By the editorsof
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Roget's IIr the new thesaurus. l. English language- Synonyms and antonyms. PEl591. R737 423'.1 80-15$2 ISBN 0-395-29605-6(thumb-indexed)
STAFF EditorialDirector Fernando de Mello Vianna Supervising Editor Anne D. Steinhardt Associate Editors
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Anne H. Soukhanov Dolores R. Harris Mark Boyer
Geoffrey Hodgkinson
Editors Contributing Bruce W Bohle Walter M. Havighurst Eugene F. Shewmaker Andrea Denson Wechsler
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Cross-Reference Barbara Collins Kathleen Gerard Sally Hehir
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PREFACE Roget's ll: The llew Thesaurus is an entirely new work and represents a significant change from traditional thesaurus making. The lexicographic staff of Houghton Mifflin Company, publishers of The American Heritage Dictionary, has recognized the problems encountered by thesaurususers. Complex index referencing systemshave burdened the user's search, and word groupings by vague meanings have confounded selection of suitable words. Consequent|y Roget'sll has been carefully prepared to provide rapid accessto synonyms, which are grouped by precise meanings, facilitating the choice of appropriate words to expressthoughts. For easeof use and clarity in word selection Roget's11 is organized in an innovative format. In the left-hand column of each page all entries are arranged in alphabetical order and are classified by part of speech. Every word is accurately defined, as is each senseof a word for which more than one meaning has been included. Sentencesand phrases using the entry words in context provide guidance in usage. In the right-hand column synonyms and idioms are listed alphabetically within groups and are presented adjacent to each defined meaning of each discrete sense. Secondaryentries are included in the single alphabeticallistingand are alsoprecisely defined. They are directionally cross-referred to main entries with full synonym presentation. This eflicient system eliminates the need for complicated indexes and redundant listings. SinceRoget's/I defines all entry words and their corresponding synonyms, the work is self-contained. Therefore the user does not need to verify a meaning by consulting a dictionary. Controversial synonyms are labeled, providing usageguidance. It is intended that Roget's11be a source of appropriate words to expressthoughts or ideas, guiding the user away from the common pitfall of selecting an unsuitable word. Consequently only synonyms and near-synonyms are exhaustively listed. Related words, opposites, and near-oppositesare excluded for reasonsofclarity and accuracy. New computerized editing and typesetting technology have supplemented the traditional methods of lexicography in preparing Roget'sll. The manuscript typesetting, alphabetizing, final cross-referencing,and accuracy-verificationfunctions were accomplished by computer programsdevelopedby LEHIGFVROCAPPI. Our specialthanks gotoJosephV. Gangemi, RobertL. Cagey,RichardJ. Bossler,andJosephF. O'Donnell for their invaluable guidance, assistance,and cooperation at all stagesof this unprecedented effort in the field of reference-work publishing. Researchand investigation for this thesaurus began five years ago. On the basis of experience gained duringthe preparation ofthe American Heritage Dictionaries, itwas believed that a new thesaurus could provide the user with the kind of clear guidance found in these dictionaries. The concept of grouping synonyms by precise dictionarystyle definitions was conceived. The editors worked with consultant Robert Masters to explore new ideas for organization and presentation of synonyms. Houghton Mi{Ilin's dictionary staffwas aided by the work of independent lexicographers in the development of this work in accordancewith the new, user-oriented thesaurus concept. An abiding objective of our word-reference publishing is to provide authoritative information about our languageand guidance in its effective use. We believe Roget'sll: The New Thesaurus will serve the user well in selecting the right words to express thoughts precisely and to add color and variety to expression.
INTRODUCTION Roget's II: The l,lew Thesaurus is a book devoted entirely to meaning. In contrast to the oldfashioned thesaurus, which groups undifferentiated synonyms, near-synonyms, and related words together with an undefined entry word, this book provides an analysis-a definition--of the meaning or meanings of each entry word in the book. Synonyms are grouped according to meaning. What, then, is meaning?
Meaning The meaning of even a single word is rather more complex than one might imagine. The most obvious aspectof meaningisd.enotation,that is, the thing meant, the concept or object referred to. The denotation ofthe wordchair, for example, is that it is a piece of furniture, that it hasa seat, legs, a back, and often arms, and that one person can sit on it. So long as it has these features,a person can identify a chair as a chair irrespective of the fact that it may be big or small, made of chrome or wood, upholstered or caned-in short, no matter what other features it may have. Furthermore, a chair is distinct from all other pieces of furniture upon which one can sit. It is diflerent from a stool becausea stool is backlessand armless. It is different from a couch, on which one or more may recline, and di{Ierent from a chaise longue, which has a seat long enough to support the outstretched legs of the sitter. Thus the denotation of a word includes those features that are criterial and so serve to define and distinguish. In addition to its denotation, a word may have aconnotation, thatis, the configuration of suggestive or associativeimplications constituting the general sense of an expression beyond its literal sense. Differencesof style, expressiveness, and other characteristicssuchthat a given term conveysa given denotation more-or less-formally, color{ully, humorously, and the like, constitute the connotations of the word. For example, both mouth andtrap denote the opening in the body through which food is ingested. Mouth, however, is what might be called a neutral term; it conveysinformation but hasno connotati ons.Trop, on the other hand, is a slangword and is often considered to be somewhat vulgar. An alcoholic drinks habitually and to excess,and the word is neutral; lush, howeve4 is a slang term with pejorative overtones. Words expressiveofemotion frequently have connotations, but many that are not emotive also have them. Many sets of words of identical denotation participate in a spectrum of greater to lesser formality. For example, of the cluster transpire, happen, occur, befall, betide, hap, and bechance, all meaning "to take place, come {o pass,"transpire is the most formal; happen and occur are neutral-n6ngsnnotative; befoll andbetide have a somewhat archaic flavor; ltap is archaic;andbechanceis rare. All of these factsbeyond the bare denotation ofthe terms constitute the connotationsof these words. InRoget's 1I labels, such as lnformal, Regional, andSlang, identifo restrictions with respect to level or style of usage. Two or more words may have the samedenotation and connotation and yet differ intheirrange of applicabtlltg; that is, they cannot be used interchangeably in the same context. Cancel and nacate, both having the samedenotation ("to annul or invalidate") and both being nonconnotative, can nevertheless not be used interchangeably, becauseaacate is a legal term, One might cancel amagazine subscription, but one would hardly aacate it. Extension andproduction both refer to the act of making something longe4 but production is used only in geometry, whereas extensionapplies generally.Slowlg andadagio have the samedenotation,butadagio isa technical term in music. Terms of restricted range ofapplicability are identified in Roget'sll by such labels as Architecture, Mgthologg, or Journalism.
andSynonyms Synonymy Given the complexity ofmeaning, a person searchingfor an alternative word must be sure that the synonym chosen is accurateand precise. Becauseof its emphasison_themeaning or meaningsoja word Roget'sl/ is specifically designed to offer the user a choice of synonyms that lie within the denotative range of the word or senseof the word with which they correspond. Asgnongm is a word that di{fers in form from but hasa meaning identical or very similar to that word. It is often said that there is no such thing as an absolute synonym for any word, another of that is, a form that is identical in every aspect of meaning so that the two can be applied interchangeably.According to this extreme view the only true synonyms are terms having precisely the sime denotation, -onnotation, and range ofapplicability. As it turns out, these so-calledtrue synonyms are frequently technical terms and almost alwaysconcrete words coming_fromlinguisticallydisparate ro,tt""r. Good examples of such pairs areceliac (from Greek)labdominal (from Latin) andtar (from Latin)lautomobile (from French). These meet the criteria for true synonymy: they have precisely the same denotations, connotations, and range of applicability, and they are used in identical contexts. This view of synonymy is far too restrictive, however. In Roget'sII synonymousterms are those having nearly identical denotations. English, becauseof its linguistic history and its large wordstockJs rich in such words. Speakersvery often have a choice from among a set of words of di{fering origin but the same dLnotation. A man may be bearded (ftory Old English), barbate One may go to (from fitin),bewhiskered (from Scandiqraviar),orwhiskered (from S_candinavian). iheshore (from Middle LowGerman), thecocsf (from Latin), or the linoral (fronr Latin). One can refer to the senseof hearing (from Old English) or to the acoustic (from Greek), auditorg (f-Latin), aural (from Latin), orauricular (fromlatin) sense.One can make clothingfrom cloth (ftqm Germanic), fabric (from Latin), material (from Latin), or textiles (from Latin). The reason for choosing on-eof these words over another is frequently stylistic: oIIe may prefgr a^simpler or a more complex word; one may prefer a more formal or a less formal term. But the fact that they shareaderiotation makesthemiynonymous andavailable assubstitutesforwords one hasin mind so that one can be more precise, expressoneseHmore colorfully, or avoid repetition. All of the terms included in the synonymies in Roget'sII share the same denotation.
HOWTO USETHIS BOOK TheEntries Roget'sll: TheNeuThesau,rus contains five kinds of entries introduced by boldface head words: *aitr entries having synonym lists, indented subentries in smaller type representing verv close historical relatives and derivatives of the main entries, secondary entries referring yotr to the main-entry synonym lists, and directional cross-referenceentries guiding you from secondaryto primary variant spellings and from secondaryentries to synonymized subentries. faf l oerb 1. To move dou'nwardin reqponseto gavity: Apples fell frotn the tree. tafl down oerb Infonnal. To be unzuccessful. fafl off oerb 1. To slopedownward. fallacy nonn 1. An eroneous or false idea an educational philosophy ground,edon fallacy,
faff down oerb
l. Syns; descend,drop.
l. onop.
error, l. Syns; erroneousness, falsehood,falsenes, fallaciousness, falsity, untruth. ssn fall.
fafsity twun 1. An erroneous or false idea. 2. Betrayal, esp. of a moral obligation. 3. An untrue declaration.
1. rar.r,ecv. 2. rerrnr,nssNEss. 3. r-rr2 rwrtn.
EntryOrder Main entries, secondary entries, and directional cross-referencesare listed alphabetically. For instance, the first entry in this book is aback. It is followed in turn by the separateentries aban' don, abandoned, abandonment, abase, and abash. Subentry order is as follows: two-word verbs derived from single-word verb head words usually appear as indented subentries directly under the baseverbs. Two-word verb subentries are also alphabetized: fall oerb fall down oerb fafl off
falf through oErb
XI Each of the two-word verb subentries shown above is alsoentered in directional cross-reference form at its own alphabetical place elsewhere in the book (see"Directional Cross-References").
of MainEntries Components These are the components of a typical main entry:
destroy perb l. To causethe completeruin or wreckageof: paintings dcstroyedby fire; drugs tlwt dnstroyedher health; news tlw.t destroyedhis hopes.
1. Syns; demoliih, destruct, dynamite, finish, ruin, ruinate \egi,orul), shatter, sink, smash, total, torpedo, undo, put the kibosh wrack, wreck. -Idiiln
The head word (destroy) is followed on the same line by an italic part-of-speech label (aerb). A boldface sensenumber (in this case 1.) appearsin all multisense entries in the left-hand column beneath the head word, followed by a basic meaning element-a concisedenotation of the sense sharedby the headword and its synonyms. In this example the basic meaningelement shared by destroy and its fourteen synonyms is "to cause the complete ruin or wreckage of." The basic meaning element is supplemented by at least one illustrative example showing a typical usage context for the head word and its synonyms. Deftnition I ofthe main entry destroy contains three italic examples: paintings d,estroyedby flre, drugs that d,estrogedher health, and neus that destroged his hopes. These examples show both concrete and figurative uses of destroy. The synonyms are all substitutable for the head word in the example. In the right-hand column the appropriate sensenumber (1. ) is followed by the italic boldface abbreviation Syns, which introduces the list of words synonymous with destroy: demolish, destruct, dynamite, finish, ruin, ruinate (Regional), shatter, sink, smash, total, torpedo, undo, wrack, and wreck. When appropriate, idioms equivalent to the synonyms are shown at the ends ofsynonym lists. These idioms aie phraseswith a meaning identical to the basicmeaning element shared bv all the synonyms. In the entry shown here, "put the kibosh on" is an idiom that is equivalent to destroy and its fourteen synonyms.
Entries of theSecondary Components Secondaryentries contain head words, parts of speech, a definition or deftnitions, and smallcapital cross-referencesto main entries: ghoul nou,n A perverselybad, cruel, or wicked person.
repr0ve oerb 1. To castigatefor the purposeof improving. 2. To criticize for a fault or offense.
1. connpct oerb. 2. cel..r DowN at call.
Secondaryentries enable you to locate the main entries where full synonym lists are entered. If you have the word ghoul inmind, for instance, but seeka different, betteq or more colorful word, you look up ghoul. You see that it is cross-referred to the main entry fiend. When you turn to f iend, you find seven synonyms and one idiom from which to choose: fiend noun l. A perverselybad, cruel, or wicked person:a fiend' uho tormentedand killed his priswler*
1. Syns; archfiend, beast, ghotl, monster, ogre, tiger, vampire. *Idi'orn devil incarnate.
If, on the other hand, you start with the wordreprooe inthe sensemeaning "to criticize another for a fault or offense,"you will find the appropriate cross-referenceentry at definition 2 of repnove, directing you to the subentry call down at the main entry call. And at call down there are sixteen synonyms and four idioms from which to choose:
cafl down oerb lnforrnal. To criticize for a fault or offense:got call"ed daun for failing to meet the deadline.
Syns.'admonish,bawl out (lnfonnal), castigate,chastise,chew out (Slang), chide, dressdown, lambaste(Slang),rapr (Infomal), rebuke,reprimand,reproach, reprove,scold,tax, upbraid,.-klioms bring (ar call or take) to task,haul (or rake) over the coals,let someonehave it, rap on (or over) the knucHes.
Every synonym is entered at its own alphabetical place with across-referenceto the appropriate main entry.
Subentries Only the closesthistorical relativesof head words are indented subentries. For instance.abandon noun is a subentry of the verb abandon, but abandonment is a separateentry, Two-word verbs derived from single-word verbs are shown as subentries of the single-word verbs (asin the caseof call down at call) unlessthe two-word verbs have themselvesgenerated noun or adjective derivatives. In this casethe two-word verb is the headword, and the derivative is its subentry. For example, fade out aerb is a main entry followed by the subentry fade-out noun.
Directional CrossReferences Directional cross-referenceshelp you locate subentries of main entries and variant spellings that di{fer markedlyfrom the spellingsofprimaryvariants. Forexample, calldown, asnotedabove, is a subentry at call; hence call down is alsoentered in directional cross-referenceform at its own alphabetical place in the overall C sequence: cafl down
By the same token the variant spelling aeon is shown at its own alphabetical place in the A sequence as aeon
sEE eon.
Variants Equal and secondaryvariants are tagged as such in Roget'sll. An equal variant is a spelling of a word that is just as acceptableasthe primary spelling. Equal variants of synonymr and idioms in synonym lists are signaled by use of the italic connective or; down-at-h eel or down-at-the -heel A secondary variant is a spelling that is less common than the primary form but nevertheless acceptable. Secondaryvariants are signaled in synonym lists by parenthesesplus the italic connective a/so: lese majesty (alsollse majest6) dialogue (also dialog) Some words have more than one variant. These. too. are shown: naive (also
naif, naif)
All such variants are given at main- and secondary-entry head words in synonym lists.
xlll When a single idiom can be worded in a variety ofways, the variant wordings are given parenthetically. For instance, the idiom in the synonym list at de{inition 4 of fall oerb is: take a fall (or headeror plunge or spill or tumble).
Homographs A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but that differs in meaning and origin and may differ in pronunciation or syllabication. Homographs are signaled by superscript numerals following the words to which they refer. Homograph numbers are used in head words, cross-references,and synonym lists: felf r oerb l. To b.itrg down, aswith a saw or ax.
l. cvr wrb.
i"ri;' 'd,i;";,n* Showingor suggestinga dispositionto be violently destructive without scruple or restraint. fef f3 noun The skin of an animal.
HIDE2 ntntn.
In the synonym lists at cut, fierc€, and hide2 the synonyms are styled as felll, fell2, and fell3, respectively. Noticeelso that the cross-referenceto HIDE2contains the proper homograph number for that main entry.
Labels You don't need to consult a dictionary when you use Roget'sI/ becauseall words requiring labels have been clearly tagged in synonym lists and in main and secondaryentries. The kinds of labels used in this book are temporal labels(Archaic, Obs.), usagelabels(Informal, Slang, andPoetic), dialect labels(suchas Regional and Chiefly Regional), languagelabels (suchas French, Brit., and Chieflg Brit.), field labels (suchas Law and MotionPic. Lr T.V.), and statuslabels (such as Rare). Archaic labels are used with words once common but now characteristic of a style no longer prevalent in spoken and written English. For example, aff'right, meaning "to fill with fearj' is an archaic synonym of frighten and is labeled as such. Obs., for "obsolete," indicates that a term is used only in quotation or intentional archaism. For instance, the obsolete term affectionated, meaning "feeling and expressingaffection," is labeled (Obs. ) . Roget'sII contains very few archaic and obsoleteterms. Usagelabels such as Informal, Slang, and Poetic indicate various levels of usageand styles of expression that may or may not be appropriate in all contexts or situations. lnformal generally applies to those words that are commonly used in the spoken languageand in ordinary writing but that might not be considered appropriate in very formal or o{ficial context or circumstances. The word chummy, for example, carries an lnformallabelin the synonym list at friendly, anddizzg, meaning "given to lighthearted silliness,"carries the same label when it appearsin the synonym list at sense1 ofgiddy. Slang, on the other hand, is a style of languagecharacteristicof very casual speech. Slang comprises words and special sensesof words denoting things in an exceptionally vivid, humorous, irreverent, or sarcasticmanner. For example, in the synonym list at die the following terms bear Slang labels: check out, croak, kick in, and kick off. The label Poetic applies to words most often used in verse. An example ofaterm labeled Poetic isaurorawhen it is used to mean "dawn." Dialect labels such as Regional and Chieflg Regional indicate that a term is indigenous to a particular geographic area. For example, the word piece, a synonym of distance, is used by ipeakers only in a limited part of the United States.Hence it carries the label Regional_The word unluck, meaning "misfortune," is labeled Chieflg Regional because it is used chiefly but not exclusively in the southern part of this country. Language labels such as Brit. distinguish between British English and American English. Examples of British Commonwealth labels include: bluebottle (Brit.), a synonym at policeman; bonny(Sc ot.), asynonym at beautif ul;funk2 (Chleflg Brit.), a synonym at cow?rdice; and bails (Austral.), a synonym at tob. In a few instancesidioms are labeled if they are clearly British; at definition I of escape oerb the idiom "do a bunk" carries a Brit. label. In some casesSlang and
XIV Regional labels are combined with Brit.labels to show specialusagelevels and styles. For example, the adjective thuffa, meaning "glum," is labeled Bilt. Regtoialbecause it occurs in certain provincial British dialects. And the verb dip, meaning "to pawn,' is not only a Briticism; it is also considered a slang term in British English. Hence it is labeled Brit. Slang. Some synonyms are labeled accordingto the fields ofknowledge with *hi"h they are primarily associated.For instance, the word.diss-olueh-asa special meaning, "to make a film image dir"ppear gradually."This senseis therefore labeled Motlon Pic, {r T.V.ln the synonym list at inse l bf fade out oerb, a mairnentry also carrying this label. Another example is the ,u.rr" of competence meaning "conferred power"-a sensecarrying the label Law. The statuslabel Rare means that a term is seldom ifever used. The verb discuss,meaning "to eat," is an example of a synonym so labeled. The eight parts of speechare labeled in italics and appear in all boldface entries and subentries.
Abbreviations Usedin ThisBook An alphabetical list of the abbreviations used in Roget's// along with their expansionsis given below.
Atrut. Art,hit. Austral. Biol. Bot. Brit, Cun. Chem. Eccles. Econ. Ed, Eng. esp. Geol. Geom. Gk. Hist. Ir.
Anatomy Architecture Australian Biology Botany British Canadian Chemistry Ecclesiastical Economics Education English especially Geology Geometry Greek History Irish
lour. Ling. Med, Mil. Motion Pb. C" T.V. Mus. Msth. l,laut. NewZeal, Obs. Path. Phon. Phgsiol. Print. Psgchoanal. Psgchol Rhet. Rom. Scot. usu. Vet. Med. Zool.
Journalism Linguistics Medicine Military Motion Pictures & Television Music Mythology Nautical New Zealand Obsolete Pathology Phonetics Physiology Printing Psychoanalysis Psychology Rhetoric Roman Scottish usually Veterinary Medicine Zoology
aback adoerb Without adequatepreparation. abandon oerb 1. To grveup without intendingto return or claim again:abandonedhis uife and,chililren. 2. To let (something)go. claim, or right. 3. To grveup a possession, 4. To ceasetrying to accomplishor continue: abandonedher studiesfor lnck of funds.
5. To yietd (oneself)unrestrainedly,as to a particular impulse. abandon rrDrrn l. A completesurrenderof inhibitions:plnyingthe flute wth abandon. 2. A careless,often recklessdisregardfor consequences: rides his motorcycl.e uith abandon. ad,iectioe abandonei l. Having been given up and left alone: an abandoned hune. 2. Lacking in moral restraint: an. aband.onedbrute.
abandonment rwtrn of hisfr"ilA. l. The act of forsaking:his abandonnwnt claim,or right. 2. A givingup of a possession, 3. A complete surrender of inhibitions. abase oerb of esteem,self-worth,or effectiveness. To deprive abash oerb distressed. To cause(a person)to be self-consciously abashed ad,iectilse Distressedand ill at ease. abashment nou,n distress. Self-conscious abate oerb 1. To grow or causeto gow graduallyless. 2. To becomelessactive or interse. abatemenl nou,n 1. The act or processof decreasing. 2. An amountdeducted. 3. The act or processof becominglessactive or intense. abbreviate oerb 1. To make short or shorter.
l. Syns; deserf, forsake, leaver, quit, throw over, walk out on. 2. nnr,rNqursn. 3. esorcern. 4. Syns: desist, discontinue, forswear (aho foreswear), gpve up, lay ofr (Slnng), quit, renounce, stop, swear off (lnfornwl). -Idiarrus call it a day, call it quits, hang up the fiddle, have done with, throw in the towel. 5. crve own at give.
1. Syns; abandonment, incontinence, unrestraint, wantonness, wildness. 2, Syns: heedlessness,thouglrtlessness.
l. Syns; derelict, deserted, destitute (Obs.), forlorn, forsaken, lorn (Poetb). 2. Syns: dissolute, incontinent, licentious, profl igate, unbridled, unconstrained, uncontrolled, ungoverned, uninhibited, unrestrained, wanton, wild. l. Syn: desertion. 2. esorcenoN. 3. esANDoNrwun, trttw-n Derb. EMBARRASS.
oerb. 1. 2. sussron. twun. 1. ppcnrlsg 2. opoucttoN. 3. w,rNs rwrtn.
1. snonrnN.
abdicate 2. To make short or shorter by or as if by cutting.
2. rnuNcern.
abdicate oerb To give up a possession,claim, or right: The queen abdicated the throne in 1948.
abdication rwurr A giving up of a possession, claim, or riSfi: her abilication of h er re sporxibilitie s.
Syns: abandon, cede, demit, hand over, quitclaim, relinquish, render (up), renounce, resign, surrender, waive, yield. Syns,' abandonment, demission, quitclaim, renunciiation, resignation, surrender, waiver.
abduct oerb To seize and detain (a person) unlawfully.
abecedarianalsoabecedary nuun One lacking professiond skill and easein a particular pursuit. abecedary noun aberrance or ?berrancy noun The conditionof being abnormal. aberrancy nuun aberrant ad;iecthn 1. Departingfrom the normal. 2. Strayingfrom a proper courseor standard. noun aberation l. The conditionof being abnormal. 2. Seriousmental illnessor disorderimpairinga person'scapacrtyto function normally and safely. abet oerb To give support or assistance. abeyance dso abeyancy rmun The conditionof being temporarilyinactive: hold a decisinnin abeyarrce;concerkqt in abeyanceuith chemotherapy. abeyancy rmun abeyant adiectiue Existing in a temporarily
hidden form.
abhor oerb To regard with utter contempt and disdain. abhorrence noun, l. Extremehostility and dislike. 2. A feelingof fear and repugnance. abhorrenl adtiectioe So objectionableas to elicit despisal. abide oerb 1. To put up with. 2. To remainin existenceor in a certain statefor an indefinitelylong time. 3. To stop temporarilyand remain,as if reluctant to leave. 4. To have as one'sdomicile,usu.for an extended period. 5. To continueto be in a place. abide by oerb To act in conformity with. abide by oerb abiding ad,iecthse Existing or remainingin the samestate for an indefinitelylong time. abifity noun l. Physical,mental,financial,or legal power to perform: had the ability to l,eamphysits. 2. Natural or acquiredfacility in a specificactivity: has fne teclmical ability.
sEEabecedarian. ABNORMALITY.
srn abberance. 1. e-sNonMAL. 2. BnneNr. 1. esNonlar-rrv. 2. nvs,lNrrv.
nw.p oerb. Syns; dormancy, intermission, latency, quiescence (a/so quiescency), remission, suspension. snn abeyance. LATENT.
1. nern rwun. 2. nonnon. FILTHY.
1. BNouns. 2. rrvounn. 3. prsn oerb.
4. 5. nruew. FOLLO\v.
l. Syns:ableness,capability,capacity, competence (alsocompetency), faculty, might. 2. Syns:adeptness,command,craft, expertise,expertism,expertness,knack,
3 know-how(Informal), master], proficiency,skill.
abjuration rwun A formal statement of disavowal. oerb abjure To disavow (something previously written or said) irrevocably and usu. formally. abfaze adiectioe On fire. able adiectioe Having the ability to perform well: an able attomey.
adiectitse abfe-bodied Physically strong and healthy: able-bodied goung men helping to mooe the fumiture.
au fait (French),capabte, ;;';"rt, competent,good,proficient, qualified, skilled, skillful. syns.' strapplng,sturdy.
ableness rmun
Physical,mental,financial,or legal power to perform. abnormal adiectioe Departingfrom the normal: an abnormalinterestin bats. abnormality noun The conditionof being abnormal:an abrwrmalitAin his oision. abode noun A building or shelterwhere one lives. abolish oerb 1. To put an end to formally and with authority: Zhe . Thirteenth Amendtrnentabolished slarsery 2. To destroyall tracesof. abolishment twun An often formal act of putting an end to. abolition noun An often formal act of putting an end to: the abolition of slaaery.
Syns: aberrant, anomalistic, anomalous, atypical (ako atypic), deviant, deviate, devirating, deviative, divergent, preternatural, unnatural. Syns: aberrance or aberrancy, aberration, anomalism, anomaly, deviance, deviancy, deviation, preternaturalness. HOME.
l. Syns; abrogate, annihilate, annul, cancel, invalidate, negate, nnllify, repeal, rescind, set aside, vitiate, void. 2. eNrqrnrr-e,rr. ABOLITION.
Syns; abolishment, abrogation, annihilation, annulment, defeasance, extinguishment, invalidation, negation, nullification, repeal, rescindment, rescission.
abominable adiectine 1 . HATEFUL. 1. Eliciting or deservinghate. 2. 2. Too awful to be described. abominate oerb wtrn oerb. To regardwith extremedislike and hostility. abomination rwun 1. nerp rwun. 1. Extremehostility and dislike. 2. nerr rwun. 2. An obiectof extremedislike. aboriginal adiectiae Belongingto one becauseof the place or circumstances NATTvEad;iectioe. of one'sbtth. abort rserb MISCARRY. To bring forth a nonviablefetus prematurely. abound oerb TEEMT. To overflow with. abounding adiecthse ALI\IE. Full of animationand activitY. about adoerb 1. eecx adoerb. 1. In or toward a former locationor condition. 2. aA.cxwA.xoadoerb. 2. Toward the back.
about-face 3. Near to in quantity or amount. about-face u"rb To turn sharply around. 'nout abracadabra' l. Wordy, unclearjargon. 2. Esoteric,formulaic,and often incomprehensible _ speechrelating to the occult. abrade oerb . To.make(the skin) raw by or as if by friction. abridge oerb To make short or shorter by or as if by cutting. abridgment rwun A short summaryprepared by cutting down a larger work. abrogate oerb - To put_an end to formally and with authority. abrogation twun An often folmal act of putting an end to. abrupt a.d:iecthse l. Happening-quickl/and without warning: his abnryt dcparturefor New York. 2. Rudely unceremoniottsgaoean abrupt, barely cioil af8u)eL
3. So qhafplyinclined as to be almostpeqpendicular. abscond itn U To break looseand leave suddenly,as from conffnementor from a difficult or threateningsituation. absence noun 1. Failure to be present:his constantabsencefrorn meetings. 2. The condition of lacking a usualor neededamount: - aryabsetrceof relinblc information. absent adiectioe l. Not present:absentfrorn her ofice. 2. Deficient in a usualor neededamount:iunk foodsin which rwtrition is absenL 3. So lost in thought as to be unawareof one's surroundings. -noun absentation Failure to be present. absent-minded adiectioe So lost in thought as to be unawareof one's surroundings: an absent-mind,ed professor. absolute adiectioe l. Having and e-xer_cising complete political power and control:an absoluterulur.
f. Suprelely excellentin quality or nature. 3. Free from extraneouselemenis. 4. Completelysuch,without qualificationor exception, 5. Without limitationsor mitigatingconditions. absolutely adtserb l. Without question:absolutelythe firwst paintingin the galbry. 2. In truth. 3. It is so; asyou sayor ask.
3. eppnoxrMATEr.y. oovnrn oerb. 1. crssnnrsH. 2. cmsrnrsx.
l. Syns; h*ty, hurried, precipitant, precipitate, sudden. 2. Syns: blunt, brief, brusque, crusty, curt, gnr-ff, short, short-spoken, snippety, snippy. 3. srpnpr. r,scl^pnaerb.
1. Syns: absentation, nonappearance, nonattendance. 2. Syns: dearth, default (Obs.), defect, deficiency, lack, miss (Regiornl), want. 1. Syns; away, gone, missing, wanting. 2. Syns: lacking, wanting. 3. ensm.t-MTNDED.
Syns: absent, abstracted, bemused, distrait, faraway, inattentive, inconscient, preoccupied. -ldiorns a million miles away, off in the clouds. l. Syns: absolutist (a/so absolutistic), arbitrary, autarchic (a/so autarchical), autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, monocratic, totalitarian, tyrannical (also tyrannic ), tyrannous. 2. prnrncr. 3. punr adiectiae. 4, urrrn2. 5. uxcorrorrroNAl. l. Syns; certainly, doubtless, positively. 2. nrer-r,v. 3. yrs adoerb.
5 absolution nou,n The act or an instance of forgiving.
absolutism ruoun 1. A government in which a single leader or party exercises absolute control over all citizens and every aspect of their lives: Absotutlsm preoail'ed before the coup d'dtat. 2. A political doctrine advocating the principle of absolute rule: a strongbelief in absolutisrn held by reactiorwries.
1. Syns; autarchy, autocracy, dictatorship, monocracy.
2. Syns: authoritarianism, autocracy, despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism.
absofutistalsoabsolutistic adiectiae Having and exercising complete political power and control. adiecthse absofutistic oerb absolve l. To free from a charge or imputation of guilt. 2. To free from an obligation or duty.
absorb oerb 1. To take in and incolporate,esp.mentally: quickly absorbed.ncusid.eas. 2. To occupy the full attention of: His medicalpractice absorbedhim. absorbed adiecthse Having one'sthoughtsfully occupied:absorbedin painting. absorbenl ad;iectioe Having a capacityor tendencyto absorbor soak:uP:an absorbentfabric. absorbing adiectiae Catching and holding the full attention: an absorbtng book. absorption rTaun l. The processof absorbingand incolporating,esp. mentally:her absorytionof her mentor'sopinions. 2. Total occupationof the attentionor of the mind: cornpleteabsorptionin the work at hand. absorptive adiectioe Havinga capacityor tendencyto absorbor soakup. absquatulate oerb Slang.To break looseand leave suddenly,as from confinementor from a difficult or threateningsituation. abstain oerb To hold oneselfback. abstemious adiecthse Exercisingmoderationand self-restraintin appetites and behavior. abstentious adiecth;e Exercisingmoderationand self-restraintin appetites and behavior. abstinence noun The practice of refrainingfrom use of alcoholic beverages.
srr absolutist, l. crr,an oerb. 2. nxcvsn aerb. 1. Syns; assimilate, digest, imbibe, insorb, soak up. 2. Syns: consume, engross,immerse, monopolize, preoccupy. Syns: consumed, deep, engrossed, immersed, intent, preoccupied, rapt, wrapped up. Syns: absorptive, assimilating, assimilative, bibulous. Syns; consuming, engrossing, enthralling, gripping. 1. Syns; assimilation, digestion. 2, Syns: engrossment, enthrallment, preoccupation. ABSORBENT.
nscrpn oerb.
abstinent Exercising moderation and self-restraint in appetites and behavior. adiectixe abstract l. Existing only in concept and not in reality. 2. Concerned with or restricted to a theory or theories. abstract nutn A short summary prepared by cutting down a larger work.
l. rxronrrrcet-. 2. rrrnonnrlcAl-.
abstracted abstract oerb l. To removefrom association with. 2. To recapitulatethe salientfactsof. abstracted- adiectiae So lost in thought as to be unawareof one's surroundings. abstraction noun The condiitionof being so lost in solitarythought as to be unawareof one'ssurroundings. abstruse adiectirse . Beyondthe understandingof an averagemind. absurd adiectioe So senseless as to be laughable. absurdity rwun Foolishbehavior. abundance noun of life's necessities. - Prosperityand a su-fficiency abundant adiectioe 1. Characterized by abundance. _2. Largein numberor yield. abuse oerb l. To hnrt or injure by maltreatment:abusedtheir lungsby srrnkingheatsily. 2. To use-wrongly and improperly: Someemployees abusedtheir prioilegesand,anioed at noon. 3. To take advantageof unfairly: abusedher hospitality by staying too ling. 4. To attack with harsh,often insultinglanguage. abuse rwun 1. Wrong, often corrupt use: the abuseof power. 2. Physically harmful treatment: Child abtne is a uime. _3. Harsh, often insulting language.
abusion rmun
Obs. Wrong, often corrupt use. abusive a[iectixe Of, relating to, or characterized by verbal abuse: abusirseremarks. abut oerb To be contiguous or next to. abutting adiectioe Sharing a common boundary. abysmal ad,iectioe 1. Extending far downward or inward from a surface. 2. Open wide. abyssal ad.iectitse Op"n wide. academic adiectiae l. Characterized by a narrow concern for book learning and formal rules, without knowledge or experience of practical matters. 2. Concerned with or restricted to a theorv or theories. aGcede oerb To respond affirmatively; receive with agreement or compliance,
nnvtnw aerb. ABSENT-MINDED,
onnv adiectioe. FOOLISH,
l. cnNpnous. 2. nrew adjectioe. l. Syns: ill-use, maltreat, mishandle, mistreat, misuse. 2. Syns: misapply, misappropriate, misemploy, mishandle, misuse, pervert. 3. Syns; exploit, impose (on or upon), presume (on or upon), we (lnformal). 4. nrvnr. 1. Syns; abusion (Obs.), misapplication, misappropriation, misemployment, mishandling, misuse, perversion. 2. Syns: maltreatment, mistreatment, misusage. 3. vrruprnATroN. ABUSE NOUN,
Syns: contumelious, invective, obloquious, opprobrious, reviling, scurrilous, vituperaUve. ADJOTN. ADJOINING.
1. onnp adiectiae. 2. yewr.IrNc. YAWNING.
l. proarvrrc.
2. rrmonpTrcAr.. assnNr oerb.
accelerate oerb To increase the speed of. aGGent twun 1. Special weight placed upon something considered important.
SPEEDur at Speed. 1. nupHesrs.
7 2. A particular vocal quality that indicates some emotion or feeling. accent oerb To accord emphasis to. adiectioe accented Expressed or performed with emphasis.
accentuate oerb to. To accordemphasis accentuated adiectioe Expressed or performed with emphasis.
2. toNe.
accentuation rruun Special weight placed upon something considered important. oerb accept l. To receive (something given or offered) willingly and gladly: going to Swednn to accqt the award. 2. To admit to one's possession,presence, or awareness. 3. To allow admittance, as to a grouP: was accepted for membership in the country club. 4. To be favorably disposed toward. 5. To regard (something) as true or real. 6. To put uP with. 7. To iespond affirmatively; receive with agreement or comPliance. 8. To plrceive and recognize the meaning of. adiectir;e accePtable l. -apable of being accepted: an acceptable applicant; an acceptable $ft, 2. Of moderately-good quality but less than excellent: an acceptable dissertationby a capable studcnt.
acceptance rwun
l. The act or process of accepting: his acceptante of
the suggestion. 2. Favorableregard: The theorg slanly gained accaptunce. acceptanl ad,iecthse Ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas.
1. Syns; embrace, take up, welcome. 2. necnrvE. 3, Syns; admit, receive, take in. 4. 5, 5. 7,
eppnovr. snr,tsvE. rwounn. essnvr.
8. uxnpnsrar.o. 1. Syns; admissible, unobjectionable. 2. Syns: adequate, average, common, decent, fair, fairish, goodish, indifierent, O.K. (Inforrnal), passable, respectable, satisfactory, sufficient, tidy (lnf ormal), tole rable. 1. Syns; acquiescence, agreement, assent, consent, nod, yes. 2. Syns: approbation, approval, favor.
accept:ation rwun That which is signified by a word or expression. adiectioe accepted Generally approved or agreed upon: accepted behapior'
Syns: conventional, orthodox, received, sanctioned.
acception noun That which is signified by a word or expression.
acceptive adiectioe Ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas. aCCeSS rwun 1. The right to enter or make use of. 2. A sudden, violent expression, as of emotion. 3. A sudden and often acute manifestation of a disease' ad;iectitse accessible 1. Easily apProached. 2. Available for use.
accession rwun
Something tending to augment something else' aCCeSSOfY rtoun Something that attaches as a supplementary part' accessory adiectitse
1. eoutssroN. 2. ournunsr. 3. sprzunp. 1. eppnoecHABLE. 2. oprN a.diectioe. ADDITION.
accident Giving.or able to give help or support. aGGlOent rwun 1. An unexpected and usu. undesirable event: a trafic accident. 2. An unexpected random event. accidental adiectioe l. Occurring unexpectedly: an accidental meeting. 2. Not part of the real or essential nature of a thing: The secondary plot was accidental to the norsel,
acclaim oerb To express warm approval of. acclaim noun An expressionof warm approval. acclima:te oerb 1. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use. 2. To make resistant to hardship, esp. through continued exposure. acclimation n(ru,n A{justqent_to a changing environment.
acclimatization rwun
Adjushnent to a changing environment.
acclimatize oerb
1. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use. 2. To make resistant to hardship, esp. through continued exposure.
AUxrLrARyadiectiae. 1. Syns: casualty, contretemps, misadvenfure, mischance, misfortune, mishap. 2. cneNcn twun. l. Syns; casual, chance, contingent, fluky, fortuitous, inadvertent, odd. 2. Syns: adscititious (also adcititious), adventitious, incident (Archaic), incidental, supervenient. pnttsn oerb. PRAISE NOUN.
1,. enapr. 2. HennrN.
l. aoaer. 2. uanonN.
acclivity noun An upward slope.
accOla-de,wui Recognition of achievement or superiority or a sign of this.
accomm0date oerb
l. To have the room or capacity for: a rooyn that can accomtrndnte a large crowd. 2. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use. 3. To bring into accord. provide with often temporary lodging. 1. f" 5. To perform a service or a courteous act. accommodating adiectioe Ready to do favors for another.
accommodation rwun
1. Syns; contain, hold. 2. dol'pr. 3. uenlrowrze. 4. unanon oerb. 5. oer.lcn. OBLICING.
The condition of being made suitable to an end.
l. One that accompanies another: Unemployment is an accornpaniment of recessions. 2. Something added to another for embellishment or completion: Croutons are a good accornpaniment to soup.
l. Syns: associate,attendant, companion, concomitant. 2. Syns: augmentation, complement, enhancement, enrichment.
accompaniment noun
accompany oerb To be with oI go with (another): Thundcr lightning. Jack accornpanied his ni,ece to the prernidre. accompanying adiectiae Occurring in company with: u;ar and its accontpanying honors. accomplish aerb To succeed in doing: accornplished her obiectioe and won the race.
Syns; attend, companion, company (Rare), consort (Obs.), escort. -th*n hand in hand with.
Syns: attendant, attending, coincident, concomitant, concurrent. Syns; achieve, attain, gain, reach, realize, score.
9 adiectine accomplished Very proficient as a result of pracUce and study: an accomplished nnnician. rwun accomplishment 1. Something completed successhrlly: Winning the race u)os a real accomphshment. 2. Something done. aGcOrd oerb 1. To come to an understanding or to terms. 2.To be compatible or in correspondence. 3. To give formally or officiallY. 4. To let have as a favor or privilege. accord twun I. Harmonious mutual understanding. 2. The quality or condition of being in complete mutual agreement. 3. An act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action. 4. A formal, usu. written settlement between nations. 5. Pleasing agreement, as of musical sounds.
accordance rwun 1. The act or state of agreeing or conforming. 2. The act of conferring, as of an honor. adiectioe accordanl l. In keeping with one's needs or exPectations. 2. Having components pleasingly combined. aCCOSt oerb To approach for the purpose of speech: uas accosted by pbiltloners outsiile the door of the chamber. noun accouchement Frerrch. The act or process of bringing forth young. acGOUnt rwun 1. A recounting of Past events. 2. A statement of causesor motivest She was asked to $tse an account for het tardiness. 3. A precise list of fees or charges: My has been paid in full. 4. A meas.tre of those qualities that determine merit, desirability, usefulness, or importance. 5. A feeling of deference, approval, and liking. 6. The qualtty of being suitable or adaptable to an end' 7. e harbored grievance demanding satisfaction. account oerb To look upon in a Particular waY. account for oerb To ofier reasons for or a cause of: He had groum u'p in seoeral different countries, which accou,nted for his mplaceable foretgn accent. adiectioe accountable 1. Legally obligated. 2. Capable of being accounted for.
account for oerb accouter oerb
To supply with what is neededfor someactivity or purpose. accouterments noun Thingsneededfor a task,journey,or other Purpose. accredit oerb 1. To regardasbelongingto or resultingfrom anotller. 2. To give authoritYto.
Syns; finished, practiced, skilled.
1. Syns; achievement, acquirement, acquisition, attainment, effort, feat. 2. tcr rwun. 1. 2. 3. 4.
ecnnB. ecnnn. coxrrn. cntxr perb.
l. ecnpuvrpvr. 2. urqeNn'nrv. 3. ecnsnMpNr. 4. rnterv. 5. nenuorw. 1. ecnBnunNr. 2. courrnMENT. 1. ecnrpenr-8. 2. svuunrnlcer,. Syns: greet, hail, salute.
1. stonv. 2. Syns: explanation, justificaUon, rationale, rationalization, reason -Idiom why and wherefore. 3. Syns; bilF, invoice, reckoning statement, tab. 4. wonnr. 5. rsrsrld rnun. 6. use rnun. 7. scons twun, npcenn wrb. Syns: explain, jirstify, rationalize.
1. r-resr-n. 2. nxpr,erNesln. sEEaccount. FURNISH,
l. errnrsurs oerb. 2. euuronrzp.
accretion aGCretiOn rwun The result or product of building up. aCCfUe Derb To bring togetherso as to increasein massor number. acculturate oerb To fit for companionshipwith others, attitude or manners. aGcumulate oerb To bring togetherso as to increasein massor number: accumulateda great deal of nwneAin a short time. Srwtab_egqn to accumul,ateon the-patsernent. accumula-tion noun 1. A quantity accumulated:an accumulationof iunk in the attic. 2. The result or product of building up. accumulative adiectioe Increasing,as in force, by successive additions:the accwru^rlatioe unhealthy efect of mnking. aCCUraCy noun l. Freedomfrom error: checkedthe resultsfor occuracy. 2. Correspondencewith fact or truth. accurate ad;iecth:e 1. Having no errors: an accuratecalculationof expenses. 2. Conformingto fact: an accurated"escription of the hotrce. aCCUrateness nuun Freedomfrom error. aCCUrse oerb Rare. To invoke evil or inirry upon. acGursed adiectirse So annoying or detestableas to deservecondemnation. 't aCCuSal lun A chargingof someonewith a misdeed. aCCUSant noun 1. One that accuses. 2. One that makesa formal complaint, court. aCCUSatiOn rmun A chargingof someonewith a misdeed:an accrnation that she had cornmittedmarder. accusative adiecthse Containing,relating to, or involving an accusation. accusatorial alsoaccusatory adiectioe Containing,relating to, or involving an accusation: pointing an accusatorialfinger at the defendant. accusatory adiectiae aCCUSe aerb To make an accusationagainst:acctnedthe seruttorof acceptinga bribe. accuse rnun Obs.A chargingof someonewith a misdeed. aCCUSed naun Law. A-perso_n ?gainstwhom an action is brought: Zhe accusedpbaded imtacenL
Syns: accrue, agglomerate, aggregate, amass,collectl, cumulate, garner, gather, hive, pile up, roll up. 1. Syns; acervation, agglomeration, aggregation, amassment, assemblage, collection, congeries,cumulation, cumulus, garner, mass. 2. nurr-n-ur at buifd up. Syns: additive, additory, cumulative.
l. Syns; accurateness,correctness, exactitude, exactness,preciseness, precision, rightness. 2. vnnecrry. 1. Syns; correct, errorless. 2, Syns: correct, exact, faithful, precise, proper, right, rigorous, true, veracious, veridical. ACCURACY.
l. eccusnn. 2. coupr,erNANT. Syns: accusal,accuse (Obs.), charge, denouncement, denunciation, imputation, incrimination, indictm ent (Laus). ACCUSATORIAL.
Syns: accusative,accusive, denunciative, denunciatory, incriminating, incriminative. sEEaccusatorial. Syns; arraigp, charge (with), denounce, denunciate, incriminate, inculpate, indict, taJ(. ACCUSATION.
S. yns: defendant (Lau), respondent (Law).
1l aCCUSef nou,n One that accuses: confronted his accuser in open court. adiectioe accusive Containing, relating to, or involving an accusation. oerb accustom To make familiar through constant practice or use: She accustomed her eyes to the bright sunlight. adiectioe accustomable Obs. Commonly practiced or used.
Syns; accusant,denouncer, denunciator, incriminator, indictor (also indicter). ACCUSATORIAL.
Syns.' acquaint (Obs.), condition, familiarize (Archaic), habituate, inure, wont. CUSTOMARY.
accustomary adiectioe Archaic. Commonly practiced or used. adiectioe accustomed l. Familiar through repetition: uickets mttkingtheir accustomed rnises. 2. Commonly practiced or used. accustomedto adiectioe In the habit of: He was a bachelor and acantorned to doingthings his oum way. adiectirse accustomedto aGgl noun The least bit. aBe2 rwun L, Informal. A person with a high degree of knowledge or skill. 2. Something, esp. something held in reserve, that gives one a decisive advantage. adiectioe acerb 1. So sharp as to cause mental Pain. 2. Having a noUceably sharp, pungent taste or smell. 3. Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids. 4, Given to or expressing sarcasm. ad;iectiae acerbic 1. So sharp as to cause mental Pain. 2.Having-a noticeably sha4l, pungent taste or smell. 3. Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids. 4. Given to or expressing sarcasm.
l. Syns; chronic, habitual, routine. 2. cusrouenv, Syns; used to, wont to. sEEaccustomed. DAMN NOUN,
l. nxpnnr noun. 2. rnuup naun.
l' errrNc. 2. errrrn atliectiae. 3. soun adiectioe. 4. sencasrrc. 1. srrrNc. 2. srrrnn adiectioe. 3. soun adiectioe. 4, sencasuc.
acerbity noun Ironic, bitter humor designed to wound.
acervation rwun A quantity accumulated. adiectioe acetose adiectioe acetous also ac€tose Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids. ache oerb 1. To have or cause a feeling of physical pain or discomfort. 2. To have a strong longing for. 3, To experience or expresscompassion. ache noun A sensation of physical discomfort occurring as the result of diseaseor injurY. adiectioe Acheronian Dark and depressing. adiectioe Acherontic Dark and depressing. oerb achieve To succeed in doing.
sm acetous. sovn adiectitse. L, Hvar aerb. 2. onsrnn oerb. 3. rnr;, oerb. PATN NOUN.
achievement nou,n l. Something completed successfully. 2. A great or heroic deed. aching* adiectitse Marked by, causing, or experiencing physical pain. acicular adiectiae flavjng an end tapering to a point. aClCUlate adiectirse fl3ving- an end tapering to a point. acf O adiectioe l. S_oshalp as to cause mental pain, 2. Having a taste characterisUcbf that produced by acids. acidic adiectirse as to cause mental pain. lq **p acidulous adiectiae characteristic of that produced by acids. ^-ltlyg ".taste terb acknOwledge l- To recognize, often reluctantly, the reality or truth of: He acknaraledged his mistake. 2. To expr_essrecognition of: acknowtedged his d,uty . towgrd his family.
acknowfedgenient twun acknowledgmentalso acknowledgementnoun
1. The act of admitUng to somethiig, her - acknowledgment of her enor. 2. FavorableioUce, L of an achievement. aCme nutn The highest point or state. acquaint oerb 1. To make known socially: The cou,plegot acquainted. at a party. 2. To cause to know about or be aware of. 3. Ob* To make familiar through constant practice or use.
1. srrNc. 2. soun adiectioe.
sovn adiectiae. l. Syns: admit, allow, avow, concede, confess,fess up (Slang), grant, own (up), 2. Syns: admit, recognize. srn acknowledgment. L Syns: admission,avowal, confession. 2. nncocxrrroN. CLIMAX
l. Syns: introduce, present2, quaint2 (Archaic). 2. rxronnr. 3, eccustou.
acquaintance noun l. Personal knowledge deriv,ed from participation or observation: has a m.ore than passing acluaintance with baroque music. 2. A person whom one knows casually: met,seoeral acquaintarrces on the street.
l. .Syns: experience, familiarity. 2. Syns: acquaintant (Obs.), friend.
acquaintant noun
Obs..A.person , _whomone knows casually. acquaanted adiectioe Having good knowledge of.
acquiesce wrb To respond affirmatively; receive with ageement or compliance. aCqUlesGenGe rwun l. The act or process of acceptinq. 2. T\2 qualityor state of willingl| carrying out the wishes of others. acquiescent ad;iectitse l. Disposed to accept or agree. 2. Submitting without oblecUon or resistance. aCqUlre oerb To come into -rnun possessionof.
essrwr oerb.
1. accrprexce. 2. oepornNcp.
l. wrr,r-trc. 2. pessrw. GET.
Something completed successfully.
Something completed successfully.
acguisition ,win
13 adiecthse acquisitive Having a strong urge to obtain or possesssomething, esp. material wealth, in quantity. aCqUlSltlVeneSS noun Excessivedesire for more than one needs or deserves'
acquit oerb l. To conduct oneself in a specified way. 2.To free from a charge or imputation of guilt. aGfes noun Lau. Usu. extensive real estate. aGrid adiectioe 1. So sharp as to cause mental Pain. 2. Having a noticeably sharp, pungent taste or smell.
acridity noun Thequalityor stateof feelingbitter. acrimonious ad:iectiae Bjtinglyhostile. twun aGflmOn} The quality or state of feeling bitter. aGt noun, 1. The process of doing: the act of thinking. 2. Something done: an act of braoery. 3. The formal product of a legislative or judicial body. 4. Informal. A display of insincerebehavior: Her concem is iust an act. 5. A short theatrical piece within a larger production. act oerb 1, To play the part of: acted lullet in wmmer stock. 2. To produce on the stage. 3. To conduct oneself in a specified way: aluags acts like a IadY. 4. To behave affectedly or insincerely: is usually iwt acting when he shuos interest. 5. To react in a sPecified waY. act for oerb To perform the duties of anotherz In his btother's absence he acted for him. act uP oerb l.lnfonnal. To behave in a rowdy or unruly fashion. 2. tiformal. To work improperly due to mechanical difrculties.
2, ctnnn oerb. LL}:{D fWUn.
1. snrNc. 2. srrrrn adiectioe. RESENTMENT.
l. Syn: acUon. 2. Syns: accomplishment, action, actus, deed, doing, thing. 3. r-aw. 4. Syns: acting, dissemblance, masquerade, play-acting, Pose, pretense, sham, show, simulaUon. 5. sxrrcn noun. 1. Syns; do, enact, impersonate, perform, play-aet, portray, represent. 2. srtcn oerb. 3, Syns; acquit, bear, behave, carry, comport, demeanl, deport, disport, do, quit. 4. Syns: affect, assume, counterfeit, dissemble, fake, feign, play-act, 1rcse, pretend, put on, sham, simulate. 5. rur.IcrroN. Syns: function, officiate, serve.
1. MrssnHevE. 2. uer.ruNcrloN.
act for oerb actity oerb
To arouse to action. ad,iectioe acting Temporarily assuming the duties of another. acting noun 1. The art and occupation of an actor: usent into acting as a profession. 2. A display of insincere behavior. twun action 1. The process of doing. 2. Something done. 3. Larp. A l"gl proceeding to demand justice or enforce a right. 4. A hostile encounter between opposing military forces.
1. Syns; dramatics, play-acting, plapng stage. 2. licr rrcrun. l. ect noun. 2. trct rwun. 3, r-ewsurr. 4. coMser noun.
activate action oerb Law. To institute or subject to legal proceedings. actions noun The manner in which one behaves. activate oerb To arouse to action: trying to actiaate his wish to leam. active adiecthse 1. In action or full operation: an actiae aolcano; an actioe imagirwtion; an actiae saoings occount. ^ 2. Moving or performing quickly, lighily, and easily. 3. Disposed to action activity- twun Energeti_cphysic_alaction: grouing fat frorn too much food and too little actitsittl. adtivize r:erb To arouse to acUon. aGtOr nuun l. A theatrical performeri an actor on Broa&oay. 2. One who participates. actual adiectioe l. Occurring or existing in act or fact: The actual usorld as opposed to the ideal. 2. In agreement or correspondence witfr fact: made an actual contribution to {he inaestigation. 3. Based on fact: an actual accoun{of uhat happened.
actuality noun
l. The state or fact of having reality: ideas true in p_ossibilitybut not in achnlity. 2. Something that exists: turned"my drea.minto an actuality. 3. The t""lity of being factual: The story was in actualitq rnt tnte.
actualization noun The condiUon of being in full force or operation. actualize oerb To make real or actual. actually aduerb l. In point o{ fact: She said she usasuorking ushen ^ actmlly she was reading a noael. 2. At this moment. 3. In truth.
actuate aerb l. To arouse to action. 2. To set or keep going. 3. To put into acUon oi ,.se. act Up oerb actus noun Something done. aCUmen rwun Skill in perceiving, discriminating, or judging. acuminate oerb To give a sharp edge to. acuminate adiectioe BioI. Ha.ving an end tapering to a point. aCUmlnatlOn noun Biol.. A sharp or tapered end. acumf nOUS adiectioe Biol. Hauing an end tapering to a point. acute adiectiae l. Possessingor displaying perceptions of geat
Syns.' actify, activize, acfuate, d;mamize, eneryize, galvanize, stimulate. 1. Syns; alive, functioning, going, live2, - operative, running, working. 2. NrMsr,r. 3. vrconous. Syns; exercise, exercising, exertion.
l. Syns;player, thespian. 2. pantrcrpANT. 1. Syns: existent, existing, extant. 2. Syns: indisputable, real, true, undeniable. 3. Syns; factual, hard, sure-enough. l. Syns: being, existence. 2. Syns: materiality, reality. 3. Syns; fact, factuality, factualness, reality. EFFECT IMUN. REALIZE.
l. Syns; genuinely, indeed, really. 2. wow. 3. nrar.r,y. 1. ecrryarn. 2. onwn oerb. 3. vsn oerb. sEEact. ACT NOUN, DISCERNMENT.
l. Syns; keenl, perceptive, sensitive,
15 accuracy and sensitivity: an ocute obsen:er of the passing scene. 2. Having an end tapering to a,point. 3. Havinf or suggestingkeen, discerning intellect' 4. Mus. Elevated in Pitch. 5. Marked by severity or intensity. 6. So serious as to be at the point of crisis' adage noun A usu. pithy and familiar statement expressing an observition or principle generally accepted as wise or true. ad;iectiae adamant Firmly, often unreasonably immovable in purpose or will. ad;iectioe adamantine Firmly, often unreasonably immovable in purpose or will. oerb adapt To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use: The farnity quickly adnpted to cumtry life'
ad1ectioe adaPtable Capable of adapting or being adapted: An adaptable peison can lioe ha.ppily al:nnst ortyu>hete'
adaptationalsoadaPtion rynr
t. ftre condition olbeing madesuitableto an end: the adnpatlon of the n'ooelas a flrn. 2. Adjustnent io a changrngenvironment"madea quick adnPtationto the neu iob. adapiative adiectioe Capableof adaptingor being adapted. adaption rmun adaptive adiectine Capableof adaptingor being adapted' adcit:itious adiectioe add oerb l. To join so as to form a larger or more comprehensiveentity: addeda neu)uingto the library. 2. To combine(figut"t) to form a sum: adding the debit colu"nmin the l.edger. add uP to oerb 1. To have or conveya particular idea. 2. To come to in number or quantitY' added adiectioe Being an addition. addition rwun 1. The act or processof adding:the waiter's add'ition of the pnce of the d,htnerand the tax. 2. Somethingtendingto augment,somethingelse The to the staf' Voungtaiyer prooeda real addition additional adiectioe What additiarwl infomatiort da 1. Being * "dditiottt you need? 2. Going beyond what currently exists' additionallY adoerb In addiUonzAdd'itinwlly he plnasedu^sby the excell'enceof his roork-
sharp. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
ponmnp. rxcrsrvn. utcn. snl'np. cnlrrcer,.
Syns; acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, adiust, conform, fashion, fit, reconcile (to or with), square, suit, tailor, tailor-make. Syns: adaptaUve, adaptive, adiustable, elastic, flexible, plastic, pliable, pliant, supple. 1. Syns: accommodation, adjustrnent, conformation. 2. Syns: acclimation, acclimatization.
sEEadaptation. ADAPTABLE.
srn adscititious. 1. Syns; annex, apPend, Plus. 2. Syns: cast, figure, foot (up), sum (uo), summate, tally, tot2 (up), total, totalize, totd (up). 1. ureNr. 2. t*tovwr oerb. ADDITIONAL.
1. Syns; summation, totalization. 2. SYns: accession,augmentation.
1. Syns: added, extra" fresh' further, more, new, other. 2. runrnnn adiectioe. Syns: also, besides, further, furthermore, item, more, still' -Idionrs as well, to boot.
additive adiectitse 1. Involving addition: additioe,rwt subtractioe. Increasing,as in force, by successive additions. 3_._ additory adiectioe 1. Involving addition. 2_._ Increasing, additions. - as in force, by successive addle oerb To causeto be unclearin mind or intent. addfed adiectit:e Mentallv uncertain. address oerb her softly. l. I" direct speechto: ad.dressed 2. To talk to (an audience)formally: addrissedthe meeting. 3. Tg brug an appealor requestto the attentionof: add.ressed the mayor for a solutionto the problem. 4. To mark (a written communication)with its destinationzaddressedthe erwelope. 5. To devote (oneselfor one'sefforis). 9. To cause(something)to be conveyedto a destination. 7. To attempt to gain the afiection oi. address noun l. A usu. formal oral communicationto an audience. 2. A written inscription on a deliverable item giving its put the ur?ng addresson the poc*age. _ destination_: 3. Behaviorthroughwhich one revealsone's personality. 4. The ability to sayand do the right thing at the right time. 5. Skillfulnessin the useof the handsor body. addresses rwun Romanticattentions. adduce oerb To bring forward and quote for formal consideration. add up to oerb adept adiectioe H"tlg or demonstraUng a high degreeof knowledge or skill. adept rwu,n A personryrtJr_"high degreeof knowledgeor skill in a particular field. adeptness rmun Natural or acquiredfacility in a specificactivity. a0equaGy rwun An adequatequantity. adequate adiictioe. f . Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. 2. Being what isnEeded^withfutbeing in excess. adhere oerb To hold fast to. adherence noun The close'nou, physicalunion of two objects. adherent One who supportsand adheresto another. adhesion nnun The closephysical union of two objects. 'adiectioe adhesive .Havingthe property of adhering, a0leu nnun A- separationof two or more people. ad. intbrim o.diectilte Latin. Temporarilyassumingthe duties of another.
16 l. Syns.'additory, plus. 2. accuuuLATIVE. 1. epnrrryp. 2. eccumulATrvE. CONFUSE. CONFUSED.
l. Syns: speak (to), talk (to). 2. Syns: bespeak (Archaic), lecture, prelect (also praelect), speak (to). 3. Syns; appeal (to), apply (to), approach, petition, sue. 4. Syns: direct, superscribe. 5. epply. 5. srxo. 7. covnr oerb. 1. spsncH. 2. Syns: direcUon (Archaic), superscription. 3. nrenwc. 4. recr. 5. orxrnnrry. COURTSHIP,
pnrsnrvr€ oarb. snn add. rtrrERT adiectioe.
1. eccrprenr,n. 2. surrrcmxr adiectirse. r,oNo Derb. BOlliiD r10un. FOLLOWER.
L7 adiacent ad;iecnoe Sharinga commonboundary. adjoin oerb To be contiguousor next to: a lnt that adioinsou'rs.
adjoining adiectiae Sharinga commonboundary:took adioiningroonwin the hotel adjourn oerb To put off until a later time. adjournment rwun The act of putting ofi or the condition of being put off. adjudge oerb To make a decisionabout (a controversy,dispute,etc.) after deliberation,as in a court of law. adjudicate oerb To make a decisionabout (a controversy,dispute,etc.) after deliberation,asin a court of law. adjunct rwun Somethingthat attachesas a supplementarypart. adiust oerb 1. To alter (partsof a device)for proper functioning: adiust the oaloes. 2. To makeor becomesuitableto a particular situation or use. adjustable od,iectioe Capableof adaptingor being adapted. adjustment nutn The condition of being made suitableto an end. adjutant rwun to anotherand A personwho holds a positio_n_auxiliary assumessomeof his responsibilities. adjuvant adiectilse Giving or able to give help or support. ad-lib adiectioe lnforrnat. Spoken,performed,or composedwith little oi no preparationor forethouglrt. ad-lib aerb Inforrwl. To composeor recite without preparaUon. ad-lib rwun Inf orrnal.SomethingimProvised. admeasure oerb To set asideor distribute as a share. administer oerb 1. To have chargeof (the affairsof others):administer a colonY. 2. To oveiseethe provisionor executionof: administer iustice. 3. To provide as a remedyzafuninistera sedathse. 4. To mete out by meansof someaction. administerial adiecthse Of, for, or relating to administrationor administrators. administrable adiectioe Capableof being governed. administrant rwun A personhavingadministrativeor managerialauthority in an organization.
Syns: abut (on, upon, or against), border (on or upon), bound2, butts (on), ioin (Inforrnal), juxtapose, meetr, neiglnbor, touch, verge (on or upon). Syns: abutting, adjacent, aPProximd, bordering, conterminous, contiguous, joined (lnfonnal), juxtaposed, meeting, neighboring next, touching. oErnnl. DELAY |WUN,
lvoce oerb.
lvncn oerb.
1. Syns; attune, fix, regulate, setl, tune
("p). 2. enepr.
l. Syns; administrate, direct, govern, head, manage, run, suPerintend. 2. Syns: adminisffate, carry out, execute. 3. Syns; dispense, give (out). 4. ewn oerb. ADMINISTRATIVE.
administrate aerb 1. To have charge of (the affairs of others). 2, To oversee thE provision or execution of.
administration noun
1. AuthoritaUve control over the affairs of others: rpas ^ y,sporuible for the ad,ministration of the proaince. 2. The giving of a medication, esp. by prescribed dosage: the administration of an antibiotic. administrational adiectioe of, for, or relating to administration or administrators. administrative adiecth:e Of, for, or relating to administration or administrators: an administratioe secrctary.
administrator noun
A person having administrauve or managerial authority in an organization. admirable adiectiae Deserving admiration: She has sorne really admirable qualities. admiration noun tgaing :f deference, approval, and liking. !. { 2. Archaic. The emotion aroused by somethirig awe_ - -inspiring or astounding. admire oerb l. regard with great pleasure or approval: ad;rnired To the oiew. 2. have a high opinion ofz adtnired htun To for his horwsttt. -noun admirer l. One who ardently admires: an admirer of - Shakespeare'splaAs. 2. A man who courts a woman. admissible adiectioe l. Capalle of being accepted. 2. Capable of being allowed. a0mlSSlOn noun l. The state of being allowed entry: her admission to college. 2. The right to enter or make use of: It was mnnths before he was allowed admission into the club. 3. The act of admitting to something. admit oerb 1. To serve as a means of entrance for: This ticket admits one adult. 2. To allow admittance, as to a group. 3. To afford an opportunity for. 4. To recognize, often reluctantly, the reality or truth of. -S.fq express recognition of. admittance rwu.n l. The state of being allowed entry. 2. The right to entei or make use of. admix oirb To put together into one mass so that the constituent pa$s- are more or less homogeneous. admixture nunrv Something produced by mixing. a0mOnlsn oerlt To criticize for a fault or ofiense. admonishing adiectiae Giving warning.
l. aoprrNrsrrn. 2. aonarNrsrnn. 1. Syns; direction, government, management,superintendence. 2. Syns: application, dispensation, dispensing. ADMINISTRATIVE.
Syns: administerial, administrational, executive, managerial, ministerial. EXECUTIVE
Syns; commendable, estirnable, laudable, meritable, meritorious, praiseworthy, worthy.
l. Syns; appreciate, enjoy, relish. 2. Syns: consider, esteem, honor, regard, respect, value. -Idiorn look up to. 1. Syns; devotee, fan2 (Informal), fancier, lover. 2. nneu. 1,. accepranr-n. 2. pnnMrssrsr,n. 1. Syns; admittance, entrancer, immission (Archaic), ingress (c/so ingression ), introduction, intromission2. Syns: access, admittance, entrancel, entr6e, entry, ingress (also ingression). _
l. Syns; immit (Archaic), intromit, let in. 2. eccnsr. 3. pnnrrarroerb. 4. ecxxowlEDcE. 5. ecxNowLEDGE. l. eourssrorg. 2. eourssroN. l,lrx oerb.
cALL DowN at call. CAUTIONARY.
19 admonishment noun
l. Advice to beware, as of a person or thing. 2. Words expressive of strong disapproval. rnrun admonition 1. Advice to beware, as of a person or thing. 2. Words expressive of strong disapproval. ad;iecth:e admonitory Giving warning. ado noun Busy and uselessactivitY. oerb adopt f . fo take, as another's idea and make one's own: adopted a comPetitor's sal,estechniques. 2. To accePt officiallY. idiecth:e adopted Being fictitious and not real. twun adoption A ready taking up of something: their adoption of sophuticate d clothing. adiectioe adorable Easy to love: an ailorablP babY. adiectioe adorint Feeling or showing reverence. twun adoration 1. The act of adoring, esp. reverently prayed u)ith solernn ad,oration. 2. Deep and ardent affection: his adoration' of his young uife. oerb adore l. To regard with great awe and devotion: a saint adnred for his kind;ness. 2. To feel'deep, devoted love for: ad'ored het husband" 3. lnformal. To like or enjoy enthusiastically, often excessivelY: She ad'ores skiing. ad;iectioe adoring Feeling or showing reverence. oerb adorn l. To furnish with decorations: a goun ad'omed uith lace. 2. To endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable addiUon.
adornmenl rnun
Somethingthat adorns:iewels and other adomtrn'ents'
adroit adiectine skill and easein 1. Exhibiting or Possessing performance. 2. bhowingart or skilt in performingor doing' 3. Welt done or executed. adroitness rw)un Skillfulnessin the use of the handsor body' adscititious alsoadcititious aQectiae Not part of the real or essentialnature of a thing' oerb adulate To compliment excessivelyand ingratiatingly' adulation rtotur Excessive,ingratiating Praise' adulator rwrtn One who fatters anotherexcessively'
1. wenxrNc nnun. 2. nreuKE rnun. 1. wenNrNGrwu,rt. 2. nnsuKE naun. CAUTIONARY. FUSS rroltn. 1. Syns: embrace,
espouse, take on (or
up). 2. prss oerb. ASSUMED.
Syns; embracement, embracing, espousal.
Syns; lovable, sweet. REVERENT.
1. Syns; idolization, reverence, veneration, worship. 2. Syns: devotion, fancy (Obs'), love.
1. Syns; idolize, revere, reverence' venerate, worshiP. 2. Syns: afiect2 (Atchaic), affectionr, love, worship. 3. Syns; delight in, dote on (or upon), eat up (Slong), groove on (Slntg)' love. REVERENT.
1. Syns; bedeck, deck (out), decorate, dress (up), embellish, garnish, ornament, trim. 2. cnncn oerb.
Syns: decoration, embellishment, garnishment, garniture, ornament, ornamentaUon, trim, trimming. 1. onxrnnous. 2. enrrur.. 3. Nper. DEXTERTTY. AccTDENTAL
adiectixe F?yi"g reached full growth and development. adufterant rnun One that contaminates. adulterate aerb To make lmpure or inferior by deceptively aclding jolgign substances : adulterated coffie. J aduftelated adiectice Mixed with other substances. adulteration noun The state of being contaminated. adulterator noui One that contaminates. adumbrate oerb l. To give an indication of something in advance: eoents that adumbrated later dercIopm.ents. 2. To tell about or make known (future events) in advance, esp. by means of special knowledge or inference. l. To draw up a preliminary -plan or version of. 4. To make dark or darker. 5. To make dim or indistinct. adumbration noun Comparative darknessthat results from the blocking of Iight rays. advance- uerh l. To cause to move forward or upward, as toward a _ goal: aduance a worthy cause. 2. To go forward, esp. toward a conclusion. 9. I" bring forward and quote for formal consideration. 4. To raise in rank. 5. To attain a higher status,rank, or condition. 5. To supply (money), esp. on credit. advance noun 1. Forward movement: recent adoancesin science; the adrsanceof technology. 2. The amount by which something is increased. advance adiectiae Going before: got adaance waming of the storm,s approach. advanced adiectirc 1. Ahead of current trends or customs:aduancedideas. 2. Far along in life or time. advancement noun l. A progression upward in rank: a quick adaarwement in her career. 2. Forward movement. advances noun Preliminary actions intended to elicit a favorable response: reiected her adoances out of hand. advantage noun l. A factor conducive to superiority and success:GiDe the slou starters a S}-seiond adaantage, 2. A dominating position, as in a conflictl had. the adaantage in the argument.
3. Something beneficia): gaae the children ftmnA adaantages. 4. Something that contributes to or increasesone's well-being.
Syns: debase,doctor (up), dope, load,
l. Syns: foreshadow, prefigure, presage. 2. pnsprcr.
3. onerr oerb. 4. ssron aerb. 5. onscunn uerb. SHADE
l. Syns; forward, foster, further, promote. 2. coun. 3. pnBsENr2. 4. pnouorr. 5. nrsr. 6. lErsp. l. Syns; advancement, frrrtherance. headway, marchr, ongoing, progress, progression. 2. tNcnnesr" naun. Syns: antecedent, anterior, precedent, preceding, prior. l. Syns: forward, precocious, progressive. 2. or.o. 1. Syns; elevation, j.tmp, promotion, upgrading. 2. eovaNcr' noun. Syns: approach(es),overture(s).
1. Syns; allowance, handicap, head start, odds, start, vantage. 2. Syns: betterr, b"lg" (Stang), draw, drop, edge, forehand, j,r-p, superiority, vantage. -Idiorns inside track, upper hand. 3. Syns.'benefit, blessing,boonr, favor, gain, profit. 4. nvrrnrsr lwun.
5. wnr.renn. 5. A stateof health,happiness,and prospering. 5. usn tudtn. 6. The quality of being suitable or adaptableto an end. advantage oerb BENEFIT. To derive advantage. advantageous ad;iectitse l. pnorrtenr-s. 1. Mording profit. snNnrtcrar.. 2. 2. Affording benefit. advent rraun l. eppnoacH noun. l. The act or fact of comingnear. 2. ennryer,. 2. The act of arriving. adventitious adiectioe AccTDENTAuadiectine. Not part of the real or essentialnature of a thing. adventure nuun Syns; emprise (aho emprize), enterprise, An exciting, often hazardousundertaking: a mountainventure. climbing adoenture. adventure oerb L. nrsx rnrb. 1. To exposeto possiblelossor damage. 2. r'nzt.r.;o oerb. 2. To run the risk of. adventurer rwu:n 1. Syns; daredevil, venturer. l. One who engagesin exciting,risky pursuits: erplorersand other adoenturers. 2. unncrNenv twun. 2. A free-lancefighter. sprculeron. 3. for profits. quick who speculates 3. One adventuresome adiectitse Taking or willing to take risks. adventurous ad:iectine 1. Taking or willing to take fisks:Adoenhilouspioneers l. Sync; adventuresome, audacious, enterprising, venturesome, venturous. settled the American West. oe,Ncrnous. 2. injury. or loss, risk, 2. Involving possible adventurousness noun DARING TWUN. Willingnessto take risks. adversary rwttn OPPONENT. One that opPosesanotherin a battle, contest, controversy,or debate. adverse ad;iectiod 1. opposrNc. 1. Acting againstor in opposition. 2. uNrevoRABLE. 2. Tendingto discourage,retard, or make more difficult. adversitY noun MISFORTUNE. Bad fortune. advert oerb REFER. To call or direct attentionto (an occurrence,situation, etc.). advertent adiectioe ATTENTIVE. Concentratingthe mental powerson something. advertise alsoadvertize oerb l. Syns; bdlyhoo Qnfonrwl)' build up, 1. To makeknown vigorouslythe positivefeaturesof (a cry (up), plug(Infannal), P:omote, product): ad'oertisea n/eu annera2. To bring to Public noUce. 3. To make (information)generdly known: The girl afu:ertisedher engagementby weating a diamond ring. advertising naun The act oi professionof promoting something as a product: Adoertisingcan be a luuath:e ocatpation' advertize oerb advice nsun An opinion asto a decisionor courseof action: hopes n git sound,a'd'oicebeforeputchasingthe house'
publicize, push (Slang), talk uP. 2. er.n*ouwcr. 3. Syns; blazez (around), blazon, broadcast, bruit (about), disseminate, noise (about or abroad), promulgate. -ldionts spread far and wide, spread the word. Syns; promotion, PublicitY. srn advertise. Syns; advisement, counsel, recommendation.
advice(s) advice(s) nuun New information, esp. about recent events and happenings. advisable adiectiae Worth doing esp. for practical reasons: Checking the data is adoisable. advise oerb 1. To give recommendations to (someone)about a decision or course of action: My attomey adaised me to sue. 2. To cause to know about or be aware of. 3. To meet and exchange views to reach a decision. advised a.diectiae 1. Rezulting from deliberaUon and careful thought: a badty adaked decision. 2. Provided with information; made aware. advisement noun 1. A careful considering of a matter: The iudge took the case und,er adnisement. 2. An opinion as to a decision or course of action. adviser also advisor noun One who advises another, esp, officially or professionally: a fi,nancial adtsiser.
advisor noun advisory adiectirse Giving advice: the collegeadoisoryboard, advocate aerb To aid the causeof by approvingor favoring. aegis noun Aid or supportgiven by a patron. aeOn rwun aerate oerb To exposeto circulatingair. aeriaf adiecth:e 1. Of or relatingto air. 2. So light and insubstantialasto resembleair or a thin fflm. 3. Imposinglyhigh. aerosphere noun The gaseousmixture envelopingthe earth. aery adiectioe So light and insubstantialasto resembleair or a thin film. aesthetic or esthetic adiectiae Showinggoodtaste. afeard atlJafeared adiectiae Regionnl.Filled with fear or terror. afeared adiectitse atfability noun -The_quality of being pleasantand friendly. affabfg adiectioe 1. Characterizedby kindnessand w&rrr, unafiected courtesy. 2. Pleasantand friendly. atfair noun l. Somethingthat concernsor involvesone personally. !. A large or important socialgathering. 3. An intimatesgxualrelations[ipbetw:eentwo people. 4. Somethingto be done,considlred,or dealt wittr.'
Syns: counselable (ako counsellable), expedient, recommendable, well2. 1. Syns; counsel, recommend.
2. rNrFonM. 3. coNrEn. 1. Syns; calculated, considered, deliberated, studied, studious (Rare), thought-out, weighed. 2. tNronnanp. 1. Syns; calculation, consideraUon, deliberation, lucubration (Archaic), study. 2. tnwcn. Syns; consultant, counsel, counselor (rzlso counsellor),mentor. sEEadviser. Syns; consultative, consultatory, consulting. supponr r:arb. PATRONAGE.
sEEeon. xn oerb. l. emy. 2. r' 3. r.orry. AtR noun. FILMY.
ses afeard. AMIABILITY.
l. cnecrous. 2. anarenlE. 1. nuswpss. 2. penry noun. 3. r.ove naun. 4. naarrrn noun.
23 oerb affectr To evoke a usu. strong mental or emotional response from: a play that deeply affects its audierrce. oerb atfect2 l. To take on or give a false appearance of. 2, Archain To feel deep, devoted love for'
atfectation rwun Artjficialbehavioradoptedto impressothers:That accent is mere afectation. adiectioe atfectedr Emotionally aroused: affected by a powerful noael. adiectioe affected2 1. Artificially genteel: put on an afected Briti^shaccent.
2. Having concern. 3. Not genuine or sincere.
Syns: get (to) (Informnl), impact, impress, influence, move, strike, sway, touch. 1. essuun. 2. ,roonn. Syns: affectedness,airs, lug(s), mannerism, pretense. Syns: impressed,inspired, moved, stirred, struck, swayed, touched. !. Syns: artificial, la-di-da (a/so la-de-da) (Informal), lardy-dard y (Slnng), mannered, precious, pretenUous. 2. 3. enrrrrcrer,.
affectedness naun Artificial behavior adopted to impress others. adiectioe affecting Exciting a deep, usu. somber resPonsel-an affecting climax to the story. twun affectionr 1. The condition of being closely Ued to another by affection or faith. 2. A complex and usu. strong subjective response, as of love, hate, etc. aftection oerb To feel deep, devoted love for' nutn affection2 1. A pathological condition of mind or body' 2. A distinctive element. adiectirse atfectionate Feeling and expressing affectioni an affectionate parent' adiectioe affectionated Obs. Feeling and expressing affection. adiectioe atfective Relating to, arising from, or appealing to the emotions.
Syns; impressive, moving, poignant, stirring, touching. 1. a,rrecrrMENT. 2. ruonoN.
1. nrspasn. 2. guer-trv. Syns: affectionated (Obs.), affectuous (Obs.), doting, fond, loving. AFFECTIONATE. EMOTIONAL.
affectivitY noun
A complex and usu. strong subjective response, as love, hate, etc. adiecthse atfectuous Obs. Feeling and expressing affection. adiectiae atferent Transmitting impulses from sense organs to nerve centers. adiectiae atfianced Pledged to marry. atfianced rwun A person to whom one is engaged to be married'
atfiliate oerb To unite or be united in a relationship. affiliate noun 1. One who is united in a relationship with another' 2. A local unit of a business or an auxiliary controlled by such a business. noun affiliation The state of being associated.
essocrern oedr. 1. a.ssocr,lTEnoun. 2. susslotenv.
atfinity noun The quality or state of being alike.
affirm atlirm
24 oerb
1. To makevalid and bindingby a formal legalact. -?,To put into wordspositivelyand with con*uiction. atfirmation rwun l. An act of confirmingofficially. 2. The act of assertingpositively. atfirmative adiectiae l. Givingassent. 2. Of a constructivenature. affirmatory adiectioe Givingassent. affix ierb 1. To join one thing to another. -?.T.t ascribe(a misdeed,error,etc.)to. afflation noun l. Divine guidanceand motivationimparted directly. 2. The act of breathingin. afffatus noun -Pivine guidanceand motivationimparted directly. afflict Jerb To bringgreatharm or sufieringto:afficted with painful chronicailm"ents. afflicted adiectiae Having a painful ailment. afflictioi noun 1. Somethinghard to bear physicallyor emotionally. / 2. A stateof-phy-sical or m6ntal sufiLring. 3. A causeof sufering or harm. afff ictive adiectioe l. Yqk"9 by, causing,or experiencingphysicalpain. 2. Difficult to accept. affluent adiectioe Possessing a large amountof money,land, or other materialpossessions. aftord oerb -To make (something)readily available. atfray noun A quarrel or fight.markedby very noisy,disorderly, and often violent behavior. affright aerb Archaic. To fill with fear. affright rwun Archaic. Great agitationand arxiety causedbv the or the realizationof danger. ,expectationaffront aerb To causeresentmentor hurt by callous,rude behavior. affront twun An act that offendsa person'ssenseof pride or dignity. afiefd ad,aerb .Not in the right way or on the proper course. aflfe adiectioe On fire. affame adiectioe On fire. i fond adrserb l. Frerrch.To the fullest extent. 2. French.In a completemanner. aforehand adoerb' Chicfl.yRegional.Before the expectedtime. aforetime ad.oerb Archaic.At a time in the past.
1. coxrrnu. 2. essrnr. 1. coNrrnuATroN. 2. essnnrroN. l. pavonasle. 2. posrrrvn. FAVORABLE.
Syns; agonize, curse, excruciate, plague, rack, scourge, smite, strike, torment,torture. MISERABLE.
l. sunnrN noun. 2. usrnnss noun. 3. cunsr noun. l. perrurur.. 2. nrrrnn atliectiae. RICH.
orrnn aerb. BRAWL NOUN.
l. conrpr,nrEr-y. 2. coprpr.nrEr.y. EARLYadtserb. EARLIER.
25 afraid adiectiae Filled with fear or terror: was afraid of snakes.
afresh adrserb Oncemore. after adiectioe 1. Locatedin the rear. 2. Followingsomethingelsein time. after adoerb time. At a subsequent afterlife noun Endlesslife after death. aftermath rwun Somethinqbrought about by - a cause. afterward ilso afterwards adaerb At a subsequenttime. afterwards adrserb afterwhile adrserb At a subsequenttime. again afuserb Oncemore. age rwun 1. A particular time notablefor its distinctive characteristics:the EduardtanAge. 2. Informal. A long time: haoen'tseenyou for ages.
and frailty of age. 3. Old age the weakness age oerb 1. To grow old: He is agingfast. 2. To bring or cometo full development. adiectioe aged -1. Brought to full flavor and richnessby aging:aged cheese. 2. Far along in life or time. 3. Belonging to, existing, or occurring in Umes long past.
agedness rwun Old age. ageless adiectioe Existingunchangedforever: the agelessthemesof looe and,hate. agenG} -That noun by which somethingis accomplishedor someend
agglomeration Syns: afeard (also afeared) (Regionnl), aghast, apprehensive, ascared (Chief,y Regiornl), fearful, fearsome, frightened, petrified, scared. Nnw a.doerb. 1. eacx adiectioe. 2. r,erBn adiectiae. LATERudaerb.
",'::x* sEEaftenvard. LATERadoerb. Nnw adtserb. l. Syns.'day(s),epoch, era, period, time(s). 2. Syns: eon (also aeon), eternity, longr. -ldioms blue moon, dog's age, donkey's years, forever and a day, forever and ever, month of Sundays. 3. Syns; agedness,caducity, elderliness, senectitude, senescence,years. 1. Syns; get along (or on), olden, senesce. 2. v'rrvnr' oerb. l.
2. oro. 3. olo.
LGEnAUn. Syns: dateless,eternal, eterne (Archaic), timeless. MEANS.
agenda rwun An organizedlist of procedures,activities,events,
tww"I agent That by which something is accomplished or some end achieved. adiectioe age-old Belonging to, existing, or occurring in times long past.
agglomerate oerb
To bring together so as to increase in mass or number.
agglomeration noun A quanUty accumulated.
mellow, ripe, ripened.
aggrandize Derb 1. To make or become greater or larger. 2. To raise to a htgh position or status.
aggrandizement noun The act of raisingto a highpositionor statusor the
1 . rwcnBesn oerb. 2. EXALT. EXALTATION.
condition of being so raised.
aggravate oerb l. To increase in intensity or severity. 2. Inforynal. To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, esp, !y repeated vexations. aggravating adiectiae lnfornnl. Troubling the nerves or peace of mind, as by repeated vexations.
l. rNrENsrFy. 2. aNrqoy.
aggravatiOn noun Somethingthat annoys. L. aNNoyRwcB. l. I"fp*/. nfomtal. The feeling of being annoyed. 2. aNhroyaxcs. l. 3. lnformal. Needlesstrouble. 3. eornnn rwun. aggregate oerb 1. To bring togetherso as to increasein massor number. 1. eccurllut,ATE. 2. To come to in number or quantity. 2. tyrovvr oerb. aggregate n{run 1. A number or quantity obtainedas a result of l,. rore.r. rpun, addition. 2. An amountor quantity from which nothingis left 2. wnor,n rwun. out or held back. aggregation noun A quantity accumulated. ACCUMULATION. aggress oerb To set.uponwith violent force. oerb. aggresslOn twun t. Psychoa,al.Hostile behavior:could not control his 1. Syasr aggressiveness(also aggressivity), aggressinn. belligerence, belligerency, 2. The act of attacking. aggressive adiectiae 1. Inclined to act in a_hostilewayi an aggressioe person,aluays ready to argue. 2. Marked by boldnessand assertiveness: an aggressiae executhse. aggressiveness alsoaggressivity noun Hostile behavior. aggressivity noun aggressOr rwun One who startsa hostileaction:fought the foreign aggressors. aggrieve rserb l. To causesu_ffering or painful sorrow to. 2. To do a wrong to; treit unjustly. aggroup oerb To come or bring into a goup or groups. aghast adiectiae l. Filled with fear or terror. 2. Overcomewith intensefeeling,as of amazement, horror, or dismay. agile adiectioe or performingquickly, lightly, and easily. -_Y::l_"g agf feness rwun agifity alsoagileness noun The quality or stateof being agile: fietded all questiorw uith agility.
combativeness, contentiousness, hostility. 2. atrecx rroun. l. Syns; belligerent, combative, contentious, militant, offensive, pushy (Infomwl). 2. Syns: assertive, assertory, go-getting, hard-hitting. AGGRESSION.
sEEaggressiveness. Syns: assailant, assailer, attacker.
1. orsrnnss oerb. 2. wnoNc aerb. cxoup oerb. 1. ernen. 2. srrocxro.
sEEagility. Syns: dexterity, dexterousness, nimbleness, quickness.
27 oerb agitate l. To cause to move to and fro violently: land, and' sea agitated bg ttenwrs. 2. T7 impair or destroy the composure of: a mind agitated bU gnuf
3. To alter the settled state or position of. nxun agitation 1. The condition of being physically agitated: a shi,p tossed by the agitation of the sea. 2. A state of aiscomposure: altrnst irrcoherent frotn his a$tatiort.
noun agitator -One who agitates, esp. politicallyz The Bntish consid,ered Samuel Adams an agitator. adiectirse agnate Connected by or as if by kinship or common origin' adiectitse agog Intensely desirous or interested. oerb agonize -1. To btttg great harm or suffering to. 2. To twisl and turn, as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment. adiectioe agonizing Extraordinarily painful or distressing. agOny nou'n 1 state of physical or mental suffering' xerb agree 1. To come to an understanding or to terms: agreed on all maior Points. 2. To be'compatible or in correspondence: The copy agrees uith the orighnl.
3. To respond affrmatively; receive with agreement or compliance. noun agreeability -The quality of being pleasant and friendly. adiecthse agreeable -1. To one's likingi an agreeable change in your attitude. 2. Pleasant and friendlY. 3. In keeping with one's needs or expectations:a theorg-that uas agteeable to cu"nent ideas'
4. Disposed to accePt or agree.
1. Syns; churn, convulse, rock2, shake. 2. Syns: bother, discombobulate (Slang), discompose, disquiet, fisturb, flntry, fluster, perturb, rock2, ruffie, shake (up), toss, unsettle, uPset. 3. orsruns. 1. Syns; commotion, convulsion, hrrbulence, upset. 2. Syns: disquiet, dither, flap (, fl*ry, fuster, futter, lather _(Slang), perttrrbaUon, stew (lnfomnl), tumult, turmoil, upset. Syns; fomenter, instigator.
t *":,"'. 2. wnrtrn.
1. Syns; accord, coincide, concord, concur, get together, harmonize. 2. Syns: accord, check out, comPort, conform (to), consist, correspond, fit, gee (lnfonrwl), harmonize, jibe (tnforrnl1, match, quadrate, rhYme (also rime), square, tallY. 3. essnNr cvrb.
1. Syns; favorable, good, gratifying nice, pleasant, pleasing Pleasurable, welcome. 2. eMresl-p. 3. Syns; accordant (with), compaUble, conformable (to), congenial, congruous' consistent, consonant (with or to)' correspondent, corresPonding. 4. wrr-r.rwc.
agreeableness noun The qudity of being pleasant and friendly. adoerb agreed It is so; as you saYor ask. noun agreemenl f . ftt" act or state of agreeing or conforming: agreement between forecasts and' sales' 2. The act or Process of accePting. 3. Harmonious mutual understanding: We are in
vns adnerb. 1. Syns; accordance, conformance, conformation, conformitY, correspondence, tallYing. 2, eccnsraNcn. 3. Syns; accord, chime, concordo
agrestal agrcenwnt on the issue. 4. An act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action: an agrebment with the union on ooertim.e. 5. A legally lin{ing arrangement between parties: an auth or -publish er agreement. 6. A formal, usu. written settlement between nations. agrestal also agrestial adiectioe In a primitive state; not domesUcatedor cultivated. agrestial adiectirse agrestic also agrestical adjectiae ' to the couniryside. _Of or pertaining ahead adterb Before the expected time. aid oerlt To give support or assistance. aid noun l. The act or an instance of helping. .2. A person who helps. aidant adiectiae Afiording support or assistance. . af0e noun A person who holds a position auxiliary to another and assumessome of his responsibilities. aidfuf adiectioe Archaic. Affording benefit. " aiding adiectiae Gtlr"g or able to give help or support. l. - 2 Affording support or assistince. aidless adiectiie _Devoid of help or protection. aif oerlt To cause anxious uneasinessin. ailing adiectiae Affected or tending to be afiected with minor health problems. ailment noun A pathological condition of mind or body. l. 2. A minor illness, esp. one of a temporary nature. aim oerb 1. To move (a weapon, blow, etc.) in the direction of someone or something: aim.ed the gun at the bird. 2. To have in mind as a goal or purpose. 3. To strive toward goil, airned ai a bener ed,ucation. " aim naun 1. What one intends to do or achieve. 2. Something strongly desired. 3. The thread or,current of thought uniting or occurring in all the elements o1a text oi dir"o*r". aimless adiectiae Witlrout aim, purpose, or intent: an aimless conaersation. air noun 1. Th9 gas-eous mixture enveloping the earth: air polluted uith smoke. 2. A natural movement or current of air. 3. The celestial regions as seen from the earth: Clords filled the air. 4. A general impression produced by a predominant
28 concordance, concurrence,
harmony, rapport, tune. 4. Syns: accord, arrangement, bargain, deal (Informnl ), pact, understanding. 5. Syns: bond, compactz, contract, convention, covenant, pact. 6. rnpery. wr;o adiectioe. sEEagrestal. couNrRy adiectioe. EAnLYadoerb. snrp aerb. IJELP
1 . Ar xrLr.A,RYudiectte. 2 . HELPFUL. HELPLESS.
wonny oerb. SICKLY.
1 . Syns; cast, direct, head, layr (Mil.), Ievel, point, present2,setl, train, turn, zero in.
2. INTEND. 3. Syns; aspire, seek. -/diorn
set one's
sights on. 1. nvm.nIoN. 2. eNrsrrrow. 3. rrrnusr rwun.
Syns: desultory, objectless,purposeless.
L. Syns: aerosphere,atmosphere.
2 . wINDI noun. 3 . Syns: firmament, heaven(s),sky, welkin (Archaic\.
4. Syns: ambiance (a/so ambience),
alertness quality or characteristic: exhibited an air of unease.
5. Behavior through which one reveals one's personality. 6. A pleasing successionof musical tones forming a usu. brief aesthetic unit. alr oerb l. To expose to circulating air: air a room. 2. To utter publicly: air my opinions. airfess adiectioe 1. Oppressive due to a lack of fresh air: a hot, airless closet. 2. Marked by an absence of circulating air: couldn't run on airless days. airs noun Artificial behavior adopted to impress others. adiectiae airy 1. Of or relating to air: airy uhite clouds. 2. Imposingly hgh. 3. Exposed to or characterized by the presence of freely circulating air or wind: an airy hillside. 4. So light and insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film. 5. Displaying light-hearted nonchalance: had an airy dtsregard for all rules. adiectioe akin Connected by or as if by kinship or common origin. adiectirse afabaster atso alabastrine Of a moderately white color. adiectiue alabastrine adiecthse i la mode Being or in accordance with the current fashion. nou,n afarm l. A signal that warns of imminent danger: The troops responded to the alarm. 2. Great agitation and anxiety caused by the expectation or the realization of danger. alarm oerb 1. To fill with fear. 2. To notify (someone)of imminent danger or risk. adiectioe afarming Causing or able to cause fear.
afarmist nnun One who needlesslyalarmsothers:alarmistspredicting global wan alarum noun Archaic. A signalthat warnsof imminent danger. afbescent adiectioe Of a moderatelywhite color. afcoholic adiectioe Containingalcohol. alert ad,iectine 1. Vigilantly attentive:alert to danger. 2. Mentally quick and original. alert noun A signalthat warns of imminent danger. alert oerb To notify (someone)of imminent dangeror risk. afertness rroun The condition of being aware.
atmosphere, aura, feel, feeling, mood, smell, tone. 5. enenrNc. 6. urr.opv.
1. Syns; aerate, ventilate, windr. 2. Syns: blow off (Slang), come out with, express,put, state, vent, ventilate. l. Syns: breathless, closet, stifing, stuffy. 2. Syns: breathless,breezeless,still, windless. AFFECTATION.
l. $yns; aerial, atmospheric, pneumatic. 2. r,oprv. 3. Syns; blowy, breezy, Srsty, windy. 4. nurav. 5. $yns; breezy, buoyant, corky (lnfonrwl), debonair (also debonaire ),
-tdiom freeandeasv'
^"::;l' run adiectiae. sEEalabaster. FASHIONABLE.
1. Syns; alarum (Archaic), alert, tocsin, warning. 2. rnen rwun.
1..rnrcurrN. 2. wenx. FEARFUL.
Syns: scruemonger,terrorist. -Idiom sheep in wolf's clothing. ALARM
rl.lin ad;iecthse. HARDadiectioe. 1. Syns; observant, open-eyed, vigilalq wakeful, wary, watchful, wide-awake. 2. cr-rvrn.
alibi noun An explanation offered to justify an action. .!"fo*! af fen ad,iectioe l. Of, from, or characteristic of another place or part of the world. 2. Not part of the essentialnature of a thing. alien noun A person coming from another country. alien oerb To change the ownership of (property) by means of a legal document. alienate oerb l' To make distant, hostile, or unsympathetic. 2. Lau. To change the ownership of lproperty) by means of a legal document. af ienation noun 1. The act of estrangingor the condition of being estranged. 2. Seriousmental illness or disorder impairing a _person's capacity to function normally and safely. af ighll aerb To come to rest on the ground. alight on (or upon) uib Archaic. To find or meet by chance. alight2 adiectioe On fire. afight oh (or upon) aerb af ign aerb 1. To be formally associated,as by treaty. 2.To place in oi form a line or lines. af igned adiectiae ..Closely-connectedby or as if by a treaV. alike adiectioe the same or almost tre same characteristics. ..Possessing af lKeneSS noun .The quality or state of being alike. af iment noun That which sustainsthe mind or spirit. af imentary adiectirse Of or relating to food or nutrition. alibi
The means needed to support life.
alimony noun
The means needed to support life. alive adiectiae 1. Marked by or exhibiting life: The patient is still aliae. 2. In action or full operation. 3. Having existence or life: the best chess player alioe. 4. Full of animation and activity: a street alioe with pedestriaru. 5, Marked by comprehension, cognizance, and perception. alf adiectiae Including every constituent or individual. afl naun Ar."T,oytrtor quantity from which nothing is left out or held back. aff adnerb Without exception; in its entirety. aff-around adiectirse
l. EsrneNcr. 2. rneNsrnn.
2 . INSANITY. t tNo oerb. coME ACRoss at COme. BLAZING. snn alightt. l. nrry aerb. 2. r-rNn aerb. ALLIED. rIKE2. LIKENESS. FOOD. NUTRITIVE. LIVINC IWUN. LIVING TWUN, l. Syns; animate, animated, lives, living,
2 . ACTIVE. 3. Syns: around
(Informal), existent, existing, extant, living. 4. Syns; abounding, overflowing, replete, rife, teeming. 5. awenc.
wHoLE adiectiue. wHoLE ftaun.
snr all-round.
31 af fay oerb 1. To make or become calm. 2. To make less severe or more bearable. noun allaymenl Freedom, esp. from pain. rwun affegation A statement of something as fact. af fege oerb 1. To state to be true. 2. Archaic. To bring forward and quote for formal consideration. noun af legiance Faithfulness or devotion to a person, a cause, obligaUons, or duties. adyectiae allegiant Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or a duty. alfeviate aerb To make less severe or more bearable.
affeviation noun Freedom,esp.from pain. alfiance noun esp.of nationsfor a commoncause: 1. An association, a Westemalliarrc,eagairwtthe WarsutsPact countries. 2. The stateof being associated. alf ied adiectioe 1. Closelyconnectedby or asif by a treaty:Libya and, its allied countries. 2. Connectedby or as if by kinshipor commonorigin. all in adiectioe Informnl.Extremelytired. atl-i"ncfusive adieitioe Coveringa wide scope. alfness rwun The stateof being entirely whole. alfocate oerb 1. To set asideor distribute as a share. 2. To set asidefor a specifiedpurpose. alfocation twun That which is allotted. aflocution rwtltx to an audience. A usu.formal oral communicaUon alfot oerb To set asideor distributeas a share:Each sailor was allottedfour ouncesof grog. alfotment noun That which is allotted: a gesallotrnent of 50 gallonsa month. afl-out adiectiae 1. Coveringall aspectswith painstakingaccuracy. 2. Completelysuch,without qualificationor exception. alf-overs noun or Chief.y Re$onal A stateof nervousrestlessness agitation. alld'w oerb 1. To recognize,often reluctantly,the reality or truth of. 2. To set asideor distributeas a share. 3. To afford an opportunitYfor.
L cl.rlr'
2. nnr,rrvn. RELIEF. CLAIM NOUN.
l. crlr.v, oerb. 2. pnrsnNtz oerb.
1. Syns; Anschluss (German), coalition, confederacy, confederation, federation, league, union. 2. essocrerloN. t. Syns: aligned, confederated, federated, unified. 2. nnr-erno. EXHAUSTED. GENERAL. COMPLETENESS.
1. er-r-or. 2. eppnopnttrnaerb. ALLOTMENT. SPEECH.
Syns: admeasure, allocate, allow, apportion, assign,give, lot, mete (out), portion. Syns; allocation, allowance, cut (Informal), divvy (Slnng), lot, measure, part, portion, quantum, quota, ration, share. 1. rHonoucn. 2. urrrnz. JTTTERS.
1. ecxNowLEDcE. 2. er,lor. 3. pr;nv;tr oerb.
allowable 4. To give one's consent to. 5. To neither forbid nor prevent. alfowable adiectioe Capable of being allowed.
32 4. pnnv^tr oerb. 5. pnnutr oerb. PERMISSIBLE.
alfowance rwun 1. Approval for an action, esp. as granted by one in authoritv. 2. That *li,ich is allotted. 3. A factor conducive to superiority and success. 4. An accommodation made in the light of special or extenuating circumstances. alloyed adieitiae Mixed with other substances. all right adtserb It is so; as you say or ask.
all-roundatioall-iround ad,iectioe
1. ppnurssrox. 2, er,r-orunNr. 3, eovlrvracr. rwun. 4. coNcpssroN.
yns adtserb.
1. Covering a wide scope. 1. cnwnner,. 2. Having many aspects, uses, or abilities. 2. vrnsarrr,n. affude oirb To call or direct attention to(an occurrence, situation,etc.). REFER. af lure oerb l. To direct or impel to oneself by some quality or 1. lrrnacr. action. 2, To beguile or draw into a wrong or foolish course of 2. trupr. action. allure tmun ATTRACTION. .The power or quality of attracting. aff Ufemenl rwun 1. arrna.crroN. l. The power or quality of attracting. 2. Something that attracts, esp. with the promise of 2. r.unn rtaun. pleasure or reward. af furing adiectiae 1. Pleasing to the eye or mind. 1. ,rrrnecrrvr. 2. Tending to seduce. 2. sroucrvn. af lusive adiectitse Tending lo-bring something, as a memory, mood, or SUGGESTIVE. image, subtly or indirectly to mind. af f uvion tnun An abundant, usu. overwhelming flow. FLOOD naun. af fy oerb 1. To be formally_associated,as by treaty: That nation 1. Syns: confederate, federate, has allied itself with the Arabs'. league."lign, 2. To unite or be united in a relationship. 2. essocnrn oerb. afly rwun 1, One nation associated with another in a common 1. Syns; coalitionist, confederate, leaguer. England and America were allies against the 9luse: Nazis. 2. One who is united in a relationship with another. 2. essocrarE naun. almost adoerb Near to in quantity or amount. APPROXIMATELY. alms rwun Something grven to a charity or cause. DONATION. af msman nutn One who begs habitually or for a living. BEGGAR flOUN. af mswoman noun One who begs habitudly or for a living. BEGGAR rIOUN. _ alone adiectitse 1. Lacking the company of others: uas alorw after her 1. Syns; companionless, lonely, lonesome, husband's death. solitary, unaccompanied. 2. Set away from all others. 2 . SOLITARY. 3. Without equal or rival. 3 . UNIQUE,
33 afone adoerb 1. Without the presence or aid of another: l'll fi*h the iob 2. To the exclusion of anyone or anything else.
aloneness noun The quality or state of being alone: Alonerwss often engenders depression. a.diectitse aloof 1. Lacking interest in one's surroundings or worldly affairs. 2. Not friendly, sociable, or warm in manner. rwun afoofness Dissociation from one's surroundings or worldly affairs.
afready afuserb l. At a time in the past. 2. At the very time. afso afuserb In addition. alter aerb To makeor becomedifferent. afterable ad,iectwe Capableof or liable to change. alterant noun An agentthat stimulatesor precipitatesa reaction, development,or change. alteration noun l. The processor result of makingor becoming different. 2. A usu.physicalchangeof one thing into another. altercation rnun A discussion,often heated,in which a differenceof opinionis expressed. alterity rwun The condition of being unlike or dissimilar. alternate aerb turns. To do, use,or occur in successive alternate naun One that takesthe place of another. alternation noun turns. Occurrencein successive alternative noun The power or right of choosing. altitude narur The distanceof somethingfrom a given level. aftitudinous adiectine Having a ralher great upward projection. alto adiectiae Mru. Being a soundproducedby a relatively small frequencyof vibraUons. altogether adoerb 1. To the fullestextent. 2. Without excePUon. altruism noun Kindly, charitableinterestin others. aftruisiic adiectioe Of or concernedwith charitY. amalgam noun SomethingproducedbY mixing. amalgamate oerb To put togetherinto one massso that the constituent parts are more or lesshomogeneous.
1. Syns; single'handedly, solely, solo. -ldioms all by oneself, all by one's lonesome. 2. sor-Br-v. Syns; isolation, lonelihood, loneliness, loneness, solitude. 1. nrrecHno. 2. coor adiectirse. DETACHMENT.
1. Benr.tnn. 2. nvnNl a&serb. ADDITIONALLY. ctttxcn
1. cHeNcn noun. 2. corwBnsrow. ARGUMENT.
row adiectioe.
1. conapr-nrEr.Y. 2. punrr.v. BENEVOLENCE. BENEVOLENT. MIXTURE.
vrrx aerb.
amalgamation amalgamation noun Something produced by mixing. amaranthin6 adiectir;e Enduring for all time. amaroidal adiectit:e Having a noticeably sharp, pungent taste or smell. amass oerb To bring together so as to increase in mass or number. amassment nour. 1. A quantity accumulated. 2. The result or product of building up. amateUf noun One lacking professional skill and ease in a particular pursuit: a foreign policy ieopardized by the mistakes of amateurs, amateurish adiecthse Lacking the required professional skill: an amateurish attempt to negotiate. amative adiectiae Of, concerning, or promoting sexual love or desire. amatory adiectiae Of, concerning, or promoting sexual love or desire. amaZe aerb To impress'strongly by what is unexpected or unusual. amaze rwun Archaic. The emotion aroused by something aweinspiring or astounding. amaZement noun The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring or astoundinq. -ad,iectioe amazing So remarkable as to elicit disbelief. ambiance also ambience noun 1. The totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting gowth or development. 2. A general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic. ambiifextious adiectioe 1. Having many aspects,uses,or abilities. 2- Not being what one pulports to be. amDlenGe noun
ambiguity noun l. An expressionor term liable to more than one interpretation: a political speech fiIIed with ambiguities. ?. ryt" quality or state of being ambiguous. 3. The use or an instance of equivocil l"rrgr"ge. ambiguous adiectioe l. Liable to more than one interpretation: an ambiguous remark by the goodmor.
2. Not affording certainty: an ambiguou.s position.
ambiguousnessnoun The quality or state of being ambiguous.
:;:",':* 1. eccutvtuLATION.
2. eurl-o-ueat build up. Syns; abecedarian (also abecedary), dabbler, dilettante, nonprofessional, smatterer, tyro, uninitiate. Syns: dilettante, dilettantish, dilettantist, jackleg (lnformal), unskilled, unskillful. EROTIC. EROTIC.
sunpnrseoerb. woNDERnoun.
2. am noun.
1. lunserrr.n. 2. rNsrNcnnr. snr ambiance. 1. Syns; amphibology, double entendre, equivocality, equivocation, equivoque (also equivoke ), tergivsrsation. 2. vecununss. 3. rgurvocATroN. 1. Syns; amphibological, cloudy, equivocal, nebulous, obscure, sibylline, uncertain, unclear, unexplicit, unintelligible, vague. 2. Syns: borderline, chancy, clouded, doubtable, doubtful, dubious. dubitable, equivocal, fi (lnforma.I 1, indecisive, indeterminate, open, problematical (a/so problematic ), questionable,uncertain, unclear, undecided, unsettled, unsure. -Idiums at issue,in doubt, in question, up in the air. VAGUENESS.
35 noun ambit 1. A line around a closed figure or area. 2. An area within which something or someoneexists, acts, or has influence or Power. noun ambition 1. A strong desire to achieve something: had un ambition to be a lautler. 2. Something strongly desired: achieaed his one ambition. 3. The wish, power, and ability to begin and follow through with a plan or task: c wonutn of great energy and ambition. adiectioe ambitious Full of ambition; an ambitious Aoung artist.
1. cmcuurERENcE. 2. naNcn noun.
aspiration. t. Syns: ambitior.rsness, 2. Syns: aim, goal, mark, objectr, objective. 3. Syns: drive, enterprise, gumPtion (Informal), initiative, push (fnlormal).
Syns: aspiring, etnulous.
ambitiousness nou'n
A strong desire to achieve something. oerb amble To walk at a leisurelY Pace. amble naun An act of walking, esp. for pleasure. adiectiae ambrosial Highly pleasing, esp' to the senseof taste'
ambulate aerb To go on foot. aerb ambuscade 1. To wait concealed in order to attack (someone)' 2. To attack suddenly and without warning. oerb ambush 1. To attack suddenly and without warning: highwaymen who hid behind thickets and ambushed passing traaelers, 2.To *ait cottcealed in order to attack (someone)'
ameliorate oerb To advance to a more desirable state.
amelioration rwun 1. Something that imProves. 2. Steady improvement, as of an individual or a society' ad;iecttae amenable l. Willing to carry out the wishes of others' 2. Ready"and wiliing to receive favorably, as new ideas. aerb amend l. To make right what is wrong' 2. To prepare a new version of. 3. To advance to a more desirable state.
sr'norl- aerb. WALKnoun. DELICIOUS. wli',r
1. uv ron at laYr. 2. eMsusH. 1. Syns; ambuscade, bushwhack, waylay.
2, rtv ron at laYl. IMPROVE. l. lupnovnMENT. 2. pnocnpss noun. 1. osnnIrNr. 2. nncrptlvn.
1. connscr 2. nevlsr.
3. tupnove.
amendment 1. The act or Processof revising. 2. Something that imProves. amendS rwun Something to make up for loss or damage. nottn amenities Courteous acts that contribute to smoothness and ease in dealings and social relationships: Eoen when he was ffi{A, he obserced the amenities. noun amenit} 1. Anything that increasesphysical comfort: a sunnt:l apartment taith all the am.enities. 2. The quality of being pleasant and friendly' noun ament A mentally deficient Person. amefGe aerb To impose a fine on.
l. nevrsIoN. 2. rnpnovnMENT. COMPENSATION.
Syns: civilities, courtesies, pleasantries, proprieties.
l. Syns: cotnfort, convenience, facility. 2. eutestr-rrv. FOOL nOUn. r:.ltnz terb.
amercement amefCement noun A sum of money levied as punishment
for an offense.
amiability rnun The quality of being pleasant and friendly: negotiations curried on in amiability; o lDotnf,rnof surprising amiubility.
adiectiae amiable l. Pleasantand friendly: met on the street and had an amiable conxersation; found her to be rm amiable enough cornpanion. 2. Of or befitting a friend or friends. amiableness noun The quality of being pleasant and friendly. amicable adiectioe 1. Of or befitting a friend or friends. 2. Exhibiting accord in feeling or action. amicaf udiectir:e Exhibiting accord in feeling or action. amlgO nolrn Span. A person whom one knows well, likes, and trusts. amiss adiectioe Not in accordance with what is usual or expected: We knew something was amiss when he failed to keep the aryointunent. amiss adaerb Not in the right way or on t}re proper course. amnesiac adiectir:e Unable to remember.
Syns; affability, agreeability, agreeableness,arnenity, amiableness, cordiality, friendliness, geniality, pleasantness. 1. Syns: affahle, agreeable, complaisant, cordial, easy, easygoing,genial, goodnatured, good-tempered. 2. rnrnxnly. AMIABILITY.
1,.rnrnNory. 2. nenuoNrous. HARMONIOUS. FRIEND.
Syns: awry, wrong.
wRoNG adxerb. FORCETFUL.
amnesty noun The act or an instance of forgiving. amok adiectioe noun amorist A man amorously attentive to women. amOroUS adiectioe l. Feeling or devoted to sexual love or desire. 2. Of, concerning, or promoting sexual love or desAe. amOfOUSneSS noun The passionateafiection and desire felt by lovers for each other. amorphous adiectiae Having no distinct shape, twun amoUnt l. A number or quantity obtained as the result of addition. 2. The general senseor significance, as of an action, statement, etc. 3. A measurablewhole. amount aerb l. To come to in number or quanti\: The total purchase amounts to ten dollars. 2. To be equivalent or tantamount: critici.svnthat amounted to reiection. amOUf noun l. The passionate affection and desire felt by lovers for each other. 2. An intimate sexual relationship between two people. amOUr-prOpre rwun 1. A regarding of oneself with undue favor, 2. A senseof one's own dignity or worth. amphibological adiectioeLiable to more than one interpretation.
see amuk. GALLANT
1. nnorrc. 2. Bnorrc. LOVE. nOUn.
1. rorer- rwun. 2. naponr noun. 3. gueNnrv. 1. Syns; add up to, aggregate, number, reach, run, total, 2. Syns: constitute, correspond, equal. -ldiont, have all the earmarks. 1. r,ovn noun. 2. rovn noun. l. Bcousu. 2. pnpr noun. AMBICUOUS.
37 amphibology noun An expression or term liable to more than one interpretation. adiectiae ampfe 1. Of full measure; not narow or restricted. 2. Characterized by abundance. 3. Large in expanse. 4. Having plenty of room.
l. 2. 3. 4.
rur-r,. cnNrnous. snoao. noouv.
amplification rwun The act of increasing in dimensions, scope, or inclusiveness.
amplify oerb 1. To makeor becomegreateror larger. 2. To increase markedly in level or intensity, esp. of sound. 3. To express at greater length or in greater detail.
l. ncnBesn oerb. 2. Br-nvern. 3. rr-e-eonerg oerb.
amplitude noun l. The quality or state of being large in amount, extent, or importance. 2, Great extent, amount, or dimension' 3. The amount of space occupied by something. a.diectir:e amuck also ?mok Out of control.
1. stzr. 2. nur-x. 3. szn. RUNAWAYadiectirseat run awa}.
amulet twun A small object worn or kept for its supposed magical power. amUSe oerb To occupy in an agreeable or pleasing way: I o:nwsed myself with a game of solitaire. nou,n amUsement 1. The condition of being amused: They perfonn musin for their auln arnnement. 2. Something, esp. a performance or show, designed to entertain: A puppetee'r prooided arn$ement for the party. adiectioe amusing 1. Entertaining or pleasing: an amasing game of bridge. 2. Arousing laughter: a Dery arntning ioke.
Syns: distract, divert, entertain, recreate.
1. Syns: distraction, diversion, entertainment, recreation. 2. Syns: distraction, diversion, entertainment, recreation.
1. Syns; distracting, diverting. 2. Syns: comic, comical, droll, funny, humorous, killing (Slong), laughable, risible, zany.
analogize oerb To represent as similar.
analogon noun Somethingcloselyresemblingor analogousto somethingelse. anafogous ad,iectixe the sameor almostthe samecharacteristics. Possessing analogue twun Somethingcloselyresemblingor analogousto somethingelse. analogy noun The quality or stateof being alike. analysis noun 1. The separationof a whole into its parts for study: a harmonicanalgsisof a Bachfugur. 2. A closeor systematicstudy: nnde an analysisof the electionto detennirwuhy the oictor had won. analytic alsoanalytical ad;iectine Able to reason validlv.
analyze oerb l. To separateinto parts for study: analyzed'the ore and fund, it contahud iron.
1. Syns; breakdown, dissection, resolution. 2. Syns: examination, inspection, investigation, review, survey. LOGICAL.
1. Syns; anatomize, break down, dissect, resolve.
Ananias 2. To s_tudyclosely or systemaUcally: arvtlyzing Shakespeare'splaAs to find, recuning motifs. ^ Ananlas noun One who tells lies. anarGhy noun A lack of civil order or peace.
anathema noun 1. An object of extreme dislike. 2. A denunciation invoking a wish or threat of evil or injury.
38 2. Syns: examine, inspect, investigate.
1. Hern noun. 2. cunsp noun.
anathematize oerb To invoke evil or injury upon.
anatomize oerb To separate into parts for study.
ancestor noun 1. A person from whom one is descended: My ancestors were farmers. 2. A forerunner: The harpsichord is the anr:estor of the modem piano. ancestral adiectioe Of or from one's ancestors: lioed in the ancestrat home.
anGestry nwn
One's ancestors or their character: a Aoung mnn of I talian-G erman ancestry. anchor aerb To make secure. ancient adiectitse Of, existing, or occurring in a distant period. l. 2. Long past. 3. Belonging to, existing, or occurring in times long past. ancient noun person. An elderly 'aldiectioe ancif fary Giving or able to give help or support. anecdote noun An entertaining and often oral account of a real or fictitious occurrence. anemic adiectiae l. Being weak in quality or substance. 2. Of or associated with sickness. anesthetic adiectiae Lacking passion and emotion. anew adaerb Once more. anfractuous adiectiae 1. Not taking a direct or straight line or course. 2. Repeatedly curving in alternate directions. angel noun l. A pure, uncorrupted person. 2. Inforrrul. A person who supports or champions an activity, institution, etc. 3. One who assumesfinancial responsibility for another. angefic also angelical adiecthse Free from evil and corruption. angef rrnun A.s!9ng feeling of displeasure or hostility: Strong criticisrn often eookes anger. anger oerb l. To cause to feel or show anger: His condescending attitud.e angered her.
cvasn oerb. ANALYZE.
1. Syns: antecedent, ascendant,father, forebear, forefather, progenitor. 2. Syns: antecedent, precursor, predecessor, prototllpe. Syns: hereditary, inherited, patrimonial. Syns; birth, blood, bloodline, descent, extraction, farnily, genealogy, line, lineage,
seed' Pedigree' -r1""l"tentage' 1. nenr,y adiecfiae. 2. HrcH. 3. or-o.
adiectioe ;:::'"^'
1. pern adiectiue. 2. srcxr.y. INSENSITIVE.
xnw adoerb. 1. wnrnnct. 2. wrNorNc. 1. nrxocewr noun. 2. pernoN. 3. spoNson. TNNocENTadiectiae. Syns; indignation, irateness, ire.
1. Syns; burn up (lnformat), enrage, incenser, infuriate, ire, madden,
2, To be or become angry: She angered at the slightest hint of critici,srn.
angle oerb 1. To cause to move, esp. at an angle. 2. To direct (material) to the interests of a particular goup. 3. To try to obtain, usu. by subtleness and cunning. angle rwun 1. A way of considering a matter. 2. The position from which something is observed or considered. 3. Slang. A clever, unexpected new trick or method. adiectioe angry Feeling or showing anger: an ctt'stonrcr;an anry expression on his face.
angst noun Anxiousconcern. anguish rmun A stateof physicalor mental suffering. anguish oerb To causesufferingor paintul sorrow to. angufar adiecthse Having little fleshor fat on the body. anhydrous adiectiue Having little or no liquid or moisture. anfma noun The vital principle or animatingforce within living beings. animal adiectiae Relatingto the desiresand appetitesof the body. animalism twun A preoccupationwith the body and satisfactionof its desires. animality rwun A preoccupationwith the body and satisfactionof its desires. animalize oerb To ruin utterly in characteror quality. animate oerb 1. To makealive. 2. To makelively or animated. 3. To arousethe emotionsof; make ardent. 4. To raisethe spiritsof. 5. To impart courage,inspiration,and resolutionto. animate adiectioe 1. Marked by or exhibitinglife. 2. Yery brisk, alert, and high-spirited. animated adiectioe 1. Marked by or exhibitinglife.
animated provoke, steam up (Infonnal). -Idionw make one hot under the collar, make one's blood boil, put one's back up, put one's dander up. 2. Syns: blow up (Infonnal), boil (over) (Slang), bristle, burn (up), explode, flare up, fume, rage, seethe. -Idimts blow a fuse, blow one's stack (or top), breathe fire, fly off the handle, get hot under the collar, get one's dander up, hit the ceiling, lose one's temper, see red. L. snND oerb. 2. stts oerb. 3. urrrr oerb. 1. r-rcrrrl rroun, 2. polvr oF vIEw. 3. wnrNxr.r2. Syns; choleric, enraged, furious, incensed, indignant, irate, ireful, mad, maddened, seething, sgre (Infomwl), wrathful. -Idiffirls fit to be tied, foaming at the mouth, hot under the collar, in a rage (or
orsrnrss oerb. rlaw adiectiae.
coanvvr oerb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
qurcxrx. vtcrrrr oerb. rrnn oerb. rr-err. rNcounecn.
1. er-rvr. 2. uver.v. 1. er-rvr'.
animating ?. V"y brisk, alert, and high-spirited. animating adiectioe Serving to enliven. animation naun l. A lively, emphatic, eager quality or manner. 2. Capacity or power for work or vigorous activity. 3. High spirits. animos-ity noun Deep-seated hatred, as between longtime opponents or rivals. animus noun l. The vital principle or animating force within living beings. 2. Deep-leated hatred, as between lonEime opponents or rivals. annals naun A chronological record of past events. annex oerb To join so as to form a larger or more comprehensive entity. annih[late oerb l. To destroy-all traces of: a cholera epid.emic that annihilated mnst of the population; an administration committ ed to annihilnting potserty.
?. To^n", 1n_end to_formally and with authority. 3. Infornal. To render totaliy inefiective by detisive defeat. 4. To.kill savagely andindiscriminately: The night raid,ersannihilated the settlers. 5. To remove or destroy completely. annihilation noun 1. Utter destruction: the Nazis' attempted annihilati.on of the leu:ish people. 2. ln often formal act of putting an end to. annotation noun Critical explanation or analysis. annOUnGe oerb 1. To bring to public noUce: The manngament anrwurrced that Horowitz would plai" corrcert. 2. To make known the presence or arrival of. annOUnGement tuxtn l. The act of announcing: The press listened,attentioely &t ng the President's-annutncenwnt. 2. A public statement: an ann{runcem.entof a cease_fire. annOy oerb l. To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated vexations: The corwtant requests fori dorution, f*"W began to annoy her.
2. To disturb by repeated attacks: smail children ,onrnying the cat by pulling its tail. annOyanGe rr, 1. Something that annoys: Headnches are a relatioely minor nwmAanca
40 2. r,rvnr,y. STIMULATING.
1. sprnrr. 2. nNnncy. 3. nr,auoN. ENMITY.
1. sprnrr. 2. rxurry.
1. Syns; abolish, blot out, clear, eradicate, erase, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, liquidate, obliterate, remove, root out, rub out, snuff out, stamp out, uproot, wipe out. -Idioms do away with, put an end to. 2. esolrsu. 3. ovnnwnBr,u. 4. Syns: butcher, decimate, massacre, slaughter. 5. anor,rsn. l. Syns.' eradication, extermination, extinction, extinguishment, extirpation, liquidation, obliteration. 2. esor,rrroN. COMMENTARY.
l. Syns; advertise (also advertize), annunciate, broadcast, declare, proclaim, promulgate, publish. 2. usHrn rN at uSher. 1. Syns; annunciation, broadcast, declaration, proclamation, promulgation, pronouncement, publication. 2. Syns: declaration, edict, manifesto. notice, proclamation, pronouncement. l. Syns; aggravate (Informal), bother, bug (Slang), chafe, disturb, exasperate, fretl gall2, get, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, provoke, ruffie, thorn, vex. -Idirnrw get in one's hair, get on one's nerves, get under one's skin. 2. Syns: bedevil, beleaguer, beset, harass, harry, pester, plague, tease, worry. l. Syns; aggravation (Inforrnat), besetment, bother, botheration,
2. The act of annoying: used tactics of annoyance to force the tenants to motse. 3. The feeling of being annoyed: He aon, much to his rioal's annoAance. annoying adiectioe Troubling the nerves or peace of mind, as by repeated vexations. oerb annul 1. To put an end to formally and with authority. 2. To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiping clean. adiectwe annufar Having the shape of a curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point. rwun annulmenl An often formal act of putting an end to.
botherment, irritant, irritation, nuisance,peeve, plague. 2. Syns: bothering, harassment,pestering, provocation, vexation. 3. Syns; aggravation (Inforrurl), bother, botheration, exasperation,irritation, vexation. VEXATIOUS.
1. asolrsH. 2. caNcel.
annunciate oerb To bring to public notice.
annunciation rwun The act of announcing.
anomalism rwun The condition of being abnormal.
anomalous adiectirse Departing from the normal. rmun anomaly The condition of being abnormal. nau,n anonymity The quality or state of being obscure. anOnymOUS adiectioe Having an unknown name or author: a panel of medl,cil experts and arwnyflwus Aoung addicts; receiaed an arwnAnnus letter.
Syns; nameless,unnamed, unsigned.
anschauung noun Cerman. The power to discern the true nature of a person or situation.
Adschluss rwun Cerman. An association, esp. of nations for a common cause. rwun anSwef l. Something spoken or written as a return to a question, demand, etc.: gatsehim a rnsty ansoer. 2. Sbmething worked out to explain, resolve, or provide a method for dealing with and settling a problem: found the answer to the c-rosswordpuzale. answer oerb l. To speak or act in response tot atuuering a queslinn; arxwered his letter' Answer when Aou're spoken to! 2. To supply fully or comPletelY. 3. To meet a need or requirement. adiectioe answerable Legally obligated. ad;iectine Antaean Of extraordinary size and Power.
antagonism noun
l. A state of mind brought on by sometling that is antipathetic, 2. Deep-seated hatred, as between longtime opponents or rivals.
1. Syns; comeback (Sl"ang),rejoinder, reply, response,retort. 2. Syns: result, solution.
1. Syns; rejoin, reply, respond, retort, return. 2. sertsrv. 3. ssnvn. LIABLE.
crANTadiectioe. 1. nNuparHv. 2. runatrv.
3. The condition of being in conflict. antagonisl noun One that opposesanother in a battle, contest, controversv. or debate. antagonisti'c atliectioe Acting againstor in opposiUon. ante noun Slang. Something valuable risked on an uncertain outcome. antecede oerb To come, exist, or occur prior to in time. antecedence noun The act, condition, or right of preceding. noun antecedent l. That which produces an effect. 2. A person from whom one is descended. 3. A forerunner. 4. A closely similar case in existenceor irr the past. antecedenl adiectiae 1. Going before, 2. ]ust gone by or elapsed. antedate aerb To come, exist, or occur prior to in time. antediluvial adiectirse antedifuvian also antediluvial adiectir>e f . Ol existing, or occurring in a distant period. 2. Belonging to, existing, or occurring in times long past. antediluvian twun An old-fashioned person who is reluctant to change or innovate. anterior adiectixe 1. Going before. 2. Just gone by or elapsed. anthiopo-id adiectitse Resembling a man or human being. anthropomorphic adiectitse Resembling a man or human being. anthropomorphous adiectiae Resembling a man or human being. antic noun A mischievous act. antic adiectirse Conceived or done with no reference to reality or common sense. anticipanl adiectirse H-ayingor marked by expectation.
3. opposrrrox. OPPONENT.
1. 2. 3. 4.
ca.usnnoun. excnsron. e.wcesron. pnncnorur.
1. aovaNcn acliectiae. 2. pesr adiectiae. PRECEDE.
snnantediluvian. 1. nnnry adiectixe, 2. or.n. SQUARE noun.
1. aoveNcn adiectioe. 2. pesr ndiectiae. MANLIKE. MANLIKE. MANLIKE.
anticipate wrb l. To.anticipate confidently. 2. To know in advance. anticipated ad;iectirse Known to be about to arrive.
l. nxpncr. 2. ronnsm. ovn adiectirse.
anticipation noun 1. The condition of looking forward to something, esp. with eagerness:a look of happy anticipation on the children's faces. 2. Something expected. anticipative adiectirse Having or marked by expectation. anticipitory adiectiae Having or marked by expectation. antidote nnun Something that corrects or counteracts.
1. Syns: expectancy (a/so expectance), expectation. 2. Bxpncrarroru. EXPECTANT. EXPECTANT. REMEDY NOUN.
43 antipathetic ad,iectioe l. Arousingdeep-seateddislike: an authoritarian persan,in erseryway antipathetic. 2. Characterizedby a natural or innate opposition. 3. Acting againstor in opposition. antipathy nou.n 1. A stateof mind brought on by somethingthat is antipathetic:felt a real antipathg toward aiolent behaoior. 2. Deep-seatedhatred, as betweenlongtimeopponents or rivals. antipodal adiectr,ae Diametricallyopposed. antipode natn That which is diametricallyopposedto another. antipodean adiectiae Diametricallyopposed. antipole nuun That which is diametricallyopposedto another. antiquated adiectioe Of a style or method formerly in vogue. antique adiectioe 1. Belongingto, existing,or occurringin timeslong Past. 2. Of a style or methodformerly in vogue. antiseptic adiectiae Free from dirt, stain,or impurities. antithesis rwun 1. The conditionof being in conflict. 2. That which is diametricallyopposedto another. antithetical alsoantithetic adiectioe 1. Characterizedby a natural or innate opposition. 2. Diametrically opposed. ad;iectioe antonymous Characterizedby a natural or innate opposition.
1. Syns; aversive,hateful, repellent, uncongenial, unsympathetic. 2. cournenr adiectioe. 3. opposrxc. 1.. Syns; antagonism, aversion, hostility, repellence (also repellency ). 2. nNurrv.
oPPosrrEadiectioe. OPPOSITE NOUN,
2. olo-rasHIoNED. cLEAN adiectiae. 1. opposrnou. 2. opposrrg rwun. coNTRARY adiectiae. oPPosrrE adiectioe.
anxiety nuun Anxious concern: feeling anriety about the outcome of the trial. adiectioe anxious 1. In a state of uneasiness:artxiotn about her high feoer and, pain. 2. Intensely desirous or interested.
Syns: angst, anxiousness,care, disquiet, disquietude, distress, perfurbation, unease, uneasiness,worry. 1. Syns; concerned, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, nervous, troubled, uneasy, unsettled, worried. 2. necnn.
anxiousness nnun Anxiousconcern. A-one adiectiae Infonnnl. Exceptionallygood of its kind. apaCe adoerb In a rapid way. apanage rwun apart adiectirse 1. Set away from all others. 2. Without equal or rival. apart adoerb As a separateunit. apartheid rn)un The policy or practice of excludinga minority group from full freedomor participationin a society. apathetic a.diectioe Without emotionor interestttentersapatheticabout rising property taxes.
Syns: disinterested, impassive, indifferent, insensible, Iethargic, listless, phlegmatic,
apathy noun Lack of emotion or interest: looked at the turmoil around him with complete apathy.
ape oerb To copy (the manner or expression of another), esp. in an exaggerated or mocking way. ape noun Slang. A person who treats others violently and roughly, esp. for hire. apefture noun An open space allowing passage. apery noun The act, practice,.or art of copying the manner or expressionof another apex rwun l. The highest point or state. 2. The highest point. 3. A sharp or tapered end. aphonic adiectioe Lacking the power or faculty of speech. apnOrlsm noun A usu. pithy and familiar statement expressing an observation or principle generally accepted ai wise or true. aphoristic adiectiae Precisely meaningful and tersely cogent.
aphrodisia noun
Sexualhunger. aphrodisiac- adiectixe Of, concerning, or promoting sexual love or desire. aplng noun The act, practice, or art of copyinq the manner or expressionof another apish adiectioe another in an inferior or obsequious way. __9^o-p_-T"g aplOmb noun 1. A stable, calm state of the emotions. 2. A firm belief in one's own powers.
apocalypse noun
Something disclosed,esp. something not previously known or realized apocalyptic also apocalyptical adiectioe Portending future disaster. ap0gee rmun The highest point or state. apologetic adiectiae Expressingor inclined to expressan apolory: an apologetic smile; an apologelic letter. apologetic noun A statement that justifies or defends past actions, policies, etc. apofogia noun A statement that justifies or defends past actions, policies, etc. apofogy noun 1. A statement of acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon: made an afology ^ foi being'\arc7, 2. A statement that justifies or de?lnds pastLtions,
44 stolid, unconcerned, uninterested, unresponsive. Syns; disinterest, disregard, impassivity, indifference, insensibility, lassitude, letharry, listlessness,phlegm, stolidity, unconcern, unresponsiveness. IMITATE.
1. cr,ruex rwun. 2. nucur. 3, porivr twun. DUMB. PROVERB.
l. sar,eNcr notrn. 2. coNrrnrNcn. REVELATION.
Syns; contrite, penitent, regretful, repentant, sorry. APOLOGY.
l. Syns: excuse, regrets. -Idiom mea culpa. 2. Syns: apologetic, apologia, defense,
45 policies, etc.: The report was rwthing mnre than an ryology for capital Punishment.
apostasy nnurx
An instance of defecting from or abandoning a cause.
apostate nou,n A person who has defected.
aposiatize aerb
To abandon one's cause or party usu. to join another.
onrncr uerb.
apostle twun
A persondottg religiousor charitablework in a foreign country. apostolfc adiectioe or their work. Of missionaries apotheosis noun The act of raisingto a high positionor statusor the conditionof being so raised. apotheosize oerb To raiseto a high positionor status. appall oerb To deprive of courageor the power to act as a result of fear, anxiety,or disgust. appalfed adiectilse Overcomewith intensefeeling,as of amazement, horror, or dismay. appafling adiectioe 1. Very bad. 2. Causingor able to causefear. appanage also?Pina$e nou,n A privilegeganted a Personby virtue of birth. apparatus rwun 1. Something,as a machine,devisedfor a particular funcUon. 2. Thingsneededfor a task,journey,or other purpose. apparel rwun Articles worn to cover the body. apparel oerb To put clotheson. apparent adiectioe 1. Readilyseen,perceived,or understoodtexplodedin angerfor rw aryarent reason;a dnngerthat uas apparent at once;antagonisrnthat usasapparent to eDeryone. 2. Appearingas suchbut not necessarilyso: His apparentgruffnesshid a deepkhd"ness. apparently a.dperb On the surface:apparentlycalrn but irwardly seething with rage. apparition twun A supernaturalbeing. appeal rtDun 1. An earnestor urgent request:mnile a ftantic appeal for help. 2. An applicationto a higher authority,aqfor sanction or a decision:about to makean aryeal to the Wremp court to reoiew the cose. 3. The power or quality of attracting. appeal oerb l. To make an earnestor urgent request:appealedto passers-byto chasethe muggSr;appealedfor help. 2.To make applicationto a higher authority: aryealing committeeto settle the problem. to the gri,eoarrce
MrssroNARYadiectioe. EXALTATION.
EXALT. otsv,llv
1. rnnntslr. 2. FEARFUL. BIRTHRIGHT.
1. orvrcr. 2. ourrtt rmun. DRESSt10un.
nnnss oerb. 1. Syns; clear, clear-cut, crystal-clear, distinct, evident, manifest, noticeable, obvious, patent,'plain, visible. -ldimw in plain sight, in view. 2. Syns: ostensible, outward, seeming, semblant, superficial. Syns: evidently, seemingly. -Idioms on the face of it, to all outward appearances. cHosr nnun. 1. Syns; beseechment, entreaty, imploration, plea, prayer, suit, supplication. 2. Syns: petition, suit.
3. errnecrroN. 1. Syns; beg, beseech, conjure, entreat implore, plead with, pray, supplicate. 2. Syns: apply, petition, sue.
3. To direct or impel to oneself by some quality or action. 3 . ATTRACT. 4. Tg bring an appeal or request lo the atiention of. 4. aoonrss trerb. appealer twun One that asks a hrgher authority for something, as a Syns; appellant, petitioner, suitor. favor or redress: the latest app'ealer of that ciurt decision. appeaf ing adiectiae Pleasing to the eye or mind. ATTRACTIVE. appear oerb 1. To come into view: A ship appeared on the ho*zon. 1. Syns; emerge, issue, loom, materialize, show, show up (Informal). -Idiom"s make (or put in) an appearance,meet (or strike ) the eye. 2. To have the appearance of: He appeared to be 2. Syns: look, seem, soundr. -Idicnn sleeping but he uas u:ide auake. strike one as (being). 3. To begin to appear or develop. 3. onwv xerb.
1. The act of coming into view: the surprise - appearance of an unerpected witness. 2. The act of arriving. 3. The way som-ethingor someone looks: Her elegant Wearance showed good taste. 4. The character projected by someone to the public.
appease oerb
1. To ease the anger or agitation of. 2. To grant or have whatls demanded by (a need or desire).
1. Syns; emergence, materialization. 2. annrver.. 3. Syns; aspect, look(s), mien. 4. nraacnnoun. 1. pncrrv. 2. sarlspy.
appellant noun One that asks a higher authority for something, as a favor or redress.
appellation noun The word or words by which one is called and identified.
appellative nnun The word or words by which one is called and identified. append oerb To join so as to form a larger or more comprehensive enUty. appendage rwun Something_resembling or structurally analogous to a tree branch.
appertain aerb 1.. snr,oNc. l. 1o be the property of a personor thing. 2. To be pertinent. 2. apply. appetenc€ alsoappetency noun l. A desirefor food or drink. 1. eppnrrrn. 2. A strongwish for what promisesenjoymentor pleasure.2. orsrnp noun. appetency rwun srr appetence. appetent adiectioe Intenselydesirousor interested. EAGER, appetite rwun l. A desirefor food or drink: Thoughhe hasa healthy 1. Syns; appetence (a/so appetency), appetite,he is no glutton. hunger, stomach, taste, thirst. 2. A-strongwish for what promisesenjoymentor 2. opsrnn noun, pleasure. 3. A liking or personal preference for something. appetition noun A.strong wish for what promises enjoyment or pleasure. applaud aerb 1. To gxples! ,approvd, esp. by clapping: The audience applauded the cast.
3. rasrn noun. DESIRE |WUN.
L. Syns; cheer, clap (for), root2. -Idiont give someone a hand.
47 2. To express warm aPProval of.
noun applause -
i. Apptol al expressed by clapping: a round of applause at the end of the connert. 2. An expression of warm aPProval.
2. pnersr. 1. Syns: hand (Informal), ovation, plaudit. 2. pnntsB noun.
apple-polish oerb lnforrnal. To support slavishly every opinion or suggestion of a suPerior.
apple-polisher rwun Informal. One who flatters another excessively.
applesauce noun Stang. Something that does not have or make sense. appliance -something, noun as a machine, devised for a particular function. adiectioe applicable Related to the matter at hand. noun applicant A person who applies for or-seek-sa job or position: a to college, iob appticant; an ayplicant fot admission nuun application i. e specific :usezGeometry has nutn7 practical arylicatiorw. 2. The fact of being related to the matter at hand. 3. Steady attention and effort, as to one's work. 4. A document used in applying, as for a job: You'll haae to fill out an aPPlication. 5. The grving of a medication, esp. by prescribed dosage. 6. The act of putting into PlaY. 7. The condition of being put to use. aerh apply i. fo devote (oneself or one's efforts): Fred applied himself to hts shtdies. 2. To put into action or use. 3. To be pertinent: This rule does rnt applq to you.
4. To ask for employment, acceptance, or admission: applying for a iob; applied to college. 5. To Uri"g an appeal or request to the attention of' 6. To make application to a higher authority. 7.To have recourseto when in need' oerb appoint i. fo select for an office or posiUon: The board of directors appointed Martin president. Iane appointed herself my conscierrce. 2. To supply what is needed for some activity or purpose.
appointee noun
A person who is appointed to an office or position: a neu consular aPPointee.
noun appointment 'i.
ftt" act of appointing to an office or position: The appointment of a Chief lustice is an important decision. of emPloYment' 2. A post -commitment to appear at a certain time and 3. A place. 4. h piece of equipment for comfort or convenience'
Syns; aspirant, candidate, hopeful, petitioner, seeker. l. Syns; employment, implementation, operation, utilization.
2. RELEVANCE. 3 . DILIGENCE. 4. Syn: form. 5. aoutNrsrRATIoN 6. nxnncrsgnoun. 7. ourv. 1. Syns; address,bend, buckle, concentrate, dedicate, devote, direct, focus (on), give, turn. 2. usn aerb. 3. Syns; appertain, bear on (or upon), concern, involve, pertain, refer, relate. -ldion;s have a bearing on, have to do with. 4. Syns: petition, put in (Informal), sign uP. 5. eponrss oedr. 6. rppnl' oerb. 7. nnsonr ro at resort. 1. Syns: designate,make, name, nominate, tapr (Slang). 2. runNlss.
Syns; designee,nominee.
1. Syns; designation,naming, nomination.
2. posrrtoN. 3. rNcecrurxr. 4. runNrsurNc.
apportion Derb To set aside or distribute as a share.
apportionment noun The act of distributing or the condition of being distributed. apposite adiectiae Related to the matter at hand.
appraisal nou,n The act or result of judging the worth or value of something - or someone. appraise oerb To make a iudgment as to the worth or value of. -
appraisemenl noun
The act or result of judging the worth or valtre of somethingor someone. appreciable adiectiae of being noticed or apprehended mentally. ^_!:ellk appreClate oerb 1. T9 recognize the worth, quality, importance, etc., of: Many art looers appreciate Renoir. 2. To.regard with great pleasure or approval. appreGlatlOn noun 1. Recognition of worth, quality, importance, etc.: a great appreci,otion of music and sculpture. 2. A being grateful: erpressed their appreciation uith a small present. 3. A feeling of d-eference,approval, and liking. apprecaatave adiecti-^e Showing or feeling gratitude. apprehend aerb 1. To take into custody as a prisoner. ?. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. 3. To perceive directly with the intellect. 4. Ob* To be intuitively aware of. 5. To be afraid of.
apprehension nuun 1. A seizingand holdingby law. 2. Intellectualhold. apprehensive ad;iectioe Filled with fear or terror. apprise alsoapprize oerb To causeto know about or be awareof. apprize oerb approach oerb 1. To come near in spaceor time: approachedthe house;approachingthreeo'clock. 2. To comenearin quality,amount,etc. 3. To make overturesto, esp.for the pulposeof achievinga desiredresult: approached-theboss about a raise. 1. I" go about the injtial step in doing (something). 5. To bring an appealor requestto thi attentionif. approach noun l. The act or fact of coming near:The dog'sbarking anrnuncedthe approachof the guests.Cold uinds mark the approachof winter. 2. A methodusedin dealingwith something:a neu approachto sohsingthe fuel shortage. approachable adiectioe Easilyapproached:Despite hisfame, he remained
nsrrl.rnrn oarb. ESTIN{ATE NOUN.
l. Syns: cherish, enjoy, esteem, go for (lnformal), prize, relish, respect, savor, treasure, value. 2. enprrnn. 1. Syns; admiration, awareness, comprehension,enjoyment, liking, receptivity, responsiveness,taste. 2. Syns: gratefulness,gratitude, thankfulness,thanks. 3. nsrnnlr nDun. CRATEFUL.
1 . annrsr oerb. 2. UNDERSTAND. 3 . KNOW. 4. PERCEIVE. 5. rntn oerb. l. ennnsr rwun. 2. cnesp noun. AFRAID. INFORM.
sre apprise.
Syn: near. -Idionw come close to. draw near to. nll;- aerb. Syns; address,soundr.
4. srtnr oerb. 5. eoonrss oerb. l. Syns: advent, coming, convergence, imminence, nearness. 2. Syns: attack, course, line, modus operandi (Latin), plan, procedure, tack, technique. friendly, responsive,
49 approachlble anrl sAnxpothetic.
warm, rvelcorning.
approach(es) noun Preliminary actions intended to elicit a favorable response. adiectioe approaching In the relatively near future.
approbate oerb To be favorably disposed toward.
approbation noun Favorable regard. adiectiae approbatory Serving to compliment.
appropriate ad;iectiae l. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place: uore oryraprinte c_Iothesto the wedding music appropriate for that dramn'; an appropriate choice of words. 2. Suited to one's end or PulPose. 3. Consistent with prevailing or accepted standards or circumstances. appropriate oerb 1, To set aside for a specified pulpose: Congress appropriated money for public education. 2. To lay claim to for oneself or as one's right.
appropriation nou,n
1. The act of taking something for oneself. 2. Something, as a gift, granted for a definite purpose. noun apprOval i. Offi"i"t acceptance or permission: receioing approtsal for the formation of a fact'find'ing committee. 2. Favorable regard. 3. An act of confirming officiallY.
oerb approve 'i.
fo be favorably disposed toward: do rwt approae of gambling'
2. To accept officiallY. 3. To make valid and binding by a formal legal act' adiectiae approximal Sharing a common boundarY.
approximate oerb 1. To calculateaPProximatelY. 2. To come near in quality, amount, etc.
adoerb approximatelY -
Near to in quantity or amount: AVproximntely 40,eto the meeting. rwun apprOxlmallOn A rough or tentative calculation.
noun appulse -
Violent, forcible contact between two or more things' adiectioe apropos Related to the matter at hand. adiectioe apt l. Suiiable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place. 2. Having or showing a tendency or likelihood'
noun aptitude 'An
innate capabilitY. aptness rwun An innate caPabilitY. aquake adiectioe Marked bY or affectedwith tremors'
1. Syns; apt, befitting, correct, felicitous, fit, fitting, huppy,meet2, proper, right, suited. 2. coNvnNlrnNr. 3. psr adiectirse.
1. Syns: allocate, designate, earmark. 2. essuur. 1. usuRparros. 2. cneNr noun. 1. Syns; authorization, concurrence, consent, endorsement, O.K. (lnfonrwl), sanction. 2. e,cceprexcr. 3. cosnnnATloN. l. Syns; accept, approbate, countenance, favor, go for, hold with, subscribe to. -Idioms take kindly to, think well (or highly) of. 2. plss oerb. 3. coNrlnlt. ADIOINING.
1. ns'rrlte.rn oerb. 2. anv* oerb. Syns: about, almost, nearly, roughlY.
1. eppnopntsrn adiectioe. 2. rNcr-rNno. TALENT. TALENT. TREMULOUS.
aquiver aguiver adiectiae Marked by or affected with tremors. arbiter rwun A person, usu. appointed, who decides the issuesor results, or supervises the conduct, of a competition or conflict. arbitrary adiectiae l. Determined or- marked by whim or caprice rather than reason: The use of the color red ti mean ,,stop,, is arbitrary. 2. Based on individual judgment or discretton: mad,e an arbitrary choice because there was rn basis for choosing logically. 3. Having and exercising complete poliUcal power and control.
1. Syns; capricious, chance, random, whimsical, willful.
2. Syns: discretionary, judgmental, personal, subjective. 3. essolurn.
arbitrate oerb To make a decision about (a controversy, dispute, etc.) after deliberation, as in a court of law.
lvocn oerb.
A person, usu. appointed, who decides the issuesor results, or supervises the conduct, of a competition or confict. Arcadian adiectioe Of or pertaining to the countryside. arGane adiectirse Difficult to explain or understand. arced adiectioe Deviating from a straight line. archaic adiectioe Of a style or method formerly in vogue. arched adiectioe Deviating from a straight Iine. archetypa-i adiectit>e nature of, constituting, or serving as a type, ^_l::i:g_te arGnetype naun A first form from which varieties arise or imitations are made,
noun. JUDGE
arbitrator noun
archetypic alsoarchetypicaf adiectirse Having the nature of, constifuting,or servingas a type. archfieid ru)un A. perversely bad, cruel, or wicked person. architect naun One that creates, founds, or or.iginates. e arciform adiectioe Deviating from a straight line. arctic adiectioe Very cold. ardent adiectiae l. Showing or having enthusiasm. 2. Intensely desirous or interested. 3. Fired with intense feeling. 4. Marked by much heat. ardOr noun l. Passionatedevotion to or interest in a cause, subject, etc. 2. Powerful, intense emotion. ardorf ess adiectioe Deficient in or lacking sexual desire. arduous adiectiae 1. Imp,osing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. as to be almost perpendicularl -_3: I:Iarplyinclined arduously adaerb With effort.
couNTRYadiecthse. MYSTERIOUS.
snNr adiectioe. OLD-FASHIONED.
nnr*r adiectioe. TYPICAL. ORIGINAL
nnvr adiectir;e. FRICID.
1. 2. 3. 4.
nxrnusrAsTrc. nacsn. passroNern. uor adiectitse.
1. rNrrrusresu. 2. passroN. FRIGID. BUNDENSOME. srEnpl.
HARD adoerb.
51 rwun afea 1. A part of the earth's surface: an agricultural area; an utban area. 2. A surrounding site. 3. A rather small part of a geographic unit considered in regard to its inhabitants or distinctive characteristics. 4. A sphere of activity, study, or interest: Comparatioe literature is his area.
l. Syns: belt, locality, neighborhood, quarter, region, tract. -Idiorn neck of the woods.
2. LOCALITY. 3. 4. Syns: arena, bag (Slnng), department, domain, field, orbit, province, realm, scene (Slang), subject, terrain,
worrd noun afena A sphere of acUvity, study, or interest. afgOt noun An often regional form of a language not considered standard. adiectirse arguable In doubt or dispute. oerb afgue 1. To put forth reasons for or against, often excitedly: The senntor argued in faoor of the amendment. We argued the pros and coru of ga.srationing. 2. To engage in a quarrel constantly argues uith his wife.
3. To give grounds for believing in the existence or presence of. argue into oerb To succeed in causing (a person) to act in a certain wav.
argu'einto tserb afgUment noun l. A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed: regula.rly had arguments about nlonea.
2. A course of reasoning: The argument is that consensationuill preoent shortages. 3. A fact or circumstance that gives logical support to an assertion, claim, or proposal. 4. What a speech, piece of writing, or artistic work is about.
argumentation noun The presentation of an argumenl: an attomey skilled in argumentation. adiecthse argumentative Given to arguing: an arguflwntatioe old cumwdgeon.
^.:::'--r' DIALECT.
1. Syns; contend, debate, dispute, moot.
2. Syns: bicker, contend, dispute, fight, hassle, quarrel, quibble, squabble, tiff, wrangle. -Idioms bandy (or have) words, cross swords, have it out, join (or take ) issue, lock horns. 3. rworcere.
sEEargue. 1, Syns; altercation, clash, contention, controversy, debate, disagreement, dispute, fight, hassle, polemic, quarrel, rhubarb (Slang), row2, run-in, spat, squabble, tanf,le (lnformal), t:fr, unpleasantness,words, wrangle. 2. Syns: case, point, reason. 3. nresorq noun. 4. sunyecr rwun.
Syns; debate, disputation, forensics.
Syns: combative, contentious, disputatious, eristic, litigious, polemical, scrappv
adiectioe argute Elevated in pitch.
rwun afia A pleasing successionof musical tones forming a usu. brief aesthetic unit. adiectioe arid 1. Having little or no liquid or moisture. 2. Having little or no precipitation.
1. onv adiectioe. 2. nnv adiectirse.
ariose 3. Arousing no interest or curiosity.
52 3, nonrNc.
ariose adi\cth:e Having or producing a pleasing melody. arise oerb 1. To come into being. 2. To begin to develop. 3. To have as a source. 4. To leave one's bed. 5. To move from a lower to a higher position.
aristarch rwnn A personwhofindsfault,oftenseverely andwillfully. aristbcracy noun People of the highest social level.
aristotratic adiectiae 9f qtgh birth or social position. aflStOl ru)un People of the highest social level.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
nncw. otwN oerb. srnv. oerb. cnr ur at get. ntsn oerb.
arithmetic nnun Arithmetic calculations. afm noun l. Something resembling or structurally analogous to a tree branch. 2. A component of government that performs a given function. arm aerb To. qgt (explosive material) into a weapon. afmlstlGe nDun A temporary cessation of hostilities by mutual consent of the contending parties. afmy rwun A very large number of things grouped together. afOma nnun 1. lhe quality of something that may be perceived by the olfactory sense. 2 . A sweet or pleasant odor. 3 . A distinctive yet intangible quality deemed typical of a given thing. aromalic adieZtbe Having a pleasant odor.
aromatize' oerb To fill with a pleasant odor. around adaerb 1. From one end to the other. 2. Toward the back. 3. In or toward a former location or condition. around adiectioe Inforntal. Having existence or life. around-the-clocX adiectiae afOUSe oerb 1. To induce or elicit (a reaction or emotion): Her magic tricks arotrced taonder in the children. 2. To elicit a strong emotional response from. 3. To stir to action or feeling. 4. fo cease-sleeping. arralgn oerb To make an accusation aqainst. arrange oerb l. To put into a deliberate order: amanging figures in sequential order. 2. To plan_the details or arrangements o[: ananging a formal dinner for 72.
1. nneNcn naun. 2. snelvcH naun.
roto oerb. TRUCE,
l. surr,l noun.
scrnr oerb. 1. rsnoucu adtserb. 2. sacxwARn adoerb. 3. secx adoerb. ALIVE.
snr round-the.clock. 1. Syns; awaken, foment, kindle, raise, rouse, stirr (up), waken. 2. rlrsplnn. 3. pnovoxn. 4. wrxn oerb. tccusn aerb. l. Syns; array, assort,classify, dispose, distribute, group, marshal, order, organize, range, rankl, sort, systematize. 2. Syns: lay out, prepare, schedule, work out.
53 3. To come to an agreement about: eaentually arranged the terms of the cease-f,re. 4. To put into correct or conclusive form. 5. To combine and adapt in order to attain a particular effect. rloun affangement 1. A way or condition of being arranged: Eoery qear we change the anangement of the fumiture.
2. An act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action. noun affangements Plans made in preparation for some undertaking: We're making afiangements for our trip to Nassau. adiectioe arrant 1. Conspicuouslybad or offensive. 2. Characterizedby or done without shame. 3. Completely such, without qualification or exception. oerb affay 1. To put clothes on. 2. To put into a deliberate order. aftay noun 1. An impressive or ostentatiousexhibition. 2. A number of individuals making up or considered a unit. rwun affeaf or ?II€?IS Something, such as money, owed by one person to another. rwun affeafage 1. A condition of owing something to another. 2. Something, such as money, owed by one person to another. noltn affeafs
3. Syns: conclude, fix, negotiate, setl, settle. 4. ss,rrr-n. 5. nenMoxIzs.
1. Syns: disposal,disposition, distribution, formation, grouping, layout, line-up (also lineup), order, ordering, sequence. 2. acnnnunxr.
Syns: preparations, provisions.
l. r'r-ecneNr. 2. sneunr-rss. 3. urrnn2. l. onBss aerb. 2. ann,c.wcn. l. orspr-avnoun. 2. cnoup nou,n.
1. orsr. 2. nnsr. sEEarrear.
arrest aerb l. To take into custody as a prisoner: got anested for automobile theft.
2. To prevent the occurrence or continuation of a movement, action, or operation, 3. To compel the attention, interest, imagination, etc., of. affest rroun l. The act of stopping. 2. A seizing and holding by law: made fixe anests yesterfury; resisted anest aiolently. adiectiae arresting Readily attracting notice. adiectioe arrestive Readily attracting notice. noltn arrival 1. The act of arriving: the mayor's anioal at city hall. 2. One that arrives: a late aniaal at the party. 3. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.
arrive oerb 1. To come to a particular place: aniaed at the ofi'ce at nine sharP. 2. To gain wealth or fame.
1. Syns: apprehend, bag (Slang), bust (Slnng), collar (Slang), detain, nab (Slang), pick up, pinch (Slang), run in, seize. 2. srop aerb. 3. cnrc aerb.
1. srop noun. 2. Syns: apprehension, bust (Slang), detention, nab (Slang), pickup, pinch, seizure. NOTICEABLE.
1. Syns: advent, appearance,coming. 2. Syns: comer, incomer, visitor. 3. succpss.
1.. Syns:blow in (Slang), check in (lnformnl), get in, pull in, reach, show up, turn up. 2. succrpo.
arrive at arrive at Derb To reach a goal or objective:Marwgementand the union aniaed at an understanding. arrive at oerb affOganGe rnun The quality of being arrogant:Eoen his ualk shoued his amogance.
arrogant ad1ectioe Overly convincedof one'sown superiorityand importance:An amogantmnn treatsothersusith condescerwion.
arrOgate oerb To lay claim to for oneselfor as one'sright. arrogation nuun The act of taking somethingfor oneself. arrondi adiectiae French.Deviatingfrom a straightline. art rwun 1. A skill in doing or performingthat is attainedby study,practice,or observation:"The art of saying things uell is uselessto a mnn who has rnthing to say."-Macaulay. 2. Deceitful cleverness:usedall the art at his disposal to manipulatehis colleagues. artfuf adiectioe l. Showingart or skill in performingor doing: an artful renditionof a Chopinmazurka. 2. Deceitfully clever: usedartful nxeansto get eractly what she wanted. artfulness noun Deceitfulcleverness. article noun l. An individuallyconsideredportion of a whole. 2. Somethinghavingmaterialexistence. articufate idiectioe l. Producedby the voice. 2. Fluently persuasiveand forceful. articulate aerb 1. To produceor make(speechsounds). 2. To put into words. 3. To makeinto a whole by joininga systemof parts. articulation norrn l. The useof the speechorgansto producesounds. 2. The act or an instanceof expressing in words. artifice rwun l. Deceitfulcleverness. 2. An indirect, usu.cunningmeansof gainingan end. artificial adiectioe 1. Madeby humanbeings,not nature:an artificial lnke. 2. Made to imitate something else: artificial flouers. 3. Not genuine or sincere: an artificinl display of affection.
Syns; attain, gain, get to, hit on (or upon). snr arrive. Syns: disdain, haughtiness, hauteur, insolence (also insolency), loftiness, lordliness, overbearingness, presumption, pride, superciliousness, superiority. Syns; disdainful, haughty, high-andmighty, hoity-toity (also highty-tighty), insolent, lofty, lordly, overbearing, overweening, presumptuous, proud, supercilious,superior. -Idiorn on one's
nnNr adiectiae. 1. Syns: craft, expertise, knack, knowhow (lnforma./ ), technique.
2. Syns: artfulness, artifice, craft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, wiliness, 1. Syns; adroit, deft, dexterous, masterly, skillful. 2. Syns: crafty, cunning, foxy, guileful, scheming, sly, tricky, wily. ART.
l. nr,nnrnwr. 2. oeyrcrr. VOCAL. ELOQUENT.
1 .PRONOUNCE. 2 . sxv aerb. 3 . rNrrcnern oerb. VOICING. EXPRESSION.
2. rnrcx noun. l. Syns; manmade, manufactured, synthetic. 2. Syns: imitation, manmade, mock, pretend (Informal), sham, synthetic. 3. Syns; affected, feigned, insincere, phony (a/so phoney) (Informal), pretended, spurious.
55 4. Artficially genteel. 5. Marked by unnaturalness, pretension, and often a slavish love of fads.
4. errncrpnP. 5. pr-asrrc.
artistic adiectioe Showing good taste. artless adiec-thse 1. Free from guile, cunning, or deceit: the artless bewildenrwnt of a child.
2. Af a plain and unsophisticated nature. adiectioe artsy Pretentiously artistic.
ad;iectiae artsy-craftsy or arty-crafty Pretentiouslyartistic. arty adiectioe PretentiouslyartisUc:arty mooies. arty-crafty adiecthse afUSpeX nau.n ascared adiectioe Chiefl.yRegional.Filled with fear or terror. ascend oerb a 1. To move upward on or along:ascend,ing mountain. 2. To move from a lower to a higher position. 3. To attain a higher status,rank, or condiUon. ascendancy nutn The condition or fact of being dominant. ascendanl ad,iectioe Having pre-eminentsignificance. ascendant rwun A personfrom whom one is descended. aSCenSlOn noun 1. The act of rising or moving upward. 2. The act of moving upward on or along. asCent twun 1. The act of moving upward on or along:the mountaineer'sascentof the Matterhom. 2, The act of rising or moving upward. 3. An upward slope:climbedthe steepascentto the top of the hill. ascertain oerb To obtain knowledgeor awarenessof somethingnot known before, as througfr observation,study, etc. ascribe oerb To regard asbelongingto or resulting from another. ascription noun The act of attributing. aseptic ad,ieah:e Arousingno interest or curiosity. ashake adiectioe Marked by or affected with tremors. ashen adiectioe Lacking color. ashiver adiecth>e Marked by or affectedwith tremors. ashy adiecthse Lacking color. aside twun l. The act of digressing. 2. An instanceof digressing.
1. Syns: guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive (aho narVe, naif, narf), natural, simple, unaffected, unsophisticated, unstudied. 2. nusrrc adiectioe. ARTY. ARTY.
Syns.'artsy, artsy-crafuy (or arty-crafty), contrived,precious,pretentious. sEEartsy-craftsy. snnharuspex. AFRAID.
1. Syns:climb, go up, mount, scalez. 2. xtsn oerb. 3. nrsnoerb. DOMINANCE. RULTNG ad.iectiae. ANCESTOR.
1. nrsn noun. 2. escrrvr. l. Syns; ascension, climb, climbing mounting scaling. 2. nrse rwun. 3. Syns; acclivity, grade, gadient, rise, slope. DISCOVER.
eu,r a.diectioe. TREMUI,OUS.
nx-n a.d;iec-tioe., 1. prcnpssrox. 2. prcnnssrox.
ask ask Derb 1. To put a questionto (someone):He askedher what
lNB Urong. 2. To seek an answer to (a question): haoe to ask the right qu.estiorw if you're going to bam. 3. To have as a need or prerequisite. 4. To request that someone take part in or be present at a particular occasion. 5. To endeavor to obtain (something) by expressing one's needs or desires. askance adoerb With skepticism. asleep ad,iectitse l. In a state of sleep. 2. No longer alive. 3. Lacking physical feeling or sensitivity. asomatous ad,iectioe Having no body, form, or substance. aSpeCt rnun l. A disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling or mood. 2. An outward appearance. 3. The way something or someone looks. 4. A way of considering a matter. 5. The particular angle from which something is considered.
1. Syns;examine,inquire (aho enquire) (of), interrogate,query, question,quiz. 2. Syns:pose,put, raise. 3. onrvrervo oerb. 4. rmvrrn. 5. nngvnsr oerb.
l. sr-rrprNc. 2. onen adiectirse. 3. oreo aQectioe. IMMATERIAI-.
1. sxPnpssroN. 2. 3. 4. 5.
recn noun. eppneneNcp. r,rcrrrl noun. pnesn.
asPerity noun Something that obstructs progress and requires geat effort to overcome. aSperOUS adiectitse Having a coarse, irregular surface. aSperSe oerb To make defamatory statements about. aSperSiOn nf,run The expression of injurious, malicious statements about someone.
asphyxiate oerb To stop the breathingof. aSpffant noun !. One who aspires:aspirantsfor the presidency. 2. Aperson who appliesfor oi seeksa job or p6sition. asplfallOn noun l. A $rong desireto achievesomething. 2..A ferventhope,wish,or goal. aSplre oerb 1. To have a fervent hope or aspiration:a.spiringto great krcwledge; aspiresto bbcomean actress. 2, To strive toward a goal. asPirer rorun One who aspires. aspiring adiectioe Full of ambition. aSS noun One deficientin judgmentand good sense. aSsail terb l. To attack with harsh,often insultinglanguage. 2. To set upon with violentforce. -adiectioe assaifable Open to attack and capturebecauseof a lack of protection. assailant nurn One who startsa hostileaction.
l. Syns;aspirer,hopeful, yearner. 2. nppr.rceNr. l. eMntrlor.r. 2. onreu rwun. 1. Syns.'dream, hope. -Idioms reach for the stars, set one's heart (or sights) on. 2. xu oerb. ASPIRANT.
l. nnvu-a oerb. 2. trrrcx aerb. VULNERABLE.
57 nuun assailer One who starts a hostile action. rwun assaif menl The act of attacking. assault oerb l. To set upon with violent force. 2. To compel (another) to participate in or submit to a sexual act. assault rwrrn The act of attacking. assay oerb 1. To make an attempt to do or make. 2. To make a judgment as to the worth or value of. 3. To subject to a procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality. assay rwun l. An effort to do or make something. 2. A procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality. assemDlage noun 1. A quantity accumulated. 2. A number of persons who have come or been gathered together. uur6 asseirble 1. To bring together: assemblingthe staff for the meeting. 2. To come together: A croud quickly assembled to watch the motorcade.
3. To create by forming, combining, or altering materials.
l. rrrncx oerb. 2. nepn.
1. arrnvrpr oerb. 2. Bsrrnaernoerb. 3. rny oerb.
1. errpurr rwun. 2. rrsr twun.
1. Syns: call, collectr, convene, convoke, gather, get together, marshal, muster, round up, summon. 2. Syns: aggroup, cluster, collectr, congregate, convene, forgather (a/so foregather), gather, get together, muster. 3. u*,n oerb.
assembly rwun 1. A mrmber of persons who have come or been gathered together: an assernbly of iurors waiting to be called. 2. A formal assemblageof the members of a group.
1. Syns; assemblage,body, company, conclave, congregaUon, congress, convocation, crowd, gathering, goup, meeting, muster, troop. 2. corwnxrIoN.
assent oerb To respond affirmatively; receive with agreement or compliance: assented to the board's decision. aSsent noun The act or process of accepting. adiectioe assenting Giving assent.
Syns; accede (to), accept, acquiesce (in),
assert oerb 1. To put into words positively and with conviction: Some critics assert that he is the world's greatest pianist. 2. To defend, maintain, or insist on the recognition of \ (one's rights, for example): She asserted her i.ndepend,enceand went back to uork. 3. To state to be true.
1. Syns; affirm, asseverate,aver, avouch, avow, declare, hold, maintain, state. *Idiom have it. 2. Syns: claim, vindicate.
3. crlr,v. oerb.
assertion noun l. The act of asserting positively: bold assertians of cultural w,periority. 2. A statement of something as fact. adiectiae assertive 1. Marked by boldness and assertiveness. 2. Bold and definite in character.
1. Syns; affirmation, averment, avowal, declaration, statement. 2. cr,eru rwun. 1. eccnnssrvn. 2. BupHeuc.
assertory assertory adiectioe Markedby boldness andassertiveness. aSSeSS aerb 1. To make a judgment as to the worth or value of. 2. To establish and apply as compulsory. aSsessment noun 1. The act or result of judging the worth or value of something or someone. 2. A compulsory contribution, usu. of money, that is required of persons or groups of persons for the support of a government. aSSetS nou,n All property or goods having economic value.
l. nsrruerlc* oerb. 2. nrposn. 1. rsrrueru noun. 2. rtx noun.
asseverate oerb To put into words positively and with conviction.
assiduity noun S!"-udy attention and effort, as to one's occupation. assiduous adiectioe Characterized by steadv attention and effort.
assiduousnessnoun Steady attention and effort, as to one's occupation.
assign aerb l. To setasideor distributeasa share. 2. 3. 4. 5.
To ascribe (a misdeed, error, etc.) to. To regard as belonging to or resulting from another. To appoint and send to a particular place. Lau. To change the ownership of (property) by means of a legal document.
DILICENCE. 1. ,lt.l-or.
2. rtx uerb. 3. errnrsurn oerb" 4. srerrox oerb. 5. rnlxsrrn.
assignation noun A commitment to appear at a certain time and place.
assignment noun Theact of attributing. assimilate oerb l. To takein andincolporate, esp.mentally. 2. To represent as similar. assimifating adiectioe capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up. {"tlTg.l aSSlmllatlOn noun The pr_ocessof absorbing and incolporating, esp. mentallv.
assimilaiive adiectioe Ifaving a capacityor tendendyto absorbor soakup. assist aerb To give supportor assistance. assist twun The act or an instanceof helping. assistance noun The act or an instanceof helping. assistant nxun 1. A personwho holds a positionauxiliaryto another and assumessomeof his responsibilities:an editorinl assistant;the colonel'sofice assistant. 2. A personwho helps. assisting adiecthse C.*llg or able to grvehelp or support. aSSlStfVe adiectitse Afiording supportor assistance. aSSlZe rwun Eng. H1st.The formal product of a legislativeor judicial body. assOciate oerb 1. To unite or be united in a relationship:Mr. Etkins
rrnrp aerb. }IE.LP |TOUN. IJELP fwun.
L. Syns: adjutant, aide, auxiliary, coadjutant, coadjutor, lieutenant, second2. 2. nrr.prn. AUXTLTARY adiectioe. HELPFUL.
LAll/ noun.
1. Syns;affihate,ally, bind, combine,
59 uas associated with the f,nn of Harper and Brothers. 2. Ta come or bring together in one's mind or imagination: I aluays associate lilncs with spring. 3. To keep comparry: I told you rnt to associate usith him; he's bad rleus.
associatg noun 1. One who is united in a relationship with another: The politicinn's associa,tessuffered the consequerrces when the scand,al uas exposed. 2. One who keeps company with another: One of his closest associates is a mzrnber of Congress. 3. One that accompanies another.
assumlng conjoin, connect, join, link, relate. 2. Syns: bracket, connect, correlate, couple, identify, link. 3. Syns: consort, fraternize, hang out (Slnng), hobnob, run around (Informal), troop (with). -ldiont. ntb elbows. 1. Syns: affiliate, ally, cohort (Informal), colleague, confederate, copartner, fellow, partner. 2. Syns: buddy (Informnl), chum, companion, comrade, crony, mate, pal (lnformal). 3. eccoprpeNrMENT.
association nDun l. The state of being associated: The architect and the builder uork in close association. 2. A goup of people united in a relationship and having some interest, activity, or purpose in common. 3. A feeling, thought, idea, etc., associated in one's mind or imagination with someone or something specific. 4. A group of athletic teams that play each other. aSSOrt oerb 1. To distribute into goups according to kinds: assorted plates by siz,e. 2. To put into a deliberate order. adiectine assorted Consisting of a number of different kinds.
t. Syns: affiliation, alliance, combination, conjunction, connection, cooperation, partnership. 2. uNroN.
3. succnsnoN.
4. cournnENcE. 1. Syns; categorize, class, class.fy, gronp, pigeonhole, separate, sort, sort out. 2. ennerscn. VARIOUS.
assortment nu,tn A collection of various things: Und,er the Christnws tree was piled a Large assortrnent of packages.
assuage oerb 1. To ease the anger or agitation of. 2. To make less severe or more bearable. rwun aSsUagement Freedom, esp. from pain. aSSUme oerb 1. To take upon oneself: He assumed responsibility for his widoued aunt. 2. To take for granted without proof. 3. To lay claim to for oneself or as one's right: assutrwd the authoritg to clnse the ffice early. 4. To take on or give a false appearance of assuming a sober, dignified oxpression. 5. To behave affectedly or insincerely. 6. To put (an article of clothing) on one's Person. aSSUmed adiecttuse 1. Being fictitious and not real: an asw:nwd runTte. 2. Based on inference, not fact. adiecthse assuming Having or exhibiting excessive and arrogant selfconfidence.
Syns: conglomeration, diversity, gallimaufry, hodgepodge, jumble, medley, m6lange (aho melange), miscellany, mishmash, olio, patchwork, salmagundi, variety. -Idionx gab bag mixed bag. l. pacIrv. 2. nsr,rnvr. RELIEF.
l. Syns,'incur, shoulder, tackle, take on, take over, take up, undertake. 2. supposn. 3. Syns: appropriate, arrogate, commandeer, pre-empr (also preempt, pre6mpt), seize, take, usurp. 4. Syns: affect2, counterfeit, fake, feign, pretend, put on, simulate. -ldiorn make believe. 5. tc'r oerb. 6. noN. 1. Syns: adopted, made-up, pseudonymic, pseudonymous. 2. pnrstnarrrvs. PRESUMPTUOUS.
assumptiOn noun l. Something taken to be true without proof: acted on the assumption that both countries u)ere interested in world peace. 2. The act of taking something for oneself. 3. Excessiveand arrogant self-confidence. assumptive adiectit:i l. Having or exhibiting excessive and arrogant selfconfidence. 2. Based on probability or presumption. aSSUfanGe rwun l. A firm belief in one's own powers. 2. The quality or state of being safe. 3. A statement that expressesa commitment on the part of its maker as to its truthfulness or to the fulfillment of its conditions. aSSUre aerb 1. To cause (another) to believe something. 2. To render certain. assured adiectioe 1. Having no doubt. f. I{aying a firm belief in one's own powers.
astonish oerb
1. Syns; postulate, postulation, premise, presumption, presupposition, supposition,surmise, theory, thesis.
2 . USURPATION. 3 . PRESUMPTION. 1. pnrsulrpruous. 2. pnesulrprrvE. l. coNrrorNcr. 2. sarnrv. 3. wonp noun.
l. corwnvcn. 2. cuenaxrnn aerb. l. sunn. 2. coxrrunwr.
To impress strongly by what is unexpected or unusual.
l. So remarkable as to elicit disbelief. 2. Causing momentary shock.
l. resur,ous. 2. sranrr,rNc.
astonishing adiictit;i astound oerb
To impress stro-nglyby what is unexpected or unusual. aStoUnOlng adiectioe 1. So remarkable as to elicit disbelief. 2. Causing momentary shock. astraf adlectiae l. Y"ry broad and noble in character, scope, or grasp. 2. Pre-eminent in rank or position.
astrict oerb To check the freedom and spontaneity of. astringent adiectiae a noticeably sharp, pungent taste or smell. I{M"g astute adiectioe Having or showing a clever awarenessand resourcefulness in practical matters.
1. resur-ous. 2. 1. cnem. 2. rucunsr. CONSTRAIN. BrrrER
astuteness noun Skill in perceiving, discriminating, or judging. asylUm noun l- Something that physically protects, esp. from danger. 2. An institution that provides care and shelter 3. The state of being protected or safeguarded, as from danger or hardship. asymmetric also aSymmetrical adiectirse Not straight, uniform, or s)rmmetrical. asymmetry nonn Lack of smoothnessor regularity. athirst adiectitse l. Needing or desiring drink. 2. Intensely desirous or interested. atingle adiectiae Feeling a very strong emotion. atman nou,n Hinduism. The vital principle or animating force within living beings. atmospherd noun 1. The gaseousmixture enveloping the earth.
l. covun rraun. 2. noun. 3. nnrucn.
1. tsrnsrv. 2. Eacsn. THRILLED. SPIRIT.
1. arn noun.
61 2. A general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic. 3. A distinctive yet intangible quality deemed typical of a given thing. 4. The totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting growth or development. adiectioe atmospheric Of or relating to air. adiectirse atramentous Of the darkest achromatic visual value. rloun atrium An area partially or entirely enclosed by walls or buildings. adiectitse atrocious 1. Disgracefully and grossly offensive. 2. Extremely unpleasant to the sensesor feelings.
2. em noun. 3. rr,evon rwun.
1. ournecrous. 2. orrnwsrvn adiectioe.
atrociousness noun l. The quality of passing all moral bounds. 2. The quality or state of being flagrant.
1. slronMrrY. 2. rr,ecneNcv.
atrocity noun l. The quality or state of being flagrant. 2. The quality of passing all moral bounds. 3. A monstrous offense or evil.
l. rr.ecneucv. 2. nNonMrrY. 3. ournecg noun.
atrophy noun Descent to a lower level or condition. oerb attach To join one thing to another: the hinges to u;hich the door is attached.
Syns: affix, clip2, connect, couple, fasten, fix, moor, secure.
attachment noun
l. Something that attaches as a supplementary part; bought on attachnwnt for the aaatum cleaner. 2. The condition of being closely tied to another by affection or faith: felt a strong attachment for her
1. Syns.' accessory, adjunct, supplement. 2. Syns: affectionr, bond, devotion, fondness, love, loyalty, tie.
attadk oerb l. To set upon with violent force: Germany attacked the Sooiet Union in 1941.
2. To start work on vigorously: City Hall is attacking the problern of substandard howing. attack nou,n 1. The act of attacking: a sneak attack that left the city in ruins. 2. A sudden and often acute manifestation of a disease. 3. A method used in dealing with something. adiectioe attackable Open to attack and capture because of a lack of protection. nnun atiacker One who starts a hostile action.
attain oerb
1. To succeed in doing. 2. To reach a goal or objective. adiectioe attainable Capable of being obtained or used.
attainment noun
Something completed successfully. noun attaint Archaic. A mark of discredit or disgrace.
attempt oerb To make an attempt to do or make: Let me attempt to
1. Syns; aggress,assail, assault, beset, fall on (or upon), go at, have at, hit, pitch into (lnformal), sail in (or into), storm, strike. 2. Syns: go at, sail in (or into), tackle, wade in (or into). 1. Syns; aggression,assailment, assault, offense, offensive, onrush, onset, onslaught, strike. 2. snzunn. 3. eppnoecr nounVULNERABLE.
1. eccouplrsrr. 2. ennrvn AT at arlive. AVAILABLE. ACCOMPLISHMENT. STAIN TWUN.
Syns; assay,endeavor, essay,offer, seek,
attend explain. She left without attempting a retort.
attempt nou,n 1. An effort to do or make something: the child's first aukward attempt to walk. 2. An earnest try.
62 strive, try, nndertake. -ldioms have a go at, have (or make or take) a shot at, make a stab at, take a crack (or whack) at. 1. Syns: assay,endeavor, essay,offer, take (Slnng), trial, try, undertaking. 2. nrronr.
attend wrb
1. To be with or go with (another). 2, To work and care for. 3. To have the care and supervision of. 4. To perceive by ear, usu, attentively. 5. To occur as a consequence. attend to oerb To put into correct or conclusive form.
attendant rwun 1. A personwhohelps. )
2. One that accompanies another. attendant adiectioe Occurring in company with. attendinga.diectioe Occurring in company with. attend to aerb attention naun 1. Concentration of the mental powers on something: The speaker held my full attention. 2. The act of noting, observing, or taking into account. attentive adiecthse l. Concentrating the mental powers on something: an altentioe audience. 2. Full of polite concern for the well-being of others: oery attenth;e to her guests.
attentiveness rwun Concentration of the mental powers on something.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
e.cconapely. snnvn. rnxo2. nren. ror-r,ow.
srp attend. 1. Syns: attentiveness, concentration, consideration, heedfulness. 2. lroncn rwun. l. Syns; advertent, heedful, intent, observant. -Idionw all ears (or eyes), on the ball. 2. Syns: considerate,courteous, gallant, polite, solicitous, thoughtful. ATTENTION.
attenuate oerb 1. To lessen the strength of by or as if by admixture. 2. To become diffuse. 3. To lessen or deplete the nerve, energl;/,or strength of. attenuate adiectioe little flesh or fat on the body. $aying-aerb
l. owvru aerb. 2. rutv aerb. 3. mqnnvern.
I- To assure the certainty or validi$ of. 2. To confirm formally t*", accrlrate, or genuine. ", 3. To give grounds for believing in the existJnce or presenceof. 1. To give evidence or testimony under oath.
1. coNrrnu. 2. cpnrrpy. 3. rNorcarn. 4. rrsrrry.
One who testifies, esp. in court.
rrl.w adiectine.
attestation noun That which confirms.
attire noun Articles worn to cover the body. attire oerb To put clothes on.
attitude naun l. A frame of mind a$ecting one's thoughts or behavior. A_g".r"ral cast of-mind with regard to something. ?. way in *1il"1, a person holds or carries his 6ody. 1. th" 4. The way in which one is placed or arranged.
onnss aerb. l. posrunn noun.
63 attitudinize oerb 1. To represent oneself in a given character or as other than what one is. 2. To assume an exaggerated or unnatural attifude or pose.
L. posa oerb. 2. posrunn oerb.
1. To direct or impel to oneself by some quality or action: A rww celebrity attracted the croud's attention. A handsonrc man attracts all eyes. 2. To arouse the interest and attention of. ad;iectitse attracting Pleasing to the eye or mind.
1. Syns: allure, appeal, draw, lure, magnetize, pull, take. 2. rr.mnnpsl aerb. ATTRACTIVE.
attraction rwun The power or quality of attracting: the attraction of lioing in a big city. City life holdsrn attractionfor the fann farnily. Sheis a womnn of great attraction to men. adiecthse attractive 1. Pleasingto the eye or mind: an attractiDeuoffnn; an attractioe ofer.
2. Having qualitiesthat delight the eye. 3. Pleasinglysuitedto the wearer. attractiveness rnun The power or quality of attracting. attribute oerb To regardasbelongingto or resultingfrom another:a painting attributed to dn Virrci. attribute twun 1. A distinctiveelement. with and servingto identify 2. An object associated somethingelse. attribution rnun The act of attributing: the attributiort of a preoiously u,nlcrwumsymphonyto Moz'art. attrition twun A feeling of regret for one'ssinsor misdeeds. attune oerb 1. To alter (partsof a device)for proper functioning. 2.To b.tttg (oneself)into harmonywith one's environment. 3. To bring into accord. atypical alsoatYPic adiectiae 1. Departingfrom the normerl. 2. Not usualor ordinarY. aU Couranl adie.ctit:e Frerrch.Modern. audacious ad:iectioe l. Rude and disresPectful. 2. Having or showingcourage. 3. Taking or willing to take risks' audacity noun 1. The stateor quality of being impudent. 2. Willinmessto take risks. audience noun l. The body of personswho admire a public personalitY, entertainer.
Syns: allure, allurement, appeal, attractiveness, call, charisma, charm, draw, enchantment, fascination, glamour (a/so glamor), lure, magnetism, pull, witchery. t. Syns: alluring, appealing, attracting, bewitching, captivatipg, charming, come-hither, encharfting, engaging, enticing, entrancing, fascinating, fetching, glamorous (a/so glamourous ), lovely, magnetic, prepossessing,pretty, sweet, taking, tempting, winning, winsome. 2. nreurrrur-. 3. sscoMrxc. ATTRACTION.
Syns: accredit, ascribe, assign,charge, credit, impute, layr, refer. 1. quelrrr noun. 2. svunor, nnun.
Syns: ascription, assignment, credit,
;:,,"* 1. eoyusr. 2. eoJvsr. 3. nenNroNtzE,. 1. esi.{onlvlAt,.
2. uxusuer-. coNTEMPo n xnx adi ectirse.
1 . TMPUDENT. 2 . BRAvE adiectitse. 3 . DARTNG adiectiae. 1 . IMPUDENCE. 2 , DARING |WUN. l. pusr-tc tloun.
audition 2. A chance to be heard.
64 2. snenntc.
audition nuun
! )
1. The senseby which sound is perceived. 2. A chance to be heard. au fait adiectioe l. French. Having the ability to perform well. 2. Frerrch. Conforming to accepted standards. aught noun Archaic. No thing; not anything.
augment oerb To makeor becomegreateror larger. augmentation noun l. Something tending to augment something else. 2. Something added to another for embellishment or compleUon. 3. The act of increasing or rising. aUgUr oerb To tell about or make known (future events) by or as if by supernahrral means. augur fwun A person who foretells future events by or as if by supernafural means.
1. nnenwc. 2. HBenu.Ic. 1. esln. 2. connncr adiectilse. NOTHING |WUN.
rNcnnest oerb. 1. eprrrrou. 2. ecconapANrMENT. 3. rNcnnesgrmun. PROPHESY.
augury rwn I phenomenonthat seryesas a signor warning of some future good or evil. august adiectioe 1. Raisedto or occup)nnga high positionor rank. 2. Large.andimpressivein size,scope,or extent. au naturel adiectioe Not wearingany clothes. aUfa noun A generalimpressionproducedby a predominant quatity or characteristic. aureate adiecthse Characterized,bylanguagethat is elevatedand sometimespompousi" rtyl". auricular idiein:e Known about by verv few. auriflamme nou.n aufOfa rnun Poetic.The first appearanceof daylight in the morning. aUSpeX twun A person who foretells future eventsby or as if bv supernafuralmeans. aUSplGeS twun Aid. o.r support-given by a patron. aUSpfCIOUSadiecthse I. lndicative of future success. 2._Occurring at a fitting or advantageoustime. antitere adiectioe l. Cold and forbidding. 2. Archab. Having a noticeablysharp,pungenttasteor smell. austerity noun The fact or condition of being rigorous and unsparing. autarchic alsoautarchical adiectioe Having and exercisingcomplete political power and control. autarchy rwun A governmentin which a singleleader or party exercisesabsolutecontrol over all citizens-andevery aspectof their lives.
1. pxer-rro. 2. cneNo. NUDE. AIF' naun.
sns oriflamme. DAWN naun. PNOPHET.
l. revoneslr. 2. l. er,nAK. 2. srrmn a.diectioe.
65 authentic adiectitse 1. Not counterfeitor copied:an authenti,cpaintmgbq Rembrandt. 2. Worthy of belief becauseof precision,faithfulnessto an original,etc.: an authenticre-creationof a ReaolutionnryWar battle. authenticate oerb 1. To establishastrue or genuine. 2. To assurethe certainty or validity of. authentication rwun That which confirms. authenticity noun The quality of being authentic:recognizedthe authenticityof the painting. author nou,n One that creates,founds,or originates. author aerb To be the author of (a publishedwork or works). authoritarian ad.iectirse 1. Characterizedby or favoringabsoluteobedienceto authority:Nazi GermnnAwos an authoritarian society. 2. Tendingto dictate. authoritarian nou,n One who imposesor favorsabsoluteobedienceto authority:alwaysfelt his parentswere authontarinrw. authoritarianism rwtrn A political doctrine advocatingthe principle of absolute rule. authoritative adiectiae 1. Exercisingauthority: an authoritatioeUoung executiae. 2. Having or arisingfrom authority:an authoritatioe interyretationof Moznrt;an authoritatineorder. 3. Worthy of belief becauseof precision,faithfulnessto an original,etc. authority noun 1. The riglrt and power to command,decide,rule, or judge:-Themagorhas the authoritg to conoenethe schoolcommiltee. 2. A personor group havingthe right and powerto command,decide,rule, or judge: gooern:mental authonties; schoolauthonties. 3. A personwith a high degreeof knowledgeor skill in a particular field. 4. Conferredpower. authorization nou,n Approval for an action,esp.its grantedby one in authority. authorize oerb 1. To give authority to: I authorizedmy partner to negotr.atein rng behalf. 2. To qive one'sconsentto. autochthonal adiecthse autochthonic adiecti,ae iuiochthonous alsoautochthonal, autochthonic adiectioe Belongingto one becauseof the place or circumstances of one'sbirth. autocracy twun 1. A governmentin which a singleleader or Party
1. Syns: bona fide, genuine, good, indubitable, original, real, true, undoubted, unquestionable. 2, Syns: authoritative, convincing, credible, faithful, true, trustworthy, valid. 1. pnovn. 2. coNrrnu. CONFIRMATION.
Syns: genuineness,legitimacy, realness, truthfulness, validity. ORICINATOR. PUBLISH.
1. Syns; autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, doctrinaire, totalitarian, tyrannic al (also tyrannic ). 2. orcreronlnl. Syns: autocrat, despot, dictator, martinet, tyrant. ABSOLUTISM.
1. Syns; commanding, dominant, lordly, masterful, mighty, powerful, weightY. 2. Syns: conclusive, official, sanctioned, standard. 3. autrrllnc.
1. Syns; clout (/n/ormal), command, control, domination, dominion, jurisdiction, mastery, might, Power, prerogative, say-so (Informnl), sway. 2. Syns: higher-up (Informal), official. -Idiorn the powers that be. 3. rxpnnr naun. 4. recur-rv. PERMISSION.
1. Syns,' accredit, commission, emPower, enable, entitle, license, quatify. 2. pvnlulr oerb. srn autochthonous. snn autochthonous.
NATTVEadiecthse. 1. essor,urrsrra.
autocrat exercisesabsolute control over all citizens and every aspect of their lives. 2. A political doctrine advocating the principle of absolute rule.
2. essolurrsru.
autocrat twun One who imposes or favors absolute obedience to authority.
autocratic adiectioe
t )
1. Having and exercising complete political power and control. 2. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authoriW. autograph' t:erb To affix one's signature to.
automatic adiictA:e l. AcUng or happening without apparent forethought, prompting, or planning. 2. Performed or performing automatically and impersonally. autonomous adiectioe Having political independence. autonOmy nmun The condition of being politically free. auxiliary adiectirse 1. Giving or ab_let9 giye help or support: an auriliary dioision of the fire departrnent. 2. Used or held in reserve: on auxiliary xtpply of oit; an auxiliary engine. auxiliary noun A person who holds a position auxiliary to another and assumessome of his responsibilities. avail oerb To be an advantage to. avail ncntn fb." -qy"lity of being suitable or adaptable to an end. avaifable adiectioe Capable of being obtained or used: AII the arsailnble information hdi,cated th,at war was imminent. avariGe nou,n Excessive desire for more than one needs or deserves. avaricious adiectioe Having a strong ulge to obtain or possesssomething, esp. material wealth, in quantity. avenge oerb T.o exact reveng-e for: arsengedhis sister'sdeath by killing her murderer.
avengement noun The act of retaliating. avenging noun The act of retaliating. aVenue norrn A course affording passagefrom one place to another. aVef oerb To put into words positively and with conviction.
l. essor,urn. 2. eurnonrrARrAN adiectioe,
stcv aerb. l. spoNrexrous. 2. ppnruxcroRy.
rann adiectioe. FREEDOM.
1. Syns; accessory, adjuvant, aiditrg, ancillary, assisting,collateral, contributory, helping, subsidiary. 2. Syns: back-up, emergency, reserye, secondary, standby, supplemental, supplementary. ASSISTANT.
vsE froun, Syns; attainable, disponible, gettable, obtainable, procurable. -Idirnn to be had. CREED. GREEDY.
Syns; fix (Informal), p y back, pay ofi, redress, repa/i requite, vindicate. -ldioms even the score, get even with, pay back in full measure (or in kind or in one's own coin), settle (or square) accounts, take an eye for an eye, wreak vengeance on. RETALIATION. RETALIATION. \MAY. ASSERT.
67 avefage rtoun Something,ts & type, number,quantity,or degee, thSt representsa midpoint betweenextremeson a scaleof valuation: much more intelligent than the arserage. average adiectioe 1. Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. 2. Being of no specialqualrty or type. 3. To be expected. aVefment rwun The act of assertingPositivelY. averse adiectiae
'fi#I:ff#ffffi::":: rloun aversion 1. A state of mind brought on by something that is anUpathetic. 2. Extreme repugnance excited by something offensive. 3. A feeling of fear and repugnance. adiectioe aversive Arousing deep-seated dislike. oerb avert 1. To change the direction or course of. 2. To prohibit from occurring by advance planning or acUon. adiectioe avid 1. Intensely desirous or interested. 2. Having a strong urge to obtain or Possesssomething, esp. material wealth, in quantity. 3. Having an insatiable appetite for an activity or
Syns; mean3, median, medium, nonn, par.
1. eccnsresr-r. 2. onorNenv adiectioe. 3. couuoN adiectioe. ASSERTION. INDISPOSED. INDISPOSITION.
1. ervnperrrv. 2. orscusr r.ourr. 3. nonnon. ANTIPATHETIC.
L. rvxN oerb. 2. pnrvnnr.
1. secnn. 2. cnBnov. 3. vonecrous.
avidity nnun
Excissive desire for more than one needs or deserves.
avidness rmun
The quality or condition of being voracious. avoid oerb To keep away from: They droaethrough the countryside,aooid'ingcities. Refereesnwst aooid taking sides. avoidance nyun The act, an instance,or a meansof avoiding. avoirduPois noun tnfornnt. The state or quality of being physically heavv. avouch oerb To put into words positivelyand with conviction. oerb aVOW -i. fo recognize,often reluctantly' the reality or truth of. 2, To put into words positivelyand with conviction' avOwal rwurt 1. The act of admittingto something. 2. The act of assertingpositively. await oerb To anticiPateconfidentlY. awake ad;iecthse 1. Not in a stateof sleeP. cognizance,and 2. Marked by comprehension, percePtion. awake oerb To ceasesleePing.
Syns: bypass, dodge, duck, elude, escape, eschew, evade, get around, shtrn. -Idioms fight shy ol give a wide berth to, have no trudk with, keeP (or stay or steer) clear of. froun. ESCAPE HEAVINESS.
2. ,lSSenr. 1, ecxNowLEDcMENT.
2. assrnrroN. EXPECT.
1. waxrrur-. 2. ewenn. Wtrrn Oerb.
I I )
awaken Derb 1. To cease sleeping. 2. To induce or elicit (a reaction or emotion). awafd noun 1. Something given in return for a service or accomplishment. 2. A memento received as a symbol of excellence or victory. award oerb l. To give formally or officially. 2. To let have as a favor or privilege. aware adiectioe Marked by comprehension, cognizance, and perception: I am auare of my oum shortcomings.
awafeness rroun 1. The condition_of being aware: His auareness of danger made him cautious. 2. Recognition of worth, quality, importance, etc. awasn adiectioe Full to the point of fowing over. away adiectioe Not present. aWe rmun The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring or astounding. awfuf adi\ctioe l. Causing or able to cause fear. 2. Verv bad. awfutfy' a&serb lVfonnql. To a high degree. awkward adiectioe l. Lackin_gdexterity and grace in physical movement: an awkw_ardgirl with huge hands and, feet; an upkward dnncer. lacking in the ability to do or perform. ?. 9lg"r{y 3. Difficult to handle or manage, an awkuird bundle to cary. 4. Characterized by embarrassment and discomfort: cn awkuard silence. 5. Causing self-conscious distress. 6. Characterized by inappropriateness and gracelessness,esp. in expression. awry ad:iectioe Not in accordance with what is usual or expected. axiOm noun A Broad and basic nrle or truth. ay noun b adtserb ?!e also al noun An affirmative vote or voter. aye also ay adoerb It is so; as you say or ask.
68 l. wrxn oerb, 2. enousn. 1. nBweno noun. 2. rnopnv.
l. coxrBn. 2. cnl-:,v oerb. Syns: alive (to), awake (to), cognizant, conversant (with), hip (to) (Slnng), knowing, mindful, sensible, sentient, wiser (ro). -Idiam on to. 1. Syns; alertness, cognizance, consciousness,perception, sense. 2. appnscrATroN.
::"." woNDER noun.
1 . FEARFUL. 2 . TERRIBLE. vnnv adtserb. l. Syns; clqmsy, gawky, gaceless, inept, klutzy (Slang), lumbering, lumpish, ungainly, ungraceful. -Idiorn a\l thumbs. 2. uxsxrr,r.rur,. 3. Syns; bulky, clumsy, cumbersome, cumbrous, inconvenient, unhandy, unmanageable, unwieldy. 4. Syns: constrained, uncomfortable. uneasy. 5. rMsannAssrNc. 5. uNronruNtrn adiectiae.
AMrssadiectioe. LAII/
vns adoerb.
oerb babble l. To talk rapidly, incoherently, or indistinctly: babies babbling in their mibs. 2. To talk volubly, persistently, and usu. inconsequentially. babble rwun 1. Unintelligible or foolish talk: o babble of aoires m' the airport; a speech that wos iust so much babble.
2. Incessant and usu. inconsequential talk. adiectioe babbling Emitting a murmuring sound felt to resemble a laugh. nuun babe
l. A very youngchild. person. A guileless,unsophisticated 2. Sl"ang. babel nou,n Soundsor a sound,esp.when loud, confused,or disagreeable. rwun baby 1.-,L very young child: a tiny baby in its mother's anrs.
2. A person who behaves in a childish, weak, or spoiled wayi a real baby who is afraid to assert herself. baby oerb To treat with indulgence and often overtender care: omnAs her son by hooering ooer him and babyinghim. adiecthse babyish 1. Of or like a baby: alnoely babyish face. 2. Of or characteristic of a child, esp. in immaturity. noun back The part or area farthest from the front: the back of the house. back oerb 1. To move in a reverse direction: As she talked she kept backing slowly tousard the dnor. 2. To aid the cause of by approving or favoring. 3. To present evidence in support of: backed his claim by showing the receiPts. 4. To supply capital to or for. 5. To asiure the certainty or validity of.
1. Syns; blather, chatter, gabble, gibber, jabber, prate, prattle. 2. cnerrrn oerb. 1. Syns; blather, blatherskite, double-talk, gabble, gibberish, jabber, jabberwocky (also jabberwock ), nonsense,prate, prattle, twaddle. 2. cHerrrR noun. LAUGHING. l. gABv noun. 2. rNNoceNT rtoun. NOISE NOUN.
1. Syns; babe, bambino, infant, neonate' newborn, nursling. -ldiom bundle of loy. 2. Syns: milksop, milquetoast, mollycoddle, weaklin g. -ldiorn mama's boy (or girl). Syns: cater to, coddle, cosset, indulge, mollycoddle, overindulge, pamper, spoil. 1. Syns; cherubic, childlike, infantile. 2. cnrr,nrsH. Syns: posterior, rear, rearward.
1. Syns: backtrack, fall back, retreat, retrocede, retrograde, retrogress. -Idimn retrace one's stePs. 2. supponr oerb. 3. Syns; buttress, corroborate, justify, substantiate. 4. rrxaNcr oarb. 5. coxrrnu.
back down (or out) oerb Syns:fink out (Slang),retreat. To abandon'aformer posiuonor commitment:She acceptedthe irusitationbut backeddown at the last miru.tte. back adiectioe l. Located in the rearz the back porch. 2. Distant from a center of activity: back toads, back adnerb 1. In or toward a former location or condition: going
1. Syns; after, hind, hindmost (also hindermost), posterior, postern, rearr' 2. Syn: outlying. 1. Syns; about, around, backward (also
! )
back to their home town. 2. Toward the back. backbiting ad,fectioe Damagrng to the reputation. backbreaking ad;iectiae Iolpgrhg a.severe-test of bodily or spiritual strength. . bacl( down (or out) oerb
backer rmun A person who supports or champions an acUvity, institution, etc. backfire oerb To produce an unexpected and undesired result: Ilis - elaborate p.lnn to bypass his boss backfired.
background noun Pasteventssurroundinga personor thing. backing nau.n grvenby a patron. - -nour" . Ai! or support backland An uninhabitedregionleft in its natural state. backlog noun A supply storedor hidden for future use. backside noun T9 p"ra of one'sback on which one restsin sitting. sitting. backslide oerb To slip from a higher or better condition to a former. u2. lower or poorerone. backslide rwun A slipping from a higher or better condition to a lower or poorer one. back-sliding twun A slipping from a higher or better condition to a lower or poorer one.
70 backwards), rearward, round. 2. secxwARo adaerb. LIBELOUS.
srr back. PATRON.
Syns: boomerang, bounce back, rebound.
nmtpsn aerb.
backirack oerb To move in a reverse direction. back-up adiectioe Used or held in reserve. backward adiecthse l- Directed or facing toward the back or rear: a backward glance. 2. Not progressing and developing as fast as others, as in economic and social aspects: backuard peoples; backuard countries. 3. Economically and socially below standard. 4. Clinging to obsolete ideas. 5. Reticent or reserved in manner. 6. Having only a limited ability to learn and understand: a baclsaard child. 7. Exhibiting lagk of education or knowledge. backward also backwards adtserb l. In or toward a former location or condition. 2. Toward the back: iwnped backward, to atsoid the orrcoming taxi. backwards adaerb bad adiectiae l. Below a standard of quality: a really badbook.
2. Morally objectionable. 3. Misbehaving, often in a troublesome way. 4. Not pleasant or agreeable.
srcr Derb. AUxrLrARyadiectioe. l. Syns; retrogade, retrogressive. 2. Syns: behindhand, lagging, underdeveloped, undeveloped. 3. 4. 5. 5.
nrpnnssrn. ur.rpnocREsslvE. uooesr. Syns; dull, retarded, simple, simpleminded, slow, slow-witted, weakminded. 7. rcuoneur. 1. necx adaerb. 2. Syns: about, around, back, rearward. round. sEr backward. 1. Syns; bum (lnfonnal), deficient, unsatisfactory. -Idioms below par, not up to scratch (or snuff). 2, Yvl- adiectirse. 3. Neucnry. 4. uNpr.easANT.
7t 5. Bringing, predicting, or charactenzed by misfortune: a run of bad luck; bad tim,es. 6. Impaired becauseof decay: a bad apple. 7. Causing harm or injury. bad nou,n Whatever is destructive or harmful. bad adaarb Infornal ln such a way as to inflict hardship or dfficulty. badge noun An emblem of honor worn on one's clothing. oerb badger 1. To torment with persistent insult or ridicule. 2. To trouble persistently from or as if from all sides. noun badland A tract of unproductive land. badly adrserb l. In such away as to inflict hardship or difficulty. 2. Not in the right way or on the proper course. adiectirse bad-mannered Lacking good manners. noun badness Whatever is destructive or harmful. adiectioe bad-tempered Having or showing a bad temPer. oerb baffle To prevent from accomplishing a purpose. bag aerb 1. To curve outward past the normal or usual limit. 2. Slang. To gain possessionof, esp. after a struggle or chase. 3. Slang. To take into custody as a prisoner. bag twun I. Slang. Something at which a person excels. 2. Slang. A sphere of activity, study, or interest. 3. Slang. An ugly, frightening old woman. rmun baggage A vulgar, promiscuous woman who flouts propriety. nou,n baill L. Law. Money supplied for the temporary release of an arrested person that guarantees his apPearance for trial. 2. One who posts bond. bail2 oerb To take a substance, as liquid, from a container by plunging the hand or a utensil into it. bail out oerb To catapult oneself from a disabled aircraft. bail3 oerb Austral. To take property or possessionsfrom (a person, company, etc.) unlawfully and usu. forcibly.
bail out uerb bailsman noun Onewhopostsbond. bairn noun
Scot.A youngpersonbetweenbirth and puberty' bait oerb l. To torment with persistent insult or ridicule: Neighborhood, tor.tghsbaited minority groups roith racist remarks.
5. Syns; evil, ill, inauspicious, unfavorable. 6. Syns; decayed, decomposed,putrid, rotten, spoiled. 7. nenurur-. EVIL fWUn. HARD adtserb.
L. nl:r oerb. 2. ensrncn. BARREN rLOUN.
l. Hano adaerb. 2. wnoNc adoerb. RUDE. EVI'L nOUn. ILL-TEMPERED.
L. svrcn aerb. 2. rsr-s. oerb. 3. ennssr oerb. 1. ronrn. 2. enne. 3. wrtcn rwun. SLUT.
1. eoNo noun.
2. nownsuau. orc oerb.
snr bail2. BONDSMAN.
l. Syns; badger, bullyrag, heckle, hector, hound, needle (Informal), ride (Informal), taunt. -Idiom wave the red flag in front of the bull.
bake 2. T? excite (another) by exposingsomething desirable while keeping it out of reach. bait noun Something that leads one into a place or situation from which escapeis difficult. bake uerb' To feel or look hot. baking adiectiae Marked by much heat. balance naun l. A stable state characterized by the cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces: Man has upset the balance of naturb by destroying certain species. 2. A stable, calm state of the emotiois: regained his balance slowly after the dirsorce. 3. Satisflng arrangement marked by even distribution of elements, as in a design. 4. What remains after a part has been used or subtracted: a balance due of gS0. balance oerb 1. Tq put^rn_balan_ce:balarrcing the useights on both sides of the scaLe. 2.To acias an equalizing weight or force to: Herbasic kindness balances her qufu;k tem.per.
3. To place or be placed on a narrow or insecure surface: balarrcing a glasson the edge of the table. 4. To examine so as to note the slmilaritiei and differences of. 5. To make up for the defects of. bafanced adibctit;e 1. Neither favorable nor unfavorable. 2. Having components pleasingly combined. 3. Characterized by or displayrng symmetry, esp. correspondence in scale or meas,rre. 4. Possessing,proceeding from, or exhibiting good . _ _judgmentand prudence. bald' a-diectiae 1. Without the usual covering. 2. Without addition, decorati-on, or qualificatjon. bafderdash noun Something that does not have or make sense. bafd-faced adiectioe _ Characterized by or done without shame. bafeful adiectir;b 1. Portending future disaster. 2. Strongly suggestive of great harm, menace. or evil.
bafk oerb To prevent from accomplishing a purpose. balk noun A large, oblong piece of wood or other material, used esp. for construction. balky adiectioe Given to acting in opposition to others. . baf l noun A party or gathering for dancing.
baffrion' unib
To curve outward past the normal or usuallimit. baffot rserb To selectby vote for an office.
2. r,lNrer,rzn.
nunv oerb. uor adiectit;e. 1. Syns; counterpoise, equilibrium, equipoise, stasis. 2. Syns: aplomb, composure, cool (Sl.ung),coolness,equanimity, poise, self-possession. 3. pnopont:rox. 4. Syns: leavings, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, rest2. 1. Syns; cotrnterbalance,equalize, stabilize. steadv. 2. Syns: compeniate (for), counteract, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, make up (for), ofiset, set off. 3. Syns: perch, 4. coupnnn. 5. coupnusatn. L. rnrn adiectitse. 2. syuvrrRrcAl. 3. synrnaerRrcAr-. 4. seNn.
ntnn adiectioe. stnn adiectioe. NONSENSE.
FATEFUL. MALTcN adiectioe.
nurcn Derb. nrnct oerb.
73 noun baf loter One who votes. noun ballup balf up oerb t. Slang. To harm irreparably through inept handling; make a mess of. 2. Slang. To put into total disorder. ballup noun Stnng. A lack of order or regular arrangement. oerb ballyhoo t. tnfomwl. To make known vigorously the positive features of (a Product). 2. lnfunnnl. To increase or seek to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity' ballyhoo noun Informal A systematic effort to increase the importance oireputation'of by favorable publicity. bafm oerb To make or become calm. balmY adiectitse 1. Free from seventy or violence, as in movement' 2. Slang. So senselessas to be laughable. bafoney also boloneY noun Slang. Something that does not have or make sense' noun bambino A very young child.
snn ball up. l. r,orcr oerb. 2. coNrusn. DISORDER NOUN.
1. eovpnrrsn. 2. pnouorr,.
cN,u oerb. 1. cswtr-n adiectioe. 2. r'oor,tsn. NONSENSE. B.ABY TWUN.
bambobile Terb
Infonrwt. To cause to accept what is false, esp' by trickery or misrePresentation. ban uerb 1. To refuse to allow. 2.To keep from being published or transmitted' ban noun A refusal to allow' adiectioe banal 1. Without freshness or appeal due to overuse' 2. Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritedness and
1. ronsrn. 2. cnNson. FORBIDDANCE.
1. rntrn. 2. rNsIpto.
banalitY noun l. A trite exPressionor idea. 2. The statebr quality of being insipid. nuun bandl A thin strip of material or color: uore a red band on her head' band aerb To encircle with or as if with a band: The equator bands the earth. The uaist on this dress is banded in oeloet. band2 noun l. A group of performers: .' d bond of actors touring the country. 2. An organiied goup of criminals, hoodlums, or wrongdoers. 3. A usu. small number of individuals' band oerb To assemble or join in a group: The parents of the hand,icapped band'ed together to pressure the legislature. oerb bandage To afply therapeutic materials to (a wound)' rmtnt bandeau A thin striP of material or color.
1. cncni rwun. 2. Illstprorrv. Syns: bandeau, fillet, strit', striPe.
Syns: begird, belt, cincture, compass' encompass, engird, engirdle, gird, girdle' girt, ring. 1. Syns; company, corps, party, troop' troupe. 2. cer.rc. 3. cnoup nou,n. Syns: combine, gang uP (lnforrrnl), league, unite.
onnss oerb. gANDIrwu,n,
banderol noun banderolealsobanderol,bannerol noun
! )
Fabric used esp. L as a srrrnbol. r bandy aerb give To and receive. bane" noun 1. Anything that is injurious, destructive, or fatal. 2. A cause of suffering or harm. 3. Something that causestotal loss or severe impairment of one's health, fortune, honor, hopes, etc. baneful adiectiae l. Extremely destructive or harmful. 2. Portending future disaster. bang noun l' A forceful movement causing a loud noise. 2. A sudden sha1p, explosive ,roise. 3. An earsplitting, explosive noise. 4. A sudden sharp, powerful stroke. 5. Slang. A strong, pleasant feeling of excitement or stimulation 6. A dazzling, - often sudden instance of success. bang oerb l. To strike, set down, or close in such a way as to make a loud noise: banged the door behlid him. 2. To make an earsplitting, explosive noise. bang adoerb InformaL without the slightest deviation in any respect. banish aerb l. To force to leave a country or place by official decree: was banished for iornuitlng a rebellion. 2. To rid one's mind of. banishment noun Enforced removal from one's native country bv official decree. bankr aerb To place (money) in a bank: banks her saaings rather than keeping the nnney at home. bank on (or upon) aerb Informal. To place trust or confidence in. bank2 noun of things gathered haphazardly. I qo"O bank oerb To put into a disordered pile. .
pankotr ior upon) aerb' bankroll aerb . Slgng.To supplycapitalto or for. bankrupt aerb
To reduceto financialinsolvencv. r bankruptcy rmun The condition
of being financially
banned adiectitse Not allowed. banner noun Fabric a symbol. banner adiectioe Exceptionallygood of its kind. bannerol noun banquet rwun A large meal elaboratelypreparedor served. bantam adiectioe Notably below averagein amount,size,or scope.
snnbanderole. FLAGI noun. EXCHANGE. l. porsow rmun. 2. cunsn noun. 3. num noun.
l. vrnur-nNt.
2. r'arsrur. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
sr-au noun. nrponr twun. slasr noun, r,Lo''/|l. rrrnrr,r, rwun.
6. rur noun. l. Syns; clap, crash, slam, whack. 2. p;rtsr oerb. PRECISELY.
1. Syns; deport, exile, expatriate, expel, ostracize, transport. 2. orsurss. EXILE NOUN.
Syns: deposit, lay away, salt away Qnfctmal), sock away (lnformal)'. DEPEND oN at depend. }{EAP NOUN.
rrntp oerb. srn bankl. FINANCE.
srn banderole. FEAST,
75 banter oeqb To tease or mock good-humoredlY.
baptize oerb To give a name or title to. noun bar 1. Anything that impedes or prev_entseltry or passage: His exnenw corwbnsatisn is a bar to his acceptarrce by the workers. 2. A relatively long, straight, rigid piece of metal or other solid material. 3. A judicial assemblY. bar oerb 1. To shut in with or as if with bars: In a rage, she baned herself tn her rootn. 2. To keep from being admitted, included, or considered. 3. To stop or Prevent Passageof.
barbarian rwun An unrefined,rude Person. barbarian adiectioe l. Lacking in delicacyor refinement. 2. Not civilized. barbaric adiectioe 1. Not civilized. 2. Lacking in delicacyor refinement. barbarism noun A term whoseform ofiends againstestablishedusage standards. barbaritY nnun A cruei act or an instanceof cruel behavior' barbarous adiecthse 1. Not civilized. a dispositionto be violently 2. Showingor suggesting destructive without scruple or restraint' bard noun Someonewho writes verse. bare adiectioe 1. Without the uzualcovering:abare hillsidp' 2. Not wearinganYclothes. 3. Containingnothing. decoration,or qualification: fust 4. Without "dditiott, the barefacts, Please. bare maioritg' 5. -Being Justsufficient:tnon the elechon-by a more' nothing and is specified what 6. bare oerb 1. To makebare: bared his head to the sun'
1or,noerb. Ntvrn oerb. 1. Syns; barricade, barrier, block, hamper, hindrance, hurdle, impediment, obstacle, obstruction, snag, stop, traverse, wall. 2. srrcx noun. 3. counr nuun. 1. Syns: confine, lock, wall. 2. nxcr-uop. 3. oesrnucr. BOOR.
1. coensr. 2. uNcrvrr-rznl. 1. uNcrvrr-rznu. 2. coensr. CORRUPTION.
1. uNcrvrr.rzno. 2. nnncr.
1. Syns; bald, denuded, exPosed, naked, nude. 2. uupn. 3. ruprv adiectioe. 4. Syns: bald, dry, Plain, simPle, unadorned, unvarnished. 5. Syns; mere, scant. 6. Drsnn. 1. Syns; denude, disrobe, divest, exPose' stripl, uncover. 2. nrvBlr..
2, To makevisible;bring to view' barefaced adiectitse SHAMELESS. Characterizedby or done without shame' adoerb barely Syns; just, hardlY, scarce. Bv i very little; almost not: could barely hear the statin. the through ,*trt bareness rruun NUDITY. The stateof being without clothes' bargain rwun 1. Syns; compact2, contract, covenant, 1. An agreement'esp.gne involving a saleor exchange: deal (lnfonrwl ), transaction' kepthb part of the bargain.andmowedthe num' ecnnBrunvr. 2. parties between 2. An act or stateof agreeing regardinga courseof action'
3. Something ofiered or bought at a low price: a book that is a real bargain. bargain oerb l. To argue about the terms, as of a sale. 2. To enter into a formal agreement. bargain on (or for) oerb To anticipate confidentlv.
3. Syns: buy, giveaway (Informal), steal (Slnng). 1. Heccr-n. 2. coNrnec'r oerb. EXPECT.
bargain on tor forr ouib bark aerb
snr bargain.
l. To make a sudden sharp, explosive noise. ?.T, speak abruptly and iharpiy. bark noun . A su.lden sharp, explosive noise.
l. cnecx oerb. 2. sNrp oerb. REPORT NOUN.
barnacle n*ti Onewhodepends on anotherfor supportwithout
reciprocating. barny-ard adiectioe Offensive to accepted standards of decency. baronial adiecthn and impressive in size, scope, or extent. . _L*9" DarOqUe adiectioe Elaborately and heavily ornamented. . Daffage rwun A concentrated outpouring, as of missiles, words, or blows: was hit witi a baiage of insults. barrage oerb To direct a barrage at: bana$ng the speaker with questions. barrel nxun lnformal. A great deal. barrel oerb . Slnng. To move swiftly. barren adiecth;e 1. Urrable to produce ofispring: a banen couple uho plan to adopt. 2. Lacking or unable to produce growing plants or crops: a bamen desert; banen i il. 3. Having no useful result. 4. Lacking a desirable element. barren naun A tract of unproductive land: the pine barens of Neu Jerseu.
barreriness noun l. Total lack of ideas, meaning, or substance. 2. Empty, unfilled space. 3' The state or condition of being unable to reproduce sexually.
Syns: bombardment, burst, cannonade, fusillade, hailr, salvo, shower, storm, volley. Syns.' bombard, cannonade, pepper, shower. }IEAP NOUN.
nusn oerb. l. Syns; childless, infecund, infertile, sterile. 2. Syns: infertile, unproductive, 3. ruur-n. 4. erupry adiectiae. Syns: badland, desertl, waste, wasteland, wilderness. 1. nuprwnss. 2. NornrNcxrss. 3. srnnrr,rry.
barricade rraun Anythine that impedes or prevents entry or passage. "r-un barrier that imp_edesor,prevents entry or passage. l. t"$yg 2. A solid structure that enclises an area or separates one area from anot}er.
BARt10un. 1. san noun. 2. wlu.r nDun.
bar sinister nou.n
A mark of discredit or disgrace. basaf adiectioe trgating the simplest aspects. l. 9f.9r 2, Arising from or going to the ioot or source. basel noun l. The lowest or part or structure: built on a base of ,ou,atifiirting
STAIN rWUN, 1. nr,nunNTARy. 2. naorcar. adiectioe. l.
ffns.-basis, bed, bottom, foot, footing, foundation, fundament, ground,
2. Anything on which something immaterial, such as an argument or charge, rests. 3. A fundamental principle or underlying concept. 4. A center of organization, supply, or activity: the bigest anng base in the East. 5. Ling. The main part of a word to which affixes are attached. base oerb To take or serve as the basis for: bases her opinions on facts; opinions based on facts. adiectioe bisez 1. Having or proceeding from low moral standards' 2. Lacking high station or birth. 3. Of decidedly inferior qualitY. adiectioe baseborn 1. Lacking high station or birth' 2. Born out of wedlock. adiectioe basefess Having no basis or foundation in fact: a baseless accusation. bash rwun l. InforTrnl. A sudden sharp, powerful stroke' 2. Slang. A big, exuberant Party. 3, Slaig. A large or important social gathering' bash rserb Informat. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. adiectioe bashful Reticent or reserved in manner. adiectioe basic 1. Of or being an irreducible element. 2. Arising from or going to the root or source' 3. Consti--tutingor fbrming part of the essenceof something. 4. Of or treating the simplest aspects' basic rraun A fundamental, irreducible constituent of a whole' adoerb basically In regard to the essenceof a matter. nuun basin l. The region drained by a river system: Much.of .the tourt{ lies within the Mississippi-Missouri basin' 2. An arei sunk below its surroundings' -basis noun l: A"ything on which somethingimmaterial, such as an atg,tment or charge, rests: making decisiorw on the basis of exPedierrcY. 2. The lowest or supportlng Part or structure' 3. A fundamental principle or underlying concept: Freedom of speech is a basis of demncracy' 4. A jusUfying fact or consideration: madc an acanation totallg uithu'tt basi"s' 5. An established position from which to operate or deal with other^s:We're on a fnendly enough basis' bask oerb To take extravagant Pleasure' bass ad;iecthse Being a sound produced by a relatively small frequency of vibrations, adiectirse bastard Born out of wedlock.
goundwork, seat, substratum, underpinning. 2. sesrs. 3. sests. 4. Syns: complex, headquarters, installation, station. 5. rHEN{r.
Syns; build, establish, found, ground, predicate, restl, root in, seat. l.
2 . LOWLY. 3 . SHODDY. t . LOWLY. 2. ILLEGITIMATE. Syns; bottomless, groundless, idle, unfounded, unwarranted. l. er-ow2. 2. slesr rroun. 3. penrv. :,i^rraerb.
MODEST. 1. nr.rtvrnr.ITel-. 2. narrcer. adiectitse. 3. BssrNrr N. adiectiae. 4. nr-Bunr.l-ranv. ELEMENT. ESSENTIALLY. l.
Syn: watershed.
2. orpnrsstoN. 1. Syns; baser, footing, foundbtion, ground, groundwork. 2. s,{ssl rw,fil. 3. Syns; baser, cornerstone, foundation, fundamental, rootl, rudiment. 4. Syns: foundation, justificaUon, reason' warrant. 5. Syns; footing, status, terms.
LUXURIATE. row adiectil;e.
bastardize oerb . To ruin utterly in character or quality.
bastardy noun
The condition of being of illegitimate birth. baste oerb hit T-o heavily and repeatedly. . batl noun - SU"S.A drinking bout. bat2 rn)un - Slpng. An ugly, frightening old woman. bat3 lerb - To- open and close the eyes rapidly. batch noun A number of individuals making up or considered a unit. bate aerb To become less active or intense. bathe oerb l. To make moist. . ?, Tg flow againstor along. bathetic adibctiae 1. Affectedly or extravagantly emotional. 2. Without freshnesso, appeal due to overuse. bathos noun The quality or condition of being afiectedly or overly emotional.
connupr oerb. ILLEGITIMACY.
enxr aerb. BENDER. WITCH NOUN.
srtNx aerb. GROUP NOUN.
1 . WASH. 2 . WASH. l. sBNrlunNTAL.
batten oerb . To make a large profit.
batter oerb 1.
injure or damage, *-!y abuse or heavy wear a fo house that uas baftered by the humcan^el 2. To hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows. battle rloun l. An intense competition: a political battle; a battle of wits. 2. A hostile encounter between opposing military forces. battle oerb To strive in opposition to. battle-ax or batile-axe naun p"5o1, esp. a woman, who habitually uses loud, t aDuslvelanzuage.
battfe-axe *i" batty ad'iectitse Slang. _Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. bauble nmun A small, showy article. bawd noun A woman who engagesin sexual intercourse for payment. ba-wl aerb l. To cry loudly, as a healthy child does from pain or distress: The unharyy infant kicked b"itntt. 2. To make inarticulate sorrndsof grief ""d o, pui", "* _ accompanied by tears. speak or say very loudly. 1. I" !.Tg say (something)with a shout. bawl out oerb l. ?f"y"g/. To repriTunq loudly or harshly: got bawled out for iruubordirntioh.
cLEANup at clean. l. Syns; knock about, knock around. mangle, maul, rough up. _ 2. sutr oerb. 1. Syns; struggle, v),rng. 2. coMeer noun.
srn battle-ax. INSANE.
1. Syns; howl, wail, yowl. 2. cnv oerb. 3. notn aerb. 4. snovt oerb. l. Syns; berate, ratez, tell ofi (Informat), tongueJash, wig (Brit.). _Idicms call on the carpet, give hell to.
79 2. lnformal. To criticize for a fault or offense. bawl noun A loud, deep, prolonged sound. noun bawling A fit of crying. oerb bawl out bayt noun A body of water partly enclosed by land but-having a wide outlet to the seal.sailboats bobbing in the blue uater of the bay. oerb bayt To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound' bazoo noun Any derisive sound of disapproval. be oerb 1. To have reality or life: I think, therefore I am. 2. To have being or actualitY. beak noun 1. The horny projection forming a bird's j1*s. 2. Informnl.'The structure on the human face that contains the nostrils and organs of smell and forms the beginning of the respiratory tract. noun beam oblong piece of wood-or other material, 1. A large, -esp. for construction: a dtning-room ceiling used beams. exPosed featuring 2. i series of particles or waves traveling close together in parallel paths: A beam of light peeped through the curtairu. beam oerb 1. To emit a bright light: A hot sun beam'edin the sky' 2. To curve the lips upward in expressing amusement, pleasure,or haPPiness. adiectirse beaming Giving ofi or refecting light readily or in large amounts. bean noun Slang. The uppermost part of the body' oerb bear 1. To hold up: men bearing the burden of leadership in wartwne. 2. To hold on one's Person. 3. To move while suPPorting. 4. To hold and turn bver in the mind: often bore grudges. 5. 1o be endowed with as a visible characteristic or form: sistersbearing a strong resernblarrceto their mother. 6. To conduct oneself in a specified way' 7.To Put uP with. 8. To gi"" Ui.ttt lo: a wontnn who has bome three children. 9. To bring forth (a product): fruit trees that bear welL 10. To exert presswe: an old man bearingheaoily on his cane. 11. To proceed in a specified direcUon: Bear Nght at the next intersection. 12. To cause to come along with oneself' bear on (or uPon) aerb To be Pertinent.
2. cnrr DowN at call.
#;:#l Syns: bight, cove.
g,ctwr aerb. }ltss floun. l. Syns; breathe, exist, liver, subsist, 2. rxtsr. 1. srLL2, 2. ntosnnoun.
l. Syns: balk, timber.
2. Syns: ray, shaft.
l. Syns; blazer, burn, gleam, glow' incandesce,radiate, shine. 2. sv'rl,s oerb.
1. Syns; carry, suPPort, sustain. 2. ctnnv oerb. 3. c,c.nnvoerb. 4. Syns: harbor, nurse. 5. Syns; carry, disPlaY, exhibit, have, possess. 6. tcr aerb. 7. rrvpunn. 8. Syns; birth (Chiefly Regiorwl), bring forth, deliver, have. -Idiornbe brought abed (or to bed) of. 9. Syns; produce, Yield. 10. Syns; press, Push. 11. SYns; go, head, make, set out, strike out. 12. nnwc. APPLY.
II I )
bearable bear out oerb 1. To assure the certainty or validity of. 2. To establish as true or genuine. bear up aerb To withstand stress,or difficulty: bore up well during his mother's long illness. bearable adieciiae Capable of h_eingtolerated: It's mnre discomfort than pain-quite bearable. beard oerb To confront boldly and courageously. bearer twun A personwho carries messagesor is sent on errands: g!!" the bearer a receipt foi the package. _ Deaflng naun 1. Behavior through which one reveals one's personality: a person of dignified bearing. 2. One's place and direction relative to one's surroundings: can't find my bearing in this strange city. 3. The fact of being related to the matter at hand. 4. A connecting relation. 5. The compixs direction in which a ship or aircraft moves.
80 l. coNrrnu. 2. pnovr, Syns; endure, hold up, stand up.
Syns: endurable, sufierable, tolerable.
Syns; carrier, courier, messenger, runner.
l. Syns; address,air, demeanor, gest (also geste) (Archaic), manner, mien, port (Archaic), presence, style. _ 2. Syns: bearings,location, orientation, position, situation. 3. nnlrvencr. 4. coNcrnN. 5. nneowc.
bearings rwrn One's place and direction relative to one,s surroundings. -UpOn; bear On 1or rserb bear out aerb bear up aerb beast rwun A.p.*"rsely bad, cruel, or wicked person. . beat oerb 1. To hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows: mugged and beaten Utacteand blue.
2. To punish with blows or lashes: beat the boy for srrcking. 3. shape, break, or fatten with repeated blows: To beat cwer into bowls. 4. T? mix rapidly t9 u frothy consistency: beat egg _ uhites for a meringue. 9. To move (wings, arms, etc.) up and down. 6. To indicate (time or rhythm), as with repeated gestures or sounds: a conductor beatingihe meter uith his baton. 7. To make rhythmic contractions, sounds, or movements: I/rs heart beat uith excitement. 8. To win a victory over, as in battie or a competition. I ,1. Iryformal. To be greater or better tJran. lO. To make incapable of finding something to lknp. think, do, or say. ll. To be projected with blinding intensity. beat otf oerb To turn or drive away. beat noun l. A repeated_strokeor esp. one that produces a !low, sound: the beat of gailoping hooJs. 2. A periodic contracEon or s6.rnd of something coursing: the beat of a heart.
snr bear. srn bear. srr bear. FIEND.
L Syns: baste, batter, belabor, bufiet, drub, hammer, lambaste (Slnng), pound, pummel, thrash, thresli (Rare). -Idiom rain blows on. 2. Syns: flog, hide2, lay into, lick Qb"g)^, thrash, trim (Informal), whip. 3. Syns; forger, hammer, pound.' 4. Syns: whip, whisk. 5. rutp oerb. 5. Syns; count, mark.
7. Syns: palpitate, pulsate, pulse, throb. 8. onpntr oerb. 9. sunpass. lO. uolpr,us, Lt. crrnn oerb. PA.RRY.
1. Syns;clunk, pounding,thump. 2. Synl: palpitation,pulsation,pulse, throb.
81 3. An area regularly covered, as by a policeman or reporter: The Upper West Side is my- beat. 4. The regular recurrence of strong and weak elements, such as stressed and unstressed notes in music. beat adiectirse Informnl. ExtremelY tired. noun beaiing 1. A-punishment dealt with blows or lashes: gaoe him a beating for lYing. 2. The act-oi defbating or the condition of being defeated,
3. Syns; circuit, province, round, route. 4. nrrvrnrra.
l. Syns; foggrng, hiding, licking (Slang), thrashing, whipPing. 2. orrner noun.
beatitude noun
A condition of supreme well-being and good spirits'
beat off oerb beau noun
A man who courts a woman: a flirt sunoundzd by beaus.
snnbeat. Syns:admirer, courter, suitor, swain.
beau geste noun
An act requiring specialgenerosity. beau ideal rwun One that is worthy of imitadonor duplication' beauteous adiectioe Having qualitiesthat delight the eye. beautiful adiectioe Having qualities that delight the eye: the most beautiful face I eDersau.
beautify oerb To endow with beautyand eleganceby way of a notableaddition. beauty rwun 1. A womanregardedasbeautifuli u)osa real beauty in her dny. 2. A specialfeatureor quality that conferssuperiority' becalm oerb To makeor becomecalm. beckon oerb To solicit (danger)playfully and provocatively,often unwittinglY. becloud oerb To make dim or indistinct. beclouded adiectioe Coveredby or as if by a thin coatingor film' become oerb 1. To come to be: As time rtsenton sho becamemore and more like her mother. New York becamemy hom.e. 2.To be appropriateor suitableto. 3. To look goodon or with. 4. To be in keePingwith. becoming adiectioe 1. Pleasinglyiuited to the wearer:uore a becorning hat. 2. Conformingto acceptedstandards' becrush oerb To pressforcefully so as to break up into a pulpy mass' bed rwun The lowest or supportingpart or strucbure'
Syns: attractive, beauteous, bonny (Scot.), comely, fair, good-looking, g!1geous, handsome, lovely, pretty, pulchritudinous, ravishing, sightly. -Idiom easy on the eyes. CntCn oerb.
1. Syns; belle, doll (Slang), knockout (Stnng), looker (Slnng), lovely, stunner. -ldiom sight for sore eyes. 2. vrnrun. cu-v. oerb. covar oerb,
osscunn oerb. FILMY.
t. Syns: come, get, grow, turn (out), wax.
2. svrc oerb. 3. rr-nrrrn. 4. rrc aerb. 1. Syns; attractive, fattering. 2. connncr adiectiae. cnvsg oerb. BAsEIrmun,
! )
bed aerb !. I. provide with often temporarylodging. 2. To go to bed. 3. To engagein sexualrelationswith. bedamn rserb . Io T" profaneor obscenelanguage. bedaub oerb To spreadwith a greasy,sticky,or dirty suhstance. Dedaze oerb To stun the senses,aswith a heavyblow, a shock, fatigue. bedaizle rserb To confuse with bright light. bedeck oerb To frrrnish with decorations. bedevil tserb 1. To trouble persistently from or as if from all sides. 2. To disturb by repeated attacks. bedim oerb To make dim or indistinct. bedfamite ad;iectiae Affiicted with or exhibiUng irrationality and mental unsoundness. bedog oerb k"gp (another) under surveillance by moving along fq behind. bedraggled adiectirse signs of wear and tear or neglect. ,_-lho*ittg Dee n(run . An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind. Dget nnun L. Informal. A circumstance regarded as a cause for protest or complaint. 2. Slang. An expression of dissatisfaction. beef oerb expressnegaUvefeelings, esp. of \Y"S.To dissatisfaction or resentment. beef up oerb To make or become greater or larger. _ _SPng, Deet Up oerb beetle rserb To incline downward or over. befalf oerb 1. To take place. 2. To take place by chance. 3. To happen to one.
befit uurb'
l. To be appropriate or suitable to. . ?, T3 be in keeping with. befitting adieciixe l. Conforming to accepted standards. 2. Suited to one's end br purpose. 3. suitable for a particular p6rson, condition, occasion, or place. befog oerb To make dim or indistinct. before adaerb l. At a time in the past. 2. Until then. beforehand adrserb l. Until then. 2. Before the expected time.
l. n.tnnon oerb. 2. nnrrnr. 3. rtr,n oerb. swnen oerb. suran oerb. ntzn oerb.
otzn oerb. ADORN.
l. snsrncn. 2. aNNoy. onscvnn uerb. INSANE.
1. cnrrvencB. 2. coupr-arNr. COMPLAIN.
tNcnnRse oerb. spn beef. tttNc oerb. 1. coMs. 2. ctttNcn 3. coun.
svtr oerb. rrc oerb. 1. connrcr adiectiae. 2. coNrrrmrNr. 3. eppnopn ritrn adiectiae.
osscuaa Derb. EARLIER. EARLIER.
EANLIER. EARLy adoerb.
83 beforetime afuserb Rare. befoul 1. To 2. To 3. To
At a time in the Past. oerb make dirtY. make PhYsicallYimPure. cast asPersionson.
1. omTr r:erb. 2. coNreuINATE. 3, sr,A.cKEw.
befuddle oerb To cause to be unclear in mind or intent. adiectioe befuddled Mentally uncertain.
befuddlement naun A stunned or bewildered condition. beg oerb l-. To ask or ask for as charity: beging for quarters on street cofitzrs' 2. To make an earnest or urgent request.
begats noun I. Stong.A group consisting of those descended directly from the same parents or ancestors' 2. Stang. A written record of ancestry. aerb beget To be the biological father of.
beggar rmun
l-.-Otte who begs habitually or for a living: begars an'd' derelicts arm'oYing Passers-bY.
2. An impoverished Person' 3. One who humblY entreats.
beggary rwun f-.-ffrl conditionof beinga beggar: forcedinto beggary after gears of unemPlogment. 2. The condition of being extremely poor' oerb begin 1-.To come into being: Charity begirx at horne' 2. To go about the initial step in doing (something)'
beginner noun As a dne whois just startingto learnor do something: beginner I plnyed scales.
beginning rwun
1-.The ict or process of bringing or being b-rought.into existence: assumed responsibility for the be$nning of the stnke. 2. The initial stage of a developmental process' beginning adiecthse 1. Indicating the start of something: the begin'ning stages of the negotiations 2. At ot tteat the siart of a period, development' or
series. 3. Of or treating the simplest aspects' aerb begird l-. To encircle with or as if with a band' 2. To shut in on all sides.
begrime oerb To makedirtY. begrudge aerb To feel envY for. oerb beguile To c^rrre to accept what is false, esp' by trickery or misrepresentation.
DAZE noun.
l. Syns; bum (Slang), cadge (Informal), mooch (Slang), panhandle (Slnng). 2. rppnu oerb. l. pnocpr.rv. 2. crNlrAlocv. rnr:rrnn oerb. 1. Syns; almsman, almswoman, bummerr (Slong), cadger (Informal), mendicant' moocher (Slang), panhandlet (Slang). 2. p,c.upnntwun. 3. suppr-Icext. 1. Syns; mendicancy, mendicitY. 2. povnnrv. 1. Syns; arise, commence' originate, start' 2. srtnr oerb. Syns: fledgling, freshman, initiate, innocent, tteophyte, novice, novitiate (oho noviciate ), rookie (Slang)' tenderfoot, tyro. 1. Syns; commencement, genesis, inauguration, inception, initiation,kickIfi (Informat)-, Iaunching, leadoff, opening, start. 2. nrnru rwu,n. 1. Syns: inceptive, initial, introductory. 2. Benr-v adiectioe. 3. rr-nunNrenY. l. r,ar{o\ oerb. 2. sunnouND. otnrv aerb. rlrwv oetb. DECEIVE.
beguiled beguiled utliectte A$ected with intense romantic attraction. b6guin noun French. An extravagant, shortlived romantic attachment. behave .aerb l. To conduct oneself in a specified way. 2. To react in a specified wiy. behavior noun 1. The manner in which one behav es:always on his best behaaior u;hen his in-lau:s are there.
l. e,cr uerb. 2. l'cr oerb. 1. Syns; actions, comportment, conduct, demeanor, deportment, havings (Scof. ), havior (Regiornl), way. 2. Syns: functioning, operation, performance, reaction, working.
2. The^way in which a machine or other thing performs or functions: stutlying the behar:ior of matter at extremely low temperatures. behemoth noun One that is extraordinarily large and powerful. GIANT NOUN. behemothic adiectixe crANT adiectiue. . Of extraordinary size and power. behest noun An authoritative indication to be obeyed. COMMAND NO7IN, behind notu,n The part of one's back on which one rests in BOTTOM noun. sitting. behind adoerb l. Not on time, 1. lnrn adr:erb. 2. So as to fall behind schedule. 2. sr,ow adoerb. behindhand adiectioe 1. Not progressingand developing as fast as others, as l. eecxweno adiectioe. in economic and social aspectsl 2. Not being on time. 2. larn adiectioe. behindhand adoerb 1. Not on time. 1. rarn adoerb. 2. So as to fall behind schetlule. 2. sr,ow adaerb. behold oerb (images) by use of the eyes. SEE. To^,"ppr",rend ehOfden adiectioe something, as gratitude or appreciation, to another. OBLIGED. . 9-jE beholder noun Someonewho observes. WATCHER. behoove cerb To be appropriate or suitable to. , SUlf u-erb. Defng noun 1. The fact or state.of existing. l. nxrsrnxcE. 2. The state or fact of havingleahty. 2. acruar,rry. 3. The condition of being inJull force or operation. 3. nrrncr rroun. 4. A member of the human race. 4. HuuaN BErNc. 5. One that exists independently. 5. rnrNc. 6. A basic trait or set o] traits tirat define and estabrish 6. nssrucn. the character of something. belabor oerb . Jo hit heavily and repeatedly. ennr aerb. befated adiectiae Not being on time. r;irn adiectiae. belatedness noun quality or condition of not being on tirne. LATENESS. .^Jl: belay tserb l. Naut. To prevent the occurrence or continuation of t. srop oerb. a movement, action, or operation. 2. Rare. To come to a cessaLon. 2. srop oerb. befch oerb To send forth (confined matter) violently. ERUPT.
85 noun beldam also beldame An ugly, frightening old woman. noun beldame aerb beleaguer 1. To surround with hostile troops. 2. To trouble persistently from or as if from all sides. 3. To disturb by rePeated attacks. bef ie aerb 1. To give an inaccurate view of by representing falsely or misleadingly. 2. To prove or show to be false. noun belief 1. Mental acceptance of the truth or actuality of something: What she tells gan is not uorthy of belief. 2. Something believed or accepted as true by a person: It is her delief that the end iustifies the means. 3. Absolute certainty in the trustworthiness of another' adiectioe bef ievable Worthy of being believed: a cornqbtely belier>able account of the bigest hunicarw in years' oerb believe 1. To regard (something) as true or real: I dnn't belietse a uord he saus. 2. To have confrdence in the truthfulness of: Do you belieoe her? 3. To have an opinion: He belieoes that iogg'ng is good for the health' 4. To view in a certain waY.
belittle uerb
To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportan{: betinbd the accornplishments of his maior political apPonent.
belittlement nuun
The act or an instance of belittling: abelittlement of his sister's accomqlish;rnents. belittf ing adiectioe Tending or intending to belittle' r10un belle A woman regarded as beautiful. beff icose adiectioe 1. Having or showing an eagernessto fight' 2. Of, pett"ittittg to, or inclined toward war'
bellicositY noun
1. Warlike or hostile attitude or nature' 2. The power or will to fight. belligerence twun l. foarlike or hostileattitude or nature: greetedmy xrggesttonwith reaI belligeterwe' 2. Hostile behavior. 3. The power or will to fight. belligerencY rwun 1. Warlike or hostileattitude or nature' 2. Hostile behavior. 3. The power or will to fight, 4. A stateof open,prolongedfiglrdng'
HJi:,ffii: 1. snsmcn. 2. srsmcn. 3. eNNov. 1. orsronr. 2. nnpurr. 1. Syns; credence, credit, faith.
2- Syns: conviction, feeling idea, mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, position, sentiment, view. 3. coNrrnpr.rcr. Syns: colorable, credible, creditable, plausible. !. Syns: accept, buY (Slang), go for (Slnng), swallow (Slnng). 2. Synsi credit, trust. -/diom'take at one's word. 3, Syns: consider, deem, figtrr" (lnfonnal), hold, opine, think. -Idimn be of the oPinion. 4. rnm oerb. Syns: decry, depreciate, derogate, detract (from), discount, disparage, downgrade, knock (Slory), minimize, run down (lnfonnnl), falk dowtt. -Idiom make light (or little) of. Syns; depreciation, derogation, detraction, disparagement. DISPARAGING. BEAUTY. 1. nsLLrcrRENT.
2. urr.rrenv. 1. snLLrcnRENcE. 2. r'rcnr rtoun. L. Syns: bellicositY, belligerencY, combativeness, contentiousness, hostility, pugnacity, truculence (a/so truculencY). 2. eccnrssroN. 3. rlcnr rmun. 1. 2. 3. 4.
srLLrcPRENcE. eccnnssron. ncnr rwu'n. cor.rrr,rcr rwarn.
belf igerenl adiectioe 1. or showing an eagernessto fight: o Itqying belligerent, Ioose-tongue[ drunkard. "
l. Syns; bellicose, combative, contentious, hostile, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy (Informnl), truculent, warlike. 2. ,q.ccntssrvp. 3. Syns; combatant, fighting, warring. -ldiom at war.
2. Inclined to act in a hostile way. 3. Of or engaged in warfare: a belligerent rwtion.
beflow oerb l. To speak or say very loudly. 2. To say (something) with a shout. bellow noun - A- loud, deep, prolonged sound. belly oerb To curve outward past the normal or usual limit. bellyache oerb expressnegative feelings, esp. of 1k"S.To dissatisfaction or resentment. belfyacher rwun person who habitually complains or grumbles. _^ll::q.A DelOng oerb l. To ft" prope$/ of a person or thing: The F," necklace once belonged to her grandmither. 2. To have a proper oi suitabre plu"", The crean shirts belong in the bureau. befongings noun 1. Those articles that belong to someone: lost all her persorwl belongings in thb fire. . 2. One's portablJproperty. beloved nDun A person who is much loved. befoved adiectirse 1.. Regarded with much love and tenderness. 2. Given special, usu, doting treatment. . beft rwun l. A part of the earth's surface. l. ll_ang A sudden sharp, powerful stroke. !. .Slang.An act of drinking or the amount swallowed. belt oerb 1. To encircle with or as if with a band. 2. Slang. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. 'aerb bemask' To change or modify_so as to prevent recognition of the true identity or charact", of. " bemean oerb To.deprive-of esteem, self-worth, or effectiveness. . Oemlfe aerh To soil with mud. bemired adiectioe Covered or soiled with mud. bemud aerb Archaic. To soil with mud. bemuse aerb To stun the senses,as with a heavy blow, a shock, or fatigue. bemused adiectioe So lost in thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings. benchma rk rnun by which individuals are compared and l p"Tr judged.
l . notn terb. aerb.
2 . ssovr
ROLRnoun. surcn Derb. COMPLAIN.
GROUCHnoun. 1,. Syns; appertain,
2. Syns:fit, go. 1. Syns; effects, goods, possessions, stufi (Informal), things. 2. nrrrcrs. DANLING
1. oenr-rNcadiectioe. 2. revonrrn adiectioe. 1. enra. 2. nr,ow2. 3. onrNx noun. l. nexo'aerb. 2. src oerb.
orscursn oerb.
lnrn uerb.
l.zuooy aerb. MUDDvadiectioe. uuooy oerb. otzB aerb.
87 bend aerb 1. To swerve from a straight line: a highuay that bends to the left. 2. To cause to move, esp. at an angle: The pri'sm bent the enwrging light tays. 3, To influence or be infuenced in a certain direction. 4. To devote (oneself or one's efforts). 5. To be unable to hold up a bridge that bent un'der the weight of the train. 6. To incline the body. 7. To make willing or recePtive. bend noun Something bent: the car rounding the bend.
bender rwun Slang.A drinking bot:dcwent on a week'sbend,er. bending adiectiae Havingbends,curves,or angles. benediction naun A short prayer saidat meals. benefact oerb To give supportor assistance. benefaction rwun 1. A charitabledeed. 2. Somethinggiven to a charity or cause. benefactol rwun 1. A personwho givesto a charity or cause. 2. A personwho supportsor championsan activity, institution,etc. benefic adiectioe Afiording benefit. beneficence noun 1. Kindly, charitableinterestin others. 2. A charitabledeed. 3. Somethinggiven to a charity or cause. beneficent adiectioe Afiording benefit. beneficial adiectioe Afiording benefit: a beneficialclimate.
benefit oerb 1. To derive advantage:benefitedfrom the stocksplit. 2. To be an advantageto. benefit rwun 1. A stateof health,happiness,and prospering' 2. The quality of beingzuitableor adaptableto an end' 3. Somethingbeneficial. 4. Somethin[that contributesto or increasesone's well-being. 5. Archaic.A kindlY act. benevolence nouti l. Kindly, charitableinterestin others:ruledhis xrbie'ctswith beneoolence. 2. A charitabledeed: uas gratefulfor their firwncinl beneool.errce.
l. Syns; bow, crook, curve, round. 2. Syns: angle, deflect, refract, turn. 3. orsposn. 4. appr-v. 5. Syns; break, cave in (lnfornnl), collapse, crumple, fold (Informal), grve, go. -ldiom give way. 6. sroop. 7. orsposr. Syns: bow, crook, curvation, curvature, curve, round, hrn. Syns; batt (Slang), binge (Slang), booze, brannigan (Sl,ang),carousal, carouse, compotation, drunk, tearr (Slnng). CROOKED. GRACE NOUN. :e{F,tpterb. 1. nnNrnvoLENcE. 2. ooNerrow. 1. ooNon. 2. pernoN.
BENEFICIAL. 1. eBNevoLENcE. 2. snNnvoLENcE. 3. oouarroN. BENEFICIAL.
Syns: advantageous, aidful (Archaic), benefic, beneficent, benignant, favorable, good, helpful, propiUous, salutary, toward (Rare), useful. 1. Syns: advantage, capitalize (on), profit. 2. pnorn oerb. 1. 2. 3, 4,
wnr-renr. use twun. eovevrecr' rwun. rrvrnnrsr noun.
5. revon no'un. l. Syns: altruism, beneficence, benevolentness, benignancY, charitableness, charitY, good will, grace, kindliness, kindness. 2. Syns: benefaction, beneficence, benignity (Archaic), favor, kindness, oblation, office(s), PhilarrthroPY.
benevolent' adiectioe 1. Characterized by kindness and concern for others: a beneoolnnt ruIer.
2. Of or concerned with charity: a benersolentfund.
! )
benevolentness nuun Kindly, charitable interest in others. benighted adiectite 1. Clinging to obsolete ideas. 2., lack of education or knowtedge. . !."lttbiUng benightedness rr.oun The condition of being ignorant; lack of knowledge or learning. benign adiectir:e 1. Characterized by kindness and concern for others. 2. Having or showing a tender, considerate, and helping nature. 3. Indicative of future success.
benignancy nmun )
Kindly, charitable interest in others. benignanl adiectir;e 1. Affording benefit. 2. Characterized by kindness and concern for otlers. 3, |Ilving or showing a tender, considerate, and helping nature.
1. Syns; benign, benignant, big, chivalrous, good, humane, humanitarian, kind, kindhearted, kindly. 2. Syns: altruistic, charitable, eleemosynary, philanthropic (aho philanthropical). BENEVOLENCE. 1. uNpnocnEssrvE. 2. IcNoner.m. IGNORANCE.
1. srNpvor.nxt. 2. xrNol. 3. revoneslr. BENEVOLENCE.
1. snNsrrchr-. 2. snNrvor,nNt. 3. xrnol.
benignity noun Archaic. A charitable deed. bent adiectiae 1. Deviating from a straight line: a bent tree limb. 2. On an unwavering course of action. bent rrnun 1. An inclination to something: a strongbent tou;ard consensatism.
- 2. An innate capability. benumb oerb 1. To render less sensitive. 2. To stun the senses,as with a heavy blow, a shock, or faUgue. 3. To render helpless, as by emotion. benumbed adiectioe physical feeling or sensitivity. 1. !*Iirg - 2. Lacking responsivenesstr alertness. bequeath oerb l. To convey (something) from one generation to the next. 2. Law. To give (property) to another person after one's death. berate oerb To reprimand loudly or harshly. bereave aerb To_take or keep something away from. . berth noun l. A particular position in a designatedorder of importance 2. Steady or regular employment.
1,. Syns; arced, arched, arciform, arrondi (Frerch), bowed, curved, curvilinear. rounded. 2. snrr adiectioe. l. Syns;-bias, disposition, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, ^ propensity, squint, tendency, turn. 2. relrrvr. l. onaonN. 2. orzn aerb. 3. penalyzp. 1. oneo adiectiae. 2. ourr adiectiae. 1. naNo DowN at hand. 2. rE.\vn\.
BAwL our at bawl. DEPRIVE.
1. pr-ace twun. 2. pn.
89 3. A post of employment. berth aerb To provide wi$ often temporary lodging. oerb beseech To make an earnest or urgent request' nou,n beseechmertt An earnest or urgent request. oerb beseem Archaic. To be appropriate or suitable to. oerb beset 1. To shut in on all sides. 2. To surround with hostile troops. 3. To set upon with violent force. 4. To trouble persistently from or as if from all sides. 5. To dishrb by repeated attacks. noun besetmenl Something that annoys. adrserb besides In addition. oerb besiege 1. To surround with hostile troops: besiege a fortress. 2. To shut in on all sides. 3. To trouble persistently from or as if from all sides: was besieged with cornPlaints. noun besiegement A prolonged surrounding of an objective by hostile troops. oerb besmear 1. To spread with a greasy, sticky, or dirty substance. 2. To cast aspersionson. oerb besmirch To cast aspersionson. uerb besoil To make dirty. adiectioe besotted Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. oerb bespatter 1. To hurl or scatter liquid upon. 2. To mark or soil with sPots. on. 3. To cast asPersions oer-tt bespeak 1. To give grounds for believing in the existence or presence of. 2. To claim in advance. 3. Archaic. To talk to (an audience) formally.
3. posrtror.l noun. u^erb.
l.ppn.xr oerb. APPEAL
svrc aerb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
sunnouNo. ensrncn. nrrncx aerb. ensrBcs. aNNov.
l. Syns; beleaguer, beset, blockade, invest (Mil.), siege, 2. sunnouuo. 3. Syns; badger, bedevil, beleaguer, beset, harass,harry, hound, importune, pester, plague, STEGE NOUN,
L. sv,nnn aerb. 2. sLacKElI. BLACKEN. otnrv
DRUNK adiectixe. 1. spr-esn. 2. spor oerb. 3. er,ecxnN. 1. nvotcerr. 2. noox oerb. 3. aoonrss oerb.
bespeckle wrb To mark with manY small sPots. aerb besprinkle To scatter or releasein drops or small particles. adiectiae best 1, Surpassingall others in quality: the best diamontls aoailable. 2. Much more than half: The best part of the week is gone. best noun That which is superlative: chose onlg the best am'ong man7 paintings.
1. Syns; bettermost (Chiefly Regional), optimal, optimum, superb, superlative, unsurpassed. 2. Syns: betterl, bettermost (Chiefly Regional), greater, larger, largest. Syns; choice, cream, crdme de la creme (French), elite (also elite), flower, pick, prize, top. -ldioms cream of the croP, ho*". oi th" flock, pick of the bunch, top cream.
I )
best aerb l. To get the better of. 2. To win a victory over, as-in battle or a competition. 3. To be greateror better than. bestain oerb To soil with foreign matter. bestial adiectiae or a dispositionto be violently fhowing. suggesUng destructivewithout scruple-orrestraint. bestialize oerb . To ruin utterly in characteror quality. bestow oerb' 1. To give formally or officially. r 2. To makea gift of. 1. To presentL " gft to a charityor cause. 4. Archaic.To provide with often temporarylodging. bestowal noun The act of conferring,asof an honor. bestride oerb To sit with a leg on eachsideof. bet aerb 1. To make a bet on: We bet on the usinner. ?. y put up as a stakein a gameor speculation. bet rwun l. Something valuableriskedon an uncertainoutcome; My bet on the raceis gS0. 2. A venturedependingon chance. b6te noire noun French.An obiect of extremedislike. b e think oer b. lg.renew (an imageor thought)in the mind. Detl0e oerb l. To takeplace. 2. To happen to one. -a&;erb betimes 1. Beforethe expectedtime. 2, At Umes. betoken aerb 1. To give groundsfor believingin the existenceor presenceof. for expecting. , ?.To give_reason betray oerb l. To be treacherous to: betrayedhiscomrades. 2. To disclosein a breachof confidence:betrayed,my secret.
3. To victimize (someone)by underhandedness. 4. To causeto acceptwhat is false, trickery or misrepresentation. betrayal noun An act of betrafng: sufferedbetrayal to the Cestapo. betrayer nnun One who betrays:a treacherun betragerhanged,by his cotwades. betrayment noun An act of betraying.
l. rnrunrpn oerb. 2. nnrntr oerb. 3. sunpess. srttN oerb. FIENCE.
connupt aerb. l. 2. 3. 4.
coNrnn. cwn oerb. ooNarn. :g^tnr,onDerb.
l. Syns; gamble, game, layr, lay down, p!ay, post, put, stake, *ager. -Idiorn take a flyer. 2. celue.LnDerb. l. Syns; ante (Slang), pot (Card Carnes), stake, wager. 2. ce-t,rsr.nnoun. H.ATE |WUN. REMEMBER, l.
2. conrn. EARLYadoerb. Now adoerb.
2 . pnovlsr
Syns; cross (up), double-cross (S/ang), rat (on) (Slang), sell out (Slnng). 2 . Syns; blab, discover (Archaic), divulge, expose, give away, let out, reveal, spill (Infonnnl), tell, uncover, unveil. -Idiorw let slip, let the cat out of the bag, spill tJle beans, tell all.
Syns: be^trayment,double-cross (S/ang ), sellout (Slang), treachery. -Idiorn Jr"d", kiss. Syns: double-crosser (Slang), ]udas, rat (Slang), traitor. BETRAYAL.
91 betrothal noun The act or condition of being pledgedto marry. betrothed adiectiae Pledgedto marry. betrothed rwun A personto whom one is engagedto be married. betrbthment nutn The act or condition of being pledgedto marry. betterr adiectioe f . Of greaterexcellencethan another: This book is better than that on'e. 2. Much more than half. better oerb 1. To advanceto a more desirablestate. 2.To be greateror better than. better rwu,n 1. A dominatingposition,as in a conflict. 2. One who standsaboveanotherin rank. better adnerb To a geater extent: u:erebettersuitedfor the iob than the others. better2 naun betterment nou,n l. Somethingthat imProves. 2. Steadyimprovement,asof an individual or a society' bettermost adiectioe all othersin quality' L. Chiefly Reginrwl.Surpassing 2. Chi;fl, Reftonal. Much more than half. bettor also better rwun One who bets: throngsof bettorsat the race. bevel adiectioe Angled at a slant. bevefed adiectioe Angled at a slant. bever nnun Chiefl,yRegional.A light meal. beverage naun Any liquid that is fit for drinking. bevy twun A usu.small number of individuals. beware aerb To be careful. bewilder oerb To causeto be unclearin mind or intent. bewifdered adiectioe Mentally uncertain. bewitch oerb l. To act upon with or as if with magrc. 2. To pleasegeatly or irresistibly. bewitched adiectioe Affected with intenseromantic attraction. bewitching adiectioe l. Pleasingto the eye or mind. 2. Tendingto seduce. 3. Pertainingto magic. bias rroun 1. An inclination for or againstthat inhibits im,p-artial judgment:a d'ecisionlifluenced by persornl bin"s' 2. An inclinationto something. bias oerb 1. To causeto have a prejudicedview: His past
1. Syns; preferable, superior. 2. rnsr adiectioe. 1.. mpnovn. 2. sunpess. l. aovexracg noun. 2. supnnrot noun. Syn.'more. snn bettor. 1. nupnovnMENT. 2. pnocnrss noun. 1. nnsr adiectioe. 2. srst adiectioe. Syns; gambler, gamester, PlaYer, speculator. ws
l. cntnv. oerb. 2. c:e.r,nuaerb. INFATUATED.
1. errnacnw. 2. snnucrrvn. 3. wrrcmNc ad'iectioe. 1. Syns; one-sidedness,PartialitY, prejudice, prepossession,tendentiousness. 2. srNT rtuu'n. 1. SYns; color, jaundice, Prejudice,
! )
expenenceshaae biased his outlook. 2. To influence or be influenced in a certain direction. 3. To direct (material) to the interests of a particular group: a mngazine ine binsed tou:ard tousard rconsercatioes. 4. To have an effect or impact upon. bias adiectiae Angled at a slant: a bins fold.
biased alsobiassed adiectiae l. Exhibitingbias: a biasedremarkin faoor of the tax. 2. Aneled at a slant. biassed- adiectitse bibelot noun A small, showv article. bibufous adiictioe - Having a capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up. bicker aerbTo engagein a quarrel. bid u*bl. To request that someonetake part in or be present at a particular occasion. 2. To make an offer of. 3. To give orders to. bid noun 1. A spoken or written request for someone to take part or be present. 2. Something offered. biddable aiiectioe Willing to carry out the wishes of others. biddie noun bidding noun An authoritative indication to be obeyed. biddy also biddie noun A-n ugly, frightening old woman. . .S.lnng. DfOe oerb 1. To continue to be in a place. 2. To have as one's domicile, ,rsu. for an extended period. 3. To stop temporarily and remain, as if reluctant to leave. biff nou,n Slyg A sudden sha1p,powerful stroke. biff oerb S_Iang,To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. biforrir odiectioe Composed of two parts or things. bifurcate oerb To separate into branches or branchlike parts. big adiectioe 1. Notably above average in amount, size, or scope: a big inheritance. reached fuIl growth and development. !. $aving 3. Having great significance. 4. Characterized by kindness and concern for others. to give of oneself and one's possessions. !. Yiltt"S 5. Full to the point of flowing ou"r, nyi, big u:ith tears.
prepossess,warp. 2. orsposn. 3. Syns; angle, skew, slant. 4. rxrruaNcn oerb. Syns: bevel, beveled, biased (ako biassed), diagonal, oblique, slanted, slanUng. 1. Syns: colored, one-sided,partial, partisan, prejudiced, prejudicial, prepossessed,tendentious. 2. sras adiectiae. snn biased. NOVELTY. ABSORBENT.
1. 2. co oerb. 3. couueNo aerb. 1. rNvrratrox. 2. orrnn noun. OBEDIENT.
sm biddy. COMMAND
3 . pl.usn
BLow2. oerb.
DouBLE adiectiae. enaNcH trerb.
1.. Syns; considerable, extensive,good, gr9at, healthy, large, large-scale, sizable (ako sizeable), tidy (Informat). 2. naa'runr adiectirse. 3. ruponraxr. 4. snNrvoLENT. 5. cpNnnous. 5. Syns; awash, brimful, brimming, overflowing.
93 big nnan An important, influenUal person.
Big Brother noun An absolute ruler, esp. one who is harsh and oppressive. adiectiae biggish Somewhat big. n{nrn bighead Infonnnl. An exaggerated belief in one's own importance.
bigheadedness nou,n lnformal. An exaggerated belief in one's own importance. adiectioe big-hearted Willing to give of oneself and one's possessions.
big-heartednessnuun The quality or state of being generous. nnun bight A body of water partly enclosed by land but having a wide outlet to the sea. adiectirse big-feague Being among the leaders of a particular class: a bigleague publisher.
Syns: big-time (Slang), blue-chip, heavyweight (lnfornwl ), major, majorleague.
bigness rwun The quality or state of being large in amount, extent, or importance. adiectioe bigoted Not tolerant of the beliefs, opinions, etc., of others.
bigotry rwun Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion. noun big shot Slang. An important, influential person. adiectioe big-time Slang. B",ttg among the leaders of a particular class. nutn big-timer Slang. An important, influential person. nnun big wheel Slnng. An important, influential person. nou,n bigwig lnforrnal. An important, influential person. naun bilge Something that does not have or make sense. bilk oerb Slang. To get money or something else from by deceitful trickery. oerb bilF To present a statement of fees or charges to: Bill me next manth. bill rwun 1. A precise list of fees or charges. 2. A printed list of the order of events and other peitinent information for a public performance. bill2 nnun l. The horny projection forming a bird's iaws: The pelican has a large biIL 2. The projecting rim on the front of a cap: The bill shades nxA eAes. oerb billet To provide with often temporary lodging. billet n{xtn 1. A particular position in a designated order of importance. 2. A post of emPloYment.
crrntr oerb.
1. eccourvr rwun. 2. pnocneu.
L. Syn: beak. 2. Syns: brim, peak, visor.
Henson oerb. 1. pr.ecn twun. 2. posrrrox rwun.
billingsgate noun
Harsh, often insulting language. binary adiectiae Composed of two parts or things. .. DlnO aerb l. To be morally bound to do. 2. To apply therapeuUc materials to (a wound). 3. To unite or be united in a relationship. 4. To make fast or firmly fixed by means of a cord, rope, etc. bind twun - -Informal. A difficult, embarrassing situation. binri nf,)un A young stemlike growth arising from a plant. .. binge nou,n l. A period of uncontrolled self-indulgence: a shopping binge. - -2. Slang. A drinking bout. bird ,nln . sound of disapproval. birdbrained adiectir;e Slnng. Given to lighthearted silliness. bird-dog oerb kegp (another) under surveillance by moving along .1'obehind. birth rwtm 1. The act or pro_cessof bringing forth young: uitnessed the birth of my son.
2. The initial stage of a developmental proc ess:the binh of Christianity.
3. One's ancestors or their character. birth oerb . .ChinflV Regional. To give birth to.
VITUPERATION. DoUBLEadiectioe. 1,.covvrr. 2. onnss oerb. 3. assoclarn oerb. 4. nn oerb.
sHooT noun. 1. Sy_ns;blowoff (Informal), fling, jag (Slang), org/, rampage, spree. 2. srxnBn. }JTSS NOUN. GIDDY.
L. Syns: accouchement (Frerwh), birthing (Chiefly Regiorutl), childbearing, childbirth, delivery, labor, lying-in, parturition, travail. 2. Syns: beginning, commencement, dawn, dawning, genesis, inception, nascence(rzlsonascency), onset, _ opening, origin, outset, spring, start. 3. aNcrsrny.
birthing ,iun
Chiefly Regional. The act or process of bringing forth young.
biithriEht noun l. A privilege granted a person by virhre of btrih: Free speech is the birthright of Americans. 2. Any special privilege accorded a firstborn: ?he estate was the eldest son's birthright. bistered adiectioe Of a complexion tending toward brown or black. bitr noun 1. A tiny amount: doesn't make a bit of differeru:e.
2. A small portion of food: a bit of cheese. 3. A rather short period: uaited for a bit. 4. Infomwl. A_particular kind of activity: d,id the intellectual bit. bit2 oerb To control, restrict, or arrest.
l. Syns: appanage (a/so apanage), droit, ^ perquisite, prerogative, right. 2. Syns: heritage, inheritance, legacy, patrimony. oenr adiectioe. 1. Syns; crumb, dab, dash, doit, dram, drop, fragment, grain, hoot, iota, iot, minim, mite, modicum, molecule, ort, ounce, particle, scrapl, scruple, shred, smidgen (Informal), smitch (Infonrutl), snap, speck, spot (Chiefly Brit. Informal), tittle, whit. 2. Syns: bite, crumb, morsel, mouthful, piece. 3. Syns; space, spell3,stretch, time, while. 4. Syn: routine. -Idiom song and dance.
95 oerb bitch Slnng. To express negative feelings, esp. of dissatisfaction or resentment. adiectioe bitchy Stang. Characterized by intense ill will or spite. oerb bite 1. To seize, as food, with the teeth: The dngbit into the meat. 2. To consume gradually, as by chemical reaction, friction, etc.: acid biting into the sihser. 3. To feel or cause to feel a sensaUonof heat or discomfort. bite noun 1. A small portion of food. 2. Infonnal. e Ugnt meal: lws a bite before bed eaery night. 3. A cutting quahty. ad:iectioe biting 1. So sharp as to cause mental pain: bitinguiticisrn.
2. Having or suggestingkeen, discerning intellect. adiectioe bitter 1. Having a noticeably sharp, pungent taste or smell: c bitter uine. 2. Causing sharp, often prolonged discomfort: the biner climate of the Sahara' 3. Very cold. 4. Difficult to accept: the bitter truth. 5. Bitingly hostile. bitter oerb To make or become bitter.
bitterness naun
The quality or state of feeling bitter. adiectioe bizarre 1. Deviating from the customarY' 2. Conceived ot done with no reference to reality or common sense. 3. Resembling a freak. bfab oerb 1. To disclose in a breach of confidence' 2. To engage in or sPread gossiP. blab rwun Incessant and usu. inconsequential talk. oerb blabber To talk volubly, persistently, and usu. inconsequentiallY' blabber noun Incessant and usu. inconsequential talk. adiectitse blabby Inclined to gossip. adiectiae black l. Of the darkest achromatic visual value: a black hat'
2. Having no light: a black caae. 3. Covered or stained with or as if with dirt or other impurities.
1. Syns: champ (also chomp), gnash, gnaw' 2, Syns: corrode, eat, erode, Bnow, wear, wear away. 3. srrNc oerb.
1..strr. 2. Syns; bever (Chiefly Re$onnl), morsel, snack, snap (Chiefly Brit. Regiorul). 3. L. Syns: acerb, acerbic, acid, acidic, acrid, caustic, cutting, incisive, mordacious, mordant, penetrating, pungent, scathing, slashing, stinging, truculent, vitriolic, vituperative' 2. rNcrsrvE,. l. Syns; acerb, acerbic, acrid, amaroidal, astringent, austere (Archaic), harsh, sour. 2. Syns: brutal, hard, harsh, rough, rugged, severe. 3. r'nrcro. 4. Syns: affiictive, distasteful, grievous, indigestible, painful, unpalatable' 5. nrsBr.mpur-. EMBITTER. RESENTMENT.
L. nccnwrnrc adiecthse. 2. raNrasrtc. 3. r'nnansH. 1. snrnev. 2. cossrc aerb. CHATTER
cwllrrr,n oerb.
1. Syns: atramentous,ebon (Poetic), ebony, inky, jetl, jet-black, jetty, onyx, pitch-black, pitchy, sable, sooty.2.3yns: caliginbus (Rare), dark, inky, pitch-dark. 3. ornrv adiectixe.
4. Characterizedby intenseill will or spite. 5. Dark and depressing. 6. Morally objectionable. black aerb l. To make dirtv. 2. To make or receivea bruiseor bruiseson. black-a-vised adiectioe tendingtoward brown or black. - -Of-a complexion bfackball oerb 1. To excludefrom normal socialor professional activities: wspected troubl.emakersbla*ball"ed frorn iobs. , .2. lo prevent or forbid authoritatively. blacken oerb l. To makedirty. 2. To castaspersions on: blnckmeil the goodnnmeof a great statesman.
) black eye rwrn l. A bruisesurroundingthe eye: got a blnck eye in the
2. A mark of discreditor disgrace. bfack-hearted adiectine Characterizedby intenseill will or spite. bfackish adiectine Somewhatblack: blackishclwds. bfackjack oerb To compel - by pressureor threats. blacklist oerb' To excludefrom normal socialor professionalactivities. blackout naun bfack out oerb 1. To nrffer temporarylossof consciousness: blncleed, out frorn lack of ox1gen. ?: T9 keep from being publishedor transmitted. bfackout noun sufferedblnckoutsat 14.tgmporarylossof consciousness: hieh altitudes. bfade nnun The cutting part of a sham instrument. blamable alio blameable' adiectioe Deservingblame. bfame oirb 1. To find fault with: no one to blame but myself.
2. To ascribe(a misdeed,error, etc.) to. bfame rwtrn 1. Responsibitityfor an error or crime: The blame for the cooer-upis mine. 2. A finding fa:uJit: said,rcthing to thent in the u)ay of blame. bfameable adiectioe blamed adiectioe _ _So annoyingor detestableas to deservecondemnation. blameful adiectioe Deservingblame. bfamefesi adiectioe l. Free from guiltor blame.
96 4. rraar,BvoLENT. 5. cr-dorvry.
5. rvn adiectioe. l. onrv oerb. 2. r;nulsn Derb. nl.nx adiectine. 1. Syns; blacklist, boycott, ostracize, shut out. 2. vnro oerb. L. onrr' oerb. 2. Syns: befoul, besmear, besmirch, bespatter, denigate, dirty, smear, smudge, smut, soil, stain, sully, tain! tarnish. -ldioms give a black eye to, throw mud on. 1. Syns: mouse (Slang), shiner (Slang). -Idiorn eye in mourning. ^ 2. sreuv rmun. MALEVOLENT.
Syns; dark, dusky. coEncE. BLACKBALL.
srn black out. l. Syns;faint, keel over, passout (Infornwl), swoon. 2. cngson. Syns:faint, swoon,syncope(path.). -Idiryn dead faint. EDCE fwruN, BI.AMEWORTHY. l. Syns; censure, condemn, criticize, cut denounce, denunciate, ry $nfornwl),
fault,_pan Qnfornnl), rapr (Stang), reprehend, reprobate 2. rw oerb. l. Syns; culpability, fault, guilt, onts. 2. Syns: censure, condemnation, criticism, denunciation, reprehension, reprobation. sBr blamable. DAMNED. BLAMEvyONTIIY.
l. rrwocBryr ad:iectioe.
97 2. Beyond reproach. adiectioe bfameworthy Deserving blame: behaaior that usasblametoorthy if not crirnirwl. aerb bfanch also blench To lose normal coloration; turn pale. adiectiae blanched Lacking color. ad;iectiae bfand 1. Free from severity or violence, as in movement. 2. Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritedness and originality. 3. Without definite or distinctive characteristics. 4. Efiortlessly gracious and tactful in social manner' oerb bfandish 1. To persuade or try to persuade by gentle, persistent ursng or flattery. 2. To compliment excessivelyand ingatiatingly. noun bfandishment Excessive, ingatiating praise. rloun bfandness The state or quality of being insipid. adiectioe blank Lacking expression. oerb bfanket To extend over the surface of. adiectirse bfankety-blank lnformal. So annoying or detestable as to deserve condemnation.
2. nxrupr,env. Syns: blamable (a/so blameable), blameful, censurable, culpable, guilty, reprehensible. -Idiom at fault. pN,r aerb. vtrn adiectirse. 1. cnNrr,n adiectioe. 2. rNsrpro. 3. wnurner-. 4. suevr. 1. coex. 2. nr-arrrn. FLATTERY,
covnn aerb. DAMNED.
blankness noun l. Total lack of ideas, meaning, or substance. 2. A desolate senseof loss. oorb blare 1. To be projected with blinding intensity. 2. To have or produce a blatantly startling effect. blare noun An intense, blinding light. adiectioe bf aring Marked by extremely high volume and intensity of sotrnd.
1. nuprrwrss. 2. nuprrNnss. t. s,tnn oerb. 2. scnq*t oerb. GLARE
rouo adiecth:e.
blarney naun Excessive, ingatiating Praise.
bfaspheme aerb
To use profane or obscene language. ad;iectiae blasphemous Showing irreverence and contempt for something sacred. noun bfasphemy 1. A profane or obscene term. 2. An act of disrespect or impiety toward something regarded as sacred.
blast rwun 1. A violent release of confined enersr, usu. accompanied by a loud sound and shock waves: o bomb blast. 2. An earsplitting, explosive noise: the blast of iet afterbumers. 3. lnfonnal. A big, exuberant party: a pregradaation blast. blast oerb l. To release or cause to release energy suddenly and violently, esP. with a loud noise'
sween oerb. SACRILEGIOUS.
1. swEA.niwun. 2. secnrr-ncB.
1. Syns; blowout, blowup, burst, detonation, explosion, fulmination. 2. Syns: bang, boom, burst, roar, thunder. 3. Syns; bash (Slang), blowout (Slang), celebration, shindig (Slnng). 1. expr-oon.
blasted 2. To make an earsplitting, explosive noise: let fighters , blasted off the runwaA. 3. To spoil or destroy: dur hopes haoe been blnsted. +. S,IrytS.Torender totally ineffective by decisive defeat. bfasted adiectioe Slang. So annofng or detestable as to deserve condemnation. bfatant adiectioe l. Characterized by or done without shame. 2. Offensively loud and insistent. blather oerb rapidly, incoherently, or indistinctly. I: !"tt bfather rwu,n, 1. Unintelligible or foolish talk. 2. Something - that does not have or male $ense.
bfatherskile noun Unintelligible or foolishtalk. blazer oirb
1. To undergocombustion. 2. To emit a bright light. with blinding intensity. 9. fo be projected_ 1: To have or produce a blatantly startlingefiect. blaze rwun 1. The visible signsof combustion. - -2. 4r intense,blinding light. blazez uerb . .To. make (information)generallyknown. bfazing adiectiae 1. On fire: Theforest is blazing.
2. Extremelybright: blazing surlight 3. Fired with intensefeeling. blazon aerb . .To make (information) generally known. bfeach aerb To lose normal coloraUon; turn pale. bfeak adiecth:e 1. Cold and forbidding: a bleal<"silent man. - - 2. Dark and depressing. bfear aerb To make dim or indistinct. blear adiectioe _ _Not clearly perceived or perceptible.
bleary adjeitt':e
1. Not clearly perceived or perceptible. 2. Extremely tired. bteed oerb To flow or leak out slowlv. bfemish noun 1. Something that mars the appearance or causes inadequacy or failure. 2. A mark of discredit or disgrace. blemish oerb . . To spoil the soundnessor perfection of. bfenchl oerb To draw away involuntarily, usu. due to fear or disgust. blench2
2. Syns: b*g, boom, roar, thunder. 3. Syns; blight, dash, nip, wreck. 4. ovrnwnnlnr.
l. suerrrpr,nss. 2. vocrrnnous. slBr'rn Derb. BABBLE NOUN, NONSENSE. BABBLE |WUN.
1. 2. 3. 4.
sunN oerb. snlrv. oerb. ct-r^nv,oerb. scnEANroerb.
1. rrnn noun. 2. cr,ens rwun. ADVERTISE.
1. Syns; ablaze, afire, aflame, alight2, burning comburent, conflagrant, fiery, flaming, flaring, ignited. -Idlonw in a blaze, in flames. 2. Syns: brilliant, dazzling, glaring, d*y. 3. pessroNern. ADVERTISE.
ptrn oerb. 1. Syns; austere, dour, grim, hard, harsh, severe. 2. cr.oouy. osscunn Darb. UNCLEAR.
l. uxcr,een. 2. Bxrreusrro. oozn aerb. 1. onrucr noun. 2. srerrq noun. INJURE. FLINCH.
srr blanch.
99 blend oerb l. To put togetherinto one massso that the con*stituentparts are more or lesshomogeneous. 2. To combineand adapt in order to attain a particular effect. blend noun SomethingproducedbY mixing. bless oerb 1. To make sacredby a religiousrite. 2. To feel and expressgratitudeto. bfessed adiectioe l. Regardedwith particular reverenceor respect. 2. So annoylngor detestableas to deserve condemnation. bfessedness noun 1. The qualrty of being holy or sacred. 2. A condiUonof supremewell-beingand good spirits' bfessing noun l. Somethingbeneficial. 2. A short praver saidat meals. blight u"rb To spoil or destroy. blind o.diecth:e 1. Without the senseof sight: was blind from birth, 2. Unwilling or unableto perceive:uas blind to the danger. with alcoholicliquor. 3. Slang.Intoxicated 4. Screenedfrom the view of oncomingdrivers: a blind intersection. btind oerb To confusewith bright light. blind noun A shelterfor concealinghunters:a dnck blind. bfind alley twun Infor'nal. A courseleadingnowhere:reacheda blind' alley in the negotiatior*. bfindness naun The condition of not being able to see suffered blhdness after the accid'ent. blink oerb 1. To open and closethe eyesrapidly: blinked in the glare. shinewith intermittent gleams:The ship'ssignl blinked in the night. blink at oarb To pretend not to see:The serwtormerely blinked at the comtption. blink noun 1. A brief closingof the eyes:One blink and the bird tDosguw. 2. A quick look. 3. A Juddenquick light: sao a blink frorn the sigrwl in the dark. blink at oerb blinker twun Sl*rg.An organof vision. bfip oerb To hit with a quick, sharpblow of the hand.
t. v.rx oerb. 2. uenuowrzn.
1. seNcrmv. 2. rrrervx. l. uor,v. 2. nerr,lrvro.
1. nor.ruBss. 22. n,qpprNess. " l. eoveNTAGEnoun. 2. cnecr nuun. srtsr
Syns: dark (negiorwl), eyeless, sightless,unseeing. 2. Syns: dull, purblind, uncomprehending, unperceptive. 3. onuxx a.diectfuse. 4. Syns; concealed, hidden.
otzn aerb. Syns: hidet (Brit ), stand. Syn; -Idiorn
dead-end street.
Syn; sightlessness.
1. Syns.'bats, nictitale (also nictate), winkle (Archaic), wink. 2. Syns: coruscate, flash, flicker, glimmer, twinkle, wink. Syns; connive at, dissemble (Obs.), ignore, pass over, wink at. -Idioms be blind to, close (oz shut) one's eyes to, look the other way, turn a blind eye to. 1. $yns; nictitation (aho nictation), wink. 2. cr.eNcrl noun, 3. Syns; coruscation, flash, flicker, glancel, gleam, glimmer, glint, sPark, twinkle, wink. ser blink. EYE floun. st-tp
blister aerb To criUcize harshly and devastatingly. blistering adiectioe Marked by much heat. bf ithe ad;iectioe 1. Characterized by joyful exuberance. 2. Free from care or worrv. / bf ithesome adiectiae _ Characterized by joyful exuberance. bfoated adiectiae Characterized by an exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance. bfoc tiu, A group of individuals united in a cornmon cause.
1. To 2rT? bfock 1. To 2. To
stop or prevent passageof. plug up something, asa hole, space, or container. out oerb draw up a preliminary plan or version of. cut off from sight: The trees biock out the oiew.
naun that impedes or prevents entry or passage. l. 43ytrilg The uppermost pari of the body. . .2. -Slang. bfockade oerb To surround with hostile troops. bfockhead noun A mentally dull person. - .Slqng. bfocklieaded adiectioi _ Lacking in intelligence. bfock out oerb blocky adiectirse . - Short, heavy, and solidly built. blond also blonde adiectir:e Having light hair. " blonde aldiectice blood noun 1. The fluid circulated by the heart through the vascular system: Iost a lot of blood during the operation, _ 2. The crime of murdering someone. 3. One's ancestorsor their character. bfood bath noun Thg savage killing of many victims. .bfoodcurdling idiectirc Causing great horror. bfoodhound xerb To follow closely or persistently. bfoodf ess adiecitirse l. Lacking color. 2. Being weak in quality or substance. 3. Lacking passionand emotion.
- _The-savagekilling of many victjms. bfoodline naun One's ancestorsor their character. bfoodshed noun . . Thq savagekilling of many victims. bfoodstained afiectiae Of or covered with blood. bloodsucker noun One who depends on another for support without reciprocating.
stl.:rv,oerb. nor adiectiae. l. cev adiectibe. 2. r,rcHr2. crx adiectioe. POMPOUS.
1. onsrnucr. 2. rtrr. t, ontrr aerb. 2. Syns: closer, hidel, obscure, obstruct, screen, shroud, shut out. l. ran noun. 2. trnzlo noun. BESIEGE, DULLARD.
sre block. STOCKY.
retn adiectioe. sns blond. 1. Syns: claret (Slang), gore. 2. uunonn noun. 3. elcnsrny. MASSACRE
ooc oerb. 1. pern adiectixe. 2. parB adiectioe. 3. rlsnusrrrvr. MASSACRE TU)UN. ANCESTRY.
101 adiectioe bfoodsucking Of or characteristic of a parasite' adiectioe bfoodthirstY Eager for bloodshed. adiectiae bfooify 1. Of or covered with blood: a bloody kntfu. 2. Attended by or causing bloodshed: a bloody battle' 3. Eager for bloodshed. bloody aerb To cover with blood: bloodied my hands uhile cleaning the f'sh. noun bloom 1. The showy reproductive structure of a plant: rose bloom,s. 2. A condition or time of vigor and freshness: fhe bloom of Creek cioiliza.tion. 3. A fresh, rosy complexion: uas pale and had lost her bloorn. bloom oerb 1. To bear flowers: roses bloorning on the ferrce. 2. To grow rapidly and luxuriantly. noun bloomer Slang. A stupid, clumsy mistake. adiectitse blooming l. Bright and clear; not dull or faded. 2. Of a healthy, reddish color. 3. Slang. Completely such, without qualification or exception. 4. Slang. So annoying or detestable as to deserve condemnation. rwun bfooper Inforrnal. A stupid, clumsy mistake.
1, Syns; bloodstained, ensanguined, gory, imbrued (also embrued). 2, Syns: sanguinary, sanguineous. 3, uunonnous. Syns: ensanguine, imbrue (also embrue).
l, Syns: blossom, floret, flower. 2. Syns: blossom, effiorescence, florescence, flower, flush, prime. 3. Syns; blossom, blush, flush, glow.
1. Syns.' blossom, blor,rF,burgeon, effioresce,flower. 2. r'r-ountsn. BLUNDER NOUN.
1. rnrsn. 2. nuonv. 3. urrpn2. 4. oeuNeo.
blossom rwun 1. The showy reproductive structure of a plant. 2. A condition or time of vigor and freshness. 3. A fresh, rosy comPlexion. blossom oerb 1. To bear flowers. 2. To grow rapidly and luxuriantly. bfot rwun A mark of discredit or disgrace. blot out oerb 1. To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiping clean. 2. To destroy all traces of. aerb bfot out
1. nr-oou rnun. 2. er.ooprnoun. 3. slooN{ rwun. l, r;roov. oerb. 2. r'lounrsn. STAIN NOUN. 1. ceNcrr-. 2. eNNtHrr,ntn.
ssr blot.
bfoviate oerb To speak in a loud, pompous, or prolonged manner. aerb blowr 1. To be in a state of motion, as air: The wind. is blowing. 2. To breathe hard. 3. Slang. To talk with excessivepride. 4. To release or cause to release energy suddenly and violently, esp. with a loud noise. 5. Slong. To spend (money) excessivelyand usu' foolishly. 6, Slang. to harm irreparably through inept handling; make a mess of. 7. Slang. To move or proceed away from a place.
l. Syns: puff, winnow. 2. peNr. 3. r.otsr oerb. 4. Bxpr,oon. 5. wnsrn aerb. 6, norat oerb. 7. co xerb.
blowz 8. Slang. To pay for the food, drink, or entertainment of another. bfow in terb To come to a particular place. lllg bfow noun 1. A natural movement or current of air. . -2. Slang.An act of boasting. bfow2 norm l. A sudden sharp, powerful stroke: a blow on the head.
2. Something - that iars the mind or emotions. blow3 cerb To bear flowers. bfow-by-blow adiectixe Characterized by attention to detail. bfower noun . .Sla1g. One given to boasting.
bfowhard ,mun
- .Slan-g.One given to boasting. bfow ih unrb blowoff rwun blow otf aerb Slang. To utter publtcly. blowoff noun A period of uncontrolled self-indulgence. . .InfonryL blowout noun bfow out oerb To come open or fly apart suddenly and violently, as from internal pressure. blowout noun 1. A violent releaseof confined energy, usu. accompanied by a loud sound and shock waves. _ .2. Slang. A big, exuberant party. blowup rwun bfow up aerb 1. To release or cause to release enerry suddenly and violently, esp. with a loud noise. 2. come open or fly apart suddenly and violently, as To from internal pressure. 3. To be or become angry. blowup noun l. A violent releaseof confined enerry, usu. accompanied by a loud sound and shock waves. A sudden, violent expression,as of emotion. _ -2. blOwy adiectiae Exposed to or characterized by the presence of freely circulating air or wind. bf ub uu6 To make inarticulate sounds of grief or pain, usu. accompanied by tears. bfubber aerb To make inarticulate sounds of grief or pain, usu. Y accompanied by tears. bfubbering naun A fit of cryrng. 'uib
To domineer or drive into compliance by the use of threats, force, etc.
r02 8. rnunr aerb.
l. wrNpt. 2. eoesr noun. 1. Syns; bang, bash (Informnl), belt (Slang), bfi (Slang), bop (Informal), clout, conk, crack, hit, lick, paste (Slang), pound, smackr, smaiker, sock (Slang), swat, thwack, wallop (Informal), welt (Informnl), whack,whop. ^ 2. sHocx noun. sroov. uerb. DETAILED, BRAGGART NOUN. BRAGCART NOUN,
sBpblowl. snnblow off. Nn terb. BINCE. snn blow out. svnsr aerb.
1. sr,asr noun. 2. sr,asr noun.
snn blow up. 1. rxprone, 2. suasr Derb. 3. rNcnn aerb. l. slasr nxun. 2. oursunsr. ATRY.
cnv uerb.
cnv aerb.
103 bfue adiectioe l. Informal. In low spirits. 2. Borderingon indelicacyor impropriety. blue aerb Brit. Slang.To spend(money)excessivelyand usu. foolishly. blue blood noun Peopleof the highestsociallevel. blue-blooded adiectirse Of high birth or socialposition. bluebottle noun Brit. L memberof a law-enforcementagency. bfue-chip adiectitse Being amongthe leadersof a particular class. bluecoat noun agency. A memberof a law-enforcement blue-eyed adiectiae Givenspecial,usu.dotingtreatment. bfuenose noun A personwho is too much concernedwith being proper,modest,or righteous. bluenosed adiectioe Marked by excessiveconcernfor propriety and good form. blueprint noun A methodfor making,doing,or accomplishing something. blueprint oerb 1. To work out and arrangethe parts or detailsof. 2. To form a strateglrfor. blue-ribbon adiectme Exceptionallygood of its kind. blues noun Infor'nal. A feeling or spell of dismallylow spirits. bluff oerb To causeto acceptwhat is false, trickery or misrepresentation. bfunder twun A stupid, clumsymistake:a million-dollar manufacturing blunder. blunder oerb around l. To move awkwardly or clumsily:blun'd,ered. in the dnrk and fell. 2. To harm irreparablythroughinept handling;make a messof. blunderer noun by A stupid, clumsyperson:a storemi,smanaged blunderers. blunderhead naun A stupid, clumsyperson. bfunt oerb 1. To makeor becomelesssharp-edged. 2. To render lesssensitive. blunt adiectine 1. Nor physicallysharpor keen. 2. Rudely unceremonious. blur tserb To make dim or indistinct. bf urred adiectioe Coveredby or as if by a thin coatingor film.
l. orpnnssro. 2. necv. wnsrn oerb.
1. oesrcN oerb. 2. oqstcN oerb. EXCELLENT. GLOOM. DECEIVE.
Syns: bloomer (Slang), blooper (Infonnal), boner (Slang), bull, bungle, foozle, fumble, goof (Slang), miscue, rockr, screw-up (Slnng), stumble, trip. l. Syns: bumbler, lurch, stumble, wallow, 2. norcs oerb.
Syns: blunderhead, botcher, bungler, foozler, fumbler. -Idiorn bull in a china shop. BLUNDERER.
1 . ovrl- oerb. 2 . DEADEN. 1 . ovrl- adiectine. 2 . ABRUPT. onscvnn oerb. FILMY.
blurt blurt aerb To speak suddenly or sharply, as from sulprise or emotion. blurt noun A sudden, sharp utterance. blush oerb To become red in the face: bhnhed with etnbanassment. blush rwun A - _ fresh, rosy complexion.
bfuster unrb To speakor sayvery loudly. board oerb l. Io provide with often temporarylodging. 2. T_ogo aboard(a meansof transport). boards noun The raisedplatform on which theatricalperformances are given. boasl" aerb 1. To talk with excessivepride: boastedabout their wealth. 2. To be possessed of. boast naun An act of boasting:bigboastsabout his strength. boaster noun _ One-givento boasting. boastful adiectioe Clraracterirg4by or given to boasting:boastfulremarks about his abilitu. bob oerb Obs.To make a noiseby striking. bob rwun Obs.An audibleblow. bobby noun B!r. SIa3g.Amemberof a law-enforcement agency. , bodemenl noun A phenomenonthat seryesas a signor warning of some future good or evil. boditesi adiectit;e Having " no body, form, or substance. bodify adiectiae 9f 9. pertailing to the humanbody: bodily cleanlirwss. body noun 1. The physical frame of a dead person or animal: lowered the body into the coffin. 2. The main part: The body of the poper discusses nuclear energ7. 3. lnfonrwl. A member of the human race. 4. A separate and distinct portion of matter: celestial bodies. 5. A measurable whole. A group of people organized for a particular purpose. !. 7. A number of individuals making rrp o. consid-ereha unit. 8. A number of persons who have come or been gathered together. body oerb To serve as the image of.
Syns:color, redden.
flush, glow, mantle,
BLOOM noun. notn
l. neneon,^erb. 2. rrxn oerb. STAGE NOUN,
t. Syns: blowr (Slang), brag, crow, gasconade,rodomontad e (also rhodomontade), vaunt. 2. couuaNo oerb. Syns; blowr (Slang), brag, braggadocio, fanfaronade, gasconade, rodomontade (a/so rhodomontade;. BRAGGART TWUN.
Syns: braggadocian, br" ggilt, bragg, rodomontade (also rhodomontadej. rtpl aerb. rtpr rtaun. POLICEMAN.
Syns: colporal, corporeal, fleshly, personal, physical, somatic. l. Syns; cadaver, carcass,corpse, corpus, _ mort (Rare),'remains, stiff (Slang). 2. Syns: bulk, corpus, substance. 3. HuuaN BETNG. 4. Syns: mass,objectr. 5, quaNrrrv. 6. roncn rrDun. 7. cnoup noun. 8. essrMsr,y.
105 noun boff A dazzling, often sudden instance of success. bog oerb To interfere with the progress of. twun bogey aerb boggle 1. To harm irreparably through inept handling; make a mess of. 2. To overwhelm with surprise, wonder, or bewilderment. noun bogie noun bogfe A supernatural being. adiectioe bogus Fraudulently or deceptively imitative. noun bogy also boley, bogie A supernatural being. rwun bohunk Slnng. A large, ungainly, and dull-witted person. oerb boil 1. To cook (food) in liquid heated to the point of steaming: boiled the potatoes. 2. To be in a state of emotional or mental turmoil: rpas silentlg boiling ooer the delay. 3. Slang. To be or become angry. 4. To move swiftly. boil away oerb To pass off as vapor, esp. due to being heated. boil down oerb To reduce in complexrty or scope: My cornplaints can be boiled doum to this. boil away oerb rserb boil down adiectioe boiling Marked by much heat. adiectioe boisterous Offensively loud and insistent. adiectioe bold 1. Rude and disrespectful. 2. Having or showing courage. 3. Taking or willing to take risks. 4. Standing out prominently: a bold handuriting. 5. So sharply inclined as to be almost perpendicular. adiectioe boldacious Brit. Regional. Rude and disrespectful. adiectioe bold-faced Rude and disrespectful. noun boldness 1. The state or quality of being impudent. 2. Willingness to take risks.
snn bogt. l. sorcH. 2. sreccnn. srn bogy. GHOST nOUn, couNTERFE:n_
1. Syns; parboil, seethe (Archaic), simmer, stew. 2. Syns: bubble, burn, churn, ferment, moil, seethe, simmer, smolder. 3. eNcbn r-rarb. 4. nvss oerb. EVAPORATE.
Syn: simphfy. sns boil. snn boil. HOT.
rupuonrsr. snavE adiectioe. oenwc adiectiae. Syns: conspicuous,prominent, pronounced. 5. srunpl.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. rupunnncr. 2. oe.nrNcrwun.
boflix up tnrb Slang. To harm irreparably through inept handling; make a mess of. bofoney noun
sur baloney.
bolster oerb
To keep from yielding or failing during stressor difficulty. bolt nuun A suddenand involuntarymovement. bolt oerb l. To move suddenlyand involuntarily.
yvviv oerb.
bomb 2. To leave hastily. 3, To move r*iftiy. 4. swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in fo large amounts. bomb noun Slnpg. One that fails completely.
bombdrd oerb To direct a barrage at.
bombardment noun A concentrated outpouring, as of missiles, words, or blows. bombastic adiectioe Characterized by language that is elevated and _ sometimes pompous in style. bombed ai,iectit:e . Slang.Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. bombinate oerb To make a continuous low-pitched droning sound.
bombination noun
A continuous low-pitched droning sound. bona fide adiectioe Not counterfeit or copied. bond noun 1. That which unites or binds: the bortd of matrimony. f. A.leg{ly bi$ing arrangement between parties. 3. F" close physical union of two objects: a tight bond, between wall and wallpaper. 4. The condition of being closely tied to another by affection or faith. 5. Law. Money supplied for the temporary release of an arre_stedperson that guarantees his appearance for trial: Bond usasset at 9100,000 bond aerb To hold fast to: plastins bonded with cevwnt. bonds noun Something {at p}rysically confines the legs or arms: prisorwrs in bonds.
bondsman rn)un One^who posts bond: The bondsmnn and the attomey confened. bone-dry adiecthse Having little or no liquid or moisture. boner naun - Slang. A stupid, clumsy mistake. bone up oerb To study hard, esp. when pressed for time: had to bone up for the examirwtion. bong oerb To give forth or cause to give forth a clear, resonant sound. bonkers adiectitse. Slang. -Affiicted with or exhibiting irraUonatity and mentnl unsoundness. bonny adiectiae t. Scot. Having qualities that delight the eye. - 2. Scot. Having pleasant, desirable qualities. bonus noun A sum of money offered for a special service, as the apprehension of a criminal. bony adiectioe Having little flesh or fat on the body.
2. nvN oerb. 3. nvsn oerb. 4. cvt p oerb.
nl'nntcn oerb. BARRAGE NOUN.
DRUNK adiectiae.
r.uw aerb. IJVM nAun. AUTHENTIC.
1. Syns; knot, ligament, ligature, Iink, linkage, nexus, tie, vinculum, yoke. 2. ecnnnurur. 3. Syns: adherence, adhesion,cohesion. 4. errecnMENT.
Syns: adhere (to), clag (Brit. Regional), cleave, cling, cohere, sUck. Syns; chains, fetters, gfves (Archaic), irons, manacles, restraints, shackles. Syns: bail, bailsman.
onr. adiectiae. BLUNDER |WUN.
Syns: cram (Informal), grind, mug up. -ldiom. burn the midnight oil.
1. sreurmur,. 2. cooo adiecthse. REWARD NOUN,
rr^x adiectiae.
r07 boo rwun Any derisive sound of disapproval. booby trap rwun A sourceof dangeror difficulty not easilyforeseenand avoided. boodle nann L. Slang.Money,properly, or a favor given, offered,or promisedto a personin a positionof trust as an inducementto dishonestbehavior. 2. Sl.ang.A large sum of money. 3. Slang.Goodsor property seizedunlawfully, a victor in wartime. boohoo oerb To make inarticulatesoundsof grief or pain, usu. accompaniedby tears. boohoos rwun A fit of cryrng. book rwun A printed and bound work: a bookon birds. book oerb 1. To registerin or asif in a book. 2. To claim in advance:bookeda rooftt. bookish adiectine 1. Devoted to study or reading. 2. Characterizedby a narrow concernfor book learning and formal rules, without knowledge or experienceof practical matters. booky adiecthse Characterizedby a na^rrowconcernfor book learning and formal rules,without knowledgeor experienceof practical matters. boom oerb 1. To make an earsplitting,explosivenoise. 2. To make a continuousdeep, reverberatingsound. 3. To fare well. boom nou,n An earsplitting,explosivenoise. boomerang oerb To produce an unexpectedand undesiredresult. booming ad;iectioe Improving,growing,or succeedingsteadily. boonl noun Somethingbeneficial. boon2 adiectioe Characterizedby joyfttl exuberance. boor rwun An unrefined,rude person:a boor who intemtpted corutantly,
boorish adiectitse Lacking in delicacyor refinement. boost oerb 1. To move (something)to a higher position. 2, To increasein amount. 3. To increaseor seekto increasethe importanceor reputaUonof by favorablepublicity, boost rwun l. An instanceof lifting or being lifted. 2. The act of increasingor rising. 3. The amountby which somethingis increased.
boost H'tssnoun. PITFALL.
1. nnrer rwun.
2. ronrunp, 3. pr-uNosr rmun.
cnu oerb.
cnY ftoun. Syns; tome, volume. L. rtsrr oerb. 2. Syns: bespeak, engage, reserve. 1. sruorous. 2. pnpervrrc.
l. srl^sr aerb. 2. nuNrsr,n. 3. pnospnn. BLASTflnun. BACKFIRE.
Syns: barbarian, bosthoon (Ir. ), bounder (Chiefly Bdt.), chuff, churl, grobian, mucker, Philistine (a/so philistine ), vulgarian, yahoo. COARSE,
l. nr.nvaru. 2. ntrsr. aerb. 3. pnouorn.
1. r.rrr naun. 2. rwcnnesgnoun. 3. rNcnsesg rwun.
u-erb bootl t. Slang. To end the employment of. 2. Slang. To put out by force. boot noun A strong, pleasant feeling of excitement or stimulation. boot2 uerb Archaic. To be an advantageto. aerb bootleg To import or export secretly and illegally. noun bootfegger A person who engagesin smuggling. bootless adjectiae Having no useful result. oerb bootlick To support slavishly every opinion or suggestionof a superior. noun booty Goods or property seized unlawfully, esp. by a victor in wartime, noun booze Slang. A drinking bout. booze aerb Slang. To take alcoholic liquor, esp. excessivelyor habitually. adiectioe boozed Slang. Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. noun boozehound Slang. A person who is habitually drunk. noun boozer Slnng, A person who is habitually drunk. adiectioe boozy Slang. Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. bop uerb lnformaL To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. bop noun InformnL A sudden sharp, powerful stroke. bortler noun 1. A fairly narrow line or space forming a boundary: o fotoer border around the sundial; the border of the property. 2. The line or area separating geopolitical units: crossed the Carwdinn border. border aerb 1. To put or form a border on: Pansies bord.erthe fnwer beds. 2. To be contiguous or next to. 3. To come near in quality, amount, etc. bordering adiectit;e Sharinq a common boundarv. borderlfnd nou,n The line or area separating geopolitical units. borderfin€ also border line ioun 1. A fairly narrow line or space forming a boundary. 2. A transitional interval beyond which some new action or different state of affairs is likely to begin or occur. borderline adiectioe Not affording certainty. bore oerb To fatigue with dullness or tedium: Your stories bore me.
BENDER. lnlxx
DRUNK adiectioe, DRUNKARD. DRUNKARD. DRUNK adiectiae.
sn aerb.
nlow2. 1. Syns; borderline (c/so border line), brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, margin, perimeter (Mil.), periphery, rim, terminus (Rare), verge. 2. Syns: borderland, boundary, marchz, marchland. l. Syns; bound2, edge, fringe, margin, rim, skirt, verge. 2. eolorl. 3. anvlt aerb. ADJOINING. BORDER I|,OUN.
1. sonopn noun. 2. vnncn nutn.
Syns: ennui, pall, tire, weary.
109 bore noun An unpleasant,tiresomeperson. boreal ad;iectioe Verv cold. boredom nmun The condition of being bored: rcarly died of boredont, at the partu. boresome adiectioe Arousingno interestor curiosity. boring adiectirse Arousingno interestor curiosity:a boringplay.
bosky adiectioe Full of shade. bosom rwun The seatof a person'sinnermostemotionsand feelings. bosom oerb Archaic.To put one'sarmsaroundaffectionately. boss rraux't, l. Someonewho directs and supervisesworkers: The constntctionbosstold the catpentersto build sheloes in each ofice. 2. One who is highestin rank or authority. 3. A professionalpolitician who controlsa party or poliUcal machine: the bossof TamrnanyHaIl. boss oerb 1. To direct and watch over the work and performance of others. 2. To commandin an arrogantmanner:wouldn't let him bossher children. boss adiectine l- Having or exercisingauthority. 2. Slnng.Exceptionallygood of its kind. bossy adiectioe Tendingto dictate. bosthoon nou,n Ir. An unrefined,rude person. botch oerb To harm irreparably through inept handling; make a messof: The mechanicbotched the repair, and the car wouldn't run.
botch noun A ruinousstateof disorder:He really mad,ea botch of his mariage. botcher twun A stupid, clumsyperson. botchery twun A ruinousstateof disorder. bother oerb 1. To trouble the nervesor peaceof mind of, repeatedvexations. 2. fo i-p"ir or destroythe composureof. bother nuun l. Somethingthat annoys.
tedium, yawn (Infot"nwe.
Syns; arid, aseptic, boresome, dreary (al*o drear), dry, dull, humdrum, irksome, monotonous, sterile, shr8, tedious, tiresome, tiring, uninteresting, weariful, wearv' ;:-"' HEART. oerb. l. Syns: director, foreman, head, manager, overseer, superintendent, supervisor, taskmaster, -Idiom straw boss. 2. curcr rwun. 3. Syns; chiel chieftain (Slang),leader, ringleader. l. 2. Syns: dictate to, dominate, domineer, order (around), rule, tyrannize. 1. pnrlrcrper,. 2. Bxcnr.rvr. DICTATORIAL. BOOR.
Syns; ball up (Sl*rg), blowr (Slong), blunder, boggle,bollix up (Skng), bungle, foul up (Slang),fumble, goof up (Slang), gum up $lmg),louse up (Slang),mess muck up, up, mishandle,mismanage, muddle, muff, screwup (Slang),snafu (SIag), spoil. -/diom makea muck of. Syns:botchery,hash,mess,mess-up, snafu(Sl*rS). muddle,mulll, muss,shambles, BLUNDERER.
2. ecrrerr. 1. enrNove,NcB.
botheration 2. The feeling of being annoyed. 3. Needless trouble: usent through a lot of bother for nothing.
110 2. ANNOYANCE. 3 . Syns;aggravation(lnfornwl), botheration,bustle, fuss,pother, vexation.
botheration noun l. Something that annoys. 2. The feeling of being annoyed. 3. Needlesstrouble. bothering nDun The act of annoying.
botherment noun Something that annoys. bothersom-e adiectioe Troubling the nerves or peace of mind, as by repeated vexations.
bottom nuun 1. The lowest or supporting part or structure. 2. A side or surface that is below or under: put a sticker on the bottorn of the drauer. 3. A point of origin from which ideas, influences, etc., emanate. 4. Infomnl. Tbe part of one's back on which one rests in sitting: gat:e him a.playful swat on the bottorn. 5. A very low level, position, or degree. bottom adiectioe 1. Opposite to or farthest from t}e top: the bottorn drataer of the bureau. 2. Arising from or going to the root or source. _ bottomless adiectioe Having no basis or foundation in fact.
boulevard noun A course affording passagefrom one place to another. bounce oerb 1. To spring bapk after colliding- with something: Zhe ball bounced up and down. 2. To move in a lively way: bounced out of bed bright and early. 3. Slang. To put out by force. 4. Slang. To end the employrnent of. bounce back oerb To produce an unexpected and undesired result. bounce rwun 1. An act of bouncing or a bouncing movement: o bounce of the ball. 2. A sudden lively movement: a quick bounce of her head. 3. Capacity to bounce: a ball with plenty of bourwe. a. lhe ability to recover quickly from depression or discouragement. 5. A lively, emphatic, eager quality or manner. bounce back aerb bouncy adiectioe Very brisk, alert, and high-spirited. boundl oerb To move in a livelv wav. bound nuun 1. An act of bouncing or a bouncing movement. 2. A sudden lively movement bound2 oerb I. To fix the limits of.
1. nasrl naun. 2. Syns: underneath, underside. 3. cnurnn rmun. 4. Syns: backside, behind, buttocks, derrii:re, fanny (Slang), posterior, rearr (lnformal), rump, seat. 5. r-ow noun. 1,. Syns; lowermost, lowest, nethermost, undermost. 2. nerrcer, adiectioe. BASELESS. WAY.
L. Syn:rebound. 2. Syns:boundr,j,t-p, leap,spring. 3. r1ncr. 4. orsurss. BACKFIRE.
l. Syns; boundl, rebound. 2. Syns: boundr, jrrmp, leap, spring. 3. Syns; resilience (a/so resiliency), spring, springiness. 4. nrsu.rrNcr.. 5. sprnrr. srs bounce. LIVELY. souNcn Derb. l. souxcn
2. nouucr noun. 1. onrnnurNr.
111 2. To be contiguous or next to. 3. To put or form a border on. bourid3 adiectioe Owing something, as gratitude or appreciation, to another.
2 . ADIOTN. 3 . sonorn
boundary noun The line or area separating geopolitical units. adiectiae bounded Having distinct limits. adiectiae bounden Owing something, as gratitude or appreciation, to another. rwun bounder Chief.y Brit. An unrefined, rude person. adiectioe boundless Having no ends or limits. rwun boundlessness The state or quality of being infinite. nou,n bound(s) 1. A demarcation point or boundary beyond which something does not extend or occur. 2. The boundary surrounding a certain area. adiectiae bounteous Characterized by abundance. adiectiae bountiful Characteri zed by abundance. bountifulness noun Prosperity and a suficiency of life's necessities. rwun bounty A sum of money offered for a special service, as the apprehension of a criminal. rwun bouquet 1. Cut flowers that have been arranged in a usu. small bunch: a bouquet of roses on the table. 2. An expression of admiration or congrahrlation. 3. A sweet or pleasant odor. bout noun 1. A limited, often assignedperiod of activity, duty, or opportunity. 2. An often prolonged period, as of illness. boutade noun An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind. bow aerb 1. To incline the body. 2. To swerve from a straight line. 3. To give in from or as if from a gradual loss of strength. 4. To conform to the will or judgment of another, esp. out of respect or courtesy. 5. To make one's formal entry, as into society. bow noun 1. An inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, submission, or worship: gaoe a bou of acknoul"edgm.ent. 2. Something bent. bowdlerize oerb To examine (material) and remove parts considered harmful or improper for publication or transmission. bowed adiectioe Deviating from a straight line. bowl over oerb To overwhelm with surprise, wonder, or bewilderment.
l. rxn noun. 2. rtv'tr tmun. GENEROUS. GENEROUS. PLENTY
1. Syns; nosegay, posy. 2. coupr-nanvr nuun. 3. rnecneNcn. l. runw nuu,n. 2. srncs rwun. FANCY |WUN.
1. sroop. 2. nnNo oerb. 3. succuvs. 4. onren2. 5. corvrnour at cOme. 1. Syns; curtsy, genuflection, nod, obeisance. 2. snNo noun. CENSOR.
YnNr adiectioe. STACGER.
boxr boxl rwun situation. - A difficult, embarrassing box2 noun blow, esp.with the hand. 4 qri"k, _sha1p box oerb . To hit with a quick, sharpblow of the hand. DOy noun Informal. A grown man, referred to familiarly,jokingly, or asa member-ofone'sset or group:had a'nlght oi the toum with the boqs. boycott oerb To excludefrom normal socialor professionalactivities. boyfriend alsoboy friend ,*un' Infonrnl. A man who is the favoredcompanionof a woman: went to dinner raith her boyfriend. bracel rwun Two itemsof the samekind together. brace2 aerb To prepare (oneself)for action. brace rurun A meansor device that keepssomethingerect, stable, or secure. bracer nDun A medicinethat restoresor increasesvigor. bracing adiecthse Producingor stimulatingphysical,mental, or emotional vigor. bracket rwun A divisionof personsor thingsby quality, rank, or grade. bracket oerb To come or bring togetherin one'smind or imagination. brag oerb To talk with excessivepride. brag noun 1. An act of boasting. 2. One gtvento boasting. brag adiectioe Exceptionallygood of its kind. " braggCdo ciai adiectioe . Characterizedby or given to boasting. braggadocio nxun 1. An act of boasting. _ 2. One givento boasting. braggart- rcun One given to boasting:iust arwtherself-important braggart. braggart adiectiae . Characterizedby or given to boasUng. Dragger noun _ One grvento boasting. braggy ad;iecthse Characterizedbyor given to boasting. brain rwun l. The seatof the faculty of inteltigenceand reason. l, Slang.A personof great mental-ability. 3: A personconsideredwith respectto intelligence. brain child rwun - lnfornaL Somethinginvented. brainfess adiectir:e a completelack of forethoughtand good |ffj:f*
rt2 PREDICAMENT. sLaP noun. srap oerb. Syns; chap, fellow.
BLACKBALL. Syns: beau, fellow
TONIC noun. ToNrc adiectiae.
CLASSnoun. assocttrn r,olsr
1. eo,{sr rwun. 2. nnaccanr noun. EXCELLENT. BOASTFUL. 1,. soesr noun. 2. snaccenr noun. Syns: blower (Slang), blowhard (Slnng), boaster, brag, braggadocio, bragger, fanfaron (Obs.). - Idicnn hot-aii artist. BOASTFUL. BRAGGARTTIOUN, BOASTFUL.
1. 2. vrNo noun. 3. ulxo nnun. INVENTION.
113 noun brain(s) Informnl. The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applying knowledge. adiectitse brainsick Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. noun brainsickness Serious mental illness or disorder impairing a person's capacity to function normally and safely. naun brainstorm A sudden, exciting thought. aerb brainwash To teach to accept a system of thought uncritically. noun brain wave A sudden, exciting thought. rwun brainwork The act or process of thinking. adiectirse brainy lnformaL Having or showing intelligence, often of a high order. oerb brake To control, restrict, or arrest. nnun branch l. Something resembling or structurally analogous to a tree branch: The eastem branch of the road led to the city. 2. An area of academic study that is part of a larger body of learning: Biology is a branch of science. 3. A local unit of a business or an auxiliary controlled by such a business. 4. A part of a family, tribe, or other group, or of such a
1. Syns: appendage,arm, fork, offshoot.
2. Syns: discipline, specialty. 3. sussrotanv. 4. Syns: division, offshoot, subdivision.
:,i\#i:';"i;ixri?:; ::HHiTS3fi
European. 5. A component of government that performs a given function: the executioe branch. 6. A small stream. branch oerb To separate into branches or branchlike parts: The highway brurrcheshere. noun brand A name or other device placed on merchandise to srgnify its ownership or manufacture. brand aerb 1. To set off by or as if by a mark indicating ownership or manufacture. 2. To mark with disgrace or infamy.
5. Syns; arm, division, organ, wing. 6. Syns: brookr, creek, run. Syns: bifurcate, diverge, divide, fork, ramify, subdivide. MARK NOUN.
L. v.tnx oerb. 2. srrcprerrzn.
brandish oerb 1. To wield boldly and dramatically. 2. To make a public and usu. ostentatious show of. adiectiae brand-new Not previously known or used.
1. rlounrsn. 2. otsprtv xerb. FRESH.
brannigan rwun Slang. A drinking bout. adiectirse brash l. Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste. 2. Having or exhibiting excessive and arrogant selfconfidence. 3. Lacking sensitivity and skill in dealing with others.
brashness noun l. Excessiveand arrogant self-confidence. 2. Foolhardy boldness or disregard of danger.
2. pnnsulrPTuous. 3. racrlrss. 1. pnnsuMptIolJ. 2. reunnrrv.
brass noun t. Informal. Excessiveand arrogant self-confidence. 2. Brit. Slang. Something, printed bills, etc., ", "oilrrs, used as a medium of exchange. brassbound adiectiae Firmly, often unreasonablyimmovable in purpose or will. brass-tacks adiectir;e . Precisely meaningful and tersely cogent. brassy adiectioe l. lnformnl. Having or exhibiting excessiveand arrogant self-confidence. . 2. lnformnl. Characterized by or done without shame.
brattle aerb
Chiefly Scof. To make or cause to make a successionof short, shalp sounds. brave adiectioe Having or showing courage: a brarseefort to rescue the drowning child.
brave oerb To confront boldly and courageously. brave noun Obs. One who is habitually cruel to smaller or weaker people.
l. pnnsuuptroN. 2. vouny.
2. snanrnr,Bss. ntrrrn
Syns; audacious,bold, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, fortitudinous, gallant, game, gutsy (lnformal), gutty, heroic, intrepid, mettlesome, plucky, stout, stouthearted, unafraid, undaunted, varorous :::' BULLY NOUN.
braveness noun The- quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely.
bravery noun The- quality of mind enabling one to face danger or - hardship resolutely. braw aldiectirse Scof. Having pleasant, desirable qualities. brawl noun A quarrel or fight-marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior: The party bnaea in a shameful brausl. brawl aerb To quarrel noisily: often call the police because the rwighbors constantly brawl. . DfaWn noun The state or quality of being physically strong. . Drawny adiectiae l. Characterized by marked muscular development; powerfully built. 2. Having great physical strength. . Dray oerb To break up into tiny particles. brazen adiectirse l. Rude and disrespectful. 2. Having or exhibiting excessive and arrogant selfconfidence. 3. Characterized by or done without shame. brazenfaced adiectioe Characterizedby or done without shame. brazenness nonn l, F" state or quality of being impudent. 2. Excessive and arrogant self-confi-dence.
cooo adiectioe. Syns: affray, broil, donnybrook, fracas, fray, free-for-all, melee (also mdl6e), riot, row2, ruckus (Infonnal), ruction, tumult, uproar. Syns; broil, caterwaul, riot, squabble, wrangle. STRENGTH.
l. uuscur,an. 2. srnoNc. cnvstt oerb.
t . IMPUDENT, 2. PRESUMPTUOUS. 3. srralrrr-sss. SHAMELESS.
l. 2.
nou,n breach 1. Syns; contravention, infracUon, 1. An act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or infringement, transgression, trespass, of nonfulfillment of an obligation, promise, etc.: urtzs violation. reproached for breach of good faith. 2. Syns: break, cleft, gap, hole, 2. An opening, esp. in a solid structure: Water poured perforation, rent2, rupture. through the breach in the dike. 3. Syns; break, disaffection, estrangement, 3. An interruption in friendly relations: a dispute fissure, rent2, rift, rupfure, schism. that could create a breach between our two countries. 4. cap. 4. An interval during which continuity is suspended. breach oerb 1. To fail to fulfill (a promise) or conform to (aregulation). 1. vror-err. 2. Syns: break through, hole, perforate, 2. To make a hole or other opening in: breached the pierce, puncture, rupture. walls during the attack. noun bread 1. roop. 1. Something fit to be eaten. 2. r.rvrNc. 2. The means needed to support life. 3. voxev. 3. Slang. Something, as coins, printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange.
breadth noun A wide and open area, as of land, sky, or water. aerb breadthen To make or become broad or broader. oerb break l. To crack or split into two or more fragments by means of or as a result of force, a blow, or strain: He's afraid, he'Il break his glasses. The minor broke into hund,red" of pteces. 2. To become separated from: At a certain speed space oehicles break free of the earth's gronity. 3. To become or cause to become apart one from another. 4. To make or become unusable or inoperative: broke mg watch; a typetmiter that broke. 5. To grve way mentally and emoUonally. 5. To i-pair severely the spirit, health, effectiveness, etc., of: broke the enemy's resistanne. 7. To make (an animal) docile. 8. To pass into or through by overcoming resistance. 9. To cut short; discontinue: determirrcd to break her mwking habit. 10. To refuse or fail to obey. 11. To reduce to financial insolvency. 12. To lower in rank or grade. 13. To make known. 14. To be made public. 15. To find the key to: broke the laparwse military code an^d,hasterrcd the war's end,. 15. To interrupt regular activity for a short period: We'll break for lurrch at orrc. t7. To be unable to hold up. 18. To spade or dig (soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface. 19. To fail to fulfilt (a promise) or conform to (a regulation). break in aerb l. To enter forcibly and illegally: Thieaes broke in and stole the stereo. 2.To interject remarks or questionsinto another's discourse. break off oerb 1. To stop suddenly, as a conversation, activity, relationship, etc.
creave, disjoin, disjoint, fracture, rive, shatter, shiver, smash, splinter, sunder.
2. Syns: disengage, dissociate. 3. orvron. 4. Syns: bust (Slang), fail, ruin. 5. snsex DowN. 6. Syns; crush, destroy, overwhelm, ruin, subdue. 7. cnvrrn oerb. 8. prwBrnerr. 9. Syns; cut out (Slnng), give up, kick (Slang), leave off, stop. 1O. orsoarv. 11. nurN r.rarb. 12. onrraoru. 13. colauuNIcATE. 14. corur our at come. 15. Syns: crack, decipher, puzzle out. 16. Syn; recess. -Idisftis take a break, take a breather, take five. t7. nnr.n oerb. 18. runrq oerb. 19. vror,erp.
1. Syns; burglarize, housebreak, trespass. 2. rvrrnnupr.
1. suspnxo.
breakable 2. To terminate a relationship or association by or as if by leaving one another. break through oerb To make a hole or other opening in. break up oerb 1. To bring or come to a forced end: The police mny haoe to break u,p this fight. Their maniage broke u,p. 2. To reduce or become reduced to pieces or componentsz Otser the cenhnies rock breaks up intb particles front erosion. 3. Slang. To express geat amusement or mirth: The utd:iente broke ry at the cornedienne's act. 4. To make a division into parts, sections, or branches. 5. To terminate a relationship or associaUonby or as if by leaving one another. break naun l. A usu. narrow partial opening caused by splitting and ruptue. 2. An opening, esp. in a solid structure. 3. A cessation of continuity or regularity: a break in the conoersation. 4. An interval during which conUnuity is suspended. 5. A pause or interval, as from work or duty: going to take a cffie break. 6. Infornal. A favorable or advantageous combinaUon of circumstances. 7. An interruption in friendly relations. 8. The act or an instance of escaping, as from confinement or difficulW. breakable adiecthse Easily broken or damaged.
116 2. snpenarg aerb.
s.nn1icr oerb. 1. Syns: haltr, stop. 2. Syns: crumble, decompose, disintegrate, dissolve, fragment, fragmentize. 3. Syns; guffaw, howl (Slong), roar. 4. nrvron. 5. srpenern oerb.
1. cn,lcx twu,n. 2. snnecH rwun. 3. Syns; discontinuity, disruption, interruption, pause, suspension. 4. cep. 5. Syns; breather (lnformal), intermission, recess, respite, restl, time-out. 5. opponruurrv. 7. snpecH rwun. 8. rscepn twun.
breakage nuun An act, instance,or consequence of breaking: wholesalebrealcageof china during the mooe. breakdown noun break down oerb l. To collapseor shatterby or asif by breaking:Zhe firemen broke dousnthe door. 2. To c6asefunctioningproperly. 3. To separateinto parts for study. 4. To $ve way mentally and emotionally:Shebroke douynfrorn the Wes&tre. 5. To becomeor causeto becomerotten or unsound. 6. To zuddenlyloseall health or strength. 7. To fall in. breakdown rroun l. A suddensharpdecline in mental,emoUonal,or physical health: Stresscauseda carnpbte breakdoum. 2. An abrupt, disastrousfailure. 3. The separationof a whole into its parts for study. 4. The condition of being decayed. 5. A cessationof proper mechanicalfunctions. break in oerb breakneck a.d;iectioe Characterizedby geat celerity. break off oerb breakout rwurr, break out oerb l. To becomemanifestsuddenlyand in full force: In 1tfi7 a usarbtoke out in the Middte fust. 2. To break looseand leave suddenly,as from confinementor from a difrcult or threateningsituation.
Syns; damage, destruction, impairment, wreckage. snn break down. 1. Syns; destroy, smash, tear down. 2, rxr. 3. eNer.yzn. 4. Syns: break, cave in, collapse, crack (up), fold (lnformal), snap. 5. oncw oerb. 6. cor-r,epsg oerb. 7. cevn rN at Cave. l. Syns; collapse, crackup Qnfornwl). 2. cor-r,epsr.naun. 3. eNer-ysrs. 4. oBcey twun, 5. rarr-unn. snr break. rusr adiectiae. snn break. snn break out. 1. Syns; burst forth, erupt, explode, flare
2. nscrpn oerb.
117 breakout rwun The act or an instanceof escaping,as from confinementor difficulty. break through oerb break up oerb breast noun The seat of a person'sinnermostemotionsand feelings. breath rwun 1. The act or processof breathing:the nrmer's labored breath. 2. Afi breathedout, evidencedby vapor, odor, or heat: coul.dseemy brcath in the frosty air. 3. Air breathed in: took an audible breath. 4. A barely perceivableindicationof something. breathe oerb 1. To draw air into the lungs in the proces of respiration: breathing rapidly from erertion. 2. To expel air in the processof reqpirationzbreathed utt loudly. 3. To breathe in and out: breathng ileqlV. 4. To have reality or life. 5. To tell in confidence. breather twtrn Inforrnal. A pauseor interval, as from work or duty. breathless adiectioe 1. Marked by * absenceof circulating air. 2. Oppressivedue to a lack of fresh air. breed perb 1. To produce sexuallyor asexuallyothersof one'skind. 2. To be the biologicalfather of. 3. To bring into existenceand foster the developmentof. 4. To give rise to. breed rroun A classthat is defined by the common attribute or by its members. attributes possessed "ll breeding n/mtn The processby which an organismproducesothersof its kind. breeze rwun l. A naturd movementor current of air. 2. A gentle wind: We went sailing but there u)asna breeze. 3. lnfonnal. An easilyaccomplishedtask: Chryrng onionsis a breezeroith a food processor. breeze oerb lnfonrul. To move swiftly and effortlessly:two yanng $rls breezingdoum the street. breezeless a^diectioe Marked by * absenceof circulatingair. breezy ad,iectioe 1. Displayinglight-heartednonchalance. 2. Exposedto or characterizedby the presenceof fteuly circulating air or wind. briary adiectioe bribe noun Money,property, or a favor given,offered,or promised to a person in a position of trust as an inducement to dishonestbehavior: ofered the iudge a bribe to find' in his faaor. bribe oerb To gle, ofier, or promisea bribe to: tried to bribe the
srr break. snnbreak. HEART.
1. Syn; respiration. 2. Syn:exhalation. 3. Syn:inhalation. 4. rnecr rwun. 1. Syns.'inhale,inspire. 2. Syns:exhale,expire. 3. Syn; reqpire. 4. ap. 5. coNnup. BREAK TWUN.
1. ernr-nss. 2. e.rnr,rss. 1. 2. 3. 4.
nrpnopucn. rtrl,lina oerb. cnow. csNERArs.
REPRoDucrroNat reproduce.
l. wrupl. 2. Syn: zephyr. 3. Syns.' cinch (lnforrnal), pushover (Infonrnl), srloip(Informal ), walkaway (Infomnl), walkover (lnfomwl). -ldbms child's play, duck soup. Syns; waltz, zip.
1. 2. ernv. snnbriery. Syns.'boodle(Slang),fix, graft, payoff (Infonrnl), payola(Slnrng).
Syns; buy, buy ofi, fix, pay ofi (Infortnal).
bridal serwtor to oote in faoor of the tax l,a.w.
bridal nuun by whichtwo peoplebecome Theact or ceremony husbandand wife. bridle oerb To control, restrict, or arrest. brief adiectioe 1. Not long in time or duration: Springis all too bief. 2. Marked by or consistingof few words: a brief explarnti,on.
-Idioms grease someone's palm (or hand), tickle someone's palm (or hand). WEDDING.
L. Syn:short. 2. Syns:compendious,concise, condensed,laconic,learP,short, succinct,summary, to the point. 3. esnuPT. adiectioe
3. Rudely unceremonious. 4. Accomplishedin very litde time. brief noun A short summaryprepared by cutting down a larger ::":. work. brief oerb To make short or shorterby or as if by cutting. TRUNCATE. briery also briary adiectioe Full of sharp,needlelikeprotuberances. brig noun A place for the confinementof personsin lawful detention. IAIL nOUn. bright adiectioe l. Giving off or reflectinglight readily or in large 1. Syns; beaming, brilliant, effulgent, amounts:a bright brassdoorlcnob;bright, sparkling incandescent, irradiant, lambent, diarnnnds. lucent, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, shining.
2. Full of color. 2. cor-onrur,. 3. Indicative of future success. 3. revonenr-n. 4. Beng in or showinggood spirits. 4, cnrunrur.. 5. Mentally quick and original. 5. cr-nvnn. brighten i,urb 1. To becomebrighter or fairer. t. ctnrn oerb. 2. To makelively or animated. 2. rtc:g'trroerb. briffiance alsobrilliancy rwun l. Exceptiond brightnessand clarity, as of a cut and I- rrnn rwun. polishedstone. 2. -Brilliant, showysplendor. 2. cr,rrrpn nnun. briff iancy noun sre brilliance. brilf iant adiecthse 1. Giving off or reflectinglight readily or in large 1. snrcHr. amounts. 2. Having or showingintelligence,often of a high 2. nvrrr,r,rcENT. order. 3. Indicative of future success. 3. revonerr,r. brim rwun BORDER NOUN. . I f1i{y narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. brimful adiectitse l. Futl to the point of fowing over. 1. src adiectioe. 2. Completelvfilled. 2. rur,r,. brimmin! adiectit:e 1. Full to the point of flowing over. l. src adiectioe. 2. Completelyfilled. 2. rur,l. bring oerb 1. To causeto come alongwith oneself:Soldiers 1. Syns; bear, carry, convey, fetch, take. ^ bought the prisorlerbackfor questioning. 2. To succeedin causing(a person)to act in a certainway. 2. pnnsueoB. 3. To be the causeof. 3. crusn oerb. 4. To achievea certain price: His stomp collection 4. Syns: bring in, fetch (Informal), shouldbring $1,000. realize, sell for.
119 bring about oerb To be the causeof. bring around oerb 1. To succeedin causing(a person)to act in a certain way. 2. To causeto come back to life or consciousness. bring down oerb l. To causeto fall, as from a shotor blow: brought his opporwntd,oumwith a left hook to the iaw. 2. To bring about the downfall of. bring forth oerb To give birth to. bring in oerb 1, To makeasincomeor profit. 2. To achievea certainprice. bring off oerb To carry to a successfulconclusion. bring on oerb To causeto happensuddeplyor unexpectedly. bring out oerb To presentfor circulation,exhibit, or sale. bring up aerb 1. To take care of and educate(a child): was brought parents. up bA consensathse 2. To put forward a topic for discussion. 3. To call or direct attentionto (an occurrence, situation,etc.). bring about oerb bring around aerb bring down oerb bring forth oerb bring in oerb bring off aerb bring on aerb bring out oerb bring up oerb brink twun 1. A fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. 2. A transitional interval beyond which somenew acUonor different stateof affairsis likely to begin or occur. brio rwun A lively, emphatic,eagerquality or manner. brisk adiectioe 1. Moving or performingquickly, lightly, and easily. 2. Disposedto action. brisky adiectioe Disposedto action. bristle perb 1. To overflowwith. 2. To be or becomeangy. brittfe ad;iectioe Easilybroken or damaged. broach oerb did rwt knous To put forward a topic for discus_sion: housto broachthe subiecttactfully. broad adiectiae 1. Extendingover a large areafrom side to sidezbroad shoulders;a broadYnile, 2. Large in expanse:a broad,oeloetylawn. 3. Coveringa wide scoPe.
cxusn aerb. 1. pnnsueoe. 2. nnvrvs. L. onop oerb. 2. ovsnrHnow. BEAN.
1. nnrunx oerb. 2. enNc. nrrscr
PREcrPrrATr oerb. PUBLISH.
1. Syns: raise, rear2.
2 . BROACH. 3 . REFER. srn bring. snnbring. snr hring. snnbring. snr bring. snr bring. snnbring. sm bring. snr bring. 1. sononnnoun. 2. vencu rwun.
l. NrMeLn. 2. vrconous. VIGOROUS. 1. tnrut. 2. l.Ncria aerb.
Syns; bring up, introduce, moot, Put forth, raise. L. Syn: wide. 2. Syns: ample, expansive,extended, extensive, spacious. 3. cnNnnel.
broadcast 4. Not narrow or conservative in thought, expression, or conducti a u)ofturn of broad oieus on social reform. 5. Eas{y seen through due to a lack of subtlety. 6. Bordering on indelicacy or impropriety.
broadcast 6erb l. To make (information) generally known. 2. To bring to public notice. broadcast nou,n The act of announcing.
broaden oerb 1. To make or becomebroad or broader: The tumpike broadensat the tollgate. 2. To make or becomemore comprehensiveor inclusive. broad-minded ad;iecthse Not narrow or conservativein thought,expression,or conduct. broadness twun The extent of somethingfrom sideto side. broad-spectrum adiectine Coveringa wide scope. Brobding"nagian aiiectit:e O-f extraordinarysize and power. broil nloun A quarrel or fight markedby very noisy,disorderly, and often violent behavior. broil oerb 1. To feel or look hot. 2. To quarrel noisily. broiling adiectirse Marked by much heat. broke adiectioe t"Jorryl. Having little moneyor wealth. broken-down idi"atut . Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. DfOKef norrn Someonewho actsas an intermediateagentin a transaction. bromide rwun A trite expression or idea. bromidic ad:iecth>e Without freshnessor appealdue to overuse. Bronx cheer rruun . Slnng.Any derisive sound of disapproval. DfOOd noun 1. A group consistingof thosedescendeddirectly from the sameparentsor aneestors. 2. The offspring as of an animal,bird, etc., that are the result of one breedingseason. brood oerb To turn over in the qind, moodily and at length: fleb broodingabm,t his decline in popularity and tnotrying abutt the upcorningelpction. brookl twun A smallstream. brook2 oerb To put up with. broth-erhobd noun The condition of being friends. brouhaha rwun A condition of intensepublic interestor excitement.
4. Syns: broad-minded, liberal, openminded, progressive, tolerant. 5. uNsunrr-r. 6. necv. 1. eovanusp. 2. aNNouNcr. ANNOUNCEMENT.
l. Syns;breadthen,widen. 2. rxrrNo.
crANr ad,iectioe, BRAWL
l. r;vav uerb. 2. snlwr. oerb. laor adiectioe. POOR.
IJrsstwun. 1. pnocrrvy. 2. youNc noun. Syns:despond,dwell on (or upon), fret, mope,stew (over or about) (Infornwl), worry. -Iiliom be in a brown study. BRANCH
L2T cerb browbeat To domineer or drive into compliance by the use of threats, force, etc. noun browbeater One who is habitually cruel to smaller or weaker people. aerb brown-nose Slang. To support slavishly every opinion or suggestion of a superior. urb browse 1. To look through readingmatter casually: brottssed through the mngazine looking at a&sertisements.
2. To go through a place, viewing or inspecting in a leisurely way: browsing around in the department stcvre. aerb bruise To make or receive a bruise or bruises on: bruised his shoulder when he fell off the horse; skin that bruises easily. bruit oerb 1. To make (information) generally known. 2. To spread as news.
1. Syns: dip into, flip (through), glance at (or over or through), leaf through, riffe through, run through, scan, skim, thumb through. 2, Syns: rorun, stroll, wander.
Syns: black, contuse,
1. ,tDvnnrrsr. 2. Norsn aerb.
brume noun A thick, heavy atmosphericcondition offeringreduced visibility due to the presenceof suspendedparticles. brummagem noun An inferior substituteimitating an original. brunet alsobrunette adiectiae Of a complexiontendingtoward brown or black. brunette adiecti,ae brush rwun f . Light and momentarycontactwith anotherperson or thing: a bntsh of her fingerson the piano lceys. 2. A briel hostileexposureto or contact with something,as danger,opposition,etc.: hasfrequent brusheswith the law. brush oerb To make light and momentarycontactwith, as in passing:His arm brushedmine in the eleoator. brusque adiectiae Rudelyunceremonious. brutal adiecth:e Causingsharp,often prolongeddiscomfort. brutality noun A cruel act or an instanceof cruel behavior. brutalize oerb To ruin utterly in character or quality. bubble rroun A fantastic,impracticableplan or desire. bubble oerb 1. To form or causeto form foam. 2. To be in a stateof emotionalor mental turmoil. buckl aerb To take a standagainst. buck up aerb Informal. To impart strengthand confidenceto. buck2 oerb To break up into tinY Particles. bucket aerb To move swiftly.
coP\ noun, ornx adiectiae. srn brunet. l. Syns; fick, glancel, graze, skim. 2. Syns: clash, encounter, run-in, skirmish.
Syns: flick, glancer, graze,kiss, shave, skim. ABRUPT.
BrrrER adiectirse. CRUELTY.
connupr oerb. ILLUSION.
t. rotv. aerb. 2. r,or oerb. coNrnsr oarb. ENCOURAGE.
cnvss oerb. nvss oerb.
buckle buckle oerb 1. To devote(oneselfor one'sefforts). 2. To fall in. buckram adiectioe So rigidly constrained,formal, or awkward as to lack all graceandspontaneity. bucki noun Slang.Something,as coins,printed bills, etc., usedas a mediumof exchange. buck up oerb bucolic adiectirse Of or pertainingto the countryside. bud turun 1. A sourceof further growth and development. 2, ) youngpersonbetweenbirth and puberty. buddy' "utiOne who keepscompanywith another. Inforrnal. budge oerb To makea slightmovement. budget rroun A measurablewhole. buff oerb T9 S"" a gleaming luster to, usu. through friction. uffet nonn A quick, sharp blow, esp. with the hand. buffet oerb l. To hit with a quick, sharp blow of the hand. 2. To hit heavily and repeatedly. bug noun l. lnforrnal. A minute organism usu. producing disease. 2. Slang. Something that mars the appearance or causes inadequacy or failure. 3. Slang. A person who is ardently devoted to a particular subject or activity. bug oerb l. Slang. To trouble tle nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated vexaUons. 2. To monitor (telephone calls) with a concealed listening device connected to the circuit.
2. cavr rN at Cave. srw
srn buckl. couNTRYadiectiae. l, csnru. 2. cnu,o. ASSOCIATE NDUN.
srtnr oerb. QUANTITY,
cross aerb. SLAP TIDUN.
l. st tp aerb. 2. snlir oerb. 1. cnnu. 2. osrncr naun. 3. BrwHusresr.
1. enNoy. 2. rnp, oerb.
bugbear rwun
l. Archaic. A supernatural being. 2. An object of extreme dislike. buggy adiecthse Slnng._Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. bughouse adiecthse Slang._Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. bugs adiectitse Slang. -Affilcted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness.
buifd oerb l. To makeor form (a structure):built a skgsuaper; built a sand castlefor the child,ren. 2. To createby forming, combining,or altering materials. 3. To take or serveas the basisfor. 4. To becomegreaterin number,amount,or intensity. build in oerb To constructor incl r4e as an integralor permanent to build in the s,umihor,:eifor cost n##:.*re
1. cnosr n{ntn. 2. uern noun. INSANE.
1. Syns;construct,erect, put up, raise, rear2. 2. uexn. 3. nrlsnt oerb. 4. nrsn oerb. Syns: incorporate, integrate.
r23 build noun Bodily type. builder rwun l. A personor businessthat makesor builds something: the builder of a house;an automobilebuilder. 2. A person instrumental in the growth of something, its early stages:one of the build.ersof the spaceage. build in aerb buifding nnun A usu. permanentconstruction,as a house,store,etc.: put up a 21-storybuilding on the site. build-up alsobuildup rwun build up oerb l. To increaseor seekto increasethe importanceor reputationof by favorablepuhlicity. 2. To makeor becomegreateror larger. 3. To achievean incrementof gradually. 4. To makeknown vigorouslythe positive featuresof (a product). build-upalsobuildup nutn l. The result or product of building rp the build-u.pof ashesin the f,replnce; the build-up of ten'sions foring the strike. 2.lnfomwl. A systematiceffort to increasethe importanceor reputaUonof by favorablepublicity. buift adiecthse lnfomwl. Having a full, voluptuousfigure. built-in adiectioe 1. Constructedas a nondetachablepart of a larger unit: o built-in bookcase. 2. Forming an essentialelement:a built-in senseof dnnger. bufge nnun 1. A part that protrudesor extendsoutward: abulge und,erhis iacket ind,icatinga pistol. 2. Slang.A dominatingposition,s h a conflict. bulge oerb To curve outward past the normal or usual limit: are makingher pursebulge. Money and cosrnntics bulk noun 1. Great extent,amount,or dimension:Whaleshatse mnnstrws bulk. 2. A measurablewhole. 3. The main part. 4. The greatestpart or portion. buf ky adiecthse l. Extremelylarge; havinggeat mass:a bulky oolwne of poetry. 2. Having a large body, Srth, a bulky man haoing trouble climbing the stairs. 3. Difficult to handleor manage. buf l twun 1. A stupid, clumsYmistake. 2. Slang.Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense. 3. Slnng.A memberof a law-enforcementagency. bulfdogged odiecthse Tenaciouslyunwilling to Yield. buffdoggish adiectixe Tenaciouslyunwilling to Yield.
bulldoggish CONSTITUTION.
1. Syns; constructor, erector, maker, manufacfurer. 2. Syns: contributor, creator, developer, pioneer. seB build. Syns; edifice, pile, structure. snr build up. 1. pnolrors. 2. rxcnresn tserb. 3. cerw r:erb. 4. epvBnrrsn.
1. Syns; accretion, accumulation, amassment, development, enlargement, increase, increment, mulUplication, proliferation. 2. pnououoN.
1. Syns: component, constifuent, incorporated. 2. Syns: congenital, constitutional, inborn, inbred, inherent, innate, intrinsic, natural. 1. Syns; jut, knob, knot, projection, protrusion, profuberance. 2. epvevrecg nou,n. Syns: bag, balloon, belly, jut, overhang pouch, project, protrude, protuberate, stand out, stick out. l. Syns; amplitude, magnitude, mass, size, volume. 2. queNrrrt. 3. soov rroun. 4. wnrcnr noun. l. Syns; massive, overcize (also oversized). 2. Syns: hulking, hulky, stout. 3. ewnveno. rwun. 1. gLUNDBR, 2. Not,isnxsB. 3. por-rcnnrelt. OBSTINATE. OBSTINATE.
bulldoggy buf fdogggt ad.iectioe Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. bufldoze oerb l. To domineeror drive into complianceby the useof threats,force, etc. 2. Slang.To do or achieveby forcing obstaclesout of one'swav. buftdozer ioun One who is habituallycruel to smalleror weaker people. buflet oerb To move swiftlv. buff headed adiectioe Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. buflheadediress nnun - The qualrty or state of being stubbornly unyielding. bullwoik twun - Physicalexertion that is usu. difficult and exhausting. bulfy rloun One who is habitually cruel to smalleror weaker people:A xoaggefingbully is often a real coward. bully oerb To domineeror drive into complianceby the useof threats,force, etc. bufly adiectitse Inforntal. Exceptionally good of its kind. buflyrag oerb 1. To domineeror drive into complianceby the use of threats,force, etc. 2. To torment with persistentinsult or ridicule. bum oerb l. Slnng.To askor askfor as charity. 2. Infomal. To passtime without working or in avoidingwork. bum rwun A self-indulgentpersonwho spendstime avoidingwork or other useful activity. bum ad;iectioe Infornnl. Below a standardof quality. bumbler oerb To move awkwardly or clumsily. bumble2 oerb To make a continuouslow-pitcheddroning sound. bumble nuun A continuouslow-pitched droning sound. bumbf ing adiecthse . Clumsily lackingin the ability to do or perform. DUmmef' noun Sl^g.One who begshabituallyor for a living. bummerz noun Slnng.A great disappointmentor regrettablefact. bump oerb 1. To proceedwith sudden,abrupt movements:an old car bumping dolrn the roa.d. 2. To come togetheror come up againstwith force. 3. Infornwl. To lower in rank or grade. 4. To put out by force. bump into oerb Infornwl. To find or meet by chance. bump rwun 1. Violent, forcible contactbetweentwo or more things.
l. rxrruroete. 2. pvut, aerb.
Syns;brave (Obs.),browbeater, bulldozer,hector, intimidator. INTIMIDATE.
1. n."rrurparr. 2. sur oerb. l. snc. 2. lmrrnoerb.
sI-uNDrn oerb. tlv.
1. Syns; jerk, jolt. 2, 3. onuorn. 4. npcr. COME ACROSS At GOME.
l. conrsroN.
t25 2. A small raised area of skin resulting from a light blow, an insect sting, etc.: Wasp bites cause btunps. 3. An unevenness or elevation on a surface: a bump in the road.
bump into oerb bump-off nxun bump off oerb Slang.To take the life of (a personor persons) unlawfully. bump-off nou,n Slang.The crime of murderingsomeone. bunch nurn L. Infonrul. A number of individualsmakingup or considereda unit. 2.Informal. A usu. small number of individuals. 3. Infomwl. A particular socialSoup. 4. A small raisedareaof skin resultingfrom a light blow, an insectsting,etc. buncombe rwun bundle noun l. A number of individualsmakingup or considereda unit. 2. Slang.A large sum of money. bungle oerb To harm irreparablythto"gh inept handling;make a messof. bungle rrorrrr A stupid, clumsymistake. bungle'r nuun A stupid, clumsyperson. bunkr oerb To provide with often temporarylodging. bunkz twun Slang.Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense' bunk3 oerb Brit. To break loose and leave suddenly,as from confinementor from a difficult or threateningsituation. bunkuml alsobuncombe rwun Something - that doesnot have or make sense. bunkum2 ad;iectioe Re$orwt. Having good health. Bunyanesque ad;iectioe Of extraordinarysizeand power. buoy oerb To raise the spirits of. buoy up oerb To keep from yieldrngor failing during stressor difficulw. buoyancil rwun or The ability to recoverquickly from discouragement depression. buoyant adiectioe Displayinglight-heartednonchalance. buoy up oerb bur oerb b noun burble oerb To fow or move with a low, slappingsound. burbling adiectioe Emitting a murmuringsoundfelt to resemblea laugh. burden rwun 1. Somethingcarried physically:the camel'sbutden of spices.
2. Syns:bunch,knob, knot,lumpr, swelling. 3. Syns;hump,knob, lumpl, nub, protuberance. snr bump. snr bump off. vrvnopnoerb.
1. cnoup nuun. 2. cnoup nou,n. 3. cnowu rwun. 4. suMp rwun. spr bunkuml. l. cnoup noun. 2. ronruNn. norcs oerb.
nscepe oerb.
crANr adiectioe. nr.tttn aerb. SUSTAIN.
snr buoy. ser burr. WASH.
l. Syns; cargo, freight, haul, impost, load.
burdensome 2. Something hard to bear physically or emotionally: the burden of a guilty conscience. 3. A duty or responsibility that is a source of anxiety, worry, or hardship: the burden of supporting dependent relatixes. 4. The general senseor significance,as of an action, statement, etc. burden aerb To place a burden or heavy load on. burdensome adiectiae Imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength: burdensome fann chores.
burg noun - InformnL A large and important town. burgeon aerb 1. To bear flowers. - 2. "!o become geater in number, amount, or intensity.
126 2. Syns: affiiction, cross, trial. 3. Syns; millstone, onus, tax, weight.
4. nrponr noun.
csl^ncn oerb. Syns; arduous, backbreaking, demanding, difficult, effortful, exacting, exigent, formidable, hard, heavy, laborious, onerous, oppressive, rigorous, rough, severe, taxing, tough, trying, weighty. crTY noun. l. w.oou oerb. 2. nrsn oerb.
burglarize aerb
To enter forcibly and illegally. burial noun An act of placing a body in a graveor tomb: Burial immediatelyfollowed the furwral. buried adiecitxe Lnng beyondwhat is obviousor avowed. burke" aerb To evade,asa topic, circumlocution. burfesque noun A false,derisive,or impudentimitation of something. burlesque aerb To copy (the mannero-rexpressionof another), or mockingway. _ an exaggerated burly adiectioe Characterizedby markedmusculardevelopment; powerfullybuilt. burn oerb 1. To undergocombustionz Woodshaaingsbum readily, 2. To undergoor causeto undergodamageby or as if by fire: bumed the rug with a cigarette. 3. To emit a bright light. 4. To feel or look hot: He's buming with feoer. 5. To be in a stateof emotionalor mental turmoil. 6. To feel or causeto feel a sensationof heat or discomfort. 7. To causeto becomesoreor inflamed. 8. To be or becomeangry. burn out oerb To lose so much strengthand power as to become ineffectiveor motionless. burn up oerb Informal. To causeto feel or showanger. burn noun Damagethat resultsfrom burning: a bum in the tablecloth. burning adiectitse 1. On fire. 2. Marked by much heat. 3. Fired with intensefeeling.
BREAKrN at break. Syns: entombment, inhumation, interment. ULTERIOR.
sxrar oerb. MOCKERY.
1. Syns; blazer, combust, conflagrate, fame (up), flare. 2. Syns: char, scorch, sear, singe. 3. snLM oerb. 4. Syns: bake, broil, roast, scorch, swelter. 5. sorr-. 5. srrqc oerb. 7. mnrrerr. 8. eNcnn oerb. RUN DOWN.
eNcpn oerb. Syns; char, scorch, sear, singe.
1. slazrNc. 2. nor adiecthse. 3. pessroNeru.
r27 4. Of immediate import: a buming issue; buming rueds. oerb burnish To give a gleaming luster to, usu. through friction.
burn out oerb burn up oerb burr alsobur oerb To make a continuous low-pitched droning sound. burr also bur noun A continuous low-pitched droning sound.
business 4. Syns: crFng, exigent, imperative, importunate, instant, pressing, urgent. ct oss oerb. sm burn. snr burn. nuv' oerb. rIVIo,l fWUn.
burrow noun A hollow place used as an animal's dwelling.
burst oerb 1. To come open or fy apart suddenly and violently, as from internal pressure: The balloon burst. 2. To release or cause to release eners/ suddenly and violently, esp. with a loud noise. burst forth oerb To become manifest suddenly and in full force. burst noun l. A violent release of confined energ/, usu. accompanied by a loud sound and shock waves. 2. An earsplitting, explosive noise. 3. A sudden, violent expression, as of emotion. 4. A concentrated outpouring, as of missiles, words, or blows.
burst forth oerb bursting adiectioe filled. !. Completely 2. Intensely desirous or interested.
1. Syns:blow out, blow up, bust (lnformal), explode,pop. 2. sxPLooB.
1. sr.esr twun. 2. slesr rwun. 3. outsunsr. 4. sannecg noun. sBn burst. 1. ruu.. 2. nrtcpn.
bury oerb' 1. To place (a corpse) in or as if in a grave: bury the dead. 2. To put or keep out of sight. 3. Slang. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. bush twun An uninhabited region left in its nahral state. bush oerb Slnng. To make extremely tired. bush up perb Chief.y Regional. To put or keep out of sight. adiectitse bushed Slang. Extremely tired.
1. Syns; entomb, inhume, inter, lay away (Informal). -Idiorn lay to rest. 2. stonr oerb. 3. onpur oerb.
wtLD twun. E)(}IAUST.
utonr oerb. EXTIAUSTED.
bushel rwun lnformal. An indeterminately great amount or number.
bush up oerb bushwhack aerb andwithoutwarning. To attacksuddenly business noun is 1. AcUvitypursuedasa livelihood:Herbusiness a&sertising. 2. Commercial, industrial, or professional activity in general: I,awsregulntingbusirless; ushen bu,sinessis slow. 3. The commercial transactions of customers with a supplier. 4. A commercial organization. 5. Something that concerns or involves one personally: Do you think that's anV of gout btniness?
sBBbush. AMBUSH.
1. Syns; calling, employ (Archaic), employrnent, job, line, occupation, pursuit, racket (Slong), trade, vocation, work. 2, Syns: commerce, industry, trade, trading, traffic. 3. pernoNecn. 4. coupesv. 5. Syns: affair, concern, lookout.
businesslilte adiectioe 1. Showing characteristics advantageous to or of use in business: businesslike procedures. 2. Marked by sober sincerity.
businesspersbn nnun _ A person engaged in buying and selling.
buss nnun
The act or an instance of kissing. buss oerb To touch or caress with the lips, esp. as a sign of passion or affection.
bust oerb l. lnfornnl.To comeopenor fy apartsuddenly, as from internal pressure. l. Slang. To make or become unusable or inoperative. 3. Slang. To reduce to financial insolvency. 4. Slang. To lower in rank or grade. 5. Slang. To make (an animal) docile. 6. Slang. To take into custody as a prisoner. 7. To hit with a quick, sharp blow of the hand. bust rr.utn t. Slang. One that fails completely. l. Slang. The condition of being financially insolvent. 3. Slang. A seizing and holding by law. - 4..Slang. A quick, sharp blow, esp. with the hand. busted adiectioe - SIqfS.Having little or no money or wealth. bustle noun 1. Needlesstrouble. 2. Agitated, excited movement and activity. bustfe oerb 1. To be nervously or uselesslvactive. 2. To move swiftlv. busy adiectioe l. Involved in activity or work: Call ushen you're rwt so busy. 2. Excessively filled with detail: a busy adoertising Iayout. busy aerb . To.make lnsy: busying myself uith legal mntters. bUSybOdy noun A person given to intruding in other people's affairs. l. - 2. A person who snoops. but adaerb To the exclusion of anyone or anything else. butcher oerb To kill savagely and indiscriminately. butcher noun One who murders another.
1. Syns;efficient,methodical,systematic (alsosystemaUcal). 2. snnrous. DEALEN. KISS noun. rctss oerb,
L. sunsr aerb. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
r;antx aerb. nvw oerb. osMorn. cnNrr.n oerb. ennnsr oerb. srtp oerb.
1. 2. 3. 4.
rerr,unp. rerr-unn. annnsr twun. sr,ep noun.
l. sorHnn noun. 2. snnl rwun. 1. russ oerb. 2. nuss oerb. 1. Syns; employed, engaged,occupied. 2. Syns: cluttered, crowded, fussy.
Syns: engage, engross, occupy. 1.. naroor,Bn. 2. sr.roopnoun. SOLELY. ANNIHILATE. MURDERER.
butchery noun - ftr-" savage killing of many victims.
buttr rni,
An act or instance of using force so as to propel ahead.
buttz oerb
To be contiguousor next to. butt3 rmun l. A personwho is easilydeceivedor victimized. or laughter. - ?: !" objectof amusement butta naun Residualmatter. butter oerb To spreadwith a greasy,sticky,or dirty substance.
