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SPECTRAL STALKERS The Aleph is a prize b€yond atl m€asue, a hysrdious atelrci Fom aothd diMion wlddr c.n be 6.d ro h.!Gs alt the for.6 of rhe lJnive€. Wnhn th€ swnlinggtobcoR may tazs dr an erd.r .opy oratl the prd€s ot ensts<e orperhapsatenshnceit,elfl N@, wh€rhs by hre d forrlm, rhe Aleph lEs div.d in KlEt sd been dtruded to YOU Ib! sfeke.pins. YOU mlsr rse its unedrhty powds to trmporr you thDush rfie diDetuiom ed ovdcde rte mdry obdadd in yoe way mtil ya 6 rcih ft ro its riAhd omd, But }ew&, for oih6 ato sk ro oM ihe Atept _ espaia y rhe teEitins Spechal StdleBl Two dice a p€ncil dd a aa*r ad .lt you need to nbdt m rhis altonishing adventue, which is complere with fts elaboFre coFbat systm and a $ore lhet to @r.l you proEffi_ Y-r _4-g"^ Le ahedd .nd rou! ru..e$ 's by no mens cen,n. rowstul..dre^$e xe rdEed again:t you, bd rf6 up ro yOU to dfti.tr which r@t. to follo*, wlnch dang@ to rist .nd whid, fo€ to hghl.\othinE ha3prepdpd you rd an advmtuelike thi5l
Ii8Mn8 EMIosrG.n h&s
Steve Jackson and lan Livingstone Presenr
by Peter Darvill-Evans Illwtrated by TonyHough
ft|n!.dud.yr!&?lr'i;G.n Fourlldltg.iqt]E
@ ft. rBtbr hrt sriE ^e!d OUTOFftCM E€EryF&Tryfu mrN - rh! Fbhtns Fuby r$,rd DLNGEONER - An rnh.dxdd ro 6! vroird of Ror.-PLFs CalG
PgngurnBook! Lrd, R.gisreEdOm€s: H,mo.dtvor6,
Midor.s*, hgtand
Fin( pnbtished t99l 1 J7 9 t0 3 6 .oe.p'
splnshr c SF. t&(.oo snd bn Livrl8 an.. req. r.{copynshr ro pdft Da .F.vM!, t9el Il|u falion! mpyrighr@ Tony riou[h, t99l MaF copyishi @ ko Hliaj,l99l Alt igh6 resrved Tfio hoirt rishr of rhe aurho. has heD 4ssncJ Prinrqtjn lndmd by oaF Ld sr I€ F,thd itr i2lEPdaLino
You are a warrior, a hardy adventLrrcrwith remarkable skills You wrll use dicc to determinc your cxact a[ri, butes,and or pages 14 15 lhere is an AdocnLureSheeL on which you will record your scoresand thc incidents ol your adventure.Usc a pencil, or make photocopies ol the Adumfure SheeL, as you will almosf ccrtainly need to make more than one attempt to escapcfhe relentless Spectral Stalkers and prevent the enslavementoi the Universe Skill, Stamina and Luck Roll one die Add 6 to the score and cnter the total in the sxrr-r box on the,4Llueltlure ShNl Roll two dicc. Add r:r Lo the scorc and enter the total in ihe srevrNa box Roll onc die Add 6 to thc score an(l enter fhe total in
These are your lniiial scorcs and you musf kcep a permanenf record of thcm All of yoLrr s(ores nrdy chanSe during your advcnture, but they will exceed your i,Tlirl amoonts only on very rare occasions You must kecp a record of all changesto your scorcs so r\Tile small or use a rubber
Your sx[L score renects your expertis€ in combat, your ability with weapons and your dexterity. Your sraMrNAis your health,fitness,and ability to survive woundsand phyeicalhardship.Your lucx scoreshows how luckyyou are. Combat During your advenfureyou will meet other people and creaturcs. Someof themwill attackyou; othersyou will decideto fight, The irocedurefor resolvingbattlesis describedbelow, sK[L and srAMrNAscoresare given in the text for eachopponent that you rneet.Write thesescoresin the 6rst vacant Encounter Box otr yotn Aillmturc Sheel Recordalso any specialabilities or instnrctions that are unique to this partiddar opponent.The sequenceis then, 1. Roll two dice for your opponent.Add lhe total to his srrlr score.This is his Attack Strength. z- Roll two dice and add the total to your crrrrent SKILLscore.This is your AttackShength. 3 If your Attack Strengthis the higher you have wormded your opponent.Go to sLep4. If your opponent's Atlack Strength is highea he has woundedyou. Go to step5 If the Attack Strength totalsare lhe same,you have avoidedeachother's blows start a new Combat Round from step r. 4. Subtract2 points from yoUI opponenfs sr^MlNA. 8
You may be able to deduct additional points if you use your LucK (seebelow) or if you have a special weapon 5. Subhact2 points from your stAMrNA You may useyour LUCKhere to reducefhe amountyou lose (seebelow). 6. Make sureyou have rccordedon lhe AdoenhmShed all adiustments to sr^Mrrr and r,ucr scores. 7. Begin the next Combat Round,sta*ing againat step 1. This sequence continuesuntil eifheryou or your opponenthas a srAMrNA score of zero. If your opponent'ssraMrNAscorercacheszero,you have killed him and can continue with your advenhrre.If your STAMINAscore reacheszero, you are dead; you must start the advmture again from the beginning, having rolled dice to createa new characler Often you will have to 6ght more bhanone opponent at the samelihe. Sometimes you will treaLthem as a singleopponent;somelimesyou will be able to 6ght Lhemone at a tim€; and sometimesall oFthem will be able to attack you while you defendyourself and attack only one of them Specilicinshuctions will be given at the appropriate point whenever you meet more than one opponent. Luck There will be times when the successor failure o{ yow exploits will dependentirely on your tucx. You will be inshucted to Testywr Luck,the yocedure for which is
as follows:roll h^r'odice.If the total scoreis equalLoor less than your LUCKscote,you are Lucky and the outcomewill be in your favour.If the total is higher Lhanyour LUCKscore,you are Unlud
RestorlngSkill andStamina skill Your srrr-r will not change much during yor.rradventure, and you should change it only if given sPecific inskuctions in the text As 5KILLis a measureo[ combat prowest it can be reducedby losing your weaPonor by the effectsof poiso4 for instance;acquiringa magical your sKILL but rememberthaf weaponcouldincrease you canuse only one weapon at a Lime! Stamina Your sr,rvrre will change frequentlyduring your advenfure as you suffer woun& and then recover. At various times you wrll be given opportunities to eat mealsand to acquireProvisions.Eatinga mealnormally restoresup lo 4 points of srAMtNA although there may be Limes,indicatedin the text, when you get so hungry you will need Lo eat a meal simply to avoid losingsrAMrNAYou may eat only one mealat a Lime, even lhough you may have more in your backpack, Unlessspecificallystated,your sTAMINAmay never exceedits hifil.J score. Leaving a Trail SpechalStalkers candeteclthe kacesofpsychicenergy thaf you leavein vour wakeas you kavel betweenLhe Eachtime that you pay Spheresof the Macrocosmos. more lhan a flying visit to a location - if you stay long enoughto becomeinvoLvedin a 6ghL,for instanceII
yoq will leavea disturbancein the ebherthat will atkact the SpectralStalkers.The more timesyou do this, the easieriL is for your shadowy pursuersto home in on you, Your rotn scoreshows how easyit is for the Spectral Stalkers to find you. At the start of your advenlure your rRAILscoreis zero- the SpechalStalkersdo not even know of your exisLence,and have no chanceof findingyou. At variouspointsin your advenfure,however,you will be instructedto add TRArlpointsto your score.Thus, the longer you spendon your travels, the greaterthe risk thal the SpechalSlalkerswill 6nd you. At other times you will be instructed Lo Testyour Trail Srore.The procedure for this is: roll Lhreedice. If the total rolled is equalto or more lhan your rRArLscore, you remainundetected, if the total rolled is lessthan your rRAtL score,you have been delectedby the SpectralSLalkers. Often you will be told lo add a point to your rRArL scoreand Lhenbolesf your Trail Scorcifinnedialely aflerwards. Getting Started You start Lhisadventurewith no inlling o{ the heary task that is about to fall to you, and no prcmonition lhat in the days to come you will be pursuedby a pack of nrghtmarishcreabures more inexorablethan Bloodhounds and more vicious thanWolves. lnstead,you are carefree:you have no employment and your backpa& a2
containsProvisionsfor only two more meals,but your purseis fuIl and you have the world to go advenLuring in. Your trusty swordis, asevet at your side. It is recommended that you male notes and draw a map as you explore There is a way to succeedlhat involves little risk, even if you sLart with low Inifial scorcs.There are many more routes that lead lo failure andunpleasanL fates. Start with the Backgtoundsectiou then go on to the sectionheadedwith fhe number r. After thal go to whichevernumberedsecLionyou are instructed to
AovpNrunr SKTLL
SHrpr eNcouNrrn soxrs LUCK
sti =
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F F threal of lerrible danger.Sincewhen did yorir life as an advenfurer conLain anlhing but treasurq travel and danger?You regrel giving Lheold half-Elf a Gold Piece; you now have only I Gold Piecesleft in your ptlrse and lherearerndn, more(trlls to visit beforenightfall
'Signsand portents,' wheezesthe old fortune-teller in a voice [hal seemsLommble from within the folds of hts molh-eatendoak. There aresignsandportentshere.The cards will speak the truth for you, young warrior- I feelit.'
Then you noLice that the fortune-teller has stopped rnumbling. He is staring at the card he has just tumed over.His handsareshakins.The laceof thenew cardis completely blanl and slightly luminous. At last he manageslo stuLter:'ll - it isn't possiblelNone of these cardsis blankl Bul if this is so . . This card represents your destination, soldier.I fearfor you.'
You are beginning to wish that you had never ventured into this dark and smelly lent. The raucousshrieksand music and laughler of the fairground sound dim and disLant,even Lhoughlhe grubby canvasof the fortuneteller'stent is the only thing that separates you {rom Lhemerry-makingcrowds. You could be outside in the surshineenjoyingthe MidsunmerFairinsteadof waiting in half-darknessfor this ancienthalf-Elvencharlatan to sta* his card-reading acl.
Why? What doesrt mean?Vvhereis ml/ destination?' Not in Khul,' wails the fortune-teller.Nor anywherein this world. You will travel F-llther lhan any man can imagine,with a perilous burden and a dreadful pursuit al your heels Go {rom here. A slorm approaches. PrepareyourseLf,you will be pluckedfrom ihis world ererong.
A gust o{ cold wind swirls aroundyou without distlrbing the smokethal clogs lhe air. Suddenlyapprehensive, you shiver. The fortuneleller seems momentarily alarmed,but then clearshis throat and begins Lo hrm over the cards,oneby one.
You step outside Lo find dark clouds racing acrossthe sky The crowds are dispersingand the fairgrormd folk are slruggling Losecuretheir Lenlsagainsta rising gale. The paths acrossthe 6elds to Neuburg are thronged with Lownspeople scur4zing home. You decide to shelter from the sLormin the foresL and you set ouL alone towards the dark line of trees. . .
Eachdisc of thlck parchmenlbearsa (adedpicture. The firsl few are farniliar- a shining gemstone,a kamp with his meagrebelongingstied in a bundle, a skeleton wielding a scythe.The fortune-tellelsexplanationis equally ordinary - the usual patfer about a great trea, sureand going on a long and difficult joumey, and the
Tum to r
16 L
r-2 I
You hur4' fowards the forest beneath the billowing blackclouds lhat have lurned daylight into dusk.There is a suddenflashof blindinglighL.You expecla crashof Lhunder,but inslead there is an eerie silence Then you see something falling ouL of the sky, lumbling and flultering like ar autumn leaf. It landswith a thump on the paLhaheadand you run towards it. It is a winged deature unlike any that you have seen before, and it is badly hurt. lts silvet gossamer-thin wingsand ils brighl robeshavebeentom into taLtered shreds;its smallhumanoidbody bearsgrievouswounds. It sLirsas you approach,and slaresat you with huge round eyes.WiLh ils lasl reservesof strengthit holds out lo you the bundlethal il carries,and hies Lospeak: 'Stranger!I am dying . . . I have failed. Take this burden from me! Take itl ArchmageGlobus . he must ... Too latel I am dying. Take itl ... and beware Lhe SpectralStalkers! .' The creaturedies. You pick up the bundle It seemsto be a hard ball wrappedin a cloth. Will you put the bundle in your backpackand continue on your way (,Lumto 2o7), or unwrap Lhe doth and look at its contents(turn to jr6!
You pull the Aleph from your backpack,but you are appalledto see Lhat,insteadof containingan infinite array of glowing images,it is Srey and cloudy. As you slareinto the sphere,the shiftingforms congealinto the indislincL likenessof a face - and a voice LhrusLs
3 itself inlo your mind. 'Ahl So you are here!' gloals lhe voice.You havebroughl the prize to me.How considerale. Now you cannot escape!'Add r point to your rRArL score.Hurriedly you sluff the Aleph back into your pa& it seemsthat your travels mll end, one way or another, on this world. You decideto keep moving; will you walk lowards the water (tum lo 92) or Lhe plains(tum to 116[
4_' Apart from a few Silica Serpenlswrithing in glitterin8 coils high in the twquoise sky, you don t seea srngle aeature during your long trek to the curtain of cliffs that supports the highest level of the Ziggurat World. The paLhbecomessteeperand steeperuntil il is zigzagging up the precipitous wall of rock - and finally it petersouL altogether.You sLopto rest. If you have Provisiont you can eat one mealand restoreup to 4 poinLsoI sreurr,r. Then you resumethe ascent;(rom here onwards you will be ro&-climbing If you are wearing Ophidian aflnour, fum to 3ar; if not, turn to 254. 5 The SpechalStalkerhas failed to lind you. You heavea sigh of relief as lhe hideous creature shakesils great headin fruskationand beginslo dissolveinto the air. Night is falJing,and a cold wind is blowing acrosslhe wild counfryside. There is nowhere except the inn to shelter for the nigh! if you decide to 80 jn, turn to z,zz.lf you would rather use lhe Aleph Lo transpo you elsewhere, tum Lo283.
) You cannot hope Lo prevail againsl all Lhecitizens of this city. You {ight with all your strength, but this only increasesthe determinaLionof LheElves to capfureyou alive for sac fice to their deity Vacavon.It alsoincreases your TRAILscore by 1 point. Evenfually you are surrounded, subdued,and given several sharp ki&s as a rcward for causingso much kouble. Deduct z points of STAMINA, and tum to 4or
6-E 6 The tinklingof the bell is lost in Lheoppressive silence. You wait but nothing happens.You are aboutto walk away when a 6gure rises behind the desk and huffs a cloud of smoke.You jump backin surpriseand alarm;a female Dragon is glaring down at you over a pair of wire-framedspectacles. Yes? Well, wha[ do you want? This is the Library in Limbo, you know, and no placefor warriors and other troublemakers.' Will you show the Dragon the sphere,and ask her what it is (turn to ,9j), or askher if she hasheardof Globusand the SpectralStalkers(hrm to 9r)? Or will you atla& her (turnto ,4o)? 7 You heave a sigh of relief as the Speckal Stalker dissolvesnto the air, but you havelittle time to reflecf on your good forLune.The BlackShadowsretum, in greaLernumbersthan ever.Wrth no energy to resist their atLackyou are soon overwhelrned, and you feel your sharp fangs piercing flesh. The venom works quickly and you drift into unconsciousness Tum to 29r. 8 You strikethe harp ftom the Minstrel'shards.lt conlinues Lo sing, buL as the Minskel hrms to confront you his face contorted with rage, the harp's melody falters.The Zwhians begin to recovertheir wits, but you have liltle time to notice them.Your attentionis ffxed on the sword-wieldingMinskel, whose appear-
ance is changing even as he attacks you. His human appearancewas an illusion, he is really Barogkaz, a large, powerfully-built Zwiita , ard a formidable
madmanlunges past you and blo&s your escapeYou decide to make for the other door the one through whichNecromonentercdthe room but while you are backing towards it you will have to fight.
s Kl t! g
STA M I N A 1 3
If you survive three rounds of combat, the citadel guards join the fray and quickly subdue Barogkaz. Frampa Lord of the Citadel, is grateful for your help but is still suspiciousof you. He orders you to take the Minstrel's harp and leave his domain You 6nd a secludedhollow outside the lown walls and decide lo abandon the harp there belore using the Aleph Then, lo your suqrise, the harp speaksrDo noL forsale me, warrior, for I am no ordinary harp. I am [he living spidL of the Minstrel Cerod, whose form the foul beast Barogkazusurped.Even if you have no skill in music,I can help you.'The harp will halve Lhe srtr. of any humanoid opponent you 6ght, buL becausejl will not fit insideyour pack,you must reduceyour sKrLLby one point while you have it. If you decide lo keep the harp, record it on your AdoentureSheeLwhether or not you keep it, your nexLstepis to use the Aleph tum to 91. .9 Necromon's eyes begin to glint with a rnanic light. You promisedlo help me,'he whispers.You gave your word, I need your life force. You must leL me have it!' He advanceson you, pulling a massivecleaver from the rack oI lcrives besidehis butche/s block. You try to retreat towards Lhedoor, bul the white-coated
sKrLL 7
This should be an easy fighl lo win, particularlyas NecromonseemsnoL fo be concentratmg on usinghis cleave4but thanrs because he is concentraLing on yor. AJter each ALtack Round, roll two dice; if the total is greaterthanyour srtl, you find your eyesinexplicably drawn to his - and you are suddenly convinced that you shouldagreeto whateverhe asksyou to do Turn to 249. If you evade his gaze, and suwive the 6ght, you ffnd that after two rounds of combat you can retreatthrough the door. As you do so, Necromon's cleaver gashes your shoulder - deduct z points of srAMrNn,and,if you arestill alive,tum to 366.
The clouds part; sur ight floods the 6eld. Drawenna's laughter fills the sky. 'That's itl' she shouts. Thal, my bravepawn, my clever pawn, is exactly the right move. Holdl Do not altack Burudl Do you see the position? My Lh,ree warriors are in a triangle - and lhree of yours are at their mercy. Victory is mine. Concede,and I'll spareyour wretchedpawns.' fihat do I care for mere pawns?' Burud's voice is choked with anger. 'Kill them or noL as you seefit. I won't remainto watch.I'll6nd other ways to get you Drawennal'A gale swirls the clouds acrossthe sky and
mto the distance.You {ind that you can releaseyour hold on the p ce; the metal armour slips Irom your back.With lhe other surviving warriors you wander Lo lhe edge of lhe field, where you find your backpack your clothes,and a pursecontaining10 Gold Pieces (note this on your ,Adoenlurc Sheet). Drawenna'svoice addresses you again.'I would ask you Lo stay, brave wanior,' she says,'bul I senseyou are on a perilous quesl and cannot linger. Take Lhisl'A golden ring falls ouL of the sky and lands at your feeb you pick it up and marvelal the largeblue gemstone sel mto it 'The jewel is not only decorative,'says Drawenna'svoice. 'If you areweariy,or sorely wounded, swallow the blue gem. It will restoreyour strength.' You can use this item at any lime, but only once; swallowingthe gem will restoreup Lo 6 poinLsof STAMINA. Recordit on yo.|JAdoenlure SheeL. Dtawenna is right, you havelo move on Tum to r24.
You step inLo a squareroom with walls lined wrth saggingbookshelves.Precariousprles of books also coverLhefloor and severaltables.SeatedaLa deskis a smallhumanordin grey robes;two others areliantically examiningone of the pilesof booksand writing notes on parchmentscrollsAs you enter they all slop work ing and sLareat you The seatedone squear<s ar you: 'A.e you Admittance?' No,' you reply.'Of coursenot.' 'Well come in, then, and we'll classifyyou.' You
approach his desk, and ask him what he and his companions are doing. .INe are Ranganathant' he amounces.'And we're classifying,of course.The quesLionis: what are you?' You say you are a human,and a warrior. Well, which is it? Human or Warrior? You carlt be lwo things at once.You re obviously a difficult boys?' case.And what do we do with difficultcases, 'Talce them to piecesl That's the way to find oul!' chorus lhe other two Ranganathans,creeping towards you and flexing their pharpfingers.Will you fight fhem off (tum LoJ28), or look for a way oul (lum lo 74!
You begin lhe ascenlof the cliff, doggedly trudging up the rocky path that winds back and fodh across the sheerface.Eventually,you have Lopauselo rest Looking down, you are almost overcomewith vertigo when you seehow smalland distant the landscapebelow you has become. Looking upward, you see that you are only a little more that half-way up the diff-face. You shrink againsl the rocks as a couple of glitLering Silica Serpentsswoop pasl, fhen conlinue climbin& passing through a layer of white clouds lhat leave droplets of cold waler all over yo+ before reachinga ledge where you take another resL.If you have Provisions,you can eat one meal and restoreup to 4 points of 9TAMTNA. Two paths lead upwards from Lheledge, one, to your right as you {ace fhe cliff, zig-zags towards a qaggy part of the clifftop that is dotLed with tall cylindrical towers; lhe other climbs slowly to a distant and rela-
tively flat part of the clifftop. Will you take the palh to the right (tum to r3o), or the left (tum to 146[
rt As you run down lhe avenueyou can hear the Golem pounding alter you, each stride shaking the ground. With angry swipes of its mallet the monster deshoys the clay sLatuesas it passesthem. The Golem is catchingup with you; you veer o{f the path and on to the bare hillside, hoping that as the hot sun dries the monsLer's body it will begin to slow down. But now the Golem is right behind you, its mallet smashing bouldersto your right and left as you dodge the blows. Roll one die. The result is the number of limes thaLyou have to dodge the mallet-blows. For each dodge, roll fwo dicq eachtime that the result is higher rnan your sKrL!-you are struck by shardsof ro& and must deduct 2 points of srAMtNA.However,becausethe Golemis at last beginning to slow, you may deduct one point Fom the second dice-roll, two from the third, thtree from the fourth, and so or9lf you survive the malletblows, you are rewarded by the sight oI Lhe Golem slowing down as the sun's rays dry its body AIler a {ew minufes,it is completelymotionless:a clay stafue that will remain lifeless on the hillside unlil the nexl minstorm.You make your way back to the cave in the di{f-face; tum to 261. r4 The descentis difficult, and by the time you reach the baseof the Lowernearly every one of your little group
rt of ex-prironers has almost slipped ftom the narrow slairway at leastonce.Now, huddled in the darknessat the bottom of the nvine, you discussyour next move. All oI the Elves,Vaskindand Mantirs want to retum to tlcir homes, and that entails taking the long zig-zag path down the cliff to the lower level of the Ziggurat World, You agreeto accompanylhem to th€ top of the
cliff.Tumto 3r3.
t6-r1 I6
You are foo slow. The Tyrant plucks the Aleph fiom your fingers and irnmediatelybegins to disappearinto it. You can only watch in honor as the sphereexpands, and then conkacls to a point - and disappears.You have lost the Aleph. You are skanded on this baren world wherq year aller year, the dwindling Feliti b ng offerings to yow castle and pe orm half-forgotben rifuals in their overgrown garden. You are the new Tyrant- Perhaps,after a few centuries.a new Charnpion will appearon [he stone table in the F€liti garden . . .
Although there is no sound - even the {lowers have stopped tinlling throqhout the Crysta.lGardm - you canhearthe SpectralStalke/s sseam of ragereverberate insideyour rhind as it diosolvesinto the air. It knew ihat it had almostIoundyou, andyou know it too. You step over the Silica Serpent and hurry fowards the Vitreous citadel. Tum to 136.
r8-r9 I8
Grondelconvincesthe priest that you have proof of Lheexistenceof other worlds.The two Elveswalch in fascinationas you unwrap the glowing sphereand reveal rts vista of multitudinousJandsand planets. Grondelstaresopen-mouthed in amazement; Lhepriest reels backwards,overwhelrnedby this shock to the ioundationsoi his beliefs You cover the Aleph and pa& it away,but a little damagehasalreadybeendone adil r poinf lo your rRArLscore-Gronde]promisesto reward you for your help, and he leadsyou to his house.As you eat the mealhe providesfor you - il has almost no taste,but it restorcsup to 4 points of sr,rvlNe - Grondelrummages in chestsand cupboards uniil he finds a silver ring with a small stone in a cumbersome setting.'This is not the most athactiveo[ 'but it is very useful.If you twist lewels,'he chuckles, lhe setting like this - LheRing of Light will provide illtmination Suchitemsare valuableherein the darkness,but I hope that you will 6nd it of someworth in your travels.'You assureGrondel that the ring will indeedbe very useful,and you slip it on [o a finger The old Elf starts to busy himselfwith plans for ar expeditionto leavethe caveand you takeyour leave Turn to 177 IO
Your pulsepoundsin your headas the water crushes you.A tickle ofpreciousairescapes fromyour clenched lips as you fight to remainconscious, your body risinS slowJy through the icy vvaters.Roll four dice; if the lotal is lessthan yor.r currentsrAMlNA,tum to r94j rf
the total is equal to, or greaLerthan,your srAMlNA" turn to 84 20
Thereis nothing elseof intercstin the couriyardand you considerwhich of its four doorwaysyou will leave through.Thereis a portalin eachof the four walls;you tum to face th€ doorway which has the circle and inangle s1'rnbolcarved above it. \44rich way will you 8o: Through the door you are facing? The door behindyou? The door to yor.r right? The door to your left?
Turn to 2j7 Tum to 329 Tum to 335 Tum to 78
You are in an unlit funnel.You can seenothin& and can feel only the cool, smooth stoneson both sides.You grope towards the indistincLsound of chanting voices. The chantingbecomeslouder, urgent and frerzied. You Lale one more step, Lhefloor gives way beneathyour feet, and you are sliding helplessly down a chute and into flickering light. You land on a dais of rune-carved flagstonesand, as you pick yourselfup, you seethat you have emergedfrom the mouth of a gigantic stone skull Lhat{orms one wall of the torchlit hall. The voices are suddenly silent. You turn to find yourself looking up into the fiery eye-socketsof another skull - but this one is the living face of a gianL warrior-priest, who howlswith ioy as he than-ks his grim deity. 'As IForetold.mighty Glund.you havegiven us ar omen This creafure will be our victory sacrifice.I, Syzuk fhe Devastalor,will shed its lifeblood at the baLtle'send on an altaro{ a thousandvanquished foes. Warriors!Canyou now doubtour victory?To amsl' Two soldiers begin to climb on to lhe platfom Will you 6ght them (tum to rr9), wail for them to capLure you (turn to 8t), or try to escapeby re,enteringthe mouthof the stoneskull(turn to 148)? 22
By the time you reach lhe foot of the rocl face, the Ophidiansarealreadylittle more thanbla& dols in the distanceand their captive SilicaSerpentis a shimmering sliver of light hanging in the air besidethem. You are reheved to find thaL [he surfaceof the rock is not as
2t smooLh as i[ first appeared: there are crevices and outcrops for your feel and hands.You begin the long ascenLpulling yourself upwards cenLimeheby precarious and painful centimetre.This dimb will test both your strength and your endurance.Roll six dice. If the tolal is equallo, or lessthar! lhe swn of your srlrr and srAMlNA,tum to 2rt; if the total is greaterthan the sumof vour sxrll and srAMrNA,tum to 86.
23 As Semeionleadsyou back to his courtlzardgardenshe gives you sohe lasLwords of advice. 'Go to the Ziggurat World oI the ArchmageGlobus,'he saysthoughtfully. 'Whether danger or good {ortune awar you there, the Ziggurat World is the place wnere your kavelling must end. The Aleph will take you there.Be on your guard at all times.'You thank the old man, and ask him if he can provide you with more substanLial assislance- food, for instance.Semeionshakeshis head. 'l do not require susLenance such as your body needs,'he says,'forthisshapein whichyou seeme is but one of many forms.Frommy storehouseo{ wisdom, however, I offer these two further thoughfs, catch lhe fisherin his own nets;andsel thehunlershormdsupon the hunter.' You manage to sound graleful for these homilies as you lake the Aleph from yoru backpack.If you have no weapon you can ask Semeionif he can proyideone tum to r82, otherwise,you loseyourself in the Aleph's swarmingworlds - tum to 234.
2+-25 24 The crampedcabin at the back of the wagon is full of magician'spropsand theaLricalcostumes,jumbled boxes and crates- and imprisoned in a cagesuspendedfrom the ceiling, a young woman who must be the Barons missingdaughter.You hear the crackof a whip and the whinnyingof horses,andwith a jolL the wagonbegins as to move,accelerating rapidlyover the cobbleslones the Conjuror and his assistanLmake good their escape 6om lhe town You unstrap your backpa& ard search for somethingto help you force open the cage'ssfurdy lock, but without success.'The Conjuror has the key,' the Baron's daughter says in an excited voice, 'and I expecthe'll comesoonto checkthat I'm still a prisoner!' You fearsheis conect.Will you wait for the Conjuror's entrance(hrm to rJ7), or use the Aleph to transport you awayfrom lhis place(tum to 63!
25 '1A4rydo you hesitateT Lhe Archmage demands,his voicegrowing dark and cold. 'Do you dare to defy me? You do not lnow the extent of my powers.I have s€rvants,demonsfrom beyond this plane of existence, who will destroy you. The SpectralStalkerswill come at my bidding. Give me the Aleph - or prepareto die!' You have no doubt that you would be powerless againstlhe otherworldly might of the SpectralStalkers. tf you decidethat you haveno choicebut to hand Lhe Aleph to Globus,tum Lo 33t; if you insiston keePing it, tum to r72.
You fum and slare in surprise.In front of you there is a doorway which you are sure was noL there a minute ago It looks solid enor.rgbon its stoneLintelis engraved the word EXIT. Il seemsthat you have found lhe way out or perhapsit has found youl AnyLhing would be better than these endless corridors, you decide and walk inlo the black shadow in the doorway. Tum to 26 After walking in t\e darknessof the tumel for some time, you grope your way round a comer and seelight beyond a doorway ahead.Du&ing th.rough the stone portal you find yourself in a small,squarechamberwith a doorway set in each of Lhe {our walls. A shaft of brilliant sunlight sheams from high above on to a glowing boulder set into the tiled floor The boulder emanatesa fierceheaLand wilhin secondsyou find the temperafureunbearable.You decide to leave quickly, but you have lime to read the words whicn are carveo above the doorways: Synbolscanreonl thal whichhasbeen And thatwhichis. Only you baw what you inlend. No nun knouswhat will happm, You face the circle and kiangle symbol, and must choosewhich doorway you will leave through: The door you are facing? The door behind you? The door to your left? The door to your right?
Tam to 224 Tum lo ror Tum to 367 Tum to r87
'8t. 2g You pressyourself againsl the wall while you reachfor the silver dagger,feeling drops of the Bla& Shadows foul-smelling venom fall on to your shoulders.When lhe monster's fangs are only cenlimetres above your headyou thrust lhe daggerupwards.Although your blow missesits target,the BlackShadowhissesin alarm and kies to sobtle backwards.You lhrust a secondLime and the creahfe screechesas it loses its grip on the stonesand flutters downwards like a tom rag in a gusL o{ wind. Restore1 poinl of LUCK.Trea&ngas quickly asyou dare,you continueup the crumbling steps.Tum
to rr8. 29 You breathea sigh oI relief as the awfll shapedissolves into the air Add r point lo your rr,rrL score.You look aboutyou. The landscape of woodlandand meadows is dominated by a wall of impossibly tall, sheer diffs that extend across half Lhe horizon, and lhiru cylindrical towers dot the crags atop the cliffs. In the hLazydislance,far beyond and above the clifftops, you
10-tt canjust makeoul an even higher flat-topped mountain. Beyond a few floaling fluIfy douds, and a few winged oeaturesthat swoop amongstthem,the sky is sharply divided into two parts,an areaof absolutedarknessand a turquoise areathat glows wilh golden light. There is no sun You are on the Ziggurat World a planel of terracesendosed within a half-darh half-light sphere. You hear the sound of approachinSvoices and recognize the lilting note of a Wood Elf dialect.Will you wait Lo see who is coming (tum to 37o), or walk towards the cliffs and takeadvantageof Lherising land to gain an overview of this level of the world (tum to r9o)? ,o You take the Aleph from your ba&pack and hold it in your hands.The counllessvisLasLhatswarmwithin the shining sphere,tiny yet perfecLin every detail, entlance you imrnediaLely. StranSe creatures, alien peoples, towns, continents, planets, swirling stars and cloudy galaxiesswim beforeyour eyes.You feel yourself being envelopedby the Aleph, and transportedwithin it. Roll one die.If you roll an evennumber,turn Lorr5, if you roll an odd number,tum to r45.
The doorway saysnoLhingmore,but after a moment of ominous calm,the stone slab suddenly slarts to vibrate furiously, while at the sametime lashing from side to side and ro&ing up and down. You realize that you will be shaken from the bridge and inLo Lhe moat within seconds:your only hope is to jump to safely.
t2-rt Will you try to leap back to the bank (hrm to 279), or forwards,into the mouth of Lhedoorway (lum to 3rr)? Now it is the tum of Burud s black warriors. They do not even bother to consult eachother: you hear a noise and fum to seelhe black pawn on EJ move to FJ. You are caught between two black warriors and no matLer how much you fum and fum again,your armourcannot protect you againsLatLackfrom two oppositesides. You losethe game.
The silencedoesnot last.You hearthe soundof many feet coming through the grass. At fust you fear a stampede of Colepods, buL the strange beings thal canter through the grass lo surroundyou are Mantirs, the owners and shepherdsof the Colepod herds.Like a Colepod,a Manlir resemblesa gianl insect,with a shell-likecarapaceand antennaewaving lrom his forehead; but he walks updght, on only four legs, his foremost pair of Jimbs serving as arms. Each Mantir carriesa spearand wears headgearas prolection fiom the heat thaLbeatsupon the shadelessplains, and each has fashioned the knob of bone at the end of his tail into a spiked weapon o{ devastatingeffect.The Mantir herdsmenare as astoundedby your appearanceas rney aregratefulfor the saferecovery o{ lheir rogue Colepod. Their leadersilencestheir endlesstwitlering comments and presents you with a reward - a large slice of delicioushoneycake whichcanrestoreup to 4 sraMrNA poinLs.He Lhen addressesyou, speaking in a fluting
voice thal you can barely understand.He asks what you aredoing hereon lhe plains,and,more importantly, whether you are a friend or an enemy of Globus lhe Archmagewho, says the ManLir, is Lheruler of all lhe peopleson this world. Will you say that you are Globus's friend (tum to 266), or his enemy (Lum Lo ,o4l!
t4 You haveno time Loselectany specialitem from your backpac( you must 6ght r,riiththe y/eaponyou have aL hand.The figures advance,making no atLemptto avoid your blows - and you realizequickly thaf your atLackis having no effect. The man and the woman are as insubstanlial asghosts,but iL seemsLheycanharmyou: you any weapon areusingbecomestoo cold to hold on to, and you are obliged Lodrop it delele iL from your Adxenfure Sheeland,reduceyour sKrLLby 2 pointsuntil you End another weapon. II you are altacking with your bare hands,your fist suffersfroslbite as it passes through the apparitions lose 3 points from your srAMrNAYou fum and n:n Tum to z6z
,5 The Ophidians are momenLarilyconfused:they can see that their comrade has Iallen and that you are now unguarded,but they are reluctant Loabandonlhe Silica Serpentbefore it has been complebelysecured.In this moment of unce ainLyyou makeyour escape.Leaping ftom boulder to boulder you makefor the high ground alove the gully in which the Ophidians trapped the Serpent.You take a last look down inlo the ravine, and note with satisfactionthat the Ophidians have not set off in pursuit. You make for the vast cliffs in the &stance.Tum to a
30-17 t5
Ihe Aleph's floating imagescondenseinto the glowing spherethat you hold cuppedin your hands.You replace it rn your backpa& and look up. You are standingon a weatheredstone table in the middle of an overgrown Sarden.You lsrow aL once that you are noL on your home world o{ Titan, the sky shimmers Like purple velvet,and floatingin it area vast palesun and clouds like goose-down The garden'splants are Likerambling roses, but wilh dark leaves and aromatic magenta blooms;lhey haveinvadedthelawns,climbedthe crumbling walls and embracedthe cawed Iigures of fabulous beasLsLhatsit scowling on pedestals.There is a gate of wroughLiron set into lhe wall and lltough it you see sharp-peakedmormtainsand a grim fortress.The gate opensia processionenters the garden.The people are humanoid:small, with pale green sh4 and green hair that risesin stif( spiml curls They are wearing tom and dirty rags,but lheir leaderhasa fu-trimmed robe. With headslowered lhey approachlhe stone bable and Lhe leader begins a solemn prayer for lhe rehrm of his people'schampion.At the end of the incantatiort he Iooksup - andhis jaw dropsin astonishment ashe sees you Will you greetthesepeople(tum lo z5r), or jump from the tableand run out of the garden(tum to 323)? You hack away the remaini of lhe nel and scoop lhe i:ebly-proLestingbeing into your arms.He is very liSht and you run quickly inLo the cover of the trees.No Wood Elvesor SilicaSerpenLs seeyou: restore1 point of LUCK.You are as braveas you are foolhardy,'says
the wounded creahle as you lay him careftdly on soft grassegtut I thank you once again.Had I been talen by the Silica SerpentsI would have had to leave this body and I have many task to perform while I inhabit it. I seeyou are cudousaboul me. I arn a Mercurial, one of many m€sseng€rsof - well, of those who guard the ways betwe€n the many worlds of LheMacrocosmos. You have the Aleph, I know. And you musl leave this place immediatelyl You have walked into a hap: this world is the home of Globus the Archmage.Globus has beenconsumedby his desirefor knowledgeand power. He is all evil now and will slop al nothing Lo acquire lhe Aleoh. Flee before the Silica SerDentsarrive to searchfor me and 0ee from this world before Globus leams that you are here.'Spurredon by the Mercurial's wordt you leave the treesand headtowards fhe towering diffs. Tum to r9o. ,8 You sit on the bed.As the light fades,lhe opendoors of the toy cupboardsseem dark and threatening, like the gaping mouths of rnonste$ or the cave lairs of {erocious appears to bewatchbeasls.Therocking-horse ing you wilh its glasseye;the stuffedbearlooksa liltle too realistic.Hangingon a hook is a jester'soutfit lhat looks too large for a chi.ld;a goblin maskleersdown at you fiom a shelf;an almost life-sizeballerinadoll has a srnirk on her face; the little metal soldiers are holding sharppointed spears.On a table next to the bed a iointed clown doll sits insidea smallglassspherethat seemsto rock gently from sideto side.Yor:r feelingof relief is replacedby a senseof foreboding If you have a
Glowcandleor a Ring of Light, hun to E7; if not, tum to 24r. ,9 You start to move cautiously towards the door at the other end of the room, but the monstershulflessideways to block your path, holding out its various limbs asif demandingsomethingfrom you. The sheersizeof the creaturedelersyou from attacking il you have the mrpression that even if you succ€eded in hackingoff whole sectionsof its motley body it would scarcely noLicethe loss.You will have to makea dashfor the door and hope thal the monster's flailing limbs fail to sbke you. Roll a die and add the resultto your srnr; then roll tlree dice for the monster. If the monsters total is higher than yours, the differenceis the number of points of 3TAMTN^you lose as an asso*ment of fists and clawsbatter and tear you during your lunge towards the door lf you survive this onslaughtyou succeed in reachingLhedoor ard slammingil behind you.Tum to 2S8. 40
In the moming you throw open Lhe shutters of your room The wind seemseven colder now, carrying with it flurries of sleetand hail You collect your belongings and wanderdowrutairs. The inn is deserted You search the cupboardsand cellars.anJ 6nd a sword that seems sharpand well-balanced You can keep it if you need a rveapon.It is not until you are about to leave the inn that you find the most interestingitem: pinnedLo the backof lhe door is lhe irukeeper/slicence,granted by
42-4t the Margrave of Neuburg - and dated four hundred years after the date when you fotrnd the Aleph. Shakingyor:r headin disbelief,you sLepout into the freezing rain, The door slamsbehind you and, shaken from its bracket,the inn srgnfallsfrom the outsidewall and barely missesyour head.You jump backwardsand look down at the crudepainting of two ghostly figures. The sign is circulac whici seemsunusualfor an inn sign and uncamily reminiscentof the shap€of the Aleph. It perhapsyou is smallenoughto 6l into your backpack; (record il on your shouldpick it up and takeil with you Adaenture SheetiI you do so).Khul,four hundredyears in your future,seemsan unwelcomingplace.You bid il farewell and use the Aleph to go elsewhere.Tum to 2E3. 4r The sound of the Colepods pounding hooves fades into the dislance,bul the silencedoesnot last.You hear the sound of many feet coming through the grass At fust you feara starnpede of Colepods,but lhe strange beings that canter through the Srassto surround you are Mantirc, the owners and shepherdsof the Colepod herds. Like a Colepod, a Mantir resemblesa giant insect.with a shell-likecarapace and antermdewaving {rom his forehead;but he walks upright, on only four legs,his foremostpair of limbsservingas arms Every Mantir carrjesa spearand eachhas fashionedthe knob of bone at the end of his tall into a spiked weapon of devastatingeffect.The Mantir herdsmenareso astoundthat they forget all abouttheir ed by your appearance
rogueColepod.Their leadersilencestheir endlesstwittering commentsand addressesyou rn a fluhng voice ihat you can balely r.mderstand. He askswhat you are doinghereon theplainsand,moreimportantly,whether you are a friend or an enemy of Globus the Archmage who, he says,is the ruler of all the peopleson this world Will you say you are Clobus's friend (lum to tE). or his enemy (tum to lo4F 42 you soon as step into Lhechambera[ the heart of -{s the machine,the rods that srmound you begin to pulse with light and the room begins to fade. Then the pulsinglightsthemselves grow dim and,althoughyour llmbs are stationary and there is no sensationof speed, you feel youaelf being hansported to another place. Roll one die; if you roll: 30r4 5Or6
Tum to 156 Tum to 3J4 Turn to 234
4' -{fter only a few steps along the hrnnel, you tum a comerand stumbledown a flighl of steepstairs-You hli into a yastcavemilluminatedby bonfiresandfull oI ietheredSilicaSerpentsEach Serpentis guardedby several Ophidjans and wiLhin secondsyou are sur, roundedby a dozenof the black,armou-rcd beings.You onnoL hope to fight your way out so you surrender. The Ophidians produce severallengths of strong rcpe andbind youl limbs sectrcly. Tum to tr.
