, 227 <noframes>, 180 , 88 redefining, 206-207 HTML Source Formatting profile, 330-332 HTML Styles command (Window menu), 96 HTML Styles panel, 96 !htmlmsg messages, 335 HtmlTag variable (browser profiles), 334 hyperlinks. See links
I icons file status icons, 38 image icons, 110 Ignore Whitespace Differences check box (Find dialog box), 82 tag, 227 Image command (Insert menu), 100 image editors, Fireworks, 117 animations, 122 Design Notes, 119 exporting images to Dreamweaver, 125 image editing, 123 image optimization, 120 image sizes, 121 integration features, 121
378 image editors Launch and Edit preferences, 119 setting as default editor, 118 slices, 124 tables, 124 versions 2 and 3, 118 Image Field button (Forms Objects panel), 196 image maps, 133 images, 99 adding to timelines, 271 aligning, 109 animations animated GIFs, 112 editing, 122 background images, 111 borders, 108 as buttons, 196-197 duplicating, 100 editing, 123 formats, 99 icons file status icons, 38 image icons, 110 image maps, 133 importing, 100-101 interactive Flash buttons, 143-145 Flash text, 146-148 jump menus, 149 navigation bars, 260 layers, 230 linking, 131, 301 lowsrc files, 107 navigation bars, 140-142 optimizing, 120 preloading, 255 properties, 102 redefining image source, 106 replacing, 257 resizing, 103-105, 121 restoring, 257 rollover images, 138-139 spacer images, 169-170 thumbnail, 131 tracing images, 21, 236-237 Web photo albums, 113-115 wrapping text around, 110
tag, 107-108 Import CML into Template command (File menu), 292 importing animated GIFs, 112 Fireworks images, 125
images, 100-101 reports, 321 XML (Extensible Markup Language), 292 Indent command (Text menu), 89 indenting lists, 89-91 Inherit option (layer visibility), 226 Insert Button button (Forms Objects panel), 195 Insert Column command (Table menu), 155 Insert Comment dialog box, 79 Insert Email Link dialog box, 132 Insert filter (CSS), 219 Insert Fireworks HTML dialog box, 125 Insert Flash dialog box, 143 Insert Flash Text dialog box, 146 Insert Jump Menu dialog box, 198 Insert menu commands Image, 100 Server-Side Include, 296 Table, 152 Tabular Data, 158 Insert Named Anchor dialog box, 134 Insert Navigation Bar dialog box, 140 Insert Rollover Image dialog box, 138-139 Insert Row command (Table menu), 155 Insert Rows or Columns command (Table menu), 155 Insert Rows or Columns dialog box, 155 Insert Script dialog box, 245 Insert Server-Side Include dialog box, 296 Insert Table dialog box, 152 Insert Tabular Data dialog box, 158 inserting. See also embedding ActiveX controls, 308-309 animated GIFs, 112 assets, 280-281 breakpoints, 363-364 buttons, 15 check boxes, 190 columns, 322-323
comments, 79 Design Notes, 46-47 file fields, 193 Fireworks HTML, 125 Flash buttons, 143-144 Flash files, 306 Flash text, 146-147 graphic buttons, 196-197 hidden fields, 194 horizontal rules, 95 Java applets, 307 jump menus, 149, 198-199 library items, 294 line breaks, 88 lists, 191-192 menus, 191-192 named anchors, 134 navigation bars, 140-141 paragraph breaks, 88 radio buttons, 190 Reset buttons, 195 rollover images, 138-139 Shockwave files, 306 special characters, 94 SSI (server-side includes), 296 Submit buttons, 195 tables, 152, 155, 158-159 text fields, 188-189 Install Extension command (Extension Manager File menu), 356 installing extensions, 355-356 integration features (Fireworks), 121 interactions, 345-349 interactive images, 137 Flash buttons, 143-145 Flash text, 146-148 jump menus, 149 navigation bars, 140-142, 260 rollover images138-139 Interactive Images menu commands Flash Button, 143 Flash Text, 146 Navigation Bar, 140 Rollover Image, 138 interactive timelines, 272-273 invisible elements bounding boxes, 186 comments, 79 hidden fields, 194 hiding/viewing, 79 highlighted regions, 290