L. uups noun. 2. yoxr nxun. ENDnoun. sv.nlrn oerb.
r29 butter up aerb Inforrnnl. To compliment excessivelyand ingafratingly. butter up oerb butt in oerb l. To force or come in as an improper or unwanted element. 2. Slang.To interveneofficiouslyor indiscreetlyin the a.ffairsof others. buttinsky rwu,n Slnng.A persongrven to intruding in other people's affairs. buttocks tmun The part of one'sback on which one restsin sitting. button-down ad;iecthse Infomwl. Conforming to establishedpractice or standards. buttress nuun A meansor device that keepssomethingerect, stable, or secure. buttress oerb To present evidencein support of. buy oerb 1. To acquirein exchangefor moneyor somethingof equal value: boughtahouse. 2. To give, offer, or promisea bribe to. 3, Slang.To regard (something)as true or real. buy off oerb To give, offer, or promisea bribe to. buy rwun 1. Somethingbought or capableof being boug[rt:a maior buA in cotton fuhnes. 2. Somethingofferedor bought at a low price. buyabfe adiectioe Capableof beingbribed.. buyer noun One who buys goodsor services. buy off oerb buzz aerb 1. To makea continuouslow-pitcheddroning sound. 2. Ta engagein or spreadgosiP. 3.Infornwl. To communicatewith (someone)by telephone. buzz nouln 1. A continuouslow-pitcheddroning sound. 2.Idle, often sensationaland groundlesstalk about others. 3. Infonnal. A telephonecommunication. by-and-by rwun Time that is yet to be. bygone ad,iectioe Of a style or method formerly in vogue. bypass oerb l. To keep awayfrom. 2. To evade,as a topic, circumlocution. 3. To passaroundbut not througlr. by-producl rwun Somethingderived from another. by-sitter nnun Someonewho observes. bystander rwun Someonewho observes.
sse butter. 1. rvrnuor. 2. vroor.B.
l. Syn: purchase. 2. nnl'rrn Derb. 3. ser-rEvE. nntr;n oerb. l. Syn: purchase, 2. sAxcerr.I twun,
snr buy. l. wu oerb. 2. cossp oerb. 3. tnr.rpnoNs.
1. Hurvrrxrun. 2. cossrp rwun, 3. cer-r- rruun, FUTURE
1. evom. 2. sxrnr oerb, 3. sxrnr oerb. DERIVATIVE
byword rwun A usu. pithy and familiar statement expressing an observation or principle generally accepted as wise or true. Byzantine adiectioe Difficult to understand due to intricacy
cabal noun A secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end. cabaf istic adiectitse Difficult to explain or understand. cabbage rcui Slang. Something, as coins, printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange. cache oerb To put or keep out of sight. cachinnate oerb To express amusement, mirth, or scorn by smiling and emitting loud, inarticulate sounds. cachinnation twun An act of laughing. cackle aerb To express amusement, mirth, or scorn by smiling and emitting loud, inarticulate sounds. cackle noun An act of laughing. cacophonic alio cacophonical adiectitse
cacophonousalsocacophonic,cacophonical ad;iectioe Characterizedby unpleasantdiscordanceof sound. cadaver noun The physicalframe of a deadpersonor animal. Cadaverous adiectioe l. Gruesomelysuggestiveof ghostsor death. 2. Lackingcolor. 3-.Physicallyhaggard. cadence alsocadency rwun The regularrecurrenceof strongand weak elements, suchas stressedand unstressednotesin music. cadenced ad;iectioe Marked by a regularrhyhm. cadency noun' cadge oerb Informal. To askor askfor ascharitv. J cadler rwun tff"ry-r*t.One who begshabituallyor for a living. caducity rmun Old age. cage oerb To confinewithin a limited area. cagey alsoGig[ adiectioe Having or showinga clever awarenessand resourcefulness in practical matters. cagy adiectioe
coMPLEx adiectiae.
tttrtnt oerb. r,wclg
INHARMONIOUS. BODY noun, 1. cHasrly. 2. ptrn adiectitse. 3. wasrno. RHYTHM.
srn cadence. BEG. BEGGAR NOUN. AGE ftaun. ENCLOSE.
131 Cain noun One who murdersanother. cajole oerb To persuadeor try to persuadeby gentle, persistent urging or flattery. cake oerb To make or becomephysicallyhard. calaboose rwun Slang.A place for the confinementof personsin lawful detention. cafamitous adiectioe Causingruin or destruction. calamity rwnn An occurrenceinflicting widespreaddestructionand distress. calculate oerb l. To ascertainby mathematics:csfrorwnvrs calculnting thi positiors of the plarwts. 2. To make a judgmentas to the worth or value of. 3. To note (items)one by one so as to get a total. calculated ad.iecthse 1. Planned,weighed,or estimatedin advance:took a calculatedrisk. 2, Resultingfrom deliberationand careful thought. calcufating adiectioe Coldly planningto achieveselfishaims:a cakalating and,shrewd businessman. calculation noun 1. The act, process,or result of calculaUng:mad.ea quick calculationof the cost. 2. Careful forethoughtto avoid harm or risk. 3. A careful consideringof a matter. cafendar noun An organizedlist of procedures,activities,events,etc. cafiber noun 1. A divisionof personsor thingsby quality, rank, or grade. 2. Degreeof excellence. 3. A level of superioritythat is usu.high. caliginous adyectioe Rare. Havrngno light. call oerb l. To demandto appear,come,or assemble:calling the doctor; called a meeting. 2. To speakor sayvery loudly. 3. To communicatewith (someone)by telephone. 4. To give a nameor Utle to. 5. To describewith a word or term: called me a liu. 6. To go to or seekout the companyof in order to socialize. 7. To bring together. 8. To calculateapproximatelY. 9. To tell about or make known (future events)in advance, meansof specialknowledgeor inference. call down oerb lnformat. To criUcizefor a fault or offense:got called dmmrfor failing to meet the deadline.
1. Syns; cast, cipher, compute, figirre (out), reckon. 2. rsnuern oerb. 3. couNr oerb. 1. Syns; considered, deliberate, intentional, premeditated. 2. aovrsBo. Syns: designing, scheming.
1. Syns; computation, figuring, reckoning. 2. ceurrox rwun. 3. eovtspurrr. PROCRAM.
l. cr,ess rwun. 2. quer,rrr. 3. upnrr twu,n. BI.ACK.
1. Syns; convene, convoke, muster, send for, summon. 2. nolu. oerb. 3. rsLspHoNE. 4. Nrl;in oerb. 5. Syns; characterize, designate, label, style, tag term. 6. vsln oerb. 7. esssMsr-n. 8. rsrnr,retn oerb. 9. pnBprcr.
Syns; admonish, bawl out (lnfonnal), castigate, chastise, chew out (Slang), chide, dress down, lambaste (Slong), rapr (Infornnl), rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, tax, upbraid. -Idioms
call down
call for oerb 1. To be a proper or sufficientoccasionfor: This calls for charnpagne. 2. To have as a need or prerequisite. 3. To ask for urgently or insistently. call off oerb To decide not to go aheadwith (somethingpreviously arranged). call noun 1. A loud cry. ?. fr" power or quality of attracting. 9, Th"! which provides a reasonor jwtification. 4. A telephonecommunication:GiDehfuna call uhen yw aniae. 5. An act or an instanceof going or coming to see another. 6. The act of demanding. call down oerb cafled-for adiectioe Imposedon one by authority,command,or convention. cafl for oerb cafl girl rwun A woman who engagesin sexualintercoursefor payment. cafligraphic adieitne Of or pertainingto representationby meansof writing. cafling rmun 1. An inner urge to pursuean activity or perform a service. 2. ActjviW pursuedas a livelihood. cafl off ubrb calfous ail;iectioe Totrlly lackingin compassion. calm adiectioe 1. Not excitedor emotionallyagitated,:spokein a calm oobe. 2. Motionlessand undisturbed. 3. Not easilyexcited,even under pressure. calm rwrnn 1. An absenceof motion or disturbance. 2. Lack of emotionalagitation:kept his calrn duringthe emergencv. calm oerb l. To make or becomecalm: calrnedher fears. 2. To easethe angeror agitationof. calm down oerb To easethe angeror agitationof. calm down oirb cafmness rrcrun Lack of emotional agitation. cafumniate oerb To make defamatorystatementsabout. cafumnious adiecthse P*"S.rg to the reputation. CafUmny noun The expressionof injurious,maliciousstatementsabout someone.
t32 britrg (or call or take ) to task, haul (or rake) over the coals, let someone have it, rap on (or over) the knuckles. l. Syns; justify, occasion, warrant. 2. onv, oerb. 3. nnlg..ttxnoerb. CANCEL.
l. 2. 3. 4.
snour noun. errnlcrroN. ceusB tmn, S.yns;bt:zz (Infornnl), tingt (lnfornnl).
5. wsrr twun. 6. pnrr.rer.rorwtrn. srp call. REQUIRED.
1. voceuoN. 2. susrNrss. ssr call. COLD-BLOODED.
1. Syns; composed, placid, serene, tranquil, unrufled. 2. srrr.r- adiectioe. 3. coor adiectit:e. 1. srrr-r.wrss. 2. Syns: calmness,composure, cool (Slnng), equanimity, head, sang-froid, serenity, tranquillity or tranquility. l. Syns: allay, balm, becalm, compose, lull, quiet, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize (also tranquillize ). 2. pecrry. PACIFY. sEE Calm. CALM noun. Lrsr,
133 camouflage oerb To change or modify so as to prevent recognition of the true identity or character of. naun Campalgn An organized effort to accomplish a purpose. adiecthse camPestral Of or pertaining to the countryside. rmun camp follower A woman who engagesin sexual intercourse for payment. Can oerb 1. To prepare (food) for storage and future use. 2. Slang. To end the employment of. can rwun Slnng. A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention. rwun canard An untrue declaration. cancel oerb l. To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiping clean: canceled checks; going to cancel his magazina subscriptinn; an order canceled by the Presid'ent. 2. To decide not to go ahead with (somethitg previously arranged): canceled the concert because of illness. 3. To make ineffective by applying an opposite force or amount: Two Wosing ootes cancel each other. 4. To put an end to formally and with authority.
otscvrcn oerb.
couNrRY adiectioe. PROSTITUTE.
l. coNsnnvp oerb. 2. orsurss. ILIL tWUn.
rtnz rwtnu 1. Syns: annul, blot out, cross out, erase, expunge, rub out, scratch out, strike out, undo, vacate (Law), wipe out, x out. 2. Syns: call off, drop, kill (Slang), scratch (Informal), scrub (lnformal). 3. Syns; counteract, neutralize. 4. esor-rsH
cancellation noun The act of erasing or the condition of being erased. adiecthse candid Speaking or spoken freely and sincerely. rwun candidate A person who applies for or seeksa job or position. oerb candy To make superficially more acceptable or appealing.
candyman nou,n SI*rg. A personwho sells narcoticsillegalty. Cane rwun A fairly long, straightpiece of solid materialusedesp. as a support in walking. canker oerb l. To ruin utterly in characteror quality. 2. To have a destructiveeffect on. Cannonade naun A concentratedoutpouring, as of missiles,words, or blows. cannonade oerb To direct a barrageat. Canny adiectioe l. Astute but lackingin ethicsor principles. 2. Careful in the useof materialresources. CanOn noun A principle governingthe affairsof man within or amongpolitical units. canonical adiecthse Adheringto beliefsor practicesapprovedby authority or tradition. oerb cantl 1. To depart or cause to depart from true vertical or horizontal.
1. connupt oerb. 2. porsov oerb. BARRACETWUN.
sARnAcn Derb. l. srrenp ad:iectiae. 2. ecoNourcer.. LLW nnun.
1. rr'IcI-Nn oerb'
cant2 2. To lean suddenly,unsteadily,and erratically from the vertical axis. cant rwun Deviationfrom a particular direption. Cant2 noun l. Specializedexpressions indigenousto a particular field, subject,trade, or subculture. 2, An often regionalform of a languagenot considered standard. cantankerous adiectioe Having " or showinga bad temper. canted adiectioe Departingfrom true vertical or horizontal. Cap oerb l. To reachor bring to a clima,x. 2. To extendover the surfaceof. 3. To put a toppingon. capabilily ,nii Phy.sical, mgntal,financial,or legal power to perform. capabfe adiectiae Having the ability to perform well. CapaCfOuSadiectilse 1. Of full measure;not narrow or restricted. 2. Havingplenty of room. capaGity rwun 1. Physical,mental,financial,or legal power to perform. 2. The ability or power to seizeor attain. Caper oerb To leap and skip about playfully. caper noun A mischievousact. capitaf adiectioe 1. Most important,influential,or significant. 2. Exceptionallygood of its kind. 3. Conspicuouslybad or offensive. capital nou,n 1. AII property or goodshavingeconomicvalue. 2. The monetaryresourcesof a government, organization,or individual. capitallst noun One who is occupiedwith or expert in large-scale financialaffairs. capitalize oerb l. To supply capital to or for. 2. To derive advantage. capitulate oerb from or as if from a graduallossof strength. capitulation noun The act of submittingor surrenderingto the power of another. caprice inun An impulsive,often illogical turn of mind. capricious adiectitse 1. Following no predictablepattern: a capriciow flirt; a capriciousstorm; capriciow stock-market fluctuatioru.
2. Determinedor markedby whim or capricerather than reason.
2. rvncs oerb,
l. r-e-lscuacB.
L. ct tv.l.x rserb. 2. covnn aerb. 3. rop aerb. ABILITY. ABLE.
1. ruu.. 2. noouy. l. asrr.rrlr. 2, cn,rsp noun. CAMBOL. PRANK. l.
2. nxcrr,r,nlqr. 3. rr,ecnevr. 1. nrsouncns. 2. ruxos.
1. rrxeNcn. 2. nnNnrrc oerb. SUCCUMB. SURRENDER flAUN,
1. Syns; changeable, erratic, fantastic (aho fantastical), fickle, freakish, iriconsistent, inconstant, lubricious, mercurial, temperamental, Ucklish, uncertain, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, variable, volatile, whimsical. 2. ensrrRARy.
135 captain oerb To have authoritative charge of. ad;iectioe captious Inclined to judge too severelY.
captivate oerb To pleasegreatlYor irresisUblY. captivated adiectioe Afiected with intenseromantic attraction. captivating adiectioe Pleasingto the eye or mind. capture oerb or control of: The Dodgers i. to obtain possession caph"rredthe Permant. 2.T; obtain poisessionof, esp.after a struggleor chase. CafCaSS rwu'n The physicalframe of a dead personor animal' card rwun, Infonrut. A personwhosewords or actionsprovoke or arl intended to provoke amusementor laughter. cardboard adiectioe So rigidly constrained,formal, or awkward as to lack all graceand sPontaneitY. cardihal adiectioe 1. Dominantin importanceor influence. 2. Most important,influential,or significant. Gafg twun 1. A causeof worry: Her main careis how to support the farnilY. 2. Anxiousconcern. 3. Cautiousattentiveness:hand,ledthe gl'asswith care' 4. Attentivenessto detail. 5. The function of watching guarding'or overseeing: teft the keys to the housein his care' 6. The systematicapplicationof remediesto effect a cure. care oerb To have an objection:I don't careif Vaugo' care for oerb To have the care and supervisionof. care for oerb carefree adiectiue Free from care or worry. careful adiectioe 1. Cautiouily attentiveI gcne the will a careful reading' 2. Tryngattentively to avoid danger,risk, or error' or 3. Sh'owlngor markedby attentivenesl-to "ll-aspects details:7 carcfut uorker;firu, careful u:ork' carefulness (wun l. Careful forethouglrtto avoid harm or risk' 2. Cautiousattentiveness. carefess adiecthse l. Lacking or markedby a lack of care: hurt her by a mrelessrenwrk. 2. Indifierent to correctness,accuracy,or neatness:a carelessrniter. careSS oerb To touch or stroke afiectionately:patted and'caressed the littlc boy.
nnto oerb. CRITICAL.
1, Syns; cop (Slang),g"it, get, take, win. 2. rtrs, oerb. BODYt10rm. JOKER.
1. prvorer-. 2. pnruenv. 1. Syns; concern, trouble. -ldiom thorn in one's side. 2. erxrcrv. 3. Syns; careftrlness, caution, gingerliness' heed, heedfulness, regard. 4. rnonoucHNEss. 5. Syns; charge, custody, guardianship, keeping, superintendence, supervision, trust. 6. rnraruBr.m.
Syns; mind, object2. rprv#. sEEcare. LtcHtz.
1. Syns; heedful, mindful, observant, watchful. 2. wenv. 3. Syns; meUculous, Painstaking, scrupulous. 1. ceurroN rwun. 2. cens rwuru 1. Syns.' feckless, heedless, inattentive, thouglrtless, unconcerned, unmindful' 2. Syns: messy, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, untidy. Syns; cuddle, fondle, Petl.
careworn CarewOrn ad;iecthse Pale and exhausted because of worry, sleeplessness,etc. CargO nou,n Something carried physically. CaflGatUfe rwun A_false, derisive, or impudent imitation of something. caritaS rwun Kind, forgiving, or compassionate treatment of or disposition toward others. cark oerb 1. To be troubled. 2. To cause anxious uneasinessin. Cafnage rwun The-savage killing of many victims. carnal adiecth:e Relating to the desires and appetites of the body. Carnality noun A preoccupation with the body and satisfaction of its desires. CarOl oerb To utter words or sounds in musical tones. CafOm also G?flolll oerb To strike a surface at such an angle as to be deflected. CafOUSal noun A drinking bout. CarOUSe aerb To behave riotously. CarOUSe noun A drinking bout. Carp oerb To raise unnecessal/ or trivial objections. carp at oerb To scold or find fault constantly. Carp at oerb Cafpef nuun A person who finds fault, often severely and willfullv. carping adiecthse Inclined to judge too severely. Cafnage nutn Thr way in which a person holds or carries his body. 1. 2. The.moving of persons or goods from one place to another. Caffief nyun A person who carries messagesor is sent on errands. CarrOm oerb
Carry oerb 1. To move while supporting: canied the goceries into the horne. 2. To serve as a conduit. 3. To hold on one's person: I neoer carry much nwney. 4. To sustain the weight of. 5. To conduct oneself in a specified way. 6. To be accepted or approved. 7, To have as an accompaniment, condition, or ^ eoryequence: a mime that canies a heaay perwltg. 8. To have for sale: All dru,gstorescany a.spirin. 9. To make known. 19. fo cause (a disease)to pass to another or others. 11. To cause to come along with oneself. 12. To hold up. 13. To be endtwed with as a visible characteristic orform.
1. wonny t-:erb. 2. wonny oerb. MASSACRE rWUn. PHYSICAL. PIrYSICALITY.
cr,eNcrr oerb. BENDER.
nnvnt oerb. BENDER.
l. posrunn nou.n. 2. rneNspoRTATroN.
sEECarom. 1. Syns; bear, convey, lug, schlep (Sbng), toter (Informal), tranJport. ^ 2. coloucr uerb. 3. Syns; bear, have, pack (Infornwl), possess. 4. svpponr uerb. 5. rcr oerb. 6. pl^ssoerb. 7. Syns: entail, involve. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13.
Syns; keep, stock. couuulucATn. coprnauNrcATE. snrlrc. spAR. span.
137 14. To proceed on a certain course or for a certain distance. carry away oerb To move or excite greatly: cornpletely canied awag by the music.
Gast 14. rxrnrvp.
Syns: enrapture, send (Slzng), thrill, transport.
carryoft oerb 1. To calrse the death of. 2. To seize and detain (a person) unlawfully. carry on oerb 1. To control the course of (an activity). 2. To involve oneself in (an activity). 3. To engage in (a war or campaign). 4. To continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks: camied,on with her work as if he hadn't said a word. 5. To behave in a rowdy or unruly fashion. 6. To show enthusiasm. carry out oerb 1. To oversee the provision or execution of. 2. To compel observance of. 3. To carry to a successful conclusion. 4. To engage in (a war or campaign). carry through oerb To carry to a successful conclusion.
Carryaway oerb carry off oerb Carry On aerb carry Out oerb calry through oerb Cartel rwurr 1. A group of individuals'united in a common cause. 2. A iombination of businessesclosely interconnected for common profit. oerb Cafve To separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument.
1. xu-r-. 2. xloNep. 1. 2. 3. 4.
colpuc"r oerb. penrrcrperr. wtcn oerb. Syns: go on, hang on, keep going keep on, persevere, persist.
5. MrssnHAvE. 6. nn'rxusn. 1. 2. 3. 4.
eplrtNrsrnn. urvroncB. nrrncr oerb. w.*cn oerb.
nrrucr oerb. sEEcarry. sEEcarry. sEEcarry. sEEcarry. sEEcarry. 1. covsrNE trorfiu 2. cott.erNErrcrun,
cur oerb.
Casanova rwun 1. A man amorously attentive to women. 2. A man who philanders. CaSe noun 1. One that is representative of a gouP or class. 2. A course of reasoning. 3. Law. A legal proceeding to demand justice or enforce a right. case oerb Slnng. To look at carefully or critically. oerb caseharden To make resistant to hardship, esp. through continued exposure. adiecthn case^hardened Physically toughened so as to have great endurance. cash rwun Something as coins, printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange.
1. car-r-ervr rwun. 2. prur.eNoERER. 1. nxer"rpr-n. 2. e.nculrnNr. 3. r,ewsurr.
rrARD adiectine. MONEY.
cashier oerb To end the employment of.
Gassandra noun A prophet of misfortune or disaster. cast oerb l. To move (a weapon,blow, etc.) in the direction of someoneor something. 2. To combine(figures)to form a sum.
t. xu uerb. 2. tnn,
castabout 3. To ascertainbv mathematics. 4. To form a stratery for. 5. To send through the air with a motion of the hand or arm. 6. To sendout heat, liglrt, or enerry. 7. Brit. b Vet. Med. To bring forth a nonviable fetus prematurely. cast about oerb To try to ffnd. cast away oerb To damage,disable,or destroy(a seacraft). cast down oerb 1. To make sador gloomy. 2. To causeunhappinessby failing to satisfythe hopes, desires,or expectationsof. cast out oerb To rid one'smind of. cast roun 1. A dispositionof the facial featuresthat conveys meaning,feeling or mood. 2. The external outline of a thing. 3. A shadeof a color, esp.a pale or delicatevariation. 4. A model for makinga mold. 5. A classthat is deffnedbv the commonattribute or attributes possessed by ill its members. 6. An act of throwing. 7. Somethingthat is foretold by or as if by supernatural means. cast aboul oerb cast away oerb cast down oerb castigate oerb To criticize for a fault or offense. cast out oerb castrate oerb To render incapableof reproducingsexually. castration rwun The act or an instanceof makingone incapableof reproducingsexually. CaSuaf adiectioe 1. Unconstrainedby rigid standards. 2. Occurring unexpectedly. casUalneSS rwun Lack or avoidanceof formality. CaSUalty twtrn l. An unexpectedand usu.undesirableevent. 2. A terminationof life, usu. as the result of an accidentor a disaster. 3. One that is madeto sufferrnjury, loss,or death. casuistry rruun Plausiblebut invalid reasoning. cataclysm noun 1. An occurrenceinflicting widespreaddestructionand distress. 2. An abundant,usu.overwhelmingffow. 3. A momentousor sweepingchan[e. cataclysmal ad:iecthse catacfysmic alsocataclysmal a.diecthse Causingruin or destruction. catacomb rwun A purial place or receptaclefor humanremains. catalog oerb b rwun
3. c.,.u,cur..lrr. 4. onstcN oerb. 5. rnnow oerb. 6. ssno oerb. 7. urscenny.
SEEK. Derb. 1. orpnpss. 2. orsepporvr.
1. pxpnrssroN. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ronu rtoun. rrvr nuun. ronrvr nDun. xrrv#.
6. rnnow rwun. 7. pnopurcy. srr cast. sEECaSt. spn cast. cALL DowN at call. sEECaSt. STERILIZE.
1. rasycorNc. 2. eccronNrer adiectioe. INFORMALITY.
1. eccmrvr. 2. rerer-rry. 3. vrcrru. FALLACY.
1. orsesrrn. 2. rr,ooo rwun. 3. nnvolurrom. spn cataclysmic. FATAI,. cnewl.
srn catalogue.
139 catalogue alsocatalog oerb To register in or as if in a book. catalogue also catalog nuttn A series of names, words, etc., printed or written down.
catalyst noun
rtsrl oerb. Lrsrr ttoun.
An agent that stimulates or precipitates a reaction, develbpment, or change: a biochemical catalyst used in testing uozsa catalyst for good.
Syns: alterant, ferment, leaven, leavening, yeast.
An abundant, usu. overwhelming flow.
cataract rmun
catastrophe noun An occurrence in.flicting widespread destruction and distress. ad,iectioe catastrophic Causing ruin or destruction. rruttn catcall Any derisive sound of disapproval. oerb catch 1. To get hold of (something moving): The outfielder caught the f.y ball. 2. To gain possessionof, esp. after a struggle or_chase. 3. To gt*p at (something) eagerly, forcibly, and abruptly with the jaws. 4. To gfun control of or an advantage over by o-r as if by irapping: hoping to catch her in her oun lies' 5. To have a sudden, overwhelming effect on. 5. To become or cause to become stuck or lodged: The bone caught in his throat. 7, Ta make secure. 8. To come upon, esp. suddenly or unexpectedly. 9. To deliver la powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. 10. To become affected with a disease. 11. To perceive, esp. barely or feeUngly: caught a glintpse of the Presid'ent's mntorcade. t2. to perceive and recognize the meaning of. 13. To go aboard (a means of transport). catch on oerb Infonnat. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. catch uP oerb 1. To come up even with (another): runninghard to catch up uith the other ioggers. 2. To draw in in such a way that extricaUon is difficult. 3. To compel the attention, interest, imagination, etc., of. catch rmun l. The act of catching, esp. a sudden taking and holding: retrieped the f'yauay hat with a leaping catch. 2. A device for fastening or for checkingmotson: The catch of mA necklace broke. 3. Infonnal. A tricky or unsus_pectedcondition: an ofer so gerwrous that l'm sure there's a catch to it. a. hformal. A person or thing-worth catching: uas cixidered quite a catch in his daY. adiectioe catching Capable of transmission by infection. catch on oerb catch uP oerb
l. Syns; clutch, gab, nab, seize, snatch. -Idiurn lay hands on. 2. r*,n oerb. 3. sx.*p oerb. 4. Syns: enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap, sniue, tangle, trammel, traP, web. 5. suzr. 6. Syns; fix, lodge, sUck. rnsrpr.I. rtxn oerb. l;.tr oerb. corvrntcr oerb. Syns: descry, detect, discern, espy, get (lnformal), spot, sPY. 12, uxonnsrAND. t3. r*'n oerb.
7. 8. 9. 10, ll.
UNDtsRSTAND. L. Syn: overtake. 2. twor,vn. 3. cnw oerb. 1. Syns: clutch, grab, seizure, snatch'
2. Syns: clasp, fastener, hook. 3. Syns; rub, snag. 4. Syns: plum, prize.
sEEcatch. seB catch.
catechism rwun A set of questions or exercises designed to determine knowledge or skill.
catechization rwun A set of questionsor exercisesdesignedto determine TEST noun, knowledgeor skill. categoricSl ad,iectioe Clearly, fully, a-ndsometimesemphaticallyexpressed. DEFINITE. CaregOrfZe oerb 1. To assignto a classor classes. L. crtss oerb. 2. To distribute into groupsaccordingto kinds. 2. essonr. category rroun A subdivisionof a larger Soup. CLASS |WUN, cater to oerb 1. To comply with the wishesor ideasof (another). l. Huruon oerb. 2. To treat with indulgenceand often overtendercare. 2, sArv aerb. caterwaul oerb To quarrel noisily. nntwt aerb. catharsis noun A-free,rngfrom sin, guilt, or defilement. PURIFICATION. cathartic- adiectirse Of, relatingto, or tending to eliminate. ELIMINATIVE. catholic ailiectiae Sopervasiveand all-inclusiveasto existin or affect the uNrvERsAL adiectiae. whole world. catholicon nnun Somethingbelievedto cure all humandisorders. PANACEA. catf ike adiectioe So slow, deliberate,and secretasto escapeobservation. STEALTHY. catnap rwun A brief sleep. NAP noun. catnap oerb To sleepfor a brief period. xl.r oerb. cat's-paw alsocats.p^aw noun A personusedor controlledby others. pewN2. CaUSg rwun l. That which producesan effect: Scientistsare seeking l. Syns: antecedent, reason. the causeof carrcer. 2. A basisfor an acUonor decision:gaue his wifu cause 2. Syns: ground, motivation, motive, to be angry. reason, spring. 3. That which providesa reasonor iustification: 3. Syns; call, justification, necessity, causefor ala,nn. occasion. 4. A goal or set of interests served with dedication: working in the cause of peace. 5. Law. A legal proceeding to demand justice or enforce a right. cause oerb To be the cause of: a loss tlwt cawed pain. Dnmken d,rioers oftm cawe accid,ents.
caustic adiectioe 1. So shalp as to cause mental pain. 2. Given to or expressing sarcasm.
causticity rwun
Ironic, bitter humor designed to wound.
caution rwun l. Careful forethoughtto avoid harm or risk: ctimbed the by stepswith caution. 2. Advice to beware,as of a personor thing. 3, Cautiousattentiveness. 4. The exerciseof goodjudgmentor commonsensein practical matters.
4. Syn: crusade. 5. r-ewsurr.
Syns; bring about, effect, efiectuate, engender, generate, induce, ingenerate, lead to, make, occasion, produce, result in, secure. -Idioms bring to pass (ar efiect), give rise to. 1. srtrNc. 2. sencesrrc. SARCASM.
1. Syns; calculation, carefulness, circumspection, gingerliness, precauUon, wariness. 2. wenryrlrc noun. 3. canr rnun. 4. pnuorrsct.
t4L 5. An instance that warns or discourages prospective imitators. caution oerb To notify (someone) of imminent danger or risk. adiectioe cautionary Giving warning: sent him a cautiona.ry I'etter before he filed suit. adiectioe cautious TDnttg attentively to avoid danger, risk, or error. CaVe rmun A hollow beneath the earth's surface: Water trickled out of the caoe. cave in oerb the heaoy snaw. l. To fall in: The roof carsedin fr* 2.lnfornwl. To be unable to hold up. 3. To suddenly lose all health or strength. 4. To give way mentally and emotionally. CaVeat rwun Advice to beware, as of a person or thing. cave in oerb CaVgfn rwun A hollow beneath the earth's surface. CaVernOUS adiecthse l. Open wide. 2. Curving inward. oerb cavil To raise unnecessary or trivial objections.
5. rxeuple.
Syns: admonishing,admonitory, monitory, warning. WANY.
Syns; cavern, gotto.
1. Syns.'break down, buckle, collapse, glve, go. 2. r;nNDoerb. 3. cor.lepsg oerb. 4. snrex DowN. WARNING |MUN.
sEEcave. CAVE.
1. vewxrNc. 2. nor-r-ow adiectirse. QUIBBLE.
caviler noun A person who finds fault, often severely and willfully. adiecthse caviling Inclined to iudge too severely.
A space in an otherwise solid mass. oerb cavOrt To leap and skip about PlayfullY. Cease oerb 1. To bring or come to a natural or proper end. 2. To stop zuddenly, as a conversation, activity, relatiorship, etc. 3. To come to a cessation. 4. To prevent the occurrence or continuation of a movement, action, or operation. Gease rwun A concluding or terminating.
cavity noun
t. crossr oerb. 2. suspnxn. 3. srop oerb. 4. srop oerb.
ENDfWUn. rwun
A temporarycessationof hostilitiesby mutual consent of the contendingParties. ceaseless ad,iectioe Existing or occurring without internrption or end. cede oerb claim, or riglrt._ l. To glve up a possession, 2. To 6ttangethe ownershipof (property)by meansof a legal document. ceiling twun 1. The geatest amountor number allowed. 2. \he lreatest quantity or higlrestdegree attainable. celebrate oerb 1. To mark (a day or event)with ceremoniesof respect,festivity,or rejoiciTg:We ahnayscelebrate Cf*urws with PraYersand.carols. in an event, esp' by 2, To showhappy-satisfaction
l. esorceru. 2. rneNsrnn.
1. r-rurr noun. 2. uexmuM rtolttt. 1. Syns: commemorate, keeP, observe, solemnize. 2. Syns: rejoice, revel. -ldionts
kill the
^ merrymaking: celebrated by gioing a parttJ. 3. To pay tribute or homage to. cefebrafed adiectioe Widely known' and esteemed.
cefebraiion noun l. Theact of observing a dayor eventwith
1. Syns; commemoration, observance.
ceremonies: the celebration,of Passooer. 2. The act of showing huppy satisfaction in an event: During the gradwtion celebration speeches u)ere mad"e. 3. A big, exuberant party. Cefebrity- noun 1. Wide recognition for one's deeds. 2. A famous person: All the celebrities anioed for the prmfidre of the plny. ceferitous adiectiue Characteri zed by great celerity. ceferity nau,n 1. Rapidness of movement or activity. 2. Rate of motion or performance. cefestial adiecthse l. Of or relating to the heavens. 2. Of or relating to heaven. CenSOf oerb l. fo ex-amine(material) and remove parts considered harmful or improper for publicaUon or transmission: censoring the prisorcr's mail. 2. To keep from being published or transmitted: ceruored the rrcus starq. censorious adiectine Inclined-to -judge too severely. censurable aiiectiDe Deserving blame. CenSUfe oerb 1. To find fault with. 2. To feel or express strong disapproval of. Gensure fbun A finding fault. Centef nuun l. A point or area equidistant from all sides of something: put the fnuers in the center of the table. ^ 2. A point of origin from which ideas, influeirces, etc., emanate: tried to get to the center of the problem. 3. A place of concentrated activity, influencl, or importance: New York is a great urbon center. center aerb To direct toward a common center. center ad;iecthse At, in, near, or being the center. centraf adjectirse l. At, in, near, or being the center: the central part of the state. 2. Dominant in importance or influence. 3. Not extreme. cerebral adiectirse l. Relating to or performed by the mind. 2. Appealing to or engaging the intellect.
cerebrate oerb I- To use.the powers of the mind, as in conceiving drawing inferences, and making ludgmenEs. ^ f"*, 2. To consider carefully and at length. " "
fatted calf, make merry. 3. HoNon oerb.
2. Syns: festivity, merrymaking, rejoicing, revelry, revels. 3. nr,esr nuun. 1. reun. 2. Syns: hero, luminary, name, notable, personage. -ldioms big name, person of note. rlsr adiectioe. 1. rresrn twun. 2. sprro twun. l. nnevnNr.y. 2. unevrxr,y. 1. Syns; bowdlerize, expurgate, screen.
2. Syns: ban, black out, hush up, stifle, suppress. -Idiurn put the lid on. CRITICAL. BLAME\MORTHY.
l. nuv.r, aerb. 2. orpr.onn. BLAME NOUN.
l. Syns: middle, rnidpoint, midst. 2. Syns: bottom, core, focus, heart, hub, quick, rootl. 3. Syns; focus, headquarters, heart, hub, seat. coNcENTnArn oerb. CENTRAL.
l. Syns: center, medial, median, mid, middle. 2. prvorar,. 3. uropr.r adiectirse. 1. unrtrer.. 2. nvrrr.r,ncruAr. adiectioe. 1. rHrvr. 2. poxonn.
143 cerebration nou,n The act or process of thinking. adiecthse Ceremonial Of or characterized by ceremony. ceremonial rwun A formal act or set of acts prescribed by ritual. adiectioe ceremonious Fond of or given to ceremony: The lapanese are a ceremonious people, CefemOnlOUSneSS noun Strict observance of social conventions. CefemOny rwun 1. A formal act or set of acts prescribed by ritual: perforrned the wedd,ing ceremonA. 2. A ionventional social gesture or act without intrinsic PurPose. 3. Strict observance of social conventions: welcomed the pope uith great cetenwrlq. ad.iectioe certain 1. Sure to hapPen: certain death. 2. In a definite and final form; not likely to change. 3. Established beyond a doubt: It is absolutely certain that chaos will result.
4. Such as could not possibly fail or disappoint. 5. Having no doubt. 6. Known positivelY. adoerb certainlY l. Without question. 2. It is so; Elsyou say or ask.
certainty noun 1. The fact or condition of being without doubt. 2. A clearly established fact: It is by no nteans a certainty that a oints catnes mncer.
1. To confirm formally as true, accutate,or genuine:this lener certifiesthat the beareruas ernployedby us. 2.To assumeresponsibilityfor the quality, worth, or durability of. certitude nou,n The fact or condition of being without doubt. cessation rwun 1. A concludingor terminating. 2. The condition of being stoPPed. 3. The act of stoPPing. CeSSPit rwtrn A place known for its great filth or corrupUon. COSSPOOInoun A place known for its great filth or corruption' chafe oerb 1. To make (the skin) raw by or as if by friction: chafed her krwe when shefell ott the con'ctete' 2. To worry over trifles. 3. To trouble the nervesor peaceof mind of, esp' by repeatedvexations. chaff oerb To teaseor mock good-humoredlY. chafing adiectiae Being unable to endure irritation or opposition'
Syns: conventional, courtly, formal, polite, punctilious. CEREMONY.
1. Syns; ceremonial, liturgy, observance, office (,rite, ritual, service. 2. nrruer- nuun. 3. Synst ceremoniousness,formality, protocol. 1. Syns; inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable. 2. rrnur. 3. Syns; inarguable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisPutable, indubitable, irrefutable, positive, sure, undeniable, undisputable, unquestionable. 4. sunn. 5. sunn. 6. onnwrtE. l. assor-urpr-v. 2. vns adnerb. 1. sunpr.ipss. 2. Syn: cinch (Slnng). -Idimn
sure thing.
1. Syns; attest, tesUfy, vouch for, witness. -Iilimn bear witness to. 2. cueneNrsn oerb.
1, nxp rwun, 2, srop noun. 3, srop rwun.
'r'r'#, *rade, 2. russ oerb. 3. ersxov.
1or,noerb. IMPATTENT.
excoriate, fret, galF.
chagrin noun Self-consciousdistress. chagrin oerb To cause (a person) to be self-consciously distressed. chagrined adiectioe Distressed and ill at ease. rwun chain l. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other. 2. An unbroken sequence of events.
chains noun . Somethingtha! physicallyconfinesthe legsor arms. Cnallenge aerb l. To take a standagainst. 2. To confront boldly and courageously. 3. To call on anothei to do ro-""thing r"quiring boldness. 4. To come near in quallty, amount,etc. challenge noun l. An act of tauntinganotherto do somethingbold or rash. 2. Behavioror an act that is intentionallyprovocative. .3. The act oj expressingstrongor reasonedopposiUon. champ alsochomp ,:erb 1. To seize,as food, with the teeth. 2. To bite and grind with the teeth. champion adieititse Exceptionaltygood of its kind. champion oerb To aid the causeof by approvingor favoring. chance twun l. The quality sharedby random,unintended,or 2. 3. 4. 5.
unpredictable events or this quality regarded as the t cause of such events: left the the-result up to chance. The likelihood of a given event occurring: There,s oery linle charrce that he'll win the etec{ion. A favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances. A possibility of danger or harm. Al unexpected random event: We met quite by chance.
chance oerb 1. To take place by chance: lt chanced that she was there too. 2. To run the risk of. chance on (or upon) oerb To find or meet by chance. chance adiectit:i 1. Occurring unexpectedly. 2. Determined or marked by whim or caprice rather than reason. ChanCe Ort 1or upOn,l oerb chancy adiectioe l. Not afiording certainty. 2. Involving possible risk, loss, or inj"ry. change oerb 1. To make or become difierent: a seri.esof eoents that usill change the world. 2. To $ye up in,return for something else: *Would, you chnnge plrces uith me?" I osked.
l. srnrcs. 2. nuN rmun. BONDS.
1. coNrnsr oerb. 2. nnrv. 3. otnn oerb. 4. anvN- oerb. 1. oann noun. 2. orrrencr. 3. onlncuoN. l. srcn oerb. 2. cnrw. EXCELLENT.
supponr oerb. 1. Syns; fortuitousness, fortuity, fortune, hapr (A,rchaic), hazard, luck. 2. $yns: likeliness, odds, outlook, probability, prospect. 3. opponruNrry. 4. nlsx noun. 5. Syns: accident, fluke, fortuity, hapr (Archaic ), happenstance (ako happenchance). l. Syns; befall, hapr (Archaic), happen. 2. ruztno oerb. coME ACROSS at COme. l. eccrnnlrrAr, adiectioe. 2. ARsrrneny. sEEChance. 1. elrsrcuous.
1. Syns.'alter, modify, mutate,
2. Syns:commute,exchange,interchange, substitute,swap (a/soswop) (Informal), switch,trade.
145 3. To leave or discardfor another:cha'ngedplnnesin Chi,cago;changedthe subiect._ 4. To t"id". incapableof reproducingsexually' change (wun l. Th; processor result of makingor b-ecoming difieient: The changein her persorwlity was anmzing' 2. The processor result of giving a different form or z caltural chongesresultingfront' appearance occapationbYforeign trooPs. 3. The act of eichanging or substituting:a changeof clothes. changeable adiectine 1. Capableof or liable to change:changeablefall ueather.
3. Syns; shift, switch. 4. srrnrr.rzs. 1. Syns; alteration, modification, mutation, permutation, variation. 2. Syns: conversion, metamorPhosis, transfi guration, transformation, translation, transmutation. 3. Syns; commutatjon, exchange, interchange, shift, substitution' swaP (a/so swop) (Informal), switch, trade, transpositio n (also transposal ). 1. Syns: alterable, fuid, mutable, uncertain, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, variable, variant, various (Arctmic). 2. Moerr-r. 3. cepntcrous,
2. Changingeasily,asin expression. 3. Following no predictablepattern. changeover nou,n 1. rneNsrrroN. 1. The processor an instanceof passingfrom one another. to or stage state, form, 2. comvnnsrox. 2. A usu.physicalchangeof one thing into another' channel oerb coxnvcr aerb. To serveas a conduit. chant oerb SINC. To utter words or soundsin musicaltones. chaos rwun DISORDER IIOU,N, A lack of order or regulararrangement. chaotic adiecthse CONFUSED. Characterizedby physicalconfusion. char oerb rlvnv oerb. To undergoor causeto undergodamageby or as if by fire. char rwttn BVR.Nn0wn. Damagethat results from burning. noun character 1. Syns; complexion, disPosition, l. The combinationof emotional,intellectual,and make-up (aho makeuP), nature. moral qualiUesthat distinguishesan individual: mnn'sicharacter. great Goodnissis the foundntlon of a 2. quer-rrv. 2. A distinctiveelement. 3. Syns: fiber, honestY, integritY' 3. Moral or ethical strength:o Personof real principles, ProbitY, rectitude. character, 4. nBrnnsNcs. 4. Archait A statementattestingto personal qualifications,character,and dependability' 5. nnpurenoN. 5. Public estimationof someone. 6. Syns; persona, Personage. of the cast drama: or fiction in 5. A personportrayed chatacters. 7. orcxrtenY. 7. An important, influential person. 8. Syns; card (Slang), oddball (Sln,g), 8. Infonial. A personwho is appealinSlf odd or oddrty, original, quiz. pigewrs' the to talking curious: an old character 9. Syns; sign, symbol. 9. A conventionalmark used in a writing system: Chinesecharactersare rned in laparwse texts' characteristic adiectioe DISTINCTIVE. Servingto identify or set apart an individual or grouP' rwurt characteristic 1. quer-lrv. 1. A distinctiveelement. 2. uesrt. 2. An activity done without thinking' characterize rserb L. cu.t' oerb. 1. To describewith a word or term' 2. prsrrxcursn. different' or noticeable make 2.To
charade charade naun _The presentation of something false as true. charge aerb l. To place a burden or heavy load on: The ship's hold was charged with coal. 2. To be morally bound to do. 3. To place a trust upon. 4. To give orders to. 9. To regard as belonging to or resulting from another. 6. To make or become full; put into as much as can be held. (explosive material) into a weapon. Z. Io put 8. To cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone: an atnw*phere charged with excitement. 9, To make an accusaUonagainst. charge lraun 1. The function of watching, glrarding, or overseeing. !. A person who relies on inother foi support. 3. An authoritative indication to be obev-ed. 4. A charging of someonewith a misdeed. An^am-ountpaid or to be paid for a purchase. !. 6. A fixed amount of money charged fdr a privilege or service. 7. A swift advance or attack: a caoalry charge. 8. An act or course of action that is demandid of one. - as by position, custom, law, or religion. A quantity of explosivesput into a weapon. .9. Gnaflsma noun frg. p.oy"r or quality of attracting. . charitable adiictiae 1. Not strict or severe. 2. Concerned with human welfare and the alleviation of suffering,
1. Syns;burden,cumber,encurnber, freight, lade, load, saddle,tax, weigh, weight. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
col.lurr. rNrnusr. coMNr,c.No arrnrnurr pl.l.;raerb.
7. r,ol.o aerb. 8. Syns; freight, impregnate, permeate, pervade, safurate, suffuse, transfuse. 9. nccvsn aerb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
canr naun. orprrvouvr tloun. couuauo rwun. eccusenoN. cosr rmun. ror-r.r.
7. Syns: race, rush. 8. ourv. 9. loeo rlDun. ATTRACTION.
1. ror,nna.ur. 2. nunaeNrrARraN.
charitablenesi noun 1. Kindly, charitable interest in others. 2. Forbearing or lenient treatment.
charity noui
l. Kindly, charitable interest in others. 2. Kind, forgiving or compassionate treatment of or disposition toward otheis. 3. Forbearing or lenient treatment. .4. Something given to a charity or cause.
charlatan ,ni"
One who is not what he claims to be. charm oerb 1. To act upon with or as if with magic: charms the authorities into wriioing the regulatiorw. 2. To please greatly or irresistibly: charmed the audierrce toith the pas de deux. charm rwun . f The pllver or quality of attracting. 2. A small object worn or kept for i* ,rrppored magical - poweri wore a good-luck charm.
charmer rroun
One that seduces. charming adiectioe l. Pleasing to the eye or mind. 2. Giving great pleasure or delight. chart n{run An orderly, columnar display of data.
l. snNnvoLENcE. 2. ror,rneNcr. l. snNrrvoLENCE. 2. cnecn rmun. 3. ror-nneNcn. 4. ooNerroN. FANE NOUN.
l. Syns; bewitch, enchant, ensorcel, enthrall, entrance2, spell2, spellbind, witch. 2. Syns: beguile, bewitch, captivate, enchant, entrance2, fascinate.
Syns; amulet, fetish, juju, periapt, phylactery (Archaic), talisman. SEDUCER.
1. errnecrrvr. 2. onr.rcHrpur.. TABLE
t47 chart Derb 1. To form a strategr for. 2.To show graphic-ally the direction or location of, as by using coordinates.
charter oerb To engagethe temporaryuseof (something)for a fee. chary adiectioe l. TVi"S attentivelyto avoid danger,risk, or error. 2. Careful in the useof materialresources. chase perb To follow (another)with the intent of overtaking and capturing. chase twu,n The followtng of another in an attempt to overtake and capture. chaste adiectwe Morally beyond reproach, sexualconduct: o chasterwn. chasten oerb To castigatefor the purPoseof improving. chastise oerb To criUcizefor a fault or offense. chastity rwun The condition of being chaste:Victorinnidnasof chastitY. chat rwun 1. Spokenexchange. talk. 2. Incessantand usu.inconsequenUal chat oerb To engagein spokenexchange. chattel nuun A piece of equipmentfor comfort or convenience. chattels rwun One'sportable ProPertY. chatter oerb l. To talk volubly, persistently,and usu. clnttered for hous abwt his inconsequentially^: operatiort.
2. To talk rapidly, incoherently, or indistinctly. of short' 3. To makeor caoseto makea succession sharp sounds. chatter no.rn Incessantand u2. inconsequentialtalk: I ilon't lwoe time for chatter, so I'Il get right to the point. chatty adiectioe 1. Given to conversation. 2" In the style of conversation. chaw oerb Regiorut. To bite and grind with the teeth. cheaP ad;iectioe 1. Low in price: Tomatoesare cheapin Augnt' 2. Of decidedlYinferior quality. 3. Ungenerousiyor petUly reluctant to spendmoney' cheaPen oerb 1. To becomeor make lessin price or value'
l. ossrcx oefb. 2. pr-or oerb.
wtnn oerb. 1, wenv. 2. ncorgourcer,. PURSUE.
Syns;decent,modest,nice, pute, virtuous. connnct oerb. cALL DowN at call. Syns; decency, modestY, PudtY, virtue, virtuousness. 1. coNvnnsATIoN. 2. cnerrpr twtrn. coxvensnl oerb. FURNISHINC. EFFECTS.
1. Syns;babble,blabber, clack, gab (Infomwl), gas(Slan'g),go on (lifffinnl), iabber,jaw (Slang), paiaver,prate, Prattle, ratde on, run ott, spiellShd, yak (Slnng).-ldims rutt ofi at the mouth, shoot the breeze (or the bull). 2. r,ABal*.oerb. 3. netrr.r. Syns; babble, blab, blabber, chat, chitchat, gabQnformal), jabbe! palaver, prate, prattle, yak (Slang). -ldiorn' smill talk. 1. ter-retnm. 2. corwrnsATroNAl. CHE\il.
L. Syns: inexpensive, low, low-cost" lowpriced. 2. snopov. 3. snNcv. 1. oppnsclATE.
cheapskate 2. To lower in character or quality. cheapskate also cheap skati rwun _Slnng.A stingy person. cheat oerb f . T9 get money or something else from by deceitful trickery: cheated the American India,rw'out of their lnnd.
2. To be sexually unfaithful to another. cheat rroun l. An act of cheating: He pulled of a big cheat ushen he sold us that car. 2. A person who cheats: is a meak and a cheat.
cheater noun A person who cheats. check noun 1. The act of examining carefully. 2. The act of stopping. check oerb 1. To look at carefully or criticallv. subject to a tesi of knowledge or skill. ?. lt 3. To subject to a procedure that Lcertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality. prevent from accomplishing a purpose. 1. f" .5. To control, restrict, or arrest. 6. To prevent the occurrence or conUnuation of a movement, action, or operation. check in oerb t7foryrml. To come to a particular place. check out aerb l. To be compatible or in correspondence. .2. llqng. To ceaseliving. check in oerlt checkmate oerb Toprevent from accomplishing a purpose. . check out tserlt
checkup rmun 1. A medical inquiry into a patient,s state of health. 2. The act of examining .a'r"f.rtty. cheek noun l- The state or quality of being impudent. 2. Excessive and arrogant self--co#dence. cheekiness noun Excessive and arrogant self-confidence. cheeky adiectioe l. Rude and disrespectful. 2. Having or exhibiting excessiveand arrogant self_ confidence. cheer noun A condition of supreme well-being and good spirits. cheer oerb l. To give great or keen pleasure to. 2, To express approval, esp. by clapping. cheer (on) oerb To impart courage, inspiration, and resolution to.
2. oesesn. MISEN.
1. Syns; bilk (S/ang), chisel (Slang), cozen, defraud, diddle (Slnng), do (Slang-),fimflam (Slang), gull, grp (also 8lrn) Qyfonr*l), mulct, rook (Slnng), stick (Slang), sting (Slang), swindll, take, trim (Informal), victimize. 2. pH[,er.IDnn oerb. l. Syns; flimflam (Slang), - fraud, gyp (Informal), swindle. 2. Syns: cheater, chiseler (Stnng), crook (Inforrnnl), diddler (Slang), flimfamme r (Slang), g,p (Informal), S?per (lnformal), sharper, swindler, trickster. CHEAT NOUN. 1. nxaMnlerroN. 2. srop nnun. 1. nxelurwB.
2. rnsr oerb. 3. rssr aerb.
4. r'nusrnerp. 5. nrsrnew. 6. srop oerb.
l. acnns. 2. orc. snr check. FRUSTRATE.
1. urapuoeur. 2. pnrsuurTuous.
oBrtcrrr oerb. APPLAUD. ENCOURAGE.
r49 cheer (up) oerb To impart strengthand confidenceto. cheerful ad.iectioe l. Being in or showinggood spirils: gaoea cheerful uarseof the hnnd to the onlookers. 2. Providingjoy and Pleasure. cheerfulness rwun A condition of supremewell-berngand good spirits. cheering adiectioe Inspiring confidenceor hoPe. cheerless adiecthse Dark and depressing. cheery adiectioe 1. Being in or showinggood spirits. 2. Providingjoy and Pleasure. cheesY adiecthse Slang.Of decidedly inferior quality. chef noun A personwho preparesfood for eating. chef d'oeuvre rwun Frerwh.An outstandingand ingeniouswork' cherish oerb 1. To have the higlrestregard for cherishedtheir friendshtP. recognzethe worth, quality, importance,etc', of' cherubic adiecthse Of or like a babY. chew oerb To bite and grind with the teeth: Many athl'etescheu tobacco. chew out oerb Sl*rg.To criticize for a fault or offense' chew over oerb To considercarefully and at length. chew out oerb chew over oerb chic adiecttue Being or in accordancewith the current fashion' chicanery rwtn Lack of straiglrtforwardnessand honestyin action' chicken nou,n Slmrg.An ignoble, uncourageousperson' chicken adiectioe Slnng.Ignoblylackingin courage. chicken feed rwun Stang.A smallor trifing amountof money' chickenhearted adiectioe Ignobly lackingin courage. chide oerb To criticize for a fault or offense. chiding raoun Words expressiveof strongdisapproval' chief od,iectioe 1. Most important, influential, or significant' 2. Having or exercisingauthority' chief nottn 1. One who is highestin rank or authority:mnkesout a ueekly rePortfor his chief'
1. Syns; bright" cheery, chipper (Infomwl), h"pPy, lighthearted, sunny. 2. cr.ap. IIAPPINESS. ENCOURAGING. GLOOMY.
1. cnnnnrur-. 2. cr.eo. SHODDY.
1. Syns; prrze,treasure.-ldiornhold dear. 2. eppnBcretn. BABYISH.
Syns; champ (aho chomP), chaw (Regionnl), chumf, crumP, crunch, masticate, munch. cALL DowN at call. PONDER.
ssn chew. snr chew. FASHTONABLE. INDIRECTION.
cALL DowN at call, REBUKE |IAUN.
1. pnruenv. 2. pnrxcrplr.. 1. Syns; boss, chieftain, director, head, headman, hierarch, honcho (lnfonrwl)' leader, master. -lilion s cock of the walk, first fiddle.
chieftain 2. A professionalpoliUcianwho controlsa party or poliUcal machine. chieftain rontn l. One who is highestin rank or authority. 2. Shng. A professionalpolitician who controls a party or political machine. 'r*r^ child 1. A^yggg personbetweenbirth and puberty: a grury of children with their teacher.
2. soss rmun.
1. cnrnr noun. 2. soss twun.
1. Syns; bairn (Scot.), bud, innocent, juvenile, lruid(Infomwl), moppet, totr, youngster. 2. orscpr.roA\rt rwun.
2. One descendeddirectly from the sameparentsor ancestors. person. 3. nvNocrxr rwun. 1. { gutt"less,unsophisUcated 4. One who is not yet tegally oi age. 4. rrawon noun. chifdbearing twun BIRTH TM,N. . f..h: f! or processof bringing forth young. childbirth rwun The act or processof bringing forth young. BIRTH NOUN. chifdish afiectioe Of or characteristicof a child, immaturity: Syns; babyish, immafure, infantile, - t|?i!4i"h, sulkingbehaoirn. juvenile, puerile. childfess adieithn BARRENadiectirse. . Yq*I" to produce ofispring. childf ike adiectioe Of or like a babv. BABYISH. children naun Thosedescendedfrom another. DESCENDANTS. chif l a"diecthte l. cor-p adiectioe. f . llarked by a low temperature. 2. Lacking all friendlinesl and warmth. 2. cor,o adiectioe. chill noun Relativelack of warmth. coLD rwun. chilliness rwun Relativelack of warmth. coLD fwun. chilfy adiectioe l. cor.o adiectioe. f . Marked by a low temperature. 2. coor, adiectioe. .2. Not friendly, sociable,or warm in manner. Cnlme rraun Harmoniousmutual understanding. AGREEMENT. chime oerb To give forth or causeto grve forth a clear, resonant sound. chime in rnrb ^To interject remarksor questionsinto another'sdiscourse. INTERRUPT. chime in oerb sEEChime. chimera twun A fantastic,impracticableplan or desire. ILLUSION. chimerical alsochimeric a.d;iectioe 1. -Of,.pertaining to, or in the nature of an illusion; 1. rr,r.usrvr. lackingreality. 2. rvecrNeny. .2. Existing only in the imagination. chink noun A narrow partial openingcausedby splitting and CRACX noun. Tr. rupture. chin-tzy adiectioe Tastelesslyshowy. GAUDY. chip in oerb l. Infonrul. To $ve in commonwith others. 1. coNrnreurn. 2. To interject remarksor questionsinto another's 2. rvrnnnupr. discourse. chipper adiecthse l. Infnnwl. Being in or showinggood spirits. 1. cnnnnr.ur.
151 2. Yery brisk, alert, and high-spirited' chisel oerb Slnng.To get moneyor somethingelsefrom by deceitful trickery. chiseler rwun Slang.A personwho cheats. chitchat rwun Incessantand usu.inconsequentialtalk. chivalric adiectioe Respectfullyattentive, women. chivalrous adiectitse l. Characterizedby kindnessand concernfor others' 2. Characterizedby elaboratebut usu.formal courtesy' 3. Respectfrrllyattentive, women' chivalrousness nmnt, Respectfulattention,esp.toward women' chivalry noun RespectfulattenUon,esp.toward women' choate ad.iectioe or normal. Lacking nothingessenUal chocka blo ck af,iectit:e Completelyfilled. chock-lull alsochuck'full, choke'full adiectiae Completelyfilled. choice rwun 1. The act of choosing:Did' pice inflaenceyow choice? 2. The power or right of choosing:I had rw choicebut to accaPthis decisinn. 3. Unrestrictedfreedomto choose, 4. One that is selected. 5. That which is suPerlative. choice ad.iectine 1. Singledout in Preferenc-e 2. Of ine qualityi had"a choineglnssof usirw' 3. Appealingto refinedtaste. choke oerb 1. To interfere with or stop the normal breathingof, constrictingthe windpipe: chokedthe oictim to d'eath. 2. To stop the breathing of: a tight collar that ahrnst chokeshirn. 3. To hold (somethingrequirtttgan outlet) in check' 4. To plug up something,as a hole, space,or container' choke-full adiectioe choking naun The act of restrainingforcefully. choler nnun 1. A tendencyto becomeangryor irritable' 2. Violent or unrestrainedanger. choleric adiectine 1. Easily annoYed' 2. Feelingor showinganger. chomP oerb choose oerb l. To make a choicefrom a number of alternatives:
2. rwnrv. cnur
cALLANT adiectioe. 1. sBNBvor.Er.TT. 2. cnecrous. 3. cer-r.exr adiectilse. GALLANTRY. GALLANTRY.
coMPLETEadiectioe. FULL. FULL.
l. Syns: election, option, preference, selection. 2. Syns: alternative, oPtion. 3. wrr.r,I rwun. 4. nr.rcr rwtn. 5. srst noun. 1. snr.ncr a.d,iecthse. 2. Syns: fine, first-class, superior, top-qualitY. 3. oBr.rcerr.
2. Syns: asphyxiate, smotlter, stifle, suffocate. 3. nppnpss. 4. nr.r-. sne chock-full. REPRESSION.
1. rnuprn noun. 2. runv. 1. tssrY. 2. eNcnv. see champ.
1 . Syns: cull, elect, oPt for, Pick (out),
single out. You'll haoe to choose u:hich cities you mnst usant to oisit. select, liker, please, want, willl desire, 2. Syns; do exactly 2. To have the desire or inclinauon to: I can -Idioms have a mind, see tit. wish. as I choose. adiectiae choosY NI Very difficult to Please.
chopr chopr oerb l. To bring down, as with a saw or ax. 2. To decrease, length or amount,by or as if by _ severingor excising. chop noun . A quick, lh"tp blow, esp.with the hand. cnOp' oerb Naut. To turn asideshalply from a straightcourse. chore nou,n !. { qilce of work that hasbeen assigned. 2. A difficult or tediousundertaking. chortle aerb . To laugh quietly. chOsen adiectioe . Singledout in preference. CDOW noun Slnng.Somethingfit to be eaten. chow oerb .SF:g.To take (food)into the body as nourishment. christen oerb To give a nameor title to. chronic adiectine 1. 9f l.ongduration: sufferingfrom chroninfeelings of doubt. 2. Subjectto a diseaseor habit for a long time: a chronic alcoholic; a chronic liar. - 3. Familiar throughrepetition. chronicle nmun l. A recountingof past events. ,2.,+ chronologicaliecord of pastevents. Chubby adiectioe Well-roundedand usu.short in physique. chuckl perb L. lnforrnnl.To let go or get rid of as being no longer of use,value, etc, .2. lnfor.nwl.To put out by force. chuck2 rwun .Regional.Somethingfit to be eaten. chucks oerb .Obs-.!o- laughquietly. chuck-full idiectioe. chuckle tserb Tg.J"yghquietly: The baby cturckledwhite playing ufin nB tous. chuff rnui l. An unrefined,rude person. 2. A stingr person. chuff ad:iectioe Reeiorul. Broodinglyand sullenlyunhappy. chuffo adiectioe -Brit. Regiarnl. Broodinglyand sullenlyunhappy. chum twun . One who keepscompanywith another. CnUmmy adiectioe L. Infonnal. Yery closelyassociated. 2. Inforrnal. Of or befitting a triend or friends. chumpl noun ,Slang.^Apersonwho is easilydeceivedor victimized. CnUmpz oerb To bite and pgindwith the teeth. chunk noun An irregularly shapedmassof indefinite size.
L52 L. cur oerb. 2. cur BAcK.
9LAP noun. swEnvE. l. rasx naun.
2. resx rwun. CHUCKLE.
sELEcr adiectioe. FOOD. EAT.
Nt*rc oerb. l. Syns; continuing, lingering, persistent, prolonged, protracted 2. Syns: confirmed, habitual, habituated, inveterate. 3. eccusrourn. l, srony. 2. ursrony. PLUTVTPI.
l. orsceno. 2. n1ncr. FOOD. CHUCKLE.
srn chock-full. Syns; chortle, chuclC (Obs.).
l. soon. 2. ursnn. CLUM. GLUM.
l. reurr,ren adiectioe. 2. rnmxor.y. DUPE.ftoun. CHE\V. Luupl
153 chunky adiectioe Short,heavy,and solidly built. church rwun Thosewho acceptand practice a particular religious belief. church adiectioe Of or relatingto a church or to an establishedreligion. churchfy a.d,iectiae Of or relating to a church or to an establishedreligion.
churchman noun A person ordained for service in a Christian church. lwun churl An unrefined, rude person. churf ish adiectitse Lacking in delicacy or refinement.
churn oerb 1. To canse to move to and fro violently. 2.To be in a state of emotional or mental turmoil.
1. ecrrerB. 2. sou..
chutzpah noun Slang.Foolhardyboldnessor disregardof danger. cinch rwun t.lnformal. An easilyaccomplishedtask. 2. Slang.A clearly establishedfact. cinch oerb Sl*rg. To render certain. cincture oerb To encirclewith or as if with a band. cinerarium twun
A burial place or receptacle for human remains.
1. snrrzr twun. 2. crnrerNrv. cuenex'rpn oerb. r,lr.tDr oerb.
cipher oerb To ascertain by mathematics. cipher twun A totally insignificant person. rwun circfe 1. A closed plane curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point or something shaped like this: a bracelet that looks kke a circle of dianwnds. 2. A course, Process,or journey that ends where it began or repeats itself: dtooe full circle-Boston to New York and back. 3. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or acfuevement: populnr in masinal circbs. 4. A particular social gouP. circle oerb 1. To move or cause to move in circles or around an axis or center. 2. To shut in on all sides.
circuit rwun l. A course, Process,or journey that ends where it began or repeats itself. 2. A closed plane curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point or something shaped like this. 3. A line around a closed fig*" or area. 4. Circular movement around a point or about an axis. 5. An,area regularly covered, as by a policeman or reporter. 6. A group ol athletic teams that play each other. adiecthse circuitous Not taking a direct or straight line or course' adiectioe circular 1. Not taking a direct or straight line or course. 2. Having tlie shape of a curvi everywhere equidistant from a fixed Point.
1. Syns; circuit, grre, orb (Archaic), ringr, wheel. 2. Syns:circuit, cycle, orbit, round, tour, turn. 3. Syns;crowd, group, set2. 4. cnowo nuun, 1. runx trarb. 2. sunnouro. 1. cmcr-erwun, 2. crncr.r rwun. 3. 4. 5. 6.
cmcuvrERENCE. npvor-uuoN. sner rtuttn. coNrnnENcE.
TNDIRE6T' l. rNornrcr. 2. nourvo.
circulate circulate aerb 1. To pass (something) out. 2. To move freely as a liquid. 3. To become known far and wide.
circulation twun Circular movement around a point or about an axis. circumference noun A line around a closed figure or area: walked around, the circumference of the property. circumlocutional adiectirse Characterized by excessive and obfuscatory wordiness.
circumlocutionary ad;iecti.rse
1. Drsrnrnutr. 2. w-ow aerb. 3. cer ABour. REVOLUTION.
Syns; ambit, circuit, compass, perimeter, periphery. TAUTOLOGICAL.
Characterized by excessive and obfuscatory wordiness. circumlocutious adiectioe Characterized by excessive and obfuscatory wordiness.
Characterized by excessive and obfuscatory wordiness.
circumlocutory adiectioe circumnavigate oerb
. To pass a-roundbut not through.
circumscribe aerb
To place a limit on. circumscribed adiectioe Kept within certain limits.
circumscription noun l. Something that limits or restricts. 2. The act of limiUng or condition of being limited.
circumspect adiectil:e
. attentively to avoid danger, risk, or error. ClrCUmspeGttOn tnun l. Careful forethought to avoid harm or risk. 2. The exercise of good judgment or common sensein practical matters.
1. RnsrnrcrroN. 2. npsrnrcuoN. WARY. CAUTION NOUN. PNUDENCE.
circumstance rwun 1. One of the conditions or facts attending an event and having some bearing on it: Tell nithe circumstarrcesunder which you left, 2. Something that happens: a itctlm" of circumstance. .3. Something significant that happens.
circumstances noun
. Existing surroundings that affect an activity. circumstantial adiectiae Characterized by attention to detail.
circumvent oeib
1. To pass around but not through. -2. To ev_ade,as a topic, esp. by iircumlocution.
circumvolution noun
Circular movement around a point or about an axis. cite oerb 1. To refer to by name. -?:To bring forward and quote for formal consideration. citify oerbTo imbue with city wayq manners, and customs: After r lioing in New York for six mnnths she became .thoroughly citified. GfIlZen noun A person owing loyalty to and enUtled to the protection of a given state: an American citizen anested suspicion of spAing. .on CfIy noun A la:gj and important town: The city of Budapest straddles the Danube.
fact, factor, particular.
2 . Syns: event,
sxtnr oerb. sxrnr oerb. REVOLUTION.
xl*un oerb. pnpservr2oerb. Syns : metropolit anize, urbanize.
Syns: national, subject.
Syns; burg (Informnl), metropolis, municipality.
city adiectirse Syns: metropolitan, municipal, urban. city li'fu. Of, in, or belongingto a city: citg gorsernment; civic adiectitse PUBLTcad;iectine. Of, concerning,or affectingthe communityor the people. ci'iil adiectioe 1, counrnous. 1. Charactenzedbygood manners. 2. puslrc ad;iectioe. 2. Of.,concerning,or affectingthe communityor the people. civilities rwun AMEMTIES. and ease Courteousactsthat contributeto smoothness in dealingsand socialrelationships. civility ioun 1. counrnsv. 1. Well-manneredbehaviortoward others. 2. countnsv. 2. A courteousact. civilization rmun CULTURE. The total product of human creaUvityand intellect at a particular time. civilize oerb SOCIALIZE. To fit for companionshipwith others, attitude or manners. civilized adiectioe CULTURED. Characterizedby discriminatingtasteand broad knowledgeasa result of developmentor education. civif izing adiecthse CULTURAL. PromoUngculture. cfack twun 9NAP fWUn. A light, sha{pnoise. clack oerb l. sNer r:erb. l. To make a light, sharpnoise. 2. nerrr,n. clf short, 2. To make or causeto make a succession sharpsounds. 3, cnerrsn oerb. 3. To talk volubly, persistently,and usu. inconsequentially. cfacket aerb svrp oerb. Regionnl.To make a light, sharpnoise. cfad oerb L. onnss oerb. 1. To put clotheson. 2. prcn oerb. 2. To furnish with a coveringof a different material. clag oerb soND oerb. Brit. Regional.To hold fast to. cfaggly adiectioe STICKY. Re$onnl Having the property of adhering. claim oerb l. Syn; demand. -Idiorn lay claim to. 1. To assertone'srigfrt to claimed his shareof the prof,ts. 2. esssnr. 2. To defend,maintain,or insiston the recogniUonof (one'srights,for example). 3. Syns: allege, assert, contend, declare, 3. To stateto be true: cLaimsshe can unite poetry artd maintain, say. rwoelswith equal ease. claim rwun l. A legitimateor supposedright to demandsomething 1. Syns; dibs (Slang), pretense, pretension, title. as one'srtghtful due: the Arabs' cl"aimto lnnds conqueredby lsrael; keyboardoirtuosity as her claim to fame. 2. Syns: allegation, assertion, contention, 2. A statementof somethingas fact: an adoertisement declaration. that makesfalse claims. 3. rvrunrsr twun. 3. A right or legal sharein something. claimant noun 1. Syns; claimer, pretender. 1. One who setsforth a claim to a royal tttJe:The Corntedp Parisi"sthe cl.a'imantto the thronn of Frarrce.
claimer 2. Ane that makes a formal complaint, esp. in court. cfaimer nou,n One who sets forth a claim to a royal title. clamber oerb To move or climb hurriedly, esp. on all fours. clamor oerb to speak or say very loudly. clamor noun l. Soundsor a sound, esp. when loud, confused, or disagreeable. f. { !oud, deep, prolonged sound. 3. Offensively loud andlnsistent utterances, esp. of disapproval. . ClamOfOUS adiectitse Offensively loud and insistent. cfampdowi ttoun . lnformat. Sudden punitive action. cfan nutrn of people sharing common ancestry. _,{q_o_le clandestine adiectioe Existing or operating a wa-y so as to ensure complete inconcealment and confi dentiaiiw. / clandestinely adoerb In a secret way. cfap aerb 1. To strike, set down, or close in such a wav as to make a loud noise. 2_.To express approval, esp. by clapping. 3. To make a sudden sharp, explosive noise.
cfaptrap rwun
- Something that does not have or make sense. claret noun Slang.-The fuid circulated by.the heart through the vascular system.
2. coupr,erNAlrr. CLAIMANT, SCRAMBLE.
noen oerb. 1. Norsn noun. 2. noen rmun. 3. vocrrnnATroN.
l. nl.Nc uerb. 2. eppr,auo. 3. cnrcx oerb. NONSENSE. BLOOD twttn.
cfarificatioh nyun l. Sgmethingthat serve-s to explainor clarify. .2..Jhe. act or processof remoiing physicalimpurities. cfarified adieiuoe a commercialrefiningprocess. .M39" pure, clarify oerb 1. To make clear or clearer: tried to clarify the point of lau for his client. 2. To make or becomeclear by the removalof impurities. clarity noun 1. ft: q"alt? of berngclear and easyto perceiveor understand:a photographremarknbt"fb, its claritu: an actor renoumedfor the clarity of his speech. 2. The conditionof being cleanani free of' contaminants.
clash oerb 1. To:ffi" together with a loud, harsh noise: cymbak closhing. 2. To fail to be in accord. cfash rruun 1. A brief, hostile exposure to or contact with ^ soyething, as danger, opposiUon, etc.
J. f
loudrTti"g tofether':a ctnshof cymbals.
r.** of disagreement and disharmony. 1. { 4. A discussion, discussion. often heated o ,t;. heated, in whi..h which a difierence of opinion is expressed.
1. nxpr-exerroN. 2. punmrcATroN. REFINED.
l. Syns.'clear, clear up, elucidate, illuminate. -Idiorn- shed (or throw ) light on (or upon). 2. nBrrNr.
1. -Slns; clearness, distinctness, limpidity, ^ lucidity, perspicuity, plainness. 2. punrry.
l. Syns: crash, smash. 2. corwr,rcr oerb. l. snusH twttn. 2. Syns: crash, smash. 3. cor.rrr,tcr rraun. 4. encuunnr.
L57 cfashing adiectioe In sharp opposition. clasp rwun 1. A device for fasteningor for checkingmotion. 2. An act or meansof holding something. 3. The act of embracing. clasp oerb 1. To take firmly with the hand and maintain a hold on. 2. To put one'sarmsaroundaffectionately. class twun 1. A subdivisionof a larger group: the classof concertgoerswho enioy charnbertrunin. 2. A division of personsor things by q"Iity, rank, or grade: a painter of the highest class. 3. Degreeof excellence. a. Slang.High style in qualrty,manner,or dress:a neu) restaurantusithrcaI class. class oerb l. To asslgnto a classor classes:clnssedfqr*ert separaielyfrorn thoseuhose usorkentails only sensice. 2, To distribute into goups according to kinds. cfassic adiectioe 1, Having the nature of, constituting, or serving as a ty?e. 2. Characterizedby enduringexcellence,appeal,and importance. classical adiectwe l. Having the nafure of, constifuting, or serving as a type. 2. Characteizedby enduringexcellence,appeal,and importance. classification rwun A zubdivisionof a larger grouP. classified adiectioe Of or being information availableonly to authorized persons. clissify oerb 1. To assignto a classor classes. 2, To distribute into groupsaccordingto kinds. 3, To put into a deliberateorder. classy adiectine Slang.Being or in accordancewith the current fashion. cfatter oerb of short, shalp To make or causeto make a succession sounds. cfean adiectirse l. Free from dirt, stain, or impurities: clzalt cbthing clean usater. 2. Without imperfectionsor blemishes:the clean'lirles of a fne antrque. 3. Accordingto the nrles. 4, Free from evil and corruPtion. 5, Not lewd or obscene:a cleanioke. 6, Slang.Free from guilt or blame. clean oerb 1. To make or becomeclear by the removalof impurities. 2. To make or keep (an area)clean and orderly. clean out oerb 1. To removethe contentsof.
1. cercn noun. 2. nor-o rtou,n. 3. rMsnecE twun. L. cnxsp oerb, 2. pMsnecn oerb. l. Syns; category, classification, order, setz. 2. Syns: bracket, caliber, grade, league (lnfonwl), order, rankr, tier. 3. guer.rrr. 4. Syns: quality, refinement.
l. Syns; categorize, classify, grade, goup, pigeonhole, place, rankr, ratel. 2. essonr. 1, rvprcer,. 2. vrNrlcn a.diectine.
l. rvptcer-. 2. uxrecr
L. ct rss oerb, 2. essont. 3. ennercp. FASHIONABI.E. RATTLE.
1. Syns: antiseptic, cleanly, immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsoiled, unnrllied. 2. Syns: perfecl regular. 3. 4. 5. 6.
sponmuervr-xr. rnNocrxr adiectiae. Syns; decent, modest, wholesome. rNNocnNr adiecttoe.
1. nnuxn. 2. rrr.v aerb. L. nvitr
cleaner 2. Informal. To reduce to financial insolvencv. clean up oerb lnformal. To make a large profit: cleaned up on the stock market, cfean adrserb lnformal. To the fullest extent. cfeaner twun Something that purifies. "r-uncfeaning or process of removing physical impurities. ^,lhg..""a CfeanflneSS noun The condition of being clean and free of contaminants. cfeanly adiectioe Free from dirt, stain, or impurities. cfeanly adoerb a fair, sporting manner. .In CleanneSS rwun The condition of being clean and free of contaminants. cfean out aerb cleanse oerb 1. To make or become clear by the removal of impurities. 2. To free from sin, guilt, or defilement. cleanser rwun Something that purifies. . CleanSlng rroun act or process of removing physical impurities. l. Th: .2. A freeing from sin, guilt, or defiLment. Cfean Up perb cfear adiecthse 1. Free from what obscures or dims: a glassof clear, sediment-free clnret. 2. Free from clouds, mist, etc.: a clear dny. 3. Admitting light so that objects beyond can be seen. 4. Readily seen, perceived, or undeistood. seen_throughdue_to a lack of subtlety. 9. Ipilt 6. Clearly defined; not ambiguous. 7. Without any doubt. 8. Free from flaws or blemishes: a clear, mdinnt complexion. 9. Free from obstructions: The road ahead"is cbar. 10. Freed from contact or connection: The rope is c]ear of the scafolding.ll. Containing nothing. cfear oerb 1. To make clear or clearer. 2, To make or keep (an area) clean and orderly. 3. To become brighter or fairer: If the ueathir clears, u)e can enioy the picnic. 4. To free from something objectionable or undesirable. 5. To free from an entanglement; cleared hinwelf " unsatisfactory relaticnship. _ t*"-the 6. To destroy all traces of. 7. To rid of obstructions: cleared the streets for the motorcad,e. 8. To remove the contents of. 9. To free from,a clqge or imputation of gwlt: The iury the defendant oi the murdeT charge.
158 2. nvw aerb. Syns; batten, profit. -Idiorn killing.
make a
cLEAN adiectiae. rlitn adtserb. PURITY.
snr clean. 1. nnrwr. 2. punrry. PURIFIER.
l. punmrcerrox. 2. punrrrcATroN. srp clean. l. Syns; limpid, lucid, pellucid, transparent. 2. Syns: cloudless, fair, finer, sunny, unclouded 3. rneNspeRENT. 4. nppnnnNr. 5. uxsusrls. 6. snenp adiectioe. 7. orcmnn. 8. Syns; flawless, unblemished, unbroken, unmarked. 9. Syns: open, unimpeded, unobstructed. 10. Syns; disengaged, free, unfastened. 11. nupry a.diectine. l. cr,e,ntry. 2. nox aerb. 3. Syns; brighten, clear up. 4. nrn. 5. Syns; disengage, disentangle, , extricate, untangle. 6. exNrurr-arr. 7. Syn: open. 8. nv,yrx oerb. 9. Syns; absolve, acquit, disculpate, exculpate, exonerate, purge (fod, vindicate.
159 10. To be accePted or aPProved. 11. To passbybr over safely or successfuIly:Our car barely cleared the moufuift. 12. To set right by giving r*hat is due. 13. To make as income or Profit. clear out aerb Informal. To leave hastilY. clear up l. To become brighter or fairer. 2. To make clear or clearer. 3. To find a solution for. clear adoerb Infornwt. Alt the way Frorn here you can see clear to the park.
lO. pl-ss oerb. 11. Syns; hurdle, negotiate. 12. srrrr.e. 13. nerunv oerb. nvN oerb. L. crntn oerb. 2. cr.enrrv. 3. nssor.vE oerb. Syns: completely, entirelY, fullY.
cfearance rwun
The act or Process of eliminaUng. clear-CUt ad,iectioe 1. Without any doubt. 2. Clearly, ftrlly, and sometimes emphatically expressed. 3. Readily seen,perceived, or understood. 4. Having or suggestingkeen, discerning intellect.
clearness noun The quality of being clear and easy to perceive or understand.
cfear out oerb clear-sightedness noun Skill in perceiving, discriminating, or judging.
cfear up oerb cleave oerb 1. To crack or split into two or more fragmentsby meansof or as a result of force, a blow, or strain. 2.To separateinto parts with or as if with a sharpedgedinstrument. 3. To separateor pull apart by force. cf eft rmun 1. An opening, a solid structure. 2. A usu.nariow pattial openingcausedby splitdng and rupture. clemency noun treatmentof or Kind, forgrving,or compassionate dispositiontoward others. clement ad;iectioe Not strict or severe. clench oerb To take firmly with the hand and maintaina hold on. clench rw)un An act or meansof holding something. cfergyman rmun A p-ersonordainedfor servicein a ChrisUanchurch. cleric rwun A personordainedfor servicein a Christianchurch. clerilcal twun A personordainedfor servicein a Christianchurch. clerk rwun Archaic. A personordainedfor servicein a Christian church. clever adiectioe 1. Mentily quick and original: the child is cl'eoerbut rnt brilliant.
snnclear. DISCERNMENT.
sen clear. l. snnllr oerb. 2. cvr oerb. 3. rBenl. 1. snpecH noun. 2. cnecx tuaun.
l. Syns; alert, bright, intelligent, keenr, quick-witted, sharP, sharP-witted, smart. -Idiom smart as a tack (or whip).
clew 2. Amusing or pleasing because of wit or originality: made the audiencelaugh uith a few cleoZr, offb*t comparisons. 3. Exhibidng or possessingskill and ease in performance. 4. Astute but lacking in ethics or principles. clew noun cf ichS nornr expression or idea: a short story maned by { {rt: clichds. clich6 ad;iectirse Without freshness or appeal due to overuse. cfick rwun A light, shary noise. click oerb l. To make a light, sharp noise. 2. Slang. To turn out well. 3. Inforntal. To interact with another or others in a meaningfirl fashion. cf ient norit One who buys goods or services.
cfientele rwun"
Customers or patrons collectivelv. i cf imacteric adiectirse So serious as to be at the point of crisis. cf imactic ad;iecthse Of or constituting a climax: The climantic mornent of J the eoent was the presentation, of the ausard. climate naun l. The totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances afi-ecting Sowth or development. 2. A prevailin_g quality, as of ttrought, behav'ior, or attitude, of a given period.
cf imatize oerb To make resistantto hardship,esp.through continued exposure. cf imax rwun l. high^":tpoint or state:a public figur" at the T. climax of his populnrity 2...The greatestquantity or highestdegree attainable. climax oerb To reach or bring to a climanz The mooie climaxeswith -yealisticscenesof an inoasi.on. climb oerb 1. Io moveupward on or along. 2. To attain a higher status,ranl, o, condition. climb rwun The act of movingupward on or along. climbing rwun llhe act of moving upward on or along. cf inch oerb l. To take firmly with the hand and maintaina hold on. 2. Slang.To put one'sarmsaroundaffectionatelv. clinch rn)un Fl^g.The act of embracing. cfincher noun InforrruI. Something,esp.somethingheld in reserve, that givesone a deCisiveadvantage) cf ing oerb To hold fast to.
160 2. Syns: scintillating, smart, sparkling, sprightlS witty. 3. onxrrnous. 4. srrenp adiectioe. snB clue. Syns; banality, bromide, commonplace, platitude, stereotype, truism. TRITE. SNAP NOUN.
1. suepoerb. 2. succrno. 3. nrr-eru.
Syns: crowning, culminating, peak.
1. rrwrnoxnBrvr. 2. mupnn naun.
1. Syns; acme, apex, apogee, crest, crown, culmination, height, meridian, payoff (lnfornwl), peak, pinnacle, zummit, zenith. 2. rvreXnrUv.fmln. Syls: cap, crown, culminate, peak, top off. 1. lscnrvo. 2. ntsg Derb. ASCENT. ASCENT.
l, cnrsp oerb. 2. nlrsnecn oerb. EMBRACE NOUN.
161 clink noun Sl*rg.A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention. cf ipl oerb 1. To decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising. 2. lnforrnal. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. 3. Slang. To exploit (another) by charging too much for something. clip rwun L. Inforrrwl. A quick, shary blow, esp. with the hand. 2. lnformal. -oerb Rate of motion or performance. cliPz 1. To join one thing to another. 2. Brit. Regionnl. To put one's arms around affecUonatelv. oerb clitter To make or cause to make a successionof short, shalp sounds. cloak aerb 1. To surround and cover completely so as to obscure. 2. To cover as if with clothes. 3. To change or modify so as to prevent recognition of the true idenUty or character of. 4. To prevent (something) from being known. cloak rwun 1. A garment wrapped about a person. 2. A deceptive outward appearance. cfoak-and-dagger adiectioe ExisUng or operating in a way so as to ensure complete concealment and confi dentiality. oerb cfobber L. Slang. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. 2. Slnng. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. 3. Slang. To render totally ineffective by decisive defeat.
closer lArL rwun.
1. cur BAcK. 2. ntr oerb. 3. sxllt oarb.
1 . SLAP |IDUN. 2. SPEED TW'IN. 1 . ATIACH. 2 . nvrr;ntcn Derb.
L. wntp oerb. 2. cr.ornr. 3. orscursn oerb. 4. covnn oerb. 1. wnep noun. 2. regeon. sEcRETadiectitse.
t. onrnnt oerb. 2. nn oerb. 3. ovnnwnnr-u.
clobbering rwun Slang.The act of defeatingor the condition of being defeated. clock oerb To record the speedor duration of. clod nou,n l. An irregularlyshapedmassof indefinite size. 2. A large,ungainly,and dull-witted person. 3. An unpleasant,tiresomeperson. cfog oerb To plug up something,as a hole, space,or container. cfoggt adiecthse Having the property of adhering. cloister aerb To put into solitude. cloist'ered adiecth:e and shut off from society. Solitarv 'oerb clomp To make a dull soundby or as if by striking a surface with a heavyobject. cfoser ad;iecthse 1. Not far from anotherin space,time, or relation: cn
1. r-uupl nou,n. 2. r.uupl nuu,n. 3. pnp rwrun. FILL. STICKY. SECLUDE. SECLUDED.
rsvo oerb.
1. Syns; immediate) near, near-atfiand,
close2 airport that is close to toun; a birthday close to my
2 . Having all parts near to each other. 3 . Mording little room for movement. 4. Nearly equivalent or even: a close race; a close election.
5. Stretched Ughtly. 6. Not deviating from correctness, accuracy, or completeness: keeping a close uatch on the prisoner. 7. Yery closely associated. 8. Not speaking freely or openly. money. ^ _f. lngenerously or pettily reluctant to spend lO. Oppressive due to a lack of fresh air. close oerb 1. To move an appropriate barrier into (an opening): Clnse the door behind yru. ?. T, plug tp something, as a hole, space, or container. 3. To cut off from sight. 4. To bring or come to a natural or proper end: She closes letters u:ith greetings. The play closed after ten performarrces. 5. To come together: His arms closed around, her in a tight embrace. close in oerb To surround and advance upon: The skyscrapers seemed to close in on us. close off oerb To set apart from a goup. close out oerb To get rid of completely by selling, esp. in quantity or at a discount. cfose rwun L. A concluding or terminating. 2. The last part. cfose adoerb To a point near in time, space, or relation: stuck close .together; standing close by. CIOSe' noun An-a_reapartially or entirely enclosed by walls or buildings. cfose-at-land adiectit:e Being within easy reach. close-by adiectiae Being within easy reach. close-fisted adiectioe Ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money. , CIOSe In oerb close-minded adiecthse l. Not tolerant of the beliefs, opinions, etc., of others. 2. Tenaciously unwilling to yieli. cfose-mouthed adiecth:e . Not speaking freely or openly.
cfose off r:irb close out oerb cfoset oerb
To encloseso as to hinder or prohibit escape. closing adiectioe Comingafter all others. cfosing rwun A concludingor terminating.
162 nearby, nigh, proximate. -Idionu at hand, under one's nose. within a stone's throw, within hailing distance. 2. rHrcr. 3. rrcHr adiectiae. 4. Syns: neck-and-neck (Informal), tight. 5. reur. 6. Syns; exact, faithful, full, rigorous, strict. 7. rnurr,nn adiectitse. 8. recrrunw. 9. srnqcy. 10. nmr-rss. l. Syns; put to, shut. 2. rw. 3. nr-ocx our at block. 4. Syns: cease,complete, conclude, consummate, end, finish, terminate, ultimate, wind up (Informal), wrap up. -Idiom put (or set) a period to. 5. Syns; converge, meetr.
Syns; enclose, envelop, fence, hedge, hem. ISOLATE.
sELL oFF at sell.
END naun. F.ND rwun.
near, nearby, ttigh.
Lesrr adiectiae. ENDnoun.
163 cfosure rwun A concluding or terminating. oerb clot To change or be changed from a liquid into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass. oerb clothe 1. To cover as if with clothes: trees clnthed in leafy splendor. 2. To put clothes on. 3. To iurround and cover completely so as to obscure. noun cfothes Articles worn to cover the bodY. noun cfothing Articles worn to cover the bodY.
END nouft.
To makedim or indistinct. cloud rwun A very large number of thingsgouped together. clouded adiectioe Not affordingcertainty. cloudiness noun The quality or stateof being ambiguous. cfoudfess ad.iectioe Free from clouds,mist, etc. cfoudy adiectioe 1. Not clearly perceivedor perceptible. 2. Liable to more than one intelpretation. cfout rnun 1. A suddensharp,powerful stroke. 2. Infornnl. The right and power to command,decide, rule, or judge. 3. Infonnal. The power to producean effect by indirect means. 4. Infannal. Effectivemeansof influencing,compelling, or punishing. clout aerb To deliver (a powerftrl blow) suddenlyand sharply. cfown nutn A personwhosewords or actionsprovoke or are intendedto provokearnusementor laughter. clown oerb Inforrnal.To makejokes;behaveplayfully. cfoy oerb To satisfyto the full or to excess. club ltuun A group of people united in a relaUonshipand having someinterest,activity, or purposein common. clue alsoclew noun 1. A piece of informationusefulin a search. 2. A subdepointing out. clump noun 1. An irregularly shapedmassof indefinite size. 2. A number of individualsmakingup or considereda unit. clump aerb 1. To movgheavily. 2. To make a dull soundby or as if by striking a surfacewith a heavYobiect. clumsy adiectitse 1. Lacking dexterity and gracein physicalmovement. 2. Clumsily lackingin the ability to do or perform. 3. Lacking sensitivityand skill in dealingwith others. 4. Difficult to handleor manage.
1. Syns; cloak, drape, mantle, robe. 2. onuss oerb. 3. wr.p oerb. DRESS|WUN. DRESSnoun.
cloud oerb
CROWD fwruN. AMBIGUOUS. VAGUENESS. cLEAR adiecthse. 1. uxcr.nen. 2. errasrcuous. 1. slow2. 2. .luuronrry. 3. rr+rr.unNcr. rwun.
4. ruuscr-r noun.
utr oerb. JOKER.
1or,noerb. SATIATE. UNION.
1. r.nao nou,n. 2, nuvr rwu,n. 1. r,uupl rwun. 2. cnoup twu,n. L. rvvrp'oerb. 2. rwun oerb.
l. 2. 3. 4.
ewrwLno. uNsxrr-r-rur,. recrr-nss. ewxweno.
clunk noun clunk A repeated stroke or blow, esp. one that produces a sound. cf unk oerb To make a dull sound by or as if by striking a surface with a heavy object.
'rwuo oetb.
cluster noun A number of individuals making up or considered a unit. cf uster oerb To come together. clutch noui l. The act of catching, esp. a sudden taking and holding. 2. An act or means of holding something. 3. A number of individuals making up or considered a unit. clutch aerb l. To get hold of (somethingmoving). 2. To take firmly with the hand and maintain a hold on. adiectioe clutching Fearful of the loss of position or affection.
clutter noun A lack of order or regular arrangement. adiectioe cluttered Excessively filled with detail.
essnNrer,noerb. l. c,Lrcn twun. 2. rror-o noun, 3. cnoup rruun.
l. ctrclg oerb. 2, cnxp aerb.
nvs:r adiectioe.
coadjutanl rwun A person who holds a position auxiliary to another and assumessome of his responsibilities.
coadjute aerb To work together toward a common end. na'il,n coadjutor A person who holds a position auiliary to another and assumessome of his responsibilities.
coadiuvancy noun Joint work toward a common end. COagenGy rmun Joint work toward a common end.
coagulate oerb
To change or be changed from a liquid into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass: Egg white coagulates uhen heated. coalesce aerb To bring or come together into a united whole. nutn coalition l. An associaUon,esp. of nations for a common cause. 2. A goup of individuals united in a common cause. 3. A bringing together into a whole.
Syns; clot, congeal, gelatinize, jell, setr.
coNrsrNeoetb. 1. ar,r,reNcn. 2. coMerNEtwun. 3. uurncenoN.
coalitionist noun with anotherin a commoncause. One nation associated COarse adiectioe
'i::E:r;#i;T'":;;:o;:ffi\xff #trfr1;,
2. Displaying a lack of knowledge or skill. 3. Offensive to accepted standards of decency. 4. Consisting of or covered with large particles: coarse sand,.
1. Syns; barbarian, barbaric, boorish, churlish, crass, crude, earthy, goss, i11bred, Philistine (also philistine), raw, rough, rude, tasteless,uncivilized, uncouth, uncultivated, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar. 2. cnuon. 3. onscrr.rn. 4. Syns; grainy, granular, gritty, rough.
165 5. Having a coarse, irregular surface. coaSt oerb To pass smoothly, quietly, and undisturbed on or as if on a slippery surface. COax oerb To persuade or try to persuade by gentle, persistent urgng or flattery: She succeeded in coaxing her parents to buy her a car. twun cockcrow The first appearance of daylight in the morning. adiectioe cock-eyed l. Slang. So senselessas to be laughable. 2. Slang.Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. coddle oerb To treat with indulgence and often overtender care. ad;iectioe coefficienl Working together toward a common end. COeqUal rmun One that is very similar to another in rank or posiUon. COefCe oerb l. To compel by pressure or threats: coerced them into the car at gunpoint. 2. To cause (a person or thing) to act or move in spite of resistance. COerCed adiectitse Done under force.
cognizant 5. noucn. st-rog oerb.
Syns: blandish, cajole, soft-soap (Infornwl), sweet-talk (Infonrwl), wheedle. DAWNrWU,n. l. roor.rsn. 2. pnuNK adiecth:e. r,ABv oerb. COOPERATIVE. pEER2.
1. Syns;blackjack,dragoon,force, hijack (a/sohighjack) (Infonrwl ), shotgun (lnfonrnl), strong-arm(Informnl). 2. roncn oerb.
coercion rwun Power usedto overcomeresistance. coercive adiectioe Accomplishedby force. coetaneous adiectioe Belongingto the sameperiod of time as another. COevaf adiectioe Belongingto the sameperiod of Umeas another. coeval naun One of the sametime or ageasanother. coexistenl ad,iectioe Belongingto the sameperiod of time as another. coextensive adiectitse LFng in the sameplane and not intersecUng. cogent adiectioe 1. Servingto convince. 2. Basedon goodjudgment,reasoning,or evidence. cogitate oerb 1. To usethe faculty of reason. 2. To think about seriously. 3. To considercarefully and at length. 4. To usethe powersof the mind, as in conceiving ideas,drawinginferences,and makingjudgments. cogitation r,o,tn The act or processof thinking. cogitative adiectirse Of, characterizedby, or disposedto thought. cognate ad,iectioe Connectedby or as if by kinshipor commonorigin. cognizance rwun 1. The condition of being aware. 2. ^I\e act of noting observing,or taking into account. cognizanl adiectioe cognizance,and Marked by comprehension, perception.
coNTEMPonrnx adi ectia e. coNTEMPontnv adiectioe. CONTEMPORARYfrcruN. coNTEMPo ntnx
PARALLEL ad,iectine. l. cotryrNcrNc. 2. soulo2. 1. 2. 3. 4.
nBesoN oerb. coxsronn. poxorn. nnnrx.
THOUGHT. THOUGHTFUL. RELATED. 1. ewexn,Ness. 2. worrce noun. AWARE.
COgnOmen rwun The word or words by which one is called and identified. cohere oerb To hold fast to. coherence rwun logg"l agreementamongthingsor parts. COneSlOn noun The closephysicalunion of two objects. cohort toin' l. One who supportsand adheresto another. 2. Infornal. One who is united in a relationship with another. coil oerb To move or proceedon a repeatedlycurving course. COfnCl0e oerb l. To occur at the sametime: The tuo ircid,ents coincid,ed. 2. To come to an understandingor to terms. coincidenl adiectitse 1. Occurring in companywith. 2. Existingor occurringat the samemoment. coinstantaneous adiictioe Existingor occurringat the samemoment. cold ad,iectioe l. Markedby a low temperature:a cold night. 2. Informal. Lacking consciousness. 3. Not affectedby or showingemotion:a cold person unable to respond. 4. Dark and depressing. 5. Lacking all friendlinessand warmth: a coldfarewell. 6. Deficient in or lacking sexualdesire. cold noun Relativelack of warmth: the winter cold. cofd-bfooded adiectitse 1. Totally lackingin compassion:a cold-blnodedkltler,
2. Not affected by or showing emotion. cold-hearted adiectioe Totally lacking in compassion.
noNo oerb. CONSISTENCY. B,ONDnoun.
1. ror,r-owrn. 2. essocnrg noun.
l. Syn:concur. 2, ecnm. 1. eccoupANyrNc. 2. Snvlur-reNEOUS. SIMULTANEOUS.
1 . Syns; chill, chilly, cool, rippy, shivery. 2 . UNCONSCIOUS. 3 . Syns; cold-blooded, emoUonless, unaffected, unemotional. 4. cr.oouv. 5. Syns; chill, emotionless, frigid, glacial, icy. 6. rnrcro. Syns; chill, chilliness, coldness, coolness, coolth. 1. Syns; callous, cold-hearted, compassionless,hard-b oiled (Informnl), hardened, hardhearted, heartless, obdurate, stonyhearted, unfeeling. -Idiom cold of heart. 2. cor,o adiectioe.
coldneis ,-r]" Relative lack of warmth.
cold-shoulder oerb cofd shoulder naun Informal. A deliberate slight. cold-shoulder oerb Infomal To slight (someone) deliberately.
To work together toward a common end. colfaboration nDun ]oint work toward a common end. coflaborative adiectiae Working together toward a common end.
coffapse"oirb l. To suddenly loseall healthor strength:coll.apsed from exhcnntion.
2. To give way mentally and emotionally.
coLD rnun. sEEcold shoulder. SNUB NOUN.
l. Syns; hreak down, cave in, conk out (Slang), crack, crack up (lnformnl), drop, give out, give way, succumb. 2. gnnex DowN.
167 3. To be unableto hold up. 4. To fall in. 5. To ceaseto function, ff & mechanicaldevice. 6. To undergocapture,defeat,or ruin. 7. To undergosuddenfinancialfailure: The stock marketcollnpsed. coflapse noun l. An abrupt, disastrousfailure: the 1929stock-market collnpse. 2. A suddensharpdecline in mental,emotional,or physicalhealth. 3. A disastrous,overwhelmingdefeat or ruin. collar oerb Slnng.To take into custodyas a prisoner. collate oerb To examineso ils to note the similaritiesand differences of. coflateral adiecthse 1. In a positionof subordination. 2. Giving or able to grvehelp or support. 3. Ly*g in the sameplane and not intersecting. cof league ntrun 1. One who is united in a relationshipwith another. 2. One that is very similar to another in rank or position. collectl oerb 1. To bring togetherso as to increasein massor number. 2. To bring together, 3. To come together. 4. To bring one'semotionsunder control. collect2 twun A formula of words usedin pra)ang. cof lected ad;iectioe Not easilyexcited,even under pressure. coflection naun 1. A quantity accumulated. 2. A number of individualsmakingup or considereda unit. coflide oerb To come togetheror come up againstwith force: The two cars collided. coflision twun Violent, forcible contactbetweentwo or more things: the nllision of the two spacecraftuith Earth. colloquial ad;iectioe In the style of conversation. colfoquialist notn, One given to conversation. colfoquisl rwun One given to conversaUon. coffoquium rwun A meetingfor the exchangeof views. cofloquy noun Spokenexchange. colfude oerb To work out a secretplan to achievean evil or illegal end. colfusion nou,n A secretplan to achievean evil or illegal end.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
p;nNDoerb. cevr rN at cave snrer DowN. sunneNopn oerb. Syns: break, bust, crash, fail, fold (Informal), go under. -Idionw go bust, go on the rocks, go to the wall.
l. Syns; breakdown, crash, debacle, smash, smashup, wreck. 2. snneKDowN at break down. 3. rer-l noun. ennrsr oerb. COMPARE.
1. susonDrNtrn adiectine. 2. euxrr.nrtu adiectioe. 3. paner.r,nr. adiectioe. 1. essocrerg rwun. 2. ppnn2.
1. eccuuulATE. 2. essnMsr-r. 3. .rssnursln. 4. couposr. PRAYER.
coor. adiectioe. 1. .c.ccuMuLATroN. 2. cnoup rwu,n.
Syns: bump, crash.
Syns; appulse, bump, concussion, crash, impact, jar, jolt, percussion, shock, smash, wallop. CONVERSATIONAL. CONVERSATIONALIST. CONVERSATIONALIST. CONFERENCE.
pr,or oerb.
colony colOny noun An areasubjectto mle by * outsidepower. cofophon rwrrn A name or other device placed on merchandiseto signify its ownership or manufacture. CO|of rnun l. The property by which the senseof vision can disdnguishbetweenobjects,as a red apple and a green apple, that are very similar or identical in form and suezRed, yellmo, and blue are primary colors. 2. Somethingthat imparts color: painted the room usrrg a neu waslwble color. 3. Skin tone, esp.of the face. 4. A deceptive outward appearance. 5. Appearanceof truth or authenticity. color oerb l. To impart color to: coloredthe shinglesbrwm. 2. To immersein a coloring soluUon. 3. To $ve an inaccurateview of by representingfalsely or misleadingly 4. To causeto have a prejudicedview. 5. Tg $ve a deceptively attractive appearanceto: color a lie.
5. To becomered in the face. coforable adiecthse Worthy of being believed. coforant rwun Somethingthat impartscolor. coforation rwt"rn Skin tone, esp.of the face. cofored adiectit:e Exhibitins bias. colorful "ad,iectioe 1. Full of color: a colorful bed of pansies. 2. Evoking strong mental imagesthrough distinctiveness:cglnrful ttriting a cilnrful character. coforing nmrut l. Somethingthat impartscolor. 2. Skin tone, esp.of the face. 3. A deceptiveoutward appearance. colorless adiecthse 1. Lacking color. 2. Lacking liveliness,charm,or surprise. 3. Without definite or distinctivecharacterisUcs. coforlessness nourr The state or quality of being insipid. COfOfS rwtnt, labric a symbol. colossal adieita:e Of extraordinarysizeand power. Golumn nmttn A group o_fpeople or things arrangedin a row. COmb oerb To make a thoroughsearchof. combat twun A hostileencounterbetweenopposingmilitary forces: smt the infantry into cqrnbat.
l. Syns;hue, shade,tone.
2. Syns: colorant, coloring, dye, dyeshrff, pigment, stain, tincfure. 3. corupr.rxroN. 4. regeon. 5. vrnrsrurlrruDE. 1. Syns; dye, stain, tint. 2. orc oerb. 3. orsronr. 4, mx oerb. 5. Syns; gild, gloss (over), floze (over), palliate, zugarcoat, varnish, veneer, whitewash. -Idicm"s lend a good color to, paper over the cracks, put a glos on, put a good face on. 6. N.vsu oerb. BELIEVABLE.
1. Syns; bright, gay, showy, vivid. 2. Syns: picfuresque, vivid.
l. cor,on noun. 2. coupr,nxroN. 3. regenn. 1. per-n a.diectioe. 2. ovl.;. adiectitse. 3. ururner-. INSIPIDITY.
rl-ecl nmun. crANT adiectioe. LLNErwun. SCOUR.
Syns; action, battle, engagement.
169 combat Derb 1. To strive in opposition to. 2. To take a stand against. 3. To oppose actively and with force.
combatanl rwun One who engagesin a combator struggle. combatant adiectioe Of or engagedin warfare. combative ad;iectioe l. Inclined to act in a hostilewaY. to fight. 2. Having or showingan eagerness 3. Given to arguing. combativeness rwu,n 1. Hostile behavior. 2. Warlike or hostile attitude or nature. 3. The power or will to fight. combinate oerb To bring or come togetherinto a united whole. combination noun l. The result of combining:Water is a cornbinntionof hyd,togenand oxygen. 2. The state of being associated. 3. A qroup of individualsunited in a commoncause. combinr"atidnal adiectioe Of, relating to, or tending to producecombination:the of thesesubstances. combinatiorwltendprrcies combinative adiectioe Of, relating to, or tending to producecombinaUon. combinatorial adiectioe Ol relating to, or tending to producecombination. combinatory a.diectiae Of, relating to, or tending to producecombination. combine oerb 1. To bring or come togetherinto a united whole: combineoxygenuith hydrogen;artistic expression cambhwdwith technique. 2. To make a part of a united whole. 3. To unite or be united in a relationship. 4. To assembleor join in a grouP. 5. To put togetherinto one massso that the conitituent parts are more or lesshomogeneous. combine nou.n 1. A group of individualsunited in a commoncause:o cot *lne of citizerwdemandingtax relief. closelyinterconnected 2. A combinationof businesses for commonprofit: a Wge oil combirw. combined adiectioe Joinedtogetherinto a whole: the cornbinedtnfluences of pooertyand infl.ation. comburenl adiectioe On fire. combust oerb To undergocombustion. COme oerb 1. To take place Will war come? comeson 2. To take place at a set time: Chrdshnas December25. 3. To happento one: Depressinncatrw to her quickly'
1. corvrnuo. 2. co*rnsr aerb. 3. nesrsr. FIGHTER. BELLIGERENT.
1. eccnrssvn. 2. rsLLrcrRENT. 3. ancuurNTATIvE. 1. eccnrssrox. 2. nnr-r.rcBRENcE. 3. rrcnr noun. coprnlNs Derb. 1. Syns; conjugation, melding, unification, union. 2. essocrerroN. 3. cotvsrNErwun. Syns; combinative, combinatorial, combinatory, conjugaUonal, conjugaUve. COMBINATIONAL. COMBINATIONAL. COMBINATIONAL.
1. Syns; coalesce,combinate, compound, concrete, conjoin, conjugate, connect, couple, join, link, marry, meld, unite, wed, yoke. 2. rMsoov. 3. essocrern oorb. 4. n*toz uerb. 5. v'tx oerb.
l. Syns; bloc, cartel, co.alition, combination, faction, partY, ringt. 2. Syns: cartel, pool, syndicate, trust.
Syns; conjoint, fused, melded.
runN aerb. 1. Syns; befall, betide, come about, come off, develop, hapt (Archai'c), haPPen, occllr, pass, transpire. 2. Syns: fall, occur. 3. Syns: befall, betide.
come about 4. To go forward, esp.toward a conclusion:This proiect is comingiust fine. 5. To haveasa source. 6. To have as one'shome or place of origin: I come from Virginia. 7. To cometo be. come about oerb To take place. come aCTOSSoerb 1. To find or rneetby chance:come acyoss the lost sock;corneauoss an old friend,.
2. Slang.To give in commonwith others. come along aerb To go forward, esp.toward a conclusion. come around (or round) oerb To regainone'shealth. come by oerb 1. To comeinto possession of. 2. To go to or seekout the companyof in order to socialize. come in oerb 1. To comeor go into (a place). 2. To completea raceor competitionin a specified position. come into aerb To receive(property)from one who hasdied. come Off perb 1. To take place. 2. To turn out well. come out oerb l. To be madepublic: didn't want the usholestory to . comeutt. 2. To makeone'sformal entry, as into socieW:caffrc out at the debutanteball. come out with oerb To utter publicly. come over oerb lnfonna-L.To go to or seekout the companyof in order to socialize. come through oerb 1. To turn oirt well. ?. To existin spite of adversity. 3. Inforrrnl. To give in commonwith others. come about oerb COmeaCfOSS oerb Come along oerb come around (or round) oerb COmebaGk twun Come back oerb To go againto a former place. comebaGk naun 1. A return to former prosperityor stafus:mnde a political comeback. l. Slang.A spirited,incisivereply. 3. Slntug.Somethingspokenor written as a return to a question,demand,etc.
170 4. Syns: advance, come along, get along, marchl, move (along), proceed, progress. 5. srnl.r, oerb. 6. Syns; hail2, ori$nate. 7. nncolre. COME.
l. Syns; ulght on (or upon) (Archaic), bump into (Infonnal), chance on (or upon), come on (or upon), find, happen on (or upon), light on (or upon), run across,run into, stumble on (or upon), tumble (on). -Idiom meet up with. 2. covrnrsutr. COME. RECOVER,
l. cnr. 2. vrcrc oerb.
1. nNrnn. 2. nvv oerb.
INHERIT. 1. corrle. 2. succnno. l. Syns: break, get out, leak (out), out, -Idiorn come to light. _ transpire. 2. Syns: bow, debut (also d6but).
xa oerb. vtstt oerb.
1. succnro. 2. sunvrvn. 3. covrnmurr. sEECOme. sEECOme. sEECOme. sEECOme. sEEcome back. nnrunN oerb. t. Syn: recovery. 2. neronr rwun. 3. e-wswnnrwurr.
t7t come by Derb comedian nnun A personwhosewords or actionsprovoke or are intendedto provokeamusementor laughter. ComedOwn rwun A suddendrop to a lower conditionor status. comedy noun The quality of being laughableor comical. come-hither adiectilse Pleasingto the eye or mind. Come in oerb come into rserb comefy adiectine 1. Having qualitiesthat delight the eye. 2. Conformrngto acceptedstandards. come otf oerb COme'On nutn COmeOh (or upon) oerb To find or meet by chance. come-on noun Somethingthat attracts,esp.with the promiseof pleasureor reward. Come Out oerb come out with tserb COmeOVer oerb COmef noun l.lnformal. One showingmuch promise:The young executiaeis a real cuner. 2. One that arrives. comestible adiectioe Fit to be eaten. comestible noun Somethingfit to be eaten. come through oerb COmeUpanGenoun C0meuppanGe alsoGOIII€upance natn lnformal. Somethingjustly deserved. comfort oerb 1. To give hope to in time of grief or pain: comforted the raidnto. 2. To makelesssevereor more bearable. comfort twun 1. Steadygood fortune or financialsecurity. 2. A consolingin time of grief or pain gaoecornfortto the bereaoed. 3. Anything that increasesphysicalcomfort. comfortable adiectbe 1. Affording pleasurableease:a comfortablenew howe. 2. Enjoyingsteadygood fortune or financialsecurity. Beingwhat is neededwithout being in 3. W*1. comfortless ad;iectilse Causingdiscomfort. comfy adiectioe Informal. Affording pleasurableease' comic rroun A personwhosewords or actionsprovoke or are iniended to provoke amusementor laughter. comic a.diectwe 1. Arousinglaughter.
sEEcome. JOKBR.
sEEcome, sEEcome. 1. sneurrrul. 2. connncr adiectiae. SEE GOME.
sEE come on. coME ACROSSat come. LVF.E fWUn. sEE come.
sEEcome out, SEEGOME, L. Syn: up-and-comer. -Idionu man (or woman) on tlre way up, rising star. 2. enmver-. EDIBLE. FOOD.
sEEcome. sEEcomeuppance. DVEftoun. t. Syns: consolate (Obs.), console, solace, soothe. 2. nBr-rnvp. 1. pnospnnrrv. 2. Syns: consolation, solace. 3. euBNrrv. t. Syns: comfy (Informal), cozy (also cosy), easeful, easy, snug, soft (lnformal). 2. pnospnnous. 3. surncrsNr.
1. euusrxc.
comical 2. Deserving laughter. comical adlectit:e 1. Arousing laughter. 2. Deserving laughter. comicality also comicalness nnu,n The quality of being laughable or comical. COmlGalneSS nnun coming adiectioe l. In the relatively near future: the comingUears. 2. Occurring right after another. 3. Being or occurring in the time ahead. 4. Inforrnal. Showing great promise: Rotler discosare the coming thing. 5. Informnl. Improving, growing, or succeeding steadily. comlng twun 1. The act of arriving. 2. \\e act or fact of coming near.
coming-out noun lnformal. The instance or occasion of being presented for the first time to society. COmmand aerb l. To give orders to: com:mandedthe brigade to attack. 2. To have authoritative charge of. 3. To be possessedof; corn:rnnndsgreat prestige; comtnands fioe lnngnges. 4. To rise above, esp. so as to afford a view of. COmmand noun l. An authoritative indication to be obeyed: gaoe the command, to fire. 2. The capacity to lead others. 3. The right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge. 4. The act of exercising controlling power or the condition of being so controlled. 5. Natural or acquired facility in a specific acUvity. 6. The degree of skill exhibited in any performance. COmmandeef u^erb 1. To lay claim to for oneself or as one's r€ht. 2. To take quick and forcible possessionof. GOmman0eerlng noun The act.of taking_quick and forcible possessionof. COmmandang adiectioe l. Exercising controlling power or influence. 2. Exercising authority.
172 2. r,aucnasr,r. l. erurusrnrc. 2. r,aucHesr,B. HUMOR NOU,N,
sEEcomicality. 1. Syns; approaching, forthcoming, upcoming. 2. rollowwc adiectitse. 3. rurunn ad;iectitse. 4. Syns: promising, up-and-coming. 5. rr-ounrsgrNc.
1. ennrver.. 2. eppnoecr rwun. PRESENTATION.
1. Syns; bid, charge, direct, enjoin, instruct, order, require, tell. 2. rEAD oerb. 3. Syns; boast, enjoy, have, hold, possess. 4. oourxern. 1. Syns; behest, bidding, charge, commandment, dictate, direction, directive, injunction, instruction, mandate, order, word. 2. lne-o twun. 3. eurnonrrv. 4. nourNeuoN.
5. ABILITY. 6. TECHNIQUE. 1 . ASSUME. 2 . SEIZE. SEIZURE. 1. poirarwargr. 2. eurnonrrATrvE.
commandment rwun An authoritative indication to be obeyed.
comme il faut adiectioe French. Conforming to accepted standards. COmmemOrate oerb l. To mark (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing. 2. To honor or keep alive the memory of. COmmemoratiOn rwun 1. The act of observing a day or event with ceremonies. 2, Something, as a structure or custom, serving to honor or keep alive a memory.
COMMAND NOUN, coRREcr adiectirse. l. crr.rgnern
2. uruonru-rzE. l. cnr-ngneuor*. 2. uruonru.
L73 commemorative ad,iecttue Serving to honor or keep alive a memory. COmmenGe oerb 1. To go about the initial step in doing (something). 2. To come into being. 3. To b"St to appear or develop.
1. srenr aerb,' 2. srcrN, 3. pewu oerb.
COmmenGementnuun of bringingor beingbroughtinto 1. Theact or process
l. sncrNmvc rmun.
existence. 2.\\e initid stage of a developmental process.
commend oerb 1. To pay a complimentto. 2. To expresswarrn approvalof. 3. To $ve over to anotherfor cale, use,or performance. commendable adiecthse Deservingadmiration. commendation rwun 1. An expresion of admirationor congahrlation. 2. An expressionof warm approval. commendatory adiectioe Servingto compliment. comme;surabl6 adiectitse l. Properly or correspondinglyrelated in size,amount, or scale. 2. Characterizedby or displayingsymmetry,esp. in scaleor measure. correspondence commensurate adiectine l- Properly or correspondinglyrelated in size, amount, or scale. 2. Characterizedby or displayingsymmetry,esp. in scaleor measure. correspondence comment twun 1. An expressionof fact or opinion: mod,ea positioe comtnentabu"tt the party. 2. Evaluativeand criUcaldiscourse. 3. Critical explanationor analysis. 4. Somethingsaid. comment oerb cotltnented on the artist's To make observations2 technique. COmmentary rwun 1. Critical explanationor analysiszcomnuntarieson the Old,Testarnent. 2. A narrative of experiencesundergoneby the writer: on,the Callic Wan Caesar'sConrmenta.ries 3. Evaluative and critical discourse. commentator rwun A personwho evaluatesand reports on the worth of something. COmmefGe rwun Commercial,industrial, or professionalactivity in general. co-mmingle wrb To put together into one massso that the constituent parts are more or lesshomogeneous. commiserable ad,iectioe Arousingor deservingPity. commiserate xerb To experienceor expresscompassion. cOmmlSefallOn rrou.n Sympathetic,sad concern for someonein misfortune.
MEMoRTAL adiectiae.
2. srnrH ncrun. l. corrrpr,runxr oerb. 2. pnllrss osrb, 3. sNTRusr.
l. coupr-uurlfi rwun. 2. pnersn noun. COMPLTMENTARY. l.
2. svuurrnrcer,. 1. pnoponuoNAl.
2. svuunrnrce,r..
l. Syns; note, obiter dictum, observation, remark. 2. npvrnw nmtn, 3. couuBvrenv. 4. wonp 'tw,tn. Syns: note, observe, remark.
1. Syns.' annotation, comment, exegesis, interpretation, note. 2. Syns: memoir, reminiscence. 3. nnvrnw rwun. CRITIC.
rnnt oerb. PITY.
commiserative commiserative adiectirse Feelingor elpressingsorrow. COmmlSSaOnoerb To give authority to. commission rw.rrr An assignme-nt one is sent to carry out. Commit oerb 1. To be responsiblefor or guilty of (an error or crime): cortmitted marder. 2. To give over to anotherfor care, use,or performance. 3. To place officiallyin confinement:commita uimirnl to prison. 4. To be morally bound to do: lroascoflvni,ttedto d"f^d his country. COmmitment rwttn An act or courseof action that is demandedof one, as by pgsrtign,custom,law, or lsligion. committal rwm An act or courseof action that is demandedof one, as by position,custom,law, or religion. COmmlX oerb To put together into one mi$s so that the constituent parts alg more or lesshomogeneous. commodious adiecthn Having plenWof room. commoAities' twu,n Productsbo"ght and sold in commerce. COmmOn adiectioe 1. Belongingto, sharedby, or applicableto all alike: National seatrity is a conwrwnconcemfor American"s. 2. Belongingor pertainingto the whole. 3. Occurring quite often: Traftn atcidprrtsare cottuTwnphmontena. !. Being of no specialquality or type. 5. To be expected,:the coffnrwnproblemsof city tife. 6. Known widely and unfavorably. 7. Ot moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. 8. Of mediocre quality. 9. Of decidedly inferior qualrty. 10. Lacking high station or birth. Ll. Chiefl,yRegional.Unconstrainedby ri$d standards. common nDun A tract of cultivated land belongingto and used by a community: picttbs on the tutm com,mmt. COmmOnage ntoun The commonpeople. 'rw^tn Commonality CommOnalty alsocommonality The commonpeople: Ianasprotectittgboththe rwbitity ard the convnnnalty. COmmOners nou,n The commonpeople. COmmOnfy a.dtserb For the most part. COmmonplace- adiectioe 1. Being of no specialquality or type.
l. Syns;perpetrate,pull ofr (Informal). 2. nrsrnusr. 3. Syns: consign,institutionalize,send up (Informal). 4. Syns;bind, charge,obligate,pledge.
vrrx uerb.
1. Syns; communal, conjoint, general, intermutual, join! mutual, public. 2. cnrvnner-. 3, Syns; everyday, familiar, frequent, ordinary, regular, routine, widespread. 4. onnrNeny ad,iectioe. 5. Syns; average, commonplace, general, matter-of-course, normal, ordinary, typical (also typic ), usual. 6. Noronrous. 7. eccnplrasln. 8. nrrrnron. 9. snoooy. 10. r.owr,y. 1,1. BesycorNc. Syn.'green.
sEEGommOnalty. Syns; commonage, commoners, corrunons, crowd, masses,mob, plebeians, plebs, populace, public, ruckl. -Idiorn thtrd estate. COMMONALTY.
l. onoweny adiectitse.
2. couuox ad:iectioe. 2. To be expected. 3. rnrrn. 3. Without freshnessor appealdue to overuse. 4. Of or suitablefor ordinary daysor roudne occasions. 4. rvnnvpav. commonPlace r,oun 1. usuer,rwun. 1, A regular or customarymatter, condition, or course of events. 2. crtcsfr,. 2. A trite expressionor idea. COmmOnS rwun COMMONALTY. The commonpeople. COmmOnSense rmun Syns: gumpUon, judgment, sense,wisdom. The ability to make sensibledecisions:had'ermgh -ldiurn horse sense. cuTanonserweto studY hard. commonsensible ad:iectirse SANE. proceedingfrom, or exhibitinggood Possessing, judgmentand prudence. commonsensical adiectiae SANE. proceedingfrom, or exhibitinggood Possessing, judgmentand prudence. COmmOtlon noun 1. ecrrerrorv. l. The condition of being physicallyagitated. 2. orsrunsANcE. 2. An interruption of regularprocedureor of public Peace. COmmunal adiectioe Belongingto, sharedby, or applicableto all alike. communalize oerb To place under governmentor goup ownershipor control. communicable ad,iectiae by infection: measlesand' 1. Capableof transmission other comnutnicablediseases, 2. Disposedto be open,sociable,and talkative. communicate oerb 1. To makeknown: comtrutnicateinfornwtiut'. 2.To put into words. 3. To give expressionto, asby gestures,facial aspects, or bodily posture. 4.lnfonrwl. To interact with anotheror otlers in a meaningfulfashion. 5. To cause(a disease)to passto anotheror others: typhys communicatedfrotn. one to another. COmmUnlCaIlOn rwrrn 1. The exchangeof ideasby wriUng,speech,or signals: Cood communicati'onis essentialto a successful business. 2. Somethingcommunicated,asinformation:I haoe read your latest communication. 3. A situationallowingexchangeof ideasor messages. communicative adiectine Disposedto be open, sociable,and talkative. COmmUnlOn noun 1. Thosewho acceptand practice a particular religious belief. 2. Ttte exchangeof ideasby writing, speech,or signals. communiti noun Personsas an organizedbodY. commutation nou,n The act of exchangingor substituting. commute perb l. To grveup in return for somethingelse. 2. To changeinto a different form, substance,or state.
coMMoN adiecthse. SOCIALIZE.
1. Syns: catching contagious, infecUous, taking. 2. outcorNc. 1. Syns; break, carry, convey, &sclose, get across, impart, pass, report, tell, transmit. 2. sllv oerb. 3. rxpnnss oerb. 4. nnr,ern. 5. Syns; cnrry, convey, give, pass, spread, transmit. 1. Syns: communion, converser (Rare), intercommunication, intercourse. 2. Syns: message,word. 3. roucn rwun. OUTGOING.
l. rerrn. 2. couuullcATtoN. PUBLIC NNUN, CHANGE TWUN.
l. c:g^l.Ncnoerb. 2. cor.ryent.
comp COmp twun Infonnnl. A free ticket entitling one to transportation or admission. COmpaGtr adiecthse l. Having all parts near to each other. 2. Precisely meaningful and tersely cogent. 3. Characterized by an economy of artistic expression. CompaGt2 rwun l. A legally binding arrangement between parties. 2. An ageement, esp. one involving a sale or exchange.
compactness nnun
The quality, condition, or degree of being thick. COmpanlOn twun l. One of a matched pair of things. 2. One who keeps company with another. 3. One that accompanies another. companion aerb To be with or go with (another). companionable adiectioe Liking company: a con'tpanimwble person. companionless adiectioe Lacking the company of others. COmpanlOnSnlp noun A pleasant association among people. COmpany noun 1. A commercial organization a neu) cornputer cotnPanu. 2. A number of persons who have come or been gathered together. 3. A person or persons visiting one: had company for dinner. 4. A pleasant association among people: enioyed their conryanv. 5. A group of performers. company oerb Rare. To be with or go with (another). Comparable adiectioe Possessingthe same or almost the same characteristics. comparative adiectir:e Being such by comparison with some standard: cornparathse afiuerce. COmpare oerb 1. To examine so as to note the similarities and differences of compare prices; compare one poet's oerse with that of arwther. 2. To be equal or alike: These cuwerts cornpare weII @ith lnst season's. 3. To represent as similar. comparison noun 1he quality or state of being alike. COmpaSS rwun 1. A line around a closed fi$ou or area. 2. An area within which something or someone exists, acts, or has infuence or power. 3. The ability or power to seize or attain. compass oerb 1. To shut in on all sides. 2. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. COmpaSSlOn noun Sympathetic, sad concern for someone in misfortune.
176 PLSS noun.
l. rrucx. 2. ptury. 3. rrcnr adiectioe. 1. ecnreMnNT. 2. sARcerr.Irwun. THICKNESS.
1. rraarn noun. 2. essocrarg rwun. 3. eccoupANrMENT. ACCOMPAT{Y.
Syns; convivial, sociable, social. ALoNE adiectiae. COMPANY NOUN,
l. Syns; business, concern, corporation, enterprise, establishment, firm2, house, outfit. 2. esspr,rsr,y. 3. Syns; guest, visitant, visitor. 4. Syns: companionship, fellowship, society. 5. SAND2noun. ACCOMPANY. LIKE2.
l. Syns:balance,collate. 2. Syns:correspond(to), equal,match, measureup (to), parallel, stack up (lnforrwl), touch. 3. r-txrN. LIKENESS.
l. crncuurpRENcE. 2. nlNcn rtou,n. 3. cnesp rwun. 1. sunnouxo. 2. uxonnsreNo. PITY.
t77 comPassionate ad;iecthse 1. Concernedwith humanwelfare and the alleviation of suffering. 2. Feelingor expressingPity. 3. Feelingor expressingsorrow. compassionate aerb To experienceor expresscompassion. compassionless adiectioe Totally lackingin compassion. compatible adiectirse In keepingwith one'sneedsor expectations. compatriot noun A personwho is from one'sown country. COmpeef twun One that is very similar to anotherin rank or position. compel aerb To cause(a personor thing) to act or move in spite of resistance. compendious adfectioe Marked by or consisUngof few words. COmpensate oerb 1. To make up for the defectsof: His lack of height by a$lity. uas compensated 2. To act as an equalizingweiglrt or force to. 3. To give compensationto: They oere camperuated for their traoel erpenses. 4. To give payment to in refurn for goodsor services rendered. compensation nou,n l. Somethingto makeup for lossor damage: compensationfor work-relatediniuries.
2. Somethinggiven in exchangefor goodsor services rendered. compensative adiecthse Affording compensation. compensatory adfectioe Afiording compensaUoniu)(Nawardedcornperwatory dnmages. compete oerb To strive against(others)for victory: competedagairwt the best athbtes in the Olyrnpics. competenG€ alsocompetency noun 1. Physical,mental,financial,or legal power to,perform. 2. Law. Conferredpower. competency noun competenl adiectioe 1. Having the necessarystrengthor ability. 2. Having the ability to perform well. 3. Being what is neededwithout being in excess. competition nurn l. A strugglewith othersfor victory or suPremacy: cornpetition betwem political parties; catthroat competitionbetweenauto dealers. 2. A trial of skill or ability: an archerycompetition. 3, One that competes. competitive adiectioe Given to competition a competiti,oebt*iness
1. rruuaNrrARIAN. 2. prrvrNc. 3. svprpernprrc. pg,nr oerb. COLD-BLOODED. AGREEABLE. COUNTRYMAN. pEnn2.
roncn oerb.
1 . Syns: balance, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, neutralize, offset, outweigh, redeem, set off. rer,eNcr oerb. Syns: indemnify, pay, recompense, redress, reimburse, remunerate, repay, requite. 4. pw perb.
1. Syns; amends, indemnification, indemnity, offset, quittance, recompense, redress, remuneration, reparation, requital, restitution, satisfaction, setoff. 2. pevraprcr.
Syns: compensative, indemnificatory, remunerative. Syns.' contend, contest, rival, vie.
1. esIr-rrY. 2. recur,rv. sEEcompetence. 1. rguer. adiectiae. 2. tsrn. 3. surrrcrsNr. 1. Syns; contest, corrivalry, race, rivality, rivalry, strife, striving, war, warfare. -Idimn tug of war. 2. Syns: contest, meetr. 3. corupprrron. Syns: competitory, emulous, vying.
COmpetitor rwun Onethat competes: contpetitors for that market.
Syns:compeUtion,contender,contestant, corrival, opponent,rival.
competitory adiectine Given to competition.
complain ueib To express negaUve feelings, esp. of dissatisfaction or resentment: cornplairwd abu^tt the irndequate sensite.
Complainant rnun One that makesa formal complaint,esp. cornplnirnnthasfiled suit. COmplalner noun
A person who habitually complains or grumbles.
complainl rwun
l. An expression of dissatisfaction: receioed nurn7 cornplnints about the car.
2. A pathologicalconditionof mind or body. 3. A minor illness,esp,one of a temporarynature. n
compfaisant ad:iectioe
1. Pleasant and friendlv. 2. Ready to do favors ior another. complem'ent twun l. Something that completes another: An attractioely set table is a com,pl.ernentto fine food. 2. Something added to another for embellishment or completion. complement oerb To fill in what is lacking and make perfect: A good whw contplements any meal. complemehtal adieith;e Forming or serving as a complement. complementary adiectitse Forming or serving as a complement: wall colnrs compl, the decor. complete adiectbe 1. Lacking nothing essential or normal: il,erselopeda complete strategy. 2. Not shortened by omissionsi a complete anthology. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Not more or less. Covering all aspects with painstaking accuracy. Including every constituent or individual. Having reached completion: The rwtsel is at last cornplete.
7. Completely such, without qualification or exception. complete aerb l. To fill in what is lacking and make perfect. 2. To bring or come to a natural or prbper end.
Syns: beet (Slang), bellyach e (Slang), bitch (Slnng)," Qnformal), grouch, grouse (Informal), grumble, kick (Informal), munnur, whine, yawp (also yaup). Syns; accusant, claimant, plainUfi (l,aw).
1. Syns; beef (Slang), grievance, gripe (Infonrwl), gumble. 2. orsnesn. 3. rr+orsposrrroN. 1. e-Mle-Br.n. 2. osr-rcrNc. 1. Syns: completion, expletive (Rare), supplement. 2. ,tccoupANrMENT.
Syns; complete, fill out, round off, round out, supplement. COMPLEMENTARY.
Syns; complemental, completing supplemental. 1, Syns; choate, entire, frrll, intact, integral, perfect, whole. 2. Syns: unabridged, uncut, unexpurgated. 3. nouxo. 4. rnonoucs. 5. wnor,n adiectioe. 6. Syns; completed, concluded, done, ended, finished, terminated, through. -Idiom all wrapped rp. 7. vrrniP. coMPLEMErtr oerb. crosnr oerb.
completed adiecthse Having reached completion.
completely adoerb l. To the fullest extent: completely urong.
2. In a-complete manner: cornpbtely irwestigated the uash.
1. Syns: d fond (French), altogether, clean (lnformal), dead, entirely, fat, fully, quite, thoroughly, wellz, wholly. -Idiom through and through. 2. Syns: i fond (Frerwh), exhaustively, intensively, thoroughly. -ldionx in and out, inside out, up and down.
179 3. All the way. completeness rwun The state of being entirely whole: maintained the compl.etenessof his emqire. ad;iectirse compfeting Forming or serving as a complement.
completion noun 1. A concluding or terminating. 2. Something that completes another. adiectirse complex 1. Consisting of two or more interconnected parts: com,plexfower structures. 2. Difficult to understand due to intricacy: Inf.ation is a cornplex problem.
complex oerb To make complex, intricate, or perplexing. complex noun 1. A usu. large entity composed of interconnected parts: the mi,litary-ind'ustrinl ccmplex. 2. A center of organization, supply, or activity. 3. Informal. An exaggerated concern: had a cornplex about flying. naun complexion 1. Skin tone, esp. of the face: a dnrk cornplexion. 2. The combination of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes an individual. 3. A person's customary manner of emotional response.
complexity rmun Something complex: the cornplexities of rmcbar physics. Complexus rwun A usu. large entity composed of interconnected parts. rwtrn complianG€ also comPliancy The quality or state of willingly carrying out the wishes of others. rwun compliancy adiectirse compf iant Willing to carry out the wishes of others. oerb complicate To make complex, intricate, or pelplexing: a uisis complicated by a lack of communication. o.diecth:e compficated L. Difficult to understand due to intricacy. 2. Complexly detailed. twun complicaiion' Something complex. aerb compliment 1. To pay a compliment to: cornplimented the pinnist on his performnnce. 2. To express warm approval of. 3. To look good on or with. complimenl rwun An expression of admiration or congratulation: deserced compliments on her scholarlg work. ad;iectiae compfimentary 1. Serving to compliment: com'plan'entaryremarks. 2. Costing nothing.
3. cr.nan adoerb. Syns: allness, entireness, entirety, integrrty, oneness, totality, wholeness. COMPLEMENTARY.
1. Brvonoun. 2. coupr-BMENTnoun. l. Syns: composite, compound. 2. Syns: Byzantine, complicated, convoluted, daedal, daedalian, elaborate, gordian, intricate, involute, involved, knotty, labyrinthine, perplexing, tangled. COMPLICATE.
1. Syns; complexus, system. 2. resnl rwun. 3. Syns; h*gup (lnfomal), preoccupation, prePossession. 1. Syns; color, coloration, coloring. 2. cnenecrnn. 3. nrsposrrtoN. Syns: complicaUon, intricacy.
sEEcompliance. OBEDIENT.
Syns: complex, embarrass, entangle, mix up, perplex, ravel, snarll, tangle. 1. conapr-nxadiectioe. 2. nr-eron nn adiectioe. COMPLEXITY.
1. Syns; commend, praise, recommend. -Idiorn take off one's hat to. 2. pnxsn aerb. 3. rr-erren. Syns: bouquet, commendation, orchid(s), praise, tribute. 1. Syns; approbatory, conrmendatory. 2. rnrn adiectiae.
compliment(s) rruun 1. An act requiring special generosity.
1. counrnsv.
comply 2. An expression of warm approval.
180 2. pnarsn noun.
comply oerb To act in conformi$ with.
compfying a.diectioe Wi[ing to carry out the wishesof others. cOmpOnent rroun One of the individual entitiescontributingto a whole. component adiectioe Constructedas a nondetachablepart of a larger unit. comport oerb 1. To conduct oneselfin a specifiedway. 2. To be compatibleor in correspondence. comportment rwrrn The mannerin which one behaves. COmpOSe oerb l. To form by artistic effort: composeda piano sonata. 2. To bring one'semotionsunder control: composed herself in spite of the danger. 3. To be the constituentparts of. 4. To makeor becomecalm. COmpOSed adiectitse 1. Not excitedor emotionallyagitated. 2. Not easilyexcited,even under pressure. comPosite adiectioe Consistingof two or more interconnectedparts. COmposition noun I- Somethingthat is the result of creaUveeffort: a compositionfor flute and,oboe;a compositionin blnck and,red. 2. A relativelybrief discoursewritten an exercise:a cornpositionfor Englishclass. 3. A settlementof differencesthrouqh mutual concession. compos mentis adiectioe Latin. Of soundmind; mentallyhealthy. cOmpOSUre rmun 1. Lack of emotionalagitation. 2. A stable,calm stateof the emotions. compotation rwun A drinking bout. compound ad,iectioe Consistingof two or more interconnectedparts. compound oerb 1. To bring or come togetherinto a united whole. 2. To put togetherinto one massso that the constituentparts are more or lesshomogeneous. comp0und nuun Somethingproducedby mixing. comprehend aerb l. To perceiveand recognizethe meaningof. 2. To perceivedirectly with the intellect. 3. To have as an integal part. comprehensible ad;iecthte Capableof being readily understood. cOmpfenenslOn nnun l. Intellectualhold. 2. Recognitionof wort-h,quality, importance,etc. comprehensive adiectirse Coveringa wide scope. COmpress oerb 1. To act on with a steadypushingforce. 2. To subjectto compression.
l. tcr oerb. 2. ecnrn. BEHAVIOR.
1. Syns; create, indite, produce, write. 2. Syns: collectr, contain, control, cool (down), restrain, simmer down. 3. coxsnrure. 4. cl.;,u aerb. 1. car.u adiectiae. 2. coor- adiectirse. coMPLEx ad,iectiae. 1. Syns; opus, piece, production, work.
2. Syns: essay,paper, theme. 3. coupnoMrsr. rwun.
1. cer.u rwun. 2. sAreNcE nnun. BENDER. coMPLEx ad;iectioe. 1. coMsrNn oerb. 2. v'rx aerb.
MIXTURE. 1. urvornsrexo. 2. xNow. 3. coNrerx. UNDERSTANDABLE. 1. cnasp nou.n. 2. eppnrcrATloN. GENERAL.
t. cnowo aerb. 2. sqvnnzn oerb.
181 3. To reduce in size by or as if by drawing together. COmpressiOn rwun A compressingof something. COmprlSe oerb 1. To be the constituent parts of. 2. To have as an integral part. COmprOmiSe twun A settlement of differences through mutual concession: a uni,on-managenrcnt comprornise. compromise aerb l. To make a concession: u)ere unnble to cornprornise on, the wording of the treaty. 2. To.expose to possible loss or damage. compulsory adiectioe 1. Imposed on one by authority, command, or convention. 2. Done under force. COmpunGtion naun l. A feeling of uncertainty about the fitness or correctness of an action. 2. A feeling of regret for one's sins or misdeeds. compunctious adiectioe Feeling or expressingregret for one's sins or misdeeds.
computation tmun
1. The act, process,or result of calculating. 2. Arithmetic calculations. COmpute aerb l' To ascertain by mathematics. 2. To.note (items) one by one so as to get a total. COmfade nnun One who keeps - company with another. comradeship noun The condition of being friends. COn aerb 1. To look at carefully or criticallv. 2. To commit to memory 3. fo apply one's mind [o the acquisition of knowledge.
conceit 3. covrnect aerb. CONSTRICTION.
l. corssrrrurn. 2. coNrerN. Syns: composition, give-and-take, medium, mid-course. l. Syn: concede. -Idioms give and take, go fifty-fifty, meet halfway. 2. nrsx aerb. 1. nrgumno. 2. roncrn. 1. quer-rvr. 2. pnurrnlqcr. REMORSEFUL.
1. cer,cur.,rrrox. 2. rrcunns. l. cer,cur.nrn. 2. covxt oerb. ASSOCIATE IWUN. FRIENDSHIP.
l. nxeMrNrn. 2. unnronrzp. 3. srvoy oerb.
concatenate aerb To make into a whole by joining a system of parts. COnCave adiectioe Curving inward. COnGavity nuu,n An area sunk below its surroundings. COnCeal aerb l. To put or keep out of sight. 2. To.prevent- (something)from being known. concealed adiectiae l. Lpng beyond what is otrvious or avowed. 2. Screened from the view of oncoming drivers. concealment rwun The habit, practice, or policy of keeping secrets. COnCeOe oerb To recognize, often reluctantly, the reality or truth of. l. 2. To cease opposition. 3. To make a concession. 4. To let have as a favor or privilege. COnCeit noun l. A regarding of oneself with undue favor. 2. An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind. conceit aerb Rare. To find agreeable.
rNrncnern oerb. HoLLow adiectioe. DEPRESSION.
l. lg.tonroerb. 2. covnn oerb. 1. ur,rpnron. 2. eLNo adiectitse. SECRECY. 1. ecxNowLEDGE. 2. crvr rrv at give. 3. coupnoutsn aerb. 4. cnaNr oerb. l. ncorrsu. 2. r'ewcy noun. LIKEI.
conceited adiectioe Conceited 1. Thinking too highly of oneself. 2. Unduly preoccupied with one's own appearance. adiectioe conceivable 1. Capable of being anticipated, considered, or imagined. 2. Likely to happen or to be true. conCeive aerb l. To form mental images of. 2. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. oerb concentrate l. To direct toward a common center: The errcmy concentrated its firepower on the inner city. 2. To devote (oneself or one's efforts). adiecti,ae concentrated 1. Not diffused or dispersed: Conr:entrated effort is required. 2. Having a hrgh concentration of the distinguishing ingredient. 3. Intensely sustained, esp. in activity.
L. ecorrsrrcel. 2. varN. 1. BanrHr,v. 2. pnosABr-r. L. tllecrwr. 2. uuonnsremo. 1. Syns; center, converge, focalize, focus. 2. eppr,v. 1. Syns; exclusive, fixed, intensive, undivided, unswerving, whole. 2. srnoNc. 3. nnevv adiectioe.
concentration nou.n 1. A converging at a common center: heaay troop concentratiorls on the border. 2. Concentration of the mental powers on something. COnCept rwun That which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental activity. twun conception That which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental acUvity. adiectioe conceptual Existing only in the imagination. COnCefn rwun 1. A being personally interested in: You are the obiect of our conaem. 2. Something that concerns or involves one personally. 3. Thoughtful attention. 4. A connecting relation: a matter of no connem to our plans. 5. The quality or state of being important. 6. A cause of worry. 7. A commercial organization. 8. Informal. A small, specialized mechanical device. concern oerb 1. To be pertinent. 2. To cause anxious uneasinessin. COnCerned adiectioe l. Having concern: All those concemed attend.ed the meeting. 2. In a state of uneasiness. COnCefnment twun 1. A connecting relation. 2. The qualrty or state of being important. 3. A being personally interested in. cOnGeft rwun Pleasing agreement, as of musical sounds. COnCeSSIOn rwu.n An accommodation made in the light of special or extenuating circumstances: made a concession,due to her inerperierrce. oerb conciliate 1. To ease the anger or agitation of.
l. Syns: confluence, conflux, convergence. 2. arrpNrrou. IDEA.
1. Syns; concernment, interest, interestedness, regard. 2. susrNnss. 3. cowsrorRATroN. 4. Syns: bearing, concernment, 'pertinence (also pertinency), relevance (a/so relevancy). 5. ruponreNcn. 6. cenn rwun. 7. corvlperw noun. 8. ceocer. 1. eppr-v. 2. wonnv oerb. 1. Syns; affected2, interested, involved. 2. eNxrous. 1. coucnnw rwun. 2. ruponreucn. 3. concrnN rwun. HARMONY.
1. pecrrv.
183 2. To re-establish friendship between.
concupiscent 2. nBcoNcrr-r.
conciliation noun A re-establishment of friendship or harmony. adiectirse concise Marked by or consisting of few words. nou.n conclave A number of persons who have come or been gathered together.
conclude oerb 1. To bring or come to a natural or proper end. 2. To make up or cause to make up one's mind. 3. To put into correct or conclusive form. 4. To come to an agreement about. 5. To draw a conclusion from evidence or reasoning. concluded adiectiae Having reached completion. adiectioe concluding Coming after all others.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
crosnr oerb. nncror. sBrrr-p. enneNcs. wrrn.
coMPLETEadiectioe. Lastr adiectioe.
conclusion rmun A concluding or terminaUng. The last part. A position reached after consideration. A position arrived at by reasoning from premises or general principles. adiectioe conclusive l. Determining or having the power to determine an outcome. 2. Having or arising from authority. 3. Serving the function of deciding or settling with finaliw. 1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
nxo noun. exo rroun. pncIsIor.i. nnnucrroN.
1. orcrsrw. 2. eurHonITATrvE. 3. onrnvruvn.
conclusivbly adoerb In conclusion. COnCOCI oerb To use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving. adiectiae concomitant Occurring in company with. concomitant r70un One that accomDaniesanother. cOnCOrd aerb To come to an understanding or to terms. cOnCOrd rroun 1. Harmonious mufual understanding. 2. A formal, usu. written settlement between nations. 3. The state of individuals who are in utter agreement. 4. Pleasing ageement, as of musical sounds. COnCOfdanGe rwutt Harmonious mufual understanding. concordant ad:iectioe Having components pleasingly combined. COnCOUfSe rwun The act or fact of coming together. adiectirse Concrete 1. Having actual reality. 2. Composed of or relating to things that occupy space and can be perceived by the senses. concrete oerb l. To bring or come together into a united whole. 2. To make or become physically hard. COnCupiscence rrutrn Sexual hunger. cOncupiscent ad:iectioe Feeling or devoted to sexual love or desire.
1. 2, 3. 4.
ecnnrrr,rnrw. rnnarv. nenprorvv. nenuorvv.
l. nrer-. 2. pHysrcer,.
1. coMrrr.rn oerb. 2. nenopN. DESIRE TWUN.
concupiscible adiecth;e concupiscible Archaic. Arousing erotic desire. COnCUf oerb l. To occur at the same time. 2. To come to an understanding or to terms. COnCUffenGe noun Harmonious mufual understanding. adiectioe COncurrent l. Occurring in company with. 2. Belonging to the same period of time as another. 3. Lying in the same plane and not intersecting. 4. Being in or characterized by complete ageement. COnCUfSIOn noun The act or fact of coming together. CO]ICUSSiOn nutn Violent, forcible contact between two or more things. condemn oerb l. To pronounce judgment against: condentned the dissidents to hard labor. 2. To find fault with. 3. To feel or express strong disapproval of.
1. corwcron. 2. ecnns. ACREEMENT. l.
2. covrnuPoRARY adiectioe. 3. pener-r-rr adiectioe. 4. uNerruous. JUNCTTON. COLLISION.
1. Syns; damn, doom, sentence. 2. sr.AMnaerb. 3. oppr.onB.
condemnation rwun A finding fault. condemnatory adiectioe Containing or imposing a condemnation: a cond.ernnatorydecree. condemned adiectioe Sentenced to terrible, irrevocable punishment: a cond.emned ru)n on d.eath rou. condemning adiectioe Containing or imposing a condemnation. noun condensation A short summary prepared by cutting down a larger work.
condense oerb To makethickor thicker,esp.throughevaporation or condensation. condensed adiecthse Marked by or consisting of few words. condescen'd aerb l. To descend to a level considered inappropriate to one's dignity: cond.escendedto enryty the garbage. 2. To treat in a superciliously indulgent manner: a snob who condescendpd to aII the neighbors.
Syn.' condemning.
Syns: doomed, fated, foredoomed, lost.
l. Syns; deign, stoop, vouchsafe. 2. Syns: patronize, talk down (to).
condescendence rwun Superciliously indulgent treatment, esp. of those considered inferior. condescending adiectioe Exhibiting condescension: a cond,escend,ing snob. rnun condescension Superciliously indulgent treatment, esp. of those considered inferior: His ooert condescensiontotoard tn is repellent. rwun condimenl A substance that imparts taste.
Syn; pattonizing. Syns; condescendence, patronization, patronizing.
condition rmun 1. Manner of being or form of existence:a patient in a ueakened conditian; a house restored to its for"mer condition. 2. Something indispensable: Eating is a condition to saruioal.
1. Syns: mode, posture, situation, state, status. 2. Syns: essential, must, necessity, precondition, prerequisite, requirement, requisite, sine qua non.
185 3. A restricting or modifying element. 4. A state of sound readiness. condition oerb To make familiar through constant practice or use. conditional adiectioe l. Depending on or containing a condition or conditions: a conditional sunender. 2. Determined or to be determined by someone or something else. conditioned adiectiae Determined or to be determined by someone or something else. nourl conditions Existing surroundings that affect an activity: poor working conditiorw. condonable adiectiae Admitting of forgiveness or pardon.
3. pnovrsrox. 4. rnru nnun. ACCUSTOM.
L. Syns: provisional, provisionary, provisory, qualified, tentative. 2. onpewonvr adiecthse.
DEPENDENT adiectioe.
Syns; circumstances, environment.
condonation rwun The act or an instance of forgiving. condone oerb To grant forgiveness for a fault, o ense, or injury. oerb conduce To have a share in (an act, result, etc.); have a hand in. conducive ad;iectioe Tending to contribute to a result.
conduct oerb l. To control the course of (an activity): condtrct the afairs of state; conduct an experiment. 2. To show the wav to. 3. To serve as a conduit: Most metals conduct electricity. 4. To engage in (a war or campaign). conduct nurn The manner in which one behaves.
l. Syns; carry on, direct, manage, operate,steer,supervise. 2. cvron oerb. 3. Syns; carry, channel, convey, transmit. 4. wtcn oerb. BEHAVIOR.
conductot rwun Something or someone that shows the way. naun confab Informal. An exchanging of views. confab oerb Infornwl. To meet and exchange views to reach a decision.
confabulate oerb 1. To engage in spoken exchange. l. conrvpnsnr oerb. 2. To meet and exchange views to reach a decision. 2. coxrrn. rwltrr, confabulation 1. Spoken exchange. 1 .COT\IVERSATION. 2. An exchanging of views. 2. 3. An exchange of views in an attempt to reach a decision. 3. DELIBERATION.
confabulator ru)un One given to conversation.
confab'=fulatoryadiecthse In the style of conversation. confederacy noun An association, esp. of nations for a common cause. confederate aerb To be formally associated,as by treaty. confederate rwun 1. One naUon associated with another in a common cause. 2. One who is united in a relationship with another. confederated adiectioe Closely connected by or as if by a treaty.
N.rv oerb. 1. er-r,v rmun. 2. essocrarE twun. ALLIED.
confederation rwttn confederation 1. An associatjon, esp. of nations for a common cause. 2. A goup of people united in a relationship.and having some interest, activity, or pu4rose in common. oerb confer 1. To meet and exchange views to reach a decision: confer with orw's associntes. 2. To give formally or officially: confened horwrs on them. rwun conferee also conferree One who participates in a conference: nine conferees on the parwl. noun conference 1. A meeting for the exchange of views: a teachers' conference. 2. An exchanging of views: needed seoeral hours of confererrcewith each student. 3. An exchange of views in an attempt to reach a decision. 4. A group of athletic teams that play each otler: Southem Confererrcefootball clubs. 5. A formal assernblageof the members of a group. 6. The act of conferring, as of an honor.
l. Syns; advise (with), confab (Informal), confabulate, consult, parley, powwow, talk. 2. Syns: accord, award, bestow, gant, present2. Syns: deliberant, discussant, discussor.
1. Syns; colloquium, discussion, powwow, seminar. -Idiom rap session. 2. Syns: confab (lnformal), confabulation, discussion, rapr (Slang), ventilation. 3. onr,rnrnATroN. 4. Syns: association, circuit, league. 5. corwnrsrrort. 6. coNpenMENT.
conferment rmtn The act of conferring,as of an honor: conferment of an hornrary doctorate. conferral rmun The act of conferring,as of an honor.
Syns: accordance, bestowal, conference, conferral, presentation.
conferree rwu,n confess oerb
To recognize, often reluctantly, the reality or truth of. rwun confessioin The act of admitting to something.
confessor twun
One in whom secretsare confided. confidant alsoconfidante naun One in whom secretsare confided:her closestfriend and.confidnnt. confidanie rmun confide aerb l. To tell in confidence:reluctantly confidedmy secret 2. To give over to another for care, use, or performance.
Syns: confessor, repository. sEEconfidant. 1. Syns; breathe, whisper. 2. ENTnusr.
confldence rwun 1. Absolute certainty in the trustworthiness of another: had confid.ence in the Presid.ent. 2 . The fact or condition of being without doubt. 3 . A firm belief in one's own powers: had a lot of confdent:e.
l. Syns; belief, faith, reliance, trust. 2. sunnxpss. 3. Syns; aplomb, assurance,security, selfassurance,self-confidence, selfpossession.
adiectioe confident 1. Having a firm belief in one's own powers: a confident man. 2. Having no doubt.
1. Syns; assured, secure, self-assured,selfconfident, self-possessed. 2. sunr.
adiectioe confidential 1. Known about by very few: a confd.ential executhse decision. 2. Indicating intimacy and mutual trust: drew me asid.e in a confidential way.
1. Syns; arrricular, hush-hush (Infomtal), inside (Slang), private, privy (Archaic). 2. Syns: familiar, intimater, prrvy (Obs.).
187 3. Of or being information available only to authorized persons: confi,dential gorsemmentdocu.m.ents.
3. Syns; classified,privileged (Law), restricted.
conflguration rwun The external outline of a thing. oerb confine 1. To shut in with or as if with bars. 2. To enclose so as to hinder or prohibit escape. 3. To put in jail. 4. To place a limit on. adiectiae confine(sl 1. A demarcation point or boundary beyond which something does not extend or occur. 2. The boundary surrounding a certain area. noun confinement The act of limiting or condition of being limited. adiecthse confining Affording little room for movement, aerb confirm 1. To assure the certainty or validity of: a suspicion confirrnedby eaidence. 2. To establish as true or genuine. 3. To make valid and binding by a formal legal act: Congressmust confirm the treaty. 4. To make firmer in a particular conviction or habit; scandals that confirmed their distrust of politicians. rnun confirmation 1. An act of confirming officially: Serwte confirmation of the treaty. 2. That which confirms: found in the ledger confirmation of fraud.
adiectirse confirmed 1. Firmly established by long standing: conf,rmed habits dfficult to break. 2. Subject to a diseaseor habit for a long time. confiscate aerb To take quick and forcible possessionof.
t. 2. 3. 4.
r,l.r. Derb. rupnrsoN. yn oerb. rrv.rr aerb.
L. nr.rDnoun. 2. r,rurr rwun.
TrcHr adiectioe. 1. Syns; attest, authenticate, back (up), bear out, corroborate, justify, substantiate, testify (to), vahdate, verify, warrant. PROVE.
Syns: affirm, approve, ratify. 4. Syns: fortify, harden, strengthen.
1. Syns: affirmation, approval, ratification. 2. Syns: attestation, authentication, corroboration, evidence, proof, substantiation, testament, testimonial, testimony, validation, verifi cation. l. Syns; entrenched, hard-shell (also hard-shelled ), ingrained, inveterate, irradicable, setr, settled. 2. cnnoxrc. SEIZE.
confiscation noun The act of taking quick and forcible possessionof. adiectirse conflagrant On fire. conflagrate oerb To undergo combustion. rlaun conflagration The visible signs of combustion. rwun conflict 1.. A state of open, prolonged fighting: the conflict in Vietnam. 2. A state of disagreement and disharmony: family conflicts.
conflict oerb To fail to be in accord: Your story conflicts with hers.
conflicting adiectir;e In sharp opposition: conflicttng statemnnts.
sunNroerb. FTRE. NOUN.
1. Syns: belligerency, hostilities, strife, war. warfare. 2. Syns: clash, contention, difficulty, disaccord, discord, dissension,dissent, dissentience,dissidence,dissonance, fricUon, inharmony, strife, variance. Syns; clash, contradict, disaccord, discord, jar (with). -Idiorn go (or run) counter to. Syns: clashing, disconsonant, discrepant, incongruent, incongruous, inconsistent.
confluence nou,n 1. A converging at a common center. 2. The act or fact of coming together. nou,n conflux A converging at a common center. "unlb
l. coxcnwrRATroN. 2. ;uNcnoN. CONCENTRATION.
1. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use. 2. To make conventional. 3. To be compatible or in correspondence. 4. To act in conformity with. 5. To bring into accord. conform to oerb with. To be in keeping conforma ble adiectit:e l. Willing to carry out the wishes of others. 2..In keeping with one's needs or expectations. COnIOfmanGe noun l. The act or state of agreeing or conforming. 2. An act of willingly carrying out the wishes of others. conformation noun 1. The condition of being made suitable to an end. 2. The act or state of agreeing or conforming. conformist adiectiae Conforming to established practice or standards.
l. eoapr. 2. corwrxTroNAlrzE. 3. ecnnr.
4. ror,r,ow. 5. nennaoxrzr. rn aerb. 1,. osnornNr. 2. ecnrpesr,n. 1. ecnnrvBxr. 2. oerornxcn. l. eoesrerroN. 2. ecnrnurNr. CONVENTIONAL.
conformity- rwun 1. The act or state of agreeing or conforming. 2. Logical agreement among things or parts. 3. An act of willingly carrying out the r.vishesof others.
conform to oerb confound aerb l. 2. 3. 4.
To cause to be unclear in mind or intent. To take (one thing) mistakenly for another. To cause (a person) to be self-consciouslydistressed. To rnake incapable of finding something to think, do, or say. confounded adiectioe 1. So annoying or detestable as to deserve condemnation. 2. Distressedand ill at ease. 3. Overcome with intense feeling, as of amazement, horror, or dismay.
1. ecnrBvnNr. 2. coNsrsrENcy. 3, osnorrwcn. sEEconform. 1. 2. 3. 4.
cowrusn. corvpusn.
1. oauNno. 2. rlrnennAssED. 3. snocxno.
contront oerb l. To meet face-to-face, esp. defiantly: enemy troops confronting each other. 2. To come up against.
1. Syns; accost, encounter, face, front. 2. nNcouurnn oerb.
confrontation rwun A face-to-face, usu. hostile meeting: a confrontation behaeen unian and mnnagement. oerb confuse 1. To cause to be unclear in mind or intent: Tha purpose of canwufnge is to confuse the enemy. I was totallg confii,sedby the cornplex memorandum. The heaoy trffic confused the nooice dritser. 2. To put into total disorder: had hopelessly confwed his finances. 3. To take (one thing) mistakenly for another: confrned s. aggressioerless with ru,thlessnes ,0. To cause (a person) to be self-consciously distressed. adiectioe confused l. Charactenzed by physical confusion: a confused sea
Syns: encounter, face-off.
1. Syns: addle, befuddle, bewilder, confound, discombobulate (Slang), dizzy, fuddle, mix up, perplex, throw. -Idimn make one's head reel (ar swim or whirl). 2. Syns: ball up (Slang), disorder, jumble, mess up, muddle, scramble, snafu (Slang), snarll. 3. Syns; confound, misdeem, mistake, mix
up. 4. nunenness. L. Syns: chaotic, confusional, disordered,
189 of faces; a confined pile of clothes. 2. Mentally uncertain: I arn totally confiised by this problem. rwun confusedness A lack of order or regular arrangement. nutn confusion l. A lack of order or regular arrangement. 2. Self-consciousdistress. adiectitse confusional Characteri zed by physical confusion. oerb confute To prove or show to be false. oerb congeal 1. To change or be changed from a liquid into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass. 2. To make or become physically hard' rwun C0ngenef Something closely resembling or analogous to something else. congenial" adiectioe 1. Characterized by kindness and warm, unaffected courtesY. 2. Of or befitting a friend or friends. 3. Affording pleasure or comfort. 4. In keeping with one's needs or expectations. 5. Exhibiting accord in feeling or action. adiectirse congenital 1. Possessedat birth. 2. Of or arising from the most basic structure of an individual. 3. Forming an essential element. COngefleS rwun A quantity accumulated. oerb congest To plug up something, as a hole, space, or container. naun conglomeration A collection of various things.
congratulate oerb To be proud of (oneself)becauseof some accomplishment, achievement, etc.
helter-skelter,higgtedy-piggledy, jumbled, mixed-up,muddled,topsyturvy, upside-down. 2. Syns:addled,befuddled,bewildered, discombobulated(Slang).- ldi'orn turned around. DISORDER |WUN,
1. orsonnnr nurn. 2. nMsennAssMENT. CONFUSED. REFUTE.
l. coecur.err. 2. nenopN. PARALLEL
1. cnecrous. 2. 3. 4. 5.
r'nrnrvnr-v. cnersrul. ecnrnesr-n. tlenrtaoNtous.
1. wrgerr. 2. coNsnrurroNAl 3. nurr.r-Iu. ACCUMULATTON. FILL. ASSORTMENT.
pnron oerb.
congregate oerb To come together.
congregation noun A number of persons who have come or been gathered together. GOngfeSS noun 1. A number of personswho have come or been gathered together. 2. A group of people united in a relationship and having some interest, activity, or pu{pose in common. 3. A formal assemblageof the members of a group.
1. essrurr-v. 2. uuroN. 3. coxvrnrrou.
congruity nuun Logical agreement among things or parts. COngruOuS adiectioe l. In keeping with one's needs or expectations. 2. Having components pleasingly combined. coniectural adiecthse Presumed to be true, real, or genuine, esp. on inconclusive grounds.
1. ecnnnenr-n. 2. syuurrRICAL. SUPPOSED.
conjecture conjecture Derb To draw an inference on the basis of inconclusive evidence or insufficient information. coniecture rwun 1. A judgment, estimate, or opinion arrived at by guessing. 2. Abstract reasoning. coniectured adiectioe Based on inference, not fact. conioin oerb l. To bring or come together into a united whole. 2. To unite or be united in a relationship. conioint adiectiae l. foined together into a whole. 2. Belonging to, shared by, or applicable to all alike. coniugal adiectioe Of, relating to, or typical of marriage.
cvnss aerb.
1. cunss noun. 2. rxnonv.
1. counntp oerb. 2. essocnrn oerb. 1. colrsrxno. 2. cotrlvor.l ad:iectioe. MARITAL.
conjugafity noun The state of being- united as husband and wife. coniugate oerb To bring or come together into a united whole. coniugation noun The result of combining. conjugational adiectiae Of, relating to, or tending to produce combination. conjugativeadiectiae Of, relating to, or tending to produce combination.
coniunction nou,n The state of being associated.
coniuration noun 1. The use of skillfirl tricks and deceptions to produce entertainingly baffiing effects. 2. The use of supernatural powers to influence or predict events.
1,. uecrc nnu,n. 2. uecrc noun.
coniure oerb To make an earnest or urgent request. COniury noun l. The use of skillful tricks and deceptions to produce entertainingly baffiing effects. 2. The use of supernatural powers to influence or predict events. COnk rwun l. A sudden sharp, powerful stroke. 2. Slang. The uppermost part of the body. conk out aerb l. To ceasefunctioning properly. 2. Slang. To suddenly lose all health or strength. conk out aerb connate adiectioe Connected by or as if by kinship or common origin. adiectioe Connatural l. Connected by or as if by kinship or common origin. 2. Of or arising from the most basic structure of an individual. COnneCt xerb 1. To bring or come together into a united whole. 2. To join one thing to another. 3. To unite or be united in a relationship. 4. To come or bring together in one's mind or imagination. 5. Informal. To interact with another or others in a meaningf'ul fashion.
1,. uecrc noun. 2. naeclc noun.
1. sr-owz. 2. nneo noun. L. rerl. 2. cor.r,apsnoerb. sEECOnk. RELATED.
1, nnr-erno. 2. cowsrrrurroNAr- adiectiae.
1. 2. 3. 4.
coverr.rn oerb. nrrncn. e.ssocnrn aerb. assocnrn aerb.
5. nnr-ern.
191 COnneGtiOn rwun 1. A point or position at which two or more things are joined. 2. The state of b"t tg associated. 3, A feeling, thought, idea, etc., associated in one's mind or imagination with someone or something specific. 4. A logical or natural association between two or more thttgt. 5. Slang. An acquaintance who is in a position to help.
conniption nuun Inforrnal. An angry outburst. conhivanG€ alsoconnivence twun A secretplan to achievean evil or illegal end. connive oerb To work out a secretplan to achievean evil or illegal end. conniveat oerb To pretendnot to see. connive at aerb connivence rwun connotation nou,n A feeling,thought,idea, etc., associatedin one'smind or imaginationwith someoneor somethingspecific. connote oerb To have or conveya particular idea. connubial adiectioe Of, relatingto, or typical of marriage. connubiality rmun The state of being united as husbandand wife. COnquer aerb 1. To win a victory over, as in battle or a compeUtion. 2. To get the better of. adiectioe conquering Pertaining to, having the nature of, or experiencing triumph. COnqUefOl naun One that conquers: the conqueror of Wales. COnqUeSt noun The act of conquering: the Norman Conquest.
1 . JOrNT
2 . ASSOCIATION. 3. SUGGESTION. 4. nsr-errox. 5. corvrecr rwun. TEMPER NAUN. PLOT fWUn.
prot oerb.
BLrNKer at blink. sEEconnive. snp connivance. SUGGESTION.
rnrn,Lr oerb. rnrv^p:g oerb. VICTORIOUS.
Syns: conquistador, master, victor, winner.
Syns; triumph,
conquistador naun One that.conquers. consanguine adiectiae consanguineous alsocollssnguine adiectiae Connectedby or asif by kinshipor commonorigin. conscienceless adiectirse Lacking scruplesor principles. conscious adiecthse and appreciation. Tendingtoward awareness COISCIOUS]IeSS noun The condition of being aware.
conscript oerb To enroll compulsorily in military service.
onlrrr oerb.
conscription rwun Compulsory enrollment in military service.
conseGrate uerb 1. To make sacred by a religious rite. 2. To give over by or as if by vow to a higher purpose. COnSeCrated adiectiae Given over exclusively to a single use or pu{pose.
1. seNcrrrv. 2. opvorp.
consecution COnSeCUtiOn rwrrn l. A way in which things follow each other in space or time. 2. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other. adiectioe consecutive Following one after another in an orderly pattern: /t was cbudy f* ti* consecutitse days. COnSenSUS rwun The quality or condition of being in complete mutual agreement. COnSent rwun 1. The act or process of accepting. 2. Approval for an action, esp. its granted by one in authority. consent oerb l. To reqpond afirmatively. 2. To give one's consent to. COnSeqUenCe rroun 1. Something brought about by a cause. 2.Tlnre qualrty or state of being important. COnseguent adieciilse Consistent with reason and intellect. consequential adiectioe 1. Having geat significance. 2. Having or exercising infuence. COnSefVanCy rwun the careful guarding of an asset. COnSefVatiOn nou,n The careful guarding of an asset: wildlife consensation. conservative adiectioe l. Strongly favoring retention of the existing order: a consensathsepolitician. 2. Kept within sensible limits: a conserDathseestimate; corxensatioe attire. 3. Able to preserve. conservative rwun One who strongly favors retention of the exisUng order: a p olitical consenntioe. noun COnsefvatOr Law. A, person who is legally responsible for the person or property of another considered by law to be incompetent to manage his affairs.
1. ononn noun. 2. snnrns.
Syns; sequent, sequential, serial, subsequent, subsequential, succedent,
successional' successive' ;:,i,i. 1. eccppreNcr. 2. pnnurssroN.
1. essprvroerb. 2. oerb. 1. nrrncr noun. 2. ruponreNcn. LOGICAL.
1. ruponuxr. 2. rrvrr-unxtrer-. CONSERVATION.
Syns; conservancy, husbandry, management, preserval, preservation. l. Syns; orthodox, right, rightist, rigfrtwing, Tory, traditionalist (also traditionalistic ). 2. Syns: discreet, moderate, reasonable, restrained, temperate. 3. pnnsnnvATrvE. Syns; fundamentalist, praetorian, rightist, right-winger, Tory.
conservatory adiectioe Able to preserve. COnSefVe oerb 1. To protect (an asset) from loss or destruction: consen)e energa. 2.To prepare (food) for storage and future use: aorgen)e straubeties. oerb consider l. To think about seriously: considered all the optiorw 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
To To To To To
look upon in a particular way. have an opinion. have a high opinion of. be occupied or concerned. direct the eyes on an object.
1. Syns; husband, preserve, save. 2. Syns: can, preserve, put up.
1. Syns; cogitate, entertain, excogitate, study, think over. 2. nnc*o oerb. 3. nrr.rBvn. 4. eournr. 5. onN- oerb. 6. roox oerb.
193 considerable adiecthse 1. Notably aboveaveragein amount,size,or scope. 2. Having great significance. considerably adoerb To a considerableextent: salescorwiderablyhigher than forecast. considbrate adiectioe Full of polite concernfor the well-beingof others. considerately adaerb In a consideratemanner:Treatyour parents considerately. consideration noun 1. Thoughtful attention:consideration for the feelings of others. 2. A careful consideringof a matter. 3. Concentrationof the mental powerson something. 4. Somethinggiven in exchangefor goodsor services rendered. 5. A feeling of deference,approval,and liking. considered adiectirrc 1. Resultingfrom deliberationand careful thought. 2. Planned,weighed,or estimatedin advance. consign oerb 1. To give over to anotherfor care,use,or performance. 2. To cause(something)to be conveyedto a destination. 3. To place officiallyin confinement. consist aerb 1. To have asan inherentbasis:The beauty of the styb consistsin its sirnplicity. 2. To be compatibleor in correspondence. consist of oerb To be the constituentparts of. consistence noun consistenG! alsoconsistence rwun Logical ageement amongthingsor parts: The statementslnck consistency. consistenl adiectioe 1. Remainingcontinuallyunchanged:a consistent adaocateof reform. 2. In keepingwith one'sneedsor expectations. consistently adaerb In an expectedor customarymanner. consist of oerb consolate aerb Obs.To give hope to in time of grief or pain. consolation rwun A consolingin time of grief or pain. console oerb To give hope to in time of grief or pain. consolidation naun A bringing togetler into a whole. COnSOnanCenoun l. Harmoniousmutual understanding. 2. Mu* Pleasingagreement,as of musicalsounds. conSonanl adiectiae l. Characterized bv harmonvof sound. 2. In keepingwith on"', .r""d, or expectations. COnSOrt aerb l. To keep company. 2. Obs. To be with or go with (another).
1 . BIG. 2 . IMPORTANT. Syns;far, quite, wellz.-Idiorns by a long shot (or way), by a wide margin,by far. ATTENTIVE.
Syns: solicitously, wel12.
1. Syns; concern, regard, solicifude, thoughtfulness. 2. epvrsrunr.u. 3. errnxnoN. 4. pavMnrcr. 5. rsrnslr rwun. 1. envrspo. 2. cer-cur-ATED. 1. BNrnusr. 2. ssND. 3. cotvttutr. l. Syns; dwell, exist, inhere, Iiet, repose, reside, restl. 2. ecnrr. CONSTITUTE.
sEEconsistency. Syns; coherence, conformity, congruity, correspondence. l. Syns; constant, invariable, siune, unchanging, unfailing. 2. ecnpresr-p. USUALLY.
srn consist. couronr
coMFoRT naun. couronr aerb. UNIFICATION. 1. ecnsnvBNr. 2. nenuorw. 1. senuoxrous. 2. ecnreABr-E. l. essocnrn oerb. 2. eccouper+v.
conspicuous COnSOrt naun A husband or wife. ad;iectiae conspicuous 1. Readily attracting notice. 2. Standing out prominently. COnSplfaGy noun A secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end. COnSplfe aerb To work out a secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end.
pror oerb.
constable nuun Bnt. L member of a law-enforcement agency.
constancy nou,n Faithfulness or devotion to a person, a cause, obligations, or duties. constant ad;iectioe 1. Remaining continually unchanged. 2. Having no variations. 3. Existing or occurring without interruption or end. 4. Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or a duty.
1. 2. 3. 4.
coNsrsrnxr. rvrNr ad;iectioe. cowrwuar-. rerrnrur,.
consternate oerb To deprive of courage or the power to act as a result of fear, anxiety, or disgust.
otsv.lry aerb.
consternation noun l. A sudden or complete loss of courage in the face of trouble or danger. 2. Great agitation and anxiety caused by the expectation or the realization of danger. constituent adiectioe Constructed as a nondetachable part of a larger unit. constituenl noun One of the individual entities contributing to a whole.
l. olsuay rnun. 2. rean noun.
constitute aerb 1. To be the constituent parts of: Ten members corwtitute a quonfin. 2. To cause to be by official action. 3. To bring into existence formally. 4. To prt in force by legal authority. 5. To be equivalent.
l. Syns; compose, comprise, consist of, form, make, make up. 2. nxecr. 3. rourvn. 4. nsrenr,rsn. 5. euouNr oerb.
constitution noun Bodily type: a strong constitutian.
constitutional ad;iectioe l. Of or arisingfrom the mostbasicstructureof an individual: corwtitutianal weakrws ses.
2. Constituting or forming part of the essenceof something. constitutional rwun A usu. brief and regular journey on foot, esp. for exercise: a moming constitutional through the park.
Syns: build, habit (Rare), habitus, physrque. 1. Syns; congenital, connatural, elemental, inborn, inbred, indigenous, indwelling, ingenerate, ingrained, inherent, innate, intrinsic. 2. nssnr*rrN. adiectioe.
Syns.' hike, turn, walk.
constitutive adiectioe Constituting or forming part of the essenceof something.
ESsENTTAT adiectioe.
constrain oerb l. To check the freedom and spontaneity of: a friendship nous constrained by tension. 2. To subject to compression. 3. To act on with a steady pushing force. 4, To control, restrict, or arrest.
l . Syns: astrict, constrict, cramp, inhibit.
2 . sqvnnzo oerb. 3 . cnowo aerb. 4. RESTRAIN.
195 5. roncn aerb. 5. To cause (a person or thing) to act or move in spite of resistance. adiectioe constrained 1,. awrwano. l. Characterized by embarrassment and discomfort. 2. Tending to keep one's thoughts and emotions to oneself. 2. nnsnnwo. 3. noncro. 3. Done under force.
constrainment nnun The act of limiting or condition of being limited.
constraint rwun 1. Power used to overcome resistance. 2. Something that limits or restricts. 3. The act of limiting or condition of being limited.
l. roncn rmun. 2. npsrntcrroN. 3. npsrnrcrroll.
constrict oerb 1. To render narrow or narrower: constricted blood oessels. 2, To subject to compression. 3. To reduce in size by or as if by drawing together. 4. To check the freedom and spontaneity of. noltn constriction l. A becoming narrow or narrower: a constriction of the small bowel. 2. A compressing of something: The tight collnr produced a painful constnction of my neck.
1. Syns; constringe, narrow. 2. squnnzn oerb. 3. coxrnect oerb. 4. coNsrnerr.l. l. Syn: stricture (Path.). 2. Syns: compression,squeeze,squeezing.
constringe oerb 1. To subject to compression. 2, To render narrow or narrower.
L. squnnzn aerb. 2. coNsrnrcr.
construct oerb 1. To create by forming, combining, or altering materials. 2. To make or form (a structure). '
l. rvrexn. 2. rlvtro oerb.
construction noun Something that serves to explain or clarify.
constructor noun thatmakesor buildssomething. A personor business construe oerb 1. To make understandable. 2. To understand in a particular way. 3. To express in another language, while systematically retaining the original sense.
1. sxPLerN.
2. n'ITnnpnnr. 3. rneNsr-err.
consuetude ncrun An accepted way of doing something. oerb consult To meet and exchange views to reach a decision.
consultanl rnun One who advises another, esp. officially or professionally.
consultation' rwun An exchange of views in an attempt to reach a decision. adiectioe consuftative Giving advice. adiectirse consuftatory Giving advice. consuft-ing adiectioe Giving advice.
consume oerb 1. To eat completely or entirely: consumed eight pancakes in a flnsh. 2. To take (food) into the body as nourishment. 3. To do away with completely arrd destructlely: a bodg consumed with carlter; a building consu,.medby fnmes.
1. Syns; devour, dispatch, eat up, polish ofr (Infonnal), punish (Informal), pttt away, shift. 2. nlrr. 3. Syns; devour, eat, eat up, swallow (up), waste.
consumed 4. To use all of. 5. To be depleted. 6. To spend (money) excessively and usu. foolishly. 7. To occupy the full attention of. foolishly or needlessly. 8. To use up 'adiectitse cOnSUmed Having one's thoughts fully occupied. cOnSUmel rwun One who consumes goods and services: gas consuffers. consuming adiectioe Catching and holding the ftrll attention. COnSUmmate oerb To bring or come to a natural or proper end. consummate adiectioe 1. Supremely excellent in quality or nature. 2. Completely such, without qualification or exception. GOnSUmmallOn rwun 1. A concluding or terminating. 2. T\e condition of being fulfilled. cOnSUmptiOn noun 1. A quantity consumed: C,asconsumptian has markedly increased. 2. A contagious diseaseproducing lesions esp. of the lungs. consumptive adiectioe 1. Tending to consume and destroy: taslcscorwurnpthse of nry tim.e; a corwuntptir:e fwe. 2. Path. Pertaining to or affiicted with tuberculosis.
196 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
rxgeusr, co aerb. wtsre aerb. essons. wxrn oerb.
Syns: customer, user. ABSORBINC. ct-osgr Derb. 1. prnrncr
2. urrrn2. 1. Br.ronaun. 2. rur.rrr,r,MENT. 1. Syns; usage,use. 2. runnnculosrs.
l. Syns; desolating, ravaging, wasting, 2. rusenculen.
contact rwun l. A coming together so as to be touching: body contact. 2. A situation allowing exchange of ideas or messages. 3. An acquaintance who is in a position to help: receioed the information from a goDerrtnlent contact. contact oerb 1. To bring into or make contact with: a bum ushere the acid contacted his body. 2. Infonnal. To succeed in communicating with.
l. Syns; contingence, touch. 2. roucrr rwun. 3. Syns: connection (Slnng), source.
L. Syn: touch. 2. nrecn.
contagion rnun Anything that is injurious, destructive, or fatal. contagious adiectiae Capable of transmission by infection. contain oerb 1. To have within: Orange iuice contains oitamin C. 2.To have as an integral part: The estate contains a rrvutor house and grounds. 3. To have the room or capacity for. 4. To brttg one's emotions under control.
l. Syns: have, hold. 2. Syns: comprehend, comprise, embody, embrace, encompass,have, include, involve, subsume, take in. 3. acconuoDATE. 4. corvriosn.
contaminant noun One that contaminatesi seuage and other contamirwnts.
Syns: adulterant, adulterator, contamination, contaminator, impurity, poison, pollutant.
contaminate oerb 1. To makephysicallyimpure: uater contamirwted rpith radiaactioewastes. 2. To make morally impure. contaminated adiectioe Ceremoniallyor religiouslyunfit. contaminating a.diectiae Morally detrimental.
1. Syns; befoul, foul, poison, pollute. 2. rxNr oerb. IMPURE.
197 contamination nnun 1. The state of being contaminated,: rad,ioacthse contamirntion. 2. One that contaminates. adiectioe contaminative Morallv detrimental.
1. Syns; adulteration, pollution. 2. conreuINANT.
contamlnator noun One that contaminates. contemn oerb To regard with utter contempt and disdain.
contemplate oerb 1. To have in mind as a goal or pu{pose. 2. To direct the eyes on an object. 3. To consider carefully and at length.
contemplative ad,iectioe by, or disposed to thought. Of, characterized contemporanean froun 1. A personof the presentage. 2. One of the same time or age as another. contemporanean adiectioe Belonging to the same period of time as another.
1, nwnro. 2. r.oox oerb. 3. por.ronn. THOUCHTFUL. l. coNrnupoRARY 2. corirrnuPoRARY
nodn. rwrrn.
coNTEMPo n rnv adi e c'tio e.
contemporaneous adiecthse Belonging to the same period of time as another.
coNTEMPo n t*r
adi ectioe.
contemporary adiectioe 1. Belonging to the same period of time as anotler: a fact documented by two contemporary sources.
2. In existence now. 3. Modern: u)(N aery contmtporary in his thinking.
4. Existing or occurring gt the same moment. contemporary fwun 1. One of the same time or age as another: c contemporary of Tolstoy. 2. A person of the present age Shostakopich and, other conternporaries.
l . Syns: coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, concurrent, contemporanean, contemporaneous, synchronic (aho synchronical ), synchronous. pnesEvtr adiectine. Syns; au courant (Frerch), mod, (Informal), up-to-date, up-to-the-
l . Syns; coeval, contemporanean. 2. Syns; contemporanean, modern.
contemporize oerb To make contemporary.
contempt noun l. The disposition boldly to defy or resist authority or an opposing force. 2. The feeling of despising. contempt wrb Archaic. To regard with utter contempt and disdain. contemptible ad,iectitse 1. Having or proceeding from low moral standards. 2. So objectionable as to elicit despisal. adiectioe contemptuous Marked bv defiance. tserb contend 1. To strive in opposition to: contend,edwith hearsy trafic; two nntions contend,ing for rutcl.ear xryeriority. 2. To state to be true. 3. To strive against (others) for victory. 4. To put forth reasonsfor or against. 5. To engage in a quarrel.
1. orneNcr. 2. onsprser-. DESPISE.
1. sonoro. 2. rrr-rrrv. DEFIANT.
1. Syns: battle, combat, fight, oppugn, struggle, tilt, vie, war, wrestle. 2. ct-rtlu perb. 3. conrppre. 4. encun. 5. encur.
contendet rwun One that competes. content ad:iectioe Having achievedsatisfaction,as of one'sgoal.
contention contention rwun 1. A state of disagreement and disharmony. 2. A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed. 3. A statement of something as fact. 4. A hypothetical, controversial proposition. contentious adiectiae l. Inclined to act in a hostile way. 2. Having or showing an eagernessto fight. 3. Given to arguing.
1. coNpr-rcr tmun. 2. a-ncuurwr. 3. cr-ernatwun. 4. rnrsrs. 1. eccnnssrvr. 2. srLLrcnRENT. 3. encunanNTATrvE.
contentiousness nuun 1. Hostile behavior. 2. Warlike or hostile attitude or nature. 3. The power or will to fight. conterminous adiectioe Sharing a common boundary.
1. eccnpssroN. 2. snLr-rcrRENcE. 3. rrcnr rwun. ADIOINING.
contest oerb l. To take a standagainst:contestedthe court ding. 2. To strive against(others)for victory. Contest rwun l. A strugglewith othersfor victory or supremacy. 2. A trial of skill or ability. contestanl rwun One that competes. contestation norm A hypothetical,controversialproposition. contested adiecthse In doubt or dispute. contexture twun A distinctive,complexunderlyingpattern or structure. contiguous ad;iectiae Sharinga commonboundary. continent ad;iecth:e Exercisingmoderationand self-restraintin appetites and behavior. contingence nutn A comingtogetherso as to be touching. contingency noun Somethingthat may occur or be done. contingenl adiectitse l. Determinedor to be determinedby someoneor somethingelse. 2. Occurringunexpectedly. continual ad:iectiae Existing or occurring without interruption or end: uere initated by their continual cornplaints.
1. Syns; buckr, challenge, combat, dispute, fight, oppose, recalcitrate, resist, traverse. 2, coupnrr. l.
1. onpsNDnrrr adiectioe. 2. eccrorxrtr
Syns; ceaseless,constant, continuous, endless, eternal, everlasting, incessant, interminable, nonstop, perpefual, relentless, round-the-clock (also aroundthe-clock), timeless, unceasing, unending, uninterrupted, unremitting.
continuance rwun An uninterrupted course: uere concemed about the contimtnrrce of the symptxms. noun continuation 1. Uninterrupted existence or succession:a contirutation. of the hostilities. 2. An uninterrupted course.
Syns; continuation, persistence (also persistency), run. 1.. Syns; continuity, continuum, duration, endurance, persistence (also persistency). 2. corvrntuANcE.
continue oerb l. To go on after an interruption: I contirnted usorking after lurrch.
1. Syns; pick up, recommence, renew, reopen, restart, resume, take up.
199 2. To remain in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time. adiectioe continuing l. Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time: enioyed a continuing friendship usith them. 2. Of long duration.
2. nxnunB.
1. Syns; abiding, enduring, inveterate, lasting, longJasting, longJived, longstanding, old, perdurable, perennial. 2. cnnoNtc.
continuity twun Uninterrupted existence or succession. adiecthse continuous Existing or occurring without interruption or end. twun continuum Uninterrupted existence or succession. aerb contort To alter and spoil the natural form or appearance of.
contour noun A line marking and shaping the outer form of an object.
contra noun That which is diametrically opposed to another.
contraband aerb To import or export 'nounsecretly and illegally. contrablandist A person who engagesin smuggling.
contract aerb 1. Syns; bargain, covenant. 1. To enter into a formal ageement: contracted u:ith local uorkers to hansest the cucumbers. 2. Syns: catch, develop, get, sicken, take. 2.To become afiected with a disease:contracted -Idiorn come down with. diphtheria. 3. Syns: compress, constrict, shrink. 3. To reduce in size by or as if by drawing together: contract an ann mtncle. 4. prtncn aerb. 4. To assume an obligation. contract noun 1 . AGREEMENT. 1. A legally binding arrangement between parties. 2 . BARGAIN NOU'N 2. An agreement, esp. one involving a sale or exchange. oerb contradicl 1. coNrr.rcr oerb. 1. To fail to be in accord. 2.To refuse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worthof. 2. oeNY.
contradiction noun A refusal to gant the truth of a statement or charge.
contradictory adiecthse Diametrically opposed. contradictorY noun That which is diametrically opposed to another. noun contradistinction 1. The condition of being in conflict. 2. Striking difference between compared individuals. oerb contradistinguish To compare so as to reveal differences.
oPPosrrE adiectiae. OPPOSITE NOUN,
1. opposnron. 2. covrnasr noun. cowrnest oerb.
contraposition rwun 1. The condition of being in conflict. 2. That which is diametrically opposed to another. noun contraption 1. Something, as a machine, devised for a particular function. 2. A small, specialized mechanical device. rwun contrariety The condition of being in conflict. adiectiae contrarious Rare. Given to acting in opposition to others. adiectiae contrary 1. Characterized by a natural or innate opposition: a
1. opposrrroN. 2. opposrrg noun. 1..onvrcn. 2. ceocrr. OPPOSITION.
coNTRARY adiectiae 1. Syns: antipathetic,
contrast policy contrary to ethical principles. 2. Given to acting in opposition to others: a contrary person who refused to confonn. 3. Diametrically opposed. contrary noun 1. The condition of being in conflict. 2. That which is diametrically opposed to another.
contrast aerb To compare so as to reveal differences: a poerru contrasting good and eail. contrast noun Striking difference between compared individuals: the contrast between father and son.
200 antithetic ), antonymous, opposite, repugnant (Log1c). 2. Syns: balky, contrarious (Rare), difficult, froward, impossible, ornery, perverse, wayward. 3. opposrrr adiectioe. 1. opposrrrorq, 2. opposrrq twun. Syns: contradistinguish, set off (against).
Syns: contradistinction, counterpoint.
contravene oerb
l. To fail to fulfill (a promise) or conform to (a regulation). 2. To refuse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of.
1. vror-ern. 2. onNY.
contravention noun An act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or of nonfulfillment of an obligation, promise, etc.
contretemps noun An unexpected and usu. undesirable event.
contribute oerb l. To give in common with others: All employees contributed to the retirement fund. 2. To have a share in (an act, result, etc.); have a hand in: AII of us contributed to the cost orsemln. 3. T9 present as a gift to a charity or cause.
contribition twun Something given to a charity or cause. contributive adiectiae Tending to contribute to a result: factors contributirse to intemational terwion.
1. Syns; chip in (lnforrruI), come across (Slang), come through (Informal), donate, kick in (Slang), subscribe. 2, Syns: conduce (to or toward), partake (in), share (in). 3. ooNarr. DONATION.
contributor noun l. A person who gives to a charity or cause. 2. A person instrumental in the growth of something, esp. in its early stages. 3. A person who supports or champions an activity, institution, etc.
contributory adiectirse Giving or able to give help or support. contrite adiectioe 1. Expressrngor inclined to expressan apologlr. 2. Feelingor expressingreget for one'ssinsor misdeeds. contriteness noun
l. ooNon.
2. surr-nnn. 3. pernoN.
AuxrLrARYadiectioe. l. apor.ocnrrc adiectiae. 2. nnuonsEFul.
A feeling of regret for one's sins or misdeeds.
contrition ,-in A feeling of regret for one's sins or misdeeds.
contrivance noun l. Something invented. 2. A small, specializedmechanical device. 3. Something as a machine, devised for a particular function.
l. nwnr.rrlol.r. 2. ceocpr. 3. pnvrcn.
contrive oerb 1. To use ingenulty in making, developing, or achieving. 2. To form a strategr for.
1. nwnwr. 2. onstcN oerb.
201 adiectiae contrived Pretentiously artistic. control oerb 1. To exercise authority or influence over: The Romnns controlled a huge empire.
2. To bring one's emotions under control. 3. To keep the mechanical operation of (a device) within proper parameters. control noun l. The right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge. 2. The act of exercising controlling power or the condition of being so controlled. 3. The continuous exercise of authority over a political unit. 4. The keeping of one's thoughts and emotions to oneself. adiectioe controflable Capable of being governed. controf led adiectiae Tending to keep one's thoughts and emotions to oneself. adiectiae controlling Exercising controlling power or influence.
convenient ARTY.
l. Syns; direct, dominate, govern, rule. -Idioms be at the helm, be in the driver's seat, hold sway over, hold the reins. 2. cornrposr. 3. covnnN.
1. eurHonrlr. 2. ool,rwertoN. 3. covnnNMENT. 4. nnsnnvn naun.
controversy noun A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed.
controvert aerb To refuse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of. contumacious adiectir:e Marked by defiance.
contumacy noun The disposition boldly to defy or resist authority or an opposing force. adiectioe contumelious l. Of, relating to, or characterized by verbal abuse. 2. Rude and disrespectful.
contumely noun l. Harsh, often insulting language. 2. An act that offends a person's sense of pride or dignity.
contuse oerb To make or receive a bruise or bruises on.
COnundfUm noun Anything that arousescuriosityor perplexesbecauseit is unexplained,inexplicable,or secret. convalesce oerb To regainone'shealth. COnVene aerb 1. To demand to appear, come, or assemble. 2. To bring together. 3. To come together. convenience noun Anything that increases physical comfort. convenience aerb To perform a service or a courteous act. adiectioe Convenienl 1. Suited to one's end or purpose: f*"d a corusenient excu,sernt to go.
snvsg, oerb.
L. cx.t oerb. 2. essnvsln. 3. essnMsr.n. AMENITY.
L. Syns: appropriate, befitting, expedient, fit, good, meet2 (Archaic), proper, suitable, tailor-made, useful.
convention 2. Being within easy reach: found a conoenient location for the shehses. COnvention noun 1. A formal assemblageof the members of a group: a medical conaention. 2. A legally binding arrangement between parties. 3. A formal, usu. written settlement between nations.
202 2. Syns: close-at-hand,close-by, handy, near-at-hand, nearby. 1.. Syns: assembly,conference, congress, convocaUon,meetinq. 2. a.cneButNr. 3. rnparv.
4. An acceptedway of doingsomething:socinlcomsentions.4. Syns:consuetude, form, usage. COnventional adiectirse 1. Conforming to established practice or standards: conaentional attire; a corwentional oiew of society.
2. Generally approved or agreed upon. 3. Forrd of or given to ceremony.
conventionalize oerb To make convention al: conrsentionalizeddecorating schemes. COnverge oerb 1. To come together. 2. To direct toward a common center. COnvefgenGe noun l. A converging at a common center. 2. The act or fact of coming near. 3. The act or fact of coming together. Conversant adiectioe l' Having good knowledge of. 2. Marked by comprehension, cognizance, and percepuon. COnVerSatiOn noun Spoken exchange: a telephone corwersation with a friend. conversational adiectiae l. In the style of conversation: a corwersatiorutl nnnatine. 2. Given to conversation.
conversationalist.also conV€rsationist noun One given to conversation: an excellent conoersatiornlist at parties.
conVersationistTwun COnVefSer
rserb in spoken exchange: conaersedsoftly in the
T#f* converse nnun l. Spoken exchange, 2. Rare. The exchange of ideas by writing, speech, or signals. conve;se2 adiectioe Diametrically opposed. converse fmun That which is diametrically opposed to another. COnVerSiOn rmun l. A usu. physical change^ofone thing into another: the companA's conrsersionfrorn dornestic to military production. 2. The process or result of giving a different form or appearance. 3. A fundamental change in one's beliefs: conaersion from the Methodist to the Catholic faith. COnVert oerb 1. To change into a different form, substance, or state:
1. Syns; button-down (Infonrwl), conformist, establishmentarian, orthodox, square (Slang), straight (Slnng), traditional. 2. eccrpreo. 3. cnnnnroNrous. Syns: conform, stylize.
L. ct osnl oerb. 2. coxcnmtnarn. 1. coNcsI.{TRATIoN. 2. eppnoeclg.
3. luNcuox. 1. nerrrr-renadiectiae. 2. ewann.
Syns: chat, colloquy, confabulation, converser,coze, dialogue (ako dialog), parley, talk. L. Syns: chatty, colloquial, confabulatory, informal. 2. rer,mrnn. Syns : colloquialist, colloquist, confabulator, discourser, talker. sEEConversationalist. Syns: chat, confabulate, coze, discourse, speak, talk, visit (Informal). 1. cor,wBnsATroN. 2. courr.luNrcATroN.
."":r'r::*' l. Syns; alteration, changeover, shift, transformation. 2. cnewcn noun. 3. Syns: metanoia, rebirth, regeneration.
L. Syns: commute, metamorphize,
203 corwert uater into ice; corwert a country from democracY to Police state. 2.To convince (another) to adopt a particular faith or belief: Missiornries conrserted the islnnd'ers to ChnstinnitY. COnVey oerb 1. To cause to come along with oneself' 2. To move while suPPorting. 3, To cause to be transferred from one to another' 4. To serve as a conduit. 5. To make known. put into words. 6. To 'giue to' as by gestures, facial aspects' 7. To "*pt"ssion or bodilY Posture. 8. To ."ot" (a disease)to pass to another or others' 9. Law. To change the owhership of (property) by means of a legal document. COnVeYanGe noun 1. T{re moving of persons or goods from one place to another. 2. Law. A making over of legal ownership or.title' 3. Archait The c-rime of taking someone else's proPerty without consent.
convlctfotr rwun
1. Somethingbelievedor acceptedas trueby.a person' 2. The fact 6. conditionof being without doubt' convince oerb 1. To cause(another)to believe something:Conoirwe me that l'm u>rong! 2, To succeed in causing (a person) to act in a certain way. adiecttae convinding 1, Serving to convince: a cotwhtting argunent' 2. Worthy of belief because of precision, faithfr-rlnessto an original, etc. adiectwe convivial 1. Liking comPany. 2. Spent] marked by, or enjoyed in the company of others. 3. Of or befitting a friend or friends' noun convocation l. A formal assemblageof the members of a group' 2. A number of persons who have come or been gathered together. Convoke oerb 1. To demand to appear, come, or assemble' 2. To bring together. adiectiae convoluted Difficult to understand due to intricacy'
convulse oerb
To cause to move to and fro violently' rwun convulsion 1. The condition of being physically agitated' 2. A condition of anguished struggle and disorder' 3. A momentous or sweePing change' oerb cook To prepare (food) for eating by the use of heat: cooked his steak rare.
metamorphose, mutate, transfer, transfigure, transform, translate' transmogrify, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate. 2. Syns: lead, persuade.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
snrNc. c*nu oerb. prss oerb. corvoucr oerb. coMMutIrcATE. srr. oerb. nxpnnss oerb.
8. couuuNIcATE. 9. rnaNsrnn.
1. rnaNspoRTATroN. 2, cnavr rtoun. 3. r.e.ncsNY.
1. 2. sunrress. 1. Syns; assure, persuade, satisfy, win over. 2. pnnsuePr.
1. Syns; cogent, persuasive, satisfactory, satisfying solid, sound2, telling' 2. eurnrn'rrc.
3 . FRIENDLY. 1. coxvpNrtow. 2. Asssl"rsr-v.
l. ctu, oerb. 2. essBMsl-n. coMPLEx ad;iectirse. AGITATE.
1. acrrerroN. 2. firnos. 3. nrvor.urrow.
cookup cook up oerb Infonnal. To use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving. cook noun A person who prepares food for eating: an excellent cook. cook up oerb cool adiectioe l. Not excited, even under pressure: a cool and "Tiry person. controlled
2. Not friendly, sociable, or wann in manner: a shy, cool person.
3. Marked by a low temperature. 4. Slang. Particularly excLlent. cool oerb To bring one's emotions under control. coOl nuun l. Slang. A stable, calm state of the emotions. S^P"S The state or quality of being nonchalant. ?. 3..Slang. Lack of emotibnal agitation. COOlef noun S_bS A place for the confinement of persons in lawf-ul detention. coof-headed ad;iectioe Not easily excited, even under pressure. cOolie also cOOl! rmun One who labors.
coolness noun 1. Relative lack of warmth. 2. A stable, calm state of the emotions. Coolth nou,n Relative lack of warmth. COOIy twun COOp oerb To confine within a limited area. GOOp nutn place for the confinement of persons in lawf'l 1fu9.A detention. CoOperanl adiectit:e Working together toward a common end. C0operate oerb To work together toward a common end,: The hao agenci,e-s.cooperatedon the energ7 policg. GOOpefatlOn noun 1. Joint work toward a common end: mutual ^ clqeration, among the allies to achieoe peace. 2. The state of being associated.
Syns.' chef, cuisinier. snn cook. l. Syns; calm, collected, composed, cool_ headed, detached, disimpasiioned, evenl, even-tempered, imperfurbable, nonchalant, unflappable (Slang), unruffied. 2. Syns: aloof, chilly, distant, frosty, offish, remote, reserved, reticeni. solitary, standoffish, unapproachable, uncommunicative, undemonstrative. withdrawn. cot-n adiectioe. MARVELOUS.
COMPOSE. l. sALeNcn twun. 2. r.roNcHALANCE. 3. c,lr,u rwun. IALL froun.
coot- adiectioe. LASORER. coLD lWUn. BAIANCE NDUN.
coLD rmun. snn coolie. ENCLOSE.
Syns: coadjute, collaborate.
1. Syns; coadjuvancy, coagency, collaboration, synergy, teamwork. 2. assocnrroN.
cooperative adiectioe lprking togethertowarda commonend:a cooperatitse Syns: coefficient, efort. synergetic. coordinatealsoco-ordinate oerb l. To brug into accord. 2. To combine and adapt in order to attain a parUcular effect. COp rrDt n Informal. A member of a law-enforcement agency.
collaborative, cooperant,
205 cop Derb l. Stang. To obtain possessionor control of. 2. Slang. To take (another's property) without permission.
copartnet rwun One who is united in a relationship with another. adiectioe copious l. Characterized by abundance. 2. Large in number or Yield. COPpef noun Slang. A member of a law-enforcement agency. oerb copulate To engage in sexual relations with. COpy turun f . en inferior substitute imitating an original: cn inexperwfue coPY of the tiam. 2. Something closely resembling another: copies of Louis XV furruture. 3. A representation of a person or thing. coPY oerb 1. To make a copy of: copied an' ori$nal design. 2. To take as a model. oerb coqUet To make amorous advances without serious intentions. COqUetrY noun The practice of flirting.
1. cnrsnnous. 2. usew ad;iectitse. POLICEMAN.
rtsn oerb. l. Syns,' brummagem, ersatz, imitation, pinchbeck, simulacrum (olso simulacre ), simulation. 2. Syns: duplicate, facsimile, reduplication, replica, replication, reproducti on. -Idiorn carbon copy. 3. r-rxnNrss. 1. Syns: duplicate, image, imitate, reduplicate, replicate, reproduce. 2. ror,r-ow. w.tnr aerb. FLIRTATION.
coquette rwun A woman who leads men on.
coquettish adiectioe Given to flirting. adiectioe cordial 1. Characterized by kindness and warm, unaffected courtesY. 2. Pleasant and friendlY. rwttn cordialitY The quality of being pleasant and friendly. COfe rroun 1. The most central and material part. 2. A point of origin from which ideas, influences, etc., emanate.
1. cnecrous. 2. enreslr. AMIABILITY. 1. nsARt. 2. cnNrrn
corkscrew oerb To move or proceed on a repeatedly curving course. ad;iectirse corky Informal. Displaying light-hearted nonchalance. COfnef rloun l. A difficult, embarrassing situation. 2. Exclusive control or possession.
cornerstone noun A fundamental principle or underlying concept. adiectiae corny Slang. Without freshness or appeal due to overuse.
corollary noun Somethingbrought about by a cause. corporal adiectioe Of or pertainingto the humanbodY. CorporatiOn noun A commercialorganization. corporeal adiectioe f . Of or pertainingto the humanbody.
l. sonrr,v.
corps 2. Composed of or relatilg to things that occupy space and can be perceived by the senses. COfpS noun l. A group of people organized for a particular pu{pose. 2. A goup of performers. COfpSe noun The p-hysicalframe of a dead person or animal. corpselike adiectioe Gruesomely suggestive of ghosts or death. COrpufent adiectirse Having too much flesh. COfpUS noun l. qt" physical frame of a dead person or animal. 2. The main part. 3. A measurablewhole. COffeCt t;erb l. To make right what is wrong: conect an error. 2.
for th9 purpose of improving: conect a fo.c.a$gate child for being rude. 3. To subject (one) to a penalty for a wrong. correct adiectioe l. Having no errors. 2. Conforming to fact. 3. Conforming to accepted standards:conect social beharsior.
4. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place. corfeCtiOn noun A penalty imposed for wrongdoing. COrreGtlVe adiectioe Tending to correct: took conectiae measures to ease the tensi.on. CorreGtive noun Something that corrects or counteracts. correctly adaerb In a fair, sporting manner. COrreCtneSS noun 1. Freedom from error. 2. Correspondence with fact or truth. 3. Conformity to recognized standards, as of conduct or appearance. COrrelate oerb To come or bring together in one's mind or imagination. correlate rwun Something closely resembling or analogous to something else. Correlation noun A logical or natural association between two or more things. COrrespOnd oerb 1. To be compatible or in correspondence. 2. To be equal or alike. 3. To be equivalent. correspond to oerb To be in keeping with. cOrrespondenCe rnun l. The act or state of agreeing or conforming.
206 2. psysrcar,.
1. r'oncr rwun. 2. sANDsnoun, BODYnoun. GHASTLY.
rtr adiectioe. L. noly noun. 2. eooy noun. 3. gueNrrrv. l. Syns; amend, emend, mend, rectify, remedy, right. 2. Syns: chasten, chastise.rebuke. reprove. 3. pulrrsH. 1. accunern. 2. accunarr. 3. Syns; au fait (French), becoming, befitting, comely, comme il faui (\erwry), decent, decorous, de rigueur (French), nice, proper, respectable, right, seemly. 4. a-ppnopnrtrn adiectiae
Syns; emendatory, reformatory, remedial.
rl':tn adoerb. l. accunacy. 2. vrnacrry. 3. necrucy.
essocnrn oerb. PARALLEL
1. ecnm. 2, coupenr. 3. tuovr,rr aerb. rtr aerb. l. ecnerMsvr.
207 2. Logical agreement among things or parts. COrresPOndent noun Something closely resembling or analogous to something else. corresPondent adiectiue In keeping with one's needs or expectations.
corresp^onaiingadiectioe 1. In keeping with one's needs or expectations. 2. Possessingthe same or almost the same characteristics.
Correspondto oerb Corrival rwun
One that competes. noun corrivalry A struggle with others for victory or supremacy. oerb Corroborate 1. To present evidence in support of. 2. To assure the certainty or validity of. 3. To establish as true or genuine. nyun corroboration That which confirms. COrrOde oerb To consume gradually, as by chemical reaction, friction, etc. adiectiae corrosive 1. Given to or exPressingsarcasm. 2. Serving to corruPt. noun corrosiveness Ironic, bitter humor designed to wound. adiectioe corrupt 1. Utterly reprehensible in nature or behavior: a comtpt parent who debased the child.
2. Marked by dishonesty, esp. in matters ofplblic tnstt comtpt police ofi,cets uho accepted bribes. 3. Ruthlessly seeking personal advantage: comt'pt. politicians who lirw their pockets at taxpayers' expense. corruPt oerb 1. To ruin utterly in character or quality: public taste comtpted by PomograPhY.
2. To make morally imPure. 3. To subject (someone having the public's trust) to improper influence: The mab corntpted the citg council. adiectioe corrupted Lowered in character or quality: a flutn comtpted by his lust for power. adiectioe corruptible Capable of being bribed: a comrytible congresmwneasy pbkings for the mob. adiectioe corrupting Morally detrimental.
corruption nnun l. Immoral, degrading acts or habits: condemned the lootry and comtption of the ruling cktsses. 2. Departure from what is legally, ethically, and moially correct: impeached for comtption in high
L. r,l,'cx oerb. 2. coNnnrvr. 3. pnove. CONFIRMATION.
fagitious, depraved,
miscreant, nefarious, perverse, rotten, unhealthy, villainous. 2. Syns: crooked, dishonest,venal. 3. Syns; mercenary, praetorian, unet-hical, unprincipled, unscrupulous, venal.
1. Syns; animalize, bastardize, bestialize, brutalize, canker, debase, debauch, demoralize, deprave, pervert, stain, vitiate, warp. 2. rrtxr aerb. 3. Syns: buy, purchase.
Syns: debased, debauched, depraved, perverted, vitiated. -ldiorn gone to the dogs. Syns; buyable, purchasable, venal.
1. Syns; depravity, immorality, turpitude, vice, wickedness. 2. Syns: corrupt-ness,crookedness, dishonesty, improbity.
corruptive 3. A term whose form offends against established usage standards: Many writers consider "finalize" a comrption oJ good English. COrrUptlve adiectioe Serving to corrupt: The presence of drugs uas a comtptioe fa.ctor. COrrUptness noun Departure from what is legally, ethically, and morally correct. COrUSCate oerb 1. To shine with intermittent gleams. 2. To emit light suddenly in rays or sparks. corusGatiOn noun A sudden quick light. cosmic adiectioe So pervasive and all-inclusive as to exist in or affect the whole world. Cosmopolitan adiectirse l. Experienced in the ways of the world; lacking natural simplicity. 2. So pervasive and all-inclusive as to exist in or afiect the whole world. COSfiOS noun The totality of all existing things. COSSet aerb To treat with indulgence and often overtender care. COSI noun 1. An amount paid or to be paid for a purchase: The cost of the dress is $00. 2. Something expended to obtain a benefit or desired result: Production costsofset sales. 3. A loss sustained in the accomplishment of or as the result of something: a reuolution brought about at the cost of many lioes. cost aerb To require a specified price: The painting costs
$10.0u. cost-free adiectiae Costing - nothing. costive adiectil;e Ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money. costfy adiectioe 1. Bringing a high price: costly paintings. 2. Of great value. COStUme noun Clothes or other personal effects, such as make-up, worn to conceal one's identity. Cosy adiectiae
cotton oerb 1. To support slavishly every opinion or suggestion of a superior. 2. Inforrnnl. To live or act together in harmony. COUCh oerb To convey in language or words of a particular form. COUnSel aerb To give recommendationsto (someone)about a decision or course of action. counsel noun l. An opinion as to a decision or course of action. 2. An exchange of views in an attempt to reach a decision.
3. Syns: barbarism, solecism, vulgarism.
Syns: corrosive,
L. nrwx oerb. 2. runsu aerb. BLINK NOUN. uNTvERSAL adiectioe.
1,. soprusucATED. 2. uurvrns N- adiectioe.
UNIVERSE. r'ABv aerb.
1 . Syns: charge, price, tab. Syns: disbursement, expense, expenditure, outlay. Syns: expense,price, sacrifice, tolll.
Syns: go for, sell for.
rnnn adiectioe.
Syns: dear, expensive,high, highpriced. -ldiorn high as smoke. VALUABLE.
DISGUISENOUN, sEE COZy. 1. r'eww. 2. cnr ALoNG at get. prrnl'sn oerb. ADVISE.
209 3. One who advises another, esp. ofRcially or professionally. adiectioe counselable also counsellable Worth doing, esp. for practical reasons. adiectiae counsellable
counsellor noun counseloror GoUllsellof rtDttn One who advises another, esp. officially or professionally. Count oerb 1. To note (items) one by one so as to get a total: Count yow change. 2. To be of significance or importance: an apinian that counts for nnught; felt that honesty counted too. 3. To indicate (time or rhythm), as with repeated gesfures or sounds. count on oerb L. Infomwl. To anticipate confidently. 2. To place trust or confidence in' count out oerb To keep from being admitted, included, or considered' count rwun A noUng of items one by one: kept an accurate count of the words.
countenance rloun
3. aovrsEn.
sEEcounselable. sEEcounselor. ADVISER.
l. Syns; calculate, compute, enumerate, number, numerate, reckon, tale, tally, tell off. 2. Syns: import, matter, signify, wegh. 3. rrnl^Toerb.
1. nxpncr. 2. pBpnmo on at dePend. EXCLUDE.
Syns; numeraUon, reckoning, tab, tally.
1. A disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood. 2. The front surface of the head. 3. An outward aPPearance.
2 . F/!C,E floun. 3. FAC.E TWUN.
countenance oerb 1. To be favorably disposedtoward. 2. To lend supportive aPProval to.
Counter noun 1. That which is diametrically opposed to another. 2. A spirited, incisive rePlY. counter oerb l. To place in opposition or be in opposition to. 2.To ieturn like for like, esp. to return an unfriendly or hostile action with a similar one. counter ad:iectiae Diametrically opposed. aerb counteracl 1. To act as an equalizing weight or force to. 2. To make inefiective by applying an opposite force or amount.
1. opposrrn nmun. 2. nnronr noun. 1. opposp. 2. nnler-rann'.
oPPosITEadiectioe. L. r,u.aNcn aerb. 2. ceNcrr,.
counteraction nou,n The act of retaliating.
counteragent nuun Something that corrects or counteracts.
counterattack noun The act of retaliating. aerb counterbalance l. To put in balance. 2. To act as an equalizing weight or force to. 3. To make up for the defects of.
2. sALeNcn
3. cotupnNsern.
counterblow rmun The act of retaliating. counterfactual adiectit:e Devoid of truth.
counterfeit adiectioe Fraudul-ently or deceptively imitative : cou.nterfeit biils; counterfeit laoe. counterfeit oerb 1. To make a fraudulent copy of: counterfeited the sigrwture on, th.e check. 2. To behave affectedly or insincerely. 3. To take on or give a false appearance of. counterfeil nutn A fraudulent imitation: The painting is a cleaer counterfeit of an ald" master. COUntefmeasure noun Something that corrects or counteracts.
CoUnterpart noun l. One holding a position corresponding to that of one in another organization or hierarchy: Each -foreign di,plonnt tDas seated next to his Arnerican counterpart at the banquet. 2. Something closely resembling or analogous to something else.
Syns.' bogus, ersatz, fake, false, fraudulent, phony (a/so phoney) (Infonnal), pseu
1. Syn: vis-i-vis. -Idiom number.
2. pen.rr,r,sL noun.
counterpoint rwu,n Striking difference between compared individuals.
counterpoise rnun A stable state characterized by the cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces. counterpoise oerb 1. To act as an equalizing weight or force to. 2. To make up for the defects of.
sAlaNrcn oerb. COMPENSATE.
counterstroke noun The act of retaliating.
countertype noun Something closely resembling or analogous to something else. countervail oerb 1. To act as an equalizing weight or force to. 2. To make up for the defects of. countless adlectirse Too great to be calculated. COunt On oerb
count out aerb COUntry rwun l. A rural areata farrn in the comtry. 2. An organized geopolitical unit. 3. Infomnl. A particular area used for or associated with a specific individual or activity. country adiectioe to the countryside: a quiet country ?:#pertaining
Countryman nou,n A person who is from one's own country: The President addressed his countrymen.
srr count. sEEcount.
Syn; countryside. -Idiorn country.
2. STATE TWUN. 3 . TERRITORY. Syns: agrestic (also agrestical), Arcadian, bucolic, campestral, hick (Informal), pastoral, provincial, rural, rustic. Syn.' compatriot. * Idiom fellow citizen.
countryside noun A rural area. Couple naun 1. Two items of the same kind together: a couple of pi.stols; sang a cou,ple of songs. 2. Two persons united, as by marriage. couple aerb 1. To bring or come together into a united whole.
l. Syns: bracer, doublet, pair. 2. pern. 1.. counrun rerb.
2Lt 2. To join one thing to another. 3. To come or bring together in one's mind or imagination. couple with oerb To engage in sexual relations with. aerb couple with
coupling noun A point or position at which two or more things are joined. COUrage noun The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely: a soldier decorated for courage in battle.
adiectine Courageous Having or showing courage. COUrageOUSneSS noun The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hqdship resolutelY. COUflef rwun A person who carries messagesor is sent on errands. COufSe oerb 1. To move freely as a liquid. 2. To come forth or emit in abundance. cOUfSe rloun l- A method used in dealing with somethittg. 2, The compass direction in which a ship or aircraft moves. 3, A number of things placed or occurring one after the other. COuft oerb l. To attempt to gain the affection of court a girl.
2.To solicit (danger) playfully and provocatively, often unwittingly t canrted ecorwnnc disaster; a stunt pilot who courted death. COUrt nuun l. An area partially or entirely enclosed by walls or buildings: My wind'ow aperLsonto a court' 2. A judicial assembly: called the court to order. adiectitse courteous 1, Characterized by good manners: a cou.rteortsperson uho took my coat. 2. Full of polite concern for the well-being of others'
2 . ATTACH. 3 . e.ssocrern oerZr. rtYrn Oerb, sEEcouple. JOrNTnnrn. Syns; braveness, bravery, courageousness' dauntlessness,fearlessness,fortifude, gallantry, guts (Slang), heart, intrepidity, mettle, moxie (Slang), nerve, Pluck, resolution, spirit, spunk (lnformnl), valiancy (olso valiance), valor.
:^:*'*" BEARER.
l. wow oerb. 2. wow oerb. 1. eppnoecr noun. 2. nraonc. 3. srnms.
1 . Syns: address, pursue, romance (Informal), rush, spark, sue (ArcLmic), woo. 2. Syns; beckon, invite, provoke, tempt, toy (wrth).
1. Syns; atrium, close2,courtyard, curtilage, enclosure, quad, quadrangle, yard. 2. Syns: bar, lawcourt, tribunal. 1. Syns; civil, genteel, mannerly, polite, well-bred, well-mannered. 2. errrrvuvn.
courteousness rurun Well-mannered behavior toward others.
courter rmun A man who courts a woman. noun courtesan A woman who engagesin sexual intercourse for payment. noun courtesies Courteous acts that contribute to smoothness and ease in dealings and social relationships.
courtesy rwun 1. Well-mannered behavior toward others: cormnon courtesy. 2. A courteous act: Little courtesies like thank-you notes are important.
1. Syns; civility, courteousness,politeness. 2. Syn: civility.
courtier 3.
4" act-requiring special generosity: receirsedfree drinlcs by courtesy of the airline. COUftier noun One who flatters another excessivelv.
Courting noun Romantic attentions.
courtliness noun Respectful attention, esp. toward women. courtfy adiectiae l. Characterized by elaborate but usu. formal courtesy. 2. RespectfuIly attentive, esp. to women. 3. fqnd of or given to ceremony.
courtship norin
Romantic attentions: a long courtship before mamfuge.
courtyard ru)un
An,area partially or entirely enclosed by walls or buildings. GOV€ noun A body of water partly enclosed by land but having a wide outlet to the sea. COVenant noun l. A declaration that one will or will not do a certain thing. 2. A legally binding arrangement between parties. covenant oerb l. To guaranteeby a solemn promise. 2. To enter into a formal agreement. COVer oerb l. To extend over the surface of: Snota coaered the ground. ?. T" journey over (a specified distance). 3. Jour. To observe, analyze, and relate the details of (an event): cooered the electioru. 4. To prevent (something) from being known: tried to couer up the scandnl.
cover up uerb To change or modify so as to prevent recognition of the true identity or character of: cover noun l- Something that physically protects, esp. from danger: sought coner in the howe frorn the attackers.
212 3. Syns; beau geste, compliment(s), favor, indulgence. SYCOPHANT. COURTSHIP. CAILANTRY.
l. cnacrous. 2. cer-r,eNr adiectioe. 3. cnnnuoNrous. Syns: addresses,courting, COURT NOUN.
1. pnoursn noun. 2. ecnrnurx-r. l. prnocn aerb. 2. corvrnecr uerb. 1. Syns; blanket, cap, overcast, overlay, spread over. 2. rnavsnsn oerb. 3. Syn: report. 4. Syns: cloak, conceal, enshroud, hider, hush (up), mask, shroud, veil. -Idionrc keep under cover, keep under wraps, veil in secrecy. orscursr oerb.
1. Syns; asylum, covert, harbor, harborage, haven, protection, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, shelter.
2. A deceptive outward appearance. 2 . FAqADE. 3. A professed rather than a real reason. 3 . PRETENSE. COverage noun Jour. The extent to which an event is reported: election coDerage. c0vert adiectioe l. Existing or operating in a way so as to ensure 1 . sEcRET adiectioe. complete concealment and confidentiality. 2. Lynngbeyond what is obvious or *lo*"d. 2 . ULTERIOR. covert rwun 1. Something that physically protects, esp. from danger. 1. covBnnDun. 2. A hiding place. 2. smr-our. COVer up oerb sEEcover. COVet oerb l. To have a strong longing for. L. onstnn oerb. 2. To feel envy for. 2. nlrw aerb. covetous adiectioe 1. Resentfully or painfully desirous of another's advantages. 1. nrwrous.
213 2. Having a strong urge to obtain or possesssomething, esp. material wealth, in quantity. fwun covetousness 1. Resentful or painful desire for another's advantages. 2. Excessivedesire for more than one needs or deserves. COw aerb To domineer or drive into compliance by the use of threats, force, etc. COWafd rwun An ignoble, uncourageous person: a coroard who deserted his cornrades under fire.
noun cowardice Ignoble lack of courage: desertion and, other acts of couardice.
2. cnBrov.
1. noun. 2. cnnno.
Syns: chicken (Slang), craven, dastard, funk2 (Chrefl,yBrit.), poltroon (Archaic), yellow-belty (Slang). - I dicnn gutless wonder. Syns; cowardliness, cravenness, dastardliness, faint-heartedness, funkz (Chiefly Brit. ), gutlessness,poltroonery, pusillanimity, unmanliness, yellowness (Slang). -Idiorns white feather, yellow streak.
cowardliness noun Ignoble lack of courage. adiectioe cowardly Ignobly lacking in courage: couardly tumcoats.
COy adiectitse 1. Given to firting. 2. Reticent or reserved in manner. COze oerb To engage in spoken exchange. coze noun Spoken exchange. COZen oerb 1. To get money or something else from by deceitful trickery. 2. To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. GOZ! also cOSy ad:iectioe Affording pleasurable ease. Crab rwun lnformal. A person who habitually complains or grumbles. adiectioe cr;bbed Having or showing a bad temper. adiectioe crabby Having or showing a bad temper. CraGk noun l. A usu. narrow partial opening caused by splitting and rupture: a crack in the ice. 2. A sudden sharp, powerful stroke. 3. A sudden sharp, explosive noise. 4. Slang. A brief trial. 5. A very brief time. 6. Informal. A flippant or sarcastic remark: made a crack abutt uomen drioers. crack oerb l. To make a sudden sharp, explosive noise: The rifle cracked in the silent woods. 2. To undergo partial breaking: The ice uacked under mg ueight.
Syns; chicken (Slang), chickenhearted, craven, dastardly, faint-hearted, gutless, lilyJivered, pusillanimous, unmanly, yellow (Slang), yellow-bellied (Slang). l. rr-mrerrous. 2. uoorsr. corwrnsrl oarb. COTWERSATION.
l. cnEtr aerb, 2. oncnrvr.
ffi;"""t, 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.
rift, cleft,fissure,
"r,i't, split. il-owz. nrponr rwu,n. rnv rmun. rr-esH rwun. Syns: utt (lnformal), dig, jab, quip, wisecrack.
1. Syns; bark, clap, pop, snap. 2. Syns: fissure, rupture, snap, split.
crackaiack I. To give way mentally and emotionally. 1. To suddenly lose all health or strength. 5. To find the key to. crack adiectiae H""-rlg or demonstrating a high degee of knowledge or skill. CrackaiaGk adiectioe {y rwun crackdown rw,u.n Sudden punitive action. cracked adiectiae Affiicted with or exhibiUng irrationality and mental unsoundness. crackeriackalso crackaiack adiectioe !b"g, Having or demonstrating a htgh degree of knowledge or skill. crackerjack also crackajack noun S-b-:S.A person-with a high degree of knowledge or skill in a particular field. crackers adiectirse Chiefly Brit. Slang. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness.
214 3. nnnex DowN. 4. cor.r,apsnoerb. 5. snnllx aerb. ExPERTadiectioe. see crackerjack. SUPPRESSION.
ExPERT adiectioe.
crackle airb To make a series of short, shalp noises: The fire crackled as it consumed the dry branches. CraGkpot noun An insanely foolish or strange person: a crackpot usho utrote incoherent letters to the President.
craGkUp noun CraGk up oerb l. Infornwl. To undergo wrecking. 2. Informal. To suddenly lose all health or strength. craGkup rlaun l. A wrecking of a vehicle. 2. Informal. A sudden sharp decline in mental, emotional, or physical health. cracky adiectitse Chi.efly Brit. Regional Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. Cfaft naun 1. Natural or acquired facility in a specific activity. 2. A skill in doing or performing that is attained by sfudy, practice, or observation. 3. Deceitful cleverness. 4. I ack of straightforwardness and honesty in action.
Syns: crepitate, splutter, sputter.
Syns: crank, cuckoo, ding-aling (lnformal), dingbat (Informnl), eccentric, harebrain, kook (Slang), loon, Ioony (a/so luny), lunatic, nut (Slang), screwball, weirdie (a/so weirdy, weirdo) (Slang). snn crack up. t. cnts:g. oerlt. 2, cor,r.epsnoerb. 1. cnesn rwu,n. 2. snneKDowNat break down.
l. esrr-rrY. 2. enr. ART. INDIRECTION.
craftiness noui
1. Deceitful cleverness. 2.-Lack of straightforwardness and honesty in action. "noun craftsmanship The technique, style, and quality of working. crafly adieitioe Deceitfully clever. Cragged adiectiae Having a coarse, irregular surface. craggy adiectiae Having a coarse, irregular surface. Cram oerb 1. To fill to excessby compressing or squeezing tightly. 2. To congregate closely around or against. 3. Informal. To study hard, esp. when pressed for time.
L. cnowo oerb. 2. cnowo oerb. 3. eoNrnup.
215 adiectioe crammed Completely filled. Cramp oerb To theck the freedom and spontaneity of' cfamP noun Something that limits or restricts' adiectioe cramPed Affording little room for movement' twun crank L. Inforrnal. A person who habitually complains or grumbles. 2. I.n insanely foolish or strange person' adiectioe cranky Having or showing a bad temPer' Cfap rloun Si*ry.Something that does not have or make sense' adiecth:e crapp} Si,iig. Of decidedly inferior quality' noun cfapulence ihe condition of b"ttg intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. adiectioe crafulent Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor'
crapulous adiectirso Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor' Cfash noun l. A wrecking of a vehicle: a plnne cvash' 2. Violent, forcible contact between two or more things. 3. A loud striking together. 4. A forceful movement causing a loud noise' 5. An abruPt, disastrous failure' crash oerb 1. To undergo wrecking: The plarw croshed' 2. To come together or come up against with force' 3. To strike, ,"-t do*.t, or close in such a way as to make a loud noise. 4. To strike together with a loud, harsh noise' 5. To undergo-sudden financial failure' 6. Sla'ng.To go to bed. crash adiectioe Informnl. Designed to meet emergency needs as quickly as possible: a uash progro'nxto saoe ennrgY; a hospital uash traY. adiectitse crashing Completely such, without qualification or excepUon' CraSS adiectine Lacking in delicacY or refinement. Cfave oerb 1. To have a strong longing for' 2. To have a greedy, obsessivedesire' adiectioe Craven Ignobly lacking in courage. craven noun An ignoble, uncourageous Person. CfavenneSS noun Ignoble lack of courage. rwun Cfavlng A strong wish for what promises enjoyment or pleasure.
TrcHT adiectioe. 1. cnoucn naun. 2. cnecxpor. ILL-TEMPERED. NONSENSE. SHODDY. DRUNKENNESS.
DRUNKadiectuse. DRUNKadiectioe. l. Syns; crackup, pileup, smash, smashup, wreck. 2. cor-r.rsroN. 3. cr,esn rtou,n. 4. sr-au rwun. 5. cor-r-apsErtoun. 1. Syns; crack tP (lnfonnal), Pile uP, smash, smash uP. 2. cor-r-rnB. 3. sANc oerb. 4. ct.*su oerb. 5. cor-r,epsn oerb. 6. nBrrnp. Syns: hurry-up, rush.
uttnn2. COARSE.
1. onsrnnoerb. 2. r-vsr oerb. COWA.RDLY. COWARD. COWARDICE. DESIRE TWUN.
crawl cfawl t)erb l. To move along in a crouching or prone position: soldicrs crauling throu gh barbed-ttsire oistacle s. 2. To advance slowly: Tirne uausls. 3. To overflow with. 4. To experience a repugnant tingling sensation: a person usho made my skin uawl. crawl noun A vjry slow rate of speed: Time passed at a crawl. crawly adiecthse Experiencing^a repugnant tingling sensation: My skin felt crawly after the honor rr-oie. Cra?e oerb To make insane. craze fwun A.subject or activity that inspires lively interest. l. 2. The current custom. CraZed a.diectirse Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. cfaziness nDtln l. Serious mental illness or disorder impairing a ^ p"t:91'lcapacity to function normally anJsafely. 2. Foolish behavior. GIa?y ad;iectioe 1. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. 2. So senselessas to be laughable. 3. lnfonrwl. Showing or having enthusiasm. Cfeam noun That which is superlative. Cream oerb 1. To form or cause to form foam. 2. llryg.To render totally inefiective by decisive defeat. Creamy ad;iecthse Bright and clear; not dull or faded. Cfease twun l. A line made by fie doubling of one part over another. 2. An indentation or seam on the skin, esp. on the face. Create oerb l. To form by artistic efiort. 2. To cause to come into existence. 3. To bring into existence formally. CreatiOn rwun l. The act of founding or establishing. ,. fictitious idea accepted as pai of an ideology !n, by * uncritical group; a receivtd idea. 3. The totality of all existing things. creative ad;iectiue Characterized by or productive of new things or new ideas.
216 L. Syns: creep, slide, snake,worm. 2. Syns: creep, drag, inch. 3. rrtv'. 4. Syns: creep, formicate. -Idiornhave the creeps. Syn: creep. -Idiom
Syns; creepy (Informal), goose-pimply.
DERANGE. 1. sl.rrHushsN{.
2. resrrrox rwun. INSANE.
1. rNsaNrry. 2. roor.rsrtvrss.
2. roor.rsn.. 3. BnrrnusrAsrrc. BESTnoun. l. roru oerb. 2. ovnnwnrr,u.
1. ror"o noun. 2. r,rnn noun. l. cornlposn. 2. pnooucr. 3. rourvo. 1. rouvoarrow. 2. uyrtr. 3. uNrvrnsn. INVENTIVE.
creativity rurun The power or ability to invent. Cfeatof noun 1. A person instrumental in the growth of something, esp. in its early stages. 2. One that creates, founds, or originates. Cfeatufe rwun A member of the human race.
snail's pace.
l. surr,orn. 2. onrcnaron. HUMAN
2t7 noun credence Mental acceptance of the truth or actuality of something. adiectiae credible 1. Worthy of being believed. 2. Worthy of belief because of precision, faithfulness to an original, etc. oerb credit l. To have confidence in the truthfulness of. 2. To regard as belonging to or resulting from another. credit noun 1. Mental acceptance of the truth or actuality of something. 2. The act of attributing. 3. Favorable notice, as of an achievement. adiecthse creditable 1. Worthy of being believed. 2. Deserving honor or resPect. Creed noun 1. A system of religious belief. 2. Those who accept and practice a particular religious belief. Cfeek noun A small stream. Creep oerb 1. To move along in a crouching or prone position. 2. To move silently and furtively. 3. To advance slowly. 4. To experience a repugnant tingling sensation. creep noun A very slow rate of speed. adiectioe creepy Informal. Experiencing a repugnant tingling sensation. noun crame de la creme l. Frerch. That which is superlative. 2. Frerch. People of the highest social level. nou,n crepehanger A prophet of misfortune or disaster.
1. snr,mvesr-n. 2. eurHnvlc.
1. err-rrvE. 2. errnrsutn aerb. 1. enr.rnr. 2. errnrnurlox. 3. nncocwlTloN. l. nnr.rrvesr-r. 2. noNoneslr. 1. nnr-rcroN. 2. nerrn.
l. 2. 3. 4.
cntwr sxntx cntwr catwr
oerb. oerb. aerb. aerb.
1. ensr noun. 2. socmrv. PESSIMIST.
crepitate oerb To make a series of short, sharp noises. CreSt rnun 1. The highest point. 2. The greatest quantity or highest degree attainable. 3. The highest point or state. rmun cretin A mentally deficient person. CfeW rwun A group of people organized for a particular purpose. oerb crib Informal. To reproduce (the artistic work of another) illicitly.
1. Hrrcnr. 2. uaxruuM rwun. 3. cr-ruex nDun. FOOL nOUn. FORCE rWUn. ptntrE
cribber noun Informal. One who illicitly reproduces the artistic work of another. noun crime l. A serious breaking of the public law Car theft and armed robbery are cnmes. 2. A wicked act: uhite-collar crimes such as stealing supplies.
3. Something that offends one's senseof propriety, fairness, or justice: lt is a crime to uaste food.
1. Syns; felony (Lata), illegality, misdeed, offense, trespass,violation. 2. Syns: diablerie (olso diablery), evil, evildoing, iniquity, misdeed, offense, sin, tort, transgression, wrong, wrongdoing. 3. Syns; outrage, sin.
criminal 4. Infonnal. A great disappointment or regettable fact. Cflmlnal adiectioe Of, involving, or being a crime: uimirwl actirsitiessuch as extortinn and blaclcntail. criminal narn One who commits a crime: killers and other criminals. crimp aerb To make irregular folds in, esp. by pressing or Crfmple oerb To make irregular folds in, esp. by pressing or twisting.
crimson aeri
To become red in the face. crinkle twun l. A line made by the doubling of one part over another. 2. An indentation or seam on the skin, esp. on the face. crinkle oerb To make irregular folds in, esp, by pressing or twisting. cripple oerb l. To deprive of, or of the use of, a limb or bodily member: was badly uippled in the crash. 2. To render powerless or moUonlessby inflicting . . severe injury. CflSlS rroun l. A hig\ly volatile,_dangerous situation requiring immediate remedial action: The Middle East " situation has reached the point of uisis. 2. A decisive point: Qgcided to adopt a neu) lifestyte as the result of a midlife crisi"s.
crisscross oerb To passthroughor over. CfltgflOn nuun A means by which individuals are compared and iudeed.
218 4. snananrwun. Syns; illegal, illegitimate, illicit, lawless, unlawful, wrongful. Syns: felon (Laus), lawbreaker, malefactor, offender. wnlrlxr-nl oerb. oerb. nrusrr aerb. 1. r'or,n rwun. 2. r,rur noun. wntNrt nt oerb. 1. Syns; dismember, maim, mutilate. 2. nrsesr,B.
1. Syns; emergency, extremity. -Idiom flash point. 2. Syns: crossroad(s),exigency (a/so exigence), head, juncture, pass. -Idiorns turning point, zero hour. cnoss oerb. STANDARD TNUN.
critiC naun l. A person who evaluates and reports on the worth of something: an art cvitic. 2. A pgr-r_onwho finds fault, often severely and willfully: a chronic c,ritic of eoeryone. criticaf adiectioe l. Inclined to judge too severely: an uryruecessarily critical attitude.
l. Syns: commentator, judge, reviewer. 2. Syns: aristarch, carper, caviler, criticizer, faultfi nder, hypercritic, knocker (Slnng), momus.
2. Characterized by careful and exact evaluation: a c:ritical appraisal of the athlete's abilities. 3. So serious as to be at the point of crisis: a cvitical shortage - of fuel.
1. Syns,' captious, carping, caviling, censorious, faultfi nding, hypercritical, overcritical. 2. Syns: discerning discriminating, penetrating. 3. Syns; acute, climacteric, crucial, desperate, dire, exigent.
l. A finding fault. 2. Evaluative and criUcal discourse.
1. nr,aivrnnoun. 2. nnvrnw noun.
criticism r-Li
criticize oerb l. To find faultwith. 2, To write a critical report on.
L. nrl.lrrn oerb. 2. nnvtnw oerb.
criticizer noun A person who finds fault, often severely and willfully.
critique naun Evaluativeand critical discourse. critique oerb To write a critical report on.
REVIEW nouxt. r.nvtnw oerb.
219 Croak Derb Slang. To ceaseliving. adiectirse crocked Slnng. Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. CfOne noun An ugly, frightening old woman. CfOny noun One who keeps company with another. oerb crook To swerve from a straight line. crook noun 1. Something bent. 2. lnformnl. A person who cheats. adiecth:e crooked 1. Having bends, curves, or angles: a crooked tree limb; a crooked country ktne. 2. Not straight, uniform, or symmetrical. 3. Marked by dishonesty, esp. in matters of public trust.
DIE. DRUNK adiectioe. WITCH
r;nNo oerb. 1. snNo noun. 2. cnner noun. 1. Syns; bending, curved, curving, devious, twisting. 2. nnscur,AR. 3. connupr adiectirse.
crookedness rmun 1. Lack of smoothnessor regularity. 2. Departure from what is legally, ethically, and morally correct. CrOp oerb l. Brit. Regiornl. To gather (grain) left by reapers. 2. To decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising. 3. To make short or shorter by or as if by cutting. crop noun Theproduce gathered from the land. CrOPplng noun The act or process of bringing in a crop. CrOSS aerb 1. To go across: crossed the ocean. 2. To pass through or over: at the comer where Elm crossesMain Street. 3. To be treacherous to. cross out oerb To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiping clean. cross ftoun Something hard to bear physically or emotionally. cross adiectioe Having or showing a bad temper. CTOSSCUI oerb To pass through or over.
1. mnecur,ARITY. 2. connuprroN.
1. clnaN. 2. cvr BAcK. 3. rnuxcern. HARVEST TWUN, HARVEST TMUN,
1. Syns; transit, transverse, traverse. 2. Syns: crisscross,crosscut, cut acrosi, decussate,intercross, intersect. 3. snrnev. CANCEL.
cnoss oerb.
cross-examine oerb To question thoroughly and relentlessly to verify facts. CfOSS-eye noun The condition of not having the visual axes parallel. adiectirse crOsS-eyed Marked by or affected with a squint. ad;iectioe crossing Situated or lying across.
cross-interrogate oerb To question thoroughly and relentlessly to verify facts.
crOSSOUt oerb cross-question oerb
To questionthoroughlyand relentlessly to verify facts. crossroad(s) n(tun, A decisivepoint. crosswise adiectioe Situatedor lying across.
crouch CTOUCh aerb To stoop low with the limbs pulled in close to the body: crouched behind, the tree and listened. CfOW aerb l. To talk with excessivepride. 2. To feel or expressan uplifting joy over a successor victory. CrOWd noun 1. An enormous number of personsgathered together: An enthusiastic crowd sumound,edthe President. 2. A very large number of things grouped together: a crotnd of irxects. 3. A number of persons who have come or been gathered together. 4. The common people. 5. A particular social group: inaited only our crotad. 6. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement. crOwd oerb 1. To congregate closely around or against: The fans crouded aroun"d,the singer. 2. To fill to excessby compressing or squeezing tightly: Commuters crouded the bus. 3. To act on with a steady pushing force: The passengerscrouded each other in the subusay. CrOwded adiectiae l. Completely filled. 2. Having all parts near to each other. 3. Affording little room for movement. 4. Excessively filled with detail. CfOWn oerb 1. To put a topping on. 2. To reach or bring to a climax. crown nottn 1. The highest point or state. 2. T\" highest point. CrOWnlng adiectioe Of or constituting a climax. crucial adfectiae l. So seriousas to be at the point of crisis. 2. Determining or having the power to determine an outcome. crucible rwun A state of pain or anguish that tests one's resiliency and character. crucify oerb To subject (another) to extreme physical cruelty, as in punishing. crude adiectioe 1. In a natural state and still not prepared for use: cntde oil; crude ore. 2. Lacking expert, careful craftsmanship. 3. Displaying a lack of knowledge or skill crude attempts to negotiate. 4. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. 5. Offensive to accepted standards of decency. Cruel adiectiae l. So intense as to cause extreme nfrering: cn^tel humicane uinds. 2. Showing or suggesting a disposition to be violently destructive without scruple or restraint.
Syns: huddle, hunch, hunker, squab (Brdf. Re$orutl), squat.
1 . sotsr aerb. 2 . EXULT.
l. Syns; crush, drove, flock, horde, mass, mob, multitude, swarm, throng. 2. Syns: army, cloud, drove, flock, host, legion, multitude, rottr (Archaic), scores. 3. essnMsr-v. 4. conuoNALTY. 5. Syns; bunch (lnformal), circle, gang, set2. 6. crncr,n rwun.
l. Syns: crarn, crush, flock, jam, mob, press, squash,squeeze. 2. Syns: crarn, jam, jam-pack (Inforrutl), Ioad, mob, pack, stuff. 3. Syns: compress,constrain, crush, mash, press, push, squash,squeeze. 1. 2. 3. 4.
nur-r,. rnrcx. ucnr adjectirse susy adiectioe.
L. rop oerb. 2. crrv'tx aerb. l. cr,rllax noun. 2. nnrcnr. CLIMACTIC.
l. cnrrlcnr,. 2. oncrsrvn.
ronrunB oerb.
1. Syns; impure, native, raw, unprocessed,unrefined. 2. nupr. 3. Syns; coarse, inexpert. 4. coansp. 5. oescnNn. 1. Syns; ferocious, fierce, savage, 2. prnncn.
221 cruelty nnun A cruel act or an instance of cruel behavior: the cruelty of an Eastem potentate.
crumb noun 1. A smallporUonof food. 2. A tiny amount. crumble oerb To reduce or become reduced to pieces or components. adiectioe crumby adiectioe crummy also crUmby Slnng. Of decidedly inferior quality. oerb Crump To bite and gind with the teeth. oerb crumple 1. To make irregular folds in, esp. by pressing or twisting. 2. To be unable to hold up. oerb cfunch 1. To bite and gnnd with the teeth. 2. To rub together noisily. CrUsade rrnun 1. A goal or set of interests served with dedication. 2. An organized effort to accomplish a purPose. Crush oerb 1. To press forcefully so as to break up into a pulpy mass: mtshed rnint l.earses. 2. To extract from by applyrng pressure. 3. To break up into tiny particlesz cnshed the iron, ore.
4. To i* severely the ppirit, health, effectiveness, etc., of. 5. To bring to an end forcibly as if by imposing a heavy weight. 6. To affect deeply or completely, as with emotion. 7. To congegate closely around or against. 8. To act on with a steady pushing force. crush nuun 1. An enormous number of persons gathered together. 2. lnfornwl. An extravagant, short-lived romantic attachment. CfUSt rloun Slnng. Excessive and arrogant self-confidence. adiecth:e crusty 1. Rudely unceremonious. 2. Offensive to accepted standards of decency.
Syns; barbarity, brutality, ferocity, inhumanity, truculenc e (also truculency), viciousness. 1. nrrl. 2. srrr. BREAKup at break, sEECrummy. SHODDY. CHE\M.
1. wnu.rxr-nr oerb. 2. rlnNDDerb. 1. cnsw. 2. cnrNo oerb. 1. ceusn twun. 2. onrvp nou,n. 1. Syns; becrush, mash, mush (,rp), pulp, squash. 2. sqvnnzn oerb. 3. Syns; bray, buck], ganulate, granulize, grind, mill, powder, pulverize, triturate. 4. sngl,;
crutch nou,n A means or device that keeps something erect, stable,
cry aerb 1. Syns.'bawl, blub, blubber, boohoo, 1. To make inarticulate sounds of grief or pain, usu. accompanied by tears: The child cried after falling daum. howl, keen2,sob, wail, weep, yowl, 2. norn aerb. 2. To speak or say very loudly. 3. rxcr,nru. 3. To speak suddenly or sharply, as from surprise or emotion. 4. To say (something) with a shout. 4. snovr oerb. 5. eovrnrrsr. 5. To make known vigorously the positive features of (a product). cry ftaun 1. Syns; bawling, blubbering, boohoos, 1. A fit of crying: had a good cry after the funeral.
2. A rallying term used by proponents of a cause: "Freed,om!" u)aa the cry of the reoolutionaries. 3. The act of demanding. 4, The current custom. 5. Idle, often sensational and groundless talk about others. crying ad;iecthse 1. Of immediate import. 2. Disgacefully and gossly ofiensive. Crypt noun A burial place or receptacle for human remains. crystaf-clear adiectioe 1. Admitting light so that objects beyond can be seen. 2. Readily seen, perceived, or understood. crystallini adiectioe Admitting light so that objects beyond can be seen. CuckOO t*nn An insanely foolish or strange person. cuckoo adiecthse Afficted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. cuddle oerb l. To lie or press close together, usu. with another person or thing. 2. To touch or stroke afiectionately. CUe noun A subtle pointing out.
cutf noui A quick, sharp blow, esp. with the hand. cuff aerb hjt with a quick, sharp blow of the hand. Tq CUlSlnlef rwun A gerson who prepares food for eating. CUI-Oe-SaC noun A course leading nowhere. cuf l aerlt 1. To make a choice from a number of alternatives. 2. To collect (something) bit by bit. cuf minate aerb To reach or bring to a climax. cufminating adiectioe Of or constituting a climax.
2. ^ 3. 4. 5.
tears, wailing, weeping. -Idirtrn flood of tears. Syn: motto. -Idionw battle cry, call to arms (or battle), rallying cry, war cry. onlanvo noun. resnroN noun. cossrp noun.
l. eunNrwc. 2. ournecEous. cRawl. l. rnelrspeRENT. 2. e,ppanms'r. TRANSPARENT. CRACKPOT.
l. suuccr,n oerb. 2. ctnnss aerb. }IINT
srtp aerb. cooK noun. BLIND ALLEY. 1. cnoosB. 2. cr-raN. crtv,tx
cufmination nou,n 1. The highest point or state. 2. The condition of being ftrlfilled.
culpability rwun Responsibility for an error or crime. cuf pabfe adiectioe Deserving blame.
cultivate oerb 1. To prepare (soil) for the planting and raising of crops. 2. To bring into existence and foster the development of. 3. To promote and sustain the development of. 4. To help bring about. cuftivated a.diecthse Characte rized by discriminating taste and broad knowledge as a result of development or education.
1 . TILL. 2 . GRO\^/. 3 . NURSE. 4. PROMOTE. CULTURED.
223 cuftivation rwun Enlightenment and excellent taste resulting from intellectual development. adiectirse cultural Promoting culture: cultural pursuits such as supporting the local orchestra.
Syns: civilizing, edifying, enlightening, humanizing, refining.
culture rwun 1. Enlightenment and excellent taste resulting from intellectual development: a person of great charm and culture. 2. The total product of human creativity and intellect at a particular time: the culture of onci.ent Greece. culture aerb To prepare (soil) for the planting and raising of crops. adiectiae cultured Characterized by discriminating taste and broad knowledge as a result of development or education: a anltured man.
1. Syns; cultivation, polish, refinement.
2. Syns: civilization, Kultur (Germon).
Syns; civilized, cultivated, enlightened, polished, refi ned, urbane,well-bred.
cumber oerb To place a burden or heavy load on. adiectiae cumbersome 1. Difficult to handle or manage. 2. Unwieldy, esp. due to excessweight. adiectioe cumbrous Difficult to handle or manage. Cumshaw noun A material favor or gift, usu. money, given in return for service. oerb cumulate To bring together so as to increase in mass or number.
cstncn aerb. 1. ewxwenp. 2. neevv adiectiae. A\MKWARD. GRATUITY.
cumulation rmun A quantity accumulated. adiectioe cumulativ6 Increasing, as in force, by successiveadditions. noun cumuluS A quantity accumulated. adiecthse cunning Deceitfully clever. cunning rroun 1. Deceitful cleverness. 2. The act or practice of deceiving.
1. anr. 2. orcur.
cupidity rwun Excessive desire for more than one needs or deserves. adiectioe curative Serving to cure: curath:e drugs. curative noun Something that corrects or counteracts. curb oerb To control, restrict, or arrest. CUfe noun 1. An agent used to restore health: had found na cure for cancer. 2. Something that corrects or counteracts. cure oerb To rectify an undesirable or unhealthy condition: cure a cold; cure a sick econorny. Cure-all noun Something believed to cure all human disorders.
Syns: curing, healing, polychrestic, remedial, restorative, therapeutic. REMEDY NOUN.
1. Syns; elixir, medicament, medicant, medication, medicine, nostrum, pharmacon, physic, polychrest, remedy. 2. nrnmrv rwun. Syns: heal, remedy.
cureless curef ess adiectioe Ofering no hope or expectation of improvement. CUrlng adiectioe Serving to cure. curiosity rwun l. Mental acquisitiveness: intellectual curiosity. 2. Undue interest in the affairs of others: The . neighbors' eaerlasting curiosity is initating. curious adiectioe l. Eager to acquire knowledge: u)as curiorn about the origtns of mnn. 2. Unduly interested in the a.ffairsof others: a curious rwighbor. 3. Deviating from the customary. 4. Causing puzzlement; pelplexing. cufl oerb t or proceed on a repeatedly curving l"#:e 2. To have or cause to have a curved or sinuous form or surface. CUffenGy nou,n Something, as coins, printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange. CUrrent adiecthse l. In existencenow. ?. Of or pertaining to recent times or the present. 3. Most generally existing or encountered it a given time. current noun Something suggestive of running water.
currently a&:erb At this moment. GUfSe rwun 1. A denunciation invoking a wish or threat of evil or injury: the dying prisoner's curse against his captors. 2. A profane or obscene term. 3. A cause of suffering or harm: Mankin"d's greatest anrse is pooerty. 4. Something or someone believed to bring bad luck. curse oerb 1. To invoke evil or injury upon: cursed my bad luck.
2. To use profane or obscene language. 3. To bring great harm or sufiering to. CUrSed also GUISI adiectirse So annofng or detestable as to deserve condemnation.
cursive adiectioe Marked by facility, esp.of expression. CUfSlVeneSSnoun Readyskill in expression. Cursory adiectiae Lacking in intellectualdepth or thoroughness. curst adiectioe curt adiecth:e Rudely unceremonious.
cuRATrvEadiectioe. 1. Syns; inquisitiveness, interest. -Idioms inquiring mind, thirst for knowledge. 2. Syns: nosiness(Informal), prFng, snoopiness(Informal). 1. Syns; disquisitive, inquiring (also enquiring ), inquisitive, investigative, questioning. 2. Syns: inquisitive, inquisitorial, inquisitory, nosy (also nosey) (Informal), pryrng, snoopy Qnformal). 3. nccBurntc adiectioe. 4. rururw. 1. wrlo2. 2. wevn.
l. pnnsnNrr adiectirse. 2. uoornN. 3. pnnverr,rNc.
FLOWnutn. xow adaerb. 1. Syns; anathema, damnation, execration, imprecation, malediction, malison (Archaic). 2. swBen rwun. 3. Syns; affiiction, bane, evil, ill, plague, scourge,woe. 4. pvx. l. Syns; accurse (Rare), anathematize, damn, execrate (Archaic), imprecate, maledict (Rare). -Idimn call down evil on. 2. swnrn oerb. 3. errr-rcr. DAMNED.
sEEcursed. ABRUPT.
225 curtail t)erb CUT BACK. To decrease,as in length or amount,by or as if by severingor excising. curtailment noun curBAcK at GUt back. The act or processof decreasingin length, amount, duration,etc. curtains noun DEATH. Slnng.The act or fact of dying. curtilage nou,n An areapartially or entirely enclosedby walls or buildings. COURT NOUN, curtsy noun BOII/ tWUn. An inclinationof the head or body, as in greeting, consent,courtesy,submission,or worship. adiectiae CUTVaCeOUS SHAPELY. Having a full, voluptuousfigure. curvation noun BEND NOUN. Somethingbent. curuature ngun BEND nOUn. Somethingbent. CUfVe oerb L. p;nND oerb. l. To swervefrom a straightline. 2. wavn. 2. To have or causeto have a curved or sinuousform or surface. curye noun BE.ND NOUN. Somethingbent. curved adiectioe 1. snNr adiectioe. 1. Deviatingfrom a straightline. 2. cnooxno. 2. Havingbends,curves,or angles. CUrvesOme ad;iectilse SHAPELY. Having a fuIL voluptuousfiSrr". curvilinear adiectiae nnxr adiectine. Deviatingfrom a straightline. curving adiectiae CROOKED. Havingbends,curves,or angles. CUrvy adiectioe SHAPELY. Having a full, voluptuousfigure. CUSp rwun A sharp or tapered end. ad;iectiae cuspatgalso cuspoted, cusped Having an end tapering to a point. adiectiae cuspated adiectioe cusped adiectioe cuspidatealsocuspidated Biol. Having an end tapering to a point. adiectioe cuspidated CUSS oerb Informal. To use profane or obscene language. cuss noun Informal. A profane or obscene term. CuSSwOfd noun Informal A profane or obscene term. rwun custodian A person who is legally responsible for the person or property of another considered by law to be incompetent to manage his affairs.
POrNT ftoun. POINTED. sEE CUSpate. sEE CUSpate. POINTED. sEE cuspidate. swntn
custody noun The function of watching, guarding, or overseeing.
rWUn, C.Ln.E
custom nuun 1. A habitual way of behaving: Social custorn oaries frorn country to cutntry. 2. The commercial transactions of customers with a supplier.
1. Syns; habit, habitude, manner, practice, praxis, usage, use, way, wont. 2. pernowecr.
customarily custom adiectiae Made accordingto the specificationsof the buyer; a antom sportscar. customarily adnerb In an expectedor customarymanner. GUStOmary a.diectiae Comm-onlypracticedor used:took his custonury route to work. custom-built adiecthse Made accordingto the specificationsof the buyer. CUStOmer rwun I- One who consumesgoodsand services. 2. One who buysgoodsor services. customized odi"ittuu Made accordingto the specificationsof the buyer. custom-made adiectiae Made accordingto the specificationsof the buyer. custom-tailored adiecth:e llade accordingto the specificationsof the buyer. cut perb l. To penetratewith a sha.p edge:cut my finger with a r0zor blnde. 2. Tg se_parate into parts with or as if with a sharpedgedinstrument:cut a caleeinto twelne slicei. 3. To decrease,as in length or amount,by or as if by severingor excising. 4. To btittg down, aswith a sawor il(: att timber. 5. To lessenthe strengthof by or as if by admixture. 6. To slight (someone)deliberately. 7. Infornwl. To fail to attend on pu{pose:cut cl.asses.
8. To turn asidesharplyfrom a straightcourse. cut across oerb To passthroughor over. cut dolYn oerb l. To causeto fall, as from a shotor blow. 2. To decrease,asin length or amount,by or as if by severingor excising. cut in oerb 1. To interject remarksor quesUons into another's discourse. 2. To force or come in as an improper or unwanted element. cut out oerb l. Slang.To cut short; discontinue. 2. Slang.To move or proceedawayfrom a place. 3. To take the place of (another)againstthe other's will. cut norrn 1. The result of cutting: a lnng cut on his cheekfront,a dael. 2. A part severedfrom a whole: a goodcut of beef. 3. Infornwl. That which is allotted. 4. A deliberateslight. 5. Infomnl. An unexcusedabsence:No atts are allowed in his clnss. 6. Infomal. A flippant or sarcasticremark.
226 Syns: custom-built, customized, custommade, custom-tailored, made-to-order, tailor-made. USUALLY.
Syns : accustomable (Obs.), accustomary (Archaic), accustomed, habitual, regular, usual. cusroM adiectirse. 1. coNsuvrpn. 2. pernoN. cusroM adiectiae. cusroM adiectiae. cusroM adiectioe. 1. Syns; gash, incise, pierce, slash, slit. 2. Syns: carve, cleave, dissever,sever, slice, split. 3. cur BAcK. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Syns: chopl, felF, hew. or.uln aerb. sNris Darb. Syns: mooch (Chiefly Brit. Regimnl), skip. -ldiom,s go A.W.O.L., play hooky (or truant), skip out on, take French leave. 8. swnnvr. cnoss aerb.
l. onop aerb. 2. cur BAcK.
1. rNrunnurr. 2. rlmnunn.
l. sngsx aerb. 2, co oerb. 3. suppr,ertr.
l. Syns; gash, incisior; slash, slice, slit, split. 2. Syns: piece, portion, section, segment, slice. 3. er-r.orurxr. 4. sr.Iusrwun. 5. Syns: hooky (Informal), skip, buancy. -Idiorn French leave. 6. cnecx noun.
227 7. A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessedby all its members. cut adiectiae Lower th* .tot*al in strength or concentration due to admixture.
cut across oerb cut-and-dried adiectiae Lackingin interestor originality. cutback twun cut back oerb asin lengthor amount,by or asif by To decrease, severing or excisingzcut back experwesruthlessly' cutback nou,n The act or Process of decreasing in length, amount, duration, e{c., a catback in production.
cut down oerb cut in oerb cut-otf tmun cut off oerb l. To block the progress of and force to change direction. 2. To cause the death of. 3. To set aPart from a grouP. cut-off noun The act of stoPPing.
7, xnro2.
DTLUTE adiectirse.
srr cut. RourrNE adiectioe. sEEcut back. Syns; chopl, clipr, crop, curtail, cut, cut down, lopl, lower2, pore' reduce, shear, slash, trim. Syns: curtailment, decrease, reduction, slash. sEEcut. sEEcut. sEEcut otf. 1. HBeo orr at head. 2. xru. 3. rsor.,ltB oarb. STOP fWUn.
cut out oerb cutthroat noun
ssr cut.
One who murdersanother. cutthroat adiectioe Eagerfor bloodshed. cutting adiectioe So sharpasto causemental Pain. cutup noun cut uP oerb L. informal. To behavein a rowdy or unruIy fashion' 2. lifonnal. To find fault with. cutuP rwun lnformnl. A personwhosewords or actionsprovoke or arl intendedto ptouoke amusementor laughter'
A course, process, or journey that ends where it began' adiecthse cyclic also cYclical Happening or appearing at regular intervals. adiecthse cyclopean Of extraordinarY size and Power. Cynic rroun A person who expects only the_worst from people: flfe's erperiences had rend,eredhirn a cynic. 'nical adiectioe adiectitse nical cyn Marked by or displaying contemptuous mockery of th3 moUves oi virtuei of otf,".t, a c[nical attitude toward society.
sEEcut uP. 1. Nlrsnnnevs. 2. sr,AMnoerb. JOKEn.
crANT adiectirse. Syns: man-hater, misanthrope, misanthropist. Syns; ironic (a/so ironical), sardonic, wry.
dabr aerb To spread with a greas/, sticky, or dirty substance. dab noun 1. A discolored mark made by smearing. 2. A tiny amount. dab2 rwun Brit. lnformal. A person with a high degee of knowledge or skill in a parUcular field. "r*un
One lacking professional skill and ease in a particular pursuit. dad rmun Informal. A male parent. dadily nou.n A male parent. daedaf adiectioe Difficult to understand due to intricacy. daedalian adiectirse Difficult to understand due to intricacy. dafty adiectioe Infonngl. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. daft adiectioe Afiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. dainty adiectioe l. Appealing to refined taste. 2. Yery difficult to please. dainty rroun _ Something fine and delicious, esp. a food. dalf iance noun l. A usu. brief romance entered into lightly or frivolously, _ ?, fr" practice of flirting. daf ly oerb l. To go or move slowly so that progress is hindered. 2. To make amorous advances without serious intentions, 3. To treat lightly or flippantly. damage rwun l. An act, instance, or consequence of breaking. 2. The action or result of inflicting loss or pain. damage oerb To spoil the soundnessor perfection of. damaging adiectiae Causing harm or irjnry. damn aerb l. To pronounce judgment against. 2. To invoke evil or injury upon. 3. To use profane or obscene language. damn rroun Infonnal. The least bit: Hi.e opinion i,m't worth a damn.
1. orr.rcern. 2. rvrcr.
1. rr.rnrerrow. 2. rr-rnrerroN. t. ost-ty aerb. 2. u,nr oerb. 3. prtnr aerb. l. snraKAcr. 2. nenu. INJURE.
1. cor.rDnlaN,
2. cvnsn oerb. 3. swntn oerb. Syns: acel, hoot, iota, jot, ounce, rapz, shred, straw, whit.
damn adiecthse So annoying or detestable as to deserve condemnation.
damnation noun A denunciation invoking a wish or threat of evil or injury. adiectioe damned 1. Condemned, esp. to hell: ilnrmed souls. 2. So annoying or detestable as to deserve condemnation: The damrwd car won't start.
3. Completely such, without qualification or exception. damp adiectioe Slightly wet: damp gm,nd; a funry sponge. oerb dampen 1. To make moist. 2. To decreaseor dull the sound of. dance oerb 1. To move rhythmically to music, using patterns of steps or gestures: often dmtces al,one to the radio. 2. To leap and skip about pl"yf.rlly. dance nou,n A party or gathering for dancing: uent to a d,ance.
1. Syns; doomed, lost. -Idiorn gone to blazes. 2, Syns: accursed, blamed, blanketyblank (Informal), blasted (Slang), blessed, blooming (Slang), confounded, cursed (aho curst), damn, darn, execrable, irifernal, ruddy (Slarril. 3. urrBnz. Syns; dank, moist. l. wesn. 2. uurrr-r. 1. Syns: foot (it), hoof (Slnng), step. -ldiulrw cut a rug, trip the light fantastic. 2. celasol. Syns; ball, hop (Sl"nd.
dancer rwun A person who dances, esp. professionally: aballet duwer. adiectioe dandy t. lnfomtal. Exceptionally good of its kind. 2. Informal. Particularly excellent. nuun danger Exposure to possible harm, loss, or injury: High fnod waters put the toum in danger. danger oerb Archaic. To subject to danger or destruction. adiectirse dangerous 1. Involving possible risk, loss, or injury: a dnngeror.ts clinb.
2. Causing or marked by danger, pain, etc. oerb dangle To fasten or be fastened at one point with no support from below. dank adiectitse Slightly wet. dap oerb To strike a surface at such an angle as to be deflected. dapple oerb To mark with many small spots. dare rserb 1. To confront boldly and courageously. 2. To call on another to do something requiring boldness: He dared her to say he uns a liar. dare noun An act of taunting another to do something bold or rash: .I did it on a dnre. daredevil noun One who engagesin exciting, risky pursuits. daredevil adiectioe Taking or willing to take risks.
Syns; hoofer (Slnng), terpsichorean. 1. nxcslr-nNr. 2. uenvnr-ous. Syns; endangerment, hazard, imperilment,
risk' -Idiom thin ice'
1. Syns; adventurous, chancy, hairy (Slnng), hazardous, jeopardous, parlous (Archaic), perilous, risky, treacherous, unsafe, venturous. 2, cnrnvous. runvc oerb.
;"* 2. Syns: challenge, defy. -Idiom down the gauntlet. Syns.' challenge, stump (Informal).
daring daring adiectioe Taking or willing to take risks: a daring test pilot. daring rwun Willingnessto take risks: an ofrcer uith nenseand daring. dark adiectiue 1. Deficient in brightness:kept the siclcroorn dnrk and quiet. 2. Of a complexiontendingtoward brown or black: a tall, d.a.rkman. 3. Marked by littte hopefulness. 4. Characterizedby or expressiveof a foreboding somberness: gaDeme a dnrk scousland,left the room; dnrlg angry clouds in the distance. 5. Having no light. 6. Somewhatblack. 7. Re$onal. Without the senseof sight. dark naun Absenceor deficiencyof liglrt: gropingaround,in the dnrkfor his gl.a.sses. darken rserb To make dark or darker. darkness rwun Absenceor deficiencyof liglrt. darfing rwun 1. A personwho is much loved: Hello, my dnrling. 2. One liked or preferred aboveall others. darfing adiectine l. Regardedwith much love and tenderness:a d,arling child. 2, Infonnal. Giving great pleasureor delight. 3. Given special,usu. doUngtreatrnent. darn adiectioe So annolng or detestableasto deservecondemnation. dart oerb 1. To moveswfiy. 2. To passquickly and lightly through the air. dash oerb 1. To move swiftly. 2. To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the gound during eachstride. 3. To hurl or scatterliquid upon. 4. To spoil or destroy. dash rwun 1. A lively, emphatic,eagerquallty or manner. 2. A quality of active mental and physical forcefulness. 3. A barely perceivableindicationof something. dashing adiectinse l. Very brisk, alert, and higlr-spirited. 2. Being or in accordancewith the current fashion. dastard rwun person. An ignoble,uncourageous dastardliness nuun Ignoble lack of courage. daslardly adiectioe Ignobly lackingin courage. data rwun Knowledgeabout a specificsubjector situation.
Syns; adventurous, audacious, bold, daredevil, venturesome, venturous. Syns: adventurousness, audacity, boldness.
1. Syns; dim, dusky, murky (also mirky), obscure, tenebrous. 2. Syns: bistered, black-a-vised, brunet (a/so brunette), dusky, swarthy. 3. cr-oolrv. 4. Syns: lowering (a/so louring), Iowery (a/so loury), overhanging, sullen. 5. nr-ecx adiectioe. 6. nr,acxrsH. 7. sr.rND adiectiae. Syns; darkness, dimness, duskiness, obscurity, tenebrosity. sr:lrlp, oerb. DAF.K NOUN.
1. Syns; beloved, dear, honey, love, sweet, sweetheart, truelove. -Idiorn light of one's life. 2. revonrrr noun. l. Syns; beloved, dear, loved, precious. 2. onr,rcrrrrur.. 3. ravonrrn adjectiae. DAMNED.
l. nvsu aerb. 2. rrv. l. nusu oerb. 2. nux oerb. 3. spr,esn. 4. H,lisr oerb. 1. sprnrr. 2. vrcon. 3. tnecn rwun. 1. r-Ivrr-v. 2. rasrrrowABr-E. COWARD. COWARDICE. CO\vARDLY. INFORMATION.
23r noun date Informal. A commitment to appear at a certain time and place. date aerb To be together socially on a regular basis. adiectirse dated Of a style or method formerly in vogue. dateless adiectiae Existing unchanged forever. oerb daub To spread with a greasy, sUcky, or dirty substance. daub noun A discolored mark made by smearing, oerb daunt To deprive of courage or the power to act as a result of fear, anxiety, or disgust. adiectioe dauntless Having or showing courage.
svrntn aerb. SMEAR |IDUN.
otsl,r.av aerb.
dauntlessness ru)un The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely. oerb dawdle To go or move slowly so that progress is hindered. rwun dawn 1. The first appearance of daylight in the morning: Farmers aften get up before dnwn.
2. The inidal stage of a developmental process. dawn oerb To begin to appear or develop: A new era in scienne dnumed uith the theory of rebtiaity. dawn on (or upon) oerb To come as a realization. nou,n dawning 1. The first appearance of daylight in the morning. 2. The initial stage of a developmental process. dawn oil (or upon) aerb day(s) noun A particular time notable for its distinctive characteristics. daybreak noun The first appearance of daylight in the morning.
Syns: aurora (Poetic), cockcrow, dawning, daybreak, dayspring (Poetic), morn (Poetic), morning, sunrise, sunup. -IdiuftB break of day, crack of dawn, first light. 2. srnrH nDun. Syns: appear, arise, commence, emerge, originate. nscrsrBn Derb. 1. pewN noun. 2. nlnrn naun. srr dawn. aGEnoun.
dayspring rwun Poetic. The first appearance of daylight in the morning. daze oerb 1. To confuse with bright light: The spotlight dazed her, and, she shielded her eyes. 2. To stun the senses,as with a heavy blow, a shock, or fatigue: beuildered and dnzed after the bornbing. daze noun A stunned or bewildered condition: feII fat and lay on the ground in a daze. dazzle aerb To confuse with bright light. dazzle rroun An intense, blinding light. dazzling adiectiae Extremely bright. dead adiectioe 1. No longer alive: Dead men tell no tales.
l. Syns; bedazzle, blind, dazzle. 2. Syns: bedaze, bemuse, benurnb, maze (Archaic), stupefy. Syns: befuddlement, fog, maze (Archaic), muddle, stupor, trance. otzn oerb. GLARE NOUN. BLAZING.
1. Syns; asleep, deceased,defunct,
2. Lacking physical feeling or sensitivity: I/ar frostbinen toes felt dead. 3. No longer in use, force, or operation. 4. Informal. Extremely tired. 5. Completely such, without qualification or exception. dead adnerb l. To the fullest extent. 2.In a direct line. 3, Without the slightest deviation in any respect. deaden oerb l. To render less sensiUve: a topical anesthetic to d,ead,enthe pain. 2. To decrease or dull the sound of. deadliness naun The quality or condition of causing death. noun deadlock An equality of scores, votes, or performances in a contest. deadly adiectioe 1. Causing or tending to cause death: Cyanide is a dnadly poison. 2. Gruesomely suggestive of ghosts or death. 3. Extremelv destructive or harmful. deadpan ail,iectioe Slang. Lacking expression. deafeiing adlectioe Marked by extremely high volume and intensrg of sound. deal oerb 1. To be occupied or concerned: Astronfiny deals with heaoenly bodies. 2. To give out in portions. 3. To mete out by means of some action. 4. To engage in the illicit sale of (narcotics). deal in oerb To offer for sale. deal with oerb To behave in a specified way toward: dealt wlth hls assistants as eqtnls. deal nou,n l.Inforrnal. An act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action. 2. An indeffnite amount or extent: has a good deal of m,oney; i,s a great deal thirmer. nutn deafer 1. A person engaged in buying and selling: a dianwnd dealer. 2. A person who sells narcotics illegally. deal in oerb
deal with oerb dear twun A personwho is much loved. dear adiectioe 1. Regardedwith much love and tenderness. 2. Given special,usu.doting treatment. 3. Bringing a high price. dearth noun The conditionof lackinga usualor neededamount. death nutn
2. 3. 4. 5.
demised, departed, extinct, gone, late, lifeless, perished. -Idiorns at rest, pushing up daisies, with one's fathers. Syns: asleep, benumbed, insensible, insensitive, numb, numbed, unfeeling. veNrsrrno. nxnausrrn. urrpn2.
l. corupr.rrEr-Y. 2. ornpcrr-v. 3. pnncrsnr,v. 1. Syns; benumb, blunt, desensitize, dull, numb. -Idiorn take the edge off. 2. lrurrr-r. FATALITY. TtE. noun.
1. Syns; deathly, fatal, lethal, mortal, vital (Archaic). 2. cnesrr,v. 3. vrnur,rrrrr. EXPRESSIONLESS.
rouo adiecthte.
l. Syns: consider, take up, teat. -Idiom, have to do with. 2. prsrnmurn. 3. crvn. 4. puss. sil,r Derb.
l. ecnnrurwt. 2. Syns:lot, quantity.
1. Syns; businessperson,merchandiser, merchant, trader, tradesman, traficker. 2. pusnrn. snn deal. srp deal. DARLING TWUN.
1. oAnr,rr.rcadiectiae. 2. revonrrn adiecthse. 3. cosrr,v. ABSENCE.
233 1. The act or fact of dying: the hm,r of her death; the death of a dream.
2. A termination of life usu. ils the result of an accident or a disaster. deathf ess adiectioe Not being subject to death.
1. Syns; curtains (Slang), decease, demise, dissoluUon, extinction, passing, quietus. -ldioms eternal rest, Grim Reaper, Pale Horse. 2. rerar-rrY.
deathlessness nnun Endless life after death. adiectioe deathlike Gruesomely suggestive of ghosts or death. adiectioe deathfy 1. Suggestiveof death. 2. Causing or tending to cause death. debacle noun An abrupt, disastrous failure. oerb debar To keep from being admitted, included, or considered. oerb debark To come ashore from a seacraft. oerb debase 1. To lower in character or qualityz debasinglanguage by misusing it. 2. To ruin utterly in character or quality. 3. To make impure or inferior by deceptively adding foreign substances. adiectioe debased Lowered in character or qualitY. adiectir:e debatable In doubt or dispute: a debatable theory.
aerb debate To put forth reasons for or against, often excitedly. debate noun 1. A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed. 2. T\e presentation of an argument.
debauch oerb or quality. 1. To ruin utterlyin character 2. To lure or persuade into a sexual relationship. adiectirse debauched Lowered in character or quality. nnun debaucher A man who seduces women. noltn debauching The act or an instance of seducing sexually.
1. onenr-v. 2. oBeor,v. COLLAPSE TWUN. EXCLUDE.
l-l.xo oerb, 1. Syns: cheapen, degrade, demeanz, downgade. 2. connupr aerb. 3. eour-rrRATE.
Syns: arguable, contested, disputable, disputed, doubtful, moot, mootable, problemati cal (also problematic ), questionable, uncertain. ARGUE.
1. encuuBrvr. 2. encuurNTATIoN. 1. connupr oerb. 2. snoucr. CORRUPTED. SEDUCER.
debauchment rwun Obs. The act or an instance of seducing sexually.
debilitate oerb To lessen or deplete t)te nerve, enerry, or strength of. ad,ibcth:e debifitated Depleted of strength or robust health. noun debilitation The condition of being infirm or physically weak. nuun debility The condition of being infirm or physically weak. adiectioe debonair also debonaire Displalng light-hearted nonchalance. adiectioe debonaire
nuN-DowN adiectirseat run down. INFIRMITY.
sns debonair.
debt debt noun l- Something,suchas money,owed by one personto another:a debt of $500;a debt of gratitude. 2. A conditionof owing somethingto another:can't seernto get out of debt. debunk oerb To causeto be no longer believedor valued. debut alsod6but oerb To make one'sformal entry, as into society. decadence noun Descentto a lower level or condition. decamp oerb To break looseand leave suddenly,as from confinementor from a difficult or threateningsituation. decampment noun The act or an instanceof escaping,as from confinementor diffculty. decant oerb To cause(a liquid) to flow in a steadystream. decay oerb To becomeor causeto becomerotten or unsound:a tooth decayingfrcnn neglect. decay rroun The conditionof being decayed:the completedecayof cioilization. decayed adiectioe Impaired becauseof decay. decaying adiectirse Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. decease nnun The act or fact of dflng. decease oerb To ceaseliving. deceased adiectioe No longer alive. deceit noun The act or practice of deceiving:A piou,sman on the Sabbath,during the useekhe is full of d.eceit. deceitful ailiectioe or Givento or markedby deliberateconcealment of the truth. misrepresentation deceitfulness rwun The act or practiceof deceiving. deceive aerb To causeto acceptwhat is false, trickery or personis easily misrepresentation: An inexperierrced deceioed.
noun decency 1. Conformity to recognized standards,as of coqduct or appearance: behaoed with decenry. 2. A sense of propriety or rightness: had the decency to resign. 3, The condition of being chaste. adiectiae decent l. Informnl. Proper in appearance:brrught a decent zuit of clothes.
1. Syns; arrear or arrears, arrearage, due, indebtedness, Iiability. 2. Syns: arrearage, indebtedness, liability, obligation, obligement. orscneorr oerb. coME our at come. DETERIORATION.
nscnpn aerb.
Syns: break down, decompose, deteriorate, molder, putrefy, putresce, rot, spoil, turn. -Idioms go bad, go to pot, go to seed. Syns; breakdown, decomposition, deterioration, putrefaction, putrescence, putridness, rot, spoilage. BAD. SHABBY. DEATH. DIE.
ouo adiectiae. Syns: cunning, deceitfulness,deception, double-dealing, duplicity, guile. DISHONEST.
Syns: bamboozle (Informal), beguile, betray, blu-ff, cozen, delude, double-cross (Slnng), dupe, fool, four-flush (Slang), have, hoodwink, humbug, mislead, take in, trick. -Idioms lead astray, play false, pull the wool over someone'seyes, put something over on, take for a ride. 1.. Syns; correctness,decorum, propriety, seemliness. 2. Syns: conscience,grace.
t. Syns: presentable, respectable.
235 2. 3. 4. 5.
declamatory Of moderately good quality but less than excellent. Conforming to accepted standards. Morally beyond reproach, esp. in sexual conduct. Not lewd or obscene.
2. 3. 4. 5.
eccppresl-n. connrcr adiectine. cxesrr. cr,rex adiectioe.
deception naun 1. An action meant to deceive: guilty of lies and, decqtion. 2. The act or practice of deceiving. adiectirse deceptive Tending to lead one into error. oerb decide l. To make up or cause to make up one's mind: Haoe you decided to buy the hou,se? 2. To make a decision about (a controversy, dispute, etc.) after deliberation, as in a court of law. decided adiectiae 1. Without any doubt: The dirmer waa a decided &rccess. 2. Not hesitating or wavering. 3. On an unwavering course of acUon. 4. Clearly, fully, and sometimes emphatically expressed.
1. Syns; dodge,imposture,ruse,sell (Slang),sleiglrt, stratagem,subterfuge, take-in,trick. 2. nncsrr. FALLACIOUS.
1. Syns; conclude, determine, resolve, settle. 2. pocn oerb.
1. Syns; clear, elear-cut, definite, distinct, pronounced, unquestionable. 2. nscrsrvE. 3. srrr ad;iecthse. 4. pprrNrrr.
decidedness noun Unwavering firmness of character or action. adiectioe deciding Determining or having the power to determine an outcome.
decimate oerb To kill savagely and indiscriminately. noun decimation Severe damage or decay rendering something uselessor worthless.
decipher uerb 1. To find the key to. 2. To find a soluUonfor. 3. To make understandable. decision noun l. A positionreachedafter consideraUon:When Aou,'De made a decision,pleaselet m.eknow. 2. Unwaveringfirmnessof characteror action: a wofturnof extraordinarydecision. decisive adiectitse 1. Determiningor havingthe power to determinean outcome:The decisir:eootewas cast. 2. Not hesitatingor wavering:took d.ecisit:e action to end the strike. decisiveness rloun Unwaveringfirmnessof characteror action. deck rrcrb l. To furnish with decorations. 2. To causeto fall, as from a shot or blow. deck out oerb To dressin formal or specialclothing. deck out aerb declamation twun l. The art of public speaking. 2. A usu. formal oral communicationto an audience. declamatory adiectirse l. Of or relatingto the art of public speaking. 2. Characterizedby languagethat is elevatedand sometimespompousin style.
L. nnntx oerb. 2. nnsorvs oerb. 3. uxpr-ew. 1. Syns; conclusion, determination, resolution. 2. Syns: decidedness, decisiveness, determinaUon, firmness, resoluteness, resolution, resolve. l. Syns; conclusive, crucial, deciding, determinative.
2. Syns:decided,determined,firmr resolute. DECISION. ADORN.
onop oerb. DREssup at dress. sBn deck. 1. oneronv. 2. sprncn. l.
2. soNoRous.
declaration declaration nol 1. The act of ".rf,orr.r"irg. 2. A public statement. 3. The act of assertingpositively. declare oerb 1. To bring to public noUce. 2. To put into words positivelyand with conviction. 3. To stateto be true. 4. To put into words. d6cfass6alsodeclassed adiectitse Lacking high staUonor birth. declassed ad;iectiae decfension rwun Descentto a lower level or condition. decfination nnun l. Descentto a lower level or condition. 2. A markedlossof strengthor effectiveness. decline oerb 1, To be unwilling to accept,consider,or receive: always declinesoffers of help.
1. eNNouNcEMENT. 2. erwouNcEMENT. 3. essnnrroN. ANNOUNCE. ASSERT.
3. ct-litlr' oerb. 4. sav. LOWLY.
l. Syns: dismiss,nw (Slnng), refuse, reject, spurn, turn down. -ldiom twn thumbs down on. 2. onop aerb. 3. onrrnroRATE. 4. rlton aerb.
2. To slopedownward. 3. To becomelower in quality, character,or condition. 4. To lose strengthor power. decline rwun l. A downward slopeor distance. l. onop nyun. 2. A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. 2. rl-:-;. noun. 3. Descentto a lower level or condition. 3. orrsnroRATroN. 4. A markedlossof strengthor effectiveness. 4. rarr,unr. declivity rwun A downward slopeor distance. DROPrWUn. decompose oerb l. To reduceor becomereducedto piecesor components.1. snrAK up at break. 2. To becomeor causeto becomerotten or unsound. 2. oncty aerb. decomposed adiectioe Impairedbecauseof decay. BAD. decohposition twun The conditionof being decayed. DECAY N.ANN, decontaminate oerbTo render free of microorganisms. STERILIZE. decorate oerb To furnish with decorations. ADORN. decoration noun l. An emblemof honor worn on one'sclothing: uore 1. Syns: badge, medal. all his decorationsuhen he put on hisfull-dresssuit. 2. Somethingthat adorns. 2. aoonr.urNr. decorous adiectiae Conformingto acceptedstandards. coRRECTadfectioe. decorticale- aerb To removethe skin of. sxrw oerb. decorum noun l. Conformity to recognizedstandards,as of conduct 1. oncrNcy. or appearance. 2. Sociallycorrect behavior. 2. uaNxrns. decrease oerb To grow or causeto grow gadually less:Oalrusonies Syns: abate, diminish, drain, dwindle, cannot decreaseso long as ra.mpantinflntinn is a fact of ebb, lessen,let up, peter out, rebate
decrease noun l. The act or processof decreasing:a steadydecrease in the rntmberof studentsin the department.
(Rare), reduce, tail off, taper off.
1. Syns; abatement, decrement, diminishment, diminution, letup, reduction.
237 2. The act or process of decreasing in length, amount, duration, etc. twun decree 1. A principle governing the affairs of man within or among poliUcal units. 2. An authoritative or official decision, esp. one made by a court. decree oerb To set forth expressly and authoritaUvely.
2. cursecx at Gut back.
1. r-ew twun. 2. nur-rNc rmun.
decremenl rwun The act or process of decreasing. adiecth;e decrepit 1. Not physically strong. 2. Showing signs of wear and tear or neglect. nutn decrepitude The condition of being infirm or physically weak.
1. rurtnu. 2. snanev. INFIRMITY.
decretum rwun A principle governing the affairs of man within or among political units.
LAV/ nOUn.
decry oerb To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant. adiectioe decrying Tending or intending to belittle. adiectitse decumbent LF rg down. decussate oerb To pass through or over. oerb dedicate l. To give over by or as if by vow to a higher purpose. 2. To devote (oneself or one's efforts). adiectioe dedicated Given over exclusively to a single use or pu{pose. deduce uerb To draw a conclusion from evidence or reasoning. oerb deduct 1. To take away (a quantity) from another quantity: wiII deduct the medical costsfrorn her taxable income. ' 2. To draw a conclusion from evidence or reasoning. naun deduction l. An amount deducted: a le$timate tax dpductinn. 2. A position arrived at by reasoning from premises or general principles: The result bore out the deduction he had made. deed rwun Something done. deed oerb To change the ownership of (property) by means of a legal document. deem oerb To have an opinion.
rt tr adiectioe. cnoss oerb. 1. orvorn. 2. epplv. SACRED. INFER.
1. Syns; discount, knock ofr (Informal), subtract, take, take off. 2. rxrnn. 1. Syns; abatement, discount, rebate, reduction. 2. Syns: conclusion, illation, inference, judgment.
de-emphasizernrb To make less emphatic or obvious, deep adiectiae l, Extending far downward or inward from a surface: a d,eep hole; a deep drauser. 2. Beyond the understanding of an average mind: a deep mystery. 3. Resulting from or affecting one's innermost feelings: a deep looe; deep sorrou).
l. Syns; abysmal, profound. 2. Syns:.abstruse,esoteric, heavy (Slang), profound, recondite. 3. Syns; deep-felt, intense, profound, strong.
deepen 4. Having one's thoughts fully occupied. 5. Being a sound produced by a relatively small frequency of vibrations.
4. ansonsro. 5. row adiectioe.
deepen aerb INTENSIFY. To increase in intensitv or severity. ad.iectiae deep-felt onne adiectioe. ResulUng from or affecting one's innermost feelings. naun deepness 1. onptr. l. The extent or measurement downward from a surface. 2. onvrs. 2. Intellectual penetration or range. noltn defamation LIBEL NOUN. The expressionof injurious, malicious statementsabout someone. adiectirse defamatory LIBELOUS. Damaging to the reputation. oerb defame rtsnr aerb. To make defamatory statements about. noun default ABSENCE. t. Obs.The condition of lacking a usual or needed amount. FAILURE. 2. Nonperformance of what ought to be done. default oerb FAIL. To not do (somethingnecessary). noun defeasance ABOLITION. An often formal act of putting an end to. oerb defeat best, bury (Slang), clobber 1. l. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition: (Slang), conquer, down (Infonruil), The Allies defeated the Axis powers in World War lI. drub (Slang), lick (Slnng), overcome, rout2, shellac (Slang), smear (Slang), subdue, thrash, trim (Informal), triumph (over), trounce, vanquish, whip (Informnl), worst. -Idioms carry (or win) the day, get the better (or best) of, go someone one better. 2. rnusrnerr. 2. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose. defeat naun Syns: beating, clobbering (Slang), The act of defeating or the condition of being drubbing (Slang), licking (lnformal), defeated: suffered total defeat by the enemy. overtfirow, routz, shellacking (Slnng), thrashing, trimming (lnformal), whipping (Informal). noun defect 1. Syns; blemish, bq $lnng), fault, flaw, 1. Something that mars the appearance or causes imperfection, shortcoming. inadequacy or failure: a speech defect. 2. essnxcn. 2. The condition of lacking a usual or needed amount. 3. snonrecn. 3. The condition or fact of being deficient. defect oerb Syns: apostatize, deserf, rat (Slang), run To abandon one's cause or party usu. to join another: out (Slang), tergiversate, turn. -Idionw defected frorn the SorsietUnion and' sought asylum in change sides, hrn one's coat. Suitzerlnnd. noun defection Syns: apostasy,recreancy, An instance of defecting from or abandoning a cause: expected his defection. adiectirse defective 1. Syns: faulty, flawed, imperfect. 1. Having a defect or defects: bought a book that tumed out to be defectioe. 2. orrtcrnrvr. 2. Lacking an essential element. nDun defector Syns: apostate, rat (Slnng), recreant, A person who has defected: a defector frorn the Sooiet renegade, runagate (Archaic), Union. tergiversator, turncoat.
239 oerb defend 1,. To keep safe from danger, attack, or harm: used an alarm system to defend his home agairwt burglnrs. 2. To support against arguments, attack, or criticism: corwtantly has to defend his opiniorw and, actiorw. adiectioe defendable Capable of being defended against armed attack. noun defendanl Lau. A person against whom an action is brought. noun defense 1. The act or a means of defending: takingmeosures for the defense of the country. 2. A statement that justifies or defends past actions, policies, etc. adiectioe defenseless Devoid of help or protection. adiectirse defensible 1. Capable of being defended against armed attack. 2. Capable of being justified. oerb deferr To put ofi until a later timet d'efened umtulg the letter until she knew ushen she would learse.
1. Syns; fend (Archaic), gaard, protect, safeguard, secure, shield. 2. Syns: justify, maintain, vindicate. -ldimts speak up for, stand up for, stick up for. TENABLE. ACCUSED.
1. Syns; guard, protecUon, safeguard, security, shield, ward. 2. epor,ocv.
1. rrNesl-n. 2. lusrtnanr-r. Syns; adjourn, delay, hold off, hold up, Iay over, postpone, remit, shelve, stayl, suspend, table, wait (Informal), waive. -Idinms put on ice, set aside.
defer2 aerb Syns: bow, submit, yield. -ldioms $ve To conforrn to the will or judgment of another, esp. give place, give way. ground, his better to out of respect or courtesy: defened iudgment. noun deference HONOR rWUn. Great respect or high public esteem accorded as a right or as due. adiectirse deferential Syns;dutiful, obeisant,respectful. Marked by courteous submission or respect: deferential behaaior.
defermenl rwun The act of puttingoff or the conditionof beingput off. deferral nnun The act of putting off or the condition of being put off. noun defiance 1. The disposition boldly to defy or resist authority or an opposing force: often exhibited defiance tousard his parents. 2. Behavior or an act that is intenUonally provocaUve: failure to ccnnply that can onlg be called defiarrce. adiectitse defiant Marked by defiance: a defiant attitude; defiant usords. nou,n deficience nnun deficienc! also deficience The condition or fact of being deficient. adiectioe deficient 1, Lacking an essential element: defi,cient in auarerwss of the uorld around her. 2. Not enough to meet a demand or requirement. noun deficit The condition or fact of being deficient. defile oerb 1. To make morally impure. 2. To spoil or mar the sanctity of. 3. Obs. To deprive of virginity. defifed adiectiae Ceremonially or religiously unfit.
1. Syns; contempt, contumacy, despite, recalcitran ce (also recalcitrancy ), unruliness. 2. Syns: challenge, provocation.
sy n s : contemptuous, contumacious, recalcitrant, unruly. srn deficiency. SHORTAGE.
1. Syns: defective, incomplete, lacking, wanting. 2. rNsurnrcuNr. SHORTAGE.
l. rxNr oerb. 2. vror-erB. 3. vror-ern. IMPURE.
definite definite adiectitse 1. Clearly, firlly, and sometimesemphatically expressed:a definite statementthat he wlouldnot run for re-election. 2. Known positively: The time of his departureis not definite. 3. Having distinct limits: will stay for a short but definite period. 4. Without any doubt. definitive adiectioe lerying the function of decidingor settlingwith finality: a definititsebiographythat araueis all the questions. deflect oerb l. To causeto move, an angle. 2. To changethe direction or courie of. deflorate ierb _ To deprive of virginity. deflower tserb - To deprive of virginity. deform- aerb To alter gnd spoil the natural form or appearanceof: 4og" deformedhis face. deformity nou,n A disfiguringabnormalityof shapeor form: scoliasis and,other defonruities. defraud uerb To get moneyor somethingelsefrom by deceitful trickery. deft ad;iectioe l- Exhibiting or possessing skill and easein performance. !. Shoyilg art or skill in performingor doing. 3. Well done or executed. deftness nou,n Skillfirlnessin the useof the handsor bodv. defunct adiectioe 1. No longeralive. 2. No longer in use,force, or operation. defy aerb' l. To confront boldly and courageously:an innoaator uho defiestradition at eoerytum.
2. To call on anotherto do somethingrequiring boldness. 3. To ref-useor fail to obey. degeneracy natn Descentto a lower level or condition. degenerate adiectioe Utterly reprehensiblein natureor behavior. degenerate oerb To becomelower in quality, character,or condition. degeneration nutn l. Descentto a lower level or condition. 2. Severedamageor decayrenderingsomethinguseless or worthless. degradation noun The act or an instanceof demoting. degrade oerb 1. To lower in characteror quality.
l. Syns: categorical, clear-cut, decided, explicit, express, positive, precise, specffic, unambiguous, unequivocal. 2. Syns: certain, positive, srure.-Idiorn for certain. 3. Syns; bounded, determinate, fixed, limited. 4. nncroso. Syns: conclusive, determinative, final.
l. nnNn oerb. 2. lnN aerb. VIOLATE. VIOLATE.
Syns: contort, disfigure, distort, misshape, twist. Syns; disfigurement, malformation.
crs.ntr xerb.
1. nneo adiectioe. 2. veursuBr. 1. Syns; beard, brave, challenge, dare, face, front, outdare. -ldiorns fly in the face of, hurl defiance at, shake one's fist at, snap one's fingers at, stand up to, thumb one's nose at. 2. nrnn oerb. 3. nrsosny. DETERIORATION. coRRUPT
1. uneesn.
241 2. To lower in rank or grade. 3. To deprive of esteem, self-worth, or effectiveness. degraded adiectioe Mixed with other substances. rr,oun degree 1. One of the units in a course, as on an ascending or descending scale: mooed up slowly and. by degrees. 2. Relative intensity or amount, as of a quality or attribute: a high degree of accurac!; oariotn d.egrees of ability. oerb dehydrate To make or become free of moisture. dehydrated adiectiae Having little or no liquid or moisture. deific adiectioe Of, from, like, or being a god or God. deign aerb To descend to a level considered inappropriate to one's dtgnity. deject aerb To make sad or gloomy. dejected adiecti:e In low spirits. noun dejection A feeling or spell of dismally low spirits. defay oerb 1. To cause to be later or slower than expected or desired: delayed by urgent business. 2, To go or move slowly so that progress is hindered: didn't hunA but didn't delay either.
3. To put off until a later time. delay noun 1. The condition or fact of being made late or slow: a delay caused bg rush-hour trffic. 2. The act of putting off or the condition of being put ofr: a delay of 15 minutes. defectable adiectioe 1. Giving great pleasure or delight. 2. Highly pleasing, esp. to the sense of taste. delectate oerb To give geat or keen pleasure to. delectation rwun l. A feeling of extreme gratification aroused by something good or desired. 2. The condition of responding pleasurably to something. delegate noun One who stands for another. defegation noun A diplomatic office or headquarters in a foreign country. def ete t:erb To take or leave out. defeterious adiectioe Causing harm or injury. defetion noun The act of erasing or the condition of being erased.
deliberate 2. onuorn. 3. lguvrw-n oerb. IMPURE.
1. Syns; grade, level, notch, peg, rung, stage, step. 2. Syns: extent, magnitude, measure, portion, proportion.
ony oerb. onv adiectiae. DrvrNEIadiectioe.
detain, hang up, hold up, retard, set back, slow (down or up). 2. Syns: dally, dawdle, dilly-dally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, poke, procrastinate, drag one's feef tarry, tral. -ldiorx mark time, take one's time. 3. onrunl. l. Syns; detainment, holdup, lag, retardation. 2. Syns: adjournment, deferment, deferral, postponement, stayt, suspension. l. nrr.rcnrrul. 2. onr,rcrous. onrtcttr
onop oerb. HARMFUL. ERASURE.
deliberate oerb l. To consider carefully and at length.
1. porvonn.
deliberated 2. To use the faculty of reason. def iberate adiectioe 1. Done or said on purpose: a deliberate lie. 2. Careful and slow in acting, moving, or deciding: ualked usith a deliberate step. 3. Planned, weighed, or estimated in advance. adiecth:e deliberated Resulting from deliberation and careful thought. deliberation noun l. An exchange of views in an attempt to reach a decision: the deliberations of the steering committee. 2. The act or process of thinking. adiectine defiberative Of, characterized by, or disposed to thought. noun dglicacy Something fine and delicious, esp. a food: Caoinr is a real d,elicacy. adiectitse def icate 1. Appealing to refined taste: prepared a delicate meal. 2. So slight as to be difficult to notice or appreciate: a il,elinate difference. 3. Not physically strong. 4. Easily broken or damaged. 5. Showing sensitivity and skill in dealing with others: too d.elicate to tell him the gosstp ue had heard abaut him. 6. Able to make or detect effects of great subtlety or precision. 7. Requiring great tact or skill: a delicate subiect. adiectioe def icious l. Highly pleasing, esp. to the sense of taste: a perfectly ilnliciaus pdt6.
2. Giving great pleasure or delight. rwtrn def ight A feeling of extreme gatification aroused by something good or desired: listened to the concert with delight. delight oerb 1. To feel or take joy or pleasure. 2. To give great or keen pleaswe to a oiew that delighx the eye. delight in oerb To like or enjoy enthusiastically, often excessively. a.diectioe def ighted Eaqerly compliant. adiectioe defiglrtfirl Giving great pleasure or delight: a Renair that is the most delightful painting in the collection.
delight in oerb delimit oerb 1. To fix the limits of. 2. To place a limit on. oerb delimitate 1. To fix the limits of. 2. To place a limit on.
2. nnesowoerb. 1. Syns; intended,intentional,voluntary, willful, willing, witting. 2. Syns:leisurely,measured, unhurried. 3. cer-cur-ATED. ADVISED.
l. Syns; confabulation, conference, consultation, counsel, parley. 2. rrroucHr.
Syns.' dainty, goody (Infurnnl), morsel, tidbit, treat. 1. Syns; choice, dainty, elegant, exquisite, finer. 2. Syns: finer, finespun, nice, refined, subtle.
3 . INFIRM. 4. FRAGILE. 5. Syns: diplomatic,
discreet, politic,
sensitive. tactful. 6. nNnt. 7. Syns: sensitive,ticklish, touch-and-go, touchy, tricky. 1. Syns; ambrosial, delectable, heavenly, luscious,savory, scrumptious (Slong), tasteful (Rare), tasty, toothsome, pmmy (Slnng). 2. nnr,lclrrrur-. Syns; delectation, enjoyment, joy, pleasure, relish. 1. nn;otcn. 2. Syns: cheer, delectate, enchant, gladden, gratify, joy (Archaic), please, tickre ^":::*"' GLAD.
Syns; charming, darling (Informal), delectable, delicious, enchanting, heavenlv. luscious. snn delight. 1. onrrnurNr. 2. ttvrrr aerb. 1. nrrnnrvlrun. 2. rtv.:r aerb.
243 delineate aerb To present a lifelike image of. delineation noun l. Th" act or process of describing in lifelike imagery. 2. A line marking and shaping the outer form of an obiect. definedtive adiectiae Serving to describe. def inquency notrn Nonperformance of what ought to be done. deliquesce aerb - To-change from a solid to a liquid. def irious adiectioe Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation. deliver aerb 1. To relinquish to the possessionor control of another. 2. To mete out by means of some action. 3. To give birth to. 4. To extricate, as from danger or confinement. def iverance noun Extrication from danger or confinement. noun def ivery 1. The act of delivering or the condition of being delivered: only one mnil delioery a dnA. 2. The act or process of bringing forth young. 3. Extrication from danger or confinement. def ude oerb To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. deluge- oerb l. To flow over completely. 2. To affect as if by an outpouring of water. deluge nnun _ An abundant, usu. overwhelming flow. defusion naun - An erroneous perception of reality. delusive odiettiae l. Tending to lead one into error. 2. Tending to deceive; of the nature of an illusion. def usory adiectite 1. Tending to lead one into error. 2. Tending to deceive; of &e nature of an illusion. delve aerb l. Archaic. To break, furn over, or remove (earth, sand, etc.) with or as if with a tool. 2. go into or through for the purpose of making To discoveries or acquiring information. defving noun A seeking of_knowledge, data, or the truth about something. . demand oerb l. To ask for urgently or insistently: demandingbetter uorking conditions. 2. To have as a need or prerequisite: The work of a _ lnwyer derrtands an analytical mind and, patience. demand nou,n l. The act of demanding: uouldn't paV up on demand. 2. Something asked for or needed: Subrnit gour demands in uviting please. demanding adiectiae 1. Requiring great effort: a deman"ding iob.
demanding REPRESENT. 1. nnpnnsnNTATIoN.
2. ourr.rwr noun.
L. cls Derb. 2. cln aerb. 3. enan. 4. nnscun aerb. RESCUE flDUN.
1. Syns; surrender, transfer. 2. emrH noun. 3. nescun noun. DECEIVE,
l. wooo oerb. 2. rr,ooo aerb. FLOODnoun. ILLUSION.
l. rarr,aclous. 2. nr-usony. l' rar-r-acrous. 2. nr-usony. l. otc aerb. 2.
1. Syns; call for, exact, insist on (o, upon), require, requisition. -Idiom out for. 2. Syns: ask, call for, entail, involve, necessitate,require, take.
l. Syns: call, claim, cry, exaction, requisition. 2. Syns: exigency (also exigence), need, requirement, want. 1. Syns; exacting, exigent, taxing, tough.
demarcate 2. Rigorous and unsparing in treating others. 3. Imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. oerb demarcate To fix the limits of. aerb demeanl To conduct oneself in a specified way. demean2 oerb l. To lower in character or quality. 2. To deprive of esteem, self-worth, or effectiveness. twun demeanor 1. Behavior through which one reveals one's personality. 2. The manner in which one behaves. adiecth;e demented Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. naun dementia Seriousmental illness or disorder impairing a person's capacity to function normally and safely.
tcr aerb. 1. nnsasn. 2. lclvv'srn aerb. l. snanrNc. 2. nnHevIon. INSANE.
demise rwun The act or fact of dying. demise oerb To cease living. adiectioe demised No longer alive.
nnto adiectioe.
demission nwn ABDICATION. claim, or right. A giving up of a possession, demit aerb 1. esnrcern. claim,or right. 1. To give up a possession, 2. nnrtnp. 2. To withdraw from businessor active life. demobilize aerb nrscHencE oarb. To releasefrom military duty. democratic adiectioe POPULAR. Of, representing,or carried on by people at large. demolish oerb 1. orsrnov. l. To break up so tlat reconstructionis impossible. 2. onsrnov. 2. To causethe completeruin or wreckageof. demonstrate oerb t. ssow oerb. 1. To makemanifestor apparent. 2. pnol'r. 2. To establishas true or genuine. demonstration twun NOUN, DISPLAY An act of showingor displaying. demoralize oerb connvpr aerb. To ruin utterly in characteror quality. demoralizing adiectioe UNWHOLESOME. Morally detrimental. demote oerb Syns: break, bump (Infomwl),bust To lower in rank or grade:was ilemotedfrrn captain (Slnng), degrade, downgrade, reduce. to lieutenant. demotion naun Syns: degradation, downgading, The act or an instanceof demoting:receiaeda reduction. demotionfor insubordination. demure adiectiae MODEST. Reticentor reservedin manner. demureness noun MODESTY. Reservein speech,behavior,or dress. den rwun 1. nor-r noun. l. A hollow place usedas an animal'sdwelling. 2. ruon-our. 2. A hiding place. denial nou.n 1. A refusalto gant the truth of a statementor charge: 1. Syns; contradiction, disaffirmation,
245 The article dreu; an immediate denial from the maaor. 2. A turning down of a request. denigrate oerb To cast aspersionson.
departed disclaimer, gainsaying, negation, rejection, traversal (Law). 2. nnruser,. BLACKEN.
denominate aerb To give a name or title to.
denoirination rwun l. The word or words by which one is called and identified. 2. A system of religious belief. 3. Those who accept and practice a particular religious belief. denotative adiectiae Serving - to designateor indicate. denote oerb l. To make known or identify, as by signs. 2. To have or convey a particular idea. denotive adiectirse Serving to designateor indicate.
denounCe uur\ 1. To make an accusation against. 2. To find fault with. denouncement noun A charging of someone with a misdeed. denouncer noun One that accuses. dense adiectioe l. Lacking in intelligence. 2. Growing profusely.
density niui . The.quality,_condition, or degree of being thick. denude oerb l. To make bare. 2. To remove all the clothing from. denuded adiectioe Without the usual covering.
denunciate aerb 1. To make an accusation against. 2. To find fault with. denunciation noun 1. A charging of someone with a misdeed. 2. A finding fault. denunciative adiectiae - Containing, relating to, or involving an accusation. denunciator noun One that accuses. denunciatory ad;iectirse - Containing, relaUng to, or involving an accusation. deny uerb1. To refuse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of: You can't deny that he's an arrogant man. 2. To refuse to recognize or acknowledge. 3. To be unwilling to grant. depart aerb move or proceed away from a place. l. Ir 2. To turn away from a prescribed corrrse of action or conduct. 3. To cease living. departed adiectiae No longer alive.
Ntvrn aerb. 1. Neun noun. 2. nrr,rcror.l. 3. rerrn.
1. accusr. 2. r..AMn aerb. ACCUSATION. ACCUSER.
1. sruprn. 2. rnrcx adiectioe. THICKNESS.
L. str.n aerb. 2. srnrpr. ntnn adiectiae. 1. eccusn. 2. srANrn oerb. 1. eccuserrors. 2. sr,AMBnoun. ACCUSATORIAL. ACCUSER. ACCUSATORIAL.
l. Syns; contradict, contravene, controvert, disaffirm, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse (Lato). 2. nnpuorern. 3. nprusn. 1. co. 2. onvttrn aerb. 3. om. ortn adiectioe.
departing adiectir:e departing Of, done, given, or said on departing. noun department A sphere of activity, study, or interest. noun departure l. The act of leaving: The hour of dnparture is here.
2. A departing from what is prescribed. oerb depend To fasten or be fastened at one point with no support from below. depend on (or upon) oerb L.To place trust or confidence in: You can depend on
2. To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable: Whether he goes back to iail depends on whether he oiolates parole. 3. To anticipate confidently. adiectiae dependable Capable of being depended uPon: a dependnble uorker who is aht;ays punotual. adiectiae dependanl noun dependency An area subject to rule by * outside power. adiectiae dependent also dependant 1. Determined or to be determined by someoneor something else The result is depen'dent on nurny circumstances. 2.In a position of subordination. dependent noun A person who relies on another for support: wiII reieioe a tax deduction for each d.ependent' depend on (or upon) oerb aerb depict To present a lifelike image of. noun depiction The act or process of describing in lifelike imagery. adiectiae depictive Serving to describe. aerb deplete 1. To lessenor weaken severely, as by removiug something essential: Our oil supplg is depleted. 2. To make or become no longer active or productive. depf eted adiecth:e Lacking desirable elements or constituents. adiectioe deplorable Worthy of severe disapproval: a deplorable lnck of ,Tnnners. oerb deplore i. to feel or express strong disapproval of: deplores all of oiolenr:e. fo^ 2. To feel or expresssorrow for. oerb depone Archaic. To give evidence or testimony under oath. naun deponent Laro. One who testifies, esp. in court. aerb deport 1. To conduct oneself in a specified way' 2, To force to leave a country or place by official decree'
PARTTNGo.diectioe. A'R.EA.
1. Syns; egress,exit, exodus, going, leaving, withdrawal (also withdrawment). 2. onvrenoN. srNc aerb.
1. Syns; bank on (or upon) (lnformal), count on, reckon on (or upon), rely on (or upon), trust (in). 2. Syns: hang on (or upon), hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn on (or upon). 3. Bxpncr. Syns: reliable, responsible,solid, trustworthy, trusty. srr dependent. POSSESSION.
l. Syns; conditional, conditioned, contingent, relative (to), reliant, subject (to). 2. sueonorxtrn adiectiae. Syns; charge, ward.
;. ffi;n,
sap, impoverish, exhaust,
usc' up. 2. nnv ue at dry. POOR.
Syn s : disgraceftrl, opprobrious, shameful, unfortunate. 1. Syns; censure, condemn, reprehend, reprobate. 2. nncnnr oerb.
:'::"::" 2. na.ulsn.
deportation noun Enforced removal from one's native country bv official decree. deportment rloun The manner in which one behaves.
depose oerb Law. To give evidenceor testimonyunder oath. deposit oerb 1. To put down, esp. in layers, by a natural process: The rioer deposits silt that forms sandbars. 2. To place (money) in a bank. deposit twu,n l. Matter that settles on a bottom or collects on a surface by a natural process: a muddy deposit in the rioerbed. 2. A partial or initial payment: put doum a deposit on a mink coat.
1. Syns; lay down, precipitate. 2. sANKl. 1. Syns; dregs, lees, precipitate, precipitation, sediment. 2. Syn: down payment.
deposition noun Laus. A formal declaration of truth or fact given under oath.
depository rwun A place where something is deposited for safekeeping: found a secure depository for the siloer. deprave oerb To ruin utterly in character or quality. depraved ad'iectiae l. Utterly reprehensible in nature or behavior. 2. Lowered in character or quality. depravity nutn Immoral, degrading acts or habits. deprecate aerb To have or express an unfavorable opinion.
deprecative idiecttoe deprecator! alsodeprecative adiectirse Tending or intending to belittle.
Syns; magazine, repository, store, storehouse. connupr oerb. 1. connusr ad:iectine. 2. connuprrn, CORRUPTION. DISAPPROVE.
sre deprecatory. DISPARAGING.
depreciate oerb 1. To become or make less in price or value: tned cars that steadily depreciate; d"epreciatingthe U.S. dollar. 2. To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant. depreciating ad:iectioe Tending or intending to belittle.
l. Syns; cheapen, devaluate, devalue, downgrade, lower2, mark down, reduce, write down. 2. srr,rrrr-r.
depreciation twun 1. A lowering in price or value: a depreciation in the oahn of real estate. 2. The act or an instance of belittling. depreciative adiectioe Tending or intending to belittle. deprecialory adieclitse Tending or intending to belittle.
1. Syns; devaluation, markdown, reduction. 2. snrtrrrEMENT. DISPARAGING. DISPARAGING.
depredatt aerb l. To destroy completely while conquering or occupying. 2, To rob of goods by force, esp. in time of war. depress aerb l. To make sad or gloomy: Retumingfrorn the funeral to an empty howe depressedher deeply. 2. To cause to descend. depressed adiectiae 1. I_nlow spirits: The news luft r* depressedfor seoeral
l. onvesrere. 2. s.rcr2. l. Syns; cast down, deject, dispirit, oppress, sadden, weigh down. 2. r-owrn2. l. Syns; blue (Infonnnl), dejected, dispirited, down, downcast,
2. Economicallyand sociallybelow standard:a areas. programof aid to d,epressed depressing ad.iectine . Tendingto causesadnessor low spirits. OepfesslOn naun l. An area sunk below its surroundings:a depressionin the road. 2. A feelingor spell of dismallylow spirits. 3. A period of decreasedbusinessactivity and high unemployment:All sigts pointed to a d,epression. deprival twtur The conditjonof b"ntg deprived of what one once had or ought to have. deprivation nou,n The conditionof being deprived of what one once had or ought to have: lioing in pooerty and,dqrioation. deprive perb To take or keep somethingawayfrom: The poll tax dryrioed rurny of their right to oote. deprived adiectioe Economicallyand sociallybelow standard. depth noun 1. The extent or measurementdownward from a surface:d,ooeto a depth of lN feet. 2. Intellectual penetrationor range:showedan amazingd"pth of krnul.edge. deputy twun One who standsfor another. derange wrb 1. To makeinsane:One suruiporof the ord,ealwas permanentlyderangedby prolongedconfnement in the collnpsedmfuv. 2. To put out of properorder. 3. To disturb the health or physiologicalfunctioningof. deranged adiecthse Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. derangement rwun Seriousmental illnessor disorderimpairinga person's capacityto function normally and safely. dertilict a.diectitse l. Having been given up and left alone. 2. Guilty of neglect;lackingdue care or concern. dereliction rmun Nonperforrhanceof what ought to be done. deride oerb To make fun of. de rigueur adiectioe French.Conformingto acceptedstandards. derision rwun Words or actionsintendedto evokecontemptuous laughter. derivate adiectine derivation rwun 1. A point of origination. 2. Somethingderived from another.
downhearted, dull, gloomy, heavyhearted, low, melancholic, melancholy, sad, saddened, spiritless, tristful (Archaic), unhappy. -Idiom"s down in (or at) the mouth, in the depths. 2. Syns: backward, deprived, disadvantaged, impoverished, underprivileged. SAD.
1. Syns; basin, concavity, dip, hollow, sag sink. 2. cr-oou. 3. Syns; recession, slump.
Syns: deprival, dispossession,divestiture, loss, privation. Syns: bereave, dispossess,divest, rob, stripr. DEPRESSED.
1. Syns; deepness,drop. 2. Syns: deepness,profoundness, profundity. NNUN.
1. Syns: craze, distract, madden, unbalance, unhinge. 2. nrsonosn aerb. 3. upsgr aerb.
1. eseNDoNEn. 2. Nrcr.IcnNr. FAILURE.
nrotcvrn aerb. coRREcr adiectioe. RIDICULE |WUN,
ssr derivative. 1. onrcrN. 2. oBntverlvE
249 adiectiae derivational Stemming from an original source. derivativealsoderivate adiectiae Stemming from an original source: Derirsatioe problems of ecorwmic instability include urwmployment and deoaluation of the dollar. derivative rwun Something derived from another: a teleaison series that is a derioatioe of a nnoel; an anesthesia that is a curare derioatiae. derive oerb l. To arrive at through reasoning: derioed the forrrurla thrm,gh a set of eEntions. 2. To obtain from another source: We d,erioeour sunanw frorn Gaelic. 3. To have as a source. 4. To have hereditary derivation. derived adiectir;e l. Stemming from an original source. 2. Proceeding by descent from an ancestor. derogate oerb To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant.
DERTvATTVE adiectine. Syns: derivational, derived, secondary.
Syns: by-product, derivation, descendant, offshoot, outgrowth, spin-off.
1. Syns; educe, evolve, excogitate. 2. Syns: draw, get, take. 3, srnu oerb. 4. 1, nrnrverwn adiectioe. 2. orscnrvorxc. BELITTLE.
derogation noun The act or an instance of belittling.
derogatory adiectioe Tending or intending to belittle.
derridre rwun The part of one's back on which one rests in sitting. descend oerb 1. To bring oneself down to a lower level of behavior: Don't descend to his leoel and be underhanded. 2. To slope downward. 3. To move downward in response to gravity. 4. To become lower in quality, character, or condition. 5. To have hereditary derivaUon: a farnily that descendsfrom George IIl.
1. One descended directly from the same parents or ancestors: Eliznbeth II is a descendnnt of George III. 2. Something derived from another. descendant ad:iectioe
1. Syns; child, offspring, scion.
1. 2. 3, 4. 5.
stoop. onop oerb. rtrr aerb. nnrrnroRATE. Syns; derive, issue, sprrng. -Idiorn trace one's descent.
descendant noun
2. ornrvarlu noun. sm descendent,
descendants rwun Those descended from another: The lsraelis are descendants of Abraham, descendeht also descendant adiectiae l. Moving down. 2. Having a down slope. 3. Proceeding by descent from an ancestor. descending adiectioe l. Moving down: read the ruyrrcs in descending order; the descending escalator. 2. Having a down slope: a descending mountain stream.. 3. Proceeding by descent from an ancestor: a line descending frorn kings.
Syns: begats (Slang), brood, children, get, issue, offspring, posterity, progeny, scions, seed. 1. onscrworNc. 2. onscnrvorNc. 3. nrscrronc. 1. Syns: descendent (also descendant), downward. 2. Syns: descendent (also descendant). 3. Syns; derived, descendent (also descendant).
descent rwun
1. A sudden drop to a lower condition or status: a marked desceit in presidential prestige. 2. The act of dropping from a height.
1. Syns: comedown, down, downfall, downgrade. 2. rtrr notrn.
describe 3. A usu.swift downwardtrend,asin prices. 4. One'sancestors or their character. describe oerb 1. To grvea verbal account of: describedthe accident for the police oficer. 2. To presenta lifelike imageof. descripfion noun 1. The act or processof describingin lifelike imagery. 2. A recountingof pastevents. 3. A classthat is definedby the commonattribute or attributespossessed by all its members. descriptive adiectioe Servingto describe:descriptiaennnatioeaugmenting the photographs. descry oerb l. To perceive,esp.barelyor feetingly. 2. To perceiveand fix the identity of. 3. To perceivewith a specialeffort of the sensesor the mind. desecrate oerb To spoil or mar the sanctityof. desecrated adiectioe Ceremoniallyor religiouslyunfit. desecration noun An act of disrespector impiety toward something regardedassacred. desegregate aerb To open to all people regardlessof race. desegregation rloun The act, process,or result of abolishingracial segregation. desensitize oerb To render lesssensitive. desertl noun A tract of unproductiveland. desert2 noui Somethingjustly deserved. desert3 oerb 1. To give up without intendingto return or claim again. 2, To abandonone'scauseor party join another. deserted adiectioe l. Havingbeen given up and left alone. 2. Empty of people. desertion rwun The act of forsaking. deserve aerb To acquireas a result of one'sbehavioror effort. deserved adiectioe Consistantwith prevailingor acceptedstandardsor circumstances. desiccate oerb 1. To makeor becomefree of moisture. 2. To make or becomeno longer active or productive. desiccated adiectiae Having little or no liquid or moisture. design oerb an elaborate 1. To form a strategyfor: d,esigned propagandncampaign. 2. To have in mind as a goal or purpose.
3, reu, noun. 4. eNcpsrnv. 1. Syns; narrate, relate, report. 2. nppnnsnN:r.
recount, rehearse,
1. nBpnrsrNTATroN. 2. sronv. 3. xrro2.
Syns; delineative, depictive, graphic, representative. t. cerc:,:. oerb. 2. orscrnNr. 3. Norw oerb.
rNrnCnatE ,'erb. INTEGRATION.
1. asewoov oerb. 2. nnsEcr aerb.
psr adiectioe.
l. onv aerb. 2. ony ue at dry. onu adiectiae. 1. Syns; blueprint, cast, chart, contrive, devise, dope out (Informal), draw up, frame, plan, project. -Idiorn lay plans. 2. rwrnwo.
251 3. To work out and arrange the parts or details of: design a neu tousn. design noun 1. A method for making, doing, or accomplishing something: a design for a cioic center; a grand design for energy consensation. 2, An element or component in a decorative composition. 3. What one intends to do or achieve.
3. Syns; blueprint, lay out, map (out), plan, set out. L. Syns: blueprint, idea, layout, plan, project, schema, scheme, strategr. -ldicnn game plan. r'rcune noun. 2. 3. rNrrNrtoN.
designate aerb 1. To make known or identify, as by signs: Barners designated the border crossing. 2. To give a name or title to. 3. To describe with a word or term. 4. To select for an office or position. 5. To set aside for a specified purpose.
1. Syns; denote, specify. 2. xl.rnrnaerb. 3. crrr aerb. 4. arpolNr. 5. .c.ppnopnrernuerb.
point out, show,
designation noun l. The act of appointing to an office or position. 2. The word or words by which one is called and identified. ad;iectioe designative Serving to designate or indicate: applause desigrwtiae of approoal. ad1ectiae designatory Serving to designate or indicate. noun designee A person who is appointed to an office or position. designing adiectioe Coldly planning to achieve selfishaims. adiectitse desirable Arousing erotic desire: a desirable girl. oerb desire 1. To have a strong longing for: He gaoe her erserything her heart desired. We only desire peace. 2. To have the desire or inclination to. desire noun 1. A strong wish for what promises enjoyment or pleasure: his dnsire for power; a desire for afection.
2. Sexual hunger: mistook physical desire for looe.
desireful ad:iectiae Archaic. Arousing erotic desire. desirous adiectine Having a strong urge to obtain or possesssomething, esp. material wealth, in quantity. esist aerb l. To come to a cessation. 2. To cease trying to accomplish or continue. desolate aerb To destroy completely while conquering or occupying. desofate o.diectioe E-pty of people. desofating adiectiue Tending to consume and destroy. desolation noun A desolate senseof loss. despair aerb To lose all hope: despaired of eaer escaping the prison.
Syns: denotative, denotive, designatory, indicatorv ::::::indicative'
(Archaic)desiref'l ;" "":;iscible (Archaic), sexy (Slong). 1. Syns; ache, covet, crave, hanker, hone2 (for or after) (Regional), long2, pant, yearn for (or after ), wish. 2. cnoosr. 1. Syns; appetence (also appetency), appeUte, appetition, craving, hunger, itch, longing, lust, yearning, yen (lnformal). 2. Syns: aphrodisia, concupiscence, eroticism, itch, Iust, lustfrrlness, passion, e (atso pruriencv )' ""::;:
Syns: despond, give up.
despairful despair noun Utter lack of hope: was in a state of despairiust before contmitting suicide. despairful adiectioe Havinglost all hope. despairing adiectioe Having lost all hope. desperate ad.iecthse 1. So seriousas to be at the point of crisis. 2. Having lost all hope. 3. Extreme in degee, strength,or effect. desperateness nuun Utter lack of hope. desperation noun Utter lack of hope. despicable adiectioe 1. Having or proceedingfrom low moral standards. 2. So objectionableas to elicit despisal. 3. Deservingstrongcondemnation. despisable odiectioe So objectionable as to elicit despisal,
Syns; desperateness,desperation, despond, despondency (also despondence), hopelessness.-ldiom,s cave of despair, slough of despond. DESPONDENT. DESPONDENT.
tr. cnrrrcer-. 2. nnspoNonNr. 3. rurnwsn. DESPAIR TWUN, DESPAIR IWUN.
l. sonoro. 2. rrr-rnv. 3. nweuous. FILTHY.
despisal rwun The feeling of despising: his dnspisal of the Idle rlch.
Syns: contempt, despisement,despite, disdain, scorn.
despise oerb 1. To regard with utter contempt and disdain: despised the idb rich.
2. To regard with extreme dislike and hostility.
1. Syns; abhor, contemn, contempt (Archaic), disdain, scorn, scout2,sneer (at). -Idioms have no use for, look down on (or upon), view with a scornful eye, want no part of. 2. uxrn oerb,
despisement rwun The feeling of despising.
despite rwun boldlyto defyor resistauthorityor 1. The disposition an opposing force. 2. The feeling of despising. 3. An act that offends a person's sense of pride or dignity. despiteful adiectioe Archaic. Characterizedby intense ill will or spite.
l. onrnucE. 2. orsprsar,. 3. nrorcNrrv.
despitefulness rwun Archaic. A desire to harm others or to see others su-ffer.
despoil oerb To rob of goods by force, esp. in time of war. oerb despond l. To turn over in the mind, moodily and at length. 2. To lose all hope. despond rwun Utter lack of hope.
despondence rmun despondeltGlalso despondence notrn 1. Utter lack of hop". 2. A feelingor spell of dismallylow spirits. despondent adiectioe after the dioorce. Havinglost all hope: was despondent
srn despondency. 1. orspem rloun. 2. cr-oou.
despot rmun l. An absoluteruler, who is harshand oppressive.
l. orcreron.
1. snooo. 2. onspxn oerb. DESPAIR rI,OUN.
Syns; despairful, despairing, desperate, forlorn, hopeless.
2. One who imposes or favors absolute obedience to authority. adiectioe despotic l. Having and exercising complete political power and control. 2. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authoriw.
2. eunronITARIAN
1. ensor.urnad;iectiae. 2. aurnonrrARrANadiectioe.
despotism noun 1. A political doctrine advocating the principle of absolute rule. 2. Absolute power, esp. when exercised unjustly or cruelly.
l. essolutrsM.
destine oerb To determine the future of in advance. adiecthse destined Governed and decided by or as if by fate.
rtrn oerb. FATED.
destiny rmun That which is inevitably destined. adiecthse destitute l. Obs. Having been given up and left alone. 2. Lacking a desirable element. 3. Having little or no money or wealth.
FATE |IOUN. 1. eseNDoNEo.
2. nuprv ad,iectioe. 3. poon.
destitution noun The condition of being extremely poor.
destroy oerb l. To cause the complete ruin or wreckage of: paintings destroyed by; dmgs that destroyed her health; news that destroyed his hopes. 2, To break up so that reconstruction is impossible: d,estrog a condemned building. 3. 4. 5. 6.
To cause the death of. To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully. To collapse or shatter by or as if by breaking. To impair severely the spirit, health, effectiveness, etc., of.
1. Syns; demolish, destruct, dynamite, finish, ruin, ruinate (Regional), shatter, sink, smash, total, torpedo, undo, wrack, wreck. -Idiarn put the kibosh on. 2. Syns: demolish, destruct, dismantle, knock down, level, pull down, pulverize, raze, rubble, tear down. 3. ru,r-. 4. uunonn oerb. 5. nnner DowN. 6. nnnnx oerb.
destroyer noun Something that causestotal loss or severe impairment of one's health, fortune, honor, hopes, etc.
RULN fwun.
destruct oerb 1. To cause the complete ruin or wreckage of. 2. To break up so that reconstruction is impossible.
destruction noun 1. The state of being destroyed: a tomndn that left destnrction in its path. 2. An act, instance, or consequence of breaking. 3. Something that causestotal loss or severe impairment of one's health, fortune, honor, hopes, etc. 4. Severe damage or decay rendering something useless or worthless. destructive adiectiae 1. Having the capabihV or effect of damaging irreparably: a destructioe ice storm; drugs that are destructi,aeinfluences on youth. 2. Causing ruin or destruction. desuetude noun. The quality or state of being obsolete. desultory adiectiae 1. Without aim, purpose, or intent.
l. Syns; devastation, havoc, ruin, ruinadon, wrack, wreck, wreckage. -Idimn wrack and ruin. 2. snBAKAce. 3. nurN nourr.
4. nurN rwttn.
1. Syns; pernicious, ruinous, shattering.
2. rarer..
l. arur.rss.
detach 2. Having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or strucfure. detach aerb 1. To separate one thing from another thing: detached the side panels frorn the truck. 2. To remove from association with: could not d.etach himself frorn his past. detached adiectiae 1. Lacking interest in one's surroundings or worldly affairs: took a detached oieu of the conflict. 2. Set away from all others. 3. Not easily excited, even under pressure. 4. Feeling or showing no strong emoUonal involvement. detachment noun 1. The act or process of detaching: detachment of a freight car frorn a train. 2. The act or an instance of separating one thing from another. 3. Dissociation from one's surroundings or worldly affairs: oiewed the crisis usith cold d,etachm.ent. 4. The quality or state of being just and unbiased. 5, MiL A unit of troops on special assignment: an h ornr -guar d det achm.ent. 6. A group of people organized for a particular purpose. rwun detail 1. A small, often specializedelement of a whole: asked to see the details of the contract. 2. An individually considered portion of a whole. 3. One of the condiUons or facts attending an event and having some bearing on it. 4. MiL A unit of troops on special assignment. detail aerb To make specific. detailed adiectiae Characterized by attention to detail: a detailed account of the tnp.
2. nar.roou.
l. Syns; disconnect, disengage,uncouple. 2. Syns: abstract, disassociate,dissociate, withdraw. 1. Syns; aloof, disinterested,incurious, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested. 2. sor-rrenv. 3. coor- adiectioe. 4. unurnar-. 1. Syns; disconnection, disengagement, separation, uncoupling. 2. owrsroN.
distance, remoteness.
4. rernuess. 5. Syn: detail (Mil.). 6. roncr naun. l. Syns; item, particular, punctilio, technicality. -Idiom fine print. 2. rr,rnmNr. 3. crncunasrANcE. 4. orrecnMENT. STIPULATE.
Syns: blow-by-blow, circumstantial, itemized, minutel, particular, particularized, thorough.
detain oerb 1. To cause to be later or slower than expected or desired. l. ow-ty oerb. 2. To take into custody as a prisoner. 2. rnansr aerb. 3, To maintain restraining control and possessionof. 3. soro aerb. detainment naun The condition or fact of being made late or slow. DELAY NOUN, detect oerb To perceive, esp. barely or fleetingly. ctrcru oerb. detectable adiectioe Capable of being noticed or apprehended mentally. detective noun A person whose work is investigating crimes or Syns: dick (Slang), (Informnl), "y" obtaining hidden evidence or informatton: hired a gumshoe (Slnng), investigator, Javert, detectiae to get the rueededfacts. sleuth (lnformal).
detention rnun
A seizing and holding by law. deter aerb 1. To persuade (a person) not to do something. 2. To prohibit from occurring by advance planning or action. deteriorate oerb l. To become lower in quality, character, or condition: a school system rapidly deteriorating mental health that had deteriorated.
1..Syns: decline, degenerate,descend, disimprove, disintegrate, retrograde, sink, worsen. -Idioms get no better fast, go to the bad.
255 2. To lose strength or power. 3. To become or cause to become rotten or unsound. rwun deterioration 1. Descent to a lower level or condition: concemed about widespread moral deterioration. 2. A marked loss of strength or effectiveness. 3. The condition of being decayed. 4. Severe damage or decay rendering something useless or worthless. noun determenl The act of preventing. adiectioe determinate 1. Having distinct limits. 2. Kept within certain limits. TK)un determination 1. A position reached after consideration. 2. An authoritative or official decision, esp. one made bv a court. 3. Unwavering firmness of character or action. adiectitse determinative 1. So critically decisive as to affect the future. 2. Determining or having the power to determine an outcome. 3. Serving the function of deciding or settling with finality. determin6 oerb l. To fix the limits of: Sunseyorsdetermirrcd the praperty boundaries. 2. To make up or cause to make up one's mind. 3. To obtain knowledge or awarenessof something not known before, as through observation, sfudy, etc. 4. To make a decision about (a controversy, dispute, etc.) after deliberation, as in a court of law. adiecthse determined 1. On an unwavering course of acUon. 2. Not hesitating or wavering. 3, Indicating or possessingdetermination, resolution, or persistence.
detour 2. rton aerb. 3. onctv oerb. L. Syns: atrophy, decadence, declension, declination, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, disintegration, worsening. 2. rarr,unr. 3. orcev noun. 4. nurN naun.
1 . DEFINITE. 2 . RESTRICTED. 1 . DECISION. 2 . RULING rIOUN. 3. 1. rarrrur-. 2. orcrsrvr. 3. prrrxrtrvn.
1. Syns; bound2, delimit, delimitate, demarcate, limit, mark out (or off), measure. 2. orcnr. 3. orscovrn. 4. pocn oerb.
1. snrr adiectiae. 2. rrctsrvr. 3. nnur.
deterrence nnun The act of preventing. deterrent adiectioe Intended to prevent. deterring ad;iectioe Intended to prevent. detest oerb To regard with extreme dislike and hostility. detestable adiectirse l. So objectionable as to elicit despisal. 2. Deserving strong condemnation.
detestation rwun l. Extreme hostility and dislike. 2. An object of extreme dislike. detonate aerb To release or cause to release energy suddenly and violently, esp. with a loud noise. detonation noun A violent release of confined enerry, usu. accompanied by a loud sound and shock waves. detour oerb To pass around but not through.
1. r'rr.rrrv. 2. wreuous. l. rrerr noun. 2. lltrn
sxtnr aerb.
detract detract aerb or speakof assmallor To think,represent, unimportant. detracting adiectioe l. Tending or intending to belittle. 2. Damaging to the reputation.
1.. orspenectNc.
2. r-rsnr,ous.
detraction noun 1. The expression of injurious, malicious statements about someone. 2. The act or an instance of belittling. adiectiae detractive Damagrng to the reputation.
1. r,rsnr,nou,n. 2. srLrrrLEMENT. LTBELOUS.
detractory adiectirse Damaging to the reputation.
detrimehl- rnun l. An unfavorablecondition,circumstance,or characteristic. 2, The action or result of inficUng lossor pain. detrimental adiectioe Causingharm or itjrry. de trop adiectioe French.Beingmore than is needed,desired,or appropriate. devaluate oerb To become or make less in price or value. noun A lowering in price or value. devalue oerlt To become or make less in price or value.
2 . HARM
devastate oerb To destroy completely while conquering or occupying: The inoaders deoastated the oillages in their path.
devastation noun 1. Thestateof beingdestroyed.
Syns; depredate, desolate, ravage, spoil (Obs.), spoliate, stripr, waste. -Idiom,Iay waste. DESTRUCTION.
RVIN noun, 2. Severe damage or decay rendering something useless or worthless. develop oerb 1. Syns; generate, produce. 1. To bring (a product, idea, etc.) into being: deoeloped gasoline from coal. 2. Syns: evolve, unfold. 2. To be disclosed gradually: As the plot deoeloped, the story got better. 3. nr,anontrn aerb. 3. To disclosebit by bit. 4. rr,esontrn aerb. 4. To express at greater length or in greater detail. 5. To come gradually to have: deoelop a taste for carsnr. 5. Syn: form. 6. cxN oerb. 5. To achieve an increment of gradually. 7. cournecr oerb. 7, To become affected with a disease. 8. coMs. 8. To take place. 9. u,xrunn oerb. 9. To bring or come to full development. adiectiae devefoped MATUREadiectitse. Having reached full growth and development.
developer noun A person instrumental in the gowth of something, esp. in its early stages.
development noun 1. A progression from a simple form to a more complex one: the deael.oryrwntof mon. 2. Something significant that happens. 3. The result or product of building up. 4. Steady improvement, as of an individual or a society. nou,n deviance The condition of being abnormal.
1. Syns; evolution, evolvement, growt-h, progress, unfolding. 2. nveNr. 3. eurr.n-ur at build up. 4. pnocnnss nuun. ABNORMALITY.
257 noun deviancy The condition of being abnormal. rwun deviant One whose sexual behavior differs from the accepted norm: an agressiae deoiant who had to be institutiornlized. deviant adiectioe Departing from the normal. deviate aerb 1. To turn away from a prescribed course of action or conduct: neDerdeoiatedfrom the truth. 2. To turn aside from the main subject in writing or speaking. deviate noun One whose sexual behavior differs from the accepted norm. deviate adiectiae Departing from the normal. deviating adiectitse 1. Departing from the normal. 2. Straying from a proper course or standard. noun deviation 1. A departing from what is prescribed: tolerated rn deaiatian from preflight procedures. 2. An instance of digressing. 3. The condition of being abnormal. adiectiae deviative Departing from the normal. device noun 1. Something, as a machine, devised for a particular function: a neu food-processing deaice. 2 . Something invented. 3 . An indirect, usu. cunning means of gaining an end. 4. An element or component in a decorative composition. devif ish adiectiae Perversely bad, cruel, or wicked. devious adiectiae l. Having bends, curves, or angles. 2. Without a fixed or regular course. 3. Marked by treacherv or deceit.
Syns: deviate, pervert.
1 . Syns: depart, digress,diverge, err, stray, swerve.
1 . ABNORMAL. 2 . ERRANT. l. Syns; aberration, departure, divergence (olso divergency), diversion. 2. urcnpssror.r. 3. I-BI'IonNIALITY. ABNORMAL.
1. Syns; apparatus, appliance, contraption, contrivance. 2. wvnvnors. 3. rnrcx rwun. 4. rrcunn nnun.
1. cnooxno. 2. nnnerrc. 3. uNornneNo.
deviousness noun Lack of straightforwardness and honesty in action. devise oerb 1. To form a strateg;r for. 2. To use ingenuity in making developing, or achieving. 3. Law. To give (property) to another person after one's death. devitalize aerb To lessen or deplete the nerve, enerry, or strength of. _ devoid adiectiae 1. Containing nothing. 2. Lacking a desirable element.
devolve Jerb To come as by lot or inheritance. devote aerb 1. To give over by or as if by vow to a higher purpose: a rutn uho deooted her hfu to Christ. 2. To devote (oneself or one's efforts). devoted adiectiae Given over exclusively to a single use or pu{pose.
1 . onsrcN perb. 2. I}IVENT. 3. r-ravrl,
1. rupry adiectioe. 2. nuprv adiectiae. px-r oerb.
1 . Syns; consecrate,dedicate, hallow.
devotee devotee noun 1. One zealously devoted to a religion: a deaotee of Bahaisn. 2. One who ardently admires. 3. A person who is ardently devoted to a particular subject or activity.
258 1. Syns; fanatic, sectary, votary. 2. eorunnn. 3.
devotion nou,n l. Deep and ardent affection. 2. The condition of being closely tied to another by affection or faith. devour Darb 1. To take (food) into the body as nourishment. 2. To eat completely or entireiy. 3. To be avidly interested in. 4. To do away with completely and destructively. 5. To use up foolishly or needlessly. adiecth:e devout Deeply concerned with God and the beliefs and practice of religion. noun dexterity 1. Skillfulness in the use of the hands or body: performed usith dexterity on the parallel bars. 2. The quality or state of being agile. dexterous adiectitse 1. Exhibiting or possessingskill and ease in performance: dexterous handling of the sports car. 2. Showing art or skill in performing or doing.
dexterousness noun in the useof the handsor body. 1. Skillfulness 2. The quality or state of being agile. rwun diablerie also diablery 1. Annoying yet harmless, usu. playful acts. 2. A wicked act.
diablery nnun diaboficalsodiabolical adiectioe bad. cruel. or wicked. Perverselv 'adiectiae diagonaf Angled at a slant. dial oerb Informnl. To communicate with (someone) by telephone. dial rmun The marked outer surface of an instrument. noun dialect 1. An often regional form of a language not considered standard: Cockney is a dialect of English. 2. A system of terms used by a people sharing a history and culture. 3. Specialized expressionsindigenous to a particular field, subject, trade, or subculture. noun dialog rr,oun dialogue also dialog Spoken exchange. adiectioe diametric Diametrically opposed. noun diamond Someone or something considered exceptionally precious. ad;iectioe diaphanous So light and insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film.
1. eooneuox. 2. errecHMENT.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ner. colrsulan. ner up at €?t. coxsuur. wtsrn aerb.
l. Syns: address,adroitness,deftness, dexterousness,prowess, readiness, skill, sleight. 2. acr-rrv. 1. Syns; adroit, clever, deft, facile, handy, nimble, slick. 2. enrrul. 1. onxrnnrrv. 2. ecu-r:rv. 1. urscnrnr. 2. cnrur. snn diablerie. FIENDISH.
ntls adiectiae. TELEPHONE.
1,. Syns; argot, cantz, jargon, lingo, patois, vernacular. 2. r-eNcuecn. 3. leNcuecn. sne dialogue. CONVERSATION.
oPPosrrE adiectioe. TREASURENOUN.
259 diatribe noun A long, violent, or blustering speech, usu. of censure or denunciation. dibs noun Slnng. A legitimate or supposed right to demand something as one's rightful due. rwun dick Slang. A person whose work is investigating crimes or obtaining hidden evidence or information. aerb dicker To argue about the terms of, as of a sale. xerb dictate To set forth expressly and autloritatively: The oictors dictated the sunend,er terms. dictate to oerb To command in an arrogant manner. dictate rwun 1. An authoritative indication to be obeyed. 2. A code or set of codes governing action, procedure, etc. dictate to oerb adiectioe dictative Tending to dictate.
Syns: decree, fix, impose, lay down, ordain, prescribe. -Idioms call the tune (or signals or shots), lay it on the line. soss oerb. 1. couuervo rwun. 2. nur-n rwun. srn dictate. DICTATORIAL.
dictator rwun 1, An absolute ruler, esp. one who is harsh and oppressive: Stalin u(N a bloody dictator,
2. One who imposes or favors absolute obedience to authority. adiectitse dictatorial l. Tending to dictate: a dictatorial executiae who imposed his will on eDeryotw.
2. Having and exercising complete political power and control. 3. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority.
1. Syns; Big Brother, despot, fiihrer (also fuehrer ) (Cerman), oppressor, totalitarian, tyrant. -ldiorns man on horseback, strong man, tinhorn dictator. 2. eurrronrrARrAN rwun.
l. Syns; authoritarian, bossy, dictative, doctrinaire, dogmaUc, domineering, imperious, magisterial, masterful, overbearing, peremptory. 2. essolurn. 3. eurnonrrARrAN adiecthse.
dictatorshif noun l. A government in which a single leader or party exercises absolute control over all ciUzens and every aspect of their lives. 2. A political doctrine advocating the principle of absolute rule. 3. Absolute power, esp. when exercised unjustly or cruelly. noun diction Choice of words and the way in which they are used.
l. e-ssor.urrsl{.
2. ensor.uusu. 3. rvneNrw.
dictionary noun An alphabetical list of words often defined or translated. didactic also didactical adiectioe Inclined to teach or moralize excessively. diddle xerb 1. To pass time without working or in avoiding work. 2. To waste time by engaging in aimless activity. 3. Slang. To get money or something else from by deceitful trickerv.
l. l i,-nuerb. 2. unss ARouNDat mess. 3. c:anlrr oerb.
diddler diddler nmun Sl*rg.A personwhocheats. die perb l. To cease living: She died at an early age.
2. Theol. To experience spiritual death: Those usho belieoe in Cod shall rwoer die. 3. To become inaudible. 4. To become less active or intense. die out (or away) oerb To cease to exist.
die-hardatsodiehard noun A personwhovehemently, oftenfanatically opposes progress and favors refurn to a previous condition. die-hard also diehard adiecthse l. Vehemently, often fanatically opposing progress or reform.'
2. Firmly, often unreasonablyimmovablein purposeor will. die out (or awa!) oerb differ oerb l. To be unlike or dissimilar:The two primn ministers differedin eoeryospect. 2. To be of different opinion:politiciansdffiring on natiornl health insurarrce. difference nuun l. The condition of being unlike or dissimilar;noted the oastdifferencebeluseenliberals and, cotuensatitses. 2. The condition or fact of varying. 3. A markedlack of correspondence or ageement. different ad;iectioe l. Not like anotherin nature,quality, amount,or form: two dffirent ways of working two brothersuho could rnt haoe beenmore diferent. 2. Not previouslyknown or used. differentiate aerb l. To recognizeasbeing different. 2. To makenoUceableor different. differentiation rwun The act or an instanceof distinguishing. difficile adiecthse Not easv ' to do. achieve.or master. difficult adiecit:e 1. Not easyto do, achieve,or master:a dfficult problern;a difuult climb. 2. Imposinga severetest of bodily or spiritual strength. 3. Causingdifficulty, trouble, or discomfort. 4. Given to acting in oppositionto others. difficultly a&serb With effort.
1. Syns; check out (Slang), croak (Slnng), decease,demise, depart, drop, expire, go, kick n (Slang), kick off (Slang), pass away, pass (on), perish, pop off (Informal), succumb. -ldioms bite the dust, breathe one's last, cash in one's chips, depart this life, give up the ghost, go to one's grave, kick the bucket, meet one's end (or Maker), pass on to the Great Beyond, take a cab, turn up one's toes. 2. Syn: perish. 3. rroE aerb. 4. sussron. DISAPPEAR.
1. nEecrroNnnv adiectioe. 2. srussonN. srr die. 1. Syns; disagree, vary. -Idiombe at variance. 2. Syns: disaccord, disagree,discord, dissent, vary. 1. Syns; alterity, discrepancy (also discrepance ), disparity, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinction, divarication, divergence (aho divergency), unlikeness. 2. vennnor. 3. cap. l. Syns; disparate, dissimilar, divergent, diverse, unlike, variant, various. 2. rnpsn. 1, orsrrxcursn. 2. orsrrNcursH. DISTINCTION. DIFFICULT.
1. Syns; difficile, hard, knotty, laborious, serious, slavish, sticky (Informal), taII, tough, uphill. 2. sunnrNsoME. 3. rwcorwrNrENT. 4. coNrnenv adiectioe. HARDadoerb.
26L difficulty noun 1. Something that obstructs progress and requires great efiort to overcome: His chief difuulty uas a phgsical weaknnss. The negotiators ran into
difuulty. 2. A condition or situation characterized by danger, distress, or annoyance.
L. Syns: asperity, hardship, rigor, vicissitude. -Idionw a hard nut to crack, a hard row to hoe, heavy sledding. 2. rnounr-E twun.
ditfidence rwun
Reserve in speech, behavior, or dress. adiectioe diffident Reticent or reserved in manner. perb diffuse To extend over a wide area. diffuse adiectioe Using or containing an excessivenumber of words. dig oerb 1. To break, turn over, or remove (earth, sand, etc.) with or as if with a tool: dig for canots; dig through a trunk for winter clothes. 2. To make by digging: dig a well. 3. To cause to penetrate with force. in the ribs. 4. To thrust againstor into: fug* 5. Slang. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. 6. Slnng. To receive pleasure from. 7. Slang. To have as one's domicile, usu. for an extended period. 8. To go into or through for the purpose of making discoveries or acquiring information. dig up (or out) aerb To find by investigation. dig nou,n l. An act of thrusting into or against, as to attract attention: gaDeme a shatp dig in the ribs and pointed to the croud. 2. A flippant or sarcastic remark. digest oerb To take in and incorporate, esp, mentally.
1. Syns; delve (Archaic), excavate, grub, shovel, spade. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Syns: excavate, scoop, shovel, spade. nervr. Syns: jab, jog, nudge, poke, prod. uNonnsrewo. rryov. rwnr.
8. rxpr.onp.
nudge, poke, stab.
2. cnacr noun. ABSORB.
digestion noun The process of absorbing and incorporating, esp. mentally.
dignificafion twun The act of raising to a high position or status or the condiUon of being so raised. aerb dignify 1. To raise to a high position or status. 2. To lend dignity or honor to by an act or favor.
EXALT. cntcn
dignitary rwun An important, influential person: State Depart:rnent dignitaries.
dignity nou.n A person'shigh standingamongothers. digress oerb 1. To turn asidefrom the main subjectin writing or speaking:The senatorhad the anrnying habit of digressingfrorn the main thenw of his speeches.
Syns: big, big shot (Slang), big-timer (Slang), big wheel (Slnng), bigwig (Informal), character, eminence, heavpveight (Informal ), leader, lion, luminary, muckamuck (also mucketymuck ) (Slcng), nabob, notability, notable, personage, personality, somebody (lnformal), someone (Informal ), YIP (Informal). HONOR nOUn.
1. Syns; deviate, divagate, diverge, excurse, stray, wander. -Idiont. go off at (or on) a tangent.
digression 2. To turn away from a prescribed course of action or conduct.
2. rnvnrr.
digression noun 1. The act of digressing: His statem.entson monetary policy, by way of digression, are oery misleading. 2. An instance of digressing: His aunt used to break off now and then into a brief digression about the old days.
digressive adiectioe Marked by or given to digression: a digressir:eremark; an author who is habitually digressir:e. digs noun Informal. A building or shelter where one lives.
dig up (or out) difapidated adiectir>e 1. Showing signsof wear and tear or neglect. 2. Falling to ruin.
1. Syns; aside, divagation, parenthesis. 2. Syns: aside, deviation, discursion, divagation, divergence (a/so divergency), ecbole (Rhet.), episode, excursion, excursus,irrelevancy, parenthesis, tangent. Syns: discursive, episodic, excursive, parenthetic (also parenthetical), tangential. HOME.
snn dig. 1. srransy. 2. nuwous.
"urbat greater length or in greater detail. To express difatory adiectitse Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired. dilemma noun A difficult, embarrassing situation.
nrnr,onnrn Derb. sr,ow adiectiae. PREDICAMENT,
difettante noun One lacking professional skill and ease in a particular pursuit. dilettante adiectiae Lacking the required professional skill. dilettantish adiectiae Lacking the required professional skill. dilettantist adiectioe Lacking the required professional skill. dif igence noun Steady attention and effort, as to one's occupation: worked usithreal diligence to f.nish the audit. dif igent adiectioe Characterizedby steady attention and effort: mnde a diligent searchfor the missingbook. dilfy-dally oerb To go or move slowly so that progressis hindered. dilute adiectioe Lower than normal in strength or concentration due to admixfure: dilute wine. dilute oerb To lessen the strength of by or as if by admixture: The impact of his thesis was diluted by poor organization and bad rniting. He alusays dilutes his drink with a splosh of sodn. adiectitse diluted Lower than normal in strength or concentration due to admixture. dim oerb l. To make dim or indistinct. 2. To make or become less keen or responsive. dim adiectitse 1. Deficient in brightness. 2. Lacking vividness in color. 3. Covered by or as if by a thin coating or film.
Syns: application, assiduity, assiduousness, industriousness,industry, sedulousness. Syns: assiduous,industrious, sedulous, studious. onrtv aerb. Syns; cut, diluted, thin, washy, watered, watered-down, waterish, watery, weak. Syns; attenuate, cut, thin, water (down), weaken.
L. osscvnn aerb. 2. ourl- oerb.
1 . ornx adiectioe. 2 . ovu- adiectiae. 3 . FILMY.
263 4. Not clearly perceived or perceptible'
4. uwclnen.
dimensions noun The amount of space occupied by something.
diminish aerb
To grow or cause to grow gradually less'
diminishment noun The act or Processof decreasing. noun diminution The act or Processof decreasing. adiectiae diminutive Extremely small. noun dimness Absence or deficiencY of light. nnun dimwit Slang. A mentallY dull Person. adiectitse dimwi-tted 1. Lacking in intelligence. 2. Slang. bitpt"yi"g a complete lack of forethought and good sense. din noun Soundsor a sound, esp. when loud, confused, or disagreeable. nou,n ding-a-ling lnformal. An insanely foolish or strange person' noun dingbat Informal. An insanely foolish or strange person' dinge noun Afeeling or qpell of dismally low spirits' adiectirse dingy Showing signs of wear and tear or neglect' dip oerb 1. To plunge briefly in or into a liquid: She dipped a piece of bread into her *ffu? 2. To immerse in a coloring solution: dip Easter eggs' 3. To take a substance, as liquid, from a container by plunging the hand or a utensil into it: dipped,usater froitnZ baky boat; dipped punch from the bowl' 4. To slope downward. 5. To undergo a sharp, rapid descent in value or price' 5. Brit. Slang. To give or deposit as a pawn' dip into aerb To look through reading matter casually. dip noun 1. A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices' 2. An area sunk below its surroundings. 3. The act of swimming.
dip into oerb diplomacY noun
The abifity to say and do the right thing at the right time. adiectioe dipfomatic 'showing sensitivity and skill in dealing witl others' ad:iectioe dippy Slang. So senselessas to be laughable. adiectioe dire 1. So serious as to be at the point of crisis. 2. Portending future disaster. 3. Causing or able to cause fear. ad1ectwe direct 1. Proceeding or lying in an uninterrupted line or course: a direct path across the fields. 2. Speaking or spoken freely and sincerely.
prcnresn oerb. DECREASE rWUN, DECREASE NOUN. TINY. DARK NOUN. DULLARD. 1. stupto. 2. rvtrr.Tol-uss.
l. Syns; douse, duck, dunk, immerge, immerse, souse,submerge, submerse. 2. Syns: color, dye. 3. Syns: bail2, lade, ladle, scooP uP.
4. onop oerb. 5. strr oerb. 6. pnwvr aerb. BROWSE.
1. ner-r-noun. 2. orpnnssroN. 3. pr-uNce noun. snr dip. TACT.
1. cnrtrcer-. 2. r'ernrul. 3. nnenrur,. l. Syns: straight, straightforward, through. 2. rne.Nr.
direction 3. Of unbroken descent or lineage: a direct d.escendnnt of King Daaid. 4. Marked by the absence of any intervention. 5. Characterized by a close and thorough acquaintance. direct aerb 1. To have charge of (the affairs of others), 2. To control the course of (an activiW). 3. To exercise authority or influence ouer. 4. To give orders to. 5. To devote (oneself or one's efforts). 6. To move (a weapon, blow, etc.) in the direction of someone or something. 7. To mark (a written communication) with its destination. 8. To show the way to. direct adoerb 1. In a direct line. 2. With precision or absolute conformity. 3. Without the slightest deviation in any respect.
direction noun 1. Authoritative control over the afiairs of others. 2. Archab. A written inscription on a deliverable item giving its destination. 3. An authoritative indication to be obeyed. 4. An act or instance of guiding. 5. The continuous exercise of authority over a political unit.
3. 4. IMMEDIATE. 5. rxrrrrernl adiectioe. 1. aourusrnn, 2. coloucr aerb. 3. colrrnor oerb. 4. couuer,lo aerb. 5. eppr,v. 5. xu oerb. 7. toonnss oerb. 8. cutolt- oerb.
3. colrnaervonoun. 4. culoeNcn. 5. covnnwunNr.
directive noun An authoritative indication to be obeyed. directly adoerb 1. In a direct line: usent directly to Atlanta; f,ew directh4 north. 2. With _precisionor absolute conformity: hit him directly on the kneecap. 3. Without delay: I'Il see you at the restaurant directlq.
4. Without intermediary. director rloun 1. Someonewho directs and supervisesworkers. 2. One who is highest in rank or authority. 3. A person having administrative or managerial authority in an organization. ..4.-Something or someone that shows the way. direful adieitit:e l. Portending future disaster. 2. Causing or able to cause fear. dirt noun l. Foul or dirty matter. 2. Something that is offensive to accepted standards of decency. dirtiness noun 1. The condition or state of being dirty: the dirtiness of the slum apartment. 2. Impure condition. 3. The quality or state of being obscene. dirty adiectiae 1. Covered or stained with or as if with dirt or other impurities: sending the dirty clothes to the laundry.
1. Syns; dead, direct, due, right, straight. 2. Syns: dead, direct, exactly, fair, flush, just, precisely, right, smack-dab (Slang), square, straight. 3. Syns; forthwith, immediately. instant (Poetic), now. -Idioms at once, first off, right away (or ofr), straight away (or off). 4. rnrunonrEt,y. 1. noss noun. 2. cHrnr noun. 3. rxpcurrvn. 4. curnt nann. FATEFUL, FEARFUL.
1. Syns; filth, filthiness, foulness, giminess, uncleanliness,uncleanness. 2. rvpunrry. 3. onscprvrry. 1. Syns; black, filthy, grim/, grubby, smutty, soiled, soily, unclean, uncleanly.
265 2. Offensive to accepted standards of decency. 3. Violently disturbed, as by storms, dirty aerb 1. To make dirty: dirtipd the cufs of his shirt when he changed his typeuriter ribbort. 2. To cast aspersionson. disable oerb 1. To render powerless or motionlessby inflicting severe injury: oeterans disabled in the war; disabl.ed the tank usith a carefully plnced grenade. 2. To make incapable, as of doing a job.