44-4t 44 You nrn beneaththe canopy of branches,push Lhrough the undergrowth and throw yourself inLo a leafy dell. When you lift your head cautiously above the edge of the hollow and look back towards Lhepar4 you see Lhat the monstrous shape has solidified and that a secondis beginningto condense oul of the air besideit. You watch with horrifiedfascinationThesemonsters mustbe [he SpectralStalkersthat the winged creaLure spokeof they aremore hideousthan lhe worst creatjons of your mostsinisterdreamsEachhasfourlong,spindly legs,like those of a spide4a body fhat is no more than scaly skin drawn over sharpbones;a multitude of clawtipped arms;and,for a head,a massof withing tentacles surmountedby two bulbous,facetedeyes like thos€ of insects.You cannot hope to defeat them in combat and you dare not movq fo; fear that they will seeyou- You slide backfo the bottom of the dell and rememberthe bundlethat the wingedaeatureentrustedto you. Tur to ,16,
45 You tum lo face the doorway which has a triangle surmountedby a circle engravedon its lintel. Through whidr of the doorways will you leave lhis room: The door in front o{ you? The door behind you? The door to your right? The door to your left?
Tum Lor22 TtlJr. Io zz4 Tum to 16? Tum to 247
46 The first blaring note is enough to terrify th€ cr€atures Jraf were about Lo attack you, scatteringthem like :eaves in a gusLof wind Allhough you haveexhausted -Jrebreath in your lungs, lhe noise from the Hom .onlinues,becoming even loudet its strident note yreading acrossthe banen landscapelike a ripple acossa pond.With your handspressedto yow earsto strui out the din, you see swarms of Black Shadows ssuing from towerc in frantic confusion. At last the lom's blastfades.Thereare no BlackShadowsto be s€en- rcgain1 point of rucr. You run from the tower :nd scramblehto the safetyand darknessof the ravines Tum to 2r4. 47 Thecurtain is pulled asideand the Conjuror rushespast Were-catand pulling her along 'ou Srabbingthe r€hindhim. You join the crowd chasingthe Conyuror alongthe passageand on to the front platformof the 'r'agon,from which he and his assistantleap to the tobblesof the town square-You watch as thly make oif amongthe old housesof Lhetown, pursuedby the :noreenthusiastic elementsof Lherrowd. The Baron's ,laughter is found locked in a cagesuspendedfrom lhe eiling of the cabinat the back of the wason, anq rs .piddy Feed.t he Baron.grate6.rJ Foryour inlervention, --hrusts a purseinto your hands:add 5 Go)d Piecesto ,\-out Adoenh)reSheet.When you leave the wagon, nowever,you find lhat Lhetownspeopleare scattering m terror - your exertions in Eghting the Were-cathave athacted the attention of your demonic pursuers.The
48 hideous shapeof a SpectralStalkerG forming in the air above the towr quare! Add 1 point [o your rRAIr score.There seemsto be no choicebut to use the Aleph to leavethisplace.Tum to 63. 48 fie thick folds of fungus are much less solid than they looked, and your sword slicesthrough them wiLh ease. You hack energetically at the repellent stuff and the door is soon uncovered.ln your haste,you fail to noLicethe cloudsoTtiny sporeslhat are releasedfrom the fungls by your frenzed atlack and you have no idea that the sporeshave landedall over your body until your skin startsto itch maddeningly.You must reduceyour sxr[ by 1 point becauseof the distraction causedby this initation. Ssatching yourself you pull open the door, step through it, closeit behind you and setoff alongthe passage beyond.Tum Lor48.
4rto 49 Vetron placesthe day ball on a workbench.For many minutes LheMapmakeris busy with rulers,protractors, tubesof colouled fluids, and instrunents with flashins Ughtsand glowing numbers.Then he consultsbooki hom his library, &aws a diagramof the ball and w tes pa8esof notes."Thisis nob a v€ry interestingobject,' MeLronsaysat last.'lt is a hollow spheroidmadefrom a mrxture of substancesthat one mi;ht 6nd in ordinary soil - fuIl of impurities. It has been manufacturedvery inexactly:the diamelervaries by as much as three sixty-fourthsol a dronk.It cannotpossibly5erveany trsefulftDction. ShaJJI disposeof it for you?' You huniedly pick up the clay ball; when you shakeit, it no longerrattles.Mekon hassomehowremovedthe magic that Mayrek the Potter gave to the ba.ll(nofe this on your AdoentureShzzt).Theball still resemblesthe Aleph. however,and you decideto keep rt. You comp[in bitte y to the Mapmakerthat he has deshoyed a magicalitem.Tum [o 37t. lo
You begin Lo despanof defeatingthe SilicaSerpent. Add r point to your rnerl score.You disengage Fom the slruggle and see Lhat the Elv€s are retuming and moreSilicaSelpentsare wheelingdown from the-s[es. You realize thaf you carmot hope to defeat this many opponentsand take lo your heels.Undercover of the hees,you fum to seethat you are not being pursued: the Elvesand the Serpentsare concem€donly with the captive in the net. You make your way towards the towering diffs - tum to r9o.
51-52 )r
You have arrived home - the conLinentof Khul. The irees, the landscape,the very air is {amiliar You recognizeLhecormtryside:you are standingon a road along which you have marchedmany times.But everythmg has changed.The fields are a wildemessof healh .md bracken,farm buildings ruined and alrnost smothsed under brambles The road has deterioraled inLo a muddy, rutted track. You walk along it until you can see the bridge over the tuver Gibelvatter but the iridge is broken, and only a stump of stonework remainsperchedabove the flowing walers. On this outcop stands a new building, grim and battlemented. However, you see a circr:lar irm sign swinging from a bracketon the wall and lights flicker behind lh€ arlowdits in Lheupper storey.A heavily-built manis standing ouhide the only dooq as you approachhe &aws his sword.Will you preparcto fight him (tum to 278),or rrill you raiseyour open handsin a gestureof peace tum to 3r9! -{-sthe Feliti leaderfinisheshis incantation, the heap of soft petalsbeginsLo glow. Now we must wait until night,' he says,'and thm I will explain our plight. If I inay say so, Lord, you look weary. May we refresh f ou?'Without waiting for your reply, he orders several of the Feliti to bring you sweetmeats and wine. You taslethe food: it seemswholesome.1r'{ewill leaveyou :rcw, Lord,' saysthe robed Feliti, 'and I will retum after darkto speakwiLhyou Haveno fear.The eyesof the Ty'rant cannot penekate the thickets of the Etemal
t4-tt iu'd*.' you d".id" to follow this advice and concen' kate on eating (restoreup to 4 points of srAMrNA). Iry'henyou look up from your meal,the sky is darkening and in the place where there was a heap of flowers there is now only a glittedng gem. The Jewelof Sleep has been created.You Di& it !D and seethat it is a hollow crystalcontaininga purpteliquid. If you want to take it and then use the Aleph to travel away from this world, note the lewdl on yow Adomlure SfueIand tum to 165.If you wait in the garden,tum lo 314. )J
The Ophidians dump you on Lhe floor of the cavem between two Silica Serpentswho are as tightly bourd as you are-Eachhas a chain round its neck which leads to an iron ring set into the cave wall, its wings held againstits sinuousbody by skaps of lealher and a muzzle enclosing most of iLs huge, scaly head. You endurethe discomfort of your ropesas patiendy as you can,and at last the Ophidians ceaseto watch over you and insteadcongregateat the far e.rtdof the cavem.As you are now rmguarded,and ned the enhanceoI th€ caverrl you tlunl you could aeep away undetected- if only you could b,reakFee of your tron&. You notice that the muzzlesof the Silica Serpentsare designedto avoid the qeafures'conosivevenom- with the result that drops of it lall freely from the Serpents'jaws and bum hollows in Lhe stone floor of the cavem. You wriggle acrossthe rocks until you are lying bmeath one of the Serpents'heads.Drops of venom fall on to your body; the liquid bums tlrough the ropes, but it also burnsyou! LoseI points of sr^MtN^. lf you survive,
yow bonds; and, taking with you a -rou car shrug off long coil of rope, you creep from the cavern. At the cavemouth, you have a choice:will you explorethe ight-handlunnel(tum to r 5zt.or will you usethe rope io helpyou climbdown to thefooLof lhe rock wall and *ren continue fowards the vast cliffs in Lhe distance tum to a)? t4 Roll threedice and deductLhetotal from your sr,rw:re. U. by somemirade,you are still alive.you regain )'olu senses/groar n& your body racked with pain Youhavesurvivedtheonslaughtofthe SpectralStalke$ - but wherehavethey takenyou?Tum to ,92 )t
TheCrappler'slimb'shanglimply at its sides;the lights m ifs hansparent domefJashmoreslowly,thenfade.As ihe lasl light dies, the all-pervasivehum suddenly ceases,Lheroom lurchesdrunlenly - and in Lhehuge iallo{ cageseverydoor fliesopeDreleasingthemenagerie of bizarre life-forms. Soon hundredsoI indescribableceafures are milling together in the harl; someare 6ghtin& others are hunting or fleerng fiom predator, and all are creatinga cacophonyof discordanL cdes. Some of lhe fiercestlooking animals see you in the TransporterBay and begin lo prowl towards you; then, inexplicably, they tum tail and flee. You look behind the hideous shapeof a SpectralStalkeris forming -r'ou: rn the airl Add 1 point to your TRArLscore.You decideto use the Aleph to escapefrom this placeand, fiverishly, you pull the glowing sphere from your
5Gi7 backpackand cup it in your hands. You feel yourself being envelopedby the Aleph, and hansporLedwithin it. Roll onedie.If you roll an evm nurnbetfum to roj; if you roll an odd number,tum lo rz6. 56 Somethingis moving inside your backpack.You nudge it with your foot: the glassball is rocking frorn side to side- and insideiL the littl€ down puppel is jumping up and down and hammeringagainstthe glasswith his tiny fists.You shelch your leg and extricalethe ball with your foot; theD with on€ swift blow of your booted heel, you shatter the glass Wilh the jerky movementsof a marionette the little clown dancesfor joy before stooping to pick up a sliver of glass. He clamberslaboriously up your clothing and along your arm, where he slarts to slice through the ropessecuring you to the pillar. As the Laststrands fall away ftom yow body, Lhe little puppet begins to change - and lying at your feet is the Fail figure of a wizened old man 'At last,'hewheezeswith a smile.'l haverescued a hero, and thus atoned for my dreadful deedsall those centuriesago The curseis lifted from me and at last I candie in peacel'Withthat,the old manexpiresDelete the cfown puppet from yott Alumture Sfuet.lanlook up to see the other prisonersstaring at you m amazement.Tum to 2916.
The Minstrel and his harp remain silmt as you accompany them along lhe road which winds through the forest and eventuallybegins Lo rise rnLorockier
ierrain.AL last you reachthe summit as the road passes tlrough a necl betweentwo cragsand you stop ilongsidethe Minshel to survey the wooded plateauin fronf o[ you In the distancethere is a walled citadel,its ganite keep dominating the highest point. Two more Zwinian soldiersemergefrom a sma.llwatchtower near the road-The Minstrel thumps the harp slung acrosshis ixck and the inskumentstartsto sing. Entlralled by the eerie melody, the Zwinian guards seembefuddled and clumsy.The MinsLreldrawshis sword and runsat them,and in the ensuingm€l€esucceedsin killing both of them 'lt is so sweetto disposeof thesetraitors,'he says,wiping his sword on a clump of grass,'and this is but the beginningof my revenge.Shallwe continueto ihe citadel? I promise you a wealth of entertainrnent there.' If you 6nd the Minsheli attitude too bloodthirsty you can decline his offer and walk away - turn to 342.If you decideto accompanyhim to lhe citadel, turn to 2t 1.
The liqurd is tasteless;d you have gulped down severalmouthF.rlsbefore you start to feel sharppainsin your stomach.You have swallowed embalming fluid, a F,oisonoussub,stanceused for preserving dead bodiesr You writhe on the floor, retchinghelplessly.Deduct5 porntsof suvlr.t,r,. If you survive the effectso[ the poison,the pain subsidesand you recovergradually, until you feelstrongenoughto totter up the slairsand throughthe door.Tum to r89.
ffit 60
You heave a sigh of relief as the Spectral Stalker dissolvesinto the ai4 it had almost Iound you and you could feel Lhetendrils of iLs malevolent will licking at the edges o{ your mind. The Vaskind have all fled bcneaththe wavesjyou are alone on the beach,You nanderbackand forth,but canfind nolhing of interest, and you decideto climb the path that zig-zagsup the hce of the cliff.Tum to rz.
Tumto r8t.
6r You pull the glowing spherefrom your backpackand worlds Sazeinto il. The endlessvista of nurnberless spreads itself before you; wherever you look new marvelsunfold beforeyour eyes.The Aleph seemsto be everywhere, surrounding you, carrying you away ahong Lheswirling spheres,with an effort you try to concentrate on your destination.If you are hoping to find someonera/hocan explain the significanceof the objectsyou havecollecledin your iravels,tum to 3t4, if you are keen to reach the conclusionof your quest, rum ro 2r4.
64-4 j being envelopedby the Aleph and transported 'elf .rithinit Roll one die.If you roll an evennumbeaturn :o rrj; if you roll an odd number,h.rmto 126.
o2 You chargeinto the midst of the glassflowers,striktng to the right and left of you as you run. The air is 6lled wilh the noise of splinleringglass and the wailing shrieksreleasedby Lheflowersas they are cut down On all sidesof you therear€ many more bloomsthat survive,squirtingjets of acid from within therr bellshapedclusLers o{ petals.However,the blackglassof Ophidianarmouris unaffectedby the conosivefluid and barely a drop penetratesbetw€enthe plales to strngyour flesh You emergeunscathedon the olher sideoI the flower bed.Now thereis nothin8 to slop you makingfor the VttreousCitadel.Tum to 336 63 You pull the glowing spherefrom your backpackand by cup rt rn your hands Instantlyyou aremesmerized yet so detailed, that the myriad visions,so liny and swarm within the Aleph. The longer you gaze,the more you can see: strangecreatures,alien PeoPles, towns,conlinents, planeLs, swi ing stars.You feelyour-
64 usl as the BlackShadowis about to drop on to you, .our swordblade arcs *uough the arr and splits fhe ,-:eature's skull. You pressyourself back againstthe ::onewall and watch lhe monster'sbody flutfer down :re sideof the tower like a tom rag Restore1 point of r.icK-Treading carefully on the wom steps, you -ontinueupwardsTum to Jr8 6j .Lares in .imazemenl at the teemingvisionsin '.meion 'e glowing sphere.'lt is theAlepht'he whispersaltera 'I haveneverknown whetherit wasrealor rng srlencererely a legend.But this is undeniablyit. It is b€yond powersto explain.Il is, quite srmply,everylhing-y :re entireMacrocosmos in thrssmallball I haveheard :rat iLsbearercanmov€ into il and thustravelbetween .;orlds but of courseyou know this. rou carry a ieaL burd€r, my friend.'You explainhow you came :;; ihe Alephr that the previousbearerentrustedrt Lo ou, that with his dying breaLhhe mentionedthe name :: Globus,whom you take to be the Aleph'sowner; :-ratthe SpectralStalkersarepr.rrsuing you. lf you have :rllectedsomeobjectsduringyour travels,you car ask if any of them have any specialmeaning-meion 1m to 4j Altemalively, you can ask insteadfor -:lormationaboutGlobus tum to 3o8.
66-47 66 The villagersare overjoyed that a brave warrior is preparedto help them,but they call tell you no more thanthe way to Mayrek'scave.you sef off and aftera
clay You tum the last comer and ffnd tha! lhe avenue endsat a cavein the faceof a cliff. The mouth of the. cavehas beenblo&ed with bouldersand rubble.The largestof the clay statues,shapedin the likenessof a nisshapen"slab-facedgiant, standsastridethe cave_ mouth-As you approach,the statuegrowls Likefhunder andbeginsto hovel A voicefrom within rne cavecan
:11n away,[um to rr_
doorway confirmsthis conclusionYou hurry across the bridge and lhrough the doorway You have suc' ceededin enleringlhe VitreousCitadelTurn to r89. 6E As you advance,the FeliLiback away, baring their fangs and yelping. Individually the creaturesare no matchfor you buLrt will be difficult to dflve off lhe enlire packof lhem.In the fadinglighLlhe swayingof lhe tall grassshowslhat they are circling you and lhen the lhreeiargestof lhemcomefor you. SKIL L
5 1 6
3 5 5
Fightthemoneat a hme BeforeeachAttackRound,roll one die. If you rcll a 1 or 2, the 6rsl Felitiattacksyou; o a 3 or 4, the second;a 5 or 6, the thrrd lf you kill one of them, turn to rogi if not, at the end of four AtrackRoundsturn to 169. 69 You breakfreeof the stickyfrlaments beforethe Sprder canreachyou The monslrouscreatureretreatsmto Lts web as you makefor a comeroi the courtyardoui of rangeof the Spider'strarlng strands.Now you have time to consideryorir next move: there are four exits from Lhecourtyard a doorwayin the middleof each wall You are sure thal if you move quicKlyyou can reachone beforelhe Sprdercan trap you Only one of the doorwayshas lhe crrcleand trranglesymbolabove
: you face towards lhat doorway and make your ::cision. You can go [hrough the doorway you are -:cing (turn to jr7), the doorwaybehindyou (tum io :f)j ihe doorway fo your right (turn to 285); or the :rorway to your left (turn to 167)
.i, t.-.,:-2:;1.'-
7o ':ou feel as visibleas a fly on a whifewashedwall as . ou climbup the blark faceof the lower.The stairway r:emsto spiralupyrardsfor ever,andih weatherbeaLen ::epsof crumblingslonemakeyou all too awareof the :rop below you. In the disLance you se€,swoopingin :rd out of other towe$, the inhabitantsof this part of :re ZigguratWorld They areknown asBlackShadows, .ecausethey lly silently,their wiry bodiessupported '-i a membraneof blackskin that connectstheir long :i1s,legs,arms and ears You are just thinlong how ']cky you are none of them are closeenoughlo see Du when you heara rushingof air and a flappingof :rembranousskin a BlackShadowis descendingon ou The creaturelandsaboveyou, then,clinging to :re stoneswith its talons,it scuttlesdown towardsyou, ::ngs bared Unlike the BlackShadow,you have no
7r-.74 way to secureyourselfon to Lhestoncworkand if you fight the creatureyou wJll certainlybc dislodgcdfrorn the stairway You wilL have io deLivcra sin1y'eweltaimedblow. If yorr have a srlverdagger,it might be particularlyeffectivcagainstthis monster- turn to 28; if not, you mustuscyour sword h-rmto ro6.
You uncork the little bottle and passrt to Grondel, tc)linghim to drink half of fhe liquid.You consumethe rcmainderYou cannoideteciany changeir your body; all you cando is wart,ard hopethat the Siccatorwill be able to protectyou from thc effectsof the poison On the daisaboveyou fhe Elvenpflest'srncantations reach a LoudcLimaxTherearea few secondsof silence,then you hearthe gurglingrumbleof waterrushingthrough old pipes,ard a shcefof liquid splashcs all round you You grit your teeth in lhe expeclationof parn - but you don't €venfeel wet. Thc water runsof{ your skin as if you had a second,invisibleskin, and when the flow from the spout ceases you and Grondelare both completelydry and complctelyundamagedTum to 245
"l,Vrongl' barks the Logic Do8 'l'm going to attack You guessed incorrectly, and thereforeI ror'l/attack' With that, the huSe beast launches ifself towardsyou Tum io r6J
:. the smallvoice in the backof your mind becomes -:ore and more insistent,ihe beautifulvrsronsors-:iegrafeand fade.You blink, becomefully alert and -:alze that you are lying on Nccromon'sbloodstained :rl. The white coatcd ffgrre has his back to you, irarpemnga long knife on a grindstone.You use this ::Dortunrty b risequictly,prckup your backpack and _.loe arl.ayThe nearest door ls lhe one throughwhich ''ecromonenteredthc room earlier.You slip Lhrough : iu,n to 366. 74 re Ranganalhans arebetweenyou and the door you :arge towardsthem and krock them asrde,but their ':ror shaip hngerslace.ateyou as you flee Lose 4 :-aMrNApoints.You iump ove. heapsof booksand ::rough the doorway,slammingthe door shut behind r.u As ]'ou retraceyour stepsalong the conidor ihe ',anganathans open the door of th€ir room and poke ' '''r heads oul gigglinqandsquealing at y,rurignomini:-s retreat.You arrivebackabthc crossroads arldbcgin :.e long hike along anothercorridor; tum to €rther :61 243ot 1]3
7t-17 /) You have very little time in which to judge which way you should jump and, having decided,you will have to jump well and wrth alacrfty rn order to avoid the crazed Colepod'scharge.Roll two dice and add z to the result, if the loLal is less Lhan your sKrLL,turn to J49, if the lolal is equal to, or more than, your sKrr-l, fum to 242
76 You standin the pathof Lhemassive andgrolesqr.re war-beasts andwaveyourarmsThegiganticdersseem fo slarestraightlhroughyou and remah obliviousto you evenas lheir steedsbeardown on you Allhough the beasls'hoofbeatsare stdl unnervinglynoiseless, you can seefrom their imprinls in the turf lhat lheir hoovesare as heavy and powerful as lhey look You are about to be trampled;you carmoLstay whereyou are,so you decideto attempt to grab the harnessof one of the aninalsandpull yourselfto safely.Roll two dice.If the total ls lessthan your SKILLscore,rum ro 16r, il lhe total is equal lo or more than your sKrLL score,lum to ,87. 77 As you steplowardsfhe mullicolouredclustersof glass flowersyou areentranced by theirsparklingbrightncss and by the musicalLinkJrng they makeas they sway in Lhebreeze and then you reahzethai thereis not a breathof wind It is your presencethaLis excitingthe flowers,and Lheybecomea storm tossedseaof poly chromescinlillationasyou standbeforelhe bell shaped
78 riooms Suddenlya jet of fluid shootsfrom the mouth r: one of Lheflowers.You throw yourselfbackwards -rstin time as the whole bar* of blooms releasesa retteryof liquidspray You dip a cornerof clothinlo a :Lrddleof thesb.rff, andthematerialshrivelsandsmokes. .s you suspecled, the flowersare deadly,they spray :Jfiosiveacid However,unlessyou want to retum to :repath lo facea SilicaSerpent(turn to 162),you have :c choicebut to try to force a passagethrough the :.r!vers,cutting a swaLhewrth your sword as you go :um to ,9o). This mrght prove lessdangerousif you _avean Umbrella(tum to 206),or if you areweannga i-il of Ophidianamour (turn Lo62).
ja :ou walk for only a short time before you reach ::other porLal.Throughrt you find a smallrectangrlar :ramber,on fhe floor of rvhichare the remainsof a :anp 6re.The ashesarecold,but the very thoughtthat .:meone could be lost in this maze long enough lo lake campfor at leastone night is enoughto worry -:u You decideto presson with all speedThereare ::ur doorways,one in eachof the walls,and as usual -'re of them is markedwith Lhesymbol of a tnangle ,-rmountedby a circle You facelowardsit andchoose .hichof lhe doorwaysyou will leavethrough, The door facingyou The door behindyou The door to your right The door to your left
Tum to 285 Tum to rzz Tum lo 2j7 Tum to 247
79-8r 19
Fatedecrecsthal you aregoing lo drinkwater You arc a liltle disSruntlcd, but late hasbeenkind to you (thc ale is druggccll)You tinishyour meal,wash it down with lhe walcr and rclaxon the mattress.Lulledby thc lappingof lhc rivcr waterbelow your room,you drift into sleep.Iurn to r9t. 8o You put thc Horn to your lips and blow If this is the 6rst time you havc tried to deter BlackShadowsby soundintthe HunhnSHom, tum to 46; if you have kied thisbefofe,tLrrnto 38r 8r 'You a.e the lastpawnto be placedon the field.'you hearDrawennasay,'andnow the rulesofbaltle change The winning s t' white or black- is the one wrfh moresurvrvingwrrriorswhenno morecanbe killed i battle.Eachsitlc playsin tum, and in one turn only a singlepawn m.ry move,but all pawnsfrom that sidc may attack A prwn may move one squareaheador eithersidc,you nray not move backwards, or diagon ally,or into a squarcoccupi€dby anotherliving warrior of either srdc During one side'sfum, the other sidc's pawnscannotdtta.k; they canonly defendlhemselves by turningthcr backson theirattackers - an eff€chvc defencebccauscol the armour Attacking pawns can atlackall encmypawnson alLadjacent includ squares, ing thoscdiallrnallyadjacentThcrefore, as )'ou can see,a pawnatt.rckcd irom onesideis invulnerable, but a pawnaLtackcd from two oppositesidesis doomedto
2 EXAMPLESOF PI AY Blackpawn,showinglegal moves ',\'hitepawn,showinglegal movcs ....p-ro / 1,.,-J "..,"1
ii rsilhire'slu:n He moreshisfiB.,\ r iho.,m and nr. now atlackSlackpawns\.rJ Y.tr( ;,,1ed,recause rh€_v aredirectlybetlveen rvhitcprLvrrs Bl.xlpawnZis
re Now, to batLle,my white pawnslWe can yeLwrn i:lis gamel'
positionsof the pawnsare shownon the diagram r:positeYou arethe whiLepawn,markedwith a cross, -he :1 the squarenumberedF4on the diagram.Your white :;mradesappealto you for guidance'Only one of us :-rnmove in eachtum,' saysthe wanior on squareG6, =rd tt will haveto be me I am almostsurrounded; my :rly possiblemove is to my left 1to G5l If I don'f --ove,the blackwarrior nexl to you will move along. Je me,andI'll be slaughtered!'
'iol'says the wamor on squareE6 'l shouldbe the one r move If I move forwardlfo D6l, we'll have one of -eseblackswinediagonallybetweenus-Or,' he conrues/ more thoughtfully,'if you move to your left [o r:1,to keepoul of danger,wc canstill finishoff the one . \ wa rrio o r c t n c c rmc a n olh " o t h e fc l l o w .
The situationimmediatelyafter Drawenna(white) has placedherlastpawnon theboard.Yoz - markedwith al X, on squareIa are Drawennatlast pawn Now it rs whrte'stum to move one pawn, md ihen altack Can white win?
lrey arc h'aitingfor your decisionIf you decrdethat -e white warrior on squareG6 shouldmove to G5, -:rr to 19E.If you agreethat lhe warrioron E6 should -cve forwardto D6, turn to joJ lf you Lhinkthat you ::ould be the one to move,turn to 326.(Makea note r: thisrefe.ence number(Er);it may be helpfulto refer the diagramagarn) -. 82 ;u batter the Blowing surfaceof the Prism,but your .r,,vs arefutile.Your weaponreboundsfrom thecrystal : iight as if you were stdking solid sleel.As lhe ::ectral Stalkerslurch in your direction,you become rtic wilh fear,clawingat the transparent Prrsmwrth
your bar€ hands, but only inanimate objecrs, movnS slowly, can penetratethc force 6eld. As the tentaclesoi a,Spe,fral Sfal(er,eiue vour legs.your last sight rs or the ,tuchmdge'sr:loatin6 fare you hare lailed. ard Globus has gained the Aleph.
-:ie now reachedthe end of the town; therersnothing 'do but wanderinto the countryside and use the -.ephto havelelsewhere. Turnto jo 84
:-ds here. 8' ,iu ott€r no resistance as one of the soldierslurches :.-rind you and bringsthe haft of his baLtle-axe down 8l Youemergeon to n steepandrockypaththat meanders down a mountainsrde. At the foot of the mountainyou come upon a smalLtown. It is ma.ket day, and the n row marn strecf is crowded with townsfolk and
:2t5 86
:11'n:thereis a dizzyingdrop bothe foot of the wall of
rock You cannotmove,but you cannothope to cln:_ Lo the bare stonemuch longer.Your only hope rs l. callfor help You fill your lungsard sLartto shoul Ttj your Luck 1l you are Lucky, tum to 299; if you a:. Unlucky,lurn lo 399 Rr
your fearsan: The continuousglow of light banrshes makesthe toys look completelyordinary You relar c: you caneatone meal the bed;if you haveProvisions, you wish, and restoreup Lo 4 points of sraMINA.I Lhemorning,you waketo ffnd sunlightsireaminginti Lheroom As you preparefo leave,you gianceat th: litLleciown in his glasssphere.You can taliehim wityou if you want to he remrndsyou of lhe Alepr' whichyou dccideLouseimmediatelyto takeyou awa from thishauntedcastle.Turn to 6r. 88 'li you are a friend of the lyrant Clobus,'shrillsth: Mantir, while his comradesshaketheir spearsangrih 'you areno fuiendof the peopleof the plarnsWe par our tribute,which grows more oneroLlseachyear Vr: will offer no more to Globus,or give aid lo hrs spier and olher agenLssuchasyou. I intendto find oul wha you are, and why you are lrespassinghere on or_ iands;but we must retum now lo our herd.You t{i comewith us; I will inlerrogateyou later.'four of th. Mantjrs closeround you - but at that momentone c the othersshrieksin alam, and poinLsskywards.Tur: to 388
89 -e SpectralStalkerhasfailedto frndyou. You heavea .:r of rel;ef as the hideouscreatureshakesits greaL ::d in frusLralionand beginsto dissolveinto the air -.e more.Shivcringwilh fear you lie awakeuntil the - :v Lght of dawn appearsrn the cracksbelweenthe rtters Tumto 40. 9o - last the door is free of fungus and the Iatch is 'rered bul voL cdnnoliee ii. Drohni'lgIn a sea rlack, viscoussmog,youl eyesblindedby tearsof :r and your iungs 6lled with poisonousfumes,you :abbleweaklyat the woodendoor - but you Iail to -.1 the latchbeforeyou areovercomeYour adventure ^:s here. 91
:r,rng the Aleph from your backpackyou cup it in :.r handsand gaze rnto rt. The infinite display of : :::nl worlds and alienlandscapes haslosLnone of its : ;rer to fascinateyou. The shifting visions extend : lhe distancein all directions- you are sunounded :he Aleph, and you feel yourselfbeing transported :ln it Roll one die. If you roll an even number, - - r lo r45; rf you roll an odd number,tum to 156. 9z --rdingoccasionalWood Elf settlementsyou waik , nhill, throughlhe forcst,for many hours.You 6nd ::r wild beniesto eat,bul they merelypreventyour vrNe being reducedby your exertions.At iast
the treesthin oul, andyou emergelrom the woodlands and starLacrossa bleakmoor The soil becomesrn creasinglysandyand,eventually,you seethe sea.On your right, the sheercliffsare,if anything,closernow You seeno living thing, but soon you come upon a ruined town and th€ footprintsof severallarge crea lures Out at seaa clusterof hugebubblesresLson the wate/s surfaceThe beachpetersout beLweenLhesea and lhe cliff-You seethaLlhereis a palh whichzig-zags up the faceof the cliif Will you takethe path (tum to rz), or walk down to Lheshore to look at the vasl bubbles(tum to z3o)?
'clobus?'barksthe Dragon. 'SpectralStalkers? Never heard of them. But that's not surprisinS,you know There are more books in rhe Library in Limbo than there are grains of sand on all lhe beachesin th€ MacrocosmosWe have at least one copy of every book everwltten, and ev€nI can'tbe expectedto read themall WhaLsorLof lhing is a Globus?Or a Speclral Stalker?'You confessthat you don't know what a SpectralStalkeris, but lhat Globusis anArchmage An Archmage?If he's of any note at all he'lI wanant an enfry in the Direcloryol Wiz.ardslou'll find a copy a couple of kilomefresalong that conidor th€re.You can't miss il, it's a big black book wrth the word Wlz.artlson the spine. Well, run along lhen.' Will you follow lhe Dragon'spointing finger (turn to 37j), or would you ratherseLoff in anotherdirectionlo explore the corridorsof the Library(turn Lo27t)?
94 ou throw yourselfto Lheground and the jet of fluid 1ly just missesyou. As you roll awayfrom the Silica ::rpent you heara strangehlssingnoise,and you look -: lo seethat Lherocksthal havebeensprayedby the : licaSerpent'svenomarebubbling,steamingand dis.rlving lnto smoke.You pick yourselfup, stepback:rd immedialelycollidewith the leaderof a troop of ,:,ldiersThey are fall, fhin humanords, totally encased - plate amour made enkreiy of black glass.Each ::ries a spearand hasa sel of pipeshangingfrom his ::il You are lrappedbetweenLhe soldiersand the : lca Serpent,you have no choicebut to surrender. -rn to 3o6
95 : ddenlythereis no floor beneathyour feet The "ole base of the tunnel has dropped info a pit and :u are fallng aiter rtlThe vast slone slab lands with a -rding crash and a second lafer, with a relatively :mpressivethud, you land on top of it. Roll one die : C deducl the result from your sTAMINA- If you
96 ::€ still alive,you canseethat you and the stoncfloor -rve fallens€veralmetres,andyou cannotsceany way : climbingup. Ihen you feel lhe floor movc .rgarn. you realizethat the entireslabis rising,liftrnSyou -d -:r''ards. A{ter severalminutes oi slow, iudderntg :.cent the f:loorretumsto ils originalpositiondnd you :'e onceagainfacingthe sLrange desrgncarvcdinto lhe '.allat the Lunnel'send.This time, will you prcssthe lo z9o),or the left one(turnto z16)? -rht'eye'(hrm you insteadto rekaceyour slcpsalong wili decide -r. _re tunnel(Lurnto r22)?
: whininSnoise fills the air, and one of fhc room's -:etallicwalls slidesupwardslo reveala vast vaulted -,:ll,ribbedwith girdersof shiningsteeland lincd with cagesTrudging towardsyou betweenthc lines -etal r: caSesis a nightmanshmonster.If is twrccas talt as ou, with legs thal look likc part of a giant'ssurf oi :mour, andinsteadof feetit has,at the endo[ eachleg, : row oF wheelsthat tum a band oi metal plates lts -:ad is a Lransparent dome within which lights flash ::d wheeistum and,worst of all, irom its torsosprouts : nasso[ long steellimbs,someflexibleand no thicker '.an a ship'shawser,othersjointedand terminatingin : tcers 'Cra1,1,ler eporting frot Transporlcr llaq,' the -.nster says in a monotone 'ltnrrder ktcaled' It :jlances lowardsyou;you haveno choicebut to fight. : vou havea weaponnamedftfirgrrisi,raand wish to ie rt, tujn fo 28o;otherwisetum to J89.
