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eline issile
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eline issile
STEVEN J ZA1.0ClA born In 1"2. recehed his SA hlsttory 'rom Union CoIlBge, .-:I .... MA ColumbIa
Unhorolly He has published
books ... arbClel d ••R ... with modem mWtary IItCh"MO gy. alp, cially WitbDiied wilhide d ....lopm.nt. ... mph . . . of tnt.. est Is . . i II"OUI
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Red SAM:
mm..., .ftaln in the 'OhUI' 10,..
"'1Iof. end
Euo_ In World Wwll, end ......... wrItten .........., i forcM.
.. Am.,.,.. W""'"
New Vanguard • 134
The SA-2 Guideline Anti-Aircraft Missile
\ru It" • Boo!.. o
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In 7 d.d
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Steven J Zaloga . Illustrated by Jim Launer
L8vochkln !Vii missile requently paraded in Red re, leading NATO to give 'Griffon" codename, 'Opriately a mythical beasL
...• ,
mce. e\to d llgl( homber II dkllL... throllt.,h the.' defen...c.·... could cause UIlIIIL..l In Ihlt: d 1I11~l:""l(· In )l.).t;. (.clJ1l.m\ "a (,n the. H. rgc. of (kplo\ing n.·\oIUlionar\' air ddt n Icchnolpg\ U IlIg Ilt \, g-uickd mi ,ill-, such a... the \\'a....serfal and Ihl' h,", Il,rlin!:!:. f 'rlt '>0\1< I mfaf<~le>-'lir mi sil<' (S.\\I) design at Ih, II (. a ,dina- ,,/pdu!'all/' II/'fllllle: S,it'nlifi, Resear,h Instilllte) \\-as ha'tt rl Oil (r( IIIl.in tcc hl1o)og'\. \!though man\ It·... t flig-hh wcre (onduned. Iht'se program C.lllll to naught due;' to the: political 111achinations of th.. ri",l SJ'lClal Bure,lt' 0.1 (SB-I) 11<".I(l<'d hI lhe radar expen P",d . KillS( nko. On Ih, 1,.lf \1,< rg,·, L Iklia. tl1(' Olt of lhe siniSier head of th.. "i'l Uti poli,e. Lanl'luil Bella, rh(, proposed deleloping an emir.." JJ<~\ \\1 ,md in I \1; I Ihe m ,.1 progl~lm '\IT(' lerm inaled and th..,r peNlltnel h,fltd 10 \lork on lhe 11('\\ BtTklll (",Iden Eagle) "swm. an acrnnnll for Beria and KlIll'PO\. lhe [kplll\ Dirt'nor of KB-I. Stalin was alanntd In Ih, ft pon comiltg from Kort'.1 of Ih, elk,li"'Il<' s of L:S B-29 bombt-r auacl;, and on Augll I 9, I'GO, he ordert'd lhal Ihe Berklll be deplO\ed "ithin a ,ear' timt 10 proleCl \Io'lo\l, The Berkul "« an imml'n ' 1ll1derr.,king. ron iSling of ,6 mi"ik regtments In l\\o ronrenlrir rin~ around \Io...n ,,,. each ',ilh a 111a: ... in~ 8-200 radar bunk..r and 611 laullch pad. \Ii ile dewlopmelll was undertaken In the fon rno t "il'l lighler d" ;gll'·1. ';('Ill,on Lamchkin. hlch accoun~ for hi nn leriou di"'pp'~lranfe from aircraft de ign in the Iale 1951),;, During Ih, COUf',(' of Ih.· Ikrkttl p"'gram, Sr.llin died and hIS henchm,an un.. nth Ik'ria \\,1 aIT" led Il, arlll' officer and sho!. In the en urng purg" 01 Ik'ria tlppon..... hi SOil \\as ("icted f",m the design bur.....u "hi'h \1« reorgalli'ed tinder S.. \. Resp"'"n ,ts KB-I. laltT bt-n..r kIlO"'I« III<' famou \hll
Seen here at the Khodynka
senice, lhe S-25 W,ts ahead, approaching obsolescence du.. l<J Ihe rapId changes In a"allon lechnolo!(\. Th.. Kremlin ((Jnsidered dl'plo\1ng- a cheaper, rail-mnbile wrsion. called Ihe $050. around Leningrad bUl Ihi was rejected in fmnr of a much more ...ophisticated "i} tern coc!enarnec! Oal. In lhe e\"Cnl, the L~\ochkin Oal program would become mired in i~ own set of" lechnological and CO." problems and wa~ caneded in Ihe ('arlt 1960s before becoming- operalional.
museum are the key components of the first Soviet strategic SAM, the 5-25 Bef1(ut with a Lavochkin V-300 missile in the foreground and one of the windmill antennae of the unusul B-200 radar behind. Leningrad was supposed to be defended by the more sophisticated Lavochkin Cal system: this shows one of the prototype SV11 missiles on its massive PPU-476 launcher at the Sary·Shagan test-range.
Birth of the 5.75
While \Iosco\\ and LeningJ<,d mig-ht warram "'pt'ns"e s~ «-m. the Kremlin "cUlted a mou.' economical air defeno,e \"",tem to prottOO other So\;et ciue\ and mililan ba"l('s. Thi... ''It.''condan \" tern \"t de l~alerl the S-75 and lhe progt-2" " lem 10 th.. lu!:!:h-fr('qll"'lC\ \-band (Oem). but until ne\, _ -band ma~nelTon \'l'rt' completed. the rad..l f prllgT.l'. an on paJ
the. ll)
i-trailer, towed by an
59 tractor.
ttu ) {I II 011 t .lIt g-If S. \\1 . \ new mi "sile I , > \la land-lines, both located Oil th, p"riphtT' of the launch sit". LH'h S.\~l .egiment included Ih,,·! S.\~I haueries plus a technical hallalion. and the regiments in turn wuld be organi"'d into la.gl'l formations: hngades, dilisions, and !'YO-Stram corp . I'rogn' on th,' 5-7:> program I"IS slt'",11 r'lHHlgh that the 195~O h\t-\t'ar Plan ("Iwi iont:d tht, manufaetun: of 26.1 Jnissile bauedes and 7,~~1I \Ci,1I mi il,·. The SA-75 Dlina S\ t,'m was accepted for senice on Oecembt'r II, 1957. The 19.;7 produuion mclud"d 30 of lhe planned 411 launch romplext' and 6~ I 01 the planned 1.200 missiles. (
1) I
The evolutionary link between the 5-25 and 5-75 systems was the experimental ShB-32 missile
which pioneered the two-stage
This Is one of the original Fakel
10 missiles on a prototype launcher during the Initial flnng trials of the SA-75 system.
OnJu!) 4, 1956, SO\iet radar detected an aircraft nling deep oler Ru sia at altitudes of 72,OOOft (22km), far bemnd the reach of Smiet j,·t illlerceptors. This was a CIA U-2 sp\'plane on its maiden O\erflight 01 the LSSR. and a night aiel' Moscow followed the next dal. :"ikita Khrushchel \\
Each 5-75 battery was with a P-12 (NATO: Spoon A
\)ue to "l"I I ")WlnR (' po I"ItlCa I Conti ()\(·r . . \ ()\('r Ill(" ')0\"1("1 "'lllalc.·J{1( m i"..\i 1(' progrtlT11 h ("l1ho\\("r rdll(~ tallth aRrt'l'd to 01 '(""mptioll of C-:! l1i~ht in I'Ifill, I he l-2 m,,,ioll on \pril 10, 1~r,{J, l1e\\ n('ar lh.. r,:~ralam mi",ile rang-(' and pa ,,('d a numh("r of ';-1" ball"rie, that had not lx'('n a"'!t"d in UIl1" \ number of "t·nior So\iel (Ommilllder \\t'r( (."hi('!('d wh('n Khr"'hche\ ko1nwd of the f"illln' The 11("t l'-:! l1i~ht on \\;1\ D'I\ 19liO l",call1(' lh,' l~lO"1 IIlfamol1 . Operalion ("mnd SIllm \\tl" pilOlt·O b\ f rancs"'l (JOan Power.. . and ne\\ from Paki tan to\\arcl rnlfCllam and lhe Sar\"-sha~an anli-balli tit mi "ill' prO\'in~ Rrollnd, The P\'O-Stram m.mo1!:('d to track lhe L-2 almO"'l1 cOlltinuou"'lh from lhe Sfl\it'l- \fO'han borelt·1". and mort' than a dozen fj~hlt'r aircraft \\t'I"(' . . (·nl up to IIlwrcept it, including one attempt to ram it lI"n~ a new SlI-9 interceptor. The Cl.\ had a ",n incomple[e picture of the demil' of a,r eldl-Ibe, in the Lrals. and lhe \"erdlo\ . . k an..-a had a hean COllf('tllration of mis...ile dden,,('s . . inn· it \\it" the centt'!' of thl' So\;et nuclear wl'apon . . mdustn. The new production lille at the ""HI1Jlin plo1nt ill [he cit\ had recenth beglln 10 deli\e' the new 13D mi"ile to local S, \..\1 hatterie', In the \;cinil\ of, \erdIO\'k, a P\'O-Str<1n\ reginH'nt newl\ equipp('d with the late" $-7:);0.: De,na ('ngaged the L'-2 from two of i" batterie',\ 1:\0 mi"ile from the batten. (ommanded b\ ~I~ ~Iikhail \'oronO\, 'cored a ncar mi" behind the L-:! at around around 67,OOOft (:!O,5km) at 0 :;:\ hour.. . , which . . hatlen·d the control "'Iurfact's of the LJ-2 and cal1"t'd it 10 'pi'<11 out of COJ1lrol. Power, managed to e'cape the doomed airer.lft b\ parachute. and ...honh aherward... lht" C-2 wa.. . hit b\ another mi . . ilt:". ,.