2. osscrNr. 3. noucn. 1. Syns; befoul, begime, besoil, black, blacken, smudge, smutch, soil. 2. gLlcKEN.
1. Syns; cripple, immobilize, incapacitate, knock out (Informal), paralyze, prostrate. -ldioms lay low, put out of action (or commission). 2. vNrrc oerb.
disaccord rmun A state of disagreement and disharmony. disaccord aerb 1. To fail to be in accord. 2. To be of different oPinion.
1. coNrr.rct oerb. 2. orrrnn.
disacknowledge aerb To refuse to recognize or acknowledge.
disadvantage rwun An unfavorable condition, circumstance, or characteristic: One of the disadoantages of the car is its enorlnous gas consumption. adiectioe disadvantaged Economically and socially below standard. adiectioe disadvantageous 1. Causing dfficulty, trouble, or discomfort. 2. Tending to discourage, retard, or make more difficult.
Syns; detriment, drawback, handicap, minus, shortcoming.
DEPRESSED. 1. rNcorwBNrENT. 2. uNrevoRABLE.
disaffect aerb 1. To make distant, hostile, or unsympathetic. 2. Archaic. To have a feeling of aversion for. noun disaffection 1. An interruption in friendly relations. 2. An attitude or feeling of aversion. 3. The act of estranging or the condition of being estranged. oerb disaffirm To refuse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of.
1. ssrRANcn. 2. otsrtr,n aerb, 1. ennecH twun, 2. nrsr-rxn twun. 3. psrneNcEMENT.
disatfirmation naun A refusal to gant the truth of a statement or charge.
disagree oerb l. To be unlike or dissimilar. 2. To be of different opinion. adiectiae disagreeable 1.. Not pleasant or agreeable. 2. Having or showing a bad temper.
disagreement rwun l. A marked lack of correspondenceor agreement. 2. A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed. oerb disallow 1. To be unwilling to grant. 2. To refuse to a]low. twun disallowance 1. A turning down of a request. 2. A refusal to allow. aerb disappear 1. To pass out of sight either gradually or suddenly; The top of the skyscraper disappeared in the fog. 2. To cease to exist: The ancient Egyptian people disappeared long ago.
l. orrrnn. 2. nrrren.
1 . UNPLEASANT. 2 . ILL-TEMPERED. t . GAP. 2 . ARCUMENT. 1. nnrusr. 2. ronsro. 1. neruser.. 2. ronernoANcE. 1. Syns; evanesce, evanish, evaporate, fade, vanish. 2. Syns: die out (or away), expire.
disappearance rwun The act or an example of passing out of sight: The sudden disaryearance of the fnnncier is causing speculation about his honesty. disappoinl oerb To cause unhappiness by failing to satisfy the hopes, desires, or expectations of: The candidttte's speech disappointe d his supporters. disappointing adiectine Disturbing because of failure to measure up to a standard or produce the desired results: disappointing test scores; a disa,ppointing state of affairs.
disappointment nmun Unhappiness caused by the failureof one'shopes, desires, or expectations: u:ill feel keen disappointment ushen his ayplication is reiected.
disapprobation noun Unfavorable opinion or judgment.
Syns: evanescence,evanishment, evanition, evaporation, fade-out.
Syns: cast down, discontent, disgruntle, dishearten, dissatisfy, let down.
Syns: disheartening, dissatis$ng, sorry, unlucky.
Syns: discontent, discontentment, disgruntlement, disheartenment, dissatisfaction,letdown, regret. DISAPPROVAL.
disapproval ioun Unfavorable opinion or judgment: couldn't keep the tone of disapprotsal out of her ooice.
Syns: disapprobaton, displeasure.
disapprove oerb 1. To have or express an unfavorable opinion: Why do you disapprooe of the new fashions?
2. To be unwilling to grant.
disarrange aerb 1. To put out of properorder. --2. To put (the hair or clothes) into a state of disarray. disarranged adiectiae In a condition of disorder.
l' Syns; deprecate, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, frown on (or upon), object2 (to). -Idioms hold no brief for, not go for, take a dim view of, take exception to. 2. nsFusB. l . orsononn oerb.
disarrangement nutn A lack of order or regular arrangement.
disarray noun A lack of order or regular arrangement. disarray aerb To put out of proper order. disassemble oerb To take (something) apart.
orsonosn oadr. TAr(EDowN at take.
disassociate oerb To remove from association with.
disaster rwun An occurrence inflicting widespread destruction and distress: No sooner had he lost his iob than the firwl disaster struck-his house bumed doun. disastrous adiectiae Causing ruin or destruction. disavow aerb To refuse to recognize or acknowledge. ltyun disbelief The refusal or reluctance to believe: Iooked at m.e in pure disbelief. disbelieve oerb
Syns: calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, tragedy.
to: Wedisbelieoe theirstoryas n7tt;#:redence disbefieving adiectioe
Syns; discredit, misbelieve, unbelieve. -Idionw set no store by, take no stock
Refusing or reluctant to believe. disburden aerb 1. To remove the cargo or load from. 2.To free from something objectionable or undesirable.
Syns: discredit, incredulity, unbelief.
1. uNr-oep. 2. nro.
267 disbursal noun The act of distributing or the condition of being distributed.
1. To give out in portions or shares. 2. To distribute (money) as payment.
1. orsrnrsurr. 2. spnvo.
disburse perb
disbursement rwun Something expended to obtain a benefit or desired result.
discard oerb
To let go or get rid of as being no longer of use, value, erc.: plans ti discard all the linens in the old trunk'
discard noun The act of getting rid of something uselessor used up. ad;iectiae discarnate Having no body, form, or substance. oerb discern l. To perceive and fix the identity of We could barely discem a sail on the horizon. 2. To perceive, esp. barely or fleeUngly. 3. To recognize as being different.
cosT rwun.
Syns; chuckr (lnformal), dispose of, ditch, dump, jetUson,junk, scrapl, shuck (off), throw away, throw out. DISPOSAL.
1. Syns: descry, distinguish, make out, pick out, spot. 2. clrrclg aerb. 3. prsrrNcursn.
discernible adiectuse Capable of being noticed or apprehended mentally. adiectioe discerning 1. Characterized by careful and exact evaluation. 2. Possessingor showing sound judgment and keen perception.
discernment rwun Skill in perceiving, discriminating, or judging: She hires her assistantswith such discem:rnentthat none eoer disappoints her.
oerb discharge 1. To releasefrom military duty: rnillbe discharged from the army next uteek. 2. To set at liberty. 3. To end the employment of. 4. To pass or pour out into: The Illinois Rioer discharges into the Mississippi 5. To carry out the functions, requirements, or terms ot. 6. To set right by giving what is due. 7. To free from an obligation or duty. 8. To remove the cargo or load from. 9. To launch with great force. discharge naun The act of dismissing or the condition of being dismissed from employment. nlun disciple One who supports and adheres to another. adiectioe disciplinary Inflicting or aiming to inflict punishment. discipline noun 1. A penalty imposed for wrongdoing. 2. An area of academic study that is part of a larger body of learning. discipline oerb 1. To subject (one) to a penalty for a wrong. 2. To impart knowledge and skill to. oerb disclaim To refuse to recognize or acknowledge.
1. cnrrrcer-. 2. wrssl.
Syns; acumen, astuteness,clearsightedness,discrimination, eye, keenness, nose, penetration, perceptiveness, percipience, perspicacity, sagacity, sageness,shrewdness, wit. 1. Syns; demobilize, muster out, separate. 2. rnnn aerb. 3. orsurss. 4. Syns: emit, empty, flow, issue,vent, void. 5. rur-rtu-. 6. snrrr-n. 7. nxcvsn aerb. 8. 9. ssoor aerb. DISMISSAL.
1. puNrsnunNr. 2. sneNcH noun.
1. puxrsn. 2. roucerp. REPUDIATE.
disclaimer disclaimer rwun ..A refusalto gant the truth of a statementor charge. disclose oerb 1. To makeknown. 2, To makevisible;bring to view. disclosure nnun Somethingdisclosed,esp.somethingnot previously known or realized discolor oerb To soil with foreign matter. discombobulate aerb l. Slang.To impair or destroythe composureof. 2. Slang.To causeto be unclearin mind or intent. discombobulated adiectioe Slang.Mentallyuncertain. discomfiture noun Self-conscious distress. discomfort rwun 1. Somethingthat causesdifficulty, trouble, or lack of ease. 2. The state or quality of being inconvenient. discomfort oerb l. To cause inconvenience for. . 2. To cause (a person) to be self-consciouslydistressed. discompose alerb impair or destroy the composure of. ..To OlSCOffipOSUre noun Self-consciousdistress.
1. coul,ruuICATE. 2. nrvner,. REVELATION,
srxN oerb. 1. ecrrerr. 2. coxrusn. CONFUSED. EMBARRASSMENT.
disconcert oerb -To cause (aperson) to be self-consciously distressed. disconcerted adiectiae Distressed and ill at ease.
disconcertion noun Self-consciousdistress.
disconcertment noun Self-conscious distress.
disconnect aerb --To separate one thing from another thing.
disconnection noun
The act or process of detaching. disconsonarit adiectitse 1. Made up of parts or qualities that are disparate or otherwise markedly lacking in consistency. 2. In sharp opposition. discontenl oerb To cause unhappiness by failing to satisfy the hopes, desires, or expectations of. discontent noun Unhappiness caused by the failure of one's hopes, desires, or expectations. discontentment nou,n Unhappiness caused by the failure of one's hopes, desires, or expectations. discontinue aerb 1. To cease Ering to accomplish or continue. 2. To stop suddenly, as a conversation, activity, relationship, etc. 3. To come to a cessation.
1. rwcoNcnuous. 2. coNrr,rcrrNc. DISAPPOINT.
1. enarvoox oerb. 2. suspnNo. 3. srop aerb.
discontinuity rwun A cessationof continuity or regularity. discord naun A stateof disagreementand disharmony.
269 discord oerb 1. To fail to be in accord. 2. To be of different oPinion. adiectioe discordanl 1. Devoid of harmony and accord. 2. Characterized by unpleasantdiscordance of sound. 3. Made up of parts or qualities that are disparate or otherwise markedly lacking in consistency. 4. Disagreeable to the sense of hearing'
1. coNrr,lcr
2. omrun. 1. runanuoNrous. 2. runenproNlous. 3. rxcolqcnuous. 4. nensn.
discount oerb
1. To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant' 1. snr-rrrr.n. 2. oeoucr. 2. To take away (a quantity) from another quantity. 3. wnrrn orr at write. 3. To put out of one's mind as a loss or failure. discount noun DEDUCTION. An amount deducted.
discountenance oerb l. To have or express an unfavorable opinion. 2.To cause (a person) to be self-consciouslydistressed.
discourage oerb 1. To make less hopeful or enthusiastsc: The magnitude of the problem discouraged me., persuade (a person) not to do something. adiectioe discouraging Tending to make less hopef-ul or enthusiasttc: read a discouraging analysis of the cunent economic situation.
discourse noun 1. A formal, lengthy exposition of a topic: torote a discourseon trad,e def,cits. 2. The faculty, act, or product of speaking. discourse oerb To engage in spoken exchange. nDlr.n discourser One given to conversation. adiectioe discourteous Lacking good manners.
discover oerb 1. To obtain knowledge or awareness of something not known before, as through observation, study, etc.: discorseredthat the world is round. 2. Archai,c. To make visible; bring to view. 3. Archaic. To disclosein a breach of confidence.
1. orseppnovr. 2. rlrsenness. 1. Syns: dishearten, 2. olssueDe. Syns : disheartening, dispiriting.
l. Syns; disquisition, dissertation, treatise. 2. sprncn. coNvrnssl oerb. CONVERSATIONALIST. RUDE.
1. Syns; ascertain, determine, find out, hear, learn. 2. nrvpar.. 3. srrnev.
discovery twun Something that has been discovered: Radium is one of the great discooeriesof scierrce.
Syns; find, finding, strike.
discredit oerb l. To cause to be no longer believed or valted: neus eoid.ence that discredits preoious research. 2. To prove or show to be false. 3. To give no credence to. 4. To damage in reputation. discredit rwun l. Loss of or damage to one's reputation. 2. The refusal or reluctance to believe. adiecthse discreditable Meriting or causing shame or dishonor. adiectioe discreet 1. Kept within sensible limits. 2. Showing sensitivity and shll in dealing with others.
discrepance noun discrepanG!alsodiscrepancenotrn l. The condition of being unlike or dissimilar.
1. Syns; debunk, explode, puncture, shoot down. -ldionw knock the bottom out of. shoot full of holes. 2. nnruru. 3. orsnnr-mvn. 4. uscnacn oerb. l. orscnacE rmun. 2. orssrr,rsr. DISGRACEFUL.
1. cor.isnnverwn adiecthse. 2. orr,rcerr. srr discrepancy. 1. pmrrnnNce.
discrepant 2. A marked lack of correspondenceor agreement. discrepanl adiectitse l. In sharp opposition. 2. Made up of parts or qualities that are disparate or otherwise markedly lacking in consistency. discrete adiectiae l. Distinguished from others by nature or qualities. -_2. Being or related to a distinct entity. discretely ad-^erb As a separateunit.
discreteiress noun Thequalityof beingindividual. discretion rmun Unrestricted freedom to choose. discretionary adiectirse l. Based on individual judgment or discretion. 2. Not compulsory or automatic.
discriminate unib 1. To act on the basis of prejudice: Scnneemployers used to discrimirwte against uorkers for unioi actioity. 2. To recognize as being different. 3. To make noticeable or difierent. discriminate adiectiae Able to recognize small differences or draw fine distinctions. discriminating adiectiae l. Able to recogntze small difierences or draw fine distinctions: disuiminnting in his choice of food and uine. 2. Characterized by careful and exact evaluation.
discrimination noun l. The ability to distinguish, esp. to recognize small differences or draw fine distinctions: choice of fumiture that shoros little artistic disuimirmtion. 2. The act or an instance of distinguishing. discriminative ad;iectir;e Able to recognize small difierences or draw fine distinctions. discriminatory adiectioe Able to recognize small differences or draw fine disUnctions.
1 . Syn; prejudice (against).
l. Syns: discriminate, discriminative, discriminatory, select, selective. 2. cnlrrcel. 1. Syns; refinement, selectiveness, selectivity. 2. rrsrrNrcrroN. DISCRIMINATING.
disculpate aerb To free from a charge or imputation of guilt.
discursion noun An instance of digressing. discursive adiectioe Marked by or given to digression. "
crntn xerb. DIGRESSION.
discuss ierb
l. To speak together and exchangeideas and opinions about: discussing the pros and cons of nuclear po@er.
2. Rare. To take (food) into the body as nourishment. rnun discussanl One who participates in a conference. discussion nourl l. An exchangingof views. 2. A meetinq for the exchangeof views.
1. Syns; hash over (Informal),kick around (Informal), knock about (Informal), knock around (Infonnnl), moot, talk over, thrash out, thresh out, toss about (Informal), toss around (Inforrurl). -Idiom go into a huddle. 2. n,xr. CONFEREE.
discussor ,iun One who participates in a conference.
271 rnun disdain 1 . DESPISAL. 1. The feeling of despising. 2 . ARROGANCE. 2. The quality of being arrogant. disdain aerb DESPISE. To regard with utter contempt and disdain. adiectioe disdainful Overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance, ARROGANT. noun disease A pathological condition of mind or body: a disease of the eyes. oerb disembark To come ashore from a seacraft.
Syns: affectionz, ailment, complaint, disorder, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness. rxto aerb.
disembarrass aerb To free from something objectionable or undesirable. adiectioe disembodied Having no body, form, or substance.
disencumber oerb To free from something objecUonable or undesirable.
disengage oerb 1. To become separatedfrom. 2. To separate one thing from another thing. 3. To free from ties or fasteners. 4. To free from an entanglement. adiectiae disengaged Freed from contact or connection. noun disengagement The act or process of detaching. oerb disentangle To free from an entanglement.
l. 2. 3. 4.
r;nnlx oerb. oBrecn. uxoo. crnnn oerb.
cLEAR adiectioe. DETACHMENT.
crntn oerb.
disesteem rmun Loss of or damage to one's reputation. disesteem oerb To have or express an unfavorable opinion. nuun disfavor An attitude or feeling of aversion. disfavor aerb To have or express an unfavorable opinion. oerb disfigure To alter and spoil the natural form or appearance of.
disfigurement noun A disfiguring abnormality of shape or form.
disgorge oerb To send forth (confined matter) violently. noun disgrace Loss of or damage to one's reputation a public ofr'cial uho had to resign in disgrace.
disgrace aerb To damage in reputation: disgraced his family uith his arrest for dntg dealing. adiecthse disgraceful 1. Meriting or causing shame or dishonor: a disgraceful secret that is being uithheld frorn the public; disgraceful beharsior. 2. Worthy of severe disapproval. noun disgracefulness The condition of being infamous.
Syns: discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, obloquy, opprobrium, shame. -Idionx bad name (or odor), ill repute. Syns: discredit, dishonor, shame. -ldioms be a reproach to, put to the blush. 1. Syns; discreditable, dishonorable, disreputable, ignominious, obloquious, opprobrious, shabby, shameful. 2. nnpr-onesr,B. INFAMY.
disgruntle oerb To cause unhappiness by failing to satisfy the hopes, desires, or expectations of.
disgruntlement noun I]nhappiness caused by the failure of one's hopes, desires,or expectations.
disguise u"rb To changeor modifysoasto preventrecognition of
the_true identity or character of, disguised-her interest wi,th a blnsd attitud,e. disguise nurn 1. Clothes or other personal efiects, such as make-up, worn to conceal one's identity: uill uear the ^ disguise of a witch to the fancy-dress baII. A.deceptive outward appeara.rce. ..2. OfSgUlSement rloun outward appeiuance. __AdecepUve disgust tserb To offend the sensesor feelings of: The sight of the cockroach scutrying around. digusted her.disgust rwu,n Extreme repugnance excited by something ofiensive: behaoior that arouses disgnt. disgusted adiecthse Out of patience with. disgustin^g adiectioe 1. Extremely unpleasant to the sensesor feelings. 2. So oblectionable as to elicit despisal. disharmohic adiectioe Characterized by unpleasant discordance of sound.
disharmonious adiictiae
Characterized by unpleasant discordance of sound.
dishearten u"rb
l. To make less hopeful or enthusiastic. 2. To cause unhappiness by failing to satisfy the hopes, desires, or expectations of. disheartening adiectiae l. Tending to make less hopeful or enthusiastic. 2. Disfurbing because of failure to measure up to a standard or produce the desired results.
Syns; bemask, camouflage, cloak, cover up, dissemble, dissimulate, mask, masquerade, sleek.
1. 2. raEaor. FAgADE.
Syns: nauseate,repel, repulse, revolt, sicken. -Idiom turn one's stomach. Syns: aversion, loathing, repulsion.
1. orscounAcrNc. 2. orsepporNTrNc.
disheartenmeni rwun Unhappiness caused by the failure of one's hopes, desires,or expectations. dishevel unrb .-To p"! (the hair or clothes) into a state of disarray. disheteled adiectiae Marked by an absenceof cleanlinessand order. dishonesl adiectioe l. Given to or marked by deliberate concealment or misrepresentation of the truth: a sneaky, dishonest mnnipulator of people; a dishonest answer to the question. 2. Marked by dishonesty, esp. in matters of public trust. dishonesty noun l. Lack of integrity: mistnnt him because of his fundnmental dishonesty . 2. Departure from what is legally, ethically, and morally correct. 3. Lack of straightforwardness and honesty in action.
1. Syns; deceitful, lF rg, mendacious, shifty, untruthful, unveridical.
2. connupr adiectir:e. L. Syn: improbity. 2. connuprrox. 3. rxornncrroN.
dishonor noun Loss of or damage to one's reputation. dishonor oerb To damage in reputation. dishonorable adiectitse Meriting or causing shame or dishonor.
noun dishonorableness INFAMY. The condition of being infamous. adiectirse disimpassioned coor adiectiae. Not easily excited, even under pressure. aerb disimprove DETERIORATE, To become lower in quality, character, or condition. noun disinclination DISLIKE NOUN. 1. An attitude or feeling of aversion. INDISPOSITION. 2. The state of not being disposedor inclined. adiectioe disinclined INDISPOSED. Not inclined or willing to do or undertake. oerb disinfect STERILIZE. To render free of microorganisms. noun disingenuity INSINCERITY, Lack of sincerity. adiectirse disingenuous INSINCERE. l. Not being what one purports to be. UNDERHAND. 2. Marked by treachery or deceit. noun disingenuousness INSINCERITY. Lack of sincerity. aerb disintegrate 1. snpex up at break. l. To reduce or become reduced to pieces or components. 2. onrBnroRATE. 2.To become lower in quality, character, or condition. noun disintegration 1. onrnnroRATloN. 1. Descent to a lower level or condiUon. 2. nurw naun. 2. Severe damage or decay rendering something useless or worthless. rwun disinteresl FAIRNESS. 1. The quality or state of being just and unbiased. APATHY. 2. Lack of emotion or interest. adiectiae disinterested 1. Lacking interest in one's surroundings or worldly affairs. 1 . DETACHED. 2 . NEUTRAL. 2. Feeling or showing no strong emotional involvement. 3 . APATHETIC. 3. Without emotion or interest. noun disinterestedness FAIRNESS. The quality or state of being just and unbiased. oerb disjoin 1. 1. To become or cause to become apart one from another. 2. snnlrx aerb. 2. To crack or split into two or more fragments by means of or as a result of force, a blow, or strain. oerb disjoint 1. orvrpn. l. To become or cause to become apart one from another. 2. nnntx oerb. 2. To crack or split into two or more fragments by means of or as a result of force, a blow, or strain. aerb dislike To have a feeling of aversion for: The tuo men heartily Syns; disaffect (Archaic), disrelish, mislike. -Idinrn have no use for. dislike each other. dislike noun Syns : disaffection, disfavor, disinclination, An attitude or feeling of aversion: had a real dislike for disrelish, distaste. canned rnusic. dislocate oerb 1. To alter the settled state or position of. 1. orsruns. 2. To displace (a bone) from a socket or ioint. 2. srrc aerb. adiectiae disfoyal Not true to duty or obligation. FAITHLESS. noun disloyalty Betrayal, esp. of a moral FAITHLESSNESS. dismaf adiectioe 1. Dark and depressing. 1. cr-oonlv.
dismantle 2. Marked by little hopefulness. 3. Tending to cause sadnessor low spirits. dismantle oerlt 1. To take (something)apart. _-2. To break up so that reconstruction is impossible. dismay oerb To deprive of courage or the power to act as a result of fear, arxiety, or disgust: The news of plummeting stock prices di,smnyedspeculators. dismay noun A sudden or complete loss of courage in the face of trouble_or danger: looked at me ln dlmtny when she Ieamed she needed surgeru. dismayed adiectiae Overcome with intense feeling, as of amazement, horror, or dismay.
274 2. clool,ry. 3. seo. 1. raxl DowN at take. 2. nssrnoy. Syns: appall, consternate,daunt, horrify, shake,shock.
Syn.' consternation.
dismember unib l. To take (something)apart. 2. To deprive of, or of the use of, a limb or bodily member. dismiss aerb l. To end the employment of: Workers uho habitually arriae late are first warned, then dismissed.
2. To direct or allow to leave: When the belt rang the teacher di,srnissedthe class. 3. To put out by force. 4. To rid one's mind of: She thought of chasing the bus but dismissed the idea uslrcn another bus came into oieu. 5. To ceaseconsideration or treatment of. 6. To be unwilling to accept, consider, or receive.
dismissal naun 1. The act of dismissingor the condition of being dismissedfrom employment: deeply resentedhis divnissal. 2. The act of ejecting or the state of being ejected.
l. raxn DowN at take. 2. cnrppl,E.
1. Syns; bootl (Slang), bounce (Slang), can (Slang), cashier, discharge,drop, fire (Informnl), sackr (Slang), terminate. -Idioms give someone his walking papers, gve iomeone the ax, give someonethe gate, give someonethe pink slip, let go. 2. Syn: send away. -Idirms send about one's business,send packing, show the door to. 3. npcr. 4. Syns: banish, cast out, dispel, kiss off (Slang),shut out. 5. onop oerb. 6. orcr,rwn oerb. 1. Syns; discharge, firing (lnformnl), sackl (Slang), termination. -Idionw the boot, the bounce. 2. rpcrroN.
dismount oerb To take (something) apart. TAKEDowN at take. disobedience rwun The conditionor practiceof not obeying:Disobedience Syns; insubordination, noncompliance, wasquicklgpunishedin that howehold. unruliness. disobedient odiectiae Refusingor failing to obey: a disobedientchilcl Syns; insubordinate, lawless, uncompliant, unruly.
disobey oerb To refuseor fail to obey:disobeyingfutstructioru.
disorder noun 1. A lack of order or regulararrangement;We found the burglarizedapartntentin disorder.
Syns; break, defy, disregard, flout, transgress,violate. -Idiom pay no attention (or mind) to. 1. Syns; ballup (Slnng), chaos, clutter, confusedness,confusion, disarrangement,disarray, disorderliness, disorganization,huddle, jumble, mess, mix-up, muddle, scramble, snafu (Slnng), snarlr, topsy-turviness,tumble, turmoil.
275 2. A lack of civil order or Peace: Looting and disorder preaailed during the blackout' 3. A pathological condition of mind or body. 4. The condition of being sick. disorder oerb 1. To put out of proper order: Father uamed us not to disorder the boolcsand papers on his desk.
2. To break up the order or progressof. 3. To put into total disorder. 4. To disturb the health or physiological funcUoning of. 5. To put (the hair or clothes) into a state of disarray. adiectioe disordered l. In a condition of disorder: disorderedschedules; disord,eredfirwnces. 2. Characterized by physical confusion. 3. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness.
disordering noun The act or an example of uPsetting.
2. Syns: anarchy, lawlessness,misrule, 3. ntspesn. 4. stcx-t'qnss. 1. Syns; derange, disarrange, disarray, disorganize, disrupt, disturb, jumble, mess up, mix up, muddle, tumble, unsettle, upset. 2. orsnupr. 3. coNruse. 4. vpsnr aerb. 5. rousr-p. l. Syns: disarranged,disorganized, disrupted. 2. coNrusro, 3. rNseNp.
disorderliness noun A lack of order or regular arrangement. adiectiae disorderly 1. Lacking regular or logical order: the disorderly closet of a teen-ager. 2. Upsetting civil order or peac€: The police morsedto disperse the disorderly crousd,
disorganization nnun 1. A lack of order or regular arrangement. 2. The act or an example of upsetting. oerb disorganize To put out of ProPer order. adiectir;e disorganized In a condition of disorder. aerb disown To refuse to recognize or acknowledge. oerb disparage To think, represent, or speak of as small or
1. 2. Syns:riotous,rowdy, unruly.
disparagement noun The act or an instanceof belittling. disparaging adiectixe Tendingor intendingto belittle: made disparaging commentsabout the other editors.
disparate adiectiae Not like anotherin nature,quality, amount,or form' disparity noun 1. The conditionof beingunlikeor dissimilar. or agreement. 2. A markedlack of correspondence 3. The condition or fact of being unequal,asin age, rank,or degree. dispassion twun The quality or stateof being just and unbiased. dispassionate adiectiae 1. Free from bias in judgment. 2. Feeling or showing no strong emotional
Syns: belittling, decrying, deprecatory (also deprecative ), depreciating, depreciative, depreciatory, derogatory, detracting, pejorative, sligfrting, uncomplimentary. DIFFERENT.
1. ou'runrxcn. 2. c*. 3. rNrquer-rrv.
l . rli.a adiectioe.
dispassion;tely adierb In a just way.
dispassionatenessrloun The quality or state of being just and unbiased.
dispatch oerb l. To cause (something)to be conveyed to a destination. 2. To eat completely or entirely. 3. To cause the death of. dispatch noun Rapidnessof movement or activity. dispel oerb l. To rid one's mind of. 2. To separate or cause to separate and go in various directions. To disappear by or as if by rising. ..3. dlSpenSatlOn noun 1. The giving of a medication, esp. by prescribed dosage. 2. The act of distributing or the condition of being distributed. dispense aerb 1. To provide as a remedy. 2. To give out in portions or shares. 3. To free from an obligation or duty.
dispensing rmun giving of a medication, esp. by prescribed dosage. ..The OlSperse aerb 1.. To pass (something)out. 2. To extend over a wide area. 3. To disappear by or as if by rising. 4. To separate or cause to separate and go in various directions, dispirit oerb 1. To make less hopeful or enthusiastic. 2. To make sad or gloomy. dispirited adiectiae In low spirits. dispiriting adiectiae l. Tending to make less hopeful or enthusiastic. 2. Dark and depressing. displace oerb 1. To alter the settled state or position of. 2. To take the place of (another) againstthe other's will.
3 . rtrr l.
1. 2. 3. 4.
nrsrnrsurE. spngro aerb. urr aerb. scerrrn.
l. nrscounacn. 2. oepnnss. DEPRESSED.
display oerb l. To make a public and usu. ostentatious show of: displayed her trophies on a pedestal; displaying his trim fgure to best adoantage. 2. To make visible; bring to view. 3. To make manifest or apparent. 4. To be endowed with as a visible characteristic or form. 5. To give expression to, as by gestures, facial aspects, or bodily posture. display twun l. An act of showing or displaying: a displny of articles for sale; a display of force. 2. An impressive or ostentatiousexhibition: The lottery winner prorruptly made a display of his neu; uealth. displease oerb To be very disagreeableto. dispfeasing adiectioe Not pleasant or agreeable.
1. Syns; brandish, disport, exhibit, expose, flash, flaunt, parade, show, show off, sport. 2. nnveer. 3. sr'ow oerb. 4. enAR. 5. rxpnrss oarb.
1. Syns; demonstration, exhibit, exhibition, manifestation, show. 2. Syns: array, panoply, parade, pomp, spectacle. OFFEND.
displeasure nou.n Unfavorable opinion or judgment. displeasure oerb Archaic. To be very disagreeable to. adiectitse disponible Capable of being obtained or used.
disport oerb 1. To conduct oneself in a specified way. 2. To make a public and usu. ostentaUous show of. 3. To occupy oneself with amusement or diversion. disport noun AcUvity engaged in for relaxation and amusement.
L. tcr oerb. 2. ol^spr-llyaerb. 3. pl.-w aerb. PLLY fWUn.
disposal nou,n 1. A way or condition of being arranged. 2. The act of getting rid of something uselessor used ap: Garbage disposal is a manicipal funntion. dispose aerb l. To influence or be influenced in a certain direction: His friend,Iiness disposed me to like him. 2. To put into a deliberate order. dispose of oerb 1. To put into correct or conclusive form. 2. To let go or get rid of as being no longer of use, value, etc. disposed adiectioe Having or showing a tendency or likelihood. dispose of aerb
l. ennaNcEMENT. 2. Syns: discard, dumping, elimination, jettison, riddance. 1. Syns; bend, bias, incline, predispose, sway. 2. enneNcr. 1. sBrrr-n. 2. nrsceno.
ser dispose.
disposition rmun 1. A person's customary manner of emotional an aff ectionate di,sposition. 2. A, way or condition of being arranged. 3. An inclination to something. 4. The combination of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes an individual. 5. A general cast of mind with regard to something.
l. Syns: complexion, humor, kidney, nature, temper, temperament. -Idiont frame of mind. 2. enneNcEMENT. 3. srNr rwuru 4. cnenecrnn.
dispossess aerb To take or keep something away from.
dispossessionnoun The condition of being deprived of what one once had or ought to have.
disproportion nuun The condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degee.
disprove oerb To prove or show to be false. disputable adiectioe In doubt or dispute.
disputation noun The presentation of an argument. disputatious adiectioe Given to arguing.
dispute oerb l. To take a stand against. 2. To put forth reasons for or against, often excitedly. dispute noun A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed. disputed adiectiae In doubt or dispute. disqualify oerb To make incapable, as of doing a job.
1. corvrnsr oerb. 2. ancur. ARGUMENT.
vxrtt oerb.
disquiet disquiet oerb To impair or destroythe composureof. disquiet noun 1. A stateof discomposure. 2. Anxiousconcern. 3. An uneasyor nervousstate. disquieted adiectioe In a stateof uneasiness. disquietude noun l. Anxiousconcern. 2. An uneasyor nervousstate. disquisition noun A formal, lengthy exposiUonof a topic. disquisitive adiectioe Eagerto acquireknowledge. disregard aerb l' To refuseto pay attentionto (a person);treat with contempt. 2. To fail to care for or give proper attentionto. 3. To avoid the fulfillment of. disregard rwun 1. An act or instanceof neglecting. 2. Lack of emotionor interest. 3. A lack of considerationfor others' feelings. disrelish oerb To have a feeling of aversionfor. disrelish rnu,n An atUtudeor feeling of aversion. disremember oerb" To fail to remember. disreputable adiectiae Meriting or causingshameor dishonor. disrepute noun Lossof or damageto one'sreputation. disrespecl rwun l. Lack of proper respect:accusedof disrespectfor failing to salute the fng. 2. The stateor quality of being impudent. disrespectful adiectiae Having or showinga lack of respect:It is disrespectful to talk loudly in church. disrobe oerb 1. To makebare. 2. To removeall the clothing from. disrobed adiectioe Not wearingany clothes. disrupt oerb 1. To break up the order or progressof: Hecklers disruptedthe councilmeeting. 2. To put out of proper order. disrupted ad;iecth:e In a conditionof disorder. disruption rwtrn 1. A cessationof continuity or regularity. 2. The act or an exampleof upsetting. disruptive adiectioe Troubling to the mind or emotions. dissatisfaction noun Unhappinesscausedby the failure of one'shopes, desires,or expectations.
DrscouRsEnoun. CURIOUS.
1 . IGNORE. xncrnct oerb. Ntcrncr oerb. 1. urclrcr twun. 2. eparrrv. 3. rnoucnrlEssNEss. otsrtxn oerb. DISLIKE NOUN. FORGET. DISGRACEFUL. DISGRACE |IOUN.
1. Syns; incivility, irreverence, lese majesty (also lese majeste). 2, rvpunpNcn. Syns.' irreverent, uncivil.
sA:n.nDerb. srRtpr. NUDE.
1. Syns; disturb, upset. -Idiorn havoc with. 2. rrsonnrn oerb. DISORDERED.
1. ennex noun. 2. upsnr noun. DISTURBING.
279 dissatisfy aerb by failing to satisfythe hopes, To causeunhappiness desires,or expectationsof. dissatisfying adiecth:e Disturbingbecauseof failure to measureup to a standardor producethe desiredresults. dissect uerb To separateinto parts for studY. dissection rraun The separationof a whole into its parts for study. dissemblance rwun A displayof insincerebehavior. dissemble oerb l. To behaveaffectedlyor insincerely. 2. To chdngeor modify so as to prevent recognitionof the true identity or characterof. 3. Obs.To pretendnot to see. disseminate oerb 1. To make (information)generallyknown. out. 2. To pass(something) dissension noun A stateof disagreementand disharmony. dissent oerb To be of different opinion. dissent rroun A stateof disagreementand disharmony. dissenter noun A personwho dissentsfrom the doctrine of an establishedchurch. dissentience noun A stateof disagreementand disharmony. dissertation noun 1. A formal, lengthy expositionof a topic. 2. A systematic,thoroughwritten presentationof an originalpoint of view. disserve oerb or perfectionof. To spoil the soundness disservice rmun An act that is not just. dissever aerb To separateinto parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument. dissidence notrn A stateof disagreementand disharmony. dissident noun A personwho dissentsfrom the doctrine of an church. established dissimilar adiectiae Not like anotherin nature.quality,amount,or form. dissimilarity nnun The conditionof beingunlikeor dissimilar. dissimilitude noun The condiUonof beingunlikeor dissimilar. dissimulate oerb To changeor modify so as to prevent recognitionof the true identity or characterof. dissipate aerb 1. To spend(money)excessively and usu.foolishly. 2. To disappearby or as if by rising. 3. To separateor causeto separateand go in various directions.
1 . aerb. 2 . uscursr oerb. 3. sr,rNKer at blink. l.
1. nrscounsunoun. 2. rnnsrs.
cur aerb.
nrscursr oerb.
t . wrsrn oerb. 2 . rtpr aerb. 3 . SCATTER.
dissociate dissociate oerb l. To become separated from. 2. To remove from association with. dissolute adiectitse 1. Lacking in moral restraint. 2. Given to heedless, unrestrained pursuit of pleasure. dissoluteness noun Excessivefreedom; lack of restraint.
dissolution noun 1. Theactor factof dpng. 2. Excessivefreedom: lack of restraint.
dissolve aerb
t 1 7
1. To reduce or become reduced to pieces or components. 2. To disappear gradually by or as if by dispersal of particles. 3. To change from a solid to a liquid. 4. Motion Pic. d: T.V. To make (a film image) disappear gradually. dissolve noun M?!b".Pic. b T.V. The gradual disappearance,esp. of nlm rmage. ..a OlSSOnanCe rwun A state of disagreement and disharmony. dissonant adiectirse l. Characterized by unpleasant discordance of sound. 2. Made up of parts or qualities that are disparate or otherwise markedly lacking in consistency.
I. ennrx oerb. 2. oeracH. 1. eseNoorvno. 2. resr adiectiae. LICENSE
1 . DEATH. 2 . LICENSENAUN. l. BREAK up at break. 2. rnon oerb, 3. MELT. 4. FADE OUT.
FADE-our at fade out.
1. rNHenuoNrous. 2. rNcoNcnuous.
dissuade oerb To persuade (a person) not to do something: tried to dissuad.ethe President from taking military action.
distatf noun
Women in general. distaff adiectioe Of, relating to, or characteristic of women. distance ioun l. The fact or condition of being far removed or apart: Because of its distance Helenn u)as an appropriate island of exile. 2. An extent, measured or unmeasured, of linear space: Faaorable winds propelled the ship a great distance before suruet. 3, Dissociation from one's surroundings or worldly affairs. 4. A wide and open area, as of land, sky, or water. 5. Degree of separation, esp. in time. distant adiectioe 1. Far from others in space, time, or relationship: faint light frorn distant parts of the unioerse; cntmbled remains of the distant past. 2. Not friendly, sociable, or warrn in manner.
Syns: deter, discourage, divert. -Idiorn talk out of. FEMININITY.
1. Syns: farness,remoteness.
2 . Syns: length, piece (Regiornl),
stretch, way.
3 . DETACHMENT. 4. EXPANSE. 5. REMOVE rWUn. 1 . Syns: far,
faraway, far-fung, far-off, remote, removed. -Idiom at a distance. 2. coor- adiectioe.
distaste rwun An attitude or feeling of aversion.
distasteful ad;iectioe 1. Difficultto accept. 2. So unpleasant in flavor as to be inedible. distill oirb To fall or let fall in drops of liquid. distinct adiecthse l. Distinguished from others by nature or qualities: The futW used two cornpatible but distinct colors. 2. Readily seen, perceived, or understood.
1 . BrrrER adiectioe. 2 . UNPALATABLE. onrp oerb. l. Syns: discrete, diverse, separate, several, various. 2. eppenBxr.
28r 3. Without any doubt. 4. Clearly defined; not ambiguous. distinction noun 1. The act or an instance of distinguishing: The statistics mnke no distinction bettaeen part-time and full-time em.ployees. 2. The condition of being unlike or dissimilar. 3. A position of exalted, widely recognized importance. 4. A special feature or quality that confers superiority. 5. Recognition of achievement or superiority or a sign of this: graduated rcith distinction. distinctive adiectiae Serving to identify or set apart an individual or group: a bird's distinctiae mnrkings; a distinr:tiae behaoior pattem.
distress 3. oncrono. 4. snenp adiectioe. 1. Syns; differentiation, discrimination, separation. 2. 3. 4. 5.
orrrnnnxcn. plrtNnNcn. vrnrun. Syns; accolade, honor, kudos, laurels.
Syns: characteristic, distinguishing, individual, peculiar, typical (also tlpic ), vintage.
distinctiveness noun The quality of being individual.
distinctness noun The quality of being clear and easy to perceive or understand.
distinguish oerb 1. To recognize as being different: could not distinguish fear frorn cousardice. 2. To perceive and fix the identity of. 3. To perceive with a special effort of the sensesor the mind. 4. To make noticeable or different: Simple, clean-cut forms distinguish the usork of this architect. 5. To cause to be eminent or recognized: He distinguished himself as a statesman. distinguished adiectirse Widely known and esteemed. distinguishing adiectirse Serving to identify or set apart an individual or group.
1. Syns: differentiate, discern, discriminate, know, separate, tell. 2. orscBnN. 3. norrcn oarb. 4. Sjns: characterize, difierentiate, discriminate, individualize, mark, qualily, set apart, signalize, singularize. 5. Syns; elevate, ennoble, exalt, honor, signalize. EMINENT.
distort aerb 1. To give an inaccurate view of by representing falsely or misleadingly: propagandists who distort facts.
2. To alter and spoil the natural form or appearance of.
1. Syns; belie, color, falsify, load, misrepresent,misstate,pervert, twist, warp, wrench. -Idiont. give a false coloring to. 2. opr''onna.
distract aerb 1. To occupy in an agreeable or pleasing way. 2. To make insane. distracting adiectirse Entertaining or pleasing. distraction rwun 1. Something, esp, a performance or show, designed to entertain. 2. The condition of being amused. distrait adiectiae So lost in thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings. distraughl adiectiae Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness.
l. tv'usn aerb. 2. nnneNce. AMUSING.
l. enrusrnrNr. 2. auusnurNr. ABSENT-MINDED.
distress oerb 1. To cause suffering or painful sorrow to: The neussof the child's death distressed her deeply. 2. To cause anxious uneasinessin. distress noun 1. A state of physical or mental suffering: respiratory
l. Syns; affiict, aggrieve, anguish, grieve, pain. 2. wonny aerb. 1. Syns; affiiction, agony, anguish, hurt,
distressed distress;felt great distressooer the death of her father. 2. Anxious concern. 3. The condition of being in need of immediate assistance:a suim.rner in distress.
distressed adiectioe In a state of uneasiness. distressful adiectioe Troubling to the mind or emotions.
distressin! adiectioe Troubling to the mind or emotions.
distribute- aerb 1. To give out-in portions or shares: The gooem,nrcnt distributed land to settlers uilling to plant it. 2. T-o pass (something) o$: distributing handbiil"s on the street. 3. To extend over a wide area. 4. To put into a deliberate order.
distribu-tion noun
l. The act of distributingor the condition of being distributed:Attomeys-superuisedthe distributiin of the propert7amnngthe heirs. ..2. A yay or conditionof beingarranged. distrust nnun Lack of ftust: Iookedat the new deaicewith distrust. distrust tserb To lack trust or confidencein: Distrustingbanks,he kept his cashin a shoebox. distrustful adiectioe Lacking trust or confidence distrustful of strangers. disturb oerb l. To alter the settledstateor position of: The earthqtnke disturbed the roilcsand started a landslide. ?. To i^p"ir or destroythe composureof. 3. To put out of proper order. !. To break up the order or progressof. 5. To trouble the nervesor peaceof mind of, repeatedvexaUons. disturSance noun An interruption of regularprocedureor of public peace:A disturbanceat the back of the hall mnde the speakerpause. disturbed adiectiae In a stateof uneasiness. disturbing adiectbe Troubling to the mind or emotions:a disturbingtum of eaentsin SouthuestAsin. disunion noun 1. The act or an instanceof separaUng one thing from another. 2. The condition of being divided, as in opinion. disunite oerb l. To becomeor causeto becomeapart one from another. 2. To make distant,hostile,or unsympathetic. disuse naun The quality or stateof being obsolete.
282 misery,pain, woe. 2. eNxrrry. 3. Syns:exigency(alsoexigence),trouble. -Idiorn hot water.
l. Syns: deal, disburse, dispense, divide, diwy (Slang), dole out, measure out, parcel, portion, share. 2. Syns: circulate, disperse, disseminate, hand out. 3. spnnl:o aerb. 4. enneNcs. 1. Syns: apportionment, disbursal, dispensation, division. 2. ARnaNcEMENT. Syns; doubt, doubtfulness, mistrust, suspicion. Syns: doubt, misdoubt, mistrust, suspect.
Syns; doubtful, doubting, dubious, mistrustful, suspicious, untrusting. 1. Syns: agitate, dislocate, displace, move, shake, shift. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ecrretn. orsononn oerb. orsnupr. exNoy.
Syns: agitation, commotion, fuss, mmpus, stirr, to-do (Infonnal), tumult, turbulence, uproa"r. ANXIOUS.
Syns; disruptive, distressing, distressful, intrusive, troublesome, unsettling, upsetting. l. orvrsroru. 2. oryrsroN. 1. orvrnn. 2. ssrnANcr.
283 ditch oerb To let go or get rid of as being no longer of use, value, etc. dither noun A state of discomposure. dither oerb To be irresolute in acting or doing. dithyrambic adiectitse Fired with intense feeling. divagate oerb To turn aside from the main subject in writing or speaking.
diversion DISCARD.
divagation nou,n 1. The act of digressing. 2. An instance of digessing.
1. orcnnssroN. 2. nrcnnssrol.t.
divarication noun The condition of being unlike or dissimilar. dive oerb 1. To undergo a sharp, rapid descent in value or price. 2. To move or thrust at, under, or into the midst of with sudden force. dive nDun l. The act of plunging suddenly downward into or as if into water. 2. A sudden involuntary drop to the ground. 3. A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. 4. Slang. A disreputable or run-down bar or restaurant. diverge oerb 1. To separate into branches or branchlike parts. 2. To turn away from a prescribed course of action or conduct. 3. To turn aside froln the main subject in writing or speaking. divergenc€ also divergency noun l. The condition of being unlike or dissimilar. 2. A departing from what is prescribed. 3. The condition of being divided, as in opinion. 4. An instance of digressing. divergency noun divergent adiectioe 1. Departing from the normal. 2. Not like anotlier in nature, quality, amount, or form. divers adiectioe l. Not limited to a single class. 2. Consisting of a number of different kinds. 3. Archaic. Consisting of an indefinitely small number that is more than two or three but less than many. diverse adiectiae 1. Distinguished from others by nature or qualities. 2. Not like another in nature, quality, amount, or form. 3. Not limited to a single class. 4. Consistinq of a number of different kinds. diverseness noun The quality of being made of many difierent elements, forms, kinds, or individuals. diversified adiectioe 1. Not limited to a single class. 2. Consisting of a number of different kinds. diversion noun l. A departing from what is prescribed. 2. Something, esp. a performance or show, designed to entertain.
l, rlu,r oerb. 2. m.vNcn oerb.
1. pr.uxcn twun. 2. su,r noun. 3. rer-r, rwun. 4. yorNr rwun. 1. enANcHoarb. 2. onwtrn oerb. 3. orcnnss.
1. orrrunrNcn. 2. orvrerrow. 3. nrvrsrow. 4. ucnrssrox. snr divergence. 1. erNonuar.. 2. orprunrrrrr. 1. cpnnner.. 2. vanrous. 3. snvBnnr-.
l. 2. 3. 4.
orstrncr. orrrunnrtr. cnNEneL. venrous.
1. cnxrner-. 2. vanrous. 1,. opvrarroN. 2. auusrunmr.
diversity 3. The condition of being amused. 4. Activity engaged in for relanation and amusement.
diversity noun 1. A collection of various things. 2. The quahty of being made of many different elements, forms, kinds, or individuals. aerb divert l. To change the direction or course of. 2. To persuade (a person) not to do something. 3. To occupy in an agreeable or pleasing way. diverting adiectioe Entertaining or pleasing. oerb divest 1. To make bare. 2. To take or keep something away from.
1. runx r-erb. 2. nrssueor. 3. euusr. AMUSING.
l. r,Ar.nDerb. 2. lBpnrvB.
divestiture naun The condition of being deprived of what one once had or ought to have. divide oerb 1. To make a division into parts, sections, or branches: Berlin i"sdbided into fmr sectors. 2. To become or cause to become apart one from another: Manq families in States were diDiiled ouu ih-t issue of slatsery. A great schisrn diDidpd the Christirm church. 3. To give out in portions or shares. nnun dividend Something glven in refurn for a service or accomplishment. divinet adiectioe l. Of, from, like, or being a god or God: the dioine uill; dioine in spiration. 2. In the service or worship of God or a god: diaine rites. 3. Informal. Particularly excellent. divine naun A person ordained for service in a Christian church. divine2 oerb l. To know in advance. 2. To tell about or make known (future events) by or as if by supernatural means. noun diviner A person who foretells future events by or as if by supernafural means. divinitory adiectitse Of or relating to &e foretelling of events by or as if by supernafural means.
1. Syns; break up, part, partition, section, segment, separate. 2. Syns: break, detach, disjoin, disloint, disunite, divorce, separate, split. -Idioms part company, set at odds. 3. orsrnrsurr. REWARD NOUN,
L. Syns: deific, godlike, godly, heavenly.
2. Syns;holy, 3. wnvnr.ous. PREACHER. FORESEE. PROPHESY.
division rwun 1. The act or an instance of separating one thing from another: a dioision of Church and State. 2. The act of distributing or the condiUon of being distributed. 3. One of the parts into which something is divided: a compan7 with European and U.S. dioisions. 4. The condition of being divided, as in opinion: a nation rent by wide dioision oDer the Vietnam conflict. 5. A local unit of a business or an auxiliary controlled by such a business, 6. A part of a family, tribe, or other group, or of such a
isbelieved to stemfroma
1. Syns; detachment, disunion, divorce, divorcement, partition, separaUon, split-up. 2. nrsrnrnurroN. 3. Syns: member, parcel, part, piece, portion, section, segment, subdivision. 4. Syns: divergence (also divergency), disunion, split. 5. suesrorenv. 5. nnewcn naun,
285 7. A component of government that performs a given function. divorce oerb l. To terminate a marriage through legal action: He dioorced his wife. -cause 2.To become o. to become apart one from another. divorce twun The act or an instance of separating one thing from another. divorcement rwun The act or an instance of separating one thing from another. divulge oerb To disclose in a breach of confidence. diwy oerb Slang. To give out in porUons or shares. diwy rwun Slang. That which is allotted. dizziness noun A sensation of whirling or falling: sufers dizziness uhen climbing on ladders. dizzy adiectioe 1. Having a sensation of whirling or falling: too dizay to get on the meny-go-round again. 2. Producing dizziness or vertigo. 3. Informnl. Given to lighthearted silliness. 4. Vastly exceeding a normal limit, as in cost. dlzzy aerb To cause to be unclear in mind or intent. dizzying adiectioe l. Producing dizzinessor vertigo. 2. Vastly exceeding a normal limit, as in cost. do oerb 1. To begin and carry through to completion. 2. To produce on the stage. 3. To play the part of. 4. To meet a need or requirement. 5. lnformnl. To spend or complete (time), as a prison term. 6. To conduct oneself in a specified way. 7. To prepare (food) for eating by the use of heat. 8. To journey over (a specified distance). 9. Slang. To get money or something else from by deceitful trickery. 10. To progressor perform adequately, esp. in difficult circumstances. do for aerb To work and care for. do in oerb t. Slang. To make extremely tired. 2. Slang. To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully. 3. Informal. To cause the death of. do up aerb To cover and tie (something), as with paper and string. do rwun Slnng. A large or important social gathering. docile adiectioe Easily managed or handled.
docile 7. nnexcn tmun. l. Syn:unmarry. 2. urvroB.
Syns: giddiness, lightheadedness, vertigo, wooziness. 1. Syns; giddy, lightheaded, reeling, vertiginous, woozy. -Idioms going around in circles, seeing double. 2. cmoy. 3. cmov. 4. srunpr. CONFUSE.
1. crnoy. 2. srrBpl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
prnronu. srtcn oerb. rcr oerb. snnvr. srnvr.
6. 7. 8. 9.
tcr oerb. coox oerb. rnevensn oerb. cr.F.1rraerb.
10. vaNecr.
l. nxHausr. 2. uvnonn oerb. 3. xu,r-. wntp aerb. PARTY |WUN.
docket docket noun An organized list of procedures, activities, events, etc. oerb doctor 1. To give medical aid to. 2. To restore to proper condition or functioning. 3. To make impure or inferior by deceptively adding foreign substances. doctrinaire adiectiae l. Devoted to certain doctrines without regard to practicability: persisted in a doctrinaire faith in the free market eoen u;hen it wasn't uorking. 2. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority. 3. Tending to dictate. doctrine ioun A principle taught or advanced for belief, as by a religious or philosophical group: doctrines of the church. doddering adiectioe Exhibiting the mental and physical deterioration often accompanfng old age. doddery adiectioe Exhibiting the mental and physical deterioration often accompanfng old age. dodge noun An acilon meant to deceive. dodge oerb l. To avoid fulfilling or answering completely. 2. To keep - away from. doff aerb To take from one's own person. do for aerb dog oerb l. To follow closely or persistentJy: dogged my footsteps. 2. To keep (another) under surveillance by moving along behind. dogged adiectiae Tenaciously unwilling to feld. doggednesi noun The quality or state of being stubbornly unflelding. dogma noun A principle taught or advanced for belief, as by a religious or philosophical goup. dogmatic adiectiae 1. Devoted to certain doctrines without regard to practicability. 2. Tending to dictate. dog-tired adiectiae Extremely tired. do in aerb noun doing Something done. doit noun A tiny amount.
l. rnr,tr aerb. 2. rrx oerb. 3. aour-rnRATE.
L. Syns: dogmatic, theoretical (also theoretic ). 2. eurnonrrARrAN adiectioe. 3. orcraronmr.. Syns: dogma, teaching, tenet.
npvovn oerb. snn do. l. Syns: bloodhound, heelr tag, trail. 2. ror-row.
snn do. 1|CT nOUn. BITI.
doldrums noun A feeling or spell of dismally low spirits. dofe noun Assistance,esp. money, food, and other necessities, given to the needy or dispossessed. dole out aerb To give out in portions or shares. dofeful adiectioe 1. Full of or expressiveof sorrow.
1.. sonnowrur,.
287 2. Causing sorrow.
dominate 2. sonnowrul.
dolefulness noun A feeling or spell of dismally low spirits. dole out aerb noun dof ittle A self-indulgent person who spends time avoiding work or other useful activity. doll nou,n Slang. A woman regarded as beautiful. doll up aerb Slang, To dress in formal or special clothing. doll up oerb dof orous adiectioe 1. Full of or expressiveof sorrow. 2. Causing sorrow. doft noun A mentally dull person. doltish adiectiae Lacking in intelligence. noun domain A sphere of activity, study, or interest. dome noun Slang. The uppermost part of the body. domestic adiectioe f . Of or pertaining to the family or household: cooking cleaning and other domestic chores. 2. Trained or bred to live with and be of use to man: a dnmestic cat that reoerted to the u:ild. 3. Of, from, or within a country's own territory: d,omesticpolitical issues;dontestic wirws.
snn dole. WASTREL.
DREssup at dress. snn doll. 1. sonnowrur,. 2. sonnowrur-. DULLARD. STUPID. AREA. H.E'AD NOUN.
L. Syns: familial, family, home, homely, household. 2. Syns: domesticated, domesticized, tame. 3. Syns; home, internal, national, native.
domesticate oerb To train to live with and be of use to man: tried to domesticate a iaguar. domesticated adiectiae Trained or bred to live with and be of use to man. domesticize aerb To train to live with and be of use to man. domesticized adiectiae Trained or bred to live with and be of use to man. noun domicile A building or shelter where one lives. domicile also domiciliate oerb l. To provide with often temporary lodging. 2. To have as one's domicile. usu. for an extended period. aerb domiciliate dominance rwu,n 1. The condition or fact of being dominant: a cuffencA of unquestionable dorninance in the intemational nxorleAmarkets.
2. The act of exercising controlling power or the condition of being so controlled. dominant adiectioe 1. Exercising controlling power or influence: c dominant neu dynnsty. 2. Having pre-eminent signfficance. 3. Nlost important, influential, or significant. dominate ierb l. To occupy the pre-eminent position in: The yankees
Syns: domesticize, gentle, master, tame.
1. nenson Derb. 2. tlnl, snn domicile. 1. Syns; ascendancy, domination, predominance, pre-eminence (aho preeminence, preiiminence), preponder ance (ako preponderancy ), prepotency, supremacy. 2. oourNerroN.
1. Syns; commanding, controlling, dominating, dominative, governing, regnant, ruling. 2. nur.rr.{cadiectiae. 3. pnrueny. l. Syns: predominate, preponderate,
domination dominnted the American League for years. 2. To exercise authority or infuence over. 3. To command in an arrogant manner. 4. To rise above, esp. so as to afford a view of: A high water tower dominates the sleepy town.
288 prevail, reign, rule. -Idionrs have the ascendancy, reign supreme. 2. covrnor oerb. 3. soss oerb. 4. Syns: command, overlook, tower above.
domination rnun 1. The act of exercising controlling power or the condition of being so controlled: the former dornination of Africa by coloninl pouers. 2. The condition or fact of being dominant. 3. The right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge.
l. Syns; command, control, dominance, dominion, mastery, rule, sway. 2. ooplNeNcr. 3. eurnonrrr.
domineer oerb To command in an arrogant manner.
noss oerb.
domineering adiectioe Tending to dictate. nuun dominion l. The act of exercising controlling power or the condiUon of being so controlled. 2. The right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge. 3. Legal right to the possessionof a thing. don oerb To put (an article of clothing) on one's person: dorm.ed ooeralls for the dirtg work ahead.
1. To present as a gift to a charity or cause: dormted a painting to the church bamar. 2. To give in common with others. noun donation Something given to a charity or cause: a darwtion of $2,000 to the Red Cross.
l. Syns; bestow, contribute, give, hand out. 2. corqrnrnurn.
A person who gives to a charity or cause. done ad;iectiae l. Having reached completion. 2. Having no further relaUonship. 3. No longer effective, capable, or valuable. adiectiae done for No longer effective, capable, or valuable. done in adiectioe Slnng. Extremely tired.
1. oourNeuoN. 2. eunronrrv. 3. owNnnsHrp. Syns: assurne,get on, pull on, put on, slip into, slip on.
donate oerb
Syns; alms, benefaction, beneficence, charity, contribution, gift, handout, offering.
donator rwun
1. corrrpr,rrn adiectioe. '2. rnnoucn adiectiae. 3. rrrnoucu adiectiae. THRoucHadiectioe. EXHAUSTED.
DonJuan noun 1. A man amorously attentive to women. 2. A man who philanders. 3. A man who seduceswomen. donnish adiecth:e Characterizedby a narrow concern for book learning and formal rules, without knowledge or experience of practical matters. noun dohnybrook A quarrel or fight marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior. noun donor A person who gives to a charity or cause: a generous dnrwr to the Red Cross. adiectiae do-nothing Resistant to exertion and activity. do-nothing nolrn A self-indulgent person who spends time avoiding work or other usefr,rl activity.
1. cer-leNr noun. 2. pntr-etroERER. 3. sroucnn. PEDANTIC.
Syns; benefactor, contributor, donator, giver, grantor, subscriber. LAZY. \{/ASTREL.
289 doodad twun Informal. A small,specializedmechanicaldevice. doodle oerb To wastetime by engagingin aimlessactivity. doohickey noun Informal. A small,specializedmechanicaldevice. doom noun A predestinedtragic end. doom oerb l. To predestineto a tragicend. 2. - To pronouncejudgmentagainst. doomed adiectiae Sentencedto terrible, irrevocablepunishment. doomful adiecth;e Portending future disaster. doomsayer noun A prophet of misfortune or disaster. dope noun L. Informnl. A narcotic substance, esp. one that is addictive. 2. Wannal. One deficient in judgment and good dope oerb l. lnformal. To administer or add a drug to. 2. To make impure or inferior by deceptively adding foreign substances. dope out oerb l. Informal. To form a strategy for. 2. Informnl. To find a solution for. doped' adiectioe lnformal Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise - influenced by the taking of drugs. dope out oerb dopey also dopy adiectioe - Slnng. Lacking len_tal and physical alertness and activity. dopeyness also dopiness nuun Slang. A deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity. dopiness noun dopy adiectioe dormancy noun The condition of being temporarily inacUve. dormant adiectioe 1. Existing in a temporarily inactive and hidden form. 2. ln a state of temporary inactivity. dose oerb To administer or add a drug to. dot noun A very small mark. dot oerb To mark with many small spots. dotage rwun The condition of being senile. dote on aerb To like or enjoy enthusiastically, often excessively. . doting adiectiae 1. Feeling and expressing afiection. 2. Exhibiting the mental and physical deterioration often accompanying old age. doubfe adiecthse l. Copposed of two parts or things: a double uindou; a double pleat.
l, pnrn oerb. 2. corvonnw. CONDEMNED. FATEFUL. PESSIMIST.
1 . DRUG
2 . FOOL
l. onuc oerb. 2. enur.reRATE.
1. onsrcw uerb. 2. nnsorvn oerb. DRUGGED.
snndopeyness. snndopey. ASEYANCE.
1. r,ernrvr. 2. slnrpruc. onvc oerb. POINT |WUN, SPECKLE. SENILITY. ADORE.
1. arrucrroNATE. 2. snwrrn. 1. Syns;biform, binary, dual, duple, duplex, duplicate,geminate,twofold.
double-cross 2. Twice as much or as large: took a dnuble dose of the painkilbr. 3. Characterized by duplicity: a scound,rel'sdouble tongue. 4. Consisting of two identical or similar related things, parts, or elements. double naun 1. One exactly resembling another: ordirnry people trsho haryen to be the doubles of celebrities. 2. One of a matched pair of things. double oerb 1. To make or become twice as great: She got a big raise that doubled her sal,ary. The price of gold mare than doubl,ed in the 7970's. 2. To turn sharply around: The ru,nner had to double back to pick up the dropped baton. 3. To bend together or crease so that one part lies over another.
290 2. Syns: doubled, twofold. 3. Syns; double-dealing, double-faced, Iscariotic or Iscariotical, treacherous, two-faced. 4. rwrx adiectirse.
1. Syns; duplicate, image, picture, portrait, ringer (Slang). -Idiom spitting image. 2. uerp noun. 1. Syns; duplicate, redouble.
2. Syns: about-face, reverse. 3. roro oerb.
double-cross oerb L. Slang. To be treacherous. 2. Slnng. To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. double-cross norilr, Slnng. An act of betraying. adiectiae doubled Twice as much or as large. doubfe-dealing adiectioe Characterized by duplicity. double-dealing nnun The act or practice of deceiving.
1.. enrRev. 2. rrcBrvr.
DouBLE adiectioe. DouBLE adiectitse. DECEIT.
doubleentendre noun An expressionor term liable to more than one interpretation. doublri-faced adiectioe Characterizedby duplicity. doublet noun Two items of the samekind together. double-talk noun 1. Unintelligbl" or foolishtalk. 2. Wordy, unclearjargon. doubt rserb 1. To be uncertain,disbelieving,or skepticalabout: The new dnta made the scientistsd,oubttheir original assumptiorn. 2. To lack trust or confidencein. doubt rwun 1. A lack of convictionor certainty:A prior recordof pe4ury cast dou.bton his truthfulness.The contmand,erregardedthe battle plan uith grousing dnubt. 2. Lack of trust. doubtable ad;iectioe Not affordingcertainty. doubter naun One who habitudly or instinctivelydoubtsor questions. doubtful adiectine l. Experiencingdoubt: I am doubtful abm't your plaru. 2. Not affordingcertainty. 3. Not likely: lt is doubtful that our team usill uin.
DouBLE adiectioe. COUPLE IWUN.
1. sABsr-Brwun. 2. crsernrsH. l. Syns: mistrust, question. -ldicnnhave one's doubts. 2. orsrnusr oerb. 1. Syns; doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness,incertitude, mistrust, question, skepticism, suspicion, uncertainty, wonder. 2. orsrnusr nDun. AMBIGUOUS. SKEPTIC.
1. Syns; dubious, skeptical, uncertain, undecided, unsure. -ldiorn in doubt. 2. eMsrcuous. 3. Syns: improbable, questionable, unlikely.
29r 4. In doubt or dispute. 5. Lacking trust or confidence. 6. Of dubious character.
doubtfulness nutn l. A lack of convictionor certainty. 2. Lack of trust. doubting adiecthse Lackingtrust or confidence. doubting Thomas noun One who habitudly or instinctivelydoubtsor questions. doubtless adoerb Without question. dough nou,n Slnng.Something,as coins,printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange. doughty adiectiae Having or showingcourage. do up oerb dour adiectioe 1. Cold and forbidding. 2. Broodinglyand sullenlyunhappy. douse uerb 1. To plungebriefly in or into a liquid. 2. To make thoroughlywet. 3. To causeto stop burning or giving light. 4. To take from one'sown person. dovetail oerb To conform to another, sizeand shape. dowdy adiectioe 1. Of a style or methodformerly in vogue. 2. Quite outmoded. dower oerb To presentwith a quality, trait, or power. down adiectioe 1. In low spirits. 2. Sufieringfrom or affectedwith an illness. 3. Characterizedby reducedeconomicactivity. down oerb 1. To causeto fall, as from a shot or blow. 2. Informal. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competiUon. 3. To causeto passfrom the mouth into the stomach. down noun A suddendrop to a lower conditionor status. down-and-out rmun An impoverishedperson. down-at-h€€l ordown-at-the-heel adiectioe Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. down-at-the-heel adiectiae downcast adiecth:e In low spirits. downfall noun 1. A suddendrop to a lower conditionor status. overwhelmingdefeator ruin. 2. A disastrous, 3. Somethingthat causestotal lossor severe impairmentof one'shealth,fortune, honor, hopes,
BRAVEadiectiae. sm do. 1. sr-nAK. 2. cr-uu. l. 2. 3. 4,
orc aerb. wnl aerb. nxrtNcursn. nnuovn oerb,
rn oerb. l.
2 . tecrv2. crcr aerb. 1. onpnBssno. 2. srcx. 3. srow adiectiae. l. onop oerb. 2. onrrar oerb. 3. swer.r.ow aerb. DESCENT. PAUPER TWUN.
spr down-at-heel. DEPRESSED.
l . DESCENT. 2 . FALL NOUN. 3 . RVLN nOUn,
perb downgrade 1. To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant. 2. To lower in character or quality. 3. To lower in rank or qrade.
l. snr,trrr-e. 2. oeeA.sp. 3. osN{orr.
downgrading 4. To become or make less in price or value. downgrade noun A sudden drop to a lower condition or status. noun downgrading The act or an instance of demoting. downhearted adiectir;e In low spirits. down payment rloun A partial or initial payment. downrighl adiectiae 1. Completely such, without qualification or exception. 2. Speakingor spoken freely and sincerely. noun downslide A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. noun downswing A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. down-to-earth adiectioe Having or indicating an awareness of things as they really are. noun downturn A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. downward adiectiae Moving down. doze oerb To sleep for a brief period. doze noun A brief sleep. dozy adiectiae Ready for or needing sleep. drabr adiectioe 1. Lacking vividness in color. 2. !,acking liveliness, charm, or surprise. drab2 norln An ugly, frightening old woman. rrnun draft 1. Compulsory enrollment in military service: rioting stud,entsoryosed to the dr"ft 2. The act of drawing or pulling a load. 3. An act of drinking or the amount swallowed. 4. A preliminary plan or version, as of a written work: fini"shed a first dmft of her nooel. draft oerb 1. To enroll compulsorily in military service: toas drafted into the army for four years. 2. To devise and set down: The conwnittee drafted a rntional health-insuranre progtam. 3. To draw up a preliminary plan or version of: He d,rafted his speech quickly, then began to reoise. rmun drag 1. An act of drinking or the amount swallowed. 2. Informal. An inhalation, as of a cigar, pipe, or cigarette. 3. Slang. The power to produce an effect by indirect means. drag oerb l. To go or move slowly so that progressis hindered. 2. To advance slowly. 3. To hang or cause to hang down and be pulled along behind. 4. To exert force so as to move something toward the source of the force. drag down oerb Slang. To receive, as wages, for one's labor.
4. oEpnncreru. DESCENT.
1 . nvrl- adiectiue, 2 . nurl- adiectiae. WITCH
induction. Ievv.
2 . PULL NOUN. 3 . DRINK NOUN, 4. Syns: outline, rough, skeleton, sketch, -Idiom Syns; conscript, induct, call to the colors. 2. Syns: draw up, formulate, frame,
3 . Syns: adumbrate, block
out, outline, rough in, rough out, sketch.
1 . DRINK |IAUN, 2 . PULL rWUN. 3 . INFLUENCE TWUN, L. onrty aerb. 2. carwr oerb. 3. rnxr oerb. 4. pvt-t oerb.
293 drag down oerb dragging adiectiae l- Extending tediously beyond a standard duration. 2. Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired. draggle u"rb" To hang or cause to hang dou'n and be pulled along behind. dragoon oerb To compel by pressure or threats. drain aerb 1. To remove (a liquid) by a steady, gradual process: We drairwd the umter from the cistem with a siphon. 2. To use all of. 3. To diminish the strength and enerry of. 4. To grow or cause to grow gradually less. 5. To make or become no longer active or productive. 6. To lessenor weaken severely, as by removing something essential. drained adlectioe 1. Extremely tired. 2. Depleted of strength or robust health. rwun dram l. A tiny amount, 2. A small amount of liquor. dramatic adiectiae 1. Of or pertaining to drama or the theater: a dramntic performance. 2. Suggestingdrama or a stage performance, as in emotionality or suspense:mad,ea dramntic entrance in a swirling cape. dramaticism noun Showy mannerisms and behavior. dramatics noun l. The art and occupation of an actor. 2. Overemotional, exaggerated behavior calculated for effect.
dramatize oerb To produceon the stage. dramaturgic adiectioe Of or pertaining to drama or the theater. drape oerb 1. To cover as if with clothes. 2. To sit or lie with the limbs spread out awkwardly. draw tserb 1. To exert force so as to move something toward the source of the force. 2. To cause (a liquid) to flow in a steady stream. 3. To obtain from another source. 4. To call forth or bring out (something latent, hidden, or unexpressed). 5. To make as income or profit. 6. To direct or impel to oneself by some quality or action. 7. To draw a conclusion from evidence or reasoning. draw down ogrb To receive, as wages, for one's labor. draw in oerb To pull back in. draw in (or into) oerb To involve (someone) in an activity. draw off oerb To remove (a liquid) by a steady, gradual process.
draw srn drag. 1. r,oxcr adjectiae. 2. sr,ow adiectiae. rnttr
1. Syns; draw off, let out, pump, tap2.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
nxHeusr. rnrrcun oerb. prcnnesn oerb. onv ue at dry. onpr-nrn.
l. nxneusruo. 2. nuN-oowN adiectioe at run down. 1. srrr. 2. onop noun. 1. Syns: dramaturgic, histrionic, theatrical (a/so theatric ), thespian. 2. Syns: histrionic, melodramatic, sensational, spectacular, theatric al (also theatric ). THEATRICALISM.
l. acrrwc rloun. 2. rHnetnrcs.
srtcn oerb. DRAMATIC.
l. cr-orun. 2. spnewr,. l. purl- oerb. 2. poun. 3. ornrvn. 4. nvoxn. 5. nnrunu oerb. 6. errnecr. 7. rwpnn. EARN. WITHDRAW. ENGAGE. DRAIN.
drawback draw out aerb To make or become longer. draw up aerb l. To form a strategr for. 2. To devise and set down. draw noun l. The act of drawing or pulling a load. 2. The power or quality of attracting. 3. A dominating position, as in a conflict. 4. An equality of scores,votes, or performances in a contest. 5. An inhalation, as of a cigar, pipe, or cigarette. drawback noun
l. onstcr,tuerb. 2. onnrr aerb. 1.. puu- noun. 2. arrnecrlox. 3. anveNrAGt'noun. 4. rtr noun. 5. pur,r. ngun. spn draw back.
draw back oerb To move back in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat. drawback noun An unfavorable condition, circumstance, or characteristic. draw down oerb draw in (or into) aerb drawn-oul adiectiue Extending tediously beyond a standard duration. draw off aerb
draw out aerb draw up oerb noun dread 1. Great agitation and anxiety caused by the expectation or the realization of danger. 2. The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring or astounding. dread aerb To be afraid of. dreadful adiectiae 1. Causing or able to cause fear. 2. Very bad. dreadfully adaerb Informal. To a high degree. dream rroun 1. An illusory mental image: bad dreams; can't distinguish dreams from reality.
2. A fervent hope, wish, or goal: the Jews' dream of a natiorwl honelnnd. 3. A fantastic, impracticable plan or desire. dream oerb l. To experience dreams or daydreams: spent her time dreaming ir*tead of usorking. 2. To have a fervent hope or aspiration. dream up oerb To use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving. rwun dreamer A person inclined to be imaginative or idealistic but impractical Ashley Wilkes was a tru,e dreamer. dream up oerb adiectioe dreamy 1. Given to daydreams or reverie: a drea,my,quiet child in a uorld of his oum. 2. Informal. Particularly excellent. drear adiectiae
nnrannl aerb.
srn draw. sen draw. r-oNcr adiectioe. snn draw. srn draw. sBr draw. 1. rnen noun. 2. wouoen noun.
rnl^n aerb. 1. r'nanpul. 2. rnnnrnr,n. vnny adrserb. 1. Syns; fancy, fantasy (a/so phantasy), fiction, fignent, illusion, phantasm (a/so phantasma), reverie, vision. -Idiom figment (or creature) of the imagination. 2. Syns: aspiration, ideal. 3. ru-ustolr. 1. Syns.'fantasize,moon, muser. -ldiotn go woolgathering. 2. asprnr. TNVENT.
Syns: idealist, utopian, visionary. snBdream. 1.. Syns; moony, otherworldly, visionary, woolgathering. -Idiorn in the clouds. 2. menvnr,ous. snn dreary.
295 dreary also drear adiectioe l. Arousing no interest or curiosity. 2. Dark and depressing. dregs noun l. Matter that settles on a bottom or collects on a surface by a natural process. 2. A group of persons regarded as the lowest class. drench oerb l. To make thoroughly wet. 2. To rain heavily. drenched adieciiae Covered with or full of liquid. dress oerb l. To put clothes on: Sha dressedher children uarmlg.
2. To furnish with decorations. 3. To apply therapeutic materials to (a wound): used a handkerchief to dress his cut. 4. To prepare (soil) for the planting and raising of crops. dress down oerb To criticize for a fault or offense. dress up oerb To dress in formal or special clothing: all dressed up in a neuosuit. dress rwun l. Articles worn to cover the body: expensiae dress.
2. A set or style of clothing: Edwardinn dress. 3. A one-piece, skirted out-er garment for women and children: long and short dresses. dress down ,;erb dress up aerb dressy adiectiae Requiring elegant clothes and fine manners. dribble oerb l. To fall or let fall in drops of liquid. 2. To let saliva run from the mouth. dribble naun - Tb" process or sound of dripping. driblet noun A quantity of liquid falling or resting in a spherical mass. drift aerb 1. To move along with or be carried away by the action of water. 2. To pass smoothly, quietly, and undisturbed on or as if on a slippery surface. 3. To move about at random, esp. over a wide area. 4. To put into a disordered pile. drift noun 1. Something suggestive of running water. !. {.fo-uf of things gathered haphazardly. 3. The thread or current of thought uniting or occurring in all the elements of a text oi discourse. drill noun Repetition of an action so as to develop or maintain one's skill.
drill l. nonnrc. 2. cr-oouv. 1. orposrr noun. 2. rnesnl nDun. L. wnr oerb. 2. poun. wnr adiectiae. 1. Syns; apparel, array, attire, clad, clothe, garb, garment, invest (Rare), tog (lnfonrnl). 2. eoonN. 3. Syns; bandage, bind. 4. rrr,l.
cALL DowN at call. Syns.' deck out, doll up (Slang), slick (up) (Informnl), tog out (Informal), tog up (Informal), trick out, trick up. l. Syns; apparel, attire, clothes, clothing, duds (fnlormal), garb, garments, habiliments, raiment, threads (Slang), togs (Informal). 2. Syns: getup, guise, outfit, rig, tunout. 3. Syns; frock, gown. srn dress. srr dress. FORMAL.
l. ontp oerb, 2. onoot oerb.
DR.OP noun,
1. wesn. 2. srtrn. oerb. 3. nove. 4. unrp aerb. l. r'r,ow rwun, 2. spap rmun. 3. rrrnusr naun.
drink drill aerb 1. To subjectto forms of exertionin order to train, strengthen,or condition. 2. To instruct in a body of doctrine or belief. drink oerb 1. To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid): We drank tea and ate biscuits. 2. To take alcoholicliquor, esp.excessivelyor habitually: Strict Hind,w do rwt drink.
3. To saluteby raisingand drinking from a glass:We d,rankto the memaryof old friends. 4. To take in (moistureor liquid): The parchedearth ilrank in the rain. drink rwun l. Any liquid that is fit for drinking: su.ppliedrc with food and drink. 2. An act of drinking or the amountswallowed:She pausedto take a fuink frort, her usineglass. drinkable noun Any liquid that is fit for drinking. drip oerb To fall or let fall in drops of liquid: Water dripped frorn the leaky fau.cet. drip nurn l. The processor soundof dripping: heard the slous drip ,f a leaky faucet. 2. Slang.An unpleasant,tiresomeperson:an old drip who spoiledall un fun. drippy adiectioe Slang.Affectedlyor extravagantlyemotional. drive oerb 1. To force to move or advancewith or as if with blows or pressure:Thefle drooeresidentsfrom their honws. 2. To causeto penetratewith force. 3. To fix (an idea) in someone'smind by re-emphasis and repetition. 4. To move or advanceagainststrongresistance. 5. To urge to move along:driaing the cattle to slaughter. 5. To set or keep going:a mill drioenby uind power' 7. To run and control (a motor vehicle):drotsethe car to work. 8. To force to work. 9. To exert one'smental or physicalpowers,usu' under difficulty and to the point of exhaustion. 10. To look for and pursue(gt t") in order to capture or kill it. drive nou,n l. A courseaffordingpassagefrom one place to another. 2. A trip in a motor vehicle: a Smdny drioe. 3. An organizedeffort to accomplisha purpose:a fund.raisingdrfue. readinessto undertaketaxingefforts:c 4. An aggressive
1. rxrncrsn aerb. 2. woocrnrNATE. 1. Syns; imbibe, quaff, sip, sup, swig (lnformal), toss down, toss off. -ldiom wet one's whistle. 2. Syns:booze (Slang), gtzzle, imbibe, liquor up (S/ang), lush (Slang), rnpz, soak (Slang), tank up (Slang), tipple. -ldionx bend the elbow, hit the bottle, take a drop. 3. Syns; pledge, toast. -Idiorn raise a glass to. 4. Syns: absorb, imbibe, soak up, sop (up). 1. Syns; beverage, drinkable, liquor, potable. 2. Syns: belt (Slang), draft, drag, potation, pull, quaff, sip, sup, swig
"^::::r)'sw'r Syns: distill, dribble, drop, trickle, weep.
1. Syns: dribble, drop, trickle. 2. Syns: bore, clod, jerk (Slang), pill
(stnng) ,"i3?;::"'
1. Syns; propel, push, ram, shove, thrust. 2. neu. 3. rnpnpss Derb. 4. ptvNcn oerb. 5. Syns; herd, run. 6. Syns; actuate, impel, mobilize, move, propel, run. 7. Syns: motor, pilot, tool (lnformnl), wheel. 8. wom oerb. 9. uron oerb. 1O. nur.rr.
1. wev noun. 2. Syns: ride, spin (Informal), whirl (lnformal). 3. Syns: campaign, crusade, push. 4. Syns: enterprise, getup, get-up-and-go
297 Aoung executioe with a lot of driae. 5. The wish, power, and ability to begin and follow through with a plan or task. drivel noun 1. Saliva running from the mouth. 2. Something that does not have or make sense. drivel aerb To let saliva run from the mouth. drivef ing adiectioe Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritedness and originality. driver noun A persort who operates a motor vehicle: a reckless drioer. driving adiectiae Disposed to action. droit noun A privilege granted a person by virtue of birth.
drolI adiictilrc Arousing - laughter. drollery *in The quality of being laughable or comical. drollness not^tn The,quality of being laughable or comical. . OfOne' noun A self-indulgent person who spends time avoiding work or other useful activity. drone2 oerb To make a continuous low-pitched droning sound. drone noun A continuous low-pitched droning sound. drool aerb To let saliva run from the mouth: Basset hounds drool. drool noun S-ulfu_u ^running from the mouth: The nurse uiped the drool from the patient's face. droop oerb l. To hang limply, loosely, and carelessly. 2. To become limp, as from loss of freshness. drop noun l. A quantity of liquid falling or resting in a spherical mass: Drcrps of perspiration stood out on her forehead. 2. The process or sound of dripping. 3. A tiny amount. 4. A small amount of liquor: had only a drop of brantly
5. The act of dropping from a height. 6. A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. 7. A downward slope or distance: a sheer drop to the canAon f.oor. 8. A dominating position, as in a conflict. 9. The extent or measurementdownward from a surface. drop oerb l. To go from a more erect posture to a less erect dypyeQ to his knees before the king. - gost^u1e: 2. To fall or let fall in drops of liquid. 3. To undergo a sharp, rapid descent in value or price.
drop (Informnl), hustle, punch, push (Informal), snap (Informal), steam, vigor. 5. elmrrroN.
1. onoor noun. 2. uoNsnNsn. onoor aerb. INSIPID.
Synsl motorist, operator.
*tuv^oerb. IJUM noun.
Syns; dribble, drivel, salivate, slaver, slobber. Syns; drivel, salivation, slaver, slobber.
l. srovcs aerb. 2. wtrr. l. Syns; driblet, droplet, globule.
2. onrp rwLtn. 3. srrr. 4. Syns: dram, nip2, sip, shot, slugr (Informal), snort (Slang), totr. 5. r'er,r, noun. 6. relr noun. 7. Syns: decline, declivity, descent, fall. 8. enveNraGEnourl. 9. onprs.
l. Syns; fall, sink, slump. 2. onrp oerb. 3. rtrr aerb.
drop by 4. To slope downward: The ocean fnor drops sharyIy at the continental shelf. 5. To suddenly lose all health or strength. 6. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow: The hunter dropped his prey with a singb shot. The boxer dropped his opponent with a right hook. 7. To cease consideration or treatment of: Let's drop the matter. 8. To decide not to go ahead with (something previously arranged). 9. To end the employment of. 10. To take or leave out: We harseto drop ttoo illustrations from the book for lack of space. 11. To suffer the loss of: dropped a lot of morwy at the race track. 12. To ceaseliving. 13. To come to the ground suddenly and involuntarily, 14. To move downward in responseto gravity. 15. To causeto descend. drop by oerb To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize. drop in oerb To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize. drop by aerb drop in oerb noun droplet A quantity of liquid falling or resting in a spherical mass. nuun drop-otf drop off aerb To decline, as in value or quantity, very gradually. drop-off noun A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. adiecth:e drossy Lacking all worth and value. adiectioe droughty Having little or no precipitation.. noun drove 1. An enormous number of persons gathered together. 2. A very large number of things grouped together. aerb drown To flow over completely. drowsy Ready for or needing sleep. drub aerb l. To hit heavily and repeatedly. 2. Slang. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. 3. To render totally ineffective by decisive defeat. 4. To criticize harshly and devastatingly. nornl drubbing l. Slang. The act of defeating or the condition of beins defeated. 2. Slang. A severe defeat. drudge oerb To do tedious, laborious, and sometimesmenial work.
4. Syns: decline, descend, dip, fall, fall off, sink. 5. cor,r,epsnoerb. 6. Syns; bring down, cut down, deck, down, felll, flatten, floor, ground, knock down, level, prostrate, throw. -Idiom lay low. 7. Syns: dismiss,give over, give up, skip. -ldiorrx have done with, wash one's hands of. 8. ceucnr.. 9. orsurss. 10. Syns; delete, eliminate, omit, remove. 11. Syns: forfeit, lose. -ldionr. kiss goodby to. 1.2.nrn. L3. rnrl- aerh. 14. prrr oerb. 15. lownn2. vrcrc aerb.
vstr aerb. srr drop. snn drop. DROP nOUn.
snr drop off. srtp aerb. FALL NOUN. WORTHLESS.
onr. adiectirse. 1. cnowo twun. 2. cnown noun. ruoon cerb. SLEEPY. l. snll oerb. 2. nnrF,tr aerb. 3. ovrnwupr-u. 4. st-lrnr aerb. 1. onruer
2. tnouxcrxc. CnrNO ,'erb.
drudgery noun Phvsical exertion that is usu. difficult and exhausting.
299 drug rwun 1. A substanceused in the treatment of disease:Aspirin is a conwwn drug for headaches. 2, A narcotic substance,esp. one that is addictive: arrested for dealing illictly in drugs. drug oerb To administer or add a drug to: drugged the patient to induce sleep. drugged adiectirse Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drugs: The drugged bum lay in a heap in the fiIthy doorusay. drunk adiectiae Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor: too drunk to walk a strai,ght line.
drunk noun l. A person who is habitually drunk. 2. A drinking bout.
2 . Syns: dope (Informal), narcotic, opiate. Syns: dope (Informnl), dose, medicate, narcotize, physic (Archaic). Syns: doped (Informal), high (Slang), hopped-up (Slang), spaced-out (Slang), stoned (Slang), turned-on (Slang), wipedout (Slang), zonked (Slang). Syns: besotted, blind (Slang), bombed (Slang), boozed (Slang), boozy (Slang), cock-eyed (Slang), crapulent, crapulous, crocked (Slang), drunken, high (Slang), inebriate, inebriated, lit up (Slang), loaded (Slang), looped (Slang), pickled (Slang), pixilated (Slang), plastered (Slnng), potted (Slang), sloshed (Slang), smashed (Slang), sodden (Slang), soused (Slang), stewed (Slang), stinking (Slang), stoned (Slang), tight (Slang), tipsy (Slang), zonked (Slang). -Idionw drunk as a skunk, half-seas over, high as a kite, in one's cups, three sheetsto the wind. 1. nnuwxeno. 2. spNonn.
drunkard ndun A person who is habitually drunk: a self-admitted drunkard who refused treatrnent.
drunken adiectioe Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. drunkenness noun The condition of being intoxicated with alcoholic liquor: the drunkenness of an old wirw. dry adiectiae 1. Having little or no liquid or moisture: The lnundry was dry by moming.
Syns; boozehound (Slang), boozer (Slang), drunk, inebriate, lush (Slang), rummyr (Slang), soak (Slang), sot, souse (Slang),sponge(Slang), stiff (S/ang), tippler. DRUNKadiectiae. Syns: crapulence, inebriation, inebriety, insobriety, intoxication.
l. Syns; anhydrous, arid, bone-dry, dehydrated, desiccated, moistureless, parched, waterless. 2. Having little or no precipitation: a drA climnte. 2. Syns: arid, droughty, rainless, thirsty. 3. Needing or desiring drink. 3. trmsrY. 4. Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids. 4. soun adiectioe. 5. Without addition, decoraUon, or qualification. 5. eARr adiectioe. 5. With little or no emotion or expression: dealing out 6. Syns; impassive, matter-of-fact, unemotional. facts in a dry, mechanical uay. 7. Arousing no interest or curiosity. 7. sonNc. 8. Lacking liveliness, charm, or surprise. 8. our,r, adiectiae. 9. Disagreeable to the sense of hearing. 9. nensn. dry oerb 1. To make or become free of moisture; drying dishes; 1. Syns; dehydrate, desiccate,exsiccate, a drug that dries out water-laden tissues. parch. 2. To make or become physically hard. 2. nenonN. dry up oerb 1. To make or become no longer fresh or shapely 1. Syns; mummrfy, mummy, sear, shrivel, because of loss of moisture: The cut floweri uilted wither, wizen. and dded up in the hot sun.
dryness 2. To make or become no longer active or productive: When he went into exile, his imngination simply dried up.
dryness nuun 1. The stateor qualityof beinginsipid. 2. The practice of refraining from use of alcoholic Iiquors. dry up oerb dual adiectiae l. Composed of two parts or things. 2. Consisting of two identical or similar related things, parts, or elements. dubl aerb To give a name or title to. dubz noun Slang. A large, ungainly, and dull-witted person. noun dubiety A lack of conviction or certainty. adiectiae dubious 1. Lacking trust or confidence. 2. Experiencing doubt. 3. Not affording certainty. 4. Bordering on indelicacy or impropriety. adtserb dubiously With skepticism.
2 . Syns; deplete, desiccate,drain, sve out, play out, run out.
snndry. DouBLE adiectiae. rww odjectioe.
xtv.r oerb. r-uupl noun. DOUBT NDUN.
dubiousness twun A lack of conviction or certainty. adiectiae dubitable Not affording certainty. duck aerb l. To plunge briefly in or into a liquid. 2. To avoid fulfilling or answering completely. 3. To keep away from. ductile adiectiae Capable of being shaped, bent, or drawn out, as by hammering or pressure.
L. orc aerb. 2. nveon. 3. evoro. MALLEABLE.
ductility rmun The quality or state of being flexible. dud noun lnformal. One that fails completely. noun dudgeon Extreme displeasure caused by an insult or slight. duds rwun Informal. Articles worn to cover the body. due adiectiae 1. Owed as a debt: The rent is due on the first of each month. The bookkeaper tallied the accounts due. 2. Consistent with prevailing or accepted standards or circumstances. 3. Known to be about to arrive: rwt home, but due shortly. due rwun 1. Something justly deserved: Girse the deail his due.
2. Something,such as money, owed by one person to another. due adtaerb In a direct line. duel oerb To oppose actively and with force.
1. Syns; outstanding, owed, owing, payable, receivable, unpaid, unsettled. 2. ;usr adiectirse. 3. Syns; anUcipated,expected, scheduled.
1. Syns: comeuppance (also comeupance) (Informal), desert2,lumps, recompense, reward, wage(s). -ldictms just deserts, what is coming to one, what one has coming. 2. onnr.
301 dufcet adiectiae Resembling or having the effect of music, esp. pleasing music. dulcify oerb _ To ease the anger or agitation of. duf l adiectioe 1. Lacking_responsivenessor alertness: sensesgroun dull with fatigue; a dull stu.por. 2. Having only a limited ability to learn and understand. 3. Unwilling or unable to perceive. 4. In low spirits. 5. Characterized by reduced economic activity. 6. Not physically sharp or keen: a dull blnile. 7. Lacking liveliness, charm, or sulprise i a cCIrnpetent but dull perfonrwnce by a oeteran actor.
8. Arousing no interest or curiosity. 9. Lacking vividness in color: a dull broun. 10. Lacking gloss and luster: a dull finish on the chest. 11. Lacking passionand emotion. dull oerb 1. To make or become less shaqp-edged:Mixse will dull the scissors. 2. To make dim or indistinct. 3. To make or become less keen or responsive: afraid that teleoision might dull the nyinds of oieueri. 4. To render less sensitive. duf fard rwun A mentally dull person: had to tell the dullnrd fmr times to close the daor.
duffness noun 1. The state or quality of being insipid. 2. Adeficiency in mental and pf,ysicil r"rs and activity. . "l"rt dumb adiectirse l. La9\!ng the power or faculty of speech: A disease in childhood left her daaf an^dilurnb. 2. Tem-porarily unable oi unwilling to speak, as from shock or fear. 3. Infonnal. Lacking in intelligence.
dumbbell noun Slang.A mentally dull person. dumbfound uurb dumbfounded adiectioe dumbness twun The avoidanceof speech. dumfound alsodumbfound oerb To overwhelmwith surprise,wonder, or bewilderment. dumfounded alsodumbiounded adiectitse Overcomewith intensefeeling,as of amazement, horror, or dismay. dump oerb f . Tg let go or get rid of asbeing no longer of use, value,etc. 2. To get rid of completelyby selling, quantity or at discount.
1. Syns; benumbed, insensible, insensitive, numb, unresponsive, wooden. 2. eecKwARo adiectioe. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11.
sr,rND adiectioe. onpnnssno. sr,ow ad,iectioe. Syn: blunt. Syns: colorless, drabr, dry, earthbound (aho earth-bound ), flat, lackluster, lifeless, lusterless, matterof-fact, spiritless, pedestrian, prosaic, unimaginative, uninspired. nonrNc. Syns; dim, drabr, flat, muddy, murky (a/so mirky). Syns; flat, lackluster, lusterless, mat (aho matte). wsrNsrrrvE.
1. Syns; blnnt, twn. -Idi,om take the edge off. 2. osscvnn oerb. 3. Syns; dim, hebetate, stupefy. 4. onanrN. Syns;blockhead (Slang), dimwit (Slnng), dolt, dumbbell (Slnng), dunce, numskull (a/so numbskull ), thickhead. 1. rNsrprorry. 2. r-nrsency. 1. Syns; aphonic, inarticulate, mute, speechless,voiceless. 2. sppncnr.rss. 3. srupm. DULLARD.
snpdumfound. snr dumfounded. SILENCE NAUN. STAGGER. SHOCKED.
1. orsceno. 2. snr-r,orp at sell.
dumping 3. To unburdenoneselfof by pouringout (one's troubles). dumping rwun The act of getting rid of somethinguselessor usedup. dumps nuu,n lnfonnnl. A feeling or spell of dismallylow spirits. dumpy ad;iecth;e Short,heavy,and solidly built. dunce noun A mentally dull person. dunk oerb To plungebriefly in or into a liquid. duo n(run Two personsunited, asby marriage. dupabfe adiectioe Easilyimposedon or tricked. dupe rwrrn A personwho is easilydeceivedor victimized: became the d,u,peof a cl.eoerswindler.
dupe aerb To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. adiectioe dupfe Composed of two parts or things. adiectioe duplex Composed of two parts or things.
3. ullr-oeo.
orc oerb. PAIR, EASY.
Syns: butf, chumpr (Slang), tool, gudgeon (Slnng), gull, mark, monkey (Slnng), m:ug(Brit.), patsy (Slnng), pigeon (Slang), pushover (Informal), sapl (Slang), sucker (Slang), tool, victim. -ldionw easy mark, fall guy. DECEIVE.
DouBLE adiecth:e. DouBLE adiectiae.
duplicate rwun DOUBLE NOUN, One exactlyresemblinganother. duplicate oerb t. copv aerb. l. To makea copy of. 2. oour,rn Derb. 2. To make or becometwice as great. dupficate adiectiae DouBLE adiectiae. Composedof two parts or things. dupf icitous adiectioe UNDERHAND. Marked by treacheryor deceit. duplicity rwun DECEIT, The act or practice of deceiving. duration rwun 1. coNrrmuATroN. 1. Uninterruptedexistenceor succession. 2. rtrn. 2. The period during which someoneor something exists. 3. rnnu noun. 3. A limited or specificperiod of time during which somethinghappens,lasts,or extends. duress rwun FORCE NOUN, Powerusedto overcomeresistance. dusk rwun EVENING. The period betweenafternoonand nighttime. duskiness rwun DAF.K NOUN. Absenceor deficiencyof light. adiectuse dusky 1. oenx adiectiae. 1. Deficientin brightness. oenx adiectirse. 2. or black. brown toward tending a complexion 2. Of 3. slecxrsH. 3. Somewhatblack. dust oerb l. spnrnxr.sDerb. 1. To scatteror releasein dropsor smallparticles. 2. nus:r^aerb. 2. Slang.To move swiftlY. dust otf oerb Slang.To take the life of (a personor persons)unlawfully. uunorn trarb.
303 dusting noun A severe defeat. dust off oerb dusty adiectioe _ Consisting of small particles. Dutch n."n Informal._A condition or situation characterized by d?-rggt, distress,or annoyance. dutiful adiectiae Marked by courteous submissionor respect. . duty noun l. An act or course of action that is demanded of one. as by position, custom, law, or religion: It is the duty of the physician to heal the sick. 2. A piece of work that has been assigned. 3. The condition of being put to use: o cleanserfor heaay kitchen duty. 4. A compulsory contribution, usu. of money, that is required of persons or groups of persons for the support of a government. "adiectiae" dwarf Extremely small. dwell aerb 1. To have as an inherent basis. 2, To have as one's domicile. usu. for an extended period. dwell on (or upon) oerb To turn over in the mind, moodily and at length. dwelling noun A building or shelter where one lives.
dysphoria TROUNCING.
spn dust. pINEl.
l. Syns; charge, commitment, committal, imperative, must, need, obligation, responsibility. 2. resx noun. 3. Syns: application, employment, service, use, utilization. 4. rex naun.
dwell or (or upon) oerb dwindle aerb
srn dwell.
- To grow or cause to grow gradually less. dye noun Something that imparts color. dye oerb l. To impart color to. 2, To immerse in a coloring solution. dyestuff rwun Something that imparts color. dynamic also dynamical adiectioe l. Disposed to action. 2. Possessing, exerting, or displaying energy. 3. Full of or displapng force. ^ dynamite aerb To cause the complete ruin or wreckage of. dynamize oerb To arouse to action. dynamo noun I"fgr"ql.An intenselv energetic, enthusiasticperson, . dysphoria noun A feeling or spell of dismally low spirits.
oncnpesnoarb. col-oR noun.
coron aerb. orc .^erb. col-oR noun.
eager adiectioe Intenselydesirousor interested:executixeseagerfor profits; eagerfootball fans.
eager beaver noun Informal. An intenselyenergetic,enthusiasticperson: eagerbeaoersushocouldn't toait to get started. gaf noun The senseby which soundis perceived. earf ier adoerb 1. At a time in the past: had heard that rumar earlier. 2. Up to this time: straightenedout what had earlier beena mess. 3. Until then You'll hearfrom me on Monday and not earlier. earliest adiecthse Precedingall othersin time. earfy adiectiae 1. At or nearthe start of a period,development,or series:early stagesof cancer. 2. Of, existing,or occurringin a distantperiod: Early mnn discooered fire. 3. Developing,occurring,or appearingbefore the expectedlime: an early death;an early robin. early adoerb Before the expectedtime: Sheaniaed early.
earmark oerb To set asidefor a specifiedpupose. eafn oerb 1. To receive,aswages,for one'slabor: eamed$20,000 a vear. 2. To acquireas a result of one'sbehavioror effort: He has earnedour respectthrough his braoery. 3. To makeasincomeor profit. earnest adiectirse 1. Markedby sobersinceritY. 2. Full of or markedby dignity and seriousness. earnest noun 1. Sobersincerity. 2. Somethinggiven to guaranteethe repaymentof a loan or the fulfillment of an obligaUon. eafnestness noun Sobersincerity.
Syns; agog, anxious, appetent, ardent, athirst, avid, bursting, impatient, keenl, raring (Informal), solicitous, thirsting, thirsty. -Idionw champing at the bit, ready and willing. Syns: dynamo (lnformal), energumen, gogetter (lnfomal), hustler, live wire (Slang). HEARING.
1. Syns; aforetime (Archaic), already, before, beforetime (Rare), erstwhile (Archaic), formerly, heretofore, once. 2. Syns: heretofore, yet. 3. Syns; before, beforehand.
FrRSTadiectit:e. 1. Syns; beginning, first, initial. 2. Syns: ancient, antediluvian (a/so antediluvial ), primitive, primordial. 3. Syns; precocious, premature, untimely.
Syns; aforehand (Chiefly Re$onal), ahead, beforehand, betimes. -ldioms ahead of time, in advance, with time to sPare. APPRoPRIATS aerb.
1. Syns; drag down (Slang), draw down, gain, get, make, pull down, win. -ldionx earn (or make ) a living, earn one's keep, make one's way. 2. Syns: deserve, gain, get, merit, ratel (Informnl), win. 3. nrrunw uerb. 1. srnrous. 2. cnavnz. 1. snnrousxrss. 2. pawNl rwun.
305 earnings noun Pa)rmentfor work done. earshOt noun Range of audibility. earth noun The celestial body where humans live: The spacecraft orbited the earth. earthbound alsoearth-bound adiectioe l. Pertaining to or characterisUcof the earth or of human life on earth. 2. Lacking liveliness,charm, or surprise. earthen adiectioe 1. Consisting of or resembling soil. 2. Pertaining to or characteristic of the earth or of human life on earth.
wAcE \s) noun. HEARING.
Syn: world.
2 . ovw
earthiness noun A preoccupation with the body and satisfaction of its desires. earthlike adiectioe Consisting of or resembling soil.
earthquake noun A shaking of the earth. earthly adiectiae 1. Pertaining to or characteristic of the earth or of human life on earth: totally occupied u:ith earthly pursuits. 2. Capable of being anticipated, considered, or imagined: There is rw earthly reason for u to go.
earthy ad; 1. Consisting of or resembling soil: the earthy srnell of the woods after a rain. 2. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. 3. Pertaining to or characteristic of the earth or of human life on earth. gaSg rraun 1. Freedom from constraint, embarrassment, or awkwardness: the ease of her approach to a stranger. 2. Freedom from labor, responsibility, or strain. 3. The ability to perform without apparent effort: translated the docu:ntentusith ease. 4. Steady good fortune or financial security. 5. Freedom, esp. from pain. ease aerb 1. To reduce in tension, pressure, or rigidity: The pull of the cunent eased as the tide tumed. I eased of on the anchor line. 2. To make less severe or more bearable. 3. To make less difficult: Use short cuts to ease and, speed your uork. 4. To maneuver gently and slowly into place: eose a pie into the ooen. 5. To advance carefully and gradually. ease off aerb 1. To become less active or intense. 2. To moderate or change a position or course of action as a result of pressure.
;1,0"""0(atso earth-bound),
earthen, earthy, mundane, secular, tellurian, telluric, temporal, terrene, terrestrial, worldly. 2. Syns: conceivable, imaginable, Iikely, mortal, possible, thinkable. -Idiams humanly possible, within the bounds (or realm or range) of possibility. 1. Syns; earthen, earthlike, terrene, terrestrial. 2. coensB. 3. eARrHLy.
1. Syns; easiness,informality, nafuralness, poise, spontaneity, unrestraint. 2. nnst' noun. 3. Syns; easiness,effortlessness,facileness, facility, readiness. 4. pnospnnrry. 5. nrr-rnr. 1. Syns; lax, let up, loose, loosen, relax, slack, slacken, untighten. 2. nnr,rnvn. 3. Syns; expedite, facilitate. -Idionrc clear (or prepare) the way for, grease the wheels, open the door for (or to). 4. Syns: glide, slide, slip. 5. nocn oerb. 1. sussDn. 2. wnexrN.
easeful easeful adiectiae Affording pleasurableease. easiness noun or 1. Freedomfrom constraint,embarrassment, awkwardness. 2. The ability to perform without apparenteffort. ease off oerb easy adiecthse 1. Posingno difficulty: an eo'sAsolutionto the problem.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Requiring little effort or exertion. Affording pleasurable ease. Unconstrained by rigid standards. Not strict or severe. Easily imposed on or tricked: an eo.sutarget for snsindlers.
7. Sexually promiscugus. 8. Marked by facility, esp. of expression. 9. Enjoying steady good fortune or financial security. 10. Pleasant and friendly. 1I. Not steep or abrupt. ad;iectioe easygoing 1. Unconstrained by rigid standards: an easygoing person uho nerserworried.
2. Pleasant and friendly. adiectirse easy-osey also e?s!'osie Scot. Unconstrained by rigid standards. adiectirse easy-osie
1. Eesnrwun. 2. nesn noun. sEEease. 1. Syns: effortless, facile, ready, royal, simple, smooth, snap (Informal). -Idiorns easy as ABC, easy as falling off a log, easy as one-two-three, easy as pie, like taking candy from a babY, nothing to it. 2. rtcsr2. 3. couronrABlE. 4. sesvcorl.Ic. 5. ror-rneur. 6. Syns; dupable, exploitable, gullible, naive (also naive, naif, naf ), susceptible. 7. w.c.NToNadiectioe. 8. suoorn adiectioe. 9. pnospnnous. 10. elvrIasr,r. 11. cnanuer-. 1. Syns; casual, common (Chiefl.y Regional), easy, easy-osey(a/so easyosie) (Sco/.), informal, Iaid-back (Slang), relaxed. 2. eunrr-n. EASYGOING.
easy street alsoEasYStreet rwun Slnng. Steady good fortune or financial security. eat 6erb 1. To take (food) into the body as nourishment: ate a hearty dinner.
w (stang),consurne,devour, ;. t;;" discuss(Rare), fare (Rare), grub (Slnng), ingest, meal, partake (oQ. -ldionn break bread, have (or take) a bite, take nourishment. 2. r,trn oerb.
2. To consume gradually, as by chemical reaction, friction, etc. 3. coxsuun. 3. To do away with completely and destructively. eat uP wrb 1. coNsuun. 1. To eat completely or entirelY. 2. Slnng.To like or enjoy enthusiastically, often excessively. 2. eoonn. 3. Syns; devour, feast (on), relish. 3. Slang. To be avidly interested in: She iwt eats up -Idiorn eat up with a greasy sPoon. gossrp. 4. coNsuMs. destructively. and 4. to do away with completely 5. nxgeusr. 5. To use all of. adiectioe eatabfe Fit to be eaten.
eats nuun Slnng.Somethingfit to be eaten. eat up aerb eavesdrop oerb To observeor listen in secretto obtain information. ebb aerb 1, To grow or causeto grow graduallyless.
spv oerb. 1. orcnnesn oerb.
2. To become less active or intense. 3. To move back or away from a point, limit, or mark. ebb rroun The act or process of becoming less active or intense. ebb adiectiae Brit. Regional. Measuring little from bottom to top or surface. noun ebbing A marked loss of strength or effectiveness. ebon adiectioe Poetic. Of the darkest achromatic visual value. ebony adiectioe Of the darkest achromatic visual value. ebuf f ient adiectitse Full of joyful, unrestrained high spirits, rmun ecbole Rhet. An instance of digessing. eccentric adiecthse Deviating from the customary: an eccentric person; eccentric habits.
eccentric rwun An insanely foolish or strange person.
2. sussron, 3. necnnn. WANE nOUn. sHALLow
Syns: bizarre, curious, erratic, freakist, idiosyncratic, odd, oddball (Informal), peculiar, quaintr, queer, quirky,rum (a/so rummy) (Brit. Slnng), singular, strange, unusual, weird. CRACKPOT.
eccentricity. noun Peculiar behavior: Lioing as a recluse is iust one of his eccentricities.
Syns: idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, quirk, singularity.
eccfesiastic noun A person ordained for service in a Christian church. eccfesiastical adiectioe Of or relating to a church or to an established religion. adiectiae echinate Full of sharp, needlelike protuberances. echo rmun 1. Repetition of sound via reflection from a surface: heard an echo of the cry acyossthe canyon. 2. Imitative reproduction, as of the style of another: paintings that were echoes of the lmpressionists. 3. One who mindlessly imitates another: He is but an echo of the king's usishes. echo aerb 1. To send back the sound ofz The canqon echoed her
2. To copy (another) slavishly: corporate minions nsho merely echoed the style of the presid.ent; a composition that echoes Brahms. echoic adiectioe Imitating sounds: The word "cuckoo" is echoic of the bird's call. echoism nou,n The formation of words in imitation of sounds: ?he word, "buzz" is an exatnple of echoi,vn. ecf ipse oerb To make dim or indistinct. economical adiectioe Careful in the use of material resources:an ecornmical shopper. eCOnOmize aerb To use without wasting: econornizeon gas by making feu:er trips.
1. Syns; rebound, repercussion, resounding, reverberation. 2. Syns: reflection, repetition, reflex. 3. Syns; imitator, mimic, parrot.
1 . Syns: rebound, re-echo, reflect, repeat, resound. reverberate.
2. Syns: image, imitate, mimic, parrot, reflect, repeat.
Syns; imitative, onomatopo eic (also onomatopoetic). Syns; onomatopo eia (ako onomatopodsis). onscunn aerb. Syns: canny, chary, forehanded, frugal, provident, prudent, saving, Scotch, sparing, stewardly, thrifty, wary. Syns: Hooverize, save, spare. -ldiorn keep within compass.
economy eCOnOmy rnun Careful useof materialresources:One mtnt practice econmn7when buying food. eGstasy rwun A stateof elatedbliss. ecumenical adiectioe So pervasiveand all-inclusiveas to exist in or affect the whole world. edacious adiectiae 1. Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonablyconsume. 2. Having an insatiableappetitefor an activity or Pursuit. edacity noun The quality or condition of being voracious. eddy oerb To move or causeto move like a rapid rotary current of liquid. edge rwun 1. The cutting part of a sharpinstrument:the edgeof a sword. 2. A cutting quality: His rsobehad an edgeto it. 3. A fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. 4. A transitional interval beyond which somenew action or different state of affairsis likely to begin or occur. 5. A dominatingposition,asin a confict. edge oerb 1. To grvea sharpedgeto. 2. To put or form a border on. 3. To advancecarefully and gadually: edgedmy uay ncrossthe crowd,edrosrn. edge in perb To introducegadually and slyly. edge in oerb edging noun A fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. edgy adiectioe Feelingor exhibitingnervoustension:The pilots toere edgy before the mission.
adiectitse edibfe Fit to be eaten: edible fare. noun edible(s) Something fit to be eaten. rroun edict 1. A public statement. 2. A principle govermng the affairs of man within or among political units. 3. An authoritative or official decision, esp. one made by a court. rwun edification The condition of being informed spiritually. rrrun edifice A usu. permanent construction, as a house, store, etc. rserb edify To enable (one) to understand, esp. in a spiritual sense,
frugality, Syns;forehandedness, providence,prudence,thrift, thriftiness. HEAVEN.
l. cnnnov. 2. vonecrous.
cutting edge.
2. Syns; bite, incisiveness, keenness, sharpness,sting. -Idiarr 3. eonnrn noun. 4. vnncr noun.
cutting edge.
5. ervarvrLGE rmun. l. srrenppr.l. 2. sonor,a oerb. 3. Syns; ease, sidle.
Syns: fidgety, jittery Qnformal), j,r-py, goosey (a/so goosy) (Informal), nervous, nervy (Chiefly Brit.), restive, restless, skittish, tense, twitchy, uneasy, up tight (a/so uptight) (Slang). -ldiorns a bundle of nerves, all wound up, on edge, on the ragged edge. Syns: comestible, eatable, esculent. FOOD.
2. rnw twun. 3. nur-rNcnoun.
edifying adiectiue 1. Serving to educate or inform. l. eoucerroNAr,. 2. Promoting culture. 2. cur-runer-. educable adiectiae Capable of being educated: retard,ed yet educable chi.ldren. Syns; instructible, teachable. educand noun One who is being educated. STUDENT. educate oerb 1. To impart knowledge and skill to educate our l. Syns; discipline, teach, train, children. tutor. 2. To cause to know about or be aware of. 2. rNronu. educated adiectioe l. Having an education: an educated person. 1. Syns,' enlightened, informed, instructed, lettered, literate. 2. Provided with information: made aware. 2. rNronnano. rnun education 1. The act, process, or art of imparting knowledge and 1. Syns; instruction, pedagogics, skll: great adoances in public education. pedagogr, schooling, teaching, training, tuition, tutelage, futoring. 2. Known facts, ideas, and skill that have been 2. Syns: erudition, instruction, imparted: receioed a good education; a man of knowledge, learning, scholarship, education. science. educational adiectioe Serving to educate or inform: educational TV shouss. Syns: edifying, educative, informative, instructional, educationist rwun Chief.y Brit. One who educates. EDUCATOR. educative ad,iectioe Serving to educate. EDUCATIONAL. educator noun One who educates: high-school and college educators. Syns; educationist (Chiefly Bdt.), instructor, pedagogist, pedagogue, teacher. perb educe 1. To arrive at through reasoning. l. nnnrvn. 2. To call forth or bring out (something latent, hidden, 2. nvoxr. or unexpressed). eerie also €€l! ad; Of a mysteriously strange and usu. frightening nature. \MEIRD. eery adiectioe snr eerie. etfacement rwun The act of erasing or the condition of being erased. ERASURE. twun effect 1. Something brought about by a causez The efect of 1. Syns; aftermath, consequence, good adrsertising was increased sales. corollary, event, fruit, harvest, issue, outcome, precipitate, result, resultant, sequel, sequence, sequent, upshot. -Idiorn end product. 2. The power or capacity to produce a desired result: 2. Syns: effectiveness, efficacy, ef;Rciency, Our adobe had rn effect on them. influence, potency. 3. The condition of being in ftrll force or operation: 3. Syns: actualization, being, The law goes into efect tonwnoto. effect oerb l. To be the cause of. cevsn aerb. 2. To carry to a successful conclusion: effected Syns: bring off, carry out, carry reunification of the country. through, effectuate, execute, put through, swing (Slang). -Idiorn bring 3. To compel observanceof. effective idiectiae l. Producing or able to produce a desired effect: an efectioe reprimnnd; an antitorin efectiae against makebite.
3 . :'J"lTJr t.
Syns: effectual, efficacious, efficient, productive, virtuous (Rare).
effectiveness 2. Acting effectivelywith minimal waste. 3. Full of or displaFngforce. 4. In efiect: The lnw is effectiaeim:nwdiately. effectiveness ngun 1. The power or capacityto produce a desiredresult. 2. The quality of being efficient. effects rmun efects are l. One'sportable property: The deceased's here. 2. Thosearticlesthat belongto someone. effectual adiectitse Producingor able to produce a desiredeffect. effectuate oerb 1. To carry to a successfulconclusion. 2. To be the causeof. effectuation noun The act of beginning and carrying through to completion. effeminacy noun The quality of being effeminate:a nutn who proiected an air of effeminacy. effeminate adiectiae Having qualitiesmore appropriateto women than to men: He had a high, effeminnteooixe. etfeminate oerb To make effeminate:a pensertedschoolnwsterusho corruptedand efemhated his charges. effeminateness rwun The quality of being effeminate. effeminize oerb To make effeminate. effervesce oerb To form or causeto form foam. effervescent adiectioe FulI of joyful, unrestrainedhigh spirits. efficacious adiectioe Producingor able to produce a desiredeffect. efficacy rwun 1. The power or capacityto produce a desiredresult. 2. The quality of being efficient. efficiency rwun 1. The quality of being efficient: testedthe fuel eficiency of the en$ne. 2. The power or capacityto produce a desiredresult. efficient adiecthse 1. Acting effectivelywith minimal waste:an effrcient motor;an eficient secretary. 2. Producingor able to produce a desiredeffect. to or of usein 3. Showingcharacteristicsadvantageous business. effloresce oerb To bear flowers. efflorescence rwun A condition or time of vigor and freshness. etfort nutrn 1. The useof energr to do something:This iob isn't worth the effort. 2. A difficult or tediousundertaking. 3. An earnesttry: Pleasemakean effort to be prompt. 4. Somethingcompletedsuccessfully.
2. rrrrcmNr. 3. roncrrul. 4. Syn: operative. 1. rrrucr rroun. 2. npprcrnxcv. t. Syns: belongings, chattels, goods, lares and penates, movables (also things. moveables) (Lau;), possessions, 2. snr-oNcrNcs. EFFECTIVE.
l. nrrncr oerb. 2. cwsr. oerb. PERFORMANCE.
Syns: effeminateness, femininity, muliebrity, womanishness. Syns; epicene, feminine, sissified, swish (Slnng), unmanly, womairish. Syns: effeminize, feminize.
l. nprecr noun. 2. nrrrcrrxcv. L. Syns: effectiveness, efficacy, performance, productivity. 2. nnrncr noun. 1. Syns; effective, high-performance, productive, profi cient. 2. nrrncrrvn. 3. sustNsssLIKE.
sroo\a Derb. BLOOMnnun. 1. Syns: endeavor, exertion, pains, strainr, striving, struggle, trouble, while. -Idiurn elbow grease. 2. resx naun. 3. Syns; attempt, endeavor, essay,trial. 4. eccoupLrsHMENT.
311 effortful adiectirse l. Imposinga severetest of bodily or spiritual strength. 2. Not natural or spontaneous. effortfess adiectine 1. Posingno difficulty. -2. Marked by facility, esp.of expression. effortlessnes! rwun The ability to perform without apparenteffort. etfrontery' *in l. The stateor quality of being impudent. 2. Excessiveand arrogantself-confidence. effufgent adiectioe Giving off or refecting light readily or in large amounts. etfuse oerb To cause(a liquid) to fow in a steadystream. egg on aerb To sUrto action or feeling. egO rwun 1. An individual'sawarenessof what constituteshis or her essentialnature and distinguishes him or her from all others. 2. A senseof one'sown dignity or worth. 3. A regardingof oneselfwith undue favor. egocentric adiecth;e 1. Concernedwith the personrather than with society: an egocentricphilosophyaduocatingthe oirtue of selfr,shness. 2. Concernedonly with oneself. egocentric rroun A conceited,self-centeredperson. egocentricity rwun Concernonly for oneself. egoGentrism noun Concernonly for oneself. egOfsm rwun 1. Concernonly for oneself: His egoisrnpricluded any thoughtfor the feelingsof others. 2. Ln exaggeratedbelief in one'sown importance. 3. A regardingof oneselfwith undue favor. egOist noun person. A conceited,self-centered egoistic alsoegoistical idiectioe l. Concernedwith the personrather than with society. 2. Concernedonly with oneself. egOmaniaG noun A conceited,self-centeredperson. egomaniacal adiectioe Concernedonly with oneself. egotism rwun l. An exaggerated belief in one'sown importance:a personcorwumedby egoti,vn. 2. A regardingof oneselfwith undue favor: His incessantboastingis eoid,errce of egoti,sm. egotist nuun A conceited,self-centeredperson:an egoti"stuho constantly aggrandizedhis abilities.
l. nesy. 2, suootr
1. rupuonNcn. 2. pnnsulrpnolr. BRIGHT.
2. pnnn noun. 3. ncorrsu. l. Syns: egoistic (also egoistical), individualist, individualistic. 2. ncorrsrrcer-.
;. t;t, egocentricity, egocentrism, selfabsorpUon, self-centeredness, selfishness. 2. ncousu. 3. ncorrsu. EGOTIST.
1. Bcocnxrntc adiectirse. 2. ncorrsrIcer-.
bigheadedness (Informnl ), egoism, selfimportance, swelled head (Informal). 2. Syns: amour-propre, conceit, ego, egoism, ego trip (Slnng), narcissism (a/so narcism), pride, vainglory, vainness, vanity. Syns; egocentric, egoist, egomaniac, narcissist. -Idioms no modest violet, the big It, the only pebble on the beach.
egotistical egotistical or egotistic adiecthse 1. Thinking too highly of oneself:an egotisticalperson who thought he was neDeru/rong. 2. Concernedonly with oneself.:an egotistical exeattioeabsorbeduith his oum adnancement'
1. Syns: conceited, narcissistic, stuck-up (Inf ormal), swellheaded (lnformal ), vainglorious. 2. Syns: egocentric, egoistic (a/so egoistical ), egomaniacal, self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish, self-seeking, selfserving. -Idiom all wrapped up in oneself.
ego trip rwun Slnng.A regardingof oneselfwith undue favor. egregious adiectioe Conspicuouslybad or offensive. egfess rwrn DEPARTURE. The act of leaving. eidolon nf,run GHOST NUI,N, A supernaturalbeing. ejaculate rrcrb To speaksuddenlyor shalply,as from surpriseor emotion. ejaculation noun A sudden,sharputterance. eject oerb ;. trrt"*.' l. To put out by force: eiecta tenantfrorn an a*, (Stang),bounce (Slnng),bump, chuckr (lnfonrul), aparfirwnt. dismiss,evict, expel,kick out (Slang), oust,throw out. -Idimts $ve someonehis walking papers,grve the old heave-ho,sendpacking,show someonethe door, throw out on one's 2. To send forth (confined matter) violently. 3. To catapult oneself from a disabled urcraft: The pilot eiected at 20,AN feet.
2. enupr. 3. Syns; bail out, jump.
The act of eiectingor the stateof being ejected: eiectionfrom the aparhnent.
Syns; dismissal, ejectment, eviction, expulsion, ouster. -Idiarns the boot, the bounce, the chuck.
ejection rwun
ejectmenl rwun The act of ejectingor the stateof being ejected. elaborate adiectine 1. Complexlydetailed:an elnboratebas relief. 2. Difficult to understanddue to intricacy. efaborate oerb 1. To expressat geater length or in greaterdetail: said he was leaoing and,refusedto elaborate.Will yw, elaborateyour point? 2. To disclosebit by bit: gradnnlly elaboratedthe tru.e nature of the plnn, 6fan rn)un A lively, emphatic,eagerquallty or manner. elapse oerb To move toward a termination. elastic adiectiae l. Capable of withstanding stresswithout tniury. 2. Easilv dtered or influenced. efasticity rwun l. The quality or stateof being flexible. 2. The ability to recoverquickly from depressionor discouragement. efate oerb To raise the qpirits of Winning the gold mednl elnted the team.
1. Syns; complicated, fancy, intricate. 2. coupr-nx adiectioe. 1, $yns; amplify, develop, dilate (on), enlarge (on), expand (on), expatiate (on), labor. 2. Syns: develop, evolve. -Idim\s fiIl in the details, go into detail. SPIRIT.
co oerb. 1. rr-nxrnr.r. 2. rl.rxrnr-r. 1. rr.rxrsrr-rrY. 2. nnsrr-rcNcr. Syns; animate, buoy (up), elevate, exalt, exhilarate, fush, inspire, inspirit, lifq "pm.
313 elate adiectiae Feeling great delight and joy. elated adiectiae Feeling great delight and joy: The com.rnnndersuere elated by the oictory.
elatedness rrnun Highspirits. elation nou,n l. High spirits: felt great elation, at winningthe regatta. 2. Psychiatry. M exaggerated feeling of well-being and pleasure: mood swings ranging from. elation to depression. twun ef bowroom Ease of movement. elder noun 1. A person who is older than another. 2. An elderly person. 3. One who stands above another in rank. elder adiectioe Of greater age than another.
elevated,exalted,exhilarated, tT ";",", flushed, inspired,overjoyed,turned-on (Slang),uplifted. ELATION.
l. Syns; animation, elatedness, euphoria, exaltation, exhilaration, inspiration, lift, uplift. 2. Syns: euphoria (Psychiatry), exaltation, intoxication.
1. snNron naun. 2. spNron naun. 3. supnnror noun. sENroRadiectioe.
elderliness noun Old ase. AGEnaun, elderly- adiectiae Far along in life or time. OLD. efect oerb l. To selectby vote for an office: elect a rww president. 1. Syns; ballot, vote (in). 2. To make a choicefrom a number of alternatives. 2. cnoosr. elect nutn One that is selected:Only the electcanbelnngto that Syns; choice, pick, select. club. efect adiectioe Singledout in preference. sELEcr adiectioe. efection naun The act of choosing. cHorcE twun, efective adiectine Not compulsoryor automatic. OPTIONAL. efector twun One who votes: The electotshaoecast their ballnts. Syns;balloter, voter. electrifying adiectioe Causingmomentaryshock. eteemos"ynary ad,iectir>e Of or concernedwith charitv. BENEVOLENT. elegance nou,n Refined,effortlessbeauty of manner,form, and style: Syns; grace, polish, urbanity. He rnticed her unafected elegonte. efegant adiectioe l. Of suchtastefulbeauty as to elicit admiration:an 1. Syns: exquisite, graceful. elegantguin; an elegant u)offvtrn. 2. Appealingto refined taste. 2. oer.rcern. efement noun 1. A fundamental,irreducible constituentof a whole: l. Syns; basic, essential, fundamental, sadied the elenwntsof mnic. rudiment. -kli$n part and parcel. 2. One of the individual entitiescontribuUngto a 2. Syns: component, constifuent, factor, whole: the grarrtrnaticalelernentsof a smterrce; ingedient, integrant, part. -Idiom arnbition as a key el,ernentto sttccess. building block. 3. An individually consideredportion of a whole: 3. Syns; article, detail, item, particular, dissectedthe arg,ment eleitent bg element. point. efemental ad;iectit:e 1. Of or being an irreducible element:elemental 1. Syns,' basic, elementary, essential,
elementary aspects of existeru:esuch as birth and death. 2. Of or arising from the most basic structure of an individual. adiectioe elementary f . Of or treating the simplest aspects: an elementary math text. 2. Of or being an irreducible element.
efephantine Zdiectir:e sizeandpower. f . Of extraordinary 2. Unwieldy, esp. due to excessweight. 3. Lacking fluency or gracefulness. ef evate oerb 1. To move (something)to a higher position: The nurse eleaated the patient's bed. Cranes eleaated the crates onto the ship. 2. To increase markedly in level or intensity, esp. of sound: The musician eleoated the instntment's oolume. 3. To raise in rank. 4. To raise to a high position or status. 5. To cause to be eminent or recognized. 6. To raise the spirits of. adjectit:e elevated l. Being positioned above a given level: an eleaated train. 2. Extending to a great height. 3. Being on a high intellectual or moral level: eleuated opinions on rights. 4. Raised to or occupFng a high position or rank. 5. Abnormally increased,esp. in intensity: an eleaated feaer. 6. Feeling great delight and joy. 7. Exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style: eleaated prose. 8. Very broad and noble in character, scope, or grasp. noun efevation 1. The distance of something from a given level: the elersationof the Land aboae sea leael. 2. A progression upward in rank. 3. The act of raising to a high position or status or the condition of being so raised. elicit aerb To call forth or bring out (something latent, hidden, or unexpressed).
fundamental, primitive, ultimate, underlying. 2. coNsururloNAr, adiectiae.
1.. Syns; basal, basic, beginning, rudimental, rudimentary. 2. rr,Eurxrar-. 1. cnxr adiectixe. 2. nraw adiectioe. 3. poNnnnous. 1. Syns; boost, hoist, lift, pick up, raise, take up, uphold, uplift, upraise. 2. Syns: amplify, heighten, raise.
3. 4. 5. 6.
pnouorn. r>c.rrr. rrslrNcuISn. nr,+rE xerb.
1 . Syns: lifted, raised, uplifted, upraised, uprisen.
2 . TALL, 3 . Syns: high-minded, moral, noble. 4. nxq.r.rno. 5. Syns; heightened, high, raised. 6. rlerEo. 7. Syns: eloquent, exalted, grand, high, high-flown, lofty. 8. cnexo. 1.. Syns; altitude, height. 2. eoveNcEMENT.
3. nxrr-rerroN.
eligibility noun The quality or state of being eligible. adiectiae eligibfe 1. Satisfyingthe requirements, as for selection: eligible aarsity players; ellglble aoters. 2. Deemed suitable for marriage: an eligible bachelor.
1. Syns; fit, fitted, qualified, suitable, worthy. 2. Syns: marriable (Archuic), marriageable.
eligibleness noun The quality or state of being eligible. adiectiae ef iminant Of, relating to, or tending to eliminate. ef iminate oerb 1. To get rid of, esp. by banishment or execttion: The dictator has eliminated all opposition. 2. To take or leave out. 3. Physiol. To discharge (wastesor foreign substances)
L. Syns; eradicate, liquidate, remove, purge, wipe out. -Idioms do awaY with, put an end to. 2. oaop aerb. 3. Syns; evacuate, excrete, purge (Med.).
from the body: The kidneys function to eliminate bodily usastes. 4. To keep from being admitted, included, or considered. noun elimination l. The act or process of eliminating: eliminntion of aII opposing ooices. 2. Physiol. The act or process of discharging bodily wastes or foreign substances:The liaer aids in the elimirntion of alcohol frrxn the system. 3. The act of getting rid of something uselessor used up. eliminative adiectioe Of, relating to, or tending to eliminate: the elimirwtiae organs of the body; drugs ,seroingeliminotixe .functions. eliminatory adiectiae Of, relating to, or tending to eliminate. rruun efite also 6lite 1. That which is superlative. 2. People of the highest social level. efitist also 6litist adiectiae Characteristic of or resembling a snob. elitist also 6litist noun One who despisespeople or things he regards as inferior, esp. becauseof social or intellectual pretension. elixir noun An agent used to restore health.
4. excr,urn.
1. Syns; clearance, eradication, liquidation, prrge, removal, riddance. 2. Syns: evacuation, excretion, purgation.
3. orsposer,.
Syns; cathartic, eliminant, eliminatory, evacuant, evacuative, excretory, purgative. ELIMINATIVE.
1. snsr noun. 2. socrprv. SNOBBISH.
elocution noun The art of public speaking. adiectiae efocutionary Of or relating to the art of public speaking. oerb elongate To make or become longer. efongate adiectiae Having great physical length. ef ongated adiectirse Having great physical length. noun efongation The act of making something longer or the condition of being made longer. efoquence noun Vivid, effective, or persuasivecommunication in speech or artistic performance: gaDethe oration u;ith eloquence.
efoquent adiectiae 1. Fluentlypersuasive and rebuttal
an eloquent
2. Effectively conveying meaning, feeling, or mood. 3. Exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style.
eloquentnes5norrn Vivid, effective, or persuasivecommunication in speech or artistic performance. elucidate xerb To make clear or clearer. ef ucidation noun Something that servesto explain or clarify. ef ucidative adiectiae Servingto explain. ef ude aerlt 1. To keep away from. 2. To get away from (a pursuer).
r-oNcradiectir;e. r,oNcr adiectire, ExrENSroN.
Syns: eloquentness,expression, expressiveness, expressivity, facundity.
1 . Syns: articulate, facund, fluent, silvertongued, smooth-spoken.
1. evoro. 2. losn.
elusion 3. To fail to be fixed bv the mind. memory. or senses.
3. rscapr uerb.
efusion noun Rare. The act, an instance, or a means of avoiding. adiectioe elusive Characterized by or exhibiting evasion. adiectioe emaciated Physically haggard. oerb emanate To have as a source. aerb emancipate To set at liberty. adiectioe emancipated At liberty; not imprisoned or enslaved. noun emancipation The state of not being in confinement or servitude. embark t:erb To go about the initial step in doing (something). embarrass aerb l. To cause (a person) to be self-consciouslydistressed: Personal questions embarrass me.
2. To make complex, intricate, or perplexing. adiecti.^e embarrassed Distressed and ill at ease: I am embarrassed brJ *rJ child's misbehaaior. adiectitse embarrassing Causing self-consciousdistress:asked embanassing questions about the dioorce.
srnv' terb. rnns cerb. rnnn adiectixe. LIBERT\"
srtnr aerb. L. Syns: abash, chagrin, confound, confuse, discomfort, disconcert, discountenance,faze, mortify, put out, rattle (Informal). -Idionw put on the spot, put to the blush. 2. corvlpr-rctlg xerb. Syns: abashed,chagrined, confounded, disconcerted, mortified, put-out, rattled Qnformal). Syns: awkward, incommodious, mortifying.
embarrassment noun 1. Self-consciousdistress:a face red uith embanasynent ; financial embanassnwnt. 2. A condition of going or being beyond what is needed, desired, or appropriate. embed also imbed oerb To implant so deeply as to make change nearly impossible. oerb embellish 1. To furnish with decorations. 2. To endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable addition. noun embellishment Something that adorns.
l. Syns; abashment,chagrin, confusion, discomfifure, discomposure, disconcertion,disconcertment. 2. Excnss rroltn.
rtx oerb.
l. eoonN. 2. cn,+cnaerb.
embitter oerb To make or become bitter: Their hard life has embittered them. adiectir:e embittered Bitingly hostile. noun emblem An object associated with and serving to identify something else. adiectiae embfematic also emblematical Serving as a symbol. noun embodiment A physical entity typifying an abstraction: a soldier usho uas the aery embodiment o.f courage. oerb embody 1. To represent (an abstraction) in or as if in bodily
Syns; bitter, sotrr.
Syns: incarnation, personification, prosopopeia (ulso prosopopoeia) (Rhet. ), substantiation. L. Syns: exteriorize,externalize,
317 form: The general embodies the spirit of reaolution and freedun. 2. To make a part of a united whole: a iudicial system embodying much of Rcnnan lau;. 3. To serve as the image of. 4. To have as an integral part. embolden aerb To impart courage, inspiration, and resolution to. embrace aerb 1. To put one's arms around affectionately: She embraced her husband. 2. To have as an integral part. 3. To take, as another's idea, and make one's own. 4. To receive (something given or offered) willingly and gladly. embrace noun The act of embracing: held his toife in a tight embrace. embracement noun A ready taking up of something.
6migr6 incarnate, manifest, materialize, objectify, personalize,personrfy, substantiate. 2. Syns: combine, incorporate, integrate. 3. nnpnrsexr. 4. coxrerx.
1. Syns: bosom (Archaic), clasp, clinch (Slang), clipz (Brit. Regional), enfold (also infold ), hold, hug, press, squeeze. 2. cowrarN. 3. ,loopl. 4. eccBpr.
Syns: clasp, clinch (Slnng), hug, squeeze.
embracing noun A ready taking up of something.
embrangle oerb To draw in in sucha way that extricationis difficult. embroil aerb To draw in in sucha way that extricationis difficult. embroilment noun The condition of being entangledor implicated. embrue oerb embrued adiectioe embryo noun A sourceof further growth and development. emend oerb l. To makeright what is wrong. 2. To preparea new versionof. emendate aerb To preparea new versionof. emendation noun The act or processof revising. emendatory adiectiae Tendingto correct. emerge aerb l. To begrnto appearor develop. 2. To comeinto view. emergenCy noun ,,\ highly volatile, dangeroussituationrequiring immediate remedial action. emergency adiectioe Used or held in reserve. emigrant noun One who emigrates: an island full of Southeast Asian emigrants.
srn imbrue. spnimbrued. GERM.
1.. connncr oarb. 2. nrvrsn. REVISE. REVISION.
coRRECTrvnruliectiae. otwN aerb. APPEAR, CRISIS.
AUxTLTARYodiectirc. Syns: immigrant,
migrant, transmigrant.
emigrate oerb To leave one's native land and to settle in another: fn 1908 he emigrated to America from ltaly. emigration twun Departure from one's native land to settle in another: n steady emigration of Sor;ietlews to Israel. . emlgfe noun l. One fbrced to emigrate, usu. for political reasons:paris u:as the neu home for many White Russian entigres.
Syns: immigrate, migrate, transrnigrate.
Syns: exodus, irnmigration, migration, transmigration. l. Syns; exile, expatriate, expellee.
eminence 2.. A person coming from another country. emlnenCe noun 1. A position of exalted, widely recognized importance: a rvtn of eminence in medicine.
2, An important, infuential person. 3. A natural land elevation. noun eminency 1. Something at which a person excels. 2. Obs. A position of exalted, widely recognized importance. adiectioe eminent Widely known and esteemed: an eminent statesman and scholar.
2 . DIGNITARY. 3 . }j[LL nOUn.
adaerb eminently To a high degree. emit oerb 1. To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usu. suddenly and violently: a ge7seremitting steom. 2. To pass or pour out into. 3. To send out heat, light, or energy. emolument noun Payrnent for work done. emote aerb To make an emotional display. noun emotion A complex and usu. strong subjective response,as love, hate, etc.: a person of emotion, not reason. emotionable adiectiae Readily stirred by emotion.
1. Syns; distinction, erninency (Obs.), glory, illustriousness,luster, mark, notability, note, pre-eminence (also preeminence, pretiminence), prestige, prominence (olso proniinency ), renown.
l. r'onrs. 2. rl,tNsNcr.
Syns: celebrated, distinguished,famed, famous, great, illustrious, lustrous, notable, noted, pre-eminent (also preeminent, pretiminent ), prestigious,prominent, redoubtable, renowned. vnnv adaerb. L. Syns: give, give forth, give off, give out, issue,let off, let out, release,send forth. throw off. vent. 2. orscsencn xerb. 3. snro. wece(s) noun. EMOTIONALIZE,
Syns: affectionl, affectivity, feeling, sentiment. EMOTIONAL.
emotional adiectiae 1. Readily stirred by emotion: an emotiorurl person who uied a lot. 2. Relating to, arising from, or appealing to the emotions: an emotiorwl appeal for help.
1. Syns; emotionable, feeling, sensitive, sentient. 2. Syns: affective, emotive, moving.
emotionalize oerb To make an emotional display: a mother emntionrilizing ooer her sick child.
Syns: emote, gush.
emotionless adiectirse 1. Not affected by or showing emotion. 2. Lacking all friendliness and warmth. adiectiae emotive Relating to, arising from, or appealing to the emotions, adiectir:e empathetic Cognizant of and comprehending the needs, feelings, problems, and views of others. aerb empathize l. To associateor affiliate oneself closely with a person or group. 2. To understand or be sensitiveto another's feelings or ideas.
1 . coro adjectiae. 2 . coro adiectir:e. EMoTIoNAL.
1. ronNurv. 2. svnrperruzB.
empathy noun A very close relationship between persons,esp. one resulting in mutual understanding or affection.
319 noun emphasis Special weight placed upon something considered important: a strong emphasis on foreign languages. empnaSlZe oerb To accord emphasis to: a school emphosizi.ngacademic discipline.
adiectiae emphatic 1. Expressed or performed with emphasis: My anawer is an emphatic "No"! 2. Bold and definite in character: an emphatic gesture of disapproual. adrserb emphatically In a direct, positive manner. noun emplacement The place where a person or thing is located. aerb employ l. To obtain the use or services of: employed a new secretary. 2. To put into action or use. employ noun l. Archaic. Activity pursued as a livelihood. 2. The state of being employed. adiectioe employable 1. Available for use. 2.ln a condition to be used. noun employe also employ6 adiecti,ae employed 1. Having a job: statistics on employed uomen. 2. Involved in activity or work. noun employee also employe, employ6 One who is employed by anotheti a company of 100 employees. noun employer One that employs persons for wages: The employer must uithhold Social Security taxes.
emptiness Syns; accent, accentuation, stress.
Syns: accent, accentuate, feature, italicize, play up (Informal), point up, stress,underline, underscore. -Idiorns bear down hard on (or upon), lay stress on (or upon). 1. Syns; accented, accentuated, forceful, resounding, underlined, underscored. 2. Syns: assertive,forceful, insistent.
1. Syns; engage,hire, retain, take on. -Idiorn put on the payroll. 2. vsn aerb. 1,.susrNnss. 2. nupr,ovMENT. l. opnu adiectiae. 2. usenr-n. sEEemployee. l. Syns; hired, jobholding, working. 2. eusv ad;iectiae. Syns: hireling, jobholder, worker.
employment noun 1. The act of employing for wages: irwestigated the cornpanA's methods of ernployment. 2. The act of putting into play. 3. The condition of being put to use. 4. A specific use. 5. The state of being employed: No person in our employment u:ill betray trade seuets. 6. Activity pursued as a livelihood. empoison oerb Archaic. To have a destructive effect on.
1. Syns; engagement, engaging, hire, hiring. 2. exEncrsgnoun. 3. ourv. 4. appr-rcerroN. 5. Syns: employ, hire. 6. susrNess. porsoN oerb.
emporium noun A retail establishment where merchandise is sold. empOwer oerb l. To give the means, ability, or opportunity to do. 2. To give authority to. emprise also €mprizG noun An exciting, often hazardous undertaking.
emprize oerb emptiness rwun 1. Total absence of matter: The emptiness of the city in early moming is depressing. 2. Total lack of ideas, meaning, or substance:the emptiness of political rhetoric.
1. rNnel-r. 2. autronrzr. ADVENTURX
sEEempnse. 1. Syns,' vacancy, vacuity, vacuum. 2. Syns: barrenness,blankness, hollowness, vacancy, vacuity.
empty 3. A desolatesenseof loss:He felt only mrytirwssafter shc bft him. 4. Empty, unfilled space. empty adieaioe l. Containing nothing: an enpty anpboard;an em.pty apa.ttnwnt. 2. Lacking value, use,or zubstance:an emptg life.
3. Syns:blankness,desolation, hollowness,vacuum,void. 4. NornrNcNESS.
1. Syns;bare, clear, devoid (of), stark, vacant,vacuous,void. 2. Syns:hollow, idle, nugatory, vacant, vain.
3. Lacking intelligent thouglrtor content. 4. Lacking a desirableelement:utriting em.ptyof insight; a personem.ptyof feeling. empty wrb 1. To removethe contentsof: emptbd,the cellnr of comhstiblc materials. 2. To passor pour out into. empty-lieaded- a.diectioe l. Lacking intelligent thought or content. 2. Given to lightheartedsilliness. emulate oerb To take as a model. emulative adiecthse Copytttganotherin an inferior or obsequiousway. emufous adiectiw 1. Given to competition. 2. Full of ambition. enable perb 1. To give the means,ability, or opportunity to do: Modem medicitle has ernblcd u to prolong life. 2. To give authority to. enaGt oerb l. To catrseto be by official action: lnus erncted by Congress. 2. To put in force by legal authority. 3. To play the part of. 4. To produceon the stage. enactmenl noun The formal product of a legislativeor judicial body. enamOfed adiectioe Affected with intenseromanticattraction. enceinte adiectioe Carryinga developingfetus within the uterus. enchant oerb 1. To act upon with or as if with magc. 2. To pleasegreatly or irresistibly. 3. To give great or keen pleasureto. enchanting a.diectiae l. Giving great pleasureor delight. 2. Pleasingto the eye or mind. enchantment nrntrn The power or quality of attracting.
3 . VACANT. 4. Syns: barren
(of), destitute (of), devoid (of), innocent (of), void (of), wanting. -Idiorn in want of.
1. Syns: clean out, clear, evacuate, vacate, void. 2. orscnencn oerb. 1. vecervr. 2. crnov adiectioe. FOLLOv/. IMITATI!'E. 1. coupBrITIvE.
2. errasrrrous. 1. Syns; empower, permit. 2. aurnonlzr. L. Syns: constitute, make. 2. rsra-nr-rsH. 3. aerb. 4. srtcr' aerb. LA\v. INFATUATED. PREGNANT.
1. cnenu 2. cnenv 3, nnrtc;, oerb.
1. nnr-rcnrrur-. 2. errnecrrvs. ATIRACTION.
enchantress rrrun l. A woman who practices magic. 2. A usu. unscrupulous woman who seducesor exploits men.
1. wlrcn noun' 2. srnucrnrss.
encircle oerb To shut in on all sides. oerb enclose l. To confine within a limited areat corwicts enclnsed uithin prison unlls; m.ttl.e errclosed in feedlnts.
(in), l|T,n"J".*, coop(inorup),rence hem (in or about or around), immure, mew (up), mure (Rare), pen2, shut in, wall (in tr rp).
32r 2. To shut in on all sides. 3. To surround and advance upon. enclOsure rwu,n An area partially or entirely enclosed by walls or buildings. enGOmpaSS oerb 1. To have as an integral part. 2. To shut in on all sides. enGOUnter oerb l. To come up against: They ennountered ernrrrrons obstacles in the peace tallcs. 2. To meet face-to-face, esp. defiantly. 3. To come together face-to-face by arrangement. 4. To enter into conflict with. encounter rmun l. A face-to-face, usu. hostile meeting. 2. A briel hostile exposure to or contact with something, as danger, opposiUon, etc. enGOurage oerb l. To impart strength and confidence to: The doctor's reput has encouraged me. 2. To impart courage, inspiration, and resolution to: encouraged the students to try harder. 3. To help bring about. 4. To lend supportive approval to: The gooemment encouraged the peace initiathse. enGOuragement nou,n l. Something that encourages: The prospect of a borus is encouragement to produce a good product. 2. A tendency to cause or bring on. encouraging adiectiae Inspiring confidence or hope: Increased trade with Chirw is an ennouraging sign. enGumber oerb l. To place a burden or heavy load on. 2, To interfere with the progress of. end twun 1. A demarcation point or boundary beyond which something does not extend or occur: Buffalo lies at the ea*tem end of Lake Eri.e. I am at the end of mA patiente. 2. A concluding or terminating: the end of the fighting.
3. The last part: the end of the performnnce.
4. The hindmost part of something. 5. What one intends to do or achieve. 6. Residual matter: broken candle ends. end oerb To bring or come to a nafural or proper end. endanger oerb To subject_to danger or destruction: Drunken d,rit:ing endangers lioes.
endangerment noun Exposure to possible harm, loss, or injury. en0eaVOf oerh To make an attempt to do or make.
endeavor 2. sunnouxp. 3. cr.osn w at closel. couRT noun.
l. cowrerN oerb. 2. sunnouNo. 1. Syns.'confront, face, meetr, run into. 2. corvrnorvr. 3. *llr;nrr oerb. 4. Bxcecn. 1. coNrnoNTATroN. 2. snusH rmun.
1. Syns; buck up (Informal), cheer (up), enhearten, hearten, nerve, perk2. 2. Syns: animate, cheer (on), embolden, inspirit, inspire, motivate, stimulate. 3. pnouorr. 4. Syns: countenance, favor, smile on (or upon). 1. Syns; inspiration, motivation, stimulation. 2. rxvrrerrou. Syns: cheering, heartening, hopeful, likely, promising, roseate, rose-colored, rosy. l, clg.l.l.caoerb. 2. nrvorn. l. Syns; bound(s), confine(s), limit, limitation.
2. Syns: cease, cessation, closer, closing, closure, completion, conclusion, consummation, ending finish, period, stop, termination, terminus, wind-up (lnformal), wrap-up. -Idionts end of the line, stopping point. 3. Syns; closel, conclusion, ending, finale, finish, lastl, termination, wind-up (Informal), wrap-up. 4. rarr, twu,n. 5. rvrnvrror*. 6. Syns,'buttf fragment, scrapr, shard, remnant. ct-osnr oerb. Syns: danger (Arclwic), imperil, jeopard, jeopardize, jeopardy, menace, peril, risk. DANGER |WUN,
r-rrnlapt r oerb.
ended endeavor nuu.n 1. An effort to do or make something. 2. T\e use of energy to do something. 3. An earnest try. odieckoe ended Having reached completion. a.diectioe endemic 1. Existing, born, or produced naturally in a land or region. 2. Belonging to one because of the place or circumstances of one's birth. noun ending 1. A concluding or terminating. 2. The last part. a.diectiae endless 1. Having no ends or limits: an end,Iessstretch of sand'y beath ; endless patierwe. 2. Enduring for all tirne: etdless trutlx.
3. Existing or occurring without interruption or end.
endlessness rwrln
The quality or stateof havingno end: the endlesmess of human sufering.
endmost a"diectioe Btitg"g up the rear. endorse aerb l. To establishas true or genuine. 2. To affix one'ssignatureto. endow oerb To presentwith a quality, trait, or power. endowed adiectioe Having talent. endue aerb To presentwith a quality, trait, or power. endurable o"diectioe Capableof being tolerated. endurance rnun 1. The quality or power of withstandinghardshipor stressrlncked the end,urancerwededfor long-distanr:e rurning. 2. Uninterruptedexistenceor succession. endure oerb l. To carry on through despitehardships:end'uringan Arctic usinter. 2. To put up with: couldn't endmesuch fuwolence.
3. To withstand stress or difficulty. 4. To remain in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time: storw buildings thnt endute for centurbs. ad,iectiw enduring Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time. rwun enemy One who is hostjle to or opposes the purposes or
coMPLETEadiectiae. 1. runrcrNous. 2. uerrvr adiectiae.
1. Bnrorwun. 2. nvo nDun. 1. Syns: boundless, immeasurable, infi nite, Iimitless, measureless, unbounded, unlimited. 2. Syns: amaranthine, ceaseless,eternal, eterne (Archaic), everlasting, immortal, never-ending, perpetual, unending, world-without-end. 3. coNnr.ruAl. Syns: eternality, eternalness, eternity, everlastingness,foreverness, perpetuity, world-without-end. Lesrr adiectitse. 1. pnovr. 2. stcN oerb. ctrr aerb. GIFTED.
crct oerb. BEARABLE.
l. Syn: stamina. -ldiorn
staying power.
2. cor.rrrNUATIoN. L. Syns: sweat out, tough out. 2. Syns: abide, accept, bear, brook2,Bo, lump2 (lnformal), stand (for), stomach, su-ffer,support, sustain, swallow, take, tolerate. -Idionw take it, take it lying down. 3. seAR up at bear. 4. Syns: abide, continue, go on, hold out, last2, persist.
Syns: foe, opponent.
323 interests of another: lost his iob becarce he made erwmies of his colleagues. adiectioe energetic 1. Possessing,exerting, or displayingenergr an e#;:etio worker; an erwrgetic attempt to uin the
2. Disposed to action.
1. Syns; active,dynamic(aho dynamical), forceful, kinetic, lively, peppy (Infornwl), sprightly,strenuous, vigorous. 2. uconous.
energize oerb To arouse to action.
energizing ad;iectiae
Producingor stimulatingphysical,mental,or emotional vgor. enefgUmen rloun An intenselyenergetic,enthusiasticPerson. energy nau,n Capacrtyor power for work or vigorousacUvity:lV'e all-lnckedthe energyto do the dishes.He ran about with furiow energA. enervate oerb To lessenor depletethe nerve,enerry, or strengthof: by the ui"si"s. enen:atedby the humidity; enensated enervated ail;iecthse Depleted of strengthor robusthealth. enfeable uerb To lessenor depletethe nerve,enerry, or strengthof. enfeebfed adiectirse robusthealth. Depleted of strength " or enfofd alsoinfold oerb 1. To put one'sarmsaroundaffectionately. 2. To cover completelyand closely,as with clothing or bandages. 3. To surroundand cover completelyso asto obscure. enforce oerb To compel observanceof: Policenrcnenforcethe lnw. engage oerb 1. To get and hold the attention of The striking billboard engagednutny passers-by. 2. To obtain the useor servicesof. 3. To causeto be busy or in use. 4. To makebusy. 5. To assumean obligation. 6. To come or bring togetherand interlock: The teeth of the two gear wheelsengagedsrrnothly. 7. To involve (someone)in an activity: engagedhim 8. To involve oneself in (an activity). 9. To enter into conflict with: Armored units adnarrced and. engaged the enenxy. 10. To claim in advance. adiectirse engaged 1. Pledged to marry: gaoe a partV for the engaged couple. 2. Involved in activitv or work. noun engagement l. The act or condition of being pledged to marry: anrnunced their engagement at a party.
ToNrc adiectine.
Syns; animation, force, get-up-and-go (lnforrrnl), go (Infomwl), might, pep (lnfomnl), potenc/, puissance, sprightliness, steam, strength, vigor, vim, zip (lnformal). Syns; attenuate, debilitate, devitalize, enfeeble, sapz,undo, undermine, unnerve, weaken. RUN-DowNad,iectioeat run down. ENERVATE.
RUN-DowNad,iecthseat run down. 1. nunnecn oerb. 2. wnep up. 3. wnlp oerb. Syns: carry out, effect, execute, implement, invoke. -ldimt"s put into action, put in force, put (or set) in motion. l. Syns: involve, occupy. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
nvrpl..ox oerb. nr ue. n,usyoerb. prnocn oerb. Syns; intermesh, mesh.
7. Syns: draw in (or into), entangle. 8. panncrPATE. 9. Syns: encounter, meetr, take on Qnfomal). -Idiom do (or join) battle with. tO. r,oox aerb. 1. Syns: a.ffianced,betrothed, intended, plighted. 2. susv adiectine. 1. Syns; betrothal, betrothment, espousal, troth.
engagrng 2, A commitment to appear at a certain time and place: lwd seoeral engagementsfor the weekend. 3. A hostile encounter between opposing military forces. 4. The act of employing for wages. adiecti.^e engaging Pleasing to the eye or mind. engaging ltoun The act of employing for wages.
engender oerb 1. To be thecauseof. 2. To cause to come into existence. 3. To give rise to a particular development.
2. Syns: appointment, assignation, date (Informal), rendezvous, tryst. 3. cotnlser rwun. 4. nupr-ovMENT. ATTRACTIVE, EMPLOYMENT,
L, crsn aerb. 2. pnooucn. 3. csllrnern.
engineer oerb To make, achieve, or get through contrivance or guile.
engird wrb To encircle with or as if with a band. oerb engirdle To encircle with or as if with a band.
WANGLE. p'l.t,{Draerb. r,ANDr oerb.
englut oerb To swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in large amounts.
curp xerb.
engorge oerb To swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in large amounts.
cvrp aerb.
engOrgement noun The condition of being full to or beyond satisfaction.
engrave wrb l. To cut (a design or inscription) into a hard surface, esp. for printing: engraoed a cryer plnte for making colling cards. 2. To produce a deep impression on: The scerw of the accid.ent wo"sengraned in his nwnory eoer after. engrOSS oerb l. To occupy the full attention of. 2. To make busy. 3. To form letters, characters, or words on a surface with an instnrment. adiecthse engrOsSed Having one's thoughts fully occupied. adiecthse engrossing Catching and holding the full attention.
1. Syns; etch, grave3,
2. Syns: etch, fix, gave3, impress, imprint, inscribe, stamp. l. essons. 2. r;vsv Derb. 3. wnrrn.
engfossment rwun Total occupation of the attention or of the mind.
engulf oerb l. To fow overcompletely. aswith emotion. 2. To affectdeeplyor completely, enhance wrb l. To endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable addition. 2. To look good on or with. 3. To increase or seek to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable pubticrty. 4. To increase in intensitv or severiW.
wooo aerb. OVERWHELM.
L. cnrcn aerb. FLATTEN. PROMOTE.
enhancement rwun Something added to another for embellishment or completion.
enhearten wrb To impart strength and confidence to.
enigma rwun Anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable, or secret.
325 enjoin oerb 1. To give ordersto. 2. To refi.seto a]low. enioy oerb 1. To receivepleasurefrom: eniottgoodfood. of. 2. To be possessed 3. To have the use or benefit of.:Womendid rwt enioA the right to oote until early in this century. 4. To recognizethe worth, quality, importance,etc., of. 5. To regardwith great pleasureor approval. enjoyable adiectioe Affording enjoyment; The moDieprooedso enioyable that we saw it ttoice. enioymenl rnun l. The condition of respondingpleasurablyto something:A strddenheadncheput an end to her enioymentof the partq. 2. A feeling of extremegratificationarousedby somethinggood or desired. 3. Recognitionof worth, quality, importance,etc. enkindle uerb 1. To causeto burn or undergocombustion. 2. To axousethe emotionsof; make ardent. enfarge oerb 1. To make or becomegreateror larger. 2. To expressat greaterlength or in geater detail. enlargement noun l. The act of increasingor rising. 2. The act of increasingin dimensions,scope,or inclusiveness. 3. The amountby which somethingis increased. 4. The result or product of building up. enlighten oerb 1. To enable(one)to understand, a spiritual sense. 2. To causeto know about or be awareof. enlightened adiectioe l. Characterizedby discriminatingtaste and broad knowledgeas a result of developmentor education. 2. Having an education. 3. Providedwith information;made aware. enfightening adiectioe l. Promotingculture. 2. Servingto educateor inform. enfightenment rwun The condition of being informed spiritually. enlist oerb To becomea memberof. enf iven oerb 1. To make alive. 2. To make lively or animated. enfivening a.diecthse Servingto enliven. enmesli oerb 1. To gain control of or an advantageover by or as if by trapping. 2. To draw in in sucha way that extricationis difficult. enmeshment rrorm The condition of being entangledor implicated. enmity rwtm Deep-seatedhatred, asbetweenlongtime opponentsor rivals: felt biner enmity tm:ard the oryessor.
1. couuexo oerb. 2. ronnm. 1. Syns; dig(Slang), liker, relish, savor. 2. col;nrluto oerb. 3. Syns; have, hold, possess. 4. eppnncrern. 5. eprvnnn. Syns: gratifying, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable. 1. Syns; delectation, pleasure.
2. onr-rcnt nou.n. 3. eppnrcrerrox. t. rtcsrr oerb. 2. rtnn oerb. l. rncnresn oerb. 2. nr.egonttn oerb. 1. rwcneesg nuun. 2. expexsror.I. 3. rucnBesg noun. 4. surlo-ur at build up. 1. rr-r,uurNerr. 2. nrronu. 1. cur,runpo. 2. noucarso. 3. nwonurn. 1. cur.runer.. 2. rouceuoNAl. ILLUMTNATION.
1. gurcxnN. 2. r,rclarr oerb. STIMULATING.
l. crrcs oerb. 2. rrwor,vn.
Syns: animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hosUlity.
ennoble ennoble Derb l. To causeto be eminentor recognized. 2. To raiseto a high positionor status. ennui oerb To fatiguewith dullnessor tedium. ennui nuun The condition of being bored. enOrmity twun l. The quality of passingall moral bounds:the enonnity of the ffime of ntatricidz. 2. A monstrousoffenseor evil. 3. The quality or stateof being flagrant. enOrmous ad,iectioe 1. Of extraordinxy sizeand power. 2. Archaic. Disgracefullyand grosslyoffensive. enOfmOUSneSSrwnn The quality of being enormous:the erwrmoumessof the blue whale. enough adiectioe Beingwhat is neededwithout being in excess. enough rwun An adequatequantity: Cioe me ernugh to eat. enOUnce oerb To declareby way of a systematicstatement. enquire oerb enquirer noun enquiring adiectiae enqUlry rwu.n enrage oerb To causeto feel or show anger. enraged ad.iectitse l. Feelingor showinganger. 2. Full of or markedby extremeanger. enrapture oerb To move or excite greatly. enrich oerb To make fertile. enrichment nuun Somethingadded to anotherfor embellishmentor completion. enrOll oerb l. To becomea memberof. 2. To registerin or as if in a book. ensanguane oerb To cover with blood. ensanguined adiectioe Of or coveredwith blood. enSCOnCe oerb 1. To placesecurelyin a positionor condition. 2. To put or keep out of sight. ensemble a.daerb Frerch.In, into, or asa singlebody. enshroud tserb 1. To zurroundand cover completelyso as to obscure. from beingknown. 2..To prevent(something) enslgn twun Fabric a symbol. enslave oerb To make a slave of: The Romansoften erxl.aoedtheir conqueredenernies. enslavement rwrrn A stateof subjugationto an owner or master.
sons oerb. BOREDOM.
1. Syns; atrociousness, atrocity, heinousness,monstrousness. 2. ournacg rloun. 3. r'r-ecnexcv. 1. crl.NT adiectioe. 2. ournecEous. immensity, magnitude, Syns;hugeness, vastness. tremendousness, SUFFICIENT.
Syns; adequacy, sufficiency, suficient. srtrn uerb. snr inquire. snr inquirer. snr inquiring. snn inquiry. elrcen uarb. l.
JOrN. ttsrr aerb.
r;rooov oerb. BLooDY adiectiae. ESTABLISH. :p^ron\ aerb.
TocETHER adaerb. wnl.p xerb. covnn oerb.
rLecl nf,run. Syns; enthrall, subject, subjugate.
327 ensnafe oerb 1. To gain control of or an advantageover by or as if by trapping. 2. To draw in in sucha way that extricationis difficult. enSnafement rwun The condition of being entangledor implicated. ensnarl Derb 1. To twist togetherso that separationis difficult. 2. To draw in in sucha way that extricationis difficult. ensOrCel oerb To act upon with or as if with magic. ensue oerb To occur as a consequence. ensuing adiectioe Occurring right after another. ensure alsoinsure oerb To render certain. enswathe oerb To cover completelyand closely,as with clothing or bandages. entail oerb 1. To have as an accompaniment,condition,or consequence. 2. To have as a need or prerequisite. entangle oerb 1. To twist together so that separation is difficult: The cat batted and entangled the spool of thread. 2. To draw in in such a, way that extrication is difficult. 3. To make complex, intricate, or perplexing. 4. To gain control of or an advantage over by or as if by trapping. 5. To involve (someone) in an activity.
entertainment l . cl,rcla aerb.
clal^nv' oerb. FOLLOW. FoLLowrNG adfectioe. cuanaNren
l. cennv. 2. onv,l.r,n oerb. 1. Syns: ensnarl, foul, tangle.
2. nwor-vr. 3. coupr,rcern. 4. ctrcn aerb. 5. rxcecs.
entanglement rwun 1. The condition of being entangled or implicated: ol.d romnntic entangLenwnts. 2. Something that is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. enter oerb l. To come or go into (a place): The bull entered the aretur. He opened the door and entered. The shi,p entered the harbar. 2. To become a member of. 3. To place on a list or in a record. To go about the initial step in doing (something). t. enlerpflse rraun 1. An exciting often hazardous undertaking. 2. A commercial organization. 3. The wish, power, and ability to begin and follow througlr with a plan or task. 4. An aggressivereadiness to undertake ta:
1. Syns: embroilment, enmeshment, ensnarement, involvement. 2. reNcr.p naun.
l. Syns; come in, go in, ingress, penetrate, put in (Naut.). -Idionx gain entrance (ar entry), set foot in. 2. 1onr. 3. posr oerb. 4. srtnr oerb.
1. auusr. 2. colsropn. 3. nnen or at hear.
entertainment rwun Something, esp. a performance or show, designed to entertain.
enthrall tserb 1. To act upon with or as if with magrc. 2. To make a slave of. 3. To compel the attention, interest, imagination, etc., of. enthralling adiecth:e Catching and holding the full attention.
L. ctanav, aerb. 2. rxsr,evn. 3. cntp oerb.
enthrallment nuun Total occupation of the attention or of the mind.
enthuse oerb Infomwl. To show enthusiasm: He enthused ooer my tpw stereo.
Syns: carry on, rave, rhapsodize.
l. Passionatedevotion to or interest in a cause, subject, etc.: an enthusinsm for bunerfly collecting. 2. A subject or activity that inspires lively interest: Mahiong uos one of the enthusiasm^sof the lg20's.
1. Syns;ardor,fervor, fire, passion, zealousness. 2. Syns:craze,mania, passion, rage.
enthusiasm twun
enthusiast noun A person who is ardently devoted to a particular subject or activity : rolla-slenting enthusiasts.
enthusiastic ad,iectioe Showing or having enthusiasm: enthwiostic appl.aue; enthusia"stic abutt the new moDie.
entice oerb To beguile or draw into a wrong or foolish course of acUon.
Syns; bug (Slnng), devotee, fan2 (lnfonnal), fanatic, fiend (Skm,g),freak (Slnng), maniac, mtt (Shng), zealot. Syns; ardent, crazy (Informal), ferven! glowing, gung ho (Slnng), keenr, mad (lnformal), nutty (lnfomnl), warm,
enticement rwun Something that attracts, esp. with the promise of pleastue or reward.
eniicer rwun One that seduces. enticing odiectiae l. Pleasing to the eye or mind. 2. Tending to seduce. entire adiecthse l. Lacking nothing essential or normal. 2. Including every constituent or individual. 3. In excellent condition. 4. Not more or less.
entirely a&nrb 1. To the fullest extent. 2. All the way. 3. To the exclusionof anyoneor anythingelse. entireness noun The stateof being entirely whole. entirety rwun 1. The stateof being entirely whole. 2. An amountor quantity from which nothingis left out or held back. entitle oerb 1. To give a nameor title to. 2. To give authority to. entity rlxun 1. The fact or stateof existing. 2. One that existsindependently. 3. An organizedarray of individual elementsand parts forming and working as a unit. entomb oerb To place (a colpse)in or as if in a grave.
1 . ATTRACTIVE. 2 . SEDUCTIVE. 1 . coMPLETE adiectioe. 2 . wHoLE adiectiae. 3 . cooo adiectit:e. 4. ROUND. 1. coupr.ETELY. 2. cr,nen adoerb. 3. solnlv. COMPLETENESS. 1. col,lpr.nrENEss. 2. wnor.p noun.
l . Ntv^n aerb. 2 . AUTHORIZE. 1 . EXISTENCE. 2 . THING. 3. SYSTEM NAUN.
entombment rwun An act of placing a body in a gave or tomb.
entourage rwun A group of attendants or followers.
entrlnc6r nuun 1. The act of entering: Courtiers stood auaitingthe entranrceof the king. 2. The state of being allowed entry. 3. The right to enter or make use of. entrance2" oerb 1. To act upon with or as if with magrc. 2. To please greatly or irresistibly. adiectioe entrancing Pleasing to the eye or mind.
1. Syns.'entry, ingress (a/so ingression). 2. eonarssroN. 3. epurssrox. l. c;atnlr oerb. 2. clal,r.u oerb. ATTRACTIVE.
entrap oerb To gain control of or an advantage over by or as if by
trapping. entreat oerb To make an earnest or urgent request.
tppnN, oerb.
entreaty rwun An earnest or urgent request.
entr6e rwun The right to enter or make use of.
entrench oerb To implant so deeply as to make change nearly rx oerb. impossible. adiectioe entrenched Firmly established by long standing. CONFIRMED. entrust also intrust oerb 1. To give over to another for care, use, or l. Syns; commend, commit, confide, performance: entntsted the task to his aid,es;entntst consig!, hand over, relegate, turn over. -Idiorn give in trust (or charge). one's soul to Gad. 2. To place a trust upon: entnnted his aid"esu:ith the task. 2. Syns: charge, trust.
entry rwun 1. The act of entering. 2. The right to enter or make use of. 3. An item inserted, as in a diary, register, or reference book: There uere rw entries in her ioumal for the rrcxt week. oerb entwine To move or proceed on a repeatedly curving course.
l. nvrnaNcrl. 2. enMrssrohl. 3. Syns: insertion, posting.
enucleate oerb Archaic. To make understandable.
enumerate oerb 1. To name or specify one by one: Toun meetings ghse ordirnry citizens a charwe to erutmerate their complaints. 2. T9 note (items) one by one so as to get a total. enunciate aerb 1. To produce or make (speech sounds). 2. To declare by way of a systematic statement. envelop oerb l. To surround and advance upon. 2. To shut in on all sides. 3. To surround and cover completely so as to obscure. 4. To cover completely and closely, as with clothing or bandages. envenOm oerb To have a destructive effect on. envious adiectioe Resentfully or painfully desirous of another's advantages: erusiousof his brother's lrck with u)oflten.
1. Syns; itemize, listl, numerate, tick off.
2. covrtr oerb. l. pnoNouNcn. 2. srnn oerb. l. 2. 3. 4.
cr.osr rN at closer. sunnouxo. wnep oerb. wnlp up.
porsoN oerb. Syns; covetous, green-eyed, invidious (Obs.),jealous.
enviousness noun enviousness Resentful or painful desire for another's advantages. environ oerb To shut in on all sides. environment rvrun 1. A surrounding ar.ea aisited the rww rwtiorwl capital and ix backwoods enoiron:nwnt. 2.\\e totdity of surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting growth or development: plnnts able to sansioe in the desert enoironment; a social enoironment that errcouraged racial preiudice. 3. Existing surroundings that affect an activity. envlfOnS naun l. The boundary surrounding a certain area. 2. A surrounding area. 3. The periphery of a city or town. oerb envisage To form mental images of. envision aerb 1. To know in advance. 2. To form mental images of. enVy noun Resentful or painful desire for another's advantages: The rich boy's firc clothing and toys prorsokederu:y anwng his poorer ckuynates. envy oerb To feel envy for: She enoied her friend's good fortune.
1. Syns: environs, locale, locality, surroundings,vicinity. 2. Syns: ambiance (aho ambience), atmosphere,climate, medium, milieu, mise en scdne (French), surroundings, world. 3. coNorrroNs. l. r-rnarrrwun. 2. erwmoNMENT. 3. sxrnrs. II\-(dGINE.
1 . FORESEE. 2 . IMAGINE. Syns; covetousness,enviousness, invidiousness(Obs.), jealousy.
Syns; begrudge, covet, grudge.
enwrap oerb
1. To surround and cover completely so as to obscure. 2. To cover completely and closely, as with clothing or bandages. eoll also aeOn rwun A long time. ephemeral adiectiae Lasting or existing only for a short time. adiectitse epicene qudities more appropriate to women than to *ill"*
wnl.p aerb. WRAP UP.
ePicure noun Archaic. A person devoted to pleasure and luury. adiectioe epicurean l. Characterized by or devoted to pleasure and ltxury as a lifestyle. 2. Pertaining to, suggestive of, or appealing to sense gatification. rwun epidemic A sudden increase in something, ils the occurrence of a disease.
epidermis noun The tissue forming the external covering of the body. adiectiae epigrammic also epigrammical Precisely meaningful and tersely cogent. rraun episode l. An instance of digressing. 2. Something significant that happens. episodic a.diectioe Marked by or grven to digession.
sKrN nodn. PITHY.
1. orcnrssrou. 2. rvsNr. DIGRESSIVE.
epistle noun A written communication directed to another.
epithet nuun A profane or obscene term.
331 epitome rwun A short summarypreparedby cutting down a larger work. epitomize oerb 1. To recapitulatethe salientfactsof. 2. To serveiN the imageof. epOGh nou,n A particular time notable for its distinctive characteristics. equabfe adiectitse Having no variations. equal adiecthse 1. Ageeing exactlyin value,quantity, or efrect:The meteris equal to 39.37irrches. 2. Having the necessarystrengthor ability: rwt eEnl to the task. 3, Just to all parties: All citizerware entitled to equal treatrnentin cunts of lutr. equal naun One that is very similar to anotherin rank or position. equal oerb 1. To be equal or alike. 2. To do or makesomethingequal to: He equaledthe world's recordin the mil,erun. 3. To be equivalentor tantamount. 4. To makeequal. equality ,nui The stateof being equivalent. equalize oerb 1. To makeequal: The goal of the progrurnwos to equalizeecorwnic opportunitiesfor the poor. 2. To put in balance. equanimity rmun 1. A stable,calm stateof the emotions. 2. Lack of emotionalagitation. equate uerb 1. To make equal. 2. To representas similar. equilibrium noun A stablestatecharacterizedby the cancellationof all forcesby equal opposingforces. equip oerb To supply what is neededfor someactivity or purpose. equipmenl noun journey,or other purpose. Qi"gp neededfor a task, eqUlpOlSe noun A stablestatecharacterizedby the cancellationof all forcesby equal opposingforces. equitable adiectioe 1. fust to all parties. 2. Free from bias. equitableness rwun 1. The qualrty or state of being just and unbiased. 2. T\e state,acUon,or principle of treating all persons equallv in accordancewith the law. equitably' adtserb In a just way. equity nnun The state, acUon,or principle of treating all persons equally in accordancewith the law.
1. nrvrcw oerb. 2. nrpnrsrNr. ACEftAun.
nvENr adiectioe. l- Syns; equivalent, evenl, identical, srune, tantamount. -Idionw on a par, one and the same. 2. Syns: competent, qualified, up (Informal). 3. Syns.' equitable, evenl, evenhanded, fair. pnnnz. 1. coupenr. 2. Syns: match, meetr, tie. 3. err,rouNToerb. 4. nguer-Izn. EQUTVALENCE.
l. Syns: equal, equate, evenl, level, square. 2. sALANcEoerb. 1. ner-eNcn rmun. 2. cer-u rwun. 1. rquer.zr. 2. r-mnx. BALANCE
1. nguer- adiectioe. 2. rarn adiectirse. 1. rarnrvpss. 2. yusrrcr.
equivalence equivalence alsoequivalency noun The stateof being equivalent:Einsteinassertedthe eq1irybrce of ma.ssand energy. equlValenGy rwun equivafent adiec-thrc 1. Agreeingexactlyin value, quantity, or efiect. 2. Possessing the sameor almostthe same characteristics. equivalent lwun One that is very similar to anotherin rank or position. equivocal ad.iicthn 1. Liable to more than one interpretation. 2. Not affording certainty. 3. Deliberatelyambiguousor vague. 4. Of dubiouscharacter. equivocality rwttn An expressionor term liable to more than one interpretation. equivotalness noun Tt-r"q"^lity or stateof being ambiguous. equivocate oerb l. To useevasiveor deliberatelyvaguelanguage The candidntehad to equirsocateon seoeralissueshe lcnewlinle abant. 2. To stray from truthfulnessor sincerity:By corrcealingthe facts he uas equioocating if not actwlly lying. equivocating adiectioe Deliberatelyambiguousor vague. eqUlVOCatlOn nuun 1. The useor an instanceof equivocallanguage:a speechf"U of equhsocation. 2. An expresion or term liable to more than one interpretation. 3. Plausiblebut invalid reasoning. equivoke rwnn equivoque alsoequivoke rwrrn 1. An expressionor term liable to more than one interpretation. 2. The useor an instanceof equivocallanguage. gfa rwnn A particular time notablefor its distinctive characterisUcs. eradicate oerb l. To get rid of, banishmentor execution. 2. To destroyall tracesof. eradication noun 1. The act or processof eliminating. 2. Utter destruction. erase perb 1. To removeor invalidateby or as if by running a line through or wiping clean. 2. To destroyall tracesof. 3. Slang.To take the life of (a personor persons) unlawfully. efasUfe rwun The act of erasing or the condition of being erased: the eftLsure of his lunrw from the roster. ereGt adiectioe Directed or pointed upward: erect posture; a frighterwd mt's erect hair.
332 Syns;equality,par, parity, sameness. snnequivalence. EeuAL adiectiae. LIKE2.
l. eunrcuous. 2. euucuous. 3. nvasrvn. 4. sneov. AMBIGUITY.
1. Syns; hedge, pussyfoot (Slnng), shuffie, tergiversate, waffie (Informal), weasel. -Idioms beat about (or around the ) bush, mince words. 2. Syns: pdter, prevaricate.
1. Syns; ambiguity, equivoque (also equivoke), tergiversation. 2. eMsrcurry. 3. r'ar-recy. sne equivoque. l. evsrcurrY. 2. nguwocATroN. aGErwun.
1. nlrnlrwerB. 2. aNr.rrHrlerr. l. nr.rurNarrox. 2. aNNnur-ATroN. 1. ceNcnr,. 2. aNNIrur,ern. 3. vunonn ,-erb.
Syns; cancellation, deletion, effacement, expunction, obliteration. Syns: raised, upraised, upright, upstanding.
333 erect Derb l. To raiseupright: We erectedthe Christnas tree and. it. d,ecorated 2. To make or form (a structure). ereCtor nau,n A personor businessthat makesor builds something. eristic adiecthse Given to arguing. erode oerb To consumegadually,asby chemicalreaction,friction,etc. erotic adiectiae 1. Of, concerning or promotingsexuallove or desire: erotic art. 2. Feelingor devotedto sexuallove or desire:a highlg eroticnature. eroticism rwrrn Sexualhunger. eff oerb 1. To makean error or mistake:mr.nthaoeened uhile add,ingu,pthe bill. 2. To turn awayfrom a prescribedcourseof action or conduct. errable adiecttuse Liable to err. effand nultn An assignmentone is sent to carry out. errant adiectioe l. Travelingabout, searchof adventure:a Iofight emarfi. 2. Strayingfrom a proper courseor standard:Enant prylls are no longeruhipped but are put to rernedinl work. 3. Liable to err. erratic adiectioe l. Without a fixed or regularcourse:the enatic of a lnst animal. morsernents 2. Following no predictablepattern. 3. Deviatirg from the customary. effatum noun An act or thought that unintentionally deviatesfrom what is correct, right, or true. erring adiectioe Strapng from a proper courseor standard. errOneOuS adiectioe 1. Containingan error or errors: enorwousinformation.
2. Devoid of truth. effOneOUSneSS noun An erroneous or false idea. nDun effof l. An act or thought that unintentionally deviates from what is correct, right, or true: on enor in ln$c; a printer's enor. 2. An erroneous or false idea. 3. A wrong calculation. adiectioe errorfess Having no errors.
1. Syns; pitch, put up, raise, rearz, set up, upraise, uprear. 2. surlo. BUILDER. ANGUMENTATIVE.
strn oerb. 1. Syns; amative, amatory, Eunorous, aphrodisiac, sexual, rexy (Slang). 2. Syns: iunorous, concupiscent, horny (Slnng), libidinous, lusdul, passionate, prurient, sexy (Slnng). DESIRE |IOII,II.
l. Syns; miscue,mistake,slip, slip up (Inforrrnl), stumble,turp.-ldiom prudl a boner. 2. onvtl,lrn oerb.
1. Syns; itinerant, roaming, roving wandering. 2. Syns:aberrant,deviating,erring. 3. rer-r-rsr-n. 1. Syns; devious,stray,wandering. 2. cernrcrous. 3. eccevrnrc ad;iectioe. ERROR.
l. Syns; fallacious, false, inaccurate, incorrect, mistaken, off, unsound, untrue, wrong. -ldionts all wet, in error, off base, off (or wide of ) the mark, off the track. 2. rer-sB. FALLACY.
1. Syns: erratum, lapse, miscue, misstep, mistake, slip, slip-up (tnfomm.l), trip. 2. 3. urscer-cur-ATroN. ACCURATE.
ersatz ersatz adiectioe Fraudulently or deceptively imitative. ersatz rruun An inferior substitute imitating an original. erstwhile adiecthn Having been such previously. erstwhile adoerb Archab. At a time in the past. efuGt oerb To send forth (confined matter) violently. erudite adiectioe Having or showing profound knowledge and scholarship. erudition rwun Known facts, ideas, and skill that have been imparted. efUpt t:rcrb 1. To send forth (confined matter) violently: The geyser entpts steam periadically. 2. To become manifest suddenly and in full force. eruptiOn noun l. The act of emerging violently from limits or restraints: the eruption, of Inn and ash from a wlcarn. 2. A zudden, violent expression,as of emotion.
escalate oerb To become geater in number, amount, or intensity. esGape oerb l. To break loose and leave suddenly, as from confinement or from a difficult or threatening sifuation: escaped frorn a prison cell.
2, To keep away from. 3. To fail to be fixed by the mind, memory, or senses: His rwme escapes me at the mrnwnt. escape fwun 1. The act or an instance of escaping, as from confinement or difficulty: The thief made his escape by crataling thrwgh an air-conditioning duct. 2. The act, an instance, or a means of avoiding; Bankruptcy seemed the only escapefrom hls creditors. 3. Freedom from worry, care, or unpleasantness: The mouie is suitable for those seeking lighthearted escape. escaped adiectioe Fleeing or having fled, as from home, confinement, captivity, justice, etc. e3Capee noun One who flees, as from home, confinement, captivity, justice, etc.
334 couNrERFEn
COPY fWlTN. rmn
1,. Syns; belch, disgorge, eject, eruct, expel, extravasate(GeoL), spew. 2. snner our. l. Syns; explosion, outbreak, outburst.
2. ournrrnsr. ntsn oerb. l. Syns; abscond, absquatulate (Slnng), break out, bunk3 (Brit.), decamp, flee, fly, get away, run away, slop. -ldi,onx cut and run, do a bunk (Brit.), fly the coop, give the slip, slip the cable, take flight, take it on the lam. 2. evoro. 3. Syns; elude, slip away (from).
1. Syns; break, breakout, decampment, escapement, flight, getaway, slip (Slang). 2. Syns: avoidance, elusion (Rare), evasion. 3. Syns; forgetfulness, oblivion.
esGapement rrrun The act or an instance of escaping, as from confinement or difficulty. eschew aerb To keep away from. eSCOrt oerb l. To be with or go with (another). 2. To show the way to. escufent adiectioe Fit to be eaten.
l. eccorvrparw. 2. cvron oerb.
335 esculent noun Something fit to be eaten. adiectioe esoteric Beyond the understanding of an average mind. adiectiue especial Of, relating to, or intended for a distinctive thing or goup. . eSpOUSal noun 1. A ready taki"g up of something. 2. The act or condition of being pledged to marry. 3. The act or ceremony by which two people become husband and wife. eSpOUse aerb 1. To take, as another's idea, and make one's own. 2. To join or be joined in marriage. nutn esprit l. A strong sense of enthusiasm and dedication to a common goal that unites a group. 2. A lively, emphatic, eager quallty or manner.
otnY adiectioe. SPECIAL.
1 .ADOPTION. 2. 3. WEDDING. l.
esprit de corps rwun A strong sense of enthusiasm and dedication to a common goal that unites a group. espy oerb 1. To perceive, esp. barely or fleetingly. 2. To perceive with a special effort of the sensesor the mind. eSsay noun 1. A relatively brief discourse written esp. iN an exercise. 2. An earnest try. 3. An effort to do or make something. 4. A procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality. essay oerb 1. To make an attempt to do or make. 2. To subject to a procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other qualrt-y. eSSenGe rmun l. A basic trait or set of traits that define and establish the character of something: Free enterprise is the essence of capitali.srn, 2. The most central and material part.
l. ctrcle oerb. 2. Norrcn oerb.
1. couposrrroN. 2. rrronr. 3. errerr,rpr nutrn. 4. rssr twu,n.
l . trrevrr"r oerb. oerb.
2 . rssr
l. Syns: being, essentia, essentiality, nature, pith, quintessence, quintessential, texture. 2. nnanr.
essentia nDun A basic trait or set of traits that define and establish the character of something. essential adiectioe 1. Constituting or forming part of the essenceof something: We harse m"eat and the other essential ingredients for beef stew. 2. Incapable of being dispensed vmth: Fresh oegetables are essentinl to good nutrition. 3. Of or being an irreducible element. essential naun 1. A fundamental, irreducible constituent of a whole. 2. Something indispensable.
1, Syns; basic, constitutional, constifutive, fundamental, integral, vital. 2. Syns: imperative, indispensable, necessa4/,necessitous,required, requisite. 3. sLnMnNTer.. 1. er-rnrnNt. 2. corvortroN rwun.
essentiality noun A basic trait or set of traits that define and establish the character of something. essentially adoerb In regard to the essenceof a matter: Essentially uhat
Syns; basically, fundamentally. -Idiont
establish the bargain hunter wants is sonwthing for rwthing.
establish oerb l. To place securely in a position or condition: lt took thne to establish hhnself socinlly in the community. 2. To bring into existence formally. 3. To cause to be by official action. 4. To put in force by legal authority: a bill establishing ixnport qtntas on certain cl.assesof gooils. 5. To establish as true or genuine. 6. To take or serve as the basis for.
establishment runtn 1. A commercialorganization. 2. The act of founding or establishing. -adiectioe estabfishmentarian Conformingto establishedpractice or standards. estate noun l. Something,as land and assets,legally possessed. 2. Lau. Usu.extensivereal estate. esteem naun A fe_eling of deference,approval,and liking: a professor held in greatesteem. esteem aerb l. To have a high opinion of. 2. To look upon in a particular way. 9-.Tg recognizethe worth, quality, importance,etc., of. esthetic oiiectirse estimable a.diectioe l. Deservingadmiration. 2-.Deservinghonor or respect. estimate oerb l. To makea judgmentas to the worth or value of: Hou do yu.t estimatethat nutn'sabilitles? 2. To calculateapproximately:Policeestimatedthe c-rowdat sir thunand. estimate noun 1. The act or result of judging the worth or value of somethingor someone:a conectestimateof the enany s resufices. 2. A rough or tentativecalculation:The contractorgaoe us an estimateof the cost of the work. estimation noun 1. The act or result of judging the worth or value of somethingor someone. 2. A rough or tentativecalculation. 3. A feeling of deference,approval,and likirg. estrange oerb To make distant,hostile,or unsympathetic:They uere oncefriends, but political difererrcesestrangedthern. estrangement noun 1. The act of estrangingor the condition of being estranged:a critical attitude that causedtheir permarlentestrangement. 2. An interruption in friendly relaUons. estrus alsooestrus n{ntn A regular period of sexualexcitementin female mammals. etceteras rwun Articles too small or numerousto be specffied.
336 at bottom, at heart, au fond (French), n essence. 1. Syns; ensconce,fix, install, seat, settle. 2. rouvo. 3. nlracr. 4. Syns: constitute, enact, promulgate. 5. pnoyr. 6. srsnr Derb. 1. coupeNy noun. 2. rouNoeuoN. CONVENTIONAL.
1. uor,orwc(s). 2. r,elu rwun. Syns: account, admiration, appreciation, consideration, estimation, favor, honor, regard, respect. 1. apumr. 2. nnctno aerb. 3. appnrcrern. sEEaesthetic.
fl"Hff# 1 . Syns; appraise, assay,assess,calculate, evaluate, gauge (also gage), judge, rater, size up (Informal), valuate, value. -Idiom take the measure of. 2 . Syns; approximate, call, place, put, reckon, setl. l . Syns; appraisal, appraisement, assessment,estimation, evaluation, judgment, valuation. Syns; approximation, estimation.
l. nsrrllerr. noun. 2. nsrrueru noun. 3. rsrsnM noun. Syns: alienate, disaffect, disunite. -ldiom set at odds. l. Syns; alienation, disaffection.
2. snrecH rwun. }IELT
337 etch oerb 1. To cut (a designor inscription)into a hard surface, esp.for printing. 2. To producea deep impressionon. eternal adiectioe os an l. Without beginningor end: God i"scon'ceioed being. etemal,changel.ess 2. Enduringfor all time. 3. ExisUngunchangedforever. 4. Existingor occurringwithout interruption or end. eternality rnun The quality or stateof havingno end. eternalize oerb To causeto last endlessly. eternalness noun The quality or stateof having no end. eterne adiectiue l. Archaic. Existingunchangedforever. 2. Archaic. Enduring for all time. eternity rwun 1. The totality of time without beginningor end: Af dpath ue are lnunched back into etemity. 2. The quality or stateof havingno end. 3. A long time. 4. Endlesslife after death. eternize oerb To causeto last endlessly. ethereal adiectioe So tight and insubstantialas to resembleair or a thin film. ethic rwu.n A principle of right or good conduct or a body of such principles: the Protestantethic. ' ethicaf adiectirse In accordancewith principlesof right or good conduct: Taking credit for someorwelse'swork is rwt ethical. ethicalness rwun The moral quality of a courseof action. ethics nou,n The moral quality of a courseof action: I questionthe ethics of reoiewinga performanceroithou,tattending it. ethos noun The thought processescharacteristicof an individual or goup. etiolate oerb To lose normal colorafion;turn pale. etiquette noun Sociallycorrect behavior. eulogize oerb To honor (God) in religiousworship. euphonic adiecthse Resemblingor having the effect of music,esp.pleasing music. euphonious adiectioe Resemblingor havingthe effect of music,esp.pleasing
euphoria rwun l.High spirits. 2. Psgchintry. An exaggerated feeling of well-being and pleasure. adiectioe evacuant Of, relating to, or tending to eliminate.
l. sNcnevE. 2. pxcnevr. 1. Syns; illimitable, infinite, sempiternal. 2. nr.ror-pss. 3. a.cnr-nss. 4. counNuer-. ENDLESSNESS.
1. ecnr.nss. 2. rrvor.Bss. 1. Syns.' forever, foreverness, infinity, sempiternity. 2. rrvor-rssNrss. 3. ncr naun. 4. ruuonrer.rrv. IMMORTALIZE. FILMY.
Syns:morality, morals,mores. Syns:moral, principled, proper, rig[rt, rig[teous, right-minded. ETHICS.
Syns: ethicalness, propriety, righteousness, rightness. PSYCHOLOCY.
plu-n oerb. MANNERS.
pnxsn oerb. MELODIOUS.
1. nr.erroN. 2. nr,enoN.
evacuate eVaGUate Derb 1. To removethe contentsof. 2. To discharge(wastesor foreign substances) from the
l. nvrpryoerb. 2. nr,rlrrNnrr.
eVacuation rwrut The act or process of discharging bodily wastes or foreign substances. evacuatave adiectioe Of, relating to, or tending to eliminate. evade aerb l. To avoid fulfilling or answering completely: The mayor neatly et:od,edquestions about the scandnl. 2. To keep away from. 3. To get away from (a pursuer). evaluate aerb To make a 'noun iudgment as to the worth or value of.
evafuation Theact or resultof judgingthe worthor valueof something.or someone. eVanesGe aerb To pass out of sight either gradually or suddenly. evanesGenGe rwun The act or an example of passing out of sight. evanesCent adiectirse I-rtitrg or existing only for a short time. evangefical adiectioe Of missionaries or their work.
evangelisl rwun A person doing religious or charitable work in a foreign country. evangelize aerb To deliver (a sermon or sermons), esp. as a vocation. evanish oerb To p?s out of sight either gadually or suddenly.
1. Syns: dodge, duck, sidestep. 2. avom. 3. r-osn. nsrtv.lrrn aerb. ESTIMATE
MrssroNARY adiectioe.
evanishment noun The act or an example of passing out of sight. evanition twun The act or an example of passing out of sight.
evapOrate aerb l. To pass off as vapor, esp. due to being heated: The scaLd.edmilk began to eaaporate. 2. To pass out of sight either gadually or suddenly. evapOratiOn naun The act or an example of passing out of sight. evasiOn rroun The act, an instance, or a means of avoiding. evasive adiectioe 1. Characterized by or exhibiting evasion: timid, etsasioeanimals. 2. Deliberately ambiguous or vague: His ersasirse arrswer to the question led u to belieoe he had sonwthing to hide. gVe rroun Poetic. The period between afternoon and nighttime. evenr udieciiae l. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations: eoen boards. Ioory has a hard, eaen surface. 2. On the same plane or line: The top of the boy's head uns eoen uith his father's chin. 3. Having no variationsi an eom rate of speed. 4. Not easily excited, ev(:;t under pressure.
1. Syns; boil away, vaporize, volatilize. 2. nrsappeen. DISAPPEARANCE. ESCAPE NAUN.
l. Syns; elusive,slipperv. 2. Syns: equivocal, equivocating hedging, pussy{ooting (Slang), shifty.
1. Syns; flat, flush, level, planate, plane, smooth, straight. 2. Syns: flush, level. 3. Syns; constant, equable, regular, steady, unchanging, uniform, unvarying. 4. coor- adiectirse.
339 5. Agreeing exactly in value, quantity, or effect. 6. Just to all parties. 7. Owing or being owed nothing: Pay me back and, we'll be eoen. 8. Being an exact amount or number: on eaen dollm. 9. Neither favorable nor unfavorable. even oerb l. To make even, smooth, or level: eoened the ground' usith a bulldozer. 2. To make equal. even adnerb 1, To a more extreme degree: an eaen uorce cond'ition. 2. At the very tjrne: Eoen rww he persists in a wicidnl course. 3. Not just this but also: unha.ppy, euen ueeping; a hanible, eDen unapeakabb act. 4. In the sarne manner: He can study hard eoen as his ,cl.assrnntesdo. evEh2 rwun /Archaic. The period between afternoon and nighttime. adiectirse evenhanded ]ust to all partiei. rwun eVenlng The period between afternoon and nighttime: usually eat dinner at setsenin the eoening. twun eVent l. Something signfficant that happens: The chief eoent of the year for Efum ues a trip to Chhw and,lapan. 2. Something that happens. 3. Something brought about by a cause. 4. Something having real, demonstrable existence. adiectioe even-tempered Not easily excited, even under pressure.
5. rquer, adiecthse. 6. rguer. adiectioe. 7. Syns: quit, square. 8. Syns; exact, square. -ldiiln nose. 9. ram ad,iectiae.
on the
l. Syns; flatten, fush, level, plane, smooth. 2. nquN.rzn. 1. Syns; still, yet. 2. Syn: already. 3. Syns; indeed, truly, verily. *ldiom not to mention. 4. Syns: exactly, just, precisely. -Idiom as well. EVENING.
EeuAL ad;iectioe. Syns; dusk, eve (Poetic), even2 (Archaic), eventide (Poetic), gloaming (Poetic), nightfall, twilight, vesper (Archaic). 1. Syns; circumstance, development, episode, happening, incident, news, occasion, occurrence, thing. 2. crncuusrANcE. 3. nrrncr rwun. 4, recr. coor a.diectioe.
eventide nuun Poetic. The period between afternoon and nighttime. adiecth;e eventual Capable of being but not yet in existence.
eveniualitY tw,it Something that may occur or be done. adiectine everf asting l. Existing or occurring without interruption or end. 2. Enduring for all time. nou,n everlastingness l. The quatrty or state of having no end. 2. Endless life after death. adiectirse everyday 1. Of or suitable for ordinary days or routine occasions: an eoeryday suit; eoeryday chores. 2. Occurring quite often. oerb evict To put out by force.
1. corr"lrvuer-. 2. rNor,nss. l. rrvor,nssr.rnss. 2. ruuonrer-rrv. 1. Syns; commonplace, mundane, prosaic, quotidian, workaday, workday. 2. coMMor.radiectioe. EJECT.
eviction rwun The act of ejecting or the state of being ejected. nyun evidence l. That which confirms. 2. Something visible or evident that gives gounds for believing in the existence or presence of something else. evidence oerb To make manifest or apparent.
l. corvrrnuATroN. 2. srcx noun.
ssow oerb.
evident evident adiectioe Readily seen, perceived, or understood. evidently ad,ierb On the surface. evil adiectiae 1. Morally objectionable: repented of his eail deeds,
2. Causing harm or injury. 3. Extremely unpleasant to the sensesor feelings. 4. Bringing, predicting, or characterized by misfortune. 5. Characterized by intense ill will or spite. evil rwun l. That which is morally bad or objectionable: a aillnin whose heart is blnckened uith eoil. 2. Whatever is destructive or harmhl: The reconstnrctian of the bumed city shousedthat good can conte mt of eoil. 3. A cause of suffering or harm. 4. A wicked act.
evifdoing nuun A wicked act. evince aerb To make manifest or apparent. evocative adiecthse Tending to bring something, as a memory, mood, or image, subtly or indirectly to mind. evokd terb' To call forth or bring out (something latent, hidden, or unexpressed): a cloum whose wry face ahoays er:okes Iaughter and applnwe. rwun evof ution 1. A progression from a simple form to a more complex one. 2. A calculated change in position. evolve oerb 1. To be disclosed gradually. 2. To disclosebit by bit. 3. To arrive at through reasoning. evofvement rrcrun A progression from a simple form to a more complex one. evulse aerb To remove from a fixed position. exact adiectioe 1. Conforming to fact. 2. Not deviating from correctness,accuracy, or completeness. 3. Being an exact amount or number. 4. Strictly distinguished from others. 5. Conforming completely to establishedrule. exact aerb 1. To ask for urgently or insistently. 2. To obtain by coercion or intimidation. 3. To establish and apply as compulsory. a"diectioe exacting 1. Imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. 2. Rigorous and unsparing in treating others. 3. Requiring great effort. 4. Yery difficult to please. exaGtiOn rwrrn l. The act of demanding.
1. Syns; bad, black, immoral, iniquitous, nefarious, peccant, reprobate, sinful, vicious, wicked, wrong. 2. Henupur,. 3. oprrNsrvn adiectiae. 4. neo adiectit;e. 5. uer,nvor,ENT.
wickedness, wrong.
sttow aerb. SUGGESTI\/E.
Syns; draw, educe, elicit.
2. MovEMENT. 1.. ornelop.
2. nr.enonern oerb. 3. onnrun.
puw oerb. 1. eccunern. 2. cr
eunonNsoME. snvenn. onuarvonc. Nrce.
l. onl
nvo noun.
341 2. A fixed amount of money charged for a privilege or service.
2. ror-rr.
exactitude rwun 1. Freedom from error. 2. Correspondence with fact or truth. adnerb exactly 1. Without the slightest deviaUon in any respect. 2. In the same manner.
1. accunecv. 2. venecrrv. 1. pnncrsnr,v. 2. nvnur adnerb.
exactness rmun 1. Freedom from error. 2. Correspondence with fact or truth. aerb exaggerate To make (something) seem greater than is actually the case: Some anglers tend to exaggerate the si'z,eof the fish they catch.
1. eccunecv. 2. vnnecrrv. Syns; hyperbolize, inflate, magnify, overcharge, overstate, stretch. -Idionu blow up out of proportion, lay it on thick, stretch the truth.
exaggeration rwun The act or an instance of exaggerating: The tabloid headlirw "World War Imminent" tumed utt to be a gross exaggeration. exalt oerb 1. To raise to a high position or status: best sell,ersthat exalt physical fitness as a aile-all for modem ills. 2. 3. 4. 5.
To To To To
cause to be eminent or recognized. raise the spirits of. pay tribute or homage to. honor (God) in religious worship.
Syns; hyperbole, hyperbolism, magnifi cation, overstatement. -ldiorn talk.
1. Syns; aggrandize, apotheosize, dignify, elevate, ennoble, glonfy, magnify, uplift. -Idimn put on a pedestal. 2. orsrrxcurss. 3. r;-l^Tn Derb. 4. noNon oarb. 5. pnersr oerb.
exaltation rwun 1. The act of raising to a high position or status or the condition of being so raised: the exaltatiort of materialimt. 2. Htgh spirits. 3. Psychiatry. Ln exaggerated feeling of well-being and pleasure. 4. The honoring of God, as in worship. adiectiae exafted 1. Raised to or occupying a high posiUon or rank: dnred rwt hope to see such on exalted persorutgeo's the queen herself. 2. Exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style. 3. Very broad and noble in character, scope, or grasp. 4. Feeling great delight and joy. noun exam L. Infonnal. A set of questions or exercises designed to determine knowledge or skill. 2. lnformnl. A medical inquiry into a patient's state of health.
1. Syns; aggrandizement, apotheosis, dignification, elevation, glorifi cation, sublimation. 2. nr-errox. 3. sr,erroN. 4. pnersn rwun. 1. Syns; august, elevated, gand, highranking, lofty, sublime. 2. rr-nverno. 3. cnervo. 4. rr,eruo. 1. rnsr nriun. 2. Bxeurwerrox.
examination rwun l. The act of examining carefully: A close emmination of the knife reoealed traces of human blood. 2. A close or systematic study. 3. A set of questions or exercises designed to determine knowledge or skill. 4. A medical inquiry into a patient's state of health: uent for an e7e examination. oerb examine 1. To look at carefully or critically: An expert examined the handnriting and declnred it a forgery.
2. To study closely or systematically.
1. Syns; check, checkup, inspection, perusal, scrutiny, sfudy. 2. eNer,vsrs. 3. rnsr rnun. 4. Syns: checkup, exam (Infomwl).
1. Syns; case (Slang), check, con, go over, inspect, peruse, scrutinize, sfudy, snrvey, traverse, view. -ldimn glve a going over. 2. aNer-vzp.
example 3. To put a questionto (someone). 4. To subjectto a test of knowledgeor skill. 5. To subjectto a procedurethat ascertains effectiveness, value,proper function, or other quality. examPle noun
3. esx. 4. rnsr uerb. 5. rnsr aerb.
l. One that is representative of a group or class: Hungary is an example of a lnndlocked nation. 2. One that is worthy of imitation or duplication. 3. An instance that warns or discourages prospective imitators: Let this punishment be an example to all shoplifters. 4. A closely similar case in existence or in the past. example oerb To demonstrate and clarify with examples. exasperate oerb To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated vexations.
l. Syns; case, illustration, instance, representative,sample, specimen. 2. naooer,naun. 3. Syns; caution, lesson,warninq.
4. pnncnonNr. rr.lSralJCn Oerb.
exasperation nuun The feeling of being annoyed. exGavate oerb l. To break, furn over, or remove (earth, sand, etc.) with or as if with a tool. 2. To make by digging. exGeed oerb 1. To go beyond the limits of: In sending the pupil honw the teather exceeded his authority. 2. To be greater or better than. excel oerb To be greater or better than. excellence rwun l. The quality of being exceptionally good of its kind: her excelbrrce at both the dalin and the keyboard. 2. A special feature or quality that confers superiority. excef fent adiectioe Exceptionally good of its kind: an excellent portrait, shouing her iust as she is; excellent wines.
except xerb l. To keep from being admitted, included, or considered. 2. To expless opposition by argument. exception-able idiectit:e Arousing disapproval. exceptional adiectioe 1. Far above others in quality or excellence. 2. Far beyond what is usual, normal, or customary. excePtionally adoerb l. In a manner or to a degree that is unusual. 2. To a high degee. eXCeSS rroun l. A condition of going or being beyond what is needed, desired, or appropriate: baggage in excess of the ueight limit; an excess of qulified iob arylicants. 2. An amount or quantity beyond what is needed, desired, or appropriate.
;":,; 2. otc rcrb. 1. Syns: overreach, overrun, overstep, surpass. 2. sunpess. SURPASS,
1. Syns: fineness,superbness,superiority. 2. vrnrur. Syns; A-one (Informal), banner, blueribbon, boss (Slang), brag, bully (Informal), capital, champion, dandy (Inforrnal), fi ner, fi rst-class, fi rst-rate, great, prime, quality, sovereign, splendid, super (Slang), superb, superior, swell (lnfonnal), terrific (Informal), tiptop, top. topflight, topnotch (Informal). l. Excruon. 2. on1ncr2. OBJECTTONABLE. l. oursreNnrNc. 2. nene. 1. urvusuer,r,y. 2. vrny adoerb. 1. Syns: embarrassment, excessiveness, overabundance, plethora, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus. 2. sunprus rroun.
343 3. Immoderate indulgence, as in food or drink: uamed bg his doctor to aooid ex,cess. excess adiectioe Being more than is needed, desired, or appropriate. adiecthte excessive Exceeding a normal or reasonable limit: excessiaetaxes; an excessioeamount of salt.
3. Syns; intemperance,overindulgence.
Syns; exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, overrnuch, undue. -Idions out of all bounds, out of sight.
excessiveness nuun A condition of goingor being beyond what is needed, desired,or appropriate. exchange oerb 1. To give and receive: The delegatesexchangedidnas at an infonnal dinner. 2. To glve up in return for somethingelse. exchange rwun The act of exchangingor substituting. excite oerb l. To stir to action or feeling. 2. To elicit a strongemotionalresponsefrom. excited adiecthse Feelinga very strongemotion. excitement rruun Intensity of feeling or reaction. exclaim oerb To speaksuddenlyor shalply,as from surpriseor emotion: "Watch out!" she exclaimed.
1. Syns;bandy, interchange. 2. cnnvcn oerb. CHANGE ftoun.
1. pnovoxn. 2. rxsprnr. THRILLED.
Syns,'blurt (out), cry, ejaculate, rap out.
exclamation noun A sudden, sharp utterance: an exclnmntion of astonishment. Syns; blurt, ejaculation, outcry. exclude uerb To keep from being admitted,included, or considered: Syns: bar, count out, debar, eliminate, except, keep out, rule out. a club that excludedcertainpeoplefrorn membership.
excf usive adiecthse 1. Not divided amongor sharedwith others:exclusioe publishing righx; yu.r erchnioe function. 2. Not diffusedor dispersed. 3. Singledout in preference.
4. Catering
to, used by, or admitting only the wealthy or socially superior: an exchnioe hotel; an exchnhse
excogitate oerb 1. To thinkaboutseriously. 2. To arrive at through reasoning.
1. Syns; single, sole. 2, coNcnvrnATED. 3. srr-rcr adiectirse. 4. Syns: fancy, posh (Infornwl), ritzy (Slang), swank (aho swanlcy).
1. coxsmrn. 2. ornrys.
excoriate oerb l- To make (the skin) raw by or as if by friction. 2. To criticize harshly and devastatingly.
1. cneru. 2. sr-*r oerb.
exconicate oerb To removethe skin of. exGrete oerb To discharge(wastesor foreign substances)from the bodv. excreiion naun The act or processof dischargingbodily wastesor foreign substances. excretory adiectioe Of, relating to, or tending to eliminate. excruciate oerb To bring great harm or su-fferingto. excruciating adiectioe Extraordinarily painful or distressing. exculpate oerb 1. To free from a charge or imputation of guilt.
sxtN oerb. ELIMINATE.
l. crntn oerb.
exculpation ^!o 2. forgiveness for a fault, offense, or injury. g*t exGUlpatlOn nuun The act or an instance of forgiving. eXGUrSe wrb To hrrn aside from the main subject in wriUng or qpeaking. eXCUfSlOn lwrun 1. An instance of digessing. 2. A fttlng out or venturing forth. eXCUfSlOnlSt rroun One who travels for pleasure. excuflsive ad.iectioe Marked by or given to digression. eXCUfSUS lwttrr An instance of digressing. excusable adiecthse l. Admitting of forgiveness or pardon. 2. Capable of being justified. eXCUSe oerb l. To free from an obligation or duty: The teacher exaned the sick boy frorn the day's rennining cl.asses. 2. To grant forgiveness for a fault, offense, or injury. 3. To show to be just, right, or valid. excuse ftoun l. An explanation offered to jusUfy an action or make it better understood: rued a prior engagement as an qra6e to baw early. 2. A statement of acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon. eXeC rwun Infornnl. A person having administrative or managerial authoritf in an organization. execrabl6 o.diectioe So annoying or detestable as to deserve condemnaUon. exECrate oerb l. To use profane or obscene language. 2. Archaic. To invoke evil or injury upon. 3. To -regard with extreme dislike and hosUlity. exeGratiOn nDrrn A denunciation invoking a wish or threat of evil or i"jury. eXeCUte oerb l. To oversee the provision or execution of. 2. To carry to a successful conclusion. 3. To compel observance of. 4. To car{y out the functions, requirements, or terms of. 5. To perform according to one's artistic conception. 6. T9. b"gt and carry through to completion. eXeCUtlOn nuun l. One's artistic conception as shown by the rendering of a dramatic role, musical composiUon, etc. 2. The act of beginning and carrying through to completion. exeGutive rwun A person having administrative or managerial authority in an organization: a brash ,lung executiae in the adoertising brniness. executive adiectioe Of, for, or relating to administration or administrators. exegesiS rwrrn 1. Critical explanaUon or analysis.
2. lusrrnerr.r. l. Syns; absolve, discharge, dispense, exempt, let off, relieve, spare.
2 . FORGIVE. 3 . rusTrFr. 1. Syns; alibi (Informal), plea, pretext.
2. epor.ocy.
l . swnrn aerb.
2 . cvnsn oerb. 3 . r.ltrn aerb. CURSE
1 . ADMINISTER, 2 . nrrncr xerb. 3 . ENFORCE. 4. FULFILL. 5. INTERPRET. 6 . PERFORM. l.
Syns; administrant, administrator, director, exec (Informal), manager, officer, official. ADMINISTRATIVE.
1. cotlrurxrenv.
345 2. Something that serves to explain or clarify. exegetic ad;iectiae Serving to explain. naun exemplar One that is worthy of imitation or duplication.
2. expr-enerron.
exemplary adiectioe 1. Beyond reproach: has lioed an exemplnr7 ltfe.
2. Conforming to an ultimate form of perfection or excellence.
1. Syns: blameless, good, lily-white, irreprehensible, irreproachable, unblamable. 2. roner- adiectioe.
exemplify oerb 1. To serve as the image of. 2. To demonstrate and clarify with examples.
1. nnpnpsnvr. 2. rr.rsrANcnoerb.
exempt oerb To free from an obligation or duty. rwtrn exercise l. The act of putting into play: Confonnity is stifingto any free erercise of intellect. 2. Energetic physical action. 3. Repetition of an action so as to develop or maintain one's skill. exercise oerb 1. To put into action or use. 2. To bring to bear steadily or forcefully: exercised a strong influence on his generation. 3. To subject to forms of exertion in order to train, strengthen, or condition: He exercised eDery mnming at a l.ocal gym. The teacher erercised the child. by assigning extra probbms. 4. To carry out the functions, requirements, or terms of.
nxcvsn oerb. 1. Syns; application, employment, exertion, operation, play, usage, use. 2. ecrrvrrv. 3. pnecrrcg rwun.
l. vsn oerb. 2. Syns:exert,ply, put out, throw, wield. 3. Syns; drill, practice,work out.
4. rur-rrr-r..
exercising noun Energetic physical action.
exert oerb To bringto bearsteadilyor forcefully. exertion twun 1. Energetic physical action. 2. The use of energy to do something. 3. The act of putting into play. rwun exhalation Air breathed out, evidenced by vapor, odor, or heat. oerb exhale To expel air in the process of respiration. oerb exhaust l. To use all of: Faced with the heaay expensesof city life, he soon had exhausted his marcy. 2. To lessen or weaken severely, as by removing something essential. 3. To make extremely tired: The lnng doV of work in the fields exharnted us.
4. To be depleted. adiectirse exhausted Extremely tired: exhausted after a lnng day at the
rxpncrsB oerb. 1. ecuurx. 2. nrponr.
::::"Er'01'n BREATHE.
L. Syns: consume, drain, eat up, finish, play out, polish ofr (lnfonnnl), run through, spend, use up. 2. onpr-ern. 3. Syns; bush (S/ong), do in (Slang), fag (out) (Slang), gruel, knock out (Informal), poop (out) (Slnng), tire out, tucker (Informal), wear out. -Idiont run ragged, take it out of. 4. co oerb. Syns; all in (Informal),beat (Inforntal), bleary, bushed (Slang), dead (Informal), dog-tired, done in (Slnng), drained, fagged (out) (Slang), faUgued, pooped (out) (Slang), tired out, tuckered (out)
346 (Informal), wearied, weariful, weary, worn, worn-down, worn-out. -Idioms in, ready to drop.
exhausting a.diectirse Causinq fatinre. exhaustion "*n
The condition of being extremely tired: lnbored to exluustion.
exhaustive adiecthn Covering all aspects with -adaerb exhaustively
painstaking accuracy.
In a complete manner. exhibit oerb l. To make manifest or apparent. 2. To be endowed with as a visible characteristic or form. 3. To make a public and usu. ostentatious show of. exhibit lroun 1. An act of showing or displaying. public drsplay, as of gobds, works of art, etc. ?:l.l*g" exnlOlllon rwun l. A large public display, as of goods, works of art, etc.: went to an exhibition. of ol.d prints at the frutselnn. 2. An act of showing or displaying. exhibitive adiecthse Serving to designate or indicate. exhifaranl adi-ectiae Providing inspiration.
Syns; faUgue, lassitude, tire, tiredness, weariness. THoRoucH adiectixe. COMPLETELY.
sttow oerb. BEAR.
3 . otsprny
1 . Syns; exhibit, exposition, show. 2. orspr,ey naun. DESIGNATIVE. INSPIRING.
exhilaratd irb To raise the spiriS of.
exhilarated idiecth:e"g _greatdelight and joy. exhifara-ting adiectioe Providinginspiration. '*n exhifarati6n High qpirits. exhort oerb To impel to action. exigence rwun exigency alsoexigence twun l. A conditionin which somethingnecessaryor desirableis required or wanted-. 2. A decisivepoint. 3. The condition of being in need of immediate assistance. 4. Something asked for or needed. exigent adiecthse 1. Of immediate impo.t. 2. Imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. 3. So serious as to be at the point of crisis. 4. Requiring great effort.
Brl,rn aerb. ELATED.
vacn aerb. senexigency. l. Nnro noun. CRISIS NOUN, DTSTRESS NOUN,
l. 2. 3. 4.
nunNrNc. nunorxsoME. cnrrrcer,. onuenurNc.
exiguous adiecthse Conspicuously deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent. exile rrmun l. Enforced removal from one's native countrv bv official decree: Conuicted reoolutionnries uere'gitsen the choice of itnprisonnwnt ar exile. 2. One forced to emigrate, usu. for political reasons. exile oerb To force to leave a country or place by official decree.
1. Syns; banishment, deportation, expatriation, ostracism.
347 exist oerb 1. To have being or actuality: a town that has existed sirrce the Middle Ages. 2. To have reality or life. 3. To have as an inherent basis.
expatriate 1. Syns;be, subsist. 2. sn. 3. col+srsr.
existence noun 1. The fact or state of existing: questioningthe existerrce of God; laws in existerrce for centwies. 2. The state or fact of having reality. 3. One that exists independently. 4. The period during which someone or something exists. adiectioe existent l. In existencenow. 2. Occurring or existing in act or fact. 3. Having existence or life. existent rwun One that exists independently. adiectioe existing 1. In existencenow. 2. Having existence or life. 3, Occurring or existing in act or fact. nou,n exit The act of leaving. exit oerb To move or proceed away from a place.
1. Syns; actuality,being, entity. 2. ecruer-rrv. 3. rnu.Ic. 4. r.rru. 1. pnnsnNrtadiectioe. 2. rcrvN-. 3. er.rve. THINC.
1. pnrsnnrt adiectioe. 2. N,rvn. 3. ecruar,. DEPARTURE.
co oerb,
exodus nmun 1. The act of leaving. 2. Departure from one's native land to settle in another.
exOnerate oerb To free from a charge or imputation of guilt. adiectioe exorbitant Exceeding a normal or reasonable limit. exotic adiecthse Of, from, or characteristic of another place.or part of the world. oerb expand 1. To move or arrange so as to cover a larger area. 2. To make or become geater or larger. 3. To make or become more comprehensive or inclusive. 4. To express at greater length or in greater detail. expanSe noun A wide and open area, as of land, sky, or water: crossed the oast erparlse of the prairie. expansible adiecthse Capable of being extended or expanded. expahsile adieciioe Capable of being extended or expanded. tmrn expanslOn 1. The act of increasing in dimensions, scope, or inclusiveness: the gradual westward expansion of the empire. 2. A wide and open area, as of land, sky, or water. expansive adieah:e 1. Large in expanse. 2. Covering a wide scope. 3. Disposed to be open, sociable, and talkative.
crnlrr. oerb. EXCESSIVE. FOREIGN.
1. 2. 3. 4.
spnneo wrb. ntcnrese, aerb. Brrm.m. pr,esontrn oerb.
Syns: breadth, distance, expansion, reach, space, spread, stretch, sweep. EXTENSIBLE. EXTENSIBLE.
1. Syns;amplification,enlargemenl extensio.n, spread. 2. nxpeNsn. l. snoAD. 2. cnrpner-. 3. ourcorNc.
expatiate oerb To express at greater length or in greater detail.
nr.esonern oerb.
expatriate oerb To force to leave a country or place by official decree.
expatriation expatriate rmun One forced to emigrate, usu. for political reasons. expatriation noun Enforced removal from one's native country by official decree. expeGt aerb 1. To anticipate confidently: The weatherman expects rain for the weekerd,. 2. To oblige to do or not do by force of authority, propriety, or custom. expectance noun expectanG! also expectance nuun l. The condition of looking forward to something, esp. with eagerness. 2. Something expected. expectanl adiectirse l. Having or marked by expectation: An expectant pau.sefollowed her questian. 2. Carrying a developing fetus within the uterus. expectation noun 1. Something expected: That he would succeed u;as his confident expectation. 2. The condiUon of looking forward to something, esp. with eagerness. expected adiectioe Known to be about to arrive. expecting adiectiae Carrying a developing fetus within the uterus. expe0lence rwun expedienc| also expedience nuun 1. Something used temporarily or reluctantly when other means are not available. 2. That to which one turns for help when in desperation. expediehl rwun 1. Something used temporarily or reluctantly when other means are not available. 2. That to which one turns for help when in desperation. expedient adiectioe l. Worth doing, esp. for practical reasons. 2. Suited to one's end or purpose.
expedite oerb l. To make less difficult. 2. To increase the speed of.
expedition nuun Rapidness of movement or activity.
l. Syns: anticipate, await, bargain on (or for), count on (Informnl), depend on (or upon), figure on, look for. 2. nnqumn. sEEexpectancy. l. ervrrcrpATroN. 2. nxpecrelow. l' Syns; anticipant, anticipative, anticipatory. 2. pnpcwelqr. 1. Syns; anticipation, expectancy (also expectance), prospect. 2. eNrrcrpATroN.
oun adiectioe. PRECNANT.
sEEexpediency. l. uexrsnrrr. 2. nnsonr noun.
l. nlexpsnrrr. 2. nnsonr naun.
1 .ADVISABLE. 2 . CONVENIENT. l . oerb.
2 . SPEEDuP at speed. HASTE NAUN,
expeditiousness noun Rapidness of movement or activity. expel oerb l. To force to leave a country or place by official decree. 2. To put out by force. 3. To send forth (confined matter) violently. ltuun expellee One forced to emigate, usu. for political reasons. expend oerb l. To distribute (money) as payment. 2. To be depleted. rwun expenditurQ Something expended to obtain a benefit or desired result.
1. sANrsH.
2. ryrcr. 3. rnupr. riurcnr4. l. sprxo. 2. co oerb. cosT fwun.
349 expense noun 1. Somethingexpendedto obtain a benefit or desired result. 2. A losssustainedin the accomplishmentof or as the result of something. expensive adiecthse Bringinga high price. experlenGe oerb 1. To parUcipatein or partakeof personally:erperience a changeof heart; mast experierrcea tobogganride to krnw what it is like. 2. To be physicallyawareof through the senses. 3. To undergoan emotionalreaction. experience ncru,n Personalknowledgederived from participationor observation. experienced adiectioe Skilled or knowledgeablethroughlong practice:An experiencedcarpenterneDersplinters usood. experiment rnun An operationemployedto resolvean uncertainty. experimenl oerb To engagein experiments. experimental adiecthse Constituting a tentative model for future experiment or development. experim-entation noun An operationemployedto resolvean uncertainty. expeft rruun A personwith a high degreeof knowledgeor skill in a particular field: Only an expert can detect certain art forgeries.
1. cosr rwun. 2. cosr rtaun.
1. Syns.'gothrough,have,know, meet with, prove (Archaic),see,suffer,taste, undergo.-Idiom run up against. 2. rnw- oerb. 3. pnw. oerb. ACQUATNTANCE.
Syns: old, practiced, seasoned,versed, veteran. -ldiorn knowing the ropes. TF'ST TTOUN.
rnsr oerb. Prr.or adiectioe.
Syns; ace2(lnfomtal), adept, authority, crackerjack (also crackajack) (Slnng), dab2 (Brit. Informal), master, proficient, whiz (also whizz) (Sl*rd, wizard. -Idiom past master.
expert adiecttue Having or demonstratinga high degreeof knowledge or skill: an expert mail<.vman. expertise nutn Natural or acquired facility in a specific activity. expertism noun Natural or acquired facility in a specific activity. expertness noun Natural or acquired facility in a specific activity. expiative adiectioe Servingto purify of sin. expire oerb l. To expel air in the processof respiration. 2. To ceaseliving. 3. To ceaseto exist. 4. To move toward a termination. 5. To becomevoid, esp.througlrpassageof time or an omission. explain oerb 1. To make understandable:The poet read,pausing occasiannllyto explain a rare word or obscare symbol. 2. To find a solutionfor. 3. To offer reasonsfor or a causeof. explain away oerb To show to be just, riglrt, or valid.
Syns; adept, crack, crackerjack (also crackajack ) (Slarrd, master, masterful, masterly, proficient. ABILITY.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
nnpernp. otn. orseppren. c'o oerb. r*sn oerb.
1. Syns: construe, decipher, enucleate (Archab), explicate, expound, illustrate, interpret, spell out. -Idiom put into plain English. 2. nnsonvn oerb. 3. eccouxr ron at account. JUSTTFY.
explainable explainable a.diectioe Capable of being accounted for: Her mistakes are erplainnble in terms of inexperience. explain away vrb explanation twun l. Something that serves to explain or clarify: u,vote for an explnnntion of a contplicated tax laus. 2. A statement of causesor motives. expfanatiye adiectiae Serving to explain. explanatory adiectirse Serving to explain: bsued the declaration uith sonrc explnrwtory renwrlcs. expletive noun l. A profane or obscene term. 2. Rare. Something that completes another. expf icable odiectit:e Capable of being accounted for. expl[cate tserb To make understandable. explication rwun that serves to explain or clarify. tp"tl,ting expficative adiectir;e Serving to explain. expf icat-ory adiectte Serving to explain. explicit- adieittoe Clearly, fully, and sometimes emphatically expressed. eXplOOe oerb 1. To release or cause to release eners/ suddenly and violently, esp. with a loud noise: The bornb explnded in midair. The dynamite was explnded usith an electric fiue. 2. come open or fly apart suddenly and violently, To ". from internal pressure. 3. To be or become angry. 4. To become manifest suddenly and in full force. 5. To increase or expand suddenly, rapidlv, or without control: feared that without rwtural che61uon grouth the populntion wurld explnd.e. 6. To cause to be no longer believed or valued. exploit oerb l. To put into action or use. 2. To take advantage of unfairly. 3. To control to one's own advantage by artful or indirect means. exploit naun A great or heroic deed. expfoitable a.diectiae Easily imposed on or tricked. explor-atio^n nxun The act or an instance of exploring or investigahng: the exploration of the Arcti.c; an exploration of the mentality of a criminnl. explore aerb To go into or through for the purpose of making discoveries or acquiring information: explored tie uryer A!-?"t explnring the charrcesfor a cornpromise. eXplOSlOn noun l. A violent releaseof confined energy, usu.
350 Syns: accountable, explicable. sm explain. 1. Syns: clarification, construction, elucidation, exegesis,explication, exposition, illumination, interpretation. 2. eccouwr noun. EXPLANATORY.
Syns: elucidative, exegetic, explanaUve, explicative, explicatory, expositive, expository, hermeneutic, interpretive. l. swren naun. 2. couprrMENT noun. EXPLAINABLE.
t. Syns: blast, blowr, blow up, burst, detonate, fire, fulminate, go ofi, touch off. 2. sunsr Derb. 3. aNcen oerb. 4. nnnex our. 5. Syns; mushroom, snowball.
6. orscnaorr aerb. L. vsn terb. 2. e,susEaerb. 3. ueNrpurRrp.
Syns: investigation,probe, reconnaissance.
Syns: delve (into), dig (into), inquire (a/so enquire ) (into), investigate, look into, probe, reconnoiter, scoutl, 1. sr.asr rmun.
351 accompanied by a loud sound and shock waves. 2. A sudden sharp, explosive noise. 3. A sudden, violent expression, as of emotion. 4. The act of emerging violently from limits or restraints. eXPOSe oerb 1. To lay open, as to something undesirable or injurious: Craclcs around, the winduns exposed w to a fri$d ilroft. 2. To make visible; bring to view. 3. To make bare. 4. To disclose in a breach of confidence. 5. T9 make a public and usu. ostentatious show of. eXpOSe rwun Something disclosed, esp. something not previously known or realized. adiectirse exposed 1. Without the usual covering. 2. Having no protecting or concealing cover.
2. nnponr rrcrun. 3. oursuRsr. 4. rnuerroN.
1. Syns; subject, uncover. -ldiom the door to. 2. 3. 4. 5.
nrvner,. r,l^r.nDerb. nrrnev. nsrl,tv oerb.
1. sARr adiectioe. 2. opBN ad;iectioe.
exposition noun 1. A large public display, as of goods, works of art, etc. 2. Something that serves to explain or clarify. adiecttuse expositive Serving to explain. adiectiae expository Serving to explain.
expostulate oerb by argument. opposition To express expostulation noun The act of expressing strong or reasoned opposition. eXpOSUfe nou,n The condition of being laid open to something undesirable or injuriotsi exposure to ridicule. oerb expound To make understandable. oerb express l. To give expression to, as by gestures, facial aspects, or bodily posture: a svnirk that erpressed vrwg selfsatisfacti,on; expressing indiference usith a shntg. 2. To put into words. 3. To utter publicly. 4. To convey in language or words of a particular form. 5. To extract from by applying pressure. express adiecth:e 1. Clearly, fully, and sometimes emphatically expressed. 2. Fixed and distinct from others.
1. nxnrerrroN. 2. rxpr-eN,lrroll. EXPLANATORY. EXPLANATORY.
orpcr€. oBIECTTON.
Syns; liability, openness, susceptibility, vulnerability, vulnerableness.
1. Syns; communicate, convey, display, manifest. 2. srv oerb. 3. xn oerb. 4. pl;rr.rsn oerb. 5. sqvnnze oerb. 1. nrrnvrrn. 2. spncrrrc.
expressiOn nnun l. The act or an instance of expressing in words: I/h utews found, expressian in a series of essays. 2. Something that takes the place of words in communicating a thought or feeling: squeez,edher hand, as an erpression of affection. 3. A word or group of words forming a unit and conveying meaning: used an idi.omatic erpression. 4. Vivid, effective, or persuasive communication in speech or artistic performance. 5. A disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood: Her kind,ly expression showed that we uere not to take her harsh usordstoo seriowly.
1. Syns; articulation, statement, utterance, vent, voice. 2. Syns: gesfure, indication, sign, token.
3. Syns; locution, phrase. 4. er-oqunucn. 5. Syns; aspect, cast, countenance, face, look, visage.
expressionless expressionless adiectioe Lackingexpression: the erpressionless face of the unarycoshbr. expressive adiectioe Effectively conveying meaning, feeling or mood: expressitte hands; an expressioe gesture. eXPfeSSlVeneSS noun Vivid, effective, or perzuasive communicaUon in speech or artistic oerformance.
352 Syns; blank, deadpan (Slarrg), inexpressive, pokerfaced. Syns: eloquent, meaning, meaningful, significant. ELOQUENCE.
expressivity nnun Vivid, effective, or persuasive communication in speech or artistic performance.
expropriate oerb To take quick and forcible possessionof.
expropriation ruxun The act of taking quick and forcible possessionof. eXpUnctlOn tuxun The act of erasing or the condition of being erased.
expunge aerb To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiping clean.
expurgate oerb 1. To examine (material) and remove parts considered harmful or improper for publication or transmission. 2. To free from sin, guilt, or defilement.
1. cnxson. 2. punrrv.
expurgation nuun A freeing from sin, guilt, or defilement.
expurgatorial ad,iectioe expurgatof alsoexpurgatorial adiectioe Serving to purifu of sin. 'oaititt* exquisitt l. Appealing to refined taste. 2. Of such tasteful beauty as to elicit admiration.
sEEexpurgatory. PURGATIVE.
1. nrlrcern. 2. rr,pcarvr.
exsiccate aerb To make or become free of moisture. extant adiectbe l. Having existence or life. 2. Occurring or existing in act or fact. extemporanEous adiecthse Spoken, performed, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought: oddad a feus extemporaneun rqnarlcs to his prepared speech; ertemporaneus de cisions.
extemporary ad,iectitse Spoken,performed,or composedwith little or no preparaUonor forethought. extempore ad,iectioe Spoken,performed,or composedwith little or no preparationor forethought. extemporization nDu,n Somethingimprovised. extemporize wrb To composeor recite without preparation. extend oerb l. To makeor becomemore comprehensive or inclusive:extendedthe nntion'sboundaries;extended the right to oote to irrcludnall adult citizerw. 2. To move or arrangeso as to cover a larger area. 3. To makeor becomelonger. 4. To make or becomegreateror larger. 5. To put before anotherfor acceptance. 6. To proceedon a certain courseor for a certain
onv oerb. 1. er.rvn. 2. ecruer-. Syns; adlib (Infonnal), extemporary, extempore, impromptu, improvised, offhand, off-the-cuff (Infomwl), snap, spur-of-the-moment, unrehearsed. EXTEMPORANEOUS.
1. Syns; broaden, expand, widen.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
spnnl.n oerb. r-nNcrnrN. rxcnrasn oerb. orrnn oerb. Syns; carry, go, lead, reach, run, stretch.
353 distance: The coast extends rwrthuard frorn here. Cod's lotse ertends to the smallest creafines. 7. To change or fluctuate within limits. adiecthse extended l. Having great physical length. 2. Large in expanse. 3. Co_veringa wide scope. " extendibf Q adiectitse Capable of being extended or expanded. adiectioe extensible Capable of being extended or expanded: an exterwibl.e lndder; a frog's extensible tongue. adiectioe extensile Capable of being extended or expanded. extension nurn l. The act of making something longer or the condition of being made longer: the extension of the ladder. 2. \\e act of increasing in dimensions, scope, or inclusiveness. 3. An area within which something or someone exists, acts, or has influence or power. 4. A part added to a main structure: building on exterwion to the library. adiectioe extensive 1. Large in expanse. 2. Covering a wide scope. 3. Notably above average in amount, size, or scope.
7. co oerb. 1. r.oruc' adiectiae. 2. snoAD. 3. cBNpner-. EXTENSIBLE.
Syns: expansible, expansile, extendible, extensile, stretch, stretchable. EXTENSIBLE.
1. Syns; elongation, production (Cemn.), prolongation, protraction. 2. nxpertrsroN. 3. neNcr rwun. 4. Syns: annex, arm, wing.
1. nnoeo adiecthse. 2. cnNsRAL. 3. src adiecthse.
extent noun 1. The measure of how far or long something goes in space, time, or degree: the ind,efinite extent of utter Wrce; was at fault to a considerable extent. 2. The amount of space occupied by something. 3. An area within which something or someone exists, acts, or has influence or power. 4. The quality or state of being large in amount, extent, or importance. 5. Relative intensity or amount, as of a quality or attribute.
1. Syns; length, reach, span, stretch.
2. swn.. 3. nexcp noun. 4. stzn. 5. orcnrn.
extenuate aerb 1. To conceal or make light of a fault or offense: a breach of tnnt that could, be neither for$t:en rwr extemnted. 2. Archaic. To make physically thin or thinner.
1. Syns; gloss over, gloze over, palliate, whitewash. 2. rsrN oerb.
exteriorize oerb To represent (an abstraction) in or as if in bodily form.
exterminate oerb To destroy all traces of.
extermination rwun Utter destruction.
externalize oerb To represent (an abstraction) in or as if in bodily form. adiectioe extinct 1. No longer alive. 2. No longer in use, force, or operaUon.
1 . ontn adiectioe. 2 . VANISHED.
extinction nuun 1. The act or fact of dF g. 2. Utter destruction. extinguish oerb 1. To cause to stop burning or giving light: extinguished the fire with a pail of usater; extinguished all Inrnps. 2. To bring to an end forcibly as if by imposing a heavy weight.
1 . DEATH. 2. ANNIHILATION. 1 . Syns; douse, put out, quench, snuff (out).
extinguishment 3. To destroy all traces of.
extinguishmdnt nnun l. An often formal act of putting an end to. 2. Utter destruction.
extirpate oerb To destroyall tracesof. extirpatiod noun Utter destruction. extol oerb l. To pay tribute or homageto. ?. f o honor (God) in religiousworship. extort oerb To obtain by coercionor intimidation:bullies u:ho ertort moneVand faoorsfrom mwller children. extra adiectiae 1. Beingan addition. 2. Beingmore than is needed,desired,or appropriate. extra adoerb To a high degee. extract oerb l. To collect (something)bit by bit. 2. To removefrom a fixed position. extraction twun One'sancestorsor their character. extramundane adiectitse Of, comingfrom, or relating to forcesor beingsthat existoutsidethe nahral world. extraneous adiectioe l. Not part of the essentialnature of a thing. 2. Not relevantor pertinent to the subject;not applicable. extraordinarily adoerb In a manneror to a degreethat is unusual. extraordinary adiectioe Far beyondwhat is usual,normal,or customary. extrasensory adiecthse Of, comingfrom, or relating to forcesor beingsthat exist outside the natural world. extravagalG€alsoextravagancy noun l. Excessiveor imprudent expenditure:a yrnll income that ntad.ecomfort dfficalt ond,extrarsagance irnpossible. 2. Somethingcostly and unnecessary. extravagancy nf,run extravagant adiecthse l. Characterizedby excessiveor imprudent spending: an extratsagantfellow who soonsqtnndered his forturw. 2. Exceedinga normal or reasonablelimit. 3. Given to or markedby unrestrainedabundance. enravasate oerb C,eol.To sendforth (confinedmatter) violently. extreme adiecthse l. Most distantor remote from a center: conretsuhose orbi* reach the ertrerne limits of the solnr sgstern. 2. Of the greatestor highestdegee: taking extrenu; ertreme heat. 3. Holding eqp.politicd views that deviate drastically and fundamentally from conventionalor traditional belieft: thc WtV of the ertrenw right. 4. Exceedinga normal or reasonablelimit.
3. eNunrrr,ern.
noxon oerb. pnntsn oerb. Syns; exact, gouge, shake down (Informal), squeeze, wrench, wrest, wring. l. eoorrrorqer,. 2. suprnrr.uous. vnnv adoerb. 1. cr,BaN. 2. purl- aerb. ANCESTRY. SUPERNATURAL.
1. Syns; lavishness,prodigality, profligacy, squander, waste, wastefrrlness. 2. r-uxunv. srr extravagance. 1. Syns: lavish, prodigal, profligate, spendthrift, wasteful. 2. Bxcrssvn. 3. pnorusn. ERUPT.
1. Syns; farthermost, farthest, furthermost, frrrthest, outermost, outmost, ultimate, utmost, uttermost. 2. Syns: utmost, uttermost. 3. Syns; extremist, fanatical (also fanatic), far-out (Slang), rabid, radical, revolutionary, ultra. 4. Bxcnssrvp.
355 extreme fwrrn l. Either of the two points at the endsof a spectrum or range: experierrcedthe extrernesof ioy and despair. 2. T:h; dtimate point to which an action, thought, discussion,or policy is carried. extremist rmun One who holds extremeviews or advocatesextreme measures:Extrentistsof both the left and'right opposed a moderate solutiort. extremist ad;iectioe Holding esp.political views that deviate draslcally and from conventionalor traditionalbeliefs. fundam-entally extremity twun 1. Either of the two points at the endsof a spectrum or range. 2. A highly volatile, dangeroussituation requiring immediate remedial action. extricate oerb To free from an entanglement. extrinsic adiecth;e Not part of the essentialnature of a thing. extrov-erted adiecttoe Disposedto be open,sociable,and talkative. exuberanl adiectioe 1. Full of joyful, unrestrainedhigh spryits:bright and mried colsrsthat erpressedher erubetant personality. 2.'Given to or markedby unrestrainedabundance. exude oerb To flow or leak out slowlY. exult oerb 1. To feel or expressan uplifting joy over a successor victory: The oictoriousarmy exulted in its capture of the toum. 2. To feel or take joy or Pleasure. exultance alsoexultancy nuun The act or condition of feeling an uplifting joy over a successor victorY. exultancy rwun exultant ad;iectine Feelingor expressingan uplifting ioy ov_era successor victory-: The goal postswere tom iloum by eniltant spectatorsafter the game. exultation rwun The act or condition of feeling an uplifting ioy over a successor victory: The winning cand;id,a'te's hea.dqtnrterswoafull of the es.iltation of obtory. exuviate oerb Zool. To castoff by natural Process. eye rwun 1. An organof vision: Shelms blue eges2. An act of directing the eyeson an object. 3. The act of observing often for an extendedtime. 4. Skitl in perceiving, discriminating,or judging. 5.Infonrwl. A personwhosework is investigating crimes or obtaining hidden evidence or information. 6. A length of line folded over and joined at the ends so as to form a curve or circle. 7. T\e most intenselyactive central part. eye oerb 1. To direct the eyeson an object.
l. Syns; extremity, limit.
2. r,Bucrn.
Syns; fanatic, radical, revolutionary (aho revolutionist), ultra.
1. sxrRrME nom, 2. cnlsrs.
ct nl.r. oerb. FOREIGN.
ourcotNc. 1. Syns; ebullient, effervescent, highspirited, sparkling, vivacious. 2. pnorusn. oozE. l. Syns; crow, glory, jubilate, triumph.
sEEexultance. Syns:jubilant, triumphant.
Syns; exultance(olso exultancy), jubilance,jubilation, triumph.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Syns: blinker (Slang), orb (Poetic). r,oox noun. wercn rroun. orscpnrvunirr. psrEctvE.
5. r.oop rwun, 7. rnrcx noun. l. roox oerb.
eye-catching 2. To look at or on attentively or carefully. 3. To look intently and fixedly. adiectioe eye-catching Readily attracting notice. eyefess adiectioe Without the senseof sight. rraun eye Opener Something disclosed, esp. something not previously known or realized. eygs nDrrn l. The faculty of seeing. 2. The position from which something is observed or considered.
2. wtrclr. aerb. 3. cnzn oerb. NOTTCEABLE. BLrND adiectiue. REVELATION.
eyesight naun The faculty of seeing. nuun eyewash Something that does not have or make sense.
eyewitness rwun Someonewho seessomething occur.
fabfe rwun 1. A narraUve not based on fact. 2. A tradiUonal story or tale dealing with ancestors, heroes, supernatural events, etc., that has no proven factual basis but attempts to explain beliefs, practices, or nafural phenomena. 3. An entertaining and often oral account of a real or fictitious occurrence. fabric rurun A distinctive, complex underlying pattern or strucfure.
3. vanN.
fabricate aerb l. To create by forming, combining, or altering materials. 2. To use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving. 3. To impart a false character to (something) by alteration.
2. 3. ynxn xerb.
fabricator rwun One who tells lies. fabulous adiectiae 1. So remarkable as to elicit disbelief: the fabulous endurarrce of a nwrathon runrwr
2. Of or existing only in myths. 3. lnfomnl. Particularly excellent. rroun fagade also facade l. Archit. The forward outer surface of a building: the famou f"g"d" of the Supreme Cou.rt building. 2. A deceptive outward appearance: put on a faEade of respectability.
l . Syns; amazing, astonishing, astounding, fantastic (also fantastical), incredible, marvelous (also marvellous), miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, stupendous, unbelievabie, wonderfrrl,
mkrr, 1.
facsimile pretense, pretext, put-on (SLarrg), semblance, show, veil, veneer, windowdressing (oho window dressing). -Idiom false colors.
rwtnn face 1. The front surface of the head: tumed her face tansard the co.rrwra; cattle with white faces.
2. A disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood. 3. A facial contortion indicating displeasure, disgust, pain, etc.: made a face at the teacher. 4. An outward appearance: Th,eface of the city has clwnged. 5. A decepUve outward appearance. 6. The forward outer surface of a building. 7. "I\e outer layer covering something: the face of the earth. 8. The marked outer surface of an instrument: the face of a clnck. 9. The level of credit or respect at which one is regarded by others: Theg hushed up the scandnl to saoeface. 10. Excessive and arrogant self-confidence. face oerb 1. To have the face or front turned in a specific direction: Face the class. The house faces the ocean. 2. To come up against. 3. To meet face-to-face, esp. defiantly. 4. To confront boldly and courageously. 5. To furnish with a covering of a different material: a hane faced uith rock Deneer. noun facelift
1. Syns; countenance, features, kisser (Slang), map (Slang), mng (Slarg), mliizzle, pan (Slang), puss (Slang), v$age. 2. nxpnpssrou. 3. Syns: grimace, mop (Archaic), moue, mouth, mow (a/so mowe), mug (Slang). -ldioln wry face (or mouth). 4. Syns: aspect, countenance, look, physiognomy, surface, view, visage. 5. regeon. 6. regaon. 7. Syns: surface, top. 8. Syn; dial. 9. Syns; prestige, standing, status.
lO. pnrsuusrroN. 1. Syns;front, look on (or upon). 2. 3. 4. 5.
nwcouvrnnoerb. corvrnovr. nprv. Syns; clad, sheathe,side,skin.
srr face lifting.
face lifting alsofacelift nmun The act of making new or as if new again. rwun face-off A face-to-face, usu. hostile meeting. facet noun The particular angle from which something is considered. facetious adiectioe Intended to excite laughter or amusement. facife adiectioe l. Exhibifing or possessingskill and ease in performance. 2. Moving or performing quickly, Iightly, and easily. 3. Posing no dfficulty. 4. Characterized by ready but often insincere or superficial discourse.
l. onxrnnous. 2. Nrlasr.n. 3. sesv. 4. cr,B.
facileness rwun The ability'un to perform without apparent efiort. facilitate li To make less difficult. facility rwun l. The ability to perform without apparent effort. 2, Ready skill in expression. 3. Anything that increases physical comfort.
ntsn aerb. 1. resn rwur7. 2. rr-usNcv. 3. eunr,lrrr.
facsimile i*n 1. Something closely resembling another. 2. A representation of a person or thing.
1. copv rmun. 2. r,rxnvrss.
fact nuun l. Somethinghaving real, demonstrableexistence: distinguish betweenfact and.fiction. 2. The quality of being factual. 3. One of the conditionsor factsattendingan event and havingsomebearingon it. faction rwun A goup of individualsunited in a commoncause.
2. ecruaury. 3. crncuusrANcE.
factitious o"diectioe Marked by unnaturalness, pretension, and often a slavish love of fads.
l. Syns; event, phenomenon.
factor nuun 1. One of the conditions or facts attending an event and having some bearing on it. 2. One of the individual entities contributing to a whole. rwun facts Knowledge about a specific subject or situation. factual a.diectioe Based on fact.
factuality rwtrn Thequalityof beingfactual. factualness nuun The quality of being factual. facultative a.diectioe Not compulsory or automatic. nuun faculty 1. Conferred power: The states nrna hatse the faculty to redefine their pernl cod,es. 2. Physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform. 3. An innate capability. facund adiectiae Fluently perzuasive and forceful. facundity rwtrn Vivid, effective, or persuasive communication in speech or artistic performance. facy adiectiae Brit. Regional. Rude and disrespect{ul. fad nurln The current custom. fade oerb 1. To lose strength or power: His health and oitality
2. To pass out of sight either gadually or suddenly. 3. To become inaudible: The sound of his footsteps gradually faded. 4. To disappear gradually by or as if by dispersal of particles: The rainbow fod"d.The riders faded into the distarrce. Our hopes for peace are fading, fade nurrn MotionPic.drT.V. The gadual disappearance, esp. of a film image. noun fadeaway MotionPic.d.rT.V.The gadual disappearance, esp. of a film image. faded adiectioe Showing signs of wear and tear or neglect. rroun fade-out
2. Br.rMsNr.
l. Syns; authority, competence (ako competency) (Lau:), right. 2. enrr-rrv. 3. rer-BNr. ELOQUENT. ELOQUENCE.
l. Syns; decline, deteriorate, fail, fizzle (out) (lnformal), flag2,languish, wane, waste (away), weaken. -Idioms go downhill, hit the skids, sink into a decline. 2. orseppnen. 3. Syns; die (away, out, or down), fade out. 4. Syns: dissolve, melt (away). -Idiont. do a fade-out.
FADE-ourat fade out.
FADE-ourat fade out.
ser fade out.
359 aerb fade out L. MotionPi.c.drT.V. To make (a film image) disappear gradually: The canrera faded out the last shot. 2. To become inaudible. fade-out rwun l. MotionPic.bT.V. The gradual disappearance, esp. of a film image: ended the lnoe srenp with a classic fadn-out. 2. The act or an example of passing out of sight. fag noan Physical exertion that is usu. difficult and exhausting. fag oerb 1. To exert one's mental or physical Powers, usu. under dfficulty and to the point of exhaustion. 2. Slang. To make extremely tired. adiectioe fagged Slmrg. Extremely tired. oerb fail 1. To prove deficient or insufficient: The heating-oil xryply failed in mid-winter. 2. To be unsuccessful: The attack failed.
lose strength or Power. undergo sudden financial failure. cease functioning properly: The brakes failed,. make or become unusable or inoperative. receive less than a passing gade: feilpd the cunse. not do (something necessary): The defendrm't failed to appear in court. You harsefailed to meet Aour paAments. noun failing A liking or personal preference for something. adfectioe faif -safe Designed so as to be impervious to human error or misuse. twun failure l. The condition of not achieving the desired end: the cand:idate'sfailure to uin the electian. 2. One that fails completely: The plny was a failure. I om a failure as a wnter. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
To To To To To To
3. The condition or fact of being deficient. 4. A cessation of proper mechanical functions: a pouer
l. Syn: dissolve (MotionPic.{tT.V.). 2. prnn aerb. L. Syns: dissolve (MotionPic.CrT.V.),fade (MotionPic.CrT.V.), fadeaway (Mo ti,onPi,c. dtf .V . ) . 2. orserpnARANCE. LABOR TWUN.
L. t-la,onoerb. 2. nrureusr. EXHAUSTED.
1. Syns; give out, run out. -Iiliorns fall (ot.',ro) short, run dry. 2. Syns: fall down (Informal), fall through, flop (lnformal), flummox (Slnng). -klioms fail of success, fall short of success. 3. rlos oerb. 4. cor-r-epsn oerb. 5. Syns; break down, conk out, give out. 6. r;nnlK oerb. 7. Syns: flwk (lnfamnl), wash out (of). 8. Syns: default, neglect, omit.
L. Syns: insuccess,unsuccess, unsuccessfulness. 2. Syns: bomb (Slnng), bust (S/ong), dud (Inforrnal), fiasco, flop (lnforrnal), lemon (Informal), Ioser, washout. 3. snonrecr. 4. Syns: breakdown, outage.
failure. 5. Syns; default, delinquency, dereliction, 5. Nonperformance of what ought to be done: Failure neglect, nonfeasance (I-au:), omission. to pay taxes can result in a stif firw. 6. Syns: declination, decline, 6. A marked loss of strength or effectiveness: deterioration, ebbing, weakening. erperierrced failure of physiral stamina in his lnter years. 7. Syns: bankruptcy, bust (Slang), 7. The condition of being financially insolvent: banlc insolvency. failures in 1929. fain ad:iecthse \MILLING. Archaic. Disposed to accept or agree. sunfain6ancy. nnun fain6ance rwun fain6ancy also fain6ance LAZINESS. The quality or state of being lazy. fain6ant adiectioe L,F;ZY. Resistant to exertion and activity. fain6ant noun .wASTREL. A self-indulgent person who spends time avoiding work or other useful activity.
faint faint o.diectioe l. So lacking in strengthas to be barely audible faint ctiesfor help. 2. Not clearly perceivedor perceptible. 3. Free from severityor violence,as in movement. faint aerb To suffertemporarylossof consciousness. faint nuun A temporarylossof consciousness. faint-hearted adiectioe Ignobly lackingin courage. faint-heartedness noun Ignoble lack of courage. faintly ad,oerb In a barely audible way: whi.spered faintly frorn her sic.kbed. fair adiectioe 1. Havinglight hair: Mother and daughterare oery foir. 2. Ot a moderatelywhite color: fair skin. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Having qualitiesthat delight the eye. Free from clouds,mist, etc. Indicative of future success. Neither favorablenor unfavorable:ltad a fair chanceto sanvioe. 7. Free from biasin judgment:a fair iudg.
8. Justto all parties. 9. Accordingto the mles. 10. Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. tair ad.aerb In a fair, sportingmanner:plny fair. fair-haire d- adiectit:e l. Having light hair. 2. Given special,usu.doting treahnent. fairish adi:ectiae Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. fairfy adoerb' l. In a just way: settled the di,sputefairly. 2.In a fair, sportingmanner. 3. In truth. 4. To someextent:felt fairly uell but rwt tenific. fair-minded odiectioe Free from bias in judgment. fair-mindedness rwrun The quality or stateof being just and unbiased. fairness twun The quality or stateof being just and unbiased:a iudge rwted for his scnpulun faimess.
faith noun l. Thosewho accept and practice a particular religious belief: All faiths participated in the ecu;menical senice. 2. A qntem sf lsligious belief. 3. Absolute certainty in the trustworthinessof another.
1. Syns; feeble, muted, weak. 2. uNcr,nan.
=.:adiectiae' BLACKouTat black out.
ffi;;,weak,y 1. Syns; blond (a/so blonde), fair-haired, towheaded. 2. Syns: alabaster (a/so alabastrine), albescent, ivor/, lightt, pale. 3. nneurrrur.. 4. cr.nen adiectitse. 5. revonaslr. 6. Syns; balanced, evenr, fifty-fifty (Infomnl), sporting (Inforrml). 7. Syns: dispassionate,eqiritable, fairminded, impartial, indifferent, just, liberal, nonpartisan, objective, square, unbiased, unprejudic ed. -Idiom fur and square. 8. nquer adiectiae. 9, sponrsraNr-rKE. 10. eccnprABlE. Syns; cleanly, correctly, fairly, properly. 1. rern adiectiae. 2. revonrrn adiectiae. ACCEPTABLE.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Syns: dispassionately, equitably, justly. rarn adtserb. neer-r-v. Syns: pretty, rather. -ldirm more or less.
Ylun adiectioe. FAIRNESS.
Syns; detachment, disinterest, disinterestedness,dispassion, dispassionateness,equitableness, fairmindedness, impartiality, justice, justness, nonpartisanship, objectiveness, objectivity. 1. Syns; church, communion, creed, denomination, persuasion, sect. 2. nnr.rcroN. 3. corvrmnNcn.
361 4. Mental acceptance of the truth or actuality of something. adiectitse faithful l. Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or a duty: a faithful poxty rnernber; a faithful spou$e. 2. Conforming to fact. 3, Not deviating from correctness, accuracy, or completeness. 4. Worthy of belief because of precision, faithfulness to an original, etc. faithf ess adiectioe Not true to duty or obligation: a faithless spouse; a faithless quisling.
faithlessness noun of Betrayal,esp.of a moralobligation:thefaithlessness a cheating spurse. oerb fake 1. To impart a false character to (something) by alteration: fake the results of an experiment. 2. To make a fraudulent copy of. 3. Slang. To compose or recite without preparation. 4.To contrive and present as genuine: You're rwt really hurt; you're faking. 5. To behave affectedly or insincerely. 6. To take on or give a false appearance of. fake noun 1. One who is not what he claims to be: He's rwt a dnctor; he's a fake. 2. A fraudulent imitation. fake adiectiae Fraudulently or deceptively imitative. rwun faker One who is not what he claims to be. faf l oerb 1. To move downward in response to gavity: Apples fell frorn the tree. 2. To slope downward. 3. To go from a more erect posture to a less erect posture. 4. To come to the gound suddenly and involuntarily: I stwnbled and, fell
5. To undergo a sharp, rapid descent in value or price: That stock fell 0 points in one ikA of trading. 6. To become less active or intense. 7. To undergo capture, defeat, or ruin. 8. To undergo moral deteriorationz Society has fallen into decay. 9. To take place at a set time. 10. To come as by lot or inheritance: Child. support often falls to the father. The estate fell to the eldest son. fall down oerb Infonnal. To be unsuccessful.
4. nnr-mr.
1. Syns; allegiant, constant, fast, firml, loyal, liege, resolute, staunch, steadfast, steady, true. 2. eccunern. 3. cr.osnr adiectioe. 4. ,c.urHrl.ITtc.
Syns: disloyal, false, false-hearted, perfi dious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, untrue. Syns: disloyalty, falseness,falsity, infi delity, perfi diousness,perfi dy, unfaithfulness. 1. Syns; fabricate, falsrfy, fictionalize. 2. couxrrapntt oerb. 3. rvpnovrsn. 4. Syns: feign, pretend, simulate. -Idionw make believe, make out like, put on an act. 5. tcr aerb. 6. essur"rn. 1. Syns: charlatan, faker, fraud, humbug, impostor, mountebank, phony (a/so phoney) (Inforrnal), pretender, quack. 2. couvrrRFEIT nnun.
;;nadiectioe' 1. Syns: descend, drop. 2. rlnop oerb. 3. onop tserb. 4, Syns: drop, go down, pitch, plunge, spill, sprawl, topple, tumble. -Idiorn take a fall (or header or phnge or spill or tumble). 5. Syns; dip, dive, drop, nose-dive, plummet, plunge, sink, skid, slump, tumble. -ldiom take a zudden downturn (or downtrend). 6. suesron. 7. sunnm.rDnnoerb. 8. Syns: sink, slip, vitiate. -Idiorn go bad (or wrong). 9. coun. 10. Syns; devolve, pass.
fallacious tall off oerb l. To slope downward. 2. To become less acUve or intense. 3. To decline, as in value or quantity, very gradually. fall on (or upon) wrb To set upon with violent force. tall through oerb To be unsuccessful. fafl nuun 1. The act of dropping from a height: the fall of Skylnb to the earth. 2. A zudden involuntary drop to the gound: had, a bad fall on the ice. 3. A disastrous, overwhelming defeat or ruin: the fall of the lraninn dynasty. 4. A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices: a fall in stock prbes.
5. A downward slope or distance. fallacious adiectioe 1. Containing fundamental errors in reasoning: o follacious syllngistn; fallacious b$c. 2. Containing an error or errors. 3. Tending to lead one into error: the fallnciow expectation that the sfieets uere paoed uith gold.
1. nnop. 2. sunsron. 3. srtp oerb. l,lrrncx
1. Syns; descent, drop. 2. Syns: dive, header (Slang), nose-dive, pitch, plunge, spill, sprawl, tumble. 3. Syns; collapse, downfall, toppling, Waterloo. 4. Syns: decline, descent, dip, dive, downslide, downswing downturn, drop, drop-off, plunge, skid, slide, slump, tumble. 5. nnop rmun. 1. Syns; false, illogical, invalid, sophistic, specious,spurious. 2. rnnorvrous. 3. Syns; deceptive, delusive, delusory, misleading.
faflaciousness rwun An erroneous or false idea. faflacy twun 1. An erroneous or false idea: an edacational philosophy grmnded on fallncy. 2. Plausible but invalid reasoning: The fallncy of the hypothesis rugates the conclwions. noun faf lback fafl back oerb l. To move in a reverse direction. 2. To move back in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat. fallback noun The moving back of a military force in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat.
1. Syns; erroneousness,error, fallaciousness,falsehood, falseness, falsity, untruth. 2. Syns: casuistry, equivocation, sophism, sophistry, speciousness,spuriousness. seB fall back. L. r.rcx aerb. 2. nnlnntr oerb.
falf down oerb fall guy ltaun Slnng. One who is made an object of blame. faflible adiectioe Liable to err: The Presi.d.entis fallible too.
snr fall.
fafl off aerb fafl on (or upon) oerb fall through oerb fafse a.diectioe l. Devoid of truth: The rumor is false.
snn fall. sre fall. srn fall.
2. Containing an error or errors. 3. Containing fundamental errors in reasoning. 4. Not true to duty or obligation. 5. Fraudulently or deceptively imitative. ad:iecthse false-hearted Not true to duty or obligation.
Syns; errable, errant.
1. Syns; counterfacfual, erroneous, inaccurate, incorrect, specious, truthless, unsound, untruthful, wrong. -ldiorn way off the mark. 2. ennorvEous. 3. rar-r-acrous. 4. rerrrrr-nss. 5. couxruRFErr adiectitse. FAITHLESS.
363 fafsehood nnun 1. An erroneous or false idea. 2. An untrue declaration. 3. The practice of lying.
l. r'er,r,ecv. 2. nrn'rwun. 3. uu*oecrrv.
falseness nuun 1. An erroneous or false idea. 2. Bevayal, esp. of a moral obligation. twurl falsifier One who tells lies.
falsify oerb l. To give an inaccurateview of by representingfalsely or misleadingly. 2. To impart a falsecharacterto (something)by alteration. 3. To make untrue declarations. 4. To make a fraudulentcopy of. falsity noun 1. An erroneousor falseidea. 2. Betrayal,esp.of a moral obligation. 3. An untrue declaration. falter oerb 1. To be irresolutein acting or doing. 2. To walk unsteadily. faftering adiecthse Given to or exhibitinghesitation. fame rwun 1. Wide recognitionfor one'sdeeds:a star whosefame was world,wide. 2. Unfavorable,usu. unsavoryrenown. tamed adiecthse 1. Widely known and esteemed. 2. Widely known and discussed. famifial adiectioe Of or pertainingto the family or household. familiar a.d;iectioe l. Having good knowledgeof: farniliar u>iththe roads here;fomiliar with that cose. 2. Occurring quite often. 3. Indicatingintimacy and mutual trust. 4. Yery closely associated:familisr companions. 5. Having or exhibiting excessiveand arrogant selfconfidence. familiar noun A personwhom one knowswell, likes, and trusts. famtliarity nmtrn 1. Excessiveand arrogantself-con-fidence. 2. Personalknowledgederived from participationor observation. familiarize perb Archai,c.To makefamiliar thtotgh constantpractice or use. family noun 1. A group of people sharingcommon ancestry:The British rogal familg includesdescendantsof Queen Victoria. 2. A group of usu. related peoPleliving togetheras a unit: a family of three. 3. One's ancestorsor their character. famify ad:iectioe Of or pertainingto the family or household.
1. rer-r.ecy. 2. rtrrlg.t nssNEss. LIAR.
1, orstonr. 2. rrxn oerb. 3. rrnz oerb. 4. couurnnpnrr oerb. 1. 2. rerfirr-BssNEss. 3. r,mt rwun. 1. nrsrrern. 2. rvnclg oerb. HESITANT.
1. Syns; celebrity, famousness,notoriety, renown, reputaUon, repute. 2. noronrurv. 1. punvnNr. 2. revous. DOMESTIC.
1. Syns; acquainted, conversant, up on (Infornwl), versant, versed. 2. cor"ruoN adiectioe. 3. cowrmpNTIAL. 4. Syns: chummy (Infonrwl), closel, friendly, intimater, thick (Informal), frdtrt (Slffi@, -Idiorn hand and glove. 5. pnnsuurruous.
1. pnpsur"rrrroN. 2. ecquerr*reNcr.
l. Syns; clan, house, kindred, lineage, stock, tribe. -Idioms kith and kin, one's own flesh and blood. 2, Syns: house, household, m6nage. 3. eNcssrnv. DOMESTIC.
famished famished adiectiae Desiringor cravingfood. famous adiectiae l. Widely known and discused: a famou newscaster. 2. Widely known and esteemed. 3. Arclwb. Known widely and unfavorably. famousness n{run Wide recognitionfor one'sdeeds. fanl aerb Slnng.To examinethe personor personaleffectsof in order to find somethinglost or concealed. fan out oerb To move or arrange so as to cover a larger area. tan2 nmun L. lnforntal. One who ardently admires. 2. Infomwl. A person who is ardently devoted to a particular subject or activity. rwun fanatic 1. A person who is ardently devoted to a particular subject or activity. 2. One zealously devoted to a religion. 3. One who holds extreme views or advocates extreme measures. fanatic adiectiae fanatical dso fanatic adiectioe Holding eqp. political views that deviate drastically and fundamentallv from convenUonal or traditional beliefs. adieltne fancied Existing only in the imagination. twun fancier One who ardently admires. fanciful adiectit'e l. Appealing to fancy: fanctful Baroque fountains in the park. 2. Existing only in the imagination. 3. Consisting or suggestive of fiction. fancy ltuun 1. An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind: had a sadd.enfo*y to take ry hang
2. The power of the mind to form images. 3. An illusory mental image. 4. A desire for a particular thing or activity. 5. Obs. Deep and ardent affection. funcy oerb 1. To form mental images of. 2. To find agreeable. fancy adiectioe 1. Appealing to fancy. 2. Complexly detailed. 3. Catering to, used by, or admitting only the wealthy or socially superior. adiecth:e fancy-dress Requiring elegant clothes and fine manners.
1,.Syns; famed,leading,notorious, popular,well-known. 2. nuruExr. 3. Noronrous. FAME.
sntncr. aerb.
spnnao oerb. 1. aournrn. 2. eNrrrusrasr.
l. nNurusrasr. 2. nnvornn. 3. nxrnEMrsr. snn fanatical. EXTREME adjectiae.
1. Syns; fancy, fantasUc (also fantastical), imaginative, whimsical. 2. mecrNenv. 3. r'rcrrrrous. 1. Syns; bee, boutade, caprice, conceit, freak, humor, impulse, megrim, notion, vagary, whim, whimsy (a/so whimsey). -Idiorn bee in one's bonnet. 2. rue.crNarroN. 3. nnreu rroun. 4. 5. aoone.rroN. l. luecrNn. 2. uxnl. 1. reNcrrur-. 2. slasonerr, adiectitse. 3. nxcr-usrvn.
fanfaron nuun Obs. One given to boasting.
fanfaronade noun BOAST NDUN. An act of boasting. fanny twun Sbng.The part of one'sback on which one restsin sitting. BOTTOM rWUn.
365 fan out oerb fans rwun lnfornal. The body of personswho admire a public entertainer. oersonality, 'o"16 fairtasize 1. To form mental imagesof. 2. To experiencedreamsor daydreams. fantastic alsofantastical adiectioe l. Conceivedor done with no referenceto realiWor commonsense:a fantastb alibi. 2. Existingonly in the imagination. 3. Appealingto fancy. 4. Consistingor suggestiveof fiction. 5. So remarkableas to elicit disbelief. 6. Following no predictablepattern. as to be laughable. 7. So senseless fantasy also phantasy noun 1. An illusory mental image. 2. A fantastic,impracticableplan or desire. 3. The power of the mind to form images. 4, Any fictiilous idea acceptedas part of an ideology by * uncritical group; a receivedidea. tar adiecthse Far from othersin space,time, or relationship. tar adoerb To a considerableextent. taraway ad,iectioe l. Far from othersin space,time, or relationship.
spp fanr. PUBLIC |MUN.
l. rMecrNs. 2. onttla oerb. l. Syns; antic, bizarre, grotesque. 2. rvecrNenv. 3. reNcrrur-.
4. 5. 6. 7.
rrcrrrrous. re.Bur-ous. cepnrcrous. roor-rsH.
1. 2. 3. 4.
onnerr,rnoun. rr.r.usrou. ruecrwerroN. navrn.
1. nrsreNr. 2. So lost in thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings. 2. e.usnNr-MINDED. rwun farce MOCKERY. A false, derisive, or impudent imitation of something. srn farceur. twun farcer twun farceur also farcer A person whose words or actions provoke or are JOKER. intended to provoke amusement or laughter. ad;iectioe farcicaf LAUGHABLE. Deserving laughter. fare oerb 1. rrrervecB. 1. To progress or perform adequately, esp. in difficult circumstances. 2. Ber. 2. Rare. To take (food) into the body as nourishment. 3. co oerb. 3. Archait To move along a particular course. fare rwun FOOD. Something fit to be eaten. ad,iectine farewell PARTTNG adfectioe. Of, done, given, or said on departing. farewell rwun PARTINC |IOU,N. A separation of two or more people. adiectioe far-fetched FANTASTIC. Conceived or done with no reference to realiW or common sense. adiectioe far-flung DISTANT. Far from others in space, time, or relationship.
farness rruun The fact or condition of being far removed or apart. far-off odiectioe Far from others in space, time, or relationship. far-out ad,iectioe esp. political views that deviate drastically and frrndamentally from conventional or traditional beliefs. adiectbe far-reaching Covering a wide scope.
far-sighted far-sighted adiectioe Characterizedby foresight. far-sightedness noun Unusualor creativediscernmentor perception. farthermost adiectioe Most distantor remote from a center. farthest adiectioe Most distantor remote from a center. fascinate oerb l. To compel the attention, interest, imagination, etc., of. 2. To please greatly or irresistibly. fascinating idiectioe Pleasing to the eye or mind. fascination twun - Tp Fnwer or quality of attracting. tasnlOn noun 1. The current custom: Shorter dressesare now the fashion.
2. A distinctive way of expressing oneself. 3. The manner in which something is done. fashion oerb 1. To create by forming, combining, or altering materials. 2, To rnake or become suitable to a particular situation or use. fashionable adiectitse Being or in accordance with the current fashion: a fashionnble fur; a fashiornble linle restaurant.
fast adiectirse 1. Characterized by geat celerity: a fast freight train; a fast pace.
2. Accomplished in very little time. 3. Given to heedless, unrestrained pursuit of pleasure: led a fast but short life deooted to booz,e,giils, and ganbling. 4. Sexually promiscuous. 5 . Persistently holding to something. 6 . Firmly settled or positioned. 7 . Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or a duty. 8. Permanently resistive to fading: a fost dye. fast ad,aerb l. In a firm wav. 2.In a rapid way: Run-fast! I need.the statistics fast. The fre is spreod.ingfast.
366 adiectiae ;:,:":-' ExTREME odiectiae. EXTREME adiectir:e. l.
cntp oerb.
2. clg.tnv' oerb.
ATTRACTION. l. Syns; craze, cry, fad, furor, mode, rage, style, thing, ton, trend, vogue. -Idionas the in thing, the last word, the latest thing. 2. srYlB rrcntn. 3. way. l. vaxr. 2. eoasr.
Syns; d la mode, chic, classy (Slnng), dashing, in (Slang), modish, posh
(Womtnl1, sharp (Slnng), smart, snappy (lnfonnal), stylish, swank (also swanl(y), swish (Chiefly Brit.), tonish, tony (a/so toney), trendy (Informal), trig, with-it (lkng1. -ldionx all the rage, right up to the minute. l. Syns; breakneck, celeritous, fleetl, hellfor-leather (Informal), quick, rapid, speedy, swift. -Idioms fleet as the wind, quick as lightning (or thought), swift as an arrow. 2. qurcx. 3. Syns; dissolute, gay, rakehell, rakish, wild. -ldicnn last and loose. 4. 5. 6. 7.
warvroN adiectiae. rrcHr ad:iectiue. sunr. r'errnpur,.
8. Syn: indelible. 1. rrcnr adoerb. 2. Syns: apace, flat-out (Infonnnl),hellfor-leather (Informal), lickety-split, posthaste, pronto (Infornal), quick. -Idioms full tilt, in a flash, in nothing flat, lightning fast, like a bat out of hell, like a blue streak, like a fash, like a house on fire, like a shot, like a streak, like geased lightning, like wildfire.
367 fasten oerb 1. To make secure: fasten your seat belts. 2. To join one thing to another. 3. To make fast or firmly fixed by means of a cord, rope, etc. 4. To implant so deeply as to make change nearly impossible. 5. To ascribe (a misdeed, error, etc.) to.
fastener noun A device for fasteningor for checkingmotion. fastidious adiecti.oe Very difficult to please. fastigium nutn The highestpoint. fat adiectiae 1. Having too much flesh:a fat person. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Having the qualitiesof fat. Affording profit. Slang.Smallin degree,esp.of probability. Relativelygreat in extent from one surfaceto the opposite. fat rwun l. Adiposetissue:soapmadeof animal fat. 2. An amountor quantity beyondwhat is needed, desired,or appropriate. fataf ad;iecthse 1. Causingruin or destruction:Trustingthe enemguas a fatal error. 2. Causingor tendingto causedeath. 3. So critically decisiveas to affect the future. fatality rwun l. The qualrty or condition of causingdeath: The fatality of canceris on the u,pswing. 2. A terminationof life, usu.asthe result of an accidentor a disaster:ten fatalities in the uash. fate noun 1. That which is inevitably destined:Hisfate was to becomea king. 2. A predestinedtt.S" end: Executiani"soften the fate of dissidents. fate oerb l. To determinethe future of in advance:The gods fated. the oscendnncyof Athens. 2. To predestine to a tragic end: This escape plan is
fated to fail. fated adieitioe 1. Governedand decided by or as if by fate: his fated Int. 2. Sentencedto terrible, irrevocablepunishment. fateful adiectioe 1. So critically decisive as to affect the future: the fatefuI Yalta Conference. 2. Governed and decided by or as if by fate. 3. Causing ruin or destruction. 4. Portending future disaster: fateful wamings of a rn-tclearholocaust.
fateful 1. Syns; anchor, catch, fix, moor, secure. -Idiom. make fast. 2. errecn. 3. rrc oerb. 4. rrx aerb. 5. rx aerb.
2. 3. 4. 5.
corpulent, fatty, fleshy, gross, obese, overblown, overweight, porcine, portly, stout, werghty. rerry adiectioe. pnorrreslr. nruorn. rnrcr adiectitse.
1. Syn.'suet. 2. sunpr,us noun.
1. Syns; calamitous, cataclysmic (also cataclysmal ), catastrophic, destructive, disastrous, fateful, ruinous. 2. oBeor,y. 3. r'arnrur-. 1. Syns; deadliness, lethality, lethalness, mortality. 2. Syns: casualty, death.
1. Syns; destiny, kismet, lot, portion, predestination. 2. Syns: doom, foredoom (Rare).
1. Syns.' destine, foredestine, foreordain, predestinate, predestine, predetermine, preordain. 2. Syns: doom, foredoom.
1. Syns; destined, fateful, foreordained, predestined, predetermined. 2. coxonnxeo. L. Syns: fatal, determinative, momentous. 2. reruo. 3. r'erar-. 4. Syns: apocalyptic (also apocalyptical), baleful, banefnl, dire, direful, doom{ul, fire-and-brimstone, gravez,hellfi re, ominous, unlucky.
father father noun 1. A maleparent:He roasthefatherof ninechildren.I lww to askFather. 2. One that creates, founds, or originates. 3. A person from whom one is descended. father oerb 1. To be the biological father of: a man who fathered nirw children. 2. To cause to come into existence. fatherless adiectioe Born out of wedlock.
l . Syns; dad (lnformnl), daddy, sire. ORIGINATOR. ANCESTOR.
l . Syns: beget, breed, get, procreate,
fatherfike adiectioe Like a father. fatherfy a.diectioe Like a father: He took a fatherly interest in his late brother's children.
Syns; fatherlike, paternal.
fathom oerb 1. To perceive directly with the intellect. - 2. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. fathomCble adiectiae Capable of beins readily understood.
fatidic alsofatidiial
Of or relating to the foretelling of events by or as if by supernatural means.
The condition of being extremely tired. fatigue aerb To diminish the strength and energy of: The long flight fatigrcd rne. fatigued adiectitse Extremely tired. fatiguing diectirn Causing fatigue. fatty adiectiae l. Having the qualities of fat: a fatty residue in the lwn boiler. 2. Having too much fesh.
fatuous 1diectit:e Displayinga completelack of forethoughtand good sense. fault rwrtn l. Somethingthat marsthe appearanceor causes inadequacyor failure. 2. A liking or personalpreferencefor something. 3. Responsibilityfor an error or crime. fault wrb To find fault with. faultfinder rnun l. A personwho finds fault, often severelyand willfully. - 21 4person who habituallycomplainsor grumbles. fauftfidding odiectioe - Inclined to judge too severely. fauftfess odi""ltue l. Supremelyexcellentin quality or nature. 2. Free from guilt or blame. faufty odiectit:e Having a defect or defects. tavor noun l. A kindly act: do a far:or for a frimd. 2. Favorableregard.
Syns; drain, out, weary.
wear, wear down, wear
1. Syns; fat, greasy, oily, oleaginous, unctuous. 2. rer adiectiae. MINDLESS.
r,r,AMn Derb, l. cnrrrc. 2. cnoucn noun. CRITICAL.
PERFEcT adiectioe. rlrNocENT adiectiae. DEFECTIVE.
l. Syns; benefit (Archaic), grace, indulgence, kindness, service. -ldiorn good turn. 2. eccppr,qncr.
A feeling of deference, approval, and liking. A charitable deed. Something beneficial. Favorable, preferential bias: cunied faoor uith the congres$rurn. 7. An act requiring special generosity. favor oerb l. To perform a service or a courteous act. 2. To be favorably disposed toward. 3. To lend supportive approval to. 4. To be similar to, as in appearance: John faaors his father. 5. To treat with inordinate gentleness and care: The wounded soldier faoored his right leg. 6. To show partiality toward (someone): The iurors seerned to fatsor the defendnnt. Some fathers fauor sons oDer daughters. - 7. To.lend dignity or honor to by an act or favor. favorable afiecttioe 1. Indicative of future success:a farsorabb economic climate for inoestrnent; farsorable onwns. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Occurring at a fitting or advantageous time. Affording benefit. To one's liking. Disposed to favor one over another: We receioed faaorable treatment after the payof. 6. Giving assent: receirseda faoorable reply to the request. favored adiectioe l. Being a favorite. 2. Given special, usu. doting treatment. favorite adiectioe l. Given special, usu. doting treatment: His faaorite daughter could do rw unong. 2. Being a favorite: her faoorite song. favorite noun 1. One liked or preferred above all others: He is the cunent matinee faaorite. 2. A competitor regarded as the most likely winner: tl,e-faoorite in the Kentucky Derby. -
rsrnnu r10un. nnNrvoLENCE. epver.rrecg noun, Syns; favoritism, partiality, partialness, preference. 7. counresy.
3. 4. 5. 6.
l. 2. 3. 4.
osr,rcn. eppnovr. nxcounecn. Syns: feature (Informnl),liken (to), resemble, take after. 5. Syn: spare. -Idiorn handle (or treat) with kid gloves. 6. Syn: prefer. -Idiorn play favorites.
7. cnncn aerb. 1. Syns; auspicious, benign, bright, brilliant, fair, fortunate, good, propiUous. 2. opponruNe. 3. npxrrrcmr-. 4. ecnnnenr.r. 5. Syns; partial, preferential. 6. Syns; affirmative, affirmatory, assenting, positive. l. revonrrn adiectioe. 2. revonrrn adiectioe. l. Syns; beloved, blue-eyed, darling, dear, fair-haired, favored, loved, petl, precious. 2. Syns: favored, popular, preferred, well-liked.
t. :Ifir;f;1ling,
petr.-Idiorn appleof
2. Syns:pot (Brit. Slnng),shoo-in (Informal).
Favorable,preferentialbias. fawn oerb To support slavishlyevery opinion or suggestionof a superior:an assistantushofawned on the presid,entand fulfilled his eoerydesire.
taze oerb To cause(a person)to be self+onsciouslydistressed. fealty noun Faithfulnessor devotionto a person,a cause, obligations, "rnun or duties. tear Great agitation and arxiety causedby the expectation or the realizationof danger:a fear of heights;felt great fear during the hiiacking.
FAVORfmun, Syns: apple-polish (Informal ), bootlick, brown-nose (Slnng), cotton, govel, honey (up), kowtow, slaver, truckle. -Idioftts curry favor, dance attendance, kiss someone'sfeet, lick someone'sboots, suckup'i. ::::::
Syns: affright (Archaic), alarm, consternation, dread, fearfulness, fright, funk2, horror, panic, terror, trepidation. -ldionts cold feet (or sweat), fear and trembling.
fearful fear oerb To be afraid of: feared the steep climb; feared her attacker. fearful adiectioe l. Causing or able to cause fear: spent a fearful night as a hostage; fearful stillness before the tomndo.
2. Filled with fear or terror. 3. Verv bad. rwun fearfuln'ess Great agitation and arxiety caused by the expectation or the realizaUon of danger. fearfess ad,iectiae Having or showing courage. nf,run fearlessness The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely. a.diectirse fearsome 1. Causing or able to cause fear. 2. Filled with fear or terror. adiectiae feasible Capable of occurring or being done. rwun feast A large meal elaborately prepared or served: staged a troditional Hawaiinn feast for the mainland oisitors. feast oerb To be avidly interested in. rwun feat 1. A great or heroic deed: acrobatic feats.
2. Something completed successfully. 3. A clever. dexterous act. nuun feather A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessedby all its members. ad,iectiae featherbrained Given to lighthearted silliness. featfy adiectioe Moving or performing quickly, lightly, and easily. twun feature 1. A prominent article in a periodical: a front-page feature on the assassirwtian. 2. A distincUve element. feature oerb 1. To accord emphasisto. 2. Infonnal. To be similar to, as in appearance. 3. lnforrnl. To form mental images of.
Syns: apprehend, dread. -ldioms be in fear and trembling, have one's heart in one's mouth, l. Syns; alarming, appalling, awful, dire, direful, dreadful, fearsome, formidable, frightening, frightful, ghastly, redoubtable, scary (lnformal), terrible, tremendous. AFRAID. TERRIBLE.
BRAvE adiectirse. COURAGE,
Syns; banquet, feed (lnfonnnl), junket, spread. EAT UP at 9?t. 1, Syns; achievement, exploit, gest or geste (Archaic ), masterstroke, stunt, tour de force (French). 2. ecconpLISHMENT,
3. rnrcx noun. KIwo2.
1. Syns; lead (lour.), leader (Chiefly Brit.). -Idiom feature story. 2. guar,rrv rwun. 1. BupHesrzn. 2. rlon oerb. 3. nueclNr.
features noun The front surface of the head. adiecthse febrife Being at a higher temperature than is normal or desirable. adiecthse feckfess l. Lacking or marked by a lack of care. 2. Lacking or showing a lack of a sense of responsibility. ad,iectiw fecund 1. Capable of reproducing.
uor adiectioe.
1. rrnrrr,r.
37t 2. Characterized by great productivity.
feel 2. rnnrrr.r.
fecundate oerb To make fertile.
fecundity rwun The quality or stateof being fertile. federate xerb To be formally associated, asby treaty. federated ad;iectine Closelyconnectedby or as if by a treaty. federation rwun l. An association, esp.of nationsfor a commoncause. 2. A group of people united in a relationshipand havingsomeinterest,activity, or purposein common. fed up ad;iectioe Out of patiencewith. fee nuun 1. Paymentfor work done. 2. A fixed amountof moneychargedfor a privilege or service. feebfe adiectioe 1. So lackingin strengthas to be barely audible. 2. Not physicallystrong. 3. Having little substanceor significance;not solidly based. feebfe-minded adiecthse l. Lacking in intelligence. 2. So senseless as to be laughable. feebleness nnun The condition of being infirm or physicallyweak. feebfy adoerb In a barely audible wav. feed oerb' l. To sustain(a living organism)with food. 2. To help bring about. 3. To maintainexistencein a certain way. feed rr,oun Informal. A large meal elaboratelypreparedor served. feel oerb l. To be physicallyawareof through the senses: fett a sharppain. 2. To bring into contact with, meansof the handsor fingers,so as to give or receivea physicat sensation. 3. To undergoan emotionalreacUon:The team felt the
firstfurchof obtory.
4. To be intuitively aware of. 5. To view in a certain way: I feel that this is the ulrCIngaryroach. We feel it a&tisable to wait. She felt he was entirely mistaken. 6. To experierrce or express compassion: I feel for the families of the uash oictims. 7. To reach about or search blindly or uncertainly. feel out oerb To test the attitude of: Let's feel out his opinion on that issue first. feel rraun 1. The faculty or ability to perceive tactile stimulaUon. 2. A particular sensation conveyed by means of physical contact.
1. er-r-reNcn. 2. uNroN.
1. 2. rorrr. 1. rervr ad:iecthse. 2. uvrrnu. 3. rnuuous. 1. srupm. 2. roor,rsn. INFIRMITY. FAINTLY.
1. wounrsn. 2. pnouorn. 3. r,vrl. FEAST.
l. Syns; experience, have. 2, roucs oerb.
3. Syns; experience, have, know, savor, taste. 4. prncprvr. 5. Syns; believe, hold, sense,think.
6. Syns; ache (for), commiserate (with), compassionate, pity, sympathize (*ith), yearn. -ldiorn be sorry for. 7. cnopn. Syns: probe, soundr. -ldioms put out feelers, send up a trial balloon. 1. roucn nsun. 2. roucn rmun,
feeler 3. A general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic. rwun feeler Something as a remark, used to determine the attitude of another: put utt peace feelers. nuun feeling 1. Intuitive cognition: I haoe a feelingthat she's going to leaoe him.
2. A complex and usu. strong su\ective response, as love, hate, etc. 3. An act of touching. 4. A particular sensation conveyed by means of physical contact. 5. The faculty or ability to perceive tactile stimulation. 6. A general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic. 7. Something believed or accepted as true by a person. 8. The quality or condition of being emotionally and intuitivelv sensitive. 9. The capacity for or an act of responding to a stimulus. 10. A general cast of mind with regard to something. feeling adiectioe Readily stirred by emotion. tserb feel out oerb feign l. To behave affectedly or insincerely. 2. To take on or give a false appearance of. 3. To contrive and present as genuine. ad,iectirse feigned Not genuine or sincere. noun feint An indirect, usu. cunning means of gaining an end. adiectioe felicitous Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place. adiectioe feline So slow, deliberate, and secret as to escape observation. fellt oe,rb l. To bring down, as with a saw or ax. 2. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow. fef f2 a.d.iectioe Showing or suggesting a disposition to be violently destructive without scruple or restraint. fef f3 rawn The skin of an animal.
3. ern twun.
Syn; probe. -ldbrn
1. Syns; hunch, idea, impression, intuition, suspicion. -Idiom.s funny (or intuiUve ) feeling, sneaking suspicion. 2. nnaouou. 3. roucs rwun. 4. roucrr noun. 5. roucn rwun. 6. ern noun. 7. snr-rcr. 8. snNsrnlu,NBss. 9. srNserroN. 10, spNrlnanwr. EMOTIONAL.
srB feel. L. tcr aerb. 2. essuun. 3. r,+r.noerb. ARTIFICIAL. TRICK NOUN. APPRoPRTATu adiectioe.
t. cur aerb. 2. onop aerb. FIERCE.
gton2 noun.
feffow rwun 1. A member of the human race. 2. One that is very similar to another in rank or position. 3. One of a matched pair of things. 4. One who is united in a relationship with another. rwun felfowship 1. A pleasant association among people. 2. A group of people united in a relationship and having some interest, activity, or purpose in common.
trial balloon.
1. BEING. 2. pnrn2.
3 . MATE NOUN. 4. ASSOCIATE NOUN. 1. coupaxv noun. 2. uNrow.
373 felon naun Laus.One who commitsa crime. fefony rwun Law. A, seriousbreakingof the public law. female ad,iectioe Of, relating to, or characteristicof women. femaleness noun The quality or condition of being feminine. feminality rwun The quality or condition of being feminine. femineity rwun The quality or condition of being feminine. feminie rwun Women in general. feminine adiectine 1, Of, relating to, or characterisUcof women: a musical,ferninine fught the feminine sidn of the f*ily. 2. Having qualitiesmore appropriateto women than to men. feminineness rwun The quality or condition of being feminine. femininity rroun 1. The quality or condition of being feminine:a uonur,n uhose attitud.eand,a.ppeararrce proiectedtnrc femininitg. 2. Women in general: lau:s disadnantageousto femininitg. 3. The quality of being effeminate. feminize oerb To make effeminate. femme fatale ntrun Freruh. A usu.unscrupulouswoman who seducesor exploitsmen. fen rmun A usu. lowJlng area of soft, waterloggedground and standingwater. fenagle uerb fence oerb 1. To separatewith or as if with a wall. 2. To confinewithin a limited area. 3. To surroundand advanceupon. fend oerb 1. To progressor perform adequately, difficult circumstances. 2. Archaic. To keep safefrom danger,attack,or harm. fend off oerb To turn or drive away. fend off oerb feraf ad;iectitse 1. Of or relatingto beastsof prey. 2. Showingor suggestinga dispositionto be violently destructivewithout scrupleor restraint. ferment oerb To be in a state of emotional or mental turmoil. ferment nou,n l. An agent that stimulatesor precipitates a reaction, development,or change. 2. A state of uneasinessand usu. resentmentbrewing to an eventualexplosion.
ferment CRIMINAL
1. Syns.' dista.ff, female, muliebral, womanly. 2. nrrnurxeru
l. Syns; femaleness, feminality, femineity, feminineness, womanity, womanliness, womanness. 2. Syns: distaff, feminie, muliebrity, womankind, womenfolk. -Idiom rhe fai'r (or weaker) sex. 3. rrruuruecy. EFFEMTNATS oerb. SEDUCTRESS.
snnfinagle. L. wu.n oerb. 2. nNcr,osn. 3. cr,osnrN at closel. l. rvreNecn. 2. pnrBuo.
snp fend. 1. sevecp. 2. nnncr.
r,otr, oetb. 1. cerer,ysr. 2. urirnnsr.
ferocious ferocious adiectioe l. Showingor zuggestinga dispositionto be violently destructive without scruple or restraint. 2. So intenseas to causeextreme suffering. 3. Eagerfor bloodshed. ferocity noun l. A cruel act or an instanceof cruel behavior. 2. Exceptionallygreat concentration,power, or force, activiW. fertife' adiectioe' 1. Capable of reproducing: a u)o,rurnstill fertib after 50; a fertile egg. 2. Characterizedby geat productivity:fertib farm land; a brain fertile with unique ideas. 3. Able to usethe meansat one'sdisposalto meet situaUonseffectively. fertility noun The quality or state of being fertile: inoeased the fertility of the soil u;ith chernicalnutrients. fertilize oerb To make fertile: fertilizcd the felds. fervency rrDtn Powerful,intenseemotion. fervent adiectioe l. Showingor havingenthusiasm. 2. Fired with intensefeeling. fervid adiectioe 1. Characterizedby intenseemotionand activity: a feruid arnlsroce; a nutn "f f"r-d artistic ima$rution. 2. Fired with intensefeeling. feruidity rwun Powerful,intenseemotion. fervidness nmun Powerful,intenseemotion. fervor rwrrn l. Powerful,intenseemotion. 2. Passionate devotionto or interestin a cause,subject, etc. 3. Intensity of feeling or reaction. 4. Poetb. Intensewarmth. Fescennine adiecthre Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. fess up oerb Sbng.To recognize,often reluctantly,the reality or truth of. festinate oerb To move swiftly. festive ad,iectioe 1. Characterizedby joyfrl exuberance. 2. Marked by festalcelebration. 3. Providingjoy and pleasure. festivity nuun l. The act of showingh"pPy satisfactionin an event. 2. Alarge or important socialgathering. 3. |oyful, exuberantactivity. fetch oerb 1. To causeto come along with oneself. 2. Infomnl. To achievea certainprice. fetching adiecthn Pleasingto the eye or mind. fete dso f6te ntrun A large or important socid gathering.
374 1. nnncn. 2. cnunr-. 3. uunonnous. 1. cnurr,w. 2. rr.rrrxsrrY.
1. Syns; fecund, productive, proliferous (Biol.), prolific, spawning. 2. Syns: fecund, fruitful, productive, prolific, rich. 3. nssouncEFul.
Syns; fecundity, fruitfulness, productivity, richness. Syns; enrich, fecundate. PASSION.
l. rvrnusrAsrlc. 2. pessroNerr. l. Syns; burning, fevered, feverish, heated, hectic. 2. pessroNetB. PASSION.
1 . PASSION. 2 . ENTHUSIASM. 3. nnnr notnx. 4. HBer twun. OBSCENE. ACKNOv/LEDGE.
nvsn aerb. 1. cev adiectiae. 2. nnnnv. 3. cr-eo. 1. cnr-nsnefioN. 2. penrv nuun. 3. cernrv. 1. snrNc. 2. snrNc. ATTRACTIVE. PARTY IWUN.
fetid adiectioe Havinqan unpleasantodor. "nnun fetish l. An irrational preoccupation. 2. A smallobject worn or kept for its supposedmagical
l. rnwc. 2. cnenu naun.
fettei tserb To restrict the activiWor free movementof. fetters rwtrn Somethingthat physicallyconfinesthe legsor arms. fettle ,*in A stateof soundreadiness. fevered adiecthse 1. Being at a higher temperaturethan is normal or desirable. 2. Characterizedby intenseemoUonand activitv. r feverish adiectioe' l. Being at a higher temperaturethan is normal or desirable. 2. Characterizedby intenseemotionand activitv. J feverous adiectioe' Being at a higher temperaturethan is normal or desirable. fiasco noun One that fails completely. fib oerb To make untrue declarations. fib rroun An untrue declaration. fibber noun One who tells lies. fibbery naun practiceof lying. -__The fiber noun l. A very fine, continuousstrand. 2. A distinctive,complexunder$ng pattern or strucfure. 3. Moral or ethical strength. fibril alsofibrilla rroun A very fine, continuousstrand. fibrilla rvrun fibster rwun One who tells lies. fickfe ad:iectioe Following no predictablepattern. f ict i o n ti u n' 1. A narrativenot basedon fact: shor-tstoriesand other f.ction. 2. An illusory mental image. 3. An untrue declaration. O. l"t fictitious idea acceptedas part of an ideolog;r - by q" uncritical group; a receivedidea. fictional adiectioe Consistingor suggestiveof fiction. fictionalize rserb To impart a falsecharacterto (something)by alteration. fictitious adiectioe Consistingor suggestiveof fiction: fictiarnl characters in a nooel. fictive adiectine Consistingor suggestiveof fiction.
1. rror adiectitse. 2. rnnvm. 1. rror adiectirse. 2. rBnvro. uor adiectioe.
rtn2 oerb. l,rF.znoun. LIAR. MENDACITY.
1. rnnneo noun. 2. rnxrunn. 3. cnenecren. THREAD NUIN,
srn fibril. LIAR. CAPRICIOUS.
1. Syns; fable, story. 2. onra*r noun. 3. r,rn2rmrn. 4. uyru.
Syns; fanciful, fantastic (a/so fantastical), fictional, fictive, invented, made-up. FICTITIOUS.
fiddle fiddle aerb 1. To move one's fingers or hands in a nervous or aimless fashion: fdd,led roith her popers; fidd.ling around uith the dials of the telnoision set. 2, To handle something idly, ignorantly, or destructively. fiddle away oerb To pass (time) without working or in avoiding work. fiddfe away oerb fiddfe-faddle twun Slnng. Something lacking substance or depth. fideliti noun l. Faithfulness or devotion to a person, a cause, obligations, or duties: The ca.ptain expected the full fidelity of his crew. 2. Correspondence with fact or truth. fidget uerb To move one's fingers or hands in a nervous or aimless fashion. rwun fidgets A state of nervous restlessnessor agitation. fidgety adiectioe Feeling or exhibiting nervous tension. noun field A sphere of activity, study, or interest. noun fiend l. A perversely bad, cruel, or wicked person: a fiend who tornwnted and kilbd his prisoners. 2. Slang. A person who is ardently devoted to a particular subject or activity. fiendish a.diectitse Perversely bad, cruel, or wicked: took fend,ish pleosure in torturing his oictims. fierce adiectitse 1. Showing or suggesting a disposition to be violently destructive without scruple or restraint: a fierce inteno gator ; frerce cannibals. 2. Eager for bloodshed. 3. Extreme in degee, strength, or effect. 4. Intensely violent in sustained velocity. 5. Intensely sustained, esp. in activity. 6. So intense as to cause extreme suffering.
376 l. Syns: fidget, fool, monkey, play, putter (around), tinker, toy, trifle, twiddle. 2. rauprn.
torg aerb. spn fiddle. FROTH rWUN,
1. Syns; allegiance, constancy, fealty, loyalty, steadfastness. 2. vnnecrrv. FIDDLE.
l. Syns; archfiend, beast, ghoul, monster, oge, tiger, vampire. -Idiorn devil incarnate. 2. rwtrusresr.
Syns: devilish, diabolic (also diabolical), ghoulish, hellish (lnformal), infernal, ogreish, satanic (a/so satanical). 1. Syns; barbarous, bestial, cruel, fell2, feral, ferocious, inhuman, savage, truculent, vicious, wolfish. 2. uunprnous. 3. nvrBNsB. 4. Hrcn. 5. Hrew adiectioe. 6. cnurr-.
fiercely a.doerb In a violent, strenuous way.
fierceness rwun Exceptionally great concentration, power, or force, esp. in activity. fiery ad.iectioe l. On fire. 2. Marked by much heat. 3. Full of or characterized by a lively, emphatic, eager quality. 4. Fired with intense feeling. fitty-fifty adiectioe lnfomwl. Neither favorable nor unfavorable. wrb fight l. To take a stand against. 2. To engage in a quarrel. 3. To strive in opposition to. 4. To oppose acUvely and with force.
l. er,ezrhlc. 2. laor ad;iectiae. 3. spmrrBo. 4. pessrouerB. rxn adiectioe. 1. 2. 3. 4.
corvrrsr oerb. encus. covrnvo. nnsrsr.
377 fight noun 1. A physicalconflict involving two or more: o disagreement that is bound,to lead to a fight; sau a fueadfulfight rofth knioesand,fists. 2. A discussion, often heated,in which a differenceof opinion is expressed, 3. The power or will to fight: There'sa lot of fight left in her. fighter naun One who engagesin a combator struggle:a fighter for freedorn. adiectioe filhting Of or engagedin warfare. figment rwun 1. An illusory mental image. 2. Any fictitious idea acceptedaspart of an ideologr by * uncritical group; a receivedidea. figure nou,n 1. The externaloutline of a thing. 2. An elementor componentin a decorative composition:a tapestrywith a flaral figuru. figure oerb l. To ascertainby mathematics. 2. To combine(figures)to form a sum. 3. Informal. To have an opinion. figure on oerb To anticipateconfidently. figure out oerb 1. To find a solutionfor. 2. Informal. To arrive at an answerto (a mathematical problem). figure on oerb figure out oerb figures rwun Arithmetic calculations:a goodheadfor figures;has rw .. facility for figures. flgurlng rwun -..The act, process,or result of calculating. fifament rwun A very fine, continuousstrand. filch oerb To take (another'sproperty) without permission. noun of people or things arranged in a row. gro,rp -__4 filf oerb l. To make or become full; put into as much as can be held: fill a theater; rtilpd a sack uith grain. 2, To plug up something, as a hole, space, or container: fill a tooth; filled the craclcswith cement. 3. To supply fully or completely. 4. To o__cc!p)r the whole of; be found througlrout: The ynell of flowers rtbd the room. fill out oerb To fill in what is lacking and make perfect. fiffe de joie noun French. A woman who engagesin sexual intercourse for payment.
1. Syns; fisticuffs, fray, run-in, scraf, scuffie, tussle. 2. encuurvr. 3. Syns; bellicosity, belligerence, belligerency, combativeness, contentiousness, pugnacity, pugnaciousness,scrap2. Syns; combatant, soldier, warrior.
1. nnperu rrnun. 2. uyrn.
1. ronru noun. 2. Syns: design, device, motif, motive, pattern. 1. car-cur-err. 2. eno. 3. srr-rpvE.
L. nnsotvs oerb, 2. wonx perb, snn figure. snr figure. Syns: arithmetic, computation, numbers.
srnx- oerb,
1. Syns; charge, freight, heap, load, pack, pile. 2. Syns: block, choke, clog, closer, congest, plug stop (up). 3. seusrv. 4. Syns: imbue, permeate, pervade, suffuse. coMpLEMExt oerb. PROSTITUTE.
A thin strip of material or color.
filf-in ,-ui
BANDr rwun.
ssnfill in.
fill in fiff in oerb To act asa substitute. fifl-in nunn Onethattakesthe placeof another. fiffip nsun Something that causesand encourages a given response. fiff out rserb fif m noun A thick, heavy atrnospheric condition offering reduced visibility due to the presence of suspended particles. fifmy a.diectioe 1. So light and insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film: a flr"A chffin dress.
2. Covered by or as if by a thin coating or film: filr"A Iights in the distance. rvnln filth l. Foul or dirty matter: Flies catry filth. 2. The condition or state of being dirty. 3. Something that is offensive to accepted standards of decencv.
fifthiness nnun l. The condition or stateof being dirty. 2. The quality or stateof being obscene. fifthy od,iectiae l. Heavily soiled;very dirty or unclean:a f,lthy pair of shoes. 2. Coveredor stainedwith or as if with dirt or other impurities. 3. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. 4. So objecUonableas to elicit despisal:o filthy trick.
378 sussrrrurn oarb. SUBSTITUTE NOUN. STIMULUS.
srB fill.
1. Syns: aerial, aery, airy, diaphanous, ethereal, gauzy, gossamer (a/so gossamery),sheerz,transparent, vaporous (also vapory). 2. Syns: beclouded, blurred, dim, hazy, misty. 1. Syns; dirt, grime, muck. 2. omrrnnss. 3. osscnwITY.
1. ornrrNnss. 2. osscnNrrY. L. Syns: foul, nasty, squalid, vile. 2. onrv adiectioe. 3. onscnwn. 4. Syns: abhorrent, contemptible, despicable,despisable,detestable, disgusting, foul, loathsome, Iow, lousy (Slnng), mean2, nasty, obnoxious, odious, reprehensible, repugnant, rotten, shabby, sorry, vile, wretched.
finagle alsofenagle aerb L lnfonnal. To take clever or cunningstepsto achieve 2. finaf 1. 2.
l. ueNnuvnn aerb. one's goals. 2. weNcr,r. Infornwl. To make, achieve, or get through contrivance or guile. a.diecthse Of or relating to a terminative condition, stage, or point. 1. r-estr adiectiae. 2. r,esrl adiectioe. Coming after all others.
3. Servingthe function of decidingor settlingwith finality. finafe noun The last part. finalfy adoerb
3. nnrwruvn.
l. In conclusion. 2. After a considerable length of time, usu. after a delay. oerb finance To supply capital to or for: frnnre the renooatian of an ol.d hune.
1.. r-esrl adoerb. 2. tr r-asr at lastl.
Syns; back, bankroll (Slang), capitalize, fund, grubstake, stake (/n/ormal), put up money for. subsidize. -ldiorn
finances rwun The monetary resources of a government, organization, or individual. od,iecthn financial Of or relating to finances or those who ded in finances: a fruncial a.&tber.
Syns: fiscal, monetary, pecuniary.
379 financier naun One who is occirpied with or expert in large-scale financial affairs: an intemntionnlly famnn fimncier. find oerb l' To look for and discover: Help me find, my glasses. 2. To find or meet by chance. find out oerb To obtain knowledge or awareness of something not known before, as through observation, sfudy, etc. find rnun Something that has been discovered. finding noun Something that has been discovered.
Syns:capitalis! moneyman(Infornwl). 1. Syns;locate,pinpoint, spot. 2. coun AcRossat come. DISCO\IER.
find out oerb finer ad;iecthse
sns find.
l' Able to make or detect effectsof great subtlety or precision:a firre eyefor color. 2. Exceptionallygood of its kind. 3. So slight asto be difficult to notice or appreciate. 4. Appealingto refined taste. 5. Free from clouds,mist, etc. 6. Consistingof small particles:frw buclaoheatflnn. fine2 rnun A sum of moneylevied as punishmentfor an offense:a firu for ooertimeparking. Failure to filz an hrcome-tax retum resultsin a firu set by Lano. fine oerb To imposea fine on:firwd thern a large xnn for failing .. to cornply uith the lau. flnenesS nuun The quality of being exceptionallygood of its kind. finespun adiectirse ,. So slight asto be difficult to notice or appreciate. flnesse oerb 1. To make,achieve,or get thtongh contrivanceor guile. 2. To outmaneuver(an opponent),esp.with the aid of someextra resource. finest noun A memberof a law-enforcementagency. finger oerb 1. To btitrg into contact with, meansof the handsor fingers,so as to give or receivea physical sensation. 2. To establishthe idenUficationof. finicaf adiectine Very difficult to please. finic(y adiecthse' Very difficult to please. finisli oerb 1. To bring or come to a natural or proper end. 2. To useall of. 3. To causethe completeruin or wreckageof. 4. To causethe death of. 5. To take the life of (a person or persons)unlawfully. 6. To be depleted. 7. To completea race or compeUtionin a specified position. finish off oerb Informal. To causethe death of. finish rlDun 1. The last part.
1. Syns; delicate,nice, subtle. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.
Bxcpr,r,nrvr. osr.rcA.TE. orr,rce,rs. cr,nenadiectioe. Syns; d,rsty, powdery pulverous, pulverulent,small (Brit. Regional).
Syns:amercement,mulc! penalty.
Syns:arnerce,mulct, penalize. EXCELLENCE. DELICATE.
1. weNcr,s. 2. rnulrip oerb.
l. rouctt oerb.
2. pr-tcn oerb. NICE. NICE.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
ct-osgr Derb, exHeusr. opsrnoy. nr.r,. uunonn r:erb. q oerb. nvN oerb.
l. nxo twun.
finished 2. !, concluding or terminating. finished adieciln l. 2. 3. 4.
Very proficient as a result of practice and study. Having reached completion. Having no further relationship. No lgnger effecUve, capable, or valuable. -oerb
finish off fink n/utn Sbry.One who givesincriminaUnginformationabout others. fink wrb Sbry.To give incriminatinginformationabout others, the authorities. fink out oerb Slang.To abandona former positionor commitment. fink out wrb fire rwrtn l. The visible signsof combustion:a hugefire at the
2. Powerful, intense emotion. 3. Passionatedevotion to or interest in a cause, subject, etc. 4. Liveliness and vivacity of imagination: poetry of diuhu fire. 5. Exceptional brightness and clarity, as of a cut and polished stone: a diard with ertraordirwry fire. fire Mb l. To arouse the emotions of; make ardent: fired by righteus hd@tirn. 2. To catrse to burn or undergo combustion. 3. To release or cause to release energ/ suddenly and violently, esp. with a loud noise. 4. To discharge a gun or firearm. 5. To send througlr the air with a motion of the hand or arm. 6. To launch with great force. T.Informal. To end the employment of. ad.iectioe fire-and-brimstone 1. Portending future disaster. 2. Fired with intense feeling. fired up adiectioe Feeling a very strong emotion. naun firing Infonrul. The act of dismissing or the condition of being dismissed. a.diecthse firmr l. Unyielding to pressure or force: frm muscbs. 2. Not easily moved or shaken. 3. Persistently holding to something. 4. Indicating or possessingdetermination, resolution, or persistence: a frm intention to da the right thing. 5. Not hesitating or wavering. 6. In a definite and final form; not likely to change: a
firm prbe.
7. Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or a duty. 8. Firmly settled or positioned. noun firmz A commercial organization. twun firmamenl The celestial reglons as seen from the earth.
380 2. Bf\n fw,tn. l. 2. 3. 4.
eccouplrsHED. coupr.rrn adiectiae. rnnouca adiectiae. rnnoucru adiectiae.
srr finish. INFORMER,
at back.
snr fink. 1. Syns; blazer, confagration, fame(s), flare-up. 2. pessroN. 3. nn-rnusnsu. 4. Syns: genius, inspiration. 5. Syns; brilliance (oho brilliancy), luminosity, radiance. 1. Syns; animate, enkindle, impassion, inspire, kindle, stirt (up). 2. rtcsrl oerb. 3. rxpr-onn. 4. snoor. 5. rnnow. 6. snoor oerb. 7. olstnllss. 1. rernrur,. 2. passtoNarn. THRILLED. DISMISSAL.
Syns; hard, incompressible,solid. souwo2. rrcnr adiectioe. Syns: determined, resolute, tough, unbending, uncompromising, unyielding. 5. oectstw. 5. Syns; certain, fixed, flat, setl, settled, straight. 7. rertnrur,.
l. 2. 3. 4.
8. suns. COMPANT-Y TWUN. LlF- ftoUn.
381 firmness nuun 1. Unwaveringfirmnessof characteror action. 2. Reliability in withstandingpressure,force, or stress. 3. The condition of being free from defectsor faws. first ad;iectioe 1. Precedingall othersin time: America'sfirst space
2. Most important, influential, or significant. 3. At or near the start of a period, development,or series. first-cfass adiectioe 1. Of fine quality. 2. Exceptionallygood of its kind. firsthand adiecthse 1. Marked by the absenceof any intervention. 2. Characterizedby a closeand thoroughacquaintance. first-rate adiectioe Exceptionallygood of its kind. fiscaf adiectitse Of or relating to financesor thosewho deal in finances. fish oerb To try to obtain, subtlenessand cunning. fishwife rmun A person,esp.a woman,who habituallyusesloud, abusivelanguage. fishy adiectine Of dubiouscharacter. fissure noun l. A usu. narrow partial openingcausedby splitting and rupture. 2. An interruption in friendly relations. fissure oerb To undergo partial breaking. "noin fisticuffs A physical conflict involving two or more. fit oerb l. To conform to another, esp. in size and shape: too boards that fit together; a shoe that fits. 2. To be in keeping with: a d,ressthat f,ts the occasion. 3. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use. 4. To have a proper or suitable place. 5. To be compatible or in correspondence. 6. To cause to be ready, as for use, consumption, or a special purpose. fit up (or out) oerb 1. To supply what is needed for some activity or purpose. 2. To provide with furniture. fit nmtn 1. A sudden, violent expression, as of emotion. 2. An angry outburst. fit ad;iectitse l. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place. 2. Suited to one's end or purpose. 3. Satisfying the requirements, as for selection. 4. Having good health. fitful adiectirse Happening or appearing now and then.
1. orcrsroN. 2. sra-err.rrY. 3. sourvoNrss. 1. Syns; earliest, initial, maiden, original, pioneer, primary, prime. 2. pnruenv. 3. renr-v ad:iectioe.
1. cnorcB adiecthse. 2. nxcsr.r-pNT. 1. ruunorem. 2. rNrruernr adiectioe. EXCELLENT. FINANCIAL.
latvr oerb. scolD rwun.
l. cnecx noun. 2. snnacH twun. cr.tcx oerb. FTGHT TWUN,
1. Syn; dovetail. 2. Syns: become, befit, conform to, correspond to, go with, match, suit. -Idium hit the spot. 3. eoepr. 4. nrr-oNc. 5. ecnne. 6. pnrpenp.
l. runwrsn. 2. runr.IrsH. 1. nnuprrot. 2. rruprn twun. 1. eppnopnttrn adiectioe. 2. coNvsMnr.{T. 3. nr,rcrslr. 4. nner,rny. INTERMITTENT.
fitness fitness rwun l. A stateof soundreadines. 2. Thequalityor stateof beingeligible. fitted attiectirn Satisfying the requirements, as for selection. fitting adiecthse l. Consistent with prevailing or accepted standards or circumstances. 2. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place. fitting nuun A piece of equipment for comfort or convenience. fit up (or out) oerb fix oerb 1. To ascribe (a misdeed, error, etc.) to: fixed the blame on rne. 2. To produce a deep impression on. 3. To implant so deeply as to make change nearly impossible: Racinl preiudice was fixed in their mhds. 4. To become or cause to become stuck or lodged. 5. To make secure. 6. To place sectuely in a position or condition. 7. To set forth expressly and authoritatively. 8. To put into correct or conclusive form. 9. To alter (parts of a device) for proper functioning. 10. To join one thing to another. 11. To come to an ageement about. 12. To restore to proper condition or functioning: fix some tom cbthcs. 13. To cause to be ready, as for use, consrunption, or a special purpose. 14. To render incapable of reproducing sexually. 15. Infomwl. To exact revenge for. 16. To prearrange the outcome of (a contest) unlawfullyz fx a footboll ganw; fix an electi.on. t7. To give, offer, or promise a bribe to. fix up oerb L. Infonrul. To improve in appearance, esp. by refurbishing, fx ry old toys by repaintingthem; an ol.d house. dccoratarcfriryry 2. Infornwl. To restore to proper condition or functioning. fix rwun l. A ditrcult, embarrassing situation. 2. Money, properly, or a favor given, offered, or promised to a person in a position of trust as an inducement to dishonest behavior.
382 1. rnurl naun. 2. guelrrrcATroN. ELIGIBLE.
1. psr adiectioe. 2. eppnopnrtrc adiectiae.
snr fit. L. Syns: affix, assign,blame, fasten, impute, pin on, place, saddle (on). 2. nNcnevr. 3. Syns; embed (a/so imbed), entrench, fasten, infix, ingrain, lodge, rootl. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
cnrcs aerb. resrrN. nsr,c.Bl-rsH. orcrerr. serrr,n. eopsr. errecn. enneNcr. Syns: doctor, fix up (Infomwl), mend, overhaul, patch, repair, reviunp, right. -Idiom set right. 13. pnBpenn. 14. srnnrr.rzn. 15. avrNcn. 16. Syn; tamper (with). -Idiorn deck. 17. nntr,s aerb.
pack the
1. Syns; smarten (up), spruce (up).
2. rw oerb.
1. pnsorcAMENT. 2. enrnn nuun.
fixation rwun Psyclwl. An irrationalpreoccupation. fixed odiecth:e l. Firmly in position:Thereare tn fixed obiectsin spo&. 2. Not dift$ed or dispersed. 3. Having distinct limits. 4. Kept within certain limits. 5. On an unwaveringcourseof action. 6. In a definite and final form; not likely to change. fix up wrb tizz noun A massof bubbles in or on the surfaceof a liquid.
1. Syns; immobile, immovable, stationary, steadfast, unmovable, unmoving. 2. cowcnNrnATED. 3. onrrNrtn. 4. nnsrntcrno. 5. srrr adiecthse. 5. rrnul. snr fix.
383 tizz aerb 1. To form or causeto form foam. 2. To make a sharpsibilantsound. lizzle oerb L. Informal. To losestrengthor power. 2. To make a sharpsibilantsound. flabbergast oerb To overwhelmwith surprise,wonder, or bewilderment. ffabby adiectioe Lacking in stiffnessor firmness. ffaccid adiectioe Lacking in stiffnessor firmness. flagl twun Fabric a symbol:salute our country'sflag.
flag oerb To communicateby meansof suchdevicesaslights or signs. tla* oerb l. To lose strengthor power. 2. To becomelimp, as from lossof freshness. flagging adiecthse Proceeding - at a rate lessthan usualor desired. flagitious ad,iecthse Utterly reprehensiblein nature or behavior. flagrance nuun ffagrancy or flagrance nou,n The quality or state of being flagrant: the fngranny of his crimes. ffagrant adiectiae 1. Conspicuouslybad or offensive:a fngrant atternpt at price fi*ing; fngrant debauchery. 2. Disgracefullyand gossly offensive. flagrantriess nnun The quality ' or state of being fagant. flail ierb To swing about or strike at wildly. flair rwun An innate capability. 'adiectioe ffamboyant 1. Elaboratelyand heavilyornamented. 2. Marked by outward, often extravagantdrsplay. flame oerb To undergocombustion. flame(s) nou,n The visible signsof combustion. ffaming adieit*:e 1. On fire. 2. Fired with intensefeeling. ffank noun One of two or more contrastedparts or places identifiedby its locationwith respectto a center. ffap oerb l. To move (wings,arms,etc.) up and down: The gull fapped its heaoy winSs 2. To move or causeto move about while being ffxed at one edge:a naoal ensry fappfngin the breeze; fapped the sigrnl fags. 3. To move through the air with or as if with wings.
L. rolru oerb. 2. r'rssoerb. L. rrnn oerb. 2. wrssoerb. STAGCER.
ulriY adiecthse. Syns; banderole (a/so banderol, bannerol), banner, colors, ensign, jack, oriflamme (aho auriflamme), pennant, pennon, standard, streamer. srctqer-oerb.
l. rton oerb. 2. wn r. sr-ow adiectitse. coRRuPTadiectioe. srn flagrancy. Syns; atrociousness, atrocity, enormity, flagrantness,grossness,outrageousness, rankness. 1. Syns; arrant, capital, egegious, g[aring, goss, rankz. 2. ournecnous. FLAGRANCY. THRASH. TALENT.
1. onNem. 2. snowy. sunN oerb. FIB'E |IOUN.
1, arazrNc. 2. pessroNetr. SIDE.
1. Syns; beat, fitter, fop, futter, waggle, wave. 2. tyns: flitter, futter, fly, wave.
3. rr-v.
flare flap rruun stateof discomposure. -- Sb"g.A ffare oerb l. To undergocombustion. 2. To react explosivelyor suddenly. 3. To becomemanifestsuddenlyand in full force. ffare-up rmun ffare up oerb To be or becomeangry, flare-up nsun l. The visible signsof combustion. 2. A sudden,violent expression, asof emotion. ffaring adiectioe On fire. ffash oerb l. To emit light suddenlyin raysor sparks:Iagged strealcsof llghnilng fuhed. Aanwrd tiaras were fla"shingin the candlclight. 2. To shinewith intermittent gleams. 3. To makea public and usu.ostentatiousshowof. 4. To move swiftly. ffash rruun 1. A suddenquick light. 2. A very brief time: urs gorw in a fash.
3. Sparkling, brilliant light. flashy adieitioe Tastelessly showy. flat adieciioe l. Lftg down: I am fat on rny back in bed.
2. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations. 3. Completely such; without qualification or exception. 4. In a definite and final form; not likely to change. 5. Lacking liveliness, charm, or surprise. 6. Having lost tang or effervescence: a fnt champagw. 7. Lacking an appetizing favor: a fnt, starchy meal. 8. Lacking vividness in color. 9. Lacking gloss and luster. flat adoerb l. In a direct, positive manner. 2. To the fullest extent. flatfoot nulrn Slnng. - A member of a law-enforcement agency. ffatly adoerb In a direct, positive manner: denied it fntly.
ffatness rwun The state or quality of being insipid. ffat-out adiectioe Completely such, without qualification or exception. ffat-out adaerb l. Infomwl. In a rapid way. 2. Regiornl. In a direct, positive manner.
,.,*;,, 2. rrv. 3. snnexour. snr flare up. eNCnn ,^erb. l. rmr rroun. 2. ourpunsr. BLAZING.
1. Syns; coruscate, glancer, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glister (Poetic), glitter, scintillate, shimmer, spangle, sparkle, twinkle. 2. srtNK Derb. 3. otspr,lrv aerb. 4. nuss oerb. 1. sr,rNKnou,n. 2. Syns: crack, instant, jiffy (also jitr) (Informal), minute2, moment, secondr, tick (Bnf. Informal), trice, twinkle, twinkling, wink. -Idionu split second, the twinkling of an eye. 3. cr.rrrnn noun. GAUDY.
1. Syns; decumbent, horizontal, procumbent, prone, prostrate, recumbent. 2. nvsxl adiectiae. 3. urrnn2. 4. rrnul. 5. our,r, adiectioe. 6. Syn; stale. 7. Syns: flavorless,insipid, tasteless. 8. our-r- adiectioe. 9. nur-r- adiectioe. l. rr,err,v. 2. corrpr,nrEr,Y. POLICEMAN.
Syns: emphatically, flat, flat-out
:::i,3' utrnR2. l. resr adoerb. 2. rr,tr:v.
ffatten wrb l. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow. 2. To make even, smooth, or level.
L. onop aerb. 2. nvnNr oerb.
385 ffatter oerb 1. To complimentexcessivelyand ingatiatingly: sycophantswho flanered the king's mistress. 2. To look good on or with: a gann that fatters the
1. Syns; adulate,blandish, butter up (Infonrwl), glaver (Obs.),honey,oil (Informal), slaver,soft-soap(lnfomnl), sweet-talkQnfornwl). 2. Syns:become,compliment enhance, suit. -Idiorn put in the best light.
ffatterer nou,n One who flatters another excessivelv. flattering ad,iectioe Pleasingly suited to the wearer.
Excessive, ingratiating praise: a person blinded by
fon"ry. ffatulent adiectioe Filled up with or as if with somethinginsubstantial. flaunt oerb To make a public and usu.ostentatiousshow of. ffavor noun l. A distinctive propefly of a substanceaffecting the gustatorysense:meat permeatedwith the flnoor of garlic. 2. A distinctive yet intangible qualtty deemedtypical of a given thi"gi a city liUrna'"tlti the flaoor of the Orient. 3. A substancethat imparts taste. ffavor oerb l. To impart flavor to: faoored the sau,cewith herbs ard uirw. 2. To have a particular flavor or suggestionof something. flavoring riun A substancethat imparts taste: lsmonfar:orlng. ffavorfess adiectioe Lacking an appetizingflavor. ffavorlessness rwun The stateor quality of being insipid. flaw nuun Somethingthat mars the appearanceor causes inadequacyor failure. ffawed adiectioe Having a defect or defects. ffawfess adiectioe l. Free from flaws or blemishes. 2. In excellentcondition. - 3. Supremelyexcellentin quality or nature. tlay oerb To criticize harshly and devastatingly. fleck oerb To mark with many small spots. ffedgling noun -. One wh_ois just startingto learn or do something. flee oerb To break looseand leavesuddenly,as from confinementor from a difficutt or threateningsituation. ffeecy adiectirse Coveredwith hair. fleeing adiectitse Lasting or existingonly for a short time. fleer oerb To smile or laugh scornfully or derisively.
Syns; adulation, blandishment, blarney, incensd, oil (Infonnal), slaver (Arclwic). -Idiums honeyed wotds, soft soap. INFLATED.
orcpt.llv oerb. l. Syns: relish, sapor, savor, smack2,taste, twang. 2. Syns: aroma, atrnosphere, savor, smack2. 3. rr,evonNc. 1. Syn; season. 2. sv^tcx2 oerb.
Syns; condiment, flavor, seasoning. rur
l. cr,rAn adiecthse. 2. cooo adiectioe. 3. pBnrncr adiectioe. st-ext oerb. SPECIO-E. BECINNER.
nscten oerb.
srvpnn oerb.
fleer at fleer at wrb To makefun of. fleer twun -_ A facial expression conveying scorn or derision.
ffeer at *;b fleetr Mb To move swiftly. fleet ad,iectioe Characterizedby great celerity. ffeet2 odiecthrc' Chbfly Regiorul. Measuringlittle from bottom to top or zurface. ffeeting adiecthn L,astingor existingonly for a short time. fleetness rwun _ Rapidnessof movementor activity. Ffeei Street noun ^ Brit. Journalistsand journalism in general. ffesh noun The humanrace. fleshfess ad,iectioe Having little fesh or fat on the body. fleshlin6ss lwun A preoccupationwith the body and satisfactionof its desires. ffeshfy adiectiw l. Of or pertainingto the humanbody. - 2. Relatingto the desiresand appeUtesof the body. ffeshy adiecthn Having too much flesh. ffexibility twun The quality or stateof being flexible: measuredthe f.exibility of the aluminum.
flexibfe alsoflexile adiectioe l. Easilyalteredor influenced:the fzxible mind.of the diplumot. 2. Capableof being shaped,bent, or drawn out, as by hammeringor pressure. 3. Capableof withstandingstresswithout injury: a fleriblc girder. flexibleness rwu,n The qudity or stateof being fexible. ffexile adieaioe flexuose ad.iectioe flexuous alsoflexuose a.diectioe l. Capableof being shaped,bent, or drawn out, asby hammeringor presnrre. 2. Repeatedlyctrrvingin alternatedirections. flexure nuun Obs. The quality or state of being flexible. flick nuun Light and momentarycontact with anotherpersonor thittg. ffick oerb To make light and momentarycontact with. flicker oerb l. To shine with intermittent gleams. 2. To move quickly and intermittently in a nervous, excitedway.
386 ntotcvtn oerb. SNEER rIAUN.
srn fleer. nvsru oerb, rl^sr adiectiae. sHALLow adiectit:e.
rutN adiectioe. PHYSICALITY.
1. soorr-v. 2. pnvsrcar.. rn
Syns; ductility, elasticity, flexibleness, fexure (Obs.), $ve (lnformal), malleability, plasticity, pliability, pliableness, pliancy, resilience (also resiliency), springiness,suppleness. 1. Syns: elastic, malleable, plastic, pliable, pliant. 2. Mer,r,nesr.n. 3. Syns; elasUc, plastic, resilient, springy, supple. FLEXIBILITY.
seB flexible. sBBflexuous. 1. Mer-r-nasr,n. 2. wrrvorNc. FLEXTBILITY. BRUSH troun.
nnvss oerb. L. nrtNx aerb.
2. rrurrnn aerb.
387 flicker noun A sudden quick light. rwun ffight The act or an instance of escaping, as from confinement or difficulty. adiectit>e flighty Given to lighthearted silliness. oerb flimflam Slong.To get money or something else from by deceitful trickery. ffimflam rwu,n Slnng. An act of cheating. noun ff imflammer Slang. A person who cheats. adiectioe flimsy 1. Having little substance or significance; not solidly based. 2. Not plausible or believable. oerb ff inch To draw away involuntarily, usu. due to fear or disgust: ftnched at the sight of the camage. ffing noun l. An act of throwing. 2. A period of uncontrolled self-indulgence. 3. lnformal. A brief trial. fling aerb To send through the air with a motion of the hand or arm. ff ip oerb 1. To throw (a coin) in order to decide something. 2. To look through reading matter casually. ff ip adiecthse l. Informnl. Characterized by ready but often insincere or superficial discourse. 2. Informal. Rude and disrespectful. ffirt oerb 1. To make amorous advances without serious intentions: a girl who flirted uith all the boys. 2. To treat lightly or flippantJy: a stunt pilot who flirted with death. ffirt noun A woman who leads men on: Scarlen O'Hara-the epitome of- a flirt. fli*ation rcun 1. The practice of firting: Darcing and flirtation u)ere their chief amtnements. 2. A usu. brief romance entered into lightly or frivolously: It's rwt looe; it's iwt arwther flirtation. ff irtatious adiectiae Given to firting: a flirtatinw belle. flirty adiectioe Given to flirting. flit aerb l. To move quickly and intermittently in a nervous, excited way. 2. To move through the air with or as if with wings. 3. To move swiftly. ff itter oerb 1. To move quickly and intermittently in a nervous, excited way. 2. To move (wings, arms, etc.) up and down. 3. To move or cause to move about while being fixed at one edge.
GIDDY. clcintr
l. rrNuous. 2. rMpr-eusrsr,n. Syns;blenchr,quail, recoil, shrink, shyr, squinch,start, wince. 1. rnnow rwun. 2. erNcn. 3. rnv rwun. rsnow oerb. l. ross. 2. snowsn. 1. cr,rs. 2. rupuopvr. 1. Syns; coquet,dally, toy, trifle. 2. Syns:dally (with), pl"y (with), toy (*ith), trifle (with). Syns: coquette,vamp. l. Syns; coquetry,dalliance. 2. Syn: dalliance. Syns:coquettish,coy, flirty. FLIRTATIOUS.
L. w-urrnn oerb. 2. rrv. 3. nusla oerb. l. rrvrtnn
2. w-tp oerb. 3. rr,tp oerb.
ffoat wrb l. To move along with or be carried away by the action of water. 2._To pass quickly and lightly thto"gh the air. -_ ffock rruun l. An enormous number of persons gathered together. 2. A very large number of things grouped together. ffock oerb To congregate closely around or against. flog oerb To punish with blows or lashes. ffogging twun A punishment dealt with blows or lashes.
l . wrsu aerb.
2 . FLY. 1. cnowo ru)un. 2. cnown nattn. cnowo oerb. nnlr uerb. BEATING.
l. An abundant, usu. overwhelming flow: a food follouitq the storm; a fnod of tears. 2. Something suggestive of running water. ffood aerb l. To flow over completely: The storm faoded our fusenwnt. Tearsf.ooded my face. 2. To affect as if by an outpouring of water: The White Hune ums fnoded uith anry telegrams. 3. To come or go in large numbers. floor aerb l. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow. 2. To overwhelm with surprise, wonder, or bewilderment. ffoozey twun ffoozy dso floozey rwtrn Slnng. A vulgar, promiscuous woman who fouts propriety. ffop t:erb 1. To drop or sink heavily and noisily: He fopped into the chair with a groan. 2, To move (wings, arms, etc.) up and down. 3. To hang limply, loosely, and carelessly. 4. Informal. To be unsuccessful. 5. Slnng. To go to bed. flop rwun Infonrnl. One that fails completely. ffoppy adiectiae Lacking in stifiness or firmness.
l. Syns; alluvion, cataclysm, cataract, deluge, freshet, inundation, Niagara, overflow, spate, torrent. 2. rrow noun. l. Syns; deluge, drown, engulf, flush, inundate, overflow, submerge, whelm. 2. Syns: deluge, overwhelm, whelm. 3. poun. l . onop oerb.
2 . STAGGER. snn floozy. SLUT.
1. Syns:flump,plop, plump2,plunk. 2. rutp oerb. 3, srovcrr aerb. 4. r'err-. 5. nnrrnp. FAILURE.
uv.e adiectiae.
fforescence ruuun A condition or time of vigor and freshness.
fforet nuun The showy reproducUve structure of a plant. florid adiectitse f . Of a healthy, reddish color. 2. Elaborately and heavily ornamented. flounce oerb' To walk with exaggerated or unnatural motions expressive of self-importance or self-display. ffounder rserb To move about in an indolent or clumsy manner.
flourish oerb l. To grow rapidly and luxuriantly: Most flowers fl^tith in full sunlight. 2. To fare well. 3. To be in one'sprimei an artist who flourishedin the lnte llth cmtury. 4. To wield boldly and dramatically: o dnnn maior flon Lthtnghisbaton.
BLOOM ftnun.
l. nuoov. 2. onxarn. STRUT.
l. Syns; bloom, blossom, thrive.
2. PROSPER. 3 . Syns: flower,
shine. -Idionx ct:r"a figure, make a splash. 4. Syns: brandish, sweep, wave.
389 flourishing adiecthse Improving, growing,or succeedingsteadily:a fuurishingbusiruss. flout oerb To refuseor fail to obey. flow oerb 1, To move freely as a liquid: bloodf"*i"S through the oeins. 2. To come forth or emit in abundance:Foodparcek for the tomado oictimsfnwed in. Tearsflnued. 3. To passor pour out into. 4. To have as a source. 5. To overfow with. 6. To proceedwith ease,esp.of expressionChurchill's resplend.entprosefl.owedon and.on. flow rwtrn Somethingsuggestiveof running water: a fnro of syrnpathy;a steadyflo* of compl"aints. flower noun l. The showyreproductivestructureof a plant. 2. A condition or time of vigor and freshness. 3. That which is superlative. 4. Peopleof the highestsociallevel. flower oerb 1. To bear flowers. 2. To be in one'sprime. ffowing adiectioe _ Marked by facility, esp.of expression. fluency rwun Readyskill in expression:achiet>ed flu"*rl in Russian. fluent' adiecti,oe 1. Fluently persuasiveand forceful. 2. Marked by facilig, esp.of expression. ffuff rvnn Inforrnal.A minor mistake. fluid adiectiae 1. Capableof or liable to change. 2. Changingeasily,as in expression. 3. Marked by facilrty, esp.of expression. ffuidity noun Readyskill in expression. ftuke rraun An unexpectedrandomevent. ffuky adlectirse Occurring ' " unexpectedly. flummox oerb L. Slnng.To be unsuccessful. 2. S_lang. To make incapableof finding somethingto think, do, or say. flump oerb To drop or sink heavily and noisily. ff unk oerb Infornwl. To receive lessthan a passinggrade. ffurry oerb To impair or destroy the composureof. flurry rwun l. A stateof discomposure. -. 2..Agitated,excitedmovementand activity. flush oerb 1. To make even, smooth,or level.
Syns; booming, coming (Infonrwl), healthy, prospering, prosperous, roaring, robust, thrifty, thriving. -Idiorn going strong. DISOBEY.
1. Syns; circulate, course, run, stream. 2. Syns: course, gush, pour, rush, stream, surge, welll. 3. orscuancn oerb. 4. yrnv' oerb. 5. rnrul. 6. Syns; glide, roll, sail.
Syns; current, drift, flood, flux, rush, spate, stream, tide. 1. 2. 3. 4.
slooM nuun. slooM noun. spsr naun. socrnry.
l. r;rooll oerb. 2. rr,ounrsH. sMoorH adiectiue. Syns; cursiveness, facility, fuidity. l. rr.ogunvr. 2. suoorn adiectioe. LAPSE |IO'UT, l. cneNceABLE. 2. Mosrr-n. 3. srraoorn ad;iectitse. FLUENCY. CHANCE frcnnx. AccTDENTAT adiecthse.
1. rerr.. 2. Norvpr-us.
pt op oerb. FAIL.
l. ecrterron. 2. srml rroun, t. nvnNr oerb.
flushed 2. To raise the spirits of. 3. To flow over completely. 4. To become red in the face. ffush noun 1. A condition or time of vigor and freshness. 2. A fresh, rosy complexion. 3. A feeling of pervasive emotional warmth. ffush adiectioe 1. On the same olane or line. 2. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations. 3. Of a healthy, reddish color. 4. Possessinga large amount of money, land, or other material possessions. ffushed adiectioe l. Feeling great delight and joy. 2. Of a healthy, reddish color. fluster oerb To impair or destroy the composure of. ffuster Mrun A state of discomposure. ffutter oerb l. To move quickly and intermittently in a nervous, excited way: The children flunered around the birthday cake. 2. To move (wings, arms, etc.) up and down. 3. To move or cause to move about while being fixed at one edge. 4. To move through the air with or as if with wings. flutter nuun A state of discomposufe. ffux noun Something suggestive of running water. flux oerb To change from a solid to a liquid. ffy aerb l. To move through the air with or as if with wings: CuIIs few orser the beach. 2. To pass quickly and tightly through the air: Stonn cl.oudsfew past rc. 3. To move or cause to move about while being fixed at one edge. 4. To break loose and leave suddenly, as from confinement or from a difficult or threatening sifuation. 5. To move swfiy. 6. To react explosively or suddenly: fuu into a tounring roge. 7. Informal. To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the gound during each stride. 8. To leave hasUly. flying ad.iecth>e Accomplished in very little time. ntun foam A mass of bubbles in or on the surface of a liquid: Foam rose on the beer. foam oerb To form or cause to form foam: The beer foamed in the glass. foamy ad.ieaioe Consisting of or resembling foam: Whds chumed the sea intn a foamy sWaV.
390 2. nrtrn aerb. 3. ruooo aerb. 4. srvsn, Derb. l. slooM rwun. 2, nr,oou rwun. 3, cr,ow rwun. l. 2. 3. 4.
nveNl adiectioe. rvnNr adiectiae. nuooy. nrcH.
1. nr,erno. 2. nuoov. AGITATE. AGITATION.
1. Syns; flicker, flit, fitter, hover.
2. rurp oerb. 3. rt tp oerb. 4. rlv. AGITATION.
FLOW nmrn.
l. Syns; flap, flit, flutter, sail, wing. 2. Syns: dart, float, sail, shoot, skim. 3. pl-l^poerb. 4. nsctpn aerb.
5. nuss aerb. 6. $yn: flare (up). 7. nuN aerb. 8. nvx oerb. QUICK.
Syns; frzz, froth, head, lather, spume, suds, yeast. Syns: bubble, crearn, efrewesce, fizz, froth, lather, spume. Syns; frothy, lathery, spumy, sudsy.
391 fob perb To offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item). focalize oerb To direct toward a commoncenter. focus rwun A point of origin from which ideas,influences,etc., emanate. focus oerb 1. To devote (oneselfor one'sefforts). 2. To direct toward a commoncenter. foe rwu,n One who is hostileto or opposesthe purposesor interestsof another. fog rruu,n l. A thick, heavy atmosphericcondition offering reducedvisibility due to the presenceof suspended particles. 2. A stunnedor bewilderedcondition. fog oerb To make dim or indistinct. foggy ad,iecth:e Not clearly perceivedor perceptible. noun fogy An old-fashioned person who is reluctant to change or innovate. nou,n foible A liking or personal preference for something. foif oerb To prevent from accomplishing a puq)ose. perb foist l. To offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item): tried to foist danwged merchand,ise on his customers, 2. To force (another) to accept. a burden. 3. To introduce gradually and slyly. noun fofd A line made by the doubling of one part over another: the folds of a curtain. fold oerb 1. To bend together or crease so that one part lies over another: foliled the paper in thirds. 2. Informal. To undergo sudden financial failure. 3. lnfonnal. To be unable to hold up. 4. Inforrnal. To give way mentally and emotionally. 5. Infornnl. To give in from or as if from a gradual loss of strength. nou,n folklore A body of tradiUonal beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject. oerb fof low l. To move behind (another) in the same direction: Sha follaued me into the roorn. 2. To keep (another) under surveillance by moving along behind: The police followed the wspec-t home. 3. To take as a model: He tried to follou his father's high standards.
4. To act in conformity with: follou the rubs; uas iust following orders.
l. eppr,v. 2, coNcsN:IRATE. ENEMY.
1. xezB rrntn.
2. otzn nuun. osscunp oerb. UNCLEAR. SQUARE flozrfi.
1. Syns; fob (off), palm off, pass off.
2. naposs. 3. rNsrluere. Syns: crease, crinHe, pleat, plica, plication, ply, rimple, ruck2, wrinHel. 1. Syns; double, pleat, plicate, ruck2. 2. 3. 4. 5.
cor.r.epsn oerb. snND. snsAx DowN. succulrs.
1. Syns; heelr, pursue, EaiI. -Idionw camp on the heel of, follow in the trail of, follow on the heel of. 2. Syns: bedog, birddog dog shadow, tarl Qnfonrnl), trail, track. 3, $yns; copy, emulate, model, pattern (on, upon, or after). -Idioms follow in the footsteps ol follow suit, follow the example of. 4. Syns: abide by, adhere (to), comply (with), conform (to), keep, mind, obey, observe.
follower 5. To occur after (another)in time: Tlrc reign of Eliznbeth II folloued C*orge VI's. 6. To occur as a consequence:If Von d,othat, it follm:s tlwt you will be caught. 7. To perceiveand recognizethe meaningof. follow on wrb To occur after (another)in time. follow through wrb To strengthenthe effect of (an action)by further action. follow up wrb To strengthenthe effect of (an action) by further - action: follound up the banage with an assoult. fof fower' runtn One who supportsand adheresto another:Lenin's folbuers. fof fowing a.diectioe Occurringriglrt after another: On the foUoufug day he quit. following noun l. A group of attendantsor followers. 2. T\e body of personswho admire a public personality, entertainer. follow on "iru wrb follow through foflow up wrb foffy ruoun Foolishbehavior. foment oerb To induce or elicit (a reactionor emotion). fomenter rwttn _ One who agitates,esp.politically. fond adiecfin Feeling and expressingafiection. -oerb fondle To touch or stroke affectionately. fondness rontn l. The conditionof being closelytied to anotherby affection or faith. - 2. -A liking or personalpreferencefor something. food rcui 1. Somethingfit to be eaten:dnliciow food.
2. That which sustainsthe mind or spirit: a passian that fwnd its food in msic. foodstuff noun Somethingfit to be eaten. foof twun 1. One deficientin judgmentand good sense:acted like a fool ooer her.
2. A person who is easily deceived or victimized. 3. A mentally deficient person: lwd the mentality of a
5. Syns; follow on, succeed, superve":n' -Idiorn follow on the heels of. 6. Syns; attend, ensue, result. 7. urornsraxo.
(on), through pursue.
Syns: adherent, cohort, disciple, henchman, partisan, satellite, supporter. Syns; coming, ensuing, next.
1. nprrNun. 2. puslrc nnun. srr follow. srn follow. sBBfollow.
cenrss t-rerb. l. arracrrMENT. 2. rasrB nou,n. l. Syns;bread, chow (Slnng), chuck2 (Regionnl), comestible, eats (Slong), edible(s), esculent, fare, foodstuff, grub (Slang), meat, nulture, peck2, provisions, sustenance. -Idiorns daily bread, meat and drink. 2. Syns: aliment, nourishment, nutriment,
PaP'sustenance' "ojjot*' 1. Syns; ass, dope (Informal), goose (Infonrwl), idiot, imbecile, jackass, jerk (Slang), mooncalf, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit (Infonrnl), numskull (a/so numbskull), schmo (a/so schmoe) (Slang), schmuck (Slang), simple, simpleton, tomfool, turkey (Slnng). 2. ovpn nuun. 3. Syns; ament, cretin, ganderl (Infornwl), half-wit, idiot, imbecile, moron, natural, simpleton.
393 fool oerb 1. To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. 2. Warnnl. To make jokes; behave playfully. 3. To move one's fingers or hands in a nervous or aimless fashion. 4. To handle something idly, ignorantly, or destructively. fool around aerb l. Informal. To waste time by engaging in aimless activitY. 2. Informal. To be sexually unfaithful to another. fool away oerb To spend (money) excessively and usu. foolishly. oerb fool around oerb fool away
1. oecrrvn. 2.1or,n oerb. 3. nonr.n. 4. reupnn.
1. urss ARouNDat mess. 2. pnrr,ervonn oerb. wtsrn oerb. sBn fool. spr fool.
foolery noun Foolish behavior. adiectiae foof hardy Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste. adiectioe foolish 1. So senselessas to be laughable: a foolish lnndspeculntion schqne.
2. Displaying a complete lack of forethought and good sense.
1. Syns; absurd, balmy (Sl""g), cock-eyed (Slnng), crazy, dippy (Slorrg), fantastic (a/so fantasUcal), feeble-minded, harebrained, idiotic, insane, jerky (Slang), loony (a/so luny) (Inforrnal), loopy (Informal), lunatic, mad, nonsensical, preposterous, sappy (Slnng), silly, softheaded, tomfool, unearthly, wacky (also whacky) (Slnng), zany. 2. vn*ror-rss.
foofishness rmun Foolish behavior: The utter foolishness of that marketing plan is ernbamassing. adiectioe foolproof Designed so as to be impervious to human error or misuse: a foolproof detonator. foot oerb 1. To go on foot. 2. To move rhythmically to music, using patterns of steps or gestures. 3. To combine (fig*es) to form a sum. foot noun The lowest or supporting part or structure. noun footfall The act or manner of going on foot.
Syns: absurdity, craziness, folly, foolery, idiocy, insanity, lunacy, preposterousness, senselessness, silliness, tomfoolery. Syn; fail-safe.
l. wtrx oerb. 2. oANcE,oerb. 3. eoo. BasEl fwun,
footing rwun 1. Anything on which something immaterial, such as an argument or charge, rests. 2, An established posiUon from which to operate or deal with others. 3. The lowest or supporting part or structure. 4. Positioning of one individual vis-d-vis others.
footstep rwun The act or manner of going on foot.
foozle noun A stupid,clumsymistake. foozler noun A stupid, clumsyperson.
l. sasrs. 2. nesrs. 3. sAsnl naurr. 4. pr,ecr rwun.
forage oerb To makea thoroughsearchof. loray twun An act of invading, militaryforces. toray oerb To enter in order to attack, plunder, destroy, or conquer. forbear oerb To hold oneself back.
forbearance ruoun l. Forbearing or lenient treahnent. 2. The capacity of enduring hardship or inconvenience without complaint.
;::::^.." 2. perrnNcr.
forbearanl adiectioe Archab. Not strict or severe. forbearing adiecthse 1. Not strict or s,evere. 2. Enduring or capable of enduring hardship or inconvenience without complaint.
1. ror,rnexr. 2. perrpNr.
forbid oerb To refuseto allow: The law forbids tax eaasian.The gunrdforbode thernentry. foibiddance rwun A refusalto allow: protestedthot nation'sforbiddance of racial mingling. forbidden adiectirse Not allowed: Srnokingis fotbidden. forbidding adiectiw So disageeablyaustereas to discourageapproach:a forbidding lnok; forbkldlng castle walls. force naun 1. Power.usedto overcomeresistance:usedforce to obnin a confession. 2. Effective meansof influencing,compelling,or punishing. 3. The capacityto exert an infuence Theforce of the speaker'spersornlity mooedthe cvoud to an ooation. 4. Capacityor power for work or vigorousactivity. 5. A goup of people organizedfor a particular pu{pose:a work force; a policeforce. 6. The strongeffect exertedby one personor thing on another. force oerb 1. To cause(a personor thing) to act or move in spite of resistance:Tear gasforced the fugitir:esout of their hidingplrce. 2. To compel (another)to participatein or submit to a sexualact. 3. To compelby pressureor threats. forced adiectioe l. Done under force: roadsbuilt with forced lnbor. 2. Not naturd or spontaneous: Shegreetedus with a forud smilc. forc6ful adiectioe 1. Full of or displayingforce: a forceful speaker. 2. Bold and definite in character. 3. Possessingexerting or displayingenerry. 4. Expressedor performed with emphasis.
Syns: ban, disallow, enjoin, inhibit, interdict, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe. Syns; ban, disallowance, interdiction, prohibition, proscription, taboo (also tabu). Syns: banned, impermissible, prohibited, taboo (a/so tabu), verboten. Syns; inhospitable, unhospitable, uninviting. L. Syns: coercion, constraint, duress, pressure,strength, violence. 2. uuscr.n noun. 3. Syns; forcefulness,magnetism, power, vigor, vitality. 4. runncv. 5. Syns; body, corps, crew, detachment, team, unit. 6. rupecr rwun.
t. Syns: coerce, compel, constrain, make, oblige, pressure. 2. nepn. 3. corncr. l. Syns; coerced, compulsory, constrained. 2. Syns: effortful, labored, strained.
1. Syns; dynamic (a/so dynamical), effective, powerful, strong, vigorous. 2. nupnerrc. 3. rwBncrrrc. 4. rupnerrc.
39 5 forcefully adaerb HARD adoerb, With intenseenergyand force. forcefulness nou,n FORCE fWUn. The capacityto exert an in-fuence. forcible adiectioe Syns; coercive, Accomplishedby force: forcible seizureof Am'erican violent. sailnrs. forcibly adrserb HARD a&serb. With intenseenergyand force. fore nyun FRONT NNUN. The part of an object, person,etc., facing the viewer' oerb forearm GIRD. To prepare (oneselflfor action. rrnun forebear ANCESTOR. A personfrom whom one is descended. forebode rcrb THREATEN. To give warning signsof (impendingperil). forecast oerb PREDICT. To tell about or makeknown (future events)in advance, meansof specialknowledgeor inference. forecast rruun PREDICTION. The act of predicting. foredestine oerb rli,rg oerb. To determinethe future of in advance. foredoom oerb rnrn oerb. To predestineto a tragic end. foredoom rmun FATE ftou,n. Rare.A predestinedtragic end. foredoomed adiectioe CONDEMNED. Sentencedto terrible, irrevocablepunishment.
forefather nnun A person from whom one is descended.
forefend oerb foregather oerb forego oerb foregoing ad:iectiae 1. Next before the Presentone. 2. Justgoneby or elaPsed. forehand noun A dominatingposition,s h a conflict. forehanded adiectirse Careful in the useof materialresources. forehandedness noun Careful useof materialresources. foreign adiectirse 1. Of, from, or characteristicof anotherplace or part of the world: for"ign speciesof plnnts; a foreign
senforfend. snr forgather. sru forgo. l. r.esrr adiectioe. 2. pesr adiectioe. ADVANTACE
1. Syns; alien, exotic, outlandish (Archaic), strange.
accent. 2. Not part of the essential nahrre of a thing: lealnwy is foreign to his nnture.
2. Syns: alien, extraneous, extrinsic.
A person coming from another country: a foreigner rpLn carne to the U.S. in 1910.
Syns; alien, 6migr6, newcomer, outlander, outsider, stranger.
foreigner noun foreknow oerb
To know in advance. nou,n foreman Someone who directs and supervises workers. adiectioe foremost l. Most important, infuential, or significant. 2. Having or exercising authority. naun forenoon The time of day from sunrise to noon.
FORESEE. BOSSftown. 1. pnrul,nv. 2. pnrNcrper-. MORMNC.
forensics rwun - The presentation of an argument.
foreordain oerb
To determine the future of in advance. foreordained ad,iectioe Governed and decided by or as if bv fate.
forepart rwun
The part of , -an object, person, etc., facing the viewer. fOfefun aerb - To come, exist, or occur prior to in time. foresee oerb To know in advance: dfficalties that rw orw could foresee. foieshadow oerb l. To give an indicafion of something in advance. - 2. To-give reason for expecting.
l. Unusual or creative discernment or perception. 2. The exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters.
Syns: anticipate, divinez, envision, foreknow, see.
t . ADUMBRATE. 2 . pnoursn oerb. 1 .VISION. 2 . PRUDENCE.
To prohibit from occurring by advance planning or action, forestalling nDun The act of preventing. forestalling adiecthse Intended to prevent.
forestallmenf twun The act of preventing. -aerb foresweaf foresworn adiectioe foretaste noun A limited or anticipatory experience. foretell oerb l. To tell about or make known (future events) by or as if by supernatural means. 2. To tell about or make known (future events) in advance, esp. by means of special knowledge or inference.
foreteller noun A personwhoforetellsfutureeventsby or asif by
snnforswear. srn forsworn. TASTE TWUN,
l. pnoprrnsy. 2. pnnorcr.
zupernafural means.
foretelling noun l. Something that is foretold by or as if by supernatural means. 2. The act of predicting.
1. pnoprrpcy. 2. pnBorcnox.
forethink unrb To consider and plan in advance.
forethought noun The exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters. foretoken lwutn A phenomenon that serves as a sign or warning of some future good or evil. foretoken oerb To give reason for expecting. forever twun The totality of time without beginning or end. rw.rn foreverness l' The quality or state of having no end. 2.The totality of time without beginning or end. forewarn oerb l. To notify (someone) of imminent danger or risk.
pnov,tsn oerb. ETERNITY. 1. rNor-nssNnss. 2. nrnnNlry. l. wanN.
397 2. To give warning srgnsof (impending peril). norm forewarning 1. Advice to beware, as of a person or thing. 2. An indicaUon of impending danger or harm.
2. trrnBerBN. 1. wenwrNc nuun. 2. rnnBer.
foreword noun A short section of preliminary remarks.
forfeit oerb To sufferthe lossof. forfend alsoforefend oerb To prohibit from occurring by advance planning or action. oerb forgather also foregather To come together. oerb forgel 1. To shape, break, or flatten with repeated blows. 2. To create by forming, combining, or dtering materials. 3. To make a fraudulent copy of.
forge2 oerb To move or advanceagainststrongresistance. rwttn forgery A fraudulent imitation. forget oerb To fail to remembenI alwaysforget his nmne. adiecthse forgetful Unableto remember:Anyorw who's that forgetful should write things ilnun. forgetfulness nnun Freedomfrom worry, care,or unpleasantness. forgivable adiectitse Admitting of forgivenessor pardon. forgive oerb To grant forgivenessfor a fault, offense,or injury: It n)a,son irwulting remark, but I'forgaoe him. forgiveness notnr The act or an instanceof forgiving: fargioerwssfor all otn sirw. forgo alsoforego oerb To let (something)go. fork noun Somethingresemblingor structurally analogousto a tree branch. fork oerb To separateinto branchesor branchlike parts. fork out oerb lnformal. To distribute (money)as payment. fork out oerb forforn adiectioe 1. Having been given up and left alone. 2. Empty of people. 3. Having lost all hope. form rnun of l. The externaloutline of a thing: a cakein the f* a guitar. 2. A model for makinga mold: Concreteis pou,redinto forms. 3. A conventionalsocialgestureor act without intrinsic Purpose. 4. An acceptedway of doug something. 5. A stateof soundreadiness. 6. A documentusedin applying as for a job. form oerb 1. To be the constituentparts of.
ninop oerb. PREVENT.
L. swrr oerb. 2. rrrexn. 3. courvrcnrntt
pl-vNcn oerb. COUNTERFEIT
Syn; disremember. -Idiorn
draw a blank.
Syn; amnesiac.
Syns; condone, excuse, exculpate, pardon, remit. -Idiom forgive and forget. Syns; absolution, amnesty, condonation, exculpadon, pardon, remission. RELTNQUISH. BRANCH
srn fork. l. enerroorvno. 2. r,ornr-v. 3. pnspoxonvr. 1. Syns; cast, configuration, figure, format, pattern, shape. 2. Syns: cast, matrix. 3. nrruer- noun. 4. cor.rvrNtrow. 5. rnru rwrrn. 6. eppr-rcenoN. 1. coNsrrrurn.
formal 2. To grve form to by or as if by pressingand kneading:used his lnnd^sto f"r* theitay into a stafirc. 3. To come graduallyto have. formaf ad,iehtn l. Requiring elegantclothes and fine manners:a formal dnrce. 2. Of or characterizedbv ceremony. 3. F9-ndof or given to ceremony. formaf istic aiieairn Characterizedby a narrow concernfor book learning and formal ntles, without knowledgeor experien"" o"f practical matters. formality noun l. A conventionalsocialgestureor act without intrinsic purpose. 2. Strict observanceof socialconventions. format nuun The external outline of a thing. formation rwun - A way or conditionof being arranged. former adiectioe 1. Having been zuchpreviously. 2. Justgoneby or elapsed. formerly a&nrb At a time in the past. formicate perb l. To overfow with. 2. Tg experiencea repugnanttingling sensation. formidabl'-e odiectioe l. Causingor able to causefear. Imposinga severetest of bodily or spirihralstrength. 2. formfess adiectiw Having no distinct shape. formulaic adiectiw Lacking in interest or originality. formulate wrb 1. To deviseand set down. 2. To useingenuityin making developing,or achieving. 3. To conveyin languageor words of a particular form. forsake oerb To give up without intendingto return or claim again. forsaken adiectiw Having been given up and left alone. forswear alsoforeswear oerb l. To ceiue tying to accomplishor continue. 2. To make untrue declarations. forsworn or foresworn adiectirse Marked by lnrg under oath. forte twun Somethingat which a personexcels:She'sall right as a cooh,but uitirq is her forte. forthcoming adiectioe In the relatively near future. forthrighl adiictirn f . Speakingor qpokenfreely and sincerely. 2. Executedwithout pretenseor obfuscation. forthwith adoerb Without delay.
398 2. Syns:model,mold,shape. 3. orver.op. 1. Syns; dressy, fancy-dress, full-dress. 2. nrruar- adiectioe. 3. cpnnlaoNrous. PEDANTI,C.