97i9 91 You stand,brcalhlcss, over fhe imkeeper'sbody li,v'o: needa nerv !\.caponyou may takehis sword You loo, lowardsthe lasLrrd lllimmeroi the sunset and hcczi ln horror- Thc hidcous shape of a Spectral StalkcL:. Foming in ttre arr, towcring above you on four fleshle.. le8s. The Slrtterins orbs of rts eyes search back ari forth and below thern the writhing mass of tentacl^ seems to be scnsing y()ur scent on lhe air. Add on. point to your rRArr score, and then Tesl Vo,r TrLt: score Roll thrcc clicc If the folal is equal Lo or rnor: ihan yoLrr rxerl scorc, turn fo ji if the lotal is les. Lhanyour rnarr scorc,turn to 3o7 9E Holding _rour breathat every slep,you cllmb uprra(is You r€achthc sixlecnthslep vrilhoulieelinglhe sllfrf esl tremo. With gfeat carc, you leap over the sevcn teenthwithout h,uchinSit and land on ihe eightecntf step N"othinS[4rpcos and you advanceconEdentlv but only as iar as (hc twcntreih step, where an electrirr (hrr8e ae po$,1iLl Js J \olt o[ liShtningfrie, you ., instant. The advcnturc ends herc for waniors who"' il to calculate corrccLl),
Semeionpulls the helmct from hts head,and indi.aLc! Inal you shoull i1o likor,ise Then he crossesthe charn ber and takerfrom r shcli two largeglasslars Eachl.rcontainslvhat looks likc a giganticred slug Theserrc Energy Leeches,'Scmcion says.plunging his hand nh. one ot the )r.s and cxt.acLing its wriLhing occulnnt
:e-v suck rital resourcesirom thc body. he adds, -iing hne rr,irearoundonc Iccch and lhen the other. ' ..1 L'r .J r:rg *a .rar--."1r, car be -r' :en both are cocoonelim wrr'. hc placesthe mouth one of them againsi his barcd arm and grimacesin . rlaste as its leeth sink into his llcsh He faslens lhe :rer Leech to your afm in lhc same way. Then, 'gethel you and he place th. lx'lmels over yor.rr -.ads Immediately you feel thc strcngth draining from -,ur body. Roll one die; m.rker rt,lc of ihe result, and '.dLrctit from your suvrn,r ']-lrsc lost poinls can be :.iored only by a drink of sca rvatcr If you now have : remainingsrAM,NA poinls turn to zoJj ofherwise, j-r io 25o
r r{jse choice,'\layrek says.h.rn.l,.g you the liftle ::'x 'Cold is alwaysof usc lhrs particulariiem has a :lLe ot my skill worked rnh rt: thc pattern of the -.coration on the box has powcrs to assisl you in : tticulties.'Add 1 poinl to your currenL LUCKscore, rrd 1 point to your l ld rutr< rs well; and don't rrget fo add 5 Cold lrieccs ILt your Arhtenture1heet. 'ou lhank Mayrek and depart rlong the avenue of .:alues When you are oul oi srglrt of the cave,you ' onder where fo go next 'l here secrnsto be no choice -:rl io usethe ,{1ephto leavcths phcc Turn io 2rr
ri:er r,r'alklng only a short (tiitlncc y,ousfep througha beyond rvhich 1'ou hn,:1two morc open door-r,rorway, :,rys, wilh a tunnelbeyon(t cich ts!, the hali-lighl that
creepsin througha fissurehigh above,you canseethrt one oi thc threedoorwayshas the circleand friangle syorbolinscribedabove it. Facingthis doorway,you have b choosewhetherio go lhrough the portal in front oi you (tum to J67);fhe one behindyou (furn kr 3r7); or the one to your right (h.lmto 26).
ro2 You are exhaustedYour limbs are trembLing,evcr) musclern your body achesa-ndyour fingersand tocs arc nunrb Worse,you arescatcelymore thanhalf way to Lhe fop of the cliff. Dizzy and wea( you pull yourselfon to a ledgethat is just wide enoughior you to standon; and thereyou remairycljngingto the clitf and inc,:pable of movement,your facepressedagainsl the coltl stone.AfLerwhat seemsl*e hoursyou heara norse:a flapping,as of the wings of giant birds you tLrnryour headandfind yourselfsLaringinLothe malcv olert rcd eyesof a BlackShadow,oneof thebloodsuct ing, mcmbrare-wingedcreaturesLhatinhabit part ol thc sccondlevelof thisworld.You haveno strengthto resisLas it plucksyou from ihe ledgeand caniesyou inio the sky You loseconsciousnessard wale asyou arebeurgflung to ihe floor of a gLoomycircularcrypt As you pickyourselfup you hea the soundof thedoor beinglockedandbaned You area prisoner;but, asyou rdly kick the sirawthat rs scatleredacrossthe floor,you find a trapdoorsei into LheflagsfonesThrsseemsto bc your only escaperoute tum to r4o.
ao3 I ou're from Khul?' says Wayland. 'Khul, on the wcrlJ ,,1Titan? I know of it, of course.Primitive technoltl;y, :ompared fo somewoids I could name,buf an rntcrcst rg place all the same.You are wet, aren't you? Sorry roout that - I Justcan'Lresjsta joke Have a swig of :r,sr it'll dry you out in no fime' Wayland's hand :rarfs lhe botlle thaf he offersyou If you acccptthis riacr. turn to jj6 If you decline io drink from the ..)itle,!\ayLandis not oilended- tum to r75
-:c largest of the Vaskind advances you, on his sword histling tlrough the air as he tkashes it irom sirlc to .Jc 'Single combat,' he grunLs. 'lf you livc, you i;o
- you are still alive after two roundsof combat.acltl : point to your rRArL score The five Vaskindwho -:ve been watching your fight in solemn silcncc .:ddenly cry out and run into the sea Thcir lcadcr ::cks awayfrom you wrth a look of horror on his lrog 'c face The hideousshapeof a SpectralStalkcris -,:rnin8in the air,toweringaboveyou on four flcshlcss .qs As it materiaLizes the gLitterlngorbs of rts eyes ::arch back and forth, arld its lenfaclesscem to be i:rsing your scenton the air Teil ,orrr Trnilsr-0ruItoll '^'ee dice ]f lhe lolal is €quaL to or morc than your -iaIL score,lum lo 60r if lhe tolal n lessthan your -l A rL S co.e,tum l o ,oo
rot ro5 Caspsof astonishment; thenlaughter,cheersandfinally :pplauselYou have appearedon stage,in fronl of an :udience,insidean open-frontedcabinetlike a sentryiox You step forward and are greetedwith another iurst of applauseThe stagers in fact a roofedwagon, along one side Standingnext to you is the -.pen [on;uror,a tall,satuminefigurein a blackcloak,andhis :jsistanL,a young womandressedas a cat Beforeyou .. theaudience, a crowd of peasants still open-mouthed alnazement your at appearanceAt the back of the -1 :.rong stards an open cariage containinga plump roblemanwho is staring,not at you, but at the empty s€atbesde him- Even the Conjuror seemssurprisedto you, buL he recoversand addresses his audience, -e -adies and gentlemenlA double miraclelNot only :ave I spiritedthe Baron'sbeautifuldaughLer ftom her idat rn his coach;I have also causedLhiswarrior lo :rpear in the magic cabinetlHave no fear,my Lord, iour daughterwill be iesforedto you in just a few noments.Meanwhilemy assistantwill escortthiswar:or backstage Felice,take our visifor away!' His :ssislant,asgracefulas the animalsheresembles, draws ride the curtainat the rearof the stageandbeckonsto lou and in that momentyou ghmpseher long furry :ail,and realizethat it is not part of her costumelFelice j not a woman- perhapssheis a Were-cat-Will you xcompany her backstage(tum to ,ro), or will you _-mp Fom the stage and try to escapeinto the sowd :um to r77I
r06-ro8 ro6 Bracingyourselfas securelyas you canon the preca.i oussteps,you makereadyto slrikeassoonas the Black Shadowis within range Roll four drce.Ii the resultis less lhan the sum of your sKrLL and LUcK, furn to 64; if the resultis cqualto, or greaterLhan,lhe sum of your sKrLLand LUCKtum to ,94 ra7 Anhcipatinganeasyvictory over theFail,lookingMapmaker,you chargeacrossthe study towardshim onll lo be mct by cracklnglinesof sparksthaLshoot from hrs metal fingers.'The power of Sciencecarreasilybe Lurnedinto a forcefor destruction!' Melron arurounces grimly as he wheelshis thin framelowardsyou. Howl ing in parn eachtime one of the sparksstrikesyour body, yoLr back towards the glowing chamberhom which you emerged.Roll one die and sublracl the result from your srAMrNA Also add I point lo your rRArL score.The chamberis behind you; you step backwardsinlo il and hope lhat it will transporlyou elsewhereTurn to 42. ro8 'All I ask,'saysNecromo4'is a little of your life force Don't be alarmedlAstrongwarriorlike you hasenergy to spare;you won't even notice the differenceNor is lhe ej,hd.tioroi lhe lie lorcepainfulor in ar1 ra1 unpleasantOn the contrarylThe potion thai I willuse to freeyour spirrt,so lhat I can hap a little of it in my glass,has fhe power to bring enlightcnmentVisions, drearr.s,bliss - all these will be yours, my friend
:impiy dnnk thrspotion and thenkeeplhe flask6rn y :r Lps,so that I may hold therea little portion of -vour Jur essenlial spidt.'( you arewilling to aSreeto this ::ocedure,tum to 24g, lf yolt insisf thar you rrusc :ave/rum to 9 109
irere is a momentof silenceas Lhelean body of the :ead Fehtrslumpsto lhe ground.The whistle of rhe ind in the tall grass soundslike the keening of a :ultitude of iosl souls.Then,with a chorusof enraged r:,,.'ing,lhe enlircpackof leliti hurl themselves at you. ' ou cannotkill themall;your adventure endshere. IIO
- this round of combatyou decideto let fale takeits ::,urse TesL yourLuck.Ifyou are Unl.rcky,your sword , desuselesslyalong the SilicaSerpent'sscalyflanl :ium !o 287 andconlinueyour fight with the creature : ,rouareLucky,turn Lo2r8 _re
old woman tossesthe cornsinto the air and lhey : sappearYou hear a distantmetallichnkle,as if Lhe :-.inshad reappeared and landedin a nearbycavem stento lhe words of the Oraclel'thc croneintones. _:ou, warrior, have been within a dream Arrd no ::dinarymortal'sdream,but thedreamofa god Which .:d? That I know nol, for thereare many gods in the I lacrocosmos But I hazardthat he is a god of huntingl . hileinsidehis dreamyou acquiredhis Hom - not fhe --osl potentof itemsto stealfrom a god,bul perhapsit
lrt-rr4 will be useful. Sound rt when you are faced witf danger;it will deler those opponentswho fear louc noises,at least And now you must depart,for your pursuersareevervigilant Beforeyou leave,acceplthis charm' The old woman tracesa pattem in the air regain1 pornt of rucr 'l know,' she conlinues,'lha. you haveyour own meansof iravelJing, so I will refrair you arecollectinEr from advrsingyou,but it asI suspect, signsand porLentsLhathavelo do ,jlh your burden,I suggestLhatthe markel in the Lownberow my cave might be of inlerest.'Thefuesflareup, then die anc the old woman has gone The exit from the caveis rcvealedby a distanl glmmer of daylght; you car leavethroughit (tum to 83),or usethe Aleph lo travei (tum to 3o) elsewhere
1 r2
You pull the Aleph from your backpackand cup it jn your hands,but all you see wrthin it arc dull grel clouds.The BlackShadowsare all aboutyoq but thel' s€emlo recognizethe A1eph,for they retreat.You are amonSst still hemmedrn,however,and,a{terchatLering themselves for a few seconds,the BlackShadowsad' vanceon you again This time they are carefulnot lo damageyou too severelywith their talons,as if deter-
- red lo takeyou alive,restore1 point of LUCKIn lhe :-j, howeveaalthoughyou slaughtermany of themin :-r heroic stand at the baseof the lower, therr in: .austiblesupplyof reinforcemenfs €nsuresthat there :: be only one outcom€.You are overwhelmed, , :mpedbeneathblackfoldsof skinandyou feelsharp ::5s pierceyour flesh.The venomworks quicklyand ,_rdrifl into unconsciousness. Turn to z9r 111
r :iing at the table,you graba hunl of breacianda siice : meatand stuff fhem into your mouLh The food is :-1' tasty (you may restore up to 4 points of _\MINA).Now you need someLhingLo drink The r : is v€ry tempting,but you know that to keepa clear -::d 1'ou shoulddrink only a little water You spy a , a1lcoppercoin on the floor ard decideto let fate -ooseyour beverageOn one sideof the coin is the -::d of a queen-HeadsI rlrink fhe ale, you say to urself,andtossthe coininto the air TestyourLuck.If :u areLucky,the coin landsheaddown; Lumto 79 lf ,.uareUnlucky,the coiniandsheadup; tum to 1rz r1 4 .e SpectralStalker'stentacles writhe ln frusLration as : Cissolves into the air.As you recoverfrom the shock : seeingthe ghostly demon,so do the Ophdlansand ru are once again surrounded,N_ow,however,Ihe ::ck-armouredbeings seemLo treat you with wary -:spect,and are no longerinclinedto takerevengefor ,.ur assaulton their comrade.Four of th€m stand :-ard on you while the restreturnto the happedS ica :.,|pent Turn to rr3
rr5- 6 II'
3y the light of a hun&ed flickenngtorciesyou seethat tou are in a city of crumblrngstone buildings.The .ourtyard is full of the city's Elven inhabitants-You .ook up to Lhe dark sky, but you can see only the .risiantcragsand Iolds of a rocky vault.The entirecity .i enclosedwithin a huge cavemand the Elvesare all .taringat you with saucer-shaped eyesthat areadapted :o life underground. You arestandingat the foot of the :ais on which sitsthe huge,moss-encrusted stonehead ,.i a Srotesque idol, an Elvenprjeststandsbesideil. The routh of the deity is carvedinto bheshapeof a spout, :€low iL,next to you, thereis a shallowpool Standing :r the pool, chainedby the anlles so he cannotmove ::om beneaththe spout,is an agedElf ihe priestslaresat you, and then beginsto laugh.'So, Crondel,'he sneen down ab the chainedElf, 'this is proof of your hereticaldoctrineof other ,ow so-called r,orlds.This iookslike a pitiful creatureto me andis no :-,idenceof other realmsbeyond our Cave. But no :oubLif it is a powerfulbeing,it will protectyou from :re wrath of Vacavon GuardslSeize this ceafure! alain him with Grondelbeneaththe mouth of Vaca-,onl' Guardswith spearsadvancetowardsyou. If you a runeinscribedwheel-hub,and you want to -ve ::oduce it, lum to 33r. Otherwrse,you will have to :ght (tum Lo,) or sudender(tum to 3or) II6
(eeping closeto the baseof the enormouscliff, you ralk for houn through graduallythinning woodland
ra'/ You manageto {ind a few ediblerools to staveoff your hunger, but they are insufficient to restore an-l srAMrNA.At last you leavethe trees,and frnaliyyot canseea way up the cLff:a path slartsnearbyand zigzagsup the face With the clff behindyou, you look out acrossa vast plain of grass,ils flat expansebroken lov. only by a few gently rolling hills andan occasional grazing animals are away, herds of lree.Somedistance beingshepherded by slrangccreaLures There is a disturbancein the near€slherd: an animal panics,breaksaway,and beginsto run straighLtowards to intercePt you Will you advanceon io LheSrassland the strayanimal(lum to 276);or will you tum and take the cliff-facepath(tum lo r2)?
--",e You have disturbeda Sandsnale:a gigantic :rent that basksundera light coveringof sand.As r struggleto stand,its body corlsaroundyour legs i its headrearsup in front of you. You mustfight it .as two attacksin eachAttackRound:lhe Flrslaltack . :ie iwining of iLsscalybody, and unlessyou wound t will coil ilself about you, reducingyour sKrLL 2 points lts secondattack is with its venomous ::3s, and if it woundsyou you must deduct4 points 'T A M I N A
: : \-DSNAKE
rou defeaLit, you find thaLany Glowcandlesyou -:,r'have purchascdhave beenbrokenin thc struggle :lete them trorn yotr Adoenture Srref) With a sigh, :u climb a dune to survey lhe empty desert There ..::msto be no choicebut to use the Aleph to leave s placeTum to zrr. II8
,'",:-:.:I -..'"
t\7 the dunes There is less for hours across You Lnrdge and less vegetation,and eventuallyyou are waiking lhroughan and desert.Therers no shelteaand the sun is unbearabiyhot- You sit down Lo rest in a hollow betweendunes- and the sandbeneathyou beginsto
:u walk lhrough the cioorwayinto utter darkness -.utakea few more stepsforward only lo hearthe : or slam shut behind you. You are trapped Lr8hts . :qin to glow feebly.Turn to 392. 119
:e Minstrel slaps the strings oi his harp and lhe ,thmic chant issuingfrom lhe instrument'scarved -cuth risesin pitch llailing lheir limbs ln hme wrth -e song and bellowingwith fear and frusLrahon, the a and townsfolk arc forccd to form -i\.inian courtiers
Iong line and darceup to thc battlements. At the ftoni of the line FranrpaJslremblingrqifh the effort of trying io fesistthe h.rry'senchanlmcni; but he cannotpreven: himselfLeadrng his peopleon to ihe narrowledgetha: overlookr rn almostverticaldrop at thc cdge of the plateau.Thc Minshelstrik€shis handacrossthe string! of the harp,crcatinga loud janglingdiscordWith crie: of despairlrampa arldhis pcoplefind thcmseives leap ing kom thc battlements anJ into the void SmiLing, the Minstrellistcnsto thefadirrgcriesThenthcreis srlence and you arc alonewrth thc Minstrel-'My thanksfo: yourassistancc, strangel'hcsa_vs,'but I no longerneei you' As he drah,shis srvorrl, he speaks ther{ordstha: undo his spclland you secyour opponentfor the 6rs: hme:Barogkazthe Enchantcr, a giganhcZwinian His snoulwdnklesin a sneer,andhe attack
s K rL 9
If you are still aLiveafter6vc roundso[ combal,fum tc
A flock ot BlackShadowsdescendson you, flapping dound you like animatedshcets.fiey sccmreluctant to rendyou wrth theirtalonsand,whrrlingandslashin8 at them,you are ableto fendthem off for a while But at lasl you arc over',r'helmed, smotheredin dark folds of skin, and you feel sharpfangsplunging into your flesh The vcnom in their bites sLartsto work at once andyou drift into unconscrousness Tum to 29r
l.s you slcp inLo lhe blacknessof the tunnel you realize - our mjstake: the ror,rghfloor slopes clownwardstYoLr ::umble, slide and fall rnto a doorl.ss chamber that trells ol srnoke a,rd ash losing .z pornts of srevrnr,r ':ou hear a iairt echo oi Syzut's krumphanl shout ldvance no further, rny waniors. Thc ioolish creatLrrc 'as fallc. into lhe frrc pit. He is in thc belly of mighty :lund. l-ci him be sacrificcdforthwitht Our vrctory is ::suredl' : ou junp lo reach the tunnel entrancr'.but il is high rn .re wall of the chambcrand you cannot reach it Syzuk :nd his Skeletal Warrjors conlinr.rc chanhng You :ecome awarethat the clramberis unconiortably warm i:irals of smoke issuefrom cracksin {hc walls and thc .olesof your bools arc bccomlngunbcarablyhot You ::e aboLrfto be baked inside a godt For a moment you :anic, and then you remcmber lhe Alcph You retricvc : lrom your packr in {hc darknessof the chamber its :inute moving landscapesshine wifh brilliarf light. As :u look into it, thc Al.ph expandsfo sunound you :rd the brcathlessheat iaJes Roll onc Jrc: if you roll rn .,.en number, tum Lo 5r I[ you roll an odd number, .rm ro JD
r22-r24 '2 , 122
Once againyou 6nd yourselfwallcngin near-darkness alonga seemnrgly endless tunnel.At lastyou seengnr aheadand sicp out of the end of the tunnel nrto a
man with thc hornedhead of a brrll; the clear liquid shoots from hrs uplifted mouth, splashesdown hrs alhletictorsoandcollccts in thestoncbasinin rvhichhe
r2f Your sword stnkesone of the SilicaSerpenl,sc1,es, which shattersinto a thousandshrfds.A iounLarnot blackfluid jeLsfrom the crcature's eye-socket as it dics You wrpe 1'oursrtord and continuealong the paih towardsthe VitreousCitadelTum to 336 r24 Yuu trle Ihe Aleoh rrom y,,ur ba,kpack Cupoi,rl rl hefwp, \ou hand. you a., r-.tanrl) me,me-jzcdbr the counllesstiny visionswhich swarmwiLhinits in6n ite depths The longer you g.rze,thc more you can see: rarmlands and d€se*s, monstrous creaturcs and vasl Aleamlrgma,l,rnesr,rrnbonrrngedptanets.rnd.pira. rng gdrJx:e.ol .lar, \ ou Feclr ouJ\ tf bernr enver,l,ed by the Aleph. and transporteJ t. Roll one d,c. tf 'vithi.
',tu roll an evel ftxnbet turn to r8o; iI you ror an -rddnumher, turn to rot 125 '': aoo aJ lr', net."..ltoL.l\ exoe,t.rt rt L Lo. tJ 1 .: savagc aninrl As you begin to cut through the opes, however, you .rre asbnrshed lo frncJthat the .rpti\.'e is akin k) the i!rnged humarotd which droppcd .,Lrtof lhc sky above Khul anil died ar your fcet - the -.nerl'ho enhusted the Aleph to your care and startcd _.ou on yoff travels between worlds. He has the brillht '.rbes and widc eyes oi his fcllow, but his wrngs are :rade of long white featherslike a swan's.One of his .egs is bcnt at an unnatural angle bcneath his prone rL)dy,and vou 3u€ssthit it is broken.'My thanls frx rLrlingmc, warrior,'he vrhispcrs,'butyou must noi -, main here. I know who you are, and I know rhe .Lrrd€nyou cnny. Flocks of Silica Serpcntswill be hcre rrc lonS and you mLrst not Lrc discovered. slill lcss :akenby them Leavemc, hide yourself, quicklyl' ')iou want lo ignor€ lris advice and carry him to the .:eller of the woods, turn to 37, if yoLrleavc hrm, you 1Lnirom the clcaring and make for thc highcr ground r.afer thc cliffs turn to r9o.
r26-a2j r26 sky, the park extendsto the a cloudless blue -rder rrrizon in every direction.The lush grassis dotted ,ilh spinneysof oaks and elms and there are larger ::lches of woodlandthat coverthe gentlyrolling hrlls. lioi a bmnchstirs;no bird's song disturbsthe silence. '.s you approachLheedge of the wood, the under is thrown into a turmoil of movementas a -owth rzarreassortmentof wildli{eburstsfrom the cover of -',e trees.Deer,rabbits,hares,foxes,badgers,boar and :.en browa bears,and wiih them are homed goat:gged Satyrs,green-skinned and a Nymphs,CenLaurs Allare mnning, fleeing from the wood, scaLter-ricom. rg in panic acrossthe park,open-mouLhed with fear :ul assilentasshadows.They run past,barelynoticing :ou in their headlongflight. You look again towards ::e wood and see LheirLerriblepursuersArmoued :ianLson homedwar-beasfs emergefrom betweenthe but assilentlyas fheirprey. -ees,gallopingrelentlessly he giants,noble and cruel-featured, are clolhed in :.natebejewelledcostumes, therrweaponssparklingin ::e sunlight Their red eyed steedsseemto skrmthe If you wanLto standin the path of thesehunters -:ass :rd try Lo attract their attenhon,Lum to 76; rf you ::cide to standwell cleat turn to 3j8 r27 rs you descend the stairs,youheara rhylhmicclad
t28 againststone 'You'relucky you caughtme,' it drones 'l was just going out on my rounds.Are you lostYou've comelo the right place Ha ha ha Follow me This way.' The metalmantums and leadsyou into a cellartull o: juri<.At a glanceyou seehats,cloaks,boxes,parcel. weapons,scrolls,pursesandhundredsofunrecognizable objects,alljumbledtogetherin a heap Blackthrngslike batson strckshangfrom hooksrn the cerlingThereare cagedammals,statues, chairs,a clockanda doorwayor whoselintel is engravedthe word EX.ll 'My name'sLost Property,'the metal man continues 'Se€ingas lhat'swhat I am WhereI comefrom I was DomeshcRobot Number45B, but there'sno call fo: DomeshcRobotshere in Limbo So I live down here arld keep the Library hdy Look at all thrs sluff I've collecLedl Do you needanythng?Maybe we coulddc somebusiness.' If you wanl to traderrilh LheRobot tum Lo 225 If you decideto go though the EXli doorway,turn to rE5 r28 The liquid is tastelessand you have gulped down severaimouthfulsbeforeyou becomeawareof a grow ing sensatron of well being Your woundshurLlessand theburdenof fatigueis lifted from your shoulders. You drink more of the liquid,which is clearlysomekind oi concentratedfood in fluid form, and you soon feel completelysatiaLed. You may restor€up to 6 pointsof srAMrNA The4 with renewedvigour, you strideup the stairsand throughthe door.Tum to r89
r29-130 r29 lhe outline of the tall shapebecomesclearer,but as ou stareaghaslat rtsnightmarishappearance, it senses our presence and boundstowardsyou on impossibly ,rng, lhin legs. You see its twitching limbs and lhe :iiitering facetsof its eyes,and then il is uporryou jratching your sword ftom your scabbardyou try to :efendyourselfagainstrts claws,but you are too slow I,rife-sharptalons clutch you and throw you to lhe .-ound Lose4 srAMrNApoinLs. : ou despairof escapingwrth your li[e, but the thing ::aws bac( asif lo enjoy lhe sighl of you reelingwilh rain You hear its voice l&e an icy whisperin your .-ain.'\{e have the scenlof your blood human We .iL1findyou again.'Whenyou look up the monsLer has : sappeared. Add : poini to your rRArLscore. i.ursingyour woundsyou trudgetowardsLhetrees.It : as well that you casta wary eye behindyou hom nc lo lime:themonster,or anotherlikeit, is beginning --.rcappearThis lime you decidenoLto wait and run :r lhe shelterof Lheforesl.Tum to 44. r30 :, enluallyyou reachthe top of th€ cliff, but crossing :e terrarnaheadof you looksevenmore dif{icullthan : imbingthe cliff The path petersout in a landscape o{ ::re crags,shadowedravinesand ;aggedrocks.There . no vegetatiorylhe only featuresare the cylindrical r,.ners that are perchedon the tallestof lhe ro&y ::aks.One of the towers,somedistanceaway,rs much :'ger than lhe others.Beyond lhe towers you see
\) 2
anotherwall of rock- anotherimpossiblytall cliff,atop which is lhe third level of this strangeworld. If you want to investigatethe towers,thercrs one risingfrom a nearbypinnaclcof rock; turn to 353. lf you would rathermakefor the distantcliff,turn to zrt \1r yorl you darf between pounds towards As the Colem the thick clay lt'gs and delivera powerfulblow to its thigh Nothrng happens;the monster is undamaged You haveno time fo think:the mallctis rushingdon'nwardsagain,and you haveto dodgc This will nol be a fight,all you cando is dodgethe mallct'blowsuntil lhe sun beginslo dry ihe Colems body and causeihe monsterlo slow down. Roll one dic and add three:this is lhe numberof times you must dodge before the Golemslows lach timeyou dodge,roll two dice;if the total is mor€ than your srtl scorc,you are stmck a glancing blow that reducesyour STAMINAby ? points.If you survive,you arerewardedby the sightof the sun-dried Colembecoming mo{ionlessr but behind worse.Thehideous theGolemyou seesomeihlngmuch shapeofa SpeckalStalker is forminSin ihe air,towering aboveyou on lour fleshless legs.Add 1 point to yolrr your rn-eIr score,then Test Trailscore.Roll threedice If the total is equalto or more thar your tr,ur score, tum, to 2jti if the total is lessthan your rRArLscore, rurn ro 3o7
rt 2 \ goldenradirncesurroundsthe scvcnobjectson lhe :able as Semeronseemsto drift into a trance.'The SpectralStalkcrshave been sumnr,uredby the evil r izardClobus,'he intonesrn a voice that echoesas if jaln from a greatdisfance'Globushasset lhemto 'lld the.{leph' \s Semeion's voicefades,a sevenpointedstarappears :r the midstoi the objeclson the tablc Semeionbiinks, .hakeshis headand smiles'You arc indeedfortunate,' 'e says.^1ou know now thaf Globusis your enemy :-rd this Talismanhas beengrantedto you - wear it :1laysaboutyour neck,for it will hclpto protectyou :gainsthissorcery'Resfore r pointof rucx andreduce rour rRAIt scoreby z pohts whilc you possessthe TaLsman.You thank Semeionand ask him if he can giveyou any inromaLionaboutGlobus.Tum to 3oE.
rtl Having muzzled the Silica Sc4rcnl and bound up il. di.rphanouswings, the Ophrdirrs tum their attention! lo you Soon you are cocoonetJ;n ropes and slung fron r pole which two Ophrdians carry between them wjtl. lrttle oi tour i"urrey er.epL ior LI. -J., )ou see bouldersthat passbeneathyou, but you are a!".'arethai thc Op\daa. a-e b'ngrrq rl-e Slica Se?e r q thcm I he Ophidjans stop at the foot oi a sheernall o: rock which they infend to c|mb A concertedburst o: music from their pip€s is suffrcrentto make the Silic.: Serpent temporarily docile, ;rnd they releaseits wing( so that it can hover alongsidc them as they climb upwards As you have no urings they are obliged to carry you As you are siill bound in ropes you can do nothint to prevenLyourselfbcing dashedagainstoul crops of rock - lose z pornts of srAMrNA Withif mrnut€slhe fool of the escarpnentis far benealhyou anC then _vouare dragged ovcr a stone 1ip and i,rto thc n -lh ol a crve l!\o lu. ,l, ,rd d) rto ll ", darkness;you are carried along the leffhand passage ancl into a cavem fuIl of tethc(d Silica Serpents,eacf onc guardedby severalOph,.li.rns Turn to tl
t34 'Lr succeedin snalching the Alcph from the TyranL's : :sping hands and rLrn irom thc chamber and down i.r spiralstairsYorr hcar the old creatureblLLndcnng ':r,vou,mutteringcurscs,and from th€ bottonl oi lhe er you hearthe echoc-.ofdoors sLamming shut Thc ', way fo escapeis to usefhe Aleph:turn to 365
r15-rt6 rtt rr'j arein a thick forest.The canopyof treesshutsout r,:.t of lhe daylightj th€ undergrowthhampersyour :.:ements You startwall.ingand aresoonapproach i. a roughroad thatrunsthroughtheforest You have r-ost reachedthe road when you hear footsteps. --:uchingbehrnda bush,you seea lonefiguretrudging r:rg the road- a young man with a smallharp slung :. .,is back.You assumehe is a Minstrel Beforeyou :- greethrm,you hearheavyfootfalls Stddingalong :,: road from Lhe oLherdirecLioncomesa gigantic, :.:ainly, two leggedlizard,riddenby a brutishwanior " :r the faceof a boar.When the boar-facespresthe ' -lstrel, he urgeshis mount into a charge Insleadof ---iing away or defendinghimself,the Minsirel Lrnr- gs his harp- whichstaftsto play and singby itselfl l:: effecton the boarfacers insLant:he swaysin his =:dle and almostfalls The Minstrel drawshis sword '- imsh off his helplessaLtacker, but arotherboar-face rrrfoacheson anothergianLlizard and you can hear :e heavytreadoI a third.Will you remainhidden(tum :: :33) or cometo the Minstrel'said (tum to 265!
116 i\'ong!' roars the doorway. 'Utterly wrongl Why, ':,.lishintruder,you haveonly to look at lhe beautrful .i intdcately-worked carvingsLhatadom the apexof r1 fuameworklThere you will seemy crowns Regard ::m now, thrswillbe lhe )astsightyour eyeswill seel' :jin to lr.
r39-r 40
A nervous squcal ironr lhe Baron'sdaughLeraLertsy, , to the silcnl opcning o[ the cabjn's inner door T:. black cloakcd Con;uror stands on the lhreshold, h. malevolcnl grin rcvcaling a set of sharp teeth F , sibilanf vuofdscontim your fear that he is a Vamprr.: 'A very successfLrl cxpedition,' he whrspers.'Not onl have ) captured thc Baron's daughter - you, my dea: will conre hr nry c,rsLlcand become one of fhe lov.l,c, of my undcrd briJcs bLrt I have snared an intrud.' whoseblocrl wrll rustainme on my joumey Approatme.llarrior l-ook ifb m) eyesl' You arc ir a dcsucrateplighl Ii ]ou,,Lani io ihro ope-:Le .r", l -o.he.:br" d'.a1 -'r' careeing wrgon, I rn to 289 Ii have a \iL\. -voLr daggerur your barkpack,you may use it to;tta.k t . Vampirc Lurn ti) 23,r Otherwise, you will havc : defcnd 1'our*ti rs bcsl you can - tum to 182
rr8 'So,'growls thc robcd Vaskind, you are a friend oi lf. cruel dictator (llobus One of his spies,no doubt, scr lo the lowcr lcvcls to check that his subjectsarc cor^'r. and subscrvicnt Wc should krll you; but wc arc a rr.. of wanbrs .rndwc rcmemberthe honourablecoJcs, our dislant horneLandl\ie wilL expel from tl'. -vou .urrrrc done; ri you and reach lhe surface,lakr fl m€ssatcto yc)urmasler,r'r'edc ,roljerrlrcrr GL,l'r* ,, rh,r,,rr Qrrlrri,rlrlnr-.sir. ...'ri 1a,r/.rs l. uilr.r'..' r.tdi;rrtrrir,lNorr. Ilurrds iake this creatureah'a\l' You aLecanied,strugSling,to the edge oi the d"n,.
- . you areforcedthroughthe cLngingmcmbrane, you a last gulp oI warm air beiorc you arc plunged into -.t' -: icy waters II you have any SiicaLor,and think it - ght be usefulnow, turnto 357;rf nol,lrrrnto 19 \19 .u retr€at lowards the gaping nroulh o[ the stone 'r.l as the two soldiersclambcron to the dais and rlmost lke -: ancetowardsyou. They arc cmaciated, .retons,with paleskn sketchcdtrghtlyover their 'res and evesthaf Thei' Sleamlike thcrr learJcr's -.,e sLo$iy.but 1\ieldthejr blackbattlcaxeswith :aluraleas€One oi ihemis almostuton ]c,u:you ..irngnr . . . E L E T A L\ \ A RRI O R s K rL 9 L srAMr\A.1 '. vou hght, you are too prcoccupicdto heed the -;rng€drsiurbance in the aLrahovc you. Ihe Spectral : :lkersarebeginningto recoSnizc{hc patternsof your -trtal energy:add r poini to your rR.rrr score If -.udefeatthe 6rst SkeletalWarrior,thereis no respite: -. secondis facingyou, and morc are clirnbingon to -. stoneledg€ You cannoifight thernrll You must :render(turn to 8j), or try to escapcby runnjngin[o -: mouthof thestoneskoll(hlm to 148). r4a ren you drop fhrouth the lrapdooryou find vourself r rhe end oi a lumel followurgthc tunnelrounda '-rer, 1.oufind that it ends at a wooden door you r-'h it opento reveala smaLl, emptyroomwhosewalls :.,!v with a eedelight You stcp into the room, and
r11 r44
t4t-\42 thc rloor closes behind you. Nothing else happcr. thou11h, so you deode to study the glowing walls th. walls and cciling of lhe room arc covered with rcvoltnrlllungus:thick folds of sicklywhite lunrpstl ,: gir,c oil a prLlidluminescence and a stenchoi rottin'i lood lhc door 1ou enteredthrough is covercd wit: catrhardly make rt oLr: tfc stLrii.so much so that -r'ou Ilrct rs rnothcL,loor. eclLall-\' blankeledwith tu:rs'.' ,r trc opf(,sile r.;all You nill hale to clcar rt cr. .: sonN of lhc furrgusirom :his door \'Vill -!ou tceL lhc ,Lsgusiingsluil rtith l our barehandr lturn |r, 31hrck al il *.ilh,vour sword itum lo 48);or, ii 1ou t,",, lronr fl. a llcaisrord, n,ill you lry' fo bum the turngLrs door {turn {o rsr)? I 4I
Drxlsnls the first bouider-breakingblow of the Clolcm. nrrllet, yoLr sprinkle lhe Siccatorin a wide arc (rft)ss t lton yotn AdoentureS/ieet)The drops of liquid sparklr rn thc rrlrnd fall lo the ground between fhe Ciolt'rl' nrrssrvcfcct You misscd,and the Colem, strll slrc rvitl, u,itcr, aftacksyou again One blow from his har.: scnds you sprawlng in the dust - lose .:. srervrx, poinls YoLrstaggerto your feet You have only hr, opLiorrsruf (fuflrto rJl or hght ltr.rn lo rjrl
-.'ad; then all four nrn off, capering and ioking as thcy : splay the hard-won scaleslike lrophics in therr hat$ lofe Silica Seryents wheel down from the skn's to the nefted captive, then two of thcn lift thc nct 'pect -:o the air and the others escort them aloft You watch rlrl the llock of Serpentsis no more than a spcck in -: sk1. then headto',rardslhe towenng cliffs Tum kr
.. TaLisman, hangingon its chainaroundI'our neck, -:-rinsto pulsel'ilh a light that is almosias bright as -r dazzlingbeam w.hichis crushingyou Ihe p.rrn .:rns to recedea liltle, as if the Talismanwere rL'soro -; some of ihe beam'sstrength Although you rrn fccl r +lf begrnring to sirpalray ,nto un,nrs, r{r.ni*.. ,Lrcling to the hope that the Talismanwilr e,uorc you survive the inexorabie pressure Roll throc clicc lf '.' total is less than yout srAMrNA,hrrn to 2r2; if . lotal is equal lo, or greater than, y,:rur srevrr.,r,t, -''1 to 3j2.
r44 ..u pull the furledUmbreLla from your backpack. ondeLasksI ou rvhat Jt is, but you mercly urrucano hrm to shuIfleas cLoselo you as his shackleswrll ..,, The large e-.;edELles in the coLrfL]'ard\trc in _riler ai lhe shangede\ice On the darsabovc _"-oLr, - Elven prieslr jncantaiionsreach ; loud climax .,rcare a ie* secondsoi silencebeiorc you hcar the ':ling rumble of aler rushing ihfouth rlLdpipcs :r one swiit movement you puf up the tJmtrrcllaand .
'lhc urdcsccnin'onsler is a SiLicaScrpenl 1t raircs ri
L( ? ''e
r\ ooci Ll,,cs arpr,:achard "lneel in a row beiorc it or. ion;ard hesitanil-v and plLrcks lLLrr.cachLll reaches ot thc Scrfcnt's glitieang scalesifom the tofr ol iL.
r4, -rld it alolt As the sheetof liquid splashesall round r Ju, you manageto remaindry, lhough a few drops t:lash on Lo your legs,and a little of the wafer seeps ::ough your bools. The merest touch of the liquid ::.as skin and fleshrotLen,and thereis no cure.Roll :re die, and deductthe result liom your currenland rrur lflilial srAMrNA If you are still alive,you wait --til Lhelast drops o{ waLerhave drippedfrom the ;:out, then you take down the Umbrella and grin .toriouslyto the amazedclowd Tum to 24j.
14' ru find yourselfin a smallchambermadeentirelyof i x,ing, interconnected rods.Through them you can i:: that the chamberis insrdea complicaLed mechanism :'rvhining cogsand hummrngbulbsof light One side :re chamberis open.and beyond the openingyou :r seea room crafirmed with othermechanical devices -_e walls are coveredwith bookshelvesand complex - :.rlsA bizarre6guretn:ndlesinto view a humanoid, :.r decide,but only just. Riding on a self-propelled =:* with four wheels, the robed being is extremely so thal his Lorsolooks roo small and weak to -], .::port his hugebaldhead Longmelalfingersprotrude ::n lhe sleevesof the robe,wire meshesbulge {rom --: srdesof his headwhereyou would expectearsto :-. and round glasslensessit in his eye-sockets'A i torl'he criesin a pipingvoice.'lt is sucha long Lime .--:e I lasthada vrsitor Quickly,slepfrom the machine , ,ie you may!' Will you emergefrom the chamber --r1 to 2jr), or stayinsideit (tum to 42)?
r4 6 - 1 41
r4'r-r49 146
)h dear, oh dcar.'he guffrws 't drtln't think anybody : lfor thal olclbucketabovc the door trick thcv.davs r ' . !"e-.o r, up ,- . -., .1. ,*.;d .r \ ou -, you'r€ " .:l I'm Wayland. in case wondcring, an(l you're rliously a visitor Wherc do you hail from?' Will you :::3(k this sniggcflngpracLicaliokcr itum to t9), of ll vou reskainyour anScrand reply to his qucstion
Thc pafh winds for hours along thr face oi the c|beforc il linall; lakes up,,^..arci rgain .{t last _1.-r'ou reach the top of ihe cliff. and look across a barre: lan,h'.rpeoF r",ks and rl.llie. thJl in d s, rie. . 'r,e escarpmentsan.l c1rlmlnatc.in the drstance,in anoth:dz,'rg rosr Irll.d..t rr.so: " \.you...u.. yoLr notice a fcw Silica Scrpenls wril;gling across il-. turqrroisesky atl as yorr walk furthcr into thc heart c lhis dcsolatelarrdmore appearYou begln to ft'ar tl.: lhls part of thc Zig$rat l,Vorld is thcrr home rnd th: Lhel rre bourrJIn dete,r \ouf pr(-,n,e. Sur, i roug. onc ot the sc.ly creaturcsundulaLcsirom above ar: landson lhe paih in a gully aheadol y ou You fcsitatt uncertainof what lo do rrcxt and rcalrzelhat thc Silic. Sert,c,rtis in drfficulties Its wings have been snagge: by vrrnelhing and it cannot take ofi again Will vcaptn)lch it ifufn to r84), or conce.rlyouJseli.nd rra: to scc whaLhatpens next (turn to 229)?
r46 -e tunnelis alnrostcomplctelydaL.k but you can seea : nrncr of light in ihe drstance.You hcad towards it --J iinally arrrvc al a snrall chamber with two closed ::crs Itound one of the doors lherc is a cracl of light :he glimmer lh.rt you sa$,from afar suSgestinitthat -r rrom beyond is occuprcd;beyond the othcr door -:'r'scemsto trc only darkness. Will t,orrchooscto try :-: door rtlth Ll;ht be.vondrt itum to J2,1t,or thc door r d.rrkness(iurn to 2o2)?
