneous case we do not consider the case X; = 0 for all i. • We assume the a, are linearly independent over Z. In other words we, cannot have L(X) = 0 with X E {0}.
zn \
To study such a situation we encode the linear form L(X) in a matrix:
'A'e then look at all vectors of the form AX, where :i ranges over all of Z". We aim to determine when such vectors are close to the vector (0, ... , 0, -ao) 1 E R.n.
The set {AX: X E zn} is called an approximation lattice inn-dimensional euclidean space. In the homogeneous case we are therefore looking for small_ vectors in the lattice. We have translated our diophantine approximation' prOblem into a problem about lattices. The advantage is that the computa-· tiona! theory of lattices is very well developed. Notice in the above it is more important that x~, ... , Xn-l are small than Xn. In applications this will not be a problem. However, the nth element in all vectors in the lattice will be very, very small in comparison to the x; for any vector X which corresponds. to a small value of the linear form. Therefore· it is common practice to scale the final row by a suitable weight factor. We
choose a 'large' integer C and instead consider the matrix
wlJPre [r] deiJotes the nearest integer to r (with any fixpd convention for numbers of the form (2m+ 1)/2). The above situation can be gelieralized to the situation where we have man:v linear forms. Suppose we have the following set of linear forms:
= C.j,o
+ · · · + :r,ctj,n , j = 1, ... , m
:-; n.
\Vc can then approximate these with the lattice generated by the columns of the following matrix: 1
[Cct 1 ,1]
1 [Ct
Using this we can produce approximation lattices of complex linear forms as follows: Suppose now that the a; are complex numbers. If L(X) is small then hoth the real and imaginary parts of L(X) should be simultaneously small. Hence we approximate the linear forms !R(L(X) and 'S(L(X)) by the lattice
A~ [Cal~ [
[Cal( a._,)] [Cc:l(a._,J]
\Ve shall always permute the a; such that the determinant of the above matrix is non-zero, if possible. VVe shall not consider cases where this cannot be done.
V.3. Lattices We now discuss the basic theory of lattices. Fix a positive integer n. A lattice i:s a Z-module spanned by n linearly independent vectors in R.". The spanning set is called the basis of the lattice. Hence a lattice is a set
~ {f:xJ, 'X; E '""I
with the column vectors b1, ... , b, being a basis of £:. (and hence a basis of IR" ). We let B denote the matrix with columns b~. ... , b,.. It is easily seen
that a lattice basis is unique up to multiplication on the right by an element of GLn(Z). The dpterminant of the lattice is defined to be~(£) =I det(B)j, so the determinant does not depend on the choice of basis. If we let ( , ) denote the standard cudidean inner-product on R.n then the square of the euclidean norm of an arbitrary element v : : : L x,.b, in the lattice
IIVII 2 = i!iJ =
jf B! B:i = Q(:i)
gives a positive definite quadratic form Q(:i). Similarly every positive definite quadratic form, Q(X). gives rise to a lattice. If wr: let A denote the matrix of the quadratic form. Then after computing its Cholesky decomposition etc we can take the columns of C as a basis of a lattice. As the lattice is discwte there is a well defined \'alue for the size of the smallest non-zero vector in the lattice. This value is called the first successive minimum of the lattice, and it is usually denoted Af1 . Determining the exact value of M 1 is a very hard problem. There is an algorithm, due to Fincke and Pobst [56] for determining the smallest vectors in a lattice but it is rather slow in practice for large lattices. Later in this chapter we will see that we can find a very good guess for the smallest vector in a lattice using the LLLalgorithm. For now, however, we will content ourselves with the following upper bound on l\11 • THEOREM V.6 (Hermite's theorem). Let C denote an n-dimen.~ionallattice with first successive minimum M 1 • There exists a condant fin E JR> 0 depending only on n such that M~ S p,.6.(£t
PROOF. See [155, pp 197 198].
The best pmsib\e values of the constants 11n of the theorem are called 'Hermite's t:onstants', and are denoted~~- Their exact values are only known for n S 8,
1i = 1, = ~~:::: 2, = 8, 1Z = --;, rj = 64,
1'1 = 4, 1'g :::: 256,
while for n 2: 9 there is only the upper bound
~~ s (~rr(n;4r. We can consider lattices as analogous to finite dimensional inner product spaces that one meets in linear algebra courses, except the scalars are restricted to lie in the ring Z. The first result one usually learns about inner product spaces is that any basis can be altered to form an orthogonal basis with respect to the inner-product. This is done by means of the GramSchmidt process:
\'.7 (The Gram -Schmidt Process). A vector space with a basis b1 , and inner product ( , ) ha8 an orthogonal ba8i8 given by /h, ... , b~
. , bn u_;here
~b,- L,f-l,, 1 ~, i ~ 1, . . ,n j=l
In our ~ituation this is useless as we can only make such a change of variable if f1,, 1 E Z for all i and j. The idea behind the algorithm of Lmst-ra, Lenstra and Lov!isz is to try and get close to such an orthogonal ba.~is. Orthogonal ba.'"lCS provide one of the main tools in numerical analysis for approxiulating functions. We shall see that the almost orthogonal bases of Lenstra, L(mstra and Lovlisz provide a powerful tool when it comes to diophantine approximations. Following Lenst.ra, Lenstra and Lov
IJ-liv I :5
1/2 , 1
< i :5
n, and
2. ~
lib: + ~,,,_,b:_, II :> 4llb:_, II ,
1< '
<: n.
The first condition says that the vectors of an LLL-rcd11ced ba.<>is are almost orthogonal. thP second condition imposes a restriction on the relative sizes of thr vectors in the basis, since the second condition can be rewritten as
as can at once be verified using the fact that the Gram-Schmidt vectors, b;, are ort hogona\. Such a basis always exists and can be computed very quickly, a result which we shall leave to the next section. In the rest of this section we detail some of the properties that an LLL-reduced basis will have, the main result being: THEOREM V.8. A.~8ume
that the colurnn8 of the matrix B repre8ents an LLL1'educed basls of a lattice C. Lei the columns of B* denote the Gram-Schmidt ba8L~ constructed from B U8ing the formula above. Then l. Forl$j$_l$nwehave
II~>', II',; 2'-'11~>':11'·
~ TIIIbdl <: 2"'"-"1'"(£). •=1
Before we prove this result we I!Ote that it is really only the last of t;,.hese properties which we shall use. In applications we shall use it to estimate a good value for the mysterious constant C mentioned earlier, (V.l). PROOF.
1. Given that the basis is LLL-reduced we find that for
2, ... ,n,
;. II 2 2 zllb,_, 1 ~. II 2 · lib,-. II ' :> (34 - ~'•.._, ) lib._, Hence by induction, for 1 S j S l S n, the inequality [[bj[[ 2 S 2'-1 [[bi[[ 2 holds. Then from the definition of the Gram Schmidt basis we find
(I+~,,_,_,) lib: II',
~(2'- 2)) lib: II',
< 2'-'llb:ll'. So we obtain for 1 ::;; j :5 i
:<:;; n,
Which is the first statement we were required to prove. 2. As the b; are orthogonal it is clear that we have
"(£) ~
1det(b;, ... ,b;,) I ~ 11 lib: II i=l
From the first statement of the theorem, which we have just prowd, and the fact that llh'ill $ lib, II we obtain !>(£)
II llb.IL •=1
II '''-" 1'11h:IL
1 '"'"-" '
II lli":ll,
2n(n-l)/4 .6, ( £).
Which proves the second statement of the theorem. 3. To prove the third and final statement set j = 1 into the first statement and take the product over all possible i to obtain
Which concludes the proof of our three results.
For our applications we shall use the fad that the first element in an LLL-rcduced basis provides a very good guess for the size of the smallest vector in the lattice. This is quantified by the next result: THEOREM V.9. Let B be a reduced basis for a lattice .C, then for all X m the lattice .C we have
with c 1 given by
mox{llb,ll'/llb:ll'' 1$ i $ n). We certainly have that llb1ll 2 ::::; c1llb;W\ for all values of i.
Now write
where r, E Z and r; E R.. We let lo det10te the largest index with r;
r; = r, and so
0 then
zoo I
And the result follows.
This result is usually proved with c 1 = 2"- 1 . However, as Lenstra, Lf'nfoltra and Lovli..<;z point out [117] th,; above is also true. The reason for using the above version is that although c 1 :S 2"- 1 , in practice this upper bound is much, much too pessimistic. If one actually has an LLL-reduced basis then computing the value of c 1 above is trivial. In many cases it actually comes out to be very close to LO and hence b1 is the smallest vcdor in the lattice, or very close to it. The final result of this section estimatps the distance from a vector which is not in the latticP. to a latticR \"pctor. This will be of use latt:r when we usc lattices to approximate inhomoget1eous linear forms. \Ve first suppose WP. have a vector fj such that iJ if. C. We thP.n define the vector a E lR''- by a= B- 1ij, where B denotes the basis matrix of an LLL reduced basis for the lattice C. In what follows, the symbol {x}, for a real numbpr x, will denote the distance from x to th,.; integer. ([208]). Let io denote lhe Then for all X E L we have
larg~st ind~x
such that {a;0 } f.
As above wp write
" " Lr;b, = Lr;b:. ,.~J
Similarly we define
a; by "
iJ= LaJi;
" La;b;. i=l
Lpt t 1 be the largest integer such that r,, then have that
f. u,,; then r" -a,, :::: rj,- a;,. We
Now if i 1 < to then a, 0 = r, 0 E Z, which is a contradiction. If t 1 = io then we have lr;, - u, I = lr;0 - a; 0 I ~ {a, 0 }, and we are done. Finally if i 1 > i 0 then a,, E Z and as u,, f. r, and {a, 0 } ::::; 1/2 we have that lr;,- a;, I~ 1 ~ {a,0 }. D So the previous two theorems give us a way of computing a lower bound on the following quantity
£(£, fj) = {
<]>injji'- Yll ~~fn IlXII O;i:iEL
iH C iJ E C
V.4. The LLL-algorithm Below we present the algorithm. First we require two !;Uhprocedures: In what follows the columns of the matrix B represent our basis vectors, the elements of the matrix [/ represent the entries JliJ from the Gram-Schmidt process and the vector !B contains the inner products (b;.b:).
Procedure A DESCRIPTION: Make the entry uk,l satisfy iu~;;,ll :S ~INPUT: Integers k,l; Square n x n Matrices B,U. OUTPUT: Same. 1. If (IJ.Lk,ll > 1/2) then 2. r ::::: [J.Lk,l]· 3.
4. 5.
Jlk,l :=
For j = 1 to l - 1 do Jlk,j := llkJ -
/lk,l - r
Endif. 1\"ote on exit from tl1is procedure we have that
Jl./;;, 1 _-::;
1/2, as required.
Procedure B DESCRIPTION: INPUT: OUTPUT: 1. Set u :=
Interchange bk and b~;;_ 1 • Integer k; Square n x n Matrices B, U; Vector !B. Same. Jlk,k- 1 ; B :='H.~;+ u 2 'B~;-J; Jlk,k-l := u!B~;_tfB;
!B~; := !Bk-1 1lh/B; !Sk-I:=
3. 4. 5.
Swap the vectors bk_ 1 and b.~;. For j = 1 to k- 2 swap the elements Jlk- 1•1 and JlkJ. For i = k + 1 to n do
7· 8· 9.
Jli,k-1 := Jlk,k-!Jlt,k-1
+ Jli,k
-f.l,,kJlk,k-JU ·
Enddo. If we define, fori= 1, ... , n, D, =
det((b;,bi) 1 ~J,I::)
n' (bj,b;) )=1
then if on entering Procedure B we have !Bk < (~ - Jlf,k-t)'B~;_ 1 then the value of Dk-l is reduced by a factor of less than 3/4. The other D;, however; remain unchanged. Now we can present the main LLL-reduction algorithm.
DESCRIPTION: On input of any given basis B the procedure finds a reduced basis. INPUT: Matrix B whose columns represent the basis of the lattice, £. OUTPUT: Matrix B whose columns represent the reduced basis of the lattice, £. 1. 2.
Compute the f-',, 1 and b; from the Gram--Schmidt process. Set fori:::: 1 tori, set 'H; := (b;,b;).
3. 4.
k :::::: 2. Repeat the following:
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Perform Procedure A for l :::: k- 1. If ('lh < (~ -tt%,k_ 1)'lh_I) then Perform Procedure B If k > 2 then k ::::: k- L Else For l = k - 2 to l perform Procedure A.
End if.
Until (k>n).
It is clear that the above algorithm will give us a reduced lattice if we can show that it terli!inates. To show termination set
then D is only changed by the algorithm on passing through Procedure B where it is decreased by a value of less than 3j4. If there is a positive lower bound for D depmding only on the lattice then Procedure 8 can only be called a finite number of times aiJd the program will terminate. That D has a positive lower bound will follow fronc LEMMA V.lL There is a positive cortstant M 1 depending only on C such that D; ~
(M,)' --:;:
PROOF. Let £, denote the sublattice spanned by 6;, .. .. b;, then D; denotes the square of the determinant of the lattice£,. Now by Hermite's theorem, £, contains a non-zero lattice vector with 11£11 :$ ')';D,11i. But there is a constant, J'vh,, the first f!UCcessive rninimi\ill of£,, depending only on C such
that II XII 2: J\1,,,. The rN;nlt then follows as A/1,, :::=: il/1 the first- successive D !llinimum of£. As can be seen from our discussion of approximation lattices above we shall mainly be interested in using the LLL-algorithm ou lattices which lie in Z". Using the algorithm in its original form above could lead to f}Ome trouble. If WR work with real approximations then it is not clear what accuracy we neod t.o take to guarantRe our results are correct. If we work with exact rational arithmetic the numerators and denominators we encounter may 'blow up', i.e. they may become prohibitively large. It is to overcome these problems that we now present de Weger's variant [207] of the LLL-algorithm, which only US!lS integer arithmetic. It can be shown that the following algorithm runs in polynomial time and that the numbers involved do nut suffer from coefficient sv..dl.
We firstly have to compute the Gram -Schmidt vectors without using any divisions, which may lead to non-integral results. We assume that the initial matrix B has only integral entries. As above, set D, == det((b:,,b/) 1:'01 •1::); we shall use these D; as the denominators for our algorithm as i; = D,_J;; E
zn , ..\,,
=,J E Z,
where the }J,.J are the coefficients from the Gram Schmidt process. Vo/e are then led to the following initialization step for an integral version of the LLL algorithm. Procedure INIT DESCRIPTION: Computes the Gram--Schmidt basis using no rational arithmetic. INPUT: Square n x n Matrix B. OUTPUT: Square n x rt Matrix A; Vector D. 1. Do;:::: L 2. For i :::: 1 to n do 3. G :=b;. 4. Forj=ltoi-ldo 5. A,,1 :=(b,r;). 6. C; := (D/f;- A;,J0)/Dr 1 . ~Enddo. 8. D, := (C,,C.)/D;_ 1 . 9. Enddo.
Procedures A and B are much as before except we have to carry around the VP.ctor D holding th~ denominators.
Procedure A'
DESCRIPTION: Make the entry u~::,l satisfy lu~o,tl S: INPUT: Integers k,l; Square n x n Matrices B,A; Vector D. OUTPUT: Same. 1. I f ( > D!) then
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
T ::::
[>..~::,!/ Dl].
b~:::=bk-rbl· For ;=1 to 1-1 do >..k. 1 :=A~::, 1 ~r>..I,J· A~::.r :=
>..k,l- rDt
Procedure B' DESCRIPTION: Interchange bk and bk- 1 . INPUT: Integer k; Square n x n Matrices B, A; Vector D. OUTPUT: Same. 1. Swap the vectors bk-l and bk. 2. For j = 1 to k - 2 swap the elements >..k-I,J and >..k.J. 3. For i = k + 1 to n do
t := >..,,1::-1. A;,k-1 := (>..,,k-1Au-t + A,,kDk-2)/Dk-1· A;,k := (tDk- A,,k>..k,k-t)/ Dk-t·
5. 6. 7.
(Dk-2Dk + >..k,k-t)/Dk-1·
'0/e can now present De \Veger's algorithm. It is left as an exercise to dwck that no rational numbers will occur during its execution. You only need to cheek the procedures I:JIT and B'.
De Weger's LLL-algorithm DESCRIPTION: On input of a set of integral basis elements the procedure computes an integral LLL--reduced basis. INPUT: Integral matrix B whose columns represent the basis of the lattice, £. OUTPUT: Integral matrix B whose columns represent the reduced basis of the lattice, £. 1. Perform Procedure !NIT. 2. k := 2.
3. 4.
Repeat the following: Perform Procedure A' for I = k - 1. s. If 4Dk--2Dk < (3Df_ 1 - 4A~.k- 1 ) then 6. Perform Procedure B'. 1. Ifk>2thenk:=k-1. 8. Else For l = k - 2 to 1 perform Procedure A'. 9. k:=k+1. 10. 11. Endif 12. Until (k > n).
The LLL-algorithm was originally dr:veloped in the context of an applir:ation to factor polynomials with integer coeffieieot.s in polynomial time [117]. This application was extended to factoring polynomials over algebraic number fields [115]. However. since then it has become widely uSP.d in all areas of computational number theory, see [32]. The definition of an LLL-reduced basis can be slightly modified by altering the constant 3/4 to any number, w, in the interval (0.25, 1.0); of course the algorithm will then need altering. The larger the value of w then the better behaved the basis vectors should be, for example one should get a first basis vt~ct.or which is much closer to the minimal vector in the lattice. However, the larger the value of w then the longer the algorithm will take before it terminates. The choice of w = 3/4 is standard and appears a good cmnpromise in the situations that we are interested in. One can also add lines into the LLL-algorithm which keep track of the transformation matrix which produces the reduced basis. This is often all that is required for an applic;ttion. There is also a modification of the LLL-algorithm which only has as input the Gram matrix of the basis of the lattice. The Gram matrix, G. is the matrix of inner products of the basis, in other words G = B! B, where B is a matrix whose columns represent the basis of the lattice. In such a situation we only keep track of the tr;:~_nsformation matrix and do not worry about the basis ntatrix at all. For more advanced versions of the LLL algorithm, which we will not rwed i11 this book, see [32], [164] and (51].
V.5. Exercises I). Adapt both variants of the LLL- algorithm so that they also output. the transition matrix. 2). Prove Theorem \/.3.
3). Show that the constant c 1 in Theorem V.9 is bounded above by 2"- 1 . 4). Prove the correctness of de \Veger"s variant of the LLL-algorithm. 5). Show that every pot;itive definite quadratic form can be written as a sum of squarec; with positive coefficients. Hence give an algorithm to determine the smallest vector in a lattice.
6). Let A = x 1 B1 + x2B2 where 0; E R. and assume that there exist positive constants c and d such that
IAI < ce-dx
where X = max(lxtl, lx2IJ < Xo, where X 0 is some given positive real constant. Show how one can deduce a new upper bound on X which is usually much smaller than X 0 using continued fractions (and no application of LLL), if Xo is very large. 7). In this exercise we shall prove that a continued fraction is purely periodic if and only if it is the continued fraction of a reduced quadratic irrational. (i) Let o: denote a reduced quadratic irrational. Show that this can be written in the form
where D is positive and not a perfect square and P and Q corne from a finite set of positive integers. (ii) Show that the complete quotients of o: are also reduced quadratic irra--: tionals and are of the form '
PI+ .jD
Q, Hence deduce that the continued fraction expansion of o: must be even~; tually periodic. (iii) Show that for such a continued fraction expansion implies that O:n-1 = O:m-1• Hence deduce that the continued fraction expansion of a reduced qu dratic irrational is purely periodic. (iv) Show that if a continued fraction expansion of a real number is pure! periodic then it is the expansion of a reduced quadratic irrational.
Applications of the LLL-algorithm W(' shall now concentrate on three applications of the LLL algorithm. The first we give just as a bit of fun. We then turn to show how to use LLL to solw'! subset-sum problems. Subset-sum (or knapsack) problems are known to bdong to the class of NP-complete problems, hence they are considered to be very hard in practice to solve. They are more than just of theoretical interest a.s one can build public-key cryptosystems from knapsack problems. We shall show that you can often break such a cryptosystem using the LLL -algorithm. Finally we turn our attention to deterli!ining whether a linear form can become exponentially small. It is this last application which forms thP backbone of the method to l'>Olve diophantine equations via Baker'~ theory of linear forms in logarithms. The LLL-algorithm reduces the astronomical bounrls from Baker's t.heory to something more manageable.
VI.l. A 'fun' application \Ve have seen, in V.L how to produce rational numbers, pfq, with small numt~rator and denominator which are close to Jr. We can think of this as finding polynomials of degree ot1e, i.e. qX - p, with small height and with a root dose to 1r. One naturaL generalization of this would be to try and look for polynomials of higher degree, with integer coefficients of small height, and which have a root very close to 11". We can do this using the LLL-algorithm aud approximation lattices. Obviously we can never fit1d such a polynomial with root exactly equal to 1r as 1r is a transcendental number. Suppose we wish to look for polynomials of degree 3 With coefficients of the order of 102 and which possess a root very close to 1r. One way to look at this is to find a very small value of the linear form IXJ1T
+ X21T 2 + X31T + X41
where we want the above to be small but the x, to be of order 10 2 . To filld such a polynomial we form the approximation lattice generated by the columns of the matrix
I 0 0
00 )
I 0 0 3101 987 314 100
where the last row is given by [10Q;r 4 -']. Clearly a small vector ill the lattice F,enerated by the columns of A will correspond to a degree 3 polynornial with small coefficients and with a root dose to Jr. If we find an LLL reduced basis of this !attiC!! then the first element should correspond to an approximation to the smallest vector in the lattice owing to Theorem V.9. From this we should be able to compute our desired polynomial. We find, using a computer, that an LLL-reduced ba..::is of the lattice spanned by the columns of A is given by AU where -1 -1 -2 1 2 -3 -6 ) u = ~ 1 -5 2 . ( 31 18 58 146 From the first coluiim of U we read off the cubic polynomial x 3 - 31 which; has a root, o:, very dose to 1r. In fact we have jo:- JTj ::; 0.00022. \ Suppose we need a cnbic polynomial with a root closer to JT, then we,1 replace the A above with the following matrix: ~ J ,, 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 ) I 0 . A~ 0 0 1 ( 31006 9870 3142 1000 This time we find an LLL-reduced ba.<>is is given by AU where
2 u~
-1 -1 ( -49
3 59 ) -1 6 1 . -102 -247
0 0
The first column of U thtm gives us the polynomial 2x~ - x 2 - x - 49 which again hru-; a root, a, close to IT, indeed lu- ILl $ 0.000027. ~ Now suppose we would like a cubic polynomial with one root close to 1T and~ one root dose toe::::: 2.71828 .... \Ve would then look at an approximation1 lattice generated by the columns of a rnatrix like · ;
0 1 0 A = 3101 987 314 ( 2009 739 272
0 )
0 100 100
We then find an LLL-·reduccd basis is given by AU, where the first column of U corresponds to the polynomial f(x) = 3x 3 -2x 2 -66x + 134. Two of tb roots of f(x) are given by approximately 3.14788 and 2.72532. If we wanted a better approximation we could increase the weight given to the last two rows of the matrix A (and hence increase the size of the coefficients of our] polynomials), or we could increase the dimension of 011r matrices and hence-!' the degree of our polynomials. ·
VI.2. Knapsack problems Consider the following problem. We are given a knapsack which can contain cNtain weights up to a given limit. \Ve are also given a set of objects of various given weights. \Ve are then asked to pack the knapsack so that no uwre room is left inside it (if possible). For example suppose the given weights arc 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,64 and the knapsack can hold up to a weight of 12. We can put weights totalir1g 12 into the knapsack in exru.:tly one way; namely we put in the weights 4 and 8. Indeed any knapsack total between 1 and 127 can be represented uniquely u~ing such weights and we can determine which weights to use in a quick straightforward manner. This is what is called an easy knapsack problem. Sometimes may be many solutions to a knapsack problem and sometimes there may be none. If there are no exact solutions then we mnst ~carch for the best solution possible. So if we have a total knapsack weight of N and n weights each of weight w, then we need to make
~~a,w,-N1 as small as possible, where a, E {0, 1}. So all we need to do is solve a linear diophantine equation. Solving knapsack problems is known to be a very hard problem. It is known to be ::-.JP-complctc. The fact. that. it is a very hard problem to solve has ltd it to be proposed as a scheme for encrypting messages, as we shall now explain. Suppose we have a set of weights e.g. w, = 2;, such that for any given number we know in advance that every number in a certain range has at most one represei1tation as a sum of the weights. In addition suppose we wish to transmit a binary message, e.g. [1,0,0, 1,0], we could then send the number 1wo+Owl +Ow2 + lw3 +Ow4
(= 9 ifw, = 2').
The receiver hru; only to know the knapsack weights and then solve the knapRack problem. But solving the knapsack problem for the weights 2' is cfu.!y. To make a public key system we want t.o publish the weights so that anybody could send us a message. Knowing the weights we should be able to dt~rrypt the message by solving a knapsack problem. However, any hacker rould do likewise, hence we need some method which makes it easy for me to -solve the knapsack problem but hard for anyone else to. We do this as follows: • Choose some easy knapsack weights, say w; = 2' for i = 1, ... , K. • Then find two coprime integers N and e, such that N satisfies K
N >
Lw,. i=l
• Compute some hard knapsack weights by the formula h,
= ew;
(mod N)
and publish the h; in a table for use as public keys. • Compute a decrypt key, d, such that de= 1 (mod N). The valnc of d can be computed using the extended euclidean algorithm applied to e and N. Now suppose someone wants to send you a message. He, or she, looks up your hard knapsack weights, h;, they then compute their encrypted message; K
M = L;b,h,, b, E {0, 1}. i=l
where the b, represent the binary message to be sent. You can dec:rypt this message as you can compute K
~b,w, (as N > ~w;).
=I; b,(dh,) "'I; b,w,
(mod N):::
Hence, as the w, form an easy knapsack problem, we can determine the message, b;. For example put w, = 3', for i = 1,. , 5. Now choose ;
N = 400 > 363 =
Lw; i=l
and let e = 147. The decryption key ~an then be computed to bed= 283., Our hard knapflack weightf! are given by h; = 147 · 3' (mod 400), i.e. h2 = 123, h3 307. h 5 = 121.
hi = 41,
= 369,
Our friend wishe~ to send us the binary message [1, 0, 0, I, 1]. This our friend . can encode as 41 + 307 + 121 :::: 469, i which they transmit to us. We recei\'C the number 469 and compute 283 x 469
(mod 400).
But it is t:&ly for us to solve the easy knapsack problem 327 = 1. 3 + 0. 32
+ 0. 33 + 1. 34 + 1. 3 5 .
i I ,1
Hence we have recovered the original message. J All that a hacker has to do is to find the original binary sequence givenl the weights h, and the encoded message 469. They know neither the original; easy knapsack nor the encryption/decryption keys e,d nor even the modulllfl, N. Such a problem should be very, very hard to solve; however, it is not as 1 hard as it at first seems as we shail now show.
LLL allows us to break 'low density' knapsack cryptosystems. Basically if we wish to solve the knapsack problem with weights w, and coefficients r, E {0.1} such that
then LLL will do it [143] if
• Lx, < n/2, • w, ;:::::::::
To see how to do this consider the following problem. Using the previous scheme I have created a 'hard' knapsack problem with the weights "11-'i = 1527086619781
w 2 ::: 7635433098905 150964191369 w 5 ::: 754820956845 W7 = 18870523921125 w 8 = 22827045875154 "U'JO::: 22313414945239 wu ::: 16199643085567 WJ.l = 23521350576663 W14 = 22239321242687 U!J6 = 7620299133564 W17 = 14259637757663 t/!J9 = 22704933199377 W2o = 18157234356257 1J)1 =
W3::: 1il6
= 3774104784225
Wg =
18767797735142 9472641697364 15829174572807 23614472968001
W12::: W15 WJB
= =
I have kept the modulus, the encryption/decryption keys and the ori-ginal easy knapsack weights secret. Say you wish to send me the binary message 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,0, 0, 1, 1, 0,0, 0,1 which you encode as the number
The question is, can an attacker use LLL to recover your message. Well the answer is yes. He does not know whether the first of the above two conditions are satisfied but he could have a go just in case. The second condition certainly is satisfied so it is certainly worth a try. Our hacker forms the matrix 1 0 0
0 W1
0 W2
W 11
a:nd computes an LLL-reduced basis of the lattice generated by the columns of this matrix. This is rather easy; it takes a computer less than a second to do this. If yon work this out you will see that the first basis vector of the LLL-reduced basis is (1,0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,0, 0, 1,0). Hence our hacker has recovered your original message.
VI.3. Approximating linear forms We shall mainly be interested, for our later applications, in solving the fol.:. lowing problem. Suppose we are given n:, E C for i = 0, .... n and twd positive real constants Cz, C3. We wish to dt·duce an upper bound for H in the inequality ·
lao+ L"
x,O:,j ::;
c2e-c 3 H•,
for some pOf>it.ive integer q, given that the integers x 1 ,. , Xn arc bounded b)!! jx,j :5: X,. where the X; are given large eonstants. \Ve wonld like iu such • situation to be able to deduce that H::; O(V'JogX0 ), where X 0 = maxX.:.! In other words we would like to show that the linear form cannot. become toosmall if the jx,j arc bounded by the constants X,. : The first non-trivial case is when there arc two variables. This was studiedl in the ground breaking paper of Baker and Davenport [5]. This was the firsd paper to give a strategy to reduce the bounds derived from Baker's theory\ of linear forms in logarithms. There are a variety of ways to generalize th~ method of Baker and Davenport. We shall explain the method which h~.: been most successful in recent years. · The basic idea it1 such a situation, due to de Weger, is to approximate t linear form by an approximation lattice snc:h as those discussed above. W then find a reduced basis for the lattice. The first element in such a bas' gives us a close approximation to the shortest vector in the lattice and henc4 when the linear form could become suitably small. From this we are able t~ deduce the kind of result we are after. In applications the size of Xo will ~1 of the size of 10n; hence deducing a hound on H of the order of n is a vee~ significant result. ~ We consider three cases ·~ Vl.3.1. Case 1: '1'(a,) = 0 for all i. We choose a constant C of the abo the size of X{;, and then consider the lattice, L, generated by the columns the rnatrix
l\"otc that C has been chosen to make the above lattice have determin around xr; and hence by Theorem V .8 we can hope that the first basis elemen in an LLL-reduced lattice has order X 0 . Using de Weger's LLL-algorith and Theorems V.9 and V.lO we can find, in polynomial time, a lower bound
on£(£, l7J where
If m' are luckr we can apply the next lemma to find a hound on H of the order we are looking for. L~MMA VI.l. SetS to be the integer:[~~/ Xl and T = (1
cf ?: T~ + S
then either
+ 2:::;~ 1 X,)/2. If
I1 = · · · = 1.',-l =
0 and
Xn =
i\'ote that thr: bound on H (if it. exists) is of the form
0( y/Iog(Cc,)) ~ 0( y/Iog(XSc,)) ~ 0( yi'Io-;g(-;:Xc:-,)). PROOF. Put
~ ~ [Cn 0 [
" [Co,] + LX; •=1
th(•n notice that
[4>- C(oo+ z=x,o,)l <;
L" X;/2 + Ij2 ~ T,
which implies that
X= AZ where
z~(J theu
x y- ( Therefore, either X=
iJ or c~
,._, < £(£, fj)2 ::;
L x; + .p2,
Now by assumption
c~ ;:=:
S so we have
1 r::;--;;s e -'""" > - Cc2 ( yq-.::>-
:-Jow again by assumption the right hand side is positive so we ran take logarithms of both sides to obtain
: (1og(Cc2) -log( Jc~ -S 3
and the result follows.
If we are unlucky then we just increase the value of the constant C and repeat the algorithm again. If we are continually unlucky then we suppose that this is because one of the following applies: 1. a bound on H is non-existent. 2. a bound on H is very large.
3. the vector Y actually is a non-zero vector in the lattice £ 4. the a, are linearly dependent over IQ. On the occasions when we do apply this method we have good reasons to believe that H is bounded by a number significantly smaller than X 0 and we know that the a; are linearly dependent over IQ. VI.3.2. Case 2: lR(a;) = 0 for all i. In this case we can set and apply the method in Case 1.
n; n;JA =
VI.3.3. Case 3: The general case. We could use the first case here as it is clear either the real or imaginary part of our linear form would satisfy the requisite inequalities. However, for large H we want the real and imaginary parts to be simultaneously close to zero. We therefore use the approximation lattices we have already mentioned for simultaneous approximation of a set of linear forms. Relabel the a; such that
Then choose a constant C of the order of X~ 12 . Define £ to be the lattice generated by the columns of the matrix 0 ) E
[C!R(a"_,JJ [C!R(a")] [C\l(aH)] [C\l(a")J
The choice of C is made as before to try and make the size of the first element in an LLL-redured basis have order X 0 . Let
0 0
[ - [C!JI(a")[
- [C\<(a")] We the11 apply de Weger's variant of LLL to find a lower bound, c4 , on£(£, if).
VI.2. SetS= then either
or .C1 ::: · • · = Xn-2 =
L.'t:f x;
and T
+ "'£:'= 1 X,)/V'i.. If c12: T 2 + S
0 and
x"_.[C!JI(a"_,)J + x"[C!fl(a")] x"_.[C\:l(a"_,)J + x"[C\:l(a")] PROOF.
Define 4> 1 and
<1'> 2
[C!JI(a")], [C\:l(a")].
as follows:
[C!fl(a")] + 2:x;[C!JI(a,)J. i=l
[C\:l(a")J + 2:x;[C\<(a;)].
Notice that we have
[it>,+ ,;=lit>,- C(ao+ L x;a.)[ <: (1 + i=l
L" X;)/h ~ T, !=I
and hence
z= then
Hence, eithPr X=
Y or
I: .r~ +
< £(£.)7) ~
< s+ < S+ ~ow by
(r + Cc2e-"'ll"f.
assumption c~ - S is positive so we have e-qH'
2: Clc2
Again by assumption the right hand side is positive so on taking logarithms. we obtain the inequality
Hq::; :; (rog(Cc
-log ( /c~-
S- T))
and the result fnliows.
For example suppose that we wish to find all ~olutions, with X::: max(lx;j}i less than or equal to X 0 :::: 1030 , of the following inequality: lx1\og2
+ x 2 !og3 +x3 !og5l
::; 2e-x.