1. nrruer, rwun. 2. cBnruouy. FORMtwun, ARRANGEMENT.
1. r-err adiectiae. 2. pesr adiectioe. EARLIER.
1. rnnul. 2. cntwt oerb. 1. rnenrur.. 2. sunorwsoME. SHAPELESS.
RourrNE adiectiae. l. ontrr aerb. 2. rrwrvr. 3. psaxn oerb.
eseNDoN oerb. ABANDONED.
l. nneNoov aerb. 2. t-tgz aerb. PERJURIOUS.
Syns: bag (Slang), eminency, medium, metier, specidty, thing (Slang). -Idiorns long suit, strong point (or suit). COMING.
1. rnervx. 2. pr-aw adiectioe. DINECTLY.
399 fortify
1. To make firmer in a particular convicUon or habit. 2. To prepare (oneself) for action.
l. coNnnrr,r. 2. cmo.
The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely.
fortitudinous adiectioe Having or showing courage.
fortuitous ad,iectioe Occurringunexpectedly. fortuitousness rwrnx The qualrty shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quality regarded as the cause of such events.
BRAVE adiecth:e. ' ACcIDENT x,
fortuity rwun l- The quality shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quallty regarded as the cause of such events. 2, An unexpected random event.
fortunate adiectioe 1. Indicativeof futuresuccess. by luck or goodfortune. 2. Characterized fortunateness rwun Successattained as a result of chance. noun fortune 1. A large sum of money: made a fortune in gold mining. 2. All property or goods having economic value. 3. A great amount of accumulated money and precious possessions. 4. The quality shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quality regarded as the cause of such events. 5. Successattained as a result of chance. oerb forward l. To cause to move forward or upward, as toward a goal. 2. To cause (something) to be conveyed to a destinaUon. fonvard ad;iectioe 1. Ahead of current trends or customs. 2. Rude and disrespectful.
forrvardness naun The stateor quality of being impudent. fossil nourr, An old-fashionedpersonwho is reluctant to changeor innovate. foster oerb l. To causeto move forward or upward, as toward a goal. 2. To help bring about. 3. To promote and sustainthe developmentof. fouf adiectioe 1. Heavily soiled;very dirty or unclean. 2. So objectionableasto elicit despisal. 3. Having an unpleasantodor. 4. Extremelyunpleasantto the sensesor feelings. 5. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. 6. Deservingstrongcondemnation. foul oerb 1. To makephysicallyimpure.
1. cneNcn rmun.
2. cnexcn twun. 1. revonesln. 2. ne.ppv. LUCK.
1. Syns; boodle (Slnng), bundle (Sl*rg), mint, pile (Slang), wad (Informnl). -ldioflis pretty penny, tidy sum. 2. nrsouncns. 3. nrcnBs. 4. cneNcB noun.
5, r-ucr. 1. eoveNcn oerb. 2. snrvo.
1. eovencro. 2. rupuonxr. IMPUDENCE. SQUAREftnun.
l. eoveNcn oerb. 2. pnouorp.
3. xunsr. 1. rrr.rrrv. 2. rrr.rrrv. 3. surr-r-v. 4. orrnxsrvr adiectioe. 5. osscnr.In. 6. rxreuous. 1. coNreurNATE.
foulness ?. To twist togetherso that separationis difficult. foul up oerb Slang.To harm_irreparablythroughinept handling; makea messof. foufness rwun l. The condition or stateof being dirty. 2. Impure condiUon. fouf-smlelling adiectit:e Having an unpleasantodor. fouf up- oerb' found oerb f . To bT"g into existence formally: My grandfather founded the unhsersity. 2. To take or serve as the basis for.
foundation naun 1. The act of foundingor establishing:the foundntion of a schalarshipfund. 2. The lowest or supportingpart or structure. 3. A fundamentalprinciple or underlyingconcept. 4. Anything on which somethingimmaterial,s,rchas art argumentor charge,rests. 5. A jusUfyingfact or consideration. foundational adiecthse Arising from or going to the root or source.
foundeF nxun One that creates, founds, or originates.
400 2. nNreNcr,n. BOTCH,
1. ornrrNnss. 2. rupunrry. SMELLY.
srn foul. l. Syns; constitute, create, establish, institute, organize, originate, set up, start. 2. nlsnl aerb. l. Syns; creation, establishment, insUfution. 2. nessl nnun. 3. sesrs. 4. sasrs. 5. nesrs. RADTcALadiectiae. ORIGINATOR.
founder2 oerb To go beneath the surface or to the bottom of a liquid. founf ltoun A point of origination.
swx oerb. ORICIN.
founlain ,*ui A point of origination.
fountainhead nuun A point of origination. four-flush oerb Slnng. To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentaUon.
fourth estate rwun and journalism in general. - Journalists tOXlneSS noun Deceitful cleverness. foxy a.diectioe Deceitfullv clever. fracas rwttn A quarrel or figfrt marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior. fractional ad,iectioe Pertaining to or affecting only a part; not total.
fractious adiectiw Not submitting to discipline or control.
fractiousness noun The quality or condition of being unruly. fracturbbls adiectioe Easily broken or damaged.
fracture wrb To crack or qplit into two or more fragments by means of or as a result of force, a blow, or strain. fragife diectioe 1. Easily broken or damaged: a fragile piece of glassttnre. 2. Not phpically strong.
nnntx oerb.
l. Syns: breakable, brittle, delicate, fracturable, frangible. 2. rr.rrrnu.
401 fragility noun The condition of being infirm or physically weak.
fragment noun 1. A tiny amount. 2. Residual matter. fragment oerb To reduce or become reduced to pieces or components. adiectirse fragmentary Pertaining to or afiecUng only a part; not total.
fragmentize oerb To reduce or become reduced to pieces or components.
fragrance noun A sweetor pleasantodor:thefragranceof a freshrose. fragrant adiecthse Having a pleasantodor: a fragrant bouquetof lilans. fraif ad;iectioe Not physicallystrong. frailty noun 1. The condition of being infirm or physicallyweak. 2. A liking or personalpreferencefor something. frame oerb 1. To deviseand set down. 2. To form a stratery for. 3. To createby forming, combining,or alteringmaterials. frangible adiecthse Easilybroken or damaged. frank adiectioe Speakingor spokenfreely and sincerelyza frank statementof his obiections. frantic adiectioe Marked by extremeexcitement,confusion,or agitation: frantic with wony; a frantic scrarnblefor seats. frantically adrserb In a violent, strenuousway. fraternity rwun A group of peopleunited in a relaUonshipand having someinterest,activity, or pu{posein common. fraternize oerb To keep company. fraud rwun 1. An act of cheating. 2. One who is not what he claimsto be. fraudulenl adiectitse Fraudulentlyor deceptivelyimitative. tray nuun l. A quarrel or fight markedby very noisy,disorderly, and often violent behavior. 2. A physicalconfict involving two or more. freak twun 1. A personor animalthat is abnormallyformed:frealcs exhibited in the circus sidpshow. 2. An impulsive,often illogical turn of mind. 3. Slang.A personwho is ardently devotedto a particular subject or activity. freakish adiectioe l. Resemblinga freak: a personof freakish aryearonce.
1. nrrl. 2. rrvo noun. BREAKup at break.
BREAK up at break. Syns; aroma,bouquet,perfume, redolence,scent. Syns; aromatic,perfumed,redolent, scented. INFIRM.
1. rr.rrrnurrv. 2. weexNBss. l. onnrr oerb. 2. onsrcN oerb. 3. nrerr. FRAGILE.
Syns; candid,direct, downright, forthright, honest,open, plainspoken, straig[rt,straiglrtforward,straight-from-theshoulder(Inforrrul), undisguised. Syns;delirious,frenetic, frenzied,mad, madding(Obs.),rabid, wild. HARDadrserb.
essocrers oerb. l. cnner rwu,n. 2. rexn noun. couNTERFE rr adiectiae. l. sRAwr, troun. 2. rrcnr rwun. 1. Syns; monster, monstrosity, oddity. 2. rer.rcv ftD|fit. 3. pxnrusresr.
1 . Synsrbi zarre, frealcy, grotesque, monstrous.
freaky 2. Deviating from the customary. - 3.-Following no predictabl" p"tt"^. freaky adiectioe Resembling a freak. freckle unlrb To mark with many small spots. free adiectioe l. Costing nothing: a free tbket to the ball game. 2. lt liberty; not imprisoned -Lhwoln's or enslaved: Sl.arses b_e cqne fre e with Emancipation Proclamation. 3. Able to move about at will without bounds or restraint. 4. Done by one's own choice. 5. Having political independence: Iamnica is rnu a free cmntry. 6. Freed from contact or connection. 7. Characteized by bounteous giving. 8. Lacking literal exactness. 9. Not fpoken for or occupied. 10. Speaking or spoken without reserve. free oerb To set at liberty: freeing a nutn frorn prison. freebee rwun freebie also freebee rwun SU"S.A free ticket enUtling one to transportation or admission. freedom noun l. The condition of being politically free: granted the nlonV its freeilorn 2. The state of not being in confinement or servitude. 3. Ease of movement: a coat that gioes the uearer plenty of freedom - 4, Departure from normal rules or procedures. free-for-all rwun A quarrel or fight marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior. freehanded adiectitse Characterized by bounteous giving. -
freehandedness nDun
- The qgality or state of being generous. freefoader rwun Sb?S.One who depends on another for support - wi$out reciprocating. freeloading adiectioe Slang. Of or characterisUc of a parasite. free-speaking adiecthse Speaking or spoken without reserve. free-spoken adiectioe 1. Given to conversation. 2. Speaking or qpoken without reserve. freeway nmun A course affording passagefrom one place to another. freezing adiectiae Very cold. freight rvntn Something carried phprcally. freight tnrb l. To place a burden or heavy load on.
2. rccBrvrwc adiectioe. 3. capnrclous. FREAKISH. SPECKLE.
l. Syns; complimentary, cost-free, gratis, _ Eatuitous, on-the-house(Slang). 2. Syns: emancipated, liberated, manumitted, released. 3. roosn adiectioe. 4. vor-uNr tnv adiectioe. 5. Syns; autonomous, independent, sovereign. 5. cr,ran adiectioe. 7. crxrnous. 8. r,oosn adiectiae. 9. umssenvEn. 10. ourspoxnN. Syns: discharge,emancipate, Iiberate, loose, manumit, release,spring (Slang). -Idi{nn let loose. snp freebie. PASS NOUN.
1 . Syns: autonomy, independence, liberty, sovereignty. LIBERTY.
Syns; elbowroom, latitude, play, swing. LIBERTY. BRAWL TWUN,
1. rer,xauvn. 2. ourspoxnru. wAY nou.n. FRICID. BURDEN II,OUN. t.
403 2. To make or become full; put into as much as can be held. 3. To cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone. ad;iectitse frenetic Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation. adiectioe frenzied Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation.
frenziedly' adnerb way. In a violent,strenuous frequent oerb To visit regularly:Wefrequentedthe parkon Saturdny momings. frequent a"d;iectinse Occurring quite often. adrserb frequently For the most part. adiectirse fresh 1. Not previously known or used: fresh eoi'dente; a fresh coat of paint. 2. Being an addition. 3. Bright and clear; not dull or faded: the fresh ccnnplexion of a young girl. 4. Informal. Rude and disrespectful. 5. Showing marked departure from previous practice. oerb freshen 1. To impart renewed energy and strength to (a person). 2. To make neat and trim; make presentable.
2. rl;.,t-. 3. cultncn oerb. FRANTIC. FNANTIC. HARD adnerb.
Syns;hang around (nformal), hang out (Stong),haunt, resort to. coMMoN
1. Syns; brand-new, different, new. 2. enorrroNer-. 3. Syns; blooming, creamy, glowing peaches-and-cream. 4. rupuorNr. 5. Npw ad.iectioe. l. nsrnpsH. 2. rrov oerb.
freshet tmun An abundant, usu. overwhelming flow.
freshman nuun One who is just starting to learn or do something. rwun freshness The quality of being novel. oerb fret 1. To turn over in the mind, moodily and at length. 2. To worry over trifles. 3. To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated vexations. 4. To make (the skin) raw by or as if by friction. adiectioe fretful 1. Being unable to endure irritation or opposition. 2. Easily annoyed. adiecthse fribbling Given to lighthearted silliness.
1. snooo. 2. russ oerb. 3. ervr.roy. 4. cneru. 1. ruparrprvr. 2. rnnrregr-n. GIDDY.
friction rmun A state of disagreement and disharmony. noun friend 1. A person whom one knows well, likes, and trusts: He's been my friend sirce high school. 2. A person whom one knows casually. 3. A person who supports or champions an activity, instifution, etc. noun friendliness The quality of being pleasant and friendly. adiectitse friendly 1. Of or befitting a friend or friends: a letter; friendly cooperation. 2. Yery closely associated. 3. Easily approached.
l. Syns; amigo(Wnish), confidant, familiar, intimatel, mate, sidekick
(skne). 2. e.cguetNreNcr. 3. pArnor.I.
1. Syns; amiable, amicable, chummy (Inforrnal), congenial, convivial, neighborly, sympathetic, warmhearted. 2. reurr-nn adiectioe. 3. eppnoecHABLE.
friendship -4. E*hibiting accord in feeling or acUon. friendship ,mtn The condition of being friends: Our friendship has - ruruiued flnny argurnents. fright nou,n l. Great agitation and anxiety caused by the - expectation or the realization of danger. 2. An unsightly object. fright oerb Archab. To fill with fear. frighten aerb To fill with fear: The explosim frighterwd me. A snwll child frighterw easily
frightened adiectirse Filled with fear or terror. frightening adiectioe Causingor able to causefear. frightful adiectiae l. Causingor able to causefear. 2. Very bad. 3. Too awful to be described. frightfulness rrcrun Th9 quality or condition of being ugly. frigid a.diectiae l. Very cold: a frlgd larunry dny. 2. Deficient in or lacking sexualdesire:a fri$d person urnble to respondto looe. 3. Lacking all friendlinessand warmth. frif f noun Somethingcostlyand unnecessary. fringe nuun l. A fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. 2. The peripheryof a city or town. fringe aerb To put or form a border on. frippery twun - Somethinglackingsubstanceor depth. frisk oerb 1. To leap and skip about playfully. 2. To examinethe personor personaleffectsof in order to find somethinglost or concealed. frisk rroun , A thoroughsearchof a placeor person. fritter awiy r;erb To spend(money)excessivelyand usu.foolishly. frivolity noun Somethinglackingsubstanceor depth. frivolous adiectioe Given to lightheartedsilliness. frock ltaun A one-piece,skirted outer garmentfor women and children. frolic oerb l. To leap and skip about playfully. 2. To behaveriotously.
404 4. Henuowrous. Syns: brotherhood, comradeship, intimacy. l. rnan rwun. 2. urss ngun. FRIGHTEN.
Syns; affright (Archaic), alarm, fright (Archab), panic, scare, scarify (Reginnal), shake up (Informal), startle, terrify, terrorize. -Idioms make one's blood run cold, make one's hair stand on end, scale silly (or spitless or stiff), scare the daylights out of. AFRAID. FEARFUL.
1. rnenrur,. 2. rrnnrer-n. 3. uNspnexeslr. UGLINESS.
1. eonnrn nDun. 2. sxnrs. r,ononn Derb. FROTH
l. ceveor-. 2. sntnc:r. aerb.
sHAKEDowN at shake down. wtsrn
l. cernreol.. 2. npvnr oerb.
405 frolic noun A mischievousact. front noun 1. The part of an object, person,etc., facing the viewer: a blune uith hrclesdnum the front; spilled graDAdmnl his front. 2. The forward outer surfaceof a building. 3. A deceptiveoutward appearance. front oerb l. To have the face or front turned in a specific direction. 2. To confront boldly and courageotsly. 3. To meet face-to-face,esp.defiantly. frontage rnun The forward outer surfaceof a building. frontal rwun The forward outer surfaceof a building. frontispiece nou,n Archit. The forward outer surfaceof a building. front-runner nou,n A leadingcontestant. frore adiectioe Archaic.Very cold. trory adiecthse Archaic. Very cold. frosty ad;iectine 1. Very cold. 2. Not friendly, sociable,or warm in manner. froth rwun 1. Somethinglacking substanceor depth: The plny uas rwthingbut froth. 2. A massof bubblesin or on the surfaceof a liquid. froth oerb To form or causeto form foam. frothy adiectioe 1. Amusingbut esentially empty and frivolous:a frothy rwu comedy. 2. Consistingof or resemblingfoam. 3. Given to lightheartedsilliness. froward ad;iecthse Given to acting in oppositionto others. frown perb To wrinkle one'sbrow, as in thought,puzzlement,or displeasurefrowrw when,he's angry. frown on (or upon) oerb To have or expressan unfavorableopinion. frown nou,n The act of wrinkling the brow, as in thought, puzzlement,or displeasure:With a froton, she refrned to shakehnnfu. frown oD (or upon) oerb frowsy ad;iecthse Smellingof mildew or decay. frugaf adiectitse Careful in the useof materialresources. frugality naun Careful useof materialresources. nou,n fruit l. The produce gathered from the land. 2. Something brought about by a cause.
1. Syns: fore, forepart.
2. reqeon. 3. reqeor. L. rtcn oerb. 2. osFY. 3. coNrnowr. FAgADE. FAgADE. FAqADE. LEADER. FRIGID. FRIGID.
1. rnrcro. 2. coor- adiectioe. 1. Syns; fiddle-faddle(Slang),ftipp"ry, frivolity, trivia, triviality. 2. roeu rwun. rol^luoerb. l. Syn:light. 2. roervrv. 3. crpor. coNTRARYadiecthse. Syns.'glare, glower, lowerr (a/so lour), scowl. -ldiom look black. DISAPPROVE.
Syns: glare, glower, lowerl (a/so lour), scowl. -Idiurn black look. snn frown. MOLDY. ECONOMICAL.
1. rranvssr rwun. 2. rrrucr rwun.
fruitage rwun The produce gathered from the land.
HARVEST t10un.
fruitfulness rwrLn quality or state of being fertile. . Tf." ffufllOn rroun The condition of being fulfilled. fruitless adiecthse Having no useful result.
fruitles5ness noun The condition or quality of being uselessor inefiective. fruity adiectioe Slang. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. frumpish adiectirse Quite outmoded.
frustrate oerb
To prevent from accomplishing a purpose: A poor nwfiwry frustroted his eforts to become an actor.
fuddle oerb To cause to be unclear in mind or intent.
Syns; baffie, balk, check, checkmate, defeat, foil, stymie, thwart. -Idiorn cut the ground from under. CONFUSE.
fuddy-duddy rwtrn An old-fashioned person who is reluctant to change or innovate. fudge oerb To proceed or perform in an unsteady, faltering manner. fuehrer noun fugacious adiectitse Lasting or exisUng only for a short time.
snr fiihrer. TRANSITORY.
fugitive rwun One who flees, as from home, confinement, captivity, justice, etc.: a fugitioe fr* o Cuban iail. fugitive adiectioe l. Fleeing or having fled, as from home, confinement, captivity, jusUce, etc.: a mnnhunt for fugitioe conoicts. 2. Lasting or existing only for a short time. fUhrerdsJfuehrer rwtrn German. An absolute ruler, esp. one who is harsh and oppressive.
Syns: escapee, refugee, runaway.
1. Syns; escaped,mnaway.
2. rnexsrronv. DICTATOR.
fuilill wrb l. To carry out the functions,requirements,or terms of fulfillingher oftcial duties;fulfillnd my side of the batgain. 2. To supply fully or completely. fuffif fed adiectioe Having achievedsatisfaction,asof one'sgoal: Shefelt fulfllcd uhm shc reachedthe t"p "f her profession. fulfillmenl rwun The condition of being fulfilled: drearnsthat could t1eoerrea.chfulfllmmt. fuf l odiecth:e l. Completelyfilled: a full pail; a roomfull of people.
2. Lacking nothing essentialor normal. 3. Of full measure;not narrow or resEictedzo full skirt. 4. Not devirrtingfrom correctness,accuracy,or completeness.
1. Syns; discharge, execute, exercise, implement, perform. -Idium live up to. 2. se.usrv. Syns: content, gratified, h"ppy, satisfied.
Syns : consummation, culmination, fruition, realization. l. Syns: brimful, brimming, bursting, chockablock, chock-full (also chuckfull, choke-full), crammed, crowded, jam-full, jammed, jam-packed (Infornwl), loaded, packed, replete, shrffed, trrg (Brit. Regiorul). 2. coupr.rrn adiecthse. 3. Syns; ample, capacious, voluminous, wide. 4. cr-osnr o.diectine.
407 5. Charactenzed by attention to detail. 6. Not more or less. adiectioe full'blooded l. Of pure breeding stock. 2. Of a healthy, reddish color. adiectioe fuf l-blown Having reached full gowth and development. adiectine full-dress 1. Requiring elegant clothes and fine manners. 2. Covering all aspects with painstaking accuracy. a.diecthse fufl-ffedged Having reached full growth and development. adiectioe fulf -grown Having reached full growth and development. adiecthse fufl-strenglh Not diluted or mixed with other substances. fuf fy adnerb 1. To the fullest extent. 2. Nl the way. oerb fulminate To release or cause to release enerry suddenly and violently, esp. with a loud noise.
5. osrerr-po. 6. 1. rnonoucHBRED ad;iectine. 2. nuoov. MATuREadiectiae. 1. ronuer-. 2. rnonoucm ad:iectioe. MATUREadiectirse. MATUREadiectioe. srRArcHT ad;iectioe. 1. coupr.BTELY. 2. cr-nen adnerb.
fulmination nnun 1. A violent release of confined energy, usu. accompanied by a loud sound and shock waves. 2. A long, violent, or blustering speech, usu. of censure or denunciation.
1. sr-esr rwun. 2. flneos.
fulsome ail;iectioe Mectedly and self-servingly earnest. oerb fumble 1. To harm irreparably througlr inept handling; make a mess of. 2. To reach about or search blindly or uncertainly.
or perform in an unsteady,faltering
I?#Teed fumble rwun A stupid, clumsymistake. fumbler noun A stupid, clumsyperson. fume oerb To be or becomeangry. fume rwun A conditionof exciteddistress. fun ncnn l. Activity engagedin for relaxationand amusement. 2. Actionstaken as a joke. 3. Joyful, exuberantactivity. fun oerb 1. To makejokes;behaveplayfully. 2. To teaseor mock good-humoredly. function tmun l. The proper activrty of a personor thing: the function of a teacher;the furrction,of a carburetor. 2. A large or important socialgathering. function oerb l. To function effectively. 2. To react in a specifiedway: He functioned,u:ell in the uisis. 3. To perform the dutiesof another. functional adiectioe Servingor capableof servinga usefulpurpose.
1. sorcH. 2. cnopr. 3. uupplr.
aNcrn oerb. STATE TMUN. 1. pr-ev twnln. 2. pr-ey rwun. 3. cersrY. L. pxn
2.1or,n oerb. l. Syns:job, purpose, role. 2. penry rwun. l. wonx oerb. 2. Syns: act, behave, operate, take, work. 3. ecr ron at act. PRACTICAL.
functioning nnun Th9wayin whicha machineor otherthingperforms or functions. functioning adiectioe In action or firll operation. fund oerb To supply capital to or for. fundamenl rwun The lowest or supporting -part or structure.
fundamental adiicth:e-
l. Of or being an irreducible element. 2. Arising from or going to the root or source. 3. Constituting or forming part of the essenceof something. fundamental rnrun 1. A fundamental principle or underlying concept. 2. A broad and basic nrle or truth. 3. A fundamental, irreducible constituent of a whole.
fundamentalist nuun favors retention -'adoerb - Ory who strongly fundamentally
of the existing order.
In regard to the essenceof a matter.
SASEI lwun.
l. nr.nnnNrat,. 2. naorcer. adiectioe. 3. nssrvrr u- adiectioe.
1. sesrs. 2. rtw rroun. 3. rr,rrurNr rwun. CONSERVATIVE TWUN. ESSENTIALLY.
funds nuun The monetaryresourcesof a government,organization, or individual: stategouerrmrent funds; had ircufrcient fu\d" to pay for the el.aborutebanquet. funkl tserb To have or give off a foul odor. funk2 rroun l. Great agitationand anxietycausedby the expectationor the realizationof danger. 2. Chbfly Brdt.Ignoble lack of courage. 3. Chicfly Brit. A feeling or spell of dismallylow qpirits. 4. thiefly Brit. An ignoble,uncourageous person. funniness rwun The quality of being laughableor comical. funny adiecthse l. Causingpuzzlement;perplexing:That'sa funny u:ay to behatseushenVou'repaid a compliment. 2. Arousinglaughter. 3. Intended to excitelaughteror amusement. 4. Deservinglaughter. 5. Ageeably curious, an old-fashionedor unusualway. funny nDrrn Infornnl. Words or actionsintendedto excitelaughter or amusement. fur raoun The skin of an animal.
furbish oerb l. To give a gleaming luster to, usu. tlrough friction. 2. To make new or as if new again. ad.iectiw furious f . Full of or marked by extreme anger: He taasfurious ushen I oiticiaed him.
2. Feeling or showing anger. 3. Intensely violent in sustained velocity. 4. Intensely sustained, esp. in activity.
Syns: capital, finances,moneys.
sunrr oerb. l. rren rmun. 2. cowenolcn. 3. cr.oou. 4. coweno. HUMOR TWUN.
1. Syns; curious, kooky (Slnng), odd, peculiar, queer, strange, weird. 2. auusrxc. 3. Huuonous. 4. Leucnesln. 5, guenvr'.
loI(E rwun.
ttIDE2 rwun.
l. closs oerb. 2. nnNrw. l. Syns; enraged, inflamed, infuriated, rabid, raging, ranting, raving. -Idiorns foaming at the mouth, in a towering rage. 2. eNcnv. 3. nrcn. 4. nrew adiectirse.
409 furiously adoerb In a violent, strenuous way.
HARD adnerb.
furlough rwun A regularly scheduled period spent away from work or duty, often in recreation. aerb furniih 1. To supply what is needed for some activity or puq)ose: fumished their rww house. 2. To relinquish to the possessionor control of another.
furnishing rwtn A piece of equipment for comfort or conveniencei a chair or other fumishing. naun furor l. Violent or unrestrained anger. 2. The current custom. rraun furrow An indentation or seam on the skin, esp. on the face.
1. Syns; accouter, appoint, equip, fit up (ar out), gear, outfit, rig (out or up), turn out. 2. cwn oerb. Syns; appoinhnent, chattel, fitting, movable (also moveable). l. runv. 2. resnroN nnun. LTNE |WUN.
Covered with hair.
further od,iecthse 1. Goingbeyondwhatcurrentlyexists:utithoutfurther ado. 2. Being an addition. further oerb To cause to move forward or upward, as toward a goal. further ad,oerb In addiUon.
1. Syns; additional, subsequent, ulterior. 2. aor>rrroNer-. eoveNcr oerb. ADDITIONALLY.
furtherance nou,n Forward movement.
furthermore adrserb In addition. adiecthse furthermost Most distant or remote from a center. adiecthse furthest Most distant or remote from a center. ad;iectioe furtive 1. So slow, deliberate, and secret as to escape observation. 2. Trickily secret.
furtiveness nou,n slowly,deliberately, andsecretly Theact of proceeding
1. srrer-rrrv. 2. sr,vadiectine. STEALTII.
to escape observation.
tury naun 1. Violent or unrestrained anger: He snashed the glass in his fury. 2. Exceptionally great concentration, power, or force, esp. in acUvity. 3. A person, esp. a woman, who habitually uses loud, abusive language. fuse oerb 1. To change from a solid to a liquid. 2. To put together into one mass so that the constituent parts are more or less homogeneous. adiectioe fused foined together into a whole. fusillade nutn A concentrated outpouring, as of missiles, words, or blows.
1. Syns; choler, furor, ire, rage, wrath, wrat}fulness. 2. rNruusrrY. 3. scor-o rrntn.
1. rrasr.r. 2. lr:tx oerb.
fusion nou,n Something produced by mixing.
fuss rwrn 1. Bus_y anduseles-s activity:Can'twe gioea party withouta lnt of frcs? 2. Needlestrouble. 3. An interrupUon of regularprocedureor of public peace. fuss oerb 1. To be nervously or uselessly active: She fussed in the kitchen aII aftemoon. 2. To worry over trifles: rw rrced to firss abutt a bad dream. 3. To scold or find fault constantly. fussy adiectioe 1. Excessively filled with detail. _ 2. Yery difficult to please. fustian odiectioe Characterizedby language that is elevated and - sometimes pompous in style. fusty adiectiae l. Smelling of mildew or decay. - z-.-Of a style or method formerly in vogue. futile adiectiae Having no useftrl result: a futiln efort to engage him in conaersation.
l. Syns; ado, to-do (Informal). 2. norsnn nDun. 3. prsrunnANcE.
L. Syns: bustle, messaround (Slnng), potlrer, putter (around). 2. Syns: chafe, fret, stew, take on. 3. Nac. 1. eusy adiectiae. 2. Nrcr.
1. lror-nv. 2. or,r-resHroNED. Syns: barren, bootless,fruitless, ineffective, ineffectual, unavailing, unsuccessful,useless,vain. -Idiom vain,
futifity rwun The condition or quality of being uselessor inefiective: a oar that uas an exercise in futility.
l. Time that is yet to be We'll face that problern some tirne in the future. 2. Chance of successor advancement: a iob with rc
future. future a.diectioe Beingor occurringin the time ahead:postponedthe meetingto a future dnte. tuzz nDun Slnng.A memberof a law-enforcementagency. tuuy o.diectiae Not clearlyperceivedor perceptible.
gab oerb Inforrwl. To talk volubly, persistently, and usu. inconsequentially. gab nuun lnfonrwl. Incessant and usu. inconsequential talk. gabble oerb To talk rapidly, incoherently, or indistinctly. gabble twun Unintelligible or foolish talk. gabby adiectiae Given to conversation.
Syns: fruitlessness,ineffectiveness, ineffectuali$2, ineffectualness, inefficacy, uselessness. 1. Syns; by-and-by, hereafter. -Idi.orn time to come. 2. Syns: outlook, prospect.
Syns; coming, later, subsequent.
4tt gad about (or around) oerb To move about at random,esp.over a wide area. gadget noun Inforrnal.A small,specializedmechanicaldevice: a gadgetfor peelingpotatoes.
gag rwun lnfonnal. Words or actions intended to excite laughter or amusement. gag oerb To hold (something requiring an outlet) in check. gaga adiectioe l. Slnng. Given to lighthearted silliness. 2. Slang. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. gage rnun b oerb gaiety nutn 1. A state of joyful exuberance: the gaiety of the holidays; a howe that rang with the gaiety of chil.dren. 2. loyful, exuberant activity: a useekend,of unrestrained gaiety. gain oerb 1. To achieve an increment of gradually: gain ueight; gain speed. 2. To reach a goal or objecUve. 3. To make as income or profit. 4. To acquire as a result of one's behavior or effort. 5. To receive, as wages, for one's labor. 6, To come into possessionof. 7. To obtain possessionor control of. 8. To regain one's health. gain noun 1. Something earned, won, or otherwise acquired: a net gain of $5 per share. 2. Something beneficial.
concern (tnformal), contraption, ;: contrivance, doodad (lnformnl), doohickey (Informal), gimmick (Slong), gismo (also $zmo) (Slnng), jigger, thing, thingamabob (also thingumabob) (lnf orrnl), thingamaji g (also thingumajig ) (Infonnal), widget (lnformal). IOY\EfWUn.
1. croov. 2. uqservr. sEEgauge. 1. Syns; glee, gleefulness, hilarity, jocularity, jocundity, jollity, joviality, jovialness, merriment, mirth. 2, Syns: festivity, fun, jollity, merriment, merrymaking, revel, reveling, revelry, whoopee (Slnng). 1. Syns; build up, develop, increase. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
ennrvn er at arrive. nnrunrv oerb. eanN. nenr.l. cnr. ceprunr. necovnn.
1. Syns; profit, return. 2. envervr*cg ntntn.
gainsay oerb To refuse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of.
gainsaying noun A refusal to gant the truth of a statement or charge. gala nDttn A large or important social gathering. gala adiectioe Marked by festal celebration. gale nuun Archai,c. A natural movement or current of air. galf l twun The quality or state of feeling bitter. gall oerb 1. To make (the skin) raw by or as if by friction. 2. To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated -r10u,n vexations. Eaal2 1. The state or quality of being impudent. 2. Excessive and arrogant self-confidence. galfant adiectioe 1. Respectfully attentive, esp. to women: gallnnt cond.uct.
1. cnaru. 2. eNxov.
1. rupuorwcB. 2. pnrsuuPTroN. 1. Syns; chivalric, chivalrous, courtly.
2. Llaving or showing courage. 3. Characterized by elaborate but usu. formal courtesy. gallant noun A man amorously attentive to women: a flirtatious gallant keeping an e7e out for pretty V*ng things. gallantry rloun 1. Respectful attention, esp. toward women: frue gentlemen, noted for gallantry. 2. The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely. 3._The quality or state of being heroic. gaf limaufry noun A collection of various things. galf ing adiectite Troubling the nerves or peace of mind, as by repeated vexations. gaf livant rcrlt To move about at random, esp. over a wide area.
gallumph uerb gafumph or gallumph aerb T o m o v eh e a v i l y .1 - , i . ' , gafvanize terb l. To arouse to action. 2. To stir to action or feeling.
2. snavn atliecti-^e. 3. cnecrous. Syns: amorist, Casanova,Don Juan, Lothario, Romeo. -Idioms gay blade, lady's man (a/soladies' man). l. Syns; chivalrousness,chivalry, courtliness. 2. counacn. 3. nenolsl,r. ASSORTMENT. VEXATIOUS.
sEEgalumph. '
'' r'llFll
gamble wb l. To take a risk in the hope of gaining advantage: gambled in cotton futures. 2. To make a bet on. 3. To put up as a stake in a game or speculation: gambled her half of the estate agairwt his. gamble noun l. A venture depending on chance: His gamble u)as that the nutrket toould rise. 2. A possibility of danger or harm. gambler rwun One who bets. gambol rcrb To leap and skip about playfully: children gamboling on the lawn. game aerb To make a bet on. game noun Actions taken as a joke. game adiectiae 1. Having or showing courage. 2. Informal. Disposed to accept or agree.
t uerb. l. ecuvR:rn. 2. pnovoxr. l. Syns; speculate, venture. 2. snr u^erb. 3. Syns; bet, go, layl, risk, setr, stake, venfure, wager. -Idiorn put one's money on. 1. Syns; bet, speculation, wager. 2. nrsx rwun. BETTOR.
Syns: caper, cavort, dance, frisk, frolic, prance, rollick, romp. snr aerb. PLLY nOUn.
l. snevr adiectiae, 2. wrr-r,rNc.
gamester naun One who bets. ganderl rwun Infonrnl. A mentallydeficientperson. gander2 rwu.n Slnng.A quick look. gang naun 1. An organizedgoup of criminals,hoodlums,or wrongdoers:the City Hall gang;a gang of car thieoes. 2. A particular socialSoup. gang up oerb Infomnl. To assembleor join in a goup.
1. Syns; band2, mob (Informal), pack, .i.rgt. 2. cnowo noun. sltNrg oerb.
413 gangfing adiectioe Tall, thin, and awkwardly built: d'ancedreluctantly with a ganglingyouth. gangly adiectirse Tall, thin, and awkwardly built. gang up oerb gaOf rwun Chief,y Brit. A place for the confinementof personsin lawful detention. gaofer noun Chief.y Brit. A guard or keeperof a prison. gap rwun 1. An interval during which continuity is suspended:an L}-miratte gqp in the taped corwersation. 2. An opening, a solid structure. 3. A markedlack of correspondenceor ageement: c gap behaeenreDenneand spend,ing;the generation
gry. gap oerb Re$orwl. To open wide. gape oerb 1. To look intently and fixedly. wlo with a deep inward breath, tIIe mouth moutn wide To oPen the 2. 'l'o
Syns; gangly, lanky, loose-jointed, rangy, spindling, spindly. GANGLING.
sEE gang. JAIL noun.
JATLER. Syns: breach, break, hiatus, interim, lacuna, void. 2. snpecH rwun. 3. Syns; difference, disagreement, discrepancy (also discrepance ), L
disparity,incongruity,inconsistency. YAWN.
L. crzn oerb. 2. yewx.
as when tired or bored.
3. vewN. 3, To openwide. gape fraun cazE rrotm. An intent, fixed look. gaping a^diectioe YAWNING. Open wide. garb noun DRESSnOUn. Articles worn to cover the body. garb oerb onnss oerb. To put clotheson. garden adiectitse oRDTNARYadiectirse. Being of no specialquality or type. garden-variety a.diectite oRDTNARYadiectioe. Beingof no specialquality or type. gargantuan adibcthse crANT a.diecthse. Of extraorditaty size and power. garish adiectioe GAUDY. showy. Tastelessly 'oerb garment nnnss oerb. To put clotheson. garments rwun DRESSfWUn. Articles worn to cover the body. garner oerb l. eccuuulATE. l. To bring togetherso as to increasein massor number. 2. cr-neN. 2. To collect (something)bit by bit. 3. cernnn. 3. To collect ripe crops. garner rnun ACCUMULATION. A ouantity accumulated. garnish oerb ADORN. To furnish with decorations. garnishment rwun ADORNMENT. Somethingthat adorns. garniture nuun ADORNMENT. Somethingthat adorns. garrufous a.iliectioe TALKATIVE. Given to conversation. gas rwu,n or someoneuproariouslyfunny or absurd.SCREAM fwltfl. Slang.Something
gasconade gas wrb Slong.To talk volubly, persistently,and usu. inconsequentially. gasGonade oerb To talk with excessivepride. gasconade rwun An act of boasting. gash oerb To penetratewith a sharpedge. gash rroun The result of cutting. gasp wrb l. To utter in a breathlessmanner:gaspeda waming and fainted. 2. To breathehard. gate ntntn The amountof moneycollected as admission, a qportingevent. gate money noun The amountof moneycollectedas admission, a sportingevent. gather wrb l. To collect ripe crops:gatherpeaches. 2. To britrg together. 3. To come together. 4. To brittg togetherso as to increasein massor number. 5. To come or bring into a goup or groups. 6. To collect (something)bit by bit. 7. To draw a conclusionfrom evidenceor reasoning. gathering noun l. The act or fact of comingtogether, 2. A number of personswho have come or been gatheredtogether. 3. The act or processof bringing in a crop. gauche adiectiw Clumsily lackingin the ability to do or perform. gaudy adiectioe Tastelesslyshowy: a gaudy disco;gaudy clothes. gauge also$a$e rwun A meansby which individualsare comparedand judged. gauge alsogage oerb 1. To ascertainthe dimensions,quantity, or capacityof. 2. To make a judgmentas to the worth or value of. gaUm tKrun Regional.A large,ungainly,and dull-witted person. gaunt odiectioe l. Having little fleshor fat on the body. 2. Physicallyhaggard. gaunt oerb To make physically thin or thinner. gauzy adiectioe Solight and insubstantialas to resembleair or a thin film. gawk nuun A large, ungainly, and dull-witted person. gawk oerb Infomal. To look intently and fixedly. gawky adiectioe Lacking dexterity and gracein physicalmovement.
4L4 cr'llrcnn oerb.
sollsr oerb, BOAST fWUn,
cvr oerb. cvT fwun.
2. per.t"r. TAKE NOUN.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Syns; garner, harvest, reap. essnnsr,n. essnMsr,r. eccuuulATE.
5. cnovp oerb. 5. cr,eeN. 7. nrrprn. 1. luNcuoN. 2. esspnsr,v. 3. uenvnsr twun. UNSKILLFUL.
Syns: chintzy, fashy, garish, glaring, loud, meretricious, tacky2, tawdry, tinsel. STANDARD NDUN.
vrrlisvan aerb. nsrtv,'plrn oerb, t-uupl rwun. l. rnrw adiectioe. 2. wasrno. rrnx oerb. FILMY.
cl:zn aerb. AWK\MARD.
415 gay a.d:iectitse l. Characterizedby joyful exuberanceta gay cornparion;a ga7 Chrisfuasparty. Providing joy and pleasure. Full of color. Given to heedless,unrestrainedpursuit of pleasure. Pertainingto, characteristicof, or exhibiting sexual desirefor othersof one'sown sex:the ky Rights Mooqmen't. gaze oerb 1. To look intently and fixedly: gared in awe at the Alpt. 2. 3. 4. 5.
2. To direct the eyeson an object. gaze rwun t. An intent, fixed look: usasdisconcertedby his perwtrating ga,ze. 2. An act of directing the eyeson an object. geaf rwun Thingsneededfor a task,joumey, or other pupose. gear oerb To supply what is neededfor someactivrty or purpose. gee oerb Infonrnl. To be compatibleor in correspondence. gefastic adiectioe Deservinglaughter. gelatinize oerb To changeor be changedfrom a liquid into a soft, semisolid,or solid mass. gefatinous adiectioe Having so many constituent particles in suspensionas to be condensed,often viscous. geld oerb To render incapableof reproducingsexually. gelding rwun The act or an instanceof making one incapable of reproducingsexually. gelia adiedue Verv cold. 'rwun gelt Slnng.Something,as coins,printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange. gem rwun Someoneor somethingconsideredexceptionally precious. geminate adiecthse Composedof two parts or things. gendarme rwun Slnng.A memberof a law-enforcementagency. genealogy noun 1. A written record of ancestrytstudied her farnily's genealogy. 2. One'sancestorsor their character. general adiecthse 1. Belongingor pertainingto the whole: a gerwral changein society. 2. Coveringa wide scope:gerural discontent.
1. Syns;blithe, blithesome,boon2,festive, gleeful,jocund, jo[y, jovial, liglthearted, merry, mirthful. 2. cr,lo. 3. cor.onrur.. 4. r'esr ad,iec-tiae. 5. Syns;homophile,homosexual.
1. Syns;eye, gape,gawk (Infonnal), gl*", goggle,ogte, peerl,,),au/p (alsoyaup) (Regional).-Idionw gaze open-mouthed,rivet the eyeson. 2. uoox oerb. l. Syns:gap, peerr,stare. 2. roor raoun.
rHrcK adiectioe.
DouBLE adiectioe. POLICEMAN.
1. Syns; begats (Shg), pedigree. -Idionr family tree. 2. eNcrsrnv. l. Syns; common, generic, trniversal. 2. Syns: all-inclusive, all-round (also allaround ), broad, broad-spectnun, comprehensive, expansive, extended, extensive, far-ranging, far-reaching,
3. Belongingto, sharedby, or applicableto all alike. 4. To be expected. 5. Not limited to a single class:generalnwrchandise. 6. Of,.representing,or carried on by people at large. generallZe wrb To make universal. generate twb 1. To grverise to a particular development:strdct policbs generutingmrylnyee discontmt. 2. To causeto come into existence. 3. To brirg (a produc! ide4 etc.) into being. generic adiec-thse Belongingor pertainingto the whole. generOsity twun The qudity or state of being generous:a philnnthropist wlnse gercrcsity u:asfanwd. generous adiecthn 1. Willing to give of oneselfand one'spossessions: He b a gewous contributor. T?tr;;t's generursof Vat 2. Characterizedby bounteousSrirg' a generuts dhnrce settlenwt; rDa"s generou"s rpith her money. 3. Characterizedby abundanceia generou.s seruingof potatoes. generOUSneSS noun The.quality or stateof being generous. genesls noun l. The act or processof bringing or being brought into existence. 2..T" stageof a developmentalprocess. "Tti"l genfal adiectioe l. Characterizedbv kindnessand warm. unaffected courtesy. 2. Pleasant and friendlv. geniality noun Qe quality of being pleasant and friendly. genlUs rroun 1. An innate capability. 2. Liveliness and vivacity of imagination. genteef adiectioe 1. Marked by excessiveconcern for propriety and good form: a gmteel abhorence of plain speaking.
2. Characterized by good manners.
4L6 global, inclusive, large, overall, sweeping, wide-ranging, wide-reaching, widespread. 3. cor'auoN adiectioe. 4. coMlror.r adiecthse. 5, Syns: divers, diverse, diversified,
1. Syns; breed, cause, engender, hatch, induce, provoke, spawn, stirt (up), touch off. 2. pnooucr. 3. orvrr,op. CENERAL.
Syns: big-heartedness, freehandedness, generousness,great-heartedness,liberality, magnanimity, magnanimousness, munifi cence, openhandedness. l. Syns; big, big-hearted, great-hearted, large-hearted, magnanimous, unselfish. 2. Syns: free, freehanded, handsome, liberal, munificent, openhanded, unsparing, unstinting. 3, Syns; abundant, ample, bounteous, bountiful, copious, liberal, plenteous, plentiful. GENEROSITY. l. spcrr\rNtNc noun, 2. smrH nxun. l. cnecrous. 2. avhsr,n. AMIABILITY. 1. rer-Bllr. 2. rrnp noun, l. Syns; bluenosed, missish, old-maidish, precise, prim, prissy, proper, prudish, puritanical, strait-laced, stuffy (Informal), tightJaced, Victorian. -Idimn prim and proper. 2. counreous.
gentility nuun People of the higlrest social level. gentle a.d.iectioe 1. Of a kindly, considerate character: a gentl.emother. 2. Free from severity or violence, as in movement: a gmtb slnwner breeze. 3. Easily managed or handled: a gentb horse.
SOCIETY. l. Syns; mild, soft, softhearted, tenderr, tenderhearted. 2. Syns: balmy, bland, delicate, faint, mild, smooth, soft. 3. Syns; docile, meek, mild, tame.
4t7 4. Not steep or abrupt. 5, Of small intensity. gentle oerb l. To ease the anger or agitation of. 2. To make (an animal) docile: gentled a wild horse. 3. To train to live with and be of use to man.
4. cnauuer.. 5. r,rcnr2. 1. pecrrv. 2. Syns: break, bust (Slang), tame. 3. noursucATE.
gentry twun People of the highest social level.
genuflectionrnun An inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, submission, or worship. genuine adiectioe 1. Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense: gerwine gri'ef.
2. Not counterfeit or copied.
genuinely adoerb In point of fact. genUlneness noun The quality of being authentic. gefm noun L. Med. A minute organismusu.producingdisease: inf.uerun gerftus. 2. A sourceof further growth and development:genns of iloubt; the germ of a new idea. germane adiectioe Relatedto the matter at hand. gefmanenesS rwun The fact of being related to the matter at hand. geSt or geste rwun L. Archaic. Behaviorthroughwhich one revealsone's personality. 2. Archai,c. A great or heroic deed. gestation noun The condition of carrying a developing fetus within the uterus. geste twun gesticulate oerb To make bodily motions so as to convey an idea or complement speech. 'rwun gesticulalion An expressive, meaningful bodily movement. gesture noun l. An expressive, meaningful bodily movement: made an ernphatic gesture of disapproaal. 2. Something that takes the place of words in communicating a thought or feeling. gesture oerb To make bodily motions so as to convey an idea or complement speech: gestured to me to be quiet; gestured as she d,escribed the accident. get oerb 1. To come into possessionof: Where did you get that expensiae car? 2. To succeed in communicating with. 3. To receive, as wages, for one's labor. 4. To acquire as a result of one's behavior or effort. 5. To cause to be in a certain state or to undergo a particular experience or action: got ready; get the car washed; got her anry, 6. To become affected with a disease. 7. To gain knowledge or mastery of by study.
Syns: heartfelt, heart-whole, hearty, honest, real, sincere, true, unaffected, unfeigned.
2. eurnnrvrrc. ACTUALLY.
1. Syns; bvg(lnformal), microbe, microorganism (a/so micro-organism ). 2. Syns: bud, embryo, kernel, nucleus, seed, spark. RELEVANT. RELEVANCE. 1. srARrNc.
2. rrer. PREGNANCY.
sEEgest. cnsrunn oarb.
l. Syns; gesticulation, sign, signal. 2. rxpnnssroN.
Syns; gesticulate, moUon, sign, signal, signalize. -ldiom give the high sign.
1. Syns; acquire, come by, gain, land, obtain, pick up, procure, secule, win. 2. nnecn. 3. Benn. 4. ranN. 5. Syns; have, make.
6. coxrnecr 7. r.ranw.
get about
8. lnfonnal. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. 9. Informal. To perceive, esp. barely or fleetingly. 10. To obtain from another source. 11. To be the biological father of. 12. To gain possessionof, esp. after a struggle or chase. 13. To obtain possessionor control of. 14. To come to be. 15. Inforrrnl. To evoke a usu. strong mental or emotional responsefrom. 15. To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated vexations. 17. Regiorwl b Infomnl. To leave hastily. get about oerb To become known far and wide: The rrcus got about aery quickly. get across oerb To make known. get ahead aerb To gain wealth or fame. get along oerb 1. To live or act together in harmony: a family that got along well. 2. To progress or perform adequately, esp. in difficult circumstances. 3. To go forward, esp. toward a conclusion. 4. To gow old. get around oerb 1. To become known far and wide. 2. To keep away from. 3. To evade, as a topic, esp. by circumlocution. get behind oerb To aid the cause of by approving or favoring. get by aerb To progress or perform adequately, esp. in difficult circumstances. get in oerb To come to a particular place. get off terb Informal. To go about the initial step in doing (something). get on urb 1. To gow old. 2. To live or act together in harmony, 3. To put (an article of clothing) on one's person. 4. To gain wealth or fame. get out oerb l. To leave hastily. 2. To be made public. get to aerb To reach a goal or objective. get together oerb l. To come together. 2. To bring together. 3. To come to an understanding or to terms. get naun A group consisting of those descended directly from the same parents or ancestors.
get about get across get ahead get along
oerb oerb oerb oerb
8. uxnnnsreuo. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
ctrcu oerb. oenrvr. rnrrrnn aerb. rnxn oerb. caprunn. sncoNan. erprcrr.
16. aNNov. 17. nuN oerb. Syns: circulate, get around, go around, spread, travel. -Idiom make the rounds. COMMUNICATE. SUCCEED.
1 . Syns; cotton (Informnl), get on, harmonize. -ldiam
2 . MANAGE. 3. coun. 4. rcn oerb.
1 .GET ABOUT. 2 . AVOID. 3 . sxtnr aerb. supponr oerb. MANAGE,
srtnr xerb.
l. 2. 3. 4.
ncn aerb. cnr ALoNG. pox. succnro. nuv oerb. COME OUT.
ARRtvE AT at arnve.
sEEget. sEE get. sEEget. sEEget.
hit it off,
419 get around oerb getaway noun get away oerb 1. To break loose and leave suddenly, as from confinement or from a difficult or threatening sifuation. 2. To move or proceed away from a place. getaway rwun The act or an instance of escaping, as from confinement or difficulry.
get behind oerb get by oerb get in aerb get off oerb get on oerb get out oerb gettabf e a.d;iecthse Capableof being obtainedor used. get to oerb get together aerb getup noun get up oerb l. To leaveone'sbed: got up at seoen. 2. To adopt a standingposture:Thefootball player got up after being tackled. getup nnun A set or style of clothing. get-up-and-go rwun l. lnfornnl. An aggressive readinessto undertake ta:ringefforts. 2. Infornwl. Capacityor power for work or vigorous activity. gewgaW noun A small,showyarticle. ghastfy adieciioe 1. Shockinglyrepellent: the ghastly sight of stansing refugeechild,ren. 2. Causingor able to causefear. 3. Gruesomelysuggestiveof ghostsor death:A ghastly figurt loonwdry.The dyingmanhad a ghastly pallor. 4. Verv bad. 'twun ghost 1. A supernaturalbeing: thought she sausthe ghost of her great-grandnnther.
2. A slight amount. ghost oerb To write for and credit authorshipto another:She ghostedthe queen'sautobiography. ghbstlike ailiecth>e -Gruesomelysuggestiveof ghostsor death. ghostly adiectiae _Gruesomelysuggestiveof ghostsor death. ghostwrite oerb To write for and credit authorshipto another. ghoul noun A perverselybad, cruel, or wicked person.
sEEget. snn get away. L. r.sctpe oerb.
2. co aerb. ESCAPE |INUN,
sm get. sEEget. snn get. sEEget. sEEget. sEEget. AVAILABLE.
snn get. sEE get. sEEget up. 1. Syns; arise, pile out, rise, roll out, turn out, uprise . -ldiun rise and shine. 2. Syns: rise, stand up, uprise, upspnng. to one'sreet' ,:::get 1. onrvn nutn. 2. rNBncv.
1. Syns; grim, grisly, gluesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, lurid, macabre. 2. rnenrur-. 3. Syns: cadaverous, corpselike, deadly, deathlike, deathly, ghostlike, ghostly, mortuary, spectral. 4. rrnnrsr,n. 1. Syns; apparition, bogle, bogr (also bogey, bogie), bugbear (Archaic), eidolon, haunt (Regional), phantasm (aho phantasma), phantom, revenant, shade, shadow, specter, spectrum, spirit, spook, umbra, visitant, wraith. 2. sneop nau,n. " Syns; ghostwrite, spook (Slonil.
ghoulish ghouf ish adiectiae Perverselybad, cruel, or wicked. giant rwun One that is extraordinarilylarge and powerful: a giant of a lirwbacker;a literary giant; a glant anwng corporatioru. giant adiectitse Of extraordinarysizeand power: a giant football player; a giant interlockingconglornerate.
gibber aerb To talk rapidly, incoherently, or indistinctly. gibberish noun l. Wordy, unclear jargon: couldn't understand goDemnwnt gibberish.
2. Unintelligible or foolish talk. 3. Esoteric, formulaic, and often incomprehensible speech relating to the occult: the $bberish of usitches. gibbet aerb To execute by suspending by the neck. gibe at oerb To make fun of. giddiness noun A sensation of whirling or falling. giddy adiectioe 1. Given to lighthearted silliness: giddy youngsters.
2. Producing dizziness or vertigo: a giddy height. 3. Having a sensation of whirling or falling.
,;;:r"moth, Goriath, jumbo, Ieviathan, mammoth, monster, titan, whopper. Syns: Antaean, behemothic, Brobdingnagian, Bunyanesque,colossal, cyclopean, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, gigantean, gigantesque, gigantic, herculean, heroic, huge, immense, jumbo, leviathan, mammoth, massive,massy (Archaic), mastodonic, mighty, monster, monstrous, monumental, mountainous,planetary, prodigious, pythonic, sfupendous, titan, titanic, tremendous, vast, walloping (Informal), whopping. ntnsrn Derb. 1. Syns; abracadabra, double talk, gobbledygook (a/so gobbledegook), jabberwocky (also jabberwock ), mumbo jumbo. 2. eABsr-Brloun. 3. Syns; abracadabra,hocus-pocus, mumbo jumbo.
tt,+Ncoerb. xtotcvtn
1. Syns; birdbrained (Slang), dizzy (lnf ormnl), empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, fribbling, frivolous, frothy, gaga (Slnng), harebrained, lightheaded, scatterbrained, silly, skittish. -Idiom gddy as a goose. 2. Syns: dizzy, dizzying, vertiginous. 3. ovzv adiectioe.
1. Something bestowed freely: The planer uos a wedding gift. 2. Something given to a charity or cause. 3. An innate capability.
1. Syns; handsel (aho hansel) (Chiefly Brit. ), present2,presentatiun. 2. ooxarroN. 3. rar-rrvr.
gift aerb l. Chiefl.y Brit. To make a gift of. 2. To present with a quality, trait, or power: The Lord has gifted us with good health.
1. cvn. 2. Syns: dower, endow, endue, gird, invest.
gifted adiectiae Having talent: a gifted pianist.
Syns: endowed, talented.
gig nou.n Slang. A post of employment. gigantean ad,iecth:e Of extraordinary size and power.
crANr adiectixe.
42L gigantesque adiectioe Of extraorditt"ry size and power. gigantic ad,iectioe Of extraordinarysizeand power. giggle oerb To laugh in a stifled way: children Sugglitryin ckrss. giggle twun A stifled laugh: had a fit of $ggles. gifd tserb l. To give a deceptivelyattractiveappearanceto. .2. To T*" superficiallymore acceptableor appealing. gfmGfaGK naun A small,showyarticle. gimmick nuun l. Slang.A small,specializedmechanicaldevice. 2. Slang.An indirect, usu. cunning meansof gaining an end. .3. Slang,A clever, unexpectednew trick or method. glnger rwun Infonnal. A lively, emphatic, eagerquality or manner. gingerliness noun Careful forethoughtto avoid harm or risk. gingerly a.diectioe Ttlong attenUvelyto avoid danger,risk, or effor. gip oerb gird oerb 1. To prepare (oneself)for action: sol.diersgrrding themseloesfor the fonhcoming battl,e.
crANr a.diectioe. crANT adiectioe. Syns: snicker (also snigger), tehee orteehee, titter. Syns: snicker (aho snigger), tehee or teehee, titter. l. cot oa oerb. 2. swnpmN. NOVELTY.
1. cencnr. 2. rnrcr rwun. 3. wnrrr
sEEs/p. 1. Syns: braceP, forearrn, fortify, ready, steel, strengthen. -Idiorn gird one's loins. 2. r,l.r,{DrDsrb. 3. sunnouxp. 4. ctr: oerb.
2. To encircle with or as if with a band. 3. To shut in on all sides. 4. To presentwith a quality,"trait,or power. girdle oerb 1. SANDIoafb. l. To encircle with or as if with a band. 2. sunnourvo. 2. To shut in on a]l sides. gismo alsogizmo nmun GADGET. Slang.A small,specializedmecharricddevice. gist rwn The most central and material part. HEART. give oerb 1. To make a gift oh,gaoethe childrencandy;uas l. Syns; bestow, git (Ch*zfly Brit.), gve gioen an expensioewatch. away, hand out present2. 2. To relinquishto the possession or control of 2. Syns: deliver, furnish, hand, hand another: gaoe thern the cottagefor a weelg ghseme over, provide, supply, transfer, furn the scissors. over. 3. To presentas a gift to a charity or cause. 3. ooNers. 4. To let have as a favor or privilege. 4. cneNr oerb. 5. To cause(a disease)to passto anotheror others. 5. couuuxrcATE. 6. To mete out by meansof someaction: $oe a spanking. 6. Syns; administer, deal (out), deliver. 7. To dischargematerial,as vapor or fumes,usu. 7. nurr. suddenlyand violently. 8. To set asideor distribute as a share. 8. er,r.or. 9. To distribute (money)aspayment. 9. spnNo. 10. To devote (oneselfor one'sefforts). lO. e-ppr,v. 11. To organizeand carry out (an activity). 11. nevs. 12. To produce on the stage. 12. srtcn oerb, 13. To be unable to hold up. 13. enNDoefb. 14. To fall in. 14. cevs N at cave. give back oerb 1. To send,put, or carry back to a former location. 1. nBrunN oerb.
give-and-take of a prior 2. To put (someone)in the possession positionor office. give forth oerb To dischargematerial, as vapor or fumes, usu. suddenly and violently. give in wrb To ceaseopposition:frwlly sau tlwt he had lost the elcction and gaoe in. give off wrb To dischargematerial, as vapor or fumes, usu. suddenly and violently. give out oefu l. To zuddenlylose dl health or strength. 2. To ceasefunctioning properly. 3. To lose so much strengthand power as to become ineffectiveor motionless. 4. To prove deficientor insuficient. 5. To make or becomeno longer active or productive. 6. To dischargematerial,as vapor or fumes,usu. zuddenlyand violendy. give over oerb l. To ceaseconsideraUon or treatrnentof. 2. To leld (oneself)unrestrainedly,as to a particular impulse: gaoeh.erselfowr to uncontrolledsobbing. give up oerb 1. To ceasetrying to accomplishor continue. 2. To ceaseconsiderationor treatrnentof. 3. To loseall hop". 4. To yield (oneself)unrestrainedly,as to a particular impulse. 5. To cut short; discontinue. gfve twun Infornwl, The qudity or state of being fexible. give-and-take nuun A settlementof differencesthto"gh mutual concession. giveaway twun give away oerb 1. To makea gift of. 2. To disclosein a breach of confidence. giveaway rwun Infonrwl. Somethingofferedor bouglrt at a low price. give back oerb give forth oerb give in oerb given adiectbe Having or showinga tendencyor likelihood. give otf tnrb give out oerb give over wrb giver tpnn A personwho givesto a charity or cause. give up wrb gizmo rwtrn gfaciaf adiecthse 1. L,ackingall friendlinessand warmth. 2. Very cold. gfad ahiectioe 1. Providing joy and pleasure:a glad occasion;glnd t'tdirlg.s. 2. Eagerly compliant: I om help. 3. Marked bv festalcelebration.
2. nrsronn.
Syns: concede, yield.
1. cor,r.epsn aerb. 2. rl.:,t-. 3. nuN DowN. 4. rerr,. 5. nny ur at dry. 6. nurr.
t. onop aerb. 2. Syns: abandon, glve up, surrender.
1. 2. 3. 4.
eseNDoNaerb. onop aerb. onspxn oerb. cryn ovER.
5. snntx aerb. FLEXIBILITY.
srn give away. l. cwp, oerb. 2. srrnev. BARCAIN |WUN,
sEEgive. snr give. sEEgive. INCLINED.
srr give. sEEgive. sEEgive. DONOR.
sEEgive. sen gismo. 1. cor,o adiectioe. 2. rnrcro. 1. Syns; cheerful, cheery, festive, gay, joyful, joyous, pleasing. 2, Syns: delighted, h"ppy, pleased, proud (Chiefly Re$onal), ready, tickled. 3. urnnv.
423 gladden oerb To give geat or keen pleasureto. gladness rwun A condition of supremewell-beingand good spirits. gfadsome ad,iecthse Marked bv festalcelebration. gfamor noun gfamorous alsoglamourous adiectitse Pleasingto the eye or mind. gfamouialso glainor nuun The power or quality of attracting. glamourous adiectioe glancer oerb 1. To strike a surfaceat such an angle as to be defected: bullpts glnncingof the armorplating. 2, To make light and momentarycontact with, as in passing. 3. To emit liglrt suddenlyin raysor sparks. 4. To look briefly and quicHy. 5. To look througlr readingmatter casually. glance at (or over or through) oerb To look through reading matter casually. glance noun 1. A quick look: toofta gl,arweat the book. 2. A suddenquick light. 3. Light and momentarycontactwith anotherperson or thing. glance2 oerb To give a gleamingluster to, usu.througlr friction. glance at (or ovet or through) oerb glare oerb 1. To starefixedly and angrilyzglnred,at me with oboiow resentrnent, 2. To wrinkle one'sbrow, asin thougtrt,puzzlement, or displeasure. 3. To look intently and fixedly. 4. To be projectedwith blinding intensity:a desertsun that glared mercilesslg. 5. To be obtrusivelyconspicuousierrorsglnringfrom the page.
sEEglamorous. l. Syns; carom (also carrom) (off), dap, glint (Archaic), graze, ricochet, skim, skip. 2. snvsr oerb. 3. rlesrr oarb. 4. ct tvrpsn oerb. 5. nnowsn. BROWSE.
1. Syns; blink, gander2 (Slarrg), glimpse, peek, peep, squiz (Austral. b New Zeal.\. 2. sr,rNK nf,run. 3. snusH noun.
cross oerb. ser glancel. 1. Syns; glower, Iowerl (also lour), scowl. -Idiorn look daggers. 2. rxowN tserb. cezn oerb. Syns: beat (down), blare, blazer.
5. Syns: stand out, stick out. -Idioms someone in the eyb, hit (or stare) someone in the face. stick out like a sore thumb.
gfare rwun l. A fixed, angrystare:lookedat me with a ferociow glare. Syns: glower, scowl. 2. The act of wrinkling the brow, as in thought, FROWN |IDUN, puzzlement,or displeasure. 3. An intense,blinding light Sunglasseswill decrease 3. the glare. gfaring adiectirse 1. Extremelybright. 1. sr-ezrNc. 2. Tastelesslyshowy. 2. ceuov. 3. Conspicuouslybad or offensive. 3. rr-acnervr. gfassy adiecthse Having a high, radiant sheen. GLOSSY. gfaver oerb Ob* To compliment excessivelyand ingratiatingly. FLATTER. glaze noun A radiant brightnessor glow, usu.due to light reflected GLOSS nOU,n. from a smoothsurface.
gleam glaze oerb To give a gleamingluster to, usu.through friction. gle a m n onn A suddenquick light. gleam oerb 1. To emit a bright light. 2. To emit light suddenlyin raysor sparks, 3. To shinebrightly and steadilybut without a flame. gfeaming odiectioe Having a high, radiant sheen. gfean oerb l. To gather (grain)left by reapers:gleaneda huge wheat uop. 2. To collect (something)bit by bit: gleanedthe true facts thru"rghlong inoestigation. glee nuun A stateof joyful exuberance. gfeefuf adiectioe Characterizedby joyful exuberance. gfeefulness nnun A stateof joyful exuberance. glib adiectiae Characterizedby ready but often insincereor zuperficialdiscourse:glib cornnwrcials;a glib denial gfide oerb l. To move smoothly,continuously,and effortlessly: glid.ingaburt in searchof prey. sharlcs 2. To move silently and furtively. 3. To proceedwith ease,esp.of expression. 4. To maneuvergently and slowly into place. gf immer twun A suddenquick light. glimmer aerb 1. To shinewith intermittent gleams. 2. To emit light suddenlyin raysor sparks. gfimpse aerb To look briefly and quickly: glirnpsedat the photosbut quickly pushedth.emauay. gfimpse noun A quick look. gfint noun l. A radiantbrightnessor glow, usu.due to light reflectedfrom a smoothsurface. 2. Sparkling,brilliant light. 3. A suddenquick light. glint oerb 1. To look briefly and quickly. 2. To emit light suddenlyin raysor sparks. 3. Arclnb. To strike a surfaceat such an angleas to be defected. gfissade wrb To move smoothly,continuously,and effortlessly. gfisten oerb To emit light suddenlyin raysor sparks. gfisten noun Sparkling,brilliant liglrt. gf istening adiectioe Having a high, radiant sheen. glister wrb Poetb. To emit ligbt suddenlyit rays or sparks. glister rwun Poetb. Sparkling brilliant tiglrt.
424 cross oerb. BLINK |IOUN. l. snAM aerb. 2. rulsl;. uerb. 3. crow aerb. GLOSSY. 1. Syns; crop (Brit. Regional), harvest, reap. 2. Syns: cull, extract, garner, gather, pick
Syns.' facile, flip (Informal), glossy, silvertongued, slick, vocative, voluble. 1. Syns; glissade,lapse (Poetic), slick, slide, slip, slither. 2. sunlx oerb. 3. ruow oerb. 4. EAsnaerb. BLINK |IOUN.
l. wrNx oerb. 2. wl^ss oerb. Syns; glancer, glint, peek, peep.
cleNcnl noun. l. cr.oss narn. 2. cr-rrrnn nDun. 3. SLINK rlyun.
l. crtv^psn oerb. 2. w.tslg oerb. 3. cr,eNcnr aerb.
rr,lrss oerb. CLITTER
gfitter noun 1. Sparkling, brilliantlight:theglitterof dinmonds. 2. Brilliant, showy splendor: the opubrrce and glitter of the Rormrwo court. 3. A small, sparkling decoration: Chrisnnas costumps dncorated with glitter. glitter oerb light suddenly in rays or sparks. .To emit gfOamlng nnun Pgetlc. The period between afternoon and nighttime. global adieitioe l. Covering a wide scope. 2. So pervasive and all-inclusive as to exist in or a.ffect the whole world. globoid adiectioe Having the shape of a curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point. gfobuf ar ad;iectirse Having the shape of a curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point.
1. Syns: flash, glint, glisten, glister (Poetic), scintillation, shimmer, sparkle. 2. Syns: brilliance (also brilliancy), glory, magnificence, resplendence or resplendency, sparkle, sumpfuousness. 3. Syns; sequin, spangle.
gfobule rwun A quantity of liquid falling or resting in a spherical mass. gfoom noun A feeling or spell of dismally low spirits: could not di,spel his gloorn after the funeral.
gloom oerb To make dim or indistinct. glooming adiectirse Dark and depressing. gfoomy adiecthse l. Dark and depressing:a gloorny,rainy d.a,y.
2. 3. 4. 5.
In low spirits. Tending to cause sadnessor low spirits. Broodingly and sullenly unhappy. Marked by little hopefulness: gloomy predictiorw of a recession,
ff:, (nformnr)dejection,
depression, despondency (also despondence), dinge, doldrums, dolefulness, dumps (Informal), dysphoria, tulaft'z(Chiefly Brit.), glumness, heavyheartedness, melancholy, mopes, mournfirlness, sadness,suds (Informal), unhappiness. osscvnn oerb. GLOOMY.
1. Syns; Acheronian, Acherontic, black, bleak, blue, cheerless, cold, dismal, dispiriting, dreary (also drear), glooming glum (Bnt. Regornl), joyless,somber (a/so sombre), tenebrific. 2. orpnrssro. 3. seo. 4. cr,uv. 5. Syns; dark, dismal, pessimistic.
glorification nou,n 1. The act of raising to a high position or status or the condition of being so raised. 2. Th" honoring of God, as in worship. gforify oerb 1. To raise to a high position or status. 2. To pay tribute or homage to. 3. To honor (God) in religious worship. gforious adiectioe l. Marked by extraordinary elegance, beauty, and splendor: the gloriaw palnce of Versailles. 2. Particularly excellent.
1. rxer.rerrorv. 2. pnersn rwun. 1. sxAlr. 2. novon oerb. 3. pnersn oerb. 1. Syns; gorgeous, magnificent, proud, resplendent, splendorous or splendrous, sublime, superb. 2. uenvrr,ous.
glory gfory rwun 1. Something meriting the highest praise or regard: the glory that usasRome; the glory of the Presidency. 2. A position of exalted, widely recognized importance. 3. Brilliant, showy splendor. glory perb To feel or express an uplifting joy over a successor victory. gloss rwun l. A radiant brightness or glow, usu. due to light refected from a smooth surface: the glossof satin and pearls by candlelight. 2. A deceptive outward appearance. gloss aerb l. To give a gleaming luster to, usu. through friction: glossfumiture with war. 2. To give a deceptively attractive appearance to. gloss over aerb To conceal or make light of a fault or offense. gloss over oerb glossy adiectioe 1. Having a high, radiant sheen; glossy beads. 2. Characterized by ready but often insincere or zuperficial discourse. glow oerb l. To shine brightly and steadily but without a flame: red-hot coals gbwing in the grate; Iights glowing frCIn windows. 2. To emit a bright light. glow noun 1. A fresh, rosy complexion. 2. A feeling of pervasive emotional warmth: sau the glao of first looe in her eyes; felt the glou of oictory. gfower oerb l. To wrinkle one's brow, as in thought, puzzlement, or displeasure. 2. To stare fixedly and angnly. gfower rruun l. The act of wrinkling the brow, as in thought, puzzlement, or displeasure. 2. A fixed, angry stare. glowing a.diectioe l. Of a healthy, reddish color. 2. Showing or having enthusiasm. 3. Bright and clear; not dull or faded. gfoze oerb To give a deceptively attractive appearance to. gloze over oerb To conceal or make light of a fault or offense.
l. Syns; grandeur, grandiosity, grandness, geatness, majesty, splendor. 2. BlnxBNcn. 3. cr-lrrnn noun. EXULT.
1. Syns; glaze,glint, lustei, polish, sheen, shine. 2. n,Lgaon. 1. Syns; buff, burnish, furbish, glance2, glaze, polish, shine, sleek. 2. coron aerb. EXTENIJATE,
sEEgloss. 1. Syns: glassy, gleaming, glistening, lustrous, polished, shining, shiny. 2. crlm..
1. Syns; gleam, incandesce.
2. nna,sraerb. 1. slooNa rwun. 2. Syns: blush, flush, radiance.
1. rnowN oerb. 2. ct e,nn aerb. 1. r'nowN rvoun. 2. cr-enn rwun. 1. nuoov. 2. nwrnusrAsTrc. 3. rnnsn. coron aerb. EXTENUATE.
gfozeover wrb gluey adiectioe
sne gloze.
Having the property of adhering. gfum adiectioe l. Broodingly and sullenly unhappy: a glum, petulnnt laser.
2. Brit. Regionnl. Dark and depressing. gfumness rwttn A feeling or qpell of dismally low spirits.
1. Syns; chuff (Regional), cfufiy (Brit. Regiorwl), dour, gloomy, morose, mumpish, saturnine, sour, sulky, sullen, surly. 2. cr-oouv. GLOOM.
427 glut oerb To satisfyto the full or to excess. glut rmun An amountor quanUtybeyondwhat is needed,desired, or appropriate. gfutinous a.diectioe Having a heavy,gluey quahty. gf utted ad;iectiae Filled to satisfactionor excess. gluttonous ad,iectitse Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume. gnash oerb l. To seize,as food, with the teeth. 2. To rub togethernoisily. gnaw oerb 1. To seize,as food, with the teeth. 2. To consumegradually,asby chemicalreaction, friction, etc. gnawing adiectioe Marked by severityor intensity. go oerb 1. To move alonga particular course:We were going along a rwnow road,. 2. To move or proceedawayfrom a place: We mast go rmu.
3. To proceed in a specified direction. 4. To function effectively. 5. To proceed on a certain coruse or for a certain distance. 6. To be in keeping with. 7. To have a proper or suitable place. 8. To cease living. 9. To be unable to hold up. 10. To fall in. ll. To be depleted: All nxV rwrw! is gone.
12. To move toward a terminationz The pain is going fwtD.
13. To changeor fluctuatewithin limits: The pricesgo from $20 to $50. 14. To fare well. 15. To turn out well. 16. To put up as a stakein a gameor speculation. L7. To make an offer of u>aswilling to go $50for the antique tea,pot. 18. To have recourseto when in need. go along oerb To agreeto cooperateor participate. go around oerb 1. To becomeknown far and wide. 2. To passaroundbut not through. go at aerb l. To start work on vigorously.
l. r,ffn aerb. 2. cntxo aerb. l. r,trn oerb. 2. r;rcn Derb.
sHARPadiectioe. 1. Syns; fare (Archaic), journe/, pass, proceed, push on, repair, travel, wend (Archaic). 2. Syns: blowt (Slnng), cut out (Slang), depart, exit, get away, get off, go away, leaver, pull out, push off (Infonrnl), quit, remove (Poetir), retire, run, run along shove off (Slilng), split (S/oag), take ofr (Slang), withdraw. -Iilinns beat it, hit the road, take one's leave. 3. nren. 4. wom oerb. 5. nxreiso. pn oerb. nsr.oxc. orn. rlnND oerb. ceve rN at cave. Syns; consume, exhaust, expend, finish, run througlr, spend, use (up), wash up. -ldiom go down the drain. L2. Syns: elapse, go away, go by, expire, pass, pass away. 13. Syns; extend, range, run, vary.
6. 7. 8. 9. lO. 11.
14. 15. L6. L7.
pnospnn. succrno. crlas-n oerb. Syns: bid, offer.
18. nnsonr ro at resort. PLAYALoNc at play. 1. csr ABour at get. 2. srrnr aerb. l, trrtcx. oerb.
goad 2. To set upon with violent force. go away oerb l. To move or proceed away from a place. 2. To move toward a termination. go by oerb To move toward a termination. go down oerb l. To come to the ground zuddenly and involuntarily. 2, To undergo capture, defeat, or ruin. go for aerb l. lnfonrul. To recognize the worth, quality, importance, etc., of. 2. To be favorably disposed toward. 3. Slang. To regard (something) as true or real. 4. To require a specffied price. go in oerb To come or go into (a place). go off oerb To release or cause to release ener$/ suddenly and violently, esp. with a loud noise. go on aerb l. Infonrnl. To talk volubly, persistentl/, and usu. inconsequentially. 2. To remain in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time. 3. To continue without halting. go over oerb l. To turn out well. 2. To look at careftrlly or critically. 3. To recapihrlate the salient facts of. go through oerb To participate in or partake of personally. go under oerb 1. To undergo capture, defeat, or ruin. 2. To undergo sudden financial failure. go up oerb To move upward on or along. go with oerb To be in keeping with. go froun l. Infonrwl. A brief trial. 2. A limited, often assignedperiod of acUvity, duty, or opportunity. 3. An often prolonged period, as of illness. 4. lnfornwl. Capacity or power for work or vigorous activitY. go adiectiae Inforrrul.In a state of preparedness. goad oerb To stir to action or feeling. goal nuun l. Something strongly desired. 2. What one intends to do or achieve. go along aerb
go around oerb go at aerb goat rruun One who is madean object of blame. go away oerb gobl rwun l. Inforrrul. An indeterminatelygreat amountor number.
2. rrrrcx oerb. l. co. 2. co. GO.
su.;'- aerb. sunnrrvoBn trarb. l. eppnncnrn. 2. appnovr. 3. snrmvE. 4. cosr aerb. ENTER. EXPLODE.
l. c:g.errln aerb. 2. rwounn. 3. cenny ow at Carry. 1. succBrn. EXAMINE.
anvtnw aerb. ExPERTENCr aerb. 1. sunnnwonn aerb. 2. cowtpsn oerb. ASCEND.
rn oerb. 1. rnv rwun. 2. runN rmun. 3. srncr noun. 4. rNrncy.
READYadiectiae. PROVOKE.
1. aMsrrroN. 2. rNrnnrroN. sEEgo. sEEgo. sEEgo. SCAPEGOAT.
sEEgo. l. nrep rwun.
429 2. An irregularly shaped mass of indefinite size. gob2 *un" Slang. The opening in the body through which food is ingested.
2. r.uupl rruun. MOUTH.
gobr nuun A person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. gobble oerb To swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in large amounts. gobble rwun An act of swallowing.
gobbledegook twun gobbledegook rwun gobbledygookalso Wordy,unclearjargon. go-between rrou,n
Someonewho actsas an intermediateagentin a transacUon:He was the go-bekoeenin negotiationswith the kid;rnryers. perb go by godforsak€r also Godforsaken adiectioe Empty of people. godf ike adiectioe Of, from, like, or being a god or God. godly adiectioe 1. Ol from, like, or beinga god or God. 2. Deeply concernedwith God and the beliefsand practice of religion. go down oerb go for oerb go-getter nxun person. Inforrnal.An intenselyenergetic,enthusiasUc go-getting adiectioe Marked by boldnessand assertiveness. goggle oirb To look intently and fixedly. oerb gOfng rwxtn The act of leaving. going adiectioe In action or full operation. gofdbrick oerb Slnng.To passtime without working or in avoidingwork. gofden ager rwun An elderly person. Gofiath twun One that is extraordinarilylarge and powerful. gone adiectioe 1. Not present. 2. No longer in one'spossession. 3. No longeralive. 4. Carryinga developingfetus within the uterus. 5. Slnng.Affected with intenseromantic attraction. gOod adiectirse 1. Well aboveaverage:a goodstudent;good worlcrnanshi,p. 2. Having pleasant,desirablequalities:a goodchry.
Syns: broker, interagent, interceder, intercessor, intermediary, intermediate, intermediator, mediator, middleman. sEEgo.
3. Suitedto one'send or pu{pose. 4. In excellentcondition:a goodtooth.
cvrp oerb.
SWALLOW ftoun.
1. orvrwrr adiectioe. 2. nor-v. sEE go. sEEgo. EACER BEAVER. AGGRESSIVE.
ctzn oerb. sEEgo. DEPARTURE, ACTIVE.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ensnNr. r-osr. oreo. pnecI.IAr.IT. nwaruerno.
1. Syns; high-grade, nice. 2. Syns: bonny (Scof.), braw (Scot.), goodly, rnce. -Idiom good as gold. 3. colwNrnNt. 4. Syns: entire, flawless, intact, perfect, soundz, unblemished, unbroken, undamaged, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, unmarred, whole.
good-by 5. Affordingbenefit. 6. Having the ability to perform well. 7. Not counterfeitor copied. 8. Notably aboveaveragein amount,size,or scope. 9. Not more or less. 10. To one'sliking. 11. Indicative of future success. 12. Beyondreproach. 13. Characterizedby kindnessand concernfor others. good rwun 1. A stateof health,happiness,and prospering. 2. "t\e quality or stateof being morally sound:Good triurnphed ooer eoil. 3. Somethingthat contributesto or increasesone's well-being. good-by or good-bye twun A separaUon of wo or more people. good-byor good-bye adiectiw Of, done,given, or saidon departing. gOod-bye rwun b a"diecth:e good-for-nothing noun A self-indulgentpersonwho spendstime avoidingwork or other usefulactivity. good-for-nothing adiecthse Lacking all worth and value. good-hearted ad;iectiw Having or showinga tender, considerate,and helping nature. goodish adiectioe Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. good-looking' ddiectiae Having qualitiesthat delight the eye. goodly adiectit>e 1. Having pleasant,desirablequaliUes. 2. Somewhatbig. good-natured adiectioe Pleasantand friendly. goodness nnun The quality or stateof being morally sound. gOOdS noun l. Productsbought and sold in commerce:imsentoried oll the goodsin the storc. 2. Thosearticlesthat belongto someone. 3. One'sportableproperty. good-tempered od,iectioe Pleasantand friendlv. good will rwun Kindly, charitableinterestin others. goody nmun Infomwl. Somethingfine and delicious,esp.a food. gooey adiectioe L.lnforrwl. Having the properly of adhering. 2. Inforntal. Affectedlyor extravagantlyemotional. gOOf rwun Slong.A stupid, clumsymistake. goof off oerb Slnng.To passtime without working or in avoiding work. goof up oerb Slong.To harm irreparablythrouglr inept handling; make a messof.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
snr.Iprrchr,. err-n. eurnnmrc. src. nouxo. ecnmnnln. revonaslr. nxnapLARY. snNrvoLENT.
1. wrr,r'enn. 2. Syns: goodness,morality, probity, rectifude, righteousness, rightness, uprightness, virtue, virtuousness. 3. wrnnrsr noun,
PARTING rWUN, PARTTNc adiectiae. srn
l. cooo adiectioe. 2. stztsLn. AMIABLE. GOOD rmun, 1. Syns; commodities, wares. 2. snloNcrNcs.
3. nrrncrs. AMIABLE.
1. srrcxv. 2. sm.ITrnBNTAL. BLUNDER |WUN.
torn oerb.
line, merchandise,
431 go off Derb goof off oerb goof up oerb gO On oerb gOOn rwun Slang.A personwho treatsothersviolently and roughly,esp.for hire. gOOSe rmun Infonrwl. One deficientin judgmentand good sense. goose-pimply adiectioe Experiencinga repugnanttingling sensation. goosey also$oos! adiectioe Informal. Feeling or exhibiting nervoustension. goosy adiectioe gO Over oerb gordian adiectioe Difficult to understanddue to intricacy. gOfe rwun The fluid circulated by the heart through the vascular system. gorge oerb To satisfuto the full or to excess. gorged adiecthse Filled to saUsfaction or excess. gorgeOus adiectioe l. Having qudities that delight the eye. 2. Marked by extraordinaryelegance,beauty,and splendor. gorilla noun Shg.A personwho treatsothersviolently and roughly,esp.for hire. gory adiectioe Of or coveredwith blood. gossamer also $OSS?mery adiectioe So light and insubstantialas to resembleair or a thin film. goSSamery adiectiae gossip rwun 1. Idle, often sensationaland groundlesstalk about others:a tabloidfull of gossip.Accordingto gossip, they eloped. 2. A personhabitually engagedin idle talk about others: Ou Localgossap clnhwd u)e u)eregetting a d,ioorce. gossip oerb To engagein or spreadgossip:gossipedabout the President'sprioate life. gOSsiper noun A gersonhabitually engagedin idle talk about others. gOSslpmonger rraurr, A person habitually engagedin idle talk about others. gossipy adiectioe Inclined to gossip:a gosstpgol.d,crone. go through oerb gouge oerb l. To obtain by coercionor intimidaUon. 2. Informal. To exploit (another)by chargingtoo much for something. go under oerb-
go under sEEgo. snn goof. sEEgoof. sEEgo. THUG.
sEEgoosey. sEEgo. coMPLEx adiectioe. BLOODfrnun.
1. sneunrur-. 2. cr,onrous.
BLooDY a.diectioe. FILMY.
sEEgossamer. 1. Syns.'buzz, cry, hearsay,murmur, report, rumor, scuttlebutt (Sl*rg), tattle, tittle-tattle, whispering word. 2. Syns:gossiper,gossipmonger, mumblenews,newsmonger,quidnunc, nlmorer, mmornonger, scandalmonger, tabby, talebearer,tattle, tattler. tattletale, telltale, yenta (Slar@. Syns.'bnzz,blab, noise(aboutor abroad), rumor, talk, tattle, tittle-tatde. -Idiorn tell tales out of school. GOSSIP noun. cosstP twun. Syns; blabby, talebearing, taletelling. sEEgo. 1. nxronr. 2. srrN oerb. sEE go.
go up go up aerb gOvern aerb
1. To exercise the authority of a sovereign: Catherirw the Creat thought she gooemed in an enlighterwd mafvter. 2. To have charge of (the affairs of others). 3. To exercise authority or influence over. 4. To keep the mechanical operation of (a device) within proper parameters: a tnloe gooeming fuel intake. governable adiectioe Capable of being governed: a d.ocil.e,gooemable people; a firnncial situntion that whiln bad usos still gooernbl"e. govefnance noun l. A system by which a political unit is controlled. 2. The continuous exercise of authority over a political unit. governing adiectioe Exercising controlling [nwer or infuence. gOVernment noun l. A system by which a political unit is controlled: The United States has a dennuatic f* of gooem:rruent. 2. Authoritative control over the affairs of others. 3. The continuous exercise of authority over a political unit: uas actioe in the golnffmwnt of the proointe. governmental a"diectiae Of o1 relating to government: gusemmental agencies. perb go with gOWn naun A one-piece, skirted outer garment for women and children.
l. Syns; overrule, reigp, rule, sway. -Idium"s wear the crown, wield the scepter. 2. eourNrsrnn. 3. covrnor aerb. 4. Syns: control, regulate.
Syns : administrable, controllable, handleable, manageable.
1. cownNuEvr. 2. covnnNMENT.
l. Syns; governance, regime, rule.
2 . ADMINISTRATION. 3 . Syns.' administraUon, control,
governance, rule. Syns; gubernatorial, regulatory. sEEgo. rWUn. DRESS
grab wrb l. To take quick and forcible possessionof. 2. To get hold of (something moving). 3. To take firmly with the hand and maintain a hold on. 4. Infomwl. To compel the attention, interest, imagination, etc., of. grab noun The act of catching esp. a zudden taking and holding.
grabble wrb
To reach about or search blindly or uncertainly. grabby a.diectitse Infmwl. Havrng a strong urge to obtain or possess something, esp. material wealth, in quantity.
gfaGe noun l. Kind, forgiving or compassionate treatmentof or dispositiontoward others:forgioenby the graceof the king. 2. Kindly, charitableinterestin others. 3. A kindlv act. 4. A senseof propriety or rightness. 5. Temporaryimmunity from pendUes:a fuV of grace before mforcing the neu lnw. 6. Refined,effortlessbeautyof manner,form, and style. 7. A short prayer said at meals:said gracebefore dinrler.
grace oerb 1. To lend dignity or honor to by an act or favor: The prrrru minister gracedour gath,efinguith his augnt ptesence.
1. sprzn. 2. ctrcle^ oerb. 3. cnesp oerb. 4. cnrp oerb.
cATcH f10un. GROPE.
1. Syns;caritas,charity, clemency, leniency(a/solenience),lenity, 2. 3. 4. 5.
mercifr,rlness,mercy. snNnvoLENcE. revon nuun. oncsr.rcv. Syns; respite, reprieve.
6. 7. Syns: benediction, blessing, thanks, thanksgiving.
1. Syns; dignify, favor, honor.
433 2. To endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable addition: Magnifuent gold candl.esticks graced an already opulent table. graceful adiectiae f . Of such tasteful beauty as to elicit admiration. 2. Marked by facility, esp. of expression. graceless ad;iectiae Lacking dexterity and grace in physical movement. graGlOuS adiectirse 1. Charactenzedby kindness and warm, unaffected courtesy: a graciou,sattihde toward eDeryone. 2. Characteruedby elaborate but usu. formal courtesy: graciou,s old-uorld rnnraners.
grandiose 2. Syns: adorn, beautify, embellish, enhance, ornament, set off.
1. rr-ecerqr. 2. suooru adiectioe. AWK\MARD.
1. Syns; affable, congenial, cordial, genial, sociable. 2. Syns: chivalrous, courtly, gallant, knightly, stately
gradation nuun 1. The degree of vividness of a color, as when modified by the addifion of black or white pigment. 2. A slight variation between nearly identical entities. gradational ad;iectioe Proceeding very slowly by degees. grade nutn l. One of the units in a course, as on an ascending or descending scale. 2. An upward rlop". 3. Degree of excellence. 4. A division of persons or things by quality, rank, or gade. grade oerb To assign to a class or classes. gradient rwtan 1. An upward slope. 2. Deviation from a particular direction. gradual ad;iectiae l. Proceeding very slowly by degrees: a grafutal shift r,n Shw-Sooiet policy. 2. Not steep or abrupt: a gra&nl slope. graft rwun Money, property, or a favor given, offered, or promised to a person in a position of trust as an inducement to dishonest behavior. gfain noun A Uny amount. grainy adiecthse Consisting of or covered with large particles. grand adiectioe 1. Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent: The tsieu of the Winter Palace is indeed grand.
2. Marked by magnificently lavish ceremony and display: The inaugural ball is a truly grad occasion. 3. Very broad and noble in character, scope, or grasp: the SeuetarA of State's gratd dttry for peace. 4. Exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style. 5. Raised to or occupFng a high position or rank.
grandeur twun
Soryg.thingmeriting the highest praise or regard. grandaloquent adiectioe Characterized by language that is elevated and sometimes pompous in style. grandiose ad;iectioe 1. Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent. 2. Characterized by * exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance.
1. sneon nnun. 2. snepn rlaun. GRADUAL.
1. oncnm. 2. escBNr. 3. guer-rrv. 4. cr.ess noun. crtss oerb. 1. escnvr. 2. rxcr-rNarroN. l. Syns; gradational, piecemeal, step-bystep. 2. Syns: easy, gentle, moderate. BRIBE |IOUN.
2. 3. 4. Br-nverrn. 5. Bxer,rpo. cLoRY naun. SONOROUS.
l. cnarvo. 2. poupous.
elevated, exalted, lofty.
grandiosity grandiosity nuun meritingthe highestpraiseor regard. Something grandness noun, meritingthe highestpraiseor regard. Something grant oerb 1. To let have as a favor or privilege: granted them a hearing. 2. To give formally or officially. 3. To recognize, often reluctantly, the reality or truth of. 4. To change the ownership of (prope.ty) by means of a legal document. grant rvrun 1. Something, as a gift, ganted for a definite purpose: the fomilotion's grant for rnedical research. 2. A making over of legal ownership or tiile: the court's grant of the Wopqrt7 to her. grantOr rwun A person who gives to a charity or cause. granular adiectitse Consisting of or covered with large particles.
1. Syns; accord, award, concede, give, vouchsafe. 2. cor.rrnn. 3. ecxNowLEDGE. 4. rnaNsrrn,
1. Syns; appropriation, subsidy, subvention. 2. Syns: conveyance (Lau), transfer.
granulate oerb To break up into tiny particles. granulize ierb To break up into tiny particles. graphic adiectioe 1. Of or pertaining to representation by means of writing: graphic com.munication. 2. OI or pertaining to representation by drawings or pictures: a turtbook's graphic aids. 3. Described verbally in sharp and accurate detail: a graphic account of the battl.e. 4. Serving to describe.
cnusn oarb. cnuxt uerb. 1. Syns: calligraphic, scriptural, written. 2. Syns: illustrative, photographic, pictographic, pictorial. 3. Syns; lifelike, photographic, pictorial, picturesque, realistic, vivid. 4. orscnrprrvr.
grapple rwun An act or meansof holding something. grapple wrb To contendwith an opponent, attemptingto throw him.
grasp wtu
1. To take ftrmly with the hand and maintain a hold oil grasped the lwndrail of the mooing escalator. 2. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. grasp rroun 1. An act or means of holding something. 2. the ability or power to seize or attain: a goal u.tithin their gra.sp. 3. Intellechral hold: a gro.spof frti*l poktbs.
4. Firm control. grasping a.diecthn Having a strong urge to obtain or possesssomething, eqp. material wealth, in quantity.
1. Syns; clasp, clench, clinch, clutch, grab, grip, hang on, seize. 2. uuornsrarrro. l. Hor-o nnun. 2. Syns: capacity, compass, range, reach, scope. 3. Syns; apprehension, comprehension, grip, mastery, savvy (Slang), understanding. 4. cnrp naun. GREEDY.
grate wrb To bring or come into sliding abrasive contact, often with a harsh, gating sound. grateful ad.iectioe l. Showing or feeling gatitude: a grateful glante; grateful for yur undcrstand,ing. 2. Affording pleasure or comfort: the gra.teful quiet of ewrfitg.
scntpn oerb.
1. Syns; appreciative, obliged, thankftrl. 2. Syns: congenial, gratifying, satisfying, welcome.
gratefulness rwun A being gratefirl.
435 gratified adiectioe Having achievedsatisfaction,as of one'sgoal. gratify aerb l. To give geat or keen pleasureto. 2. To comply with the wishesor ideasof (another). gratifying adiectioe 1. To one'sliking. 2. Affording enjoyment. 3. Affording pleasureor comfort. grating ad:iectiae Disagreeableto the senseof hearing. gratis ad;iectioe Costingnothing. gratitude nutn A being Eateful. gratuitous adiectioe l. CosUngnothing. 2. Not required, necessary, or warrantedby the circumstances of the case. gratuity rwun A materialfavor or gift,,gven in return for service:Gratuitiesmast be reportedu:ith taxable income. gfavamen naun The most central and materi"l p".t. gfaVel nuun A burial place or receptaclefor humanremains:graDes decoratedtoith fnral pieces. grave2 ad,iectioe 1. Havinggreat consequence or weight: a graDe problern. 2. Causingor markedby danger,pain, etc. 3. Portendingfuture disaster. 4. Full of or markedby digrutyand seriousness: had a graueexpressinnwhen he told m,eI neededsurgery. grave3 oerb 1. To cut (a designor inscription)into a hard surface, esp.for printing. 2. To producea deepimpressionon. gravid adiectioe Carrpng a developingfetus within the uterus. gravid'ati6n noun Obs.The condition of carryinga developingfetus within the uterus. gravidity twltn The condition of carryinga developingfetus within the uterus. gravitate oerb To fall or drift down to the bottom. gravity rroun 1. The condition of being graveand of involving seriousconsequences: the graoity of her accusation. 2. High seriousness of manneror bearing: the graoity of courtroarnprocedure. 3. Rare. The stateor quality of being physicallyheavy. gray matter noun ,{K, The seatof the faculty of intelligenceand gtaZe oerb l. To make light and momentarycontact with, as in passing.
l. nntscrrc oerb. 2. teuvron aerb. l. acnrna-eln. 2. nwloverr,r. 3. cnernpur,. HARSH.
rnnn adiectioe. APPRECTATION.
1. rnnn adiectioe. 2. war.rrow.
Syns: cumshaw, lagniappe (Infonnal), largess (a/so largesse), perkr (Slnng), perquisite, tip3. HEART.
Syns: catacomb, cinerarium, crypt, mausoleum, ossuary, sepulcher, sepulture (Archaic), tomb, vaultr. L. Syns: heavy, momentous, serious, severe, weighty. 2. cnrevous. 3. rerprur.. 4, Syns: earnest, sedate, serious, sober, solemn, somber (a/so sombre), staid. 1. nrtcnevn. 2. nNcnavn. PREGNANT. PREGNANCY,
1. Syns; momentousness,seriousness, severity, weightiness. 2. Syns: sobriety, solemnness,solemnity, somberness. 3. nravwnss. HEAD
L. r;nusr Derb.
greasy 2. To strike a surface at such an angle as to be deflected. gfaze noun Light and momentary contact with another person or thing. greasy adiectitse Having the qualities of fat. great adiectiae l. Notably above average in amount, size, or scope. 2. Exceptionally good of its kind. 3. Widely known and esteemed. greater adiectioe l. Much more than half. 2. Being at a height or level above another. great-hearted adiectiae Willing to give of oneself and one's possessions.
2. clllNcsr
FATTY adiectiae. l. src.
2. nxcrr-r,nur. 3. EurNpNr. 1. nnsr adiectixe. 2. rucnnn. GENEROUS.
great-heartedness ntntn The quality or state of being generous.
greatness nuun 1. The quality or state of being large in amount, extent, or importance. 2. Something meriting the highest praise or regard. 3. Archab. The condition of carrying a developing fetus within the uterus. greed noun Excessivedesire for more than one needs or deserves: the greed of speculators that feeds on srnll inaestors. greedy adiecthse l. Having a strong trrge to obtain or possesssomething, esp. material wealth, in quantity: foreclosures that enriched greedy lnnd.oumers. 2. Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume: a greedy boy hunched ooer an ooerfilled plate. green adiectiae l. Being in an early period of gowth or development. 2. Lacking experience and the knowledge gained from it. green froun A tract of cultivated land belonging to and used by a community.
1. srzr. 2. cr-onv twun. 3. pnrcxaxcv.
Syns: acquisitiveness,avarice, avariciousness,avidity, covetousness, cupidity, rapacity. 1. Syns; acquisitive, avaricious, avid, covetous, desirous, grabby (Informal), gasping, hungy, rapacious. 2. Syns: edacious, gluttonous, hoggish, piggish, ravenous, voracious.
1. vouNc. 2. n"rxpnnIENCED,
coMMoN lwun.
greenbacka noun Something as coins, printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange. green-eyed adiectioe Resentfully or painfully desirous of anotlrer's advantages.
gfeenness noun l. The time of life between childhood and maturity. 2. Lack of experience and the knowledge gained from it.
1. vourn. 2. rNrxpnnrENCE.
greet wrb l. To address in a friendly and respectful way greeted each gu.est indioi&nlly. 2. To present with a specified reaction: greeted our proposal tuith scom. greeting ltoun An expression, in words or gesfures, marking a meeting of personszha.d o friend,ly greetingfor all.
1. Syns; hail2, salute, welcome. 2. Syns: meetr, react to, respond to.
Syns; salutation, salute, welcome.
gregarious adiec-tioe
1. Ol characterized by, or inclined to living together in communities.
1. socnr-.
437 2. Disposed to be open, sociable, and talkative. grief nuun Mental anguish or pain caused by loss or despair: showing grief openly at the furwral. grleVanGe noun l. A circumstance regarded as a cause for protest or complaint: Iegislation aimed at the remedy of basic grieuances. 2. An expression of dissatisfaction. grieve oerb l. To feel, show, or express grief: grietseddeeply ooer the death of her husband,. 2. To cause suffering or painful sorrow to. grievous ad;iectiae l. Causing or marked by danger, pain, etc.: sustained a grieam,s wound. 2. Causing sorrow or regret. 3. Difficult to accept. grill aerb lnformal. To question thoroughly and relentlessly to faets. verifu'adiectioe grim l. Having or showing uncompromising determination or resolution in purpose or action: a grim uill to sacceed, 2. Shockingly repellent. 3. Cold and forbidding. grimace noun A facial contortion indicating displeasure, disgust, pain, etc. grimace oerb To contort one's face to indicate displeasure, disgust, pain, etc.: grimnced like a monkey when he saw the Ull"s.
grime noun Foulor dirWmatter. griminess twun The condition or state of being dirty. grimy adiecthse Covered or stained with or as if with dirt or other impurities. grin oerb To curve the lips upward in expressing amusement, pleasure, or happiness. grin rwun A facial expression marked by * upward curving of the lips. grind oerb l. To rub together noisily: ground his teeth in rage, 2. To break up into tiny particles. 3. To do tedious, laborious, and som'etimesmenial work: gnnding auaA to sttpport his family. 4. To study hard, esp. when pressed for time. grind noun Informal. A habitual, laborious, often tiresome course of action: tired of the ilaily grind-to work and straight home again.
2. outcorxc. Syns: heartache, heartbreak, sorrow, woe.
1. Syns.'beef (Informal), gripe (Inforrnal), kick (Infonrwl). -Idiorn bone to pick. 2. coupr-erNr. 1. Syns; lament, mourn, sorrow, suffer. 2, orsrnnss aerb.
gravez, serious,
:J*liangerous, 2. sonnowrur-. ,:"":::'c'[iae
l. Syns: implacable, hard-shell (also hardshelled ), inexorable, intransigent, merciless, remorseless, unbending, unrelenting, unyielding. 2. cnesrr-v. 3. sr.rer.
Syns: mop (Archaic), mouth, mow, mug (Slang), -ldionu make (or pull) a face, make faces. FILTH. DIRTINESS. DrRTY a.d|ectioe.
svrlun oerb.
1. Syns,' crunch, gnash. 2. cnvss oerb. 3. Syns; drudge, grub, plod, slave, slog toil. 4. soNn up at bone. Syns: groove, routine, rut, treadmill. -ldiom the beaten path.
grip rwun l. Firm control: has a good grip on her enntiorw; seens to haoe lost his gri,p on reality. 2. An act or means of holding sometling.
1. Syns; grasp, handle, hold. 2, nor.o rwttn.
gnpe 3. Intellectual hold. 4. A strong or powerful influence. 5. A violent, excruciating seizure of pain. grip oerb 1. To take firmly with the hand and maintain a hold on. 2. To compel the attention, interest, imagination, etc., of: a scene that gripped the entire autlience. gripe rcrlt lnformal. To express negative feelings, esp. of dissaUsfactionor resentment. gripe noun L. lnformal. An expression of dissatisfaction. 2. Informal. A circumstance regarded as a cause for protest or complaint. . grlper noun InformaL A person who habitually complains or Eumbles. gripping adiectbe Catching and holding the full attention. grisfy adiectit:e Shockingly repellent. gtitty adiectiae Consisting of or covered with large particles. grobian naun An unrefined, rude person. groOm urb To make neat and trim; make presentable. gfOOVe rmun A habitual, laborious, often tiresome course of action. groove on wrb Sktng. To like or enjoy enthusiastically,often excessively. grOOVe On aerb groovy adiectioe Skmg. Particularly excellent. grope urb To reach about or search blindly or uncertainly: groping for the light suitch; groped for the ansuer to the question. gross adiectiae l. Includingevery constituent or individual. 2. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. 3, Conspicuously bad or offensive. 4. Having too much flesh. 5. Offensive to accepted standardsof decency. gross noun An amount or quantity from which nothing is left out or held back. gross terb To make as income or profit. gfOSSneSS naun The quality or state of being flagrant. grotesque adiectioe l. Resembling a freak. 2. Conceived or done with no reference to reality or common sense. grouch terb To express negative feelings, esp. of dissatisfaction or resentment.. grouch noun A person who habitually complains or grumbles: Her
3. cnesp noun. 4. rroln noun. 5. rnnon, 1. cnasp uerb. 2. Syns: arrest, catch up, enthrall, fascinate, grah (lnformal), hold, mesmerize, rivet, spellbind, transfix. CON(PLAIN.
1,. cotupr,usr. 2. cnrnvaNcE.
Syns: feel (around), fumble, grabble, poke around.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
rvnore adiectice. co,rnso. r'r-acnl.xr. r'er adiectixe. oescnNs.
nErunN redr. FLACRANCY.
Syns: bellyacher (Skmg), complainer,
439 upstairs neighbor is an old grmch roho bangs on the flnor at the srnallest noise.
grouchy adiectioe Having or showing a bad temper. gfOUnd nnun l. Anything on which something immaterial, such as an argument or charge, rests. 2. The lowest or supporting part or structure. 3. A basis for an action or decision. 4. A fact or circumstance that gives logical support to an assertion, claim, or proposal. ground aerb 1. To take or serve as the basis for. 2. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow.
groundless adiectirse
grown-up crab (Informal ), crank (Informal), faultfinder, griper (Infonrnl), grouser (Infornwl), gowler, grumbler, grump, kicker (Infornwl), sorehead (Slng),
::;u*'*' 1. nasrs. 2. gesrl noun. 3. ceusr nuun. 4. nnesoN naun.
L. stsnr oerb. 2. onop oerb.
Having no basis or foundation in fact.
groundlessly adrserb Without basis or foundation in fact.
groundwork noun
l. The lowest or supporting part or structure. 2. Anything on which something immaterial, such as an argument or charge, rests. grOUp rwun l. A number of individuals making up or considered a unit:_a qoup_of men standing on the corner; a group of islands off the coast of Alaska. 2. A number of persons who have come or been gathered together. 3. A usu. small number of individuals: The waiter asked hou many userein the group. group oerb 1. To come or brilg into a group or groups: traoelers ^ grurying uith their tour guid,e in the llotel lobby. 2. To assign to a class or classes. 3. To put into a deliberate order. 4. To distribute into goups according to kinds.
grouping noun
A way or condition of being arranged.
grOuse aerb
Infornwl. To express negative feelings, esp. of dissatisfaction or resentment. gfOUSer rwun InformaL A person who habitually complains or grumbles. grOw oerb l. To bring into, existence and foster the development of: grows orchids as a hobby; a farm ushere im and aryles are grcwn. ?. To bring or come to full development. 3. To make or become greater or l,a.ger. 4. To come to be. growl oerb To make a continuous deep, reverberating sound. growler noun A person who habitually complains or grumbles. grown adtiectiae Having reached full growth and development. gr0wn-up ad:iectioe Having reached full growth and development.
1 . gasrr noun. 2 . BASIS.
1. Syns; array, batch, body, bunch (Infornal), bundle, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, knot, lot, set2. 2. essnunr,y, 3. Syns: band2, b"ry, bunch (Infornnl), party. 1. Syns; aggroup, assemble, cluster, collect, gather. 2. crxs oerb. 3. enneNce. 4. essonr. ARRANGEMENT.
l. Syns; breed, cultivate, produce, propagate, raise. 2. lr.ttvnn oerb. 3. rNcnBesn oerb. 4. nscotvrn. nvunrn oerb. GROUCH NOUN, MATURE adiectiae. MATURE adiectioe.
growth grorVth rwun froma simpleform to a more 1. A progession complex one. 2. "I\e act of increasing or rising.
l. orvrr,opMENT. 2. lNcnresr noun.
grub wrb l. To break, turn over, or remove (earth, sand, etc.) with or as if with a tool. 2. To do tedious, laborious, and sometimes menial work. 3. Slary. To take (food) into the body as nourishment. grub nuu,n Slang. Something fit to be eaten. grubby adiecthse Covered or stained with or as if with dirt or other impurities.
grublstake oerb To supplycapitalto or for. grudge wrb To feel envy for,
L. otc aerb. 2. cntvo oerb. 3. nar. FOOD.
DrRrY adiectirse.
nsw oerb.
gruel oerb To make extremely tired.
grue5ome adiecthse Shockinglyrepellent. gruff a.diectioe l. Iow and gratingin sound. unceremonious. 2. Rudely 'rserb gfumble 1. To complainin low, indistinct tones. or 2. To expressnegativefeelings,esp.of dissatisfaction resentrnent. 3. To make a continuousdeep, reverberatingsound. grumble noun 1. A low, indistinct utterance of complaint. 2. An expression of dissatisfaction.
L. v.vrrnn aerb. 2. coupr,atN. 3. avvrr,rn aerb. MUTTER IMUN. COMPLAINT.
grumbler twun A person who habitually complains or grumbles. grUmp rwun A person who habitually complains or grumbles. grumpy ad;iectiae Having or showing a bad temper.
grunt oerb To complain in low, indistinct tones. grunt rvntn A low, indistinct utterance of complaint. gUarantee noun 1. An assumption of responsibility, as one given by a manufacturer, for the quality, worth, or durability of a product: a stereo uith a one-Vear gttarantee' 2. A declaration that one will or will not do a certain thittg. 3. A statement that expressesa commitment on the part of its maker as to its truthfulness or to the fulfillment of its conditions. guarantee oerb 1. To render certain: His family conrrcctions gttarantee his swccessin busitless. 2.To assumeresponsibility for the quality, worth, or durability of The factory gttaranteed the dishuosher for three years. 3. To give a promise of payment to (a creditor).
vrvrrsa aerb. MUTTER NOUN.
l. Syns; surety, warrant, warranty.
2. pnoursr rtaun. 3. wono norrn.
1. Syns; assure, cinch (Slang), ensure (a/so insure), secure, warrant. 2. Syns: certify, guaranty, warrant.
3. sncvar, oerb.
guarantol rwun One who assumesfinancial responsibility for another.
44L gUaranty noun 1. Something given to guarantee the repayment of a loan or the fulfillment of an obligation. 2. One who assumesfinancial responsibility for another. guaranty oerb To assume responsibility for the quality, worth, or durability of. guard oerb To keep safe from danger, attack, or harm. guard noun l. A person or special body of persons assignedto provide protection, keep watch over, etc.: a bank guard; the palace gtnrd. 2. The act or a means of defending.
1. pawxl rwun. 2. spoNson. cueneNrrp oerb.
l. Syns; lookout, picket, sentry, ward, watch. 2. orrnrvsn.
guardian noun A person who is legally responsible for the person or property of another considered by law to be incompetent to manage his affairs: ums aryointed as the child's guardinn under the parents' uill.
Syns: conservator (Lau), custodian, keeper, warden.
guardianship naun The function of watching, guarding, or overseeing.
gubernatorial adiectiae Of or relating to government.
gudgeon noun Slong. A person who is easily deceived or victimized. gUerdOn rwun Poetic. Something glven in return for a service or accomplishment. guerdon oerb Poetic. To bestow a reward on. gUeSS oerb To draw an inference on the basis of inconclusive evidence or insufficient information: We can only guess that he had a motioe for the crime. guess ftaun A judgment, estimate, or opinion arrived at by guessing: All thls is merely a guess on my part. guest noun A person or persons visiting one. guffaw oerb To express great amusement or mirth. guggling adiectiae Emitting a murmuring sound felt to resemble a laugh.
nnwtno oerb. Syns; conjecture, infer, presume, suppose, surmise.
Syns: conjecture, presumption, supposition, surmise. COMPA\IY
BREAKup at break. LAUGHING.
guidance noun An act or instance of guiding: a tax program administered under the guidnnce of the Seuetary of the Treasury. guide noun Something or someone that shows the way: Let your corwcience be your guide. Her designer friend is her guide in choosing clothes. guide oerb To show the way to: Sailors orrce used the stars to guide them. He guided me to my seat. guild noun A group of people united in a relationship and having some interest, activity, or purpose in common. guif e rmun 1. The act or practice of deceiving. 2. Deceidul cleverness. guileful adiectioe 1. Deceitfully clever.
Syns: direction, lead, leadership, management.
Syns.' conductor, director, lead, leader, mentor, pilot.
Syns: conduct, direct, escort, lead, pilot, route, shepherd, show, steer, usher. UNION.
l. orcerr. 2. enr. l. enrrur..
guileless 2. Marked by treachery or deceit. guifeless adiectiae Free from guile, cunning, or deceit. guilt nDun Responsibility for an error or crime.
guiftfbss adiecttue Free from guilt or blame. guilty adiectiae Deservingblame. gUlse nnun l. A set or styleof clothing. 2. A deceptiveoutwardappearance. gufl naun A personwho is easilydeceivedor victimized. gull uerb To get moneyor somethingelsefrom by deceitful trickery. guf fibfe adiectbe Easilyimposedon or tricked. gulosity rwun The qualityor conditionof beingvoracious. gufp aerb To swallow (food or drink) greedilyor rapidly in large amounts:Toobusy to take a full hour, she had to gulp doumher lurrch. gulp noun An act of swallowing. gummy adiectite Having the property of adhering. gumption naun 1. The ability to makesensibledecisions. 2. Infonnal. The wish, power, and ability to begin and follow throughwith a plan or task. gumshoe noun crimesor Shng.A personwhosework is investigating obtaininghiddenevidenceor information. gumshoe aerb Slang.To move silently and furtively. gum up aerb Slnng.To harm irreparablythrough inept handling; makea messof. gUn oerb To wound or kill with a firearm. gung ho adiectioe Slnng.Showingor havingenthusiasm. gurge aerb To moveor causeto movelike a rapid rotary current of liquid. gurgle aerb To flow or movewith a low, slappingsound. gurgling adiectiae Emitting a murmuringsoundfelt to resemblea laugh. gush aerb l. To comeforth or emit in abundance. 2. To makean emotionaldisplay. gushy adiectiae Affectedlyor extravagantlyemotional. gust twun 1. A sudden,violent expression,as of emotion. 2. A nattual movementor current of air. SUsto nuun Spiritedenjoyment.
cnntr oerb.
Syns: bolt, englut, engorge, gobble, guttle, gtzzle, ingurgitate, swill, wolf.
sxear oerb. BOTCH.
ruow oerb. EMOTIONALIZE.
1. oureunsr. 2. wwol noun. ZEST,
443 gusty adiectioe Exposed to or characterized by the presence of freely circulating air or wind. gut adiectiae Slang. Of, pertaining to, or arising from one's mental or spiritual being. gutless adiectioe Ignobly lacking in courage. gutlessness noun Ignoble lack of courage. gUtS noun Slang. The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely. gutsy adiectiae Informal. Having or showing courage. guttle oerb To swallow (food or drink) geedily or rapidly in large amounts. gutty ad;iectioe Having or showing courage. guzzle rserb 1. To take alcoholic liquor, esp. excessivelyor habitually. 2. To swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in large amounts. ryp also gip oerb Informal To get money or something else from by deceitful trickery. gyp froun l. Informal. An act of cheating. 2. Informal. A person who cheats. gypper noun lnformaL A person who cheats. aerb ryrate 1. To move or cause to move in circles or around an axis or center. 2. To rotate rapidly. nou.n S/ration Circular movement around a point or about an axis. gyfe noun A closed plane curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point or something shaped like this. S/VeS noun that physically confines the legs or !:*:-.Sometling
habiliments nor^rn Articles worn to cover the body. rwun habit l. An activity done without thinking: has a habit of pulling his ear. 2. A habitual way of behaving. 3. Clothing worn by members of a religious order: c ru"rndressed in her habit.
BRAvE adiectioe.
cvrp oerb.
BRAVEadiectioe. 1. onNx uerb. 2. cvrp aerb.
cttnl'lr aerb.
1. csner noun. 2. crrner noun. CHEAT NOUN.
L, rvnv oerb. 2. sptN oerb. REVOLUTION. CIRCLE IWUN.
l. Syns,' characteristic, pattern, trait. 2. cusrov rroun. 3. Syns; robes, vestments.
habitable 4. Rare. Bodily type. habit oerb Archaic.To live in (a place). habitable a.diectioe Fit to live in. habitat nuun The natural environmentof an animalor plant. habitation noun A building or shelterwhere one lives. habitual adiectioe 1. Familiar through repetition. 2. Subjectto a diseaseor habit for a long time. habituate aerb To make familiar through constantpractice or use. habituated a"diectioe Subjectto a diseaseor habit for a long time. habitude nuun A habitual way of behaving. habitus ruoun Bodily type. hackneyed adiectioe Without freshnessor appealdue to overuse. hag noun 1. An ugly, frighteningold woman. 2. A womanwho practicesmagic. haggard a.diecth;e Paleand exhaustedbecauseof worry, sleeplessness, etc.'.ahoays loolcslnggard in the moming. haggle oerb To argueabout the terms,asof a sd,e:prefenedbeing ooerchargedto haggling. ha-ha nuun Slnng.Words or actionsintendedto excite laughteror arnusement. haifl nuun A concentratedoutpouring,as of missiles,words, or blows. hail2 oerb 1. To haveasone'shomeor placeof origin. 2, To addressin a friendly and respectfulway. 3. To pay tribute or homageto. hair noun A slightamount. adiectit:e hair-riising Causinggeat horror. hairy adiectioe l. Coveredwith hair: a hairy animal;a hairy chest. 2. Slnng.Involvingpossiblerisk,loss,or injury. hafcyon ad.iectioe Motionlessand undisturbed. hafe adiectite Having goodhealth. haleness rroun The condition of being physicallyand mentally sound. halfhearted adiectiae L,ackingwarmth, interest,enthusiasm,or involvement. haff-wit noun A mentally deficientperson. haff-witted adiectioe Lacking in intelligence. halfoa tserbb twtm
1,. wrrcn noun. 2. wrrcH noun. Syns; careworn, gaunt, hollow-eyed, toilworn, wan, worn. Syns; bargain, dicker, higgle, huckster, palter. JOKEtWUn.
l. conrr. 2. cnnnr. 3. uoxon oarb. SHADE IWUN. HORRIBLE.
1. Syns; fleecy, furry, hirsute, pilose, woolly. 2. onNcnnous. srrl-l- adjectiue. HEALTHY. HEALTH.
srr halloo.
445 hafloo also halloa oerb To speak or say very loudly. halloo also halloa nuun A loud cry. halfow aerb 1. To make sacred by a religious rite. 2, To give over by or as if by vow to a higher purpose. halfowed ad;iectioe 1. Regarded with particular reverence or respect. 2. Given over exclusively to a single use or purpose. haf lowedness rwun The quality of being holy or sacred. hallucihati6n rrnun 1. An illusion of perceiving something that does not really exist: LSD -induced hallucirwtians. 2. An erroneous perception of reality. haf f ucinatory ailiectiote Of, pertaining to, or in the nature of an illusion; lacking realiw. 'oerb haftr l. To come to a cessation. 2. To prevent the occurrence or continuation of a movement, action, or operation. 3. To bring or come to a forced end. halt rmun 1. The act of stopping. 2. The condition of being stopped. halt2 oerb l. To walk in a lame way. 2. To be irresolute in acUng or doing. hafting adiectine Given to or exhibiting hesitation. hammer oerb 1. To hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows. 2. To shape, break, or flatten with repeated blows. 3. Brit. Re$onal. To intrude involuntary repetitions and pauses into one's speech. hamper oerb 1. To restrict the activity or free movement of: Ham.pered bg leg irons, the escaped conoicts uere soon ooertaken. 2. To interfere with the progess of. hamper nuun fuyl$"g that impedes or prevents entry or passage. . namslrlng oerb To restrict the acUvity or free movement of. hand oerb 1. To relinquish to the possessionor control of another. 2. To cause to be transferred from one to another. hand down aerb l. To convey (something) from one generation to the next: The farrn was handed d.own frorn father to son. 2. To deliver (an indictment or verdict). hand on oerb To convey (something) from one generation to the next. hand over oerb l. To glve up a possession,claim, or right. 2. To give over to another for care, use, or performance. 3. To relinquish to the possessionor control of another. hand noun 1. The act or an instance of helping. 2. One who labors.
norn oerb. sHouT fwun. SANCTIFY. DEVOTE.
l. Syns:phantasmagoria (also phantasmagory), trip (Slnng). 2. rr-r.usrow. ILLUSIVE.
l. srop oerb. 2. srop oerb. 3. sREex up at break. 1. srop rwun. 2. stop rwrrn. t. rtvtp oerb. 2. nssrrern. HESITANT.
l. nnxr oerb. 2. snar Derb. 3. sreuunn oerb.
l. Syns; fetter, hamstring handcuff, hobble, hog-tie (aho hogtie), leash, manacle, shackle, tie down, trammel. 2. nrxorn. BARnOUn, w*lrlnn
L. cwn oerb. 2. ptss oerb. 1. Syns; bequeath, hand on, pass (along or on), transmit. 2. nnrunN oerb. IIAND
l. esorcern. 2. sNrRusr. 3. cwn oerb. l. rrer-p naun, 2. r,esonnn.
handcuff 3. lnfornnl. Approval expressed by clapping. 4. The particular angle from which something is considered. 5, One of two or more contrasted parts or places identified by its location with respect to a center. handcutf oerb To restrict the activiW or free movement of. hand down tserb handicap noun l. An unfavorable condition, circumstance, or characterisUc. 2. A factor conducive to superiority and success. handle oerb 1. To use with or as if with the hands: He handles an ax like a bom woodmnn. 2. To offer for sale. 3. To into contact with, esp. by means of the hands or fingers, so as to give or receive a physical sensation. 4. To behave in a specified way toward. 5. To control or direct the functioning of. handle nuun 1. Firm control. 2. Slnng. The word or words by which one is called and identified. adiecthse handleable Capable of being governed. hand on oerb handout noun hand out aerb 1. To pass (something)out. 2. To present as a gift to a charity or cause. 3. To make a gift of. handout noun l. Something given to a charity or cause. 2. Assistance,esp. money, food, and other necessities, given to the needy or dispossessed.
hand over oerb handselalsohansel rwun
sBn hand.
Chiefly Brdt. Something bestowed freely. adiecthse handsome 1. Having qualities that delight the eye. 2. Characterued by bounteous giving. handy adiectioe l. Exhibiting or possessingskill and ease in performance. 2. Being within easy reach. 3. Serving or capable of serving a useful purpose.
GIF.T froun.
oerb hang 1. To fasten or be fastened at one point with no support from below: hang decoratiors on a Christmas tree; clothes hanging in a closet. 2. To execute by suspending by the neck: a murd.erer senterrcedto be hanged. 3. To incline downward or over: hung his head in ku windotos. shame; children lunging fr* 4. To remain stationary over a place or object: black clouds ltanging in th.e sky. 5. To be imminent. hang around oerb Infomnl. To visit regularly.
5. S I D E . aerb. spr hand. 1. orseovaNtecn. 2. eovaNraGE rwun. 1. Syns; manipulate, ply, wield. 2. snrr aerb. 3. roucn aerb.
DEAr wrrH at deal. OPERATE. GF.IP nOUn. NAME NOUN.
snn hand. sm hand out. 1. orsrnrnurn. 2. ooxerr. 3. cwp, oerb. l. ooNerrox. 2. nnr,rer.
1 . BEAUTIFUL. 2 . GENEROUS. 1. oBxrpnous. 2. corwrwlrNr. 3. pnecrrcar. 1. Syns; dangle, depend (from), sling, suspend. 2. Syns: gibbet, noose, stretch (Archair), string tp (lnformal), swing (lnfomml), turn off (Rare\. 3. Syns; beetle, bend (over), jut, leanr (over), overhang. 4. Syns: hover, poise. 5. rnnnerru. rnequnxr uerb.
447 hang on oerb 1. To take firmly with the hand and maintain a hold on. 2. To continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks. hang on (or upon) aerb To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable. hang naun Infonnal. The proper method for doing, using, or handling something: get the hang of wing a food processor.
hang around rserb hanger-on noun One who depends on another for support without reciprocating.
happenon 1. cnesp oerb. 2. cenny oN at carfy.
DEPEND ow at depend.
Syns: knack, swing (Informal), trick.
srn hang. PARASITE.
hanging of,i"rtiu" Hung or appearingto be hung from a support:a - hangingplant. hang on oerb hang on (or upon) oerb hangout twun hang out aerb l. Slang.To visit regularly. 2. Slang.To keep company. hangout noun lnformal. A frequentlyvisitedplace. . hangup rwun hang up oerb To causeto be later or slower than expectedor desired. hangup noun Informal An exaggerated concern. hanker aerb To have a strong longing for. hansel ru)un hapt oerb l. Archaic. To take place. 2. Archaic. To take place by chance. hap rwun l. Archaic. The quahty shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quality regarded as the cause of such events. 2. Archaic. An unexpected random event. rraun hap' Re$onnl A garment wrapped about a person. hap oerb Regionnl. To put on warm clothes. haph-azard aldiectioe Having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or structure. hapless adiectioe Involving or undergoing chance misfortune. happen oerb l. To take place. 2. To take place by chance. happen on (or upon) aerb To find or meet by chance. happenchance naun happening noun 1. Something that happens. 2. Something significant that happens. happen or (or upon) oerb
Syns: pendulous, pensile, suspended. srn hang. srr hang. snn hang out. 1. rnrgunxr oerb. 2. assocrern oerb. HAUNT |WUN,
snehang up. oerty
COMPLEX t|.oun.
onstnn oerb. ssr handsel. 1. cour. 2. crurvcn oerb. 1. crraNcn rwun.
2. clreNcn rnun. \VRAP nOUn. WRAP UP. RANDOM.
1. coNre.
2. csrvcn oerb. COME ACROSS At COMC.
snr happenstance. 1. cmcuusrANcE. 2. nvnNr.
srr happen.
happenstance happenchance rwlrn happenstancealso An unexpectedrandomevent. happiness rToun A condition of supremewell-beingand good spirits:/e/f great haryirwss on her wed.dhWilaU. happy adiectioe l. Characterizedby luck or good fortune: a h.appy outcometo a tensesituation. 2. Beingin or showinggood spirits. 3. Eagerlycompliant. 4. Having achievedsatisfaction,as of one'sgoal. 5. Marked bv festalcelebration. harangue oinU To speakin a loud, pompous,or prolongedmanner. harangue twrrn A long, violent, or blusteringspeech,usu.of censureor denunciation. harass oerb 1. To trouble persistentlyfrom or as if from all sides. 2. To disturb by repeatedattacks. 3. To makea surpriseattack on. harassment noun The act of annoying. harbor rruun Somethingthat physicallyprotects,esp. from danger. harbor oerb l. To give refuge tozharboredescapedconobts. 2. To provide with often temporarylodging: harbored the migrant usorkersin banacks. 3. To hold and turn over in the mind.
Syns: beatitude, blessedness,cheer, cheerfulness,gladness,joy. 1. Syns; fortunate, lucky, providential. 2. 3. 4. 5.
cnsrnrul. clao. rur-rtr,r-ro. unnnv.
1. ensrBcn. 2. eNuov. 3. nliro oerb. ANNOYANCE.
covE'R ftoun l. Syns; haven (Rare), house, shelter. 2. Syns: accommodate, bed, berth, bestow (Archaic), billet, board, bunkr, domicile (aho domiciliate), house, put up, quarter, room. 3. sBAR.
harborage noun Something that physically protects, esp. from danger. adiecthse hard 1. Physically touglrened so as to have geat endurance: a lean, hard farmer usho u;as tned to l4-hour days. 2. Having or indicating an awareness of things as they really are. 3. Unyielding to pressure or force. 4. Not easy to do, achieve, or master. 5. Imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. 6. Cold and forbidding. 7. Causing sharp, often prolonged discomfort. 8. Bitingly hostile. 9. Conveying great physical force. lO. Based on fact. 1 l. Containing alcohol: hard liqwr. 12. Indulging in drink to an excessive degee. 13. Lacking passion and emotion. hard odoerb l. With intense energy and force: hit the baseball lwrd. 2. In zuch a way as to inflict hardship or difficulty: Things wmt lwrd fot her after the dioorce. 3. In a violent, strenuous way: fwght lwrd'; stonn uinds blowirylwrd. 4. With effort: heathbrylrard h the mygen tent.
covER fwun. 1. Syns; casehardened, hard-bitten, hardened, hardfi sted, hardhanded, hardy, rugged, tough. -Idiornhard (or tough) as nails. 2. nEal-rsrrc. 3. rtnul. 4. otrncur,r. 5. nunorNsoME. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
er-rAK. nrlrun adiectioe. nBsnwrrur.. sBvnnn. acruer-. Syns; alcoholic, spirituous, strong. npaw adiectirse. rNsnnsrrrvE.
1. Syns: forcefully, forcibly, vigorously. -Idionu hammer and tongs, tooth and nail, with might and main. 2. Syns:bad (Informal), badly, sour (tnfomtal). 3. Syns; fiercely, frantically, frenziedly, furiously. 4. Syns: arduously, difficultly, heavily.
449 5. To a point near in time, space, or relation. hard-bitten adiectiae Physically toughened so as to have geat endurance. hard-boiltid idiectit:e L. Informal. Totally lacking in compassion. 2. Having or indicating an awareness of things as they reallv are. harden aerb 1. To make or become physically hard: a cement that hardens in 30 seconds. 2. To make firmer in a particular conviction or habit. 3. To make resistant to hardship, esp. through continued exposure: Life in the outback qubklg hardened the settlers. hardened adiectioe l. Physically toughened so as to have great endurance. 2. Totally lacking in compassion. hard-eyed adieitiae Having or indicating an awareness of things as they really are. hardfi'sted ad;iectitse l. Ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money. 2. Physically touglrened so as to have great endurance. hardhahdedadiectioe Physically toughened so as to have great endurance. hardhead6d idiecthn 1. Tenaciously unwilling to yield. 2. Having or indicaUng an awareness of things as they really are.
hardheafredness rwun The qualrty_ or stateof being stubbornlyunyielding. hardhearted adiectioe Totally lackingin compassion. hard-hiiting Zdiecttu:e Marked by boldnessand assertiveness. hardly adnerb By a very little; almostnot. hard-shell alsohard-shelled adiectioe 1. Having or showinguncompromisingdeterminaUon or resolutionin puqposeor action. 2. Firmly establishedby long standing. hard-shelied adiecthte' hardship noun Somethingthat obstructsprogressand requiresgreat effort to overcome. hardy adiectioe l. Physicallytoughenedso asto have great endurance. 2. Capableof exertingconsiderableeffort or of yi{rtanding considerablestressor hardship. harebrain noun _ An-insanelyfoolishor strangeperson. harebrained adiectioe l. So senseless asto be laughable. 2. Given to lightheartedsilliness. hark oerb 1. To perceiveby ear, usu.attentively. 2. To makean effort to hear something. harken oerb harfot rwun A woman who engagesin sexualintercoursefor payment. harm rroun The action or result of inflicting lossor pain: did, harm to the hostages.
harm 5. cr-osnl adrserb. HARDadiectirse. 1. cor.o-sr,ooDED. 2. nnar,rsrlc at r€?1.
l. Syns; cake, concrete, congeal, dry, indurate, petrify, setr, solidify. 2. cowrnu. 3. Syns: acclimate, acclimatize, caseharden, climaUze, indurate, season, stiffen, toughen. 1. nano adiectioe. 2. cor.o-sr-ooDED. REALISTIC.
1. srrxcy. 2. neno adiectioe. HARDadiectirse. 1. ossrrNArB. 2. nner,rsrrc.
1. cnna. 2. connnuno. sru hard-shell. DIFFICULTY.
1. Henn ad;iectioe. 2. srnorqc.
l. roor.rsn. 2. crony. l. nren. 2. r-rsrnN. srp hearken. PROSTITUTE.
Syns:damage,detriment, hurt, inlury, mischief,outrage.
harmful harm oerb To spoil the soundnessor perfection of. harmful adiectioe Causing harm or injury' The san's raAs can be hannful ushen erposure is excessioe. harmless ad.iectioe 1. Devoid of hurtful qualities: asked a feus harmless questions. 2. Incapable of inflicting injury: a harmless garter make. 3. Free from guilt or blame. a.diectiae harmonic Characterizedby harmony of sound. harmonious adiectiae 1. Exhibidng accord in feeling or action: a harmoninus relationship between father and son. 2. Having components pleasingly combined. 3. Characterized by harmony of sound: a harmnnious pinrc-oiolin &rct. harmonize oerb 1. To bring into accord: a leader who harmonized nunwrurs factions into a solid front.
2. To combine and adapt in order to attain a particular effect: harmonized the unll hangings u;ith the roorn decot 3. To come to an understanding or to terms. 4. To be compatible or in correspondence. 5. To live or act together in harmony.
Syns; bad, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, evil, hurtful, injurious. 1.. Syns: innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, unoffensive. 2. Syns: hurtless, innocuous. 3. rxNocrNr adiectiae. HARMONIOUS.
1. Syns; amicable, amical, congenial, friendly. 2. svruunrRrcAr,. 3. Syns; consonant,harmonic, musical, symphonic. 1. Syns; accommodate, attune, conform, coordinate (a/so co-ordinate), integrate, proportion, reconcile, reconciliate, fune. 2. Syns: arrange, blend, coordinate (a/so co-ordinate), integrate, orchestrate, synthesize, unify. 3. .c.cnBn. 4. acnpn. 5. cnr ar-oNc at get.
harmony nuun 1. Pleasing ageement, as of musical sounds: three-part harmony. 2. Satisfying arrangement marked by even distribution of elements, as in a design. 3. Harmonious mutual understanding. 4. The state of individuals who are in utter aqreement: family harmony. twun harpy A person, esp. a woman, who habitually uses loud, abusive language. harrow oerb To rob of goods by force, esp. in time of war. adiectioe harrowing Extraordinarily painful or distressing.
l. Syns; accord, concert, concord, consonance(Mrc.), tune. 2. pnoponrroN.
3 . AGREEMENT. 4. Syns: concord, rapport,
unity. -Idimn
meeting of minds. scolD noun.
harry oerb 1. To trouble persistently from or as if from all sides. 2. To distub by repeated attacks. 3. To make a surprise attack on. harsh odiecth:e l. Disagreeable to the sense of hearing: He had a harsh, parad,e-ground aoice. 2. Having a coarse, irregular surface. 3. Having a noticeably sharp, pungent taste or smell. 4. Cold and forbidding. 5. Causing sharp, often prolonged discomfort. rruun harshness The fact or condition of being rigorous and unsparing. harum-scarum adiectioe Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste.
1. nrsrccn. 2. e-lwov. 3. nxo oerb. l. Syns; discordant, dry, grating, hoarse, jarring, rasping, raspy, raucous, rough, rugged, squawky, strident. 2. noucn. 3. errrrn adiectioe. 4. sr,nAK. 5. nrrrBn adiectioe. SEVERITY.
451 haruspex alsodruspex fwun A personwho foretellsfuture eventsby or asif by zupernaturalmeans. harvest rwun l. The act or processof bringing in a crop: gioing calrninntes the hansest. Thanlcs 2. T\e producegatheredfrom the land: a huge caannber hansest. 3. Somethingbrouglrt about by a cause. harvest oerb l. To collectripe crops. 2. To gather (grain)left by reapers. harvesting twun The act or processof bringing in a crop. hash rwun A ruinousstateof disorder. hash over oerb Inforrnal.To speaktogetherand exchangeideasand opinionsabout. has'h over oerb hassle noun A discussion,often heated,in which a differenceof opinion is expressed. hassle oerb To engagein a quarrel. haste noun 1. Rapidnessof movementor activity: left the room in great haste. 2. Careless,headlongaction: Hastemakesooste. haste aerb Poetic.To move swiftly. hasten oerb I- To move swiftly. 2. To increasethe speedof. hastiness noun Careless,headlongaction. hasty adiectioe 1. Accomplishedin very little time. 2. Characterizedby unthinkingboldnessand haste. 3. HappeningquicHy and without warning. 4. Lacking due thoughtor consideration. hatch oerb l. To causeto come into existence. 2. To give rise to a particular development. 3. To useingenuityin making developing,or achieving. hate oerb To regard with extreme dislike and hostility: hated the erwma. hate noun 1. ExtremehosUlityand dislike: lookedat me with mdisguised hate. 2. An object of extremedislike:A pet h,ateof mirw is laziness. hateable adiectioe Eliciting or deservinghate.
1. Syns; cropping, gathering, harvesting, reaping. 2. Syns: crop, fruig fruitage, yield. rwun.
3. rrrrcr l. cernpn. 2. cr,reN. HARVEST
Drscuss. snp hash. ARGUMENT.
1. Syns; celerity, dispatch, expedition, expeditiousness, fleetness, h*ry, hustle (Infornwl), rapidity, speed, speediness, swiftness. 2. Syns: hastiness,hurriedness, precipitanc e (also precipitancy ), precipitation, rashness,rush. nvsu oerb. l. nusn oerb. 2. sppro uP at speed. HASTE |WUN.
1. 2. 3. 4.
qutcr adiectioe. nesnl. ennupt. pnBcrprr tra adiectioe.
1. pnonucn. 2. cnxnnarn. 3. nwsr.IT. Syns; abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe. 1. Syns; abhorrence, abomination, detestation, hatred, loathing repugnanc e (also repugnancy ), repulsion, revulsion. 2. Syns: abomination, anathema" b6te nore (Frerrch), bugbear, detestation. -Idiom black beast. HATEFUL.
hateful adiecthn hateful 1. Eliciting or deserving hate: o lwteful child uho tortures animals. 2. Rare. Characterized by intense ill will or spite. 3. Arousing deepseated dislike. raaun hatred Extreme hostiliw and dislike. rwun haughtiness The quality of being arrogant. d,iectioe haughty Overly convinced of one's own zuperiority and importance. haul twrun l. Something carried physically. ^I\e act of drawing or pulling a load. 2. haul oerb To exert force so as to move something toward the source of the force. haunt oerb 1. To rectr to continually: The fear of failure haunted hhn. 2. To visit regularly. haunt rwun 1. A frequently visited place: His faoorite haunt is the clubhuse. 2. Regiornl. A supernatural being. 3. The natural environment of an animal or plant. twttn hauteur The quality of being arrogant. haut monde rrrrun Frerch. People of the highest social level. have wrb 1. To keep at one's disposl: I haae a saoings account. We lwoe prryert7 on the shore. 2. To have the use or benefit of. 3. To be possessedof. 4. To participate in or partake of personally. 5. To caus€ to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. 5. To have within. 7. To have as an integral part. 8. To be endowed with as a visible characteristic or form. 9. To be physically aware of through the senses. 10. To cause to be in a certain state or to undergo a particular experience or action. 11. To undergo an emoUonal reaction. 12. To neither forbid nor prevent. 13. To organize and carry out (an activity): haae a dinrler part!; haoe a parade. 14. To hold on one's person. 15. To involve oneself in (an activity). 16. To engage in sexual relations with. 17. To give birth to. have at oerb To set upon with violent force.
have at wrb haven rroun l. Somethingthat phpically protects,esp.from danger. 2. An institution that provides care and shelter. haven oerb Rare.To give refugeto.
1. Syns; abominable, hateable, horrid, odious. 2. lar-BvoLENT. 3. evnparHETrc. tWUn.
l. nunonN nnun. 2. pvrl. twun. pvrt oerb.
1. Syns; obsess,torment, trouble, weigh on (or upon). 2. rnrgurNr oerb. 1. Syns: hangout (lnfonnal), rendezvous, resort. -Idiorn stamping gound. 2. cgosr noun. 3. nour. ANROGANCE. SOCIETY.
1. Syns: hold, own, possess,retain.
2. rryov. 3. conrr.ruro oerb. 4. sxPrnrnNcs aerb. 5. oncuvr.
6. courew oarb. 7. CoNrarN r-Arb. 8. BEAR. 9 . rsar Derb. 10. cnr aerb. 1 1 . rnr,r aerb. t2. pnnvrtr terb. 1 3 . Syns: give, hold, stage. 14. 15. 16. 17.
cnnnv oerb. penncrPATE. rrxn oerb. enA,n.
srn have. 1. covrn naun. 2. noun. r^tnp,on oerb.
453 have-not nou,n person. An impoverished havings rwun Scot. The manner in which one behaves. noun havior Re$ornl. The manner in which one behaves. nou.n havoc The state of being destroyed. havoc oerb Rarc, To rob of goods by force, esp. in time of war. oerb hawk To travel about selling goods. oerb hazard 1, To run the risk of: hazard frostbite in the col.d. 2. To expose to possible loss or damage. 3. To have the courage to put forward, as an idea, esp. when rebuff or criticism is likely. hazard rwun, l. The quality shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quality regarded as the cause of such events. 2. Exposure to possible harm, loss, or itjnry. 3. A possibility of danger or harm. adiectiae hazardous Involving possible risk, loss, or injury. haze twun A thick, heavy atrnospheric condition offering reduced visibility due to t]re presence of suspended particles: c haze of cigar snwke. haze oerb To make dim or indistinct. hazy adiectioe 1. Not clearly perceived or perceptible. 2. Covered by or as if by a thin coating or film. 3. Heavy, dark, or dense, esp. with impurities. head noun l. The uppermost part of the body: He had a handsome ooal head.
2. The seat of the faculty of intelligence and reason: used her head and found, the solution. 3. Slnng. A person of great mental ability. 4. An innate capability. 5. Lack of emotional agitaUon. 5. Someone who directs and supervises workers. 7. One who is higlrest in rank or authority. 8. A mass of bubbles in or on the surface of a liquid. 9. A decisive point. LO. Informal. A term or terms in large type introducing a text: The head was set in Z4-point tgpe. head oerb 1. To have charge of (the affairs of others). 2. To proceed in a specified direction. 3. To move (a weapon, blow, etc.) in the direction of someone or something. head off oerb l. To block the progess of and force to change direcUon: A posse head.edoff the robbers at the pass. 2. To prohibit from occurring by advance planning or acUon.
secxz. PEDDLE.
1. Syns; adventure, chance, risk, venture. 2. ntsx perb. 3. pnrsuuB.
1. cneNcB rwun.
2. ueNcpn. 3. ntsx rwun. DANGEROUS.
Syns; brume, film, fog, mist, murk (aho mirk), smaze.
onscune r:erb. 1. uxcr-nen. 2. nr.prv. 3. runsrp. 1. Syns; bean (S/ang), block (Slang), conk (Slong), dome (Slang), noddle, noggin (Slang), noodle (Slcng), nut (Slnng), pate, poll. 2. Syns: brain, gray matter (Informal), mind, upper story (Informal), upperwork s (Iriformal). 3. urro twu,n. 4. rer-BNr. 5. cer,rvrrroun. 6. soss rwun. 7. cHrrr rwu,n. 8. roana rwun. 9. cnrsrs. 1O. Syns; heading, headline.
1. epurNrsrnn. 2. srAR. 3. xu uerb.
1. Syns; cut off, intercept. 2. pnnvrNr.
header head adiectioe Having or exercising authority header rwun l, Slang. A sudden involuntary drop to the ground. 2. Inforrnal. The act of plunging suddenly downward into or as if into water. heading noun 1. The compass direction in which a ship or aircraft moves: checked the heading of the erwrnA destroyer. 2. A term or terms in large type introducing a text. headline twun A term or terms in large type introducing a text. headlong adiectiae Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste. headman naun One who is highest in rank or authority. head off aerb
1. ru-l noun. 2. pr,uxcE naun,
1. Syns: bearing, course, vector. 2. nnan noun. HEAD NOUN. Resgl. CHIEF NOUN.
snn head.
headquarters noun 1. A center of organization, supply, or activity. 2. A place of concentrated activity, infuence, or importance. headshaker noun One who habitually or instinctively doubts or questions.
1. easrl noun. 2. cnNrpn noun.
head start noun A factor conducive to superiority and success. headstrong adiectiae Tenaciouslv unwilling to feld. 'r*un
Forward movement. heal aerb To rectify an undesirable or unhealthy condition. heaf-all noun Something believed to cure all human disorders. healing adiectiae Serving to cure. heafth noun The condiUon of being physically and mentally sound: A proper diet is essentinl to good health. healthfut adiectiae 1. Promoting good health: Ioggingis a heatthfut exercise. 2. Rare. Having good health. heafthiness lttrun The condition of being physically and mentally sound. healthsome adiectioe Promoting good health.
healthy adiectiae 1. Having good health: a healthy child.
cunn aerb. PANACEA.
cuRATrvEadiectioe. Syns: haleness,healthiness,heartiness, soundness,wholeness. 1. Syns; healthsome,healthy, hygienic, salubrious, salutary, wholesome. 2. nrerrHy. HEALTH. HEALTHFUL.
1 . Syns: bunkum2 (Regional), fit, hale, healthful (Rare), hearty, right, sound2, well2, whole, wholesome, -ldiorns fit as a fiddle, hale and hearty, in fine fettle. sound as a dollar.
2. Promoting good health. 3. Notably above average in amount, size, or scope. 4. Improving, growing, or succeeding steadily. noun heap l. A group of things gathered haphazardly: a heap of ironing on the tabb; a heq of beer cans. 2. lnfornwl. A great deal: bamed a heap from him; a heap of
2 . HEALTHFUL, 3 . ntc adiectioe. 4. rr-ounisarNc. l . Syns; agglomeration, bank2, drift, hill, mass, mess, mound, mountain, pile, pyramid, ruckl, shock, stack, fumble. 2 . Syns; barrel (Informal), lot, mass, mountain, much, pack, peckl (Informal), pile (Infonrwl ), plenty,
3. Informnl. An indeterminately geat amount or number: hos a heap of nwney; had heaps of good ideas.
heap oerb 1. To put into a disordered pile: heaped the rags on the garage f.oor. 2. To fill to overflowing: heaped his plate with food. 3. To give in great abundance. hear oerb l. To perceive by ear, usu. attenUvely: Hear my adnice before gou act.
2. To obtain knowledge or awarenessof something not known before, as through observation, study, etc. hear of oerb To receive (an idea) and take it into consideration: 1 won't eoen hear of apologizing! tmun hearing 1. The sense by which sound is perceived: keen headng. 2. Range of audibility: Don't say that within their hearing! 3. A chance to be heard: At least gitse me a hearing' 4. Law. The examination and deciding upon evidence, charges, and claims in court. hearken also harken oerb l. Poetic b Archaic. To make an effort to hear something. 2. Poetic {r Archaic. To perceive by ear, usu. attentively. hear of oerb nutn hearsay Idle, often sensational and groundless talk about others. heart rwun l. Anat. The circulatory organ of the body: The patient's heart stopped. 2. The seat of a person's innermost emotions and feelings: knew in *A heart that I had faibd,. 3. The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely. 4. The most central and material part: the heart of the matter.
5. A place of concentrated activity, influence, or importance. 6. A point of origin from which ideas, infuences, etc., emanate.
power (Regiorml), sight (Chiefl.y Regional), wealth, world. 3. Syns: bushel (lnformal), gobt (Informal), jillion QnforTnal), load (Informnl), lot, million, multiplicity, oodle (Informal), passel (Regonal), peckr (Informal), ream, scad (Informal), slew (a/so shrc) (Infomwl), trillion, wad (lnformal), zillion (lnformal).
1. Syns;bank2,drift, hill, pile (up), stack. 2. Syns:lade,load,pile. 3. snowrn oerb.
1. Syns; attend, hark, hearken (clso harken) (Poetic dcArclwic), heed, listen. -Idioms bend an ear, give a hear to, give an ear to, lend one's ear. 2. orscovnn.
Syns: entertain, think of. -ldiotn willing ear.
turn a
1. Syns; audiUon, ear. 2. Syns: earshot, soundr. 3. Syns; audience, audition. 4. rnnr- ntnnl.
1. r-rsrBN. 2. ur,c.R. srn hear. GOSSIP
l. Syn: ticker (Slnng). 2. Syns: bosom, breast, sod. -Idi,onts bottom of one's heart, cockles of one's heart, one's heart of hearts. 3. counecs. 4. Syns: core, essence,gist, gravarnen, kernel, marrow, meat, nub, pith, quintessence, rootr, soul, spirit, shrff, substance. 5. cexrrn noun. 6. cnx'rnn rwu,n.
heartache rwun Mental anguish or pain caused by loss or despair.
heartbreak rwun Mental anguishor pain causedby lossor despair. hearten oerb To impart strengthand confidenceto.
heartening heartening adiectioe Inspiring confidence or hope. heartfelt adiectitx Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense. heartiness nutrn The condition of being physically and mentally sound. heartfess adiectioe Totally lacking in compassion. heart-whole adiecttoe Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense. hearty adiectiae l. Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense. 2. Having good health. heat rwun l. Intense warmth: the sunmer's heat. 2. Intensity of feeling or reaction: retorted uith scnrc heat whm cross-emmirled. 3. A regular period of sexual excitement in female mammals: a cat in heat. 4. Slnng. A member of a law-enforcement agency. heat oerb To make hot: The broiling sun heated the sand. heat up oerb To make hot. heated adiectioe l. Marked by much heat. 2. Characterized by intense emoUon and activity.
heat up oerb heave aerb l. To move vigorously from side to side or up and down. 2. To send through the air with a motion of the hand or arm. 3. To utter in a breathless manner. 4. To breathe hard. heave rroun l. An instance of lifting or being lifted. 2. lnfomwl. An act of throwing. heaven nnun A state of elated bliss: I was in heatsenu:hile lioing in Hawaii. heaven(s) rcun The celestial regions as seen from the earth. heavenly adiecliae f . Of or relating to heaven: heaaenly angels. 2. Giving great pleasure or delight. 3. Of or relating to the heavens: The moon and the stars ore heaomly bodies. 4. Infomnl. Particularly excellent. 5. Highly pleasing, esp. to the sense of taste. - 6. Qf, from, like, or being a god or God. adoerb heavily l. With effort. 2. In a weary way. twun' heaviness 1. The state or quality of being physically heavy: dieted to Loseexcessheaoiness.
2. Archaic. The condition of carrying a developing fetus within the uterus.
1. cnxurNr. 2. nrer.rny. l. Syns; fervor (Poetic), hot (Regicnutl), hotness,torridness. 2. Syns: excitement, fervor, warmth. 3. Syns; estrus (a/so oestrus), rut, seasol 4. por-rcnuaN. Syns; heat up, hot (up) (Chiefly Brit.). rrnllr oerb. 1. nor adiectioe. 2. r'nnvro. srn heat. l. ross oerb. 2. rsnow aerb. 3. casp. 4. peNr. LIF I f10un. THROW nOUn.
Syns: ecstasy, paradise, rapture, transport. -Idioms cloud nine. seventh heaven. AtR noun.
1. Syns: celestial, paradisaical or paradisiacal. 2. onr,rcn::rul. 3. Syns; celestial, empyrean. 4. uanvr:r-ous. 5. oruclor-rs. 6. orvrNnt adiectir:e. HARD adoerb. WEARILY.
1. Syns; avoirdupois (Informal), gravity (Rare), heftiness,massiveness, ponderosity, ponderousness,weight, weightiness. 2. pnncNervcy.
457 heavy ad;iectioe 1. Having a relatively geat weight: a heaoypiarc. 2. Largein number or yield: heusy anm,nts of papenaork;a heatsycrup of o'sparagu'$. 3. Intenselysustained, activity: heaoyartillery 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Conveying great physical force. Violently dishrbed, as by storms. Intensely violent in sustained velocity. Indulging in drink to an excessive degree: a heaoy dri'nker. Having great consequence or weig[rt. Imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. Not readily digested because of richness: a heaay meal; heany d.rgh. Growing profusely. Having a solid, compact build: a heaoy
13. Unwieldy, esp. due to excessweight: heaoy Victorian fumiture. 14. Burdened by a weighty Load: trees heaoy with peaches. 15. Slnng. Beyond the understanding of an average mind. 16. Having so many constituent particles in suspension as to be condensed, often viscous. L7. Archaic. Carrying a developing fetus within the uterus. heavy rwun A mean, worthless character in a story or play: played the heaoy in a usestem. ad;iectitse heavy-handed 1. Clumsily lacking in the ability to do or perform. 2. Lacking fluency or gracefulness. adiectiue heavy-hearted In low spirits.
1. Syns; burdensome, heavpveight, h"fty, massive, ponderous, welghty. 2. Syns: abundant, copious, substantial, voluminous. 3. Syns; concentrated, fierce, furious, heiglrtened, intense, intensive. 4. srvnnn. 5. noucx. 6. nrcn. 7. Syns: hard, two-fisted (lnfonnnl). 8. cnevB2. 9. sunorNlsoME. 10. Syn; rich. 11. rnrcx ad,iectioe. 12. Syns: heavyset, h"fty, thick, thickbodied, thickset. 13. Syns; cumbersome, elephantine, lumpish, ponderous. 14. Syns: heavyJaden, loaded (down). 15. oBnp adiectioe. 16. rrncr adiectioe. 17. pnrcNeNr. Syns: scoundrel, villain.
l. uNsxru.r'ur-. 2. porvosnous. DEPRESSED.
heavy-heartednessnoun A feeling or spell of dismally low spirits. adiectuse heavy-laden Burdened by a weighty load. ad;iectioe heavyset Havrng a solid, compact build.
GLOOM. HEAvY adiectioe. HEAvY adiectioe.
heavyweight adiectioe 1. Having a relatively geat weight. 2.lnformal. Being among the leaders of a particular class. heavyweight rwun Infornwl. An important, influential person. hebetate oerb To make or become less keen or responsive. hebetude noun A deficiency in mental and physical alertness and acUvity. hebetudinous adiectioe 1. Lacking mental and physical alertness and activity. 2. Lacking in intelligence. hecatomb noun A living creature slain and offered to a deity as part of a religious rite. heckle oerb To torment with persistent insult or ridicule.
1. urew ad;iectioe. 2. nrc-r-recun.
r,vtt oerb. LETHARGY.
1. r-Brnencrc. 2. srupro. SACRIFICE
r,ttr Derb.
hectic hectic adiectioe l. Characterizedby intenseemotionand activity. 2. Being at a higher temperaturethan is normal or desirable. hector oerb 1. To torment with persistentinsult or ridicule. 2. To domineeror drive into complianceby the useof threats, force, etc. hector naun One who is habitually cruel to smaller or weaker people. hedge oerb 1. To shut in on all sides. 2. To zurround and advance upon. 3. To evade, as a topic, esp. by circumlocution. 4. To use evasive or deliberately vague language. hedging adiectiw Deliberately ambiguous or vague. hedonic adiectioe Characterizedby or devoted to pleasure and luxury as a lifestvle.
458 l. 2. l. 2.
uor adiectioe.
nl^tl xerb. INTIMIDATE.
2 . cr,osE rrv at closel 3 . sxrnr oerb. 4. EQUTVOCATE. EVASIVE. SYBARITIC.
hedonisi rwun A person devoted to pleasure and luxury. hedrinistic a.diectitse Characterized by or devoted to pleasure and luxury as a lifeswle. heebie-j'eebies ltnun Slnng. A state of nervous restlessnessor agitation. heed nnun l. Cautious attentiveness. 2. "I\e act of noting, observing, or taking into account. heed oerb To perceive by ear, usu. attentively. heedfuf adiecitae 1. Cautiously attentive. 2. Concentrating the mental powers on something. 3. Tending toward awareness and appreciation. heedfulness noun l. Cautious attentiveness. 2. Concentration of the mental powers on something. heedless adiectioe 1. Lacking or marked by a lack of care. 2. Showing no concern, attention, or regard. heedlessness rwtrn A careless, often reckless disregard for consequences. rw,tn heehaw An act of laughing. heehaw oerb To express amusement, mirth, or scorn by smiling and emitting loud, inarticulate sounds. heelr wrb l. To follow closely or persistently. 2. To move behind (another) in the same direction. heel2 oerb To depart or cause to depart from true vertical or horizontal.
l. cenn rroun. 2. Norrcr nnun. HEAR.
l. cennrul. 2. errnnrrvn. 3. urnorur. 1. cann noun. 2. errBNrIoN.
rnucs aerb.
l. ooc aerb. 2. por-r-ow. rNcr-rNnr^erb.
heftiness noun The state or quality of being physically heavy. hefty o"diectiw l. Having a relatively great weight. 2. Having a solid, compact build. 3. Conveying great physical force.
1. Hrevv adiectioe. 2. nnevy adiectioe. 3. snvpnr.
rwun height 1. Syns; apex, crest, crown, fastigium, l. The highest point: scaled the mountain to its oery peak, roof, summit, top, vertex. height. 2. rr-BvarroN. 2. The distance of something from a given level. 3. cr-ruex noun. 3. The highest point or state. oerb heighten 1. To increase markedly in level or intensity,esp. of sound. 1. Br.rvarr. 2. rvrnxsrrv. 2. To increase in intensity or severity. 3. ntsn oerb. 3. To become greater in number, amount, or intensity. adiectioe heightened 1. nr-svarEo. l. Abnormally increased, esp. in intensity. 2. nrew adiecth:e. 2. Intensely sustained, esp. in activity. heinous adiectioe OUTRAGEOUS. Disgracefully and grossly offensive. noun heinousness ENORMITY. The quality of passing all moral bounds. oerb heir INHERIT. Chiefly Regional. To receive (property) from one who has died. oerb heist ROB. Slnng. To take property or possessionsfrom (a person, company, etc.) unlawfully and usu. forcibly. heist nutn ROBBERY. Slang. The act or crime of taking another's property unlawfully and by force. hell rwun Syns: persecution, torment, torture. Excruciating punishment : w.biected the concentration-Idions living hell, tortures of the camp innntes to pwe hell. damned. hell oerb l. auxt. oerb. l. lnfonrnl. To move swiftly. 2. nnvil- oerb. 2. Inforrnal. To behave riotously. hellfire adiectioe FATEFUL. Portending future disaster. adiectioe hell-for-leather rlsr adiectioe. Informal. Characterized by geat celerity. heff-for-leather adoerb prsr adoerb. lnfonnal ln a rapid way. helf ish adiectioe FIENDISII. Inforrnnl. Perversely bad, cruel, or wicked. rmun hefotry A state of subjugation to an owner or master. SLAVERY. hef p oerb 1. Syns; abet, aid, assist,benefact, help l. To give support or assistance:The lifeguard helped out, succor. -Idioms give (or lend) a the exhatsted stointm,er. hand, give a leg up. 2. To advance to a more desirable state. 2. rupnovr. help out aerb To give support or assistance. :':rw-poerb. help noun l. The act or an instance of helping: Welfare prooides 1. Syns; aid, assist,assistance,hand, help for the needy. relief, succor, support. 2. A person who helps. 2. nnr-pBn. helper nnun A person who helps: After a year as a helper he was Syns: aid, assistant,attendant, help. mnde -foremnn. hef pfuf adiectitse l. Affording support or assistance:helpful adt:ice. 1. Syns; aidant, aiding, assistive, serviceable, supportive. 2. Affording benefit. 2. eBNBncrAL.
helping ,riun An individual quantity of food.
helpless hefping adiectirse - 9il"S or able to give help or support. helpfess adiecthse l. Unableto managre for oneself: The dyingpatient was helplessin hk attempt to speak. 2. Devoid of help or protection: helplesshostages. hefplessly adoeib Without regardto desireor inclination:a ruttion - drifti"g helplcsslytoward anarchy. hefp out aerb helter-skelter adiectiae Characterizedby physicalconfusion. hem aerb l. To shutin on all sides. 2. To surroundand advanceupon. 3. To confinewithin a limited area. henchman twun One who supportsand adheresto another. henpeck aerb To scold or find fault constantly. herald oerb To makeknown the presenceor arrival of. hercufean adiecth:e Of extraordinarysizeand power. herd aerb To urge to move along. hereaft-er nnun Time that is vet to be. hereditary idiectitse l. Of or from one'sancestors. 2. Possessed at birth. heretic twun A person who dissents from the doctrine of an established church. heretofore ad,oerb 1. At a time in the past. 2. Up to this time.
AUxTLTARY adiectioe. 1. Syns; impotent, incapable, paralyzed, powerless. 2. Syns: aidless,defenseless,unprotected. Syns; inextricably, perforce, willy-nilly. snn help, CONFUSED.
1. sunnouNo. 2. closn rn at closel. 3. rl+cr-osp. FOLLOWER. NAG,
usHERrN at usher. crANT adiectiue. onln xerb. FUTURE |IAUN, ANCESTRAL. INNATE. SEPARATIST.
1. Something immaterial, as a style or philosophy, that is passed from one generation to another: ?he heringe of ancient Rome is ref.ected in Westem architecture. 2. Any special privilege accorded a firstborn. hermeneutic adiectiae Serving to explain. hermetic odiectioe Sotitarv and shut off from societv. hero rwun 1. A person revered esp. for noble courage: Sergeant York uns one of the heroes of Woild War L 2. A famous person. heroic adiectioe l. Having or showing courage. 2. Of extraordinary size and power.
l . Syns; inheritance, legacy, tradition.
l. Syn: paladin. -Idiom
man of the hour.
2. cer-nenrrY. 1. snevE adiectiae. 2. cnrvr adiectioe.
heroism noun The qualrty or state of being heroic: a rescuc that uoas an act of heroisrn. rwtln hesitancy The act or an instance of hesitating. diecthn hesitant Given to or exhibiting hesitation: A hesitant leader is an itlefecthn orle.
Syns: gallantry, prowess, valiancy (also valiance), valor, valorousness. HESITATION.
Syns: faltering, halting, hesitating, indecisive, irresolute, pendulous, tentative,
hiding Umid, uncertain, undecisive, vacillant, vacillating (also vacillatory ), wavering, wobbly.
hesitate oerb To be irresolute in acting or doing: The witness hesitated before anmsering the question.
Syns: dither, falter, halt2, pause, shillyshally, stagger, vacillate, waver.
hesitating adiectioe Given to or exhibiting hesitation.
hesitation noun The act or an instance of hesitating: Hesitation in foreigupolicy decision-making can be disastrot'ts.
Syns: hesitancy, indecision, indecisiveness, irresoluUon, shilly-shally, to-and-fro, vacillation, wavering.
Hessian noun A freeJance fighter.
heterogeneity nnun The quality of being made of many different elements, forms, kinds, or individuals. adiectitse heterogeneous Consisting of a number of different kinds. hew oerb To bring down, as with a saw or ix. hex rwun 1. Something or someone believed to bring bad luck. 2. A woman who practices magic.
vAnrous. cvr oerb. 1. ;rwx. 2. wrrcn nuttn.
hiatus noun An interval during which continuity is suspended. hick adiectioe Informal. Of or pertainingto the countryside. hidden a.d.iectioe l. Concealedfrom view. 2. Screenedfrom the view of oncomingdrivers. 3. Lyrng beyondwhat is obviousor avowed. hidet oerb 1. To put or keep out of siglrt: They hid the stolen ieroelsin an aband,onedmine shaft. 2. To concealin obscurity. 3. To prevent (something)from being known. 4. To cut off from sight. hide rwun, 1. A hiding place. 2. Brit. A shelterfor concealinghunters. hide2 noun The skin of an animal:trryers sellinghides. hide perb To punish with blows or lashes. hideaway noun A hiding place. hidebound adiecthse Not tolerant of the beliefs,opinions,etc., of others. hideous adiectitse 1. Extremely displeasingto the eye. 2. Shockinglyrepellent. hideousness rwtnr The quality or condition of being ugly. hide-out rmun A hiding place: The robbers'hid,e-outlrr,asin the desert. hide out oerb To shut oneselfup in secrecy. hide out oerb hiding nutn A punishmentdealt with blows or lashes.
couNrRY ad:iecthse. 1. sncr,uono. 2. sr-rNDadiecthse. 3. ur-rrnron.
1. Syns;bury,bushup (Chr"flV Re$onal), cache, conceal, ensconce, occult, plant (Inlormal), secrete, stash. 2. osscunn oerb. 3. covnn oerb. 4. slocx our at block. 1. nron-our. 2. er.rtrrDrwun. Syns; fell3, fur, jacket, peltt. r;ntr oerb. HIDE-OUT. INTOLERANT.
1. ucr.v adiecthse. 2. cnesrr-v. UGLINESS.
Syns: covert, den, hidel, hideaway, lair. rror.E uP at hole. sen hide-out. BEATING.
hierarch hierarch noun . .91re yho is highest in rank or authority. hifaf utin odiecta:e higgle oerb To argue about the terms of, as of a sale. higgledy-piggledy a.diectite Characterized by physical confusion. high adiectioe 1. Having a rather great upward projection: a high buil.ding high Frerch windou:s. 2. Extending to a great height. 3. Elevated in pitch: a high ooice; high rntes.
4. Exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style. 5. Bringing a high price. 6. Iong past: high antiquity. 7. 8. 9. lO,
Intensely violent in sustained velocity: high u;inds. Abnormally increased, esp. in intensity. Slnng.Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. Slnng. Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise infuenced by the taking of drugs. high twun Slnng. A strong, pleasant feeling of excitement or stimulation. high-and-mighty adiectioe Overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance. highball aerb To move swiftly. highborn adiectioe Of high birth or social position. highbred adiectioe 1. Of high birth or social posiUon. 2. Of pure breeding stock. highbrow a.diectioe Appealing to or engaging the intellect. . .lnfonrwL nfgner adiectiae l. Being at a rank above another: The clerk had to corcalt with a higher ofuial. 2. Being at a height or level above another: a higher rock stratum. higher-up twun l. One who stands above another in rank. 2. Infomtal. A person or group having the right and - power to command, decide, rule, or judge. highest a.diectioe l. Pre-eminent in rank or posiUon: rumors that were denied at the highest leoels. 2. Of, being located at, or forming the top. highest-ranking adiectioe Pre-eminent in rank or position. highfafutin or hifalutin also highfaluting adiectir;e l. Infonrnl. Characterized by an exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance. 2. Infornnl. Characterized by language that is elevated and sometimes pompous in style. highfafuting ad:iectioe high-flown adiectioe l. Exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style.
snnhighfalutin. HACGLE. CONFUSED,
l. Syns; altitudinous, longr (Rare), tall. 2. rN-r. 3. Syns; acute (Mus.), argute, highpitched, piercing, piping, shrieky, shrill, shrilly, treble. 4. rlrvernn. 5. cosrr,v. 6. Syns; ancient, immemorial, remote, removed. 7. Syns: fierce, furious, heavy, strong. 8. rr.nvarno. 9. onurr< adiectioe. 10. onuccno.
avsw oerb. NOBLE,
l. xoerp. 2. ruonoucHBREDadiectioe. TNTELLEcTv tr adiectioe. l. Syns: senior, superior. 2. Syns: greater, over, superior.
L. supnruo( naun. 2. eurnonrrY.
1. Syns; astral, highest-ranking, stratospheric,top-draw er (Informal), top-ranking. 2. rop adiectioe. HIGHEST.
1. poupous. 2. souonous. snn highfalutin. 1. rr.nve.tnp.
463 2. Characterized by language that is elevated and sometimes pomPous in stYle. adjectioe high-grade Well above average. rr{ru,n high-hat Slmrg.One who despisespeople or th_ingshe regards as inferior, esp. because of social or intellectual pretension. high-hat adiectioe Slang. Characteristic of or resembling a snob. tserb highjack adiectioe high-minded Being on a high intellectual or moral level. adiecthse high-performance Acting effecUvely with minimal waste. a.diecth;e high-pilched Elevated in pitch. adiecttu:e high-priced Bringrng a high price. adiectioe high-ranking Raised to or occupFng a high position or rank' adiectioe high-sounding Characterizedby language that is elevated and sometimes pompous in style. adiectioe high-spirited 1. Full of joyful, unrestrained high spirits. 2. Full of or characterized by a lively, emphatic, eager quahty. oerb hightail Shng. To leave hastily. adiecthse highty-tighty rwun highway A course affording passagefrom one place to another. oerb hijack also highjack Infomtnl. To compel by pressure or threats. twun hike 1. A usu. brief and regular journey on foot, esp. for exercise. 2. The act of increasing or
3. The amountby which somethingis increased. hike oerb To increasein amount. hifarious adiectine Extremelvfunnv. hilarity i*un A stateof joyfut exuberance. hifl rwun l. A naturalland elevation:The palacestoodon a hill ooerlookinga lnke. 2. A goup of thingsgatheredhaphazardly. hill aerb To put into a disorderedpile. hind adiectioe Locatedin the rear. hinder oerb To interfere with the progressof: Demandson both sid,eshinderedresolutionof the conf,ict. hindermost adiectioe hindmost alsohindermost 1. Locatedin the rear. 2. Bringingup the rear.
2. sononous.
coon adiectiae. SNOB.
srn hijack. ELEVATED.
1. rxussnAr.rr. 2. sprnrrno. auNoerb. snnhoity-toity. wAY fwtn. COERCE. 1. coxsrrrurroNAl
2. rwcnnesg rwun. 3. rNcnresg noun. nttsn
PRICELESS. GAIETY. 1. Syns; eminence, projection, prominence (also prominency), 2. rrnep rwun. sntp
Syns: bog (down), encumber, hamper, hold back, impede, obstruct, overslaugh, retard. -Idiorn get in the way of.
srn hindmost. adiectioe 1. secx adiectiae. 2. r,asrl adiectioe.
hindrance rwun . .Anything that impedes or prevents entry or passage. hinge on (or upon) oerb To be determined by or contingent on something _ unknown, uncertain, or changeable. hint twun l. A zubtle pointing out: Cioe me a hint to the solution of this puzab. 2. A zubtle quality underlying or felt to underlie a situation, action, or p€rson: uanted to aooid any hint of rcpotistn. 3. A barely perceivable indication of something. 4. A slight amount. hint wrb 1. To convey an idea by indirect, subtle means: hinted at a breakthru.tgh in negotiations. 2. To t y to obtain, usu. by subtleness and cunning: kqt hinting fn an intsitation to the part7. nfP adiectiw Sb"g. Marked by comprehension, cognizance, and percepUon. hire onb 1. To engage the temporary use of (something) for a fee: hired a bus for the school trip. 2. To obtain the use or services of. hire rroun l. Payment for work done. 2. The act of employing for wages. 3. The state of b"irg employed. hired a.diectiw Having a job. hireling noun 1. One who is employed by another. 2. A freelance fighter. hirer rwun that employs persons for wages. . .9r" nfnng The act of employing for wages. hirsute adiectitn Covered with hair.
BARNOUN, DEPEND oN at depend.
1. Syns; clue (also clew), cue, indication, intimation, suggestion. 2. Syns: implication, inkling, innuendo, suspicion,undertone. 3. rnece nDun. 4. snann rwun. 1. Syns; i-ply, innuendo, insinuate, intimate2, suggest. -Idiom drop a hint. 2. Syns: angle, fish.
l. Syns; charter, lease, let, rentl. 2. nv.proy oerb, l. wacr (s) noun. 2. Bupr,oyMENT. 3. pllpr-oyMENT. EMPLOYED.
l. Bupr,oynr. 2. uBncrNARy naun. EMPLOYER. EMPLOYMENT. IIAIRY.
hiss wrb To make a sharp sibilant sound: The coil"edsnnke hissed and then stnrck. Air hissed from the tire. hiss noun Any derisive sound of disapproval: Ilisses fillcd the auditoriurn. historic adiectioe Having geat significance.
Syns; fizz, fizzle, sibilate, sizzle, swish, whisk, whiz (also whizz), whoosh. Syns:bazoo, bird (Slcng), boo, Brorx cheer (Slang), catcall, hoot, raspberry (Slnng), razz (Slang). IMPORTANT.
history rwun 1. A chronological record of past events: the history of Westem Europe. 2. A recounting of past events. 3. Past events surrounding a person or thing: He has a history of heart disease. histrionic adiectioe Of or pertaining to drama or the theater. histrionics naun Overemotional, exaggerated behavior calculated for effect. hit oetb l. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply:
1. Syns; annals, chronicle. 2. srony. 3. Syns; background, past. -Idiom history.
1. Syns: bash (Informal), belt (Slang), biff
hobnob The boxer hit hi"sWonent
on the iata.
2. Slang. To tale property or possessionsfrom (a person, company, etc.) unlawfully and usu. forcibly. 3. To enter a person's mind. 4. Slnng. To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully. 5. To set upon with violent force. hit back oerb To return like for like, esp. to return an unfriendly or hostile action with a similar one. hit on (or upon) oerb l. To come upon, esp. suddenly or unexpectedly. 2. To reach a goal or objective. hit nuun 1. A sudden sharp, powerftrl stroke. 2. A dazzling, often sudden instance of success:o Broa&oay hit.
3. Slnng. An inhalation, as of a cigar, pipe, or cigarette. oerb hit back hitch oerb l. To walk in a lame way. 2. Slang. To join or be joined in marriage. hitch noun 1. A limited, often assignedperiod of activity, duty, or opportunity. 2. A term of service, as in the military or in prison. hit on (or upon) oerb adiectioe hit-or-miss Having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or
structure. hive oerb To bring togetherso as to increasein massor number. hoard oerb To store up (supplies or money), usu. well beyond one's needs: usasatrested for hoarding cofee and selling it on the black mnrket. hoard rmun A supply stored or hidden for future use: kept a hoard of food in his bornb shelter. hoarding rwun A supply stored or hidden for future use. hoarse adiectitse 1. Low and grating in sound: spoke in a hoarse tohi,sper. 2. Disagreeable to the senseof hearing. hoary
(Slnng), bop (Informal), catch, clipr (lnfornwl), clobber (Slnng), clout, knock, paste (Slong), pop, slam, slog sl:uqJ(Slang), smackr, smash, smite, sock (Slang), strike, swat, wallop (Infonrnl), whack, wham. -ldiorns let someone have it, sock it to someone. 2. nos. 3. occun. 4. uunopn uerb. 5. .xrrrcx aerb. RETALIATE.
t. rtr,n oerb. 2. ennrvr er at arrive. l. glowz. 2. Syns: b*g,boff, sleeper (Informnl), smash (lnfomwl), ten-strike (Infomtal), bell ringer, wow (Informal). -IdiffiB smash hit. 3. puu" nuun. snr hit. 1. rrv.p aerb. 2. uennv. 1. runN rwun. 2. rrur twun. sne hit. RANDOM.
AccuMULATE. Syns: lay up, squirrel, stash, stockpile, treasure.
Syns; backlog, hoarding, inventory, reserve, reservoir, stock, stockpile, store, treasure. -ldiorn nest egg.
1. Syns; croaking, croaky, gruff, husky, roupy (Chiafly Scot.). 2. nensn.
Belongingto, existing,or occurringin Umes long past. hobble aerb 1. To walk in a lame way. 2. To restrict the activity or free movementof. hobnob aerb To keep company.
oLD. L. rrv.p aerb. 2. sl.:vrpnnoerb. assocrarn oerb.
hock hock wrb , lnformal. To give or depositasa pawn. nOGUS-pOCUS noun Esoteric,formulaic,and often incomprehensiblespeech relatingto the occult. hodgepodge noun A collection of variousthings. hoggish adiectioe wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consune. hog-tie alsohogtie oerb To restrict
the activity
or free movement
ptwNt oerb. crBBERrsH. AssoRTMENT. cREEDy.
hoi polloi noun A group of 'personsregardedas the lowest class. TRasnrrwun. hoisf ierb To move (something)to a higher position. ELEvATE. hoist rruun An instanceof lifting or being lifted. LIrT rwun. hoity-toit! alsohighty-tightf adiectiae - overly convincedof one'sown superiorityandimportance.ARRocANT. hold aerb l. To have and maintain in one's possession:holds a controlling interest in the cornpany. 2. To have the use or benefit of. 3. To put one's arms around affectionately. 4. To have within. 5. To keep at one's disposal. 6. To maintain restraining control and possessionof: holding a material usitnessin proteciirse antody. 7. To be possessedof. 8. To compel the attention, interest, imagination, etc. 9. To sustainthe weight of. 10. To have an opinion. ll. To view in a certain way. 12, To put into words positively and with conviction. 13. To organize and carry out (an activity). 14. To have the room or capacity for. hold back aerb l. To have and maintain in one's possession. 2. To interfere with the progress of. 3. To control, restrict, or arrest. 4. To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. hold down aerb l. To control, restrict, or arrest. 2. To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. hold in aerb To control, restrict, or arrest. hold off aerb l. To put off until a later time. 2. To hold oneself back. hold out aerb To remain in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time. hold rroun l. An act or means of holding something: Keep a finn hold on your Wrse. 2. A strong or powerful influence: had a real hold on my emotions. hofd back oerb hold down oerb hofder rwtrn A person who has legal title to property.
1. Syns; hold back, keep, keep back, reserve, retain, withhold. 2. er.ryov. 3. rMenacn aerb. 4. courarx. 5. Hevn. 6. Syns; detain, hold up. 7. 8. 9. 10. lL. 12. 13. 14. l. 2. 3. 4.
covrv.;:No aerb. cntp aerb. supponr ,-erb. nnrnvr. rrnr oerb. nssnnr. Hevn. eccorraMoDATE.
lg'ot-naerb. urNorn. nrsrnan. nnpnpss.
1. nrsrnarN. 2. nrpnrss. RESTRAIN.
nprnnl. REFRAIN.
1. Syns; clasp, clench, clutch, grapple,
sne hold. srr hold. OWNER,
spn hold. hold in oerb holding(s) noun Syns: estate, possessions,proPerty. So-Jtlting, as land and assets,legal]f possessed:The corrrpanyhasoastholdingsin SouthAfrica' snr hold. hofd off perb snr hold. hofd out oerb srr hold up. holduP noun hofd up oerb 1. srAR up at bear. l. To withstandstressor difficulty. 2.To causeto be later or slowerthan expectedordesired.2. ow-rv oerb. 3. prrnn'. 3. To put off until a later time. 4. :,jloto oerb. of' 4. To haintain restrainingcontrol and possession 5. nor. (a p€rson' from 5. To take property or possessions etc.) unlawfully lnd usu. forcibly' company-, 6. srur oerb. 6. Stang,To expioit (another)by chargingtoo much for something, 7. wasn. 7. To prove valid under scrutinY. rwun holduP 1. onr-ev (wun. l. The conditionor fact of being made late or slow. nosspnv. 2. property another's taking of or crime The act 2. unlawfully and bY force. hofe noun 1. Syns; cavity, hollow, vacuity, void' 1. A spacein an otherwisesolidmass:ahole in the grm,nd. 2. snnecH nou,n. 2. An opening, a solid structure. 3. Syns; aperture, opening, orifice, outlet, rats ru'nning passage: allowing space 3. An open vent. throigh a hole in the boseboard. Syns: burrow, den, lair. 4. dwelling: an animal's as used 4, A hollow place chipmunkholes. 5. Syns; hovel, hut, shanty. 5. An'ugly, squaliddwelling: refugeessubsistingin holes. filthy 6. pnnorceMENT. situation. 6. A diffcult, embarrassing hole oerb snn*clg oerb. To make a hole or other oPeningin. hole up oerb Syns; hide out, lair, lay low. -ldion\s go To shut oneselfup in secrecy:The bandits holed up in undergound, lie low. a sleazymotel snr hole. hole up oerb holiday rwun VACATION. A regularlyscheduledperiod spent awayfrom work or duty, often in recreation. holiness rwun Syns : blessedness,hallowedness, The quality of being holy or sacred:the holinessof a sacredness,sanctity. religiow shnne. holler oerb t. notn oerb. 1. To speakor sayvery loudlY. 2. ssov. aerb. 2. To say (sometht"g)*ith a shout. holler rrrun SHOUT (WUN. A loud cry. hollow adiectirse l. Syns; cavernous, concave, indented. l. Curving inward: a tired face toith hollou cheeks. sNaprYadiectwe 2. substance. value, use, or 2. Lacking hollow nDun 1. nor,r rwun. l. A spacein an otherwisesolid mass. 2. oppnrsstoN. 2. Ln areasunkbelow its surroundings. hollow-eyed adiectioe HAGGARD. etc. Paleand exhaustedbecauseof worry, sleeplessness, hollowness rwun 1. rusrrNnss. 1. Total lack of ideas,meaning,or substance. 2. nivrprmrss. 2. A desolatesenseof loss. holy adiectirse 1, Syns: devout, godly, pietistic, pious, 1. Deeply concernedwith God and the beliefs and
homage ^ practic-e of religion: saints and, other holy men. 2. Regarded with particular reverence or rispect: the Holy Grail. 3. In the service or worship of God or a god. homage nuun respect or high public esteem. Great . nOme rwun 1. A building or shelter where one lives: a modest home on the edge of toum. 2. The natural environment of an animal or plant: Floida is the honw of the alligator. 3. An institution that provides care and shelter: a home for taay_wardboys; a hotrrc for the aged. home adiectioe l. Of or pertaining to the family or household. 2. qf , from, or within a country's own territory. homely adiectioe 1. Of or pertaining to the family or household. 2. Not handsome or beautiful. _ 3. Of a plain and unsophisticatednature. homespun adiectiae Of a plain and unsophisticated nature. homicidal adiectixe Eager for bloodshed. homicide noun l. The crime of murdering someone. 2. One who murders another.
homilize urb . To.deliver (a sermon or sermons),esp. as a vocation. hominoid adiectioe - Resembling a man or human being. homo n{ntn A member of the human race. homophile adiectiae Pertaining to, characterisUc of, or exhibiting sexual desire for others of one's own sex.
468 religious. 2. Syns: blessed,hallowed, sacred. sacrosanct,sanctified. 3. orvrxer adiectioe. HONOR naun.
l. Syns; abode, digs (Infomutl), domicile, dwelling, habitation, house, lodgings, place. 2. Syns: habitat, haunt. -Idiom stamping ground. 3. Syns; asylum, haven, hospice, refuge, retreat. l.
2 . DOMESTIC. l.
2 . PLArN adiectioe. 3 . RUSTTc adiectioe. RUSrrcadiectioe. MURDEROUS.
1. uunoEn naun. 2. uunornnn. PREACH.
Homosapiens twun The human race. homosexual adiectioe Pertaining to, characteristic of, or exhibiUng sexual desire for others of one's own sex. honcho noun - lnformaL One who is highest in rank or authority. honel xerb To give a shalp edge to. onez terb Regional. To have a strong longing for. honed adiectite Having a fine edge, as for cutting. honest adiectiae l. Having or marked by uprightnessin principle and action: an honest nutn: an honest business.
2. Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense. 3. Speaking or spoken freely and sincerely. honesty rwun l. The quality of being honest: a rrutn respectedfor his honesty. 2. Moral or ethical strength.
cw adiectioe.
onstnn oerb. sHARPudiectirse. 1. Syns; honorable, incorruptible, righteous, straight-shooting (Info rmal), true, upright, upstanding. -Idiom on the up and up. 2. cnNurNe. 3. rneNx. l. Syns; honor, incorruptiblity (also incorruptibleness), integrity, rectitude, uprightness. 2. cnenecrnn.
469 oerb honey 1. To compliment excessively and ingratiatingly. 2. To snppbrt slavishly every opinion or suggestion of a superior. 3. To make superficially more acceptable or appealing. honey noun A person who is much loved. rwun honky-tonk Slmrg.A disreputable or run-down bar or restaurant. nuun honor 1. Great respect or high public esteem accorded as a right or as due: Only a head of state receioes the horwr of a 21-gun salute. 2. A feeling of deference, approval, and liking. 3. RecogniUon of achievement or superiority or a sign of this. 4. A person's high standing among others: had to fight to protect his horwr. 5. The quality of being honest. honor oerb 1. To have a high opinion of. 2. To pay tribute or homage to a country honoring its heroes.
3. To cause to be eminent or recognized. 4. To lend dignity or honor to by an act or favor. adiectioe honorable l. Deserving honor or respect: Teaching is an horwrable ocatpation. 2. Having or marked by uprigfrtness in principle and acUon.
1. rr-errrn. 2. rewx. 3. swnsrBN. DARLTNGTWUN. JOINT ftou,n. 1. Syns; deference,
2. nsrBru rwun. 3, prsnr*crloN. 4. Syns: digrty, prestige, reputation, repute, statts. -ldiorn good name (or report). 5. soresrv. 1. epurnr. 2. Syns: acclaim, celebrate, exalt" extol, glorify, hail2, laud, magnify, panegrrize, sing praise, venerate. -ldiom someone's praises. 3. orsnNcursu. 4. cucs, Derb. 1. Syns; creditable, estimable, reputable, respectable, worthy. 2. nownsr.
honorarium nurn Something glven in return for a service or accomplishment. rwun hood Slang. A person who treats others violently and roughly, esp. for hire.
hoodfuri, *r A person who treats others violently and roughly, esp. for hire. nuttn hoodoo Something or someone believed to bring bad luck. oerb hoodwink To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentaUon. noun, hooey Sl*rg.Something that does not have or make sense. oerb hoof l. lnformal. To go on foot. 2. Slang. To move rhythmically to music, using patterns of steps or gestures. hoofer rwun Slang. A person who dances, esp. professionally. noun hoo-hah Slnng. A condition of intense public interest or excitement. hook oerb Slnng. To take (another's property) without permission. hook noun A device for fastening or for checking motion.
homage, obeisance.
L. wu.r oerb. 2. oxrcn oerb.
srr,lu. aerb. CATCHftoun.
hooker rwan Slang. A woman who engagesin sexual intercourse for Dayment.
hooliup noun Infornwl. A logical or natural association between two or more things. hooky noun Infomtnl. An unexcused absence.
hooligan nmun A person who treats others violently and roughly, esp. for hire. hoosegow noun Slang. A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention. hoot twun l. A tiny amount. 2. The least bit. 3. Any derisive sound of disapproval. 4. Slnng. Something or someone uproariously funny or absurd.
l. 2. 3. 4.
srrt. oeuN noun. urss noun. scnneu noun.
Hooverize oerb To use without wasting. hop nuun l. A light bounding movement. 2. Slnng. A party or gathering for dancing. hop oerb To bound liehtlv. hope oerb To have a fervent hope or aspiration. hopeful adiectioe Inspiring confidence or hope. hopeful rwun 1. One who aspires. - 2, A person who applies for or seeks a job or position. hopeless adiectioe 1. Offering no hope or expectation of improvement: an illness that seenwd hopelnss. 2. Having lost all hope.
hopelessnEss nnun Utter lack of hope. hopped-up adiectioe Slang. Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drugs. hor-de lrcnln An enormous number of persons gathered together. horizon rwun The extent of one's perception, understanding, knowledge, or vision. horizontal a.diectioe Lfrg down. horn in aerb l. To force or come in as an improper or unwanted element. 2. Slnng. To intervene officiously or indiscreetly in the affairs of others. horny adiectiae Slnng. Feeling or devoted to sexual love or desire. horrendous adiectioe Very bad. horribfe a.diectioe l. Causing great horror: a horibl.e scteam.
l. sxrp naun. 2. oaNcr noun. srtp oerb. ASPIRE, ENCOURAGING.
1. asprnaNr. 2. applrcalr. 1.. Syns: cureless,impossible, incurable, irremediable, irreparable. 2. npspowonN.r. DESPAIR NOUN, DRUGCED.
1. rr,rrnuor. 2. unoolr.
l. Syns; bloodcurdling, hair-raising, horrid, horrific, horrifying, terrific, terrifying.
47L 2. Yerybad. repellent. 3. Shockingly horrid adiectioe 1. Causing great horror. 2. Shockingly repellent. 3. Eliciting or deserving hate. adiectioe horrific Causing great horror. adiecth:e horrified Overcome with intense feeling, as of amazement, horror, or dismay.
horrify oerb To deprive of courage or the power to act as a result of fear, arxiety, or disgust' adiectine horrifying Causing great horror. naun horror 1. A feeling of fear and repugnancei experienced honor at the sight of blood. 2. Great agitation and anxiety caused by the expectation or the realization of danger. adiectiae horrorstruck Overcome with intense feeling, as of amazement, horror, or dismay.
2. tnnnrnr-n. 3. cuesrr-v. 1. nonnrslB. 2. cnesrr-v. 3. uernrur,. HORRIBLE. SHOCKED.
otsv'nv oerb.
L. Syns: abhorrence, aversion, repulsion, revulsion. 2. rnen rwun.
horse around aerb Infonrwl. To behave in a rowdy or unruly fashion. oerb horseplay To behave in a rowdy or unruly fashion. nxun hospice An institution that provides care and shelter. noun host A very large number of things gouped together. ad:iectine hostile 1. Feeling or showing unfriendliness: had a hostile attitud,e tornard authority. 2. Having or showing an eagernessto fight.
cRowD naun. 1. Syns; inimicable, inimical, unfriendly. 2. snLLrceRENT.
hostilities rmun A state of open, prolonged fighUng.
hostility rmu,n 1. A state of mind brought on by something that is antipathetic. 2. Hostile behavior. 3. Warlike or hostile attitude or nature. 4. Deep-seated hatred, as between longtime opponents or rivals. hot adiectiae 1. Marked by much heat: a hot oaen; a hot dny.
2. Being at a higher temperature than is normal or desirable: a hot forehead. 3. Slang. Particularly excellent. 4. Informnl. OI great current interest: a hot topic. hot noun Regiornl. Intense warmth. hot aerb Chief,y Brit. To make hot. adiecti,tse hot-blooded Fired with intense feeling. oerb hotfoot Slnng. To leave hastily.
1. eNnperrrv. 2. eccnrssrou. 3. snLLrcnRENCE. 4. nxurrv.
1. Syns: ardent, baking, blistering, boiling, broiling, burning, fiery, heated, red-hot, scalding scorching, sizzhng sultry, sweltering, torrid. 2. Syns: febrile, fevered, feverish, feverous, hectic, pyretic. 3. mnvei,ous. 4. Syns: live2, red-hot. }IE'AT NNUN. ;irnl,lr
nvN oerb.
hotheaded hotheaded odiectioe Characterizedby unthinkingboldnessand haste. hotness rroun Intensewarmth. hot-tempered adiectitse Easilyannoyed. hot witer noun S_langA conditionor situationcharacterizedby danger, distress,or annoyance. hound oerb l. To trouble persistentlyfrom or as if from all sides. 2. To torment with persistentinsult or ridicule. house rwun l. A buildingor shelterwhere one lives. 2. A goup of people sharingcommonancestry. 3. A group of usu.relatedpeople living togetheras a unit. 4. A commercialorganization. house oerb l. To give refugeto. . 2. T? provide with often temporarylodging. housebreak terb _ To enter forcibly and illegally. house-cleaning nmun _ A thoroughor drasticreorganization. household rrxun A goup of usu.relatedpeople living togetheras a unit. household a"diectioe Of or pertainingto the family or household. . nou$ng rwntn Drvellingsin general. hovel ,riun - An ugly, squaliddwelling. hover aerb 1. To move quickly and intermittently in a nervous, excitedwav. 2. To remain rt"Uoro.y over a place or object. howl aerb l. To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound:a dag howlirq at the rnoon. 2. To make inarticulatesoundsof grief or pain, usu. accompaniedby tears. 3. To cry loudly, as a healthy child doesfrom pain or distress. 4. Slang.To expressgeat amusementor mirth. howl rwun l. A long mournful cry: heard the hupl of a wolf. 2. Slang.Somethingor someoneuproariouslyfunny or absurd. hub ltuun A point of origin from which ideas, infuences, etc., emanate.
2 . FAMILY. 3 . FAMILY. 4. couperw noun.
1 . Htnr,on 2 . :,:.tnson
aerb. aerb.
t. rrvrlnn
2. r.tmc oerb. 1. Syns; baf, ululate, wail, yowl. 2. cny oerb.
3 . BA\ML. 4 . BREAK up l. 2.
at break.
Syns; moan, ululation, SCREAMTWUN.
hubbub nuun Sounds or a sound, esp. when loud, confused, or disagreeable.
NOISE t10un.
huckster oerb l. To travel about selling goods. 2. To argue about the terms of, as of a sale. huddle tnrU To stoop low with the limbs pulled in close to the body. huddle rwun A lack of order or regular arrangement.
1. pnoor,n. 2. neccr-r. CROUCH.
wail, yowl.
473 hue noun 1. The property by which the sense of vision can distiriguish between objects, as,a red a-pple "lg " geeriapple, that are very similar or identical in form or size. 2. The degee of vividness of a color, as when modffied by the idditio.t of black or white pigment' 3. A shade of a color, esp. a pale or delicate variation' noun hutf l. Extreme displeasure caused by an insult or slight' 2. An angry outburst. huff oerb To breathe hard. hug oerb To put one's arms around affectionately. hug noun The act of embracing. adiectioe huge Of extraordinarY size and Power. nDun hugeness The quality of being enormous.
huggermuggeror hugger'mugger adiectioe
so as to ensure complete in a way sc operating m oi oPeraung Existing Existrng or concealment and confi dentialitY.
huggermuggeror hugger'mugger tmun se_crets. The habit, practice,or policy of keepin_g huggermuggeror hugger'mugger adoerb In a secretway. hugger-muggery rwun The habit, practice,or policy of keepingsecrets. hulk rwun A large, ungainly, and dull-witted person. hulk oerb To move heavily. hulking adiectioe Having a large body, $tth. hulky adiectioe Having a large body, esP. huffaballoo rwun noun hullabaloo also hullaballoo 1. Sounds or a sound, esp. when loud, confused, or disagreeable. 2. Ofiensively loud and insistent utterances, esp. of disapproval. aerb hum To make a continuous low-pitched droning sound: The radin hunwrwd brt"flV after being filmed on. hum noun A continuous low-pitched droning sound: the steady hum of a roornful of sewingmachirvs.
human ad:iectwe 1. Of or characteristicof humanbeings.or mankind: the caprices of hurrnn conduct. 2. Concerned with human welfare and the alleviation of su-ffering. human noun A member of the human race. twun human being A member of the human race: freedorn for all humnn beings.
1. cor.on noun.
2. snem noun. 3. rrNr nnun. 1. orrrNsn. 2. tnupnn nDun. PANT.
nvrsnelcn oerb. EMBRACE NOUN, crANT
rvupr oerb. BULKY. BULKY.
snr hullabaloo. 1. NorsBnuun. 2. vocrrnnATloN.
Syns: bombinate, bumble2, burr (also bur), buzz, dronez, whir, whiz (o/so whizz). Syns; bombination, bumbles, burr (arso bur), buzz, drone2, whir, whiz (a/so whizz). L Syn: mortal. 2. nulaNrrARIAN.
Syns: being body (Informnl), creature, fellow, homo, human, individual, life,
humane adiectioe 1. Characterized by kindness and concern for others. 2. Concerned with human welfare and the alleviation of suffering. humanitarian" adiectioe l. Concerned with human welfare and the alleviaUon of suffering: The gooemor spared the prisoner out of humanitarian consid,eratians. 2. Characterized by kindness and concern for others.
humanity rwun
The human race. humanizing adiectioe Promoting culttue.
humankinil rwun The human race. humanoid a.diectioe - Resembling a man or human being. humble adiectit:e f. llavrlg or expressing feelings of humility: had a humble opinion of his oum aptitude. 2. Of little distinction: my huntble abode. 3. Lacking high station or birth. humble wrb To deprive of esteem, self-worth, or effectiveness: hltnblcd his opponmt in the debate.
humbleness nxun Lack of vanity or self-importance.
humbug unrb To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. humbug rruun One who is not what he claims to be. humdrum adiectioe Arousing no interest or curiosity. humdrum noun A tiresome lack of variety. humid adiectioe D"-p and warm.
474 man, mortal, party (Infomnl), person, personage,soul. l. snNlEvornr.{T. 2. HuueNrrARrAN.
1. Syns; charitable, compassionate, human, humane, merc-ifrrl. 2. enNpvor.rxt. MANKIND.
1. Syns; lowly, meek, modest, unassumin$, unpresuming. 2. Syns: lowly, mean2,modest, simple, undistinguished, unpretentious. 3. r.owr,y. Syns: abase, bemean, degrade, demeans, humiliate. -Idimns bring low, take down a peg or two, MODESTY. DECEIVE.
humiliate oerb To deprive of esteem, self-worth, or efiectiveness.
Hvv'r,rn aerb.
Lack of vanity or self-importance.
humility rwun Humist rwun
One who habitudly or instinctively doubts or questions. humor rwun l. The quality of being laughable or comical: firwlty saw the humor of the situation. 2. A person's customary manner of emotional response. 3. An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind. 4. A temporary state of mind or feeling. humor oerb To comply with the wishes or ideas of (another): humored the cook and stayed out of the kitchen.
l. Syns; comedy, comicality (a/so comicalness),drollery, drollness, funniness, humorousness,wit, wittiness. 2. orsposrrrow. 3. reNcy noun. 4. uooo. Syns; cater to, gratify, indulge, oblige. -Idimt^s give in (or way) to, go along with.
humorist nuun A person whose words or actions provoke or are intended to provoke iunusement or laughter.
475 humorous adiecthse 1. Intended to excite laughteror amusement: hutwrous cotnnwnts. 2. Arousinglaughter. humorousness nuun The quality of being laughableor comical. humorsome ad;iectioe Given to changeableemotionalstates,esp.of angeror gloom. hump rrcrun or elevationon a surface. An unevenness hump oerb To incline the body. hunch oerb l. To incline the body. 2. To stooplow with the limbs pulled in closeto the body. hunch rr,oun 1. An irregularly shapedmassof indefinite size. 2. IntuiUve cognition. hunger nxu.n l. A desirefor food or drink. 2. A strongwish for what promisesenjoymentor pleasure. hunger oerb desire. To have a greedy,obsessive hungry adiectioe 1. Desiringor cravingfood. 2. Having a strong urge to obtain or possess - -something,esp.materialwealth, in quantity. hunk rraun l. An irregularly shapedmassof indefinite size. 2. A large,ungainly, and dult-witted person. hunker lerb 1. To stooplow with the limbs pulled in closeto the body. 2. To sit on one'sheels. hunks noun A stingi person. hunky-dory adiectioe Slnng.ParUcularlyexcellent. hunt oerb To look for and pursue(g"tn") in order to capture or kill it: We hu,nt d,eerin Nooember. hunt down oerb To pursueand locate. hunt up oerb To trv to find. hunt dbwn oerb hunt up oerb hurdle nnun 1. The act of jrrmping. 2. Anything that impedesor preventsentry or passage. hurdle oerb 1. To move off the groundby a muscularefiort of the legsand feet. 2. To passby or over safelyor successfully. hurl oerb
1. Syns: facetious, fu*y, jocular, witty. 2. euusrNc. HUMOR TWIIN, MOODY.
1. sroop. 2, cnoucu.
1 . LUtrlPr noun. 2. FEELING. 1 . APPETTTE. 2. DESIRE |IOUN.
wsr oerb. 1. nevexous. 2. cnpnnv.
1. r-uupl noun. 2. r,uupl rwun. 1. cnoucn. 2. sqvtr oerb. MISER. MARVELOUS.
Syns: drive, stalk, run.
srr hunt. spr hunt. l. prrar rmun. 2. nan rwun, L. p:lln oerb. 2. ct-nrn oqrb.
To send through the air with a motion of the hand or
rsnow oerb.
arm. hurl nuun An act of throwing.
jesting jocose,
hurried hurried ad;iectioe l. Accomplishedin very little time. l. qurcx adiectir:e. 2. Happeningquickly and without warning. 2. ennusr. 3. Characterizedby unexpectedhasUness. 3. annusr. hurriedness noun Careless,headlongaction. HASTE rWUN. hurry wrb l. To move swiftly. l. nvstt aerb. 2. To increasethe speedof. 2. spmn uP at speed. hurry lruun Rapidnessof movementor activity. HASTE TIAUN, hurr!-up adiectute Designedto meet emergencyneedsas quickly aspossible. cRASH adiectiae. hurt oerb l. To causephysicaldamageto: hurt his eye ushenhe 1. Syns; injure, wound. broke his gl.asses. 2. To have or causea feeling of physicalpain or 2. Syns: ache, pain. discomfort:Doesyu"r back still hurt? 3. To spoil the soundness or perfectionof. 3. INyunn. hurt rwun l. The action or result of inficting lossor pain. 1 . HARM |IOUN, 2. A stateof physicalor mental suffering. 2 . DISTRESS NOUN, hurtfuf a.diectioe 1. Causingharm or i"jury. 1 . HARMFUL. 2.-Marked by, causing,or experiencingphysicalpain. 2 . PAINFUL. hurtl e a e r b' To launch with great force. snoor oerb. hurtless ad,iectiw Incapableof inficting iniu.y. HARMLESS. husband aerb To protect (an asset)from lossor destruction. cowsrnw oerb. husbandry rwun The careful guardingof an asset. CONSERVATION. hush urb l. To causeto becomesilent. 1. sLrNcn ,-erb. 2. To prevent (something)from being known. 2. covnn oerb. 3. To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. 3. nnpnrss. hush up oerb To keep from beng publishedor transmitted. CENSOR. hush rwltn l. An absenceof motionor disturbance. 1. sur,rlnss. 2. The absenceof soundor noise. 2. srr,rNcn rwun. hush adiectioe Marked by, done with, or makingno soundor noise. SILENT, hushed adiectitse SOFT. Not irritating, strident,or loud. hush-hush adiecthn l. Infornwl. Known about by very few. l. coNrDsNTrAr. 2. secner odiectiae. 2. Informal. Existing or operating in a way so as to ensurecompleteconcealmentand confidentiality. snr hush. hush up rnrb' hussy rroun SLUT. A vulgar,promiscuouswomanwho flouts propriety. hustle rruun readinessto undertaketaxingefforts. 1. onrvn narn. 1. An aggressive 2. nesrn rwun. 2. lnfomwl. Rapidnessof movementor activity. hustle oerb nvss oerb. Inforrnal. To move swiftly. hustler noun EAGER BEAVER. An intenselyenergetic,enthusiasticperson. hut rroun HOLE. rWUn. An ugly, squaliddwelling.
477 adiectine hygienic Promoting good health. adiectioe hymeneal Of, relating to, or typical of marriage. perb hype Slang. To increase or seek to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity. hype nurn Sl*rg.A systematic effort to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity.
hyp6rbole ,*in The act or an instance of exaggerating.
hyperbolism twutr The act or an instance of exaggerating.
hyperbolize oerb To make (something) seem greater than is actually the case.
hypercritic rwrnt A person who finds fault, often severely and willfully. adiectitse hyprircritical Inclined to judge too severely.
hypernormal ad,iectiae Greatly exceedingor departingfrom the normal course of nature. hypnotic ad;iectiue Inducing sleep. hypnotic noun Somethingthat inducessleep. hypocrisy rwu,n A show or expressionof feelingsor beliefs one doesnot actually hold or possess:the hypocrisy of condenming graft uhen Aou'retaking kickbacles. hypocrite rwun A personwho practiceshypocrisy:a hypocntewho prays on Sundnyand cheatscustomerson Mondny. hypocritical adiecthse Of or practicing hypocrisy: hypoc:riticalpraise; a hypocritical rogue. hypocriticalness twun A showor expressionof feelingsor beliefs one doesnot actuallvhold or Dossess. hypogeil atsohyiogean, hypogeous ad:iectioe Located or operatingbeneaththe earth'ssurface. hypogean adiectitse hypogeous adiectiue hypothecate oerb To give or depositas a pawn. hypothesis rwun A belief usedas the basisfor action. hypothetic?l alsohypothetic adiectiae 1. Presumedto be true, real, or genuine,esp.on inconclusivegrounds. 2. Existingonly in conceptand not in reality.
Syns; hypocriticalness, pecksniffery, pharisaism (also phariseeism), sanctimony (a/so sanctimoniousness), tartuffery, twofacedness. Syns; pharisee, phony (also phoney) (Informal), tartuffe (also tarhrfe ). Syns: pecksnifian, pharisaic (aho pharisaical ), sanctimonious, tartufian, two-faced. ITYPOCRISY.
uNDERGRouwn adiectioe. snn hypogeal. snn hypogeal. prwvr oerb. THEORY.
1. supposno. 2. umonrrrcAl.
icy l. 2. idea l.
adiectirse Very cold. Lacking all friendliness and warmth. ,*ui That which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental activity: a rwoel id.ea ibout erwrgA consenoation. 2. Intuitive cognition. 3. Something believed or accepted as true by a person. 4. A method for making, doing, or accomplishing something. 5. The gist of a specific action or situation: What's the idea of shouting? ideal noun 1. One that is worthy of imitation or duplication. 2. A fervent hope, wish, or goal. ideaf adiectixe l. Conforming to an ultimate form of perfection or excellence: the ideal aacati.on. 2. Existing only in concept and not in reality. 3. Showing a tendency to envision things in perfect but unrealistic form. idealist noun A person inclined to be imaginative or idealistic but impractical. idealistic adiectitse l. Showing a tendency to envision things in perfect but unrealistic form: an idealistb but disastrotnly rnioe apptoach to forcign policy. 2. Not compatible with reality: an id,ealistic oieu of controlling infntion. identic a.diectioe Archaic. Being one and not another or others. identical adidctiae l. Being one and not another or others. 2. Ageeing exactly in value, quantity, or efiect. 3. Strictly distinguished from others.
l. rnrcn. 2. coro adiectixe. 1. Syns; concept, conception, image, perception, thought. 2. rnnr,wc. 3. nnr,rnr. 4. nnslcN noun. 5. Syns; import, meaning, point, purport, significance (a/so significancy ). 1. uoonr, noun. 2. onreu rwun. 1. Syns; exemplary, model, perfect, supreme. 2. rnronnrrcAl-. 3. rorer,rsrrc.
l. Syns: ideal, utopian, visionary.
2. Syns: quixotic, romantic, starry-eyed, unrealistic, utopian, visionary. SAME. l. s.tlrn. 2. nquar. adiectioe. 3. pnrcrsn.
identicalness rwun The quality or condition of being exactly the same as something else. identify aerb 1. To associateor afiliate oneself closely with a person or group: couldn't i.dentifu with the plny's hero. 2. To establish the identification of. 3. To come or bring together in one's mind or imagination. 4. To set off by or as if by a mark indicating ownership or manufacture.
1. Syns; empathize, relate (to), syrnpathize. 2. pucn oerb. 3. essocrarn aerb. 4. u*x
identity noun l. The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable: uatching a child dnr:elop its oum ldentity.
1. Syns; individualism, individualitn personality, selfhood.
479 2. The quality or condition of being exactly the same as something else. noun idiocy l. Foolish behavior. 2. Something that does not have or make sense. noun idiom Specialized expressionsindigenous to a particular field, subject, trade, or subculture.
2. seunNBss.
1. r'oor-rsnNnss. 2. Nowsmqsn. LANGUACE.
idiosyncrasy nou.n Peculiar behavior. adiectioe idiosyncratic Deviating from the customary. noun idiot 1. One deficient in judgment and good sense. 2. A mentally deficient person. adiectioe idiotic So senselessas to be laughable. adiectioe idle 1. Not occupied or put to use: idle machines. 2. Marked by a lack of action or activity. 3. Resistant to exertion and activity. 4. Having no basis or foundation in fact. 5. Lacking value, use, or substance. idle oerb 1. To pass time without working or in avoiding work: He idled while his parents slnoed. 2. To pass (time) without working or in avoiding work: idled the hours auny. 3. To cause to cease regular activrty. idfeness nuun l. A lack of action or activity. 2. The quality or state of being lazy. idler rmun A self-indulgent person who spends time avoiding work or other useful activity.
1. r'oor-rwun. 2. roor- rmun. FOOLISH.
1. Syns; inactive, unemployed, unused, vacant. 2. ruecrrw. 3. r-ezv. 4. sesslnss. 5. Bllrrv ad;iectiae. 1. Syns: bum (around) (Infonnal), diddle, goldbrick (Slang), goof off (Slang), laze, lazy, loaf, loiter, lounge, shirk. 2. Syns: fiddle away, trifle, waste, while (away), wile (away). 3. rrn up. 1. rNecuoN. 2. r,ezrNrss. WASTREL.
idofization noun The act of adoring, esp. reverently. idolize aerb To regard with geat awe and devotion. adiectioe iffy Informal. Not affording certainty.
ignis fatuus noun An erroneous perception of reality. oerb ignite To cause to burn or undergo combustion. ignited adiectioe On fire. ignoble adiectioe 1. Having or proceeding from low moral standards. 2. Lacking high station or birth. . ignominious adiectitse Meriting or causing shame or dishonor. naun ignominy Loss of or damage to one's reputation. ignorance 1. The condition of being ignorant; lack of knowledge or learning: lgrnronce is uruxnl in,Westem society. 2. The condition of being uninformed: her igwrarrce of the new ta.x shrtcture.
rtcrerr oerb. BLAZING.
1. sonoro. 2. r-owr-v.
1. Syns.' benightedness, illiteracy, nescience. 2. Syns: innocence, nescience, unfamiliaritv.
ignorant ignorant adiectioe l. Withouteducation or knowledge: igrwrantyoutlx whodrcppedurt of school. 2. Exhibifing lack of education or knowledge: igrwrant nofinds at od.dsuith a nnchirrc-age anlture.3. Not aware or informed: ignorant of the change in pbru.
ignore oerb l. To refuse to pay attention to (a person); treat with contempt: greeted her but igrwred me. 2. To pretend not to see.
ilk *in A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessedby all its members. ilf adiectioe l. Suffering from or affected with an illness. 2. Bringing predicting, or chalacterized by misfortune. ifl rroun 1. A pathological condition of mind or body. 2. A cause of suffering or harm. 3. Whatever is destructive or harmful. if l-advised adiectioe Not wise. noun if fation A position arrived at by reasoning from premises or general principles. if l-behaved adiectioe Misbehaving, often in a troublesome way. if f-bred adi1ctioe 1. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. 2. Lacking- good manners. iff-chosen idiecthse Characterized by inappropriateness and gacelessness, esp. in expression. a"diectitse ifl-considered 1. Lacking due thouglrt or consideration. 2. Not wise. if legal odiectiae l. Prohibited by law an illegal tax d.eduction. 2. Of , involving, or being a crime.
1. Syns; illiterate, nescient, uneducated, unlearned, unschooled, untaught. 2. Syns: backward, benighted, primiUve, unenlightened. 3. Syns; innocent, oblivious, unacquainted, unaware, unconscious, unenlightened, unfamiliar, uninformed, unknowing, unwitting. -Idiont in the dark. 1. Syns; disregard, neglect, slight, snub. -Idiorn give someone the go-by. 2. sr,rNKar at blink. KtNr2.
1. srcx. 2. sA-D. l. nrsresn. 2. cunsn noun, 3. nvu, troun,
1. coensn. 2. nunp. uNFoRTUNATradiectioe.
1. pnrcrpr:r trn ad;iectiae. 2. urvwrsn. 1. Syns; illegitimate, illicit, lawless, outlawed, unlawful, wrongful. 2. cnnarNer, adiectiae.
iflegality nuun 1. The state or quality of being illegal: the ilbgality of a labor contra.ct. 2. A serious breaking of the public law.
1. Syns: illegitimacy, illicitness, unlawfulness. 2. cnrur.
iffegitimacy rwun 1. The condition of being of illegitimate birth: Hds illcgitimacy made htun the target of cruel iokes. 2. The state or quatity of being illegal. ilfegitimate ad:iectiw l. Born out of wedlock: her ille$tinnte son.
2. Prohibited by law. 3. Of, involving or being a crime. diecthn iff-fated Involving or undergoing chance misfortune. adiectiw iff-favored 1. Arousing disapproval.
1. Syn: bastardy. 2. rr.r,rcer-rrv. l. Syns: baseborn, bastard, fatherless, misbegotten, nafural, spurious, unlawful. 2. rr.r,ncer. 3. cnrurxer adiectioe. uNFoRTUNATuadiectiae. 1. onlncrroNABl,E.
481 2. vcrv adiectioe.
2. Extremely displeasing to the eye.
illiberal adiecthse Not tolerant of the beliefs, opinions, etc., of others. adiectiue ilf icit 1. Ol involving, or being a crime. 2. Prohibited by law. 3. Contrary to accepted, esp. moral conventions.
1. cnrurwer adiectwe. 2. rr,r-Bcer-. 3. uru-ewrur..
illicitness rwun The state or quality of being illegal. ad,iectioe iflimitable Without beginning or end.
ifliteracy rwun The conditionof being ignorant;lack of knowledgeor learning. if fiterate adfectioe Without educationor knowledge. ill-judged adiectitse Not wise. if l-kempt adiectioe Marked by * absenceof cleanlinessand order. if l-looking adiectiae Extremelydispleasingto the eye. ilf-mannered adiecthse Lacking good manners. illness noun 1. A pathologicalcondiUonof mind or body. 2. \\e condition of being sick. if fogical nuun reason. 1. Not governed by or predicated on reasor reasoni ContaininE funda fundamental errors in reasoning. 2. Containing -starred adiectioe ill-starred Involving or undergoing chance misfortune. adiectioe if l-suited Not suited to a given purpose. adiectioe ifl-tempered Having or showing a bad temper: ill-ternpered employees; an ill-tempered reply.
adiectioe if l-timed Not occurring at a favorable time. aerb illume L. Poetic. To provide, cover, or fill with light. 2. Poetic. To enable (one) to understand, esp. in a spiritual sense. oerb ilfuminate 1. To provide, cover, or fill with light: A bonfire illuminate d th e clearing. 2. To make clear or clearer.
:"":"1")': "ff) Ii,#\iiiitrj;;'h: iflumination noun
l. The act of physically illuminating or the condition of being filled with light presided at the illumirntion of the nation's ofuial Chrisanas tree. 2. Electromagnetic radiation that makes vision possible. 3. The condition of being informed spiritually: ilhtmirution experienned through meditation. 4. Something that serves to explain or clarify.
vcrx ad:iecthse. RUDE.
1. orsnesr. 2, srcxrvess. 1. uNnnesoNABLE. 2. relr,ectous. n adi ectioe. uNFoRTUNAT uNFrr adiectioe. Syns; bad-tempered, cantankerous, crabbed, crabby, cranlcy, cross, disagreeable, grouchy, grmp/, irascible, irritable, mean2 (lnformal), nasty, peevish, petulant, querulous, ratty (Chief.y Brit.), runty (Re$onal), snappish, surly, testy, ryly [nfonrnl ), waspish.
1. rr-r-uvrxern. 2. rr-r-uuruern.
1. Syns; illume (Poetic), illumine, Iightr, lighten. 2. cr-enrry. 3. Syns; edify, enlighten, illume (Poetic), illumine, instruct. 1. Syns; Itghtt, lighung.
2. r-rcrrrl nou.n. 3. Syns; edification, enlightenment, instruction. 4. rxpr,al*arroN.
illumine iflumine oerb l. To provide, cover, or fill with light. 2. To enable(one)to understand, in a spiritual "qp. sense. iff-use oerb To hurt or injure by maltreabnent.
ilfusion ,*ni
l. An erroneous perception of reality: optical illusions cawed by trick mirors. 2. A fantastic, impracUcable plan or desire: had grand ilhmions of changing the worl"d. ---3. An illusory mental image.
482 1. u-r.uurNetr. 2. rr,r,uMrwers.
rnvsn oerb. l. Syns; delusion, hallucination, ignis fafuus, mirage, phantasm (akophantasma), will-o'-the-wisp. 2. Syns: bubble, chimera, dream, fantasy (a/so phantasy), pipe dream, rainbow. -Idiorn castle in the air. 3. onpeu rwun.
if fusive ad,ieatoe l. Ol pertainingto, or in the nature of an illusion; 1. Syns; chimerical (aho chimeric), hallucinatory, illusory ^ b"ti"g reality: the mentnl patient's illwiae perceptions. ' 2. Tendingto deceive;of the nature of an illuiion. 2. rr.r,usony. ilfusory atrieait:e 1. Tendingto deceive;of the nature of an illusion: l. Syns; delusive, delusory, illusive. ilhnory unge gains. 2. Of, pertainingto, or in the nature of an illusion; 2. rr.r,usrw. lacking - redity. illustrate oerb' l. To demonstrateand clarify with examples. l. rNsreNcn aerb. 2. To makeunderstandable. 2. expr.erx. 3. To seryeas the imageof. 3. nepnsseNr. if lustration nmun ---Onethgt is representativeof a goup or class. iflustrative adieaitn Of or pertainingto representationby drawingsor pictures. ilfustrious ad,iectioe Widely known and esteemed. illustridusness nnun A positionof exalted,widely recognizedimportance. ill will rwun A desireto harm othersor to seeotherssuffer. image ruxtn l. The characterprojectedby someoneto the public: a impression. ;ffiance, politbbn corrcemedaburt his image. 2. One exactlyresemblinganother. 2. oouer,B rwun. 3. That which existsin the mind as the product of 3. rone. careful mental activity. 4. A representationof a personor thing. 4. r,rxnlnss. 5. Somethingthat is reflected. 5. nrpr,ncrroN. image wrb l. To presenta lifelike imageof. l. nnpnnsm.rr. 2. To copy (another)slavishly. 2. acno aerb. 3. To form mental imagesof. 3. naecrNr. 4. To make a copy of. 4. copy oerb. 5. To sendback or form an imageof. 5. nrrr,pcr. imaginable adiec-titx Capableof being anticipated,considered,or imagined. EARTHLY. imaginary adiectiw. Existing only in the imagination:an ima$nary Syns: chimerical (aho chimeric ), playtwte. conceptual, fancied, fanciful, fantastic (aho fantastical ), imagined, notional, unreal.
imagination noun The power of the mind to form images:Chil.drenlnnse great inngirwtion in plnytng.
Syns: fancy, fantasy (also phant*y), imaginativeness. -ldiom flight of fancy.
483 imaginative adiecthse . epp"4lg to fancy. tmaglnallVeneSS rwun The power of the mind to form images. imagine oerb To form mental imagesof hnaginedthat she had seen the murder;could,n'timaginewhat it uas like. imagined adiecthse Existing only in the imagination. imbecile naun 1. A mentallydeficientperson. 2. One deficientin judgmentand good sense. imbed oerb imbibe oerb 1. To take in (moistureor liquid). 2. To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid). 3. To take alcoholicliquor, esp.excessivelyor habitually. 4. To take in and incorporate,esp.mentally. imbrue alsoembrue oerb To cover with blood. imbrued alsoembrued adiectiae Of or coveredwith blood. imbue oerb
To occupythe wholeof; be foundthroughout. imitate oerb 1. To copy (the manner or expression of another), esp. in an exaggerated or mocking way: He imitated the teacher behind, her back. 2. To make a copy of. 3. To copy (another) slavishly.
Syns: conceive, envisage, envision, fancy, fantasize, feature (lnformal), image, picture, see, think, vision, visualize. IMAGINARY.
1. rool rroun. 2. rool rwltn. sEEembed. 1. onntr
l. Syns; ape, burlesque, mimic, mock, parody, take off (Informal), travesty. -Idiom. do a takeoff on. 2. copv oerb. 3. ncuo oerb.
imitation noun 1. The act, practice, or art of copying the manner or expression of another. 2. A usu. amuslng caricature of another. 3. An inferior substitute imitating an original. imitation ad;iectioe Made to imitate something else. imitative ad;iectioe 1. Copying another in an inferior or obsequious way: execatioes imitatioe of their president; a forgery imitatioe of a Rembrandt. 2. Imitating sounds.
1. urprrcnv. 2. rexropr at take off. 3, copv noun. ARTIFICIAI.
l. Syns; apish, emulative, slavish.
2. ncHorc.
imitator noun One who mindlessly imitates another.
immaculate adiecihse Free from dirt, stain, or impurities. immaterial ad;iectioe 1. Having no body, form, or substance: immnterial apparitions.
2. Not relevant or pertinent to the subject; not applicable. immature ad;iectioe 1. Of or characteristic of a child, esp. in immaturity. - 2. Being in an early period of growth or development. immeasurable adiecthse l' Having no ends or limits. 2. Too gteat to be calculated.
cLEAN adiectioe. 1. Syns; asomatous,bodiless, discarnate, disembodied, incorporeal, insubstantial, metaphysical (also metaphysic ), nonphysical, spiritual, unbodied, uncorporal, unsubstantial. 2. rnnnr.rveNr.
1. cnrr-orsn. 2. youxc adiectioe. 1. puor-rss. 2. rNcer.cuLABLE.
immediate adiectioe l. Marked by the absence of any intervention: The police had immediate eoid,enceof a plot. 2. Not far from another in space, time, or relation. immediately ad.oerb l. Without intermediary: Their yard is inmediately behind ours. 2. Without delay. immemorial ailiectioe Long past. immense adiectioe Of extraordinary size and power. immensity noun The quality of being enormous. immerge aerb To plunge briefly in or into a liquid. . lmmefse terb l. To plunge briefly in or into a liquid. 2. To occupy the full attention of. 'idiectir:e immersed Having one's thoughts fully occupied. immigranl, naun One who emigrates. immigrate aerb To leave one's native land and to settle in another.
1. Syns; direct, firsthand, primary. 2. crosnr adiectiae. L. Syn: directly. 2. omncrr,y. wrcn adiectiae. crANTadiectice. ENORMOUSNESS.
nw oerb. l. orc xerb. 2. ansone. ABSORBED. EMICRANT, EMIGRATE.
immigration rwun Departure from one's native land to settle in another. . f mmlnenGe naun The act or fact of coming near. imminent adiectiae About to occur at any moment.
immission nuun Archaic. The state of being allowed entry. immit aerb Archaic. To serve as a means of entrance for. immobile adiectiae l. Firmly in position. 2. Not moving.
1. rxro. 2. uorroNr,nss.
immobilize aerb l. To render powerless or motionlessby inflicting severe i^j,rry. 2. To cause to cease regular activity. adiectioe immoderate Exceeding a normal or reasonablelimit. immolate aerb To offer as a sacrifice. immolation ltou,n A living creature slain and offered to a deity as part of a religious rite. ad,iectiae immoral 1. Not chaste or moral. 2. Morally objectionable.
1. nIseer,n. 2. rm up. EXCESSIVE.
sacnrrrcr oerb. SACRIFICE TWUN.
1. rupunr. 2. nvtr adiectfue.
immorality noun Immoral, degrading acts or habits. adiectioe immortal 1. Not being subject to death: prayed for his im.martal soul. 2. Enduring for all time.
1. Syns; deathless,undying. 2. ruor,nss.
immortality noun Endless life after death: belieaed in the imrcrtality the su^rl.
Syns: afterlife, deathlessness,eternity, everlastingness,world-without-end. - I diurn everlasting life.
485 immortalize oerb
Syns; eternalize, eternize, perpetuate. To causeto last endlessly:a colossalstatue that immortalizesthe memarAof our fallen heroes. immovable adiecti,oe FIXED. Firmly in position. immune adiectioe REsrsrANTadiectioe. Having the capacityto withstand. immunity rwun RESISTANCE. The capacrtyto withstand. immure oerb 1. rNclosn. 1. To confinewithin a limited area. 2. prr oerb. 2. To put in iail. immutable idiectioe INFLEXIBLE. changingor being modified. . Incapableof lmp rwun MISCHIEF. One who causesminor trouble or damage. impact rr,oun 1. Syns; force, repercussion. 1. The strongeffect exertedby one personor thing on another:The impact of the oil ernbargois still being felt by the consu:rner. 2. wer.r-op noun. 2. The capacityto createa powerful effect. 3. cor-r-rsrou. 3. Violent, forcible contactbetweentwo or more things. impact oerb To evokea usu. strongmental or emotionalresponsefrom. errrctl. impair oerb INJURE. or perfectionof. To spoil the soundness impairment rmun BREAXACE. of breaking. An act, instance,or consequence impaf pable adiecthse Incapableof being apprehendedby the mind or the senses. impart oerb COMMUNICATE. To makeknown. impartial adiecthse l. rern adiecthse. 1. Free from bias in judgment. 2. Nrurner-. 2. Not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under dispute. impartiality twtm FAIRNESS. The quality or stateof beingjust and unbiased. impassable ad,iecthse INSUPERABLE. Incapableof being negotiatedor overcome. impassible adiectioe INSENSITIVE. . Not capableof being a.fiectedor impressed. lmpasslOn oerb ptnn oerb. To arousethe emotionsof; make ardent. impassioned adiectioe Fired with intensefeeling. PASSIONATE. impassive adiectitse 1. With little or no emotionor expression. 1. nny adiectioe. 2. Without emotionor interest. 2. epernsrrc. 3. rxsnNsrrrvs. . 3. Not c?pableof being affectedor impressed. lmpasslVlly naun Lack of emotionor interest. APATHY. impatient adiectioe l. Being unableto endureirritation or opposition:a,n 1. Syns; chafing, fretful. impatient personuho could rwt abid,eincompetence. 2. Intenselydesirousor interested. 2. ne.crn. 3. Not able or wiiling to tolerate or endure with 3. rrvror-snANr. equanimity. impeccable adiectitse Supremelyexcellent in quality or nature. PERFEcTadiectioe.
impecunious adiectitse Having little or no money or wealth. . fmpeGUnlOUSneSS rmun The condition of being extremely poor. impede oerb l. To interfere with the progress of. 2. To stop.or prevent passageof. . f mpe0lment rwun . nnything that impedes or prevents entry or passage. fmpel oerb 1. To set or keep going. 2. To stir to action or feeling.
l. sworn. 2. oesrnucr. BAR noun.
t. onln oerb. 2. pnovoxr.
impend xerb To be imminent. impending adiectioe About to occur at any moment. impenetrable adieciiae Incapable of being grasped by the intellect or understanding. impenitent a"diectioe Devoid of remorse. imperative a.diectixe l. Imposed on one by authority, command, or convention. 2. Of immediate import. 3. Incapable of being dispensedwith. imperative noun An act or course of action that is demanded of one. as by position, custom, law, or religion. imperceptible adiectiae l. Incapable of being apprehended by the mind or the senses:impercqtible aariatians in the pati.ent's breathing. Color is imperceptible to the touch.
2. So minute as to be undiscernible: imperceptibb particles in liquid suspension. imperfect adiectiae Having a defect or defects.
1. nnqumno. 2. nunxrNc. 3. rssBr.qrr N, adiectiae. DUTY.
l. Syns: impalpable, imponderable, inappreciable, indiscernible, indistinguishable, insensible, intangible, invisible, unappreciable, undistinguishable, unnoticeable, unobservable. 2, Syns: infinitesimal, microscopic.
imperfection twun Something that mars the appearance or causes inadequacy or failure. imperil wrb To subject to danger or destruction.
imperilment noun Exposureto possibleharm, loss,or injury. imperious adiectiae Tendingto dictate. impermanent ad:iectiae Intended,used,or presentfor a limited time. impermissible adiectit;e Not allowed. impersonal a.diectiae Feelingor showingno strongemotionalinvolvement. impersonate oerb 1. To play the part of. 2. To representoneselfin a given characteror as other than what one is. impersonator rwun A performer skilled at copyingthe manneror expressionof another.
L. rcr aerb. 2. posn oerb.
487 impertinence noun The state or quality of being impudent. adiecthse impertinent 1. Rude and disrespectful. 2. Not relevant or pertinent to the subject; not applicable.
1. nrapunBNr. 2. rnnrr.nveNr.
imperlurbabitity nnun The state or quality of being nonchalant. ad:iectirse imperturbable Not easily excited, even under pressure. adiectioe impervious Having the capacity to withstand. . f mpefVlOUSneSS rwun The capacity to withstand. adiectioe impetuous 1. Lacking due thought or consideration. 2. Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste. naun impetus Something that causesand encourages a given response.
coor adiectioe. REsrsrANr adiectioe. RESISTANCE.
1. pnBcrprrerr ad,iecthse. 2. nesnl. STIMULUS.
impignorate oerb To give or deposit as a pawn.
impishness noun Annoyingyet harmless,usu.playful acts. implacable adiectine Having or showinguncompromisingdeterminationor resolutionin purposeor action. impfausible adiectirse Not plausibleor believable:an implmsible alibi.
impfemenl aerb l. To put into action or use. 2. To compelobservance of. 3. To carry out the functions,requirements,or terms of. implement noun A device usedto do work or perform a task. implementation rwun A specificuse. implibate r>erb To draw in in sucha way that extricationis difficult. implication rmun A subtle quality underlyingor felt to underlie a situation,action,or person. impf icit ad;iectitse 1. Conveyedindirectly without words or speech:Those companiesreachedan implicit agreementto fix prices. nature of somethingbut not 2. Involved in the essenUal is irnplitit in that shownor developed:Su,spicion tone of ooice. 3. Having no reservations:I haoei,rnplicittrust in you. impf ied adiectitse Conveyedindirectly without words or speech. imploraiion noun An earnestor urgent request. implore oerb To make an earnestor urgent request.
Syns: flimsy, improbable, inconceivable, incredible, shaky, thick, thin, unbelievable, unconceivable, unconvincing, unsubstantial, weak. l. vsp,oerb. 2. nNroncn. 3. rur-nr,r,.
INVOLVE. }Itilrt
l. Syns: implied, inferred, tacit, undeclared, understood, unexpressed, unsaid, unspoken, unuttered, wordless. -Idiorn taken for granted. 2. Syns: pracUcal, virtual.
3. Syns; unconditional, undoubting, unhesitating, unquestioning, unreserved, wholehearted. IMPLICIT, APPEAL
imply imply oerb l. T: lead to by logigalinference:War irnplies lnssof W. His airns nrylV a good deal of efn. 2. To conveyan idea by indirect, subtle means. impofite aiiecthn Lacking good manners. " impofitid adiectioe l. Lacking sensitivity and skill in dealing with others. 2. Not wise. imponderable adiecthse Incapableof being apprehendedby the mind or the senses. import t|oun 1. The generalsenseor significance,as of an action, statement,etc.: The import of his ttsordsdid.rnt rcgisteruntil nurch lnter. 2.\\e quality or stateof being important. 3. That which is signifiedby a word or expression. import wrb l. To be of significanceor imlrcrtance. 2. To have or conveya particular idea. importance rwun The quality or state of being important: htergy consenntionis a matter of great irnportance. importanl ad,iecth:e l. Having great significiulce:an important rwws story.
2. Having or exercisinginfluence. importunate a.diecthse Of immediateimport. importune oerb . To trouble persistentlyfrom or asif from all sides. fmpOse oetu l. To establishand apply as compulsory:imposeda tax on hnportedoil. 2. To set forth expresslyand authoritatively. 3. To causeto undergoor bear, as something unwelcomeor damaging. 4. To force (another)to accepta burden: Don't try to intposetlnt lwrd iob on rne! 5. To take advantageof unfairly. imposing a.diectioe . l-gg..*d impressivein size,scope,or extent. fmpOSlilOn lwun An excessive,unwelcomeburden: Urwnnouncedhouse gnsts ore an hnpositionon the hostess. impossible adiectioe l. Not capableof happeningor being done: funpossible dreonu; an impossibb plnn.
2. Oftering no hope or expectationof improvement. 3. Given to acting in oppositionto others. 4. Not capableof being enduredor tolerated. 5. Not to be believed. impost rrornr l. A compulsorycontribution,usu.of money,that is
1. Syns; indicate,point to, suggest. 2. uwr aerb. RUDE.
1. recrr,rss. 2. uuwrsn. IMPERCEPTIBLE.
l . Syns: amount, burden, drift, pulport, substance. -ldioms sum and substance, sum total. IMPORTANCE. MEANING NOUN.
t. covtn oerb. 2. unlNr. Syns: concern, concernment, consequence,import, moment, significance (a/so signfficancy), weight, weightiness. 1. Syns; big, consequenUal,considerable, historic, large, material, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty. 2. rrrlunwnar-.
1 . Syns; assess,exact, levy, put. otcrtrl
inflict, saddle, stick (Shng).
5 . e-susnDerb. GRAND.
Syns: infliction, intrusion.
1. Syns; impracticable, impractical, irrealizable, unattainable, unfeasible, unrealizable, unthinkable, unworkable. -Idiorns beyond the bounds of possibility (or reason),out of the question. 2. nopnr.rss. 3. coNrnanv. 4. UNSnARABLE.
5. rxcnrornr.r. 1. rex rroun.
489 required of persons or Eoups of persons for the support of a government. 2. Something carried physically.
2. eunorN noun.
impostor noun One who is not what he claims to be.
imposture twun An action meant to deceive. rwun impotence The condition or state of being incapable of accomplishing or effecting anything. adiectioe impotent 1. Unable to manage for oneself. 2. Not capable of accomplishing anything.
impoverish oerb l. To reduce to financial insolvency. 2. To lessen or weaken severely, as by removing something essential. impoverished ad;iectiae l. Having little or no money or wealth. 2. Economically and socially below standard. 3. Lacking desirable elements or constituents.
1 . nvtN oerb. 2 . DEPLETE. 1. poon. 2. oBpnnssro. 3. poon.
impoverish-ment rwun The condition of being extremely poor. impracticable adiectioe 1. Incapable of being used or availed of to advantage: chose an impra.cticable route through the desert. 2. Not capable of happening or b"tttg done. impractical adiectitse 1. Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters: a compl.ex,impractical solution to the problem. 2. Incapable of being used or availed of to advantage. 3. Not capable of happening or being done.
imprecate oerb 1. To invokeevil or injuryupon. 2. To use profane or obscene language.
1. Syns; impractical, unnegotiable, unserviceable, unusable, unworkable, useless. 2. rMpossrsr.n. 1. Syns; ivory-tower, ivory-towerish. 2. rupnecrrcABlE. 3. rMpossmr-r. L. cvnsn aerb. 2. swntn oerb.
imprecation nutn A denunciation invoking a wish or threat of evil or
inj"ry. impregnable adiectiae Incapableof being conquered,overrun, or subjugated.
impregnate aerb To cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone. impress tserb l. To fix (an idea) in someone'smind by re-emphasis and repetitton: impressed the necessity of uater safety in the minds of the chilfuen. 2. To produce a deep impression on. 3. To evoke a usu. strong mental or emotional response from. impress noun The visible effect made on a surface by pressure. impressed ad;iectioe EmoUonally aroused. impressible adiectioe Able to receive and respond to external stimuli.
cnencn oerb. 1. Syns; drive, inculcate, pound.
ENGRAVE. errBctr.
impression nnun l. The visible effect made on a surface by pressure: saw the impression of a heaay boot in the sand. 2. Intuitive cogniUon. 3. Print. The entire number of copies of a publication
1. Syns; impress, imprint, indent, indentation, print, stamp. 2. r'rrr,rNc. 3. Syn: printing.
impressionable printed from a singletypesetting:the third inryessian of a book. 4. The characterprojectedby someoneto the public. impressionable a.diectiae Able to receiveand respondto externalstimuli. impressionistic adiectioe Tendingto bring something,asa memory,mood, or image,subtly or indirectly to mind. impressive o.diecti.oe 1. Excitinga deep,usu.somberresponse. 2. Marked by magnificentlylavishceremonyand display. imprint oerb To producea deepimpressionon. imprint rwun The visible effect madeon a surfaceby pressure. imprison oerb 1. To encloseso asto hinder or prohibit escape:We wereimprismed in the howe during the blizaa.rd, 2. To put in jail. improbable adiectiae l. Not likely. 2. Not plausibleor believable. improbitir noun 1. Departure from what is legally,ethically, and morallycorrect. 2. Lack of integrity. impromptu adiectioe Spoken,performed,or composedwith little or no preparationor forethought. impromptu noun Somethingimprovised. improper adiectioe usoreimproperattire for 1. Not suitedto circumstances: church.
2. Not in keepingwith conventionalmores:rwthing irnproperabout going alone; wed hnproperlnngwge when drunk. impropriety nuun 1. The conditionof being improper: the irnproprietyof speakitgone'srnhd at the uxorrytime. 2. An improper act or statement:barredfrom the club after his improprietiesat the darrce. improve wrb tpill l. To advanceto a more desirablestate:Practfu;e inryooe ywr golf game. 2. To regainone'shealth. improvement rwun in the l. Somethingthat improves:modpimprorsernents uorking conditions. 2. Steadyimprovement,as of an individual or a society. improvident adiectioe 1. t}re useof materialresources:ended hi" W os i pauperdue to his imProoi'dentli'fustyl'e. 2. Not wise. improvisation ltou,n Somethingimprovised: The Presid.ent'sspeechto Congressu)osa skillful hnprooisation.
4. rlrece noun. SENSITIVE.
1. errecrrNc. 2. cnaNo.
l. Syns:closet,confine,isolate,shutup. 2. pu oerb. 1. oounrrur,. 2. rnrpr-eusrsr-n. 1. connup'rroN. 2. olsnowBsrr. EXTEMPORANEOUS.
L. Syns: inappropriate, inapt, inept, incongruous, malapropos, unapt, unbecoming, unbefi tting, unfi tting, unseemly, unsuitable. -Idiorn out of place. 2. Syns: indecent, indecorous, indelicate, unbecoming, unbefitting, unseemly, untoward. -ldiorn out of line. 1. Syns; inappropriateness, unfitness, unseemliness,unsuitability, unsuitableness. 2. Syns: indecency, indecorum, indelicacy. l. Syns; ameliorate, amend, betterr, help, meliorate, upgrade. 2. nncown. L. Syns: amelioration, amendment, betterment, melioration, upgrading. 2. pnocnrss noun. l. Syns; thrftless, unthrifty. 2. uuwrsn. Syns; ad-lib (lnf ormal), extemporization, impromptu.
49t improvise oerb To compose or recite without preparation: He had to improtsise the monologue on canrcra. adiectine improvised Spoken, performed, or composed with little or no preparaUon or forethought. adiectioe imlprudenl Not wise.
Syns: ad-lib (Informal), extemporize, fake (Sl*rg), make up. -Idiom. wing it. EXTEMPORANEOUS.
impudenc€alsoimpudency noun The state or quality of being impudent: made to apologize for his irnpudence.
impudency noun impudent adiecthse uxlsreproDed Rudeanddisrespectful: for being irnpudent;madean impudentremark;an impudent chil.d roho neDer obeyed.
Syns: audacity, boldness, brazenness, cheek, disrespect, effrontery, forwardness, gallz, impertinence, insolence (a/so insolency), nerve (Informal), rudeness, sauce (Informnl), sauciness. snn impudence. Syns: audacious, bold, boldacious (Bnt Regional), boldfaced, brazen, cheeky, contumelious, facy (Brit. Regionnl), flip (Inforrrul), forward, fresh (lnfonrwl), impertinent, insolent, malapert, nervy (Informal), pert, presumptuous, sassy, saucy, smart, smart-alecky (Informal), wisel.
impulse twun l- An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind. 2. Something that causesand encourages a glven response. adiectiae impulstve 1. Lacking due thought or consideration. 2. Characterizedby unthinking boldness and haste. 3. Acting or happening without apparent forethought, prompting, or planning.
impure adiecthse 1. Ceremoniallyor religiouslyunfit: comnuminnoessels made impure by oandali,vn. 2. Not chasteor moral: confessedto thhking unpure thoughx. 3. In a natural stateand still not preparedfor use. impure gold. 4. Mixed with other substances: impurity rwtr,n l. Impure condition: Smogincreases the impuritA of the air. 2. One that contaminates. imputation rnun l. A chargingof someonewith a misdeed. 2. The act of attributing. impute oerb l. To regardas belongingto or resultingfrom another. 2. To ascribe(a misdeed,error, etc.) to. in ad,iectioe Slnng.Beingor in accordancewith the current fashion. inabili-ty niun Lack of ability or capacity:has a real inability to follau a diet. inaccessible adiectiae l. Unableto be reached: Hishouseis disnnt and inaccessible. 2. Not accessibleor handy. inaccurate adiecthse 1, Containingan error or errors.
1. reNcv rwun. 2. srwur,us.
1. pnrcrprrern adiectioe. 2. nesnl. 3. spoNr,tNsous.
1. Syns: contaminated, defiled, desecrated, polluted, unclean. 2. Syns: immoral, unchaste, unclean, uncleanly. 3. cnuon. 4. Syns: adulterated, alloyed, degaded. 1. Syns; dirtiness, foulness, pollution, uncleanness,unwholesomeness. 2. covreurNANT. 1. eccusarrow. 2. errnrsurroN. 1. errnrnurg oerb. 2. sv Derb.
Syn s : incapability, incapacity, powerlessness. l. Syns; unapproachable, unattainable, unreachable. -Idiorns beyond reach out of the way. 2. wcorwnNrENT. 1. Bnnoxnous.
2. Devoidof truth. inaction twun
2. rar,sE.
A lack of action or activity: Danger forced him out of his iruction. inactive adiectioe 1. Marked by a lack of acUon or activity; an inactiae tnlcarw; an inoalid leading an inactioe life. 2. In a state of temporary inactivity. 3. Not occupied or put to use.
Syns; idleness,inactivity, inertness, Iethargr, stagnation, torpor. 1. Syns.'idle,
2. sr,nnprxc. 3. mr,n adiectioe.
inactivity ioun A lack of action or activity. inadequacy twun The condition or state of being incapable of accomplishing or effecting anything. inadequate adiectitse l. Lacking capability: felt lnndequate to the task.
1 . Syns: incapable, incompetent, unequal, unfit, unqualified.
2. Not enough to meet a demand or requirement. 3. Not capable of accomplishing anything. inadmissible adiectiae Arousing disapproval. adiectiae inadvertent 1. Occurring unexpectedly. 2. Not intended. inalterable ad,iectioe Incapable of changing or being modffied. inane adiectitse Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritedness and . originality. rwun lnaneness The state or quality of being insipid. lwun inanity The state or quality of being insipid. inapplicable adiectiae Not relevant or pertinent to the subject; not applicable. inappreciable adiectitse Incapable of being apprehended by the mind or the senses. inappropriate adiectioe l. Not suited to a given purpose. 2. Not suited to circumstances. 3. Charactenzed by inappropriateness and gacelessness,esp. in expression.
1. eccronNr* adiectiae. 2. uNrNrnNTroNAL. INFLEXIBLE,
1. uNrrr adiectioe. 2. rupnopnn. 3. uNronruNATE adiectiae.
inappropriatenessnoun The condition of being improper. inapt adiectiae l. Not suited to circumstances. 2. Not suited to a given purpose. 3. Lacking the qualities, as efficiency or skill, required to produce desired results. adiectit:e inarguable Established beyond a doubt. adiectioe inarticulate t acking the power or faculty of speech. adieaioe inattentive So lost in thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings. rrDun inaugural The act or process of formally admitting a person to membership or office.
1. rlrpnoprn. 2. uNrrr adiectixe. 3. rNnrprcmxr.
inaugurate aerb 1. To go about the initial step in doing (something).
l. srtnr aerb.
493 2. To bring into currenc/, uso, fashion, or pracUce. 3. To admit formally into membership or office, as with ritual.
2. nrnopucB. 3. wrrIerr oarb.
inauguration rwun 1. The act or process of bringing or being brougtrt into existence. 2. The act or process of formally admitUng a person to or office. -g-lership . adiectioe inauspicious Bringing, predicting, or characterized by misfortune. adiectiae inborn 1. Forming an essential element. 2. Ot or arising from the most basic structure of an individual. 3. Possessedat birth. adiectine inbred l. Forming an essential element. 2. Of or arising from the most basic structure of an individual. adiectine incafculable Too great to be calculated: an incalculnble rutnber of mosquitoes.
1. sncrNNrNGnoun. 2. rwrnerrow.
1. surr.r-rN. 2. colsnrurloNAl adiecthse. 3. rNNem.
1. surr,r-rN. 2. cowsrrrurroNAl adiecth>e. Syns; countless,immeasurable, incomputable,inestimable,infinite, irunumerable, measureless, uncountable.
incandesce oerb 1. To emit a bright light. 2. To shine brightly and steadily but without a fame. adiecthse incandescent Giving off or refecting light readily or in large amounts.
l. sn^Moerb. 2. crow oerb. BRIGHT.
incapability rwun l. lhe condition or state of being incapable of accomplishing or effecting anything. 2. Lack of ability or capacity. adiectioe incapable 1. Unable to manage for oneself. 2. Lacking capability. 3. Lacking the qualities, as efficiency or skill, required to produce desired results.
l. rrverrncruAlrrY. 2. rr.IABu,rrY. l. nnr-pr,Bss. 2. neonguern. 3. rrvnrrrcnNrr.
incapacitate oerb To render powerlessor motionlessby inficting severe inj.rry. incapacity naun Lack of ability or capacity. incarcerate oerb To put in jail. incarnate oerb . To rep.resent(an abstraction)in or as if in bodily form. fncafnatlOn noun A physical entity typifying an abstraction. incautious adiectitse Lacking or showinga lack of a senseof responsibility. incensel- oerb To causeto feel or showanger. incense2 rr/oun Excessive,ingratiating praise. incensed adiecthse Feelingor showinganger. incentive nuun Somethingthat causesand encouragesa glven response. inception rwun l. The inifial stageof a developmentalprocess. 2. The act or processof bringingor being brought into existence.
yxrr oerb. EMBODY.
1. ernrH nuun. 2. sBcrNNrNcrwun.
inceptive inceptive adiectioe . Indicating the start of something. incertitude rwun A lack of convictionor certainty. incessant adiectioe - Existingor occurringwithout intemrpUonor end. inch oerb To advanceslowly. inchoate adiectiie Ilaving no distinct shape. incidenl rurun l. Somethingthat happens. 2. Somethingsignificantthat happens. incident adiectioe Archaic. Not part of the real or essentialnatureof a thittg. incidental odiectioe . \ot pa.t oj the real or essentialnature of a thing. fnGlse oerb l. To penetratewith a sharpedge. 2. To cut (a designor inscription)into a hard surface, . . 9sp.for printing. fnGlslOn rwrun The result of cutting. incisive adiec'tioe 1. Having or suggesting keen, discerningintellect: an incisioeanalysisof the problnn. . 2.. F sharp as to causemental pain. fnCfSlYeneSSnoun A cutting qudity. incitation nmun Somethingthat incitesesp.a violent response. incite unlb To stir to action or feeling. incitemenl rnun Somethingthat incitesesp.a violentresponse. "nnun incivility Lack of proper respect. inclination nuun l. Deviationfrom a particular direction: an inclination of 45" frorn the horizontal. 2. An innate capability. 3. A liking or personalpreferencefor something. incf ine oerb 1. To depart or causeto depart from true vertical or horizontal:Thefagtole ircIines toward the roof. 2. To influenceor be influencedin a certain direction. 3. To havea tendencyor inclination. incline rwun Deviationfrom a particular direction. incfined ad,iectioe l. Departingfrom true vertical or horizontal:an irrclhwdpbne. 2. Having or showinga tendencyor likelihoo& inclhwd to take offerweeasily. 3. Disposedto acceptor agree. incfude aerb To have as an integral pa.t. inclusive adiectiw Coveringa wide scope.
cntwr oerb. SHAPELESS.
l. crnculrsrANcE. 2. rl'nl{r. ACCTDENTAT adiectioe.
ACCTDENTAT adiectioe. l. cur aerb. 2. nxcnaw.
cvT fwun. t. Syns: acute, biilng, clear-cut, penetrating, perceptive, probing, sharp, shrewd, trenchant. 2. nrrrNc. EDGE NOUN, STIMULUS. PROVOKE. STIMULUS.
l. Syns; cantr, gradient, incline, slope, slant, tilt. 2. ramNr. 3. rasrr noun. 1. Syns; cantl, heel2, leanl, listz, rakez, slant, slope, tilt, tip2. 2. nrspose. 3. rnuol. INCLINATION.
l. Syns; canted, pitched, sloped, sloping, tilted, tilting, tipped. 2. Syns: apt, disposed,given, liable, Iikely, prone, susceptible. 3. wrr-uNc. CONTAIN. GENERAL.
495 incomer nou,n One that arrives. incommode oerb To causeinconveniencefor. incommodious adiectioe distress. 1. Causingself-conscious 2. Causinqdifficulw, trouble, or discomfort. inco mm unic able' adie c ti o e 1. Tendingto keep one'sthoughtsand emotionsto oneself. 2. That cannot be described. adiectirse incomparable Without equal or rival. adiectioe incompatible Made up of parts or qualities that are disparate or otherwise markedly lacking in consistency. ad;iectirse incompetent 1. Totally incapable of doing a job: ueed out a feu; incornpetent employees. 2. Lacking capability. 3. Lacking the qualiUes, as efficiency or skill, required to produce desired results. adiectioe incomplete Lacking an essenUalelement. noun incomplialtGe or incompliancy The quality or state of being stubbornly unyielding.
ARRIVAL. rNCorwENIENcn oerb. 1. nlleennAsslNc. 2. rNcorsvrNIENT. l. nnsnnwn. 2. uNspnaxenr-r. UNIQUE. INCONGRUOUS.
1. Syns;unfit, unqualified. 2. rrveonquern. 3. rwBpprcrcwr.
incompliancy noun incompliant adiectiae
snr incompliance.
Tenaciously unwilling to yield. adiecthse incomprehensible Incapable of being grasped by the intellect or trnderstanding: spoke an iru:ompreheruible dialect; a d,ecision that is incornprehensible to me. incompressible adiectitse Unyielding to pressure or force. adiectioe incomputable Too great to be calculated. ad,iectioe inconcbivable 1. Not plausible or believable. 2. Not to be believed. adiectioe incongruent 1. In shalp opposition. 2. Made up of parts or qualities that are disparate or otherwise markedly lacking in consistency.
Syns; impenetrable, unfathomable, uncomprehensible, unintelligible.
l. tti.rpr-eusrsr-r. 2. Ncnsomlr. 1. coNrr-rcrrNc. 2. rNcoxcnuous.
incongruity noun A marked lack of correspondence or agreement. incongruous adiectioe 1. Made up of parts or qualities that are disparate or otherwise markedly lacking in consistency: a hodgepodge of incongruorc literary styles. 2. In sharp opposition. 3. Not suited to circumstances. inconquerable adiectioe Incapable of being conquered, overrun, or subjugated. inconscient ad:iectitse So lost in thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings. inconscious adiectioe Lacking consciousness.
1. Syns; disconsonant, discordant, discrepant, dissonant, incompaUble, incongruent, inconsistent. 2. cowrr.rcrrNc. 3. rupnoprn. INVINCIBLE. ABSENT-MINDED.
inconsequence rwun l. Lack of importance. 2. Contemptible unimportance.
L. rNorrrnnENCE.
2. prrrrwnss.
inconsequent adiectiae Contemptiblyunimportant. inconsequential adiectioe 1. Not of geat importance. 2. Contemptiblyunimportant. inconsiderabb' ad.iecitoe Contemptiblyunimportant. inconsiddratd adiectiae Devoid of considerationfor others'feelings. inconsiderateness nf,run A lack of considerationfor others'feelings. inconsideration noun A lack of considerationfor others'feelings. inconsistency rwun A markedlack of correspondence or agreement. inconsistent a.diectioe l. Following no predictablepattern. 2. In sharpopposition. 3. Made up of parts or qualiUesthat are disparateor otherwisemarkedlylackingin consistency. inconsonant adiectioe Devoid of harmonyand accord. inconspicuous a.iliechoe Not readily noticed or seen:an irrconspicuous fo*; o disgrocedPresidentwho liaed an inconspicuouslife as a Wtnte citizen. inconstanl adiectioe Following no predictablepattern. incontestable adiectioe Establishedbeyonda doubt. incontinence nnun A completesurrenderof inhibitions. incontinent adiectiae Lackingin moral restraint. incontrovertible a.diectioe Establishedbeyonda doubt. inconvenience rroun 1. The stateor quatity of being inconvenientzthe inconomierrcecatned by poor lighting. 2. Somethingthat causesdifficulty, trouble, or lack of ease:Risdngbeforedaumuos an itworwenietrce. inconvenience wrb her by To causeinconveniencefor: ircorwenierrced . anioinglnte. fnCOnYenlenGy noun The stateor quality of being inconvenient. inconvenient adiecth:e 1. Not accessibleor handy: an incont:enientlocationfor a shop. 2. Difficult to handleor manage. 3. Causingdifficulty, trouble, or discomfort:Being witlwut modernphrmbing utasintorwenient. 4. Not occurringat a favorabletime: an intonoenient aryoinhrcnt. incorporate oerb 1. To construct or include as an integral or permanent part. 2, To makea part of a united whole. incorporated d,iectioe Constructed as a nondetachablepart of a larger unit.
1. r.rrrre. 2. pnrw. PETTY.
l. cepnrcrous. 2. coNrr-rcrrNc. 3. wcoNcnuous.
Syns; obscure, unconspicuous, unnoticeable, unobtru sive. - Idiom having (or keeping) a low profile. CAPRICIOUS. CERTAIN. ABANDON NOUN. ABANDONED. CERTAIN.
1. Syns: discomfort, inconveniency, trouble. 2. Syn: discomfort.
Syns; discomfort, incommode, put out, trouble. INCOIWENIENCE
l. Syns; inaccessible,unhandy. 2. ewxweno. 3. Syns: dfficult, disadvantageous, discomforting, incommodious, troublesome. 4. Syns: ill-timed, inopportune, untimely.
1. surl-o rN at build. 2. nunonv. BUILT-IN.
497 incorporeal adiectiae Having no body, form, or substance. incorrect adiectioe l. Containing an error or errors. 2. Devoid of truth. noun incorruptibility also incorruptibleness The quality of being honest. incorruptible adiectioe Having or marked by uprightness in principle and action. incorruptibleness noun increase oerb l. To make or become greater or larger: increasedher incorne; dfficulties that seemed to inrrease dnily.
2. To achieve an increment of gradually. 3. To become greater in number, amount, or intensity. 4. To achieve an increment of gradually. increase noun 1, The act of increasing or rising: seasorutl inneases in sales; property oalues showing an intrease; an innrease in erwvny inf,ltration. 2. The amount by which something is increased: a wage increase of $50 per month. 3. The result or product of building up. incredible adiectioe 1. Not to be believed: an incredible blunder; a ueapon of incredible pouer.
2. So remarkable as to elicit disbelief. 3. Not plausible or believable.
incredulity noun The refusal or reluctance to believe.
incredulous adiectioe Refusing or reluctantto believe:tryingto reassure inoedalow
incremenl rwun 1. The result or product of building up. 2. The amount by which something is increased.
incriminate uerb To make an accusation against. incriminating adiectirse . Containing, relating to, or involving an accusation. lnGflmlnallOn rmun A charging of someone with a misdeed. incriminative adiectioe . Containing, relating to, or involving an accusation. InCrlmlnatOf noun One that accuses. inculcate oerb 1. To-fix (an idea) in someone's mind by re-emphasis and repetition. 2. To instruct in a body of doctrine or belief. inculpate oerb To make an accusation against.
l. rnnounous. 2. rer-sB. HONESTY. HONEST.
snn incorruptibility. 1. Syns; aggrandize, amplify, augment, beef up (Slnng), build up, enlarge, expand, extend, grow, magnfy, mount, multiply, run up, snowball, swell, upsurge, wax. 2. cxv aerb. 3. nrsn oerb. 4. ctrN oerb. 1. Syns; augmentation, boost, enlargement, growth, hike, j.r*p, multiplicaUon, rise, upswing, upturn. 2. Syns: advance, boost, enlargement, hike, increment, j,t*p, raise, rise. 3. nun-o-ur at build up. l. Syns; impossible, inconceivable, preposterous, unbelievable, unimaginable, unthink able. - Idiams beyond belief, contrary to all reason. 2. renur-ous. 3. rMpr-ausrsr,B. DISBELIEF.
Syns; disbelieving, Ieery Qnformal), questioning, skeptical, unbelieving. 1. surlo-ue at build up. 2. rucnresg rwun. ACCUSE. ACCUSATORIAL. ACCUSATION. ACCUSATORIAL. ACCUSER.
1. rupnnss oerb. 2. n+oocrnrNATE. ACCUSE.
incumbency noun the holding of something,suchas a position. incur oerb To take upon oneself.
incurable adiectiae HOPELESS. . Offering no hope or expectationof improvement. fnCUrfOUS adiectioe Lackinginterestin one'ssurroundingsor worldly DETACHED. affairs. incursion ru)un An act of invading, military forces. INVASION. indebted adiectiae Owing something,asgratitudeor appreciation,to another. OBLIGED. indebtedness rwtr,n Something,suchas money,owed by one personto DEBT, another. indecency rmu,n 1. The quality or stateof being obscene. l . OBSCENITY. 2. An improperact or statement. 2 . IMPROPRIETY. indecent adiectine 1. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. 1 . OBSCENE. 2. Not in keepingwith conventionalmores. 2 . IMPROPER. indecision nnun The act or an instanceof hesitating. HESITATION, indecisive adiecth:e 1. Not affordingcertainty. 1. evercuous. 2. Given to or exhibitinghesitation. 2. HssrrANr. indecisiveness rwun The act or an instanceof hesitating. HESITATION. indecorous adiectioe Not in keepingwith conventionalmores. IMPROPER. indecorum rwun An improper act or statement. IMPROPRIETY. indeed adaerb 1. Not just this but also. 1. nveNrladoerb. 2. In truth. 2. np.lrrv. 3. In point of fact. 3., indefatigable adiectioe Having or showinga capacityfor protracted effort, TIRELESS. regardlessof difficulty or frustration. indeTectible adiectirse PERFECT adiectirse. Supremelyexcellentin quality or nature. indefensible adiectioe INEXCUSABLE. Impossibleto excuse,pardon,or justify. indefinable adiectioe UNSPEAKABLE. That cannotbe described. indefinite adiectioe 1. Syns; indeterminate, inexact, 1. Lackingpreciselimits: pbrw to be away for an undetermined. indefiniteperiod. 2. Syns: open, uncertain, undecided, 2. Marked by lack of firm decisionor commitment;of undetermined, unresolved, unsettled, questionableoutcome:oacationplmu that are still unsure, vague. -ldirnn up in the air. infufinite. 3. uncr,ren. 3. Not clearly perceivedor percepUble. indefiniteness rlaun VACUENESS. The quality or stateof being ambiguous. indefibfe adiectitse rlsr adiectiae. Permanentlyresistiveto fading. indelicacy rwun IMPROPRIETY. An improper act or statement. indelicate adiectioe 1. rupnopnn. 1. Not in keepingwith conventionalmores. 2. racrr,Bss. 2. Lacking sensitivityand skill in dealingwith others. indemnification nouxt, COMPENSATION. Somethingto makeup for lossor damage. indemnificatory adiectioe COMPENSATORY. Affording compensation.
499 indemnify oerb To give compensationto. indemnity rwun Somethingto make up for lossor damage. indent rrxu,n The visible effect madeon a surfaceby pressure. indentation noun The visible effect madeon a surfaceby pressure. indented adiecthse t Curving inward. independence noun 1. The capacityto manageone'sown a.ffairs,make one'sown judgments,and provide for oneself: shorpedher hdependenceby gettr,nga iob and, mooingout. 2. The conditionof being politically free. independent ad;iectine 1. Free from the influence,guidance,or control of otlrers:an independentmind. 2. Having political independence. 3. Able to supportoneselffinancially:a iob that made her independent. indescribable adiecthse That cannotbe described. indeterminate ad;iectioe 1. Not affordingcertainty. 2. Lacking preciselimits. index nnun Somethingvisible or evident that gives groundsfor believingin the existenceor presenceof something else. indicate oerb 1. To give groundsfor believingin the existenceor presenceof: Hi.ghunernploymentuxnlly ind,icatesa sickeconorng. 2. To make known or identify, as by signs. 3. To lead to by logical inference. 4. To give reasonfor expecting. 5. To give a preciseindicationof, as on a registeror scale. indication rwun 1. Somethingvisible or evident that givesgroundsfor believingin the existenceor presenceof something else. 2. A subtlepointing out. 3. Somethingthat takesthe place of words in communicatinga thought or feeling. 4. An expressive,meaningfulbodily movement. indicative adiectilse l. Servingto designateor indicate. 2. Servingas a s)rmbol. indicator nnun Somethingvisible or evident that givesgroundsfor believingin the existenceor presenceof something else. indicatory adiectine Servingto designateor indicate. indict oerb To make an accusationagainst. indicter rraun indictmenl rwun Lau. A chargingof someonewith a misdeed.
1. Syns; self-determination, self-reliance, self-suficiency.
2. rnpnoorr,r. 1. Syns: self-contained, self-reliant, selfsuficient. 2. r'nnr adiectitse. 3. Syns; self-suficient, self-supporting.
1. elrsrcuous. 2. rr.toprfi,urrn. SIGNraoln.
1. Syns; ilBue, attest, bespeak, betoken, mark, point to, testify, witness. 2. 3. 4. 5.
onsrcNerr. rurpr,y. pnoursr oerb. suow oerb.
1. stcl rwtrn.
2. rrrNr twu.n. 3. rxpnessroN. 4. cnsrunr rwrut. 1. onsrcwerrvs. 2. svlrsolrc. slGN fwttn.
ses indictor. ACCUSATTON.
indictor indictor dso indicter twun One that accuses. indifference ruxun l. Lack of importance:Their aryorsal is a matter of cornpleteindifferenceto me. 2. Lack of emotionor interest. indifferenl adiectine 1. Free from bias in judgment. 2. Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. 3. Without emotionor interest. 4. Lacking interest in one's surroundingsor worldly affairs. indigence dso indigency nou,n The conditionof being extremelypoor. indigency rwun indigenous adiectioe l. Existing born, or produced naturally in a land or region: plnnts indigmow to the Neu World; a diseaseindigercus to the Far fust. 2. Of or arising from the most basic structure of an individual. indigent adiectitse Having little or no moneyor wealth. indigent rwun An impoverishedperson. indigesfible adiectioe Dlficult to accept. indignant adiectiae . Feeling.or showinganger. fnClgnatlOn na.rn A strongfeeling of displeasureor hostility. indignity An act that offendsa person'ssenseof pride or dignity: wfered the indignity of being igrwred by his oum childrm. indirect adiectioe 1. Not taking a direct or straiglrtline or course:mnde an htdirect approachto the painful subiect. 2. Marked by treacheryor deceit. indirection r,nun Lack of straiglrdorwardness and honestyin action: achiew a goal by indirection. indiscernible odiectioe Incapableof being apprehendedby the mind or the senses. indiscriminate ad;iecthse Having no particular pattern, pu{pose,organizaUon,or structure. indispensable adiectine Incapableof being dispensedwith. indisposed a.d;iectioe l. Not inclined or willing to do or undertake: indisposedto interfere in their quanel 2. Affected or tending to be affectedwith minor health problems. indisposition noun 1. A minor illness, of a temporarynature: losl a d,a.y'swork becauseof an indisposition. 2. The condiUonof being sick. 3. The stateof not being disposedor inclined: ?ha
1. Syns; inconsequence,insignificance (a/so insignificancy ), unimportance. 2. epe.rrrv. 1. 2. 3. 4.
rern. eccrsrenr-s. eperHprtc. oerecnro.
snn indigence. l. Syns; endemic, native.
2. cor.lsnrurloNAl
BrrrER adiectiae. ANGRY. ANGER rWUN.
Syns; a.ffront, contumely, despite, insult, offerue, outrage. -Idiom slap in the face.
1. Syns; an-fractuous,circuitous, circular, oblique, roundabout, tortuous. 2, uNnnnserrr. Syns: chicanery, craft, craftiness, deviousness,dishonesty,shadiness,sl;mess, sneakiness,trickery, trickiness, underhandedness.
ESsENTTAL adiectioe. 1. Syns: averse, disinclined, loath (aho loth), reluctant, unwilling. 2. slcxr-v.
1. Syns; ailment, complaint, rockiness. 2. srcxrvrss. 3. Syns; averseness,disinclination,
501 slowness of her response rersealed an ind,i,sposition to h"lp. adiectioe indisputable f . in agreement or correspondence with fact. 2. Established beyond a doubt. ad,lectioe indistinct Not clearly perceived or percepUble.
reluctance, unwillingness.
1. ecruer.. 2. cBnrerN. UNCLEAR.
indistinctive adiectioe Without definite or disUncUve characteristics.
indistinguishable ad,iectioe by the mindor the of beingapprehended Incapable
indite oerb 1. To form letters, characters, or words on a surface with an instrument. 2. To form by artistic effort. adiecth:e individual 1. Being or related to a distinct enUty: the indioi'&nl uords tlmt fiwke u.p a sentetrce. 2. Serving to identify or set apart an individual or gouP. 3. Belonging to, pertaining to, or affecting a particular person. 4. bt relating to, or intended for a distinctive thing or
1. wntrn. 2. corvrPosr. 1. Syns; discrete, separate, single, singular. 2. orsrrxcrrvr. 3. pBnsoNer,. 4. sprcrer..
souP. individualnoun l. One that exists independently. 2. A member of the human race.
1. rnrxc. 2. nuueN BEINc.
individualism rmtrn The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable.
individualist adiecthse with the personratherthanwith society. Concerned individualistic adiectioe
adiectioe. EGocENTRTc
Concerned with the person rather than with society.
rc ad;iectioe. EGocENTR
individuality nou.n l. The quality of being individual: a slouly emerglng serwe of ind,ioifunlity. 2. The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable.
ihdividualize oerb To make noticeableor different. indocile ailiectioe Not submittingto disciplineor control. indoctrinate oerb 1. To instruct in a body of doctrine or belief: lectures intmded to indnctritwte patriotisrn in soldiss. 2.To teach to accept a system of thought uncritically: prisoners ind,octrinated by a system of rewards and,
1. S/ns; discreteness, distinctiveness, particularity, separateness,singrlarity. 2. rpprtrrrv.
L. Syns: drill, inculcate, 2. Syns: brainwash,
punishments. indolence rwun LAZINESS. The quality or stateof being lazy. indolent a.diectioe uzt adiecthse. Resistantto exertion and activity. indomitable adiectine 1. l. Incapableof being negotiatedor overcome. 2. urvnur-v. 2. Not submittingto disciplineor control. indubitable a.diecthse 1. cpnreru. 1. Establishedbevond a doubt. 2. eurnrwrrc. 2. Not counterfeitor copied. induce oerb l. To succeedin causing(a person)to act in a certainway. 1. prnsuepr.
inducement give- rise to a particular development. ?. \" 3. To be the cause of.
inducement noun
1. A tendencyto cause or bring on. 2. Something that attracts, esp. with the promise of pleasue or reward. induit terb l. To enroll compulsorily in military service. 2. To admit formally intb memb".ririp or office, as with ritual.
502 2. crxnnarn. 3. cnusn aerb, l. nwrratroN. 2. r,unr nuun.
l. on*r aerb. 2. mrctrrn oerb.
induction rwun 1. Compulsory enrollment in military service. 2, The act or process of formally admitting a person to membership or office inductive adiectioe Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business. indufge aerb l. To treat with indulgence and often overtender care. 2. To involve oneself ir (.n activity). 3. To gant or have what is demanded by (a need or desire). 4. To comply with the wishes or ideas of (another). 5. To take extravagant pleasure.
indulgence rwun
1. A kindly act. 2. Forbearing or lenient treatrnent. - 9. -A" act requiring special generosity. indufgent adiectit:e l. Not strict or severe. 2. Ready to do favors for another.
indurate' r:erb
l. onarr noun. 2. rNrrrertoN.
l. strv Derb. 2. penrrctpATE. 3. serrsry. 4. suv.on oerb. 5. Luxunllrs. 1. ravon noun. 2. rol-rner.rcr. 3. counrnsy. 1. ror-enexr. 2. onr.rcncc.
1. To make resistant to hardship, esp. through continued exposure. 2. To make or become physically hard.
2. nanprx.
Characterized by steady attention and efiort.
industrious odiectiw
industriousness nnun
. Steady attention and effort, as to one's occupation.
industry noun
l. Commercial, industrial, or professional activity in general. . ?. Slgldy attention and efiort, as to one's occupation. indwef fing a.diectioe Of or arising from the most basic structure of an individual.
1,. qanonN.
1. suslNnss. 2. ou-rcpNcr. coNSTrrurroNALadiectiae.
inebriate oerb To make drunk: a brandy thnt inebriates aith one sip. inebriate adiectitse Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. inebriate rrrun A person who is habitually drunk. inebiiated a.diectioe Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor.
Syn; intoxicate. DRUNKadiectiae. DNUNKAND. DRUNK adiectioe.
inebriation rwun The condiUonof being intoxicatedwith alcoholic liquor. inebriety noun The condition of being intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. ineffable ad,iectitx That cannot be described.
503 adiectioe ineffective 1. Not having the desired effect. 2. Having no useful result. noun ineffectiveness 1. The condition or quality of being uselessor ineffective. 2. The condition or state of being incapable of accomplishing or effecting anything. adiectiae ineffectual 1. Not having the desired effect: an fuwffectual remedy for infation. 2. Having no useful purpose. 3. Having no useful result. 4. Not capable of accomplishing anything: an inefectual leader. nuun ineffectuality 1. The condition or state of being incapable of accomplishing or effecting anything: shousedher ineffecttnlity in getting the cooperation of the community. 2. The condition or quality of being uselessor ineffective.
2. rurrr.n. 1. r'urrr.rrv. 2. nvrrrucruAlrrY. 1. Syns; ineffective, inefficacious, inefficient. 2. usrr-rss. 3. ruru,r. 4. Syns: impotent, inadequate, powerless, weak. 1. Syns; impotence, inadequacy, incapability, ineffectiveness, ineffecfualness, inefficacy, powerlessness. 2. rurrr,rry.
ineffectualness noun 1. The condition or quality of being uselessor ineffective. 2. The condition or state of being incapable of accomplishing or effecting anything. idiectiae inefficacious Not having the desired effect. noun inefficacy 1. The condition or state of being incapable of accomplishing or effecUng anything. 2. The condition or quality of being uselessor ineffective. adiectioe inefficienl 1. Lacking the qualities, as efficiency or skill, required to produce desired results: inefuient workers. 2. Not having the desired effect. adiectioe inefastic Not changing shape or bending. inelegant adiectiae Lacking style and good taste.
1. rurn trv. 2. wrrrncruAr.rrY,
1. t*BrrrcruAlrry. 2. rurrr,rrY.
1. Syns; inapt, incapable, incompetent, inept, inexpert, unapt, unskilled, unskillful, unworkmanlike. 2. rNrrrucruAl. RICID.
inenarra-bld adiecihse That cannot be described. inept adiectioe 1. Not suited to circumstances. 2. Lacking dexterity and gace in physical movement. 3. Lacking the qualiUes, as efficiency or skill, required to produce desired results. 4. Clumsily lacking in the ability to do or perform. 5. Characterized by inappropriateness and gacelessness, esp. in expression.
l. rnrpnopnn. 2. ewxwenn. 3. rwsrrrcrnNT. 4. uwsxrr.r.rur,. 5. urvronrmrere, adiectioe.
inequality nou,n l. The condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree: the ineqrnlity between the rlih and the poor. 2. Lack of smoothness or regularity.
1. Syns: disparity, disproportion.
2. rnnpcur-enrry.
ineguitable ad;iectioe Not fair, right, or just.
inequitableness noun Lack of justice.
inequity inequity noun Lack of iustice. inert adieaiae . Marked by a lack of action or activity.
inertness nunn
A lack of action or activitv. J inescapable adiectioe Sure to happen. inessentia |' adiectitse Not necessary. inestimable adiectirse l. Too great to be calculated. 2. Of great value. inevitab'le adiectioe - Sure to happen. inexact adiectioe l. Lacking literal exactness. 2. Lacking precise limits. inexcusabfe' adiectioe Impossible to excuse, pardon, or justify: an inexcusable inxtlt.
inexhaustibility nmun of being ^ . Th.e state_-orquality inexhaustible adiectir:e
Having or showinga capacityfor protractedefiort, of difficulty or frultration. - regardJgss inexbrable adiectioe 1. Firmly, often unreasonablyimmovablein purposeor will. 2. Having-or showinguncompromisingdetermination or resolutionin purposeor action. inexpensive adiectit:i . Low T price. lnexpeflenGe noun
2. var.uaslr. CERTAIN,
LoosE adiectiae. INDEFINITE.
Syns: indefensible, unforgivable, unjusUfiable, unpardonable. INFINITY.
1. srussonN. 2. cnru.
Lack of-exp-erienceand the knowledge gained from uill nnke albwarwes for her inexperi,ence.
Syns: greenness,inexpertness.
Lacking experience and the knowledge gained from it: Irwxperienced emplnyees are seldom paid more than the minimum uage.
Syns.' green, inexpert, raw, unpracticed, unseasoned,untried, unversed.
inexperienced adieciioe
inexpert odiictioe l. Displaying a lackof knowledge or skill. 2. Lacking the qualities, as effic6ncy or skill, required to produce desired results. 3. Lacking experience and the knowledge gained from it.
1. cnuor. 2. nvnrrrcrnNr. 3. rNpxpnnrENCED.
inexpertness nuun and the knowledgegainedfrom it. . t""L of.e.xperience inexpficable adiectiae That cannotbe explained:an irwxplicableburst of atryer. inexpressibfe adiectioe That cannotbe described. inexpressive adiectioe Lacking expression. inextricably adrserb Without regardto desireor inclination. infalf ibfe a.diectioe Suchascould not possiblyfail or disappoint. infamous adiectir:e 1. Deservingstrongcondemnation:guilty of an infarms crime.
Syns; unaccountable, unexplainable.
1. Syns; abhorrent, despicable, detestable, foul, perfidious, reprehensible, shocking, vile.
505 2. Known widelY and unfavorablY. rwun infamy 1. Tie condition of being infamous: President Rooseoelt said, that Decnnber 7:1941, $as a dny that uuil'd lhse in infamY. 2. Unfavorable, usu. unsavory renown.
infancy rwun
Inw. The state or period of being under legal age' nou,n infant 1. A very young child. 2. Lau.-One w.ho is not yet legally of age. infant ad:iecth:e Being in an early period of growth or development. adiectioe infantile 1. Of or like a baby. 2. Of or characteristic of a child, esp. in immaturity. ad:iectioe infatuated Afiected with intense romantic attraction: a prirrce infafinted with a chonn glrl.
infatuation twun An extravagant, shortJived romantic attachment: an infatuation with her geography professor. infect oerb 1. To have a destructive effect on. 2. To make morally imPure. adiectine infectious Capable of transmission by infection. adlectioe infecund Unable to produce ofisPring.
2. Notonrous. 1. Syns; disgacefulness, dishonorableness, odiousness, perfidY, shamefulness, villainy, wickedness. 2. rqoronrntv. MINONITY.
1. sABv rwun. 2. urxon twun. YouNc ad,iecthse. 1. saBvrsH. 2. cnrr.orsH. Syns; beguiled, bewitched, captivated, enamored, gone (Slang), mashed (Slnng), smitten. Syns: b6guin (Freruh), cnsh (Infomnl), passion. 1. porsoN oerb. 2. rur.n oorb. COMMUNICABLE. BARREN adiecthse.
infecundity nuun The state or condiUon of being unable to reproduce sexuallv.
infelicit6us adiectioe Characterized by inappropriateness and gracelessness, esp. in expression. oerb infer 1. To draw a conclusion from evidence or reasoning: Am I to infer that you're rwt going? 2. To draw an inference on the basis of inconclusive evidence or insufficient information.
1. Syns; conclude, deduce, deduct, draw, gather, judge. 2. cvnss oerb.
inference nuun A position arrived at by reasoning from premises or general principles. ad;iectioe inferior 1. Of mediocre quality: The inferior cloth quickly disintegrated. 2. Of subordinate standing or importance. inferior nurn One belonging to a lower class or rank. a.d,iecthse infernal 1. So annoFng or detestable as to deserve condemnation. 2. Perversely bad, cruel, or wicked. adfectioe inferred 1. Conveyed indirectly without words or speech. 2. Based on inference, not fact. adiectioe infertile l. Unable to produce offspring. 2. Lacking or unable to produce growing plants or crops.
1. Syns; commoq low-grade, low-quality, mean2, miserable, second-class,secondrate, substandard. 2. urNon adiecthse. SUBORDINATE
1. nerrtvno. 2. rrrrvorsn. 1. rupr.rcrr. 2. pnnsuupnvp. 1. sARnnIYadiectiae. 2. eARnnNadiecthse.
infertility noun The stateor condition of being unableto reproduce sexuallv. infidelitlr noun Betrayal,eqp.of a moral obligation.
infiltrate n u To introduce gradually and styly. a.diectioe infinite l. Too geat to be calculated. 2. Without beginning or end. 3. Having no ends or limits.
2. nrnnwer,. 3. nnor,Bss.
infiniteness rwun The state or quality of being infinite.
infinitesimal adiectioe So minute as to be undiscernible.
infinity rwun l. The stateor quality of being infinite: Nature's mriety is cbse to infinity. 2. The totality of time without beginningor end. infirm adiecthse 1. Not physicallystrong:too infinn to resannehis dnily unllcs. 2, Rare. Lacking stability. infirmity nnun 1. The conditionof being infirm or physicallyweak: Infnnity often comeswith ol.dage. 2. A pathologicalcondition of mind or body. 3. The conditionof being sick. 4. A liking or personalpreferencefor something. infix wrb To implant so deeply as to makechangenearly impossible. inffame wrb l. To causeto becomesoreor inflamed. 2. To stir to action or feeling. inffamed a^d;iectiw Full of or markedby extremeanger. inffammation noun An instanceof irritating, as of a part of the body. inflate wrb To make (something) seem greater than is acfually the case. adiectioe inflated
Filled up with or as if with somethinginsubstantial:has a highlg - inflated ego. rcun inflatis Divine guidanceand motivation imparted directly. inffection nou.n A particular vocal quality that indicates some emotion or feeling. a.diecthn inffexible l. Incapable of changing or being modified: inferible standards of perfonnrrce.
l. Syns: boundlessness,inexhaustibility, infi niteness, limitlessness. 2. nrsnNrrrY. 1. Syns; decrepit, delicate, feeble, fragile, frail, insubstantial, puny, unsound, unsubstantial, weak, weakly. 2. wsrcunr. 1. Syns; debilitation, debility, decrepitude, feebleness, fragility, f.*ilty, unsoundness,weakliness, weakness. 2. orseesn. 3. srcxr.rrss. 4. wnexNrss. rtx oerb.
l. rnnrrarn, 2. pnovoxn. FURIOUS. IRRITATION.
Syns:flafulent,overblown,fumescent, windy (chiefs scot ) ::"::t, ToNE.
1. Syns; immutable, inalterable, invariable, ironclad, rigid, stiff, unalterable, unchangeable, unpliant, unyielding. 2' RIGID' 2. Not changing shape or bending. 3. Firmly, often,tnteasonablyimmovable in purpose or will. 3. srussonN.
oerb inff ict 1. To cause to undergo or bear, as something
1. Syns; impose, play, visit, wreak.
507 unwelcome or damaging : inf.icting putishm.en t ; a stonn that inflicted uidespread destructian; ifficted an rntolerable resporwibility on me. 2. To force (another) to accept a burden.
2. rrnrposr.
inffiction noun An excessive, unwelcome burden. influence noun 1. The power to produce an effect by indirect means: a specia.I-interest grcnry with infl,uence on Capitol Hill. 2. The power or capacity to produce a desired result. influence oerb 1. To have an effect or impact upon: Don't let hlm infl.uence your decifion. 2. To evoke a usu. strong mental or emotional response from. influential adiectioe Having or exercising influence: one of our nwre influential citiderw. infold uerb
inform oerb 1. To causeto know about or be aware of: Inform eoeryonaof the changein schedule.Was he infonnedof his righ*? 2. To give incriminating information about others, esp. to the authorities: The thief informed on his accornplice. informal adiectioe 1. Not formal or ceremonious:an informal gatheringof closefri,ends;wore informal attire. 2. Unconstrainedby rigrd standards. 3. In the style of conversation. informalily' rwun 1. Lack or avoidanceof formality: a candlelightsuFper seweduith charminginformality. 2. Freedomfrom constraint.embarrassment. or awkwardness. informanl nou,n One who givesincriminatinginformationabout others. informatioi noun l. Knowledgeabout a specificsubjector situaUon: gathering informntion for a biography. 2. That which is known; the sum of what hasbeen perceived,discovered,or inferred. informative adiectioe Servingto educateor inform. informed adiectirse l. Providedwith information;madeaware:able to girse an informed opinion; orn of our best-informed fficials. 2. Having an education. informer rmun One who givesincriminatinginformationabout others: He's a paid infonner. infra adoerb At a subsequent -nountime. infraction An act or instanceof breakinga law or regulationor of nonfulfillmentof an obligation,promise,eic.
1. Syns: clout (Inlormal), drag (Slang), leverage, pull (Slang), sway, weight. 2. rrprcr
1. Syns; bias, prejudice, sway. 2. errncrl.
Syns: consequential, important, powerful, weighty. sEEenfold. t. Syns: acquaint, advise, apprise (also apprize) (of), educate, enlighten, notify, tell. 2. Syns: fink (Slong), rat (Slm,g), ri.rg (Slong), snitch (Slnng), squeal (Slat g), stool (Slang), talk, tattle. -Idiomblow the whistle. 1. Syns; simple, unceremonious, unpretenUous. 2. resycorNc. 3. corwnnsATroNAl. 1. Syns; casualness,naturalness, simplicity, unceremoniousness. 2. nesr noun.
1. Syns.' data, facts, intelligence. 2. xNowr,nocr.
1. Syns; advised, educated, enlightened, instructed, knowledgeable. 2. noucarno. Syns.' fink (Slang), informant, rat (Sl"ang), snitch (a/so snitcher) (Slang), squealer (Slang), stoolie (Slang), stool pigeon (Slnng), tattler, tattletale, tipster. LATERadtserb. BREACH TWUN.
infrequent infrequenl aQectioe Rarelyoccurringor appearing:Ou partiesare infrequent thesednys. He is an infrequent oisitor. infrequently odwrb At rare intervals: I rwts go to Europe infrequently if at oll.
508 Syns: occasional,rare, scarce, sporadic, uncommon, unusual. -ldiom few and far between. Syns; little, rarely, seldom. -ldionx hardly (or scarcely) ever, once in a blue moon.
infringement noun BREACH IWUN. An act or instanceof breakinga law or regulationor of nonfulfillmentof an obligation,promise,etc. infuriate oerb x.tcnn aerb. To causeto feel or showanger. infuriated adiectitse FURIOUS. Full of or markedby extremeanger. ingenerate adiectirse 1. coNsrrrurroNAr- adiectiae. 1, Of or arisingfrom the mostbasicstructureof an individual. 2. Nl.rarn. at birth. 2. Possessed ingenerate oerb crusn aerb. To be the causeof. ingenious ad.iectioe 1. nwrwrrvn. l. Charactenzedby or productive of new thingsor new ideas. 2. nesouncEFul. 2. Able to usethe meansat one'sdisposalto meet situaUonseffectively. ing6nue rruun NNUN, INNOCENT person. A guileless,unsophisticated ingenuity rwun IN!'ENTION. The power or ability to invent. ingenuous a.diectitse ARTLESS. Free from guile, cunning,or deceit. ingest oerb l. swer-r-ow aerb. l. To causeto passfrom the mouth into the stomach. 2. nl,r. 2, To take (food) into the body as nourishment. ingestion noun S\4/ALLOW nOUn. An act of swallowing. ingrain oerb To implant so deeply as to makechangenearly impossible.rx oerb. ingrained ad.iectioe l. coNrrnvro. 1. Firmly establishedby long standing. 2. coNsrtrurloNAr- adiecth:e. 2. Of or arisingfrom the mostbasicstructureof an individual. ingratiating ad;iectioe INSINUATING. Purposefullycontrived to gain favor. ingratiative adiectitx INSINUATING. Purposefullycontrived to gain favor. ingredienl rwun ELEMENT. bne of the individual entitiescontributingto a whole. ingress oerb ENTER. To come or go into (a place). rwun ingression dso ingross 1. eoutssrox. l. The state of bei"g allowed entry. eourssror-1. 2. of. use make enter or to riglrt T\e 2. 3. pvrneNcBl. 3. The act of entering. snn ingress, ingression nuun rnrb ingurgitate cvt p aerb. to r*"tto* (food or drink) greedilyor rapidly in large amounts. inhabit oerb Syns; habit (Archaic), occupy, people, To live in (a place): Notds inlwbited the steryes. populate.
509 inhabitable adiectioe Fit to live in. inhalation noun l. The act of breathingin. 2. Air breathedin. inhale oerb To draw air into the lungs in the processof respiration. inhaimonic alsoinharmonical adiectioe Characterizedby unpleasantdiscordanceof sound' inharmonious ad,iectitse 1. Characterizedby unpleasantdiscordanceof sound: an inha'rmoniotnperformanceby the student band"
2. Devoid of harmonyand accord:He ha'dan inho.nrwrilausrelaiionship with his mother. inharmonY noun A state of disagreementand disharmony. inhere oerb To have as an inherentbasis. inherent adiectioe 1. Of or arisingfrom the mostbasicstructureof an individual. 2. Forming an essentialelement. inherit oerb To receive(property)from one who has died: inherited the fann from his lnte father. inheritance nuun 1. Any specialprivilege accordeda firstborn. 2. Somethingimmaterial, as a style or philosophy,that is passedfrom one generationto another. inherited adiectioe at birth. l. Possessed 2. Of or from one'sancestors. inhibit oerb l. To refuseto allow. 2. To check the freedomand spontaneityof. 3. To control, restrict, or arrest. inhibited ad:iectioe Deftcientin or lackingsexualdesire. inhospitable adiectioe So disagreeablyaustereas to discourageapproach. inhospitableness twltn Lack of cordiality and hospitableness. inhospitality nutrn Lack of cordiality and hospitableness. inhuman ad,iecthse Showingor suggestinga dispositionto be violently destructive without scruple or restraint. inhumanity nou,n A cruel act or an instanceof cruel behavior. inhumation tuoun An act of placing a body in a gave or tomb. inhume oerb To place (a corpse)in or asif in a grave. inimicable adiectioe Feeling or showingunfriendliness. inimical ad,iectioe Feeling or showingunfriendliness.
l. Syns; cacophonous (aho cacophonic, cacophonical), discordant, disharmonic disharmonious, dissonant, inharmonic (a/so inharmonical), rude, unharmonious, unmusical. 2. Syns: discordant, inconsonant, uncongenial, unharmonious. CONFLTCT TWIIN.
1. coxsrtrurloNAr- adiecthse. 2. surlr-rN. Syns; come into, heir (Chilzf'y Regional).
1. r.wern. 2. eNcBsrner,. l. ronaro. 2. cor.IsrRarN. 3. nssrnaN. FRIGID.
iniquitous adiectiae Morally objectionable. ltoun iniquity 1. A wicked act. 2. Scot. Lau. Lack of justice. initial adiectioe l. Indicating the start of something. 2. At or near the start of a period, development, or series. 3. Preceding all others in time. initiate aerh l. To admit formally into membership or office, as with ritual: initiated pbdges into the fratemity. 2. To go about the iniUal step in doing (something). 3. To bring into currency, use, fashion, or practice. initiate rwun One who is just starting to learn or do something. initiation rrcntn l. The act or process of formally admitting a person to membership or office: the initiation of nern sorority pledges. 2. The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence.
n'v:rt-adiectiae. 1. cnnae. 2. rxyusrrcr. l. escrNNrNcadiectioe. 2. Banr,v adiectir;e. 3. rrnsr adiectiae. 1. Syns; inaugurate, induct, install, instate, invest. 2. srrnr oerb. 3. rr.rrnopucr. BECINNER.
1. Syns: inaugural, inauguration, induction, installation, instatement, invesUture. 2. eBcrNNrNC noun.
initiative twun The wish, power, and ability to begin and follow through with a plan or task. injudicious adiectiae Not wise.
injunction nDun An authoritative indicaUon to be obeyed.
injure aerb 1. To spoil the soundnessor perfection of: a President who iniured his credibility by lying. 2. To cause physical damage to. adiecthse injurious 1. Causing harm or injury. 2. Serving to corrupt. to the reputation. . .3. Damagrng InlUry rwun l. The action or result of inflicting loss or pain. 2. An act that is not just. adiectioe injust Obs. Not fair, right, or just.
1. Syns; blemish, damage, disserve,harm, hurt, impair, mar, prejudice, tarnish, vitiate. 2. nunr aerb. l. nenurur-. 2. connuprrvn. 3. r,lnrr-ous. 1. nannannLtn. 2. rNyusrrcn. UNFAIR.
iniustice noun
l. Lack of justice: an attomey general who sau iniustice and tried to renwdY it. 2. An act that is not just: By lyinghe did himself and others an iniwtite. a.diectiae inkhorn Characterizedby a narrow concern for book learning and formal rules, without knowledge or experience of practical matters.
1. Syns; inequitableness, inequity, iniquity (Scot.Lau,), unfairness,unjustness, wrong. 2. Syns: disservice,injury, wrong. -ldiarn raw deal. PEDANTIC.
inkling noun A subtle qudity underlying or felt to underlie a sifuation, action, or person. adiectiae inky l. Of the darkest achromatic visual value. 2. Having no light. infying adiecthse Located farther in.
HrNt noun.
1. er-ecx. 2. INNER.
511 ad;iectiae innate 1. Possessedat birth: bmate cardiotsasculnr abrwrmalitie s; irmate talent. 2. OI or arising from the most basic structure of an individual. 3. Forming an essential element. adiectioe innative Possessedat birth. inner adiectioe 1. Located farther in: an inner room. 2. Ol pertaining to, or arising from one's mental or spiritual being: has irrrwr conf'bts. 3. Being closer to a center of power and infuence: the inner circles of the ClA. aerb innerve To stir to action or feeling.
1. Syns; congenital, hereditary, inborrl ingenerate, inherited, innative, native, natural. 2. coxsrrrurloNAl ad;iectine. 3. surt.r-rN. INNATE.
1. Syns; inlying, inside, interior, internal, intestine (Obs.). 2. Syns: gut (Shng), interior, internal, intestine, intimatel, inward, visceral, viscerous. 3. Syn: inside (5k"0.
innings rwun A limited, often assignedperiod of activity, duty, or opportunity. noun innocence The condition of being uninformed. ad;iectioe innocent 1. Free from evil and corruption: innacent little children.
2. Free from guilt or blame: irwncent of all charges; innocent parties to the scandal. 3. Devoid of hurtful qualities. 4. Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law. 5. Free from guile, cunning, or deceit. 6. Lacking a desirable element. 7. Not aware or informed. innocent rwun 1. A pure, uncorrupted person: a wonurn who had the beguilinglook of a Aounginnocent. 2. A guileless, unsophisticated person: a foreign-policy adaiser who was a fitere innocent in dealing with the Sooiets. 3. A young person between birth and puberty. 4. One who is just starting to learn or do something. adiectioe innocuous 1. Devoid of hurtful qualities. 2. Incapable of inflicting injury. 3. Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritedness and oriqinality. innovat-ion nnun A new, unusual thi.g. innovative adiectioe 1. Characterized by or productive of new things or new ideas. 2. Showing marked departure from previous practice. innuendo rwun 1. A subtle qualrty underlying or felt to underlie a situation, action, or person. 2. An artful, indirect hint.
1. Syns; angelic.(a/so angelical), clean, lily-white, pu€, unblemished, undefiled, uncorrupted, unstained, -ldiiln trnsullied, untainted, "it$ttal. pure as the driven snow. 2. Syns: blameless, clean (Slnng), faultless, guiltless, harmless. -ldiom n the clear. 3. nenur.nss. 4. r.ewpur.. 5. enrr-nss. 6. nuprv ad.iectioe. 7. rcNonexr. 1. Syns; angel, lamb, virgln. 2. Syns: babe (Slnng), child, ing6nue, naive (aho narve, naif, nail), unsophisticate. -ldi,orn babe in the woods. 3. curr.o. 4. srcrNNEn. 1. rrenl,rr,nss. 2. nenur.nss. 3. rNsrpro.
1. uweNTrvn. 2. rvnw o"diecthse. 1. Hwr rwun. 2. rNsrwuerrox.
innumerable innuendo oerb To conveyan idea by indirect, subtle means. innumerable adiecthre Too great to be calculated. inobtrusive adiec-tioe Not showvor obtrusive. inoffensivd ad,iectioe Devoid of hurtful qualities. inoperative odiecthse Marked by a lack of action or activity. inopportude adiecthse Not occurringat a favorabletime. inordinate a.diectiae Exceedinga normal or reasonablelimit. inquest noun A seekingof knowledge, data" or the truth about something. inquietude noun An uneasyor nervousstate. inquire alsoenquire oerb 1. To go into or through for the purposeof making discoveriesor acquiring information. (someone). . 2. To puJa questionto fnqUlfef aho enqulref noun One who inquires: woided reportersand other irquirerc. inquiring alsoenQUiring ad,iectioe . E"$"r to acquire.knowledge. lnqulry dso enQulr! rtaun 1. A seekingof knowledge,data,or the truth about something:an inquiry as to the causeof the patbnt's death. numy 2. A requestfor data: The companyrecehses inqubles abutt the costof book's. inquisition r70un A seekingof knowledge,data"or the truth about something. inquisitive ad,iectioe l. Eagerto acquireknowledge. 2. Unduly interestedin the affairsof others. inquisitiveness nuun Mentd acquisitiveness. inquisitor natrn l. One who conductsan officialinquiry, usu.with no regard for human riglrts: The captured spy uas torhned by his hquis-ttors. 2. One who inquires. inquisitorial ad,iecthse Undulv interestedin the affairsof others. inquisitbry ad,iectitse Undulv interestedin the a.ffairsof others. inroad noun An act of invading, military forces. insalubrious adiecthse Not sustainingor promotinghealth. insalutary adiectioe Not sustainingor Promotinghealth. insane a.d,iectiw 1. Aflicted with or exhibitingirrationality and mental was diagrnsed itxane by unsoundness:The assassdn two psychira;ttists.
512 r.twr oerb. INCALCULABLE.
l. nxpr-one. 2. esx. Syns: inquisitor, querier, questioner.
1. Syns; delving, inquest, inquisition, invesUgation, probe, quest. 2. Syns: interrogation, interrogatory (Law), query, question. INQUIRY,
l. cunrous. 2. cunrous. CURTOSITY.
l. Syns: interrogator, questioner.
1. Syns; batty (Slnng), bedlamite, bonkers (Slang), brainsick, bngry $lang), bughouse (Slnng), bugs (Slcng), cracked, crackers (Chiefly Brit. Slang),
2. So senselessas to be laughable. noun insaneness Serious mental illness or disorder impairing a person's capacrty to function normally and safely.
insanity noun
cracky (Chiefly Brit. Slang), c-razed, crazy',cuckoo, dafry (lnforma, ), -daft, demented, deranged, &sordered, distraught, frutry $lang), gaga (Slang), loco (Slang), loony (a/so lunY) (lnformal), lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mental (ChUfl'g Bnt.), mindless, moonstruck (o/so moonstricken), non comPos mentis (Lau), nuts (Slang), nutty (Informal), off, screwy (Slang), touched, unbalanced, unsound, wackY (also whacky) (Slang), witless, wrong. -ldiotns around the bend, crazy as a loon, mad as a hatter, not all there, nutty as a fruitcake, off one's rocker, out of one's head (or mind), sick in the head, stark raving mad, unsound of mind. 2, roor-rsH.
1. Serious mental illness or disorder impairing a person's capacity to function normally and safely: Wild fears and' sn'spicionsuere the f,rst sigrw of his aryroaching insanitg.
1 . Syns; aberration, alienation,
2. Foolish behavior.
inscribe oerb 1. To affix one's signature to. 2. To form letters, characters, or words on a surface with an instrument. 3. To register in or as if in a book. 4. To produce a deep imPressionon.
insecure ad;iecthse protected:Withoutthemilitarypolice l. Inadequately the air base uou.ld be msecwe. 2. Lacking stability: an insecure peace; an insecure ally.
brainsickness, craziness, dementia, derangement, insaneness,lunacy, madness, mania, psychopathy, unbalance.
1 . srcN oerb. 2. wnrrr. 3. rrsrr oerb. 4. nxcnevr. 1. Syns; unguarded, unprotected, unsafe. 2. Syns: infirm (Rare), ihsubstantial, shaky, tottery, unstable, unsteadY, unsure, weak, wobbly,
insecurity noun The quality or condition of being erratic and undependable. adiectioe insensate Lacking passion and emotion.
insensibility noun Lack of emotion or interest. adiecnse insensible 1. Lacking consciousness. 2. Lacking responsivenessor alertness. 3. Lacking physical feeling or sensitivity. 4. Without emotion or interest. 5. Incapable of being apprehended by the mind or the senses. 6. Lacking passion and emotion. adiectioe insensitive 1. Lacking passion and emotion: tumed an insensititse ear to our pleas. 2. Lacking physical feeling or sensitivity.
1 . UNCONSCIOUS. 2. ovw adiectitse. 3 . onto adiecti'oe. 4. APATHETIC. 5. 6. rNsnNsrrrva. 1. Syns; anesthetic, bloodless, dull, hard, as hard insensate, insensible. -Idiun as nails. 2. onao ad;iecthse.
insert 3. Lacking responsiveness or alertness. 4. Not capableof being affectedor impressed:I am totnlly irwensitioeto flattery.
514 3. ourt odjectiae. 4. Syns: impassible,impassive, insusceptible,unimpressionable, unsusceptible.
insert oerb l. To placeon a list or in a record. L. pos'r rerb. 2. rxrnooucr. 2. To put or set into, between,or amonganotheror other things. insertion rwun An item inserted,as in a diary,register,or reference book. inside adiectiae 1. rxllnn. 1. Locatedfartherin. 2. Slang.Beingcloserto a centerof power and influence. 2. ruunn. 3. Characterizedby a closeand thoroughacquaintance. 3. rr.rrrMArnradiectiae. 4. coNnrrNTrAL. 4. Slang.Known aboutby very few. insight Mntn 1. rNsnNcr noun. l. The power to discernthe true natureof a personor situation. 2. wrsnou. 2. Deep,thorough,or matureunderstanding. insignifiianceallo insignificancy noun INDIFFERENCE. Lack of importance. snninsignificance. insignificancy nuun insignificant adiectiae LITTLE. Not of great importance. insincere adiectioe 1. Syns; ambidextrous, disingenuous,left1. Not beingwhat one purportsto be: insirrcere handed, mala fide (Latin). flattery; an insirrcerepersonnot to be trusted. 2. .c.nrrrrcrAr-. 2. Not genuineor sincere. insincerity noun Syns; disingenuity, disingenuousness, Lack of sincerity:usasshockedby their insinnerity. uncandor.
insinuate oerb 1. To introducegadually and slyly: A spy has irwintnted himself into gooemmentcircles.She irwimnted her beliefsinto eoerypolicy disct"tssion. 2. To conveyan ideaby indirect,subtlemeans. insinuating ad.iectitse 1. Provokinga changeof outlook and esp.gradual doubt and suspicion:madeinsirunting rennrlcs about his ccnnpetence. 2. Purposefnllycontrived to gain favor: the insinuating yniles of corparatecourtiers. insinuation noun An artful, indirect hint: mad.eugly irciruntioru that he had cheatedon the eram. insinuative adiectitse Provokinga changeof outlook and esp.gradualdoubt and suspicion. insipid adiectiae l. Lacking the qualitiesrequisitefor spiritednessand originality: an irwipid,soapopera. 2. Lacking an appetizingfavor. insipidity noun The state or quality of being insipid: the insipiditg of the play; the in"sipidityof her cooking. insipidness ntnln The state or quality of being insipid.
1. Syns: edge in, foist, infiltrate, wind2 (into), work (into), worm. 2. :g'wr terb. 1. Syns; insinuaUve, suggestive.
2. Syns: ingatiating, ingratiative, saccharine, sugary. Syn.'innuendo.
1. Syns; banal, bland, driveling, inane, innocuous, jejune, namby-PambY, vapid, washy, waterish, wateq/, wishywashy (lnformal). 2. rrtr adiectioe. Syns; banality, blandness, colorlessness, dullness, dryness, flatness, flavorlessness, inaneness,inanity, insipidness, jejunity, vapidity.
515 insist oerb 1. To take and maintain a stand obstinately: He still insisted on the truth of his story. 2. To solicit insistently: The prime minister insisted that the king abdicate. You irwisted upon my going to the partY. insist on (or upon) oerb To ask for urgently or insistently.
insistencealsoinsistency ncrun
1. The stateor qualrtyof being insistent:The attomey's insistenceon leamingthe truth saoedhis client. 2. Urgent solicitation:We sigted this contractonly at your insistence.
insistency naun insistent adiectiae 1. Obstinatelymaintaininga stand:insistentdenialsof all guilt. 2. Bold and definite in character. insist or (or uPon) aerb insobriety rwun The condiUonof being intoxicatedwith alcoholic liquor. inso-lencealsoinsolency nmun l. The stateor quahtyof being impudent. 2. The quality of being arrogant. insolency nnun insolent adiecthse 1. Rude and disrespectful. 2. Overly convincedof one'sown superiorityand importance. insolvency rwun The condition of being financiallyinsolvent. insorb oerb To take in and incorporate,esp.mentally. inspect oerb 1. To look at carefully or critically. 2. To study closelyor systematically. 3. To examinethe personor personaleffectsof in order to find somethinglost or concealed. inspection noun l. The act of examiningcarefirlly. study. 2. A closeor systemaUc inspiration noun t. Theol Divine guidanceand motivationimparted directly: receioedinspiration through prayer and contemplntion. 2. Somethingthat encourages. 3. High spirits. 4. The act of breathing in: counted the rate of the patient's inspirations. 5. A sudden,excitingthought: had on inspirationto changelifestyles. 6. Livelinessand vivacity of imagination. inspirational adiectioe Providinginspiration. inspire oerb l. To elicit a strongemotionalresponsefrom: a worrutn copableof inspiring a man's deootion;conduct inspiring only disgust. 2, To arousethe emotionsof; make ardent. 3. To impart courage,inspiration,and resolutionto.
1. Syns.' persevere, persist. 2. Syns: press, pressure,prod, urge.
nruexn oerb. 1. Syns; perseverance, persistence (also persistency). 2. Syns: instance (Archaic), plpng, pressing, prodding, urgence, urgency, urgng. sBBinsistence. 1. Syns; perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, unremitting. 2. nrvlpnertc. snn insist. DRUNKENNESS.
1. rupunnNcr. 2. ennocexcn. srn insolence. 1. rupuonrvr. 2. ennocewr.
1. nxeurNn. 2. exer-vzr. 3. sntnclg perb.
1. rxeurNerroN. 2. eNer-vsrs. 1. Syns: affiation, affiatus, inflatus.
2. BwcounAGEMENT. 3. rr-erroN. 4. Syns: affiation, inhalation. 5. Syns; brainstorm, brain wave. 6. nnr noun. INSPIRING.
1. Syns; iuouse, excite, prompt, provoke, stimulate, sti'rr. -Idiom stir the blood of. 2. rrnn oerb. 3. rucounacB.
inspired 4. To raise the spirits of. 5. To draw air into the lungs in the process of respiration.
inspired odiecthse 1. Emotionally aroused. 2.Ieeling great delight and joy. . Inspfrlng adiectiw Providing inqpiration: an inspiring sernwn.
inspirit oerb 1. To impart courage,inspiration,and resolutionto. 2. To raise the soirits of. inspissate oerbTo make thick or thicker, esp.through evaporationor condensation. instability twun l. The quality or condition of being erratic and undependable:the irwnbility of the bond market; the httability of the new gooernnwnt. 2. The quality or condition of being physically unsteady. install oerb 1. To place securelyin a positionor condition. 2. To place in proper positionor location. 3. To admit formally into membershipor office,as with ritual. installation twun l. A center of organization,supply,or activity. 2. The act or processof formally admitting a personto
516 4. Er,erE. 5. snnerur.
erFncrrDl. ELATED.
Syns: exhilarant, exhilarating, inspirational, intoxicating, rousing, stirring. l. ENcounacn. 2. nurn. THICKEN,
l. Syns; insecurity, precariousness, shakiness,unstability, unstableness. 2. uusranlENESS.
1. rsrenr,rsn. 2. posrrroN oerb. 3. IMrtarn oerb.
membership or office.
instance oerb l. To demonstrate and clarify with examples: The author's true intent is instanced in these quotatioru. 2. To refer to by name. instance n/oun 1. One that is representative of a group or class. 2. A legal proc""dittg to demand jusUct or enforce a right. 3. Archain Urgent solicitation.
t. Syns: example, exemplify, illustrate. 2. Ntv'r, aerb. EXAMPLE
3. rNsrsrnNcr.
instant noun l. A particular interval.of time that is limited and often crucial: At the oery irwtant the generalfell ill, the enemyattocked. 2. A very brief time. instant adiectiae Of immediateimport. instant adrserb Poetic.Without delay. instate oerb To admit formally into membershipor office,as with ritual. instatement natn The act or processof formally admitting a personto membershipor office. instigate oerb To stir to action or feeling. instigation rwun Somethingthat incitesesp.a violent response. instigator noun One who agitates,esp.politically. instill oErb To instruct in a body of doctrine or belief.
1. Syns: juncture, moment, point.
2. rr-esn noun. BURNING. DIRECTLY, tvtrtl,on
5L7 instinct rwun 1. The power to discern the true nature of a person or situation: lnstinnt wanwd me neaer to trust him. 2. An innate capability. adiectioe instinctive 1. Derived from or prompted by a natural tendency or impulse: The comered antnwl d,rew back uith instinctioe fear. My fuwtinctioe feeling i,s that he's a crook. 2. Acting or happening without apparent forethought, prompting, or planning. ad,iecthse instinctual Derived from or prompted by a natural tendency or impulse.
1. Syns; anschauung (German), insight, intuitiveness, intuiUon . -ldiorn sixth sense. 2. rel-nvr. 1. Syns; instinctual, intuitive, visceral.
2. spovreNEous.
institute perb
1. To btt rg into existence formally. 2. To bring into currenc/, lls€, fashion, or pracUce. institute rwun A principle governing the affairs of man within or among political units.
1. rour.n. 2. rn'rnonucr. LAW fmtn.
institutidn twun The act of founding or establishing.
institutionalize oerb To placeofficiallyin confinement. instruct rserb 1. To impartknowledge andskillto.
l. noucern. 2. To enable (one) to understand, esp. in a spiritual sense. 2, u-r-u*rrNerE. 3. To give orders to. 3. corvrueNo oarb. instructbd adiectioe 1. Having an educaUon. l. noucerBp. 2. Provided with informaUon; made aware. 2. rrvronupo.
instructible adiecthse Capable of being educated.
instruction rwtn 1.
ac! process, or art of imparting knowledge and skill. 2. Known facts, ideas, and skill that have been imparted. 3. An authoritative indication to be obeyed. 4. The condition of being informed spiritually.
1. nouceuoN. 2. toucerrox. 3. corvflvraNotwun. 4. u.r-uurNenou.
instructional adiectioe Serving to educate. instructive adiectiae Serving to educate.
instruct-or rwun One who educates.
instrumenl rwun l. A device used to do work or perform a task. 2. That by which something is accomplished or some end achieved. - 3. A person used or controlled by others.
instrumentality noun
That by which something is accomplished or some end achieved.
l. roor-. 2. uneNs. 3. pewN2. MEANS.
instrumentation rwu,n That by which somethingis accomplishedor someend achieved. insubordinate adiectioe Refusingor failing to obey. insubordination rwu,n The condition or practice of not obeying.
insubstantial insubstantial adiectitn l. Having no body, form, or zubstance. 2. l,acking stability. 3. Not physicallystrong. 4. Having little substanceor significance;not solidly based. insuccess nmun The conditionof not achievingthe desiredend. insufferable a"diec-tir>e Not capableof being enduredor tolerated. insuffici-ence noun insufficienct alsoinsutficience rwun The conditionor fact of being deficient. insufficient adiecthn Not enoughto meet a demandor requirementzMen unnot work on inmftcient ratiorw. insufar adiectiae l. Far from centersof humanpopulation. 2. Having the restrictedoutlook often characteristicof geogaphic isolation. insulate oerb To set apart from a group. insult oerb To causeresentrnentor hurt by callous,rude behavior: The drur*en gu.estinsulted the hostess. insult nuun An act that offendsa person'ssenseof pride or dignity. insuperable adiectioe 1. Incapableof being negotiatedor overcomeiu)ere confrontedwith iwryerable problzrns. 2. Incapableof being conquered,overrun, or subjugated. insupportable ad:iectioe Not capableof being enduredor tolerated. insure oerb insurgence noun Organizedoppositionintendedto changeor overthrow existingauthority. insurgency nuun Organizedoppositionintendedto changeor overthrow existingauthority. insurgent adiectiae In open revolt againsta governmentor mling authority. insurgent noun A personwho rebels. insuimountable a^diectitse Incapableof being negotiatedor overcome. insurrect oerb To refuseallegianceto and opposeby force a . governm.entor nrling authoriW. lnSUfreCllOn rwntn Organizedoppositionintendedto changeor overthrow existingauthoriW. insurredtionist rwun A personwho rebels. insul.ceptible a.diectioe Not capableof being affectedor impressed. intact adiectioe or normal. 1. Lacking nothingessenUal 2. In excellentcondition. intangible adieabe Incapableof being apprehendedby the mind or the
518 l. 2. 3. 4.
rMMarsnrer.. rNsncunn. rrwrnu. rnrvuous.
snr insufficiency. SHORTAGE,
Syns: deficient, inadequate, scanty, scarce, short, shyl, skimpy, wanting. 1. nruorn. 2. roc* adiectiue.
rcottrn oerb. Syns; affront, offend, outrage. -Idioms add insult to injury, give offense to. INDIGNITY.
1. Syns; impassable,indomitable, insurmountable, unsurmountable. 2. nwrlrcrnr,p. UNBEARABLE.
nnssr Derb.
REBEL |WUN. INSENSITI!'E. 1. colaprBro
2. coop adiectioe. IMPERCEPTIBLE.
519 adiectioe integral 1. Lacking nothing essential or normal. 2. Constituting or forming part of the essenceof something. integral noun An organized array of individual elements and parts forming and working as a unit.
1. coupr.prn adiectioe. 2. rssrurr x, adiectioe.
integrant noun One of the individual entities contributing to a whole.
integrate oerb 1. To make into a whole by joining a system of parts: a political partA that had. integrated both liberal and' consen;atirse elements. 2. To open to all people regardless of race: rporked to integrate the schools. 3. To make a part of a united whole. 4. To construct or include as an integral or permanent part. 5. To bring into accord. 5. To combine and adapt in order to attain a particular effect. integrate rraun An organized array of individual elements and parts forming and working as a unit.
1. Syns; articulate, concatenate, unify.
2. Syn: desegregate. 3. pMsoov. 4. surt-o rr.{. 5. nenuoNlzn. 5. nenuoNrzn.
integration rvoun The act, process, or result of abolishing racial segregation : school integration.
Syn; desegregation.
integrity twu,n l. 2. 3. 4.
Moral or ethical strength. The quahty of being honest. The condition of being free from defects or flaws. The state of being entirely whole.
1. 2. 3. 4.
cnenecten. soNnsrv. souNoNnss. coupr-nrENEss.
integument nou,n The Ussueforming the external covering of the body.
intellect nuun 1. The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applying knowledge. 2. A person of great mental ability. adiectioe inteflective Relating to or performed by the mind.
intelfectual adiectioe 1. Appealing to or engaging the intellect: an intelle ctual disanssion. 2. Relating to or performed by the mind. 3. Having or showing intelligence, often of a high order. intef lectual nnun A person of geat mental ability. natn intelligence 1. The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applying knowledge: A wornnn of her intelligence uould make a good Su,premeCourt irctice. 2. New information, esp. about recent events and happenings. 3. Knowledge about a speciftc subject or situation. intelfigenl ad:iectioe 1. Having or showing intelligence, often of a high order: an intelligent child; a book fot an intelligent readership. 2. Mentally quick and original. 3. Consistent with reason and intellect.
1. nvrrr-r-rcENcE. 2. unrp lwun. MENTAL.
1. Syns; cerebral,highbrow (lnfomal), sophisticated,thoughtful. 2. ltrr.rrAl,. 3. nl-rnr.r-rcENT.
1. Syns: brain(s) (lnformal), brainpower (Informal), intellect, mentality, mind, smarts (Slang), sense,understanding wit. 2. r.mws. 3. rwronuenoN. 1. Syns; brainy (lnformal), brilliant, intellectual, knowing, knowledgeable. 2. cr,pvnn. 3. r-ocrcer,.
intelligible intef figible adiectioe . .Capableof being readily understood. fntempefanGe nuun Immoderateindulgence,as in food or drink. intend oerb l. To have in mind as a goal or purpose:We intend to sell the house. 2. To have or conveya particular idea. intended noun A personto whom one is engagedto be married: took his intended to meet his mother. intended adiecthse l. Done or saidon purpose. 2. Pledgedto marry. intense adiectioe l. Extremein degree,strength,or efiect: an intense struggleof wills. 2. Intenselysustained, activity. . .3. R:ldting from or affecUngone'sinnermostfeelings. Intenslry aerb To increasein intensityor severityzintensifiedtheir . lforts.; pain that intensified eaerymiru"tte. fntens[y lwntn Exceptionallygreat concentraUon, power, or force, esp. in activity: a-hudcarw of staggering intensity. . fntenslve adiecthse 1. Not difiusedor dispersed. 2. Coveringall aspectswith painstakingaccuracy. 3. Intenselyzustained, activity. intensively' a&;erb In a completemanner. intent nmun l. What one intendsto do or achieve. 2. That which is signifiedby a word or expression. 3. The thread or current of thoughtuniting or occurringin all the elementsof a text or discourse. 4. That which is signifiedby a word or expression. intent adiectioe 1. Havingone'sthoughtr fttlly occupied. 2. On an unwaveringcourseof action. 3. Cgncentratingthe mental powerson something. intention noun What one intendsto do or achieve:It was rwt my intention to ofend you. intentional a.diectioe 1. Done or saidon purpose. 2. Planned,weighed,or estimatedin advance. inter oerb To place (a corpse)in or as if in a grave. interagenl rwun Someonewho actsas an intermediateagentin a transaction. interceder rwun Someonewho actsas an intermediateagentin a trarsaction. intercept oerb To block the progressof and force to changedirection. intercessor rwun Someonewho acts as an intermediate agent in a transaction.
UNDERSTANDABLE. EXCESSt10un. l. Syns: aim, contemplate,
design, meanr,
mind (Chiefly Regional),pl*, propose, project,purpose. 2. upeNl. Syns: betrothed, affianced.
1. onr.rsrn nrn adiectioe. 2. nNcecno. 1. Syns; desperate,fierce, furious, terrible, vehement, violent. 2. Hnevy adiectiae. 3. onrp adiectioe. Synst aggravate, deepen, enhance, heighten, mount, redouble. Syns; ferocity, fierceness, fury, pitch, severity, vehemence, violence. 1. coNcnrvrRATED. 2. rsonoucs.
1"""""*" l. rvrevrroN. 2. unaNrnc. 3. rnnusr noun. 4. ureNnrc. l. ensonsno. 2. snrr adiectioe. 3. errnrtrrys. Syns; aim, design, end, goal, intent, mark, meaning, plan, point, purpose, target, view. -Idiurn end in view. l. orr,rscn trn adiectioe. 2. cer,curATED.
HEAD orr
at head.
52t interchange oerb 1. To gtve up in return for something else. 2. To give and receive. interchange noun The act of exchanging or substituting.
L. curscn perb. 2. rxcnlwcn.
1. A situation allowing exchange of ideas or messages. 2. The exchange of ideas by writing, speech, or signals.
1. roucn ruaun, 2. couvruNlcarloN.
intercommunication noun
interconnection rwun A logical or nafural associationbetween two or more thtttgt.
intercourse rwun The exchange of ideas by writing, speech, or signals.
interdependence rwun A logical or natural associationbetween two or more things. aerb interd-ict To refuse to allow. interdict rwun A coercive measure intended to ensure compliance or conformity.
interdictioh noun 1. A refusalto allow. 2. A coercive measure intended to ensure compliance or conformity.
interest rwun 1. Something that contributes to or increases one's well-being: always corwidered the interest of his cli.ents. 2. Mental acquisitiveness. 3. A being personally interested in. 4. A right or legal share in somet}ing: oum a half interest in a computer com,PanY. interest oerb To arouse the interest and attention of Archaeologg has always interested me. adiecthse interested Having concern.
1. ronsrooANcE. 2. seNcrloN noun.
l. Syns: advantage, benefit, good, profit.
2. cunrosrrr. 3. cowcnnN noun. 4. Syns: claim, portion, stake, title.
Syns; attract, intrigue, turn on (Slang). -ldiorn get one going. CONCERNED.
interestedness nf,run A being personally interested in.
interfere aerb To intervene officiously or indiscreetly in the affairs of others.
interference rwu,n The act or an instance of interfering.
interfering adiectiae Given to intruding in other people's affairs. adiectioe interim 1. Temporarily assumtngthe duties of another. 2. Intended, used, or present for a limited time. interim rw.rn An interval during which continuity is suspended. adiectine interior 1. Located farther in. 2. Of., pertaining to, or arising from one's mental or spiritual being.
1. rnuponenv. 2. rruponenv. GAP.
l. n-rtnn. 2. wrvnn.
interject oerb To put or set into, between, or among another or other things. a.diectioe interlard To put or set into, between, or among another or other thmgt.
interlope interlope oerb To force or come in as an improper or unwanted element. intermediary nmun l. Someonewho actsasan intermediateagentin a transacUon. 2. Thlt by which somethingis accomplishedor some end achieved. intermediate a.diectiae Not extreme. intermediate ntxtn Someone who acts as an intermediate agent in a transaction.
l. co-errwrnN. 2. unaNs.
MTDDLE adiectiae. GO-BET'WEEN.
intermediator naun Someone who acts as an intermediate agent in a transacUon.
intermenl rrnrn a body in a grave or tomb. - An act of placing
intermesh oerb'
To come or bring together and interlock. interminable adiecttoe Existing or occurring without interruption or end. .
intermingle aerb
To put together into one mass so that the constituent . parts are. more or less homogeneous. fntefmlSSlOn noun 1. A pause or interval, as from work or duty. 2. The condition of being temporarily inactive. intermittent adiectioe Happening or appearing now and then: intermittent shouers; intermittent wtbrealcs of oiobrrce. intermix oerb To put together into one mass so that the constituent - parts are more or less homogeneous. intermutual adiectioe . Belonging to, shared by, or applicable to all alike.
intern aerb To put in iail. internal a.diectit;e l. Located farther in. 2. OI, from, or within a country'sown territory. 3. Of, pertainingto, or arisingfrom one'smenlal o. spiritual being. interfolate ,:erb To put or set into, between,or amonganotheror otler things. interpose aerb To put or set into, between,or amonganotheror other things. interpret oerb 1. To pelfgnn accordingto one'sartistic conception: How did she interpretthe role of Lady Macbeth? 2. To make understandable. 3. To understandin a particular way: We didn't krwu; hou to interprether remark. interpretation noun l. One'sartistic conceptionas shownby the rendering of a dramaticrole, musicalcomposition,etc.: o bizane intetpretationof Beethooen's"Appassionata" Sonata. 2. Somethingthat servesto explainor clarify. 3. Critical explanaUonor analysis.
v'tx uerb.
1. ennax naun. 2. enryexcr. Syns: fitful, occasional, periodic (aho periodical ), sporadic. v'tx oerb.
coMMoN adiectiae. ytr oerb. l. wNrn. 2. noursrrc. 3. rrtlrrn.
L. Syns: execute, play, render. 2. rxpr,arN. 3. Syns: construe, read, take.
1. Syns: execution, performance, reading, realization, rendition.
2. nxpr,aNerroN. 3. counanxrany.
523 interpretive adiectioe Servingto exPlain' interrelation rwun betweentwo or more A logical or natural association things. interr-elationshiP rwun betweentwo or more A logical or natural association things. interrogate oerb 1. To questionthorougttly*d relentlesslyto verify facti intemogatedthe captwed soldier. 2. To put a questionto (someone). interrogation noun A requestfor data. interrogator noun One who conductsan official itqtiry, usu. with no regardfor humanrights. interrogatory nurn Lau. A requestfor data. interruPt oerb 1, To interject remarksor questionsinto another's discoursb:Hecklersintemt'ptedthe speech. 2. To stop suddenly,asa conversation,activity, relationship,etc. interruPtion nutn A cessationof continuity or regularity. intersect oerb To passthroughor over. intertangle oerb To twist together so that separationis difficult. intervention noun The act or an instanceof interfering. intestine adiectioe 1. Of, pertainingto, or arisingfrom one'smental or spiritual being. 2. Obg Located farther in. intimacY rwun The conditionof b"tttg friends. intimater adiectine l. Characteizedby a closeand thorough acquaintance;hasan intimnte knowledgeof drug dealing. 2. Yery closelyassociated. 3. Indicating intimacy and mutual trust. intimate noun A personwhom one knows well, likes, and trusts. intimate adiectioe Of, pertainingto, or arisingfrom one'smental or spiritualbeing. intimate2 unlb To conveyan idea by indirect, subtle means. intimation rmu.n 1. A subtle pointing out. 2. A slight amount. intimidate oerb To domineeror drive into complianceby the useof threats,force, etc.:nwb membersintimidnting local merchants. intimidation noun An expressionof the intent to hurt or punishanother.
1. Syns: cross-examine, cross-interrogate, cross-question, grill (lnformal), thirddegree. -Idionx grve some_gnethe third degree, Put on the grill. 2. esr. INQUIRY. TNQUTSTTOR.
l. Syns: break in, chime in, chiP in, cut in. 2. suspsND.
1. rxNnn. 2. wNrn. FRIENDSHTP.
1. Syns; direct, firsthand, inside, personal.
2. r.rvrr-LtR adiectioe. 3. counpBNTrAL. FRIEND. INNER.
ratvr oerb. 1. ruNr rtoun. 2. srreor rraun. Syns; bludgeon, browbeat, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, cow, hector, strong-arm (Infornnl), threaten. THREAT.
intimidator intimidator rwun Onewhois habituallycruelto smalleror weaker people. intoferable adiec"tit:e
Not capable of being endured or tolerated.
intolerairce no.Ln
IrraUonal quspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion. "adiectioe intoferant l. Not tolerant of the beliefs, opinions, etc., of others: an intobrant ol"d-Ihw consensatioe. 2. Not able or willing to tolerate or endure with equanimityz intol.erunt of eoerything unfamilinr. InlOnatlOn noun A particular vocal quality that indicates some emotion or feelinq.
intoxicate" tnrb To makedrunk. intoxicating ad,iectioe Providing inspiratjon.
1. Syns; bigoted, close-minded, hidebound, illiberal, narrow, narrowminded, small-minded. 2. Syns: impatient, unforbearing.
intoxicati6n ranun l. The condition of being intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. - 2. An ex?ggerated feeling of well-being and pleasure.
intractabifi[ rwtrn . The -qqalityor stateof being stubbornlyunyielding. intractable adiectioe Tenaciouslyunwilline to vield. intransigen'ce or intrinsigency noun The or state of being stubbornly unyielding. qu"tity . fmranslgenGy raa,tn intransigent aQectbe l. Having or showinguncompromisingdetermination or resolutionin purposeor action. 2. Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. intrepid adiecthse Having or showingcourage. intrepidity noun the guality of mind enablingone to face dangeror hardshipresolutely. intricacy rwun Somethingcomplex. "adiecitoe intricate l. Difficult to understanddue to intricacy. 2. Complexlv detailed. ^ intrigue ,.un l. A secretplan to achievean evil or illegal end. 2. The seriesof eventsand relationshipsforming the basisof a composition. intrigue oerb l. To work out a secretplan to achievean evil or illegal end. 2. To arousethe interestand attentionof. intrinsic adiectioe l. Forming an essentialelement. 2. Of or arisingfrom the mostbasicstructureof an individual. introduce wrb l. To bring into currency,use,fashion,or practice: Autonwbil.esusereintroducedfor com.rnercialrce in the twmtieth cmtury.
1. OnUr\f
snn intransigence. l. cnru. 2. onsuxarn. BRAvEadiectiue. COURAGE.
1. coupr,nx adiectioe. 2. nr,esonern adiectioe. l. pr,or rmun. 2. pr,or rmun.
l. pror oerb. 2. rNrnnssr uerb. 1. eurr,r-rN. 2. coNsrrrurroNAl adiectioe.
1. Syns; inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, originate, usher in.
525 2. To make known sociallY. 3. To put or set into, between, or among another or oth6r things: introdnced sonw susyetwe into the nooel. 4. To put forward a topic for discussion. 5. To b"S" (something) with prelimr-nary-olPrefatory materiil: introiluced' the poan with a dedication' 6. To make known the presence or arrival of.
introduction nnun 1. A shortsectionof preliminaryremarks:erplainshis work methods in the introdaction. 2. The state of b"ttg allowed entry. adiecthse introductory 1. Serving to introduce a subjec-t' person, etc.: a feu introductory rentarks before the program. 2. Indicating the start of something. 3. Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business.
2. ecquerxt. 3. Syns; insert, interject, interlard, interpolate, interPose. 4. snoecH. 5. Syns; lead, precede, preface, usher in. 6. usnnn IN at usher. 1. Syns; foreword, overture, preamble, preface, prelude, prolegomenon, prologue. 2. eourssrow. 1. Syns; prefatory (also prefatorial), preliminary, preparatory, prolegomenous. 2. nncrrvNrNcadiectitse. 3. pnnr.rurNARY.
intromission rwun The state of being allowed entrY.
intromit oerb To serve as a means of entrance for.
intrude oerb
To force or come in as an improper or unwanted element: u)on't make the mistake of intruding mgself on Uoul guests.
Syns; butt in, cut in, horn in, interlope, obtrude.
An excessive,unwelcome burden.
intrusion nou,n
intrusive adiecth:e l. Given to intruding in other people's affairs. 2. Troubling to the mind or emotions.
intrust oerb intuit oerb To be intuitively aware of.
intuition rwrn 1. Intuitive cognition. 2. "I\e power to discern the true nature of a person or sifuation. a.diectioe intuitive Derived from or prompted by a natural tendency or impulse.
1. uroor-rnc adiectioe. 2. prsrunsrNc. sEEentrust. PERCEIVE.
1. rnrr.rNc. 2. rNsnNcr.
intuitiveness naun The power to discern the true nature of a person or situation.
inumbrate oerb To shelter, esp. from light.
sr^tpn oerb.
inundate oerb To flow over completely.
ruooo oerb.
inundation noun An abundant, usu. overwhelming fow. oerb inure To make familiar through constant practice or use. adiecthse inutile l. Having no useful purpose. 2. Lacking all worth and value. oerb invade To enter in order to attack, plunder, destroy, or conquer: The Nazis iru:aded Czechoslooakin. adiecth:e invalid Containing fundamental errors in reasoning.
1. usslnss. 2. wonrHr,rss. Syns,'foray (into), overrun, raid, swarm over. FALLACIOUS.
invalidate invalidate oerb . To.p.ut3n endto formallyandwith authority. invalidation noun An often formal act of putting an end to. invafuable adiectiae Of great value. invariable udiectir;e 1. Remaining continually unchanged. 2. Incapable of changing or being modified. . fnvaslOn noun An act of invading esp. by military forces: the Roman inaasion of Britain. invective rwun l. Harsh, often insulting language. 2. A profane or obscene term. invective adiectioe _ Of, relating to, or characterized by verbal abuse. inveigh terU To expressopposition by argument. inveigle oerb To beguile or draw into a wrong or foolish course of action.
2. rNrr-nxrpr,E. Syns; foray, incursion, inroad, raid.
l. vrrupEnATroN. 2. swnan noun. ABUSIVE. on1ncr2. TEMPT.
inveiglement nmun Something that attracts, esp. with the promise of pleasure or reward.
inveigler rwun One that seduces. invent oerb To use ingenuity in making developing, or achieving: c gang that inaented a renwte-control bomb. Gutenberg inaented mooable type. invented adiectiae Consisting or suggestive of fiction. invention ru)un 1. Something invented: The cotton gin u;as a oitally important inaentbn for the South's econornA. 2. The power or ability to invent: a dress designer of amazing irusention. 3. Any fictitious idea accepted as part of an ideology by * uncritical group; a received idea. inventive adiectioe l. Charactenzed by or productive of new things or new ideas: an im:entixe mind; inaentioe solutiorw to the erwrgy probbm. 2 . Showing marked departure from previous practice. 3 . Able to use the means at one's disposal to meet situations effecUvely.
Syns; concoct, contrive, cook up (Inforrurl), devise, dream up, fabricate, formulate, hatch, make up, think up. -Idiom come up with. FICTITIOUS.
l. Syns; brain child (Inlormttl), contrivance, device. 2. Syns: creativity, ingenuity, inventiveness, originality. 3. vvrH.
l. Syns; creative, ingenious, original. xnw adiectiae. RESOLTRCEFUL.
inventiveness nnun The power or ability to invent. inventor noun One that creates, founds, or originates. twtln inventory A supply stored or hidden for future use.
inveracity nuun An untrue declaration. inverse oerb To change to the opposite position, direction, or course.
ttEz noun.
inversion noun The act of changing or being changed from one posiUon, direction, or course to the opposite.
527 invert oerb
To change to the opposite position, direction, or course. adiectioe inverted Overturned comPletelY.
invest oerb
1. To present with a quality, trait' or power' 2. Rare. To Put clothes on. 3. To admitiormally into membership or office, as with ritual. 4. To cover completely and closely, as with clothing or bandages. 5. To suiound and cover completely so as to obscure' 6. Mil. To surround with hostile troops.
investigate oerb
1. To go into or through for the purpose of making disc-overiesor acquiring information. 2. To study closely or systematically'
investigation noun
1. A seeking of knowledge, data, or the truth about something. 2. The act or an instance of exploring or investigating' 3. A close or sYstematic studY.
nnvnnsn aerb.
L. crc'r oerb. 2. onnss aerb. 3. rurrrern oarb. 4. wnep up. 5. wttp oerb. 5. srsrccr. 1. rxpr-onn. 2. eNer,vzn. 1. rwqurnv. 2. nxpr-onerroN. 3. eNer-vsrs.
investigative adiectioe Eager to acquire knowledge.
investigator noun
A person whose work is investigating crimes or obiaining hidden evidence or information.
investiture noun
The act or process of formally admitting a person to membership or office. adiectioe inveterate 1. Firmly established by long standing. 2. Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitelY long time. 3. Subject to a diiase or habit for a long time. adiectine invidious 1. Damaging to the rePutation. 2. Obs. Resentfully or painfully desirous of another's advantages.
Obs. Resentful or painful desire for another's advantages' adiecthse invigorating Producing or stimulating physical, mental, or emotional vigor. adiecthse inviicible Incapable of 6eing conquered, or/errun, or subjugated: an inoirrciblefoe; an inoirrciblefortress. notnt inviolabilitY The quality or condition of being safe from assault, trespass,or violation. adiectioe inviolable Protected from violation or abuse by custom, law, or feelings of reverence. adiectioe invisible of being apprehended by the mind or the Hllr:O*
1. coNnrnurn. 2. corvrtvurNc. 3. cunorsrc. 1. r,rser-ous. 2. sNvrous.
invidiousness nuun
invitation rwun 1. A spoken or written request for someone to take part or be present: sent ant the uedd'i_ngirwitatiorw. 2. A tendency to cause or bring on: Recklessdrtoing is an inoitatian to disaster.
ToNrcadiectioe. Syns: impregnable,inconquerable, insuperable,unconquerable. SANCTITY.
1. Syn;bid. inducement. 2. Syns:encouragement,
invite invite oerb l. To request that someone take part in or be present ^ at a particular occasion: I*t's inuite thmt ti dirmer 2. To solicit-(danger) playfully and provocatively, often unwittingly.
1. Syns;ask,bid. 2. counr oerb.
inviting adldane Tending to seduce.
invocatd oerb Archab.To offera reverentpetiUonto Godor a god. invocation twun . Thgact of praying.
fnYOlCe rwun I precise list of fees or charges. invoice wrb To. present-a statement of fees or charges to. , lnvoke oerb To compel observance of. invofute adiectioe Dificult to understand due to intricacv. r involve rserb l. To draw in in such a way that extrication is difficult: a local skirmlsh that could inooh:e the maior pou)ers. 2. 3. 4. 5.
To have as a need or prerequisite. To be pertinent. To have as an integral part. To have as an accompaniment, condition, or cons€quence. 6. To get and hold the attention of. invofved adiectitv l. Dificult to understand due to intricacy. 2. Having concern.
involvemenl rnun 1. The condition of being entangled or implicated. 2. The act or fact of participating. inward adiectitse Of, pertaining to, or arising from one's mental or . qpiritual being. fOIa noun 1. A tinv amount. 2. The [east bit.
irascibility rwun - A tendency to become angry or irritable. irascible a"diectitse l. Easily annoyed. 2. . {flving or showing a bad temper. f faSGlDleneSS rwun - A tendency to become angry or irritable. irate adiectioe Feeling or showing anger. . lfaleness rwun A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility. ire nqun 1. Violent or unrestrained anger. 2. A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility. ire wrb To cause to feel or show anger. irefuf ad,iecthn Fe.eling or showing anger. . ffenlG od;iectioe Inclined or disposed to peace; not quarrelsome or unmly.
coMPLEx adiectioe. l. Syns; catch up, embrangle, embroil, enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entangle, implicate, suck in Qnfonnal). 2. orv.tuo oerb. 3. eppry. 4. cowra.rN oerb. 5. canny. 6. nNcecp. l. coupr,nx adiectirse. 2. coNcrnrvno. ENTANGLEMENT. PARTICIPATION,
1. srrl. 2. oa-uN rwun. TEMPER |U)UN.
l. r'uny. 2. eNcrn nuun. aNcrn trerb. ANCRY. PEACEABLE,
529 irk oerb To trouble the nervesor peaceof mind of, repeatedvexations. irksome adiectioe 1. Arousingno interestor curiosity. 2. Troubling the nervesor peaceof mind, asby repeatedvexations. iron oerb To smoothby applyingheat and pressure. iron ad;iectioe
1. sonNc. 2. vnxarrous.
pnnss oarb.
Firmly, often unreasonably immovable in purpose or will. ad,iecthse ironbound
Having a coarse,irregular surface. ironcfad adiectioe Incapableof changingor being modffied. ironic dso ironical adiectioe Marked by or displayingcontemptuousmockeryof the motivesor virtues of others. irons twun Somethingthat physicallyconfinesthe legsor arms. irradiant adiectioe Giving off or reflecting light readily or in large amounts. irradiate oerb To sendout heat, light, or energy. irradicable adiecthse Firmly establishedby long standing. irrational ad'iectioe 1. Lacking rationaldirecUonor purpose. 2. Not governedby or predicatedon reason. irrationality noun The absenceof reason. irrealizable adiectioe Not capableof happeningor being done. irrefutable adiectirse Establishedbeyonda doubt. irregufar adiectioe Not straight,uniform, or symmetrical:an inegulnr coastlirw; inegulnr teeth. irregularity rwun Lack of smoothness or regularity:the inegularity of the tenain. irrelevancy noun An instanceof digressing. irrelevant adiecthse Not relevantor pertinent to the subject;not applicable:tells tn about the weather,which is ineleoant to the qu.estionwe asked. irremediable ad,iectioe Offering no hope or expectationof improvement. irreparable adiectirse Ofiering no hope or expectationof improvement. irreprehensible a.diectiae Beyondreproach. irreproachable adiectiae Beyondreproach. irresolute adiectitse Given to or exhibitinghesitation. irresolution rwun The act or an instanceof hesitating. irresponsible a.diectitse Lacking or showinga lack of a senseof responsibility: inesporwibleactiorw.
Syns: asymmetric (aho asymmetrical ), crooked, jagged, uneven. Syns; asymmetry, crookedness, inequality, jaggedness,roughness, unevenness. DTGRESSION.
Syns; extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable. -Idioms beside the point, neither here nor there, off target. HOPELESS. HOPELESS. EXEMPLARY. EXEMPLARY. HESITANT. HESITATION.
Syns; feckless, incautious, reckless.
rrreverence irreverence noun - Lack of proper respect. irreverenl adiectiw Having-or showing a lack of respect. -
irreverslble adieittoe
That cannot be revoked or undone. irrevocable adiectioe That cannot be revoked or undone: My dzcision is ineoocable. irritabfe adiectiae l. Easily annoyed: Hot, sticky weather ahoays mnkes me iffitnbb. 2 Having or showing a bad temper. . f ffftant nuun Something that annoys.
irritate t:Zrb l. To cause to become sore or inflamed: Smoke initates mV e4es. 2, To trouble tJre nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated vexations. irritati-ng adiecthse Troubling the nerves or peace of mind, as by repeated vexations.
Syns: irreversible, unalterable. -Idirnn beyond recall. l. Syns: fretful, peevish, petulant, prickish, querulent, querulous, snappish, snappy, waspish. -Idiorn outof sorts. 2. nr-rnupERED. ANNOYANCE.
1. Syns; burn, inflame, sting. 2. eNxov.
irritation lwun 1. An instance of irritating, as of a part of the body: Aspirin sometimes causes stonwch initatian. 2. Something that annoys. 3. The feeling of being annoyed. fscariotic or lScarioticial id,iectioe 1. Characterized by duplicity. 2. Involving or constituting treason.
isochronalalsoisochronid,isochronous adiectiae at regularintervals. . H?pp"ryngorappearing
fSOGnfOnlC adiectiae
isochronous adiectioe isolate vrb l. To set apart from a group: trying to isolnte a saspected carcfuwgen. 2, To enclose so as to hinder or prohibit escape. isolate adiectioe Set away from all others. isolated adiectitse 1. Set away from all others. 2. Far from centers of human population. 3. Confined to a particular location or site.
l. Syns: infammation, soreness. 2. aNlroyaNcn. 3. eNNovlNcn. DouBLE adiectioe. TREASONOUS. RECURRENT.
see isochronal. snB isochronal. L. Syns: close off, cut off, insulate, seclude, segregate, separate, sequester. 2. ntrpntsoN. SOLITARY,
l. sor.rrany. 2. nsvorn. 3, rocer, adiectioe.
isofation rwun l. The act or process of isolating: the isolntion of arnter pati.ents. 2. T\e quality or state of being alone. issue oerb l. To pilss or pour out into. 2. To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usu. suddenly and violently. 3. To come into view. 4. To present for circulation, exhibit, or sale. 5. To have as a sorrce. 6. To have hereditary derivation. issue rwrtrr 1. Something brought about by a cause. 2. A situation that presents difRculty, uncertainty, or perylexity.
l. Syns; segegation, separation, sequestration. 2. nr-oxnrvpss. l. orscnancn aerb. 2. rurt. 3. 4. 5. 5.
.lppnAR. punr-rsn. srrv' aerb. npscnuo.
l. rrrBcr noun. 2. pnoslnN{.
531 3. The act or process of publishing printed matter' 4. A goup consisting of those descended directly from the same parents or ancestors.
3. pusl-rcerroN. 4. pnocnvv.
italicize oerb To accord emphasis to. wun itch 1. A strong wish for what promises enjoyment or pleasure. 2. Sexual hunger. itch for oerb To have a greedy, obsessivedesire.
itch for oerb item rwun l. A usu. brief detail of news or information: The momingpaper has an item about their dhsorce. 2. A small, often specialized element of a whole. 3. An individually considered portion of a whole. 4. Something having material existence. item adnerb In addition.
1. opsrnn naun. 2. pssrnn rwun. rvsr oerb. spn itch. l. Syns; bit, paragaph, piece, squib,
story. 2. oErerr. twun. 3. nr.nunNr. 4. onyrcrr. ADDITIONALLY.
itemize oerb To name or specify one by one' ad,iectit:e itemized Characterized by attention to detail.
iterate oerb To state again.
iteration rwun The act or process of rePeating' adiectioe iterative Characterized by repetition. adiectioe itinerant 1. Traveling about, esp. in search of adventure. 2. Leading the life of a person without a fixed domicile; moving from place to place. 3. Moving from one area to another in search of work. adiectioe ivory Of a moderately white color. adiectioe ivory-tower Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters.
1. rnnewr. 2. wolvreorc. 3. urcneNr adiectioe. rxn adiectine.
ivory-towered adiectirse Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters.
ivory-towerish adiectioe Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters.
iab oerb To thrust againstor into. iab twu,n
1. An act of thrusting into or against, as to attract attention. 2. A flippant -ierb or sarcastic remark.
otc oerb. 1. orc rtoun. 2. cnecx rwun.
1. To talk rapidly, incoherently, or indistinctly. 2. To talk volubly, persistently, and usu. inconsequentially.
L. r,aBu-n oerb. 2. cnarrrn oerb.
jabberwock jabber twun l. Unintelligible or foolish talk. 2, Incessant and usu. inconsequential talk.
jabberwock noun jabberwockyalsojabberwock rwun
Wordy, unclear jargon. Unintelligible or foolish talk. rwun Fabric used esp. as a symbol. Slnng. Something as coins, printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange. 3. Infonnal. A person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. iack oerb To increasein amount. jackass naun One deficient in judgment and good sense. jacket noun The skin of an animal. jackleg adiectiae Infomal. Lacking the required professional skill. jack-tar twun lnformaL A person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. jade rwun A vulgar, promiscuous woman who flouts propriety. . tag noun Slnng. A period of uncontrolled self-indulgence. jagged adiectir;e 1. Having a coarse, irregular surface. 2. Not straight, uniform, or symmetrical. jaggedness nuun Lack of smoothnessor regularity. 'iaif nuun A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention: usassent to iail for l. 2. jack l. 2.
iail aerb To put in jail: u:ill iail the ruspectfor attempted robberu. jaifer alsojailor noun A guard or keeperof a prison: a iailer in the state penitentinry. jaifor twun jam oerb or squeezingtightly. l. To fill to excessby compressing 2. To congregatecloselyaroundor against. iam rraun situation. Informal A difficult, embarrassing jam-fuf l adiectiae Completelyfilled. jammed adiectioe Completelyfilled. iam-pack wrb Inforrnal,To fill to excessby compressingor squeezing tightly.
1. sABnLEnoun. 2. cn,lrrnr nDun. sen jabberwocky. 1. ctrsEnrsH. 2. r'lBsrn rwun. 1. rr.acl noun,
3. serr,on.
nxsn oerb, FOOL nOUn, utnE2
;^::""" 2. rnnncur,en. IRREGULARITY,
Syns: brig, calaboose(Skmg), can (Slorg), clink (S/ang), cooler (Slnng), coop (Slnng), gaol (Chiefly Brit.), hoosegow (Slnng),joint (Slang), jug (Slang), keep, Iockup (lnforrnal), pen3 (Slang), penitentiary, pokeyr (Slang), prisonr, slammer (Slang), stir2 (Slang). -Idiorns big house (also Big House), house of correction (or detention), rock pile. Syns; confine, immure, imprison, incarcerate, intern, lock up. Syns: gaoler (Chiefly Brit.), turnkey, warden, warder (Brit.). -Idicnn Ttre Man. snn jailer. l. cxowo aerb. 2. cnowo uerb.
'"^)*' *rr.
533 jam-packed adiecthse CompletelYfilled. . Informal Fpe nau,n Words or actionsintendedto excitelaughteror amusernent. iar oerb To fail to be in accord. iar noun Violent, forcible contactbetweentwo or more things. jargon rwtnt indigenousto a particular l. Specializedexpressions field, subject,trade, or subculture. 2, An often regionalform of a languagenot considered standard. jarring ail;iectioe Disagreeableto the senseof hearing. jaundice aerb To causeto have a prejudicedview. jaunt noun A setting out or venturing forth. jaunty adiecthse Displalng light-hearted nonchalance. Javert noun A personwhosework is investigatingcrimesor ob,taininghidden evidenceor information. iaw oerb Slang.To talk volubly, persistently,and usu. inconsequentially. jeafous adiectioe 1. Fearful of the lossof positionor a.ffection:a iealous hwband,. 2. Resentfrrllyor painfully desirousof another's advantages. jeafousy rwun Resentf,ulor painful desirefor another'sadvantages. jeer at oerb To makefun of. jejune adiectioe Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritednessand orieinality. 'rwun jejun-ity The stateor quality of being insipid. iell oerb To changeor be changedfrom a liquid into a soft, semisolid,or solid mass. jeopard oerb To subjectto dangeror destrucUon. jeopardize oerb To subjectto dangeror destruction. jeopardous adiectitse Involving possiblerisk, loss,or injury. jeopardy noun Exposureto possibleharm, loss,or injury. jeopardy oerb To subjectto dangeror destruction. jeremiad nuun A long, violent, or blusteringspeech,usu.of censureor denuneiation. ierk oerb 1. To move or causeto move with a sudden,abrupt motion: ierked the uindow open. His head ierked foruard onto his chest.
COr.rrr-rCr Defb. COLLISION. 1. r-,rNcuecn. 2. prer-rct.
c:e^xrcnn oerb.
1. Syns; clutching, possessive. 2. srwrous.
ntotcut-E oerb. INSIPID.
1. Syns; lurch, snap,tug twitch, wrench, ya"k grdonnal).
jerky ?. T, proceed with zudden, abrupt movements. jerk lwun l. A sudden pull: opened the dnor with a ierk. S^P"g.One deficient in judgment and good sense. ?. . 3.. Slang. An unpleasant, tiresome person. jerky a"diectitse . S!""S.So senselessas to be laughable. jest aerb l. To make jokes; behave playfully. 2. To tease or mock good-irumoredly. jest noun l. Words or actions intended to excite laughter or amusement. 2.. An object of amusement or laughter. . nuun Fsfef A person whose words or actions provoke or are intended to provoke arnusementor laughter. . jesting adiectit;e Intended to excite laughter or amusement. adiectioe iett Of the darkest achromatic visual value. twun iet' A sudden, swift stream of ejected liquid. iet oerb T-o-eje_ct or be ejected in a sudden, swift stream. jet-bfack adiectioe Of the darkest achromatic visual value. jettison rwttn The. act of getting rid of something uselessor used up. jettison oerb To let go or get rid of as being no longer of use, value, etc. adiectiae ietty Of the darkest achromatic visual value. oerb iibe ..-Infomal To be compatible or in correspondence. noun ifif jiffy also jitf noun ..InfomnL A very brief time. ,fg naun Slnng. An indirect, usu. cunning means of gaining an end. jigger tnrun A small, specializedmechanical device. jiggle uerb To cause to move to and fro with short, ierky movements. jillion rwun .. Infomal An indeterminately geat amount or number. noun ,fmJams .. Slnng. A state of nervous restlessnessor agitaUon. rwun lf mmles '.. Slang. A state of nervous restlessnessor agitation. f f nX rurun lnfonrnl. Something or someone believed to bring bad luck: His tearnmates consifured him a iinx. jitters n{xtn lnfornwl. A state of nervous restlessnessor agitation: got the iitters at the thought of going to the il"entist.
534 2. suv.p oerb. 1. Syns; lurch, snap, fug, twitch, wrench, yar* Qnformal). 2. roor, noun. 3. onrp noun. FOOLISH.
l. prn aerb. 2. pxn aerb. 1.1oxr noun. 2. pxn naun. JOKER.
srrtxn aerb.