,47 Thc door swings open and you step acrossthe lhreshoL: into {he room Without waming, a bucket of wa ter faL: lrom lh€ iop of ihe door 1'ou arc rlrenchecland tl-. buckct slrikesyour heaclas il laLls I-ose 1 srAMr\. point You shakc th€ watcr out of your eyes and se: that vou are in a small room full ol half-drsrrantle: mar|ires A brg man,so lall fhat he almoslhasto stoo: in thrs low-ccr|nged rorrn, is lcaning against r higf bacleil chair and laughing so much thal his cycs are a, full of waler as l ours
149 :e n,eer cliif krrers aLrove1'oLr Ihe rays of the r:ninij sun pcnctrateonly a littl( (listanceinto the --rncl I'eyond thc portal, br.rtonce you have plunged :o thc gloom you are relicved to fu that the darl.ness : :llcviated ai rntenaLsby thin bcams oi grey light '-,rf cnanate frorn chimneys and hssurcsin the roof of -e tunnel. YoLr tlrn to takc a last Lrok at thc rlistant ' .l,,r."nd l,eJdrng'.'..re.e.:r:n.t the.nl g!-r .unnounrr'.ri1 . ' ,rle ouf ,r '1mbol r fr.dn€rle " carved ,nto the lintel above the insidc of the -:clc r:1.r1 You turn again rnil press on tnto thc neai:rkness Turn lo rj
_rrnto ror)?
r5o-r5r rto asyou t.. themselves amongst TheWood Elvesiabber lf. lt seems to explainyour unexpectedaPPcarance Lheyhave never seena human being before- or . leaslnot here- and they cometo the conclusiontlyour story is unbelievableand that you are a si Although lhey all agreethat you mustbe disposed:they are reiuclantffghlers,but rn the end lwo of the: as they tj step forward, drawing their shorLswords time. one at a can 6ghl them vance.You SKIL L
8 7
lirst WOOD ELF WOOD ELF Second
ST A M I N .
6 7
Add r point [o your rRArLscore.If you defeatthe both, the two suFivors run oIf into the woods Ycignore them and lum your atlentionLo the caPtiverl the net.Turn to r2t.
r5\ As soon as you touch one of the coloured swilches : useof Lransporlt' shrill bell starfs to ring . 'UnauLhorizerl the voice in the air shrieks agal^ 'TransParlerseflilli, altererl! ]1o:u flick a few more switches, pr€ss solr: rlluminaled buttons and jump on thc Platform, whi.. immedratelybegins to glow. A cloud of light envelo:. you, but you are able lo seeone of lhe room s metaLl: walls sliding upwards to reveal a nightmarish monst.' of steei and glass;and then the scenefades as you fe: yourself being transported.Roll one die. If you roll,
Tum to roj Tur. to rr5 Turn to 126 Turn tc r jt Turn to r4t Turn to 234 r52 -: funnelendsat a woodendoor. Cauhouslyyou pull ::cn to reveala smallcavewhrchis clearlya store : ::oard for ihe Ophidians'equipment Spearsare ::ied againstlhe wall and corlsof rope and sevenl :s of glassyblackarmourhangfrom hooks You lake -:,1n lhe shorteslsuitof armourandtry il on Although -r manageto fastenthe plalesof black glassround ::rr limbsand torsoyou 6nd that your movementsare '..ricted However,you do discoverthe secretof the -:hidiars' prodigiousability to climb sheersurfaces' -: gaunlletsof lhe armourare fitled with relractable -::aL hooks If you think Ophidian armour will be ,::ul you can wear it from now on; deduct r pornt n your sKILLbecauseof your hamperedmove.rts (and if you have Cerod fhe Harp you must :rdon him hereas you cannolcarryhim while wear: fhe armour)Whelheryou wcar the armouror not, -rcantakethe sel of pipcsthat hangsfrom thebelt,if - wish. (Recordlhesechangeson your Aduenrure : ; I You lakea coil of rope to the mouth of Lhecave . : lie one end to a boulder,throwing the rest down ,: cscarpmertlo assistyour descenL. lf you are wear ' : Ophidianarmouryou 6nd Lheropeunnecessary, as -: :cfractable hooksmakeclimbingsrmple;bul which :: ,,r.ayyou do rt, you reachthe fooLof lhe rock face
rt4-r 55
r5t wthout incidenl.Restorel point of LUCKYou seLofl lowards the vast chffsthat rise foom this level of Lhe ZigguratWorld to the next Tum to 4 rtt You manageto freeyoursel{from the slickyfilamentsbuL too late. Even as you tum to flee, the Spiders mandiblesmeet in the flesh of your thigh, reieasing their venom into your veins. Spurred on by the pain, you dashtkough lhe 6rst exit from the courtyardlhat you cansee.ILis only asyou staggerthroughth€ dark tunels that you beginio feel the effectsof the poison, roll one die,add threeto the resulland deductbhetotal hom your srer.rrr,r. If you are stili alve, it is worth finding out whereyou are Borng.Roll one die; if the resulLis: 1
3 4 5or6
Tum to rt Tumto ,67 Tum to 3r7 Turnto 28j Roll again
154 \ perfectlyamed throwl The ball flies into the Lith rgen's throatand staysthere,hrmly jammedin place, spite of the monster'sgreat cou8hs.You see iLs -r'rminous eyeswiden in shockand outrage and then ::ey
Thechariotrs pulledby Lwoblackhorseswilh red eyes rnd bronzearmour They are whinnying in confusron, :ulling the chanolrn circlesand hamplinSthe wounded '.rnderlherr hooves.SeveralElvesfight tnerr way ro;rards you, but Lhey cannoLreach the chariob lhe rrheels,glowing with a pale luminescence, seem to :errify fhem You can do nothing but cower in Lhe :hariot as the horses career across the moorland. Suddenlya wheelhts a boulder.The axie snaps,you :rrd the brokenwheelare thown clearand the horses :rag the wreckageinto the dislance. 'r'ou recoveryour breath,and inspeclthe wheel: its minosity comes from the circular, rune-engraved :ronz€ cover of the hub The metal roundelrs appar:nlly dangerousio Elves,bul it causes you no harm.(If r ou keepii, makea note on your,A*:enLure 9heet.)\ot .car the landscape: you arealone You lake the Aleph
r56 iom your packandloseyourselfin studyingits myriad noving pictures.lt seemsto expandandsurroundyou. loll one die.if you roll an evennr.rrnber, Lumto tr; jf ',ou roll an odd number,tum Lo t6.
rt 6 lou are staringdown rnto a sLeepsidedgorge Hun, jreds of rnetresbelow you, n the cleft betweenthe :elckly-wooded cliffs,you malceouf the silverribbonof l fasf-flowingstreamYou look up: the cliffsriseabove :ou andon the far sideof the gor8e,the sky a thin sirip -.i blue betweenthe craggy ciiff,tops.You are on a :rarrowpaLhLhatmeanders precariously alongthe mid, :olnt of one of the sidesof the gorge .Youhave no :iroicebut to walk care6:1ly alongit \ ou walk for hours You meetno one.and seeno siSn ..i habitation I)usk is falling, and the bottom of lhe :orge ls alreadyhidden in inky darkness,when you :ound a bend and seeihal your way is blo&ed by a :rim forkess The path endsat a doorway beneatha urelted gatehouse. Approachingcautiously,you see :hatLhecaslleis der€lictandapparentlydeserted. There :re Sapsin Lhebattlements, and fallcnbloclc of slone -iescatteredacrossthe path.Then,suddenly,flickering ightsspringinto life behindthe arrow,slits.A moving .hape - ihe silhouelteof a chrld - appearson the ratllementsandthesilenceis brok€nby aneeflescream-: you want to follow the path throughthe forbidding :astledoorway,tum to t9r. If not, you must use the \leph to takeyou away- Lumto 6r
r57-159 157 you As crashlhrough the undergrowlhyou can heathe musicof the harp callingLoyou. Wilh your hanci pressedlo your ears,you ignore the bramblestha: catchyour legsand the branchesthat whip acrossyoL:Face,and evenhrallythe rnsidiousmelody fades Ychave escapedlhe Minstrel'senchantment- bul noi. you are lost in Lhedepthsof a tracklessforest.Yohaveno choicebut to use the Aleph to transportyoelsewhere. Tlrrn to 9r. I'E You hold the gem belweenyour fingersand slowl. raiseit before the monstels face.It beginsto mer1 piteously and edges towards you You put up nc resistance wheo with a growl, it lashesoul with oneo: its clumsy,ill-fitredlimbs and snatchesthe jewel fror your grasp.Il shufflesaway from you and drops in : tangleof armsand legs on to its bedding.It only ha: eyesfor rts bnght new plaything(crossthe gem hon you( Adpenh.ffe Sheef). The hybrid creaturedoes no: noticeas you leavethroughlhe door at the far end c: the room.Tum to 2j8. rt9 As hungry as you are, you dare nol risk eatng the innkeeper's food If you haveProvisionsof your ou'n L your backpack, you caneat a mealand resloreup to. poinls of sTAMINA. You lie down on the mattressan. drift into sleep,lulled by the soft lappingof the rive: beneathyour room.Tum to r95.
r60 ::andingsquareiyin the path of the chargingColepod, aimrngyour - wail unUl t i. a'mo5luponyourbeFore ; ,ord blow at a point above lhe creatr.rre's snapping -ardibles and betweenits waving antennae.Tesfyo r - ,ck.If you areLucky,turn lo 374;if you areUnlucky, -iTt !o 2Io.
r6 r r ou catchhold of the hamessof the leadrngwar-beast rd pull yourself clear of Lhe ground, hanging on ::imly as the hunLracesacrosslhe parklandYou are .oseto Lhearmouredknee of the beast'sgiant rider l.,d expecl him fo try to dislodge you from your ::ecariousposilion,but you look up to 6nd that his ::.e is asunmovingasa stafuet.Next to you, hanging :, a sLrap,is th€ giant'shuntinghorn, fashionedfrom ::e sprralhom of an animaland decoratedwifh bands r: srlver.The hunt has spreadout now and you can ::op to the groundwrthouLfearof being trampled.As .ou releaseyour hold on the harness,you grab the :rrn You hit Lhegrass,roll forward,and thenjump lo ..)rr feet to inspecl your new acqursiiionIt looks :iuable(notelt on .row Adoenlure |fteef)If you want sound the hom, to lind out what noise it males,turn -' 2og; you your rf nol, stow it in backpack a,'rdtum to -' :t8 ro2 ::u chooselhe path that lcadsdirectly towardsthe i'eous Citadel.On thrsroute therc is just on€ Silica :::pent betweenyou and your goal.As you approach
the monsteryou seethat it is tied,by meansof a chain round its neck leadingto an jron hoop set inLo the cenfreof the path,buf it is olherwisefreeto rend you bite you and sprayyou wilh its acrdrcvenom lt wil. not be easy to passthis scnlry. If you have a set o: Ophidianpipes,hlm to 288rif noi, ium lo ,,lj
Properfyand the symbol oi a handpointing downwards rVhenyou reach the notrce,you see thal in a gap relween Lhebookshelves.r narrow staircase descends :rom the corridor. If you decide to walk down the :iairs,hlm to rz7 If you decideio continuealong the :orridor.lum lo l7l
rol The Logic Dog cannot be deieated.Not only is ri strongerand faster than any fighting-dogyou have €ncounLered, bul if you afe skilfulenoughto shikeit, it disappears into the air a secondbeforeyour blow lands - only Loreappear, a secondlater,behindyou. But you cannotescape, so you fight on hopelessly
ro 5 The ball missesthe tithogen's throat and hrts the :reature somewherebclow its eyes - on its nose, rerhaps,although in the tlarknessyou cannot see r!.helherit actuallyhas onc With a convulsrvecough, :he Lithogenvomits a sccondgush of digestivefluid, ,'.hichbeginsto eat away your clothng and exposed skin.Losez pointsof srAMINA.If you ae still alive, -.ou have no choicebut to try to cul your way out I urn io l,{r
LO C I CD O G Afier ihree Atlack Rounds,during nhich you have beenunablelo hil the I oSrcDog even orrce,you are becomingresigned- if you are still alive- to the facl that your deathis immincnt At that momenta voice callsfrom above:'Enough,LogictHold backnowl Our uninviLedvisiLor has lcarnt that Lhe garden is well guarded.I wlll come down and find out what this warior wants' The LogicDot disappears and this time doesnot reappear.Add r point Lo your rRArLscore. and hlln to 282
r64 You walk for hours betweenthe never-endingbookshelves.In the distanceyou seea nolice,haagingfrom chainsthat disappearinto th€ darknesso{ the ceilinS As you approach,you can makeout the words losl
r68 r68 'r our probinltlinltcrs€ncountera cnfvrngin the centre -.i the wall thaLblockslhe h:nnel l'ccrrngin the dim :ght you makcout a curiousfi8ure.somethinglike an :istracl reprcscnLation oi a faceth.rl rs alsoa small ' rz e . e e rl c d rg r, rm rJ . r: o r f - - o p .d _ 'e :Dnlainsthe word I,{ELCOVE,whilc cachof ihe tr,vo :yes' consistsof ;r depressionwithin which there is a rrtton that canbe pressed rnwards
r66 On ihe daisalrove]'ou the EL\,en priests tncantalion: 'eacf a lord .lrn,' ro. l-e,:rth, 4.r, -g -umble. water rushin€tthroughold pipes,and r sheetof liquic splashesall round you The poisoned water soals throughyour clothcsand into you, skrn,thcn yoq anc Crondelbesrdcyou.arescreaming n honor asyou fee yourflesh andrruscle beginlo disrntcltratc Youradvenhrreendsherc r6j The rustlin8 nnJ twittedng noisesr.e closing in al round you YoLrrImaginaLion conjuresup all kinds o: honors as you icl scoresof fangsnrppingyour flesh In this complctcdrrkness,yourdarc not run, bul yoLr mustmakewhalspeedvou can- butin l'hichdirection' I l r o .ld e cid e r o c'l nueonsr-d.inr\\rhc!i\eL o p , L t o , f u m b leacr .'.rJn e^ iLdl (her.rrcnd rurn.o : 9 j. you Lum back,and lry to retraccyour sleps to th€ door, LumLo244
'" iLl you press thc butLonin thc right 'eye'(lum to :9o),the one rn thc lcft 'eye' (turn to 216),or wrll you :r nofhin8 and wait for somelhingto happen(turn to
ri ?
rt}9 You spin arountlfo faceyoul next opponenl,but thi Felitiar€ slinkingaway throughthe grass,yowling an: castinSfearfulglanccsat thedarksky You look up, ar,: starein horror at thc ghostly imagethaLis spreadin; acrossth€ frnra'nent a SpectralStaikerlIls facetc. eyesSLnt as rl turns its teniacledhead Lnrsway an., that, tnelcsslyscarchingfor you and lhe Aleph. Thcr like smokein a gusLof wind, the imagedissolvesan: y o u ar ealcn ".'_ r l_ep a n onceno-e {dd r po . rl t your rRArr xorc, and decide',rhal to do nexr (tum lo 3341; retumto thc walLcd makeior lhi Sarden forlressihat _vou sawfromthe tarden(tum to l79i; o' use the Alcph k, iake you away From this strang. world (funt io 365)
r70 r70 ': ou hearfhe sormdof many feefand a{ first you feara .:ampedeof Colepods,but the strangebeings that ::nter throughth€ grassto surrounclyou are Manhrs, re ownersand shepherds of thc Colcpodherds Likea iolepod, a Mantrr resemblesa 1liant insect,with a .rell-likecarapace and antennacwavrngfrom his fore -ead; but he walks r.rpright,orr only f,rLrrlegs, his -.remostpair of limbs serving as arms EachMantir :rnres a spearand wearsheadl3car as prot€chonfrom :e heatlhat beatsupon the shadclcss plarns,and each -:s fashionedlhe Loob of bonc aL the end of his tatl -:o a spjk€dweaponof devastatingeffcct The Nlanlir -J c rF na ' ea . a . ro . md ebd1 \ o -. u t I ' ,r r a n c .a
r7t r7r ': ou arestanding in a flatmeadowdividedby lires of :agsinlo fort,'ninesquares. Mos{ of the squares are -'mpty,but sx containthe bodicsof slainwamors.You .re holdinga long.steel-poinfed pike andyou quickly :nd that you carnot loosenyour grip on the weapon. it your back,extendingfrom your heelsto fhe crown ,.i your head,you feel the werght of a plale of iron, .-.cldin placeby shapsacrossyour shoulders, chestarrd :rlghs The front of your body is unprotected,your :nly garmentis a white tunic You seethat four of the :odiesarewearingidenticaltunirs; theothertwo bodi€s '.earblacktunics.Apart lrom you, thereare two other :jrviving warriorsrn white tunics,they look disprrited n . n a rr. o rsrn b la c \r u - i c ' a p p e a r - l b a rt le -r^ e a lire ':'ocjousandjubilant Eachwarrbr is standin8,as you :je in a separale square,ard eachwearsa plateof solid -etal on hisback ': ou have placedyour last pawn, Drawenna,'a male oice boomsacrossthe sky, 'arcJstlll my forcesout-rmber yours Are you begin inlj to regret that you .-rosethrsmethodo{ resolvingour dispute?SoonI will . Ln;and you, and all youi lands,will be mine Resign -.urself to it, my soon+o-be-wifcl' : l\'oman'svoiceechoessomewhe.eabovethe clouds. ',cver,BLfudl'shesaysin a voi.e quiveringwith rage. . riill ha',ea charceto wlnl _rJu deceive yourselJ,Drawcnna,' Ihe male voice -:arcls,'but I wrllhumour you Lcl us pJayon. One of rur pawnsmustmove.'
t1z-r13 'Do not bc irnpaticnl, Burud,'lhewoman's voicerep|e. 'l havehrsl to tcachmy latestrecruittherulesof battl.. The clouclspart .rnd a ray of smlight illuminatesti-. squarethat you occupy.Drawenna'svoice explainsi. you the rulcsof this strangegame.Tum to 8r. r72 'Stubborniml'ecilet'Clobus bellows.'If you will no: Brveme thc Alcph,I havethe powerto takeit Hai: you forSottcn my Jemonichunters?I have only t. summonthe Spccfrrl Stalkersand they will destro you Theirtaskclonc.theyu.il1befree;you will bedea: rr.r l u l \ ' v ,
4 .-
1 .--
p p n d ro u !cc,'
Cire me theAlcph,andlive'
:rd glowing numbers He consultsbooks from his :rary, drawsa diagramoi lhe horn and writes pages -.1notes.'An ineflicientinstrument,'Mckon saysashe ,:turnsthe hom to you. 'The basicnratcrialis organic, :robably from an animaliife Form,and vcry heavy It -reasures five and one-eighthd/o,rlsrn lcngth,whichis .ery wasteful - a more consistcnttonc could be :roducedfiom a srmplerinstrumcntlcssthanhalf that .:ze'You look suspiciously at thc horn lt looksun-ianged,andyet ... You put il to your lipsandblow :rutiously.A reedynoiseemergcsand fadeswhenyor.r ::opbloning Thegod'sHuntingHornrsnow no more :ranan ordinanhom it hasno spccral pow.ers lcross ' ' -o n -. . o -- J d e - ' . > " \ o r ro m p l a r b n trely to :re Vapmalerthal he hasdestroycda magicalitem . urnto 375
You make no rcply Clobus conlinuesto plead il.ii: you, bul al Lastrcalizeshe has no alte.nativebut l. summonhis nillhtmarishservants.He tracesa patter in the air and looks on wifh trepidationrn his iacer' four hideoL,sshapesbegin to materialize. Will you frl to breakinto thc PrismofPowerby usingyour weapo: (turn to 82),throw the Aleph at the Prismin the hopt thal the marvcllousspherccancounterGlobus'spowc' (Lurnto 268);or will you, at last, agreelo the Arch mage'sdemandand passthe Aleph Lohirn lhroughLh. wall of the Prism({urnto j96)?
t74 .\fler severalbonejolting minutr's,thc Colepodtosses ' headandswerve< wildly.\ oLr..rnn,'tleepyourgrip rnd find yourselfflying throughthc arr b landheavily ..n the trarnpledgrass Losez sravrr.r,rpoints.If you :,-estill alive,you seethe Colepoddrsappear into the .nt BrassAft€r recoveringyour brcath,you standup. um io 4r
\letron takrs lhc IlLnting'Homand [xes il rnto : clampon a rvorkbcnchVany nrinutespasswhile th. Mapmakerbusicshimselfh'ith rulers,protractors,luL,e. of coLourcdfluidsand instrumentswith flashingLighi,
-ielL. sit dorvnl'says Wayland 'Nol Not -vourseli ':erel Thal's the AulomalicImpalcr Sii over here . nats right Now ihenrwhat canI be doing for you?' 'r ou unwind the cloth Lhatcoversthc smallball Grey
L />
r76 i: clouds are covering the ever-changinglandscapes an: the sphere,but WayJandrecognizesil instantlyfor severalmomentshe sils open-mouthedin amazement. 'By my hammerand anvill' he mutLersat las: Il , 'And by all the microparhcles in the Macrocosmosl the A1eph.The onc and only sphereof all the spheres There in your hard, warrior, you hold cverythrngLrccp{ here eve'ylhinSll-.rt exist. everywhere. Lrmbo,of courseBut everyLhingelse,ev€rywhereelse Wrsemenhavehuntedthis objectsrncethe birth of th. unrverseYou shouldtakeit awayfrom here;the Alep: cannotresidern Limbo.But I beg yoLr,tell me how yo' cameby it.' If you want to leave the Library in Limbo,Waylanc allowsyou to retum to the booklined corridor- tur. to z7 If you tell Wayland how you receivedthe Aleph,tum to 267 r76 The energyyou are expendingas you fight the Silic: Serpentis attracting lhe attention of your demonr. pursuersAdd r point to your rRArLscore.The Serp€n: sensessomethingamiss;ils huge blackeyes Lurnthis way and that and it shuJfles backwardson rts myriac legs You serzeyour opportunilyand deliveril a fata dying convulsions blow.BuLasyou watchtheSerpent's a shadowdarkensLheCrystal Garden.You look up The hideousshapeof a SpectralStalkeris forming in its eyessearchbackandforth the airl As it malerialjzes, Lo and its tentaclesseem be sensmgyour scenton the ai leil lout i rail:,ore Roll ihreedice lf fhe roidl i.
t7-r7a :qual to, or more than,your rRArLscore,tum to t7; if :he total is lessLhanyout rRArLscore,lum to ,oo 477 You jump from the stageand the crowd partsin front :i you Behindyou, the Conjuroris shoulinS.'Slop that ;!.arriorl'he orders 'Without the shangerI cannotbring :ack the Barons daughterl'With a roat the ctowd :1rmsto pursue you The Baron's coachmanwhips his rorsesand seis off in pursuit too You are jn a small :own; old buildingsand narow streetssurroundyou. -{oundedby the mob, and increasinglydesperaLe (add : poinl Lo your rRArL score),you mce acrossLhe :obblesand double-back alongdark alleys At las[ you lanage to put some distancebetweenyourself and .our pursue$and you find yoursellba& in ihe town .quare The Con)uror'swagon is in Iront of you and :e1iceis holding the reinsand urging on the team of :Lackslallions.If you wanl to run ard jump on to the :ack of the wagon, Lum to 24. Otherwise,with the :Jundsof pursuitapproaching, you haveno choicebut :o usethe Aleph Loleavethisplaceandgo elsewhere .Jrn to 63. r78 ) ou cannothope to win this fight but you know thaf .ou can expectno mercy from the Black Shadows. :oon a pile of blackcorpseslresar your feet,but they :ave rnexhaustible reinforcements, while your srrvr\A is all loo fhie, and you are engulfedby a wall o{ :apping, leatherybodies.If you have more than 4 :ojnts of srAMrNA,you manageto keep struggling
r79-r8o for a while; bLrteventuallyyour sTAMINAis reduci: to 4 and you begrn to falter. Then - add r point :: your rRAn s.ore the Black Shadows begin :: screechnr ft rr, anil back away from you. As they i: back you scc thc hrdeous shape of a Spectral Stalk. formrng nr thc ,'r As it materialres ifs eyes sear.back and fortlr, ,rnd its writhing massof fentaclessee-to be sensinl;your sccnl on the air. Testyour Trail sc,,,. Roll threednc lf thc total is equallo, or greatertha. your rRArr s(r,rc,turn to 7; if the total is less th; your TRAI scorc,turn ro Joo 119 Semeiongazcspcrplexedl.v at the objectson lhe tai,. 'These signs have a meaning,' he sats al Last, but . they tell lrr rs thal the Specfral Stalkers have bec summoncd and sct on a quest by a powertul and e' sorcerer Wc could have guessedas much I can advi': you only hr hc on your guard agarnstwizards anc am sureyou Jo not need me to tellyou !hat!' 'Clobu' r. 1'r,"urn.rhlva wiza.d of \ome ,o't. \ reply 'Can you fcll me more about him?' Semeio: readily a8rccs to try Turn to ,o8 r8o Sand duncs slrctch in every direction Scn-rbbybushin cluno: Ero.r i- (hc ^.llnrn.. ror.t^ I d,.{a.'. lhe roundedsummrtsAt the edge of a distantpool . lvater stands a village; the huts, on w.ooden stilts, r'. made oi rccds and leaves.On the edge oi the vill.:s. you pass lhrough an abandoned market, its rickei-
I8 I
,::lls emptyand coveredw.ithdust-Then you seelnar -e stalLis still in use:only a few itemsareon display, : -: they are quiteremarkableThey look like roughly-rde candles,apparentlyforrnedout oi clay,but each :: a tip that glowsbrightly enoughto be vrsiblein full ::'Light. The old womanbehindthc stallbcgsyou lo ..', one; and if you have a Gold Prcccttr spare,you -r-r'do so.(Recordthe Lransachon on your Arluenture : ,.1) Shetellsyou that thesefew Cllowcandles are all ', -emarns of her vrllage.wcallh.rn,lpo'se.sions. l:yrek the Potter,the hermit who makcsthe Glowr::.ilesandoiherwonderfulthings,hasnoLbeenseen havcgoncio lookfor -: monthslrlenftom the vllLage r - but the_v hale not retumedWill you go io lhe .:ageandofierlo helpthe villagc.s(tum to 66)?Or I you tum away and set ofi acrossfhe {lLmesin lhe (fumto rr7)? ::!ositedirection
r8 r .ru pull the Heatsword{rom rts scatbardand apply .'r bladeto the folds of fungus Thc sword looksjust rc anordinaryweaponbut thebladcrnustbeashot as : :umace,for the fungusblackensand shrivelsall round Soonyou canseewoodenpanclsbehindthe smould . rg tungusand within minufesyou think you will be :: e io clearthe wholedoor Howcvcr,you arebecom r engulfedin the cLoudsof blacksmokcgiven off by : rncinerated hrngusYou cannotbreathc;you stagger rj iall fo.vour knees.Your only hopeis to find a way -:ough the door beforethe smokepo;sonsyou. Roll :ur dice. If the total is less than. or equal to, your
r82-r84 srAMrNA,turn to 274;I the total is more than you: STAMTNA,turn to 90
r82 'A weapon?'Semeronasks in astonishmenl.'l am . readerof signs,not aIr arnourer.But let me thrnk had a visilor once,long ago,who left a sword behinc when he left I will seeif I canfind il' You wait in th. and thumP: gardenfor a long time,lisLeningto crashes comefrom allsidesof thecourtyardasSemeionsearches carryinga Plainsworc every room At lasthe emerS€s 'Folmditl' he says.'lt's a very ordinarl in a scabbard. sword,as far as I can tell But if you lhink it will hell you, by all meanstakeit' If you haveno weaponyoL can take the sword and reslore 2 Points of sKILL You lhen decidelhat you musl take your leave o: Semeionand,gazinginto theAleph,you allow yourseLi to becomelost within ils teemingworlds Tum to 234 r83 Lying in Lhegrassat your feet is a largeHunling-Horn fashionedfrom the spiral hom of an animalarrd decor ated with silver bands You musl have pulled it fror the hamessof the leadingwar-beastILrs an impressive rtem.ar,d lools urlualls rii you decideto (eep ir If you want to sound recordiLon your , /r,erfr''eSrsdt). the hom, turn to zo9; if not, you stow it in your backpack and turn lo 358. r84 As you approachthe SilicaSerpentyor.rsee that the creaLuie has becomeentangledin a web of fine wircs
r85 ral seemsto havebeensetin the gulley for this very :urpose-The creature's desperaie contorLions arewind, rg thewiresevermoreLightiyaboDtrtslong,glittering ,ody. It is so preoccupiedthat it fails to noLiceyou :ltil you arecnly a few pacesaway.The Serpentstops -roving. You see yourselfreflectedin its huge black . es Then iLshead darts{orwardand it spits a jet of quidat you Rolltwo drce:if the toLalislessthanyour !(rLL, turn to 94, i{ the total is equalto or more lhan _our sKltl, Lumto 24o. r8 t Jt the other sideof the doorwayyou sLumble down a .:ep and nto a vaultedcorridor AL the other end is a ioorway idenlicalto the one you have Juststepped rough A counterrunsalongone sideof the corridor, 'rd behind ii ls a room containingrows of empty :aistards.Asleepon the counteris an old Dwarf. He :pensone eyeasyou approach 3ood day, I suppose,'hegrumbles'And I hope you .ad a fruiiful visit to the Libraryrn Limbo.Don t boLher :r tell me,I don't reallycare If you left a cloal or a hal rr your way in, don't try askingme for it. This is the ay out, and I haven'l got anything of anybody's. . nere'sthe door from Nowhereto Somewhere.' 3ut to where,exactly?'you ask. :xaclly arywhereyou like Of course,if you wanr ro :c somewhereparticular,it helps to think about it . hileyou'rewalkingthroughrhedoor.' r ou stndeLo the doorwayand stepacrossthe lhresh
rt6-187 ,'id Do you 6ll your mind with thoughtsof your home ,rorld, Khul (tum to tr); do you try io imaginefhe ZigguraiWorid (tum to 234),or do you think about 'our mysteriousburden,the Aleph, and rely on its nfluencelo chooseyour destinaLion (fum to 2r)? r86 iiter only a lew minutesof following the twists and iurnsof this passage, you realizethat it is unlike any :nat you haveso far encountered in the maze_tor one :lng, it seemsto be slopingdownwards;for another,it .orrpletel'dark lherers not d singlecraclof lighl ' be seen.l-eeling your way u/ithoutstreLched hands.
:s a warriorard you wonderwhetherit is the ghosi of :n advenLuerwho died while lost in fhe mazc.Apart the occasionalshakeo[ its spear,it makesno -om :ove againsfyoLr You decideto stepforward,but as ioon as you move the skeletonspeaks,in a slurred .:onotone.'Come not this wayl'rt orders.'Thisway jangerlies,and certaindeath.Turn back!Begonet' ,\'ill you tum back(turn to zii), or will you advance :owardsthe skeleton(turn to rBJ)? r87 :ou stepover a bhreshold and find yourselfin a small :.amberwith a doorwayin eachof its four walls.One, :s r.rsual, is markedwilh the circleand trianglesymbol.
The doorway oppositeit is markedwith an anor" poiniing downwards,through this doorway you c..seea starrwayleadingdown into the ground.You fac. theusualsymboland decidewhichdoorwaylo take, The door be{oreyou The door behindyou The door to your right The door to your left
Tum to 22.{ Tum to 29Tum to J29 Tum to z6
r88 Squattingbesideth! pat[ you pi& up a smallpebb.. and tap the clayball.Nothing happensYou tap hardeand the ball disintegrates into hny fragmentsof bake: clay.You searchamong the precesfor the obyectth;: was insidethe ball, bul you find nothing exceptfor : handfulof grey dust,whichis soonblown awayoy rr. breeze.You senselhat you havelost somethingof tf. ulmost importance;lose r poini of rucr. You loc, aroundat the hills and the landscape of drmesbelol Thereseemsto be no choicebut lo use the Aleph t: leavethisplace.Turn io zrr '89 You are in the enlrancehall of the Vitreous Citadel You stand and starein confusedwondermenLat the cavemouschamberwhich, with mirrored walls ani burnishedceihng,seemsto extendinto infinitedislance in all direclionsThroughone of the many doorwals you see the strangeturquorsesky of the Ziggulai World, and you assrnnethat if you walk through a doorway lhat leadsin the oppositedirectionyou wii,
':ach the centre of the Crtadel.You set off along ::ridors of marbleand glasswhose only rnhabitanls :je angularcrystal statues,and al Iast you reach a r.cular antechamberFacrngyou are two doorways i:yond one all is darknessi throughthe other,you can ::e the edgeof a huge,semi-transparenL cubebathedin : n greenlight Will you go throughLhedarKooorway ..rm to rr8), or into the room containingthe huge :rbe (tum to lo2)?
r90 cliffsfor hoLrrs, but they seemto :raw no closer However, Lhe terrain is much hillier row and coveredwrth trees.You headfor an isolated :eak that is higher thalr the other hills and,when you :achLhesummit,proceedto climbup into the branches : a tall tree.Lromthispo>ltionvou havea panoramic . iew of the landscape. Behrndyou is the wall oI cliffs, :s loot sti]lsomedrstance away.To your ri8ht, thehills ,:op suddenlyLo a sandycoastline,beyond which an :rpanseof water strelchesto the horizon In front of .ou are the woods through which you have been . alking Arrd lo your left the woodland clears,and reyond the treesyou can seea vast extent oI grassy rlains You can seeno way of ascendrnS the cliff face; :rerefore,to explorenew teritory you will have to r alk towards the water (tum to 9z) or towards the rlains (turn to 116).Altematively,you may use the 11ephto takeyou elsewhere (tum lo z). 'r ou walk towardsthe
r9r-r92 I9 I
Graspingthe anow-shaftwith both hands,you brac: your feet againstSyzul'sribcageandpull with all yoi' mi8hi. The arrow spdngs{rom the warlord's shoulde: ;oint and you fall on to your back Syzukpicksup l-: swordand givesyou a ghastlygrin 'Thankyou, foo he snarls'Your acl of kindnesswill not saveyou No;. nothing can savemy enemreson thrs baltlefield O my warrrorslDestroy them alll Let none Lvel We lpelorm Glund's sacflEcral fltual at the summit oi: mountainof corpsesl'Your only chancers lo aLlacl Syzuk while he is shll weak irom his wound Yolaunchyourselfat his back.