So in our previous notation we have c2 = 2, c3 = 1 and X 1 = X 2 ::: X 3 = 1030 .'! Our henristic says choose C to be around 1090 . However, I prefer nice round] 1 numbers so we shall use C = 10 100 . We wish to compute an LLL-redoced basis of the lattice, £, generated byi the columns of the matrix ··.J
6 ( [Ciog2]
[Clog3[ [Clog5]
\Ve find that the first vector in an LLL-redueed basis is given by -1515246263903680163735468625616799) -502897304507254890263203391695738 ( 1165937255867757166304329056366403
From Theorem V.9 we find that we can take c 1 = 1.000 and then we see tha
We plug this into Lemma Vl.l to conclude that
X:::; 154.
Note how small this new bound is in comparison to our original bound of 1030_
\Ve now repeat the process but with C = 10 10 and X 1 = X 2
X 3 = 154.
The initial basis is now given by the colnmns of the matrix 0
( 6931471806
10986122887 16094379124
;\pplying de Weger's LLL -algorithm we find the new LLL basis is given by the columns of the matrix -399 -1634 -2606) 1412 -1502 147 . ( -358 -1882 2681
Hence we conclude from this second application that a lower Lonnd on f(£, 0) is given by c.1 = 1485.413. From which we conclude, from Lemma VI.1, that X
_s 16.
We leave it now as an 'ea..~y' exercise to compute which of the 32 3 remaining possibilities satisfies our original inequality. Vl.4. p-adic analogues
In the last section we looked at when a linear form was extremely small in the sense of
+I:" x;o:,j 5 c2e-csHo •=I
where the o:, E C are linearly independent over Q. Now the natural general~ ization to the p-adic numbers would be for the a; to lie in Q, or !Qp(B) and the absolute value on the left hand side to be the p-adic absolute value. It is this precise generalization which we shalJ consider in this section. Firstly we reinterpret the inequality we are given. Suppose a, E Qp(B), some finite extension of (A,. If we have
" Jao + Lx;a,[p 5 c2e-c,H• I~
and given that j.JP = p-ord.(.) we find
-ordP ( ao So setting cs
+ ~ x,o:-;) logp _s
log c2
c3 j logp and c6 = Jog c2 / logp we obtain the inequality
(ao +
t x,a;) ~
c5HQ - c6. '"'I In other words if H is large then p must divide the linear form to a very high power.
VI.4.1. A special case. To get the idea behind what is to follow we fir~ present a very special case; namely we assume a, E ZP" \Ve assume we have large upper bounds X; on lx;j and we want to deduce a small upper boun~ on H. Set as before X 0 =max X;. The eom;tant C in the archimedian castj is now replaced by an integer constant u which should be chosen so tha~ p" 2'_ XQ+ 1 . The reason for the choice of u of about this sh~e is to have 8 chance of getting a value of jjb'1 11 of the required size. ' We then let a{u}, for a E Zp, denote the unique rational integer in th~ interval [0, ... ,p" -1] such that ' a= a{u}
(mod p").
Given this definition we define a p-adic approximation lattice, for the form, to be
0 ) E
p" We also consider the vector
Let £ denote the lattice generated over Z by the columns of the matrix By applying de Weger's variant of LLL we can find a lower bound, c7 , o f(£, fl). Hopefully this is large enough to bound H using the next lemma. it is not large enough then we just return to the beginning, make u a litt larger and repeat the whole process. LEMMA Vl.3. If C7 > v'nXo then either x 1
= · · · = Xn =
PROOF. Assume the result is false i.e. H ~ {j(u have that pu divides our linear form i.e.
ordp ( o:0
0 or
+ c-s)fc5 .
In which case
+ ~ x,a,) > u.
But this also then holds, by definition of nju}, with a; r-eplaced by o:!u}. Hen
ordp (
a&u) + ~ X;a!u)) ~ u.
-o,,~~+~wc'c-"'-xc''-',•- E Z.
If we then consider the lattice point
we see that by definition of
Y, X-
Tht,u either X=
Y or c~
Y= (
x, )
::; 2:::~= 1 x? ::; nX~ which is a contradiction.
VI.4.2. The general case. We now look at the general case where a, E Q,(i9), where fJ is a p-adic algebraic integer. We first need to reduce the study of one linear form with coefficients in !Qp (0) to the study of a set of linear forms with coefficients in !Qp. This is exactly analogous to how we dealt with linear forms in the archimedian case with non-zero real and imaginary parts. Put rn = [Qp(B): !Qp] the degree of the p-adic extension defined by(}, which we can assume without loss of generality is a p-adic algebraic integer. LEMMA Vl.4. Write
m-> a;:::::
I: au8J
when; a,,1 E Q,. If ordp ( a 0 then for j
+ ~ x;a,) ?. c5 H- c6
0, .. ,m-1 we have ordp ( a 0 J
+ ~ x;a;J)
_where D(O) is the discriminant of 0.
PaooF. There are m p-adic conjugates of (J which we label ()Ul, these corre~ spond as in the archimedian case to the roots of the minimal polynomial over Q, of 19. We hence have m conjugate linear forms to consider which we write
"-' 2: AJ(X)(J(ilJ ]=0
where A1 (i') is the linear form with iQp coefficients given by Aj(:i) = o: 0 J
" + Lx,o:,v. i=l
VVe hence obtain the matrix equation B(l}
As (} is a p-adic algeLraic integer one can write the inverse tlw matrix A as '
where T,, 1 are also p-adic a!gebraie integers, i.e. the equation
and so. on noting that ordp(A(•l) does not depend on i, wt~ have ordp(A;)
> ordp(A)- ordP
C:::.TI-::m (&(•)- (;IUl)).
> c5 H- c6 - ~ordp(D(B)),
which is what we wanted to prove.
Having reduced our problem tom linear forms with coefficients in iQp we ncnij need to make the coefficients of our linear forms be elements of Zp. We chooelj A E Q, such that ~ ordp(A) = rnin ( l:S•"Sn
min (ordp(a,,1 )) =
'Ne use the next lemma to remove degenerate cases frol!l the discussion. LEMMA VI.5. If ca
> ordp(o:o,;) for some t then we have H < _!__ ,,
PROOF. For the c8 , we find
"'] I
(c + c + !ordp(D(O))). 2 6
in question, such that the p-adic order of o: 0,; is less
from which the stated result follows.
Bence we can assume that for all i we have c8 means that for ail i and J we have
ordp(o:o,,). In particular this
/3;,:; = n,j).. E Zp.
So the linear forms given by A,jA have ZP coefficients. If we then write ~;" = f3o, 1
+ L"
we find that ordp(~ 1 ) =
2': c..,H- c6
1 -
ordp(D(O))- c8
c..,H- c9 .
So we have now reduced the problem to a set of m linear forms with coefficients in Zp· We could at this stage just select one of these linear forms and then apply the method of the special CMe mentioned above. However, this i.'l not really what we want. When H is large the above inequality tells us that the 6j are simultaneou.~ly very close to zero in the p-adic metric. \Ne therefore wish to simultaneously approximate the m linear forms that we have. It has already been alluded to how to do this for real linear forms. We now give the obvious extension to p-adic linear forms. We retain all the previous notation. Choose u E N such that p" is about . of xl+n/m • we t hen consider the square n + m dimensional matrix: t he S!Ze 0 0
"' !3{'-'} l,m-1
and let £ denote the lattice generated over Z by the columns of A. We shall a!Ro require the vector 0
E zn-t-m.
-fJJ:;!_] We find a lower bound, c10 , on f.(£, if) using de Weger's LLL; thez1 hopefully We can deduce a bound on H using the following lemma.
LEMMA Vl.6. If c10 > y'ri"X0 then either x 1 ::::o
H < (u
•• •
= 0
+ cg)/cs.
PROOF. As in the special case cor1sidered earlier we assume t.he contrary, thl H :2': (u + c9 )/c5 . But then ordp(6j)
csH- c9 2': u.
Then it follows that for all j we have ordP
(.aj~l + ,_, x,J3;~))
which in turn means that for all j,
. _ -
R(•} ~-'OJ
~" + .:....,
1 x,~-'i,;
E Z.
If we then consider the lattice point 'i
x,. -
J3{u) 0,[)
we find
.l 0
But then we see that either X=
f1 or
c~ 0 ~ £(C,if) 2 S Lx~ :s; nX~, which is a contradiction.
If the above lemma does not give us a bound on H then we simply increas the value of u and start again. The astute will have realized that this may cause a computational probleli using an m + n square matrix as opposed to an n + 1 square matrix, wbici would be the case if we just selected one linear form to work with. HoweveJ by choosing an m + n dimensional square matrix, the expected value of· needed will be much smaller. Hence the entries in the matrix which we nee to perform LLL on will be smaller. In practice the advantage in the aboV
rnethod is that the hounds produced are gcneraliy much better than using only one linear form. VI.5. Exercises
1). Compute all integer solutions to the inequality jx!og2+ylog3+zlog5-Jog7j ~ X~ max(lxl, IYL lzl)
2). Find an upper bound on H from the following simultaneous system of linear inequalities: jxlog2+ylog3+zlog5j < 2c-ll, jxlog3+ylog2+zlog5j < 2e-H, jxlog5+ylog2+zlog3j < 2e-H, where (x, y, z) E Z 3 satisfy max(jxj, jyj, jzl) ::; 10 30 • 3). Choose a prime p greater than 5. Determine an upper bound on H from the inequality ordp(x 1 logp2+x 2 logP3 +x 3 logp5) ?_ 8H -3, whNe (x, y, z) E Z 3 satisfy max(jxj, IYI, jzj) ~ 1030 .
Part 2
Methods using linear forms in logarithms
Thue equations In this chapter we examine the method of Tzanakis and de Weger for Thue equations. In later chapters the method will be generalized to other types of diophantine equations such as Thue Mahler equations and discriminant. form equations. What is interesting about the following algorithm is that it was the first practical generic method to solve a wide class of diophantine equations. Much theoretical work had been done on bounding the solutions to such equations, but until the advent of Tzanakis and de VVeger's algorithm it was not possible to produce a general algorithm, which could be applied in practice to equations of interest. There were, however, a variety of ad hoc techniques such as those to be found in [138, Chapter 23], [49], [188], [200], [199] and [190]. These either used special properties of the equations or were Skolem's method in disguise. Some authors, see [186] and [149], had previously used the LLL--algorithm to solve specific problems or special cases. However, Tzanakis and de Weger were the first to describe the method in complete generality. There is a good survey of the start of the art up to around 1988 by A. PethO in [144]. We shall end this chapter by showing how we can use the method to find solutions to Thue equations to find all the integral points on an elliptic curve. This will be the first of three such methods to find integral points on elliptic curves. Although the method in this chapter is not. the most efficient it is practical. The procedure is reminiscent of the method of 2-descent which we shall come across later on in Chapter XII.
VII.l. Thue equations Recall, a Thue equation is a diophantine equation of the form
where F(X, Y) E Z[X, Y] is a binary form of degree n ~ 3 and m is a fixed integer. We are interested in solutions (X, Y) E Z 2 • For ease of exposition we shall assume that F(X, 1) is a monic polynomial, the adaptations for the general case are trivial and are left as an exercise. In addition, we note that the case of reducible forms follows trivially from the case for irreducible forms, so we shall assume in describing the method that F(X, Y) is irreducible. By a result of Thue [196] dating back to 1909, we know that there are only finitely many solutions to such a problem. However, it was not until
the ground breaking work of Baker in the late 1960s [4] that a theoretical algorithm could be given to find thr. solutions. In the 1970s and the early 1980s many such equations were solved by applying Baker's method with a variety of computational techniques to find all the solutions in a reasonably efficient way. In 1989 Tzanakis and de \Veger [202] showed that combining the computational diophantine approximation techniques in VI.3 with Baker's theory could give a general, practical algorithm to solve such equations. V•/e shall first dispose of a rather simple case. LEMMA VILl. Suppose F(X, 1) has no real mots, then the solutions to equa-
twn {Vll.l) .mtisf1J
IYI ~ ~--'l"'mfol ="' minl<,
a root of F(X, 1).
PROOF. Suppose (X, Y) is a solution and O(•l is chosen to make the value of
IX- O(•lYiless than lml. We then havc that I2<(B''')YI ~ IX- eOlyl
lml, 0
from which the result follows.
Hence if F(X, 1) ha.s no real roots then we can ea.~ily 80lve our equation.: We shall therefore assume that F(X, 1) ha.o:; 8 real roots (with s 2': 1) and t complex conjugate roots, son::::::: s + 2t. Let 0 denote a root of F(X, 1) and K = Ql(O). We order the conjugates of 0 in the standard way so that O(iJ E JR. OUl = O(i+tJ
if 1 $ i $ s, if s + 1 s; t s; s
+ t.
We set (J(il = X - O(ily
Hence. by the unique factorization of the principal ideal (X- OY). {3(>):::::::
where f is a unit of OK and J1 comes from a complete set of representatives of the elements of OK of norm m up to associativity. By appealing to our favorite number theory computer package we hope we can compute the J1 and a set of generators (fundamental units) for the unit group of OK. In practice this always appears to be possible using the latest algorithms [32] and [34], unless the degree n is too large or the regulator and/or class number of K is too big. This is, of course, assuming one is will~ ing to believe certain conjectures such as a generalized Riemann hypothesis (GRH). If one is not willing to assume such ra.'lh conjectures then there are slower non-conjectural algorithms that one can use, see [155] and [154].
So we assume that we can compute a complete set of representatives for the Jl, a set of fundamental units r)~, ... , TJr, where r :o:: s + t- 1, and all possible units of finite order f,. Hence we can write (3 as
s ~ '" 11 ,,;·, j=l
fof some unknown integers a,. V·/e now take three distinct indices labelled i.j,k. The itHlices j and k are arbitrary but the index i will be defined by
1~ 1 ' 1 1 ~ min 1~ 1 "1· J~)Sn
We do not ktJOW a prwri the value of i, so we shall have to perform the following steps for a]] possible values of i. Later we shall show that we can restrict ito correspond to the real embeddings of K. From the three ehosen Jnrlices we obtain three linear equations to solve for X and Y,
x - e(•Jy
X - B(Jly
X - IJ(kly
\\-'e can solve the first two for X and Y and then substitute the resulting ('Xpressions into the third equation to find an identity which the f}(iJ must satisfy to produce a solution to our Thue equation, namely, f3('l(B(;J- B(k!)
+ (J(Jl(B(kl- O(il) + fJ(kl(O{iJ- eUl) =
This identity we have met before when considering Skolem's method in Section III.2. Thus we obtain the following equation: (VI1.2)
where we have set 0
E,('Jf.l('l(OUl _ B(kl) = f,(J)fJ.(Jl(()(k)- IJ(iJ)
TJ -
("•'' )"'
I =I
E,(kJ f.l(kl(()(iJ ~ euJ) o:2 = f,Ulf.10l(B(kJ- IJ(iJ),
II' l=l
( ' ')"' 1JI(J)
\'ow notice that the o:; arc fixed and the 7; range over a finitely generated subgroup of L*, where L = KGal. Such an equation (VII.2) is called a two term S-unit equation. By a result of Siegel there are only finitely many .'lolutions to such an equation. We shall return to such equations in a later chapter as we try to generalize the current method. Now suppose that lo:I71 is very, very small; then -0:272 would have to be very close to 1. But that would mean 1
A = log( -o:272)
would also be very small, where we take the principal value of the logarithm. But A can also be written as
A= log(-o:2) + ta1Iog
(~{:~) +ao2xv=T 'h
for some a 0 E Z. Hence we arc saying that if et(r1 is very small then the linear form in logarithms, A, will also be very small. However, such a linear form in logarithms cannot get arbitrarily close to zero by the celebrated results of Baker, unless the a, are very large or the linear form is equal t.o zero. A small change (which we leave as an exercise) will need to he made to our method if our logarithms are not linearly independent over Q. From now on we shall assume that we do not have A = 0. We have hence reduced our problem of solving a diophantine equation to the problem of quantifying how small all the linear forms in logarithms can become. It will become convenient to set A = max;-t"o(la,l). Hence if we can find a small bound on A then we can loop through ail possible a; and solve our problem. \Ve note that lao2wl
larg(-a:2r2)-arg(-a:2)-'ta;arg(~r:)l, •=l
::;; w(2+rA),
hence if A 2'_ 2 then lao I ::;; (r + l)A/2. We find from the equation
!YII0''1 -
01' 11~
l$1'1 - fo" 11<: 21$ 1' 11
that for all j ::J. i we have 113°)1-l::; 2 (?i~ 1e(m) -e
On setting
we find that la:trd::; Ctc21tl(i)l = c3ltJ(•l1. Hence we require !)(•) to be small to make a: 1 r 1 small and so to make the linear form in logarithms, A, small. To continue we shall need the following general lemma. This lemma relates the size of the logarithm of a particular conjugate of a unit to the maximum exponent of the chosen fundamental units in the representation of the unit and a kind of 'regulator'. In a later chapter we shall generalize the following to arbitrary finitely generated groups of algebraic numbers using the logarithmic embedding of the S-units.
LBMMA VlL2. Let /f be a number field with r fundamental units ld a, E Z for 1 S. i :s; r. Define A= max ja,j and
E K and
Ld I= {it,··. ,ir} C {1, ... ,s+t} denote any set ofr distinct mdir:es then following matrix is invertible:
= ( log l'li"'l
log lry)"'l
log lry)'"l
and there exists an index t E I such that
IJogl•'''ll :> A/IIU,-'IIoo, where norm.
denotes the infinity norm of a matrix, in other words the row sum
PnooF. Consider the matrix equation
a, ) (
~ u,-• ( log ',' "'I ) . log It('' l I
Taking the infinity matrix norm of both sides we obtain
S IIU,-' lloo IJog I•"' II, 0
and we are done.
Applying this lemma in our situation we find that there is an index t such that there is a computable constant c4 which satisfies
Ilog 1•'"11 :> c.,A. We can take c4 to be the maximum of IIUi 1 lloo over all possible subsets I in the above lemma. The exact value of t is in fact irrelevant all we need know is that it exists. We then choose the constant c5 to be any positive real number with c5 < c4 /(n -1). We divide our discussion into two cases: either j;J(i)l > e-o,A or [;1( 1)1 ::; e-c,A. The first of these we further divide into two sub cases: according to the lemma above we have either [tit) I 2: ec.A
Case A : [,8(')1 > inequality
and [t:(t)l 2'_
e 04 A.
Firstly we notice we have the
111(1)1 < [m[ II IP(I)[- 1 < lm[[P('ll-(n-l) < [m[e(n-J)coA_
So we obtain the inequality e""A ::;_
[.8(1)[/[J.t(t)[ :5_ c6[m[e(n-I)coA,
where c6 = max!
A::;_ Case B : [/J(•J [ >
log(c,;lml) ~A .. In-1 )C5 ,
and [t:(ll I :5_
2': [t:(t)l
Here we have the inequality
= [p(t)I/IJ.t(tl[2'_ c?e-nA.
where c7 = min 1 ~ 1 ~n [lt( 1l[- 1 . Hence we obtain the following bound on A:
A< log(c 7 ) -
c4 -c5
Hence in both cases A and B we have a (hopefully) rather small upper bound on A. This is exactly what we wanted to solve onr Thue equation. So we can conclude that if p(•l is 'large' then we can easily solve our diophantine equation. The problem is that {3(iJ could be very small. lt was indeed chosen to be the smallest conjugate of .B after all. It is to cope with this last case that we will IJeed to use the heavy theory of linear forms in logarithms and the techniques of lattice reduction which we have already introduced. Case C: [p(i)[ :5_
In this case we find that we have
Ia 1 T1 I<_c 3 e
-c 5A
We note that for any complex number z if [z-1[ :5_ ~ then [log z[ :5_ 2lz -1[ (see Appendix B, Lemma B.2). Thus if
A 2'_ log(2c3)/c5
then leA
= la1T1[ :5_ 1/2.
Hence we find that (a.s A is the principal value of a logarithm)
[AI ::;_
We remind ourselves that A is a linear form in logarithms of algebraic numbers, hence we can apply the theory of such objects, see Appendix A.l, to determine a constant c8 such that if A ;:::: 3 log lA[ > -c11log ((r
+ l)A/2)
(provided A of; 0 which we have already pointed out can be circumvented). Therefore putting the last two inequalitief> together we find that l
A< - (calog A+ log(2c3) + cslog((r + 1)/2)).
By the lemma of PethO and de \Veger, sec Appendix 8.1, we obtain an upper hound, A4 , on A: 2 A:$ A4 = - (log(2c3) + calog((r + 1)/2) + calog (cs/cs)).
c, The trouble is that owing to the large value of the constant Cg the upper bound, A 4 , in this third case can be rather large. Luckily W!~ also have equation (VII.4), hence using the techniques of Section VI.3, we can reduce r.his upper bound A. 4 to something more managcablf•. Let A 5 denote this new reduced upper bound. Vv'r. now have (hopefully) a very small overall upper bound on the number A given by A 6 = max(3, At, A2, A3, A5). To solve our equation we m~ed therefore only loop on all possible values of the a, m the equation X - OY ~
and equate the coefficients of fJ', for i :::: 2, on the right hand side to zero. Tit is may be a sensible suggestion for small values of Ar but for larger values this can be slightly silly. To simplify this search there are many techniques. One way to proceed is to use the congruence conditions ou the exponents, o.,. which are derived as a by-product of Skolem's method. Indeed if one applies Skolem's method for many prime numbers one will obtain a set of congruence conditions on the exponents which will hopefully eliminate all exponents which are not actual solutions. This last idea is what we shall develop later into a sieving strategy for general S-unit equations. When performing the above procedure for finding the upper bound on A one ha.'-1 to loop through all possible values oft E {1, . . ,n}; this is rather wasteful as we shall now show. We shall reduce to only looping on i E { l, ... , s}. To do thif> we first need to link the size of lf3Ul I to the size of 1Y 1LEMYIA
VII.3. If we set
1~ 1 ' 1 1
<: '•IYI- 1"-''-
PRooF. Choose i as above, so that IP('ll tion
" 1~ 1 ' 1 1 IT I= I
minjf3(01, and consider the equa-
By choice of i we have the following inequality for all values of l f- z:
~ (IB"'I + l.a 1''1)
1)3('1- ijOlj
~IYIIB'''- a'" I. and so ly'oi
1 ''< )ml II (~1YIIB 2 Iii
a"' I)-'
2"-'lml ) I _,_., ( I%~(OI'J,l)) Y) 1 , which is what we wanted to show.
We can now show that we do not need to loop through all possible values of the index i in the main algorithm above. We only need loop through the val11es of i which correspond to real embeddings of K, as long as we assume that IYI is large enough, which is no real restriction anyway. LEMMA VII.4. If we define the constant Y1 by
then IY I ::;;>: Y1
if t
that i must belong to the set { l, ... , s}.
PROOF. We can clearly assume that t ;?: 1, otherwise the result is rather trivial. Notice that for any complex number n, with non-zero real part, we must have
)\S(a)) < )a). Suppose i >saud
IYI :;: :
Yi then we have, using Lemma VII.3,
< IX- a"' I= Y
(.'i)n IYI
13'''1 IYI
< "·IYI-" ~ ~
min I'S(O(Il)l
< min I'S(tl(ll)l s
which is a contradiction.
vn.z. x•- zy• =±I
For various optimizations of the above method, for instance using continued fractions to find the 'small' solutions, you should consult the original paper by Tzanakis and de Weger [202] and the paper by A. PethO [146]. Also see later where we discuss the method of Bilu and Hanrot. There has been a lot of work on trying to solve families of Thue equations given by a parametrized equation in one or two variables. There have been many papers on this in the last few years as techniques have become more developed: [195]. [130), [147], [132]. These papers have considered quartic equations with one parameter. Recently these techniques have been extended further; for example in [150] a quartic family is eonsidered which depends on two parameters, while in [99] a quintic family is considered. Bombieri and Schmidt have in addition shown the following result THEOREM VII.5
([16]). Lett denote the number of prime factors of m and
n denote the degree of F(X, Y). Then the equation
has at most
c n 1+1 solutions, for some
constant c.
VII.2. X 4
2Y 4 = ±1
We end our discussion of Thue equations by returning to the example of Section 111.2, namely X 4 - 2Y 4 = ±1. In an exercise you should have shown that this had exactly six solutions. We shall now show this without the need to make 'lucky' choices for the primes to use in Skolem's method. We recap that in the field K = Ql(B) where 84 - 2 = 0 we have two fundamental units which we can take to be 7}1 =
, TJ2'=
Hence it remains to find all possible exponents a; such that X- OY = j3
We label the roots of (j(l) ::::,:
X4 -
2 so that
()(Z) ~
1.189207, 0( 3 )
-c;:;:; (}( 4 )::::,:
from which we can easily calculate the values of c1 , c2 , c3 and c4 above: Ct
= 1.18921 , c2
C3 =
1.6819, c4 = 1.9515.
We then choose C5 = 0.65, which certainly satisfies the inequality c5 < c4 j(n1) = c4/3. It is easy to see that the constants c 6 and c 7 in this case are both equal to 1, from which we can conclude that cases A and B provide the trivial upper bounds of A 1 = A 2 = 0.
\Ne now need to split into 2 cases (by Lemma VIlA) for if Y ~ Y1 = 1 there arc two choices (namely i = 1 and i = 2) for the index i such that
18(' 11=
Case i = 1. We need to make a choice of j and k, which we make as j = 3 and k :::: 2. This is not the choice one would make if one followed letter by letter the algorithm of Tzanakis and de Weger. (They would choose j = 3, k = 4.) The reason \VE' prefer this choice is to make the lirwar forms in the logarithms non-trivial and to make sure we have a linear form in logarithms with non-trivial real and imaginary parts. This is because the LLL-reduction considered in Section V!.3 seems to work better wlwn one is reduciifg a linear form with both a non-trivial real and imaginary part. \.Vc now need to look at all the values in our linear form in logarithms,
A = log ( -o:z)
a1 log
(r'{:;) +
for some ao E Z. Firstly we notice that
8(3)) ~ ±(1- AJ/2;
(J(l) 0: 2
= ±
( 8(2)- (j(l)
we also have
(~r::) c~::), (~f::) c:~e)· =
The first of this pair has minimal polynomial X 2 has minimal polynomial
+ SX 1 + 44X 6
136X 5
+ 230X 4 -
+ 6X + 1 while the second
136X 3 + 44X 2
+ SX + 1.
It is then an easy matter to compute
h(o:2) = 0.3465, h
( ' ') ~~3)
0.88137, h
("'' ') TJ13)
Then the modified height, in the sense of Appendix A.1, of the three algebraic numbers is then
rnax{0.3465, 0.1073, 0.125}
max{0.88137, 0.4503, 0.125} =
max{ 0.61211, 0.1171, 0.125}
VII.2. X 4 - 2Y 4 =
H<>nce we can give a lower bound for the linear form [Aj, using the theorem in Appendix A.1,
log [AI ;:::
where c8 = 18 5!·4''i·2566 (log64)hm(-1)hm(o:2)hm
(~l:l)' ') (~I"'3 ) ) hm
1.902·10 20 .
Hf'!lce 'Ne can conclude that in Case C (with 1. = 1) we have that if A;::: A3 1.866 then A ::; A 4 = 2.8 · 10 22 .
Using this upper bound with the inequB.lity (VII.4) we can apply the techniques of VL3 to try to deduce a smaller bound on A. Firstly, setting C = 1040 in the notation of Section VI.3, we need to find an LLL-reduced matrix for the lattice generated by the columns of the matrix
176274 71 74039{)8605046~218649959,';846180563 314159265.%897932384626433832795028841972
0 [I0 40 2rr]
We find, usiog de Vv'eger's algorithm, that an LLL-rednced basis is given by the columns of the matrix - 17337033123210302580974221 7 (
-4351486116~5581868271 79508 481264526!08538228029397736 310551 489586956203244388693
446245042641595366633146255 ) - 138948196427026090773798155 68749340380225705361 7844 755
If we set ij::::: (0, ±[C/2], -,=[C /2]) 1 then we find that £(£, fj) ;::: 9.93624 · 1052 by Theorem V.10. This leads us to deduce, by Lemma VL2, that
A::; 49. We now repeat the process again, this time using C = 105 . Now we wish to find an LLL-reduced basis of the new lattice generated by the columns of
76~75 34~85
1 ) . ( 314159 87161 628319 \\'e find that an LLL-reduced basis of this lattice is given by the columns of
-1965 -544 -2284 ) 1545 -3345 . 980 ( -513 1817 1114 Applying Theorem V.10 with the vector '{/ = (0, ±[C/2], =F[C /2])1 we find f(C, if) ;::: 1301689.087 and a new bound of A::; 8. Case i = 2. We again need to make a choice of j and k, which we make as j ::::: 3 and k :::: 1. We now look at ail the values in the linear form
for some a 0 E Z. Firstly we notice that 8{2)U:t =
( O(l)- 8(2)
+ -../=1)/2,
we also have
C~::) ' (~f::) C: ~e)· =
These last two have the same minimal polynomials as before namely X 2 6X+l and
+ 8X 7 + 44X 6
136X 5 + 230X 4
136X 3
+ 44X 2 + BX .f: 1.
We can then comptlte the modified heights a.'l before and plug them into the formula for c8 from Appendix A.l to find · log IAI ~ -c8 log(3A/2),
with (as before) W
= 1.902 · 10
Hence we can conclude that in Case C (with i = 2) we have again that~ A>A3=1866then J
ASA 4 =2.8·10
Proceeding similarly to the earlier case we find with C = 10 40 that we c~'' reduce this upper bound on A to 49. Then applying the method again wit C = 104 we find that A::; 7. t Hence in all cases we can deduce that A :::; 8. It remains to check whiclt exponents below this bound give rise to solutions, but this is trivial gi~ the small bound on A. So we find the only solutions in integers X, Y to the: equation are given by
±(X, Y) ~ (1, 0), (1, -1), (1, 1). VII.3. The method of Bilu and Hanrot
In [11], Bi!u and Hanrot show that for Thue equations we do not need to u~ the reduction technique given earlier. Instead we can use an inhomogenoWJ; linear form in two variables. We still deduce an upper bound on A as before,; using the theory of linear forms in logarithms, but now the reduction of th~ upper bound proceeds in a more efficient manner. Let U1 denote the matrix of Lemma VII.2. We let {i} = {1, ... , s + t} \1: and put (u;J) = U[ 1 , we shall assume that we have chosen i as before so that
l~u'l ~ l:'O:l"Sr+l min
from the equation
U, (
7) ~ (logl78"1) lo g ~x-f'jlyl /L"
we deduce, fork"" 1, ... , r, that
~x-Of',lyl (i,J
(,?;' ukJ ) log IYI + ~' log lxjy-01'' 1 ' log lx/y-01'' 1 r5~: log IYI + +]; p.(•,)
()(iJ _ ()(i,)
if y is large enough, then we have the inequality log
()(i) - (){i,J
n+2 ::::;
log n
which means that we can estimate the absolute value of the last term in the expression for a~; given above,
L ukJ log
lx;v-e''''ll L, lu~o:,Jilog --:::; n+' -, L, ()(i) _ ()(i,)
~t then follows that A~ c1o log IYI
+ cu, with
where c 12 = exp(cll/ctO) and c13 = c](}. This allows us to see, if y is lar.J enough, that
I lx;y-er··'ll < llog(l+ ;t;_-(~:::)1 log (}('l _ ()(•J 1
< 2
lxjy- fJ('l I ()(t) -
< Cl r.rjy- (I(') < c 1 cgjyj-n by Lemma VII.3 <
CJC9C7ze-nc13A:::::: Cj4C-q'A.
We then not.icc that we have the inequality IOklogjyj-ak+Akl
for all k
{I, ... , r}, with Ct6
2,: jukjl' l<::k:Sr J=l max
= c14IIU1
VVe are now in a position to writr down the inequality that Bilu and Hanr use to reduce the bounds for Thue equations. First we define h to be an ind such that
we then let g denote any index (0 9 .>."- li~tA 9 )jli, then
jr19 - Oah +AI
equal to h. Set 6
li9Jr5h and ).
j(69 log IYI- a9 + >. 9 ) - 6 (Jh log IYI- ah + A~t)l < 109 log IYI- a9 + >. 9 1 + IJI Ibn log IYI- ah +>.hi < (1 + IJI)c16e-q'A < 2c16e-c,.,A.
Vv'e can use this later inequality to reduce the bound on A using LL reduction of two dimensional lattices. However, it is more efficient to continued fractions, just as we did in the homogeneous case in Exercise V, 6. Hence no matter what the degree of the equation we arl' solving we can u the continued fraction algorithm to reduce the bounds. This dispenses wit the uecd to use large dimensional lattices. \Vc can also use the last inequality to search for the small solutions to the equation when we cannot reduce the bounds on A any further. The 'naive
VU.4. ll'
method', givell an upper bound A 6 on A, would loop through all possible values of the exponents. This would mean we would need to check (2A,
+ 1)'
possibilities. As mentioned earlier this can be reduced by using a sieving method on the exponents. However, rewriting the above inequalities to deduce right hand sides depending on jyj rather than A, we ran deduce that if IYI is large enough we will obtain 1
lag- oh (Ogah- OyAh
+ OhAy) I < 1/2.
So we loop through all possible valtxes for ah, and then the possiblt~ values of a9 for ail 9 -::/:- h are determined explicitly. Hence we need only check 2A6 + 1 exponent vectors. This means that the final search depends only on A6 and not on r and hence the degree of the equation. However. this does not get around the main computational bottleneck of the whole procedure. which if> the computation of the number field data. But assnming we can compute the fundamental units aud a complete set of coset representatives for the p. then the whole procedure for solving a Tl!lle equation ls very fast and does not essentially depend on the degree of the equation. In [12] this method is used to solve a Thue equation of degree 2505.
VII.4. Integral points on elliptic curves (I) We are now able to describe our first general method for finding integral poiuts on an elliptic curve. The method is the classical one whicll can be found in :vJordell's book [138]. We assume that our elliptic curve is given by au equation of the form Y' ~ F(X)
wherE F(X) E Z[X] is a monic, cubic polynomial with non-zero discriminaJtL We wish to determine all (X, Y) E Z 2 which satisfy (VII.5). Let L denote the algebra Q[X]/(F(X)); this is nothing but one of the following three sums of fields: 1. F(X) has three integer roots:
2. F(X) has one integer root and one quadratic root (}:
3. F(X) is irreducible with F(O) = 0 for some(} E C: L
where L, = Q(O,) is a number field, and 0, is a corresponding root of the cubic F(X). Suppose that (X, Y) is an integral point on our elliptic then X - 8, E L; if; an algebraic integer in L,. If p is a prime ideal divisor the ideal (X- If;) to an odd degree, then by the unique factorization of· we have, from the equation
(Y)' ~(X- O,)(X- O,)(X- B,),
that p also divides (X- 81 ) for some j f. i. Hence p must divide th!" di,oric"'\1 inant of F(X) asp divides (X- 81)- (X- 8,) = (8;- 81). If we let S; denote the set of prime ideals of L; which divide the disuu":i inant of F(X) then it is clear that we have that
X - 8; = a;/3,2 where 1. a, E L,(S, 2). 2. /3; E L, 3. NL,JQ(a,) =a rational square. Remember, from Chapter IV, that L,(S,, 2) denotes the set of elements
L; f L: 2 which will give, upon adding the square root of an element of
an extension unramified away from S;. We take representatives for of L,(S., 2) to be integral elements with no square divisors in OK/OK. for a finite number of possibilities for the a;, we are reduced to finding all possible values of /3;. LEMMA VII.6. In such a situation there exist three quadratic Q 3 , with integral coefficients in three variables x, y, z such integml point problem means finding integer solutions, (x, y, z), to the taneous system
Q1(x, y, z) PROOF.