Syns; curse, hex, hoodoo. Syns: all-overs (Chiefly Regionnl), fidgets, heebie-jeebies(S/cng), jim-jams (SI*rg), jimmies (Slnng), jumps (Informal), shakes, shivers,tremble(s), whim-whams (also wim-wams), willies (Slang).
jittery adiectitse EDGY. lnformal. Feelingor exhibitingnervoustension' jive aerb yor,n oerb. Slnng.To teaseor mock good-humoredly. noun iob 1. suslNEss. l. Activity pursuedas a livelihood. 2. posrrroN twun. 2. A post of emPloYment. 3. rurgcrroN noun. 3. Th; proper activrty of a personor thin-g. 4. resx noun. 4. A piecebf work that hasbeen assigned. 5. resr rwu,rr. undertaking. or tedious 5. A difficult jobholder noun EMPLOYEE. One who is emploYedbY another. jobhofding adiectioe EMPLOYED. Havinga job. jobless ad:iectioe WORKLESS. Out of work. jockey aerb vreNsuvgn oerb. To take clever or cunningstepsto achieveone'sgoals. jocular adiectioe HUMOROUS. Intended to excite laughteror amusement. jocularity noun GAIETY. A stateof joyful exuberance. jocund ad;iectirse cnx adiectioe. Characterizedby joyful exuberance. jocundity rwun GAIETY. A stateof joyful exuberance. oerb iog l. orc oerb. l. To thrust againstor into. 2. rnor oerb. 2. To move with a steady,easygait fasterthan a walk but slowerthan a run. jog twun TROTnOUn. A person'ssteady,easygait that is fasterthan a walk but slowerthan a run. ioggle oerb To causeto move to and fro with short,jerky movements. stttxs oerb. ioin oerb l. Syns: enlist (in), enroll (in), enter, 1. To becomea member af: uants to ioin the tennis muster (it), r€. up (or on). club. 2. cour,tNg oerb. 2. To bring or come togetherinto a united whole. 3. essocmrr oerb. 3. To unite or be united in a relationship. 4. loJorx. 4. Informal. To be contiguousor next to. joined adiectitse ADJOINING. . lnfonnaL sharing a commonboundary. naun nlng fof A point or positionat which two or more things are JOINT ftoun. ioined. ioint r.uun 1. Syns; connection, coupling joining 1. A point or positionat which two or more thingsare junction, juncture, seiun, union. joined: a gas leak at the ioint in the pipe. 2. Slang.A disreputableor run-downbar or restaurant: 2. Syns: dive (Slnng),honky-tonk(Skng). a cheap,sleazyioint. 3. 1err,rwun. 3. Slang.A place for the confinementof personsin lawful detention. joint ad:iectioe coMMoN adiectioe. Belongingto, sharedby, or applicableto all alike. jointly atuserb TocETHER adnerb. In, into, or asa singlebody. ioke noun 1. Syns;fu*y (Informal), gag(Infornwl), l. Words or actionsintendedto excitelaughteror ha-ha(Slnng),jape, jest, quip, €unusement: openedthe speechuith a ioke. witticism. 2. pnelrx. 2. A mischievousact.
joker 3. An object_ofamusementor lauglrter: The ernployees cottsidcrtlpir itept bossa ioke.4. Slary. So_mething or someoneuproariouslyfunny or absurd. joke Deft l. To makejokes; behaveplayfully: iokt"g with hi"s frfen^. 2. To teaseor mock good-humoredly:iotcedhim abot^rt his shynessuith $ils. joker noun A persol whosewords or actionsprovoke or are intendedto -provokeamusementoi laughter: His u.ncle is quite a ioker. jokester noun A personwhosewords or actionsprovoke or are . .intendedto provoke amusementor lauglrter. joffity noun l. Joyful,exuberantactivity. 2. A stateof iovful exuberance. jofly adieah:i' Characterizedby joyful exuberance. ioft oerb 1. To proceedwith zudden,abrupt movements. 2. To causeto experiencea zudden,momentaryshock. jolt twun l. Somethingthat jars the mind or emotions. 2. Violent forcible contactbetweentwo or more things. jofting adiectioe Causingmomentaryshock. josh wrb To teaseor mock good-humoredly. iot rwun l. A tiny amount. 2.\\e leastbit. journey wrb l. To make or go on a journey: ioumeyingto Spain; immeyed thrwgh the mu"tntairx. 2. To move alonga particular course. joust rwun Any competition or test of opposingwills likened to the qport in which k"ightr fought with lances. joviaf adieaiw Characterizedby joyflrl exuberance. joviafity rwun A stateof joyful exuberance. jovialness rvrun . A state of joyful exuberance. ,Oy troun l. A condition of zupremewell-beingand good qpirits. 2. A feelingof extremegratificationarousedby somethinggood or desired. ioy wrb l. Arclwb. To give great or keen pleasureto. 2. To feel or take joy or pleasure. joyful adiec-titx l. Providingjoy and pleasure. 2. Marked by festalcelebration.
536 3. Syns; butF, jest, laughingstock, mockery. 4. scnreu rwun.
l. Syns: clown (around) (lnfomat), tool _ @rround)Qnfonnal), fun, jest. 2. Syns: banter, chaff, fun, jest, jive (Slnng), josh, kid (Infonnal), iag (Sl*rg), razz (Slang), nb (Slang). ride (Inforrnal). Syns; card (Infonrutl), clown, comedian, comic, cutup (Infomal), farceur (a/so farcer), humorist, jester, jokester, wagz, wit, zany. JOKER.
1. cernry. 2. cnmry. c*
l. nvup aerb. 2. srtnrt-n oerb. l. snocx nuun. 2. cor-r-rsrox.
1OrS,oerb. 1. nrl. 2. oeMlr rwun. 1. Syns; pass, peregrinate, travel, trek, trip (Rare). -Idiom hit the road. 2. co aerb. TTLT TWUN.
1. rupprwnss. 2. onr-rcnr nnu,n.
l. onrrcllt oerb. 2. nn;orcr. 1. cr.eo. 2. nmnny.
jumble 537 joyless adiectioe Tending to cause sadnessor low spirits' joyous a.d;iectitse 1. Providing joY and Pleasure. 2. Marked bY festal celebration' rwun iubilance ' The act or condition of feeling an uplifting joy over a successor victorY. adiectioe iubilant Feeling or expressing an uplifting joy over a successor victory. iubilate! oerb To feel or exPressan uplifting joy over a successor victory. jubilation twun The act or condition of feeling an uplifting joy over a successor victory. rwltn Judas One who betraYs. judge oerb ' make a decision about (a controversy, dispute, flfo etc.) after deliberaUon, as in a court of law: The iury iudged the merits of the case. 2. To draw a conclusion from evidence or reasoning' 3. To make a judgment as to the worth or value of' iudge rwun i. e public official who decides casesbrought before a of law in order to administer jusUce: a iudge "o,rtt tn the aryellate cornt. 2. A person, ,tsu. appointed, who decides the issuesor .eiuJts, or supervises the conduct, of a competition or confict i iudge in the sknting champioruhips' 3. A person who ev-aluatesand reports on the worth of something.
judgment rwun 1. fhe ability to make sensible decisions. 2. A position arrived at by reasoning from premises or general PrinciPles. 3. ihe actbr teJt It of ludging the worth or value of something or someone. 4. An authoritative or official decision, esp. one made by a court. 5. A judicial decision, esP. one setting the punishment to be inflicted on a convicted person. judgmental adiectioe Based on individual judgment or discretion. judicious ad.iectiae Possessing,proceeding from, or exhibiting good judgment and prudence. . -f Ug nou'n Sto"g. A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention. 'noun iuiu A small object worn or kept for its supposed magical power. jumble oerb 1. To put out of proPer order' 2. To put into total disorder. 3. To mix together so as to change the order of arrangement. jumble nDun 1' A lack of order or regular arrangement.
1. cr.,Lo. 2. Msnnv. EXULTATION.
1. Syns; adjudge, adjudicate, arbitrate, decide, decree, determine, referee, n-rle, umpire.
2 . INFER. 3. esrruern
l. Syns; justice, magistrate.
2. Syns: arbiter, arbitrator, tef (Slong), referee, ump (Slang), umPire. 3. cnrrrc.
1. cotvrvor.{sENsE. 2. oroucrroN. 3. nsrruerg narn, 4. nur.tlc noun, 5. srNrsNcE twun.
IAIL fmun.
1. orsonpnn oerb. 2. coNrusp. 3. snurrr.B.
l. orsonpBRnoun.
iumbled 2. A collection of various things. jumbfed adiectirse Characterized by physical confusion. jumbo noun One that is extraordinarily large and powerful. jumbo adiectioe Of extraordinary size and power. aerb iump l. To move off the gound by a muscular effort of the legs and feel: iumped three feet into the air. 2. To move suddenly and involuntarily: ahrays iumps uhen the telephorc rings. 3. To increase in amount. 4. To raise in rank. 5. To catapult oneself from a disabled aircraft. iump rwun l. The act of jumping: gaDea iump for ioy. 2. A sudden lively movement. 3. A sudden and involuntary movement: woke up with a iunp. 4. A progression upward in rank. 5. A dominating position, as in a conflict. 6. The act of increasing or rising. 7. The amount by which something is increased.
jumps nxun
lnformal. A state of nervous restlessnessor agitation. adiectilse iumpy Feeling or exhibiting nervous tension. junction twun l. Tlre act or fact of coming together: St. Louis is rwar the iunction of the Mississiypi and Missouri rioers. 2. A point or position at which two or more things are joined.
538 2. essonrMsxr. CONFUSED. GIANT TWUN,
crANTadiectioe. 1. Syns; hurdle, leap, spring, vault2 2. Syns: bolt, start, startle.
3 . nxsn xerb. 4. PROMOTE. 5. EJECT. l . Syns: hudle, leap, spring, vault2. 2 . BOUNCE TWUN, 3 . Syns: bolt, start, startle. 4. aoveNcEMENT.
5. a.ovex-rAcErwun. 6. lwcnnasg rtoun. 7. ncnnasu rx)un. JITTERS. EDGY.
1. Syns.' concourse, concursion, confluence, convergence, gathering, meeting. 2. loINr rwun.
juncture nuun 1. A decisive point. 2. A particular interval of time that is limited and often crucial. 3. A point or position at which two or more things are joined.
l. cnrsrs. 2. rlsrexr rwun. 3. yoINr rwun.
jungle nuun Something that is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. . ,UnlOf rroun One belonging to a lower classor rank.
To let go or get rid of as being no longer of use, value, etc. junket rrcrun l. A setting out or venturing forth. 2. A large meal elaborately prepared or served.
The right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge. ius ltuun Latin, The formal product of a legislative or judicial body. just ad.iectioe l. Consistent with prevailing or accepted standards or circumstances: Many belieoe tlnt execution is neDer a iwt punishment. 2. Free from bias in judgment.
junk oerb
1. rnrp naun. 2. rnesr.
jurisdiction twun
LA!l4/ nOUn.
1. Syns; appropriate, deserved, due, merited, right, rightful, suitable. 2. r.c.rnadiectioe.
539 3. Based on good judgment, reasoning, or evidence. just adaerb 1. Only a moment ago iust usalked in. 2. By a very little; almost not. 3. Nothing more than. 4. In the same manner. 5. Without exception; in its entirety.
justice nou,n
1. The state, action, or principle of treating all persons equally in accordance with the law: Iwti.ce preaailed at the trial. 2. The quality or state of being just and unbiased. 3. A public official who decides casesbrought before a court of law in order to administer justice. justifiable adiectioe Capable of being justified: a iwti,fiable reaction.
3. sour.rD. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Syns; newly, recently. nenBr-v. rvmnrr-v. nvnwr adnerb. punrr-v.
1. Syns; equitableness, equity. -ldiorn due process. 2. rernNess. 3. ;uocn nuttn.
Syns; defensible, excusable, tenable.
justification noun
1. A statement that justifies or defends past actions, policies, etc. 2. A justifying fact or consideration. 3. That which provides a reason or justification. 4. A statement of causesor motives.
justify oerb
1. To showto be just, right, or valid: He lamelg tried to iwffi his mistakencond,uct. 2. To presentevidencein supportof. 3. To be a proper or sufficientoccasionfor. 4. To assurethe certainty or validity of. 5. To supportagainstarguments,attack, or criticism. 6. To offer reasonsfor or a causeof. justfy adtserb In a just way. justness rwun The quality or stateof being just and unbiased. iut oerb l. To curve outward past the normal or usuallimit. 2. To incline downward or over. iut rwun . A part that protrudesor extendsoutward. fUVeneSCenCetwun The time of life between childhood and maturity. juvenife ad;iectioe 1. Of or characteristicof a child, immaturity. 2. Being in an early period of growth or development. juvenile nuun . A yglpg personbetweenbirth and puberty. fuvenlllty noun 1. The time of life betweenchildhoodand maturiry. 2. Youngpeoplecollectively. juxtapose oerb To be conUguousor next to. juxtapose d " adiectit:e Sharinga commonboundary.
1. epor,ocv. 2. sesrs. 3. causn noun. 4. eccouxr noun. l. Syns; excuse, explain away, rationalize, vindicate. -Idiom make a case for. 2. s.^cx oerb. 3. cer-r-ron at call. 4. corwrnu. 5. onmvo. 5. eccouxr ron at account. FAIRLY. FAIRNESS.
l. r;vrcn oerb. 2. l1^/,ltcoerb. BULGE TWUN, YOUTH.
1. cnrr.orsn. 2. vour.rc adiecthse.
1. vourrr. 2. vouNc twun. aDJOrN. ADJOINING.
kaput adiectiae S4"S.No longer effective, capable, or valuable. keel over aeib _ To -su-ffertemporary loss of consciousness. keenr adiectiae 1. Mentally quick and original. 2. Possessingor displayrng perceptions of great accuracy and sensitivity. 3. Having a fine edge, as for cutting. 4. Intensely desirousor interested. 5. Showing or having enthusiasm. 6. Slang. Particularly excellent. keen2 terb To make inarticulate sounds of grief or pain, usu. accompanied by tears.
THRoucH adiectiae. BLACK OUT. l. clnvpn. 2. ecurn. 3. 4. 5. 5.
sHenp adiectit;e. necnn. nr.mrrustAsrlc. vanvnr-ous
cny aerb.
keenness noun 1. Skill in perceiving, discriminating, or judging. 2. A cutting quality. keep aerb l. To persevere in some condition, action, or belief: keep quiet; kqt a busy schedule. 2. To mark (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing. 3. To act in conformity with. 4. To control, restrict, or arrest. 5. To hold oneself back. 6. To have and maintain in one's possession. 7. To reserve for the future. 8. To have or put in a customary place: keeps the pots in the kitchen. 9. To supply with the necessitiesof life. 10.To have for sale. 1 1 .To remain fresh and unspoiled: The souffii raon't
1 . DISCERNMENT. 2 . E'DGF' NOUN. 1. Syns: maintain, retain, stay with. 2. crr,renern. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
ror.r,ow. nnsrnew. nprnerN. noro xerb. sevn. Syns; stash, store.
9. supponr oarb. 10. cennv. 11. Syns; Iast2,stayl.
k""p. keepback oerb 1. To have and maintain in one's possession. 2. To control, restrict, or arrest. keep off oerb To turn or drive away. keep on oerb To continue without hdting. keep out oerb To keep from being admitted,included, or considered.
keep up oerb To keep in a conditionof good repair, efficiency, or
l. soro aerb. 2. nrsrnarN. PARRY.
1. The means needed to support life. 2. A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention. keep back oerb noun keeper A person who is legally responsible for the person or
1 . LIVINC ft{/Un. 2 . IAIL rwun. snr keep. GUARDIAN.
541 properly of another consideredby law to be irr"o.p"tent to managehis affairs' keepinj rwun T[re funcUonof watching, guarding or overseeing' keep off oerb keep on oerb keep out oerb keepsake nmrn Somethingthat causesone to remember' keep uP oerb ken rwm The extent of one'spercepUon,understanding, knowledge,or visiori: Thi vPealeetwent intn technical iletolls biyord the km of the aud,ience. ken oerb !. Archaic.To apprehend(images)b-y"se of the eyes' 2. Scot.To perceive and recognizethe meaningot' kernel nnun ovule capableof germinating' 1. A fertilized plant -further gowth and development' 2. A sourceof 3. The most central and material part' key nuun A meansor method of entering into or achieving somethingdesired. key adiectun 1. Dominantin importanceor influence. 2. Most important, influential, or significant' kibitzer twun Inforrnal. A person $ven to intruding in other people's affairs. kick oerb L. Slnrry,To cut short; discontinue. 2. Infoinal. To expressnegativefeelings,esp. of dissatisfactionor resentment. by argument. 3. lnfonrwl. To express.opposition kick around oerb Infonnal. To speaktogether and exchangeideasand opinionsabout. kick in oerb To give in commonwith others. L, Sl,ang. 2. Slang.To ceqseliting. kick out oerb Slang,To put out bY force. kick noun L. Slang.A temporaryconcentrationof interest:IIa's mt a scierrce'fw$onlclc'k. 2. Stnng.A stimulating or intoxicating effect: quite a kick in tlwt mafttni. 3. Slang.A strong pleasantfeeling of excitementor stimulaUon' 4, lnfonnal. A circumstanceregardedas a causefor protestor comPlaint 5. i clever, une*llectednew trick or method. 'llhe act of expressingstrongor reasoned 6.Inforrnal. opposition. kick around oerb kicker rwun L.lnformal. A personwho habituallycomplainsor grumbles. 2. A clever, unexpectednew trick or method. kick in oerb kickotf noun
snn keep. snn keep. snn keep. REMEMBNANCE.
snr keep. Syns:horizon, purview, range,reach, scoPe. l. srs. 2. uxopnste,xp. 1. sBrn noun. 2. crnu. 3. nrenr. TICKET
1. prvorer-. 2, pnuuenv. MEDDLER.
L sawrK oerb. 2. cotrlpr-ew. 3, onJnct2. DISCUSS.
1. coNrnrsurn. 2. pm. EIEC"r. l. Syns; binge (Slang), thing (S/ang), trip
(skng). 2. Synt, punch (Infornal)' sting (Infomwl), wallop. 3. nrnrr,r, rwn. 4. cnrnveNcn. 5. wmrtxr,p2. 6. on;ncnoN. snekick, 1. cnoucH twun. 2. wnrrrrn2. sEEkick. sre kick off.
kick off kick off
542 wrb
l. Slang. To cease living. 2. Infomtal. To go about the initial step in doing (something). kickoff ntnln Infomal. The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence.
kick o[t wrb kickshaws n{run kid rwun Infonrnl. A young personbetween birth and puberty. kid wrb . .InfomaL To teaseor mock good-humoredly. kidnap perb To seizeand detain (a person)unlawfully: Tenorists kihupped the kidney noun . -4 p"t*n's customarymannerof emotionalresponse. kill oerb l. To causethe death of: Famine kill"edthousands.
2, To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully. 3, Slang. To decide not to go ahead with (somethi.g previously arranged). kif fei rutun One who murders another. kiff ing notur The crime of murdering someone. kif f ing adiecthse l. Slang, Arousing laughter. 2. Infnnnl. Extremely funny.
kifter nmun A stateof soundreadiness. kin rwun l. One'srelativescollectively: His kin thmght he usas deod. 2. A personconnectedto anotherpersonby blood. kindr adiecth>e Havingor showinga tender, considerate,and helping nalnre: a kind person;a khd gesture. kind2 naun A classthat is definedby the commonattribute or attributespossessed by all its members:the kind of Woplp who dressfor dinner; fooers of eoery kind. kindhearted adiecthse Having or showinga tender, considerate,and helping nafure. kindle oerb l- To causeto burn or undergocombustion. 2. To arousethe emotionsof; make ardent. 3. To induce or elicit (a reactionor emotion). 4. To stir to action or feeling. kindliness rwun Kindly, charitable interest in others. kindfy adiectbe Havingor showinga tender, considerate,and helping nafure.
l . nm. 2. srzsr oerb.
srn kick. sBr kickshaw. CHILD.
1or,noerb. Syns:abduct,carry off, snatch(Slnng), spirit away. DISPOSITION.
t. Syns: carry off, cut off, destroy, dispatch, do in (Inlormal), finish, finish ofr (Informal), slay, zap (Slang). -Idionw lay low, put an end to, put to sleep. 2. vrvnonn oerb. 3. cel+csr..
1. evusnvc. 2. pnrcrr,rss. TRTI.{ NOUN.
1. Syns; kindred, kinsfolk (also kinfolk). 2. nnr,errvn rwun.
Syns: benign, benignant, good-hearted, kindhearted, kindly. Syns: breed, cast, cut, description, feather, ilk, lot, manner, mold, nature, order, persuasion,sort, species,starnp, stripe, type, variety. KINDI.
l. 2. 3. 4.
rtcwrr oerb. stnc, oerb, enousn. pnovoxr.
543 kindness nurn 1. The quahty or state of being kndz irnpossible to repau their kindness. 2. A kindly act. 3. A charitable deed. rwun kindred l. A group of people sharing common ancestry. 2. One's relatives collectively. kindred ad;iectiae Connected by or as if by kinship or common origin. ad;iectioe kinetic Possessing,exerting or displaying energ/. rwun kinfolk rwun kinsfolk also kinfolk One's relatives collectively.
l. Syn: benignity (a/so benignancy). 2. revon noun. 3. srNrnvoLENCE. 1. neurr-v. 2. xtN. RELATED. ENERGETIC.
ssr kinsfolk. XIN.
kinsman nou,n A person connected to another person by blood.
kinswoman rwun A person connected to another person by blood.
kismet rwun That which is inevitably destined.
kiss oerb 1. To touch or caress with the lips, esp. as a sign of passion or affection: I kissed her good-bye. 2. To make light and momentary contact with, as in
1. Syns; buss, osculate, peck2, smackl, smooch. 2. snvsu oerb.
Passing. kiss off oerb Slnng. To rid one's mind of. kiss rwun The act or an instance of kissing: gu)e me a /ciss.
nolrn kisser Slnng. The front surface of the head.
kiss off oerb klutz noun anddull-wittedperson. Sl*rg.A large,ungainly, kfutzy adiectirse Slnng. Lacking dexterity and grace in physical movement. noun knack 1. Natural or acquired facility in a specific activity. 2. An innate capability. 3. A skill in doing or performing that is attained by sfudy, practice, or observation. 4. The proper method for doing, using, or handling something. knead oerb To handle in a way so as to mix, form, and shape. knell oerb To give forth or cause to give forth a clear, resonant sound. rwun knickknack A small, showy article. knifef ike adiectioe Marked by severiW or intensi$. knightly adiectioe' Characterized by elaborate but usu. formal courtesy. noun knob 1. A part that protrudes or extends outward. 2. An unevenness or elevation on a surface. 3. A small raised area of skin resulting from a light blow, an insect sting etc.
Syns; buss, peck2, smackl, smacker, smooch. FACE |IOU,N,
spnkiss. LUl,tPl noun. A\^/K\VARD.
l. esrr-rrY. 2. rer.Brvr.
3. anr. 4. neNc rwun,
wonx oerb. nrxc2.
1. eulcB rw,rn. 2. rrvv.p nuun. 3. nuup noun.
knock knock oerb To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. l. 2. To make a noise by striking. 3. Slang. To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant. knock around oerb l. To injure or damage, as by abuse or heavy wear. 2. Inforrwl. To speak together and exchange ideas and opinions. knock down oerb l. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow. 2. To break up so that reconstruction is impossible. knock off oerb l. Infonnal. To take away (a quantity) from anotler quantity. 2. Slang. To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully. 3, Slary. To take property or possessionsfrom (a . person, company, etc.) unlawfully and usu. forcibly. knock over oerb l. To turn or cause to turn from a vertical or horizontal position. 2. Slang. To take properly or possessionsfrom (a person, company, etc.) unlawfully and usu. forcibly. knock rroun An audible blow. knockabout adiectiw
knock about tnrb l. To injure or damage, as by abuse or heavy wear. 2. Infortrwl. To speak together and exchange ideas and opinions about. knockaboul adiectioe - Marked by vigorous physical exertion.
knockarorind" oerb' knock down oerb knocker rrDnn Sbng.A personwhofindsfault,oftenseverely and willfullv. knock off oerb knockout rwun knock out oerb l. Infornwl.To makeextremelytired. 2. lnfomwl.To renderpowerless or motionless by inficting severe i"j"ry. knockout rroun Slang. A woman regarded as beautiful.
knock over wrb knot nmun 1. A part that protrudes or extends outward. 2. That which unites or binds. 3. A small raised area of skin resulting from a liglrt blow, an insect sting etc. 4. A number of individuals making up or considered a unit. 5. Something that is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. knot oerb To make fast or firmly ftxed by means of a cord, rope,, etc.
knotty adiecthn dueto intricacy. l. Diffcult to understand 2. Not easy to do, achieve, or master.
544 L. src oerb. 2. re,pr aerb. 3. snr,rrrr.n.
1. serrnn. 2. orscuss.
l. onop oerb. 2. orsrnoy. 1. onoucr. 2. vrunonn aerb. 3. non.
l. ovnnrunN. 2. non.
TtPr rwun. sBn knock about. l. serrrn. 2. orscuss.
srn knock. spnknock. CRITIC.
spr knock. snnknock out. 1. nxneusr. 2. orsesr,r.
srn knock. 1. sulcr rwun. 2. noxo noun. 3. suNrp rwtfiL. 4. cnoup rvrun. 5. raNcr,B rroun.
rtg oerb.
l. coupr-Bx adiectitse. 2. orrrrcur,r.
545 oerb know 1. To perceive directly with the intellect: He knouss quantum mechanics. 2. To undergo an emotional reaction. 3. To recognize as being different. 4. To perceive to be identical with something held in the memory. 5. To participate in or partake of personally. adiectioe knowable Capable of being readily understood. noun know-how l. Infonnal. Natural or acquired facility in a specific activttY. 2, lnformal. A skill in doing or performing that is attained by study, practice, or observation. adiectioe knowing 1. Having or showing intelligence, often of a high order. 2. Marked by comprehension, cognizance, and perception. 3. Possessingor showing sound judgment and keen perception. 4. Having or showing a clever awareness and resourcefulness. rwun know-it-all Infonnal. One who is obnoxiously self-assertive and arrogant. nnrtn knowledge 1. That which is known; the sum of what has been perceived, discovered, or inferredz neu additions to w,r knowledge about the unitserse. 2. Known facts, ideas, and skill that have been imparted. adiecthse knowfedgeable 1. Having or showing intelligence, often of a high order. 2. Provided with information; made aware. rurun kook Slang. An insanely foolish or strange person. adiectioe kooky Slnng. Causing puzzlement; perplexing. twun kowtow An inclination of the head or body, as in greeting consent, courtesy, submission, or worship. kowtow oerb To support slavishly every opinion or suggestion of a superior.
1. Syns; apprehend, comprehend, fathom, gasp, understand. 2. rr;r;', oerb, 3. orsrwculsn. 4. nrcocNrzn. 5. nxpnnrnNcE,Derb. UNDERSTANDABLE.
l. asu-rrY. 2. enr.
1. n*rnr,r-rcnNr. 2. ewenn. 3. wrsnl. 4. snnnwn.
1. Syns; information, lore, wisdom.
2. rnucerrou.
1. rr.irrr-r-IcnNr. 2. rrvronNaso. CRACKPOT.
kudlze aerb Inforrnal. To express warm approval of. noun kudos 1. Recognition of achievement or superiority or a sign of this. 2. An expression of warm approval.
pnttsu oerb. 1. orsrrNcrroN. 2. pnersn rwtrn.
Kultur naun Cerman. The total product of human creativity and intellect at a particular time.
label noun An identifying or descriptive slip. fabel oerb l. To attach a ticket to. 2. To describe with a word or term. 3. To set off by or as if by a mark indicating ownership or manufacture. fabor rroun l. Physical exertion that is usu. dificult and exhausting: a life full of lnbor and" little rest.
2. The act or process of bringing forth young. fabor oerb l. To exert one's mental or physical powers, usu. under difficulty and to the point of exhaustion: The child lnbored ooer his honteusork.My father labored aII his ltfe to support w. 2. To force to work. 3. To expressat geater length or in greater detail. 4- Archaic. To prepare (soil) for the planting and raising of crops. -adiectiie fabored l. Not natural or spontaneous. 2. Lacking fluency or gacefulness. rroun faborer One who labors: migrant farm lnborers.
faborious adiectioe 1. Imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. 2. Not easy to do, achieve, or master.
L. rrcxnr oerb. 2. c*r aerb. 3. l,r.rnx aerb.
l. Syns; bullwork, drudgery, fag, moil, sweat, toil, travail, work. -ldioms kck (or stroke) of work, sweat of one's brow. 2. srnrH nuun. l. Syns: drive, fag, moil, strainr, strive, sweat, toil, travail, tug, work. -Idiorn break one's back (or neck). 2. wonx xerb. 3. nr,a,Bonernuerb. 4. rrr,r.
l. r'oncro. 2. ponuenous. Syns; coolie (a/so cooly), hand, operative, roustabout, worker, workhand, workingman, workman. -ldicm beast of burden. 1. nunonNsoME. 2. orrrrcurr.
labyrinth noun Something that is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. fabyrinthine adiectioe Difficult to understand due to intricacv. lachrymose adiectioe Filled with or shedding tears. fack oerb To be without what is needed, required, or essential: a horce that lncks indoor plumbing a school that lacks discipliru. lack noun l. The condition of lacking a usual or needed amount. 2. The condiUon or fact of being deficient. fackadaisical adiectioe l,acking enersi and vitality. adiectioe lacking 1. Deficient in a usual or needed amount. 2. Lacking an essential element.
Syns: need, require, want.
1. ensrNcr. 2. sHonrecr. LANGUID.
1. e-esnNT. 2. orrrcrnxr.
547 fackluster adiecthse l. Lackingglossandluster. charm,or surprise. 2. Lackingliveliness, faconic ad;iectioe Marked by or consistingof few words. lacuna rraun An interval during which continuity is suspended. fade oerb 1. To place a burden or heavyload on. 2. To take a substance,as liquid, from a containerby plunsng the hand or a utensil into it. 3. To fill to overflowing. la-de-da ad;iectioe la-di-da alsola-de-da adiectioe Infomnl. Artifi cially genteel. ladi e s'ma n noun ladle oerb To take a substance,asliquid, from a containerby plunging the hand or a utensil into it. fadykiller noun Skorg.Aman who philanders. lady's"man alsoladies' man nnun A man who philanders. lag oerb To go or move slowly so that progressis hindered. fag rwun 1. One that lags. 2.\\e conditionor fact of beingmadelate or slow. lag ad,iectioe Rare.Of or relating to a terminativecondition,stage, or point. laggard nuun One that lags: That child is a real Inggardon field trips. The companyuas a lnggardin the drioe to consen)e energv. faggard ad:iectioe Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired. ad;iectioe fagging 1. Not progressing and developing as fast as others, as in economic and social aspects. 2. Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired.
lagniappe rwun Inforrnal.A materialfavoror gift,,givenin return for service, adiectioe faid-back Slang. Unconstrained by rigid standards. faid up ad;iectioe Infonrul. Suffering from or affected with an illness. lair nou,n 1. A hollow place used as an animal's dwelling. 2. A hiding place. lair oerb To shut oneself up in secrecy. rwun lamb A pure, uncorrupted person.
1. pur-r-adiectioe. 2. pvrr adiectiae. BRIEF. GAP.
L. cnrncg Derb. 2. prc oerb. 3. nnap oerb. sm la-di-da. errncrsDP. sur lady's man. otp oerb.
onr.lrl" oerb. 1. r-eccenn noun. 2. nnr-ev twun. Lesrr adiectioe.
Syns; lag, lingerer, loiterer, poke, slowpoke (Informal),straggler. -ldiom slow coach. sr-ow adiectioe. 1. sacKwenn adiectioe. 2. sr-ow adiectioe. GRATUITY.
l. nor-B rwun. 2. Hror-our. HoLE uP at hole. INNOCENT
fambaste oerb l. Slang. To hit heavily and repeatedly. 2. Slang. To criticize for a fault or offense.
t. r;nl^Toerb. 2. cu.r DowN at call.
lambasting nuun Slang.A severedefeat. fambent adiectioe Giving off or reflectingliglrt readily or in largeamounts.
lament lament oerb To feel, show,or expressgrief. famentable ad.iec-tioe Causingsorrow or regret. lamia twun A woman who practicesmagic. famina twun A thin outer coveringof an object. fampoon ltuun A work, asa novel or play, that exposesfolly by the useof humor or irony. fancinating ad.ieainb Marked by severityor intensity. fand nnun l. Law. Usu.extensivereal estate:an Englishrnble who ouned land,in Scotlnnd,. 2. An orgarrizedgeopolitical unit. fand oerb l. To come to rest on the ground: The iet lnndad. When I fell, I l.andedon my back. 2. To come ashorefrom a seacraft:The D-dny inoasion forceslnndedon the Nornnndy beaches. of. 3. To come into possession fanguage rwun 1. A systemof terms usedby a people sharinga history and culture: Polish,Russian,and Serbo-Croatianare SlnDiclanguages. 2. Specializedexpressions indigenousto a particular field, subject,trade, or subculture:Chentbal engineersspeaktheir oum la.ngwge. The langnge of the socialscierrces it oft^ mintelli$bl.e to the uninitiated. fanguid adiectioe 1. Lacking energ/ and vitality: gaDea lnnguid warseof her hand. 2. Showingweariness:wos obrsiowlylnnguid,after her b n g rup. languidness noun A deficiency in mental and physical alertnessand activitv. fanguish oerb l. To wasteaway from longingor grief: When her funband uns killpd, she tnnguXied and died. 2. To losestrengthor power. fanguishing adiectioe Lacking energyand vitality. languor twun A deficiencyin mental and physicalalertnessand activitv. languoious a.diectiae l. Lacking enerry and vitality. 2. Showingweariness. fanky adiectitse Tall, thin, and awkwardlybuilt. lap oerb 1. To fow againstor along. 2. To fow or move with a low, slappingsound. lapse rwrln l. A minor mistake:a brief lnpse of nwr.ory. 2. ln act or thouglrtthat unintentionallydeviatesfrom what is correct, rigtrt, or true.
L. Syns: acres, estate, property. 2. srern naun. l. Syns: alightt, l€ht,, set down, settle, touch down. 2. Syns: debark, disembark. 3. crr. l. Syns; dialect, speech, tongue, vernacular. 2. Syns: cant2,dialect, Iexicon, terminolog', vocabulary.
1. Syns; lackadaisical, languishing, Ianguorous, li-p, Iymphatic, spiritless. 2. Syns: languorous,leaden, listless.
l. Syns; pine (away), wither. 2. rton aerb.
l. raNcurp. 2. r,eNcurn. CANGLING.
1. wesn. 2. wesH. 1. Syns; fufi (Informal), slip (Informal), slip-up (lnformal). 2. rnnon.
549 3. A slipping from a higlrer or better condition to a lower or poorer one: a Inpse into senikty; arwther lnpse into anlgarity. fapse oerb l. To become less acUve or intense. 2. To slip from a higher or better condition to a former, usu. lower or poorer one. 3. Lau:. To become void, esp. through passageof time or an omission: The insurance pokcy lnpsed because we failed to reneu it. 4. Poetic, To move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly.
3. Syns; backslide, backsliding, recidivaUon, recidivism, relapse.
1. sussron. 2. nnrl.psr. oerb. 3. Syns; expire, run out.
4. ctson oerb.
larcener rwun A personwho steals:a larcenerwho specializesin autmwbil,es. larcenist noun A personwho steals. larcenous adiecthse Tending to larceny: Inrcerwtnwhite-collnr uorkers uho stole surylie* larceny rwrtn The crime of taking someoneelse'sproperly without consent: corwi,ctedof I'arceny. fardy-dardy adiectioe Sl*rg. Artifi cially genteel. lares and penates twun One'sportable properly. large adiectioe l. Notably aboveaveragein amount,size,or scope. 2. Having great significance. 3. Coveringa wide scope. large-hearted adiectioe Willing to give of oneselfand one'spossessions. largeish adiectioe largeness rwun The quality or state of being large in amount, extent, or importance. farger adiectioe Much more than half. large-scale adiectioe Notably aboveaveragein amount,size,or scope. fargess also largesse noun A materialfavor or gift,,gpvenin return for service. largesse naun fargest adiectioe Much more than half. largish alsolargeish adiectitse Somewhatbig. lark nuu,n A mischievousact. lash oerb l. To move to and fro vigorouslyand usu.repeatedly. 2. To criticize harshly and devastatingly. fassitude nurn 1. The conditionof being extremelytired. 2. Lack of emotionor interest. 3. A deficiencyin mental and physicalalertnessand activiW. lastr ad,iectioe 1. Comingafter all others:the last act.
Syns; larcenist, purloiner, stealer, thief.
Syns: sticky-fi ngered, thieving, thievish.
Syns; conveyance (Archaic), lifting (lnfonrwl), pinching (Slnt g), purloining steal, stealing, theft, thievery, thieving. errncrBd. EFFECTS.
1. src adiectioe. 2. ruponre.r*r. 3. csNEner-. GENEROUS.
snnlargish. SIZE.
nnsr a.diectin:e. src ad,iectioe. GRATUIfi.
snn largess. nnsr adiectioe. SIZABLE. PRANK.
2. st nr oerb. 1. nxHeusrrow. 2. aperrrv. 3. lnrnencv.
1. Syns; closing concluding, final, terminal.
last2 2. Of or relating to a terminative condition, stage, or point: the last days of Ponryeii; a l.astfareu:ell; lnst rites. 3. Bringing up the rearrzthe last car tn the gas krw. 4. Next before the present one: Iast nlght. fast rwun The last part. at last adoerb After a considerable length of time, usu. after a delay: We anioed at last. last adoerb In conclusion: Last, we ask you to find this defendant guilty. last2 oerb l. To remain in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time. 2. To exist in spite of adversity. 3. To remain fresh and unspoiled. lasting adiectioe Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time. lastly adoerb In conclusion. late adiectiae 1. Not being on time: was late for the appointment; sent l.ate condolerrces. 2. Having been such previously: the contpany's lnte president, rnu retired; the lnte capital of that nation. 3. No longer alive. fate adoerb 1. Not on time: anitsed lnte. 2. So as to fall behind schedule. 3. Not long ago: As lnte as Inst night the hostages had not been releosed. adoerb fately Not long ago.
2. Syns: final, lag (Rare),latter, terminal, ultimate. 3. Syns; endmost, hindmost (also hindermost), lattermost, rearmost. 4. Syns: foregoing, latter, preceding, previous. END
Syns: finally, ultimately. -Idiom last.
at long
Syns: conclusively, finally, lastly.
1. rn'ounn. 2. sunvrvr. 3. rs,np xerb.
rtsrr adu^erb. 1. Syns; behindhand, belated, overdue, t^rdy. 2. Syns: erstwhile, former, old, once, onetime (also onetime), pixt, previous, quondam, sometime, whilom. 3. nreo adiectioe. 1. Syns; behind, behindhand. 2. srow adnerb. 3. Syns; lately, latterly, recently. -Idiorn of late. rnrn adaerb.
fatency noun The condition of being temporarily inactive.
fateness noun The quality or condition of not being on time: Please the l.atenessof my anhsal. f*gin fatent adiectioe 1. Existing in a temporarily inactive and hidden form: lntent cancen 2. Capable of being but not yet in existence. adiectioe fater 1. Following something else in time: Later dzoelopnents uind.icated my pre dictiorrc. 2. Being or occurring in the time ahead. fater adtnrb At a subsequent time: I?l rt*\h later. Later ue bft the club and, uent home. rwrrn father 1. Moisture excreted through the pores of the skin. 2. A mass of bubbles in or on the surface of a liquid. 3. Slang. A state of discomposure. father oerb l. To excrete moisture thto,rgh the pores of the skin.
Syns: belatedness,tardiness.
1. Syns; abeyant, dormant, quiescent, remissive,remittent. 2. pornNrru adiectioe. 1. Syns; after, posterior, postliminary, subsequent, subsequential. 2. r'urunn adiectioe, Syns; after, afterward (also afterwards), afterwhile, infra, latterly, next. -Idiona after a while, by and by, later on. 1. swrer rwun. 2. roernr nnun. 3. ecrrerrou. 1. swne.r oerb.
551 2. To form or cause to form foam. adiectioe lathery Consisting of or resembling foam.
2. rorv' oerb. FOAMY.
fatitude noun 1. Easeof movement. 2. Suitableopportunity to acceptor allow something. 3. Departurefrom normal rules or procedures' fatter adiectioe 1. Of or relating to a terminativecondition,stage,or point. 2. Next before the presentone. fatter-day ad;iectioe Of or pertainingto recent times or the present. latterly adtserb 1. Not long ago. 2. At a subsequenttime. ad;iectioe fattermosl Bringing up the rear. laud aerb 1, To pay tribute or homageto. 2. To expresswarm approvalof. 3. To honor (God) in religiousworship. laudabfe adiectioe Deservingadmiration. laudation twun l. An expressionof warm approval. 2. The honoringof God, as in worship. laugh oerb To expressamusement,mirth, or scorn-bysmilingand emitting loud, inarticulatesounds:laughedat the cornedian'. faughat oerb To make fun of. laugh twun 1. An act of laughing:gaDea hearty lnugh. 2. Inforrnal.Somethingor someoneuproariouslyfunny or absurd. faughable adiectitse 1. Deservinglaughter:a lnughablematter. 2. Arousinglaughter. laugh at oerb faughing ad;iectioe 1. Emitting a murmuringsoundfelt to resemblea laugh: laug!'ing broolcs. 2. Deservinglauglrter. faughingstock rwun An object of amusementor laug[rter. faughter rwun An act of lauglring. launch oerb 1. To go about the initial step in doing (something). 2. To btittg into currency,use,fashion,or practice. faunching noun The act or processof bringing or being brought into existence. faurels noun Recognitionof achievementor superiontyor a signof this.
1. rnprnou. 2. noolur. 3. r,IsnnrY. l. r,esrr adiectiae. 2. r-esrr adiecthse. MODERN,
1. r-erp adoerb. 2. r-ersn adaerb. LAsrr ad,iectiae. 1. nonon oerb. 2. pnxsn oerb. 3. pnarsn oarb. ADMIRABLE.
1. pnersn rroun. 2. pnetsn noun. Syns; cachinnate, cackle, heehaw. *Idionts die laughing la"gh one's head ofi, roll in the aisles, split one's sides. nrntcvtn oerb. 1. Syns; cachinnation, cackle, heehaw, lauglrter. 2. scnnelr rwun.
1. Syns; comic, comical, farcical, funny, gelastic, laughing, ludicrous, ridiculous, risible. 2. arrausrNc. snr laugh. 1. Syns; babbling, burbling, guggling, gurgling, rippling. 2. r.eucnesln. IOKEruilUn. LAUGH
L. srmr oerb. 2. rlwnooucn. BEGINNING fW'N.
lave fave wrb To fow againstor along. lavish odiectioe 1. Characterizedby excessiveor imprudent spending. 2. Characterizedby extravagant,ostentatious magnificence. 3. Given to or markedby unrestrainedabundance. lavish oerb To give in great abundance. lavishness rwun Excesive or imprudent expenditure. law rwun l. The formal product of a legislativeor judicial body: federul and state lnus. 2. A principle governingthe affairsof man within or amongpolitical units: the lausof nations; maritime lau. 3. A broad and basicrule or truth: the l"awsof dccercy; the l.ausof physics. 4. lnforrnal. A memberof a law-enforcementagency. faw oerb Chiefly RegioruI.To institute or subjectto legal proceedings. lawbreaker rrrrun One who commitsa crime. fawcourt twun A judicial assembly. lawful adiecthse Within, allowed by, or sanctionedby the law: I"au:ful mtry; a lnwful maniage. fawfulness rwrun The stateor quality of being within the law. fawfess adiectioe l. Refusingor failing to obey. 2, Of , involving,or being a crime. 3. Contrary to accepted,esp.moral conventions. 4. Prohibitedby law. fawlessness rwun A lack of civil order or peace. lawsuit noun A legal proceedingto demandjusUceor enforcea right: The Inwsuit washeard in the su,peri,cn cutrt. fax oerb To reducein tension,pressure,or rigidity. lax a.diectioe l. Not strict or severe. 2. Not tautly bound to somethingelse. 3. Guilty of neglect;lackingdue care or concern. faxity nm,rl The stateor quality of being negligent. faxness rwun The stateor quality of being negligent. layt wrb l. To place in a designatedsetting:The rnoel is laid in Italg. 2. To depositin a specifiedposition. 3. To arrangetablewareupon (a table) in preparation for a meal. 4. Mil. To move (a weapon,blow, etc.) in the direction of someoneor something. 5. To ntakea bet on.
1. pxrnevecANT. 2. r.uxunrous. 3. pnorusn. snownn oerb. EXTRAVAGANCE.
l. Syns: ac! assize(Eng. Hist.), enactment, jus (Latin), legislation, lex, measure,statute. 2. Syns: canon, decree, decrefum, edict, insUtute, ordinance, precept, prescription, regulation, nrle. 3. Syns; axiom, fundamental, principle, theorem, universal. 4. por,rcnuaN. SUE.
couRT nnun. Syns: innocent, legal, legit (Slang), legitimate, licit. LEGALIfi.
l. 2. 3. 4.
orsonrorcwr. cnnvrnvaradiectioe. uxr-ewrur.. rr,r-rcer-.
Syns; action (Lau:), case(Law), cause (Law), instance, suit (Laro). ansn oerb. l. ror,nnexr. 2. r.oosn adiectiae. 3. urcr,rcrNr. NEGLIGENCE.
1. 2. srrl 3. srrr 4. aru oerb. 5. snr oerb.
lay up
553 6. To put up as a stakein a gameor speculation. 7. To deviseand set down. 8. To regard asbelongingto or resulting from another. 9. To bring forward and quote for formal consideration. lay aside oerb To reservefor the future. fay away oerb l. To reservefor the future. (money)in a bank. 3. Infonrwl. To place (a coqpse)in or as if in a grave. fay by wrb To reservefor the future. fay down uerb 1. To set forth expresslyand authoritatively. 2. To put down, layers,by a natural process. 3. To let (something)go. 4. To makea bet on. fay for oerb lnfomwl. To wait concealedin order to attack (someone):The tenoristslny in the bwhes for the bwload of soldiers. lay in oerb To reservefor the future. fay into oerb To punishwith blows or lashes. lay low oerb To shut oneselfup in secrecy. lay otf oerb t, Slang.To ceasettyttg to accomplishor conUnue. To come to a cessation. 2, Sla,ng. fay open oerb To make visible; to view. lay up oerb l. To accumulateand set asidefor future use. 2. To storeup (supplies"or money),usu.well beyond one'sneeds. lay" adiectioe Not religiousin subjectmatter, form, or use. lay aside oerb fay away oerb fay by oerb fay down oerb fay for oerb lay in oerb lay into oerb fay low oerb lay off perb lay open oerb layout tuoun lay out oerb 1. To work out and arrangethe parts or detailsof. of. 2. To plan the detailsor arrangements 3. To showgaphically the direction or locationof. 4.lnfonrnl. To distribute (money)as payment. fayout nctun 1. A methodfor making,doing, or accomplish,"g something. 2. A way or conditionof being arranged. fay over oerb To put off until a later time. fay up aerb
6. 7. 8. 9.
c*lc,tn oerb. onrrr oerb. errnrnure, Derb. pnnsrvr2 oerb.
l. sevn. 2. sANKl. 3. nunv. SAVE.
l. 2. 3. 4.
otcrtrn oerb. onpostr oerb. nnr.rugursn. snr oerb.
Syns.' ambuscade, ambush. -ldioms wait for, lie in wait for.
nn.*r oerb. HoLE uP at hole. 1. lsANDoN oerb. 2. s'rop oerb. REVEAL.
1. srocxprLs Derb. 2. :e.otno oerb.
snr layl. snn layr. srn layl. snn layl. srn layl. sen layl. snr layl. srr layr. snn layl. srn layr. srn lay out, l. 2. 3. 4.
onsrcu oerb. enneNcp. w-or oerb. spBrsooarb.
1. oesrcN noun. 2. annLNcEMENT. onrpRl. srn layr.
laze laze wrb To pass time without working or in avoiding work. faze noun The qudity or state of being lazy. rwun laziness The quatity or state of being lazy Inahwss and mrelnssuss lwoe rw plrce in editoinl work. lazy adiectioe Resistant to exertion and activity: a Lazy proc:rastinator.
lazy wrb To pass time without working or in avoiding work. nmun lazybones Slnng. A self-indulgent person who spends time avoiding work or other useful activity. leach wrb To flow or leak out slowly. lead oerb 1. To have authoritative charge of: This man hu led his troops uell. 2. To show the way to. 3. To b"Sr (something) with preliminary or prefatory material. 4. To convince (another) to adopt a particular faith or belief. 5. To go through (life) in a certain way She hos led a full and wried life. 6. To proceed on a certain course or for a certain distance. lead to oerb To be the cause of. fead rwun l. Something or someone that shows the way. 2. ln act or instance of guiding. 3. A piece of information useful in a search: had, picked up o stvngbad, in the hunt for the killer. 4. The capacity to lead others: a young captain u;ho took the lead in battlz. 5. The main performer in a theatrical productioni uxts the lead in the play. 6. Iour. A prominent article in a periodical. feaden a"diectioe Showing wearines. leader lwltn l. A leading contestant: the badnr in the mnrathon. 2. Something or someone that shows the way. 3. One who is highest in rank or authority. 4. A professiond politician who controls a party or political machine. 5. Chbf.y Brtt. A prominent article in a periodical. 6. An important, influential person.
torn aerb. LAZINESS.
Syns; faineancy (olso fain6ance), idleness, indolence, laze, loafing, shiftlessness,sloth, slothfulness, sluggishness. Syns; do-nothing, fain6ant, idle, indolent, shiftless, slothful, trifling (Chiefly Regional). -Idionx bone lazy, born tired, lazy as Ludlam's dog. tor,n aerb. WASTNEL.
l. Syns; captain, command, officer. 2. cvton aerb. 3. rvrnonucr. 4. cor*rnr
leading adiectioe l. Most important, influential, or significant. 2. Widelv known and discussed.
pass, pursue.
6. sxrrND.
ctusn aerb. 1. curoB noun. 2. cuneNcn. 3. Syns; clue (also clew), scent. 4. Syns; command, leadership. 5. Syns: principal, protagonist, star. 5. rnerunn nlun. LANGUID.
1. Syns; front-runner, number one (lnfvrmnl). 2. curor noun, 3. cnrnp nuun. 4. soss rwun. 5. rrarunn noun. 6. nrcNrrenv.
feadership rwun 1. The capacity to lead others. 2. An act or instance of guiding.
l. 2. cumelcn. 1. pnrveny. 2. reuous.
555 rwrrn leadoff fead off oerb Infornwl. To go about the initial step in doing (something). feadoff twun The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence. lead to oerb leaf aerb To look through reading matter casually. feague twun l, An association, esp. of nations for a common cause. 2. A group of athletic teams that play each other. 3. Informal. A division of persons or things by quality, rank, or grade. 4. A goup of people united in a relationship and having some interest, activity, or purpose in common. feague oerb 1. To be formally associated,as by treaty. 2. To assemble or join in a goup. noun feaguer One nation associated with another in a common cause. feak oerb To be made public. feanr oerb 1, To depart or cause to depart from true vertical or horizontal. 2, To incline downward or o!€r. 3. To have a tendency or inclination. fean2 adiectioe l. Having little flesh or fat on the body. 2. Marked by or consisting of few words. 3. Characterized by an economy of artistic expression. fean oerb To make physically thin or thinner. rwun leaning An inclination to something. leap oerb 1. To move off the ground by a muscular effort of the legs and feet. 2. To move in a livelv wav. leap noun 1. The act of jumping. 2. A sudden lively movement. fearn aerb 1. To gain knowledge or mastery of by st.tdy: leam French. 2. To obtain knowledge or awarenessof something not known before, as through observation, sfudy, etc. 3. To commit to memory. fearned adiectioe Having or showing profound knowledge and scholarship: a leanwd man. learner nf,run One who is being educated.
snr leadotf. srtnr oerb.
snr lead. BROW.SE. l. er-r,raNcB. 2. coNrunENCE.
3. cr.ess noun. 4. uuroN.
l. N.rv aerb. 2. SANDzoerb. AJ-LArmun. COME OUT.
1. lltcuvn oerb. 2. lee,Ncoerb. 3. reNDl. l. rnw adiectioe. 2. nnrer'. 3. rrcnr ad:iectirse. rntx aerb. BF,NT TINUN,
t. lvue oerb. 2. sovNcE oerb. 1. prrle noun. 2. eou}Jcr twun. l. Syns; get, master, pick up. 2. orscovsn. 3. unuonrzn. Syns: erudite, scholarly, scholastic, wiser.
fearning r{run Known facts, ideas, and skill that have been imparted.
lease oerb To engagethe temporary use of (something) for a fee. leash oerb To restrict the activity or free movement of.
utnn oerb. IIAMPER.
leaver feaver aerb l. To give (property) to another person after one's death: My aunt l"ft * a howe and $fiO. 2. To move or proceed away from a place. 3. To give up without intending to return or claim again. 4. To relinquish one's engagementin or occupation with. feave off aerb l. To cut short; discontinue. 2. To come to a cessation. leave2 rroun 1. A regularly scheduled period spent away from work or duty, often in recreation. 2. Approval for an action, esp. as granted by one in authority. feave oerb To neither forbid nor prevent. feaven rwun An agent that stimulates or precipitates a reaction, development, or change.
1. Syns;bequeath (Laro), devise (I-*), legate, will2. 2. co aerb. 3. eseNDoNoerb. 4. qurr. snn1rxoerb. s'rop uerb.
leavening nnun An agent that stimulates or precipitates a reaction, development, or change. feave off oerb tw,tn feave-taking A separation of two or more people. twtln feaving The act of leaving. rlxun feavings What remains after a part has been used or subtracted. lecher rrcrun An immoral or licentious man.
sBn leavel. PARTING NOUN,
fecture oerb To talk to (an audience)formally. fecture noun A usu. formal oral communication
eoonrss oerb. to an audience.
noun feech One who depends on another for support without reciprocating. leery adiectiae Informal. Refusing or reluctant to believe. lees naun Matter that settles on a bottom or collects on a surface by a natural process. noun feeway l. Suitable opportunity to accept or allow something. 2. Departure from normal rules or procedures. adiectiae left-handed Not being what one purports to be. adiectioe feftover That remains, esp. after a part has been removed. nuun fegacy 1. Any special privilege accorded a firstborn. 2. Something immaterial, as a style or philosophy, that is passed from one generation to anotler. ad.iectitse fegal Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law. rwun fegality The state or quality of being within the law: The bgality of ywr actiotts is sttspect. legalize oerb To make lawful: tried to bgali,zc mariitnna.
Syns: lawfulness, legitimacy, legitimateness, licitness. Syns: legitimate, legitimatize, legitimize.
557 legate oerb To grve (property)to anotherpersonafter one'sdeath. fegation rwurl A diplomatic office or headquartersin a foreign country. fegend rnun 1. A traditional story or tale dealing with ancestors, heroes,supernaturalevents,etc., that hasno proven factual basisbut attempts to explain beliefs, pracUces,or nafural phenomena. 2. A body of tradidonalbeliefsand noUons accumulatedabout a particular subject. fegendary adiectioe Of or existingonly in myths. fegerdemain twun The use of skillful tricks and deceptionsto produce entertainingly bafling effects. fegion iwun A very large number of t}ings grouped together. fegion adiectioe Amountingto or consistingof a large, indefinite number. legislate oerb To causeto be by official action. fegislation noun The formal product of a legislativeor judicial body. legit adiectioe Slnng.Within, allowed by, or sanctionedby the law. legitimacy rwun 1. The quality of being authentic. 2. The state or qualrty of being within the law. legitimate ad:iecthte 1. Within, allowed by, or sanctionedby the law. 2. Being so legitimately. legitimate oerb To makelawful. legitimateness noun The state or quality of being within the law. fegitimatize oerb To make lawful. legitimize oerb To make lawful. leisure rloun Freedomfrom labor, responsibility,or strain. leisurely ad;iectioe Careful and slow in acting, moving, or deciding.
1. uvrn.
2. r,onn.
1, eurHpNrrcrrv.
1. r.ewpur,. 2. rnup. LEGALIZE. LECALIfi.
nEsrr rwun. DELTBERATE adiecthse.
femon rw.rn Informal. One that fails completely.
fend aerb To supply (money), esp. on credit: refined to bnd, her ony cash. twun fength l. The ultimate point to which an action, thought, discussion, or policy is carried: will go to any l""Sth to free the hoitagei. 2. An extent, measured or unmeasured, of linear space. 3. The mei$ure of how far or long something goes in space, time, or degree.
fenglhen oerb To make or becomelonger: Iengthenedthe tabln by ircerting a baf; relapsesthat lmgthened her cotwalescetue.
Syns.'advance, loan.
1. Syns; extreme, limit.
2. orsreNcs. 3. nrrrpNr.
Syns; draw out, elongate, extend, produce (C,eom.), prolong, prolongate, protract, spin out, stretch (out).
lengthy fengthy adiectitse l. Having great physicallength. 2. Extendingtediouslybeyonda standardduration. fenience ,riun feniency alsolenience ltuun 1. Kind, forgiving or compassionate treatmentof or dispositiontoward others. 2. Forbearingor lenient treatment. lenient adiectiae Not strict or severe. lenity noun Kind, forgiving,or compassionate treatmentof or dispositiontoward others. fentitude noun Archaic.A deficiencyin mental and physicalalertness and activity. fese majesiy alsoldse majest6 noun - Lack of proper respect. lessen aerb l. To grow or causeto grow graduallyless. 2. To makelesssevereor morebearable. lesser adiectioe Of subordinatestandingor importance. fesson nmun An instancethat warnsor discourages prospective imitators. fet oerb l. To neitherforbid nor prevent. 2. To give one'sconsentto. 3. To afford an opportunity for. 4. To engagethe temporaryuseof (something)for a fee. fet in oerb To serveas a meansof entrancefor. let off oerb 1. To dischargematerial,asvapor or frrmes,usu. suddenlyand violently. 2. To free from an obligationor duty. fet out oerb 1. To dischargematerial,:rsvapor or fumes,usu. suddenlyand violently. 2, To disclosein a breachof confidence. . -3: To remove(a liquid) by a steady,gradualprocess. fetdown rwltn let down aerb I. To causeto descend. 2. To cause unhappiness by failing to saUsfythe hopes, desires, or expectations of. fetdown rwun Unhappiness caused by the failure of one's hopes, desires, or expectations. fethal adiectioe Causing or tending to cause death. fethargiC adiectiw 1. Lacking mental and physical alertness and acUvity: le tlmrgic, ooertranq uilize d pati,ents. 2. Without emotion or interest. fethargt rroun l. A deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity: Thc ooermedicated patient sank into a state
of btharyy.
1. roNcl adiectbe. 2. roncr adiectiae. srn leniency. 1. cnece
oncnnasr uarb. RELIEVE.
MrNoRadiectioe. EXAMPLE.
1. 2. 3. 4.
pnnurr oerb. pnnutr wrb. pnnurr a-erb. lg'tnnaerb.
1. nurr. 2. sxcusnxerb. 1. 2. sBrney. 3. onarN. srr let down. 1. r,ownn2. 2. orse.pponvr.
l. Syns; dopey (also dopy) (Sln rg), hebetudinous, sluggish, stupid, torpid. 2. epernruc. L. Syns: dopeyness(a/so dopiness) (Slnng), dullness, hebetude, languidness, languor, lassifude, lentitude (Archain), sluggishness, sfupor, torpidity, torpidness, torpor.
559 2. Lack of emotionor interest. 3. A lack of acUonor activiW. fet in oerb let otf oerb fet out aerb fetter nuun 1. A written communicationdirected to another: I wrote a letter to my son. 2. The literal meaningof sometJring: the letter of the lnw. lettered adiectioe Havrng an education. rwu.n fettuce Slang. Something, as coins, printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange.
fetup rwun let up oerb 1. To growor causeto growgraduallyless. 2. To become less active or intense. 3. To reduce in tension, pressure, or rigidity. letup nou,n 1. The act or process of decreasing. 2. The act or process of becoming less active or intense, levef adiectine l. On the same plane or line. 2. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations. fevel nutn One of the units in a course, as on an ascending or descendingscale. level aerb 1. To make even, smoot}, or level. 2. To make equal, 3. To move (a weapon, blow, etc.) in the direction of someone or something. 4. To break up so that reconstruction is impossible. 5, To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow, fevelheaded adiectioe Possessing,proceeding from, or exhibiting good judgment and prudence. . leVerage twun The power to produce an effect by indirect means. leviathan nmun One that is extraordinarily large and powerful. feviathan adiectirse - Of extraordinary size and power. fevy noun 1. A compulsory contribution, usu. of money, that is required of persons or groups of persons for the support of a government. 2. Compulsory enrollment in military service. fevy oerb l. To establish and apply as compulsory. 2. To enroll compulsorily in military service. lewd adiectioe Offensive to accepted standards of decency.
lexicon 2. epeurv. 3. wecrrow. snnlet. srn let. snn let. l. Syns:epistle,missive,note. 2. Syns:literality, literalness.
sm let up. 1. oBcnsesn oerb. 2. sussDr. 3. nrsn oerb. 1. prcnnesg noun. 2. weNr twun. 1. rveNr adiectioe. 2. evnNr adiectioe. DEGREE.
L. nvnNr oerb. 2. 3, xu oerb. 4. nnsrnov. 5. oaop oerb. SANE.
crANr adiectioe. 1. tex twun.
2. onerr nuun. l- ruposn. 2. onl.rr oerb. OBSCENE.
fewdness noun The quality or state of being obscene. lex noun The formal product of a legislative or judicial body.
lexicon nou,n l. An alphabetical list of wordsoftendefinedor translated.
LnW rWUn,
liability 2. All the words of a language. 3. Specidized expressionsindigenousto a particular field, zubiec! trade, or zubculture. liability Mrun l. Somethingsuchas money,owed by one personto another. 2. A condition of owing somethingto another. 3. The condition of being laid open to something undesirableor injurious. fiable adiecthn 1. legally obligated: a bill to rnakeparents liabb for a child,'swndnlisn. 2. Having or showinga tendencyor likelihood. 3. Tending to incur: lioble to astlwrw attacks. liar rwun One who tells lies: a notoriouslbr u:hornrw olre belbwd. fibef noun The expressionof injurious, maliciousstatementsabout someone:Thoseremorlesabout the senator'stnking WVofs are libel. libel oerb To makedefamatorystatementsabout: libeled hb rioal on the Seruteflt"r. fibefous adiectitn Damagingto the reputation: libelms wnadesfor which un brmght wit.
fiberaf adiectioe 1. lqvoring civil liberties and social progress: holds libed political opiniorc. 2. Not narrow or conservative in thougtrt, expression, or conduct. 3. Free from bias in judgment. 4. Characterized by bounteous Sving. 5. Characterized bv abundance. fiberal rwun A person with liberal poliUcal opinions: The liberals ruuilldebatc tlw consennthses.
2. vocesulARy.
3. r.eNcuecr.
2. onsr. 3. Bxposunn.
1. Syns; accountable, answerable, responsible. 2. rNcr,nvep. 3. Syns; open, prone, subject, susceptible, vulnerable. Syns: Ananias, fabricator, falsifier, fibber, fibster, perjurer, prevaricator, storyteller. -Idimn false witness. Syns: aspersion, calumny, defamation, detraction, scandal, slander. -Idiong character assassination.malicious falsehood. Syns: asperse,calumniate, defame, malign, scandal, scandalize, slander, slur, spatter, tear down, ,rilify. -Idioms cast aspersionson, sling mud on. Syns; backbiting calumnious, defamatory, detracting, detractive, detractory, injurious, invidious, maligning scandalous, slanderous, vilifying.
1. Syns:liberdistic, 2. snoAD. 3. rern. 4. cBunnous. 5. crrrnous. Syns; liberalist, progressive.
fiberalist twun A person with liberal political opinions. liberafistic adiectioe Favoring civil liberties and social progress.
LTBERAL adiectioe.
fiberality noun The quality or state of being generous.
fiberate oerb To set at liberty. liberated adiecthn At libefly; not imprisonedor enslaved. liberation noun The stateof not b.irrg in confinementor servifude. fibertine adiectiw Sexuallypromiscuous. libertine twun An immoral or licentiousman.
rann oerb. rnnn adiectioe. LIBERTY. wANroN adiectioe. WANTON ftoun,
lie down
561 fibertinism rwu,n Excessive freedom; lack of restraint.
liberty rwun 1. The state of not being in confinement or servitude: c prisoner gioen his liberty uhen he recebed his parole. 2. The condition of being politically free. 3. Deparhue from normal mles or procedures: too mu,ch liberty in her translati,on of Homer.
1. Syns: emancipation, freedom, liberation, manumission. 2. rnnnoou. 3. Syns; freedom, latitude, leeway, license.
fibidinous adiectioe Feeling or devoted to sexual love or desire.
license rmun l. Legat permission to do something: You' need a operate a car. 2. Departure from normal nrles or procedures. 3. Excessive freedom; lack of restraint: Unrestricted behatsior can tum to license. 4. Approval for an action, esp. as ganted by one in authoritY. ficense oerb To give authority to.
1 . Syns: permit, warrant. -Idiom
Syns: dissoluteness,dissolution,
profligacy. licentiousness, 4 . I|;;|ilX.
licentious adiectiue Lacking in moral restraint.
licentiousness rwun Excessive freedom; lack of restraint. adiectioe licit Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law.
ficitness noun The state or quality of being within the law. lick oerb l. Slang. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. 2. Slang. To punish with blows or lashes.
fick naun A suddensharp,powerful stroke. fickety-split atuserb In a rapid way. ficking twun L. InforTnal.The act of defeatingor the condiUonof being defeated. 2. Slang.A severedefeat. 3. Slang.A punishmentdealt with blows or lashes. fiet oerb 1. To be or place oneselfin a prostrateor recumbent position:He lay und,erthe oak tree and'read. 2. To take reposeby sleeping,lFttg quietly, or the like. 3. To have as an inherentbasis. fie down oerb 1. To be or place oneselfin a prostrateor recumbent position. 2. To take reposeby sleeping,lyrng quietly, or the like. fie2 noun An untrue declaration:sprea.dlies about the star's personallife.
fie oerb To make untrue declarations: lied abmt his whereabouts on the night of the murder. oerb lie down
L. onrnrr aerb. 2. snrr oerb. gr-ow2. rtsr adaerb. 1. onrner rroun. 2. rnouxcrxc. 3. snarrxc. 1. $yns; lie down, recline, repose, stretch out. 2. nnsrr oerb. 3. coxsrsr.
1. 2. nns. L oerb. Syns: canard, falsehood, falsity, fib, fiction, inveracity, misrepresentation, misstatement, prevarication, story, tale, untruth, whopper. -Idiorns barefaced lie, cock-and-bull story, fish story, tall story (or tale ). Syns: falsrfy, fib, forswear (also foreswear ), perjure, prevaricate. srn liel.
liege fiege adiectiae Adheringfirmly and devotedly,as to a person,a cause, or a dutv.
fieu *i" The function or position customarily occupied by another. fieutenanl rwun A person who holds a position auxiliary to another and assumessome of his responsibilities. f ife nuun 1. The p"-"oq dulng which someone or something exists: his brief, unhappy life; a wamanty good for the life of the car. 2. A member of the human race. ._-3, A lively, emphatic, eager quality or manner. fifefess adiectiin l. No longer alive. -- ^2. -I-,ackingliveliness, charm, or surprise. f ifef ike adiectiae l. Accurately representing what is depicted or described. 2. Described verbally in sharp and accurate detail. fifetime noun period during which someone or something exists. - -The
fift obrb l. To disap-pear by or asif by rising:waitingforthe fogto hft,
?. To move (something) to a higher position. 3. To take back or remove: lifud tie ban on mwking.
4. 5. 6. 7.
To raise the spirits of. To rise up in flight. To move from a lower to a higher position. lnformal. To take (another's pioperty) without permission. lift twun l. An instance of lifting or being lifted: Cit:e me a lift onto the saddle. 2. High spirits. 3. A strong, pleasant feeling of excitement or stimulation. lifted adiectioe above a given level. -rrcrun -9"i"9 positioned fiftingInfornwl. The crime of taking someone else's property without consent.
fiftoff noun Theact of .isingin ftglrt. ligament nuun That which unites or binds.
figature nmun That which unites or binds. lightr noun l. Electromagnetic radiation that makes vision possible: enough light so use cou,l"dread. 2. T\e act of physically illuminating or the condition of b"ing filled with light. 3. A way of considering a matter: rwu sees the problem in a rcw light. 4, Poetb. The faculty of seeing. light oerb l. To provide, cover, or fill with light.
1. Syns; duration, existence,lifetime, term. -Idiom one'sborn days. 2. Hurlax BETNG. 3. sprnrr. 1. oren adiectiae. 2. ourr adiectit;e. l. nrar-rsrrc. 2. cnepHrc. LIFE.
1. Syns; dispel, disperse,dissipate, scatter. 2. nr,rvare. 3. Syns: recall, repeal, rescind, reverse, revoke. 4. nr.ern. 5. rexr orn. 6, nrsr. 7. srner,.
t. 2. rr,erroru. 3. rnnru. nnun. ELEVATED. LARCEI{Y.
TAKEoFFat take off. BONDrmun. BOND
1. Syns; illumination, luminosity. 2. rr.r.uurNATroN. 3. Syns: angle, aspect, slant, standpoint, viewpoint. -Idirrms frame of reference, vantage point. 4. vrsroN. 1. n r,uurN.Ltr.
2. Syns: enkindle, fire, ignite, kindle, torch (Sluril. -Idioms set fire to, set on fire (or afire). 3. To make lively or animated: srniles lightingtheir faces. 3. Syns; animate, brighten, enliven. fight ad;iectioe rxn adiectioe. Of a moderately white color. f ight2 adiectiae 1. Syns; Iigfrtweight, weightless. -ldiom 1. Having little weight; not heavy: a light zuitcase; a light as a feather. light iacket. 2. Syns: gentle, moderate, slight, soft. 2. Ot small intensity: a light breez'e;a light tap at the d,oor. 3. Syns; blithe, carefree, debonair, 3. Free from care or worry: a light heart; a light mood. liglrthearted, sprightly. 4. Syns: easy, moderate. 4. Requiring litde effort or exertion: li,ght chores; light exercise. 5. rnorrv. 5. Amusing but essentially empty and frivolous. 5. wervroN ad;iectioe. 6. Sexually promiscuous. fight oerb rnto oerb. To come to rest on the ground. fight on (or upon) oerb coME AcRossat come. To find or meet by chance.
2. To causeto burn or undergocombustion:Light the
fighten oerb 1. To provide,cover,or fill with light. 2. To make less severe or more bearable. adiectioe f ightheaded 1. Having a sensation of whirling or falling. 2. Given to lighthearted silliness.
1. rr-r,uurNern. 2. nnr-rnvs. L. orzzv adiectine. 2. croov.
fightheadedness rwun A sensaUon of whirling or falling. ad;iectioe lighthearted 1. Being in or showing good spirits. 2. Characterized by joyful exuberance. 3. Free from care or worry.
l. cnnrnrur,. 2. crv ad,iectioe. 3. lrcnr€.
lighting noun The act of physically illuminating or the condition of being filled with light. fight on (or upon) oerb lightweight adiectine Having little weight; not heavy. fiker oerb Do you like this kind of mrcic? 1. To find agreeabLe: 2. To receivepleaswefrom. 3. To have the desire or inclination to. like2 adiecttpe Possessing the sameor almostthe samecharacteristics: tuso sistersof like opinions. fikeliness nou,n The likelihood of a given event occurring. likefy ad;iectioe l. Inspiringconftdenceor hope. 2. Having or showinga tendencyor likelihood. 3. Basedon probability or prezumption. 4. Capableof being anUcipated,considered,or imagined. fiken oerb 1. To representas similar: Someliken politics to a ganw of chess. 2. To be similar to, as in appearance. fikeness rurun 1. A representaUon of a personor thing: The photo is a oery goodlikenessof !m.
snr light2. r-rcrrr€. 1. Syns;conceit (Rare),fancy, take to. 2. erqov. 3. cnoosr. Syns:alike, analogous,comparable, corresponding,equivalent, pardlel, similar, uniform.
1. 2 . INCLINED. 3. pnssuMPTr\rc. 4. nenrnr.v.
1. Syns; analogize, assimilate, compare. equate, match, parallel. 2. pwon oerb. L. Syns: copy, facsimile, image, replica.
liking 2. T" quality or state of being alike: ttw amazirg e liJrrrlrzss betunen Humd ail t is botlwr. fiking ,wun l. A desire for a particular thing or activity: Maybe this will be note to qow liking. of worth, q"ality,"i*portance, etc. ....2. Recognitio_n fflffpfifan adiecthn Extremelysmall. lily-f ivered adiectiw
2. Syns:affnity, alikeness,analogy, com_parison, resemblance,simtarity, similitude. 1. Syns;fancy, mind, pleasure,will. 2. eppnrcretroN. TINY. COWANDLY.
l. Beyondreproach. - 2-.Free from evil and comrption. 2. wNocrrsr ad,iectioe. fimit noun 1. the boundary surroundinga certain areuia house l- Syns; bound(s), confine(s), enviroru, wtsidc the citV limits. precinct(s). 2. A demarcationpoint or boundary beyond which 2. pwo t7oun. somethingdoesnot extend or occur. 3. The geatest amount or number allowed: a speed 3. Syns; ceiling limitation, maximum. limit of 30 milcs an ltour. 4. Either of the two points at the ends of a qpectrum 4. r"nrnrrrlg twtn. or range. 5. The ultimate point to which an action" thouglrt, 5. r.nNcrrr. discussion,or policy is carried. flmit Detb l. To place a limit on: limitittg tlw rumber of fu" 1. Syns; circumscribe, confine, delimit, @upons;rcsurch ltnited to the laborutonl. delimitate, restrict. 2. To fix the limits of. 2. oerERMrNE. fimitation twun l. A demarcationpoint or boundary beyond which 1. rxo rwtrn, somethingdoesnot extend or occur. 2. "I\e act of limiting or condition of being timited. 2. npsrnrgnoN. 3. Somethingthat limits or restricts. 3. nnsrnrcrroN. 4. The greatest 4. r.uurr noun. -aaieaunamount or number allowed. fimited l. Having distinct limit. 1. ppnrurn. 2. Confined to a particular location or site. 2. r.ocer, adiectioe. 3. Having the restricted outlook often characteristicof 3. r,ocer. adiecthse. geographicisolation. 4. Not broad or elevated in scopeor understanding. 4. Nennow. 5. Kept within certain limits. 5. nnsrnrcrso. 6. Not total, unlimitecl, or wholehearted. 6. guer-rnro. fimitfess adiecthn Harritg no endsor limits. ENDLESS. fimitlessness rrnnt The state or quality of being infinite. INFINITY. limn wrb REPRESENT. .. To present a lifelike image of. ffmp wrb 1. To walk in a lame way: T'lu qtnrterbatk limped of l. Syns; hdtz, hitch, hobble. the fisld. 2. To proceedor perform in an unsteady,falteringmanner.2. uuonr.B. limp adiecthn f . Lacking in stiffnessor firmness:a lirnp shirt collnr. 1. Syns: flabby, flaccid, floppy. 2. Lacking energ/ and vitality. 2. r"er,lcuro. fimpid diecthn l. Admitting light * that objectsbeyond can be seen. l. rneNspenprvr. 2. Free from what obscuresor dims. 2. cr,pan ad,iectioe. fimpidity noun the quality of being clear and easyto perceive or understand.
565 line rww 1. A groupof peopleor thingsarrangedin a row: a bnglhw at thekn $op. 2. Activity pursuedasa livelihood. 3. Products bought and sold in commerce. 4. An indentation or seam on the skin, eqp. on the face: neeiled more and more molce-up to hide the lines. 5. An official or prescribed plan or course of action: ad,herbry to the p,rtg lhu. 6. A method used in dealing with something. 7. One's ancestors or their character. line oerb To place in or form a line or lines: lines his pencils on the tabb.
fineage rwun 1. A goup of peoplesharingcommonancestry. 2. One's ancestors or their character. adiecthse f ineal Of unbroken descent or lineage.
line-updsolineup rwn fine up oerb To place in or form a line or lines. line-upalsolineup twun 1. A way or condition of being arranged. 2. An organizedlist of procedures,activities,events, etc. 3. A list of candidatesproposedor endorsedby a politicd party. linger oerb 1. To continueto be in a place. 2. To stop temporarily and remain, as if reluctant to leave. 3. To go or move slowly so that progressis hindered. fingerer rwrur One that lags. lingering adiec'tioe Of long duration. fingo rwun An often regional form of a languagenot considered standard. link oerb l. To or come togetherinto a united whole. 2. To come or bring togetherin one'smind or imagination. 3. To unite or be united in a relationship. fink noun 1. That which unites or binds. betweentwo or more 2. A logical or natural association things. linkage rwun That which unites or binds. fion ruxrn An important, influentialperson. fip oeib To fow againstor along. fiquefy oerb To changefrom a solid to a liquid. fiquidate oerb l. 2. 3. 4.
To To To To
destroy all traces of. get rid of, eqp. by banishment or execution. take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully. set riglrt by g"i"g what is due.
1. Syns; column, file, queue, rankl, rowl, string, tier. 2. susrNEss. 3. coops. 4. Syns: crease, crinkle, furrow, wrinHel. 5. Syns; policy, procedure, program. 5. eppnoecr rroun. 7. eucrsrnv. Syns; align, line up, range.
l. reuu-v. 2. ,lNcnsrRv. DrREcr ad;iectioe, srr line up. rlrlw perb. l. enneNcEMENT. 2. pnocneu. 3, lrrcrcr noun.
1. nnrraenc. 2. p.tssn oerb. 3. ow.txv oerb, LAGGA,RD IWUN. CHRONIC. DIALECT.
1. coMsrrrE o€rb. 2. essocrern oerb. 3. essocrern oerb. l. noro noun. 2. nnr.enox.
1. 2. 3. 4.
.trwuru.ere. rr,rurxnrr. uunonn oerb. srrrr.p.
liguidation liquldation rwttrl l. The act or processof eliminating. 2. Utter destruction. txnnr lhuor A"y huid that is fft br drinking. fhmr up wrb Slsrg. To take alcoholic liquor, eqp.excessivelyor habitrnllv.
lhnor ug' wrt figtr wfi l. To regi#r in or as if in a book list rcmes on tfu lmor lnoll. 2. To name or qpecify one by one. lbt turrmt A serirx of nameg words, etc., printed or written
-- 49*, V"psa li:rtof herftierrrh'b*rtUoys. figt2 urt.
To depart or causeto depart from true vertical or horizontal. lists o6b Pwtic. To make an effort to hear something. listen oert l. To make an effort to hear something:He's stch a ftw oblinist tlrot eoerVonelhtctts carefully. 2. To perceiveby ear, usu.attenUvely. listfess' dieaiw l. Without emotion or interest. 2. Showineweariness. fistfessnesJ noun Lack of emotion or interest. literal diec-thn Employing the very samewords as another: a literal furrscriptbn of tlrc utitmesses' reports. literality rcui The literal meaningof something. fiteralness n/wn the literal meaningof something. fiterate di"ain Having an education. litigabfC d,iecthn Subjectto a lawzuit: rwt enoug;her:iderce to rnalcethe mse litlefrIe. -oerb fitigate To institute or zubject to legal proceedings. fitigious diectitx Given to arguing. litter rvrlnn The offspring as of an anfunal,bird, etc., that are the result of one breeding season. little adiectlw 1. Notably below averagein amount, size, or scope: bught a liulc sportscar. 2. Not of great importance:h:ery linlc thlngupsets him. 3. Not broad or elevated in scopeor understanding. 4. Not yet large in size due to incomplete growth. fittfe a&rert At rare intervds.
566 l. Br.rurNenon. 2. exrvrHrr,erroN. DRTNK |WUN.
pnrr.rr oerb. srr liquor. 1. Syns; book, catalogue (also catalog), enroll, inscribe. -Idiom set (or write) down. 2. nxuIl,rnners. Syns; catalogue (also catalog), register, roll, roster, schedule. Ncr,Ne Derb.
1. Syns; hark, hearken (aho harken) (Poetic b Archnic), ksf (Poetic). -Idioms bend (ar lend) an ear, give ear to. 2. nner. l. epernnrrc. 2. r,eNcurp. APATITY.
Syns; verbatim, verbal, word-for-word. -ldiurn true to the letter. LETTER. LETTER. EDUCATED.
Syns; prosecutable, triable.
1. Syns: bantam, petite, small, smallish. 2. Syns: inconsequential, insignificant, b:ivial, unimportant. -Idimn of no account. 3. Nennow. 4. suer.r,. TNTREQUENTLY.
567 lit up ad,iecthn Sl^g. Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. fiturgical a.diectioe Of or characterizedby ceremony. rrntn liturry A formal act or set of acts prescribed by ritual. fivable alsoliveable ad,iectine Fit to live in: a liwble apartnvnt hune. liver oerb l. To have as one'sdomicile,u2. for an extended period: had liaed in Ewope for tm Aeus. 2. To have reality or life. 3. To go through (life) in a certain way. 4. To maintain existencein a certain way: lioed on,fost foods and,sodas;a propagandamachine that lioed on lies. five2 adiectiae l. Marked by or exhibitinglife. 2. In action or firll operation. 3. Of great current interest. liveable ad,iectioe livefihood noun The meansneededto support life. liYeliness nou.n A lively, emphatic, eagerquality or manner. fively ad,iectioe 1. Very brisk, alert, and hig[r-spirited:a lioely personality.
2. Possessingexerting, or displayingenerry. 3. Disposedto action. liven oerb To make alive. live wire nourl Slang.An intensely energetic,enthusiasticperson. fivid ad,iec-tioe Lacking color. living ad,iecthse l. Having existenceor life. 2. Marked by or exhibitinglife. fiving rwun The meansneededto support life: eanwd a cunfortable liaing by selling real estate. foad noun 1. A quantity of explosivesput into a weapon: a highpouered rifle capabl" of firnsheaoy lnads; missiles armed with multiple rurclearloads. 2. Somethingcarried physically. 3.Infonnal.
An indeterminately great amount or number.
foad' oerb 1. To make or become full; put into as much as can be held. 2. To place a burden or heavy load on. 3. To put (explosive material) into a weapon: lnad a dfe. 4. To fill to excess by compressing or squeezing tightly. 5. To glve an inaccurate view of by representing falsely or misleadirgly.
DRuNKad,iectioe. RrruAL adiecthse. CEREMONY.
Syns; habitable, inhabitable, lodgeable. l. Syns; abide,bide, dig (Sl*rg), domicile (alsodomicilirate ), dwell, reside. 2. sE. 3. tntn oerb. 4. Syns:feed, zubsist.
1. er-rrre. 2. ecrrrm. 3. Hor od,iectioe. ssn livable. LMNC rWUn. SPIRIT.
1. Syns; animate, animated, bouncy, chipper, dashing peppy (Infonrwl), pert, spirited, vivaciotts. -ldioms briglrt-eyed and bushy-tailed, full of life. 2. nrvBncrrrc. 3. vrconous. QUTCKEN. EAGEN BEAVER.
pN.n a.diectioe. 1. er.rvr. 2. er.wr. Syns: alimentation, alimony, bread, keep, livelihood, maintenance, salt, subsistence, support, sustenance, upkeep. -Idioln bread and butter. 1. Syn; charge.
2. aunorN rnun. 3. Hnep rwun.
1. rrr-r,. 2. csrxcn urb. 3. Syns: arm, charge. 4. cnowo oerb. 5. orsronr.
loaded 6. To make impure or inferior by deceptively adding foreign substances. 7. To fill to overfowing. loaded adiectirx f . Shag. Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. 2. Burden"d by a weighty load. 3. Completelyfilled. 4, Slmg. Possessing a large amount of money, land, or other material possessions. loaf wrb To passtime without working or in avoiding work. foafer rwun A self-indulgentpersonwho qpendstime avoiding work or otler useful activiW. loafing rorun The quality or state of being lazy. loan rserb To supply (money),esp.on credit. foath dso loth adieahte Not inclined or willing to do or undertake. loathe oerb To regard with extreme dislike and hostility. loathing noun 1. Extremerepugnanceexcitedby somethingoffensive. 2. Extreme hostility and dislike. loathsome ad,ieaioe l. Extremely unpleasantto the sensesor feelings. 2. So objectionableas to elicit deqpisal. focaf dieahn l. Confinedto a particular locationor site: local prcblernsof rc corwenrto tlw federul gooernrnent;a bcal infectim. 2. Having the restricted outlook often characteristicof geogaphic isolaUon:took a bul, rnt o global, oieu of tfu nnrctary crisis. focaki rwun l. A particular geogaphic area. 2. A surroundingarea. 3. The place where an action or event occurs. locafity r,/oun l. A particular geographicarea:unnted n lh:e in a locali'ty rca.r tlw city. 2. A part of the earth'ssurface. 3. A surrounding site: searchedfor tfu stol.encar in the Imokty of ttw unterfrort. 4. A rather small part of a geogaphic unit considered in regard to its inhabitantsor distinctive characteristics. 5. A surroundingarea. localized adiecitn Conffned
to a particular
or site.
focate oefi 1. To place in proper position or location. 2. To look for and discover. focation rwctn 1. A particular geographicarea. 2. A particular portion of qlace chosenfor something. 3. The place where a person or thing is located. 4. One's place and direction relative to one's zurroundinp. fock oe$ To shut in with or as if with bars.
6. enur.rERATE. 7. lanl.p oerb.
1. 2. 3. 4.
onuxx adiectiw. nnevv a.diectioe. rur,r.. nrcn.
torn oerb. \MASTREL.
rl.rrra oerb. 1, orscusr noun. 2. gtsn nuun. l. orrnNsrvn adiectioe. 2. ru.rrrv. 1. Syns; isolated, limited, localized, restricted. 2. Syns: insular, limited, narrow, narrowminded, parochial, provincial, smalltown.
1 . LOCALITY. 2. 3. scnxn. 1. Syns: locale, location, place. 2. enne. 3. Syns; area, neighborhood, vicinity. 4. NnrcHnoRHooD.
5. LocAL adiecth:e. 1. posrrroN oerb. 2. pwo wrb. 1. 2. 3. 4.
r.ocer,rrv. porNT rroatn, posrrroN twun. npennc.
strR Mfb.
569 fockup rwun lock up rserb To put in jail. lockup rwun lnfomwl. A place for the confinement of persors in lawful detention. ad,iectioe loco SlorW. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness.
locus rwun 1. The place where a personor thing is located. 2. A particular portion of spacechosenfor something. focution ntrln A word or group of words forming a unit and conveyingmeaning. fodge oqrb llfo becomeor causeto becomeshrckor lodged. 2. To implant sodeeply as to make change nearly impossible. lodgeable adiectioe Fit to live in. fodging ntxm Dwellings in general. fodgings rwun Abuilding or shelterwhere one lives. foftiest adiectioe Of, being located at, or forming the top. foftiness tuoun The qudity of being arrogant. lofty adieainn l. Imposinglyhigh' The cathedml'scentralfeafine is its nwgnificmt loftV ryhe. 2. Extending to a great heiglrt. 3. Raisedto or ocCupyinga hidl position or rank. 4. Very broad and noble in character,scoPe'_orgasp. 5. Exceedinglydignfi"d in form, tone, or style. 6. Overly co-n-vincidof one's own superiority and importance. fogic -1. rwun Exact, valid, and raUonalreasoning:used lngic to sol,oelife's problzrns. 2. What is sound or reasonable. fogicaf adiecthse l. Consistentwith reasonand intellectz gaoethe clnssa logical explnnationfor the phetwnena. 2. Able to reasonvalidly: a bgical naindloiter oerb 1. To go or move slowly so that progressishindered. 2.To passtime without working or in avoidingwork. loiterer rwurr One that lags. loll oerb 1. To sit or lie with the limbs qpreadout awkwardly. 2.To hang limply, loosely,and carelessly. 3. To take on or move with an awkward, slovenly posture. lone adiec-tiw l. Alone in a given category: This ilolmen is tlre lorc erarnpl,eof prehistoricmonttmentsin out oillage. 2. Set away from all others.
snn lock up. lttL wrb, lLrL rwrtn.
1. posrnorq twun. 2. porNr no,tn, E:PRESSTON.
l. cr$cx oetb, 2. rv oerb,
rot adiectioe. ARROGANCE.
l. gyns; aerid, airy, sky-higlr,slsyscraping towering. 2. rx.t , 3. rxrl,rro. 4. cnc,ND. 5. sLEveTEo. 6. ennocem. l. Syns:ratiocination, rationdity, reason. 2. sENsnruotut. 1. Syns; consequent,intelligent, rationd, reasonable,sensible. 2. Syns:andytic (also analytical), ratiocinative, rational. l. ow.rv oerb. 2. loltn oerb. LAGGARD |IOU,N.
1. spnewr-. 2. stnvclg tnrb. 3. stnvctt wrb.
l. Syns; one, only, particular, separate, rirgle, sole, solitary, unique. -Iilbms first and last, orie and onlY. 2. sor.rrenv.
lonelihood 3. Without a spouse. fonelihood rwun The qudity or state of being alone. loneliness nuun The quality or state of being alone. lonely ad,iectioe 1. Empty of people: a ilarlc"lorwly road. 2. Lacking the companyof others. 3. Far from centersof humanpopulation. 4. Dejecteddue to the awareness of being alone:a Ionely, unuonted child,rebgated to foster honws. . lOneness tuaun The quallgr or stateof being alone. lonesome diec-thn 1. Far from centersof humanpopulation. 2. Dejecteddue to the awareness of being alone. 3. Empty of people. 4. Lacking the companyof others. fongr adiectiw 1. Having geat physicallength: a long distarrce. 2. Extendingtediouslybeyonda standardduration: a Mg boflryplay. 3. Rare. Having a ratler great upward projection. 4. Having many syllables:long uords. fong rroun A long time. long2 wrb To have a stronglongingfor. fong-drawn alsolong-drawn-out adiectiw Extending tediously beyond a standardduration. fong-drawn-out adiectioe fonging rwtln l. A fervent hope, wish, or goal. 2. A strongwish for what promisesenjoymentor pleasure. long-lasting adiectioe Existing or remainingin the samestate for an indefinitely ' lonq time. long-lived adiictiae Existing or remainingin the samestate for an indefinitelylong time. fong-standing adiec-bhn Existing or remainingin the samestate for an indefinitelylong time. " fong-suffe iing adiectioe Enduring or capableof enduring hardship or inconveniencewithout complaint. long-suffering twun The capactf of enduring hardshipor inconvenience without complaint. fongwinded adiectiw Usingor containingan excessivenumber of words. fook oerb l. To use the power of vision: I-ook before you rr:oss tJw slreet. 2. To direct the eyeson an oblect: Slv lnokedat the ehild, uith o mib.
3. srwcr.r ad.iectioe. AI,ONENESS. ALONENESS.
l. Syns: deserted, desolate, forlorn, godforsaken (also Godforsaken ), lonesome, unfrequented. 2. er-oxn adiectiae. 3. nsldorE. 4. Syns: forlorn, lonesome, lorn (Poetb).
1. 2. 3. 4.
nruorr. r.oxnlv. r-oxrr,v. er.orvn adiectirse.
1. Syns; elongate, elongated, extended, lengthy. 2. Syns: dragging, drawn-out, lengthy, long-drawn (also longdrawn-out), overlong, prolonged, protracted. 3. nrcn. 4. Syns: multisyllabic, polysyllabic,
^i;T;"darian onstnn oerb. r-oNcl adiectioe. snn long-drawn. 1. onsAM ttuun, 2. orsmr nuu,n,
l. Syns; observe, perceive, watch. 2. Syns: consider, contemplate, eye, gue (at, on, or upon), regard, view.
3. eppBe.n. 3. To have the appearanceof. 4. Syns: mind, see, watch. 4. To be sure that l-oolc tlwt yott,don't anioe too late. look after oerb rpnd. To have the care and supervisionof. look for oerb 1. r:rpscr. l. To anticipate confidentlY. 2. spnr. 2. To try to ftnd. look in oerb vrsrr rnrb. To go to or seekout the comPanyof in order to socialize. look into oerb E'(PIORE. To go into or thto*gh for the PurPoseof making discoveriesor acquiring information. fook on (or uPon) oerb stcn oerb. To have the face or front turned in a specific direction. fook over oerb sunwv wrb. To view broadly or from a heig[rt. look up oerb To go to or seekout the companyof in order to socialize. vsw oerb. look noun 1. Syns; eye, gazr,,regard, siglrt, view. 1. An act of directing the eyeson an object: took a closelook at the merclmndise. 2. s)(PnnssroN. 2. A dispositionof the facial featuresthat conveys meaning,feeling or mood. 3. rwlrn. 3. An outward appearance. fook(s) rwun APPEARANCE. The way somethingor someonelooks. spn look. fook after oerb looker rwun BEAUTY. Sl*rg. A woman regardedasbeautiful. fooker-on nou,n \MATCHER. Someonewho observes. ssElook. look for oerb spp look. look in oerb srs look. look into oerb srr look. fook on (or upon) oerb spnlook out, lookout noun fook out oerb Syns; beware, mind, watch out. -Idions To be careful: Look wt for ice on the steps. be on guard, be on the lookout, keep an eye peeled, take care (or heed). fookout noun 1. Syns; surveillance,vi$I, vigilance, l. The act of carefully watching: kept a constant watch. -Idion watch and ward. laokufi for memy airavft. 2. Eyns:observatory,outlook, overlook. 2. A high structure commandinga wide view: a concentrationcaflrp wnamded uith high ferces and bolcottts. 3. cueno rrottrl. 3. A person or specialbody of personsassignedto provide protection, keep watch over, etc. 4. nusu.rnss. 4. Somethingthat concernsor involves one personally. 5. vrsw noun. 5. That which is or can be seen. look over oerb sBr look. fook up oerb ssr look. foom oerb l. eppnen. 1. To come into view. 2. rnnsATEN. 2. To be imminent. loon rwnn CRACKPOT. An insanelyfoolish or strangeperson. loony also luny adiectioe l. roor-rsn. as to be laughable. l. InfornnJ. So senseless 2. rNseNe. 2. Infmnal. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness.
foony dso luny rrotrrr An insanelyfoolish or strangeperson. CRACKPOT. . fOOp rurun A length of line folded over and joined at the ends so Syns; eye,ringr. as to form a curve or circle: a laop of dbbon. foopcd diecthn DRUNK adiectioe. - Slory.Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. fooPy diec-thn as to be lauglrable. FOOLISH. - InfonruL So senseless foose adienthn 1. Able to move about at will without bounds or l. Syns.' free, unconfined, unrestrained. -ldionts at liberty, free as a bird, on restraint: Theferce is iloun and tlw cattl,eare bose. fiin escaryd ipraicts are lmse. the loose. 2. Not tautly bound to somethingelse: a looseanchor 2. Syns: lax, relaxed, slack. lhv. 3. Sexuallypromiscuous. 3. wevroN a.diectioe. 4. Iacking literd exactness:a bose hanslntion. 4. Syns: free, inexact. foosa wrt l. To set at libefi. t. rnnn oerb. 2. To free from ti"r o, fasteners. 2. uxoo. 3. To reduce in tensior\ pressure,or rigidity. 3. nnsn oerb. 4. To launch with great force. 4. snoor oerb. loose-jointed adiia*n GANGLING. - Tall, thin, and awkwardly built. loosen Mb l. To free from ties or fasteners. 1. uxoo. 2. To reduce in tension,pressure,or rigidity. 2. elsn oerb, loot wrb l. To rob on a large scale: Tlw nwb lnoted fiwn7 stores. 1. Syns; plunder, ransack. 2. To rob of goodsby force, time of war. 2. secx2. foot rroun Goodsor properly seizedunlawfirlln esp. by a victor in PLUNDER TWIN, wartime. fopt oerb l. To decrease,as in length or amount,by or as if by 1. cur BAcK. severingor excising. 2. To make short or shorter by or as if by cutting. 2. rnuucerr. lof Mb 1. To hang limply, loosely, and carelessly. l. st-ouc*t oerb. 2. To take on or move with an awkward, slovenlyposfure. 2. st ovcs oerb.
lope wtu
1. To move with a steady,easygait faster than a walk but slower than a run. 2. To bound liStly. lope twrun A person'ssteady,easygait that is faster than a walk but slower than a nrn. loquacious adiec-tioe Given to conversation. fordliness rrrltttr The quality of being arrogant. fordfy dieahn 1. Iarge and impressivein size,scope,or extent. !. f,ysysisingauthority. 3. Overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance. fore ruxtn l. A body of traditiond belieft and notions accumulatedabout a particular subject: World War Il lorc; sea lorc. 2. That which is lnown; the sum of what hasbeen perceived, discovered,or inferred.
l. rnor oerb. 2. srup rnrb. TROTnou,n.
l. cneNo. 2. eurnonrrATrvE. 3. ennocervr.
1. Syns: folklore, legend, myth, mytholory, m;rthos, tradition. 2. nqowr,nocn.
573 lorn a.diectioe l. Poetic.Having been given up and left alone. 2. Poetic.Dejected due to the awarenessof being alone. fose oerb 1. To be unableto find: I'oe lost my keys. 2.To zufierthe lossof. 3. To fail to take advantageof: bst a good clw,nceto sxplain. 4. To get away from (a purzuer): The hunted ctiminal rnnaged to lose the police in trafu. foser rwurr 1. One that fails completely. 2. A personliving under very unhappy circumstances. foss rwun 1. The act or an instanceof losing something:a.ns trurblpd by the lossof her keys. 2. The condition of being deprived of what one once had or ouglrt to have. lost ad,iectioe Mg lceysare lost. 1. No longer in one'spossession: 2. Sentencedto terrible, irrevocable punishment. 3. No longer in use,force, or operation. lot rvntn 1. A piece of land: boughta cerwtery bt. 2. That which is inevitably destined. 3. That which is allotted. 4. A geat ded. 5. An indeterminatelygreat amount or number. 6. An indefinite amount or extent. 7. A classthat is defined by the common attribute or by its members. attributes possessed "llmaking up or considereda 8. A number of individuals unit. lot wrb To set asideor distribute as a share. loth ad,iecth:e Lothario notrrr A man amorouslyattentive to women. foud adiectioe l. Marked by extremely hig! volume and intenstry of sonnd: lmd yells; a lnud rock band,. 2. Tastelesslyshowv. loudmouthed ad,iictiae Offensivelyloud and insistent. founge oerb To passtime without working or in avoiding work. lour oerb b rwtm fouring adiectioe foury ad,iectine fouse up oerb Shg.To harm irreparablythrouglrinept handling; makea messof. fousy adiectioe l. Slang.Of decidedly inferior qualrty. 2. SlmS. So obiectionableasto elicit despisal. fout noun A large, ungainly, and dull-witted person. lovabfe a,iliectiae Easyto love.
1. esANDoNEo. 2. r.ot'lrr.v.
1. Syns;mislay,misplace. 2. onop oetb. 3. Syns;miss,waste.-lilioms let slip by, let slip thto"gh one's fingers,lose out on. 4, Syns:elude, evade,shake(off), throw afr. -Idiotn. give someonethe slip. 1. mrr.unn. 2. urvronruuerB noun. 1. Syns; mislaying,misplacement, misplacing. 2. prpnwerroN. 1. Syns.'gone,missing. 2. corouraxBp. 3. veNrsnno. 1, Syns;parcel, plot, tract. 2. rern rwun. 3. er-r,oruBn"r. 4. nnep nonn. 5. nnep rw,tn. 6, orer- rortn. 7. rrwoP. 8. cnoup nu,tn.
snnloath. GALI.ANT
1. Syns; blaring, deafening, roaring stentorian, stentorious. 2. ceupv. vocrFERous. tor-n oerb. snr lowerr. sun lowering. snn lowery. BOTCH.
1. snoooy. 2. ru-trr. l-utupl rwun. ADORABLE.
love love nmun l. The passionate affectionand desirefelt by lovers for eachother: Tlrcir brn lmeu rw bu,nds. 2. Deep and ardent affection. 3. A personwho is much loved. 4. An intimate sexualrelationshipbetweentwo people: couldn't disa.rssthis latest illicit Im:e. 5. A strong enthtsiastic liking for something:a looe of the sea. 6. The conditionof being closelytied to anotherby affectionor faith. fove oerb l. To feel deep,devotedlove for. 2. Tg,like or enjoy enthusiastically, often excessively. love affair rwun l. An intimate sexualrelationshipbetweentwo people. . 2. A strong,enthusiasticliking for something. fOYeO adiectity l. Regardedwith much love and tenderness. 2. Given qpecial,usu.doting treatrnent. lovefy odiia*:e 1. Having qualitiesthat delight the eye. 2. Pleasingto the eye or mind. fovely rwun A womanregardedasbeautiful. fover rrntn 1. A person'sregularsexualpartner: He has beenher bvr for Vears. 2. One who ardently admires. foving adiectioe Feeling and expressingaffection. fow adiectioe 1. Cut to r'evealthe wearer'sneck, chest,and back: a reoealitqly lou bodice. 2. Of zubordinatestandingor importance. 3. So objectionableas to elicit deqpisal. 4. Having or proceedingfrom low moral standards. 5. In low qpirits. 6. Iow in price. 7. Mw. Being a soundproduced by a relatively small frgquencl of vibrations:The htstrumentwascapable of wry lno pitches. 8. Not irritatin& strident, or loud. 9. Affected or tending to be affected with minor health problems. fow twtrn A very low level, position,or degree:The stockma*et has reatlled on oll-time lou. low-cost adiectioe low in price. fow-cut ad,iecthse Cut to revealthe wearer'sneck,chest,and back. low-down adiec-th:e Having or proceedingfrom low moral standards. fowerl alsolour tnb 1. To wrinkle one'sbrow, s h thought,puzdement, or displeasure. 2. To stare ffxedly and angrily. 3. To be imminent. lower dso lour ruxrn The act of wrinkling the brow, as in thoug[rt" puzzlemen! or diqpleasure.
574 1. Syns; arnorousness,arnour, passion. 2. eoonetroN. 3. oent-tr.Ic rwun. 4. Syns: affair, €unour, love affair, romance. 5. Syns; love affair, passion. 6. erracuMENT.
l. enonr. 2. enonp. 1. r,ovn noun. 2. rovn naun. l. oanrrNc adiectitse. 2. ravonrrn adiectioe. 1. sneurrrul. 2. errnecrtyr. BEAUTY.
l. Syn: paramour. 2. eournen. AFFECTIONATE.
1. Syns;low-cut, low-necked(aho lowneck),plunging. 2. uwon ad;iectioe. 3. rrr,rrry. 4. sonnm. 5. ospnnssno. 6. cnn,lp.
7. Syns:alto (Mrr. ), bass,deep,lowpitched. 8. sorr. 9. srcxr.v. Syn; bottom. -Idiorn rock bottom.
r-ow adiecthse. SORDTD.
1. rnowN oerb. 2. cr-snn oerb. 3. rnnnerrrv. FROWN tWUn.
575 oerb lower2 1. To catrse to descend: The pilot lowered the flnps. 2. To become or make less in price or value. 3. To decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising. lower adiectine Of subordinate standing or importance.
lowering alsolouring adiectioe of a foreboding or expressive Characterizedby somberness. lowermost a.d,iectioe
Opposite to or farthest from the top' fowery also lourY a.d;iectioe Characterizedby or expressiveof a foreboding somberness. fowest adiectiae Oppositeto or farthestfrom the top. fow-grade ad,iectioe Of mediocrequality. fow-key also loiv-keyed adiectiae Not irritating, strident, or loud. fow-keYed adiecthse lowly ad,iectioe l.-Lacking high stationor birth: a I'uoly peasant;the lo*lV nursses. 2. Having or expressingfeelingsof humility. 3. Of little distinction. low-neck adiecthrc fow-necked also low-neck ad,iectioe Cut to reveal the wearer's neck, chest, and back. fow-pitched adiectioe Being a soundproducedby a relatively small frequency of vibrations. low-priced adiectioe Low in price. fow-qualify adieAioe Of mediocrequality. loyaf adiectioe Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person,a cause' or a duty. loyalty rrDu,n 1. Faithfulnessor devotionto a person,a cause, obligations,or dutjes. 2. The conditionof being closelyUed to anotherby afiection or faith. lubricious adiectioe l. Following no predictable pattern. 2. So s*ootl and glassyas to ofter insecurehold or footing. fucent adiectioe Giving ofi or refecting liglrt readily or in large amounts. fucid ad.iectiae 1. Free from what obscuresor dims. 2. Of sound mind; mentally healthY. lucidity rwun 1. The quality of being clear and easyto perceive or understand. 2. A healthy mental state.
1. Syns; depress, drop, let down, take down. 2. onpnncretn. 3. cur BAcK.
MrNoRo.diectfue. or*r adiectioe.
BomoM adiechoe. olutx o.d.iectbse.
BorroM ad,iectioe. INFERIOR. SOF'I.
snu low-key, l. Syns:base2,baseborn,common, d6class6(aho declassed),humble, ignoble, mean2,ordinary, plebeian, unwashed,tulg*. 2. nuMsr-r ad,iecthn. 3. nur.rsr.Badiectioe. sBnlow-necked. r,ow adiectioe. row ad,iectiae.
1. rronr-rrv. 2. emecnurrvr.
1. cepnrcrous. 2. sr,rcr adiectinn.
1. cr,ren adiecthse. 2. sern.
fucidness noun A healthv mental state.
luck ,-in
l. Successattainedas a result of chance:It was iust my luck to firrd the moneg 2.'I\e quality sharedby random,unintended,or unpredictable eventsor this quality regardedas the causeof zuch events. fuck wrb . T", exposeto possiblelossor damage. lUCK|neSSnoun Succes attainedas a result of chance. fuckless adieaiw _ Involving or undergoingchancemisfortune. fuclty adiectiw Characterizedby luck or good fortune. fucrative adiecian . Affording profit. fUGfe rutun Somethingas coins,printed bills, etc., usedas a medium of exchange. fucubrate wrb . To-apqly one's mind to the acquisitionof knowledge. fucubration rwurl Archab. A carefirl consideringof a matter. fudicrous adiectioe - Deservinglaughter. fug oerb To move while zupporting. lug rwun - Sl^"ry.A large,ungainly,and dull-witted person. fug(s)- noun Artificial behavioradoptedto impressothers. fugubrious diec-tioe Causingsorrow. fukewarm ad;iectiln Lacking warmth, interest, enthusiasm,or involvement. fuff oerb To make or becomecalm. lufl twun An absenceof motion or disturbance. lumber wrb To move heavilv. fumbering adiectiw , {"king dexterity and gace in physical movement. fUmfnafy rroun l. A famousperson. 2. An importanl influentialperson. luminosity rrntn 1. Electromagneticradirationthat makesvisionpossible. 2. Exceptional brightnessand clarity, as of a cul and polishedstone. fumiious odieaiw Giving ofi or refecting liglrt readily or in large amounts. lummox nnun . A lgge, ungainly,and dull-witted person. fump' l. An irregularly shapedmassof indefinite size:a lurnp of wgar; Iunps of dht ail ooer tlte floor. 2. A small raisedarea of skin resulting from a liglrt blow, an insect sting etc.
1. Syns; fortunateness, fortune, luckiness. -Idimn good luck (or fortune). 2. cneNcn twun.
srur:" oerb. A.DVISEMENT.
cl't-v^ oerb. STILLNESS.
l. crr-rrnrry. 2. orcxrreny. 1. r.rcrrrl rroun. 2. rrnr nuun.
1. Syns.'chunk, clod, clump, gobr, hunch, hunk, nugget, wad. 2. euMP twun.
577 or elevationon a surface. 3. An unevenness 4. A large, ungainly, and dull-witted person: a ihmb lorry of a.rrurn.
luscious 3. suMPrwun. 4. Syns:bohunk (Slory), clo4 duH (Sland, gaum (Regilonal),gawk, hulk, hunk, Hutz (Slang),lout, lW (Shag), lummox,meatball(Sl&E), meathead (Slarrg),oaf, ox.
lump oerb L. lanl"poefu. 1. To put into a disorderedpile. 2. Syns:clump, gdumph or gdlumph, 2. To move heavily: linebackerslu,nrylry acrossthe hulk, lumber, shrmp. field. fumfr2 oerb ENDURE. Infonnal. To put up with. fumpish adiectiae 1. nnew adiectiae. l. Unwieldy, esp.due to excessweiglrt. 2. ewrnvrmo. 2. Lacking dexterity and gace in phpical movement. lumps rwun DVE |WTN. Somethingjustly deserved. funacy noun 1. rnsaxrrv. 1. Seriousmental illnessor disorder impairing a person'scapacrtyto function normally and safely. 2. 2. Foolishbehavior. lunatic adiec-tioe 1. 1. Aflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. 2. roor.rsx. as to be lauglrable. 2. So senseless lunatic rwun CRACKPOT. An insanelyfoolish or strangeperson. funge oerb 1. pr.uNcnoerb. 1. To move or advanceagainststrong resistance. 2. ptvNcn oerb. 2. To move or thrust at, under, or into the midst of with suddenforce. snr loony. funy adiectiaeCrrctm furch oerb 1. Syns; cantr, pitch, ro[ seesaw,tilt, 1. To lean suddenly,unsteadily,and erratically from yaw. the vertical axis:The deck hrched back and fonh ln the heat:y xoells. 2. nr.uxorn oerb, 2.To move awkwardlyor clumsily. 3. Syns; falter, reel, stagger,starnmer, 3. To walk unsteadily: The dnnk hnched un of the shrmble,teeter, totter, weave, wobble. bar and inta the all,ey. 4. pnr wrb. 4. To move or causeto move with a zudden,abrupt motion. lurch rwun A suddenpull. JEBK.nOUrL. lure nuun 1. Syns; allurement, come-on, 1. Somethingthat attracts, esp.with the promise of enticement, inducement, inveiglemenf pleasureor reward: Her beauty u)asan inesistibl.e seduction, temptation. Iure to mm. 2. Syns: bait, snare, trap. 2. Somethingthat leadsone into a place or situation from which escapeis difficult The lure of fast rnoneydrew hirn into gambling. 3. anrnec-rroN. 3. The power or quality of attracting. fure oerb 1. To direct or impel to oneselfby somequality or action. 1. etrnect. 2. rnum. 2. To beguile or draw into a wrong or foolish courseof action. lurid adiectioe 1. Shockinglyrepellent. 1. cnesrr.y. 2. Lacking color. 2. per.r ad,iectioe. furk oerb To move silently and furtively. srvnex oarb. luscious ad.iecttue 1. Highly pleasing,esp. to the senseof taste. l. otr-rcrous.
lush - 2. Giving geat pleasureor deliglrt. lush ,nin* Sbry.A personwho is habituallydrunk. fush wrt Sbry.To take alcoholic liquor, esp. excessivelyor habitually. lush adiecthn 1. Growing profusely. 2. Given to or marked by unrestrainedabundance. 3. Characterizedby extravagant,ostentatious magnificence. lust Mb To have a geedy, obsessivedesire: an ereanthsewho hsted ^lV f- pouer and morcy. fust twun l. Sexualhunger. 2. A strong wish for what promisesenjoyment or pleasure. luster rxntn 1. A radiant briglrtnessor glow, usu. due to light reflected from a smooth surface. - 2. A-positionof exalted,widely recognizedimportance. fusterfess adieahte f . Lacking liveliness,charm, or zu4lrise. 2. Lacking glossand luster.
lustful afieai"e
l. Feeling or devoted to sexuallove or desire. 2. Arclwb. Full of vigor. fustfulness noun S€xualhunger. fustraf adiectioe Servingto purify of sin. lustrate &rb To free from sin, guilt, or defilement. fustration noun A freeing from sirl Srilt, or defilement. fustrative adieahn Servingto purify of sin. fustratory adiectiw Servingto purify of sin. fustrous a.diectiw l. Having a high, radiant sheen. 2. Giving off or reflecting liglrt readily or in large amounts. 3. Widely known and esteemed. lusty adiecthn l. Full of vigor: a lwalthy, hsty man who uorked and played ltard. 2. Having great physical strength. fururiant ad;iectioe l. Growing profusely. 2. Given to or marked by trnrestrainedabundance. 3. Characterizedby extravagant,ostentatious magnificence. luxuriate wrb To take extravagantpleasue: Oh, to luntriate in the unrmth of o Pacific islrlnd! fuxurious adiec-thn Characteriz"d by extravagan! ostentatious magniftssnse: 71leshtppbrymag,nate's lururious yacht futured o InpLslozuli tnhle.
578 2. orr,rcHrrur.. DRUNKARD.
ontvx oerb.
1. rnrcx adiectioe. 2. pnorusn. 3. r-uxunrous.
Syns; crave, hunger (after or for), itch for, thirst. 1. onsnr nuun. 2. orsrnr rwtrn.
l. cr,oss noun. 2. rurrvexcr. ovrl- adiectioe. ovrl- a.diectiae. EROTIC. LUSTY. DESIRE TWUN, PURGATIVE. PURIFY.
1. cr.ossv. 2. snrcHr. 3. nurrvrr.rr. 1. Syns; lustful (Archaic), red-blooded, robust, vigorous, vital. 2. srnor*rc. l. rnrcx adiectioe. 2. pnorusr. 3. r,uxunrous.
Syns; bask, wallow.
roll, rollick,
Syns; lavish, lush, luxuriant, opulent, palatial, plush. plushy (Infornnl), nch.
579 fuxury noun a fur coattlnt is a costlyandunnecessary: Something real hmt'ry. ad,iectioe lying Given to or marked by deliberate concealment or misrepresentation of the truth.
Syns; extravagance (aho extravagancy),
fying-in rwwr
The act or Processof bringing forth young. lymphatic ad,iectioe Lacking energy and vitalitY. ad,iectioe lyric Of, periaining to, or havrngthe characteristicsof ooetry. lyr^icisrir nnun Somethinglikened to verse, as in form or style.
adiectiae macabre 1. Shockingly repellent. 2. Susceptibie to or marked by preoccupation with unwholesome matters.
machinate oerb
pror oerb. To work out a secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end'
machination nmtn A secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end. a"diectioe macho Of, characteristic of, or befitting the male sex. maCfOCOSm rwrln The totality of all existing things. maCfOCOSmOS rwun The totality of all existing things. adiectioe mad 1. efricted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. 2.Inforrnal. Showing or having enthusiasm. 3. Feeling or showing anger. 4. So senselessas to be laughable. 5. Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation. a.diectirse mad-Srained Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste. adiecthse madcap Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste. oerb madden 1, To make insane. 2. To cause to feel or show anger. adiectioe maddened Feeling or showing anger. ad,iectioe madding Obs. Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation. ad,iectioe made-to-order Made according to the specifications of the buyer. ad;iectioe made-up l. Consisting or suggestive of fiction.
1. rNservn. 2. 3. 4. 5.
pxrnusrAsrrc. eNcnv. roor.rsn. rnar.rrrc.
1. nunANcn. 2. *tcnn oerb. ANGRY.
cusroM a^diec'thse. 1. rrcntrous.
mad-headed 2. Being fictitious and not real. mad-headed adiecth:e Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste.
madness rwun
Seriousmental illnessor disorder impairing - a -person's __capacityto function normallyand safely. Maecenis noun A person who zupportsor championsan activity, instifution,etc. magazine tw.ur A place where somethingis depositedfor safekeeping. magrc noun l. The useof supernaturalpowersto infuence or predict eye1t1 BV t ra* the door operwdat the connwnd of the long-beardcdol.dnrnn. 2.\\e useof shllful tricks and deceptionsto produce entertainingly baffiing effects: a shuts of magc for child.rm. magic alsomagical adiectiw 1. Having or b_rought about by supernaturalpowers:a magb usand,;a nugic transfornation. 2. Pertainingto magic. magfGal adiectiw magisterial adiecthn Teqdingto dictate. magistrate rvaun A public_officialwho decidescasesbrouglrt before a court of law in order to administerjusticl. magnanimity rwrn Th" q,plity or state of being generous. magnanamous adiec-tioe Willing. to give of oneselfand one's possessions. magnanlmOUSneSS noun Th" qplity or stateof being generous. magnetic od.iectiw Pleasingto the eye or mind. magnetism noun l. The capacityto exert an influence. 2. The.power or quality of attracting. magnetEe oerb To direct or impel to oneselfby somequality or action. magnific adiectiw Obs,l,argg and impressivein size,scope,or extent. magnlnGallOn rxrun 1. The act or an instanceof exaggerating. 2. The honoringof God, as in worship. magnificence twun Brilliant, $o*y qplendor. magnificent odiecthn l. Large and impressivein size,scope,or extent. 2. Far above others i" qo"lity or excellence. 3. Marked by extraordinaryelegance,beauty, and splendor. magnify wrb 1. To make or becomegreateror larger. 2. To becomegreater in number, amount, or intensity. 3. To raise to a high position or status. 4. To pay tribute or homageto. 5. To honor (God) in religious worship. 6. To make (something)seemgreater than is achrally the case.
580 2. essuprco. Resxl. INSANITY.
1. Syns; conjuration, conjury, sorcery, sortilege, thaumaturg;r, theurg/, witchcraft, witchery, witching, wizardry. 2. Syns: conjuration, conjury, legerdemain, prestidigitation. -Idiom sleight of hand. 1. Syns; thaumaturgic, wizardly. 2. wrrcnruc adiectitse. sEEmagic. DICTATORIAL. JUDGE twun.
1. roncn rwun. 2. errnecrrou. ATTRACT. CRAND. 1. nxeccnnATroN.
2. pnersn twun. GLITTER |WUN. 1. cnaNo. 2. oursreNowc. 3. cr.onrous.
1. rxcnresp, oerb.
2. 3. 4. 5. 5.
nrsn oerb. rxer.r. sovon oerb. pnersr oarb. nxeccpnerp.
581 magniloquent adiecthse Characterizedby languagethat is elevated and sometimespompousin style. magnitude rwun l. Great extent,amount,or dimension. 2.I\e quality or stateof being large in amount,extent, or importance. 3. The amountof spaceoccupiedby something. 4. Relative intensity or amotrnt,as of a quality or attribute. 5. The quality of being enorrnous. magnum OpUS rwun An outstandingand ingeniouswork. maiden ad,iectitse Precedingall others in time. maim oerb To deprive of, or of the use of, a limb or bodily member. main adiectioe Most important, influential, or significant. maintain oerb l. To keep in a conditionof good repair, efficiency,or vse maintainedfiness uith dnily erercise. 2. To perseverein somecondition,action, or belief. 3. To put into words positively and with conviction. 4. To supply with the necessities of life. 5. To support againstarguments,attack, or criticism. 6. To state to be true. 7. To sustainthe weiglrt of. maintenance twttn The meansneededto support life. majestic adiectiae Large and impressivein size,scope,or extent. maiesty rwun Somethingmeriting the higlrestpraise or regard. maior adiectirse 1. Most important, infuential, or significant. 2_.Being amongthe leadersof a particular class. maior-feague ad,iectine Being irmongthe leadersof a particular class. make oerb 1. To create by forming combining or altering materials:made a howe from lags;makhg a sandtpich. 2. 3. 4. 5.
To be the causeof. To causeto come into existence. To causeto be by official action. To causeto be ready, as for use, consumption,or a specialpupose. 5. To causeto be in a certain state or to undergo a particular experienceor action. 7. To cause(a person or thing) to act or move in qpite of resistance. 8. To be the constituentparts of. 9. To receive,as wages,for one'slabor. 10. To select for an office or position. 11. To journey over (a speciffeddistance). 12. To proceedin a qpecifieddirection. make out wrb 1. To perceive and fix the identity of. 2. To perceive and recognizethe meaningof.
1. sulr. 2. srun. 3. srzr. 4. oecnne. 5. BrtonuousNEss.
l. Syns; keep up, preserve, sustain. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
xnnp oerb. essrnr. svpponr oerb. onrnrvp. cr.Nu oerb. svppoxr oetb,
1. pnrueny a.diectioe. 2. src-r-EAcur. BTC-LEAGUE.
1. Syns; assemble, build, construc! fabricate, fashion, forgel, frame, manufachrre, mold, produce, put together, shape. 2. cwsn oerb. 3. pnooucr. 4. nNecr. 5. pnrpenB. 6. cnr oerb. 7. poncn oerb. E. 9. 10. 11. 12.
coNsnrurn. nenN. epporxr. rnermnss. spAR.
1. orscsnN. 2. ur*ornsrertp.
make-believe 3. lnfonrwl. To progess or perform adequately, difficult circumstances. 4. Slang.To fare well. make over wrb To changethe ownership of (propertry)by meansof a legal document. mak]e-believe rKrun The presentationof somethingfalseas true. make but oerb make over oerb maker rruun l. A p"tpn or businessthat makesor builds something. 2. One that creates,founds,or originates. makeshift noun Somethingused temporarily or reluctantly when other meansare not available:I-ockiry a bat, the boysttseda b@rn hnndlc as a makeshift. make-up dso makeup ,K;un make up oerb 1. To use ingenuity in making developing,or achieving. 2. To be the constituentparts of. 3. To act asan equalizingweight or force to. 4. To composeor recite without preparation. make-updso makeup twnn The combinationof emotional,intellectual,and moral qualities that distinguishesan individual. maladroit adiectitx 1. Clumsilylackingin the ability to do or perform. 2: F"ki"g sensitivityand shll in dealing with others. mafady rwun A pathologicalcondition of mind or body. mafa fide adiecthn Igtin.Not being what one purports to be. mafapert adiec'thn Rude and disreqpectful. malapen rroun One who is obnoxiouslyself-assertiveand arrogant. mafapropos adiecthn Not zuitedto circumstances. mafarkey dso malarky noun Sb"g.Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense. malarky runtn mafe diectitx Of, gtraracteristicof, or befitting the male sex. maledict oerb Rare.To invoke evil or injury upon. mafediction rwun A denunciationinvoking a wish or threat of evil or inj"ry. mafefactor noun One who commitsa crime. mafevolence rroun A desireto harm othersor to seeotherssuffer:Out of sheermaboobnce he refined to help lnst traael.erswho lenmkedon his dwr to askdirectiotu. mafevolent odiectioe Characterizedby intenseill wilt or spite: a mabrsobnt lwtted of a.nyoncuho dared to clwllznge him.
582 3. uenecn. 4. pnosppn. rneNsrpn oerb.
sBr make. ssr make. 1. nuu.onn. 2. onrcnreron. Syns; expediency (aho expedience ), expedient, shift, stopgap. snn make up. 1. n+vsNr. 2. coNsrrrvrn. 3. gALANcnoerb. 4. rupnovrsr. CHARACTER.
sEEmalarkey. MANLY.
cvnsn oerb. CURSE |WUN.
Syns: despitefulness (Archaic), ill will, malice, maliciousness, malignancy (also malignance ), maligntV, spite, spitefulness. Syns: bitchy (Slang), black, black-hearted, despitefnl (Archaic), evil, hateful (Rare), malicious, malign, malignant, mean2, nasty, poisonous, spiteful, venomous, vicious, wicked.
583 malformation noun A disfiguringabnormalityof shapeor form. malfunction oerb difficulties:The To work improperlydueto mechanical bank's accountingsgsterncometo a twlt whert the cmtral cornputermalfmctimed. maf ice nuun A desire to harm others or to seeothers suffer. malicious adiectioe Characterizedby intenseill will or qpite. maliciousness rwun A desire to harm others or to seeothers suffer. malign oerb To make defamatorystatementsabout. mafign ad;iecthse 1, Stronglysuggestiveof greatharm, menace,or evil: the exeattioner'smolign hood. 2. Characterizedby intenseill will or qpite. malignance twun mafignanc! alsomalignance rwtnr A desire to harm others or to seeothers nrffer. maf ignant d,ieaiae 1. Characterizedby intenseill will or spite. 2. Extremely destructive or haxmful. mafigning ad,iectiae Damagingto the reputation. malignity rwun A desire to harm others or to seeothers suffer. malism nuun The doctrine that this world is evil.
Syns; act up (nfomwl), misbehave.
uwn* oerb. 1. Syns; baleful, sinister. 2. uer-rvor.ENT. sEEmalignancy. MALEVOLENCE. l. Drer,svoLENT.
mafison twun Arclwb. A denunciationinvoking a wish or threat of evil or injury. mafleability rwun The quality or state of being flexible. mafleable adiecthse 1. Capable of being shaped,bent, or drawn out, as by hammeringor pressure:Gold and cryer arc malleabb metals. 2. Easily dtered or infuenced. malodorous adiecthse Having an unpleasantodor. maltreat oerb To hurt or injure by maltreatrnent. maltreatment rvntn Phvsicallvharmful treatrnent. manimoth norlft One that is extraordinarily large and powerful. mammoth adiectiae Of extraordinary size and power. man naun 1. A memberof the humanrace. 2.^I\e humanrace. Man rwun Slang A member of a law-enforcementagency. manacle oerb To restrict the activiW or free movement of. manacles noun Somethingthat physically confinesthe legs or arms. manage wrb l. To progressor perform adequately,esp. in difficult
1. Syns; ductile, flexible (aho fexile), fexuous (also fexuose), moldable, plastic, pliable, pliant, supple, workable. 2. rr.nxgr.E. SMELLY.
rirtvsn tnrb. ABUSE nOUn GIANT |IOWI,. crANr ad,iectioe. 1. rruuel BEINc. 2. rr,rervxniro. POLICEMAN. HAMPER. BONDS.
1. Syns.'do,fare, fend, get along get by,
manageable circumstances:7'1lehvil lmked steep,but the tone hilcer orssalrcd hisfrienfu tlwt lw coiA monoge.
584 make 9ut_(Infornnl), muddle through Qhl,eft, Brit.), shift, stagger(on or along). -Idiom^s make do, make shift. 2. eoMrmsrsn. 3. coxoucr oerb.
2. To have chargeof (the afiairs of others). 3. To control the cotrse of (an activity). manageablc adieatw Capable of being governed. management noun l. Authoritative control over the afiairs of others. 1. eounvrsrRATroN. 2. T\e careful guarding of an asset. 2. coxstnvetroN. 3. An act or instanceof guiding. 3. curoeNcr. manager rwun l. Someonewho direcb and zupervisesworkers. l. soss rwrr. 2. A personhaving aamintnative or managerial 2. r:ccurryr. authority in an organization. managerial adieaitn Of,_for, or relating to administrationor administrators. mandate twnn An authoritative in&cation to be obeyed. COMMAND |IOUN, mandatory adiec-thn I*pos"d on one by authority, command,or convention. REQUIRED. maneUVef rwun l. A calculated changein position. 1. uoveurvr. 2. An indirect, usu. cunning meansof gaining an end. 2. rnrcx rwun. 3. A method of deploying troops and e-quipmentin 3. recrrcl. combat. manewer Mb l. To direct the courseof carefullyi fiutrTerupredthe 1. Syns; navigate, pilot, steer. -Idiont. geat ship into tfu dock. back and fill. 2. uovn oerb. ?. To gg ot causeto go from one place to another. 3. To take clever or cunning$epJto achieveone's 3. Syns; finagle (also fenagle) (Infonnol), jockey. -Iilioln pull strings (or wires). - goals:schemedand mandnvrbd tu get pmrcteit. 4. To control to one's own advantageby ardul or 4. ueNpur,erB. indirect means. manful ad.iec-thn Ol characteristicof, or befftting the male sex. MANLY. mangle twb l. seTTBn. l. fo iniure-o1damage,asby abuseor heavywear. 2, To smqgthby applying heat and pressure. 2. pnnss rserb. manty adiectitx Showing-signsof wear and tear or neglect. SHABBY. manhandle urb To be rough or brutal with. sr.AP ARouNo at slap. man-hatef rwun A person who expectsonly the worst from people. CYNIC. manla twun 1. Seriousmental illnessor disorder impairing a l. rNs,uurv. _ person'scapaclty to function normally and safety. 2. A subject or activity that inTires lively interest. 2. nNrnusresu. 3. An irrational preoccupation. 3. rnrNc. manlaG lroun A person who is ardently devoted to a particular ENTHUSIAST. nrbiect or activity. maniac adiectiw Aflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental TNSANE. unsoundness. maniacal adieaiw Aflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental INSANE. unsoundness. manifost oe$ l. To make manifestor aplnrent. l. srtow oerb. 2. To represent (an abstraction)in or as if in bodily form. 2. rtvrsopv.
585 3. To give expressionto, asby gestures,facial aspects, or bodily posture. manifest ad,iectiae Readily seen,perceived, or understood. manifestation rwun l. An act of showingor disPlaYing. 2. Somethingvisible or evident that gives grounds-for believing in the existenceor presenceof something else. manifesto rwun A public statement. manipulate oerb 1. To control to one'sown advantageby arilrrl or indirect means:Shemarfipulatespeople into helping her by pretendingto be ooentnrked, 2. To use wittr or as if with the hands. 3. To handle in a way so as to mix, form, and shape. mankind rwltn The human race: A nuclear war might ilesnoy all nranlehd. manfike ad,iectine Resemblinga man or human being: reportsof a fumg, manlilu ueature liuing in tlrc forest. manfy ad,iec'tioe Of, characteristicof, or befftting the male sex:manly self-reliante;payhrymartly attentionsto the ladies. manmade adiectioe 1. Made by humanbeings,not nature. 2. Made to imitate somethingelse. mannef nDttn 1. A habitualway of behaving. 2. Behaviorthrouglrwhich one revealsone's personality. 3. A classthat is defined by the common attribute or its members. by attributespossessed "ll oneself. 4. A distinctive way of expressing mannered adiectioe Artificially genteel. mannerism rroun Artificial behavior adopted to impressothers. mannerly ad,ieaioe Characterizedby good manners. mannefS twun Sociallycorrect behavior: ntnding his rna,nners. manslaying rraun The crime of murdering someone. mantic ad,iectioe Of or relating to the foretelling of eventsby or as if by zupernaturalmeans. mantle oerb l. To cover as if with clothes. 2, To becomered in the face. man-to-man adiectbe Executedwithout pretenseor obfuscation. manufacture oerb To create by forming, combining,or altering materials. manufactured ad;iectioe Made by humanbeings,not nature. manufacturer nuun A person or businessthat makesor builds something.
3. p:rpnsss oarb.
1. prspr,ev twun. 2. srcN noun.
1. Syns; exploit, maneuver,play. wrb. 2. wscEn,J. 3. wonx oerb. $yns; fesh, Homo sapiens,humanity, humankind, man\ universe,world. Syns; anthropoid, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphous,hominoid, humanoid. Syns: macho,male, manful, masculine, virile. 1. anrrrrcrer-. 2. enrrrrcrer-. 1. cusrou rwtrn. 2. snAnrNc. 3. xnv# noun. 4, srvr.s rwu,n. lrrrcrnnP. AFFECTATION. COURTEOUS.
Syns; decorum, etiquette, mores, proprieties. -Idionts good form, p's and q's. MURDER NOUN. PROPHETIC.
1. cr-ornr. 2. w.vss oerb. PLAINadiectioe. MAKE.
manumission manumissiOn notut The stateof not b"i"g in confinementor servitude. manumit oerb To set at libertv. manumitted adiecth:e At liberty; not imprisonedor enslaved. many adiecthn Amo-untingto or consistingof a large, indefinite number: Many sailsdoned the horizon. many-sided adiecthn Having many aqrects,uses,or abilities. map twun Slang.The front nrrface of the head. map oerb l. To work out and arrangethe parts or detailsof. 2, To show graphically the direc^tionor location of, as by using coordinates. maf oerb To qpoil the soundnessor perfection of. maraud wrb To make a surpriseattack on. marbles ,wui Slane.A healthymental state. march-l wrb 1. To walk with long steps, a vigorousmanner. 2. To go forward, eqp.toward a conclusion. march rwttn Forward movement. mafGh2 rvntn The line or area separatinggeopolitical units. marchland twun The line or area separatinggeopolitical units. margin twun !. A-fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. 2. T\e leastpossiblequantity or degee. 3. Suitableopportunity to accept or allow something. margin Detb To put or form a border on. marine adieaiw l. Of or relating to the seiu or oceans:marfu life; marhw erploration. 2. .Of or relating to seanavigation. maflnef noun A person e_ngaged in sailing or working on a ship. marlt3f adiecthn Of, relating to, or typical of marriage: the marital M.; m$itnl difwities maritime adiec-thn l. Of or relating to the seasor oceans. 2..Of or relating to seanavigation. mafK rnun 1. A nameor other device placed on merchandiseto signify its ownership or manufachtre: Tlv makefs mark u>asrcady imisibb. 2. Somethingvisible or evident that gives groundsfor believing in the existenceor presenceof something else. 3. A distinctive element. 4. The act of noting observing or taking into accounL
rngn oerb. rnnn adiectioe. Syns: legion, multitudinous, myriad, numerous, voluminous. -Idiotn quite a few. VERSATILE. FAC'E |WUN,
1. onsrcN oerb. 2. s-or aerb.
rNruRE. ntto oerb. SANITY.
l. srnrnn. 2. conaB. ADVANCE
l. aonopn tuoun. 2. urNruuv rwun. 3. noou. nononn uerb. 1. Syns; maritime, oceanic, pelagrc, thalassic. 2. xeurrclr,. SAILOR.
Syns; conjugal,connubial, hymeneal, matrimonial, nuptial, qpousal, ilffi:t l. r*,renINe. 2. nluncer.. l. Syns; brand, colophon, trademark.
2. srcN noun.
3. guer.rrr twun, 4. Norrcn rwtul
587 5. A means by which individuals are compared and judged. 6. A position of exalted, widely recognized importance' 7. What one intends to do or achieve. 8. Something stronglY desired. 9. One that is fired at, attacked, or abused. 10. A person who is easily deceived or victimized. mark oetb 1. To give grounds for believing in the existence or presence of. 2. To make manifest or aPParent. 3. To make noticeable or different. 4. To set off by or as if by a mark indicating ownership or manufaciwez nwtked each ptofuct uith the cornpany seal. 5. To p"tc-ei.te with a special effort of the sensesor the
5. ster.oeno rtoun. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
nurxnrqcB. rvrrxrroN. eMsrrtor.I. rencnr. oupn noun.
l. 2. snow aerb. 3. orsuNcursn. 4. Syns: brand, identify, label, tag.
5. rqorrcr oerb.
mind. 6. snlr aerb. 6. To indicate (time or rhythm), as with repeated gestures or sounds. 7.)o glve a precise indication of as on a register or scale. 7. snow oerb. 8. rencnr r:arb. 8. To inake a target of. mark out (or off) oerb DETERMTNE. To fix the limits of.
markdorvn rwun mark down oerb
sns mark down.
To become or make less in price or value. markdown nornl A lowering in price or value. ad,iectioe marked Readily attracting notice.
marker rnrun An identifying or descriptive slip.
market oerb To offerfor sale. marketabilitY nou,n Marketappeal. marketableness rwun Marketappeal. mark out (6r off) oerb marriable adiectioe Archaic. Deemed suitable for marriage.
marriage rwu,n 1. The state of being united as husband and wife: qunnebd daring their lon'g manbge. 2.\\e act or ceremony by which two people become husband and wife. ad,iecth:e marriageable Deemed suitable for marriage. adiectitn married Of, relating to, or typicat of marriage. naun maffOW The most central and material part. marrOVvy adiectioe Precisely meaningful and tersely cogent;
mafry oerb 1. To join or be joined in marriage:married his higha brief cowtship, ofter u:hich sclwolsaneetheart; they rnanied, 2. To btittg or come together into a united whole. marsh rwLat A usu. lowJying area of soft, waterloggedground and standingwater.
sntt oerb. SELL TWUN. SELL ftOun.
ssn mark. ELIGIBLE.
1. Syns: conjugality, connubiality, matrimony, wedlock. 2. wnoonqc.
l. Syns; espouse,hitch (Sl@tg), mate, wed.. -Idiom tie the knot. 2. corvrsu,lEoerb. SWAMP.
marshal marshal Mb l. To briogtogether. 2. To put into a deliberateorder. 3. To assemble,.prepare, or put into operation,asfor war or a similar emergency.
588 l. essrMsr,r. 2. ennervcr. 3. iaoarlrzB.
marchland rwnn A usu. lowJying area of soft, waterlogged ground and standing water.
martiaf diecthn 1. Of, pertainingto, or inclined toward war. 2. Pertainingto, characteristicof, or performed by troops. martinet noun One who imposesor favors absoluteobedienceto authority. mafvef txntn One that evokesgreat zurpriseand admiration: such rchnvl nunpls as tfu Grand Canyon;a prosestyb tlwt is a mannl of precbilm marvel Mb To have a feeling of great awe and rapt admiration. marVellng rwun The emotion arousedby sornethingawe-inspiringor astounding. marvellouJ diectiw maryelouS also maryellous d,iectitx l. Particularly excellent: had,a nwnveloustime in Eu rcpe.
2. So remarkable as to elicit disbelief.
masculine d.iec-thn Ol characteristicof, or befitting the male sex. mash oetb l. To pressforcefirlly so as to break up into a pulpy 2. To act on with a steadypushingforce. mashed adiecthn 9b.ry. Affected with intenseromantic attraction. maSK ilntn A deceptive outward appearance. mask wtb l. To changeor modify so as to prevent recognition of the true identity or character of. 2. To prevent (something)from being known. masqUefa0e nuun l. A display of insincerebehavior. 2. A deceptive outward appearance. masquorade oqb t. To changeor modify so as to prevent recognition of the trr.e identity or character of. 2. To representoneselfin a given character or as other than what one is. maSS rroun l. A separateand distinct portion of matter.
l. urr-rreny. 2. urr,rreny.
Syns; miracle, phenomenon, prodigr, sensation, sfunner, wonder, wonderment. -Idiom"s one for the books, the eiglrth wonder of the world. woNoBn oerb. WONDER
ser marvelous. l. Syns; cool (Slnng),dandy (Infonrnl), {ivinet (Infornwl), dreamy(Infonnal), fabulous(Informal), glorious,goovy (Slang),heavenly(Infonrnl), hot (Slong),hunlcy-dory(Slong),keenr (Slong),neat (Slang),nifty (Slang), rippitrg, sensational,splendid, super (Infonrnl), superb,swell (lnfenrwl), terrific, tremendous (Informal), wonderful. -Idiom out of this world. 2. resur-ous. MANLY.
l. cnvss oerb. 2. cnown oerb.
l. orscursBoerb. 2. covnn oerb. 1. ecr nDlrn. 2. regeon. l. orscursn oerb. 2. posn oerb.
1. soov rrou,n.
589 2. Great extent, amount, or dimerrsion' 3. The geatest Part or Portion. 4. A great deal. 5. An enorrnousnumber of personsgatheredtogether' 6. A goup of things gatheredhaphazardly. 7. A quantitY accumulated. massacfe rroun ila'ing The savagekilling of many victims: a naa'ssacYe the reoolution. massacre oerb 1. To kill savagelyand indiscriminately. 2.Infonnol. To rlnder totally ineffectiveby decisive defeat. massacfef rwttn One who murdersanother. maSSeS rrmtn The commonPeoPle. massive adiectioe 1. Extremelylarge; havinggreat mass. 2. Of extraordinarysizeand power. 3. Having a relatively great weiglrt. massiveness nu.m The state or quality of being physically heavy. maSs} adiectiae Archaic. Of extraordinarysize and power. master 1. One who is highest in rank or authority. 2. One that conquers. personwho haslegal Utle to propely-. 3. A -person with a high degreeof knowledge or skill in 4. A a particular ffeld. 5. A-ffrst form from which varietiesarise or imitatiors are made. master oerb l. To gain knowledgeor masteryof by study. 2. To get the better of. 3. To Lain to live with and be of use to man. master ad,iectioe Having or demonstratinga higlr degreeof knowledge or skill. masterful adiectioe 1. ExercisingauthoritY. 2. Tendingto dictate. 3. Havingbr demorxtrating a higlr degreeof knowledgeor skill. 4. Showingart or skill in performing or doing. masterly adiectioe 1. Having or demonstratinga higlr degree of }nowledge or skill. 2. Showingart or skill in performing or doing. masterpiece twun An outstandingand ingeniouswork: a nowl that is a rgol masterpbce. masterstroke rwltn A great or heroic deed. masterwork rroun An outstandingand ingeniouswork. mastery rwun 1. The act of exercisingcontrollingpower or the conditionof being so controlled. 2. The right and power to command,decide,nrle, or judge.
2. r;vLr, 3. wBrcnr rwun. 4. nrep rwun. 5. cnown naun. 6. Hrep rwun. 7. eccuuur,erron. Syns; blood bath, bloodletting bloodshed, butchery carnage,Pogrom, slaughter. 1. eNNInnem. 2. ovnnwnnr-u.
1. suLKY. 2. creNt adiectioe. 3. nrew adiectioe. HEAVINESS.
crANr adiectioe. 1. 2. 3. 4.
cnrsr noun. coxqunnon. owrveR. nxppnr nDttn,
5. onrcrNer, twun.
1. r.nenn. 2. rnwvpn rwb. 3. oounsncerB. EXPERTadiec-tioe.
1. euurontrATrvE. 2. orc'rlronmr,. 3. nxppnr ad,iectioe. 4. enrrur,. 1. rxpsnr ad,iectiae. 2. enrrur.. Syns: chef d'oeuvre (French), magnum opus, masterwork, tour de force (French). FEAT.
1. oourNerrou. 2. e.uruonrrv.
masticate 3. lntellectual hold. 4. Natural or acquired facility in a qpecific activity. masticate Mb To bite and gind with the teeth. -odleaiw mastodontc Of extraordinary ' size and power. mat also matte dieahn' lacking glos and luster. match trotm l. One of a matcbed pair of things. 2. Something 9b*ly resembling6r analogousto somethingelse. match Mb l. fo pe compatibleor in correqpondence. 2. To b" or alike. 3. To do "qu"l or make somethingequal to. 4. To be in keeping with. 5. To representas similar. 6: T9 place in opposition or be in opposiUonto. matchless dieaiw Without equal or rival. mate rroun l. One of a matchedpair of things: Tlw mate of this glow is missdng. 2. A husbandor wife. 3. A person whom one knows well, likes, and trusts. 4. One who keepscompanywith another. mate Mb l. To join or be loined in marriage. 2. To engagein sexualrelationswith. material rvntn l. That from which things are or can be made: built a mdc slwltcr out of ntaterbls at lnnd; a nowlist in searchof nwterbl. 2. That which occupiesspaceand can be perceived by the senses. 3. The basic substanceor essentialelementsof character that qualify a personfor a specifiedrole. material adiec-tioe l. Comporyd of or relating to things that occupy space _ and can be perceived by the senses. 2. Having geat significance. 3. Related to the matter at hand. materialistic adieaiw Of 9-rpreocc-upiedwith material rather than spirihral or intellectud things: tlw nwteriolistic goal of ariassing pvpety. materiality nonn l. That which occupiesqpaceand can be perceived by the senses. 2. Somethingthat exists. materializati6n ruxln The act of coming into view. materialize &tb l. To come into view. 2. To make real or achral. 3. To represent(an abstraction)in or as if in bodily form. materials troun Ttinp-needed fol a task,journey, or other pupos€. materlel or mat6riel ,win Things neededfor a task,journey, or otler pupose.
590 3. cnesp noun. 4. e-srr,rry. CHEW.
crANT adiectioe. ovu. a.diecthse.
t . MATE |IOUN, 2. PA-RALLEL II,UIN. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
ecnrr. coupenr. ngvN- oerb. rm. r-txnN. opposn.
1. Syns; companion, double, fellow, match, twin. 2. spousr. 3. rnmvo. 4. essocrerr. noun. 1. uenny. 2. rrxn oerb. l. Syns; matter, shrff, substance. -Idiom grist for one's mill. 2. lulrrrn
3. rnasnn.
1. pxysrcer-.
2. IMPORTANT. 3 . RELEVANT. Syns.' mundane, sensual, temporal, worldly.
2 . ACTUALITY. APPEARANCE. l. eppnen. 2. nnu-tzs. 3. nnasooy.
591 matrimonial ad'ieaiae Of, relating to, or tlpical of marriage.
matrimony rroTtn The stateof beingunitedashusbandandwife' matrix rnntn A modelfor makinga mold. matte ad,iectiae matter noun 1. That whichoccupiessPaceandcanbe perceivedby
of matter and' the senses:a unioerseconsi^sting energa. 2. Thaihom which things are or can be made. 3. Somethingto be done,considered,or dealt with: Thsreariseoeral rnattercbft before ue can adiou'm' 4. What a qpeech,piece of writing or artistic work is about. matter oerb To be of significanceor importance. matter-of-course a'diectioe To be expected. matter-of-Tact ailiectioe 1. Lacking liveliness,charm, or surprise. 2. With little or no emotion or expression. 3. Having or indicating an awarenessof things as they really are. maturate oerb To bring or come to ftrll development. mature ad,iectine Having reachedfull growth and development: mature fruit, read'yfor PAckng. mature oerb To bring or come to full developmenl; He mntured the uirw in r:ats in his cellnr. As a teen-agershe mahned slowla. maturdd adiecthse Brought to full flavor and richnessby aging. maudf in adiectioe Affectedly or extravagantlyemotional. maudlinism rw,tn The quality or condition of being affectedly or overly emotional. maul oerb To injure or damage,asby abuseor heavywear. mausoleum rroun A budal place or receptaclefor human remains. mawkish adiectioe Affectedly or extravagantlyemotional. mawkishness noun The quality or condition of being affectedly or overly emotional. maxim rrcnn A usu. pithy and familiar statementexpressingan observationor principle generallyacceptedas wise or true. maximal ad.iecthn Greatestin quantity or higlrestin degreethat has been or can be attained. maximum ad,iectioe Greatestin quantity or higlrestin degreethat has been or can be attained:An infated balloonreachesits ma*irrutrn si,zeiust before hnsting.
sEEmat. 1. Syns: material, materidity, substance.
2. rrlergnnr-
3. Syns; affair, thing. 4. sun;ncr rwun. cowr tnrb, coMMoNad;iectioe. 1. our-r,ad,iecthse. 2. nnv adiectioe. 3. nrer,rsrrc. uervnn oerb, Syns:adult, big developed,full-blown" full-fedged, full-grown, grown, g'own-up, rtpa -Idiorn of age. Syns:age, develop, !fow, maturate, mellow, npe (Chiefl.yRegiorwl),ripen.
MAXTMUM adiecthse-
Syns; maximal,top, topmos! upside (Informal), ultimate, utmost.
mayh maximum noun l. P" greatestquantig or highestdegree attainable: Desert temperahnesare attr rnarhium in late 2. !" greatestamouni o, no-b6, alowed. maybe adDerb Possiblybut not certainly: Maybe fi untt rainoand mayberct. maze wfu Arclnb. To stun the senses,as with a heavy blow, a shock,or faUgue. maze twun l. somethingthat is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. 2. Arclrab. A stunnedor bewilderedcondition. maZUma twwt Shn-g.Somethingascoins,printed bills, etc., usedas a mediumof exchange. meager adiecthn l. Conspicuouslydeficientin quantity, fullness,or extent: a rlueagerdlet of rice and broth; a meager lioittg. 2. Having little fesh or fat on the body. me a l n E To take (food) into the body as nourishment. meanl rrqb l. To have or convey a particular idea: We discvssed. ^ yryt ille poernrwani. A red light meansto stop. 2. To have in mind as a goal ot pirpose. mean2 diec'tioe l. Of me&ocre quality. 2. Iacking higlr staUonor birth. 3. Having or proceedingfrom low moral standards. 4. Characted*4ly intenseill will or qpite. l. f objectionableas to elicit deqpisal.9. Vng:n"to_"rly o-rpettiJl reluctait to qpendmoney. 7. Not broad or elevated in scopeor unierstanding. ?. lt"fg H-ardto treat, mattagelor cope with. -9. Infomul Hyi"g or showinga bad ie*per. lO. InfonuL Affected or tending to be afiected with minor health problems. 11. Of little distinction. mean3 lwun Something as atype, number, quantity, or degee, that representsa midpoint betweenextremeson a scaleof valuation. mean d.ieahn Not extreme. meander oert 1. To move about at random,esp.over a wide area. 2. To walk at a leisurely pace. 3. Tg move or p_roceedon a repeatedly curving course. mean0enng diectiw Repeatedlycundng in alternate directions. meandrous dieahn Repeatedlycurving in alternate directions. meaning rrotrrr l. That which is signifiedby a word or expression: Synonymsarc usotdshadilEtlle sarrc nleanlng 2. What one intends to do or achieve.
592 l. Syns; ceiling, climax, crest, outside, peak, top, ultimate. _Idiorn ne plus uItra. 2. r.rurr nuttn. Syns: perchance, perhaps.
otzn oerb.
l. reNcr.n twun. 2. otzn noun. MONEY.
l. Syns.'exiguous,measly (Stang), poor, pm/, scant, scanty, skimpy, spare, sparse, sting;r. 2. rnrN adiectiae.
;::rrr add up to, connote, denote, - import, intend, signify, spelll. 2. nvrnriro. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
uvprnron. r,owr.y. sonnm. uer.nvolENT. ru,rrry. snNcy.
7. NARRO\^/. 8. 9. rr.r.-TEMpERED. 10. srcxr,r. 1l. rruunr.nadiecthse. AVERAGE TWUN.
MTDDLE adiectiae. 1. novB. 2. srnot* wrb. 3. wnrnP. WINDINC. WINDINC. l. Syns; acceptation, acception, import, intent message, purport sense, signifi cance (also significancy ), signification, value.
2. uvrrvrroN.
593 meaning adiectioe Efiecdvely conveying meaning, feeling or mood' adiectioe meaninglul conveying meaning feeling or mood' 1. Efiitively geat significance. 2. Having 3. ConvJying hidden or unexPressed meaning'
meaningless ad'iectioe Lacking rational direction or purpose. mgan5 rwttrr 1. That by which somethingis accgmplishe{ or some end acirieved: We built a rope bri'ilgeand by this fiwtns nossed the gorge. 2, All property or goodshaving economic value. measlaness rwrm Slery. Contemptibleunimportance. measlY adiectioe l, SlnE ionspicuously deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent. 2. Shng. Contemptibly unimportant. meaSUfe twun 1. The amount of spaceoccupied by something. 2. Relative intensity or amounl as of a qudity or attribute. 3. The act or processof ascertainingdimensions, quantity, or caPacitY 4. A meansby wLich individuals are comParedand judged. 5. That which is allotted. 6. The formal product of a legislative or judicial body. 7. An action calculated to achievean end. 8. The regular recturence of strong and weak elements,zuch as stressedand unstressednotes in music. 9. Avoidanceof extremesof opinion, feeling or personalconduct. measure wrb 1. To ascertainthe dimensions,quantity, or capacity of: meas,rcd the rcom u:ith a Yorilstick. 2. To ftx the limits of. measureout oerb To give out in portions or shares. measure uP oerb To be equal or alike. measured ad.iectioe 1. Careful and slow in acting moving or deciding. 2. Marked by a regular rhythm. measureless adiecthn l. Having no endsor limits. 2. Too great to be cdculated. meaSUrement noun The act or processof ascertainingdimensions,quantity, or capacityzeguipnmt used ln the meaxnement of the speedof llght. meaSUre OUt oerb meaSUre UP oerb meat rnun 1. Somethingfit to be eaten. 2.Ttte most central and materialpart. meatball nonn Slary. A large, ungainly, and dull-witted person.
1. pnpnnssrvp. 2. uraponrervr. 3. pnpcxevr. MINDLESS.
l. SYns:agency, agent,instrument, instrumentality, instrumentation, intermediary, mechanism,medium, organ. 2, nnsouncss. PETTINESS.
1. Msecnn. 2. pnrrv. l. srzn. 2. oncnrB. 3. l.rBesunEMENT. 4. srerpeno 5, 6. 7. 8.
er.r.orrvrstrr. r,ew rwun. rvrovn twun. nrrn*r.
9. uoonaerroN.
I' Syns.'gauge (aho gage), mete (Arclwic). -ftIion take the measure of. 2. oprrnunw. DISTBIBUTE. @MPARE.
1. opr.nnnetn adiectloe. 2. nrrrnrurcer,.
1 . EhIDLESS. 2. Syns; measure,mensuration,metrologt. sEEmeasure. sEEmGaSUre. 1. roop. 2. nnenr. LuvPr fwttfr.
meathead meathead rwrn _ lblg A large,ungainly,anddull-wittedperson. meaty adieaioe ngciseJfmeaningfulandterselycogent. mechanical adiec-thn Performed--orperforming automaticaltyand impersonally. mechanisJrt rwun T\at by-which somethingis accomplishedor someend achieved. medal rwun An emblemof honor worn on one'sclothing. meddle oerb l. To intervene officiouslyor indiscreetly in the afiairs of others:trie.dto bq ho mother-in-taw frorn neddltngin her life. 2. To handle somethingidly, ignorantly, or destructivelv. meddler ,-ni l. A gerso_n given-tointruding in other people'safiairs: A hop2lessmeddbr, she tookstdcsii ewry f*ily Ennel on the block. 2.-A-personwho snoops. meddlesome adiectioe Given to intruding in other people'safiairs. meddling noun The act or an instanceof interfering: corwtantmeddling in the colony's intemal politics. meddling ad,iectiw Given to intruding in -otherpeople'safiairs:a meddlhry mother who can't let her dnugliter l.ead.a life of her uun. media twun Iourndists and journalism in general. mediaf ad,iecthse l. At, in, near,or being the center. 2. Not extreme. median rwun Somethingasa-type,number,quantity, or degee, that representsa midpoint betweenextremeson aicale of valuation. median adiectioe l. At, in, near,or being the center. 2. Not extreme. mediator twnrr Someonewho acts as an intermediate agent in a transaction. medicament twttn l. An agentusedto restorehealth. 2. A zubstanceused in the treatrnent of disease. medicant noun An agentusedto restorehealth. medicate oerb To administeror add a drug to. medication nottn l. An agentusedto restorehealth. 2. A zubstanceused in the treaUnentof disease. medicine rwtrn l. An agent used to restore hedth. 2. A zubstanceused in the treahnent of disease. meditate Mb To considercarefully and at length.
1. Syns; butt in (Slang), horn in (Slang), interfere. 2. reupnn.
l. Syns; busybody, buttinsky (Stang), kibitzer (Infonrnl), pragmatic, quidnunc. 2. srgoopnoun. MEDDLTNG adiectioe. Syns: interference, intervention.
Syns: interfering, intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive, officious.
1. crxrner.. 2. uroor-r adiectioe. AVERAGE NOU,N.
1. cpvrner.. 2. uroor,B a.diectiae. GO-BETWEEN.
l. cunn noun. 2. onuc rruun. cuR.Enoun. onvc oerb. 1. cunp rwun. 2. onuc rwun. 1. cunr noun. 2. nnuc rtaun. PONDER.
meditation raourt TIIOUGIIT. of thinking. The act or process meditative odiectioe 1. rnoucnrFUL. f . Ol characterizedby, or disposedto thought 2. pBNsnre. 2. Suggestiveof or expressingdeep, often melancholy thoughtfulness. medium twun 1. evnnecs tuam. l. Something,as a type, number, quantity, or degree, that representsa midpoint between extremeson a scaleof valuation. 2. uneNs. 2. That by which somethingis accomplishedor some achieved. end 3. pwrnorupllt. 3. The totality of surroundingconditions and development. growth or circumstancesaffecting 4. ronrt. 4. Somethingat which a personexcels. 5. A settlementof differencesthrouglr mutual concession. 5. coupnoursg tunorr. med-ium-priced a"diectioe POPULAR. Suited to or within the mears of ordinary people. medley ASSORTMENT. A collection of various things. meek adiectioe 1. cpNrr.s adiectioe. 1. Easilymanagedor handled. 2. xurvrsr.E adiectitx. 2. Having or expressingfeelings of humility. meetl oerb 1. Syns; encounter, rendeanous. met 1. To come togetherface-to-faceby arrangementz u)ith the chil.d'steacher;rnet him fot lurrch. 2. sNcouNTEn oerb, 2. To come up against. 3. nNcece. 3. To enter into confict \Mith. 4. eo;ou.r. 4. To be contiguousor next to. 5. cr.osnl r:erb. 5. To come together. 6. ngvN. oerb. 5. To do or makesomethingequal to. 7. serrsrv. 7. To supply fully or completely. 8. cnsnr. 8. To presentwith a specifiedreaction. meet with oerb ExPERTENcnwrb. To participate in or partake of personally. meet noun A b:ial of skill or ability. meet2 ad,iectioe 1. eppnopnl'l^rn a.diectioe. 1. Suitablefor a particular person,condition, occasion, or place. 2. convpmprtr. 2. Archaic. Suitedto one'send or purpose. meeting nonn 1. pNcrroN. 1. The act or fact of comingtogether. 2. r$SnMsLY. 2. A number of personswho have come or been gatheredtogether. 3. corvBvrrox. 3. A formal assemblageof the membersof a group. meeting adiecthn ADJOTNTNG. Sharinga commonboundary. spp meet. meet with oerb megaGOsm rwLn UNIVERSE. The totality of all existingthings. megrim rwun FANCY fvruN. An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind. melancholic adiecth:e DEPNESSED. In low spirits. ad,iectioe mefancholy 1. onpnnssno. 1. In low qpirits. 2. sep. 2. Tending to causesadnessor low spirits. melancholy nou,n, GLOOM. A feeling or spell of dismally low spirits. m6lange alsomelange twun ASSORTMENT. A collection of various things.
meld meld wrb Io.Ufr"g or cometogetherinto a unitedwhole. meECd adieaiw foined together -twun into a whole. melding The renrlt of combining. melee also m€l6e ,nun A quarrel or ffght_markedby very norsy,disorderly, and often violent behavior. meliorate Detb To advanceto a more desirablestate. melioration notn 1. Somethingthat improves. im-proveme'nt, as of an individual or a society. _^2;,!::dy mef fow adiecthn !. lrori$rt to full flavor and richnes by aging. 2. Having or_producinga firll, deep, oiri"i 6und. mellow wrb To hpg or come to frrll development. mefodia noun I pt-"i"hg successionof musical tones forming a usu. brief aestheticunit. mefodic adieaiw Resemblingor having the efiect of music, esp. pleasing music. mefodious adiectioe l. Having or producing a pleasingmelody: a meladious and liltfurypassagek the scherzo;the'melod.iow flute. 2. Resemblingor havin_g the efiect of music,eqp. pleas.u-rg music: As s6e recited she tnried, thi pitch in a rbhlq rneldlous wbe. melodramitic adieaiw Suggestingdrama or a stageperformance,as in emotionality or suspense. mefodramaiics rwun overemotional, exaggeratedbehavior calculated for efiect. mefdy noun I pt:*ittg zuccessionof musicaltones forming a usu. brief aestheticunit: pbbd att a slnpte *"t"EV on his guitar. melt wrb l. To-chang-e from a solid to a liquid: ptn^sticbuots uiil nult in tfu ooen. We melted tiw bune, n a saucewn. 2. To disappeargradually by or as if by dispersalof particles. memler lunln One of the parts into which somethingis divided. mementO rro,tn Somethingthat causesone to remember. memOlf rwun A narrative of experiencesundergoneby the writer. memOrial rwun Something as a structure or custom,serving to honor or keep dive a memory: The poet's hu^tsei presennd as a menwrbl. memorial ad.iec-tioe Servingto honor or keep alive a memory: a menwrial @wmonyat tlw gruxs of tfu unr dcad.. memorialize wb To honor or keep alive the memory of: A plaque at the
IMPRO\/E. 1. hrpnovsMENT.
2. pnocnnss nuun. 1. ecro. 2. nnsoNeNr. ul.ruan oerb. MELODY.
l. Syns; ariose, melodic, musical, tuneful
2. Syns: dulcet, euphonic, euphonious, melo&c, musical, funefrrl.
Syns: air, aria, melodi4 note (poetin), strain2, fune.
l. Syns; deliquesce, dissolve, fux, firse, liquefy, run, thaw. 2. prlnn tserb.
Syns: commemoration, monument, remembrance.
Syn; commemorative.
Syn,' commemorate.
597 base of the brid4e menwrialiaed the uothnen killPd irr its corutnrction.
memorize oerb To commit to memoryi rnenwrized her lines for the
pbY. memOry rwun
1. The power of retaining and recalling past experienceta poor nYnW fot narn'es. 2. A;act or instanceof remembering:Tlw old,f,fen^ troded menwriesof sclwol ilaYs. menaCe oerb 1. To subject to dangeror destruction. 2, To be imminent. menace rwun 1. One regardedas an imminent danger. 2. An expiesion of the intent to hurt or punish another. menacing adiectitn Expressing,indicating, or warning of an impending dangeror misfortune. m6nage twtrn A goup of usu. related people living together as a unit. mend oerb 1. To make riglrt what is wrong. 2. To restore to proper condition or functioning. 3. To regainone'shealth. mendacious adiectioe Given to or marked by deliberate concealmentor of the truth. misrepresentation menda-ciousness rnrun The practice of lying. mendacity nuurr The practice of lying: The prosecatorexposedthe __ usilness'nwndacity by makingher cortra.dict herself. mendicancY twrun The condition of being a beggar. mendicanl notm One who begshabitually or for a living. mendicity The condition of being a beggar. menial adiecth:e Excessivelyeagerto serve or obey. mensuratiOn rwun The act or processof ascertainingdimensions,quantity, or capaciW. mentaJ aiieaioe 1. Relating to or performed by the mind: mental arithmetic; srch mental eoentsas d,reams, 2. Chiefl.yBrit. ltfricted with or exhibiting irrationdity and mental unsoundness. mentality noun 1. The faculty of thinking, reasoning,and acquiring and applying knowledge. 2. The-thouglrtprocessescharacteristicof an individual or group. mention oerb l. To call or direct attentionto (an occturence, situation,etc.). 2. To refer to by name.
Syns; con, learn. 1. Syns; recall, recollection, remembrance,reminiscence. 2. Syns:recollection,remembrance, reminiscence. 1. BrvoeNcnn. 2. rHnnernr. 1. rrrnner. 2. rrrnner.
l. connBcr oerb. 2. rx oerb. 3. npcovtn. DISHONEST.
Syns:falsehood,fibbery, mendaciotsness, perjury, truthlessness,untruthfulness, unveracity. BEGCARY. BEGGAR TWIIN. BEGCARY. SERVILE. MEASUREMENT.
1. Syns: cerebral, intellective, intellechral, psychic (aho psychical), psychological. 2. rnrslxs.
1. rNrnr,r-rcENcE. 2. psvcHor.ocv.
1. nnrpn. 2. xryrc perb.
mentOr rroun l. One who advises another, eqp. officially or professionally. 2. Something or someone that shows the way.
mephitic or mephitical adiec-thn l. Having an unpleasantodor. 2. Capable of injuring or hlling by poison. merGenary adiectitx Ruthlesslyseekingpersonaladvantage. mercenary ftoun A freelance fighter: mercenaries fighting in Afrba. merchandise hoducts bought and sold in commerce. merchandise oerb To offer for sale. merchandiser rwun A person engagedin buying and selling. mefGnant twun A person engagedin buying and selling. merchant wrb To offer for sale. merciful a.diectioe l. Not strict or severe. 2. Concernedwith humanwelfare and the alleviation of suffering. mercifulnesS noun Kind, forgiving, or compassionatetreatment of or disposiUontoward others. mercifess adiecthn l. Having or showingno mercy: a mercil.ess C,estapo intenogator. 2. Having or showinguncompromisingdeterminaUon or resolution in purpose or action. mercurial ad,iecthn Following no predictable pattern. mefGy noun Kind, forgiving or compassionatetreatment of or dispositiontoward others. mere adiectioe 1. Being what is qpecifiedand nothingmore: a nere mDrtal. 2. fust suficient. merely adoerb Nothing more than: Merely thinking of honw makesrne rcstalgb. meretricious adiectioe Tastelesslysho*y. merge Mb To put together into one massso that the constituent parts are more or lesshomogeneous. mefldlan rvntn The highestpoint or state. merit runtn 1. A level of superiority that is u2. high: a book of mait. 2. A qpecialfeature or quality that confers zuperiority. merit wfi To acquire as a rezult of one'sbehavior or effort. meritable adieaiw Deservingadmiration.
1. aovrsBn. 2. curor nuun. l. sprnr,r,y. 2. porsoNous. coRRUPTadiectiae. Syns: adventurer, Hessian, hireling. -ldiurn soldier of fortune. GOODS.
snrr oerb. DEAIER. DEALER.
1. ror,BneNr. 2. nuueNrrARrAN.
l. Syns; pitiless, remorseless, unmerciful. -Idiom without an ounce of pity. 2. cnru.
1. Syns;bare,very. 2. nenn adiectirse. Syns:just, only.
vrrx oerb.
l. Syns; caliber, quality, stahrre, value, virfue, worth. 2. vrnrur.
599 merited a.diectine Consistentwith prevailing or acceptedstandardsor circumstances. meritorious ad;iectioe Deservingadmiration. merrimenl rnun l. A stateof joYful exuberance. 2. Joyful, exuberantactivitY. merry adiectioe 1. Marked by festal celebrationzhad & nwml Christmas. 2. Characterizedby ioyfui exuberance. merrymaking rwun 1. The act of showingh"Ppy satisfactionin an event' 2. foyful, exuberantactivitY. mesh twun 1. An open fabric woven of strandsthat are interlaced and lnotted at usu. regular intervals. 2. Somethingthat is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. mesh oerb To come or bring together and interlock. mesmerize oerb To compelthe attenUon,interest,imagination,etc., of. mgSS rwun 1. An unsightlyobject: That ol'il abandorcdhune is a fnags.
2. A group of things gatheredhaphazardly. 3. A lack of order or regulararrangement. 4. A ruinous state of disorder. 5. An individual quantitY of food. mess oerb 1. To handlesomethingidly, ignorantly,or destrucUvelY. 2.To put (the hair or clothes)into a stateof disarray. mess around (or about) oerb l.Infornwl. To wastetime by engagingin aimless activity: Whib the dipl'mwts wete messingarund' the world mooedto the brink of unr. 2. Slang.To be nervouslyor uselesslyactive. 3.Infonnnl. To be sexuallyunfaithful to another. mesSage twun 1. Somethingcommunicated,asinformation. 2. That which is signifiedby a word or expression. mess around (or about) oerb messengef rnun or is sent on errands. A personwho carries messages meSS'Up rrattrr meSS Up oerb l. To put out of proper order. 2. To put into total disorder. 3. To harm irreparably thto"gh inept handling; make a messof. mess-up twun A ruinous state of disorder. me55y adiectioe l. Marked by * absenceof cleanlinessand order: a hutse; flvss7 attire. rruessy 2. Indifferent to correctness,accuracy,or neatness. 3, Lacking regular or logical order.
psr a.d.iectioe.
1. cerprt. 2. cercrr. 1. Syns; festive,gala,glad, gladsome, h"ppy, joyful, joYous. 2. crv odiectioe. 1. cnr,psnerrox. 2. cerrrv. 1. wnr rwun. 2. rarvcr-r noun.
cntp oerb. 1. Syns; fr:ight, monstrosity, siglrt, ugliness, uglY. 2. nrer rwun. 3. orsonprr rwu,n. 4, sorcH noun. 5. snnvrNc. 1. rervrppn. 2. rousr,B.
1. Syns; diddle, doodle, fool around (lnfonrwl), puddle, putter. 2. ross oerb. 3. prur-eNonn oerb. 1. couuuwrcATroN. 2. Mnlxnqc rwm. sEE mess. BEARER.
sEE mess uP. 1. orsononn oerb. 2. coNrusn. 3. sorcla oerb,
BOTCHtwn 1. Syns: disheveled, ill-kempt, mussy, slipshod, slobbery sloppy, slovenly, unkempt, untidy. 2. cennr.nss. 3. prsononar-v.
metamorphize metamorphize tnrb To changginto a difierentform,zubstance, or state. metamorphose oerb l. To changeinto a difierentform,zubstance, or state. 2.. To bti"g about a radical change in.
metamorphosis rxxtn
The process or result of gving a difierent form or aPp€arance. metanoia rwtn A fundamental change in one's beliefs.
metaphysical also mEtaphysic adiecthre l. Having no body, form, or substance. 2. Of: comingfr9-, or relating to forcesor beingsthat exist outside the natural world. mete oerb l. To set asideor distribute as a share. 2. Arclwic. To ascertainthe dimensions,quantity, or capacityof. meter noun The regular recrurence of strong and weak elements, zuch as stressedand unstressednotes in music. method twwt l. Systematicarrangementand design: tried to find, somesort of nutlnd in this rnadrwss. 2. A qntemaHcbgdy _ofproceduresand techniques characteristicof a field or discipline: the scUhAfrc methd. 3. The manner in which somethingis done. methodical also methodic adiedarc Arranged or proceedingin a set, systematizedpattern: methodical,cogmtly expressedargments. methodize wrb To arrangein an orderly manner:dewloped a set of efivrgency Wcedures and,methodieedthern. methodologt noun A systematicbody of proceduresand techniques characteristicof a field or discipline. meticulous adiec-thn 1. Showingor marked by attentivenessto all aspectsor details. 2. Yery difficult to please. meticul6usness noun Attentivenessto detail. m6tier noun Somethingat which a person excels. metrical also metric adiecthn Marked by a regular rhythm. metrologgt rwun The act or processof ascertainingdimensions,quantity, or capacity. metropolis rroun A large and important town. metropolitan adiectit:e Ol in, or belongingto a city. metropolitanize oerb To imbue with city wi[rs, manners,and customs. mettle rwun the quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardshipresolutely. mettfesome adiec-thn l. Having or showingcourage.
1. comvnnr. 2. npvor.urroNrzE. CIIANGE
1. tlaMarenrer-. 2. supsnxeruRAl.
l. er.r.or. 2. vnesunn oerb.
l. Syns; order, orderliness, pattern, plan, qrstem. 2. Syn: methodologr.
3. way. Syns: orderly, regular, systematic (a/so sptematical). Syns: order, organize, systematize, systemize. METHOD
l. cenrrur,. 2. Nrcn. THOROUCHNESS. FORTE.
cwx adiectioe. CITIF'Y.
1. nnevn adiectioe.
601 2. Full of or characterizedby a lively, emphatic' eager qualrtY. mew oerb To confine within a limited area. microbe rraun A minute organismusu. producing-disease. microorganism alsomicro'organism noun A minute organismu2. producing disease. microscoPic adiectioe So minute as to be undiscernible. mid adiectine 1. At, in, near,or being the center. 2. Not extreme. mid-course r@un A settlementof differencesth*tgh mutual concession. middle ad;iectioe 1. Not extreme:took the middb coursein the rcgotiatiotts. 2. At, in, near,or being the center. middle nou,n A point or area equidistant from all sides of something.
2. sprnrrno.
1. cnNrner-. 2. upor.n adiectioe.
1. Syns; centrd, intermediate, mean3, medial, median, mid, middleof-theroad, middle-road, midway. 2. cBrcrRAL. cENTERrwun.
middleman rroun Someonewho acts as an intermediate agent in a transaction. middfe-of-the-road adiectiae Not extreme. middle-road adiectioe Not extreme. midget ailiectioe Extremelysmall. midpoint noun A point or area equidistantfrom all sidesof something. midit rwnn 1. A point or area equidistantfrom all sidesof something. 2. \\e most intenselyactive central part. midway ad,iectioe Not extreme. mien nornt, 1. The way somethingor someonelooks. 2. Behaviorthrouglrwhich one revealsone's oersonaliW. mlft'nou,n Extreme displeasurecausedby * insult or slig[rt. might rwun l. Physical,mental, financial, or legal power to perform. 2. T\e right and power to command,decide, rule, or judge. 3. The state or quality of being physically strong. mighty adiecthse 1. Of extraordinry sizeand power. 2. Exercisingauthority. 3. Having or able to exert geat power. mighty adnerb Infnrnal. To a higlr degee. migrant rmun One who emigrates. migrant ad,iectiae 1. Moving from one habitat to another on a seasonal basis.
MTDDLE ad,iectioe. MTDDLE adiectinn. TINY.
1. cpvrsn twun. 2. rnrcr twun. MTDDLEadfecth:e. 1. eppsARANcn. 2. sEARrNc.
1. esrr-rrY. 2. etrrnonrrv. 3. srnrNcrn. 1. creNr ad,iectioe. 2. eunronrrarrvE. 3. pownnrur,. vnnv ad,wrb. EMIGRANT.
1. urcnerony.
migrate 2. Moving from one area to another in search of work: migmnt farm unrh,ers.
2. Syns:itinerant, migratory.
migrate oqb l. To change geese migratingfrun !*rgt seasonall_y: Conadato Florido eoeryfon. 2. To leave one's native hna ana to settle in another. migration rwttn Departure from one's native land to settle in another. migrational adiecthn Ivloving from one habitat to another on a seasonalbasis. migrative d.iecthn Moving from one habitat to another on a squonal basis. migratory adieahn 1. Moving from one habitat to anotheron a seasonal basis: Swllou>sare migratory birds. 2. Moving from one areato rnother in searchof work. mild adiectirx l. Free from extremesin temperature: a mil.d climate. 2. Of a kindly, consideratecharacter. 3. Easily managedor handled. 4. Free from severityor violence,as in movement. mifden tErt Tg ""* the anger or agitation of. mfffeU rvntn
1. Syn; transmigrate. 2. rurcnerp. EMIGRATION. MIGRATORY. MIGRATORY.
1. 5y1s, migant, migrational, migratve, mobile, transmigratory. 2. urcnervr adiectioe. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Syns; moderate, temperate. crr.rrr.r adiecth:e. crvrr,n ad,iectioe. crrqrr-r adiectioe.
The totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting gowth or development.
Inclined to act in a hostile wav.
mifitaristic adiec-tioe Of, pertaining to, or inclined toward war.
militalize ,t-b
To assemble, eqrrip, and train for war: In World War Il tlw Sooiet population uns totally milinrized. mifitary adiecthn 1. Pertaining-to, characteristic of, or performed by troops: saluted uith military preclsion; military scierce atd, tactbs. 2. Of, pertaining !o, or inclined toward war: military actiotu on tlw bordet
mifksop rwun A person who behavesin a childish, weak, or spoiled way. miff rroun A building or complex in which an industry is located. mill wrb To break up into tiny particles. milf ion ,roin An indeterminatelygeat amount or number. miffstone ruoun A duty or reqponsibilitythat is a sourceof anxiety, wony, or hardship. mifquetoast troun A person who behavesin a childish, weak, or qpoiled way. mime tpun A performer skilled at copying the manner or expressionof another. mimetism rroun The act, practice, or art of copying the manner or expressionof another. mfmlc tnun l. A performer skilled at copying the manner or
ACCRESSIVE. MTLTTARY adiectioe. Syn.'mobilize.
l. Syns: mardal, soldierly.
2. Syns: bellicose, martial, militarisUc, warlike. BABY TIOUN.
cnuss oerb. }IF.AP |IOU.N, BURDEN |WUN,
l. Syns: impersonator,
603 expressionof anotherza rernumedmimic uhose take-offson the Presid.entwere hilariow. 2. One who mindlesslyimitates another. mimic oerb 1. To copy (the manneror expressionof another),esp. in an exaggeratedor mocking waY. 2. To copy (another)slavishlY. mimicry rwun The act, practice, or art of copying the manner or expressionof anotherzan actor uho uas an expett at mtnW. mind rwun 1. A person of geat mental ability: He is orw of the greatestminfu of this cmtury. 2.\\e faculty of thinking, reasoningand acquiringand applying knowledge 3. the seatof the faculty of intelligence and reason. 4. The thought processescharacteristicof an individual or grouP. 5. Somethingbelievedor acceptedas true by a person. 6. A healthymental state. 7. A desire for a particular thing or activity. mind oerb l. To act in conformitywith. 2.To have the care and zupervisionof. 3. To be careful. 4. To be surethat. 5. To perceive with a specialeffort of the sensesor the mind. 6. To have an objection. 7. Chiefly Regiorul. To have in mind as a goal or purPose. 8. Rore.To renew (an imageor thouglrt)in the mind. mind-blowing adiecthse Slnne.Of sucha characteras to overwhelm. mind-Soggling ad,iectioe Slnrg.Of sucha characterasto overwhelm. minded adiectioe Disposedto acceptor agree. mindful adiectioe and appreciation:a 1. Tending toward awareness personmind,ful of the feelings of others. cognizance,and 2. Marked by comprehension, perception. 3. Cautiouslyattentive. mindless ad,iectioe 1. Diqplayinga complete lack of forethought and good sense:The wreclcedcar is the handhporkof my mind,bssteen-ageson. 2. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. 3. Lacking rational direction or purpose: Mind,l.ess oiobnce is aluays shocking. 4. Showingno concern, attention, or regard: plunged on, mindlessof the danger. mingle oerb 1. To put togetherinto one massso that the consUtuentparts are more or lesshomogeneous. 2. To take part in social activities. miniature nuu,n A small-scalerepresentationof something.
2. Bcno noun. 1. nrrrerr. 2. r,cld(oosrb. Syns.' apry, aping imitation, mimetism.
1. Syns;brain (Sl*rg), head (S/ong), intellect, intellectual, thinker. 2. nvrrr,r-rcrNcE. 3. nsAD twun. 4, psvcnor-ocY. 5. srr.rnr. 6. seNrr"r. 7. r,rxrxc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ror-r-ow. rBrnP. r-oor out. noor oerb. Noucr tzrb.
6. cl.rtE oerb. 7. rNrsND. 8. npMpMsrn. STAGGERING. STAGGERING. WILLING.
l. Syns: conscious, heedful, observant, observative, observing, thougfrtful. 2. ewene. 3. ceneFur,. 1. Syns; brainless, dimwitted (Sl*rg), fatuous, foolish, senseless,silly, simple, unintelligent, weak-minded, witless. 2. rNseNr. 3. Syns; irrational, meaningless,pointless, pu4loseless, senseless.-Idimn without rhyme or reason. 4. Syns: heedless, unheeding unmindful.
l. l;itx oerb. 2. socrer.rzs. MODEL
minim miniature adiectbe Extremely small. mlnlm rroun A tinv amount. minimil adiecthn Colprising the leastpossible:uos exposedto mnfuat md,iation;the minimal accepteddosage. minimize oetb To think, represent,or qpeakof as small or unimportant. mfnlmum noun The leastpossiblequantity or degree: systerwthat reducedthe probability of enor to a minimum. minimum odiecthse 9gTptiti"g the leastpossible. mfnlstgf nDtrn A personordainedfor servicein a Christianchurch. minister oerb To work and care for. minister to oerb To have the care and supervisionof. ministerial adiecthn Of, for, or relating to administrationor administrators. minister to oerb ministry noun A diplomaticoffice or headquartersin a foreign country. minor odiectioe 1. Of zubordinatestandingor importance:mhtor goDentrnentofuials. 2. Law. Not yet'a legal adult: bft his estateto one mirwr child,. minor rwun Law. One who is not yet legally of age: utasa,nested {or cgntributitg to the delinquerrcVof a minsr. mlnOflty naun The state or period of being under legal age: on heir still in his mircrity. minor-feague adiec-th:e Of subordinatestandingor importance. mint twun ,A,large sum of money. mfnUS noun An unfavorablecondition,circumstance,or characteristic. minuter adiectitn Characterizedbv attention to detail. minute2 twun A verv brief time. minuti6e nxun Unimportant matters or concens. miracle rwun 1. An event inexplicableby the laws of nature:Many mhacbs are attributed tn Our lndy of Lourdcs. 2. One that evokesgreat zurpriseand admiration. miraculous diec-tioe 1. Of, coming from, or relating to forces or beingsthat exist outside the natural world. 2. So remarkableas to elicit disbelief. mirage troun An erroneousperception of redity.
604 TINY. sITl.
Syn: margin.
sEEminister. MISSION.
1. Syns; inferior, lesser, low, lower2, minorJeague, petty, secondary, small, small-fry (Infonrul), small-time (lnfornwl), under. 2. Syn: underage2.
Syns; child, infant (Lau).
Syns: infancy (Lato), nonage.
L. Syn:wonder. 2. uenver,. l. suppnNeruRAl. 2. re-sulous. Ir.r.usloN.
605 mire noun A usu. low-lying area of soft, waterloggedground and standingwater. mirk rwrm b oerb mirky adiectioe mirror nu,rn One that is worthy of imitation or duplication. mirror oerb 1. To send back or form an image of. 2. To copy (another)slavishlY. mirth noul A state of joyful exuberance. ad,iectioe mirthful Characterizedby joyf.rl exuberance. miry adiectioe Coveredor soiledwith mud. misadventure nuun An unexpectedand usu. undesirableevent. misanthroPe nultn A person who expectsonly the worst from people. misCnthroPist rwun A person who expectsonly the worst from people. misCpplication noun Wrong, often comrpt use. misapply oerb To use wrongly and improPerly. misapprehend oerb To understandincorrectlv. misapprehension rww A failure to understandcorrectly. misappropriate oerb To use wrongly and improperly. misappropriation noun Wrong often cornrpt use. misbegotten ad.iecttue Born out of wedlock. misbehave oerb 1. To behavein a rowdy or unruly fashion: Ths child,rm had to be disciplined becawe they misbelwaed. 2. To work improperly due to mechanical difficulties. misbehavior rvnut Improper, often rude behavior: u)assourdly tlvoslwd for his misbelwoior in church. misbelieve oerb To give no credenceto. oerb miscilculate To calculate wrongly: The pibt miscalnilated thc ait speed. miscalculation rurun A wrong calculation: The cost oaetrun is &rc to a miscal,aiation of prod,wtiort time. miscarry oetb 1. To go wrong: Tlw marlcctitq strategy miscarrbd ard salcswffered. 2. To britrg forth a nonviable fetus premahrely: The mothermbcanied during the first trimester. misceflaneous adiecthn Consistingof a number of different kinds. miscellany nrntn A collection of variousthings.
sBr murk. snnmurky. MODEL
1. nprr.nct. 2. scuo oerb. GATETY.
l. Syns;act up (lnfonrwl), ctrV or1 cut q (Infomal), horse around (Infmnal), horseplay. 2. uerruxcrlors. Syns; misconduct,misdoing nauglrtiness, wrongdoing. DTSBELIE\IE.
Syns; misestimate,misjudge,misreckon. Syns.'error, misjudgmen! misreckoning. l. Syns: misfire, miss.-Iddoms fall sho$ go amiss(or astray), missthe mark. 2. Syns:abort, cast (Brit {rVet.Med.),slip (Vet.Med.). VARIOUS. ASSORTMENT.
mischance mischance noun An unerpected andusu.undesirable event. mischief twun f . Annoyingyet harmless, usu.playftrl acts:The mischbf tlwt nddlers con get into is etdl.ess. 2.\\e action or result of inflicting loss or pain. 3. One who causesminor trouble or damage: The child, uxn a real mischbf in school.
misconceive oerb To understand incorrectly. misconception twun A failureto understand correctlv. misconduct rroun Improper, often rude behavior.
misconstrue wrb To understand incorrectly. miscreanl adiecthn .Utterly reprehensible in nahre or behavior. mlSCUe rwun l. An act or thoug[rt that unintenUonally deviates from what is correct, right, or true. 2. A stupid, clumsy mistake. miscue wrb To make an error or mistake. misdeed rwun 1. A serious breaking of the public law. 2. A wicked act.
misdeem oerb 1. To take(oneffig) mistakenly for another. 2. To make a mistake in judging.
1. Syns: diablerie (a/so diablery), impishness, prankishness, roguery roguishness,sportiveness. 2. nanu noun. 3. Syns: imp, prankster, rascal, rogue, scamp. MISUNDERSTAND.
l. nnnon. 2. er,uNDnRrwun. ERN.
l. cnruB. 2. cnrun. l. corwusp. 2. ursyuncn.
misdoing rwun Improper, often rude behavior.
misdoubt De$ To lacktrustor confidence in. mise en scene rroun 1. The properties, backdrops, and other objects arranged for a dramatic presentation. 2. French. The totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting growth or development.
misemploy oerb To usewronglyandimproperly. misemployment rwun Ito.& oftencomrptuse.
mlsef A stinry person: a miser uho wanldn't spenda penny on his farnily. miserable ad.iectioe 1. Sufferingfrom usu.prolongedangpish:miserable, holf-stannd prisonsrs. 2, lnfomwl. Having a painful ailment: nns iust miserobleutith a bad cold,. 3. Of mediocrequality. miserable rwun A person ti"irrg under very unhappy circumstances. miserly adiecthn Ungenerouslyor pettily reluctant to qpendmoney. misery twrrrr 1. A state of prolonged anguistrand privation: Thc
prsrnusr oerb. 1. scrNn. 2. BrwrnoNMENT.
tsvsn oerb. ABUSE TWUN.
Syns: cheapskate (a/so cheap skate) (Slnng), chu-ff, hunks, muckworm, niggard, Scrooge, skinflint (Slang), stiff (S/aag), tighwad (Slang). -Idiom penny pincher. 1. Syns: woebegone (aho wobegone) (A,rchaic), woeful (a/so woful), wretched. 2, Syns: affiicted, suffering, wretched. 3. rr.n'nnrona.diecth;e. UNFORTUNATE
1, Syns; su-ffering,unhappiness, woe,
607 misery of the starcing refugeesis heartbteaking' 2. A staie of physical or mental suffering' 3. Infomwl. A sensationof physicaldiscomfort occurring as the result of diseaseor injury' misestimate oerb 1. To make a mistakein judging. 2. To calculatewronglY. misfire oerb To go wrong. adiectiae misfortunate Involving or undergoingchancemisfortune' misfortune noun 1. Bad forhrne: Be btane in lwvs of misfortme' She to rwry a faithl'essmaru hod,the 2. Anunexpectedand usu.undesirableevent' misgiving rwun A feeling of uncertainty about the fitnessor correctress of an action. mishandle oerb 1, To hurt or tnjnre by maltreatrnent. 2.To usewronglyand imProPerlY. 3. To harm irreparably thtoogh inept handling; make a messof. mishandling rwtrrt Wrong often comrPt use. mishap nonn, An unexpectedand usu. undesirableevent. mishmash rwun A collection of various things. misinterPret oerb To understandincorrectlY. misinterPretation twun A failure to understandcorrectly. misiudge oerb f . fo mat<ea mistakein judging: I misiudged his true character. 2. To calculatewronglY. misjudgment twttn A wrong calculation. mislay oerb To be unableto find. mislaying rwrrrr The act or an instanceof losing something. mislead oerb To causeto accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. mislike oerb To have a feeling of aversionfor.
wretchedness. 2. nrsrnrss twun. 3. perN rwun,
1. rvnsyuocn. 2. rvrtscer,cur.ATE. MISCARRY.
uNT'oRTuNATEad,iecthn. l. Syns; adversity, unluck (ChfutflV Regiod), unluckiness. 2. eccropvr. QUALM.
1. esuss oerb. 2. *vsn oerb. 3. sorcH.
1. Syns; misdeem, misestimate, misread. 2. urscer,cul.ATE. MISCALCULATION. LOSE. LOSS. DECEIVE.
otst;rn oerb.
mismanage oerb
To harm irreparably thto"gh inept handling; make a mess of.
misplace oerb To be unableto find. misplacement rw,rn The act or an instance of losing something. nf,ntn misplacing The act or an instance of losing something. oerb misread To make a mistake in iudging.
misreckon oerb
To calculate wrongly.
misreckoning rwun A wrong calculation.
misrepresent misrepresent oe$ To _g"9an_inaccurateview of by representing falselyor misleadingly. misrepresentation rwttn An untnredeclaration. misrule noun A lack of civil order or peace.
miss oefi 1. To gowrong. 2. To fail to take advantage of. miss rroun Regiorul. The condition of lacking a usual or needed amount.
l. urscenny. 2. r.oss. ABSENCE.
Mb an$ Wil the natural form or appearanceof. Jo.alter mfs$ng diectiw l. Not present. .2. No longer in one'spossession. mlSSlOn rwun l. An assignmentone is sent to carry out: on a mission of trercV. 2. An inner urge to pursue an activity or perform a service. 3. A diplomatic office or headquartersin a foreign . gountryztfu Sooirztmissirrnto the tJ.N. mfSSDnafy noun A person doing religious or charitable work in a foreign counbry:milssitnurbs syendhry tfu faith. missionary adiectiw Of missionariesor their work: of to Africa on a missiorury mlsSlOnef noun A person doing religious or charitable work in a foreign counbry. missish ad,ieahn Marked by excessiveconcernfor propriety and good form. missive rwun A written communicationdirected to another. misstate De$ To grve an inaccurateview of by representingfalsely or misleadingly. misstatement runtn An untme declaration. misstep twrun An act or thought that unintentionally deviatesfrom what is correct, .i$L or true. mist noun A thiclq heavy atrnoqphericcondition offering reduced visibility due to the presenceof suspendedparticles. mist wrt To make dim or indistinct. mistake twun fui act or thoug[rt that unintentionally deviatesfrom what is correct, rght, or tnre. mistake wrb l. To make an error or mistake. 2. To take (one thi"g) mistakenlyfor another. 3. To understandinconectly. mistaken dieaiw Containing an error or error"rs.
l. essnNr. 2. losr. 1. Syns; commission, errand, office, task. 2, vocerroN. 3. Syns; delegation, legation, post, ministry. Syns: apostle, evangelist, missioner. -Idionrs field preacher, propagator of the faith. Syns: apostolic, evangelical.
Ltnz twttn. ERNOR.
osscunn Derb. ERROR.
1. nnn. 2. conrrusn oerb. 3. ursur.ronRsrAND. ERRONEOUS.
609 mistreat oerb To hurt or injureby maltreatrnent. mistreatment noun harmfirltreatrnent. Physically mistrust nnun 1. Lack of trust. 2. A lack of conviction or certainty. mistrust oerb 1. To lack trust or confidence in. 2. To be rmcertain, disbelieving or skeptical about.
mistrustful ad,iectioe Lackingtrustor confidence. misty adiecttue l. Coveredby or asif by a thin coatingor film. 2. Not clearlyperceivedor perceptible. misunderstand oerb To understarrd incorrectly t ennplntely miwnderstood the instructions.
rsvsn oerb. ABUSE TWM.
1. orsrnusr rwun. 2. pousr rwun. 1. orsrnusr oerb. 2. oovsr oerb.
1. ru,Lry. 2. uNcr,ren. Syns; misapprehend, misconceive, misconstrue, misinterpret, mistake.
misunderstanding noun A failure to understand correctly: a misunderstand,ing abmt uhat he usas to d,o.
misusage rwun Physicallyharmful treatnent. misuse oerb l. To hurt or tnjure by maltreatrnent. 2. To usewrongly and improperly. misuse twun Wrong often corrupt use. mite rToun A tiny amount. mitigate oerb To makelesssevereor more bearable. mitigation twun Freedom,esp.from pain. mix wrb To put together into one massso that the constituent parts are more or lesshomogeneous:miring egs, butter, and sugar into a baner. mix norrn Somethingproduced by mixing. mixed adiecthse Consistingof a number of different kinds. mixed-up adiecthse Characterized by physical confusion. mixture tmun Somethingproduced by mixing: a mixtwe of fou,r and, milk; yam that is a mixture of uool and nylon. mfx-Up rw,Lrr mix up oerb 1. To causeto be unclearin mind or intent. 2. To take (one thi"g) mistakenlyfor another. 3. To put out of proper order. 4. To make complex,intricate, or perplexing. mix-up twrrn A lack of order or regular arrangement. mOan noun A long, mournfirl cry. mob rwun 1. An enorrnousnumber of personsgatheredtogether. 2.\\e commonpeople.
Syns: misapprehension, misconception, misinterpretation. -Idiorn false impression. ABUSEf10U,n. I. ttusn oerb. 2. rsvsn oerb. ABUSEftou,n. Brrr. RELIEVE. RELIEF.
Syns.' admix, amalgamate, blend, combine, commingle, commix, compound, fuse, intermingle, intermix, merge, mingle, stirl. MIXTURE. VARIOUS. CONFUSED.
Syns; admixture, amalgam, amalgamation, blend, compound, fusion, mix. sEEmix up. 1. 2. 3. 4.
cor.rrusn. corvrusp. orsonopn oerb. coupr-rcerr.
DTSORDERTWILN. HOWL l. cnown nnun. 2. coMMor.rALTY.
610 3. lnfonrwl. An organized goup of criminals, hoodlums, or wrongdoers. mob oerb l. To congregate closely around or against. 2. To fill to excessby compressing or squeezing tightly. mobife adiectirn l. Capable of moving or being moved from place to place: a mobib home; a mobile hospital. 2. Changing easily, as in expression: a mobile face. 3. Moving from one habitat to another on a seasonal basis. mobilize oerb l. To assemble, prepare, or put into operation, as for war or a similar emergency: mobilized the troops; WitE to mobili.zc publin opinion. 2. To set or keep going. 3. To assemble, equip, and train for war. mOCk oerb 1. To copy (the manner or expression of another), esp. in an exaggerated or mocking way. 2. To make fun of. mOGk rwun A false, derisive, or impudent imitation of something. mock adiectioe Made to imitate something else. mOGkery rwun l. A false, derisive, or impudent imitation of something: fhe t*l u)as o mockery of iustice. 2. tn object of amusement or laughter. 3. Words or actions intended to evoke contemptuous laughter. mod id.iectioe Infornwl. Modern. mOde twun 1. Manner of being or form of existence. 2. A distinctive way of expressing oneself. 3. The current custom. mOdel rroun l. A small-scale representation of something: a mod.el of a proposed skysc"raper;a model of an ol.dtim^e saikng oessel. 2. One that is worthy of imitation or duplication: My urnt usasa model of lnd.ylike behrcirn. model oerb 1. To give form to. 2. To take as a model. modef adiectine 1. Conforming to an ultimate form of perfection or excellence. 2. Having the nahre of, constifuting or serving as a tyPe.
3. ceNc.
t. cnowo oerb. 2. cnowo oerb. l. Syns; movable (also moveable), moving, transportable, traveling. 2. Syns: changeable, fluid, plastic. 3. urcneronv.
1. Syns; marshal, muster, organize, rally.
2. onln oerb. 3. uu,rrenrzB. l. rurrern. 2. nmrcur.n.
t;tesque, caricature, farce, mock, parody, sham, travesty. 2. pxn nuun, 3. nuculE noun.
coNTEMPon adi ectioe. l. colorrroN rroun. 2. srvr,n nuun. 3. resrrroN nuun. L. Syn: miniature. -Idiorn edition.
2. Syns: beau ideal, example, exemplar, ideal, mirror, paradigm, pattern, phenomenon, standard. L. ronu oerb. 2. ror,r,ow. l. rnrer- adiectioe. 2. rYprcar..
moderate adiecthn l. Not excessiveor extreme in amount, degee, or force: drhns ot moderote speeds; antiqtrcs for sale ot nodemtc prilns. 2. Kept within sensible limits. 3. Not steep or abrupt. 4. Requiring little effort or exertion. 5. Of srnall intensity. 6. Free from extremes in temperature. moderate oerb l. To make or become less severe or extreme: In lnter
1. Syns,' modest, reasonable, temperate.
2. 3. 4. 5. 5.
consnnverwn adiectiw. cnepuer,. r,rcnd. r-rcnd. uu-o.
1. Syns; mute, soften, subdue, tame,
611 Aears he mod,erated his oiews. 2. To become less active or intense.
temper,tone down. 2. sussron.
moderateness rwun Avoidance of extremes of opinion, feeling, or personal conduct.
moderation twtn Avoidance of extremes of opinion, feeling, or personal conduct: was adoised to eat and, dtink with moderation. adiectioe modern Of or pertaining to recent times or the present: a coulse in modem history; stud,ies mod.em langwges. modern twtrn A person of the present age. adiectioe modern-day Of or pertaining to recent times or the present.
Syns;measure,moderateness, temperance. Syns: current, latter-day,modern-day.
modernize oerb To make modern in appearance or style: modemized theh colonial hane. ad,iectioe modest 1. Reticent or reserved in manner: too rnod,estto speak
ry for herself. 2. Having or expressing feelings of humility. 3. Not elaborate or showy, as in appearance or style: a modest liule howe; a modest $ft. 4. Not excessiveor extreme in amounl degree, or force. 5. Morally beyond reproach, esp. in sexual conduct. 6. Not lewd or obscene.
Syns: refurbish, rejuvenate, renovate, restore, revamp, update. 1. Syns; backward, bashful, coy, demure, diffident, retiring self-effacing s\r, timid. 2. nuMsr.n adiectioe. 3. Syns; plain, simple, unostentatious, unpretentious. 4. rvropBnere adiecthse. 5. cnesrs. 6. cr,BeN ad,iectioe.
modesty noun 1. Reserve in speech, behavior, or dress: a woman of urnfected modestg. 2. Lack of vanity or self-importance: The President neaer last his modesty. 3. Lack of ostentation or pretension: atnnz,ed at the moilestg of their lifestyle. 4. The condition of being chaste.
1. Syns; demureness, diffidence, reticence. 2. Syns: humbleness, humility. 3. Syns; plainness, simplicity, unostentatiousness, unpretentious:ness. 4. cnesrrrr.
modicum noun, A tinv amount.
modifibation rwtr,n The process or result of making or becoming different. modified ad.iectioe Not total, unlimited, or wholehearted. oerb modify To make or become different. adiectioe modish Being or in accordance with the current fashion. nDun, modus The manner in which something is done.
QUALTFIED. ctt*tcn
modus operandi noun l. Latin. The manner in which somethingis done. 2. Latin. A method used in dealing with something. moil oerb l. To be in a state of emotional or mental turmoil. 2. To exert one's mental or phpical lx)wers, usu. under difficulty and to the point of exhaustion. moil rwun Physicalexertion that is usu. difficult and exhausting. moist adiectioe Sliglrtly wet. moisten oerb To make moist.
1. wey. 2. eppnorlcr rwun. l. tou. oerb. 2. l-l.r,on oerb.
moistureless adiectioe Having little or no liquid or moisture. "r*t"" mofd A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessedby all its members. mold oerb 1. To give form to by or as if by pressing and kneading. 2. To create by forming, combining, or altering materials. mofdable adiectioe Capable of being shaped, bent, or drawn out, as by hammering or pressure.
onu adiectioe. xrrv#.
L. ronu oerb. 2. rvraxr.
"*Uor cause to become rotten or unsound. To become mofdy adiecttue Smelling of mildew or decay: We hel"d our rrases against the mol.dy air in th,e cluttered attic.
onctv oerb. Syns: frowsy, fusty, musty, putrid, rank2.
molecule nuun A tinv'rroun amount. mof l Slang. A woman who engagesin sexual intercourse for payment.
mallify oerb To ease the anger or agitation of. molfycoddle ioun A person who behaves in a childish, weak, or spoiled way. mollycoddle oerb To treat with indulgence and often overtender care. molt oerb To cast off by natural process. mOment rroun l. A very brief time. 2. A particular interval of time that is limited and often crucial. 3. The quality or state of being important. momentary adiectioe 1. About to occur at any moment: We aumited her momentary retu.rn. 2. t asting or existing only for a short time. momentous adiecthse l. Having geat significance. 2. So critically decisive as to affect the future. 3. Having geat consequence or weiglrt.
r,ABvDerb. SHED.
1. rr.esrr noun. 2. rxsreNr rwun. 3. rvponrexcn. 1. Syns; imminent, impending, proximate. 2. rne'usrrony. l. ruponrevr. 2. rernnn. 3. cne.ve2.
momentousness noun The condition of being grave and of involving serious consequences. mOmUS rroun A person who finds fault, often severely and willfully. mon-etary od.iectioe Of or relating to finances or those who deal in finances. mOney rwnn Something as coins, printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange: cutnted utt the moneA and paid, the waiter.
moneyed adiectiu Possessing a large amount of money, land, or other material possessions.
Syns: brass (Brdt. Slnng), bread (Slang), bucks (Slang), cabbage (Slang), cash, cnrrency, dough (Slang), gelt (Slnng), geenbacks, jack (Slang), lettuce (Slong), lucre, mazuma (Slnng), moola or moolah (Slnng), peH, scratch (Sbng), w.rmpum. -Idimus green stuff, long green. RICH.
613 moneymaking adiectinn Affordingprofit. mOneyman noun
lnforrwl. One who is occupied with or expert in largescale financial affairs. mOneyS rwun, The monetary resources of a government organization, or individual.
monicker rwun moniker or monicker rwun Slo"g.Thewordor wordsby whichoneis calledand identified. monition nuun
Advice to beware, as of a person or thing.
monitory adiectioe Giving warning.
monkey twun Slang.A personwho is easily deceived or victimized. monkey oerb l. To move one'sfingersor handsin a nervousor aimles fashion. 2. Inforrnal. To handle somethingidly, ignorantly, or destructively. 'rwwt monkeyshlne A mischievousact. mOnOGraGy twun A governmentin which a singleleader or party exercisesabsolutecontrol over all citizens and every aspectof their lives. monocratic adiecthse Having and exercisingcomplete political power and control. monopolize perb 1. To occupy the full attention of. 2. To causeto be busybr in use. mOnOpOly raoun Exclusive control or possession:efforts n break the monopolyof the utility companics. monotone twtn A tiresomelack of variety. monotonous ad,iectioe Arousingno interest or curiosity. monotony nuun A tiresomelack of variety: the morctony of his ofue routine. monster rroun 1. A person or animal that is abnormally formed. 2. One that is extraordinarily large and powerful. 3. A perverselybad, cruel, or wicked person. monster adiectioe Of extraordir*y size and power. monstrosity noun l. A monstrousoffenseor evil. 2. A person or animal that is abnormally formed. 3. An unsightlyobject. monstrous odiectioe 1. Beyondall reason. 2. Disgracefully and grosslyoffensive. 3. Of extraordinarysizeand power. 4. Resemblinga freak. monstfousness rwun The quality of passingall moral bounds.
DVPE nottn.
1. rroor.s. 2. reMpsn.
l. essonB. 2. rrs up. Syn.'corner.
Syns; humdrum, monotone, sarneness, tediousness, te&um. l. r'npex. 2. cr,lNr twurn. 3. nsND. crANT adiectioe. 1. ournecp nuun, 2. rasar. 3. nrrss twtru 1. 2. 3. 4.
ournecnous. ournecEous. creNr ad,iectioe. rnsAKrsx.
mOnUment rnun Something as a stmcture or custom, serving to honor or keep alive a memory.
monumental adiec'thn Of extraordinary sizeandpower. rpoch wrt l. Slmg.To askor askfor ascharity. 2, Chbflg Brit.Regirnal.To fail to attendon pu4)ose. mOOCnef luxtn Sb"E One who begshabitrnlly or for a living. mood rroun 1. A temporarystateof mind or feeling: Bo.dnseather Wts her in a gbomy rrcd. 2. A generalimpressionproduced by a predominant quality or characteristic. 3. A prevailing quality, as of thouglrt, behavior, or attitude. moody ad,iectitx Given to changeableemotionalstates,esp.of angeror dq9*' TTupresxtresof usorkrnake her moody. mOOlaor mOOlah rnrun Sbng.Something as coins,printed bills, etc., usedas a medium of exchange. moolah rxntn mOOn tmb To experiencedreamsor daydreams. mooncilf noun One deficientin judgmentand good sense. moonstricken adiecthn moonstruckalso moonstricken adiectioe Aflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. moony d,iectioe Given to daydreamsor reverie. mOOr wrb l. To make secure. 2. To join one thing to another. mOOt oerb l. To put forward a topic for discussion. 2. To qpeaktogether and exchangeideasand opinions about. moot diectioe In doubt or dispute. mootable adieaiw In doubt or dispute. mOp rwnn Arclwb. A facial contortion indicating displeasure, disgust,pairl etc. mop wb Arclwb. To contort one'sface to indicate displeasure, disgust,pain, etc. mOPe Derb 1. To be nrllenly aloof or withdrawn, ff h silent resentrnentor protest. 2. To turn over in the mind, moodily and at length. mOPeS rwun A feeling or qpell of dismally low qpirits. mOppct noun A young personbetween birth and puberty. moral d.ieatue 1. Inclined to teach or mordize excessivelv:a tiresomelymorul bcfiire.
crANT adiectioe. l. snc. 2. cvr oerb. BEGGAR TWIIN.
1. Syns; humor, spirits, temper, vein. -Idiorn frame of mind. 2. ern rvrun. 3. rrnapnn noun.
Syns; humorsome, notional, temperamental. MONEY.
sEEmoola. onrl^v. aerb. FOOL ftoUn,
sEEmoonstruck. INSANE.
1. resrrr.r. 2. errecn. 1. nnoecn. 2. orscuss.
1. sur-x. 2. enoon. cl-ooM. CHILD.
1. Syns; didactic (also didactical), moralizing, preachy.
615 2. In accordance with principles of right or good conduct. 3. Being on a high intellechral or moral level. mOral noun The principle taught by a fable, parable, etc.: The moral is twt to unste one's yufih.
morale noun A strong sense of enthusiasm and dedication to a common goal that unites a group: The morale of the troops is xtperb.
morality rroun 1. A principle of riglrt or good conduct or a body of such principles. 2. The qualrty or state of being morally sound. moralize rserb To indulge in moral reflection, usu. pompously: lows to moralize. morals twun A principle of right or good conduct or a body of such principles. mOfaSS twun 1. Somethingthat is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. 2. A usu.lowJying areaof waterloggedgroundand standingwater. morbid od,iectioe Susceptibleto or marked by preoccupationwith unwholesomemattersza morbirlfascfutationwith corrcmtratiott-camptortutes. mordacious adiecthte So shaqpas to causemental pain. mordacity rwun Ironic, bitter humor designedto wound. mordancy twu,n Ironic, bitter humor designedto wound. mordant a.diectit:e 1. So shaqpas to causementalpain. 2. Given to or expressingsarcasm. mOre ad,iectioe Being an addition. more a&serb 1. In addition. 2. To a greaterextent. mofes noun 1. A principle of riglrt or good conduct or a body of suchprinciples. 2. Sociallycorrect behavior. mOfn rwun Poetic.The first appearanceof dayliglrt in the morning. morning noun 1. The time of day from sunriseto noon: uorked all moming then lurwhed. 2. ^I\e first appearanceof dayliglrt in the morning. mofon noun A mentally deficientperson. mOrOSe adiectine Broodingly and sullenly unhappy. mOrsel noun 1. A smallportion of food. 2. A light meal. 3. Somethingfine and delicious,esp.a food. mon rwun Rare.The physicalframe of a dead personor animal.
2. nrxrcer,. 3. nr.nvereo. Syns;lesson,precept. Syns:esprit, esprit de co1ps.
l. prnrc. 2. cooo twun. Syns; preach,
l. reNcr,r noun. 2. swelap.
Syns: macabre, sick, sickly, unhealthy, unwholesome.
sAncasM. 1. srrrNc. 2. sencesrrc. ADDITIONAL. 1. eporuoNALLY.
2. errrpnl 1. ptuc
adoerb. rruun.
2. rvreNupns. DAWN ftoUn.
t. Syn: forenoon. 2. oewN rrou,n. FOOL fWUn. GLUM.
1. srrl. 2. r;;rr rwun. 3. oslrcecv. B,ODY |WU,N.
mortal mortaf adiecthn 1. Of or characteristic of human beings or mankind. 2. Causing or tending to cause death. 3. Capable of being anticipated, considered, or imagined. mortal rwun A member of the human race.
mortality noun Thequalityor conditionof causing death. mortgage oerb To grve or deposit i$ a pawn.
616 1. HuueN adiectioe. 2. oneor.v. 3. renrnr,v.
morti-fied diectitn Distressed and ill at ease.
mortify wrb To c,ause(a person) to be self+onsciously distressed. mortifying adiectit:e Causing self-conscious distress.
mortuary diectiw Gruesomelysuggestiveof glrostsor death. mOsey wrb Infornwl. To walk at a leisurely pace. moisback rvnLn 1. An old-fashionedpersonwho is reluctant to change or innovate. 2. A personwho vehemently,often fanaticallyopposes progressand favors return to a previous condition. most adwrb To a higlr degree. motif rwun An elementor componentin a decorativecomposition. motion nuun 1. The act or processof moving:madea rudden motion in his sleq. 2. An expressive,meaningfulbodily movement. motion wrb To make bodily motions so as to convey an idea or complementqpeech. motionless adiecthn Not moving:sittit4motionl.essat th.edesk. motivate oerb 1. To impart courage,inqpiration,and resolutionto. 2. To stir to action or feeling. motivation nuun 1. Somethingthat encourages. 2. A basisfor an action or decision. motive rwun 1. A basisfor an action or decision. 2. An elementor componentin a decorative composition. motfey adiec-thn 1. Consistingof a number of different kinds. 2. Having many different colors. motor Defu To run and control (a motor vehicle). motorist rwnn A person who operatesa motor vehicle. mottle oerb To mark with many small qpots. motto rrotm A rdlying term used by proponentsof a cause. mOUe raurn
srnou. oerb. 1. sguenn nou,n. 2. nBecrroNARYtloun.
vnny adoerb. FIGURE IIOUN.
1. Syns: move, movement, stirr. 2. crsrunn noun. cnsrvnn oerb.
Syns; immobile, stationary, still, stock-still. 1. rNcounacB. 2. pnovorn. l. rncounAGEMENT. 2. ceusr rwun. 1. ceusr nuu,n. 2. r'rcunr nuun.
l. venrous. 2. uur-ncor,oRED. onrvE aerb. DRTVER. SPECKLE.
cRY t70un,
A facial contortion inilicating displeasure, disgust, pain, etc. FAoErwun.
6t7 mOund noun A group of things gatheredhaphazardly. mound oerb To put into a disorderedpile. mOunt oerb 1. To move from a lower to a hig[rerposition. 2. To move upward on or along. 3. To make or becomegreateror larger. 4. To increasein intensity or severity. 5. To attain a higfrer status,rank, or condiUon. 6. To becomegreater in number, amount, or intensity. mountain nuun 1. A goup of things gatheredhaphazardly. 2. A geat deal. mountainous ad,iectioe Of extraordinarysize and power. mountebank norm, One who is not what he claims to be. mounting nou,n l. The act of moving upward on or along. 2. llhe act of .ising or moving upward. mOUrn oerb To feel, show, or expressgrief. mOurnful adiectloel. Full of or expressiveof sorrow. 2. Causingsorrowor reget. mournfulness rro.rn A feeling or spell of dismally low spirits. mOUSe rwun Shg. A bruise surroundingthe eye. mouse oerb To move silently and frutively. mouth noun l. The opening in the body through which food is ingested:Wt a spoonful of be creo.nxin his mouth. 2. A facial contortion indicating diqpleasure,disgus! pain, etc. 3. Infonnal. A personwho speakson behalf of another or others. mouth oerb 1. To speakin a loud, pompous,or prolongedmanner. 2. To contort one's face to indicate .lispleasure,disgust, pain, etc. mouthful ntrun A small portion of food. mouthpiece twun Infomal. A personwho speakson behalf of another or others. mouthwatering adiectioe Enticingly in sight, yet often out of reach. movable also moveable adiectioe Capableof moving or being moved from place to place. movable alsomoveable rwun A piece of equipment for comfort or convenience. movables also flloV€ables twun La.w. One'sportable properly. mOVe oerb I- To go or causeto go from one place to another: mooedalrny frorn the railing mooedthe lamp closer. 2. To make a slig[rtmovement. 3. To impart movementto.
H'E,APftoU,n. nnttP oerb. l. nrsn oetb.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
escnrvo. nrcnBesn oerb. nrBxsrry. nrsn oerb. nrsn oerb.
l. rlrep rwrnx. 2. nBep noun. crANr adiectioe. FILKE flDlrn.
1. escnvr. 2. nlsn noun. GRIEVE.
1. sonnowrur-. 2. sonnowrur-. GLOOM. BLACK EYE.
srvBexoarb. l. Syns; gobz (Slang), puss (Slaag), trap (SIa"e). 2. recr noun. 3. sprexBn.
l. neNr. 2. cxrv.rcg oerb.
l. Syns; maneuver, remove, shift, transfer. 2. srrnr oerb, 3. srnr rnrb,
moveable 4. To alter the settled state or position of. 5. To go forward, eqp. toward a conclusion. 6. To change one's residence, place of business,etc.: We mowd, here last October. 7. To set or keep going. E. To stir to action or feeling. 9. To evoke a usu. strong mental or emotional response from. move naun 1. The act or process of moving. 2. The act or process of moving from one place to another. 3. A calculated change in position. 4. An action calculated to achieve an end: Changing iobs uo^s a wise fiwDe. moveable adiecth:e b noun mOveables noun mOVed ad.iecthse Emotionally aroused. rwtn mOVemenl l. A calculated change in position: troop mooements; the nwoenvnts of a darce. 2. -I\" act or process of moving. ad.iectirse moving l. Capable of moving or being moved from place to place. 2. Exciting a deep, usu. somber response. 3. Relating to, arising from, or appealing to the emotions. mOw oerb To contort one's face to indicate displeasure, disgust, pain, etc. mow also mowe noun A facial contortion indicating displeasure, disgust, pain, etc. mOWe rwun mOxie twun Slnng. The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely.
618 4. nrsruns. 5. cov'n oerb. 6. Syns; relocate, remove, transfer. 7. onwn oerb. 8. pnovoxE,. 9. errncrl.
1. uorroN rroun, 2. nnuovel. 3. uovruprvr. 4, Syns: maneuver, measure, procedure, step, tacticr. spr movable. spr movables. AFFECTEDT.
1. Syns; evolution, maneuver, move, turn. 2. uorroN naun. 1. lrostr-r. 2. erprcrrxc. 3. Buorrower-.
canv^tcn aerb.
Mrs. Grundy noun A person who is too much concerned with being proper, modest, or righteous. mUGh noun A geat deal. muchly ailnrb To a high degree. a.diecthse mucilaginous Having a heavy, gluey quality. mUck twnn l. A viscous, usu. offensively dirty substance. 2. Foul or dirty matter. muck oerb To soil with mud. muck up oerb To harm irreparably through inept handling; make a mess of.
vnny adoerb. VISCOUS.
1. sr,rur. 2. rrr-ru. uvoov oerb. BOTCH.
muckamuGkalsomucketymuck not^tn Slang. An important, influential Person.
An unrefined, rude person.
mucker nuun
mucketymuck noun muck up oerb
snr muckamuck. srn muck.
619 muckworm noun A stingyperson. mucky adiectioe 1. Damp and warm. 2. Of, pertaining to, or covered with slime. mUCfO rroun Biol. L sharp or tapered end. adiectine mucronate Biol. Havng an end tapering to a point. rroun muGrOnation Biol. A sharp or tapered end.
muddle oerb 1, To proceedor perform in an unsteady,fdtering manner: He nwdd,led,thrwgh the lessor4clnarly wtprepared. 2. To put out of proper order. 3. To put into total disorder. 4. To harm irreparably throrgh inept handling; make a messof. muddle through oerb Chiefl.y Brit. To progressor perform adequately, difficult circumstances. muddle twutx l. A lack of order or regulararrangement. 2. A stunnedor bewilderedcondition. 3. A ruinous state of disorder. muddled adiecthn Characterizedby physical confusion. muddle through oerb muddy ad.iectioe 1. Coveredor soiledwith mud: a mudd,groad;nu.rdd,y shoes. 2. Lackingvividnessin color. 3. Having sedimentor foreign particles stirred up or suspended. muddy oerb To soil with mud: rrwdd.iedthe cl.eanfoor. mudslinging noun An attempt to destroy someone'sreputation. muff oerb To harm irreparably thto,rgh inept handling; make a messof. muffle oerb 1. To decreaseor dull the sound of: The tru.mpeter trutffied his lwrn to gioe a bfues Enkty to his playing. 2. To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. mug twun l. Slang.The front surfaceof the head. 2. Slang.A facial contortion indicating displeasure, disgust,pain, etc. 3. Brit. A personwho is easilydeceivedor victimized. 4. A roug[r,violent personwho engagesin destructive acUons. mug oerb Slnng.To contort one'sface to indicate displeasure, disgust,pain, etc. muggy ad,iectioe Damp - and warm. mulct oerb 1. To get money or somethingelse from by deceitfirl trickerv.
l. srrcrv. 2. sr.uvrv. POINT r10un. POINTED. POINT IWUN.
l. Syns: fudge, fumble, limp, shuffe, stagger,stumble. 2. prsonorn oerb. 3. coxrusn. 4. r,orcla oerb.
1. prsonorn noun. 2. otzn twu,n. 3. norcn noun. CONFUSED.
sEEmuddle. 1. Syns; bemired, miry. 2. our* adiecth:e. 3. flrnsrD.
Syns: bemire, bemud (Arclnic), muck
("p). SMEARtwun. r,orcH oerb.
1. Syns; dampen, deaden, mute, stifle. 2. nnpnrss. 1. recr rwun. 2. recr rwun. 3. oupn r,oun. 4. roucn rwun.
cntv.ecn oerb.
l. cu.nxr oerb.
muleheaded 2. To imposea fine on. mulct noun A sum of money levied as punishmentfor an offense. mufeheaded dieahn Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. mufey adiectioe Tenaciously unwilling to feld. 'adieahn muliebraf Of, relatingto, or characteristicof women. muliebrity turun l. Women in general. 2. T\e quality of being effeminate. mulish adieaAn Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. muf ishness rw,tn The quatity 'r-ui or state of being shrbbornly unyielding.
A ruinous state of disorder. mull2 wrb To considercarefully and at length. multicolored ad.iectioe Having many different colors:a cheerfulmultbolorcd bedspread. muftifaceted ad;iec-thse Having manyaspects,uses,or abilities. multifaiious' odieaioe Consistinqof a number of difierent kinds. multifario[sness lorun The qudity of being made of many different elements, forms,kinds,or individuals. muftiformity raunt The qudity of being madeof many different elements, forms, kinds, or individuals. multifoquent adieaioe Given to conversation. muftiplication rwun l. The result or product of building up. 2.\\e act of increasingor rising. 3. The processby which an organismproducesothers of its kind. multiplicity tusun l. An indeterminatelygeat amountor number. 2. The quality of being made of many different elements,forms,kinds, or individuals. multiply wrb l. To makeor becomegreateror larger. 2. To becomegreater in number, amounl or intensity. 3. To producesexuallyor asexuallyothersof one's ldnd. muftisyllabic diectiw Having many syllables. muftitude rwun l. An enonnousnumber of personsgathered together. 2. A very large number of things grouped together. multitudinous ad,iecthn Amounting to or consistingof a large, indefinite number. multivocal adieaioe Offensivelyloud and insistent.
620 2. stNr.zaerb. FtNn2twun. OBSTINATE. OBSTINATE, FEMININE.
l. nBurNrNrtr. 2. nrunnnwacy. OBSTINATE. OBSTINACY. BOTCH f10un, PONDER.
Syns; motley, polychromanc (also polychromic, polychromous ), polychrome, varicolored, variegated, versicolor (also versicolored). \/ERSATILE. VARIOUS. VARIETY.
1 . BUILD-uPat build 2. INCREASE TWUN, 3. l.
2 . VARIETY. 1. nscnresn oerb. 2. ansnoerb. 3. nrpnooucp.
t-oNcr adiectirse. 1. cnowo twun. 2. cnowo naun. MANY.
62I mUm ad:iectine Temporarily unable or unwilling to speak,as from shockor fear. mumble oerb To speakor utter indistinctly, as by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth. mumble twun A low, indistinct, and often continuoussound. mumblenews rrou.n A person habitually engagedin idle talk about others. mumbo jumbo rwun l. Wordy, unclearjargon. 2. Esoteric,formulaic,and often incomprehensible speechrelating to the occult. mummify oerb To make or becomeno longer fresh or shapelybecause of lossof moisture. mUmmy wrb To make or become no longer fresh or shapelybecause of lossof moisture. mumpigh adiectioe Broodingly and sullenly unhappy. mun oerb Brit. Regiorwl. To be required or compelled to do. munch oerb To bite and grind with the teeth. mundane adiectine t. Pertainingto or characteristicof the earth or of human life on earth. 2. Of or zuitable for ordinary daysor routine occasions. 3. Of or preoccupied with material rather than spiritual or intellectual things. municipal adiecttue Of, in, or belonging to a city. municipality nloun A large and important town. munificence noun The quality or state of being generous. munificenl ad,iectioe Characterizedby bounteousSving. murder oerb To take the life of (a personor persons)unlawfully: murd.eredhis parmts.
murder noTrn The crime of murdering someone:conniaed of firstdegreerrnndzr. murderer nDrtn One who murders another: arrestedthe rrunderer.
murderous adiec-tine Eager for bloodshed:a murd.erun pirate. mure wrb Rare.To confinewithin a limited area. murk dso mirk rruun A thick, heavy atrnosphericcondition offering reduced
uvr-rnn oerb,
l. crssrnrsx. 2. crsnnnrsn. DRYuP at dry. DRYuP at dry.
GLUM. MUST. CHEW. l. renrnr.v. 2. rvenYDev. 3. uerrnrer-rsrlc.
crw a.diecthn. ctT{
Syns:b*p ofr (Slang),destroy,do in (Slang),dust off (Sl*rg), erare(Slarq), finish,hit (Slang),kill, knock off (Slaag), liquidate, ofr (Slar g), put away, rub out (Slarrg),slay, waste (Sl&E), wipe out (Infonnal), zap (Slnng). Syns:blood, bump-off (Slang),homicide, killing, marslaying slaying. Syns:butcher, Cain, cutthroat, homicide, hller, manslayer,massacrer,slaughterer, triggerman (Slary). -Idiom hit fft, Syns; bloodthirsty, bloody, cutthroat, ferocious,fierce, homicidal, sanguinary,
'trffi::"s' slaughterous' }IAZ'E fl/Ohn.
murky visibility due to the presence of suspended particles. murk also mirk oerb To make dim or indistinct. murky dso mirky a"diecthse 1. Lacking vividness in color. 2. Deficient in briglrtness. 3. Heavy, dark, or dense, esp. with impurities. rrorrn mufmUf 1. A low, indistinct, and often continuous sound: the nnnrnur of the sea; the approoingtnunnttrs of the listercn. 2. A low, indistinct utterance of complaint. 3. Idle, often sensational and groundless talk about others. murmur oerb 1. To make a low, continuous, and indistinct sound: The wind munraned thru"rgh the trees. 2. To speak or utter indistinctly, as by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth. 3. To express negative feelings, esp. of dissatisfaction or resentnent. 4. To complain in low, indistinct tones. musGle rroun l. Effectjve means of infuencing compelling, or punishing: puttiry nruscl.e in l.ato enforcement. 2. "I\e state or quality of being physically strong. muscle oerb To force one's way into a place or sifuation: rruncled his tmy thrmgh the c:rousd;rruscbd into our conoenation.
onscunr oerb. 1. our-r- adiectiae. 2. oanx adiectiae. 3. runno. 1. Syns; mumble, sigh, sough, susurration, whisper. 2. uurrnn noun. 3. cossrp twu.n.
l. Syns; sigh, sough, whisper. 2. vrurrnn oerb. 3. coMpr,atr.I. 4. vrurrnn aerb. l. Syns; clout (Inlormal), force, power, weight. 2. srnnNcrH. Syns: push, shove, strong-arm.
muscufar adieaiw Characterized by marked muscular development; powerfully built: o mu"scuhr boxer; a strong m.rnculnr phVstqw. muser oerb 1. To consider carefully and at length. 2. To experience dreams or daydreams. mus€ tw,tn The condition of being so lost in solitary thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings. mUSg2 rwun Someone who writes verse.
Syns: brawny, burly, robust, sinewy, sturdy.
l. poxonn. 2. onnl:v, oerb. TRANCE.
museful adiecthrc Of, characterizedby, or disposedto thought. muSh wrb To pressforcefully so as to break up into a pulpy mass. mush noun Infomal. The quatity or condition of being affectedly or overlv emotional. mushine6s twun Infornnl. The quality or conditionof being a.ffectedly or overly emotional. mushroom oerb To increaseor expandsuddenly,rapidly, or without control. mushy adiectbe 1. Yieldingeasilyto pressureor weight; not firm. 2. lnfomwl. Affectedly or extravagantlyemotional. musical adieaiw l. Characterizedby harmonyof sound. 2. Resemblingor h"itrg the effect of music, esp. pleasingmusic.
l. sorr. 2. snrvnunNTAr-. 1. nenuoNrous. 2. unr-onrous.
musician noun Onewho plays a musical instrument. mUSlClanef rwun One who plays a musical instrument. ]IIUSICO noun One who plays a musical instrument. musing adiectitse Suggestive of or expressing deep, often melancholy thoughtfulness.
muskeg noun A usu. lowJying area of sofl waterlogged ground and standing water. ffiUSS oerb To put (the hair or clothes) into a state of disarray. muss trottfl A ruinous state of disorder. mUssy adiectioe Marked by * absence of cleanliness and order.
must oerb To be required or compelledto do: Yu.rsinryly rrunt argu)ertlnt lener. must rruun 1. Somethingindispensable. 2. An act or courseof action that is demandedof one, asby position,custom,law, or lsligion. muster oerb 1. To cometogether. 2. To bring together. 3. To demandto appear,come,or assemble. 4. To becomea memberof. 5. To assemble,prepare, or put into operation, as for war or a similar emergency. muster out oerb To releasefrom military duty. muster rraun A number of personswho have come or been gathered together. muster out oerb musty adiectine l. Smellingof mildew or decay. 2. Without freshnessor appeal due to overuse. mutable odiectiae Capableof or liable to change. mutate oerb l. To changeinto a different form, zubstance,or state. 2. To makeor becomedifferent. mutation noun The processor result of making or becoming different. mute a.diectioe l. Lacking the power or faculty of speech. 2. Temporarily unable or unwilling to speak,as from shockor fear. mute oerb 1. To decreaseor dull the soundof. 2. To makeor becomelesssevereor extreme. muted adiectioe So lacking in strengthas to be barely audible. muteness twun The avoidanceof speech. mutilate oerb To deprive of, or of the use of, a limb or bodily member.
Syns: need, mun (Brit. Regional). -Idimv have got to, have to, must needs. l. coNorrroN rtoun. 2. ourv.
1. essrMsr-r. 2. essplrsr,r. 3. cx,r oerb. 4.;orx. 5. Mosrr.rzn.
orscnencn oarb. ASSEMBLY.
sEEmuster. l. uor-ny. 2. rmrn.
l. coxvnnr. 2. clg.trxcn oerb. CHANGE |WUN,
1. ouun. 2. sprrcnr.nss. 1. uurnr. 2. uoonnxrn oerb. FArNradiectioe. SILENCE CRIPPLE.
mutineer mutineer rwm A personwhorebels. mutineer wrb Arclwb. To refuseallegiance to andopposeby forcea government or ruling authority. mutinize oerb Arclwb. To refuse dlegiance to and oppose by force a government or nrling authority.
nnsBr Derb.
nnr,nr. oerb.
mutinous adiectioe In open revolt agairst a government or rulit g authority.
mutiny rroun Organized opposition intended to change or overthrow existing authority. mutiny oerb To refuse allegiance to and oppose by force a government or ruling aut}ority.
mutter wrb l. To qpeakor utter indistinctly,asby loweringthe voice or partially closing the mouth: Don't mutterspeok up. 2. To complain in low, indistinct tones: The ctousd muttcred in disaryowl. mutter rwun A low, indistinct utterance of complaint: a muttcr of oW tnbe*
nr,sp,r oerb.
1. Syns; mumble, murmru, whisper. -Idiom swallow one's words. 2. Syns: grumble, grunt, murmur, rumble.
Syns; grumble, grunt, murmur, rumble.
mutual diectiw l. Having the same relationship each to the other: mutual afl:ecti,otrs. 2. Belonging to, shared by, or applicable to all alike. mUZZlg noun The front surface of the head. myriad adiectioe Amounting to or consisting of a large, indefinite number.
1. Syns: reciprocal, reciprocative. 2. courrloN. FAC'Efwun. MAi{Y.
mysterious adiecth:e Drficult to explain or understand: He has some mystniou pouer ooer u)ofiwn.
Syns; arcane, cabalistic, mystic, mystical, mystifying, unaccountable, unexplainable, unfathomable.
mystery noun ,fnything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable, or secret: Her uhereabouts remaht a mystery. The locotion of the lnst continent of Atlantis is otle of history's great unsoloed rnVstetvs.
mystic d,iecthn Dfficult to explainor understand. mystical adiecthn Diffcult to explain or understand. mystifying odiectit:e Diftcult to explain or understand. rnrun myth l. A traditional story or tale dealing wit} ancestors, heroes, zupernatural events, etc., that has no proven factual basis but attempts to explain beliefs, practices, or natural phenomena: The myth told how nwnkind uas gioen the gift of fire by the gods. 2. A bodv of tradidonal beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject. 3. Aoy fictitious idea accepted as part of an ideologr by * uncriticd group; a received idea: The myth of tlw product of Nazi o Wre Aryan ftrce lu.;oslqlV pvpagatda.
Syns; conundrum, enigma, plzJe, puzzlement, puzzler, riddle. -Idimn question mark.
1. Syns: fable, legend.
2. r,one. 3. Syns; creation, fantasy (also phantasy), fiction, fi gment, invention.
625 mythical also mythic adieciioe Of or existingonly in myths: the mgthical uninorn; the mythical goldencities of Ciboh. mythological also mythologic adiectioe Of or existingonly in myths. mythology ntxtn A body of tradiUonalbeliefs and notions accumulated about a particular zubject. mythos rroun A body of traditional beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject.
nab wrb 1. To get hold of (somethingmoving). 2, Slnng.To take into custody as a prisoner. nab rraun l. Slang.A seizingand holding by law. 2. Shng. A memberof a law+nforcementagency. nabob noun An important, influential person. nag oerb To scold or ffnd fault constantlytahnaysruggrrynw about somethingor other. naif also nait a.diectioeb rwu,n nail wrb of, esp. after a struggleor Slang.To gain possession chase. naive also naiVe, naif, naiT adiec-tioe l. Free from guile, cunning, or deceit. 2. Easily imposedon or tricked. naive dso naiVe,naif, naiT twun A guileless,unsophisticatedperson. naked odiectioe l. Not wearingany clothes. 2. Without the usualcovering. nakedness twltn The state of being without clothes. namby-pamby ad,iecthse Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritednessand originality. name twun l. The word or words by which one is called and identified: gaoe his sontuo rumws;recalled the naxrv of the book. 2. Public estimationof someone. 3. A famousperson. name oerb 1. To grvea nameor title to: nanwd the baby after his father. 2. To select for an ofrce or position. 3. To refer to by name: Shespolceof her preoiousiobs, ruming seoetaL
Syns; fabulous,legendary,mythological (aho mythologic). IVfYTHTCAL. LORE.
L. cl.g.crt oerb. 2. a,nnzsr wrb. 1. ennBsr noun. 2. por-rcpuex. DIGNITARY.
Syns; calp (at), fuss (at), henpeck, peck2, pick (on). sEEnaive. rtxn oerb. 1. enrr,pss. 2. resv. INNOCENT
1. uuon. 2. renn adiectioe. NUDTTY. INSIPID.
1. Syns; appellation, appellative, cognomen, denomination, designation, handle (Slang), moniker or monicker (Slrlrlg), nomen, $yle, tag (Sl"rd. 2. nspurerroN.
3. cnr-ssnrrY. l. Syns: baptize, call, christen, denominate, designate, dubl, entitle, style, term, title. 2. erporxr. 3. Syns.'cite, instance, mention, specify.
nameless nameless dieahn l. Unknown by name. 2. Having an unknown name or author.
namelessness furun The qudity or state of being obscure. namely ailrerb That is to say: Yur mtst ittupow Vurr nutntws, rwmely, ywr eathg lwbtts. namlng rwun The act of appointing to an office or position. nap runtn A brief sleep: tnlecsa nap after lurch. nap w$ To sleepfor a brief period: nappedf- *t hour before dinw. narGism rwun narcissism dso narcism rwun A regardingof oneselfwith undue favor. narcissist rvxtn A conceited,self+entered person. narcissistic ad.iecthn f . Thinking too higlrly of oneself. 2. U.qdulypreoccupiedwith one'sown appearance. nafGOtlG MnLn l. A narcotic substance, esp. one that is addictive. 2. Something that induces sleep. narcotic d,ieAhn Inducing sleep.
narcotize wrb To administeror adda drugto. narrate oert To give a verbal account of. naffatiVe noun A recounting of past events. narrOw adiectioe 1. Not broad or elevated in scope or understanding: utuppreciated by tlw nanou prwirwials of her home torDn, 2. Affording litde room for movement. 3. Not tolerant of the beliefs, opinions, etc., of others. 4. Having the restricted outlook often characteristic of geographic idation. 5. Regiotul. Ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money. narrow wrb To render narrow or narrower.
narrow-minded adiecnoe l. Having the restrictedoutlook often characterisUcof geogaphic idation. 2. Not broad or elevatedin scopeor understanding. 3. Not tolerant of the beliefs,opinions,etc., of others. nascenGe also naSCenCy rwrln The initial stageof a developmentalprocess. nasGenGy t@un nasty diecthn t. So objectionableas to elicit deqpisal. 2. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. 3. Extremely unpleasantto the sensesor feelings. 4. Heavily soiled; very drrty or unclean. 5. Characterizndby intenseill will or spite. 6. Having or showinga bad temper.
1. osscuRr adiecthse. 2. lxorwuous. OBSCURITY.
Syns: scilicet, videlicet. -ldiotn
to wit.
Syns: cabnap, doze, siesta. Syns: catnap, doze (off), nod (off), siesta. -Idiun catch (or grab) forty winks. snp narcissism. EGOTISM. EG.oTIST.
l. nc,orrsrrcer,. 2. verN. l. onuc nornx. 2. soponrrrc rrDun. SLEEPY.
onvc oerb. DESCRIBE. STORY.
l. Syns;limited, little, mean2, narrowminded, paltry, petty, small, smallminded. 2.'rrcsr adiectitse. 3. ruror-rnervr. 4. r.ocer. odiectiae. 5. srrNcv.
1. r-ocer- adiectiae. 2. uennow. 3. rlruor-enervr.
sEEnascense. l. nrr.rrrv. 2. onscnnn. 3. orrrNsrvn ad:iectitse. 4. rrr-rrrv. 5. mr-nvoLENT. 5. rr.r--rnuPERED.
627 rwrrn nation An organized geopolitical unit. rwun national A person owing loyalty to and entitled to the protection of a given state. national adiectine l. Ol from, or within a country's own territory. 2. Of, concerning or affecting the community or the people. natidnalize oerb To place under government or group ownership or control. ad,iectine native l. Belonging to one because of the place or circumstances of one's birth: our nathse lnnd; her natitse language. 2. Possessedat birth. 3. Existing, born, or produced naturally in a land or region. 4. Of, from, or within a country's own territory. 5. In a primitive state; not domesticated or cultivated. 6. In a natural state and still not prepared for use. ad;iectioe natural 1. Produced by nahue; not artificial or manmade: natural foods. 2. Forming an essential element. 3. Possessedat birth. 4. Free from guile, cunning, or deceit. 5. Born out of wedlock. 6. In a primitive state; not domesticated or cultivated. 7. Accurately represenUng what is depicted or described. 8. Of a plain and unsophisticated nature. natural rloun A mentally deficient person. naturalistic adiectiae Accurately representing what is depicted or described.
I- oounsrrc. 2. puer-rcodiectitse.
l. Syns; aboriginal, autochthonous (o/so autochthonal, autochthonic ), endemic, indigenous. 2. nvxern. 3. rrvorcpNous. 4. ooursrrc. 5. wrr-o ad;iectioe. 6. cnuor. 1. Syns; organic, unadulterated. -ldiorn pure as the driven snow. 2. surr.r-rN. 3. rxxerr. 4. enrr,nss. 5. rr-r.BcrrrMATE. 6. wrr.n ad:iectioe. 7. nrer-rsrrc. 8. nusrrc adiectioe. FOOLtwun, NEALISTIC.
naturally adaerb In an expected or customary manner.
naturalness noun 1. Freedom from constraint, embarrassment, or awkwardness. 2. Lack or avoidance of formality.
1. ne,snnDun.
nature nurrn 1. The combination of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes an individual. 2, A person's customary manner of emotional response. 3. A basic trait or set of traits that define and establish the character of something. 4. A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessedby all its members. 5. The totality of all existing things.
1. cnanecrnn. 2. prsposrrrox. 3. sssnNcn. 4. xrxnP. 5. uNrvBnsr.
naughtiness noun Improper, often rude behavior. naughty adiectiae Misbehaving, often in a troublesome way. a rwughty child. nauseate oerb To offend the sensesor feelings of. nauseating adiectitse 1. Extremely unpleasant to the sensesor feelings. 2. Too awful to be described.
Syns: bad, ill-behaved, out-of-line (Infonrwl). nrscusr oerb. 1. orr.rusrvn adiectioe. 2. uNspnexesr,E.
nautical nautical o.diectiae Of or relating to sea navigation: nautital charts and instntments. navigable adiectiae Capable of being passed, traversed, or crossed. navigate wrb To direct the course of carefullv. navigational adiecthse Of or relating to sea navigation. navigator nuun A person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. nay rwun 1. A negative vote or voter. 2. A negative response. nay adoerb l. Not so. 2. Not just this but also. near adiectioe Not far from another in space, time, or relation. near oerb To come near in space or time. near adoerb To a point near in time, space, or relation. near-at-hand a.diectirse 1. Not far from another in space, time, or relation. 2. Being within easy reach. nearby adiectiae 1. Not far from another in space, time, or relation. 2. Being within easy reach. nearby adoerb To a point near in time, space, or relation. nearly adoerb Near to in quanUty or amount. neafneSs twun The act or fact of coming near. neat adiectioe l. In good order or clean condition: a neat roorn; a tleat awearance.
2. Not diluted or mixed with other substances. 3. Slang. Particularly excellent. 4. Well done or executed: a neat tum of phrase.
628 Syns: marine, maritime,
uaNnuvrn oarb. NAUTICAL. SAILOR,
1 .NO rlcrun. 2 . NO nOUn. l . No adaerb. a&serb.
2 . rvrNr
crosnr adiectiae. e,ppnol'cs aerb. crosnr adoerb. 1. croser adiectioe. 2. comvrnrnrvr. 1. cr-osnr adiectiae. 2. corwnNrnNr. closrt odaerb. APPROXIMATELY. APPROACH |IOUN.
1. Syns; orderly, shipshape, smrg, spicand-span, spmce, taut, tidy, tight (Regional), trig, trim, well-goomed. -Idiorn neat as a pin. 2. srnercrn adiectioe. 3. lanvnr,ous. 4. Syns: adept, adroit, deft, skillful.
neaten uerb l. To make or keep (an area) clean and orderly. 2. To make neat and trim; make presentable. nebbish ruaun Slang. A totally irsignificant person. nebufous adiecthn Liable to more than one interpretation. necessary adiectiw 1. Incapable of being dispensed with. 2. Imposed on one by authority, command, orconvention.
L. rrnv aerb. 2. r:ov oerb. NONENTITY. AMBICUOUS.
1. rssrr.iner, adiectiae. 2. nrgurnno.
necessitate oerb To have as a need or prerequisite.
orueNo uerb.
necessitous ad,iectioe l. Incapable of being dispensed with. 2. Having little or no money or wealth.
1. essrrvner, adiectioe. 2. poon.
necessity noun 1. Something indispensable. 2. A condition in which something necessary or desirable is required or wanted.
1. corvornoN rwun. 2. Nrpn nnun.
629 3. That which provides a reason or justification. ad.iectitse neck-and-neck Informal. Nearly equivalent or even. twun need l. A condition in which something necessary or desirable is required or wantedz patients in need of rwrsing. 2. An act or course of actjon that is demanded of one, as by position, custom, law, or religion. 3. Something asked for or needed. 4. The condition of being extremely poor. need oerb 1. To be without what is needed, required, or essential. 2. To be required or compelled to do. twun neediness The condition of being extremely poor. noun needle A sharp, pointed object. needle oerb lnformal. To torment with persistent insult or ridicule. ad;iectioe needless Not necessary. adiecthse needy Having little or no money or wealth.
3. ceusr nuun. closer ad,iectiae. L. Syns:exigency(aho exigence), necessity. 2. ourv. 3. orrrmxo noun. 4. povrnrv. t. rrcr oerb. 2. uvsr oerb. POVERTY. PRICK froun. Slrrc
ne'er-do-well noun A self-indulgent person who spends time avoiding work or other useful activiW. ad.iectioe nefarious 1. Utterly reprehensible in nature or behavior. 2. Morally objectionable.
negate oerb 1. To put an end to formally and with authority. 2. To refrse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of. negation twun 1. An often formal act of putting an end to. 2. A refusal to grant the truth of a statementor charge. negative adiectioe Tendingto discourage,retard, or make more difficult. negative aerb l. To refuseto admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of. 2. To prevent or forbid authoritatively. neglect oerb l. To fail to care for or give ProPerattentionto: negbcted her children. 2. To refuseto pay attentionto (a person);treat with contemPt. 3. To avoid the fulfillment of: neglcctedtheir duty. 4. To not do (somethingnecessary). neglect noun l. An act or instanceof neglecting:parents'rwglectof their responsfbility;propert7 ruined thrmgh neglect. 2. Nonperfonnanceof what ought to be done. neglectful adiectir:e G"ilty of neglect;lackingdue care or concern. negligence rwun The state or quality of being negligent: mine operators clwrged with negligerwe. negligent adiectiae Guilty of neglect;lacking due care or concern:
1. connupr adiectioe. 2. rwr, adiectioe. 1. esor-rsH. 2. oprw.
1. esor-rnox. 2. oBNrer.. UNFAVORABLE.
1. oBwv. 2. vnro oerb. 1. Syns; disregard,stight. 2. rcNonr. 3. Syns; disregard,shirk, slack. -Idiorn let slide. 4. r'err.. 1. Syns: disregard,oversight,slight. 2. rerr-unn. NEGLICENT.
Syns: la"tf,
laxness, remissness,slackness.
Syns; derelict, lax, neglectful, remiss, slack.
negligible rwgligent ship's ofuers who disregarded wamings about bebergs. negligible adiectioe 1. ContempUbly unimportant. 2. Small in degree, esp. of probability. negotiable adiectiae Capable of being passed, traversed, or crossed. negotiate oerb 1. To come to an agreement about. 2. To pass by or over safely or successfully.
1. ennexcn. 2. ct-ntn aerb.
negotiation noun The act or process of dealing with another to reach an agreement.
neighbor oerb To be contiguous or next to.
neighborhood naun 1. A rather small part of a geographic unit considered in regard to its inhabitants or distinctive characteristics: a uell-krwun ltalinn neighborhood. 2. A part of the earth's surface. 3. lnfornwl. Approximate size or amount: priced in the rcighborhood of ffty dollnrs. 4. A surrounding site. neighboring aiiectioe Sharing a common boundary. neighborly adiectioe Of or befitting a friend or friends. neOnate noun A very young child.
1. Syns; area, locality, quarter.
2. anne. 3. Syns; order, range, 4. r,ocer-rrv, ADJOTNTNC. FRIENDLY, BABY TWUN.
neophyte rwun One who is just starting to learn or do something. nephalism noun The practice of refraining from use of alcoholic liquors. rwun nefYe l. Infonrnl. The state or quality of being impudent. 2. Infonrnl. Excessiveand arrogant self-confidence. 3. The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely. nerve oerb To impart strength and confidence to. nervOUS a.diectioe 1. Feeling or exhibiting nervous tension. 2. In a state of uneasiness. odiectioe ner{y l. Inforrrnl. Having or exhibiting excessive and arrogant self-confidence. 2. Infonrwl. Rude and disrespectful. Brit. Feeling or exhibiting nervous tension. 3. lhUzf4 neSClenGe naun l. The condition of being ignorant; lack of knowledge or learning. 2. The condition of being uninformed. adiectioe nescient Without education or knowledge. aerb nestle To lie or press close together, usu. with another person or thing. lwun Nestor A usu. elderly man noted for wisdom, knowledge, and judgment. netl oerb To gain possessionof, esp. after a struggle or chase.
2. pnrsunaPTroN. 3. counacn.
1. rocy. 2. er.rxrous. 1. pnrsunrpruous. 2. rnapuosNr. 3. rocv. l. rcxonaNcn. 2. rcNoneNcn. IGNORANT.
S1|GE nOUn.
rtxn oerb.
631 net rwun An open fabric woven of strandsthat are interlaced and knotted at usu. regular intervals. net2 oerb To make as incomeor profit. nethermost adiectine Oppositeto or farthestfrom the top. netting rwun An open fabric woven of strandsthat are interlaced and knotted at usu. regular intervals. nettle oerb To trouble the nervesor peaceof mind of, repeatedvexaUons. nettlesome adiectioe l. Troubling the nervesor peaceof mind, asby repeatedvexations. 2. So replete with interlocking points and complicationsas to be painfully irritating. network twun 1. An open fabric woven of strandsthat are interlaced and knotted at usu.regularintervals. 2. A group of things that are linked or interconnected as if by weaving. neuter oerb To render incapableof reproducingsexually. neuter ad,iectioe Not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under dispute. neutral adiectine l. Not inclining toward or activelytaking either sidein a matter under dispute:strooeto be rwutral in the cold war. 2. Without definite or distinctive characteristics:His neutral personnlitycmfirastedu:ith her flambogant one. 3. Feeling or showingno strongemotional involvernenlza neutral awroanh to a controoersial iswe. neutralize oerb 1. To make ineffective by applying an oppositeforce or amount. 2. To make up for the defectsof. never-ending a.diectine Enduring for all time. new adiectioe 1. Showingmarkeddeparhre from previouspractice: a neu styln of painting. 2, In existencenow. 3. Not previouslyknown or used. 4. Being an addition. new adoerb Once more: new-renwnberedpl,easures. newborn rmun A very young child. newGOmel nou.n A personcomingfrom anothercountry. newfangle noun Archaic.A new, unusualthitrg. newfangled adiectiae Showingmarkeddeparturefrom previouspractice.
wEB floun.
nnrunrs oerb. Bor:roM adiecthse. wF'B fwltn.
1. vsxArrous. 2. rnonxv.
1. wre rroun. 2. wrs ruoun.
1. Syns; impartial, neuter, nonaligned, nonpartisan, unbiased, uncommitted, nninvolved, unprejudic ed. -Idiorn on the fence. 2. Syns: bland, colorless, indistinctjve.
3. Syns: detached, disinterested, dispassionate, impersonal.
1. cexcnr.. 2. coruppwserp. ENDLESS.
l. Syns: fresh, innovative, inventive, newfangled, novel, original, unfamiliar, unprecedented. 2. pnssrNTr adiectiue. 3. rnnsn. 4. eoorrrorger.. Syns; afresh, again, anew. BABY IWITN. FOREIGNER. NOVELTY.
Nnw ad,iecthse.
newly a&nrb Only a momentago. neWneSS rwun t'he quality of being novel. neWS twun 1. New informatior\ esp.about recent eventsand happenings:itut got the neus of the hunicarc. 2. Somethingsignificantthat happens. neWSmOnger noun A person habihrally engagedin idle talk about others. next adieahn 1. Sharinga common boundary. 2. Occtrrring right after another. n€xt a&nb At a subsequenttime. neXUS rrottn that which unitesor binds. Niagara rautn An abundant,u2. overwhelmingflow. nice dieairn l. Very difficult to please:uns nice to a fault about his aweararwe. To one'sliking. Morally beyondreproach, sexualconduct. Conforming to acceptedstandards. So slight asto be difficult to notice or appreciate. Able to makeor detect effectsof geat subtletyor precision. .7. Having pleasan! desirablequalities. nfGng untn The proper or designatedlocaUon. nictitate tnrb To open and closethe eyesrapidly. nictitaiion nnun A brief closingof the eyes. nifty diectiw Sbry. Particularlyexcellent. niggard twun A stinry person. niggard od.iectiw Ungenerouslyor pettily reluctant to qpendmoney. niggirdly adiectioe Ungenerouslyor pettily reluctant to spendmoney. niggle oetb To raise unnecessaryor trivial objections. niggf ing adiec-tiw Contemptibly unimportant. nigh adinrb' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
To a point near in time, space, or relation.
nigt adiecthn Not far from another in qpace,time, or relation. night tuoun The period of time between sunsetand sunrise:u;ill retum tofitotrvtDnight. night diecthn Of or occurring during the niglrt. nigttfall noun The period between afternoon and nighttime. nightfi adiec'birx Of or occurring during the nig[rt nightly pruolings.
psr adnerb. NOVELTY.
1. Syns;advice(s),intelligence,tidings, word. 2. nvrr.r"r. GOSSIP |WUN,
1. aolorNrnc. 2. ror,r.owtuc adiectiae. LA'rER adoerb. BOND |TUIN, FLOOD nOUn.
l. Syns; choosy, d^inty, exacting fastidious, finical, finicky, fussy, meticulous, particular, persnickety, picky. 2. ecnaresr.r. 3. crnsrn. 4. connnct a.d;iectioe. 5. orr.rcerr. 6. rruBl. 7. cooo odiectitse. PLACE IWUN.
cr.osEl adiectiae. Syns; nighttide, nighttime.
Syns; night, nocturnal.
633 nighttide rwun The period of time between sunset and sunrise.
nightt[me rmun The period of time between sunset and sunrise.
nihility rmun Absence of anything perceptible. nif noun No thing; not anything. adiectioe nimble l- Moving or performrng quickly, lightly, and easily: nimble feet. 2. Mentally acute and resourceful. 3. Exhibifing or possessingskill and ease in performance.
nimblleness nou,n Thequalityor stateof beingagile. nincompoop naun One deficient in judgment and good sense. twun ninny One deficient in judgment and good sense. nipr oerb 1. To grasp at (something) eagerly, forcibly, and abruptly with the jaws. 2. Slang. To take (another's property) without permission. 3. Brit. Slang. To move swiftly. nip2 rwun A small amount of liquor. nip oerb To take alcoholic liquor, eqp. excessively or habitually. adiecthse nippy Marked by a low temperature.
1. Syns; active,agile,brisk, facile, featly, quick, spry. 2. acrr-n. 3. prxrnnous.
l. sNepoerb. 2. srner-. 3. nvswoerb. Dn.OP NOU|T.
nmrvr oerb. coro adiectitse.
nit-pick oerb lnfonrnl. To raise unnecessa{y or trivial objections.
One deficient in judgment and good sense.
nix oerb or l. Slang.To be unwillingto accept,corisider, receive. 2. Slang. To prevent or forbid authoritatively. nix rwun Slang. No t}ing; not anything. nix adoerb Slang. Not so. nO noun response: The proposal prodaced only t. ;:*o"e 2. A negative vote or voter: The rwes conied the dng. no adoerb Not so: No, I u)on't be there. nobfe ad:iectitse f . Of high birth or social position: a rcblp family; rnble ladies of the ccru.rt. 2. Being on a high intellectual or moral level. 3. Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent. nobody prorwun No person: Nobody stayed after the lecture. nobody rwun A totaUy insignificant person. nocturnal adiectioe Of or occurring during the night.
FOOL rWUn, 1. pncr-rNr oerb. 2. vnro, NOTHING fWN. wo adoerb.
1. Syns; nay, refusal, rejection. 2. Syn: nay. Syns: nay, nix (Slnng), nope (Slang). -Idims nothing doing, no way. 1. Syns.' aristocratic, blue-blooded, highborn, highbred, patrician, thorouglrbred, well-born. 2. Br-pverpp. 3. cneNo. Syn.'no one. NONENTIfi.
nod nOd rwrtn l. An inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, submission, or worship. 2. The act or process of accepting. nod wrb To sleep for a brief period. nodding' adiectioe Ready for or needing sleep. noddle rwun The uppermost part of the body. nOggln twun Slang.The uppermost part of the body. nO-gOOd nuun A self-indulgent person who spends time avoiding work or other useful activity. no-good odiecthn worth and value. F"king all rvrun nolse l. Sounds or a sound, esp. when loud, confused, or disageeable: deafened bg the rwise in the xrbuny.
2. The sensation caused by vibrating wave motion that is perceived by the organs of hearing. noise oerb 1. To spread as news: It uns rnised about that he woul.d be appointed to the post. 2. To engage in or spread gossip. 3. To make (information) generally known. noisefess adiectioe Marked by, done with, or making no sound or noise. nOfSOme ad.iectioe Having an unpleasant odor. nomadic ad,iectitse Leading the life of a person without a fixed domicile; moving from place to place: a nomadb tribe. nOmen noun The word or words by which one is called and identified.
nominate oerb To selectfor an office or posiUon. nomination norln The act of appointingto an office or position. nOmlnee rroun A personwho is appointedto an office or position. nOnage rroun The stateor period of being under legal age. nonaf igned adiectioe Not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under dispute. nOnappearanGe rroun Failure to be present. nonattendance rwun Failure to be present. nonchalance nuun The stateor quality of being nonchalant:An assumed d his agitation. notrclwlnrcecorrcealc nonchalant adiectioe Not easilyexcited,even under pressure. noncommittal adiectioe Tendingto keep one'sthouglrtsand emotjonsto oneself.
634 1. sow rurutn. 2. eccrrraNcs. Nrp aerb, SLEEPY. HEAD NNUN. }IEAD TWUN. \^/ASTREL.
1. Syns; babel, clamor, din, hubbub, hullabaloo (also hullaballoo), pandemonium, racket, nunpus, fumult, uproar. 2. soulol.
1. Syns; bruit (about), report. 2. cossw aerb. 3. eovnnrrsn. SILENT. SMELLY.
Syns.' itinerant, peripatetic, roaming, roving, vagabond, vagrant, wandering. NAME NUIN.
Syns; cool (Slnng), imperhrbability, froid. coor adiectitse. RESERVED.
535 noncompliance noun The condition or practice of not obeyrng. non compos mentis adiectioe Lau. Africted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. nonconformist noun A personwho dissentsfrom the doctrine of an establishedchurch. nonentity nnun A totally insignificantperson:a colnrbsstwn'entity ooerlookedbg erseryorw. nonessential adiectiue Not necessary. nOneSUCh naun A personor thing so excellentasto have no equal or match. nonexistence n(run Absenceof anythingPercePtible. nonfeasance noun Lara. Nonperformanceof what ought to be done. nO-nOnSenSe ad;iecthse Marked by sobersincerity. nOnpareil rwun A personor thing so excellentas to have no equal or match: the rwnpareil of sr,ngers. nonpareil adiectioe Without equal or rival. nonpartisan adiectioe 1. Free from bias in judgment. 2. Not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under dispute. nonpartisanship nutn The quality or stateof being just and unbiased. nonphysical adiectwe Having no body, form, or substance. nonplus oerb To makeincapableof finding somethingto think, do, or say:wos rwnphnsedby their audacity. nonprofessional nuun One lacking professionalskill and easein a particular pursuit. nohresistant adiectioe Submittingwithout objectionor resistance. nonresisting adiectioe Submittingwithout objectionor resistance. nOnSenSe rwun 1. Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense:odr cornplntelyigrorant and,held'oiews that were utter tlotrsefae.
2. Unintelligibleor foolishtalk. nonsensic dl- ad,iectitse astb be laughable. So senseless nonstop o.diectiae Existingor occurringwithout interruption or end.
Syns: cipher, nebbish (Slang), nobody, nothing pip-squeak, shrimp (Sln'ng), zero, znch (Slnng). UNNECESSARY. |WUN.
"" ::-::" sERrous. Syns; nonesuch, paragon, phoenix.
1. rem ad,iecthse. 2. xrurner,.
Syns; beat (Slang), confound, flummox (Slang), strck (lnformal), stump -Idiom put someone at a loss. *,
appresauce (stang),barderdash, baloney (aho boloney) (Slnng), bilge, blather, bull (S/ang), bunk2 (Slong), bunkumt (also buncombe ), claptrap, crap (Slang), drivel, eyewash, hooey (Slang), idiocy, malarkey (o/so malarky) (Slang), piffie, pishposh, poppycock, rigmarole (also rigamarole), stuff, tomfoolery, tommyrot (Informal), trashr, twaddle. 2. sABsr-s rwrtn.
noodle noodle noun Slnng.The uppermostpart of the body. nO One pronam No person. nqDSe oerb To executeby suspendirgby the neck. nOpe adoerb Slnng.Not so. nofm rwnn Something,ff I type, number,quantity, or degree,that representsa midpoint betweenextremeson a scaleof valuation. nOrmaf ad.iectioe To be expected. normafly adoerb In an expectedor customarymanner. nOSe rwun 1. The structureon the humanface that containsthe nostrils and organsof smell and forms the beginning of the respiratorytract: a mub nose. 2. The senseby which odorsare perceived. 3. Skill in perceiving,discriminating,or judging. nOSe oerb 1. To perceivewith the olfactory sense. 2. To look into or inquire about curiously,inquisitively, or in a meddlesome fashion. nose Out aerb Shg.To pursue and locate. nose.dive nDrrn l. A zudden involuntary drop to the ground. 2. The act of plunging suddenly downward into or as if into water. nose-dive oerb To undergo a sharp, rapid descent in value or price. nOSe Out oerb nosey adiectiae nOSlneSS rwun lnfonrwL Undue interest in the affairs of others.
636 HEAD TWUN, NOBODYpronun. n,q.Nc Derb. No adaerb. AVERAGENOUN.
coMMoN adiectiae. USUALLY.
1. Syns; beak (Informal), nozzle (Slang), proboscis, schnozzle (Slong), smeller (Informal), snoot (Slnng), snout (Slnng). 2. surr,r- noun. 3. orscsnNMENT.
l. sunrr aerb. 2. sNoopaerb.
1. rer-r, noun. 2. pr-uNcnnoun.
rtrl- oerb. sEEnose. sEEnosy. CURIOSITY.
nOstrum rroun An agent trsed to restore health. nOSy also [OS€] adiectiue Inforntal. Unduly interested in the affairs of others.
cvF.E noun. CURIOUS.
notability nmun 1. A positionof exalted,widely recognizedimportance. 2. An important,infuential person. notabfe adiectiae Widely known and esteemed. notable rroun l. An important, influentialperson. 2. A famousperson. notably adoerb To a high degree. notation nDtLn A brief record written as an aid to the memory. notch oerb To gain (a point or points)in a gameor contest. notch nuun One of the units in a course, as on an ascending or descending scale. nOte rxrun l. A brief record written as an aid to the memory: mado a rnte of wlnt usos sai.d.
1. nurNrxcn. 2. orcxrrenv. EMTNENT,
1. orcwrranv. 2. crrnnnrrv. vnny adoerb. NOTEnoun. sconn oerb. DEGREE.
l. Syns: memo, memorandum, notation.
637 A written communication directed to another. An expression of fact or opinion. Critical explanation or analysis. A position of exalted, widely recognized importance. The act of noting observing, or taking into account. Poetic. A pleasing successionof musical tones forming a usu. brief aesthetic unit. note oerb 1. To perceive with a special effort of the sensesor the mind. 2. To make observations. adiectine noted Widelv known and esteemed. noun nothing l. No thing; not anything: I ha.oerwthing to say. The fire left us with rnthing. 2. The qualtty or state of being obscure. 3. A totally insignificant person. 4. Absence of anything perceptible. nothing adiectioe Sl*tg.Lacking all worth and value. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
nothingness noun was Hiroshima of anythingperceptible: l. Absence redruced to rwthingness by the atomin bomb. 2. Empty, unfilled space: looked out into the rnthingness of the Arctic night., notice l. The act of noting, observing, or taking into account: took rwtice of the ym'th's performarrce and, pronwted hhn. 2. A public statement. 3, Evaluative and critical discourse. notice oerb To perceive with a special effort of the sensesor the mind: rnticed a clwnge in the old ma'n's expression. adiecthse noticeable 1. Readily attracting notice: a rnticeabl.e saoelling in her right ltg; o rnticeable increase in hst-West terwion.
2. Readily seen, perceived, or understood. 3. Capable of being noticed or apprehended mentally.
2. r,Brrsn. 3. couunwr twun. 4. corvlr.rnvrenv. 5. pMu.rnxcs. 5. Norrcn noun. 7. unr.oov. 1. uorrcn oerb. 2. cown*r
1. Syns; auglrt (Archaic),nil, nix (Slorg), nlch (Slmg). 2. osscuRrrY. 3. rqoNprvrrrv. 4. NorrlNcrvnss. WONTHLESS.
1. Syns,' nihility, nonexistence, nothing vacuity. 2. Syns: barrenness, emptiness, void.
1. Syns; attention, cognizance, heed, mark, note, observance, observation" regard, remark. 2. ervrqouucEMENT. 3. nrunw rwttn. Syns; descry, distinguish, €sp)/, mark, mind, note, observe, remark, see1. Syns: arresting, arrestive, conspicuous, eye-catching marked, observable, outstanding, pointed, prominent, remarkable, salient, signal, striking. -Idiiln sticking out like a sore thumb. 2. epperprvr. 3. pnncnpnnr,n.
notify oerb To cause to know about or be aware of. rwun notion 1, An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind. 2. Something believed or accepted as true by a person. adiecthse notional 1. Existing only in the imagination. 2. Given to changeable emotional states, esp. of anger or gloom.
1. reNcv nDrrn. 2. nnr,mr. 1. ruecrNenv. 2. uooov.
notoriety rrou,n l. Unfavorable, rxu. unsavory renown: a disbaned lnwger of great naturbtg. 2. Wide recognition for one's deeds. adiectioe notorious 1. Known widely and unfavorably: a rntorious uook. 2. Widely known and discussed.
l. Syns; fame, irf*y, 2. rerux.
1. Syns; common,famou (Arclwb), infamous. 2. reuous.
notoriousness rwun Unfavorable, usu. unsavory renown.
nourish nourish Derb 1. To zustain (a living organism) with food: Wellfularwed rneals nourished the grouing chil.dren. 2. To promote and zustain the development of.
1. Syn; feed. 2. rvr;nse.
nourishing diectiw Providing nourishment.
nourishm6nt noun That which zustains the mind or spirit. novel adiectiln 1. Showing marked deparhre from previous practice. 2. Not usual or ordinary. novelty noun 1. The quality of being novel: He tired of the gam.e after the rcoelty wore off. 2. A new, unuzual thing: Edison's light bulb uos at frst merely an interesting rm:elty. 3. A small, showy article: a rmselty store that sol.d ,irys, key chains, and. post cards to tourists. noViGe twun 1. An entrant who has not yet taken the final vows of a lsligious order: a rwtsice in a corwent. 2:9"9 who is just starting to learn or do something. nOYfClaIe rxntn
1. rvrw adiectiue. 2. uucrsuar.. 1. Syns; freshness, newness, originality. 2. Syns: innovation, newfangle (Archab). 3. Syns; bauble, bibelot, gewgaw, gimcrack, knickknack, toy, trifle, trinket, whatnot. l. Syn: noviUate (also noviciate) (Eccles.). 2. nncnwrn. sEEnovitiate.
novitiate dso noviciate rroun l. One who is just starting to learn or do something. 2. Ecclcs. An entrant who has not yet taken the final vows of a religious order. nOW rwtn The current time: Noto is the time that tries men's souls. now o.diectioe In existence now. now adwrb l. At the present; these days: Air traoel is much faster rww with the Wersonic trarwports. 2. At this moment: I'm on the phone rww. 3. Without delay. 4. At times: a ballet tlwt u:as rwu adngio, !roi!) allegro.
1. sncnrNnn. 2. uovrcB.
Syns; nowadays, presentr, today.
pnnsrNrr adiectiae. 1. Syns; nowadays, today. -Idi{nn in this day and age. 2. Syns: actually, currently. -Idiom just (or right) now.
3. 4. Syns: betimes, periodically . -ldicnu ever and again, ever and anon, now and again, now and then.
nOwadays nmun The current time. nowadays adnerb At the present; these days.
NOW t1.O0n.
Now adoerb.
noxious a.diectioe Extremely destructive or harmful. nOZZle rwun Slory.The structure on the human face that contains the nostrils and organs of smell and forms the of the respiratory tract. nUanGe"i"g rroun A slight variation between nearly identical entities. rroun nub 1. An unevenness or elevation on a surface. 2. The most central and material part. nuCleus rroun A sotrce of further growth and development. nude odiecthn l. Not wearing any clothes: nu.d.emodels.
1. sulap rwun. 2. nBenr. GERM.
L. Syns: au naturel, bare, disrobed, naked, stripped, unclad, unclotled,
2. Withoutthe usualcovering. nudeness rwun The state of being without clothes. oerb nudge To thrust against or into. nudge rwun An act of thrusting into or against, as to attract attenUon.
undressed. -Idioms bare as a newborn babe, in one's birthday suit, in the altogether (or buff or raw), naked as a jaybitd, stark naked, without a stitch. 2. sARn adiectioe. NIJDITY.
otc oerb. Drc fwtrn.
nudity nurn The stateof being without clothes:The artist found rud,ity an Wealing subiect. nugatory adiectiae Lacking value,use,or substance. nugget rwun An irregularly shapedmassof indefinite size. nuisance noun Somethingthat annoys. nulf ification noun An often formal act of putting an end to. nuflify oerb To put an end to formally and with authority. numb oerb l. To render lesssensitive. 2. To render helpless,asby emotion. numb a.diecthse or alertness. 1. Lacking responsiveness 2. Lacking physical feeling or sensitivity. numbed ailiectine Lacking physical feeling or sensitivity.
Syns: bareness, nakedness, nudeness, undress. EMPTY adiectioe. l-uMpr nou,n. ANNOYANCE. ABOLITION. ABOLISH. 1. npenrx. 2. pener-vzn. l. our,r- adiectitse. 2. nnto adiectioe. onl.o adiectioe.
number oerb 1. To note (items) one by one so as to get a total. 2. To come to in number or quanUty.
number-one ad'iectioe lnformal. Most important, influential, or significant. number one rroun Infonrnl. A leadingcontestant. numbers rrf,ru,n Arithmetic calculations. numbskull rwun numerate aerb 1. To note (items)one by one so as to get a total. 2. To nameor specifyone by one. numeration noun A noting of items one by one. numerOus adiectine Amountingto or consistingof a large, indefinite number. numinous adiectioe Of or concernedwith the spirit rather than the body or material things. numskull alsorluffibskull rurun 1. A mentally dull person. 2. One deficientin judgmentand good sense. nuptial nuu,n The act or ceremonyby which two peoplebecome husbandand wife. nuptial adiectioe Of, relatingto, or typical of marriage.
t. cou*r oerb. 2. tvrovwr oerb. PRIMARY. LEA.DER. FIGURES.
sEEnumskull. 1. couwr oerb. 2. rr.ruwnetn. couNT fwun, MANY.
1. our-r-enn. 2. root, rwrnx. WEDDING.
nurse nUfSe Derb l. To promote and zustain the development of: agitators usho m.trced discontent into open retsolutian. 2. To hold and turn over in the mind.
nursling noun A veryyoungchild. nurture oerb To promote and sustain the development of. nurture tuoun Something fit to be eaten.
nut noun t. Slang.An insanely foolishor strangeperson. 2. Slang. A person who is ardently devoted to a particular zubject or activity. 3. Fbry.The uppermost part of the body. nutrient adiectioe Providing nourishment.
640 l. Syns: cultivate, foster, nourish, nurture. 2. snaR. BABY TIOUN, NURSE. FOOD.
l. cnecxpor. 2. rr*rrrusnsr. 3. nneo naun. NUTRITIOUS.
nutramenl rwt"rn That which zustains the mind or spirit.
nutritional adieaU:e Of or relating to food or nutrition.
nutritious oiiecthse hoviding nourishment:sensedthe childrm mttritious and sotisfyingmeals. nutritive a.diectioe l. Of or relatingto food or nutrition: the rrutritioe systernof a plart. 2. Providing nourishment. nuts adiecthn Slang.Aflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. nutty adiectiw l. Infomal. Showingor havingenthusiasm. 2. Infonnal. Aflicted with or exhibitingirrationality and mental unsoundness. nUzzle wrb To lie or pressclosetogether,usu.with anotherperson or thing.
Oaf noun A large,ungainly,and dull-witted person. oath noun A profaneor obsceneterm. obdurate adiec'tioe l. Firmly, often unrearcnablyimmovablein purposeor will. 2. Totally lackingin compassion. obedience rwun l. The quality or state of willingly carrying out the wishesof others: Tlw cornmarderunnted absolute obediercefrom tlw troqs. 2. An act of willin$y carrying out the wishesof others: obedierceof thc lou:.
Syns: nourishing, nutrient, nutritive.
L. Syns: alimentary, nutritional. 2. Nutnrrrous. INSANE.
1. BrvrHusrAsrrc. 2. rNseNr.
sNvccrn oerb.
LUMP,NOUN. swEARfwun, l. srunsonN. 2. cor-n-sr.ooDED. l. Syns; acquiescence, compliance (a/so compliancy ), submission. 2. Syns: conformance, conformity, obeyance, observance.
64r obedient adiectioe Willing to carry out the wishesof others:an obedient child,. obeisance rwun 1. An inclinationof the head or body, as in greeting, or worship. consent,courtesy,submission, 2. Great respector high public esteemaccordedas a right or asdue. obeisant adiecth:e Marked by courteoussubmissionor respect. obese adiecthse Having too much flesh. obey aerb To act in conformity with. obeyance rruun An act of willingly carrying out the wishesof others. obfuscate oerb To make dim or indistinct. obiter dictum twun An expression of fact or opinion. rwun objectr l. Something having material existence: Plnce the obiect directly beneath the l.erw. 2. One that exists independently. 3. A separate and distinct portion of matter. 4. Something strongly desired. oerb object2 1. To express opposition by argument: the ileferwe attomey obiected to that line of qtrcstianing.
2. To have an objection. 3. To have or express an unfavorable opinion.
objectless Syns.' amenable, biddable, compliant, complying, conformable, submissive, tractable. -Idiotn toeing the mark (or line). 1. sow nou,n, 2. Hor{on twrrn.
osscvnn oerb. CoMMENT
1. Syns; article, item, thing. 2. tnrNc. 3. aoov ntntn. 4. etr.strtol*I. l. Syns; except, exposhrlate, inveig[r, kick (Informal), protest, remonstrate, squawk (Infornal). -ldiont, raise a squawk, take exception to. 2. crng oerb. 3. orseppnovs.
objectify oerb To represent (an abstraction) in or as if in bodily form.
objection nurn The act of expressingstrongor reasonedopposition: Theforest was cut down despite the obiectionsof corwercationists, objectionable ad:iectioe Arousing disapproval: obiecti,onabbbehaoior. objective nuun Somethingstronglydesired. objective adiectioe 1. Composedof or relating to things that occupy space and can be perceivedby the senses. 2. Free from bias in judgment. of things as they 3. Having or indicating an awa^reness really are. objectiveness rwm The qudity or state of being just and unbiased. obiectivity rwun The quality or state of being just and unbiased. objectless ad,iecthse l. Without aim, pu4)ose,or intent. 2. Having no particular pattern, purpose,organization, or struchrre.
Syns; challenge,exposhrlaUon,kick (Infonnal), protest,protestation, remonstrance,remonstration,squawk @fonrnl). Syns; exceptionable,ill-favored, inadmissible,unacceptable,undesirable, unwanted, unwelcome. AMBITION.
1. prrysrcer.. 2. rem. 3. nner-rsnc.
l. erur,rss. 2. nervoov.
oblation obfation rwun 1. A presentation made to a deity as an act of worship. 2. A charitable deed.
obligate wrb To be morally bound to do. obligated adiectioe Owing something,asgraUtudeor appreciation,to another. obfigation noun 1. An act or courseof action that is demandedof one, as by position,custom,law, or religion. 2. A condition of owing somethingto another. obligatory adiectitse lqpor.d on one by authority,command,or convenUon. obfige oerb 1. To perform a serviceor a courteousact: You will obhgeme if yu will keep this matter quiet. 2. To cause(a personor thing) to act or move in spite of resistance. 3. To comply with the wishesor ideasof (another). obf iged a.diectitse 1. Owing somethingasgratitudeor appreciation,to anotlrer:I felt obligedto help him after he had helpedmc. .2. Showingor feelinggratitude. obfigement- ltmun A condition of owing somethingto another. obliging a.diectioe Readyto do favorsfor another:an obli$ng person, qfunys uilling to help. oblique adiectioe 1. Angled at a slant. - 2 Not taking a direct or straightline or course. obfiterate *rU To destroyall tracesof. obfiteratioh rw.n',, l. The act of erasingor the condition of being erased. 2. Utter destrucUon. oblivion rwnn Freedomfrom worry, care, or unpleasantness. oblivious adiectirse Not awareor informed. obfoquious a.diectioe 1. Of, relatingto, or characterizedby verbal abuse. 2. Meriting or causingshameor dishonor. obfoquy ,wn 1. A long violent, or blusteringspeech,usu.of censure or demrnciation. 2. Harsh,often insultinglanguage. 3. Lossof or damageto one'sreputation. obnoxious ad;iectioe So objectionableas to elicit despisal. obscene adiectioe 1. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency:obscene iokes.
2. Bevond all reason.
l. ourv. 2. orsr. REQUIRED.
L. Syns: accommodate, convenience, favor. 2. roncn oerb. 3. lgruv.onaerb. 1. Syns: beholden, bound3, bounden, indebted, obligated. -Idiiln under obligation. 2. cnerrrur.. DEBT.
Syns : accommodating, agreeable, complaisant, indulgent. 1. ens adiectioe. 2. nronrcr. ANNIHILATE.
1. Bnesunn. 2. euNrrrrr,ATroN. ESCAPE TWUN. IGNORANT.
1. e-eusrvr. 2. orscnecEFul. 1. rmaor. 2. vrrupnnATroN. 3. olscnecE noun. FILTITY.
l. Syns; barnyard, coarse, crude, crusty, dirty, Fescennine, filthy, foul, goss, indecent, lewd, nasty, profane, rank2, raunchy (Slang), raw, rocky, scatological (a/so scatologic ), scurrilous, smutty. 2. ou'rnecEous.
obscen'eness rwun The quality or state of being obscene.
643 obscenity rwun a campaignto 1. The qualityor stateof beingobscene: obscenity era.dicate fr* filr^, 2. Something that is offensive to accepted standards of decency: fun-l.ener words and other obscenities.
obscure oerb
l. To make dim or indistinct: Suirling snow obsaned the road. googhad, obsarred an othennise clear oieus.
2. To conceal in obscurityz d'etaik obscared in a maze of legal iargm. 3. To cut off from sight. obscure adiectioe 1. Deficient in briglrtness. 2. Not clearly perceived or perceptible. 3. Far from centers of human population. 4. Not readily noticed or seen. 5. Unknown by name: an obscure uniter; art obsane disease. 5. Lirable to more than one interpretation.
1. Syns; dirtiness,fflthiness,indecency, raunchiness lewdness,obsceneness, (Sl*rg). 2, Syns:dirt, filth, profanity, smut. 1. Syns;adumbrate,becloud,bedim, befog blear, blur, cloud, dim, dull, eclipse,fog gloom, haze, mist, murk (olsomirk), obfuscate,overcast, overshadow,shadow. 2. Syns:hider, zubmerge. 3. slocr out at block. 1. penr ad;iectiae. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ur.IcLEAR. nuraorn. rNcoNsptcuous. Syns.' nameless, unheard-of.
5. eunrcuous.
obscured adiectiae Lytng beyond what is obvious or avowed.
obscurity rw,rn
1. The quality or stateof being obscure:a Third World boder who rosefrorn obsatrity to rwtotietg. 2. The quality or state of being ambiguous. 3. Absenceor deficiencyof liglrt. obsequious ad,iectioe Excessivelyeagerto serveor obey. observable ad,iectine 1. Capableof being noticed or apprehendedmentally. 2. Readilyattractingnotice. observance rwun 1. An act of willingly carrying out the wishesof others. 2. The act of observinga day or event with ceremonies. 3. A formal act or set of acts prescribed by ritual. 4. The act of noting observing,or taking into account. 5. The act of observing often for an extendedtime. observant adiectioe 1. Vigilantly attentive. 2. Concentratingthe mental powerson something. 3. Tending toward awarenessand appreciation. observation noun 1. The act of noting, observing,or taking into account. 2. The act of observing,often for an extendedtime. 3. An expressionof fact or opinion. observative adiectioe and appreciation. Tending toward awareness observatory nurn A high structure commandinga wide view. observe oerb 1. To perceivewith a specialeffort of the sensesor the mind. 2. To usethe power of vision. 3. To look at or on attentivelyor carefully. 4. To make observations. 5. To act in conformity with. 6. To mark (a day or event)with ceremoniesof respect,festivity, or rejoicing.
l. Syns; anonymity, namelessness, nothing. 2. ve.cupxsss. 3. pem noun. SERVILE.
1. ppncnsrrsr.p. 2. Notrcnesln. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5.
osnorpNcn. culpsnerroN. csnnvroNY. Noncr noun. wercH noun.
1. er,snr adiectioe. 2. emnNuvs. 3. rnnNorul. 1. Norrcr (wun. 2. we.rcrr rr'oun. 3. couurvr twun. MINDFUL. LOOKOUT.
1. uoucr tzrb. 2. roor. oerb. 3. wtrcrr oerb, 4, conarvrntroerb. 5. ror.r-ow. 6. cnr,rsRArs.
observer rroun Someone who observes.
observing diec-thn .Tending toward awarenessand appreciation. ODS€SS oerb l. To recur to continually. 2. To dominatethe mind or thoughtsof. obsession rw.rn An irrational preoccupation. obsolesce t*rU To make or becomeobsolete:As sargical procedures -obsolcscethey are tn longer used. obsolescence raourt The processof becomingobsolete:Build,ingnew roa.ds rctads tlw obsobserce of ur htghuny systen. obsofete adiecthn No longer in use: obsoleteupaponry; obsoleteMiddle Errylish urofuls. obsolete wrb To make or becomeobsolete. obsolete ruoun Somethinqthat is obsolete. obsoletendss rwun The quality or state of being obsolete:uwds tlwt hnd fallon into obsoletetuss. obsoletion rxntn l. The quality or stateof being obsolete. 2. Thg processof becomingobsolete. obsoletish lnun l. Somethingthat is obsolete:The word "peruicacy"is tu)r.oon obsoletisn. 2. The quality or state of being obsolete. -
obstacle *i,
,A+/mg t}.r"aqpSes or preventsentry or passage. ODSIlnaCydso ODStlnanGe rwun The quatity or state of being stubbornly unyielding: Tlw fimo minister'sobstinacyu)asa hindrarwe ti the Wace tnlh.s.
obstinance noun obstinate dieahn l. Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield: an obstinateman wlw rwoerapologzed.
2. Dficult to alleviateor cure. obstreperous ad,ieahn l. Not submitting to discipline or control. 2. Offensively loud and insistent.
;;:; ,,', 2. possrss. THINC.
Syns: obsolete, outdate, superannuate.
Syn; obsoletion.
Syn.' superseded. -Idionw on the shelf.
in mothballs,
disuse, obsoletion,
obsoletism. 1. ossoLrrENESs. 2. onsor,pscENcr. l. Syn: obsolete. 2. onsor.rrENESS. BARftoun, Syns; bullheadedness, doggedness, hardheadedness,incompliance an incompliancy, intractability, intransigence or intransigency, mulishness, pertinacity, perverseness,perversity, pigheadedness, refractoriness, stubbornness, willfrrlness. sm obstinacy. 1. Syns; bulldogged, bulldoggish, bulldogry, bullheaded, close-minded, dogged, hardheaded, headstrong incompliant, intractable, intransigent, muleheaded, muley, mulish, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, refractory, stiff-necked, stubborn, tenacious, tough, willful. 2. srvesonN. l' uvnulv. 2. vocrenous.
obstreperoushess rwun The quality or condition of being unnrly.
obstruct Derb l. To stopor preventpassage of: obstructed the oote W rtUhsterhe. 2. To interferewith the progress of. 3. To cut off from sight.
l. Syns; bar, block, impede, overslaugh. -ldimn stand in the way of. 2. nnvonn. 3. slocx our at block.
645 obstruction ntnn Anythingthat impedesor preventsentryor passage. obtain oerb To come into possessionof. adiecttue obtainable Capable of being obtained or used.
obtrude oerb To force or come in as an improper or unwanted element. ad:iecthse obtrusive Given to intruding in other people's affairs. adiectioe obtuse Lacking in intelligence.
MEDDLTNG ad,iectioe. STUPID.
obviate oerb To prohibit from occurring by advance planning or action.
obviation The act of preventing. obvious adiectioe 1. Readilyseen,perceived,or understood. 2. Easily seenthrough due to a lack of subtlety. OGCaSIOn rrDun 1. The generalpoint at which an event occurs: We met on seoeral occasiotts. 2. Something significant that happens. 3. A favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances. 4. That which provides a reason or justification. 5. A large or important socid gathering. occasion oerb 1. To be a proper or suficient occasion for. 2. To be the cause of. adiectioe occasional 1. Rarely occurring or appearing. 2. Happening or appearing now and then.
occult oerb To put or keep out of sight. OCCUpanCynoun The holding of somethingsuchas a position. occupation rwun 1. Activity pursued as a livelihood. 2. The holding of something,suchas a position. occupied adiectioe Involved in activiW or work. OCcUpy oerb 1. To seizeand move into by force: Tenofistslmoe attaclad and,occryied the embassy. 2. To live in (a place). 3. To makebusy. 4. To get and hold the attentionof. 5. To causeto be busy or in use. OCCUr oerb 1. To enter a person'smind: It occumedto him that he uls on the unongstreet. 2. To take place. 3. To take place at a set time. OCCUffenCe rwun l. Somethingthat happens. 2. Somethingsignificantthat happens. 3. The condition or fact of being present. oceanic adiectioe Of or relatingto the se:$or oceans.
1. .lppensvr. 2. uNsuarr,r. l. Syn: tirne. -Idiom
point in time.
2. BvpNr. 3. opponrvmrv. 4. clusr nartn. 5. penrv twun. 1. cer.r. pon at call. 2, cwsn oerb. 1. rNrnngunvr. 2. rvrsRMrrrENT. rgttonroerb. TENURE. 1. susrNEss. 2. rnr.runn. nus:" adiecthse. L. Syn: take over. 2. 3. 4. 5.
rxnasrr. sus,r oerb. rrvcacs. rm up.
1. Syns.'hit, strike. -Idiorn mind. 2. corvrp. 3. corrm. 1. crncuusrANcE. 2. nvsNT. 3. pnpsrncr. MARINE.
cross one's
odd odd l. 2. 3. 4.
adiecthn Occurringunexpectedly. Deviatingfrom the customary. Causingpuzzlement;perplexing. Agreeablycurious, an old-fashionedor unusualway. oddball adieatoe l. Infornwl. Deviatingfrom the customary. 2. Infornwl. Agreeablycurious, an old-fashioned or unusualway. oddity noun l. A personwho is appealinglyodd or curious. 2. A personor animalthat is abnormallyformed. oddments rwun Articles too small or mrmerousto be specified. odds rroun l. A factor conduciveto superiorityand success. 2. The likelihood of a given event occurring. odds and ends nmun Articles too small or numerousto be specified:a box in the clasetin which she kqt oddsandbnds. odious adiecth:e l. Eliciting or deservinghate. .2. So objectionableas to elicit despisal. mlOUSneSS rwun The conditionof being infamous. odor rwun Se Walitf of somethingthat may be perceived by the olfactorv sense. OeStrUS nnun otl adiecthse l. Containingan error or errors. 2. Smallin degree,esp.of probability. 3. Affiicted with or irraUonalityand mental unsoundness. ""ttiliuirg 4. Characterizedby reducedeconomicactivity. ott oerb 54"5.-19 trk" the life of (a personor persons) unlawfully. offbeat odiectioe Infonnal. Not usualor ordinary. off-cofor odiectioe l. Borderingon indelicacyor impropriety. 2. Afiected or tendingto be atrectedwitir minor health problems. offen:d oerb 1. To be very disagreeableto: Ba.drutnnersofend me. 2. To causeresenhnentor hurt by callous,rude behavior. 3. To violate a moral or divine law: ofended against the word of the Lord. offender noin One who commitsa crime. offense twun 1, Extreme displeasuecausedby * insult or slight: took offerce at the bast proucation. 2. An act that offendsa person'ssenseof pride or digntty. 3. A wicked act.
1 .ACcTDENTAT adiectioe. 2 . EccENTRrcadiectirse. 3 . FUNIIY. 4. guanrl. 1. nccnnrrnrc adiectioe, 2. quewrr.
1. cHenecrnn. 2. rnrex. ODDS AND ENDS.
Syns.'etceteras,oddments,sundries. 1. uerrrur,. 2, ru,rny.
srn estrus. 1. nnnorrous. 2. nnuorn. 3. rNsan'n. 4. sr-owadiectirse. lr;vnonnoerb.
1. necy. 2. srcxr.y.
l. Syns; displease, displeasure (Archaic), turn off (Slnng). -Idiorns give ofiense, not set right (or well) with. 2. tNsvrr oerb. 3. Syns; sin, transgress,trespass.
1. Syns: dudgeon, huff, mifi, pique, resentment, umbrage. -Idiom rufled feathers. 2. rxorcr.nry. 3. cnrnar.
647 4. A serious breaking of the public law. 5. The act of attacking. ail;iectioe offensive 1. Extremely unpleasant to the sensesor feelings: offensioe odors; offercioe language.
2. Not pleasant or agreeable. 3. Inclined to act in a hostile waY. otfensive nuun The act of attacking. oerb offer 1. To put before another for acceptance: ffirirgus ofered his syrnpathy to the uidottt ofered "ooki"t; us his help. 2. To advance, as an idea, for consideration. 3. To make (something) readily available: a college oftring a broad cuniculam. 4. To make an offer of. 5. To make an attemPt to do or make. otfer rwun 1. Something ofiered: made him an offer of $4,000 for the car; had rwnerws iob offers. 2. An efiort to do or make something. noun offering 1. A presentation made to a deity as an act of worship: ^aae sacvifices and, other oferings to the gods. 2. Something gven to a charity or gause. 3. A living creahrre slain and offered to a deity as part of a religious rite. ad:iectioe offhand Spoken, performed, or composed with little or no pieparation or forethought. rwrun office 1. A post of emPloYment. 2. Ecil"es. A formal act or set of acts prescribed by rituat. 3. An assignment one is sent to carry out. rwtrn office(s) A charitable deed.
otficer rmun
l. A member of a law-enforcement agency. 2. A person having administrative or managerial authority in an organizaUon. officer oerb To have authoritative charge of. ad,iecthse otficial Having or arising from authoritY. official rwun i. A petton or grouP having the right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge. 2. A person having administrafive or managerial authority in an organization.
officiate oerb To perform the dutiesof another. officious ad,iectioe Given to intruding in other people'saffairs. offish ad,iectioe 1. Afiectid or tending to be a.fiectedwith minor health problems. 2. Not friendly, sociable,or warrn in manner. offset oerb 1. To act as an equalizingweight or force to.
4. cnrur. 5. errecx rmun. l. Syns; atrocious, disgusting, evil, foul, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, repellent, repulsive, revolting, sickening ugly, unwholesome, vile. 2. ulpr-neseNr. 3. eccnrssrvs. ATTACK
1. Syns; extend, present2, proffer, tender2, volunteer. -Idionx come forward with, lay at someone's feet. 2. pnoposn. 3. Syns: afiord, provide. -liliont' place (or put) at one's disPosal. 4. co oerb. 5. trrr;Mrr oerb.
proffer, proposal,tender2.
1. 2. arrnupr
L. Syn: oblation. 2. poNeuoN. 3. secnrrrcg rwun.
1. posrtroN rtatrn. 2. cnnplvrorvv. 3. urssrow. BENEVOLENCE.
1. por,rcruex. 2. rxncurlw twun. rnlrO Oerb, AUTHORITATIVE. 1. eurnonrrv. 2. pxrcuuvg
Acr FoR at act. MEDDLTNc adiecthse. l. srcxr.v.
2. coor. ad,iecthse. 1. sALANcn oerb.
offshoot 2. To make up for the defects of. offset nuun Something to make up for loss or damage. -noun offshoot l. A young stemlike gowth atising from a plant. 2. Something resembling or structurally analogous to a tree branch. 3. A part of a family, tribe, or other goup, or of such a group's language, that is believed to stem from a common ancestor. norrn offspring 1. One descended directly from the same parents or ancestors. 2. A group consisting of those descended directly from the same -parents or ancestors. off-the-cuff adiectit;e Infonrwl. Spoken, performed, or composed with little gr no preparation or forethought. ogfe wrb To look intentlv and fixedlv. Ogfe twun A perversely bad, cruel, or wicked person. Ogrefsn adiectiae Perversely bad, cruel, or wicked. oif nsun lnfornwl. Excessive, ingratiating praise. oil wrb .lnfomtnl. To compliment excessively and ingatiatingly. oily odiectirse l. Having the qualities of fat. 2- Affectedly and self-servingly earnest. O.K. or OK adiectioe Infomnl. Of moderately good quality but less than excellent. O.K. or OK o&:erb Infortrwl.It is so; as you say or ask. okeirdoke dso okeydbkey' adcerb Sbng.It is so; as you say or ask. okeydokey adwrU ofd adiectioe 1. Far along in life or time: an old lady in her nineties.
2. Belonging,to, existing, or occurring in times long past: an ol.d castle; an old tale.
3. Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time. 4. Of a style or method formerly in vogue. 5. Skilled or knowledgeable th.o"gh long practice. 6. Having been such previously. olden adiecthn l. Archaic ds Poetb. Far along in life or time. 2. Arclwb b Poetb. Belonging to, existing, or occurring in times long past. ofden wrb To grow old. ofder ad.iecthse Of greater age than another.
2. couprNserp. COMPENSATION.
1. snoor noun, 2. sneNcu noun. 3. eneNcH rmun,
1. 2. pnocrNv.
ctzF, aerb.
FATTY adiectiae. UNCTUOUS.
vns adaerb. vns adoerb. srn okeydoke. l. Syns; advanced, aged, elderly, olden (Archait d: Poetic), oldish, senior. -Idiorn getting on (ar along) in years. 2. Syns: ancient, aged, age-old, antediluvian (also antediluvial), antique, hoary, olden (Archab dt Poetic), timeworn, venerable. -ldiorns old as Methuselah. old as time. old as the hills. 3. corrrnrvurxc. 4. or.p-rasHroNED. 5. nxpnnmNcED. 6. r-ern adiectiae. 1. olo. 2. oro.
tcn aerb. sENroRadiectioe.
649 oldfangled a.d,iectioe Of a style or methodformerly in vogue. old-fashioned adiecthse Of a style or methodformerly in vogue:an oldfashioned refrigerator. oldish adiectioe Far alongin life or time. old maid nou,n A person who is too much concernedwith being proper, modest,or righteous. olil-maidish ad;iectioe Marked by excessiveconcernfor propriety and goodform' oldster rnun Infomnl. An elderlYPerson. old-time adiectioe Of a styteor method formerly in vogue. old-timer rwun L. Infonrwl. An elderlYPerson.2. Infonml. One who hashad long experiencein a given activrty or caPacitY' oleaginous adiectioe 1. Having the qualitiesof fat. 2. Affectedly and self-servinglyearnest. olfaction rroun The senseby which odorsare perceived. olio rwun A collection of variousthings. Omen rwun a sign o-rwarning of some A phenomenonthat servesas_ future good or evil,:The crashsesrnodto be an omen of trouble to come. ominous ad;iectioe Portending future disaster. omission rwun Nonperformanceof what ought to be done. omit oerb 1. To take or leave out. 2. To not do (somethingnecessary). omnipresent a.diecthse Ever presentin-all Places. omnivorous adiectioe Having an insatiableappetite for an activrty or pursuit. on-again-otf-again adiectioe Lacking consistencyor regularity in quality or performance. OnCe a.d;iectirse Having been such PreviouslY. once a&serb At a time in the past. OnCe-OVel rwun Informal. A thoroughsearchof a place or person. One adiectilse Alone in a given categorY. one-dimensional adiectioe Lacking in intellectualdepth or thorouglrness. OneneSS rwun 1. The stateof b"ttg entirely whole. 2. The qualrty or conditionof being exactlythe same as somethingelse.
Syns; antiquated,antique, archaic, bygone,dated, dowdy, fustY,_old, oidfangted,old-time, outdated, outrnoded, out-ofdate, pass6,stale, vintage. OLD. PNUDE.
1. srNIon rwun. 2, versRANrwrrn. 1. rerrv adiecthse. 2. uwcruous. SMELL |IOUN. ASSORTMENT.
Syns: augury, bodement, foretoken, portent, presage, prognosUc prognostication. -Idiom writing (or handwriting) on the wall. FATEFUL. FAILURE.
t. onop oerb. 2. r'err-. uNrvERsALad,iectioe. VORACIOUS. UNEVEN.
ulsn adiectioe. EA.RLIER.
srrAKEDowNat shake down. LONE. SUPERFTCIAL,
1. coupr.nrENEss. 2. seuprvnss.
onerous 3. An identity or coincidence of interests, purposes, or _ sympathies among the members of a gro"p. 4. The condition of being one. 5. The quality or condition of being unique. OnerOuS ad.iecthse Imqg$ng a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. One-Sfded adiectioe ExhibiUng bias.
one-sidedness noun An inclinaUon for or against that inhibits impartial judgment. one-time also onetime a.diectitse Having been such previously. One-uP wrb Sbng. To outrnaneuver (an opponent), esp. with the aid of some extra resource. Ongoing noun Forward movement. only adiectir:e l. Without equal or rival. 2. Alone in a given category. onfy adnerb l. To the exclusion of anyone or anything else. 2. Nothing more than.
onomatopoeiaalsoonomatopo6sis rwun The formation of words in imitation of sounds. onomatopoeic also onomatopoetic adiectioe Imitating sounds.
onomatopo€sis nmun onomatopoetic o.diectitse OnfUSh noun The act of attacking. Onset ntnln l. The inital stage of a developmental process. 2. The act of attacking. onslaughl not"tn The act of attacking.
on-the-house adiebtiae SI^g.Costingnothing. OnUS rToun 1. A duty or respoxsibility that is a source of anxiety, worry, or hardship. 2. A difficult or tedious undertaking. 3. Reqponsibility for an error or "rio". 4. A mark of discredit or disgrace. Onyx adiectitse Of the darkest achromatic visual value. rvtun oodle Infonrnl. An indeterminately geat amount or number. oomph noun Sb"g.A lively, emphatic, eager quatity or manner. OOZe wrb To flow or IeaI
650 3. uwrry. 4. uNrrv. 5. uwrgurNnss. BURDENSOME. BIASED. BLA.S rWUn.
rnrn adiectir:e. rnvv'p oerb.
1. uNrguE. 2. r.oNn. l. sor.Br,y. 2. urnnr.v. ECHOISM. ECHOIC.
sEEonomatopoeia. sEEOnomatopoeic. ATTACK
1. nrnrH naun. 2. arracx twun. ATTACK
rnnn adiectioe. 1. sunnrrv noun. 2. rasx noun. 3. nr,alan noun. 4. srerx rwun. BLACK. }{E'AP NOUN, SPIRIT.
Syns: bleed, exude, leach, percolate, seep, transude, transpire, weep. SLIME.
opnx oerb. 1. Syns; exposed, uncovered, unprotected.
651 2. Tending to incur. 3. Not restricted or confined to few: open ertrollment; open competition. 4. Free from obstructions. 5. Available for ure: Only two possibilities remain qen. 6. Not spoken for or occuPied. 7. Speaking or spoken freely and sincerely. 8. Not affording certaintY. 9. Marked by lfut< of firm decision or commitment; of questionable outcome. 10. Ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas. open oerb t. fo become or cause to become open: The door suddcrtly opened. Let's opm the pacl'age' 2.To mov-eor arrange so as to cover a larger-area' 3. To go about ttre iniUat step in doing (something)' 4. To rid of obstructions. a.diectioe open-door Not restricted or confined to few. a.iliectioe open-e}ed Vieilantlv attentive. adiectiae open'handed Characterized by bounteous gling. rwun openhandedness Thg Walig or state of being generous' twrilr Openlng '1. ft; act or process of bringing or being brouglrt into existence. 2. The initial stage of a developmental process' 3. An open sPace allowing Passage. 4, A favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances. adiecthse open'minded l. Not narrow or conservative in thought' expression, or conduct. 2. Ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas' rmun OpenneSs 'The condiUon of being laid open to something undesirable or injurious. oerb operate 1. To control or direct the functioning of: opetate the mode Proiector. 2.To control the course of.(an activity). 3. To react in a sPecified waY. 4. To function effectivelY. rwun operation 1. The act of Putting into PlaY. 2. A specific use. 3. Th; way in which a machine or other thing performs or functions. rwt n operative 1. One who labors. 2. A person who secretly observes others to obtain
2. tttr;rs. 3. Syns; open-door, public, unrestricted. 4. cr,nAn ad;iectioe. 5. Syns; accessible, emploYable, operative, practicable, usable. 6. uNnrsenveo. 7. rnaNr. 8. eunrcuous. 9. rrvornNrrn. 10. nncpprve.
1. Syns; ope, unclose, undo. 2. spnrep. 3. srrxr oerb. 4. cme.n r:erb. oeaN ad,iecth:e. AI-ERTad.iectilse. GENEROUS. GENEROSITY. 1. srcrNNING
2. srnrH rtoun. 3. uor,B rwun. 4. opponruNrrY.
1. snoAD. 2. nrcnr"nvr. EXPOSURE.
1. Syns; handle, run, use, work. 2. cor.nucr oerb. 3. ruNcrroN. 4. wonx oerb. 1. Bxnncrsg rwun. 2. eppr-rcenoN. 3. epHevron.
1. r-esonnn. 2. spv noun.
information. operative ad'iecthse 1. In action or ftll oPeration. 2. Available for use. 3. In effect.
l. ecrrvs. 2. oppN adiectioe. 3. prrncrrw.
l. A person who operates a motor vehicle.
1. onrvBn.
Operator rwun
opiate ?. .O"" who qpeculatesfor quick profits. Oplate rroun l. A narcoticsubstance, that is addictive. 2. Somethingthat inducessleep. Oplne wrb To.havean opinion. OpnlOn rwun Somethingbelievedor acceptedas true by a person. OppOnent noun l. One that opposesanotherin a battle, contest, controversy,or debate:legislationthat found rabid oryorwnts in Congress. 2. One who resists. 3. One who is hosl'le to or opposesthe purposesor interestsof another. 4. One that competes. opPortune a"diectioe Occurringat a fitting or advantageous time: Wait for the opportunenwnuent. opportunity noun A favorableor advantageous combinationof circumstances:a iob with opportuniti,esfor adtnrcemmt. OppOse oerb l. To place in oppositionor be in oppositionto: oppose ' a liberal ard a corwercathse ln the-debate;two' annbs opposingeach other. 2. To take a standagainst. oPposed a.diectipe Acting againstor in opposiUon. OppOSer noun One that oppos€sanotherin a battle, contest, controversy,or debate. opposing adiectiw 1. Acting againstor in opposiUon:opposingforces; oppositg interests. 2. Diametricallyopposed. opPosite ad,iectiw l. Diametricdly opposed:The d.emocvat an"dthe autocrat hold oppositepolitical obus.
2. Characterizedby a natural or innate opposition. opPosite twun That which is diametrically opposedto another:Lorse ard hate are opposites.
652 2. sppcur,eton. 1. pnuc rroun. 2. soponrrrc noun.
;:;t, adversary, antagonist, opposer, opposition. 2. nrsrsrrn. 3. rNnuy. 4. couprtrron. Syns; auspicious, favorable, propitious, prosperous, seasonable,timely, welltimed. Syns: break (Informnl), chance, occasion, opening, shot (Informal).
l. Syns; counter, match, pit, play ofi. -Idionx bump heads with, meet headon, set (or be) at odds, set (or be ) at someone'sthroat, trade blows (or punches). 2. cor,trnsr oerb. OPPOSING. OPPONENT.
1. Syns: adverse, antagonistic, antipatheUc, opposed. 2. opposrrn adiectioe. l. Syns; antipodal, antipodean, antithetical (a/so antithetic ), contradictory, contrary, converseP, counter, diametric, opposing, polar, reverse. 2. corqrnanu adiectiae. Syns: antipode, antipole, antithesis, contra, contradictory, contraposition,
:#Iil, opposition neun 1. The conditionof being in conflict: the basit oppositionof good and eoil. 2. One that opposesanotherin a battle, contest, controversy,or debate. 3. The act of resisting. oppress wrb l. To make sador gloomy. 2. To do a wrong to; treat unjustly.
converseP, counter,polarity,
1. Syns; antithesis, antagonism, contradistinction, contraposition, contrariety, contrary, polarity. 2. oppolrENr. 3. nnsrsraNcn. l. ospnnss. 2, wnoNc aerb,
653 oppressive 'imposing ad;iectioe a severetestof bodilyor spiritualstrength' nutn oppressor 'An absolute nrler, esp. one who is harsh and oppressive. adiecttue oppiobrious 'i. Of, relating to, or characterized !f verbal abuse' 2. Meriting oi causing shame or- dishonor' 3. Worthy of severe disaPProval.
opprobrium rwun Ioss of or damage to one's reputation.
1. esusrvE.
oppugn oerb To strive in oPPosition to.
opt for
To make a choice from a number of alternatives' adiectiae optic Serving'resulting from, or pertaining to the sense of sight. opti-caf adiectiae Serving resulting from, or pertaining to the sense of siqht. adiectioe optimal Srrrpassrngall others i" q""l ty. rrcrun Optlmlsm A tendency to expect a favorable -outcome or to dwell on hopefui .tp""[t, ilidn't lct the bad rwussshake his
nnsr adiectioe. Syns: Pollyannaism, sanguineness' sanguinity.
opiimist noun
One who expects a favorable outcome or dwells on rDasan optimist abou't his team's hopeful "tp"ittt the Perwtant. chonces fot
optimistic ad,iectioe Expectinga favorableoutcomeor dwelling o-1hopefirl aspects:an optt*tb estinwte of fuam oil ducooenes' optimum adiectioe Surpassingall others i" q""lttY. option rroun 1, The act of choosing. 2, The power or right of choosing. optional ad,iecthn Not compuliory or automatic:Rod,insand'uhiteuall tires are optiornl features in rww cars. opulent adiectioe 1. Characterizedby extravagant,ostentatious magnificence. 2. Givln to or marked by unrestrainedabundance' OpUS rwtat 1. Somethingthat is the result of creativeeffort. 2. An issueof printed material offered for saleor distribution. ofaGle twnn Somethingthat is foretold by or as if by zupernatural rneans. oracufar adiectiae Of or relating to the foretelling of eventsby or as if by zupernaturalmeans. oraf a.d,iectioe 1. Expiessedor transmitted in speech:art oral nwssage; l$awrl by oral traditian. hcfrw remedxes 2. ProducedbY the voice.
Syns: Pangloss, PollYanna.
Syns: Panglossian, Pollyannaish,, tose-ate, rosy, sanguine, uPbeat Qnfornwl). -iaUrrrs looking on the briglrt side, looking through rose-colored glasses. rmsr adiectioe. 1. cnorcp rwun. 2. cnorcn twttn. Syns; discretionary, elective, facultative.
1. r,uxuntous. 2. pnorusn. 1. corrrposrrloN. 2. puslrceuoN.
1. Syns; spoken, unwritten, verbal, woI of-mouth. 2. vocer,.
oration oration rwrr.n A usu. formal oral communication to an audience. Ofatof rwrrn A-public. speaker: bwn as a siloer-tongued orator. oratorical adiecthse Of o-r_relatingto the art of public speaking: Zhe candidate's orutorical $fts helped itm u:li. OratOry twrn Th9 of public speaking: Political leaders mrrst be "tt at oratory. skillcd Orb rroun l. Archnic. A closed plane curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point or something shaped like this. 2. Poetic. An organ of vision. orbit noun l. A course, process, or journey that ends where it began or repeats itsetf. 2. A qphere of activity, study, or interest. 3. An area within which something or someone exists, _ acts, or has influence or power. orchestrate oerb To combine and adapt in order to attain a particular effect. orchid(s) nuun An. expression of admiraUon or congratulation. ordain oerb to s9t forth expressly and authoritaUvely. ordeal noun A state of pain or anguish that tests one's resiliency and character. Order rwun l. A way in which things follow each other in space or time: The child could recite the m,onths of the year in the proper ord^er. A way or condition of being arranged. l. 3. Systematic arrangement and design. 4. A state of sound readiness. 5. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other. 6. A division of persons or things by quality, rank, or grade. 7. A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessedby all its members. 8. A goup of people united in a relationship and having some interest, activity, or purpose in common. 9. A subdivision of a larger goup. 10. Approximate size or amount. 11. An authoritative indication to be obeyed. order oerb 1. To put into a deliberate order. 2. To arrange in an orderly manner. 3. To give orders to. 4. To command in an arrogant manner. ordering nDrrn A way or condition of being arranged. twun orderliness S;atemaUc :urangement and design. orderfy adiectitx l. Arranged or proceeding in a set, systematized pattern. 2. In good order or clean condition.
Syn; rhetorician. Syns : declamatory, elocutionary, rhetorical. Syns: declamation, elocution, rhetoric.
l. ctncr.r rraun.
2. nvn rmun. 1. crncr,n noun. 2. enee. 3. naNcr rwun.
oerb. rWUN.
l. Syns; consecution,procession, sequence,succession. 2. 3. 4. 5.
elnalcEMENT. unuroo. rnrlr rwun. sBnrns.
6. cr,ess noun. 7. xrrv#. 8. uNrox.
9. cr,ess rwun. 10. NrrcHeoRHooD. 11. couveND noun. l. 2. 3. 4.
annaNcr. MEtHoorze. couvetvo oerb. r,oss Derb.
1. untnoorcar. 2. NBar.
655 ordinance noun A principle governingthe afiairs of man within or amongpolitical units. ordinariness nuun The quality or conditionof being usual' ordinary adiecttue 1. Being of no speciatquality or type: an ordina'ry response;an ordirnry rod'ent' 2. To be exPected. 3. Occurring quite often' 4. Lacking high station or birth' ordinary rlnun ,t t"gul"t or customarymatter, condition,or courseof events. Ofgan rwun i. ftt"t by which somethingis accomplishedor some end achieved. 2. A componentof governmentthat performsa given function. organic ad;iectioe Froducedby nature; not artificial or manmade' organization nuun I goup of people united in a relationshipand haiingiome interest,activrty,or purposein common. organize oerb I. fo bring into existenceformally' 2. To put into a deliberateorder' 3. To arrangein an orderly manner' prepare,or put into operation,as for 4. To or a similar emergency' war"ur"rribl", OrgY rwun I-period of uncontrolledself-indulgence' orientation rwun One'splace and direction relative to one's surroundings. orifice noun An open spaceallowing Passage' oriflamme alsoauriflamme rwun Fabric a symbol. origin rtortn t] e point of origination:The word "oodkn" it of origii. The origin of the American Russia'tt, RersolutionloA in France' 2. The initial stageof a developmentalprocess' 3. One's ancestorsor their character' original ad;iectirse t] Not derived from somethingelse:an originalplng' rwt an adaPtation. 2. Precedingall othersin time. 3. Not counterfeitor coPied. 4. Characterizedby or producUveof new thingsor new ideas. 5. Showingmarkeddeparturefrom previouspractice' 5. Arising from or goingto the root or source' original rwun 1. A first form from which varieties arise or imitations are made: Copiesof the portrait Inck the oioid colors of the arigirnl. 2. A personwho is appealinglyodd or curious'
1. Syns; average, common' commonplace, qitd"tt, g*td'"tt-rra.iety, plain, run-offhe-milI, stock, unexcePtional. 2. couuox adiecthse. 3. coutrroN adiectirse. 4. r-owr-v. USUAL |WUN.
1. urexs. 2. eRANcH twun.
NATURAL adiectioe UNION.
1. 2. 3. 4.
routto. enne.Ncn. unnronrzB. Mosrr-rzn.
}IOLE TWUN. Fr-ecl rwun. 1. Syns; derivation, fount, fountain, provenance' fountainhead, rootstock, source' rootl, provenience, -tp.i"g wellt. 2. srnrH rwun. 3. eNcnsrnv.
1. 2. rrnsr adiecth:e. 3. ,nutrnrvnc. 4. rrweNTrvE. 5. Nnw adiectioe. 6. neprcer- adiectiae. 1. Syns.' archetype, master, protoplast (Rare), prototYPe. 2. cnanecrrn.
originality twun 1. The power or ability to invent. ? q""liq of being novel. Onglnate oerb l. To come into being. ?. To begln to appear or develop. 3. To cause to come into existence. 4. To have as a source. 5. To have as one's home or place of origin. 6. To bring into existence formally. 7..To.bring into crurency, use, fashion, or practice. Ongf natOf rwun One that create_s,founds, or originates: the origirntor of the atomic bonb; the origirwt- of the neus "oilrpong. orison noun A formula of words used in praFng.
ornament wrb 1. To furnishwith decorations.
2. To endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable addition. ornament lwtn Something that adorns. OrnamentatiOn noun Something that adorns. ornate adiectioe Elaborately and heavily omamented: an omate hall marbb-pry"l, arched ceilings, unarght-iron yt!, " fuhonbs, and plentiful stattnry. Ornery adiectioe Given_to acting in opposition to others. OrOtund adiecthse 1. Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound. 2. Characteiuedby language thatls elevated and sometimes pompous in style. orthodox adiecfiw l. Adhering to beliefs or practices approved by autho-rity^o-ltradition: held an oitban, oiew of ^ yp"l infallibility; an orthodnx putting stante. 2. Conforming to established practice oistandards. 3. Generally approved or ageed upon. 4..Strongly favoring retention of th-e existing order. OSG|llale tnrb To move rhythmically back and forth suspended or as if suspended from above.
2 . NOVELTY. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
epcw. otwN oerb. pnooucr. srnv. oerb. cotrm. rouro. uvrnonucB.
Syns: architect, autltor, creator, father, founderl, inventor, maker, patriarch. PRAYER.
1. eoonw. 2. cntcn aerb.
Syns: baroque, flamboyant, florid, rococo.
coNraARy adiectiae. l. nrsoNewr. 2. sor*Ionous.
l. Syns; canonical, received, sanctioned, time-honored. 2. corwewrroNAr,. 3. accnpruo. 4. coNsnnvarwn adiectiae. swrNc oerb.
osculafe Derb To touch or caress with the lips, esp. as a sign of passion or affection OSSUafy nuun A budal place or receptacle for human remains. ostensible adiectioe as such but not necessarily so. |pp""ti"g
ostentation rwun portance. Boasdulself-im ostentatious ad.iectitse
Marked by outward, often extravagant display. ostracism Enforced removal from one's native country bv official decree.
xrss oerb.
ostracize wrb l. To exclude from normal social or professional activities. 2. To force to leave a country or place by official decree.
1. sLecKBALr,. 2. sANrsH.
other ad:iectiae ADDITIONAL. Beingan addition. adiectiae othenvorldlY 1. onnevv. or reverie. 1. Given to daYdreams 2. sprnrruer-. body the than rather spirit the with or concerned Ot 2. or materialthings. otiose adiectiae EMPTYadiecthse. Lacking value,use,or substance. OUnCe rwun l. l. A tiny amount. oarrax noun. 2. 2. The leastbit. oust oerb EJECT. To put out bY force. rwun ouster EJECTION. ftt" act of ejecting or the state of b"tttg ejected' adiectioe out SLEEPING. lnfornnl.In a stateof sleeP' oerb out coME our at come. To be madePublic. noun outage FAILURE. A issation of proper mechanicalfunctions' adiectioe out-and'out urrEnz. Completelysuch,without qualificaUonor exception' naun outbreak l. Syns; epidemic, Plague, rash2. 1. A suddenincreasein something,as the occurrence inf'uen'za' of an outbreak disease: of a 2. oursunsr. 2. A sudden,violent expression,as of emotion' 3. nnuprroN. or limits from violently of emerging 3. The act restraints. noun outburst 1. Syns;access,blowup, burst, eruption, i. e. sudden,violent expression,as of emotion:calmed eiplosion,fit, fare-up, gust,outbreak' outburst' his internpe-rate doumand apologlzedfor 2. Bnuplnox. 2. The act of 6*"ryt"g violently from limits or restraints. outcome noun EFFECT |IAUN. Somethingbrought about by a cause' outcry rmun 1. rxcr.arrlATloN. 1. A sudden,shalPutterance. vocrBnATIoN. 2. of esp' utterances, 2. Offensivetytoui and insistent disapproval. outdate oerb OBSOLESCE. To make or becomeobsolete. outdated adiectirse OLD-FASIIIONED. Of a style or method formerly in vogue' outdo oerb SURPASS. To be greateror better than. outermost ad:iectine EXTREME adiectiae. Most distantor remotefrom a center' outfit rwun aPParatus' 1. Thingsneededfor a task,journey,or other P^urpose: 1. SYns; accouterments, materiel or materials, equipment, outfit a skier's of $e&r, Cog{les are an essentialptart 2. A set or sryle of clothing. 3. A commercial organization. outfit oerb To supply what is needed for some activrty or purpose' adiectioe outgoing oTrpoJa to be open, sociable, and talkative: a friertd'ly and, m'tgoutg Young mon.
outgrowth nou,n SJmething derived from another'
mat6.iel, paraphernalia, rig, tackle, turnout. 2. pness noun. 3. corvrperv rtuurt. FURNISH.
Syns: communicable, communicative, expansive, extroverted, gregarious, unreserved. DENIVATIVE
outlander outlander naun A-pe.p! comingfrom anothercountry. FOREIGNER. outfandish adiectioe Archaic. Of, from, or characteristicof anotherplace or FOREIGN. part of the world. outlast aerb To live, exist,or remainlonger than: A storwhouseu:ill Syns: outlive, outwear, survive. outlast any numberof usooden orws. outlaw oerb To refuseto allow. FORBID. outfawed adiectiae Prohibitedby law. ILLEGAL. outlay rvrun Somethingexpendedto obtain a benefit or desired cosT f10un. result. outlay aerb To distribute (money)aspayment. SPEND. outlet noun 1. rror,n noun. l. An open spaceallowingpassage. 2. A retail establishment wheremerchandise is sold. 2. sronr naun. outline ltoun 1. A line markingand shapingthe outer form of an 1. Syns; contour, delineation, profile, object: We saw the outline of a deeramangthe silhouette. trees. 2. A preliminaryplan or version,as of a written work. 2. onapr ru)un. outline oerb To draw up a preliminary plan or versionof. ontrr oerb. outlive a"ib To live, exist,or remainlonger than. OUTLAST. outlook rwun l. That which is or can be seen. l. r,mw noun. 2. A high structurecommandinga wide view. 2. r,ooxour. 3. The posiUonfrom which somlthing is observedor 3. porlr oF vrEw. considered. 4. A frame of mind affectingone'sthoughtsor behavior. 4. posrunn noun. 5. The act of predicting. 5. pnrorcrrohr. 6. The likelihood of a given event occurring. 6. crnucE noun. 7. Chanceof success or advancement. 7. r'uruns naun. outlying adiectioe Distant from a center of activity. nncx adiectioe. outmaneuver oerb OUTWIT, To ggt the better of by clevernessor cunning. outmatch aerb To be greateror better than. SURPASS. outmoded adjectioe Of a style or methodformerly in vogue. OLD-FASHIONED. outmost adiectioe Most distantor remote from a center. EXTREME adiectiae. out-of-date a.diectiae l. orp-resHroNED. l. 9f a style or method formerly in vogue. 2. Quite outrnoded. 2.tecxY2. out-of-fine adiectit:e Infomtal. Misbehavingoften in a troublesomeway. NAUCHTY. out-of-the-way adieittoe Far from centersof humanpopulation. REMOTE. output nuun The amountor quantity produced. YIELD NOUN. outrage rroun l. A monstrousoffenseor evil: the outragescontmitted 1. Syns: atrocity, enormity, monstrosity in the Nazi death comp* 2. Somethingthat ofiendsone'ssenseof propriety, 2. cnrun. fairness,or justice.
659 3. The acUon or result of inflicting loss or pain. 4. An act that offends a person's sense of pride or dgity. outrage oerb 1. To do a wrong to; treat unjustlY. 2. To cause resentment or hurt by callous, rude behavior. 3. To compel (another) to participate in or submit to a sexual act. ad;iectiae outrageous 1. Disgacefully and gossly offensive: outtageous oiolations of the Cenetsa Cotwentiott. 2. Beyond all reason: charged an outrageous sum to repair the clock.
3. nenu naun. 4. nvnrcmrv.
1. wnor*lc oarb. 2. ntsurr aerb. 3. nepB.
1. Syns; atrocious, crylng, enormous (Archab), flagrant, heinous, morstrous, scandalous, shocking. 2. Syns: monstrous, obscene, preposterous, ridiculous, shocking, unconscionable, unreasonable. -Idiom"s out of bounds, out of sight.
outrageousness rmun The quality or state of being flagant. ail;iectiae outright Completely such, without qualification or excepUon.
outset rwun The initial stage of a developmental process.
outshine oerb To be greater or better than.
outside adiecttuse Small in degree, esp. of probability' outside rwun The greatest quantity or higlrest degree attainable.
outsider noun A person coming from another country.
outskirts naun Theperipheryof a citYor town. outsmart oerb To get the better of by cleverness or cunning.
outspoken adiectioe Speaking or spoken without reserve: She's outspoken but not rud,e. adiectioe outstanding l. Far above others in quality or excellence: uttstand,ing athlete s; outstand'ing accomplishments.
2. Most important, influential, or significant. 3. Readily attracting notice. 4. Owed as a debt.
outstretch oerb 1. To extend, esp. an aPPendage. 2. To move or arrange so as to cover a larger area.
Syns; free, free-speakrng, free-spoken, vocal. l. Syns; excepUonal, magnificent, preeminent (also preeminent, predminent), standout, sulpassing, towering transcendent. 2. pnrrvrenv. 3. NotrcresLr. 4. oun adiectioe. 1. nnecn. 2. spngro oerb.
outstrip oerb To be greater or better than.
outthink oerb To get the better of by cleverness or cunning. adiectioe outward Appearing as such but not necessarily so.
outwear oerb To live, exist, or remain longer than.
outweigh oerb To make up for the defects of.
outwit oerb To get the better of by cleverness or cunning: The police m,tutitted the master uiminal.
Syns; outrnaneuver, outsmart, outthink, overreach.
oval ovaf adiectiae Resembling an egg in shape: an oaal table; an orsal
ovate adiectitse Resembling an egg in shape. OvatiOn rrmun Approval expressed by clapping. OVer adiectiae Being at a height or level above another. over adoerb l. Too much. 2. To an end or conclusion. 3. From one end to the other.
overabundance nmun
A condition of going or being beyond what is needed desired, or appropriate. OVefage noun An amount or quantity beyond what is needed, desired. or appropriate.
660 Syns; ovate, oviform, ovoid (also ovoidal).
l. unoury. 2. rtrnouclr. adoerb. 3. rnnoucw adoerb. EXCESS noun.
overali idiectiae Covering a wide scope. overbeari-ng adiecti:e l. Overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance. 2. Tending to dictate.
overbearinlness noun The.quality of being arrogant. Overbfown ad.iectitse l. Having too much flesh. 2. Filled up with or as if with something insubstantial. OVerCaSt oerb l. To extend over the surface of. 2. To make dim or indistinct. overcharge aerb l. To exploit (another) by charging too much for something. 2. T-o make (something) seem geater than is actually the case. OVefCOme oerb l. To win a victory ov€r, as in battle or a competition. 2. To get the better of. 3. To affect deeply or completely, as with emotion.
overconfidence noun
Excessive and arrogant self-confidence. overconfident adiectit:e H""llg or exhibiting excessive and arrogant selfconfidence. overcritical adiecth;e Inclined to judge too severely. overdue adiectiae Not being on time. OverflOw oerb To fow over completely. overflow nrnn l. An amount or quantity beyond what is needed, desired, or appropriate. 2. An abundant, usu. overwhelming flow. overffowing adiectioe 1. Full of animation and activity. 2. Full to the point of flowing over. Overhang oerb 1. To curve outward past the normal or usual limit.
l. ennoca^tr. 2. orctal:onral. ARROGANCE.
l. r'er adiectiae. 2. rxrr.erno. l. covnn aerb. 2. osscvan aerb, l. sxrx oerb. 2. rxaccnnern.
l. onrntr oerb, 2. rnruupn oerb. 3. ovsnwHrtNr. PRESUMPTION. PRESUMPTUOUS.
rtrn adiectioe. prooo oerb. l. sunpr,usnou,n. 2. rwun. l. er-rvr. 2. stc adiecthse. l. surcn aerb.
661 2. To incline downward or over. 3. To be imminent. ad,iectioe overhanging 1. ExpLsstg, indicating, or warning of an impending danger or misfortune. 2. Chiacterized by or expressive of a foreboding somberness.
overhaul oerb 1. To restoreto properconditionor functioning'
2.*c oerb. 3. tnnrerrN. 1. trnnetnNu*Ic. 2. penx adfectioe.
L. rrx oerb.
2. prss oerb. 2. To catch uP with and move Past' overhaul rrDrtn sHAKEUPat shake uP. A thorouglror drastic reorganizaUon' oerb overindulge nl.riv oerb. To treat with indulgenceand often overtendercare' rwun overindulgence frrun. EXCESS Immoder-ateindulgence,as in food or drink' adiectioe overioyed ELATED. Feelinggreat deliglrt and joY. overlay oerb covnn oerb. To eitend over the surfaceof. overfong adiecthn r.oNcl adiec'titse. Extendingtediouslybeyonda standardduration' overlook oerb l. polvru.IA,TE. 1. To rise above, asto afford a view of' 2. svavnv oerb. height' a from or 2. To view broadlY 3. To direct and watch over the work and Performance 3. supnnvrsB. of others. overlook twun LOOKOUT. A high structure commandinga wide view' overmUGh ad'iectioe EXCESSIVE. Exceedinga normal or reasonablelimit' overmuch noun An amountor quantity beyondwhat is needed,desired' SURPLUS fwltn. or appropriate. overmuch adoerb UNDULY. Too much. OVerpOWef oerb 1. ovrnwHrr.u. 1. To render totally inefiectiveby decisivedefeat' 2. ovBnwnnr-u. emotion' with * 2. To afiect deeply or completely, ad,iectioe overpowering TOWERING. Awesomelyor forbiddingly intense. rterb OverreaGh 1. sxcnpo. 1. To go beyondthe limits of. cunning' or cleverness by of better get the To 2. overrule oetb GOVERN. To exercisethe authority of a sovereign' OVeffUn oerb 1. To go beyond the limits of. 2. To enter in order to attack, plunder, destroy, or conquer' overrun twun An amount or quantity beyond what is needed, desired, or appropriate. OVerSee oerb l. To view broadlY or from a height. 2. To direct and watch over the work and performance of others. OVefSeef rroun Someone who directs and supervises workers.
overshadow oerb To make dim or indistinct.
l. nxcBno. 2. fiweos.
1. sunvnvrzrb. 2. supnnvrsn. B,OSSfmun.
osscunr oerb.
Oversight nuun An act or instance of neglecting.
oversize oversize alsoOversized ad.iectioe Extremelylarge; havinggeat mass. OYerSlzeO a.diec-tite overslaugh oerb l. To stop or prevent passageof. 2. To interfere with the progess of. oversleep oerb To sleeplonger than intended. overstate oerb To make (something)seemgreaterthan is actually the case. OverStatement nuun The act or an instanceof exaggerating. Overstep oerb To go beyondthe limits of. OvefStOGk rwrtn An amountor quantity beyondwhat is needed,desired, or appropriate. Oversupply nuun An amountor quantity beyondwhat is needed,desired, or appropriate. overtake oerb l. To comeup evenwith (another). 2. To catch up with and move past. overthrow cirb l. To britrg about the downfall of: Religinw zealots rucceededin ooerthrowingthe goDermnent. 2. To furn or causeto turn from a vertical or horizontalposition. overthrow noun The act of defeatingor the conditionof being defeated. OveftUfe rroun A short sectionof preliminary remarks. Overture(s) nuun Preliminaryactionsintendedto elicit a favorable response. Ovenurn oerb l. To turn or cat$e to turn from a vertical or horizontalposition:Rwgh seasor>ertumed seoeral sailboats. 2. To britrg about the downfall of. OVefYleW rwnn A generalor comprehensiveview or treatment. Overuveening adiecthse Overly convincedof one'sown superiorityand importance. ovenveight adiectioe Havingtoo much flesh. ovenvh6lm wrb l. To render totally ineffectiveby decisived,efeat:AII resistanceuos oDenDhelnwd by the blitzkrieg attack. Our team ooennhelmedthe oidtors 20 to L
2. To affect deeply or completely,aswith emotion: Cri"f ownohelnted the bereaoedparents. 3. To affect as if by an outpouringof water. ovenvhefming adiectioe 1. Awesomelyor forbiddingly intense. 2. Of zucha characteras to overwhelm. ovifOrm adiectioe Resemblingan egg in shape.
662 BULKY.
sEEoversize. 1. ossrnucr. 2. nnvopn. sLEEPrN at sleep. EXACGERATE.
l. carcH up at catch. 2. pxs oerb. 1. Syns; bring down, overfurn, subvert, topple, tumble, unhorse. 2. ovpnrunN,
1. Syns; knock over, overthrow, topple, turn over, upset. 2. ovBnrunow. SURVEY NOUN. ARROGANT.
rrr adiectiae. 1. Syns; annihilate (Informal), blast (Slnng), clobber (Slnng), crearn (Slang), drub, massacre(Informal), overpower, shellac (Slang), smear (Slang), smother, steamroller, tlrash, trounce, wallop (Informal). 2. Syns: crush, engulf, overcome, overpower, prostrate. 3. prooo oerb. 1. rowrnrNc. 2. sreccnnruc. OVAL.
663 ovoid also ovoidal adiecthse Resemblingan egg in shaPe. ovoidaf adiectioe olved adiecttue Owed as a debt. owing adiectwe Owed as a debt. OWn oerb 1. To keep at one'sdisPosal. 2. To ,""69oo., often ieluctantly, the reality or truth of' Ownef rwu'n A person who has legal titte to properlryzthe oumerof a largeestate. ownershiP nuun of a thing: Oumership 1. Legai right to the po-ssession ofihe f*nry Passedto the rryheu' 2. The fact of Possessing. Ox noun A large, ungainly,and dull-witted person'
pabfum nou,n That which sustainsthe mind or spirit. paGe rmu'n Rate of motion or Performance. pace oerb To go on foot. paciffu aho Pacifical adiectirse Inclined or disposedto peace;not quarrelsomeor unruly. pacifisi alsopacifistic a'd;iectioe Inclined or disposedto peace;not quarrelsomeor unruly. pacifistic adiectioe pacify oerb ' To Lase the anger or agitation of: Shem'anngedto pacxf7the irati cnstomerby offering a full refund'
pack aerb 1. To fill to excessby compressingor squeezingUght]/' 2. To make or becomefull; put into as much as can be held. 3. lnfonrwl. To hold on one'sPerson. pack noun i. e.t organizedgoup of criminals,hoodlums,or wrongdoers. 2. A great deal. package oerb To cover and tie (somethitg), with paper and string. "t packed ad;iecth;e 1. Having all parts near to eachother. 2. Completelyfilled.
3J*uoio. ovn ad,iecthse. ovn adiectiae. 1. Hevr. 2. ecxNowLEDGE.
Syns; holder, master, Possessor, proprietor. L. Syns: dominion, Possession, proprietorship, title. 2. possnssrorq. LUtrlPrnuun.
FOOD. SPEED f10un.
wt:^;x oerb. PEACEABLE.
sEEpacifist. Syns; appease, assuage,calm, calm down, conciliate, dulcify, gentle, milden, mollify, placate, proPitiate, soften, soothe, iweeten.- -ldtorn pour oil on troubled waters. L. cnowo oerb. 2. rrr-r-. 3, crnnv oerb. 1. ceNc. 2. lg;ntp rwlrn. wnl.p oerb. 1. rnrcx adiectirse. 2. rvn.
pact paCt twun 1. An act or stateof agreeingbetweenparties regardinga courseof action. 2. A formal, u2. written settlementbetweennations. paddy twun Slang.A memberof a law-enforcementagency. pain twun l. A sensationof physicaldiscomfortoccurringas the result of diseaseo1 injury: a pain in my left ankle. A statgof physicalor mental sufiering.!. 3. One that makesanothertotally miserableby causing sharp pain and irritation. Pain oerb l. To have or causea feelingof physicalpain or discomfort. 2. To causesufferingor painful sorrow to. painful adiectitx 1. Mar\e$-by,-causing,or experiencingphysicalpain: a Winful back iniury. 2. Difficult to accept. pains rwun 1. Attentivenessto detail. 2. The useof enerry to do something. painstaking adieaiae Showingor markedby attentivenessto all aspectsor details. painstaking nou.n Attentivenessto detail. paif rwun l. Two personsunited, as by marriage:toastedthe happy pair. 2. Two items of the samekind together. paired adiecttue Consistingof two identical or similar related things, parts,or elements. pa'l rrxun Informal. One who keepscompanywith another. pafadin noun 4 p:r.*" reveredesp. for noble courage. pafatial a"diectioe Characterizedby extravagant,ostentatious magnificence. pafaver twun Incessantand usu.inconsequentialtalk. palaver wrb To talk volubly, persistentl/, and usu. inconsequentially. pafe adibctiw l. Lacking color: a paleface. 2. Being weak i" qrralityor substance:a paLe, uninspiring carnpaignspeech. 3. Of a moderatelywhite color. pale oerb To lose normal coloration;turn pale: He palnd uhen he rea.dthc telcgrarn. pafinode ,uU To disavow (somethingpreviouly written or said) irrevocably and usu. formally. palinode troun A formal statementof disavowal.
l. ecnrrurur. 2. rnnary. POLICEMAN.
1. Syns; ache, misery (Informal), p"rg, smart, soreness,stitch, throe, twinge. 2. orsrnnss noun. 3. rHonN noun.
l. ruunr oerb. 2. orsrnrss oerb. 1. Syns; aching, affiictive, hurtful, smarting, sore. 2. errrpn. 1. rnonoucHNESS. 2. rpronr. CAREFLTL.
1. Syns; couple, duo, twosome. 2. couprn rwun. rww adiectioe.
l. Syns; ashen, ashy, blanched, bloodless, cadaverous, colorless, livid, lurid, pallid, pasty, sallow, wan, waxen. 2. Syns: anemic, bloodless, pallid, waterish, watery. 3. rern o.diectioe. Syns.' blanch (also blench), bleach, etiolate, wan. RETRACT.
665 paff aerb To fatiguewith dullnessor tedium. oaf ' liate oerb 1. To makelesssevereor morebearable' 2.To gve a deceptivelyattractiveappearanceto' 3. To Eoncealo. ittuk" iight of a fault or offense' pallid adiectrce 1. Beingweak in qualrtyor substance' 2. Lackingcolor. palm off oerb To ofier or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item). palp oerb ' To bring into contact with, meansof the hands or fingeis,so as to give or receivea physicalsensation' rwun palpabllitY ' The q.riity or condition of being discernibleby touch' pafpable adiectioe 1. DiscerniblebY touch. 2. Capableof b6ing noticed or apprehendedmentally' palpate oerb ' To bring into contact with, meansof the hands or fingeis,so as to give or receivea physicalsensation' palpation nuun An act of touching. palpitate oerb To make rhythmic contractions,sounds,or movements' oerb oalter ' 1. To stray from truthfulnessor sincerity. 2. To argueabout the terms of, as of a sale' rwun oaftriness ' ContemptibleunimPortance. adiectioe paftry 1. Of decidelYinferior qualrtY. 2. Not broad-orelevatedin scopeor understanding' 3. ContemPtiblYunimPortant. oerb pamPer ' To treat with indulgenceand often overtendercare' oerb Dan -lnsorrnnl.To find fault with' pin out oerb Infonnnl. To turn out well. pan rwun Slnng.The front surfaceof the head. 'PanaGea rtoun Somethingbelievedto cure all humandisorders:Money is not the parnceafor humnn sufering. pandemic ad;iectioe So pervasiveand all-inclusive asto exist in or affect the whole world. pandemonium rtauxl Soundsor a sound,esp.when loud, confused,or disagreeable. panegyrize oerb l. To pay tribute or homageto. 2. To honor (God)in religiousworship. rmun pang ' f . e sensationof physical discomfort occurring as the result of diseaseor injury. 2. A sudden,sharp,painful feeling. Pangloss nuun One who expectsa favorable outcome or dwells on hopeful aspects.
song. oerb, 1. nBr,rnvr. 2. coLor- aerb. 3. rxrnrvuerr. 1. per-n ad;iectioe. 2. plrn adiectirse. FOIST.
rovcs oerb.
1. teNcrsr-n. 2. pnncnpuslr. roucrt oerb.
TOUCHrWUn. r;etr oerb. 1. rqurvocern. 2. rrecclr. PETTINESS.
1. snooov. 2. NARnow. 3. prrrv. r,ABvoerb. r;tlMn aerb. SUCCEED. FACE NAUN.
Syns: catholicon, cure-all, heal-all.
ad.iectiae. uNTVERSAL
1. rroxon oerb. 2. pnttsn oerb. 1. p.alN rtoltn. 2. pnrcx rtuun. OPTIMIST.
Panglossian Pangfossian adiectilse Expectinga favorableoutcomeor dwelling on hopeful aspects. panhandle wrb Slqg.To askor askfor ascharity. panhandler nnun S4"g.One who begshabituallyor for a living. panlc nDun l. Great agitationand anxietycausedby the _ expectationor the realizationof danger. 2. Slang.Somethingor someoneuproariouslyfunny or absurd. panic oerb To fill with fear. panoply noun An impressiveor ostentatiousexhibition. pan Out oerb Pant oerb l. To breathehard: roaspanting after climbing six
2. To utter in a breathlessmanner. 3. To have a stronglongingfor. pap nuun That which sustainsthe mind or qpirit. papef rwurl A relatively brief discoursewritten an exercise. pappy a.diectiae Yieldingeasilyto pressureor weight; not firm. paf noun 1. The state of being equivalent. 2. something, as a t1pe, number, quantity, or degree, that represents a midpoint betwien extremes on a scale of vduation. pafade ntrun 1. A formal military inspecUon. 2. An impressive or ostentatious exhibition. parade oerb To make a public and usu. ostentatious show of.
paradigm nmun
One that is worthy of imitation or duplication.
paradigmatic adiectioe
Having the natureof, constituting,or servingas a tyPe. paradisaiG?l or paradisiacal adiectioe Of or relatingto heaven. paradise ,roin A stateof elatedbliss. paradisiacal adiectioe paragOn noun A personor thing so excellentas to have no equal or match. paragraph noun A usu.brief detail of newsor information. paraf fef adiecthse f . Lyi"g in the same plane and not intersecting: Railroad traclcsare paralleL 2. Possessingthe same or almost the same characteristics. parallel nuun Something closely resembling or analogous to sornething elsru:The rank of anny captain is the paralbl of the rank of natsg lieutenant.
l. rnen naun. 2. scneAM rwun.
sEEpan. 1. Syns; blowl, gasp, heave, hufi, pufi. 2. cesp. 3. nnsnn oerb. FOOD. COMPOSITION. SOFT.
1. EeurvALENCE. 2. AvERAGEnoun.
1. npvlEw noun. 2. orspr,ay noun. orcprtv aerb. MODEL |WUN, TYPICAI.
snnparadisaical. NONPAREIL
1. Syns; coextensive, collateral, concurrent. -Idiom side by side. 2. rrysz.
Syns; analogon, analogue, congener, correlate, correspondent, counterpart, countertype, match.
667 parallel Derb 1. To be equal or alike. 2, To representas similar. 'pafalyze oerb f . io render helpless,asby emotion: Sudd'en fear paralyzedhim.
1. coupenn. 2. uxBN. 1. Syns; benumb, numb, stun, stuPefY. -ldioms cut the ground from under, knock the ProPs out from under. 2. orsesr-p.
2. To render powerlessor motionlessby inflicting severeiniurY. paral|zed ad;iectioe HELPLESS. Unable to managefor oneself. adiecttue paramounl PRIMARY. Most important,influential,or significant' pafamOUf rwun A person'sregularsexualpartner. 'paraPhernalia rmun OUTFIT |IDUN. Thingsneededfor a task,journey,or other Purpose' 'paraphrase rwun Syns: rendering restatement" rewording, A iestating of somethingin -other,esp' simpler, words: translation, version. text' Latin of the u:ill uvrite-aparaphrase paraphrase oerb Syns: rephrase, restate, reword, translate. To eipressthe meaningof in other, esp.-simpler, words^,paraphraseda passagefrun fhe Bible' parasite rwun Syns: barnacle, bloodsucker, freeloader One who dependson anotherfor support without hanger-on, leech, sPonge. (Slang), reciprocatingza kingsunu-mdedbg parasites' parasltic dsJparasltical adiectiue Syns; bloodsucking, freeload ing (Slartg). Of or characteristicof a parasite:Ieadsa parasitic eristence. parboil oerb To cook (food) in liquid heated to the point of steaming' sotr. Derb. parGel nou,n 1. nrvrsroN. l. One of the parts into which somethingis divided' 2. r.or rwun. 2. A pieceof land. parcel oerb DISTRIBUTE. To give out in Portionsor shares. pafch rserb onv oerb. To make or becomefree of moisture. ad;iectilse parched 1. onv adiectioe. 1. Having little or no liquid or moisture. rnrnsrv. 2. drink. desiring or 2. Needing pardon oerb FORGIVE. To grant forgivenessfor a fault, offense,or injury' pardon rt0un FORGIVENESS. The act or an instanceof forgiving. pardonable ad;iectioe Syns; condonable, excusable, forgivable, Admitting of forgivenessor pardon: a pardnrnble venial. offerxe;spokeuith pardonableprid'e. pare oerb CUT BACK. To decrease,as in length or amount,by or as if by or excising. severing parent oerb PRODUCE. To causeto come into existence. pafentage nuun ANCESTRY. One'sancestorsor their character. parenthesis noun 1. ntcnnssrow. 1. The act of digessing. 2. nrcnBssroll. 2. An instanceof digressing. parenthetic alsopar6nthelical ad;iecthse DIGRESSIVE. Marked by or grvento digression. parity noun EQUTVALENCE. The state of being equivalent.
parlance parlance rwun Choice of words and the way in which thev are used. parfey nmun 1. Spoken exchange. 2. \\e act or process of dealing with another to reach an agreement. 3. An exchange of views in an attempt to reach a decision. parley oerb To meet and exchange views to reach a decision. parfous ad.iecthse Archab.Involving possible risk, loss, or injury. parochial a^diectioe Having the restricted outlook often characteristic of geographic isolation. parOdy rwun l. A usu. amtsing caricature of another. 2. A false, derisive, or impudent imitation of something. parody oerb To copy (the manner or expression of another), esp. in an exaggerated or mocking way. parOxysm rvrun l. A condition of anguished struggle and disorder. 2. A violent, excruciating seizure of pain. parrOt noun One who mindlessly imitates another. parrot wrb To copy (another) slavishly. o€,rry oerb To furn or drive away: He stood, susord in hand,, ready n po^l his opponent. parsimonious adiectioe Ungenerouly or pettily reluctant to spend money. pafsOn noun A person ordained for service in a Chrisilan church. part rwun l. One's proper or expected function in a common effort: Ewryotle must do his part. 2. One of the individual entities contributing to a whole. 3. One of the parts into which something is divided. 4. That which is allotted. 5. A particular subdivision of a written work. 6. One of two or more opposing opinions, actions, or attifudes, as in a disagreement. part oerb 1. To make a division into parts, sections, or branches. 2. To terminate a relationship or association by or as if by leaving one another. part ad,iectioe Pertaining to or affecting only a part; not total. partake oerb l. To have a share in (an act, result, etc.); have a hand in. 2. To involve oneself in (an activity). 3. To take (food) into the body as nourishment. partial adiecthse l. Pertaining to or affecting only a part; not total: a partbl solutioru partial nrccess. 2. Disposed to favor one over another. 3. Exhibifing bias.
1. corwnnsarroN. 2. rlu.x twun. 3. onr.rsrnATroN.
1. rexrorp at take off. 2. uocxrny.
1. rnnon. 2. rnnoe. ECHO fU)Un.
ncno aerb. Syns: beat off, fend off, keep off, repel, repulse, ward off. STINGY. PREACHER.
l. Syns; piece, role (a/so r6le), share. 2. Br,nuBNr. 3. 4. 5. 6.
orvrsrox. err,orurNr. srcrroN naun. sron.
1. uvror. 2. sBpenarn oerb.
l. coNrnrsurn. 2. p,q.nrrcrPATE.
3. rar. 1. Syns; fractional,fragmentary, part.
669 partiality noun 1. An inclination for or against that inhibits impartial judgment. 2. An inclination to something. 3. Favorable, Preferential bias. 4. A liking or personal prefelence for something'
1. sres noun.
2. 3. r'avon noun. 4. resrn nau,n.
partialness naun Favorable, preferential bias.
particiPanl rwun One who participates: pri'z,esfor all participants in the touma:nwnt.
oerb particiPate '
To involve oneself in (an activity): participated in a lioela corwersation.
particiPation nnun The act or fact of participati\g trying to increase
Syns; actor, party.
Syns: carry on, engage, have, indulge, partake. -Idiorn take Part. Syns: involvement, sharing.
participatian in the politinal process.
particle noun A tinv amount.
particular nnun
1. One of the condiUonsor factsattendingan event and having somebearingon it. 2. A small,often specializedelementof a whole' 3. An individuallytonsideredportion of a whole' particular adiectioe i. Of, relating to, or intended for a distinctive thing or goup. Z. Ltraracterizedby attentionto detail. 3. Alone in a given category. 4. Yery difficult to Please. particularitY rwtn The qualrty of being individual. particularize oerb To make sPecific. adiectioe particulariied Characterizedby attention to detail. parting rcun ' of two or more people:feeling sad at A separaUon their parting. parting adiectioe bf, dott", given,or saidon departing:parting u>ords;a parting $ft. partisan rwun One who supportsand adheresto another. partisan ad;iectiae Exhibiting bias. partition rmu,n 1. A solid structurethat enclosesan :rea or separates one areafrom another. 2. The act or an instanceof separatingone thing from another. partition oerb l. To separatewith or as if with a wall. 2. To m-akea divisioninto parts,sections,or branches' partner nou,n 1. One who is united in a relationshipwith another. 2. A husbandor wife. partnershiP noun The stateof being associated. parturiency noun The condition of carrying a developing fetus within the uterus.
Brrl. 1. crncunrsrANcE. 2. pprerr- rnun. 3. Br-nrursr.I'r. 1. sppcnr,. 2. ogrerr.ep. 3. r-owp. 4. wIcn. INDIVIDUALITY. STIPULATE. DETAILED.
Syns: adieu, farewell, good-by or goodbye, leave-taking. Syns: departing, farewell, good-by ar good-bye, valedictory. FOLLOWER. BIASED.
1. wer,r, noun. 2. orvrsIoN.
L. wN-t- oerb. 2. orvrop. 1. essocre'rg twun. 2. spousn. ASSOCIATION.
parturient parturienl adiectioe Carrying a developing fetus within the uterus. parturition rwtrn The act or process of bringing forth young. party rwun l. A large or important social gathering: a party at the White House. 2. A group of performers. 3. A usu. small number of individuals. 4. A goup of individuals united in a common cause. 5. One who participates. 6. Infomwl. A member of the human race. paSS oerb l. To catch up with and move past: cars passing w on all sides. 2. To be greater or better than. 3. To use time in a particular way. 4. To go through (life) in a certain way. 5. To move along a particular course. 6. To journey over (a specified distance). 7. To cause to be transferred from one to another: Passyour plate for seconds.Did you poss the usord 8. To give or convey (something) from one generation to the next. 9. To come as by lot or inheritance. 10. To take place. ll. To make known. 12. To cause (a disease)to pass to another or others. 13. To be accepted or approved: The matinn passed by a widz margin. 14. To accept officially: The Senate ooted to pass the resolutint. 15. To move toward a termination. 16. To cease living. 17. To represent oneself in a given character or as other than what one is. pass away oerb l. To cease living. 2. To move toward a termination. pass off oerb To offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item). pass out aerb Inforrnal. To suffer temporary loss of consciousness. paSSOver oerb To pretend not to see. Pass ftoun 1. A free ticket entitling one to transportation or admission: a flwuie passfor stud.ents. 2. A decisive point. passable adibctioe l. Capable of being passed, traversed, or crossed: The highways are passabl" f* the frst time sirrce the bliz,zard. 2. Of moderately good quality but less than excellent. passage noun 1. The process or an instance of passing from one form, state, or stage to another. 2. A particular subdivision of a written work.
pass away wrb
1. Syns; affair, bash (Slnng), do (Slang), festivity, fete (also f6te), funcUon, gala, occasion,soiree (a/so soiree). 2. SAND2noun. 3. cnoup nyun. 4. coNaeNEnoun. 5. panrlcrPANT, 5. HuuaN BErNc. l. Syns; overhaul, overtake. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7,
sunpess. sprNo. rnto aerb. co oerb. rnavpnsn aerb. Syns: convey, hand (over), transmit.
8. uer.roDowN at hand. 9. rtrr aerb. 10. co*rn. 11,. couuuNrcATE. 12. cortntauNrcATE. 13. Syns; carry, clear. 14. Syns; adopt, approve. 15. co oerb. 16. orr. L7, posn oerb.
L. om. 2. co aerb. FOIST.
BLACK OUT. BLINK AT at blink. 1. Syns; comp (lnformal), freebee) (Slang).
freebie (aho
2. cnrsrs. 1. Syns; navigable, negotiable.
2. ecceerenr-n. 1. rnaNsrrroN. 2. sncrloN twun. sEEpass.
67L pass6 adiectioe Of a style or method formerly in vogue. passel nou'n Re$ornl. An indeterminatelygreat amountor number' passing adiectioe Lastingor existingonly for a short time. passing noun The act or fact of dYing. passion nmnl, 1. Powerful,intenseemotion:a sennonfilled uith passion;shousrn passionin his acting'
1. Syns: ardor, fervencY, ferviditY, fervidness, fervor, fite. -Idiom fire and brimstone. 2. uovn rwurt.
2.The passionateaffectionand desirefelt by lovers for eachother. 3. rwrerueuox. 3. An extravagant,short-livedromantic attachment' 4. opsrnn rwun. 4. Sexualhunger. devotionto or interestin a cause,subject,etc. 5. rNrrrusresu. 5. Passionate 5. nxmusresu. 6. A subjector acUvity+11inspireslively interest' 7. tovn noun. 7. A strong,enthusiasticliking for something' 8. tnupBn rwun. 8. An ansy outburst. passionate adiecthse 1. Syns; ardent, blazing, burning, 1. Fired with intensefeeling:a passionaterebuttal'
2. Feeling or devoted to sexual love or desire.
passionless adiectioe Deficient in or lacking sexualdesire. passive adiectioe Submitting without objecUonor resistancezremaitwd passioewhen sentenceuas Passed. pass otf oerb pass out oerb paSSOVer oerb past a.diectioe 1. fust goneby or elapsed:Iurwhedtogetherseoeral times ihning the Past Year. 2. Havingbeen suchPreviouslY. past twun i. A fo.-"r period of time or of one'slife: You can't relioe the past. 2. Pasteventssurroundinga personor thing. 'paste oerb Slang.To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sh"fply. paste rloun Sl*rg. A suddenshaqp,powerful stroke. pastoral adiectirse Of or pertainingto the countryside. pasty ad;iecthse Lacking color. patch oerb To restoreto proper conditionor functioning. patchwork noun A collection of variousthings. patchy adiecthse Lacking consistencyor regularity in quality or performance.
dithyrambic, fervent, fervid,_fiery, fireand-brimstone, flaming, hot-blooded, impassioned, Perfervid, red-hot, scorching, torrid. 2. nnorrc. FRIGID.