SKI ( L 8
If you defeathim, you heara chorusof despairingme: from the ra <sof SkeietalWariorsThebatllebecome. fiercerastheiropponentscounler-atLack and thecharic ls caughtin a ferociousskirmishYou kick Syzuk'sbodr ouL of it and try to conhol the war-horses.Tum ::
r92 You lifl the trapdoorandleadLheway into the gloom, interior of the tower. The room below the funel i unguardedand contarnsthe belongingsof th€ captive. - including their weapons Armed with Elven bol: Vaskind swords and ManLir spears,your liLtle arml makesshortwork of the few BlackShadowsit meeha: you leadit down through the chambersof the towe: At lasfyou reachthe baseof the fower.Thereareon1, two exitsfrom the vaulledcrypt,a door whichleadstc
:re outsideanda hapdoorin thefloor thatmusLleadto - or perhapsanunderground passage. TheElves, --'l1ars ' lantirsand Vaskindaredesperate to retum homeand determinedto leavethe tower throughthe door to -'€ :re oulside\r'{illyou accompanythem(turn Lo333),or rll you bid them farewell,and set off alone lhrough :]reirapdoor(tum to r4o)? r9t iarogkazstopsfighting and staresupwardsin amaze' -ent and fear The hideousshapeof a SpechalStalker . formingin lhe air abovelhe courtyardThe Zwinian :ees,and you run in the oppositedrrectron,seeking ,relter from the questingeyesof the SpechalStalker. r ou crouchin Lhedoorwayof a lower and decidethal cu haveto uselhe Aleph to escapeTurn to 9r. r94 : our headpounds,your chestseemsaboulto burstand our tmbs are numb with cold As you feel yourself .iippinginto unconsciousn€ss, you clampa hand over our facein an attemptto preventyourserdrawingsea .\aterinto your lungs,arrdpray that you will drift to re surfaceof the seabeforeyou passout Little by -itle, as the murky waLersaroundyou becomelighter, :re preciousair tricklesfrom your lips You suckin a .ulp of wafer a]rdin lhat instaniyou know you must jrown andthenyour headbreakstfuoughthewavesl -oughrngand spluttering,you drag yourselfon to the :each-You lie there for severalminutes,recovering our brealh,but no one comesYou decide,at lasLto
\95-r91 dnnb lhc path that zig'zagsup the face of the clfi Turnio rz \95 You wakcLrp Everythingis dark,lhe candiehasblo* r ouf anJ thereis no hinl of daylightin the chinksot tl.. shuttcrs.\ coltl rvind,carryingwith it the smellof tht rivcr.mrkcs,voushiverandyou sii up Thenyou s,. :hcrr .\ parroi luminolrs eyesis slarin8at you lr!,_ thenameol lr,. ihc mrddlcoi thefloor You remember rnn lhe Ghosfll\'isitorsAre you berngrlalched1., : ghostrIor severalseconds lou remainas still as lrr. you watchrng eyes;but haveto Cecide rvhatto clo l\: you lhrow yourseliat lhe intrudcr, r,hateverrt is lLu:b z7r)?Or wrllyou keepstillartdwatchsilently(lr : lo 144)? 196 llr,. lunncl'piraisdor'rnward. becomingeverslr'1" you until can no longer keep your footinS. A fou your noslrilsasyou slideheJplessly stcnchassails into ; pit of tnry, squirmingbodies.You have no wav,, knowrngthat yoLrhave ialleninto a Shadowlingsha: chery;bul you are soon awarelhat the liitle creatuf.: have ,rn insatiable appetilefor blood You cannc:
r97 you speakhurriedlyas the I og Steppingbacknards. iell fl.. Dog advanceson yo'J 1ou're wrong, -.;ou dog I guesscd thatyou raoLrld attackm€ If ,r,ouatlrc' rre non', thaf will prove that I guessedcor€ctly 4..
r9d-r99 r ou promised that iI I guessedconectly, you would lct re pass Therefore,now that you have announccdthal . .r arego ng to attack.you mustlpt mc fn ^ hc Logic Dog sLopsin ils tracks and its two heads :rrn to regard each other rvith dazedexprcssionsAfter : iclv moments of thought, both heads lct out a howl . a irustralion anci th€ Do8 disappearsA voice hails -.ru hom abo1,e'Brar.o,slrangerlYou havc donc rvcll -.rt onl! have] ou foL.rdlhe paththroughmy labynnth, r:l loLr havealsodefealedmv faithfulLog,cl)o8 w,ith :. olln l\.eaponI l.i1l comedotn and grccl you' i urn '. 282 r98 .re knocker raps loudly on the heavy woo.lon door , rru wait for a reply; nothing happensbtrt thc sudrlen :!pearanceof a light behindthe little glasscrrcle lhen, - a gravelly voice, the door itseli speaksto you! 'You :.e a human warior. You possesseiglrt coins ()f gold 'ease ins€rt four cornsinto the slot and c'ntcr.' lill you follow these instructions and prrt 4 Coltl I eccs into the siol in the door, beFore through 51oin13 ,e doorway (lum to r47)? Will you ignorc lhc voicc :,.1 push open the door immcdiately (tum to 286)?Or Lllyou abandon the idea of going through this door, ::d insteadlook for a rray oul of the Libraryllufn to
199 -re door shjngs in,,rardsrvhenyou push it You pccr .io the fower and see, beyond the short conidor
of thc wall, a small,dark a:formed by thc tlrickness .rpparentlyernply chamber.You steP forward Lnto tii room and are starlled by a craslrirom behiDdyou Ycbarely have titr,c to realizc th;t a Portclllis has d. scendedto block your exii, ho}!e\,er,becauseyou a': ;rr,r'led o1 Inr' ! realure\lr'rr !1erefoo.linl] near rcrlrng.You h.rvc no more than a fleeting imPression. blat[ membranotrs wings, malcvolent rt'd eyes a:'crrrclll,cwvedLalonsYou tcel a brief pang of pain :' sharp leeth pcncLfale)our llcshr then lhc cfeatu:._ vcnom slarts to work, and y,)u drift into unconscro..: ness Turn to z9r 2aa You standundcrnealhfhe J;ngling buntlLrit is lars. lhan a man an
20r -: door flies open, rcveahng a ctrpbrnrd packed with --es Thcre is no roonr ior you to hi
-- push open the door, and steP inkr ulter blackncss; : oscs bchind you. YoLr hear the ccho of your foot :rs slgtestint lhal you are in a largehalLorcavcrn; : :ien 1,ouhear othcr noises a liradualcresccndo :littcrrng, rust1iry]and squeakingYou take i lcw -::c skps forward, wonderng whclher you hrve ::red a cave fuLl of hats Something brushesagainst :-: rod-r Teeth nrp your anklc rnd you j€rk your rl you lravc a ::: awa1,The darkncssis oppresstve; (-olepod LanLcrrror a : -:ce cii lght a Glowcandle,a -t of Light you can use it b iltuminate your
2o3-2o' surroundjngs, tum to Jtr creating light, fum to 167
206 lf you have no nreans :
2a1 As clouds of darkress roll over your mirro, your r:, thought is that you are Llying, but you rctover yosensesto 6nd thrt Semeionhas torn the Energy Lee: lrom your arm You are weak and nauseousand \:hav, unly r p,,rntoi srnvrr.ra.but you are.rlrvei are too exhaustcdfo make another attempt Lo pener.: : the sorcerous dcfcncesrlrthn lrhich Globushascloak.: his ciiadel Instcad, you weakly agree to Scmeior sr.rggesLion that you should try to usc the Telopticon : see lhe SpecfralStalkers Tum fo 38o 204 vou -plrieverhi hottlp nr \rccaLortruo. you. l^ac\p : and uncork it You assumethat if water mrkes ::, Golcnr fast and st.ong, tln drying ciiect of fhc Siccai. will slow lhe monster But firsl you have to succeec sprinklingthe liquidover ils body You know you r,hance \oLr sranJ rpddy. t,clrn8 harc ^niy on, grounci shake under your feet as the Golem pou:r:. towards ]'ou, swinting ih mallet Rdl two dice. If i:. total rs lessthan your srrrr scorc,tum to 337 li i:. total rs equal to, or hrgher Lhar, your srrrr- sco.: turn to r4r 205 No maller how rnuch yorr strugglc you cannol escap: Etentualh ll, 'Le olhrr p-':o-ers 1o.l rimpll ra-
r c lour l-o-o. v, ". I-eaod-oopr.- rnd 1o.l ..r' numb. Thc sound c,f Loud flrpping al(rts you to : r(lurn of thc Black Shadows Without prusing to '-h on fhe parapelthc slaveringrreahresfly,straighr -. the belvctlcre,their red eyes1;linltnggrcedtlyas _.; cluster r'ornd the wlthing, moaninS ptsoners. _.r \^,atchjn horror as the loathvrrne creatur.esbegin :.rp tot'ards .,ou. Soon )-ou arc over,,vhclmedb1. : pping biankels of foctid blackness,arcl you fecl -,,nrous fan11spiercing your flcsh As you, blood is .'.J from vouf body 1ou rvcaken rcdtrceyour .\1rNA lo ') points and thc venom begins to (limly You arc ar{rre of berng untieu, your pacx -',i r* strappe,l to your Ltck and ot being calried sky -: :_!l\.iher loLr lose cor,\fiousressIum to 192
zo6 .: f Lldte ior v\.hatsecnrsLke endiesshours along a -i\ passa8(, Lrniil you feel weak from rxnaus on :incL one p,rrnt of s r,rvrr.re Af last yrru see a : -ln,cf oi lisht ahead.and _voulurn a cofnrr ro hnd :r.sclf in a square coLrr.tyardwrth a flagstcne floor : rlinr ljght tfrt filters down thc shaft fon}letlby thc :rr nalls ol thc couit_!,r'd is dtmrnedby r vast n,el, :: r' loa:init Jotn thc shaft,anrl long strrrds of rl : : ,'lmost touching yor Frorn tlr web r gi8anti( ::.ler beginsh, sorltlerlown a silvery threacl. One of -..lrrncls lourhes lou rnd sticksto _rour.lothing. rhrr seronrls you are skugglinll !o hec yourseli --n; massof finger-thnkfilamenlsRoll two dice It -: total is le5s than your s
2o1-2o8 [otal rs equal to, or more than, your sKrLL,turn t: \5' 207
The wrnd howlsaroundyou wrth renewecifury asyomakefor Lheprotechonof lhe trees Somethingmakeyou look back and you see a disturbancein Lhea abovethe body of lhe creaturethal fell out of lhe sky A darkfigure,twice as lall as a man,is solidifyingou: of the air asyou watch lts oullineis slill indislinct,bu: it is moving, twisling and turning,as it searchinglhi €ndscaPe Will you sta-nd and watchit arrive(tum to r29), of wi you run lo find a hiding-place in the edgeof the fores: (fum io 44)? 2o8 Holdrrg tne Umbrelldbeforcyou l'le a rh'erd.ro. crou,h lor and cnargeirto tee midst of Lhegla flowers,stnkingto righLand left as you run The air i. filledwrlh the scundof splinteringglassand lhe shricr. released by ihe flowersas they arecui down, bul ther: aremanymorebloomsLhatremain,on all sidesof yor squirtingacidfrom wiLhintheir petals.Roll two dice l: the LoLalis greaterthanyor:r srrlr, you are wormde. by the flowers'corosive sprat the difference betweer the two figures is the number of srAMrNA poinl. you lose.If ycu survive,you ernergeon the other sic. of the flowerbed holdingan Umbrellathat is no mori lhan a smokingframeworkof wire (deletei[ from you'
,-..enLute Sheet), but you are able to continuetowards : ViireousCitadel.Tum to 3j6. 209 pul thc Hunting-Horn Loyourlipsandblor. A deep .- Lkcthebelow oi,: bull i.suesrorih t^/hats morc i.n you stop blowing the sound contrnues- ana :::ins to syrelllThenoiseis deafening; thegrounditself . ::sonatingt'ilh the deeptoneoI the Hom. The war::sts rcar and buck in confusionand ther gigantic at last,turnin therr -:rs, shakenfrom theirindiffercnce jr,\ r- strred( ro keep )ouindnr,,cmenrst-uStrrng bddnce as Lh, g.cund .ec vibreles. y.u in the ' : ::ancea group of nyrphs and satyrs,the prey of the ,.-t, jumpingwith gleeat the grarlts'discomJiture_ you :ri that this disturbancewiil aLtractthe attentionof trse that are huntrng you - add r point to your
: e, standingwithin a circieof fires.Also within the -.leis anold crone,who watchesyou silently.Willyou :- ackher (lum to z7J) or queshonher (tum to jr4)? 210
rur sword plungesinlo the Colepcd and remains - ed there jammedbetween Lwo scaly plates The :r.aturerearsin painand your sword is snalchedhom :ur hand.ThewoundedandmaddenedColepodraces
awayinto the grassIf you haveno other weaponyou must reduceyour srrll by 2 poinls when in combat, until you acqufeanotherone Turn to 4r.
2 rl
Pr.rllingthe Aleph from your backpacl you hold it betweenyour hands You starewonderinglyinto jts irJinitedeprh..enkan(edby rheever.hangrngvr
Only your wrll-powerkeepsyou clinging to life The brilliantbeamof light will cmsh you like an insectat any moment.Then the light flrckersandbeginsto fade Suddenlyyou arefree;youhavesurvrvedtheonslaught You are onceaSainalonein the dim Lght of the long hallway.Tum to 186.
rvirnrrretteadq)ou up Io the inner bail.y oF the ,Lne \eep whe.e the court. in 6rest robes. dre seated rt a
2\4 214 You keep to lhe shadows, scrambling up and down grrllcys and sLumblingalong dark ravines In a channel brlwcen lwo walls of rock you stub your feet against u|thrust pointed boulders. Yorr siep over them and your ieet are stuck to thc ground Two round eyes surldenly appea before you You have stumbled into lhc exlendedjaw of a Lrthogen,a huge predalorlhal oncc aduLt,nerer mo!r€sirt rncrely Liesin wail for rncaulious anrmalsA Lrfhogenhasonly a smalllhroat and cannot eat solid mattcr; rts prey has lo be prc digested and it rcmains sht'k to the Lithogen's tongue. in the lower jaw, until it h.rsrottcd down to a pLrlpthal fhc Ljthogen can ingest. To .jssrslthe rotling Process, {hc Lithogen'sfunnefshapctlthroat squirtsa.austi. liquid on to the trapped prcy fhe first foul-smellinl: spral,catchesyou unawarcs,and burns where it splashes your exposedfleshrlose r poini of srAMr\A YoLr cannol pLrll feel frec, so you vrllLha1€ to crrt -rour iree rr rt r. u- -.., J [(pn .! ocflr: ro )oL -.-'.ell that wilh a well-aimed throw you could close the (turtu.e's LhroaL- a baLl woul.l completely block thc hnnel shapedoriice. The Alcph would be ihe right size . but no, you cannol afford to lose rt here lf you hrve a sphericalmap, howcvcr, and wari lo try to ust it lor this purpose, turn to 28r, otherwise, you tlill have to t1g fo cut through thc Lifhoten's tongue turn ro l{r
215 our head feels like an ovcrrrpe melon and youl bocly . ceing shaken like .r sapling in a gale. You corlc to .rrLrsensesandrealjzc {hat you are lying on thc l1oor : a moving vehiclc. You op€n your ey€s: fowcring :rove you is Syzuk {hc Dcvastator,his eye socxtLs rz re .ke l-ea o . rs Lc .r,.h5 a rl-ip l or,. o"ny . o .rd b a dr.l.e.: .: ng lorg...o o -e rlle, ' :u are in hrs r!'ar.chanor, in the ihick of a bloody r:llle The day is Syzuk's.his SkelefalWarriors, march -g torward in endlessranks,cover the land like a flocxl. - ie storm baLtered islands, small bands of Syzrk's --emies - humans,rnrirrly, and some Elves die flff -g fo hold back thc t e A solitary, desperateLiven :-ow arcs acrossthc sky and lands in Syzuk,sshoull,r : ialls alongside you l-hc Elven anowhead is poisorr ' him alld he pleads nith 1'ou to help him lf you i:.rde lo do so. and you have a bottle oi Corrcctrve :.:id. tum lo 38,1 If 1ou want to help but havc no .Lrd,tum lo r9r lf ycnr 6nish off Syzul and bundle - n out of the chanot,hrm to rtj.
2tP2r7 2r6 press the button on Lhe left-handside of the 'r and the wall startsto move. The huge slabof -:..k -signrisesslowly to revealanothersquarecourtyard, r:i thisone is muchlargerthanany you haveencoun :::ed in the mazeso [ar. It is a garden,the lawnsand r.€s separated by pathsthat appearas Labyrinthineas :e tunnelsof the maze.The four sheerwalls are ::,.ered,asfar upwardsasyou cansee,with balconies, all of theminterconnected by ^-ndowsard belvederes, ::airwaysand rampsthat baffle your sighl and defy :-iiiprehensionStandingin front of you, its muscles energy,is a giganhctwo--;r enng with srjppressed :eadeddog. You prepareto defendyourself,for fhe :eatr.:reis clearlyready to pource;but instead,from :,rlh of its farg,6ll€dmouths,it speaks '
: am the Logic Dog,'il growls, 'and my task is to :rotect the garden of my masterSemeionfrom in--rders I could attack you, or I could let you pass. ,inich do you think I will do?Will I aitack,or will I let I ru pass?For you see,iI you guessconectly, I will let r.u pass;but if you guesswrongly, I will attack' Will . ru tell fhe LogrcDog that you think rt will attackyou :.rm to 3zo);or will you guesslhat the Dog will let rou pass(tum to 72)? 217
' ou pull the glowing spherefrom your backpackand :-r it in your hands lnstantlyyou aremesmerized by =e mlriad visions,so tiny and yet so detailed,thal :-aarmwithrn the Aleph. The longer you gaze, the
morc you can see; shange creatures,alien PeoPles, continents, planets,swirlingslars.You feelyouriora'ns, selfbeing envelopedby the Aleph;but what thoughts passthroughyour mind asyou are transporledrI you are anxious to find someonewho can explain the meaningof lhe objectsfhat you have collectedsince you weregiven lhe Aleph, tum to 354.II you arekeen to continueon yorrr travels,hopingto 6nd moresignificant rtemsof booLy, tum to 156. If, however,your only concernis to hurry on lo the end of your quesl (rrn ro 214. 2r8 splinSlonescrumblebenealhyourfeet,yourfingernails handholdsand a hundred ter againstbarely-accessible iimes you think you are about io Plummetto your death.But at last you pull yourselfover a llp of rock and 6nd yourselfat the €ntranceof a cave The Oph rdians,conJidentthat they aloneof unwrngedcreatures You canreachthiseyric,haveleft the placeunguarded. are able to rest undisturbeduntil your hmbs stop shakingand your musclesno longer achc You peel into the cave two tunnelsleadaway Into lhe darkness From lhe one to your lcft you hearthe shrieksof Srlica Serpents,and see leapingshadowscast by hres;Lhe by torches tunnelto your riShtis silent,but illumLnated you Will explore the leil in brackelssel inlc the wall tunnel(turn to 4J),or the right (turn lo ri2)? 219
as the FeliLiconvergeon you, Yor.roffer no resistance their fangsbared.The packsurroundsyoq the largesl
.li the creaturesat your heels.They nip your legs to :ncouraSeyou Lo move and despit€your exhaustion 'ou force yourself to run, You are in a seaof green rodies surging acrossthe evening landscapeWhen ou stagger,you are bitten;when you fall, your limbs :re graspedbetween fang-filledjaws and you are :raggedacrosslhe rocksuntil you pull yourselfupnght. '!hen you trip and fall for the third time you are too :rredandbatLeredto botheraboutyour fate.You lie on :re hard ground and waii to be lom apart but rothing happens.You lift your head, the Feliti are :unningon wilhout you, disappearing into the darkness :owardsthe garden.Nrght hasfallen You havelost 4 :oints of srAMrNA You manageto stand;wherewill ..ou go now. backLoLhegarden(tum lo 3r4), towards :he fortressLhatyou saw from the garden (tum to j79), or will you use lhe Aleph to escape6om this .lrangeworld (tum to ,6j)?
:emeiongazesperplexedlyat the oblecLs on the table. hesesrgnscontaina meaning,'hesaysat last,6ut it is :rfficultto read.They seemto suggestthat LheSpectral jialkershavebeensummonedby Globus,buLI cannot :el1for what purpose.Perhapsthey escaped his control ::rd are pursuingthe Aleph becauseit calls to them. lerhapsGlobuswas over-eagerto recoverthe Aleph rd unleashed the Stalkersby misLake. Or maybehe is :rt the Aleph'srightful owner,and hassummonedthe -i:alkersto find it for him. I cannottell.But it would be . ,viseto trustClobus.I lhinl..Beon your gr.rard.'
22a- 22 '
advice You thank Semeionfor this rather superfluous and askif he can tell you more aboutGlobus Tum to 308. Holdrngyour breathat everystep,you clmb upwards You reach Lhe eighteenthsfep wilhouL feeling the slightesttremor.With great care,you leap over the nineteenthwithout touchingit and land on the twen tieth step- wherean elecLricchargeas powerfulas a bolt of lightningfriesyou in an instantlThe adventure endshereior warriorswho fail to calculatecorrectly 222
You duckthroughthe low doorwayand enterthe inn A gust of wind slamsthe door behind you. In th€ darknessyou canjust makeout tablcsand charrs;the room seemsto be desertedand Lhereis no soundLobe unLilyou reacha landing1il heardYou climba staircase by a candle lhere are severaldoors;a1lbut one are locked.You open the unlockeddoor and 6nd yoLrrseli in a pleasanlbedroomwilh a balconyoverhangingthe rrver Cleanblankehhavebe€nlaidon lhe rushmattress and thereis a basinof freshwater Supperrswaiiing o. the lable:bread,cold meat,cheeseand a flagonof ale tuJn t, will you erll The food lookswholesorre, (Lurn lo rt9)? to try il rr3), or areyou too suspicious 221
A Manlir duel is nol a fight to the dealh The two combalantsare armedwith spears,which have to be usedonly as staves.One of the Mantirs Sivesyou his
S K I LL 6
:you survive lhc duel,you realizethat the Manlirs _i!e iostallinterest in theresultof lhecontestbelween ou and lheir lcader.They are staringrnto the sky and i'lieking in alam - turn to 388. 224
-e courtyard.You suspectthaf the shaft aboveyou :. beenpartiailyblockedby a rockfall.You slandnr -e centreo[ lhe floor, facingthe one doorway which -:: the circleand trianglesymbolabovert, and ponder rich way yoLrshouldgo next.A noisedisturbsyou : .d,lookingdown,you seethat thc stoneson the floor : . begrnninglo vibratc You decidcto ieavequickly; :-i evenasyou takeyour first step,someof lhe slones
225 starl to explode Sharpshardsof flint fly acrossthe courtyard,laceratingyour legs as you run You musi reachthe shelterof a doomay quickly,or you will be cut down and stoned to death Roll th.o dice,if the total is more lhan your srrlr, you do not reacha havenunscathed deductthe differencebelweenthc two scoresirom your srAMrNA.If you are still alive you hobblethroughthe doorwayyou havechosen;dic you makefor the one you were facing(turn Lo26),lhe one behindyou (lum to 329),the one to your righi (turn to 247),or thc one to your left (tum to r87)?
-.) 'l'm not interestedin weapons,' rntones.'heRobot 'l've got moreswordsthanI knowwhat to do u.ilh.Moneyt no use to me, eilher.What elsehave you got?'You bring out your two portionsof Prov,sions;and, willsome reluclance,you uncover lhe small sphere,il: su#acenow dull and cloudy The Robotrlrerelyglances at it 'So you're lhe bearerof the Alepn, ne says You'll lind there'spower{u1peoplesearchingfor tha: Food that's of interest Not for mvself,of course n c v erLo u ( hthesluFf butformy l'ungDlttrc p . t . If you have losLyour sword, the Robot gives you a replacement; deduct one poftion of your Provtsion! and restoreyour sKILLto its IniLialvalue He alrc producesa glassdisc with a handleand one of the hangmgconslnictionsof wire andclolll he callsthem; Magnifying Glassand an Umbrellaand explainshor: they work He will exchangethem for one portion o Provisionseach You thenaskthe Robot how you ca:
zz6-zz7 :ave lhe Library,and he points to the IXII doorway. ' ou stepthroughit. Turn to rEt. 2ztJ
-on8l ro.r.. lhe donrnav. lrler'i l1rong: Wlj. o/i.h InlrLdFr 1ou have on 1 to look at thc oeautrfui - d inF.,ilcly norked.a-.ing, lLrt;dorn Lhcaoexof . 'ameho-('Thprp vou wil'\ee my cror--.. ReBard -em now: this ra'illbe the last sight your eyes will seet, rm to 3r.
' oirlJ e mo\ e\ Llo.'...:ntil , h" rmag"of thr.:pecrr,:l rFr. 5ll. Lh, Tploptiorr mctainoop Ihc rJ.r that , rounds lhe nightmarish crealurcs seems to be -l,ing, as if it wcre beinS..ugged and proddcd. .':meion's nental energy is reaching out lo louch the .rt' stuff of the spcll that binds the Stalkcrs.T,rrisis a
]'our rRArL score. In m1/ opinion, Semeion's :ughts flash through your mind, ii's Limeyou wereon
226-22r) .vour ntltt! tk: pulls fhe helrnet from your head .rnc hunn s you from the chamber Tum to z3 228 Onc c,f thc black warflors moves lo fhe white end o thc fickl Thc white rvarrior on squareC6 is surroun(lcc and killcd L.y the combined atlacks of thc three blarl narrrorsarourd lrim Burud has won The sky cchoc. nlh hrs h.:rshlaughter and )ou can also h€ar Dfan enna'ssobs of despair You |rd lhat -voucan at la.r release oLrrrold on fhe pike and lhe hear arn,rLL-r -r drfs frori Iour back You l,ander to the edge oi lrc neld, nlere you ffnd yoLr backpackand loLrr chthc. Soon 1,ou are ready to depart, and you decrde kr u.i thc Alcph to travcleLser{here. Tum to r24 229 Y.rLrcrouch Lrehinda bouider and watcir lhe strugglcs oi Lhe t.rppcd Silica Serpenl AJter a while, a l'.rn.l or shange sr,l,ljersanives They arc humanoidbut vcr\ trll.nJ thin. wiLh long spidery anns and Legs,anil thcl arc cncascd irr gleaming arnour of black glass l|cl' c.rnicsa spcarand has a sel of pipes hanging at hrs bclt l-lxy ,rc Ophidiansand, as they demonsLratc, thc\ hrvc lhc skilllo conirolSilicaSeryents Thc-vsurroundlhe Se?ent which,althoughtrappc<1, L. not hinnl'cs it spits ets oi liquidat lhe Ophidiansu,r 1-on.\h.-: ._.. \, .,.r -,-l -,.r".. splashcsbcgrn lo crumble and smoke The acid hrs n., cfkr t on lhc Ophidlalrs,horver er il n-rnsoii their l,las: rrrnour,.rndfhey pay almostno attentionlo ihc (rcJ
2ao --rrs angry spluttersInstead,one of them t.rkcsthc :cs from his belt and begrnsto play rqrrr tlri'rn :crc is no recognizablelune, but the SilrcaScrpcnt .rn,sto find lhe musrcvery relaxinglt sh,t,sst,tt,ng -.J struggling, movem to nruzzle and the Ophidians . scal]'jaws,bindup its diaphanous win1lsandlcatlrt : al on a leash If wani to follow thcm, lurn tcr -vou :69; ri you 11ouldratherh,aituntil they arc oul ol :ht and lhencontinueaLongthe pathto lhc dislanl
210 ..Lrwalk along the shore, allowing the co,ol watcr to r: over your tired feet. If you ne€d to d.ink scr waLcr . rcstore srAMrNA drained by an Enerl;y I-ccch, you rn do so now You notice that the Jamp sand is ,vcred with thc fracksof large webbed fcct. YoLrpray 1.t the crealureswho made thc trackshavt' now gorrc . vwhere; but when you tum round you conrc lacc to :.. with them. Slandrng rnside a hugt bul'l'lc thal ...'r1s kr havejLrstemergedfrom fhc scaarc six anphibi -.s beings They are man-sized, but Lx,k morc likc - rnl irogs lhan humansfrom wlde,lipless,looth lillccl ' .rh- he - on. ro-t ') i I '- r' '' '. r"5 r )h, r rr necklacesmade oi shellsand coral, rnd.ar.) .ords edgeci1tilh sharks'ieeth The] rrc Vrsknrl .c'bur!,le dissolres,and the creaturcs;rdvanccrvith :.cd swords \\:ill tou surrend€rihrrn n) 2hir or ::icnd yourselfttLrrnlo ro4)?
2tr 2tt The Conjurorsnarlsas you producethe silver bladt Thrsweaponcanharmhin he wrll haveto fight you VAMPIRE
s K rL L9
If you win, a largebat fliesfrom the VamPire'scorPs€ which then crumblesto dust.In the dust is the key t: the hanging cage.You releasethe Baron'sdaughte: and,despiteher urging, you decid€not to tackletL. tf. Were caLwhoisdrivingthewagon InsteadyouoPen door grab your backpackin one hand and the girl, wrist in lhe other,andjump from lhe wagon. yo:You crawl into lhe shadeof a hedge to Lnspect pack.Amazingly,noihing rsbroken restore1 PoLnl.: LUCK- and you find that you have collectedone .: lhe Conjurols circula callingcarcis.Il disPlayslf: words Monip lhe Magicidnabove a picture of a l. figurewl{h a blackcloakand a Blowingr,rand.-: shapeof the card remindsyou of the Aleph and yo, decideto keepit. The Baron'sdaughterhasbeenwatchin8you for sor: Lime.'Are you gotnglo sit thereall day?'shecomplain: 'That Magrcianwas muchmore excrtingthan you. F: was going to takeme to fus castle.Now I supposeI have to go home to boring old Daddy Coodbyear: good riddance!'With that she stridesoff towardstl: town. You decideto use the Aleph to go elsewher: Turn to 61.
ru slep tentativelyon lo lhe bridge The stoneslabis -:n ard stable You takea few more steps- and the :b beginsto move Like a tonguewithdrawinginto a outh, the bridge is being pulled into tne ooorway lile simultaneously rockingfrom sideto side;it is all ,'u can do to keepyour balance. When you are halJ, ay acrossthe moaLand poisedperilouslyabovethe :-ghl blue smokingliquid, lhe slab stopsmoving foardslhe doorwaybuLcontinuesto sway from sideto ic A voice comesfrom the blackmarbleface:'You : : no Ophidian,'it says,'andyou are certainlynot a : eckShadow.No othersareperntted to cross,and if ru werehereon the business of lhe ArchmageGlobus ,.u nould have known Lo say the passwordbefore , :pping on to my iongue.Now, stranger,I haveyou : my mercy.1 sholld loss you into the moat. But I .lrposeI couldspareyou - and I do so love to heara 'oud warnorpleadfor mercy Pleadwith me,strangeq ::g for your lifel' If you want to composea speech rcloring lhe doorway to spareyou, furn to 362, if -ruremainstubbomlysilenf,tum to 3r.
2rt :le MinsLrelstandshis harpon the roadso that he can :hl moreeasily,but the nslrumentcontinuesto make -.1:lc You canseethestrrngsvibraiingand thekeening :ice seemsto efianateftonl the front of the harp, rich is carvedin the lii<eness of a humanhead The :;ond boarfaced soldierseemsto be dazedby the -rsic and theMinstrelisaboutlo deliveranunopposed :ath-blow to lhe 6rsl when the third anives on the
211 scene.He, too, is hcld in thrall by the haunting mclod_r but his mount, re,rring ouf of confrol, trcads on tlr.: harp and brcaksif Th€ Nlinslrclkills rhe 6rst boarJat. but thf othcl two recover disnount, and press homr theiraLtackThe Minstrelkillsanotherboar facebefori he hnalll receivcsa mortal stroke.Wrth his dyir.: eftort hc despatchcs the last oi lhe boa. ir.cs, anJ tf.: road rs silenibut for an occasiLrnal discorriant notc fror thc clarnagedharp. If you rvanf Lo look mor.ccloselv a {fr' ,, r" o "r'n rr, ru-n In r{,J | ..1 \^," LJ .rir. .1...."r,.a.. .n ... r. \...-1 i... ..^" r., 1.," n1orc\rclcol]lLng, iriln to gr 234 You materializc in tlrc air a littlc r"ay abo,,o ,; meador and iilll awknar.llv inLo the long grass you feel rr;: you arc' being tatched, and glance up b see ihr hideols shape of a SpectralStalkcr forming in the arr Its cycs search back and forth and b€low rhem rhf rarithingmassoF tcnfaclessccnrsio be scrsrrrErou: scenion the air Tt:i your Tnil scort.Roll thrce dicc lthe totil is equal fL)or more thnn your rRArL score,iurr to 29j if the total is lcssthan youJ rRArLscore,fum [(. Joo
'i )
-e by,one,you l.rkcall lhe itcmsifom your backpack : placc them on lhe table Scrneion shrdics Lhcm ':.ntly, arranging thcrn inlo groups and then rcarrang, -: them r\votall oi them ar€ of rntcreslHe il]siststhat .:e \hould be scrcn srgnrficanf signs lo producea ..1rmc:rning roLrndobjecls,irc strcsses,obiects that :all thc shapeof thc Aleph. H( is interestedin any ol : trrlL,u,ing, If you havethem, i cucularinn sign r plak engraved rvrth a hunting scene t hollow ball of clay 1 toy clown jn a gliss spherc 1.rLrncinscribedlheel hub 1 round piciure of a conjuror { rn:rpdrawn or a rvooden ball ''ou hrvc atl scvcn items,turn to rr2. If you havc -:rr all excerl for the sphericalrnap.tum to r79. If .lu havc six of thern rncludrngthc sphcricalmap, tum : zzo If you havc only ffve ik'ms, or less, tum to
2t6 Evcn as vou tum towanls the Conjuror'sassistanI voL sLr'lhaL.he .' . harg r'6. Sne is r We.e !al. lJJon.ar. emcrging from fhe tips of her fur covered fingers anc lhc pointed e.rrslhat secrnedto be part of hcr costume
waSon but shers occupiedin fightingyou
If you are sfrllaliveafttr four Attack Rounos,you near thc cror,rdsbrm on to the stage Lurnto 47 -J I
lrmsfixed as much by pain as by the forcc of lhe b.illiantbeamof litht, you barell'hcrr Baratcha's rvords 'You are the beareroi ihe Aleph,'she growls, 'and you rtr,st survivc b accomplrshyour ilcstiny.'Tlrc Vaskrnd Qucen steps rnto lhe dc.rdly beam, shielding you in he, massiveshadorv lrrstan{lyyou arc ftce You staggeasde, turning to see thc Vaskind's iace conlorted in agony as thc prcssurcof thc light squeezesthc life from hcr body ') rm dying, warrior,' she croaks, 'but the saclficer.,ill bc ,,rorlhwhrle ii.vou canclefeatthc t; ranl Thc light tlLckcrsand thcn fades,and Baratcha,sljfeless body falls to the floor You are alnc in Lhesucnceano glurm of the long hallway Tum k, 386
2ta cur sword skikcsone of the SilicaSerpent's €yes, .rich shaltersinto a thousandshards A fountarnof : ackflLudjels from the crerture'seye socketas rt dies. s you hlrn away from the carcass,lhe Wood l-lves ro havebeen,,alchingyour 6ght flceftom you in :ar You ignore them and tum your altention to the :.:plivcin lhe n€t flrm to i25. 2r9 . re (i<,blinthat you havewoundedb€ltinsto Bibbcrin ::nor llis comrndeturns,looksup, and screamsThe - deousshapeof a Spect.alStalkeris formrngin thc air .:ovcyou Theglrttering orbsoiitseycssearch backand ::rth, and below them the writhing massof tentacles :!ems [o be sensirgyour sccnton the air Add r point :: your rRArLscore The Coblinsfling themsclves ::ough thehapdoor;you hcarasplashastheylard in the i er.l heSpeckilStalker becomes moresolidwithcvery yaur -omcn I fhatpasfcsTest Trailscorr:l{oll threedice.If :.e tolalisequalLoor morethanvolLrrRArLscore, rurnro !9 lf thelolalis lcssthanyourrRAr!s(o.e,tum b Jo7 240
from thc pathof ihe jet of nuid-rLrthrot r,'oursclf :rr not quickly cnoughl A spray ol liquid splashes ::ross you and as you hit thc grouncland roll away -rm the SiiicaScfpenLyolr ieel pain cxplodeall over :uL body,as1ired hot knivcsr.ere bcrngpressecl into rur flcsh.The SilicaSerpcnt'svenom is a powcrful ::Ld: roll one die ard deduct the rcsult from your : .rvrre. If you .rrestill alive,you pirt yourselfup,
24r-242 stepba& - and collidewith the leaderof a troop c: soldiers.They are tall, thin humanoids,totally encase: in platearmourmddeof blackglass. Lachcaniesa spe:_ and has a seLof pipeshangingfrom his belt. You ar: trappedbeh^'e€nfhe soldiersand the SilicaSerpen: you haveno choicebut to surrenderTum to ,06 24r You can 6nd nothrngrn your backpa& to lighten th: gloom,and decideto uselhe Aleph to leave.You loo, up to find that the last daylight has died and th: ballerinais staringai youl 'We'recominSto play wi:. you,' shesays,and starLsdancingtowardsyou. Unsee the metalsoldie:r things aremoving in fhe cupboards; aremarchingacrossthe floor towardsyou; the rockinE. horsebaresjls teeth and rocks in your directlorytf. jestert cosLume is jerkingon its hook and Lhedoor cl theroom is begrnningto creakopen! You arehemmedin by moving loys You arebeginnin: to feel panic add r poinl to your rxatt score.Tf,. only way ouLis through the window. Will you thror open the casementand climb out (tum to J22)?C: would you rather make a stand againstthis army c toys and ghosts(tum to 35o! 242
You junp and in the samemomentthe Colepodveer: lowardsyou and you aresLruckby one of its six hor.l knees.As the creaturelhmders away nto Lhelon-: grassyou hit the groundand tumblehead over heer severaltimes before you come to rest. Roll one die ax:
, :fract the result from your srAMrNA If you are . 11alive, you lie in the trampledgrassfor several -.r1utesrecoveringyour breath Thery painfully,you .::rd. Tum to 4r -+t :u walk for hours betweenLoweringshelvesiadcn :h dusty volumes No matler how far you go, the :: ridor extends,without end,asfar as the eye cansee - iast,however,rn a gap betweentwo setsof shelves, :r 6nd a door. It is slightly ajar,and the notic€on it :lounces, Offce of the A efacrsSpetinltstPleaseknock : ; a,cil Belowihe noticeis a hear.1' brassknockerand . ow thal,setinto the woodenbeamsoi the doot are : -i.cularpieceof glassand a brassplatewith a narrow : Willyou pushthe door openand walk throughlhe :rorway (trirn to r47), lifl the knockerand knock on _: door (turn to r98),or lum awayand iook for a way .l: of the Library(lum to z7)? 244 r..l a die The resultis lhe numberof minulesthal you .::nd in your rncreasngiyfranticsearchfor the door ing all thishmedozensoflittle Shadowlings, hidden - :he darkness, arehoundingyou, lcapingon lo your -:l-v and sucidngyour blood You lose srAMrNAal : rateof one point eachminule If you surviveuntil - find fhe dooa you pulLrt openwilh a sob of relief -: slamit shutbehrndyou. You makefor your only :-aining route- [hroughlhe door wrth light showing :::d its edges. Tum to 324.
2,45-246 245 ThepdesLhowlsaccusatjons of Lrickeryanddarkmagic, but the congregationof Elves is impressedby your escape from certarndeath The gurds releaseyou and Crondel, and you say farewell lo the old Elf. You want to leavethe undergroundcity and wanderaway into the darknessbelween the decrepitbuildings,looking for a secludedplace in which to Lrnpa&lhe Aleph. Grondelcallsyou back,beggingyou to producesome Dieceof evidencefor his lheory that thereare worlds beyondthe confinesof LheElves'cavemA glimpseof ihe AJeph,with its teeming display of the nfintte rvorldsof the Macrocosmos, would be enoughto con','inceanyonethat other worlds exist.If you agreeto show il to Crondel and the priest,tum to 18; if you hurry into the shadowsto use it to havel elsewhere, rurnro ,77 246 The Wood Elves wail, gazing up inlo the sky; you rvart,watchinSthe Wood Elves.Then one of them givesa shoutandyou seesomeLhing descending out of theturquoisedistanceTheWood ElvesscatLer, retreathg from theirnettedcaptrve,asanlridescentserpenLine iorm spiralsdownwardson gossamer wings.It is somcrvhatlike a slim Dragon crossedwith a giant winged Centipede. Its scalesgltter as it undulatesbhough the air; ils head is an armouredmask of silveredglass plates It floaLsto the ground and sorttles to fhe boulder cutting the ropes lhat secureth€ net with iangslike splintersof glass Its huge eyes,like black poolsunder glassdomes,inspectthe contentsof the
net. Will you conLinue to watchand wait (tum to r4z), or will you attack the creaturewhrle the Elves are absent(tum to zE7)?
, ant Lo do this, tum to rjr. Altematively,you could ;earchfor a placeio hide tum to 352 If you would .efherjust wait for somethingto happerltum to 96.