surveillance radar to acquire targets for the RSNA-75 fire control radar. The smaller antenna In front Is a NRZ-1 Identlflcatlon-frlend-or-foe (IFF) interrogator.
h..lped man ,11, )aumh 11< "[,,,h mclud,d th'n' ,uollnd Beijin~ and the olho .uouud m.lJor 1111 lit ~lIl(t nuell,I)" \\capons te.. t ,ite,. ()n Octolxr 7, Iq-,y om of ,he [amant,,-' RI~,-.7[) \\", trllck at an altitllde of fi\tillOft :!okm b\ a ,ho 01 tlllee \-7-.0 Ill' ,iI",. It ".\, the fir,t time m h, ton that an airClaft "01 hot elm'" I" .1 ~ \\1, .,hholl!-:h at the time the feat \\•• allrihllt,d tn ( him" fi!-:htc' dw' to the '" n'('\ of the (hmest' 7:; hallahon . /Ill" fi, t kJll m ,,\( t .,i, p"u' "," c101imed on member 16 ['1",'1 "h, n o1n \-7-, hallen lll'al \ol!-:o~r.ld \\.1 (J"nlited WIth hooung dmm a l S \\ S-l16[ n lOnn.tI ncr h"lIoon, "lthouRh thi, mCldent r mam 11m enfi"d
To reach the U-2's high cruising altitude, a more powerful sustalner engine for the new Fakel 110 missile was needed, the Isayev S.711V seen to the lett. The engine to the right is the S2.270-A 1 developed for later versions,
The Soviet Navy fitted. Mva.
version of the S. 75 called the M-2 aboard the crul. ., Dzer.zhlnskly In 1959--02. The M-2 u.ed the ma••lve SM·64 twin-rail launcher with 8 large drum magazine below deck., which made the system 'a' too cumbersome and It wa. rejected for further use.
The 110 missile became the standard export variant, and One Is seen here on display at the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw on its SM-63 launcher.
The SA-75M Dvlna system Introduced the nower PR-11A
defend the ballistic l11issi'" ,ill'S fll" P\'O 5t [ '( I I '. -. roin\ Ofn" 10 .11 >a \\f-n' commanc ed bl GenL! S. T, Grechko and CC)ll,'isted ()f the IlJlh and lIth Air D"fen,,' I>lissile Dilisions from the "olga P"O-Stral1\ \f,litan DlStnct, each With lhret' missile regiments. totaling 'om(' 114 5,\\f launcher, of Ihc' newer >75 DC',na \,"rs'lon Til" < -,- " I I ' ". . . . . . : ~ ? rnl 'I t: >attent: I )egan arrll'lng 111 Cuba in the final wed ofJul\', and construction (If the 1'\..\1 Sites took place from August to September 1962.
tranSporte,..loador semi-trailer, which was towed by a ZIL-151V truck. Here, a Romanian crew Is seen reloading an 110 missile on an 8M-53-1 launcher.
The sudden upsur!(e in So,iN actilit\, in Cuba led to the di patch of a CIA U-2 on Augu,t 29, which detected the first eight SA-2 ite, CIA Director John \IcCone "as cominced that the CSSR lIould onl, deplOl such a new and ,ophisticated 5\stem if the\ were tfling to protect somethmg espectally ,aluable ,uch as ballistic mi, ill'S, The discO\efl of the SA-2 sites forced the Kenned\' administration to be more wary of sending U-25 O\'er Cuba, but at the same time increased the pre, sure for more frequent cOlerage. The hurricane seal'On hampered the reconnaISsance mi, ions and so the first clear elidence of the deplO\'mem of R-14 (5<;.4, intermediate range ballistic missiles was not acquired ulllil a C-2 night on October 14, The ensuing crisis brou!(ht the USA and USSR to the brink of nuclear war.
"hich b",I-" il .IIMn I he ,hoot-dOl,n of Ihe L-2 and caplure of Powers W.l' .l IlMjor c,'l11lMn.l"IllC.'tll f<)r lhl' Fi,c.:nh()\\Cf ,,,Iministralion and led Ei,,'nhcl\\n to fOl bid ,U1\ funhn ni~hh OIer the Smiet L nion bl the l'-2, a ban IIhirh II." laler extenckd 10 ils sup,'r"lIlic [ollow-on, the SR-i'!. 110\,,'"'''' o".,.fli!(hts did conllnue in other rt'!(ions including China, ,'onh "Olea, and Ihe \Iiddle East. HI Ihis time, new sources of OI,'rhead photoWapl1\ of the L5, R were becoming al'ailable, the Corona 'pI "'t,'llite', IIhich reduced the need for prol'()calile olerllighLs,
To commemorate the shoot-down of Powers' U-2, this Fakel 130 missile on its SM·63 launcher was placed outside the Sverdlovsk military museum, where the remains of the U·2 are on display.
OPERATION ANADYR: THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS BI 1962. there lIa indeed a l11i ,ile !(ap. bUI it was not the Cnited tates that lias behind, Th,' SOliN R-i' interwJ1IineJ1lal missile program had prolen to be a (t'chnolo!(ical deacknd and it took wars before the next-generation R-lli mi ik wa deplolt'd in ,ignificaJ1l numbers, As a hon,ut. Khru hchel d"cided to cit-pim "isting intermediate-range nudear-armed ballisti< mi ill'S in Cuba. wht·rt, th"1 could reach most of the l niled Slate. Opt'ration .11lIld\1 al 0 ill\ohed the PYa-Stram to
The regimental technical battalion maintained additional missiles in these sealed containers carried on a semi-trailer.
Grechko had been instructed 10 use the 5-75 ballerie, onh in the event of hostilities or a direct allack, In frustration at the SOI'iet inaction in response LO the overnights. on October 26 Castro ordered his allli-aircraft uniL, to engage low-flying US reconnaissance aircraft elen though the Cuban guns could nOt reach the U-2, It seemed unlikeh that the US would oler!ool- this act, and the OIieLs beliewd that war was imminent. On October 27, when another U-2 was spolled. Grechl-o allempted LO reach the commander of the Group of OIiet Forces-Cuba for permission to engage, After being unable to do so, he ordered the 507th Air Defense I>lissile Re!(imelll to shoot down the L-2. ba'ed on hlS 111istaken presumption that war wa, ine\;table, The l;-2 wa\ engag-ed b\ the 4th Ballen. commanded bl LtCol l. \1. GerchenOl and 'Lationed near \'iclOria-de-Ia,-Tuna.s, The aircraft was hit with a "tho of three missiles around 10 19h1S, killing the pilot. L' .-\F \Iaj Rudolph .\ndel on. This incident almost precipitated a nuclear wac, Sum ned bl the new" Khnt,hchel realiled that his ori¢nal in truction had not been explicit enou!(h and a me,s."'ge wa.s sent to Glechko "amine; "'ou were hasty" and in\isting- on greater caution. Like\\;"lt". on the L Side there wa~- recognition that the situation \\'a..~ ·piralil.1K out of con~·()l. ('.almer rea.sonin!( prt'l
Soviet attempts to hide m deployment in Cuba In the
Summer of 1962 were given away by the characteristic deployment pattern of the
The S-15M VOlkhov
\\11(,'n tht. ~7) . . ' . . It·m \\:.\... lakell to ma....... production in I~J7>i. then \\(t aln'J,ch ,Oil\(: n:folTI1I'II'( r I, d f . . ,., mot H 11<:(" or ~n~at<'r rdn~t· and clhulld< It) dea,) \\nh fUlun' threat bt'\Cmd the L-2. One Opti(Hl \\cl to Ot.-"\dhP ar ('ntlrt'h 1)('\\ "i\ It:lll. lht· ~17;)_ HO\\t.·\('r, a n{~w \\ (t'm \\lHlld lakt ume an~l hc."Calll..e . . 0 IlltKh mont'\ had aJrt'ach oc·t'n in\t' It'd in lht S-7_> the P\ O-Stntn\ deCldt.'d in It'ad on a dt'ep modeTni/,iUion of til(' l' 'i ting <;.,>_ De~e1opme'~t of Illl' '>-7,\1 \ol~hO\ ""em \\a, alllhor1/t'd on func' 4, 19.) • and alllwcI at incf('a illS{ \"ilc.'m pt'rformann: a~am t fa: (l-r targt't at )ong:er rclng:t.·"i. T\\o differt'nt mi "iik.... \\eft.' ron icleft'd for the nt..... \('"ion, itl'm, 17D and 200 .