Syns; acquiescent, nonresistant, nonresisting, resigned, submissive, yielding. sEEpass. sEEpass. sEEpass. L. Syns: antecedent, anterior, foregoing, former, precedent, preceding, previous, prior. 2. urrn adiectioe. 1. Syns; yesterday, yesteryear, yore. -ldimm^s bygone daYs, daYs gone bY' the good old daYs, the old daYs. 2. nrsronv. r'tr oerb.
slow2. couNTRY ad,iectioe. eN-r. adiectiae. ptx oerb. ASSORTMENT.
pate Pate twun The uppermostpart of the body. patent adieaioe l. !*ity seenthrough due to a lack of subtlety. 2. Readilyseen,perceived,or understood. paternal adiectitn Like a father. path nuun A courseaffordingpassagefrom one place to another. pathetic ad,iectir:i Arousingor deservingpity. paUenGe rwun The capacityof enduringhardshipor inconvenience without co_mplaint: neededreal patience r:r:ltto respond to hi"sir:'sl.;lts. patient adiectirn Enduring or capableof enduringhardshipor inconveniencewithout complaintza quiet and patient motherof four.
l. uxsusrr.r. 2. eppenrNr. FATHERLY. \vAY. PITTFUL.
Syns: forbearance, long-sufiering, resignation.
Syns: forbearing, long-sufiering, resigned.
patois ,*i"
An o_ftenregionalform of a languagenot considered standard. patriarch rorun One that creates,founds,or originates. patrician adiectitx Of-high birth or socialposition. patriciate lwun Peopleof the highestsociallevel. patrimonial adiecthse Of or from one'sancestors. patrimony rwrn Any_qpecialprivilege accordeda firstborn. patrol oerb To maintainor keep in order with or as if with police. patrolman noun A member of a law-enforcementaqency. patron rw.rn l. A personwho supportsor championsan activity, institution, etc.: a patron of the arts. 2. One who buys_ gogdsor services:a regularpatron lcwDn to alJ the deaLers. patronage twun 1. Aid or zupportSvel by a patron: hopedto gain the patrorwgeof the rbh and infltrcntial 2. The commercialtransactionsof customerswith a _ zupplier:a shop u:ith a hrge patrornge. 3. Customersor patronscollectively:send,ing aftlroLuTcefiaents of the sab to the patronnge. 4. The political appointrnentsor jobs that are at the disposalof those in power: dispensedpatrorwgeto the party reguhrs in her ward. -patronization noun t. Aid or supportgrvenby a patron. 2. Superciliouslyindulgenttreatment,esp.of those consideredinferior. patronize oerb l. To act as a-patronto: patronizedall the worthy causesin the contrnunity. 2. To treat in a superciliouslyindulgent manner. patronizing nmm Super-ciliouslyindulgent treatrnent, esp. of those consideredinferior.
portcn oerb. POLICEMAN.
1. Syns; angel (Informal), backer, benefactor, contributor, friend, Maecenas,sponsor, supporter. 2. Syns: buyer, client, cuslomer, purchaser. 1. Syns; aegis,auspices,backing, sponsorship, patronization. 2, Syns: business, custom, trade, traffic. 3. Syn; clientele. 4. Syns: pork (Slang), spoils.
1. parnoNace. 2. couorscENsroN. 1. Syns; sponsor, support. 2. CONDESCENSION.
673 patronizing adieckoe Exhibiting condescension. pat5y rwun ' l.-Slang. A person who is easily deceived or victimized. 2. Stang. One who is made an object of blame.
pattern rwun
1. One that is worthy of imitation or duplication. 2. ln elementor componentin a decorative composiUon. 3. The externaloutline of a thing. 4. An activrty done without thinking. 5, Systematicarrangementand design. pattern oerb To take as a model. paucity rwun The condition or fact of being deficient. rroun paUpef An impoverishedPerson:The reoolutinntpattmeda ,ww generationof pa.uperswhen personalpropertg wos nntiorwlized. pauper oerb To reduceto financialinsolvencY. paUse oerb l, To stop temporarilyand remain,s ff reluctant to leave:pawed for a uhil.e at a-mwll cafd. 2. To be irresolutein acting or doing. pause noun A cessationof continuity or regularity. PaWnl 'To*ethi"gnoun Su"t to guaranteethe r-epaymentof-a loan or the fulfillment of an obligation:left her ieuels as pawrs for her brother's debt. pawn oerb To give or depositas a pawn: paumedhis typeuniter for ihe price of a meal. -DaWn2 nou,n by others:woa a p&wn xn A-petsottusedor c_ontrolled control. political thZ stru,gg;le for pay Derb 1. To give paymentto in return for goodsor-services tendeted' uos preporedn pay hbn $100for the chair. 2, To give compensationto. 3. To set riglt by grving what is due. 4. To distribute (money)as payment. 5. To make asincomeor Profit. pay back oerb To exactrevengefor. pay rwun Pavmentfor work done. pay;ble ad.iectioe Owed as a debt. pay back oerb payment rwun Somethinggven in exchangefor goodsor services renderedirbquiredimnediate paytnentfor the deliaery. payOff twurt pay off oerb l. lnfomnl. To give, offer, or promisea bribe to. 2. To exact revengefor.
1. pupn rwun. 2. sceprcoer. 1. rr,ropnr-nuun. 2. rrcunn rnun. 3. ronu twun. 4. nesrr. 5. unrnoo.
Syns: beggar, down-and-out, have-not, indigent.
nv:,ntoerb. l. Syns: abide, bide, linger, tarry, wait. 2. nnsrrern. BREAK IWI'N.
Syns; earnest, guaJanty, pledge, secunty, token, warrant.
Syns; dip (Brit. Slnng), hock (/nformal), hlpothecate, impignorate, mortgage, pignorate, pledge, pop (Brit. Slnng). Syns: cat's-paw (aho cats-Paw), instrument, puPpet, stooge, tool. 1. Syns; compensate, recompense, remunerate. 2. 3. 4. 5.
coupnNserB. srrrr.r. sprxo. nnrunN oerb.
weces(s) ovn adiecthse. sEE pay. Syns: compensation, consideration, recompense, remuneration. sEE pay off. l. nanr;noerb. 2. evrncn.
payola payoff rroun l. Inforrwl. Money,property, or a favor given,ofiered, or promised to a person in a position ol trust as an inducement to dishonestbehavior. 2. Infomwl The higlrestpoint or state. payOE rwun Sbog. Money,properly, or a favor given, ofiered,or promised to a perrcn in a position of trust as an inducementto dishonestbehavior. peaceable adiecth:e Inclined or disposedto peace;not quarrelsomeor unnrly: met in a peaceablcspirit. peacefirl odiectirn Inclined or-disposedto peace; not quarrelsomeor unruly. peaches.and.cream adiecthn Bright and clear; not dull or faded. peacock wrb To walk with exaggeratedor unnahual motions expressiveof self-importanceor selfdisplay. peak rwun l. The higbestpoint. 2.\\e highestpoint or state. 3. T" gqeatestquantity or higlrestdegreeattainable. peak dieaioe Of or constituting a climax. peak oerb To re_achor bring to a climax. peaked adieaioe Of or associatedwith sickness. Peaky adiecthse Of or associatedwith sickness. peal wrb To grve forth or causeto grve forth a clear, resonant sound. peanUtS rwun Slog.A smallor trifing amountof money:sold his car for peanuts. pearl rwun Someoneor somethingconsideredexceptionally precious. peGcant adiec'tioe Morally obiectionable. 'rrott; peCkl l. Infonnal. An indeterminatelygreat amountor number. 2. lnfornwl. A geat deal. peck2 twun 1. Somethingfit to be eaten. 2. The act or an instanceof kissing. peck oerb l. To touch or caresswith the lips, a sign of passionor affection. 2. To scold or find fault constantlv. pecksniffery nmun A show or expressionof feelingsor beliefs one doesnot achrally hold or possess. pecksniffian adieaioe Of or practicing hypocrisy. peculiar odiecthn l. Deviating from the customary. 2. Servingto identify or set apart an individual or goup.
674 1. snrsnnoun. 2. cr,n"rexrwun. BRIBE TWUN,
Syns; irenic, pacific (olso pacifical), pacifist (ako paafistic), peaceful. PEACEABLE.
1. nrIcnr. 2. cr,urrex naun. 3. r"rexruuM noun, CLIMACTIC.
ct tv^l.x aerb. SICKLY. SICKLY. nrNG2.
Syns:chickenfeed (Slang),two bits (tnformal). TREASURE |WUN.
nwr. adiectiae. l. rrcep twun. 2. Hnep noun. 1. nooo. 2. xlss noun. l. xtss aerb. 2. wec. ITYPOCRISY.
1. rccrvrnrc adiectioe. 2. orsrwcrrvr.
675 pelplexing. puzzlement; 3. Causing peculiarity rwun 1. A distinctiveelement. 2. Peculiarbehavior. pecuniary adiectioe Of or relating to financesor thosewho deal in finances. rwun pedagogics tIhJact, process,or art of impartingknowledgeand skill. pedagogist rwun One who educates. pedagogue noun One who educates. -pedagos/ rnun Thtact, process,or art of impartingknowledgeand skill. pedantic dso pedantical adiecthse Characterizedby a narrow concernfor book learningand formal rules,without knowledgeor experienceof practical matters: a pedantic attention to details. peddle oerb ' 1. To travel about sellinggoods:loadedthe trunk uith applesand nsentPeddling. 2. To offer for sale. 3. To engagein the illicit saleof (narcotics). pedestrian adiectioe Lacking liveliness,charm, or surprise. pedigree naun 1. A written record of ancestry. 2. One'sancestorsor their character. peek oerb To look briefly and quicklY. Peek nxun A quick look. peef nou,n The outer coveringof a fruit. peel aerb To removethe skin of. peep oerb To look briefy and quicklY. peep rwun A quick look. peerl oerb To look intently and fixedly. peer noun An intent, fixed look. peef2 rwu.n One that is very similar to anotherin rank or posiUon: reuiewedby their peers.Sheis the dnctors'competerrcy peer of any tennis plnyer on the professionalcircuit. peerless adiectioe Without equal or rival. peeve oerb To trouble the nervesor peaceof mind of, repeatedvexations. peeve noun Somethingthat annoys. peevish adiectine 1. Easily annoyed. 2. Having or showinga bad temper. peewee ad,iectioe Extremely small.
3. ruurv. 1. quer.rrv. 2. uccBvrRIcITY. FINANCIAL. EDUCATION.
Syns.' academic, bookish, booky, donnish, formalistic, inkhorn, quodlibetic, scholastic. L. Syns: hawk, huckster, vend. 2, snu, oerb. 3. puss oerb. ovu- adiectioe. 1. cnrveer-ocv. 2. aNcrsrnv. crtupsr, oerb. 'cr-eNcBl
SKIN '?OU'?,.
srtN oerb, crtvrpsn oerb. cLeNcEl froun. ctzn oerb. GAZ'Enown. Syns: coequal, colleague, comPeer, equal, equivalent, fellow.
peg peg noun One of the units in a course,ason an ascendinqor descending scale. pejorative odiectioe Tendingor intendingto belittle. pelagic adiectioe Of or relatingto the seasor oceans. peff noun Something,ascoins,printed bills, etc., usedas a mediumof exchange. peffucid adiectitse Free from what obscuresor dims. peftr twun The skin of an animal. peft2 oerb To move swiftly. penl oerb To be the author of (a publishedwork or works). pen2 terb To confinewithin a limited area. pen3 noun Slnng.A place for the confinementof personsin lawful detention. penalize oerb To imposea fine on. penalty nuun l. A sum of moneylevied aspunishmentfor an ofiense. 2. A coercivemeasureintendedto ensurecompliance or conformity. penGhant ltoun An inclinationto something. pendulous adiectioe l. !""g or appearingto be hung from a support. 2. Given to or exhibiUnghesitatibn. penetrate oerb l. To passinto or throughby overcomingresistance: Enemysaryerspenetratedour d.eferwes. The cold petwtratedhis bones. 2. To comeor go into (a place). penetrating adiectioe l. So shalp as to causementalpain. 2. Characterizedby careful and exactevaluation. 3. Having or suggesUng keen,discerningintellect. penelfatlOn noun Sryl i" perceiving,.discriminating, or judging. penitence alsopenitency ,wui A feeling of regret for one'ssinsor misdeeds:didn't knou, how to expresshis penitence.
cLEAR adiecti-ue. gtor2
nvsru aerb. PUBLISH. ENCLOSE. IALL rWUn.
1. rwn2 naun. 2. sexcrroN noun.
1. neNcruc. 2. HnsrrnNr. l. Syns; break (through), perforate, pierce, puncture. 2. BNrnn. 1. errtlrc, 2. cnrrrcnr.. 3. rNcrsrvn. DISCERNMENT.
Syns: attrition, compunction, contriteness, contrition, remorse, remorsefulness, repentance, rue. sEEPenitence.
penitency nmun penitent odiectioe 1. Feelingor expresingreget for one'ssinsor misdeeds. l. nruonsppur. 2..Expressingor inclined to expressan apology. 2. epor.ocnnc. penitential adiectioe F99!ing.or expressingregret for one'ssinsor rnisdeeds. REMORSEFUL. penffentlary rroun A place for the confinementof personsin lawful IAIL tWUn. detention. pennant noun Fabric a qymbol. Ft AGr rwun. pennifess adiec'tioe Having little or no moneyor wealth. POOR.
677 pennOn rwun Fabric a symbol. penny-pinching a.diectioe Ungenerouslyor pettily reluctarrtto spendmoney. pensile a.d;iectioe Hung or appearingto be hung from a support. pension oerb To removefrom active service. pensive adiectioe of or expressingdeep,often melancholy l. Suggestive thoughtfulness:a perchseexpression. by, or disposedto thought. 2. Of, c-haracterized nDun PenUmbfa Comparativedarknessthat resultsfrom the blocking of liqht rays. pen'irrioris adiectioe 1. Ungenerouslyor pettily reluctantt9 spendmoney. 2. Having little or no moneyor wealth. penUry noun The conditionof being extremelypoor. people rwun Personsas an organizedbodY. people oerb To live in (a place). pep rwun l. Infonrwl. Capacityor power for work or vigorous activitv. 2. Worr;wl. A lively, emphatic, eagerquality or manner. pepper oerb 1. To direct a barrageat. 2. To mark with many small sPots. peppery a.d:iectiue i. f'utt of or characterizedby a lively, emphatic'eager quahty. 2. Easilyannoyed. peppy adiectioe l. lnfomwl. Yery brisk, alert, and high+pirited. exerting,or displayingenersi. 2.Infwwl. Possessing, 3. Disposedto action. perambulate oerb To walk at a leisurelyPace. perambulation rwu.n An act of walking esp.for pleasure. perceivable adiechoe 1. Capableof being noticed or apprehendedmentally. 2. Capableof being seen. perceive oerb 1. To be intuitively aware of: cutld' easily perceioeher uwrpressedhostilitY. 2, To apprehend(images)by useof the eyes. 3. To usethe power of vision. perceptible ad;iectioe ' f . iapable of being noticed or apprghendedmentally: spdakswith a perceptibb edgein h.erooiceushen dnWt undennenta perceptibb chartgein mtlnok. 2. Capableof being seen. perception naun 1. That which existsin the mind as the product of careful mental activity. 2. ^Ihe condition of being aware.
1. Syns; meditative, musing, tristful (Archaic), wistful. 2. rnoucnrFul. SHADE |INUN,
1. srwcv. 2. poon. POVERTY. PUBLIC
2. sprnrr.
1. sARnecr oerb. 2. spncxr-r. 1. sprnrrnn. 2. rnsrv. LTVELY. ENERGETIC.
3. vrconous. srnorr oerb. WALK nown. l. pnncpptrsr-n. 2. vrsrsr.n. 1. Syns; apprehend (Obs.), feel, intuit, sens€. -Idioftrs feel in one's bones, get vibrations. 2. spn. 3. t-oox oerb, 1. Syns; apprecirable, detectable, discernible, noticeable, observable, palpable, perceivable. 2. vrsrsLn. 1. rose. 2. ewennNess.
perceptive ad;iecthse 1. Having or suggesting keen, discerning intellect. 2. Possessingor displaying perceptions of great accuracv and sensiUvitv.
l. wcrsrvr. 2. ,lcurn.
perceptivedess twun Skill in perceiving discriminating, or judgrng. perGh oerb To place or be placed on a narrow or insecure surface. perchance adnerb Possibly but not certainly.
su-1'Ncn uerb. MAYBE.
percipiehce nxun Skill- in perceiving discriminating, or judgrng. percolate oerb To flow or leak out slowly. perCUSSiOn noun Violent, forcible contact between two or more things. perdurable adiectioe Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time.
peregrinata tirb
l. To make or go on a journey. 2. To move about at random, esp. over a wide area. peremptory adiectitse Tending to dictate. perennial adiectioe Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time. perfect adiec{oe l. Supremely excellent in quality or nature: a perfect dianwnd,; a perfect performance. 2. Lacking nothing essential or normal. 3. Conforming to an ultimate form of perfection or excellence. 4. Free from extraneous elements. 5. Completely such, without qualification or exception. 6. Not more or less. 7. In excellent condiUon. 8. Without imperfections or blemishes. perfect aerb To bring to perfection or completion: The architect unrked to perfect his dzsign.
perfection rwun A specialfeatureor quality that conferssuperiority. perfeivid adiectiae Fired with intensefeeling. perfidious adiectiae l. Not true to duty or obligation. 2. DeservingstrongcondemnaUon. perfidiousness nmun 1. Willful betrayalof fidelity, confidence,or trust. 2. Betrayal,esp.of a moral obligation. perfidy r10un 1. Willful betrayalof fidelity, confidence,or trust. 2. Betrayal,esp.of a moral obligation. 3. The conditionof being infamous. perforate oerb 1. To makea hole or other openingin. 2. To passinto or through by overcomingresistance. perforation rwun l. An opening, a solid structure. 2. A small mark or hole madeby a sharp,pointed object.
1. lounr.t'Ev "^erb. 2. novn. DICTATORIAL, CONTINUING.
l. Syns: absolute, consummate,faultless, flawless, impeccable, indefectible, unflawed. 2. coupr,nrn adiectioe. 3. rnnnr, adiectixe. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
punr adiectixe. urrnn2. nouro. cooo adiectiae. cr,neN adiectioe.
Syns: polish, refine, smooth. -Idiorn off the rough edges' ;: PASSIONATE.
2 . INFAMOUS. l. 2.
1. rnnacrrrnv. 2. raIrsr.essNEss. 3. rNpeuy. l. snnnc:g, oerb. 2. prNnrnarr. l. snnecH noun. 2. pnrcx rwrrn.
679 perforce adnerb Without regard to desire or inclination.
1. To begin and carry thto"gh to completion: perform an acrobatic feat. 2. To cffry out the functions, requirements, or terms of. 3. To play the part of. 4. To produce on the stage.
1. Syns; do, execute, prosecute, pull off (Infomwl). 2. rur-nr,r-.
perform perb
-performance rwun 1. The act of beginningand carryingthrough to completion:in the perfornwnceof his duty. 2. T\e quality of being efficient. 3. The *ay in which a machineor other thing performs -One's or functions. 4. artistic conceptionasshownby the rendering of a dramaticrole, musicalcomposition,etc. performel rnwn One who playsa musicalinstrument. perfume nou,n A sweetor pleasantodor. perfume oerb To fill with a pleasantodor. perfumed adiectioe Having a pleasantodor. perfunctory adiectioe Performed or performing automatically and impersonally,gaoeme a perfunctoryrwd as he passedperhaps afuserb Possiblybut not certainlY. perhaps noun Abstract reasoning. periapt rwun A smallobject worn or kept for its supposedmagical power. peril twun Exposureto possibleharm, loss,or *i"ry. peril oerb To subjectto dangeror destruction. perifous adiectioe Involving possiblerisk, loss,or injury. perimetet rwun 1. A line around a closedfig*" or area. 2. Mil. A fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. period nuun 1. A specificlength of time characterizedby the occurrenceof certain conditionsor events:a period of sunshirw. 2. A particular time notable for its distinctive characteristics. 3. An interval regardedas a distinct evolutionary or blue period. developmentalunit: Picasso's 4. A spandesignatedfor a given activrty. 5. A concludingor terminatrrtg. periodic alsopeiiodical adiictir:e 1. Happeningor appearingnow and then. 2. Happeningor appearingat regular intervals. periodically adoerb At times. peripatetic adiectioe Leadingthe life of a personwithout a fixed domicile; moving from place to place.
3, scr oerb. 4. sr.xcn oerb. l. Syns; effectuation, execution, prosecution. 2. rrrrcrnNcv. 3. spHevlon. 4. uvunpnETATIoN.
scnrvr oerb. FRAGRANT.
Syns: automatic, mechanical.
1. crncuvrERENcn. 2. sononn rnrnx. L. Syns: season,span, term.
2. lcn rrsun. 3. Syns; phase, stage. 4. nun rwun. 5. Brvn rwun. 1. rrvrrnurr-rENT. 2. nncunnBwr. Now ad,oerb. NOMADIC.
periphery periphery rwun f . e fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. 2. A line arounda closedffSrr" or area. periphrastic adiectiw Usittg or containing an excesive number of words.
perish oetb 1. To ceaseliving. 2=To e-xperience qpiritualdeath. perished adiectiod No longer 4u". perrUre tprb To make untrue declarations. perjured a"diectioe Marked by lyr"g under oath. perfurer rwun One who tells lies. perjurious ad,iec-tirx Marked by Mng under oath: periurious uitrwsses; piurfu$ testhnony. perrUry noun The practice of lying. perkt rwun Sbng.A materialfavor or gift, usu. money,given in return for service. perk2 wrb To impart strengthand confidenceto. perk up oerb To regainone'shealth. perk up wrb permeate wrb l. To causeto be filled with a particular mood or tone. 2. To gggupy - the whole of; be found throughout. permissible- odieah:e Capableof being allowed: It is permissibtcto snwke here. permission twun Approval for an action,esp.asganted by one in authority: gaw tlvrn permissionto srnke. permit oerb 1. To neither forbid nor preventzfnt permitsthe chil.drento run wil"d. 2. To give one'sconsentto: permittedm.eto batsethe ofrce early. 3. To afford an opportunity for: o iob that pennits me to adrntrca 4. To give the means,ability, or opportunity to do. permit noun 1. Approval for an action, grantedby one in authority. 2. L"g*l p"rmissionto do something. permutation noun The processor renrlt of makingor becomingdifierent. PernfCfOUS adiecthse l. Extremelydestmctiveor harmful. 2. Having the capabilityor effect of damaging irreparably. Perorate wrb To spe.akin a loud, pompous,or prolongedmanner. perpendaCular adiectiw At right anglesto the horizon or to level ground. perpetrate wrb To be reqponsiblefor or g,rilty of (an error or crime).
1. nonopn rwun. 2. cmcuuFERENcE. \vORDY.
DTE. DTE. onl.o
l-tn2 oerb. PERJURTOUS. LIAR.
Syns:forsworn(aho foresworn),perjured. MENDACITY. GRATUITY.
snr perk2. 1. cnencr oerb. 2. rrr,l. Syns; admissible, allowable.
Syns: allowance, authorization, consent, leave2, license, permit, sanction. 1. Syns; allow, have, Ieave2,let, sufier, tolerate. 2. Syns: allow, authorize, consent, let, sanction. 3. Syns: admit, allow, let. 4. rNerr,n. 1. prnurssroN. 2. rrcrNsr naun. CHANGE
681 perpetual adiectioe 1. Existingor occurringwithout interruption or end. 2. Enduring for all time. perpetuate oerb To causeto last endlessly. perpetuity tmrn The quality or stateof havingno end. perplex oerb 1, To causeto be unclearin mind or intent. 2. To make complex,intricate,or perplexing. perpfexing adiectioe Dfficult to understanddue to intricacy. perquisite noun l. A privilege granteda personby virtue of birth. 2. A materialfavor or gift,,given in return for service. perSeCUte aerb To do a wrong to; treat unjustly. perseGutiOn noun Excruciatingpunishment. perseverance rnun The stateor quality of being insistent. perseverant adiecthse Obstinatelymaintaininga stand. persevere oerb 1. To take and maintaina standobstinately. 2. To continuewithout halting. persevering ad;iectioe Obstinately maintaininga stand. persist oerb 1. To take and maintaina standobstinately. 2, To exist in spite of adversity. 3. To remainin existenceor in a certain statefor an indefinitelylong time. 4. To continuewithout halting. persistenGe alsopersistenc! rnun 1. The stateor qualrtyof being insistent. 2. Uninterruptedexistenceor succession. 3. An uninterruptedcourse. persistency noun persistenl adiectioe l. Obstinatelymaintaininga stand. 2. Of long duration. 3. Difficult to alleviateor cure. persisting adiectioe Obstinatelymaintaininga stand. persnickety adiectioe Very difficult to please. pefsOn noun A member of the humanrace. pefsOna nolrn A personportrayedin fiction or drama. perSOnage noun 1. A memberof the humanrace. 2. An important,influentialperson. 3. A famousperson. 4. A personportrayedin fiction or drama. perSonal adiectioe 1. Belongingto, pertainingto, or affectinga particular person:personalloyalties. 2. Belongingor confinedto a particular personor goup as opposedto the public or the government.
l. corcrrNuAr-. 2. nrvnr,nss. IMMORTALIZE. ENDLESSNESS.
1. cor.rrusn. 2. coupr-rcern. coMPLEx adiectioe.
wnoNc oerb. IJELL
at carry.
1 . INSIST. 2 . SURVIVE. 3 . ENDURE. 4. canny ol.l at cafiy. 1. rwsrsrrmcp. 2. covrnruATroN. 3. cor.iflr.tuANcE. sEEpersistence. 1. rNsrsrnxr. 2. cnnoNrc. 3. srusnonN. INSISTENT. NICE. HUMAN
2. orcurrany. 3. cer-renrrY. 4. cnanecrnn.
1 . Syn.' individual.
personality 3. Of or pertaining to the human body. 4. Based on individual judgment or discretion. 5. Characterized by a close and thorough acquaintance.
3. sonIr-v. 4. anerrnany. 5. rurntaarnr adiectioe.
personality n/urn l. The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable. 2. An important, influenUal person. personaliZe terb To represent (an abstraction) in or as if in bodily form.
1. ronNrrt"v. 2. otcxtranv. EMBODY.
personification twun A physical enUty typiin"g
personify oerb
an abstraction.
l. To represent (an abstraction) in or as if in bodily form. 2. To serve as the image of.
perspeCtive nuun That which is or can be seen.
EMBODIMEN'T. 1. nMeoov.
2. nBpnrsBur. vtEw rw|fiL.
perspicacious adiectirse Having or showing a clever awarenessand resourcefulness in practical matters.
perspicacity noun
Skill. in perceiving, discriminaUng, or judging. persplGulty rwun The quality of being clear and easy to perceive or understand. perspire oerb To excrete moisture through the pores of the skin. perspiring odiectitse Producing or covered with sweat. persuade aerb 1. To succeed in causing (a person) to act in a certain way: per$ardpd the President to d.eregulate the airlines. Nothing could perxnde her to forgioe him. 2. To convince (another) to adopt a particular faith or belief. 3. To cause (another) to believe something. persUaSlOn rwun l. Something believed or accepted as true by a person. 2. A system of religious belief. 3. Those who accept and practice a particular religious belief. 4. A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessedby all its members. persuaSive adiectitse Serving to convince. pert adiectioe l. Rude and disrespectful. 2. Yery brisk, alert, and high-spirited.
pertain oerb 1. To be the proper$of a personor thing. 2. To be pertinent. pertinacious odiectioe l. Tenaciously unwilling to yield. 2. Difrcult to alleviate or cure.
swrar oerb. SWEATY.
1. Syns: argue into, bring, bring around, convince, get, induce, prevail on (or upon), sell (on), talk into. 2. corwnnr. 3. cotwrNcn. 1. nnr,rrr, 2. nnr.rcroN. 3. rarrH.
l. rupuorur. 2. r-rvnr,v. 1. snr.oNc. 2. *prv. 1. onsrrNetB. 2. srunsonx.
pertinacity naun The quality or state of being stubbornly unyielding.
pertinenc€alsopertinency rwtrn l. The fact of being related to the matter at hand. 2. A connecting relation.
pertinency rwun pertinent ad,iecth:e Related to the matter at hand.
1. nnr,rvancr. 2. coxcrnN nou.n. sEEpertinence. RELEVANT.
683 perturb oerb of. To impairor destroythe composure perturbation rrcrun A stateof discomposure. pefUsal twun The act of examining carefullY.
peruse oerb To look at carefullyor critically. pervade oerb 1. To cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone. 2. To occupy the whole of; be found throughout. ad;iectioe Perverse l. Given to acting in opposition to others. 2. Tenaciously unwilling to yield.
3. Utterly reprehensiblein nahre or behavior. perYerSeneSS noun The quality or state of being stubbornly unyielding. pefvefSlOn rwun Wrong, often corrupt use. perversity rwun The quality or state of being stubbornly unyielding. pervert oerb 1. To usewrongly and improperlY. 2. To ruin utterly in character or quality. 3. To glve an inaccurateview of by representingfalsely or misleadingly. pervert naun bne whosesexualbehaviordiffersfrom the accepted nonn. pen erted adiectioe Lowered in character or qualitY. pesky ad,iectioe Hard to treat, manage,or cope with. pessimism nxun The doctrine that this world is evil: a philnsophy groundcdon pessimism. pessimist noun A prophet of misfortuneor disaster:pessimists predicting a nuclear holocatnt. pessimistic ad;iecthse Marked by tittle hopefulness. pester oerb l- To trouble persistentlyfrom or as if from all sides. 2. To disturb by repeatedattacks. pestering twun The act of annoying. pestilent adiectioe Extremely destructive or harmful. pestilentidl ad,iectine Extremely destructive or harmful. petl oerb' To touch or stroke affectionatelY. pet naun One liked or preferred aboveall others. pet adiectine Given special,usu.doting treatrnent. pet2 oerb To be sullenly aloof or withdrawn, as in silent resentrnentor protest. petechia nou,n A mark on the skin indicative of a disease,as typhus.
l. cr.nncn oerb. 2. rnr.
1. cowrnenx adiecthse. 2. ossrrxern. 3. connupr ad,iectioe. OBSTINACY. ABUSE |IOI'N. OBSTINACY.
l. *vsn oerb. 2. connupr. 3. usronr.
Syn; malism.
Syns: Cassandra, crepehanger, doomsayer, worrywart (Infonnal). *Idiorns calamity howler, prophet of doom and gloom. GI,OOMY.
cennss tzrb. FAVORITE
FAvoRrrE ad;iectioe, SULK.
peterout peter out Derb To grow or cause to grow gradually less. petite adiectioe Notably below average in amount, size, or scope. petition nuun An application to a higher authority, as for sanction or a decision. petition aerb l. To make application to a higher authority. 2. To ask for employment, acceptance,or admission. 3. To bring an appeal or request to the attention of. petitioner rwun l. One that asks a higher authority for something, as a favor or redress. 2. A person who applies for or seeksa job or position. petrified adiectiae Filled with fear or terror. petrify oerb l. To make or become physically hard. 2. To render (another) speechlessor incapable of action. pettifog aerb To raise unnecessaryor trivial objections. pettiness twun Contemptible unimportance: The pettiness of his triticisln is incredibl"e. petty adiectiue l. Contemptibly unimportant: the pettV concems of bored socinlites.
2. Of subordinate standing or importance, 3. Not broad or elevated in scope or understanding. petufant adiectioe l. Easilv annoved. 2. Having or showing a bad temper.
phantasm alsophantasma ,win 1. An illusorymentalimage. 2. A supernaturalbeing. 3. An erroneousperceptionof reality. phantasma r.oun phantasmagoria alsophantasmagory noun An illusion of perceivingsomethingthat doesnot really exist. phantasm agory twun phantasy rwun phantom n(run A supernaturalbeing. pharisaic alsopharisaical adiectioe Of or practicinghvpocrisv. pharisaisftl alsophariseeism noun A showor expression of feelingsor beliefsone doesnot actuallyhold or possess. pharisee rwnn A personwho practiceshypocrisy. phariseeism noun pharmacon lrDun An agentusedto restorehealth. phase nou,n l. The particular anglefrom which somethingis considered:examirwdthe probl.ern from the practical phase.
684 OnCnnASn ,'erb. LITTLE.
l. e,ppnu aerb. 2. eppr,y. 3. eoonrss uerb. l. e-ppeernn. 2. eppr-rcervr. AFRAID.
1. uannru. 2. wrrHrn. QUIBBLE.
Syns: inconsequence,measliness(S/ang), paltriness, smallness,triviality, trivialness. 1, Syns; inconsequent, inconsequential, inconsiderable,measly (Slang), negligible, niggling, paltry, picayune, piddling, small, small-minded, trifling, trivial, unconsequential, unconsidered. 2 . MrNoRadiectirse.
3 . NARRO\{/. 1 . IRRITABLE. 2 . ILL-TEMPERED. 1. onnau rroun. 2. cnosr noun. 3. u,lusroN, sEEphantasm. HAILUCINATION.
sne phantasmagoria. srr fantasy. GHOST nOUn. HYPOCRITICAL. HYPOCRISY.
sEEpharisaism. cvF-Enoun. 1. Syns; aspect, facet, hand, respect, side.
685 2. An interval regarded as a distinct evolutionary or developmental unit.
phenomenal adiectioe l. So remarkableasto elicit disbelief. 2. Composedof or relatingto thingsthat occupy space and can be perceivedby the senses. phenomenon rwt n 1. Somethinghavingreal, demonstrableexistence. 2. One that is worthy of imitadon or duplication. 3. One that evokesgeat su4lriseand admiration. philander oerb usell To be sexuallyunfaithful to anot}er: a hu,sband, I
2. pnnron. 1. resur,ous. 2. prrvsrcer.. 1. recr. 2. uooBr, rwun. 3. rr,renrrel. Syns; cheat,fool around (lnfornwl), mess around(Infomtal), play around (lnforrnl), womanize. PHILANDF]RER.
Syns: Casanova" Don Juan, ladykiller (Slnng),Iady's man (also ladies' man), philander, wolt (Slang), womanizer. --Idbms man on the make, skirt chaser. BENEVOLENT. BENEVOLENCE. TIRADE.
srn phony. 1. couxrpnFErr adiectioe. 2. enrrncrnr-. l. couNrrRFEIT rroun. 2. r'ern rwun. 3. rrvpocnrrs. 1. cnepnrc. 2. cnepnrc. Syns; couch, express, formulate, put, word.
2. Choice of words and the way in which they are used. phraseologt rrnun Choice of words and the way in which thev are used.
Choice of words and the way in which they are used.
2. wonorNc.
phrasing rwun
phthisicalsophthisical adiectioe
Path. Pertaining to or affiicted with tuberculosis. phthisic noun Path. A contagious disease producing lesions esp. of the lunqs. phthi-sis also phthisic rwun Path. A contagious diseaseproducing lesions esp. of the lungs.
phylattery nuun Archab. A small object worn or kept for its supposed .magicalpower. pnyslG noun An agentusedto restorehealth. physic oerb Archab. To administeror add a drug to. physical adiectioe 1. Composedof or relating to thingsthat occupy space and can be perceivedby the senses:a physical bader; physicalchangesin the landscape. 2. Of or pertainingto the humanbody. 3. Relatingto the desiresand appetitesof the body: It waspurely physicalattraction. -r,^^
onuc oerb. 1. Syns; concrete, corporeal, material, objective, phenomenal, sensible, substantial, tangible. 2. eoony. 3. Syns; animal, carnal, fleshly, sensual.
A preoccupation with the body and satisfaction of its desires: uns struck by his sheer physinality.
physiognomy nuun
An.outward appearance. . pnyslqUe rwnn type. .Bodily pfcayune adiectiw Contemptibly unimportant. . plGK ntoun 1. That which is superlative. 2. One that is selected. pick oerb l. To make a choice from a number of alternatives. 2. To scold or find fault constantly. pick off oerb To wound or kill with a firearm. pick out oerb To perceive and fix the identity of.
Syns: animalism, animality, carnality, earthiness, feshliness, sensuality. FACE IU)UN, CONSTITUTION. PETTY.
l. snsr rwun. 2. nrncr rrDun. l. cnoosp. 2. Nec. xtoor oerb. DISCERN.
picket noun A person or special body of persons assignedto provide protection, keep watch over, etc. pickle n{run lnfornwl. A dfficult, embarrassing situation. pickfed adiectioe Slang. Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor.
pick-me-up raun lnformal. A medicinethat restoresor increasesvigor. pick off oerb pick out oerb pickup rwun pick up wrb 1. To collect (something)bit by bit. 2. To come into possession of.
sEEpick. sEEpick. sEEpick up. 1.. cr-neu. 2. cnr.
687 3. To take into custody as a prisoner. 4. To go on after an interruPtion. 5. To move (something) to a higher position. 6. To gain knowledge or mastery of by study. pickuP rwun A seizing and holding bY law. picky a.diectitse Very difficult to please. pictographic adiectiae Of or pertaining to representation by drawings or pictures. piitorial adiectioe 1. Of or pertaining to representation by drawings or pictures. 2. Described verbally in sharp and accurate detail. picture oerb 1. To present a lifelike image of. 2. To form mental images of. picture naun 1. The act or process of describing in lifelike imagery. 2. One exactly resembling another. picturesque adiecthse 1. Evoking strong mental images through distinctiveness. 2. Described verbally in sharp and accurate detail. piddf ing adiectioe Contemptibly unimportant. piece noun 1. One of the parts into which something is divided. 2. A part severed from a whole. 3. A small portion of food. 4. Something that is the result of creative effort. 5. Regional. An extent, measured or unmeasured, of linear space. 6. A usu. brief detail of news or information. 7. One's proper or expected function in a common effort. piecemeal adiecth:e Proceeding very slowly by degrees. pierce oerb 1. To make a hole or other opening in. 2.To pass into or through by overcoming resistance. 3. To penetrate with a sharp edge. piercing adjectiae 1. Marked by severity or intensity. 2. Elevated in pitch. pietistic ad;iectirse Deeply concerned with God and the beliefs and practice of religion. piffle noun that does not have or make sense. . Something pfg noun A member of a law-enforcement agency. .Slnng. pf geOn nutn Slang.A person who is easily deceived or victimized. pigeonhole oerb l. To distribute into groups according to kinds. 2. To assign to a class or classes. piggish adiectirse Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume.
3. ennpsroerb. 4. cor.rrnvun. 5. ur-nvern. 6. lnenx. ARREST NOUN. NICE. CRAPHIC.
l. cnepstc. 2. cneprrrc. REPRESENT. IMAGINE.
1. nnpnusENTATroN. 2. pousl,n noun. 1. cor-onrur-. 2. cnepmc. PETTY.
1. prvrsroN. 2. cvr noun. 3. srrr. 4, couposlTloN. 5. prsreNcn. 6. trnna. 7. penr noun.
l. snnlicrr oerb. 2. pnrvnrutp. 3. cvr oerb. 1. ssanp adiectirse. 2. rucH. HOLY.
1. e.ssonr. 2. crtss oerb. GREEDY.
pigheaded pigheaded ad.iectioe Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. pigheadeddess twttn .The quality or stateof being stubbornlyunyielding. plgment noun . Somethingthat impartscolor. pfgmy adiectioe pignorate aerb To give or depositas a pawn. pile nuun 1. A group of thingsgatheredhaphazardly. 2. Infomwl. A geat deal. 3. Slnng.A large sum of money. 4. A usu.permanentconstruction,as a house,store,
col-oR floun. sEEpygmy. pnwNt aerb. 1. 2. 3. 4.
nnep noun. Hnep rwun. ronruur. surl-orNc.
pile oerb l. To put into a disorderedpile. l. lgntp aerb. 2. To fill to overflowing. 2. *rn* aerb. pile in oerb lnfonrnL To go to bed. RETIRE. pile out oerb To leaveone'sbed. cET uP at get. pile in aerb sEEpile. pile out aerb sEEpile. pifeup nuun srn pile up. pife up oerb 1. To bring togetherso as to increasein massor 1. nccuuulATE. number. 2. To undergowrecking. 2. cnrss oerb. 3. To damage,disable,or destroy(a seacraft). 3. wnncx oerb. pifeup nuun A wrecking of a vehicle. CRASHrr.Oun. pilfer oerb To take (another'sproperty) without permission. srnl.t, oerb. pifl rwun Slang.An unpleasant,tilesomeperson. DR.TP NOUN. pillagC oerbTo rob of goodsby force, time of war. secx2. piflage nuun Goodsor property seizedunlawfully, a victor in PLUNDER N,AUN. wartime. pifose adiectioe Coveredwith hair. HAIRY. pifot rwun Somethingor someonethat showsthe way. GUIDE NOUN. pilot oerb l. To run and control (a motor vehicle). l. onwn oerb. 2. To show the wav to. 2. cvron aerb. 3. To direct the courseof carefullv. 3. MeNnuvsn oerb. pifot ad,iectilte Constifutinga tentativemodel for future experimentor Syns; experimental, test, trial. .development:a pilat proiectin urban reneunl. pnGn oerb 1. To be severelyqparingin order to economize. 1. scnrup. 2. Slary. To take into custodyas a prisoner. 2. tnansr oerb. 3. Slang.To take (another'sproperty) without permission. 3. srnl.l, aerb. pinch rwun A seizingand holding by law. ARREST TWUN. pinchbeck nuun An inferior zubstituteimitating an original. coPY nnun. pinch-hit wrb Infomal To act as a zubstitute. sussnrurn oerb.
pinch hitter noun SUBSTITUTE TWUN. lnformal. One that takesthe place of another. pinching adiectioe STINGY. Ungenerouslyor pettily reluctant to spendmoney. pinching rmun LARCENY. Slang.The crime of taking someoneelse'sproperty without consent. pine oerb LANGUISH. To wasteawayfrom longingor grief. pinnacle noun CLIMAX fIOlNI. The highestpoint or state. pin on oerb rtx oerb. To ascribe(a misdeed,error, etc.)to. pinpoint nutn POINT NNUN. A verv small mark. pinpoint oerb t. s-ncn oerb. l. To establishthe identificationof. 2. rwp aerb. 2. To look for and discover. pint-sizealso pint'sized adiecthse TINIY. Extremelysmall. sre pint-size. pint-sized adiecthse pioneer naun BUILDER. A personinstrumentalin the growth of something,esP. in its early stages. pioneer adiectioe FrRsr ad1ectirse. Precedingall othersin time. pious adiecthse HOLY. Deeply concernedwith God and the beliefs and religion. of .practice plp noun Sr.E'D NOUN. A fertilized plant ovule capableof germinaUng. pipe dream nnun ILLUSION. A fantastic, impracticable plan or desire. pip-squeak nuun NONENTITY, A totally insignificantperson. piquant ad;iectioe PUNGENT. Afiecting the organsof tasteor smell with a strongand often harshsensation. pique rwun OFFENSE. Extreme displeasurecausedby an insult or slight. pique oerb PROVOKE. To stir to action or feeling. pirate nuun Syns: cribber (Informal), plagiarist. One who illicitly reproducesthe artistic work of *ldimn literary pirate. another: a pirate who li,fted a chapterfrorn arwther utriter'sbook. pirate oerb Syns: cnb (Infonrnl), plagiarize. To reproduce (the artistic work of another) illicitly: She pirated arnther director'sid,easand'rced them in the play. pirouette oerb sptN oerb. To rotate rapidly. pishposh rnrun NONSENSE. Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense. pit nou;n 1. A place known for its great filth or corruptionzUpright l. Syns; cesspit, cesspool, sil*. -Idiom Augean stable. the red-light district to be a pit. citizensconsrd.ered 2. srro rwun. 2. A fertilized plant ovule capableof germinating. pit oerb OPPOSE. To place in opposition or be in opposition to. pitch oerb t. rsnow oerb. l. To sendthroughthe air with a moUonof the hand
pitch-black 2. To put (seeds) into the groundfor growth. 3. To move or advanceagainststrongresistance. 4. To raiseupright. 5. To lean suddenly,unsteadily,and erratically from the vertical axis.
2. 3. 4. 5.
6. To move vigorously from side to side or up and down. 7. To come to the ground suddenly and involuntarily. pitch into oerb Infomwl. To set upon with violent force. pitch twun l. An act of throwing. 2. A sudden involuntary drop to the ground. 3. Exceptionally great concentration, power, or force, esp. in activity. 4. Slang. A systematic effort to increase the importance
6. ross aerb.
or reputationof by favorablepublicity. pitch-blaik ad,iectioe Of the darkestachromaticvisualvalue. pitch-dark adiectioe Having no light. pitched adiectiae Departingfrom true vertical or horizontal. pitch into oerb pitchy adiectioe Of the darkestachromaticvisualvalue. piteous ad:iectioe l. Arousingor deservingpity. 2. Archaic. Feelingor expressingpity. pitfall nuun A sourceof dangeror difficulty not easilyforeseenand avoided:Thepossibilityof beingkidrnryed is one of the pitfalls of beingwealthy. pith ltoun l. The most central and materialpart. 2. A basictrait or set of traits that define and establish the characterof something. pithy adiectiae Preciselymeaningfuland terselycogent:gaDea pithy etnluation of the President's foreign policy. pitifuf adiectioe l. Arousingor deservingpity: a pitiful abandaned baby. 2. Archait Feeling or expressing pity. pitifess adiectitse Having or showing no mercy. pity rrDun l. Sympathetic, sad concern for someone in misfortune: felt great pity for the hostages. 2. A geat disappointment or regrettable fact. pity oerb To experience or express compassion. pitying adiectioe Feeling or expressing pity: didn't giae a single pitying thmght for the wmndcd. pivot oerb l. To furn or cause to furn in place, as on a hinge or fixed poin! tracing an arclike path. 2. To change the direction or course of.
snnoaerb. wvNcn oerb. nnncr oerb. luncn oerb.
7. rxu, xerb. trrtcx uerb. 1. 2. 3.
snr pitch. BLAcK adiectioe.
1. prrrrur.. 2. prrvrxc. Syns; booby trap, trap.
l. Hrenr. 2. rssrxcr.
Syns: aphoristic, brass-tacks,compactr, epigrammic (ako epigrammical), marrowy, meaty. -Idiom down to brass tacks.
l. Syns: commiserable, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, poor, rueful, ruthful (Archaic). 2. prrvlNc. MERCILESS.
l. Syns; commiseration, compassion, sympathy. 2. snaun rmun. rr,nr xerb. Syns: compassionate,piteous (Archaic), pitiful (Archaic), ruthful (Archaic), syrnpathetic. 1. oerb. 2. runN aerb.
691 3. To move, as a gun, laterallY. pivotaf adiectioe Dominant in importance or influence: the piootal-piece of eoiderwe in the case; the phntal character in the
pba. pixilated adiectioe Sl*rg.Intoxicatedwith alcoholicliquor. pfacate oerb To easethe anger or agitation of. place nurn 1. The function or position customarilyoccupied by another: I wassent on the trip in her place. 2. A particular geogaphic area. 3. A building or shelter where one lives. 4. A particular position in a designatedorder of importance iecared a top place in the executioe echelon. 5. Positioningof one individual vis-i-vis others: A persontn gow place should,kwt better. 6. The proper or designatedlocation:eoerythhtgin its place. 7. A particular portion of spacechosenfor something. 8. A post of emPloYment. place oerb i. fo establishthe identification of: He lnolcsfanfiliar, but I wn't place him. 2. To depositin a specifiedposition. 3. To ass$ to a classor classes. 4. To calculate aPproximatelY. 5. To ascribe(a misdeed,error, etc.) to. 6. To completea race or competitionin a specified position. placemenl notn The place where a Personor thing is located. placid ad,iectioe 1. Motionlessand undisturbed. 2. Not excited or emotionallyagitated. pfacidity rwun An absenceof motion or dishrbance.
pfagiarist rwurL -
Qn" who illicitly reproduces the artistic work of another.
pfagiarize oerb To reproduce (the artistic work of another) illicitly.
pfague rwun or harm. 1. A causeof suffering 2. A suddenincreasein something,as the occurrence of a disease. 3. Somethingthat annoys. plague oerb 1. To disturb by repeatedattacks. 2. To trouble persistentlyfrom or as if from all sides. 3. To bttttg great harm or sufferingto. pfaguey adiec-tioe pfaguy also PlagueY adiectioe Infonrwl. Troubling the nervesor Peaceof mind, asby repeatedvexations. pfain adiec-tine 1. Executedwithout pretenseor obfuscation:plain ilnolings with uxr allies.
3. rnevensn oerb. Syns; cardinal, central, keY.
DRuNKa.diectioe. PACIFY.
1. Syns; lieu, room (Arclwic), stead. 2. r,ocar-Irt. 3. nol,rp. 4. Syns:berth, billet, slot, spot. 5. Syns; footing, positiorl rankr, sihratiort standing,station, status. 6. Syn:niche. 7. ponrr n&m. 8. posrtroN rw,tn. 1. Syns; finger, identify, pinpoint, recognize.-Iiliorn put one's finger on. 2. snrLtnrb. 3. cr"e,ssoarb. 4. nsrwrr oerb. 5. nx oerb. 6. nvN oerb.
POStrtoN n0un.
l. srrr,r-adiectioe. 2. cr.r.u ad,iectioe. STILLNESS.
PIRATEttoun. ptnllrr oerb. 1. cunsn rwttn, 2. oursREAx traun. 3. ervNoveNcn. 1, eNxov. 2. sssrEcn, 3. lrrr.rct.
:'Jl:: l. Syns; forthright, man-to-man, straiglrdorward,straiglrt-shooting undissembling,unmannered, nnreserved.-ldioms plain and oPen, shootingstraight from the hip.
plainness 2. Readilyseen,perceived,or understood. l. _E*tty-r"un throug[r due to a lack of subtlety. 4. Free from extraneouselements. 9. P"qg of no-specialquality or type. 6. Without addition,deboration,ofqualification. 7. Not diluted or mixed with other sirbstances. 8. Not handsomeor beautiful: a plnin face.
9. Not elaborateor showy, as in appearanceor style. pfainness rwun f . fr? qrdiry of being clear and easyto perceive or understand. 2.l,ack of ostentationor pretension. plainspoken adiecthse - or qpokenfreely and sincerely. . Speaking pfaintiff rwtti Law. One that makesa formal complaint, court. plaintive ad:iectirx Full of or expressiveof sorrow. pfan rwun l, A method for making, doing or accomplishing something. 2. Systematicarrangementand design. 3. What one intendsto do or achieve. 4. A method used in dealing with somethirg. pfan wb l. To form a strategrfor. 2. To work out and arrangethe parts or details of. 3. To have in mind as a goat o. prr.por.. pfanate adiecth:e .Having no irregularities, roughness,or indentations. plane adiecthn Having no inegularities, roughness,or indentations. plane Mb To make even,smooth,or level. pfanetary adieahn l. Of extraordinarysizeand power. 2. So pervasiveand all-inclusive as to exist in or afiect the whole world.
692 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
appennvr. uNsunrlr. punr adiectioe onorN,nnv aille:ctioe. sARr adiectiae. srnarcnr adiectiae. Syns; homely, unattractive, uncomely, unlovely. -Idiorns not much for looLs, not much to look at, plain as a mud fence, short on looks. 9. uoonsr. l. cr,anrry. 2. ilaoossry. FRANK. COMPLAINANT. SORROWFUL.
l. orsrcr.r naun. 2. unrnoo. 3. rvrpvnox, 4. eppnoecr nyun. 1. onsrcN oerb. 2, onstcv oerb. 3. E\aNr adiectioe. EvENradiectioe. nvnxr oerb. l. cnxr adiectioe. 2. uNrvnnsN. adiectioe.
plangent adiec-thn .Having or producinga full, deep, or rich sound. plant oerb 1. To_put(seeds)into the gound for growth. 2. lnfomnl. To put or keep out of sght. plant nu,ilt .e puilding or complexin which an industry is located. pfaster oerb .To.spreadwith a greasy,sticky,or dirty substance. pfastered adiectitx .Sb"S. Intoxicatedwith alcoholicliquor. pfastic adiectiw 1. Marked by unnaturalness, pretension,and often a slavishlove of fads: the plastic uorld of Madison Awmte hw"t plastic,xryefuttl socblites. f. laryblq of withstanding stresswithout i"j"ry. 3. Easily dtered or influenced. 4. Capable of being shaped,bent, or drawn out, as by hammeringor pressure. .5..9\1ng"g easily,as in expression. pla$lGlty rwntn The qudity or state of being flexible.
l. srna aerb. 2, nronr oerb. woRKs. swnta oerb. DRUNKa.d;iectioe. 1. Syns; artificial, factitious, synthetic.
2. rr-rxmr,p. 3. rr,rxrsr,n. 4. Nrer.r,ne-ar,r. 5. Mosrln. FLEXIBILITY.
693 platform noun A temporaryframeworkwith a floor,usedby
workmen. platitude noun A trite expression or idea.
cr.rcni nDttn.
platitudinous adiecttue Without freshnessor appeal due to overuse.
pfaudit noun 1, An expressionof warm approval. 2. Approval expressedby applauding. pfausibility rwun Appearanceof truth or authenticity. pfausible adfectioe Worthy of being believed. pfay oerb l. To occupy oneseUwith amusementor diversion: child,renpbAing after school. 2. To treat lightly or flippantly. 3. To be performed: "The Munetrap" is still playing in London. 4. To make music: The pianist played in Carne$eHall. 5. To perform accordingto one'sartistic conception. 6. To move one'sffngersor handsin a nervousor aimlessfashion. 7. To control to one'sown advantageby artful or indirect means. 8. To make a bet on. 9. To causeto undergoor bear, as something unwelcome or damaging. play along oerb Infornwl. To agee to cooperateor participate: f played along and,drooetha getaway ca,r. play around oerb Inforrnal. To be sexuallyunfaithful to another. play down oerb Informal. To makelessemphaticor obvious. play off oerb To place in oppositionor be in oppositionto. play out oerb 1. To cause(a line) to becomelonger and lesstaut: played out the anchor lirw. 2. To useall of. 3. To make or becomeno longer active or productive. 4. To lose so much strengthand power as to become ineffectiveor motionless. play up oerb Inforrnal.To accord emphasisto. pfay twun 1. Activity engagedin for relaxationand amusement: Children need ttuw f* pbU. 2. Actionstaken asa joke: It uas doneall in play. 3. An indirect, usu.cunningmeansof gainingan end. 4. The act of putting into play. 5. Easeof movement. 6. Suitableopporhrnity to accept or allow something. pfay-act oerb 1. To play the part of. 2. To behaveaffectedlyor insincerely. play-acting noun 1. A displayof insincerebehavior 2. T\e art and occupationof an actor.
1. pnersB noun, 2. eppr-eusB.
1. Syns; disport, recreate,sport. 2. s.rnr oerb. 3. Syns; run, show. 4. Syn:perform. 5. rr*rnnpnnr. 6. r'room. 7. ueNrpuLATE. 8. rinr oerb. 9. nvrr.rcr.
Syn; go along (with).
l. Syns;unroll, unwind. 2. n>nreusr. 3. ony ur at dry. 4. nux DowN.
1. Syns; disport, diversion, fun, recreation, sport. 2. Syns: fun, game, sport. -liliom and games. 3. rnrcr rwrrn. 4. nnnncrsg twun. 5. rnnBooru. 6. noou. l. rcr oerb. 2. rcr oerb. 1. ecr noun. 2. lcrrrtc rwu.n.
play along play along oerb pfay around oerb pfay down oerb player rwttn
ser play. snn play. snr play.
l. One who playsa musicalinstrument:The playersin the orchestrartme tuning u,p. 2. A theatricalperformer. 3. One who bets. playing rwun The art and occupationof an actor. play off wrb play out oerb pfaything rwun -An objectfor childrento play with. play up oerb pfea noun
1. Syns; musician, musicianer, musico, performer. 2. ecron. 3. nnrron.
l. An earnest or urgent request.
2. An An explanation explanation offered to justify iusl an action or make
srn play. senplay. TOYrwun. sEEplay. l. eppnar- nuun. 2. rxcusn noun.
betterunderstood. plead with rserb To make an earnest or urgent request. pleasant adiectirn 1. To one's liking. -2. Affording enjoyment. 'rrmun
pfeasantnes"s andfriendly. .fhe qplty of beingpleasant pleasanliles luuun Courteous acts that contribute to smoothness and ease in dealings and social relationships.
tppnx- aerb. l. ecnnresln. 2. eNlovenr-n. AMIABILITY. AMENITIES.
pfease wrb l. To be satisfactoryto: Thisiob pbasesrne. 2. To give great or keen pleasureto. 3. To have the desireor inclinationto. pleased a.diecthse E4gerlycompliant. pleasing adiectioe l. Afiording enjoyment. 2. To one'sliking. 3. Providingjoy and pleasure. pfeasurable odiectioe l. To one'sliking. 2. A-ffordingenjoyment. pfeasure rwun l. A feeling of extremegratfication arousedby something. 2. A desire for a particular thing or activity. 3. The condition of reqpondingpleasurablyto something. 4. Unrestrictedfreedom to choose. pfeasure oerb .To-givegreat or keen pleasureto. pleat twun A line madeby the doubling of one part over another. pleat oerb To bend togetheror creaseso that one part lies over another. pfebeian o.d,iectiw Lacking high station or birth. pfebeians noun The commonpeople. pfebs rro,tn The commonpeople.
l. Syns; satisfy,suit. 2. ou-tcur oerb. 3. cnoosn. GLAD.
1. nNlorenr.r. 2. ecnnnasr-E, 3. 1. ecnmenr,n. 2. nN;ovanr.e. l. pnr-rcrrr nf,run. 2. r,rxrNc. 3. rNyovnanm. 4. wr-r-l rwun. onrtcrar oerb. FOLD twlm.
ror-o oerb.
695 pledge oerb 1. To guaranteeby a solemnpromise:The couple pled,gedtheir und,yinglooe. 2. To be morally bound to do. 3. To assumean obligation:The benefactorpledgedto pay the girl's way throughschool. 4. To give or depositas a pawn. 5. To saluteby raising and drinking from a glass. 6. To give a promiseof paymentto (a creditor). pfedge rrrun l. A declarationthat one will or will not do a certain thittg. 2. Somethingglven to guaranteethe repaymentof a loan or the fulfillment of an obligation. 3, The act of drinking to someone. plenitude rwtrn Prosperityand a suficiency of life's necessities. plenteous a.d,iecthse Characterizedby abundance. plenteousness rroun Prosperityand a sufficiencyof life's necessities. pfentitul adiectioe Characterizedby abundance. plenty noun l. Prosperityand a sufficiencyof life's necessities: America is a lnnd of plenty. 2. A great deal. pleonastic adiecthse 1. Characterizedby excessiveand obfuscatory wordiness. 2. Usingor containingan excessivenumber of words. plethora twun A condition of going or being beyondwhat is needed, desired,or appropriate. pfiability noun The quality or state of being flexible. pliabfe adiectitse 1. Easilyaltered or influenced. 2. Capableof being shaped,bent, or drawn out, as by hammeringor pressure. pliableness tw,m .The quality or stateof being flexible. pllanGy noun The quality or state of being flexible. pliant adiecthse 1. Easilyaltered or influenced. 2. Capableof being shaped,bent, or drawn out, as by hammeringor pressure. pf ica twu,n A line madeby the doublingof one part over another. pf icate oerb To bend togetheror creaseso that one part lies over another. pfication rwun AJine madeby the doublingof one part over another. plightr noun A difficult, embarrassingsituation. plight2 oerb To guaranteeby a solemnpromise. pf ighted adiectioe Pledgedto marry.
1. Syns; covenant, plght', promise, swear, vow. -ldiottts give one's word of honor, solemnly swear. 2. cotrrurr. 3. Syns; contract, engage, promise, undertake. 4. ptwr,{ oerb. 5. onnvr
1. Syns; abundance, bounteousness, bountifulness, plenifude, plenteousness. 2. nnep rroun. 1. reuror-oclcAr-. 2. wonov. EXCESS fWUn.
1. rr-rxrslr. 2. Mer-r-nABr,n.
1. rr,Bxrsr.n. 2. rr,rer.r.nesr-p.
FOLDftoun. rot-o oerb.
FILD rroun.
prnocn oerb, ENGAGED.
plod plod oerb l. To walk heavily, slowly, and with fficulty: Troops loadcd usith heaoy packsploddcd through'the rbe pddies. 2. To do tedious,laborious,and sometimesmenial work. pfop oerb -To drop or sink heavilyand noisily. pfot twun 1. The seriesof eventsand relationshipsforming the basisof a compositionta rwDelwlti a compbr ptnt and subplnt. 2. A pieceof land. 3. A secre!platr to achievean evil or illegal end: a pLot tn hiiack an airliner. plot oerb l. To show graphicallythe direction or location of, as by usingcoordinates:The rwsigatorplnUedthe bomber'scunse. 2. To work out a secretplan to achievean evil or illegal end: Rernlutlorw*s plntted the ooerthrowof - the gooernment. plow oerb To spadeor dig (soil)to bring the undersoilto the surface. pfoy nutn An indireCt, '.tsu.cunning meansof gaining an end. pluck twom The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardshipresolutely. pfuck oerb To removefrom a fixed position. plucky adiectioe -Having or showingcourage. pfug wrb l. To plug up something,as a hole, space,or container. 2. Infonnal. To increaseor seekto increasethe importanceor reputationof by favorablepublicity. 3. Infornwl. To make known vigorously the posiUve featuresof (a product). 4. Slong.To wound or kill with a firearm. pfum rwun 1. Somethingglven in return for a serviceor accomplishment. 2. A personor thing worth catching. pfumb adieaioe At right anglesto the horizon or to level ground. pfummet perb To undergoa sharp,rapid descentin value or price. pfumpr adiectioe Well-roundedand usu.short in physique:a plurnp Iady. pfump2 oerb To drop or sink heavily and noisily. plump for wrb To aid the causeof by approving or favoring. pfump for Mb plumpish dieahn Well-rounded and usu. short in physique.
1. Syns; slog, slop, toil, trash2 (Brit. Regional), trudge, wade. 2. cnwo oerb.
ruop tserb. l. Syns; intrigue, story. -ldiont, line.
2, ror rwun. 3. Syns; cabal, collusion, connivance (oho connivence ), conspiracy, intrigue, machination, scheme. l. Syns; chart, lay out, map (out).
2. Syns: collude, connive, conspire, intrigue, machinate, practice (against or with) (Obs.), scheme. rvnN aerb.
pvnr aerb. BRAvEadiectioe. 1. rru-. 2. pnouorn. 3. epvnnrrsn. 4, srroor oerb. 1. nrwenp rwttn. 2. cercn nuun. VERTICAL.
rN;. oerb. Syns: chubby, plumpish, plumpy, podry, puddy, pudry, roly-poly, rotund, round, tubby, zaftig or zoftig. -Idiom plump as a dumpling (or partridge). w.op oerb. supponr oerb. sen plump2. PLUMPT.
697 plumpy ad,iectine ptultPr. Well-rounded and u2. short in physique. plunder nuun Syns:boodle (Slotg), booty, loot pillage, Goodsor properly reized unlawfully, a victor in pitz,e,spoils. wartime: fhe moraudprsransoch'edthe castleand conied their phmdnr back to theit ten*. plunder oerb L. toor oer:b, 1. To rob on a large scale. 2. srcxs. 2. To rob of goodsby force, time of war. plunge oerb 1. Syns; dive, lunge, wade in (or into). l. To move or thrust at, under, or into the midst of with suddenforce: The &rck plunged unda unter. The senatorphngeil into the uoutil to slwleehanfu. 2. Syns:drive, forgeP,lunge, pitch. 2. To move or advanceagainststrong resistance:Ha bent his hpail and pla"ged into tlrc utud. 3. nertr. 3. To causeto penetrate with force 4. su.L oerb, 4. To come to the ground zuddenly and involuntarily. 5. rl.l,* oerb. 5. To undergo a sharp,rapid descentin value or price. pfunge nonn 1. Syns; dive, header (lnfomoQ, nose1. The act of plungng suddenlydownward into or as if dive, svoop. into waterz took a pfunge of the high board into tlw lake. 2. Syns:dip, srim. 2. The act of swimming:longedfor a refteshlngplmge in the pool after uo*. 3. rer.l noun. 3. A suddeninvoluntary drop to the gound. 4, rer.r, twun. 4. A tuu. swift downward trend, as in prices. plunging adiectioe rcw ad,ieainn. Cut to reveal the wearer's neck, chest, and back. pfunk oetu fir:tp Derb. To drop or sink heavily and noisily. pf us oerb ADD. To join so as to form a larger or more comprehensive entity. pfus adiectiae ADDITIVE. Involving addition. pfush adiectioe Characterizedby extravagant,ostentaUousmagnificence. LUXURIOUS. pfushy od;iectioe LUXUnIOUS. Inforrnal. Characterizedby extravagant,ostentatious magnificence. pfy twttn, A line made by the doubling of one part over another. FOLO rtou,n. ply oerb l. To usewith or asif with the hands. l, nervor,r. 2' To btittg to bear steadily or forcefully. 2. plying rwun Urgent solicitation. TNSISTENCE. pneUma naun The vital principle or animatingforce within living beings. SPINIT. pneumatic ad,iectitse Of or relatingto air. ATRY. podgy ad;iectioe pLUMPr. Well-rounded and usu. short in physique. pOem rwun l. A metrical compositiontread Byrorr'spoeww. 1. Syns; poesy (Arclwic), poety, rhyme 2. Somethinglikened to verse,as in form or style. pOesy rroun Archaic. A metrical composition. pOet noun Someonewho writes verse: hnhkin is Russda'sgreatest poet.
(also rime), verse. 2. porrny. POEM.
Syns; bard, museP.
poetic also poetical adiectioe Of, pertaining to, or having the characteristicsof poetry: poetb usorh,s; poetic didiorl. pOetry twun 1. Somethinglikened to verse,as in form or stvle: Her darrcemotsemerlts usercsheerpoetry. 2. A metrical composition. pOgrOm twun Jhe sayagekilling of many victims. pOfgnant adiectitse 1. Exciting a deep,usu. somberresponse. 2. Archaic. Affecting the organsof taste or smell with a strongand often harshsensation. point noun l. A sharpor tapered end: the point of a stiletto; the point of a yrccn lcof. t. !;X.small
mark: A point of light felt on the
3. lna5Ucular portion of spacechosenfor something: The begirmtngis a good point at which to start. 4. A transitional interval beyond which somenew action or difierent state of afiaits is likely to begin or occur. 5. A particular interval of time that is limited and often crucial. 6. What one intendsto do or achieve. 7. ^I"hegist of a specificaction or situation. 8. What a qpeech,piece of writing, or artistic work is about. 9. A courseof reasoning. 10. An individually consideredportion of a whole. point wrb 1. To move (a weapon,blow, etc.) in the direction of someoneor something. 2. To mark with punchration:pointed the tert. point out wrb l. To make known or identify, asby sigrs. 2. To call or direct attentionto (an occurrence, situaUon,etc.). point to perb 1. To lead to by logical inference. 2. To give groundsfor believingin the existenceor presenceof. point up wrb To accord emphasisto. pointed adpaioe l. Having an end taperingto a point: pointed Vucca lcarses;a pointed quill; pointed bamboostakes.
2. Readily attracting notice. pointer nuun An item of advanceor inside information given as a gurdeto action. pointfess a.diecthv !ryn+g ptional direction or purpose. pofnt Ot YleW ntnln The position from which somethingis observedor considered: You narr;tlhn in Chhtnfot sonw time to utdcrcntd the Chiruse point of oieu on usorl.dafairs.
Syn: lyric.
l. Syns; lyricism, poem. 2. ponu. MASSACRE rwun. l. errncrnc. 2. puxcrrvr.
1. Syns; acumination (Bial.), apex, cusp, mucro (Biol.), mucronation (Binl.), tipt. 2. Syns: dot, pinpoint, spot. 3. Syns; location, locus, place, spot. 4. vrncr nuun.
5. nvsretr rwun. 6. rNrrNrrox. 7. rone,. 8. sueJrcr rwun. 9. ancuumvr. 10. nr,rrranNr. l. xu oerb. 2. Syn: punctuate. 1. opsrcleru. 2. nrprn.
1. rupr.v. 2. nvorcers.
1. Syns.' acicular, aciculate, acuminate (Biol. ), acuminous (BioI. ), acute, cuspate (clso cuspated, cusped), cuspidate (a/so cuspidated) (Biol.), mucronate (Biol.), pointy, sharp. 2. Norrcresr,n. rtd twun.
Syns: angle, eyes, outlook, slant, standpoint, view, viewpoint.
699 point out oerb point to oerb point up oerb pointy ad;iectioe Having an end taPering to a Point. poise noun 1. A stable, calm state of the emotions. 2. Freedom from constraint, embarrassment, or awkrvardness. poise oerb l. To place or be placed on a narrow or insecure surface. 2. To remain staUonary over a place or object.
poison noun -
1. Anything that is injurious, destructive, or fatal: Riubar6 l.eaoescontain a d,ead'lgpoisort. Her life was ruirvd bE the poison of pemicious goslap. 2. One that contaminates. poison xerb i. fo have a destructive efiect onzlealuny poisoned their lwe. 2. To make physicallY imPure. poison ad;iectiae Capable of injuring or killing by poison. poisonous adiectine 1. Capable of injuring or killlng by poison: a poisonnus poisorwtn ihemlcals; a poisorwtts ahrwsphere nik"; in the ofi'ce. 2. Characterized by intense ill will or spite.
poke uerb 1. To causeto stick out: A sealpoked its head out of the water. 2. To thrust againstor into. is hindered. 3. To go or move slowly so that progres-s 4. To look into or inquire about curiously,inquisitively, or in a meddlesomefashion. poke around oerb To reach about or searchblindly or uncertainly. poke noun 1. An act of thrusting into or against,as to attract attention. 2. One that lags. poke around oerb pokerfaced adiectioe Lacking expression. pokeyl rwun ' Slnng.A place for the confinementof personsin lawful detention. pokey2 adiecthse poky also PokeY adiectine Informnl. Proceedingat a rate lessthan usualor desired. pofar adiectioe l. Very cold. 2. Diametricallyopposed. polarity noun l- The condition of being in conflict. 2. That which is diametricallyopposedto another. polemic rwun A discussion,often heated,in which a differenceof opinion is expressed. pol-emical idiecth:e Given to arguing.
snnpoint. snnpoint. snnpoint. POINTED. 1. eALANcs rwun. 2. ne.snnoun.
l. su.ltrcs Derb. 2. ttltxc oerb. 1. Syns; bane, contagion, toxin, venom' virus. 2. correuINANT. 1. Syns: canker, empoison (Archaic), envenom, infect. 2. covreuINATE. POISONOUS.
1. Syns; mephitic or mephitical, poison, toxic, toxicant, venomous, virulent.
2. 1. Syns: push, shove, thrust. 2. otc oerb. 3, or;,.lv oerb. 4. sxoop oerb.
1. orc noun. 2. r-ecceno twun. sEE poke. EXPRESSIONLESS. IAIL rwrrn. sEE poky. sl-ow ad:iecthse.
1. rnrcro. 2. opposrrn ad;iectioe. l. opposrttou. 2. opposrrn r,aun. A.RGUMENT.
police pofice aerb l. To maintainor keep in order with or as if with police: plainclathesrnenpolicing the comps. 2. To make or keep (an area)clearrand orderly. police nuun A memberof a law-enforcementagency. policeman noun A memberof a law-enforcementagency:Policemen direct t ofu.
poficy rwun An official or prescribed plan or course of action. polish oerb 1. To give a gleaming luster to, usu. through friction. 2. To b.itrg to perfecUon or completion. 3. To improve by making minor changes or additions. polish off oeft l. Infornwl. To use all of. 2. lnfornnl. To eat completely or entirely. polish rwun l. A radiant brightness or glow, usu. due to light reflected from a smooth surface. 2. Enlightenment and excellent taste resulting from intellectual development. 3. Refined, effortless beauty of manner, form, and style. pofished adiecthse 1. Having a high, radiant sheen. 2. Characterized by discriminating taste and broad knowledge as a result of development or education.
polish off oerb pofite a"diectioe l. Characterized by good manners. 2. Fond of or given to ceremony.
700 L. Syn:patrol. 2. rtoy oerb. POLICEMAN.
Syns: bluebottle (Brit.), bluecoat, bobby (Brit. Slang), bull (Slnng), constable (Brit.), cop (Informal), copper (Slong), finest, flatfoot (Slang), fazz (Slang), gendarme (Slang), heat (Slcng), law (Infomwl), Man (Slang), nab (Slnng), officer, paddy (Slang), patrolman, peeler (Obs. Brit. Slang), pig (Slnng), police, rozzer (Brit. Slang), trup (Brit.). -Idioms John Law, peace officer, police officer. L[}\iiEnoun. L. cross aerb. 2. psnrncr aerb. 3. roucn up at touch. l. Bxrreusr. 2. coNsuun. 1. cr-ossnoun. 2. cur,runn. 3. Br-Bce-ucn. 1. cr,ossy. 2. cur-runso.
sEEpolish. 1. counrrous. 2. csner*.romous.
pofiteness rwun Well-mannered behavior toward others. politic a.diectioe Slrowing sensitivity and skill in dealing with others. pof ity twun An organized geopolitical unit. poff nlaun The uppermost part of the body.
polfutant raoun One that contaminates.
polf ute wrb 1. To makephysicallyimpure. 2. To make morally impure. polfuted a.diectirx Ceremoniallyor religiouslyunfit. pollution ,*nn l. The state of bei"g contaminated. 2. Impure condition. Poflyanna twun One who expectsa favorableoutcomeor dwells on hopefrrl aspects.
1. cor.rraurNATE. 2. rxrrr oerb. IMPURE. l. coNre.urNATroN. 2. rupunrry. OPTIMIST.
701 Poflyannaish adiecthse Expecting a favorable outcome or dwelling on hopeful aspects. Polfyannaism noun A tendencyto expecta favorableoutcomeor to dwell on hopefirl aspects. poltroon noun Archaic.An ignoble,uncourageous person. poltroonery rroun Ignoble lack of courage. polychresl rwun An agentusedto restorehealth. pofych"restic adiectioe Servingto cure. polychromatic alsopolychromic, polychromous adiectine Having many different colors. polychrome adiectioe Having many different colors. pofychromic adiectioe polychromous ad;iectioe polymorphism rwun Biol.l\e qualrty of being made of many different elements,forms,kinds,or individuals. pofysyflabic adiectioe Having many syllables. pOmp rwu,n An impressiveor ostentatiousexhibition. pompoiity nmun Boastfulself-importance. pompous adiectioe Characterizedbyan exaggeratedshow of dignity or self-importanceta ponlpousold,fool. ponder oerb To considercarefr-rllyand at length: ponderedthe problarn as he d,rooealmg. The iurors ponderedthe dcfendant'stestimorry.
ponderosity nou,n The state or quality of being physically heavy. ponderous a"diectiae l. Lacking fluency or gracefrrlness:a pondnrun history of BronzcAge agriailture. 2. Having a relatively geat weight. 3. Unwieldy, esp.due to excessweiglrt. ponderousness noun The state or quality of being physically heavy. pool twun A combinationof businesses closelyinterconnectedfor commonprofit. poop oerb Slnng,To make extremely tired. poop out wrb Slang.To lose so much strength and power as to becomeinefrectiveor motionless. poop Mnnt Slong,An unpleasant,tiresomeperson.
cuRATrvE ad;iectioe.
srn plychromatic, snepolychromatic. VARIETY.
t owcr adiectioe. DISPLAY
Syns; bloated, grandiose, highfalutin or hifalutin (also highfaluUng) (Infonnal), pretentious, pu-ffed--up,puffy, selfimportant, str:ffy. Syns; cerebrate, chew over, cogitate, contemplate, deliberate, meditate, mullz, musel, refect (on), revolve, ruminate, think over, think through, turn over, weigh. -ldionu cudgel one's brairs, put on one's thinking cap. HEAVTNESS.
l. Syns; elephantine,heavy-handed, labored. 2. nnew diectioe. 3. Hrew adiectioe. HEAVINESS.
pooPed pooPed adiectioe Slnng.Extremelytired. poop out oerb pOOr adiectioe 1. Having little or no moneyor wealth: too poor to eat rcguhrlg,
2. Lacking desirable elements or consUtuents: poor soil. 3. Of decidedly inferior quality. 4. Conspicuously deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent. 5. Arousing or deserving pity. poorly adiectioe Affected or tending to be affected with minor health problems. pop oerb 1. To make a sudden sharp, explosive noise. 2. To come open or fly apart suddenly and violently, * from internal pressure. 3. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenly and sharply. 4. Brit. Slnng. To give or deposit as a pawn. pop in oerb To go to or seek out the company of in order to
sEEpoop. l. Syns; broke (Informal), busted (Slong), destitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous,needy, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken, strapped (Informal). -ldionw down and out hard up, on one's uppers. 2. Syns: depleted, impoverished. 3. snooov. 4. upecrn. 5. prrrrur. SICKLY.
L. carcx oerb. 2. svnsr oerb. 3. src oerb. 4. prwNr aerb. vstr oerb.
pop off oerb Inforntal. To cease living. poP froun A zudden explosive noise. lh"tp, pOp In oerb
pop off oerb poppycock rwun Something that does not have or make sense.
populace rwun
The commonpeople. popular adiectioe f . Ol representing,or carried on by people at large: held popular elections. 2. Being a favorite. 3. Suitedto or within the meansof ordinary people: seatsatnilabb at popularprices. 4. Widelv ' known and discussed. populate oerb To live in (a place). porcine ad,iecthn Having too much fesh. pOrk noun Slang.The political appoinbnentsor jobs that are at the disposalof thosein power. pOrt rwun Archab. Behaviorthro"gh which one revealsone's personality. portent rruun A phenomenonthat servesasa signor warningof some future good or evil. portion wrb l. To set asideor distribute as a share. 2. To give out in portionsor shares. portion rwun 1. That which is allotted.
l. Syns; democratic, general, public. 2. revonrrn adiectioe. 3. Syns; medium-priced, modest, reasonable. 4. rmrous. INHABIT.
1. er.r,or. 2. orsrnrsure. l. ar,r.orunNr.
703 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
One of the parts into which something is divided. A part severed from a whole. That which is inevitably destined. A right or legal share in something. An individual quantity of food.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
orvrsron. cur twrrn. rere rwu,n. rvrpnnsr rwu,n. srnvrNc.
portly adiecttue Having too much flesh.
portrait rwun One exactly resembling another.
portraiture rnun in lifelikeimagery. Theact or process of describing portray oerb l. To playthe part of. 2. To present a lifelike image of.
l. tcr oerb. 2. nnpnnssNr.
portrayal nou,n The act or process of describing in lifelike imagery. pOSe oerb 1. To assume a particular position, as for a portrait: The farnily posed in front of the fireplnce. 2. To assume an exaggerated or unnafural attitude or pose. 3. To behave affectedly or insincerely. 4. To represent oneself in a given character or as other than what one is: The confidence nvrn posed as a uealthy cutnt. 5. To seek an answer to (a question). 6. To advance, as an idea, for consideration. pose noun 1. The way in which a person holds or carries his body. 2. The way in which one is placed or arranged. 3. A display of insincere behavior. posh adiectioe l. Inforrnal. Catering to, used by, or admitting only the wealthy or socially superior. 2. Infornwl. Being or in accordance with the current fashion.
1. Syns; posture, sit. 2. posrvxn oerb. 3. rcr oerb. 4. Syns: attitudinize, impersonate, masquerade, pass, posture. -Idiiln pass oneself off as. 5. esx. 6. pnoposr. 1. posrunB noun. 2. posrrroN ttoun. 3. ecr twun. 1. nxcr,usnm. 2. resnroNegr.E.
posit oerb To take for granted without proof.
position noun 1. The place where a person or thing is located: The positions of the gnrds are reassigned each dny. The position of the boxuood is undpsirabb. 2. The way in which one is placed or arranged: in a sitting position. 3. One's place and direction relative to one's surroundings. 4. Positioning of one individual vis-i-vis others. 5. A post of employment: a top position u:ith a brokerage firm. 6. Something believed or accepted as true by a person. 7. A frame of mind affecting one's thoughts or behavior. position oerb To place in proper position or location: positiorwd the shrubs in a circle. positive ad,iectirse 1. Of a constructive nature: positioe ruggestiorw for mprooing our sensice. 2. Having no doubt. 3. Established beyond a doubt. 4. Known positively.
1. Syns; emplacement, location, locus, placement, site, situation. 2. Syns: attitude, pose, poshue. 3. spARrNc. 4. pr.ece nou,n. 5. Syns; appointrnent, berth, billet, gig (Sl*rg), job, office, place, situation, slot, spot. 6. snr,rpr. 7. posrunr norm.
Syns; install, locate, put, setr, site, situate.
1. Syns; affrmaUve, upbeat (Inforrwl). 2. sunp. 3. cnnrerx. 4. orpnvrrr.
positively 5. Inforrwl. Completely such, without qualification or exception. 6. Clearly, fully, and sometimes emphatically expressed. 7. Giving assent.
positively ailretb l. Withoutquestion. 2. In a direct, positive manner. 3. In truth. pOSS€SS oerb 1. To dominate the mind or thouglrts of: Dehnioru of otnnipotencepossessed him. 2. To keep at one'sdiqposal. 3. To hold on one'sperson. 4. To have the use or benefit of. 5. To be possessed of. 6. To be endowed with as a visible characteristicor form. pOSSeSsiOn rwm 1. The fact of possessing:Possession of the property is b"iry cortested. 2. An areazubjectto rule by * outsidepower: Cuba tDasorwe a possession of Spain. 3. I*g*l right to the possession of a thing. pOSSeSSlonSrvnnt 1. Thosearticlesthat belongto someone. 2. One'sportable property. 3. Something as land and assets,legally possessed. Possessive dieaiw l. Having or showinga tendencyto control or dominate: a possesshnmoth"er. 2. Fearful of the lossof positionor afiection. pOSSeSSOf rwun A person who haslegal title to property. possessory adieahn Having or showinga tendencyto control or dominate. possibility nnun Somethingthat may occur or be done: Rain is a pssibility for the unelcsd. possibfe adiectiw l. Capableof occurringor being done: Therearefur possiblesolutiotu to the ptoblzrn. 2. Capable of favorable development: a Ttossible sunce of cheapfu\. 3. Likely to happen or to be tnre. 4. Capableof being but not yet in existence. 5. Capableof being anticipated,considered,or imagined. post imb 1. To place on a list or in a record: postedall pyments in thc ledger. 2. To make a bet on. 3. To appoint and send to a particular place. 4. To gain (a point or points)in a gameor contest. pOSt twun 1. An assignedposition. 2. A diplomatic officeor headquartersin a foreign country. posterior diecthn 1. Located in the rear. 2. Following somethingelse in time. posterior toun 1. The part or area farthest from the front.
704 5. urrnn2. 6. oprrNrrp. 7. r'evonesls. 1. ensor,urrr,y. 2. rr,err,y. 3. nrer.r-y. l. Syn: obsess. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
nevr. c*nv oerb. nryov. couvaNn oerb. srAR.
L. Syns: ownership, proprietorship, title. 2. Syns: colony, dependency, province, territory. 3. owuensrup. 1. snr.oxcrNcs. 2. rrppcrs. 3. HolorNc(s). l. Syn: possessory.
Syns: contingency, evenfuality.
l. Syns; feasible, practicable, viable, workable. -ldiotn within reach. 2. Syn: potential. 3. pnosAlr.n. 4. porpvrut, adiectirse. 5. nanrnr-y. t, Syns: enter, insert, record, register. 2. rrnr Derb. 3. srerroN oerb. 4. sconn oerb. l. srerrow noun. 2. urssroN.
l. secx adiectioe. 2. r-erBn adiectirse. 1. recx rwu,rt.
705 2. The part of one's back on which one rests in sitting. -posterity noun A goup consisting of those descended directly from the same parents or ancestors. postern adiectioe Located in the rear.
posthaste adnerb In a rapid way.
posthumous ad,iectine Occurring or done after death: posthurnus publication of his memoirs. nou,n -poiting 1. An item inserted,as in a diary, register,or reference book. 2. lrn assignedposition. postf iminary adiectioe Following somethingelse in time. post-mortem ad:iectioe Occurring or done after death. post-obitalso post'obituary adiectioe Occurring or done after death. post-obituary adiectioe postpone oerb To put off until a later time. postponement nuun The act of putting off or the condition of being put off. postulate oerb To take for grantedwithout Proof. postulate noun Somethingtaken to be true without proof. postulation naun Somethingtaken to be true without proof. posture nou,n 1. The way in which a personholds or carrieshis body: baming good postwe. 2. A frame of mind affectingone'sthoughtsor behavior: a postureof ilefenselesswornanhood. 3. Manner of being or form of existence. 4. The way in which one is placed or arranged. posture oerb l. To assumean exaggeratedor unnatural attifude or pose: postzreduherwoer a photogra'phercamenear. 2. To asflrmea particular position, as for a portrait. 3. To representoneselfin a given characteror as other than what one is. nou,n Pot ' l. Card Games.Somethingvaluablerisked on an uncertainoutcome. 2, Brit. Sl*rg.A competitorregardedas the most likely winner. potable rwun Ary liquid that is fit for drinking. potation nuu:tt, ' An act of drinking or the amountswallowed. potency noun 1. Capacityor power for work or vigorousactivity. 2. The power or capacityto produce a desiredresult. 3. The state or qualrty of being physically strong. potent adiectine 1. Having or able to exert greatpower. 2. Having great physical strength. 3. Having a high concentrationof the distinguithi.g ingredient.
2. sorroM rwun. PROGENY.
ntcx adiecth:e. plsr adnerb. Syns: post-mortem, post-obit (also postobituary). 1. rvrnv. 2. stenoN twun, LATERad,iectioe. POSTHUMOUS. POSTHUMOUS.
sEEpost-obit. onpERr. DELAY
1. Syns; attitude, carriage, pose, stance. 2. Syns: attitude, outlook, position, stance. 3. coNorrroN twatn. 4. posrrroN rwun. 1. Syns; attitudinize, pos€. -ldiffin an attitude. 2. posn oerb. 3. posn wrb.
1. enr noun. 2. revonrrg rtoun.
l. rwrncv. 2. rrrrcr rwun. 3. srnrNcrn. 1. pownnrur-. 2. srnoxc. 3. srnoNc.
potential potential adiectioe l. Capableof being but not yet in existence:c potmtial fuynt a potentinl threat. 2. Capableof favorabledevelopment. potential rwun The inherentcapacityfor growth or development:a potential for artistry tlwt has neDerbeen reallzed. potentiality rwun The inherentcapacityfor gowth or development. pother twun Needlesstrouble. pother oerb l. To be nervouslyor uselesslyactive. 2. To be troubled. potted ad.iec-tioe Sb?9. Intoxicatedwith alcoholicliquor. pOuGh oerb To curve outward past the normal or usuallimit. pound oerb 1. To hit heavily and repeatedly. 2. To S"p", break, or fatten with repeatedblows. 3. To_fix(an idea) in someone'smind by re-emphasis and repetition. pound noun A zuddensharp,powerful stroke. pOun0lng noun A repeatedstrokeor blow, that producesa sound. pOur wrb l. To cause(a liquid) to flow in a steadystream: pouringmilk from the carton. 2. To come forth or emit in abundance. 3. To rain heavily: It startedto putr iwt as I left for work. 4. To come or go in large numbers:The anny poured into erlernytenitory, pout oerb l. To be sullenlyaloof or withdrawn, s h silent resentrnentor protest. 2. To curve outward past the normal or usuallimit. pouts rwun pOVerty rroun The conditionof being extremelypoor: gooemmentaid to those fuhE in powrty.
poverty-stricken adiectioe Having little or no money or wealth. perb Powder 1. To break up into tiny particles. 2. To scatter or release in drops oi small particles. adiecthn Powdery Consisting of small particles. pOWef rwun l. The state or quality of being physically strong. 2. T\e capaclty to exert an influence. 3. The riglrt and power to command, decide, rule, or
706 1. Syns; eventual, latent, possible. 2. possrsr,n. Syn; potentiality.
1. r'uss oerb. 2. woany oerb. DRUNKadiectioe. svrcn oerb. l. snltr aerb. 2. nnl,r^ aerb. 3. rvrnrss oerb.
et-owz. BEAT TWIN.
1. Syns; decant, draw (off), effuse. 2. rruow oerb. 3. Syns,'drench, teem2. -Idiorns come down in buckets (or sheets or torrents), rain cats and dogs. 4. Syns: food, swarm, teeml, thron$, troop. 1. sur,r. 2. surcn oerb. sEEpout. Syns; beggary, destitution, impecuniousness,impoverishment, indigence (c/so indigency), need, neediness,penury, privaUon, want. -Idimn distressed (or reduced or straitened ) circumstances. POOR.
l. cnvsn oerb. 2. spnuvxr.noerb. FINEI.
1. srnBNcm. 2. roncp rrDun. 3. eurHonrrv.
judge. 4. Effective meansof infuencing compelling or punishing.4. uuscr-r noun.
707 5. Regiornl. A geat deal. powerful adiectioe 1. Having or able to exert great power: a powerful nation. 2. FulI of or displaFng force. 3. Exercising authority. 4. Conveying great physical force. 5. Having or exercising infuence. 6. Having geat physical strength.
5. neep nuun. 1. Syns; mighty, potent, puissant. 2. roncsnur-. 3. 4. 5. 6.
euruonITATIVE. sBvrnB. nsFlusrsnAl-. srnor*c.
powerfulness rwu,n STRENGTH. The state or quality of being physically strong. powerfess adiectioe 1.,nss. 1. Unableto managefor oneself. 2. rxnrrrctuer,. 2. Not capable of accomplishinganything. powerlessness rrorrrr 1. hrerrBcruAllfi. 1. The condition or stateof being incapableof accomplishingor effecting anything. 2. Nesu,ITY. 2. Lack of ability or capacity. pOWWOW twun CONFERENCE. A meeting for the exchangeof views. powwow oerb CONFER. To meet and exchangeviews to reach a decision. practic adiecthse REALTSTTC. Having or indicating an awarenessof things as they really are. practi'cable ad,iectiae 1. oprx ad,iectioe. 1. Availablefor use. 2. possrnr-p. 2. Capableof occurringor being done. 3. pnecrrcer-. 3. Servingor capableof servinga useful purpose. practical adiecthse 1. Syns.' functional, handy, practicable, 1. Servingor capableof servinga useful purpose:A serviceable, useful, utilitarian. rnist untch is one piece of ietnelry that is practical, 2. nner.rsrrc. 2. Having or indicating an awarenessof things as they really are. 3, Syns; practiced, veteran. 3. Resultingfrom experienceor practice: has a yactical knowl.edgeof the shoebusiruss. 4. rupr-rcIr. 4. involved in the essentialnature of somethingbut not shownor developed. practice oerb 1. Syn: rehearse. 1. To do or perform repeatedly so as to master: practice the shotaut; practice the oialin. 2. pxpncrsn oetb. 2. To subjectto forms of exertionin order to train, or condition. strengthen, 3. Syn: pursue. 3. To work a! a profession:practicesLau. 4. usn oerb. 4. To put into action or use. 5. pt or oerb. 5. Ob$.To work out a secret plan to achievean evil or illegal end. practice ranun 1. Syns; drill, exercise, rehearsal, sfudy, 1. Repetition of an action so as to develop 9r m1'ntailt training. one'sshll: It nkes AeMsof practiceto pIaA the'cella. 2. cusrou ruoarn. 2. A habitualway of behaving. 3. Syn.'pursuit. 3. A working at a professionor occupaUon:beganthe practice of medicine. practiced ahieaioe 1. eccoupr,rsHuD. 1. Very proficient as a result of practice and study. 2. 2. Skilled or knowledgeablethrough long practice. 3. pnecrtcer.. 3. Resultingfrom experienceor practice.' sEE prelect. praelect oerb praetorian adiectioe coRRUPr adiec'tioe. Ruthlesslyseekingpersonaladvantage. praetorian twun coNsERvATlVEtroun. One who strongly favors retention of the existingorder.
pragmatic pragmatic noun A persongrvento intrudingin otherpeople'saffairs. pragmaticalsopragmatical adiectir:e H.rrittg or indicating an awarenessof things as they rgally are. Pfalse twun 1. An expressionof warm approval:enryhatXin their praise of his perfomwnce. 2. An expressionof admirationor congrahrlation. 3. The honoringof God, as in worship: a hymn of prabe. praise oerb 1. To expresswann approval of: ^Hispartner praises him to the skies. 2. To pay a complimentto. 3. To honor (God)in religiousworship: PraiseGod, fmn whom oll bbssingsfou:. 4. To pay tribute or homageto. praisewbrthy adiectioe Deservingadmiration. Prance wrb To leap and skip about excitedly. prank tvrun A mischievousact: Hallaueen proru}s.
1,. Syns; acclaim, acclamation, applause, commendation, compliment(s), kudos, laudation, plaudit. 2. coupr-rvrNr noun. 3. Syns; exaltation, glorification, laudation, magnifi cation. 1. Syns; acclaim, applaud, commend, compliment, kudize (Informal), laud. 2. coNrpr.rMsvr oerb. 3. Syns: eulogize, exalt, extol, glonfy, laud, magnify, panegrize. -Idiorn pay homage to. 4. soNon oerb. ADMIRABLE.
Syns; antic, caper, frolic, joke, lark, monkeyshine, shenanigan, tomfoolery, trick. -ldiorn high jinks.
prankishness rwun Annoyingyet harmless,usu.playful acts. MISCHIEF. prankster rroun One who causesminor trouble or damage. MISCHIEF. prate wrb 1. To talk rapidly, incoherently,or indistinctly. l. stsnrn oerb. 2. To talk volubly, persistently,and usu.inconsequentially.2. cnerrna oerb. prate rroun 1. Unintelligibleor foolish talk. 1. sABnr-r rwun. 2. Incessantand usu.inconsequentialtalk. 2. crrerrpt rroun. prattle oerb l. To talk rapidly, incoherently,or indistinctly. l. r,ABrl-r. aerb. 2. To talk volubly, persistently,and usu.inconsequenUally. 2. cnerrnn oerb. prattle rroun l. Unintelligibleor foolish talk. 1. n,c.Bsr-nrwun. 2. Incessantand usu.inconsequentialtalk. 2. cuerrnr rwun. praXis twun A habitual way of behaving. CUSTOM |WUN, Pfay oerb 1. To offer a reverentpetition to God or a god: 1. Syns: invocate (Archak:), supplicate. WaViry for a bumtiful harcest. 2. To make an earnestor urgent request. 2. rppul.l, oerb. pfayef rwun l. The act of praying: handsclnspedin prayer. l- Syns; invocation, supplication. 2. A formula of words usedin praying: Hear my 2. Syns: collect2, orison, rogation. prayer, oh Lod! 3. One who humbly entreats. 3. suppr-rcerr. 4. An earnestor urgent request. 4. epprar- nurrn. prayerful adieaiw Deeply concernedwith God and the beliefs and Syns: devotional, devout, godly, pious. practice of religion: a yayetful and exernplarylife. Preach wb l. To deliver (a sermonor sennons),erp. as a vocation: 1. Syns; evangelize, homilize, sermonize. preachedthe gospel.
709 2. To indulgein moralrefection,usu.pompously. preacher twun A person ordained for service in a Christian church: a maniage performedby a preacher. preachy ad.iectioe Inclined to teach or moralizeexcessively. preamble noun A short sectionof preliminaryremarks. precariousness rwtm 1. The quality or condition of being erratic and undependable. 2. "I\e quality or condition of being physically unsteadv. precautioA rwun 1. Careful forethouglrtto avoid harm or risk. 2. T\e exerciseof good judgmentor commonsensein practical matters. precade oerb 1. To come, exist,or occur prior to in time: Her birthdny precedesrnixw. 2. To b"Sr (something)with preliminary or prefatory material. precedenG€ also precedency rnrun The act, condition, or right of preceding: Her career takesprecederweooer her f*ilV. Precedency noun precedenl rwu,n A closely similar casein existenceor in the past: a rukngwithout precedentin lngal historg. precedent adiectiae 1. Goingbefore. 2. Justgoneby or elapsed. preceding adfecth:e 1. Going before. 2. Next before the presentone. 3. Justgoneby or elapsed. precept noun 1. A principle governingthe affairs of man within or amongpolitical units. 2. T\e principle taght by a fable, parable,etc. precinct(s) rmun The boundary surroundinga certain area. precious adiectioe 1. Of great value. 2. Regardedwith much love and tenderness. 3. Given qpecial,usu. doting treatrnent. 4. Artificially genteel. 5. Pretentiouslyartistic. precipitance alio precipitancy roru,n Careless,headlongaction. precipitancy nuun precipitanl adiectit:e 1. Happening quicHy and without warning. 2. Characterizedby unthinking boldnessand haste. precipitate oerb 1. To causeto happensuddenlyor unexpectedlyzThe heckling precipitated a riot. 2. To put down, layers,by a natural process. precipitate adiec-tioe 1. Happening quicHy and without warning.
2. uoner.rzB. Syns:churchman,clergrman, cleric, clerical, clerk (Archadc ), diviner, ecclesiastic,minister, Parson,reverend (Infonrwl). MoRALadiectioe. INTRODUCTION.
1. nrsra.Bu,rrY.
2. 1. ceurroN nornl. 2. pnuprrvcr. 1. Syns; antecede,antedate,forerun, predate. 2. rvrnooucn. Syns: antecedence,priority. -Iilimn of way. sEEprecedence. Syns; antecedent,example. l. eoveNcr adiectioe. 2. pesr adiecthn. 1. eovexcB adiectioe. 2. r-esrr adiectioe. 3. pesr ad,iectioe. 1. r.ew noun. 2. uoner, noun, LTMIT |IOU,N.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ver.ueslE. oenr.rNc adiectioe. revonrrs a.diectiae. errncrrf. enrt.
HASTEnotrft. sEEprecipitance. 1. esnuPT. 2. nesxr. l. Syns.'britrg on, prompt, spur. 2. onpostr oerb. 1. esnuPT.
2. Lagking due thought or consideration:forced to make a precipitate dccision. 3. Characterizedby unthinking boldnessand haste. 4. So sharply inclined as to be almost perpendicular. precipitatG twun l. Matter that settleson a bottom or collectson a zurfaceby a natural process. 2. Somethingbrought about by a cause. precipitation" noun l. Matter that settleson a bottom or collectson a surfaceby a naturd process. 2. Careless,headlongaction. precipitous adiectioe l. Characterizedby unthinkingboldnessand haste. 2. So S"Tly inclined as to be almostperpendicular. preclse adiectiw 1. Strictly disdnguishedfrom others:at that precise moment. 2. Clearln fully, and sometimesemphatically expressed. 3. Conformingto fact. 4. Marked by excesive concernfor propriety and good form. precisely adtnrb l. Without the slightestdeviationin any respect: preciselyat 3:00 t.u. 2. With precisionor absoluteconformity. 3. In the samemanner. preciseness n0un, Freedomfrom error. precision rwun Freedomfrom error. Preclude oerb To prohibit from occurring by advanceplanning or action. preclusion ntrun The act of preventing. precocious adiectiw l. Developing occurring,or appearingbefore the expectedtime. 2. Aheadof current trends or customs. precondition twttn Somethingindispensable. Preconsidcr uirb To considerand plan in advance. pfeCUrSOf noun A forerunner. predate wrb To come, exist,or occur prior to in time. predecessor twun A forerunner. predeliberate oerb To considerand plan in advance. predestinate oerb To determinethe future of in advance. predestination noun That which is inevitably destined. predestine urb To determine the future of in advance. predestined ad:iectioe Governed and decided bv or as if bv fate.
2. Syns: h*W, ill-considered, impetuous, impulsive, rashl, reckless. 3. nesnl. 4. srnnpl. l. onposrr noun. 2. nrrncr naun. l. prposrr rruun. 2. nesrr noun. 1. nesnl. 2. srprpl. 1. Syns; exact, identical, very. 2. oenNrre. 3. eccunern. 4. ceicrrrl.
1. Syns; bmg (Informal), dead, direct, directly, exactly, right, smackl (Informal), square, straight. 2. ornncrr.y. 3. rvrwl adrserb. ACCURACY. ACCURACY. PREVENT.
1. nenr,y adiectioe. 2. e-oveNcpo. CONDITION
rtrn oerb. FATE. |IOUN.
rllrn oerb. FATED.
7TI predetermine Derb 1. To determine the future of in advance. 2. To consider and plan in advance.
l. rlr'n oerb. 2. pnBurorrATE.
predetermined a.diectioe Governed and decided by or as if by fate.
predicament rwun situation:got into a real A difficult,embarrassing predicarnent when he rnecked his fancde's aar.
Syns; bnd (lnformal), boxr, corner, dilemma, ftx, hole, jam (Infonrnl), pickle (Inforrnal), plightt, quagmire, scraPe (Slnnd, soup (S/ang), spot (Infornwl). -Idim6 a spot of trouble, deeP water, hot spot, hot water, trouble in paradise.
predicate oerb To take or serve as the basis for.
predict oerb To tell aboutor makeknown(futureevents)in advance, esp. by means of special knowledge or inference: predicting the collapse of the gorsem,rwnt.
prediction noun The act of predicting:listened to the weather predictions. pr'edictive ad,iectioe
Of or relating to prediction: the ueather farecaster's predictioemethods. predilection noun An inclination to something. predispose oerb To influence or be infuenced in a certain direcUon.
ntsnr oerb. Syns; adumbrate, call, forecast, foretell, prognosticate.
Syns; forecast, foretelling, outlook, prognosis, prognostication, projection. Syns; prognostic, prognosticaUve.
predisposition ntrun l. An inclination to something. 2. A liking or personal preference for something.
1. ssNr rvru,n. 2. resre rwun.
predominance nuun The condition or fact of being dominant.
predominant adiecti,oe Having pre-eminent signifi cance.
predominate oerb To occupy tlie -pre-eminentpositionin... pre-emlnehG€alsopreemlnenGe,preemlnenGe twun 1. The condition or fact of being dominant. 2. A positionof exalted,widely recognizedimportance. pre-em'inelt alsopreeminent, preEminent adiectiae 1. Most important,infuential, or signficant. 2. Far aboveothersin qualrty or excellence. 3. Widely known and esteemed. pre-empt alsopreeffipt, pre6mpt oerb To lay claim to for oneselfor as one'srtght. pre-emption dso preemption, preemption rwlrrtr The act of taking somethingfor oneself. preen oerb To be proud of (oneself)becauseof some accomplishmentachievement,etc. preface rronxt, A short sectionof preliminaryremarks. preface oerb To begin (something)with preliminary or prefatory material. prefatorial adiectioe prefatory dso prefatorial ad,iectioe l. Prior to or preparingfor the main matter, action, or business.
RULTNG adiectilse. DOMINATE.
1. oonnNexcs. 2. nMrNBNcn.
1. pnrrr,renv. 2. oursreNorr.{c. 3. eurxrNr. ASSUME. USURPATION.
pnrog oerb.
snn prefatory. 1. pnsLriurNARY.
prefer 2. Serving_tointroducea subject,person,etc. prefer oerb T9 shgrypartidity toward (someone). preferable diecthn Oj gfeaterexcellencethan another. pfetefence nourr l. The act of choosing. 2. Favorable,preferentialbias. preferential idiectioe Disposedto favor one over another. prefeired adiectioe Being a favorite. prefigure oefu l. To give an indicationof somethingin advance. 2. To-give reasonfor expecting. pregnable adiecth:e Op". to attack and capture becauseof a lack of protection. pregnanGy rwun The con&tion of carrying a developingfetus within the uterus: a difwit pregwncy. pregnant adiectitse 1. Carrying a developingfetus within the uterus: Sheb three montlw pregnant. 2. Conveyinghidden or unexpressed meaning:a pregnontsilcrce. prejudice noun l. Irrational yspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion: preiudbe agahxt uofiten. 2. ln inclination for or againstthat inhibits imparfral judgment. prejudice wrb l. To causeto havea prejudicedview. 2. To act on the basisof prejudice. 3. To qpoil the soundness or perfection of. 4. To have an effect or impact upon. prejudiced ad,iecthn Exhibitinebias. prejudicial adiectiw Exhibiting bias. prelect dso praelect wrb To talk to (an audience)formally. prefection rwun A usu.formal oral communicationto an audience. preliminary adiecthn 1. Prior to or preparingfor the main matter, action,or business:o prelimhury staterwnt. 2. Servingto introducea zubject,person,etc. 3. Not perfected,elaborated,or completed. Prelude twt n A short section of preliminary remarks. premature adiecthn Developing occurring or appearingbefore the expectedtime. premeditate o6b To consider and plan in advance:Sfu premeditntedher stmtogViloun to tlv last stq.
712 2. PtvOX oerb. BETTnRT adiectioe. l. cnorcr rwun, 2. revon noun. FAVORABLE. FAvoRrrE adiectioe. l. aouMsnaru. 2. paov,tsn oerb. VULNERASLE.
Syns; gestation, gravidation (Obs.), gavidrty, geatness (Archaic), heaviness (Archaic ), parturiency. 1. Syns; enceinte, expectant, expecting gone, gavid, heavy (Archaic), parturient. -Idiom^s big (or heavy) with child, in a family way, with child. 2. Syns: meaningful, significant, suggestive. 1. Syns; bigotry, intolerance. 2. sras rwun.
l. 2. 3. 4.
ux oerb. orscnrurNtrn aerb. rxJunn. rxrr,unNcn oerb.
,loonpss oerb.
1. Syns: inductive, introductory, prefatory (aho prefatorial), preparatory, prolegomenous, 2. rvrnooucroRy. 3. noucH. INIRODUCTION. EARLY ad.iecthse.
Syns: forethink, preconsider, predeliberate, predetermine.
7L3 premeditated ad;iectioe Planned, weighed, or estimated in advance. premier adfectioe Most important, influential, or signfficant. pfemlse naun Something taken to be true without proof. premise oerb To take for granted without proof. preocGUpatiOn ntru/n l. Total occupation of the attention or of the mind. 2. An exagJqeratedconcern.
1. essonPTroN. 2. coupr-nx twun.
preoccupie.if ad.iecthte 1. Having one's thoughts fully occupied. 2. So lost in thouglrt as to be unaware of one's surroundings.
1. e-esonsro. 2. easnNT-MTNDED.
preoccupy oerb To occupy the full attention of.
preordain oerb the futureof in advance. To determine preparation nutn Theconditionof beingmadereadybeforehand: in caseof disasteror accid,ent. odnEntepreparation preparations rvxrn Plans made in preparaUon for some undertaking.
rurn oerb. Syns; preparedness,readiness.
preparatory adiec'tbe 1. Serving to introduce a subject, person, etc. 2. Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business.
1. wrnooucroRY. 2. pnnr-rurNenv.
prepare oerb l. To causeto be ready,asfor use,consumption,or a specialpupose: preparingdinner. 2. To plan the details or arrangementsof. prepared adiecth:e In a stateof preparedness. preparedness rrcntn The condition of being madeready beforehand. preponderance dso preponderancy fwun l. The condition or fact of being dominant. 2. The greatestpart or portion. preponderancy rwrun preponderate oerb To occupy the p-re-eminentposition in. prepOSSeSS Derb To causeto have a prejudiced view. prepossessed adiectioe Exhibiting bias. prepossessing a"diecthse Pleasingto the eye or mind. prepOSSeSSiOn rrntn 1. An inclination for or againstthat inhibits imparfral judgment. 2, An exaggeratedconcern. preposterous adiectioe as to be lauglrable. l. So senseless 2. Beyondall reason. preposterousness noun Foolish behavior. prepotency rwun The condition or fact of being dominant. prepotenl adiectine Havrng pre-eminentsignificance.
1. Syns;fit, fix, make,ready. 2. e.nneNcr. READY adiectioe. PREPARATTON. 1. pourNaNcn.
2. wnrcnr rwun. sEEpreponderance. DOMINATE.
sras oerb. BIASED.
1. srAs noun, 2. coupr.nx rwrtn. l. roor-rsrr. 2. ournlcnous.
prerequiSite twun Somethingindispensable. prerOgatiVe noun l. A privilege ganted a personby virtue of birth. 2.Tlr,reright and power to command,decide,nrle, or judge. preSage oerb 1. To grvean indicationof somethingin advance. 2. To give reasonfor expecting. 3. To makeknown the presenceor arrival of. presage noun A phenomenonthat servesas a signor warning of some fuor:," good or evil. pfesGlenGe noun Unuzualor creativediscernmentor perception. prescient adiec-thse Characterizedby foresight. prescribe oerb' To set forth expresslyand authoritatively. presGript A code or set of codesgoverningaction, procedure, etc. prescription twtrrr A principle governingthe affairsof man within or amongpolitical units. presenGe naun l. The condition or fact of being present:A reddish dust indicated the presenceof termites. 2. Behaviorthroughwhich one revealsone's personality. pres6ntl nonn The current time. present adiecthn In existencenow: presenttrmds; the present gerleration. preSent2 oerb l. To bring forward and quote for formal consideration:a b*zf tlwt presmtedall the yeceden* to the cunt for redeu. 2. To make known socidly. 3. To produceon the stage. 4. To make a gift of. 5. To give formally or officially. 6. To put before anotherfor acceptance. 7. To move (a weapon,blow, etc.) in the direction of someoneor something. present rwun Somethingbestowedfreely. presentable adiectioe hoper in appearance. presentation rwun l. The instanceor occasionof being presentedfor the first time to society: the presentationof this seeson's dcbunntes. 2. Somethingbestowedfreely. 3. The act of conferring as of an honor. present-day adiecth:e In existencenow. PfeSefYal rroun The careful guaxdingcf an asset. preseryation rnun The careful guarding of an asset.
coNDrTloN naun. 1. nrnrnnrcHr. 2. autrronrrv.
l. enuvnnarn. 2. pnoutsn oerb. 3. usnsn rN at usher. OMEN.
vrsroNARYad:iectiae. otcrNtE oerb. RULE fWUn.
L. Syn:occurrence. 2. srARrNc.
NO]ff tWUn.
Syns: contemporary, current, existent, existing, new, now, present-day. l. Syns; adduce, advance, allege (Archaic), cite, layr. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
ecguerNr. srrcn aerb. cwn oerb. corvrnn; orrnn oerb. xu aerb,
l. Syn: coming-out (Informal).
2. crcr rwun. 3. coNrnnMENT. pnrsnwtr adiectioe. CONSERVATION.
7L5 preseryative adiectioe Able to preserve:Arizonaltasa d'ry,presercathse climate. presentatory adiectiae Able to preserve.
preServe oerb 1. To protect (an asset)from loss_ordestruction. 2. To keep in a condition of good repair, efficiency,or use. 3. To prepare (food)for storageand future use. preserve fwun Public land kept for a qpecialpurpose. preSS oerb 1. To smoothby applyingheat and shirts. 2. To exert pressure. 3. To act on with a steadypushingforce. 4. To extract from by aPPlFngPressure. 5. To solicit insistently. 6. To irnpel to action. 7. To congregateclosely around or against. 8. To put one's arms around affectionately. 9. To do or achieveby forcing obstaclesout of one's way. press fwun Iournalistsand journalism in general: The ptesscooered the President'sspeech.We a'&:ocatefreed,omof the press. pressing adiectioe Of immediateimport. pressing nuun Urgent solicitation. pfessUfe 1, The act, condition,or effect of exertingforce on presflne on,the iob someoneor somethin!: Excesshse cawed her breakdnruu The enginepAlffiLshearedoff under pressurein the u:tnd ttmnel. 2. Power usedto overcomeresistance. pressure oerb 1. To solicit insistently. 2. To cause (a person or thing) to act or move in spite of resistance. 3. To maintain normal air pressure in.
Syns: conservative,conservatory preservatory,protective. PRESERVATIVE.
1. coxsnnvs oerb. 2. uerxterx. 3. cor.rsenvEoerb. RESERVATION.
1. Syns;iron, mangle. 2. snAR. 3. caowo wrb. 4, sqvnnznoerb. 5. rusrsr. 6. vncn oerb. 7, cnowo wrb. 8. rrugnecs,wrb, 9. pvstt oerb. Syns; Fleet Street (Bdt.), fourth estate, media.
l. Syns,' strainl, stress, tension.
2. roncn twu,n. 1. wsrsr. 2. poncnoerb. 3. pnsssunrzn.
pressurize oerb To maintain normal air presure in: The cockpit is pressurizedfor high-altituile flgi"g. prestidigitation noun The use of skillful tricks and deceptionsto produce entertainingly baffiing effects. Prestige 1. The level of credit or reqpectat which one is regardedby others. 2. A person'shigh standingamongothers. 3. A positionof exalted,widely recognizedimportance. prestigious adieaioe Widelv known and esteemed. presum'abte ad,iectioe Basedon probability or presumption. presume oerb 1. To have the courageto put forward, as an idea, esp. when rebuff or criticism is likely: I uuil.dn't eoen pre&ffiw to expla.inhis mothses.
1. recs noun. 2. noxon noun. 3. rurxrNcB. EMINENT.
1. Syns; hazard, pretend, venture.
2. To take for granted without proof. 3. To draw an inference on the basis of inconclusive evidence or inzuficient information. 4. To take advantage of unfairly.
4. nvsn oerb.
Based on inference, not fact.
presumed adieaitn
presuming adieahn Havingor exhibitingexcessive andarrogantselfconfidence. piesumptiOn noun l. Excessive and arrogant self-confidence: lras the pre,amvptbn to arcept tlw inoitation f- r*.
2. T\e quality of being arrogant. 3. Somethingtaken to be true without proof. 4. A judgment, estimate,or opinion arrived at by guessing. presumptive adieaan l. Basedon probability or prezumption: the heiress yevnrythn to tlle throrc. 2. Basedon inference, not fact: The etunny's - feympthn intentiottscnnrot yet be D"rif"d,. 3. Arclnb. Having or exhibiting excessiveand arrogant self+onffdence. presumptuous adiectiw l. Having or exhibiting excessiveand arrogant selfconfidence:a divespectful, prewnpantn pi:psqwak.
2. Overly convincedof one'sown zuperiorityand importance. 3. Rude and disreqpecdul.
2. supposr. 3. cvnss oerb.
1. Syns; assumption, brashness,brass (Infonrwl ), brazenness, cheek, cheekiness, crust (Slory), efirontery, face, familiarity, gall2, nerve (Informal), overconfi dence, presumpfu ousness, temerity, uppitiness Qnfonrnl). 2. ennocexcB. 3. essuuprroN. 4. cunss rwun.
L. Syns: assumptive, likely, presumable, probable. -Idimn taken for granted. 2. Syns: assumed, conjectured, inferred, presumed, supposed. 3. pnrsuupruous.
l. Syns; assuming, assumptive, brash, brassy (lnformal), brazen, cheeky, familiar, nervy (Infomnl), overconfident, presuming, presumptive (Archaic), pushy (Informal), uppity (a/so uppish ) (Informal). 2. annocexr. 3. rupuonrvr.
Excessive and arrogant self-confidence.
presuppose oqb To take fgr.ganted without proof. presUppoSltlOn twttn Somethingtaken to be true without proof. pretend wrb 1. To behaveaffectedly or insincerely. 2. To contrive and presentasgenuine. 3. To take on or give a false appearanceof. 4. To have the courageto put fbrward, as an idea" esp. when rebuff or criticism is likelv. pretend adiecthn Infomul.-Made to imitate somethingelse. prefended adiecthn Not genuineor sincere. pretender noun l. One who is not what he claimsto be. 2. One who setsforth a claim to a royal title. pretense lroun l. The presentationof somethingfalse as h:ue: Their prctestatioru of lwncence uere sheerpretense. 2. A deceptive outward appearance. 3. Artiffcid behavior adopted to impressothers. a. A diqplay of irsincere behavior.
l. 2. 3. 4.
ecr oerb. rrxn oerb. essuun. pnrsuun.
l. rexp rwun. 2. cr-ernrartr. l. Syns; charade, make-believe, pretension. 2. regenn. 3. errucrerroN. 4. ecr twun.
7L7 5. A professedrather than a real reason:a seuet agent who enteredthe country on the preterweof being a diplomat. 6. A legitimate or supposedriglrt to demand something as one'srightful due. pretension noun 1. The presentationof somethingfalseas true. 2. A professedrather than a real reason. 3. A legitimate or supposedriglrt to demand something as one'sriglrfi due. 4. Boastful self-importance. pretentious adiectioe 1. Characterizedby an exaggeratedshow of dignity or self-importance. 2. Artificially genteel. 3. Marked by outward, often extravagantdisplay. 4. Pretentiouslyartistic. pretentiousness ntnnr Boastful seU-importance:The rock stat's press the h"ight of pretentioumess. w_a.s preternatural adieaioe 1. Greatly exceedingor departing from the normal courseof nature: a huni,mmeof pretemafital fotce and oialence. 2. Departing from the normal. 3. Ol comingfrom, or relating to forcesor beingsthat exist outside the natural world. preternaturalness noun The condition of being abnormal. pretext twttn 1. An explanationoffered to jusfify an action or make it better understood. 2. A professedrather than a real reason. 3. A deceptiveoutward appearance. pretty adiectiae l. Having qualities that deliglrt the eye. 2. Pleasingto the eye or mind. pretty adnerb To someextent. prevail oerb 1. To get the better of. 2. To occupy the pre-eminentpositionin. prevail on (or uPon) perb To succeedin causing(a person)to act in a certain
5. Syns; cover, pretension, pretext.
6. cr,euvr rwun.
1. pnrrrNss. 2. pnnrsNsn. 3. cr,eru twun.
4. 1 . POMPOUS. 2. errrcrruP. 3. snowv. 4. mrv. Syns; ostentation,pomposity,Pretension. 1. Syns; hypernormal, supernatural, unnatural. 2. e-sNonMAL. 3. suprnr{ATURAL.
1. rxcusn noun. 2. pnntrNsr. 3. regeor. l. snA.unrul. 2. errnecrlvB. FAIRLY.
L. rnrvllpra oerb. 2. pourNern. PERSUADE.
prevailing adiecthse 1. Most generally existing or encountered at a given ttme: The prewiling oiew is that war is intminent. 2. Having pre-eminent significance.
Prevailor (or upon) perb prevalence rnun or condition of being The quality'adiecttue preval6nt
Most generally existing or encountered at a given time.
prevaricate perb or sincerity. l. To strayfromtruthfulness 2. To make untrue declarations.
l. Syns.'current,prevalent,regnant,rife, wideqpread. 2. nur.rNcad;iectioe. sEEprevail. USUALNESS. PREVAILING.
1. nguwoceru. 2. rsfr oerb.
prevarication noun An untrue declaration.
ntr.z noun.
Prevaricator rwun One who tells lies.
prevent oerb To prohibit from occurring by advance planning or action: Crt$ir nwrwgenwnt is m unrelia6l.e uny of pretynting usar. Mass irwcuhtioru pretsented an epidenic.
preventatiye adiecthn preVentiOn rwun The act of preventing: preoention of uar through balarce of pou>er.
preventiyealsopreventative a.diectiae l. Intended to prevent: tookpreoenthse meosures to aooid a conflict. 2. Med. Defending against disease:preoentioe dentistry. previous adiectitx l. Next before the present one. 2. just gone by or elapsed. 3. Having been such previously. rroun Pfey One that is made to su-fferinjury, loss, or death.
price nuun
l. An amountpaid or to be paid for a purchase. 2. A losssustainedin the accomplishmentof or as the result of something. pricefess adiecthse 1. Extremelyfunny: That ioke b iwt pricebss! 2. Of geat value. prick rroun l. A zudden,sharp,painful feeling:felt a prick of refitorse. 2. A small mark or hole madeby a sharp,pointed object: lookedfor telltalc needl.epicks in the ruryectedaddkt's arm. 3. A sharp,pointed object: the priclcson a cacfirs. prick oerb To impel to action. prickish adiectioe Easilyannoyed. prickle noun l. A sharp,pointed object. 2. A zudden,sharp,painful feeling. prickfy adiectioe l. Full of sharp,needlelikeprotuberances. 2. So replete with interlocking points and complicationsas to be painfully irritating. Pride rw.rn 1. A senseof one'sown dignity or worth: had to respond,to sooe his yide. 2, A regardingof oneselfwith undue favor. 3. The quality of being arrogant. pride wrb To be proud of (oneself)becauseof some accomplishmen! achievement,etc.: prid,esherself on her organizntionolability. prideful adiectirp Properlyvaluingoneself,one'shonor, or one'sdig-ty. prier also prler twrn A person who snoops. Prim adiecthn Marked by excessiveconcern for propriety and good form.
Syns: avert, deter, forestall, forfend (aho forefend), head ofi, obviate, preclude, nrle out, stave off, furn aside, ward (off). -Idiuln.ip ir the bud. sEEpreventive. Syns,' determent, deterrence, forestalling, forestallment, obviation, preclusion. 1. Syns; deterrent, deterring, forestalling. 2. Syns: prophylactic, protective. 1. r.esrr adiectiae. 2. pesr adiectioe.
adiectioe' H: l. cosr rloun. 2. cosr rnun.
l. Syns; hilarious, killing (Infornwl), nch (Infomal), screaming (Slang), sidesplitting, slaying (Slang). 2. ver.uarr,n. 1. Syns; pang, prickle, stab, sting. 2, Syns: perforation, punchtre, stab.
3. Syns; needle, prickle, thorn. uncn oerb. IRRITASLE.
l. pnrcr ntntn. 2. pnrcr nuun. l. rnonrw. 2. rnonrw.
l. Syns; amour-propre, ego, self-esteem, self-regard, self-respect. 2. ncousnr. 3. ennocexcn. Syns: congahrlate, preen.
7L9 adiecthse -primary 1. l,tost important, infuential, or significant: the primary-duty of an emplnyee; the printary leader of the Wosition.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Preceding all others in time. Arising from or golng to the root or source. Not derived from something else. Marked by the absence of any intervention. Of or pertaining to early stages in the evolution of human culfure.
1. Syns; capital, cardinal, chiel dominant, first, foremost, key, leading, main, major, number-one (lnfonrwl), outstanding, paramount, pre-eminent (aho preeminent, pre6minent), premier, prime, principal, top. 2. rrnsr adiecthse. 3. neorcer. adiecthse. 4. onrcrxer, od,iectine. 5. ruunorern. 6. pnrurrrvr.
prime nourr l. Rare.The time of life betweenchildhoodand maturity. 2. A condition or time of vigor and freshness. prime adiectioe 1. Of fine quality. 2. Exceptionallygood of its kind. 3. Moslimportant, influential,or significant. 4. Precedingall othersin time. 5. Not derived from somethingelse. primed adiectioe In a state of preparedness. primeval adiecthse Of or pertaining to early stagesin the evolution of human culture. primitive ad;iecthse 1. Of or pertainingto early stagesin the evolution of human culture: a primithsesociety. 2. OI, existing,or occurringin a distantperiod. 3. Lacking expert, careful craftsmanship. 4. Not derived from somethingelse. 5. Of or being an irreducible element. 6. Exhibitinglack of educationor knowledge. 7. Not civilized. primordial ad,iecthse Of, existing or occurring in a distant period. princely adiectiae Large and impressivein size,scope,or extent. principal adiectitse 1. Having or exercisingauthority: the principal carpenteron thnt iob. 2. Most important, influential, or significant. principal rwun The main performer in a theaFical production. principle nuun A broad and basic nrle or truth. principled adiecthn In accordancewith principlesof right or good conduct. principles rwun Moral or ethical strength. print rwun, l. The visible effect made on a surfaceby pressure. 2. A visible sign or mark of the passageof someoneor something. printing ntrun 1. The act or processof publishing printed matter. 2. T\e entire number of copies of a publication printed from a single typesetting. Prior adiec-thn 1. Going before.
1. Yourn. 2. sr-ooIr. rwun. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
cnorcr adiectioe. pxcpr-r-rrvr. pnruenv. r'msr adiectioe. onrcrxer- adiectioe.
l. Syns; primary, primeval. 2. nenr,vad,iectioe. 3. nunn. 4. onrcrxer- ad,iectiae. 5. nr-nunnter,. 6. rcNonersr. 7. uucrvrr-rzro. EARLY a"diectioe. GRAND.
1. Syns;boss,chief, foremost,head. 2. pnrumv. LE.AD IWITN. LAId/ rWUn. ETHICAL.
1. rupnpssrou. 2. rnecr rwrtn,
1. punr-rcerrox. 2. rupnBssrox.
1. eoveNcn adiectioe.
priority 2. pasr adiectirse. ?. Iy$ goneby or elapsed. pnonty twun The act, condition, or right of preceding. PRECEDENCE. prison rwun A place for the confinementof personsin lawful detention. IAIL rnun. prissy odiecthre Marked by excessiveconcern for propriety and good GENTEEL. form. private adiectiw l. Belongingor confinedto a particular personor 1. pnvy. goup as opposedto the public or the government: fhnte poperty. 2. Known about by very few. 2. corwronNTrAl-. privation nnun l. The conditionof being deprived of what one once 1. onpnryerroru. had or ouglrt to have. 2. The conditionof being extremelypoor. privileged adieah:e Iau>. Of or being information available only to CONFIDENTIAL. authorizedpersons. priry adiecian l. Belongingor confinedto a particular personor 1. pnrverp. goup as opposedto the public or the government. 2. Archab. Known about by very few. 2. coNnonNTrAr. 3. Obs.Indicatingintimacy and mutual trust. 3. coxnoBNTrAL. prize twun l. -'Ihat which is zuperlative. 1. snsr nou,n. 2. Somethinggiven in return for a serviceor 2. nnweno rwun. accomplishment. 3. A memento received as a symbol of excellence or victory. 4. Goods or property seized unlawfully, esp. by a victor in wartime. 5. A person or thing worth catching. 6. Someone or something considered exceptionally precious. prize oerb l. To recognize the worth, quality, importance, etc., of. 2. To have the highest regard for.
Probability twun The likelihood of a given event occurring. probable adiecthn l. Likely to happen or to be n:ue The probabln consequ.en/ce I are frlghtening. 2. Based on probability or prezumption. pfODe noun 1. The act or an instance of exploring or investigating. 2. Somethin& as a remark, used to determine the attitude of another. 3. A seeking of knowledge, data" or the truth about something. probe wrb 1. To go into or through for the purpose of making discoveries or acquiring information. 2. To test the attitude of. probing ad.iectiw Having or zuggesting keen, discerning intellect.
3. rnoprrv. 4. pr,urvonr rwun. 5. cercu rtuun. 6. rnresunE nuun.
1. eppnncranE. 2. cHBnrsn. clrANcE rwun. l. Syns; conceivable, possible. 2. pnnsuuPTrvE. l. rxpl.onerrotl 2. rpnr,nn. 3. rNqurnv.
1. expr-onr. 2. rnnr our at feel. INCISIVE.
probity twun l. The quality or state of being morally sound. 2. Mord or ethical strength.
problem noun A situationthat presentsdiftculry, uncertaing,or
1. cooo rwun. 2. cnanecrnn. Syns: issue, question. -Idioms
can of
72t perplexity: dealing uith thc urcmplngrnent problem'
prbbfemaiicalAsoproblematic adiectioe 1. Not affordingcertaintY. 2. In doubtor disPute. rwun proboscis '
The structure on the human face that contains the nostrils and organs of smell and forms the beginning of the respiratory tract. rwun procedufe 1. A method used in dealing with somethingt 2. An official or prescribed plan or course of acUon'
worrns, hornet's nest. 1. etl.srcuous. 2. prserABr.n. NOSE nOUn.
1. erpnoe,cn rwun. 2. r-rNn noun.
proceed oerb 1. coup. 1. To go forward, esp.toward a conclusion. 2. sr:nu oerb. 2. To have as a source. 3. w oerb. 3. To move along a particular course. ntrun PTOCeSSiOn ORDER |WUN. A way in which things follow each other in spaceor time. proclaim oerb 1. eNxoutlcp. l. To b.iog to public notice. 2. usnnn rN at usher. 2. To makeknown the presenceor arrival of. 3. snow oerb. 3. To make manifestor aPParent. proclamation nuw 1. exNouNcrMENT. 1. The act of announcing. 2. ewNouttcEMENT. statement. 2. A public proclivity nou,n BEi{T IIDUN. An inclination to something. procrastinate oerb onux oerb. To go or move slowly so that progressis hindered. proGreant adiectioe Biol. Of or pertaining to reproducUon. procreate oerb 1. To producesexuallyor asexuallyothersof one'skind. 1. nnpnopucn. 2. rl.rt;m:n perb. 2. To be the biologicalfather of. pnopucn. 3. 3. To causeto come into existence. procreation noun REPRODUCTTON. The processby which an orgarrismproducesothers of its kind. procreative adiec-thse Of or pertainingto reproduction. procumbent adiectioe n rr adiectioe. Lyinq down. probuiable adiec-bh:e AVAII.ABLE. Capableof being obtained or used. prOCUre oerb GET. of. To come into possession prod 'oerb l. orc oerb. l. To thrust againstor into. 2. wsrsr. 2. To solicit insistently. 3. vncn oerb. 3. To i-pel to action. prod noun l. An act or instanceof using force so as to propel ahead. l. pusn rww. 2. Somethingthat causesand encouragesa givenresponse.2. srruur,us. prodding noun INSISTENCE. Urgent solicitation. prodigal o.diectioe l. rxrnevecANT. 1. Characterizedby excessiveor imprudent qpending. 2. pnorusr. 2. Given to or marked by unrestrainedabundance. prodigal rwun WASTREL. A personwho spendsmoneyor resourceswastefully. prodigality rnun EXTRAVAGANCE. Excessiveor imprudent expenditure.
prodigious adieahx 1. Of extraordinarysizeand power. 2. So remarkableas to elicit itisUeUef. prodigy rwtn One that evokesgreat zurpriseand admiration. produce &tb l. To canseto come into existence:ptodnrcean oltematiw enngy plan.
(a produc! i-dea"etc.) into being. ?. Tt Pr-g To britg forth (a product). l. 4. To form by ardsdc efiort. 5. To create by forming, combining or altering materials. 9. 1" btrg into existenceand foster the developmentof. 7. To be the causeof. 8. To makeas incomeor profit. 9. Geon. To makeor becbmelonger. prodUGt noun l. Somethingproduced by human efiort: the prodact of an actfue inu$rution. 2.'Ilnreamountor quantity produced. production noun l. Somethingthat is the remlt of creativeefiort. 2. Somethingproduced by human efiort. 3. The amountor quanUtyproduced. 4. Georn.The act of making somethinglonger or the conditionof being madelonger. productive adieahn 1. Capableof reproducing. 2. Characterizedby great productivity. 3. Acting effectively wittr minimal waste. 4.-Produgingor able to producea desiredefiect. productivity rwun l. Itr" quatity or state of being fertile. 2.-\he guality of being efficient. 'twun profanatibn An act oj disrespe_ct or impiety toward something reqardedas sacred. pro6ne adieah:e 1. Not religiousin subjectmatter, form, or use:saued and prcfarc music. 2. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. 3. Showingirreverenceand contemptfor something sacred. profane wrb To spoil or mar the sanctity of. noun Profaiity Somethingthat is offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. 'oerb proffer To prrt before anotherfor acceptance. proffer noun Somethingoffered. proficiency noun Nltqr"l or acquired facility in a qpecific activity. proficient adieaiw l. Having the ability to perform well. 2. Having or demonstratinga high degreeof knowledge or skill.
1. crervradiectioe. 2. resulous. MARVEL.
1. Syns; create, engender, father, generate, hatch, make, originate, pare_nt,procreate, sire, spawn. -Iqi,onts bring to pass, give birth (ar rise) to. 2. nrver-op. 3. ssAR. 4. couposp. 5. naexn. 6. 7. 8. 9.
cnow. ctusn oerb. nrrunN oerb. r.pNcrsmt.
l. Syn: production. 2. yrsr,o rwrn. l. 2. 3. 4.
coruposrrroN. pnooucr. yrnr,o nurn. nxrnxsrox.
1. 2. 3. 4.
renrrr,n. rBnrrr.n. nrrrcrnxr. nrrrcrrve.
1. runrrr,rrv. 2. Brprcrrxcy. SACRILECE.
l. Syns; laf, secular, temporal, worldly. 2. osscsNE. 3. secnn ncrous.
ownn oerb. OFFER NAUN, ABILIfi.
l. esr.B. 2. nxpnnr adiectirse.
723 3. Acting efiectively with minimal waste' Droficient noun i p"ttot with a high degree of knowledge or skill in a particular field.
3. prncrnvr. EXPERT IWUN.
prbfile rwun
A line marking and shaprngthe outer form of an object. profit oerb 1. To be an advantageto: It uoul'd profrt you to leam to drhse. 2. To derive advantage. 3. To make a large Profit. profit rwun i. ftt" quatity of being suitable or adaptableto an end' 2. Someihingearned,won, or otherwiseacquired' 3. Somethingbeneficial. 4. Somethinfthat contributesto or increasesone's well-being. profitable a.d,iecthse Afiording proftt: a profitablebushwss. noun profligacY 1. Excessiveor imprudent expenditure. 2. Excessivefreedom;lack of restraint. profligate ad:iectiae 1. Lacking in moral restraint. 2. CharaJerizedby excessiveor imprudent spending' profligate nuun 1. An immoral or licentiousman. 2. A personwho spendsmoneyor resourceswastefully' 'profound adiecttue 1. Beyondthe understandingof an averagetnTd'2. nesultingfrom or afiectingone'sinnermostfeelings' 3. Extendingfar downward or inward from a surface' profoundness rwun Intellectual penetration or range. profunditY twu,n 1. Intellectual penetrationor range. 2. Deep, thorougfr,or matureunderstanding' profuse adiectioe 1. Given to or markedby unrestrainedabundance: profuseapologies. 2. Growing profuselY. profusive a.diectitse Given to or marked by unrestrainedabundance. progenitive adiectioe Biol. Employedin reProduction. progenitor rwun A personfrom whom one is descended. progen} rmun A group consistingof thosedescendeddirectly from thJ sameparentsor ancestors:QueenViaona's progen7.saton rnanVEuropeanthrones. pfOgnOslS tloun The act of predicting. prognostic adiectine Of or relating to predicUon. prognostic rwu,n A phenomenonthat servesasa signor warning of some future good or evil.
1. Syns; avail, benefit, boot2 (Archaic), t"-". -ldiom stand someone in good stead. 2. wNnrrc oerb. 3. cr.rerv uP at clean. 1. 2. 3. 4.
usr rwun. c.clN rwntu epvervre.cE rwrtn. rvrBnpsr rwun.
Syns: advantageous, fat, lucrative, moneymaking, remunerative. 1. nxrnevecANcE. 2. r-rcpwsnrwun. 1. asANDoNEo. 2. nxrnevecANT. 1. wANToN nuun. 2, westnnr.. 1. onrp adiectwe. 2. orrp adiectioe. 3. oBnp ad:iectioe. DEPTH.
1. opprn. 2. wrsoou. 1. Syns: extravagant, exuberant, lavish, lush, luxuriant, opulent, Prodigal, profusive, riotous, suPerabundant. 2. rurcx adiectitse. PROFUSE. REPRODUCTIVE. ANCESTOR.
Syns: begats (Slnng), brood, get, issue, offspring, posterity, seed.
prognosticate prognosticate aerb To tell aboutor makeknown(futureevents)in
advance, esp. by means of special knowledge or inference.
prognostication noun l. A phenomenon that serves as a sign or warning of some future good or evil. 2. The qct of predicting. prognosticativb adieittae Of or relating to prediction. pfOgram twltn l. An organized list of procedures, activities, events, etc.: On our progwm is a oisit to Chirntwm 2. A printed list of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public performance: WhV _ lffi't her nanneon the program? 3. An official or prescribed plan oi course of action. program perb To enter on a schedule. prOgresS rwun l. Steady improvement, as of an individual or a society: progress in the ecorwmy of det:eloping countries.
2. Forward movement. 3. A progession from a simple form
to a more complex one. progress wrb To go forward, eqp. toward a conclusion. progression ltoun Forward movement. progressive a.diectioe fgvolng civil liberties and social progress. 1. 2. Ahead of current trends or customs. 3. Not narrow or conservative in thought, expression, or conduct. progressive rroun A.pg1son with liberal political opinions. prohibit tnrb To refuse to allow. prohibited adiectioe Not allowed.
prohibition noun A refusalto allow. proiect nmun l. Something undertaken, esp.something requiring extensive planning and work: a fioe-year researih
1. or"rnm, 2. pnrorcrroN. PREDICTIVE.
l. SLns:-agenda,calendar, docket, line-up (c/so lineup), schedule, timetable. -Idiurn order of the day. 2. Syns: bil|, prospectus, jyilabus.
3. r.rNe twun. scnnovrn oerb. 1. Syns; amelioration, betterment, development, improvement, melioration. 2. eoveNcg noun, 3. opver,opMENT.
t . LTBERAL adiectiae. 2. ADVANCED. 3 . BROAD. LIBERAL
l. Syns; enteqprise, undertaking, venture.
proiect. 2. A method for making,doing or accomplishing something. project oerb
2. nrsrcx rwun.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
To To To To To
curve outward past the normal or usud limit. send out heag light, or enerry. launch with great force. form a strategr for. have in mind as a goal or purpose.
proiection rrntn l. A part that protrudes or extends outward. 2. A natural land elevation. 3. The act of predicting. prOngOmenOn rwun A short section of preliminary remarks.
nvncn oerb. snro. ssoor oerb. nnsrcx oerb. rvrsND.
l. gur,cr troun. 2. lav-t troun. 3. pnporcrrox. INTRODUCTION.
725 prolegomenous ad;iectioe l. Serving to introduce a subject, Person, etc. 2. Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business.
1. 2.
proliferate oerb To produce sexually or asexually others of one's kind.
proliferation noun otlers produces by whichanorganism l. Theprocess of its kind. 2. The result or product of building up. proliferous adiectioe Biol. Capableof reproducing. prof ific a.diectioe 1. Capableof reproducing. 2. Charactet'wedby geat productivity. prof ix adiectioe Using or containing an excessivenumber of words. prof ixity notnr Words or the use of words in excessof thoseneeded for clarity or precision. profixness noun Words or the use of words in excessof thoseneeded for clarity or precision. prologue noun A short section of preliminary remarks. Prolong oerb To make or becomelonger. prolongate oerb To make or becomelonger. prolongation nolrn The act of making somethinglonger or the condition of being madelonger. prolonged adiectioe l. Of long duration. 2. Extending tediously beyond a standardduration. promenade oerb To walk at a leisurely pace. promenade twun An act of walking esp..forpleasure. prominenGe alsoprominency naun 1. A positionof exalted,widely recognizedimportance. 2. A natural land elevation. prominency nou,n prominenl adiecttoe 1. Standingout prominently. 2. Readilyattractingnotice. 3. Widely lcnownand esteemed. promise noun A declaration that one will or will not do a certain thing: madc a Womiseto repay the debt ktt ilnfaulted; gatseher his prornisethat he uuild retum. promisc oerb l. To give reasonfor expecting:da,rkclmrdsthat prorniseda storm. 2. To assumean obligation. 3. To guaranteeby a solemnpromisg. promising ad,iectioe 1. Showinggreat promise. 2. Inspiring confidenceor hope. promOte oerb l. To raise in mr:Jr:promotedhim from coryoral n sergeant.
1. 2. surI,D-urat build uP. FERTILE.
1. rsntrlE. 2. rnnru.n. WORDY. WORDINESS.
1. cnnoNrc. 2. r.oNcr adiectine. srxott, oerb. \4/ALK frolm. l. BurNrNcB. 2. nn l rwun.
sEEprominence. l. soLD. 2. worrcpenr-n. 3. rMrNsNT. Syns; covenant, guarantee, pledge, vow.
1. Syns; betoken, foreshadow, foretoken, indicate, preffgure, presage. 2. pr:nocn rnrb. 3. ptnocs, wrb, 1. courNc. 2. nr.lcounAcrNc. l. Syns; advance, elevate, jump, raise, upgrade.
promotion 2. To causeto move forward or upward, astoward a goal. 3. To help bring about: beliewd tlmt TV oiolence promotesreal oiolence. 4. To make known vigorouslythe positivefeaturesof (a product). 5. To increaseor seekto increasethe importanceor reputatio_nof by favorable publicity: Eis pressagent pronwted the mooie in feature stories. prOmOtiOn rwun l. A systematiceffort to increasethe importanceor reputationof by favorablepublicity: spent glf{l.,O(n - in pronwtion of the neu produnt. 2. A progessionupward in'rank. 3. The.act or professionof promotingsomething,as a product. prompt adiectioe Occurring acting or performedexactlyat the time appointed. prompt oerb 1. To causeto happensuddenlyor unexpectedly. 2. To elicit a strongemotionalresponsehom. 3. To impel to action. promulgat:e oerb l- To make (information)generallyknown. 2. To britrg to public noUJ". 3. To_put in force by legal authority. PTomullation noun The act of announcing. prOne a.diectioe f . Ln"g down. 2. Having or showinga tendencyor likelihood. 3. Tendingto incur. pfOneness rwttn An inclination to something. prOnOUnCe oerb To produce or_make(qpeechsounds):Shepronounced her oouels u:ith a southem drawl. pronOunced ad,iectioe l. Standingout prominently. 2. Without any doubt. pfOnOUnGement rwun 1. The act of announcing. 2. A public statement. 3. An authoritativeor official decision, made by a court. pronto adoerb Infomwl.In a rapid way. pr0Of nuun l. A fact or circumstancethat giveslogical supportto an assertion,claim, or proposal. 2. A procedurethat iucertainseffectiveness, value, proper function, or other quatity. 3. That which confirms. proof adiectioe Having the capacityto withstand. prOp nuun A meansor device that keepssomethingerect, stable, or secure. prop oerb To_keepfrom yielding or failing during stressor difficulw.
726 2. enveNcnoerb. 3. Syns; culUvate,encourage,feed, foster. 4. eovrnrrsp. 5. Syns;ballyhoo (Informal). boost,build up, enhance,hype (Slnng),plug (lnfonnal), publicize, p,r-ff,to.rt. 1. Syns.-ballyhoo (lnformal), build-up (a/sobrlildup) (Infornwl), hype gkng), - pitch (Slnng),publicity, pufiery,.
2. aovaNcEMENT. 3. aovnnusrNc.
l. pnpcrpntrg oerb. 2. rNsprnB. 3. vncn oerb. 1. eovBnrrsp. 2. eNNouxcn. 3. rsreslrsH. ANNOUNCEMENT.
1. adiectioe. 2. rNcr,rrvpo. 3. r.rasr-E. BE,NiI |WUN,
Syns: articulate, enunciate, say, utterl, vocalize. 1. solo, 2. orcmno. l.
2. eNNouwcEMENT.
3. nur-rNc rwun.
rlsr adoerb, 1. nrasow nnun. 2. rrsr nDun. 3. coNpmvATroN. RESTsTANT adiectiae.
727 -propagandize Derb To teachto accepta systemof thouglrtuncritically. propagate oerb '
t. fo produce sexually or asexually others of one's kind. 2.To bring into existence and foster the development of. nutn propagation -p.o""tt ' by which an organism produces others of fir" its kind.
propel oerb 1. To setor keePgoing.
2. To force to move or advancewith or as if with blows or pressure. 3. To launch with great force. 4. To impel to action. propensit} twun An inclination to something. proper ad,iectioe l. Conformingto acceptedstandards. 2. Suitedto one'send or PurPose. 3. In accordancewith principlesof right or good conduct. 4. Marked by excessiveconcernfor propriety and good form. 5. Suitablefor a particular person,condition, occasion, or place. 6. Conformingto fact. properly adtserb In a fair, sportingmanner. rwun propeny 1. Somethitg,as land and assets,legally possessed. 2. Usu. extensivereal estate. 3. A distinctiveelement. rnun prophecy Somethingthat is foretold by or as if by supe*"hT4 means:The priest'sprophecyuas that the deposedking would regain his throne. noun prophesier Aperson who foretellsfuture eventsby or as if by zupernaturalmeans. prophesy oerb to tell about or make larown (future events)by or as if of by supernaturalmeans:prophesiedthe corning "M cioilizntion. -prophet rwun A personwho foretellsfuture eventsby or as if by_ supernahral means:When the flnod amue iu'stas he prbdicted, the old nutn uos reoeredas a prophet. -prbphetic also prophetical ad'iectioe Of or relating to the foretelling of eventsby or as if by supernaturalmeans:an old forturc tell'erbekeoedto harseprophetic puoers. prophylactic adiecth:e Defendingagainstdisease. propitiate oerb To easethe anger or agitaUonof. propitious a.diectioe l. Affording benefit. time. 2. Occurring at a fitting or advantageous 3. Indicative of future success. proportion rwun 1. Satisfyingarr:rngementmarkedby even distribution
1. nnpnooucs. 2. cnow.
t. onwn oerb. 2. onwn oerb. 3. ssoor oerb. 4. vncn oerb. B.E;N[ twlut.
1. connrcr ad;iectioe. 2. cor*vBr{IBNT. 3. Brntcer.. 4. crrvrrpr,. 5. appnopnrt rn a.d;iectioe. 6. eccunerr. pxn a.dnerb. 1. nor.prNcs. 2. utto twun. 3. guel,rrr. Syns; cast, foretelling vision.
oracle, vaticination,
Syns; augur, divineP, foretell, soothsay, vaticinate.
Syns; augur, auspex, diviner, foreteller, hanrspex (aho aruspex), prophesier, seerl, soothsayer, sibyl. Syns: divinitory, fatidic (also fatidical), mantic, oracular, sibylline, vatic (also vatical), vaticinal. PREVENTIVE. PACIF'Y. 1. spNpncIAL.
2. opponrurr. 3. revoneslE. 1. Syns; balance, harlnony, symmetry.
proPortional of elements,os in a design:sarlpture of ercellent prvportion. 2. Relative intensity or amoun! as of a quality or 2. orcnrn. attribute. proportion tnb To bring into accord. HARMONIZE. proPortional dieahn l. Properly or correspondindy related in size, amount, l. Syns:commensurable,commensurate, or scale:Hoppirwssis rnt ahtnys ptoportional to oirtue. proportionate.-Idiorn in proportion. 2. Characterizedby or displayingrymmetry, eqp. 2. svuurrnrcer,. correqpondencein scaleor measure. proportionate diectitz l. hoperly or correspordirdy related in size,amount, l. pnopontroNAl. or scale. 2. Characterizedby or diqplayingsymmetry,eqp. 2. syuurrnrcer,. correqrondencein scaleor measure. propOrtiOns rwtn The amount of qpaceoccupied by something. stzE. PrOpOSal rastm l. Somethingthat is put forward for consideration:a 1. Syns; proposition, submission, dorrtgptoposal to abolish the incorw tan. suggestion. 2. Somethingoftered. 2. orrrn rwun. propOse wrb l. To advance,asan idea, for considerationz He l. Sy-ns;offer, pose, propound, put forth, proposeda trip to NeroYo*. submit, zuggest. 2. To have in mind as a goal or purpose. 2. rvrsND. proposition twun Somethingthat is put forward for consideration. PROPOSAL, propound o6b To advance,as an ide4 for consideration. PROPOSE. proprieties rwun l. Courteousacts that contribute to smoothnessand 1. er'rrrvrrrns. easein dealingsand social relationships. 2. Socially correct behavior. 2. rr,rertrvrns. ProPrietor tntm A person ylo h"t legal title to properry. OWNER. Proprietorship noun l. owNnnsnp. 1. trgl right to the possessionof a thing. 2. T: fact of possessing. 2. possBssroN. PrOpnery noun l. Conformity to recognizedstandards,as of conduct or aPPearance. 2. T_h"mord quality of a courseof action. 2. Brnrcs. prosaic adieahn 1. Of or suitable for ordinary daysor routine occasions. 1. uvsnyDey. 2. Io"l.i"g liveliness,charm, or zurprise. 2. ovt-t adiecthse. prOSGenlUm rwun The raised pladorm on which theatrical performances STAGEftoun. are given. prosctibe tqb To refuse to allow. FORBID. Proscription rwttn A refrrsalto allow. FORBIDDANCE. prosecutable adieahn Subject to a lawzuit. LITIGABLE. prOsecute oerb l. To institute or zubject to legal proceedings. 1. sup. 2. To begin and carry to completion. 2. prnronu. 3. To eng4gein (a war or campaign). 3. wtcn perb. prosecution twun The act of beginningand carrying through to PERFORMANCE. completion.
pro tempore
729 prosopopeiaalsoprosopopoeia rmun Rhet.A physicalentity qptfyt"g an abstraction. prOsOPOpoelanoun prospect rwun 1. Thelikelihoodof a giveneventoccurring. expected. 2. Something 3. Chance of succes or advancement. 4. That which is or can be seen.
sEEprosopopeia. 1. 2. 3. 4.
cHencr norrn. rxpncrerroN. rurunp rwun. unw noun.
prospectus rnun A printed list of the order of events and other pertinent informaUon for a public performance.
prosper oerb &ning indastryprospered To fare well: Theoerospoce the7960's. prospering adiecthse steadily. Improving,gowing, or succeeding prOsperity noun t. Steadygood fortune or financialsecurity:a struggliig srtwll busirussman'sdream of prosperity. 2. A state of health, happiness,and prospering. prosperous adiectioe security: 1. Enjoyingsteadygood forhrne,or_financial fashiombln neusclothesthat befit a Prosperurs Aoungmnn-about-toum. 2. Improving, growing or succeedingsteadily. time. 3. Occurring at a fitting or advantageous prOSPerOUSneSSrwun Steadygood fortune or financial security. prostitute rw.rn A woman who engagesin sexualintercoursefor payment: stud,iedthe psycholngicalprofiles of prostitutes. prostrate oerb 1. To causeto fall, as from a shot or blow. 2. To render powerlessor motionlessby inficting severeiniurY. 3. To afiect deeply or completely,as with emotion. prostrate ad,iectioe Lying down. proiaglonist rwun The main performer in a theatricalproducUon. protean adiectioe Having many aspects,uses,or abilities. protect oerb To keep safefrom danger,attack, or harm. protection rwun 1. Somethingthat physicallyprotects,esp.from danger. 2. The act or a meansof defending. protective adtiectioe 1. Able to preserve. 2. Defendingagainstdisease. pro tem adiecthse Temporarily assumingthe duties of another. pro tempore ad'iectioe Latin. Temporarilyassumingthe duties of another.
Syns.'boom, flourish, go, make out (Slang), score (lnfonnal), thrive. -Idionw do (or fare) well, get (or go) somewhere, go geat gum, 8o strong. FLOURISHING.
1. Syns; comfort, ease, easy street (also Easy Streer) (Slnng), prosperousness. -Idiutns comfortable (or easy) circumstances, the good life. 2. wBr-renn. l. Syns: comfortable, eaqy, well-fixed (lnfomnl), well-heeled (Slang), wellcomfortably ofi, well-to -do. -ldioru off, in clover, on easy street. 2. rr-ounrsHrNc. 3. opponrurvr. PROSPERITY.
Syns: bawd, call girl, camp follower, courtesan, fille de joie (Frerwh), harlot, hooker (Slong), moll (Slong), streetwalker, tady of the night, lady of whore. -ldimw pleasure, scarlet woman, soiled dove. t. onop oerb. 2. nrseslr. 3. ovpnwrrelM. n n adiectioe. LF.AD IlDUfT. VERSATILE. DEFEND.
l. covsn rwun. 2. onruNss. 1. pnpspnvlrrvs. 2. pnrwvrrvr. TEMPORARY.
protest protest wrb To expressoppositionby argument. protest rroun T.he yt.of expressing strong or reasoned opposition. proteslatlon noun acj of expressing strong or reasoned opposition. {he prOlOGOl rwun Strict observance of social conventions.
protopfasl noun
Rare. A first form from which varieties arise or imitations are made.
prototypal adiectioe H."T"g the natureof, constifutingor servingasa type. prototyp€ noun 1. A forerunner. 2. A first form from which varieties arise or imitations are made. prototypiG or prototypical adiectioe H.aving the nature of, constifuting, or serving as a type.
protract oerb
ryprcAr-. l. eNcnsron. 2. onrcrNeL nou,n.
To make or become longer.
1. Of long dtuation. 2. Exte-nding tediously beyond a standard duration.
l. cHnoxrc. 2. r.oNcr adiectioe.
The act of making something longer or the condition of being made longer.
protracted a"diecth:e protraction rwun protrude oerb
To curve outward past the normal or usual limit.
protrusion noun A part thatprotrudesor extends outward. protuberance ntntn l. A part thatprotrudesor extends outward. 2. An unevenness or elevation on a surface.
protuberate Derb
To curve outward past the normal or usual limit. proud adiecthse l. Properly valuing oneself, one's honor, or one's Poor but prutd, he uould rnt accept charity. - ligruP, " 2. Overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance.
nvrcn aerb. BULGE TWUN.
l. sur,cB tloun. 2. nuup naun. svrcn Derb. 1. Syns: prideful, self-esteeming, selfrespecting. 2. ARROGANT.
3. Markedby extraordinaryelegance,beauty,and solendor.3. cr,oRrous. a. Chbfly Regiorul. Eagerlycompliant. 4. cr.eo. proVe oerb l. To establishtt g.r"-or gen-uine: He prorsedhis 1. Syns: authenticate,bear ouq confirm, identity usitha birth certifcate. corroborate,demonstrate,endorse, establish,show,substantiate,validate, 2. To subject to a procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality. 3. Arclwic. To participate in or partake of personally.
pfOVenanGe A poTt of origination. pfOVenrcnCe twun A point of origination. prove out wrb To prove valid under scrutiny. pfOVefb troun A r-rsu.pithy and familiar statementexpressingan observ_ation or principle generallyaccCptedas wise or true: "A cat in glows catchesrn mbe" b a utell-bwu>n pooetb.
verify. 2. rnsr aerb. 3. BxprnrnNcn aerb. ORIGIN. ORIGIN. \^/ASH.
Syns: adage, aphorism, byword, ma:
73t provide oerb '
or control of another' 1. To relinquishto the possession 2.To make (something)readily available. provide for oerb of life. To supply with the necessities provide for oerb providence rwun Careful useof materialresources. provident ad.iectioe Careful in the useof materialresonrces. providential adiectiae Characterizedby luck or good fortune. pfovince noun l. An areasubjectto rule by * outsidepower. 2. ln arearegularlycovered,asby a policemanor reporter. 3. A sphereof activity, study,or interest. provincial adieaioe 1. Of or pertainingto the counlryside. 2. Having the restrictedoutlook often characteristicof ge.ogaphicisolation. pfOVlSlOn rwun A restricting or modifying element: a rutcl.earanns treaty with marry Prooisioru. provisional adiectioe 1. Dependingon or containinga condition or conditions. 2. Intended,used,or presentfor a limited time. provisionary adieciioe Depgndingon or containinga condition or conditions. pfOVlS|onS noun l. Plansmade in preparation for someundertaking. 2. Somethingfit to be eaten. proviso rwu,n A restricting or modifying element. provisory adiectbe Dependingon or containinga condition or conditions. provocation noun l. Somethingthat incitesesP.a violent response. 2. Behavior or an act that is intentionally provocative. 3. The act of annoying.
provoke oerb l. To stir to actionor feeling:Theinsultprwokedher to leaoe abru,ptly. His carelpsmess often proooked her to anger.
t. cwF. oerb. 2. orrnn oerb. supponr oerb. snu provide. ECONOMY. ECONOMICAL.
1. possnssroN. 2. srer rwu,n.
1. couvrnx adiectilse. 2. r,ocer- adiecthse.
Syns; condition, proviso, qualifi cation, reservation, specifi cation, stipulation, string (Infonnal), term(s). 1. corvornoNAr..
1. srruur,us. 2. nrneNcp.
3. ANNOYANCE. 1. Syns;
ilxouse, egg on, excite, galvanize, goad, impel, incite, infame, innelve, inspire, instigate, kindle, motivate, move, pique, rouse, spur, stimulate,
work up. 2. To give rise to a particular development. 3. To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated vexations. 4. To solicit (danger) playfully and provocatively, often unwittingly. 5. To cause to feel or show anger. provoking adiectioe Troubling the nerves or peace of mind, as by repeated vexations. pfOWeSS itoun 1. Skillfulness in the use of the hands or body. 2. atrc quality or state of being heroic.
2. cgNERATE. 3. eNrvov. 4. covnr oerb, 5. er.rcnn oerb. VEXATTOUS.
1. ou
prowl oerb To move silently and furtively.
proximate proximate adiectioe 1. Not far from anotherin space,time, or relation. 2. About to occur at any moment. prude noun A personwho is too much concernedwith being proper,_modest, or righteous:Theprudeswho orrce opposedcoeducationnou Wose iex e&rcation. pru0ence nuun l. The exerciseof goodjudgmentor commonsensein practical matters:-shoued a gooddeal of pndence ushenshe chosethe shop. 2. Careful useof materialresources. prudent adiectioe l. Careful in the useof materialresources. 2_.Tryng attentivelyto avoid danger,risk, or error. 3. Possessing, proceedingfrom, oiexhibiting good j-udgmentand prudence. prudish a.diecthse Marked by excessive concern for propriety and good form.
732 1. cr,oscl adiectioe. 2. uouervreny. Syns: bluenose, Mrs. Grundy, old maid, puritan, Victorian.
l. Syns: caution, circumspection, foresight, forethought, precaution. 2. rcoxouy.
pruriencealsopruriency Sexualhunger. pfUnenCy rroun prurient adiectioe Feelingor devotedto sexuallove or desire. Pry oerb To look into or inguire about curiously,inquisitively,or in a meddlesomefashion. pryef rrau,n prying adiectiae Unduly interestedin the afiairsof others. Eying rwun Undue interestin the afiairsof others. pseudo adiectitse Fraudulentlyor deceptivelyimitative. pseudonymii adiean:e Beingfictitiousand not real. pseudonymous adiectioe Beingfictitiousand not real. psyGhe nuun 1. The thoughtprocessescharacterisUcof an individual or group. 2. Th. vital principle or animatingforce within living beings. psychic also psychical adiectioe Relatingto or performedby the mind. psychological' adiectioe Relatingto or performedby the mind.
sEEprurience. EROTIC.
sNoopoerb. srr prier. CURIOUS. CURIOSITY. coUNTERFET
1. psycnor,ocy. 2. sprnrr.
psychOlos/ twun The thought processescharacteristic of an individual or group: A good dztectioe tries to understand the psychology of the uimiruL psychopathy rLoun Serious mental illness or disorder impairing a person's to function normally and safely. capacity 'adiectir>e pubfic l. Of, concerning or afiecting the community or the people: the public good. 2. Not restricted or confined to few. 3. Belonging to, shared by, or applicable to all alike. 4. Of, representing or carried on by people at large.
Syns; ethos, mentality, mind, psyche. -Idionx mind set, what makes someone tick.
1. Syns; civic, civil, national. 2. opBN adiectioe. 3. cour"roN adiectioe. 4. popur.e-n.
733 public rwu,n l. Personsas an organizedbody: rights ard fteeilonts gnranteed to the public. 2. "Ihe commonpeople. 3. The body of personswho admire a public personality,esp. an entertainer: His public denwld,ed an encorefrorn the singer publication noun l. The act or processof publishingprinted matter: The piece'by Mozart is publication of a newly discorsered a maior eoent. 2. An issueof printed material offered for saleor distributioni a neu)publication on the breeding habits of u:ild,d,eer. 3. The act of announcing. publicity nmun 1. The act or professionof promotingsomethingas a product. 2. A systematiceffort to increasethe importance or reputation of by favorable publicity. publicize oerb 1. To make known vigorouslythe positive featuresof (a product). 2, To increaseor seekto increasethe importance or reputation of by favorable publicity. publish rserb 1, To presentfor circulation,exhibit, or sale:published a neu one-oohtmeedition. 2. To btir,g to public notice. 3. To be the author of (a publishedwork or works): Shepublished a bbgrryhV of Mam. pubfishing rwtnt, The act or processof publishing printed matter. puddle oerb To waste time by engagingin aimlessactivrty. puddy adiectine' Well-rounded and usu. short in physique. pudgy adiecf,we Well-rounded and usu. short in physique. puerile adiectioe Of or characteristicof a child, esp. in immaturity. puff oerb 1. To be in a stateof motion, as air. 2. To breathehard. 3. To increaseor seekto increasethe importance or reputation of by favorable publicity. puff rwurr An inhalation, as of a cigar, pipe, or cigarette. puffed-up a.diectioe Characterizedby an exaggeratedshow of dignity or self-importance.' puffery twun A systematiceffort to increasethe importance or reputaUonof by favorable publicity. puffy adiecth:e Characterizedby an exaggeratedshow of dignity or self-importance. pugnacious adiectioe Having or showingan eagernessto figlrt. pUgnaclOUSneSSrwtn The power or will to figlrt.
1. Syns; community, people, society. 2. couruoner-rv. 3. Syns; audience,fars (Infonrnl), following. l. Syns; issue,printing, publishing. 2. Syns:opus,title, volume, work.
3. aNNouNcEMENT. 1. eovpnrrsrNc. 2. pnouonorv.
1. epvsnusr. 2. pnotvrorE.
1. Syns; bring out, issue, put out. 2. exNouNcr. 3. Syns; author, penl, write.
PUBLICATION. MESS AROUi.ID at meSS. pLUMpr. PLUtupr. CHILDISH. L. st owr oerb. 2. penr. 3. pnouorn.
FIGHT tOu,n.
pugnacity pugnacity noun l. Warlikeor hostileattihrdeor nature. ?.Th" poweror will to fight. pUlSSanCetwun 9.p""ity or powerfor work or vigorousactivity. puissant adiectiw l. Having or able to exert geat power. 2. Having great physical strength. pulchritudii'ous' dieaioe Having qrreliHs5that delight the eye. pule oerb with soft, intermittenl often plaintive sounds. To pulf "ry wrb l. To exert force so as to move somethingtoward the sourceof the force: The boy ryllnd her lwir. Eoeryonepulbd on the rcpe. 2. To removefrom a fixed position:pull a tooth. 3. To direct or impel to oneselfby somequality or action. pull down oerb l. To break up so t}rat reconstructionis impossible. 2. To receive,as wages,for one'slabor. pull in oerb l. To come to a particular place. 2. To control, resfict, or arrest. pull off oerb l.lnformol To begin and carry thto,tgh to completion. 2. Infomwl. To be reqponsiblefor or g"tlty of (an error or crime). pull on wrb To put (an a*icle of clothing)on one'sperson. pull through twb To exist in qpite of adversity. Pull rroun l. The action or processof pulling: gaoe the cord a wll. 2. T\e act of drawing or pulling a load: inueasedthe Wtl of tlw tructor by shifthg gears. 3. An inhalation, as of a cigar, pipe, or cigarette: took a pull on his meercclwum. 4. An act of drinking or the amountswallowed. 5. Slnng.The power to produce an effect by indirect means. 6-.frg power or quality of attracting. pulfback- twun The moving back of a military force in the face of enemyattack or after a defeat. pufl down oerb pull in wrb pufl off wrb pull on wtu pulfout rroun pull out wrb To move or proceed away from a place. pullout rwun The moving back of a military force in the face of enemyattack or after a defeat. pufl through Detu pulfulate Mb To overflow with. pufp Mb To pressforcefully so as to break up into a pulpy mass.
734 l. snLLrcsRENcE. 2. rrcnr twun. ENERGY.
l. pownnrur,. 2. srnoxc. BEAUTIFUL. WHINE.
l. Syns; drag, draw, haul, tow, fug.
2. Syns: evulse, extract, pluck, tearl. 3. errnecr.
1. ennvp. 2. nnsrnerx. l. pnnronm. 2. couurr.
1. Syns;jerk, tug. 2. Syns:draft, draw, haul, traction. 3. Syns; drag (Informnl), draw, hit (Skng), puff. 4. nnrmr< noun. 5. nwlurNcu rraun. 5. errnecrrorv. NETREAT |WUN,
snr pull. snnpull. snnpull. snr pull. snr pull out. co oerb. RETNEAT NOUN.
srn pull. TrBvl. cnvsu oerb.
735 puf pous a.d;iectioe Yieldingeasilyto pressureor weight; not firm. pulpy adiectioe Yieldingeasilyto pressureor weight; not firm. pufsate oerb To make rhythmic contracUons,sounds,or movements. pulsating adiectioe Marked by a regular rhythm. pufsation noun A periodic contractionor soundof somethingcoursing. pulse rnun A periodic contractionor soundof somethingcoursing. pulse oerb To make rhythmic contracUons,sounds,or movements. pufverize oerb l. To break up into tiny particles. 2. To break up so that reconstructionis impossible. pufverous adiectine Consistingof small particles. pulverulent adiectioe Consistingof small particles. pummel rserb To hit heavily and repeatedly. pump oerb To remove (a liquid) by a steady,gradualprocess. pUnCh rwun l. Infonnal. The capacrtyto createa powerful effect. 2.lnfonrul. A stimulatingor intoxicatingeffect. readinessto undertaketaxingefforts. 3. An aggressive punctilio noun A small,often specializedelementof a whole. punctif ious adiectioe Fond of or given to ceremony. punGtual ad;iectioe Occurring, acting, or performed exactly at the time appointed:a punotu,alanioal. punctuate oerb To mark with punctuation. puncture oerb 1. To make a hole or other openingin. 2. To passinto or throughby overcomingresistance. 3. To causeto be no longer believedor valued. puncture fwun A small mark or hole madeby a sharp,pointed object. pundit rwun A usu.elderly man noted for wisdom,knowledge,and judgment. pungent adfectioe 1. Affectingthe organsof tasteor smell with a strong and often harshsensation:a pungentsmell; a pungentfou*. 2. So sharpasto causemental pain. punish oirb l. To subject(one)to a penalty for a wrong: pu,nished themfor playinghooky. 2. lnfonrnl. To eat completelyor entirely. punishing adiectioe Inflicting or aiming to inflict punishment: took punishing action against the rebels. punishment nolrn A penalty imposedfor wrongdotng:The punishmentfor armed robbery is a prison term.
r;nl,lr oerb, RHYTHMICAL. BF,LT fWUn. BELT fWU.n.
r,nar oerb. l. crtuslg oerb. 2. opsrnov. FINEI. FINEl. SEAT oerb. DNAIN,
1. wer-r-op nuun. 2. rrcr rwun. 3. onrve rwun. DETAIL
Syns; prompt, timely. -Idioms dot, on time.
on the
potwr oerb, l. snrecH oerb. 2. pnrvrrnern. 3. orscnspn oerb. PnICK ftoun. saGEftou,fr.
1. Syns.' piquant, poignant (Archaic), sharp. 2. srrwc. 1. Syns.' correct, discipline. 2. coNsurrar. Syns; disciplinary, punitive, punitory.
Syns: correction, discipline, punition.
punition punition rvrun A pp""lty Tposeafor wrongdoing.
punltfVe a.diectioe Inficting or_aiming to infict punishment. pun[Ory a.diecthn Inficting or aiming to inflict punishment. pUnK rwun Sbog.A rouglr, violent person who engagesin destructive actioru.
puny ad,iec-th:e 1. Not physicallystrong. 2. Conspicuouslydeficientin quantity, fullness,or extent. pUP lwun An insignificantbut arrogant and obnoxiousyoung person. puPil tw,tn One who is being educated. puppet twun A personusedor controlled by others. puppy rwttn An insignificantbut arrogant and obnoxiousyoung person. puibf ind a^diectitn Unwilling or unableto perceive. purchasaSle adiectioe' Capableof being bribed. purchase perb 1. To agqulrein exchangefor moneyor somethingof equal value. 2. To zubject(someonehavingthe public's trust) to improper infuence. purchase rroun Somethingbouglrt or capable of being bouglrt. pUrchaser rwun One who buys goodsor services. pure adiectioe l. Free from extraneorselements:pure brilliarwe;Wre rccessity; pure gold. 2. Not diluted or mixed with other substances. such,without qualfication or exception. !. Comp_letely 4. Morally beyondreproach, sexualconduct. 5. Free from evil and corruption. pure oerb Obs.To free from sin, guilt, or defflement. pure adwrb ChyfV Regional.To a high degree. Purebfooded adiectioe Of pure breedingstock. purebred adiealt:e Of pure breedingstock. purely ad,oerb Without exception; in its entirety: Any wch rcsemblarceis purely coircidental. pureneSs rwun The condition of b.i"g clean and free of contaminants. purgatiOn noun 1. The act or processof dischargingbodily wastesor foreign substances. 2. A freeing from sin, guilt, or defilement. purgative dieahn l. Servingto purify of sin: Corfessilmis o putgatioe
l. r.rrmu. 2. urecpn.
SQUIRT rwun.
BLrND ad,iectioe. CORNUPTIBLE. l. nvv oerb. 2. connvw
BW tWUn, PATRON. 1. Syns; absolute, perfect, plain, sheef, unadulterated, undiluted, unmixed.
2. srnarcnr. 3. urrnn2. 4. cnesrp. 5. PURIFY.
vnnv adtserb. THoRoucHnnno adi ectioe. THoRoucHanno adi ectitse. Syns: all, altogether, just, quite, utterly, wholly. -ldionw in all, in toto. PI,'RITY.
l. nr.rurNerroN. 2. punrrrcATroN. 1. Syns.' expiative, expiatory, expurgatory
737 rite in the RussianChurch. 2. Of, relatingto, or tending to eliminate. purgatorial adiectioe Servingto purify of sin. purge oerb l. Med. To discharge(wastesor foreign substances) from the bodv. 2. To free from'sin, guilt, or defilement. 3. lnu. To free from a chargeor imputationof guilt. 4. To get rid of, banishmentor execution. purge rwun The act or processof eliminating. purificant noun Somethingthat purifies. purification nnun 1. The act or processof removingphysicalimpurities: water purifcation. 2. A freeing from sin, guilt, or defilement:pwification of mind and,soul through confession. purificator noun Somethingthat purifies. purified adiectioe Made pure, a commercialrefining process. purifier rwun Somethingthat purifies: Water purifiersare rrcededin someplaces. purify oerb l. To free from sin, guilt, or defilement:prayed that her soul would be purified. 2. To make or becomeclear by the removalof impurities. purifying adiectioe Servingto purify of sin. puritan noun A personwho is too much concernedwith being proper, modest,or riglrteous. puiitanical a.d,iectioe Marked by excessiveconcernfor propriety and good form. purity nou,n l. The condition of being clean and free of contaminants:tested the puri,ty of the toum's water xryply. 2. T\e condition of being chaste. purloin oerb To take (another'sproperry) without permission. purfoiner rautn A personwho steals. purl6ining rroun The crime of taking someoneelse'sproperty without consent. pUrpOrt rraun l. The gist of a specfficaction or situation. 2. That which is signifiedby a word or expression. 3. The general senseor significance,as of an action, statement,etc. 4. The thread or current of thouglrt uniting or occurring in all the elementsof a text or discourse. pUrpOSe naun 1, What one intends to do or achieve. 2.T}ne proper activity of a personor thing.
(aho expurgatorial), lustral, lustrative, lustratory, purgatorial, purifying. 2. pr,runqrlrrvr. PURGATIVE.
1. er,rMrxerr. 2. punrrv. 3. ctnla. oerb. 4. rr-rurNern. ELIMINATTON. PURIFIER.
1. Syns; clarification, cleaning, cleansing. 2. Syns: catharsis, cleansing, expurgation, lustration, purgation. PURIFIER. REFINED.
Syns; cleaner, cleanser, purificant, ptuificator. 1. Syns; cleanse, expurgate, lustrate, pure (Obs.), purge. 2. nBrwe.
l. Syns; clarity, cleanliness,cleanness, pureness,taintlessness. 2. crresrrrv. srnx, oerb. LARCENER. LARCENY.
1. pne. 2. unemxc nuun. 3. ruponr rtuun. 4. rHnusr rwun.
1. rxrnvrroN. 2. ruxc"rroN twun.
purposeless purposc oerb To have in mind as a goal or purpose. purposeless adiectioe l. Without aim, purpose, or intent. 2. Lacking rational direcUon or pulpose. 3. Having no particular pattern, puryose, organization, or struchrre. PUrSUal rroun An attempting to accomplish or attain. pUfSUanCe noun An attempting to accomplish or attain. PUTSUe oerb 1. To_follow (another) with the intent of overtaking and capturing: The police pursued the armed rohbers ocross tousn. 2. To move behind (another) in the same direction. 3. To strengthen the effect of (an acUon) by further action. 4. To go througlr (life) in a certain way. 5. To attempt to gain the afiection of. 6. To work at, esp. its a profession.
pUrsuing noun
An attempting to accomplish or attain. pUfSUlt nDrrn 1. Th9 following of another in an attempt to overtake and capture: in Wrsuit of the hiiackers. 2. An_attempting to accomplish or attain: life,Iiberty, and the pursait of lwppiness. 3. Activity pursued as a livelihood. 4. A working at a profession or occupation. pUfVlefV rwun 1. An area within which something or someone exists, acts, or has influence or power. 2. "I\e extent of one's perception, understanding, knowledqe, - or vision.
1. emr,rss. 2. urNor,nss. 3. neNoou.
1. Syns; chase, run after. -ldiornsbe go ) in hot pursuit, give chase. 2. ror.r-ow. 3. ror-r,ow up at follow. 4. rnlro oerb. 5. covnr oerb. 5. pnecucn oerb. PURSUIT.
-Idiom hot pursuit.
2 . Syns;pursual,pursuance,pursuing, quest,search. 3 . BUSINESS. 4 . PRACTICE TNUN. l.
2. xnN.
push oerb
l. To do or achieve by forcing obstacles out of one's way_:pushed h* tmy through the packed bar; _ Wshed energ7 bgislntion thrmgh Congress. 2. To exert pressure. 3. To act on with a steady pushing force. 4. To force to move or advance with or as if with blows or pressure. 5. To force one's way into a place or sifuation. 6. Slnng. To make known vigorously the positive features of (a product). 7. Slnng. To engage in the illicit sale of (narcotics): fnhing heroin on the street. 8. To cause to stick out. push off oerb Infornwl. To move or proceed away from a place. push on oerb To move along a particular course. push noun l. An act or instance of using force so as to propel _ ahead: gaw him a quick puh of the dioingboard. 2. An organized effort to accomplish a purpose. 3. Infomwl. An aggressive readiness to undlertake taxing efforts. 4.lnfornwL The wiih, power, and ability to begin and follow through with a plan or task. 5. Something that causesand encourages a given response.
l. Syns; bulldoze (Slnng), press, riun, shoulder, shove. 2. nnen. 3. cnowo oerb, 4. onrvn oerb. 5. uvscrn oerb. 6. epvnnusn.
peddle, shove.
8 . por,n oerb. co aerb. co oerb. l.
2. DRM 3 . DRM
shove, thrust. ft{/un. r7,OUn.
4. AMBITION. 5. srruur,us.
739 puSher nou,n Slnng.A personwho sellsnarcoticsillegally: heroin and cocairw pushers. push off oerb push on oerb pushOver noun l. Infonrwl. An easilyaccomplishedtask. 2. An easyvictory. 3. lnfonrwl. A personwho is easily deceived or victimized. pushy adiectioe l. Inforntal. Having or exhibiting excessiveand arrogantself-confidence. 2. Informal. Inclined to act in a hostile way. pusillahimity rorun Ignoble lack of courage. puiillanimous adieclhse Ignobly lacking in courage. pUSS rnun L. Slnng.The front surfaceof the head. 2. Sl,ang.The openingin the body througlr which food is ingested. pussyfool oerb l. Slnng.To use evasiveor deliberately vague language. 2. To move silentlv and furtivelv. pussyfooting adieatoe Sl^g. Deliberately ambiguousor vague. put perb 1. To depositin a specifiedposition. 2. To place in proper positionor location. 3. To conveyin languageor words of a particular form. 4. To expressin another language,while systematically retaining the original sense. 5. To utter publicly. 6. To seekan answerto (a question). 7. To establishand apply as compulsory. 8. To calculate approximately. 9. To make a bet on. put away oerb l. To eat completelyor entirely. 2. To take the life of (a personor persons)unlawfully. put by oerb To reservefor the future. put down oerb To bring to an end forcibly as if by imposing aheavy weight. put forth oerb l. To put forward a topic for discussion. 2. To advance, as an idea, for consideration. put in oerb l. To use time in a particular way. 2. lnformal. To spend or complete (time), as a prison term. 3. Infomwl. To ask for employment, acceptance, or admission. 4. Naut. To come or go into (a place). put through oerb To carry to a successful conclusion. put to oerb To move an appropriate barrier into (an opening).
put Syns; candyman (Slnng), dealer. sEEpush. sEEpush. 1. 2. nurvewev rwun at run away. 3. pupn twun.
l. 2. eccnnssrvr. COWARDICE. COWARDLY.
1. recn twu/n. 2. uourn. 1. rguwocern. 2. sNux oerb. EVASI\lE.
L. snrr oerb. 2. posrrroN oerb. 3. plantrsn oerb. 4. rneNsr,em. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
nn oerb. esx. ruposr. rsrrMers oerb. spr oerb.
l. coNsuup. 2. vunonn oerb. SAVE. SUPPRESS.
1. snoecH. 2. pnoposn. l. sprNo. 2. snnvr. 3. eppr.y. 4. er.ITBn. nrrnct
ct asnr oerb.
putative put together wrb To create by forming combining or dtering materials. put up wrb 1. To make or form (a structure). 2. To raise upriglrt. 3. To prepare (food) for storageand future use. 4. To provide with often temporary todging. putative adieahn Assumedto be zuch. put away uerb put by wrb put down Mb put forth wrb put in oerb Put-On rpun put on wrb l. To produceon the stage. 2. To behave affectedlv or insincerelv. 3. To take on or give a farc appearanceof. 4. To put (an article of clothing)on one'sperson. put-on noun Shng. A deceptive outward appearance. Put-out ad,iecth:e Put out wrb l. To brirg to bear steadilyor forcefully. 2. To presentfor circulation,exhibit, oi sale. 3. To causeinconveniencefor. 4. To causeto stop burning or giving liglrt. 5. To cause(a person)to be self-consciouslydistressed. put-out adiecthn Distressedand ill at ease. putrefaction rwun The conditionof bei.rgdecayed. putrefy wrb To becomeor causeto becomerotten or unsound. putresce oerb To becomeor causeto becomerotten or unsound. putrescence twrn The condition of b"i"g decayed. putrid adiecthse l. Impaired becauseof decay. 2. Smellingof mildew or decay. putridness" ttotm The condiUonof being decayed. putter oerb l. To move one'sfingersor handsin a nervousor aimlessfashion. 2. To wastetime by engagingin aimlessactivity. 3. To be nervouslyor uselesslyactive. putter around wrb put through oerb put to wb put together wft put up wrb pUZZle noun enything that arousescuriosity or perplexesbecauseit is unexplained,inexplicable,or secret. puzzle out oefu To find the key to. puzzlement twun enything that arousescuriosity or perplexesbecauseit is unexplained,inexplicable, or secret.
l. 2. 3. 4.
n'vtr.o Derb. rnncr. coNsrnvs oerb. urnr,oa aerb.
sEEput. sm put. srr put. srn put. srn put. snnput on. L. srucn oerb. 2. ncr oerb. 3. essuun. 4. ool. FAgADE.
snn put out. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
rxnncrsn oerb. punr-rsn. rNcowvrurnNcn oerb. rrrrxcursu. Buranness.
onclrv oerb. ouctv oerb. DECAY TIOUN, l. nep.
2. uor,nv. DECAY fWlTN.
l. noor-s. 2. rr.rnss ARouNDat mess. 3. russ oerb. sEEputter. snn put. sEEput. snr put. ser put. MYSTERY.
741 puzzle out perb puzZlef nuu.n
srn puzzle.
Anything that arousescuriosity or perplexesbecauseit is unexplained,inexplicable, or secret. pygmy also pigmy adiectioe Extremelvsmall. pyramid rwun, A group of things gatheredhaphazardly. pyretic adiectioe Being at a hig[rer temperature than is normal or desirable. pythonic adiecthse Of extraordinary size and power.
wor adiecthse. crANTadiectitse.
qUaGk tuou,rr FAI(E TIOU,N. One who is not what he claimsto be. qUad norm couRT fwun, An areapartially or entirely enclosedby walls or buildings. quadrangle nutn An area partially or entirely enclosedby walls or buildings. couRr noun. quadrate ad;iecthse seuARE ad,iectioe. Having four equal sidesand four right angles. quadrate perb AGREE. To be compatibleor in correspondence. quaff oerb onrNx oerb. To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid). quaff noun DRINK fwruN. An act of drinking or the amountswallowed. gUag twnn SWAMP. A usu. low-lying area of sof! waterloggedgound and standingwater. quaggy ad;iectioe SOFT. Yieldingeasilyto pressureor weight; not firm. quagmlre rwu,n 1. pnporce.upNr. 1. A difficult, embarrassingsituation. 2, swrurap. 2. A usu.low-lying areaof soft, waterloggedground and standingwater. quail oerb To draw away involuntarily, usu. due to fear or disgust. FLINCH. quaintr adiectioe 1. Agreeablycurious, an old-fashionedor 1. Syns; funny, odd, oddball (Informal). unusual way: an ol.dhmse uith Enint, meandering stainnays. 2. Deviatingfrom the customary. 2. sccpvrRrc adiectiae. quaint2 ,:nb Archaic. To make known sociallv. ACQUATNT. quake oerb l, To move to and fro in short,jetky movements. l.,noerb. 2. To move to and fro violentlv. 2. ssrxn oerb. quake noun A shakingof the earth. TREMOR |WUN. quaking ad,iecthn Marked by or a^ffected with tremors. TREMULOUS.
quaky quaky odiectioe Marked by or affectedwith tremors. qualificatidn r,nun l. The quality or stateof being eligible: His qualification for the sernte is unquestioned. 2. A restrictingor modifyingelement. qualified adiectioe 1. Not total, unlimited, or wholehearted:a qmlified plan for expansion. 2. Having the ability to perform well. 3. Dependingon or containinga condition or conditions. 4. Satisfyingthe requirements,as for selection. 5. Having the necessarystrengthor ability.
gualify ,hu
l. To make noticeable or different. 2. To give authority to. quaf ity twun l. A disdnctive element: Honesty is her finest qmlity. 2. Degree of excellence: yard goods of Lou:qulity. 3. A level of superiority th.t is usu. high. 4. High style in quality, manner, or dress. 5. People of the highest social level. quafity adiectiw Exceptionally god of its kind. qUalm rwun A feeling of uncertainty about the fitness or correctness of an action: I lw.d qwlnls about pessing on the story,
quantity noun 1. A measurable whole: a large qtnntitg of coal; a wnll qtnntity of eoidence. 2. An indefinite amount or extent.
quantum noun l. A measurable whole. 2. Thatwhichis allotted. qUarrel nuun A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed. quarrel wrb To engage in a quarrel. quarrelsome adiectioe l. Given to arguing. 2. Having or showing an eagerness to fight.
qUarter noun l. One of four equal parts of something:Each took a quarter of the proft. 2. A part of the earth'ssurface. 3. A rather smallpart of a geogaphic unit considered in regard to its inhabitantsor distinctive characteristics. quarter oerb To provide with often temporary lodging. quartefage rroun Dwellings in general. quartern rwun One of four equal parts of something. quash oerb To bring to an end forcibly as if by i-posi"g a heavy weight. quashing rnun The act of restrainingforcefully.
l. Syns; eligibility, eligibleness, fitness, suitableness. 2. pnovrsroN. 1. Syns: limited, modified, reserved, restricted. 3. coxorrroNAl. 4. rr,rcrsr.r. 5. nguer adiectixe. 1. orsrrNcursn. 2. eunronrzn. 1. Syns; affection2, attribute, character, characteristic, feafure, mark, peculiarity, property, savor, trait. 2 . Syns: caliber, class, grade.
3 . MERIT 4. CLASS 5.
Syns : compunction, misgiving, reservation, scruple. 1. Syns; amount, body, budget, bulk, corpus, quantum. 2. onN- rwun. 1. quervnrv. 2. er,r,orN.rnr.IT. ARGUMENT.
ANGUE. 1. encunrcNTATIvE. 2. snLLrcnRENT.
l. Syn.'quartern. 2. enna. 3. rvrlcnsoRHooD. r'tnnOn Aerb. SHELTER
743 quaver Derb To move to and fro in short,jerky movements. quavef noun A nervousshakingof the body. queer adiecthse l. Deviatingfrom the customary. 2. Causingpuzzlement;pelplexing. quell oerb To bring to an end forcibly as if by imposing a heavy weight. quendh oerb l. To causeto stop burning or giving light. 2. To bring to an end forcibly as if by imposinga heavyweight. 3. To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. quenching twun The act of restrainingforcefully. querier rwun One who inquires. querulent adiectiae Easilyannoyed. 'adiecth:e querufous 1. Having or showinga bad temper. 2. Easilyannoyed. qUery nutn A requestfor data. query oerb To put a questionto (someone). queSt noutr I. A seekingof knowledge,data, or the truth about something. 2. An attemptingto accomplishor attain. quest oerb To try to find. questi6n nolrn l. A requestfor data. 2. A lack of convictionor certainty. 3. A situationthat presentsdifficulty, uncertainty,or perplexity. question perb 1. To put a questionto (someone). 2. To be uncertain, disbelieving,or skeptical about. questionable adiectioe l. Of dubiouscharacter. 2. In doubt or diqpute. 3. Not affordingcertainty. 4. Not likely. questioner rwun 1. One who inquires. 2. One who conductsan official inquiry, usu. with no regard for human rights. guestioning ad;iectiae 1. Eagerto acquireknowledge. 2. Refusingor reluctant to believe. questioningly ad,oerb With skepticism. qUeUe twun 4. F.o"p of people or things arrangedin a row. qUlDDle oerb 1. To raise unnecessary or trivial objections: ahaays quibbling abu.rt the silliest things.
1. nccrvrnrc 2. ruvr.rv.
1. nrnNcurss. 2. suppnrss. 3. nnpnnss. REPRESSTON. INQUIRER. IRRITABLE.
1. rr-r--rruPERED. 2. rnnrreslE. INQUIRY. ASK.
1. rNgurnv. 2. punsurr. SEEK.
1. nvgurnx. 2. oousr rwun. 3. pnosr.rld.
1. esx. 2. oovnl Derb. 1. 2. 3. 4.
sHeoy. nnserABLE. ervrnrcuous. oounrrur-.
l. rwgurnnn. 2. rugursrron.
1. cunrous. 2. rNcnuoulous. SKEPTICALLY.
1. Syns.'carp, cavil, nigg[e, nit-pick (Infomwl), pettifog. -Idimn pick to pieces.
quick 2. To engage in a quarrel. quick a"diecthn 1. Accomplished in very little time: a quick oisit. 2. Characterized by great celerity. 3. Moving or performing quicHy, Iightly, and easily. quick twun A point of origin from which ideas, infuences, etc., emanate. quick a.doerb In a rapid way. quicken oerb l. To make alive: Sun and showers quicken plnnts. 2. To increase the qpeed of.
quickening adiecthn Serving to enliven.
2. encur. 1. Syns: brief, fast, fying, hasg, hurried, speedy. 2. r,tsr adiectioe. 3. xrunr.r. CENTER NOUN,
rtsr adtserb. 1. Syns; animate, enliven, liven, vivify. 2. spnno uP at speed. STIMULATINC.
quickness tuoun l. Rate of motion or performance. 2. T\e quality or state of being agile.
1. spnno rwun. 2. ecu,rry.
Easilv annoyed.
quick-teniperild d,iectiw
quick-ivitted a.diecthse Y.""t"lly quickandoriginal. qUlOnUnCrwun l. A persongiven to intruding in other people'safiairs. 2. A personhabihnlly engagedin idle talk about others.
1. ueoor,rn. 2. cossrpnoun.
quiescenc€alsoquiescency nmun The condition of b"itrg temporarily inactive.
quiescency nmun quiescent adiectioe
Existing in a temporarily inactive and hidden form. quiet diecth:e l. Not showyor obtrusive:a roo,nd,ecorated in a quiet, plea^rhgstgln. 2. MoUonlessand undisturbed. 3. Marked by, done with, or makingno soundor noise. 4. Not irritating, strident,or loud. quiet nuun l. An absenceof motion or disturbance. 2.'I\e absenceof soundor noise. quiet oerb 1. To causeto become silent. 2. To make or becomecalm. quiet adoerb Without noise. quieten wrb To causeto becomesilent. quietness twun The absenceof soundor noise. quietude rwttn The absenceof soundor noise. quietus rroun The act or fact of dying. quintessence rwtrn l. A basictrait or set of traits that define and establish the character of something. 2. "I\e most centrd and materialpart. quintessential adiectioe Having the nature of, constifuting or serving as a type. quintessential twun A basic trait or set of traits that define and establishthe character of something.
snr quiescence. LATENT.
1. Syns; inobtrusive, restrained, subdued, tasteful, unobtrusive. 2. srrr-r- ad:iectioe. 3. srr,nnr. 4. sopr. l. sru.r-rwss. 2. su-rxcr nuun. 1. srr,nr.rcroerb. 2. cN-v' aerb. srrr-r, adaerb. srr-nrqcntrerb. SILENCE |WUN, SILENCE |WUN, DEATH.
1. rssnxcn. 2. nrenr. TYPICAL. ESSENCE.
745 quip rruun 1. Words or actionsintendedto excite laughteror amusement. f..A flippant or sarcasticremark. qUffK twun Peculiar behavior. quirky ad;iecthse Deviating from the customary. quit perb 1. To relinquishone'sengagementin or occupation with: quit his iob; quit d,rinking. 2. To ceasetrying to accomplishor continue. 3. To grve up without intending to return or claim again. 4. To move or proceedaway from a place. 5. To conduct oneselfin a qpecifiedway. 6. To come to a cessation. guit adiectioe Owing or being owed nothing. quitclaim rwxtn A giving up of a possession, claim, or riglrt. quitclaim oerb To give up a possession, claim, or right. quite ad,oerb 1. To a considerableextent. 2. To the firllest extent. 3. Without exception;in its entirety. quittance tvrun Somethingto make up for lossor damage. quiver oerb To move to and fro in short, jerky movements. qulver fwun A nervousshakingof the body. quivering adfecthn Marked bv or a.ffectedwith tremors. quivery idiectioe Marked by or affectedwith tremors. quixotic a.diectioe Not compatible with reality. quiz oerb 1. To put a questionto (someone). 2. Brit. To makefun of. quiz rraun 1. A set of questionsor exercisesdesignedto determine knowledge or skill. 2, A person who is appealinglyodd or curious. quodlibetic adiectioe Characterizedby a narrow concern for book learning and formal nrles, without knowledge or experienceof practical matters. qubndam a.diectioe Having been such previously. quota nou,n That which is allotted. quotidian adiecth:e Of or suitable for ordinary daysor routine occasions.
1.;oxr noun. 2. cnecx rroun,
EccENTRrc adiectine. 1. Syns; leaver, resigp, terminate. 2. esANDoNoerb. 3. esANDoN oerb. 4. w oerb. 5. rcr oerb. 6. srop oerb. rvENr adiectioe. ABDTCATION. ABDICATE. 1. coNsrpBRABLY.
l. esr. 2. nrorcur,n oerb. 1. rssr nou,n. 2. cnenecrBn. PEDANTIC.
rl,:r.n adiectioe. ALLOTMENT. E\1ERYDAY.
rabble noun A goup of persons regarded asthe lowestclass. rabid adieahn 1. Markedby extremeexcitement, confusion, or agitation. 2. Full of or markedby extremeanger. 3. Holding eqp.political views that deviate drastically and fundamentallyfrom conventionalor traditional beliefs. face rwun f . A strugglewith others for victory or supremacy. 2. A swift advanceor attack. race oerb To move swiftlv. rack wrb l. To btittg great harm or zufferingto. 2. To zubject(another)to extremephysicalcruelty, as in punishing. faGket noun l. Soundsor a sound,eqp.when loud, confused,or disageeable. 2. Slang.Activity purzuedasa livelihood. racy ad.iecthn Borderingon indelicacyor impropriety: shockedthe by tellirq a racVstory. fa0fanGe rvntn 1. Exceptionalbrig[rtnessand clarity, as of a cut and polishedstone. 2. A feelinqof pervasiveemotionalwarmth.
radiant afieaie
Giving off or refecting light readily or in large amounts.
radiate wrb l. To sendout heat, light, or enerry. 2. To emit a bright liglrt. 3. To extendover a wide area. radicaf adieahn 1. Arising from or going to the root or source:radical difererces that un malceactioi$n and,reoson iruonpatibb. 2. Holding esp. political views that deviate drastically and fundamentally from conventionalor traditional beliefs. radical rwun One who holds extremeviews or advocatesextreme measures. rag oerb Sb"g.To teaseor mock good-humoredly. ragamuffin rwt n A person wearing raggedor tattered clothing. fage rroun l. Violent or unrestrainedanger. 2. "I\e current custom.
rRAsgl rtuun. 1. rnevrrc. 2. runrous. 3. Brrrnnprn adiectioe.
1. conaprurroN. 2. cnencn noun. nvss oerb. 1. erpr-rcr. 2. ronrunn aerb.
1. Norsr rwu,n. 2. susrNEss. Syns: blue, broad, dubious, off-color, risqu6, salty, scabrous, spicy, suggestive. 1. rrnn noun. 2. cr-ow nuun, BRIGHT.
l. sHeo. 2. snAM oerb. 3. spnnen uerb. 1. Syns; basal, basic, bottom, foundational, fundamental, original, primary, underlying. 2. B>rrnrrurnadiectiae.
l. r'unv. 2. resHrow rwun.
747 3. A subjector acUvitythat inqpireslively interest. rage oerb To be or becomeangry. ragged adiectioe l. Having a coarse,irregular surface. 2. Torn into or markedby shredsor tatters. raggedy ad,iectioe Torn into or marked by shredsor tatters. raging ad,iectiae l. Full of or markedby extremeanger. 2. Violently disturbed,as by storms. fags rroun Torn and raggedclothing. ragtag also ragtag and bobtail rr/oun A group of personsregardedas the lowest class. ragtag and bobtail rwun raid rmrn An act of invading, military forces. raid oerb l. To enter in order to attack,plunder, destroy,or conquer. 2. To make a surpriseattack on: Apachesraifud the uttpost to discouragefurther exparwion. rail at (or against) oerb To attack with harsh, often insulting language. raif ing nuun Harsh, often insulting language. raiment twun Articles worn to cover the body. rain oerb To give in great abundance. rainb5w ,iun A fantastic,impracticableplan or desire. rainfess adieciioe flaving little or no precipitation. falSe oerb 1. To increasein amount: raisedprices; raisedmy rent. 2. To makeor form (a structure). 3. To move (something)to a higher position. 4. To raise upright. 5. To bring into existenceand foster the developmentof. 5. To take care of and educate(a child). 7. To increasemarkedlyin level or intensity,esp.of sound. 8. To raisein rank. 9. To induce or elicit (a reactionor emotion). lO. To put forward a topic for discussion. 11. To seekan answerto (a question). raise nutn The amountby which somethingis increased. raised adiectioe 1. Directed or pointed upward. 2. Being positionedabovea given level. 3. Abnormally increased, intensity. rakel nnun An immoral or licentiousman. rakez oerb To depart or causeto depart from true vertical or horizontal. rakehell ad;iectioe Given to heedless,unrestrainedpursuit of pleasure.
rakehell 3. nvrsusresu. eNcrn r:erb. 1. noucn. 2. rerrpnno. TATTERED.
l. runrous. 2. noucn. TATTERS.
rnAsnr nf,run. sEEragtag. INVASION.
l. rrweoB. 2. Syns: harass, harry, maraud.
nnvtrn oerb. YITUPERATION. DRESS tWUn.
snowrn oerb. ILLUSION.
onv ad;iectitse. 1. Syns; boost, hike, increase, jack (up), jump, up. 2. n,vrno oerb. 3. Br,rverp. 4. nnncr oerb. 5. cnow. 5. enrNrcur at bring. 7. rr-rverr. 8. pnouorr. 9. enousn. 10. snoacH. 11. esx. INCREASE |IOUN,
l. nnrcr adiectioe. 2. nt nvn'rno, 3. nr-nverno. WANTONfwun. rNcr.rNnuerb.
rl^sr adiectioe.
rakish rakish adiectioe Given to heedless, unrestrained pursuit of pleasure. raffy wrb 1. To assemble, prepare, or put into operaUon, as for war or a similar emergency. 2. To regain one's hedth. rally rwun A return to normal health. ram wrb 1. To cause to penetrate with force: rarnmed the bayonet into the target. 2. To force to move or advance with or as if with blows or pressure. 3. To do or achieve by forcing obstacles out of one's way. ramble oerb 1. To move about at random, esp. over a wide area. 2. To walk at a leisurely pace. ramble nuun An act of walking esp. for pleasure. ramify oerb To separate into branches or branchlike parts. ramPage rwun A period of uncontrolled self-indulgence. ramshackle adiectioe Falling to ruin. fanGOf noun The quality or state of feeling bitter. ranCOrOUS adiectilse Bitingly hostile. random adiectioe 1. Having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or structure: a random sebction of his unitings; random ideas; random acquaintonce ships. 2. Determined or marked by whim or caprice rather than reason. fange rwrrn l. An area within which something or someone exists, acts, or has influence or power: Extra fuel tanlcs greatly ertend, a bomber's range. Th.e range of his mind was limited. 2. T"be extent of one's perception, understanding, knowledge, or vision. 3. The ability or power to seize or attain. 4. Approximate size or amount. range wrb l. To place in or form a line or lines. 2. To put into a deliberate order. 3. To change or fluctuate within limits. 4. To move about at random, esp. over a wide area. ran€C/ ad,iectioe Tall, thin, and awkwardly built. rankl rwttn 1. A division of persons or things by q"*lity, rank, or grade. 2. A group of people or things arranged in a row. 3. Positioning of one individual vis-i-vis others. rank oerb l. To put into a deliberate order. 2. To ass@ to a class or classes. rank2 adiecthn l. Conspicuously bad or offensive.
rrsr adiectioe. 1. Nroarr-rzn. 2. nBcovpn. RECOVERY.
1. Syns: dig, drive, plunge, run, sink, stab, stick, thrust. 2. onrvn oerb. 3, puslg aerb.
1. novB. 2. srnow aerb. WALK
nneNcn uarb. BINGE.
1. Syns; desultory, haphazard, hit-or-miss, indiscriminate, objectless, purposeless, spot, stray, unconsidered, unplanned. 2. ennrrneny.
1. Syns; ambit, compass, extension, extent, orbit, purview, reach, realm, scope, sphere, sweep. 2. xnN. 3. cnesp noun. 4. NnrcnaoRHooD. l. 2. 3. 4.
ntr'tn oerb. ennarcn. co. novr.
1. cr-ess noun. 2. r-nrn nDrtn. 3. pr,ecn rwun. l. enneNcn. 2. ct tss oerb. 1. rr-ecneNr.
749 2. Growing profusely. 3. Smellingof mildew or decay. 4. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. rankness noun The gudity or state of being flagant. ransaGk oerb 1. To make a thoroughsearchof. 2. To rob on a large scale. fant oerb To speakin a loud, pompous,or prolonged manner: ranted on and,on abutt_ca,pitalpunishmerfi. ranting ad,iectiae Full of or markedby extremeanger. rapl oerb l. To make a noiseby striking. 2. Slang.To find fault with. 3. Inforrnal. To criticize for a fault or offense. rap out oerb To speakzuddenlyor sharply, as from surpriseor emoUon. rap rwun 1. An audibleblow. 2. Slong.A judicial decision, settingthe punishmentto be inficted on a convicted person. 3. Slang.An exchangngof views. fap' noun The least bit. rapaGiouS odiectioe 1. Having a strong urge to obtain or possesssomething, esp. material wealth in quanUty. 2. Having an insatiableappetite for an activity or pursuit. rapaGity twun l. Excessivedesirefor more than one needsor deserves. 2. T\e quality or condition of being voracious. rape oerb l. To compel (another)to participate in or zubmit to a sexualactt Enerny soldiercpillnged the tou>nand, raped the women. 2. To rob of goodsby force, time of war. rapid adiectioe Characterizedby great celerity. raPidity rwun l. Rate of motion or performance. 2. Rapidnessof movement or activity. rap OUt oerb rappOft norrn l. Harmoniousmuhral understanding. 2, T\e state of individuals who are in utter agreement. rapprochement rwun A re-establishmentof friendship or harmony. rapt a.diecthse Having one's thougbtsfully occupied. rapture rwun A state of elated bliss. rare a.diectioe l. Far beyondwhat is usual,normal,or customary:a touch of rare uit. 2. Rarely occurring or appearing. 3. Marked by geat diffusion of component particles.
rare 2. rnrcx adiectioe. 3. uor.ov. 4. osscrNE. FLACRANCY.
1. scoun. 2. roor oerb. Syns; bloviate, harangue,mouth, perorate, rave. FURTOUS.
t. tt*r oerb. 2. sL Mn oerb. 3. cer-r,DowNat call. EXCLAIM.
1. tapl rwun. 2. spNreI.IcErroun, 3. corqrsnENcE. DAMN |IOUN.
1. cnpsuv. 2. vonecrous.
l. cnprp. 2. vonecrrt. 1. Syns; assault, force, outrage, ravish, violate. 2. s*cxz oerb. wsr a.diectioe. l. spsrp nuun. 2. nesrE rroun. sEErapl. 1. ecnnsMENr. 2. nenuorvv. RECONCTLIATION. AESORBED.
1. Syns; exceptional, extraordinary, remarkable, singular, uneommon, unusual. 2. u.nnrqurNr. 3. rnrx adiectioe.
rarefied rarefied a"diectioe Marked by geat diffusionof componentparticles. ntfety oerb To becomediffuse. rarefy ad.oerb At rare intervals. raring adiecth:e Infomwl. Intenselydesirousor interested. raScal nuun One who causesminor trouble or damage. rashr a.diecthse 1. Characterizedby unthinkingboldnessand haste: rash iud.gments.
2. Lacking due thought or consideration. rash2 twun A zuddenincreasein something,as the occurrenceof a disease. rashness rwt n l. Careless,headlongaction. 2. Foolhardyboldnessor disregardof danger. raSp oqb To bring or come into sliding abrasivecontact,often with a harsh, gating sound. raspberry rwun Slang.Any derisivesoundof disapproval. rasping adiectioe Disageeable to the senseof hearing. raspy a.diectioe Disagreeableto the senseof hearing. rat oerb l. Slary.To be treacherous to. 2. Slary. To abandonone'scauseor party join another. 3. Slang.To give incriminating information about others, the authorities. rat noun L, Slnq. One who betrays. 2. Slang.A personwho hasdefected. 3. Slang.One who gives incriminating information about others. ratel rnrb l. To make a judgmentas to the worth or value of. 2. To assignto a classor classes. 3. Infomnl. To acquireas a result of one'sbehavioror effort. rate2 wrb To reprimandloudly or harshly. rather adoerb To someextent. twun ratification An act of conffrming officially. ratify oerb To make valid and binding by a formal legal act. ratiocinate oerb To use the powers of the mind, as in conceiving ideas, drawing.inferences,and making judgments. fatlOGlnallon twun Exact, valid, and rational reasoning.
rurN adiecthse. rstN oerb. INFREQUENTLY.
l. Syns; brash, foolhardy, harum-scarum, hasty, headlong, hotheaded, impetuous, impulsive, mad-brained, madcap, madheaded, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, reckless, slap-bang (Informnl), slapdash, temerarious. 2. pnrcrprrnrn adiectioe. OUTBREAI<.
1. rrasrn rwun. 2. rnNrsnrrY. scntpn oerb,
H'tsstwun. HARSH. HA-RSH.
1. srrRev. 2. onrncr oerb. 3. rrvronu.
1. snrRavnn. 2. oarrcron. 3. nwonunn.
1. rsrruern aerb. 2. ct xss oerb. 3. renN.
BAwL our at bawl. FAIRLY.
751 ratiocinative adiectiue Able to reasonvalidly. ration twun That which is allotted. rational ad;iectioe 1. Consistentwith reasonand intellect. 2. Of sound mind; mentally healthy. proceedingfrom, or exhibitinggood 3. Possessing, judgmentand prudence. rationale noun l. A statementof causesor motives. 2, What is soundor reasonable. rationality twun 1. Exact, valid, and rational reasoning. 2. What is soundor reasonable. rationalization twun A statementof causesor motives. rationalize oerb 1. To offer reasorsfor or a catse of. 2. To show to be just, riglrt, or valid. rattle oetb of short, 1. To make or causeto make a zuccession sharp sounds:an ol.drefrigerator that rattles; wind rattling the shutters. 2, To talk volubly, persistently,and usu. inconsequentially. 3. lnfornwl. To cause(a person)to be self-consciously distressed. rattled adiectioe Infonrnl. Distressedand ill at ease. ratty adiectioe L. Slang.Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. 2. Chiefl,y Brit. Easily annoyed. 3. Chiefly Brit. Hav:rrrgor showinga bad temper. rauCOuS adiectioe Disagreeableto the senseof hearing. faUnGnlneSS nuun Slang.The quality or state of being obscene. raunchy adiectioe Slang.Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. ravage oerb l. To destroycompletelywhile conqueringor occupying. 2. To rob of goodsby force, time of war. ravaging adiecthn Tendingto consumeand destroy. fave oerb 1, To qpeakin a loud, pompous,or prolongedmanner. 2. To show enthusiasm. ravel oerb To make complex, intricate, or perplexing. ravenOUs adiectioe l. Desiring or craving food: The srnellsof cooking madp ua raoerwu* Raoerwrnu>iMdagsran,doun and ate the deer. 2. Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonablyconsume. 3. Having an insatiableappetite for an activity or ptusuit. faVenOUSneSS rwun 'llhe quality or condition of being voracious. raving adiectioe Full of or marked by extreme anger.
1. r.ocrcer.. 2. seNn. 3. serrtp.
1. eccounn,wun. 2. snrvsnnoun. 1. r.ocrc. 2. srnsp nDrrn. ACCOUNT
1. eccouNr ron at account. 2. lusrrrv. 1. Syns.'brattle(Ch*zflVScot.),chatter, clack, clatter, clitter. 2. cst,rrnn oerb. 3. Br,rsARRess.
1, sxanav. 2. rpsrv. 3. rr,r--rnupERED. HARSH. OBSCENITY. OBSCENE.
l. opvesrere. 2, secx2.
l. nenr. 2. rnrnvsn. COMPLICATE.
1. Syns; famished, hungry, starving.
2. cnnnpv. 3. vonacrous. VORACIfi.
raYish ravish oerb To compel(another)to participatein or submitto a
sexual act.
ravishing diec-thn Having qudities that deliglrt the eye. raw adieahn 1. Not cooked: lows to mtnch on r&u)canots. 2.ln a natural stateand still not preparedfor use. 3. Lacking experienceand the knowledge gained from it. 4. Lacking experf carefrrl crafumanship. 5. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. 6. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. rawboned dieaitn Having little fesh or fat on the body. ftry wrun A seriesof particles or wavestraveling close together in parallel patbs. T?fZe oert To break up so that reconstructionis impossible. ftAZZ troun Sbry.Any derisivesoundof disapproval. razz wrb l. Slong.To make fun of. 2. ft"rrg.To teaseor mock good-humoredly. rcil2ang rvxtn Sbry.Words or actionsintendedto evoke coqtemptuouslauglter. rOaCh Defi l. To extend, appendage:reathed out her hand tn tlw child. 2. To come to a particular place. 3. To zucceedin communicatingwirh Where can ee teach you?
l. Syn: uncooked. 2. cnuor. 3. nvsxPrnrENcED. 4. nuor. 5. coensB. 6. osscBr.IB. rlaw adiecthse. BEAM TWUN.
}Irss ngun, 1. nrprcur-n oerb. 2.1oxn oerb. RIDICULE
1. Syns; outstretch,stretch (out). 2. ennrye. 3. Syns: contact Qnfornwl), get. -Idionrc get hold of, get in touch with, get throughto, get to.
4. To proceed on a certain course or for a certain distance. 4. 5. To come to in number or quantif. 5. euouNr oerb. 6. To zucceed in doing. 6. eccoupr.rsn. reach rwun 1. An area within which something or someone exists, 1. neNcs troun. acts, or has infuence or power. 2. T\e ability or power to seize or attain. 2. cnesp nuun. 3. The measure of how far or long something goes in 3. nxrprsr. spac€, time, or degee. 4. A wide and open area, as of land, sky, or water. 4. nxpeNsp. 5. The extent of one's perception, understanding, 5. xBN. knowledge, or vision. reaGt oerb To act in rehrrn to something, as a stimulus. RESPOND. rcact to wb To present with a specified reaction. GREET.
reaction rwun l. The way in which a machineor other thing performs or functions. 2. An action elicited by a stimulus. reactionarY also reactionist adiecthn l. Vehemently, often fanatically opposingprogressor reform: o reactiorurrybacklasha progressitse refonns. 2. Clingingto obsoleteideas. r€actionary dso reactionist rxrun A person who vehemently,often fanatically opposes progressand favors rehrrn to a previous condiUon:a
1. nrrevron. 2. nBsponsr. l. Syns: die-hard (a/so diehard), ultraconservative. 2. uNpnocREssrvE. Syns: die-hard (aho diehard), mossback, royalist, ultraconservative.
753 reactiorutry who clung to a belief in the monarchy. reactionisl adiectir:e ls rwun
realize sEEreactionary.
reactivate oerb To rouse from a state of inactivity or quiescence.
react to oerb read tnrb
l. uronnsrervr. l. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. 2. nvrBnpnrr. 2. To understand in a particular way. 3. To grve a precise indication of, as on a register or scale. 3. suow oerb.
readiness noun l. Skillfulnessin the use of the handsor body. 2. The ability to perform without apparent effort. 3. The condition of being madeready beforehand. reading nmtn One's artistic conception as shown by the rendering of a dramaticrole, musicalcomposition,etc. ready ad:iectirse All sAstemsare readyfor 1. In a stateof preparedness: lrftof 2. Marked by facility, esp.of expression. 3. Eagerlycompliant. 4. Posingno difficulty. 5. Diqposedto acceptor agree. ready oerb 1. To causeto be ready,as for use,cotlsumpUon,or a specialpurpose. 2. To prepare (oneself)for action. 3. To causeto be ready,as for use,consumption,or a specialpupose. real adiectioe l. Having actual reality: real eoidence;real, not i:magrrnrVfears, 2. Not counterfeitor copied. with fact. 3. In ageement or correspondence 4. Devoid of any hypocrisyor pretense. realistic ad,iectitse 1. Accuratelyrepresentingwhat is depicted or described:a realisticnooel. 2. Having or indicating an awarenessof things as they really are: realistic about his chancesof uinning a realistic eoaluatiut, of the companV'sfirwrrcial posture. 3. Described verbally in sharp and accuratedetail. reality noun l. Somethingthat exists. 2. The quality of being factual. reafization rwura l. The condition of being in full force or operation. 2. The conditionof being fulfilled. 3. One's artistic conceptionas shownby the rendering of a dramaticrole, musicalcomposition,etc. realize oerb 1. To make real or actual:By rurming the marathon she realizeda lifelong drea:rn. 2. To succeedin doing. 3. To make as incomeor profit. 4. To achievea certain price.
l. onxrnnrrv. 2. nesn noun. 3. pnrpenerror.I.
1. Syns; go (lnfonnnl), prepared, primed, setr, together (Slnng). -Idioms all set, booted and spurred, in harness, in the saddle, in working order. 2. svoour adiectioe. 3. cr-eo. 4. nesv. 5. wrr,r-rNc. 1. pnBpene. 2. cnp. 3. pnnpenp.
1. Syns.' concrete, substantial, substantive, tangible. 2. eurnrnrrrc. 3. ecruer-. 4. cnrvurrvn. 1. Syns; lifelike, natural, naturalisUc, truetolife, truthful. 2. Syns: down-to-earth, hard, hard-boiled, hard-eyed, hardheaded, matter-of-fact, objective, practic, pracUcal, pragmatic (a/so pragmatical), sober, toughminded, unromantic. 3. cnepnrc. 1. ecruer-rrv. 2. ecruer-rrv.
1 .EFFECT NOUN, 2. 3. INTERPRETATION. l. Syns: actualize, materialize. -Idiorns bring to pass, calry into effect, carry out (or through). 2. accoupr-Isn. 3. nBrunN oerb. 4. smNc.
really really adoerb 1. In truth:The unlb reallyshookuith hisbelkxoing.
1 . Syns: absolutely, actually, fairly, indeed, positively, verily (Archaic). -ldiuln for fair.
point of fact. 2. In 'r-rrn realm 1. A sphere of activity, sfudy, or interest. 2. ln area within which something or someone exists, acts, or has influence or power.
realness twun The quality of being authentic. fgam rwun An indeterminatelygreat amountor number. reanimation noun The act of reviving or condition of being revived. reap wrb 1. To collectripe crops. 2. To gather (9"i") left by reapers. feaPlng naun The act or processof bringing in a crop. reappear oerb To happen againor repeatedly. feappearance noun A repeatedoccurrence. feafr runtn 1. The hindmostpart of something. 2. T\e part or areafarthestfrom the front. 3. Informnl. The part of one'sback on which one rests in sitting. rear adiectioe Locatedin the rear. feaf2 oerb l. To take care of and educate(a child). 2. To make or form (a structure). 3. To raise upright. rearmOst adiectioe Bringng up the rear. rearWard a.durb 1. Toward the back. 2. In or toward a former locationor condition. rearvard rroun The part or .uea farthestfrom the front. feaSOn rroun 1. A fact or circumstancethat giveslogical supportto an assertion,claim, or proposal:What are yun reasonsfor wtirq as you did,? 2. A basisfor an action or decision. 3. A statementof causesor motives. 4. That which producesan effect. 5. A justifyingfact or consideration. 6. A courseof reasoning. 7. Exact, valid, and rationalreasoning. 8. What is sound or reasonable. 9. A healthymental state. reason urb To use the faculty of reason:Man's cqacity to reason se* him aport frorn other onimals. reasonable adiectiw 1. Possessingproceedingfrom, or exhibiting good judgment and prudence. 2. Consistentwith reasonand intellect. 3. Kept within sensiblelimits.
1. cernnn. 2. cr,nex. HARVEST rWUN. RECUR, RECURRENCE.
1. rerr- rmun. 2. secx noun. 3. sor-rol{ rmun,
r,tcr adiectiae.
1 . BRrNcue at bring. 2 . sutro aerb. 3 . nnnct oerb. uq.str adiectiae.
1 . BACKwARD adtserb. 2 . nrcx adoerb. BACK ftoun.
1. Syns; argument, ground, proof, wherefore, why. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
ceusn rwun. eccourvr rwu,n. causr rwu,n. sesrs. encuunrvr. roctc. sBxsn nou,n. seNrrv.
Syns; cogitate, deliberate, think.
1. sexs. 2. r.ocrcer.. 3. coNsrnverwn ad,iectioe.
755 4. Not excessive or extreme in amount" degree, or force. 5. Suited to or within the means of ordinary people.
4. uoonnern ad,iectioe, 5. popur,en.
reassUme oerb To occupy or take again.
reawaken oerb To rouse from a state of inactivity or quiescence.
rebate noun An amountdeducted. rebate oerb Rare. To gow or causeto grow gradually less. rebel oerb To refuse allegianceto and opposeby force a governmentor nrling authority: rebelbd agairct the milito.ry gooemnmt. rebel rroun A personwho rebels: Dozensof rebelshaoe been iailed bg the reglme. rebellion rw,rn, Organizedopposition intended to changeor overthrow authbrityt a left-wing rebellionagairct the "*istitg dictator. rebellious adiectiae In open revolt againsta govemment or ruling authority: rebellious mobsban*cadlngthe sfieets. rebirth nou,n 1. The act of reviving or conditionof being revived. 2. A fundamentalchangein one'sbeliefs. rebound oerb l. To spring back after colliding with something. 2. Tojerk backward,as a gun upon firing. 3. To sendback the soundof. 4. To produce an unexpectedand undesiredresult. rebound noun 1. An act of bouncingor a bouncingmovement 2. Repetitionof soundvia reflectionfrom a zurface. rebuff noun A deliberate slight. rebuff oerb To slight (someone)deliberately. rebuild oerb To bring back to a previous normal condition. rebuke nf,run Words expressiveof strongdisapproval:Ihe rcighbu's rebulcetook him by wyise. rebuke aerb l. To castigatefor the puPose of improving. 2. To criticize for a fault or offense. rebut oerb To prove or showto be false. recalaitrahGo or recalcitrancy twun l. The dispositionboldly to defy or resist authority or an opposingforce. 2. The quality or condiuon of being unruly. recalcitrancy rwun recafcitrant adiectiae 1. Marked by defiance. 2. Not submiftingto disciplineor control. recalcitrate oerb 'To take a stand against. recall oerb 1. To take back or remove.
oncnnesn oarb. Syns; insturect, mutineer (Archaic), mutinize (Archaic), mutiny, revolt, rise
("p). Syns; insurgent, insurrectionist, mutineer.
Syns: insurgence, insurgency, insutrecUon, mutiny, revolt, uprisrng.
Syns: insurgent, mutinous.
1. nsvrvAr-. 2. cor.rvrnsroN. L. 2. 3. 4.
sovwcn oerb. nncou-. r,cno oerb. secKFrnr.
1. souNcn nuut. 2. Bcno noun. SNUB 'XO'UN.
sNvs oerb, RESTORE.
Syns:admonishment,admonition, chiding reprimand, reproach, upbraiding. 1. connecr oerb. 2. cx,t DowNat call. REFUTE.
l. onrrercn. 2. urvnur.nlrss. sEE recalcitrance. 1. onrrexr. 2. uNnvr.t. COr.IrESrOerb. L. urr
recant 2. To disavow (somethingpreviously written or said) irrwocably and usu. formally. 3. To renew (an image or thouglt) in the mind. rocall ttolttt Tbe power of retaining and recalling past experience. rOcant oqb To disavow (somethingpreviously written or said) irrevocably and usu. formally. recantatiori ruxrn A bnnal statementof disavowal. rccanting tuxtn A formal statementof disavowal. rcCap twun A condensatjonof the essentialor main points of semsthing. rucap wft To recapitulate the salient facts of.
recapitulation noun
2. nrrnecr. 3. nnurunnn. MEMORY. RETRACT.
nnvtnw oerb.
A condensationof the essentialor main points of SUMMARY |IOUN, something. rccede utb To move back or away from a point, limit, or mark: Syns: ebb, retract, retreat, retrocede, f,fu|unters rccedlrg,a lwirlirc tlrot is receding. retrograde, retrogess. roceivable adiec-chn Orved as a debt. DUE. llccivG vtb l. To admit to one's possession, presence,or 1. Syns; accept"take. awareness: rccefuedoiltitorsgtuciously;wcehnd a WWt frorr an dmirer; rccehnd hstruc-tions. 2. To allow admittarrce,os to a group. 2. eccnpt. received diealw l. Adhering to belieft or practices approved by authority or tradition. 2. Generally approved or agreedupon. 2. eccpprro. igcently a&n$ l. Only a momentago. 1. psr adoerb. 2. Not long ago. 2. l..arn adnerb. r€cePtive adieahn l. Ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas: l. Syns; acceptanl acceptive, amenable, The reu: syttphong u:asplayed to a recepthx aud,bnce. op€n, open-minded, responsive. 2. PD;ysbl.Transnitting impulsesfrom senseorgansto 2. srrssony. nerve centers. rcceptivity txntn Recognitionof worth, qudity, imlrcrtance, etc. APPRECIATION. feGeSS twun A pa,re or interval, as from work or duty. BREAK |IOUN. naogss wrt To inlemrpt regular activity for a short period. r;rtEAKoerb. neceSs|on rroun A period of decreasedbusinessactivity and higlr DEPRESSION. unemployment. recidivitri utb To thp from a hi$"t or better condition to a former, rtnt epsn oerb. usu. lower or poorer one. rccidivation iwn A dipping from a hi$"r or better condition to a lower LAPSE |WUN. or poorer one. recidivism noun A slipping from a ligler or better condition to a lower LAPSE TWUN, or Poorer one. ruciprocal adient De Ile*ing the samerclatierrshipeach to the other. MUTUAL.
757 reciprocate oerb his 1. To giveor takemutuallyzShereciprocoteil afection. He atcep* inoitations ard, neoer reciryoates. 2. To return like for like, return an unfriendly or hostile action with a similar one. twurl reciprocation The act of retaliating. reciprocatiYe odiectirn Having the samerelationshipeach to the other. recite oefu To grve a verbal account of. reckless adiectiae 1. Characterizedby unthinking boldnessand haste. 2. Lacking due thouglrt or consideration. 3, Lacking or showinga lack of a senseof responsibility. recklessness noutr Foolhardy boldnessor disregardof danger. reckon oerb 1. To note (items)one by one so as to get a total. 2. To ascertainby mathematics. 3. To cdculate approximately. 4. To look upon in a particular way. S.Infomwl. To take for grantedwithout proof. reckon on (or upon) wrb To place tnst or confidencein. reckdning rToun l. The ac! process,or result of calculating. 2. A noting of items one by one. 3. A preciselist of feesor charges. reckon on (or upqn) oerb reclaim oerb l. To extricate from an undesirablestate. 2. To btitg back to a previous normal condition. 3. To occupy or take again. recline oerb l. To be or place oneselfin a prostrate or recumbent position. 2. To take reposeby sleeping lying q"iutly, or the like. recfuse adiecthn Solitary and shut ofi from society. recluse oefr Obs. To put into solitude. reclusion rwn The act of secludingor the state of being secluded. recognition rwun Favorable notice, as of an achievement:firuIly recehnd full recognitionas a tetwr. recognize oerb 1. To perceive to be identical with somethingheld in the memory: recognizedllls Doiceeoenooer the telqhone. 2. To expressrecognition of. 3. To establishthe idenUffcationof. recoil oerb 1. To jerk baclavard, os & gun q)on ffring: Stand,back u:lvn tlw wnrwn, recoils. 2. To draw away involuntarily, usu. due to fear or disgust. recollect oerb To renew (an image or thougfot)in the mfud.
1. Syns; requite, rehrrn.
2. nprer.rerp.
1. nesnl. 2. pnncrprrert ad,ieaioe. 3, rnnnspoNsrBr.E.
1. courvr oerb. 2. cer.cur.erg. 3. nsrur,rerr oerb. 4. nnc,mp oerb. 5. supposn. DspnxooN at depend. 1. cerrur,rrroN. 2. couNTrwun. 3. eccoum rvnfiL. sEEreckon. 1. nnscueoerb. 2. nssronE. 3. nnsuvs. 1. r.rnl. 2. nnsrr oerb. SECLT]DED. SECLUDE. SECLUSION.
Syns: aclcnowledgment(also acknowledgement), credit. L. Eyn:know. 2. ecxrowr,rocn. 3. n rcn twb. 1. Syns; rebound, repercuss,ricochet. 2. rr,wcn.
recollection recollection nmun 1. The powerof retainingandrecallingpast experience. 2. An act or instance of remembering.
2. unuony.
recOmmence onb To go on after an intemrption. reGOmmend oerb l. To give recommendations to (someone) about a decision or course of action. 2. To pay a compliment to.
recommendable adiecthn Worth doing eqp.for practical reasons. recOmmendation ramtn 1. An opinion as to a decisionor courseof action. 2. A statementattestingto personalq ralifications, character,and dependability. reGOmpense oerb 1. To give compensationto. 2. To give payment to in refurn for goodsor serrrices rendered. tGcompense rrulrn l. Somethingto makeup for lossor damage. 2. Somethingjustly deserved. reconcile oerb 1. To re-establishfriendship between: recorwilingold 2. 3. 4. 5.
etenbs. To btiog (oneself) to accept: reconcibd herself to th.e Ioss of lvr fiiend. To btitg into accord. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use. To btiog (something) into a state of ageement or accord.
1. eovrsB. 2. coupr,ur.rnrrr oerb. ADVISABLE.
1. eovrcn. 2. nnrnnEucn.
1. couprNsern. 2. pw oerb.
1. coupnNSATroN. 2. oun rnrun. l. Syns; conciliate, reunite. -Idiomheal the breach. 2. Syn: resign. HARMONIZE. ADAPT.
5. snrrr-p.
reconcilement rroun A re-establishment of friendship or harmony.
reconciliate oerb To bring into accord.
reconciliation rnntn A re+stablishment of friendshipor harmony:effecteda reconcilbtion behwm
the utalnng countries.
recondite adieah:e Beyondthe understanding of an averagemind. recondition wrb l. To make new or as if new again. 2. To btitg back to a previous normal condition.
Syns: conciliation, rapprochement, reconcilement. nnnv adiectioe. l. nrvnw. 2. nrsronr.
reconditioning noun The act of making new or as if new again. reconnaiSSanCe The act or an instance of exploring or investigating.
reconnoiter oerb To go into or thto.tgh for the purpose of making discoveries or acquiring information.
recOnsider wrb To consideragai&eqp.with the possibilityof change: Why rut recorwidpr ywr foolbh plan? reconstruct wrb To bring back to a previous normal condition. l€cord lmb l. To place on a list or in a record. 2. To glve a precise indication of, as on a register or scale.
Syns: re-evaluate, re-examine, rethink, review, think over. RESTORE.
l. posr oerb. 2. ssow oerb.
759 reCOUnt Derb To give a verbal account of. oerb recoUp To get back. feGOuP rwurl The act of getting back or regaining. feCOUfSe tuau'n That to which one turns for help when in desperation.
reGOver wrb l. To get back: hopesto recooerhet stol.ertm't. 2. To regain one's health: recooeringafter a long ilhrcss.
1. Syns; recoup, regain, repossess, retrieve. 2. Syns:come around (or round), convalesce,gain, improve, mend, perk up, rally, recuPerate. 3. nrsronr. 4. nnscvn wrb.
3. To bti"g back to a previous normal condition. 4. To extricate from an undesirablestate. feCOVefy rwun l. Syns; rally, recuperation. l. A return to normal health: nradaa quick rec@ery. retrieval. 2. Syns:recoup, repossession, 2. The act of getting back or regaining: The Crusaders' obiectioe wasthi recoDeryof the Holy Land. 3. corrrnsecKat come back. 3. A return to former prosperity or stahrs. rwun fecfeanG} DEFECTION. An instanceof defecting from or abandoninga cause. recreant adiectine FAITHLESS. Not true to dutY or obligation. recfeant rwun DEFECTOR. A person who has defected. reGreate oerb 1. ervrusr. 1. To occupy in an ageeable or pleasingway. 2. pu',y oerb. 2. To occupy oneselfwith amusementor diversion. recfeation noun 1. err,rusnunwr. 1. Somethingesp.a performanceor show,designedto entertain. 2. pt tv rwun. 2. Activity engagedin for relaxation and amusement. recrudesce wrb nprunN r:erb. To come back to a former condition. rectify oerb 1. connrcr oerb. 1. To make right what is wrong. 2. sBrmn. 2.To btittg (something)into a stateof agreementor accord. rectitude 1. cnenecrnn. l. Moral or ethical strength. 2. coop rwm. 2.\\e quatity or stateof being morally sotind. 3. noNssrY. 3. The quality of being honest. recumbenl a.diectioe n rr adiectioe. Lyt"S down. reGUperate oerb RECOVER. To regainone'shealth. recuperation rruun RECOVERY. A return to normal health. feGUf oerb 1. Syns.' reappear, reoccur, refurn. 1. To happenagainor repeatedlyzan area ushere tgphoonsrecur. 2. nnrvnN oerb. 2. To comeback to a former condition. fecUffenGe rwurt, Syns: reappearance, reoccturence, return. A repeated occurrence:experienceda recartenceof her headnches. reGUrrent adiectioe Syns: cyclic (also cyclicd), isochronal Happening or appearingat regular intervals: a recunent (also isochronic, isochronous), periodic problern'. (also periodical), recurring. -Idiom regular as (or Uke) clockwork.
recurring recurring adieahn Happeningor appearing at regularintervals. red-bfooded adiecthn Full of viqor. redden ,h To become red in the face.
760 RECURRENT. LUSTY. r;r;sr. oerb.
redeem Mb l. To make up for the defectsof. 2. To extricate from an undesirablestate. red-hot adiecthn 1. Marked by much heat. 2. Fired with intensefeeling. 3. Of lfeat current interest. redolenEe rvntn A sweetor pleasantodor. redofent ailiectirx pleasantodor. Having a 'wb redouble l. To make or become twice as great. 2. To increasein intensity or severity. redoubtable adieatw Widely known and esteemed. redress oe$ l. To give compensationto. 2. To exact revengefor. rgdress lrnm Somethingto make.up for lossor damage. reduce wtb l. To lose bodily yeight, as by dieting: Awid xoeets if yut uant to redtrce.
2. To grow or causeto gow gradually less. 3. To becomeor make lessin price or value. 4. To decrease,as in length or amount, by or as if by severingor excising. 5. To lower in rank or grade. reduction rwun l. The act or processof decreasing. 2. An amountdeducted. 3. The act or an instanceof demoting. 4. A lowering in price or value. 5. the act or processof decreasingin length, amoun! duration" etc. redundanl adieahn Characterizedby excessiveand obfuscatorywordiness. reduplicate oqb To make a copy of.
1. couppNserp. 2. nnscvn oerb. 1. Hor adiectioe. 2. pessroxerr.
3. xor adiectioe. FRAGRANCE. FRAGRANT.
l. oovw-a Derb. 2. rrrrNsrry. EMINENT.
l. couprNserr. 2. .lvexcs. COMPENSATION.
1. Syns.'slim (down), trim down. 2. orcnnesn oerb. 3. nrpnecrern. 4. cur BAcK. 5. nnr"rorp. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
oBcnpesr rwun. oBoucrroN. oruorroN. nrpnpcrATroN. curnecr at Gut back.
copv oerb,
reduplication rwun Something closelyresembling another. re€cho rnb
coPY trotrft.
To send back the sound of. reek oerb To have or give off a foul odor. reeking adiectiw Ha"ing an unpleasantodor. r€ol ufi l. To wdk unsteadily. 2. To have the sensationof hlning in circles. rccfing adlectirn Having a sonsationof whirling or falling. rc€ualuatc Mb To consider ogain,eqp.with the posibility of change.
ncso oerb. s*rets, tnrb. SMEITY.
l. rvncx oerb. 2. sprx wrb. Duz;-xadiec-tiae. NECONSIDER.
76L re-examine Derb To consider again, esp. with the possibiltty of change.
ref noun Sl*rg.A person,usu.appointed,who decidesthe issues or resul*, or supervisesthe conduct, of a competition or confict. refer oerb 1. To direct (a person)elsewherefor help, information, etc.: u>ill refer the patient to a ca.rdiol"gi"t. 2. To call or direct attenUonto (an occturence, sihration, etc): I'll rwDerrefer to yant indisuetion. 3. To regard as belongingto or resulting from another. 4. To be pertinent. 5. To have recourseto when in need. referee nuun A person,usu. appointed, wh9 decidesthe issuesor results,or supervisesthe conduct, of a competition or confict. referee oerb To make a decisionabout (a controversy,dispute, etc.) after deliberation, as in a court of law. reference noun A statementattestingto personalqualifications, character, and dependability: InchilB three referennes uith gour applimtilm. refine oetb 1. To make or becomeclear by the removalof impurities: refning oil inta gasoline;refury buttet by lwatlngit. 2. To btittg to perfection or completion. refined adiectioe 1. Made pure, a commercial refining Process:4 bfrorr containing refincd lnnokn. 2. Characterizedby discriminatingtaste and broad knowledge as a result of development or education. 3. So slight as to be difficult to notice or apprecirate. refinement nuun 1. Enlightenment and excellent taste resulting from intellectual development. 2. High style in quality, meilrer, or &ess. 3. Thb ability to distinguish,esp. to recognizesmall difierencesor draw ffne distinctions. refining adiectioe Promoting culture. reflect oerb l. To sendback or form an image of: a pool tlwt refleas ruarby buildings. 2, To sendback the sound of. 3. To copy (another)slavishlY. 4. To consider carefully and at length. 5. To use the powers of the mind, as in conceiving ideas,drawing inferences,and making iudgments. reflection noun 1. Somethingthat is reflected: a refcctiort of clouds ort the unter. 2.\\e act or processof thinking. 3. An implied criticism: His t'toublc mst no refleaion on his parents. 4. Imitative reproduction, as of the style of another. adiealw reflective Of, characterizedby, or disposedto thouglrt.
1. Syns; send,transfer,hrrn over. 2. Syns:advert, allude, bring up, mention,point out, touch on (or upon). 3. ,l,rrnrnurs oerb. 4. eppr,v. 5. nrsonr ro at resort. IUDGErwnfir.
yvocn oerb.
Syns; character (Arclwic), recommendation, testimonial.
1. Syns; clarify, clean, cleanse, purify.
2. pnanacr oerb, 1. Syns; clarified, purified. 2. cur,runpo. 3. osr,rclrE. 1. cur,runr. 2. cr.e,ssnor$t. 3. orscnrurNATloN.
1. Syns: image,mirror. @$. 2, s.r:Ig.o 3. ncno oerb. 4. porvppn. 5. rnrlr.
l. Syn:image. 2. rnoucnr. 3. Syns; reproach, slur. 4. rcno rroun. THOUGHTFIJL.
reflex reflex adiecthn Acting or bappeningwithout apparent forethought, prompting or planning. rcflex ltoun Imitative reproduction, as of the Syle of another. reformatory- adieahn Tending to correct. refYact Mb To causeto move, esp. at an angle. refYactoriness rwwt l. The qualily or state of being stubbornly unyielding. ?. Th. qudity or condition of being unruly. refractory dieaiw l. Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. 2. Not submitting to discipline or control. refrain Mb To hold oneselfback: Pbose refrain fivn applnud,tng. refresh oerb l. To impart renewed energ/ and strength to (a person): Sbq refreslwd rne. 2. To make new or as if new again. refreshing adieahx Producing or stimulating physical, mental, or emotional vigor. refuge twun 1. The state of b"ing protected or safeguarded,as from danger or hardship: a political dissidentseeking rcfuge in Sueden. 2. Somethingthat physically protects, esp. from danger. 3. An institution that provides care and shelter. 4. That to which one turns for help when in desperation. refugee- ruaun One who flees,as from home,confinement,captivity, justice,etc. refufgent adieahn Giving off or reflecting liglrt readily or in large amounts. refurbish Derb l. To make modern in appearanceor style. 2. To make new or as if new again. refurbishing rwun The act of making new or as if new again. refurbishment rurun The act of making new or as if new again. refusal rwun l. A hrrning down of a request: refusal of permission tn baw earlV. 2. A negativeresponse. refuse wrb l. To be unwilling to grant: refined him the right to Disit the children. 2. To be unwilling to accept,consider,or receive. retute oerb To prove or show to be falre: Eoidcrce came tn light tlwl refuted tlv tlwory. regain o6b To get back. regaf adiecth,e l. Marked by magnificentlylavish ceremonyand display.
ECHOfwun. coRREcrrvE adiectioe. snND verb. l. ossrrNecy. 2. uxnur-nvess. 1. ossrrNarE. 2. urvnur-v. Syns; abstain, forbear, hold ofi, keep, withhold. l. Syns; freshen, reinvigorate, rejuvenate, renew, restore. 2. nrrvew. ToNrc adiectioe.
1. Syns; asylum, sanctuary, shelter.
2. coven nou,n. 4. nnsonr noun.
1. uoonnNrzn. 2, nrrvew. RENE\MAI. RENE\JlrAL.
1. Syns; denial, disallowance, rejection, turndown (nfonnal). 2. No rwun. 1, Syns; deny, disallow, disapprove, turrr down, withhold. -Idiom turn thumbs down on. 2. orcr.rrtn r:erb. Syns: belie, confute, discredit, disprove, rebut. RECOVER.
763 2. Large and impressivein size,scope,or extent. regard oerb 1. To look upon in a particular way: I regard hhn as a fool. 2. To have a hig[r opinion of. 3. To direct the eyeson an object. regard nu,tn 1. Thouglrtlul attention. 2. The act of noting observing,or taking into account. 3. A feeling of deference,approval, and liking. 4. An act of directing the eyeson an object. 5. Cautiousattentiveness. 6. A being personallyinterestedin. fegafds rroun Friendly geetings: Gioe them our regards. regeneration noun A fundamentalchangein one'sbeliefs. regime rwun A.systemby which a political unit is controlled. twun regmen The systematicapplication of remediesto effect a cure. region noun A part of the earth'ssurface. register oerb l. To come as a realization: His real meanhtgf*llV registereduith them. 2. To place on a list or in a record. 3. To give a precise indication of, as on a register or scale. register rroun A seriesof names,words, etc., printed or written down item by item. regnant adiectioe l. Exercisingcontrollingpower or infuence. 2. Most generally existingor encounteredat a $ven time. regress oerb To rhp from a higlrer or better condition to a former, usu.lower or poorer one. regress froun A return to a former, usu.worsecondition. fegfessiOn twuitr A refurn to a former, usu. worse condition. regret oerb To feel or expresssorrow for: He deeply regretshis treatment of his uife. regret noun Unhappinesscausedby the failure of one's hopes, desires,or expectations. regretful adiectitse l. Expressingor inclined to expressan apologr. 2. Feelingor expressingregret for one'ssinsor misdeeds. regfets rwnn A statementof acknowledgmentexpressingregret or askingpardon. regrett:ble adiectioe Causingsorrow or reget. regular a.d,iec-tine l. Occurringquite often. 2. Commonlypracticed or used. 3. Without imperfections or blemishes.
2. cnerrro. 1. Syns; account, consider, esteem, reckon, view. 2. entlrrns. 3. noox perb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
coxsrpnRATroN. Norrcs noun. nsrnnu rwun. r.oox rwun. cens rwun, coNcrnN rroun,
Syn; respects. CONVERSION.
l. Syns; dawn on (or upon), sink in" soak in. 2. posr osrb. 3. ssow oerb. utsrl noun, 1. oourrservr. 2. pnnveu,rnc. nBr,epspoerb.
Syns; deplore, repent, rue, wail (Archaic).
1. epor,ocnrrc a.d,iec-tioe. 2. nrnaonsEFul.
1. couuoN adiectioe. 2. cusrouenv. 3. cr.pex ad,iec'tioe.
regulate 4. Having no variatjons. 5. Arranged or proceedingin a set, systematized pattern. 6. Characterizedby or displayingsymmetry,esp. correqpondencein scaleor measure. regulate o6b l. To dter (parts of a device) for proper functioning. 2. To keep the mechanicdoperationof (a device) within proper parameters. regulation turun l. A principle governingthe affairsof man within or amongpolitical units. 2. A code or set of codesgoverningaction, procedure,
4. rvsNr adiectioe. 5. unrnoorcer,. 6. svrrrurrnrcer..
l. r,ew nourr. 2. nur-nrwun.
rcgufatory dieaitx Of or relating to government.
rehabilitate oerb To bring back to a previous normal condition.
rehearsal rwun Repetition of an action so as to develop or maintain one'sskill. rehearse wrb To give a verbal account of. reign &rb l. To exercisethe authority of a sovereign. ?. To occupy the pre-eminentpositionin. refmDUrse wrb To give compensationto. fefn urb To control, restric! or arrest. reinforce oerb To make or become tight or Uglrter. reinstate Mb 1. To put (someone)in the possession of a prior positionor office. 2. To brirg back into existenceor use. reintroduce wrb To bring back into existenceor use. reinvigorbte Dqb Io :tnprtl.renewed enerry and strengthto (a person). reinvigoratang adiecthn hoducing or stimulating physical,mental, or emotional vigor. reiterate wrb To state again. reiterate adiectioe tharacterized by repetition. reiteration ,win ]he aqt or processof repeating. reiterative adiecthse Characterizedby repetition. reject Detb I" P." unwilling to accept, consider,or receive. feFctlOn rwun l. A refusal to grant the truth of a statementor charge. 2. A turning down of a request. 3. A negativeresponse. rejoice oerb l. To feel or take joy or pleasure:The uhob city rQobed at tlle lwneconhgof i* lwo. 2. To show happy satisfactionin an evenq merrymaking.
1. covrnN. 2. oourNern. COMPENSATE. RESTRAIN. TIGHTEN.
l. nssronn. 2. nrsronn. RESTORE. REFRESH.
ToNrc adiectioe.
oncrtxn oerb. 1. onNrar-. 2. nrruser-. 3. No noun. 1. Syns; delight, exult, joy. 2. crr-nsRATE.
765 rejoicing rwun in an event. The act of showingh"ppy satisfaction reioin oerb to. To speakor act in response rejoinder rwun qpokenor written asa return to a question, Something
eNswnn rcrb. ANSWERtwatft.
demand, etc.
rejuvenate oerb 1. 2. 3. 4.
To btitrg back to a previous normal condition. To make new or as if new again. To make modern in appearance or style. To impart renewed enerry and strength to (a person).
1. 2. 3. 4.
nssronp. nnrvew. uoornmzn. nsrnEsx.
reiuvenation noun The act of making new or as if new again.
rekindle oerb To rouse from a state of inactivity or quiescence.
rekindling rwun The act of reviving or condition of being revived.
refapse oerb To rltp from a higlrer or better condition to a former, usrr.lower or poorer one: Whm mtendpd tfu gaden relapsedinto ueeds. relapse rroun A slipping from a higlrer or better condiUonto a lower or poorer one. refate oerb l. lnfornwl. To interact with another or others in a mbaningtutfashion: He dnem't telnte with gung penpb. 2. To gwe a verbal accountof. 3. To unite or be united in a relationship. 4. To be pertinent. 5. To associateor afiliate oneselfclosely with a Person or grouP. refated ad,iectioe Connectedby or as if by kinship or common origin: related to her thrwgh mg father. relation noun l. A logical or natural associationbetween two or more things: the relation betuem hard uork and wncess. 2. A personconnectedto anotherpersonby blood. refationship rwttn A logical or natural associationbetween two or more things. refative adiectiae 1. Being such by comparisonwith somestandard. 2. Determined or to be determined by someoneor somethingelse. relative twun A person connectedto another personby blood: one of my rehtioes from the old courtry. refax oerb l. To reducein tension,pressure,or rigidity. 2. To take reposeby ceasingwork or other effort for an interval of time. relaxation rxn n Freedom from labor, responsibility,or strain.
Syns: backslide, lapse, recidivate, regress, retrogress, revert.
l. Syns; ckck (lnfonrwl), communicate (Infonnol), connect (lnformol). -liliiln be on the same wavelength. 2. onscnrsn. 3. essocrerr oerb. 4. eppr.v. 5. roBr+rrrv.
Syns; agnate, akin, allied, cognate, connate, connatural, consanguineous (also consanguine ), kindred. 1. Syns; connection, correlatiorl hookup (lnformal), interconnection, interdependence, interrelation, interrelationship, link, relationship, tie- in. 2. nnr,errrn' twtm. RELATION.
1. coupenerryr. 2. onpruonw od,iectioe.
Syns; kin, kinsman, kinswoman, relation.
t. nt*sa oerb. 2. nnsrL osrb.
REsrl twun.
relaxed relaxed diecthn 1. Unconstrained by rigrdstandards. 2. Not taudyboundto something else. refease De$ 1. To free from somethingobjectionableor undesirable. 2. To set at liberty. 3. To dischargematerial, iN vapor or fumes, usu. zuddenly and violently. released adiectirx At liberty; not imprisonedor enslaved. refegate wrb To give over to anotherfor care,use,or performance. relent oerb 1. To becomelessactive or intense. 2. To moderateor changea positionor courseof action as a result of pressure. relentless diecthn 1. Existingor occurringwithout intemrption or end. 2. Firmly, often unreasonablyimmovable in purpose or will. refevance also relevancy rwun l. The fact of b"ing related to the matter at hand: 71ut idea lyr.src rel.ernrrce to utr cunent sifintion. ?. A connectingrelation. refevancy rwttn refcvant adiectiw Related to the matter at hand: relannt questions; telewnt issr,rcs. reliabfe adiec-tioe papable of being dependedupon. feflanGe noun Absolute certainty in the trustworthinessof another. refiant adiecthn Determined or to be determined by someoneor somethingelse. relic ,-rin 1. The remainsof somethingdestroyed,disintegrated, or decayed. 2. A mark or remnant that indicatesthe former presenceof something. relief now l. Assistanc€,€sp. money, food, and other necessities, given to the needy or diqposses*d,:recehxd relicf foWouilngthe flNd. 2. Freedom, eqp.from pain: no relbf from lvr xtferiry. 3. The act or an instanceof helping. 4. A person or p€rsonstaking over the duties of another: His rclbf onhnd early. relieve @tb l. To make lesssevereor more bearable: takes medimtim to reliew tfu pain. 2. To free from an obligation or duty. 3. To free from a qpecificduty by acting as a zubstihrte:A neu gard uill reliew Uut at midnlght. 4. To free from somethingobjectionableor undesirable. refigion rwun A gntem of reli$ous belief: Mony religlns existin the Oient.
1. Besvcorwc. 2. roosr adiectioe. 1. nm. 2. rnnn aerb. 3. rvrr.
rnvn ad;iectioe. ENTRUST.
l. sussrne. 2. wrexrN.
l. coxrrrvuar-. 2. srvseonx.
1. Syns; application, bearing, germaneness,pertinen ce (also pertinency). 2. corqcrnN noun. srr relevance. Syns: applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, material, pertinent. -Idi,om to the point. DEPENDABLE.
l. nurN twrrn. 2. rnecB rroun.
1. Syns; dole, handout, welfare.
2. Syns: allayment, alleviation, assuagement, ease, mitigation. 3. nrr.p rroun. 4. Syn: replacement.
1. Syns; allay, alleviate, assuage,comfort, ease, lessen, lighten, mitigate, palliate. 2. rxcvsn wrb. 3. Syns; spell3, take over (for). 4. nm. Syns: creed, denomination, faith, permasion, sect.
767 refigious ad,iectiae 1. Deeply concerned with God and the beliefs and practice 6f lsligion. 2. In the service or worship of God or a god. 3. Of or relating to a church or to an established religion.
refinquEh oerb 1. To let (something)go: relhquishedhis unbitions; relinquished*y u,mbrellato the attendant. claim, or right. 2. To glve up a possession, relish oerb 1. To regard with great pleasureor approval. 2. To receivepleasurefrom. 3. To be avidly interestedin. 4. To recognizethe worth, quality, importance,etc., of. relish noun l. A feeling of extremegratificationarousedby somethinggood or desired. 2. A distinctive propetf of a substanceaffecting the gustatorysense. 3. A liking-or personalpreferencefor something. 4. Spirited enjoyment. relocate oerb To changeone'sresidence,place of business,etc. relocation noun The act or processof moving from one place to another. reluctance twun The stateof not being disposedor inclined. ref uctant adiectioe Not inclined or willing to do or undertake. rely on (or uPon) oerb To place trust or confidencein. femaln Derb To continue to be in a place: Sherernahed at home
ofttf 4\"ft f* work.
l. nor-v. 2. orvnvsr adiectioe. 3. sprnrruer,.
1. Syns; abandon, forgo (aho forego), hand over, lay down, surrender, waive, yield. 2. enolcern. 1. 2. 3. 4.
eournn. nn1ov. per up at eat. eppnncrerr.
l. opr,rcnr twun. 2. rr-evon tuoun. 3. resrs nuttn. 4. znsr. vrovn oerb. REMOVAL.
DEPENDox at dePend. Syns; abide, bide, linger, stayl, stick around (Inforrnal), tarry, wait.
femalnOet rnun 1. ner-eNcr rralln. 1. What remainsafter a part hasbeen usedor subtracted. 2. nunl rwun. 2. T\e remainsof somethingdestroyed,disintegrated, or decayed. remainder adiectine REMAINING. That remains,esp.after a part hasbeen removed. remaining od,iectioe Syns; leftover, remainder. That remains,esp.after a part hasbeen removed: The rernginingpie utasquicklg polished of. femalnS rwun 1. What remainsafter a part hasbeen usedor subtracted. 1. nar,eNcn rwatn. 2. rnecn noun. 2. A mark or remnant that indicatesthe former presenceof something. 3. soov rwun. 3. The physical frame of a dead person or animal. remark oerb 1. To make observations. 2. To perceive with a special effort of the sensesor the mind. femafk rwtn 1. The act of noting observing, or taking into account. 2. Ln expression of fact or opinion. 3. Something said.
remarkable adiecthse 1. Readilyattractingnotice.
1. corvlurrvr oerb. 2. xoxcn wrb.
1. worrcr ruxtn. 2. couurvr rroun. 3. wono noun. 1. Norrcresln.
remedial 2. Far beyond what is usual, normal, or customary. remedial dieahn l. Tending to correct. 2. Servingto cure. fEmedy twun l. somethi.g that correctsor counteracts:Tfure are f70 eosgremedbsfot lnflatbn. 2. An agent used to restore health. r€mody rnb l. To rectify an undesirableor unhealthy condition. 2. To-make riglt what is wrong. remember o6b 1. To renew (an imageor thought) in the mind: nuldn't rcmenber his mlrc; cutldn't rymember ulwt hopprcd. 2. To care enouglrto keep (someone)in mind: Hou> ki"! to retwnber me u:ith flouvrs. "f Vou rroun fememDfance l. So-methingthat causesone to remembert gaaemo an *lrmy as a remenbranceof my oisit. 2.\\e power of retainingand recdling past experience. 3. An act or instanceof remembering. 4. Something as a strucfure or custom, servingto honor or keep alive a memory. reminder rnun $p."thi"g that causesone to remember. fOmlnlSGenGe tw.m 1. A narrative of experiencesundergoneby the writer. 2. An act or instanceof remembering. 3. The power of retaining and recalling past experience. remini-scent diectitx Tendingtobring rsrls'\ing. as a memory,mood, or im-age,zubtly or indirectly to mind. r€miss adieahn GSq of negtect;"g due care or concern. femlSS|on noun l. The act or an instanceof forgiving. 2.\\e condition of being temporarilyinactive. remissive dieatun ETrb"g in a temporarily inactive and hidden form. femlsSnegS rroun The state or qudity of being negligent. romit tnb l. To put off until a later time. 2. -Toqant forgivenessfor a fault, offense,or injury. remittent adieahn EdsUngin a temporarily inactive and hidden form. nOmnant noun l. Resdual matter. 2. What rernainsafter a part hasbeen used or nrbtracted. 3. The rernainsof somethingdestroyed,disintegrated, or decayed. femonstrance runtn The act of expressingstrong or reasonedopposition. lEmonstrate Mb To e4pressoppositionby argument. rumOnStlAtion rroull The act of e4pressi4gstrong or reasonedopposition.
768 2. nenn. 1. connrcrwn adiecthn. 2. cunervB ad,iectiae. 1, Syns; antidote, corrective, counteragent, countermeasure, curative, cure. 2. cunn noun. l. cvnn oerb. 2. connncr oerb. l. Syns; bethink, mnd (Rare), recall, recollect, retain, revive, think (of). -Idimn brittg to mind. 2. Syn: think (of).
1. Syns; keepsake, memento, reminder, souvenir, token, trophy. 2. unr'rony. 3. uruony. 4. unuonnr,
1. covrusvrAny. 2. unuony. 3. uruony.
l. roncrvrrvnss. 2. esnyANcn. LATENT. NECLICENCE.
l. onrunl. 2. roncrvr. LATENT.
l. rrvo nuun. 2. sAr,ANcEtroun. 3. nuw lrotm.
on;rcd. oBJECTTON.
769 femOfse rwun A feetng of regret for one'ssinsor misdeeds. remorseful ad.iectioe Feeling or expressingregret for one's sinsor misdeeds: tlrat he had lbd. nade a remorsefulad,rnission' remorsefulness noun A feeling of regret for one's sinsor misdeeds. remorseless adiec-tioe 1. Devoid of remorsei a remorcelpsscad. 2. Having or showingno mercy. 3. Having or showinguncomPromisingdetermination or resolution in purposeor action. remote ad,iectioe 1. Small in degree,esp. of probability, dV a re'mote chanceof xmioal. 2. Far from others in qpace,time, or relationship. 3. Long past. 4. Far hom centersof human population: a renwte outpost ilcq in the Andcs. 5. Not friendly, sociable,or warln in manner. femoteness rrolLrr l. Dissocirationfrom one's surroundingsor worldly affairs. 2.\\e fact or condition of being far removedor apart. remotion noun The act or processof moving from one plaee to another. remOval rww l. The act or processof movingfrom one place to another:reloornl of the goodsftorn the fnoded warehutse to a rteusfacilitY. 2. TIte act or processof eliminating. femOVe wrb 1. To move (something)from a positionoccupied: remooedthe dirty dishesfrom the table; remooedthe troopsftom. the feld. 2. To go or causeto go from one place to another. 3. To changeone'sresidence,place of business,etc. 4. To take from one's own Person:rernoDedhis coat and sat iloun. 5. To destroy all tracesof. 6. To get rid of, banishmentor execution. 7. To take or leave out. E. Poetic.To move or proceed awayfrom a place. remove ftoun Degree of separation,esp. in time: It is difrailt n iudge the adrninistration'at this far renwDe. removed adiecthse l. Far from others in qpace,time, or relationship. 2. Set away from all others. 3. Far from centersof humanpopulation. 4. Iong past. remUnefate oerb 1. To give compensationto. 2, To give payment to in refurn for goodsor services rendered. femunefation rroun 1. Somethingto makeup for lossor damage. 2. Somethingglven in exchangefor goodsor senrices rendered.
Syns; compunctious,contrite, penitenl penitential, regretfirl, repentant, sorry. PEMTENCE.
1. Syns; impenitent, unrepentant. 2. unncnrss. 3. cnru. 1. Syns; tat (Slang), negligible, off, outside, slender,sligtrt, slim. 2. orstervr. 3. rucn. 4. Syns:isolated,insular, lonely, lonesome,obscure,out-of-the-wan removed, secluded,solitary. -liliorn off the beatenpath (or track). 5. coor. adiectiw. 1. ostecHMENT. 2. orsr^nNcr. REMOVAL.
1. Syns; move, relocation, remotion.
2. sr-rMINArroN. 1. Syns; take away, take off, take out, withdraw. 2. vrovn oerb. 3. vovn oerb, 4. Syns: doff, douse,. take off. 5. 6. 7. 8.
ervrrnrr-err. nr,rurNetn. oxop oerb. etooerb.
1. 2. 3. 4.
orsrervr. sor.rranv. npuorr. rucn.
1. coupnNsetn. 2, ptx oerb.
1. coupnnsATroN. 2. pevrusNT.
remunerative remunerative adiecthn 1. Affording compensation. 2. Affording profft. fenalSSanGe notn The act of reviving or condition of being revived. nenaScenGe rwun The act of reviving or condition of being revived. rend wtb To separateor pull apart by force. render Defi 1. To grveup a possession, claim, or riglrt. 2. To present a lifelike image of. 3. To perform accordingto one'sartistic conception. 4. To deliver (an indictnent or verdict). 5. To expressin another language,while systematically .relaining the original sense. fen0enng noun A restatingof somethingin other, eqp.simpler, words. rende4ous l. A commibnent to appear at a certain time and place. 2. A frequentlyvisited place. rende:nrous Dqb Tq.99metogetherfuce-to-faceby arrangement. fgn0ltlOn rurun One's artistic conception as shown by the rendering of a dramatic role, musical composition,etc. renegade rwun A person who has defected. feneW oerb 1. To make new or as if new again' rerwusedthe fumiture by reuplwlstering it.
1. couprNsAToRY. 2. pnorrresln. REVIVAL. RE\rIVAL. oerb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
a-sorcerp. nrpnnspu-r. rvrnnrnnr. nprunu oerb. rnexsr-ern.
1. rNcecBurxr. 2. rreur.r-r nuun, lunarr oerb. TNTERPRETATION.
1. Syns.' furbish, recondition, refresh, refurbish, rejuvenate, renovate, restore. -Idimn grve a new look to. 2. covrwur. 3. nnrnnsn. 4. nnvrve. 5. Syn: extend. 6. nnsronB.
2. To go on after an intemrption. 1. To impart renewedenerry and strengthto (a person). 4. To rouse from a state of inactivity or quiescenie. 5. To arrangefor the extensionoI: reneusa contra.ct, 6. To btitrg back into existenceor use. feneWal rxnln l. The act of making new or as if new again: urban 1. Syns; face lifting (a/so facelift), reneunl. reconditioning, refurbishing 2. A continuingafter intemrption: retlensalof United States-Su:bt hostilities. 3. The act of reviving or condition of being revived. renewing adiecthn hoducing or stimulatingphpical, mental, or emoUonal vigor. renitence or renitency twun The act of resisting. renitency ruoun renitent adiec-thn Tending to resis! as an infuence or idea. renoUnGe oerb l. To grve up a lrcssession,claim, or right. 2. To ceasetying to accomplishor continue. renOVate oerb l. To make modern in appearanceor slyle. 2. To make new or asif new ogait. renOvation rwun The act of making new or as if new again.
refurbishment, rejuvenation, renovation, restoration. 2. Syns: resumption, reflrrgence, revival. 3. nrvrvar.. ToNrc adiectiae.
snp renitence. REsrsrANTa.d;iectioe. l. erorcerB. 2. anaNooN oerb. 1. uoonnrqrzn. 2. nnrvnw. RENEWAL.
771 fenOwn rwu'n 1. A position of exalted, widely recognizedimportance. 2. Wide recognitionfor one'sdeeds. renowned adiectiw known and esteemed. Widely'oerb rentl To engagethe temporary use of (something)for a fee. rent2 rwun l. An opening, a solid structure. 2. An intemrption in friendly relations. 3. A hole made by tearing. renunGiation noun A $ving up of a possesion,claim, or riglrt. reOGcupy oerb To occupy or take again. feOccuf oerb 1. To come back to a former condition. 2,To h"pp"t againor repeatedlY. feOCGUffenGe rroun A repeated occrurence. reOpen oerb To go on after an intemrPtion. repair oerb t. to restore to proper condition or functioning. 2.To have recourseto when in need. 3. To move alonga particular course. reparation rwun Somethingto make up for tossor damage. repartee noun A spirited, incisive rePIY. repay oetb 1. To give compensationto. 2. To make as incomeor Profit. 3. To exact revengefor. repeal oerb 1. To put an end to formally and with authority. 2. To annul (a decisionor decree). 3. To take back or remove. repeal rwrtn 1. An often formal act of putting an end to. 2. The act of reversingor annulling. repeat oerb i. to state again:repeatedthe oath of ofu" aftet tlw Chbf hntbe. 2. To sendback the sound of. 3. To copy (another)slavishlY. rePel oerb 1. To hrrn or drive awaY. 2. To ofiend the sensesor feelingsof. repellence also repellency rwun A state of mind brouglrt on by somethingthat is antipathetic. repellency nmun repellent adiecthn 1. Arousingdeep-seateddislike. 2. ExtremClyunpleasantto the sensesor feelings. repent oerb To feel or expresssorrow for. repentance twm A feeling of regret for one's sinsor misdeeds. repentant adiectioe 1. Expressingor inclined to expressan apologr.
1. nuusnNcp 2. rerr,rs. EMINENT.
wlp.s,wrb. 1. sREecH rroutt. 2. sREAcH rwun. 3. rsARl rwam. ABDICATTON. RESUME.
1. nsruRNoarb. 2. nscuR.
L. nx wrb. 2. nnsonr ro at resort. 3. en oerb. COMPENSATION. RETORT TWUN.
1. coupnxsATE. 2. nrrrrnN rzrb. 3. ermNcp. 1. esor.rsn. 2. nnvnnsnosrb. 3. un wrb. 1. e.sor-rrrox. 2. nrvnnser,. 1. Syns; iterate, reiterate, restate. 2. ncso oerb. 3. ncso oerb. l. pennv. 2, otscvsr oerb. ANTIPATI{Y.
sEErepellence. 1. evrpernnrrc. 2. orrnNsnrs. nncnrr r:erb. PEMTENCE.
l. epor,ocsrrc adiecthse.
repercuss 2. Feelingor expressingreget for one'ssinsor misdeeds. repercUss wrb To ierk bpckward, as a gun upon firing. fepefGUsSbn rwun l. Repetitionof soundvia refection from a surface. 2. The-strongeffect exertedby one personor thing on another. repetition f . The act or processof repeating: Childrm often Leam by repetitilm. Tfu repetition of Vu"trconlplnints i^s
772 2. nruonsEFul.
l. rcno naun. 2. rupecr noun.
1. Syns; iteration, reiteration, restatement.
affpytt8 2. Imitative reproduction, as of the style of another.
2. rcno rwun.
Characterized by repetition.
repetitious dieaiw
repetitive dieailnCharacterized by repetition:repetitioestaternents dwroc-tcristbof someiumwlists. rephrase oerb To erpres the meaning of in other,esp.simpler,words. replace Mb 1. To remove (something) and zubstitute (another) for _ ilz replaaed thc boken parc u:ith rleu: glass. 2. To put (somqrne) in the possession of a prior position or office.
replacement rwttn l. One that takesthe place of another. 2. A person or personstaking over the duties of another. ropfete adiecthn l. Completelyfilled. 2. Full of animafionand activity. 3. Filled to satisfactionot erc"s. repletiOn noun The condition of being full to or beyond satisfaction. rePfica noun l. Somethingcloselyresemblinganother. 2..A representationof a personor thing. feprciarc oerb To make a copy of. replication iltn Somethingclosely resemblinganother. rePly txtb To qpeakor act in reqponseto. 7€ply noun Somethi'lgqpokenor written as a return to a question, demand,etc. fepOrt twun l. A zuddeniharp, explosivenoise: Frurn tlw reportsof _ dfl"s un loeut tlnt huntprs must be ruorby. 2. A recounting of past evenb. 3. Idle, often sensationaland groundlesstalk about others. 4. hrblic estimationof someone. Tlport wrt 1. To give a verbal account of. 2.To observe,arralyzn,and relate the detailsof (an event). 3. To make known. 4. To qpreadas news. ruportagC The extent to whlfi an event is reported.
Syns; iterative, reiterate, reiterative, repeUtious. PARAPHRASS aerb.
l. Syns; supplant,supersede. 2. nrsronn. 1. sunsururu rrorrn. 2. nnr,rrr. 1. rur-1. 2. er,tve. 3. serrerrn. SATIATION.
l. copy rroun. 2. r,rrurvsss. copy oerb. coPy rwt$7. axswpn oerb. ANSWER
l. Syns; b*& bark, crack, explosion, PoP, snaP. 2. sronv. 3. cossrp nsun. 4. nepuurroNr. l. onscnrsp. 2. covnn oub. 3. cowtnrncATu. 4. Norsn oerb, COVENAGE.
773 repOSe Derb t. lo be or place oneselfin a prostrateor recumbent position. take reposeby sleepinglying quietly, or the like. 3. To have as an inherent basis. repose fwuft Freedom from labor, responsibility,or strain.
repository noun
1. A place where somethingis depositedfor safekeeping. 2. One in whom secretsare confided. repOssess wrb 1. To occupy or take again. 2. To get back. repOSSeSS|on twun The act of getting back or regaining. reprehend oerb 1. To find fault with. 2. To feel or e4pressstrong disapprovalof. reprehensible adiecthn 1. So objectionableas to elicit despisal. 2. Deservingstrong condemnation. reprehension noun A finding fault. represent oetb i. to serye as the image of: The Mrord reryesentswlor. 2.To presenta lifehke image of: lTte pohnry represen* the agong and mcifixim of Clvist. 3. To setre as an ofrcial delegateof: My lanryer tuoill representme at the heafing. 4. To play the part of. representation noun The act or processof describingin lifelike imageryt ? scttlpture tnat *s the represmtation'of the heroixrt of the ilcfendersof I'ertugad. rePresentative twun 1. One who standsfor anotheri reryesentathnsat a politilnl conoention. 2. bne that is representativeof a group or class. representative adiectioe l. Servingto describe. 2. Having the nature of, constihrting or serving as a tYPe' 3. Servingas a symbol. repress wrb To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check: repressedrny lwght'er with ilifliculE; oon'gressiorcl whlps repressingdissenfiry lc gblntorc. repressiOn rwun 1. The act of restrainingforcefully: repressionof of tlw YoungTtnlcs'argr:ments. {Wles; 2. Suddenpunitive action. repressive adieaioe Servingto restrain forcefully: took repressioentca,slnes agahusttlw rebels. fepneVe notut Temporary immunity from penalties.
1. r,rrl. 2. nnsrr wrb, 3. coxsrst. nnsrl rwttn. l. oBposrronv. 2. corrmervr. 1. nssuME. 2. nncovnn. RECOVERY.
L. u,rvrn oerb. 2. pBpr-onn. 1. ru,rrrv. 2. nrreuous. BLAME
1. Syns; body (forth), embody, epitomize, exemplify, illustrate, personify, stand for, symbol, symbolize,ty?tfy. 2. Syns:describe,delineate, dePic! image,limn, pichrre, portray, render, show. 3. Syns; speakfor, stand for. 4. l^cToerb. Syns; description, delineatiorl depiction, picture, portraiture, portraYal. 1. 9yns; delegate,deputy. 2. nxlvpr.n nufit. 1. pBscnrpnvp. 2. rvprcer,. 3. svMsor.rc. Syns:choke, gag,hold back, hold down, hush (up), mufle, quenctL shush,sit on (or upon) (nfornal), smother,squelch,stife, strangte,suppress,throtde. 1. Syns; choking quashing quenching smothering,squelching stifling, suppression,throttling. 2. suppnnssroN. Syn.'supBresive.
reprimand wrb To criticize for a fault or offense. raprimand noun Wgt* expressiveof strong di*approval. fepnsal ruxrn The act of retaliating. reProach oqb To criticize for a fault or offense. reproach rruun l. Words expressiveof strong disapproval. 2. An implied criticism. rcprobate dieahn Morally objectionable. ]€pTobate wrb l. To find fault with. 2. To feel or expressstrong disapprovalof. reProbation rvntn A finding fault. reproduce w$ L. Biol. To produce serually or asexuallyothers of one'skind: Flbs reryfuce h astronornicalrutrnbers. 2. To make a copy of. reprduction rwun l. Biol. The processby which an organismproduces others of its kind: studbd tlw reprodwtion of the moturch buttcrf.y; a ight-wlife gmtp adrsocating utresffied @trct*m of thc hrmwn race. 2. Somethingclosely resemblinganother. reprductivC adiea*n l. Biol. Of or pertainingto reproduction:rqrofurctioe qcles. 2. BioL Employed in reproduction: repro&tctioeorgans. reproVe wrb l. To castigatefor the purposeof improving. 2. To criticize for a fault or offense. repudiate wrb To refuse to recognizeor acknowledge:rqudiating the blnck sfuq of the fanily; rqudiated his preoinn tcstimony. repUgnanGe also repUgnanGy runnt, Extreme hostility and dislike. repUgnanGy noun repugnant ad,ieaiw 1. So objectionableas to elicit deqpisal. 2. Ingb. Characterizedby a nahral or innate opposition. repulse oerb 1. To turn or drive away. 2. To offend tbe sensesor feelingsof. repulsion noun l. Extreme repugnanceexcited by somethingoffensive. 2. Extreme hostility and dislike. 3. A feeling of fear and repugnance. rePufsive adiectirx Extremely unpleasantto the sensesor feelings. rePutable ad,iec-thn Deseruinghonor or reqpect. reputation troun 1. Public estimationof someonezlws a bad rqutation. 2. Wide recognition for one's deeds. 3. A person'shig[r standingamongothers. rePute vrb To regard or be regardedin an appraisingway:
at call.
1. nnsuKE rwun. 2. nrrr-scrroN. nvl-r ad;iectioe. t. sLAMn aerb. 2. orpr.onn. BLAME
1. Syns; breed, multiply, procreate, proliferate, propagate, spawn. 2. copy oerb. l. Syns; breeding, multiplication, procreation, proliferation, propagation, spawning. 2. copy rrDtrn. l. Syns: procreant (Biol.), procreative. 2. Syns: progeniUve (Biol.), sexual. 1. connpcr oerb. 2, cx-r- DowN at call. Syns: deny, disacknowledge, disavow, disclaim, disown. -Idiorn turn one's back on. }IATE
sEErepugnance. 1. nr,rrry. 2. coNrnenv a.diectiae. 1. penny. 2. orscvsr oerb. 1. orscusr noun. 2. rrerr twun. 3. Honnon. oFFENSTvE adiectioe. HONORABLE.
1. Syns; character, name, report, repute. 2. revr. 3. nouon twun. Syns: suppose, think.
775 Ra,sputin was reryted to be the po@er behind' the Romanoo throne. rePute noun 1. Wide recognition for one's deeds. 2. A person's-higlr standing among others. 3. Pubhc estimation of someone.
1. reur rroun. 2. rroNonrwun. 3. nrputerroN.
reputed adiectioe Syns; putative, zupposed. Assumedto'be such:the reryted father of the child" reguest oerb Syns:ask (for), solicit. To endeavorto obtain (something)by expresing one's scheilulen needsor desires:reErcsteda reoised, facilitate proiluc{wn of the book. feqUlesCenGe twun REstrnaun. Freedom from labor, responsibility,or strain' require oerb 1. Syns; expect suPPose. i. to oblige to do or not do by force of authority, propriety, or custom: Men are required to wear ti'es in this restnwant. oerb. 2, onrraeNp 2.To have as a need or prerequisite. oerb. r-*cx 3, or essential' required, 3. To be without what iineeded, 4, onv.lorooerb. 4. To ask for urgently or insistently. 5. corvnteNooerb. 5. To give ordersto. ad,iectioe requireil 1. Syns; called-for,comPulsorY, i. Imposedon one by authority,command,or imperative, mandatory,necessa^ry, cunse required is a corwositiort hv6h coivention, obligatory, requisite. at mostcollegei. He had to make the tequired apolagies. 2. rssrvner. ad,iecthse. 2. Iircapable of being dispensedwith' nuw requirement 1. osMAND noun. i. Somethingaskedfor or needed. cor.rorrrowrwun. 2. 2. SomethingindisPensable. requisite adiectioe 1. nssrxrrrer-a.d;iecthse. i. Incapableof being dispensedwith' 2. Imposedon one by authority,command,or convention' 2. nrqumro. requisite narn CONDITION |WUN. SomethingindisPensable. requisition wrb Defb. orMar.ID To ask for urgendYor insistentlY. requisition rwun DEMAND TWTIN. The act of demanding. requital twun 1,. coMpnNserroN. i. Somethingto makeup for lossor damage' 2. nrrer.nrrox. 2. The act of retaliating. requite oerb 1. cor"rpnNsATE. 1. To give comPensation-to. nBcrpnocern. 2. mu-tuallY. take or 2.To ftve 3. evpr.Icr. 3. To exactrevengefor. rescind oerb 1. esoLIsH.. l. To put an end to formally and with authority. r;rrr wrb. 2. remove. back or take To 2. 3. nnrrunsBoarb. 3. To annul (a decisionor decree). rescindment rwun ABOLTTION. An often formal act of putting an end to. raoun rescission 1. eror-rrox. 1. An often formal act of putting an end to. 2. nrrnnser-. 2. The act of reversingor annulling. reSCUe oerb 1. Syns; deliver, sve. -Idioms come to 1. To extricate, as from danger or confinemettz The the rescue of, snatch from the jaws of CoastGwrd rescrpd the shiryeclced sailors' death. hostages. the rescwed Conwnandos Syns: reclaim, recover, redeem, 2. Federal state: an undesirable from 2. To extricate salvage. banhnrytcg' citg the resate to needed are from fu&
resemblance nescue twun Extrication from danger_orconfinement:a meticvlousty exeattcd resctp of tlte shipt:reclcedsailorc. fesemblance rxxul The guality or state of being alike. resemble wrb To be similar to, as in appearance. resentful adieahn Bitingly }ostile: a rcsentful" rnfotgi'Dingperson;unote a rcsentfulbtta. resontfulness rurun The qudity or state of feeling bitter. res0ntment noun l. The quality or state of feeling bitter: I*t tlvre be tu rcsmtment behoeenus. 2. {xgeme displeasue causedby * insult or sligl't. fesGfVation lwrtn 1. Rrblic land kept for a qpecialpu{pose: an bd,ian tesenntion; a rcsenntion for utildlife. 2. A restric"ng or modifying element. 3. A feeling of rurcertainty ibout the fitnessor correctnessof an action. fgSAfYe rwun l. the keeping of one's thouglrtsand emotionsto oneself:a nun of hon nesen)e. 2. A supply stored or hidden for future use. 3. Public land kept for a qpecialpupose. resoryo Mb 1. To claim in advance. 2. To have and maintain in one'spossession. resorve ad,iectiw Used or held in reserve. reseryed adieahn l. Tendingto keep one'sthoughtsand emotionsto oneself:a resennd banker type. 2. Not total, unlimited, or wholehearted. 3. Not qpeakingfreely or openly. 4. Not friendly, sociable,or waim in manner. feSGflYeS rwtnl The alility and the means to meet situations efiectively. fesefVolf noun A zupply stored or hidden for future use.
reside wtu
l. To have as one'sdomicile,usu.for an extended period. 2. To have as an inherent basis. rgsidue tpun What remainsafter a part hasbeen used or zubtracted. resign oetb claim, or right. l. To glve up a possession, 2. To_relinquishone'sengagementin oi occupation with. resignation lnun 1. A giving up of a possession, claim, or right. 2.\\e capacityof enduringhardshipor intonvenience without complaint. resigned die&w Enduring or capableof enduring hardship or inconveniencewithout complaint.
776 Syns; deliverance,delivery, salvage, salvation. Lrr(IrNEss. ssvoa oerb. Syns,' acrimonious, bitter, embittered, hard, rancorous, virulent. RESENTMENT,
l. Syns; acridity, acrimony, bitterness, galll, rancor, resentftrlness. 2. orrnNsp.
l. Syns: preserve, reserve. 2. pnousroN. 3. gu,rl-rrr.
l. Syns; control, restraint, reticence, selfcontrol, self-restraint, tacifurnity, uncommunicativeness. 2. noeno rwun. 3. nnsnnverron. l. soor oerb. 2. lg.oto oerb. AUXTLTARY adiectioe. 1. Syns: constrained, controlled, incommunicable, noncommittal, restrained, self-controlled, selfrestrained. 2. quer-mmo. 3. racrrunN. 4. coor. adiectioe. RESOURCES. HOARD IWUN,
l. r.rvnr. 2. coxsrsr. BALANCE
l. arorcerp. 2. gurr.
1. anorcenoN. 2. perrBxcB.
777 resiliencealsoresiliency rwun or 1. The ability to recoverquicHyfrom dgplessi-o1 discourag6ment:His innate resilietwehelped him thrwgh tlw miil-kfe c"dsis. 2. The q-ualityor state of being fexible. resiliencY rToun resif ient a.diectioe Capable of withstanding stresswithout i"jury. resist oerb l, To opposeactively and with force: nP Afglwrt rebelsrensted the Sooietirnnsion.
1. Syns; bounce, buoyancy,elasticity. 2. rr,sxlBu.rrY. sEEresilience. FI,EXIBLE.
1. Syns; combat, duel, figlrt, withstand. -lilioms mount (or offer) resistance, put up a figfrt, stand up to (or again*). 2. oot.nnsr wrb.
2. To take a stand against. resistance rwun 1. Syns: immunity, imperviousness, 1. The capacrtyto withstandi orr tttvttsttrrllyhigh unsusceptibility. resistanceto oinnes, 2, Syns:oppositiorl renitence or 2. ltre act of resisting:u)er&rrw their resistorweto renitency. schoolhni:ng. 3. Syn: undergound. in an figlrtersfreedom of 3. A clandestineorganization -Lhe FrenchResistoncehclped the oppressedland Allies. resistant ad,iectioe L. Syns:immune, impervious,Proof, 1. Having the capacity to withstandi u)ostonlly resistive. resistonttu u; inryrecations;o boily oerg resistantto to weathering resistant a paint oinnes; 2. Syns:renitent, resisting resistive. 2. Tending to resis! as an infuence or idea: a die-lwrd to clwnge. resistant consercatioe resistant rwrun RESISTER. One who resists. resister rwrrn Syns:opponent resistant. One who resists:dtaft resistets. resisting ad,iectioe REsrsrANradieaioe. Tending to resist,as an influence or idea. resistive ad,iectioe 1. nrsrsrer,rr ad,iecthn. 1. Tending to resist, as an influence or idea. 2. nnsrsrervradiectiae. 2. Having the capacity to withstand. resofute adiecthn 1. sprr a,iliectioe. 1. On an unwaveringcourseof action. '2. oncrsrvs. 2. Not hesitatingor wavering. 3. rrnul. determinatior\ resolution, or 3. Indicating or possessing persistence. 4. rerrrrrur,. 4. Adhering firmly and devotedly, * to a person,a cause,or a dutY. resoluteness nuw DECISION. Unwavering firmnessof character or action. twun resolution l. counecs. 1. The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely. 2. prcrsrox. 2. A posiUonreachedafter consideration. oncrsrox. 3. action. or character firmness of 3. Unwavering 4. aNer.vsrs. 4. The separationof a whole into its parts for thtdy. 5. wrr.r.rtwun. 5. The power to make choicesand set goalsand to act upon them firmly in spite of opposition or difficulty. resolve rserb 1. Syns; clear up, decipher, dope out 1. To find a solution for: resohnd'the mystery; resolued (lnformol), explairL fiSt" out, solve, the problmt. nnravel. -lilion get to the bottom of. 2. ppctoe. 2. To makeup or causeto make up one'smind. 3. eNer.vzr. 3. To separateinto parts for study. 4. snrrr-n. 4. To bring (something)into a state of agreementor accord.
reSOlYe rrdun l. Unwavering firmness of character or action. 2. The power to make choices and set goals and to act upol thel firmly in qpite of opposition or rtiffigulty.
1. oncrsrox. 2. wtrt-r t70un.
rcsotwnt boritone,
Syns.'mellow, orotund, plangent, resounding,ringrng,rofund, round, sonorous,vibrant.
resonant adieahn Havingor producinga full, deep,or rich sound:a
feSOft rwun l. That to which one turns for help when in deqperation:As a last resortI askcd tlw bar* for a loan. 2. A frequently visited place. resort to oerb l. To have recourseto when in need: The gooenvnent llrr'sresotcd to cercorshry.We uere urwsihtngn rcsort to a lmn shorkfor fuwrcbl aid,. 2. To visit regularly.
resort to Mb resounding od,iectiw l. Expressedor performedwith emphasis. 2. Having or producinga full, deep, or rich sound. resounding twun Repetition of sound via refection from a surface. feSOUfGe rwtln That to which one turns for help when in desperation. resourceful adiecthn Able to use the meiu$ at one's disposalto meet sihrationseffectively: a resouveful mind,. fesourGefUlneSS ntrun the ability and the meansto meet situationsefiectively. feSOUfCeS nourr l. The ability and the meansto meet situations effec_Uvely: Her irmer resotnaessutained her during the ilhpss. 2. All properly or goodsh"rritrg economicvalue: It usas had to pinpoint the ffip ertent of thc deposed niet's resoufces, respcct Mb l. To have a higlr opinion of. 2. To recognizethe worth, quality, importance, etc., of. respect rvrun t. tr fseling of deference,approval,and liking. 2. ^I\e pa*icular angle from which somethingis considered. respectable diec-thn l. Deservinghonor or respect. 2. Conforming to accepted standards. 3. Proper in appearance. 4. Of moderately good quatity but lessthan excellent. 5. Somewhatbig. respectful d|eahn Marked by courteouszubmissionor reqlect. reSPeCtS twtm Friendly greetings. respiration rwun The act or processof breathing. resPire Mb To breathe in and out. respite noun l. A pauseor intervd, as from work or duty. 2. Temporary immunity from penalties.
1. Syns:expediency(aho expedience), expedient,recourse,refuge,resort, resource,stopgap. ^ 4. HAUNT |WUN.
1. Syns; apply, go, refer, repair, run, turn. -Idiorn fall back on. 2. rnngurwr oerb. srn resort, l. nupnerrc. 2. nrsoNeNr. ECHOfroun, RESORT.
Syns: fertile, ingenious, inventive.
1. Syns: reserves, resourcefulness, wherewithal. 2. Syns: assets,capital, fortune, means, wealth, wherewithal.
l. eounn. 2. eppnncrern, 1. psrserd nuun. 2. pnesp.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. connncr adiectine. orcpvr. eccnprenr-e. srze-ar.E.
1. sREAx rwwt. 2. cnecs noun.
779 or resplendency noun resplendehG€ Brilliant,showysplendor. resplendency twun resplendent adiecttue beauty,and elegance, Markedby extraordinary splendor. respond oerb l. To act in returnto somethingasa stimulus:The patient is respond'ingto treatnwrfi. 2. To qpeakor act in responseto. respond to oerb To present with a specifiedreaction. respondent rwun I-au:. L person againstwhom an action is brought. respond to oerb fespOnSe nautt l. An action elicited by a stimulus: adtsersepatierfi to chenwtherapV;a mikta'ry tesponseto responses the emhatgu 2. Somethingspokenor written as a return to a
snnresplendence. GI,oRIOUS.
l. Syn:react. 2. eNswsnoerb. GREET. ACCUSED.
sEErespond. 1. Syns; reaction,retroaction. 2. ewswnnrroun.
question, demand, etc.
responsibility nuun An act or course of action that is demanded of one, as by position, custom, law, or religion.
adiectioe resi6nsible 1. Legally obligated. 2. Capqble of being dependeduPon. responsive adpctioe 1. Easilyapproached. 2. Ready and wilting to receive favorably, as new ideas. 3. Able to receive and respondto external stimuli. responsiveness ftoun Recognitionof worth, quality, importance, etc. restl nDtfit 1. Freedom from labor, reqponsibility,or strain: sat doun and,took his rest. 2. A pauseor interval, as from work or duty. rest wrb 1. To talcereposeby sleeping lying quietly, or the like: restcdfor an hou before dimer. 2. To takl reposeby ciasing work or other efiort for an intervdof time: We itnt unrfi to restdming the rnmtion. 3. To take or serye as the basisfor. 4. To have as an inherent basis. rest on (or uPon) oerb To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable. rest2 rw,tn
l. r.resr,r. 2. pnprNDeslE. l. eppnoecl{aBr.E. 2. nrcpprrve. 3. spr.IsrrrvE. APPRECIATION.
1. Syns: ease,leisure, relaxation,repose, requiescence. rwun, 2. SREAK 1. Syns,'lie, lie down, recline, rePose, stretch out. 2. Syns:relax, unbend, unwind. -Idioms live the life of Ril"y, take it easy. 3. sltsnr wfu, 4. coNsrsr. DEPENDox at depend.
What remains after a part has been used or subtracted.
restart oerb To go on after an intemrption.
restate oerb l. To state again. 2. To expressthe meaningof in other, eqp.simpler,words. restatement 1. A restatingof somethingin other, eqp.simpler, words. 2. the act or processof repeating. restitute oerb To bring back to a previous normal condition.
1. nrprer. 2. peneprnls;n oerb. 1. penlpnnlsg traun. 2. nrprrrrron. REsroRE.
restitution restitution nottn Somethi.g_ to makeup for lossor damage. rOstlVe diectiw F.TX-gor exhibitingnervoustension. fOSlryenOSS noun An uneasy or nervous state. 'adleatw
restless 1. Affording no quie! repose,or rest: spent a restlcss nrght b"f* tlw kterview. 2..Feeling or exhibiting nervoustension. re$|oSSneSS noun An uneasyor nervousstate: We rcticed the restbsmess of tlw uttlc. rust on (or upon) Mb restoration tpun The act of making new or as if new again. restorative dieahn l. Servingto cure. 2. Producing or stimulating physical, mental, or emotional vigor. rustorative noun A medicine that restoresor increasesvigor. restore wtb l. To briog back into existenceor use: restorclau and, odcr. 2. To causeto come back to life or consciousness. 3. To btitg back to a previousnormal condition: rcstorcdtlw ReulutionarV house. 4, To put (someone)in the possessionof a prior _ position or oftce: an eflapetvrrestoredto the throne. 5. To make modern in appearanceor style. 6. To make new or as ifGw again. 7. To imp.artrenewed enerry and strength to (a person). 8, T9 send,pu! or carry back to a former location. restrain rvrb To control, restric! or arrest: testvined him from st$t ng a fig;ht; rcstvined my cwrbsity. restrained adieahn f . K"pt within sensibletimit. 2. Not shonryor obtrusive. 3. Tendiag to keep one's thoughtsand emotionsto oneself. restraint twun l. Somethingthat limits or restricts. 2. The keeping of one's thouglrtsand emotjonsto oneself. restraints rwntn Somethingthat phpically confinesthe legs or arms. rustrict oqb To place a limit on. restricted dieahx f . K"pj within certain limits: a restrictedrutrnberof sAdenx. 2, Of or being information availableonly to authorized Persons. 3. Excluding or unavailableto certain minorities: a rcstrbtcd rcighM. 4. Confined to a particular location or site.
1. Syns; uneasy, unsettled. 2. rocy. Syns; disquiet, disquietude, inquietude, restiveness,uneasiness,unrest. snp restl. RENEWAL.
l. cunerrw ad.iectioe. 2. rorvrc adiectioe.
TONrCfwun. 1. Syns; reinstate, reintroduce, renew, return, revive. 2. nrvrve. 3. Syns: rebuild, reclaim, recondition. reconstruct, recover, rehabilitate, rejuvenate, restifute. -Iilimn restore the first flower (or bloom) of. 4. Syns: give back, reinstate, replace, return. 5. MooenNrzn. 6. nnxew' 7. nrrnpsn. 8. nrrunN uerb. Syns; bitz, brake, bridle, check, constrain, curb, hold back, hold down, hold in, inhibit, keep, keep back, pull in, rein. l. coxsnnvnrwn adiectitse. 2. gurnr. 3. nrsrnvro.
l. nnsrnrcnoN. 2. nrsnnvr rwun.
rtvrtr aerb. l. Syns; circumscribed, determinate, fixed, limited. 2. corvrronNTrAl.. 3. Syn: segregated. 4. r.ocer, adiectioe.
78r 5. Not total, unlimited, or wholehearted.
rruun restriction 1. The act of limiting or condition of being limited: Absolute rul'erslww pounr uithout restriction' 2. Somethingthat limits or restrictszusarfiedrestricdtons on presidcrttialPouser. result rwun 1. Somethingbrouglrt about by a cause. 2. Somethingworked out to explain, resolve,or provide a method for dealing with and settling a problem. result wrb To occur as a consequence. result in oerb To be the causeof. resultant Somethingbrouglntabout by a cause. result in oerb fesume oetb 1. To occuPy or take again: T'hcformet Winw minbter resa,rnedpuDer. 2. To go on after an intemrPtion. resumPtion noun, A continuing after interruPtion. resUfgenGe rwun l. A continuing after interruption. 2.\\e act of i6viving or con-ditionof being revived' resUfre8t Detb To rouse from a state of inactvity or quiescence' resufreGtiOn nolm The act of reviving or condition of being revived' resuscitate oerb To causeto come back to life or consciousness' resuscitation rtuun The act of reviving or condition of being revived' retail oerb To offer for sale. retain oerb 1. To obtain the use or servicesof. 2.To keep at one'sdisPosal. 3. To have and maintain in one'spossession. 4. To p€rseverein somecondition, action, or belief' 5. To iett"* (an imageor thought) in the mind' retake oerb To occupYor take again. retaliate aerb Tq return like for like, return an unfriendly or hostile action with a similar onel retaliate against att enemuattack. retaliation n/qun The act of retaliatingzan ir:'su,lttlwt Proooked retaliation';attar*ed in tetaliatiort for tlw attack ort tlw shNp.
retard oerb
1. To cause to be later or slower than expected or desired.
5. guer.rrrro. 1. Syns; circumscription, confinement, constrainment,constraint,limitation. 2. Syns:circumscription, constraint, cramp, limitation, restraint, strichrre, trammel. l. srrscr noun. 2. eNswnntwun.
ceuss o€rb. EFFECT
sEE result. 1. Syns; reassume, reclaim, reoccupy, repossess,retake, take back. 2. coxtrrur. RENEWAL. 1. nsNEwAL.
snts- oerb. L. 2. 3. 4. 5.
nvnrynv oerb. Heve. nor.o oerb. xnnp wrb, nnlvrsr'rspn.
Syns: counter, hit back, reciProcate, retort strike back.
Syns; avengement, avenging, counteraction, counterattach counterblow, counterstroke, reciprocation, reprisal, requital, retribution, revanche, an -eyefor revenge, vengeance. -Iilimw an eye, a tooth for a tooth, blow for blow, like ior like, measure for measure, tit for tat. t. ow.rr oerb.
retardation 2. To interfere with the progress of.
2. ruNorn.
The condition or fact of being made late or slow.
Having only a limited ability to learn and understand.
BAcKwAnD adiectioe.
retardation noun retarded diecthn
rethink- tfr
To consider again, eqp. with the possibility of change. felfcgnce noun 1. Reserve in speech, behavior, or dress. 2. The keeping of one's thouglrts and emotions to oneself.
reticent adiectioe l. Not speaking freelyor openly.
l. *roonsry. 2. nnsnnvr noun.
2. Not friendly, sociable, or warm in manner.
1. recrrunN. 2. coor adiectioe.
A group of attendants or followers: Seoeral narwlntors ioircd the President's retinue for the sanrnnit confererrce.
Syns: entourage, following, suite, train.
1. To go to bed: retired at ll:A0.
1. Sy_ns;bed (down), crash (Slnng), flop (Slang), pile in Qnformal\ roll in (Informal), turn in (Infornwl). -Idioms call it a night, hit the b^y (* sack), meet the sandman. 2. co aerb. 3. Syns; demit, step down. -Idionx call it quits, hang up one's spurs, turn in one's badge. 4. Syns: pension (ofi), superannuate. -Idiums put on the retired list, put out to pasfure. 5. nnrnner oerb.
retinue runtn retire oerb
?. To moye,or proceedaway from a place. 3. To withdraw from businessor active lrte: retired after 50 yearson the iob. 4. To remove from active service: retire a aneer oficer. 5. To move back in the face of enemyattack or after a defeat. retiremenl noun l. The moving back of a military force in the face of enemyattack or after a defeat. 2. The act of secludingor the stateof b"i"g secluded. retiring adiectioe Reticent or reservedin manner. retort rro,n 1. A qpirited,incisivereply: a masterof the quick retort. 2. Somethingspokenor written as a rehrrn to a question,demand,etc. retort oerb l. To qpeakor act in reqponseto. 2. To return like for h1.", to return an unfriendly or hostile action with a"qp. similar one. retouch oerb fo ryrprove by making minor changesor additions. retract oerb 1. To disavorv(somethingpreviously written or said) irrevocably and usu. formally: The senatorretracted his predous ilmiol. 2. To move back or awayfrom a point, limit, or mark. 3. To pull back in. retraction rroun A formal statementof disavowal:issrcd a retraction of th^eethnic slur and made an apology. retreat rwun 1. The moving back of a military force in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat: In thcir lwsty retreat
l. nBrnrer rwun. 2. spcr.usroN. MODEST.
1. Syns,'comeback (Slang), counter, repartee, riposte (a/so ripost). -Idiom back answer. 2. eNswrn noun.
1. eNswnn oerb. 2. nrrer,nre.
ToucH up at touch. l. Syns; abjure, palinode, recall, recant, take back, withdraw. 2. nrcnpn. 3. wtrnonew. Syns: abjuration, palinode, recantation, recanting. 1. Syns; fallback, pullback, pullou! retirement, withdraw aI (also
withdrawment). abandorcd their anns' the sol'd,iPrs rroun. 2. Somethingthat physicallyprotects,9sq' {rom danger' 2. covBn norup. 3. shelter' and care that-provides 3. An institrition retreat oerb draw back, fall back, retire, mov ebac k int hefa c e o fe n e m y a tta c k o ra fte ra 1. Syns; -lilioms beat (or sound) a *thdt"*. defeat: Napoleon'sforces retreatingfrom Moscou' retreat, give ground (ot place or way)'
2.To move in a reversedirection' 3. To abandona former position or commitrnent' from a PoinL limit, or mark' 4: i; *orr" back or "*"y retribution twun The act of retaliating. retrieval rwun The act of getting back or regaining' retrieve oerb To get back. retroaction raa.rn An action elicited bY a stimulus' retrocede oerb l. To move in a reversedirection' i. fo move back or awayfrom a point, limit' or mark' retrograde ad'iecttue Directed or facing toward the back or rear' retrograde oerb i. io-u""ome lower in quality, character, or condition. i. fo move back or away froh a poin! limit' or mark' 3. To move in a reversedireetion' retrogress oerb l. To move in a reversedirection' i. "to move back or awayfrom a point, limit' or mark' 3. To slip from a higher or better condition to a former, usu.lower or Poorerone' retrogression twun e rJturn to a former, ustl. worse condition' retrogressive ad'iectioe_ DirJcted or facing toward the back or rear' return oerb 1. To go againto a former place: tefinned to my birt@*t. back to a former condition: a diseasethat 2. io "b*" refintwd. 3. To send,put, or carry back,to a former location: retuming-empty bottlns to the store' 4. To grve or take muhrallY' 5. To qPeakor act in resPonseto' 6. To tiat" as income or profib Mg irunshnent retumed 75 Per cmt. 7. To deliver (an indictnent or verdict): refinled a oerdict of guiltY. of a prior in the possession 8. To put (-someone) positionor office. 9. To bring back into existenceor use' 10. To haPPenagainor rePeatedlY' return nou'n 1, A repeatedoccurrence. 2. Somithing earned,worL or otherwise acquired' reunite oerb To re-establishfriendship between' revamP oerb 1. T6 restore to proper condition or functioning' 2. To make mod-ernin appearanceor style'
2. r,licr osrb. 3. secr DowN at back. 4. nncros. NETALIATION. RECOVERY. nEcovER. NESPONSE.
t. r,ercroerb. 2. nrcBnB. BAcKvvAnDadiecti'oe, 1. pnrsnroRATE. 2. nscBpn. 3. r,tcroerb. l. wrcroerb, 2. nscppB. 3. npr,e,pspoarb.
BAcKvvARDadiectioe. 1. SYns: come back, reverl revisit' 2. Syns: recrudesce' recur, reoccur' revert. 3. Syns; give back, restore, take back' 4. nrcrpnoclts. 5. er.rswrn oarb. 6. Syqs: btit g ir\ clear, draw, eat!, gain, gross,net2, qaY, Produce, iedize, rePay' Yi"ld. 7. Syns:hand dowq render. 8. nrstonn. 9. npsronn. 10. nscuR. 1. nrcunnnNcP. 2. cru,r nowr. RECONCILE.
l. ru oerb. 2. Moonnrqzn.
revamping 3. To preparea new versionof. feVamplng runtn The act or processof revising. feVancne uiln The act of retaliating. reveal Mb l. To makevisible; btitg to view: A cteanhg reoealed the gvin of tlw nnd.
2. To disclose in a breach of conffdence.
reVel wrb l. To behaveriotously:drutlcmsadentsrctseling until dorn.
2. To showhappy satisfaction in an event, eqp. by merrymaking. 3. To take extravagant pleasure. f0Vel nonn exuberant activity. FFt,
revelation tronn
784 3. nrvrsn. REVISION.
l. Syns; bare, disclose, discover (Archaic), drsplay, expose, lay open, show, unclothe, uncover, rrttmasia, unveil. -kliom^s btirrg to lig[rt (or view), lay bare, make plain. 2. ssrnAy. 1. Syns; carouse, frolic, hell (around) gnformal), riot, roister, spree. -Idicms blow off steam, cut loosel kick over the traces, kigk up one's heels, let go, let loose, make whoopee, paint thJ town red, raise Cain, raise hell, raise ned, whoop it up. 2. culpsnerE. 3. r-uxunnrr. GAIETY.
Somethingdisclosed,eqp. -somethingnot previously known Syns: apocalypse, disclosure, expos6, or realizedza rcrnhtion about drugwe afiwngtcen-agers.exposure, eye opener, unveiling. reveling tvun Joy.firl,exuberantactivity. GATETY. feVelfy rwun 1. cercry. l. Iqyful, exuberantactivity. 2.\\e act of showingh"ppy satisfactionin an event. 2. cnr,nsnerroN. feVelS twrrn The act of showingh"ppy satisfactionin an event. CELEBRATION. feVenant rroun A mpernatural b"iog. GHOST TWUN. feVenge rwun l. The act of retaliating. 1. nrrer-renox. 2. The-qudity_or condition of being vindictive. 2. vuvorc"rrvENEss. revengeful adieahn Diqposedto seekrevenge. VINDICTT\'E. reVGrDerate wrb To send back the sound of. ncno oerb. reverberation rKrun Repetition of soundvirareflection from a nrrface. ECHOtWUn. rOVere oert To regard with great awe and devotion. feVefence twun The act of adoring eqp.reverently. ADORATION. ncYorence oe$ To regard with great awe and devotion. feVefend tuntn lnfonul. A person ordained for service in a Christian PREACHER. church. reverent diecthn Feeling orshowing reverence: lwked at tlrc pope uith Syns:adorant, adoring, reverential, mterent ofedon. worshipful. reVerential adiecttw Feeling or showingreverence. RSVERENT. feVefiO tuoun l. lte condition of being so lost in solitary flerrgbt as l. raexcn.
785 to be unawareof one's surroundings. 2. An itlusory mental image. reverSal twrm l. Law. The act of reversingor annulling: a rewtsol of the dccbfumin the aPPeaIscourt. 2. A changefrom better to worse. 3. The act-of changng or being changedfrom one oosition, direction, or cotrrseto the opposite:o 'reoersal of fignes texiltirgln a Yinter'l etwl feVefSe rww in the 1. A changefrom better to worsez persetserhtg face of slwp neDerceg. 2. "T\at'i^'tti"tt'it diametricallyopposedto another' reverse adiectioe DiametricallY oPPosed. reverse oerb 1. To changeto the oppositeposition, direction, or to fill then; u:ill conrse:retnrsedthe-em'pty-glasses in the plntogrophs the reoerse -albun' 2. Law. fo annul (a d6cisionor decree)za iudge reoersinga decision. 3. To hrn sharPlYaround. 4. To take back or remove. fevefSiOn rtoun A return to a former, usu. worse condition: reoetgionto old,eatinglwblx after the iliet. oerb feveft 1. To slip from a higlrer or better condition to a former, usu.lower or Poorerone. 2. To come back to a former condition. 3, To go againto a former Place. review oerb l. To write a criticd ieport on: .Elisfutdion is to reoieu ruw PlaYs. 2. To consider'agiin, eqp.with the possibility of change. 3, To rJcapitulate the salient facts of: The contrnerfiatot tlw President'saddressafter it wo'yooer' reoieweld, review rwrrrt l. A close or sYstematicstudY. 2. A formal ^iht".y inspection: the top bra^sstutmed out fot the tersiew. 3. Evaiuative and critical discourse:The ruw book receioedn oe reoieus. reviewer rroun A person who evaluatesand reports on the worth of something. revile oerb To attack with harsh, often insulting language:reoiled his Worcrfi in o stotmg polittunl ilBbote. revile rwtm Obs. Harsh, often insulting language. revifemenl rwtm Harsh, often inzulting language. reviling rrutnt Harsh, often insulting language. reviling adiectiw Ol relating io, or characterizedby verbal abtrse. revise tprb To prepare a new version ofzan altnarw tLot is rersisedeach year,
2. onnev twtut. 1. Syns.'repeal, rescissior\revocation. 2. nsvERsrrwutt. 3. Syns; inversion"trarsposition (aho transposal). 1. Syns;backset,reversal,setback. -Iilion reverseof fortune. 2. opposrrerwttn. oPPosrrEadiectioe. 1. Syns; inverse,invert transpose,hrrn (around). 2. Syns:repeal,rescind,revoke. 3. oovsr.EDqrb. 4. rrr:r oerb. Syns; regress,regression,retrogression. 1. nnr.lpspoerb. 2. nrrunN rzrb. 3. nBrvnr.roerb. 1. Syns; criticize, critique. -Idiom pass (or pronounce) ludgment on. 2. nncoNsronn. 3. Syns; abstract"epitomize, go over' recap, run down, run throug[r, zummarize,sturl uP, sYnolxize. 1. eNer,tsrs. 2. Syn:parade. 3. Syns; commentary,comment criticism, critique, notice. CRITIC.
Syns; abuse,assail,rail at (or against)' vituperate. VITUPENATION. VTTUPERATION. VTTUPERATION.
Syns: amend, emend, emendate, revamP.
revision revision noun T-he o complntereoisionof 3ct.orprocessof revisingz tlw dil:tirnunt.revisit tnb T-ogg "gqn to a formerplace. revita-lizartion runtn The act of reviving or condition of being revived.
revitalize oert To rouse from a state of inactivity or quiescence.
revival noun
l. The act of reviving or condition of being revived: a rcohnl of interest in cvafts.
2. A continuing after intemrption. feVlVe tnb l. To cause to come back to life or consciousness: reohnd lw uith artifrcbt reryi,rutbn. ^ Uy 2. To briog back into existen-ce or use. 3. To rouse from a state of inactivity or quiescence: ,e&)ed my intcrest ln Clwrcer. a: ren€w (an image or thouglrt) in the mind. lg feV|YlnGattOn n{}un The act of reviving or condition of being revived.
revivify Mb
l. To rouse from a state of inactivity or quiescence. 2. To cause to come back to life or consciousness. feVOcation twnn The act of reversing or annulling. reVoke wtb l. To take back or remove. 2. T-o annul (a decision or decree).
reVOlt tErt l. To refuseallegiance to andopposeby forcea
_ govemment or ruling authority-. 2. To offend the senseJorfeelingsof. rcvoft noun Organizedgpposition intended to changeor overthrow existingauthority. revolting adieaan unpleasant!o the sensesor feelings. l.Fo".gly 2. Too awful to be described. revolution nmun l. A momentous_or sweepingchange:an inwntion that mtsed a reoolution in the inilsity. 2. Circular movementarounda pojni or about an axis: tlle earth's rewlution arcund ihe orn; a phonograph !e4 rctathg at 33 1/S rewlutions a minute. revolutionary also revolutionist noun One who holds extreme views or advocatesextreme
786 Syns; amendment, emendation, revamping, rewrite, rewriting. nrrunN Derb. REVIVAL.
1. Syns: reanimation, rebirth, rekindling, renaissance,renascence, renewal, resrugence, resurrection, resuscitation. revitalizaUon, revivifi cation. 2. nrurwer,. l. Syns; b.i"g around, restore, resuscitate, revivify. 2. nnsronp. 3. Syns; reactivate, reawaken, rekindle, renew, resurrect, revitalize, revivify. 4. nnununrn. REVIVAL.
1. nnvrvn. 2. nrvrvr. REVERSAL.
l. nwr oerb. 2. nnvgnsn oerb. 1. nnsnr, oerb. 2. ntscvsr tserb. REBELLION.
1. orrrNsrvn adiectirse. 2. uNspeAKABr.n. l. Syns; cataclysm, convulsion, upheaval. 2. Syns: circuit, circulation, circumvolution, g,rration, rotation, turn, wheel, whirl. EXTREMIST
revolutionist rwun revolutionize oe$ T9 bring about a radical change in: an el.echonic dtnrce that rewlufiorLizedbtwfuasttng. revolve wb 1. To move or causeto move in circles or around an axisor center. 2. To consider carefully and at length. reYulsion noun l. Ertreme hostility and dislike. 2. A feeling of fear and repugnance.
srn revolutionary. Syns; metamorphose, transform.
1. runrv oerb. 2. porpnn. l. rrers rwrtn. 2. nonnon.
787 noun feward 1. Something given in refurn for a service or accomplishment: recehted a reward for the braoe regcarc. 2. A sum of money offered for a qpecial service, as the apprehension of a criminal: a reuard for the retum of the lost ieuelry. 3. Something j"ttly deserved. reward oerb To bestow a reward on reusardpd her assistant usith a
iloy of. reword oerb of in other,esp.simpler, To expresthe meaning words. rewording nuurl A restating of something in other, esp. simpler, words.
1. Syns; awald, dividend, guerdon (Poetic),honorarium,plum, prize. -Iiliiln token of appreciation (or esteem). 2. Syns:bonus,bounty. 3. nus noun. Syn; guerdon(Poetio).
rhapsodize oerb To show enthusiasm.
rhetoric nuun The art of public qpeaking. rhetorical odieabe l. Of or relating to the art of public speaking. 2, Characterizedby languagethat is elevated and sometimespomPousi" ttyl". rhetorician rwun A public speaker. rhodomontbde noun, adiectioe,b oerb rhubarb noun Sl*rg.A discussion,often heated,in which a difference of opinion is expressed. rhyme rwun A metrical composition. rhyme oerb To be compatibleor in correspondence. rhythm rwun The regular recurrence of strong and weak elements, zuch as stressedand unstressednotes in music: the rhgthm of the tides; a lioely ualtz rhythm. rhythmical also rhythmic ad.iectioe Marked by a regular rhythm: rhythmical clapping at the end,of the concert. rib oerb Sb"g. To teaseor mock good-humoredly. ribbing nou.n Sl*rg.Words or actionsintendedto evoke contemptuouslaug[rter. rich adiec-tine a large amount of money, land, or other 1. Possessing His irwesfinerttslwd made him materialpossessions: rich. 2. Characterizedby extravagant,ostentatious magnificence. 3. Not readily digestedbecauseof richness. 4. Characterizedby geat productivity. 5. Inforrrul, Extremely funny. riches rrorrn A geat amount of accumulatedmoney and precious the deposedmornrch's riclrcs. possessiorsz richness rw.rn The quality or state of being fertile.
1. oneronrcer-. 2. soNonous.
snr rodomontade. ARGUMENT.
cadence (also cadency), ;;;r""., measure, meter, swing.
Syns: cadenced, measured, metrical (also metric), pulsating. loxn oerb, RIDICULE
1. Syns: afluent, fush, loaded (Slnry), moneyed,wealthy. -Ialiurc having money to burn, in the money, made of money, rolling in money. 2. r-uxunrous. 3. nnew adieaiae. 4. rsnrrr.n. 5. pnrcnr,rss. Syns; fortune, treasure,wealth, worth.
rickety rickety adiecthn Not physicallysteadyor firm. ricochbt' ,rri, 1. To strike a surfaceat zueh an angle as to be deflected. . ?. To jerk backward, as a gun upon firing. rid oefr To free from somethingobjectionableor undesirable: phrs to rid htmself of th" tuutnnted responsibility. riddance rwun l. The act of getting rid of somethinguselessor used up. . ?" act or processof eliminating. riddle rnrun enything that_arouses curiosity or perplexesbecauseit is unexplained,inexplicable,or secret. ride tserb l. Infonnol. To torment with persistentinsult or ridicule. 2..-Infomal. To teaseor mock good-humoredly. ride out wrb To exist in qpite of adversity. ride ltoun A trip in a motor vehicle. ride out wrb ridicule wrb To make fun of: The arryry faru ridiatted the lostng qwrtcrback. ridicule rwttn Words or actionsintended to evoke contempfuous lauglrter: had to tol.eratea stonn of rfutilxrbfron his coll.eagues. ridiculous adiectiw l. Deseniinglauglrter. 2. Beyondall reason. rife adiectioe 1. Full of animationand activiW. 2. Most generally existingor encounteredat a given time. riffle wrb l. To look througlr reading matter casually. 2. To mix togetherso ils to changethe orier of arrangement.
1. cr.aNcel oerb. 2. nrcon. Syns; clear, disburden, disembarrass, disencumber, release, relieve, shake (off), throw off, unburden. 1. orsposer-. 2. Br.rurwerroN. MYSTERY.
l. nlrrr oerb. 2. yoxn oerb. SURVIVE. DRT\1E NOUN.
srp ride. Syns.'deride, fleer at, gibe at, jeer at, laugh at, mock, qttz (Brit.), razz (Slang), scoff (at), scoute, sneer at, taunt, twit. -Idioms l""gh out of court, poke fun at. Syns; derision, mockery, razzing (Slang), ribbing (SI*rg), taunt, twitting.
l. r,eucHesr-n. 2. ournecEous. l. er.rve. 2. pnnverr,rwc.
1. nnowsr. 2. snuprr,r.
rittratt i*n .,4.goup of personsregardedasthe lowest class. nn rwrtn l. An intemrpUonin friendly relations. 2. A usu. narrow partial openingcausedby qplitting . and rupture. ffg rvntn l. A set or style of clothing. 2. Thingsneededfor a task,journey,or other purpose. rig wrb . To supply what is neededfor someactivity or purpose. rlgamarOle rroun right adiec-thn l. Conformingto fact. 2. In accordancewith principles of right or good conduct.
Tnasttl noun. 1. snrecn noun. 2. cnecx nou,n.
1. onnss rwun. 2. ournr noun. FURNISH.
snnrigmarole. l. lccunern. 2. nrnrcar,.
789 3. Conforming to acceptedstandards. 4. Suitablefor a particular person,condition, occasion, or place. 5. Strongly favoring retention of the existing order. 6. Having good health. right noun f . e privitege granted a personby virtue of birth. 2. Conferred power. 3. That which is morally proper, fitting or good: leorflingthe diference betunen dght and uilvrg right aiherb 1. With precision or absoluteconformity. 2. Without the sligltest deviation in any reqpect. right oerb 1. To restore to an uPright or ProPerposition: tlpped the boat ond then righted it. 2. To make right what is wrong. 3. To restore io proper condition or functioning. adiectiln righteous -t. tn accordancewith principles of right or good conduct. 2. Having or marked by uprig[rtnessin princrple and action. righteousness noun t. ftre moral quality of a courseof action. 2.\\e qdity-ot stateof being morally sound. adiectioe rightful Being so legitimatelY. ruutn rightfulness -rlhat which is morally proper, fittitt& or good. rightist rwun bt" who strongly favors retention of the existing order. rightist ad;iectioe Strongly favoring retention of the existingorder. adiectioe right-minded In accordancewith principles of right or good conduct. rightness noun 1. Freedomfrom error. 2. The moral quality of a courseof action. 3. The qality-ot state of being mgrally sound.4. That which is morally ProPer,ffttittg, or good.
right on atuwb
lnforrnal.It is so; asyou sayor ask. right-wing adiectioe Strongly favoring retention of the existing order. right-winger twun bne who strongly favors retention of the existing order. rigid adiecttoe 1. Not changng shapeor bending: a rigid iton bat. 2. Firmly, often unreasonablyimmovable in purpose or will. 3. Incapable of changingor being modified. 4. Rigoiousand unsparin-gin treating others. rigmarole dso rigamarole rxlurl not have or make sense. .something that does ngOf twun 1. Somethingthat obstructsprogressand requires great effort to overcome. 2. The fact or condition of being rigorous and unqparing. rigorous adiectiae 1. Conformingto fact.
3. connrct adio:tio". 4. eppnopnr.xrn adiectioe. 5. corvspnvrrwn adiectioe. 6. nnel.nrv. l. sIRTHRTcHT. 2. recur.rl. 3. Syns; riglntfulness, rigltness.
1. omscrr,Y. 2. pnrcrsrr-v. 1. Syns; stand up, upriglrt. 2. connpcr oerb.
3. nxwfr. 1. nrrucer,. 2. nornsr. 1. nrtrrcs. 2. cooo rrrun. TRUE. nrcl{T twun. coNsERvATrVEtlawn. coNsERvATr\rEadiecttw. ETHICAL.
l. 2. 3. 4.
eccunect. n"rrlcs. cooo rwurt. nrcrrr twwt.
ws adogrb. adiecthn. coNsERvATwn CoNSERVATWE fw'tn.
l. Syns; inelastic, infexible, stiff, unbending unfexible, unyielding. 2. srtrsBoRN. 3. Nrr.rxrsr.E. 4. ssrrtnp. NONSENSE.
1. prrncur,r"r. 2. srnenrrv. l. eccunern.
rim ?. Iypo-thg a sev-eretest of bodily or spiritual strength. 3. Not deviatingfrom correctnes, accuracy,or completeness. .4. Conformingcompletelyto establishedrule. flm num { fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. rim wrb To put or form a border on. rimple nuun 4 li.: made_bythe doublingof one part over another. rimple wrb To make irregular folds in, pressingor twisting. rind ruiln The outer covering of a fruit. ringl raoun l. I closedplane curve everywhereequidistantfrom a ^ fixed point or somethingshapedlike this. 2. An organizedgoup of criminals,hoodlums,or wrongdoers. 3. A goup of individualsunited in a commoncause. 4. A length_ofline folded over and joined at the ends so as to form a curve or circle. ring wrb To shut in on all sides. ring2 wrb l. To give forth or causeto give forth a clear, resonant sound: church bells ringing on Sundnymoming. 2. Infomal. To communicatewith (somlone) by" telephone. ring noun . Infonnal. A telephonecommunication. ffngef twun . 54"g. One exactlyresemblinganother. nn$ng adiecth:e . Having or producinga full, deep,or rich sound. nngFadef tpttn A professioo4 poliUcia" who controls a party or political machine. ridt ntntn 1. A quarrel or fight-markedby - very noisy,disorderly, and often violent behavior. 2. Slang.-Sornething or someoneuproariouslyfunny or absurd. riot wrb l. To quanel noisily. 2. To behave riotously. riot away oerb To qpend(money)excessivelyand usu.foolishly. . nOI arYay oqb riotous adiecthn l. Upseftingcivil order or peace. 2. Given to or marked by unrestrainedabundance. rip wrb l. To separateor pull apart by force. 2.. lnfomul. To criticize harshly and devastatingly. rip rwun A hole made by tearing. ripe adieaiw l. Having reac_hed full growth and development. 2. Brouglrt to full favor and richnessby aging. ripe wrt Chbfly Regilnul. To bring or come to full development.
790 2. sunosNsoME. 3. cr-osrr adiectitse. 4. srnrcr. BORDER IWUN.
n,or.onn Derb. FOLD fwun, wnnvr
3. counrxr noun. 4. loop rwu.n.
1. Syns; bong, chime, knell, peal, strike, toll2, tintinnabulate (Rare). 2. rrr-npnot.rn.
1. sRAwr, naun. 2. scnnev naun.
l. nn*wr- oerb. 2, nnvr;,- oerb. wtsrn oerb. sns riot. l. orsononnr,y. 2. pnorusn. L. rnlu.r oerb. 2. oerb. TEARI ftoun. 1. naertrnr ad:iecthn, 2. acro. utrvnn
79 1 ripen t)erb To bring or come to full development. ripened a,iliectitse Brouglrt to full flavor and richnessby aging. rip-off noun rip off oerb from (a L. Slang.To take property or possessions person,company,etc.) unlawfully and usu.forcibly. 2. Slang.To take (another'sproperty) without permission. 3. Slang. To exploit (another) by charging too much for
u.trrVnn oerb. ACED.
sEE rip off. 1. nos. 2. srnN. oerb. 3. sxrN oerb.
something. rip-off twun ROBBERY. Slang.The act or crime of taking another'sproperly unlawfully and by force. srr riposte. ripost noun riposte alsoriposl noun RETORT TIOIT|I. A spirited, incisive reply. ripping ad,iectioe MARVELOUS. Particularly excellent. rippling adiecthte LAUGHING. Emitting a murmuring soundfelt to resemblea laugh. rise oerb 1. To move from a lower to a higher position:Hot airdses. 1. Syns; arise, ascend, lift, mount, soar. 2. Syns: build, burgeon, escalate, grow, 2. To becomegeater in number,amount,or intensity: heiglrten, increase, magnify, mount Lioing costscontirurc to rise.Natioru.listb f""li"g multiply, soar. rosehigher eoeryday. 3. cnr ur at g€t. 3. To adopt a standingposture. 4. cpr uP at get. 4. To leave one'sbed. 5. srnlr oerb. 5. To have as a source. 6. Syns; advance, ascend, climb (up), 5. To attain a higlrer status,rank, or condition: rose mount. -ldimn go up the ladder. thru"tgh the run}* to becomea general, 7. succrno. 7. To gain wealth or fame. 8. nnnr;. oerb. 8. To refuseallegianceto and opposeby force a governmentor ruling authority. rise rwun l. Syns; ascension, ascent, mounting 1. The act of rising or movingupward: untched the rising. rise of the fl.oodnmters. 2. rxcnresg twttn. 2. The act of increasingor rising. 3. rNcnuesg twun. 3. the amount by which somethingis increased. 4. nrr.r, rwun. 4. A natural land elevation. 5. escrNr. 5. An upward slope. risible ad,iectioe 1. err,rusrNc. 1. Arousinglauglrter. 2. r.eucHesr-E. . 2. Deservinglaug[rter. flslng twun R'rsErwarft. The act of rising or moving upward. risk oerb l. Syns; adventure, compromise, luck (iQ, 1. To exposeto possiblelossor damage:fuled his hazard, venture. money in cornmodityfufines; fuked the cawe of peuceby loosetalk. 2. SI.IDANcER. 2. To zubject to danger or destruction. 3. ttt'zela oerb, 3. To run the risk of. 4. cxrrs-n oerb. 4. To put up as a stakein a gameor speculation. risk rwun 1. oexcsn. l. Exposureto possibleharm, loss,or iniury. 2. Syns: chance, gamble, hazard. 2. A possibility of danger or harm: took the risk of - - u:alking agairct the traflic light. risfry adiec'tioe DANGEROUS. Involving possiblerisk, loss,or injury. risqu6 ad,iectioe RACY. Bordering on indelicacy or impropriety,
rite rite rroun A formd act or set of acts prescribed by rih-ral.
ritual rwun
l. A conventionalsocial gesh,'e or act without intrinsic pupose: Snoll talk at coclctailWties is mere riant. 2. A fonnal act or set of acts prescribed by ritual. ritual adieahn Of or characterizedby ceremony:the rifunl -itwntatiotu of rnitx|'s. rihy dieahn Sbry: Catering to, used by, or admitting only the . *$thy _orsocially zuperior. ffVal oab l. To come near rT g-r4rlity,amoun! etc.: a gumnet dhavr tlwt rhnlcd tlw cwisitwof a tq re"stnurant. ' 2.. T.o strive against(others)for viclory. rival rwrun One that competes. rivafry rwun *oqe with others for victory or supremacy. _,-l f|Ve o6b l. To crack or qplit into two or more fragnents bv meansof or asa result of force, a bloi, or strain. .2. -Toseparateor pull apart by force. nVet o6b To compel the attentior\ interest, imagination,etc., of. rOad ,wu, A cotuse affording passagefrom one place to another. fOadway rrutur A cotrrseaffording passagefrom one place to another. fOam oe$ 1. go.thto"S a place, viewing or inspectingin a I: leisrely way. 2. To move about at random,esp.over a wide area. roaming adiectiu f. Traveling about, esp. in searchof adventure. 2. Leading the life of a person without a fixed domicile; movingfrom place to place. rOar Mb l. To qpg+ or sayvery loudlyi "Who goesthere?', rcarcd the sentry.Tlw nnb twred ii rog. 2. To make an earqplitting explosivenoise. 3. To expressgeat amusemenior mirth. roar twun l. A loud, dop,prolonged sotmd:heardo roar of ercibment in tlw stndhtrn. 2. An earsplitting explosivenoise. roaring adiecthn l. Improving growing or zucceedingsteadily. 2. Marked by extremely high volumJ and iniensrty of sotrnd. roaSt &rb 1. To feel or look hot. 2. Infornwl. To criticize harshly and devastatingly. rOb oerb l. To take property gt qgqgessions from (a person, company,etc.) unlawfully and usu. forciblv: r rcbbh,s e' pdesnbtu in tlp park icUUeaa bar*. 2. To take or keep somethingaway from.
l. Syns; ceremony, form, formality. 2. crnnuoxy. Syns: ceremonial, formal, lihrgical.
1. Syns; approach,approximate,border - (on or upon), challenge,verge on. 2. coupnrn. COMPETITOR. COMPETITION.
l. snnAK oerb. 2. rntnr oerb. cnrc oerb. WAY.
wax n{nrn. l. snowsn. 2. novs. 1. nnnex-r. 2. uoueorc.
l. Syns; bawl, bellow, bluster, call, clamor, cry, halloo (a/so halloa), holler, shout, y"yp @lso yaup), yell. ^
3. snpAKup at break. l. Syns;bawl, bellow, clamor. 2. sr.Asrnuun. l. r'r-ounrsHrNc. 2. t ouo adiecthse.
l. euRN oerb. 2. st-rm oerb. l. Syns.'ball3 (At^rstral.),heist (Stnnd,ht (Slnng), hold up, knock ofr (S[ani), knock over (Slnng), rip off (Slond, stick up Qnfonrwl). 2. onpnrve.
793 robbery rwrm The act or crimeof takinganother'sproperlyunlawfully Syns;heist (Sloag),holdup, rip-off (SlmE), sUckupQnforrnal). in andby force:a bankrobberycorn'mitted broadikyhght. robe oerb To cover as if with clothes. robes twun Clothing worn by membersof a religious order. roborant adiectioe Producing or stimulating physical,mental, or emotional vigor. roborant rwttn A medicine that restoresor increasesvigor. robust ad,iectine 1. Improving, growing or succeedingsteadily. 2. Full of vigor. 3. Characterizedby markedmusculardevelopment; powerfully built. rockt rroun A stupid, clumsymistake. rockz oerb 1. To causeto move to and fro violently. 2. To move to and fro violentlY. 3. To move vigorouslyfrom side to side or up and down. 4. To impai. or destroythe composureof. rocket oerb 1. To move swiftly. 2. To rise abruptly and precipitously. rockiness rroun A minor illness.esp,one of a temporarynature. rocky adiectiw 1. Afiected or tending to be affected with minor health problems. 2. Ofiensive to acceptedstandardsof decency. TOGOGOad,iecthn Elaborately and heavily ornamented. rod noun A relatively long, straiglrt, rigid piece of metal or other solid material. rodomontadealso rhodomontade rwun An act of boasting. rodomontadealsorhodomontade adiec-tioe Characterizedby or given to boasting. rodomontadealsorhodomontade oerb To talk with excessivePride. rogation rwun A formula of words used in praying. Roger adtserb Informar. It is so; as you sayor ask. fOgUe rtoun One who causesminor trouble or damage. rOgUery rmtn Annoying yet harmless,usu. playful acts. roguishness rnru,n Annopng yet harmless,usu. playful acts. roiled ad.iectiae 1. Violently disturbed,asby storms. 2. Having sedimentor foreign particles stirred up or suspended. roify ad;iectioe 1. Violently disturbed,asby storms.
ToNrc ad.iecthse.
TONIC fl0u,n.
l. rr,ounrsHrNc. 2. r-usrv. 3. rvruscur,m.
l. ecrrern. 2. sr,rre oerb, 3. ross oerb. 4. eclrern. 1. nusn. 2. soen. INDISPOSITION.
l. srcrr,v. 2. osscsnrE. ORNATE.
sTrcK norrn.
r,otsr rnrb. PRAYER.
1. noucn. 2. runsro.
1. novcn.
roister 2. Having sediment or foreign particles stirred up or zuspended.
2. runnn.
roister oetb To behave riotously.
rofe dso rOle ,r ti, l. One'sproper or expectedfunction in a common effort. ?. Th" proper activity of a personor thing. rof l ,to| 1. To lean zuddenly,unsteadily,and erratically from the vertical axis. 2. To move vigorously from side to side or up and down. 3. To proceed with ease, eqp. of expression. 4. To make a continuous deep, reverberating sound. 5. To cover completely and closely, as withilothing or bandages. 6. To take extravagant pleasure. roll in wrb Infornwl. To go to bed. roll out wrb To leave one's bed. roll up wrb To bring together so as to increase in mass or number. roll lnrun A series of names, words, etc., printed or written down item by item. roffick oerb 1. To leap and skip about playfully. 2. To take extravagant pleasure.
roff in oerb rolf out oerb roff up wrb roly-poly adiectiw Well-rounded and usu. short in physique. rOmanGe oerb Infnnwl. To attempt to gain the afiection of. romantic adiecth:e 1. Not compatiblewith reality. 2. Affectedly or extravagantlyemoUonal. romanticize wrb To regard or imbue with affected or exaggerated emotion. Romeo rvrun A man amorouslyattentive to women. rOmP wrb To leap and skip about playftrlly. romp fwun Slgry.At victory. fool rwrn "*)' The highestpoint. rOOk urb Sbng.To get moneyor somethingelsefrom by deceitful trickery. roOkie rwun Sbry.One who is just startingto learn or do something. foOm troun l. Suitableopportunity to accept or allow something: no to(nnfot enor. 2. Arcluic. The frrnction or position customarily occupied by another.
nnvnt- aerb. 1. penr rwun. 2. ruwcuoN rwrrn. l. rvncu oerb. 2. ross oerb. 3. rt-ow oerb. 4. nurmr.n. 5. wnep up. 6. r.uxunrere. RETIRE.
cET uP at get. ACCUMULATE. t-lsrr twtln.
1. ceunor..
2. r.uxunrerr. ser roll. sEEroll. snnroll. pr.uMpl. covnr
l. ronar,rsrrc. 2. ssNnMnNTAL. SENTIMENTAJ.TZF.
run away.
cuntr oerb.
l. Syns; latitude, leeway, margin, play, scoPe. 2. prtcn noun.
795 room oerb To provide with often temporary lodging. roomy a.diectioe Having plenty of room: a roorn7hune. foOtr noun 1. A point of origination. 2. A fundamentalprinciple or underlying concept. 3. lhe most central and material part. 4. A point of origin from which ideas,inf.uences,etc., emanate. 5. L*ng.The main part of a word to which afixes are attached. root oerb To implant so deeply as to make changenearly impossible. root in oerb To take or serve as the basisfor. root out oerb To destroy all traces of. root2 utb To expressapproval, clapping. root in oerb root out oerb rootstock twun A point of origination. roseate adiectiae 1. Inspiring confidenceor hope. 2. Expecting a favorable outcome or dwelling on hopefirl aspects. rose-cdlored a.d,iectioe Inspiring confidenceor hope. rOSter twrut A seriesof names,words, etc., printed or written down item by item. rosy ad,iectioe 1. Inspiring confidenceor hope. 2. Expecting a favorable outcome or dwelling on hopeful aspects. 3. Of a healthy,reddishcolor. rot oerb To becomeor causeto becomerotten or unsound. rot rwttrr The condition of being decayed. rotate oerb 1. To do, use,or occur in successive turns: rctated their days off. 2. To move or causeto move in circles or aroundan a:risor center. rotation rwu,tr 1. Occurrence in successiveturns: u:orkeduseelcends in rotation u:ith other nurses. 2. Circular movement around a point or about an axis. rotten adiectioe 1. Impaired becauseof decay. 2, Infonrwl. Of deeidedly inferior quality. 3. Utterly reprehersible in nature or behavior. 4. So objectionableasto elicit despisal. rotund ad,iectioe 1. Well-roundedand usu. short in physique. 2. Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound.
nenson Defb. Syns: ample, capacious, commodious, qpacious. 1. 2. 3. 4.
onrcnq. sesrs. nBenr. cnNrnn noun.
5. rnnrrm.
ru wrb.
sEErootl. sEErootr. ORTCtN.
1. rxcounAcrNc. 2. opnursrrc.
Ltsrr ttoun.
2. oprrursnc. 3. nuonv. onctv oerb. DECAY ftoun.
1. Syns; alternate,interchange(Archab). 2. ronx oerb.
l. Syns; alternation, interchange (Arclmb). 2. npvor-urroN.
1. 2. 3. 4.
sAD. snopov. connupr ad;ieahse. ru.rrrv.
l. pr-unapr. 2. nnsoxenr.
rou6 fou6 rwun An immoral or licenUousman. rough adiectioe l. Having a coarse,irregular surface:tough gronite clifs. 2. Disagreeableto the senseof hearing. 3. Marked by vigorousphpical exertion:rugby and otlwr rcugh game* 4. Violently disturbed,as by storms:rutg;h seos.
5. Imposing a severetest of bodily or spiritual strength. 6. l^ackingin delicacy or refinement. 7. Not perfected,elaborated,or completed:the rough draft of a treaty. 8. In a primitive state; not domesticatedor culUvated. 9. Lacking expe$ carefirl craftsmanship. 10. Consistingof or coveredwith large particles. rough wrb To be rouglr or brutal with. rough in wrt To draw up a preliminary plan or version of. rough out wrb To draw up a preliminary plan or version of. rough up wrb To injure or damage,as by abuseor heavy wear. rOUgh rwun A preliminary plan or version,as of a written work. rough-and-tumble adiectiw Mrykgd by vi-gorous physicalexertion. rOugn In oerb roughly a&yrb Near to in quantity or amount. rOughneck rxNtn A rouglr,violent personwho engagesin destructive acUons. roughness twun l,ack of smoothnessor regularity. rough out wrb rough up oerb round adiectiw l. Having the shapeof a curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point: The uprld is Mnd. 2. Not more or less:a rcund dnzen. 3. Well-rounded and usu. short in physique. 4. Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound. n und rwun l. Somethingbent. 2. An area regularly covered, as by a policeman or re1rcrter. 3. An unbrokensequenceof events. 4. A courseof action to be followed regularly. 5. A course,process,or journey that ends where it beganor repeatsitself. round ahqb l. From one end to the other.
:;ffrous, 2. 3. 4.
coarse, cragged,
cragg, harsh, ironbound, jagged, ragged, rugged, scabrous, uneven. nensn. Syns; knockaboul rough-and-tumble, rugged, strenuous, tough. Syns: agitated, dirty, heavy, ragng, roiled, roily, stormy, tempestuous, tumulfuous, hrbid, turbulent, ugly, violent, wild. sunorxsoME.
6. coensn. 7. Syns: preliminary, sketchy, tentative, unfinished, unperfected, unpolished. 8. wrr.o adiectioe. 9. nuon. lO, coense. sLAPARouNo at slap. onl.rt oerb. ontrr
snr rough. snr rough. l. Syns; annular, circular, globoid, globular, spherical (aho spheric), spheroidal (also spheroidic, spheroidical). 2. Syns: complete, entire, full, good, perfect, whole. 3. pr,uupl. 4. nrsoNevr. l. srND twun. 2. srer noun. 3. nux nDun. 4. nourrlre rwun. 5. crncr.s noun.
1. rrmoucn adnserb.
797 2. In or toward a former location or condition. 3. Toward the back. round oerb To swerve from a straiglrt line. round off wrb To fill in what is lacking and make perfect. round out wrb To fill in what is lacking and make perfect. round up oerb To bring together. roundabout adiectioe Not taking a direct or straig[rtline or course. rounded ad,iectioe Deviating from a straight line. round off wrb round out oerb adieaioe round-the-clock alsoillouhd'the'clock Existing or occurring without intemrption or end. round up oerb fOUSe oerb 1. To induce or elicit (a reactionor emotion). 2. To stir to action or feeling. 3. To ceasesleeping. rousing ad,iectiae 1. Servingto enliven. 2. Providing inqpiration. roustaboul tnun One who labors. routl noun Archaic. A very large number of things grouped together. routz oerb To win a victory over, as in battle or a comPetition. rout raoun The act of defeating or the condition of being defeated.
route oerb 1. To show the way to. 2. To cause(something)to be conveyedto a destination. route rwun l. An area regularly covered, as by a policeman or reporter. 2. A meansor method of entering into or achieving somethingdesirable. routine twLtn l. A courseof action to be followed regularly: a daily wtrtitle tLwt irrcludeserercise. 2. A habihnl, laborious,often tiresomecourseof action. 3. A particular hnd of activity. routine adiecthn 1. Familiar ttto"gh repetition. 2. Lacking in interestor originalityza wutlrle eomeilg. 3. Occurring quite often. fOve oefi To move about at random, esP.over a wide area: tonristsloitlqoarcud ln tlre citV. roving adiectbe 1. Leading the life of a personwithout a fixed domicile; moving from place to place.
2. secr afuqb. 3. secrwARDadtserb, rlnND oerb. coMPLEMETT oerb, coMPLEMEwT oerb. ASSEMBLE. INDIRECT. nnxr a.diectioe.
srr round. sEEround. CONTINUAL.
sEEround. 1. enousr. 2. pnovorc. 3. wrry oerb. 1. srurrur,rtruc. 2. rNsprnrxc. I.ABORER. CROWD |TDITN.
onrr.l,;r oerb, DEFEATrwtm.
l. cvron oefb. 2. sprso. 1. sEAr rroun. 2. rrcxnt twtnt. l. Syns; round, track. 2. cnnm rvntn. 3. srrl. 1. eccusrousp. 2. Syns:cut-anddried, formulaic, standard,stock. 3. comrow adiect:un. Syns; drift, gad about (or around), gallivanf meander,peregrinate,ramble, range,roam, stray (over), traipse, wander. l. Noueprc.
rowr 2..Traveling about, esp. in search of advenhre. fOWr wntn Agoup of people e1 things arranged in a row. fOW' tuntn l. A quarrel or fig[rt marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior. 2. A discussion, often heated, in which a difierence of opinion is expressed. rowdy adieahn Upsefting civil order or peace. rowdy rroun A roug!, violent person who engages in destmctive actions.
royaf di"ain f . Laqgeandimpressive in size,scop€,or extent. 2. Posingno difficulg. royalist ltoun A person who_vehemently, often fanatically opposes progress and favors return to a previous condition. fOZZef tvntn A member of a lawenforcement agency. !dt.Sbry. rub troun
A tricky or uDsuspectedcondition. rub out Mb 1. To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line thto"S or wiping clean. 2. To destroy all tracesof. 3. take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfullv. rubberneck;ko rubbernecker noun One who travels for pleasure. rubbernecker txrun
rubble wrt To break up so that reconstructionis impossible. rubicund adieaitn Of a hedthy, reddishcolor.
rub out wrt rubric noun
A code or set of codesgoverningacUon,procedure,etc. ruGkl twun l. {go"p of things gatheredhaphazardly. 2.1\e commonpeople. ruck2 wrb To lend together or creaseso that one part lies over anotler. lUCk rwrun A line made by the doubling of one part over another. ruckle o6b Brit. To make irregular folds iru pressingor twisting. ruG|(US noun Infornul. A quarrel or fight marked by very norsy, disorderly, and often violent behavior. ruction rxntn A quarrel or ffglt marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior. ruddy adieaioe 1. Of a healthy,16{dishcolor: ruddy cheek"s. 2. Slary. So annoyingor detestableas to deserve condemnation.
798 2. nnnervr. LLNEtwltn. 1. sRAwr, rnun. 2. ancuurrvr.
l. cneNo. 2. eesv. REACTIONARY
1. ceNcrr.. 2. exr.nrrrr.err. 3. uunpnn oerb.
srr rubberneck. DESTROY.
srn rub. RVLEnOUn. 1. rlrep nuun, 2. couuonalry. roro aerb.
FOLDfwun. wnrr.n
l. Syns: blooming, forid, flush, flushed, full-blooded, glowing, ros/, rubicund, sanguine. 2. oervrNeo.
799 rude ad,iectioe 1. Lacking good manners;ntde, ofmsiu
2. Lacking experL carefrrl craftsmanship:a rude hut; a rude scalpture. 3. Not civilized. 4. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. 5. Characterizedby unpleasantdiscordanceof sound. rudeness nuun The state or quality of being impudent. rrudiment raoun 1. A fundamentalprinciple or underlyingconcept. 2. A fundamental,irreducible constituent of a whole. rudimental ad,iec'tioe Of or treating the simplestaspects. rudimentary adiec'tiae Of or treating the simplestaspects. fUe tuutn A feetingof regret for one'ssinsor misdeeds. rue oerb To feel or expresssorrow for. rueful adiecthse 1. Arousing or deservingPitY. 2. Causingsorrow or reget. 3. Full of or expressiveof sorrow. ruffian tw,rn, A personwho treats others violently and roug[rly, €sP. for hire. ruffle oerb 1. To trouble the nervesor Peaceof mind of, repeatedvexations. 2. To impait or destroythe composureof. rugged adiectioe 1. Having a coarse,irregular surface. 2. Causingsharp,often prolonged discomfort. 3. Disagreeableto the senseof hearing 4. Physicallytougtrenedso as to have great endurance. 5. Marked by vigorousphysicalexertion. ruin noun l. Severedamageor decayrenderingsomethinguseless or worthles: Moral turpifitde hastenedthe ruin of the Roman'Empire. 2.\\e stateof being destroyed. 3. Somethingthat causestotal lossor severe impairmentof one'shealth,forhrne,honor, hopes, etc.: Adalf was the ruin of Genn'any. Garnbling was his ruin. 4. The remainsof somethingdestroyed,disintegated, ruin of a pirate's or decayed:thc bamacl,ed briganthw; a land,ilnned u:ith the ruins of past cioilizatiotts. ruin oerb 1. To causethe completeruin or wreekageof. 2. To reduce to financial insolvency:Bad,irnsestnwnts ruin^edhim.
3. To make or becomeunusableor inoperative. 4. To i*pait severelythe spiri! health, effectiveness, etc.,of.
l. Syns; bad-mannered, discourteous, illbred, ill-mannered, impolite, ungaciors, uffnannerly, unpolished. 2. Syns: crude, primitive, raw, roug[r, unpolished. 3. uxcrvu.rzrp. 4. coensn. 5. uvrnnuoNlous. IMPUDENCE.
nncnst uerb. 1. prrrrur,. 2. sonnowrur.. 3. sonnowrur,. THUG.
1. emtov. 2. ecrrern. 1, 2. 3, 4. 5.
noucn. srrrEn ad,iectioe. nensH. nenp adiectioe. noucn.
1. Syns; decimation, degeneration, destruction, deterioration, devastation, disintegration, tmdoing. 2. onsrnucrrox. 3. Syns.' bane, destroyer, destruction, downfall, ruination, undoing.
4. Syns: relic, remainder, remnant, vestige, wrack, wreckage.
l. ppsrnov. 2. Syns: bankrupt, break, bust (Slang), clean out (Infonnal), impoverish, pauper, sink. -/ddonrs drive to the wall, put (or shove) onto the rocks. 3. rlrtr, oerb. 4. snnlx. oerb.
ruinate ruinate rserb Regpul. To causethe completeruin or wreckageof. rulnallOn runtn l. The stateof b"iog destroyed. 2. Something that causes total loss or severe impairment of one's health, forhrne, honor, hopes, etc.
ruinous diecthn l. Fallingto ruin: A ruhousold fortrcssu;astlle
islarld'sonly tourist atfiwtion" 2. Having the capability or efiect of damaging irreparably. 3. Causingruin or destnrction. ru||} runtn l. A code or set of codesgoverningaction, procedure, etc.: tlw rulcs of clwss;a rub of grantmai. 2. A rystem by which a poliUcal unii is controlled. 3. A principle governingthe afiairs of man within or amongpolitical units. 4. The continuousexerciseof authority over a political unit. 5. The act of exercisingcontrollingpower or the condition of being 6 controlled-. 6. A regular or customarymatter, condition, or course of events. rule oerb l. To exerciseauthority or influenceover. 2. To exercisethe authority of a sovereign. 3. To make a decisionabout (a controveisy, dispute, etc.) after deliberaUon,as in a court of iaw. 4. To commandin an arrogant manner. 5.-To occupy the pre+minent position in. rule out oetb l. To keep from b"i"g admitted,included, or considered. 2. To prohibit from occurring by advanceplanning or acUon. rufe out oerb ruf ing ruoun An authoritaUveor oftcial decision,esp. one made by a court: an appellntccourt rukry; - tlw $ryrerc Court's' rulbg on sclrcollntegution. rufing diec-thn l. Exercisingcontrollingpower or infuence. 2. Having pre-eminentsignificance:tlle rul*ngpa.ssion of his li'fe. rum also rummy diec-thn Brit. Slang.Deviating from the customary. rumble oerb 1. To make a continuousdeep, reverberating sound: lvad tlle onrny nunb@ in tlw dXtatrce. 2. To complainin low, indistinct tones. rumble lxntn A low, indistinct utterance of complaint. ruminate Mb To consider carefully and at length. rumination rwttn The act or processof thinking. ruminatiye adiecthn Of, characterizedby, or disposedto thouglrt.
;:;:"._",2. nuw rwtuu
l. Syns.' dilapidated, ramshackle, tumbledown. -Idiun gone to seed. 2. onsrnucrrvr. 3. rerer.. l. Syns; dictate, prescript, regulation, rubric. 2. covrnrnanNr. 3. lew rwun. 4. covrnNrvrcNr. 5. oourxlrroN. 6. usuer, rroun,
l. corvrnot oerb. 2. covrnN. 3. pocn oerb. 4. soss Derb. 5. oourxern. l. Bxcr,uon. 2. pnnvevr. srn rule. Syns.' decree, determination, edict, judgment pronouncement.
l. oourNerr. 2. Syns: ascendant, dominant, predominant, prepotent, prev4iling suPreme. EccENTRrc adiectioe. l. Syns; boom, growl, grumble, roll. 2. uvrrnn oerb. MUTTER
80 1 rUmmage Derb To make a thorouglr searchof. rummyt rroun Sln g.A personwho is habituallydrunk. rummyz adiecthse fumof ntrun Idle, often sensationaland goundless talk about others. rumor oerb To engagein or spreadgossrp. fumOfef rwun A personhabihrally engagedin idle talk about others. fum0rmOnger rwun A person habitually engagedin idle talk about others. fUmp twun The part of one's back on which one restsin sitting. rumple oerb 1. To put (the hair or clothes)into a state of disarray. 2. To make irregular folds in, pressingor twisting. fUmPUS rrourr 1. An intemrption of regular procedure or of public peace. 2. Soundsor a sound,esp.when loud, confused,or disagreeable. 3. Offensivelyloud and insistentutterances,esp. of disapproval. fun oerb 1. To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the gound during each stride: T'lw boy runs like a d,eer.We ran to the comer. 2. To leavehastily: lwtes peoplewho eat and run; tobbed the bank and ran.
3. To move swfiy. 4. To have recourse to when in need. 5. To complete a race or competition in a qpecified position: He ran third, in a fi,el.d of eight. 5. To funcUon effectively. 7. To have charge of (the affairs of others). 8. To control or direct the firnctioning of. 9. To set or keep going. 10. To urge to move along. 11. To change from a solid to a liquid. 12. To move freely as a liquid. 13. To proceed on a cert4in course or for a certain distance. 14. To change or fluctuate within limits. 15. To carse to penetrate with force. 16. To move or proceed away from a place. 17. To import or export secretly and illegally. 18. To look for and ptusue (g*e) in order to capture or kill it. 19. To come to in number or quantity. run across oerb To find or meet by chance. run after wrb To follow (another) with the intent of overtaking and capturing.
sEE rum. GOSSTP nOUn cossrp oerb. cossrP frotut. GOSSIPtrottn, BOTTOM fWUn
1. rousrr. 2. wnNrs-Eroerb.
1. 2 . NOISE
3. VOCTFERA-TION. 1. Syns;dash,fy (Infomu.l), scoot, scurry, sprinL tearl ( -liliom run like the wind. 2. Syns:bolt" clear out get (Regtunalb lnfornwl),
ofr (Slarq), vamoose(aho (Slary). -Idiums beat it, 3. nvstt oqrb,
4. REsoRTro at fesort. 5. Syns: come in, finish, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
wonx oerb. eourNrsrnn. opnners. onwp, wrb. onrvp uarb. rr,rnr.r. w.ow wrb. nxrsND.
t4. 15. L6. 17. 18.
cn oerb. neu. co oerb. srrruccr,n. rrurvr.
19. errrounr oerb. coME acRoss at come. PURSUE.
), fy, out" ), ),
), tak"
) tracks.
run across run afong Derb To move or proceed awayfrom a place. run around Derb Infomwl. To keep company. run dry tsb To make or becomeno longer active or productive. run into wrb 1. To find or meet by chance. 2. To come up against. run on wrb To talk volubly, persistentl/,and usu. inconsequenhally. run out wrb l. To make or becomeno longer active or productive. 2. To prove deficientor inzuficient. 3. Slary. To abandonone'scauseor party join another. 4. To becomevoid, eqp.thtongh passageof time or an omission. run up wrb To make or becomegeater or larger. run froun l. An unintemrpted course. 2. An unbrokensequenceof events:a run of oictories; a run of Brca&my hits. 3. A smallstream. 4. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other. rUn aCTOSS oefi
run after oe* runagate rwurr Arclwb. A person who has defected.
run along oqb run arOund wtb rUnaway twunb adiectirx run away wfi To breaklooseandleavezuddenly,asfrom confinement or from a difficult or threatening situation. runaway fKntn 1. One who fees, as from home, confinement, captivity, justice, etc. 2. Informal Ao eat)'victory: The elcAion u)as a ntrurulay for ur candidote.
co oerb. essocrerr tzrb. DRYuP at dry. 1. cour ACRossat come. 2. nrscouxrnn oerb. clatrrnn
1. ony ur at dry. 2. rerr-. 3. orrncr. 4. t rpsn aerb.
wcnnesn oarb. l. coxrrrvueNcn. 2. Syns: chain, round, succession,train. 3. nnencn rroun. 4. snnrns. sEErun. sEErun. DEFECTOR. SEE TUN.
sEErun. sEErun away. nsctpn oerb, 1. rucrrrve rroun. 2. Syns:pushover,romp (Slzn6), walkaway,walkover.
runaway adieahn
1. Fleeingor havingfled, as from home,confinemen! captivity, justice, etc. 2. Out of control: a nnnuxry ttfllt; a nnaauoynnb of ang4l Fotesters. rntn b d.iec-tioe rundown run down Mb l. To lose so much shength and power as to become ineffective or motionless:f seentto nn doum at fuout 4 o'clock in thc afterrcon. 2.To pursueand locatezTlu Wlitp unre obb to run dourntheir missirrywitrless.
1. rucrrrvs adiectioe. 2. Syns:amuck (aho amok), nncontrolled.-Idions out of hand, running wild. sEErun down. l. Syns; burn out, give out, play out poop out (Slard. 2. Syns:hunt down, noseout (Slong), trace, track down. -ldiorn run to earth. 3. ssr.rrrr,E.
3. InfomwL To thinh represenl or speakof as small or unimportant. 4. nnvrcw wrb. 4. To recapihrlatethe salient facts of. rundown runur A condensationoftheessentialormain points of something. SUMMARY TWUN.