247 After walking along the passagefor some time you eventuallyreacha smallchamberwhrchhasdoorways in three of its walls On lhe fourth wall, oppositethe doorwayengravedwith the circleand trranglesymbol, a plaquehasbeensetinLothe slone,and on the plaque are inscribedthe words Tfie Erd. There seemsto be nothingelseremarkable aboutthlsroom,however,and turning to face Lhe doorway with the symbol you choosethroughwhich portalyou will leave:the one in ftont of you (tum to 329),the one to your right (tum to zz4),or the one to your left (tum to 78)
249 ': ou do exactlyasNecromonasks.You drink lhe sweet quid and hold the empty flaskto your lips,until you :re suddenlyoverwhelmedby a ieeling of faintness )educt z poinLsfrom your suurrr If you are slill :ljve, lhe last thrng you rememberis Necromonhurredly corking the flaskwhrle suggestrnglhat you lie lown and resLThen Lhepotion goesto work on your nind Your thoughtsdissolveinLopaLterns of coloured ights mingled with visronsof ineffablebeauLyand .igm6canceThroughoutthis wonderfuldisplay,a small olcein the backof your mind,like a child shoutinglo :e heardin the midst of a NeuburgharvesL-Lime car rival, is trying lo tell you to cometo youl sensesRoll .our dice IF the total is less than, or equal to, your srAMrNA lum Lo 7l; if lhe total is greaterthan your rrAMrN,a"tum to 284,
248 You find yourselfstandingon a smoolh piatformthat glows but gives out no heat You are rn a chamber lined with walls of opaqueglassand polishedmetal Rows of colouredlights wink at you and a barely audiblehum and a slight vibmtion pervadeihe room Yor.rstepoff the plalforn and its glow fades Suddenll a voice speaksout of the air 'U11^thorizedwe af franspotter A, secondvoice asksr1: ii - imiestigate!' 'lnsuffcirtl lat ,' rePliesthe firstvoice another specimm?' 'Sending the Gnppler.''{ou step backwardsand bump into a table whose surfaceis coveredwith flashint iights and colouredswitchesYou wonderwhai n'ould happenif you were to flick some of the switchesat randomand thenjump backon fo the piatform;if you
tsoosledby the power drawn from you and Semeion by the EnergyLeeches, the Telopticon'sscreenclears oncemore,and you find yourselflooking at the inside oi Globus'sCitadel.You can seea long, shadonl' hall and,aLthe end of it, a many faceteddomethat glitters like an enomous gem This m*st be Globus'saudience :hambet saysSemeion'svoice insideyour mind, and thal shimfielingsttuctweis n hism of Power,6n drLefacL of high nagic. Only its creator,Globus himself, can pass
25r throughit. No olhetliaing lhing canpenelrafelhoseglowing facets alLhoughnoflJioing beings,suchas fhe Speclrai Stallcers, canpassthrcughunhindereriI fear LhaLeun such Lo shieldyou [ron your a P sm uould be inadequate you relentless pursuersI serse arethinkingofrceapans of sL'ordblades anil aftous) utu! while it is lrue lhat s th lnaninateabjectscanpassfhroughthePrism,theycanrlosa of only if mouingoeryslowly so banishany LhoughLs frying LoLhroua spearor a daggetal Globrcuhile he sib roithin his Prisn of Pouet. The Aleph? My , yes Lhe Alephis beyandnasf physicaland magicll laws,and il waulrl passLhroughLhePtifln ns if it did ot eisL The EnergyLeeches cansupplyno morepower' Lheprcture dlssolvesinto swirlingcolours.Tum to 380 25r The robed being rnt€rruptsyour Sreeting-'You are confused,Lord,' he says.'That is not surprisingWe. lhe few remaimnglelrti - the lasl of your people have waited long agesfor your return Now we will preparelhe Jewelof Sleepwith which you will defeaf pluckingthe ow evil ruler' The Feliti busy ihemselves purple blooms from the garden plants, while their leadel in a mysticaltrance,beginsanoLherrncanlation. his hands oulslretchedover lhe growing heap oi bloomsbrought to his feet by his people.You aresure that he is recihnga magicaliormula,but you arenot so sureyou want lo find or.rtwhal it does.If you decideto takeout lhe Alephanduseits powerto havelelsewhere in the Macrocosmos, turn to J6j; if you would rather wart until lhe spellis cast,lurn lo t2
,louds of BlackShadowsaredescending on the plains, r: you makeoff rn the opposjtedirection,Lowardsthe :Jot of lhe vast cliff As you scrambleon to higher ::ound you look back to see lhe grasslands liLtered .lth dark flappingshapes.As you waich, groups of 'em startto fly upwardscarryingthe lifelessbodiesof lcLepodsYou reacha placewhere a path beginsits : g'zagascentof Lheclitf faceand,asyouhaveno desire :: retum to lhe plains,you decideto ciimb upwards um l o 12,
253 )on'L be alarmedby my appearance,' saysthe strange , heeledbeing as yorl slep ftom the machineinto his r:udy 'l realizethal you barbarians don't comprehend :re advancesof science, but I am quite hamless.I am l.letron, LheMapmaker'You gazein wondemeni at :re mapsandcharlsthai coverthe wallsanddesks,and, because they remindyou of theAleph,you are -'erhaps :articularlyintnguedby a collectionoi mapsthat are :aintedon the surfaces of woodenballs 'l seeyou are 'No irrprised to seesphericalmaps,'Metron squeaks. :oubt you think the world is flat - or buill on terraces, :s the fabledZigguratWorld rs supposedlo be. I can ::11you, my friend,thaLI havestudiedworlds through rlrt the Macrocosmos; and whalever shapethey are :.rpposedlo be, after I have measuredand mapped :rem lhey are round But lell mc. have you brought :rything with you?I am alwayslookingfor new objects
You wonder whrch of your rtems you should asf Metron io examne,I[ you possessthem, you couli offer him Cerodthe Ha.p (turn to 346),a clay ball tha: raltles(tum to 49) or a god's Hunling Hom (tum t. r71). If you refuseLoallow Melron Loseeany of you' possessio^s, turn to J7t
254 Rockclimbing teslsboth strengthand enduranceanc thrs wall oi rock is as high as the mightiestof th. CloudhighMounLains of Khul Therearefew ledgesor which to rest, no gullies or chimneysto provide a changeftom lhe relenLless neccssityof clingrnglo thr bare stone, ofLencarrying all your weight on onc tenuousfrngerhold, while you searchfor thc nexr outcrop of rock which will supportyou Roll sever dice If the total is equal fo, or lesslhan, the sum oi your sKrLLand srlurnl, turn Lo 3zr; if fhe totat i . g_edle. t hJ n fh e STAMINA, hiln Lo ro2.
.L -r
s It L
255 he SpeclralStalkerhasfailedto find you You heavea .,qh of relief as lhe hjdeouscreatweshakesits great .ead in ftusirationand beginsLo dissolveinto lhe air he Colem is compleielyslill now' it will be nothing -ore than a clay stalueunlil the next rarnstormNow ou can makc yor.rrh'ay tLr lhe ca.rein the cliff face. LLmlo 263 256 ::ler scveralbone-joitingm.inutes, the Coiepodbegrns : slow ifs heedless rharge IL tossesils hcadwildly in atlempl to dislodgeyou; but you hang on grrmly, -r evsiually, defeaieii,thc Colepodcomesto a halt. -.J ou rcleaseyour hold only cautiously,but the creafue 'as apparentlyforgotb' its panic already and has -:sumedthc occupationv,'ithwhich it Iiils nearlyall of :i wakingexislencei nilmchinggrass.You leanagainst s ilankandrecoveryour breath.Tum to 33
2t7 Atter walking ioL vrmc time you see daylight ahe.r.i and step tlrroul]h a dmrway to find yourself in a squ:ur courtyard wilh rn un
2i8 you Afh'r folLowing it :unnel siopes upward belorc ' .- some time you reach a jllnrtion hom which a rrlsage leads downwards and r rtnirway teads up. our route lies upwards, you are sure, towards the ghesl level of this stnnge ticrcd worll, so you take -f stairs You step on to Lhc first stair, and a shiver ::sses through yow body You movc cn to fhe second . ep, this trme you definitely fecl a momcntary shudder. ou advancegingerly fo the third slcp; but fcelnolhing. re fourth step, hor.vever,givcs you a joll that leaves .
--.-l -:-
,l l
br-l r doe. norhi g o -edd o 'r-p d1o-nodce. ri e.'rrl lL, .re_rh .rep ..oJ ::iches1ou unarlar€srriih a shockthat almostbringr yo1]rknees Holrever,stepserghl,rnne,len and -.! to : rien are all harmless,so that by the trm€ you reach '.e twelflh step you are unprepared1or the aSonizing .-.asm ihat doubles you up nr pxin Lose z points of r AMrNA It is clear thal eachjolt rs nrrrc powerfirl than rc last; the nexl could be enough to finish you. Bul -ow can you fell which steps to nvoid? You think you rn detect a patfem in the steps lhat givc shocks;and ou try to calculaLeit before cortinrrinll the ascent. ', hich is the next step you should avoid:
The seventeenih step? TLj p.
Or thetwentieth step?
lum to 98 fum to 22r Tumto jri
259-260 259 You grip thc nrassivetomewilh both handsand tug L: from its shclf You sFudyfhe omate scdpt and rcah/e that lhe boc,k is an alphabehcalLst of all types o; mdgi(idn' fhr huul has fallcnopen dt r pdte ant: wizardswhosc namcsbegm with the letter C there,in front o[ your nose,rs the nameGlobus.Yor readthe fotlowingdescriptron: GLOBUS linrt, Archmage. Rrilarce,The ZigguraiWorld Corrrroifs:One of lhe mosl butconc€nin Nlacrocosmos, powerlulrmages andexperimenialion Speciatrateson research and kansportatron litiesincludcsummonings oi the Macro betwccnlhc variousSpheres cosmosAlso theorehcalstudiesof the Aleph, lhe Onc Spherebelievedto containall thrt You pondcr thescwords.You must assumethat lhr ball you arc carryinl;rs the Aleph Perhapsthe flying creaturethat givc it lo you wascaughtby the Specka Stalkerswhilc trying to take it to Globus?What rli:. you look ior now a way out of LhisLrbfary(turn l. z7), or somconcwho can lell .vou more aboul lb. Aleph(tumto 2il)? 26o You slep through a doonr,a-v into the dark interior o:
ihe rock rvall .rnJ climb the sleep stairs.Turnrng .l corner,you clnnbtowardsa window andlookingoul
26o : ,i you find that you ar€ rlalkint sideways:where ihe . should be there rs instead one of the rnner walls of -: courtyardl You stagget serzcd with vertigo, but rrce yourself Lo conLinueup the stdrrs;turnjng another ..ner, you find that although you ore still trudging -:rvards, when you lift your hcatJ you are walking lvards the maze-like gardens You rornd another ::iner, and are onc€ again climbirg into the dark :crior of lhe rock You turn another comer, inlo ::r'light, to find that the world has rrghtt'd ilself, and ru ;re stepping up to the balcony lrhere Semeion is ..r:edat a stonelable 'The staircascs in my housecan :: ionfusingat firsl, h€ saysn ith a smrle,'butherer ou .. at last PLease be seatedAiter your dri6cultjourney 'each me the LeaslI can do rs try lo ans$'er any i-cstions you ma-vhave' You sit oppositeSemeion : : some reason,you are sure lh.t you .an trust th€ re old man Without a rvord you withdraw the Aleph .m your backpack and place iL on {hc stone table. .'ln to 65
V 26r-262 26r , rlhin secondsyou are surrounded, ,nd cannothope Vaskind The largest of the useshis splay-'escape. --gered handsto rend the surfaceof the huge bubble .d pull il over you and hJs warriors The bubble ::scendslhrough clear,green,fish fillcd watea before :-'mingto rest againsta vasLhanspnrcntdomeresLing :: a shelfof rock Within the domc is a settlementof --'ne sort:irregularstructuresof coral,sheLland stone .e from a network of pools and canalsThe bubble , l€s down the surfaceof thc domc,nergin8 into it as -.u approachthe seabed The air insidethe dome is ::np and malodorous, but breathablc; vou drc grven ::iechance to exanineyoursurroundings astheVask -r hurry you lo ihe centreof the undcrwatercity. You ::: placedon a low pedestalin thc middleof a large, :::rare pool, in front of you ises a throne, empty :,.ept for a gold crown A Vaskindjn decoratedrobes :jiresses you from the stepsof thc throne '\r'y'emean :.i no harm,stranger,'h€ croaks,'but we have not -.-.nyour like before.Globus,the Archmage,rulesthe ;.:oplesof thisworld; areyou his friendor hrsioeT : .ou say Lhatyou are Globus'siricnd, turn to rr8) if '.r saythal you arehis enemy,furn to j,lt
262 ghostly Figurespursue yoLr ihroullh the castle You
:::e not stop to look behindyou, but you canieel their - iiing presenceai your back You racc aronBuusry : ridors, acrossa small yard, through a doorway, and -: a spiml staircaseAs you climb, you bccome aware
263 thaLyour pursuersare no longerbehindyou, buLyo. contnueto climb.At lastyou reachthe top of the stairs and find a door standingajar.Stepplngthroughit, yo" findyourselfat the top of a tower,in a room illuminalec with the dying rays of the setLingsun. It is a child: bedroom,crowdedwith foys.Thereis only one door whichyou closebehindyou as you enter.The ghostlr couplecanbe neitherseennor heard,and you seemtc be safeat lasl But nightfallrsupon you will you star in this room (turn to l8), or use the Aleph to trave (tum to 6r)? elsewhere
2Dt Pulhngat the jumbleof bouldersin the caveentrancc you manageto clear a path inLo the cave,which i! nlurninated by largeglowing bowls.Mayrek the Potter greetsyou and thar*s you effusively.He looks vcrr liredand rhin.anderplair.thatrheColemvldsoneoi his expenmentsthat went awry. The crealurewas intendedto be a servant,bul it developeda wrll of its own and imprisonedrts creator in the cave whrcl servesas Mayreks homeand workshop.By way ot a rewardfor rescuinghim, he lellsyou that you can takc any item from his workshopYou wanderamongrack: of statuaryand poltery, eachobjecia 6ne work of art but in the end two itemsaltract your aLtenlionOne seemsvery useful;a smallporcelalnbox containinS-' Cold PrecesThe olher, a plain ball of glazedclal its shapeand srzeremindyou o: intriguesyou because the Aleph. Will you chooseto take the box (lum t. roo) or theball (turn to ,6t)?
26+-26t 264 . this Attack Round you decrdeto lei fate take iLs yourLuck lf you are Unlucky,your sword ::urse TesL . desuselesslyalong lhe Silca SerpenL's scalyflanl ,:iumto l4J andcontrnueyour fight with lhe creaLure. : _rouareLucky,turn to r2J.
-.urushfrom lhe forestalrdfend off the attackof the .rrond boar-faced soldierMeanwhiie,theMrnstreldes, :::ches lhe dazedsoldierwho began the attack The :..rdierfaclng you rcins backhis mounl and tums to :,:ejust asa third soldiernding anoLher giganticlizard, =ives on lhe sceneand qu:cklydecidcsthat he, too, :ll retreatThe Minstrelhasother ideas,however,and -: pluckssavagelyat the strrngsof his ,'o'p, *,'"". .-.ngnsesto a painlul crescendo. The lwo boar-faced .:ldierscannotresistthe musrcof the harp;with glazed : es lhey dismounfand trudge back to the Minstrel, ro swiffly despalches them.'A warriorl'he says, -.rrnjngto you 'And drsgursed as I am A remarkabie ::rncidenceMy thankslo you, anyway,stranger'He rrints lo the bodiesof the boar facedsoldiersThey Zwrnians.Wretchedbeings,bul fhey aremine I am -e
266-26:' rehiminS Lo reclaimmy birthright from Frampa;:. Usurper Thesescumwere clearlyloyal fo fheir ne, master.Will you come wiLh me?Another sword-a-:: wouid be useful'He strumslhe slringsof his harpa:: producesa soundthat seemsto call Loyour very soIf you do not want to accompany LheMnstrel, you r:eitherrun away nto the forest(lurn to rt7) or $:. away along the road (turn to l4z); if you agreeto S wrth hjm, tum to t7. 266 'lf you are a frrendof the tyrant Globus,'shriilsl:: Mantr, while his comradesshaketheir spearsangri' you are no friendof the peopleof the plains We p: our LribuLe, which grows more onerouseachyear,\\ . wili ofier no more to Globus,or to spiessuchas yoBut you haveshownbravery,and you havesavedo-: of our animalsso we will lel you go in peaceBuLkee: fhp.1,i". .r.,"."n ^Fi Four of the ManLirsguardyou closelyas you retra.. your stepsbacktowardsthe highergroundat Lhefoc of the cliff You have nowhereto go bul up Lhepa: that climbsin a zig-za8up the faceof the cliff.Tum:-
267 WaylandlisLens your to story,thenponderssilentlyicsone [ine. lm dn Artefa(l\expe*. he \avs at la. 'And, strictly speaking,thc Aleph isn't an Artefact.li : not anything,really,on accountof it beingeverythint if you seewhat I mean Be Lhatas it may, your rei
268-269 rLem is lhe SpectralStalkers.Tlns f€llow Globus : re anxrousto takedeliveryof thishereAleph,but : :r folk have been looking for this item for more ,: s lhantherearebooksin this library,and waitinga e longer won't hurt anybody But thoseSpectral : : iers,they don't soundas if they'reinclinedto wait. _:e you'reawayfrom Limbo,usethe Aleph to travei. rll takeyou whcreil wantslo go Keepmoving and . Stalkerswon't 6nd you. A1so,look for Signsand - :ents.Round,the signswill be, like the Aleph itself --: if you don't understandthem,let the Aleph take : - to the sageSemeionCryptoglyphos'he'll explain .n Bul keepmovrngto avoiddanger.And now,you -rt leavc Limbo' Wayland points io a cloolway :raved with the word EX.IT-Dazed by his words, :,r slep throughit Tum LorEj 26E :.u hurl the Aleph al the glowing crysLalbut objecls walls of light only if ::: passthroughLhelransparent .y are moving very slowly and the Aleph merely :.mcesof{ the Prism and falls to the floor As lhe ::ectral Slalkerslurch in your direction,you become -:ntic wilh fear,clawingat the lransparent P sm wtth your seize legs and your -.ur bare hands Tentacles :.1 sightrs of lhe Archmage'sgloatingface 2Nt9 ru excharge z Cold Piecesfor the sphericalmap of - ian Melron also insists lhat you take several sheets :, paper and a strange wriling implement called a ::ncil, saying that you never know when you might
need to makea map of your own {recordthis transaction on your,Adl'srtureSheel)The Mapmakerther br.rsies himselfat a desk,makingcalculations and scribbling notes and papersAfter a few minuleshe tums and seemssurpflsedto seeyou 'Are you still here?'h€ says 'Run along now Can't you seeI'm busy?Be ot: with you!' If you want to relurn lo the smallchamberfrom whici you arrivedin the Mapmaker'sstudy,tum Lo42, if yotur. would ratheruseLheAleph Lotakeyou elsewhere, to 2r7.
270 The Manlir lells you thal hc wants 8 Gold Piecesir compensalion for the Colepodyou have killed.If you do not havesucha largesum,or areunwillingto pay il the Mantir sayslhat he will accepta jewel or a finel-v worked ot'jectof preciousmefalinstead;if you har"'e: Ring of Lighl, a Jewelof Sleep,a SevenPointedSl: Talisman,or a Silver Dagger,any one of lheseitem! will be acceptableIf you cannot,or wili not, ofie: eitherthe money or one of theseitems,you will har.e to fi8ht the duel- LurnLo22J
' you are willing to pay, rememberto crossthe Gold : ecesor the obiectftom yorv Adpe L ft SheelPleased :ih lhis transaction, the Mantirs are makingreadylo ::rart, whenone of rhemlooksskywardand shrreksin : a]m- lutn to j88 ::slore
1 poinl
274 LUcK You
have awoken and
:::ed just in time to saveyour life As you leapacross _: room you realizelhat the eyesare watchingyou -'m a crackrn the floorboards a concealed trapdoor, lich beginsto opeo revealinga Goblin with a knife l-t you are alreadyin positionLo graspLhetrapdoor r J slamil shLrf,knockingthe Coblin backwards. You .:andon the lrapdoorand listen in amusement to lhe ::{used and angryGoblin voicesbelow.You hear[he -ricesrecede,and then the sound oi oars paddling -iough the .ateras the Goblinsretum homeempty:rded The Goblin leaderdropped his knife rnside -rur room when you dammnd the trapdooron his -:ad You prck it upi it is a dagger with a carved roden handleand a blade of pure silver.You may -'eprt if you want to- As lhereis no meansoI seoring _: lrapdoorfrom insideyour room, you slay awake iil dawn Tum to 40. 272 .rLmake slow progressalong thc drk, rock-strewn : leys.The walls of the ravineare now loo high for :Lr to clmb, bLrl you fcel more securem the unlt :::lhs. If you have Provisions,you may stop to eat a -:al and restoreup to 4 points of suvrra. You
271-2 | 5 stumblcon ior sornetjne unliLthe steepsidedvallc cnds at a stonc wall You look uP to seeihat you arf ; fhc basc oi an cnormous tower' Stone stePsrise frothe floor of lhc ranyon and lead to an open stainvl that cLrrvcsupwrnls round lhe outside of the tou'c You pacecautnruslyup fhe stairsuntil you are orr ff. far sidc of thc towcr. You are already far abovc lf, ravine,an,1yoLrlcclcxposcdto view from allsidcs,b: you arc strll irr trom the toP of the Lower ln f'ont you, sel rfh, thc mrssivestonework,rs a wooden do!' thaf you presumcEives accessto the ilrteriorol tf, torr.erl\rLl vou contrnueup the stairsrtum lo rol . ,,rill-vout-y to opcn lhe door i[rrn to r99]?
Suddenlythc old nonan is no longerhilhrn lhc .rr. of hres.*h'ch lcrp up lo form a wall of ilamcsarou:: you Through thc flickering tongues of fire you can sL her glanngat yoLr,hcr handsmoving in the air to irr, lhe patk'rn of n witch's curse. Reduce your LUck t' r point Yrnr d0 not want lo risk )umping throu8lhe flamcs;nor Jo you intend to stay rn the cave whr' lhe cronc casts rnother spell You use the Aleph t. leave Tunr l(,lo
last the door is hee oi fungus and the latch is :overed, but you cannot seeit L)rownrn8 in a seaof ::ck. viscous smog, your eyes .Ire blnded by tears of :: n and your lungs are 6llcd with poisonous fumes -.u scrabbleweakly at the woorlrrr door rnd, just as :u are aboul to collapse,yorrr hand frnrls the latch. rLr pull open the door, fall throul3h ii, slam It shut -:,rnd you and sink grateiully to thc lloor of the -'rdor beyond The air in thcsc trnncls is not the ,:iresl,but to you it smellsas swcct rncl pure as a .'unlainbreezeAfter restinga whilc. you pick,voLrr. : L+.and cortimLealong lhe passalgc Turn to r48 .t> 'r Librar-," seemslo extendlinntlcs5lyin alldirections ., matter horl' far you march alxrg any corridor, it I stretchcsaway aheadof yo" .r. i,' rs you can see -. only interruptions rn the endlcsslrncso[ books are -.r sporadic gaps between thc shclvcs wlrere coss:rsages and stairways lead b othcr corr ors Occa.rally lhe silenceis broken by lhc distant cchoes of rcesor footsteps, but you mcc{ no onc Sometimes .Lpause to examine the volLrorcson thc shelves,but '-', very rarely do you 6nd onc thr{ is written in a :uagc you understandEvenhrallyyou plod dorvn a : 'case and lnd y ourseLfaf a point h.hcfe iour cor -..is m€et Yori hale lost all qcnscoi clrrcclion.but looks very sirnil.:rlo tk pl.rce*here - crossroads .-- ed i- iL-- I l--,1 r:1,.r a'. .1..,.,.. ro.1 -o . irriesdesk You choos€onc ol the four corrdorsr --r lo either16,+,24j,298or j7'
2j6-278 276 grass you is taller than expectedand the tallest -re :,Jmps,towering high above your head, consistof : adesas Lhickand lough assaplings. As you cut a path ifh your sword, yoll hear the sound of pourding _Jovesand crashingvegetafion and suddenlyan ::1imalappears,.hargint strai8ht al you through Lhe a grganticinsectin .-asslIL is a Colepod;it resembles rat it has six legs and a domed carapace, Lhoughin ; :e and behaviourit s more like a maddened bull. In a -enzy of fear if bearsdown on you heedlesslyWill Ju atlemptto thrusfyour sword rnto rt (h]m lo 160), ::rze it with your bare handsand lry to gmppleit to .:: ground(lurn to 364),or jump out of its path (turn
:ru cup your handsand plunge thcm into the basin; -.u withdraw them and drinl. The liquid is wateq in r:l it is possiblythc most refreshingwater you have :. er fasted,and you realizethat rt is doing more than - erely quenchingyour lhirst Soon you feel fully 6t :_C readyfor anylhrfg ResLore your srAMrNAto its :iralscore,and Lurnto zo. 278 .re innkeeper's sword is a doughty weapon,but Lhe rkeeperhimselfis out of condrtion.You fight him in : fadinglight of dusk
279-280 279 To jump the distancefrom the middleof the moat i: the ban-kwould be difficultunder Lhebest of circun stancesiLo atlempl it from a swayng, rockrngslabc: stoneis almostimpossible. To makematLers worse,1u: asyou exertall lhe strengthrn your legsto propeiyc towards your targef, the doorway jerks ils'tongu. towardsits mouLh'.The result is Lhatyou suddenr have no basefrom which to jump and you topp,inelegantlyinto the moat.For a few momenhyou fla helplesdy,beforesinkrngbeneaththebrighl blueripple.
The Grapplerrs in chargeof this suwey shrpt wildLii. colleclion.Il is programmedlo lend the va.iouslifc. formsthat arekept in thecages,and lo captureany tha: escape.As far as it is concemed,you are an escapc: animaland musl be recapturedManoeuvenngswiflll it blocksyour attempLsto sidestepand,exLendingjt. telescopic limbs,it closesin on you yor poir..tLxlinguishey's nozzleat the Grappler'shea: and pull the trigger.Insteadof a gout of flame or . blast of explosivepellets,all thal emergesftom thr weapon is a streamof creamyliqurd thal coats th. Crappler'sdome bul doesnothing to slow its attacL Cursing,you dodgeits flailinglimbs,but as you do s. you realizeLhatth€ creature's mcvernentsarebecomini lessco-ordinated. YoLrscrambleover boone sideof th: room and r{aich as the viscousfluid, seepinginto the Crappler'smechanical innards.ma-kes it run our .r
:rlrol. It collideswith the melal cupboard,its arms rdmill wildly for a few seconds,and then, in a -_Jwerof sparks,it stopsmovrng Restore1 point of - - cK Turnto 5J-
2Er :.:pectinSanothershower of digeslivejuicesal any - rrnenl,you scrabble in your backpack for thespherical -rp You. eyesarenow accustomed to thedeepgloom, :-C you areableto takecarefulaimbeforeyou hurl the ::ll into the Lithogen'sthroat Cross the map ftom :ur AdoenluteSleeflhen roll two dice If the Lctalis :jual to, or lessthan,your sKrLL,Lum to rj4, if the ' ' . \ S re a t et rh ln )o u rs r. rL r. lu rn to r6j
282 :.foss the courtyardan old man is leaningfrom a ::lcony He wavesLo you. 'Creclings!'hecalls.'l am ::meron,known as CryptoglyphosbecauseI read the - :aninSsof srgnsand symbolsYou havedonewell to -rd my innermosicourtyard.If you wouid speakwilh -., ascendlhe staircase below thisbalcony The way is lger thanrt looks,for the stairstwrsi strangely,buf I ,ll awail you here' If 1'ouacceptthis rnvilatiorr turn -' 260 If you decideinsteadthat you havehad enough .: S€meion'slabyrinthinedwelling, you can use the you takethe spherefrom '.eph lo Lakeyou €ls€where: :ur backpack, and loseyourselfin its swirlingimages -:um to 2j4
281 Taking thc glowing sphere from your backpack,yo! gaze ,nto its infinitc dcpths Instantly you are enthral['r by ihe numl'crlcss panoramas that swirl within th. Aleph, each sccrrcimpossrbly small and yel perftrllreal. Thc longcr you Baze,Lhemore you can see:nrf and monstcrs, hurnblc villages and gLttering citir. rolling landscipes and shimmenng planets. You fff yourself Lerng cnv.loped by the Aleph and lransportL,. within il l{oll one (he Ifyou roll an evennLrmber, iLr io r8o If you ,oll .rn odd nLrmber, fum fo r7r
.rsficiousl),,buf it seemsto harbour no dangerous :-catures You sil on lhe bench ncxt to rt ano reao rne ,,iice nailed fo its trunk:
28,{ The srnallloict ir thc backoi l oLrrmind cannotm.r'. _.e l , J:.r \ .'u r r.! .o fo )e- r' F ar rB | ,r,. paradeoi vjsions,cvcn while \ecromon rs tigfrlenrr the leathcrstrapsthat secureyou to his tabLeYoLL,i without c,,,cnthc sm.rllsatisiaction that no part of y,,, will be wastcd, Nccromon needs strong limbs r',: organs such rs yours to augmenl Lhe powe.s of ti. monsterhe rs.rr'rtrngin his oLherroom
l'ere is no sign oi a founlain in this courtyard;_vou rr:ume il musl be in another YoLrrestherc and,ii 1'ou _r1eProtisions, vou caneat a mral and rcliore up to .1 r,rnts of srAMi\a. Then 1'ou decrJc to move on ::cing the doorway engravedwrth thc rirclc and trran ::e symbol, you choose through whrclr cloorway you ill leave:lhe one rn front of yoLr(Lurnto r jj), the one :.hind you (tum to 2t7), the onc to your fight (tum to rr7), or the one to your left (turn {o 78)
28i lt seemsyou wrll w.rlk forever in theseshadow-fill.corridorstl,at furn to right and left with bewildcrr: '-o:hcr , :r .' ar.d see rh1h11ht,rl,crd of you Duclcng lhrough l . doonlay rt firc cnrl oi ihe passage, tind lourscl: _r'ou a sqLran'rourtyrnl Sunlight lillefs down lhe rh;: made b-v thc courtyard'sw.aLlsfo illuminalethc tr.. thal grows ur thc ccntre oi thc floor. You circLethe lri.
286 :u place your hand on the door and push, but it will -.,i budge. Determined to movc it, you put your -oLrlderatainsl fhe centre of tlt door .rnJ as you do r lhe brass L,nockerdescendson your hcadt Lose z rrLnts of srAvrNA. As you fall to tnc Eirouno, ::ching your throbbing cranium, ycu hcar ihe Lorr -.rccsayintr 'You are a human warrror.You possess :ht coinsof gold. Pleaseinscflfouf .or.s into the stot ::d enter' Will you pay the door its enfrancefee oi 4
Of Sclneian's sft outercorrl\ Tuo haoe beenmadefor east: Beneathlhesebranches gafhr Lktuslns; ThefounLain'swaLersplease gatefhereis a block At Seneion's RecaLI thenfount and lree; Thei pleasanL sellingszoilltilack Tlp selel o{ lhe ke!,t
Gold Piecesand then push iL again (tum to r47); o: will you abandonthis painfuldoor and look for a.t'a out of th€ Library(tum to 27)? 287 Leapingfrom the cover o{ the bush,you are able i; strikebeiorethe crealureis awareof you-But althoug: your sword shattersseveralof rts scintillatingscaLer the creatureseemsto be unharmed, and lwistsround:. iaceyou. Il 1sa SilicaSerpent,a dangerousadversar-, Glassyscaiesprotectits headand body, it movesver. quickly,snappingat you uth its fang Filledmoulh an: eachtimc it attacksiL squirtsfrom ils facea jet of ac: Lhatcorrodesanylhingil touches SILICA SERPENT
EachcombatroLrnd, afteryou hav€resolvcdihe conrb: belwecnyour sword and the Selpent'siangs,compar. Altack Slrenglhsa secondtimc. If you wrn, or ti. scoresare the same,you have avoidedthe jel of acic but if you lose,you are splashedwith thc liquid an. must lose -r points of sraMINA.Keep a note of tr1i numberof Atta& Roundsyou fight If at any time ycdecideto use your LucK in combat,tum to rro : rou a.e.tirlalire afLe:iou- q.LdclRound..tu'n fo jo 288
You pul lhe pipcs to your lios and blow soflly intthcm Slrange,discordantnotes float inlo the air ar: the effecton thc SilicaSerpenlis immediate.The crea ttuc cocks its great head on one srde,lrke a do: listeningto ifs master'svoice As you conLinueto plal.
: cr.rrlsrts long body inlo a crrcleand goes to sleep 'ot darlng to ceasepiping,you tiFloe past the scaly ionster - and thencontrnueon your way towardsthe ItreousCitadelTum to 336 289 ': ou fling open the door, grabyour backpackandjump the wagon,landingon the pitted swfaceof lhe -om ;:ony road. Roll one die and subtracthalf the result your srAMrNA(round iractionsup) If you are -om aLve, you crawl painfully into the shadeof a .:ill :edgerowandinspectthecontentsof your pack.Amaz rgly, nolhing has been broken - restorer point of you have collec-:cr - and you find ihat somehov,r ':d one of the Conjuror'ssmall,circularcallingcardsIL -isplaysfhe wordsMaroip theMagicianabovea pictwe ri a tall figurewith a blackcloakand a glowing ward. lhe shapeof the cardremindsyou of the Aleph,so you .:ep it- As you aie aloneon the road and can seeno :avellersor seltlements, you decideto r-rsethe Aleph . go elsewhercTurn to 6l 290
'r ou presslhe buLtonon the right-handpart of the resign Nothing happens exceFtthat you aresureLhe oor shudderssiithtly. If you want Lo remainherc in :1ehope of trying the other butlon, tum lo 9t, if you :.cide Loretum alongthe tunnellurn to rzz
29r :ou are ar{'areof teelingsick and weary Your iimbs i:re You canfeel ropestied tiSht aroundyour wrists ::1dyour forso.You forceyour eyesLoopen rou arc tied Lo a stone pillar at the top of a round rrler The pillar is one of many that rise from the ::rimeter of the flagstonefloor to suppo the tower's '..of,and thereare prisonersticd to most of the other r llars.You seemto be the only human;among the : lcrs are an EIf woman,an amphibiousVaskindand ::e of the four-legged,insectlike Mantirs Perchedon -e parapelthal sur.oundsthis topmost level oI the rircr are several Black Shadows;fwo more are r ..uchedat your feet, investigatingthe contentsof .- bacl,oa.t) o.r h"a.r.ink\Js theylrrd t\e . epf b e 4 ; nf o c \ a h e Je r. . l. d ly rlo v re v eri L. . e e r s L e y :::e nol keep it, for ihey leave rt, with your other . - rngings,at the i:ootof yoLrrpillar Then,afterensur -i thal all the pr;sonersarc sccurelyroped, all the : rck Shadowstaketo the air and flap upwards,speed, -; urgenily iowardsthe top of the cliff that overlooks .n thrs soaring tower top- C)ncefhey are oul of aht,you betin to sfrugglein your bonds;bul despite ::r eflortsyou carnol escapc, nor canyou reachyour :rd or your pack. You look hopelesslyat yow : :sessions, scatteredat your fect Ii, amongthem,you -:. e a ciownpuppelin a glassball,tum to t6j ii not, 1 ro 2 o 5
292-291 292 You follow the twisLingLunnel,awareof side-passages and jLrncLions, and soonyou are blunderingaboutin a blacklabyrinthof subLerranean palhs At last you ser hght, the shapeof a door outlinedby a yellow Blear You step lhrough into a small room furnishedas : study.Avoiding an areaof lhe floor on which arcant symbolshavcbeenchaiked,you move towardsLhelog only to awakenlhe fire that is blazingin lhe tireplace, She reC-robed old womanwho is dozingin an armchair. slaresat you in horror before slammeringlhat yo, shouldnot bc herein her workroom You lry Loassur. her that you meanno harm,and shebeginsto relar You explainlhat you are trying to escapefrom Syzu. the Devastalor,and shesmilesat you. 'Drink this,'sfr says,pouringa thickbrown liquid from a bottle into ' pewter flagon 'lt will restorcyour slrengthand calr: your nerves' You sniff the liquid:it smellswholesomt like a good vegetablesoup,and you drrnkit. The oic woman Clunds Chief Priestess- told no lies, th; drnk restoresup lo 4 pojnLsof srAMrNA-It alsi relaxesyou, and within a minute you are complctell paralyzedlShesummonsa squadof SkeletalWarrior: and carryyou away Turwho knockyou unconscious t o 2 \5 291 Roll one die. The resultis fhe numberof minutesih. you spendin your increasnglyftanticsearchfor an c: from thisbenightedcave During all this time dozensc: arehoundir; little Shadowlings, hiddenin the darkness, you, leapingon to your body and suclingyour blooc
294-296 )'ou lose sr,c.vrNr at fhe raLeof one point for each -:nuie you remainin the room.If )ou survive.your lailingarmsdiscover,not one,but two tunnelsleading ::om the cave Feelingyour way with your hands,you :akea few stepsalong eachof them beforedeciding rhich one to use Both tunnelsare narow, buL seem ,.assable; will you iake the one thal leadsdownward iurn to 196),or the one thal leadsupward (tum Lo rt8)? 294 You emergefrom your hiding place and the Wood :lves Lum Lo stareat you n amazem€ntIf you have :re rune-inscnbedhub of a war-chariofwheel, you <nowLhatElvesfearit; if you decideto produceit from ,our backpackturn Lo ,rr. Otherwise,hoprng thaL :rey arefriendly,you speakfo fhemin greeting- turn : o rt o 295 lhis move savesyour own life, but tt losesthe game :or Drawema.You canattacklhe blackwanior in front :f you, but he candefendhimselfsimplyby turninghis r ell-armoured backon you. Your two white comrades .ucceedin killing the black warnor caught between :rrem- but thenil is lhe tum of the blacksidelo make I moveandattack Tum to 22E 296 in Elf Woman is Liedto the nearestcolumn.'l cannot :ell who or whal you are,sLranger,' shesaysin a weak oice,'but pleasereleaseus and helpus to escapefrom
hereif you can' As you cul throughher bonds,you ask her why sheand the other captrvesarekept here.'The BlackShadowskeep prisonersat the lop of eachoi their towers,' she replies 'They suck our blood ior food.This tunet is a larderfor LheBiackShadows- anc lhey will return soon to feed. Releasethe others quicklll Soonyou haverelea'eda mollet t'ooP oi caplives,a1lof them anxiousto leave ihe lower. WiLyou lead Lhemdown the staircase fhat sprralsprecanoLrslyround the outsideof the lower (turn to r4), o: through the trapdoorin the centre of the flagston. floor (tum to r92)?
299 You are rndeedin luck Somethingis falling towards !ou. a rope, uLnrolling as it drops You grab it, wind it :bout your arm and cling to il helplessly Several Jphidiansscuttledown the sheerwall of rock with lhe rgility cf insects,andhalf drag,half carryyou upwards. \l lhe enlranceto the cave,they use the rope Lobrnd . ou tightly. Two tunnelsleadaway into the darkaess; and inLoa . ou are caniedalong the left,handpassage :avernfull of lelheredSilicaScrpents, eachoneguarded :1' several OphidiansTurn to iJ.