linking image icons, 110 line break tags, 88 Invisible Tags menu commands, Comment, 79
J Java applets, 307 Java Security dialog box, 361 Java Shareware Web site, 307 JavaScript behaviors, 241 attaching, 242-243 Call JavaScript, 244-245 Change Property, 246 Check Browser, 247 Check Plugin, 248 Control Shockwave or Flash, 249-250 creating, 261 defined, 241 frames, 181-183 Go To URL, 252 Open Browser Window, 253-254 Play Sound, 251 Popup Message, 251 Preload Images, 255 Set Nav Bar Image, 142, 260 Show-Hide Layers, 256 Swap Image, 257 Swap Image Restore, 257 Validate Form, 258-259 validating data with, 200-201 calling, 244-245 Debugger, 359 editing variable values, 364-365 finding logical errors, 363-364 finding syntax errors, 362 inserting breakpoints, 363-364 starting, 359 stopping, 361 watching variable values, 364-365 JavaServer Pages (JSPs) Web site, 339
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) files, 99 borders, 108 duplicating, 100 editing, 104-105 image alignment, 109 importing, 100-101 lowsrc files, 107 properties, 102 redefining image source, 106 resizing, 103 text wrap, 110 JSPs (Java Server Pages) Web site, 339 Jump Menu button (Forms Objects panel), 198 jump menus, 149, 198-199
K-L keyboard shortcuts, 16-17 Keyboard Shortcuts command (Edit menu), 16 keyframes, 266 Knowledge Track, 350-351 Launch and Edit preferences (Fireworks), 119 Launcher panel, 14-15 launching. See opening Layer Borders command (Visual Aids menu), 225, 239 layer tag, 227 layers, 223 aligning, 234-235 background colors and images, 230 borders, 225, 239 clipping properties, 230 converting tables to, 239 converting to tables, 238 defaults, 226-227 drawing, 224-225 fitting to images, 225 hiding, 256 hiding and viewing, 228-229 tag, 227 tag, 227 nesting, 227, 231-232 overflow options, 230 paths, 270 positioning, 228-229
renaming, 228 reordering, 232 styles, 233 support for, 223 timelines, 263 behaviors, 267-269, 272-273 creating, 264-265 deleting, 274 images, 271 interactive, 272-273 keyframes, 266 multiple timelines, 274 recording layer paths, 270 tracing images, 236-237 viewing, 256 z-index, 223, 225 Layers to Table command (Convert menu), 238 layout cells, 164-165 Layout command (Site Map View menu), 42 layout tables drawing, 164-165 formatting, 167-168 nesting, 166 spacer images, 169-170 Layout Tools option (Convert Layers to Table dialog box), 238 Layout view, 12, 163 layout cells, 164-165 layout tables drawing, 164-165 formatting, 167-168 nesting, 166 spacer images, 169-170 preferences, 171 switching to, 164 Left attribute (CSS), 214 Letter Spacing attribute (CSS), 212 Library command (Window menu), 293 library items, 293-295 Light filter (CSS), 219 line breaks, 88 Line Height attribute (CSS), 210 Line Numbers option, 57 lines. See horizontal rules Link Checker dialog box, 318-319 linking. See also links CSS Styles, 220-221 Dreamweaver Exchange Web site, 353