associated 5-75 systems, as seen In this U-2 photo taken over CUba. (US 000)
. TIl(: 170 \\" a fundanll'lllalh differl'nl approach to ml ile propul IOn, u.. . mg- a ram-jet en¢ne for lhe "iu"ilainer "itaKt' rath('r than a liquid-fuel rocket. The ram-let en~u1l' remO\ed the need for the oxidi/t'r lhat made up about IW(>-third, of the propellalll wei~hl in U1l' normal WI' ion. It \\" such a radical dc.,'partun· from th(' pn'\ious de"ii~"i thaI il"i dt"\dopment took much lon~er than lhe 200. The fiN f1i~hl te't did notla~e place unti! Januan 23. 1960, afte, the ri,," 200 had alreach oct'n aeeeptl'd for the 5075\1 ,... ,Wm. ,\bout 40 It',t f1i~hb we,l' eonductedthrou~h Ihl' ,ummer of 1962 and It'd to mOIl' 'ophi'liealed ram:jet deri,,"iH" ,uch" tht, I ~lD and 220. The 200 wa, ,imilar in appearance to the prelim" '>-7;, mi"ile,. bu, nealil all the illlernal component, wtTe rede,i~11t'd and replaced. Sinel' the Fake! bureau \\1I.S ....0 btl" with newer .-\.\1 S\ .... ll·m.... dt.·,e!opml·nl \\,t, handed ml'r to a "nail affilialt'd en~neer1n~ burt'au headed bl \'. \', Koha-'~It1. \\hicl, \\<1' locall'd atlhe lead p'oduction facilil\. lhe \Ian!«u'd Plant in ~Io . . co\\. \ ... ig-nific,l\lll n.1lionale for lhe new progyam wa... to irnprme traeklt1~ perfi)lman(1' III the pre'C'nce of I""tile mdar jall1ll1in~. The 111'\\ ,ulNantialh ll1odl'rnill'd RS.-75\ radar (, \TO: F,u, 'ion~ F.
nil lOll '>I(r thl >lIH l n,o, amI Cbrla lhl' RoC \~ \\.1 \\iIIin~ 10 takl' up tilt (hlI1J. ml Ion a n \lIt. .tlC' l ~ reTan treUl te.-rring l-2.. . to Tai\\C.ll1 dIul IIlI Ion Ix ,Ill III 196~ nll liT t RoC H L-2 \\." ,hot elm\11 m(', ,j h.1ll on pI< mbl'f q 191 2 .Illrl at 11'.1 I II RoC \F L -2, 111"1' 10" Ix l\\Ien 1%2 dnd 1970 1TI0 th 11Clilll of thl ,>-,", rnl Ill' 'I tem fhe '>-7.; \\,1 at J US<"d III mdll nllmbe h India dunnt:: til(' 19bj \\.1' \\ith Paki,tan.
Each 5-75 battery was uSUIIltr deployed in a star-shape pattern, with the principal equipment protected In earthen berm•• At the center is the ASH·75 (Fan Song) radar (1) along with associated command trailers and generators (4), which are linked to the rest of the regiment via a Mercury Gras. communication vehicle (3J.
---o -
2 50m
The six 5M·63 launche.... (2) .re around the command site. The P-12 search radar (5) provld. . the Initial target acquisition and alongside Is a generator trailer (6). Each battery site Is supported by three PR-11 missile transporter-loaders (7) with spare missiles,
The Fakel 220 missile was yet another attempt to extend the range of the $-75 system, this time by adding a set of four ram-jet sustalners around the core liqUid-fuel rocket engine,
I11p o\c:c1
lall ,lIIe! lion 11)(
r 11 \\ •• P I _ I I hUI he iiI I .u d r It II, P\ 0- tr,m\ until b;, n, d,d < I d 1'1 19h! lu ) 1m nn ht tt lit k m II fat 10m' . d Il','c'll'd .hout 6: ,000 Il I-i, hatlni'" throug-hout the L R. and d"plo\lll('J1l re,lched a p,'ak ill l!l{i!! wilh "'JI1e HOD hallen' sites, In thc UI11J11,'r 01 I!G!l. the <;Oi, .lir dd"'N' umhrella ",t\ extended westward "ith till' liN dq'lo\1neJ1l 01 Sm;I'1 halll";" ill Ea'l German\" In 1960 KhnL,hch,"\ informed till' I",d"r ollh, olh"l War"'" Pan countrie, that thl"\ "ould he honorl'd to purch.N' til(' Ill''' '>-ij air dekn'" "'Iem'. which "ould be' in tallt'd on a crd' h h," i ";Ihin till,'" momh" Tramfer of mtssdes to tht, ntht'r "aN'" p"c t annit, Ix'gall in I !If) I. "ilh PliOlit:\ gomg to thl' lirst-hn arnUt' ofPolancl. <J,'cho 1m .,kia. and Ea t (;erJl1am. Although thl' \\,...,.,." Pan counuit, Ix'gan ,,;th 11ll' S.\-i.; [h;na " tem, the high cost of thl' prc~.l'IIt forced theJl1 10 In'"h oul their acqui,ition so that the) l"\l'lIlualh acquired the 1110n' JI10dnn '>-i.; \'olkhm " lem in the Jatl' 19605, ',for exam 1'1.., ~:a, I <,,'rnJaJl\ acquir"d t'ig-ht halle';e, of the -75 Ihllla and 2Y haue';.. of tht, '>-i.·' \(,Ikho,. I
Tile neJlt .eneretlon: 5-125 end 5-200 I...ikt' man> _. \\a dt:\dOpt·c1 in ha~le and wa\ ed Cold \\ar " ..apon. t1 le. .~""t"/.l plagu b) a numhe~ of hOrlccllnmg, It had poor ptTI'"mance at low alblUd and the L -2 ()\ernigh~ cli plawd it, limilation, ag-aimt hig-hal blUde targets as "ell TIlt' L'S I" I ' bo be . \\~ 1M' \ to IIltroduc e new ~up<:r~()njc and p>plane be"\cmd Ih" t'flt-c Ii\(, ('mdope of lhc' 5-75. SOl11e o t'St' problems "ere parlialh add..., "'d Il, the u!,grad,', 111l'llliont'd earlier. but a more thorough approac h \\a, 10 d,'wlo!, a pair of n('\\ lI1i"il" terns to supplem"111 til(' '>-i5 - th,' I<m-alli""\,, '>-12;; . ',',a (".\'ro' -3 Goa) and th e I' II-aI' de '>-200 \n"'u', I '\'I'(), S \ - <' ". . IIg lllU Th 5-125, . , ,." < • • , ' • -;> "l1l1l11on). e was acceptc'd for "'n',Ct' m lU'l(' 196\ aud W,t\ dl'plo\ed hy
f:' . .
The Volkhov system Introduced the Improved SM·9Q launcher, which had 8 more durable flame deflector and an improved tracker drive. This view of a Polish launcher shows the characteristic features of the 20D missile such •• the forward dielectric band and the four antenna atnlk. . behind the nose fins.
Parallel to the 200 missile wlttoi Its v-aa conventional warhead, Avangard also developed the 150 missile with a larger nosecone to accommodate a nuclear warhead. A 150 mlssUe Is seen here being carried on a PR~11 B transporte,...loader semi-trailer, towed by a ZIL-131 tractor truck. (US 000)
ow altitude and short d to the development of plementary 5-125 Nova This Is an example of S-125M Nova-M with (V-601) missiles on rail 5P73 launcher; r system used the IP71 launcher.
THE FLYING TELEPHONE POLE IN VIETNAM h,n Ih"n!:h Ih, ,-, h,l a «'chlli,al achi"'r .,ilholl~h "1II11' Sm.,et officers It"mailwrl a b.Utt..'1 \ ((mlm~lJ1(h-r'\ throul(h til<' lal' l!lt~)." ( The ~rst S.i."') lhina re~inll"nt in rumba I \\Cl'" IIw 236th Air Dd,'n,,' R"!(im"111 ""nlllaIHI"d 1)\ Col M. TS\'J{dnko\ \\ill, il'\ lir 1 t\\'o laullc II battalions in
One of the contenders for the Volkhov modemlzatlon program was Fakel's 17D missile, which Is easily distinguishable by the thicker mid-fuselage area, widened to accommodate a ram-jet sustalner.