297 The doorwayis real,but the stalrsare an illusionlha: in the rocks- into which yo' conceals a wide crevasse fall Your adventureendshere
he SpcctralStalkershave found youl As the 6rsl rronstrosityLumstcwardsyou, and you seeyourself lccteda thor,sard time. n tLc facets of its LuSeelp.. .io othersarerapidlytakingshapeYou try io fleebut .iih an insecllikc boundone of themjumpsin front of In desperation you slrikeout, , ou You aresurrounded. :rl your blows have no effect on these unnafural :ealures.Their Lalonsrakeyour body; their tcntacles '.pe abouf your ]imbs. Screamingin fear, you lose ..nsciousness Your final lhought is that both your :'restandyour life areover
298 You have beenwalking for whal feelsLke hoursbt tweenthe Loweringshelvesofbooks,whenyou stopr you havefounda door at last,set jnlo ti. amazement, sideof one of the bookcases. The door is ajar and yocanhearthe murmurof vorcesbeyondit A largesig: on the door announces, CLASSIFICATiONDEPARTMENT NO ADMITTANCE Will you enter(tum to rr)? Or would you ratherretu: to Lhecrossroads and try one oI the other condo', (t64, 371ot z$)1
..ou\ave a cay b.rllthaLrattlc..ru'n ro 3.25ir rol. rm to t4 tol :ron you are slandingalongsidethe Elf Grondel,your ::*les shackled'l'm sony,' the old Elf says,'l didn't -ean to rnvolveyou in this dispute.Now we areboth
30r ableto summ.doomed.'Youpoint out lhat as he r^,'as you to this undcrground city, surely he has the po*cto free himsclf 'My powers were exhaustedin bringing you here,'hc silths, casting a worned glance up to th. huge mouth spout that looms over you, '?rnd no! Vacavon wrll rain dcath upon us The water lhat flo*. from yonder spouLis poisoned:when it falls uPon us. i: will instantly rot otrr flesh Nothing can save us lron Lhedownporrr' lf you have a bottlc of Siccalor,and want to sharei: wjth Crondcl, turn lo 7r; if you have ar Umbrella, hrr-Lro hrs i-:. and use the.\lcph lo escape,tum to 377; but if rodecidelo do nothrngbut waii pahentl-\in chain. -vour
ta2-3aj ta2 nu start to shiver as soon as you cross the threshold -re room is as cold as a wintef night and the huge ::t'e is a solid blo& of ice- You pccr into the centre of ^e block. embeddedat thc heart o1 lhc rcc rs a dark, -umanoid shape- You noticc an ironic srgnr Hele is reroed an enemyof Globrc btholi ht Power awl ' I'ricsrll You notice thal the surfrce of thc ,ce-blockis r:ning wiih water and when ytu t<,u
to) .rur !\rhile comradeon squaref6 tr((cl,ts your decision : d moves forward to D6. He funrs hr ircc you. The rlack warrior on square€J suddcrrly rcalizcsthat he is rrlrrc.n you and your white comradc,and he tums -.i.k and forth in a futile attempl tri usc hrs armour io .'reld himsclffrom atlackirom two op1'ositesidesAs rt has a life of ils own, yc,ur pikc dcscends io a -..nzontalpositionand lungesrcpcalcdll at the black r, -* ' ,., sJmc In rr ':lant fhe black wanior is .lead Ihen' rrc no more r'iacksthal cansucc€ssiLrll-\'be madc b) th.1\.hiteside -r'! it rs the tum oi ihe biacksr.lt k, nrakca movc and t:iack.Tesluarr Luck If you art'lucky, turn to zz8; if ru ar€ Unlucky,turn to J2
,o4-105 l04 'We are subjectsof Clobus,' shrills the ManLir leader 'but we hate him He dernandshibutes which are morr onerous with each passing ycar, his foul Pets lerroriT. our herds and the pcoplcs of our tribes. We can ir nothint againsl him - for',{c c;nnot hoPe lo scalelt'. cLilfsto reach him All I can do is lo oifer -\'ou som. information t'hich mrght hclp you At lhe top ol l ondc cliffs is the second tier oi lhis world Avoid the to'r€:' of the Black Shadows,and go insteadtowards the cart' of the Ophidians, thc kccpcrs of lhe Silica SerPent' They will not welcomc you - they, too, are GlobLL'. creatures buf they a,c lcss dangerousfhan the Bla,:, Shadon..Steal.rf 1ou,.rn .r reLof Ophidia,roipe' t nusi. ot fhii In\tnrnr.r (rrlro s Si i.a Scrpe' Beyond,on the third her. is lhe Crystal Carden :and grarded b,v more Sl1,'deadll'as it is beauhfLrl, Seryenlsand in lhe nrdst of the Cardenir rheYilre,,-' Citadei,nhere Clobus srtsand pLots Thal placemu' Deyour 8oar, As he finishes his spcecl', one of the Manlirs loo.skyward and gives a shrick of alarm Tum to 388 to5 You walk towards thc dayliSht and, ducking under , LinleLengraved wilh lhc circlc'and triangle molif, l.find vourselJ back at thc cnirance to lhe maze \'. *."nd'", u..ort lhe rocky lcdiie, but can tind no par either up or down lhc facc of the cliff It is then th; you notice that the largc flai topped boulder near tr: portal has somethin5;etchcJ into its surface- a map :
:ie maze (The diagram and the words thaf accompany I are reproducedon fht,insr
ro L9e lne
you pulLlhe gLo,,,,ing sph€re 'lerh to travelelser,;here, -:m your packand starcrnio it, allowingyourselffo -: envelopedby the teennngrmaSes tum to 214
Fqoj 3c,6 The soldiersare Ophidians,a peoplewho, as you are rbout to witness,have the skills to control the Silica ierpents Tyro of th€ Ophidiansguardyou; the others .unound the Seryentwhich, althoughtrapped,is any:hingbul harmless, it spitsjetsof corrosiveliquidat the CphidiansThe acid has no effect on the Ophidians, rowever, as it merely rLrnsof{ their glassyplatesof Tmour,and fhey pay almostno attentionto the crea:ure'sangryspluttersInstead,one takesthe pipesfrom 1is belt and begins to play upon them; there is no :ecognizable tune but the SilicaSerpentseemsto find :hemusicvery reiaxrngIt stopsspiltrngandsLruggling, rnd the Ophidiansmove in to muzzleits scalylawsand rind up rtsdiaphanous winSs At thispoint one of your goes to assist his comrades,leavingonly one nards Jphidian watchingover you It seemsthat now is lhe rest momentfor you to escapeIf you want Lomate a :reakfor it you musl firsLvanquishthe one remaining -.Llard rum to J2?: if you vrouldralherremaina :risonerof the Ophidians,tum to r j j. ,o1 rhe SpectralStalkershave found youl As the first nonstrosityturns Lowardsyou, and you seeyourself :eflected a thousandtimesin the facetsof rtshugeeyes, rvo olhersarerapidlyiakrngshapeYou try to fleebut ,;ith an insect-likebor.mdone of themjumpsin fronl o{ you strikeout, ..ou-You aresunoundedIn desperaLion rut your blows have no effect on lhese ururatural reatures Their talons rale your body, Lheir tentacles :cpe about your limbs Screamingin fear, you lose
,o8 consciousness. Your final thought is lhat both yoqueslandyoul life areover Roll threedice and deductthe total from your srer., INA.It by somemiracle,you are still alive,you rega-your senses,8roanrn8,your body rackedwith pai You havesurvivedthe onslaughtoi the SpectraiSlal: ers;but wherehavethey takenyou?Tum to J92 to8 Semeionescortsyouup anotherof his curiousstaircas.: and into a long room lined wrth shelvesHe lells yc the room is his library,but you canseeno books.Ti: shelvesarefull of smc,olhmetalcylinders,one of whir Semeiontakesand placesat the cenLreof a discwh:c ts sel rnto the Lop of a tall thin cabinet.The drscis : turntablethat Semeionsoperatcswith hls foot; anC:. the cyhnderrotateswilh the disc,Semeionbnrshes Lghtly with his fingers.He stopsthc discand tums : you. I lnow orly a littleaboutClobus.he .r1. 6. an Archmagea seniorrragicidnof greal Do\^ef.l: homeis the ZigguratWorl4 he lives on lhe topmo.tier, in a well-guardedCitadel Surroundingthc Citac. is lhe CrystaiCarden,of whrchI Lnow only thal it . that m-bear.rliful but deadly.Thereis a secretpassage to thc Citadelfrom lhe levelbelc,wLheCryslalGarde. One more thing. by a lucky chance,thc Ziggur: World is one of the realmsthat ri elhereallyconneci.l to the Telopticon- a devicewlich enablesme to :. afarwithout leavinghere.Would you like to try to s.: clobus'shomeworld?Or perhapswe couldspy on t:. SpectralSlalkers?'
1o9-1ro I r you want to atlemptto uselhe Teloplicon(tum to :i2j? Or are you becomingrmpaLient with Semeion's :;ue words,and anxiousto leave(fum to 23)? 109 ,.u put the Horn lo your Lps and blow The first _:ring note is enoughto terrify the creatures fhal were rrLrt to altack you, scatLeringthcm like leavesin a --sl of wind; lhen, alihoughyou have exhaustedthe .':ath in your 1ungs, thenoiscfrom lhe Horn conLinues, ..oming ever louder.SwarmsoI BlackShadowsrise :o lhe arr in ftanlic confusionand soon the whole .rssof them is drsappearing skywards At last the r:n's blast fades The Mantirs pick themselvesup --'m the ground and, once they have regainedtheir : ,ses,they overwhelmyou with tha*s. They deparL -gather the scatteredherds of Colepods,but the ::Jer asksyou to rcmain here, promisingto return :h a rewardfor your help A little later he canters -.:k to you, bearinga gift of honeycake(which you .i eat,it restoresup lo 4 points of srAMrNAlano a :epon in a brightly decoratedscabbardHe explains _:: lhc weaponis a Heatsword;whenunsheathed, the : :le becomeshot without losing the keennessof its :;e When you skrke an opponeni,il will causefhe :.s of r addihonalpoint of srAMrNA AJter thanl-: the Mantir, you makeyour way backto the place -er€a path beSinsits ascentof lhe vast cliff.Tum to
, ro 'r slep lhrough fhe curtainand into a dark,nanow
31r passagelhat runs along ihc length of lhe lvagon Yool erhearthe Conjuror, on lhe other side of the curtai: whispering insLrLrctionsto his assistant felicel' l'i hrss€s 'Prt thc watrior in th€ back roon with the gir th€n get to thc tic,nf I'll keep lhis bunch of peasanr. 8r€ssing wrth son,c spielor oiher Ther; when I shou: lash the horscs and wc'll make a break for it.'The ca: woman Purrs in allrccm€nt, and brushesaside the cu: tain lo join you in thc passageShepoinls to a door;: one end, and pLrshcsyoLrtowards it If you decideto lr: yourself 5e shovcd into the back room, hrm to 24 you stand your l3rourcJand defend yourself against tl': cat-wornan,hrn to 2J6 If 1'ouwant lo fry to escapci mnning through thc.urlain, acro!slhe slageand rn:the crol\d, tum lo j6r
3 rr To jump ihe rlistancc irom themiddleof the moatt. the bankwoultlbc difficultunderthe bestof circur. to attcmptit irom a swaying,rockingslab. stances; stone ls almost inrpossible However, just as you a:. exerUng all lhc strcngth in your legs to propcl yclowards fhe doorway, the doorway ihelf hclps you b jerking 1ts 'kx1}c' into ifs 'mouth'. Although tl.. sudden movcn,cn{ was intended to finish you ofl provides extra nrcnxrtum for your jump and you lar: on the end of lhc stone slabjusl as it is disappear.: .nlo.r. doo'1.J, \"...rumbe ia)la-dano.r. p : the moal; thcn )ou rccover, scrabbLefor the sLaLa : somehorv managc to hold on You have succeededeniering the Vitrcous Citadel Tum to r89
,r2-rr4 3 r2 i:ateiully, _r'oudrain the flagon of ale Sho*1y after'ards you faLlinlo a druggedstuporand fatl to wake -r even when the Coblins enter your room through '-c secreltrapdoor-The local gossipabout the inn is :.rrfectithe innkeepersellshis gueststo the man,eating ..oblins.Your advenLure endshe'e 3 r3 ou pull the wheefhubfrom your backpack ard reveal :. runicinscriptionlo the Wood lilves One tlance at it . enoughto sendthemrunninginto thewoods,wailing _ terror YoLrlurn yollr attentionto thc captivein the :t TLrmlo r2j 3 r4 -rmthe OracLe,lhe old rsomancackles,and you afea rrrior on a perilousquest I s€nsethal you carry a :-eat burdenand are hunted by fell rnd remorseless -eaturesBut all this you know, and all too well, I .,specfTellmesomelhing thaty()udo not yet under , rnd and I will unravelit for you' lru are almostspeechless with shockatter the events - the sunht parklandand your sLrddcn arrival in this :r e, t'ut you manageto stammcran accountof your ..ent experiencesYou show thc cronc the Hunting..rrn 'l can explainthesethlngs,'shc says 'But first, : r e me goidllvro pieces of goldto hcarthewordsof -r OraclelThisdemandtakes}a)uby surpriseIf you : c her z CoLdPieces.deductthcm from yatlr Adut r Sheeland fum to rrrr it you are unwilLingof -rble io pay,turn to 27J
3r5-316 3r, Holdingyour breathaLeverystep,you climbupwards You reach the nineteenthstep without feeling the slighlesttremor.Carefully,you leapover lhe twenlieff wilhoul touchingit, and land on the twenty-firststeF Nothing happensand you advanceconfidentlyup the restof the stalrwayYou haveno way of knowinghor'. of course,so to'c. manymorestepsarebooby-trapped, safe you avoid lhe thirty+hird, the fifty-fourth, th: eighty erghth,and so on. Thereare many hundredso: stairs,and your brain reelswlth the mentalarithmeli. requiredto work out the next stepyou have to mis! Eventually,though,you reachthe top andPushthrout: a trapdoorto 6nd yourselfin a cellar Dim light frlter: throughmeLalgrillesin the ceiling.Ar open stairca!: dimbsup one of the wallsand leadsto a door that,yo, presume, Siveson to an upperstorey The wallsof tl: cellararelinedwith storaSejars,eachone almoslas li as you Will yor.rclimb the stairs and go through ti: the contentsof tf: door (lum to r89), or rnvestigaLe jars(turnto ltt)? 5\6 You placethe bundle on your kneesand unfold ,:: cloLhto reveala glowing spherenot muchlargerli.your fist.At first you lhink it is madcoF glas. :.' transparenl, but you peer into iL and realizethat i: madeof nothing or, rather,of many thjngs,countl.: things.You seeoceans,dese*sand cities;suns,mo..i and sla's,animalsard people dnd ma-qv[hin8. . you cannot recognize-You look and look, and : . sphereseems[o expandunLil it is surrounding1 -
3r 7 lnen it shrinksto its former size - and you are no :nger in the counlrysidenearNeuburg. :ou are in a vast building. On all sides,corridors .:retchaway as far as your eyescan see Everywall is :led from floor Loceilingwith sheives, and every shelf : full of books.In fronLof you is a desk,over which and is complelely I two signs.One saysSILENCE/, as there is not a sound to be heard.The -:necessary :her saysENQIJIRIIS There rs a little brassbell on _edesk You coverthe strangesphereagarnand put iL : backpack. Will you now seLoff to searchthis -vour .::angebuilding(,Lumto 27j) or ring the bell (turn to
,t7 -rr walk along the winding passageis uneventful -_:ilyou reacha junclionbetweentunnels.You arein a - squarechamber,ils vaulled ceilingsupportedby : rs set in its four comers Threeof the walls consist -.pendoorways;the other is of finisheosrone,ano
bearsan inscription, 5o nearfa Semeion, antl yA sofar t fraoeJYou facethe one doorwaythat hasthe circleanc trianglesymbolaboveit, and choosewhich doorwal; you will leavethrough: The doorwaybeloreyou The doorway behind you The left doorway
Tum to ror Tum lo 28i Tum to ril
ihe morning.Now gel inside,and go upsiaFs I've a room ready for you.' He points his sword at you :hreateningly. It is true that you need somewhereto nay for the nighl, but the innkeepe/sattitudemakes and angry If you decideto fight him vou suspicious aiterall, turn to 278;ifyou accepthis offerofaccommodaliorytum to 222.
J I8
Al lasLyou reachthe top of the stairwaywherea ga: rn the parapetallowsyou to enlerthe flagstone-floorec Lunel that is fhe fower'stop storey.Stonepillarsrise from Lheperimeterof the floor to supporlthe tower: roofi Lhereare prisonerstied to most of the piilar: None of the pnsonersis human,you can see an E: woman,an amphibrousVaskindand one of the fou: legged, insect-likeMantirs. As you sLepcautrousl: acrossthe floor the prisonersraiselheir headsto star: at you in amazement. Turn to 296. 319 The big manrsjovial,b t retainshis grip on his swor. 'lVelcome,slrangerl'he booms, 'Lo the Inn of fh. GhostlyVrsitors Don't be alarmedby the nameof m fine establishment - it's just my little jokel You knor. lhis part of the world? Then you'll have heard lf. stories Folk say this place is haunted- that peop: disappearmysteriouslyin the night. A load of ol: wives'tales.Don'l believea word oi rt Anyway, this i the only inn Ior leaguesaround,so you don't ha,: much choice You can take the ferry acrossthe nver :
So you lhink l'll attackyoq do you?'snarlsLheLogic )og. Well, you'r€ quite right; and Lherefore, because you ou have guessed I should let pass But if correctly, r .1et you pass,your guesswill be wrong; and if your guessis wrong.asI havealreadypromised,I will altack '.-ou.ThereforeI have no choicebut to attackl'With :hab,lhe hugebeastpreparesto launchitself at you. If ',ou think thereis a flaw in lhe LogicDog's reasoning, rnd want to argue with it, fum to r97; otherwise, :repareto defendyourself- turn to 163.
t2t-322 32r \t lastyou reachthe top of the cliff and standupon the :opmosttier of th€ ZigguratWorld. You clamberovcr r stoneparapet,drop down the other side - and are greetedby a sighl that could scarcelybe a Breater :ontrastvviththe bleakaridity of the rocky wasteland relow. ln front of you sketchesfhe CrysfalCarden,a .rstaof vilid coloursand unnaruralbeauty Jadeflag full not of waterbut of 'tonessurroturdazurefounlaLns, :lnlling crystaLshards;marbletreesstandshffly above , Lbrantflowersof colouredglass Throughthe lifeless, .cintillatingvegetationyou can see the shimmering :omesand towersof the ViheousCitadel,homeoi the \rchmageGlobus.Pathspavedwith opalescentfi.ag:nentscriss-cross the Garden-but eachis guardedby a SilicaSerpent,Letheredto the spot br.rtotherwiscfrce :o atLackany passer-by. To reachthe Citadelyou will :raveLo confronLat leastone SilicaSerp€nt(hrm to 162) unlessyou leave the paths and try to forcc a ray throughthe bedsof glassflowers(turn to 77)
'ou have clamberedthroughthe window and slartcd :o climb downwardsbeforeyou think fo look whcre - ou are.You arehangingby one handfrom the sill of :e highestwindow in the castle,af the top of one of :e towers,overhangingthe gorge which appearsas a : ack gulf below you You slart to pulLyourselfback bitesyor.:rhand You cry -:'vard, but the roclcmg-horse :.l1,Leigo of the windowsill and your fadingscream ; cut o[Fby a distantthud as your body landsin the
321-)21 gorgc Thc haunfed Nursery Tower has claimed an other victim t-t The crorvd ot 11rccnskinned people draws back as yoL, run across thc garden and out of the 8ates. 'Stofl shouts {hc rotrrl leader,but you have gone 'We musi stop hrml Aitcr hrm, Feliti brothers and sisterslBring back our Chanrplonl There is a village outside th. gardcn.thc dwcllingsare old and dilapidaled, but yoLr (rd.1. r. -m \ .r', r.1.l'itcd r-d !oJ. -"1\d! acrossa desolalclandscapeoi cragg,r hilLocksar.: sh:ubb1 thickcLsYou fum io look at 1oLrrpursucr. :.n Le r,r'1., r'i r-d -p.' p .rr. -.. garden .ind as they emerge they changel Each oni drops hr rll fours and with a wailing cry is Lransforrncd inb a [n11, lrw hunting beast like a Giant Wea(" with gntrr frrr .)nd a snout full of shary teeth. Yo fttr' on, info cncllcssIjrassy plains rn which your pursu€r: are pcricctly camouflaged The gl8antic sun is sctting you nrn until yorr are exhausted,and as you stop yor: are nnmc
124 r'luids of various colours Anatomic.rl rlial3rams oi \cveral sorts of creafuresar'enailed to thc walls As you .lose the door behind yorl anofher opcnr in thc oppo .ite wall and a small man in a bloodst.rincdwhitc coat fnLers,and stops in surpriseon seeingyou 'A waniorl' rc exclaims 'A live beingl This is nrort rrnusual The only people I ever see are the few lifclcss hrrsksthat I ian L'eg from those beastly Black Shadows for my 'i'scarch,you understand.I am Necromon, by thc wayr :erhaps)ou'\'e heard of me? No? Wcll, lm not sur, rrised I've been donn here for many ycars I uscd lo r. apprenticedlo lhe -{rchmageClobus,you scc,bul , c had a ialLlngout \on l lile wretchcdly here n this racabre dLurgeon, spendrngalLmy tLmebuildifti the :ool with which I intendlo takemy revcnllcon Clobus. ,VilLyou assistme, wanior?' ; you agree Lo hear Necromon's proposal,tlrrn kr ro8) t you decline,and say you want Lo continuc r)n your .\.ay,tum lo 381.
125 to find yourselflying on a You regainconsciousness marblefloor You know thatyou shouldbe deadbut b.v somemiracleyou are alive,and unharned Your nexl thoughtis for the Aleph, and you rummagefranticall-v in your backpack,the glowrng sphereis there,and undamaged, but the clay ball has crumbledinlo dust You marvelatyourgood fortuneandat thelife-preserv rng skill of Mayrek lhe Polter.But perhapsyour luckis nol so good: you have survivedthe onslaughtof the SpectralStalkers,bub where have they brought youl Turn to 392 t26 You haveonly two possrblemoves Willyou move to lhe squareon your left (squareF3)?II so, lum to 295 Or wrllyou move forward(to squareE4)?Turn to ro 327 You throw you.selfat thc Ophldianguard He hasonl] a split secondin which to block your atlackwith hr: clus spear.He throwsa glancelowardshis comrades, tered round the trappedSilicaSerpent,buf you are upon him agarn lhe two of you fall to the grounc logether,lockedrn closecombat
Add r point to your rRArL score- AfLer ihf€i Atiack Roundsof combat,if you are still alive, th: other Ophidiansare beginning lo realze that you. If you have by nor'. opponentneedstheir assistance. killed the Ophidianguard,tum to 35;if he is still alne turn to J59.
128 The Ranganathanshave eight fingers on each hand, andeachfingemailis assharpasa razor They advance, squealingexciledly You retreatinto a comer so you canfighl themone at a time. SKIIL
55 77
1fyou defeatthem all, you spendsometime searching lhet room.All of the booksyou find areunintelligible, but in a draweroI the deskyou find a jar of clearliquid 'cearing the label CanectioeFl rl, which you may tale rlith you You thenr€lurn to the crossroads and begin arrotherlong hikedown oneof the othercorridorsjturn n ellhert64, 243or j-73. 329 The{unnelendsat r d.-r.rrv.ay. \ ou .tep throughand _rd yourselfin a smallrectangula' roomwith a door:r'ayset in eachof the walls.Hangingrn the shadows .lo.e{o theceilingi. a lar8ebundle.whichyou igno.e rtil you h€ara pileousmoanand seefhat Lhebundle ras sLartedlo move feebly.lVill you investigate(tum :o 2oo),or concentrate on choosingyour exit (lum to .{t)? 130
ihe invrsibleforcepressesinto you Likebalds of sleel -osing abou[ you. The pain is becomng unbearable,
ttl-t12 consciousness is slippingaway.Roll six dice If the lotal turn lo 2r2i if the Lotalis is lessthan your STAMINA, equal to, or greaLerthan, your STAMINA,tum to t72 J' \
The runic inscripLionon the v',heelhub strikeslef.or into the heartsof the Elves and they scatlerin all directionsYou tum towardsthe captive,Grondel,and he almostfaintsfrom fear unlii you rememberto Pul away lhe terrifying objecl. TLe courlyard is emPt] now, and you havelime io tmshacklethe old Elf, who fhanksyou profusely You want to leave lhe under ground ciiy and wander away into the darknessbe tween lhe decreprtbuildings,looking for a secluded placein which to unpackthe Aleph. Grondelcallsyou bac( beggingyou to producesomepieceof evidence beyondthe confine: for his theoryihat therearewor'Lds of the Elves'cavem A glimpseof the Aleph, with ils teemingdisplayof th€ infinite worlds of the Macro' cosmos,would be enough to ccnvinceanyone thal other worlds exist If you agreeto show it lo Grondel and the priest,tum to r8; if you huny into the shadows tum Lo377. to useit to travelelsewhere, tt2 Semeiontakes you to a chamber,deeP wilhin hr! strangehome,whichhouseshis'ielopticon.Thestrange deviceconsistsof a hoop cf metalwithin whichbrigh: swirl; connectedto the hooP witr coloursceaselessly bundlesof wLreslike knotted vines are two helmets Semeiondons a helmeL,you do likewise,and irnmeCi
atelyseelhat lhe coloursin the hoop aredearing,to be replacedby a picture of a world hanging in space.The orcturemovescloser:fhe world is the ZiSSuratWorld, flat tiersoi landenclosed wiLhina spherelhaLis half dark half heht. Closer,you see Globus'sCitadel,its shning domes and spires rising {rom the sparkling brillianceof the Crystal Garden and lhen Lhescene dlssolvesinto swirling coloursonce more. You hear Semeiont voice inside your mind; Globushasyofectal his CitaclelwiLh enchanLments. I cln Lrg to pmehntehis defences, but the eft'on will absorbrcrtain essmtia!salts lron aur bodies I htow 1 can uillaLanrl Lhedratn of sltehglh-b f ct l you,rontriar? if you are delerminedto see insideGlobus'sCitadel, whateverLhecost,tum to 99. If you would rathertry to use the Telopticonto seethe SpectralStalkers,tum lo 38o If you are anxtousto continueyour travels, lurfi to 2J
.z +.\
t1 t
,33-334 13' lhroughthe You leadthe l;ttle army of ex-captrves mazeof rocky ravines,headingfor the Point at which you emergedon this level from the cliffJace path Eveniuallyyour group arrivesat the edge of the cliff andyou beginthe long descentthat will Lakelhe Elves, Vaskrndand Mantirs to their homes takrnSwith them,perhaps,thc seedsoFa new spiritof co operalion betweenthe variouspeoplesof the ZrgguratWorld A little way down thc cliff, howewer,you bid farewellto the motley group,they no Iongerneedyour gr-ridance and you havc arrivcdat the point where the cliff face palhforks Althoul;hyou aretemptedto relum to ihe re,'urn home hero'swelcome{haihill greetyou ii -1ou knora'thal you prisoners have rescued, with the tou you must explor€more of lhis strangeworld You set off up the left handpath;tum to 146
an eeriePlace.The slatues In the darkthe gardenis'34 seemto be rlatchin8you; the fragranceof lhe flowers is overwhelmrng You decide to leave, but at thaf momentthe robedleliti appearsat the gale 'We were oncea proud;nd poprrlouspeople,'hesaysashe walks into lhe gardcn,'with many fine ciliesand palacesand parks \ort all is waste,and on1-vthis gardensurvives of h'atchingand hailint were no: Bui the c€ntufrcs you havearrjvedto saveus Co nol\ wasted- because in darkness,my poor accursedpeople hunt in ther" animalFormsonly in dayLight,so you willbe safefror
ihem until dawn Co to the Tyrant's caslle,6nd lum ard lill him,andrelease theFelrtr tromhiscurse fvill you go to the Tyrant'scastle(turn to t79), or use the Alephto leavethrsworld (tum kr t6J)?
This lunnel is very dark You crccp forwards, using i our hands more lhan your eyes,and at last you reach - a dead endl There is a wall of rock in front of you Then you hear a noise, an ominous vrLrnd of grinding :ocks.and you feel the floor move slightly under your :eet Ia lhere ls a way iorward, thc door musl be :oncealed; but perhaps lhis cul Jc sac rs :rmpry a 'ooby lrap ior unwari erpiorers 1f you w,antio remain 'ere to search the r,valLs,tum fo 168; if you would 'aiher retum along the tun ,ei, turn to r22.
316-t7 t16 Havingreachcdlhe cenke of the CrystalCarden,you standgazingup at ihe shimmeringwindowlesswallso{ lhe Vitr€ous Citadel.It is a collectionof marvellous strucLur€s, ea.h vyrng with thc others to amazethe mind and dazzle the eye: towcrs of amber and iet, canopies oi facetedcrystal,domcslikeenormouspearLs, wallsthat seemto be cataracts frozenwhile in motion alLreflectedin eachother'sglazcdsurfacesThe entire edificeis surroundedby a wide moal hlled with a brightblue|guid, spiralsof smokeriseomrnor.rsly from ih surfaceYou walk aroundthc Citadeland find that lhere is only one bridge acrossthe moat.a slab of slone,l^'ith one end resfinSon lhe bank aLyour [cet, exlendsacrossthe moat and disappears into the only doorwayihrough the Cifadel'scurtainwall The door rvay is suroundedby a frameof blackmarble,carved into an absiractrepresentation of a face,the doorway itselfbeing the mouth,and the stonebridgebeing the tongue To reachthe Citadelyou musteithercrossthe bridge(turn to 2t2), or fry fo wade acrossthe moat lurn to j7E)
J7 |
Dodgingfhe firstboulder-breaking blow of theGolem's malleL,you sprinklethe Siccatorin a wide arc (Cross ihe Siccatorfrom yo:urAduenLure S/rref.) The drops of sparkle in the air and across splash fhe Coiem's -rquid rlay torso.The effectis instanfaneousr the colem halts :n mid-slrideas the slick surfaccof water evaporates :om its body Cra&s appearas the monsteratlempls
33E-119 Lo move, and as LheSrccatorextractsevery drop of moisture{rorn the clay the Golem'sexhemitiesbegin to crumble After one 6nal shudder, the Golem is molionless,nothing more than a day statue,rapidiy crumblinginlo a large heapof fine brown dust.You lum away and head for the cave in the clifi Tum to 263. t3E You advancetowards the Pnsm of Powea shielding your eyes from the incandescent tracery thai pulses acrossits facets.You pressthe Aleph againstone of the surfaces. After someresistance, the sphereslowlyenters the Prism and drops into lhe waiting hands of the Archmage.Forseveralseconds he Sazesat it in wonderment,Lhena ferociousscowLdishgureshis noblecoun'At last I have itl'he says 'At last the Aleph is in m-r hands.You foolishmortallYou haveslavedandsufferei to bring me the one tool I needto becomeLord of al the MacrocosmosEverybeing will bow down before me' Nothing can saveyou You have failed in your quesr ,39 As you reachup to graspthe huge cocoon,it drop' Lowardsyou, splitting open along its undersidetc reveala moist,fetrdinteriorringedwith fanSlikesPine: There is nobody inside.You are berngattackedb-r'I Karanth,a cunningcreaturethat has the ability to us: someof the intelligenceof Lheprey thaLit consume:
,40 The Karanthfalls on top of you, attemptingto enfold and smotheryou. Beforeyou canreacha weapo4 you I ' n dy o u * e lig rio p e dwilh int h e K d J d r l h sc p i n e \) o u r skinalreadybeingcoroded by ils drgestivejuices.You will die unlessyou cansurvrvewithout breathinguntil lhe Karanthloosensits grip Roll lour drce;if the total is equalto or more thanyour srAMrNA,you gasp for air br-rtbreathein only the Kararth'smucussecretrons - your adventureendshere. If however,lhe total is lessthan your sr-lwrN,e,you are still consciouswhen the Karanth,assumingyou to be dead,briefly relaxes.Pushingwith all your might, you burst from the Karanth'shold and staggeraway from Lhecreature.Breathrngheavily,you Lakestockof yourself,aJld are pleasedto 6nd that you have no substantialwounds.The Kararth closesits body and hoists itsel{ up to the ceiiing;you have to decide throughwhichdoorwayto leave- tum to 45 t40 Youdrawyour swordandadvancetowardstheDragon. Shegrowls and flamesflrckerfrom her snout.'Typicalt' .he splutters You young hooligan;no r€spectfor eruditionand lilerature.Weaponsare not permittedin :he Libmry in Limbo, so I'm just going to have to .onfiscalethatnastyfhing.' 1s yow sword descends on her shecatchesthe blade rnh€r claw,snalches rt out of your handand disappears n a puff of smoke You are alone again.Deduct z :oints from your sKrr.Luntil you can find a replace-
ment wcapon- You havc no choice bul to explore ihis vast I ibrary on your own Tum to 27t
34r You gnp your swordhli in bothhandsandthmstthc blade ,lownwads, blinclly. near your frap'pcdfeet. YoLr feel thc fip clLrngeinlo somelhingspongy and after a secon(1.pause:he Litfogcn reaclsto lh,s assaullon r:. tonguc You are liited into the air as lhe bngue lash€i wildly from side lo srdc and you can rl, nolhing tcstop yoLrrselfbeing slarlrned agarnstihc rough walls oi the rrvrn'.r< the LiLhor'-r. longueronvrr|l* in agorr Lose 2 foints of srAMr\A If 1,ou arc still alive. th,: lontue.omes to resta;,ain alrdyou arc still stuck:.it To cscape,you l,ill have to keep slicrngrnto lhe creaturcs tongue and cach time you do so you will be lasheclagarnstlhe walls of lhe ravine ltoll ,-rnedie; the resullis Lhenumberof iurtherpoints of srAMrNAyormusf lose rl hile cuttint; yourself hee If 1'ou sun ive lh. dlte^rr .oLgofe\Jr \.d. -.rea.]i I p.r,i rh- Lr' happy I.rthogen,onLy to lind that an uncarthly iumir. escen(. rs growing in the shadows of lhe ravLn€:: Spectr,rlStalkerhas scnscciyour plesencc,rnd is begrn nin8 to naferializeAdd r pornt to your rnerl sco': then lfsl !d!r frnrlsror Roll fhreedicc lf the tofal r: lessfhar your rRArL score,lum to 3oo If the tolat r, equalt<,,or more than,your rRAIL scofc,the hideo-r shapc sl,wly dissolves you have cscapcddelectiothis timc,and may continueon your way I urn io 272
hand,is wliting for you.'lt yorr'renot on my side,,he says,'you arc my enemy Conc hereand die' Somer..here rr the back of vour mrnd a smallvoice is iellinS)ou that you must brcak away, yoLrnrust Rrn into the krfest and escape You grit your teeth ind try lo lorce your l€gs to carry yorr off the road anrl rnfo the shelter of thc trees. Roll four dicc If the total is less lhan your (urrenf srAMlNA, turn fo rjTj if {hc toial rs equal lo or rnore than your currentstAMI\A, rum ro 391
A SilicaScrpentis a dangerous,:dwersary.Glassyscales prolect its hcad and body, rt moves very quickly snapping at _v-oul\ith its fang-filled mouth and each :ime il attr.ks it squirtsfrom rts facea jet ot j. rd thal corrodesanything it Louchesl3utif you want hr passit, you must dclcatiL
S I L I CA S T J RP E NT lr each Atfdck Round. aiLcr you have resolu,d lhe rombat betwcen your shofd and the Serpent'sfangs, .ompareArlJ,l. St"entLhs.rv, enl p;6s lf orr n rn,or l lhe scores are the same,you have avoided the jet of
344-14t acid,bul if you lose,you are splashedwilh the liquid and must lose -z points of sr,{MINA.KeePa noie of the numberof Attack Romds you fight If at any lime you decideto use your LUCKin combat,turn to 264 AJterfour Atlack Rounds,if you are still alive,turn to
impressive,but perhapsyou'll do. We are prevented from rising againstthe tyrant GJobus:he hal captured and imprisonedour Queen.We usedto live above,on the shore,but we havebeendrivenb€neaththe waves
ry6. l1+ A second pair of green eyes appears, also at floor level
As your siglrt adjustslo the gloom, you can seethat both pairsof eyesarewatchingyou from a crackin lhe trapdoorlAs you move to floorboards- or a concealed defendyourself,lhe trapdooris thrown open and iwo Coblinslump rnlo lhe room. 'The innkeePersaid the travellcrwould be druggedl'hissesone They dra* sharpbladcsand advancetowardsyou. You standin a cornerso that you can fight Lhemone at a time Your mghl r.ision is worse than lhetrs lemporariLyreduce your sKrLLby 1 point for the duratior of this fight SK]L L
firsl COBLIN COBLIN Second
5 6
lf you are still alive aiter lhrecAttack Rounds,tum to 239 14t 'l have no reasonto believeyou,'grunts the robei Vaskrnd,'buLyou are obviouslynot of lhis world, anc perhapsyou are the wanior who, accordnSto pro phecy,will cometo our aLdagainstlhosewho oppress the Vaskind I have expectedsomeonerather morE
leveland the Gardenis the her that is the homeof both the SilicaSerpents and the Bia& Shadows; the Shadows are the more deadly,but beneaththeir Grand Tower therejs a tunnelwhich leadsshaight to the Vrtreous Citadel.If you are truly an enemy of Globus, this infonalion mighl assistyour quest.' You thank the Vaskind Restorer poinf of LUCKand add z Provrsionsfor the food that you aregiven.Two Vaskindescortyou to thc edgeof the domeand create a bubblefor you lo nde in; it takesyou swiftly to the surface.You wade on to the beachand head for the path that zig-zagsup the faceof the cl[f. Tum to rz 146 Cerod'sstrings langle argrily as Metron placesthe harpin a vice on a workbenchFor many minuteslhe
147-148 harp to you 'The sLringsare arrangedin order oi lengthandthe lengthsaredet€rnrnedby a strictmathe but I carurolimagine maticairatio Quite fascinatinS, what it is tor IL measurestwclve and 6ve eighths dro|ks trcm extremity to extremity and is madefrom gubis wood The decorationsscrve no funcLionand should bc removed.'Cerod is srlcnt.You pluck the slrings lt soundslike an ordinaryharp;it no longerhas any spccialproperfies(deleteit from your Adaenlurt sl]eef). Mctron hasdestroyedtheh;rp's magicalpowers andyou complainbitledy Tum to 375 t41 you pull at the fleshyfoldsol Grmacingwiih distasLe, pallidfungusthaf cover the doorway The stuff comes away in long strips and soon you have clearedthe door l'hc noxioussmell,you nohce,seemsto emanate fiom thc moftled skin of the fungus;the fleshinsiders white,lookswholesomeand hasa pleasantodour YoLnibblea smallpiece:it tastesas good as it looks Yor go on lo cat severaliargepieces-l he fungusiJ whole some:restore up to 4 pointsof sraMrNAYou continue peelLng the fungusfrom thedoor andsoonyou uncover the lalch You pull open the door, stcp throughit and setoff alongthe comdorbeyond Tum to r48. t48 You flcebeneafhthe poiatedslabso[ sionethat arethe uppe.leerhof 'he e-o''nou.,h- .rndfird r ou-'ef r' the darkcavemof ils mouth LookingbackyoLrseethe dull gLowo[ the bony warriors .yes: they se€mto be rcluctantto follow you into thc rnouth of their goc
349-150 Glurd.You breafhea sighof relief,but you arenot safe to the gloonr,you see tei As !.ou becomcaccustomed ihat ihe chutedown which you slid is aboveyou and oul of reach,anclboth of lhe two tunnelsat thc backof the cavem look dark and dangerousYour pursuers, urgedon by theirlcaderSyzuk,areadvancinghcsitantly behindyou. You chooseone of the Lunnels antl trustio your good fortune, lesl your Luck.If you arc Lucky, lum to z9z If you arc Unlucky,tlrm to r2r
349 You jump The Colcpod'ssix hear,ylegsjust missyou ;ls lhe deature thundersaway into the long grass. Unhurt,you pick yourselfup from the ground fum to 1r
Ito The toys nove no closerto the bed,bui continueto ,ratchyou with malcvolent eyes.You sit uprighton lhebed,determinedto stayawale all night. If you have Provisions, you cancat onemeal- but becaLrse of your anxiousstateit restoresonly 2 pointsof srAMrNA just beforcdawn,you dnft into sreep ano Eventually, rtake to find sunlightstreaminSinto the r.oornand on lo fhe toys, rvhicharc of courseordinaryand l;feless. iVealily you shale your head,and catchsrght of rhe li:llecloh,nin hisglJsssphere)'ou cankeephirnii you rrant to - he remrnJsyou of the ALeph,wh;ch you d€cideto use to takc you away from this haunted castleTurn to 6r
Itumto rj r).