380 linking e-mail, 132 frames, 176, 179 FTP sites, 130 image maps, 133 images, 131 library items, 294 local HTML pages, 128-129 named anchors, 134-135 remote HTML pages, 130 site maps, 40 sound files, 301 URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 252 links, 127. See also linking broken, 318-319 changing, 319 changing site-wide, 41 creating with site maps, 40 e-mail links, 132 image maps, 133 named anchors, 134-135 list attributes (CSS), 216 List menu commands Ordered Lists, 91 Properties, 90-92 Unordered Lists, 89 List Properties dialog box, 90-92 List Values dialog box, 191 List/Menu button (Forms Objects panel), 191 lists creating, 191-192 CSS Style attributes, 216 Favorites, 279 font list, 73 ordered, 91-93 unordered, 89-90 Load command (Tracing Image menu), 236 loading images low-resolution images, 107 Preload Images behavior, 255 local files, synchronizing, 50-51, 312-313 local sites creating, 30-31 linking to, 128-129 local staging areas, 33 logical errors, 363-364 loop parameter (sound files), 304 Lotus Pathware, 350 low-resolution images, loading, 107
lowsrc attribute, 107 lowsrc files, 107
M Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev. See UltraDev mail (electronic), linking to, 132 maintenance broken links, 318-319 cleaning up HTML HTML source code, 314-315 Microsoft Word HTML, 65-66, 316-317 file synchronization, 312-313 File view columns, 322-323 reports, 320-321 Make Same Height command (Align menu), 235 Make Same Width command (Align menu), 235 Make Widths Consistent option (layout tables), 168 management. See maintenance managers, Extension Manager, 353, 355-356 maps image maps, 133 site maps file status icons, 38 layout, 42 linking with, 40 viewing, 38 Margin attribute (CSS), 213 margins frames, 176 Margin attribute (CSS), 213 setting, 20 Mask filter (CSS), 219 mastersound parameter (sound files), 304 Match Case check box (Find dialog box), 82 matching patterns, 83-84 memory, rebuilding cache, 278 menus creating, 191-192 jump menus, 149, 198-199 messages, displaying, 251 Microsoft Word, cleaning up HTML, 65-66, 316-317 .mid file extension, 300
.midi file extension, 300 Missing Alt Text reports, 320 Modify menu commands Convert, 238 Edit NoFrames Content, 180 Frameset, 174 Page Properties, 19 Table, 155 modifying. See editing, 15 Most Accurate option (Convert Layers to Table dialog box), 238 moving table columns, 155 .mp3 file extension, 300 !msg messages, 335 multiline text fields, 189 multimedia, 299 ActiveX controls, 308-309 Flash files, 249-250, 306 Java applets, 307 plug-ins, 299 Shockwave files, 249-250, 306 sound files, 300 controlling playback, 251 embedding, 302-303 formats, 300 linking to images/text, 301 parameters, 304-305 multiple font tags, avoiding, 78 multiple keyboard shortcuts, assigning, 17 multiple timelines, 274 multiple-choice questions, creating, 345, 347-348 .mxp file extension, 355
N \n regular expression, 84 {n} regular expression, 84 {n,m} regular expression, 84 name parameter (sound files), 304 named anchors, 134-135 names colors, 284 file extensions, 287, 300 layers, 228 region names, 289 Navigation Bar command (Interactive Images), 140
playback rates (animations) navigation bars inserting, 140-141 Set Nav Bar Image behavior, 142, 260 nesting layers, 227, 231-232 layout tables, 166 New Editable Region command (Templates menu), 289-290 New from Template command (File menu), 291 New Site command (Site menu), 30 New Style dialog box, 204 newer files, viewing, 313 noframes page content, 180 <noframes> tag, 180 notes, Design Notes adding to documents, 46-47 adding to templates, 45 cleaning up, 45 enabling, 44 File view columns, 48-49 sharing, 45 numbered lists, 91-93
0 objects creating, 328-329 properties, 246 Objects command (Window menu), 186 Objects panel, 14, 327 Off wrap setting (text fields), 189 onBlur event, 201 onChange event, 201 online learning environments, 345 CMI (computer-managed instruction) software, 350 database connections, 351 interactions, 345-349 Knowledge Track, 350-351 Open Browser Window behavior, 253-254 opening browser windows, 253-254 Extension Manager, 356 Preferences dialog box, 15