0 , Q2(x, y, z) = 1 , Qa(x, y, z) =X
Now the equation Q1(x, y, z) = 0 is a curve of gen11s zero in IP'2 so by 111.1 it has a rational solution if and only if it has a solution in existence of Qlp solutions is easy to determine, as has already been d;,,~,.d Chapter IV. In Chapter IV we also discussed how given a rational solution can parameterize all solutions to Q 1 (x, y, z) = 0 in terms of three qm>dral forms in two variables gx = qJ(m, n) , gy = q2(m, n) , gz = Qa(m, n),
where m and n are coprime integer variables and g is an integer omosta! which comes from some finite set and the Q; have integral coefficients.
\'II.5. Y 2 = X 3 - 6X- 14
Then substituting the q,(m. n) into Q 2 (x, y, z) rqtlatiolt of degree four: G(m,n) ,l,
we obtain a Thue
(strictly it i~ a Thue equation only when g -1- 0. \Vhen g = 0 it is easy to solw). Hence by the methods of this chapter we can find all the solutions, ( 1n. n). \Ve ean then find ail values of x, y, z using the quadratic forms q;(m. n) and finally we can find the possible integral points (X, Y) from the equation X= Q3(:r, y, z). Before we eontinue with an example one should notf! that the above procedure for finding integral points is doscly related to the procedure known as 2-df•r;cent for finding the structure of the rational points on an elliptic curve. We shall return to 2-dcscent in Chapter XII.
VII.5. Y2 = X 3
6X -14
Suppose we wish to find all integral points on the elliptic curve
Y' ~ F(X) ~ X 3
6X- 14.
If \\"e set K = Q(O) where 83 -68- 14 = 0 then we find that K has class number one, one fundamental unit which we can take to beT) = (5-80+28 2 )/3 aml an integral basis given by w 1 = 1, w2 = 0 and w3 = (1 -(I+ 82 )j3. The di~criminant of F(X) is -22 · 3"1 · 41 which means that we need to find generators of the prime ideals lying above 2, 3 and 41. We find that these ideals split as
(2) =I'~, (3)
P3P~ , (41) = P41P~t As generators we can take (with an obvious correspondence) 1f2
JT 3
= (5 +
7f11 =
e- IP)j3,
+ e- &2 )/3,
1r~ = (1 + 20 + fP)/3,
(1 +58- 20 2 )/3, 7f~l
5 + 48 + 82 .
Clearly we then have that K(S, 2) 3=: (-1)
(1T 3 )
(7r~ 1 ),
which is a group of order 27 . But we are only interested in those elements whose norms are squares in Ql. A simple calculation then reveals that we arc therefore only interested in the subgroup of order 8 given by
H :::0: (-ry)
For earh a E H we thPn have to determine whet,hcr there are integers x, y, z such that XEquating the coefficients of
e = n(xwl + YW2 + zw3) 2. e in both side of this inequality gives
0 = Q 1(x, y, z) , -1 = Q2(x, y,z) , X= Q3(x, y, z).
We take the first quadratic form first,
QI(x,y,z) =0. We have eight possibilities for Q1 depending on our choice of a. These are exactly the eight quadratic forms which you were asked to study in Chapter. IV, Exercises 3 and 4. Clearly a necessary condition is that Q1 (x, y, z) = 0 must be locally soluble everywhere. You should have found that three out of the eight quadratic forms were not locally soluble everywhere. Eliminating these means that we can restrict ourselves to a coming from the set 1 I 1 1 1 } H ' = {1 ' -1f.l1f3> 1]1fJ1f3> 1]1r 411f41' -1]1TJ1f37r4f7r4l .
For the elements in H' we find a solution to Q1 (x, y,z) and then wTiie x,y,t. as quadratic forms in two integer coprime integer variables. This gives rise· to a Thue equation of degree four which we then need to solve using the_ techniques of this chapter. We now take each possible value of a: in turn:
i) a:= 1. We find Q 1(x, y, z) = (2xz
+ 3y 2 -
+ 3z 2)/3 =
and then
gx = -3p 2 + 2pq -3q 2 , gy = 2pq, gz = 2q 2 • Clearly we then can choose g = 1, 2, 3 or 6 by the method of Chapter IV. then substitute these quadratic forms into the equation
+ 6xy + 14yz)/3 =
Q2(x,y,z) = (-2xz
to find the Thue equation:
+ pq2 + 3p2q- 3p3)
which clearly has no integer solutions if g = 1 or 3. For the other values g this only has a solution when g = 6 in which case we have (p, q) = ±(2, 1): But then (x, y, z) = ( -11/6, 2/3, 1/3) which is not integral.
ii) a:
= -1r31rJ.
Here we find
Q1(x,y,z) = 2xy
+ y 2 +4yz+ z2 =
gx = - l - p2 -4pq, gy =2p2 , gz =2pq. We can then choose g = 1 or 2, in the Thue equation q4 - 6p2q2
+ 24p3q + 21p4
which we then find has no solutions.
iii) a:=
7]7r3 7rJ.
Here we find
Qi (x, y, z)
2x 2
+ 4zx + y 2 + 4zy- 5z2 =
VIL5. Y'=X 3 -6X-14
and gx = p2 +4pq- 5q2, 9Y =p2
+ 6pq- sl,
9Z = p2
+ 4pq- 3q2.
We can then choose 9 = 1 or 2, in the Thue equation 2(p4
+ 6p2q2 -
12pq3 + 3q4) = -_q2,
which has the solutions (p,q,g):::: (1,1,2),(-1,-1,2). Then we have that (x, y, z) must be equal to (0, 1, I), and this gives the integral point (X, Y) = (5,±9). iv) a=
1]7r4t7r~ 1 •
We now have Q 1 (x, y, z) = (I5x 2 + 18xy- 58xz - 93y 2 + 244yz- 138c2)/3 = 0
and 9x :::: 93p2 - 244pq + 138q2, 9Y = 6163p 2 - 10270pq + 4278q 2, 9z = 3441p2 - 5748pq + 2400q 2.
Taking the Hermite normal form of the resulting matrix we see that we can restrict 9 to come from the set {1, 2, 3, 6, 41, 82, 123, 246}. For each of these wP have to solve the Thue equation 82(6708639p4 -22158184p3q+27 445440p 2q2-15108756q3p+3119058q 4 ) = - 92 We can therefore restrict 9 even more; it must either be 82 or 246. We find that there are no solutions to these two Thue equations. v)
-ry7r3 Jr;Jr41 Jr4 1 • In this final case we have
Qt(X, y, z)
56xy + 62xz
+ 57l- 94yz + 33z 2 =
which leads us to gx = 57p 2
94pq + 33q2·, gy = 392p2 - 458pq + 132q 2, 9z:::: 342p2 - 400pq + 116q2 .
The Hermite normal form of the resulting matrix tells us that g must lie in the set {1, 2,41,82}. For each of these four values we need to solve the Thue equation 164(5636p4
14809p3 q + 1421lp2q2 - 5941pq3 + 917q 4 ) = -g2.
Hence g must be equal to 82, and we find that there are no solutions to this equation. In summary the only integral points on the elliptic curve
Y2 = X3 are given by (X, Y) = (5, ±9).
6X- 14
VII.6. Exercises
1). Verify all the numerical calculations in Section VIL2. 2). Prove Lemma VIL6.
" 3). Work out all the details for solving the Thue equations which arose when'~ we solved Y 2
6X -14.
i 4). Find all the integral points on the curves
(i) Y2 =X 3 +3. (ii) Y 2 = X 3 -52. (iii) Y 2 = X 3 + x + 1. (iv) Y2 = X 4 -3X + 1.
5). If our reduced bound on A is not small enough then it may be hard to·_j perform a naive search to find all the solutions to a Thue equation. Give a method using continued fractions to overcome this problem.
Thue-Mahler equations VIII. I. Thue-Mahler equations The obvious way to generalize the Thue equation is to consider a ThueI'vlahler equation. In a Thue-Mah!er equation we replace the fixed integer m on the right hand side by a product of a fixed integer and an element from a multiplicative, finitely generated sub-coid of Z. (A 'coid' is a set with a binary operation which is associative, is COmmutative and has an IDentity, a terminology I am grateful to D. Bernstein for pointing out to me. For those who prefer more standard notation we mean nothing more than a commutative monoid.) In practice we can take the generators of the coid to be prime numbers, hence our Thue-Mahler equation is F(X, Y) =
· · · p~'.
We now wish to determine not only X and Y but also the z;. It is dear that the only way we can obtain finitely many solutions is to consider only those solutions with {X, Y) = 1. We can assume, without loss of generality, that (m,p;) = 1 and that F(X, Y) is a monic, irreducible form of degree greater than 2. That a Thue-Mahler equation has only finitely many solutions was first proved by Mahler [124] in 1933. However, Mahler's proof was non-effective. It was Coates [30] who in 1969, by generalizing Baker's work to the p-adic case, was able to give an effective prOof of the finiteness of the number of solutions. In 1992 Tzanakis and de Weger [204] gave a completely general practical method for solving such equations by combining Baker's theory (and its p-adic analogues) with LLL and a sieving technique. We give a rough sketch of the method of Tzanakis and de Weger. Those Wishing to implement the method should consult their original paper as it contains many optimizations and discussions that aid the overall process. We proceed as before, setting 8 to be a root of F(X, 1). We first wish to consider the prime ideal factorization of (X - OY) for a solution pair (X, Y). This clearly could be divisible (to some arbitrary power) by every Prime ideal, p, of K = Q(O) lying above one of the p,. The first simplification that Tzanakis and de Weger make is to show that one does not have complete freedom here. They eliminate many possibilities by appealing to their prime ideal removing lemma.
VIII.2. The prime ideal removing lemma
We fix a rational prime p. For i = 1, ... , m we let p; denote the prime ide~ of K lying above p, with ramification index e; and residue degree j,. We I~ g;( X) denote the p-adic factor ofF( X, 1) corresponding to the prime ideal ~ and let the p-aclic roots of g,(X) be labelled 1, for j = 1, ... , n; = e,j;. ~1 assume throughout that X andY are coprime integers. ~l
LEMMA VIII.1. For every pairi,j E {1, ... ,m} with i -1- j there is at mo~ one prime ideal p E {P;, p1 } such !hat
ordp(X- OY) > max{e1,e1 }ordp(Bfkl- Bj!l).
. (YIII.·l1
The indices k, l are arbitrarily chosen from the sets { 1, ... , n;} and { 1, ... , n}. respectively. PROOF. All we need to show is that if, for some integral ideal
(X -BY)= p:·p?a.
then It is clear that
min~v;, VJ ~ ::; v;/e; ::; ~ordp, (X.-
max e;,eJ
YB) = ordp(X-
ve;k 1),
with a similar inequality holding for ordp(X- YOjll). From these two inequ ities we deduce that ordr(Y(o~kJ_oY 1 )) > min{ordr(X-YOJ"'1),ordr(X-YBY 1l}
> min{v,,v1 } max{e;,e1)"
Hence ifordr(Y) = 0 then we are done, so suppose that p divides Y. Now X andY are coprime it follows that p does not divide X. Hence for any. dividing p we have ~ ordp(X - YB) = 0 and so v, = VJ
0 and the result follows.
LEMMA VIII.2. Suppose equation (VII!.l} holds for p =Pi and either e, >' or!;> 1 then (VIII.
Here the indices k,l are distinct indices chosen from the set {1, ... ,n;}. PROOF. Write
(X- YB) = p~·a
for some integral ideal n. We have that n; = e,J; > 1 by assumption and so there are certainly two distinct indices k, l in the set { 1, ... , n;}. We can apply the argument used in the previous lemma to the equalities ordp(X- YBi"l) =
!!__ ,
ordp(X- YBiiJ) = ~
to deduce the result.
CoROLLARY VIII.3. There is at most one prime ideal p, dividing p with
ord~ (X -BY) > ,
(max{ e;, es,}ordp(BjhJ - B~l))) ,
where hE {1, ... , nj} and l E {1, ... , ns.} are arbitrary. Moreover if {Vlll.3) holds withe;> 1 or f, > 1 then P; also satisfies (Vll/.2). PROOF. This is just the two lemmas stated in other language.
COROLLARY VIII.4. There is at most one prime ideal p; dividing p with
ord~,(X-9Y) >
max{et,;·· ,em}ordpD(B),
such a p; must also satisfy e; = /; = 1. Here D(B) is the discriminant ofB as an algebraic integer over Q. PROOF. Exercise.
The last corollary is also applied in the number field sieve factoring method It is the reason that only degree one prime ideals need be considered in the algebraic factor base. For more information on factoring and the number field sieve you should consult [32] and [116]. What the prime ideal removing lemma has told us is that if a prime ideal divides X - BY to a positive power then it is a degree one prime ideal or it divides the discriminant of B. In either case at most one prime ideal lying above a given rational prime p can diviQe X -BY to some arbitrary power and such a prime ideal must be of degree one and unramified. Hence this reduces considerably the numbers of prime ideals which can divide the principle ideal (X- BY) to an unbounded power.
VIII.3. The method To recap we are trying to solve the equation F(X,Y) =Cpi'···pt'.
Osing unique factorization of ideals and the prime ideal removing lemma we have a finite number of cases of the form (where~ before F(B, 1) = 0) {3 =X -BY=
wwi' · · ·w:•
where • J1. E OK Is from a finite set which can be effectively determined,
• faunitofK, ,j • (JT;) = p~' with p, an unramified degree one prime ideal lying above~~ The number h, is the smallest positive integer such that P?' is principal, so rij is clear that 1::; h;::; hK· r\ote if no such p; lies above p; then we can bound the corresponding z; by the prime ideal removing lemma and hence absor~ this factor into m. We shall write f (as in the case of Thue equations) as .J f
ryf' .. ·ry:r
j I
where TJ 1 ,. , TJr are a set of fundamental units forK, by absorbing the units of finite order into p,. · We set A = max(! a;!), S = max(ls,l) and H :::: max( A, S) hence it ~ enough to find a bound on H to solve our equation. In practice we wi~ require a 'small' bound on Hand a means to evaluate all values of a; and st with Ia, I, Is, I::; H in an efficient manner. Writing -~
~ II" ("!")"' (JJ II' (•!' wUJ')'
Tt -
~ II' ("1'(il')"' II' (•I'')" 7fUJ
, T2 -
and defining a 1 , a 2 as in the case of Thue equations (see equation (VII.3)) ~ have the identity -~ 0' 1r 1 + a 2 r 2 + 1::::0. ·~ Again notice how the 0'; are fixed and the r, range over two finitely generated subgroups of the algebraic numbers. Just as in the case of Time equations we define CJ
2 (minllf(m) -0(1)1)-I
(O''•J- O<'•l) I 1,;t~~~;t1J I (OUal- (}(I!)) . Then we have la 1 rtl :5. Ctc21,6('JI = conjugate i E {1, ... , n} so that
c3 I.B(ill, where as before we choose
I~''' I~ 1:9:5n min I~'" I and again we choose j, k to be two distinct arbitrary indices not equal t. However, there are two important differences with the Thue equatio approach. For Thue equations we saw that we could restrict the index i correspond to a real embedding; this is now no longer possible. For Thu equations we also split the discussion into three, the first two which provided trivial bounds on the exponents. Here we will again obtai three but this time we have no trivial Dounds. , Also, as in the case of Thue equations, we use Lemma Vll.2 to show thalj there is an index h and a constant c4 such that _;
Ilog lt:(h)ll;:::
\Ve choose c5 as we did for Thue equations and split the discussion into various cases. However, first we shall use non-archimedian information to show that Sean always be bounded in terms of H.
LEMMA VIII.5. There are constants c6 and c7 such that S S c5(iogH +c7)· PROOF. First let Pt denote any one of our unbounded primes, with the degree one prime ideal P1 lying above it. We wish to show that there are constants c8 (p!) and cg(pl), which depend on our choice of rational prime, so that
St S cs(Pt)(log H + cg(Pt)). It is dear that for any choice of indices i 1,j1, kt we must have
ord"' (
~:~:~) = ord"' ( ~;:::) = 0.
We choose the three indices in the expressions for ordp1 (a 2 )
~ 0 , ordv :~:~) = 0 1 (
and ord"' (
above so that
:~::) ~ h
\Ve leave it as an exercise to show that this can always be done. With this choice of indices we see that orc;l"' (a! Tt) ~ ordp, (at) Now if ord"1(a 2 ) > 0 then
+ h 1s1
and ordp1 (azr2)
ord"' (a 2 )
St =
So we can assume that ord"1(o 2 ) = 0, but then we can apply Yu's theorem, see Appendix A.2, to find constants c 10 (p1) and cu(Pt) so that
ordp(-a 2 r 2
1):::; c10 (pt}(logH
+ c11 (pt)).
Hence combining this with the equality hts1 ~ ordp( -a2T2 - 1) - ord"' (at)
we achieve our inequality of the form St:::;
cs(Pt)(log H
+ c9 (Pt)).
The result required by the lemma then follows on taking the maximum of the cOnstants in all cases. 0 0/ote that the above lemma "and Lemma 11.9 show that, if s 1 > 1, then there is a linear form in p-aclic logarithms, Ap, such that ordp(Ap) I.e.
= htSt
+ ordp (al) 1
It is this last inequality which we shall use to reduce the bound on S~ using the reduction theory of p-aclic linear forms considered in Section · If H = S we are then able to bound all the variables using the a lemma. We now turn to trying to bound H in the case H = A. To do this 1 must use archimedian information. From the inequality ja:1r1l : :;_ c31!3{i)1, see that if j;J<•l I is small then A = log( -Oz72) will also be very small. NO! as promised, we split the discussion into our three cases which arose when 1 1 considered Thue equations.
Case A: lfi(i) I > e-c,A and jf(hJ 1 ;:::: we have the inequality
It is easy to see that in this cal
j;J(hlj < Cpfl .. ·p:•e(n-l)c,A. Remembering that 1r1 for l = 1, ... , t is the generator of the h 1th power o{ degree one prime ideal we see that z1 = h 1s1 + t1, where t1 is given by
From this we can deduce the inequality
We then define the constants
We then deduce the inequality c4A :S c15 + (n- l)c5A + c14S
and finally the inequality A= H < ct5+c14S . - c4-(n-l)c5
From this inequality we can deduce an upper bound on H usiDg the inequalit for S from Lemma VIII.5 and Appendix B.l:
Case B: inequality
Vpon setting max log lil(l)l
max log I l:o;/:O::n
II 1r(l} I
we deduce the inequality
-c4A > -csA and finally the inequality
A <
+ Ct78 .
C4 -Cs
Again using Lemma VIII.5 to bound S in terms of log H we are able to find an upper bound on H using Appendix B.L Case C: jfj(i)l ::;_ cc~A. As in the case of the Thue equation we deduce the inequality !\ow setting
A = log( -a2T2) we see that for sufficiently large A we can bound the linear form in logarithms, A, with the inequality IAI ::::_ 2cae-c"A. Then using Appendix A.l we determine a constarit c 18 so that -c 18 log((r
+ t + 1)A/2)
::::_log IAI ~ log(2c3) - csA.
This allows us to find an upper bound on H, using again Appendix B.l, 2 - ( CJ6 + CnC6C 7 + C17ct; log ( -c,c, H $ -- - )) . ~-~
Note that in all three cases the upper bound on H will be very large because they all depend on the lower bounds on p-aclic logarithms arising frpm applying Yu 's theorem in Lemma VIII.5. The strategy which we adopt is to reduce t,he bound on S using our earlier discussion of reducing bounds on linear forms in p-adic numbers. This will then give smaller bounds in the three cases H = S, Case A and Case B. However, for Case C this gives no help so we need to reduce the bound in Case C using the standard reduction theory for complex linear forms. We can then feed these reduced bounds back into the reduction process for S to find a new (hopefully) smaller upper bound. We keep repeating this
process of p-adic reduction followed by complex reduction until our up~ bound on H can be reduced no more. -l We now have (hopefully) a small upper bound on H which allows us tO enumerate all the possible exponents and check whether they give a solutioQ to our equation. Alas for Thue-Mahler equations it is not known whethe-1 we can generalize the method of Bilu and Hanrot. Hence for large degreq equations we require the reduction of large matrices and a final search regio~ which grows exponentially with the degree. 'l Before we present an example two things should be pointed out. First!~ the above method for solving Thue-Mahler equations requires that we onl~ work in the field K = Q( 8), so field arithmetic is rather cheap. Secondl.;J we have treated the archimedian and non-archimedian primes in a rath~ unequal way. If one directly generalizes the above method for general t term S-unit equations then one would soon find that this imbalance betwe the treatments of archimedian and non-archimedian primes would cause problem as we no longer have a prime ideal removing lemma to remove a ideals whose degree is not equal to one. In the next chapter we do give su a method where we treat all primes equally; however, such egalitarianism · at the expense of having to use larger field extensions.
We end the discussion on Thue--Mahler equations with an example originall considered by Agrawal, Coates, Hunt and van der Poorten [2], in the cont of finding ail elliptic curves of conductor 11. They showed that the proble of determining all such elliptic curves was equivalent to finding all solutio to the following Thue-Mahler equation:
X3 -X2Y +XY2 +Y3
They used a rather different method from the general one considered here solve the problem. We shall use the method we have described above. The field K = Q( 9) where 93 - 92 + 9 + 1 has discriminant -2 2 · • • 11 an so has one fundamental unit which we can take to be (). The prime ideal (11 decomposes as a product of two degree one prime ideals (one of which h ramification index two). The two ideals are principal and we can take
(11) =PIP~ , PI= (7rl) ' P2""" (7r2) where 7TJ = 1 - 29 , 7T2 = 2 + (]2. As D(9) -22 11, we have ord 11 D(9) """ 1 and so the prime ideal removi lemma tells us that we must have either
X- (}Y =
VIIJ.4. X 3 - X 2Y + XY 2 + Y 3
\Vc shall only consider the first case here, leaving the second as an exercise.
For use later on we note the following minimal polynomials and heights of various algebraic numbers. The minimal polynomial of O(i) jO(J) is g(X) = X 6 + 4X5 + 11X 4 + 12X3 + 11X 2 + 4X +I,
which we can take as the defining polynomial of the Galois closure,
K. From this we can determine that h(Ol'l fOUl) = 0.304688 and that the prime (11) decomposes in the Galois closure as a product of three ramified prime ideals. The minimal polynomial of 1r)il /1rP 1 is 121X 6 + 330X 5 + 599X 4 + 716X 3 + 599X 2 + 330X + 121, which leads us totleduce that h(7ri'l/7TP 1) = 0.830993. The minimal polynomial of (O(•l- ()Ul)j(Olk)- IJ(il) is given by 11X 6 + 33X 5 + 64X 4 + 73X 3 + 64X 2 + 33X + 11 fram which we calculate the height to be 0.48536. We have in the previous notation {3 = ±()a'7Ti'
with H =max{ lad, s!}. The aim is to find an upper bound on H. The first task is to bound s 1 in terms of H. The polynomial X 3 - X 2 +X + 1 has one raot in Q 11 which we denote by ¢Pl =6+3·11+8·11 2 +0(11 3 ).
The other two roots, which we denote by ¢Pl and ¢Pl, are the roots of the following 11-adic quadratic polynomial:
x' + (5+ 3 ·11 + s. n' +O(ll'))X + (9 + 2. n + u' + O(n')). The complex roots of X 3 - X 2 +X+ 1 we denote by Ol 1l, o
and Tt
~ (¢"')"' (•~'')" A.(Z)
(Z) 1T I
' Tz
~ (¢''')"' A.{Z)
(•P')" (2) 1T I
We wish to solve the equation O:tTI
+ 1 =0
where the only unknowns are a 1 and s 1 • It is now an easy matter to check the following valuations: ord 11 (o: 1 ) = 1/2, ord 11 (o:z) = ordn(rz) = 0, ordu(rt} =
"' from which we deduce that
" ~
s 1 + 1/2 = ordu(-azTz -1). ; But we are now in a position to apply Yu's theorem, see- Appendix A.2, the right hand side of the above equality. ~ We first need to compute the various modified heights ]
~ hm(a,) ~
hz = hm ( ::::)
h3 = hm
~ 0.48536,
} = 0.39965,
max { 0.48536,0.0383, lo~ll}
= max { 0.304688,0.0313, lo~
max { 0.830993,0.03533, -
= 0.830993.
We setH:::: max{h" h2 , h3 }-=:;:: 0.830993. If we let Pll denote a prime ideal KGal lying above Plt then Yu's theorem tells us that ordp, 1 {-a:2r2- 1) < CJs(logH + cl!,), where
(\s = 30760· 25 3 · 4 10 · ll 2 · 125
h 1 ~h 3 (Iog ll)- 4 1og(21I ·42 ·122H) = 1.124-102_] '
c19 = 2log 12 = 4.9698.
s1 =
~rd 11 (-o:zT:l-1) -1/2,
= 2(ordpn(-a2 r 2 -l)-1),
T '"
+ c19 -l/c 1s),
1 ~
i ">!
= es(logH +c7). So we have es = 5.62 · lOw and c7 = 4.9698. If H = S then this gives us thaf H ::; 1024 ; we therefore need to bound H when H = A. We compute the various other constants needed. In this example we find c3 = 1.499769 and C.t is given by C4
We then choose find to be
= max(log I&(Ilj, log 19(2 )1) = 0.30468.
= 0.07617. The various constants in Cases A and B we.:
= 1.66199 ,
C 16
= Q,
C 17
= 0.83010.
This leads us to deduce, using the above values for C6 and c7 and the lemma of PethO and de Weger, that:
Case A:
H< -
c 15 C4-
+ c14 S
= t0.9098S
< 0.6519 ·10 24 • -
VIII A. X 3 - X'Y
+ XY 2 + Y 3 =
Case B:
H < c16
+ Cr 1 S =
3.63275 < 0.2251 · 1024 • -
We need then to deduce an upper bound for H in Case C. This is accomplished by using the result of Appendix A. I to find -0.453746 · 1020 log(3A/2) $log !AI $ 1.0985- csA which leads us to deduce that in Case C
A::;; 0.5748 ·1023 .
The first 11-adic reduction step. We now need to apply our methods to reduce the upper bounds on S and A. We have max(S,A) $ 1024 . L"sing the equality
S + 1/2 = sr
+ 1/2 =
ordu(-a2r2- 1)
we can reduce the bound on S using the p-adic approximation lattices considered in Chapter VI. We find Xo =
logu (o:z) = 2¢ + 10 + 9¢11 Xo,1 + Xo,21>,
+ (Srfi + 4)11 2 + 0(11 3 )
Xr = log 11 (:;:;)=10¢+2+(3¢+1)11+(6¢+2)11 2 +0(11 3 ) Xt)
+ X1,2¢,
log 11 X2,1
where tP =
¢1 2).
( :;::)
+ 9 + 11(4¢ +4) + 11'(¢ + 9) + 0(11')
+ X2,2¢, Then assuming that S 2':_ 1 we obtain S
+ 1/2 =
ordli (Xo
+ arXt + S1X2).
Iu the notation of Chapter VI we set u = 48 and compute the above 11adic logarithms to around 55 digits of precision. We then apply the p-adic reduction methods discussed earlier. We consider the lattice, C, generated by the columns of the matrix 0 0
0 0
In this case we compute A to be (a!,aZ,a3,a4) where
( 4916115410847193742284820t76388431729351276573271 ) '
) '
81635204105639029328374571193366119771921356773615 and a3 = (0,0,11 48 ,0) 1, a4 = (0,0,0,11 48 t We then apply the-LLLalgorithm to find that a rf'duced basis is given by B = (b~, b~, b~, b:) ·where -320619507626283299209674 ) 6349275212839218469100069 bl = ( -6793882650941251298438996 '
3772106613893795877168360 ) 2046834026897093540976666
-503119590564915704475663 ) 240123920028280879062828 b3 = ( -4783834428241165932396938 , 9135891617987144859763079
b4 =
13030428979455653604301391 ) -13555634196353734314 735 -2120949474251310659066433 . ( -1318621050704023258089929
If we then set
72984575875339099407846915699743225615617200587935 we deduce, using Lemma V.lO, that £(£, iJ)
2:: 0.498. 1025 .
Hence, by Lemma Vl.6 we find that S ::; 48. Then we need to look at h this effects the bounds for H in all our cases. The first real reduction step. If H = S then clearly A S. H ::; 48, so need to look at when H =A. This case we divided into three subcases wbi become:
Case A: H '5: 10.9_0985 < 524. Case B: H $ 3.63275 < 174. Case C: In this case we deduce no information about a new bound on H from the new bound on S. However, we can obtain a new bound on H by using the linear form in logarithms A which satisfies the inequality
IAI ::; 3e-c1A. So we proceed much as when we dealt with a Thue equation in the last chapter. We need to consider two possible subcases, according to which choice of i satisfies
We first deal with the case i = 1. In this case we obtain the linear form
(e{l'-e'' ) +
A = log 0( 3 )
_ O{l)
(e"') +
a1 log (}( 2)
s 1 log
('''') + 11"( 2 )
a 0 2tr.J=l,
with ao E Z such that lao I :5 3H. We find that all three logarithms above have zero real part so we approximate this linear form using the lattice, £, generated by the columns of the matrix
A~UJ,~J where, with C = 1077 ,
[(l (Clog(::::))],
We find that an LLL-reduced basis of the lattice C is given by 458 13986072!40905459481417 H =
-4988149068909680069!71 0630
t656!08997260704W58472889 -893118J801S919297734723468 -12757978463024807747173142
-479M2M292186937749047298 ) 208 4 7718 212569027 398! 67960 -7598444 !0!6!659743797 45690
Then, by Lemma V.lO, we deduce that
£(C,YJ ~ 0.331 · 1026 where
fi = (0, 0, vo) 1 ,
with Vo
Using Lemma Vl.1 we can then deduce that in Case C with i = 1 we have :5 1571.
We now have to consider the case i = 2. Now we obtain the linear form A = log ( 91'1-0I>l) B(Jl (/( 2 )
+ a1 log
(O'' ) + 8(il
s 1 log
(•''') + 7r(l)
a 021TP,
again with a 0 E Z such that lao I ;:; 3H. We find that all three logarithms above ali have non-zero real and imaginary parts so we approximate this linear form using the lattice, £, generated by the columns of the matrix
where, with C = 10 38 ,
= [!1 (Clog(::::))],
= [!1 (Clog(~))],
v1 =["(clog (£:ri))], v, =[\"!(Clog(~))], v, = [C2w] We find that an LLL-reduced basis of the lattice L is given by B
861978669403938973839563! (
324698 280699 51 9288846 2664
29!0862291304940857894020 3425261056822726354585352 2! 3850 !397 39435928934 71555
201890912292581046!0073372 ) 13393201094596546!28388020 437637230535!8!8657088079
Then, by Lemma V.lO, we deduce that
f(C, fiJ 2: 0.51 · 1025 where
(0, uo, vo) 1 , with
Using Lemma VL2 we can then deduce that in Case C with i = 1 we have :S 430. So in all cases after one 11-adic reduction step and one real reduction step we can concludeS :S 48 and H :S 1571. These are still rather large, although now in the range of explicit enumeration. We can make them even smaller by performing further reductions which we shall now do. H
The second 11-adic reduction step. Using our new bound on H of 1571 we can further reduce the upper bound on S by this time setting u = 8 and applying the 11-adic reduction step again. This time we are led to consider
VIII.4. X 3
X 2 Y +XY 2 + Y 3 = ±11'
the lattice, £, generated by the columns of the matrix 1
0 1 0 0 A= ( 84075532 181482992 214358881 0 146589123 18592905 0 21435888
We then apply the LLL-algorithm to find that a reduced basis is given by
-3396 5817 -8911 4412 ) -215 -2409 -4545 -49127 -4118 -7286 -1109 13622 . ( 4138 -2143 -8350 14705
Then from Lemma V.10 we find that f(C,ffJ "2881
where y = (0, 0, 99676773, 88284516f And so, by Lemma VI.6 we find that
The second real reduction step. We then have to determine how this new small upper bound on S affects the upper bounds on H. We may assume that H = A and divide the discussion again into the three subcases Case A: H :::; 10.90985 < 87. Case B: H :S 3.63275 < 29. Case C: Again Case C becomes the difficult case as we need to reduce a linear form in logarithms. There are two cases according to whether i = 1 or r = 2. In the first we deduce that H :S 277, using C = 10 13, whilst in the second we deduce that H :0:::: 102, using C = 107 . We find that applying the real reduction step again in the case i = 1 with the new bound of 277 leads us to deduce in this case that H :S 221, using C = 10 10 . We were unable to reduce the bounds in either the 11-adic or the real cases any further and so we have to settle with the final bounds of S :S 8, A::; 221.
So all that remains is to go through all the 9 possible values for 8 1 and the 443 values for a 1 . In the case under consideration with, 8 2 = 0, we find that there are the following solutions to
withY;::-: 0.
y X 0 1 1 0 -1 2 -56 103 2 1 3 -4
0 0 1 0 4 0 17 1 0 2 1
VIII.5. Exercises 1). In Lemma VIII.5 show that there is always a choice of indices such that ordp1(a2)
~ 0,
ordp1 (
0 and ordp1 ( :;:;)
~ h1.
2). Prove that there is at most one prime ideal p, dividing p with ordp,(X -OY) > max{eJ,;·· ,em}ordpD(O), and that such a p, must satisfy e;
3). Fill in all the gaps and the computations in the example of a Thue-Mah!er equation above. Do not forget to do the case s 2 ~ 1.
S-unit equations In the preceding chapters we have seen how Thue and Thue-Mahler equations can be reduced to the study of equations of the form 0:171 +o:272
+1 =
where the T; are allowed to range over two finitely generated subgroups of the algebraic numbers. These subgroups were determined by the equation we wished to solve. Such two term equations can be studied in their own right, a topic to which we shall devote this chapter. We shall see, in this chapter and the next, how we can reduce the study of other types of diophantine equations to the study of such two term equations. We first derive upper bounds on the solutions of such equations using the theory of linear forms in logarithms. We shall then reduce these bounds using approximation lattices, just as we did for Thue and Thue-Mahler equations. The main problem then is to locate all the 'small' solutions. To solve this remaining problem we shall introduce a sieving techniqu"e which is very efficient in practice and lends itself to implementation either on a parallel computer or in a distributed environment. We shall end the chapter with a discussion of the possible applications of such equations. It is perhaps worth mentioning here that recently Wildanger [216] has given a very fast method to find all the small solutions to the equation above when 7 1 ,72 E OK. We shall not cover Wildanger's method except to note that it works substantially faster than the sieving strategy mentioned below. The method of Wildanger can also be generalized to the equations considered in this chapter [184].