the Ilanoi area, OnJlIh 2~, 196",lh.. 631d and lHth baueril" oflh.. 2:161h SA.\I Regilllelll hil a fOlmalion of F-K Ph,ultom fighll'l bOlllb('I' of Ih,' L AF 171h Tactical Fi~htl'l Squadron north".." of Hanoi, ,hooling dOlm a 'ing1<' aircm!l. ,\ ,econd Ddna unil, the 23, Ih \Ii"ik Rel(illlelll (Col.' ". Bazhello\·). Ix'callw operational in the autumn. lhe 261"'t commanded b' Col K. \. Z""ad,ki, in F,'l>ruan 1966, 'md Ihe 2741h commanded b, Col Y, Y. F..dolo\ lalel in 1966, Th.. inilial CS, \F eflor" (0 deal \lilh the .-\-2 ,ill" W"ll' nOI 'UCCl' ful. The mi,io'" agai"'l Ihl' S, \.\1 ,ill" \lei" "tiled Operalion frVII Ifalld, a pione..,;nl( l'fi(lrl in Sf~ \D (,upple"ion of l'nl'lll' air d..kn,,·'). Sin,l' ~h.. Fan ng 1,ldal had a dead lon,' allow allilud.. "hell' 1l \I ,to, bhnd,."l<' "": !rrm Haml allack onJuh 27, 196", in\'oI,..d a low-alulude alla,kb, ,4 F-\ll" fiuhter bomber.... IIO\\l.'\t'I'. the ~t)6th \Iissile Reg;nwilt anuClp.ued ,an a::'ack. and '\0 mo\t'd tht' ';.\\1 baHt'tie... in\"ohed. replacing them \\lth dummie... and depltwing alxHlt 120 anti-aircraft gun ....\ro~lIl.d tht' an.'~\. \\1H~n the F-IO.ls ani\t.'d. lht'\ \\'t'rt' blU'" an~hlllTI'l.h ~lIh. Io,ing ,i, F-IO,,' and an RF.. !OI \()od,x, Il'connai, 'UK" 'lIITrall \lll'l.1 :":,,,,_ .\-4£ w;\... I()~t to all 5.\-2 on .\Ug-tl'\t II. a . . ,mllar. .,,, a~L..H.l \hl't 'I1('(, I! 0'" I"t 1-",' nlcnt' aircraft to anti-aircraft "gun... \\llhOnl hllung- till' aune I ' , \Iole ",phi'li,aled approach,', \I,'ll' !lied, '\Ilh ,to, Op<~,"I!lon S \\1 .. """ '\' f III"b," , ,11' II" \ "\I'l" I which Iallndl<'d an unlllann,', I BQ\' ,-,' I..Ij. 00f{. Oil, ' lin'I'l .,• 1- 1")1. F'\11 SUllO" . . ifrnak On the fir'l In. lht' l\ .It'l.-. ( rt( I drone il'" I)all to I~ l. 1 .' ~" . . • ' . , 1)11 tht' \ccond U'\, tht' tnanf.{ulauon l nOll '\~l'" not lake thl.' I'>alt .• m( t I') l) l
I h( fi I HI I II \ 1011"
>r ,d
I II II pOle'lll.1I , lit ( \ I. m, ,d F ,h( e droll(" InH \\ h Ihll rt' ~ll( r II tt I .1Il frUled h, I' td "I U ( r. olle .m, 1Il.It' h.Kk t, th, O( I 30 0 h,. I P \ I Ion 0' FellIlI.,n I If/Ill • I moth, rod, fitMlh .ICqUIfIII~ Ih(" lon,-ml t, nou WI m d uphnk .md c"","h"k '," II. n, ( 1\ ('\c n I.III~ malla;,("d to pUI"( h.I'" ,
d }.tJl
Of!t::' fdel.1t
hom InclOlH:
~ Ic m
\1IhWt.lhl, 10 d"lImllic
\1) .tt
'i('\t.'r.d kl'\
nodl" of
-kIll ,ham - I hc ... \ \1 Iq:(inwtll bt'~all op('l
l.tn.~C,'t lI'~ing P-L,) l'arh \\.trnmg- radar. .
(ould often hH'ak
Fan Song\" automaLic tracking. and b\'
Ill\" tilll\" Ill\" f.1I1 SOIlK reacqlUred th" fiKhtn J:j "'cond, laler, the aircrafl muld lx' OUI of 1.IIl~e, LI,,'r R\I'R "'b could .11,,> di'lill!,'uish between Ihe initialu.1C killK igllal of th(' Fan SOil!,' alld II, tr..UhlUon 10 firillg mode. Thi, olt'll IlJOI,'d to lx' Ih(' mo't criucal ph,t'!, of all, ,inC(' Ihe mi"ile or radar lO'~ld Ofllll Ix· ",,,,led if Ihe pilol W"S wanwd '0011 enough, A criucal d, Itn"nn of Ill\" S \-:! m, ,ile """ Ihal II had 11("\('r beell de,igned 10 lllg;Jg' n"lU"u, ("l"hl" lacucal aircmft allow ahilllde . The onu'ol ,,"'face. (III th, m; il,' '\lTC' r"'au,d, ,mall, and "hill' til(' rocket engine "w. bllrnlll~ thc III~h p'"t'd o~ Ihe mi ,ik' limi,,'d ib man('u\('ring capabilitl a, II, II. \1I1I liI(' roc k"t ('nf.,'llle bllrned 0111. Ih(· S.\-:! mi ,ill' (aced a ,econd problem Ill' (' II "a 'oa ling, and ('\(T, maJWU\tT burned off much of its pt"~t to til,· pomt at "hich it cOllld nOI man('U\l'1 al all. If pilots 'polted tho fhmg t",,'pho/It··pok'- in ume liI(', «mid Ollltllan('u,er II n"'l. S .\i/ Fe"ce alld L'S' .I ' . .. " an \t'l ,l >out Cl.ll4Kklllg alllhe valious nodes of till kill cham IJ1 order to I('dllce Ihe tlu ('"II of th(. S \ ') 0 . . . I' ' . --, ("cepUon ~arnJlllnK. poe \\<:n:. hu('o to 'Hike airnaft. whiC"h freated hll't(., ran e mfonnauon for thc' fan Song operalo" fl1(' l'S \f I' . I ,g f FlO" . '. ("lO'('I"('C Ihar O',ng l. 0/lur .' ,> "'1" pp.:d 1I11i1 Jamm(T' ill light ""malioll allll)lilied thnil t" t·( U\('I1(" "mel II ' . . . . '"'- I . .' l ( " lacltcs I\lT" Illlrodu("('d in S"pl('mb("r 1966 I"\.not 1("r SOIUlioll \\(l 10 111 _• .
}. I
Ollln mOlt po\\(.'dul (,.'QUJpn1(,'l1t on a larger ud a1rcr. I "Be I co l ,ltconlpaUl a "rik" l"lCkaK(' alld ,hield the ('IHire ~oup ''';IlK po"", ful de("('pllOIl I'll 111l1('r,. a, w!'ll '" I)()w('r(ul noi'e Janlm.,,, I 'at 1"('11""1('" Ih" S.\\! radal' illl'ff('(1 1\ " 1)\ ,impl, OIe/whelmin!,'
To deal with future supersonic hlgh·altitude threats such as the 5R-71 reconnaissance aircraft and 8-70 bomber, the 5.200 Angara (5A-5 Gammon) system was accepted for service in 1987. This is a Fakel 5V21 (V-880) missile on its single-rail 5P72 launcher,
The 110 missile used In Vletna". had two sots of strip antenna on the nose, the forward set for the radio proximity fuze, and the aft sot 'Or receiving command guidance signals.
Song 0pnalor to swilch Ihe lransnuuer into a "dumm) load," which left lhe radar at filII pown but nOI transmitllng, \s a result, the radar could "ait ill '"nllllSh ulllil lhe last po'Sible momelll, and then switch from dummv load 10 transmit mode to ambush an unsuspecting fighler, The 2:lfilh \llSsilt, Regimenl also pione,'n-d a technique of switching lrorn alltomallC to manllal lracking, called "lhn-e-point" guidance, when 1I0d,') 1I1t,'nS(' "'eclronic jamming, scoring a firSI lictorv using this tactic on ,\III(IIS1 12. 19fii, ' III spite of th"se innOI'ations, liS electronic warfare techniques 'Ollllllll":1 ,t~ d"l(rade lhe dfectjl,ene~s of th" mi sill' regiments, In the AII,,'u t Uhl lil(htJllI( over HanOI, 6b P'')("('1ll of all 5,\-2 missiles lost co~ltrol, alld mon' th,m 6 perce~ll lost ("{Jntrol so near lhe ground thaI th, \ IInpa, t,'d the CItV, causlllg wnsid,'rable death and destruction, lh, m, sol" n'l(lIn,'nLs Ix'came so desperat" dUring th" October 1967 air O,,"r llano, that thel Ix:g-an usinl( un«'st"d track-on-jam tactics, ,to, !(',') th" mi sile using the aircraft's Own jamn;ingsignals, () t 22 a'"rall "''Ie claimed bl S,\\I ball'')i"s durina lhe intense cto''''r 24--"7 " I J ' f ,." 1-I an d II I t II('- lSI, all )au H"IIH'en November I " "S, I III act onlv live "en'lost. , ... , \", . ) 'Ig 11 mon' planes I10 the UI( It tnalllt·\t: \\t°rt: c'on\-in .. j t. ' unproled SA-2 La, tics and s<'H' I d , I nsl<"a d . Ill(' lid" ' et( t 'at I 1(' j,unmer problem had been lurn,'d ' .' , I ' Q R( I fif' • U '" al'lI of the jalllmers. i'\ew . T 111 II ' ' '"" Jall1l1ung pods w", agalll commalld I pi' k I ' re Sp'Cl ICa } (!treCled 10 "'erwhdm the ' 111 X lween lhe rada' d h " deploH'd in ()"("mlx'r 1967 "I an , I e mISSile and these were 1%7 durill " I, I . "It 1 'ramall(" resull.s, On December 14 • K air JaU e\ (J\{T Hanoi ('\l' - . I S ( , ,h"nil all,'r launch ()" I), I I'_ r} SIl1I{ " . A-2 launched crashed ' "«'Ill )er ') 1967 II '2'{(j 1M' . Vietnam's most "Xlwriel,c"(1 Ii J "'I ' ,', 1( . >l I ISstie Regiment, ' Jr,.( ell( 11 111 ISSO I" ' anottlt"f ff"uinWIlI fir"(1 t)O . 'I s allc1'111 il )Lit one crashed; IllIlSO es and I I ' J' control. "r he \4111(' sill,atl" n ' . I JIllIlI('( laldy W('l1t Out of ) 0( u, n'C on lh - f' II ' , 0 "WillI( th,,·,· da)'s of
~t~mplllI': '~,gh
12 \oJ ...1() \1 nl J<1
\\ 1
r .clt. 11 lilt i \( I Oil }l( III I II \\ (h \\.1 .1 ce. ptt: ( ,an~ (It
pl(l\ ct
d len 'en irt' in .lll,1 ,tlOl t to deplO\ a 7, I~ \lith Ihe .)\·:!9
ell C (?Il
I 'Ill'
( ;;
tilth \ltlllame't ofTc:n... i\l" tilt: .llr (.1mp.lig-1l II' ulllI·d .tlollg Ih,· Ikmililall/ed ZOIH" [)\IZ,
homl' Ih...""Id. "'g'udl, 01 III<" llli II.. Ihn'.ll. fi, Ihi, lage of Ihl' Ih, B--.2 fln I had b.:en h 'I "fi' . t el\l \ moe I I('C \\11h dt'etJ'OIlIC warfare '"qUlpln' nl; .all 01 Ih,· B-.':!\) flt-, I .mel .llx>!1l half Ih.. B-:;:!(, fleet had been Ih,· Ph.,,,, \ H \1 lilt,·, l nlollnn'Ud" half the B-.;2C fleel '\iI' onh flltl'd ";th Ih,· Ph _ III ' , , .l. ,, Ult' S'..-2. In addlllon Ih.. .N LS \} Illk, g"lllg th"1ll k protection aga,ml ·... ·fi 1n""1 It'rl tl" \-) lIli. ik I· d (" I nOII .lpIJl'·' late Ihal Ih,· s<,,;,,\ had rl . Ja,,· on I Ie e 'on hom th,' 19lii C.II11paign an III part" ul.tI had r"pla"-d II ' I R I _ 1 . . n i '1 It . ) (o\\nhnk tlan":lpondt'f on the
It \\ lIt )
m~de (OOlI1l(tnd link jafllJllt'J
int,nt,( ti\(.'.