803 run-down adiectioe 1. Depleted of strengthor robusthealth: He's rutu ilournfrorn neruo*. 2. Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. run dry oerb fUng naurl One of the units in a course,as on an ascendingor descendingscale. fun-ln twrrn run in oerb 1. To go to or seekout the companyof in order to socialize. 2. To take into custodyas a prisoner. run-in rmun 1. A briel hostile exposureto or contact with something as danger,opposition,etc. 2. A physical confict involving two or more. 3. A discussion,often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed. run into oerb fUnngf twun or is sent on errands. l. A personwho carriesmessages 2. A personwho engagesin smuggling. 3. Bot. A young stemlike growth atiritrg from a plant. running adiectiae 1. In action or firll operation. 2. Marked by facility, esp.of expression. adiectiae run-of-the-mill Being of no qpecialquality or type. fUn On oerb rUn OUt oerb run-through noun run through oerb l. To useall of. 2. To be depleted. 3. To look through reading matter casually. 4. To recapitulate the salient facts of. run-through noun A condensaUonof the essentialor main points of
l. Syns; debilitated, drained, enervated, enfeebled, weakened. 2. sne.Bst. sEErun. DEGREE.
sEErun in. l. vrcrcoerb. 2. tnnnsr oerb. 1. snusn twun. 2. rrcnr twun. 3. enculreNr. sEErun. 1. ssARnn. 2. suuccr,nn. 3. snoot twwr. 1. ec:rrrry. 2. suoonr adiecthn. oRDTNARY ad,ieaioe. sEErun. sEErun. sEErun through. 1. nrcreusr. 2. co oefu. 3. snowsn. 4. nnvrnw oerb. SUMMARY
runty adiectioe Havingor showinga badtemper. Regi.onal. run up oerb fuptufe ntrun l. An opening a solid structure. 2, tn intemrption in friendly relations. rupture oerb 1. To make a hole or other openingin. 2. To undergo putial breaking. rUral adiectiae Of or pertaining to the counbyside. fUSe rruun l. An action meant to deceive. 2, h indirect, usu. cunning meansof gaining an end. fush oerb 1. To move swiftly: nnhed homefivm the airyort.
sEErun. 1. snpecg twun, 2. sREecH twtm. 1. sREecH oerb. 2. cnttcx oerb. couNTRY adiectioe. l. oscrPTrox. 2. rnrcr rwun. 1. Syns; barrel (Slarrd, boil, bolt, bucket" bullet" bustle, dart, dash, dust (Slzag), festinate, flash, fleett, flit" fly, haste (P@fic), hasten, hell (Infomul), highball, hurry, hustle (Infornal), oipt @dt. Slzlrg), p"ltt, race, rip (Brit Sbng), rocket, ram, sail, scoot, scour,
2. To come forth or emit in abundance. 3. To attempt to gain the affection of. ru3h twun l. Careless,headlongaction. 2. Somethingsuggestiveof running water. 3. A swift advanceor attack. ru3h adiecthn Designedto meet emelgencyneedsas quickly as possible. rustic odiec-thn l. Of a plain and unsophisticatednature: the truth in his nstic philosophy; a rustic beauty. 2. Of or pertaining to the counbryside. fUt rwun 1. A habihral, laborious,often tiresome courseof acUon. 2. A regular period of sexualexcitement in female mammals. ruthfess adiecthn Lacking scruplesor principles.
sabfe diectioe Of the darkest achromaticvisual value. sabotage rvrun A deliberate and underhandedeffort to defeat or do harm to an endeavor:hodtrc-tionwas sloued ilmm by hdustrbl sabonge. sabotage oerb To damage,destroy,or defeatby sabotage:a campaign tf*.t ry sabotngedby undercowr agents. saccharane ad.iec-tiw l. Having or suggestingthe taste of zugar. 2. Purposefully contrived to gain favor. 'r*ttn sackl Sbry.The act of dismissingor the condition of being dismissedfrom employment. sack oerb Slory. To end the employmentof. Sack2 wrb To rob of goodsby force, esp. in time of war: oillages tlwt u>eresackedby lrandas.
804 scurry, shoot, skin (out), qpeed, stavd, tearr, trot, whirl, whisk, whw (also wlizz), wing zip, zoom. -Iilioms beeline tL_g"t a move on, get cracking go like light"i"S go like the wind, ho$oot it make a beeline, make haste, make tracks, shake a leg, step (or jump) on it. 2. n-ow oerb. 3. covnr oerb. 1. Hesrs ruaun. 2. rr.ow rwun, 3. cnencn rwun. cRAsH adiectioe.
1. Syns; artless, homely, homespun, natural, unadorned, unpolished. 2. courrrrnu adiectioe. l. cnrrvo rruun. 2. nser twun.
Br.AcK adiectioe. Syns; subversion, undermining.
1. swnrr a"diectioe. 2. rNsrrvuerrNc.
despo', ha'ow, havoc ;;::r.edate, (Rare), loot pillage, plunder, rape,
(obs.),spoliate. Sacrarium twtrn F*cbs. A sacredor holy place. sacred adieahn l. Given over exclusivelyto a single use or pupose: a place sactedto tLc menwry of tlwse wlw fell in battb.
*.*l:il l. Syns: consecrated, dedicated, devoted, hallowed.
805 2. In the service or worship of God or a god. 3. Regarded with particular reverence or respect. 4. Protected from violation or abuse by custom, law, or feelings of reverence: a sacted oow. rrotrn Sacredness l. lhe quality of being holy or sacred. 2. T\e quality or condition of being safe from assault, trespass, or violation.
sacrific6 noun l. A living creahue slain and offered to a deity as part of a religious rite: The ueapottsof the saaifice uere shwtn to the prbst. 2. A loss sustainedin the accomplishmentof or as the result of something. sacrifice oerb To ofier as a sacrificezsanifrced tuo u:hite ilooeson the altar of tlw templn. Sacrilege noun An act of disrespector impiety toward something regardedas sacred: The theft of the lnly relics uoasa' sacril.eee. sacrileglous adiec-tiae Showingirreverence and contempt for something sacred:sactibgious mockery. SaCrOSanCt adiectioe 1. Regardedwith particular reverenceor reqpect. 2. Protected from violation or abuseby custom,law, or feelingsof reverence. sacrosandt'lty noun The quality or condition of being safefrom assault" trespass,or violation. sad adiectioe l. Tending to causesadnessor low qpirits: a sa.dtalz of farnilg discud. 2. In low qpirits. 3. Causingsorrow or regret. sadden oerb To make sador gloomy. saddened a.diectioe In low spirits. saddle oqrb L To place a burden or heavy load on. 2. To ascribe(a misdeed,error, etc.) to. 3. To force (another)to accepta burden. sadness rvnrn A feeling or qpell of dismally low spirits. safe ad,iectioe l. Free from danger,injury, or the threat of harm: roas perfectly safe at home. 2. Affording protectionza spot safefrotn enernyfire. safeguard oerb To keep safefrom danger,attack, or harm. safeguard rwun The act or a meansof defending. safeness twun llhe quality or state of being safe. safety noun The quality or state of being safezgua.ranteedthe safety of the children. Sag oerb 1. To decline, as in value or quantity, very gadually.
2. orvnrsl. 3. nor,r. 4. Syns; inviolable, sacrosanct. 1. Hor,rr.rcss. 2. se.r.lcrrrr. 1. Syns; hecatomb,immolation, offering, victim. 2. cosr rwun. Syns; immolate, victimize. Syns; blasphemy,desecration, profanation, violation. Syns; blasphemous,profane. 1. nor,v. 2. s^rcnno.
1. Syns; depressingdismal, gloomy, joyless,melancholy. 2. pnpnBssro. 3. sonnowrur.. DEPRESS. DEPRESSED.
l. clg..lrncnoerb. 2. nx oerb. 3. uvrposr. GLOOM.
1. Syns; unharmed,unhurt, uninjured, trnscathed.-lilioms safeand sound, with a whole skin. 2. Syn: secure.-liliom as safeas houses. DEFEND. DEFENSE. SAFETY.
Syns; assurance, safeness, security.
l. st rp oerb.
sagacious 2. To hangtimply, loosely,and carelessly. 3. To becomelimp, as from los of freshnes. Sag rwun An area sunk below its surroundingr. sagacious diecthn l. Possessing or showingsoundjudgmentand keen perception. 2. Possessingproceeding from, or exhibiting good iu.{grn""t and prudence. SagaGlty ]wun Shll in perceiving discriminating or judging. Sage rwun A usu.elderly man noted for wisdom,knowledge,and judgment Many consideredOlhnr Wendpll Hohnesa wge. sage adiectioe 1. Possessing or showingsoundjudgment and keen perception. 2. Possessingproceeding from, or exhibiting good judgmentand prudence. Sageness truun Sldll in perceiving discriminating,or judging. sail oerb l. To move througb the air with or as if with wirigs. ?. To passquickly and lig[rtly ttoo"gh the air. 3. To move swiftlv. 4. To proceed with ease,eqp.of expression. sail in (or into) wtb l. To start work on vigororsly. 2. To set upon with violent force. saif in ior inio) wrb sailor rwtn A persgn engagedin sailing or working on a ship: A ctew of 11 soilorsmarvud tlte tarlks. safability rvxtn Market appeal. salablenedi lwtLn Market appeal. Safary rwun Payment for work done.
safe3clerk rwun Onewhosells. salespercon twun One who sells.
806 2. srouat aerb. 3. wrr,r. DEPRESSION.
1. wrstl. 2. saur.
Syns; Nestor, pundit, savant, scholar.
l. wrspt. 2. sexn.
1. rr-v. 2. rr-v. 3. nvsn oerb. 4. ruow oerb. L. trrrrcx oerb. 2. tr-rlrcx oerb. srr sail. Syns; gobt (Slang),jack (lnfornnl), jacktar Qnforrrul), mariner, navigator,salt (lnforrnal), seadog (Slang),seafarer, seaman,tar Qnfornnl). SE'LL nOu,ft. 9ELL fwun, wecn(s) nuun. SELLER. SELLER.
safient adiecthn Readily attracting notice.
salivats wrb To let salivarun from the mouth. safivation nottn Salivarunning from the mouth. salfow adiecit:e Lacking color. salmagundi twun A collection of various things. saft twun l. The meansneededto zupport life. 2. InfornaL A personengagedin sailing or working on a $ip. salt away wrb l.InformaL To place (money)in a bank.
DROOL naun, nN-n ad;iectioe ASSORTMENT. l. r-rvrxc.
2. serr.on.
1. sANKr.
807 2. To reseryefor the future. salt away oerb salty adiectiae Bordering on indelicacy or impropriety. salubrious ad,iectioe Promoting good health. salutary adiecthse 1. Affording benefit. 2. Promotinggood health. salutation rwun An expression,in words or gestures,marking a meeting of persons. safute oerb To addressin a friendly and respectful way. salute rwun 1. An expression,in words or gestures,markinga meetingof persons. 2. A formal token of appreciationand admiration for a person'shigh achievements. safvage oerb To extricate from an undesirablestate. salvage rwnn Extrication from dangeror confinement. salvation noun, Extrication from danger or confinement. safvo noun 1. A concentratedoutpoudn& as of missiles,words, or blows. 2. A formal token of appreciaUonand admiration for a person'shigh achievements. S?me adiectiae l. Being one and not anotheror others;not different in nature or identity: That is the sanw seat I had Eesterdny. 2. Agreeing exactly in value, quantity, or effect. 3. Remainingcontinually unchanged. Sameness twun 1. The quality or condition of being exactly the same of the elre: the safiten/ess as somethin_g fngeryrints. 2. The state of being equivdent. 3. A tiresomelack of varieW. Sample noun 1. One that is representativeof a group or class. 2. A limited or anticipatory experience. sanctified adiectiae Regardedwith particular reverenceor respect. sanctify oerb To make sacredby a religious rite: sarctifred the day for the worship of God. sanctimonious adiecttue Of .g,rpracticing hypocrisy. SanGtlmOnlOUSneSSrwun sanctimon! alsosanctimoniousness rroun A show or expressionof feelingsor beliefs one does not
2. serru. sEEsalt. NACY.
2. nBer.rrrrur.. GREETING.
1. cnnnrnc. 2. rtsrrIvror.trAl-.
nnscun oerb. RESCUE fWW. RESCUE TWUN, 1. gAnRAcn
2. rnsrnr,rourer-. 1. Syns; identic (Arclwic), identical, selfsame,very. 2. nguer. adiectioe. 3. coxsrsrnxr. 1. Syns; identicalness,identity, oneness, selfsameness. 2. ngurver.rucr. 3. uonorowy. 1. n:rrurrpr.r. 2. resrs twun. HOLY.
sEEsanctimony. I{YFOCRISY.
actuallyholdor possess. sanction oerb To give one's consent to. sanction rruun l. A coercive measure intended to ensure compliance or conformityz innnked sanctiotts again"st the countries that flauted intemational lau:.
pnnvtrc tnrb. 1. Syns; interdict, interdiction, penalty.
sanctioned 2. Approval for an action, granted by one in authority. sanctioned' adiecthn l. Having or arisingfrom authority. 2. Generally approved or agreedupon. 3. Adhering to beliefs or practicesapproved by authority or tradition. sanctity ioun l. The quality or condition of being safe from assault, treqpass,or violaUonztlle sanc-tityof tlw home. 2. The quality of being holy or sacred. sanctorium twun A sacredor holy place. sanctuary rxrun l. A sacredor holy place: the sarctwry of a church. 2. Somethingthat phpically protects, esp. from danger. 3. The state of b"ittg protected or safeguarded,as from danger or hardship. sanGtum rwun A sacredor holy place. Sane diecthn l. Of sound mind; mentally healthy: a suw person. 2. Possessingproceeding from, or exhibiting good judgment and prudence: cl sorc d,ecision.
SaneneSS ntxtn A hedthy mentd state. sang-froid rw,tn 1. Irck of emotiond agitation. 2. The state or quality of being nonchalant. sanguinary adiectun l. Eagerfor bloodshed. 2. Attended by or causingbloodshed. sanguinc diealw l. Expecting a favorable outcome or dwelling on hopeful aspects. 2, Of a healthy, reddish color. sanguinenegs rwun A tendency to expect a favorable outcome or to dwell on hopeful aqpects.
2. pBnurssroN.
l. eurnonrrATrvE. 2. eccppmo. 3. onrnooox.
1. Syns; inviolability, sacredness, sacrosanctity. 2. nor,rrvsss. SANCTUARY.
1. Syns; sacrarium (Eccbs.), sanctorium, sanctum, shrine. 2. covsn rrf,ntn. 3. nnrucn.
seNcruenv. 1. Syns; compos mentis (Latin),lucid, rational. -klioms all there, in one's right mind, of sound mind. 2. Syns: balanced, commonsensible, commonsensical, judicious, levelheaded, prudent, rational, reasonable, sagacious, eB€, sapienf sensible, sensical, soundt, well-founded, well-grounded, wisel. SANITY.
1. cer,m nuun. 2. NoNcner.e.lscB. l. uunonnous. 2. sr-ooov adiec-tioe. l. oprrursrrc. 2. nunov. OPTIMISM.
l. Attended by or causingbloodshed. 2. Eager for blood,shed. sanguinity noun A tendency to expect a favorable outcome or to dwell on hopefirl aspects.
1. srooov ad,iectioe. 2. uunornous.
To renderfree of microorganisms. sanitized dieahn
Free or freed from microoqganims. Sanity noun A hedthy mental state: lo$t lw sanity.
sanitize oert
Sapr trrun Slaflg,.A personwho is easily deceived or victimized.
Syns: lucidity, lucidness, marbles (Slot g), mind, reason, saneness,sense, senses, soundness, wit, wits. DVPF' twtfil.
809 sap2 Derb To lessenor deplete the nerve, energy, or strength of. SaplenCe rwurr Deep, thorouglr, or mature understanding. sapient adiectioe 1. Possessing, proceeding from, or exhibiting good judgmentand prudence. or showingsoundjudgment and keen 2. Possessing perception. SapOf twtm A distinctive property of a substanceaffecting the gustatorysense. sappy adiectioe l. Slang.Affectedly or extravagantlyemotional. 2. Slang.So senseless as to be laughable. SafGaSm twun Ironic, bitter humor designedto wound: cruel ard, ileoastatingsatccmn'l. sarcastic adiectioe Given to or expressingsarcasm'a sarccrstic,meering uitic ; sarcasticrema,rlc,s. sardonic adiectioe Marked by or displayingcontemptuousmockery of the motives or virfues of others. sashay oerb Infomwl. To walk with exaggeratedor unnatural motions expressiveof self-importanceor self-display. SaSS oerb Inforrnal. To utter an impertinent rejoinder. sassy adiectioe Rude and disrespecdul. satanic also satahical adiectioe Perverselybad, cruel, or wicked. sate oerb To satisfuto the firll or to excess. sated adNectioe Filled to satisfactionor excess. satellite noun One who supportsand adheresto another. satiate oerb To satisfyto the frrll or to excess:The ln"rgemeal satiated utr hunger. satiate adiectioe Filled to satisfactionor excess. satiated adiectioe Filled to satisfactionor excess:futiated uith uime stories,readcrsfitmed to otlw anntsenwnts. satiation rw,tn The condition of being full to or beyond satisfaction: SomedieMans adpisestoppingeatingbefore the point of satiation. satiety rra,an The condition of being full to or beyond satisfaction. satiny a.diectioe Smoothand lustrous as if polished. satire tw.rn A work, as a novel or play, that exposesfolly by the use of humor or irony: unote an arrunhq satire on pofltporLlb.tnirussmen. satisfaction noun Somethingto make up for lossor damage.
1. servs. 2. wrsnl.
1. snNrrupNTAL. 2. roor-rsn. Syns; acerbity, causticity, corrosiveness, mordacity, mordancy. Syns: acerb, acerbic, caustic, corrosive, mordant. CYNICAL.
Syns.'cloy,glut, gorge,sate,surfeit.
Syns; glutted, gorged, replete, sted, satiate, nrrfeited. Syns; engorgement, repletion, satiety, surfeit.
SLEEKadiectiae. Syns; lampoon, lampoonery.
satisfactory adiecthn l. Of moderately good q"alig but less than excellent. !. Being what is needed without b"ing in excess. 3. Serving-odiectiw to convince.
l. eccnprarr,p. 2. surrrcrrnr. 3. cotwtNctt{c.
Harriog achieved satisfaction, as of one's goal.
satisfy wrb 1. To grant or have what is demandedby (a need or desire):satbfied hb appetitefor the tilnc being wffiiry a ltfelory dcslreto seelrcInrd,. 2. To be satisfactoryto. 3. To supplyfnlly or completely:satisfiedall rcquirenwnts. !. To cause(another)to believe something. 5. To set right by g"i"g what is due. satisfying adieahn A.ffordingpleasureor comfort.
satisfyingly a&nb
In the manner de$ed.
saturate tffi l. To makethorougflywet. 2. To cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone.
saturnine adiectit:e Broodingly and nrllenly unhappy. Satyf noun An immoral or licentious man. SaUGe rwrut Infomul. The state or quality of being impudent. SaUCe oerb Infonul. To utter an impertinent rejoinder. SaUCeDOX rxnnr One who is obnoxiouslyself-assertiveand arrogant. SaucineSs twttn The state or quality of being impudent. saucy d.iecth:e Rude and disreqpectful. Saunter wrb To walk at a leisurely pace. saunter noun An act of walking eqp.for pleasureor exercise. Savage diectitx l. Of or relating to beastsof prey: a satnge lion. 2. Showingor zuggestinga dispositionto be violently destmctive without scruple or restraint. 3. Not civilized. 4. So intenseas to causeextreme nrffering. SaVant noun A usu. elderly man noted for wisdom, knowledge,and iudgment. SaYe oetb l. To reservefor the future: sawd the old boby clnthes for funue gmdchilfua satx rnoneyeochmonth in a Chrbtmaschh. 2. To extricate,as from dangeror conffnement. 3. To protect (an asset)from lossor destruction. 4. To accumulateand set asidefor future use. 5. To use without wasting. saving d,ieaioe Careful in the use of material resources. savoir-faire rroun Frerwh.lhe ability to say and do the riglrt thing at the right time.
1. Syns; appease,fulfill, gratify, indulge. 2. pr-nasr. 3. Syns: answer,fill, frilfiIl, meetr. 4. corwrucn. 5. snrrr.r. GRATEFUL.
wnu2 a&serb, l. wnr tnrb. 2. clg,tncn oerb. GLUM. WANTON
srnott- oerb. WALK froun, 1. Syns; feral, wild. 2. rrrncn. 3, urvcrvrr,rzro. 4. cnunr,. SAGE |TOU,N.
1. Syns.'keep, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay in, put by, salt away, set by, spare. 2. 3. 4. 5.
nnscun oerb. coNspnve oerb. srocxprtn oerb. ncowourzr.
811 SaVOf rwnn l. A distinctive yet intangible quality deemed typical of a given thing. 2. A disdnctive propefly of a substance affecting the gustatory sense. 3. A distinctive element. savor oerb l. To receive pleasure from. 2. To undergo an emotional reaction. 3. To recognize the worth, quality, importance, etc., of. 4. To have a particular flavor or suggestion of something. SavOry adiectioe Htghly pleasing, eqp. to the sense of taste. rroun SaWy Slang. Intellectual hold. savvy adiectioe Sl*rg.Having or showing a clever awareness and resourcefulness in practical matters. savrty oerb Slurg. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. SafV noun A usu. pithy and familiar statement expressing an observation or principle generally accepted as wise or true.
saw off oerb Sl*rg.To stop suddenly,asa conversation,activity, relationship,etc. Say oerb l. To put into words: the speakersaid u:lwt u)ason his mhd, and then sat doun. 2. To produceor make (qpeechsotrnds). 3. To stateto be true. say rwun The riglrt or chanceto expressan opinion or participate in a decision. saying noun A usu. pithy and familiar statementexpressingan observationor principle generally acceptedas wise or true. Say-SO rwu,n l. Infonrwl. The right and power to command,decide, rule, or j"dg". 2. Infonrnl. The riglrt or chanceto expressan opinion or participatein a decision. scabrous adiectiae 1. Borderingon indelicacyor impropriety. 2. Having a coarse,irregular surface. SCad rroun Infortrnl. An indeterminatelygreat amount or number. scaffold noun A temporary framework with a foor, used by workmen. scaffolding rnun A temporary framework with a floor, used by workmen. scafding adiecthn Marked by much heat. scaler u"ib To remove the skin of.
scaler 1. rr,evon rwun. 2. rr-e.vonnuun. 3. quer.rrr. 1. nrqor. 2. rnw. oerb. 3. eppnecre.rn. 4. slr.*cxzwrb.
l. Syns.' articulate, communicate, convey, declare, express, state, tell, utterl, vent, vosafizs, voice. -Iilion give vent (or voice or tongue) to. 2. pnoNouxcn. 3. perb. volcE noun.
1. eurnonrrv. 2. vorcp nou,n.
1. necv. 2. noucn. IIEtp ttoun. STAGE IWUN,
uor adiectiae. sxtx oerb.
scale2 scaleF Derb To move upward on or along. scaling twtrn The act of moving upward on or along. scalp oerb Infomwl. To exploit (another)by chargingtoo much for something. SGamp rwun One who causesminor trouble or damage. SGamper wrb To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the gound during each stride. SGan wrb 1. To look throug[r reading matter casually. 2. To view broadly or from a height. scandal nuun The expressionof injurious, maliciousstatementsabout someone. scandal oerb To make defamatorystatementsabout. scandalize oerb l. To make defamatorystatementsabout. 2. To affect with a strong feeling of moral aversion. scandalmonger noun A person habitually engagedin idle talk about others. scandalous adieaioe l. Damagingto the reputation. 2. Disgracefully and grosslyoffensive. scant adieahn l. fust suftcienL 2. Conspicuouslydeficient in quantity, firllness,or extent. scantiness rwun The condition or fact of being deficient. scanty adiectioe l. Not enoughto meet a demandor requirement. 2. Conspicuouslydeficient in quantity, fullness,or extent. Scapegoal noun One who is madean object of blame: TTwrnanager u)osa comsenientscapegoatfor the teom'spoor perfornwnce. SCarCe a.diectioe 1. Rarely occurring or appearing. 2. Not enoughto meet a demandor requirement. scarce a&nrb By a very little. SCafCeneSS nuun The conditionor fact of being deficient. SGarcity rroun The condition or fact of b.iog deficient. Scafe oerb To fill with fear. SCafeCfOW rwun A person wearing raggedor tattered clothing. S0ared adiectioe Filled with fear or terror. ScaremOngef twun One who needlesslyalarmsothers. scarify oerb 1. To criticize harshly and devastatingly. 2. Regtuul. To fill with fear.
sxrN oerb.
nuN oerb.
1. snowsn. 2. sunvnv oerb. LIBEL
rrlrnr oerb. l. Lrsm oerb. 2. ssocx oerb. rr0un. GOSSTP 1. r,Isrr,ous. 2. ournecEous. 1. sARn a.diectioe. 2. unecnn.
l. rNsurrrcrrxr.
Syns; f"tl g"y (Slnng), goal patsy (SIorW), whipping boy.
L. st aerb. 2. rnrcnrer.
813 SCary adiectioe Infomnl. Causingor able to causefear. scathe oerb To criticize harshly and devastatingly. scathing ad,iectinn So sham as to causemental pain. adiecthn scatologiG?l also scatologii Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. scatter wrb 1. To separateor causeto separateand go in various directions: At a conmand tlp chilfum smttercd and, hidhryplaces. f*d 2. To extendover a wide area 3. To disappearby or as if by rising. scatterbrained adieaioe Given to liglrthearted silliness. noun scattergood A personwho spendsmoney or resourceswastefully. SGene rwun l. The place where an action or event occurs: Police anioed on the sceneshotly after tfu rcbbery. 2.Tluit which is or can be seen. 3. The propertieq backdrops,and other objects arrangedfor a dramatic presentation:When the cartain rose,tlw atdbrwe applatiled tlw fuau,tifullg dc@rvd s@rw. 4. Slang,A qphereof activity, shrdy, or interest. SGenefy rwtrn The properties, backdrops,and other objects arranged for a dramatic presentation. SGent rwurr, 1. The quality of somethingthat may be perceived by the olfactory sense. 2. Ttrc senseby which odors are perceived. 3. A sweet or pleasantodor. 4. Evidence of passageleft along a course followed by a hunted animal or fugitive. 5. A piece of information useful in a search. scent oerb 1. To perceive with the olfactory sense. 2. To fill with a pleasantodor: Piroeresin scmted the air about the cotnpsite. scented ad,iectiae Having a pleasantodor. schedule rvxnt 1. A seriesof names,words, etc., printed or written down. 2. ln organizedlist of procedures,activities, events, etc. schedule oerb 1. To enter on a schedule:sclwdal.eda dennl Wointment for nert thwsilny. 2. To plan the details or arrangementsof. 3. To set the time for (an event or occasion). scheduled adiecthn Known to be about to arrive. schema rwrur A method for making doing or accomplishing something. scheme rvrun 1. A method for making doing or accomplishing something.
l. Syns; diqpel, diqperse,dissipate. 2. snnrn oerb. 3. rlrrt wrb. CIDDY. WASTREL.
1. Syns; locale, setting site, stage. 2. vrsw notttu 3. Syns.'miseen scdne,scenery sete, setting. 4. enpe. SCENE.
1. sunr.r,twun. 2. srr,rnr,r, rwun. 3. rnecneNcp. 4. rneu- rwtrn. 5. r.neo rwttn. l. s*nt;- oerb, 2. Syns:aromatize,perfume.
1. r,rsrl rrotrrt. 2. pnocneu.
1. Syns; program, slate. 2. annervcn.
3. ru"n wrb, oun adiecthn. DESTGN |WUN.
scheming 2. A secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end. scheme oerb To work out a secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end.
2. w-or rwun. pror oerb.
scheming adiecthn 1. Coldly planning to achieveselfishaims. 2. Deceidullv clever. schism ,*ni An intemrption in friendly relations. schismatic ruxtn A person who dissentsfrom the doctrine of an establishedchurch. schismatist nuun A personwho dissentsfrom the doctrine of an establishedchurch. schlep wrb Slmg. To move while zupporting. schfocky a.diecthn Sbng, Of decidedlyinferior quality. schmaltz nu.Ln Slnng. The qudity or condition of being affectedly or overly emotional.
schmaltzy adieaiw Sbng. Affectedly or extravagantlyemotional. schmo also schmoe rwun Slo"g.One deficientin judgmentand good sense. schmoe rwtm schmuck twun Sb"g. One deficientin judgmentand good sense. schnozzle twrn SIo"g.The stnrcture on the human face that contains the nostrils and organs of smell and forms the
1. car-cur-errNc. 2. mrrur,. BREACH IWIIN, SEPARATIST.
cannv oerb. SHODDY.
sBr schmo. F'OOL rWUn.
NosE ,?oan.
beg""i"g of the reqpiratorytract. scholar rroun l. A usu. elderly man noted for wisdom, knowledge, and judgment. 2. One who is b"ittg educated.
l. secr rwun. 2. sruorvr.
scholarly adiecth:e 1. Having or showingprofound knowledge and scholarship. 2. Devoted to study or reading.
1. r.nenrvno. 2. sruorous.
scholarchip rwoLn Known facts, ideas, and skill that have been imparted.
schofastic odiectioe
l. proervrrc. l. Charactefizedby a luuTow concern for book learning and formal ruleq without knowledge or experience of practicd matters. 2. Having or showing profound knowledge and scholar$ip. 2. LEARNED.
scholastic rwun STUDENT. Obs. One who is b"ittg educated. schooling rloiun the aci process,or art of imparting knowledge and skill. EDUcATIoN. science rrottn EDUcaTloN. Known facts, ideas,and skill that have been imparted.
scificet ailfr ttrat is to say. scintillate oerb To emit light suddeolyit raysor sParks. scintilfating dieahn Amusing or pleasing because of wit or originality.
scintillation noun SparHingbriliant light.
rr.esn oerb. CLEVER. GLTTTER |UN'N.
815 scion One descendeddirectly from the sameparents or ancestors. scoff oerb To make fun of. scold oerb To criticize for a fault or offense. scold noun A person,esp.a woman,who habitually usesloud, abusivelanguage:If he came honw late, his scold of a wife beratedhhn mmercifully. SCOOp oerb To make by digging. scoop up oerb To take a substance,asliquid, from a container by plunging the hand or a utensil into it. Scoop up oerb SCOOI oerb l. To move swiftly. 2. To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride. SGOpe rroun 1. Suitable opporhrnity to accept or allow something. 2. An area within which somethingor someoneexists, acts, or hasinfluence or power. 3. The ability or power to seizeor attain. 4. The extent of one'sperception, understanding, knowledge,or vision. Scorch oerb 1. To undergo or causeto undergo damageby or as if by fire. 2. To feel or look hot. 3. To criticize harshly and devastatingly. scorch rwun Damagethat results from burning. scorching adiecttue Marked by much heat. SGOfe rwurr, 1. An incision, notch, or sliglrt cut made with or as if with a knife: madc a scorein the maple tnmk to lct the sap nm. 2. llhe total number of points made by a contestantn side,or team in a gameor contesba firnl scoreof 3-2. 3. A harbored grievancedemandingsatisfaction:We haw an old scoreto settlc. score oqb 1. To gain (a point or points) in a gameor contest: scoredthree acesin the last set. 2.Infomwl. To fare well. 3. To succeedin doing. 4. To evaluateand assigna grade to: scoredthe test. 5. To criticize harshly and devastatingly. SCOfeS rwtut A very large number of things gouped together. SGOfn rwun llhe feeling of deqpising. scorn oerb To regard with utter contempt and disdain. scotch ntntn An incision, notch, or sliglt cut made with or as if with a knife.
ntnitcvrn oerb. cALL DowN at call. Syns; battle-ax or battle-axe, fishwife, fury, harpy, shrew, termagant, virago, vixen, Xanthippe. otc oerb. orc oerb, sEE SGOOP. L, nvsn oerb. 2. nvN wrb.
l. noou. 2. nencr iwun, 3. cnesp twun. 4. xrN.
1. nunr.roerb. 2. nvnN oerb. 3. st *t oerb. BURN |WI'N,
leor adiecthn. 1. Syns; scotch, scratch, slash. 2. Syn: tally. -Idiorn the ffnal count (ar result). 3. Syn; account. l. Syns; notch, post, taUy. -Idioms briog home, hang up another, put in one's column. 2. pnosprn. 3. eccoupr.rsn. 4. Syns:gade, mark. 5. st ttruoerb, cRowD
Scotch adieaiw Carefirl in the use of material resources. SCOUndrel rwun A mean, worthlesscharacter in a story or play. SCOUr oert 1. To make a thorouglr search of: I scured the boksnres for tlwt notsel.
2. To move swfiy. 3. To rub hard in order to clean. 4. Tg,remove(an outer layer or adherentmatter) by rubbing a surfacewith considerablepressure. SGOUfge r,/aun A causeof srffering or harm. scourge o6b l. To btiog great harm or wffering to. 2. To criticize h*shly and devastatingly. scoUtr o6b To go into or thtorgh for the purposeof making discoveriesor acquiring information. ScOUt2 oe$ l. To regard with utter contempt and disdain. 2. To makefun of. SCOWI rwrun l. the act of wrinkling the brow, as in thoug[rt, puzdemen! or displeasure. 2. A fixed, angry stare. scowl oqb 1. To wrinkle one's brow, ESh thouglrt, puzdemenl or displeasure. 2. To stare ffxedly and angrily. Scfam oert Slory.To leavehastily. scramble oetb 1. To move or climb hurriedly, eqp.on all fours: scwn&lcd orsertlw hills to safety. 2. To put into total disorder. 3. To mix together so as to changethe order of arrangement. scrambfe twun A lack of order or regular arrangement. Scrapl tilclrrn l. A tiny amount. 2. Residuelmatter. 3crap Mb To let go or get rid of as being no longer of use, value, etc. SCrat' twun l. A physical confict involving two or more. 2. The power or will to figlrt. scrapO oqb l. To remove (an outer layer or adherent matter) by rubbing a surfacewith considerablepressure:saupe the ol.dpakt of the berch. 2, To briog or come into sliding abrasivecontac! often with a harslL gating sound: o chair sctaphg along the flen 3. To be severelysparingin order to economize.
ECONOMICAL. HEAVY ftoun. 1. Syns; comb, forage, ransack, nilnmage, -Idioms shake down (Informal). beat the bushes, leave no avenue unexplored, leave no stone unhrrned, look high and low, look up and down,
searchthe high heavens,turn inside out, turn upsidedown. 2. nvsmoerb, 3. scnug. 4. scarpn oerb, cuRsEnoun. l. errr,rcr. 2. sr*t oerb. EXPLORE.
1. onsprsr. 2. nrorcur,F,oerb, l. rnowN noun. 2. cr"enn rwun, 1. rnowN rzrb. 2. q.txn oerb. nuN oerb. L. Syn: clamber. 2. corvrusn. 3. snurrr,s.
1. nrrl. 2. pup raxun. DISCARD.
l. rrcnr noun. 2. rrcnr rwun, 1. Syns; scour,scrub. 2. Syns:grate,rasp,scratch. 3. scnrup.
8L7 4. To managewith difficulty or so as to barely escape failure: suaped thrmgh college. scrape frrun Shg. A difficult, embarrassingsihration. scrappy adiectioe l. Informal. Having or showingan eagernessto fight. 2. Given to arguing. scratch noun 1. An incision, notch, or sliglrt cut made with or as if with a knife. 2. Slflw. Something as coins,printed bills, etc., used as a medium of exchange. scratch oerb l. To bring or come into sliding abrasivecontact, often with a harsh,gating sound. 2.Infomwl. To decidenot to go aheadwith (something previously arranged). scratch out oerb To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiping clean. scratch out oerb SGrawny adiectitn Having little fesh or fat on the body. SGreak alsoSGr€ek noun A long loud, piercing cry or sound. screak alsoscreek Derb To utter a long, loud, piercing cry; as of pain or fright. SGream oerb 1. To utter a long, loud, piercing cry, as of pain or ftight, screamcdwhm the hn hit the light pob. 2. To have or produce a blatantly startling effect: ^EIis loryhoir and loud clothnsscteamedhis rwnconfom,ity. scream ftoun 1. A long loud, piercing cry or sound:gauea screorn of tertor. 2. Sleng,Somethingor someoneuproariouslyfunny or absurd: a comedythat usasa real scre(nn.
screaming adiecthse Slurlg.Extremely fu*y. sGfeech nuun l. A long loud, piercing cry or sound. 2. Slnng.Somethingor someoneuproariouslyfunny or abzurd. screech oerb To utter a long, loud, piercing cry, as of pain or friglrt. Screek twun b aerb SGfeen oerb 1. To cut off from siglrt. 2. To shelter, esp. from liglrt. 3. To examine(material) and remove parts considered harmful or improper for publication or transmission. Screened adiectioe Concealedfrom view. screwball noun An insanelyfoolish or strangeperson. SCfeW-Up ruotut SGrew Up oeft Sbry.To harm irreparablythro,rghinept handling; make a messof.
4. Syn: shave.-Idiom get througlr on a wing and a prayer.
1. 2. encuvrNTATrvE. 1. sconn ruxtn. 2. Morvsv.
l. scnepn uarb. 2. crl,Ncnr,.
sEEscratch. r:aw ad,iectioe. SCREAM nntn. scnnll'l
1. Syns; screak (also screek), screech, shriek, shrill.
2. Syns:blare, blazer,shout,shriek.
1. Syns; screak(aho screek),screech, shriek, shrill. 2. Syns:absurdity, gas(Slarg), hoot (Slong),howl (Sloag),joke, laugh (lnfonrwl), panic (Slr,lng),riot (Slong), screech(Slang), -Idionl a laugfr a minute. PRICELESS.
l. scnueu ruyttn. 2. scnreru twun.
scnsaM oerb. spp screak. 1. sr.ocr our at block. 2. slg.lrnnoerb. 3. cnxson.
sEEscrew up.
screwy screw-up noun Slang.A stupid, clumsy mistake. screYvy adieaiw Sbry.Aflicted with or exhibitingirrationality and mental unsoundness, scribe oerb To form letters, characters,or words on a surfacewith an instmment. scrimp tserb To be severelyqparingin order to economize:scvirnped for yeors to buy the house. scriptural adiecthn ^ Of or pertaining to representatjonby meansof writing. UGfOOge rwun A sting person. Scrub wrb l. To rub hard in order to clean:smrbbingthe bothtub. 2. To remove (an outer layer or adherent matter) by rubbing a zurfacewith corsiderable pressure. 3. Infonrwl. To decide not to go aheadwith (something previously arranged). scrubby adiectioe Shgying signsof wear and tear or neglect. scru?ty adiectiw Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. scrumptious adiectiw Slang,Highly pleasing eqp. to the senseof taste. SCrunCh wrb To incline the bodv. SCfUple nrxtn l. A tiny amount. 2. A feeling of uncertainty about the fitnessor correctnessof an action. SCrUpulous odiectioe Showingor marked by attentivenessto all aqpectsor details. SCrUpUlOUSneSS nuun Attentivenes to detail. scrutinize wrb 1. To look at carefully or critically. 2. To look at or on attentivelyor carefully. scrutiny tunun l. The act of examiningcarefully. 2. The act of observing often for an extendedtime. scuff wrb To drag (the feet) along the floor or ground while walking. scufffe rwun A physicalconfict involving two or more. scume wrb l. To drag (the feet) along the floor or ground while walking. 2. To contend with an opponen! esp. by attempting to throw him. SCUlll noun A group of personsregardedas the lowest class. scurrility no,tn Harsh, often innrlting language. scurrifous diealw f . Of, relating to, or characterizedby verbal abuse.
Syns; pinch, scrape, skimp, stint. -Idiums pinch pennies, tighten one's belt, tighten the screws. GRAPHIC. MISER.
l. Syn; scour. 2. scne,pn oerb. 3. ceNcsr..
l. srrl. 2. quer,u.
l. rxevrvn. 2. wtrcn tnrb. l. nxeurueuon. 2. wercn noun. SHUFFLE.
1. snurrr,n. 2. wnnsrr-p.
TRe.sHr froun.
l. esusrvE.
819 2. Ofiensive to accepted standards of decency. SCUrry oerb f . io move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the gound during each stride. 2. To move swiftlv. rwun scuttlebutt Sl*rg.Idle, often sensational and goundless talk about others. Sea dOg twu/n SI*rg. A person engaged in sailing or working on a shiP. rwurr Seafarer A person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. Sgam tuy.ttr A point or position at which two or more things are joined. Seaman twun A person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. Seaf oerb l. To undergo or cause to undergo damage by or as if by fire. 2. To make or become no longer fresh or shapely because of loss of moisture. sear ftoun Damage that results from burning. SearGh oerb 1. To examine the person or personal effects of in order to find something lost or concealed: Custonu inspectars searched him for narcotics. 2. To try to find. search rwun A thorouglr search of a place or Person. SeaSOn oerb 1. To impart flavor to. 2. To make resistant to hardship, esp. through continued exposure. SeaSOn rroun 1. A specific length of time characterized by the occurrenc€ of certain conditions or events. 2. A span designated for a given activity. 3. A regular period of sexual excitement in female mammals. adiectitse seasonable Occurring at a fitting or advantageous time. adiectine seasoned Skilled or knowledgeable through long practice. rwu,n Seasoning A substance that imParts taste. Seat noun l. The part of one's back on which one rests in sitting. 2. The lowest or supporting part or struchrre. 3. A place of concentrated activity, infuence, or importance. seat oerb 1. To cause to take a sitting position: Seot yunself ooer there. 2. To place securely in a position or condition. 3. To take or serve as the basis for. Secede oerb To break away or withdraw from membership in an association or federation: seceded frorn the part7 because of differences ooer furtdmt'ental issaes.
2. osscrNn. 1. nuN r:erb. 2. nusu oerb. GOSSIP nOUn.
1. sunN oerb. 2. onv ur at dry.
1. Syns; fanr (Slm,g), frisk, inspect, shake down (Infonrwl). -Idiorn give the onceover to. 2. snnx. sHAKEDowNat shake down. L. wtvon oerb. 2. ne-noru.
1. ppnroo. 2. nrvrn tuaun. 3. nrer rwun.
l. sorroM noltn, 2. sesnr naun. 3. crNrnn twun.
l. Syns; sit, sit down. 2. nsrenr-rsH. 3. sl'snl Derb. Syns; splinter (off), split.
seclude wrb l. To put into solitude: a nwnk who secludndhimself fron oll u:oilly lnftrcnces. 2,To set apart from a goup. secluded idieahx f . Solitary and shut off from society: Leda seclud"edW in a cornsent. 2. Concealedfrom view: a sechtfudga.rdznswnomded by htgh unlls. 3. Far from centersof human population. secfuse diecthn Solitarv and shut off from societv. r seclusidn twun The act of secludingor the state of beittg secluded: lioed g life - of sechxion after her husband'sileath. SeGOndl runtn A very brief time. second2 rwun A person who holds a position arxiliary to another and assumessomeof his reqponsibilities. sGcondary adiec-thn 1. Of zubordinatestandingor importance. 2. In a position of zubordination. 3. Stemmingfrom an original source. secondary nsun One belongingto a lower classor rank. sscond-class diecthn Of mediocrequality. s€cond-rate adieAiw Of mediocre quality. SeGfeCy traun The habit, practice,or policy of keepingsecrets: belbwd tlwt seoecy is o key hgredient to foreignWhcV sttccasses. SeCret adieahse l. Existing or operating in a way so as to ensure completeconcealmentand confidentiality:secret counterintelligmceoperotions; seuet agents. 2. Concealedfrom view. SeGrete wrb To put or keep out of sight. secretive adieahn Trickily secret. secfetiveness rKrur. The habit, practice,or policy of keepingsecrets. secretly a&nrb In a secretway: seuetl! plmned to attack the yrnlbr ountry. SBcretness rrmun The habit"practice,or policy of keepingsecrets. SCCI rwun l. A qntem of religious belief. 2. Those who accept and practice a particular religious belief. Sectary rroun 1. One zealouslydevoted to a religion. 2. A person who dissentsfrom the doctrine of an establishedchtuch.
1. Syns; cloister, recluse (Obs.), sequester, sequestrate. 2. rcorrrn oerb. l. Syns; cloistered, hermetic, recluse, secluse, sequestered, sequestrate (Arclwic). 2. Syns: hidden, screened, secret, sequestered. 3. nnuorn. SECLUDED.
Syns; reclusion, retirement, sequestration.
l. rvrwon adiectioe. 2. susonnrNtrn adiectioe. 3. ornrverwn a.diectioe. SUBORDINATE
Syns: concealment, huggermugger or hugger-mugger, hugger-muggery, secretiveness,secretness,wraps. l. Syns; clandestine, cloak-anddagger, covert, huggermugger or huggermugger, hush-hush (Inforntal), sub-rosa, undercover. 2. sscluorn. r;.tonr oerb. srv adiectioe. SECRECY.
Syns; clandestinely, huggermugger or hugger-muger. -Idionx by stealth, on the sly, under cover. SECRECY.
l. nrr,rcroN. 2. rerrrr.
l. oBvomr. 2. srpenarrsr.
82L section nolnl 1. A particular subdivisionof a written work: Tlw book rcntained a lorry sectionon,controllcd narcotics. 2. One of the parts into which somethingis divided. 3. A part severedfrom a whole. 4. A ahin piece, eqp.of tissue,suitable for microscopic examination:frozen seciiortsof cancerouslioer. section oerb To make a division into parts, s@tions,or branches. sectional adieaiae Pertainingto or restricted to a particular territory. secufar adiecthn 1. Pertainingto or characteristicof the earth or of human life on earth. 2. Not religious in zubject matter, form, or use. SeCUre wrb 1. To give a promiseof paymentto (a creditor): secare a laa.n. 2.To keep safefrom danger,attack,or harm. 3. To make secure. 4. To join one thing to another. 5. To make fast or fi.-ly fixed by meansof a cord, rope, etc. 6. To render certain. of. 7. To come into possession of, esp. after a struggleor chase. 8. To gain possession 9. To be the causeof. Secure adiectioe 1. Affording protection. 2. Having a firm belief in one'sown powers. 3. Firmly settled or positioned. 4. Persistentlyholding to something. 5. Not easilymoved or shaken. Security rwu,n, 1. The quality or state of being safe. 2. Reliability in withstandingpressure,force, or stress. 3. The act or a meansof defending. 4, Somethinggiven to guaranteethe repayment of a loan or the fulfillment of an obligation. sedate adiecthn Full of or marked by di1ity and seriousness. sediment twun Matter that settleson a bottom or collects on a zurface by a natural process. sedition noun Wilful violation of allegianceto one's country. seditious adiectioe Involving or constituting treason. seditiousness nuun Willful violation of allegianceto one's country. seduce oerb l. To lure or persuadeinto a sexualrelationship: a Aoungglrl se&rcedby a rctorious rou6. 2. To beguile or draw into a wrong or foolish courseof action: uas seduted into gambllrgby the oisionof easvmuwy. seducer rvrun 1. One that seduces:Money is a uell-lcnnm sedacer. 2. A man who seduceswomen: a seducerutithutt a cottscierwe.
1. Syns; part passage,segment. 2. orvrsron. 3. cur rwrrn. 4. Syn; slice.
1. nenrru.v. 2. pnorexn. 1. Syns; guarantee, pledge. 2. 3. 4. 5.
oprsND. resrnr.I. emecn. rrin oerb.
5. 7. 8. 9.
cueneNrpn oerb. cnt tnrb,, oerb. crsn oerb.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
sern. coxrnnvr. sunn. rrcrrr adiectiae. sour.roP.
1. 2. 3. 4.
sernrr. sresrr,rrY. onrsNsn. pewNl rtoun.
cRevE2. DETSrT troatft.
1. Syns;debauch, undo. 2. Eyns: allure, entice, inveigle, lure, tempt.
1. Syns; charmer, enticer, inveigler, tempter. 2. Syns: debaucher, Don fuan.
seduction rwun 1. The act or an instanceof seducingsexually:shot the rrun for the seiluction of his sister. 2. Somethingthat attracts,esp.with the promiseof pleasureor reward. Seductive ad.iectioe Tending to seduce:the sedtrctiaepouers of sorne uomen; the sedrrctioepull of money. seductress rwun A usu.unscrupulouswomanwho seducesor exploits men Mata Hari usasa famun seductress. sedufous adiecthn Characterizedby steadyattentionand effort.
l. Syns; debauching, debauchment
(obs.). 2. r,unrnoun. Syns; alluring, bewitching enticing inviting, siren, sirenic or sirenical, tempting, witching. Syns: enchantress, femme fatale (Frennh), siren, temptress, varnp, witch Qnformal). DILIGENT.
Steady attention and effort, as to one's occupation. See wrb l. To apprehend (images) by use of the eyes: I cou.ld see the sailboat cl.early. She sees oery well ersenat nircty. 2. To form mental images of. 3. To perceive with a qpecial effort of the sensesor the mind. 4. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. 5. To know in advance. 6. To participate in or partake of personally. 7. To be sure that. 8. To be together socially on a regular basis: He has been seeing her for a year ltorD. 9. To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize. see to oerb To have the care and supervision of. seeabfe ad,iecthse Capable of being seen. Seed rruun l. A fertilized plant ovule capable of germinating: ush.eatand barby seeds. 2. A propagative part of a plant: boked at the tiny seeds on the backs of the fronds. 3. A source of further gowth and development. 4. A group consisting of those descended directly from the same parents or ancestors. 5. One's ancestors or their character. 6. The male fuid of fertilization: The seed of a prize bull can be sold,for a htgh prbe. seed oerb To put (seeds)into the ground for growth: seed a
1. Syns; behold, ken (Archaic), perceive.
2. ruectsB. 3. worrcr r-rerb. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
uxonnsrAND. ronpsru. rxpnnmNcn oerb. t oox oerb. Syns; date, take ott (Informnl).
9. vsrc oerb.
rnx#. VISIBLE.
1. Syns: kernel, pip, pit, stone. 2. Syn: spore. 3. ctnrnr. 4. pnocprw. 5. eNcrsrnv. 6. Syns; semen, sperm.
Syns: pitch, plant, sow.
seedtime rwun The seasonof the year during which the weather becomeswarmer and plantsrevive. seedy adiectioe Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. Seeing twun The faculty of seeing. Seek tnrb 1. To bry to find: swght the lost shoe;seekingiustthe ight personfor the iob. 2. To make an attempt to do or make. 3. To strive toward a goal.
1. Syns; cast about (for), hunt up, look for, quest, search (for). -Idiom be in search of. 2. trrr,llyr oerb. 3. xv oerb.
823 seeker rwun A personwhoappliesfor or seeksa job or position. Seem oerb of. To havethe appearance seeming adiectiae Appearing as such but not necessarily so. adoerb seemingly On the surface. rwun seemliness Conformity to recognized standards, as of conduct or apPearance. ad;iectioe seemly Conforming to accepted standards. Seep oerb To flow or leak out slowly. rwun Sgerl A person who foretells future events by or as if by suprcrnatural means. Sgef' rwu.n Someone who sees something occur. SeeSaw oerb To lean suddenly, unsteadily, and erratically from the vertical axis.
seethe oerb or mentalturmoil. l. To be in a stateof emoUonal 2. Archab. To cook (food) in liquid heated to the point of steaming. 3. To be or become angry. 4. To sahrate (something) with a liquid. a.diectiae seething Feeling or showing anger.
see-through odiectioe Admittinglight * that objectsbeyondcanbe seen. see to oerb Segment rruun l. One of the parts into which something is divided. 2. A part severed from a whole. 3. A particular subdivision of a written work. segment oerb To make a division into parts, sections, or branches.
Segregate oerb To set apart from a goup. segregated adieciioe Excluding or unavailableto certain minorities. SegregatiOn nutn 1. The policy or practice of excluding a minority goup from full freedom or participation in a society:the eoils of segregation. 2.'I\e act or processof isolating. seize oerb of: seiredand, l. To take quick and forcible possession nationalizedall forei'gn industry; seizedthe and impumded it. vnugg;l,ers'boat 2. To get hold of (somethingmoving). 3. To take firmly with the hand and maintain a hold on. 4. To have a sudden,overwhelmingeffect on: fl)as seizedwith a meeahg f,t. 5. To take into custody as a prisoner. 6. To lay claim to for oneselfor as one's.ight.
coRREcr adiectioe. oozE. PROPHET.
rvncre oerb. L. r,on oerb. 2. r,oa.wrb. 3. eNcnnr:erb. 4. smnrP. ANGRY. TRANSPARENT.
sEEsee. 1. orvrsroN. 2. cur rwun, 3. spcrroNrnrun. DIVIDE.
rsor,em oerb. RESTRTCTED.
1. Syns; apartheid, separatism.
2. rsorarroN. 1. Syns; commandeer, confiscate, expropriate, gpab, snatch. -Idiorn oneself to. 2. crrc;* oerb, 3. cnesp oerb. 4. Syns: catch, strike, take. 5. ennrsr tzrb. 6. essuun.
seizure rwun l. The act of taking quick and forcible possession of: seianv bg d$tons rymts of tfu illicit drug shtpment;seiz,ureof all persotul pryerty in a cornnun*tt state. 2. the act of catching esp. a zuddentaking and holdlng. 3. A seizingand holding by law. 4. The act of taking somethingfor oneself. 5. A zuddenand often acute manifestationof a disease: - _Iu^sfivqwnt seizuresof gut. scldom a&wb At rare intervals. sefcct oert To make a choice from a number of dternatives. sclcct txntn ODethet is selected. select adiectiw f . Singledout in preference: Only a sebct gotq of Washirynn hrsialaralolru,tlle secret. 2. Of fine quality. 3. Able to recognizesmall difierencesor draw fine distinctions. selection rwm The act of choosing. sefective adieaiw Able to reco,gnizesmall difierencesor draw fine distinctions. sefectiveness noun Thg ability to distinguish, recognizesmall differencesor draw fine distinctions. sefectivity turun Tlry .bitity to distinguish, recognizesmall differencesor &aw fine distinctions. Seff nottn An individual's awarenessof what constifuteshis or her essentialnature and distinguisheshim or her from all a _strottg - setaeof self. -o!he-rs: seff-absorbed adieait:e Concernedonlv with oneself. scff-absorption' t|oun Concern only for oneself. self-assurande rurun A firm belief in one's own powers. seff-assured adieahn H""iog a firm belief in one's olrm powers. seff-cenlered dieahr Concernedonly with oneself. seffcenteredndss n{n n Concern onlv for oneself. self-confidente tuntn A firm belief in one's own powers. seff-confident diecthn Having a-ftrm belief in one'sown powers. saff-contained diectioe Free from the influence, guidance,or control of others. selftontrol twun The keeping of one's $qrr8trts and emotionsto oneself. selfcontrolled diec-thn" Tending to keep one's thouglts and emotionsto oneself.
l. Syns; commandeering, confiscation, expropriation.
2. cercn rwun. 3. ennrsr nDun. 4. usunperroN. 5. Syns: access,attack, fit, spell.
1. Syns: choice, chosen, elect, exclusive. 2. cnorcr adiec-tioe. 3. nrscnrurNATrNc.
Syn: ego.
825 self-denying odiectine Without concern for oneself. seff-determination rww The capacity to manageone's own affairs,make one's own judgments,and provide for oneself. seff-effacing adiectioe Reticent or reservedin manner. self-esteem rwun A senseof one's own dignity or worth. self-esteeming adiectioe Properly valuing oneself,one'shonor, or one's digntty. id,iecth:e seff-fbrgbtful Without concern for oneself. ad,iectiae self-forgetting Without concern for oneself. seffhood nou,n The set of behavioral or personalcharacteris$csby which an individual is recognizable. self-importance noun An exaggeratedbelief in one's own importance. adiectioe self-important Characterizedby an exaggeratedshow of dignity or self-importance. selfish ad,iectioe ConcernedonlY with oneself. selfishness noun Concernonly for oneself. selffess adiectiae Without concern for oneselfz selfl'essdeootiortn daty. seff-possessed ad,iectioe Having a firyn belief in one'sown Powers. seff-possession nou,n 1. A stable,calm stateof the emotions. 2. A firm belief in one'sown Powers. self-regard rwun A senseof one's own dignity or worth. seff-reliance rw,tn The capacltyto manageone's,owna.ffairs,make one's own iudgments,and provide for oneself. self-refianl ad,ieaine Free from the infuence, guidance,or control of others. self-resPect rwun A senseof one's own dignity or worth. self-respecting adiectioe Properly valuing - oneself,one'shonor, or one's digtnity. self -r'estiained ad;iectiae Tending to keep one's thouglrtsand emotionsto oneself. seff-restraint noun The keeping of one's thouglrtsand emotionsto oneself. selfsame adiectiae Being one and not another or others; not different in nature or identiW. selfsameness noun The qudity or condition of being exactly the sameas somethingelse. self-seeking adiec'thn Concernedonlv with oneself.
Syns; selfdenying self-forgetful, sffforgetting unselfish. CONFIDENT. 1. aALANcE
self-serving iai"ai*
Concerned only with oneself.
2. colwDnNcs.
self-sufficiency seff-sufficiency rwun The capacig to manage one's own affairs, make one's oyn jqdgnents, and provide for oneself. self-sufficfent adiecttn l. Free from the infuence, guidance, or control of ot}ters. 2. Able to zupport oneself financially.
seff-supporting a"diecthse Alle to supportoneselffinancidly. Sell radrn 1. Market appeal: a Wduct u:ith a lot of sell a it. 2. Slmg. An action meant to deceive. sell wrb 1. To offer for sale: We dort't sell laun nwusers.
2. To achieve a certain price. 3. To zucceed in causing (a person) to act in a certain sell for wrb l. To achieve a certain price. 2. To require a qpecified price. sell off oerb To get rid of completely by selling esp. in quantity or at discount: sol.dof all tlw untcr4anwged stock. sell up oerb Brit. To get rid of completely by setling esp. in quantity or at discount.
seller nuun Onewho sells:sal&ars of booh.s. seff for r:erb sefl off wrb seffout ltoun sefl out oerb l. To get rid of completely by selling, esp. in quantity or at discount. 2. Slang. To be treacherous. sellout rroun Slang. An act of betraying. sell up tprb
semaphore wrb To communicate by means of such devices as lights or signs.
1. Syns.' marketability, marketableness, salability, salableness. 2. opcnprrow. l. Syns; deal in, handle, market, merchandise, merchant, peddle, retail, trade in, vend. 2. snrNc. 3. pnnsuenn.
1. snrNc. 2. cosr oerb. Syns; close out, dump, sell out, sell up (Brit.), unload. SELL
Syns.' salesclerk, saleqperson. sEEsell. srn sell. spn sell out. 1. snr,r-orr at sell. 2. srrRav. BETRAYAL.
srr sell. srcNar- t-:erb.
semblance twun 1. A deceptive outward appearance. 2. A slight amount. semblant adiectioe Appearing as such but not necessarily so. Sgmgn rwun The male fuid of fertilization.
1. regeon. 2. srraon naun. APPARENT. SEE'D fWUn.
seminar noun A meeting for the exchange of views.
sempiternal odiectioe Withoutbeginning or end. sempiternity nmun
The totality of time without beginning or end. ETERNITY. send oerb 1. To cause (something) to be co_nveyedto a 1. Syns; address, consign, dispatch, destination: sent the paclcageby air to Europe. forward, route, ship, transmit. 2. To direct (a person)elsewhere for help, information, etc. 2. nnrpn.
827 3. Slang. To move or excite Seatly. send away oerb To direct or allow to leave. send for oerb To demand to appear, come, or assemble. send forth oerb To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usu. suddenly and violently. send up oerb lnformal. To place officially in confinement.
send away oerb send for oerb send forth oerb send up oerb senectitude nuun Old age. SeneSCe oerb To grow old. SenesGenGe twttn Old age. senife adiectine Exhibiting the mental and physical deterioration often accompanyingold age: senil.epatients urwble to for thenuehses. sdnility rraun The condition of being senile: Old,age daesnot rlecessarilymoansenility. senior adiectioe f . Of geater age than another: The senior Mn Walker obiectedto his son'splans. 2. Far alongin life or time. 3. Being at a rank aboveanother. senior rwun 1. A personwho is older than another: Sheis ^A seni,orby sir AeM* 2. An elderly person:seni.orsstill abl.eto make stbstantial contributiorw to society. 3. One who standsaboveanotherin rank. senior citizen rwtrn An elderly person. SenSatiOn nDun l. The capacrty for or an act of responding to a stimulus: lnst all sensation in tlrc arrn; a sensation of Mgue uneashtess. 2. A condition of intense public interest or excitement: The Wotergate reoel.ations ueated an, intemational serwation. 3. One that evokes great surprise and admiration. adiec-tioe sensational 1. Of or pertaining to sersation or the senses: sensational response to a stinniltn. 2. Particularly excellent. 3. Suggesting drama or a stage performance, as in emotionality or suspense.
3. cennv awAY at carry. DTSMISS.
ilJlil; spn send. snB send. spn send. aGE,fmtm. tnrb.
; :#dering,
doddery doting.
1. Syns; elder, older. 2. or-o. 3. HrcHrn. L. Syn: elder. 2. Syns: ancient, elder, golden ager, oldster (lnfornnl), old-timer (lnfonrul), senior citizen. 3. suprnrot noun.
1. Syns; feeling sense, sensibility, sensitivity, sentiment @ore). 2. Syns: b,rouhaha hoo-hah (Slang), stirr, todo (Infonrwl), uproar. 3. rr.renrrpr-rrDtrn. 1. Syns: sensatory, sensitive, sensory (also sensorial), sensual. 2. uenner-ous. 3.
sensatory adiectioe 1. srNserroNAr,. 1. Of or pertaining to sensation or the senses. 2. Transmittittg impulses from senseorgans to nerve centers. 2. srxsonv.
SenSe noun 1. What is soundor reasonable:There'stw settsein waiting any longer.
1. Syns: logrc, rationale, rationality, rei$on. -ldiom rhyme or reason.
senseless 2.'I\e capacity for or an act of responding to a stimulus. 3. The faculty ofthinking reasoning and acquiring and applying knowledge. 4. The ability to make sensible decisions. 5. A healthy mental state. 6. That which is signified by a word or expression. sense w* l. To be intuitively aware of. 2. lnfomnl. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. 3. To view in a certain way.
sensefess adiecthn l. Diqplaying a complete lack of forethought and good sense. 2. Lacking rational direction or purpose. 3. Lacking conscioumess.
828 2. snr.rserror.I. 3. rvrnr,r.rcENcE. 4. couuox sENsE. 5. seNrrv. 6. rr,rnervtNc. l. pnncrrve. 2. urvnnnsrervo. 3. rnnr. oerb. 1. urrvor,nss.
senselessnessntrun Foolishbehavior. SenSeS rwun A healthvmental state. sensibiliti rwun l. The capacityfor or an act of respondingto a stimulus. 2.\\e q"ality or condition of being emotionallyand intuitively sensitive. sensible adieahn 1. Composedof or relatingto thingsthat occupy space and can be perceivedby the senses. 2. Able to receiveand reqtond to externalstimuli. 3. Marked by comprehension, cognizance,and perception. 4. Consistentwith reasonand intellect. 5. Possessingproceeding from, or exhibiting good judgmentand prudence. s€nsical adfeahn Possessingproceedingfrom, or exhibiting good judgmentand prudence. S€nslfe adiectitx sensitive adieahn l. Able to receiveand reqpondto externalstimuli: Frostbinm fisme alunys remairc especiallysensitioe to the col"d.Slu is a serwitiueperson,atfi"trwdto the mod^sof otlwx. 2. Of or pertaining to sensationor the senses. 3. Readilystirred by emotion. 4. Showingsensitivityand skill in dealing with others. 5. Requiring great tact or skill. 6. Possessing or displayingperceptionsof geat irccuracyand sensitivitv. r sensitivene'ss noun The qudity or condition of being emotionally and intuitively sensitive:firc-turcd sensitioerwss to the unryoken tueds of others. sensitivity twun 1. The qrality or condition of being emotionally and intuitively sensitive. 2.\\e capacityfor or an act of reqpondingto a stimulus. sensorial dieahn SOnSOrydrc Sensorial adielfire f. TransnitHng impulsesfrom senseorgansto nenre centers:sensoryrwnn bffidles.
1. snNsarrox. 2. srxsrrrvnrvess.
1. prrysrcer.. 2. snNsrrrvn. 3. awann. 4. r,ocrcer-. 5. seNn.
l. Syns; impressible, impressionable, responsive, sensible, sensile, sentien! susceptible, susceptive. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
snxserroNAl. nuorroxer-. orr.rcers. onr.rcers. ecurn.
Syns; feeling sensibility, sensitivity.
1. 2. snNserroN. sEEsensory. 1. Syns; afferent, receptive (Physiol.), sensatory.
829 2. Of or pertaining to sensation or the senses. SenSual ad,iectioe 1. Suggestingsexuality; a setuttnlbelly dance. 2. Relating to the desires and appetites of the body. 3. Of or preoccupied with material rather than spiritual or intellectual things. 4. Pertaining to, suggestive of, or appealing to sense gratiftcation. 5. Of or pertaining to sensation or the senses.
Sensualism rrcrun The qualityor conditionof beingsensuous. sensualistic adiectiae of, or appealingto sense Pertainingto, suggestive gratification. Sensuality noun 1. The quality or condition of being sensual: fha blatant serwuaktg of the striryer's morsernents. 2. A preoccupation with the body and satisfacUon of its desires. 3. The qualrty or condition of being sensuous. SenSUOUS adiectine Pertaining to, suggestive of, or appealing to sense gratificationt took serau,urc pl.easurein the gourmet dirmer; rinh, setuttun oehset. SenSUOUSneSS noun The quality or condiUon of being sensuous:fhe sensuou$ress of the mtnic.
2. snNserroNAl. 1. Syns; sexual,sery $lang), suggestive, voluphrous.
2. PI{YSICAL. 3. 4. snxsuous. 5. snNserroNAl. SENSUOUSNESS. SENSUOUS.
1. Syns; sexiness(Sl*rg), sexuality, suggestiveness, voluptuousness. 2. prvsrcar-rrv. 3. snNsuousNEss. Syns; epicurean, sensual, sensualistic, voluptuary, voluptuous.
Syns; sensualism, sensuality, voluptuousness.
sentence nuun A judicial decision, settingthe punishmentto be fficted on a convicted person:a ten-yearsentence for assault. sentence oerb To pronouncejudgment against. sentient ad,iecthse cognizance,and 1. Marked by comprehension, perception. 2. Able to receive and respondto external stimuli. 3. Readilystirred by emotion. sentimenl noun 1. A generalcastof mind with regardto something: Anti-American sentimentuas nmninghigh in the Islnrnic wofld. 2. Somethingbelievedor acceptedas true by a person. 3. A complex and usu. strong subjective response,as love, hate, etc. 4. Rare. The capacrtyfor or an act of reqpondingto a stimulus. sentimental adiectioe Affectedly or extravagantlyemotional: sentimentalsoap opqag.
sentimentalism rwun The qualityor conditionof beingaffectedlyor overly
Syns: judgment, rapr (Slang).
l. ewenn. 2. sprvsrrrvB. 3. ruorrower-. 1. Syns; attitude, disposition,feeling. 2. sBr-rsr. 3. nuorrou. 4. snNsenoN. gooey Syns; bathetic, dtippy (Slanl4.,), (Infonrwl), gu$I, maudlin, mawkish, mushy (Infornwl), romantic, sappy (Slorg), schmaltzy(Slary), sloppy (Informal), rLtshy(Inforrrul), sobby,soft, soppy (Slaog), soupy [nfornwl), tea^rjerking (Sland. SENTIMENTALITY.
sentimentalitv rurun The qualitydr conditionof beingafiectedlyor overly emotional: the clnying sentimentalitg of the rwoel.
Syns: bathos, maudlinism, mawkishness, mush (Infornwl), mushiness (Infornwl),
830 schmaltz (Slang), sentimentalism, sloppiness (Infomwl). -Idiorn sob stuff.
sentimentalize oerb To regard or imbue with affected or exaggerated emotion: obes sentimentaliaedinto Sentry rruun A personor qpecialbody of personsassignedto provide protection,keep watch over, etc. separate oerb l. To terminate a relationshipor associationby or as if by leavingone another: They hanse separatedbut haw not yet fbd for dh:orce.The ttpo partrwrs separatedafter a oery seriottsand prolntged disogreenwntabout frwnces. 2. To becomeor causeto becomeapart one from another. 3. To make a divisioninto parts,sections,or branches. 4. To set apart from a goup. 5. To set apart (onekind or type) from others. 6. To recognizeasbeing different. 7. To releasefrom military duty. separate adiectitx l. Being or relatedto a distinct entity. 2. Alone in a given category. 3. DisHnguished from othersby nature or qualiUes. separatelt a.&;erb As a separateunit: I*t's consid.ereach problan separotely. Separateness rruun The quality of being individual. SeparatiOn noun l. The act or an instanceof separatingone thing from another. 2.\\e act or processof isolating. 3. The act or an instanceof distinguishing. 4. The act or processof detaching. Separatism noun The policy or pracUceof excludinga minority goup from full freedomor participationin a society. Separatisl nnm A personwho dissentsfrom the doctrine of an establishedchurch: The Puitars uere separatistsfrort the Church of England. sepufcher twun A burial place or receptaclefor human remains. SepUltUre ltoun Archab. A burial place or receptaclefor human remains. SeqUel nnun Somethingbrought about by a cause. SeqUence lwun 1. Somethingbrought about by a cause. 2. A way or con&tion of being arranged. 3. A way in which thingsfollow eachother in spaceor time. 4. A number of thingsplaced or occurringone after the other. sequent adiectbe Following one after anotherin an orderly pattern. sequent rwun Somethingbrouglrt about by a cause.
Syn.' romanticize.
l. Syns; break off, break up, part, split (ry). -Idionx cdl it quits, come to a parting of ways, part company.
2. orvroB. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
oruur. rsor.err. sonr oerb. orsrrNcursu. orscnencn aerb,
1. rmorvrounr adiectioe. 2. r-ovp. 3. nrsnwcr. Syns: apart, discretely. -ldiolr6 time, one by one.
one at a
l. orvrsrow. 2. rsor-erroN. 3. nrsrrxcrroN. 4. orrecnMENT. SEGREGATION.
Syns; dissenter, dissident, heretic, nonconformist, schismatic, schismatist, sectary. cRe.vEl. cR,l.lEt.
l. rrrucr rrnun. 2. anneNcEMENT. 3. ononn nutln. 4. srnms.
831 sequential adiectiae Following one after another in an orderly pattern. Sequester oerb 1. To set apart from a gouP. 2. To put into solitude. sequest-ered adiecthn 1. Solitaryand shut off from society. 2. Concealedfrom view. sequestrate oerb To put into solitude. sequestrate a.diectiae Archaic. Solitary and shut off from society. sequestration n{run 1. The act or processof isolating. 2. "Ihe act of secludingor the stateof being secluded. SeqUin rwnn A small, sparHingdecoration. serene adiecthse Not excited or emotionally agitated. serenity tuoun Lack of emoUonalagitation. serfdom rwun A state of subjugationto an owner or master. serial adiectioe F.ollowingone after another in an orderly pattern. SeffeS noun 1. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other: A seriesof lwrd utintersilpcimated the ilner population. 2. An unbroken sequenceof events. serious od,iec-tioe 1. Marked'by sobersincerity:Be seriorc and tell me talk abm't hua ym reallg feel. We hod'a serior";e businessmalters, 2. Full of or marked by dignity and seriousness. 3. Having great consequenceor weigfrt. 4. Causingor markedby danger,pain, etc. serious-minded ad,ieaioe Marked by sober sinceriw.
l. :.sorl,lrnoerb. 2. spcr-uor. 1. srcr.uopo. 2. sncr-uorn. SECLUDE. SECLUDED.
l. rsor.erroN. 2. sncr-usroN. GLITT,ER |WIIN.
cALM adiectiw. cAl;M tuoun. SI"AVERY. CONSECUTIVE.
1. Syns; chain, consecution, course, order, run, sequence, streak (Infotnwl), string succession, suite, train. 2. nuw noun, 1. Syns; businesslike, earnest nononsense, serious-minded, sobersided. -Iiliom serious as a judge. 2. cnerrez. 3. cnerry2. 4. cnuvous. SERIOUS.
rir serious-miirdedness Sobersincerity. seriousness rnntn
1. Sober sincerity: He told me tlnt in complete seriou,$wss. 2.Ihe condition of being grave and of involving serious consequences.
1. Syns; earnest, earnestness, seriotsmindedness, sobriety. 2. cnevrrv.
sermonize oerb To deliver (a sermon or serrnons),esP. as a vocation.
serpentine ad.iectioe Repeatedly curving in alternate directions. Serue oerb 1. To work and care for: & rtttise who sennd lpr patients well. 2.To place food before (someone): The unitress still has rwt semed tn. 3. To be an advantage to. 4. To spend or complete (ti*"), as a prison term: serced 25 yearc for anrted robbery. 5. To meet a need or requirement: a ilictionaty that uill serce you well; a tool that senns m.Upurpose
1. Syns; attend, do for, minister (to), wait on (or upon). 2. Syn: wait on (or upon). 3. pnorrt oarb. 4. Syns: do (Infomwl), put in (lnfonnal). 5. Syns: answer, do, sufice, suit.
service 6. To perform the duties of another. SCfYrce rxrun l. A formd act or set of acts prescribed by ritual. 2. The condition of being put to use. 3. A hndly acL serviceable djec-thn l. Affording support or assistance. 2. Seryingor capable of servinga useful purpose. 3. In a condition to be used. servife adiec-thn Excessivelyeagerto serve or obey: The lustcss samied unithry on us in on wrybasantly seruib uny. 4! SefUl|ty ]toun A state of zubjugationto an owner or master. SerVing nrntn An individud quantity of food: onc sen>ingof peas. servitude rwun A state of zubjugation to an owner or master. sosquipodalian diec-tirn Having many syllables. setr D6b l. To depositin a qpecifiedposition:Iu.rt set ywr bag on thc f.*r. 2. To alter (parts of a device) for proper functioning. 3. To move (a weapon,blow, etc.) in the direction of som@neor something. 4. To tableware upon (a table) in preparation for a meal: set tlle nblc fot fun. 5. To changcor be changedfrom a liquid into a soft, semisolid,or solid mass. 6. To make or becomephp,ically hard. 7. To put up as a stakein a gameor speculation. 8. To cdculate approximately. 9. To place in a designatedsetting. 10. To place in proper position or location. f f . To appoint and send to a particular place. 12. To come to an agreementabout. sd apan oerb To make noticeableor different. sct aside wfi To put an end to formally and with authority. set by wrb To reservefor the future. set down oerb To come to rest on the ground. sot out Mb 1. To go about the inifral step in doing (something). 2. To proceed in a qpecifieddirecUon. 3. To work out and arrangethe parts or details of. set to w* To go about the initid step in doing (something). sot uP wrt l. To raise upriglrt. 2. To briog into existenceformally. 3.InfornuL To p"y for the food, drink, or entertainmentof (another). srt adieahn l. In a deffnite and ffnal form; not likely to change. 2. On an unwaveringcourseof action: is set on golrg to Euope. 3. Firmly establishedby long standing.
832 6. ecr ron at ?Gt. 1. cnnnuoNy. 2. uurv. 3. revon rwrtn. 1. nrr-prur,. 2. pnecrrcer.. 3. uslsr,s. Syns: menial, obsequious, slavish, zubservient. SI,AVERY.
Syns: helping, mess, portion. SI.AVERY.
r.owcr adiec-th:e. 1. Syns; fix, layr, place, pu! stick. 2. eoyusr. 3. nu oerb. 4. Syns: layl, spread. 5. coecur-err. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
nenonx. clttrilx oerb. nsrtu,xrn oerb. r.evr. posruox oerb. srenoN oerb. enneNcr.
l. srtnr oub. 2. srAR. 3. orsrcN oerb. srmr oerb. l. nnscr oerb. 2. rour.m. 3. rltnl'r oerb.
1. rrnur a^diectfue. 2. Syns: bent, decided, determined, fixed, intent, resolute. 3. corvrrnuno.
833 4. In a state of preparedness. 5. Fixed and distinct from others. sgt2 nuun 1. A number of individuals making up or considereda unit. 2. A subdivisionof a larger goup. 3. A goup of people sharingan interest, activity, or achievement. 4. A particular socialgoup. 5. The properties, backdrops,and other objects arrangedfor a dramatic presentation. set apart oerb set aside oerb setback rmrm set back oerb To causeto be later or slower than e4pectedor desired. setback rroun A changefrom better to worse. set by oerb set down oerb setoff notur set off oerb l. To act as an equalizingweight or force to. 2, To compareso as to revealdifferences. 3. To make up for the defects of. 4. To endow with beauty and eleganceby way of a notable addition. setoff nuun Somethingto makeup for lossor damage. set out oerb setting rlorln 1. The properties,backdrops,and other objects arrangedfor a dramatic presentation. 2. T\e place where an action or event occurs. settle oerb l. To fall or drift down to the bottom: lhe &nt settled. Silt settleson the rioerbed. 2. To place securelyin a position or condition. 3. To come to an ageement about. 4. To come to rest on the gound. 5. To make or becomecalm. 6. To put into correct or conclusiveform: the ofuial settled the matter uith a few quick calls. 7. To btittg (something)into a state of agreementor accord: settle an argument. 8. To set rig[rt by g"i"g what is &te: fitwlly lwd enwgh moneg to settle hX ilebts. 9. To makeup or causeto makeup one'smind. settled adiecthse l. In a de{inite and final form; not likely to change. 2. Firmly establishedby long standing. set to oerb set up oerb Sevef oerb To separateinto parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument. several adiecthse 1. Consistingof an indeftnitely small number that is more than two or three but lessthan many: Seoeral fri"rrd" stoppedby to oisit. 2. Distinguishedfrom others by nahre or qualities.
4. nBrpv adiec'tioe. 5. sprcrrrc. l. cnoup rwrtrr,. 2. cr.ess rwafiu 3. crncr-s twun. 4. cnowo noun. 5. scnwe. sEEsetl. sEEsetl. sEE set back. ont w oerb.
fvuam. REVERSE sEE setr. sEEsetl. sEE set off. 1. 2. 3. 4.
sALANcp oerb. covrnesr oerb, couprxseru. cnxcr. oetb.
sEEsetl. l. scnxp. 2. scnNe. 1. Syns; gravitate, sink. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
nsre,Br.rsn. ennencr. rr}fD oerb. cx.u oerb. Syns; arrange, attend to, conclude, diqpose of fix. 7. Syns: reconcile, rectify, resolve, smooth over, straiglrten out. 8. Syns; clear, discharge, liquidate, pay (up ot off), satisfy, square. 9. ppcron. 1. rrnur adiectioe. 2. coxrrnuuo. sEEsetl. srB setl. cur oerb.
1. Syns; divers (Archaic), some, sundry, various. 2. nrsrnlcr.
severe Severe adiecthse l. Rigorous and unsparing in treating others: cn excell,ent but seoere teachcr. 2. Cold and forbidding. 3. Causing sharp, often prolonged discomfort. 4. Cawing or marked by danger, pain, etc. 5. Having great consequence or weiglrt. 6. Imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength. 7. Conveying great physical force: gaoe him a setsere blms to the hcad. Severity rmun l. The fact or condition of being rigorous and ^ unsparing: a,n ord.eal of extraordinary seoerity. 2. Exceptionally geat concentration, power, oi force, . esp. in activity. SeXlneSS rwun Slang The quality or condition of being sensual. SeXUaf adiectioe f . Ol concerning or promoting sexual love or desire. 2. Employed in reproduction. 3. Su.ggestingsexuality. Sexuallty troun The quality or condition of being senzual. sexy a.diectioe t. Slang. Arousing erotic desire. 2. Slang. Feeling or devoted to sexual love or desire. 3. Slnng. Of, concerning, or promoting sexual love or desire. 4. Slnng. Suggesting sexuality. shabby adiectiw l. Showing signs of wear and tear or neglect: a shabbg couch; a slwbby ol"d build,ing.
2. So objectionableasto elicit despisal. - 3. Meriting or causingshameor dishonor. shackle irb To restrict the activity or free movementof. shackles nottn Somethingthat physicallyconfinesthe legsor arms. shade ,riun l. Comparativedarknessthat resr.rltsfrom the blocking of light rayn:scf in the shadeof an oak tree. ^I\e 2. degreeof vividnessof a color, as when modified by the addition of black or white pigment: a delbote shadpof ptnlr; shadcsof gray and black. 3. The property by which the senseof vision can disHnguishbetween objects, as a red apple and a green apple, that are very similar or identical in form and size. {. tr 5lightvariationbetweennearly identical entities: rut a slwd,eof diference betweenthe fino politbbtx; slndcs of meorfug. A barely perceivableindication of something. !. 6. A slight amount: a slwde of sadncssin the msX.
834 1. Syns; demanding, exacting, rigid, stern, strict, tough, unfelding. 2. sr,nAK. 3. srrrrn ad,iectioe. 4. cnmvous. 5. cnevr2. 6. eunorNsoME. 7. Syns: hard, heavy, h"fty, powerful.
l. Syns; austerity, harshness, stringency. 2. rr.ITnNstry.
2. 3. srwsuer,. SENSUALITY.
1. nrsmesr.r. 2. Bnorrc. 3. nnorrc. 4. snxsuer-. l. Syns; bedraggled, broken-down, decaying decrepit, dilapidated, dinry, down-at-heel or down-at-the-heel, faded, manS, ratty (Slang), mndown, scrubby, scnrffy, seedy, shoddy, sleazy, t""lgf (Informal), tagrag tattered, threadbare. -Idionw all the worse for wear, gone to seed (or pot), past ctue (ar hope). 2. rrr,rrry.
1. Syns; adumbration, penumbra, shadow, umbra, umbrage (Arclwb). 2. Syns: gradation, hue, tinge, tint.
3. cor-on noun,
5. rnecn rwrtn. 6. Syns.'ghost, hair, hint, intimatiort semblance, shadow, soup{gon(French),
7. A supernaturalbeing. shade oerb l. To shelter,esp.from light A bighat shadedher fou. 2. To make dark or darker: shad.edin the backgroud u:ith pencil. 3. Infomal. To makea slight reductionin (a price): The managerof the boolcstoreshailed the cost of the boolesfor studerts. shaded adiectioe Full of shade. shadiness rmun Lack of straightforwardnessand honesty in action. shadow twun 1. Comparativedarknessthat resultsfrom the blocking of light rays. 2. A slight amount. assignedto observeand report on another. 3. An "g"tt being. 4. A zupernatural shadow oerb 1. To shelter,esp.from light. 2. To make dark or darker. 3. To make dim or indistinct. 4. To keep (another)under surveillanceby moving alongbehind. shadowy adiectioe 1. Full of shade. 2. Not clearly perceivedor perceptible. shady adiectioe 1. Full of shade:shady lm)ns. 2. Castingshade:shadYtrees. 3. Of du6iouscharacter:a shady operator;a shady businessdeal. rnrnt, shaft 1. A relatively long, straight, rigid piece of metal or other solid material. 2. A series of particles or waves traveling close together in parallel Paths. oerb shake 1. To cause to move to and fro with short, jetky movements: shalce the prggy bank to get ou't the lnst feu coins. 2. To move to and fro in short, i"tky movements: The dng was shakhqlike a leaf at the oet's. 3. To cause to move to and fro violently. 4. To dter the settled state or position of. 5. To move to and fro violently: The hotne shook as the iets fleu ooerhead'. 6. To impair or destroy the composure of. 7. To deprive of courage or the Power to act as a result of fear, anxiety, or disgust. 8. To get away from (a ptrzuer). 9. To free from something objectionable or undesirable. shake rwrnt A shaking of the earth. rwtn, shakedown
strain2, streak, suggestion, zuspicion, tinge, touch, trace, whisker, whiqper. 7. cnosr nuun. 1. Syns; inumbrate, screen, shadow. 2. Syns: adumbrate, darken, shadow. 3. Syns; shave, trim.
1. sneop rlauru 2. sse-opnaun. 3. rerr- rwun. 4. cnosr nuttn. 1. snepn oerb. 2, s:,:'l.rinoerb. 3. osscuRr oerb. 4. ror-r,ow. 1. sneov. 2. 1. Syns:bosky,shaded,shadowy, umbrous. 2. Syn:umbrageous. 3. Syns; doubtful, equivocal,fishY, questionable,suspect,susplcious, uncertain. 1. sucx ruaun. 2. snAMnuurr. 1. Syns;jiggle,joggl". 2. Syns:quake,quaver,quiver, shiver, shudder,tremble, tremor, twitter. 3. lcrtern. 4. orsruns. 5. Syns; quake,rock2,tremble, vibrate. 6. ecrrlrs. 7. rlrsv'.ts tmrb, 8. r,osn. 9. nrp.
shake down shake down petb l^. InfomaL To make a thorougtrsearchof. 2. Infonrul. To examinethe pe-rsonor personal efiects -concealed. of in order to ffnd somethinglost or 3. InfnruL To obtain by coeriion or intimidation. shakedown twun Infomul. A thorougtr searchof a place or person:gaoe the ruspeA a slwledourt shakes noun A state of nervousrestlessness or agitation. shakeup rwun shake up Mb Infornal. To fill with fear. shakeup tnun A thoroug! or drastic reorganization.The top three the ofrce uere fied in the stwkeup. _f,T!^ j! ".,rpoiy SnaKlneSS rroun l. lltre qy,lity or condition of being phpica[y unsteady. 2. frg qdhg or condition of being erratic and undependable. 'adieah:e shaking Marked by or afiected with tremors. shaky dieahn l. Marked by or afiectedwith tremors. 2. Not physicallysteadyor firm. _3. -Lackingstability. shaflow idieaioe l. Measuringlittle from bottom to top or zurface:a shallou riwr; o slwllou: bourl. 2: F"hS in intellectual depth or thorougtrness. shallow rvrun . A shallow part of a body of water. Snam troun f . A display of insincerebehavior. 2. A fraudulent imitation. 3. A fulse, derisive, or impudent imitation of something. sham oerb To behaveaffectedly or insincerely. sham diecthn l. Fraudulently or decepUvelyimitative. 2. Made to imitate some-thingelse. shamble oerb . To {qag (the feet) along the foor or ground while walking. shambles rrmun A ruinous state of disorder. shame rruun l. A geat disappointrnentor repgettablefact: It's a slwme she didn't get the iob.2. Lossof or damageto one'sreputation. shame wrb - in reputation. - To damage shameful adieahn !. Worthy of severedisapproval. .2. Meriting or causingshameor dishonor. shamefulness nnun The condition of b.itrg infamous. shamefess adieaiw Characterizedby or done without shame:a slwmebss drybV of geed atd cmrrytion.
l. scoun. 2. snrncs oerb.
Syns;frisk, once-over(Infornnt), search.
snnshake up. FRIGHTEN.
Syns; house-cleaning, overhaul.
1. ur.IsrABLENEss. 2. rxsrrerr,rry.
l. rnruur.ous. 2. uNsre.Br,n. 3. nrsrcune. l. Syns: ebb (Brit. Regi.orwl),fleetz (ChAeflyReginwl), shoal. 2. supnnrrcrer,. sHoAL fwttn. 1. acr nortn. 2. courrrRFErr noun. 3. uocxnny. tcr oerb. l. courvrsnrnn adiecthse. 2. enrrrrcrer,. SHUFFLE.
BOTCHfroun. l. Syns; bummer (Slnng), crime (Informal), pity. -ldiom a cr)ang shame. 2. orscnecg rwu,n. orscnecB oerb. 1.,r. 2. orscnecEFut,. INFAMY.
Syns; arrant, bald-faced, barefaced, blatant, brassy (Inforrnat). brazen,
brazenfaced, unabashed, trnblushing. -Idiom dead (or lost) to shame.
shanty An ugly,squaliddwelling. shape norrn 1. The externaloutlineof a thing. 2, lnfonnal.A stateof soundreadiness. shape wrb 1. To giveform to by or asif by pressingand kneading. 2. To create by forming, combining or altering materials. shapefess adieaioe Having-qg distinct shape:a shapebssma"ssof goo. -\ shapefy adieaioe Having a full, iqluptuous figure: a slwpely Young gymust. shard rwun \ Residualmatter. share twun 1. That which is allotted. 2. One's proper or exp{ted function in a common \ effort. share oerb 1. To give out in lrcrtions pr shares. 2. To [ave a sharein (an apt, resulg etc.); have a hand i in. sharing rwun The act or fact of ParticiP"$"g. I sharp dieaioe f . Haviirg a fine edge, ts fot cutting: a shatp-knife. 2. Clearly defined; not a;hbiguousza slw.rpil'fu*irrcttum. 3. Mentally quick and original. 4. Possessingbrdiqplayingperceptionsof great accuracyand sensitirti$. 5. futute but lacking/in Ahics or principles: slwtp busirusspracticw. 6. Slang.Being or/in accordancewith the current fashion. I 7. Marked by sdverit/ or intensityza slwlp Wfurin hfus obdomen. ! 8. Having or sirggestingkee& discerningintellect. 9. Having an end taPeringto a point. 10. Afiecting the organsof taste or smell with a strong and often harsh sensation. sharp wfu Regfumal.To grve a sharPedge to. sharpen wrb To give a sharp edge to: slwPmed tlw knife. sharper noun A personwho cheats. sharpness A cutting quatitY. sharp-witled adieahn Mentally quick and original.
1. ronu rwurr. 2. rmu noun. l, sonll oerb. 2. vexn. Syns:amorphous,formless,inchoate, unformed, unshaped. Syns: bwlt (Infomwl), curvaceous, rounded, stacked curyesome,cur,\r)rlr (lnfomal), welldeveloPed. E.ND ftottfl.
l. ,lr-r.orurrvr. 2. penr rwnn, 1. DrsrnrsurE. 2. covrnrnurp.
1. Syns: honed, keen, whefted. 2. Syns: clear, distinct, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable. 3. crgmn. 4. ecurp. 5. Syns; canny, clever, cunning, shaxP, sbifty, slick, sly, wily. 6. resmoxesm. 7. Syns: acute, gnawing knifelike, lancinating piercing shooting stabbing. 8. u,icrsnrn. 9. porNrnp. 1O. puxcnr,rr.
Syns; acuminate, edge, honer, sharp @egfuanal),whet. CHEAT
shatter shatter wrb l. To crackor qplitinto tw9 or morefragments by means of or as a result of force, a bloi, or strain. 2. To cause the complete ruin or wreckage of.
shattering dieaiw
the capability or efiect of damaging irreparably. _-!"frg shave Deft l. To make light and momentary contact wit}, as in passing. 2. "lZmanage with difficdty or so as to barely escape failure. 3. To make a slight reduction in (a price).
shear wrb
To decrease,ff h length or amount,by or as if by severing or excising. -rroun sheath A thin outer coveringof an object. sheathe oetb To firrnish with a covering of a difierent material. sheathing rvntn A thin outer coveringof an object. shed wrb l. To send out heat, light, or energ/: Tlv moon shed a ghostly light our tlw yatd,. 2. To cast off by natural process:malcestlwt shed thetr slcins. sheen run,m A radiant bri$tnep or glow, usu. due to Lightreflected from a smoothrurface. sheerr wrb l. To changethe direction or courseof. 2. To turn aside$rtply from a straight course. sheerc adiectioe l. Free from extraneotselements. 2. Completglf rych, without qualiffcationor exception. inclined as to be-almostperpendicuiar. 9. F $gpty 4. So ligbt and insubstanUalas to reseirbt-eair or a thin film. shellac oerb l. Slary. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. 2. S-bfg.To render totally inefiectiveby decisive defeat.
shellacking rwtut l. slary. Theact of defeating or the conditionof being defeated. 2. Slang. A severe defeat.
shell ouf wrb .Inf-urnol. To distribute (money)aspayment. Sneltef rxtun l. Drvellings^rngeneral:Hou mtch of ymr salary goes for sheltcr? 2. tmething $lt physicallyprotects,eqp.from danger. 3. The state of b"ittg protected or safeguarded,as fr6m dangeror hardship. shelter Mb To gve refuge to. shelve wtb To put off until a later time. sheninigan twun l. A mischievousact.
1. nnrex oerb. 2. onsrnoy. DESTRUCTIVE.
L. r;nvsr Derb. 2. scntpn aerb. 3. srul.rlnoerb. CUT BACK.
sKtN fwun. ptcn oerb. SKIN
1. Syns; cast, emit, irradiate, projec! radiate, throw. 2. Syns: exuviate (Zool.), molt, slip, slough2,throw off. GLOSS frcrun.
1. runN oerb. 2. swpnve. 1. 2. 3. 4.
punn adiectioe. urrrnt. srrppl. ru.lvrv.
L. onrnlil oerb. 2. ovnnwrrnr.v.
l. orrrar noun. 2. rnouNcruc. SPEND.
l. Syng; housing, lodging, quarterage. -Idiurn a roof over one's head. 2. covsn noun, 3. nnpucr.
rrennon oerb. oEFERr.
1. pnarvx.
839 2. lnfomwl. An indirec! an end.
usu. cunning means of gaining
shepherd oerb To show the way to. twttn shield The act or a means of defending. shield oerb To keep safe from danger, attack, or harm'
1. To go or cause to go from one place to another' 2.To leave or discard for another. 3. To alter the settled state or position of. 4. To change the direction or course of. 5. To ptogte*t or perform adequately, esp. in difficult circumstances. 6, To eat completelY or entirelY. shift rw.rrt 1. The act of exchanging or substituting. 2. A usu. physical change of one thing into another. 3. An ofte-n sudden change or departure, as in a trend. 4. The process or an instance of passing from one form, state, or stage to another. 5. A limited, often assigned period of activity, duty, or opportunitY. 6. Something used temporarily or reluctantly when other means are not available. ad,iecthse shiftless Resistant to exertion and activity.
2. rntcx troun.
cvror. oerb' DEFENSE. DEFEND.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
vrovn oerb. c:r.l-:slcnoerb. orsruns. ronv oerb. rr,reNecs.
5. coNsuun. 1. 2. 3. 4.
cneNcB nottrr. corwnnsroN. runN rwun, rneNsrrroN.
5. rtrnw twun. 6. ruexrsnrrr.
shiftlessness noun The quality or state of being lazY. shifty adiectioe l. Given to or markedby deliberateconcealmentor of the truth. misrepresentation 2. Deliberately ambiguousor vague. 3. futute but lacking in ethics or principles. 4. Marked by treacheryor deceit. shilly-shally oerb To be irresolute in acting or doing. shilly-shally rwlrn The act or an instanceof hesitating. shimmer oerb To emit light suddenlyin rays or sparks. shimmer twrrn Sparkling,brilliant light. shindig rnun Sl*rg.A big, exuberantparly. shine oerb 1. To emit a bright tiglrt. 2. To grvea gleamingluster to, usu. through friction. 3. To be in one'sprime. shine rwun A radiant brightnessor glow, usu. due to light refected from a smoothsurface. shiner rrou,n Slang.A bruise surroundingthe eye. shining adiectioe 1. Giving off or reflecting light readily or in large amounts. 2. Having a high, radiant sheen. shiny a.d;iecthse Having a high, radiant sheen.
1. orsnoxrst. 2. Bvesrvr. 3. snenpadiectioe. 4. uxonnrreNo. HESTTATE. HESITATION.
rnnsw oerb. GLITTER
BLAST |IDU,N. 1. snAM.
2. cross oerb. 3. rr,ounrsn. GLOSS ft0un.
1. snrcxr. 2. cr,ossv. GIOSSY.
ship ship oerb To cause(something)to be conveyedto a destination. shipshape adiecthn In good order or clean condition. shipwreck oerb - fg, damage,disable,or destroy(a seacraft). shirk tn U l. I" passtime with-outworking or in avoid"ingwork. 2. To avoid the fulfillment of. 3. To move silently and furtively. shiver oerb l. To crack or qplit into two or more fragmentsbv meansof or as a renrlt of force, a bloi, or strain. 2. To move to and fro in short,jerky movements. shiver rwun A nervousshakingof the body. shivering adiectin Marked by or affectedwith tremors. shivers nmun A state of nervousrestlessness or agitation. shivery a.diecthn l. Marked by a low temperature. 2. Marked by or afiectedwith tremors. shoal rvtun A shallow part of a body of water: ran agrurnd in the shml. shoaf adiecthn Measuringlittle from bottom to top or surface. shock oerb 1. To affect with a strongfeelingof moral aversion: Suchslnnwbss belwoior slwckedhtm. 2. To causeto experiencea zudden,momentaryshock. 3. To inflict physicalor mental i"jury or distresson. shock rroun l. Violent" forcible contactbetweentwo or more things. 2. Somethingthat jars the mind or emotions:Her d.eath u)asa terribb shockto her family. shocked adiectiw Overcomewith intensefsslin& as of amazement, horror, or dismay: u>asshockedby the blaodshedand oiobnce of unr. shocking adiecthn l. Very bad. 2. Deservingstrongcondemnation. 3. Too awful to be described. 4. Disgracefully and gossly ofiensive. 5. Beyondall reason. shoddy adiecthn 1. Of decidedly inferior quality: shoddy uorknarwhip.
2. Showing signs of wear and tear or neglect.
shoo-in twun Informal.A competitorregardedasthe mostlikely winner.
840 SEND.
wnncx tyrb. l. rot-n oerb. 2. Nncr-ncr oerb. 3. swnex oerb. l. r;nwtx Derb. 2. sstxn rserb. TREMOR |WUN. TNEMULOUS.
l. cor.o adiecthse. 2, rnnvur.ous. Syn.'shallow.
t. Syn: scandalize. -Idiom nostrils. 2. srl.rrn-n oerb. 3. rneuMerrzs.
stink in one's
1. cor-r.rsroN. 2. Syns: blow2, jolt, trauma.
Syns; aghast, appalled, confounded, dismayed, dumfounded, (also dumbfounded ), horrified, horrorstruck, thunderstruck. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
rrnnrslr. nw'evous. uNspnexenr,n. ournecEous. ournecEous.
l. Syns; base2,cheap, cheesy (Slang), common, crappy 6la;ry), crummy (also crumby) (Slang), lousy (Slmg), palry, poor, rotten Qnfornwl), schlocky (Slong), sleazy, t"ckyt (Infornnl), tatty, trashy. 2. snessv. FAVORITE
841 shoot lwun A young stemlike gowth atisittg from a plarft rwu shootsat the baseof the tnmk. shoot oerb 1. To dischargea gun or firearm: shot at a mooing target. 2. To"wound or kill with a firearm: Do yu't lcrwwuho shot him? 3. To launch with great force: shoot roclrctstouard' the fiwon; shootanirrss rPith a ctossbou. 4. To move swfiY. 5. To passquickly and lightly thto"gh the air' shoot down oerb To causeto be no longer believedor valued' shoot uP oerb To rise abruptly and precipitously. shoot down aerb shooting adiectioe Marked by severitYor intensitY. shoot uP oerb shop nuun A retail establishmentwhere merchandiseis sold' shoPworn adiectioe Without freshnessor appeal due to overuse' shore rwun A meansor device that keepssomethingerect, stable, or sectue. short adiectioe l. Not long in time or duration' 2. Marked-byor consistingof few words' 3. RudelYunceremonious. 4. Not enouglrto meet a demandor requirement' short adnerb 1. Without adequatePreParation' 2. Without any warning: stoppedthe cat short'
shortage rwtrn The iondition or fact of beingdeficient:a shortageof fu"I.
Syns: bine, ofishoot, runner (Bot.), sptig, sprout, tendril. L. Syn: frre. -ldiom
take a shot at.
2. Syns: gun (down), Pick off, Plug stop in one'-stracks' (Sl*rd.-Idiun 3. Syns; discharge, fire, hurtle, loose, project, propCl. -Iikonl let flY.
4. xvss oerb. 5. rlv. orscnrorr tzrb. SOAR.
sEE shoot. sHARPadiectioe. sss shoot. STORE |WUN. TRITE.
noun. suPPoRT 1. rnrnr. 2. nnrnr. 3. e-snuPT. 4. rxsurncrrxt. 1. uNewenss. 2. Syns:sudden,suddenlY. Syns; defect, deficit, deficiencY(oho deficience), failure, insufrciency (also insufficience),lack, PaucitY,Povery" scarcity,underagel. scarceness, scantiness,
shortcoming rwun
1. nnruct rwntn. 1. Something that mars the apPearance or causes inadequacy or failure. 2. wrer*nss. 2. A likirig oi personal preference for something' nrseov,lNrecn. 3. An unfa'vorable conditiorU circumstance, or characteristic. 3.
shorten oerb 1. To makeshortor shorter:hndn shortentheirstag in Poris;un'rfisto shortm the dtess. 2. To make short or shorter by or as if by cutting' shorthanded adiectioe I*acking the requisite workers or players' short-f ived adiecthse Lasting or existingonly for a short time' short-range adiectioe 1. Intended, used, or present for a limited time' 2. Designedor implemented so as to gain a limited, temporary advantage. short-sPbken adiectioe Rudely unceremonious. short-term adiectir:e Intended, used,or present for a limited time.
1. Syns: abbreviate, curtail, cut back, cut down. 2. rnuNc.ere. UNDERHANDED. TRANSITORY.
1. rnuponenv. 2. re.crrcer-.
shot shot rwttn 1. A brief trial, 2. Infomal. e favorable or advantageouscombination of circumstances. 3. A smallamountof liquor. shotgun rrerb .Infonrwl. To compel by pressureor threats. shoulder oerb 1. To take upon oneself. 2. To do or achieveby forcing obstaclesout of one's way.
shout rrmun A loud cry: a shout for help. shout oerb l. To say (something) with a shout: Fans shouted their afproul. ?. Tt . r"k or say very loudly. h*." g produce a blatantly startling efiect. 1. T" 4. AutraL To pay for the food, drink, or "entertainment of (another). shove oerb l- To force to move or advance with or as if with blows or pressure. 2. To do or achieve by forcing obstacles out of one,s way. 3. To force one's way into a place or situation. 4. To cause to stick out. 5.. To eng-agein the illicit sale of (narcotics). shove off oerb SP"g.To move or proceed away from a place. shove noun An act or instance of using force so as to propel ahead. shovel oerb 1. To break, turn over, or_remove (earth, sand, etc.) with or as if with a tool. 2. To make by digging. shove off oerb show oerb l. To make manif,est or apparent: showed pruderrce by ilriuing carefully. 2. To make visible; bri"g to view. 3. To come into view. 4. To make knowl-o_r identify, as by signs. r 5. To present a lifelike imaee of. a public and uir. ostentatious show of. 9. I" T*k" /. l'o-give a precise indication of, as on a register or scale: The th,ermomcter shuns lg"F. 8. To establish as true or genuine. show off oerb To make a public and usu. ostentatious show of. show up wrb l. Infonrnl. To come into view. 2. To come to a particular place. show rroun l. An act of showing or displayine. lgg: pub-lic display, of goias, works of art, etc. ?. 1 "i 3. A display of insinclere behavi6r. !. { dgceptve outward appearance. 5. Performance, as in a competitjon or test of skill.
1. rnv rwun. 2. opponrvurty. 3. onop rwun. COERCE. ASSUME.
pvstt oerb.
Syns; call, halloo (aho halloa), holler, yell. l. Syns: bawl, bellow, cry, holler, vociferate, whoop, yell. 2. ao^R oerb. 3. scnnav oerb. 4. rnr.rr oerb.
L. onwn oerb. 2. pvsrt oerb. 3. uusct-n oerb. 4. por,n oerb. 5. pvsrt aerb. co oerb. PUS}Jrmun. l. orc oerb. 2. otc aerb. srr shove. l. Syns: demonstrate, display, evidence, ^ evince, exhibit, manifeit, proclaim. 2. nnvre.l. 3. appe.rn. 4. orsrcwerr. 5. nrpnrsnrirr. 6. otspuy tserb. 7. Syns: indicate, mark, read, record, register. 8. pnow. otspl-ty aerb. l. eppnen. 2, ennlvt. 1. orspr.ay rwun. 2. BxHrsrtrox. 3. ecr noun. 4. regeon. 5. srrowrNc.
843 shower noun A concentratedoutpouring, as of missiles,words, or blows. shower oerb praise on her. 1. To grve in great abundance:shoutered, 2. To direct a barrageat. showing twnn Performance,as in a competition or test of skill: mnde abrilliant shm:hryintlw fuwls. show off oerb show uP oerb shotly adiecf,we 1. Marked by outward, often extravagantdiqplay: a showyiliarrcnd-enntusteduatch. 2. Full of color. shred 1. A tiny amount. 2. The leastbit. shrew rwrrrr A person,esp. a woman, who habitually usesloud, abusivelanguage. shrewd a.d,iectioe l. Having or showinga cleve-rawarenessand resouriefulnessin practical matters: a shrewd bargaher; a shrewT,brtsinessdeal. 2. Having or suggestingkeen, discerningintellect. shrewdness rwun Skill in perceiving, discriminating,or judging. shriek nou,n A long, loud, pierclng cry or sound. shriek oerb 1. To utter a long, loud, piercingcry, as of pain or friglrt. 2. TJhave or producea blatandy stardingeffect. shrieky ad,ieaioe Elevatedin pitch. shrill adiectioe Elevated in pitch. shrill rwun A long, loud, piercing cry or sound. shrill oerb To utter a long, loud, piercing cry, as of pain or friglrt. shrif ly ad:iecthse Elevatedin pitch. shrimp nuun Slang.A totally insignificantperson. shrine nnun A sacredor holy place. shrink rserb
1. Syns; heap, lavish' rain' oerb' 2' sARRAcB Syn; show. sEE show. srr show. 1. Syns; famboyant, ostentatious, pretentious, splashY, sPlurry. 2. cor-onrur-. 1. srrl. 2. oerraNtwun, scol.D floun
1. Syns; astute, c gey (aho cary), knowing perspicacious, sawy (Slory), slick, sly (Chief'y Regiorul), sma^rt, wis€I. 2. rncrsrvn. DISCERNMENT. SCREAM nauxl. l. scnpervr tzrb. 2. scnr.t*t
HIGH. SCREAM flolr,fl,.
scnneu oerb. HIGH.
1. covrnecr oerb. 1. To reduce in size by or as il by drawing together. 2.To draw away involuntarily, usu. due to fear or disgust. 2. rr.rNcn. oerb shrivel DRYuP at dry. To make or become no longer fresh or shapely because of loss of moisture.
shroud oerb 1. To cut ofi from sig[rt. 2. To prevent (something) from being known. 3. To iurround'and covel completely so as to obscure. adiectioe shrouded Ln"g beyond what is obvious or avowed.
1. BLocK ou"Tat block. 2. covnn. oerb. 3. wntp oefu. uLTERroR.
shrunken dieatw . Phprcally haggard. SllUCk D6b let go or get rid of as being no longer of use, value, to etc. shudder oert To move to and fro in Sott, jerky movements. shudder rurun A nervousshakingof the body. shuffle Mb l. To.drag ($e feet) 4ong the foor or gound while Stopshufihg-yutr feet. ^ .*i"gt Z.-I'o useevasiveor deliberatelyvaguelanguage. 3. To mix together so as to changeilre ordJr oT arrangement:shuficd thc mds, ilwr dealt. 4. To proceed or perform in an unsteady,faltering manner. shun rnrb l. To keep awayfrom. ^!o slight (someone)deliberately. ,2. shush oerb l. To causeto becomesilent. .2.-To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. shut oerb an appropriate barrier into (an opening). To Tgu" shut in D6b To confine within a limited area. shut out wtb l. To excludefrom normal socid or professional activiUes. 2. To rid one'smind of. 3. To cut off from sight. shut up wrb l. To encloseso as to hinder or prohibit escape. 2. To qluse to becomesilent. shut-eye noun Sbng.The naturalyecurringcondition of suspended consciousness by which the body rests. shut in tgtb shut out Mb shut up wrb shyr dieaitn l. Reticentor reservedin manner. 2-.Not eloug! to meet a demandor requirement. shy oe$ To draw away involuntarily, usu. due to fear or disgust. shy2 wb thto"gh the air with a motion of the hand or h:"U shy twun An act of throwing. sibilate tprb To make a sharp Sbilant sound. sibyl noun A person who foretells future eventsby or as if by zupernaturalmeans. sibylline diecthn l. Liable to more than one interpretation. 2. 9f or relating to the foretelling of eventsby or as if by supernaturalmeans.
slatrc, oerb. TREMOR
l. Syns: scufi, scufle, shamble. 2. nguwocerr. 3. Syns; jumble, rifle, scramble. 4. uuoor.r.
l. avoro. 2. sNvn oerb. 1. srr-nNcnoerb. 2. nrpnnss. ctnsnr oerb. ENCLOSE. 1. sLecKBALr,.
2. orsurss. 3. srocx our at block. l. urapnrsott. 2. srunNcn oerb. SLEEP
sss shut. snnshut. srn shut. l. uoopsr. 2. rNsurrrcnn'r. FLINCH.
r:tln.ow oerb.
THROW fwun. IJ'tss oerb. PROPHET.
1. ervrsrcuous. 2. pnoprrrrrc.
845 sick ad,iec'tioe 1. Sufieringfrom or afiectedwith an illness:She'sutt sickwith the fa. 2. Of or associatedwith sickness. 3. Susceptibleto or marked by preoccupationwith unwholesomematters. 4. Out of patiencewith: siclcof the uhol'e situ'ation' sicken oerb 1. To becomeaffectedwith a disease' 2. To offend the sensesor feelingsof' sickening ad,iec-tioe to the sensesor feelings' 1. Extremely'unpleasant -be described. 2. Too awful to adiectiae sickly-Afiected or tending to be afiected with minor health l. problems:He's bem sicHg all winter. 2. Of or associatedwith sickness:You're looking a bit sickly thesednYs 3. Susclptible to 6r marked by preoccupationwith unwholesomematters. sickness rwtrr 1. The condition of being sick: sufets f,* o li:n'gerin'g siclmess, 2. A pathologicalcondition of mind or body. side noun 1. One of two or more contrastedparts or places identifiedby its locationwith respect-to,acenter:^ the rwrth tid" of the parlc seatedon both sidcs of the nble. 2. One of two or more opposingopinions,acUons,or attitudes, as in a disageement: Thete'sarnther side to the story. 3. The particular angle from which somethingis considered. side oerb To furnish with a covering of a different material. side with oerb To aid the causeof by approving or favoring. sidekick rwun Slang.A personwhom one knows well, Iikes, and trusts. sidesplitting adiectioe Extremely fu*y. sidestep oerb 1. To avoid fulfilling or answeringcompletely. 2. To evade,as a topic, circumlocution. side with oerb sidle oerb To advancecarefully and gradually. siege twun objective by hostile 1. A prolonged surroundingof "l trobps: the siegeof l*ningrad. 2. An often prolonged period, as of illness: a rnonthbrq siegeof hepatitis. siege oerb To surrourid with hostile trooPs. siesta rruun A brief sleeP.
1. Syns; down, ill, laid up (Infonrwl)' 2. srcxr-v. 3. Iv.onsro. 4. Syns; disgusted, fed up, tired, weary' -Idiurn sick and tired. 1. oerb. 2. otscvsr oerb. 1. orrrNsrvn adiectioe. 2. uNsprlxesl-p. 1. Syns.'ailing indisposed, low, mearf (lnfomwl), off-color, offish,-PoorlY, rocky, unwell. -Idiom under the weather. 2. Syns: anemic, peaked, PealrY,sick. 3. Lronsrp.
1. $yns; afliction, disorder, illness, indisposition, infi rmitY. 2. orsresn. 1. Syns;fank, hand.
2. Syn: part.
3. pnesn.
rtcn oerb. svpponr oerb. FRIEND.
1. ovenn. 2. sxrnr oerb. sEEside. nacn oerb. L. Syn: besiegement. 2. Syns: bout, go.
sift siesta nerb .To sleep for a brief period. sift tserb To set apart (one kind or type) from others. . sigh t>erb l. To exhale audibly in a long deep breath, &s in sorrow, weariness, or relief: He sighed when he heard the newg 2. To make a low, continuous, and ind.istinct sound. sigh rwrrn l. The act or sound of,sighing: heatsed,a sigh of retief -@ the plnne landpd saf"IA. ^ -2-. A low, indistinct, and often iontinuous sound. sight noun l. Th" faculty of seeing. 2. ln act of directing ih9 eyes on an object. 3. That which is or can be seen. !. An unsightly object. -5' _C.hitflVRegional. A great deal. Srghtfess adiectioe Without the sense of sight. sightlessness noun The condition of not being able to see. sightfy adiectitse qualities that delight the eye. .{q-"S Slgnlseef twttn One who travels for pleasure. sign noun l. visible or evident that gives gounds for .Soyething believing in the existence ot pr"r""n"e oi somethins o high forehead is tharght to be a sign of 9lse1.A intelligerce. ?. A" expressive, meaningful bodily movement. 3. An action, motion, or gesture that conveys an idea an order, or a desire. 4. A conventional mark used in a writing system. 5. Something that takes the place of woids in communicating a thought or feeling. sign oerb l. To affix one's signature to: We rigrnd the l.ease this morting.
2. To make bodily motions so as to convey an idea or complement qpeech. sign oyer wrb To change the ownership of (properg) by means of a legal document. sign up oerb 1. To become a member of. 2. To ask for employment, acceptance, or admission.
846 Ne,poerb, sont oerb. t. Syn: sough.
2. vrvnvtvn oerb. l. Syn: sough. 2. uunuun rvrun. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
vrsroN. r.oox rwu.n. vrnw nuun. rurss twun. nnep rrf,run.
l. Syns; evidence, index, indication, indicator, mark, manifestation, signification, stamp, symptom, token, witness. 2. cnsrtrnn rwun. 3. srcr.rAr,noun. 4. cnenecrnn. 5. nxpnnssroN.
l. Syns; autogaph, endorse, inscribe, subscribe, undersign. -Idionw put one's |ohn Hancock on, set onets hand to. 2. cnsrvan aerb.
l.;ont. 2. e-ppr.y.
signal rwun An action, motion, or gesture that conveys an idea" an order, or a desire i gaae us tlw silgnal to proceed. signal wrb l. To communiclt"-b/ means of such devices as lights or signs: sigabd the nain to mooe ahead. 2. To make bodily motions so as to convey an idea or complement qpeech. signaf adiecthn Readily attracting notice.
Syn; sign. -ldimn
high sign.
l. Syns.' flagr, semaphore. 2. cpsrung oerb.
similitude 6erb {"^U. noticeable or differenL cause to be eminent or recognized' ,.Zto / 3. To make bodily motions so as to convey an roea or complement sPeech.
alsosignificancy *?n significance -1.
That which is signified by a word or expression' 2. The qualrty or state of being important' 3. The gist of a specific action or situation'
significancY noun significanl od'iectioe 1. Having geat significance' 2. Conveling hidden or unexpressed meaning i. nff""tiuef conveying meaning, feeling, or mood'
nuu,n signification -t.
ftt"t which is signified by a word or expression' ^ i. Som"thing visib6 or evident that gives grounds,for the existence or presence of something else. oerb signifY -t. fo have or convey a particular idea' 2. To be of significance or importance'
sign over oerb sign uP oerb sifence rroun
1. The absence of sound or noise: the silerrce of a starry night. of speech: maintained a silence on 2. Theiuoi-d*"" controoersial isw,es. silence oerb To cause to become silent: sil'erced the chi'ld' u:ith a merncinglook. adiectirse silent l. Marked by, done with, or making no sound o-r noise: a sibnt nwuntain oalley; wept sil'ent tears; sibnt gurts. 2. Not speaking freelY or oPenlY. 3. Temporarit/unabie or unwilling to speak, as from shock or fear. 4. Not voiced or expressed: a silent admission of guilt'
1. prsrrxcursn. 2. orsruvcursn. 3. crsrunr tzrb.
1. uneNrNc rwun. 2. ruponreNcr. 3. rope. snr significance. 1. ruponrent. 2. pnacNeNr. 3. nxpnnssrvn. 1. NareNrrtcrtoun. 2. stcx rwu,n.
1. upeNl. 2. couvt oerb. snn sign. snr sign. 1. Syns; hush, quiet" quietness, quietude, soundlessness,still, stillness. 2. Syns: dumbness, muteness, speechlessness. Syns; hush, quiet, quieten, shush, shut up, still. 1. Syns; hush, hushed, noiseless,quiet, soundless, still, stillY. 2. recrrunN. 3. spnrcnr,Bss. 4, Syns: tacit, undeclared, unexpressed, unsaid, unspoken, unuttered, unvoiced, wordless.
silhouette rwun
A line marking and shaprng the outer form of an iobject' sif liness naun Foolish behavior.
silly adiecttu;e 1. So senselessas to be laughable. 2. Given to lighthearted silliness. 3. Displaying a complete lack of forethought and good sense. adiectioe sifver-tongued 1. Fluently persuasive and forceful. 2. Characierized by ready but often insincere or superficial discourse. adiectioe similar Possessingthe same or almost the same characteristics.
similaritY noun
The quality or state of being alike. similitude nDtn The quality or state of being alike.
1. roor.rsn. 2. croov. 3. rvrrr-ror.rss. 1, nr,ogurvr. 2. cnrr.
stmmer simmer oerb l. To cook (food) in liquid heated to the point of steaming. 2. To be in a state of emotional or mental furmoil. simmer down oerb To bring one's emotions under control. simmer down oerb simper oerb To smile in an insincere, knowingway. simper twnn . Anaffected, knowing smile. simpfe adiecthse l. Pot*S no difficulty. 2. Without addition, decoration, or qualification. 3. Not formal or ceremonious. 4. Not elaborate.,or showy, as in appearance or style. 5. Free from guile, cunning, or deceit. 6. Lacking in intelligence. 7. Having only a limited abilitv to learn and understand t g a complete lack of forethought and good H3|: 9. Of little distinction. simple nuun One deficient in judgment sense. 'adiictioe and good = simpfe-minded l. Having only a limited ability to learn and understand .2. Lacking in intelligence.
simpleton r{run
l. One deficient in judgment and good sense. .2. A mentally deficient person.
simplicity noun
l. Lack or avoidance of formalitv. 2. Lack of ostentation or preteniion. simplify aerb To reduce in complexity or scope. simulacre noun simulacruft't also simulacre rwun An inferior substitute imitating an original. simulate oerb l. To take on or give a false appearance of. 2. To behave afiectedly or insir-cerelv. 3. To contrive and present as genuinL. simulation nuttn l. A display of insincere behavior. 2. An inferior suh-stitute imitating an original. e simuftaneous adiectioe Existing or occurring at the same moment: simaltarwu,ts trarwlations. sin rwlln l. A wicked act. 2. That which is morally bad or objectionable. 3. Something that ofiends o.r"', ,"nr" of propriety, fairness, or justice. sin oerb To violate a moral or divine law. sincere adiectitse Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense. . Slne qUa nOn rwtn Something indiqpensable.
l. nov, oerb. 2. rr:lr- oerb. coMPOSE.
sEESimmer. slz.tnx oerb. SMIRK TWUN.
1. nesy. 2. sARr od.iecth:e. 3. wr,onuer,. 4. uooesr. 5. enrr-nss. 6. srupro. 7. nacrwano. 8. urror-nss. 9. uuurr,r adiectitse. FOOL N,CruN.
l. secKwAxo adiectioe. 2. srupro. l. roor, rwaLn. 2. roor. rwrrn. 1. nvronuer,rry. 2. uonnsry. BorL DowN at boil. sEESimulacrum. coPY ftoun. l. essuur. 2. rcr oerb. 3. pl.lrn oerb. 1. ecr twun. 2. copy rwrn. Syns: coincident, coinstantaneous, contemporary. 1. cnrtvrs. 2. nvu- n&m. 3. cnrrr.m.
849 sinew(s) nDun The state or quality of being physically strong. sinewy adiectiae Characterizedby marked musculardevelopment; powerfully built. sinful adiectioe Morally objectionable. sing oerb 1. fo utter words or soundsin musicaltones:I'eamed to sing in a schoolchons. 2. StnnglTo glve incriminating information about otheis, the authorities. singe oerb iro ,rndergo or causeto undergo damageby or as if by fire. singe nnun Damagethat results from burning. singer nwn A personwho sings. single ad,iectiae f Without a sPouse:a bar far singb people' 2. Alone in a given category. 3. Being or related to a distinct entity. 4. Not lit'id"d amongor sharedwith others' single out oerb To make a choice from a number of alternatives' single-handedlY adrserb Without the presenceor aid of another' singleness rwun t. tfte quality or condition of being unique' 2. "t\e condition of being one. single out oerb singular adiectioe 1. Being or related to a distinct entity' 2. Far Eeyondwhat is usual,normal, or customary' 3. Deviatingfrom the customarY. singularitY rwun t. fhe quality of being individual. 2. The condition of being one. 3. Peculiarbehavior. singularize oerb To make noticeableor different. sinister adiecthse Stronglysufuestiveof great harm, menace'or evil' sink noun l. An area sunk below its surroundings' 2. A place known for its great filth or comrption' sink oerb -'il'f" SJbeneaththe surfaceor to the bottom of a liquid: The Titanic sartkin 1912. 2. T-ogo from a more erect postureto a lesserect Posture. 3. To slopedownward. 4. To ,tttdetgo a sharp,rapid descentin value or price. 5. To becomelower in quality, character,or condition. 5. To causethe complete ruin or wreckageof' 7. To undergomoral deterioration.
nvw ad:iectine. 1. Syns; carol, chant, nne (Archaic), vocalize. 2. rwronu.
sunN oerb.
1. Syns; lone, sole, sPouseless, unattached, unmarried, unwed. -litimr footloose and fancy-free. 2. r,oxn. 3. worunu N' a.d:iectioe4. nxcr,usrvn. cHoosE. Ar,oNE adoerb. 1. urrgurunss. 2. umtv. sEEsingle. 1. rworvrpuN- a.diectioe. 2. nenn. 3. Bccpvrnrc ad,iecthse. 1. u.rDrvIDuALrrY. 2. uurrv. 3. rccBNTRIcrrY. DISTINCUISH. MALTcN ad,iecthse. 1. nnpnsssroN. 2. prc twun.
1. Syns; founder2, submerge, submerse. -ldiom go to DavY Jones's locker. 2. onop oerb. 3. onscsND. 4. pttt;' oerb. 5. ppmnroRATE. 6. pssrRor. 7. rs-r oerb,
sink in 8. To b.itg oneself down to a lower level of behavior. 9. To cause to penetrate with force. 10. To fall or drift down to the bottom. sink in oerb To come as a realization.
sink in oerb sinuous adieaioe . Repeatedlycurving in alternate directions. Sfp oerb To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid). sip noun l. An act of drinking or the amountswallowed. 2. A small amountof liquor. sire twun A male parent. sire oerb l. To be the biologicalfather of. 2. To causeto come into existence. siren norrn unscrupulouswoman who seducesor exploits *H: siren ad:iectioe Tendingto seduce. sirenic or sirenical ad;iecthse Tendingto seduce. sissified- adiectioe qualities more appropriate to women than to *fsit oerb l. To causeto take a sitting position. 2. To assumea particular position, as for a portrait. sit in oerb To act as a substitute. sit on (or upon) oerb Infornnl. To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. site noun l. th" place where a personor thing is located. 2.\\e placewherean actionor event occurs. site oerb To place in a proper positionor location. sit in wrb sit on (or upon) oerb situate wrb l. To pyt-in or assignto a certainpermanentplace: decidedto sihtate the rurcl.earreactorsfar from maior cities. 2. To place in proper positionor location. situation twun l. Th"place where a personor thing is located. 2. One'splace and direction relativJto one's surroundings. 3. Positioningof one individual vis-i-vis otlers. 4. Mannerof being or form of existence. 5. A post of employment. sizabfe dso sizeable a.diectioe 1. Somewhatbig: a si.zabbinheritarrce;a sizablepiece of land. 2. Notably aboveaveragein amount,size,or scope.
8. opscrrvo. 9. nrv. oerb. 10. snrrr,n. nncrsrnn oerb. sEESink. WINDTNG.
pnrNx trarb 1. onrNx rroun. 2. onop rroun. FATHER
l. sl,rlrgn tnrb. 2. pnonucr. SEDUCTRESS.
l. srltr oerb. 2. posn oerb. sussnrurE
1. posrrroN rnu,n. 2. scnvn. posrrron oerb. snr sit. snn sit. l. Syns.'install, locate, place, position, setl, site. 2. posrctoN oerb. l. posrrroN num. 2. snARrNc. 3. pr.ecr noun. 4. cor.rnrrroN. 5. posrrrou norrn. 1. Syns; [lggrsh, goodly, largish (a/so largeish ), respectable. 2. src adiectiae.
851 sizablenessalsosizeableness nornl The quality or state of being large in amount, extent, or importance. . SlZe Mrun 1. The amount of space occupied by something:measured the size of the room with a yardstbk. 2. The quality or state of being large i1 amount, extent, or importance: a city that inryessed me uith its size. 3. Great extent, amount" or dimension. size uP oerb tnfonrwl. To make a judgment as to the worth or value of. adiectioe sizeabfe
sizeableness tuo,nr size up oerb sizzle oerb To make a sharPsibilant sound. sizzfing a.diectioe Marked bv much heat. skedaddle' oerb Infornnl To leave hasUlY. skein rwun 1. Somethingdrawn or spun out like a fine, continuous filament. 2. Somethingthat is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. skeletal adiectioe Physicallyhaggard. skeleton rwwr A preliminary Plan or version, as of a written work' skeptic nuun One who habitually or instinctively doubts or questions:Political skqtics calbd into qwstion the ad,ministration'sPolbA. skeptical adiectine 1. Refusingor reluctant to believe. 2. Experiencingdoubt. skeptically o"dnerb Wittr sk"pticism: regardedthat plmr'mote thon a knle skeptically. skepticism noun A lack of convictionor certaintY. sketch noun 1. A short theatricalpiece within a larger production: a comic sketchin a oatietY show. 2. A preliminaryplan or version,as of a written work. sketch oerb To draw up a preliminaryplan or versionof. sketchY ad,iectioe l. Not perfected,elaborated,or completed. 2. Lacking in intellectualdepth or thoroughness. skew oerb 1. To turn asidesharply from a straight course. 2. To direct (material)to the interestsof a particular goup. skid oerb 1. To loseone'sbalanceand fall or almostfall. 2. To undergoa shaqp,rapid descentin value or price'
1. Syns; amplifude, dimensions, extent magnitude, measure, proportions. 2. Syns: amplitude, bigness, extent, geatness, largeness, magnitude, iizableness (olso sizeableness). 3. sulx. F,srtv.ATr. oerb. sEEsizable. sEEsizableness. sEEsize. ratssoerb. llLor a.diec'thse. ntnr Wrb. 1. nrnsaD nuun. 2. rercr.n nouitt.
Syns; doubter, doubting Thomas, headshaker,Humist, unbeliever.
1. rucnpour.ous. 2. pousrFur.. Syns; askance,dubiously, questioningly. -ldiorns with a grain of salt, with a note of skepticism,with a skeptical eye. DOUBT |WUN.
L. Syns:act, skit. 2. onerr rw,m. nrurr oerb. 1. noucn. 2. suprnrrcrar-. 1. swnnvn. 2. ilrs oerb.
t. sr;nn oerb. 2. rlu;. oerb.
skiddoo skid noun A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. skiddoo oerb Infomwl. To leave hastilv. skil[ rwttn 1. Skillftrlness in the use of the hands or body. 2. Nahral or acquired facility in a specifi" ""tirrity. skif led adiectine l. Having the ability to perform well. .?..!gty proficient as a result of practice and study. skillful adiectioe 1. Having the ability to perform well. 2. Well done or executed. skim oerb l. To make light and momentary contact with, as in passing. ?. To pass quickly and lightly through the air. 3. To strike a surface at such an anfle as to be deflected. 4. To look through reading matter casually. skim noun ltght and momentary contact with another person or thitrg. skimp oerb To be severely sparing in order to economize. . SKlmpy a.diectiue l. \ot enough to meet a demand or requirement. 2. Conspicuously deficient in quantity, firllrress, o, extent. skin noun 1. The tissue formingthe external covering of the body: bumed her skin in the sun. 2. The outer covering of a fruit: the skin of a tangerhw. 3. A thin outer covering of an object: the skin of an airuaft. skin oerb 1. To remove the skin of: skinned an onion. 2, To furnish with a covering of a difierent material. 3. Slnng._To exploit (another) by charging too much for something: We really got skinned 6y lnat restaurant.
4. To move swiftly. skin-deep adiectioe .l,acking in intellechraldepth or thoroughness. skinflint noun Slang.A stinry person. skinny a.diecthse Having little flesh or fat on the body. skip oerb 1. To bound lightly: chil"drm skipping aruntd, a Maypolz. 2. To strike a surfaceat such an angle as to be deflected. 3. To ceaseconsiderationor treatrnent of. 4. To fail to attend on pu{pose.
1. onrrpnrry. 2. esrr.rrY. l. esr,n. 2. eccoupr-rsHED. 1. esr.n. 2. Nner. l. nnusu oerb. 2. pru. 3. cr,eNcrr oerb. 4. snowsr. BRUSHfroun.
1. rNsurrrcrsNT. 2. urecnn.
l. Syns: epidermis, integument. 2. Syns: peel, rind. 3. Syns: lamina, sheath, sheathing.
1. Syns; decorticate, excorticate, peel, scalel, stripl. 2. rtcn oerb. 3. Syns; clipt (Skng), gouge (Infornnl), hgld up, rnck (Slang), overcharge, rip ofr (Slang), scalp Qnfonnal), soak (Slang), stick (S/ang). -Idioms make someone pay through the nose, see someone coming, take someone for a ride, take someone to the cleaners. 4. nvstt oerb. SUPERFICIAL. MISER.
r:am adiectioe. 1. Syns; hop, lope, skitter, spring trip. 2. cr,excnt oerb. 3. onop oerb. 4. anr wrb.
853 5. To break loose and leave suddenly, as from confinement or from a difficult or threatening situation. skip twun l. A light bounding movement: ran uith skips and iunrys ar:zlossthe plaggrunil. 2. Ln unexcused absence.
skirmish rwun A briel hostile exposure to or contact \vith something, as danger, opposition, etc.
skirt oerb l. To passaroundbut not through:skirtedthe motry potholnsin the road. or form a border on. 2. To put -evade, as a topic, circumlocutionzskirted 3. To oll the tutchy iswes to annid confrontations. skirts noun The periphery of a city or town: lfued on the sleittsof a huge metropolis. skit rww A short theatrical piece within a larger production. skitter oerb To bound lightly. skittish ad,iecthse 1. Feeling or exhibiting nerryoustension. 2. Given to lighthearted silliness. skulk oerb To move silently and furtivelY. skuf king ad,iectioe So slo*, deliberate,and secretas to escapeobservaUon. sky rwun The celestial regionsas seenfrom the earth. sky oerb To rise abruptly and precipitously. sky-high ad,iectine 1. Imposinglyhiglr. 2. Vastly exceedinga normal limit, as in cost' skyrocket oerb To rise abruptly and precipitously. sfab rwun A relatively long straigfrt,rigid piece of metal or other solid material. slack ad,iecthse 1. Not tautly bound to somethingelse. 2. Guilty of neglect;lacking due care or concern. 3. Characterizedby reduced economic activrty. slack oerb 1. To reduce in tension,pressure,or rigidity. 2. To avoid the fulfillment of. slacken oerb 1. To reduce in tension,Pressure,or rigidity. 2. To becomelessactive or intense. 3. To moderateor changea position or courseof action as a result of pressure. sfackening noun The act or processof becominglessactive or intense. slackness nou,n The state or quality of being negligent. sfam rrornt A forceful movement causinga loud noise: shut the iloor u>itho slmn; hit hX fot *, tlw table uith a slam.
5. nsc*n oerb,
1. Syns;hop, spring. 2. cvr twun, BRUSHtroun.
1. Qyns; bnlass, circumnavigate, circumvent, detour, go around. 2. rcnonn wrb. 3. Syns; burke, bypass, circumvenl around, hedge, sidestep.
Syns: environs, fringe, outskirts, suburbs.
sxle txrb. 1. nocv. 2. croov. swrex oerb. STEAITITY. AIR ftoun. SOAR.
1. r-orrv. 2. srnrpl. SOAR. STICK troun,
1. r.oosn ad,iectine. 2. Nncr.rcnNt.
3. sr,ow ad,iectioe. L. nt sn oerb. 2. Nnc;,,nc:roerb. t. nxsn oerb. 2. sussron. 3. wrennN.
Syns; bang, crash, smash,wham.
slammer slam oerb 1. To strike, set down, or close in such a way as to make a loud noise. deliver (a powerful_blow) suddenly and shaqply. ?. Ty 3. Slnng._To criticize-hlnrhty and devastatingly: TIie' candidate slmnmed his opporwnt for ileclining to debate.
rwttn place for the confinement of persons in lawful lb"g.A detention. slander rwtrn The expression of injurious, malicious statements about someone. slander oerb To make defamatory statements about.
sfanderous ad,iectioe - Damaging to the reputation. slant oerb 1. To depart or cause to depart from true vertical or horizontal. 2. To have a tendency or inclination. 3. To direct (material) to the interests of a particular goup. slant rwun 1. Deviation from a particular direction. 2. A way of considering a matter. 3. The position from which something is observed or considered. sfanted adiecth;e Angled at a slant. slanting adiectirse Angled at a slant. sfap noun A quick, r!rq? blow, eqp. with the hand: gaoe the rwughty child a slq on the bottorn. slap oerb l. To hit with a quick, shalp blow of the hand: stnpped the child for haoing tantrunw. 2. To criticize harshly and devastatingly. sfap around oerb To be rough o_r !rutal with: The police slnpped the su,spect around iluring questi,onirtg. sfap around oerb slap-bang a.diecthse Infonnal. Characterized, by unthinking boldness and haste. sfapdash ad;iectbe l. Indifferent to correctness, accuracy, or neatness. 2. Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste. slash oerb l. To penetrate with a sharp edge. 2. To decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising. 3. To criticize harshly and devastatingly.
L. nrxc oerb. 2. sn oerb. 3. Syns; blister, drub, excoriate, flay, lash (into), rip (into) (Informal), roast (Infornnl), scarify, scathe, scorch, score, scourge, slap, slash. -Iilioms burn someone's ears, crawl all over, give someone a roasting, pin someone's ears back, put someone on the griddle, put someone on the hot seat, rake over the coals, read the riot act to. IAIL rWUn.
ntnr, oerb. LIBELOUS.
1. rwcr-u.rntzrb. 2. rrrvol. 3. wts oerb.
1. ntcr.nqarrox. 2. r,rcnrl nuu,n. 3. porNr oF vrEw.
n,loisod;iectiDe. mx adiectioe. Syns: box2, bufiet, bust (Stnng), chopr, ckpr (lnformal ), cnff, smackr,-smacklr, spank, spat (Informal). l. Syns: blip, box2, bufiet, bust, cufi, smackr, spank. 2. st-ru oerb. Syns; knock about (or around) (Infonrwl), manhandle, mess (up) (Slnng), roug[r (up). sen slap. nesur.
1. cennr,rss. 2. nasnl. l. cu. oerb. 2. cur BAcK. 3. st-tv' oerb.
855 slash rwrilt, 1. The result of cutting. 2. An incision, notch, or sliglrt cut made with or as if with a knife. 3. The act or process of decreasing in length, amount, duration, etc. adiectitse sfashing So sharp as to cause mental Pain.
slate rwun 1. A list of eventsto take place or of things to be done, often with their assignedtimes. 2. A list of candidatesproposedor endorsedby a political party. slate oerb To enter on a schedule. slattern rwun A vulgar, promiscuottswoman who fouts propriety. slaughter oerb To kitl savagelyand indiscriminately. slaughter rwun The savageki[ing of manYvictims. slaughterer noun One who murdersanother. slaughterous adiectiae Eagerfor bloodshed. sfave oerb To do tedious,laborious,and sometimesmenial work. sfaver oerb 1. To let salivarun from the mouth. 2. To compliment excessivelyand ingatiatingly 3. To zuppbrt slavistrlyevery opinion or zuggestionof a superior. sfaver rwun 1. Salivarunning from the mouth. 2. Arclm,ic.Excessive,ingratiating praise. slavery nu.ilr A state of subiugationto an owner or master: sol'dinto slaoery.
sfavish ailiec'tioe l. Excessivelyeagerto serveor obey. 2. Copying another in an inferior or obsequiousway. 3. Not easyto do, achieve,or master. slay oerb l. To causethe death of. 2. To take the life of (a personor persons)unlawfirlly. sfayer rwun One who murders another. sfaying noun The crime of murderingsomeone. slaying adiecthse Slnng.Extremely funnY. sleary odiectioe 1. Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. 2. Of decidedly inferior quality. sled oerb To ride on a sled in the snow. sledge aerb Brit. To ride on a sled in the snow.
1. cur rwatn, 2. sconr rwun. 3. cursecx at Gut back.
l. scnepur,E noun. 2. rrcxrr
cnrxo oerb. l. onoor oerb. 2. rr,errsn. 3. reww. 1. onoor-rwttn, 2. rr,errenv. Syns:enslavement,helotry, serfdom, servility, servihrde,thrall, thralldom or thraldom, villeinage (also villainage), yoke. -ldioms involuntary servitude,the chains(or yoke) of slavery. 1. srnvu.p. 2. rlrtlternry.
3. orrrrcur-r. 1. xrr-r.. 2. lrrvnonnoerb. MURDERER. MI,'RDER TIOUN. PRICELESS.
1. snessv. 2. snoppv. stton oerb. st-mn oerb.
sleek sfeek adiecthn 1. Smoothand lustrousas if polished:the cat's sl.eek blackfin. 2. Having slenderand gracefullines: a sbek rww nmnrtiblc. 3-. Affectedly and self-servinglyearnest. sleek wrb l. f" qrre a gleaminglusterto, usu. throughfriction. 2. T-" changeor modify-soasto prevent recognitionof the true identiWor characterof. sfeeky adiectine Smoothand lustrousas if polished. sfeep nuun The nahral recurring conditionof suspended consciousness^by which the body rests:need.ed a futl eight hours of sl.eep. sfeep oerb To be asleep:slqt for twehsehuns.
sfeepin oerb To sleeplonger than intended:slqt in and uas Late to work. sfeepwith oerb To engagein sexualrelations with. sfeeper rwun Infornnl. A dazzling,often suddeninstanceof success. sfeep in oerb sfeeping adiectitse 1. In a stateof sleep:Slnepingchildrenare beautiful.
2.ln a stateof temporaryinactivity: a slcepinggbnt mwry the unnlignedrutiorw. sfeepless adiectiae Marked by * absenceof sleep. sleep with oerb sfeepy adiectioe l. Readyfor or needingsleep:tired, sleepychildren. 2. Inducing sleep:a hot, sbepy dny.
1. Syns.'satiny, sleeky. 2. Syns:streamlined,trim. 3. urvcruous. L. ctoss oerb. 2. orccvrcnoerb. sLEEKad;iectioe. Syns; shut-eye (Slnng), slumber, snooze Qnfornwl). -Idiums land of Nod, the arms of Morpheus. Syns: slumber, snooze (Informat). -Idiums be in the land of Nod, be sunk in sleep, catch some shut-eye, rest in the arms of Morpheus, sleep like alog (or rock or top), sleep tight. Syn.'oversleep.
rtxn oerb. IIIT
sne sleep. 1. Syns.'asleep, out (Inforrwl), slumbering, snoozing (Infornwl), unawake. -Iilicms dead to the world, fast (or sound) asleep, in a sound (or wakeless) sleep, out like a light. ^ 2. Syns: dormant, inactive.
snnsleep. 1. Syns.'dory, drowsy,nodding, slumberous(alsoslumbery,slumbrous), snoory(nformal), somnolen! soporific. 2. Syns:hypnotic, narcotic,slumberous (a/soslumbely,slumbrous), somnifacient,somniferous(a/so somnffic ), somnolent, somnorific, soporific.
sleer oerb Brit. Regiorul. To smile or laugh scornfully or derisively. sfeight rw.trl l. Skillfulness in the use of the hands or body. 2. An action meant to deceive 3. An indirect, usu. cunning means of gaining an end. sfender adiecthse l. Having little fesh or fat on the body. 2. Small in degree, esp. of probability.'
srvrrn oerb. 1. on>
857 sleuth twu,n Inforrnal. A personwhosework is investigatingcrimes or obtaining hidden evidenceor information. slew also slue noun lnfornul. An indeterminatelygreat amount or number. slice oerb To separateinto parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument. slice rwrr,n 1. The renrlt of cutting. 2. A part severedfrom a whole. 3. A thin piece,esp.of tissue,suitablefor microscopic examination. slick adiectioe 1. So smoothand glassyas to offer insecurehold or footing: steps slick with ice. shll and easein 2. Exhibiting or possessing performance. 3. Having or showinga clever awarenessand in practical matters. resourcefrrlness 4. Characterizedby ready but often insincereor zuperficialdiscourse. 5. Ashrte but lacking in ethics or principles. slick oerb 1. To move smoothly,continuously,and effortlessly. 2.lnfomwl. To dressin formal or qpecialclothing. sfiddery ad,iectioe So smooth and glassyas to offer insecurehold or footing. slide oerb 1. To passsmoothly,quietly, and undisturbed on or as a frozert slid'ing if on a slippery surface: slcnters pond,;ileciiled to l.etthe matter slide for the momert. 2. To move smoothly,continuously,and effortlessly. 3. To move silently and fr:rtively. 4. To move along in a crouching or prone position. 5. To lose one'sbalanceand fall or almost fallz slid.on the freshly ua*ed floor. 6. To maneuvergently and slowly into place. 7. To shift or be shifted out of place. 8. To ride on a sled in the snow: Ihe childrcn werfi sliding on ow hill. slide rroun A usu. swift downward trend, as in prices. sfight ad,iectioe l. Of small intensity. 2. Small in degree,eqp.of probability. slight oerb 1. To fail tb care for or give proper attention to. 2. To refuse to pay attention to (a person); treat with contempt. sfight rvn n An act or instanceof neglecting. slighting adiecthn Tending or intending to belittle. sfim adiectioe Small in degree,esp. of probability. slim oerb To lose bodily weig[rt, as by dieting.
cvr oerb. 1. cur noun. 2. cur rwu,n. 3. sscrroNrwun. 1. Syns; lubricious, sliddery, slippery, slippy, slithery. -Idioms slick as a geased pig, slick as greasedglass, rlipp"ry as an eel. 2. ourrnnous. 3. srnBwo. 4. 5. snenp adiectioe. 1. cr-rpn. 2. nnnssup at dress. SLICK.
1. Syns; coast,drift.
2. 3. 4. 5.
cr-ror. sNpexoarb. cr.l,wl- wrb. Syns: skid, slip, slither. -Idimn take a slide (or skid). 6. nlsn oerb. 7. st rp oerb. 8. Syns; sled,sledge(Brit.).
FAJ-J- ttOWl.
1. r.rcnr9. 2. nruorp. 1. rvscr.ncr oerb. 2. rcxonn.
slime sfime rwun A viscous,usu.offensivelydirty substance:a swimminc pool coateduith grem slime. sfimy a.diecthse Of, pertainingto, or coveredwith slime: slimy mud; a slimy, brackishpool. sfing oerb l. To sendthrough the air with a motion of the hand or arm. 2. To fastenor be fastenedat one point with no supportfrom below. sling noun An act of throwing. sfink wrb To move silently 1 and furtivelv. r sfink rwun 1. One who behavesin a stealthy,furtive way. 2. "I\e act of proceedingslowly, deliberately,and secretlyto escapeobservation. sfinkiness rroun The act of proceedingslowly, deliberately,and secretly to escapeobservation. slinking- a.diecthse So slow, deliberate,and secretas to escape observation. sfinky adiectit>e So slow, deliberate,and secretas to escape observation. sfip nuun 1. An act or thoughtthat unintentionallydeviatesfrom what is correct, right, or true, 2. Infomwl. A minor mistake. slip oerb 1. To shift or be shifted out of place: The bmes and cvashedto the floor. _ Wed fr*n ^V2. To move smoothly,continuously,and efiortlessly. 3. To move silently and furtively. 4. To loseone'sbalanceand fall or almostfall. 5. To undergomoral deterioration. 6. lnfomnl. To decline,as in value or quantity,vea _ g"do4ly: Stockprices slipped an etghth of a point. 7. To make an error or mistake. 8. To maneuvergently and slowly into place. 9. Vet.Med.To bring forth a nonviableletus prematurely. 10. To castoff by naturalprocess. 11. To dpplge (a bone) from a socketor joint: slipped his shoulfur in the socaerganw. sfip away oerb To fail to be fixed by the mind, memory,or senses. slip into oerb To put (an article of clothing)on one'sperson. sfip on oerb To put (an article of clothing)on one'sperson. sfip away oerb sfip into wrb slip on oerb sfippery ad,iectitn l. So smoothand gtassyas to offer insecurehold or footing. 2. Charactet'wed,byor exhibitingevasion.
Syns: muck, ooze.
Syns: mucky, oozy.
l, rsnow aerb. 2. ntNc oerb.
THRO\M twltn.
srvnex oerb. l. sNnex rwun. 2. srrer,rn.
l. rnnon. 2. r-epsp rwun. 1. Syn.'slide. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
cr.ror. sxsAx o€rb. st-rnn oerb. px.r. oerb. Syns; drop off, fall ofi, sag.
7. nnn. 8. ntxsn osrb. 9. urscenny. 10. srrpo. 11. Syns; dislocate, throw out. throw out of joint. tnrb. DON. DON.
snnslip. sEEslip. ser slip. l. sr.rcxadiectiw. 2. rvesrvn.
859 3. Astute but lacking in ethics or principles. adiectiae sf ippy So smooth and glassy as to offer insecure hold or footing.
3. sHenp adiectine. sr.rcK adiecthse.
sfipshod adiectiw 1, Indifferent to correctness, accuracy, or neatness. 2. Marked by an absence of cleanliness and order. rwtnt slip-up
1. cenpr,nss. 2. uBssv. sEEslip up.
sfip up oerb Infornwl. To make an error or mistake. sfip-up noun l.lnfornnl. An act or thoughtthat unintentionally deviatesfrom what is correct, riglrt, or true. 2. lnfomnl. A minor mistake. slit oerb To penetratewith a Sarp edge. sfit rwun The result of cutting. slither oerb 1. To move sinuously:A l,argeeartluoorrnslithered in the garden. 2. To lose one'sbalanceand fall or almostfall. 3. To move smoothly,continuously,and effortlessly. sfithery adiecthse So smoothand glassyas to offer insecurehold or footing. slobber oerb To let salivarun from the mouth. slobber nuu,n Salivarunning from the mouth. slobbery adiectioe Marked by * absenceof cleanlinessand order. slog oerb 1. To do tedious,laborious,and sometimesmenial work. 2. To walk heavily, slowly, and with difficulty. 3. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand shalply. slop oerb 1. To walk heavily, slowly, and with difficulty. 2. To take on or move with an awkward,slovenly posture. 3. To hurl or scatter liquid upon. sfope oerb To depart or causeto depart from true vertical or horizontal. slope rw.rn l. Deviationfrom a particular direction. 2. An upward slope. sfoped adiectioe Departing from true vertical or horizontal. sloping adiectirse Departing from true vertical or horizontal. sfoppiness noun Infonnal. The quality or condition of being affectedly or overly emotional. sloppy adiectbe l. Indifferent to correctness,accuracy,or neatness. 2. Marked by * absenceof cleanlinessand order. 3. Infornwl. Affectedly or extravagantlyemotional. sfosh wrb l. To hurl or scatterliquid upon.
1. rnnon. 2. r,epsB rroafit. cvr perb. cvT flou,fl. 1. Syns; snake, undulate. 2. srron oerb, 3. cr-rpB. sr,rcK adiectioe.
onoor oerb. DROOLfrawn. MESSY.
1. cnrwo r.rarb. 2. pr,oo. 3. sn oerb. 1. pr-oo. 2. st ovcm oerb. 3. spr,esn. rxcr-rNn oerb.
1. censr-rss. 2. unssv. 3. ssNrrMENTAL. 1. spr.esn.
sloshed 2. To fow or move with a low, slapping sound. sfoshed adiectioe SP"g. Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. . sfot noTtn 1. A post of employment. 2. A particular position in a designated order of importance. ^r-un
2. wesn. DRUNKadfectioe. 1. posrrrorv rmun. 2. pr-ecn rtortn.
The quality or state of being lazy. sfothfui adiectioe Resistant to exertion and activitv.
slothfulness rwun The qualityor stateof beinglazy. sfouch oerb l. To take on or move with an awkward, slovenly poshye: He slnrched into the room and fell into a big chair. 2. To-h*g @nll, loosely, and carelessly: a hat ulth a uid.e, slouchingbrim. slouch rrclwt A self-indulgjlt person who spends time avoiding work or other useful activity.
sfoughr rwun A *9. low-lyingareaof soft,waterlogged gound and standing - water. sfough2 oerb To cast off by nahrral process. sfovenfy adiectioe l. Indifferent to correctness, accuracy, or neatness. 2. Marked by * absence of cleanliness and order. sfow adiectioe l. Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired: sloro progress toward peoce; slou nafu during nrch hou,r.
2. Characterized by reduced economic acttvity: Car sal.eslwnrc been'slou this gear. 3. Having only a limited ability to learn and understand. 4. Lacking in intelligence. sfow oerb To cause to be later or slower than expected or desired. sfow ad,oerb So as to fall behind schedule: This clock rurw slow. The train is an hun slou. slow-footed adiectiw Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired. sfow-going adiectine Proceeding at a rate less than uzual or desired. sfow-paced ad.iectioe Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired.
slowpoke rwun lnfomwl. One that lags. sfo*-witted adiec-th:e l. Having only a limited ability to learn and understand. 2. Lacking in intelligence. sluer wrb To turn asideshalply from a straight course.
lof, slop, slump.
2. Syns:droop, flop, loll, lop2,sag,wilt. \^/ASTREL.
swAMP ftoun.
l. cennr.pss. 2. urssv. 1. Syns.' dilatoly, dragging, flagging laggard, lagging, poky (also pokey) (Informal), slow-footed, slow-going, slow-paced, tatdy. -Iilioms slow as a swamp hrrtle, slow as molasses in January. 2. Syns: down, dull, off, slack, sluggish, soft. 3. secKwARD adieaitse. 4. srupro. ow-ty oerb.
Syns; behind, behindhand, late. -Idimn behind time. srow adiectioe. sr,ow adiecthse.
1. secKwARo adiectioe. 2. sruprn. S\AIERVE.
861 snn slew. slue2 rwun slugl rwun DnlOP ftawl,. Informal. A small amount of liquor. sfug2 perb wn o&. Slarlg.To deliver (a powerftrl blow) zuddenlyand sharplv. slug3' twun \vASTNEL. lnfonnal. A self-indulgentpersonwho qpendstime avoiding work or other useful activrty. slugabed twnn \MASTREL. A self-indulgentpersonwho qpendstime avoiding work or other useful activiW. sluggard \MASTREL. A self-indulgentpersonwho qpendstime avoiding work or other useful activity. sfuggish adiectioe 1. r.prnencrc. 1. Lacking mental and phpical alertnessand activity. 2. sr.ow adiectir:e. 2. Characterizedby reduced economic activity. sluggishness nu.trr 1. A deficiency in mental and phpical alertnessand activrty. 2. r-eznrpss. 2. The quality or state of being lazy. slumber oerb stnnp oerb, To be asleep. slumber rroun SIJEP TWUN. The natural recurring condiUonof suspended by which the body rests. consciousness slumbering adiec-tioe SLEEPING. In a slate of sleep. slumberless adiectioe WAXEFUL. Marked by * absenceof sleep. adiecthse slumbrous slumbery, also slumberou's 1. sr.nsPY. l. Inducing sleep. 2. sr.nnrx. 2. Readyfor or needingtl""p. ssp slumberous. sfumbery adiecthn spe slumberous. slumbrous adieccioe sfump rwtrrl 1. rer-r, rwun. 1. A usu.swift downward trend, as in prices. 2. pBpnnssroN. 2. A period of decreasedbusinessactivity and hig[r unemployment. slump oerb L. onop wrb. 1, To go from a more erect postureto a lesserect poshrre. 2.To take on or move with an awkward,slovenlyposhrre. 2. st ovcrt wrb. 3. srl..Loerb. 3. To undergo a sharp,raptd descentin value or price. sfur oerb urrnu oerb. To make defamatory statementsabout. sfur nDnn REFLECTION. An implied criticism. slushy ad.iectioe SENTIMENTAL. Infornwl. Affectedly or ertravagantly emotional. sfut rwun Syns.'beggage,foozy (also floozey) A vulgar, promiscuouswoman who flouts propriety: a (Slang),hussy,jade, slattern"strumpet, tau:dry slut in firy. fonood tarts, trafiIp, wench, wanton. sly o.diectioe 1. Syns; furtive, secretive,surreptitious. l. Trickily secret: a slg maneu:er. 2. enrrur.. 2. Deceitfully clever. 3. snenp adiecttw. 3. Astute but lacking in ethics or principles. 4. srnrwp.
slyness sly oqb To move silently and furtively. sfyness noun Iack of straigbdorwardnessand honestyin action. Smackl oerb l. To touch or caresswith the lips, a signof passionor affection. 2. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sharply. 3. To hit with a quick, sharpblow of the hand. Smack rroun 1. The act or an instanceof kissing. 2. A suddensharp,powerful stroki. 3. A quick, sharpblow, esp.with the hand. smack ad,oerb Without the slightestdeviationin any respect. smack2 oerb To have a particular flavor or suggestionof something: Thosestaternentsynack of treason. smaGk rruun l. A distinctive property of a zubstanceafiecting the gustatorysense. 2. A disfinctive yet intangible quality deemedtypical of a.gven thing. SmaCXef nDrrn 1. The act or an instanceof kissing. 2. A suddensharp,powerful stroke. 3. -A quick, sharpblow, esp.with the hand. small a.diectioe 1. Not yet large in sizedue to incompletegrowth: mothersuith ffiall children. 2. Notably below averagein amount,size,or scope. 3. Brit. Reginwl. Consistingof small particles. 4. Of subordinatestandingor importance. 5. Not broad or elevatedin scopeor understanding. 6. Contemptiblyunimportant. 7. Not irritating, strident,or loud. smaf lest adieittoe Comprisingthe leastpossible. smaf f-fry idiecthse Inf-ornwl. Of subordinatestandingor importance. smallish adiecthse Ngpbly b-elo-w averagein amount,size,or scope. small-minded adiecttoe 1. Not tolerant of the beliefs,opinions,etc., of others. 2. Not broad or elevatedin scopeor understanding. 3. Contemptibly 'rvtununimportant. smallness Contemptibleunimportance. smaff-tim-e adiectioe Inf-ormal.Of subordinatestandingor importance. smafl-town adiectiae Having the restricted outlook often characteristicof geographicisolation. Smafm oerb Regional.To qpreadwith a geasy, sticky, or dir$ zubstance. Smarmy adiectioe Affectedly and self-servinglyearnest. Sman oerb To feel or causeto feel a sensationof heat or discomfort.
sNpex tzrb. INDIRECTION.
l. xtss oerb. 2. r^rr oerb. 3. st * oerb. 1. xrss rwtn. 2. pl.-ow2, 3. sr,ep rwun. PRECISELY.
Syns: flavor, savor, smell, suggest,taste.
1. rr.evon nuun. 2. rr,,lvon rwun.
1. rrss rwtn. 2. sr.ow2. 3. sr.ep noun. 1. Syn; little. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
urtt.r.. rrrver adiecth:e. rrrnon adiectioe. Nennow. pnrry. sorr.
1. rNror,nneNr. 2. xennow. 3. prrry. PETTINESS.
MrNoR adiecthse. LocAL adiectioe.
Sttre,tn Oefb.
UNCTUOUS. srtwc oerb.
863 smaft rwun A sensationof phpical discomfort occurring as the result of diseaseor injury. smart adiectioe t. Mentally quick and original. 2. Being or in accordancewith the current fashion. 3. Amusingor pleasingbecauseof wit or originality. 4. Rude and disrespectfr.rl. smart aleck rwun Infonnal. One who is obnoxiouslyself-assertiveand arrogant: ffiwrt abch,swho heckbd tlw spealeer;mwrt al,eckscrackingiokesilwing the looe scerv.
PA.IN fwtfit.
1. cr.rvnn. 2. resnroNenr.n. 3. cr,nvnn. 4. rupuopxr. Syns:know-it-all Qnforrrul), malapert, saucebox,smarty (lnfornwl), smarty-pants (Slang),wiseacre(Infonnal), wisecracker (Slntg), wise guy (Slnng),wisehead (Infornwl), wiseling(Arclnic), wisenheimer (also weisenheimer) (Infonnal), *itlittg (Arclwit).
smarten oerb To improve in appearance, refurbishing. smarting adiectioe Marked by, causing or experiencingphysical pain. Smarts Sl*rg.The faculty of thinking reasoning,and acquiring and apptyingknowledge. smafty rwun Infornml. One who is obnoxiouslyself-assertiveand arrogant. smarty-pants twm and Sl*rg.One who is obnoxiouslyself-assertive arrogant. smash oerb 1. To crack or split into two or more fragmentsby meansof or as a result of force, a blow, or strain. 2. To collapseor shatterby or as if by breaking. 3. To undergowrecking. 4. To strike together with a loud, harsh noise. 5. To causethe complete ruin or wreckageof. 6. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sharply. smash notnt, 1. An abrupt, disastrousfailure. 2. Violent, forcible contactbetweentwo or more things. 3. A loud striking together. 4. A wrecking of a vehicle. 5. A forcefirl movementcausinga loud noise. smashed ad,iectiae SI*rg, Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. Smashup rwwl smash up oerb To undergo wrecking. smashup rwun 1. A wrecking of a vehicle. 2. An abrupt, disastrousfailure. smatteref rwun One lacking professionalskill and easein a particular pursuit. SmaZe rroun A thick, heavy atrnosphericcondition offering reduced visibility due to the presenceof suspendedparticles. Smear oerb 1. To qpreadwith a Seasy, sticky, or dirty substance: smearedthe bricks utith mortar.
FD(uP at fix.
l. nrtntx oerb, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
snpAK DowN. cnesn oarb. cr-ttstt osrb. onsrnov. ;arr oerb.
1. cor-r-epsgrwun. 2. cor-r-rsron. 3. cr,esn rwun. 4. cnesrr twun. 5. sr"err,rtwun, DRUNKad,iectioe. sEESmash up. Cntxsttoerb. 1. cnesn noun. 2. cor,r,epsg nou.rr. AMATEUR.
l. Syns; bedaub, besmeat, butter, clart (Brit. Regional), dabr, daub, plaster,
2. To castaspersions on. 3. Slarg. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. 4. Slary. To render totally ineffectiveby decisive defeat. Smear rwun 1. A discoloredmark made by smearingzhad o huge srnaarof axle greuseon his ieans. 2. An attempt to destroy someone'sreputation: a carefully mglneercd $ne(n by use of nmors. smell noun 1. The senseby which odorsare perceived:Rodents oftm illentify tlwir ofsprirybA ntearwof snwll. 2. "I\e quality of somethingthat may be perceived by the olfactory sense:the rnitgbd mwlls of food and seawaterat the beach. 3. A generalimpressionproducedby a predominant quality or characteristic. smell perb l. To perceive with the olfactory sense:One cuid mvll the srnlee for mibs. 2. To have or give off a foul odor: This shrhnp mtells.
smarm (Regiorwl), smudge. -r:UO lay it on thick. 2. nr.ecrnN. 3. onynl^r oerb. 4. ovnnwnnr.u.
1. Syns; blot, blotch, dabr, daub, smirch, smudge, smutch, splotch. 2. Syns: mudslinging, vilification. -Idiorn smear campaign. 1. Syns; nose, olfaction, scent. 2. Syns: aroma, odor, scent, snu.ffl.
3. ern nDrrn.
l. Syns; nose, scent, sniff, snuF, whiff. -Iilimn catch (or get) a whiff of. 2. Syns: funkt, reek, stench, stink. -ldbm smell to higlr heaven. 3. To have a particular favor or zuggestionoflsomething. 3. sv.txcxaoerb.
smeller rwun Infnrtal. The structure on the human face that containsthe nostrils and organsof smell and forms the b"g""i"g of the reqpiratorytract. smelly adiectioe Infomal. Having an unpleasantodor: vrwlly furnes fr*, o soapfactory. smidgen rroun Infonnal. A tinv amount. smile rrcrun A facial expressionmarked by * upward curving of the lips: gaoenw a cheerysnib. smile wrb To curve the lips upward in expressingamusement, pleasure,or happiness:$nilcd and unoed good-bye. smile on (or upon) oerb To lend zupportive approval to. smile oh (or uPon) oerb smirch noun A discoloredmark made by smearing. smirk oerb To smile in an insincere,knowing wayt men vnirking at peepslwws. smirk rroun An affected, knowing smile: srnirl(sand gigg;lesin the back of tlp theater. smitch rw.ur lnforrnal. A tiny amount. smite oerb 1. To deliver (a powerfrrl blow) suddenly and sharply. 2. To bri"g great harm or wffering to. smitten Affected with intenseromantic attraction.
Syns; fetid, foul, foul-smelling malodorous, mephitic, noisome, reeking stinking. Brrl. Syn: gnn. -Idiom
broad grin.
Syns; beam, gnn. -ldiorns break into a smile, crack a smile, wreathe one's face in smiles, ENCOURAGE.
srn smile.
;;'r. cat.
-Id,ionrgrin like a cheshire
Syn; simper.-Idiom sardonicgrin.
Btrr. l. l*.rr oerb. 2. errr,rcr.
86 5 smolder oerb To be in a state of emotional or mental turmoil. smOOCh nuun The act or an instanceof kissing. smooch oerb To touch or caresswith the lips, esp. as a sign of passionor affection. smooth adiectioe 1. Marked by facility, esp.of expression:a ffinoth prosestyle. 2. Having no irregularities,roughness,or indentations. 3. Posingno difficulty. 4. Free from severityor violence,as in movement. 5. Effortlesslygraciousand tacfi in social manner. smooth oerb l. To makeeven,smooth,or level. 2. To bring to perfecUonor completion. 3. To bring to perfectionor completion. smooth over oerb To bring (something)into a state of agreementor accord. smooth over oerb smooth-spoken adiectioe Fluently persuasiveand forceful. smother oerb l. To stop the breathingof. 2. To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. 3. To render totally ineffectiveby decisivedefeat. smothering rwun The act of restrainingforcefully. smudge oerb 1. To makedirty. 2, To spreadwith a greasy,sticky, or dirty substance. on. 3. To castaspersions smudge rottn A discoloredmark madeby smearing. smuggle oerb 1. To import or export secretlyand illegally: srrrugg;led in cocainefrom Smth America. 2. To bti"g in or take out secretlyzFriend,lydiplnruts srrugg;ledthe hostagesout of the country. Smuggler rroun A person who engagesin smuggling:o..rmssrnugg;lers operatingwt of Northem lreland. SmUt rwun Somethingthat is offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. smut oerb 1. To soil with foreign matter. 2. To castaspersions on. smutch oerb To make difly. smutch iroun A discoloredmark made by smearing. smutty adieaioe l. Covered or stainedwith or as if with dirt or other impurities. 2. Offensiveto acceptedstandardsof decency. SnaGk rwu,n A light meal.
r,otl- Derb. Krss rwun. rtss oerb.
1. Syns; cursive, easy, effortless, flowing, fuent, fluid, gaceful, ready, running. 2. rvrNr adiectioe. 3, resv. 4. cnNrr,B adfectioe. 5. sueve. l. nvnl{ oerb. 2. psnrncr oerb. 3. pnnrncr oerb. SETTLE.
1. cnoxn. 2. nnpnnss. 3. ovpnwrrnr.u. REPRESSION.
l. otxrv oerb. 2. svtntn oerb. 3. nr-ecrnN. SMEAR |IOUN.
l. Syns; bootleg, contraband, run. -Idiorn run contraband. 2. Syns: sneak, spirit.
Syns: bootlegger, contrabandist, rururer.
1. srerN r:arb. 2. sLAcKEN. otnrt oerb. SMEAR |WUN.
1. ornry a.diectioe. 2. osscnNE. BITE tWUn.
snafu Snafu Derb t. SlayS.To harm irreparablyttoo"gh inept handling; make a messof. 2. Slang.To put into total disorder. snafu rwun l^. S_U"g.Alack of order or regulararrangement. 2. Slnng.A ruinous state of disorder. Snag norm 1. Anything that impedes prevents enty or passage, _or 2. A tricky or unsuspectedcondition. Snake oerb 1. To move along-ina crouchingor prone position. 2. To move silently and furtively. 3. To move sinuously. 4. To move or proceedon a repeatedlycurving course. Snary adiectioe Repeatedlycurving in alternate directions. Snap oerb l. To **" a li$! sharp noise: The bck snappedshut. 2. To make a suddensharp,explosivenoise. 3. To undergo partial breaking. 4. To give way mentally and emotionally. 5. To Sasp at (something)eagerly,forcibly, and with the jaws: sharlcssnappingat the {-ptly bloody bait. 6. To qpeakabruptly and sharply: He snappedat me f* r- recrsonat all. snap rraun l. A light, sharp noise: the snap of a light $Ditch. 2. A suddensharp,explosivenoise. 3. A suddenpull. 4. Infornwl. An aggressivereadinessto undertake taxing efforts. 5. Chiefly Brit. Regional.A light meal. 6. A tiny amount. 7. lnfornwl. An easilyaccomplishedtask. snap a.diectioe l. Spoken,performed,or composedwith little or no preparation or forethought. 2. InJorrnal.Posingno difficulty. snappish adieaioe l. Easily annoyed. 2. Having or showinga bad temper. snappy a.diectioe l. Infonrnl. Diqposedto action. 2. Inforrnn. Full of or characterizedby a lively, emphatic, eagerquality. 3. Infnntal. Being or in accordancewith the current fashion. 4. Easilyannoyed. Snafe oerb To gain control of or an advantageover by or as if by trapping. snare ftotrfr Somethingthat leadsone into a place or sihraUonfrom which escapeis difficult. Snarll rwrun 1. A lack of order or regular arrangement. 2. Somethingthat is intricately and often bewilderingly complex.
866 l. sorcr oerb. 2. corwusr. l. orsonnpR rwun 2. sorcH noun. l. sAR rwun. 2. cercn rrntn. l. 2. 3. 4.
cntwr rmrb. sxntx oerb. sr-rrnrn. wtvnP.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Syns; clack, clacket (Regiornl), click. cntcx oerb. cnrcx oerb. snrAK DowN. Syns; catch, nipl, snatch, strike.
6. Syns.'bark, snarl2. -Idiom,s bite someone's head off, snap someone's head (or nose) off. l. Syns: clack, click. 2. nuponr noun. 3.;rnx noun. 4. pnrvn noun. 5. srrr rwun, 6. srrl rwun. 7. r;nnnzn rwun. l. pxrnupoRANEous. 2. resv. l. rnnrresr.E. 2. u*-rnuPERED. 1. vrconous. 2. sprnrrno. 3. resnroxe-Br-s. 4. rnnrreslr. clrrcrr oerb.
1. orsonpsr noun. 2. reNcr-p rrou,n.
snarl Derb 1. sriaANcLE. 1. To twist together so that separationis difficult. 2. coupr-rcerp. 2. To make complex, intricate, or perplexing. 3. corqrusn. put into total disorder. 3. To 'oerb snarl2 sNt,e oerb. To speakabruptly and sharply. snatch oerb l. clrcr oqrb. l. To get hold of (somethingmoving). 2. sntzn, of. forcible possession quick and To take 2. 3. srnr,J- wrb. 3. To take (another'sproperty) without permission. 4. rroxar. 4. Slnng.To seizeand detain (a person)unlawfully. 5. suep oerb. 5. To gasp at (something)eagerly,forcibly, and abruptly with the jaws. snatch nmtn CATCHfwtnl,. The act of catching,esp. a zuddentaking and holding. Sneak oerb l. Syns; creep, glide, gumshoe (Slary), 1. To move silently and furtivelyz tried to meak rut of lurk, mouse, prowl, pussyfooL shirk, the room whm my back ua"sfiimed; a cat hrglar skulk, slide, slink, slip, sln snake, steal. meaking onto the roof. 2. suuccr.n. 2.To britrg in or take out secretly. sneak twun Syns.' slink, sneaker, weasel. One who behavesin a stealthy,ftrrtive way: Her sneak of a hwbond was deceioingher. sneaker rwtrn SNEAKftaun One who behavesin a stealthy,firrtive way. sneakaness rrnn 1. uirorarcnoN. 1. Lack of straighdorwardnessand honestyin action. 2. srner.rrr. 2. Tbe act of proceedingslowly, deliberately, and secretly to escapeobservation. sneaking odiectioe 1. srrer.rrrv. 1. So slow, deliberate, and secret as to escape observation. 2. uronnrrexo. 2. Marked by treachery or deceit. sneakish od,iectioe SIEALTI{Y. So slow, deliberate, and secret as to escape observation. sneaky adiectioe 1. So slow, deliberate, and secret as to escapeobservation. l. srper.rnr. 2. uNosRHAND. 2. Marked by treacheryor deceit. Snegf no.ttl Syns; fleer, snicker (also snigger). A facial expressionconveyingscorn or derision: He respondedto my idea uith a $teeL sneer aerb 1. Syns; fleer, sleer (Brit. Regiorwl), 1. To smile or l".tgh scornfrrllyor derisivelyt Tlw snicker (also snigger), -Idiorn ad audierrcemeeredat the politician's prcrnises, 2. To regard with utter contempt and disdain. sneer at oerb To make fun of. Sneer at oerb snicker dso snigget oerb 1. To l"ogh in a stifledway. 2. To smile or l",rgh scornfully or derisively. snicker alsosnigger rwrnt l. A stifledl"rrgh. 2. A facial expressionconveyingscorn or derision. sniff oerb To perceive with the oHactorysense. snigger oerb b nmm snippety od,iectioe Rudely unceremonious.
onets lip. 2. onsprsp. nrotcvta oerb. sEESneer. l. ctcr;tn oerb. 2. srrnn oerb. l. crccr,r rwu,n. 2. srwpn rroun. s:llrr.t tnrb. snn snicker. ABRUPT.
snrpPy snippy adiectioe Rudelv unceremonious. snit noun Slang.A condition of excited distress. snitch oerb l. Slary. To give incriminating information about others, the authorities. 2. Slmq. To take (another'sproperty) without permissisn. snitch alsosnitcher noun Sl-rg.One who givesincrimitratirrginformation about others. snitcher noun SnOb rw.rn One who deqpisespeople or things he regardsas inferior, eqp.becauseof socialor intellecfual pretension: That nob feels all American nwDiesMe trash. snobbish adieahrc Characteristicof or resemblinga snob: a mobbish attitudc. snobby adiecthn Characteristicof or resemblinga snob. SnOOp oerb Infornnl. To look into or inquire about curiously, inquisitively, or in a meddlesomefashion:snoopinginto their primte busirless,looLlrryfor gossip. snoop fwntn Infornnl. A personwho snoops:an oftce moop who repeatedall the lntest gossip. SnOOper noun lnfonrwl. A personwho snoops. SnOOplneSS rwtm Inforrnal. Undue interest in the affairs of others. snoopy ad,iec'tioe Infomwl. Unduly interested in the effairs of others. SnOOt twun l. Slang.The struchrre on the human face that containsthe nostrils and organsof smell and forms the beginningof the respiratory tract. 2. lnfornwl. One who deqpises people or thingshe regardsasinferior, esp.becauseof socialor intellechral pretension. Snqtty odiecthse Infonrwl. Characteristicof or resemblinga snob. SnOOze wrb lnformoL To be asleep. SnOOZe rroun Infonwl. The natural recurring condition of suspended by which the body rests. consciousness snoozing adieitan lnfornwl.In a stateof sleep. SnoOzy adiecthn Infornwl, Readyfor or needingsleep. SnOft ruyun Slang.A small amount of liquor. SnOUt twrtn Sbng. The stnrcture on the human face that contains the nostrils and organsof smell and forms the brg""i"g of the respiratory tract.
l. nvronna. 2. srnu- oerb.
srr snitch. Syns; elitist (a/so 6litist), high-hat (Slrlry), snoot (lnfonnnl).
Syns; elitist (a/so 6litist), hig!-hat (Slory), snobby, snooty (Infonnal), uppity (a/so uppish) (InforTrnl). SNOBBISH.
Syns; nose (around), poke, pry. -Idiont. stick one's nose into.
Syns: busybody, meddler, prier (also pryer), snooper Qnfornwl). sNooP ftoun. CURIOSTTY. CURIOUS.
1. r.losr twun.
2. sNon.
stnnp oerb. SLEEP |WI'N,
869 snorvball Derb 1. To makeor becomegeateror larger. 2. To increaseor expandsuddenly,rapidly,or without control. snub oerb 1. To sliglrt (someone)deliberatelyzda.redto a.d.dress hirn furailinrly and usasruntdly varbbed.
2. To refuse to pay attention to (a person); treat with contempt. snub rwttn A deliberate slig[rt gauenw a snub right in front of the boss. snuffr oerb To perceive with the olfactory sense. snuff The quality of somethingthat may be perceived by the olfactory sense. snuff2 oerb To causeto stop burning or giving tight. snuff out oerb To destroy all traces of. snuff out oerb Snug adiectioe 1. Affording pleasurableease. 2. Stretchedtiglrtly. 3. In good order or clean condition. snuggle wrb To lie or pressclose together, usu. with another person or thing: The cat wrgg;led on the blnnket. soak twun Sl*rg.A personwho is habituallydrunk. soak oerb 1. To saturate(something)with a liquid. 2. SInrW.To take alcoholic liquor, esp. excessiv"lyot habitually. 3. Slong.To exploit (another)by chargingtoo much for something. soak in oerb To come as a realization. soak up oerb l. To take in (moishrreor liquid). 2. To take in and incolporate, eqp.mentally. soaked odieaiae Covered with or full of liquid. soak in oerb soak up oerb SOaf oerb l. To rise abruptly and precipitously: The Wice of gold, has soared. 2. To move from a lower to a higlrer position. 3. To become greater in number, amount, or intensity. soaring ad,iectioe Extending to a great height. sob oerb To make inarticulate soundsof grief or pain, usu. accompaniedby tears. sobby ad,iectioe Affected or extravagantlyemotional.
1. rNcnresnoetb, 2. pxpr-oor. 1. Syns; cold-shoulder(lnfonrnl), cut rebuff, shun, qpurn. -Idiorns $ve someonethe cold shoulder,turn a cold shoulderon, turn one's back on, slam the door on. 2. rcxonn. Syns; cold shoulder(lnfonrul), cut rebuff, spurn. svntt oerb. SMELL
sEEsnufF. 1. couronrAglE. 2. reur. 3. rvrlr. Syns; cuddle, nestle, nt:zzle.
1. srenp9. 2. onwr oerb, 3. sxrN r:erb.
nrcrsren oarb. 1. nnu.rr oerb. 2. essonB. wnT adiecthn. sEE SOak. sen soak. 1. Syns; rocket, shoot up, slry, skyrocket, upsoar. 2. trsn wrb. 3. nrsn tnrb, TALL.
cnv oerb.
sober sober adiectioe l. Exercising moderation and self-restraint in appetites and behavior. 2. Full of or marked by digttity and seriousness. 3. Having or indicating an awareness of things as they really are. soberne6s noun The prgctice of refraining from use of alcoholic liquors. sobersided adiectioe Marked by sober sinceritv. sobriety tmun f . HEh seriousnessof manner or bearing. 2. Sober sinceritv. 3. The practice of refraining from use of alcoholic liquors. sociable ad.iectioe l. Of, characterized by, or inclined to living together in communities. 2. Liking company. 3. Characterized by kindness and warm, unaffected courtesy. 4. Spent, marked by, or enjoyed in the company of others. sociaf adiectitse l. Of, characterized by, or inclined to living together in communities: a social being. 2. Spent, marked by, or enjoyed in the company of others: a pbasant social afternaon. 3. Liking company. 4. Of or pertaining to the structure, organization, or functioning of society.
l. rnuprnern. 2. cnerrn2. 3. nper,rsrrc.
SERIOUS. l. cnevrlv.
2. snnrousrvnss. 3. reupnnANcE.
1. socrer,. 2. coupeNroNABLE. 3. cnacrous. 4. socrer,.
1. Syns; gregarious, sociable. 2. Syns: companionable, convivial, sociable. 3. coupervroNABlE. 4. socrnrer,.
socialize unib 1. To place under government or group ownership or control: sociali,zethe steel ind,wtry. 2. To fit for companionship with others, esp. in attitude or manners: socializing srnll children. 3. To take part in social activities: The team members socialize together off the fi"\d. societal adiectitse Of or periaining to the structure, organization, or furrctioning of society: pressures for societal change. SOCletary adiec-tioe Of or pertaining to the structure, organization, or functioning of society. SOCfefy naun l. People of the highest social level: wos fornwlly presented to New York society at a ball.
2. Persons as an organized body. 3. A goup of people united in a relationship and
1. Syns; communalize, nationalize. 2. Syns: acculturate, civilize. 3. Syn: mingle.
Syns; social, societary.
l. Syns; aristocracy, aristoi, blue blood, crdme de la crdme (French), elite (aho 6lite), fower, gentility, gentry, haut monde (Frerrch), patriciate, quality, upper class, upper crust (Informal), who's who. 2. pusr,rc twun. 3, unroN.
interest,activrty,or purposein H;1*"il-e 4. A pleasantassoeiationamongpeople. Sock twun l. Slang.A zuddensharp,powerful stroke. 2. Slang.The capacig to createa powerful effect. sock oerb Slnng.To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sharply.
4. coupervy rtoun, 1. slow2. 2. wer-r-op nuun. larr oerb.
871 sock away oerb Informal. To place (money)in a bank. sock away oerb sodden oerb To make thoroughlywet. sodden adiectioe l. Coveredwith or full of liquid. with alcoholicliquor. 2. Sl"ang.Intoxicated soft adiectioe 1. Yieldingeasilyto pressureor weight; not firm: sof butter; a soft pillnw. 2. Free from severityor violence. 3. Of a kindly, consideratecharacter. 4. Not irritating, strident, or loud: a soft ooice. 5. Not strict or severe. 6. Infonnal. Lacking in intelligence. 7. lnfornal. Affording pleasurableease. 8. Of smallintensity. 9. Afiectedly or extravagantlyemotional. 10. Characterizedby reducedeconomicactivrty. soften rserb 1. To make or becomelesssevereor extreme. 2. To moderateor changea positionor courseof action as a result of pressure. 3. To easethe anger or agitation of. softheaded ailiectiae as to be laughable. So senseless softhearted adiectioe Of a kindly, consideratecharacter. soft-pedal oerb lnfomnl. To makelessemphaticor obvious,foftpiaded our contributionsin an attentpt to take most of the credit for herself. soft-soap oerb L. Infonnal. To persuadeor try to persuadeby gentle, persistenturglng or flattery. 2.Infomtnl. To complimentexcessivelyand ingratiatingly. soggy adiectioe 1. Coveredwith or firll of liquid. 2. Damp and warm. soil oerb 1. To make dirty. on. 2. To castaspersions 3. To makemorally impure. soifed adiectbe Covered or stainedwith or as if with dirt or other impurities. soify adiecthse Covered or stainedwith or as if with dirt or other impurities. soirtie alsosoir6e nDrrn A large or important social gathering. soiourn oerb To remainas a guestor lodger. sojourn noun A remaining in a place as a guestor lodger. solace oerb To give hope to in time of grief or pain.
sEEsock. war oerb. 1. wsr adiectioe. 2. onuxx ad;iectioe. 1. Syns; mushy, pappy,pulpous, pulpy, quagg/, sponry, squashy, squelchy, squishy, yrelding. 2. cpurr-r ad,iectioe. 3. cpwrr-n adiecthse. 4. Syns: hushed, low, low-key (oho lowkeyed), quiet, small, subdued. 5. ror-nneNt. 6. srupro. 7. covronrABlE. 8. r,rcnr2. 9. spvruvrnvre,r.. 10. sr,ow a,iliectioe. 1. uoonnern oerb. 2. wpexnN. 3. pecrrv. FOOLTSH.
cENTLE ad,iectioe. Syns; de-emphasize, play down, tone down.
l. coex. 2. r'r.errpn.
l. wnr ad,iectioe. 2. sncrv. l. orctrv oerb. 2. nr-ecruN. 3. rem'r oerb. DrRTYadiectioe.
DrRfi adiectioe.
srllvr oerb. stevr noun. couronr
soldier solace noun A consolingin time of gief or pain. soldier ruoun One who engagesin a combat or struggle.
soldierly ofirittue Pertaining to, characteristic of, or performed by troops. SOfe ad.iectioe l. Alone in a given category. 2. Not divided among or shared with others. 3. Without a spouse.
solecism noun A term whoseform offendsagainstestablishedusage standards. sofefy a&nrb 1. To the exclusionof anyoneor anything else:I work solelyat night. 2. Without the presenceor aid of another. solemn adiectioe Full of or marked by digity and seriousness. sofemness rwun High seriousness of manner or bearing. solemnity rwun of manner or bearing. fligh seriousness SOlemnlZe oerb To mark (a dayor event)with ceremoniesof reqpect, festivity,or rejoicing. solicit oerb To endeavorto obtain (something)by expressingone's needsor desires. soficitous adiectiae l. Full of polite concernfor the well-beingof others. 2. Intenselydesirousor interested. solicitously' o&mb In a consideratemanner. sofid adiectioe l. Not easilymoved or shaken. 2. Firmly settledor positioned. 3. Unyieldingto pressureor force. 4. Capableof being dependedupon. 5. Servingto convince. 6. Being in or characterizedby completeagreement. judgment,reasoningor evidence. ?...Bq:d on good SOfl0anty rurun An identity or coincidenceof interests,pu4)oses,or sympathiesirmongthe membersof a group. sofidity oerb To make or becomephysicallyhard. sofidity nuun 1. The conditionof being free from defectsor flaws. 2_.The quality, condition, or degreeof being thick. -adieLttoe sofitary l. Set away from all others:a solitary Nonnan taatchtuaer on the English coast. 2. Lacking the companyof others. 3. Not friendly, sociable,or warn in manner. 4. Alone in a given category. 5. Far from centersof humanpopulation. solitude nuun The quality or state of being alone. sofo adoerb Without the presenceor aid of another.
2. pxcr-usrw. 3. srNcr-r adiectioe. CORRUPTION.
l. Syns;alone,but, entirely, only. 2. er-oxea&serb.' cnew2. GRAVITY.
nngursr oerb.
1. errrNrrvn. 2. recsn. CONSIDERATELY.
1. sourvnP. 2. sunn. 3. rrnul. 4. 5. 6. 7.
orprNoABLE. corwrNcrxc. uwewruous. sournP.
1. souxor.rEss. 2. rnrcxNEss. 1. Syns,'alone, apart, detached, isolate, isolated, lone, removed. 2. er-orvr adiectioe. 3. coor- ad;iectitse. 4. r-oxs. 5. nnuorn. ALONENESS.
AroNE a&:erb.
873 sofution nouln Somethingworked out to explain,resolve,or provide a method for dealing with and settling a problem. solve oerb 1. To find a solutionfor. 2. To arrive at an answerto (a mathematicalproblem). somatic ad,iecth:e Of or pertaining to the human body. somber alsosombre adiectioe l. Dark and depressing. 2. Full of or marked by digntty and seriousness. somberness nurtn High seriousness of manneror bearing. sombre a.diectit>e sOme adiectioe Consistingof an indefinitely small number that is more than two or three but lessthan many. somebody rwun lnfomwL An important, influential person. SOmeOne rwun Infonrnl. An important, influenUalperson. something noun One that existsindependently. sometime adiectiae Havingbeen suchpreviously. somnifacient a.diecthn Inducing sleep. somnifacient rxlun Somethinethat inducessleep. somnifero[s aho somnific' ad,iectioe Inducing sleep. somnific adiectioe somnofenl adiectioe 1. Readyfor or needingrl""p. 2. Inducing sleep. somnorific adiectioe Inducing rl""p. SOnanCe ruxtn The sensationcausedby vibrating wave motion that is perceived by the organsof hearing. sonant a.diectioe Producedby the voice. sOngster rwun A personwho sings. songstress rvntn A personwho sings. SOnOTOUSad,iectioe 1. Characterizedby languagethat is elevated and sometimespompousin s$e: sorlorouaphrasestlwt stined the crowd. 2. Having or producinga full, deep, or rich sound. soothe oerb 1. To make or becomecalm. 2. To give hope to in time of grief or pain. 3. To easethe anger or agitation of. soothsay oerb To tell about or make known (futrue events)by or as if by supernahral means.
soothsay ANSWER fWUn.
l. nnsorvn oerb. 2. wonx oerb. BODILY.
1. cr-oouv. 2. cnave2. GRAVITY.
snp somber. SEVERAL.
sEEsomniferous. 1. sr,nnpr. 2. sr,snPY. SLEEFT. souNDl.
1. Syns; aureate, bombastic, declamatory, fustian, grandiloquent higlrfalutin or hifalutin (aho highfalrtirg) (lnfonnal), higlr-fl own, high-sounding magniloquent, orotund, rhetorical. 2. nrsoNeNT. l. cN.u rserb. 2. couronr oerb. 3. pecrrv. PROPHESY.
soothsayer soothsayer t@un A personwho foretellsfutureeventsby or asif by mpernaturalmeans. sooty ad,iecthn Of the darkestachromaticvisualvalue. sop wrb wet. 1. To makethorouglrly 2. To take in (moishre or liquid). Sophism nuun Plausiblebut invalid reasoning. sophistic adiectioe Containing fundamentalerrors in reasoning. sophisticate oerb To make impure or inferior by deceptively adding foreign substances. sophisticated adiectiae l. Experiencedin the waysof the world; lacking natural simplicity: trbd to aryear sophisticatedbut trns really oery naioe. 2, Appeding to or engagingthe intellect. sophistry rwtrn Plausiblebut invalid reasoning. soporific twtut Somethingthat inducessleep: a soporific prescribedby the dnaor. soporific adiectioe 1. Inducing sleep. 2. Readyfor or needingsleep. S0ppfng odiecthse Covered with or fr:ll of liquid. soppy ad,iec-tioe 1. Coveredwith or full of liquid. 2. Slang.Affectedly or extravagantlyemotional. SOfCefeSS rwun A woman who practicesmagic. SOfCery The use of supernahrralpowers to infuence or predict events. sordid ad;iectioe Having or proceedingfrom low moral standards:IIis life was a sordid afair. SOre ad,iectioe 1. Marked by, causing,or experiencingphysicalpain. 2. lnforntal. Feeling or showinganger. SOfehead rrrnln Shg.A personwho habituallycomplainsor grumbles. SOfeneSS nou,n 1. An instanceof irritating, as of a part of the body. 2. A sensationof physical discomfort occurring as the result of diseaseor injury. SOffOW rroun Mental anguishor pain causedby loss or despair. sorrow oerb To feel, show,or expressgrief. Sorrowful adiectioe l. Causingsorrow or regret: a sonowful and shameful death. 2. Full of or expressiveof sorrow: a soruaful snil"e.
BLAcK odiectioe. l. wnr oerb. 2. onwx oerb. FALLACY.
1. Syns; cosmopolitan, worldly, worldlywise. 2. wrnr.r.ncruAr, ad:iectioe. FALLACY.
Syns: hnrnotic, nalcotic, opiate, somnifacient. 1. sr.nnpv. 2. sr-rnpv. wnr adiecthse. 1. wBr ad:iectioe. 2. sH.ITTMENTAL. WITCH
Syns; base2,contempUble, despicable, ignoble, low, low-down, meanz, squalid, vile. l. perrvrur.. 2. eNcnv. GROUCH froun. l. mnrrenoN. 2. perN noun.
1. Syns; doleful, dolorous, grievous, lamentable, lugubrious, moumful, regrettable, rueful, sad, woefi.rl (a/so woful). 2. Syns: doleful, dolorous, lugubrious,
sound2 mournful, plaintive, rueftrl, woebegone (a/sowobegone),woeful (aho woful).
sorry adiecthse 1. Expressingor inclined to expressan apolory. 2. Feelingor expressingregret for one'ssinsor misdeeds. 3. Disturbing becauseof failure to measureup to a standardor producethe desiredresults. 4. So objectionableasto elicit despisal. SOft noun A classthat is defined by the common attribute or its members. attributes possessed by "ll sort oerb 1. To distribute into groups according to kinds. 2. To set apart (one kind or tlpe) from others: sort the uheat from the clnff; sorting out good idnas frorn
1. epor-ocnrrcad,iectioe. 2. nmaonsEFul. 3. orsepporNTrNc. 4. rrr,rrrv. nN#.
l. e.ssonr. 2. Syns: separate, sift, winnow.
bad. 3. ennercn. 3. To put into a deliberate order. sort out oerb ASSORT. To distribute into groupsaccordingto kinds. sortilege rwun MAGIC TIOU,N, The use of supernaturalpowers to influence or predict events. sEEsort. sort out oerb SOt nou,n DRUNKARD. A person who is habitually drunk. 9O^R, Sough oerb L. srcn oerb. l. To exhaleaudibly in a long deep breath, rs h sorrow,weariness,or relief. 2. lrgnllivn oerb. 2. To make a low, continuous,and indistinct sound. sough twun 1. srcnrvrun. 1. The act or sound of siglring. 2. uunprunnuun. 2. A low, indistinct, and often continuoussound. SOuf twun l. Theol. The essentialbeing of a person,regarded as L. Syn:qpirit. immaterial and immortalzconsigwd his suil to Cod. 2. sprmr. 2. The vital principle or animatingforce within living beings. 3. The seatof aperson'sinnermostemotionsand feelings. 3. nnenr. 4. A memberof the humanrace. 4. nurvreN BEING. 5. The most central and material part. 5. nnenr. Soundl rwun 1. Syns; noise, sonance. l. The sensationcausedby vibrating wave motion that is perceived by the organsof hearing: Wlnt was that su^ud,? 2. Rangeof audibility. 2. npanrNc. sound oerb l. To have the appearanceof. 1, erpnen. 2.To test the attihrdeof. 2. rpnr- our at feel. 3. To makeoverturesto, eqp.for the purposeof 3, eppnoecn oerb. achievinga desiredresult. sound2 adiectine l. Not easilymoved or shaken:a horce u:ith a swrd, l. Syns; firmr, secure, solid, stable, sfurdy, sure. fotmdation. 2. In excellentcondition. 2. cooo ad,iectioe, 3. Having good health. 3. xrer-rrrv. 4. Basedon goodjudgment,reasoning,or evidence: 4. Syns: cogent, just, solid, Ught (S/ang), sourd.bgb. valid. 5. Servingto convince. 5. coNvrNcIllc. 6. Possessing, proceedingfrom, or exhibitinggood 5. sexn. judgment and prudence.
soundless soundfess adiectine Marked by, done with, or making no sound or noise. rnrun soundlessness The absence of sound or noise. Soundness noun l. The condition of being free from defects or flaws: tcsted the machine for sutndtwss. 2. The condition of being physically and mentally sound. 3. A healthy mental state. 4. Reliability i" withstanding pressure, force, or stress. SOUp rwun Sl*rg. A difficult, embarrassing situation. SOUpQOn nou,n L. French. A barely perceivable indication of something. 2. Frerrch. A rlight amount. Soupy ad:iectioe Infonrnl. Affectedly or extravlgantly emotional. SOur adiectioe l. Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids: a Dery sun l.emon. 2. Having a noticeably sharp, pungent taste or smell. 3. Broodingly and sullenly unhappy. sour oerb To make or become bitter. sour adoerb L. Infornwl. In such a way as to inflict hardship or difficulty. 2. W*/. Not in the right way or on the proper SOUfCe twun l. A point of origination. 2. An acquaintance who is in a position to help. SOUfpUSS rwun SI*rg.A person who habitually complains or grumbles. SOUS€ rroun Slang. A person who is habitually drunk. souse oerb l. To plunge briefly in or into a liquid. 2. To make thorouglrly weL SOuSed adiectioe l. Covered with or full of liquid. 2. Slnng.Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. SOUVgnlf rrotrn Something that causes one to remember. sovereign odiectiae l. Exceptionally good of its kind. 2. Having political independence. S0vereignty nunn The condition of being politically free. SOW oerb To put (seeds) into the ground for growth. SpaGe noun l. A wide and open area, as of land, slry, or water. 2. An extent, measured or unmeasured, of linear qPace. 3. A rather short period. sPaced-out adieaioe Slang. Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drup.
l. Syns; firmness, integrity, solidity, stability, strength, wholeness. 2. 3. seNrrv. 4. srasu-rrY. PREDICAMENT.
1. rnecn rwun. 2. snenn noun. SENTIMENTAL.
1. Syns; acerb, acerbic, acetous (a/so acetose), acid, acidulous, dry, tartl. 2. nrrrnn adiectiae. 3. cr-uu. EMBTTTER.
1. neno adoerb. 2. wnoNc adoerb.
1. onrcrx. 2. covrecr
l. orc oerb. 2. wnr oerb. 1. wnr adiectioe. 2. onuxr adiecthse.
1. rxcnr.r,rn'r. 2. rnpn ad;iectioe. FREEDOM.
szno oerb. 1. nxpeNsn. 2. orsreNcn. 3. srrl. DRUGGED.
877 spacious adiectioe l. Large in expanse. 2. Having plenty of room. spade oerb l. To break, turn over, or remove(earth,sand,etc.) with or as if with a tool. 2. To makeby digging. Span twun 1. The measureof how far or long somethinggoesin space,time, or degee. 2. A specific length of time characterizedby the occurrenceof certain conditionsor events. 3. A limited or specific period of time during which somethinghappens,lasts,or extends. spangle oerb To emit liglrt suddenlyit rays or sparks. spangle nou,n A small, sparHingdecoration. spank oerb To hit with a quick, sharp blow of the hand. spank noun A quick, sharpblow, eqp.with the hand. Spannef rroun Chiefl.y Brit. A tool with jaws for gipping and twisting. SPare oerb 1. To free from an obligationor duty. 2. To treat with inordinate gentlenessand care. 3. To usewithout wasting. 4. To reservefor the future. spare ad,iectioe l. Being more than is needed,desired,or appropriate. 2. Conspicuouslydeffcient in quantity, fullness,or extent. 3. Having little flesh or fat on the body. 4. Characterizedby an economyof artistic expression. sparing adiectioe Carefrrl in the use of material resources. Spafk twttn l. A suddenquick light. 2. A sourceof further growth and development. spark oarb To attempt to gain the affection of. sparkle oerb To emit liglrt suddetly it rays or sparks. sparkle nuun 1. Sparkling britliant light. 2. Brilliant, showyqplendor. sparkling adiecttue l. Amusingor pleasingbecauseof wit or originality. 2. Full of joyful, unrestrainedhigh spirits. SparSe ad,iectbe Conspicuouslydeficient in quantity, fullness,or extent. SpaSm noun A violent, excruciatingseizureof pain. Spat rwun 1. A discussion,often heated,in which a difference of opinion is expressed. 2. Infonnal. A quick, sharpblow, esp.with the hand. Spate r,oun l. Somethingzuggestiveof running water. 2. An abundant,usu. overwhelming flow.
1. snoAD. 2. noorvrv. L. orc oerb. 2. orc oerb. 1. n:rrnn'r. 2 pBnroo. 3. tnnu nuun.
rwsn oerb. GLITTER |WUN. sl-l.p oerb. 9LAP ftoun. WRENCH froUn, L. nxcvsn oerb,
2. rrvon oerb. 3. nconourzn. 4. sevs. l. suprnrr-uous. 2. ure.cnn. 3. rnrN adpctioe. 4. rrcxr a.diectioe. ECONOMICAL.
1. sr,rNK rruun. 2. csnn. covnr ryrb. rt tsn oerb. 1. cr.rr:rrn rwun. 2. cr,rrrnn rwun. 1. cr-rven. 2. nxunnnent. MEAGER. THROE.
1. encuunnr. 2. sr-ep rwarrr. l. rr,ow rrornt. 2. rrooo rwrrn.
spatter spatter oerb l. To hurl or scatterliquidupon. 2. To markor soilwith spots. 3. To makedefamatory statements about. Spawn oerb 1. To produce sexually or asexually others of one's kind. 2. To cause to come into existence. 3. Tg give rise to a particular development. sPawning adiectioe Capable of reproducing. spawning rroun The process by which an organism produces others of its kind.
1. spr-esn. 2. spor oerb. 3. nl,rlnr oerb. 1. nnpnooucn. 2. pnouucn. 3. cnxnnern. FERTILE.
speak oerb 1. To express oneself in speech: couldn't speakbecatne of Inryngitis; spoke to ea.chparent who attend,ed the play. 2. To direct speech to. 3. To articulate (something) in words. 4. To tdk to (an audience) formally. 5. To engage in spoken exchange. speak for oerb To serve as an official delegate of. rwun Speaker 1. One who delivers a public speech: a mooing and, efectioe speaker. 2. A person who speaks on behalf of another or others: The speaker for the goDelnor mad,e the antwuttcarwnt.
speak for oerb speciaf adiectioe 1. Of, relating to, or intended for a distinctive thing or group: a special medication for arthritis; a special entrance for the physicallg handicoWed. 2. Fixed and distinct from others. rwun specialty l. An area of academic study that is part of a larger body of learning. 2. Something at which a person excels. SpeCleS noun A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessedby all its members. ad;iectioe specific 1. Fixed and distinct from others: had rw specif,c pulpose in mind. 2. Of., relating to, or intended for a distinctive thing or goup. 3. Clearly, fully, and sometimes emphatically expressed.
l. Syns.'talk, utterl, verbalize, vocalize. -Idiufiis break silence, open one's mouth (or lips), put in (or into) words, wag one's tongue. 2. tnnnnss oerb. 3. rN-x oerb. 4. enonrss oarb. 5. corwnnsnr oerb. REPRESENT.
l. Syns; speechifier, speechmaker, talker. 2. Syns: mouth (Infornnl), mouthpiece (Infomnl), spokesman, spokesperson, spokeswoman. sEEspeak. 1. Syns; especial, individual, parUcular, specific. 2. spncrrrc. l. eRANcHrwun. 2. ronrr. xrunP.
1. Syns; express, setr, special. 2. sprcrar-. 3. pnnxrrr.
specificate oerb To make specific. nultn specificatioh A restricting or modifying element. oerb specify l. To make known or identify, as by signs. 2. To refer to by name. 3. To make specific. nuun Specimen One that is representative of a goup or class.
1. orsrcxers. 2. Ntvrn aerb. 3. supur-arn. EXAMPLE.
879 specious ad;iectioe 1. Containing fundamentalerrors in reasoning. 2. Devoid of truth. speciousness twun Plausiblebut invalid reasoning. SpeGk twun A tiny amount. speck oerb To mark with many small spots. sPeckle oerb To mark with many small spots:a white horsespecklzd uith browt spots. speGtaGle rwun An impressiveor ostentatiousexhibition. spectacular adiectbe 1. Suggestingdrama or a stageperformance,as in emotionality or fl$pense. 2. Of such a character as to overwhelm. spectator noun Someonewho observes. sPecter rruun A supernaturalbeing. spectral ad,iectioe Gruesomelysuggestiveof ghostsor death. Spectrum noun A supernaturalbeing. speculate oerb 1. To usethe powersof the mind, as in conceiving ideas,drawing inferences,and making judgments. 2. To take a risk in the hope of gaining advantage. speculation noun l. The act or processof thinking. 2. A venture dependingon chance. 3. Abstract reasoning. specufative a.diectine l. Of, characterizedby, or diqposedto thought. 2. Concernedwith or restrictedto a theory or theories. specufator rwun l. One who speculatesfor quick profits: stock-market specalators. 2. One who bets. SpeeCh rwrrn 1. The faculty, act" or product of speaking:a sme throat tlwt mailo speechdifiatlt; terms tlwt ocan in speechmrrrethan uniting. 2. A usu.formal oral communicationto an audience:a ml"eilictoty speechat gradtntion. 3. A sptem of terms used by a people sharinga history and culture. speechifier rwun One who deliversa public speech. sPeechless ad,iectiae 1. Temporarily unable or unwilling to speak,as from shockor fear: uas speechlessin her corftnion and sutprise. 2. Lacking the power or faculty of speech. Speechlessness rurun The avoidanceof speech. speechmaker nuun One who deliversa public qpeech.
speechmaker 1. rer-r-ecrous. 2. rar-ss. FALLACY. BITr. SPECKLE.
Syns;bespeckle,dapple, dot" fleck, frecHe, mottle, pepper, speck,sprinkle, stipple. DISPI,AY
1. oneuerrc. 2. sreccBnwc. \MATCHER. GHOST froun. GHASTLY. GHOST ftDu,n.
1. rruNx. 2. cl.lvrsr.Eoerb, 1. rnoucnr. 2. ceMsr-n rwun. 3. rnronv. l. rnoucnrFur-. 2. rnronprrcAl. 1. Syns; advenhrer, gambler, operator. 2. surron. 1. Syns; discourse, talk, utterance, verbalization, voice. -Idiorn oral communication. 2. Syns: address, allocution" declamation, lecture, oration, prelection, talk. 3.
l. Syns: dumb, mlrn, mute, silent, Ughtlipp"d, wordless. 2. ourvrs. SILENCE SPEAKER.
speed Speed noun l. Rate of motion or performancezdtooe at a rnoderate speed;unrkirq at brealcneckspeed. 2. Rapidnessof movement or activity. speed wrb l. To move swfiy. 2. To increasethe speedof. speed up oerb To increasethe speed of: We speededup the lo"di"g so as to be done by quitting time. speediness rroun Rapidnessof movementor activity. speed up wrb speedy ad.iectiw l. Accomplishedin very little time. 2. Characterizedby great celerity. sp€llt oerb To have or convey a particular idea. spell out wrb To make understandable. spell2 oerb To_actupon with or as if with magic. spell3 ,6un l. A rather short period. 2. A limited, often assignedperid of activity, duty, or opportunity. spcll oerb To free from a speciffcduty by acting as a zubstitute. spelfbind oerb' 1. To act upon with or as if with magic. 2. To compel the attention, interes! imagination,etc., of. spell out M'b spend oerb 1. To distribute (money)aspayment: The studb cpffit a million dollats to pronwte tfu filn. 2. To use all of. 3. To use time in a particular way: spent nunmerc at the berch; spent the ilag calaiotittgher taxes. 4. To be depleted. spendthrift adieaioe Characterizedby excessiveor imprudent qpending. spendthrift rxntn A person who qpendsmoney or resourceswastefully. Spefm rwun The male fluid of fertilization. Spew wrb To send forth (confinedmatter) violently. sphere rroun An area within which somethingor someoneexists, acts, or has influence or power. spherical alsospheric adiectiae Having the shapeof a curve everywhere equidistant point. from a fixed -spheroidic, spheroidical adiectine spheroid also Having the shapeof a curve everywhereequidistant from a fixed point. spheroidic ab6 spheroidical adiectioe spic-and-span diectiae In good order or clean condition.
1. Syns; celerity, clipr (Infornwl), pace, quiclrress, rapidity, swiftness, tempo, velocity. 2. nesrn raurn. l. nuss oerb. 2. sprrp up. Syns: accelerate, expedite, hasten, hurry, quicken, speed, step up. HASTEftoun. sEEspeed. 1. gurcx a.diectioe. 2. resr adiectioe. uEeNl. EXPLAIN.
cruxnu oerb. l. nrrl. 2. rtrnN noun.
RELIEVE. L. clgtanl oerb. 2. cnrp oerb. snn spelll.
l. Syns:disburse,expend,fork out (Inforntal), grve,lay ourt(lnfornwl), outlay, pay, shell out (Infornwl). 2. Bnneusr. 3. Syns; pass,put in. 4. en oerb. EXTRAVAGANT. \ilASTREL.
9E'F'D ftoltfr. ERUPT. RANGE |IOUN.
sEEspheroid. NEAT.
881 spicy adiectiae Borderingon indelicacyor impropriety. Splel oerb Slang.To talk volubly, persistently,and usu. inconsequentially. spill oerb 1. To come to the ground suddenlyand involuntarily. 2. lnfornwl. To disclosein a breachof confidence. 3. To grow or spreadin a disorderly or planless fashion. spill norut A zuddeninvoluntary drop to the ground. spin noun Infornwl. A trip in a motor vehicle. spin oerb 1. To rotate rapidly: sryn the top; car uheels spinning on the ice. 2. To have the sensationof turning in circles: left the taoem aith hi^shead spirming. spin out oerb To make or becomelonger. spindf ing adiectioe Tall, thin, and awkwardly built. spindfy adiecthse Tall, thin, and awkwardly built. spin-off rwu,n Sometri,.rgderived from another. spin out oerb spiny ad,iectioe l. Full of sharp,needlelikeprotuberances. 2. So replete with interlocking points and complicationsas to be painfully irritating. spiral oerb To move or proceed on a repeatedly curving course. spirit noun f . Jh" vital principle or animatingforce within lirritrg beings:utd,erstoodlife a.smatter infitsed utith spiit.
2. The essentialbeing of a person,regardedas immaterial and immortal. 3. A supernaturalbeing.
spirited RACY.
culrrrnn oerb.
L. rx-t- oerb. 2. srrRAy. 3. spnewr..
F/lLL twun. DR
l. Syns; gnate, pirouette, swirl, hrirl, whirl. 2. Syns: reel, swim, swirl, whirl.
sEESpin. 1. rnonrvy. 2. rnonxy.
WII.rnP. 1. Syns: anim4 animus, atrnan (Hinduisln), pneuma, psyche, soul, -Idioms breath (or essence) of "itality. life, divine spark, 6lan vital, life force, vital force. 2. sour,.
3. cnosr nuun. 4. A prevailing quality, as of thouglrt, behavior, or attitude. 4. rnrvrpnn rwulr. 5. A lively, emphatic, eager quallty or manner: She 5. Syns; animation, bounce, brio, dash, plnyed the piece uith spirit. The chil.dren had been 6lan, esprit, ginger (Infomnl), lrte, drained of spirit by their Wressioe gnrdian. liveliness, oomph (Slnrry), pep (Infornwl), verye, vigor, vim, vivacity, zip (Infornwl). 6. The qualityof mind enabling one to face danger or 6. counecn. hardship resolutely. 7. The most central and material part. 7. nsARr. spirit oerb To bring in or take out secretly. spirit away oerb To seize and detain (a person) unlawfully.
spirit away oerb spirited adiecih:e l. Full of or characterizedby a lively, emphaUc,eager q"{tty, The mil'd disagreemmtgrerninto a spUfted debate.
1. Syns: fiery, higtr-spirited,mettlesome, peppery, snapiy Qnfomral), vibrant.
spiritless 2. Yery brisk, alert, and hig[r-spirited. spiritf ess adiectioe 1. Lacking liveliness,charm,or surprise. 2. Lacking eners/ and vitality. 3. In low spirits. spirits ,nu" A temporary state of mind or feeling. spiritual adiectioe 1. Of or concernedwith the spirit rather than the body or materialthings: lnokedto mtrcb and,literaturefor spiritwl rnurishment. 2. Having no body, form, or substance. 3. Of or relating to a church or to an established religion: the medieoalpopes'temporaland spirifinl pouef. spirituous adiectioe Containingalcohol. spirt rwun b oerb spite noun l. A desireto harm othersor to seeotherssuffer. 2.\\e quality or condition of being vindictive. 'adiectioe spiteful 1. Characterizedby intenseill will or spite. 2. Disposedto seekrevenge. spitefulhess rwun l. A desireto harm othersor to seeotherssuffer. 2. The quality or condition of being vindictive. sp fa sh i er b' 1. To hurl or scatterliquid upon: splashedthe counter u:ith soup as he lndlnd it out; dooe into the pool without splnshing. 2. To flow or move with a low, slappingsound. splashy ad,iectioe Marked by outward, often extravagantduplay. spfatter oerb 1. To hurl or scatterliquid upon. 2. To mark or soil with spots. spleen noun A tendencyto becomeangry or irritable. spfendid adiectioe 1. Marked by magnificentlylavishceremonyand display. 2. Exceptionallygood of its kind. 3. Particularlyexcellent. splendor *;^ ts*gthi"g meriting the highestpraiseor regard. spfendoroUSor splendrous ad,iectiw Marked by extraordinaryelegance,beauty, and qplendor. splendrous adiecth:e spfinter oerb l. To crack or split into two or more fragmentsby meansof or as a result of force, a blow, or strain. 2. To break away or withdraw from membershipin an association or federation. spf it rwun l. A usu. narrow pattial openingcausedby rplrtti"g and rupture. 2. The result of cutting. 3. The condition of being divided, as in opinion. split oerb 1. To undergo partial breaking.
2. twnr-v. l. nur-r-adiectioe. 2. r-excuro. 3. nnpnnssro. MOOD.
l. Syns: numinous, otherworldly, unworldly. 2. runerpnrer,. 3. Syns; ecclesiastical, church, churchly, religious.
HARDadiectiae. srr spurt.
t. 2. 1. 2. VINDICTIVE. 1. 2. vrxorcuvENEss. l. Syns: bespatter, dash, slop, slosh, spatter, splatter, swash. 2. wasrr. SHOWY.
l. spr-esn. 2, spor oerb. TEMPER TWUN.
2. nxcrr.r,rvr. 3. uenvur,ous. GLORY TWUN, GLORTOUS.
srn splendorous. L. s;F(naK Derb. 2. sscBop.
1, cnecx twtrn. 2. cvr nuun. 3. orvrsroN. l. crucx oerb.
883 2. To separate into parts with or as if with a sharpedged instmment. 3. Tibecome or cause to become apart one from another. 4. Stang. To move or proceed away from a place' 5. To t6rminate a relationship or association by or as if by leaving one another. 6. Slang. To leave hastilY. 7.To b"reak away or withdraw from membership in an association or federaUon. 8. To separate or pull apart by force. twlrn split.up The act or an instance of separating one thing from another.
2. cvr wrb. 3. prvlor. 4. co oerb. 5. srpenern oerb. 6. nuN oerb. 7. sncron. 8. rBenr. DIVIStON.
splotch nuun
A discoloredmark madeby smearing. splotch perb To mark or soil with sPots. splurEly ad,iectiae Uartcedby outward, often extravagantdisplay. splutter oerb To make a seriesof short, sharp noises. spoil tserb 1. To harm irreparably througlr inept handling; make a messof. 2. To becomeor causeto becomerotten or unsound' 3. Obs.To rob of goodsby force, time of war' 4. Ob* To destroy completely while conqueringor occuPYing. 5. To treat with indulgenceand often overtender care' spoilage rwun The condiUonof being decaYed. spoifed adiectioe Impaired becauseof decaY. spoils nou,n 1. Goodsor property seizedunlawfully, a victor in wartime. 2. The political appointrnentsor jobs that are at the disposalof thosein power. Spoken adiectioe 1. Producedby the voice. 2. Expressedor trarsmitted in speech. spokes-man rwurl A person who spealaon behalf of another or others. spokesperson nou.n A person who speakson behalf of another or others. Spokeswoman noun A personwho speakson behalf of anotheror others. spoliate oerb 1. To destroy completely while conquering or occuPYing. 2. To rob of goodsby force, time of war. rtoun SpOnge 1. One who dependson another for support without reciprocating. 2. Slaig. A perion who is habihrally drunk. Sponry ad,iectioe Yielding easilyto pressureor weiglrt; not firm. SPOnSOf twun l. One who aszumesfinancial responsibilityfor another: spoltsor fl"d'gllrryh$ircssnen. becanwa.genorou^s "f
spor oerb. sHowY. CRACKLE. l.
r,orcu. oerb,
2. onctr oerb. 3. secx2. 4. onvesrerB. 5. r,tBv oerb. DECAY floUn. BAD. 1. pr-uNDsn noun. 2. pernoNecn.
l. vocer,.
1. psvesrA.rE. 2. secxz. 1. penesrrs. 2. pnuNrenn. SOFT.
1. Syns; angel,backer, guaxantor, guaranty,surety, trnderwriter.
sponsorship 2. A person who supportsor championsan activity, institution, etc. sponsor oerb To act as a patron to. sponsorship- rmtn Aid or support grven by a patron. spontaneity noun Freedomfrom constraint,embarrassment, or awkwardness. Spontaneous ad;iecthse l. Acting or happeningwithout apparent forethought, prompting, or planning: The hao sddenly ernbraned in a spontaneuwgestureof ffiction. 2. Done by one'sown choice. SpOOk ,rot;" l. A supernaturalb"ing. 2. lnfomwl. A personwho secretlyobservesothersto obtain information. spook wrb Slang.To write for and credit authorshipto another. SpOOf twun Evidence of passageleft along a coursefollowed by a hunted animal or fugitive. sporadic ad,iecthse l. Happeningor appearingnow and then. 2. Rarely occurring or appearing. SpOfe rwu,n A propagativepart of a plant. SpOrt twun l. Activity engagedin for rela:rationand amusement. 2. Actionstaken as a joke. sport oerb l. To occupyoneselfwith amusementor diversion. 2. To mal<ea public and usu. ostentatiousshow of. sporting adiectArc 1. Accordingto the rules. 2. Infornnl. Neither favorablenor unfavorable. Sportiveness rroun Annoying yet harmless,usu. playful acts. sportsmanlike adiecthn According to the nrles: o sportffiianlikefight; sportsnwnlib pbV. Spot noun 1. A particular position in a designatedorder of importance. 2. A particular portion of spacechosenfor something. 3. A mark of discredit or disgace. a. Chiefly Brit. L tiny amount. 5. Infomwl. A difficul! embarrassingsituation. 6. A very smallmark. 7. A post of employment. spot oerb 1. To mark or soil with spots: The blood d,rippedfrom her finger and spotted her dress. 2. To perceive,esp.barely or fleetingly. 3. To perceiveand fix the identity of. 4. To look for and discover. spot adiectioe Having no particular pattern, purpose,organization,or struchre.
2. plrnoN.
1. Syns; automatic, impulsive, instinctive, reflex, unpremeditated. 2. vor,uxrenx adiectitse. l. cnosr naun. 2. spy rroun.
crtost oerb. TRAIL
1. rrvrrnurrrENT. 2. uvrnnqunvr. SE'E'D TWUN.
1. pr-ey nau,n. 2. pr-ev rwun, l. prty oerb. 2. ospt ty oerb. 1. sponrsuervr-rxn. 2. rem adiectioe. MISCHIEF.
Syns; clean, fair, sporting.
1. pr.ecn nuun. 2. porr.ITrroun. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7,
srerN rwatn. srrl. pnnorceurvr. porwr nou.n, posrnoN rwun.
l. Syns.' bespatter, blotch, spatter, splatter, splotch. 2. cxrcn oerb. 3. prscnnu. 4. rtNo oerb. RANDOM.
885 spotless adiectioe Freefrom dirt, stain,or impurities. spotty ad,ieaioe or regularityin qualityor Lackingconsistency performance. SpouSal adiectioe Of, relating to, or tlpical of marriage. gpousal The act or ceremonyby which two people become husbandand wife. SpOUSe rwun A husbandor wife: hnpbyees may brirytheir spouses to the cotnpanVChristrrtospmV. spouseless adiectioe Without a spouse. sprain oerb To injure (a bodily part) by twisting. Spfat twun An insignificantbut arrogant and obnoxiousyoung person. Sp-rawl oarb 1. To sit or lie with the limbs qpreadout awkwardly: staggeredhonw erlraustedard spraubd on the cotrch, 2. Ta grow or spreadin a disordetly ot planless fashionthandutritilngthat sprawl,edaaosstlrc page; a c,tuod spranling out of the stadium. 3. To come to the ground zuddenlyand involuntarily. sprawl rwun A zuddeninvoluntary drop to the ground. Spread oerb 1. To extend over a wide axea:a poismow gastlwt spreadsquickly. 2. To move or anangeso asto cover a larger area: spreadthe blaril<eton the gus; a bird spreadingits wingsfor flight. 3. To causeto becomewidely known: sryeadtlw toettss.
4. To become known far and wide. 5. To arrangetableware upon (a table) in preparation for a meal. 6. To cause(a disease)to passto another or others. spread over oerb To extend over the surfaceof. spread twnn 1. The act of increasingin dimensiotts,scope,or inclusiveness. 2. A wide and open area, as of land, sky, or water. 3. A large meal elaboratelyprepared or served. spread-eagle oerb To sit or lie with the limbs qpreadout awkwardly. spread over oerb Spfee raoun A period of uncontrolled self-indulgence. spree oeft To behaveriotously. Sprig twun A young stemlikegowth arisitg from a plant.
cLEAN adiectioe. I'NEVEN.
Syns; consort, mate, partner. -liliom better half. srNGtEdiecthn. ruw oerb. SQUTRTftaun,
1. Syns; drape,loll, spread
1. Syns; diftuse, disperse,distribute, radiate, scatter, strew. 2. Syns:expand,extend, fan out open (out or up), outstretch, unfold. 3. $yns; advertise(also advertze), blaze (around),blazon, broadcast,bruit (about),circulate, diftrse, disseminate, noiseabout (or abroad), propagate. 4. cnr ABour at get. 5. ssrl oerb. 6. courrrumclrr. covnn oerb. 1. r:rpervsrorq. 2. Bxpellsp. 3. rpest. SPRAWL.
sEEspread. BINGE.
mvsr. oefb. sHooT fwun.
sprightliness sprightliness twutr Capacrty or power for work or vigorous activity.
sprig^htly adiectioe 1. 2. 3. 4.
Diqposed to action. Amusing or pleasing because of wit or originality. Possessing,exerting or displaying enerry. Free from care or worry.
spring oerb 1. To move off the groundby a musculareffort of the legsand feet. 2.To bound lightly. 3. To move in a lively way. 4. To have as a source. 5. To have hereditary derivatjon. 6. Slmg. To set at libefly. spring rwun 1. The act of j,*pirg. 2. A tight bounding movement. 3. A zuddenlively movement. 4. Capacityto bounce. 5. A point of origination. 6. The inifial stageof a developmentalprocess. 7. T\e seasonof the year during which the weather becomeswarrner and plantsrevive: We're going to Poristhis spring. 8. The time of life between childhood and maturiW. 9. A basisfor an action or decision. spring adiectioe Of, occurring in, or characteristicof the seasonof Trittg, a sVrhg thaw; sprng cleani,ng. SprlnglneSS nourr 1. Capacityto bounce. 2. The quality or state of being flexible. springtide rw.rn l. The seasonof the year during which the weather becomeswarmer and plants revive. 2. The time of life betrveenchildhood and maturity. springlime iwu,n l. The seasonof the year during which the weather becomeswanner and plants revive. 2. The time of life berween childhood and maturity. adiectioe sprins/ Capable of withstanding stresswithout i"j".y. sprinkle Derb 1. To scatter or releasein drops or small particles: sprinkbd shreddedcocorafiooer the Wddng. 2. To mark with many smallqpots. sprint oerb To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the gound during each stride. SpfOUt noun A young stemlike gowth arisingfrom a plant. SprUGe oerb 1. To improve in appearance, refurbishing. 2. To make or keep (an area)clean and orderly. 3. To make neat and trim; makepresentable. spruce adiectioe In good order or clean condition. spry ad,iectioe 1. Disposedto action. 2. Moving or performing quickly, lightly, and easily.
1. 2. 3. 4.
vrconous. cr,svEn. nNnncnrrc. lrcnr€.
l. pl*n oerb. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
sxrp oerb. nouxcr oerb. srg,u oerb. orscnr.rn. rnnn oerb.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7." rwun. sxrp r7Dun. nouxcr noun. gouNcn naun. onrcrN. srnilr nurrn. Syns: seedtime, springtide, springtime.
8. vourn. 9. ceusn noun. Syn; vernal.
1. souNcn rroun. 2. rr.nxrsu.rrY. 1. spnrrscnou,n. 2. vourn. l. spnntc nutrn. 2. vourn. FLEXIBLE.
1. Syns; besprinkle, dust, powder. 2. sprcxr-n. nvN oerb.
sHooT ftoun. 1. nx up at fix. 2. rrov oerb. 3. rrov oerb. NEAT.
1. vrconous. 2. Nnasr,B.
887 Spume rmun A massof bubblesin or on the surfaceof a liquid. spume oerb To form or causeto form foam. Spumy ad:iectioe Consistingof or resemblingfoam. SpUnk nutn Infonnnl. The quality of mind enabling one to face dangeror hardshipresolutely. Spur oerb 1. To causeto happensuddenlyor unexpectedly. 2. To stir to action or feeling. qpur noun a glven resPonse. Somethingthat causesand encourages spurious adiecthse 1. Fraudulentlyor deceptivelyimitative. 2. Not genuineor sincere. 3. Containing ftrndamentalerrors in reasoning. 4. Born out of wedlock. spuriousness nuu,n Plausiblebut invalid reasoning. SpUrn oerb 1. To rltght (someone)deliberately. 2. To be unwilling to accept,consider,or receive. spurn ftaun A deliberateslight. spur-of-the-moment adiectioe Spoken,performed,or composedwith little or no preparationor forethought. spurt alsospirt noun A sudden,swift streamof ejectedliquid: a spurt of blood. spurt alsospirt oerb To eject or be ejectedin a thin, swift stream:Blnod spurtedfrorn the ruptured artery. sputter oerb To make a seriesof short,sharpnoises. Spy noun A personwho secretlyobservesothersto obtain information: A spy planted in the enernyhi,gh uft regular reports. srru,gg;led conwnand, spy oerb l. To perceive,esp.barely or fleetingly. 2. To observeor listen in secretto obtain information: spied on the thieoesby hiding in a claset. squabble num A discussion,often heated,in which a differenceof opinion is expressed. squabble oerb 1. To engagein a quarrel. 2. To quarrel noisily. squab adiectioe Short, heavy, and solidly built. squabby adiecth:e Short, heavy, and solidly built. squalid ad;iecthse l. Heavily soiled;very dirty or unclean. 2. Having or proceedingfrom low moral standards. Squander oerb To spend (money)excessivelyand usu. foolishly. squander nDu,n Excessiveor imprudent expenditure.
rollv. oerb. FOAMY. COURAGE.
1. pnncrprrtrr. oerb. 2. pnovoxr. STIMULUS.
1. 2. 3. 4.
couwreRFErr adiecthse. ennncrer.. rer-r-ecrous. rr,r-ncrrrMATE.
1. sr.ilJeoerb. 2. onct wn odrb, sNvB fwun,
Syns:jet2,squirt. Syns,'jet2, squirt.
Syns:operaUve,spook(Informal). -ldimn secret(or undercover)agent. L. crrcs oerb. 2. Syn:eavesdrop.
l. encur. 2. nruwr oerb. STOCKY. STOCKY.
1. rrr-rrrv. 2. sonoro. wxsrs oerb. EXTRAVAGANCE.
square SqUafe rwrm Slang. An old-fashioned person who is reluctant to change or innovate: Some klds think that ballroom dmcing it fo, squffes. square adiectioe 1. Having four equal sides and four right angles: a squne plot of la,rd,. 2. Free from bias in judgment. 3. Owing or being owed nothing. 4. Being an exact amount or number. 5. Slang. Conforming to established practice or standards. square Derb l. To make equal. 2. To be compatible or in correspondence. 3. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use. 4. To set right by g"i"g what is due. square adoerb 1. Without the slightest deviation in any respect. 2. With precision or absolute conformity.
squash oerb 1. To pressforcefully so as to break up into a pulpy mass. 2. To act on with a steadypushingforce. 3. To congregatecloselyaroundor against. 4. To btitrg to an end forcibly as if by imposinga hg"r.y weight. Squashy a.diectioe Yielding easilyto pressureor weight; not firm. squat oerb To sit on one'sheels:The boy sqtntted os he prepared to shoot his marble. squat adiectioe Short, heavy, and solidly built. SqUawk oerb Infomwl. To expressoppositionby argument. SqUaWk nottrr Inforrnal. The act of expressingstrong or reasoned opposition. squawky adiecthn Disageeable to the senseof hearing. Squeal oerb l. To utter a shrill, short cry. 2. Slang.To give incriminating information about others, the authorities. Squeal rwun A shrill, short cry. SqUealer noun Slang.One who givesincriminating information about others. SqUeeZe wrb l. To zubject to compression:The tight collar squeezed my throat. 2. To act on with a steadypushingforce. 3. To extract from by applymg pressure:squeezethe iuice ftorn oruges. 4. To congregateclosely around or 4gainst. 5. To put one's arms around affectionately. 6. To obtain by coercion or intimidation. squeeze rvntn 1. A compressingof something.
888 Syns; antediluvian, fog, fossil, frrddyduddy, mosback, stick-in-the-mud Qnformal). -kliurn back number. l. Syn: quadrate. 2. 3. 4. 5.
rem ad;iectioe. pvrNr adiecthse. nvnwr adiectioe. corwsllTroNAr,.
1. nquer,rzn. 2. ecnnn. 3. enesr. 4. srrrr.r. 1. pnrcrsnr,y. 2. ornpcrr.y. l. cnuss oerb, 2. cnowo oerb. 3. cnowo oarb. 4. suppnrss.
Syn; hunker (down).
onyncr2. oBIECTTON.
l. vnrp oerb. 2. rrvronv.
1. Syns.' compress, constrain, constringe, constrict. 2. cnowo oerb. 3. Syns; crush, express, press. 4. cnowo oerb. 5. nMsRAcn perb, 5. nrrronr. 1. coxsrnrcrroN.
889 2.\\e act of embracing. noun squeeZing A compressing of something.
squelch oerb 1. To hold (something requiring an outlet) in check. 2. To b.ittg to an end forcibly as if by imposing a heavy weight.
squelching rwun The act of restrainingforcefully. squefchy adiectioe Yieldingeasilyto pressureor weiglrt;not firm. squiggle oerb To move or proceed with short, irregular motions up and down or from side to side.
squinch oerb l. To draw away involuntarily, usu. due to fear or disgust. 2.To peer with the eyespartly closed. squinch adiectioe Marked by or affected with a squint. squint oerb To peer with the eyespartly closed: sguinted at the ftre prtnt. squint toward (or at) oerb To have a tendency or inclination. squint rwu,n 1. The condition of not having the visual a"resparallel: specinleye The ophtlwlnnlngbt reconvnwnded erercisesto rectify the chil.d'ssquint. 2. An inclination to something. squint-eyed adiectioe Marked by or affected with a squint. squint toward (or at) oerb squinty adieaioe Marked by or affected with a squint: eyessquinty froro su,nand, srrotD, squirm oerb l. To move or proceedwith short,irregular motionsup and down or from side to side. 2, To twist and turn, as it pait, struggle,or
2. rrvrsnecg fwun.
1. nrpnnss. 2. suppnnss.
1. rr.uvcn. 2. squwr oerb. sQuINTY. Syn; squinch. -Idions screw up one's eyes.
look asquint,
1. Syns; cross-eye, strabismus.
2. snNT rwun. sQurNTr. srn squint. Syns; cross+yed, squinch, squinny, squinteyed, strabismal or strabismic. l. wrccr,B. 2. wnrrHn.
squirrel oerb or money),usu.well beyondone's To storeup (zupplies oerb.
squirt oerb To eject or be ejected in a sudderl swift stream. squirt twtut l. A sudden,swift streamof ejected liquid. 2. Inforntol. An insignificantbut arrogant and obnoxiousyoung person: had to tell the little squi,rt to get lost. squishy adiectioe Yielding easily to pressure or weiglrt; not firm. SqU|lZ rwun Awtral. CzNew Zeal. L quick look.
spunr oerb. 1. spunt rroun. 2. Syns: pup, puppy, sprat, twerp (also
t*np) (Sl""e). SOFT. clANcrr
stab oerb To cause to penetrate with force. stab rwun l. An act of thrusting into or against, as to attract attention. 2. A sudden, sharp, painful feeling.
l. nrc noun. 2. pnrcx rwun.
stabbing 3. A small mark or hole madeby a sha1p,pointed object. 4. A brief trial. stabbing adiecthn Marked by severity or intensity. stability noun 1. Reliability in withstandingpressure,force, or stress: tested the stability of the fuselnge in the wind, turmel;a nutn Inckingsnbility of churatter. 2. "I\e conditionof being free from defectsor faws. stabilize oerb l. To make stable: tried in tnin to stabili,zethe cwntnl on the oergeof arurchy 2. To -put in balance. stable adiectioe 1. Firmly settledor positioned. 2. Consistentlyreliable,eqp.due to resistanceto outsidepressures. 3. Not easilymoved or shaken. stableness rwltn Reliability in withstandingpressure,force, or stress. stack noun A grgnp of things gatheredhaphazardly. stack oerb To put into a disorderedpile. stack up oerb Infornwl. To be equal or alike. stacked adiectioe Infnnwl. Having a firll, voluptuousfigtrr". stack up oerb staff r7rrun A fairly long, straight piece of solid material used esp. asa support in walking. stage rrcrun l. A temporary framework with a floor, used by workmen: a u:indnp-washhg stage. 2.Ttte raisedpladorm on which theatrical performancesare given: the stagein Linnln Center. 3. The art and occupationof an actor. 4. One of the units in a course,as on an ascendingor descendingscale. 5, An interval regardedas a distinct evolutionary or developmentalunit. 6. The place where an action or event occurs. stage oerb l. To produceon the stage:stageda rreu perfomwnce eoerymorth. 2. To organizeand carry out (an activity). stagger oerb 1. To overwhelmwith zurprise,wonder, or bewilderment: Tlw murdpr itaststaggeredus. 2. To walk unsteadily. 3. To be irresolutein acringor doing. *. or perform in an unsteady,faltering Iffi:eed 5. To progressor perform adequately,esp. in difficult circumstances. staggering adiecthse 1. Of zuch a character as to overwhelm: staggning asobatic feats; staggerhg conrytion.
890 3. pnrcr twun. 4. rnv rroun. sHARPadiectioe. 1. Syns: firmness, security, soundness, stableness,steadiness,strength. 2. souxorvnss. l. Syn: steady. 2. nar.eNcn oerb. 1. sunr. 2. srrepy a.diectioe. 3. sourv#. STABILITY.
lanl^p oerb. COMPARE. SHAPELY.
l. Syns.' pladorm, scaffold, sca.ffolding. 2. Syns: the boards, proscenium. 3. ecrwc rruun. 4. oBcnnn. 5. pnnroo. 5. scrun. 1. Syns; act (out), do, dramatize, enact, grve, perform, presentz, put on. 2. ne.vr. l. Syns.'boggle, bowl over, dumfound (also dumbfound), flabbergast, floor. 2. nuncs oerb. 3. ursrrern. 4. nruopr-r. 5. ueNecn.
L. Syns: mind-boggling (Slary), mindblowing (SLarrg), overwhelming spectacular, shuning.
891 2. Awesomelyor forbiddinglyintense. staginess rwun Showymannerismsand behavior. stagnation rwun A lack of action or activity. staid ad,iectioe Full of or marked by dipty and seriousness. stain oerb 1. To soil with foreign matter: truners stairud with mghw oil. 2. To impart color to. 3. To ruin utterly in character or quality. 4. To castasperiionson. stain rroun 1. Somethingthat imparts color. 2. A mark of discreditor disgace: Watergateis a stain on Amerfu'nnpolitics. stainfess adiectioe Free from dirt, stain, or impurities. stake twun 1. Somethingvaluable risked on an uncertain outcome. 2. A right or legal sharein something. stake oerb 1. To make a bet on. 2. Informal. To supply capital to or for. stafe adiectioe 1. Having lost tang or effervescence. 2. Ot a sryleor method formerly in vogue. 3. Without freshnessor appeal due to ovemse. stafemate noun An equdity of scores,votes, or performancesin a contest. stalk oerb 1. To walk with long steps, a vigorousmaruler. 2. To look for and purzue (gto") in order to capture or hll it. stalwart adiectiae Capable of exerting considerableeffort or of withstandingconsiderablestressor hardship. stamina noun The quality or power of withstandinghardship or stress. stammer oerb 1. To intrude involuntary repetitions and pausesinto one'sspeech:a nerous child,who starmered and. then fell sil,ent. 2. To walk unsteadily. stammer nuun A qpeech impediment marked by involuntary repetitions and pausest has wffered fmn a protwunced sta.ntmer since childhood.
cnerm2. 1. Syns; bestain, discolor, smut. 2. coton oerb. 3. connupt oerb. 4. sLAcxEx. 1. cor.on twun. 2. Syns: attaint (Archaic), bar sinister, black eye, blemish, blot, onus, qpot, stigma taint, tarnish. -Iilioms black mark, blot on the escutcheon. cLEAN adiectit:e. 1. nnr noun. 2. rNrpnrsr rrcrun. l. asr rnrb. 2. uNeNcp. l. rr,er adiectioe. 2. or-o-resuroNED. 3. rmrr. TIE twttn.
l. srnmr. 2. rivvr oerb.
1. Syns.'hammer (Brit. Regiotwl), stutter.
2. lncn
Syns; stutter, stuttering.
stamp ruoun 1. The visibleeftectmadeon a mrfaceby preszure.
1. rupnnssron. 2. xrrscP. 2. A class that is defined by the common attribute or its members. attributes possessedby "tl 3. srcN rrou,n. that gives grounds for 3. Something visible or evident believing in the existence or presence of something else.
stamp oerb 1. To walk with loud, heavy steps.
l. rnlrllp oerb.
stampout 2. To step on heavily and repeatedly so as to crush, injure, or destroy. 3. To produce a deep impression on. stamp out oerb To destroy all traces of.
stamp out oerb stance rcui l. mg wayin whicha personholdsor carrieshis body. 2. A frameof mindafiectingone'sthoughtsor behavior. stand notut A shelter for concealinghunters. stand oerb l. To put up with. 2.Infornwl To pay for the food, drink, or entertainmentof (another). stand behind oefu To aid the causeof by approving or favoring. stand for Derb 1. To serye as the image of. 2. To sen/e as an official delegateof. stand up oerb l. To withstand stressor difficulW. 2. To adopt a standingposture. 3. To restore to an upright or proper - position. 4. To prove valid undeiscruUiy. stand up for oerb To aid the causeof by approving or favoring. standard nourr 1. A meansby which individuals are comparedand judged:-Standnrilsof publb monlitg ltat:e cteadg clw.nged.The eady Arnerica,nPresldattsset a high statdad. 2. Fabric used a rymbol. 3. One that is worthy of imitaUon or duplication. standard ad,ieah:e l. Having or arising from au+Iority. 2. {4"|ciqg ln interest or originality. stand behind wb standby adiecthn Usedor held in reserve. stand for oert stand-in noun stand in wrb To act as a substihrte. stand-in rvnnt One that takesthe place of another. standing rwtnt 1. The level of credit or reqpectat which one is regardedby others. 2. Positioningof one individual vis-i-vis others. stand-off rcttn An equality of scores,votes, or performancesin a contest. standoffish dieaiu Not friendln sociable,or wann in manner. standout dieahre stand out oqb 1. To cruve outward past the normal or usual limit. 2.To be obtrusivelyconqpicuous. standout adiec.thn Far above others i" q".Iity or excellence.
892 2. rnerr.rpr,r. 3. nNcnern. ANNIHILATE.
snn stamp. 1. posrunn twu,n. 2. posrunr rrutut.
1. nwounn. 2. rns,rr oerb.
supponr oerb. l. nrpnnsnvr. 2. nnpnBsmvr. l. 2. 3. 4.
ssAR up at bear. cnr ur at get. nrclar oerb. wesn.
supponr oerb. 1. Syns; benchmark, criterion, gauge (also gage), mark, measure, test, touchstone, yardstick. 2. rr,ecl noun. 3. naoonr-rroun. 1, eurrtonrrATl\lE. 2. nouruvr adiectine. sEEStand. AUxTLTARY ad,iectioe. snn stand. sns stand in. sussrrrurs oerb.
1. recs noun. 2. pr.,lcn twun. TIF, ftoun. coor. a.diecthn. snr stand out. l. r;ut-cn oerb. 2. ct-txn oerb. OUTSTANDING.
893 standpoinl rw,m 1. A way of considering a matter. 2.\\e position from which something is observed or considered.
standstill rvnn The conditionof beingstopped. stand up oerb stand up for oerb star rrDttn The mainperformerin a theatricalproduction. starch A q"lity of activementalandphysicalforcefirlness. starchy adieatw So rigidly constrained, formal, or awkward as to lack all grace and qpontaneity.
1. r.rcnrl tuxlrn. 2. pouvr oF vrEvr.
sToP twun, sEEstand. sEEstand.
vrcoR. srwr a.diec-bioe.
star-crossed adiectinn Involving or undergoingchancemisfortune. stare oetb To look intendy and fixedly. stare rvrun An intent, fixed look. stark adiectbe Containing nothing. starry-eyed adiectioe Not compatible with reality. start oerb 1. To go about the inifral step in doing (something): stortsewry corcefi with a BachfugVe; i,sstafihg a rcw amiathuvileoelopmmt progturl.
2. To come into being. 3. to move zuddenly and involuntarily. 4. To draw away involuntarily, rrsu.due to fear or disgust. 5. To b"itrg into existenceformally. start rrotn 1. The act or processof bringing or being brouglrt into existence. 2. A suddenand involuntary movement. 3. The inidal stageof a developmentalprocess. 4. A factor conducive to zuperiority and zuccess. startle oqb 1. To causeto experiencea zudden,momentaryshock: The cold slwuserstartl.edhim aualce. 2. To ffll with fear. 3. To move suddenlyand involuntarily. 4. To impressstrongly by what is unexpectedor unuzual. startle noun A suddenand involuntary movement. startling a.diecth:e Causingmomentaryshock: a startling sight. starving adiectiu Desiring or craving food. stash oerb l. To store up (suppliesor money),usu. well beyond one's needs.
uNFoRTUNATEadiectioe. c.*zn perb. GAZEtWUn. EMPTYadiecthn. IDEALISTIC.
1. Syns approach,begin, cofllmence, embark, enter, get off (Inforntal), inaugurate,initiiate,kick off (lnfonrwl), launch, lead off (Infonnol), open, set out, set to, take on, take up, undertake. -Iiliums get goin& get the show on the road. 2. sEcrN. 3. p:lle oerb. 4. rr,rNcn. 5. rouxo. 1. sscu,NlNcrwrtn. 2. pr'rp rwun, 3. arnrn noun. 4. epve-lrrecarwtm, l. Syns;jolt, shock. 2. nnrcnrpN. 3. p*n oerb. 4. sunpnrsr. IVMPrroun, Syns; astonishingastounding electrifying jolting surprising. nAVENOUS. l.
stasis 2. To put or keep out of sight. 3. To have or put in a customaryplace. stasis noun A stable state characterizedby the cancellationof all forcesby equal opposingforces. state nuun l. An organizedgeopolitical :uurtitFranceis one of the WestemEuropeanstates, 2. Manner of being or form of existence. 3. Infnnnl. A conditionof exciteddistress:Don't get into a state becatse of this iI"bV. state oerb 1. To put into words. 2. To utter publicly. 3. To put into words positively and with conviction. 4. To declareby way of a systematicstatement: Einstein stated his theory of relatioitg in a rather short paper. statefy adiectitse l. Marked by magnificentlylavishceremonyand display. 2. Lal:geand impressivein size,scope,or extent. statemenl rwun l. The act or an instanceof expressingin words. 2. A recountingof past events. 3. The act of assertingpositively. 4. A preciselist of feesor charges. 5. Somethingsaid. station rrn n 1. An assignedposition: o sentry station; a iluty station. 2. PosiUoningof one individual vis-d-visothers3. A center of organization,zupply, or activity. 'station oerb To appoint and send to a particular place: guarils stationed on the boiler; airmm stationedon the DEW Line. stationary ad;iectioe l. Firmly in position. 2. Not moving. stature noun A level of zuperiority that is usu. high. status nou,n l. Mannerof being or form of existence. 2. Positioningof one individual vis-i-vis others. 3. A person'shigh standingirmongothers. 4. The level of credit or reqpectat which one is regardedby others. 5. An establishedposition from which to operate or deal with others. statute nuun The formal product of a legislativeor judicial body. staunch adiecthse 1. Firmly settledor positioned. 2. Adhering fi.nly and devotedly, * to a person,a cause,or a duty. stavel rruun A fairly long, straight piece of solid materid used esp. as a support in walking. stave off oerb To prohibit from occruti"g by advanceplanning or action.
894 2. oerb. 3. xnsp uerb. BALANCE
l. Syns; country, land, nation, polity. -Idiom body politic. 2. corvornoN rwun. 3, Syns: fume, snit (Stong), sweat (Infonnal), swivet (clso swiwet), tizzy (Stang). l. 2. 3. 4.
sry oerb. Nn oerb. essrnr. Syns: enounce, enunciate.
1. cneNo. 2. cnexo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
nxpnrssron. sronv. esssnrroN. eccourirr rwun. wono rwun.
1. Syns; post, posting. 2. pr-ecn nDun. 3. sesrl noun. Syns; assign,post, setr.
1. rlxeo. 2. uorrorvr-pss. MERIT
1. 2. 3, 4.
corvorrroN rmun. pr,acn rwun. noNon rwun. racr twttn.
5. sesrs.
LAl'/ n(run. 1. sunr. 2. rerrnrur..
895 stave2 oerb To move swiftlv. stave off oerb' stayl oerb 1. To remainas a guestor lodger: stayedutith relathses irwtead of gotng to a hotel. 2. To continueto be in a place. 3. To prevent the occurrenceor continuationof a movement,acUon,or operation. 4. To put off until a later time. 5. To remain fresh and unspoiled. stay with oerb To perseverein somecondition, action, or belief. stay rwu,n l. A remainingin a place as a guest or lodger: a sixueek stay uith relatioes. 2. The act of stopping. 3. The act of putting off or the condition of being put off. 4. An act or the time of waiting. stay2 rwrrn A meansor device that keepssomethingerect, stable, or secure. stay with oerb stead nou,n The function or position customarilyoccupied by another. steadfast adiectioe l. Firmly in position. 2. Adheringfirmly and devotedly,as to a person,a cause,or a duty. steadfastness rwun Faithfulnessor devotionto a person,a cause, obligations,or duties. steadiness rwun Reliability in withstanding pressure,force, or stress. steady adiectine 1. Consistedtlyreliable,eqp.due to resistanceto outsidepressures:a stea.dyhand,on the uheel; a steady iob held for 20 Vears. 2. Having no variations. 3. Adheringfirmly and devotedly,as to a person,a cause,or a duty. steady oerb l. To make stable. 2. To put in balance. adiectioe steady-loing Consistentlyreliable, esp. due to resistanceto outside pressures. steal oerb l. To take (another'sproperty) without permission: aca.rsedhim of stealingher bbycb.
2. To move silently and furtively. steaf rwun l. The crime of taking someoneelse'sproperly without consent. 2. Slang.Somethingofferedor bought at a low price.
nusn oerb. snn stavel. l. Syns: sojourn, visit. 2. nnuew. 3. srop oerb. 4. onrunl. 5. xnnp oerb. xrxp oerb, 1. Syns; sojourn, visit. 2. srop noun. 3. oBr,ev nmarn. 4. werr twun. SUPPORT TWUN.
:::" 1. rxBo. 2. re.rrnrur. adiectioe.
; r;;re,
2. BvBNtadiectiae. 3. rerrnrur..
1. srenrr-rzn. 2. sALANcn oerb. sTEADYadiectioe.
1. Syns; cop (Slang), filch, hook (Slarog), bft (Infomnl), ript (Slarrg), pilfer, pinch (Sl*rg), purloin, rip off (Slong), snaffie (Chiefly Brit. Regiorwl), snatch, mitch (Slary), swipe (Slary), thieve. -Idionts make off with, walk off with. 2. sNp,trxoerb. l. r.encnuv. 2. sARcerN twatn.
stealer stealer naun A personwho steals. stealing rwun The crime of taking someoneelse'sproperly without consent. stealth rw,m The act of proceedingslowly, deliberatel/, and secretly - to .g:c.apeobservation:the stealth of a cat hnglar. stealthiness ntrun The act of proceedingslowly, deliberately, and secretly to escapeobservaUon. steafthy- adiecth:e So slow, deliberate, and secret as to escape observation:The muggermst steolthy glmces to the right and,left and then attacked. steam nuun l. Capacity or power for work or vigorousactivity. 2. An aggresive readinessto undertake taxing efiorts. steam up oerb Infornal. To causeto feel or show anger. steamroller oerb To render totally ineffective by decisivedefeat. steam up oerb steel oerb To prepare (oneself)for action. steepr adiectioe 1. So sharply inclined as to be almost pelpendicular: a steq clif. 2. Vastly exceedinga normal limit, as in cost: steep gold,prices this year. steef oerb To saturate(something)with a liquid: steepedthe tea fugs in hot unter. steer oerb l. To control the courseof (an activity). 2. To showthe wav to. 3. To direct the courseof carefully. steer noun An item of advanceor inside information given as a Sude to acUon. stem oerb To have as a source: anstomsstmtming frorn the past. stem rroun Ling. T"hemain part of a word to which a^ffixes are attached. stench tnrb To have or give off a foul odor. "adieaate stentorian Marked by extremely high volume and intenstty of sound. stentorious a.d,iecthse Marked by extremely higlr volume and intensity of sound. step oerb l. To go on foot. 2. To move rhythmically to music, using patterns of stepsor gestures.
Syns: furtiveness, slink, slinkiness, sneakiness, stealthiness. STEALTH.
Syns; catlike, feline, furtive, skulking, slinking, slinky, sneaking sneakish,sneaky. 1. nNency. 2. nnrve nDttn. *tcnn oerb. OVERWHELM.
sEESteam. GIRD.
1. Syns; abrupt, arduous, bold, breakneck, precipitate, preciptous, sheerz. 2. Syns: dizzy, dUzyng sky-high, stifi, stratospheric, towering unconscionable. Syns: seethe, soak.
1. corvoucr oerb. 2. cvl'nin oerb. 3. ueNntrvrn oerb. rtrJ rwut.
Syns; arise, come, derive, emanate, flow, issue, originate, proceed, rise, spring upspring. THEME.
t ovo adiectioe.
t-ovo adiecthse.
l. wN-x oerb.
2. orxcn oerb.
step down wrb RETIRE. To withdraw from businessor active life. step up wrb sPEEDup at speed. To increasethe qpeedof. step twm 1. rnneo rwun. l. the act or manner of going on foot. 2. oncnnn. 2. One of the units in a course,as on an ascendingor descendingscale. step-by-step adiec-tioe GNADUAL. Proceedingvery slowly by degrees. sEEstep. step down Derb srr step. step up oetb stereotype noun cr"rcrri noun. A trite expressionor idea. stereotyped odieatoe INIIE. Without freshnessor appeal due to overuse. stereotypic alsostereotypical ad,iecthse TNITE. Without freshnessor appeal due to overuse. sterile adiectiae 1. Syns: sanifized,sterilized. l. Free or freed from microorganisms:keepingthe operating room sterile. 2. Syns:uncreative,ffi4gmtfu, 2. Lacking originality: a stertl,eploy danid, of action uninspired,uninventive, unoriginative. and,rvw ideas. adiecthn. 3. nARREN 3. Unable to produce offqpring. 4. nonrxc. 4. Arotsing no interest or curiosity. rrottrr sterility 1. Syns; barrenness,infecundity, 1. The state or condition of being unable to reproduce infertility, sterilization. sexually: Exresserpo&fie to radiof,tonatn c(rusesterility. 2. Syn: sterilization. 2. Tlre state or condiUonofbeing free from microorganismsrStefility nant be maintaheil in operutingrooflrs. sterilization rwun l. Syns; castration,gelding mutilation, 1. The act or an instanceof making one incapableof unsexing. reproducing sexually:enfarcedsterilintiort of prisoners;sterilization of fo* anima'ls. 2. srrnu.rrt. 2. tltre state or condition of being unable to reproduce sexually. 3. sranu.rrt. 3. The state or condition of being free from microorganisms. sterilize onb l. Syns; alter, castrate,change,fix, geld, 1. To render incapableof reproducing sexually:had neuter, unsex. the cat sterilizcd. 2. Syns:decontaminate,disinfect 2. To render free of microorganisms:steriliaedthe sanitize. instntmentsin on autoclnae, sterilized adiectiae STERII-E. Free or freed from microorganisms. stern adiectine sE-EnE. Rigorousand unsparingin treating others. stew oerb l. r,orL oerb. l. To cook (food) in liquid heated to the point of steaming. 2. To worry over trifes. 2. rloss wrb. 3. snooo. 3. InfornwJ. To turn over in the mind, moodily and at length. 4. wonnv grb. 4. To be troubled. stew twun lnfortrwl. A state of discomposure. AGITATION. stewardly ad,iecthn Careful in the use of material resources. stewed ad,iectioe Slnng.Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. DRUNKad,iectioe.
stick stick rwnn 1. A fairly long straight piece of solid material used esp. as a support in walking: The old,man wasbmt ooer his stbk. 2. A relatively long straight, rigid piece of metal or other solid material: a stbk of pig iron; a stick of mrdy; a stbk of unoil. stick oerb 1. To causeto penetratewith force. 2. To becomeor causeto becomestuck or lodged. 3. To deposit in a qpecifiedposition. 4. Infornwl. To make incapableof finding somethingto think, do, or say. 5. Slary.To get moneyor somethingelsefrom by deceifi trickery. 6. Slat;4'.To exploit (another)by chargingtoo much for something. 7. Slnng.To force (another)to accepta burden. 8. To hold fast to. stick around Mrb Infornal. To continue to be in a place. stick out oerb 1. To curye outward past the normal or usual limit. 2. To be obtrusively conspicuous. stick around wrb stick-at-nothing adiec-tioe J-^ac\ingscruplegor principles. stick-in-fhe-niud rurun Infornwl. An old-fashionedpersonwho is reluctant to changeor innovate. stick out oerb stickup rwun stick up oerb Infomwl. To take property or possessions from (a pgrpn, company,etc.) unlawfully and usu. forcibly. stickup noun Inf-onngL_The_act or crime of taking anotfier'sproperty unlawfirlly and by force. sticky ad,iectioe 1. Having the property of adhering: sticky icing. 2. Damp and warm: a stick7iloU in the delb couttry. 3. Infonnal. Not easyto do, achieve,or master. 4. Hard to deal with or get out of. sticky-fingered adiectioe Tending to larceny. stiff adiecth:e f . So rigidly constrained,formal, or awkward as to lack all grace and qpontaneity:a stif, wncomfortable inten:ieu; a personuho usasstif ard, ihl at easeuith others. 2. Not changingshapeor bending. 3. Incapableof changingor being modified. 4. Vastly exceedinga normal limit, as in cost. stiff rroun L. Slang.The phpical frame of a dead personor animal. 2. Slang.A personwho is habitually drunk. 3. Slarry.A stinry person.
898 1. Syns: cane, sta.ff,stavel. -Idiurn walking stick. 2. Syns: bar, rod, shaft, slab.
1. 2. 3. 4.
nervr. cl.rclg oerb. snrL oerb. xorvpr-us.
5. c*rntr osrb. 6. sxrx rzrb. 7. nuposr. 8. soND o€rb. REMAIN.
L. Derb. 2. ct *n oerb, snn stick.
snr stick. snr stick up. ROB.
1. Syns; adhesive,clagry (Regiornl), clogry, gh"y, gooey(Inforntal), gummy,ta"kyt. 2. Syns:humid, mucky, mugg, soggy, sultry. 3. orrrrcur.t. 4. rrcnr adiectine. LANCENOUS.
1. Syns.' buckram, cardboard, starchy, stilted, wooden.
2. nrcro. 3. rNrr-nxrsr.E. 4. srnnpl. l. soov rwun. 2. onuxxmn. 3. ursrn.
899 stiff wrb To make stiff or stiffer. stiffen oerb 1. To make stifi or stifier: stiffen a coll'arwith starch. 2.To make resistantto hardship,esp.through continued exPosure. 3. To make or becometense. stiff-necked adieaioe Tenaciouslyunwilling to Yield. stifle oerb 1. To stop the breathingof. 2. To keep from being published or transmitted. 3. To decieaseor dull the soundof. 4. To hold (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check' stifling adieaioe Oppressivedue to a lack of fresh air. stifling rwun The act of restrainingforcefully. stigma twun I. U"d. A mark on the skin indicative of a disease,as typhus: a henwnlwging stignn. 2. A mark of discredit or disgrace. stigmatize oerb fo mark with disgace or infamyza family stigmatized stigmatizedby bg congmital iruanity; an ad;rninistrati'ort scanilnl. still adaerb 1. Without noise: He lag still ard watched the attack. 2. In addition. 3. To a more extremedegree. 4. In spite of a precedingevent o-rconsideration: oahtesthat ate ageol'd but still wlid. still adiectioe 1. Marked by, done with, or making no soundor noise' 2. Not moving. 3. Motionless-andundistubed: the still waters of a seclud,edlagoon. 4. Marked by * absenceof circulating air. still oerb 1. To causeto becomesilent. 2.To makeor becomecalm. still noun The absenceof soundor noise. stillness rw,tn 1. An absenceof motion or disturbancei (m ornirwtt's stilhwssbefore the stonn. 2. T\e absenceof sound or noise. stif ly adiectine 1. Marked by, done with, or makingno soundor noise. 2. Poetic.Motionlessand undistubed. stifted adiecthse So rigidly'constrained, formal, or awkward as to lack all grace and spontaneitY. stimulant nt)nn Somethingthat causesand encouragesa glven resPonse. stimulate oerb l. To arouseto action. 2. To impart courage,inspiration,and resolution to. 3. To elicit a strong emotional responsefrom. 4. To stir to actjon or feeling.
1. Syn; sUff. 2. nenopN. 3. rnNsn oarb. OBSTTNATE.
1. 2. 3. 4.
cnorp. cBuson. uurrr-n. nrpnrss.
l. Syn:petechia. 2. srew nuun. Syn; brand. -Idiom grvea bad nameto.
L. Syn: quret -Idiom still (or quiet) as a Inouse. 2. epornoNALLY. 3. nvpNr adnerb. 4. Syn: yet. -Idi,oms be that as it maY, still and all, still and on (Scot ). 1. su-nvr. 2. uorror.n nss. 3. Syns; calm, halcyon, placid, quiet, snlly (Poetic), untroubled. 4. emr,pss. 1. srr.nNcsoerb. 2. crtv. oerb. SILENCE
1. Syns; calm, hush, lull, placidity, quiet. 2. srr.lr1cr twlln. 1. srr-nNr. 2. srn r- adiectioe. srrcr a.diectioe.
1. 2. 3. 4.
lcrrvern. rNcounecs. rNsprnn. pnovoxr.
stimufating ad,iectiw 1. Servingto enliven: a stimuhthry debateon,foreiEn policy; a stimulating ntght of good theater.
l. Syns: animating, enlivening, quickening, rousing, stimulative, vitalizing vivifying. 2. roNrc adiectioe.
2. Producingor stimulating physical,mental, or - emotionalvigor. stimulation niun l. Somethingthat encourages. 1. nNcounacEMENT. 2. Somethingthat causesand encouragesa grven 2. response. stimulalive ad.ieaitn Servingto enliven. STIMUI.ATING. stimufafor twun that causesand encouragesa given response. STIMULUS. -rvrun -So._"thi"g stimulus l. Something_that causesand encourages a given 1. Syns; catalyst,fillip, impetus,impulse, respor_lse: hissez-faireecorwrnicpollcies s-ercingas a incenUve,motivation,prod, push,spur, stinnilw to free enteryrise. stimulant, stimulation, stimulator. 2. Somethingthat inciteseqp.a violent response: 2. Syns:goad,incitation,incitement, Rwnors of police brutality corwtituted the main instigation,provocation, trigger. stinu"thnfor thc riot. sting noun l. A cutting qualrty. l. nncn rwrrn. 2. A sudden,sharp, painful feeling. 2. pnrcx noun. 3. Infomal. A stiiruiating or intoiicating efiect. 3. rrcr rwun. sting oerb l. To feel or causeto feel a sensaUon of heat or l. Syns;bite, burn, smart. discomfort:$rc(<enqde my e7essting.Alnohol stirt'4..s an open u:ound, 2. To causeto becomesoreor inflamed. 2. rnnrrerr. 3. lmg.Io g! moneyor somethingelsefrom by 3. claBl,lr oerb. deceitful trickery. stinging a.d,iecthse So sh"fp'as to causemental pain. stingy adiectioe l. Ungenerouslyor pettily reluctant to spendmoney: l. Syns;cheap,closer,close-fisted, too stingy to paV his emplayeesa lioing unge. costive,hardfisted,mean2,miserly, narrow (Regiowl), niggard,niggardly, parsimonious,penny-pinching, penurious,pinching, tight, tightfisted. 2. Conspicuouslydeficient in quantity, fullness,or 2. runecrn. extent. stink oerb To have or give off a foul odor. svntt- oerb. stinking adiectir:e l. Having an unpleasantodor. 1. surr,r,y. 2. Slnng.Intoxicatedwith alcoholicliquor. 2. nnur. adiectioe. stint wrb To be severelysparingin order to economize. SCRIMP. stint rwun l. A limited, often assignedperiod of activity, duty, or 1. runlr rwun. opportunity. 2. A piece of work that hasbeen assigned. 2. resx rwun. stipend ronn Paymentfor work done. wecn(rs) rrotrn. stipple oerb To mark with many small qpots. SPECKLE. stipulate oerb To_makeqpecific: Thc conttact stipulntes the Syns: detail, particularize, qpecificate, obligatiotu of all parties. specrfy.
901 stipulation rwttn
A restricting or modifying element. stirl perb 1. To impart movement to: A sli,ghtsrnile stined her lips. the breezestined mY lmir. 2.To put togetherinto one massso that the constituentparts are more or lesshomogeneous. 3. To arousethe emotionsof; make ardent. 4. To induce or eficit (a reactionor emotion). 5. To elicit a strongemotionalresponsefrom. 6. To give rise to a particular development 7. To make a sliglrt movement: the child stired in his sleep.He wutldn't stir from the TV set. 8. To ceiue sleeping. stir rwun 1. The act or processof moving. 2. Agitated, excited movementand activityi on anry stir tn the crowd. 3. An interruption of regular procedure or of public peace. 4. A conditionof intensepublic interestor excitement. stir2 nmrn Slmrg.A place for the confinementof personsin lawful detention. stirred adiectioe Emotionally aroused. ad,iectioe stirring 1. Exciting a deep,usu. somberresponse. 2. Providing inspiration. stitch noun A sensationof physical discomfort occurring as the result of diseaseor injury. stock adiectiae 1. Being of no specialqualrty or type. 2. Lacking in interest or originality. stock oerb To have for sale. stock rwun 1. A group of people sharingcommonancestry. 2. A zupply storedor hidden for future use. stockpile oerb l. To accumulateand set asidefor future lure:The air force stockpiledrurcl,earueaponsfor we in caseof u)or. 2. To store up (suppliesor money),u2. well beyond one'sneeds. stockpile rxxtn A supply stored or hidden for fuhrre use. ad,iectioe stock-itifi Not moving. stocky adiectiae Short, heavy, and solidly built: The coochnnde him a shotautter, shrcehe was too stocky to run races. stodgl adiectioe l. Short, heavy, and solidly built. 2. Having so many constituentparticles in zuspension as to be condensed,often viscous. stole twun A garment wrapped about a person. stolid adiecthse Without emotion or interest.
l. Syn: move. 2. vtrx oerb. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
srnn oerb. enousr. rNsprnB. cnr+sRArp. Syns: budge, move.
8. wexn. 1. uortors noun. 2. Syns: bustle, flurry, whirl, whirlpool. 3. orsflrnsANcE. 4. snr.IserroN. ILIL nOU,n.
A.rFEcreur. 1. eFpncrtNc. 2. rNsprnrxc. PAIJ\ ftotrft.
1. onorNenv adiectioe. 2. nounrvn ad;iectioe. CANRY.
1. renrrr.v. 2. noenp rwun. 1. Syns; lay up, save (up), store (up).
2. lg.orno oerb.
Syns; blocky, chunlcy,dumpy, squab, squabby,squat, stodry, shrbby, shrmpy. 1. srocrv. 2. rnrcr adieaioe.
stolidity stofidity rwun Lack of emotion or interest. stomach nourl A desire for food or drink. stomach oerb To put up with. stomp oerb 1. To walk with loud, heavysteps. 2. To step on,heavily and rlpeaiedly so as to crush, injure, or destroy. stone rroun . A fertilize$ nlant ornrle capableof germinating. $OneO adiectioe l. Slang.Stupefied,intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drugs. with alcoholicliquor. .2. Slang.-Intoxicated stonyhearted adiectioe Totally lacking in compassion. stooge
l. rrul.ap oerb. 2. rneupr,n.
9F'EDnoun. 1. onuccno. 2. onurx ad.iec-tbe.
A person used or controlled by others.
Slang. To grve incriminating information about others, eqp. to the authorities.
stool oerb
stoolie rwun S4"g.One who gives incriminating information about others. stool pigeon rwm Shg.One who gives incrimiratirg information about others. stoop oerb l. To incline the body: a,n ol.d,man stooped ooer his mne, 2. To oneself down to a lower level of behavior. 3. To descend to a level considered inappropriate to one's dignity.
1. Syns;bend, bow, hump, hunch, scrunch. 2. orscnxo. 3. cowonscpnro.
stop rserb"
1. To prevent the occurrenceor continuationof a movement,action, or operation: The gooemor stoppedthe execation. Stoptlwt rd^s;! 2. To plug up something as a hole, space,or container. 3. To come to a cessation:The snou:hasfuully stopped.Work on the proiect stoppedln"$ waek. Thc guard yelbd f* ^ to stop, and,ue frozc in un tracks. 4. To cut short; discontinue. 5. To b.ittg or come to a forced end. 6. To ceaseuryingto accomplishor continue. 7. To go to or seekout the companyof in order to socialize. 8. To cause to cease regular
stop rw.Ln l. The act of stopping: The skier madp a fast stop at the bottorn of thc hill. 2. The condition of being stopped: Wo* on thc dnm has bem at a totnl stry fm a year. 3. A concluding or terminating. - 4. Anything that impedesor preventsenby or passage. stopgap noun 1. Somethingused temporarily or reluctantly when other meansare not available.
1. Syns; arrest, belay (Nmt.), cease, check, discontinue, haltl, stayl, surcease (Archaic). -kliums bring to a standstill, call a halt to, put a stop to. 2. pr-t . 3. Syns; belay (Rarc), cease,desis! discontinue, hdtr, lay oS (Slnng),leave off, quit, surcease (Archaic). -Idiorn come to a standstill (- stop). 4. nanl;x oerb. 5. snnAx up at break. 6. enervoox oerb. 7. vrsrc oerb, 8. rrp up. l. Syns; arrest, cessation, check, cut-ofi, haltr, stayr, stoppage. -Idiurn screeching halt. 2. Syns: cessation,haltl, stoppage, standstill. -Idimn dead (or full) stop. 3. nxo noun. 4. nen rtoun. 1. uexnsnrrr.
903 2. That to which one turns for help when in deqperation. stoppage tuoun 1. The act of stopping. 2.\\e condition of being stopped. 3. A cessationof normal activity causedby * accident, strike, etc. store noun 1. A retail establishmentwhere merchandiseis sold: a clothing storc. 2. A supply stored or hidden for future use. 3. A plice where somethingis depositedfor safekeeping. store oetb 1. To have or put in a customaryplace. 2. To accumulateand set asidefor future use. storehouse rwun A place where somethingis depositedfor safekeeping. storm oerb To set upon with violent force. storm rwun
2. nrsonr noun. 1. srop rroun. 2. srop rww, 3. rrr-up at tie uP.
1. Syns; emporium, oudet shoP. 2. rroenp notm. 3. npposrtonv.
l. xanp osrb. 2. srocwryn oerb. DEPOSITORY. trtllcx
A concentrated outpotrring, as of missiles, words, or blows. BAnRAGEftoun,
storm and stress rwun A state of uneasiness and usu. resenEnent brewing to an eventual explosion.
stormy ad,iectioe 1. Violentlydisturbed,asby storms. 2. Markedby unrestor dishrrbance. story twun 1. A recounting of past eventsi lDor stories.
2. A usu. brief detail of news or information. 3. A narrative not based on fact. 4. An entertaining and often oral account of a real or fictitious occurrence. 5. The series of events and relationships forming the basis of a composition. 6. An untrue declaration.
1. noucn. 2. runsulENr. 1. Syns; account, chronicle, description, history, narrative, report, statement, version. 2. rnu. 3. ncrrow. 4. venN. 5. pr.or ruyun, 6. r.rn2 twun.
storyteller twun One who tells lies. ad,iectioe stout 1. Having or showing courage. 2. Having a large body, esp. in Stth. 3. Having too much fesh. 4. Capable of exerting considerable effort or of withstanding considerable stress or hardship.
1. 2. 3. 4.
sRAvE adiectioe. suLKY. rr.r adiec'tioe.
stouthearted adiec-th:e Having or showing courage.
strabistal or strabismiC ad,iec'titse Marked by or affected with a squint. strabismic adiectioe strabismus rwun The condition of not having the visual axesparallel. straddle oerb 1. To sit or lie with the limbs spreadout awkwardly. 2. To sit with a leg on eachside of. straggle oerb To grow or qpreadin a disorderly or planlessfashion. straggler rwun One that lags.
sQUrNTr. srn strabismal. SQUINT ftolln.
1. spnewr-. 2. srnrop. SPRAWL.
stnight straight di"titn l. Not dilutedor mixedwith othersubstances: Struight @eq baneniler. 2. Proceeding or lyingin an unintermptedline or
904 l. Syns; full-strength, neal plain, pu€, unblended ar unblen! undiluted, unmixed. -Idiom rigfrt ofi the top. 2. pnncr adieciioe.
coruBe. Having no irregularities, roughness,or indentations. 3. nneNr adiecthn. In a definite an{ final form; not likely to change. 4. rrnul. Spealcin_g or qpokenfreely and sincerlly. 5. rnlrrrr. Slmg. Conforming to establishedpractice or 5. coNvnvnouer,. standards. stnight adtnrt 1. Without the sligltest dgviation ir aoy reqpect. 1. pnpcrsnr,y. 2.-With precision or absoluteconformiiy. 2. onrcrr.y. straighten wrb To make or keep (an area) clean and orderly. trny oerb. straighten out oerb To b1|g (something)into a state of agreementor SETTLE. accord. straighten out oerb snr straighten. straightforrard adieaioe l. hoceeding or lying in an unintemrpted line or l. ornrc'r odieaioe. course. 2. Speaking-or qpokenfreely and sincerely. 2. rnervr. 3. Executed without pretenseor obfirscation. 3. pr.r,nrad;iecthse. straight-from-the-sh6ulder adiectioe FRANK. - or qpokenfreely and sincerely. -Infornwl..Spqd.i"g straight-shooting adiZctioe 1. Executed without pretenseor obfuscation. l. pr.elN adiecthn. 2. InforrnaL Having or marked by uprightnessin 2. norvnsr. principle and action strai-nt ,bb To exert one's mental or physical powers, usu. under r-rnon oerb. difficulty and to the point of exhausUon. strain lw.nt l. The acl condition, or efiect of exerting force on l. pnrssunr twaln. someoneor something. 2, a\e use of enerry to do something. 2. nrronr. strain2 notln t. I pl^easing successionof musical tones forming a usu. 1. urr-opy. brief aestheticunit. 2. An intermixture of a contrastingor unexpected 2. srnrex nuun. quality, a p€rson'scharacter. 3. A slight amount. 3. sneon rwun. strained- adiecthn Not natural or sDontaneous. FORCED. strait-faced d.ieaioe Marked by excessiveconcern for propriety and good GENTEEL. form. strake oerb To mark with a line or band of difierent color or texture. srnrex rzrb. strand noun Somethi.g drawn or spun out like a fine, continuous THREAD IWIIN. filament. strange adiecttw l. Deviratingfrom the customary. 1. nccrvrnrc adiectioe. 2. Causingpuzdement; peqplexing. 2. ruxr.ry. 3. Of, from, or characteristicof another place or part 3. ronncx. of the world. stranger rurun A person coming from another country. FORETGNER. 3. 4. 5. 6.
905 strangle wrb 1. T; interferewith or stopthe normalbreathingof, constrictingthe windpipe. requiringan outlet)in cheek. 2. T6 hoid (something strapped adiecthn tnformol.Havinglittle or no moneyor wealth. strapping adiectioe PhysicallystrongandhealthY. stratagem notrn 1. An indirect, usu. cunning means of gaining an end. 2. An action meant to deceive.
strategt noun ,q.methodfor makingdoing or accomplishing
L. cwore tprb. 2. nrpnnss. POOR.
1. rnrcx ruoun. 2. oncnprroN. DESTGN fWUn.
stratosphCric adiectioe l. Pre-eminentin rank or position. 2. Vastly exceedinga normal limit, as in cost. straw The least bit. Stray oerb 1. To turn away from a prescribed courseof action or conduct. 2. To turn asidefrom the main subject in writing or qPeaking. 3. To movi about at random,esP.over a wide area. stray adiec-tioe 1. Without a fixed or regular course. 2. Having no particular patterrl puq)ose' organization' or struchrre. streak nolrn 1. An intermixhrre of a contrastingor unexpected quality, esp. in a person'scharacter: He's got a real fltaan streak. 2, A slight amount. 3.lnfonnal. A number of thingsplaced or occurring one after the other. streak rwb To mark with a line or band of different color or texhrre: L@htnlry streakedtfu skY. stream rautn Somethingsuggestiveof running water. stream oerb 1. To move freely as a liquid. 2, To come forth or emit in abundance. streamer rroun Fabric used esp. as a symbol. streamlined a.diectiae Having slender and gaceful lines. street rww A courseaffording Passagefrom one place to another. streetwalker noun A woman who engagesin sexualintercoursefor payment. strength twlrn 1. The state or qualrty of being physically strong: You coul.dserve th'e strmgth tn his lcgs and anTB. 2, 3. 4. 5.
Capacity or power for work or vigorousactivity. Power used to overcomeresistance. The condition of being free from defects or faws. Reliability in withstandingpressure,force, or stress.
1. rucxnst. 2. srrnpr. DAMN fvruN.
l. onvern oerb, 2. prcnrss. 3. norry. 1. pnnerrc. 2. nergoorvr. 1. Syns; strain2,stripe, vein. 2. snepr noun, 3. snnrns. Syns; strake, striate, stripe, variegate.
FLOW tWUn. L. sLow oerb, 2. fi,rl.w oerb. rl-ecr fwun. sLEEKad,iectioe. \vAY. PROSTTTUTE.
L, Syns:brawru mig[rt, muscle,potency (alsopotence), power, powerfulness, puissance,sinew(s),thew(s),vigor, vigorou^mess. 2. nr*sncr. 3. roncs rwun, 4. sourplwss. 5. sresrr,rrY.
strengthen wrb l. 2. 3. 4.
To To To To
prepare (oneself) for action. make firmer in a particular conviction or habit. become or cause to become tough or strong. make or become tight - or tighter. -
strenuous adiectiae l. Posyssing, exertingor displayingenerry. -2. Markedby vigorous physicalexeition. stress rwrrn
1. Special weight placed upon something considered important. 2. "I\e acg condition, or efiect of exerting force on someone or something. stress oerb To accord emphasis to. ^
stretch oerb
l. To make or become longer. 2. To proceed on a certain course or for a certain distance. 3. make (something) seem greater than is actually To the case. 4. Archaic. To execute by suspending by the neck. 5. To extend, esp. an appendige. stretch out oerb 1. To be or place oneself in a prostrate or recumbent position. 2: T9 take repose by sleeping, lpng quietly, or the like. stretch naun l. The measure of ]row far or long something goes in qpace, time, or degree. 2, An extent, measured or unmeasured, of linear sDace. 3. A wide and open area, as of land, sky, or waterl 4. A rather short period. 5. A'term of service, as in the military or in prison. 6. A limited or specific_period of time d"i*d which something happens, lasts, or extends. stretch ad,iecthse . C -apgblg.ofbeing extended or expanded. stretchable ad;iecthrc Capable of being extended or expanded. .
stretch out oerb strew oerb
To extend over a wide area.
striate oerb To mark with a line or band of difierent color or texhrre. strict adiecthn l. Conforming completely to established rule: a sfibt corutntction of-unqparing the Constitution. 2. Rigorous and in treating others. 3. Not deviating from correctness, accuracy, or completeness.
l. 2. 3. 4.
crnn. cor.rrrnu. roucnrx. rrcnrpx.
1. puencnrrc. 2. noucn. l. rupnesrs. 2. pnBssungnoun.
1. r.rNcrnrN, 2. rxrnxo. 3. rxaccnnarn. 4. HeNc. 5. nrecn. 1. r,rnr. 2. nnstr oerb. l. nxruwr. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
prsrexcn. nxpeNsp. nrrl. ruvrn noun. rnnu rwun.
sEEstretch. spnnlo oerb. srnrex oerb.
1. Syns; exact, rigorous, uncompromising. 2. srvsnn. 3. cr-osrr adiecthse.
l. Something that limits or restricts. 2. Path. A becoming narrow or narrower.
stride oerb
l. nrsrnrcrron. 2. cowsrnrcrroN.
l. To walk with long steps,esp. in a vigorousmanner: 1. Syns.' marchr, stalk. strodeinto the ofue and demandedto seethc marwger. 2. To sit with a leg on each side of: stridc the ferwe. 2. Syns: bestride, straddle. strident adieaioe l. Dsagreeableto the senseof hearing. 1. nensn.
907 2. Offensively loud and irxistent.
2. vocrrnnous.
strife (wun
1. corvrr.rcr rwtrn. l. A stateof disagreementand disharmony. 2. coxrr.tcr naun. 2. A state of open, prolonged fighting. 3. coupBrlTroN. 3. A strugglewith others for victory or supremacy. strike oerb l. nn perb. l. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sharply. 2. sNl.p oerb. 2.To gasp at (something)eagerly,forcibly, and jaws. the abrupdy with 3. mwcz. 3. To give forth or causeto grve forth a clear, resonant sound. 4. sBrzn. 4. To have a sudden,overwhelmingeffect on. 5. l^rrl'cx oerb. force. with violent upon 5. To set 5. errr-rcr. 6. To btittg great harm or sufferingto. 7. errpcrl. response emotional mental or strong 7. To evokii usu. from. 8. occun. 8. To enter a person'smind. 9. Syn; walk ouL -Idi$n 9, To ceaseworking in support of demandsm-ad9uPon an employertThe mineri dpcidadto strikefor higher
go on strike.
strike back oerb To return like for like, esp. to return an unfriendly or hostile action with a similar one. strike out oerb 1. To proceed in a specified direction. 2. To iemove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiPing clean. strike twun 1. Something that has been discovered. 2.T\e act of attacking.
strike back oerb strike out oerb striking a.diectiae Readily attracting notice.
string rwun 1. A number of thingsplaced or occurringone after the other. 2. An unbrokensequenceof events. 3. A group of peopleor thingsarrangedin a row. a. hfor.nal. A-restrictingor modifying element. string oerb To put (objects)onto a fine, continuots filament. string up oerb tnfontwl. To executeby suspendi.gby the neck. stringencY rwun The facror condition of being rigorous and unsparing. string uP oerb stripr oerb 1. fo removeall the clothing from: strippedand searclwil each suspect;quickly str@ed ard' iurnped into the pool. 2. To makebare. 3. To removethe skin of. 4. To destroy completely while congrreringor occupying. 5. To take or keep somethingaway from. strip2 rrultn A thin strip of material or color. stripe rwun 1. A thin strip of material or color. 2. A classthat is defined by the common attribute or by.Il its members. attributespossessed
1. snAR.
2. ceNcnr.. 1, nrscovnnv. 2. errecr tuoun. sEEstrike. sns strike. NOTICEABLE.
1. srnrrs. 2. nuN rwnn. 3. r,rNs rwtm, 4. pnovrsrorq. rrnnep s*tc
srn string. 1. Syns;denude,disrobe,unclothe, undress. 2. 3. 4. 5.
P,Alln Derb. srrx trrb. onvest^lrr. pppnnry.
geNor rruun. 1. sANDI nutm. 2. xwnP.
stripped 3. An intermixture of a contrasting or unexpected qudity, esp. in a person's character.
stripe wrb To mark with a line or band of difierent color or texfure. stripped ad,iectioe Not wearingany clothes. strive oerb1. To make an attempt to do or make. 2. To exert one'smental or phpical powers,usu.under . . $tr"ulty ard to the point of exhaustion. Slllvlng rronn l. A struggll*ith othersfor victory or supremacy. 2.\\e useof enerry to do something. stroll oerb l. To walk at a leisurely -pace: We stroll.edabout the gardensas ue talked. 2.
Ig go -througha place, viewing or inspectingin a leisurelyway. stroll rroun An act of walking eqp.for pleasure. strong adieaioe 1. Having geat physical strength: It takestwo strong mm to nwoe a pia:rn, 2. Capable of exerting considerableefiort or of withstandingconsiderablestressor hardship: a t% yfrryal ecotwm1;strongunobn fa6nic. ^ 3. Full of or diqplayingfoice. 4. Intensely violent in sustainedveloci$. !. l"rutUogfrom or afiectingone'sinnlrmost feelings. 6. Having a high concentrationof the distinguishing_ ingredient: a strorqofuink. 7. Containingalcohol. 8. Firmly settled or positioned. strong-arm terb l. Infornwl.'T_odomineeror drive into complianceby the useof threats,force, etc. 2. To force one'sway into a place or situaUon. strong.arm adiectine Infrnrnl. Accomplishedby force. struCk adiectioe Emotionally aroused. structure rwun - A *q. permanentconstruction,as a house,store,etc. struggle oerb To strive in opposition to. struggle rwun l. An intensecompetition. 2. T\e use of energ/ to do something. strumpet rwttn .A ydg*,-promiscuolls womanwho fouts propriety. strut oerb To walk with exaggeratedor unnahual motions expressiveof self-importanceor selfdisplay: Modeline her new uftf4 she sfii.rttedabmt lileei piacock stubborn adiectioe 1. Firmly, often unr_easonably immovable in pu4rose or will: stubbom adlvrence to an urnoorlcabliphn.
908 3. srnrex rwu,n. srnnl.;x oerb.
L. l,lrrnl,ayr oerb. 2. rtnon oerb.
1. corrrpprrrroN. 2. Bpronr. 1. Syns,'amble, meander, mosey (Infonrwl), perambulate, -promenade, ramble, saunter, wander. 2. enowsr.
WALK twtm. 1. Syns; br.awny, l.tsty, mighty, poten! powerful, puissant. 2. Syns-:hardy, stalwart, stout, tough. 3. 4. 5. 6.
roncerul. nrcn adiec'tine. osnp adiectioe. Syns; concentrated, potent, stifi.
7. Heno adiecth:e. 8. strnp. 1. rNurnrroetr. 2. vrvsct-n oerb. FORCIBLE.
l. eerrr.r rroun. 2. prronr. SLUT.
Syns: founce, peacock, sashay(Infornwt), swagger, swank, swash.
l. Syns: adamant, adamantine, brassbound, die-hard (a/so diehard), inexorable, infexible, iron, obdurate, relentless, rigid, unbendable,
2. Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. 3. Difficult to alleviate or cure, a sAthborncold,. stubbornness rwun The quality or state of being shrbbornly unyielding. stubby adiectioe Short, heavy, and solidly built. stuck-up ad,iecthn Infonrul. Thinking too higlrly of oneself. student noun One who is being educated:cotlegesAd,en*. studied adiectioe Rezultingfrom deliberation and careftrl thought. studious adiectioe l. Devoted io study or reading:a stud,ionsyoungman wlw prefemd boolcsto xryts. 2. Charicterized by steadyattention and effort. 3. Rare. Rezultinghom deliberation and careful thouglrt. study t@un 1. The act of examiningcarefully. 2. A careful consideringof a matter. 3. Repetition of an action so as to develop or maintain one'sskill. 4. The condition of being so lost in solitary thouglt as to be unawareof one's surroundings. study oerb l. To look at carefully or critically. 2.To think about seriouslY. 3. To apply one's mind !o the acquisitionof lrnowledge:stud'yittgf- ^ etflIn.
1. That from which things a^reor can be made. 2.\\e basicsubstanceor essentialelementsof character that qualify a Personfor a qpecifiedrole. 3. The most central and material part. 4.Infonnal. Thosearticlesthat belongto someone. 5. Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense. stuff oerb To ffll to excessby compressingor squeezingtightly. stuffed adiecthse Completely filled. stuffy ad,iectioe 1. Arousing no interest or curiosity. 2. Characterizedby an exaggeratedshow of dignity or self-importance. 3. lnfonrwl. Marked by excessiveconcern for propriety and good form. 4. Oppressivedue to a lack of fresh air. stumbl6 rserb 1. To catch the foot againstsomethingand lose one'1 balance:skmtbled on art elecnin cord and neatly fell. 2. To move awlnvardly or clumsilY. 3. To walk unsteadily. 4. To proceed or perform in an unsteady,faltering
unbending uncomPliant, uncompromising,unswaYable, unyielding. -lilbm shrbborn as a mule (or ox). 2. ossTINerE. 3. Syns; obstinate,persistent pertinacious. oBSTINACY. srocnY' E@rIsrIcAL. Syns; educand,.learner'Pupil, scholar, scholastic(Obs.). ADVISED. 1. Syns;bookish,scholarly. 2. ou.rcmrr. 3. el)vrsno. 1. pxeunrmox. 2. epvrspupn"r. 3. pnecrrcB rrorrru. 4. rneNct.
1. pxeuwn. 2. coNsrppn. 3. Syns; con, lucubrate.
1. uemnler.. 2. rrMspn. 3. nnent. 4. snloNclNcs. 5. NoNsplsn. cnowo oerb. F'ULL.
1. gomxc. 2. porvrpous. 3, crrrnpr-. 4. ernr.rss. L. Syn: vrp. -ldbms lose one'sfooting make a false step. oerb. 2. sr-uNDER 3. r.uncn. 4. rrruplrr.n.
stumbleon 5. To makean error or mistake. stumble on (or upon) oerb To find or meet by chance. stumble noun A sfupid, clumsy mistake. stumbfe olr (or upon) oerb stump oerb l. To move heavily. 2. Infomat. To make incapableof finding somethingto think, do, or say. stump rwun Inf-orrwl. {n act of taunting another to do something bold or rash. stumpy adiec-tiu - Short, heavy, and solidly built. stun oerb - To render helpless,as by emotion. StUnnef noun l. A womanregardedas beautiful. 2. One that evokesgreat surpriseand admiration. stunning diec-th:e Of such a character as to overwhelm. stunt rwun 1. A great or heroic deed. 2. A clever, dexterousact. stupefy oerb l. To make or becomelesskeen or reqponsive. 2. To stun the senses,as with a heavy 6lo*, a shock, or fatigue. 3. To render he$less,asby emotion. stupendous adiZctiae 1. Of extraordinarysize and power. 2. So remarkableas to elicit itislercf. stupid adiecthse I- Lacking in intelligence: too strryid to grary her meaning.
Lacking mental and physical alertness and activity.
stupor nou,n
1. A deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity. 2. A stunned or bewildered condition.
sturdy adieahse l. Phpically strong and healthy. 2. Not easilymoved or shaken. 3. Characterizedby markedmusculardevelopment; powerfrrlly built. 4. Capable of exerting considerableefiort or of withstandingcorsiderable stressor hardship. _ Sturm und Drang rwm A state of uneasinessand u2. resentrnentbrewing to an evenhralexplosion. stutter oerb To intrude involuntary repetitions and pauses into one's qpeech. stutter rmn A qpgech impediment marked by invol,ntary repetitions and pauses.
910 5. pnn. coME ACROSSat COme. BLUNDER fW.I,fI,.
snBstumble. L. r,tvr'r oerb. 2. r.IoNpr,us.
D,An]E ftoun.
1. sreury. 2. rvrenvrr-. STAGGERING.
1. rrer. 2. rnrcx notilr. l. out t oerb. 2. orrza oerb. 3. pener,yzn. 1. crexr adiectitse. 2. renur.ous. l. Syns; blockheaded, dense, dimwitted, dolUsh, dumb (Infonnat), feebleminded, half-witted, hebetudinous, obtuse, simple, simple-minded, slow, slow-witted, soft (Informal ), thick, thickheaded, thick-witted. 2. r.nrnencrc. l. r.rrnency. 2. ntzn noun. l. esln-noorrn. 2. soux#. 3. uuscur-an. 4. srnoNc.
srlivltvcln oerb.
911 stuttering raoun A speech impediment marked by involuntary repetitions and Pauses.
style noun i. A dirtin"tive way of expressingoneself: He uvrotethe script in a disiointed stgle. 2. T# current custom. 3. The mannerin which somethingis done. 4. Behavior througlr which one reveal" one's personality. 5. The word or words by which one is called and identified. style oerb f . fo grvea nameor title to. 2. To tescribe with a word or term. stylish -Being od,iectioe or in accordancewith the current fashion. stylize oerb To make conventional.
stymie oerb To prevent from accomplishing a Puryose. SUave ad;iectiae Efiortlessiy gacious and tac$ul in social manner: a s,Mne repiy cwlarlated to dryby his uit toithufi arwsing emq. sub nou,n lnfonnnt. One that takes the place of another.
sublltern twu,n One belonging to a lower class or rank. perb subdivide To separate into branches or branchlike parts.
subdivision rwun l. one of the parts into which something is divided. _ 2. A part of a iamily, tribe, or other group, or of such a g6op't language, that is believed to stem from a common ancestor.
subdue rserb 1. To win a victory over, as in battle or a comPetition. 2.To i*pait severely the qpirit health, effectiveness, etc., of. 3. To make or become less severe or extreme. adiectioe subdued 1. Not showy or obtrusive. 2, Not irritating, strident, or loud.
subiect adiecthse 1. In a posiUon of subordination. 2. Determined or to be determined by someone or something else. 3. Tending to incur. subiect nuun 1. A person owing loyalty to and entitled to the protection of a given state. 2. What a speech, piece of writing, or artistic work is about: She chose the coloninl prison systern as the wbiect of her pqer. 3. A sphere of activity, study, or interest. subject oerb l. To make a slave of. 2. To lay open, as to something undesirable or injurious. ad,iectioe subjective Based on individual judgment or discretion.
1. Syns; fashion,manner' mode, tone, vein' 2' resnrou twun' 3' wev' 4. nEARINc. 5. nerunrwun. L' Nt*rn oerb' 2' cttt;' oetb' FASHIoNABLE' coNvENTroNALrzE'
FRUSTRATE' Syns: bland, smooth, urbane.
tloun' SUBSTITUTE rrounSUBoRDINATE sRANcH oefb. 1. DIvtsIoN. 2, gRANcH froun.
L. rinpntr oerb, 2. rlrrrrr Derb. 3. uoornerp
1. gumr. 2. sorr. 1. susoRDtNmn adiectioe. 2. prprxon*r adiectioe. 3. Lhsr-n. l. crnznx. 2. Syns: argument, point" matter, text, theme, topic. -Idiotn zubject matter. 3. enne. l. rNsr,evs. 2. B:eosB. ARBITRARY.
subjugate oerb To make a slave of.
sublimation naun The act of raisingto a higlrpositionor statusor the
condition of being so raised, subf ime adiectioe t. Raisedto or occupying a high position or rank. 2. Marked by extraordinaryelegance,beauty, and qplendor. 3. Large and impressivein size,scope,or extent. submerge oerb l. To plungebriefy in or into a liquid. 2. To go beneaththe surfaceor to the bottom of a liquid. 3. To fow over completely. 4. To concealin obscuritv. submerse wrb 1. To go beneaththe surfaceor to the bottom of a liquid. ?. T: plunge briefy in or into a liquid. SUDffiISSIOnnoun 1. frg qualityor state of willingly carrying out the wishesof others. 2. "I\e act of submitting or surrenderingto the power of another. ?. T*paning tfrat is put forward for consideration. SUDII|fSStVe adiectioe l. Wilting to carry out the wishesof others. 2. Submittingwithout objectionor resistance. submit oerb l. To commit to the considerationor iudgmentof another: stbniUed his report to thc aithorities. 2, To undergo capture, defeat"or ruin. 3. To give in from or as if from a gadual lossof strength. 4. To conform to the will or judgment of another, esp. _ out of reqpector courtesy. 5. To advance,as an idea" for consideration. subordinate twurr. One belongingto a lower classor ra*: The w.pen:isors kqt o tight tein on tlleir wbordhutes. subordinate adieaioe In a position of subordination:a xtbordhute tenitory of a maior pwer. sub-rosa adiectbe Existing or operating a way so as to ensurecomplete lnconcealmentand confidentialiW. subscribe oerb l. To grve in commonwith others. 2. To afix one's signatureto. subscribeto wrb To be favorably diqposedtoward. subscriber rwu,n 4 p"lp" who gives to a charity or cause. substribe to ,wU subsequent adieatoe 1. Following somethingelse in time. 2. Being or occurring in the time ahead. 1. qollou1ng one after another in an orderly pattern. 4. Going beyond what currently exists.
1. nxer,rno. 2. cr-onrous. 3. cnervo. l. op oerb. 2. swx oerb. 3. rtnoo oerb. 4. onscunn oerb. l. snvr
1. colcrRrsurE. 2. srcx oerb. APPROVE.
snn subscribe. l. 2. 3. 4.
r,ernn odiectioe. rurunr od,iecth:e. coNsscurrvE. runrnnx ad,iectioe.
913 subsequential adiectioe
1. Following one after another in an orderly pattern' 2. Following something else in time.
subservient adiectine 1. In a positionof subordination. 2. Excesively eagerto serveor obey. subside oerb To becomelessactive or intense: The stonn gradnnlly srbsidcil. subsidiarY rwun A local unit of a busines or an auxiliary controlled by zuch a business:A srnall stfusiilfurg of the multinatiorul oorporationis located here. subsidiarY adiecthse Giving or able to grve help or support' subsidize oerb To supply caPital to or for. subsidY noun Something as a gift, ganted for a definite purpose' subsist wrb 1. To have realitYor life. 2. To have being or actuditY. 3. To maintain existencein a certain way' subsistence noun The meansneededto suPPortlife' nou,n substance -i. ftt"t which occupiesspaceand can be perceivedby the senses. 2. That from which things are or can be made' 3. The most central and material part' 4. The generalsenseor significance,as of an action, statement,etc. 5. The main Part. 5. The threail or current of thouglrt uniting or occurring in all the elementsof a text or discourse' substandard ad,iectioe Of mediocre qualitY. substantial adiectin:e l. Composedof or relating to things that occupy sPace and 6an be PerceivedbY the senses' 2.I'arge in number or Yield. 3. Having great significance. 4. Having actual realitY. substantiate oerb 1. To present -attute evidencein support of' the certainty or validity of' To 2. 3. To represent (an abstraction)in or as if in bodily form. 4. To establishas tnre or genuine.
1. That which conffrms. 2. A phpical entity typifying an abstraction' substantive a.diectioe Having actual realitY. substitute twttn One that takesthe place of another: a gtrcst lecaner who is a sabstihfie for a professoron sabbatirnl' substitute oerb l. To act as a substihrte:Wlvn tlw ministeruns sbhvo
1. coNspcurrw. 2. r.ersn adiectioe. 1. susonpr N l,.rn adiec-tioe. 2. sBnvrr,n. Syns; abate, bate, die (down), ease off, ebb, fall, fall off, lapse, let up, moderate, relent, slacken, wane. Syns: a^ffiliate, branch, division.
AUXTLIARYad,iecthn. FINANCE. GRANT fKruN. 1. sB.
2. rxrsr. 3. r,rvel. LTVING.
1. Merrsn twurl. 2. uernnrer, rwun, 3. nrenr. 4. ruponr rtoun. 5. sooY tuau'rt. 6. rrrnusr n/uatn.
1. prrvsrcer,. 2. nnew adiectiae. 3. ruponr.lxr. 4. nner-. l. s,trcx wrb. 2. coxnnu. 3. ptvrsopv. 4. pnovs. 1. corrmrrleflou. 2. ntlrsoDrMErvr. REAL.
Syns:dternate, fill'in, Pinch hitter (lnfomal), replacement,stand-in,sub (Infonwl), srrogate. 1. Syns; fiU i& pinch-hit (Infomal), sit in,
substitution chuch el.derwuild substitutefor him. ?. f-g Sye up in return for somethingelse. substiturtiotr rwut The act of exchangingor substituting. substratum rwun The lowest or supporting part or structure. subsume oerb To have as an integr"l p*.t. subterfuge rwun An action meantto deceive. subterrane adiectioe Located or operatingbeneaththe earth'ssurface. subterranean adiectitse beneaththe earth'ssurface. -a.diectioe I.ocatedor operating subterrene Locatedor operatingbeneaththe earth'ssurface. subterrestriaI ad,ieait:e Located or operatingbeneaththe earth'ssurface. subtle adiectitse 1. Sg-rtght as_tobe difficult to notice or appreciate. 2. Able to make or detect efiectsof greati,rbttety or precision. subtract oerb To a$" away (a quantity) from another quantity.
914 spell, stand in, supply. 2. cntvcn oerb. CHANGE |IOUN. nAsEl rwun. COr.ITerN Oerb. DECEPTION. uNDERcRouNo adiectfue. uNDERcRouNo adiectine. UNDERGRoUNo ad;iectioe. UNDERGRouNo adiectioe. 1. prr,rcarn.
2. rrnrr.
Theperipheryof a city or town. subventioh rwtrn Sometling, as a gift, granted for a definite purpose. SUDVefSIOn noun A deliberate and underhanded efiort to defeat or do harm to an endeavor.
subvert oerb l. To b.irrgaboutthe downfallof. 2. f2 dalnage, destroy, or defeat by sabotage. Succedenl adiectioe Following one after another in an orderly pattern. SUCCeed oerb 1. To turn out well: The Louer dme rate indicates that the ca,.rnpaignn make the streets safer has w.cceed,ed. 2. To gain wealth or fame: sure to strcceedos an architect. 3. To occur after (another) in time. succeeding odiectiae Following one after another in an orderly pattern. SUCC€SS noun The achievement_of something desired, planned, or attempted: His efforts to entei high to"iity ended in $tccess.
l. ovrnnrnow. 2. se-sorecn oerb. CONSECUTI!'E.
l. Syns: click (S/ang), come ofi, come through, go, go over, pan out (Informal), work out. 2. Synl: arrive, get ahead, get on, rise. -Idiums go far, go places, make good, make it. 3. ror,r,ow. CONSECUTIVE.
Syns: arrival, successfulness.-Idiorn flyt.g colors.
succeSsfulnessrrorrn The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. SUCGeSSIOn rroun l. A way in which things follow each other in space or time. 2. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other. 3. An unbroken sequence of events.
successionaf adieah:e
Following one after another in an orderly pattern.
1. ononn noun. 2. srnrns. 3. nuN rraun. CONSECUTIVE.
915 successive adiectioe Following one after anotherin an orderly pattern. succinct adiecthse Marked by or consistingof few words. SUCCOf oerb To give supportor assistance. succor rwun The act or an instanceof helPing. succumb oerb 1. To give in from or as if from a graduallossof strength: sucatmbedto the diseaseafter a oaliant strugg;Ie. 2. To suddenlyloseall health or strength. 3. To ceaseliving. 4. To undergocapture,defeat,or ruin. sucker rwrrn Stmrg.A personwho is easilydeceivedor victimized. suck in oerb Inforrnal. To draw in in such a way that extrication is difficult. sudden ad;iectioe Happeningquickly and without warning. sudden adoerb Without any warning. sudoriferous adiectioe Producingor coveredwith sweat' suds rwun l. A massof bubblesin or on the surfaceof a liquid. 2. lnformal. A feeling or spell of dismallylow spirits. sudsy adiectiae Consistingof or resemblingfoam. SUe oerb 1. To institute or subjectto legal proceedingszsu,edto regain custody of the child; suing the newspaperfor Iibel. 2.To bring an appealor requestto the attentionof. 3. To makeapplicationto a higlrer authority. 4. Archaic.To attempt to gain the affectionof. Suet noun Adiposetissue. suffer oerb l. To participatein or partakeof personally. 2. To put up with. 3. To feel, show,or expressgrief. 4. To neither forbid nor prevent. sutferable adiectioe Capable of being tolerated. suffering naun A stateof prolongedanguishand privation. suffering adiectioe Having a painful ailment. sutfice oerb To meet a need or requirement. sutficiency rwun An adequatequantity. sufficient adiectioe 1. Beingwhat is neededwithout being in excess:We had iu,stsufi.cientfuel to get rc actolr the d'esert. 2. Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent.
1. Syns;bow, capihrlate,fold (Infomal), submit,surrender,yield. 2. cor-r-epsnoerb. 3. om. oerb. 4. sunnnr.ronn DVPE fWUn. INVOLVE.
1. roervr rwun. 2. cr-oorra. FOAMY.
1. Syns; action (I;rna),law (Chiefl'Y Re$onal), litigate, prosecute. -ldiom bring suit (against). 2. enonpss oerb. 3. l^ppnN.oerb. 4. covnr aerb. Ftr twun. l. 2. 3. 4.
nxpnnrnxcn oerb. eNounn. cnrrvp. pnB.vr.nDerb.
1. Syns; adequate, comfortable (Infonnal), competent, decent, enough, satisfactory, suficing. 2. eccnsrenr-n.
sufficing sufficient noun An adequate quanUty. . sufficing- adiecttoe !:i"g what is needed without being in excess. suffocate oerb T-o stop the breathing of. suftuse oerb l. To cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone. 2. To occupy the whole of; be found throughout. Sugar oerb To make superficially more acceptable or appealing. SugarcOat oerb l. To grrrg a decepUvely attractive appsuance to. 2. To make superficially more acceptaUte or appealing. sugary adiectiae l. Having or__suggesUng the taste of sugar. 2. Purposefully contrived to gain favor. suggest oerb 1. To convey an idea by indirect, subtle means. 2. To lead to by logical inference. 3. To advance, as ir id"", for consideraUon. 4. To have a particular favor or suggestion of something. -nuun sUggestiOn 1. A feeling, thought, idea, etc., associated in one's mind or imagination with someone or something specific: What saggestion, dnes the usord "homea' bring to mind? 2. A subtle pointing out. e l. lar-ety perceivable indication of something. 4. A slight amount. 5. Something that is put forward for consideraUon. suggestive adiecthse l. Tending lo-bring something, as a memory, mood, or subtly or indirectly to mind: mu,sic sugesthse Tage, of an autumn woodland scerre. 2. Provoking a change of outlook and esp. gradual doubt and suspicion. 3. Bordering gn indelicacy or impropriety. 4. Conveying hidden or unexpressed meaning. 5. Suggestingsexuality. SUggestlveness nuun The quality or condition of being senzual. suit rwnn 1. An earnest or urgent request. 2. An application to a higher authority, as for sanction or a decision. 3. Lau. A legal proceeding to demand justice or enforce a right. 4. Romantic attentions. suit oerb 1. To be in keeping with. 2. To be appropriate or suitable to: A less strident torrc woul.d suit you better. 3. To make or become suitable to a parUcular sifuation or use. 4. To meet a need or requirement. 5. To be satisfactory to. 6. To look good on or with. suitabfe adiectitse 1. Suited to one's end or purpose.
l. cuencn oerb. 2. rln;. SWEETEN.
l. coron oerb. 2. swnrrnx. 1. swnrr adiectirse. 2. rwsrrvuanxc. l, 2. 3. 4.
nwr oerb. nrapr,y. pnoposn. slz^rcxzoerb.
1. Syns; association, connection, connotation.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Htvr rwun. rnacr rwun. sneor noun. pnoposer,.
1. Syns; allusive, evocative, impressionistic, reminiscent. 2. rNsrrvu,c.rrxc. 3. nacy. 4. pnncNeNr. 5. spNsuer,. SENSUALITY.
1. epprer- rnrun. 2. eppner, noun. 3. r.e.wsurr. 4, counrsrrrp. L. rn oerb. 2. Syns: become, befit, behoove, beseem (Archaic). 3. epept. 4. snnvs. 5. pr.nesr. 6. rr-errrn. l. coxvrxrnur.
9t7 2. SaUsfyingthe requirements,as for selection. 3. Called for by right, convention,or justice. 4. Consistentwith prevailing or accepted standardsor circumstances. suitableness noun The quality or state of being eligible. suite rwun l. A group of attendantsor followers. 2. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other. suited adiectioe Suitablefor a particular person,condition, occasion,or place. suitor rroun l. One who humbly entreats. 2. A man who courts a woman. 3. One that asksa higher authority for something,s & favor or redress. sufk oerb To be sullenly aloof or withdrawn, s h silent resentnent or protest:AnW at the shght, he sullced for the rest of the ila.y. sufky adiectiae Broodingly and sullenly unhappy. sullen adiectioe l. Broodingly and srllenly unhappy. 2. Characterizedby or expressiveof a foreboding somberness. suffy oerb on. To castaspersions sultry ad,iectioe 1. Marked by much heat. 2. Damp and warm. SUm oerb To combine (figures)to form a sum. sum up oerb To recapitulate the salient facts of. sum fwrn l. An organizedarray of individual elementsand parts forming and working as a unit. 2. A number or quantity obtained as a result of addition. 3. An amount or quantity from which nothing is left out or held back. 4. A condensationof the essentialor main points of something. Summarize oerb To recapitulate the salient facts of. SUmmary rwnn A condensationof the essentialor main points of somethingia $mrrum! of the doy't rreu)s.
2. nr,rcrnr-s. 3. psr ad,iectioe. 4. psr ad,iectioe.
l. nrrntup. 2. snnrrs. adiecthse. APPRoPRTATT
1. suppr.rcenr. 2. enau. 3. e-ppner-rn.
Syns: mope, petz, pout.
1. cr,uu. 2. penr ad,iectioe.
1. nor ad,iectioe. 2. sncrr. ADD.
nnvrsw Derb. 1. svsrpu. 2. rorer. rrcrun. 3. wnolB noun. 4. survor,renynuun.
nnvlw oerb, Syns.' recap, recapihrlation, rundown, run-through, srum,summatiorq summinguP, wraP-up.
summary adiectioe BRIEF. Marked by or consistingof few words. Summate oerb ADD. To combine (figures)to form a sum. rwun' summation 1. eporrroN. l. The act or processof adding. 2. A number or quantity obtained as a result of addition. 2. rorer- noun. 3. survlr,renr rroun. 3. A condensationof the essentialor main points of something.
summer Summef noun The seasonoccurring between spring and autumn: goNngto camp in the slnrlnuer. SUmmeftime noun The seasonoccurring between spring and autumn. summing-up rwun A condensationof the essentialor main points of something. Summit rw,tn 1. The higlrestpoint or state. 2. The higlrestpoint. SUmmOn wrb l. To demandto appear,come,or assemble. 2. To briog together. sumptuousness fww Brilliant, showy qplendor. SUm UP oerb sunder tnrb T-ocrack or qplit into two or more fragmentsby means of or as a renrlt of force, a blow, or strain. sundries rro.ut Articles too smallor numerousto be specified. sundry ad,iec-tioe l. Consistingof a number of difierent kinds. 2. Not limited to a singleclass. 3. Consistingof an indefinitely small number that is more than two or three but lessthan many. Sunny adiectioe l. Free from clouds,mist, etc. 2. peing in or showinggood spirits. SUnflSe rroun The first appearanceof daylight in the morning. SUnUp noun The first appearanceof dayliglrt in the morning. Sup oerb To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid). sup ntntn An act of drinking or the amountswallowed. super adiecthse l. Slnng.Exceptionallygood of its kind. 2. lnfomwl. Particularlyexcellent. super adoerb Infonrnl. Too much. SuperabUndance noun A conditionof going or being beyondwhat is needed, desired,or appropriate. superabundant adiectine Given to or markedby unrestrainedabundance. SuperannUate oerb 1. To makeor becomeobsolete. 2. To removefrom active service. superb adiectioe 1. Exceptionallygood of its kind. 2. Particularlyexcellent. 3. Marked by extraordinaryelegance,beauty,and splendor. 4. Large and impressivein size,scope,or extent. 5. Surpassingall others in quality. SUperbness nDun The quality of being exceptionallygood of its kind.
918 Syn.' summertime.
1. cr,rrraextwun, 2. nnrcnr. l. cu.t oerb. 2. esspMsln. GLITTER
sEESUm. nnnlx oerb,
1. venrous. 2. crNener-. 3. snvsnAl.
1. cr.nen adiectioe. 2. cnnrnpur-. DAWNnoun, DAWNnoun. ontNr oerb. DRINK TIAUN,
1. nxcnr.r.nrvr. 2. uenvrr.ous. UNDULY. EXCESSnoun.
PROFUSE. 1. oesolescr. 2. nsrrnp. 1. nxcrr,r,nxr. 2. uenver,ous. 3. cr,onrous. 4. cnann. 5. sesr adiectiae. EXCELLENCE.
919 supercilious ad;iectitse Overly convincedof one'sown superiorityand importance. superciliousness twun The quality of being arrogant. supererogative adiectioe or warrantedby the Not required,necessary, circumstances of the case. supererogatory adiectiae 1. Being more than is needed,desired,or appropriate. or warrantedby the 2. Not required,necessary, of the case. circumstances superficial adiecthse l. Lacking in intellectual depth or thoroughness:the superf.cialiob teleoisiondnesin cooeringthe news. 2. Appearingas suchbut not necessarilyso. superfluity nuun 1. A conditionof goingor being beyondwhat is needed,desired,or appropriate. 2. An amount or quantity beyond what is needed, desired,or appropriate. superfluous adiecthse Beingmore than is needed,desired,or appropriate: canied a rairrcoatthat prooedatperfluous. superhuman adiectioe Of, comingfrom, or relatingto forcesor beingsthat existoutsidethe natural world. superintend oerb 1. To direct and watch over the work and performance of others. 2. To have chargeof (the affairsof others). superintendence rwun 1. Authoritativecontrol over the affairsof others. 2. The function of watching,guarding,or overseeing. superintendent rwun workers. Someonewho directs and supervises superior adiectioe 1. Being at a height or level aboveanother. 2. Being at a rank aboveanother. 3. Of greaterexcellencethan another. 4. Exceptionallygood of its kind. 5. Of fine quality. 5. Overly convincedof one'sown superiorityand importance. superior noun One who standsaboveanotherin rank: Seruicemen mlnt salute their wperiors. superiority noun l. The qualrtyof being exceptionallygood of its kind. 2. A dominatingposition,asin a conflict. 3. The qualrty of being arrogant. superfative adiectioe Surpassingall others in quality. supernatural ad,iectioe l. Of, comingfrom, or relatingto forcesor beingsthat existoutsidethe nahrralworld: fuwokedthe supernnturalaid,of the goddess. 2. Greatly exceedingor departingfrom the normal courseof nature.
1. supnnrr-uous. 2. wervroN.
1. Syns; cursory, onedimensional, shallow, sketchy, skin-deep, uncritical. 2. eppennvr. 1, nxcnss twun. 2. nxun.
Syns; de trop (Frerwh), excess,extra, spare, supererogatory, surplus. SUPERNATURAL.
1. supsnvrsp. 2. eoprrmsrrn. 1. enrr,nNrsrRATloN. 2. canr twun, BOSS fWUn.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
rucnpn. rucnrn. srrrnnr adiectioe. nxcnr,r,rtirr. cnorcp adiec-tioe. ennocevr.
Syns; betterr, elder, higher-up,
1. rxcnr-r-rNcn. 2. anver.rr acu nutrn. l. ennoceNcn. nnsr adiectioe. 1. Syns; extramundane, extrasensory, metaphysical (ako metaphysic ), miraculous, preternatural, superhuman, superphysical, supersensible, transcendental, unearthly. 2. pnnrunNeruner,.
superphysical superphysical adiecthse Of, comingfrom, or relatingto forcesor beingsthat exist outside the natural world. superscribe oerb To mark (a written communication)with its destination. superscription rwun A written inscription on a deliverable item giving its destination. Supersede oerb To remove(something)and substitute(another)for it. suPerseded adiectioe No longer in use. supersensible adiectioe Of, comingfrom, or relating to forcesor beingsthat exist outsidethe natural world. SUperVene oerb To occur after (another)in time. supervenient adiectioe Not part of the real or essentialnature of a thing. Super1|lse oerb 1. To direct and watch over the work and performance of otlrers: sryeruiseda tearn of irwestigators. 2. To control the courseof (an activiW). SuperVisiOn norut The function of watching, guarding,or overseeing. supefvisol naun Someonewho directs and supervises workers. supplant oerb l. To take the place of (another)againstthe other's will: In. the party caucussetseralcortmittee chairmen were sryIa.nted by Vumg chall.engers. 2. To remove(something)and substitute(another)for it. supple adiecthse l. Capableof withstandingstresswithout,nj"ty. 2. Capableof being shaped,bent, or drawn out, as by hammeringor pressure. Supplement rwtr,n l. Somethingthat completesanother. 2. Somethingthat attachesi$ a supplementarypart. supplemenl oerb To fill in what is lacking and make perfect. supplemental adiediob l. Forming or servingas a complement. 2. Usedor held in reserve. suppleness twun The-qualityor stateof being flexible. Supplicant rmtn One who humbly entreats: The wrylitants fell on,their leneesand beggedfor nvrcy. supplicate oerb 1, To make an earnestor urgent request. 2. To offer a reverentpetition to God or a god. supplication norrn l. An earnestor urgent request. 2. The act of prayrng. supplicator nuun One who humbly entreats. supply oerb 1. To relinquishto the possession or control of another. 2. To act as a substitute.
lonnpss Darb. ADDRESS tWUn.
l. Syns; boss, overlook, superintend. 2. coxoucr oerb.
CARE ftoun, BOSSfvrun.
1. Syns; cut out, displace, usurp.
2. nnpr,acp.
1. rr.pxmr-n. 2. Lrer.r.nesr-n.
l. coupr-nMENTnuun. 2. .,c.TTACHMENT. coMPLEMEwt oerb. 1. coupr-nMENTARy. 2. euxrr,rew adiectioe. FLEXIBILITY.
Syns;beggar,prayer, suitor, supplicator. l. tppnlu. oerb. 2. pnev. l. epprer- rwun. 2. pnevnn. SUPPLTCANT.
L. cwn oerb. 2. sur;srwvtr. oerb.
92L support oerb or favoring:A 1. To aid the causeof by approving ,rnioritVof the ootersxtryorted his cond,idacg.
2. To sustainthe weight of: cohmrnsdesigttedto wpport the roof. 3. To hold up. 4. To keep from pelding or failing during stressor difficulty. 5. To supply with the necessitiesof life: Besidesher own farnily, sh'estpported her hwband,'selderly mother. 6. To put up with. 7. To act as a patron to. SUPpOrt rraun 1. The act or an instanceof helping. 2. A meansor device that keepssomethingerect, stable,or secure:used the railing as a stryort os he liftud hitnself up. 3. The meansneededto supportlife. SUppOrter rmun 1. One who supportsand adheresto another. 2. A personwho supportsor championsan activrty, institution,etc. suPportive ad,iectioe Affording support or assistance. supPose wrb f . fo take for granted without proof: I srtpposethat he is feeling guiltg. 2. To draw an inferenceon the basisof inconclusive evidenceor insuficient information. 3. To oblige to do or not do by force of authority, proprietY, or custom. 4. To regard or be regardedin an appraisingway. supposed adiectioe l. Presumedto be true, real, or genuine,esP.on inconclusivegrounds:He argrcd tlwt defrcit the sryosed causeof lnflatlon, uas in spetudlng, fact not the culPrit. 2. Basedon inference,not fact. 3. Asumed to be such. supposition rwun 1. A judgment, estimate,or opinion arrived at by guessing. 2. Somethingtaken to be true without proof. 3. A belief used as the basisfor action. suPPositional ad.iec-tioe Presumedto be true, real, or genuine,esP.on inconclusivegounds. suppositious ad,iectioe Presumedto be true, real, or genuine,esp. on inconclusivegrounds. Suppress oerb 1. To bring to an end forcibly as if bylmposing heavy weiglrt: The czar'sforces easily xtppressedthe rebellion. 2. To hold (somethingrequiring an oudet) in check. 3. To keep from being published or trarsmitted.
1. Syns; advocate, back, champion, get behind, plump for, side with, stand behind, stand up for, uphold. -IdiCIm"s align oneself with, go to bat for, stick up for, take the part of. 2. Syns: carry, hold, maintain, uphold. 3. snAR. 4. susrerN. 5. Syns; keep, maintain, provide for. -Idimn take care of. 6. SNDURE.
7. pernoNrzB. 1. nBr-p rwun. 2. Syns: brace2, buttress, crutch, prop, shore, stay2, underpinning. 3. r-rvtxc. 1. ror,r.owBn. 2. pernoN.
1. Syns; assume,posit, postulate, premise, presume, presuppose, reckon (Infornal). 2. cvnss perb. 3. nxgurnn. 4. xnpvrn oerb, 1. Syns; conjectural, hypothetical (aho hlpothetic ), suppositional, suppositious. 2. pnnsuuptrvB. 3. nnpurso. l. cupss rruun. 2. e.ssuupnoN. 3. rnponv. SUPPOSED.
1. Syns; crush, extinguish, put down, quash, quell, quench, squash, squelch. -liliom put the lid on. 2. nspREss. 3. cswson.
suppressron SUppreSSiOn notur 1. Suddenpunitive action: stppressionof narcotics fiafuking. 2. "I\e act of restrainingforcefully. suppressive adiectioe Servingto restrain forcefully. SUpremacy rwun The condition or fact of being dominant. Supreme adiectioe l. Having pre-eminent significance. ?. Of the geatest possible degree, quality, or intensity. 3. Conforming to an ultimate form of perfection or excellence. SUfCeaSe oerb l. Archaic. To come to a cessation. 2. Archaic. To prevent the occurrence or continuation of a movement, action, or operation. SUre adiectioe l. Having no doubt: I'm sare that yut usill srcceed. 2. Established beyond a doubt. 3. Known positively. 4. Such as could not possibly fail or disappoint: a sure utirmer; a sure tlg of illness. 5. Firmty settled or positioned: a srne footing on the slope; a sure fundship. 6. Not easily moved or shaken.
sure-enough adiecth:e Based on fact. surefire adiectiae Such as could not possibly fail or disappoint. SUfeneSS rwurr The fact or condition of being without doubt: funyrrg the rumor with absolute sureness. SUrety nutn l. The fact or condition of being without doubt. 2. An assrrmption of responsibility, ,r one given by a manufacturer, for the quality, worth, or durabiiity of a product. 3. One who aszumesfinancial reqponsibilrty for another. 4. An assurancethat a condition will be met. Surface rwun l. An outward appearance. 2:T" outer layer covering something. SUfTelt nDrrn l. A condition of going or being beyond what is needed, desired, or appropriate. 2. The condition of being full to or beyond satisfaction. surfeit oerb To satisfu to the full or to excess. surfeited' adiectioe Filled to satisfaction or excess. SUrge oerb To come forth or emit in abundance. surly adiectioe l. Broodingly and sullenly unhappy. 2. Having or showing a bad temper. surmise oerb To draw an inference on the basis of inconclusive evidence or insuficient information.
922 1. Syns; clampdown (lnfornwl), crackdown, repression. 2. nnpnrssron. REPRESSIVE. DOMINANCE.
1. nur.rxc ad;iectioe. 2. ur,rruern adiectirse. 3. mrer, ad.iectioe.
l. s'rop oerb. 2. srop oerb.
l. Syns; assured, certain, confident, positive, undoubting. 2. cnnrerN. 3. nnrrr.Irrr. 4. Syns: certain, infallible, surefire, unerring, unfailing. 5. Syns: fast, firmr, secure, solid, stable, staunch, strong. -ldims firm as Gibraltar, solid as a rock. 5. sourtnP. ACTUAL. SURE.
Syns: certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, surety. 1. strnnxnss. 2. cuanevrrg noun.
3. spoNson. 4. sncunrry. 1. recr rwun. 2. recn rwun. 1. rxcBss rwun. 2. sanerrox. SATIATE. SATTATED.
rtow oerb. 1. cr-uu. 2. rr.r,-rnupERED. cvnss oerb.
923 surmise rwun 1. A judgment,estimate,or opinion arrived at by guessing. 2. Somethingtaken to be true without proof. SUrmOUnt oerb To get the better of. SurpaSS oerb l. To be greateror better than: ?hls VeM'swheat uop wryassed La.styear's by fim million hnhels. 2. To go beyondthe limits of. surpassing adiecttue 1. Far above others in quality or excellence. 2. Of the geatest possibledegree,quality, or intensity. Surplus rroun l. An amount or quantity beyond what is needed, desired,or appropriate: With their eamingsthey paid their Ull^sand split the nnphn ry prcf't. 2. A condition of going or being beyond what is needed,desired,or appropriate. surplus ad,iecthre Being more than is needed,desired,or appropriate. SUfpnSe oerb 1. To impres strongtyby what is unexpectedor anptised nnusualt Truma'n'sebctoral oictory in 19118 most political obsercers. 2. To come upon, esp.zuddenlyor unexpectedly. 3. To attack suddenlyand without warning. surprising adiectioe Causingmomentaryshock. surrendet wrb 1. To undergo capture, defeat, or ruin: Pards runenderedtn 1940to the Naais. claim, or riglrt. 2. To glve up a possession, 3, To yield (oneself)unrestrainedly,as to a particular impulse. 4. To give in from or as if from a gradual lossof strength. 5. To let (something)go. sufrender rwlut, 1. The act of submitting or surrenderingto the power of another: The defeatforced the wnender of the entire afln!. claim, or riglrt. 2. A giving up of a possession, 3. The act oldelivering or the condition of being delivered. ailiectioe surreptitious Trickily secret. surrOgate twun One that takesthe place of another. SurrOund oerb To shut in on all sides:A ctou:dsunutnded the star. The city is smounded by ntbrnb* surrOundings twun 1. A surroundingarea. 2. The totality of nurounding conditions and circumstancesaffecting growth or development. surveillance nuun The act of carefully watching.
1. cusssrruun. 2. essuurrrox. rnr*tps oerb, l. Syns;beat (Infonnl), best,betterl, exceed,excel, outdo, outnatch, outshine,outstrip, pass,top, transcend. -Iilicms go beyond, go one better. 2. rxcnnp. l. oursrervorNc. 2. ur.rrlrers ad,iectioe. 1. Syns; excess,fat, glut, overage, overflow, overmuch, ovelTun, overstock,overzupply,superfluity. 2. nxcnssno,tn.
1. Syns; amaze,astonish,astound,startle. -lilioms catch (or take) unawares, take aback. 2. rrre, oerb. 3. elrsusn. STARTLING.
l. Syns: collapse, fall, go down, go under, submit, succumb, topple. 2. esorcerE. 3. cnm orren at give. 4. succurus. 5. nrr.rxqursn. 1. Syns; capitulation, submission.
2. enprcerrorq. 3. psr-rrmnv.
stv adiecthn. SUBSTITUTE
Syns: begird, beset, besiege, circle, compass, encircle, enclose, encompass, envelop, environ, gird, girdle, hedge (in), hem (in, about, ar around), ringl. 1. sNvrnoNMENT. 2. prvrnor.rurnNr.
Survey Dqb 1. To view broadly or from a height runnyed the city frorn the top of a skysctaper. 2. To look at carefully or critically. 3. To look at or on attentivelyor carefully. suryey ftoun l. A closeor systematicstudy. 2. A generalor comprehensiveview or treatrnent: a coursethat offqs a s"urDe7 of uorld,literahne. SurYiYe oerb 1. To exist-inspite of adversity:None of hisf*il7 wruhnd the Holocaust.A passittgship resarcd the few cteumenuln struiwd. 2. To liv_e,exis! or remain longer than. susceptibility noun The condition of being laid open to something undesirableor injurious. susceptible adiec-th:e 1. Easily imposedon or tricked. 2. Having or showinga tendency or likelihood. 3. Tendingto incur. 4. Able to receive and respondto external stimuli. susceptive adiec-tioe Able to receive and reqpondto external stimuli. SUSpeCt oerb To lack trust or confidencein. susPect adiectiw Of dubious character. suspend wrb f . T9 stop suddeoly, a conversation,acUvity, "r hoo sidessu,spended' relationship,etc.: The negotbtions after a deadlockoccuned. 2. To fasten or be fastenedat one point with no support from below 3. To put off until a later time. suspended adieaioe Hung or appearingto be hung from a zupport. SuSpenSion noun 1. A cessationof continuity or regularity. 2. \" act of putting ofi or the condition of being put off. 3. The condition of being temporarily inactive. Suspicion noun l. Lack of trust. 2. A lack of convictionor certainty. 3. Intuitive cognition. 4. A subtle qualrty underlying or felt to underlie a situation,action,or person. 5. A slight amount. SUSPICIOUSad,iec-tioe 1. Lacking trust or confidence. 2. Ot dubiouscharacter. sustain oerb 1. To keep from yielding or failing during stressor difficulty: At ffith desperatetintes her faith nntairwd her. 2.To hold up. 3. To keep in a condition
of good repair, efficiency,
4. To put up with. Sustgnance noun l. The meansneededto zupport life.
1. Syns.'look over, overlook, oversee, scan. 2. nxervqNr. 3. wtrctt oerb. l. eNer-vsrs. 2. Syn: overview.
1. Syns; come through, lastz, persist, pull througlr, ride out, weather. 2. ourr,esr. E)(POSURE.
1. 2. 3. 4.
resy. wcr,rxno. r.Iesr,r. srNsrrrve.
prsrnusr oerb. SIIADY.
1. Syns;break off, cease,discontinue, interrupt" saw off (Slmry),terminate. 2. s*'tc oerb. 3. orrnnl. HANCING.
1. nnnex noun. 2. oer,ey twun. 3. errv,c.Ncn. 1. 2. 3. 4.
orsrnusr twun. nousr noun. rnnr,rNc. rrrvr rtuun.
5. snanr nou,n. 1. orsrnusrFul. 2. sxeov. l. Syns; bolster, buoy up, prop, support, uphold. 2. srAR.
or use. 3. M,c.rNTerN.
4. spAR. l. r,rvrNc.
925 2. Something fit to be eaten. 3. That which sustains the mind or spirit.
2. r'oop. 3. roop.
Susurration twnn A low, indistinct" and often continuous snund.
swaddle oerb To cover completely and closely, as with clothing or
wRAp up.
bandages. Swagger oerb To walk with exaggeratedor unnahrral motions expresive of self-importanceor selfdisplay. Swafn rwun, A man who courts a woman. swallow oerb l. To causeto passfrom the mouth into the stomach: chewedand stt:allou:edhis food calmly. 2, To do away with complet"ly *d destnrctively. 3. Slang.To regard (something)as true or real. 4. To put up with. swallow rwwr An act of swallowing: took a stpalloutof nfee. SWamp ,w.m A usu. lowJying area of soft, waterloggedground and standingwater: Utds tlwt breeil in the sechniortof tropical swamps. swampland rwun A usu. lowJying area of soft, waterloggedground and standingwater. Swank oerb To walk with exaggeratedor unnahrral motions expresive of self-importanceor selfdisplay. swank alsoswankY adiecthse 1. Catering to, used by, or admitting only the wealthy or socially superior. 2. Being or in accordance with the current fashion.
swanky adiectioe Swap dso swop wrb Infomol. To give up in return for somethingelse. swap also swop noun lnfomal. The act of exchangingor zubstituting. Swafm oerb l. To come or go in large numbers. 2.To overflowwith. swarm OYer oerb To enter in order to attack, plunder, destroy, or conquer. swarm rwun An enormousnumber of personsgatheredtogether. SWarm OVef oerb swarthy o.diectine Of a complexiontending toward brown or black. swash oerb 1. To walk with exaggeratedor unnatural motions expressiveof self-importanceor selfdisplay. 2. To hurl or scatter liquid upon. 3. To flow or move with a low, slapping sound. SWat notrn A zuddensharp,powerful stroke. swat oerb To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sharply. swathe oerb To cover completely and closely,as with clothing or bandages.
down, ingest,take.
2. coNsuun. 3. snr.rnrn. 4. sNDuRE.
Syns; gobble, gulp, ingestion. Syns:fen, marsh,marshland,mire, morass,muskeg gug, quagmire,slougful,
1. sxclusrvE. 2. resnroNesr-E. sEE swank. cner*cn r:erb. CHANCE TWM.
1. poun. 2. rrnul. INVADE. cRowD ftrvam. sEE swarm. otnx
1. srnur. 2. spr,esH. 3. wesn. sl-owz. src oerb. WRAP UP.
sway SWay oerb l. To move back and forth or from sideto side,as if about to fall: wsayeddizaily at the try of the stairs. 2. To evokea usu.strongmental or emotionalresponse from. 3. To influenceor be influencedin a certain direction. 4. To exercisethe authority of a sovereign. 5. To have an effect or impact upon. 6. To move rhythmically back and forth suspendedor asif suspendedfrom above. sway froun l. The act of exercisingcontrollingpower or the conditionof being so controlled. 2. The right and power to command,decide,rule, or judge. 3. The power to producean effect by indirect means. swayed adiectioe Emotionallyaroused. SWeaf oerb l. To useprofaneor obscenelanguagezflt)aretike a trooper;&Doreat the other rrctorist. 2. To give evidenceor testimonyunder oath. 3. To guaranteeby a solemnpromise. swear off oerb Informal. To ceasetrying to accomplishor continue. swear ftoun A profane or obsceneterm: uttered a streamof susears. Swear Off oerb SWearWOfd noun A profaneor obsceneterm. Sweat oerb 1. To excretemoisturethroughthe poresof the skin: suseatirqas he ioged. 2. To exert one'smental or physicalpowers,u2. under difficulty and to the poinf of exhaustion. sweat out oerb To carry on througlr deqpitehardships. sweat rwun 1. Moistureexcretedthtongh the poresof the skin: wping the stoeatfrorn her forehead. 2. Physical_exertion that is usu. difficult and exhausting. 3. Infornwl. A condition of exciteddistress. sweating adiecthse Producingor coveredwith sweat. sweat out oerb sweaty ad,iectirse Producingor coveredwith sweat:bft the gym all hot
l. Syns; teeter, totter, waver, weave, wobble. 2. errucrl. 3. 4. 5. 6.
orsposn. covpnN. rrwr.urxcn aerb. swrxc oarb.
1. oourxerrox. 2. aurnonrrv. 3. rr.rrr-urNcg rwrun, errECTrDl. 1. Syns; bedamn, blaspheme, curse, cuss (Infornwl), damn, execrate, imprecate. -ldiorns call names, use language. 2. rnsnrv. 3. prrrncn Derb. enewooN oerb. Syns: blasphemy, curse, crtss(Infonnal), cussword (Informal), epithet, expletive, invective, oath, swearword. sEESwear. swEAR rroun. 1. Syns; lather, perspire. 2. rl.r,on oerb.
l. Syns;lather, perspiration. 2. r,esonnu,tn. 3. srerr nuun. SWEATY.
sEEsweat. Syns: perspiring sudoriferous, sweating.
ord stneaty. SWeep nuun,
l. A wide and open area,asof land, sky, or water. 2. ln area within which somethingor someoneexists, acts,or hasinfluenceor power. sweep oerb To wield boldlv and dramaticallv. J slveeping adiictiw Coveringa wide scope. Sweet adiecthse 1. Having or zuggestingthe taste of zugar:a sweet icing.
1. expeNsr. 2. neNcr nutn.
l. Syns; saccharine, sugary.
927 2. Pleasing to the eye or mind. 3. Easy to love. SWeet rwun A person who is much loved.
sweeten oerb moreacceptable l- To makesuperficially or appealing: stpeetened his ilenands rDith the prornise of a reunrd, for obedierrce. 2. To ease the anger or agitation of.
swindle 2. errnecrrve. 3. enonenr.r. DARLING
1. Syns; candy, gild, honey, sugar, sugarcoat. 2. pecrv.
sweetheart noun A person who is much loved.
sweet-talk oerb 1. coex. l.Informal. To persuadeor try to persuadeby gentle, persistenturgng or fattery. 2. rr,errnn. 2.lnfornal. To complimentexcessivelyand ingratiatingly. swell oerb rucnnesn oerb. To make or becomegeater or larger. swefl adiectine 1. rxcrr-r-rxr. L. Infonnal. ExcepUonallygood of its kind. 2. uenvrr-ous. 2. Infornal. Particularlyexcellent. swelle'd head noun EGOTISM. lnforrnl. An exaggeratedbelief in one'sown importance. swellheaded ad,iectirse ECOTISTICAL. lnfornwl. Thinking too highly of oneself. swelling naun BUMP NOUN. A small raised area of skin resulting from a liglrt blow, an insectsting etc. swelter oerb r;vnv Derb. To feel or look hot. slYeftering a.diecthse wor adiectioe. Marked by much heat. Swefve oerb 1. Syns; chof (Naut.), cut, sheerr, skew, 1. To turn asidesharply from a straight course: sluer, veer, faw. soensedto aooid,hitting a pedestrian. 2. onvtlirn oerb. 2. To furn awayfrom a prescribedcourseof action or conduct. swift adiectioe rrsr adiectiae. Characterizedby great celerity. swiftness noun 1. sprno rwrun. 1. Rate of moUonor performance. 2. nesrn twun, 2. Rapidnessof movementor activrty. swig oerb OnI.IK oefb. Infornwl. To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid). swig noun DRINK |IOUN, lnfornwl. An act of drinking or the amount swallowed. swi[l oerb cvrp oerb. To swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in large amounts. swill norm DRINK IWIM. An act of drinking or the amount swallowed. swim rwun PLUNGE fWITfI,. The act of swimming. swim oerb sprN oerb. To have the sensationof hrrning in circles. swindle oerb To get money or somethingelse from by deceitfrrl trickery. C]cintrroerb. swindle rwun CHEAT fWT'fU. An act of cheating.
swindler swindler rwun A personwho cheats. swing oerb l. To move rhythmically back and forth suspendedor as if suspendedfrom above: ship'slanterns*ingrng like pmdalums. 2. To turn or causeto turn in place, as on a hinge or fixed point, tracing an arclike path: a iloor swinglng opm; s"tw,rrythe torc ann m,rel,esslyacrossthe rccordw,rface. 3. To changeone'sattitudes,policies,or the like: iltungfrorn one position to arwther in the debate ort abottlort. 4. Infornnl. To executeby zuspendingby the neck. 5. To changethe direction or courseof. 6. Slang.To carry to a successfulconclusion. swing l. Easeof movement. 2. Infonnal. The proper methodof doing using,or handling something. 3. The regular recurrence of strong and weak elements,such as stressedand unstressednotes in music. srvipe oerb S.ln-ng. To take (another'spropeny) without permission. swirl oerb 1. To move or causeto move like a rapid rotary current of liquid: unter sv:irlingowr the dnn; difuulties tltat suiil"ed abmt her. 2. To have the sensationof turning in circles. 3. To rotate raprdly. swish oerb l. To make a sharpsibilantsound. 2. To flow or move with a low, slappingsound. swish adiecth:e l. Slang.Having qualities more appropriate to women than to men. 2. Chiefl,y Brit. Being or in accordancewith the current fashion. switch oerb l. To grve up in return for somethingelse. 2.To leave or discardfor another. 3. To move to and fro vigorouslyand usu. repeatedly. switch noun The act of exchangingor substituting. swivel oerb To move, as a gun, laterally. swivet alsoswivtet rwun A condition of excited distress. swiwet noun SWOOn oerb To suffer temporary loss of consciousness. SWOOnnoun A temporarylossof consciousness. SWOOp The act of plunging zuddenlydownward into or as if into water. SWOp oerb b twn sybarite twwr A pelson devoted to pleasureand luxury: an tnlikely breedof sybaritesspaumedby the 1849Gold Rush.
1. Syns; oscillate, sway.
2. Syns: pivot, wheel.
3, Syns: vacillate, waver.
4. ttl'xc oerb. 5. runn oerb. 6. r,rrncr oerb. 1. rnnnoor*r. 2. neNc rwun. 3. nrvrnu.
srnl.J, oerb. 1. Syns; eddy, gurge, whirl, whorl.
2. sptN oerb. 3. sprrqrcrb. l. Id,tssoerb. 2. wesH. l. nrrBurxera adiectioe. 2. re.snroNesr-r.
1. cHeNcn r:erb. 2. clal:Ncn oerb. 3. wecl. CHANCE
rnevnnsp oerb. STATE.
srr swivet. BI.ACK OUT.
BLAcKour at black out. PLUNGE |IOIT|I.
sEEswaP. Syns: epicure (Archaic), hedonist, voluptuary.
929 sybaritic or sybaritical a.d,iectioe by or devotedto pleasureandluxuryas Characterized a lifestyle:sybaritictastes;a sybaritbAurry uonxtn. sycophanl rnun Beunreof Onewho fatters anotherexcessively: sgcoplwntsand yes-men. sylfabus rwun A printed list of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public performance. twltn syhbol 1. An object associated with and senring to identiff something eIsr-; scales as the symbol of irctice. 2. A conventional mark used in a writing system. symbol oerb To serve as the image of.
symbofic alsosymbolical ad,iectioe Servingasa symbola $ft symbolicof un
apprectation'; the mark symbolic of d'ioisim in arithmetic.
symbolize oerb To serve as the image of.
symmetricalalsosYirmetric symmetry,esp. by or diqplaying l. Characterized correspondence in scale or measure: a syntmetrical that are syrnmetrical. foor plan; adioinirybuildings 2. Having components pleasingly combined: stafinty symnwnlcal with the layufi of the gardens. rmun symmetry Satisfying ilrangement marked by even distribution of elements, as in a design. adiec-thse sympathetic 1. Feeling or expressing sorrow: a sy:rnpathetic note. 2. Of or befitting a friend or friends. 3. Feeling or exPressingPitY. 4. Cognizant of and comprehending the needs, feelings, problems, and views of others.
symiathize oerb
1. To understandor be sensitiveto another'sfeelings or ideas: We syn'pathizedunth his dlfwilt position2. To experienceor expresscompassion. 3. To associateor afiliate oneselfclosely with a Person or group. Sympath} nuu,n 1. A very closerelationshipbetweenPerryns,esP._one resulting in muhral understandingor affection: the synryathy that often strengtherumaningesin later and,qubter Vears. 2. Sympathetic,sadconcernfor someonein misfortune. symphonic a.d,ieahse Characterizedby harmony of sound. SymptOm nuu,n Somethingvisible or evident that givesgroundsfor believing in the existenceor Presenceof something else. synchronic dso synchronical adiectioe Belongingto the sameperiod of time as another. synchronous adiectioe Belongingto the sameperiod of time as another. SynCOpe rwun Path.A temporarylossof consciousness.
Syns: epicurean,hedonic, hedonific. Syns:adulator, apple-polisher (Infonnal), courtier, fatterer, truckler. PROGRAM.
1. Syns.'atFibute, emblem. 2. cuenecren. REPRESENT.
Syns; emblematic (also emblematical ), indicative, representative.
REPRESENT. f-rlrYD FoR. 1. Syns; balanced, commensurable, commen$uate, proportional, proportionate, regular. 2. Syns: accordant (to or with), balanced, concordant, congruous, harmonious. PROFORTION.
l. 2. 3. 4.
Syns; commiserative,compassionate. rnrnxpr.v. ptrvrxc. uroBnstervornc.
t. Syn:empathize. 2. snw. oerb. 3. rpnn"rrrr, 1. Syn; empathy.
2. ptrr noun.
coNTEMPow,rtt adiectioe. coNTEMnonlrtv adieainse. Br.AcKour at black out.
syndicate syndicate rwun A combination of businesses closely interconnected for common profit. synergetii od,iectioe Working together toward a common end.
synergy rww, Joint work toward a common end. SynOpSlS A short summary prepared by cutting down a larger workt.gaoe ha a syttop*dr o/ the rcoel. SynOpslze oerb To recapihrlate the salient facts of.
synthesize r>erb To combine and adapt in order to attain a particular effect. synthetic adiectioe l. Made by human beings, not nature. 2. Made to imitate something else. 3. Marked by unnaturalness, pretension, and often a slavish love of fads. System nou,n l. An organized array of individual elements and parts forming and working as a unit: The unioerse is a co$nic systern. 2. Systematic iurangement and design. 3. The manner in which something is done. 4. A usu. large entity composed of interconnected parts.
systematic alsosystematical ad;iecthse l. furanged or proceedingin a set, systematized pattern. 2. Showingcharacteristicsadvantageousto or of use in business. systematize oerb l. To put into a deliberateorder. 2. To:rrrangein an orderly manner.
tab rrnun l. A preciselist of feesor charges. 2. An amount paid or to be paid for a purchase. 3. A noting of items one by one. tab(s) rwun The act of observing,often for an extendedtime. tabby rwun A personhabitually engagedin idle talk about others. table rwtm An orderly, columnar display of data: a tabb of census figtnn. table oerb To put off unUl a later time. taboo alsotabu ruxn A refusal to allow.
Syns; abridgment, abstrac! brief, condensation, epitome. nnvtnw oerb. HARMONIZE.
1. ennrrcr,cr-. 2. enrrnrcrer,. 3. pr.esrrc.
L Syns: entity, integral, integrate, sum, totality, whole. 2. urnron. 3. wev rwun. 4. coupr,nx rwun.
l. vnrxoorcer,.
2. 1. ennervcn. 2. urrnoorzn.
1. eccourl.r noun. 2. cosr naun. 3. courqr nuu,n. WATCHf10u,n, GOSSIP fwun.
Syns; chart, tabulation.
931 taboo alsotabu adiecthse Not allowed. tabu nou,n,adiectiae tabulation rwun An orderly, columnar display of data. tacit adiecthse l. Conveyedindirectly without words or speech. 2. Not voiced or expressed. taciturn adtiecthse Not speakingf.eely or openly: a tacitum Yankee farmer.
snr taboo. TABLE
l. rupr,rcrr. 2. srr-nNr. Syns:closer,close-mouthed,reserved, reticent, silent, tight-lipped, uncommunicaUve.
taciturnity rrrun, RESERVE ftolfit. The keepingof one'sthoughtsand emotionsto oneself. tack nmrn 1. eppnoecr rroun. l. A methodusedin dealingwith something. 2. runN twun. 2. At often zuddenchangeor departure, as in a trend. tackle OUTFIT. Things neededfor a task,journey, or other purPose. tackle oerb 1. essuur. 1. To take upon oneself. 2. rrrl,.cr oerb, 2. To start work on vigorously. tackyr a.diectioe STICKY. Having the property of adhering. tacky2 adiecthse 1. Syns; inelegant,tasteless,unbecoming. 1. Lacking style and good taste: tacky belwoior. 2. snessv. 2.lnfonnal. Showingsignsof wear and tear or neglect. 3. Syns; dowdy, frumpish, out-of-date. 3. Quite oubnoded:tacky old,clnthesfrorn the 7950's. 4. ceuov. 4. Tastelesly showy. 5. snonov. 5. Infomwl. Of decidedly inferior quality. tact rwrrn Syns:address,diplomacy,savoir-faire The ability to say and do the right thing at the right tirnezTact is rwededin ilnalingurith high-strungpeople. (Frerrch),tac$ulness. tactful adiectioe DELICATE. Showingsensitivityand skill in dealing with others. tactfulness nou,n TACT. The ability to say and do the riglrt thing at the riglrt time. noun tacticl 1. Syn.. maneuver. 1. A method of deploying troops and equipment in combat: used the ta.cticof encirclenvrtt to ctft off the erwmg. 2. rrlovn rwurl. 2, An action calculated to achievean end. tactic2 ad,iectiw TACTTLE. Of, pertaining to, or a.ising from the senseof touch. tactical adiectioe Syn; short-range. Designedor implemented so as to gain a limited, temporary advantage:took tactical rather tlwn strategic to settle the uisis. fiwa^sures tactife adiecthse 1. Syns; tactc2, tachral. 1. Of, pertaining to, or arisingfrom the senseof touch: a toctile refex. 2. reNcrsln. 2. Discernibleby touch. tactility rwun 1. roucn rwun. l. The faculty or ability to perceive tactile stimulaUon. 2. reNcrsu.rrr. 2. "t\e quatlty or condition of being discernible by touch. tactless ad,iectiae Syns.' brash, clumsy, impolitic, indelicate, Lacking sensitivityand skill in dealing with others: took maladroit, undiplomatic, unpolitic, a tactbss apprmch in the intercieu; tactlessrenwrlcs urtactfiul. madc by a heaoy-handnduitic.
tactual tactual ad,iectioe Of, pertaining to, or arising from the sense of touch. tag oerb 1. To describe with a word or term. 2. To follow closely or persistently. 3. To set off by or as if by a mark indicating ownership or manufacture. 4. To attach a ticket to. tag noun l. Slnng. The word or words by which one is called and identified. 2. An identifying or descriptive slip. rwun tag end The hindmost part of something. tagrag adiectioe pJrowing signs of wear and tear or neglect. taif rurun 1. The hindmost part of something: mnrched at the tail of the platoon. 2. Infonrnl. An agent assigned to observe and report on anotler: Cutnterintelligmce assigned a tail to the wspected spy. 3. Something that follows or is drawn along behind. tail oerb Infomwl. To keep (another) under surveillance by moving along behind. tail off wrb To grow or cause to gow gradually less.
L. cu.r oerb. 2. ooc oerb. 3. u.t'nx oerb. 4. rrcr,n'r oerb. 1. rgeun nou,n. 2. rrcxrr
1. Syns; end, rearr, tag end, tail end. 2. Syns: shadow, watcher.
3. rnerr.I noun. FOLLO\M.
orcnpesn t-lerb.
tailor oerb To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use,
taifor-made adiectioe l. Suitedto one'sendor purpose. 2. Made according to the specifications of the buyer.
taifor-make oerb To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use. taint oerb l. To make morally impure: a Voung child,'s morals tainted by delinquents. 2. To cast aspersionson. taint noun A mark of discredit or disgrace.
l. corwBNrrvr. 2. cusrou ad;iectine. ADAPT.
l. Syns; contaminate, corrupt, defile, infect, pollute, soil. 2. nr.ecxnN. STAIN ftoun.
taintlessness ntntn The condition of being clean and free of contaminants.
take wrb 1. To go_aboard(a meansof transport):took the six 1. Syns; board, catch. o'clocktrain. 2. To obtain possession or control of. 2. cer:unn. 3. To gain possession of, eqp.after a struggleor chase: 3. Syns; bag (Slang), capture, catch, get, took the thief after a high-speedpursuii. nail (Slnng), netr, secure. 4. To lay claim-to-foroneilf o, as ore's right. 4. essuun. 5. To becomeaffected with a disease. 5. covrnecr. 6. To come upon, eqp.suddenlyor unexpectedly:Ihe 6. Syns; catch, hit on (ar upon), attaclcerstook the eneffLyby wyise rurprise. 7. To have a zudden,ovenvhelmingeffect on. 7. snrzn oerb. 8. To direct or impel to oneselfby somequality oriaction. 8. errnecr. 9. To causeto passfrom the mouth into the stomach. 9. swlJ,,tow oerb. 10. To allow admittance,as to a group. 10. eccrpr. 11. To engagein sexualrelations wi+h:Abralwn took 11. $yns; bed, copulate (with), couple his slanegirl.
take back
presence,or L2. To admit to one'spossession, awareness. 13. To have as a need or prerequisite. 14. To obtain from another source. 15. To put up with. 16. To perceive and recognizethe meaningof. 17. To understandin a particular way. 18. To eauseto come *l*g with oneself. 19. To take away (a quantity) from another quantity. 20. To get money or somethingelse from by deceitful trickery. 21. To react in a qpecifiedway. take after oerb To be similar to, as in appearance. take away oerb To move (something)from a position occupied. take back oerb 1. To send,put, or carry back to a former location. 2. To disavow (somethingpreviously written or said) irrevocably and usu. formally. 3. To occupyor take again. take down oerb 1. To causeto descend. 2. To take (someftind apart: take doum a Christnras tree; tnleedwn a rifle and,cban it. take on wrb l. To obtain the use or servicesof. 2. To go about the initid step in doing (something). 3.Infomal. To enter into confict with. 4. To take, as another'side4 and make one'sown. 5. To worry over uifles. 6. To take upon oneself. take out oerb l. To move (something)from a positionoccupied. 2. Infonnal. To be together socidly on a regular basis. take over oerb l. To seizeand move into bY force. 2. To free from a qpecificduty by acting as a substitute. 3. To take upon oneself. take to oerb To find agreeable. take up oerb 1. To move (something)to a higlrer position. 2.To go about the inifral stePin doing (something). 3. To go on after an intemrption. 4. To be occupied or concerned. 5. To receive (something$ven or offered) willingly and gladly. 6. To take upon oneself. take n(nn l. Slang.The amount of money collected as admission, esp. to a sporting event: Today'stalceanwmts to 870,0n. 2. Slffig. An effort to do or make something. take after oerb take away onb take back oerb
with, have, mate (with), sleep with. -Iilbms go to bed with, make love to (or *ith), take to bed. 12. nncrnm. 13. pnrrraxo oerb. 14. onnrvr. 15. sNDuRE. 16. uxornsrAND. 17. rNrsnpREt. 18. gnnrc. 19. onnucr. 2O. cnnrl oerb. 21. ruNcnox. revon oarb. nnlaovr' oerb, l. nnrunr,v oerb. 2. nrrnect. 3. nnsuun. 1. r-owune. 2. Syns: disassemble,dismantle, dismember, dismount. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
nvrry-,ovoerb. srrnt oerb, nNcecp. eoopr. pvss oerb. essuun.
1. nsMovE oerb. 2. snn. 1. occupv. 2. npr,rprm. 3. essuvr. LINET.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
nr.rverr. srrnr oerb. cournn:n. on* wfu. eccsPT.
6. essurvrs. 1. Syns; gate, gate money. -Idiomsboxoffice receipts, gate receipts. 2. errnupt spp take. spp take. spn take.
take down take down oerb take-in noun take in oerb l. 2. 3. 4.
To allow admittance, as to a group. To have as an integral part. To perceive and recognize the meaning of. To cause to accept what is false, esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. take-in rwun An action meant to deceive. takeoff rwun
take off oerb 1. To riseup in flight Theiet tookoff with a roar. 2. 3. 4. 5.
To take from one's own person. To move (something) from a posiUon occupied. To take away (a quantity) from another quantity. Infornwl. To copy (the manner or expression of another), esp. in an exaggerated or mocking way. 6. Slang. To move or proceed away from a place. 7. Slang. To leave hastily. takeoff nuun 1. The act of rising in fliglrt: The plane cvashed ihning takeof. 2. A usu. amusing caricature of another: did, a takeoff on the Presid.ent.
take on wrb take out oerb take over oerb take to oerb take up oerb taking adiectioe 1. Pleasing to the eyeor mind. 2. Capableof transmission by infection. tale nDnn
1. An entertaining and often oral account of a real or fictitious occurrence. 2. An untrue declaration. tale oerb To note (items) one by one so as to get a total.
srn take. sEEtake in. 1. eccnpt. 2. corvrerN.
3. urornsrexo. 4. nrcnrvr.
sBBtakeoff. L. Syn:lift (o0. 2. 3. 4. 5.
nnuovn oerb. nnMow oarb. prpucr. rurrlrn.