Optimize dialog box (Fireworks), 120-122 Optimize Image command (Commands menu), 120 optimizing images, 120 ordered lists, 91-93 Ordered Lists command (List menu), 91 Outdent command (Text menu), 89 Overflow attribute (CSS), 217 overflow options (layers), 230
P tag, 88 Padding attribute (CSS), 213 Page Properties command (Modify menu), 19 Pagebreak attribute (CSS), 218 pages. See also sites designing. See designing pages layout cells, 164-165 layout tables drawing, 164-165 formatting, 167-168 nesting, 166 spacer images, 169-170 Layout view, 163 linking to, 127 FTP sites, 130 local HTML pages, 128-129 remote HTML pages, 130 properties, 19-21 tables, 151 columns, 155-157 exporting, 159 formatting, 154, 160 inserting, 152 inserting table data, 158-159 properties, 153 rows, 155-157 sorting table data, 161 viewing, 12-13 Panel Preferences dialog box, 15
panels arranging, 14 Assets, 277-278 adding assets to Favorites list, 279 copying assets, 283 creating colors, 284 creating URLs, 284 editing assets, 282 inserting assets into documents, 280-281 removing assets from Favorites list, 279 viewing, 278 Behaviors, 182, 242 Characters Objects, 94 CSS Styles, 204 Forms Objects, 186 Check Box button, 190 Form button, 186 Hidden Field button, 194 Image Field button, 196 Insert Button button, 195 Jump Menu button, 198 List/Menu button, 191 Text Field button, 188 History, 24-25 HTML Styles, 96 Launcher, 14-15 Object, 14, 327 Property inspector, 14 Reference, 54-55 Timelines, 264-265 paragraph breaks, 88 parameters HTML Source Formatting profile, 330-332 sound files, 304-305 password fields, 188 Paste command (Edit menu), 155 paths of layers, recording, 270 Pathware (Lotus), 350 pattern matching, 83-84 period (.), 83 photo albums, 113-115 Physical wrap setting (text fields), 189 Placement attribute (CSS), 217 Play Recorded Command command (Commands menu), 26 Play Sound behavior, 251 Play Timeline command (Timeline menu), 272 playback rates (animations), 270
382 playing playing Flash files, 249-250 recorded commands, 26 Shockwave files, 249-250 sound files, 251 plug-ins, 248, 299. See also multimedia plus sign (+), 83 PNG (Portable Network Graphic) files, 99 borders, 108 duplicating, 100 editing, 104-105 image alignment, 109 importing, 100-101 lowsrc files, 107 properties, 102 redefining image source, 106 resizing, 103 text wrap, 110 Popup Message behavior, 251 popup messages, displaying, 251 Portable Network Graphic files. See PNG files Position attribute (CSS), 216 positioning layers, 228-229 positioning attributes (CSS), 217 pound symbol (#), 135, 196 predefined keyboard shortcuts, 16 preferences code format, 60-62 code rewriting, 63-64 Fireworks, 119 Launcher panel, 15 Layout view, 171 Site preferences, 43 Status Bar, 18 Preferences command (Edit menu), 15 Preferences dialog box, 15 Preload Images behavior, 255 preloading images, 255, 271 Preview command (File menu), 178 previewing assets, 278 Flash buttons, 145 profiles browser profiles creating, 336-337 editing, 333-335 format rules, 335
variables, 334 HTML Source Formatting profile, 330-332 properties changing, 246 Flash buttons, 145 Flash text, 148 frames, 175-176 images, 102 layers, 228-230 ordered lists, 92-93 page properties, 19-21 tables, 153 unordered lists, 90 Properties command (List menu), 90, 92 Property inspector, 14 pseudoclasses (CSS), 208-209 Put Newer Files to Remote option (file synchronization), 50, 312 “putting” files, 35