onh \ "·lnaIlW,,· I 1 'II . mi SI'1 (Olll\t'nton lo()d at dbollt lel( pro J t'm I lOU S \)of their , . O\\n \t tlw time.: • the "t'rt' irldillerl "ith _ I " I . . -- In, "I,· bUI aboul 40 Iwrn'nt It, Inl(d probl"lll' \11 'I ' \\.t-re lu\\ h('(au" " . " I (' 1Il\l.·ntol'le... near HanOI ~ lU,tJl\ lUI ,tit·, had ht I OJ>t'rdlion Ih..n' SillC" Il, _ I' I "'11 '"'Ill '01111 10 ,uppon Ihl' • '.. t: ttl#' Jrukn !I mi... I I I nlg'ht. (he I1tO\\ c I)t" 'I . I" 'Jon ... \\'ou ( )e flown at J I(a (l(~UJlCl Oil Ihe.: f·t11 S orth \ Itotnamt·\(· (P', . III ' o u g \\<1 ... u ...el<-·,,;~. and the .. \ \\(JU ( )e fcnnod I I .nannal g-uidau«. tactic 0 \1 ...(' 1 1e 1I1('k~ "three-point" fht'
1111' fil I B-:;:! all'l,k,
Ihe IIi hI of I) Krl'al sho, k 10 /lalloi. I he am, !( I ' 1', ,-mb,', I H. 1972, ('amc ,t, a JlUll 0 j<.llllllllng: ~llIJlI1l.'d Iht' SAAI (TC'WS, Oil
,., II)
monwnt ,
fhe "'cond raid al(ail"l Ilanoi 011 Ihc night of D,'cemlx'r :!() lIa, a disa"er. The ~61 'I. \i, Dl'feme Di,;,ion ,hiltI'd their bauen depl", nWII" to the rOll II'S "'I'd bl the B-52 bomlx'r, during Ilw fi"t nighl. alld 10 Ilwir ama.-enl("lll. Ilw B-5:!, nell Ihe "'me roule,. The one-dol' lull had !(i\("11 the balteril" timl' 10 practice nell lacti" to exploil Ihe J>t'riod of radar burn-throlll(h and Ihe pml-"lrl(eHufIl radar ,;,ibilil\. To soa~ lip Ihe Shrike al1li-rdda, mi"ile, from accompal1\"ing Wild \\easel,. Ihe 11,\IIoi SAM balll'ries turned on Iheir Fan ong' momen"lri". then lurm'd Ilwlll ofT once Ihe Shrikes we,e ria·d. ma~ing Ihem "go "upid." The fiN II ,\\ e. which included a ,ignif1calll nlllllber of poorl\" prolected B-52C,. 1"'1 three bombers to Ihe S.\\". In 100ai. ,is 8-52 bomb"r, lIere 10" thalllighl and the Vi(,tname,,' feh '0 conlidelll wi,h thl' ,e,ulb Ihat thel lIal~"d 0111 of Ihe Pari, I1l'gotiation, Ih,' nexI da\". The bomb"r, switched to olher targets for Ihe nl'xl kll nights while hange, lIerl' made '0 lalli". and Ih,' Nonh Vietname,,' ,hifled the ~6:3rd Air Defen,e Oi,i,ion from Ilaiphong10 reinforce Ihe capilal.
had heef) (lJ(lt-H'd to aholt an\ mi Ion \\ hclt, '>.\-2 '~Ii ii" l\l'" (kIn kd, 1>111 Ihi polin (h.mg"d fOI the". hn.d ra,,1 ,'lIId th,· Ix>!nhtT cn" "tTl' old",ed to pre,
damal("CI. SI'all'l(ic \i, Commalld (S.\C) plan Ill''' had ""I(!('T,-d Iht. wayt's o( altar).;.... at (our-hour intenals. which allowed the S.\\I h.. t U('n(>, to repleni,h thei, launche". The,,· poor lactic, ""I.e due to S.\( COII«TI1' about ael-ial colli,iom amonl('l Ihe big bombe, on nil(hl m. ,iOIl\,
L Illil Ihi 0fll·l.uion, I~:;~ Ix>!nb,'"
• -
o\l'lIIb<'l I!li2, "\-2 b,llIell'" ""11' dq>I"'ed ill the .UC.i .U1d Oil thl" night of oH'mhc.:r ;!~. 1~17~. managed 10 ,I"KII dO\\11 ,II~.-.~D bOlllhn. thl' fir I"" h 10 of Ihl' \\cll. \\ Ith tilt: pt cl(t.' llt."gotieuiOlh in Pari, 'tailed, in midnl'lI'lIlb," 1(li~ P"',i(klll 'i 011 ord"I('d 1111' 'Ian of Opt'Jtuion I.uul)(ukn II, a n'fw\\('d bombing oflclhi\l' ,ll:'lill I 1I.1Il0i .lIld 1I.liphon~ .lill1<"d .Il Ion 1Ilg- onh \ it·tll.tlll to ,i~n., pt::'lCt' tlc,:al\ that \\ould t' 'triCH.... the
and mo'e cnllcal" wlwn Ihe bil( Ix,mbc" made Ihelr po Ha'W'I-llirn. Ihelr Jammer, W<'l" lIl("rrecti,,· and the, Ix'cam,' ';,ibl,. 10 Ih,. radar L",ses Ihat nig-hl inclll(kd Ih,ee B-5? boml.·'r II t , ,
Ill< I ban on air aUa, ~ rell dilled ill din t In the I IditOl and 1I.liphong .IH.L:, hut .h.1 u: lilt of Ihl' H)7~
, '
d"p""'d bl the 'lind. rIll' bombc" p't',,'d O\("I Ih,. S.\\I baIlIT;" wherl' Ihe rada" could burn throu"h Ihe J'a,nllll'n" r' I
h, \ I' Ir tr . , rl,o 10( 1)( ndil "Olll 'he \olkho\ It I pr )\emeflt ~l tht O\Jc,'t l 111011 \\.1 ... 1I \\111111~ h· llppl\ It \'1Ih mOrt JnOde rn" lc:llh th.U1 ,t C Illorl, I" up~rdd«1 D,.nd 'Ielll (tllll,llnd ,Il<" l R hat n,.u" gon, 10 ".Ir u 196 ow, hOI 0 .... dl P,,( • '1(llh, 1'\ 0- U"U', "01 ,on" fIInf th.1I .111\ n,1 11(' IlCl)W IOg"\ that \\lllt to \lllJ .un \\oUld 1.111 mlo ( lun I' h.lllrl rht. l R I .10 .1~II... rl 10 I'll \ IPln.UH tht III \\ J~.~)" ten U1 1<J'iO. hut Ihl 1"0 Ill",\ flogUHll11 \\("It li: tr.unm on lht.' ... "'tern ill late.' l'Ji~ "her, Ihe III I malor pha , 01 II,,· \ i"ln,11ll .Iir
I " frolll Ihl'
In \pl il 19i.'