IX.l. S-unit equations Let H 1 and H2 be two finitely generated multiplicative subgroups of the algebraic numbers and assume that the generators of these two groups are explicitly given to us. Also let o: 1 and a 2 denote two fixed non-zero algebraic Immbers. In this chapter we wish to give a practical method to locate all the solutions to the equation
(IX.t) In what follows we shall assume that H 1 and H 2 are both torsion free. This is no problem in practice as if they do contain torsion elements we can just increase the number of cases for (a 1 , a 2 ) and reniove the torsion from H 1 and H 2 . We shall let K denote the field of definition of H 1 , H 2 , a 1 and a 2 , i.e. H 1
and H 2 are subgroups of K* and a 11 a 2 are elements of K*. We shall assume (although it is not necessary) that K is the smallest such field. Clearly K is a field of finite degree over Q. We shall let 5 1 and 82 denote the set of primes (places), both finite and infinite, in the support of the groups H 1 and H 2 respectively. In other words S; =
{p E MK: lalp =/:- 1 for some a E H;}.
Hence equation (IX.l) is a special case of the equation where r 1 and r 2 range over the group of S-units of K (where S = 5 1 U 8 2 ). Because of this we shall often refer to equation (IX.l) as a two termS-unit equation. That an S-unit equation has only finitely many solutions was proved by Siegel [168]. Coates gave an effective proof in the special case where the Sunit equation arises from a Thue-Mahler equation. However, Gy8ry [90] was the first to give explicit effective upper bounds on the heights of the solutions of such an equation. Evertse [53] has shown that the equation 0:171
+ O:z7z =
where 7; E OS C K• has at most 3. 7[K:Qj+2#S
solutions. We shall let r; denote the rank of the group H, and then define t; by t; = jS;j- L Then one can define a lattice in IR1•, associated to the group H;, via the map Log, : {
!Rt' (log lo:IPP · · · , log lo:lp,f
The components in the image vector come from the elements of S;, the missing one corresponding by convention to the (r + l)th-embedding of K, where r is the unit rank of K. The image of Log; is a lattice of rank r;. Before we continue we note that what we really want to do is express each solution, (T1 , T 2 ), in terms of the generators of H 1 x H 2 and then solve for the (exponential) indeterminates. For example suppose that
HI= (f3J,I) X ... X (f3r,,!) and H2 = (/31,2) X ... X (f3r,2),
. II
. II
then we wish to find the variables a;,J when we express T1
n"• ' fJ;,i
an d
R"" · fJ;,i
Clearly different choices of generators may lead to larger/smaller values of the a;,;. We would like the a;,; to be as small as possible. So we need to decide what is a good choice of generators fOr the groups H;. To aid us we must first give a general piece of folklore, which even if not true at least acts as a very good rule of thumb in most cases.
Folklore. If a diophantine equation has only finitely many solutions then those solutions are small in 'height' when compared to the parameters of the equation. This folklore is, however, only widely believed because of the large amount of experimental evidence which now exists to support it. This is an important argument to support work on practical solution methods for diophantine equations. Apparently before such work was carried out many specialists believed that diophantine equations usually have some small and some large solutions, these phantom large solutions being the reason why the transcendence results produced such large upper bounds. Hence in the above we expect our T, to have small height. Now if the ai.j are also to be small then the generators must also have small height and be 'orthogonal' is some vague sense. But we have some freedom in choosing the generators; in fact the generators of H; are only unique up to a GLrJZ)transformation. This is equivalent to choosing a new basis for the lattice which is the image of the map Log,. It turns out that a sensible thing to do is to choose the generators /3;J such that the image of these generators under Log, is an LLL-reduced basis. It is clear that given a set of generators we can always transform it to a new set of generators so that the image of the new generators is LLL-reduced. Hence this is not a problem in practice but should be born in mind. As in the case of Thue and Thue-Mahler equations we wish to bound
A= max la;,il· 'J
An upper bound on A will certainly give us only a finite number of cases to check. Say we have obtained an upper bound, B. Then this 'only' leaves
(2Br!+rz rases to check, from which it is clear that even if B is very small we could have a large number of cases to check. For the rest of this section we shall consider the problem of deducing a 'small' upper bound, B, on A. Then in the next section we shall show how one can use a sieving technique to find the solutions below this small upper bound. We choose b and Ph E Sb such that A = lak,bl for some k and ITblp~ = min
At this stage we do not know the exact values of b and Ph and hence we shall need to perform the following for all possible values, much as we looped through all values of the index i in the earlier discussion of Thue-Mahler equations. Let C E IR1 ~ xr~ denote the matrix whose columns are the image of the generators of Hb under Logb. Let C' denote any choice of rb rows from C
which gives a non-zero determinant. Such a choice exists as Hb is a group of rank r 6 • We set =
where 11-lloo denotes the infinity norm of a matrix, i.e. the row sum norm. We set c2 = 1/ c1 and choose c3 to be any constant such that 0
< c3 < c2/tb·
From the analysis we carry out below the best choice for c3 is one which is very near the top end of this possible range, i.e. around 0.99c2/tb· We shall now show that the value of ITblh, which we have already chosen to be small, will in fact be exponentially small in terms of A. LEMMA IX.l. With the conventions denoted above we have e. ITIb p
PROOF. Let U = {u1, ... , Ur 0 } denote the choice of rows of C which make up the matrix C' above. We then have the matrix equation
a1.• )
~ C'_ 1 (
log hi,.,
a.-.,o log hlh. Then taking the infinity matrix norm of both sides we obtain
A::; jjC'-'IL"" max(log hiPu) :S c, max(log jn,jp). uEU pESo We let )Jg denote the element of Sb such that log hiP.= max (log hlp). pESo
Then there are two cases to consider, either We shall assume that a contradiction: Case 1: jTblp.
hiP• 2: e"2A l7blph > e-c3 A
hiP9 ::; e-czA_
and in both of these cases try to deduce
2': e"•A. In this case we have
II lnl, ~ 1 and so e">A
~hiP. =
IJ lrDI;' < e1v3 A. pES;,pr'p 0
Hence as (c 2
Case 2: lrblp.
tbc 3)A
< 0 we must have A< 0 which is a contradiction.
s; e-c,A.
This case is even easier as we have
< jrblh :s_
hiP. :5 e-c,A.
Hence (c2- c3)A < 0 and we again conclude that A< 0.
;..·otc you should compare the above lemma with Lemma VIL2 and what we called cases A and B when looking at Thue and Thue-Mahler equations. The crucial point is that in the above lemma we are treating both the finite and infinite places on the same footing. This leads to a much more efficient algorithm when prime ideals of degree greater than one lie in the support of our two groups H 1 and H2We now have to turn the fact that we know that one valuation of Tb is exponentially small into deducing that a linear form in logarithms is also small. Then combining estimates from the theory of linear forms in logarithms with the above inequality will give us an upper bound on A which we can hope to reduce using approximation lattices. Wesetc4 = lo:biPh' d::::3-b, Ab =o:brb = -o:drd-1 = -Ad-1 and divide the discussion into two cases: either Ph corresponds to a finite prime ideal or it. corresponds to an infinite place. We shall treat this latter case first. IX.l.l. Ph is an infinite real place. By abuse of notation we let h also denote the conjugate of K which corresponds to the place Ph, i.e. Jo:lp, = jfPlj. We set c5 = log(2c4 )jc3 , then if A 2: c5 we have
1- A~h)- II
IAih)l = IAbiPh• <
c4e-c'A ~ c4e-c'c''
c e-log(2c,) = 4
Hence by Lemma B.2 we have
I log lA~h) II
~ I log( -A~h))l ~
where c6 = 2c4 and c7 = c3 . But the left hand side of this inequality is equal to
Ilog jo:~h)l + ~a;,dlog I/{~) II·
I'\ ow we can find a lower bound on this linear form in logarithms using the result of Baker and Wiistholz, Appendix A.l, i.e. we can compute an explicit constant, c8 , such that
-c8 log(A) < log IJog JA~h) II ~ log(c6) - c7A. Hence
A<- (log(c6 )
+ c8 logA).
The right hand side of this last inequality grows asymptotically slower than the left hand side so this must lead to an upper bound on A. Am explicit upper bound can be found using the lemma of PethO and de Weger, Appendix B, Lemma B.l We find 2
AS::- (log(es)
+ cslog(c8 jc7 ))
= A1 .
The constant A 1 will usually turn out to be rather large. Hciwever, we
use the inequality
IJogjo~')j + ~a;,dlogj,8,(,~)~~:::; c,e-c;A and the reduction techniques of Section VL3 to find a 'small' upper bound on A (provided A :::0: c5 ).
IX.1.2. Ph is an infinite complex place. Again by abuse of notation WE let h also denote the conjugate of algebraic numbers which corresponds tq the place P.h, i.e. JniPh = jet(hJj 2. To show the analogy with the case w~ shall keep the same numbering for analogous constants (we hope this doe~; not confuse you). This time we set Cs:::: 2log(2JC4)/c3, then A 2: c5 implies
-- lAb1'1' b h, IA'''I
1-A, -11
< jC4e-csA/2 =
yc4e-log(2v'C<) =
!. 2
Again using Lemma B.2 we have
jlog(-A~h))j S
where this time eu = 2JC4 and c7 = c3 j2. But the left hand side of thJ inequality is equal to
Ilog( -et~" 1 ) + ~
f3J.~l + ao,d21T..;=11
with lao,dl :OS: (rd + l)A. We can find a lower bound on this linear form logarithms using the result of Baker and Wiistholz again, -c8 log ((r d + l)A) < log I log( -A~" 1 )1
:::; log(c,)
- c7A,
for some explicit constant c8 . Hence 1
A< - (log(c6 )
+ c8 log ((rd + l)A)).
The lemma of Peth6 and de Weger then gives us 2
A< - (log(c6 )
+ c8 log(rd + 1) + c log(c8 /c 7 )) = . 8
A 2.
However, we can now use the inequality llog(-a1" 1) +
~a;,dlog/{~1 + ao,d21TyCll :OS: c,e-"'A
1 1
and the reduction techniques of Section VL3 to find a 'small' upper bound 011 A, (provided again A :::: c5 ).
JX.I.3. Ph is a finite place. We write h for the residue degree of p11 , e11 for the ramification index and p 11 for the rational prime lying below Ph· Our inequality can then be written as Hence ordp, (Ab) ~ (c3A - logc4)/(h log ph) = eh(G9A - cw) where C9 and c 10 have obvious definitions. Then if A > c 10 fc 9 then ordPh (A 6 ) > 0 and so ordph(Ad):::: 0, which leads us to deduce: LEMMA
IX.2. If by some miracle we know a priori that ordpn(etiTi)
then A:::; c 1o/cg.
In many examples that one encounters the above miracle often occurs, owing to some Galois action that we can exploit, hence it is not as special as might appear at first sight. In addition the upper bound we obtain is very, very small and hence no further reduction needs to be performed for this place. We now proceed to consider the cases when we are not so lucky.
IX.3. If A> cw/1?9 then there exists a finite set of possible elements E K for i = 0, ... , sd such that 1. ordh (Jl;) = 0. 2. Sd = 'Td ifpli ft Sd otherwise Sd = 'Td- 1. 3. There are integers b;,d, with jb,,dl :::; la;,dl :::; A, such that
- Ad=Jlo
,, ... Jl;' ·
PROOF. Ifp 11 ¢ Sd then we must have ordh(ad) = 0 and we can take Jlo = a 0 and for i = 1, ... , sd we can take Jl; = /3;,d· Hence we shall assume that Ph E Sd· For i = 1, ... , r d set n; = ordPh (/3;,d) and set n 0 = ordp, (ad)· We then define k E {1, ... , rd} to be an index which satisfies nk =
such an index exists by the assumption that Ph E Sd. By relabelling the /3; d we can assume that k =rd. Now as A> c10 fc 9 we know that ordp,(etd7d):::: 'o and so we have the linear equation
" ~.dn; = 0. no + L i=l
We define b,,d and r, by the equation a,,d = nrabi,d
Hence lb;,dl :5
+ r; with 0 :::;
We define
< Jn,.ii
_ a"• a a-n,
f.'i,d /Jra,d
/-l. -
for i E { 1, ... , r d- 1}, it is clear then that ordPh (JL.) = 0 for i = 1, ... , r d We need therefore only find a Jlo E K which satisfies the conditions oft~ lemma. If we set
a=- no+ (
then we have ra
II !3,~;t IT Jl;b,_a, i=l
0 dfJr ,d 0
(a~;,a-nr 0 b;,oan;b,, 0 ) Pr0 ,d
•=I ~·o-1
4 a, •. a+ L..,_ 1 n,b;,o
II 1-'i,d' "''
If we set ra-1
Ur0 ,d
then, as we require
ordp~ (l'lO)
= 0, we must have ro-1
no+ nrA)+
= 0
i.e. nrAJ =a. Hence we set
Therefore if we want 1-lo E K we need only check if f];j,~·· E K. This wij certainly be true if a= 0 (mod nra) (which will also give us a restriction Cl! the possible values of r;). But we notice that
a =
(no + rf:.I n;(a;,d - nrabi,d)) , •=1
(nraa,.a,d +
So we always have !Jo E K.
n.,.abi,d) ,
(mod nrJ· [
We can now apply Yu's theorem, Appendix A.2, to find two constants, c11 and Ctz, such that
ord1 ~ ( Ab) = ord 11h (~to ft~d -
log A
+ C1
Combining this inequality with the above lower bound for ord11 h(Ah) we find ehc9A
< c11logA + Ctz + ehc10 .
:Jaw the left hand side of this inequality grows asymptotically faster than the
right hand side, so this means that A is bounded. Again an explicit bound can be found using the lemma of PethO and de Weger: 2
(c 1z + ehcw
+ cu log(cil/ehC>J))::::: A3.
VVe wish to reduce this upper bound on A to something much smaller. To do this we shall use the p-adic reduction methods of VI.4. However, these con~idered only !ine'ar forms and we therefore need to convert the quantity Ab =
., IT ft~'·
into a linear form. This is done by using p-adic logarithms, where p is the rational prime lying below the prime ideal Ph· If ordp(Ab) :;::: 1/(p- 1) then by Lemma 11.9 we have ord11 (A;,) = ordP (log11 Po
+ r~l b;,d!ogpfti) >egA- cw,
which is exactly the situation considered in Section Vl.4. Therefore we need only ensure that ord11 (Ah) 2 1/(p- 1) but this will be true when A> (1 + c10 )/r-9 as then
IX.2. Sieving So using the method of the last section we know that an S-unit equation has only finitely many solutions. We also know we can bound the exponential variables in such an equation by a 'small' upper bound. By 'small' what we actually mean is small in comparison to the original bounds we obtained by applying methods from transcendence theory. Suppose the upper bound is B. Then the number of possible solutions left is O(Bn+r 2 ), which can be rather large. We therefore need a much more efficient way of locating these solutions than a naive brute force search. One method is to sieve using a set of prime ideals. We shall first explain how this works with prime ideals of fixed norm and then we shall explain how to dovetail a sieve together using a set of prime
ideals of different norms.
Sieving with prime ideals of the same norm. Let p;, for i = 1, ... , j' denote prime ideals of K of the same norm which are not in the support ( the groups H 1 and H 2 , i.e. p; if; 5 1 U 5 2 . We shall also assume that the p; ~ not lie in the support of a 1 or a 2 . This precludes a finite number of priqj ideals from our method. In addition we shall tacitly assume that the comma norm is 'small'. Suppose the P; lie above the rational prime p and have residue degree j Set q = pf and let¢; denote the 'reduction mod p;' map
Here we will need to make an explicit dwice of isomorphism, any choice wi do. Our eventual aim is to solve the equation ·I O:t
II /3,~~-' + az II /3,~2~ + 1 = 0, la;JI :::; B,
an equation which we shall call the 'global equation'. Clearly our brut force search method would be greatly speeded up if we could find congruen~· conditions on the unknown exponents a,,r If we have a solutwn a,.J to t equatwn then applymg the map ¢, to the equation will also give a soluti to the equivalent equatiOn in the field Fq,
I\ r2
¢,(a,)!\ ¢,(fi,,,)"'' +¢,(a,)
¢,(fi,,)"'' + 1 ~ 0;
indeed we obtain s such equations, one for each prime ideal. As lF'; is a group, generated say by the element g, these last equations become gL 1.;(at,l,···,a,1,t)
+ gL2,,(at,2,---,ar2,o) + 1 =
0 for i = 1, ... , s,
! eye~
where L 1 ,;, for j = 1, 2 and i = 1, ... , s are linear forms. But in these l8f! equations the a,J are only determined modulo q - 1. · Hence if we solve t~ above equation in F; we obtain congruence conditions, modulo q- 1, on exponents of the possible solutions of the original global equation. Loop' on all possibilities for a 1,j modulo q- 1 we need only check whether this gi a solution to the s equations in Fq. Hence after O(qr,+r:~) steps we have a s4! of congruence conditions on the a;,j modulo q - 1. This will have helped ~ if q is a lot less than B, as then we have eliminated all but roughly 1/q" ~ the cases for a relatively small amount of work.
Sieving with prime ideals of differerit norms. We now suppose \9 choose two sets of prime ideals with each set having a common norm. Th prime ideals are again chosen with respect to the constraints above. Tb generalization of' what follows to more than two sets is obvious.
Let the common norm of the first set of s 1 prime ideals be q1 = p{' and the common norm of the second set of s2 prime ideals be Q2 = pf•. Using the above method we find congruence conditions on the a;J modulo q1 - 1 using the first set of prime ideals. Now if we use in addition the second set we will obtain congruence conditions modulo the least common multiple, M, of q1 - 1 and q2 -1. Hence if we set o = Mf(q 1 - 1) there are only on+r 2 new possibilities to check for solutions in the field Fq 2 using the second set. For the first set we expect to eliminate all but 1/q:• of the possibilities; with the second set we expect to eliminate all but 1/q~ 2 of the possibilities. Hence after sieving with these two primes we expect to be left with Mrt+r2 q:•q~2
possibilities for the a;,j modulo· M. This is of course rather over-optimistic as it assumes that the equations in the finite fields are in some sense 'independent', but we know that they are not as they are just reductions of the global equation. However, this rough analysis seems to be born out well in practice. We have considered roughly
possible -solutions modulo M. Hence there appears to be a trade off between the number of possible solutions left, the time taken to detennine these and the size of the modulus, M. In practice it appears that one should not worry too much about the size of the modulus. If one carries out the above procedure for enough sets then the modulus will eventually become big enough. However, the more sets (i.e. the more norms) you use the more cases will be eliminated. Hence the trick is to keep M as small as possible while making the number of sets used as large as possible in the shortest amount of time. This leads us to the following strategy for choosing which norms to use. We assume we are going to use t norms, so we wish to find t sets of prime ideals, the ith set having norm Qi and Si elements. We let Mo = 1 and then define M; and o, for i :::: 1, ... , t by M; = !em (Mi-l! q;- 1} , o; = M;jM;-1·
Then we want to minimize, for r = r 1 + r 2 ,
o'(l+ qf'o; (I+ o;(···)))· I
Hence it appears. a good idea to choose q1 to make o'jfq~' = qr-s' as small as possible. It then seems best to choose Q2, •.• , q1 so as to minimize 0:2, •.• , o 1• After the tth set of prime ideals has been used we have determined the ~J modulo M 1 and then hopefully this is enough, when combined with the upper
bound on A of the previous section, to find all solutions to the S-unit equatio we are trying to solve. There are further optimizations which often helps in practice. In ma.q examples which arise out of other problems (such as the type considered in tb next chapter) one has various additional pieces of information. For examp~ by using some automorphism of the underlying problem under consideratiq one is often able to deduce a set of m linear equations linking the a;J- ~ there are two matrices IE Mmx,... (Z) and J E Mmxr 2 (Z) both having ra.U m such that Iai = Ja2 where al = (at,l,··· ,ar 1,t) 1 and a2 = (a 1,2,··· ,ar2,2) 1. Constraint!> such a these can be easily built into the above sieving method as they give rise t constraints modulo M;, fori= 1, ... , t. Parallelization. The above sieving algorithm works surprisingly welL J also lends itself to be implemented in parallel in a master/slave paradignl The master process performs the sieve for the first few norms and then fanit out the results to the slaves to sieve with the remaining norms. The sla~ when they have finished pass their results back to the master process (or to) separate harvester process) which saves the results to a file. The division~ the t norms between the master and slave processes depends on the particul~ application. We do not of course alter the order in which the norms are useci only how many of them are done by the slaves and how many by the mast~ Careful track, however, has to be kept of the information passed to e~ slave. Unlike the case of relation collection algorithms, for example factoriqj algorithms, it is crucial that each slave finishes the task set and passes results back for saving. If we did not keep track of this then if a slave crash~ for some reason we may miss some solution to our 5-unit equation. :j
i' j
Example. We end this section with an example where we can show tlu!j there are no exceptional units in a field just by performing a sieve with primi ideals lying above three different rational primes. The field we shall consid. is K = IQ(O) where 06 + 2 = 0. This field has a power integral basis in 0, ~ its ring of integers is given by Z[O]. The field has unit rank two and we~ take B:S a pair of fundamental units ~ 'flt=02+1, rn=Os+04-02-0-l.
Hence the unit group of K is given by OK = ( -1/ x (111 / x (172). We wish tc solve the equation Tt+r2 +1=0 where T; E OK. We first look at how the first few non-ramified rational prime: decompose. This is given in the following table where p; is a prime ideallyirq above p of residue degree i.
Prime !3 17 19 5 7 11 Decomposition P2P2P2 P6 P1P1PzPz P6 PtP1P2P2 PaPa I decided to sieve with the degree one prime ideals lying above 11, then the degree one prime ideals lying above 17 and finally the degree two prime ideals lying above 5. This means that we have
M1 = 10 , M 2 = 80 , M3
After sieving with all such prime ideals we wish to determine if there are any possible solutions (modulo 240) to the equation (-l)ao"'lr'"'l~·
where an,bo E {0,1} and
+ (-1)o""'lt'n~· + 1 = o,
a1,a 2,b1,b 2
E Z.
Sieving with ideals above 11. There are two degree one prime ideals lying above the rational prime ( 11) in the ring 0 K. These give rise to two maps
K"-+ K;,/(p;)
JF; 1
given by 1/Jt((}) = 2 and ¢ 2((}) = 9. Our units then become ¢l(ry.) ~ 5 ~ 24
~ 8 ~ 25 ,
¢,(ry,) ~ 5 ~ 2' , ¢,("') ~ 3 ~ 2".
l..'sing these two maps, applied to our unit equation, leads us to deduce the following two equations in Fn: 2sa.o+4a 1 +3a• 25ao+4a,+8a2
+ 2sboHb,+Jb• + 1 + 25bo+4b,+8b, + 1
0 0
{mod 11), (mod 11).
From these two equations we can deduce a set of possible values for {a 0, b0 ) E {0, 1}"2 and (at, a 2 , b1 , ~) E (Z/10Z) 4 . A simple computer program takes under a second to check the 40000 possible values for the a; and the b;. The program returns a total of 900 simultaneous solutions to the above two equations. So we have eliminated all but 1/50th of the possible solution space using just two prime ideals. Sieving with ideals above 17. We now use the 900 solutions modulo 10, which we have just obtained, to deduce the possible solutions modulo Mz = lcm{lO, 17 -1) = 80. Just as before there are two degree one prime ideals lying above the rational prime (17). We then obtain, as before, two maps¢; : K* --+ Fj_ 7 = {3) given by ¢ 1 (8) = 3 and ¢2((}) :::: 14, under which our two fundamental units become ,
¢,(ry.) ~ 10 ~ 35
So we wish to solve the following equations in F 17 , given that (ao, at, a2) and (b0 , b~, b2 ) come from a set of 900 possible values modulo 10, 38ao+3a,+5a~ +38bo+3tl,+5bo
+ 38bo+3b,
+1 = +1 =
(mod 17),
(mod 17).
We find that there are 12825 possible solutions modulo 80. This is out ~ a possible total of 22 · 804 = 163840000. However, we have only teste~:\ 40000 + 900 · 84 = 3726400 of these. So we have reduced the total amount of work needed to determine the 12825 solutions by a factor of around 50. To actually determine the 12825 solutions took under a minute. Sieving with ideals above 5. We now use the 12825 solutions modulo 8Q to determine solutions modulo M 3 = lcm(80, 25- 1) = 240. This is done by using the three degree two prime ideals lying above the rational prime (5). We now have three maps rP; from K• to the finite field IF'2s· We fix th-1 following representation of the finite field ·
F, "'F,[,P]/(¢' + 3). Our three maps r/J; are then determined by
3¢, ¢,(9)
4 + 3¢, ¢,(9)
Our two fundamental units then become ~
,p, ¢,(ry.)
3 + ,P,
¢,(ry.) ¢;('h)~
4¢, ¢,(ry,)
3 + 2¢,
I+ 3¢.
We then have to determine which of our 12825 solutions modulo 80 can po sibly be solutions modulo 240. This means that for each solution modulo we need to check another 34 = 81 solutions as to whether they are solutio modulo 240. This is done by checking whether they satisfy the three ima of the unit equation in J!i'25 . After around 25 minutes of computing time find that there are no such solutions. Hence the unit equation can have n global solutions and the ring of integers has no exceptional units.
IX.3. An S-unit equation in a cyclic quintic field We shall now give a complete example of the method described above. As example we shall take as K the totally real cyclic quintic field generated (J, where (J satisfies 95 +gt- 493 -392 + 39 + 1.
.j L
The ring of integers, OK, in this field has a power integral basis in(} and the unit group is given by 0~ ~
where TJi are four fundamental units which we can take to be T/1
= 8 2 + 8- 1, 3
ry3 =8 +8 -28-L
= 84
+ 83 -382 -38,
TJ4 =8 -3(P+l.
V•/e shall denote by Pt. ... , p5 the five valuations corresponding to the infinite places of K. The field K has class number one and a generator for the ramified prime ideal, p6 , lying above 11 can be taken to be
Jr=-1+8+38 2 -83 -84 . For later use we first compute the heights of all the relevant numbers. Every element a E { TJt, ... , ry4 , 1r} is an algebraic integer with minimal polynomial of degree five; hence to compute their heights we need only compute I
h(a) ~- l:;max(O,logla"'D· 5 •=1 \Ve then compute
h("d ~ h('h) ~ h(",) ~ 0.2884, h(",) ~ 0.3!83, h(rr) ~ 0.5117. We will try and solve the equation 71
where the can write
+r2 + 1 =
lie in the multiplicative group generated by
OK and
So we
71 = ± 11 r·~,'1}1a 11:•1ra5, 72 = ±TJt'~2 17~a 17!•7Tb~.
\Ve shall try to find a small upper bound on A = max(ja1 1, jb1 j). Applying the method above we see that the first thing we need to do is to compute the constant Ct. We compute -0.2698 0.1853 -0.6048 1.2566 0.4913 ) -0.5203 -0.6518 0.08448 0.!853 0.1853 C' = 0.1853 -0.5203 -0.9868 -0.2698 0.0248 . 0.3350 -0.5203 -0.1605 ( -0.6518 1.2566 0 0 0 0 -2.3979 Then we determine that we can take c1 = 2.9242. Given that it = t 2 = 5 we choose c3 = 0.06772. By symmetry there is no loss of generality in assuming .that A= max(la;l), so we take b = 1 and then define h, as above, by
= t
By Lemma IX. I we have
lrtiPh $ Cc'A. \Ve now split into two cases depending on whether Ph corresponds to a real place or to the finite place above the prime 11.
P11 is an infinite real place. We have c4 = 1 and so we can take c5 = 10.237 and so if we set flz
= btlogi1J\hJI
+ · ·· +b4logl17~h)l +bslogltrhl
then we obtain where C5 = 2 and c7 = 0.0677. To bound A all we need to is find a lower bound on the linear form in logarithms above. This as usual is accomplished using the result of Baker a:nd Wiistholz, Appendix A.l. The modified heights of our elements come out to be hm(ry,), hm('h), hm(",), hm(",) <: 0.4796, hm(<) <: 0.5117, for whichever value of h we take in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }. So we obtain either (b1 , b2 ,_ b3 , b4 , b5 ):::: 0 or
where c8 = 8.4 · 10 • This leads to the an upper bound of 1026 on A. We· clearly need to reduce this upper bound. We only summarize the details· here as the computations involved use LLL-reductions of 5 x 5 matrices with: coefficients of up to 140 decimal digits. We first apply our reduction method using five matrices and multiplying' the logarithms by 10 140 before rounding (there are five matrices as there is; one for each embedding into the real numbers). In a matter of seconds we, manage to reduce our bound to 3836. ' We then apply the whole method again but this time multiply the loga-~ rithms by 10 24 before rounding. Now we find we have reduced our bound to'' 704. A third and fourth application reduces our bound on A to 604. A fifth' reduction is not successful so we have a bound of 604 on A in the case where.' Ph corresponds to a real infinite place. Ph is the finite place above 11. Again we have which means that as long as A#- 0 we have
=1andsoc 10 =0,
This is because where eg = 0.00565. c12 = 2 · 1025 such that
ordph (Tt) ::?: 5egA We apply Yu 's theorem to find c 11
5egA :5 ordph(Tt)
(!] 1}~
3 · 1024 and
-'-1) $_ cnlogA+ct2·
Hence we deduce that A must be bounded from above by 2 ·1029 . Again we need to reduce this bound; this will, however, require the 11-adic logarithms
of the 171· Now if A 2: 1/c9 = 177.066 then ord11 (Tt)
ordn (h log 11 "flt + · · · + b4log 11 TT4)
> egA.
This last inequality is of the type we have met before in relation to linear forms in p-adic logarithms. Clearly the first thing that is required is to compute the 11-aclic logarithms. Applying our algorithm from an earlier chapter we find 40 4 + 703 + 802 + 100+ 4 +11(60 4 + 8(J3 + 802 + 100 + 3) + 0(11 2 ), log 11(7h)
1 ~ 0 logu{~
10 ) =
90 4 + 203 +30 2 + 90 + 8 +11(40 4 + 703 + 502 + 80 + 4) + 0(11 2 ),
stP + 2rP + 7 +11(100 4 + 70 3 + 40 2 + 60 + 4) + 0(11 2 ), 6e-t + 80 3 + 20+ 1 +11(30 1 1 + 80 3 + 302 + 90 + 1) + 0(11 2 ). For what follows we need to compute the values of these 11-adic logarithms to around sixty 11-adic places of accuracy.. This, however, does not take too long on a computer. We then apply our p-adic reduction algorithm. Rounding the logarithms to 55 digits accuracy at first reduces our bound to 2018. Repeating the process using 7 digits accuracy we obtain a new bound of 318. Finally using an accuracy of"5 digits we manage to reduce the bound to 247. The sieving step. So to sum up the two cases we have Tt
+ 72 + 1 =
where r
1 -
±..,a,..,a2..,a3..,a411"as '11 '12 •t3 "14
T- 2 -
±..,b• ..,~..,b3..,b411"bs "11 "/2 '/3 "14
and A= max(la.l, jbil) ::;_ 604. Alas, with the computing power available (and in a reasonable amount of time) it was impossible to find all the solutions to this unit equation. This is not because the bound of 604 is too high but because the number of exponents, i.e. 10, is too large without any extra structure being present. In any case we were able to solve the problem when a 5 = b;, = 0, i.e. T1, T2 E OK. In other words we were able to find all exceptional units in the field K. We could repeat the above analysis again to derive a new upper bound on A which would be smaller than our upper bound of 604 in this new situation, a process which we leave as an exercise. We used the above bound of 604 to find the exceptional units.
To apply the sieving method we used the following finite fields: F:z3, IF'57, FI99, IF'397, Fag, lF\og, W\s3, J!i'331, F:z41 , JF'43
which were used in the order given above. Notice then that the values of 'o; with this ordering are 22, 3,3,2, 2,3, 4, 5, 1, 7, which explains why we choose the above ordering as we want to keep the o; as small as possible. After a couple of hours of computing time the program returns a list of770 possible exponent vectors for the exceptional units. These are only possible solutions, i.e. ones which pass the sieve for all the above finite fields. The exponent vectors then need to be checked as to whether they actually give rise to exceptional units. This is a trivial task which can be accomplished in any computer algebra system. In the end we found a total of 570 exceptional units in the field K. These solutions all had exponents which satisfied Ia. I. lb. I $ 7.
IX.4. Integral points on elliptic curves (II) We now present our secotld algorithm to find integral points on elliptic curves. The method of this section dates back to Siegel and, of the three methods we:· present in this book, the following is probably the most inefficient. As befor& we wish to find all integral solutions to the equation
Y' ~ F(X) where F(X) is a monic cubic polynomial with integral coefficients and nonzero discriminant. We shall denote the roots of F(X) by 01 ,(J 2 ,fJ3 . As before we can, after a little bit of algebra, determine a finite number of possibilities for the et; in the following equation:
X- 0;
a 1{3f fori= 1, 2,3.