Q-R question mark (?), 83 questions (multiple-choice), creating, 345-348 Quick Tag Editor, 58 \r regular expression, 84 .ra file extension, 300 radio buttons, 190 .ram file extension, 300 rearranging columns, 322-323 rebuilding cache, 278 Record Path of Layer command (Timeline menu), 270 recording commands, 26 layer paths, 270 redefining HTML tags, 206-207 image sources, 106 Redundant Nested Tags reports, 320 redundant tags, removing, 315 Reference panel, 54-55 regular expressions, 83-84 Reload Modified Files pop-up menu, 68
remote files, synchronizing, 50-51, 312-313 remote sites creating, 32 linking to, 130 transferring files to/from, 35 Removable Empty Tags reports, 320 Remove All Spacers option (layout tables), 168 Remove All Word Specific Markup option (Clean Up Word HTML dialog box), 317 Remove Dreamweaver HTML Comments option (Clean Up HTML dialog box), 315 Remove Empty Tags option (Clean Up HTML dialog box), 315 Remove Link command (Site Map View menu), 40 Remove Nesting option (layout tables), 168 Remove Non-Dreamweaver HTML Comments option (Clean Up HTML dialog box), 315 Remove Redundant Nested Tags option (Clean Up HTML dialog box), 315 Remove Specific Tag(s) option (Clean Up HTML dialog box), 315 Remove Timeline command (Timeline menu), 274 removing. See deleting renaming colors, 284 layers, 228 reordering layers, 232 Repeat attribute (CSS), 211 replacing images, 257 text Find and Replace dialog box, 80-82 regular expressions, 83-84 reports, 320-321 Reports command (Site menu), 320 Reset buttons, 195 resizing Flash buttons, 144 images, 103-105, 121 text, 74
sites restoring images, 257 RevealTrans filter (CSS), 219 rewriting preferences (code), 63-64 Right attribute (CSS), 214 .rmf file extension, 300 Rollover Image command (Interactive Images), 138 rollover images, 138-139 root files, 39 rows (table), 155-157 .rpm file extension, 300 rulers, 234-235 Rulers command (View menu), 234 rules, horizontal, 95
S \s regular expression, 84 sampling colors, 75 Save All command (File menu), 178 Save as Template command (File menu), 288 Save Frameset command (File menu), 174, 178 Save on Launch pop-up menu, 68 saving files as templates, 288 Flash buttons, 144 frames, 178 framesets, 178 reports, 321 scripts (CGI), 187 Scroll option (layer overflow), 230 scrollbars, 176 Search For pop-up menu commands Source Code, 81 Specific Tag, 81 Text, 80 Text (Advanced), 81 searching and replacing text Find and Replace dialog box, 80-82 regular expressions, 83-84 Select Newer Local command (Site Map View menu), 51
Select Newer Remote command (Site Map View menu), 51 selecting background images, 111 framesets, 177 Selectors (CSS), 208-209 Server-Side Include command (Insert menu), 296 server-side includes, 296 Set Background Color option (Clean Up Word HTML dialog box), 317 Set Color Scheme command (Commands menu), 22 Set Nav Bar Image behavior, 142, 260 Set Text of Frame command (Set Text menu), 182 Shading attribute (horizontal rules), 95 Shadow filter (CSS), 219 sharing Design Notes, 45 HTML styles, 97 Shockwave files, 249-250, 306 shortcuts (keyboard), 16-17 Show command (Grid menu), 234 Show Dependent Files command (Site Map View menu), 39 Show Files Marked as Hidden command (Site Map View menu), 39 Show Log on Completion option (Clean Up HTML dialog box), 315-317 Show Page Titles command (Site Map View menu), 39 Show-Hide Layers dialog box, 256, 268 showing. See viewing site cache, rebuilding, 278 Site Definition dialog box, 30, 322-323 Site Files command (Window menu), 30, 97 Site Map View menu commands File View Columns, 48 Layout, 42 Remove Link, 40 Select Newer Local, 51 Select Newer Remote, 51 Show Dependent Files, 39