IfO\\( \l'
\\ar brol...
bUI Ill(" chalf cloud, d,ol>l)ed 10 ,hil'1d Ihe'
The last major version of the
SA-2 missile was the Avangenf 5Ya23 for the S-75M2 Volkhow' syStem. This variant can be distinguished by the gray dielectric band forward of the nose finl, and its lacking of the antenna strakes farther behind that were present on the earn... 200 missile.
22·· 5
27 12
10 17
11 20
24 45
6 12 1/2
20 36 4
o o
10 12
$-75 batteries active
18 g
Missiles launched
68 3/2
10 20 34 7/1
6-52s shot down
8-52s seriously damaged
Aircraft cla.med
Total 9.2 (avg,)
28 11 5 8 2
29 8 3 6 1
147 266 31125
o o
o o
14 5
'M SSJOn stan date; Includes subsequent waves Into the earty hours of the IO!k>w ng mom ng "Engagements over Ha phong
Ihe B-52 bot1lIX'I-.. relurned to Hanoi 011 Ihe ni,ghl of Decet1ll,,:r ' I , II "11 ((Hnplt'lch (hanged. In~tt.'ad of COI11JJ1g III \\aH" 26. the I he "Ulle dang't.'rtHI' route". the l"lHire mi ..ion an hoUl ,lpclll . . \\ ,'II b')llll>.... f'; comin tT from IllIllU'HHl' , . ,I .t1( II g90 1ll1l11ItC' I 1 .. ' ,.., wrt'"" rll',fT ("\oud, l\l blind Ihe ' ( clell'l' '1Il( t. t:.. .. < permitted the CI'CllllOn () . ' I', . II the bomber... wert.' tht' bt'11t'1' . . . I·d hI Ihe fan I 1.11 .1 . ' S Fan ongs,D -<)D .lIC t . " .1.. ""lllplete ... UfCt....." fol' the l S. \\Jlh 1 h.. 'Ilia' ~ II," .1 I prOlecll'c v-:>_ ,. • f· I b droPI>ecl. hell Ihollgh Ih ..,,· , ' (I HII '011 Ill") 0 >om, " O\l'T 2,000 LOllS '....' 1'1'l ' '1< \ .·,I·llbk than Oil pn'\ IOU .... I1Ighh • . , I ,( .J 'I" an(I1111 • were far 11101 ( ,Hill( It . . '11",11 compared to tht.' Iltllllhc." eng·lg'el11l.'nt. . . \\.1' • . . ·'1 • f Ihe numbl.'l () I1llv..l t '" ' ., ,. f Lilt" jamming. and 1ll0,t mi...... tlt'.. or bomber.... dut' to the dlt'ttl\lnt"~ (} . • \\111'11
ta~1I~.... l'~( )~ ~
1967 , 104 J4 j8
1 94 58 •
I( \,
II ~It:
10 140 150 16
'00 320 376 '55 53' 96 23 H9
60 •
'91 207 2 41 43 0
1970 14 21 35 23 27 50 2 7
1971 266 18 282 136 25 161 32 6
9 0
36 5 19 272
200 342
1 135
20 1 155 2032 27 2059 415 6
3.228 366 3.594 5248 558 5804 1293 130 1.423 197 61 26.6
42' 73 64
72 0 72 62 0 62 3 46
B- -,~ \\,1 10 ( O\l'r II.,nol .uHI.t t'cond h(unher
",noli "(l.lln.l~ec1.",dC1.1 h d ,",,'' 1.1Ildil1(( 111 I h.,ilalld. III 'pill' 01 lhe e a' tr.H,d k,lI d.ulI1 of th, \\1 h.HI' nl' . 111<" onh \ il'lllall1"'l' g:o",:rnmCJlI the. 11(' I d.l\ "'t ot .t me.' .10T 10 \\.1 hlJlgton th.H tht.'\ wen.' \,ilhng" to rcop< II tJean IH"glllJ,tllon. 111l' .UI.I( J... continued o\t'r the nt t fuo, IlIght (Hl.ll(duud "'t.llt:. IIldlldin~ (·H:r.lll1ll ........ inn . . to de"ltnn kllo\lll S \ I "1'1''' «'nlt·l. \-2 1.1l1l11 h,· ,h IIppl'd ,h .lIllalical" ill II1l1nl><, dll' t" d",ndlill~ "PI'Ii,·. \\ nh Ih" \lIlh \ i"llIall1l"I' lincl'd bac. k {() tilt tit .tI\ IH"goli.llioll . Ihe: Illi iCUh ()'c.:1 I tllH.i wen: called off on nltl'lI1htr .\1 lIUlillg IJ/II/xlth" /I. \1,\
Dllnn/( Ih, Ihl '>",il'1 lllillll ,npl'lil'd IIllh \'jl'lllall1 Wilh 9.; cnmbal banlli, of Ih,' \-;:; D,ina , 1<"111, IIf "hi, h ,Ii "1'1",' d",uOH'd In combal l,a'lIl~.N functiolling b3I1'"" ,H Ih" l'lId of lhl' war. III addlUolI, a tolal of 7,"-' \'-;-,0 m, ill oflarillll "., iOIl' WIT" ,upplil'd. of "blCh 52 rt lIlalllt d .H Ih,· ,lid of lhl' \I,ll. \ tolal III ,;,H!H lI1i ,iI",
A dramatic view a. an 11 D ml••lle explode. under a USAF RF-4 Phantom over the Red River area of Vietnam In 1971. The mls.lle used a proximity fuze that detonated the warhead
when It. trajectory wal nearelt the te'llet. (USAF)
• :I
•c:s" •-" -• •.. ~
o ••
.•., u
.• c:
-• c: -» ., • D
1 Ilot tut , 2 Antenna for radIo proximIty fuze ~ FR 15 5hmel radio proxmty fuze 4 c ,fe and arming devICe 5 Fe <Ward canard stability fin 6 HlQh explosIVe fragmentatIOn warhead 7 T , 02 fu~ tank 8 AK ~OF oXidizer tank 9 AIr pressure bottle for fue' system 10 FlXtJd mid-body stablhzatlOn fin
System Data:
11 AutOPilot 12 Rad,o ~ommand recerver
Missile Data:
13 Steenng fin 14 F n actuating servo 15 Rocket engine turbo-pump 16 52 711 V rocket engine 17 R _ket engine exhaust chamber 18 Radio command antenna 19 PRD-18 sohd fuel rocket booster 20 Booster stablhzatlon fin 21 Booster exhaust chamber 22 Rocket exhaust deflector 23 Exhaust deflector stablhty pad 24 Manual back-up for traverse 25 Folding outngger for cruciform base 26 Electric motor for elevatlonltraverse system 27 Fuse box for launcher electncal system 28 Ma,n cruciform base for 5M-63-llauncher 29 Launch rail for 5M-63- launcher
System design System designation Missile designation Launcher designation
US/NATO designation Fire control radar System effectiveness
F"· ')£-"'J" Bur
10 726m l3" '
Fuselage diameter
oSrr 15
Booster diameter
0.65m 21"
Max span
25m 82t:
Max speed
Mach 1
2.287kg 15,0400:
l!'!kg 1420b hgh-explu.;.w fragmentatIOn W'n FR 15 ......,. radiO proximity 'uzG
Booster motor
Kartukov PRO 18 sw:i ruc>e:; 27 -SO metne lun thrust 3-5 second burn-I''''''
Sustainer engine
lsayev 52 711V
Engine performance
3,l00kg tr n t'''5 ~me 45.1 kg cubic CfT' "'larrber pressu.
Engine propellants
TG-Q2 fuel AK 20f 0 for engine Iurbo-
Maximum effective range
29km 80m CorJv""3I :;uodance Oem band ~ - AP
Guidance Minimum effective range Maximum effective altitude Minimum effective attitude
6 m rOm1651 1<m
'ueI 'OCkel
G'T '
E: Camouflaged Ow fta missiles
E c
~ ~
•E • CIl
•.. ~
•., COl
were lalln( Iwdlll rOl11bal, and "llh,' l"('rnainlJ1l( 1.1100, ° " :LIJ(j \\-121 I!172, bill 'Wilh", 1"('l(i'm'III \\a Irall",d '>r (qlJJPJ>< d 111 tnne to t;llke pan III th<: _,ir rall1pai~n.