For each of these finite number of possibilities for the a, we look at the extension of K = Q(0 1 ,02 ,03 ) given by L = K(yfal,.j(i2,-j(i2). This is a field extension of K unramified away from the prime ideals of K which divide the a;. Writing 'Yi = ..,fiii we have
X- 0; = ('1;!3;) 2 and hence ()i _ (),
= (1';{3;)2 _ ('Yif33 )z = ("/;{3; _ "'j{JJ)('Y;/3;
+ 'Yif3J)·
We let S denote the set of places of L which are either infinite or lie above primes of Q which divide the discriminant of F(X) or which lie above the OTHER APPLICATIONS
prime 2. By definition 0;- Oi is an element of OS and hence so is each factor on the right hand side of the previous equation. Hence if we set 7}±J
= "fl{}J ± "'f2iJl "'tlj]l - "'f3i33
then we have that 71,72 E
and 7J±J
= "'f2j32 ±
"'f3j33 "'flj]l - "'f3i33
But 71 and 72 are related by the equation
± 7J±l + 1 = 0,
which is a two term S-unit equation in L. Hence by the above algorithm we can determine ail solutions for 7 1 and 7 2 . Therefore we can compute ali possible values for
(02- Od("Yij]I- "Yai3a)2 (11P1 + ,,f],)(o,p, -o,/3,) .j("(lj]l- "Y3i33) 2 = ±("Yif]1 -')'3i33)· So we can compute
+ 4 ±a + --a-
01 +
~ (a
2 ±a(1'1:I +l'ai3J))
1 + 4(±a + l'Ii3I + 2 01 + (1'1i3t) =X
')'3j33) '
which will give us all our integral points (X, Y). However, one should note that the above method is rather silly in practice as we have to go to all the expense of solving an S-unit equation in the number field L. This could in general be a degree 24 extension of the rational numbers which is rather large to work with using current technology, given we already have given an easier method in Chapter VII and we shall present an even better method in Chapter XIII. We shall therefore not present an example of this method at
IX.5. Other applications The two term S-unit equation which we considered in this chapter has a wide range of applications to various areas of number theory; As we pointed out before they occur in the solution of Thue and Thue-Mahler equations. In the next couple of chapters we shall see how they occur in solving various other types of diophantine equations. They also occur when one tries to enumerate binary forms of given discriminant. The case of quadratic and cubic forms are classical and can be traced back to Lagrange [109] and Hennite (98]. That there are only finitely many binary forms of given degree and discriminant follows from a theorem
of Birch and Merriman [14]. Birch and Merriman's proof, however, is inef-· fective even though it makes use of the fact that an S-unit equation has only finitely many solutions. An effective proof of the finiteness of the number of binary forms of given> degree and discriminant was given by Evertse and GyOry [52]. Their proof: not only uses the finiteness of the number of solutions of S-unit equations; but also a more complicated analysis than Birch and Merriman in order to. make the proof effective. Even though effective, a lot of work has to be done to apply Evertse and Gy6ry's method in practice. However, there are various optimizations which can be performed. This allows in some cases explicit numerical calculations to be performed, see [182]. One application of the determination of binary forms with given discrimi-: nant is to find hyperelliptic curves of genus greater than one with bad reduction at only a finite set of primes. That there are only finitely many followsi from the theorem of Faltings [55); however, the proof is ineffective. Various: authors [126], [198], [129] had tried to determine all curves of genus 2 with,J good reduction away from 2. However, it was not until a practical version) of Evertse and Gy6ry's algorithm was implemented that the list of all sucb1 curves could be completed, see again [182]. ) One of the most interesting types of two term unit equations is of the)l form 1't + 1'2 + 1 ::: 0 ' T; E OK. Solutions to this equation are called exceptional units. There is a link be--: tween the number of exceptional units a number field has and whether it · ' a euclidean field. This link is due to Lenstra [118]. Because of this link a lot of computational work has been done on exceptional units. The inter~. ested reader should consult [140], [50], [121] and [141]. There is even a:· link between exceptional units, Lenstra's work and the dynamics of iterated:~· polynomial mappings [220]. t There has been some work on determining exceptional units in param-,.j eterized families of number fields. For a survey of techniques in this area·i see [141]. For an example see [142], where the family of fields, IQ(B,.), are''1 considered, for a E Z>o, with ·l
e! +aD!+ 8~ + a8,. -
1 ::: 0.
In [150] a family of quartic fields are considered which depend on two, rather J than one, parameter. ,
IX.6. Exercise 1). Deduce a smaller upper bound than 604 for the exponents, in our Sunit equation in the cyclic quintic field considered above, for the case when as= b5 = 0.
'..' ·1
Triangularly connected decomposable form equations In this chapter we apply the method to solve S-unit equations, developed in the previous chapter, to solve a class of diophantine equations called triangularly connected decomposable form (TCDF) equations. These were firSt studied by GyOry, see [89], [93], [92] and [91], who gave effective upper bounds on their solutions. A practical algorithm was given in [180], and it is this method which we shall explain here. We shall see that both Thue and Thue-Mahler equations are examples of TCDF equations. Other equations also fall into this category, for instance discriminant and index form equations. While we shall develop the following for forms with integer coefficients and variables, almost all of what we shall say goes over verbatim to when the coefficients of the form and the variables lie in some ring of integers of a number field. For instance this allows one to solve Thue and Thue-Mahler equations defined over a ring of integers [183]. However, there is often a much better method, see for instance [211]. X.I. Triangularly connected linear forms We first consider what it means for a set of linear forms to be called triangularly connected. We shall also show how one can easily determine whether or not a set of linear forms is triangularly connected or not. Let £ denote a set of m linear forms in v variables with coefficients in the ring of integers of some number field K. We shall suppose that m 2:. 3 and that [K: Q] = n. Each linear form L;"(X) E £we shall write as
Li(X) = L£;,jX; where £;J E OK i=l
GyOry [92] called such a set triangularly connected if for alii, j E {1, ... , m}, such that i f. j, there is a sequence of linear forms in £, say L;=L;,,L; 2 ,
,L;w =LJ
such that for each u E {1, ... , w- 1} there exists non-zero ok E OK for k = 1, 2, 3 and a linear form L.u.u+I E £ such that
OtLiu (X)
+ o2L;~+• (X) + o3Li,..«+t (X) = 0.
This may look rather daunting at first but it is actually quite natural when one considers why we call such a set triangularly connected. Let Gc
be the hyper-graph which has as vertices all the L, E C. For three suclj vertices £ 11 £ 2 ,£ 3 we connect the vertices with a hyper-edge (or one mighj say 'triangle') if and only if there exists ak E OK, fork= 1, 2, 3, such that a1L1(i')
' I'
+ a2L2(X) + o:3£3(X) = 0,
with o: 1a 2 o: 3 f- 0. So the hyper-graph contains only 'triangles' as hyper-edges] and it is a connected hyper-graph if and only if the set of linear forms C ~ itself triangularly connected by the definition above. ·. We now need to give an algorithm to determine whether a set of lineaj forms is triangularly connected. We do this by determining all the hyperi edges in the hyper-graph, Gc. The following method will accomplish thi~ For each of the mc3 possible choices for L 11 L 2 , L 3 E £ we need to determin• whether there is a solution to .j
+ et2L2(:f) + et3L3(:f) := 0
with a 1a 2 a 3 f-0 and Ctk E OK. Suppose that OK has an integral basis giv~ by w11 ... ,w11 , then it is easy to compute the 'multiplication table', f E zn~l of such an integral basis from
We write L;(:f)
where l;J,k E Z. We also
w, ~ ~r(c,a,b)w,.
(ttiJ,kxk)w1 fori= 1,2,3
;r:~e ~~~ the unknowns as
~ Y;,o.Wa fori= 1,2,3
where the Yi,o. are integers to be found. Equation (X.1) then implies that have
~ Wo (t, x, c~l [(a, C, d) (/>,d,,Y>,d + l,,d,,Y,,d + /,,d,,y,,d))) ~ 0.
I • I
This must be satisfied for ali possible values of X hence we can equate coef~ ficients of Wa and Xb in the above equation to obtain nv linear equations ~ the 3n unknowns: ·
r(a, c, d) (ll,d,bYI,d
+ l2,d,~Y2,d + la,d,W3,d)
= 0 for 1 S_ a::::; n, 1 ::::; b::::; v. i
These equations can then be solved by standard linear algebra over the ring .Z. If there are no solutions then we knoW that (X.l) has no solution. If, however, there are solutions then £ 11 L 2 and L 3 are connected by a hyper-edge (triangle) in the hyper-graph, and we also have determined explicit values of a 1, a 2 and a 3 to use in future calculations.
X.2. TCDF equations Having defined what one means by a set of linear forms to be triangularly connected we now need to decide what it means for a decomposable form to be triangularly connected. A form F(i) in v variables of degree miscalled decomposable if it can be factored over the algebraic closure into a product of linear forms, i.e. it can be decomposed into linear forms:
where a0 = F(l, 0, ... , 0) E .Z and L:(f) are linear forms with coefficients in a Galois extension, K, of IQ of degree n. We can write L~(j.') =
x, + fz,.~x2 + · · · + t.,,ixv
where f;,j E K. If we set G = Gal(K/Q) then the set £' = {L'1 , •.• , L:n} can be chosen to be stable as a set with respect to G. In other words if is a linear form in£' and a E G then a(Li) E .C/. We note that the factorization of a decomposable form into its linear decomposition can be achieved using the method in [148]. However, in the examples we shall consider, the factorization into linear factors is trivial. If we let C;,j = a 0 £i,J fori ?: 2 and £1,j = a 0 then C;J E OK for all i,j. Upon setting
LJ(X) = a0 Lj(X)
the set .L = {L 1 (X), ... , Lm(X)} is stable with respect to G. The form F(X) will be called triangularly connected if the set £ is a triangularly connected ~et.
Every binary form of degree greater than two with non-zero discriminant is triangularly connected.
PROOF. Exercise.
From now on we shall suppose that F(i) is a decomposable form which is triangularly connected, i.e. F(i) is a TCDF. We wish to find all solutions, X E .Z", to the equation (X.2)
subject to gcd(X) = 1 and Zi E N. We assume that A E .Z is given, as are the prime numbers p,. The above TCDF equation is said to be of Thue type if t = 0 and of Mahler type otherwise (the reason is of course historically obvious). Let p~, ... ,Ps denote the prime ideals inK which lie above the prime numbers p 1 , ... ,Pt· We define ?r; E OK to be a generator of the ideal P7K where hK is the class number of K. As usual we let e; denote the ramification index of Pi over Q.
Clearly solving equation (X.2) is equivalent to solving the equation
f(:i) = Cp~ 1
• • •
where f(X) is the TCDF m
f(X) ~a:;'-' F(i) ~II L,(x) j=l
and C = Aag'form f(:i),
i We shall need to make the following assumption on the
Assumption. There is no :i E Z", with X=/:-
such that Lj(:i) = 0' fOr all
This means that the matrix
;j' .!
has column rank v over IQ. LEMMA
X.2. Under the above assumption we have v :$ mn.
Exercise. X.3. Solving TCDF equations
In this section we consider the solution of TCDF equations. Firstly we reduc the problem to determining the solutions of a large finite set of S-unit equ: tions. Then we describe how to reduce the total number of S-unit equatio . that need to be solved to something more manageable. Finally we descri techniques to make the S-unit equations easier to solve. These last two t niques make use of the Galois group G, introduced earlier. ·.~ X.3.1. Reduction to a finite set of S-unit equations. Owing to th~ assumption made above we can find an index set I = { i 1 , ..• , i,} with 1 . ik :$ m and an index set J = {j1 , .•. , j,} with 1 :$ ik :$ n such that tb following matrix is invertible: 1 AI J = (
::~: )
. . . ,,..
Clearly we then have that det(AI,J) E OK and we can set Ct
= INKfQ(det(AJ,J))I.
We shall require the following lemma:
.{ .f
LEMMA X.3. Suppose that there exist a E Z and ~1 E OK such that for some
value X E Z" we have
lal" :'S_ CJ.
With the choice of I and J in the definition of c1 above we have AI,Jx =
Then by Cramer's rule we obtain
x; =a det(A}i,JJ)/ det(A 1,J) where A}~~ is the matrix obtained from A 1,J by replacing column i of AI,J by the vector b. If we then set et; = det(A}i,~) and a = det(AI,J) then it is clear that et;, et E OK. The equation x; = aa;Ja implies that we have the following ideal equation:
(a)· (o., ... , o") ~ (x,, ... ,x") · (o) ~ (o),
1•1" ~
<: INK;o(n)l
~ c,.
We use this result to prove the following result LEMMA X.4. Suppose X E Z" is a solution to our TCDF equation (X.3) and
we have where
oj E
OK is given and
and a; E N unknown. In such a situation the a; are bounded by
0 <:a;<: e, (! + c,(k)) /hK
+ c3 (k),
where Pic is the mtional prime lying below p; and c3 (k)
c,(k) PROOF.
ordPk (C)
_h! max m K 'IIPo
(md, {\J=TI o;)). 1
Let p denote a prime ideal of K lying above Pic· We set 9k = + z1c and we note that the ramification index of p only depends
on Pk and not p as K is a Galois field. We shall therefore denote this ramifi.l cation index by ek· We shall denote by dk the greatest rational integer snell that the inequality 9tek -
ord~ (~ 6j)
2:: mdkek
holds for every prime ideal p lying above Pk· By this definition of dk there exists a prime ideal q which divides Pk such that m(dk
(~ 6i) .
+ l)e, > gkek- ordq
We also have the equality, for the prime ideal p dividing a;mhK
+ ordp
and Pk>
6i) :::: gkek
Hence, by (X.4) and (X.5), 0
m~K (gkek- ordp (~ 61)) ,
< dkek/hK :5 =
,; g,e,jmhK < (cl,+ J)e,jhK
+ m~K oro,
(ii, Oj)
We therefore need now only show that dk :5 (logct)/(pkn).
To accomplish this we let a E .Z denote a number such that a :::: and choose € E K such that a€ = 1rf' · · · It follows tliat
+ ordp(€) = ord~(a~)
where p is the prime ideal dividing both
= hxa,,
1' Pt' · ··p~ ~
-~ 'l )
and Pk· Then
hKa,- ekdk
~ (M- ocd, (,ii, ;,)) -e,d, by (X,6) > dkek - ekdk = Hence € E Ox, and writing 0
0 by (X.4)
f€6i E Ox Li(X) =
We are then in the situation described by Lemma X.3, so we can deduce ial" ::;_ c1 and so we obtain the required bound on ~0
:;"ote we can deduce something even stronger which can help in practice. We find that and
L dk logpk ::; -logc -. 1
i=l n In any case, if we can apply the last lemma, we know that we can write for allj,l$j$m,
where the ''fjS are some given known quantities and f is some unknown element of OK. We have then the equation m
II 'Y; = C11' ... p:•. j=l
Taking ordp, of both sides we have therefore determined the _z;. We write for a unit of finite order~ and a set of fundamental units values can then be read off the equation
1}1, ... , 1],..
(~TJr' · · ·1J~')m = Cp~' · ··p:•
II 'Y3- 1 i=1
If no such integer values of v; are possible then this set of 'Y/S does not correspond to a solution. So finally, assuming the conditions of Lemma X.4 are satisfied, we can determine the values of r1 = L1(X). Our final task is to read off the values of X. Let OK have an integral basis wl> ... ,wn. We can then write T;
t;jWj f.;j
where t,, 3, l;J,k E Z are known. Hence we wish to determine the values of X; for i = 1, ... , v from the mn equations given by
f.;J,kX; :::: t1,k
for j and k such that 1 .::; j ::; m , 1 ::; k ::; n.
All that remains is then to show that we can get ourselves into a position to be able to apply Lemma X.4. THEORBM
X.5. Suppose if
E Z"
is a solution to our TCDF equation {X.:J}.
We can then find sets of 63 E OK such that
Li(:i) = where
a = f7r~' E OK and a.; E N unknown.
is given by ...
We have
II Lj(.i) =
Cp~ 1
Hence by the unique factorization of ideals there is a finite number of possibilities for ideals tt1 such that Li(X)OS
Firstly we observe that if we have an equation of the form cttLt(f)
+ azLz(f) + a3L3(:i') =
then, by our algorithm for S-unit equations of the preceding chapter; we can determine Lt(X), L 2 (f), L 3 (.i) up to multiplication by an unknown element of OS. We shall use this observation in what follows. As our form is triangularly connected, for any index, j, we care to consider we can find a sequence of the linear forms Li(X),
L,(i!) ~ L,, (X), ... , L,.(X) ~ L1(x), such that for all u E {1, ... , w - 1} there exist a,,., a; .. +!, a;,.,u+l E OK sucbj that for some linear form £,.,,.. +1 (X) E £ we have the equation ·J
+ 0';,.+ 1 L;H 1 (.i) + a;.. ,u+tLi,.,u+t (X) =
You should think of this sequence as a set of stepping stones jumping fro L 1 (.i) to L 1 (X) in the graph G.c. We can step from one vertex to another onl if both vertices are contained in a hyper-edge (triangle). Applying Our observation above and solving w such S-unit equations can find "• E 0 K such that Lt(.i) = <>t"t
where the
Lz(X) = i7t"z
are unknown elements of OS. We can then write for all j, wit·
Li(X) = L,..,(X) = "w-l,iw<>w-t "w-l,iw Lw-1 (X) I "w-l,iw-1
denote the group ~ ~ 0$/({:~rt) X ••• X (:~r.} X
is clearly finite and computable. We can write, for some J E
where t E OK and the c;s are unknown integers. For 1 ::;_ k ::;_ s we choose bk to be the smallest integer which satisfies bkhK?: -ordp.(OA.;) for alll::;
i::; m.
Suppose that ck < b,.. Then for some j we have -ordpk{JAi) = ::;
hKc,.-ordp,(o-!Aj) hK(b,.- 1)- ordp.(o- 1 Ai)
But by choice of b,. this would imply that ordp.(o- 1 Aj) < 0 and hence Li(X) fj OK· Since this is clearly nonsense we must have ck ;::: b~;;, and soak= c,.-b,. 2: 0. The result follows upon setting
for 1 ::; j ::; m. The Ji coming from a finite set as the set ~ is finite and the b; are uniquely determined by J E ~.the A; and inequality (X.7). 0 X.3.2. Reduction of the number of equations. From the proof of Theorem X.5 it appears that we need to solve an awfully large number of S-unit equations to solve our TCDF equation. If one were to use the method of this chapter to solve Thue-Mahler equations, of degree m, then it appears that one would need to solve mc3 S-unit equations (solving Thue--Mahler equations using the method in this chapter could be considered silly but we shall skim over this point; as long as you get the message that the number of possible S-unit equations could become stratospheric). Obviously we need a way of only needing to consider a very small number of S-unit equations. Firstly consider that each equation which we have to solve represents a hyper-edge in our hyper-graph Gc. Let the set of such hyper-edges be denoted £. Each element of E represents three linear forms L,(i),L1 (i),L,.(i) E £and three constants a;,aj,frk E OK such that
+ aiLi(i) + a~;L~;(X)
= 0.
To help in our task of reducing the number of S-unit equations we need to consider, we bring in the Galois group of K over IQ, G = Gal(K/Q). We have already commented that £ is stable as a set under the action of G. Let a denote an arbitrary element of G and then set
a;= a{a;) E OK , L;(i} = a(L;(X) E £. But then we have the equation
+ a~Lj(X) + a~L~(X)
= 0.
Hence G sends elements of £ to elements of E, we denote this action by
e·{Gx£---+ ·
(a. E)
E a(E)
So if we solve the S-unit equation corresponding to an element E E E then we get the solutions to the S-unit equation corresponding to a( E) for free. This leads us to the following important observation: LEMMA X.6. It is enough when solving a TCDF equation to solve oneS-unit
equation from each orbit of the action, 8, of G onE. For instance consider a Thue equation of degree 4 such that the corresponding Galois group, G, contains a cyclic subgroup of order 4. We ~c-present the element of order 4 in G by a= (1, 2, 3, 4) where the indices denote a given ordering ofthe roots of F(X, 1). Each linear form in the set£ corresponds to one such root. The hyper-graph contains 4 hyper-edges which we can denote by, with an obvious notation,
E 1 = {L2,L3,L4}, E2 = {L1,L3,L4}, E 3 = {L~,L2,L4}, E4 = {L 1 ,L2 ,L3 }. We need to consider the action of a on these hyper-edges:
{a(L,),a(L,),a(L,)} ~ {L,,L,,L.} ~ E,. Similarly we see o-(E2 ) == E 3 and cr(E3 ) = E 4 , hence the number of orbits is a(E,)
equal to one. So we need solve only one S-unit equation. X.3.3. Simplification of the unit equations. Remember what we observed before in the proof of Theorem X.5. From m
II Li(XJ = cp:' ... P:~ J=l
and the unique factorization of ideals there is a finite number of possibilities for ideals ni such that
But if we then have an equation of the form
a 1 L 1 (X)
+ a2L2(.i) + a3L3(X)
we can write a 1 Lj(X) = aj/3jlj = '"Yjlj, where /3j come from a finite set and f.j E n OK, to obtain
'"Ytf.t + '"Y2f.2 + /3f.3 = 0. Hence from the earlier algorithm {Qr S-unit equations we can obtain a finite set of possibilities for (ft/f3 , f 2 jf 3 ), i.e. applying the algorithm with the groups H 1 = H 2 = 0,;. From this finite set· of solutions we can determine a finite set of possibilities for Li(X) up to multiplication by an element of 05. As we mentioned in Chapter IX the main thing to worry about when solving an S-unit equation is the rank of the two groups H 1 and H2. However,
iu any reasonable example we may come across, the rank of H; = 0$ will be reasonably large ('large' with present computing machinery is around 5 or 6). Vv'e would therefore like some way of restricting our variables to range over subgroups of H1 and Hz of much smaller rank. Here the Galois group can come in handy again. We have
L,(X)fi, T;
= L3(X)(3;
There are three main possibilities which can occur: 1. If T; is fixed by some subgroup of G then we then know that T; is restricted to range over the S-units of a smaller number field thanK. Hence the rank of the group H; can be made smaller. 2. Related to the above one may find that a subgroup of G sends T; to 1 T,- • This gives linear equations on the exponents on the generators of H;. Hence the rank of H; can again be reduced. 3. Sometimes one finds that there is a subgroup of G which sends TJ to T:f 1. This gives linear equations between the exponential variables in our unit equation. Using these observations one can often significantly reduce the amount of effort needed in solving the relevant S-unit equations, see for instance [181]. X.4. Exercises
1). Show that every binary form of degree greater than two with non-zero discriminant is triangularly connected, Lemma X.l. 2). Prove Lemma X.2 that v S mn.
Discriminant form equations We shall now turn our attention to a special type of TCDF equation, namely discriminant and index form equations. Discriminant forms are an important example of TCDF equations. We shall first look at the general case of solving discriminant forms which arise from some number field of arbitrary degree (~ 3). Then we shall consider special cases, in particular discriminant forms arising from quartic number fields. For such equations there is a rather nice algorithm due to Gail, PethO and Pobst which we shall explain.
Xl.l. Discriminant and index forms A discriminant form is defined as follows: Let 1, a 1 , .•. , am denote m + 1 linear independent algebraic integers and let K:::::: IQ(a: 1 , . . . ,am)- We then define the linear form f(:'i) by
The discriminant form of f(:'i), with respect to IQ, is then the form DK10 (£(x))
II (t'''(x) ~ e"'(x))', J:::>i<j:S:n
where n = [K : IQ] 2: 3. Clearly a discriminant form is a form of degree n(n- 1) in m variables with coefficients in IQ. By definition it is certainly a decomposable form and we see that it is triangularly connected by noticing that for ali i,j,k with i -::f:.j -::f:. k -::f:. i and 1 S i,j,k S nwe have
(fl''(x) ~ e"'(x)) + (e"'PD ~ fl''(''l) + (e'''(x) ~ £''\•n) ~ o. A discriminant form equation of Thue type is an equation where we wish to find all :'i E zm such that DK;o(f(X)) ~ D for some given fixed integer D. A discriminant form equation of Mahler type i1-l, not surprisingly, an equation where we wish to find solutions :'i E zm such that gcd(:'i) = 1 and
(XI.!) for some given fixed set of prime numbers p 1 , ... ,Pt· The elements 1, a" ... , am above clearly form a submodule of OK of rank m + 1. It can be rather inconvenient to consider such objects so we shall at
"' once reduce the above problem to considering discriminant form equatio~ of 'equation orders'. We put K = IQ(O) for some algebraic integer 0. Th~ order Z[O] is called an 'equation order', for obvious reasons. It has as basil: 1,8, ... ,on-! and we can consider the linear form !
and the associated discriminant form
With the next lemma we reduce the study of the discriminant form Dx;Q(i(X).}: to the discriminant form Dx;Q(L(Y)). LEMMA XI.l. If we write n
. a;= ~a;,/P-
for some a;,j E tQ and set d to be the least common multiple of the denomina-) tors of the a;,j then we can deduce all the solutions to equation (X/.1} fro~ the solutions of the equation rj
' ' PROOF. Let A denote the matrix (a;J) and let X denote a solution to equation! DxfQ(L(il))
(XI.l). We define and so
= d"(n-t) Dp: 1
fi by
• • •
_ _ y ~dAx
~ df(X).
Hence DK;Q(L(fi)) =
d"(n-1) DK;Q(£(if))
Dp~' ... p:•'
which is what we wanted to show.
Often when talking about discriminant form equations authors sometimes.] refer to index form equations. In fact they are really one and the same thing (discriminant forms just having an added constant multiplier in them)~· Clearly from the linear form, L(fi), we see that (}(1) - (JU) divides £(•l(il) -. 1 £(Jl(f!) for all i and j. But this then means that the discriminant of 0, i DK;o(B)
II (o<•>- o"'J', ISi<jSn
must divide DK;Q(L(f!)). So we could assume that DK;Q(O) divides d"(n-l)D in our equation above. When we take out this factor from the discriminant form we obtain the square of another form called the index form: DK;o(L(11)) ~ DK;o(B)In410 (L(11J).
We end this introduction to discriminant forms by considering a very special case. If m + 1 =nand l,a 2 , .•. ,an denotes an integral basis of the number field K then the discriminant form DK/Q(f(X)) always contains a constant factor which is equal to the discriminant of the field K, DK. The other fador is a square of an index form. Solving the equation
DK;o(f(i')) ~ Dxlnd'(f(i!)) ~ Dx is equivalent to finding an element of index one in K, that is an element 8 E OK such that Z[B]:::: OK. This application of finding elements of given discriminant in a number field is the main application of discriminant forms. Equivalently discriminant form equations find monic irreducible polynomials of given discriminant with a root in a give11 field. Finding all monic irreducible polynomials of given degree and discriminant is then an algorithmic task as one can determine the possible discriminants of the associated fields, a fact that was first realized by GyOry, ; see [86], [87], [88] and [94]. Fields of given degree and bounded discriminant} are finite in number. Indeed there is an algorithm to determine all such fields'' [153]. See [126], [128] and [129] for examples of finding polynomials with. given discriminant. ,1i L'
XI.2. The general case: discriminant forms as TCDFs
We can, as discriminant forms are TCDFs, apply the method in the previa chapter to solve them. The first place in the literature where this was actuallY,:!~ carried out in a given set of examples seems to have been in [69], where t~ case. of discriminant forms. of_ Thue type in biquadratic_ number ~elds ~i·~ constdered. In [178] a discnmmant form of Mahler type m a quartic numbeJ!:--_ field was also completely solved. · ,... To apply the method we first we have to consider how many S-unit equ&tions will we need to solve and how easy can we make such equations. In what follows we shall set
L"'U!J- L
= L{kl(i!)- L(•l(i/)
and K;J,k = IQ(B(i), eUJ, B(kJ). Then we can find a finite set of a;J,k such that we can write "Yi,j,k
Cli,j,k T;,j,k
with T;J,k an element of some finitely generated subgroup of K{J,k· OurS-unit equations are then Cl;J,kTiJ,k
+ Clk,j,iTk,i,• + 1 = 0.
Given a solution to one such equation we can deduce a solution to all other equations with the same indices (but permuted) using the following identities,
which follow from the definition of 'YiJ,k: 'Yi,k,j
')'j,i,k -
= -
lk,z,j :::: ''ik,j,i•
/j,k,i -
- li,),k'
So we have at most "CJ/2 such equations to solve. In Chapter X we suggeste
= 'Yu(i),u(j),u(k)'
where we consider a as a permutation on some fixed ordering of the conjugates., o£6.
Each S-unit equation can be labelled by the ordered triple of indices of.: its first term. Het,ce equation (XI.3) above would be given the label [i, j, k]. :: But we have already noticed that given the solutions with respect to one such triple we can determine ail the solutions with respect to any permutation of:, the triple. So we are really only interested in such triples up to permutation'i by elements of S 3 . Hence we label each S-unit equation by a set {i,j,k}-l which represents three such equations. The set of all such triples we shall} denote by R.,, which will have nc3 members. Our task is then to deduce, I' as we mentioned in Chapter X, the number of orbits of G on Rn under the·:. action G X Rn ----+ R,,
(o,{i,j,k}) >--+ {a( i), a(j), a( k)}. For instance if it is the case that K is a cyclic quintic extension, i.e. n = q·. and G = C5 , then the number of orbits is equal to 2. We also suggested earlier that one could use the Galois group to make tbe·t rank of H 1 and Hz much smaller. It is easy to see how to do this in the current: situation. In what follows suppose that a' is a permutation of {1, ... , n}'; which fixes i,j and k, three arbitrarily chosen distinct indices. There are~. variety of cases which come to our rescue and allow us to reduce the ranks;· or to deduce linear equations between the exponents. Two examples which: come to mind are 1. Where there exists a a of the form a = (i,k)a' E G, where a' is'; a permutation which fixes i,j and k. In such a situation we have 'j a(l'o,;,k) = -1 -1';J,k = 'Yk, 1,;. Hence we can express the exponents in j 'YkJ,• in terms of the exponents in 1'iJ,k· This gives us linear equations J between the exponents as required. · 2. Where there exists a a of the form a= (k, j)a' E G, with a' as above.,: In this case we have a(l'iJ,k) = 1';~;~k· This will give a set of linear equations amongst the exponents in the 'Y•J,k-term. Usually one can then deduce that 'Yi,j,k must range over a group of smaller rank. Clearly other cases can arise; see [181] for more details and examples.
Xl.3. A discriminant form equation in a cyclic quintic field Let K
IQ(O) denote the field considered in our example of Chapter IX, i.e,
05 + 04
40 3
+ 30 + 1 =
We wish to compute all elements of index one in this field, in other words all elements a E OK for which Z[a] =OK· Remember we have already remarked that OK = Z[O], so we can set
a= ziil(X) = x 1 0 + x 20 2 + x 3 03 + x 4 04 where x; E .Z. Clearly we are only interested in a up to translations by an integer and scalings by ±1. If we then define f(i) - [Ul O{i) - O{jJ = l("l -l(i) = O("l - O(iJ f;J,k•
E 0}, we then have the S-unit equation /i,J,k
+ 1 = 0.
From our earlier discussion, owing to the action of the Galois group of K we need only consider two such S-unit equations: one corresponding to {i,j, k} = {1,2,3} and one corresponding to {i,j,k} = {1,3,4}. If Gal(K/IQ) = (o"), where a= (1, 2, 3,4, 5) as a permutation of the roots, we obtain the following ordering of the conjugates of 0: O(ll
0( 2 ) 0(3)
-(04 + 03 - 302 03 - 30,
0( 4 )
04 -402 +2,
20 + 1),
As before we choose the four fundamental units to be T/1 = 02 +0-1, 7J2 = rJ4+0 3 -302 -30, 2 3 ry3 =0 +0 -20-1, T/4=rJ4-30 2 +1. We then find 0{1) -
(J( 3J _ 0( 1l = -TitT/4, (J(1) - 0(3) (J(4) -2 -1 -1 (}(4) (J(l) = Tit Th T/31/4 ' (J(l)
(J(3) 8(4)
-2 -1
= TJJ 112 T/3·
Hence our two S-unit equations can both be reduced to solvin,g
Tt+T2+l =0 where Ti E OK. But this was exactly the equation which was solved in Chapter IX. Remember that we found 570 solutions to this equation.
We look through all the possible exceptional units twice, once to determin~ and once to determine r 1,3 ,4 . We then try to determine a non-triviaj solution to the following four linear equations in (x 1 ,x2 ,x 3 ,x4 ):
1 1, 2 ,3
( -1
"f1,2,3)(f(l} - [(J))
tPl _ z<3J _ 11 .3.4(l<4l _ 1ciJ)
t< 4J -t<3J- ( -1 -?,,3,4)(t
t< 4l)
o, =
These are easily solved by equating coefficients of powers of () in the fotd equations. It turns out that the null space of the resulting systems alway$ has dimension at most one. We find 55 such possible solutions (x~, x 2 , x3 , x4 ) which we then scale to have integer coprime values. We then test each ~ these 55 solutions to determine which give rise to elements a of index onel We find that there are 25 of these in all, which we now list as 1
where (x 1 ,x2 ,x 3 ,x4 ) is chosen from the foilowing list:
(-2,-3,1,1), (-3,1,1,0), (-3,0,1,0), (-2,-1,2,1), (0,1,0,0), (-2, -I, I, 0), (-2, -4, I, 1), (-11, -5,4, 2), ( -5, -13,2, 3), (5, -11, -I, 3), ( -4, 4, I, -1), (0, -4, 0, I), (0, -3, 0, I), (I, I, 0, 0), (-3,-3,1,1), (-2,-8,1,2), (1,-4,0,1), (1,0,0,0), (-1,2,1,-1), (-2,0, I, 0), (-3, -4, I, 1), (-5, -2, 2, 1), ( -2, I, I, 0), (I, -3, 0, lj, (I, -I, -I, 0).
So any element of index one must be of the form
t±o where t is arbitrary and a comes from the above list.
XI.4. Special cases In this section we consider a variety of simple cases of small degrees. ThJ easiest case is finding integral elements of given index/discriminant in cubi4 number fields. This problem is equivalent to solving a Thue equation ovel the integers, an observation which we leave as an exercise. There are manY! examples in the literature of solving discriminant/index form equations witH cubic number fields both of Thue and Thue-Mahler type, see for instance [74] and [128].
XI.4.1. Quartic number fields. A simple method for this case has been developed by Ga:il, Peth6 and Pobst [70] and [71]. Their method is to reduce the problem to a cubic Thue equation and a pair of quadratic forms. These quadratic forms are themselves then reduced to Thue equations. Let K = tQ(O) denote a quartic number field defined by the equation
f(B) =
£r + a 103 + a20 2 + a3B + a4
As we mentioned earlier the problem of computing elements of OK of given discriminant can be reduced to the computation of elements of Z[B] with given discriminant. Say we wish to compute all o: E Z[B] with discriminant given by d. If we write o: =a +xB+yB2 + z0 3 , we then have to determine all (x, y, z) E Z 3 such that DK;Q(o:) =d. We have o;(i)-
,Q ( 91<) -
o:(j)) 9Ul
The right hand side of the above equation we shall denote by id; it is the square of the index of o: in Z[O]. Set k I
'>•V• '
+ (J(k)lf(lJ.
This should ring lots of bells for anyone who has done an old fashioned course in Galois theory. This is nothing but the transformation one does when reducing the computation of the Galois group of a quartic polynomial to the Galois group of the 'resolvant cubic'. Indeed the resolvant cubic is given by F(u, 1) where
F(u, v) = =
(u- 6,2,3,4v)(u- ~I,J,2,4v)(u- ~1.4,2,Jv) u3
+ (a1a3 -
~u 2 v
+ (4a2a4
- a~ - a~a 4 )v 3 .