151-3t4 353 but to someof theothers, Thistoweris smaLl comparcd andmuchtaller it is stillaswideasthekecpof a castle, becom€ lhc rockyground As you shuggLe across you,-vou lookint uP. alvareof a comrnoiionrn the air above you seea swarn of flyrn8 creaturesflappingtowards you iile blacksheetstumblingout of the sky.They are Black Shadows,ihe rnhabita.nhof these cylindrical towers As they swooprloseryou seefhat eachone rs a humanoidcrealure,with long ams, legs,earsand tarl, all of which are conncctedby the membraneof black skinthafallowsit to 0y You notice,foo, themalevolent red eyes,the long sharpiangsand lhe talonswhich iip all four limbs You hask'nfo the baseof the iower, a solid circularrvall oi black stone blocks There is no ent.ance, not so muchas an arrolvslil You put your backto thenaLlandprcpareto defendI'ours€liIf,ou havea Hrmiing'Homturn to 80 You cantry to useth€ Aleph to escapefrom this predrcament - tum to rr? Otherwise,you will havc to standand 6ght - turn to r78. 354 You are standingat thc foot of a sheercliff. Behind you, in lhe drstance, dawn is breakingbehinda rangeoi mountainsand the first ra1,so[ the morning sun arc shrningdireclly into a portalhewn rnto the faceof th€ cIc urned.aLeJ; rr rrorl ,,[ \.hereyou a_e:rardng l'Vill you enier the dark doorway ltum to r49) o' exploreLheareaat fhe foot of the cliff (turn to 197)?ll you would rather use thc Aleph to Lravelelsewhere,
3tt-l56 you takelhe glowing sphercfrom your backpackand slareinlo it, allowing its multitudeof rmagesto surroundyolr tum to 234
Although the jars areall the sanc sizeand shape,they seemlo be of lwo diffcrent sorts Some are marked rvith a roughly-stencilled diagramof a human being, rvhileothers show a humanfigure enclosedwithin a squareAll thejarsareliddedard sealedwilh wax. You breakopen severaljarsand firrdthat they all containa clear,odourlesslrquid.Ii you wanLto drink somc,you .an cup your handsand drnrk cither from one of the rarsmarkedwith a plain figurc (trrrnfo r28), or from a (turnlo J8) If you 'armarkedwith a 6gurein a squ.lrc . ' o L rd r. rt L . r-odl ri-r'lro m. rt \ c . c rt o f , r . . o i r : r e rour !va_y up the sfairsand lcavc throLrghthe door hrrn to r89)
\ ou put the botlleio your lipsandtakea moulhfulof rilfer liquid Beioreyou canrpit it out, Waylandslaps ou betweenthe shoulder'l'ladcs and you swallow il Wonderfulsfuffl' exclaimsWayland 'See?You're dry
3t7 as a bonc already'He ls righf, somehow,the drink lra' evaporated thc water that had been soaked rnto you' clothes and hair 'Keep the boLtle; there's Plenty mor. where that caore from lt's called Siccator and oni swig'll keep any lrquid off your person Mighi come very handy if ycu come across any morc Practic. lokers like mc' lf you decide lo keep lhc boitle, rc member fo notc it on yortr AdpenLurcSlrl- Turn l.
The hunters exchangeneither a glance nor a shout as they glide swiftiy in pursuit of rhc sc.rttpredwoodland creatures Within a moment, they havc all swept pasl you; wilhin a few seconds,they arc disappearingbehrnd a thick clump of trees.The park is peaceiulagain, silent and apparenLlyemply of life under r cllrdless sky. You wander aimlessly for a while, but cncounler no one There seems to be no choice bLrt kr usc the Aleph to leavelhis place.Tum to lo
359 YouLryto disenlangle yourselffromthctray,but your poundsin your headas lhe pr€scurcof lf. Your p,.rLse r'arer cn,.\e. ). Lr [iShtin8 o -l.rl ,ons.iot,. \ '. sfrutgle nith thc strapsof your backpackas thc prc. ous ajr tncklcs irom your clenched lips At last 1omanageto hnd thc little bottle oi Siccalor lift if to yorL' mouth and ernpLythe liquid down your throai (Deletr the Siccaior iont your Adoenture Sheef) Your bod. tingles all ovcr; you can no longer feel the cold wateagainsf your skrn Suddenlv you find yourself rushin:: upwards thrrugh the sea water. Stccator and wal.simply do not mrx and the sea is eiectint you lik€ : sLomacheiecturg undigested food You crash throtL6:: the waves in a fountain of spumeand are sPatoul on t: mrnutt' the beach You are winded and spendseveraL recovering youf breath, but other,,r'ise.vou ar€ uniur: Thereis no onc on lhe beach,and you find noihing.'' to .hmb the path lhat zrg-zags : inleresr\ ou .-tccrd" the faceof the cliff. Tum to 12.
opponent cLingsto your legs Within secondsother Ophidians ha',e surrounded you and you are at the cenhe of a circle of spear-points.You have no doubt that you are aboul to be killed Thcn a shadow darkens the air and, as lhey gaze upwards, LhcOphidlans cower and tremble. A Spechal Stalker is iornrrng in lhe air, towering above you on four fleshlesslcgs. Iest yorlr Trail score.RoII lhree dice. lf the k)tdl is equal to, or more than, your rRArL score, tuflr k, rr4, if fhe fotal is less than your rnlrr score,lum to Joo
160 Semeionslareslongandhardat thecollccfionof objects on the lable,and thcn shakeshrshearl 'lt is no use,'he says,'lcanreadnothingfrom thesefcw signs.They ar€ like a jumbledsentence wlth the mosf ir poriant words missingI am sorry,but I ne€dmoresrSns'Youha\re nolhingeLse to offer,so lnsleadyorL.rskSemeion ii he can tivc you .rny informalionabout Clobus Turn io 308
The doorway rernainssilent,but thc sfone slab contin,
AtcltiLLkeC uay antI
Kng of t'tuBrtdge, Emperorol the MoaLj How many crounshare I?' Will you arswcr
Even as you push her aside to forcc your r,vaythrough the curtain, Fclrccbegins to changc, ior she is a Were cal, and as you sfruggle wilh the folds of heavy clotlr she rakes you w,lh the lalons thaf art' extending hon: her fur covererlhantls Roll one die anJ halvethe resLrli round kaclionsup), the rcsulfis thc numbcroi sr.,.r, INA points lh.1l you tose lf you sLrrvivelhis attac. you manageto disentangleyolrrscliirom the curtarr and flee acrossthc stage Turn to r77
Tum Lo136 Tum to 67 Tum lo z:6
365 ,6,
Cautiously,,vouapproachthe scenc of lhe skirmish Thc Minstrel and the thrce boar-faccd soldiers are aLl dead The harp appearsto be beyond repair,allhough it sou|ds the occasionalnote and cnlls plaintivfl)' for help You pick up the Minstrels sword and feeLa surge of strength risc up your arm. It is an enchantedsword an(l if you kecp it remcmber,you can use only one wcal)onaf a trme- you ma1.add r point to yolrr sKirr vvhcnfighfinS u,ilh it in combat As you walk rway rnto the forest, the harp ral|es the last of its encrgy to call after you 'Cowardl' rt sings 'Trariorousdogl You could have aiclcdme, l ou couli havc saved my life. Now I wilL never resum€ m] righfful form, n€ver again will I sec the green hills oi my home A thousandcurseson you, cowardly travel ler Cerod lhc Minslrel'sdyint song condemnsyour -. wcight seenrsto seltlc about your hearl; lose.: points of rucrc. Disconsolate, you wander info the forcsi and usc the Aleph io transportyou elsewher€ Turn to 9r to4 Wrcstling rvild L.rlls is one of thc mosl dangerous entertainmentsdcmonstrrted at the summ€rtair at Neuburg, but yorr always thoLrghtof yourself as an experi Cr,rl'fling will .r rogre t olepodrr brI oerl-ar' -milar. rr' ro r: drlli.u'r lt is ,r t-.t of ,l'ength aq,rr ar; endurance As it chargesat yor! you duck asitlt at the last minute The creaturc careerspast and you leap lo: its neck. Locking your wrisfs together with your arrri
S TA MTN Atum , fo r74
j. 1z
t66-367 166 You closethe door behrndyoq turn and6nd yourself facefo facewith a cr€aturehom a nrghtmarelIt is a patchworkmonsler,a living beingcreatedfrom assorted
mereanimalsavageryIt droolsas it tnes to mouth a few words of challengeYou notice that a little pile of cheaptrinlets has been ananged neatly besidethe
io try io dashpast- tum to 39. t67 You trudg€ for what seemlike endlesshoursalong a rocky passage,until you feel weak from exhaustion. Deduct l poinL of sraMrNA.You want to resL,but it seemsunwis€ to do so in the almost complete darkness of the tunnel.At lastyou tum a comerto find
,68 swarmof batslSoon they fill the courtyard,fluttering all aroundyou and trying to bite any areaof exposed flesh You try Lokeep themat bay while working ouf how to leavethe courtyard.Roll lhreedice lf the total is hrgher than your sKILL,deduct the differencebe tween ihe two scoresfrom your sTAMINA Ii you you manageto seethat there suNive ihe bats' atLack, are four exits from the courtyard:a doorway n the middle of eachwall One has the circle and triangl€ s1.rnbol carvedaboveit; you faceit and decidewhelher lo escapeftom the balsby gorngfhough the doorwal you arefacing(turn to z6);the onebehindyou (turn to 206);the one lo your righl (tum to ror); or the one to your left (tum to r5)
,68 Tate hasguidedyour hand,'Mayreksays 'This ball ol It contains clayis one of my mostvaluablepossessions you hom deati' save it will perhaps purelife-force,and onedair Il will not prolectyou fi om physicalharm,bui usemagicalmeanslo drain lhe liie if your adversaries from your body the contenLsof this ball, if it is nea. your body,will restoreyou. Takeit, with my thanks'
t6g You departalongthe avenueof statuesWhen you are out of sight of the cave,you stop to examinethe clay ball.Il weighsalmostnothrngand seemsvery liagile. You shakeit; it rattles You wonder what a life force lookslike and why ii raltles.If you want to crackLhe ball to lnspectrts contents,turn io r88 If you decide lo placeit carefullyin your backpacJ<, recordrt on your Adonfure Shut; and Lhenuse the Aleph to leave this piace turn Lozrr.
569 Thc tall blacl.garbed Ophididr!andtheirsinuou.cap. live, all of themglitteringlike glass,areeasylo follow After leading you through steepsided canyonsand over sharprocky ridges,lhey stopfinallyat the foot of a sheerescarpmenlIt is clearthat the Ophidiansintend to take the SilicaSerpentto a cave that you can see half way up the wall of ro&. As half of the group of soldiersbeginto scutLle r.rpthe rock faceiikehugeblack you spiders, see that Ophidianscan climb almostas easilyas they can v;alk Someof the Ophidiansleft at the foot of the cliff beSinfo play haunting,discordant musicon their pipes;others,with great cautioq untie lhe SrlicaSerpent's wings It seemsthal lhe musicof the Pipeshasmadethe creaturedocile:risinginto the air,it rneeklyfollows the Ophrdianswho leadif up the cliff lolvards the cave.Soon all lhe Ophidians,wiLh the SilicaSeryentundulahngin the air nexl to them,are swaming up the sheerwall of rock. Will you lry lo iollow them (turn to 2z), or will you slay on sold groundand makeyour way lowardsthe vast clffs that
t70-172 risebetweenfhis level of the ZigguratWorld and the next(tum to 4)?
light snapsoff, your lifelessbody falls to Lhefloor in the darkness.
)7 0
You conccalyourselfbehinda bushand watch as four excitedWood Elves emergefrom a copse of Lrees They arecarryinga net wjlhin which somethingstruSI e s . T h e ! .l op .l ose lo vour hidi18pldcein an rre " that is clearof largetrees One of Lhemtiesthe neLand to a large boulder, whlle iis slill-strugglingconLenLs anotherlfts his headand givesa long, loud, wavering cry.The othersscantheskiesasif wailingfor somethingr to fall from the heavensIf you decideto makeyourseli known lo the Wood Elves,Ll.tnto 294;if you wouLd ratherstayhiddenand continueto rvatch,tum lo 246 J I'
Strugglingproves useless:the Grappler'slimbs hug you in their melallicembraceand lifi you effortlessll into the air SharppincersconverSeon you, and you aresureyour life is abouLto end.The robot slripsyour naked andyou aredeposited, clothrngand possessions in a cage.Perhaps,at the end of this suruey ships expedition,you will be ableto convinceils ownersthal i! you are an rntelligentlife-fom; but this adventr.rre
112 You are too weak to survrvethe pressureof the lighl beam.You remainrigid, held upright by lhe force or fror' the beam,until the lasl breathhasbeensqueezed your body and your brainceases to function.When the
You havebeenwalkingfor what seemslike hours,and still the corrdor exlendsbeforeyou as far as the eye can see As you walk, you scanthe endlessrows of books,and aLlast one attractsyour aftenhon IL is as lall as a spearandboundrn ffneblackleather.The title, embossed rn gold down the spine,is in your language: WizardsWil) you heavethe book from its placeand openit (turn to 2t9)?Or areyou so wearyof searching this Library thaf you can ihink only of looking for a ,ay to leaveit (turn Lo27)? 174 Your well-aimedblow almost cleavesthe Colepod's skull in two and the crealurefalls dead at your feet You noticethat lhereis a charnroundlhe animal'sneck, hangingfrom which is a smallmelal box, insel with a panelof glass.Upon invesligation,this provesto be a lantem,presumably wilh magicaiproperties,thal causes a beamof hghl fo issuehom the glasspanelwhenever the switchon lhe lop of lhe box is lwisted If you want to keepthisitem,nole that you havca ColepodLantern on yo.urArlueuLure SheeiNow tr.rmfo r7o. ttt
The Mapmakeris amusedal your atlitude 'You barbarians,'he chuckles,shakinghis domed heacl'you're alwaysso protectiveaboufyour belongings.] cxpecL you believe lhat everythrnSyou own has a lucky
t76 charmin it lt's all mumbojumbo,my friend.In allmy yearsof researchl've not fourd a singlemagicalitem. Il's all supersLitious nonsense; it dissolvesin the faceof ScienceBuLlet me offer you somethingYour home world is Titan,you say?Here,inscribedon a wooden sphere,is an exactmapof your world.You may haveit for only two Gold Pieces' You are infurratedby Metron's words,but fascinaledby the finely-detailed roundmap that he rs offeringto you; its srzeand shape are reminiscentof the Aleph. I[ you decideto stifle yow angerand buy the map,tum to 269.If, however, you cannot contain your rage, and attack lhe Mapmaker,turn to ro7 J76 The rce melh surprisinglyquickly. Soon ri\,.uletsof water are cascadingdown the sidesof the block and floodinglhe floor With a crashlike fallingmasonry,a shower of ice shardserupts from the centre of the block, and the long'frozen body rs Fiee at last A lerrifyingfigurerisesaboveyou Half againas tall as you, wth a motlled,warty skin and a wide, frog like face,the creah.rre raisesits huge splayfingeredhands and roars ils defiantJoy at finding itself freed 'l am Baratcha, Queenof the Vaskind,rulerof the sea-people of the hrst levelof lhis accursed World, and prisonerof Globusno longer ihanksto yor.r,'sheadds,lookrng down at you for ihe 6rsl lim€- Whal are you? Why haveyou cometo freeme?' As quicklyas you car, you explainhow you come to be here, far from your home and strandedwith the
t71-179 Aleph on the topmosttier of Globus'sshangeworld Baratchalells you that Globushimselfdwells in the room beyond the dark doorway that leadsfiom the antechamber. If you inlend to confronthim, she will gladly accompanyyou. Togelheryou crossthe ante chamberard step throughthe dark doorway.Turn tc II8
You pull the Aleph fiom your ba&pa& and as soonas you hold the giowing spherem your handsyou are hansfixedby the teeming mulLitudeof scenesfhat seemsto draw you ever more deeplyinto the Aleph's hearl Visronsof bustling crties,heaving oceansano silentlyrotaling planetssurroundyou on all sides.You feel yourselfbeing pulledamongstthem.Roll one die If you roll an evennumber,turn to r45; if you roll arr odd nurnber,turn to rz6 ,7E You step into the blue liquid. The floor of the moai slopessLeeply, andyou camot preventyourselfsliding in until the liquid is up to your neck.And, of course,it js acid a fiercelycorrosivevitriol thaL strips you. skeletonwithin minutes. ,19 One lonely light shinesin the castle'slallesLlower.As you approachthe chasmwhich separates the mounLair: road fuomthe sheercragon which lhe castlerises,you ensurethat your foohLepsare silent.BuLas you reacr
379 the lip of the precipicea drawbridgedescends {rom the opposiLeside;candlelightflickersin the archwayof the gatehouseand a voice invitesyou to enter The castle is empty, ils richly furnishedrooms thick with dust You makeyour way to lhe topmosLchambcrand there you frnd the TyranL:an aged creature,with the scaly skinof a lizard,clutchinga brokenstafi 'Do not fearme, Champion,'hesays.'My poweris long sincespenl I havebeenwaitingherefor centuries and I welcomelhe end of my boredom.I beg lust one boon beforeyou sfrikeme down. showme, I pray, the meansby which you camehere' The Tyrant kneels before you on creakinglegs, and bows his head in submissionYou take the Aleph [rom your pack and hoid it in fronL of him; his eyesflashsiver light. At LastlEscapefrom lhis drearyplacel' and he lungeslor lhe glowing sphereRoll threedice If the LoLalis less lhan,or equal!o, your sKrLL,tum to r34. If the lotal is greaterthanyorJrsKrLLscore,tum to 16
,8o Thisisvourchance tosLtlltfle Sfalkersl Semeion's thoughl appearsin your mind as lhe Telopticon'smetai hoop clearsto revealthe star-spangled blackness of lhe nighl sky Somethngis moving againsLthe backgroundof pinprick li8hts and smudgesof distant galaxies The picturemoves closer,and you can see them: severaL almosL incorporealinthecoldemptiness hideousshapes, of space- but definitelySpectralStalkersThere arc three of them and you know that lheir malevolent energy is benl upon.just one purpose,finding the bearerof theAleph you. Nofi.c, say Semeion'sthoughts, th6f thry aresurrou ded by a hoLoof light - a fainLBLouthaLI inogineis 1)isibLe between uarLis.Theaurais the anlv hercin thedarkness LhalbindsLhemLo Lheir oisiblesignof lhe enchl LmenL puryose.If ue mopecLoscr, I cill alLelnpfto anaLyzethe ourpresence nafuteaf fhespell,butfheyuillprobablydetect Can you aflord to lef themseeyo ? If you wish to invesligalethe Stalkcrs,turn to zz7; if, on Lheother hand, you decide lhat you cannot risk gaining any more rRArLpoinls, you tell Semeionthat you would ralherstarlor your kavelsagain Lumto 2l
and merely retr€at to form a circle to prevent you escapingAs the Horn's blare dies away, the Black Shadowsadvanceagairl and thrs time you have no choicebut fo fight them.Turn to r78 582 You shouldhavejumpedfrom Lhewagon.A Vampire is invulnerableto ordinaryweaponsand LheConluror merelylaughsasyou stnkehim. The woundsthaLyou inflrctheal immediately.Thereis no escape:the bony fingemseizeyour headand pull your faceLowithin a cenrimetre of lhe Vampire s b,az:ng eves You look uo lor a serord dnd you are me.me.izcd. \ou are the Conjuror'spicnic lunch as he rcturns home wiih his newbridel
181-184 363 'Sucha piiy,' Nccromonmutters-'I'm sureyou could havebeena 1;rcathclp to me I insist,at any rate,that you follow thc routc whichruns lhror.rghmy abode If you stepthroul;hthis door, and then throughthe door beyond,yoLrwill find yourselfon thc path Lhatleadsup lo the cellarsof thc Archmage'sVitreousCitadel And on the way I hopc you will pause to admrre th€ weapon I am conslructingto destroy Globus' You lhink Necromonand step through the door through whichhe camccarlicr. Turnto 366 184 You uncorkthc bottleof CoaechreFluldandmana8e to dribblea littlcot it between grimacing teeth Syzuk's He chokes,spluttcrs,shakesviolenlly and suddcnll sih up wilh a look ol astonishment in lhe deplhs of his eyes He starcsat you for a momentbelore gravel) Lhankingyou tor savinghis life; then he snaLchcs the a(ow from his shouLder as ii it were no more than a splinterand julnfrsto his feet.'Warriorsl'he yclls; and lhe noiscof battlcis suddenlystilled.'Stop fightingr This is all a rnist.,kcWe really shouldn'tspendall our time killing pcoplc Lef's go home and do something lessdestructive, shrll we?'Asone,the SkelelalWarriors tum and begrnb nrarchaway from lhe battlel'l don t knowwhatwasin thatstuffyou gaveme,'saysSyzuk 'Br.rt it's nadc mc feellike a new personDevaslation and cama8e;ustdon'i havethe appeallhe! usedto Sorry about ral|ng off your sacrificeai such shori noticeCanI grveyou a liit anywhere?'You the decline offer and slep down FromLhechanot.The battlefieldrs
,8t alreadyalmosfdeserted. You takethc Aleph from your packandslareinto iLsmyriadmoving picfuresIt seems to expandand sunoLrnd you Roll onc die if you roll an €ven number tum io tr, if you roll an odd number, turn to J6.
t8j Step by tremblng step, you approa(h rhe skeleton.It
is just a lifeless collection of old borcs. jts ,voice,
186-187 586 You walk steadrlyacrossthe marblefloor of the cham, ber Suddenlya blaze oF lighl flaresin front of you, rlluminalingthe end of ihe room.You seebeforeyou a vast,facetedcrystalihat glows with energy,a crystal that seemsto be made of noLhingbut Lght itself Standrngwrthin it js a tall figurein white robes Powerful and imposing,the bcing furnstowardsyou and you feel his eyes boring into your rnind.You feel dra,,vn towardsthe crystal;and for somereason,almostwith out noticing that you a.e doing it, you take the ALcph from your backpackand hold it in your outsLretched hands 'I am Globus,'says the tall 6gure,in a gentle vorce,'Archmage,and ruler of this world Forgjveme for greetrngyou from within this Pdsmof Powerbui, sinceI beganto searchfor my lost bauble which you hold fhere in your hands tenible enemieshave besiegedme My thanksfor retumingthe liftle sphere ro rre \or rvillbe rr.hll renardeoI (row your r.rrneyhasbeenlongand perilous,but now the burdenwill be lifted from yoLr Approach,my friend,and handthe sphereio me;it will passthroughthewallsof ihe Prism if you move rt slowly Approach,andhaveno fear' I[ you wish to give thc Aleph to Globus,turn to ]38, if not,tum to 25. t87 You throrv yourselfat the harnessof the leadingwar beast,clutchng at th€ decorationsthaLhanSfrom ihe platesof shiningarmour- buLyour grip failsand you fall lo the gror.rnd beneaththe flarlinghoovesof the talL
,88-389 creatules.Roll one die and lose that much sr-lvrN,c. If you are still alive,you jump to your feel as soonas the hunt has passed.Testyour Luck If you are Lucky, tum to r83. If you areUnlucky,turn lo 3jE. t8E A swarm of black shapes,looking like hundredsof scrapsof cloth, is dropprng out of the sky.'Black Shadowsl'screamsLheManLirleader.'BlackShadows are coming, and Lhe herds are unprotected.We have beendistractedfrom dur duty by this sLranger. Curse Globus!His pebswill feedon our Colepods- and on us if we remainunpreparedl Mantirs,defendyourselvesl' The sky is alivewiLhthe flapping,flailingcreatures the Marlr calledBlackShadows.As they drop closerlo the ground,you seethaLeachone is in facta humanoid creatur€, with long arms,legs,earsand tail,all of which are connectedby the membraneof black skin that allows it to fly. You notice also Lhemalevolentred eyes,the long sharp{angs,and the talons at the end of all four limbs.The Mantirs are huddledlogelherfacedown on the ground,spearsarrdspikedtailsthrustrnto the air. The BlackShadowsare swoopingclose4wrll you run ftom them (tum to z5z), or sfandand fight (tum to r2o)?If you have a Hunting-Hom,you may blow it by tuming to Jo9 389 The Grappleris Lhe robot thaL is in chargeof this survey'sship'swildlife collechon As far as it is concerned,you are an escapedanimaland must bc recap-
390 tured. Manoeuvdngswiftly on its moving tracks,it blocks your atLempLs to sidestepand, exlending its telescopic limbs,it closesin on you. The Grapplerhas 10 poinls of sKrLL.You fight it rn the normal way, exceptthaLwheneverit succeeds in hittinS you. it doe. nol aIFectyour slAMlNA:in stead,it wraps a mefal tenlaclearoundyou, reducing your sK[L by z points Wheneveryou succeedin hitting it, roll a dre.rf you roll a 5 or a o, you nave managedto strikeneara vital elechoniccircuit,and the Grappler's srrn is reduced by j pornts. lf you succeedin reducing the Crappler's sKrLL lo zeto, 'Lumto tj; if the Grappler reducesyour srrrr Lo zero,tum to 37r 190 You drarvyour swordand chargeinlo thc midst of the glassflowers,stdking to right and lefl as you run The air is filled with the noiseof splinleringglassand the wailingshrieksof the flowersbut therearerrarryrnore bloomsLhatremain,on all sidesof you, squirtingacrd from wrthin lheir petals.You cnnnoLavoid being hil; the amounlof damageyou sufferdependsenlirelyon the speedn'ilh whrch you can cut your way through the flowers-Roll lhree drce,and compar€the total to vour s(rLL. If the Lotal is greater than your sKrLL, you are woundedby ihe flowers'corrosrvespray:lhe differencebetweenthe two ffguresis the numberof srAMrNApoints you lose If you survive,you emerge on the other sideof the flowerbedwifh your clothesm smokingtatters;but you are ableto continuetowards theVitreousCiiadel Turn to jr6.
t9r-192 39r The gaLehouse is r-mdefended. The portcullisis rarsed and the hea,,ywooden doors have fallen from their hinges.You continueacrossa rubblestrewncourtyard and into a largehall whichconLains nothingbut worm eatenfurniture,rotling tapesLries, dust and cobwebs. And thenyou hearvoices.You are rooted to the spol, unableio tell whereLhesoundsare comingfrom. The voices are chargedwiLh emoLion,shouting,sobbing and shrieking,and seem to be involved in a bitler argumentabout the NurseryTower. Then all is silent again- untrlyou hearoncemore the eenescream, loud at first, then fadrng,and finally cut off by a distant thump. All rs qurel again, but the silencers more oppressiveLhanthe noises-Yor.rtum Loleave,only to 6nd your way blockedby two 6gures,a man and a woman,who advanceon you with outstrelchedarms You carvrotrun backrnto Lhecouriyard will you flee into lhe castle(Lum to 262), or will you aLtackthe couple(turn to 34)? 192 You havereachedthe innernostchambcrof the Vitrcous Citadel.This was the throne room and workshop of the ArchmageGlobus;now, as dim lighls begin lo glow along the walls, you seethat ihe room is bare. The hall is so long that, in the poor light, you cannot seeLhefar end.You tum to lhe door behindyou but find thal it is locked,and you canseeno otherexil The silenceis oppressiveand you senselhat your long )ourneyis about[o reachits lrnalconflict.You prepare yourselffor a confrontationwilh Globus,bul suddenly
t9t-39t a dazzlingbeamof hght,thrown from the far endof the hali, catchesyou and holds you fast An invisrble forcepreventsyou from moving;you canfeelbandsof pressure abouLyour body, grippingyoq and sgueezrng you more and more lightly- You cannotbreathe,and the pressureincreases relentlessly. If Baratchais with you, tum Lo 47 ll yo:uare alone,but have a seven poinLedTahsman, tum to r4J. Otherwise,tum to 3ro 393 You areunableto resistthe callof the Ministrel'sharp. On unsleadylegs you staggertowards the Minstrel, but he merely smilesas he raiseshis sword Your advenlureendshere. t94 As your sword blade arcs lhrough the aia the Black Shadowreleases its hold on the wall and leapstowards you. The creafurescreeches as your weapon slices throughits membranous folds of skin,but it dropson to you and rakesyou with its talons.Preparinganolher blow, you stepback into the empty air.For a second you standwrth one foot on the stairway,armsflailing, then one final blow of the BlackShadow'sclaw sends you plummeiint foom the side of the tower to your deafhon therocksbelow. 195 You unwrapthe bundleand lift up the sphere.It is no longershrningand its movrnglandscapes are obscured by grey clouds.The Dragon peersat rt through her spectacles, andfrowns
t9t) 'Oh dear me,' she mutters.'l really don't think that ought to be hereat all-It's a very un Limbolike fhin8, rf you seewhal I mean.I adviseyou to takeit to our ArtefacfsSpeciaiistI[ anyone knows what it is, he does His name is Wayland,and his office is a few minutes'walk along that corrider.But do be careful, he's a bit of a praclicaljoker. I shouldn't touch the knockeron hrs door if I were you. Now be off with youl' Will you follow the Dragon'spointing finger(tum to 243), or set off in another direchon to explore the corridorsof ihe Library(tum to 27t)?
196 You advance to 'ardsthe Prism,shieldingyour eyes
from the rncandesce-nce that pulsesacrossits facets You press Lhe Alcph against the sLrrface and, afler meetinSsome resistance, lhe spheredrops into lhe wailing handsof the Archmage.For sevcralsecondshe gazesat it in wondermenl;Lhenhis face twrstswith scom 'At last you have seenreason,'he spits, 'but sadlyfor you if js too laLe.The SpectralStalkersare here,and while undermy charmthey rnust seekand destroythe hoiderof the Aleph- noll'
Clobus'sfaceis transformed into a maskof terrorashe realizesthal fie is now the bearero[ the Aleph. You look up and freezein horror as the four monstrous demonslurch and springtowardsthe Prism You back away,but the nightmarishcreatures pay no attentionto you Their Blitteringeyesare frxedon the Aleph their wriggling fentaclesare hungry only for Globus's
197 blood.In desperatron he hurls the Aleph away,but it bouncesoff the insideof the Prismand retumsto his hands.Then towering skeletallegs shatterthe bright planesof the Prism,and the SpectralStalkersare upon him.You tum awayas they snatchhim inLothe air and begin to rend his body. l\hen you look back,he is retrievesfhe Aleph dead.one of the SpectralSLalkers and placesit carefuilynexl to the Archmaget tom corpseThen,freeat last,the SpectralSlalkersfadeinto the air Tum to 4oo
maze- in olhcr words, you can refer to the inside froni
tgl Walkingawayfrom the clJffyou find that you are not, as you fust thought,at its foot You are on a ledge, below which the cliff drops precipitouslyto a Sreen valley You can find no path leadingup or down the faceof the clift but a litlle way from the portal thereis a largeflat-loppedboulderon which you sit to watch If you havesomeProvisionsyou caneat a the sunrisemealandrestoreup to 4 poinlsof sTAMINA. As ihe sunclearsthe peakoi the highestof the distant mouniains, ils li8ht touchesthe surfaceof the boulder and a paltern apfears,etched in the stone It is a diagramof a mazesunoundinga lar5;ccentralarea,the mazehasonly one entrance, and next to rt is engraved a symbol a trianglesumountedby a circle Abovc themazeis an inscription,THI5EvEN COURI-!',4RD5 and beLowit are OF SEMTION CRYPTOGLYPHOS, threerhymrngversesYou assumethat th€porLalin the cliff-faceis the entranceio themaze.
398 The whife pawn on squareGd acceptsvour decision gratefully,and makeshis only availablemove side ways to squarcGJ Therc rs not a singleblackwarrior
t99-lao in a squarethat is directly in betueenany two white wa iors,so you cannotkill any of fhcm Now it is lhe turn of Burud'sblackwarnors.They do not €venbother to consultcachoLher,you heara noisc,and tum to scc that lhe blackpawn on EJ is moving Lofi You arc in behreentwo blackwarriorsrand no matterhow much you tltm and rurn a8aln,,our amlouf cannorprorecr you againstattackfrom h{o opposilcsrdesBurudv,,ins thc gameand yoLrradventureendshcre ' 199 You shouturtil your voiceis asweakandexhausted as your limbs,but no onehearsyou Your legsareshaking LrnconlroLlably, 1ourarmsblazewiththepainoi supporling your body, and yor.rrfingers,cdnpletely wjthout ieeling,refuseto obeyyou lt is wilh a fcelingalmostoi reiiefthat you lcf I]o. 400 Dazed,you sjt in a comer of Lhehallway for some time Then you pick up {he Aleph and makc your wa-l oul of the Vlheous Citadel Cracksare appearingin the narble and glass, you hcar echoes of thundcrous cmshes as spiresand domcs collapse.The Crystal Gardenis now a wilderness oi shatfered glass As you make the long descent throuth lhe levels of the Zlggurat World you 6nd Lhat the Srlica Serpents havc been reduced to tlitterint, insubstnntialhusks and thc Black Shadows ha1,eshnvelled urto drl flaps of skin On the lowest level of the world the Wcod Elves,Mantirs and Vaskind receive you as n conquering hero and, during several days of feasting and reloicing, they load you with grfts
and precious gems At Iast you decide thai you mus: Lry to rehrm h(nn€;retreating fo a sccludedglade in the foresl, you unpack the Aleph and lJlze once again into its teeming dcpths, all rhe whilc thnlkjng of Khul. You open your cyes You are sitting rn a comfield, on : sLopeoverlookrng ihe red roois and majeshccas e or a smali town. You instantly recognizeNeuburg - you are home. Your backpackis still stuffed with jewels bul the Aleph, to yoLrrdisappoinfmenL,is nowhere fo be seen Perhaps it is for the best. no one has th€ righr to possessthe Alcph; it should always remain lost some where amonl]sl the my.iad worlds of the Macro
Marc lishtins Fatttsv
THE TROLLTOOTHWARS Steoelackon Ir stdted with an ambush when BalrhusDirds bloodlustinsHil GobliB nomt their raid on the Skongam caavd, little do lhey realize what drmatic consequencestheir aclions will hav€ For that eravd cmie, cmelworr. a mysricl he# ftom E6r€m Atlmsia. deslined for none othq than the enl sorceror zhaFada. Mad War b€tween two fores well maLhed foi evil h soon to eftue Will Balthus Dire's chaotrG oi Zha.radan Mdt undead prov€ vic tonous? The msw€r is here, i. the Iirsl FiAhting Fantasy nowel DEM O NSTEALER Marc Gaffii{ne It i ll c budfl Bon. clofl on lhe bdrL of cn "rrrpd 'nren.e bat,a sinislerthief breaksinto the towd of the sor.ererYekodo Guided by long dead voicds,he hanages lo mke of! with an an.ientscrollwhosesecretscoutdspelldoon and d€struchonfor all Chadda Dtukmane is soon on the tra of the ttrref 3ut as th€ quest grows ever lon8et his nagAingdoubtsabout thc powcr of sorcery tlr inlo nightnarcs The traill€adsfar beydndnorlheh Allansia,fd the Piiate Coasl nd the twEhng alleyways of Rino'r, where Ddkmnet nightmdes b{on€ lleshl For the tlnef has 6ed the mcie.t scroll to summonoih to help him in his sorccrcushsL Demonswho are nol bodd by the .onslrainh oI earthly foim who feaston the humn sprnt ,A ie! biave .onpdio.s rcompany Ddkmane, but will they be enough- md n tme - to stop the thEf from ulocbng lhe ftnal secret oI Yaztronot sio]|al Dnantlethr, the second FightinA Fanfasynovelin a se.i.s th:f bEEr^witl\ ftu rtu||t.DthVld^, holds
5r.!. /d.Ld,! SO RCI RY 1 Tln Shttttmti tlill' Your $d.h Lt thc legendar} Crorn oI (Dsr hkc ldu lo the Shamut$ti Hills Al'r. rLith elil.realues, hbls\ FandereGmd L.lo.dtl-Jnl}m.nnd' tl-. i.nd rs.ddlei .ill, ln.Is af!] tif: hirr ln8 fo r ihe un \r, i eller l\ ill r . ! b. r 5l, r o. r . $ tl i c l . l l ! srieir and ptu,res,ito the s..on,i part ol tird Lcnt(. !r vll !o( I K hnr i Cr t pr t j . l7 t ! As a waflor rely'nlj or f(tr.. oI rrns, or a wizr'd lrrined ur ma8i., yo! musl bravc Lh. tliior oI a oty bu,lt h) li,t lhe unr{ar} i'ou Nillnccd all your LLitsabout yo! lr rurive lfc unlmrginablehoi ros aneadand to Jnrlc scns di the .hresw]rr.h nr.y lead to !-.our su..es - or ro your doon :r ]lrr i,frrr 5/rt,n. sevend ea d\'in d mrs . aLs eaent sr pe. d ihc id . { y ou t o w a n t h . b. ible lo crt.h ihen evil ArchmaSc.l your comrnS vlil -v.u 1 th! atlui) at Ktu,, Al the end of you. l(rE trck r,.u ir.e lhe nnkn.hn tedo^ or the Mmang Fortres ll'ddm iNrde lhe kecp r5 thf Crowf ol KnSs lhe dhmzte Boal oi thd i.r.!qr ep,c BLt h.\r,( Ior rr ha$ ..i CcfutcJ thr Sc\en Serp.nt\ )cur trrnr,l has bren 'ou &1i., ConFlctc r"ith ill the mrgi.al \pcllr )d! hiLl nced ea.h book.rn be playeCeLtheioi l\ ow. or ns parLaa lhr wh.lc eptr
Maft Fithtt"x Eant"sv
THE TROLLTOOTHWARS shDelacLw It sta.ted with d mbuh Who Balthus Di.e's bloodlusting Hill Goblins oount their hid on the Strongm cdavd, littl€ do lhey realize what diamati€ consequencestheir actioN will have For that @ravan cdis cmelwon, a mFti.al helb ftom bst€m Atlmia, d€stined for nDne othtr than the evil sor.€ror Zhanadan Mn! War - b€tween two forGs weu-mLhed for evil is soon lo ensure Will BalthusDne's chaoti.sor Zhmadm Md s hdead prove vic bnoud The dsw€. h hde, in the {irst FightinAFantasynovel DEMONSTEALIR Mat
Ir stdted wfth a bu.slar-. Bome alofr o. the back of m rmense bat, a srnEterlhief breaksinto thc rowar of the tor@rerYdhoho Guided by lons-dead voicer, he manases to nale off wth an m.ieht scrollwhoseseaek couldsD€lldoomnd dshu.tion lor aU Chadda Ddkna.e is soo. on the trail of the thief. lut as lhe quest Srows ewerloneet hh naggingdoubls about the power of sorcery tlm into nlghlmdes The lmil leads far beyond no.them Allansia, to the Pirate Coast md the twEhng alleyqays of Rih6n, wher Ddlmane's nightm{es become flesh For the thi€f has used the ancienl scroll lo sumnon oth€s fo help him in his sorc;rcus ldk Denons who de not bdmd by the .onstraintsof ea*hly loms who feasto. lhe hmm spiril A l.w bEve compdions a.compmy Ddkmane but will they be enough and in tim. - to slop the thref f.om ulockng the 6tu1 secret of Yufromo's sctolll Dtnodeakt, the second lghting Fantasynovelin a seriesrhat Leganwitf Tle lrol/roorl'w,6, holds