By the time of the 1973 war,
many of tho older Egyptian RSNA-75M radars had been upgraded to RSN-75V2 standards, including the "bird house" for optical tracking during Intense electronic jamming. (US 000)
The \'ielnam air w'" 'n L S air oper.llio"" leadinl( 10 what LS air dt'fen (, t' ptTI call, d Urtw! attrition." En'n if a <).\\1 S\'ttem did not shoot dfJ\\J\ mall\ all"craft It pre,eJ1ce alone could accompl"h the mi"ion of dtf","lin!( a 10ca'IOn bs di\\uadinl( iL °PP(lIWII" [rol11 aHacking-, The S.\-2 ,0m('tll11,' wa ,bit10 accompli,h thi, in \'iell1am, for example fO'Tillg- S \( 10 .tbor! ••bolll one-third of its 13-,")2 mi\\lon, on"r ~·orth \'ietnam prior to I'Tlt/xuk,., 1/ becauS(' of th" p"'\l'ncr' of ".\-2 batterie" Be,ide, it, p,r ,iI(' def,'n 1\,' \'alue, the p,,',ence of S.\-2 batterie, further d,'g-raded tanic,tl 'trike aviation by r()rcin~ the U"i(' of complicated e1t"ctroni< \\adare (anic . E\'en bon;b pIlon laken up b\ a jammer pod wa, on" Ie" bomb carried to l
•. :I
Ie It
.. • •.,• •• -• • .-, I:
\ 2 thl( H lei" t lit ,Ill c. llonneHls Tlulnhl'r of sorties. Tht.' passive lit '0" ,H" r b'th, \ I >.Ill' fie kd l S \F planlH'" to think up new ) IlIke. \\as Slt'alth. a strike ,Ipi n \C I1l t( ,1\1 1011 I It.. III 0" lilt! i~t1ing. .. .. . I • , lecl 'loll '" tflllUll).;C.\ .... thaI "oHld Hl.Ik,' II 1m I"hl,' 10 S. \\[ . radar,. \,) th.lt It did 01 11C. l I l' the. I J 111lC.'1 pocb 01 lht.' ;.lcC(Hllpal1lmelll of in Ihe I"te 19 0, ", llcll)JlIl I. PllOll • •,It fill ""·IItH,,II, ,'mn~ed . I "I'C I F Iii t, h IIlk,' fi~ht", ,lIld Ihe I~~ I""hh hom her. It "onh loll Ttl ,II h lI' I" l S ,lIld l SSR mi'Hnde"IO,)(1 ,ome of II (It on .1 tI1("'lircontlit. O\lcl cUHf ollh yil'lnanH·...e kill dainls ,;tg' III f l d.lrrr 'I \\C. fC \, ildh of 'he. Ill,Irk. ,-thollt ... i tiIlH~'" hi~he1" than. It
() tt'nderlln OH'IC: tJlnalt,' the: effl'CU\ellt.'s", of
Ihe \·2. Ilk, "i,,' the L tended to O"'I'HIIlIlt the numher, of 'i.\\ls 1,lIlllchl'd "hOHI q 000 " IHH,It"d , . ~,'OO lClu"lh l,llll1ched, thereb, IIld"e II ... It,nt; th, pnf(mH,Ul(" 01 Ih, S.\-2.
OPERATION KAVKAZ: 5-75 IN THE 1967-73 MIDDLE EAST WARS In I'lli.;' Ih,· S",it'l L'nion a!(HTd to ,"'I Ihe S.\-i,;\lh. O,ina '1"em 10 ~·h"P' ,1Ild h, Ih(' lil11(, ollhl' olltb.,'ak of Ihe I '!fit Six-Dm \\'a., a LOlal of ~i h,nl'Ti,', had ,uTI\('d. \\'ilh limil('d dnlronlC ",ulare equipmel1t, Ihe 1",Il'1i ai, lo,'ll' Cllul11'T,'d Ihe IWo E!(,plian S-7:; batteries in Ihe Sinai bl ,""i
The Egyptian air defense forc. was the first to use the 5-75M VolkhoY system in combat dun.. the 1973 war, though it was outnumbered by the older Ovina and Oesna versions. This 200 missile is seen on the SM-90 launcher, (US 000)
• ,
The stereotypical deployment pattern of the 5-75 system encouraged the Egyptian air defense force to protect the launchers and radar site with sand berms, like this site seen In the 1980., (US 000)
In Ihe wak,' of Ihe war, the SO"ie,," agreed to build up the EgYplian force substantialh. In J uh 1968, the EgYplialls consolidated their D"ina units and olher air defense equipment b\ forming an .ur Defense Command, patterned afler Ihe Soviet PVO-Slram. B, 1969, two brigade' wilh se"en baueries were slationed along the Suet Canal in Ihe first phase of Ihe Wal of Attrition wilh Ihe Israeli ,ur Force. FromJuh 1969 to ~Iarch 1970, Ihe EgYplian ,\\1 uniL, fired 36 mi"iles, c1aimin!( eight kills. Egyptian officers were not pleased with the ,hortcomll1g, 01 the SA-75~[K 'I'tem, and inJanuan 1970 the L: R agreed 10 a major modernitalion of E!(,ptian air defenses, including the impro,ed io D,'"", with 13D missile and the new S-125 Pechora. (,oclenanwd Oper.ulon KaFka: (CallfGlll') , miet P\'O- Ira", Iroop' m"nned thl' n,'" <;"1 ~~ bauerie, to 'peed up Ihe deplo\ll1elll of the n"" A\I. b':'lt. -\ n,'w unit, the It th Special S.L\1 Divi,ion. was formed for till'..
known as Ihe "II th Dnepropetrm'k" ,ince iI'''' b,t'ed_ on ("dre, from , TI' Q l ll ,Speri,l ,'ad, t Ilal ( I·· 1\"ISIOI1. l{ In ( con,i''''d of Ihree S-12) hng"d,'" . wilh eight battnil" wilh f(Hlr launcher, p~r bam'n. 01 .,Il(' ~t'\\ 125 balledt.'" wcn' deployed around kev clue... and l~llIIl~ln I.i{ tlHIt. III Egypt. bUI a few \I('Ie lillw"rd dl'plo,ed along Ihl' '\'1(,/ ( an,,1 "nd '0 e,;; Inl!eri'" alonl-( Ihl' <:lI1al. aloll!( \\111 - 1(\\ .' anc 111 l ( ~ -, , , I'\l -"'1-4 hllk, (;s.'ATO: .\-7) man-portabl,' S.\\I plawon', a dOll'n IH" . . ~._ , I~ . ' 1 \ ('hide.. and a ,ub...tanlial Ilumbt'r of .Ullhlll (. I.lfl ...'1.11 . •111' defl'nse gtll, , '... f. 1<)6910 19i1. the Fl{\pu,lI1 ,111<1 l" . 'I D ·", Ihc CTlun.' \\arof \tllllion 10m ~ 1lI J 19 . I..' 19 4 el1fT;wcmcllb. lhill.~ ~h 1 1111 'I t" '" " I . 5 \~I 1)'Illl'J'Il" wo~ I"'" 111 SO\1Ct~. c . " .. I-I,-.r \'1' Forrt'.HklH)\\lt:d~l"d 0 1Il1.., and claiming :~2 furflaft kllJ..... l1<. "I~\t I I. . •.' I S \\[, and gun, dunug thl' p' 110' , onl\' I ~")aJr(l" I~I t" bOlh ~. '
... :'1-,- .
- . • -I<,,:
the $075 and '>-12,; In tl", ,. halll,' "a, Irt",~1 ",rncr d 10 I ~)f U,II pods surh "s Ill(' l''). uppli"rI \ \I.QI01.f, d ALQI 1h('se L-.< \.1 pods Wt'le d""~n"d '" «>III1lera'l tlu t.ltltr F '" and Low Blow r"rlar hilt n',l th" "Iarlral IH'W ISIII "dar Flush), whirh worked on funrlarnt'nlal" ,lJffert'n! gUidance "n Cunoush enough, a, mdnl d I; ',f th,' f~" pilau dnd <; T an r rafl losses wei" dut, to fratriCIde I" Ih"ir Olin $07:; and ').,2', -\ I ba t and a further II to th(' dt'adh Kladrat
The EgYPtian batteries sometimes camouflaged their missiles like this 11 OMVK seen In the 1980s. (US 000)
1967 war SA-75MK
Th" \\.\1 01 \untlon '''I the ,I,tg(' for Ih" Octoher \I at: of 1973, wilh . .Ih 1('111 .' I01 'C (.'d <.").. \\1 Inu"ri(', a, a ,hield ag-au"l Israeh l- ~pl \I'Itlg' ~ . .• _.. air, . " Ih t ' F<,ypti'm '!rIm to cro" th" <'11('/ (.anal .md Ietake }>O\\lT to prllll) or. S-.... - theI Sinai. 1i(\ 1'1 ,hih('d l'ig-hl 5.-\.\1 hngM~~' O\('r Ihe C.an,11 ;,Uh:: IC), anc '>-I:!~ haul'ril" hom i" total of 83 '>-1., bam'II(" ,md b 5-1_C) battclle> \lthough Ihe l.i(\ptian <;.~\I baueri(', W(Te abk to kc:ep the Israelt AII' forel' at hal in the opening dal' of Ill(' Sinai campmgn, an aggre""'e '".tl'1i SE\D opl'rauon was abl" 10 bUill hoks through th" Egypuan rkil'n\l" 10 permil 'Irike' agai"'t I:.i(\ptian allm unils bl Israeli allack aim,t[1. In tOlal. the El,"puans c1aun"d 149 S.\\I kil", including 20 by th" n,·" KI.tdl,lI ( . \TO: 5.\-6), selen 10 Ihe man-ponabl" Str"la-2, 101 bl S-7~. and :!I bl the S-125. The forward S.\\I ballenes werc' Ihe mOsl ",lnlTahle to fOtIIlttT-aClion. "ilh til(' Israeli 17;;mm 11107 self-propelled l,'1m .It counting 101 1301 Ihe 15 bam'lies \"'1 on Ihe east bank of the Suet. I ..,,·Ii .Ii, ,mad" arfOul1led for .1 funhe' 1H batt,...i,', allack"d on Ihe w",t banks 01 till' SU('/. I rael eSlimal"d Ihal U had d(,'trmed 33 batteries bl aIr au.\( k .md 11 III g-round auack "'th a funher II damagl'd. aboUl onNhird 01 the deplmed Ei(\ptian lorce At th,' 1I1ll' tim", SlIia truck til(' (.olan I kigh". its I'>rces fOIl' red bl ">Oll' 01 it 19 S \\1 blig-ade" 11 'trateg-ic brig-Mk' (w Ilh lour S. \-75\ I K. 4 I S-75 I. and 4:! S-I:!~ batterie I. and "ight tanical brigade, wi th 4 I 2" 12 Kladrat hau"rit' and 47 Strela-:! platoon,. Be'itks the 91 aircraft Ilia dainll'd using tht, S-7~ and $0125. Ihel al,o r1aimt'd a lunher (l-! aircraft. 41; u ing th" :!KI:! Kladral and 1 bl 11ll" 9K:l:! Strela-2 Iac-liral S.~\ls, for a wand total 01 17:1 kill . Ru ,ian ac('(mll" 'ugg"st thaI SI rian S. \~ I losse' indud"d t1m'e S-7.; baut'ri,', Ii\(· ').12~ baut·,i,·,. and Ii\(, 2"12 KI-adrat ban..ri... Thi i anual" higher than th" Isr
Missiles fired
KIlls Claimed
231 35
1969-70 War of Attrition SA-75MK S-125
1973 war. Egypt SA-75MK 8-75
140 29
8-75M 8-125
3 61
1973 war: Syria SA-75MK
400 88 8 174
A rear view of an Egyptian
8-75 S-125
116 139
RSN-75V radar in a concrete
9 90 8 3 2
26 32
33 254
revetment. (US 000)
Th.. f K'plian and Slrian r1aim' 01 :122 I" aeli airn aft lo,t due to SAM we;-rt"
fon,iderinK thai tOlallo...,(·...