The crucial observation is the factors in the left hand side of equation (Xl.4} can be grouped together (up to a factor of ±1) into three groups of two such that o;(il _ o;(J)) (o;{k) _ a{ll) (
l}(i) _
O(k) _ O(l)
= QI(X, y, z)- 8,,j,k,IQ2(x, y, z)
for (i, j, k, l) = (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 3, 2, 4) or (1, 4, 2, 3) where the ternary quadratic forms Q 1 (x, y, z) and Q2 (x, y, z) are given by Q 1 (x, y, z) =
xya 1 + xz(a~- 2a 2 )
+z ( -a 1a3 +a~+ a4 ), Q2(x, Y, z)
xz- UtYZ
Putting all the above together we have:
+ z 2 a2.
+ yz(a3 -
a 1a 2)
LEMMA XJ.2. Finding all elements a = a
+ y(} 2 +
discriminant d is equivalent to solving the system of equations
F(u, v) Q 1(x,y,z) Q2(x,y,z)
±id, =
.) ij
We have already seen how to solve Thue equations in Chapter VII. Hen~ we can easily determine a finite set of possible pairs (u, v). All that remai~ is to solve the final two equations for x, y and z. Before we proceed to thiiJi we pause to note that F(u, v) = ±id is trivial to solve if it is not irreducib~ which is equivalent to saying that f(X) does not have Galois group A4 or S4 ~ This is the Galois theory we mentioned above. In the non-trivial case it n,i only a cubic Thue equation so it really should not be that hard to solve. 'i We shall now describe how Galil, PethO and Pobst solve the final problenij" of finding x, y and z such that 'j
for given integers u and v. Firstly define a new quadratic form Qo(x,y, z) = vQ1(x,y, z)- uQ2(x, y, z).
' ~
Then any solution (x,y,z) to our original pair will satisfy Q 0 (x,y,z) = 0.;• Hence, as we have seen before in Chapters IV and VII, we can express th coprime integer solutions to Q0 (x,y, z) = 0 (if it has any) in terms of thr binary quadratic forms in two unknown integer coprime variables: ~=~~q),~=~~,0,gz=~~,q)
where q;(p, q) E Z[p, q], where g is an integer from some finite set. We n wish to determine p and q, but this can be achieved by substituting ·the into the forms Q 1 and Q 2 to obtain two quartic Thue equations. It turns ou1 (for a proof see [71]) that these quartic Thue equations are norm forms i two variables from the field K down to IQ. So to solve a quartic discriminant we have to solve one cubic Thue equ~ tion, F(u, v) = ±id· Then we use these solutions to construct curves ofgen~1 zero, Q 0 (x, y, z) = 0, which we can solve by the methods of Chapter IV. Fronll a single solution to this curve of genus zero we then construct two quarticj Thue equations which determine our solutions.
XI.4.2. Sextic number fields. We now jump to sextic number fields aa: not much work has been done on the special case of quintic number fields.~·~ When the sextic number field has a quadratic subfield then the discriminant; form can be reduced to considering 'relative Thue equations'. These are Thue"" equations, in this case of degree 3, whose co"efficients and variables come from the ring of integers of an algebraic number field, in this case the quadratic subfield. These Thue equations can be solved with a method si~ilar to the one described in Chapter VII, or one could indeed use the method of Chapter
X as Thue equations are TCDF equations. For more details on the special case of sextic number fields see [67), [66] and [72]. Xl.4.3. Parametric Families. In [68], Ga
a= L:Lx;Jl;m1 i=l j=l
is an element of index one then X;J E Z and
NM/0 (h (~ x,, m, ... ,t,x,,,m,)) NL/0 (1M (~x,,l,, .... ~x,,.t.))
where h(a 2 , . . . , ar) and Iu(fh, ... , b.) are the index forms, over L and M respectively, of the linear forms
:La;l;, i::::2
X1.4.4. Computing all power integral bases of a specific quartic number field. We end this chapter by using the method outlined above for solving index form/discriminant form equations in quartic number fields to determine all po\\'er integral bases of the field K = tQ( 8), where 84 + 1 = 0 This means that we wish to determine all elements of OK = Z[8] of index one. We write a in the form
a= a+x8 +y82 + z(J3 where a E Z is arbitrary and x, y, z E Z are to be found. The values of x, y and z must satisfy the system of equations F(u, v) = u 3 - 4uv 2 = Qt(X, Y, z) = x 2 + z 2 Q2 (x,y,z) = y 2 - xz =
±1, u, v.
XL DISCRIMINANT FORM EQUATIO!'OS "' From the equation F(u, v) = ±1 we can see that we must have
(u, v) = (±1, 0). Then from the equation Q2 (x, y, z) = 0 we sec that, on applying the methods of Chapter IV,
gx = -p2' gy=pz -pq' gz = -pz +2pq-l.
If we insist that (x,y,z) are coprime integers and (p,q) are also coprime integers then the only possibilities for g are ±1. If we then substitute these formulae for x,y and z into Q 1 (x,y,z) = ±1 we obtain the quartic Thue equation 2p4- 4qp3 + 6q2p2- 4lp + q4 = ±1. We find, using the methods of Chapter VII, that this Thue equatiop only has the solutions (p,q) = ±(1, 1) and ±(0, 1). In the first case we obtain (:z:,y,z) = ±(1,0,0), whilst in the second we obtain (x,y,z) = ±(0,0,1), which means that the only elements of index one in K(O) are of the form o:=a±Bando:=a±B3 , for any a E
z. XI.5. Exercises
1). Show that every discriminant form can be factored into the product of a fixed integer and the square of another form. 2). Show that the problem of computing integral elements of given index and/or discriminant in a cubic number field is equivalent to solving a Thue equation over the integers.
Integral and rational points on curves
Rational points on elliptic curves In previous chapters we have seen how to solve the problem of finding all integral points on an elliptic curve. This is only one of the two fundamental diophantine questions which one can ask about an elliptic curve. In this chapter we look at the other question: What is the structure of the set of rational points on an elliptic curve? We shall give a sketch of the proof that the set of rational solutions to an elliptic curve forms a finitely generated abelian group, known as the Mordell-Weil group. There is no known effective proof of this result; we shall, however, outline a possible algorithmic proof which works fine in practice most of the time. We first consider the basic theory of elliptic curves, which we shall just skim over. Those of you who have not met any of this before should perhaps consult any one of the excellent textbooks in the area such as [107], [172], [101], [25], [105], [176] or [40]. You could also, perhaps, consult the survey articles [22] and [194]. We shall only consider those parts of the theory of elliptic curves which we need in this book. After outlining the basic theory we shall outline two 'algorithms' for determining E(IQ)/2E(IQ). These two methods should not really be called algorithms as they are not guaranteed to work. However, in practice they often do and when they do not we can apply further ideas which in most cases complete the desired task. We shall then outline a method for performing the 'infinite descent'. At this stage we use the generators we have just determined for E(IQ)/2E(IQ) to determine generators for E(IQ).
XII.l. Basics on elliptic curves An elliptic curve is a non-singular curve of the form
E: Y 2 +a 1XY +a3Y = X 3 +a2X 2 +a4X +a6, where a; E K, some number field. Non-singular means that for no point on the curve do the partial differentials, in the X and Y directions, simultaneously vanish. In such a situation the curve is said to be defined over K. An elliptic curve of the above form (long Weierstrass form) has at least one rational point, namely the point at infinity. You should think of the point at infinity as a point infinitely far up the y-axis or equivalently the point which has projective coordinates (0, 1, 0). 177
We are interested in determining the structure of all the rational points on E. From the equation for E we can define the auxiliary quantities which will come in handy later:
b, b, b,
ai + 4a1 , ll1a3
+ 2a4,
a~+ 4a6, ~
(b,b,;- bl)/4, b~ - 24b4, -b~
+ 36b2b4 -
In addition to these we define the discriminant to be 6. = (q- ~)/1728 and the j-invariant to be j = q; 6.. These last two constants determine fundamental properties of the elliptic curve. The curve is non-singular if and only if 6. -1- 0, while the j invariant classifies elliptic curves up to isomorphism over the complex numbers. An isomorphism of an elliptic curve is a mapping which keeps the point at infinity fixed. Such a map, from a curve in long Weierstrass form to another in long Weierstra.<>s form, must be of the form x = u 2 x'
, y = u 3 y'
+ su2 x 1 + t,
where r, s, t E K and u E K*. Such an isomorphism keeps j fixed and multiplies c4 by u- 4 , es by u-6 and 6. by u- 12 . If K = 1Q then we can find a curve with integer coefficients in the isomorphism class of any given curve which has the smallest possible value for 6.. We call such a curve a 'minimal model' for our original curve and the resulting smallest possible value for a we call the minimal discriminant. With an isomorphism of the above form we can make E isomorphic to the curve or even to the curve
27c4 X -54es =X 3 +AX +B.
Putting g2 = c4 /12 and 93 = es/216 we see that E is isomorphic to Y 2 = 4X 3
92X - 93,
which should ring bells for anyone who has seen elliptic functions before. Indeed it is the link between a general elliptic curve and elliptic functions which provides the method of the next chapter for solving the integral point problem. An elliptic curve can have at most twb real components depending on whether the discriminant 6. is positive or negative. We shall call the unbounded component the identity component, or eo(JR); it is the part of the curve in the real plane which is 'unbounded' or 'connected to oo'. The other
possible component (which only occurs in the case 6. > 0) we shall call the 'egg'. This is because it looks like an 'egg' when you actually draw the curve. For the rest of this section we shall concentrate on the structure of the K-rational points on such a curve. We denote by E(K) the set of K-rational points on the curve E which is assumed to be defined over K, i.e. E(K) is the set of all points with coordinates in the algebraic number field, K. We can obviously assume our curve is in short Weierstrass form,
E: Y 2 = X 3 +AX+ B,
as a change of variable from long Weierstrass form to short Weierstrass form is a bijection from the set of K -rational points to the set of K-rational points. Let P, Q be two distinct K-rational points on E. We can join P and Q by a straight line which must intersect E at one further point, say R. \Ve then reflect R in the x-axis and call the resulting point P + Q (see Figure XII. I for an example). A moment's thought will reveal that Rand hence P + Q must also be K-rational points. To add P to itself we take the tangent to the curve at P. Such a line must intersect E in one other point, say R, as E is defined by a cubic equation. Again we reflect R in the x-axis to obtain a point which we call [2]P = P+ P. The above process of determining P + Q given P and Q is often called the 'chord-tangent process'. The operation on points which we have just explained can be shown to define an additive abelian group law on E(K) with the point at infinity as the zero. To sum up: Three points sum to zero in the group if there is a straight line joining them. The resulting group is called the Mordel!-Weil group of E. It is rather easy to determine explicit formulae for the above group law. We now give suC'.h formulae in terms of an elliptic curve in long Weierstrass form: LEMMA
XII.l. Let E denote an elliptic curve given by E: Y 2 + a 1XY + a3Y = X 3 + a2X 2 + a4 X
+ 11t;
and let P1 = (x 1,y1) and Pz(x2,Y2) denote points on the curve. Then
(xi,-YI -a1x1 -a3).
when x 1
f. x 2 and ). = 3xi
+ 2a2x1 + a4 - a1Y1 2y 1 + a 1x 1 + a3
when x 1 = x2. If
+ a 4x1 + 2a6 - a3Y1 2y 1 + a1x1 + a3
FIGURE XII.l. The group law on an elliptic curve
X3 andy~
are given by the formulae
+ a >.- a 2 - x x2, -(>. + ai)x 3 - J1.- a3. ),,'2
1 -
PROOF. Exercise
The isomorphisms described earlier then become group isomorphisms aS~ they respect the group structure. In the late 19th century, Poincare conjec~.~ tured that the group E(IQ) was finitely generated. This result was proved in~ 1922 by Mordell and later generalized to arbitrary number fields by Weil: (1 THEOREM XII.2 (Mordell-Weil). The group E(K) is finitely generated.
We will also require a rudimentary knOwledge of the canonical height on) elliptic curves. This is derived from the heights on projective space which we I met earlier in Section ILl. The (naive) height of a point on an elliptic curve is defined to be the height of the x-coordinate considered as a point in P 1 ( K).
I.e. if P = (x, y) E E{IQ) and x = njd is a fraction in lowest terms then
max{log jnj, log jdj).
This height function almost has the properties we require but it is slightly cumbersome to use in some situations. We therefore modify it using the following formula to produce a new height function called the Neron-Tate height (or the canonical height),
h(P) ~ lim 4-Nh(ZN P). N~oo
THEOREM XII.3 (Neron-Tate). The Neron-Tate height has the following prop erties:
• For all P, Q E E(K), h(P
+ Q) + h(P- Q)
~ Zh(P)
+ 2h(Q).
• For P E E(K) and m E Z we have h(mP) ~ m'h(P).
• h. is a quadratic form on E(K) and defines a pairing (P, Q)
~ ~ (h(P + Q) -
h(P) - h( Q))
which is bilinear. • h(P) ~ 0 with equality if and only if P is a torsion point. While (XII.2) gives a definition for h(P) this is not the most efficient way of computing the Neron-Tate height. Usually to compute the canonical height one decomposes it into a sum of local components Uust as the naive height can be decomposed into a sum of local components). There are then fast methods of computing these local components, see for instance [32], [40], [173], [175] and [221]. One should be wary when using canonical heights a'> different authors use different normalizations (sometimes the right hand side of (XII.2) is divided by two). For instance the canonical height here is twice that of the canonical height in the papers by Silverman and the one used in the package PARI. It is also possible to bound the difference between the canonical and the naive heights [222] and [174]:
LEMMA Xll.4. There are constants c 1 , c2 such that -c 1 :S_ h.(P)- h(P) :S_ c2 . There is a procedure due to Siksek [169] which determines a very accurate value for the constant ch which is all that we shall need in this chapter. In the next chapter we shall alSo need a value for the constant c2 . In the case K = IQ and when the elliptic curve is defined by a Weierstrass equation with
integer coefficients we can take the following values for the above constants,
see [174]: 1 . c 1 = i2h(J)
+ J1(E) + 1.946
log 1~'>1
and o1
+ 2.14,
~ Jog+(j) + log+(b,/12) + log(2•),
log+(x) =max{l,loglxl} and 2• = 2 if~ i= 0 and 2* = 1 otherwise. Again these constants depend on the normalization for the canonical height we have chosen. Using the above we can easily compute ;; torsion points on E(K). LEMMA XJL5. If P =(X, Y) E E(K) is of finite order then h(X) $ c1.
PROOF. This follows from the above lemma as a torsion point will have zero canonical height. One can then bound the naive height using the above constants. D Finally given a SP.t of r points, P" ... , Pr on E we can define the height pairing matrix which is given by ( (P;, P1 ) ). The determinant of this matrix will be zero if and only if the r points are dependent. In addition if P1, ... , Pr' are indeed generators of the free part of E(K) then we can use the height' pairing matrix to consider E(K) as a fattice in R.r with a norm given by the· canonical height. We have that if P = n 1 H + · · · + nrPr then
The absolute value of the determinant of the height pairing matrix when the'' given points are generators of the free part of E(K) is called the regulator of, the elliptic curve, R(E(K)). It clearly does not depend on which choice o~ generators we happen to have made. The regulator of an elliptic curve playSj an analogous role to that played by the regulator of a number field. Indeed! the rational points on an elliptic curve behave in a way which resembles thej unit group of a number field. ·
XII.2. The weak Mordell-Weil theorem In this section we shall concentrate on the following theorem: THEOREM XII.6 (weak Mordell-Weil). The group E(K)/2E(K) is a finite group. What we really want is an algorithmic proof of this result, that is a proof which gives an algorithm to actually corripute generators of E(K)/ZE(K). Alas there is no known algorithmic proof owing to the failure of the Hasse principle for curves of genus one. However, for many particular curves we can provide such an algorithmic proof. Although we shall concentrate on the case
K = Q, similar techniques work for other number fields (however, they are more complicated). We shall assume our curve is in short Weierstrass form,
Y 2 = X 3 +AX+ B, as we are interested in rational solutions. If E(Q) has a rational point of order 2, i.e. X 3 + AX + B has a linear factor over Q, then one could use the method of descent via 2-isogeny to determine E(Q)/2E(Q), see [172]. There are two popular ways of trying to compute E(Q)/2E(Q) which do not depend on the 2-torsion structure of E(Q), both are methods are generally referred to as 2-descent. XII.2.1. Weak Mordell-Weil theorem: the direct method. This is the most ancient method. We shall only skim over the method; for more details consult the book by Cassels [25]. We write Y = yjz 3 ar1d X= xjz 2 where (x, y, z) E Z 3 with (x, z) = L Our equation then becomes y2 = x3 +Axz4 + Bz6. The idea is now to mimic what was done in Section Vll.4 for integral points on elliptic curves. We let L denote the algebra
L ~ Q[T]/(T' +AT+ B). This algebra is a sum of at most three number fields, L = is a map
L!=t L,,
and there
·{E(Q)---+ L'/L'' P e-+ x(P)- T,(P)' . The important result is:
The map e above is a group homomorphism with kemel2E(Q)
Hence if we can show that the image of e is finite then we will have proved the weak Mordell-Weil theorem. Let S denote the set of primes which divide the discriminant of E (we shall also throw the prime 2 into S for good measure). Just as in the Chapter VII we find that the image ore is contained in
•=I But this is a sum of finite groups. Hence the image of e is finite and we have the required result. However, we want an algorithmic proof, which means we need to explicitly determine generators of the image of e. For ease of exposition we shall assume that t = 1, i.e. that X 3 +AX+ B is irreducible. The other cases are left as an exercise. In our case L is itself a number field, and we have
X- OZ 2 where 03 + AO + B
a{3 2
0, a E L(S, 2) and {3 E L. We also know that NL/IQ! (a) =
Hence we are already restricted to a finite number of possible cr. For each of these cr we need to determine whether a f3 exists such that the above equation' (XIL3) is soluble in integers X and Z. In doing so we can make use of the.
fact that such all such a which have _this additional property form a (i.e. the image of 8). We write j3 = x 1 + x 2 8 + x 3 92 , wishing to determine if there are calcioo•~ numbers x 11 x 2 , x 3 , and rational integers X, Z such that
X- 8Z 2
o:(xt + x20 + xal:f) 2 .
Expanding the right hand side we find three quadratic forms in x 1 , x 2 , x 3 that 2 2 X- fJZ = Ql (x!, X2, Xa) + Q2(x1, X2, Xa)O + Qa(Xt, X2, X3)8 . Equating coefficients of () 1 we obtain the thrff equations
Q, (xt, X2, xa) Q2(x1, x2, xa) Qa(xt. x2, xa) We first look at the last equation. This is a curve of genus 0 and as satisfies the Hasse principle. So we can easily determine whether it has rational solutions at all, see Chapter IV. This leads to our first criterion:
Criterion 1: Q 3 (x 1 ,x2 ,x 3 )
0 must be locally soluble ever.,-.•h<>re.,
Given that it has rational solutions we can find one and all possible rational solutions (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) in terms of three binary forms, as in Chapter IV,
X1 = qt(m, n) , Xz = q2(m, n) , X3 = q3(m, n), where m and n are rational variables and the q; have rational weffid< (hence the non-appearance of the constant g from Chapter IV). substitute these three quadratic forms into the second equation obtain
Z 2 = G(m, n), where G(m,n):::: -Q2 (q 1 (m,n),q2 (m,n),q3 (m,n)) is a binary quartic Such an equation will be called a 'quartic' for short in the follo•nn,g_~W sion. Clearing denominators we can assume that we wish to solve integral values of m, n and Z. Any solution to (XII.4) will lead to tion to our original problem, i.e. an element of the image of 8. element in the image of 8 will give rise to a solution to (XIL4). So the only problem is to determine whether (XI1.4) has any solutions and if it does to determine such a solution. Alas equation determines a curve of genus one, which we know may not satisfy the
principle. Hence it may be the case that while the curve has points locally for every prime it has no global solution. In any case we can eliminate many obviously non-solutions with our second criterion:
Criterion 2: Equation (XII.4) must be locally soluble everywhere. It can be shown (using some Galois cohomology) that all the a which pass both the above criterion form a finite group. This group is calied the 2-Selmer group, S 2 • It is dear that the image of 8 lies in S 2 and hence S 2 contains a subgroup isomorphic to E(Q)/2E{Q). By abuse of notation we shall think of elements of S 2 as being locally soluble equations of the form (XII.4) and elements of E(Q)/2E(Q} as being those equations in S 2 which have a global solution. We have the exact sequence
0 -t E(Q)/2E(Q)
rn, -+ 0.
The group m 2 is the 2 torsion part of the Tate-Shaferevich group. It is the obstruction to us having an algorithm to determine E(Q)j2E(Q). In many examples we have m 2 = {0}. If m 2 ¥- {0} then we will have to come up with a way of determining which of our elements in S 2 have a global solution. Using the sieving technique of Section III.4 we can determine those elements of S 2 which have a global point of small height. There are many ways of proceeding for elements of S2 which have no points of small height, for instance using higher descents, see [19], [18] and [127]. There are other techniques of showing the non-existence of rational points which can often help here too, see [170]. . We shall now show that E(0)/2E(Q) has order 2 for the elliptic curve given by Y 2 ::: X 3 - 2. Following the method above we let K = Q(B) where 03 - 2 = 0. Using a computer package such as PARI we can determine that the class number of K is one and for the single fundamental unit of K we can take 0- 1. The relevant prime ideals we need to consider are those dividing 2 and 3, both of which completely ramify. As generators of the two prime ideals we can take 0 and 1 +B. We then find that K(S, 2) has rank four and generators given by -1 ' ()- 1 ' 0 and 1 +e. However, we require the subgroup of K(S, 2) which is contained in the kernel of the norm map from K down to Q" /Q" 2 . It does not take too long to decide that this kernel can contain only one non-trivial element, namely()- 1. We therefore wish to look at the equation X- BZ 2 = (()- l)(x 1 + x2() + x3() 2)2. Expanding and equating coefficients of powers of Bwe obtain the simultaneous equations Q:z(Xt, x 2, X3) = Q3(x 1, x:z, x 3)
+ 4x3x2- 2x~ 2X 2X1 - 2X3X1 + 2X~ -X~
x~- 2x 1 x_2
-Z', 0.
"' The second of these equations we deal with using the techniques of Chapter IV. We first spot a single solution of Q 3 = 0, which we take as (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) = (1,0,0). It is then a simple matter to deduce that every solution of Q 3 = 0 must be given by X1 =
2q 2
, Xz
= 2p 2
2pq ,
X3 =
2pq - 2q 2
where p and q range through ail coprime integer values. Substituting these values into the equation Q 2 = -Z2 we obtain the quartic -Z 2 = -3p 4
+ 20p3 q- 36p2 q2 + 24pq3 -
4q 4
which has the 'obvious' solution (p, q, Z) =::. (0, 1, 2). From this we. ~hen see that the pair of quadratic forms has the simultaneous solution (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , Z) = ( -2, 0, -2, 2), which means that we can write
X -BZ' = (B-1)(-2-28')' = 12-48. So we find that 5 2 :::::: E(Q)/2E(Q) has two elements, as a representative of. the non-trivial element we can take the point (3, 5) E E(Q). In this case the proof of the weak Mordell-Weil theorem is completely effective. As the next example shows this could have been because we were lucky. We shall now attempt to compute the Mordeli-Weil group of the curve') Y 2 = X 3 -141, and try to deduce the structure of its group of rational points~~ We sketch the method leaving the details as an exercise. Letting K = (1(9).': where 93 - 141 = 0 we find that CLK ~ C2 x C 4 and a fundamental unit ol,j K is given by 1J = -253801- 152889 + 12306/F. The prime ideals which we·: need to consider to compute K(S, 2) are those lying above 2, 3 and 47: .,
(2) ~ p,p,, (3) = pj, (47) = p:.
If a and b are the generators of the two cyclic components of the class group' then we find that we can take (with an explicit choice of a and b), ,.
(¢) , b' = (¢).
where 1jJ = -1192 - 2290 and ¢ = -5 + fJ. A short calculation with: a package like PARI allows us to deduce that K(S, 2) in this example has rank 7 and as generators we can take
440 2
-1, 1], -10 + 20,75-49- 29 2 ,-7802- 14990- 2889 2 , 1,b and¢. From this group of order 128 we need only consider the subgroup which lies:,. in the kernel of the norm map from K* / K* 2 down to Q" /Q" 2 . This subgroup· has rank 3 and a quick calculation reveals that we can take a.s generators the three elements ' -q, -¢,¢. We now need to determine which elements in this subgroup of order 8 give rise to quartics which are locally soluble everywhere. The set of all such elements will form a subgroup which is the 2-Selmer group.
We find that both ~¢ and -TJ¢ give quartics which are locally soluble everywhere. But -TJ does not give such a quartic. So the 2-Selmer group has rank two and is given by
So we now know that the order of E(Q)/2E(Q) is at most 4. We have three possibilities: • IE(Q)/2E(Q)I ~ 1 and liD> I = 4. • IE(Q)/2E(Q)I = 2 and IIII 2 1 = 2. This case, however, is not allowed on conjectural grounds as the order of III is believed to be always finite and a square. • IE(Q)/2E(Q)I = 4 and IW,I = 1. In general there is no known procedure which is guaranteed to determine which of the above cases we are in. It is for this reason that the weak MordellWeil theorem is said to have an ineffective proof.
XII.2.2. Weak Mordell-Weil theorem: the indirect method. The only problem with the above method is that one is required to work in the algebra L. While using modern computer packages this may now be no problem there is a method which bypasses number fields altogether. This was originally developed by Birch an,d'-Swinnerton-Dyer [15] in the 1950s. Although this method should be asyrhptotically much slower than the direct method described above it is rather fast in practice for curves with small discriminant. The method is also explained in [40] aild [39]. Our exposition shall follow this last reference in which the method is explained in terms of classical invariant theory. The idea is to jump directly to equation (XI1.4) and hence bypass the number fields and the first criterion. We therefore do not have the group structure of K(S, 2) available to us directly. We are, in some sense, working with the Selmer group only in an indirect manner. We will need to put our elliptic curve into the form
E : Y2
27 I X- 27J
where I and J are integers. It is then a fact that the two classical invariants attached to the form G(m, n) in equation (XIL4) (also called I and J) are the same as the I and J in the above equation for the elliptic curve (well almost, up to multiplication of I by a fourth power and J by a sixth power). We shall leave elliptic curves for the moment and quickly go over the classical invariant theory of a binary quartic form. For basiC references on this see [48], [100] or [161]. Let G(X, Y) be the binary quartic form
G(X, Y) = aX 4 +bX3 Y +cX 2 Y2 +dXY 3 + eY 4 ,
with a, b, c, d, e E Q. We are interested in such forms up to a modified form, of GL 2 (Q) equivalence. Two such forms G and c• will be called equivalent if' G(X, Y) ~ .\'G•(oX + ~Y, oX+ OY)
where ,\ E Q" and
~ ~)
E GL,(Q).
Classical invariant theory deals with the equivalence relation where the matrix lies in GL 2 (C), so it is not surprising we look to invariant theory to help us. There are two basic invariants of a binary quartic form which are
I= 12ae -3bd + c2 of weight 4 and J = 72ace
+ 9bcd -
27 ad 2
27eb 2
of weight 6. In addition we shall be interested in the 'seminvariants'. There·:. are (apart from I and J) three basic seminvariants,
a , p
3b 2
8ac , r
+ Ba 2 d- 4abc,
of weights 0, 2 and 3 ~espectively. They are not, however, algebraically inde-·'j' pendent as they are hnked by the syzygy ·._ p3
48a 2 pi- 64a3 J
27r 2 .
Using this syzygy we can describe a rough method for determining a set o(~ binary quartics ~p to our e_quivalenc~ relation w!th given in:aria~ts. ~cmem;. J ber we are only mterested m those bmary quartic forms wh1ch gtve nse to an·~ equation such as (XII.4) which is locally soluble everywhere. 'i We first need a link from the binary quartic forms· to the elliptic curve,) apart from that in the direct method. For this we need to introduce anotheti! two objects from the classical invariant theory of binary quartic forms, namely) the two fundamental covariants i
g,(X, Y)
-8X 4 ac+3X 4 b2 -24YaX 3 d+4YbX 3 c-6X 2 Y 2 bd +4X 2 Y2c 2 - 48X 2 Y 2 ae + 4XY 3 cd- 24XY 3 eb + 3Y 4 d 2 -8Y 4 ec,
-b3 X 6 + 4aX 6 bc- 8a2 X 6 d- 4YaX 5 bd + 8YaX5 c2 -2Yb 2 X 5 c- 32Ya2 X 5 e + 20Y 2 aX 4 cd- 5Y 2 b2 X 4 d
-40Y 2 aX 4 eb + 20Y3 aX 3 d2 - 20Y3 b2 X 3 e + 5Y 4 bX 2 d2 -20Y4 cX 2 eb + 40Y 4 dX 2 ea + 2Y5 cXcf + 32Y5 e2 aX +4Y5 dXeb- 8Y5 ec 2 X +Y 6 d3 + BY6 e 2 b- 4Y 6 edc. The above syzygy of the seminvariants can be extended to give a syzygy between the covariants:
' i
It is this syzygy which proYides the link we need. Every binary quartic form, G(X, Y), gives rise to a curve of genus one: C:
Each such curve is a '2-covering' of E in the sense that there is a diagram E
c where
(6qng 4 (m. n) : 27g6(m, n) : (2qn)3).
That such a ~ exists follows from the covariant syzygy (XII.6). It can then be shown that the image of C(Q) under C if it is non-empty, is a coset of 2E(Q) in E(Q) and that ail such cosets arise in this way. Hence to determine Ej2E(Q) we need to determine all such curves Cup to GL 2 (Q) equivalence of the associated binary quartic form. We then need to determine which of the quartics (XII.7) have global solutions. Clearly this leaves us in the same situation a'l that described earlier. VVe can determine the 2-Selmer group,,_5'2 , but maybe not Ej2E(Q). To sum up we have the following: (
Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer algorithm for determining S2
DESCRIPTION: Determines 5 2 as a set of curves of the form C. INPUT: An elliptic curve, E, defined over Q. OUTPUT: A list of curves of the form C. 1. Put E in the form Y2 = X 3 - 27/X- 27J with integral I and
J. 2. By a change of variable reduce to considering equivalence of binary quartic forms with integer coefficients and invariants coming from a computable finite set. 3. Determine the possible values for the seminvariants of a 'reduced form' in each equivalence class. 4. Given the values of I,J,a,p,r determine values for b,c,d,e from the above formulae. 5. Check all the resulting forms for equivalence under the definition above. 6. Remove from the list all forms such that q2 = G(m,n) is not locally soluble everywhere. 7. I f for all remaining binary quartic forms the curve C has a global solution then we can determine E(Q)/2E(Q) using the
map (.
Otherwise we have only determined S 2 .
We shall now comment on each step. Step (2) is achieved using lemma's 3, 4 and 5 of [15], .as we are only interested in those G such that q2 = G(m, n) is locally soluble everywhere. Step (3) is obtained by giving search regions on a and p using a notion of reduction linked to that used by Hermite [98] and Julia [104]. The details of these search regions can be found in [15] and [40], but note in these the seminvariant pis labelled -H. Given search regions on a and_p we can determine possible values of a,p and r by sieving the left hand side of the above syzygy (XII.S) to be 27 times an integral square. Step (4) is trivial. Step (5) in [15] and [40] was achieved by using floating point estimates of certain cross-ratios of roots. This is rather prone to possible floating point errors. In [39] a new method is given which depends only on integer arithmetic. The indirect method above is the one that is implemented in the program mwrank by J. Cremona, available by anonymous ftp from
XII.3. The Mordell-Weil theorem From the previous section we know that E(Q)/2E(Q) is finite and we can, if lucky, determine an explicit set of generators of E(Q)/2E(Q). We can now deduce the full Mordell-Weil theorem using the method of 'infinite descent': LEMMA
XII.S (infinite descent). Let B > 0 be such that
S = {P E E(K)' h(P) '5 B)
contains a complete set of coset representatives for mE(Q) in E(Q), where, m 2: 2. Then S genemtes E(Q). PROOF. Let A be the subgroup of E(Q) generated by the points in S. We suppose that A is not equal to E(Q) and try to deduce a contradiction. Let Q denote a point in E E(Q)- A with h(Q) ·minimal, such a Q exists as h.. takes a discrete set of values. By our assumption, we know that there is a P E S and an R such that Q == P + mR. But R ¢A, which means h(R)::::: h.(Q) by our choice of Q.