Show Files Marked as Hidden, 39 Show Page Titles, 39 View as Root, 39 site maps, 38 file status icons, 38 layout, 42 linking with, 40 viewing, 38 Site menu commands Change Link Sitewide, 41 Change Links Sitewide, 319 Check Links Sitewide, 318 Define Sites, 32 New Site, 30 Reports, 320 Synchronize, 50, 312 sites ASPs (Active Server Pages), 339 CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts, 187 Check In/Check Out feature, 36-37 ColdFusion, 339 copying assets between, 283 Design Notes, 44 adding to documents, 46-47 adding to templates, 45 cleaning up, 45 enabling, 44 File view columns, 48-49 sharing, 45 Dreamweaver Exchange, 353 Java ShareWare, 307 JSPs (JavaServer Pages), 339 links, 127 e-mail links, 132 to FTP sites, 130 image maps, 133 to images, 131 to local HTML pages, 128-129 named anchors, 134-135 to remote HTML pages, 130 local sites, 30-31 local staging areas, 33 maintenance broken links, 318-319 cleaning up HTML, 65-66, 314-317 file synchronization, 312-313
384 sites File view columns, 322-323 reports, 320-321 online learning environments, 345 CMI (computer-managed instruction) software, 350 database connections, 351 interactions, 345-349 Knowledge Track, 350-351 remote sites creating, 32 transferring files to/from, 35 site maps file status icons, 38 layout, 42 linking with, 40 viewing, 38 Site preferences, 43 source and version control, 34 Sites menu commands, Define Sites, 322 Size attribute (CSS), 210 sizing browser windows, 253 Flash buttons, 144 framesets, 177 images, 103-105 Fireworks, 121 rollover images, 139 spacer images, 170 layers, 227 text, 74 slices, 124 Smallest: Collapse Empty Cells option (Convert Layers to Table dialog box), 238 Snap to Grid command (Grid menu), 234 Sort Table command (Commands menu), 161 sorting table data, 161 sound files, 300 controlling playback, 251 embedding, 302-303 formats, 300 linking to images/text, 301 parameters, 304-305 source code, cleaning up, 65-66, 314-317 Source Code command (Search For pop-up menu), 81 source control, 34
SourceFormat.txt file, 330 sources (image), redefining, 106 SourceSafe, 34 spacer images, 169-170 spanning table columns/rows, 156-157 Specific Tag command (Search For pop-up menu), 81 Split Cell command (Table menu), 157 splitting table columns, 156-157 Web pages. See frames SSI (server-side includes), 296 staging areas, 33 Start Recording command (Commands menu), 26 starting JavaScript Debugger, 359 starttime parameter (sound files), 304 static pages, 340 Status Bar, 13, 18 stopping JavaScript Debugger, 361 Style attribute (CSS), 210, 214 style sheets. See CSS Styles styles. See CSS Styles styles.xml file, 97 Submit buttons, 195 SupportedAttribute variable (browser profiles), 334 .swa file extension, 300 Swap Image behavior, 257 Swap Image Restore behavior, 257 swapping images, 257 switching to Layout view, 164 Synchronize command (Site menu), 50-51, 312-313 Synchronize Files dialog box, 50, 312-313 synchronizing files, 50-51, 312-313 Syntax Coloring option, 57 syntax errors, 362 Syntax Errors window (JavaScript Debugger), 362
T \t regular expression, 84 Table command Insert menu, 152 Modify menu, 155 Table menu commands, 155, 157 tables, 151 columns, 155-157 converting layers to, 238 converting to layers, 239 exporting, 159 Fireworks, 124 formatting, 154, 160 inserting, 152 inserting table data, 158-159 layout tables drawing, 164-165 formatting, 167-168 nesting, 166 spacer images, 169-170 properties, 153 rows, 155-157 sorting table data, 161 Tables to Layers command (Convert menu), 239 Tabular Data command (Insert menu), 158 tagName variable (browser profiles), 334 tags (HTML) , 127 , 179 , 74
, 88 , 62