onh 102 aircraft.
man, of "hi
~12j, ..,i,
10 Strt'! ..1-2 and 2H 10 ll1(' n('W K\aclrat. Tht'
dIsproportionate illlpall of Ih" Klath "I ,uHI II", POOl p,'dOlmann' of
I (
IlnI""'" (
II !U"II> In
rn P 11<1
1 II
t (
I I 1I1'hl I' 1 I IIQI \ II ,bl II ,ntl II, R ., , .I'C I' m , . d 1("(1 II l'ltj(>-t,', (hili' 't' 1 I ' , I 111'1'1 d \ 7') h, d hl"< n 11 nl \\,111 Ro( H n COlli u m,,' 1'1 iOs ,h (h I "I, II ck.1l Ih lht' I' III d I 1 I IIllll11 ,llullldt' III IK III IIIIt I d..dlo nnl'ltl\(' Ih,' )... ) )It" III nIl, 11\ lop( I~ ._Iil I II~~
Ic,nu, " II (hili
Iall I 'll aT n I ("a.o,("(1 Ir 'III . IK ,"I ) If I abo I
, p",dunion ..
Ian ·It-d in (hin.l, I R ,d lh, ";lhdl.I\\.,1 01 ) h, II, '.11' of \I,1t hlllt·(\ t i l l I (II .)1( I.un no\\
J.II 19fi7 md on
bII I' " I
n I" h "
l ) I
The 1960. generation of
.trateglc SAM. Including the $0.75,5-125, and 5-200 were finally replaced, starting in the
1980s. with the S·300P VolkhoY (SA-tO Grumble) system. This
shows 8 5P85DU launcher of the S-300PMU·2 Favorit system.
"'hilt- lIork lIa, (1I1(\('llIa, Oil 1I11PI'()\t'In,'nb I" 111(' fIQ.2. Ill(" (,n'al Cuhur"l R(',olullol1 'Ii'll( k th(' Chill('''' a...."'paCt. in
191>/ ••1 Ro( \\ h, n lh, \\.h n',I(II
2", b;lllcn, .
The HQ-2B wa. a mobile verstort of the HQ-2J, with the launcher mounted on 8 derivative of the Type 63 light tank chassis.
command used the S-75M Volkhov system during Its war with Iran In
1980-88 but with little uccess duo to tho growing
obsolescenco of the system. Some were expended In a
urlace·to·surlace role as he AI Fahd 300.
III 2 II r d,lI ",0 \( ,on ollhe HQ':II \\tle fit Id, d Ih,' Illohil.. IIQ~B \\t fhpl [(dlh I ch"lIla "p10, '~lfJ or I" It e port nam, of (.i Il,e l (I \ rt pLlced Ih, l·2 \\llh the IIpC' 01111 SR-II Blackbird ,efonn.1I IIl(C' .urrraft 111 Ihe f111l1·I"GO , \lthough il \\a, Jl' Iriet"d 110111 Opt r.Hlon O\l r ttl( :J\ltl lll10n '}It R-i'l \\~ u (d in mi I()n~ OH'I" (hm., \ letnam .ind onh h.ort a \\ hl ft' Jl \o,:x tir erl 011 mort.' than (jO 11m.. b\ \-2 nil ,I< \\llhollr a mglt h'L Ill( ( hme " \lIn"ll\ of auollal defen al(lhonL,d Ihc d, ,ll'pmtlll of a d,m.ni\(" of th.. HQ2, the HQ. to df ..1 \\'Ih th, IIl.lCkhird I h. \\.1 IIpplied \\ilh a IllOf( IJO\\uful,ocktl U lalnu and Ih, IIh'tanll,llh .lllp,O\ed Song-I)A radar. Fhgllll' e \\ef(' conduCled III 1'J{j(,-HI. hUl hk, nMIlI pro1{ram it \\1 III imo hmbo du, 10 Ih, (uhur.11 R,"o!ulIon. It \\a folll)\\"d b\ th,' ub lallllalh mod,fied II(~-Im Ih.. lat, )CliO hUI,n Ih.. "lid lIellh('r t\ p" \\'" aCt epl"d for n.11 producnon 110·2/ \\ Illf h
FINAL REFINEMENTS ben illh.. S-i', S\ It'nt had pa ....·ell! prinlt't" Ihetll" 1'/iO ,Ih,'''' l\t'''' .liII o~ ..r 4tH) b,lll,'ri, deplo\l'el III th, SO\l('1 l "'0", pro\idllll( all mcenu\t for mndt l Upg-I ade . Ollt of 1Itt' mO....1 01>\ iou", Ie: . . 011\ of til' . atrcantpaiKllSof t'''' I".I~) alld 1~liO \\a th,' "'Tel/'n an opti,al,tdjnn
As the Soviet PVO-Strany retired the $-75 for more modem systems, the equipment was transferred to client states, whether needed or not. This Is an 110 missile on a PR-11A transporter-loader on parade in Kabul, Afghanistan in the 19705. (US 000)
. urfaceI COJllllland g-uidanct' ,\ . . tem to a II 0\\.'It to be u ...ed in a ...urfan:'·to-. . Ii" . " " ,..'s ",'k~llercllle, .\.\1. The 'W\\ \eNon Ill" le( mode ill.e lit' v ul1l' , ,, .. , . , S--;\I4 testing in "\oH'mbt'r 197 ' and it wa.. acceptedafor . . t"rt:~\~l:~:ed:~l~l(;.U~e1 .... I'" _. \ ' Ikho' \1111\ old... So,'i..t ,,,[("illS were broll"hlllp. o .. ( .. ~ be f ,1Ib-\ananh 0 t It' ,~/~) There were a rt'markabh laJf~c num r ,0 I. .. '"e the . . ,. - "'hen oIiginall\' IIltrodllCt:c IIllO '0{ I \ l ( • tlli_ sile.. l)lult on'I" the HIli . f I unth .. OIKt' loackel on ib 11 D mi,.. . ile had a IlOlninal \\
, I
n:fllrhished and III 20D (\-i;,;) l11i"ile ", \( I 1011 irurodllced Ilew \\ IS
II{ to
{nl:~ag"t t~lr.1{eb
as 10\\'
A·75 DVlna
nll ,I II t I fI 2ilD IT ,Ie- \\l'H' l'nl back b I III II, II, "< np T,ld,,1 \\llll tho fl',llm,', Iwnlll1ing I \1 r Ihl e \l r .ODS I n ,Il \\l" I' ,,'Ill hack lor l I \It rt I ,toecl to II ,20DSl t md,ml, \-Ilich hao I, I r ( Ih Il ma,k' 1 tl 10 prt p,lrc Ih, gllld,lIll" for lannch, I /ll l m nad ,Ioe, cmu, I II th, hook \\ Il III 7")(111 10\\1\ re'lf('(, fllHll O\lt I t.'1 \l(t.'. '()tne of the d h,lttl nt \Ie, 1111K1