Now using the fact that
h is quadratic and
non-negative we obtain
~ (h(Q + P) + h(Q- P))- h(Q),
2h(mR)- h(Q), ~' h(R)- h(Q),
> h(Q) > B, which contradicts the fact that P was chosen from a set consisting of elements of height less than or equal to B. D Hence if we can find a set of representatives for E(K)/mE(K) we know that a set of generators is contained in the set obtained by enumerating ali points with Neron-Tate height less than the maximum Neron-Tate·height of the representatives for E(K)JmE(K). But this is easy (at least if K = Q) as we can then bound the naive height of a set of generators and we know, by adapting the sieving method in Section 111.4, how to find all rational points on an elliptic curve with bounded x-coordinate. As an example of this we take the curve E:Y2 =X3/-2
which we considered earlier. The direct pfoof of the weak Mordell-Wei! theorem led us to determine that we could take the point P 1 = (3, 5) as a representative of the only non-trivial element of E(Q)/2E(Q). Silverman's bound on the difference between the naive and the canonical height for this curve gives h(P) <: h(P) + 4.355119. As h(PJ) = 1.349576 the above lemma tells us that generators for E(Q) are contained in the set of all points with naive height less than 4.355 + 1.349 = 5.704. So we need to determine ali rational points onE with an X-coordinate which has numerator and denominator bounded by exp(5. 704) ::::: 300.65. From ail these points we need only determine which ones are independent. However, life is slightly easier than this. Suppose P 1 does not generate the free part of E(Q). Then it generates a sublattice of full rank with index at least 3. Hence the generator must have canonical height less than 1.349/9 = 0.149 and naive height less than 4.505. So we are now looking for X -coordinates with numerator and denominator bounded by 90. But there are no points with naive height less than 4.505 and canonical height less than 0.149. Hence E(Q) is generated by the point P 1 • Another way of deducing E(Q) given E(Q.)/2E(Q), is by 'lattice enlargement'. This technique was developed by Siksek [169] and it has proved remarkably successful in practice. Suppose we know, by computing E(Q)/2E(Q) for instance, the rank of E(Q) (say r) and r independent points on E(Q) of
infinite order P 1 , ... , Pr- These r points generate a sublattice of finite index in the free part of E(Q). What we want to do is to bound this index and then enlarge the sublattice until it fills up the whole group. We first compute a A for which we know that E(Q) contains no points of infinite order with canonical height less than >.. This may seem similar to the step in the infinite descent above but we can probably use a >. much less than the bound B above. Then Hermite's theorem, Theorem V.6, gives us that the index, n, of our sublattice in the full lattice is bounded above by
I~ VR(P,, ... ,P.)o;JI-' where --y; are Hermite's constants and R( P 1 , ... , Pr) is the determinant of the height pairing matrix of H, ... , Pr. We therefore need to detect for each prime, p, less than I whether n is divisible by p, i.e. can we enlarge the lattice by dividing a point in our sublattice by p. So we need to determine if we can solve the equation
[p]Q = a1P1 + · · · + arPr with a, E {0, ... ,p-1} and Q E E(Q). This gives a finite number of cases to check. The number of possible cases can be drastically reduced using a sieving technique which is explained in [169]. If the upper bound, I, is either less than 1.99 or we deduce that n is not divisible by any prime less than I then we have determined the full MordellWeil group. If our r original points had arisen from one of the methods for determining E(Q)j2E(Q) then we know that n can never be divisible by 2, and hence We need only reduce I to a number less than 2.99. XII.4. A conditional algorithm We finally mention another method of computing E(Q) called the conditional algorithm. Those of you who are not experts on elliptic curves can skip this last bit if you so desire. Firstly make a change of variable so that the elliptic curve is a minimal model. Then for every prime number, p, define the quantities /p, a, and a polynomial Lp(T) by considering the following cases. 1. p does not divide .6.. In this case we say E has good reduction modulo p. The group law on E reduces to a well defined group law on E(Fp)· We set
!, ~ 0, a, ~p+ 1-IE(IF,)I, L,(T) ~ 1-a,T+pT'. 2. p divides .6. and c4 • We say that E. has additive reduction modulo p. The non-singular part of the reduction forms a group isomorphic to an additive group, G,.. The 'curve' modulo p has a cusp. We set
fp = 2 +liP , ap = 0 , Lp(T)
where Jp is related to the orders of some cohomology groups which define the Swan conductor of a Galois representation. We shall not dwell on this here, except to note that Jp = 0 if p > 3. 3. p divides Do but not c4 • We say that E has multiplicative reduction modulo p. Its 'curve' modulo p looks like a node and the group of non-singular points is isomorphic to a multiplicative group, Gm- We say the curve has split multiplicative reduction if the tangents at the singular point are defined over IF'p; otherwise we say it is non-split. We
1 , Up= ±1 , Lp(T) = 1 +aPT,
where we have ap ""' 1 in the non-split case. The conductor and L-series of an elliptic curve are then defined to be
= ITP'' and LE(,) = ITL,(p-')-'. ' '
Expanding the above product for the £-series we can express the £-series as a zeta-function;
L ";, / n ' which converges only for all !R{s);?: 3/2. The'L-series is believed to satisfy LE(s)
n>I -
the following conjecture: CONJECTURE XII.9. The L-series of an elliptic curve has an analytic continuation to the entire complex plane. In fact we have the following more precise formulation: CONJECTURE XIL10 (Shimura-Taniyama-Weil). Set
(E(s) = l'i;j'(2w)-'f(s)LE(s), then (E(s) has an analytic continuation to the entire complex plane and (E(s)
w(E(2- s)
forw=±l. This last conjecture for semi-stable elliptic curves which Wiles [217] proves en route to solving Fermttt's last theorem. Indeed he proves a much stronger conjecture. Diamond [47] has shown that the conjecture holds for any curve which does not have additive reduction at the primes 2 o"f3: Conjecturally the L-series should tell us everything we need to know about the elliptic curve. As a start we have: CoNJECTURE XI1.11 (weak Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer). LE(s) has a zero at s c:::: 1 of order equal to the rank of E(Q).
XII. RATIONAL POINTS ON ELLIPTIC CURVES '" So if we can compute the order of vanishing of the £-series of E at the
point s = 1 then we can compute the rank of the group E(IQ). This is the idea behind the conditional algorithm {79]. It is conditional on all the above conjectures. Given Conjecture XII.lO we can compute numerical estimates for the value of the £-function and its derivatives at s = 1, see [40] or {32]. These are, however, only numerical values, and with any floating point numerical computation there is the question whether we can detect zero. To solve this problem we need to introduce a refined version of the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture:
CoNJECTURE XII.12 (strong Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer). There is a computable constant, C (usually called the 'fudge factor'), such that
, R(E)IIIII lim(' -1)- LE(,) ~ C IE I' ,
where the quantity
is always a positive integer.
Assume we compute a numerical value for limH 1 (s -1)-r LE(s) which is so close to zero we suspect it is actually zero. We assume that it is not zero and try to produce a contradiction. We have a small numerical value for o such that a 2:: l!im,(s -1)-r L.e(s)l 2:: ~:, H
is some positive constant. So E has rank rand R(E) ::; aT 2 /C, where T denotes the order of the torsion group of E(IQ). However, by Hermite's theorem, Theorem V.6, there should exist a point, P, onE such that
h(Pr 5 P.rR(E) :5 P.rctT 2 /C S JtraT 2 • So there should be points on E of very small height. If we cannot find such a point then we must conclude that the value of limJ---1 1 (s- 1)-r Ls(s) under consideration is actually zero. Using the above technjque we can determine the exact order of vanishing, r, of the L-series at s = 1. We now search for r independent points on the curve. Once we have found r such points we know a sublattice of finite index in E(Q) and hence we can apply the lattice enlarging procedure to determine the full Mordell-Weil group.
XII.5. Exercises 1). Derive the formulae for the group law on an elliptic curve. 2). Work out the details for the direct method of computing E(Q)/2E(IQ) for the case when E(IQ) has three non-trivial points of order 2. In other words the algebra L decomposes into the sum of three copies of IQ.
3). Fill in all the details for the example Y 2 = X 3 - 141. In particular show that the elements given in the text do indeed generate K(S, 2) and that the Selmer group is what we claim it to be. 4). Compute the 2-Selmer groups of the following elliptic curves: 1. y2 = X3 - 9X.
2. Y2 = X 3
6X 2 + llX- 6.
3. Y 2 =X 3 +17X.
4. Y2=X3+X+l. s. y 2 = X 3 + 6X + 432. 6. Y 2 + y , X 3 - X 2 - 929x- 10595.
For each of these curves determine generators for E(IQ)/2E(IQ). If this is not possible, determine why it is difficult and try to find a method of making it possible 5). Show that the map 8 which was used in the direct method for computing E(IQ)/2E(IQ) is indeed a group homomorphism with kernel E(IQ).
Integral points on elliptic curves In previous chapters we have seen how to solve the problem of finding all integral points on an elliptic curve. The methods used either a reduction to a finite set of Time equations or reduction to a finite set of S-unit equations. These methods had numerous drawbacks in that they involved using expensive computations in number fields and they ignored much of the beauty of elliptic curves. In this chapter we present a much better method which uses a lot of the underlying structure of an elliptic curve. The new method is based on the method of elliptic logarithms. The idea behind this method can be found in a paper by Lang from 1964 [110]. It is also explained in [111] or [172], and an outline of the method was also given in [219]. However, it was not until David [44] gave an explicit transcendence resu~ for elliptic logarithms that it became a general method. This method is flow the standard one, which is apparent from looking at the relevant literature [191], [77], [179], [192],
[189], [201] and [185]. There is one drawback with the new method in that we need to be able to compute the Mordell-Weil group. In other words to find all integral points we shall need an explicit description of the set of all rational points on the curve. As we saw in the last chapter this may be a major problem as our algorithms for determining the Mordell-Weil group may not work for the example we are interested in. One minor problem is that there are no efficient techniques for the final search where one tries to locate all the small solutions. At present no generalization of the method of sieving or an analogue of the method of Bilu and Hanrot is known. This means we need to restrict attention to elliptic curves with 'small' rank, say less than 8. In practice this is no problem as 'most' elliptic curves do have very small ranks.
XIII. I. Elliptic logarithms Let E be an elliptic curve given by
+ a 1 XY + a 3 Y::: X 3 + a 2 X 2 + a4X + a6
with a; E Z. As mentioned before, any elliptic curve is isomorphic to a curve of the form E': Y2 = 4X 3 - g2X- 93 = 4(X- ei)(X- e2)(X- e3) = j(X),
where 9 2 , 9 3 E Z. We let p(z) be the solution to the associated differential equation p'(z) 2 = 4p(z)- 92P(z)- 93· Such a function, p(z), is called the Weierstrass elliptic function with param. eters 92 and 93· This is a doubly periodic function with periods Wt and w2 • The periods, Wt and w2 , form a basis of a lattice in the complex plane. The standard (extensive) theory of elliptic functions, see [215], tells us that a basis for this lattice is given by the integrals
We shall show later that we can always choose w1 E IR and (l"(wt/w 2 ) > 0, if our curve is defined over the real numbers. In what follows we shall therefore assume that l<..'t E JR. and 'S(wt/w2) > 0. Let /1. = Zw 1 + Zw2 be the period lattice; then we have the map
C/A ~
{ (r(z)- b,j12, (p'~)- a,x- a,)j2) z¢A zEA The 'inverse' of this map, after choosing a fundamental region, we will call the elliptic logarithm, 1.j;. It is given by dt
¢(P) ~ foo
(mod A).
It is usual to take the fundamental region to be {aw 1 + bvJ 2 : a, b E JR., 0 :::; a, b < 1}, in which case we state the 1.j; takes its principal value. Why should this map be called a 'logarithm'? Well it satisfies the property
¢(P + Q)
¢(P) + ¢(Q)
(mod A)
which is rather like the relationship between complex logarithms log(xy) ~ log(x)
+ log(y)
(mod 2rrHZ).
XIII.2. Elliptic integrals and the AGM For our method to compute integral points we will require a method to com· pute the periods and the value of elliptic logarithms accurately to a large number of decimal digits. In this section we will review the theory needed; for those readers who just want to implement the algorithms see the pseudo-code in the book by Cohen {32].
We first need to introduce Gauss's arithmetic-yeometnc mean of two numbers a and b, which is usually written as AGM(a,b). To compute the A..GM(a, b) we compute the two sequences (an), (bn) such that ao ""a, bo ""b, an+!
= (an+ bn)/2,
= M·
If we start off with two positive real numbers a and b then the two sequences above will converge to the same real number, which is denoted AGM(a,b). Such a limit was discovered by Lagrange before 1785 and then rediscovered in the next decade by Gauss. If either a or b is not a positive real number then the sequences will converge to one of a countable number of possible limits. This of course depends on us making a choice for the value of the complex square root. The ·correct' choice is that bn+l should satisfy
lan+l- bn+ll::; ian+ I+ bn+ll and if we have equality then we insist that 'J(bn+l/an+d > 0. In any case the convergence of the AG M is quadratic in nature, so we do not have to take many terms to obtain a very accurate answer. The proof of convergence in the positive real case is easy; hqWever, the prooffor the general case is less obvious. For more details on tw; AG M you should consult the articles [37] and [38]. For example suppose we wish to compute the AGM of the numbers ao = 1 and b0 = J2. We then find a 1 = 1.20710678118654752440 b1 = 1.18920711500272106671 a 2 "" 1.19815694809463429555 ~ = 1.19812352149312012260 a3 = 1.19814023479387720908 b3 = 1.19814023467730720579 a4 = 1.19814023473559220744 b4 = 1.19814023473559220743 where the numbers have been computed to twenty decimal digits accuracy. We can see the quadratic convergence due to the doubling of the accuracy at every stage Ia, - bd ::; w-', la2- b2l::; 10-4 , la3- b31::; w- 9 , la4- b41::; I0-20 , To compute our periods we need to link the AGM with the integrals giving the periods. This is done using another integral denoted by -.:/ 2 dO I(a,b) ~ /, . 2 o .ja cos2 8 + b2 sin2 () We shall also a little later have need to consider the integral x dO I(a,b,X)~ /,o ..;a 2 cos 2 () + I? sin 2 () . First we have the result:
LEMMA XIII. I. Let a, bE C then
2/(a,b)AGM(a,b) ~ '·
PROOF. We first notice that it is easy to compute I(c,c,X)::::: Xjc. Then consider the integral for !(a, b) given above and perform the substitution
. sm 91
Va 2
a 1 sin20 cos 2 () + b2 sin 2 ()
where (as above) a, ::: (a+ b)/2 and b1 = VOJ). Then we find (after a lot of messy algebra) I(a,b,X) ~I(a,,b,,X,)j2 where . X a 1 sin2X sm 1 ::: 2 Va cos 2 X +b2 sin 2 X In particular we have !(a, b) ~ I(a, b, < /2) ~ I( a,, b., <)/2 ~ I(a,, b.,< /2) ~ /(a,, b,).
We can clearly repeat this substitution over and over again so we find I(AGM(a, b), AGM(a, b)) ZAGM(a,b). From which the result follows.
The link the other way is given by:
LEMMA XIII.2. w1 =2{'
dX " .j4(X- e,)(X- e,)(X- ,,)
PROOF. For the first result make the substitution X = e 1 + (e 2 - ed sin 2 8, whilst for the second make the substitution X::: e3 + (ez- e3) sin2 0. D Then, putting this altogether, we see that AGM(~,.,je3-e2)'
,p will converge to some periods of the functiOns p. If our elliptic curve has coefficients in IR we can make life easier by using the positive real version of the AGM algorithm as much as possible. We have two cases to consider
1. 6. > 0. In this case e1 ,e2 ,e 3 are all real and we can order them so that e3 > e2 > e~, in which case (assuming we always take the positive square root of positive real numbers) the two AGM's in the formula for A1 and A2 are both AGM's of positive real numbers. Then clearly we can use the positive real version of the AGM and )'I will be a positive real number and A2 will have a positive imaginary part. Hence w1 = A1 and w2 = A2. 2. 6. < 0. Now let e3 denote the single real root. Then setting z = ..je3 - e 1 we find Z:::::: ..je3 - e 2 • We reorder e1 and e 2 so that ~(z) > 0. Then
AGM(z, z)
+ z)j2, 0')
AGM(!Il(z), lzl) Hence to compute A1 we only require the positive real version of the AG M and the result will certainly be real and positive. So we can take w1 = A1 and we can then fix w2 to satisfy (l-(wJ/wr) > 0 as required. So now having a method to compute the periods foe need a method to compute the elliptic logarithm of a point. To compute 1jJ we use the integral !(a, b, X) mentioned above with a= 3 - e1 and b = ..je2 - e1 as
P - r3 w( ) - Joo
+ ].,
dt g,t
wl (mod A)~ <j+I(a,b,¢)
(mod A)
where x = e3-~/12+(e2-e3) sin2 ¢. We then compute (a1, b1, ¢ 1), (a2, b2, r/>2), etc. where ~ . a.sin2¢; a;+l =(a;+ b;)/2, b;+l = ya;u;, sm¢;+1 = _I · y af cos 2 ¢; + b'f sin 2 ¢; until Ia,- bnl is very, very small. So we have (approximately) an AGM(a, b). Then
I(a b ") ~ I(a,,b 1 ,¢,) ~ I(a 2 ,b,,¢2 ) '
= ... = I(a",b",¢") "_1,__. 2n
Note that although we can compute the an very accurately we have a problem computing the rf>n· This will only be as good as our arcsin function, so particular care needs to be taken on how we compute arcsin. There is another method due to Zagier [219] for computing elliptic logarithms which avoids the use of any transcendental function&. In addition Zagier's method allows one to explicitly bound the error term that one has in computing the elliptic logarithm. The method only relies on elementary operations and no evaluation of arcsin, which makes it somewhat easier to implement. There are two major drawbacks with Zagier's method in that it takes longer to get the accuracy one wants and it only works for points P such that
P E E 0(R). That it is slow is because it computes the elliptic logarithm one bit at a time via the formula
_ { 0 if y([2'JP) > 0, I if y([2'JP) < 0.
a, -
That this works can be seen from the fact that if P E E 0 (R), such that [2jP of 0, then ,P(P) E (w,j2,w,) if y(P) < 0 and ,P(P) E (O,w.j2) if
y(P) > 0. XIII.3. Integral points Unlike before, when we considered the problem of finding integral points on an elliptic curve where we only considered curves of the form 2
Y = X 3 +aX +bX +c,
we shall now look for integral points on a general elliptic curve given by an equation in long Weierstrass form
+ a 1XY + a3 Y
= X
+ a 2 X 2 + a4X + a6
where a; E Z. We shall assume we know a basis, H, ... , PT, for the free part of E(IQ). We hope the methods in the last chapter have allowed us to compute such a basis, and hence we can write
(P,) x · · · x (P.) x To,s(E).
If P denotes our integral point then we may write it as
where Tis some element of Tors( E) and P; E Z. So we need to determine which values the variables p; can take to make the point P integraL It is a simple matter to determine all integral points on the egg, and therefore we; shall assume that P E E 0 (R.). We define m; for i = 1, ... , r by the condition if P; E E 0 (JR.), if P, is on the egg.
It is then clear that fori = 1, ... , r we have Q; = m;P; E E 0 (JR.). We then define q; E Z by euclidean division of the p; in equation (XIII. 1): Pi= m;q;
+ r;
with 0 :S r, < m,.
Hence if we set U::o:rJPJ+···+rrPr then we can write our integral point P as p = ql Ql
+ ... + qTQT + T + u
Now as P E E 0 (R.) and Q, E E 0 (JR.) we must have T + U E E 0 (JR.) as well. We shall set Qr+l = T + U and so Qr+l comes from a computable finite set. We shall put H =max lq,!. Clearly if we can find a small upper bound on H then we can enumerate ail the possible integral points and we shall be done. Set K = max !P; I and note that H ::; K. To bound H we first need to link H to the size of the x-coordinate of the integral point P; this is accomplished in the next lemma: LEMMA XIII.3. With the notation above, if P is an integral point, j
c e-c2 H'
lx(P)I -
for two computable constants c 1 and c-2 • AsP is an integral point we have h(P) =log lx(P)I. From Lemma Xll.4 we know h(P) 2: h(P) -c3 , hence log lx(P)I 2: h(P)- c3 . Let R denote the regulator matrix defined earlier, i.e. PROOF.
( and then h(P) = f} 1R'jj. We can compute an orthogonal decomposition of R into 0 1AO, where 0 is an orthogonal matrix and A is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues of R. We put c2 = _min A;., •=i...r
OjJ, then as 0 h(P)
= I we have
f} RP=in Ain="£,A;.;m; •=1
c2 'L,Pi
2: c2K2.
The result is then immediate on putting c1 = exp(c3 ), asK 2: H.
Our second link is between the size of the x-coordinate of the integral point P and the .size of the elliptic logarithm of P. As mentioned before, our elliptic curve is isomorphic to a curve of the form E': Y 2 = 4X3
92X- 93
We let -y1 , -y 2 ,-y3 denote the complex roots of f(X) from which we can compute the constant
Xlll.4. If P E E 0 (1R.) and jx(P) + b:l/121 > c4 then
8 + lwfb:ll/12.
PROOF. We put X(P) = x(P) elliptic logarithm is defined by
+ b2/12. Then, as we remarked before, the·
,p(P) ~ ]"
dt rN;;
(mod A).
y f(t)
The integral is along a path along the real axis in a negative directiOn. Alil~ we are assuming that IX(P)I > c4 then for all t 2': IX(P)I we have
ltl/2 <;It -o;l foe i
1, 2, 3, and so lf(t)l > ~IW. Now for ail N E ll4 with N 2': IX(P)I > c4 > 0 we have·;
(X(P)I _dt
I <; ~
VZ li,'X(P)I N ltj-3f2dt I 2VZ (IX(PW'i'- w<~').
Letting N tend to oo then gives Hence
+ b,/121 ~ IX(P)I <; lw(P)I"
lx(P) + b,/12- b,/121, < lx(P) + b,/121 + lb,l/12,
But then
I>P(P)I' + lb,l/12,
< 8 + lw(PJI'Ih,l/12 c5
< lw(P)I''
I •I ·1 '1'
this last inequality following because asP E E 0 (IR.) we have 11/J(P)I
~ lwtl· ~
Combining these last two lemmas we obtain, for an integral point P E E 0 (IR.)~ with I<(P) + b,/121 > c,, ' 11/J(P)j::; .,fCSCle-~'H'/2
= C(,e-crH'.
But the left hand side of the above inequality can be written as lq,.p(Q.)
+ ... + q.,P(Q,) + ,P(Q• .,) + ~.1
where lml S r K + 2. Note that this is a linear form in elliptic logarithms and hence, by the result of David, Appendix A.3, it can be bounded from below by
+ cg)(log log H + cw)r+ 2 .
-cs(log H
Comparing this with the function Cf)e-cr" we can deduce a very large upper bound, H 0 , on H. Then using the reduction techniques of Vl.3 on the inequality (XIII.3) we can reduce this large upper bound on H to something of the order of ..;log H 0 . This should be small enough to enumerate all the possibilities for integral points. There are a few points to note: 1. As every entry in the linear form in elliptic logarithms is an elliptic
logarithm of a point on E 0 (IR) then the elliptic logarithm is real and we can use Zagier's method to compute the elliptic logarithl}Y if we want. ( 2. Because we obtain roughly the square root of the logarithm of the original large bound in the reduction process this method is very good at producing final upper bounds which are very small indeed. 3. The main problem is that we need a basis for the Mordell-Weil group of E before we can even apply the method. Note the similarities of this method with the algorithm for solving an Sunit equation. In both cases one has a finitely generated abelian group and logarithm maps for which we know effective lower bounds on linear forms in the logarithms of the generators. We translate our diophantine problem into determining when such a linear form is very small and then use our effective lower bound to say that the solutions to our diophantine problem must be finite in number. You may ask why the method using elliptic logarithms is better than the method using Thue equations. After all to apply the method 1\sing elliptic logarithms we need to know a basis for the Mordell-Wei! group. That the method of elliptic logarithms is better is best illustrated with an example. For the 28th International Mathematical Olympiad, Juan Ochoa Melida proposed that one question should be to determine the integral points on the curve 3Y2 = 2X 3
+ 385X 2 + 256X -
This is now known as the Ochoa curve. Guy [85] wondered how the proposal intended the contestants to solve this problem. This problem is equivalent to finding the integral points on the following elliptic curve in short Weierstrass form: E: y 2 = x 3
440067x + 106074110.
It turns out, see [192], that it is virtually impossible to determine the integral points on this curve using the method which goes via Thue equations.
However, the Mordell-Weil group of E has rank four, a basis being giveq by
(247, 3528) , (499, 3276) , (751, 14112) , ( -761, 504).
It is then rather easy to implement the previous method. Stroeker and de Weger [192] implement the method and show that the elliptic curve E baa 46 integral points, the largest of which has x-coordinate given by 1657691. ,. Why should this be the case? Remember that the method using Thu$ equations leads to the need to solve quartic Thue equations. Hence we need; to deduce fundamental units etc. in lots of quartic number fields. Howevert we do not require any number field data to compute the Mordell-·Weil group~ if we use the indirect method. If we use the direct method we only need the data for a single cubic number field. It is this fact which means that the, method using elliptic logarithms is more efficient. The most extensive computations with the method of elliptic logarithmS have been on Mordell's equation, ' y2 =
+ k,
where k E Z. Computational resolution of this equation goes back to th~ 1960s with work of Ljunggren [123] and Coghlan and Stephens [31]. fui recent years the number of values for k for which we know all the integral: points has increased dramatically, see [78]. -1
XIII.4. Integral points on the curve Y2 = X 3
l ~:
In this section we look in detail at the curve E : Y 2 = X 1 - 2. As ~ proved in the last chapter, E(Q) has rank one and trivial torsion group. ' a generator of the group E(Q) we can take the point g = (3, 5). We waul . like to determine all other integral points on this curve. To do this we appl~ the method just discussed. We find, using the AG M mentioned earlier (or using the package PARI) 11 that
5 ~
,P(P,) ~ 1.58318127, WJ
'(j .~
~ 2.16368175,
1.081840875- L873803360A
If P is an integral po!Dt on E(Q) we wnte P = nP1 Our task lS then .. bound n and enumerate all possible values of n up to the bound we ha~ found. ": From Lemma XIIL3 we find that for silch a point P on our curve we have~ the inequality _I_
< 94 54917e-0.74097n2
lx(P)I -
We also find from Lemma XIII.4 that if jxj > 2.5 then
I~(P)I' <: [x(~)l. In other words, putting these last two inequalities together, IW(P) I ~ 27,50261e-0.37049n2.
But IW(P)j is the linear form in elliptic logarithms given by I~(P)I ~ [n~(P,)
+ mw,[
where jmj S jnj. Using David's result we can find the following lower bound on IW{P)j, assuming lnl 2': 53252: -cs(log jnj + cg)(loglog jnj + c,o) 3
[!Ogw.] )
is given by the columns of the matrix -28559795545411285398829 24948051935918593148497 ) ( -28602825742743919175758 -50774066801844956867765 . This allows us to compute that £{£, 0) is bounded from below by 10 22 • Then application of our standard lemma from Section VI.3 gives us that
lnl ,; 12, It is a much easier task to enumerate all points below this new bound. If we do this we find that the only integral poi:nts on E are given by n = ±1, which corresponds to the points (3, ±5).
XIII.5. S-integral points By an S-integral point on an elliptic curve we mean a rational point which has an x-coordinate with denominator divisible only by the primes in a fixed finite setS. Our above method for integral points can easily be generalized to S-integral points, again assuming a basis of the Mordeii-Weil group is known. This is due to the existence of a p-adic elliptic logarithm map. Alas at the time of writing, the theory of lower bounds for linear forms in p-adic elliptic logarithms is not at such an advanced state as the theory of ordinary elliptic logarithms, The method below will therefore, at present, not guarantee the
existence of all 5-integral points but it will find all of them up to a very I~ given bound. · Let S denote a finite set of places of Q including the infinite place, We are looking for all points on an elliptic curve E{Q) such that the x-coordinate: has denominator supported on S. As before we deduce an upper bound, in terms of K, on the inverse of the absolute value of the x-coordinate. LEMMA XIIL5, There are positive computable constants c 11 and c 12 such that if Pis an S-integral point then for some v E S we have
1 < -qzK2 lx(P)Iv -cue .
PROOF. Exercise.
We now just have to work out what the above lemma implies for each possible v E S. Now if v is the infinite place then we can use verbatim the method for' integral points above. We therefore only have to consider what to do when v is a finite place, corresponding to a prime number p. In what follows it will be convenient to consider E(Q) embedded in E(Q,)~: Standard elliptic curve theory tells us that
[x([m]P)[, ~ [x(P)[,. Hence we can certainly multiply P by any integer m and still have the in-· equality of the above lemma. We choose an m such that [m]P will always liei in the 'kernel of reduction modulo p'. That is the point [m]P when considered· as a point on the reduced curve modulo p is actually the point at infinity,' i.e. the zero of the group law. The set of points of E(Q,) which reduce to . zero modulo pis denoted E 1 (Q,) which is a group. Hence we choose an m such that [m]P E EI(Q,) for all P E E(Q), any multiple of IE(F,)I will do.· We may as well also choose m to be a number which also kills off ali of the: torsion in E(Q) as well. .;: Now E 1 (Qp) is isomorphic to another group, the one parameter formal group associated toE, see [172, p. 175]. Explicitly we have the isomorphism.
E(pZ,) ___, E,(Q,)
{ z
( w(•)' '
-='-) w(>)
ifz=O otherwise, i.e. z :::: -x/y
where w(z) is a power series in z, which is the formal power series solutioQ t~ the equation w = z 3 + a 1 zw
+ a2 z 2 w + a3 w2 + a4 zw 2 + II6W3 .
Such a solution can be computed to any desired number of terms using the Newton-Raphson iteration. Every point P E E 1 (Q,) is the image of an element Zp in the formal group, E(pZ,). We let w(z) denote the invariant differential on E(pZ,). Fram the power series for w(z) we can compute the
Laurent series for x(z), y(z) and w(z), again see [172]. They turn out to have the first few terms given by
w(z) =
1 z
a z -1 a 1 a2 ~++- +a3 + (a4+ a1a3)z+··· z3 z2 z
=- -1 - a2- a3z- (a4 + a 1a3)z2 - · · · 2
~- ~
2y(z) + a1x(z) + a 3
(1 + a,z +(a~+ az)z 2 +(a~+ 2a 1a2 + a 3 )z3 + · · ·) dz (1 + d,z + dzz 2 + d3z 3 + · · · )dz. Then for a point on E 1 (Q,) we define the p-adic elliptic logarithm to be the map
1/Jp : {
Go f w(z,) =
d z2
+ T1 + =-ye- + .. ·
This has all the properties we require, in that it is a homomorphism since ~,(P + Q) ~ ~,(P)
+ ~,(Q),
and it satisfies
~ [~,(P)[,.
We return to our S-integral point P which we write as
P = p,P,
+ · ·· + PrPr + T
with T E Tors{E). We set Q;:::: [m]P; fori E {1, ... ,r} sothatQ; E E 1(Q,), and hence the p-adic elliptic logarithm of Q, is defined. We then have the inequality [p,~,(Ql)
+ "· + p,~,(Q, )[,
"' [m]P ~ Q
2 .;cue-cnK /2,
y'[x([m]P)[, - y'[x(P)[,
Hence if we had a very large upper bound on K then we could reduce it using the reduction technique for p-adic linear foiTllB in Section VI.4. If we had a lower bound on 11/J,([m]P)I, of the standard form for transcendence results then we could deduce an upper bound on K and hence find all the S-integral points on the curve. Such a lower bound has been given in the special case t_hat the elliptic curve has complex multiplication (CM), For those of you are not familiar with CM elliptic curves all you need know is that this really is a very special
case. For the case of such CM curves Bertrand [10] establishes that there is a constant en such that 2
-c 13 (p log(m 2 H)) 16r (log K) 8 r < log [1/lp([m]P)[p, where H denotes the maximum of the canonical heights of Pt. ... , Pr. How· ever, the value of the constant is not explicit, but at least it only depends on the coefficients of the curve and the rank. For our application above we would require an explicit value of this constant. At the time of writing, this has only been given for the case r = 2 by Remand and Urfels [157]. In the absence of such a result we can, however, use the method above combined with the p.-adic reduction techniques mentioned earlier to c6ni.pute all the S-integral points on a curve which have height less than some huge constant. For examples of this method see [179] and [76]. In [75] the authors show how one can combine the theoretical estimates of the sizes of S-integral points on elliptic curves [95] to deduce an upper bound on K. Given an upper bound on K we can then use elli:ptic logarithms to reduce the bound to something very small. Thus they bypass the need for lower bounds for linear forms in p-adic elliptic logarithms. Such linear forms are still used in the reduction step, but not in the production of the original bound.
XIII.6. Other methods and problems The methods involving elliptic logarithms in this chapter can be extended to elliptic curves defined over algebraic number fields [185]. Here an integral point is one whose coordinates live in the ring of integers of a number field. The elliptic logarithms can no longer be forced to be real and hence one obtains a linear form in complex elliptic logarithms. In addition we cannot now use Zagier's method to compute the elliptic logarithms. The main problem with number fields is computing the Mordell-Weil group. Both the direct method (and descent via 2-isogeny) work but the indirect method is hard to generalize, since it needs an explicit theory of reduction for quartic forms defined over a number field. There has been some work in this direction by Serf and Cremona, for real quadratic fields of class number one [166] and [41]. Tzanakis [201] has extended the method of elliptic logarithms to find all integral points on curves of the form
(XII1.5) where C has a known rational point. It would be interesting to do the same for other curves of genus one with a known rational point. For instance curves of the form C(X,Y,I) ~ 0
where C(X, Y, Z) is a ternary cubic form with a known rational point, or Q 1 (x~,xz,X3,
1) = Qz(x 1,xz,x3, 1) = 0
where the Q; are quarternary quadratic forms such that Q 1 n Q2 is a curve of genus one with a known rational point, We can of course use other methods to determine integral points on curves of the form (XIIL5), for instance reduction to Thuc equations, see [193], [210] and [212].
XIII. 7, Exercises 1). Prove that the AGM converges for two positive real numbers a and b. 2). Fill in all the messy algebra in showing that !(a, b)=
3). For each curve in Chapter XII, Exercise 4 for which you know generators of E(Q)/2E(Q) compute all the integral points on the curve. 4). Prove Lemma XIII.5 that if Pis an S-integral point written in terms of the generators as P =ptPt + ··· +PrPr+T and K = max jp;j then there are positive computable constants c11 and c12 such that if P is an integral point then for some v E S we have 1
lx(P)I, -
Curves of genus greater than one In this chapter we shall look at an area which has attracted a growing amount of attention in recent years, namely work on curves of genus greater than one. This has come about as the theory of elliptic curves (or curves of genus one) has reached a remarkably advanced state. Work with curves of genus two has been proceeding for over a century but only in the last few years have there been a lot of arithmetical calculations with such curves. There are three basic diophantine questions one can ask about a curve of genus greater than one: 1. Can one compute C(Q), the set of rational points? By a theorem of
Faltings this set is known to be finite. 2. Can one compute C(Z), the set of integral points? 3, Can one compute the explicit structure of the Jacobian of C? The Jacobian is an algebraic group which is associated with the curve. We shall return to this below. Clearly if we can give an efficient algorithmic answer to the first question then we already have an efficient algorithm for the second. For the current state of knowledge on cUrves of genus two the reader should consult [26] and [156]. Curves of higher genus have attracted a.ttention from theoreticians but little is known of how to solve the basic diophantine problems on such curves efficiently. We shall start with hyperelliptic curves and then consider various other types of curves. Given the nature of the subject matter we will content ourselves with a short survey and not go into any of t.he details.
XIV.l. Curves and their Jacobians The following section gives a brief introduction to curves and their Jacobians. For more detailed exposition the reader should consult a text on algebraic geometry such as [97], the first two chapters of [172] or [136]. In the next section we will give a more down to earth definition of the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curVe which is suitable for machine computations. Let C be a projective plane curve of genus greater than one defined over Q which is the projective normalization of the affine curve given by C(z, y) = 0. In other words Cis given by some polynomial equation, say C(x, y) = 0, in two variables with rational coefficients, A divisor on C is a formal finite sum 213
of points of C, where the points can be defined over Q. We write
where m; E Z are called the multiplicities of the points P;, and all but finitely many of the m, are zero. We define the degree of a divisor D as
deg(D) ~
The divisors form a group, Div(C), with respect to the obvious addition law
2: m;P;) + ( 2: n,P;) ~ ( 2: (m; + n;)P;) . ( P,EC P,EC P;EC An important subgroup is the subgroup of divisors of degree zero which is denoted by Div0 (C). Every curve gives rise to a field, Q(C), called the function field of C. This is the algebraic extension of Q[x] given by
Q[x, y]/(C(x,y)).