6. co oerb. 7. nvN oerb. L. $yn: liftoff. 2. Syns: imitation, parody. snn take. srr take. snr take. snB take. srr take. 1. etrnecrrvn. 2. corutvruNrcABr.E. l. vanw. 2. rtnz rwun. couNr oerb.
talebearef rwun Aperson habituallyengagedin idle talk about others. talebearing adiecthse Inclined to gossip. talent mti An innate capability: a tabnt for nunic; a tabnt for mathmntics. talented adiectine Having talent. taletef fing a.diectioe Inclined to gossip. ' taf isman ,-t A small object worn or kept for its supposedmagical POwer. talk oerb l. To articulate(something)in words: talk treason. 2. To expressoneselfin speech. 3. To direct speechto. 4. To engagein spokenexchange. 5. To meet and exchangeviews to reach a decision.
Syns: aptitude, aptness, bent, faculty, fair, genius, gift, head, inclination, instinct, knack, turn. GIFTED. GOSSIPY. CHANM
1. Syns; speak, utterl, verbalize. -Idiom put into words. 2. spnex. 3. eponnss oarb. 4. cowvsnsnr oerb. 5. corwnn.
935 6. To engagein or spreadgossrp. 7. To give incriminating information about others, eqp. to the authoriUes. talk back oerb To utter an impertinent rejoinder: talked back ushen his parentsrefusedhim the car. talk down oerb 1. To think, represent,or speakof as small or unimportant. 2. To treat in a zuperciliouslyindulgent manner. talk into oerb To succeedin causing(a person)to act in a certain way. talk over oerb To speaktogether and exchangeideas and opinions about. talk up oerb 1. To make lanownvigorouslythe positive feahnes of (a product). 2. To utter an impertinentrejoinder. talk twun 1, Spokenexchange. 2. The faculty, ac! or product of speaking. 3. A usu.formal oral communicationto an audience. 4. The act or processof dealingwith anotherto reach an agreement:the Amerim.n-NorthVbtrwnese peace tnlks. talkative adiectine Given to conversationia oery talleatioeperson. tafk back oerb talk down oerb talker twtn 1. One glven to conversation. 2. One who deliversa public qpeech. talk into oerb talk over oerb tafk up oerb tafky adiectioe Given to conversation. tall adiectioe 1. Extendingto a geat heiglrt: tall mountnins. 2. Having a rather great upward projection. 3. Not easyto do, achieve,or master. talfy oerb 1. To be compatibleor in correspondence. 2. To combine(fig,rr"r)to form a sum. 3. To note (items)one by one so as to get a total. 4. To gain (a point or points) in a game or contest. tally rww 1. A noting of items one by one. 2. T\e total number of points made by a contestantl side,or team in a gameor contest. taffying rwun The act or state of ageeing or conforming. tame adiecthse 1. Trained or bred to live with and be of useto man. 2. Easilymanagedor handled. tame oerb l. To train to live with and be of use to man.
6. cossrp oerb. 7. nvronu.
Syns: sass(Infornwl), sauce (Infonnal), talk up. -Idiom give someone some lip. 1. spr-rrrln. 2. coxorscrxo. PERSUADE.
Drscuss. 1. eovsnrrsr. 2, rer-x BAcK. 1. 2. 3. 4.
coxwnsATroN. spsrcH. sppBcn. Syns: negotiation, parley.
Syns: chatty, conversational, free-qpoken, gabby, garrulous, loquacious, multiloquent, talky. sBr talk. sBn talk. l. co*vensATloNALrsr. 2. sprexnn. snn talk. snn talk. srs talk. TALKATIVE.
1. Syns; elevated,hig[r, lofty, soaring, towering. 2. nrcn adieaioe. 3. orrrrcur.r. l. ecnnB. 2. eoo. 3. couNr oerb. 4. sconn oerb. 1. couvr nuun. 2. sconn rwnLn,
1. poursrrc. 2. cenrr-r ad,iectioe. 1. pounsrrcATE.
tamper 2.To make (an animal) docile. 3. To make or becomeless severe or extreme.
tamper wrb l. To handle somethingidly, ignorantly, or destructively: bnuotoe tamperedu)ith the TV set ad spoiled tlw recqtion. 2. To_pre{urangethe outcome of (a contest)unlawfully. tangent rw,nl An instanceof digressing. tangential adieailw M*!pd by or given to digession. tangibility noun Th" q*lity_or condition of being discernible by touch: T'henryfu;lity of tlre reu:atd eroited then. tangible dieatoe l. Discernible by touch: tangfulc obiects. 2. Having achral reality. 3. Compsed of or relating to things that occupy space and can be 'r-',on perceived by the senses. tangibleness t llhe quality or condition of being discernible by touch. tangle noun 1. Somethingthat is intricately and often bewilderingly complex: a tang;lcof interlmWtq corpotatiorc; a tonglc of freeunys; a marital tangb. 2. InforrruL A discussion"often heated,in which a difference of opinion is expressed. tangle oerb l. To twist together so that separationis difficult. 2. To make complex, intricate, or pelplexing. 3. Io gain control of or an advantagebver5y or as if bytrapping. tangfed adiecthn Dficult to understanddue to intricacy. tank up Mb llyg.To take alcoholicliquor, esp.excesively or habihnlly. tantalize oerb T9 gxgite (another)by exposingsomethingdesirable while keepingit out of reach:wtallaeil ihe dagu>lth ruu: meat. tantafizing adieatw Enticingly h Sgttq yet often out of reach: had,a tantalizfngoisilmof on oasis. tantamount adieaitn Ageeing exactly in value, quantity, or efiect. rw,tn tantrum Atr angy outburst. taPt oerb 1. To make a noiseby strikingztapped at tlle door and called luerrurrw. 2. Slary. To selectfor an ofrce or position. tap rwttn An audible blow: lwatd the top of a percil on tfu ilesl<; a tap at tlw iloor.
936 2. cnrrnn oerb. 3. naooenernuerb. 1. Syns;fiddle, fool, meddle,mess, monkey(Infonrnl), tinker. 2. rv oerb. DIGNESSION. DIGRESSIVE.
Syns pdpabitity, tactility, tangibleness, touchability, touchableness. 1. Syns;palpable,tactile, touchable. 2. nrer.. 3. prrysrcer-.
1. Syns; entanglemenl jungle, knol lab)trinth, maze, mesh, morass, skein" snarlr, web. -Idiom cat's cradle. 2. encuurvr.
1. exreNcr,p. 2. covpr-rcATE. 3. cl,rctt oerb.
coMPLEx adiecthse. pnnsx oerb.
Syns: bait, tease, torment. -Idiunmake one's mouth water.
Syns: mouthwatering, teasing.
EeUAL adiectioe. TEMPER |IOUN,
1. Syns; bob (Obs.), knock, rapr. 2. epporNr. Syns: bob (Obs.), knock, rapr.
1. To remove (a liquid) by a steady, gadual Process. 2. To monitor (telephone calls') with a concealed listgning device connected to the circuit: got a court order to tq thc mspect's plwne.
l. pnerw. 2. Syns: bug, wiretap.
937 taper off oerb To grow or cause to grow gadually less. rvnilt, tar Infornwl. A person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. tardiness rwttn The quality or condition of not being on time.
oncnress oerb. SAILOR.
tardy adiecthn l. Not being on time. 2. Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired.
target noun l. One that is fired at, attacked,or abused:The o,now fell shon of ix target. His pontpositymade him a target of satirists. 2. What one intends to do or achieve. target perb To make a target ofz The terroriststargetedthe usar hero as their prima oictirn. tariff rwun A compulsorycontribution, usu. of money, that is required of personsor groupsof personsfor the support of a government. tarnish oerb 1. To qpoil the soundnessor perfection of. on. 2. To castaspersions tarnish twun A mark of discredit or disgace. larry oerb 1. To go or move slowly so that progressis hindered. 2. To continueto be in a place. 3. To stop temporarily and remain, s ff reluctant to leave. tartr adiectioe Having a taste characteristicof that produced by acids. tart2 ioun A vulgar, promiscuouswoman who flouts propriety. tartufe rroun tartuffe alsotartufe rw.m A personwho practiceshypocrisy. noun tartuffery A show or expressionof feelingsor beliefs one does not actually hold or possess. ad,iectioe tartuffian Of or practicing hypocrisy. task noun 1. A piece of work that hasbeen assigned:Ifts task is to preparc the publicity carn'paign. 2. A difficult or tediousundertakingzWritingbtters is a real taskfor me. 3. An assignmentone is sent to carry out. task oerb To force to work. taskmaster twun, Someonewho directs and supervisesworkers. taskwork noun A difficult or tedious undertaking. taste oerb l. To participate in or partake of personally. 2. To have a particular flavor or suggestionof something. 3. To undergoan emotionalreaction.
1. r,err adiectioe. 2. sr.ow a.d,iectioe. 1. Syns; butt, mark.
2. rNrrvrrox. Syn.'mark. -ldiom
draw a bead on.
TA)( notrn.
1. ngunn. 2. nr.ecxru. STAIN |WUN.
L. oerb. 2. nruerN. 3. prsa oerb.
sova adiectwe. SLUT.
1. Syns.'chore, duty, job, stint. 2. Syns: ehore, effort, job, onus, taskwork. 3. urssrou. wonx oerb. BOSSnoun. TASKftoun. 1. pxppnrnNcnoerb. 2. slz.tcxz oerb. 3. pnu. oerb.
tasteful taste rwrun l. A disfinctive property of a substance affecting the gustatory sense. 2. A limited or anticipatory experience: had a taste of success. 3. A barely perceivable indication of something. 4. A liking or personal preference for somethrng: a taste for luxury. 5. RecogniUon of worth, quality, importance, etc. 6. A desire for food or drink. 7. T\e faculty or sense of discerning what is aesthetically pleasing or appropriate; a house designed usith taste and ima$nation. tasteful adiectioe 1. Showing good taste: a tasteful and pbasing cornbirwtion of colors. 2. Rare. Highly pleasing, esp. to the sense of taste. 3. Not showy or obtrusive. tastefuf ness rrnnt The faculty or sense of discerning what is aesthetically pleasing or appropriate. tasteless adiectil:e l. Lacking an appetizing flavor. 2. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. 3. Lacking style and good taste. tasty adiecthn 1. Highly pleasing esp. to the sense of taste. 2. Rare. Showing good taste.
tatterdemalion noun A person ryearing ragged or tattered clothing: a shabby tatterdetnaliut, b egging for food. tatterdemalion ad,iectioe Torn into or marked by shreds or tatters. tattered a.diectioe l. Torn into or marked by shreds or tatters: tattered clothing. 2. Showing signs of wear and tear or neglect.
tatters nuun Torn and ragged clothing: dtessed in tatters. tattle oerb 1. To engage in or spread gossrp. 2. To give incriminating information about others, esp. to the authorities. tattle rroun 1. Idle, often sensational and groundlesstalk about
others. 2. A personhabitually engagedin idle talk about others. tattfer rwun l. A personhabitually engagedin idle talk about ot}ters. 2. One who gives incriminating information about
1. r'r.evonrwun. 2. Syns:foretaste,sample. 3. rnecr rwun. 4. Syns; appetite,fondness,inclination, partiality, predisposition,relish, weakness. 5. eppnncrarloN. 6. eppnrrru. 7. Syn: tastefulness.
1. Syns; aestheticor esthetic,artistic, tmsry(Rare). 2. orr.rcrous. 3. qurnr. TASTE TWUN.
1. r'r-er adiectiue. 2. coensr. 3. recrv2. l. osr,rcrous. 2. resrrrur.. Syns:ragamu-ffin, scarecrow.
1. Syns; ragged, raggedy, tatterdemalion. 2. suassv. Syn.'rags. 1. cossrp oerb. 2. nvronu.
1. cossrp rwrrn. 2. cossrp nuun.
l. cossrp rwun. 2. nrronunn.
others. tattfetale rwun 1. A personhabitually engagedin idle talk about otlers. 2. One who givesineriminating information about others. tatty adiecthn Of decidedly inferior quality.
l. cossrp rwttn. 2. rrtronrrann.
939 taunt oerb l. To torment with persistentinsult or ridicule. 2. To make fun of. taunt rwun Words or actionsintendedto evokecontempfuous lauglrter. taut adiectioe l. Stretchedtightly: gl.ooes u:ith a taut fit; a taut arwhor line. 2. In good order or clean condition. tauten " oerb To make or becometense. tautofogical adiectioe Characterizedby excessiveand obfuscatorywordiness: tang-nindpd and tautolngical arguments. tawdry ad,iectioe Tastelesslysho*y. tax noun 1. A compulsorycontribution,usu. of money,that is required of personsor groupsof personsfor the support of a goveinment: a tax on gasolirw. 2. A duty or responsibilitythat is a sourceof anxiety, worry, or hardship. tax oerb l. To place a burden or heavyload on. 2. To force to work. 3. To make an accusatjonagainst. 4. To criticize for a fault or offense. taxing adiectioe l. Imposinga severetest of bodily or spiritual strength. 2. Requiringgreat effort. 3. Causingfatigue. TB alsoT.B. noun A contagiousdiseaseproducinglesionsesp.of the lungs. each oerb To impart knowledge and skill to.
L. r,Aff oerb. 2. nrorcur-e oerb. RIDICULE
l. Syns.'closer, snug, tense, tight. 2, rner. rsNsp oerb. Syns : circumlocutional, circumlocutionary, circumlocutious, circumlocutor/, pleonastic, redundant, roundabout. GAUDY.
l. Syns; assessment,duty, impost, levy, tariff. 2. nunoprq rwun.
L. 2. 3. 4.
crurnca oerb. wonx oerb. eccusn. cer,r- DowN at call.
1. nunorNsoME. 2. onueNorwc. 3. rrnrNc.
teachaSle adiectioi Capable of being educated.
teacher rwun One who educates.
teaching nou.n 1. The act, process, or art of imparting knowledge and skill. 2. A principle taught or advanced for belief, as by a religious or philosophical group.
team rmun A goup of people organizedfor a particular purpose. teamwork rrDun Joint work toward a commonend. tearr oerb 1. To separateor pull apart by force: torc rny stocking on a nail. 2. To removefrom a fixed position. 3. To move swiftly. 4. lnfonrwl. To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride. tear down oerb 1. To collapseor shatterby or as if by breaking.
l. roucerroN. 2. oocrnnvr.
1. Syns; cleave, rend, rip, rive, split. 2. pvt-t- oerb. 3. nvsn oerb. 4. nvN oerb.
l. sREer DowN.
tear2 2. To break up so that reconstructionis impossible. 3. To makedefamatorystatementsabout. tear twun l. A hole madeby tearing:mend,edthe tearsin the fabric. 2. Slnng.A drinking bout. lear2 rwun A drop of the clear liquid secretedby the glandsof the eyes:A tear trickled doum her cheek. tear oerb To fill with tears: eyesthat toeretearing and sntarting frorn the srwke. tear down oerb teardrop noun A drop of the clear liquid secretedby the glandsof the eye. tearful adiecthse Filled with or sheddingtears:a sad and tearful child. tear-jerking adtiectioe Slnng.Affectedlyor extravagantlyemotional. tears noun A fit of crFng. teary adiectioe Filled with or sheddingtears. tease oerb l. To distub by repeatedattacks. 2, T? excite (another)by exposingsomethingdesirable while keepingit out of reach. teasing adiectioe . Enticingly in sight,yet often out of reach. teGnnlG noun The_degreeof skill exhibitedin any performance. technicality noun A small,often specializedelementof a whole. technique nmun f . Jhe degreeof skill exhibited ir ary performance:a faultless techniqueon the piarw. 2. The mannerin which somethingis done. 3. A methodusedin dealingwith somethirg. 4. A skill in doing or performing that is attained by study,practice,or observation. techy adiecthte tedious adiectioe Arousingno interestor curiosity. tediousness nuun A tiresomelack of variety. tedium rraun 1. A tiresomelack of variety. 2. The condition of being bored. tee-hee oerb b noun teeml oerb l. To overfow with: a streetteemingwith pedestrinns. 2. To come or go in large numbers. teem2 oerb To rain heavily. teeming adiectitse Full of animation and activity. teensy adiectiae
940 2. nrsrnoy. 3. Lrrrnroerb. 1. Syns;rent2,rip. 2. srNDnn. Syn; teardrop. Syn.'water. ssntearr. tneR2 naun.
Syns; lachrymose, teary, weeping, weepy. -Idiorn in (or to ) tears. SENTIMENTAL. CRY |WUN. TEARFUL.
1. ervwoy. 2. reNrer,rzn.
1. Syns; command, technic. 2. wey twun. 3. eppno,c.cHrrtun. 4. enr. snn tetchy. BORING.
1. uoNororw. 2. sonrooN{. srr tehee. l. Syns; abound, bristle, crawl, flow, formicate, pullulate, swarm. 2. poun. POUR.
srn teeny.
94L teeny alsoteensy a.d;iectioe Extremelysmall. teeter oerb 1. To walk unsteadily. 2. To move back and forth or from sideto if about to fall. teetotalism nDun The practice of refraining from use of alcoholic liquors. tehee or tee-hee xerb To laugh in a stifled way. tehee or tee-hee noun A stifled laugh. tefephone oerb To communicatewith (someone)by telephone:She's tel4honed me htice todag. tef l oerb 1. To put into words. 2. To iause to know about or be awareof. 3. To makeknown. 4. To disclosein a breachof confidence. 5. To give ordersto. 6. To recognizeasbeing different. tell off oerb l. Infomwl. To reprimand loudly or harshly. 2. To note (items)one by one so as to get a total. tef ling ad,iectine Servingto convince. tell off oerb telltale nuun A personhabitually engagedin idle talk about others. tellurian ad,iectine Pertainingto or characterisUcof the earth or of human life on earth. telluric adiecthse Pertainingto or characteristicof the earth or of human life on earth. temerarious ad;iectiae Characterizedby unthinking boldnessand haste. temblor ntnnl Re$qnal. A shakingof the earth. temerity nuun l. Foolhardyboldnessor disregardof danger:lud thc temeritg to chalbnge the dictator's authotity. 2. Excessiveand arrogantself-confidence. temper rvntn 1. A tendencyto becomeangryor irritablei u)a,sroidely l$w)n for his ternper. 2. A person'scustomarymannerof emotionalresponse. 3. A temporary state of mind or feeling. 4. An angry outburst: fl.ew into a temper. 5. A prevailing quality, as of thouglrt, behavior, or attitude: The temperof the eady 1920'siDosone of optimi'sm. temper oerb To make or becomelesssevereor extreme. temperament rwun 1. A person'scustomarymannerof emotionalresponse.
l. rvncs oerb. 2. swts oerb,
Syns; btrzz (lnforrnal), call, dial (Inforrwl), phone, {ngz (lnfunnl). -ldims get someone on the horn, give g). someoneabuzz (orcdl ur l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
stv oerb. rxronrvr. corvuvrur.itcATE. snrRAv. couvervo r:erb. orsrrxcursn.
1. sewr. our at bawl. 2. covwr oerb. CONVINCINC.
snetell. GOSSTP tWUn. EARTHLY.
1. Syns; brashness, chutzpah (Slang), rashness,recHessness. 2. pnnsuuptroN. 1. Syns; choler, irascibility, irascibleness, qpleen, temperament. -Idioms low boiling point, short fuse. 2. orsposrrrorq. 3. ruooo. 4. Syns: conniption (Inforrrul), fit, huff, passion, tantrum. 5. Syns: climate, mood, spirit, tone.
v'Orlnntrn oetb. 1. orsposrtroN.
temperamental 2. A tendency to become angy or irritable.
2. rnuprn noun.
temperamental adiectioe l. Given to changeable emoUonal states, esp. of anger or gloom. 2. Following no predictable pattern.
1. uoopv. 2. capnrcrous.
temperance noun 1. The practice of refraining from use of alcoholic Iiquors: belieoed that temperurce roas next to godlirwss. 2. Avoidance of extremes of opinion, feeling or persond conduct. temperate adiectioe 1. Exercising moderation and self-restraint in appetites and behavior: ds temperate h his tastes, u.nlike his high-liuttgbrother. 2. Not excessiveor extreme in amount, degree, or force. 3. Kept within sensible limits. 4. Free from extremes in temperahrre. tempestuous adiecthse 1. Marked by unrest or dishubance. 2. Violently disturbed, as by storms.
tempo nuun Rate of motion or performance. temporal ad,iectit:e l. Pertaining to or characteristic of the earth or of human life on earth. 2. Of or p,reoccupied with material rather than spiritual or intellectual things. 3. Not lsli#ous in subject matter, form, or use. 4. LasUng or existing only for a short time. temporary adiectiae l. Intended, used, or present for a limited time: ternporary repahs; ternporary ernpbyees. 2. Lasting or existing only for a short time. 3. Temporarily assuming the duties of another: ternporary chairman.
tempt oerb l. To beguile or draw into a wrong or foolish course of action: was ternpted to destroy the records. 2. To solicit (danger) playfully and provocatively, often unwittingly.
1. Syns; abstinence, drlmess, nephalism, soberness,sobriety, teetotalism. 2. NrooEnA.floN.
1. Syns; abstemious, abstentious, abstinent, continent, sober. 2. voornern
3. cor,{ssnverwn adiecthse. 4. urr-o. l. runsulnl.{T. 2. noucn. SPEED NDUN,
1. nenrrrr.v. 2. uerrnrer,rsrrc. 3. pnorenr. 4. rnexsrrony. 1. Syns; impermanent, interim, provisional, short-range, short-term. 2. rnexsrrony. 3. Syns; acting, ad interim (Latin), interim, pro tem, pro tempore (Intin). 1. Syns; allure, entice, inveigle, lure, seduce. -Idiorn lead astray. 2. counr oerb.
temptation rwun Something that attracts, esp. with the promise of pleasure or reward. tempter rwttn One that seduces. tempting adiecthse 1. Pleasing to the eye or mind. 2. Tending to seduce.
temptress noun unscrupulouswoman who seducesor exploits lH: tenabfe adiectioe 1. Capableof being defendedagainstarmed attzck:an u"ttpostthnt is rn longer tenable. 2. Capableof beingjustified. tenacious adiec-thse 1. Persistentlyholding to something. 2. Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield.
1. errnecrrvr. 2. snoucrrvs.
l. Syns; defendable, defensible. 2. lusrrrranr-n. 1. rrcur adiectiae. 2. ossrrxetn.
943 tendr oerb To have a tendency or inclination: tends to sta:rnmer when ercited. tend2 oerb l. To have the care and supervisionot: tendingthe forgetful old mnn.
2. To prepare(soil)for the planting and raisingof crops. tendendy nou,n 1. An inclinationto something. 2. The thread or current of thougtrtuniting or occurring in all the elementsof a text or discourse. tendentious adiectioe Exhibiting bias. tendentiousness nuun An inclination for or againstthat inhibits impartial judgment. tenderr adiectioe Of a kindly, consideratecharacter. tender2 nDtrn Somethingoffered. tender oerb To put before anotherfor acceptance. tenderfool rwun One who is just starting to learn or do something. tenderhearted ad;iectioe Of a kindly, consideratecharacter. tendril rwun A young stemlike growth arisingfrom a plant. tenebrific adiectine Dark and depressing. tenebrosity rwtr,n Absenceor deficiencyof ligfrt. tenebrous adiecthse Deficient in brightness. tenet rwun A principle taught or advancedfor belief, asby a religious or philosophicalgoup. tenor twtrn The thread or current of thouglrt uniting or occurring in all the elementsof a text or discourse. tense oerb To make or becometense:My mucbs tenseduhen I heard the lcrwckat the dnor. tense adiectioe 1. Stretchedtigltly. 2. Feelingor exhibitingnervoustension. tension rwu.n The act, condition,or effect of exertingforce on someoneor something. ten-strike noun Infonrnl, A dazzlng, often suddeninstanceof success. tentative adiectioe 1. Dependingon or containinga condition or conditircns. 2. Given to or exhibiting hesitation. 3. Not perfected,elaborated,or completed.
Syns: incline, leanr (to or toward), slant, squint toward (or at), trend. 1. Syns; attend, care for, look after, mind, minister to, see to, watch. -Idionw keep an eye on, look out for, take care (or charge) ol take under one's wing. 2. rtu..
1. srNr rwun. 2. rrrnusr noun.
OFFER ftou,n.
orrr.n oerb. BEGTNNER.
cENTLEadiectioe. sHooT rwu,n. GLOOMY. DARK TWU,N,.
nrnx adiectioe. DOCTNINE.
Syns; stiffen, tauten, tighten.
l. reur. 2. rpcy. PRESSURE |IOUN.
1. corvorrroNAr-. 2. rrssrral.IT. 3. noucn.
tenuous tenuous adiectine Having little substance or significance; not solidly based: terruous reasorfing. tenure rroun The holding of something, such as a position: a threeyear terutre in oftne. tepid adiectioe Lacking warmth, interest, enthusiasm, or involvement: he1 tepid opprooal of the pbrc. tergiversate uerb l. To abandon one's cause or party usu. to join another. 2. To use evasive or deliberately vague language. tergiversation noun l. An instance of defecting from or abandoning a cause. 2. The use or an instance of equivocal language. 3. An expression or term liable to more than one interpretation. tergiversator rwun A person who has defected. term noun l. A limited or specific period of time during which something_happens,lasts, or extends: a tenn of aoo yeus as chairrnan. 2. The period during which someone or something exists. 3. A specific length of time characterized by the occurrence of certain conditions or events. 4. A sound or combination of sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning: used, the term in its mast comnwn serwe. 5. A restricting or modifying element. term oerb 1. To give a name or title to, 2. To describe with a word or term. termaganl rwnt A person, esp. a woman, who habitually uses loud, abusive language. terminal adiectiw l. Coming after all others. 2. Of or relating to a terminative condition, stage, or point.
944 Syns: feeble, flimsy, insubstantial, unsubstantial. Syns: incumbency, occupancy, occupation. Syns: halfhearted, lukewarm, unenthusiastic. L. onrnct oerb. 2. rqurvocarn. 1. onrpcrrow. 2. nqurvocATroN. 3. eMsrcurrY.
l. Syns; duraUon, span, stretch, time.
2. r.rrp. 3. pnnroo. 4. Syns: expression, word.
5. pnovrsrox. 1. Neur oerb. 2. cu.t oerb. scolD noun.
1. r,esrr adiectitse. 2. r.esrr adiecthse.
terminate oerb L. crosnl oerb. l. To britrg or come to a nafuralor proper end. 2. T9 stop suddeoly, ru a conversation,ictivity, 2. suspnro. relationship,etc. 3. To end the employmentof. 3. orsurss. 4. Torelinquish one'sengagementin or occupation 4. gurr. with. termination noun 1. A concluding or terminating. l. nrvo rwun. 2. The last part. 2. rNo rwun. 3. The act of dismissingor the condition of being 3. orsurssan. dismissedfrom employment. terminolory rwlut Specializedexpressionsindigenousto a particular field, LANGUAGE. subject,trade, or subculture. terminus rvnln l. A concluding or terminating. l. noun. 2. Rare. A fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. 2. sononn nuun.
945 terms nurn An established posiUon from which to operate or deal with others.
terpsichorean lwun A person who dances, esp. professionally.
terrain noun 1. The character, natural feafures, and configuration of land rocky, hilly tenain. 2. A particular area used for or associated with a specific individual or activity. 3. A sphere of activity, study, or interest.
L. Syn: topography. -ldiom the land. 2. rrnnrronv.
the lay of
3. enre.
terrene adiectioe 1. Pertaining to or characteristic of the earth or of human life on earth. 2. Consisting of or resembling soil.
1. ne.nrnr-v. 2. nenrrrv.
terrestrial adiectioe 1. Pertaining to or characteristic of the earth or of human life on earth. 2. Consisting of or resembling soil. adiectioe terrible 1. Very bad: a tenible blunder.
2. Causing or able to cause fear. 3. Extreme in degee, strength, or effect. adiecthse terrific 1. Causing great horror. 2. Particularly excellent. 3. Infonrwl. Exceptionally good of its kind.
terrify oerb To fill with fear. terrifying adiectiae Causinq great horror.
1. nenrnr-v. 2. r.mrrrv. 1. Syns; appalling, awful, dreadful, fearful, frightfrrl, ghastly, horrendous, horrible, shocking. 2. rnenrur-. 3. rvrnxss. 1. nonnrsr,n. 2. Menvslous. 3. rxcrr-r.rr.IT. FRIGHTEN.
territoriS( adiectine Pertaining to or restricted to a particular territory: a tenitorinl problem conceming lnnd' deoelopment.
1. A particular area used for or associatedwith a specific individual or acUvity: a salesman'stetritory; cattle territory. 2. A sphereof activity, study, or interest. terror twun Great agitation and anxiety causedby the expectation or the realizationof danger. rwun terrorist One who needlesslyalarmsothers. terrorize oerb To fill with fear. test twun l. A set of questionsor exercisesdesignedto determine knowledgeor skill: Testswere $oen at intensak daring the cunse. 2. Ln operation employed to resolve an uncertainty: ran teststo determinethe fficts of roeightl.essness on the hu'manbody. 3. A procedure that ascertainseffectiveness,value, proper function, or other quality: The Longhilceuas a test of mn end,urance. 4. A meansby which individuals are comparedand judged.
l. Syns.'country (Informal), terrain, tur{ (Slang). 2. enne. FEAR.
1. Syns; catechism, catechization, exiun (lnformal), examination, quiz. 2. Syns: experiment, experimentation, rial. 3. Syns,'assay, essay,proof, trial, try-out Qnfornwl). 4. sreNpenD rwun.
testament test oerb l. To subjectto a test of knowledgeor shll: testedthe chil.drm'sliteracy boels. 2. To subjectto a procedurethat ascertains effectiveness, value,proper function, or other quality: He tested his head,lightsto be xne they were working. 3. To engagein experiments:scientistsirwohsedin testing, testedout the new theory. test adiectiw Constituting a tentative model for future experiment or development.
l. Syns; check, examine. 2. Syns: assay,check, essay,examine, prove, try, bry out. -ldiorns bring to test, make trial of, put to the test (or proof). 3. Syns; experiment, try out.
prr.or adiectioe.
testamenl rwun That which confirms.
testifier noun Onewhotestifies, court. testify oerb l. To give evidence or testimony under oath: A usituwss tgstified thnt he saw the ilefendant at the scene of the crime. 2. To assure the certainty or validity of. 3. To confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine. 4. To give gounds for believing in the existence or presence of.
1. Syns; attest, depone (Archaic), depose (Lat:), swear, witness (Obs.). -Idioms bear witness, take the stand. 2. corwrnv. 3. cpnrrrv. 4. nvorcerr.
testiinonial r.nun 1. A formal token of appreciation and admiration for a person's high achievements: a ba.nqu.etas a testimorilal to the hero. 2.That which confirms. 3. A statement attesting to personal qualifications, _character, and dependabitity. testimony rwttn l. A formal declaration of truth or fact given under oath: A cutrt reporter record.ed the teitimony. 2. That which confirms. testy ad,iectioe l. Easily annoyed: a fnntrated, testg mnn.
2. Having or showing a bad temper. tetchy also techy adiectiae Easily annoyed. nDun Yh"t a speech, piece of writing, or artistic work is about.
l. Syns: salute, salvo, tribute.
2. coNrrnueuoN. 3. nnrnnrxcr.
1. Syns; deposition (Law), witness (Obs.). 2. corvrmuerrow. 1. Syns; choleric, hot-tempered, irascible, peppery, quick-tempered, ratty (Chtefl.y Brit.), tetchy (a/so techy), touchy. 2. rr,r,-rrupERED. TESTY.
texture rrou,n 1. A disfinctive,complexunderlyingpatternor struchre:the turtureof citVW.
2. A basic trait or set of traits th;t define and establish the character of something.
thafassic ad,iectirse Of or relating to the seasor oceans. thank oerb To feel and express gatitude to: I thank ym for helping out. thankful adiectitse Showing or feeling gratitude.
SUBJECT ftoun.
1. Syns.'contexture, fabric, fiber, web. -Idi$n woof and wa{p. 2. nssnwcr.
thankfulness rwun A being grateful.
947 thankfess ad,iectiae 1. Not showingor feeling gratitude: a thankless sponger. 2. Not apt to be appreciated:a thartklesstask.
theory l. Syns; unappreciative,ungatefril, rurthankful, unthanking. 2. Syns:unappreciated,ungrateful, unthankful.
thanks rwun 1. eppnpcrerroN. 1. A being grateful. 2. cnecp noun, 2. A short prayer saidat meds. thanksgiving runtn GRACE frolm. A short prayer saidat meals. thaumaturgic adiectioe MAGrc adiectioe. Having or brouglrt abou! by supernahualpowers. thaumaturgy MAGIC TWUN. The use of supernaturalpowers to influence or predict events. thaw oerb MELT. To changefrom a solid to a liquid. theatrical"ho theatric adieittoe 1. on-q,MATrc. 1. Of or pertainingto dramaor the theater. 2. nneverlc. 2. Suggestingdrama or a stageperformance,as in emotionality or suspense. theatricalism rwun Syns; dramaticism,staginess,theatricality, Showymannerismsand behavior: a grand gestue theatricalness. symptortatic of his theatricali'sm. theatricality rwtut Showymannerismsand behavior. theatribalness twun THEATNICALISM. Showymannerismsand behavior. theatribals twun THEATRICS. Overemotional,exaggeratedbehavior calculated for effect. theatrics noun Syns; dramatics,histrionics, OveremoUonal,exaggeratedbehavior calculated for melodramatics,theatricals. efiect: a child,who wed hysteria and'theanics to get what he wanted. theft rwun I.ARCENY. The crime of taking someoneelse'sproperly without consent. thematic adiecthse Syn: topical. Of, constituting or relating to a theme or themes: found a thematic tie-in behaeenthe tuo poanw. th-eme rwun 1. Syns; basel, rootl, stem. t. Ling. The main part of a word to which affixesare attached: The word "eat" is the theme on ushichthe derioatitse"eater" is ba"sed. 2. susJrcr noun. 2. What a speech,piece of writing or artistic work is about. 3. A relativelybrief discoursewritten esp.asan exercise. 3. couposrrroN. theorem rmun LLII/ ftou,n. A broad and basic rule or truth. theoretical alsotheoretic ad,iectioe l. Concernedwith or restrictedto a theory or theories: 1. Syns; abstract, academic, qpeculative. theoretical nwtlvrnatbg 2. oocrnrntlnn. 2. Devoted to certain doctrineswithout regard to practicability. 3. Syns; abstract" hypothetical (olso 3. Existing only in concept and not in reality: hlpothetic ), ideal, transcendent, constru,cteda theoreticalmoilel of a society ileooid transcendental. of classcmflNct. theory rnun l. Syns; hypothesis, zupposition. 1. A belief usedas the basisfor action: Unsttrtchned classroornactioities resultedfrorn the theory that
therapeutic child,ren require free expression to Leam. 2. Something taken to be true without proof. 3. Abstract reasoning: the th.eory that the Romarwtss suruiaed erecation.
948 2. essuurrroN. 3. Syns; conjecture, perhaps, speculation.
therapeutic a.diectioe Serving to cure.
therapy rwun The systematic applicaUon of remediesto efiecta cure. thesis rwun 1. A systematic, thorough written presentation of an original point of view: a doAorul thesis. 2. A hpothetical, controversial proposition: His thesis is tlwt big gooernment is the root of infation. - 3. Something taken to be true without proof.
thespian rroun A theatrical performer. thespian adiecthn Of or pertaining to drama or the theater. nourr theurgt The use of zupernaturalpowers to infuence or predict events. thew(s) ruxtn The state or quality of being physically strong. thick adieah:e l. Relatively great in extent from one surfaceto the opposite:cat himself a thick slice of btead. 2. Having a solid, compact build. 3. Having all parts near to eachother: The pile in the urpet is thick. 4. Having so many constituentparticles in zuqpension as to be condensed,often viscous:a thbk white sauae. 5. Lacking in intelligence. 6. Infornal. Yery closely associated. 7. Not plausibleor believable. 8. Growing profusely: thbk iungla oegetation. thick twun The most intenselyactive central part: the thick of the - in the thick of the controoersy. fght@ cqught thiclkboif i ed adiec-tioe Having a solid, compact build. thickei. mrb To make thick or thicker, eqp.through evaporaUonor condensation:thiclcerudthe greD7by add,ingflou and lwatlng lt. thickheid runtn A mentally dull person. thickheaddd ad,iecttoe Io.kitrg in intelligence. thicknesi nDun The qudity, condition, or degreeof being thick: measuredthe thiclmessof tlu unll. thickset adiectioe Having a solid, compact build. odiec&n thick-wltted Lacking in intelligence. thief rwun A personwho steals. thieve oerb To take (another'sproperty) without permission.
cunATrvE adiecthse. TREATMENT.
l. Syn: dissertation. 2. Syns: contention, contestation. 3. ,LssuuprroN. ACTOR. DRAMATIC. MAGIC NOWN,
1. Syn; fat. 2. nrew a.diectiae. 3. Syns; closel, compactl, crowded, packed, tight. 4. Syns: gelatinous, heavy, stodry.
5. 5. 7. 8.
srupro. r'eurr-ren ad:iectioe. rMpr.eusrer-n. Syns: dense, heavy, lush, luxuriant, proftrse, rank2.
Syns: eye, midst.
HEA\ry ad;iectioe. Syns: condense, inspissate.
Syns; compactness,
HEAvY a.diectiae. STUPID. LARCENER. srnlu. oerb.
density, solidity.
949 thievery rwntn The crime of taking someone else's property without consent. twun thieving The crime of taking someone else's properly without consent. thieving adiectioe Tending to larceny. adiecthse thievish Tending to larceny. ad,iecthse thin l. Having litde fesh or fat on the body: beca:meueak and thn dtntngher illness.
2. Marked by great diffusion of component particles: the thin air in tlw high Siena"s. 3. Lower than normal in strength or concentration due to admixfure. 4. Not plausible or believable. thin oerb 1. To make physically thin or thinner: a body thinned frarn malruttritidt and malnria. 2. To lessen the strength of by or as if by admixture. 3. To become diffuse: At 50,000 feet the ab thh* markedly. ntntn thing 1. One that exists independentJy: discemed three things on the horizon, orc of which mooed. Something havrng material existence. A small, specialized mechanical device. Something done. Something to be done, considered, or dedt with. Something signiffcant that happens. An irrational preoccupation: He lws a thing abm't cbanliness. 8. The current custom. 9. Slang. Something at which a person excels. lO. Slnne. A temporary concentration of interest. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7.
l. Syns,' angular, attenuate, bony, feshless, gaunt, lank, lanky, lean2, meager, rawboned, scrawny, skinny, sptre, slender, twiggy, weedy. -Iilioms all skin and bones, lean as a rake, thin as a rail. 2. Syns: rare, rarefted. 3. nu-ure ad,iectioe. 4. rMpr.eusrsl.n. 1. Syns; extenuate (Archaic), gaunt, lean (down). 2. otrrn oerb, 3. Syns,' attenuate, rarefy.
1. Syns: being entity, existence, existent, individual, objectr, something. 2. oalrcrr. 3. ceocnr. 4. ecr rrottn. 5. rvrerrsn rroun. 6. rvevr. 7. Syns: fetish, fixation (Psychol.), mania obsession. 8. re.smow. 9. ronts. 10. rrcr rroun.
thingamaSobAsothingumabob nou,n lnforntal. A small, specialized mechanical device.
thingamajigalsothi-ngumaiig noun Infomwl. A small,specializedmechanicddevice. things noun 1. Those articles that belong to someone. 2. One'sportable properly. thingumabob rw.rn thingumajig noun, think oerb 1. To usethe powersof the mind, as in conceiving ideas,drawing inferences,and making judgments: nok tinw and,thought carefully beforc anxoerhtg. 2. To use the faculty of reason. 3. To have an opinion. 4. To form mental imagesof. 5. To view in a certain way. 6. To regard or be regardedin an appraisingway. 7. To renew (an image or thouglrt) in the mind.
1. snloNcrNcs. 2. nrrpcrs. srn thingamabob. sru thingamajig. l. Syns; cerebrate, cogitate, ratiocinate, reflect, speculate. -ldium^s put on one's thinking cap, u$e one's head. 2. nne.soNoarb. 3. nrr-rrvp. 4. uuecuvp. 5. rnnr oerb. 6. xnpvrn oerb. 7. nnlrnMsrn.
thinkable think of oerb l. To receive(an idea)and take it into consideration. 2. To renew (an imageor thought)in the mind. 3. To care enoughto keep someonein mind. think over oerb l. To consider carefully and at length. 2. To consider again, esp. with the possibility of change. 3. To think about seriously. think through oerb To consider carefully and at length. think up oerb _ Tq rp_ ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving. thinkable adiectioe Capable of being anticipated, considered, or imagined. thinker raoun l. A person who seeks reason and truth by thinking and meditation: Aristotle rDosa great thinker. 2. A person of great mental ability.
thinking adiecliae O! characterized by, or disposed to thought. think of oerb think over oerb think through oerb think up oerb third-degree oerb - To quesUon thorouglrly and relentlessly to verify facts.
950 1. Hnen or at hear. 2. nnununnn. 3. nrrvlpunnn. 1. poNorn. 2. nrcor.Isropn. 3. corssronn. PONDER. INVENT. EANTHLY.
l. Syn:philosopher. 2. urxo rwun. THOUGHTFUL.
snnthink. snr think. srn think. ssnthink. INTERROGATE.
thirst- rwun
A desire for food or drink. thirst oerb To have a greedy, obsessivedesire.
rvsr oerb.
thirsting adiectbe Intensely desirousor interested. 'ad,iectioe thirsty l. Needingor desiringdrink: The hike bft ^ hungry and thirsty. 2. Intenselydesirousor interested. 3. Having little or no precipitation. thistfy adiecthse Full of sharp,needlelike proturbances. thorn rroun l. One that makesanothertotally miserableby causing shaqppain and irritation: His uife had beena thom in his hf, f* nuanyVeus. 2. A sharp,pointed object. thorn oerb To trouble the nervesor peaceof mind of, repeatedvexations. thorhy a^diecthse 1. Full of sharp,needlelikeprotuberances,a thomy shrub; o thomy marirw arlimal. 2. So replete with interlocking points and complicationsas to be painfully irritating: the thorny probl.enwof ercrgy a.ndinflation. thorough ad,iectioe l. Coveringatl aspectswith painstakingaccuracy:a thoroughphysical emmination; a thorurgh search. 2. Characterizedby attention to detail. 3. Completelyzuch,without qualificationor exception.
l. Syns;athirst,dry, parched. 2. necpn. 3. onv adiectioe. THORI{Y.
l. Syns; pain, trial. -klioms pain in the neck, pea in the shoe, thorn in the flesh (or side). 2. pnrcr rwttn. ANNOY.
L. Syns: briery @lso briary), echinate, prickly, sprny, thistly. 2. Syns: nettlesome, prickly, spiny, vexatious. -Idimn set with thorns.
1. Syns; all-out, complete, exhaustive, full-dress, intensive, thoroughgoing, thorouglrpaced, whole-hog (Slang). 2. 3. urrrnz.
951 thoroughbred adiectioe horses. l. Of pure breedingstock: thorou,ghbred 2. Of high birth or socialposition. thoroughfare noun A course affording passage from one place to another. ad,iectitse thoroughgoing l. Covering all aspects with painstaking accuracy. 2. Completely such, without qualification or exception.
l. Syns;full-blooded,hig[rbred, pureblooded,purebred. 2. Nonr-n. wAY. l. rnonoucn. 2. urrsn2.
thoroughness nuun Attentiveness to detail: edited the marwscv$t with great thoroughness. adiectioe thoroughpaced Covering all aspects with painstaking accuracy. noun thought l. The act or process of thinkingi gaoe the matter much thw,ght before reaching a d'ecision. 2. That which exists in the mind as the product of carefirl mental activrty. ad,iectiae thoughtful
1. Of, characterizedby, or disposedto thought:a quiet, thoughtful child; a thoughtful pausebefore she beganto play the nusic. 2. Appealing to or engaging the intellect. 3. Tending toward awarenessand appreciation. 4. Full of polite concern for the well-being of others.
thoughtfulness rwun Thoughtful attention. thoughtless adiecthse l. Devoid of considerationfor others'feelings:o thoughtlessperson;a thoughtlessremmk. 2. Lacking or markedby a lack of care. thoughtlessness 1. A lack of considerationfor others' feelings:The of his behaoiorh appalling. thoughtlessness 2. A careless,often recklessdisregardfor consequences. thought-out adiecthse Resultingfrom deliberation and carefirl thought. thraldom rwun thrall noun A state of subjugationto an owner or master. thralldom or thraldom ntrun A state of subjugationto an owner or master. thrash oerb l- To swing about or strike at wildly: the wounded shark thrashedin the water. The ilellrlaw child thra"shedaburt tn his sbq. 2. To hit heavily and repeatedly. 3. To punish with blows or lashes. 4. To win a victory over, asin battle-or a competition. 5. To render totally ineffectiveby decisivedefeat. 5. To beat (plants)with a machineor by hand to separatethe grain from the straw: thrashedthe uheat. thrash out oerb To speaktogether and exchangeideasand opinions about.
Syns; care, meticulousness, pains, scrupulousness' ::^*-' 1. Syns; brainwork, cerebration, cogitation, deliberation, meditation, refection, rumination, speculation. 2. mne.
1. Syns; cogitative, contemplative, deliberative, meditative, museful, pensive, reflective, ruminative, speculative, thinking. -Idiom in a brown study. 2. rnrrnr.r-rcruAr- adiecthse. 3. unrnpur-. 4. errnvnve. CONSIDERATION.
1. Syns; inconsiderate, ungracious, unthinking unthoug[rtftrl. 2. cenpr-pss. l. Syns: disregard, inconsiderateness, inconsideration, unthoughtfulness. 2. esANDoNnurtn.
snpthralldom. SLAVERY. SLAVERY.
1. Syns; flail, thresh, toss. -ldiont and turn. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
sr.Ar Derb, snel oerb. or,Fr, r wrb, orrnnwHrr,u. Syn: thresh.
thrashing rwun 1. A punishment dealt with blows or lashes. 2. T\e act of defeating or the condition of being defeated. 3. A severe defeat.
thrash out oerb thread noun 1. A very fine, continuous strand: polyester threa.d; threads trailingbehind the tropical fuh. 2. Something drawn or spun out like a fine, continuous filament: tried to follnto the thread of the plot; lost the thread of the corwersation. thread oerb To put (objects) onto a fine, continuous filament: beads threaded into a neckl.ace.
threadbare adiectioe l. Showing signsof wearandtearor neglect. 2. Withoutfreshness or appealdueto overuse. threads rmun _ Slnng. Articles worn to cover the body. threat- noun 1. An expression of the intent to hurt or punish another: The loan shark wed threats of hidean beatings to colbct his due. 2. Ln indication of impending danger or harm: the threat of a recession. 3. One regarded as an imminent danger: corwidered the other wonurn a threat to the maniage; felt that Sooiet military preserwe in the Middb East uas a threat to the oil fret*.
l. srerrNc. 2. onrner rwun. 3. rnouxcrxc. srr thrash. l. Syns; fiber, fibril (a/so fibrilla), filament. 2. Syns: skein, strand.
syn; string.
1. snesnv. 2. rmrB. fwun. DRESS 1. Syns; intimidation, menace.
2. Syns: forewarning, thundercloud. -ldionx gathering clouds, storm clouds. 3. Syn; menace. -Idioms clear and present danger, sword of Damocles.
threaten oerb
1. To give warning signs of (impending peril): ecorwmic indicators threatening recession. The company threaterw to go under. 2. To domineer or drive into compliance by the use of threats, force, etc. 3. To be imminent: Cioil Defense has announced that a tgphoon threaterc. threatening adiectioe Expressing indicating, or warning of an impending danger or misfortunei gaoe me a threateningloolq a - threatening l.etter; threatening clmds.
threesome n(run A group of three individuals. thresh oerb 1. To beat (plants)*ith a machineor by hand to separatethe grain from the straw. 2. To swing about or strike at wildly. -rwun threshold A transitionalinterval beyond which somenew action or different state of affairsis likely to begin or occur. thrift rwun Careful useof materialresources. thriftiness rroun Carefr-rluseof materialresources. thriftless ad,iectioe the useof materialresources. thrifty ad,iectioe Careful in the use of material resources.
1. Syns; forebode, forewarn.
2. rrvnurnetr. 3. Syns; hang (over), impend, loom, lowerr (also lour), menace, overhang. Syns: menacing, minatory overhanging.
l. rHnesn. 2. rnnesn. \/ENGE TKruN,
953 thrill rw)un 1. A strong,pleasantfeelingof excitementor stimulation:got a thrill out of bobsbilding. of the body. 2. A nervousshaking thrill oerb To move or excite greatlY. thrilled adiecthse Feelinga,very strongemotion:too thrilbd by the fuA't etsentsto sleep. thrive oerb l. To fare well. 2. To grow rapidly and luxuriantly. thriving adiectioe Improving, growing or succeedingsteadily. throb oerb To makerhythmic contractions,sounds,or movements. throb rwun A periodic contraction or soundof somethingcoursing. throe rroun 1. A violent, excruciatingseizureof pain: the throesof a heart attack. 2. A sensationof physicd discomfort occurring as the result of diseaseor injury. 3. A conditionof anguishedstmggleand disorder: Lebarwn is in the throesof a dersastatingcioil uar. throng noun An enormousnumber of personsgatheredtogether. throng oerb To come or go in large numbers. oerb throttle l. To interfere with or stop the normal breathingof, esp. by constricting the windpipe. 2. fo hoid (somethingrequiring an outlet) in check. rwtln throttling The act of restrainingforcefully. through ad,oerb 1. From one end to the other: u:orkedfuiowly the usholeday thrwgh. 2. To an end or conclusion:Let's seethis thing thrugh. through adiectiae 1. Proceedingor lying in an uninterrupted line or course. 2. Having reachedcompletion. 3. No longer efiective,capable,or valuable:He's through as a ballplnyer. 4. Having no further relationship: Yut, and I are through. throughout a&serb From one end to the other. throw oerb 1. To sendthroughth" air with a motion of the hand or arm: tltew the ball to the m.tcher. 2. To sendout heat,liglt, or energY. 3. To causeto fall, as from a shot or blow. 4. To causeto be unclearin mind or intent. 5. To put (a mechanicaldevice or Process)in motion by releasingan activating mechanism.
1. Syns;bang (Skng), bootr, higfr (Shng), l
fired up, turned-on
(Slfrnd, worked up. 1. pnosprn. 2. rr,ounrsn. FLOT'RISHING.
r;r,l^Toerb, B.E.d\T fWUn.
1. Syns;grip, paroxpm, spasm. 2. perNrwun. 3. Syns.'convulsion,paroxysm.
cRowD fwun. POSR. l.
csoxn oerb.
2. nnpnsss. REPRESSION. 1. Syns; around, over, round, tlnoughout.
2. Syn: over.
1. ompcr ad,iectiae. 2. coupr,nrr ad,iectioe. 3. Syns; done, done for, finished, kaput (Sl*rg), washed-up. -Iilioms at the end of the road (or line), over the hil[, past one's prime. 4. Syns: done, ftnished, washed-up.
THRoucH adt>erb, 1. Syns; cas! fire, fing, heave, hurl, pitch, shy2, sling toss. 2. snpp. 3. onop oerb. 4. coNrusp. 5. rxrp oerb,
throw away throw away oerb 1. To let go or get rid of asbeing no longer of use, value, etc. 2. To qpend(money)excessivelyand usu.foolishly. throw off oerb l. To dischargematerial,asvapor or fumes,usu. suddenlyand violently. 2. To free from somethingobjectionableor undesirable. 3. To get awayfrom (a pursuer). 4. To castoff by naturalprocess. throw out oerb 1. To let go or get rid of asbeing no longer of use, value,etc. 2. To put out by force. 3. To displace(a bone) from a socketor joint. throw over oerb To give up without intending to return or claim again. throw nuun An act of throwing: a thruts of 60 feet.
954 1. orsceno. 2. wtsrn oerb. l. nurr. 2. nm. 3, r-osn. 4. snro. l. orsceno. 2. n1ncr. 3. stspaerb. esANDoN oerb. Syns: cast, fling heave (Infonnal),hfl, pitch, shy2,sling, toss. spn throw. snn throw. snn throw. srn throw.
throw away oerb throw off oerb throw out oerb throw over oerb thrust nutn l. The thread or current of thought uniting or 1. Syns; aim, drift, intent, purport, occurringin all the elementsof a text or discourse: substance, tendency, tenor. the socialistic thnnt of the rww policy statement. 2. An act or instanceof usingforce so as to propel ahead. 2. pusn rwun. thrust oerb l. To force to move or advancewith or as if with l. onrvn aerb. blows or pressure. 2. To causeto penetratewith force. 2. nev. 3. To causeto stick out. 3. poxn oerb. thud oerb To make a dull soundby or as if by striking a surface Syns: clomp, clump, clunk. wi_tha heavyobject: horses'hoofsthudding ilutm the nbblestonestreet. thug ramur A person who treats others violently and roughl/, esp. Syns; ape (Slang), goon (Slnng), gorilla for hire: The mobstersent his thugs to teach the (Slnng), hood (S/ang), hoodlum, hooligan, uelsher a bsson. rufian. thumb oerb To look thto"gh reading matter casually. BROWSE. thump rorun A repeatedstrokeor blow, that producesa BE'AT |MUN. sound. thunder noun An earsplitting, explosivenoise. BLAST |IOUN, thunder oerb To make an earsplitting, explosivenoise, sr.tsr oerb. thundercloud n{run An indicationof impendingdangeror harm. THREAT. thunderstruck adiecthse Overcomewith intensefeeling,asof amazement, SHOCI(ED. horror, or dismay. thwack noun A suddensharp,powerful stroke. slowz. thwart oerb To prevent from accomplishinga puryose. FRUSTRATE.
tie down
95 5 thwart ad;iec'tioe Situatedor lying across. tic rwrrn A nervousshakingof the bodY. tick rwun Brit. Inforrnal. A very brief time. tick off oerb To nameor specifyone bY one. ticker rwun Slmrg.The circulatory organ of the body. ticket twun 1. An identifying or descriptive slip: a prioe ticket. 2. A hst of candidatesproposedor endorsedby a political party: the Republimrt state ticlet. 3. A meansor method of entering into or achieving somethingdesirable:Hard work is the ticket to $rccesg. ticket oerb To attach a ticket to She'sticlcetingthe npw merchandise. tickle oerb To give geat or keen Pleanre to. tickled adiectioe Eagerlycompliant. tickf ish adiectioe l. Following no predictable pattern. 2. Requiringgreat tact or skill. tick off oerb tidbit rwun Somethingfine and delicious,esp.a food. tide noun Somethingsuggestiveof running water. tidings noun New information,esp.about recent eventsand happenings. tidy oerb i. fo make or keep (an area)clean and orderlyztidied the roun for weekend'haseguests. 2. To make neat and trim; makepresentable:rned their bathroornin order to tid,y rtp. tidy adiectioe l. In good order or clean condition. 2. lnfumal. Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. 3.lnfomal. Notably aboveaveragein amount,size' or scoPe. tie oerb 1. To make fast or firmly fixed by meansof a cord, with hoirw; tied her rope, etc.: tied the paclcnge shoes. 2. To do or make somethingequal to. tie down oerb To restrict the activity or free movementof. tie rwun l. That which unitesor binds. 2. The conditionof being closelytied to anotherby affection or faith. 3. An equality of scores,votes,or performancesin a contest: the tearw pl"a'yedto a tie. The first game uos a tie. tie down oerb
1. Syns;label, marker, tag. 2. Syns:line-up (aho lineup), slate. 3. Syns,'key,route, secret.
Syns:label, tag. oar;tcln.oerb, GI,AD.
1. cepnrcrous. 2. onr,rcerr. srr tick. DELICACY. FLOW
1. Syns:clean (up), clear (up), neaten, police, spruce (up), straiglten (up). 2. Syns:freshen(up), groom,neaten, spruce (np), ttig (up or out), trim. NEAT. ACCEPTABLE.
1. Syns; bind, fasten, knot, secure, tie up.
2. nqvN- oerb. HAMPER.
1. soND rwun. 2. errecHMENT. 3. Syns; deadlock, draw, stalemate, standofr. -Idiom dead heat. snn tie.
tie-in rwun A logical or natural association between two or more things. tier rnrun l. A group of people or things arranged in a row. 2. A division of persons or things by quality, rank, or grade.
tie-uF rwun tie up oerb
sne tie up.
1. To cause to cease regular activity: a uneck thnt tied
W trafu.
2. To make fast or firmly fixed by means of a cord, rope, etc. 3. To cause to be busy or in use: He's tied up until naon. All the ofue telephones were tied up. tie-up rroun A cessation of normal acUvity caused by * accident, strike, etc.: a t ofu tie-up. rKrun tiff A discussion, often heated, in which a difierence of opinion is expressed. tiff oerb To engage in a quarrel. tiger rKrun _ A perversely bad, cruel, or wicked person. tight adiectioe 1. Hard to deal with or get out of: in a tight spot. 2. Having all parts near to each other 3. Nearly equivalent or even. 4. Stretched Ughtly. 5. Affording little room for movement: tight qtnrters. 6. Persistently holding to something: a tight ernbrace. 7. Slang. Very closely associated. 8. Ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money. 9. Slang.Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor. 10. Characterized by * economy of artisfic expression: a tight uniting style. ll. Regiornl. In good order or clean condition. L2. Slang. Based on good judgment, reasoning, or evidence.
1. r-rNn rwun, 2. cr,ess nann.
1. Syns; idle, immobilize, stop. -Idiorn btittg to a screeching halt. 2. rn oerb. 3. Syns; engage, monopolize, occupy, pre-empt (aho preempt). Syn; stoppage.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Syns; rough, sticky, tricky. rHrcx. cr,osnr adiectitse. raur. Syns; closel, confining, cramped, crowded, narrow. 6. Syns; fast, firml, secure, tenacious.
7. rarvruren adiectioe. 8. srrNcy. 9. onuNx adiectitse. 10. Syns; compactr, leanz, spare. 11. r.rser. 12. soulrn2.
tighten oerb l. To make or become tight or tighter: tightened wage and price controls. 2. To make or become tense. tightfisted adiecthse Ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money. 'adiectioe tighffaced Marked by excessiveconcern for propriety and good form.
tight-lipped adiectioe 1. Not speaking freelyor openly. 2. Temporarily unable or unwilling to speak, as from shock or fear. tightwad tw,tn
To prepare (soil) for the planting and raising of crops: farmers tilling their fields.
1. Syns; reinforce, strengthen. 2. rnNsn oerb.
1. recrrunN. 2. sppBcnr.nss.
Syns: cultivate, culture, dress, labor (Archaic), tend2, work.
957 nutn 1. Any competition or test of opposing wills likened to the sport in which knights fought with lances: her frequent legal tilts with corporate managament. 2. Deviation from a particular direction. tilt oerb 1. To depart or cause to depart from true vertical or horizontal. 2. To lean suddenly, unsteadily, and erratically from the vertical axis. 3. To strive in opposition to. odiectioe tilted Departing from true vertical or horizontal. adiecthse tifting Departing from true vertical or horizontal.
l. Syns: joust, tournament, tourney.
2. rwcr-rxerroN. 1. rNcr,rNr. 2. l,',ncr' oerb. 3. INCLINED.
timber nuun 1. A large, oblong piece of wood or other material, used esp. for construction. 2, "I\e basic substance or essential elements of character that qualify a person for a specified role: Withm,t doubt she's presidential timber.
1. snAMnoun. 2. Syns:material,shr-ff.
timbre noun, A sound of disUnct pitch and qualrty. noun time l. A term of service, as in the military or in prison: put in his time in the army; dld tlrne for armed robbery. 2. T\e general point at which an event occurs. 3. A particular time notable for its distinctive characteristics. 4. A rather short period. 5. A limited, often assignedperiod of activity, duty, or opportunity. 5. A limited or specific period of time during which something happens, lasts, or extends. 7. A span designated for a given activity: hansest time. time oerb 1. To set the time for (an event or occasion): timed her absmce so as twt to intemtpt our progress. 2. To record the speed or duraUon of: timed the horse's uorkouts; fvmed the teboision show.
1. Syns; hitch, stretch. 2. occesroN noun. 3. ecn rwun. 4. srrl rwun. 5. runN noun. 5. rnnu noun. 7. Syns: period, season. L. Syn: schedule.
time(s) rwun A particular time notable for its distinctive characteristics. adiecthse time-honored Adhering to beliefs or practices approved by authority or tradition. od,iectioe timefess l- Existing unchanged forever. 2. Existing or occurring without interruption or end. adiectioe timefy l. Occurring at a fitting or advantageous time. 2. Occurring, acting, or performed exactly at the time appointed.
aGE fwun.
1. ecrr-nss. 2. cor.ruN{.lal. l. opponruur. 2. puwcruer..
time-out rwun A pause or interval, as from work or duty.
timetable rwun An organizedlist of procedures,activities,events,etc. timeworn adiectioe 1. Belongingto, existing,or occurringin times long past. 2. Without freshnessor appeal due to ovenrse.
1. or,o. 2. rnrrn.
timid timid adiectioe 1. Reticentor reservedin manner. 2. Given to or exhibitinghesitation. tincture noun Somethingthat impartscolor. tinge rwun l. The degreeof vividnessof a color, as when modified by the addition of black or white pigment. 2. A shadeof a color, esp.a pale or delicatevariation. 3. A slight amount. tinker ierb 1. To move one'sfingersor handsin a nervousor aimlessfashion. 2. To handle somethingidly, ignorantly,or destructively. tinsel adiectiab Tastelesslv showv. / tint ,*un' 1. A shadeof a color, esp.a pale or delicatevariation: a tint of red in her hair. 2. The degreeof vividnessof a color, as when modified by the addidonof black or white pigment. tint oerb To impart color to. tintinna-bulate oerb Rare.To give forth or causeto grveforth a clear, resonantsound. tiny adiectitse Extremelysmall:a tiny speckof soot in her eye.
tipt ntrun A sharp or tapered end. tip' uurb To depart or cause to depart from true vertical or horizontal. tipt noun l. An item of advance or inside information given as a guidg to actio-n: a trp ut the stock market; gane her a _ tip that she shm,ld bug gold ingots. 2. A material favor or gift, usu. money, given in return for service. tip-off noun Infornwl. An item of advance or inside information given as a zuide to action. tipped adiZctioe Departing from true vertical or horizontal. tipple oerb To take alcoholic liquor, esp. excessively or habitualty.
tippler rwun
_A person who is habitually drunk.
tipster nuun
_One who givesincriminatinginformationabout others. tipsy adiectioe Slnng.Intoxicatedwith alcoholicliquor. tiptop ad;iecth;e Exceptionallygood of its kind. tirade ncrun A long, violent, or blusteringqpeech,usu.of censureor
958 1. uoopsr. 2. nnsrrexr. COLOR TWUN.
l. srraop noun, 2. nwr rwun. 3. snanr rwun. 1. rmlr,r. 2. reuprn.
1. Syns; cast, hue, tinge, tone. 2. snenn naun.
coron oerb. nrNc2.
Syns: diminutive, dwarf, lilliputian, midgel miniature, minute, peewee, pintsze (also,pint-sized),pygny (a/so pigmy), teeny (a/so teensy), wee, weeny (Inforntal). POINT TNUN.
1. Syns; pointer, steer, tip-ofi Qnfonrnl). 2. cnerurry.
rtr3 rwun,
DRUr{Kadiecthse. EXCELLENT.
Syns; diatribe, fulmination, harangue,
959 denunciation:had to listen to her father's frequent tirades. tire oerb 1. To diminish the strength and enerry of. 2. To fatigue with dullnessor tedium. tired o.diectioe l. Without freshnessor appealdue to overuse. 2. Out of patiencewith. tiredness rwun The conditionof being extremelytired. tired out adiectitse Extremelytired. tireless ad,iec-tioe Having or showinga capacityfor protractedeffort, regardlessof difficulty or frustration: tirebss efforts to resoloethe lnbor di,spute. tire out oerb To make extremelytired. tiresome ad,iectiob Arousing no interest or curiosity. tiring a.diectioe 1. Causingfatigue:a long tiring ualk; an extraordinarily lenglhy and tiringbc-hne on mtornology. 2. Arousingno interestor curiosity. tissue noun A group of things that are linked or interconnectedas if by weaving. titan rwun One that is extraordinarily large and powerful. titan adiectioe Of extraordinarysizeand power. titanic ad;iectitse Of extraordinarysizeand power. titfe rwtrn 1. A right or legal sharein something. of a thing. 2. Legal right to the possession 3. A legitimateor supposedriglrt to demandsomething as one'srightful due. 4. The fact of possessing. 5. An issueof printed material offered for saleor distribution. title oerb To give a rulme or tide to. titter oerb To laugh in a stifled way. titter rr,oun A stifledlugh. tittle twun A tiny amount. tittfe-tattle naun and goundlesstalk about others. Idle, often sensational tittle-tattle oerb To engagein or spreadgossip. tizzy rlnun Slnng.A conditionof exciteddistress. to-and-fro nuun The act or an instanceof hesitating. toast noun The act of drinking to someone:He proposeda toast to the queen'shealth.
jeremiad, obloquy, philippic.
L. ptrrcvn oerb. 2. noan oerb. 1. rnrrr. 2. srcr. E)CIAUSTION. EXHAUSTED.
Syns: indefatigable, inexhaustible, unflagging, untiring weariless.
1. Syns; exhausting fatiguing, taxing, wearying. 2. sonrNc. wE3 fwun.
crANr adiectioe. crANr adiectioe. 1. nvrnnrsr rrou,n. 2. owNrnsrnp. 3. cr,eru rwu,n. 4. possnssrols. 5. puslrcefloN.
Nt*rc oerb. ctccrn oerb. GIGGLE |WUN.
strr. GOSSIP ftoun.
cossrp oerb. STATE |IOU,N. HESITATION.
Syn: pledge.
tocsin toast oerb To-salute by raising and drinking from a glass. tocsin ,*rtn 4 rg"l that warns of imminent danger. today adwrb At the present;thesedays. today noun The current time. to-do rwun l. Infornwl. An intemrption of regularprocedureor of public peace. 2. Infonml. Br"y and useles activrty. 3. Infornwl. A condition of intensepublic interest or excitement. tog oerb Inforrnal. To put clothes on. tog out wrb Infornwl. To-dressin formal or specialclothing. tog up oerb . InfomaL To dressin formal or specialclothing. together adnerb l. In, into, or as a-singlebody: sixpeopb singlng togetrher in perfecthannorry. 2. At tlre sametirne: The bells rang u.t together. together ad,iecthse Shg.In a stateof preparedness. tog out oerb togs noun Infornnl. Articles worn to cover the body. tog up oerb toil oerb 1. To exert one'smental or physicalpowers,usu.under diffisulty and to the point of exhaustion. 2. To do tedious,laborious,and sometimesmenial work. 3. To walk heavily, slowly, and with difficulty. toil rwun _ P'hpical exertion that is usu. diftcult and exhausting. toifworn a"diecthte Paleand exhaustedbecauseof worry sleeplessness, etc. token noun 1. Somethingthat takesthe place of words in communicatinga thought or feeling. 2. Somethinggiren to guaranteethe repaymentof a loan or the fulfillment of an obligation. 3. Somethingthat causesone to remember. 4. Somethingvisible or evident that givesgroundsfor believing in the existenceor presenceof something else. tolerable adiecthn 1. Of moderatelygood quality but lessthan excellent. 2. Capableof being tolerated. toferance rwun Forbearing or lenient treatrnent: an unintentional mistake tlwt dcsened nlerance.
960 onrrvx oerb. ALARM
Now adoerb. NOII/ ftDun.
1. orsrunsANcE. 2. russ t7ou,n. 3. snNserroN.
onnss oerb. DREssup at dress. DREssup at dress. 1. Syns; ensemble (French),jointly. -Idionu as one, in one breath, in the same breath, in unison, with one accord, with one voice. 2, Syns: concurrently, simultaneously, synchronously. -Idioms all at once, all together. READYadiectioe. srr tog. DRESS froun. snr tog. l. r-er,on oerb. 2. can*o oerb. 3. pr.oo. LABORftou.n. HAGGARD.
l. nxpnnssrou. 2. pewul nnu.n. 3. nrMnr,rsRANCE. 4. srcw noun.
1, eccnprenr,n. 2. enARABr-r. Syns: charitableness, charity, forbearance, indulgence, leniency (a/so lenience ), toleration.
96 1 tolerant adiectine l. Not strict or severe:tolerant and'understand'ing parents.
tongue-lash 1. Syns; charitable,clement,easy, forbearant(Archaic),forbearing, indulgent lax, lenient, merciful, soft. 2. snoAD.
2. Not narrow or conservativein thouglrt, expression, or conduct. toferate oerb 1. rxounr. l. To put up with, 2. pnnvln oerb. 2. To neither forbid nor prevent. toferation nou,n TOLERANCE. Forbearing or lenient treatment. tof lr rwun 1. Syns; charge, exaction, fee. 1. A fixed amountof moneychargedfor a privilege or bridge. rww use the of 50q to a toll service: 2. cosr noun. 2. A loss sustainedin the accomplishmentof or as the result of something. tof f2 oerb nrNcz. To give forth or causeto grve forth a clear, resonant sound. tomb twun cRevnr. A burial place or receptaclefor human remains. tome twun BOOIrfWUn. A printed and bound work. tomfool rwun EOOLtw,rn. One deficient in judgment and good sense. tomfool adiectioe FOOLTSH. as to be laughable. So senseless tomfoolery rwun 1. roor-rsnNsss. 1. Foolishbehavior. 2. NoNspr.tsr. 2. Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense. 3. pnertx. 3. A mischievousact. rwm tommyrol tnfnrnal. Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense. NONSENSE. ton nwn FASHION TWUN. The current custom. tonality noun TONE. A sound of distinct pitch and qualtty. tone rwun 1. Syns; timbre, tonality. -ldiom tar:re 1. A soundof distinct pitch and quality: the color. unmistakablptone of a oiolin. 2. Syns: accent, infectiorl intonation. 2. A particular vocal quality that indicatessome -Idimn tone of voice. embtionor feeling: askedin an anry tona why I had gone. 3, cor.on nmfir. 3. The property by which the senseof vision can distinguishbetweenobjects,as a red apple and a green apple, that are very similar or identical in form and size. 4. flvr rwun. 4. A shadeof a color, esp.a pale or delicatevariation. 5. A prevailing quality, as of thought, behavior, or attitude. 5. ruuprn rruu,n. 5. arn noun. 6. A generalimpressionproducedby a predominant quallty or characteristic. tone down oerb 1. uonnnlrn oerb. 1. To makeor becomelesssevereor extreme. 2. sorr-prner-. 2. To makelessemphaticor obvious. snu tone. tone down oerb srr tony. toney adiectioe tongue noun I.ANGUAGE. A systemof terms usedby a people sharinga history and culture. tongue-lash oerb BAwL our at bawl. To reprimand loudly or harstrly.
tonic tonic rwun A medicinethat restoresor increasesvigor: a spring tonic of sulfw and molasses. tonic ad,iectioe Producingor stimulatingphysical,mental,or emotional vigor: The mountain air prooedoery tonic. tonish
Syns: bracer, pick-me-up (lnformal), restorative, roborant. Syns: bracing, energizing invigorating, refreshing, reinvigorating, renewing, restorative, roborant, stimulating.
Being or in accordance with the current fashion. tony also toney ad,iecthse Being or in accordance with the current fashion. toof rwnn 1. A device used to do work or perform a task: the tools needed to repair a cnr. 2. A person who is easily deceived or victimized. 3. A person used or controlled by others. tool perb Infonrwl. To run and control (a motor vehicle).
l. Syns; implement, instrument, utensil. 2. oupr rwun. 3. pewll2. onln oerb.
toothsome adiectioe Highly pleasing, the senseof taste. top noun l. The highestpoint. 2. The outer layer coveringsomething. 3. That which is superlative. top adiectirse 1. Of,_being,locatedat, or forming the top: the top shelf; typing at top speed. 2. ExcepUonallygood of its kind. 3. Most important,influential,or significant. 4. Greatestin quantity or highestin degreethat has been or can be attained. top oerb l. I" put a topping-on:Top the sundnewith a cheny. 2. To be gieater or better than. top off oerb 1. To reachor bring to a climan. 2. To put a topping on. top-drawer adiectitse lnformnl. Pre-eminentin rank or position. topff ight a"diectioe . Exceptionallygood of its kind. tOpfG rroun What a speech,piece of writing, or artistic work is about. topical adiectitse Of, constituting,or relating to a theme or themes. topmost adiectioe l. Ot being,locatedat, or forming the top. 2. Greatestin quantity or higlrestin degre-ethat has been or can be attained. topnotch a.diecthse Infornnl. Exceptionallygood of its kind. top bff oerb topography nuun The character,natural features,and configurationof land. topple oerb l. To turn or causeto turn from a vertical or horizontalposition. 2. To come to the gound suddenlyand involuntarily. 3. To undergocapture,defeat,or ruin.
l. nprcnr. 2. recp naun. 3. snsr nuurL l. Syns; highest, loftiest, topmost, uppermost. 2. nxcnr,r.rnr. 3. pnnaany. 4. uexruuu adiectirse.
1. Syns: cap, crown, top ofi. 2. sunpess. l. crrl'arx oerb. 2. rop oerb. HIGHEST. EXCELLENT. SUBJECT noun.
1. rop adiectioe. 2. uexnrauv. adiectit>e.
srn top. TERRAIN.
1. ovrnrunN. 2. pN-r oerb. 3. sunnnrvoen.
963 4. To bring about the downfall of. toppling noun A disastrous,overwhelmingdefeator ruin. top-quality adiectioe Of fine quality. top-ranking adiectioe Pre-eminentin rank or position. topsy-turviness nDun A lack of order or regulararrangement. topsy-turvy adiectioe Characterizedby physicalconfusion. torch oerb Sl*rg.To causeto burn or undergocombustion. torment oerb 1. To bring geat harm or sufferingto. 2. To subject(another)to extremephysicalcruelty, as in punishing. 3. To recur to continually. 4. To excite (another)by exposingsomethingdesirable while keepingit out of reach. torment rnun Excruciating punishment. tormenting adiectioe Extraordinarily painful or distressing:a tonnenting uait outside the operatingroom. torpedo oerb To causethe completeruin or wreckageof. torpid adiectine Lacking mental and physical alerhressand activrty. torpidity rwun A deficiency in mental and physicalalertnessand activity. torpidness rwun A deficiency in mental and physicalalertnessand acUvtty. torpor rwun l. A lack of action or activity. 2. A deffciencyin mental and physicalalertnessand acUvity. torrent nf,run An abundant,usu. overwhelmingflow. torrid adiectioe 1. Marked by much heat. 2. Fired with intensefeeling. torridness noun Intensewarmth. tort rwun A wicked act. tortuous ad;iectioe 1. Not taking a direct or straiglrt line or course. 2. Repeatedlycurving in alternatedirections. torture oerb 1. To subject(another)to extremephysicalcruelty, as in punishing:prisonnrstorh.uedby thei,rcaptors. 2. To bri"g great harm or sufferingto. torture rwun Excruciating punishment. torturous ad,iectioe Extraordinarily painful or distressing.
Tory 4. ovrnrnnow. FAJ.L fmtn.
ttcnrr oerb. 1. errr-rcr. 2. ronrunn uerb. 3. neurvr r:arb. 4. ravrer-rzn.
Syns; agonizing excruciating, harrowing, torhrrous. DESTROY. LETHARCIC.
1. rnecrrorq. 2. r.nrnencv.
1. nor adiectioe. 2. pessroxerr. IIEAT
1. rxornrcr. 2. wrxowc. 1. Syns; crucify, rack, torment, -Idiom put on the rack (or wheel). 2. errr-rct. HI,LL
Tory nonrr One who strongly favors retention of the existing order.
toss Tory adiectioe Strongly favoring retention of the existing order. toss oerb 1. To move vrgo--r9,uslyfrom side to side or up and down: a snwll boat tossed by the u)aaes; toss in one's sleep, 2. To send througlr the air with a motion of the hand or arm. 1. To impair or destroy the composure of. 4. throw (a coin) in order to decide something: To Let's toss to see uhich teant u:ill kick of. ?. To swing about or strike at wildly. 6. To twist and turn, as in pain, strugg[e, or embarrassment. toss about oerb Infomal. fo speak together and exchange ideas and opinions about. toss around oerb Infonrwl. To speak together and exchange ideas and opinions about. toss down oerb To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid). toss off oerb To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid). toss up oerb To throw (a coin) in order to decide something. toss rroun An act of throwing.
toss aboul oerb toss around oerb toss down oerb toss off tserb toss up oerb totr twun l. { foulS personbetweenbirth andpuberty. 2. A smallamountof liquor. tot2 oerb To combine (figures) to form a sum. total rroun 1. A number or quantity obtained as a result of addition: Lossesreached a new total. 2. ln amount or quanUty from which nothing is left out or held back. totaf adiecthrc l. Including every constituent or individual. C-omplgtely zuch, without qualification or exception. f. total oerb l. To combine (figures) to form a sum. 2. To come to in number or quantity. 3. To cause the complete ruin or wieckage of.
964 coNsERvATwnadiectirse. 1. Syns; heave, pitch, rock2, roll.
2. rnnow oerb. 3. ecrrern. 4. Syns: flip, toss ttp. -Idionts or tails, call the coin. 5. rnnesn. 6. wnrrnn.
call heads
onrux oerb. onrxx oerb. ross oerb. THROWtwun. snr toss. snr toss. snn toss. snB toss. srn toss. 1. cnrr.n. 2. onop rrrun. ADD.
l. syns; aggregate, amount, sum, summation, totality, totez. -Idioln total. 2. wnor.n nuun.
l. wnoln adiectitse. 2. urrrn2. l. eoo. 2. l^wrouvr oerb. 3. orsrnoy.
totaiitarian nmun An absolutenrler, who is harshand oppressive. DICTATOR. totalitarian adiectioe 1. Characterizedby or favoringabsoluteobedienceto l. eurnonrrAnrAN adiectioe. authority. 2. Having and exercisingcomplete politicd power and 2, e-asor,urr. control. totalitarianism rwun 1. A political doctrine advocatingthe principle of 1. ensor.urrsu. absoluterule.
965 2. Absolute power, eqp.when exercisedunjustly or cruelly. totality iwwr l. The state of being entirely whole. 2. A number or quantity obtained as a result of addition. 3. An organizedarray of individual elementsand parts forming and working as a unit. 4. An amount or quantity from which nothing is left out or held back. totalization rwnn The act or processof adding. totalize oerb To combine (fiSot"t) to form a sum. toter oerb Infornal. To move while supporting. totez rwun A number or quantity obtained as a result of addition. tote oerb To combine(figures)to form a sum. adieahse tottery Lacking stability. touch oerb 1. To bring into contact with, meansof the handsor fingers,so as to give or receive a physical sensation:The iloaor gqltly touched the uound. 2. To bring into or make contactwith. 3. To be contiguousor next to. 4. To be equal or alike. 5. To evokea usu. strongmental or emotionalresPonse from. touch down oerb To come to rest on the ground. touch off oerb l. To releaseor causeto releaseenerry suddenlyand violently, esp.with a loud noise. 2. To give rise to a particular development. touch on (or upon) oerb To call or direct attention to (an occurrence,sihration, etc.). touch up perb To improve by making minor changeso,r addiUons: touchedup his speechto make it more lioely. touch rwun 1. An act of touching:felt a gmtl.e touch ort her shuilder. 2. "I\e faculty or ability to perceive tactile stimulation: the senseof touch. 3. A particular sensationconveyedby meansof physcal contact: the soft touch of oeloet. 4. A coming together so as to be touching. 5. A sihrationallowing exchangeof ideasor messages: fred in oain to get in touch with her. 6, A barely perceivableindication of something. 7. A slight amount. touchability twun The quality or condition of being discernedby touch. touchable adiectioe Discernible by touch. touchableness noun The qudity or condition of being discernedby touch.
2. rvnertrr.
l. coupr-rrENEss. 2. rorer. rwun, 3. svsreM. 4. wnor,n twatn.
1. Syns: feel, finger, handle, palp, palpate. 2. 3. 4. 5.
conrecr oerb, en;orN. coupenn. errBcrl.
UrtsD Oefb, 1. nxpr,oon. 2. cBrvnnerr. REFER.
Syns:polish, retouch. 1. Syns; feeling palpation. 2. Syns:feel, feeling, tactility. 3. Syns; feel, feeling. 4. contect twun. 5, Syns; communication,contact, intercommunication. 6. rnecr no,fir. 7. srrlon rwun. TANGIBTLITY. TA.IYCIBLE. TANGIBILITY.
touch-and-go touch-and-go adiectioe Requiring great tact or skill. touch down terb touched adiectiae l. Emotionallyaroused. 2. Aflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. touching adiectiw 1. Sharinga commonboundary. 2. Exciting a deep,usu. somberreqponse. touch otf oerb touch ol| (or upon) oerb touchstone rwu,n A meansby which individuals are compared and judged. touch up oerb touchy adiectioe l. Requiring great tact or skill. 2. Easilyannoyed. tough adiectioe 1. Capableof exertingconsiderableeffort or of withstandingconsiderablestressor hardship. 2. Not easyto do, achieve,or master. 3. Requiring great effort. 4. Imposing a severetest of bodily or spiritual strength. 5. Rigorousand unsparingin treating others. 6. Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. 7. Physicallytouglrenedso as to have great endurance. 8. Indicating or possessing determination,resolution,or persistence. 9. Marked by vigorousphysicalexertjon. tough rruun A rough, violent p€rsonwho engagesin destructive actions:neighborhoodtwglw breakingurindmDs. tough out oerb _ To_carryon througlrdespitehardships. toughen rserb l. To becomeor causeto becometough or strong: ?he _ sobs of herfeet tougherwdfr* gor"gbarefool. 2. To make resistantto hardship,esp. through continuedexposure. toughie dso toulhy nDrrn A rouglr, violent personwho engagesin destructive actions. tough-minded a.d;iecthn Having or indicating an awarenessof things as they reallv are. tough'oul rserb toughy nmun tour nou,n l. A course,process,or journey that endswhere it beganor repeatsitself. 2. A limited, often assignedperiod of activity, duty, or opportuniW. tour dri force rwun l. French.A geat or heroic deed. 2. French.An outstandingand ingeniouswork. tourist rw.ut One who travels for pleasureisau)a grmp of tourists stwpping pictures.
srn touch. 1. errpcrBol. 2. rNsexr.
l. anlorNrruc. 2. errncrrxc. snr touch. srn touch. STANDARD
sm touch. l. orr,rceru. 2. rnsrv. 1. srnoNc. 2. orrncur,r. 3. onuer.rorNc. 4. 5. SEVERE. 6. OBSTINATE. 7. HARDadiectioe. 8. rtRul. 9. ROUGH. Syns; mug, punk (Slang), roughneck, rowdy, toughie (also touglry). ENDURE,
l. Syn: strengthen. 2. HenoBN.
snn tough. snr toughie. 1. crncr-r naun. 2. runN rwun.
1. r'ner. 2. uesrpnprncp. Syns: excursionist, rubberneck (aho rubbernecker ) (Slang), sightseer, tripp"t
967 tournament noun willslikenedto the or testof opposing Any competition qportin whichknightsfoughtwith lances. tourney nou,n
Any competition or test of opposing wills likened to the sport in *hictt k"ight" fought with lances.
To put (the hair or clothes) -into a state of disarray The wind, tu"tsled the child's curls.
Syns: disarrange, dfuhevel, disorder, mess (up), muss (up), rumple.
tousle alsotouzle oerb tout
To increaseor seekto increasethe importanceor reputation of by favorable publicity. touzle oerb tow oerb To exert force so as to move somethingtoward the sourceof the force. toward adiectioe Rare.l,frording benefit. tower above oerb To rise above, as to afford a view of' towering adiectwe 1. Awesomelyor forbiddingly intense:in a tunerfutg
2. Exiending to a geat heig[rt. 3. ImposinglY high. 4. Fa; above otlers in quality or excellence. 5. Vastly exceeding a normal limit, as in cost' ad,iec'tioe towheaded Having light hair. adiectioe toxic Capable of injuring or killing by poison. adiectioe toxicant Capable of injuring or killing by poison. nou,n toxin Anything that is injurious, destructive, or fatal. toy i. ett object for children to play with: Toys and games are sol'd'on the third foor. 2. A small, showy article. toy oerb 1. To make arnorous advances without serious intenUons. 2. To treat lightly or fliPPantlY' 3. To solicit (danged playfully and provocatively, often unwittinglY. 4. To move one's fingers or hands in a nervous or aimless fashion. twun trace 1. A mark or remnant that indicates the former presence of something: traces of att annient cioilizntion. 2. A visible srgn or mark of the passageof someone or something. 3. A barety perceivable indication of something: twt a trace of scandnl. 4. A slight amount. trace oerb 1. To follow the traces or scent of, as in hunting. 2. To pursue and locate.
snBtousle. pvt;. oerb.
1. Syns; overpowering,overwhelmin$, staggering. 2. rx;.. 3. r.orrv. 4. oursrexorNc. 5. srprpl. rxn adiectine. POISONOUS.
POrsoN fwun.
L. Syn:plaything. 2. r.IovEr,TY. l. prtnr oerb. 2. prrnt oerb. 3. covnr oerb. 4. rroor-n.
1. Syns: relic, remains, vestige.
2. rnecr noun. 3. Syns; breath, dash, hint, shade, soupgon (Frennh), suggestion,taste, touch, whiff. 4. sneor rwun. L. rntcx oerb. 2. nuw DowN.
track rwun l. A visible signor mark of the passageof someoneor something:tire traclesin the mad. 2. Evidenc_e of passageleft along - a coursefollowed by a hunted animalor fugtive. 3. A courseof action to be followed regularly. track oerb l. To follow the tracesor scentof, as in hunting: tracked the bearfor miles before treeing it. 2. T3 keep-(another)under surveillanceby moving alongbehind. 3. To journey over (a specffied&stance). track down oerb To pursueand locate. track down aerb tract noun 1. A part of the earth'ssurface. 2. A pieceof land. tractable adiectioe Willing to carry out the wishesof others. traction naun The act of drdwing or pulling a load. trade noun 1. Activity pursuedas a livelihood. 2. Commercial,industrial,or professionalactivity in general. 3. The commercialtransactionsof customerswith a supplier. 4. The act of exchangingor substituting. trade oerb To grvg up in return for somethingelse. trade in oerb To offer for sale. trade in oerb trademark twun A nameor other deviceplaced on merchandiseto rigufy its ownershipor manufacture. trader nonn A.personengagedin buying and selling. fa0esman rroun A.personengagedin buying and selling. fa0f ng rwun Commercial, industrial, or professional activity in general.
1. Syns;print, trace, tread. 2. rneu, twun. 3. nourrxr nnun. 1. Syns;trace, trail. 2. ror,r.ow. 3. rnevensnoerb. RUN DOWN.
snr track. 1. enpe. 2. l-o'r twttn. OBEDIENT. PVLL fWUn.
l. susrNEss. 2. rusrrvnss. 3. pernoNecr. 4. cHexcr rwun. cuexcn oerb. snrt- oerb. ses trade. MARK TIOUN.
tradition noun 1. Something immaterial, ff I style or philosophy, that is passed from one generation to another. 2. A body of traditional beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject. traditional adiectioe Conforming to established practice or standards.
traditionaliJt alsotraditioialistic
l. nrnrrecn. 2. r-onr.
Strongly favoring retention of the existing order.
traditionalistic adiecthse traffic rwtrn 1. Commercial, industrial, or professional activity in general. 2. T\e commercial transactions of customers with a zupplier.
traffick6r rvrun A personengaged in buyingandselling.
coNsERvATwnadiectioe. snr traditionalist. l. susrNEss. 2. pernoNecn.
969 tragedy rmun An occurrenceinficting widespreaddestmction and distress. trail oerb 1. To hang or causeto hang down and be pulled along behind: The dog raceduDay, its leash trailing. 2. To move behind (another)in the samedirection. 3. To follow closelyor persistently. 4. To go or move slowly so that progressis hindered. 5, To follow the tracesor scentof, as in hunting. 6. To keep (another)under surveillanceby moving along behind. trail rwun 1. Somethingthat follows or is drawn along !-"hh{. left alonga coursefollowed by 2. Evidencelf passage a hunted animal or fugitive: He uosseda streotnto throu: the pursuersof his trail. train rwun l. Somethingthat follows or is drawn alongbehind: o uedd,inggwn uith a long train. 2. A num6ei of things placed or occurring one after the other. 3. A goup of attendantsor followers. 4. An unbrokensequenceof events. train oerb 1. To impart knowledgeand shll to. 2. To -olu" (a weaporl blow, etc.) in the direction of someoneor something. 3. To hang or causeto hangdown and be pulled along behind. training twun l. Th; act, process,or art of impartingknowledgeand skill. 2. Repetitionof an action so asto developor maintain one'sskill. traipse oerb To move about at random,esp.over a wide area. trait twun A distinctiveelement. traitor rwt n One who betraYs. ad,iecthse traitorous 1. Not true to dutY or obligation. 2. Involving or constitutingtreason. traitorousness rwnn Willfut violation of allegianceto one's country. trammel rwun Somethingthat limits or restricts. trammel oerb 1. To restrict the activity or free movementof. 2. To gain control of or an advantageover by or as if by trapping. tramp oerb 1. To walk with loud, heavy steps:I uns awalcercdby a rcighbor fiamqtng uP the stairs. 2. To Gp ott heavily and repeatedlyso asto crush, injure, or destroy. tramp rw,tn A vulgar, promiscuouswoman who flouts propriety.
1. Syns.'drag draggle,train. 2. ror-r,ow. 3. voe oerb. 4. or;.tv oerb. 5. rat cx oerb, 6. ror,r-ow. 1. rnerN rwlrn. 2. Syns:scent,spoor,track.
1. Syns;tail, trail. 2. srnrns. 3. nprntuB. 4. nuN twttn. 1. noucern. 2. t*u perb. 3. rntu, oerb.
l. rpucerrou. 2. pnecrrcg nuun.
1. rerrnr.nss. 2. rnBasoxous. TREASON.
1. nerraprn. 2. crtclg oerb.
1. Syns; trample, tromp, stamp, stomp. 2. rneuple.
trample oerb l. To step on heavily and repeatedlyso as to crush, 1. Syns; stamp, stomp, tramp, tread, injqe, or destroy: Occasionallya bull lloill tromplp tromp. and,gore a matad,or. 2. To walk with loud, heavysteps. 2. rntlap oerb. trample on oerb To exerciseabsofutepower, esp. arbitrarily or cruelly. TYRANMZE. trample on oerb snr trample, trance rroun 1. The conditionof being so lost in solitarythoughtas l. Syns; abstraction, muse, reverie, study. to be unawareof one'ssurroundings:sat gazingat the fire in a trance. 2. A stunnedor bewilderedcondition. 2. oLzE rwun. tranquil odiectioe Not excitedor emotionallyagitated. cALM adiectioe. tranquility rwun sm tranquillity. tranquiliz€alsotranquillize oerb To make or becomecalm. cx-v. oerb. tranquillity or tranquility noun Lack of emotionalagitation. CALM |MTN. tranquillize aerb srn tranquilize. transaction noun one involving a saleor exchange. BARGAIN |INUN. . An agreqment,-esp. transcend oerb To be greateror better than. SURPASS. transcendent ad;iectioe 1. Far aboveothersi" q.rrlity or excellence. l. oursreNowc. 2. ur-rruarn adiectitse. !. Qf the greatestpossibledegree,quality, or intensity. 3. rrrconrrrcAl. . 3. Existing9"t/ in conceptand not in .eality. transcendental ad.iecth:b 1. Ol comingfr9-, or relatingto forcesor beingsthat l. suprnxaruRAl. exist outside the natural world. 2. Existingonly in conceptand not in reality. 2. rxronnrrcAl. transfer oerb l. T9 ch_an_ge the ownershipof (property) by meansof l. Syns.'alien, alienate (La*), assign a legal document:perwaded-largelntldholdercto (Law), cede, convey (In*), deed, tlarwfer tlwir uruned acresto thi nntional ^ forest sgstem. grant, make over, sign over. 2. To go or causeto go from one place to anbther. 2. uovg oerb. 3. uovg Derb. 9. To changeone'sreiidence,placleof business,etc. 4. To changeinto a difierent form, substance,or state. 4. corwsnr. or control of another. 5. cwn oerb. !. To relinquishto the possession 6. To direct (a person)elsewherefor help, information, 6. nrrun. etc. transfer rwun 1. The act of deliveringor the conditionof being l. pnr-rvrny. delivered. 2. A-makingover of legal ownershipor title. 2. cneNr rwun. transfiguration rvrun The processor result of giving a difierent form or CHANGE ftuun. aPpearance. transfigure oerb To change into a different form, substance,or state. CONVERT. -oerb transfix cntp oerb. _ To compel the attention,interest,imagination,etc., of. transform oerb 1. To changeinto a different form, substance,or state. l. corwrnr. 2. T-ob.ing_about a radical changein. 2. nrvor,urroNrzE. transformafion nnun l. A usu.physicalchangeof one thing into another. 1. coxvrnsrox. 2. T\e processor result of giving a difierent form or 2. cneNcr rwun. appearance.
971 transfuse oerb To cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone.
transgress oerb 1. To fail to fulfill (a promise) or conform to (a regulaUon). 2. To violate a moral or divine law.
transgression rnun 1. An act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or of nonfulfillment of an obligation, promise, etc. 2. A wicked act.
transient adiectiue Lattitg or existingonlyfor a shorttime. transit nuun 1. The process or an instance of passing from one form, state, or stage to another. 2. The moving of persons or goods from one place to another. transit oerb To go across.
transition rwun The process or an instance of passing from one form, state, or stage to another: trarwition frorn an agricultural to an inilrstrial ecotwmY.
transitory adiectioe
Lasting or existing only for a short tirnez the traruitory Arctic s"tfirlflvr.
translate oerb in anotherlanguage, l. To express ryhilesystemltically retaining the original sense: tran"slnted the ltalian into English tpith the help of a dictionarg. 2, To expiess the meaning of in other, eqp. simpler, words. 3. To change into a difierent form, zubstance, or state.
translation rwun 1. A restating of something in other, esp. simpler, words. 2. The process or result of giving a different form or appearance.
1. vror-ern. 2. orrnNo. 1. snpecH noun. 2. cnrrvrn. TRANSITORY.
l. rneNsrnoN. 2. rneNspoRTATIoN.
cnoss aerb. Syns; changeover, passage, shift, transit.
Syns; ephemeral, evanescent, feeing, feeting, fugacious, fugitive, momentary, passing, short-lived, temporal, temporary, transient. 1. Syns: construe, put, render.
2. aerb. 3. corwsnr.
1. peneprrnAsEtwun. 2. cseNcr twu,n.
translucent adiectioe Admitting light so that objects beyond can be seen.
transmigrant nou,n One who emigrates.
transmigrate oerb l. To leave one's native land and to settle in another. 2. To change habitat seasonally.
1. purcnerr. 2. urcnern.
transmigration rwun Deparfure from one's native land to settle in another.
transmigratory adiectioe Moving from one habitat to another on a seasonalbasis.
transmit oerb 1. To cause (something) to be conveyed to a destination. 2. To cause to be transferred from one to another. 3. To convey (something) from one generation to the next. 4. To cause (a disease)to pass to another or others. 5. To serve as a conduit. 6. To make known.
1. srrvo. 2. pnss oerb. 3. narvo DowN at hand. 4. cotrruuxlcATE. 5. coxoucr oerb. 6. couuuNICATE.
transmogrify oerb To change into a different form, substance, or state.
transmutation twun The processor result of giving a difierent form or aPpearance.
transmute wrb To changeinto a differentform,substance, or state. transparent adiectioe 1. Admitdng light so that objects beyond can be seen: transparent glass. 2. Free from what obscures or dims. 3. So light and insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film.
transpire oerb 1. To take place. 2. To be madepublic. 3. To fow or leak out slowlv. transport tserb l. To move while supporting. 2. To move or excite greatly. 3. To force to leavea country or place by official decree. transport rwun 1. The_movingof personsor goodsfrom one place to another. 2. A state of elated bliss. transportable adiectioe C_apable of movingor being movedfrom place to place. transportation rruun The-movingof pe_rsons or goodsfrom one place to another: A cmtral mouttain rangeharnpers transportationbefipem the eastand uest coosts. transposal rwun transpose oerb 1. To changeto the oppositeposition,direction,or course. 2. To changeinto a different form, substance,or state. transposition alsotransposal rwm l. The act of changingor being changedfrom one ^ position,dtection, or courseto the opposite. 2. The act of exchangingor zubstituting. transubstantiate oqUTo changeinto a different form, substance,or state. transude oerb To flow or leak out slowlv. transversal adiecth:e Situatedor lying across. transverse adiectilse Situatedor lying across:trarrcperse bea:msoisibleabooe the room. transverse oerb To go across. trap rwun 1. Somethingthat leadsone into a place or situation from which escapeis dfficult. 2. A sourceof dangeror difficulty not easilyforeseen and avoided. 3. Slorg. The openingin the body througlr which food is ingested. 4. Brit. A memberof a law-enforcementagency.
1. Syns: clear, crystal-clear, crystalline, limpid, see-through, translucent. 2. cr.nen adiectiae. 3. rrr-uv.
l. coun. 2. coup our at come. 3, oozn aerb. l. cennv. 2. canny AwAy at carry. 3. sANrsH.
l. rnaNspoRTATroN. 2. nnevrN. MOBILE.
Syns: carriage, conveyance, transit, transport. snn transposition. 1. nrvnnsn oerb. 2. colysnr. 1. nrvpnser.. 2. cueNcr rnrun. COTIVERT.
oozn oerb. TRANSvERsn adiectioe. Syns: crossing, crosswise, thwart, transversal, traverse. cnoss oerb. 1. r-unr rwun. 2, prrrer-r.. 3. vourH naun. 4. por-rcnueN.
973 trap oerb To gain control of or an advantageover by or as if by trapping. trashl rroun as the lowest class: 1. A goup of pe-rsons-legarde-d racismpruruilgated bY trash.
2. Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense. trash oerb Slnng.To injure or destroy (property) mdiciously: A gang of youtlw trashedthe store. trash2 oerb Brit. Regiorwl.To walk heavily, slowly, and with difficulty. trashy adiectioe Of decidedly inferior qualrtY. trauma noun !. Pathol.Marked Ussuedamage,esp.when produced by physicat*irry, tra:u:rnain the lunet lumbar re$on. 2. Somethingthat jars the mind or emoUons. adiectine traumatic Causingtrauma:a trawnatic fu4uryw,stainedin the collision. traumatism naun Marked tissuedamage,esp.when producedby physical iniury. trarimbtize wrb To infict physicalor mental i"j".y or distresson: by the plarw uash. Dicthnstrau.:rnatie,ed traumatizing ad,iectin:e Causingtrauma. travail rwrn 1. Physicalexertion that is usu. difficult and exhausting. 2.Ilre act or Processof bringing forth young. travail oerb To exert one'smental or physicalpowers' usu. under dfficulty and to the point of exhaustion. travel oerb 1. To makeor go on a journeY. 2. To move alonga particular course. 3. To becomeknown far and wide. traveling adiectioe Capableof movingor being moved from place to place. traversal rwun Lau. A refusal to grant the truth of a statementor charge. traverse oerb 1. To descend,as a ski slope,by crossingand recrossinglaterally: traoersedthe hill ard' then beganto Parallel. 2. To go across. 3. To journey over (a specifieddistance):traoersed400 milesa day. 4. To move, as a gun, laterally: The gmner traoersed the tank's conrwn and'raked the fannhorce with toitheringfire. 5. To look at carefully or critically.
cxtcn oerb.
1. Syns; dregs, hoi polloi, rabble, ragtag (also ragfzg and bobtail), tifftaff, scum. -Idimts dregs of society, lumPen proletariat, other half, scum of the earth, tag and rag the great unwashed. 2. NoNsrNsB. Syns; vandalize, wreck.
1. Syns;traumatism,wound. 2. snocx rwun. Syn; traumatizing.
Syns; shock,wound.
1. r-esonrwun. 2. nrnrn twun. r,eson oerb. 1. lounvrv oerb. 2. co oerb. at get' :;*'ur
t. Syn: zigzag. 2. cnossosrb. 3. Syns;cover, do, make,pass,track. 4. Syns:pivot, swivel. 5, rxerrarxn.
travesty 6. To take a standagainst. 7. Lau. To refuseto admit the truth, reality, value,or worth of. traverse adiecth:e Situatedor lying across. traverse twun - fuy,lting that impedesor preventsentry or passage. travesty rnun A false,derisive,or impudentimitation of something. travesty aerb To copy (the manneror expressionof another), an exaggerated or mockingway. treacherous adiectirse l. Characterizedby duplicity. 2. Not true to duty or obligation. 3. Involving possiblerisk, loss,or injury. treacherousness ntrun Willful betrayalof fidelity, confidence,or trust. treachery rmrn 1. Willful betrayalof fidelity, confidence,or trust: The tyachery of a doubb agent compromisedthe liaesof the resistancefighters. 2. An act of betraying.
tread rmun 1. The act or manner of going on foot: heard his hearsy tread on the stairs. 2. A visible sign or mark of the passageof someone or something. tread oerb 1. To step on heavily and repeatedly so as to crush, injure, or destroy. 2. To go on foot.
readmifi ru]un A habitual, laborious, often tiresome course of action.
treason nuun
1. Willful violation of allegiance to one's country: runs
hangedfor treason. 2. Rare.Willful betrayalof fidelity, confidence, or trust.
treasonable adiectioe Involving or constituting treason. treasonous adiectioe Involving or constituting treason: aiding and abetting the enemy and, other treasormn actir:ities.
treasure rwun l. Someone or something considered exceptionally precious: That editor is a real treasure. 2. A great amount of accumulated money and precious possessions, 3. A supply stored or hidden for future use. treasure oerb 1. To store up (supplies or money), usu. well beyond one's needs. ?. To recognize the worth, quality, importance, etc., of. 3. To have the highest regard for.
974 6. colqrusr oerb. 7. oprw.
1. oousln adiectiae. 2. rerrnr-sss. 3. oeNcnnous. TREACHERY.
1. Syns; perfidiousness, perfidy, treacherousness,treason (Rare). -Idicms dirty work at the crossroads, Judas kiss, knife in the back. 2. ssrneyel.. 1. Syns; footfall, footstep, step. 2. rnecx rwun.
1. rnarnrpr,B. 2. wtrx aerb. GRIND IIOUN,
1. Syns; sedition, seditiousness, traitorousness. 2. rnnecrrnny.
Syns; Iscariotic or Iscariotical, seditious, traitorous, treasonable. 1. Syns; diamond, gem, pearl, prize. 2. nrcnns. 3. rroenn rmun. L. nono oerb. 2. eppnrcrern. 3. cnenrsH.
treasure-house tmtn A place where one keeps one's valuables.
treasury twun A place w_hereone keeps one's valuables: the king's treasu;rg dcep in the botoels of the fortress.
syn; treasure-house.
975 treat
l. To pay for the food, drink, or entertainment of (another): He treated me to dinner and a concert.
1. Syns;blowr (Sl*rg), set up (Inforrnal), shout(Awtral.), stand (Informal). -Idiorns go (or stand) treat, pick up the tab for.
2. To behave in a specified way toward. 3. To be occupied or concerned. 4. To give medical aid to: uns treated bg a cardiologist. treat noun Something fine and delicious, esp. a food.
2. onN- wITH at deal. 3. onN, oerb. 4. Syn: doctor.
treatise twun of a topic. A formal,lengthyexposition treatmenl rnun The systematic application of remedies to effect a cure: treatunentprescribed by a physicinn; dietary treahnent for obesity. natn treaty A formal, usu. written settlement between nations: an arms-limitation treatY. trebf e adiectine Elevated in pitch.
trek oerb To makeor go on a journeY. tremble oerb 1. To move to and fro in short, jerky movements. 2. To move to and fro violentlY.
Syns: care, regimen, therapy.
Syns: accord, agreement, concord, convention, pact. HIGH.
lounNnv oerb. I. sanxn oerb. 2. ssrxn oerb.
tremble(s\ rcun A state of nervous restlessnessor agitation.
trembler nutn trembfing adiectine Markedbv or affectedwith tremors. tremblor oi trembler nutn A shakingof the earth. tremendous adiectioe 1. Causing or able to cause fear. 2, Of extraordinary size and Power. 3. Infonnal. Particularly excellent.
snptremblor. TREMULOUS.
1. rnenrur-. 2. cnn-r adiectioe. 3. Menrrslous.
tremendousness noun The quality of being enormous. rwrln tremor 1. A shaking of the earth: a trenwr meaxnwg ei.ght points on the Richter scal.e. 2. A nervous shaking of the body: A tramor ran thrmgh his body as he watched the mossaue from a hidingpbce. tremor oerb To move to and fro in short, jerky movements. ad.iectiae tremulanl adiectioe tremulent
tremulousalsotremulant, tremulent adiectioe Marked by or affectedwith tremors:the tretuilow hand,sof a patient uith Parkirwon'sdisease.
trenchant adiectine Having or suggestingkeen, discerningintellect. trend noun The current custom.
1. Syns; earthquake, quake, shake, temblor (Regiorul), tremblor or trembler. 2. Syns: quaver, quiver, shiver, shudder, thrill, tic, twitch.
su.*xn oerb. sen tremulous. see tremulous. Syns; aquake, aquiver, ashake, ashiver, quaking, qualcy, quivering, quivery, shaking, shalcy, shivering, shivery, trembling.
trend oerb To have a tendency or inclinaUon. trendy adiecthte Informal. Being or in accordance with the current fashion. trepidation noun Great agitation and arxiety caused by the expectation or the realization of danger. trespass oerb l. To enter forcibly and illegally. 2. To violate a moral or divine law. trespass nuun l. An act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or of nonfulfillment of an obligation, promise]etc. 2. A serious breaking of the pubtic taw. triable adiectiae Subject to a lawsuit. trial nuun l. Law. The examination and deciding ,rpon evidence, charges, and claims in court: testifi;d-at the triat. operation employed to resolve an uncertainty. ?. 1" 3. A of pain g *-Sr+ that tests one's resiliency $ale and character; The death of her parents uas a great trial fot her. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Something hard to bear physically or emotionally. An earnest try. An effort to do or make something. One that makes another totally mi-serable by causing sharp pain and irritation. 8. A procedure that ascertains efiectiveness, value, - prope_rfunction, or other quality. trial adiectioe Constituting a tentative model for fufure experiment or development.
tribe rnun A groupof peoplesharingcommonancestry. tribulation twun A state of pain or anguish that tesg one,s resiliency and character.
1. rnnax rN at break. 2. orrpNo. 1. snnecH rnun. 2. cnnrn. LITICABLE.
l. Syn: hearing (I*w). 2. rrsr rwun. 3. Syns; crucible, ordeal, tribulation, visitation. -Idioms crown of thorns, fiery ordeal, time of trial, trial by fire, trial and tribulaUon 4. sunorN rwun. 5. nrronr, 6, errrupt noun. 7. nronx nnun. 8. rnsr noun.
Prlor adiectioe.
tribunal rwun A judicial assembly.
of admiration or congrahrlation. l. {l"*pression 2. A formal token of appreciation and-admiration for a person's high achievements. trice rroun A very brief time. trick rwun l. An indirect, usu. cunning means of gaining an end: ued eoery trbk in the bag to nsin the eteinon.
2. An action meant to deceive. 3. A mischievous act. 4. The pfoper method for doing, using, or handling something. 5. A clever, dexterous act magicians' trbtcs. 6. A limited, often assignedperiod of activity, duty, or opportunity.
l. covpr,nrulirr nyun. 2. rasrruoNrer,.
l. Syns; artifice, device, feint, gimmick (S-lang),jig (Slnng), maneuver, play, ploy, ruse, shenanigan (Informal), sleight, stratagem, wile. 2. opcrptroN. 3. pnarvr. 4. neNc rwun. 5. Syns; feat, stunt. 6. runrv rwrnl.
97 7 trick adiectioe So weak or defective as to be liable to fail: a trick lnclc; a trick krwe. trick oerb To causeto accept what is false,esp. by trickery or misrepresentation. trick out oerb To dressin formal or specialclothing. trick up oerb To dressin formal or specialclothing. trickery rwnn Lack of straiglrdorwardnessand honestyin action. trickiness r70un Lack of straiglrdorwardnessand honestyin acUon. trickle oerb To fall or let fall in drops of liquid. trickle rwtrn The processor soundof dripPing. trick out oerb trickster A personwho cheats. trick'up tserb tricky ad,iectioe 1, Requiringgreat tact or skill. 2. Hard to deal with or get out of. 3. Deceidully clever. 4. So weak or defectiveas to be liable to fail. triffe twun A small, showy article. trifle oerb 1. To move one'sfingersor handsin a nervousor aimlessfashion. 2. To pass(time) without working or in avoiding work. 3. To makeamorousadvanceswithout seriousintentions. 4. To treat lightly or fliPPantlY. trifle awaY oerb To spend(money)excessivelyand usu.foolishly. trifle away oerb trifles nuw Unimportantmattersor concerns. trifling adiecth:e 1. ContemptiblyunimPortant. 2. Chief.y Regional.Resistantto exertion and activity. trig a.diectioe 1. Being or in accordancewith the current fashion. 2. In good order or clean condition. 3. Brit. Regional.Completelyfilled. trig oerb To make neat and trim; makepresentable. trigger rwun Somethingthat incitesesp.a violent response. trigger oerb To put (a mechanicaldeviceor process)in motion by releasingan activating mechanism. triggerman rwurn Slnng.One who murders another. trillion rwttn An indeterminatelygreat amountor number. trim oerb 1. To decrease,asin length or amount,by or as if by severingor excising.
Syns: tticky, undependable, unreliable.
DREssup at dress. DREssup at dress. INDIRECTION. INDIRECTION.
ostp oerb. Dn'[P floun.
sm trick. CHEAT
ssr trick. 1. orr,rcerr. 2. rrcnr adiectioe. 3. enrrur.. 4. rnrcx adiectioe. NOVELTY.
l. npor.s. 2. ronn oerb. 3. sr;rnr oerb, 4. plm oerb" wtsrn oerb. snr trifle. TRIVIA.
1. perrY. 2. rrrl'. 1. rnsuroNABLE. 2. rvrer. 3. rur,r-. rtov oerb. STIMULUS.
rtlw oerb.
1. cut BAcK.
trim down 2. To make a slight reductionin (a price). 3. To furnish with decorations. 4. To makeneat and trim; makepresentable. 5. Infonrwl. To punishwith blowi or lashes. 6. lnforrnal. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. 7. Infornwl. To_getmoneyor somethingelsefrom by deceitful trickery. trim down oerb To lose !'odily weight, as by dieting. trim ad.iecthse 1. In good order or clean condition. 2. Having slenderand gaceful lines. trim noun l. A stateof soundreadiness:got into trim for the race. 2. Somethingthat adorns. trim down 6erb trimming noun l. Somethingthat adorns. 2. Informal. The-act of defeatingor the condition of being defeated. trine noun A pgoupof three individuals. trinity dio triunity noun A group of three individuals. trinket noun A small,showyarticle. trio rwun A goup of three individuals: a trio of generals conryitringto ooerthrowthe gooemrrcnt;a trio of rrutsicians. trip oerb f .fo pft (a mechanicaldeviceor process)in motion by releasingan activating mechairism,irlp a kght soitch. 2. To catch the foot againstsomettringand lose one's balance. 3. To bound lightly. 4. To make an error or mistake. 5. Rare.To makeor go on a journey. trip twrut l. A setting out or venturing forth: a trip to the French Qrnrter. 2. Slary. An illusion of perceivingsomethingthat does not really exist. 3. An act or thougtrt that unintentionally deviatesfrom what is correc! right, or true. 4. A stupid, clumsy mistake. 5. Slang.A temporaryconcentrationof interest. triple ,loun A group of three individuals. tripper noun - 9?yflV Brit. One who travels for pleasure. tristfuf od,iecthte l. Archab. Sugg_estive of or expressing deep,often melancholythoughtfulness. 2. Archaic. In low qpirits. trite adiecthse Without freshnessor appeal due to over:use:Trite erpressiottsspoilcd the rniting.
978 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
slg.l.rrnoerb. eoonN. rrov oerb. snrr oerb. onrnllr oerb.
7. clanl,r aerb.
l. rvner. 2. sr-nnx adiecthse. 1. Syns; condition, fettle, fitness, form, kilter, order, shape (nfonnal). 2. eoonrwrrxr. snr trim, 1. enonr.rMENr, 2. osrrar rwun.
Syns,' threesome, trine, trinity (aho t irnity), triple, triumvirate, triune, troika.
l. Syns; throw, trigger.
2. sruMsr,n oerb. 3. smp oerb. 4. rnn. 5. lounrvnv oarb. 1. Syns; excursion, jaunt, junket, outing. 2. ner-r-uclNATroN. 3. nnnon. 4. sr.uNDrr. rwun. 5. xrcx rraun. TRIO.
l. pnxsrvn. 2. orpnnssnp. Syns: banal, bathetic, bromidic, clich6, commonplace, corny (Skmg), hackneyed,
979 musty, platitudinous, shopworn, stale, stereotyped, stereotypic (also stereotypical ), threadbare, timeworn, tired, warmed-over, well-worn, worn-out.
triturate oerb To breakup into tiny particles. triumph oerb ooerall obstocles. 1. To getthebetter ofztrfu,nryhed 2. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. 3. To feel or express an uplifting joy over a successor victory. triumph nuun l. The act of conquering. 2. The act or condition of feeling an uplifting joy over a successor victory.
cnusn oerb. 1. Syns; best, conquer, master, overcome, prevail (over or against), surmount, worst. 2. onrglr rnrb. 3. nxur,r.
1. colvgursr. 2. Bxur-rettorv.
triumphal adiectiae Pertaining to, having the nafure of, or experiencing triumph. adiectioe triumphant l. Pertaining to, having the nature of, or experiencing triumph. 2. Feeling or expressing an uplifting joy over a success or victory.
triumvirale' rnun A groupof threeindividuals. triune noun A groupof threeindividuals. triunity rwun trivia noun 1. Unimportant matters or concerns: the trioia of saburban lbing. 2. Something lacking substance or depth. adiectitse trivial 1. Not of great importance. 2. Contemptibly unimportant.
triviality nou,n or depth. lackingsubstance 1. Something 2. Contemptible unimportance. 3. Unimportant matters or concerns.
1. vrcronrous. 2. sxur-rANT.
srn trinity. 1. Syns; minutiae, trifles, triviality. -Idiilrs small change, small potatoes. 2. rnour twun. 1. r-rrrr,B. 2. pnrrv. 1. rnorn twtn. 2. pprnNsss. 3. rnrvra.
trivialness rwun Contemptible unimportance. rnn n troika A group of three individuals.
tromp oerb 1. To walk with loud, heavystePs. 2. To step on heavily and repeatedlyso asto crush, injure, or destroy. troop oerb 1. To come or go in large numbers. 2. To keep company. troop nutn l. A number of personswho have come or been gatheredtogether. 2. A group of performers. trophy rwun 1. A mementoreceivedasa symbolof excellenceor victory: The Oscaris a mach-sought-aftertrophy. 2. Somethingthat causesone to remember.
l. rn*"rc oerb. 2. rnerrapr-e.
1. poun. 2. essocrerz oerb. 1. essnMsr-v. 2. sANDPtwu,n. 1. Syns; award, prize. 2. nrrvrrvsRANcE.
tropic tropic adiectine Of_or relatingto the tropics. tropical adidctioe Of or relatingto the tropics: a tropicalclimate in South America. trot rwun 1. A person'ssteady,easygait that is fasterthan a walk but slower than a nn The child cante acrossthe yard at a trot. 2. Archab. An ugly, frighteningold woman. trot oerb l. To move with a steady,easygait fasterthan a walk but slower ST run: The'fiotbail playerstrotted, " - aroundthe field to warm up. 2. To move swiftly. troth rwttn The act or conditionof being pledgedto marry. trouble rwun l. A conditionor situationcharacterizedby danger, distress,or anxoyance:Walkingaloneai nighi in the city is iust askingfor trouble. He difu,'t uaich what he said and,got in trouble. 2. A causeof worry. 3. The conditionof being in needof immediate assistance. 4. The useof enerS/ to do something. 5. The stateor quality of being inconvenient. trouble oerb l. To causeanxiousuneasiness in. 2. To causeinconveniencefor. 3. To recur to continually. troubfed ad;iectirse In a stateof uneasiness. troublesome adiectitse l. Hard to treat, manage,or cope with: a troublesorne hiner who usttall7getson base. 2. Troubling to the mind or emotions. 3. Troublilg the nervesor peaceof mind, asby repeatedvexations. 4. Causingdifficulty, trouble, or discomfort. trounce oerb l. To render totally inefiectiveby decisivedefeat. 2. To win a victory over, as in battle or a compeUtion. trouncing rwun A severedefeat: The ootersgaoe the ina^tmbenta trw,ncing. troupe noun A group of performers. truancy rwun An unexcusedabsence. truce nou,n A temporarycessationof hostilitiesby mutual consent of the-co_ntending parties:calledfor a truce so the woundedcoul.dbe rqffw)ed from-the area. truckle tserb To support slavishlyevery opinion or suggestionof a superior. truckler rnun One who fatters anotherexcessively.
Syn; tropic. 1. Syns.'jog, lope. 2. wrrcn. 1. Syns;jog, lope. 2. nvs;aoerb. ENGAGEMENT.
1. Syns; difficulty, Dutch (Informat),hot water (Slnng).
2. cenn rwun. 3. orsrnBss tnun. 4. nrronr. 5. rNcorwnNrENcEnaun. l. wonny oerb. 2. mcor+veurrNcr oerb. 3. larr.rr oerb. ANXIOUS.
l. Syns; Te1n, (Slang), pesky, vexatious, wicked (Slnng). 2. orsrtrnsnvc. 3. vrxerrous. 4. rNcorwrNrENT. l. ovnnwunr,nr. 2, onrntr oerb.
Syns; drubbing (Slang), dusting, lambasting (Slnng), lichng (Sling), shellacking (Slang), thrashing. SANDPrwun. cvT fwun, Syns: armistice, cease-fire. -Idiorn cooling-off period.
981 truculencealsotruculency rwun 1. A cruel act or an instance of cruel behavior. 2. Warlike or hostile attitude or disposition.
truculency rnun trucufent ad,iecthse
1. cnupr-rv. 2. seLLrcnRENcE. ssr truculence.
1. seLLrcnRENT. l. Having or showingan eagernessto fight. 2. rrpncn. 2. Showingor suggestinga dispositionto be violently destructive without scruple or restraint. 3. srrrNc. 3. So sharpas to causementalpain. trudge oerb PLOD. To walk heavily, slowly, and with difficulty. true adiectioe l. Syns:legitimate,.ightfirl. l. Being so legitimately:the true heir to the throrw; the tnte oictor of the contest. 2. eccunerr. 2. Conforming to fact. 3. ecruer-. with fact. 3. In agreementor correspondence 4. eurrrnvrtc. 4. Not counterfeitor copied. 5. crrvuu.rp. 5. Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense. 6. rerrrrrur-. 5. Adheringfirmly and devotedly,as to a person,a cause,or a duty. 7. eurrrnxnc. 7. Worthy of belief becauseof precision,faithftilnessto an original, etc. 8. Having or markedby uprig[rtnessinprinciple and action. 8. noNssr. truelove rrf,ntn DARLING fIOI'fL. A personwho is much loved. adiecthse truelto-tife REALISTIC. Accuratelyrepresentingwhat is depictedor described. truism nuun cr.rcni nurn. A trite expressionor idea. trump noun Syns;aceF,clincher (Inforntnl). -Idioms Something,esp. somethingheld in reserve,that gives ace in the hole, trump card. one a decisiveadvantage:The ottorrwy ilecided to tne his trurnp and,call the uitrwss'bW. trump oerb Syns:finesse,one-up(Sl*ril. To outrnaneuver(an opponent),eqp.with the aid of someextra resource:The inatmbent Presiderttffinnped the other candidateby sendingfederal aid to the cities on election eoe. truncate oerb Syns; abbreviate, abridge, brief, crop, To make short or shorter by or as if by cutting: o lopl, shorten. speechthat was hrnwated to fit into the allotted time. trust rwun 1. coxnprNcB. 1. Absolute certainty in the trustworthinessof another. 2. cenr rwun. 2. ^ttrc function of watching, guarding,or overseeing. 3. consrNE rwun, closelyinterconnected 3. A combinationof businesses for commonprofit. trust oerb 1. spr.rrvE. 1. To have confidencein the truthfulnessof. 2. onpruo oN at depend. 2. To place trust or confidencein. 3. prrnusr. 3. To place a trust upon. trustless ad,iecth:e UNDEPENDABLE. Not to be dependedon. adiecthse trustworthy l. pnppvoesr-E. l. Capableof being dependedupon. 2. eurnsNTrc. 2. Worthy of belief becauseof precision, faithftrlnessto an original, etc. trusty adiectioe DEPENDABLE. Capableof being dependedupon. truth rro.ut 1. Syns; truthfulness,veracity, verity. d claim haoing 1. Freedomfrom deceit or falseness: the ring of truth.
truthful 2. Correspondence with fact or truth. truthful a.diectioe 1. Consistentlytelling the truth: so truthful that she Im.dour absoluteconfidence. 2. Accuratefl represetttingwhat is depictedor described. truthfulness noun l. Freedomfrom deceit or falseness. 2. The quality of being authentic. truthfess- adiectiae Devoid of truth. truthlessness twun The practice of lying. try noun l. A brief trial: I7l giae the taska try.
982 2. vsnacrry. l. Syns;veracious,veridical. 2. nner-rsrrc. 1. rnurn. 2. eurrrmgrrcrry.
1. Syns; crack (Slang), fling (Informal), go Qnformal), shot, stab, whack (Informnl), whirl (Informal). 2. erruupr naun.
2. An effort to do or make something. try oerb l. To make an attempt to do or make. L. lrrtnvrvr aerb. 2. To subjectto a procedurethat ascertains 2. oerb. effectiveness, value,proper function, or other qualiw. tryin$ adiectioe Imposinga severetest of bodily or spiritual strength. BURDENSOME. . try-out nou.n snn try out. try out oerb 1. To subjectto a procedurethat ascertains l. rnsr oerb. effectiveness, value,proper function, or other quality. 2. To engagein experiments. 2. tnsr aerb. try-out lwlrn Inforrnal.A procedurethat ascertainsefiectiveness, TESTfWUn. . vaJue,proper function, or other quality. tryst tmun A commitmentto appearat a certain time and place. ENGACEMENT. tubby adiectirse Well-roundedand usu.short in physique. pt urupl. tubercufa r ad;iectioe Pertainingto or afficted with fuberculosis:tuberanlar Syns:consumptive(Path.),phthisic(aho yherapy ; tubercularpatients. phthisical) (Path.),tuberculous. tuberculosis rmun A contagrousdiseaseproducinglesionsesp.of the S.yn1:consumption,phthisis(alsophthisic) (Path.),TB (a/soT.B.), white pl*gu". _ lungs: pairw and a cough that suggestediuberculosis. tuberculous ad;iectitse Pertainingto or affiicted with tuberculosis. TUBERCULAR. tucker oerb E)(tIAUST. - InfornwL To make extremelytired. tuckered adiectioe Infornwl. Extremelytired. DC{AUSTED. tug oerb l. To exert force so as to move somethingtoward the l. pvt-t- oerb. sourceof the force. 2, To exert one'smental or physicalpowers,usu.under 2. tl.r,on oerb. difficulty and to the poinf of exhaustion. 3. To move or causeto move with a sudden,abrupt 3. pnx oerb. motion. tug rwun A suddenpull. IERKnAUn. tuition rurun The act, process,or art of impartingknowledgeand skill.
983 tumble oerb 1. To come to the ground suddenlyand involuntarily. 2. To undergoa shaqp,rapid descentin value or price. 3. To b.ittg about the downfall of. 4. To put out of proper order. 5. To find or meet by chance. tumble rwun 1. A usu.swift downwardtrend, s h prices. 2. A suddeninvoluntarydrop to the ground. 3. A lack of order or regulararrangement. 4. A group of things gatheredhaphazardly. tumble-down adiectioe Falling to ruin. tumescent ad;iectitse Filled up with or as if with somethinginsubstantial. tumid adiecthse Filled up with or as if with somethinginsubstantid. tumult twun 1. An interrupUonof regularprocedureor of public Peace. 2. A quarrel or fight marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior. 3. A state of discomposure. 4. Sounds or a sound, esp. when loud, confused, or disagreeable. adiectirse tumuftuous 1. Violently disturbed, as by storms. 2. Marked by unrest or disturbance.
L. 2. 3. 4. 5.
rx;- oerb. rN;. oerb. ovpnrnnow oerb. orsonorn oerb. cour AcRossat come.
1, 2. 3. 4.
rer-r- noun. ru-t- nou,n. orsononr twun. nnep rwun.
2. nnewr- rmun. 3. e.crrerrox. 4. rqorsr noun.
1. noucn adiectioe. 2. runsulsNr.
tune rwun 1. A pleasing successionof musical tones forming a usu. brief aesthetic unit. 2. Pleasing agreement, as of musical sounds. 3. Harmonious mutual understanding. tune perb l. To bring into accord". 2. To bring (oneself) into harmony with one's environment. 3. To alter (parts of a device) for proper functioning. 4, Archaic. To utter words or sounds in musical tones. a.diectioe tuneful 1. Having or producing a pleasing melody. 2. Resembling or having the effect of music, esp. pleasing music. adiectioe turbid 1. Having sediment or foreign particles stirred up or suspended: hubid, uater. 2. Heavy, dark, or dense, esp. with impurities: atnnsphere mnde turbid, by snnke frorn factories. 3. Violently disturbed, as by storms.
1, rr.rpr.oov. 2. Henrvror.rY. 3. ecnrnunNr. 1. nenrvroNrzr. 2. eolusr.
3. eopsr. 4. srxc. 1. unr-oorous. 2. urr-oorous. 1. Syns;muddy, 2. Syns: hazy, murky (also mirky). 3. noucn ad:iectioe.
turbulence rwun 1. The condition of being physically agitated. 2. An interruption of regular procedure or of public
1. ecrrerroN. 2. orsruneANcE.
turbufent adiecttue 1. Marked by unrest or dishrrbance: the finbubnt times iust before and after the retsolution; a turbulent looe afair. 2. Violently disturbed, as by storms.
1. Syns.'stormy,tempestuous, tumultuous. 2. noucn adiecthse.
Slang A particular area used for or associated with a specific individual or activity.
turgid adiecthse Filled up with or asif with something insubstantial. turkey rwun Slang, One deficient in judgment and good sense.
turmoil noun 1. A state of uneasiness and usu. resentrnent brewing to an evenhral explosion. 2. A State of discomposure. 3. A lack of order or regular arrangement.
l. To move or cause to move in circles or around an axis or center: a weathsr une tuming in the breezc, 2. To cause to move, esp. at an angle. 3. To chanSe to the opposite position, direction, or 4. To spade or dig (soil) to britrg the undersoil to the surface: tum the earth before plnnting. "tu* an ankle. !. f" TJ*" (a bodily part) 6y t#isting' 6. To change the direction or course of: tum the _ bicyclc into the drioeuny. 7. To make or become different. 8. To devote (oneself or one's efiorts). 9. To move (a weapon, blow, etc.) in the direction of someone or something. 10. To become or cause to become rotten or unsound. 11. To abandon one's cause or party usu. to join another. 12. To have recourse to when in need. 13. To make or become less sharp-edged. 14. To come to be. 15. To dishub the health or physiological functioning of. turn aside oerb To prohibit from occurring by advance planning or action. turn in oerb l. To commit to the consideration or judgment of another. 2. Infornwl To go to bed. turn off oerb l. Slang. To be very disagreeable to. 2. Rare. To execute by suspendittg by the neck. turn on wrb Slang. To arouse the interest and attention of. turn on (or upon) oerb To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable. turn over oerb l. To relinquish to the possessionor control of another. 2. To give over to another for care, use, or performance. 3. To consider carefrrlly and at length. 4. To qpade or dig (soii) to b.itrg th"e undersoil to the surface. 5. To furn or cause to furn from a vertical or horizontal position. turn up oerb 1. To find by investigation. 2. To come to a particular place. turn rwun l. Circular movement around a point or about an a,xis.
INFLATED. FOOLrwuft. l. ur.rnesr. 2. acrrerrou. 3. orsonprR nou,n. 1. Syns; circle, grrate, revolve, rotate, wheel. 2. rlnNDoerb. 3. nnvensp oerb. 4. Syns: break, plow, turn over. 5. Syns.' sprain, wrench. 6. Syns; avert, deflect, divert, pivot, sheerl, shift, swing veer. 7. cnl;ctcn oerb, 8. eppr.y. 9. xu oerb. lQ. oncnv oerb. ll. onrqcr oerb. 12. 13. 14. 15.
nnsonr ro at resort. ouu. oerb. sncoME. vpsnr oerb.
1. sunurr. 2. nprrnp. 1. orrnrvo. 2. u*tc oerb. rvrnnrsr oarb. DEPENDoN at depend.
l. cwn oerb. 2. uvrnusr. 3. poxorn. 4. rvnx oerb. 5. ovnnrunu.
1. uxcovrn. 2. annrvn. 1. nrvor.unoN.
985 2. Something bent. 3. An often sudden change or departure, as in a trend: a rTeu tu,m of eoents sirrce yesterdny. 4. A calculated change in position. 5. A limited, often assignedperiod of activity, duty, or opportunityz I took a tum at the uheel whilp Frank rested. We took tums washing the dishes. 6. An inclination to something. 7. An innate capability. 8. A usu. brief and regular journey on foot, esp. for exercise. 9. A course, process, or journey that ends where it began or repeats itself.
2. snND rwtin. 3. Syns; shift, tack, twist. 4. MoveMsNT. 5. Syns; bout, go, hitch, innings, shift, spell3, stint, time, tour, trick, watch. 6. esvr rwun. 7. rer.BNr. 8. colsrrrurroNAr- rrou,n. 9. crncr.B nuun.
turn aside r:erb turncoat nuun
spr turn.
A personwho hasdefected. turn-down twtn turn down oerb 1. To be unwilling to accept,consider,or receive. 2.To be unwillingto gant. 3. To prevent or forbid authoritatively. turn-down rwun Inforrnal. A turning down of a request. turned-on adiectioe l. Slnng.Feeling avery strongemotion. 2. Slang.Feelinggeat delight and joy. 3, Slang.Stupefied,intoxicated,or otherwiseinfuenced by the taking of drugs. turn in oerb turnkey noun A guard or keeperof a prison. turn off oerb turn on oerb turn on (or uPon) perb turnout noun turn out oerb l. To supplywhat is neededfor someactivity or purpose. 2. To leaveone'sbed. turnout rwun 1. Thingsneededfor a task,journey,or other Purpose. 2. A set or style of clothing. turn over aerb turn up oerb turpitude noun Immoral, degradingactsor habits. tussle nou,n A physicalconflict involving two or more. tussle oerb To contendwith an opponent, attemptingto throw him. tutelage twun The act, process,or art of impartingknowledgeand skill. tutor oerb To impart knowledge and skill to. tutoring rroun The act, process,or art of impartingknowledgeand skill. twaddle nou,n l. Somethingthat doesnot have or make sense.
snr turn down. 1. oncr-rNeDarb. 2. nrrusn. 3. vsro. REFUSAL.
1. 2. nr.ersp. 3. nnuccro. srn turn. JAILER.
snpturn, srn turn. srn turn. srn turn out. 1. runnrsn. 2. cnr ur at get. 1. ournr noun. 2. pnnssrwun. snpturn. snnturn. CORRUPTION. FIGHT
1. NoNsnnse.
twang 2. Unintellgbl" or foolishtalk. twang naun A distinctiveproperty of a substanceaffectingthe gustatorysense. twelvemonth noun A period_of_ftl" of approx.l2 months,esp.that period during which the earth completesa singlerevolution aroundthe sun. twerp also twirp rwun Slnng.An insignificantbut arrogantand obnoxious youngperson. twiddle oerb To move one'sfingersor handsin a nervousor aimless fashion. twiggy adiectioe Havinglittle fleshor fat on the body. twif ight rwun - The period betweenafternoonand nighttime. twin adiectioe Consisting_of two identical or similar related things, parts, or elements:the twin eoilsof drink and lust. twin rwun One of a maichedpair of things. twine oerb . To move or proceedon a repeatedlycurving course. IWnge rwun A se-nsatio-n of physical discomfort occurring as the result of diseaseor injury. twinkle oerb l. To shinewith intermittent gleams. ?.To emit light suddenlyin raysor sparks. 3. Archaic. To open and closethe eyesrapidly. twinkle nf,run l. A suddenquick light. 2, A verv brief time. twinkling rvarn A very brief time. twirl oerb To rotate rapidly. twirp rwun twist oerb l. I" move or proceedon a repeatedlycurving course. 2. To grv_e al inaccurateview of by representingfalsely or misleadingly. 3. To alter and spoil the nafural form or appearance of. twist rvrun 1. An often suddenchangeor departure,as in a trend. 2. A clever, unexpectednew trick or method. twisting adiecthse 1. Having bends,curves,or angles. 2. Repeatedlycurving in alternatedirections. twit oZrb To makefun of. twitch oerb To move or causeto move with a sudden,abrupt motion. twitch rwun 1. A suddenpull. 2. A nervousshakingof the body. twitchy a.diectioe Feeling or exhibiting nervoustension.
2. eABsr-n rnun. FLAVOR noun.
rurN adiecth;e. EVENING.
Syns: double, dua-,
wrrvnP. PAIN
1. sr.rNKoerb. 2. rr,l,:srt oerb. 3. sr,rNK oerb. 1. sr,rNK noun. 2. rr.esn twun. FLASH
sprN oerb.
srr twerp. 1. wnro2. 2. usronr. 3. orronna.
1. rvnN rwun, 2. wnnvrr-r2. 1. cnooxno. 2. wnvotrc. nrotcvrn oerb. lnnx oerb. 1.;nnx nou:n. 2. rnpuon rraun. EDGY.
987 twitter
To move to and fro in short, jerky movements.,n oerb,
twitting rmun Words or acUonsintendedto evokecontempfuous laughter. two bits noun InforTrul.A smallor trifling amountof money. two-faced adiectbe 1. Charactenzedby duplicity. 2. Of or practicinghlpocrisy. two-facedness rwun A showor expressionof-feelingsor beliefsone doesnot actuallyhold or possess. two-fisted adiecthse Infornwl.Indulging in drink to an excessivedegree. twofold adiecthse l. Twice as much or as large. 2. Composedof two parts or things. twosome nou,n Two personsunited, asby marriage. type rwtm A classthat is defined by the common attribute or its members. by attributespossessed "ll typicaf alsotyPic adiectiae 1. Having the nature of, constituting,or servingas a type: a piece of iewelry typical of Faberg4;typical weatherfor this part of the cwntrg. 2. To be expected. 3. Servingto identify or set apart an individual or goup. typically adnerb In an expectedor customarymanner. typify oerb To serve asthe image of. tyrannical alsotyrannic a.d;iectioe 1. Having and exercisingcompletepolitical power and control. 2. Characterizedby or favoring absoluteobedienceto authority. tyrannize oerb 1. To exerciseabsolutepower, esp.arbitrarily or cruelly: The occupyingarmy tyrarmizedthe oanquished. 2. To commandin an arrogantmanner. tyrannous adiectioe Having and exercisingcomplete political power and control. tyranny noun Absolutepower, esp.when exercisedunjustlyor cruelly: fa"scisttyrarmy. tyrant noun l. An absoluteruler, who is harshand oppressive. 2. One who imposesor favorsabsoluteobedienceto authority. Uro noun l. One lackingprofessionalskill and easein a particular pursuit. 2. One who is just starting to learn or do something.
1. pourr-p ad;iectitse. 2. rrvpocnrrlcAl. ITYPOCRISY.
HEAvYad,iectiae. 1. nounr-nadiectiae. 2. oounr-nad,iectioe. PLI'R frou,n. xtNDz.
1. Syns; archetypal, archetypic (also archtypical), classic, classical, model,
paradigmatic, prototypal, prototypic or prototypical, quintessenUal, representative. 2. corrauon adiectioe. 3. olsrrr.lcrrvr.
1. essor-uru. 2. eurnonrrARrAN adiecth:e.
L. Syn: trample on. -ldiom gtitd someone's face in the dirt (or mud). 2. soss Derb. ABSOLUTE.
Syns: autocracy, despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism. 1. orcreron. 2. eurrronITARIAN rroun.
l. evereun. 2. srcrI.INEn.
ubiquitous adiectioe Everpresentin all places. ugliness noun 1. The quality or condition of being ufly: the uglhess of ghetto squalnr. 2. An unsightly object. ugly adiectitse 1. Extremely displeasing to the eye: An ugly scar disfigured his face. 2. Extremely unpleasant to the sensesor feelings. 3. Violently disturbed, as by storms. 4. Infnrnal. Having or showing a bad temper. ugly rroun An unsightly object. uh-huh adoerb Informal.It is so; as you say or ask. ulterior adiectioe f . Lnrg beyond what is obvious or avowed: The President tried to discem the Sooipts' ulterkn mothses. 2. Going - beyond what currently exists.
uftimate adiecttae 1.
9f the greatest possible degee, quality, or intensity: His death was the ultimate proof of his patriotis.rn. 2. Of or relating to a terminative condition, stage, or point. 3. Most distant or remote from a center. 4. Of or being an irreducible element. 5. Greatest in quantity or highest in degree that has been or can be attained. ultimate rr{run Th9 gfeatest quantity or higlrest degee attainable. ultimate oerb -fo blng or come to a natural or proper end.
ultimately adoerb
After a considerable length of time, usu. after a delay. uftra ad:iectioe Holding esp political views that deviate drastically and fundamentally from conventional or traditional beliefs. ultra noun One who holds extreme views or advocates extreme measures.
uftraconservative adiectioe Vehementl/,often fanaUcallyopposingprogressor reform. uftraconservative twun A personwho vehemently,often fanaticallyopposes progressand favorsrefurn to a previouscondition. ulutafe oerb To utter or emit a long mournful, plaintive sound.
urtrvERsAr,adiecthse. l. Syns; frightfulness, hideousness, unsightliness. 2. unss noun. l. Syns; hideous, ill-favored, ill-looking trnsightly. -Idioms enough to stop a clock, ugly as sin. 2. orrnNsrvE. 3. noucn adiectioe. 4. rr,r,-rruPERED. MESS ftOun.
vss o.doerb. l. Syns; buried, concealed, covert, hidden, obscured, shrouded. -Idioln under cover (or wraps). 2. runrunn adiectitse. 1. Syns; supreme, surpassing, transcendent, unsurpassable. 2. r,esrr ad.iectine. 3. srrRrME adiectioe. 4. rr,nunr*rer.. 5. rraexnrauuadiecthse.
crosnt aerb. AT LAST. EXTREME
REAcrroNAnv adiectioe.
ttowt- oerb.
989 ulufation nuun A long,motrrnfulcry. umbra nutn 1. Comparative darkness that results from the blocking of light rays. 2. A supernatural being.
umbrage rwun l. Extreme displeasure caused by * insult or sliglrt. 2. Archaic. Comparative darkness that renrlts from the blocking of light rays.
umbrageous ad,iectioe Castingshade. umbrous adiectioe Full of shade. Ump rraun Sl*rg.A person,usu. appointed,who decidesthe issues or results,or supervisest-heconduct, of a competition or confict. umpire oerb To make a decisionabout (a controversy,d@ute, etc.) after deliberation, as in a court of law. unabashed adpaioe Characterizedbyor done without shame. unable oerb To make incapable,as of doing a job. unabridged adiectioe Not shortenedby omissions. unacceptable adieaiae Arousingdisapproval. unaccomPanied adiectioe Lacking the companyof others. unaccountable ad,iectioe 1. Difficult to explain or understand. 2. That cannot be explained. unacquainted adiectioe Not aware or informed. unadorned ad,iecth:e 1. Without addition, decoration,or qualification. 2. Of a plain and unsophisticatednature. aitiecta:e unadulteiated l. Producedby nature;not artificial or manmade. 2. Free from extraneouselements. unadvantageous ad,iectioe Tending to discourage,retatd, to make more fficult. unaffected ad,iectioe 1. Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense. 2. Free from guile, cunning,or deceit. 3. Not a.ffectedby or showingemotion. unafraid ad:iecthse Having or showingcourage. unalterable adiecth:e 1. That cannotbe revokedor undone. 2. Incapableof changingor being modffied. unambiguous adiectioe l. Clearly, fully, and sometimesemphatically expressed. 2. Clearly defined;not ambiguous. unanimity noun The quality or condition of being in complete mutual agreementzThe unanimitg of their disapprooalu>as discorrcerting.
HOWL fwu,fr.
1. srrenr noun. 2. cnosr twun. 1. orrrNsr. 2. sul^onrwun
pocn oerb.
vNrw rnrb. coMPLETEad,iectioe. oBIECTTONABLE.
Ar,oNEadiecthn. 1, uvsrnntous. 2. brsxPLrcABLE. IGNORANT.
1. sARna.diectioe. 2. nusnc adiectioe. l. weruner, a.diecthn. 2. puns odiectioe. UNFAVORABLE.
l. cBrurNp. 2. enrr.pss. 3. cor,p adiectbe. BRAvEadiectioe. 1. rnnnvocABlE. 2. rNrr-nxrslE. l. orprxrrn. 2. snenp a"diecthse. Syns.' accord, consensus, unanimousness.
unanrmous unanimous adiectioe Beingin or characterizedby completeagreement: urwnimotn in wantittg to retutn home; a wvhxinwtts ry":io of the court. UnanlmOUSneSSnuun The quality or condition of being in complete mutual ageement. unapPeasable ad,iectioe insatiableappetite for an activity or pursuit. unappetazang adiec-tirse So unpleasantin favor as to be inedible. unappraciable adiectioe Incapableof being apprehendedby the mind or the senses. unappreciated adiectioe Not apt to be appreciated. unappreciative adiectioe Not showingor feeling gratitude. unapproachable ad,iectine 1. Unableto be reached. 2. Not friendly, sociable,or warrn in manner. unapt adiectioe 1. Not suitedto circumstances. 2. Lacking the qualities, as efficiency or skill, required to producedesiredresults. unassuming adiectiae Hlving or-expressingfeelingsof humility. unattached adiectioe Without a spouse. unattainable adiectioe l. Unableto be reached. 2. Not capableof happeningor being done. unattractive adiecttoi Not handsomeor beautiful. unavailing a.diecthse Having no useful result. unavoidable adiectiae Sure!o happen. Unawake adiectioe In a stateof sleep. unaware adiecthn Not awareor informed. unaware ad.oerb Without adequatepreparation. Unawafes ofuserb Without adequatepreparation: The stdd.enacanation caught her unanoares. unbalance oerb To make insane. unbalance norrn Seriousmentalillnessor disorderimpairinga person's capacity to function normally and safely. unbifanied ad,iectioe Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. unbearable ad;iecthse Not ca_pable_of being enduredor tolerated:had to flze the unbearableheat. unbecoming ad;iecthse 1. Not in keepingwith conventionalmores.
Syns; concurrent, solid. -ldiom^s as one, of one mind, with one voice.
1. weccrssrBlE. 2. coor. ad;iectiae. 1. rupnopBn. 2. rwrprrcmNr.
HUMBLEadiectioe. STNGLE adiectioe. l. rNeccnssrBlE. 2. rnrpossrsr-r. Pr.ArNadiectioe. FUTILE.
Syns.' aback, short, unaware. -Idioms surprise, off base.
Syns; impossible, insufierable, insupportable, intolerable, unendurable, unsufferable, unsupportable. l. rupnoprn.
991 2. Not suited to circumstances. 3. Lacking style and good taste.
2. rupnopnn. 3. recrv2.
unbefitting adieaioe 1. Not in keepingwith conventionalmores. 2. Not suitedto circumstances. unbelief nou,n The refusalor reluctanceto believe. unbelievable ad,iectit:e 1. Not plausibleor believable. 2. Not to be believed. 3. So remarkableas to elicit disbelief. unbelieve oerb To give no credenceto. unbeliever rwun One who habituallyor instinctivelydoubtsor questions. unbefieving adtiecthse Refusingor reluctant to believe. unbend oerb To take reposeby ceasingwork or other effort for an interval of time. unbendable adiectiae Firmly, often unreasonablyimmovablein purposeor will. unbending adiectiae 1. Not changingshapeor bending. determination,resolution,or 2. Indicatingor possessing persistence. 3. Havingor showinguncompromisingdetermination or resolutionin purposeor action. immovablein purposeor 4. Firmly, often unreasonably will. unbiased ad;iectioe 1. Free from bias in judgment. 2. Not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under dispute. unbind oerb To free from ties or fasteners. unblamable adiectioe Beyondreproach. unblbmishei ad.iectirse l. Free from flaws or blemishes. 2. In excellentcondition. 3. Free from evil and corruption. unbfended or unblent adiecthse Not diluted or mixed with other substances. unblent adiectioe unbfushing ad;iectirse Characterizedby or done without shame. unbodied adiecihte Having no body, form, or substance. unbounded oQiectioe 1. Having no endsor limits. 2. Completelysuch,without qualificationor exception. unbridled a.d,iecthse Lacking in moral restraint. unbroken adiectioe 1. Free from faws or blemishes. 2. In excellentcondition. unburden oerb To free from somethingobjectionableor undesirable. uncalled-for adiectioe 1. Not necessary.
1. rupnoprn. 2. rupnoprn. DISBELIEF.
1. rupr-eusrnr.r. 2. rNcnBorsr-r. 3. resulous. DISBELIEVE. SKEPTIC. INCREDULOUS.
nnsrr oerb.
1. nrcro. 2. rrnvl. 3. cnru. 4. srussonN.
1. rem a.diecthse. 2. NsurRAL.
1. cr-pen ad,iectiae. 2. cooo adiectioe. 3. rrvrqocrxr ad,iectioe. srRArcHT adiec-tirse. sEEunblended. SHAMELESS. IMMATERIAL.
1. sNDr-rss. 2. umnn2. ABANDONED.
l. cr-Ben ad;iectioe. 2. coop ad.iectioe. RID.
uncandor 2. Not required,n9cgssary, or warrantedby the circumstances of the case. UnGandOr twun Lack of sincerity. UnGanny adiectioe 9t q mysteriguslystrangeand usu. frightening nature. uncarlng adiectioe Not sympathetic. unceasin! a.diectioe Existing or.occurring without intemrption or end. unceremonious adieah:e Not formal or ceremonious. UncefemoniOUSneSSrwttn Lack or avoidanceof formality. uncertain ad,iectioe l. Experiencingdoubt. 2. Not a.ffordingcertainty. 3. Liable to more than one interpretation. 4. In doubt or dispute 5. Marked by lack of firm decisionor commitment:of questionableoutcome. 6. Capableof or liable to change. 7. Given to or exhibitinghesitaEon. !. Fgllowing no predictablepattern. 9. Of dubiouscharacter. uncertainty twu,n l. A lack of convictionor certainty. 2. The quality or state of being ambiguous. unchangeable adiectioe Incapab.leof changingor being modffied. unchangang adiectioe l. Remainingcontinuallyunchanged. 2. Havine no variations. uncharitaSle a.diecthse Not sympathetic. unchaite' adiectioe Not chasteor moral. uncivil adiecthse f . Having or showinga lack of respect. 2. Not civilized. uncivif ized adiectioe l. Not civilized: an uncioilizedpeople. 2. Lacking in delicacyor refinement. uncfad ad,iecthse Not wearingany clothes. unclasp oerb To free from Uesor fasteners. Uncfean adiecthse l. Covered or stainedwith or as if with dirt or other impurities. 2. Not chasteor moral. 3. Ceremo.i"lly or reli$ously unfit. uncfeanliness nuun The condition or state of being ditty. uncleanly adiecth:e l. Covered or stainedwith or as if with dirt or other impurities. 2. Not chasteor moral.
992 2. welrrox ad;iectioe.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
pounrrur,. eunrcuous. eMsrcuous. nnserABr,r. rr.rornrvrrr.
6. 7. 8. 9.
cneNcnABLE. nnsrrex-r. cepnrcrous. snaov.
1. oounr twun. 2. vecunrgnss. INFLEXIBLE.
1. coNsrsrBNr. 2. svExr adiectirse. UNSYMPATHETIC. IMPURE.
1. orsnrspncrFur,. 2. uNcrvrr-rzro. 1. Syns; barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, primiUve, rude, savage, uncivil, uncultivated, wild. 2. coensr. NUDE.
1. onry
2. nrpunn. 3. rupunp. DIRTINESS.
1, ornry adiectioe. 2. rupunn.
993 uncleanness rmun 1. The condition or state of being dirty. 2. Impure condition. adiectioe unclear 1. Not clearly perceived or perceptible; an unnlear oiew throu,gh the vrng an urrcLear recollection.
2. Not affording certainty. 3. Liable to more than one interpretation.
1. nrnrrmrss. 2. rupunrrv. 1. Syns;blear, bleary, cloudy, dim, faint, foggF,huzy, hazy, indefinite, indistinct, misty, obscure,shadowy,undistinct, vague,vaporous(alsovapory). 2. evnrcuous. 3. errasrcuous.
unclearness noun The quality or state of being ambiguous.
unclose oerb To become or cause to become open. perb unclothe l. To remove all the clothing from. 2. To make visible; bring to view. adiecthse uncfothed Not wearing any clothes.
Free from clouds, mist, etc. ad,iecthse uncomely Not handsome or beautiful. adiecthse uncomfortable 1. Causing discomfort: a lu.nryy, uncomfortable mattress. 2. Characterized by embarrassment and discomfort. adiectioe uncomforting Causing discomfort. a.diectioe uncomfi Infonnnl. Causing discomfort. adiecthre uncommitted Not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under dispute. unGOmmOn ad;iectioe 1. Rarely occurring or appearing. 2. Far beyond what is usual, normal, or customary.
opnx oerb. 1. srnrpl. 2, nrveer-. NUDE.
cLEAR adiecthse. PLArNadiectioe. 1. Syns; comfortless, uncomfotting, uncomfy (lnfonrwl). 2. ewxwenn.
1. nrrnrqunNr. 2. nenn.
uncommunicative adiectioe 1. Not friendly, sociable,or wann in manner. 2. Not speakingfreely or openly. uncommunicativeness rwun The keeping of one's thoughtsand emoUonsto oneself. uncompassionate adiectitse Not sympathetic. uncom'pened ad,iectioe Done by one'sown choice. uncompensated adiectioe Contributing one's time without pay. uncompliant ad,iecttue 1. Firmly, often unreasonably immovable in purpose or
will. 2. Refusingor failing to obey. uncomplimentary adiectioe Tending or intending to belittle. uncomprehending ad,iecthn Unwilling or unable to perceive. uncomPrehensible adiectioe Incapable of being gasped by the intellect or understanding.
1. coor, adiectitse. 2. recrrunx. RESERVE TWIM.
1. srunsonN. 2. orsosporENT. DISPARACING. BLIND adieAioe. TNCOMPREHENSIBLE.
uncompromising adiectioe l. Indicating or possessingdetermination, resolution, or persistence. 2. Conforming completely to established rule. 3. Firmly, often unreasonably immovable in purpose or will. unconGeivable ad:iectioe Not plausible or believable. UnCOnCefn r.oun Lack of emotion or interest. UnGOncerned adiectioe l. Lacking or marked by a lack of care. 2, f ,acking interest in one's surroundings or worldly affairs. 3. Without emotion or interest. unconditional adiecthse l. Without limitations or mitigating conditions: an urrcon^ditiornl 2. Having no reservations. unconditidned ad,iectioe Without limitaUons or mitigating condiUons. Unconfined adiectioe Able to move about at will without bounds or restraint. uncongenial a.d;iectitse 1. Devoid of harmonv and accord. 2. Arousing deep-sealed dislike. unconquerable adiecthte Incapable of being-adieciilse c_onquered,overrun, or subjugated. unconscionable 1. Beyond all reason. 2. Vastly exceeding a normal limit, as in cost. 3. Lacking scruples or principles. unconscious adiectioe 1. Lacking consciousness:lcnockedurwonscious by the Wnch. 2. Not aware or informed. unconsequential adiectioe Contemptibly unimportant. unconsid-ered ad,iictioe 1. Having no particular pattern, pu{pose, orgarrization, or structure. 2. Contemptibly unimportant.
1. rrnul. 2. srnrcr. 3. srusronN. IMPLAUSIBLE. APATI{Y.
l. cenei-nss. 2. orrecnno. 3. aperrurrc. l. Synst absolute, unconditioned, unqualifi ed, unreserved. 2. rupr-rcrr.
LoosE ad.iectiae. l. n*renruoNrous. 2. ervrrperHETrc. IAIVTNCIBLE.
l. ournecBous. 2. srrppl. 3. uNscnupulous. 1. Syns; cold (Infomal), inconsciorx, insensible, senseless.-Idiun out like a light. 2. Icxone.r.rr. PETTY.
1. nervnou. 2. prrry.
Not readily noticed or seen.
unconstraifted adiecthse Lacking in moral restraint.
uncontrollability noun The quality or condition of being unruly. uncontrollable adiectioe Not submitting to discipline or control.
uncontrollableiess twun The quality-or condition of being unmly. uncontrolled adiectioe 1. Out of control. 2. Lacking in moral restraint. UnCOnVentiOnal adiectitse Not usual or ordinarv. unconvincing adiecthte Not plausible or believable. uncooked adiectioe Not cooked.
1. nuNewat adiecthseat run away. 2. asANDoNEo. UNUSUAL. IMPLAUSIBLE. RA\,I/.
995 unGOrpOral adiectioe Havingno body, form, or substance. uncorrdpted adiectioe Free from evil and corruPtion. uncountable adiectbe Too p:reatto be calculated.
uncouFle oerb
onethingfrom anotherthing. To separate uncoupling noun
The act or processof detaching. uncouth adiectioe Lacking in delicacyor refinement. unCOVer oerb 1. To find by investigation:a reporteruho uncooered the true facts of the murder. 2. To makebare. 3. To makevisible;b.ittg to view. 4. To disclosein a breach of confidence. 5. To lay open,asto somethingundesirableor injurious. UnGOVered adiecthse Having no protecting or concealingcover. uncreative adiecthse Lacking originality. uncritical adiectioe Lacking in intellectual depth or thoroughnes. unctious a.iliecthse Affectedly and self-servinglyearnest. unctuous adiectioe 1. Affectedly and self-servinglyearne*: The ambassadorhad,an oozi;ngunctuun nunwIen 2. Having the qualities of fat. uncuftivated adiectiae l. Lacking in delieacyor refinement. 2. Not civilized. 3. In a primitive state;not domesticatedor cultivated. UnCUt adiectioe Not shortenedbv omissions. undamaged adiectioe In excellentcondition. undaunted adiectioe Having or showingcourage. undecided adiectioe 1. Experiencingdoubt. 2. Not affordingcertainty. 3. Marked by lack of firm decisionor commitrnent;of questionableoutcome. undeGisive adiecthse Given to or exhibiting hesitation. undeclared adiectioe 1. Not voiced or expressed. 2. Conveyedindirectly without words or speech. undefiled adiectioe Free from evil and corruption. undemonstrated ad,iectioe Not testedor proved. undemonstrative adiecthse Not friendly, socirable,or warrn in manner. undeniable adiectioe l. In agreementor correspondence with fact. 2. Establishedbeyonda doubt.
1. Syns;dig up (or out), hrn up, unearth. -Iiliom bring to light. 2. sr'rtnoerb. 3. nnvBer-. 4. nrrnev. 5. pxposn.
ovn* a.diectiae. STERILE. SUPERFICIAL.
l. Syns: fulsome, oiln oleaginous, sleek, smanny, unctious. 2. rerrv adiectioe. 1. coensn. 2. uxcrvrr.rzno. 3. wn p adiectioe. coMPLETEadiecthse. e'no a.diectiae. BRAVEadiectioe. 1. pousrFur-. 2. evsrcuous. 3. rNosrrMTE.
1. srr-nrvr. 2. rupr.rcrr. TNNocENT ad:iectioe, UNTRTED. coor
1. ecruer-. 2. csnrerN.
undependable undependable adiecthse l. Not to be depended on: an undependabte bridge rceding maintenantce; undependable umather. " 2. So weak or defective as to be hable to fail. under odiectioe Of subordinate standing or importance.
underager rwun
The condition or fact of being deficient. underage2 adiectitse Not yet a lesal adult.
under6over adiectioe Existingor operating1n_ a waysoasto ensurecomplete
l. Syns; trustless, unreliiable, untnrstworthy. 2. rnrcr ad.iectine. MrNoR adiectioe. SHORTAGE.
MrNoR adiec-tioe. sEcRETadiectioe.
concealment and confidentialiW.
underdeveloped ad;iecth:e Not progessing and developing as fast as others, as in economic and social aspects.
underdog rroun A- person lirirg under very unhappy circumstances. undergo oerb T_op*ti"tpate in or partal<e of personally.
undeieartF a^diectioe Located or operating beneath tlre earth's surface.
underground adiedtoe Located or operating beneaththe earth's surface:oelh that tap undnrground,poolsof fresh usater. underground rwun A clandestineorganizationof freedom fig[rtersin an oppressedland. underhand a.diec-tioe Marked by treacheryor deceit: sach underhand. buircss practicesas profiteeringand false ad,oertising. underhanded adiectioe 1. Lacking the requisiteworkersor players:an underhanded typing pool. 2. Marked by treacheryor deceit. underhandedness rronn T,ack-ofstraightforwardness and honestyin action. underline oirb To accord emphasisto. underf ined adiecthse Expressedor performedwith emphasis. Un0efllng nuun One belonfirnf te a lower classor rank. underfying" tiectioe 1. Of or being an irreducible element. 2. Arisingfro-mor goingto the root or source. undermanned adiectioe F"khg the requisiteworkersor players. Un0efmlne oerb 1. To lessenor depletethe nerve,enerry, or strength of. 2. To 9qr"g", destroy,or defeatby sabotage. Un0efmlnlng rwun A deliberateand underhandedeffort to defeator do harm to an endeavor. undermosl ad,iectioe Oppositeto or farthestfrom the top. underneath rwun A side or surfacethat is below or under.
|IOUN. oerb.
uNDERcRouNo ad,iectio e. Syns: hypogeal (aho hypogean, hlpogeous ), subterrane, subterranean, subterrene, subterrestrial, underearth. RESISTANCE.
Syns: devious, disingenuous, duplicitous, guileful, indirect, shifty, sneaking, snealcy, underhanded. l. Syns; shorthanded, undermanned. 2. urvnrnnerp. INDIRECTION. EMPHASIZE. EMPHATIC. SUBORDINATE
l. rr,runNrer-. 2. neprcar. ad;iectitse.
1. nrvsnvA.rn. 2. sesorecn oerb. SABOTAGE |WUN,
BorroM adiectioe. BOTTOM
997 underpinning rwu,n l. The lowestor supportingpart or structure. 2. A means or device that keeps something erect, stable, or secure.
l. sessl rwun. 2. supponr norrrr,.
underprivileged adiecthse Economicallyand sociallybelow standard. underprivileged rwun A personli"i"g under very unhappy circumstances. underscore oerb To accordemphasisto. underscored adiecthse Expressedor performed with emphasis. underside nuun A side or surfacethat is below or under. undersign oerb To affix one's signafureto. understand oerb 1. To perceive and recognizethe meaning of: The teacherspokeslnoly and,sirnply so tha.t all cotild undersnrd him.
2. To perceive directly with the intellect. ad,iectioe underst^andable Capable of being readily understood: mumbled in a uay tlwt his audience fomd sca.rcely understnndabb.
stcx oerb. 1. Syns; accept, apprehend, catch, catch on (Infonrnl ), compass, comprehend, conceive, dig (Slaag), fathom, follow, get (Infonrwl), grasp, ken (Scot.), make out, read, sawy (Slalng), see, sense (Infonrwl), take, take in, twig. -Iiliorn get the picture. 2. xxow. Syns; comprehensible, fathomable, intelligible, knowable.
understanding ad,iecthse
Cognizantof and comprehendingthe needs,feelings, problems, and views of others: an und,erstanding counsekr. understanding rwtrrr 1. The faculty of thinking reasoning and acquiring and applying knowledge. 2. Intellectualhold. 3. An act or stateof ageeing betweenparties regardinga courseof action. understood adiectioe Conveyedindirectly without words or qpeech. underta'ke oerb 1. To go about the inifral step in doing (something). 2. To take upon oneself. 3. To make an attempt to do or make. 4. To assumean obligation. undertaking noun 1. An effort to do or make something. 2. Somethingundertaken,esp.somethingrequiring extensiveplanning and work. undertone rwun A subtle qtnlity underlying or felt to underlie a situation,action,or person. undenryriter nunl One who assumesfinancial responsibilityfor another. undescribable od,iectioe That cannotbe described. undesigned adiectiae Not intended. undesirable adiectioe 1. Not welcomeor wanted. 2. Arousingdisapproval.
Syns; empathic (o/so empathetic), sympathetic.
1. wrrr.r,rcrNcn. 2. cnesp rwun. 3. ecnppunvr.
1, srenr oerb. 2. essuur. 3. rrrnvryr oerb. 4. u.nocn rnrb. 1. er:rrupt twun. 2. rnopcr rwun.
l. uuwnrrovn adiectioe. 2. onync-noNABLE.
undesired undesired adiectine Not welcomeor wanted. undetected a"diectirse Not found. undetermined adiectioe 1. Lacking preciselimits. 2. Marked by lack of firm decisionor commitment;of questionable outcome. undeieloped adiectioe Not progessing and developingas fast as others,as in economicand socialaspects. undevised a.diectirse Not intended. undifuted adiecthse l. Free from extraneouselements. 2. Not diluted or mixed with other substances. undipfomatic adiectitse Lacking sensitivityand skill in dealing with others. undisciplined odiectioe Not submittingto disciplineor control. undiscovered adiectioe Not found. undisguised adiecthse Speakingor spokenfreely and sincerely. undisputable ad.iectioe Establishedbeyonda doubt. undissembling' ad,iectioe Executed without pretenseor obfuscation. undistincl adiecth:e Not clearly perceivedor perceptible. undistinguishable ad;iectiae Incapableof being apprehendedby the mind or the senses. undistinguished ad,iectine Of little distinction. undivided a.diecttue Not diffusedor dispersed. undo oerb l. To free from ties or fasteners:Shegently wrdid the bow and openedthe package. 2. To removeor invalidateby or asif by runninga line through or wiping clean. 3. To becomeor causeto becomeopen. 4. To causethe completeruin or wreckageof. 5. To lessenor depletethe nerve,enerry, or strength of. 6. To lure or persuadeinto a sexualrelationship. undoing rwu,n 1. Somethingthat causestotal lossor severe impairmentof one'shealth, fortune,honor, hopes, etc. 2. Severedamageor decayrenderingsomethinguseless or worthless. undomesticated ad,iecthse In a primitive state;not domesticatedor cultivated. undoubted a.d.iectitse Not counterfeitor coPied. undoubting adiectioe 1. Having no reservations. 2. Having no doubt.
998 uNwELcoMn adiectioe. UNFOUND.
l. rmnnrrxrrr. 2. rlrosnNnrE.
BAcrflr*ARD adiecthse.
UNINTENTIONAL. 1. punr ad;iectioe.
2. srnarcnr adiectioe. TACTLESS. UNRULY. UNFOUND.
PLArNadiectioe. UNCLEAR.
1. Syns; disengage, loose, loosen, slip, unbind, unclasp, unfasten, unloose, unloosen, untie. 2. celcpr-. 3. opnN oerb. 4. orsrnov. 5. nxpnvetn. 6. srnucn. 1. nurN twun.
2. num nuun.
wr-o ad:iectitse. AUTHENTIC.
l. rupr-rcrr. 2. sunn.
999 undress rmun The state of being without clothes. undress oerb To remove all the clothing from. a.d;iectbe undressed Not wearing any clothes. adiecthse undue Exceeding a normal or reasonable limit.
undulate oerb 1. To have or cause to have a curved or sinuous form or surface. 2. To move sinuously. adaerb unduly Too much: und,uly corweited. adiectioe undying Not being subject to death.
unearth oerb To find by investigation. unearthly adiectioe f . Ol coming from, or relating to forces or beings that exist outside the natural world. 2. Of a mysteriously strange and usu. frightening nahrre. 3. So senselessas to be lauglrable. Unease rwun Arxious concern.
l. wevr. 2. sr,rrnrn. Syns; over, overmuch, super (Inforrnal). IMMORTAL. UNCOVER.
l. suprnNeruRAr-. 2. wnrno. 3. roor-rsn. AN'(IETY.
uneasiness rroun l. Anxious concern. 2. An uneasy or nervous state. UneaSy ad;iectine l. Affording no quiet, repose, or rest. 2.ln a state of uneasiness. 3. Feeling or exhibiting nervous tension. 4. Characterized bv embarrassment and discomfort.
1. eNxmrv. 2. nrsrr-rssNEss. 1. 2. 3. 4.
nnstr.nss. erv:rrous. rncv. ewrweno.
uneducated adiecitr:e Without education or knowledge. unemotional ad,iectioe 1. Not affected by or showing emotion. 2. With little or no emotion or expression.
unemployed adiectine 1. Out of work. 2. Ngt occupiedor put to use. unending ahiectioe l. Existingor occurringwithout intemrption or end. 2. Enduringfor all time. unendurabld a^diecthse Not capableof being enduredor tolerated. unenfightened ad,iectioe 1. Not awareor informed. 2. Exhibiting lack of educationor knowledge. unenthusiastlic adiectiae Lacking warmth, interest, enthusiasm,or involvement. unequal adiecthse l. Not fair, right, or just. 2. LacJcingcapability. unequaled a.diectioe Without equal or rival. unequivocal ad,iectioe 1. Clearly, fully, and sometimesemphatically expressed. 2. Clearly defined;not ambiguous.
1. cor,u adiectioe. 2. nny ad;iectioe. 1. wonxr.nss. 2. torn adiecthse. l. courrNuer,. 2. nNor.sss. UNBEARABLE.
1. rcNonevr. 2. rcNonervr. TEPID.
l. uurern. 2. weorguern. UMQUE.
1. onrrxrr-. 2. snenp a.diecti,w.
unerring 3. Completelysuch,without qualificationor exception. Unerrfng adiectioe Suchas could not possiblyfail or disappoint. unessential adiecthse Not necessary. unethical adiec-thse 1. Ruthlesslyseekingpersonaladvantage. 2. Lacking scruplesor principles. UneVen adiectioe 1. Lacking consistencyor regularity in quality or performanceian urwuennooel,at timesflat and at times rnootng. 2. Not straight,uniform, or qymmetrical. 3. Having a coarse,irregular zurface. UneVenness noun Lack of smoothness or regularity. unexampled adiectioe Without equal or rival. unexceptional a.diectioe Beingof no specid quality or type. unexplainable ad,iezaoe 1. That cannotbe explained. 2. Difficult to explainor understand. unexposed adiectioe Not found. Unexpressed adiectioe 1. Not voiced or expressed. 2. Conveyedindirectly without words or speech. unexpressible adiectioe That cannotbe described. unexpurgated adiectine Not shortenedby omissions. unfailing odiectirse l. Remainingcontinuallyunchanged. 2. Such as could not possiblyfail or disappoint. unfair adiectioe Not fair, riglrt, or just: unfair howinglnws. unfairness rwnn Lack of iustice. unfaithful adiectioe Not true to duty or obligation. unfaithfulness nuttn Betrayal,esp.of a moral obligation. unfamiliar odiectioe 1. Showingmarkeddeparturefrom previouspractice. 2. Not awareor informed. unfamiliarity noun The condiUonof being uninformed. unfasten oerb To free from ties or fasteners. unfastened ad,iecttue Freed from contactor connection. unfathomable adiecth:e l. Difficult to explainor understand. 2. Incapableof being gasped by the intellect or understanding. unfavorable odiecthse 1. Tendingto discourage,retard, or make more difficult weather unfaoorublefor hang-glidi.ngan unfaoorabl,eecotwTLicclimate.
1000 3. urrnn2. SURE. UNNECESSARY. 1. connusr ad;iectioe. 2. uxscnupulous. 1. Syns; on-again-off-again, unsteady, variable.
2. rnnncur,en. 3. noucn.
UNIQUE. oRDTNARY adiectioe. 1. rrrxpr.rcABr,r.
2. uvsrrnrous. UNFOUND.
1. srr.rNr. 2. rupr.rcrr.
coMPLETE ad,iectioe. 1. coxsrsrrvr. 2. sunn. Syns;inequitable,injust (Obs.),unequal, unjust. rNtrJsTrcE. FAITIILESS. FAITHLESSNESS.
1. r.rrw. 2. rcNonanvr. IGNORANCE, UNDO. cLEAR
1. r"rvsrrnrous. 2. rNcorr,rpnEHENsrBLE.
1. Syns: adverse, disadvantageous, negative, unadvantageous, unsatisfactory, untoward.
1001 2. Bringing predicting,or chatacterizedby misfortune. unfeasible ad,iectioe Not capabteof happeningor being done. unfeeling adiectioe 1. Lacking physical feeling or sensitivity. 2. Totally lackingin compassion. unfeigned adiectine Devoid of arryhlpocrisy or pretense. unfinished ad,iectioe Not perfected,elaborated,or completed. unfit adiectioe 1. Not suitedto a given puryose:a hune mfit for hurnn habitation;an aircraft unfit far flight. 2. Totally incapableof doing a job. 3. Lacking capability. unfit oerb To make incapable,as of doing a job: a heart condition unfittinghim to be a pilnt. unfitness twu,n The conditionof being improper. unfitting adiectioe Not suitedto circumstances. unflagging adiec-tioe Having or showinga capacity for protracted effort, regardlessof dfficulty or frustration. unffippable adiectioe Shg.Not easilyexcited,evenunder pressure. unflawed adiectine Supremelyexcellent in q,rality or nature. unflexible adiecthse Not changingshapeor bending. unfold oerb 1. To move or arrangeso as to cover a larger area. 2. To be disclosedgradually. unfolding rwun A progressionfrom a simpleform to a more complex one. unforbearing adiectioe Not able or willing to tolerate or endure with equanimity. unf6rced adiectioe Done bv one'sown choice. unforgiv;ble a.d,iectiae Impossibleto excuse,pardon,or justify. unfoimed adiectioe Having no distinct shape. unfortunate adiectioe l. Involving or undergoingchancemisforhrne:on utfornnrate tum of eoents;an unfortunate maniaga 2. Characterizedby inappropriatenessand gacelessness, expressionian unfortunate,illtimed rennrk. 3. Woflhy of severedisapproval. unfortunate rrou,n A personliving under very unhappycircumstances: social workerstrying to help the world's unforturwtes. unfound ad:iectioe Not found: hitheno unfund Egyptian tombs.
2. r,tLD. u\,{PossIBLE. 1. oBeo adiecthse. 2. cor-o-sr,ooDED. CENUINE. ROUGH.
l. Syns; ill-suited, inappropriate, inapt, unsuitable,unsuited. 2. wcoupnrENT. 3. rxeorguern. Syns; disable,disqualify, unable, unqualify. IMPROPRIETY. TMPROPER. TIRELESS.
coor ad,iectioe. PERFEcT adiectiae. RIGID.
1. spnreo trrb. 2. npvnr-op.
1. Syns; hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless, misfortunate, star-crossed, unhappy, unlucky, untoward. 2, Syns: awkward, ill-chosen, inappropriate, inept, infelicitous, unhappy. 3. onpr.onenr-n. Syns; loser, miserable, underdog, underprivileged, wretch. -ldiom poor devil. Syns: undetected, undiscovered, unexposed.
unfounded unfounded adiecthn Having no basis or foundation in fact.
unfoundedly adoerb Without basisor foundation in fact: uas unfoundedty clnrged uith theft. unfre{'uented adiec-titse Empty of ^people. unfriin'df y ailiecthse Fee-lingor showingunfriendliness. ungainfy adiectioe Lacking dexterity and gracein physicalmovement. ungovernable adiectiae Not submiltirg to disciplineor control. ungovernablen'ess nmun The quality or condiUonof being unruly. UngOverned adiectioe Lacking in moral restraint. ungraceful adieaioe Lacking dexterity and gracein physicalmovement. UngraG|OUS adiectioe l. Lacking good manners. 2. Devoid of considerationfor others'feelings. ungfaciousness rroun L,ackof cordiality and hospitableness. ungrateful adieah:e l. Not apt to be appreciated. 2. Not_showingor feeling gratitude. unguarded adiectioe protected. Inadequately unhandlr adiictioe 1. Difficult to handleor manage. 2. Not accessibleor handy. unhappiness rwnn l. A stateof prolongedanguishand privation. 2. A feelingor qpellof dismallylow spirits. unhappy adiectioe l. In low qpirits. 2. Involving or undergoingchancemisfortune. 3. Characterizedby inappropriateness and gacelessness, expression. unharmed adiectiw Free from danger,injury, or the threat of harm. unharmonious a.diectine l. Devoid of harmonvand accord. 2. Characterizedby unpleasantdiscordanceof sound. unhealthy adiectioe 1. Not zustainingor promotinghealth. 2. Utterly reprehensiblein nahre or behavior. 3. Susceptibleto or markedby preoccupationwith unwholesomematters. 4. Morally detrimental. unheard-ot adiectioe Unknownby name. unheeding a.diectioe Showingno concern,attention,or regard. unhesitating adiectioe Having no reservations. unhinge oerb l. To disturb the health or physiologicalfunctioningof. 2. To makeinsane.
Syns: groundlessly, unwarrantedly.
l. nupn. 2. ruoucHTlEss.
1. nraxxr,pss. 2. rHervxr.nss. INSECURE.
t . AWKV/ARD. 2. 1. ursnnv. 2. cr,oou. 1. Drpnrssso. 2. urvronruNnn adiectioe. 3. uxronruN trn adiecthse.
1. 2. 1 . UNWHOLESOME. 2 . coRRUPTadiectine. 3. MONBID. 4. oBscuREad;iectiae. MINDLESS.
l. vpsnr oerb. 2. nsRANcr.
1003 unhorse oerb To bring about the downfall of. adiectioe unhospiEble So disagreeably austere as to discourage approach. adiectioe unhurried Careful and slow in acting, moving, or deciding. adiectioe unhurt 1. Free from danger, injury, or the threat of harm. 2. In excellent condition. rwun unicity The quality or condition of being unique. rwun unification 1. A bringing together into a whole: The USSR is a tnst rntion resalting from th,e ufification of mary autorwmous republics. 2. The result of combining. adiecthse unified Closely connected by or as if by a treaty. adiectioe uniform l. Having no variations. 2. Possessingthe same or almost the same characteristics.
1. seru. 2. coon ad,iectioe. UMQUENESS.
1. Syns: coalition, consolidation, union, unity. 2. corusrNerroll. ALLIED.
1. nvnNr ad;iectioe. 2. tnrs.z.
unify oerb l. To make into a whole by joining a system of parts. 2. To combine and adapt in order to attain a particular effect. ad;iectiae unimaginable Not to be believed.
unimaginative ad,iectioe 1. Lackingliveliness, charm,or sulprise. 2. Lacking originality. unimpaired adiectioe In excellent condition. adieaioe unimpeded Free from obstructions.
1. rr.rrncRArn r:erb. 2. nenuorvrzn.
1. our,r- adiectioe. 2. srnnrr-n. cooo adiectioe. cLEAR adiectine.
unimportance rwun Lack of importance.
unimportant adiectioe Not of great importance.
unimpressionable adiectioe Not capable of being afiected or impressed. uninforfied adiectioe Not aware or informed.
uninhibited adieaioe Lacking in moral restraint.
uninitiat-e nmun One lacking professionalskill and easein a particular pursuit. uninjured a.diectioe 1. Free from danger,injury, or the threat of harm. 2. In excellentcondition. uninspired adiecthse 1. Lacking liveliness,charm,or surprise. 2. Lacking originality. unintefligent adiectilse a complete lack of forethought and good H1|:n* unintefligible adiectioe 1. Liable to more than one interpretation. 2. Incapableof being gasped by the intellect or understanding.
l. sern. 2. cooo ad;iectioe. 1. our.r- a.diecthse. 2. srnnu.n. MINDLESS.
unintended unintended adiectioe Not intended.
unintentional adiectioe Not intended: on udtntenti,onalilelay; an u'ninten'tisn&I gafe. uninterested ad,iectioe 1. Without emotionor interest. 2. Lacking interestin one'ssurroundingsor worldly affairs. uninteresting adiectioe Arousingno interestor curiosity. a"diecthse uninterrupted Existingor occurringwithout intemrption or end. uninvited adiectiae Not welcomeor wanted. uninviting ad,iectioe So disagreeablyaustereas to discourageapproach. uninvolved adiectioe Not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under dispute. union rwun 1. A group of people united in a relationshipand havingsomeinterest,activity, or purposein common:a trad.eunian; a union of fu"ft resisters. esp.of nationsfor a commoncause. 2. An association, 3. The result of combining. 4. A point or positionat which two or more thingsare joined. 5. An identity or coincidenceof interests,purPoses'or syrnpathiesamongthe membersof a goup. 6. A bringingtogetherinto a whole. unique a"diectioe 1. Without equal or rival: on artist untque in ueatioity.
2. Alone in a given categorY.
uniqueness nou,n
The quality or condition of being unique: the u.ntqienesiof the dinmond. uniquitY naun The quality or condition of being unique' unit rwun A group of people organizedfor a particular purpose' unite oerb 1. To bring or come togetherinto a united whole' 2. To assembleor join in a gouP. unity twun 1. The condition of being onetorguedthe unitg of God and rwture. 2. T\e state of individuals who are in utter ageement. 3. Abringing togetherinto a whole. 4. An identity or coincidenceof interests,Purposes,or sympathiesarnongthe-membersof a group: belieoed that there was strength in unitY. universal adiectioe l. So pervasiveand all-inclusiveasto existin or a'ffect
Syns; inadvertent, undesigned, undevised, unintended, unmeant, unplanned, unpremeditated, unthinking, unwitting. 1. lp.rrrnnc. 2. orrecnro.
1. $yns; association, club, confederation, congress, federation, fellowshiP, fraternity, guild, league, order, organization, societY. 2. er-r-rervcn. 3. corvrsrNATloN. 4. lorNr rwun. 5. unnrv. 6. uurncetrox. 1. Syns: alone, apart, incomparable, matchless, nonpareil, only, peerless, unequaled (a/so unequalled), uneiampled, unmatched, unparalleled unrivaled (also unrivdled). 2. r.oxr. Syns; oneness, singleness, unicitY, "niquity. UNIQUENESS. FORCE nnun, 1. couswr
2, s^Nfr Derb. 1. Syns; oneness,singleness,singularity. 2. nenuor+v. 3. uxrrrcerrorq. 4. Syns; oneness,solidarity, union.
1. Syns; catholic, cosmic, cosmopolitan,
1005 the whole world: a unhsersal fear of rrucl'ear war; unioersal trutlw. 2. Belonging or pertaining to the whole. 3. Ever present in all places: belieoed in a unioersal dipirw spirit guiding men. universal rwun A broad and basic rule or truth.
universalize oerb the treatnwntof To makeuniversal:rulesgooerning by the CermsaCorusentian. POW'suninsersalized universe noun 1. The totality of all existing things: studied the beginnings and the contim,ing dnoelopnwnt of the uniaerse. 2. The human race. adiectioe unjust Not fair, riglrt, or just.
unjustifiable adiectioe Impossibleto excuse,pardon,or justify. uniustness twun Lack of jusUce. unkempt adiectioe Marked by an absenceof cleanlinessand order. unknowing adiectine Not aware or informed. unfade oerb To removethe cargoor load from. unfawful adiecthse l. Contrary to accepted,eqp.moral conventions:an unlnnful ln:e. 2. Prohibitedby law. 3. Ol involving or being a crime. 4. Born out of wedlock. unfawfulness rroun The state or quality of being illegal. unfearned adiectioe 1. Without educationor knowledge. 2. Lacking the requisite scholarshipor instruction. unf ike adiectioe Not like another in nature, qudity, amount, or form. unlikefy adiectioe Not likelv. unlikenes3 twun The condition of being unlike or dissimilar. unlimited ad,iectitse l. Having no endsor limits. 2. Completely such,without qualification or exception. unload oerb 1. To remove the cargo or load from: lnngshorenten unlaading carcfronr a freighter. 2. To unburden oneselfof by pouring out (one's troubles): He unloadedall of his mnritnl problenwon ma. 3. To get rid of completely by selling, esp. in quantity or at discount. unfoose oerb To free from ties or fasteners. unloosen oerb To free from ties or fasteners. unlovefy ad,iectioe Not handsomeor beautiful.
ecumenical, global, pandemic, planetary, worldwide. 2. cnNsRAl. 3. Syns; omnipresent, ubiquitous.
Syn; generalize.
1. Syns; cosmos, creation, macroeosm, macrocosmos, megacosm, nature, world. 2. UNFAIR.
1. Syns; illicit, lawless,wrongful. 2. l.l-r;ncx. 3. cnruwer, a.diectioe. 4. r.rrcrrurae.rn. ILLECALITY.
1. rr.ror-nss. 2. urrsn2. 1. Syns; disburden,discharge,unlade. 2. Syn:d*p. 3. spr,r.orr at sell.
PLAIN odieaioe.
unluck unluck rwun ChieflaRegiornl.Badfortune. unlucki-nesi nurn Badfortune. unlucky adiectioe l. Involving or undergoing chance misfortune. 2. Portending future &saster. 3. Disturbing because of failure to measure up to a standard or produce the desired results.
l. urvronruNtrn adiectirse. 2. rernrur,. 3. orsepporNTrNc.
unmanageability rwun The quality or condition of being unruly. unmanageable adiectioe 1. Not submitting to discipline or control. 2. Difficult to handle or manage.
unmanliness noun Ignoble lack of courage. unmanly adiectioe l. Ignobly lacking in courage. 2. Having qualities more appropriate to women than men. Unmannered adiectir:e Executed without pretense or obfuscation. unmannerly adiectioe Lacking good manners. unmarked adiectioe Free from flaws or blemishes. Unmarred adiectioe In excellent condition. unmarried adiectiae Without a spouse.
1. urvnur.y. 2. ewxwann. COWARDICE.
1. cowennr,y. 2. rrrnurwern adiectiae.
PLAINadiectioe. RUDE. cLEAR adiectioe. cooo adiectitse. sTNGLEadiectiae.
unmask oerb To make visible; bring to view. unmatched a.d;iectioe Without equal or rival. Unmeant adiecthse Not intended.
unmentionable adiectioe That may not be spoken of or uttered. unmerciful adiectiae Having or showing no mercy.
unmindful odiectioe Showing no concern, attention, or regard.
unmistakable adiectioe 1. Easily seen through due to a lack of subtlety. 2. Clearly defined; not ambiguous. unmitigatild adiecthse Completely such, without qualification or exception. adiectioe unmixed 1. Free from extraneous elements. 2. Not diluted or mixed with other substances. adiectiae unmovable Firmly in posiUon. unmOved adiectioe Not sympathetic. ad.iectioe Unmoving Firmly in posiUon. adiectioe unmusical Characterized by unpleasant discordance of sound. adiectitse Unnamed Having an unknown name or author.
1. uxsusrlr. 2. snenp adiectioe. urrnR2.
1. punn adiectioe. 2. srnercnr adiectioe. TIXED. UNSYMPATHETIC. FIXED.
1007 unnatural adiectiae l. Departing from the normal. 2. Greatly exceedingor departingfrom the normal courseof nature. UnneGeSSary ad;iecthse ru.tghrwssin football; urawcessary Not necessaryz anoidednwking uwwcessry trips in the car. unneeded adiectiae Not necessary. unnegotiable adiectioe Incapableof being usedor availedof to advantage. Unnerve oerb To lessenor depletethe nerve,energy,or strengthof. unnoticeable ad,iectioe l. Not readily noticed or seen. 2. Incapable of being apprehendedby the mind or the senses. unobjectionable ad:iectirse Capableof being accepted. unobservable adiectioe Incapableof being apprehendedby the mind or the senses. unobstructed adiecthse Free from obstructions. unobtrusive ad,iectioe 1. Not readily noticed or seen. 2. Not showy or obtrusive. 'adiectiae unoccupied Not spokenfor or occupied. unotfensive adiecthte Devoid of hurtful qualities. unordinary o.diectioe Not usualor ordinary. unoriginative ad;iecthse Lacking originality. unostentatious adiectioe Not elaborateor showy,asin appearanceor style. unostentatiousness naun Lack of ostentationor pretension. unpaid ad,iectioe 1. Contributingone'stime without pay: unpaid hospitaloolunteers. 2. Owed as a debt. unpalatable adiecthse 1. So unpleasantin flavor asto be inedible: sent the ur'ryalanble meal back to the kitchm. 2. Difficult to accept. unparalleled adiectioe Without equal or rival. unpardonable adiectioe Impossibleto excuse,pardon, or justify. unperceptive ad.iecthse Unwilling or unable to perceive. unPerfected ad,iectioe Not perfected,elaborated,or completed. unpitying adiectioe Not sympathetic. unpfanned adtiectioe l. Not intended.
1. enNonuer-. 2. pnBrpnNeruner-.
Syns; inessential, needless, nonessential, uncalled-for, unessential, unneeded, unrequired. UNNECESSARY.
cLEAR adiecthn.
1. Syns; uncompensated, unrecompensed, unremunerated, unsalaried. 2. ovn ad,iectioe. 1. Syns; distasteftil, unappetizing unsavory. 2. srrrEn ad,iectiae. UNIQUE.
1. urvrNrrrvrroNAr..
I |
unple unpleasant , . ,Having no particular patterrl purpose, organizaUon, 2.
(or structure. unple unpfeasant adiectioe
2. nervooru.
Not_pleasantor agreeable:an utpleasant odor; in an unpleasantmood. unpleasantness nDnn A discussion,often heated,in which a difierence of opinion is expressed. unfolished adiectit:e l. Not-perfected,elaborated,or completed. ?. !*tAn_g expert, careful craftsmanslip. 3. Of a plain and unsophisticatednahue. 4. Lacking good manners. 5. L_agking in delicacy or refinement. -adieaioe unpolitic
Sllns: bad, disagreeable, displeasing offensive.
L""ki"g sensitivityandskill in dealingwith others. unpracticed adieaioe 1. Lacking experienceand the knowledge gained from it. 2. Not testedor proved. -adiec-th:e unprecedented Show-ingmarked departure from previous practice. unprediclable adiilaun Following no predictable pattern. unpreiudiCed a.diectioe 1. Not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under diqpute. 2. Free from bias in judgment. unpremeditated adiectu:e 1. Acting or happeningwithout apparent forethought, prompting, or planning. 2. Not intended. unpresuming adiectiae Having or erpressingfeelingsof humility. unpretentious adiectiae f . Of little distinction. 2. Not formal or ceremonious. 3. Not elaborateor showy,as in appearanceor style. unpretentiousness twun lack of ostentationor pretension. unprincipled adiectloe l. Lacking scruplesor principles. 2. Ruthlesslyseekingpersonaladvantage. unprocessed adieaioe In a nahral state and still not prepared for use. unproductive adiec'tioe Lacking or_unableto producegrowingplantsor crops. unprogressiye adiecthn Clin$"g to obsoleteideas:utprogressioeoiews abufi rnlrwrity ,ightt. unprotected odieah>e 1. Having no protectingor concealingcover. 2. Devoid of help or protection. 3. Inadequatelyprotected. unproved adiectiae Not testedor proved. unqualified adiectioe l. Totally incapableof doing a job. 2. Lacking capability. 3. Completelysuch,without qualificationor exception. 4. Without limitations or mitigating conditions.
1. noucn. 2. ntror. 3. nusrrc adiec-th:e, 4. nuon. 5. coensr. TACTLESS.
1. rrvrxprnrENcED. 2. uvrnrnn. Nnw adiecthn. CAPRICIOUS.
1. rvpurner,. 2. rem adiectiae. l. spoNrexsous. 2. uNrvreNTIoNAL. HUMBLEadiectioe. rruMBLE adiectioe. INFORMAL.
1. ursscnupulous. 2. connupr ad:iectine. CRUDE.
BARRENad,iecth:e. Syns; backward, benighted, reactionary (also reactionist). 1. oprx ad,iectioe. 2. 3. nssncunn. UNTRIED. 1. 2. 3. 4.
rxcovpprnNT. rNeorquarn. urrnn2. ur.lcorvolTloNAl.
1009 unqualify t)erb To make incapable, as of doing a job. adiectiae unquestionable 1. Established beyond a doubt. 2. Without any doubt. 3. Not counterfeit or copied.
uwprrr oerb. 1. cnnrerN. 2. oncropo. 3. eurnnxnc.
unquestioning adiectine Havinq no reservations.
unravef oerb To find a solution for. unreachable adiectioe Unableto be reached. unreal adiectioe Existing only in the imagination. unrealistic adiecth:e Not compaUblewith reality. unreafizaSle adiectioe Not capableof happeningor being done. UnfeaSon noun The absenceof reason:demandsbasedpwely on unreoson,rwt rationality, unreasonable adiectioe l. Not governedby or predicatedon rei$on: an urveasonabbdernand;on unreaaoraable erpectatiott. 2. Beyondall reason. unreasonableness rwtilr The absenceof reason. unreaSOned adiectioe Not governedby or predicated on reason. unreGeptiveness rwnn Lack of cordiality and hoqpitableness. unrecompensed adiectioe Contributing one's time without pay. unrefined id.iectioe l. In a natural state and still not prepared for use. 2. Lacking in delicacyor refinement. unrehearsCd adiectiae Spoken,performed,or composedwith little or no preparation or forethought. unrefenting adiectioe Having or showinguncompromisingdeterminaUonor resolutionin purposeor action. unrefiable aitiecttoe l. Not to be dependedon. 2. So weak or defective as to be liable to fail. unrefieved adiectioe Completely such,without qualificaUonor exception. unremittin! adiectioe l. Existing or occurring without intemrption or end. 2. Obstinately maintaininga stand. unremunerated a.dieaioe Contributing one's time without pay. unrePentant a.diecth:e Devoid of remorse. unrequired adiectine Not necessary. unreserYed a.diectioe l. Not spokenfor or occupied:wwesewedseats; urweserce d computertime. 2. Completely such,without qualification or exception. 3. Without limitations or miUgatingconditions.
Syns: irrationality, unreasonableness.
1. Syns; illogical, irrational, unreasoned. 2. ournacEous. UNREASON. UNREASONABLE.
l. cnuon. 2. coensn.
1. uxprpnwoesr-e. 2. rnrcx adiectioe. urrER2. 1. coNrrxuer.. 2. wsrsrpNr. UNPAID.
1. Syns; free, open, unoccupied. 2. urrpne. 3. uNcoxorrroNAL.
unresolved 4. Having no reservations. 5. Disposed to be open, sociable, and talkative. 6. Executed without pretense or obfuscation. ad:iec-tioe unresolved Marked bv lack of firm decision or commitrnent: of questionable outcome.
10. 4. rupr-rcrr. 5. ourcoruc. 6. pr-erxadiectioe. INDEFINITE.
unresponsive adiectioe 1. Without emotion or interest. 2. Lacking responsivenessor alertness. 3. Deficient in or lacking sexual desire.
1. e.perHnrrc. 2. nur-r,a.d,iectioe. 3. rnrcm.
unresponsivenessrwun Lack of emotion or interest. nuun Unre5t 1. A state of uneasinessand usu. resentment brewing to an eventual explosion: Stringent nnu lannsforwnted urvest throughutt the country. 2. An uneasy or neryous state.
1. Syns; ferment, storm and stress, Sturm und Drang, turmoil. 2. nssrlrssNEss.
unrestrained adiectioe 1. AbIe to move about at will without bounds or restraint. 2. Lacking in moral restraint.
1. roosn adiectine. 2. enelpovro.
unrestraint rwun 1. Freedom from constraint, embarrassment, or awkwardness. 2. A complete surrender of inhibitions. adiectwe unrestricted Not restricted or confined to few. adiectioe unrivaled Without equal or rival.
unroll oerb To cause (a line) to become longer and less taut.
1. nesr noun. 2. anar.IDONnnun. ornv adiectioe. UNIQUE.
PLAYour at PlaY.
unromantic adiectioe Having or indieating an awarenessof things as they really are. adiecthse unrutfled 1. Not easily excited, even under pressure. 2. Not excited or emotionally agitated.
unruliness noun
l. The quality or conditionof being lunruly:the unruliness of classroomtroublemakers.
2. The conditionor practice of not obeying. 3. The diqpositionboldly to defy or resistauthority or an opposingforce. unrufy ad,iectioe 1. Not submittingto disciptineor control: an'unruly student who rtxlsexpelled;an uttdy mob'
2. Upsettingcivil order or Peace. 3. Refusingor failing to obeY. 4. Marked by defiance. unsafe ad,iectioe 1. Involving possiblerisk, loss,or iniury. 2. InadequatelYProtected. unsaid adiectiw 1. Not voiced or exPressed. 2. Conveyedindirectly without words or speech'
1. coor od,iectioe. 2. c, adiectioe. l. Syns; fractiousness, obstreperousness' recalcitrance or recalcitrancY, refractoriness, uncontrollability, uncontrollableness, ungovernableness, unmanageability, wildness. 2. orsosruENcE. 3. prnnrqcn,
l. Syns.' fractious, indocile, indomitable, obstreperous, recalcitrant, refractory, uncontrollable, undisciPlined, ungovernable, unmanageable, untoward, wild. 2. ursonnBnlv. 3. nrsosrorsNT. 4. onrrerr. l. neNcsnous. 2. rusncunn. 1. srr.nxr. 2. rupr.rclr.
1011 unsalaried adiectiae Contributingone'stimewithoutpay. unsalutary adiectioe Not sustaining or promoting health.
unsatisfactory ad,iectioe l. Below a standardof quality. 2. Tending to discourage,retard, or make more difficult. unsavOry adiectioe So unpleasantin flavor as to be inedible. unscathed ad.iecthse Free from danger,injury, or the threat of harm. unscholarly adiectine Lacking the requisite scholarshipor instruction2an u,nscholarlyapproachto the ,roitilrg of history. unschooled adiectioe Without educationor knowledge. unscrupulous odiecttue 1. Lacking scruplesor principles2an unscntpul,ous courtier who stowed at nothitg to gain puDen 2. Ruthlesslyseekingpersonaladvantage. unseasonable adiec-tioe Not suitablefor or characteristicof the season: urceasonablcweatherfor larnnry. UnSeaSOned adiectioe Lacking experienceand the knowledge gainedfrom it. unseeing adiectioe Without the senseof sight. unseemliness rwun The conditionof being improper. unseemly adiectioe 1. Not in keepingwith conventionalmores. 2. Not suitedto circumstances. unselfish adiectirse l. Without concernfor oneself. 2. Willing to give of oneselfand one'spossessions. unserviceable adiectitse Incapable of being used or availed of to advantage. unsettle oerb 1. To impait or destroythe composureof. 2, To put out of proper order. 3. To disturb the health or physiologicalfunctioning of. unsettfed adiec'tioe l. Capableof or liable to change. 2. Not affording certainty. 3. Marked by lack of firm decisionor commitment;of questionableoutcome. 4. Affording no quiet, repose,or rest. 5. In a stateof uneasiness. 6. Owed as a debt. unsettf ing ad,iectioe Troubling to the mind or emotions.
Syns; unlearned,unstudious.
1. Syns; conscienceless, ruthless,stick-atnothing, unconscionable,unethical, unprincipled. 2. connupt ad,iectioe. Syn; untimely.
1. rupnopen. 2. rupnopnn. l. snr-rr-nss. 2. crxrnous.
l. ecrrerp. 2. orsonnrn oerb. 3. vpsnr oerb. l. cneNcBABLE.
2. elasrcuous. 3. rrvonrrt.trn. 4. nssfl.Ess. 5. ervnrous. 6. oun adiectioe. DISTURBING.
unsex oerb To render incapableof reproducing sexually. UnseXlng rw,tn The act or an instanceof making one incapableof reproducing sexuallY. unshaPed odiectioe Having no distinct sh"P"' unsightliness rww Tfe qality or condition of being ugly'
unsightly unsightly adiecthse Extremelydispleasing to the eye. unsigned ad,iecthn Having an unknown name or author.
unskifled adiectioe skill. 1. Lackingthe requiredprofessional 2. Lacking the qualities, as efficiencyor skill, required to producedesiredresults. unskillful adiectiw l. Clumsilylackingin the ability to do or perform: an unskillful otternpt to explain. 2. Lacking the qualities, as efficiency or skill, required to producedesiredresults. 3. Lacking the required professionalskill. unsleeping adiecthn Not in a stateof sleep. unsoifed adiectioe Free from dirt, stain, or impurities. unsophisticate rwun A guileless,unsophisticatedperson. unsophisticated ad,iectioe Free from guile, cunning,or deceit. unsought ad,iec-ttue Not welcomeor wanted. unsound adiecthn 1. Containingan error or errors. 2. Devoid of truth. 3. Not physicallystrong. 4. Aflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. 5. Not wise. unsoundness notm, The condition of being infirm or physically weak. unsparing adiectiw Characterizedby bounteousSving. unspeakable d.iectioe haryiness. 1. That cannotbe described,:wtspeolcnblp
acts of 2, Too awful to be described:unspealcable gerwcide. 3. That may not be spokenof or uttered: unspealcable uords of ahne. unspoken d|ecttun 1. Conveyedindirectly without words or speech. 2. Not voiced or expressed. unstability noun l. The quality or conditionof being erratic and undependable. ^I\e 2. quality or condition of being phpically unsteady. unstable ad,iectioe l. Not physicallysteadyor firm: an unstableLadder. 2. Capableof or liable to change. 3. Following no predictablepattern. 4. Lacking stability.
ucl..v ad,iectipe. ANONYMOUS.
1. ,ervre.rrunrsx. 2. rxnrncrnNr. 1. Syns; awkward, bumbling, clumsy, gauche,heavy-handed,inept, maladroit. 2. wrrrrcmvr. 3. euernunrsx. WAKEFUL.
uNvr/ELcoMn adi ectioe. 1. 2. 3. 4.
sRRoNEous. rer-se. rwrnu.
1. Syns; incommunicable, indefinable, indescribable, ineffable, inenarrable, inexpressible, undescribable, unexpresible, unutterable. -Iddoms beyond description (or words), defying descripUon. 2. Syns: abominable, friglrtful, nauseating revolting shocking sickening. 3. Syn; unmentionable.
l. rupr,rcrt. 2. su,rnr. 1. rNsresrr,rrY. 2. uNstesLENEss.
l. Syns; rickety, shaky, tottering unsteady, wobbly. 2. cneNcnABLE. 3. cepnrcrous. 4. rNsrcunp.
1013 unstableness noun l. The quality_orconditionof beingphysically gnsleady,fAe urctabletwss of the smfolding d the painters. frighterte 2. Th9 qualityor conditionof beingerraticand
1. Syns; instability, precariousness, *rakiness,unstability, unsteadiness. 2. rusrenu.try.
unstaineil d,ieaioe Free from evil and comrption.
unsteadiness noun T" qylity or condition of being physically unsteady. unsteady adieait:e l. Lacking stability. 2. Not physically steadyor ffrm. 3, Lacking consistencyor regularity in quality or performance. !. Capableof or liable to change. 5. Following no predictable pattern. unstinting adieaiae Characterizedby bounteousgving. ufttirred adiectiae Not sympathetic. unstudied adieaioe Frye-{romguile, cunning,or deceit. unstudious ad;iecthp Lacking the requisite scholarshipor instruction. unsubstantial adieaiae 1. Not physically strong. 2. Having no body, form, or substance. 3. Not plausibleor believable. 4. Having little substanceor significance;not solidly based. unsubtle adiectioe Easily seenSp"gtt due to a lack of subtletyt Thc lwst gow the drut*en gwst o oery unxtbtle hini a leaw. UnSUCGOSSnoun The condition of not achievingthe desired end. unSuCCeSSful adiectine Having no useftrl renrlt. UnSucGesSfulnesS twtut The condition of not achievingthe desired end. unsufferable adiectirx Not-c-ap.?hle of being endured or tolerated. unsuitability noun The condition of being improper. unsuitable adiecthn l. Not suitedto circumstances. 2. Not suited to a given purpose. unsuitableness noun Thq condition of being improper. unsuited ad.iectiw Not.zuited to a given purpose. unsuffied adieaioe 1. Free from dirt, stain, or impurities. 2. Free from evil and corrupdon. unsupportable adiecth:e Not capableof being endured or tolerated. UnSUre ad,ieuioe l. Experiencingdoubt. 2. Not a"ffordingcertainty. 3. Marked b-y_ lick of firm decisionor commibnent; of questionableoutcome.
l. rxsBcuns. 2. uxsrenr.n. 3. urrrs\EN. 4. cneNcnABLE. 5. cepnrcrous. GENENOUS. UNSYMPATIIETIC. ARTI.ESS. UNSCIIOLANLY.
1. u,wnrr.r. 2. nruerrnrar-. 3. rMpr,eusrsLE. 4. rs*uous. Syns; broad, clear, obvious,patent, plain, unmistakable. FAILURE. IrlUTIr.E. FNLURE. UNBEARABLE. TMPROPRIETY.
l. rupnoprn. 2. ur,wrr adiectioe. IMPROPRIETY.
uNFrr adiecthn. 1. crElN adiectioe, 2. nnrocnrsr adiectioe. UNBEARABLE.
1. poumrtn. 2. aurrcuous. 3. ugDprtNtrt.
unsurmountable 4. Lacking stability. unsurmountable adiec-thse Incapable9{ being negotiatedor overcome. unsurpasSable ad,iectioe Of the gealest possibledegee, quality, or intensity. UnSurpaSsed odiectioe Surpassingall others i" q"ality. unsuiceptibility rwun The capacrWto withstand. unsusce'ptibfe adiectioe Not capableof being affected or impressed. unswayable odiectioe Firmly,_oftenreasonablyimmovablein purposeor will. unswerving adiectioe Not diffused or dispersed. unsympathetic ailiectioe l. Not sympathetic:The ol.dmiser uo^srrr\sAmpathetic tousardclwrinble ffiuses. 2. Arousing deep-seateddislike. unsystematic adiecthse l.acking regular or logical order. untactful adiecthn l.acking sensitivityand skill in dealing with others. untainted adieaiu Free from evil and corruption. untamed adiectioe In a primitive state;not domesticatedor cultivated. untangle oerb To free from an entanglement. untaught adiecthre Without educationor knowledge. untested adiecthse Not testedor proved. unthankful ad.iectioe l. Not showingor feeling gratitude. 2. Not apt to be appreciated. unthanking adiectioe Not showingor feeling gratitude. unthinkable ad,iecthse l. Not capableof happeningor being done. 2. Not to be believed. unthinking ad,iectioe 1. Devoid of considerafionfor others'feelings. 2. Not intended. a.d,iectioe unthoughtful Devoid of considerationfor others'feelings. unthoughtfulness rwun A lack of considerationfor others'feelings. untidy ad;iectiae 1. Marked by * absenceof cleanlinessand order. 2. Indifferent to correctness,accuracy,or neatness. untie oerb To free from ties or fasteners. untighten wrb To reduce in tension,pressure,or rigidity. untimely ad,iecthse 1. Developing occurring,or appearingbefore the expectedtime. 2. Not occurringat a favorabletime. 3. Not suitablefor or characteristicof the season.
1014 4. ulsncunn. INSUPERABLE.
l. Syns; uncaring uncharitable, uncompassionate, unmoved, unpitying unstirred, untouched. 2. ervrrpernsrrc. DISORDERLY. TACTLESS.
TNNocENTadiecthn. wno adiectioe. crn*
1. rrrer+rg.nss. 2. rner+r
1. rlrpossrgr-p. 2. rNcnrorsr-e. 1. rnoucHTLESs. 2. uNrrvrsr.irloNAl..
l. rvrpssv. 2. cenpr-rss. UNDO.
ntsn oerb. l. ranr-v adiectioe.
2. 3.
1015 adiectioe untiring Having or showing a capacity for protracted effort, regardless of difficulty or frustration. adiectioe untouched Not sympathetic. adiectioe untoward 1. Tending to discourage, retard, or make more difficult. 2. Not submitting to discipline or control. 3. Involving or undergoing chance misfortune. 4. Not in keeping with conventional mores. adiecthse untried 1. Not tested or proved: options as yet untried. 2. Lacking experience and the knowledge gained from it. adiecthse untroubled Motionless and undisturbed.
1. ursrevonABlE. 2. uunur-v. 3. uNronruNrrn adiectioe. 4. rupnopnn. 1. Syns; undemonstrated, unpracticed, unproved, untested. 2. rrrnxpBnIENcED.
untrue adiecthse 1. Containing an error or errors. 2. Not true to duty or obligation. adiectitse untrusting Lacking trust or confidence.
l. rnnoNrous. 2. rerrrrr-rss. DISTRUSTFUL.
untrustworthy adiecthse Not to be depended on.
untruth rwun 1. An erroneous or false idea. 2. An untrue declaration.
1. rer.r.ecv. 2. rrnz rwrrn.
untruthful a.diec-tioe l. Given to or marked by deliberate concealment or misrepresentation of the truth. 2. Devoid of truth.
untruthfulness rwtrrr The practiceof lying. unusable adiecthsel. Incapableof being usedor availedof to advantage. 2. Having no usefulpupose. unused ad,iecthse Not occupiedor put to use. unusual adiecth:e 1. Not usualor ordinary:a ring of unuxnl dcsign. 2. Deviatingfrom the customary. 3. Rarely occurringor appearing. 4. Far beyond what is usual,normal,or customary. unusually ad.oerb In a manneror to a degreethat is unusual: The child is umrstnlly grft"d. It is an urruxnlly oppressioe dny. unutterablq adiectitse That cannotbe described. unuttered adiectioe 1, Conveyedindirectly without words or qpeech. 2. Not voiced or expressed. Unvarnished adiectioe Without addition,decoraUon,or qualification. unvarying adiectioe Having no variations. unveil oerb l. To makevisible; bring to view. 2. To disclosein a breachof confidence.
1. orsnoxesr. 2. rer,sB. MENDACITY.
1. 2. USELESS. nna adiecthse. l. Syns; atypical (also atypic), novel, offbeat (Infonrwl), uncbnventional, unordinary, unwonted. 2. nccpvrnrc ad,iecthse. 3. nwnngunxr. 4. nenr. Syns; exceptionally, extraordinarily.
l. rupr-rcrr. 2. srr-nrrr. ntnn adiectitse. EvENradiectioe. 1. npvner.. 2. aprRev.
unveiling unveiling rwun not previously esp.something disclosed, Something
known or realized.
unveracity twun The practice of lying. unveridical adiecthse Given to or markedby deliberateconcealmentor of the truth. misrepresentation unversed ad;iecttue Lacking experienceand the knowledge gainedfrom it. unvoiced adiecthse Not voiced or expressed. unwanted ad,iectioe 1. Not welcomeor wanted. 2. Arousingdisapproval. unwarranted ad,iectioe Having no basisor foundation in fact. a.doerb unwarr;ntedlY Without basisor foundation in fact. unwashed ailieaioe l,acking high station or birth. unwed adiectioe Without a spouse. unvrelcome ad.iectioe l. Not welcomeor wanted: an urnoelconwphonecall late ot night. 2. ArousingdisaPProval. unwelcome noun Lack of cordiality and hospitableness:Up* mtedng the room we felt a ltroilg senseof u'rnnebome. unwell a.diectioe Mected or tending to be affectedwith minor health problems. unlwholesome a"d;iecthse 1. Not sustainingor promotinghealth: uruttholesmw foods. waY 2. Morally detrimental:fell into an unushnlnsoftw
Susceptible to or marked by preoccupation with 3. "f unwholesome matters. 4. Extremely unpleasant to the sensesor feelings'
1. uxwrr,colan adiectirse. 2. orpcrroNABLE. BASELESS.
srNcLE adiectioe. 1. Syns: undesiiable, undesired, uninvited, unsought, unwanted, unwished-for. 2. orlnctoNABLE. Syns; inhoqpitableness, inhospitality, ungraciousness, unreceptiveness. SICKLY.
l. Syns; insalubrious,insalutarY, unhealthy,unsalutary. 2. Syns:contaminating,contaminative, corrupting demoralizing unhealthy. 3. tr.onsrp. 4. orrrwstvn adiectiae.
unwholesomenessrwu,n Impure condition. ad,iec-th:e unwfeldY Difficult to handle or manage.
unwilling adiectioe Not in;tined or willing to do or undertake.
unwillingness ,wun
The state of not being disposed or inclined'
unwind oerb
1. To cause (a tine) to become longer and less taut2.To take repose by ceasing work or other effort for an interval of time.
a.diectiae unwise Not wise: irnpouerished by sonw unusise inoestnwnts; untpise decisions. ad,iectioe unwished-for Not welcome or wanted.
1. pr,ev our at PlaY. 2. nnsrr rnrb.
Syns; ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-ludged, impolitic, improvident, imPrudent, injudicious, unsound. urvvvEr.coMEadiectioe,
1017 unwitting adiectioe l. Not intended. 2. Not awareor informed. unwonted adiectioe Not usualor ordinary. unworkable adiectiae l. flcapablg of being usedor availedof to advantage. 2. Not capableof happeningor being done. " unworkmahlike afieittt:e Lacling tlre qualities, as eficiency or skill, required to producedesiredresults. unworldly adiectiae of or concernedwith the spirit rather than the body or material things. unwritten adiecthse Expressedor transmitted in speech. unyielding adiectioe l. Not changingshapeor bending. 2, Incapable of changingor being modified. 3. Indicatingor possessing determination,resolution,or persistence. 4. Having-or showinguncompromisingdetermination or resolutjon in purposeoi action. 5. Firmly, often 'nreasonablyimmovablein purposeor will. 6. Rigorousand unsparingin treating others. up adiectioe Infonnal. Having the necessarystrength or ability. up oerb To increasein amount. up-and-comer twn One showingmuch promise. up-and-coming adiectioe fholing greatpromise. upDeat ad;iectioe l. Infomal, pxpectinga favorableoutcomeor dwelling on hopeful aspects. 2. Infornnl._Of a constructivenahre. UpDraE oerb To criticize for a fault or ofiense. upbraiding rmu,n Wor$ expressiveof strongdisapproval. UpCOmlng adiectitse IT *" relatively near future. Up0ate oerb To make modern in appearance or style.
1. uNuvrcurroNAl. 2. rcwonawr. UNUSUAL.
1. rvpnectrcABr-E. 2. rrrrpossrsI.r.
sprnrruAr-. oRAL. 1. RrcrD. 2. rwrr_sxrBr,B. 3. r,rnur. 4. cnrnr. 5. srunsonN. 6. snvsnn. EeuALad,iectioe. nersnoerb. coMER. coMrNG. l. oprrvrsuc. 2. posruve. cALLDowNat call. REBIKEnaun. coMrNG. MoDERNTZE.
upgrade oerb 1. To raisein rank. l. pnouorr. 2. To advanceto a more desirablestate. 2. rupnorm. upgrading twun l. eoveNcrMENr. l. I rrogessio-nupward in rank. 2. Somethingthat improves. 2. rupnonnMENr. upheaval twun A momentousor sweepingchange, REvoLUTroN. uphilf adieaioe Not :r"y to_do, achieve,or master. DrFFrcuLT. uphold oerb 1. To sustainthe weight of. l. svpponrtnrb. 2. pr,rvarr. ?. lt mgvg (something)to a higlrer position. 3. To aid the caury.q{-byap-pro'vingbrfavoring. 3. supponroerb. -4. To keeplfromlelding or failing d"t'ing jstress"ordifficul ty. 4. ;;;;;.
upkeep noun The means needed to support life.
uplift oerb l. To move (something)to a higher position. 2. To raiseto a high positionor status. 3. To raisethe spiritsof. uplift noun High spirits. uplifted adiectioe 1. Feelinggreat delight and joy. 2. Beingpositionedabovea givenlevel. up On adiectioe lnfornnl. Havinggood knowledgeof. UpPer CIaSS noun Peopleof the highestsociallevel. UpPer CrUSt noun lnformal. Peopleof the highestsociallevel. uppermosl adiecth;e Of, being,locatedat, or forming the top. upper StOry nuu,n lnfonrwl. The seatof the faculty of intelligence and reason. UpperwOrks nf,tun Inforrnal. The seatof the faculty of intelligence and reason, uppish adiectioe uppitiness no.m lnfornwl. Excessiveand arrogantself-confidence. uppity dso uppish adiectioe L. Infortrnl. Having or exhibitingexcessiveand dence. arrogantself-confi 2. lnfornwl. Characteristicof or resemblinga snob. upraise oerb 1. To raiseupright. 2. To move (something)to a higher position. upraised adiectioe l. Directed or pointed upward. 2. Being'positioned abovea givenlevel. Uprear oerb To raiseupright. upright ad:iectioe 1. Directed or pointed upward. 2. At right anglesto the horizonor to level gound. 3. Having or markedby upriglrtnessin principle and action. upright oerb To restoreto an upright or proper position. uprightness noun 1. The quality or stateof being morally sound. 2. The quality of being honest. uprise oerb 1. To leaveone'sbed. 2. To adopt a standingposture. uprisen a.diectiae Bgr:tgpositionedabovea givenlevel. Upnslng rwun Organizedoppositionintendedto changeor overthrow exisUngauthority. UpfOaf rroun l. A quarrel or figlrt markedby very noisy,disorderly, and often violent behavior. 2. nxer.r. 3, m.rrn oerb. ELATION.
1. rr.erno. 2. nr.nverrn. FAMILIAR. SOCIETY. SOCIETY.
ron adiectioe. HEAD ft0u,n.
1. 2. sNossrsH. 1. snecr oerb. 2. nr-rvern. 1. pnncr adiectitse. 2. nr-sverro. nnncr oerb. 1. Bnrcr adiectiae. 2. vnnrrcer.. 3. nounsr.
ntclgt oerb. 1. c,ooo rraun. 2. nouesrv. l. cer ur at g€t. 2. cnr ur at get. ELEVATED. REBELLION.
1. nnawr- noun.
2. An interruption of regular procedure or of public 2. orsflrnsANcr. peace. 3. Soundsor a sound,esp.when loud, confused,or 3. xorsr raaun. disagreeable. 4. A conditionof intensepublic interestor excitement. 4. sntserroN. 5. Ofiensively loud and insistentutterances,esp. of 5. vocrrpnATroN. disapproval. UprOOt oerb To destroyall tracesof. ANNIHILATE. upset oerb 1. To disturb the health or physiologicalfunctioning of: l. Syns;derange,disorder,furn, unhinge, Heaay mealsupset my stomach. unsettle. 2. To turn or causeto turn from a vertical or 2. ormnrunw. horizontal position. 3. To put out of proper order. 3. prsonppnoerb. 4. To break up the order or progess of. 4. orsnupr. 5. To i*p"it or destroythe composureof. 5. ecrrerp. upset rrcntn 1. The act or an exampleof upsettingzan u.psetin ou,r 1. Syns; disordering disorganization, plans. disruption. 2. T\e condition of being physically agitated. 2. ecrrenoN. 3. A state of discomposure. 3. ecrretrorv. upset adiecthse Overturned completely. upsetting adiectioe Troubling to the mind or emotions. DISTURBING. UpShOt rroun EFFECT fWIrfT. Qryething brought about by a cause. upside adiectioe lnfonrwl. Greatestin quantity or highestin degreethat MAXTMUM adiec"tioe. hasbeen or can be attained. upside-down adiectioe l. Overturned completely: an upsidedoum aar in the l. Syns; inverted,upset,upturned. dttch. 2. Characterizedby physicalconfusion. 2. cowrusuo. UpSOar oerb To lise abrupdy and precipitously. SOAR. upsprlng oerb 1. To have as a source. L. srr,u oerb. 2._To-qdopta standingposture. 2. cnr un at get. upstanding adiectiae 1. Directed or pointed upward. 1. nnncr adiectioe. 2. Having or marked by upriglrhressin principle and 2. noupsr. acUon. upsurge oerb To make or becomegreateror larger. rNcnresn oerb. up5lving twun The act of increasingor rising. INCREASE IWUN. up tight also uptight adiectioe Sbng.Feeling or exhibitingnervoustension. EDGY. up-to-date a.diectioe Modern. coNTnMpontxu adiecthse. up-to.the-minute adiectiw Modern. coNTEMpon*x ad,iectioe. upturn twun The act of increasingor rising. INCREASE |WI'N. upturned ad;iectit:e Overturnedcompletely. UPSIDE-DOWN. urban adiectioe Of, in, or belongingto a city. crur"adiecthn.
urbane ad,iecthn l. Characterizedby discriminatingtaste and broad knowledgeas a result of developmentor education. 2. Effortlesly graciousand tacfi in social manner. UfDanlty nDun lefiryd, effortlessbeauty of manner,form, and style. urbanize wrb To imbue with city ways,manners,and customs. Urge oerb l. To i*p"l to action: We urged the Presid,entto be more dBcisioe.Mg cottscierceutged rne to tell the truth ot lnst. 2. To solicit insistently. UfgenGe rwun Urgent solicitation. UrgenGy nou,n Urgent solicitation. urgent a.diecthse Of immediate impo.t. Urging noun Urqent solicitaUon. usable adiectioe 1. In a conditionto be used:Doeshe really think this maruucript is usable? 2. Availablefor use. USage noun l. The act of putting into play. 2. A habitualway of behaving. 3. An acceptedway of doing'somethirg. 4. A quantity consumed. USe oerb l. To put into action or use: Usethe utnnst caution at intersectiotts.He used the rnoneyto pay of ilebts. I used the bukes as quicHy as possibLe.We unnt to use her tolerlts to our a&wtage. 2. To control or direct the firnctioning of. 3. Infornwl. To take advantageof unfairly. 4. To be depleted. use up oerb 1. To useall of. 2. To lessenor weaken severely,as by removing somethingessentid. usa twufr l, The act of putting into play. 2. The conditionof being put to use. 'llhe quality of being suitable or adaptableto an end: 3. a usefor the extra chair; a lazy personof rc f*d earthly use to t;"s. 4. A habitual way of behaving. 5. A quantity consumed. used to adiec-thn In the habit of. usefuf d,iectioe 1. Suitedto one'send or purpose. 2. Affording benefit. 3. Servingor capableof servinga useful pu{pose. usefulness rnrun The quatity of being suitable or adaptableto an end. useless ad;iectioe 1. Having no useful purpose:A ilpad battery is usebss in stortirq a an.
l. cur-runpo. 2. suevn. ELECANCE. CITIT'T.
1. Syns;exhort,press,prick, prod, prompt, propel. 2. rNsrsr. INSISTENCE. INSTSTENCE. BURNING. INSISTENCE.
1. Syns; employable, serviceable, ufilizable. 2. opnN adiectioe. l. 2. 3. 4.
nxnncrsgnaun. cusrou nuun. corwrrvrroN. coNsuuPTroN.
l. Syns; actuate, apply, employ, exercise, exploit implement, practice, utilize. -Idioms bring into play, bring to bear, make use of, put into practice, put to use. 2. opnnern. 3. esusn oarb. 4. co oerb. 1. nxn,c.usr. 2. unpr-nre.
1. rxsncrsE twun. 2. nurv. 3. Syns; account, advantage, avail, benefit, profit, usefirlness, utillty. 4. cusrou rwun, 5. coNsulrpnoN. AccusroMEp ro at accustomed. l. corwrxrsvr. 2. nrrvsrrcrAl. 3. pnecrrcer,. vsE rlou,n. l. Syns; ineffecfual, inutile, unusable, worthless.
1021 2, Having no usefirl result. 3. Incapable of being used or availed of to advantage. USeleSSneSS noun The condition or quality of being uselessor ineffecUve. USef rwull One who consumes goods and services. USe up oerb
usher oerb To showthe wayto. usherin oefu 1. To make known the presenceor arrival of Fallhg baoes usher in autumn. The doorkeeperwhered ii the hesident as mernbersof Congressa.ppluded. 2. To b"gr, (something)with preliminary or prefatory material. ?. fq bring into currency,use,fashion,or practice. Usnef ln oerb USUaI rwun A regular or customarymatter, condition, or courseof events:Fair weather is the wtnl here. usuaf adiectioe l. To be expected. 2. Commonlypracticedor used. usually adoerb l. In an__expected or customarymanner:Augnt is unnlly uarm here. 2. For the most parlc He is uxnllg wt of toum orwea week. uSUalneSS noun Th" q".lity or condition of being usual: the usualrwss of min in the trqics. USUfp oerb l. I" lay claim to for oneselfor as one'sright. 2. Totake the place of (another)againstth6 other,s will. UsUrpation noun ftg * of taking somethilg for oneself:u.surpationof authority by mutirmn sailors. utensil rwun A deviceusedto do work or perform a task. utif itarian adiectiae Servingor capableof servinga useful purpose. utifity houn' .The quality of being suitable or adaptableto an end. UIfflzaDfe ad:iecthse In a conditionto be used. utifization rwun 1. The conditionof beingput to use. 2. A specificuse. utifize oerb To put into action or use. utmost adiecthse or highestdegree. l. 9J the_greatest 2. Most distantor remotefrom i center. 3. Greatestin quantity or highestin degee that has beenor can be attained. utopian twun A person inclined to be imaginaUveor idealistic but impractical.
cvton oerb. 1. Syns;announce,herald, introduce, presage,proclaim. 2. uvrnonucp. 3. nvrnonucn. sEEUsher. Syns; commonplace,ordinary,rule. 1. couuorrrad;iectine. 2. cusroueny. 1. Syns;consistently,customarily, naturally, normally, typically. -Idioms asusual,per usual. 2. Syns:commonly,frequently. Syns; ordinariness,prevalence. 1. essuur. 2. suppr,ervr. Syns: appropriation, arrogation, asumption,.pre-emption(alsopreemption, pre6mption),seizure. TOOL. PRACTICAL. vsE twttn. USABLE.
1. pury. 2. eppr,rcerroN. vsn oerb. 1. rxrnrvn adiecthse. 2. nxrnrun adiectioe. 3. ruaxnr,ruv,adiectioe.
utterl utopian adiectioe Showinga tendency to envisionthings in perfect but unrealistic form. utterr oerb l. To produceor make (speechsounds). 2, To put into words. 3. To articulate(something)in words. 4. To expressoneselfin speech. utter2 adiectiae Completely such,without qualification or excepti,on:an utter-fool; a roonxin utter clwos; lwd uttet confdenne in hi"sabilitg.
pnoxouttcB. sw oerb. rx.x oerb. sprex.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Syns: absolute, all-out, arrant, blooming (Slnng), complete, consummate, crashing, damned, dead, downright, flat, flat-out, out-and-out, outright, perfect, positive (Infonrwl), pure, sheer2,thorough, thorouglrgoing, total, unbounded, unequivocal, unlimited, unmitigated, trnqualified, unrelieved, unreserved.
utterance noun
l. The act or an instanceof expressingin words. 2, The faculty,-act, or product of speaking 3. The useof the speechorgansto producesounds. 4. Somethingsaid. uttered adiecttue Producedby the voice. utterly adoerb Without exception;in its entirety. adiecthse uttermosl f . Of the greatestor higlrestdegree. 2. Most distantor remote from a center.
VaCanGy rwltn 1. Total absence of matter. 2. Total lack of ideas, meaning, or substance' adiectiae Vacant 1. Lacking intelligent thouglrt or contentz a Dacont mind, rncant rhetonr. 2. Containing nothing. 3. Not occupied or Put to use. 4. Lacking value, use, or substance.
vacate oerb 1. To remove the contents of. 2. lano. To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line througlr or wiPing clean.
vacation rwu,n A regularly scheduledperiod lPent away frop work or dutyloftei in recreatidn:teanhersenioyingtheit lnng $nrvner oocation. vacilfant adiecthn Given to or exhibiting hesitation. vacillate perb 1. To be irresolutein acting or doing' 2.To changeone'sattitudes,policies,or the like'
l. 2. 3. 4.
Bxpnrsslorq. spnrcn. vorcnlc. wonn rwun.
1. rxrnBrran adiectioe. 2. rxrnrun ad:iectioe.
1. Syns; empty, empty-headed, vacuous. 2. nl,avr.xadiectioe. 3. pr,B adiecthse. 4. nprprr adiectioe. l. nvlvrv oerb. 2. ceNcsl.
Syns; frulouglr, holidaY, leave2.
1. nrstreru. 2. swrNc oerb.
ro23 vacilfatingalsovacillatory adiecthse Given to or exhibiting hesitation. nmtill vacillation The act or an instance of hesitating. adiectitse vacilfatory rwun vacuity 1. Total absence of matter. 2. Total lack of ideas, meaning or substance. 3. A space in an otherwise solid mass. 4. Absence of anything perceptible. VaCUOUS adiecthse 1. Containing nothing. 2. Lacking intelligent thought or content. VaGUUm rwun 1. Total absence of matter. 2. A desolate sense of loss. adiectioe vagabond Leading the life of a person without a fixed domicile; moving from place to place.
Vagary rtoun An impulsive,often illogical turn of mind. vagrant adiectitse Leadingthe life of a personwithout a fixed domicile; movingfrom place to place. vague adiectioe 1. Liable to more than one intelpretation. 2. Marked by lack of firm decisionor commitment;of questionableoutcome. 3. Not clearly perceivedor perceptible. VagUeneSS rwun The quality or state of being ambiguous:suggestian's imqractical due to their oaguerwss. vain ad;iectioe 1. Unduly preoccupiedwith one'sown appearance:A oa'inmnn, he uanld pluck out his grag hairs aa soon as he rnticed them. 2. Having no usefirlresult. 3. Lacking value,use,or substance. vaingforious adiectioe Thinking too highly of oneself. vainglory noun A regardingof oneselfwith unduefavor. ValnneSs nuun A regardingof oneselfwith undue favor. vafedictory ad;iectioe Of, done,given,or saidon departing. vafiance or valiancy rwun 1. The quality or state of being heroic. 2. T\e quality of mind enablingone to face danger or hardshipresolutely. valiancy rwun valiant adiectioe Having or showingcourage. vafad adiectioe l. Basedon goodjudgment,reasoning,or evidence. 2, Worthy of belief becauseof precision,faithfulnessto an original, etc. validate oerb 1. To establishas true or genuine. 2. To assurethe certainty or validiW of.
sEEvacillating. 1. ruprrurss. 2. pllpuxrss. 3. nor.r rwun. 4. NornrNcxnss. 1. ruprv ad:iecthse 2. vecervr. 1. Busrrxnss. 2. nrvrpflNsss. NOMADIC.
l. ensrcuous. 2. nvonnwrrp. 3. uncr.sAR. Syns: ambiguity, ambiguousness, cloudiness, equivocalness, indeftniteness, obscurity, uncertainty, unclearness. 1. Syns; conceited, narcissistic.
2. rurnB. 3. sMPrY adiectine. EGOTISTICAL. EGOTISM. EGOTISM. PARTTNG adiectiae.
1. nnnorsu. 2. coune.cp. sEEValiance. BRAvEadiectioe. 1. sour.roP. 2. e.urnnrvrrc.
1. pnovr. 2. coxrnu.
validation validation r70un That which confirms. validity noun The quality of being authentic. vafOr rroun 1. The-qualityol mind enablingone to face dangeror hardshipresolutely. ?. fr" quatity or stateof being heroic. vaforous a.diecthse Having or showingcouage. vafofousness rwun The quality or state of being heroic. valuable adiecthse Of geat value: whnbln Georginn sihser.
vafuate oerb To make a iudgment as to the worth or value of.
vafuation ;*';
1. The act or result of judging the worth or value of something or someone. 2, A measure of those qualities that determine merit, desirability, usefulness,or importance. rroun value 1. A measure of those qualities that determine merit, desirability, usefulness, or importance. 2. A level of superiority that is usu. high. 3. That which is signified by a word or expression. value oerb l. To make a judgment as to the worth or value of. 2. To recognize the worth, quality, importance, etc., of. 3. To have a high opinion of. vaf uefess odieitloeLacking all worth and value. vamOOSe also vit]flOS€ oerb Slang. To leave hastily. VamOSe oerb Vamp nDun A usu. unscrupulous woman who seduces or exploits men. twun Vamplfe A perversely bad, cruel, or wicked person. vandalize t:erb To injure or destroy (property) maliciously.
1. counecr. 2. nnnorsu. BRAvEadiectioe. HEROISM.
Syns; costly, inestimable, invaluable, precious, priceless, worthy. -Idimls beyond price, of great price. nsrtlatrn
l. nsrruerg nDun. 2. wonrn nou,n.
1. wonnr nuun. 2. urnrr rwun. 3. prnarvruc. l. nsnuern oerb. 2. eppnncrerr. 3. enurne. WORTI{LESS.
nvv oerb. sEEVamoose. SEDUCTRESS.
tntsr.r oerb.
vanish oerb To passout of sight either gadually or suddenly. vanished ad,iectioe No longer in use,force, or operation:the mnished lnngnges of arnimt peoples. vanity noun A regardingof oneselfwith unduefavor. vanquish oerb To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. vantage twu,n 1. A factor conduciveto superiorig ard success. 2. A dominatingposition,as in a coffict. vapid adiectioe Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritednessand origindity. vapidity twun The state or quality of being insipid.
Syns; dead, defunct, extinct, lost.
1. envavrecu noun. 2. envenrecg rtourl. INSIPID.
1025 vapOriZe nerb To passofi as vapor, esp. due to being heated. vapOrous alsovaPory ad;iecthse 1. So liglrt and insubstantialas to resembleair or a thin film. 2. Not clearly perceivedor perceptible. vapory adiectioe variable ad,iectitse l. Capableof or liable to change. 2. Following no predictablepattern. 3. Lacking consistencyor regularity in quality or . performance. VaflanGe tuaun 1. The conditionor fact of varying. 2. A state of disagreementand disharmony. variant nou,n One that is slightly different from others of the same kind or designation. variant adiectiae 1. Not like another in nature, quality, amount, or form. 2. Capableof or liable to change. variation nuun 1. The condition or fact of varying: A whd shift can bring a slmry wriation in temperahne. 2. The processor result of makingor becoming different. 3. One that is slightly different from others of the same kind or designation:Seoeraloariatiottsof hopscotch are plnyed in this neighborhood. varicolored adiecthse Having many different colors. varied ad;iecthse Consistingof a number of different kinds. variegate oerb To mark with a line or band of different color or texfure. variegated adiectiae l. Having many different colors. 2. Consistingof a number of different kinds. variety rruu,n l. The quality of being made of many different elements,forms, kinds, or individuals: a morntotwus life without oariety; the oarbty of culAnal exTressionin a great metropolis. 2. A collecUonof variousthings. 3. One that is slightly different from others of the same kind or designation. 4. A classthat is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessed by all its members. various a.diecthse l. Consistingof a number of different hnds: oarious bookson,the shelnes;dressesof oariou colors. 2. Not like another in nahue, qudity, amount, or form. 3. Distinguishedfrom others by nahre or qualities. 4. Consistingof an indefinitely small number that is more than two or three but lessthan many. 5. Having many aspects,uses,or abilities. 6. Archaic. Capableof or liable to change.
1. rrr.uv. 2. uncr.nnn. sEEvaporous. 1. cHeNcnABLE. 2. cepnrcrous. 3. urvpveN.
1. venrerroN. 2. corrr,rcr rwun. VARIATION.
l. orrrnnpNr. 2. cneNcBABLE. l. Syns; difference, variance. 2. cnaNcn noun. 3. Syns; variant, variety, version.
#; 1. uur,rrcor,oRED. 2. venrous. 1. Syns; diverseness,diversity, heterogeneity, multifariousness, multiformity, mulHplicity, potymofphism (Briol.), variousness. 2. essonnr,rnut. 3. venrerrox. 4. rINnP.
l. Syns; assorted, divers, diverse, diversifi ed, heterogeneous, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, multifarious, sundry, varied, variegated. 2. orrpnnpr.n. 3. nrsrrxcr. 4. srvenAr.. 5. vpnserrr.n. 6. cxexcnABLE.
variousness variousness nout Thequalityof beingmadeof manydifierentelements, forms,kinds,or individuals. Yarnish wrb To give a deceptively attractive app€arance to.
Vary oerb
l. To make or becomedifierent. 2. To be unlike or dissimilar. 3. To be of difierent opinion. 4. To changeor fuctuate within limits. YaSt diectitx Of extraordinarysize and power. vastness rwun The quality of being enornous. vatic dio vitical idiectioe Of or relatingto the foretellingof eventsby or as if by zupernafuralmeans. vatiGinal adiecthn Of or relating to the foretelling of eventsby or as if by zupernahrralmeans. vatiainate oerb To tell about or makeknown (future events)by or as if by supernaturalmeans. vaticin'ation Somethingthat is foretold by or as if by supernatural means. vaultl noun A bynal place or receptaclefor humanremains. vault2 oerb To move off the groundby a muscularefiort of the legs and feet. vault nuun The act of jumping. vaunt oerb To talk with excessivepride. VectOf rvrun direction in which a ship or aircraft *i""r:-nass Veef oerb 1. To turn asideSrtply from a straightcourse. 2. To changethe direction or courseof. YehemencQ twun Exceptionallygeat concentration,power, or force, esp. in activity. vehement adiectioe Extremein degee, strength,or effect. veif rrcnln A deceptiveoutward appearance. veil oerb 1. To surroundand cover completelyso as to obscure. 2. To prevent (something)from being known. vein rwun l. A disfinctiveway of expressingoneself. 2. A temporarystateof mind or feeling. 3. An intermixtureof a contrastingor unexpected quality, a person'scharacter. vefocity ntntn Rate of motion or performance. Venal adiectioe l. Marked by dishonesty, mattersof public trust.
cot-on oerb. 1. 2. 3. 4.
cneNcn oerb. orrrnn. orrrnn. co oerb.
lvvre oerb.
so*sr oerb. HEADING.
l. swnnrre. 2. rvnx oerb. INTENSITY.
rAqaDE. L. wntp oerb. 2. covnn oerb. 1. srvr-r noun. 2. rraooo. 3. srnner nuu,n.
1. connusr adiecth:e.
LO27 2. Ruthlesslyseekingpersonaladvantage. 3. Capableof being bribed. vend oerb l. To travel about sellinggoods. 2. To offer for sale. Veneef rroun A decepUveoutward aPpearance. veneer oerb To give a deceptively attractive appearanceto. venerable adiectioe Betongingto, existing,or occurringin times long past. venerate oerb 1. To regardwith geat awe and devotion. 2. To pay tribute or homageto. veneration rwun The act of adoring, esp. reverently. VengeanGe naun The act of retaliating. vengeful adiectioe Disposedto seekrevenge. vengafulness rrnrrn The quality or condition of being vindicUve. venial adiecth:e Admitting of forgivenessor pardon. Ven0m rwun enything that is injurious, destructive, or fatal. VenOmOUS ad;iec'tioe 1. Capableof injuring or killing by poison. 2. Characterizedby intenseill will or spite. vent oerb 1. To dischargematerial,as vapor or fumes,usu. suddenlyand violently. 2. To passor pour out into. 3. To put into words. 4. To utter publicly. \ vent rroun \, t. en open spacedlowing passage. 2. The act or an instanceof expressingin words. ventilate oerb 1. To exposeto circulatingair. 2. To utter publicly. ventilation rwun An exchangingof views. venture naun 1. An exciting,often hazardousundertaking. 2. Somethingundertaken,esp.somethingrequiring extensiveplanning and work. venture oerb 1. To exposeto possiblelossor damage. 2. To run the risk of. 3. To take a risk in the hope of gaining advantage. 4. To have the courageto put forward, as an idea, esp. when rebuff or criticism is likely. 5. To put up as a stakein a gameor speculation. venturer rrnun One who engagesin exciting, risky pursuits. venturesome adiecthn Taking or willing to take risks. venturous ad:iectitse l. Taking or willing to take risks.
2. connupr adiectine. 3. connuptrsr-n. 1. prnor-p. 2. snu, oerb. FAqADE.
coton oerb. OLD.
l. porsoNous. 2. uer,rvolENT. 1. rurr. 2. nrscnencg aerb. 3. sw oerb. 4. xn oerb. 1. noln rwu,n. 2. rxpnnssroN. l. xn oerb. 2. xn oerb.
1. epvrrqrunE rwun. 2. rno;ncr rwun.
l. 2. 3, 4.
ntsx oerb. ul;zluto oerb. ctvrr;rg oerb. pnnsuun.
5. crprcrn oerb. AD\IENTURER.
1. envnvruRous.
veracious 2. Involving possiblerisk, loss,or injury. veracious adiecthse 1. Conformingto fact. 2. Consistentlytelling the truth. veracity noun with fact or truth: No one dnubted l. Correspondence the oeracity of the predictimt. 2. Freedomfrom deceit or falseness. verbal adiectiae 1. Pertainingto, consistingof, or having the nature of words: o-wrbal usarbehtreenthe tuo candidates. 2. Expressedor transmittedin speech. 3. Employingthe very samewords as another. verbalism rwun Choiceof words and the way in which they are used. verbalization noun The faculty, act, or product of speaking. verbalize oerb 1. To expressoneselfin sPeech. 2. To articulate(something)in words. verbatim ad;iectiae Employingthe very samewords as another' verbose adiectioe Usingor containingan excessivenumber of words' verboseness rwrnn Words or the useof words in excessof thoseneeded for clarity or Precision. verbosity noun Words or the useof words in excessof thoseneeded for clarity or Precision. verboten adiectioe Not allowed. Vefge twun 1. ,q,transiUonalinterval beyond which somenew action or difierent state of affairsis likely to begin or occur: The Mid.dleEast is on the Dergeof uar 2. A fairly narrow line or spaceforming a boundary. verge oerb l. To put or form a border on. 2. To be contiguousor next to. verge on oerb To come near in quallty, amount,etc' Verge On oerb veridical adiectioe 1. Conformingto fact. 2. ConsistentlYtelling the truth' noun verification That which confirms. verify oerb f . io i$$ue the certainty or validity of' 2.To establishastrue or genuine' verily adoerb 1. Not just this but also. 2. Archaic.In truth. noun verisimilitude - -eoo"rr*"e of truth or authenticity: statistics that lend' to the story. uir*l^lUtt* verity nxun Freedomfrom deceit or falseness.
2. neNcrnous. 1. eccunerr. 2. rnururur-. l. Syns; accuracy, correctness, exactitude, exactness,fide1ity, truth. 2. rnurn. 1. Syn; wordy. 2. oner,. 3. r.rrpnar.. WORDINC.
1. sprex. 2. rx,x oerb. LITENAL. WORDY. WORDINESS.
1. Syns; borderline (oho border line), brink, edge, Point, threshold. 2. sonpnn twlun.
l. nonnsn oerb. 2. eoJorN. nwN. oerb. sEEverge. 1. eccun,ltr. 2. rnurnrur-. CONFIRMATION.
1. coxnnu. 2. pnow. 1. rvnrl adnerb. 2. nner-r,v. Syns: color, PlausibilitY.
ro29 vefnaculaf noun 1. An often regional form of a languagenot considered standard. 2. Specializedexpressionsindigenousto a particular field, sublect,trade, or subculture. 3. A system-ofterms usedby a people sharinga history and culture. vernal adiectioe Of, occurringin, or characteristicof the seasonof spring. versant a.diecttue Having goodknowledgeof. versatile adiecthn Having many aspects,uses,or abilities:a oersatile athlete who excelsin all track eoents;a oersatile building nnterial. Vefse rwun A metrical composition. versed adiecthse 1. Skilled or knowledgeablethroughlong pracUce. 2. Having goodknowledgeof. versicolor"Jso versicoloied a.diectitse Having many different colors. versicolored' adiectioe version noun l. A recountingof past events. 2. A restatingof somethingin other, esp.simpler,words. 3. One that is sliglrtly different from others of the same kind or designation. vertical adiectioe At right anglesto the horizon or to level gound: careful to make the ilaorpostsoertical. vertiginous adiecttue 1. Having a sensaUonof whirling or falling. 2. Producingdizzinessor vertigo. vertigo twun A sensationof whirling or falling. VefVg rroun l. A lively, emphatic,eagerquality or manner. 2. A quality of active mental and physicalforcefulness. very adoerb To a high degree:oery cold; oery pleasedto seeher.
very adiectioe l. Being one and not anotheror others. 2. Strictly distinguishedfrom others. 3. Beingwhat is specifiedand nothingmore. Vespef raoun Archaic. The period between afternoon and nighttime. vestige rwun 1. A mark or remnant that indicatesthe former presenceof something. 2.The remainsof somethingdestroyed,disintegrated, or decayed. vestments noun Clothing worn by membersof a religiousorder. vet rwun One who hashad long experiencein a given activity or capacrty.
1. nrer-rcr. 2. r.eNcuecB. 3. r.exculcr.
adiectitse. SPRTNG
ad,iectfue. FAMTLTAR Syns; all-round (o/so all-around), ambidextrous, many-sided, multifaceted,
:::*'various' 1. pxpsnrnNcED. 2. reurr-rln adiectioe. MULTICOLORED.
sEEversicolor. l. sronv. 2. penepnnusx. twun. 3. venrerroN.
Syns: peqpendicular, plumb, upright.
t. otzzv adiectioe. 2. cmov. DIZZINESS.
1. sprnrr. 2. vrcon. Syns : awfully Qnfornnl), dreadfully (Infonrwl ), eminently, exceptionally, extra" mighty Qnfornwl), most, mucNy, notably, pne (Chiefl.y Regionnl). l. seun. 2. pnpcrsp. 3. larnr. E\IEMNG.
1. rnecn rurun. 2. nurN rwffi.
I 030
veteran noun One who has had long experience in a given activity or capacity: a oeteran of 20 years' sen:ice on the police force. veteran adiectioe l. Skilled or knowledgeable through long pracUce. 2. Resulting from experience or pracUce. veto aerb To prevent or forbid authoritatively: The board oetoed the plnn. VeX oerb To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, esp. by repeated vexations. vexation noun 1. The act of annoying. 2. The feeling of being annoyed. 3. Needlesstrouble.
vexatious ad,iecthse 1. Troubling the nerves or peace of mind, as by repe-ated_vexations:had a oexatiow habit of uackinghis lerwckles.
2. Hard to treat, manage, or cope with. 3. So replete with interlocking points and . complications as to be painfully irritating. VeXlng a.diecthse Troubling the nerves or peace of mind, as by repeated vexations. viabfe adiectioe Capable of occurring or being done. vibrant adiectioe l. Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound. 2. Full of or characterized by a lively, emphatic, eager quality.
Syns: old-timer (Infornnl), old hand.
l. nxpnnrrNcnD. 2. pnacucar,. Syns; blackball, negative, ntx (Slnng), turn down. -Idiorn turn thumbs down on. ANNOY.
1. exNoyaxcr. 2. exNoyexcn. 3. sorupn rwun. 1. Syns; aggravating (InfonruI), annoying, bothersome, galling, irksome, irritating, nettleso;4e, plaguy (aho plaguey) (Infornnl), provoking, troublesome, vexing. 2. rnousLESoME. 3. rnonxv.
vibrate oerb To move to and fro violently. vice twun degrading acts or habits. .Imporal, VfClnlly noun 1. A surrounding area. 2. A surrounding site. 3. Approximate size or amount. vicious adiectitse 1. Morally objectionable. 2. Showing or suggestinga disposition to be violently destructive without scruple or restraint. 3. Characterized by intense ill will or spite. 4. So intense as to cause extreme suffering.
srs./.xnoerb. CORRUPTION.
1 .ENVIRONMENT. 2. LOCALITY. 3. l . nvn adiecthse.
2 . FIENCE. 3. 4. cnurr,.
viciousness rvrun A cruel act or an instance of cruel behavior.
vicissitude rwun Something that obstructs progess and requires great effort to overcome. noun victim 1. One that is made to suffer injury, loss, or death: The plague claimed millions of uictims. 2. A living creahrre slain and offered to a deity as part of a religious rite. 3. A person who is easily deceived or victimized.
vet. -Idiorn
1. Syns; casualty, prey. 2. secnrrrcg nnun. 3. nupn rwun.
1031 victimize oerb 1. To ofier as a sacrifice. 2.To get money or something else from by deceidul trickery.
victor nuun 1. One that conquers. 2, One that wins a contest or competition. adiectioe Victorian Marked by excessiveconcern for propriety and good form. Victorian rwun A person who is too much concerned with being proper, modest, or righteous.
Pertaining-ato, having the nature of, or experiencing oictoriow entry into the conqrrcred city; triumph: oictorious teanw.
victory twun The act of conquering. videlicet adoerb That is to say. vie oerb 1. To strive against(others)for victory. 2. To strive in oppositionto. view rwu;n 1. That which is or can be seen:steryed utt on the porch to enioy the oceanoieu. 2. An act of directing the eyeson an object. 3. An outward appearance. 4. lhe position from which somethingis observedor considered. 5. Somethingbelieved or acceptedas true by a person. 6, What one intends to do or achieve. view oerb 1. To direct the eyeson an obiect. 2. To look at carefully or critically. 3. To look upon in a particular way. viewable adiecthse seen. . Capableof being VleWef twun Someonewho seessomethingoccur. viewpoint narut 1. A way of consideringa matter. 2. The positionfrom which somethingis observedor
1. se,cnrncn oerb, 2. cnn,;r oerb.
1. coxqurnon. 2. wrNr.rsn. CENTEEL.
Syns; conquering,triumphal, triumphant.
coNQUEST. NAMELY. 1. coMpnrs. 2. covreND.
1. Syns: lookout, outlook, perspective, proqpect, scene, sighg vista. 2. r,oor rwun. 3. recr noun. 4. porrr oF vIEw. 5. snr.rrr. 6. uvrtwrroN. L. l.aoxoerb, 2. Bxervruqp. 3. npceno r.:arb. vrsrBLE. WTNESSfWUn. 1. r-rcrrrl rwu,n. 2. porvr oF vrEw.
rwun vigil 1. The act of carefully watching. 2. A watch over the body of a dead person before buriat. rwun vigilance The act of carefully watching. ad.iectioe vigilant Vigilantly attentive. . l||gOf rroun 1. A quality of acUve mental and physical forcefulness: the oigor of *ilV manhood,; the oigor of a bright, inquisitine mind,. 2.'I"he state or qualrty of being physically strong. 3. An aggressive readiness to undertake taxing efforts. 4. The capacrty to exert an infuence. 5. Capacity or power for work or vigorous activrty.
1. r,ooxour. 2. wexp rroun.
ALERTodiectfue. 1. Syns; dash, starch, verve, vigorousness, vitality. -Idiotn vim and vigor. 2. 3. 4. 5.
srnpNcrn. onrvn noun. roncp ntnfit. Burnct.
vrgorous .6. A lively, emphatic,eagerquallty or manner. YfgOrOuS adiectioe l. Diqposedto action: a oigorousfetlou who fu^rnd retirementa bqre. 2. Full of vigor. 1. !o5rry*9, exerting or displayingenerry. - 4. Full og o1 rliqplayingforce. vigorously ailrefuWith intenseenerry and force. vigorousness twun l. The state or quality of being physically strong. .2. A qy"lity of active mental and physicalforcelulness. V|fe adiectioe 1. So objectionableas to elicit despisal. 2. Desendngstrong condemnation. 3. Extremelyunpleasantto the sensesor feelings. --1 H"T"g or proceedingfrom low moral standards. vifification nntn An attempt to destroysomeone'sreputation. vifify ,pri, To make defamatory ' statementsabout. vififying adiectioe Damagingto the reputation. viflain ltoun A mean,worthlesscharacter in a story or play. viflainage noun viflainous ad,ieah:e Utterly reprehensiblein nature or behavior. vif fainy' ,*tn The condition of being infamous. vifleinage alsovillainaige . A state of zubjugationto an owner or master. Yfm rwrtn l. A lively, emphatic,eagerquality or manner. 2. Capacity or power for work or vigorousactivity. vincibfe a.diectioe Op"r to attack and capture becauseof a lack of protection. vinculum rrnun That which unites or binds. vindicate oerb l. To free from a chargeor imputationof guilt. 2, To zupportegainstarguments,attack, or criticism. 3, To exactrevengefor. 4. To defend,maintain,or insiston the recognitionof (one'stights, for example). 5. To showto be just, .ight, or valid. vindictive ad,iectioe Diqposedto seekrevenge:a bitter, ohtdicthseman. vindictiveness rwun the quality or condition of being vindictive: actions mothnted by pure ohd,ictioetless. vintage rrmun Infonrwl. A period of origin: a goodointagefor that wirc; a mr of 1912ointage. vintage ad.iectiw 1. Characterizedby enduringexcellence,appeal,and importance: ointagepaintings of the Cubist period.
I 032 6. sprnrr. l. Syns; active,brisk, brisky, driving, dynamic(aho dynamical), energetic, eltgrprising, lively, peppy, snappy Qnfomwl), spriglrtll, spy, "ipii. 2. r.usrr. 3. ervnncnrrc. 4. roncrrur,. HARD ad,oerb.
1. srnrNcrn. 2. vrcon. 1. rrr-rrry. 2. rureuous. 3. orrnxsrve ad,iectiue. 4. sonpro. SMEAR IWUN.
Ltr;w- oerb. LIBELOUS. HEAVY r70un.
sen villeinage. connuPT adiectioe. INFAMY. SLAVERY.
1. sprnrr. 2. sNEncr. WLNERABLE.
BOND ftoU,n. l. crnl.r. oub. 2. prrBrp.
3. evrncr. 4. essnnr. 5. yusrrrx. Syns:revengeful,spitefirl, vengeful, wreakfr.rl(Archaic). Syns; revenge,spite, spitefulness, vengefulness. Syn:year. 1. Syns;classic,classical.
1033 2. Of a style or methodformerly in vogue._ 3. Servingto identify or set apart an individual or soup. violate oerb 1. To spoil or mar the sanctity of: an,altar ololated bE oandals. 2. To fait to fulfiU (a promise)or conform to (a regulation): oblated his saned oath; oiolated the troftc lau* 3. To deprive of vir$nityt a VM,nggirl oiolntedby an older mon. 4. To compel (another)to participate in or submit to a sexualact. violation nou,n 1. An act of disreqpector impiety toward something regardedas sacred. 2. An act or instanceof breaking a law or regulation or of nonfulfillment of an obligation, promise,etc. 3. A seriousbreakingof the public law. viofence rrutrn, 1. Power usedto overcomeresistance. 2. Exceptionallygreat concentration,power, or force, activtty. viofent adiectioe 1. Accomplishedby force. 2. Extremein degree,strength,or effect. 3. Violently disturbed, as by storms. VIP rw.nt, .lnfonrnl. An important, influential person. UfagO naun A person,esp.a woman,who habituallyusesloud, . abusivelanguage. Ufgln rroun A pure, uncorruptedperson. virginal ad,iecthse Free from evil and corruption. virile ad,iectioe Of, characteristicof, or befitting the male sex. virtual adiectioe Involved in the essenUalnature of somethingbut not shownor developed. virtue rwun 1. A specialfeahre or quality that conferssuperiority: The oirtue of the f^ltV lies in its dinersity. 2.\\e conditionof beingchaste. 3. The qualrty or state of being morally sound. 4. A level of superioritythat is usu.high. virtuous adiectit:e l. Morally beyondreproach, sexualconduct. 2. Rarc. Producingor able to producea desiredeffect. virtuousness nuun 1. The condition of being chaste. 2. The quality or state of being morally sound. virufent adiectioe 1. Extremelydestructiveor harmful oinilent nflnnrs. 2. Capableof injuring or killing by poison. 3. Bitingty hostile. virus rwun Anything that is injurious, destructive,or fatal.
2. or,o-resHroNED. 3. orsnrtcrrvn. 1. Syns;defile, desecrate,profane. 2. Syns:breach,break, con-lxavene, transgress. 3. Syns; defile (Obs.),deforate, defower. 4. neps. 1. srr,cnnpcn. 2. sREecHraaun. 3. cnruB. 1. roncn rnrurr,. 2. rvrnr.IstrY. l. roncrsr.s. 2. uvrsNsn. 3. noucn. DIGNITARY. scolD
l. Syns; beauty, distinction, excellence, merit, perfection. 2. cnesrrrr. 3. cooo rwun. 4. Menrr nuatn, 1. cHesre. 2. nrunc'rrvn. 1. cnesrrrv. 2. cooo rwun. 1. Syns; baneful, deadly, malignant, noxious, pernicious, pestilent, pestilential. 2. porsonous. 3. nesnrsrrur.. POISON ftOlrfr.
visage rwun l. A disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood. 2. The front surface of the head. 3. An outward appearance.
vis-i-vis rvrun One-holdinga positioncorreslnndlngto that of one in anotherorganizationor hierarbhy. visceral aiiectioe l. Derived from or prompted by a natural tendencyor impulse. 2. Of.,pertainingto, or arisingfrom one'smentalor spiritual being. viscerous adiectioe Of, pertainingto, or arisingfrom one'smental or spiritual being. visaid adiecit:e .lt?"jTg a heavy,gluey quality. VfSGlOlty twun The physicalproperty of being viscous. viscose adiectioe . Havinga heavy,gluey quality. VlSCOSlty rru,tn The physicalproperty of being viscous:measuredthe oiscosityof the oil. viscous adiectioe Having a heavy,gluey quality: Unref,rwdoil is oiscous. visibility rwun The quality, condiUon,or degreeof being visible: Visibility ucs &erobecurseof fo9. visible adiectitse l. Capableof being seen:Yelbusheadligh* are dsibb eoenin fog. .2.. Readilyseen,perceived,or understood. VfSfOn twurr 1. The faculty of seeing:Her oision lilr.sdeteriorated shce the accident. 2. An illusory mental image. 3. Unusualor creativediscernmentor perception:We need a leaderwho is a nran of oiskm. 4. Somethingthat is foretold by or as if by supernatural means. vision oerb To form mental imagesof. visionary adiectioe 1. Characterizedby foresight:a oisionaryflrn about the afterfficts of rurcl.earuar. 2. Given to daydreamsor reverie. 3. Showinga tendencyto envisionthingsin perfect but unrealistic form. visionary rwt n A person inclined to be imaginativeor idealistic but impractical. visit' oerb 1. To go to or seekout the companyof in order to socialize:oisitedrelntioes. 2. To remainasa guestor lodger. 3. Infonrwl. To engagein qpokenexchange.
1. sxPnnssroN. 2. necr noun. 3. recr nultn. COUNTERPART.
l. rusrrNcrrvn. 2. wxnn.
Vlscous. Syn; viscidity.
Syns: glutinous, mucilaginous, viscid, viscose. Syn: visuality.
l. Syns; perceivable, perceptible, seeable, viewable, visual. 2. 1. Syns; eyes, eyesight, hghtt (Poetic), seeing, sight. 2. onnev nou,n. 3. $yns; far-sig[rtedness, foresight, prescience. 4. pnopnrcv.
l. Syns; far-sighted, prescient. 2. onrelrv. 3. rprer.rsrrc.
1. Syns; call, come by, come over (Infomwl), drop by, drop in, look in, look up, pop in, run in, see, stop (in or by). -Idiom pay a visit. 2. srrxr oerb. 3. corwsnsgt Derb.
1035 4. To cause to undergo or bear, as something unwelcome or damaging. visit noun 1. An act or an instance of gorng or coming to see another: She paid a oisit to her aunt' 2. A remaining in a place as a guest or lodger'
visitant rwun visitingone. 1. A personor persons 2. A supernatural b"tttg.
visitation nou'n
1. An act or an instance of going or coming to see another. 2. A state of pain or anguish that tests one's resiliency and character.
visitor noun 1. One that arrives. 2. A person or persons visiting one. noun vista That which is or can be seen. adiectioe visual 1. Serving, resulting from, or pertaining to the sense of siglrt orsunl caes; oisual images; oisual acuity. 2. Capable of being seen.
4. rrrr-rcr.
1. Syns: call, visitation. 2. srevl rrortn. 1. couper.rv rwun. 2. cnosr tw,m. 1. vrsrr twun. 2. rnrer-.
1. ennrvnr,. 2. coupervv noun. vlEw fwtfr,. 1. Syns; optic, optical. 2. vrsrsr,n.
visuality rwun The quality, condition, or degee of being visible.
visualize oerb To form mental imagesof. vital adiecthse 1. Marked by or exhibitinglife. 2. FuIl of vigor. 3. Constitutingor forming part of the essenceof something. 4. Archaic. Causingor tending to causedeath. vitality noun 1. The vital principle or animatingforce within living beings. 2. The capacrtyto exert an influence. 3. A quality of active mental and physical forcefulness. vitaf izing adiectioe Servingto enliven. vitiate oerb 1. To ruin utterly in characteror quality. 2. To undergo moral deterioration. or perfectionof. 3. To spoil the soundness 4. To put an end to formally and with authority. vitiated adiectioe Lowered in character or qudity. odiectioe vitriolic So sharp as to causemental Pain. vituperate oerb To attack with harsh,often insulting language. vituperation rwt rr Harsh, often innrlting language:a farnily row characterizedby rwch vt'tuperation'. vituperative adiectioe 1. Ol relating to, or characterizedby verbal abuse. 2. So sharp as to causementd Pain. vivacious ad;iectioe 1. Full of joyful, unrestrainedhigh spirits. 2. Yery brisk, alert, and hig[r-qpirited.
1. er-lvs. 2, r-usrv. 3. nssrrnlu- adiectioe. 4. orepr,v. 1. sprnrr. 2. roncr rwarrr. 3. vrc,on. STIMULATTNG.
1. 2. 3. 4.
connupr oerb. rl,l..t oerb. rlr;unn. esor,rsn.
nnvrun oerb. Syns; abuse, billingsgate, contumeln invective, obloquy, railing, revile (Obs.), revilemen! reviling scurrility. 1. erusrrm. 2. srtrNc. 1. sxusnRANT. 2. r-rver,v.
vivacity vivacity rwun A lively, emphatic, eager quallty or manner. . YIVIO ad,iectioe l. Full of color. 2. {.voking strong mental images through distinctiveness. 3. Described verbally in sharp and accurate detail. vivifying adiectioe Serving to enliven. -oerb
To make alive. vixen nou,n p"t*1, esp. a woman, who habitually uses loud, 4 abusive lanzuage. " vocabulary ,iun 1. An alphabetical list of words often defined or translated: The oocabulary intludes idionrs and two_ word oerbs. 2. All the words of a language: The oocab"t*V "f Rwsian is oery expressioe. 3. expressions indigenous to a particular lnggiatrged field, subject, trade, or subculhre. vOGaf a.diectioe l. Produced by the voice: a pocal prayer. 2. Speaking or spoken without reserve. 3. Phon. Characterized by,_containing, or functioning as a vowel or vowels: oocal as Wosbd to consonanl soutds. vocaf ic ad;iectirse Characterized by, containing or functioning as a vowel or vowels. Vocalism noun The use of the speech organs to produce sounds. vOcalist rwt n A person who sings: a oocalist who performs at weddings.
l. cor,onpur,. 2. cor,onr,ur,. 3. cnepruc. STIMULATING.
2. Syns: lexicon, word-hoard, word-stock.
1. Syns; articulate, oral, sonant, spoken, uttered, voiced. 2. ourspornN. 3. Syns; vocalic, vowel.
songster, songstress,voice.
vocalization noun The- use of the speech organs to produce sounds.
vocalize oerb 1. To put into words. 2. To expressoneselfin speech. 3. To utter words or soundsin musicaltones. vocatiOn noun l. An inner urge to pursuean activity or perform a service: the oocationof the priesthood. 2. Activity pursuedas a livelihood. vociferanl ad;iecthse vociferate oerb To say(something)with a shout. vociferation noun Offensivelyloud and insistentutterances,esp.of disapproval:Cas rationing uns greetedby toidespread public oociferation. vociferous alsovociferanl adiectine Offensively loud and insistent: oociferorc cornplnints frorn the demoraliz,ed ttoff. VOgUe noun The current custom.
L. srv oerb. 2. spntx oerb. 3. swc. 1. Syns; calling, mission. 2. nusnvess. snr vociferous. ssour oerb. Syns: clamor, hullabaloo (a/so hullaballoo), outcry, rumpus, uproar. -Idiorn hue and cry. Syns: blatant, boisterous, clamorous, loudmouthed, multivocal, obstreperous, strident. FASHION IWUN.
voice noun t. Syns: say, say-so (Infornwl), suffrage. 1. The rigfrt or chanceto expressan opinion or in no ooice alloued u)as in decisioni a participate choosing his re,Plncement. 2. nxpnsssroN. 2. Tbe acfor an instanceof expressingin words. 3. spBBcn. 3. The faculty, act, or product of speaking. 4. vocer.rst. who sings. 4. A person voice oerb sl.v oerb. To put into words. voiced adiectbe vocAl. Producedby the voice. voiceless adiectiae DUMB. Lacking the power or faculty of speech. voicing noun Syns; articulation, utterance, vocalism, The use of the speechorgansto produce sounds:a vocalization. loud ooicing of hitherto uttspokenresmtment. void adiectioe l. prr,rrrvadiec-tioe. 1. Containingnothing. prr.rv*rv adiectiae. 2. 2. Lacking a desirableelement. void rwun 1. Nomrxcrvsss. 1. Empty, unfilled space. 2. nor-ntwam. 2. A spacein an otherwise solid mass. 3. cep. 3. An interval during which continuity is suspended. 4. purrrrtnss. 4. A desolatesenseof loss. void oerb l. eror.rsn. 1. To put an end to formally and with authority. 2. nrscnencnoerb, 2. To passor pour out into. 3. nvvrx oerb, 3. To removethe contentsof. volatile adiecthse CAPRICIOUS. Following no predictable pattern. vofatilize oerb EVAFORATE. To passoff as vapor, eqp.due to being heated. volition tuourr wrl-l-l toun. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides. vof itional adiectioe VoLUNTARY ad,iecth:e. Of or relating to free exerciseof the will. vof ley nou,n BARRAGE |W'IN. A concentratedoutpouring, as of missiles,words, or blows. volume noun l- sulx. l. Great extent,pmount,or dimension. 2. soox tluarn. 2. A printed and bound work. 3. puslrceflox. 3. An iszueof printed material offered for saleor distribution. voluminous ad,iec-thse l. rur.r,. 1. Of full measure;not narrow or restricted. 2. nnew adiectiae. 2. Large in number or yield. 3. Amountingto or consistingof a large,indefinitenumber.3. uerw.
voluntarily adoerb
Of one's own free will poluntarilV gaoeup his seat to the old lad,y. vofuntary adieaioe 1. Done by one'sown choice:ooluntarymlisnrwnt inn the arrny; wluntuy lobor. 2. Of or relating to free exerciseof the will ooluntarV sacrifces; wluntary ac-ts. 3. Done or saidon pu{pose. voluntary adnerb Of one'sown free will.
Syns; voluntary, willingly. -ldionw of one'sown accord,on one'sown volition. 1. Syns: free, spontaneous,uncompelld, unforced, willful (Obs.). 2. Syns:volitional, willing. d,iecthrc. 3. onr.ranRArE VOLUNTARILY.
volunteer voluntary rwun Someonewho offers his or her servicesfreely. volunteer rorun Someonewho offershis or her servicesfreely: unpaid plitical oolunteers. volunteer oerb To put before anotherfor acceptance.
voluptuary rwun
A person devoted to pleasure and luxury. voluptuary ad:iectioe Pert{ning to, suggestive of, or appealing to sense pratification.
voTuptuous adiectioe l. Suggesting sexuality. 2. Pertaining to, zuggesUve of, or appealing to sense gratification.
Syn; voluntary.
1. snr*IsuAt,. 2. snNsuous.
Yofuptuousnessrwun The.quality o_rcondition of being sensual. VOfaCIOUS adiecthse 1. Having an insatiable appetite for an activity or purzuit: a ooraciu.ts reader. 2. Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume. VOraGity rroun The qualityor condition of being voracious: The hu.ngry uolf corctmwd its fatbn prey with frightening oomcity.
1. Syns,' avid, edacious, omnivorous, _ rapacious, ravenous, unappeasable. 2. cnrpoy.
Syns: avidness, edacity, gulosity, rapacity, ravenousness.
vOtary nutn One zealously devoted to a religion. vote oerb To select by vote for an office. votef twun One who votes.
vouch for
To confirm formally as true, acculate, or genuine.
vouchsafe oerb
l. To descend to a level considered inappropriate to one's dignity. 2. To let have as a favor or privilege. VOW nuun A declaration that one will or will not do a certain thing. vow oerb To guarantee by a solemn promise. VOwel ad:iectioe Characterized by, containing or functioning as a vowel or vowels. vufgar adiectioe 1. Lacking in delicacy or refinement. 2. Lacking high station or birth. "
vufgarian *n
An unreffned, rude person.
vufgarism noun A term whose form offends against established usage standards. vulnerability lwtn The condition of being laid open to something undesirable or injurious. vufnerable adiectilse 1. Open to attack and capture because of a lack of protection: a strategic position tulnerable to counterattack.
nrncr oerb, ELECTOR. CERTIF"Y.
1. cor.rorscnrvo. 2. cnl.xr oerb. PROMISE TMUN,
prnocn oerb. VOCAL.
1. coensn. 2. r,owr-y. BOOR. CORRUPTION.
1. Syns; assailable,attackable, pregnable, vincible.
1039 2. Tendingto incur. vuf nerableness rwun The condition of b"ttg laid open to something undesirableor injurious. vying twun An intensecompeUtion. vying ad;iectioe Given to competition.
adiecthse wacky also whackY L. Slang. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. 2. Slnng. So senselessas to be lauglrable. ruxrn wad 1. An irregularly shaped mass of indefinite size. 2. Infornwl. An indeterminately geat amount or number. 3.Infonnnl. A large sum of money. oerb waffle Infornwl. To use evasive or deliberately vague language. wagl oerb To move to and fro vigorously and usu. repeatedly: The ilog waged its tail. noun Wag' A person whose words or actions provoke or are intended to provoke amusement or laughter. oerb wage To engage in (a war or campaign): roaged uar on two fronts; waging an antiporserty ca:rnpaign. wager oerb 1. To make a bet on. 2. To put up as a stake in a game or speculation. wager fwun 1. A venhne depending on chance. 2. Something valuable risked on an uncertain outcome. wage(s) noun l. Payment for work done: an hunly wage of $8.50; high mion uages. 2. S.omethingjustly deserved. oerb'" waggle l. To move (wings, arms, etc.) up and down. 2. To move to and fro vigorously and usu. repeatedly. 3. To move or proceed with short, irregular motions up and down or from side to side. wail oerb 1. To make inarticulate sounds of grief or pain, usu. accompanied by tears. 2. To cry loudly, as a healthy child does from pain or distress. 3. To utter or emit a long mournfirl, plaintive sound. 4. Archaic. To feel or express sorrow for.
2. r-rABr.p. EXPOSURE.
1. rxseNB. 2. roor-rsn 1. r-uupl (tuun, 2. trr,t* nutm. 3. ronruxn. EQUTVOCATE.
Syns; lash, switch, waggle, wave.
Syns:carry on, carry out, conduct, prosecute. L. nnr oerb. 2. cl.yrpil*. oerb. 1. ceMsr-s noun. 2. rllnr nou,n. 1. Syns; earnings, emolument, fee, hire, pay, salary, stipend. -ldinns pay envelope, pay packet (&fit.). 2. oun nDun, t. rttp oerb. 2. wecr. 3. wrccr,n. l. crtv oerb. 2. sewr,. 3. xowr. oerb. 4. nncnnr tnrb.
wailing wail rwrrn 4.long,mournfulcry.
lValllng rruun A fit of crying. wait oerb l. To continue to be in a place. 2. To stop temporarily and remain, as if reluctant to leave. 3. lnfomwl. To put off until a later time. wait on (or upon) oerb 1. To work and care for. 2. To place food before (someone). wait noTrn An act or the time of waiting: ha.d a tuo-hour usait in the doctor's office.
HOWL t10un. cRY fwun. l. nruerN. 2. ptusn oerb. 3. onrnnl. 1. srnvn. 2. srnvr. Syns: stayr, waiting.
waiting ,^ti An act or the time of waiting.
wait on (or upon) oerb waive terb claim, or right. l. I" grveup a possession, 2. To let (something)go. 1. To put off until a later time. WafVef noun A grvingup of a possession, claim, or right. wake oerb To ceasesleeping:wokeat sir in the mortfing. wake nuun A watch over the body of a dead personbefore burial: laid_ina pl.entifulnryply of f*d ana arint
wLtT twln. srr wait. l. esorcarn. 2. nrr.uvqusH. 3. orrnnl. ABDICATION.
Syns; arouse, awake, awaken, rouse, stirrn waken. Syn; vigil.
l. Syns; awake, unsleeping, \Make,wideawake. 2. Syns: sleepless,slumberless. 3. er-nnr adiectioe. l. wl.xn oerb. 2. enousp. WELT. 1. Syns; amble, perambulation, promenade, r4mble, saunter, stroll. 2. coNsrrrurroNAl noun.
Syns; ambulate, foot (it), hoof (lnforrnal), pace, step, tread. srxtxn oerb.
.esANDoNoerb. 1. snrBzE noun. 2. nuNewey rwttn at fun away.
1041 wafk out oerb walk out on oerb wafkover noun
t.lnfonnal. An easilyaccomplishedtask. 2. An easyvictory. waf f rw.m 1. A solid structure that enclosesan area or separates one areafrom anothertWe lmockeddfiDn o wall to malsea Inrgestudio for our betweentwo bed,rooms son. 2. Anything that impedesor Preventsentry or Passage. wall oerb 1. To separatewith or as if with a wall: We haoe u:alled of pmt of our Yad for a Patio. 2. To confinewithin a limited area. 3. To shut in with or as if with bars. wallop oerb l. Infomwl. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sharply. 2. Inforntal. To render totally ineffective by decisive defeat. walloP noun L. Infonnal. A suddensharp,powerful stroke. 2. Violent, forcible contactbetweentwo or more things. 3.lnfornwl. The capacrtyto createa powerful effect: Tofo,g'sedltorlal really packsa uallop. 4.Infonnol. A strong,pleasantfeelingof excitementor stimulation. walfoping adiectioe Infornnl. Of extraordinarysize and power. wallow oerb l. To move about in an indolent or clumsymanner: aoo drunks uallowing in the $rau. 2. To move awkwardlyor elumsily. 3. To take extravagantpleasure. waltz oerb To move swiftly and effortlessly. WampUm noun Somethingascoins,printed bills, etc., usedas a medium of exchange. wan adiectiae 1. Pale and exhaustedbecauseof worry, sleeplessness, etc. 2. Lacking color. wan oerb To lose normal coloration;turn pale. wander oerb l. To move about at random,esp.over a wide area. 2. To walk at a leisurely pace. 3. To go througlr a place, viewing or inspectingin a leisurely way. 4. To hrrn asidefrom the main subject in writing or speaking. wand-ering adiectioe 1. Leading the life of a personwithout a fixed domicile; movingfrom place to place. 2. Traveling about, esp. in searchof adventure. 3. Without a fixed or regular course. wane oerb 1. To becomelessactive or intense.
snBwalk. ser walk. 1. snnrzs rwun. 2. nuNeweYrwtm at run awaY. 1. Syns; barrier, partition.
2. sARtwun. 1. Syns; fence (off), partition. 2. nNcr.osr. 3. r,ttr oerb. l. sn oerb. 2. ornnwnrr-u. 1. sr,owz. 2. cor.r.rsroN. 3. Syns;impact, punch (Infonrnl), sock (Slar@. 4. rrrnrr.r, noun.
crANTadiectioe. 1. Syns;founder, welter. 2. sr.uNDrnoerb. 3. r-uxunrerr. sr.gnznoerb. MONEY.
1. necceno. 2. pr*n adiectiae. plu,r oerb, l. novr. 2. srnor;r wrb. 3. snowsB. 4. orcnnss.
1. uorr,reorc. 2. nnnervr. 3. nnneuc. 1. sussron.
wangle 2. To lose strength or power. wane noun The act or process of becoming less active or intense: popularity that was on the u)ane.
LO42 2. rtnn oerb. Syns; abatement, ebb, letup, slackening.
wangle oerb
InforrruI. To mak_e,achieve, or get through contrivance or guile: Hou did you wangle ai lnterulew uith such a reclusioe man? want oerb 1. To be without what is needed, required, or essentjal. 2. To have the desire or inclination to. want rwun l. The condition of lacking a usual or needed amount. 2. The condition of being extremely poor. 3. Somethinq asked for or needed.' wanting adi"ectioe l. Not present. 2. Lacking an essential element. 3. Not_enough to meet a demand or requirement. 4. Lacking a desirable element. wanton odiectirse l. Sexually promiscuous: a wanton u)ofiutn. 2. Not required, necessary,or warranted by the circumstances of the case: wanton killing the uanton destnrction of Sheridan's ann7. 3. Lacking in moral restraint. wanton rroun A vulgar, promiscuous woman who flouts propriety. I. 2. An immoral or licentious man: o toothbss-old, usanton still clm^ring young grnl"s.
wantonness rwnn
Syns: engineer, finagle (a/so fenagle) (Infomwl), fi nesse,worm.
l,ttcxoerb. 2. cHoosp. 1. a-ssrNcn. 2. povenry. 3. nruervo rrou,n. l. 2. 3. 4.
essnvT. orncrnvr. rNsuprrcrnur. rrvrpty adiectioe.
1. $yns; easy, fast, libertine, light , loose, whorish. -Idiom of easy virtue. 2. Syns: gratuitous, supererogative, supererogatory, uncalled-for. 3. esANDoNEo. 1. sr,ur. 2. Syns: lecher, libertine, profligate, raker, rou6, satyr. -ldimn dirty otd man.
A completesurrenderof inhibitions. ABANDON |IOUN. Waf nuun l. A stateof open,prolongedfighting. 1, corvrr,rcrrwu,n. 2. A strugglewith othersfor victory or supremacy. 2. coupntrrroN. wafd noun l. orpnr.rorMrrDuL. f . A personwho relies on anotherfor support. 2. The act or a meansof defending. ?. pnruNsr. 3. A personor specialbody of personsassignedto 3. cuenp rruun. provide protection,keep watch over, etc. ward aerb To prohibit from occurrirg by advanceplanningor action. PNEVENT. ward off oerb To turn or drive awav. PANRY. warden rrou,n 1. A personwho is legally responsiblefor the personor 1. cuenpraN. property of anotherconsideredby law to be incompetent to managehis affairs. 2. A guard or keeperof a prison. 2. lerr-rn. wafder nuun Brit. A guard or keeperof a prison. JArLEn. ward off oerb sEEWard. Wafes nuun Productsbought and sold in commerce. cooDs. warfare ,*ni 1. A stateof open,prolongedfighting. 1. coxrr-rcr noun. 2. A strugglewith othersfor victory or supremacy. 2. coupnrrrroN. wariness nuun Careful forethoughtto avoid harm or risk. CAUTION |TNUN.
1043 wallile
. to fight. 1. Having or showingan eagerness 2. Of, pertainingto, or inclined toward war. warm ad,iectiae l. Easilyapproached. 2. Showingor having enthusiasm. warmed-over a.diectuse Infonrul. Without freshnessor appeal due to overuse. war-mhearted adiecthse Of or befitting a friend or friends. wafmth rwun Intensity of feeling or reaction. wafn oerb To notify (someone)of imminent dangeror risk: wamed them aburt the cycbw's apptoach. warning rwun l. Advice to beware,as of a personor thing: disregardcdher friend's unmings. 2. A sigul that warns of imminent danger. 3. An instancethat warns or discouragesprospective imitators. warning ad;iectioe Giving warning. warp oerb 1. To causeto have a prejudicedview. 2.To grvean inaccurite view of by representingfalsely or misleadingly. 3. To ruin utterly in character or quality. Waffant rwun 1. Legal permissionto do something. 2. A jusUfyingfact or consideration. 3. An aszumptionof reqponsibility, one given by a ". or durability of manufacturer,for the quality, worth, a product. 4. Somethinggrven to guaranteethe repaymentof a loan or the fulfillment of an obligation. a commitrnent on the 5. A statementthat exPresses part of its maker as to its tnrthfulnessor to the fulfillment of its conditions. warrant oerb l. To be a proper or sufficientoccasionfor. 2. To asflue the certainty or validity of. 3. To render certain. 4. To assumeresponsibilityfor the quality, worth, or durability of. warfanty twun An assumptionof responsibility,as one given by a manufacturer,for the quality, worth, or durability of a product. warring adiectirse Of or engagedin warfare. Wary ad;iectioe 1. Trying attentively to avoid danger,risk, or error2a wa.rydrhser. 2. Vigilantly attentive. 3. Careful in the useof materialresources. wash uerb l. To makemoist:flnuers uxtsh,edby ileu; cheelcs washedby tears. 2. To fow againstor along: u)aDestlwt unshed the roclcs.
1. snLLrcrRENT. 2. Mu,rrARv. 1. lppnoecHABLE. 2. nNrHUsrAsrIc. TNITE. FRIENDLY. TII'AT |WUN. Syns: alarm, aler!
admonition, 1. Syns; admonishment, monition. caution, caveat, forewarning 2. er-enu raaun. 3. rxevpr-s.
L. wxs wrb. 2. orsronr. 3. connupt oarb. 1. r.rcpNsn rwun. 2. sesrs. 3. cuenenrng rwun.
4. prlwr.Il fwun. 5. wono rw,tn.
1. 2. 3. 4.
cer,l ron at call. cor.rrrnu. cuenervrpn oerb. cueneNrtn wrb.
1. Syns; carefrrl, cautious, chary, circumspect, gingerly, prudent. 2. er-nnr adiectioe. 3. ncowourcer-. 1. Syns; bathe, dampen, moisten. 2. Syns: bathe, lap, lave, lip.
washed-up 3. To move along with or be carried away by the action of water: The skiff uashed ilrun the stream in the storm. 4. To fow or move with a low, slapping sound: could hear usater uashing abufi the faor iy tne ship's enghw rootn. 5. lnfornnl. To prove valid under scrutiny: Her alibi doesrt't wash.
to44 3. Syns;drift, float. 4. Syns:burble, gurgte,lap, slosh,splash, swash,swish. 5. Syns;hold up, prove out, standup. -Idioms hold water, passmuster, ring true.
wash up oerb To be depleted. washed-uf adiectioe
co oerb.
1. Having no further relationship. 2._No longer effective, capable,br valuable. waShOUt rwun
l. rnnoucn ad.iecthse. 2. rnnoucn adiectioe. sEEwash out.
wash out oerb To receive less than a passing gade. washout nuun One that fails completely. Yvash up oerb washy adiecthse l. Lower than normal in strength or concentration due to admixfure. 2. Lacking the qualiUes requisite for qpiritedness and orieindiW. waspish adiecthse l. Having or showing a bad temper. 2. Easily annoyed. waSte oerb l. To use up foolishly or needlessly: umsted sas bu ioyriding a poorly insulated hoise tlnt whtus" encrgy. 2. To spe_nq(*9ry/ excessively-and usu. foolishly: wasted their inheritatrce gambling.
1. To pass (time) without working or in avoiding work. 1. I" {o away with completely and destructiviy. 5. To destroy completely while conquering or occupying. 6. To lose strength or power. 7. To fail to take advantage of. 8. Sl,2ng.I9 trk" the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully. waste noun l. Excessive or imprudent expenditure. 2. A tract of unproductive land. wasted ad,iectioe Physically haggard: the wasted rernaira of famine oictims.
wasteful a.d;iecttue Characterized by excessiveor imprudent spending.
1. nrr,urn adiectiae. 2. rNsrpro.
1. rr.r,-rrupEnED. 2. rnnrresr.B. l. Syns; consume, devour, expend, squander. 2. Syns: blowr (Slarrg), blue (Brdf. Slnng), consume, dissipate, fool away, fritter aw!y, riot away, squander, throw away, trifle awav. 3. rcrn oerb. 4. coNsuun. 5. oBvlsrem. J
5. renn. 7. losn. 8. uunorn oerb.
1. rxrnevecANcE. 2. nennru rwun. Syns; cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, shrunken, skeletal. -ldiotrt afskin and bones. EXTRAVAGANT.
wastefulness rwun Excessiveor imprudent expenditure. wasteland rrcntn A tract of unproductiveland. wastef twntn A personwho qpendsmoneyor resourceswastefully. wasting odiectioe Tendingto consumeand destroy.
1045 wastrel noun
1. A personwho spendsmoney or resourceswastefully: who slquatderedhisfofiurre on clothes and o i^t cors. "t 2. A self-indulgentPersonwho qpends-timea:oiding work or othlr us-efutactivity: ioirwd his fellou: wastrelsfor the ilailg oMt to the poolroont.
watch oerb 1. To look at or on attentively or carefully: Tlw guard watched the prisonercloselg.He ilemorwttatedthe urestl@hold while we untclwd. 2. To usethe Power of vision. 3. To be surethat. 4. To have the care and zupervisionof. watGhout wrb To be careful. watch rwntn l. The act of observing often for an extendedtime: the gwrils kept a 24-hwr untch on the prisoner' 2. The ict of carefirllY watching. 3. A personor specialbody of Personsassignedto provide protection,keep watch over, etc. +. h limite&, often assignelperid of activity, duty, or oPporhmitY. watcher rwun l. Someoncwho observes:Kretrtkn untchers tried to preilia rcw Sodtetrtwoes. z.'Anagent assignedto observeand report on another' watchful adiectioe 1. VigilantlY attentive. 2. CautiouslYattentive. watch out oerb water oerb 1. To lessenthe strengthof by or as if by admixture' 2. To fill with tears. watered adiectiae Lower than'normal in strengthor concentrationdue to admixhrre. watered-down a.diecthse Lower than normal in strengthor concentrationdue to admixture. waterish adiectioe l. Lower than normal in strengthor concentrationdue to admixture. 2. Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritednessand orieinallty. 3. B"i"g'w;ak in qudity or substance. waterless adiectirse Having little or no liquid or moisture. Waterloo rwun A disastrous,overwhelmingdefeat or ruin. watershed twun The region drained by a river qntem. watery a.diectioe 1. Ltwer iha.t ttotmal in strength or concentrationdue to admixture. 2. Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritednessand originality.
1. Syns: prodigal, profligate, scatteqgood, qpendthrift, waster. 2. Syns:bum, dolittle, do-nothing droner, fain6ant,good-for-nothing,i4"t,lazyboneJ(Slnng),loafer, ne'er-do-well, t1s-good,slouctr, slu{ (lnfonrnl), slugabed,sluggard.-lilionl Weary Willie. 1. Syns; eye, observe,scrutinize, sruvey. -Idtom keep an eye on. 2. tooroerb. 3, noor oerb. 4. tprnP. LOOK OUT.
l. Syns: eye, observance, observation, scrutiny, tab(s). 2. r.oorour at look out. 3. cueno twun, 4. rtrnN rautn.
1. Syns; beholder, by-sitter, bptander, looker-on, observer, qPectator. 2. rlut- nulm. 1. er,nnr adiectiw. 2. cAnsFUr.. srn watch. l. on-vrn oerb. 2. rg,rnz oerb. DrLurE a.diecthn.
1. on-urs adiectioe. 2. rNsrprp. 3. adiectine.
1. or-urB a.diectioe. 2. rNsrpro.
wave 3. Being weak in quality or substance. WaVe oerb l. To have or cause to have a curved or sinuous form or surface: hair tlwt uai)es rnatrally; waoed her hair uith a hot iron. move (wings, arms, etc,) up and down. ?. T" 3. To move or cause to move about while being fixed at one edge. 4. To move to and fro vigorously and usu. repeatedlv. L r 5. To wield boldly and diamatically. WaVef oerb l. To be irresolute in acting or doing. 2. To change one's attitudei, policiei, or the like. 3. To move back and forth oi from side to side. as if about to fall.
1046 3. per-s adiecthse. l. Syns: curl, curve, undulate.
2. w-tp oerb. 3. rutp oerb. 4. wecr. 5. rr,ounrsn. 1. rrusrrerr. 2. swtNc oerb. 3. swey.
wavering adiectioe Given to or exhibiting hesitation. wavering rwun The act or an instance of hesitating. WaX oerb l. To come to be. 2. To make or become greater or larger. Waxen adiectioe Lacking color. Way twun 1. A course affordin_gpassagefrom one place to another: historic houes on, both sldei of the way. 2. An extent, measured or unmeiuured, of linear space. 3. The manner in which something is done: demorxtrated rnrious ways of tickting in football; a circaitu"ts uay of exyressing himself. 4. The manner in which one 6ehaves. 5. A habitual way of behaving.
waylay oerb To attack suddenly and without warning. wayward adiectioe Given to acting in opposition to others. WeaK adiectioe 1. Not physically strong. lfki"g in strength as to be barely audible. ?. F 3. Lacking stability. - anything. 1. I!o. "lp"blg of accomplishing 5. Not plausible or believable. 6. Lower than normal in strength or concentration due to admixture. weaken oerb l. To moderate or change a position or course of action as a result of pressure: did rnt ueaken in spite of public opinion. 2. To lessen or deplete the nerve, enerry, or strength ot. 3. To lose strength or power. 4. To lessen the strength of by or as if by admixture. weakened adiectioe Depleted of strength or robust health.
weakening rroun
A marked loss of strength or efiectiveness. weakling nrrun A person who behaves in a childish, weak, or spoiled way.
2. rrqcnresn perb. nN-n adiectioe. 1. Syns; avenue, boulevard, drive, freeway-, highy"y, path, road, roadway, street, thoroughfare. 2. orsreNcn. 3. Syns: fashion, method, mode, modus, mo_dusoperandi (Intln), style, system, technique, wisez. 4. spgAvron. 5. cusrou rwun. AMBUSH. coNTRARy adiectioe. l. nvprnu. 2. rerxr adiectioe.
3. 4. 5. 6.
rusncunr. rxnrpnctuer,. rMpr,eusrsr.n. ou,urn adiectirse.
l. Syns,'ease off, relent, slacken, soften, yield. -Idionl grve way (or ground). 2. nvenverE. 3. raop, oerb. 4. ou.urn tnrb. RUN-DowNadiectioe at run down. FAILURE.
LA47 weakly adiectine Not physically strong. weaklY adoerb In a barely audiblewaY. weak-minded ad1ectioe i. n"pt"png a completelack of forethoughtand good sense. 2. Havingonly a limited ability to learn and understand. weakmess rtoun for something:A i. e hkittg or personalprefere-nce Loaeof rich food is mU weakness' 2. The condition of being infirm or physically weak' weall noun A state of health, happiness,and prospering' rwun weal2 -n tiag" or bump raisedon the fleshby a lash or blow' wealth rwttn 1. A geat amountof accumulatedmoneyand precious possessions. 'eff properly or goodshavingeconomicvalue' Z. 3. A great deal. a.d;iectioe wealthy io.t"t.ittg a large amountof money,land' or other materialPossessions. Wear oerb 1. To diminish the strength and energy of' 2. To consnmegraduatln asby chemical reactiorr" friction, etc. wear away oerb To consumegradually, asby chemical reaction' friction, etc. wear down oerb To diminish the strength and energy of' wear out oerb 1. To diminish the strength and energy of' 2. To make extremelYtired' Weaf awa} oerb wear down oetb wearied adiectioe ExtremelYtired. weariful a.diectiae 1. ExtremelYtired. 2. Arousingno interest or curiosity' weariless adiectioe U""i"g or showing1 capagltyfor. protracted effort' of difrculty or frustration' regard-iess wea;ily a&serb In a weary wuyt Vaunad ard' sat il'ottn uearilg' weariness rwun The condiUonof being extremelytired' wearisome adiectioe Arousing no interest or curiosity' Wear OUt oerb weary odiectioe 1. ExtremelYtired. 2. Arousing no interest or curiosity' 3. Out of Patiencewith. weary oerb 1. T; dtuninishthe strength and energr of'
1. uruor,Bss. 2. secrweno ad,iectioe. 1. Syns; failin6 fault, foibl", !"ilty, infit*tty, sliortcoming.-ldiun weak point. 2. runnurry. \MELFARE. WELT.
1. mcnns. 2. nnsouncns. 3. nrep noun. RICH.
!. rtrrcvn oerb. 2. n:n.p,wrb.
ntrn oerb.
rerrcun oarb. !. trrtstn oerb. 2. Bxreust. sEEwear. sEEwear. EXI{AUSTED.
1. nraneusrnP. 2. sonrNc. TIRELESS.
Syn; heavily. E)CIAUSTION. BORING.
sEEWear. 1. prreusrrP. 2. sonlNc. 3. srcr. 1. rencun oerb.
wearying withdullnesor tedium. 2. Tofatigue wearying adiecthre Causing fatigue. WAaSel raoun One who behaves in a stealthy, furtive way. wCaSOl oerb To use evasive or deliberately vague language.
weather wrb To exist in qpite of adversity. WeaVe oerb 1. To walk unsteadily. 2, To move back and forth or from side to side,as if about to fall. 3. To move or proceedon a repeatedlycurving course. web rwn l. An open fabric woven of strandsthat are interlaced and knotted at usu. regrrlarintervals: a light, fiIr"V web of lace. 2. A disfinctive, complex underlying pattern or strucfure. 3. A group of things that are linked or interconnected as if by weaving: a web of lbs. 4. Somethingthat is intricately and often bewilderingly complex. web wrb To gain control of or an advantageover by or as if by trapping. wed oerb l. I" join or be joined in marriage. 2. To-bring or come togetherinto a united whole. wedded adiecthte Of,.relating to, or typical of marriage. WeOOlng The act or ceremonyby which two people become hygbapdand wife: an ufidoor wedding.' wedlock rurun I Th" state of b"ing united ashusbandand wife. I wee ad.iectiw I Extremelysmall. I weeny adiecthse I Infornal. Extremely small. lweep wrb l. To makeinarticulatesoundsof grief or pain, usu. I accomPaniect by tears. I | ?.To lgw or leak out slowly. | 3. {o fall or let fall in drops of liquid. adiecth:e lweepng Filled. with or sheddingtears. I I weeplng noun A fit of crying. I lweepy adiectioe I Filled with or sheddingtears. f weigh oerb I l.To placea burdenor heavyload on. | ?. I" considercarefully and at length. | 3. To be of significanceor importance. I weigh down oerb I To make sador gloomy. I weigh on (or upon) oerb I To recur to continually. lt"igtt down aerb
2. nonr. TIRING. SNEAK twltn. EQUTVOCATE. suRvIvE.
l. nvncw perb. 2. swny oerb. 3. wrrnP. l. Syns.'mesh, netr, netting, network.
2. rnxrunr. 3. Syns; network, tissue. 4. ra.Nclr rnu,n.
ctrcrr oerb.
l. uenny. 2. covrr,tNr. oerb. MARITAL.
Syns;bridal, espousal,marriage,nuptial, qpousal. MARRIAGE. TINY. TINY.
l. cnv oerb. 2, oozn. 3, onrc oerb. TEARFUL. cRY ftaun.
l. cnlrncn oerb. 2. porvorn. 3. courvr oerb. DEPRESS. HAUNT.
1049 weighed ad;iectine nJsutting from deliberation and carefirl thought' weigh oo (or uPon) oerb weight rtolm t]fte greatestpart or portion: the wei'ghtof the eoiden'ce. 2. The state or qualty of being physically heavy' 3. A duty or responsibilitythat is a sourceof anxiety, worry, or hardship. 4. Efiective meansof influencing,compelling or Punishing. 5. the powir to produce-aneffect by indirect means' 6. The qualrty or state of being important' weight oerb To place a burden or heavYload on. weightiness noun t. the state or qualrty of being phpically heavy' 2. The quality or state of being important. 3. The cbndition of being grave and of involving seriousconsequences. weightless adiectioe Having little weight; not heavy. weighty adiectine 1. Having a relatively great weight. 2. Having too much flesh. 3. Impostg a severetest of bodily or spiritual strength' 4. Having great significance. or weight. 5. Having great consequence 6. Having or exercisinginfluence. weird adiectioe 1. Of a mysteriouslystrangeand usu. frightening nature: a weird prenwnition,of disaster. 2. Deviatingfrom the customarY. 3. Causingpuzzlement;perplexing. weirdie als6iveirdY, weirdd rwun Slang.An insanelyfoolish or strangeperson. weirdo rwrun weirdy weisenheimer twun welcome ad;iectioe 1. To one'sliking. 2. Afiording pleasureor comfort. welcome nourt. An expression,in words or gestures,marking a meeting of persons. welcome onb 1. To receive (something grven or offered) willingly and gladly. 2. To address in a friendly and reqpec$ul way. adiecthse wefcoming Easily approached. rwnn weffare 1. A state of health, happiness, and prospering: A gowmrnent ought to seek the uelfare of all its citizerw. 2. Assistance,esp. money, food, and other necessities, given to the needy or dispossessed. rnrun welkin Archaii. The celestial regions as seen from the earth. nuun welll A point of origination.
snn weigh. l. Syns: bulk, mass, preponderance (also preponderancy). 2. xBev$rsss. 3. suRoeN twun, 4. nruscr,p nmtn. 5. rxrr.usxcg twrtn. 6. ruponreNcr. cK.trncs oetb. 1. nrevu.rrss. 2. ruponreNcB. 3. cnevrrr.
r,rcnd. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
nrew adiectioe. rer adiectiae. suRoBNsoME. rruponrevr. cnevs2. rxrr,unvner,.
1. Syns; eerie (also eery), uncanny, unearthly. 2. pccnvrnrc ad,iecthse. 3. rur.n*v. CRACKPOT.
sEEweirdie. sEEweirdie. ssEwisenheimer. 1..lcnpBmr,n.
2. cnerrrur,. GREETINC.
1. eccrpt.
2. cnsrr.
1. Syns; advantage, benefit, good, prosperity, weall, well-being. 2. nrr,rnr.
well2 well Derb To come forth or emit in abundance. weff2 adtnrb 1. In the manner desired: The programis going u:ell. 2.In a considerate manner. 3. To a considerableextent. 4. To the fullest extent. weff adiecthn l. Having good health. doing esp.for practicalreasons. ?: Iqd Well-Detng rwwt A state of health, happiness, and prospering. weff-born a"diectioeO.f-highbirth or socialposition. weff-bred adiec-tioe 1. Characterizedby good manners. 2. Characterizedby discriminatingtaste and broad .- knowledgeas a result of develJpmentor education. wefl-deyeloped adiectioe Having l il! voluptuousfigure. weff-fixed adieait:e Infonnal. Enjoying steadygood fortune or ftnancial security. weff-fouhded ad,iectirse Po,ssessing proceedingfrom, or exhibiUnggood judgmentand -prudence. welf-groomed adiecthse In good order or clean condition. weff-grounded adiecthse Possessing proceedingfrom, or exhibitinggood iudgmentand prudence. w6ff-heeled aT.iectioe SlyS.Enioyr"g steadygood fortune or financialsecurity. welf-known adiectioe Widelv known and discussed. well-liked ad.iectioe Beinga favorite. wefl-mannered adiecthse Characterizedby good manners. weff-off ad,iectioe 4$gn"g.ta""d_ygood fortune or financialsecurity. wef f-timed adiectioe O..cguryng at a fitting or advantageous time. weff-to-do- adiectioe {$ofng steadygood fortune or financialsecurity. well-worn a.diecthse Without freshnessor appealdue to ovenrse. weft noun 1. A_ridge or bump raisedon the fleshby a lashor blow: the beatinglcft rau; useltson the boy's back and shanldnrs. 2..-Infornwl.A suddensharp,powerful stroke. wefter oerb To move about in an indolent or clumsvmanner. fVenGh rroun ,L v.ulgar,_promiscuous womanwho floutspropriety. wend oerb Archaic.To move alonga particular course. YYet od;iectioe Covered with or full of liquid: renwoedher uset bathing ruit.
rt-ow oerb. l. 2. 3. 4.
Syn: satisfyingly. cor.rsmrnotrir. coNsrosRaBr,y. coupr.nrEr,y.
1,. nrer,nrv.
1. counrpous. 2. cur,runno.
l. Syns,'wale, weal2, wheal, whelk (Path.). 2. nrowz, WALLO\M. SLUT. co oerb.
Syns: drenched, soaked, sodden, sogry, sopping, soppy, soused.
1051 wet Derb To make thorouglrly wet: untted the spongeard' watched it grun. wetland twlm A usu. lowJying area of soft, waterloggedgound and standingwater. whack perb 1. To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sharply' 2.To strike, set down, or closein sucha way asto makea loud noise. whack nou,tr 1. A zuddensharP,Powerful stroke. 2. lnfornnl. A brief trial. whackY adiecthse wham noun A forceful movementcausinga loud noise' wham oerb To deliver (a powerful blow) suddenlyand sharply' whatnot rnun A small, showYarticle. wheal noun A ridge or bump raisedon the flesh by a lash or blow' wheedle oerb To persuadeor try to persuadeby gentle, persistent urgng or flattery. wheel rwun 1. A closedplane curve everywhereequidistant from a fixed point or somethingshapedlike this. 2. Circuiar movementaround a point or about an axis' wheel oerb l. To nrn and control (a motor vehicle). 2.To furn or causeto turn in place' as on a hinge or fixed point, tracing an arclike path. 3. To m6ve ot causeto move in circles or around an axisor center. whelk rwlrn Path. A ridge or b.*p raisedon the flesh by a lash or blow. whelm oerb 1. To afiect a.sif by an oupouring of water. 2. To flow over comPletelY wherefore rmun A fact or circumstancethat giveslogical support to an assertion,claim, or proposal. wherewithal nyun 1. All properly or goodshavingeconomicvalue. 2. The ability and the meansto meet situations effectivelY. whet oerb To grve a sharp edge to. whitf rwun A barely perceivable indication of something. whiff oerb To perceivewith the olfactory sense. while twun 1. A rather short period. 2. The useof energyto do something. while oerb To pass(time) without working or in avoidingwork. whilom adiectioe Havingbeen suchPreviouslY.
Syns; douse,drench, saturate,soak, sodden,sop,souse. swAMP
L. nn oerb. 2. s$rc Derb.
1. nr,ow2. 2. rnv rlau.n. snn wacky. gLAll rmun. ntl oerb. NOVELTY. WELT. coax.
1. cmcr.e twurr.
2. nrvor.urror*. t. onwn oerb. 2. swrtc oerb. 3. ww oerb.
l. oerb. 2. rr-ooo oerb. nOUn. REASON
1. npsounces. 2. nBsouncns.
SIIARPEN. TnACE rWUn. svnt-r
1. nrrl.
2. nrronr. totE,oerb. vl,r'n ad,iectioe.
whim whim twun .An impulsive,often illogical turn of mind. Wnlmper oerb .To "ry with soft, intermittent, often plaintive sounds. Wnlmsey twun whimsical adiectioe 1. Appealingto fancy. 2. Following no predictablepattern. 3. Determinedor markedby whim or capricerather than reason, whimsy alsowhimsey rwun -An impulsive,often illogical turn of mind. whim-whafis alsowim-foams rwun A stateof nervousrestlessness or agitation. whine oerb 1. To cr_ywi-thsoft, intermittent,often plaintive sounds:Thefrighterud kinen beganio whine
snn whimsy. l. ratcrur,. 2. cepnlcrous. 3. .lRnrrneny.
1. Syns; pule, whimper.
2. To express negative feelings, esp. of dissatisfaction or resentrnent. whip aerb l. To punish with blows or lashes. ?. To^*h f+rdly to a frothy consistency. 3. Infonrnl. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition. whipping noun l. A punishment dealt with blows or lashes. 2. Infonnal. The act of defeating or the condition of being defeated. whipping boy noun One who is made an obiect of blame. whir oerb To make a continuous low-pitched droning sound. whir naun A continuous low-pitched droning sound. whirl oerb l. To rotate rapidly. 2, To have the sensation of turning in circles. 3. To move or cause to move like a rapid rotary current of liquid. 4. To move swiftly. whirl no,tn l. Circular movement around a point or about an axis. 2. Agitated, excited movement and activity. 3. Infornwl. A trip in a motor vehicle. 4. Inforntal. A brief trial.
whirlpbol (wun
Agitated, excited movement and activity.
whisk oerb l. Io mix rapidlyto a frothyconsistency.
2. To move swiftly. 3. To make a sharp sibilant sound. whisker raoun A slight amount. whisper oerb l. To qpeak or utter indistinctly, as by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth 2. To tell in confidence. 3. To make a low, continuous, and indistinct sound. whisper twun l. A low, indistinct, and often continuous sound.
2. coupr,etx.
l. ngrr oerb, 2. p,nl^Toerb. 3. onrntr oerb.
l. nnerrxc. 2. nrrrer twun.
trv. oerb. }lUM fwun. l. sprx. 2. sprN. 3. swrnr,. 4. nvsn aerb. l. 2. 3. 4.
nBvor,urrow. srrnl nmun. onrvr nyun. rny noun.
srtP.l rwun. l. sntr oerb. 2. nvss oerb. 3. nrss t:erb. SHADE TWUN,
L. vtvrtr,n Derb. 2. corvrron. 3. rraunuun oerb. l. uunvun nourt.
whoPPer 1053 2. A slight amount' whisPering rwun about others' Idle, often sensaUo"aland groundlesstalk rnun whit 1. A tinY amount. 2. The leastbit. twun white "';;;;;;; Plague diseaseproducing lesionsesp' of the lungs. whitewash oerb to' 1. To give a decepUvelyattractivgaPPeara:ce otense' or fault a of liglrt make 2. To fonceal or whiz alsowhizz oerb 1. To move swiftlY. 2. To make a sharPsibilant sound' low-pitched droning sound' 3. To make " "orrfi,"'ous rwun whiz alsowhizz or l. Slnng.A personwrq ?higlr degreeof knowledge skilln a Particularfield' 2. A continuouslow-pitched droning sound' whizz oerb b rwm whole adiectioe uhole 1. Including every constituentor individual: Ihe toum bachadthe r'I/aqor 2. iacking nothing esential or normal' 3. In excellent condition' 4. Having good heatth. 5. Not dfrrsed or disPersed' 6. Not more 9r less. whole ,rslm left i;- A" amount or quantity fr-omwhich nothing i1 cash un of uholp ;t or held baci
2. snepn twttn. rwun. GOSSIP 1. srrl. 2. pemN twun. TUBERCULOS$.
1. cor.on oerb. 2. nxrpwulrn.
2. An orgarrizedarray of individuat elementsand parts forming and working as a unit' wholehear{ed ad'iectioe Having no reservations' whole'hog adiectioe Sitang.Civering all aspectswith painstakingaccruacy' wholeness twrill 1. The state of being entirely who-!e' sound' 2.\\econdition ofieing pfipically and mentdl-Y flaws' or defects from hee bein[ 3. the condition of whofesome adiectioe 1. Not lewd or obscene. 2. Having good health. 3. Promotinggoodhealth. whollY adoerb 1. To the fullest extent. ?. Without exception; in its entirety' whooP oerb To say (something)with a shout' whoopee noutr Slmrg.JoYful,exuberantactivitY' whoosh oerb To make a sharPsibilant sound' whoP noun A zuddensharP,Powerful stroke' tw.Ln whoppcr 1. One that is extraordinarily large and powerful'
1, nusx oerb. 2. trtssoerb. 3. uvv^oerb. l. nxprnr noun. 2. nuu rtouln. srn whiz. l. Syns:all, complete,entire, goss' total' 2. couPr,nrn adiec-titse' 3, coop adiectioe. 4. xner.rrrY. 5. coNcnsrnATED. 6. nour.roa"diec-tioe. -1. Syns;aggregate,all, entirety,-4oss' ;-, tofr, t-otalitY.-Iilitrns kitand caboodle;lock, siock, and barrel; the works. 2. svsrPu.
l. coupr,BTENEss. 2. urar.rH. 3. soulpNsss. l. cr-BeN adiectioe. 2. nnemrY. 3. nner,mrrur,. 1. coupr,nrBr,t. 2. punrr,v. snovr perb. CAIETY.
stss oerb. Bt ow2. 1. cIeNr nuun.
whopping 2. An untrue declaration. whopping ad;iectitse Of extraordinarysizeand power. whore rwun A woman who engagesin sexualintercoursefor Dayment. wfioiish adiectioe Sexuallypromiscuous. whorl "nrU To move or causeto move like a rapid rotary current of liquid. who's who noun .Peopleof the highestsociallevel. Wny rx)un A fact or circumstancethat giveslogical supportto an claim, or proposal..asserUon, wicked ad;iecthse l. Morally objectionable. 2. Characterizedby intenseill will or spite. .3rslqng. Hard to treat, manage,or copl with. WrcKeOneSS rwu,n l. That which is morally bad or objectionable. 2. Immoral, degading actsor habits. 3. The conditionof being infamous. wide adfectioe _1.Extgndingover a large areafrom side to side. 2. Of full measure;not narrow or restricted. wide-awake adiectioe l. Not in a stateof sleep. 2. Vieilantly attentive. widen oerb l. To make or becomebroad or broader. 2. To make or becomemore comprehensiveor inclusive. wideness rwtrn The extent of somethingfrom sideto side. wide-ranging adiectioi -Coveringa wide scope. wide-reac:hing adiecttae Coveringa wide scope. widespreid adiectiie l. Coveringa wide scope. 2. Occurringquite often. 3. Most generallyexistingor encounteredat a given time. width rrorLt'L The extent of somethingfrom sideto side:measured the width of the u:indoutparc. wield oerb' 1. fo brirg to bear steadilyor forcefully. 2. To usewith or as if with the hands. wig oerb Brit. To reprimandloudly or harshly. wiggle oerb To-m-oveor proceedwith short,irregular motionsup and down or from sideto side:He uiggled his taesio be sure the rww shoesuere roonx1. wifd adiectioe l. In a primitive state;not domesticatedor culdvated: wild cuntryside; utild,orfimal"*
1054 2, rtn2 noun. crANT adiectioe. PROSTITUTE.
wANroN adiectirse. SII/IRL.
l. nvrr, adiectioe. 2. uar,rvolENT. 3. rnounr,EsoME. l. rvrr rwun. 2. connuprroN. 3. nrrelly. l. nnoeo. 2. rvu-. 1. wexnrur,. 2. er-rnr ad;iectiae. 1. snoeprlr. 2. rxrnrvn.
l. cnNrner.. 2. couuoN adiectioe. 3. pneveu,rNc.
Syns: breadth, broadness, wideness.
1. nxsncrsn aerb. 2. nevor,r. BAwL our at bawl.
Syns:squiggle, wriggle,writhe.
1. Syns; agrestal (aho agrestial), native, natural, rough, uncultivated, undomesUcated. untamed.
1055 2. Not civilized. 3. Of or relatingto beastsof PreY. 4. Lacking in moral restraint. 5. Given [o heedless,unrestrainedpursuit of pleasure. 6. Violently disturbed,asby storms. 7. Marked by extremeexcitement,confusion,or agitation. 8. N-otsubmitting to discipline or control. wild noun An uninhabited region left in its natural statera resanrcefulbackpicker, at home in the uild. wifderness noun 1. A tract of unproductiveland. 2. An uninhabited region teft in its natural state. wifdness nuun l. A completesurrenderof inhibitions. 2. An uninhabited region left in its natural state. 3. The qualrty or condition of being unruly. wife noun An indirect, usu. cunning meansof gaining an end. wile oerb To pass(ti*") without working or in avoiding work. wiliness noun Deceidul cleverness. willl noun 1. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides:He stood hesitant in a panlysis of will. 2. The power to make choicesand set goalsand to act uponthem firmty in qpite of opposition or difficully: laclcedthe will to co,tryhi^stheofiesinto practical sociol oction. about atuill. 3. Unrestrictedfreedomto choosezunndered 4. A desire for a particular thing or activity. will oerb To have the desire or inclination to. will2 oerb To give (property) to another Personafter one's death. wilfful adiec-titse 1. Done or saidon pu{pose. 2. Tenaciouslyunwilling to yield. 3. Determinedor markedby whim or capricerather than reason. 4. Obs.Done by one'sown choice. willfulness rwun The quality or state of being stubbornly unyielding. wif lies or agitaUon. Slnng.A state of nervousrestlessness willing adiectitse l. Disposedto acceptor agee: a.skedher for one lnst dnnce,and,she uns willing. 2. Of or relatingto free exerciseof the will. wiff ingly adoerb Of one'sown free will. will-o'-the-wisp twtrrr An erroneousperceptionof reality. wif fy-nilly atuserb Without regard to desire or inclination. wilt oerb 1, To becomelimp, asfrom lossof freshness:Cut wildflowerswilt quickly.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
uxcrvr-rzpo. sevecn. esAr.IDoNEo. resr ad,iectioe. noucn. rneNrtc.
8. urvnur-v. Syns: backland, bush, wilderness, wildness. 1. sARnBNnaun. 2. wv-p rw)n. 1. esANDoNtw,trr. 2. wtt-o noun. 3. uNnur.rNsss. TRICK |TOUN.
torl. oerb. ART.
1. Syn: volition. 2. Syns: decision, determination, resolution, resolve. -liliorn will power.
3. $yns; choice, discretion, pleasure. 4. r-xrNc. cHoosE. lEevnl. 1. onr-rssnnn adiectioe. 2. osstlNArr. 3. ensrrRARY. 4. vor.urvrenx ad.iectioe. OBSTINACY. JTTTERS.
1. Syns;acquiescent,ageeable,fain (Arclwic ), game (Infornwl), inclined, minded,ready. 2. vor-ur.rrrxv adiecthn. VOLUNTARTLY.
1. Syns;droop, fl"gn,og.
wily .?. To hang limply, loosely,and carelessly. wffy diecthn Deceitfully clever. Wfm-WamS twtn
win wfu
l. To obtain possession or control of. 2. To come into possessionof. 3. To acquire as a rezult of one'sbehavior or efiort. 4. To receive,as wages,for one'slabor. win over oerb To cause(another)to believe something. win rwun 'The act of conquering. WlnCe oqb To draw away involuntarily, usu. due to fear or disgust. windl noun A natural movementor current of air: plant seedsthat arc scatteredand,blDun by the unnd. wind oerb to circulating air. -To--expose wind2 t erb 1. To move or proceedon a repeatedlycurving course: A staircaseuound its uny up the tutser. The rioer - umnd slouly thmtgh the plain. 2. To introduce gadually and slyly. windiness noun Words or the useof words in excessof thoseneeded for clarity or precision. winding adiectioe l"p""t9dY cundng in alternate directions: a uind,ittg footpath ilourn a mumtain. windfess
adiecthn .Ma-rked.byan absenceof circulating air. window-drbssing alsowindow dre-sing twun A deceptive outward appearance. ilnO-Up rwun wind up oerb Inforrwl. To bring or come to a natural or proper end. wind-up ruoltn l. Infomal. A concluding or terminating. 2.Infomol The lrrt part. windy' adieaioe l. Exposedto or characterizedby the presenceof freely circulating air or wind. 2, Chbfly Scot.Filled up with or as if with something insubstanUal. wing ruxtn A componentof governmentthat performs a given function. wing oerb l. To move thto"gh the air with or as if with wings. 2. To move swiftly. wink oerb l. To open and closethe eyesrapidly. 2. To shine with intermittent gleams. wink at wrb To pretend not to see. wink rwun l. A brief closingof the eyes. 2. A zuddenquick light.
1056 2. srovcn oerb. ARTFUL.
srn whim-whams. l. 2. 3. 4.
ceprunn. csr. eenN. BenN.
Syns; air, blow, breeze, gale (Archaic), gust, zephyr. xn oerb. t. Syns: coil, corkscrew, cull, entwine, meander, snake, spiral, twine, twist, weave, wreathe. 2. nvsrNuern. WORDINESS.
Syns; anfractuous, flexuous (a/so flexuose), meandering meandrous, serpentine, sinuous, snaky, torfuous, twisting. AIRLESS. FAgADE.
sru wind up. ct osnr oerb. l. pxo rwun. 2. ruo nuun. l. emv. 2. nvrr,erso.
l. rr.v. 2. nvsn oerb. l. nrwx. oerb. 2. w.rNK oerb. BLrNKar at blink. 1. eLrNK rtDun. 2. sLrNK noun.
1057 3. A verybrief time. wink at oerb winner noun 1. One that wins a contest or competition: the winner of the tennis match. 2. One that conquers. adiectioe winning Pleasing to the eye or mind.
winnow oerb l. To be in a state of motion, as air. 2. To set apart (one kind or type) from others. oerb win over ad;iectioe winsome Pleasing to the eye or mind. adiectioe wintry Very cold. adiectiae wiped-oul Sl*rg. Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drugs. oerb wipe out 1. To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiPing clean. 2. To get rid of, esp. by banishment or execution. 3. To destroy all traces of. 4. lnfornnl. To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully. oerb wiretap To monitor (telephone calls) with a concealed listenino device connected to the circuit. rroun wisdom l. Deep, thorough, or mature understanding: an old i"dgu fcwuxt's for his wisdom. 2. The ability to make sensible decisions. 3. That which is known; the sum of what has been perceived, discovered, or inferred. adiectioe wiser 1. Possessingor showing sound judgment and keen perception: a uise eldet statesman. 2. Possessing proceeding from, or exhibiting good judgment and prudence. 3. Having or showing profound knowledge and scholarshiP. 4. Having or showing a clever awarenessand resourcefulness in practical matters. 5. Marked by comprehension, cognizance, and percePtion. 6. Rude and disresPectful. wise2 rwun The manner in which something is done.
3. rr-esn rwun. srn wink. l. Syn;victor. 2. coNgurnon. ATTRACTIVE.
L. snowr oerb. 2. sonr oerb. srn win. ATTRACTIVE. FRIGID. DRUGGED.
1. ceNcrr-. 2. rr-rurxerp. 3. er.rqnrr,ern. 4. vrvrlonn oerb.
rrr, oerb.
1. Syns; insight, profundity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sageness,saPience' 2. couvou sENsE. 3. xxowr-rocn.
1. Syns; discerning knowing, sagacious, sage, sapient. 2. seNr. 3. r,plnwBn. 4. snnrwn. 5. ewana. 6. rupunrvr. \MAY.
wiseacre rrou,n Infonnal. One who is obnoxiously self-assertive and arrogant.
wisecrack noun remark. A flippantor sarcastic wisecracker rwun Slnng. One who is obnoxiously self-asserfive and arrogant.
wise guy rwtn Sl*rg.One who is obnoxiously self-assertiveand arrogant.
-r, wisehead
wisehead noun Infomnl. One who is obnoxiously self-assertive and arrogant. wiseliig nf,ntn Archaic. One who is obnoxiously self-assertive and arrogant.
wisenheim€talsoweisenheimer rwun Infornwl. One who is obnoxiously self-assertive and arrogant. wish oerb l. To have a strong longing for. 2. To have the desire or inclination to. wishy-washy adiectioe Infomwl. Lacking the qualities requisite for spiritedness and originality. wistful adiectioe Suggestiveof or expressing deep, often melancholy thoughtfulness. lvit noun l. The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applFng knowledge. 2. A healthy mental state. 3. Skill in perceiving, discriminating, or j"dgng. 4. The qualrty of being laughable or comical. 5. A person whose words or actions provoke or are intended to provoke amusement or laughter. witch rwun l. A woman who practices magic: The usitch tumed the handsonw prirce into a frog. 2. An ugly, frightening old woman: children scared by the eoil-looking old uitch.
3. Infonnal. A usu. unscrupulous woman who seduces or exploits men. witch oerb To act upon with or as if with magic.
l. orsrnp oerb. 2. cnoosr. INSIPID.
l. rNrer-r-rcENcE. 2. sexlrv.
4. Huuon rmun. 5. yoxrn.
1. Syns; enchantress, hag, hex, lamia, sorceress. 2. Syns:bag(Slang), bat2 (Slang), beldam (a/so beldame), biddy (also biddie) (Slat g), crone, drabe, drone, hag, trot (Archaic). 3. snoucrnrss.
clatnw aerb,
witchcraft noun The use of supernafural powers to influence or predict events.
MACIC ftoun.
witchery nuun l. The use of supernatural powers to influence or predict events. 2. The power or quality of attracting. witching nf,run The use of supernafural powers to influence or predict events. witching adioctioe 1. Pertaining to magic: the u;itchinghour. 2. Tending to seduce. withdraw oerb l. To pull back in: The cat withdreto its cl.auss. 2. To move (something) from a position occupied. 3. To disavow (something previously written or said) irrevocably and usu. formally. 4. To remove from association with. 5. To move or proceed away from a place. 6. To move back in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat.
l. u,c.crc noun. 2. errnectoN, MAGIC |WUN.
l. Syns; bewitching, magic (also magical). 2. sroucrvr. 1. Syns; draw in, retract. 2. nnuovn aerb. 3. nrrnecr. 4. orrecrr. 5. co oerb. 6. nnrnner oerb.
withdrawalalsowithdrawment tuoun 1. The act of leaving.
l. nppenrunr.
1059 2. The moving back of a military force in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat.
withdrawment twun withdrawn ad;iectioe Not friendly, sociable, or wa^rmin manner.
2. nntnBer noun. sEEwithdrawal. coor adiectiae.
wither oerb 1. To render (another) speechlessor incapable of action: He withered me utith that ugly look. 2. To make or become no longer fresh or shapely because of loss of moisfure. 3, To waste away from longing or gief. oerb withhold 1. To be unwilling to grant. 2. To have and maintain in one's possession. 3. To hold oneself back. adiecthse with-it Slang. Being or in accordance with the current fashion.
l. Syn: petnfy. 2. onv ur at dry. 3. r-eNcursn. l. nppusB. 2. noro oerb. 3. nprneIx. FASHIONABLE.
withstand oerb To oppose actively and with force. adiectioe witless 1. Afficted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. 2. Displaying a complete lack of forethought and good sense. witf ing n/oun Archab. One who is obnoxiously seU-assertiveand arrogant.
1. 2. unvor.nss.
witness rwu,n 1. Someone who seessomething occur: a uitness to nund,er. 2. One who testifies, esp. in court: a uituwss for the ilefmse. 3. Something visible or evident tliat gives grounds for believing in the existence or presence of something else. 4. Obs. A formal declaration of truth or fact gven under oath. witness oerb 1. To conffrm formally as true, acctrate, or genuine. 2. To give grounds for believing in the existence or presenee of. 3. Ob* To grve evidence or testimony under oath.
l. Syns;eyewibress,seer2,viewer. 2. Syns:attestant,deponent(La*), testifier. 3. slcr.Irwun. 4. rrsrruoNv. 1. cnnrrrv. 2. worcern. 3. rnsrrrv.
wits rwun SANITY. A healthy mental state. noun witticism Words or actions intended to excite lauglrter or amusement. IOKE nOUn.
wittiness nau,n The quality of being laughable or comical. witting adiecthse Done or said on purpose. witty adiectbe l. Intended to excite laughter or amusement. 2. Amusing or pleasing because of wit or originality.
HUMOR |WUN. DELTBERATE adiectioe. 1. Huuonous. 2. cr-nvnn.
wizard rwun A personwith a high degreeof knowledge or skill in a particular field. wizardly a"diecthn Having or brought about by supernaturalpowers. wizardry nnun The use of supernaturalpowers to influence or predict events.
MAcrc ad,iectioe. MAGIC TWUN.
wizen wizen oerb To make or become no longer fresh or shapely because of loss of moisture. wobble oerb l. To walk unsteadily. 2. To move back and forth or from side to side. as if about to fall. wobbfy adiectiae l. Given to or exhibiting hesitation. 2. Lacking stability. 3-. Not physically steady or firm. wobegonle' adiectioe WOe nuun l. Mental alggish or pain caused by loss or despair. 2. A state of physical or mental sufiering. 3. A state of prolonged anguish and privation. 4. A cause of suffering or harm. woebegon€alsowobegone ad,iectirse L. Archaic. Suffering from usu. prolonged anguish. 2. Full of or expressiveof sorrow. woefuf also wofril adiectitse 1. Full of or expressive of sorrow. 2. Causing sorrow or regret. 3-. fuffelng from usu. prolonged anguish. wofuf adieitA:e wolf nou,n Slnng. A man who philanders. wolf oerb To swallow (food or drink) geedily or rapidly in large amounts. wOmanish adiectirse Having qualities more appropriate to women than to men.
1060 DRYuP at dry.
l. rvncs aerb. 2. sww uerb.
l. nrsrraxr. 2. rNsrcunn. 3. uNsranr,r. snn woebegone. l. 2. 3. 4.
cnrnr'. prsrnnss. ursnny. cunsn nuun.
l. ursrnanr,n. 2. sonnowpur,. l. sonnowrur,. 2. sonnowrur.. 3. Mrsn'nesI.n. sEEWOefUl. PHILANDENER.
curp oerb.
EFFEMTNATr adiectiae.
womanishness noun The quality of being effeminate. WOmanlty trou.n The quality or condition of being feminine. YVOmaniZe oerb To be.sexually unfaithful to another. WOmanlZel rwun A man who philanders.
womankind rwun Women in general.
womanlinesi twun The quality or condition of being feminine. womanly adiectioe Of, relating to, or characteristic of women. WOmanness noun The quality or condition of being feminine. naun womenfolk Women in general. wondef nutrn 1. The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring or astounding: oiewed the rnrthem lryhts u>ith uond,er. 2. One that evokes geat surprise and admiration. 3. An event inexplicable by the laws of nature. 4. A lack of conviction or certainty. wonder oerb To have a feeling of great awe and rapt admiration: wondered at the beauty an^dmgineering excellence of the Creat Pyramid.
1. Syns: admiration (Archaic), amaze (Archaic), amazement, awe, dread, marveling, wonderment. 2. uenvn naun. 3. nrnacr,n. 4. oousr noun. Syn.'marvel.
1061 wonderful a.diectit:e asto elicit disbelief. l. Soremarkable 2. Particularlyexcellent. wonderment rrcntn
1. re,sur,ous. 2. laenwr,ous.
1. rvnnvnr,. 1. One that evokesgreat surpriseand admiration. 2. woNosn rwtn. 2. "I\e emotion arousedby somethingawe-inspiringor astounding. wondrous adiectioe FABULOUS. So remarkableas to elicit disbelief. wont adiectiae accusroMED to at accustomed. In the habit of. wont oefu ACCUSTOM. To make familiar thto"gh constantpractice or use. wont rr{ntn cttsToM fvnm. A habihnl way of behaving. woo oerb covnr oerb, To attempt to gain the affection of. wooden adiectioe l. our.r. adiectioe. or alertness. l. Lacking responsiveness 2. srrrr ad,ieaioe. 2. So tigdly constrained,formal, or awkward as to lack all grace and qpontaneity. woofgathering adiecthn DREAMY. Given to daydreamsor reverie. woolly ad,iectiae HAIRY. Coveredwith hair. wooziness rwun, DIZZTNESS. A sensationof whirling or falling. woory adiectbe Drazv od,iecthn. Having a sensationof whirling or falling. word naun 1. Syns; comment, remark, statement 1. Somethingsaid: May I say a wod abutt that? utterance. Remember:rwt a u:ord ahutt this to atryone! 2. rnnu noun, 2. A soundor combinationof soundsthat symbolizes and communicatesa meaning. 3. coIlrtvturclcaflox. 3. Somethingcommunicated,as information. 4. Syns: assurance, guarantee, warrant. 4. A statementthat expressesa commitrnent on the -lilimw solemn word, word of honor. part of its maker as to its truthftrlnessor to the fulfillment of its conditionszgaaemg uord tlwt I had not reoeal'edhis idermtY. fwntn. 5. corr,flvrer,ro 5. An authoritative indication to be obeyed. 6. News. 6. New information, eqp.about recent eventsand happenings. 7. Id[e, often sensationaland groundlesstalk about others. 7. cossrp rwt n. word oerb ptg.lsa Detb. To convey in languageor words of a particular form. wordage rwun \IyORDING. Choice of words and the way in which they are used. wordbook ruxtn An alphabeticallist of words often defined or translated. VOCABULARY. word-for-word adiecthn LTTERAL. Employing the very samewords as another. word-hoard rcnnr All the words of a language. wordiness twun Syns:prolixity, prolixness,verbosenesg Words or the use of words in excessof those needed verbosity,windiness. for clarity or precision: lnstead,of gettitls to tlw point, he obsaned his meaninguith unrdircss. wording tww Syns; diction, parlance,phrase, Choice of words and the way in which they are used: phraseolory,phrasing verbalism, complexwordirq in a contract. wordage.
wordless wordfess adiecthn 1. Conveyedindirectly without words or speech. 2. Temporarily unable or unwilling to speak,as from shockor fear. 3. Not voiced or expressed. word-of-mouth a.diecth:e Expressedor transmittedin speech. WOfOS rroun A discussion,often heated,in which a differenceof opinion is expressed. ' woid-stock All the words of a language. wordy ad;iec'tioe l. Using or containing an excessivenumber of words: a lwlting uordy apology tlwt nnde eDeryone hnrytient. 2. Pertaining to, consisting of, or having the nature of words. WOfk rwun l. The_techniq re, dyle, and quality of working: ddd ercellent rmrk on thc uatch; the exquisite iork of Faberyd. 2. Phpical exertion that is usu. difficult and exhausting. 3. Activity purzued as a livelihood. 4. Something that is the result of creative efiort. 5. An iszue of printed material offered for sale or distribution. work oerb l. To force to work: The owrseer unrked the slntses urmercifully. 2. To exert one's mental or physical powers, usu. under difficulty and to the poinlof exhaustion. 3. To function effectively: The car daem't uork hatf the tfuw. 4. To react in a specified way. 5. To introduce gradually and slyly. 6. To control or direct the functioning of. 7. To handle in a w-ay so as to mix, form, and shape: worked the dough into a ball. 8. To arrive at an-answer to (a mathematical problem): worked two WbLenw. 9. To prepare (soil) for the planting and raising of croPs. work out oerb 1. To arrive at an answer to (a mathematical problem). 2. To plan the details or arrangements of. 3. To turn out well. 4. To subject to forms of exertion in order to train, strengthen, or condition. work up oerb To stir to action or feeling. Yvorkable adiecthse l. Capable of being shaped, bent, or drawn out, as by hammering or pressure. 2.- Capable of occurring or being done. workaday adiectitse Of or suitable for ordinary days or routine occasions. workday adiectiae Of or suitable for ordinary days or routine occasions. worked up odiectioe Feeling a very strong emotion.
ro62 1. rupr,rcrr. 2. sprrcHr-rss. 3. su,rxr. ORAL. ARGUMENT.
l. Syns; diffuse, longwinded, periphrastic, pleonastic, prolix, verbose. 2. vpnner-.
l. Syns; craftsmanship, workmanship.
2. 3. 4. 5.
leron nuun. nusrxnss. couposrrroN. pusr-rcerroN.
1. Syns; drive, labor, task, tax. -Idiom crack the whip. 2. rrnon oerb. 3. Syns; function, go, operate, run. 4. 5. 5. 7.
rur*cnox. rNsrrfliers. opnnern. Syns: knead, manipulate.
8. Syns; fiSrc out. 9. rtrr oerb.
l. 2. 3. 4.
out (Informal), solve, work
wom aerb. ennancn aerb. succpru. rxrncrsn oerb.
l. varr,renr,B. 2. possrsr-e. EVERYDAY.
1063 wOrker noun 1. One who labors. 2. One who is employedby another. workhand rmun One who labors. IvOrking rwrrrr The way in which a machineor other thing performs or functions. working adiecthse 1, In action or full operation. 2. Having a job. workingman rwun One who labors. workfess adiecthse Out of work: uorklesscoal miners. wo rkman r r c r un One who labors. workmanship nDun The technique,style, and quality of working. work out tserb wOrks rww A building or complex in which an industry is located: the Krupp worlcs. work up oerb world twttn 1. The celestialbody where humanslive. 2. T?retotdity of all existingthings. 3. The humanrace. 4. A sphereof activity, sfudy, or interest. 5. The totality of surroundingconditionsand circumstancesaffectinggrowth or development. 6. A great deal. worfdly ailiectioe 1. Pertainingto or characteristicof the earth or of human life on earth. 2. Of or preoccupiedwith materialrather than spiritual or intellectualthings. 3. Not religious in subject matter, form, or use. 4. Experiencedin the waysof the world; lacking natural simplicity. worldly-wise adiectioe Experienced in the ways of the world; lacking natural simpliciW. worfdwid6 adiecthse So pervasive and all-inclusive as to exist in or affect the whole world.
world-without-end adiecthse Enduring for all time. world-without-end twun 1. Endlesslife after death. 2. The quality or state of having no end. WOfm oerb 1. To move alongin a crouchingor prone position. 2, To introducegraduallya"d slyly. 3. To move or proceedwith short,irregular motionsup and down or from sideto side. 4. To make,achieve,or get through contrivanceor guile. WOrn adiectioe 1. Extremelytired. 2. PaIeand exhaustedbecauseof worry, sleeplessness, etc.
1. r.esonnn. 2. nnpr,ovsn. LABORER. BEHAVIOR.
l. ecrrvs. 2. ur,rpr-oyBo. LABONEN.
Syns; jobless, unemployed. LABORER.
woRK noun, sEE WOrk. Syns: mill, plant. sEEWOrk. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
uennr. uNrvsnsr. rraaNruvo. enBe. rNvnowurrr.
6. nrep rwun. 1. renrnr,v. 2. uerpnrer-rsrrc. 3. pnoreNr. 4. sopnrsrrcATED.
1. ruuonrAlrry. 2. rrvor-pssNess. L. cntwr oerb. 2. rNsnvuarn. 3. wrccr-n. 4. wexcr.n.
1. rxneusrno. 2. Heccanp.
worn-down worn-down adiectioe Extremelytired. WOrn-OUt adiecthse l. Extremelytired. 2. Without freshnessor appealdue to overuse. worried adiectiae In a stateof uneasiness. WOrry oerb 1. To be troubled: I umry abufi his sanity. 2. To turn over in the mind, moodily and at length. 3. To canseanxiousuneasiness n: ihe patient'shigh fetserwonied the doctors. 4. To dishrb by repeatedattacks. worry fwrrn Arxious concernWoffyilaft rroun lnformal. A prophet of misfortune or disaster. WOfSen oerb To becomelower in quality, character,or condition. WOrsening rvrun Descentto a lower level or condition. worship oerb l. To regardwith great awe and devotion. 2. To feel deep,devotedlove for. worship nout The act of adoring,esp. - reverently. worshipful adiecih:e Feelingor showingreverence. wOrSt wrb l. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition, 2. To get the better of. wOrth rwun l. A measureof thosequalities that determine merit, desirability, useftrlness,or importance: the btnate uorth of the idioi&nl; a book of linle worth or interest; a Caumsbn rug of greot worth. 2. A geat amountof accumulatedmoneyand precious possessions. 3. A-level of superioritythat is usu.higlr. worthfess adieatoe f . L,ackingall worth and value: worthlzssiunk iewelry; a worthlessocatpation. 2. Having no useful pupose. wonhy ad,iectirx l. Satisfyingthe requirements,asfor selection. 2. Deservingadmiration. 3. Deservinghonor or respect. 4. Of geat value. WOUnd rwrrn Marked tissuedamage,esp.when produced by physical injury. wound oerb 1. To causephysicaldamageto. 2. To infiet physicalor mental i"jury or distresson. WOW Infonnol. L dazdng, often zuddeninstanceof success. fVfaGk noun 1. The state of being destroyed.
1. BxneusrBo. 2. rnrrr. ANXIOUS.
l. Syns; cark, pother, stew. -Idiomsbite one's nails, play with the worry beads, worry one's head over. 2. snooo. 3. Syns; ail, cark, concern, distress, trouble. 4. emsoy. ANXIETY. PESSIMIST. DETERIORATE. DETERIORATION.
1. eoons. 2. eoonr. ADORATION. REVERENT.
l. oerb. 2. rnrcvrpu oerb. 1. Syns; account, valuation, value.
2. nrcnrs. 3. urnrr noun. 1. Syns; drossy, good-for-nothing, inutile, no-good, nothing (Slaog), valueless. 2. uspr-rss. l. 2. 3. 4.
Blrcrnr,n. eoMrnesr-r. noNonenr.n. ver,uesr-r.
l, *runr oerb 2. rneuuerrzr. H,rT twu,n.
1065 2. The remains of something destroyed, disintegated, or decayed. wrack oerb To cause the complete ruin or wreckage of.
wraith rwun A supernaturalbeing. wrangle oerb 1. To quarrel noisily. 2. To engagein a quarrel. wrangle noun often heated,in which a differenceof A discussion, opinion is expressed. wfap oerb 1. To cover and tie (something),as with paper and string: unry a boxfor mailing. 2. To surroundand cover completelyso as to obscure: Foguapped the lorwlg nwur* wrap rw|ilt, 1. A garmentwrappedabout a person:a mink una'p. 2. The materialin which somethingis wrapped. wrapped up adiectioe Having one'sthouglrtsfully occupied. Wrapper rwun The material in which somethingis wrapped: /oil *dV uraryers. wrapplng alsowrapplfl$S noun The material in which somethingis wrapped. wrappings naun WfapS rwun the habit, practice, or policy of keeping secrets. Wrap.Up twun rYrap up oerb 1. To cover completelyand closely,as with clothing or bandages:Infarfis werefomwrly una.ppedry in stripsof lhlen called sunddlhg clathes. 2. To put on warm clothes:They u>rapped ry in furs. 3. To bti"g or come to a naturalor proper end. wrap-up fwun l- A concluding or terminating. 2. \\e last part. 3. A condensatjonof the essentialor main points of something. wrath rroun Violent or unrestrainedanger. wrathful adiectitse Feelingor showinganger. IYrathfulneEs rroun Violent or unrestrainedanger. wreak oerb To causeto undergo or bear, as somethingunwelcome or damaging. wreathe oerb To move or proceedon a repeatedlycurving course. wreck oerb 1. To damage,disable,or destroy (a seacraft):The oiolent stomt in the Irish Seaunecleedthe rachtg yachts. 2. To qpoilor destroy. 3. To causethe complete ruin or wreckageof. 4. To injure or destroy (propuny) maliciously.
2. nuw rwun.
DESTROY. GHOSTnOUn. t. sr.lwr
2. encur. ARGUMENT.
1. Syns; do up, package. 2. Syns: cloak, clothe, enfold (a/so infold), enshroud, envelop, enwrap, invest, shroud, veil. 1. Syns; cloak, hap2 (Regiannl), stole. 2. wneppnn. ABSORBED.
Syns:wrap, wrapping (aho wrappings).
sEEwrapping. SECRECY.
sEEWrap up. 1. Syns; enfold (aho infold), enswathe, envelop, enwrap, invest, roll, swaddle, swathe. 2. Syns: bundle ("p), h*f (Regional). 3. crosnr oerb. 1. nnro noun. 2. rr*o twttn. 3. suuvenY twrrn.
wnvoP. l. Syns; cast away, pile up, shipwreek.
2. riL*sr oerb. 3. onsrnov. 4. rnt snr oerb.
wreckage wreck r70un 1. A wrecking of a vehicle. 2. The state of beittg destroyed. 3. An abrupt, disastrous failure. wreckage ntun 1. The remains of something destroyed, disintegrated, or decayed. 2. An act, instance, or consequence of breaking. 3. The state of being destroyed. wrenGh oerb l. To dter the position of by a sharp, forcible twisting or furning movement: unenched the steering wheel to the right; unenthed the child, frtrn the deep water. 2. To injure (a bodily part) by twisting. 3. To move or cause to move with a sudden, abrupt motion. 4. To obtain by coercion or intimidation. 5. To grve an inaccurate view of by representing falsely or nrisleadittgly. wrench twun l. A sudden pull. 2. A tool with jaws for gripping and twisting: operwd the pipe rDith a big unerrch. wfest oerb l. To obtain by coercion or intimidation. 2. To alter the position of by a sharp, forcible twisting or furning movement.
1. cnesn noun. 2. prsrnucuow. 3. cor.r-epsr.rwun. 1. nurN rwun. 2. nnnexecr. 3. onsrnucrroN. 1. Syns; wrest, wring, wry.
2. runv oerb. 3. pnx oerb. 4. nrronr. 5. orsronr.
1. Junx rwun. 2. Syn: qpanner (Chtefly Brit.).
1..rxronr. 2, wnnwcs oerb.
wrestle oerb 1. To contend with an opponent, esp. by attempting to throw him: heaoyweights unestling in arnateur competition; unestl.ed the skyiacker to the ground. and disamed hhn. 2. To strive in opposition to. wretch noun A person living under very unhappy circumstances. adiectirse wretched l. Suffering from usu. prolonged anguish. 2. Having a painful ailment. 3. So objectionable as to elicit despisal.
l. Syns; grapple, scuffie, tussle. -Idiom go to the mat with.
2, conrrnxo. UNFORTUNATE
l. Mrsnna-er,r. 2. Narsrnasr-r. 3. nr,rlrv.
wretchedness nuun A state of prolonged anguish and privation.
wriggle oerb To move or proceed with short, irregular motions up and down or from side to side. wring oerb 1. To obtain by coercion or intimidation. 2. To alter the position of by a sharp, forcible twisting or turning movement. wrinkler oerb To make irregular folds in, esp. by pressing or twisting: The ooerlnad.ed umsher uri*lad all the clnth,es. wrinkle nuun l. A line made by the doubling of one part over another. 2. An indentation or seam on the skin, esp. on the face. rruun wrinkle2 Infomwl. A clever, unexpected new trick or method: c strategy with sotw neut wrinkles gtaranteed to increase sales.
1. rxronr. 2. wnrNcn oerb.
Syns: crimp, crimple, crinkle, crumple, rimple, ruckle (Brit.), rumple. 1. ror-n rwun. 2. lrnrp rwun. Syns; angle (Slnng), gimmick (Slang), kick, kicker, twist.
to67 write
l. To form letters, characters,or words on a surface with an instrument: unote the eEntion' on the blackboardwith chalk; urote a nwssageon the card. 2. To form bv artiSUceffort. 3. To be the author of (a published work or works). write down oerb To becomeor make lessin price or value. write off oerb To put out of one's mind as a lossor failure: unote off the irrcidmt as ah exercisein futility. write down perb write off oerb writhe oerb 1. To twist and turn, asin pain, struggle,or The patient uvrithedin a corutulsion. embarrassment: 2. To move or proceedwith short,irregular motionsup and down or from sideto side. written ad,iectine Of or pertainingto representationby meansof writing. rYrOng ad,iectiae 1. Containingan error or errors. 2. Devoid of truth. 3. Morally objecUonable. 4. Not in accordancewith what is usualor expected. 5. Affiicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness. wrong ad,oerb Not in the right way or on tlle proper course:Onr pla.rwusentusrongat the last mirwte. wrong ftoun l. That which is morally bad or objectionable. 2. A wicked act. 3. An act that is not just. 4. Lack of justice. wrong oerb To do a wrong to; treat unjustly: unongedand iniured thosewho had nsted hlm. wrongdoing noun 1. A wicked act. 2. Improper, often rude behavior. wrongful adiecthse l. Contrary to accepted,esp.moral conventions. 2. Prohibitedby law. 3. Ol involving,or being a crime. Wry ad;iecthse Marked by or displayrngcontemptuousmockery of the motivesor virtues of others. wry oerb To alter the position of by a sharp,forcible twisting or furning movement.
1. Syns; engross, indite, inscribe, scribe. -Idiuln put in writing. 2. couposr. 3. pugr-rsn. DEPRECIATE.
Syn; discount. sEEwrite. sEEWrite. l. Syns; agonize,squirm,toss. 2. wrccr-p.
1. rnnoxnous. 2. rer-sr. 3. rvrr, adiectioe. 4. eurss adiectioe. 5. rNselvs. Syns:afield, amiss,astray,badly, sour Qnfornol). -ldiom off the mark. 1. nvrr.noun. 2. cnurrsrroun. 3. rNlusrrcr. 4. uqusrrcr. Syns; aggrieve,oppress,outrage, persecute. l. cnuur. 2. MrsspHAvron. 1. urvr-ewpur-. 2. rr,r,ncer-. 3. cnrurNer-adiectioe. CYNICAL.
Xanthippe noun A person,esp.a woman,whohabituallyusesloud,
abusive language. X OUt oerb To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiping clean.
yahoO twun An unrefined,rude p€rson. yak nmun Slang.Incessantand usu. inconsequendaltatk. yak oerb Slang.To talk volubly, persistently,and usu. inconsequentially. yank oerb Infornwl. To move or causeto move with a sudden, abrupt motion. yank rwun lnfomwl. A suddenpull. yap oerb To utter a shrill, short cry. yap ftann A shrill, short cry. yafd rwun An areapartially or entirely enclosedby walls or buildings. yardstick rwun A meansby which individualsare comparedand judged. yafn noun Infornwl. An entertainingand often oral accountof a real or fictiUousoccurrence:tol.dthe childrenAaffus about his adnentures. yaup oerb b rwn yaw oerb l. To turn asidesharplyfrom a straightcourse. 2. To lean suddenly,unsteadily,and erraticallyfrom the vertical a,xis. 3. Regional.To open the mouth wide with a deep inward breath,as when tired or bored. yawn oerb 1. To open the mouth wide with a deep inward breath, as when tired or bored: yaumingand,rwd"dingin frorfi of the fire. 2. To open wide: The chasmyaumedat our feet. yawn ftoun Infonnal. The condition of being bored. yawning ad,iecthse Op"t wide: a yattning gulf.
scol,D twun.
ynnx aerb.
rWUn. IE'B'IK ynrp aerb. YF.LP
Syns: anecdote, fable, story, tzle. -ldicm tall story (or tale). sEEyawp. l. swnnvn aerb. 2. rvncu oerb. 3. yewx
1,. Syns: gape, yaw (Regionnl).
2. Syns: gap (Regiorurl), gape. BOREDOM.
Syns: abysmal, abyssal, cavernous, gaping.
1069 yawP dso yauP oerb l. To speakor sayveryloudlY.
or 2.To expressnegativefeelings,esp.of dissatisfaction resentrnent. 3. To utter a shrill, short cry. 4, Regional.To look intently and ffxedly. yawp alsoyaup noun A shrill, short cry. yea adaerb Archaic.It is so; asyou sayor ask. yea noun An afirmative vote or voter. yeah alsoleh adoerb lnfmnal.It is so; asyou sayor ask. yeaf noun 1. A period of time of approx.12 months,esp.that period during which the earth completesa single ievolution around the sun: spent a Aeal in London. 2. A period of origin. yearn oerb 1. To have a stronglongingfor. 2. To experienceor expresscompassion. yeafnef ruaun One who aspires. yeafning rwrrn A strong wish for what promisesenioymentor pleasure. yeafS rwun Old age. yeast rwun l- A massof bubbles in or on the surfaceof a liquid. 2. An agentthat stimulatesor precipitatesa reaction, development,or change. yeh adperb yef l oerb l. To say(something)with a shout. 2. To speakor sayvery loudly. yell twu,n A loud cry. yellow ad,ieaine Slurg.Ignobly lackingin courage. yeflow-bellied ad,iecthse Slarrg.Ignobly lacking in courage. yeflow-belly rwun person. Slnng.An ignoble,uncourageous yef lowness twun Slo"g.Ignoble lack of courage. yelp perb To utter a shrill, short cry: a ilog that yelped at strangers;yelped with pain. yelp rroun A shrill, short cry: gaaea yelp of suryrise. yen Infonnal A strong wish for what promisesenjoyment or pleasure. yenta rwun Slang.A personhabitually engagedin idle talk about others. yep alsoyup adaerb Slang.It is so; asyou sayor ask. yes adoerb It is so; asyou say or ask: Yes,he was here yesterday.
L. xoln oerb. 2. coupr-eIN. 3. vrlp oerb. 4. crzn oefu. YELPtwltn. vns a.doerb. YF;StWUn. vns adoerb. L. Syn: twelvemonth.
2. vrr.trecn rwrrn. 1. orsrnn wrb. 2. pnal- oerb. ASPIRANT. DESIRE |WUN. ACE fWUn.
1. roerra rwun. 2. ce.rer-vsr. sEEyeah. L. sttour oerb. 2. norn oerb. sHotIT noun. COWARDLY. COWARDLY. COWARD. COWARDICE
Syns; squeal,yap, yawp (aho yaup), yip. Syns; squeal,yap, yawp (aho yaup), yip. DEStnE
uas aduerb. Syns; absolutely,ageed, all riglrt, aye
yes fmun l. The act or process of accepting. 2. An affirmative vote or voter: Ihe yeses uere in the maiority, and the bill becante lnu:.
1070 (ako ay), certainly, O.K. or OK (Infonrutl),_okeydoke(a/so okeydokey ) (llary), {ght on (lnformal), Roger (Infornwl), uh-huh (Informat), yea (Archab), yeah (also yeh) (Informal), y.p (a/soyup) (Slnng). l. eccnpraxcn. 2. Syns: aye (also ay), yea.
yesterday rrcrun
A former period of time or of one's life.
yesteryear rwun
A former period of time or of one's life. yet adnerb 1. Up to this time. 2. To a more extreme degree. _3-._In spite of a preceding event or consideration.
yield obrb
To give up a possession,claim, or right. To bring forth (a product). To make as income or profit. To let (something) go. To conform to the will or judgment of another, esp. out of respect or courtesy. 6. To moderate or change a position or course of action as a result of pressure. 7. To give in from or as if from a gradual loss of strength. 8. To cease opposition. yield nuun 1. The amount or quantity produced: a high yieH of corn pef 0$e. 2. The produce gathered from the land. yiefding' ad:iectioe 1. Submitting without objection or resistance. .2. Yielding easily to pressure or weight; not firm. ylp noun A shrill, short cry. yip oerb To utter a shrill, short cry. yoke rwun 1. That which unites or binds. 2. A state of subjugation to an owner or master. yoke oerb To bring or come together in a united whole. yofg rrorlrr A former period of time or of one's life. young adiectioe Being in an early period of growth or development: a young country full of the pioneer spirit. young noun l. Young people collectively: had a great infliterrce on the young. 2. T\e offspring, as of an animal, bird, etc., that are the result of one breeding season:a lion^esswith her l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
voung. yOungster rwun A youngpersonbetweenbirth andpuberty. youth nuun l. The time of life betrveen childhood and maturity: In
l. ranr,mn. 2. rvnNl adaerb. 3. srrr,r. adoerb, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ennrcarn. nnen. nprunw oerb. nnr.rNgursu. nrrrn2.
6. wrexnw. 7. succunas. 8. cryr rruat give. 1. Syns; output, product, production. 2. nanvesr rwun, l. pessIve. 2. sorr. YE'LP TWUN.
ynrp oerb. 1. eoND rmun. 2. sr-evnny. coMsrNn oarb. PAST TWIN.
Syns; green, immature, infant, juvenile, youthful. 1. Syns; juvenility, youth. 2. Syns: brood, litter.
1. Syns; greenness,juvenescence,