An element f E Q( C) is called a 'function on the curve'. To such a function we can associate a divisor called div(f). This divisor consists of the zeroes and poles off, which lie on the curve with the associated multiplicities. The degree of a divisor of a function is equal to zero as the number of zeroes must be equal to the number of poles when they are counted with the correct multiplicities. A divisor which is the divisor of a function will be called a principal divisor. The arithmetic of the function field Q(C) shares a remarkable similarity with the arithmetic of an algebraic number field, K. The group of divisors of degree zero is analogous to the group of fractional ideals of a number field. Just as in number fields we look at equivalence classes of ideals modulo principal ideals, for a function field we look at the equivalence classes of divisors modulo principal divisors. Two divisors, D 1 and D 2 , will be called equivalent if there is a function, f E Q(C), such that Dt = D2
+ div(f).
The group of elements in Div(C) modulo principal divisors is called the Picard group of C, Pic( C), whilst the group of divisors of degree zero modulo principal divisors is denoted PiiP(C). By the Abel-Jacobi map the group Pic0 (C) is isomorphic to an algebraic variety of dimension g. This is just a generalization of the maps from an elliptic curve to the torus, C/ A, given by elliptic integrals. This abelian variety is called the Jacobian of the curve and we shall denote it by Jac(C). In addition the map Pic0 (C) -+ Jac(C) commutes with the action of the absolute Galois group, G = Gal(Q/Q). It therefore makes sense to study the set of divisor classes in Pic0 (C) which are fixed by G, or equivalently the set of elements in Jac(C) which are fixed by G. These two subgroups
we shall denote by Pi~( C) and JQ(C) respectively. They are the natural objects that one studies when looking at the arithmetic properties of a curve and its Jacobian. Note that whilst a divisor class may be fixed by the action of G, such a divisor class need not contain a divisor which is fixed by G. A class which is fixed will be called a rational class, whilst a divisor which is fixed will be called a rational divisor. XIV.2. Hyperelliptic curves and their Jacobians To make life easier we shall now consider the case of hyperelliptic curves of genus g. Such a curve is given by an equation of the form
Y' ~ F(X) where F is a polynomial of degree n = 2g+ 1 or 2g+2, with no repeated roots. Clearly this is analogous to the short Weierstrass form of an elliptic curve. In what follows we shall let Dp denote the discriminant of the polynomial F. Unlike elliptic curves the points on a curve of genus greater than one do not form a group. However, there is a group which is analogous to the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic curve, namely the Jacobian of the curve. The Jacobian, JQ(C), of the curve C: Y 2 ::: F(X) has various representations; we shall use the following, for the case when the degree ofF is equal to 2g + 1 (for the case when the degree ofF is even slight modifications will need to be made). An element of JQ(C) is represented by two polynomials, a,b E Q[X], such that the degree of a is less than g, a is monic and b is a polynomial of degree less than the degree of a such that b2
(mod a).
A moment's thought will reveal that if a has roots x 1 ,. , x 1 then the points (x;,b(x;)) ail lie on the curve and as a set are invariant under the action of the Galois group. In terms of our previous definition we are representing the elements of JQ(C) as the degree zero divisor, dega
2: (x;, b(x;)) -
(deg a)oo.
This clearly has degree zero and remains fixed when acted upon by the absolute Galois group. Another thing we notice is that the set of ali rational points on Cis contained in JQ(C). If one looks at the above definition in the case when C is an elliptic curve then we see that the elements of the Jacobian are in one to one correspondence with the points on the curve. We have said that the Jacobian is a group, so we shall need a method to add elements. To add elements there is an algorithm of Cantor [20] which we shall now explain. Suppose (a 1 , bi), (a 2 , b2 ) are two elements of the Jacobian; to compute their sum we perform the following algorithm:
Adding in the Jacobian: Cantor's algorithm DESCRIPTION: Compute (a 3, b3 ) = (a 1, bi) + (a 2 , b:!). INPUT: Polynomials a~, a2 , b~, ~. OUTPUT: Polynomials a3, b3 .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Perform two extended gcd computations to compute d = gcd(ai,az,ht + ~) = h1a1 Compute aa =a1a2jcf2. Set ba = (h1a1~ + h2a2b 1 + ha(b 1 ~ While (dega 3 >g)
+ h 2 U?, + ha(bi + b2) + F))/d
(mod a 3 ).
a3 =(F-bDJa3 • b3 = -b3 (mod a 3 ). End vbile
Such an operation clearly is commutative with the identity given by (1, 0). That it is associative is the hard thing to prove (as it was in the case of elliptic curves). If the degree of F is 3 then the addition law above is identical to the group law on the elliptic curve once we have made the identification of elements of the Jacobian with points on the curve. Because of this we say that an elliptic curve is its own Jacobian. We can describe the Jacobian of a curve of genus greater than one as a projective variety, and then describe the group Jaw as algebraic maps between points on this variety. This, however, is very cumbersome. For example in genus two when the degree of F is 5 the projective variety lies in p8, see [82], while when the degree is 6 the variety lies in IP15 and is described by 72 quadratic forms [57]. The definition of the group law in such a situation is also rather complicated, see [58]. We can also give the group law for elements in the Jacobian of a curve of genus two in a completely geometric way. First we notice that every element can be expressed as an unordered pair of points on the curve, (which could include the points at infinity). We insist that such a pair is fixed by the action of the absolute Galois group, hence each pair is either a pair of rational points or a pair of quadratic conjugate points. We then 'blow down' pairs of the form {(x, y), (x, -y)} to the canonical divisor 0. Three pairs of points will then 'add up' to 0 if we can find a curve of the form
a0 x 3
+ a 1x 2 + G:!X + a3
which passes through all six component points. Many of the results in the theory of elliptic curves go over to the theory of Jacobians of curves of genus greater thap. one. The proofs, however, become far more involved. For example: THEOREM XIV.l (Mordell-Wei!). Let C be a curve of positive genus defined over Q, then the group JQ(C) is a finitely generated abelian group.
The proof of this result when C is a hyperel!iptic curve is rather like the method for elliptic curves. First one proves that the group JQ(C)/2JQ(C) is finite. As for elliptic curves this is done using a map from JQ(C) to the algebra Q[X]/(F(X)). Alas, it is also this part of the method which is not guaranteed to terminate. Given generators of JQ{C)/2JQ{C) one can then determine generators of JQ(C) using an 'infinite descent' argument. The computation of JQ(C)j2JQ(C) for curves of genus two or more, and hence the computation of the rank of JQ(C), has been carried out for numerous examples in the literature, see for example [81], [59], [162], [163] and [62]. The infinite descent step has also been carried out for a few examples in genus two, see [63]. · The outline of the basic method for proving that JQ(C)j2JQ(C) is a finite group is as follows, for more details see [23] and [162]. We shall assume that F is monic of degree 2g + 1 and will let L denote the algebra Q[T]/(F(T)). There is then an injective homomorphism J0 (C)/2J0 (C)-+ L•jL•' given by sending the element (a, b) E JQ(C) to the element a(T). We have to have a special fix for elements of the form (a,O) but that will not bother us here, for details of this see [23]. The image of this map must then lie in the kernel of the norm map from L • / L • 2 to q /Q" 2 . Indeed, using the same sort of argument as we did for the direct method for elliptic curves, we see that the image lies in a direct sum of groups of the form K;(S, 2), where K; is a number field and S is the set of primes dividing 2DF. Hence the group JQ(C)j2JQ(C) is finite as its image under the above injective homomorphism is finite. The main problem, as in the case of elliptic curves, is effectively determining the image of the above homomorphism.
XIV .3. Rational points on curves of genus greater than one Mordell had originally conjectured that on a curve of genus greater than one there are only finitely many rational points. In 1983 Faltings, [55], proved this result, in an ineffective way. Faltings showed that if C was a curve of genus greater than one and K was a number field of finite degree over Q then the set of K-rational points on C, C(K), was a finite set. There have been many attempts to make Faltings' method effective but none have succeeded in complete generality. The first check that we need to carry out on any given curve, C, is that it has solutions in every local field Q,. This allows us to eliminate a curve immediately in a very quick manner. The methods for doing this are analogous to those we have looked at before. Namely finding a solution lnodulo a high enough power of p and then lifting it using Hensel's lemma to a solution in
Q,.. If we are lucky we can compute the complete set of rational solutions on some curve of genus greater than one using a result of Chabauty [28].
Chabauty showed that if the rank of the Mordell-Weil group of the Jacobian was less than the genus of the curve then the number of rational points was finite. Coleman [35] showed using Chabauty's method that if C is a curve of genus g whose Jacobian has rank less than g and p > 2g is a prime such that the curve has 'good reduction' modulo p then
IC(Q)I ~ IC(F,)I + 2g- 2. For the case of hyperelliptic curves the condition that C must have good reduction modulo p means that p does not divide 2DF· Further refinements to this method have been developed by Flynn [60] and [61] for curves of genus two. In genus two the formal group is.given by two power series in two variables, just as for elliptic curves the formal group was given by one power series in one variable. For curves of genus two with Jacobians of rank one, Flynn produces a condition which the power series must satisfy for a rational point to exist. The number of solutions to the padic power series can then be bounded using Strassmann's theorem, Theorem Il.5. If we are lucky then this bound is sharp enough to allow us to provably write down ail the rational points. If we are not lucky we still have a chance by using different prime. Using this method we can prove, see [26], examples such as LEMMA XJV.2. The only rational points on the curve
Y' ~ 2X(X'- 2X- 2)(1- X') are (0,0), (±1,0), (-1/2,±3/4) and the point at infinity. Some other methods to find all the rational points on a curve of genus greater than one involve linking the rational points on the curve C to some properties of another curve D. For example suppose we wish to find the rational points on a curve C. If we can find a non-constant morphism, C --t D, to another curve, D, then determining the set of rational points on D, if finite, will allow us to find the set rational points on C. As an example suppose Cis a hyperelliptic curve of genus two of the form C: Y 2 =aX 6 + bX 4 +cX2 +d, then we can let D denote the elliptic curve Y 2 would clearly have the map
aX 3 + bX 2 +eX +d. We
c --+ D (X, Y) >--+ (X'. Y) Now if D had rank zero we could determine all the elements of D(Q), which would be finite. Determining C(Q) is the~ easy as all we need do is determine which of the elements of D(Q) have an x-coordinate which is a rational square. This trick is very special but it has been extended to a more general method by Dem'janenko and Manin [46], [125]. Their method is applicable when the curve under consideration, like the one above, has maps into some
elliptic curve E. If the rank of the group of such morphisms is greater than the rank of the elliptic curve E then the number of rational points on C can be proved to be finite. Moreover such a proof is effective. Yet another method has been given by Coombes and Grant (36]. In this method curves D are constructed which are unramified covers of C, ¢ : D -.)C. In such a situation there is a number field K such that C(Q) C ¢(D(K)). Hence determining the K -rational points on all such D may allow one to determine the Q-rational points on C. If the genus of C is greater than one then the genus of D will be strictly larger than the genus of C. This appears to have made the problem harder. However, D may possess maps down to some elliptic curve E, for which we can apply the method of Dem'janenko and Manin. Or maybe we can apply the method of Chabauty to determine the finite set of K-rational points on D. Using this method Coombes and Grant show that if pis a prime which is congruent to 7 modulo 16 then the only rational points on y2
= x5
are given by (0, 0) and the point at infinity. We shall not go into detail into these methods for finding rational points as they are slightly more advanced than many of the others in this book, and most of them require a knowledge of algebraic geometry which I have not assumed. Luckily the problem of finding all integral points on such curves is easier to understand as it is based on methods we have already met. However, it should be borne in mind that the majority of the methods for rational points, when they work, are much simpler to apply than the methods for finding all the integral points. It hardly needs to be pointed out that if one has a quick method to find all the rational points on a curve then there seems no point in applying a complicated method to find all the integral points.
XIV.4. Integral points on hyperelliptic and superelliptic curves Luckily we already have a method to find integral points on a hyperelliptic curve as the method of Section IX.4 can be applied word for word. However, as pointed out in that section the method is not very efficient as the method requires solving unit equations in large degree number fields. In the special case when our curve is of the form
Y 2 =X"+c, where c is not a square, there is a much better method. We rewrite the equation as X" ~ Y' - , ~ (Y- y'C)(Y + y'C). Then if we set K == .,fC, then for a finite set of 'bad' primes, S, we have
Y - .,fC == o:(xt
+ Vcx2)"
where a: E K(S, n). Equating coefficients of equations
in both sides gives us the
FI(x!,x2) F2(x~>x2)
where F 1 (x 1 , x 2 ) and F 2 (x 1 , x 2 ) are binary forms of degree n. The last of these is a Thue equation and hence can be solved by the method of Chapter VII. Having solved for (x 1 ,x2 ) we can then use the first equation to determine the value of Y. For an example of this method see [133], [213]. For other methods of solving hyperel!iptic equations see [209], [13]. Whilst we are looking at hyperelliptic equations we may as well study their near relation, the case of superelliptic equations. A superelliptic equation is one of the form
where F(X) is a polynomial with at least two distinct roots of multiplicity one and n is an integer greater than or equal to three. We can easily reduce this equation to the solution of a set ofThue equations defined over a number field in the following manner. Let a, j3 denote two distinct roots of F(X) = 0 of multiplicity one and set K 1 = Q(a) and K 2 = Q(/3). A by now standard analysis gives us that for a solution (X, Y) to our superelliptic equation we must have X- Ct = O"tT~, X- j3 = u2rf!,
where T; E OK, and u; E K,(S, n) for some finite sets of primes S,. Substituting one of these into the other then gives us
which is a Thue equation for (r1 ,r2 ) defined over the number field K = Q(a,/3). As Thue equations are triangularly connected these Thue equations can be solved by the method in Chapter X. This is hardly an efficient and easy method to implement. Bilu and Hanrot [13] determine a more efficient way of computing all the integral points on a superelliptic curve. Their method makes use of the same two equations above involving a, /3, a 1 and u 2 , but they do not reduce the problem to a Thue equation over K. Instead with careful analysis of various number fields they directly produce a !~near form in logarithms which the standard results can be applied to. It is also worth noting that there has been a lot of theoretical work on bounding the number of solutions to elliptic, hypere!liptic and supere!liptic equations, see for instance [54], [84] and [205].
XIV.5. Fermat curves One famous class of curves is the Fermat curves, xn+yn=l.
In his famous marginal note Fermat stated that he had a proof that the only non-trivial rational solutions on such curves occurred when n was equal to two. That there were infinitely many non-trivial solutions when n was equal to two had been known since antiquity. However, no record of Fermat's proof, if one actually existed, has ever been found. When studying Fermat's equation it is clear that ifn = pq has a non-trivial solution, (x, y), then (xq, yq) will be a non-trivial solution of xP + yP = 1. As it had been known since the time of Fermat that Fermat's last theorem was true when n = 4, Theorem 1.1, all that was left was to prove the theorem when n was an odd prime number. Multiplying up by a common denominator we are led to look at the integral solutions to the homogeneous problem, x' + y'
when pis a prime greater than 4, the case p = 3 having been proved by Euler. Much work had been done on this equation over the centuries but it was only in recent years that a proof was discovered by Wiles [217]. The main idea is far removed from the subject of this book, but a book on diophantine equations would seem incomplete without even a brief outline. Frey [64] had noticed that if a non-trivial coprime solution (x, y,z) =(a, b, c) existed to (XIV.1) then one could form the elliptic curve
E, Y' ~ X(X -a')( X+ b"), a curve which is now called a Frey curve. We can assume without loss of generality that b is even and a = -1 (mod 4). If we look at the discriminant of the cubic polynomial on the right hand side we see that it is equal to D = (0- aP) 2(0- b") 2(aP + b") 2 = (abc) 2P. This Jed Frey to believe that such a curve would have to be very weird indeed. For example the curve is semistable and has conductor
N ~II q, qlabc
its minimal discriminant is 2- 8 D, whilst its j-invariant is given by
_:h"c_ 2' :•c.''_+:_::li".,+:_::•' D . Notice that for every odd prime q dividing N we then have that q divides j to a pth power exactly. Using ideas of Serre, Ribet [158] showed that if such a Frey curve existed then it really would be a weird curve as it would provide a counterexample
'" to the conjecture of Shirnura-Taniyama-WeiL
This was a deep conjecture which linked the theory of elliptic curves to the theory of modular functions of one variable. Wiles then set about trying to prove the Shimura-TaniyaJ,lla-Weil conjecture. In 1995 Wiles [217] finally published a proof of enough of the conjecture to show that Frey's elliptic curve could not exist. If Frey's elliptic curve could not exist, as it violated the Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture, then this meant that the original non-trivial solution to the Ferinat equation could also not exist. Hence Fermat's last theorem had been proved. A number like N above also occurs in a conjecture which is related to another proposed proof of Fermat's last theorem; CONJECTURE XIV.3 (ABC~conjecture). Given E > 0 there is a constant C such that for all non-zero relatively prime integers, a, b, c, such that a+ b = c we have
max(lal, lbl, lei),; C ( IT q) qlalJc
XIV.6. Catalan's equation Related to the Fermat curves in the last section is Catalan's equation, Xm-yn=l.
In 1844 E. Catalan [27] conjectured that this equation had only the trivial solution (x,y,m,n) = (3,2,2,3). Lebesgue [114] showed that there were no solutions when n = 2 and Nagell [139) showed there was only the trivial solution when either m = 3 or n = 3. In addition Chao Ko [106] showed that when m = 2 there was only the trivial solution. So clearly, in an attempt to prove Catalan's conjecture, we may assume that min(m, n) :;:: 5. It is often convenient when looking at Catalan's equation to perform the' obvious reduction to the case where n and m are pri!fie, just as we did for the Fermat curves above. We also usually assume that if p and q are the two prime exponents then p > q. This means we need to show that there are no solutions to the equation xP -yq = ±1 = f if p > q ;:::: 5. When p and q are fixed then we have nothing to do but show that the equation has no rational solutions (x, y). But when p and q are fixed this is nothing but a superelliptic equation. So at least we know that there· are only finitely many possible values of (x, y) in this case. Cassels proved [21] that we must have ply and qlx. Alas_proving there are no values for x and y would involve a lot of computing for even smallish values of p and q so our attention must clearly shift to eliminating various values for the exponents. Life would certainly appear easier if we knew there were only finitely many values of p and q which we need to check. If this were true then we would
know that Catalan's equation had only finitely many solutions. Luckily such a result is true, as was first proved by Tijdeman [197] in 1976. Various improvements have been made to Tijdeman's method, for instance see (80]; we shall only give a proof outline. By looking at the factorizations of yq + E and xP- E, and using the result of Cassels mentioned previously, we can deduce that there are integers s and r with qls and plr such that
y+l = X-l
sPjq, rqjp.
Various inequalities can then be established which demonstrate that r and s are very nearly equal in size. Combining these inequalities with a lower bound on the linear form in logarithms
A1 = lpqlog(rjs) + qlogq- plogpl::; 4pqfrq leads one to deduce that, for some explicit positive constant c1, q ::;
3 c1 (log p ) .
We then tum our attention to the linear form in logarithms
A2 = plog
(c'/PH) +qlogq.I q
The various inequalities allow us to deduce A2 .:$_ 4qq / sP and so, on applying a lower bound on the above linear form, we can deduce that p::; c2 , for some explicit positive constant C2· Using the best available lower bounds on linear forms in two and three logarithms, which are often better than the general case, we can obtain THEOREM XIV.4 ((80]). 1/ p and q are prime numbers with p x and y are integer solutions to
> q 2':
5 and
xP-yq=E then p $_ 3.42 · 1028 and q::; 6.0 · 10 19.
However, p and q are still far too large to allow a brute force attack on the problem. In previous examples we have used the LLL-algorithm to redu,ce such astronomical upper bounds. However, in all the previous examples we had actual numbers in the linear forms in logarithms. In the case of Catalan's equation the linear forms, A1 and A2 , consist of logarithms of unknown quantities. It is for this reason that we cannot reduce the upper bounds. Some progress can be made in eliminating various pairs of primes in this range from further consideration. There are various results along these lines, see [102] and [103]. For example if we let hq denote the class number of IQ((q) and h( -q) denote the class number of Q( ~ then we can show:
THEOREM XIV.5. If p and q are prime numbers with p > q then there are no solutions to xP- yq = i if qp-t = 1 (mod p 2 ) and one of the following conditions holds: 1. p does not divide hq. 2. q 3 (mod 4) and p does not divide h( -q).
Results like this, and those in [165], have been used to eliminate a large number of possible values for (p, q). See [80], [131], [134] and [135] where it is shown that if there is a non-trivial solution to Catalan's equation then p > 106 and q > 105 . XIV. 7. Exercises
1). Show that the ABC-conjecture implies that Fermat's last theorem is true for all sufficiently large exponents. ·' 2). Prove the following polynomial version of the ABC-conjecture. If a, are relatively prime polynomials such that a+ b = c then max(dega, deg b, deg c) $ ( the number of distinct roots of abc) - 1. 3). Determine explicit v!llues of the constants c1 and c2 in the pe<>af Ot
Y 2 = X 63 + 124.
Linear forms in logarithms We now present the three transcendence results we need in other parts of this book. Firstly there is one for standard complex logarithms of algebraic numbers, then there is one which amounts to the same for p-adic logarithms of algebraic numbers and finally we give one for elliptic logarithms. In what follows log( a) will always denote the principal value of the complex logarithm of a complex number. A.l. Linear forms in complex logarithms Let ail ... , Ctn (with n ?: 2) denote algebraic numbers not equal to 0 or 1. Let K = Q(a 1 , ••• , et11 ) and set d = [K: Q]. We define a modified height by the formula llogal hm(a) ~max { h(a), -d-, 1/d } . THEOREM A.l (Baker-Wiistholz [6]). Let b1, ... , bn be A= b,loga, ts non-zero. Then if B
such that
+ · · · + bnO!n
max{lbd, ... , Ibn I} 2: 3 we have the inequality
-clhm(aJ) · · ·hm(lln) IogB
c 1 = 18(n + I)!nn+I (32d)n+ 2 Jog(2nd). There are better results for linear forms in exactly two or three logarithms but the above is the best general result at the time of writing. In this book we do not make use of the special results for two and three logarithms as this may confuse. You should consider the use of linear form results in two and three logarithms as nothing but an algorithmic optimization. It is better to· understand the basic method first before worrying about such Optimizations. In fact in practice we will still need to use LLL to reduce the upper bounds so very little is gained from the use of such results. A.2. Linear forms in p-adic logarithms Let a,, ... ,nn (with n 2: 2) denote non-zero algebraic numbers. Let K = Q( a,, ... , an) and set d = [K : Q]. As usual we let p denote a rational prime, 225
p a prime ideal lying above p in K with residue degree modified height by the formula
hm(o:) =max {h(a),
/p· We now define a
llogal J,Iogp}
where D = d if p > 2 and A E K or p unity, in all other cases D = 2d.
rrD , - d 2
= 2 and K contains a cube root of
THEOREM A.2 (Yu, see [218] and [203, Appendix] ). Suppose ordp(o:;) = 0 for all j = 1, ... , n and let b1 , ..• , b, be integers such that at• · ··o:~n -1- 1, then if we set B = max{ lb1l, ... , lb., I} we have the inequality ordp (a:~'
·· ·a~n -
1) < Czc3c4(log B
+ c5)
35009. (45/2)" 30760. 25" { 197142. 36"
ifp~l {mod4), ifp=3 (mod4), ifp = 2.
(n + l)Zn+4pDfp/d(fp Jogp)-{n+l) vn+Zhm(at) ... hm(o:,), log(2 11 (n+1) 2 D 2 H)
ifp>2, { log(3·2 10 (n+l) 2 D 2 H) ifp=2. C;
2logD, max{hm(ett), ... ,hm(a,)}.
This may not seem to be a result about linear forms in p-adic logarithms but it is easy to convert it into such a result using Lemma 11.9, the details of which we leave as an easy exercise.
A.3. Linear forms in elliptic logarithms We now present David's result [44] on linear forms in elliptic logarithms. We slightly simplify the result to something which is more manageable for our purposes. Let E denote the elliptic curve E : Y 2 = 4X 2 - g2X - g3, with invariant j and periods w1 , w2 such that T = wtfw 2 has positive imaginary part. Define the height of the elliptic curve by
h(l,g,,g,), h(J)).
Let { Pt, ... , Pn} denote points on E(K) for some number field K of degree D (within which we assume lie g2 and g3 ). Let 1j; denote the elliptic logarithm map
-1"'+62/12 dt ¢(P) - ~ ;l4t' g,t
(mod A),
where A=
+ w 2 Z. Set 3rr 7
c =
lwti 2 CS(7) ·
Define the modified height of the points P; by
hm(P.) ~max{h(P,),hE,c,I,P(P.)I'!D). Set
'" ~ max{ehE,hm(P.)/D, ... ,hm(P")/D},
. {e.jDhm(P,)} ,"\'"" v'01¢(P,)I .
We are now ready to state the theorem: THEOREM
A.3 (David
L(x) ~ L;x,,p(P,) i=l
with X E Z". Set A= max jx;j then if A 2: exp(c8 ) and L(i) log IL(i)j > -c10 (logA
=f. 0 we have
+ log(Dc9 ))(loglogA + h + log(DC£~)t+
where CJo
= 2. 108+7n(2je)2n~ (n
" hm(P;). + 1)4nz+l0n D2n+2(Jog Cg)-Zn-1 II i=l
Two useful lemmata In this appendix we give two results which are needed throughout the book. Firstly we give the lemma of Peth6 and de Weger, an elementary result which was first given in [151]. However, it is used over and over again so it is worth stating explicitly. LEMMA 8.1 (Peth6 and de Weser). Let a, b 2: 0, h 2: 1 and x E IR be the largest solution of x = a + b(logx )11 • If b > (e 2 j h )h then
x < 211 ( a 1111
+ b1 fh log(h,.b))
andifb'5: (e 2 /h) 11 then
x:::::; 2h (a'fh + 2e2t. PROOF. Put c = hb 1111 and define y by (1 obvious inequality (z 1 + z2 ) 1fh :$ z~lh +
+ y)c!ogc = x 1 fh.
zY" that we have
(l+y)clogc = x'fh=(a+b(logx) 11
a 1fh+b'I 11 Jogx,
+ :_logx h
Notice from the
+ clogx'fh, a'fh +clog ((1 + y)c loge), a'fh
a 1111 +clog( I+ y)
+ clogc +clog loge,
1 11
< a 1 +cy+clogc+cloglogc. Hence we can deduce that yc(log c - 1) < a 1fh + clog log c. Firstly assume that b > (e2 j h )h then c x'fh
clogc + yclogc,
< clogc+ <
> e2 and so
loge (a'fh +clog loge), loge- 1
2(a 1 /h+clogc).
which we note will also hold if c = e2 . 229
Now when b ::;_ (e 2 jh) 11 we then have x::; a+ (e 2 jh) 11 (1ogx) 11
and so we can choose c = e 2 and then the above inequality gives xtfh
< 2 ( atfh + 2e2)
, 0
as required.
The final result we shall require is the following simple lemma which is used over and over again to produce linear forms in log:irithms which are small. LBMMA B.2. Let 6. E C with
16.- ll
$a. Then
llogf>l $ -log(!- a) If>a
PROOF. We have
llogf>l oo
< It> -112:-. i=J
-log(!- a) If>_ !1. a 0.5 then llog6.l S 216. -II. ~
In particular if 16.1::;
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Index ABC-conjecture, 222 Abel, N. H., 5 AGM, 199, 200, see also arithmetic-geometric m<= Agrawal, M., 124 arithmetic-geometric mean, 5, 199 Bachet, C., 2 Baker, A., 7, 9, 59, 82, 98, 100, 117, 137, 138, 148, 225 Baker-WUstholz theorem, 102, 107, 123, 137, 225 Bernstein, D., 117 Bhaskara, 5 Bilu, Y., 105, 108, 110, 124, 197 binary form, 97, 151, 155, 220, see also quadratic form, cubic form, quartic fo= Birch, B. J., 152 Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer algorithm, 187 Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, 193 Bombieri, E., 105 Brahmagupta, 5
Crouch, S., xii cubic form, 151 Davenport, H., 7, 59, 82 David's theorem, 205, 207, 227 David, S., 197,205,207, 227 decomposable form, 155 Dem'janenko, V., 218 descent, 2, 52 2-descent, 183 higher, 185 infinite, 100 via 2-isogeny, 183 Diophantos, 2 discriminant form, 165 discriminant form equation, 45, 165-167, 169-172, 174 divisor, 213
elliptic curve, I, 50, 124, 177, see also d&scent canonical height, 180, 181, 191, 192, 210, see also height conditional algorithm, 192 conductor, 124, 193 group law, 179 hefght, 226 height pairing matrix, 182 integral points, lD-12, 45, 111-115, 150, 151, 202-210 L-series, 193 minimal model, 178 naive height, 180, 191 Neron-Tate height, 181, see also elliptic curve, canonical height regulator, 182 elliptic function, 198 elliptic logarithm, 198 p-adic, 209 Ellison, W. J., 7 Eratosthenes, 40
Cantor's algorithm, 216 Cassels, J. W. S., vili, 17, 183,222 Catalan's equation, 222 Catalan, E., 222 Chabauty, C., 217 Cholesky, 66 Coates, J., 117, 124, 134 Coghlan, F. B., 206 Cohen, H., viii, 198 Coleman, R. F., 218 complexity, 8, 42, 50 continued fraction, 4, 59, 105 convergents, 60 partial quotient, 60 purely periodic, 61 Coombes, K. R., 219 Cremona., J. E., xii, 190, 210 241
Euler, L., 3, 4, 221 Evertse, J. H., 134, 152 exponential time, 8
integral point, 10, see also elliptic curve, integral points invariant theory, 187
factoring, 1, 40, 48, 53, 119, 144 polynomial, 75 Faltings' theorem, 9, 152,213,217 Fermat's last theorem, l, 3, 193, 221 Fermat's little theorem, 20, 34 Fermat, P., 2, 52, 221 Fincke-Pohst, algorithm, 66 Flynn, E. V., 218 form, see a/so binary fonn, discriminant form decomposable, 155 formal group, 208 Frey curve, 221 Frey, G., 221
Jacobian, 214 Julia, G., 190
Gaal, I., 165, 171-173 Gauss, C. F., 4, 5, 199
Gram matrix, 75 Gram··Schmidt Process, 67 Grant, D., 219 GRH, 9, 50, 98 Guy, R., 205 Gy6ry, K., x, 134, 152, 153, 167 Hanrot, G., 1[}5, 108, 110, 124, 197 Hardy, G. H., 59 Hasse principle, 40, 49, 182, 184 Hasse's theorem, 40 Hasse, H., 5 height, 134, 147, see also elliptic curve, canonical height function, 22 Mahler, 22 modified, 106, 126, 148, 225-227 Weil, 22 Hensel's lemma, 23, 36, 47 Hensel, K., 5, 23 Hermite's theorem, 66, 192, 194 Hermite, C., 151, 190 Hilbert, problems, 6 Holzer's theorem, 49 Hunt, D., 124 hyper-graph, 154 hyperelliptic curve, 50, 215 hypergeometric functions, xi
index form, 166
knapsack problem, 79 Koblitz, N., 17 Lagrange, J. L., 4, 52, 151, 199 Lang, S., 23, 197 lattice, 65, see also LLL approximation, 64 basis, 65 determinant, 66 enlargement, 191 successive minima, 66 Lebesgue, V. A., 222 Lenstra, A. K., viii, 7, 67 Lenstra, H. W., viii, 7, 67, 152 Ljunggren, W ., 206 LLL, 36, 67-75 de Weger's variant, 73 reduced basis, 67 Lovisz, L., viii, 7, 67 Mahler, K., 117 Manin, J., 218 Mansfield, E., xii Matijasevit, J., 7 Merriman, J. R., 152 Mordeli's equation, 206 Mordell, L. J., vii, 5, 45, Ill, 180,217 Mordell-Weil group, 50, 177, 179, 197, 215, 218 Mordell-Weil theorem, 180, 190, 216 weak form, 182-186, 188-190 Nagell, T., 6, 222 Neron, A., 181 Number field sieve, 119 Ochoa curve, 205 p-adic
elliptic logarithm, 209 exponential, 31 integer, 18 logarithm, 28 metric, 17 Padt\ approximations, xi Pell's equation, 4, 62
PethO and de Weger's lemma, 103, 122, 123, 137, 141, 229 PethO, A., xii, 6, 97, 103, 105, 165, 171, 172, 229 Picard group, 214 Pohst, M., viii, 165, 171, 172 Poincare, J. H., 5, 180 polynomial time, 8, 73 van der Poorten, A. J., 124 Prime ideal removing lemma, 118 product formula, 21 Pythagorean triples, 2 quadratic form, 66, 171, 181, 186,216 binary, 5, 54, 55, 112, 114, 151, 172,
184 quarternary, 211 ternary, 46, 51, 54, 112, 114, 171, 172,
184 quartic form, 184, 188 covariants, 188 invariants, 187 R.amanujan, S., 6 R.amanujan-N agell equation, 6 Remand, G., 210 Ribet, K., 221 Rose, H., viii S-integers, 21 S-unit equation, 99, 133-152, 156, 167, 205 S-units, 21 Schmidt, W. M., 105 Selmer group, 185 Selmer, E., 40 seminvariants, 188 Serre, J.P., 221 Shimura-Tani yama-Weilcon jecture 193 ' ' 222 Shipsey, R., xii Shorey, T ., vii Siegel's identity, 36, 37 Siegel, C. L., 99, 134 Siksek, S., xii, 51, 191 Silverman, J. H., 23, 181, 191 Skolem's method, 33, 36-39, 97, 103, 105 Skolem, Th., 5, 36 Stephens, N., xii, 206 Strassmann's theorem, 25, 33-36, 218 Stroeker, R., 206 subexponentia l time, 8, 48
superel!iptic curve, 220
Tate, J., 181 Tate-Shaferev ich group, 185 Thue equation, ix, 7, 33-36, 38, 45, 97, 99-117, 120, 122, 129, 133, 135, 137, 151, 170-173, 197, 211, 220 Thue, A., 7, 97 Thue-Mahler equation, ix, 97, 117·135, 137, 151, 153, 161 Tijdeman, R., vii, 223 triangularly connected decomposable form 153-163, 165, 167, 173,220 Tzanakis, N., 97, 98, 105, 117, 210 Urfels, F., 210 Waldschmidt, M., 9 de Weger, B. M. M., vii, xii, 6, 7, 31, 73, 82, 97, 98, 103, 105, 117,206, 229 \"leierstrass p(z)-function, 198 long form, 177-179,202 short fonn, 179, 183, 215 Weierstrass, K., 5 Wei!, A., 180 Wildanger, K., 133 Wiles, A., 1, 193, 221, 222 Wright, E. H., 59 Wilstholz, G., 9, 137, 138, 148, 225 Yu's theorem, 121, 123, 141,226 Yu, K., 9, 226 Zagier, D., 201, 205, 210 Zassenhaus, H., viii